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—_ + — 

Tue present work is a continuation of the series of 
Catalogues of the Mesozoic Plants in the British Museum. 
The fossils discussed are even more fragmentary than most 
of those by which the Jurassic and Wealden Floras are 
represented; but the Cretaceous Flora is of so much 
interest as affording possible links with the succeeding 
Tertiary Flora, that even imperfect evidence is worthy of 
the closest attention. The literature of the subject is 
already voluminous, but so many names have been given 
to these fossils without adequate definition, that it seems 
unnecessary at present to do more than enumerate them. 
The greater portion of Part I. of the Catalogue is therefore 
devoted to an exhaustive bibliography, containing many 
references to published work which will not occur again 
in the Descriptive Catalogue. 


November, 1913. 


Wuen, nearly five years ago, I began a general consideration of 
the Cretaceous flora, at the request of the British Museum, 
I discovered that the task could make no progress until a list 
of the material had been compiled. The literature dealing 
with Cretaceous plants was widely scattered and had never 
been brought together and sifted, and there was no standard 
work to which reference could be made to place the innumerable 
names which have been published. Consequently, I first 
endeavoured to compile a list, as nearly complete as possible, 
of all the Cretaceous species originally described. This list 
proved immensely greater than was anticipated, and bulks 
largely in the present volume. As my own work would have 
been impossible without it, I trust it may prove useful to others; 
and therefore propose to mention a few points in explanation 
of its apparent lack of uniformity and its arbitrariness. 
“In the first place, while including the American Lower 
Cretaceous species, the list does not take account of most of 
the European Wealden species. This is not my own choice, but 
depends on the fact that in this series of Museum Catalogues, 
the Wealden has been dealt with by Prof. Seward, and the 
work allotted to me is to complete the Cretaceous, but to leave 
out of consideration the parts covered by Prof. Seward’s work. — 
Secondly, anyone using the list will notice that the same 
strata are mentioned under different names, and that the most 
recent stratigraphical nomenclature is seldom used. This is 


because the list does not profess to be critical, but takes the 
name and the horizon given by the original describer of each 
species. Therefore, the names of a number of the horizons 
will be recognisably out of date; but I thought it useful to 
have the original descriptions catalogued for reference. Further, 
a number of plants from the Laramie have been included in the 
list, because in many cases they were described as Cretaceous, 
though they may be well known to-day to belong to the 
Tertiary. I included most of those species which had been 
much quoted as Cretaceous, because it appeared to me that for 
a reader not intimately acquainted with the Cretaceous, it would 
be useful to have a list in which references to the original 
descriptions could readily be found. 

Lastly, a point which may make the list appear very in- 
complete, must be mentioned. Many of the species originally 
described under one genus have been removed from genus to 
genus at the hands of various writers. If all the species had 
been entered under all the generic names ever given to them, 
the list would have been even bulkier than it is at present. 
Consequently, while I endeavoured to enter in my list any 
re-naming that was enlightening, or accompanied by any original 
work on the specimen, I deliberately left out many of the cases 
(which are so numerous relating to badly preserved leaf-impres- 
sions) in which a species had been transferred to various genera 
on the grounds of nomenclatorial rules or the personal prefer- 
ences of an author who neither re-figured nor re-described the 
specimen, nor in any way added to our knowledge of it. Never- 
theless, a good many cross-references to the different genera 
under which a species appears, will be found. As an example 
of the type of name which I have tended (perhaps arbitrarily) 
to omit, Dryopteris virginica may be mentioned. Under As- 
pidium Fontaine described a considerable number of species, 
A, virginicum among them. In Knowlton’s list of Cretaceous 
plants, 1898, he transfers most of these to the genus Dryopteris, 
his entry regarding them being in this form: “ Dryopteris vir- 
ginica (Font.) n. comb.,” followed by reference to Fontaino’s 


original description, Now, in my list, this species appears 
under Aspidium, with a remark that it was re-named by 
Knowlton Dryopteris; but it is not entered again by me under 
Dryopteris, On the other hand, various species similaily 
treated by Knowlton and others do find their place in my list 
under two or even more genera: in most cases this depends on 
the fact that where I have found a name used in the general 
literature, or where for some reason it appeared useful to have 
the different references to the plant, 1 have added it to my list. 

Even after the list was restricted in this fushion, it proved so 
bulky that only the THattopnyra could be dealt with critically 
in the present volume. Other portions of the Cretaceous Flora 
will be considered as is convenient in future volumes. 

It is certain that there are many errors in this work, though 
I have laboured to avoid them. Those who have done any 
task of the kind will realise how difficult it is to deal with such 
enormous numbers of references, particularly when parts of the 
text have to be printed off before the later sections are revised. 

In the course of the preparatory work I have travelled much, 
and though much of the help here mentioned will not bear fruit 
till the future volumes are completed, I should like to say here 
how greatly I am indebted to friends and officials for help in 
the work and for facilities for examining specimens in numerous 
museums on the Continent and in America, Above all I must 
thank Mr. W. E. Balston and the Government Grant Committee 
of the Royal Society of London, for grants partially to defray 
the cost of these journeys. 

Among so many who have rendered assistance in various 
forms, it seems invidious to single out persons for special 
thanks, but mention must be made of the kindness of the 
authorities and staff of the National Museum in Washington, 
where I had the advantage not only of examining many 
type-specimens, but also of comparing their bibliographic slips 
with mine, whereby I gained many additions to my lists, 
Prof. Nathorst has been most helpful both when on his visits 
to London and in Stockholm, where he placed the remarkable 


State Collections at my disposal. In America, Drs. Knowlton, 
Hollick, and Berry, and Mr. White were most kind and helpful ; 
as were Dr. Britton of New.York, whose great Institute gave 
me hospitality and the use of the plant collections for some 
time, and Prof. Jeffrey of Cambridge, who showed me several 
of his valuable specimens. In Canada, the Director of the 
Geological Survey was most kind in Ottawa, and also loaned 
some specimens for further examination in London. In Europe 
the following must be specially mentioned :—Prof. Rothpletz, 
Dr. Gothan, Dr. Halle, Dr. Ravn, Prof. Seward, Prof. Oliver, 
and Dr, Arber, for all have from time to time exerted them- 
selves on my behalf, loaned specimens, or given me help. 
In the British Museum I also have to thank Dr. Smith 
Woodward, Dr. Rendle, and Dr. Bather, besides Mr. Gepp 
and Mr. Newton: while Mr. Sherborn’s unique knowledge of 
old and troublesome books and incomplete bibliographical 
references has several times proved invaluable, 

August, 1913. 


Intrropucrion . 
LireraruRe oF CREeracrous PLaNis . 
List oF Species of Creracrous Prants . 
Descriptive CaraLocve or Creracrous PLants 
Group Thallophyta 
Class Alge . 
Order Diatomacez . 
Order Siphoneacee . 
Suborder Codiacee . 
Genus Boueina os 
Boueina Hochstettert, Toula . 
Suborder Dasycladacez 
Genus Neomeris . 
Neomeris cretacea, Steinmann 
Genus Munieria . . . 
Munieria baconica, v. Hantken 
Genus Diplopora . : 
Diplopora Miihlbergu, T. Sesion . 
Genus Triploporella . : 
Triploporella Fraasi, Steinmann . 
Tribe Acetabularies ?. 
Order Pheophycee ? 
Genus Chondrites. 

Chondrites Targtonit (Beaien >, cia : 


Chondrites intricatus (Brongn.), Sternberg . 

35 patulus, Fischer-Ooster 

Genus Algites. . . . ae 
Algites furcatus (Brongn. ) 

Order Rhodophycee—Oorallinacer . 

Genus Lithothamnium . eS 
Lithothamnium mamillosum, Giimbel . 

‘i perulatum, Giimbel . 
55 procoenum, Giimbel 
3 palmatum (Goldf.), Giimbel . 
- Goldfussi, Giimbel. 
4 cenomanicum, Rothpletz . 
. turonicum, Rothpletz . 
i amphiroceformis, Rothpletz . 
‘5 gosaviense, Rothpletz. 
Algte ten) yo no og ay Ge eh ao 

Class Fungi... ... 2... 
Subclass Ascomycetes. . . . . . 
Order Pyrenomycetes . . . . . . 
Genus Pleosporites . . . . . . 
Pleosporites Shirainus, Suzuki . 
Genus Petrospheria . i F 
Petrospheria japonica, Stopes & Fo ujii 
Genus Spherites . ‘ 3 
Spheerites cretaceus (Heer), Meschinelli i 
3 problematicus (Knowlton) . 

Order Discomycetes 

. . . . 

Genus Phacidites . ‘ er 
Phacidites ctreumscriptus (Bayer) . 
Genus Rhytismites 

Ethytismites hedere (Heer), Meschinelli . 







Genus Hysterites . 

Hysterites protogeus Hees. Meschinelli 

Order Hyphomycetes . 
Genus Cercosporites . : 
Cercosporites coriococcus (Bayer) 
Order Basidiomycetes . 

Genus Trametites. 

Trametites Pini (Conwentz), “Meschinelli 

Genus Trichosporites 
Trichosporites Conwentzi, Felix. 

Doubtful Fungi 



oaonrk WH eH 



- xd: 


. Boueina Hochstettert, Toula; transverse sections 

. Halimeda ; cross-section . 

. Munieria baconica, v. Hantken . eee fe oS 
. Munieria baconica, v. Hantken ; sections & restoration 
. Triploporella Fraasi, Steinmann coe 
. Triploporella Fraasi, Steinmann ; portion of radial 

section . 

. Triploporella Fraasi, Steinmann; reconstruction . 
. Chondrites Targionti (Brongn.), Sternberg . 
. Chondrites intricatus (Brongn.), Sternberg . 

Chondrites patulus, Fischer-Ooster 

Lithothamnium mamillosum, Giimbel . : 

Lithothamnium mamillosum, Giimbel; microscopic 
section . Fe Be oe 

Lithothamnium perulatum, Giimbel 

Lithothamnium procoenum, Giimbel 

Lithothamnium palmatum (Goldf.), Giimbel . 

Lithothamnium Goldfussi, Giimbel 

Lithothamnium cenomanicum, Rothpletz . 

Lithothamnium turonicum, Rothpletz . 

Lithothamnium amphiroeformis, Rothpletz . 

Lithothamnium gosaviense, Rothpletz; section . 

Pleosporites Shirainus, Suzuki; section of perithecium, 

Petrospheria japonica, Stopes & Fujii. . 

Phacidites circumscriptus (Bayer) . 

Cercosporites coriococcus (Bayer) 

.Trichosporites Conwentzi, Felix . 





Tue Cretaceous Flora differs fundamentally from all the older 
floras in the presence (and in many places the preponderance) of 
Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous plants with the older and 
‘‘simpler” families. The Angiosperms must undoubtedly trace 
their ancestors further back than the lowest Cretaceous, but for 
practical purposes of geology they may almost be described as 
appearing in the Cretaceous period. Numerous species of Angio- 
sperms have been described and figured from all parts of the 
world, and these with the other families, which are represented 
to a greater or less extent, make the Cretaceous flora exceedingly 
rich as well as interesting. The deposits in some parts of Europe, 
in Japan, and the Arctic regions, but more particularly in the 
North American continent, cover large geographical areas and 
have yielded a great number both of specimens and of species, 

To encompass in any one work a description which is more 
than a mere compilation, of the whole of this vast flora, is 
impossible in the present state of the science. For in the work 
on the Cretaceous epoch more perhaps than in that on any 
other geological period, the data on which determinations have 
been made are often very unsatisfactory, and the species described 
have in many cases been named with no regard to the necessity 
of previous careful comparisons ; while generalisations regard- 
ing distribution and climate have often been risked on little 
foundation. There exists no general account of the flora, the 
bibliography is widely scattered and has never been brought 
together, and the numerous specific names scattered through the 
literature have never been listed. The present volume by 
bringing these things together may prove a useful foundation 
for future work. I do not think the time has arrived for 
generalisations or broad conclusions of the kind sometimes 
attempted by paleobotanists, 


One of the difficulties of work on the Cretaceous flora is the 
correlation of the many scattered deposits in which the plants 
have been found. So many local names have been given to beds 
in different places, that it is difficult to realise sometimes to 
which period the described plants belong. Added to this is the 
fact that, particularly in America, the relative positions of the 
beds are still largely undecided, and individual writers use 
terms in very different senses. I have not attempted exact 
correlations, but in the accompanying table* (opposite) have 
placed in series roughly in their relative positions, the principal 
beds from which important Cretaceous plants are described. It 
does not represent the relative thicknesses of the deposits, or, 
indeed, the final and exact relation of the series, but has merely 
a temporary value for the convenience of workers not specially 
acquainted with the beds. 

1t may also prove of use to give a short summary of the 
more important work that has been done on the deposits in 
various parts of the world, thus indicating the distribution of 
Cretaceous plants in the various countries. Full references to 
the papers mentioned will be found in the bibliography which 


Unger (in 1867) described both Senonian and Cenomanian 
plants from three principal localities, viz. Ischl, Sanct Wolfgang, 
and Neue Welt. In 18714 Schenk published a monograph on 
the Urgonian deposits of Wernsdorf and ‘Teschen, with notes 
on some specimens from neighbouring localities. Schenk also 
(1876) described eight species of Senonian plants from the 
northern Tyrol, at Brandenberg. 

Of Bowemia, much is known owing to the work of many 
notable paleobotanists. Corda (1846) in Reuss, described a 
number of Cenomanian plants from Trziblitz, Perutz and other 
localities. The Perucer Beds have been the subject of numerous 

* Notr.—This table is for the use of those tv whom the local names of 
horizons are unfamiliar. It does not possess any finality, as the correla- 
tions vary with individual judgment. It is based partly on published 
correlation-tables, partly on the advice of several European and American 
geologists, and may be regarded as representing approximately the relations 
of the principal horizons in the more important localities where Cretaceous 
plants are found, 

[Zo face page xiv. 

Intic Marylan|, Mount 
St. Livingston. 
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th. Monmouthevett. 
mity? | Patapsco. 
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Pacific Coast. 





Knoxville | 





| Vancouver Island. 

Peace River. 

Mill Creek. 

Queen Charlotte 



later papers. Krejici (1853) wrote in Bohemian, as did Renger 
in 1866. Renger (1866 a) had a paper on the Cretaceous tree- 
ferns of Bohemia. Important work was done by Feistmantel 
(1870, 1872 & 1874) and by &tur (1873), but the deposits are 
principally known through the publications of Velenovsky. 
On the Dicotyledons we have Velenovsky’s papers published in 
1882 a and B, and 1883, A special monograph on the Gymno- 
sperms appeared in 1885. Further papers on the rest of the 
flora followed in 1886 and 1887; in 1887 4 a paper appeared 
on the Cenomanian plants, and papers in 1888 4, 1888 B (on 
ferns) and 1889 complete a series of works covering the floras 
of numerous localities and dealing with most of the families of 
plants. The most noted localities are perhaps Lipenec, Raudnitz, 
Chlomek, Vyserovic, and Kaunic. Bayer carried on the work 
and published in 1893, 1896 and 1899; while Fritsch in 1877, 
1883, 1889, 1693 and 1897, issued a series of papers dealing 
with the geology of the deposits, in the later parts of which 
Bayer deals with the plants. In 1901 Fritsch and Bayer pub- 
lished an important monograph on the Cretaceous plants of the 
Perucer Beds of the country, which summarises and brings 
together the previous work on the deposits of this age in 
Bohemia. In 1901 Marik also published a paper, with plates, 
in Bohemian. 

Unger, in 1865, described a few plants from Huneary, and 
Staub (1888) recorded some Cenomanian plants from Nadrog. 
Tuzson (1908) has added an illustrated paper on the fossil flora 
of this region. 

For Moravis, Heer (1869.4) wrote a large memoir on the 
Cenomanian deposits at Moletein, near the Bohemian frontier. 
Krasser, in 1889 and 1896, and Krasser with Kubart (1906) 
added to the Cretaceous flora of Moletein. The specimens are 
leaf-impressions, many of them dicotyledonous. 

A number of Cretaceous plants from the Island of Lusrnwa 
were described and illustrated by Kerner in 1896, 


Coemans in 1867 and Briart and Cornet (1867) described 
the Belgian Cretaceous plants probably of the age of the Gault, 
Coemans dealing with a comparatively small number of plant- 



Except for the important specimens of Bennettites from the 
Lower Greensand, few Cretaceous plants have been described 
from England. Some fragments are mentioned by Mantell 
(1822 & 184+), and supposed fruits from the Chalk were 
described in 1846, but their nature remains doubtful. Lindley 
and Hutton (1833-1837) figured several species, principally 
Gymnospermic cones, of Gault and Greensand age, and some 
of these have their internal anatomy petrified, though it has 
not yet been described. Maidstone is an important locality, 
the Greensand there having yielded a number of plants (see 
Bensted, 1862, and Mackie, 1862), Carruthers (1865) made 
known Caulopteris from the Upper Greensand, and also coniferous 
fruits from various Cretaceous deposits, in 18664. 1866 8, 1868 
& 1869. The genus Cycadeoidea from the Lower Greensand was 
described by him in 1867, and he published a paper on Cyca- 
dean stems in 1870. Further coniferous fruits were described 
in 1871 and 1875, In Dixon’s ‘Geology of Sussex’ Carruthers 
gave a list of the Cretaceous plants (1878), and with Gardner 
and others (1886) drew up the British Association Committee's 
report on British Secondary plants. 

Williamson (1887) described a further specimen of Gymno- 
spermic cone originally figured by Lindley and Hutton; and in 
1898 Barber gave a detailed account of a Cupressinoxylon with 
the internal anatomy preserved from the Lower Greensand. 
The flora is actually much richer than these published papers 
would lead one to expect, as will be shown in vol, 2 of this 


The Cretaceous Flora in France is also rather scattered and 
fragmentary. Brongniart in 1849 described a few plants, and 
Cornuel (1866) wrote on coniferous fruits of Neocomian age, 
and published further studies on the subject in 1882. Crié, in 
1877, 1884, 1890 & 1892, published papers dealing with the 
Cretaceous Flora, the most important being that of 1892, 

Saporta in 1880 published on the Lower Cretaceous of Havre, 
and Bertrand in 1883 described a new genus of Taxinean fossil 


from the Upper Cretaceous. In 1899 Marion had a short paper 
on the Turonian ; Saporta described species of Velumbiwmn from 
the Uppermost Cretaceous (Danian); and Vasseur recorded a 
Turonian Flora near Martigues. Fliche (1892, 1893) described 
two Albian plants, and in 1894 had a paper on the fructifications 
of Cenomanian palms. In 1896 he published a large illustrated 
paper on the Albian and Cenomanian deposits, and in 1900 one 
on the Lower Cretaceous. 

Lignier (1907) described several specimens of wood from 
Normandy, with the internal structure petrified. 


Prussts.—The deposits of Aix-la-Chapelle (or Aachen) are 
classical ground for the palezobotanist, and were first worked by 
Goeppert (18428). The locality, however, is generally associated 
with the name of Debey, and then Debey & Ettingshausen. 
Debey (18484, 18488, 1849, 1850) published several short 
papers on the Aix Cretaceous plants, and then with Ettingshausen 
(1859 a & B) prepared two large, well-illustrated monographs 
on the “ Thallophyten ” and the “Acrobryen” of the Cretaceous 
of Aix and Maestricht. Debey made large collections and was 
apparently preparing voluminous further publications, but in 
1877 only a very short note appeared about a paper he gave on 
the Conifers of the Cretaceous of Aix. His collections with 
the specimens bearing unpublished names, are evidence of the 
richness of the deposits. In 1890 Lange also contributed to our 
knowledge of these beds. 

The Senonian sandstones of Quedlinburg and neighbourhood 
have also yielded an important Flora, first noticed by Geinitz 
(1850 p), but more exhaustively described by Stiehler (1854, 
1857, and especially 1858). Heer (18714) made a small 
contribution, and Richter has continued the work during more 
recent years. In 18998 he published a paper on the Conifers of 
Quedlinburg, and in 1901 a monograph on the Neocomian plants 
of the same district. In 1905 he described numerous Senonian 
plants, and published a valuable revision of the genus Credneria, 
In 1906 he prepared a similar revision of Hausmannia, with 
notes on the Lower Cretaceous Flora; and in 1909 thcre 
followed an cqually exhaustive monograph on Nathorstiana. 



WestpHaLtA.—This district, rich in fossi] plants, has Cre- 
taceous Floras of several successive horizons. 

Roemer (1841) referred to the Cretaceous plants, but the 
carliest work of any note is W. von der Marck’s monograph in 
the ‘ Paleontographica,’ vol. xi, (1864), in which he described a 
number of species from the Plattenkalk. Saporta (1867) made 
Haldem a classical locality ; and Hosius (1870) dealt with the 
more geological aspect of the beds of Cretaceous age in several 
localities. Hosius (1870 4) also described and figured a number 
of Dicotyledonous leaf-impressions from these deposits. Hosius 
and von der Marck (1830 & 1885) finally gave full and excellent 
accounts of the Upper and Lower Cretaceous plants of West- 
phalia, with good descriptions and figures, noticing a number 
of localities. 

Sicusra.— The Quadersandstein (Upper Cretaceous) of Silesia 
was described by Goeppert in 1842 and 1847. He illustrated 
and named plants from Kieslingswalde, Bunzlau, and elsewhere. 
Roemer (1889) also published an account of Senonian leaf- 
impressions from Bunzlau. 

Saxony.—The well-known fossil plants from the Cenomanian 
of Niederschoena have been described by several authors. They 
are often mentioned by Sternberg, ‘Flora der Vorwelt’ (1820- 
1838), some of them were noticed by Cotta (1836), and 
numetous plant-impressions were well described and illustrated 
by Geinitz (1842). The first really important work on this 
Flora, however, was that by Ettingshausen (1867 a), who dealt 
with dicotyledonous leaf-impressions ; and his researches were 
followed by those of Engelhardt (1292 a). 

The neighbourhoods of Dippoldiswalde and Dresdon are also 
known for Cretaceous plant-bearing deposits, and here Glocker 
(1341) discovered his so-called Gyrophyllites. Otto in his Addita- 
menta (1852 & 1854) enumerated and gave an account of the 
Quader-plants of this region. Geinitz (1875 4) also published 
a paper on the plants of the Lower Quader, with a second part 
on those of the Middle and Upper Quader of Saxony. 


The Cretaceous plants of Holland are all impressions, and are 
similar to those of Aix. Debey (1851) studied the specimens 
from Maestricht; and Miquel (1853) published a monograph on 


the deposits, with a number of plates and text-figures of the 
plants. In 1861 Bosquet enumerated a hundred species from 
the Limburg Chalk of Maestricht and elsewhere. 


Fossil Alga and Cycads are the principal plants described 
from the Cretaceous of Italy. In 1891 Bozzi wrote a paper on 
the Cretaceous Flora which was illustrated with two plates. 
The most important work is that of Oapellini and Solms-Laubach 
(1892) dealing with the Bennettites, some of which are of 
Cretaceous age. 


The Cretaceous plants of Portugal are of special interest 
because among them are Dicotyledons, supposed to be the earlicst 
to reach Europe. Neocgmian or Wealden plants from Almargem 
and elsewhere were described by Heer (1881), Cenomanian 
Dicotyledons were described in 1888 by Suporta, who subse- 
quently (1891) gave a brief account of the “most ancient 
European Dicotyledons” of Cercal, and in 1894 published his 
classic Memoir. De Lima (1901) also published a short paper 
on Senonian plants from this country, 


In Eichwald’s work on the fossil Flora of Russia (1853, 1860, 
1861, 1862, 1865) he dealt with a number of Cretaccous plants, 
mostly of Neogomian age, Mercklin (1855) described petrified 
woods with their structure preserved, and Krendowsky (1880) 
described in Russian and figured several new species of Cretaceous 


Surprisingly few fossil plants of Cretaceous age are known 
from this country, though the other Mesozoic deposits are very 
rich in such remains. Nilsson (182+) described and figured 
some plants from the Greensand of Scania, but did not name 
them fully and they have been re-named from time to time, 
Nathorst mentions and re-figures some of these in his works on 


Swedish geology. Structurally-preserved woods, including fungal 
hyphe, were described and figured by Conwentz in 1892 and 
further investigated by Felix (1894). 


In Heer’s ‘ Die Urwelt der Schweiz,’ which first appeared in 
1865, he dealt with the fossil Floras of all. geological periods 
in Switzerland, and included an account of the Lower Cretaceous 
Flora of several localities. In his ‘Flora fossilis Helvetice ’ 
(1877) he described the Neocomian plants of Berne and else- 
where, and the Upper Cretaceous plants of Freiburg and Berne. 
He also referred to the Flysch deposits from which Fischer- 
Ooster (1858) had already described the peculiar ‘ fucoids.” 
Though chiefly Tertiary, the lower horizons of these beds are 
probably of Cretaceous age. 


Petrified wood from Madagascar has proved interesting and 
important (see Fliche, 1900 a, 1905). 


The petrified forests of Egypt were the subject of much 
comment even by the early writers. Among later authors, 
Unger (1859) and Carruthers (1870 a) may be mentioned, but 
the most important work was done in connection with Rohlfs 
expedition (in Zittel, Paleontographica, 1883), the woods 
being determined by Schenk. The plants are supposed to be 
Upper Cretaceous, and geological evidence tends to prove this 
for some of the horizons; but there is still doubt as to whether 
much of that described as Cretaceous wood is not really Tertiary, 
The same plant-bearing deposits extend into Nubia, where much 
of the wood is probably of Cretaceous age. 


The plant-bearing beds of this continent are not so well known 
as could be wished. Unger (1866) first mentioned Cretaceous 
plants from New Zealand, and Ettingshausen (1887 a) subse- 
quently described numerous species from Upper Cretaceous 


formations. A translation of the latter work.appeared in New 
Zealand in 1891. In 1893 the same author published a 
preliminary essay on the Cretaceous Flora of Australia, followed 
by an illustrated paper in 1895; and a general account of the 
Cretaceous Flora of the Southern hemisphere appeared in 1896. 
Finally in 1896 Johnston described and figured several plants, 
probably of Upper Cretaceous age, from Tasmania. 


Lower Cretaceous plant-impressions from Japan were first 
described by Yokoyama (1889) in his paper on the Jurassic 
Flora, and additional species were subsequently described and 
figured by Nathorst (1890) and Yokoyama (1894). He pointed 
out the very close affinity of many of them to the Potomac 
plants of North America. The Japanese Cretaccous formations, 
however, are notable as being the only deposits of Mesozoic age 
which have hitherto yielded petritied masses of plants in many 
respects similar to the well-known Carboniferous ‘ coal-balls,” 
In a paper largely dealing with Tertiary specimens Reiss (107) 
described a few fragments of Gymnospermic wood from these 
nodules; and the remains of an extensive flora, including the 
leading plant phyla, have been discovered in them by Stopes 
and Fujii (1909, 1910), Stopes (1909, 1910), Kershaw (1910), 
and Suzuki (1910). 


Feistmantel (1877) described a tree-fern from the Cretaceous 
of India, but all other records of Cretaceous fossil plants from 
this region are doubtful. 


Yokoyama (1906) records from China a few impressions of 
plants which are probably of Lower Cretaceous age. 


Canaps.—Much work on the extensive deposits of Cretaceous 
plants was done by Dawson (1873-189-), who dealt principally 
with the numerous impressions of dicotyledonous leaves and 


fragments of gymnosperms and ferns, though he found and 
described several woods with petrified structure. Penhallow 
continued the investigation of the impressions, and also treated 
of Gymnospermic woods, but his most interesting addition 
to the Flora was that of Osmundites with its internal anatomy 

Unrrev Status.—The enormous extent of the Cretaceous 
deposits in this country, and the richness of the beds in plant- 
impressions, have Jel many workers to investigate them. The 
list of American publications is indeed lengthy, and instead of 
summarising them here, it may be better to refer to Ward’s 
exhaustive paper (Ward, 1889, pp. 834-926) for an account of 
the carlier literature. Knowlton’s Catalogue (1898) of the 
American Tertiary and Cretaceous plants brings the lists more 
up to date. Since this time the most active workers have been 
Berry (1901-1910), Knowlton (1889-19106), Hollick (1892- 
1910), Hollick & Jeffrey (1909), and finally Wieland, whose 
publications are almost confined to the Cycadophyta, which are 
principally from older deposits but afford results of great im- 
portance in a consideration of the Cretaceous Flora. The 
majority of the American specimens are in the form of leaf- 
impressions, and they occur eastwards in the clays and shales, 
and westwards in the great Coal-bearing series. Several 
species of petrified (silicified) wood have been described by 
Knowlton ; but the most important plants with their internal 
anatomy are those with which Hollick & Jeffrey and their 
pupils have made the locality of Staten Island famous. These 
plants, preserved in the fine clay (Amboy Clay), are not exactly 
petrifactions in the ordinary sense, but are fragments in which 
the internal parts are fairly well preserved, much as they would 
be in peat. Dr. Berry’s important monograph on the Lower 
Cretaceous plants of America has now appeared. Unfortunately 
the present work only includes literature and species appearing 
before the end of 1910, and as so much of the present volume 
was in type before Dr. Berry’s work was published, it is im- 
possible to include his results. 

Mexico.—Petrifactions of wood have been described by Felix 
& Nathorst from the State of Oaxaca; and Steinmann (1899) 
recorded and described interesting Siphonacege with their 
structure well preserved, 



Kurtz (1902) directed attention to the existence of a Flora of 
the age of the “ Dakota Group” in Atgentina, The Neocomian 
flora has also received attention from Neumann (1907). 


The Cretaceous Floras of the Arctic are so well known 
through Heer’s classical work (sce ‘Flora Fossilis Arctica,’ 
various parts in bibliogtaphy) that it will be necessary merely 
to mention his papers. The Kome, Atane, and Patoot Beds of 
Greenland are the best known, and are most important from a 
geological point of view on account of the proof they afford of 
the great changes of climate which must have occurred in that 
region. They have yielded alarge number of plaut-impressions, 
principally Gymnosperms and Angiosperms, with a few 
characteristic Ferns, Unfortunately, however, petrified speci- 
mens are not available, although something can be done with 
many of the cuticles, and the material on the whole is well 
preserved. Nathorst has continted and amplified Heer’s work, 
his large collections of impressions testifying to the richness of 
the deposits; and his description of a Cenomanian plant from 
Greenland (1907) forms a valuable contribution to the literature 
of the Cycadophy ta. 




te to DecEmBeEr, 1910, 

Agarpn, C. A —1824. Systema Algarum. Pp. xxxviii & 312. Lund. 

Arsenz, P—1908. Ueber Diploporen aus dem Schrattenkalk des Santis- 
gebietes: Vierteljahrsschrift Naturf. Ges. Zurich, vol. 53, pp. S87 

pArcmac, Vicomtz.—1837. Mémoire sur la Formation Crétacée du 
Sud-ouest de la Franee: Mém. Soc. géul. France, vol. 11, 
pp. 157-192. = 

Bartey, I. W.—1910. Anatomical characters in the evolution of Pinus: 
Amer, Nat., vol. 44, pp. 284-293, pl. i. 

Barser, C. A.—1898. Cupressinorylon vectense; a fossil Conifer from the 
Lower Greensand of Shanklin, in the Isle of Wight: Aunals Bet., 
vol. 12, pp. 529-861, pls, xxiii-xxiv. 

Barrois, C.— 1876. Recherches sur le Terrain Crétacé supérieur de 
lAngleterre et de VIrlande. Mém. Soc. géol. Nord, vol. 1, 
pp. 1-282 & maps, pls. i-iii. 

Bartscu, P.—1896. Notes on the Cretaceous Flora of Western Iowa: 
Bull. Iowa State Univ. Lab. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 178-182. 

Bayer, E.—1893. Die Flora der Priesener Schichten, résemé of O Rost- 
linstvu vrstev Biezenskych : Vestnik Kral. Cezké Spoletuosti 
Nauk, pp. 1-50, résumé pp. 34-50, text illust. 

—— 1893. See Frirscn,—1893. 

—— 1896. Die Flora der Chlomeker Schichten, résumé of O Rost- 
linstvu vrstev Chlomeckych: Vestnik Kral. Cezké Spoleéuosti 
Nauk, pp. 1-36, résuné pp. 29-36, text illust. 

— 1899. LHinige neue Pflanzen der Perucer Kreideschichten in 
Bohmen: Sitzb. k. bolim. Ges. Wiss., pp. 1-51, pls. i, ii. 

— 1897. See Frirsci,—-1897. 

—— 1901. See Frrrscu & Bayer.—1901, 



Bryert, E.—1831. A Catalogue of the Organic Remains of the County 

of Wilts. 9 pp., xviii pls, Warminster. 

Bexsrep, W. H.—1862. The Geology of Maidstone: Geologist, vol. 5, 

see pp. 336, 337, pl. xix. 

Berry, E, W.—1901. Notes on Liriodendron Leaves: Torreya, vol. 1, 

pp. 105-107, pls. i, ii. 

1901 a. The Origin of Stipules in Liriodendron: Bull. Torrey Bot. 
Club, vol. 28, pp. 493-498, pls. xli, xlii. 

1902 a. Liriodendron Celakovskii, Velen.: Bull. Torrey Bot. 
Club, vol. 29, pp. 478-480, 

19028. Notes on Sassafras: Bot. Gazette, vol. 34, pp. 426-420, pl. xviii. 

1902 .c. Additional Notes on Lirtodendron Leaves: Torreya, vol. 2, 
no. 3, pp. 83-87, pls. i, ii. 

1902p. Notes on the Phylogeny of Liriodendron: Bot. Gazette, 
vol. 34, pp. 44-63, text-fig. 

1908 a. Aralia in American Paleobotany: Bot. Gazette, vol. 36; 
pp. 421-428. 

1903 8, Liriodendron Notes: Torreya, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 129-182, 
figs. 1-3. 

1803 c. New Species of Plants from the Matawan Formation: 
Amer. Naturalist, vol. 37, pp. 677-684. 

1903 p. The American Species referred to Thinnfeldia: Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Club, vol. 30, pp. 488-445, 

19044. Additions to the Flora of the Matawan Formation: Bull. 
Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 31, pp. 67-82, pls. i-v. 

19048. The Cretaceous Exposure near Cliffwood, N.J.: Amer. 
Geologist, vol. 34, pp. 253-260, pl. xv. 

1904¢. Otto Kuntze on Sequoia: Torreya, vol. 4, pn. 153, 154. 

1905 a. Additions to the Fossil Flora from Cliffwood, New Jersey : 
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 32, pp. 43-48, pls. i, ii. 

19058. A Ficus confused with Proteoides: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 
vol. 82, no. 6, pp. 827-330, pl. xxi. 

1905 c. A Palm from the Mid-Cretaceous : Torreya, vol. 5, pp. 30-33, 
figs. 1, 2. 

1905 p. Fossil Grasses and Sedges: Amer. Naturalist, vol. 29, 
pp. 845-348, 

1905n. The Flora of the Matawan Formation (Crosswick Clays): 
Bull. New York Bot. Gard., vol. 3 (1903-05), pp. 45-103, 
pls. xliii-lvii. 

1906. A Note on the Mid-Cretaceous Geography: Science, vol. 23, 
pp. 509-510. 

1906 a. Living and Fossil Species of Comptonia: Amer. Naturalist, 
vol. 40, pp. 485-520, pls. i-iv. 

1906 n. Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal 
Plain.—I: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 33, pp. 163-182, pls. vii- ix. 

1906 p. A Brief Sketch of Fossil Plants: Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. New 
Jersey for 1905, pp. 97-133, 


Berry, E, W.—1906u. The Flora of the Cliffwood Clays: Ann. Rep. 


Geol. Surv. New Jersey for 1905, pp. 155-172, pls. xix-xxvi. 

1907. Contributions to the Mesozoie Flora of the Atlantic Coastal 
Plain.—IJ. North Carolina: Bull, Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 34, 
pp. 185-206, pls. xi-xvi. 

1907 a. Palaobotanical Notes: Cretaceous -Floras in North and 
South Carolina. New Species of Plants from the Magothy 
Formation: Johns Hopkins Univ. Cire., 1906-7, no. 7, pp. 667- 
679 = 79-91, text-figs. 1-6. 

19084. Some Arancarian Remains from the Atlantic Coastal 
Plain: Bull. Torrey Bout. Club, vol. 33, pp. 249-260, pls. xi- 

19088. A Mid-Cretaceous Species of Torreya: Amer. Journ. Sci., 
ser, 4, vol. 25, pp. 382-886, text-figs. 

1908 c. A New Cretaceous Bauhinia: Torreya, vol. 8, pp. 218-219, 

1909. Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal 
Plain.—III. New Jersey: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 36, pp. 245- 
264, pls. xviii, xviii a. 

1910 a. Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal 
Plain.—V. North Caroliua: Bull, Torrey Bot. Olub, vol, 37, 
pp- 181-200, pls. xix—xxiv. 

19103. Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal 
Plain.—VI. Georgia: Bull. Torrey Bot, Club, vol. 37, no. 10, 
pp. 503-511, text-figs. 1, 2. 

1910 c. A Revision of the Fossil Plants of the Genus Nageiopsis of 
Fontaine: Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, pp. 185-195. 

1910p. A Revision of the Fossil Plants of the Genera <Acrosticho- 
pteris, Teniopteris, Nilssonia, and Sapindopsis from the Potomac 
Group: Proc. U.8, Nat. Mus., vol. 38, pp, 625-644. 

1910z. A New Species of Dewalguca from the Amerigan Cretaceous : 
Torreya, vol. 10, pp. 34-38, text-fig. 

1910 F. The epidermal characters of Frenelopsis ramosissima: Bot. 
Gazette, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 305-309, text-figs 1, 2. 

1910¢. A Cretaceous Lycopodium: Amer. Junra. Sci, ser. 4, 
vol. 30, pp. 275-6, text-fig. 1. ; 

1910 1. Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal 
Plain.—IV, Maryland: Bull. Torrey Bot, Club, vol, 37, pp, 19- 
29, pl. viii. 

19103. The evidence of the Flora regarding the Age of the Raritan 
Formation: Journ. Geol,, vol. 18, pp. 252-258, 

1910 x. A New Cretaceous Bauhinia from Alabaina: Amer. Journ. 
Sci., ser. 4, vol. 29, pp. 256-258. 

1910 u. Geologic Relations of the Cretaceous Floras of Virginia 
and North Carvlina: Bull. Geol. foc. Amer., vol. 20, pp, 655- 



Berrranp, C. E.—1883. Sur le genre Vesquia, Taxinéo fossile du Terrain 
Aachénien de Tournai: Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 97, 

pp. 1882-1384. 4 ’ : 
— 1883. Note sur le Genre Vesguia, Taxinée fossile du Terrain 

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Denkschr, schweiz. natur. Ges., pp. 1-48, pls. i-vi. 

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Bot. Gazette, vol. 24, pp. 145-178. , 

Biesins, A.—1895. Notes on the Paleeobotany of the Potomac Formation : 
Johns Hopkins Univ. Cire., vol. 15, no. 121, pp. 17-20, 1 pl. 

—— 1898. A fossil Cypress Swamp in Maryland: The Plant World, 

vol. 1, pp. 164-166, 1 pl. 

1905. See Wann, L. F.—1905. 

Buanckeynorn, M.—1890. Beitrage zur Geologie Syriens: Die Entwick- 
elung des Kreidesystems in Mittel- und Nord-Syrien mit besonderer 
Beriicksichtigung der palaontologischen Verhiiltnisse nebst einem 
Anhang iiber den jurassischen Glandarienkalk. 135 pp., xi pls. 
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Darchasien, vol. 3, lief. 1, Paleontel. pp. 91-112, 1 pl. Berlin. 

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Thiringens. Kin Beitrag zur Fauna und Flora dieser Formation 
besonders ueber fossile Cycadeen, nebst vergleichenden Unter- 
suchungen ueber die Blattstruktur der jetztweltlichen Cycadeen- 
gattungen. 85 pp., xii pls. Leipzig. 

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Ital., vol. 10, pp. 371-882, pls. xv, xvi. 

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(System Aachénien de Dumont). Suivie cde la Description des 
Végétaux fossiles de cet Ktage par M. E. Coewans: Mém. Acad. 
roy. Belgique, vols. 33 & 36. See Conmans.—1867. 

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C. Reid & A. Strahan: Mem. Geol. Surv. England & Wales. 
Pp. 349, pls. i-v. 

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—— 1828. Histoire des Végétaux Fossiles, ou Recherches botaniques et 
géologiques sur les Végétaux renfermés dans les divers couches 
du globe, vol. 7, 488 pp., clxvi pls. Paris. (See Note on p. 48.) 

—— 18284. Prodréme d’une Histoire des Végétaux Fossiles. 223 pp. 

—— 1849. Tableau des genres de Végétaux fossiles considérés sous le 
point de vue de leur classification botanique et leur distribution 
géologique: repaged Extract from Dict. univ. d’Hist. Nat. Pp. 127. 

—— 18498. Exposition chronologique des périodes de végétation et des 
Flores diverses qui se sont succédé a la surface de la terre: Ann. 
Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 3, vol. 11, pp. 285-338. 

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ungen der... Versteinerungen, 1346 pp., xlvii pls. Stuttgart. 

—— 1849. Index Palexontologicus, Vol. 2, Enumerator Paleontologicus, 

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Nouv. Mém. Soe. hely. Sci. Nat., vol. 22, pp. 1-22, pls. i-iv. 
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Mag,, vol. 2, pp. 484-487, pl. xiii. 
— 1866a. On Araucarian Cones from the Secondary Rocks of Britain : 
Geol. Mag., vol. 3, pp. 249-252, pl. xi. 
~~~ 18668. On some Fossil Coniferous Fruits: Geol. Mag., vol. 3, 
' pp. 534-546, pls. xx, xxi. 
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— 1871. On two Undescribed Coniferous Fruits from the Secondary 
Rocks of Britain : Geol. Mag., vol. 8, pp. 540-54-4, pl. xv. 
—— 1875. Note on the Flora of the Gault, with Description of a New 
Pine Cone; Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. 4, pp. 278-281, text-fig. 
—— 1878. The Plant Remains of the Upper aud Lower Cretaceous 
(Neocomian) Formations in England, in Dixon’s Geol. Sussex, 
ed. 2, ref. pp. 277-282. See Dixon, F.—1878. 
Carver, T.—1870. Osservazioni sul genere di Cicadacee fossili Rawmeria, 
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yol. 1, pp. 181-186, pl. i. 
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Paris, vol. 114, pp. 375-377. 
—— 1897. Contribution 41'étude micrograpbique des Terrains sédimen- 
taires.—II. Craie du Bassin de Paris: Mém. Soc, géol. Nord, 
vol. 4, pp. 206-563, pls. vii-x. 


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Impr. Acad. roy, Sci. Sect. Trav. géol. Portugal, pp. 1-68, 
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——- 1889. Note sur le Crétacique des Environs de Torres-Vedras, de 
Peniche et de Cercal [Fossil plants identified by Saporta]: 
Communic. Commissao Trabalhos Geol. Portugal, vol. 2, pp. 

Curysier, M. A.—1906. See Jerrrey, EF. C., and Curysrer.—1906, 

Crarg, W. B,—1894. Origin and Classification of the Greensands of New 
Jersey: Journ. Geology, vol. 2, pp. 161-177. 

— 1895. Cretaceous Deposits of the Northern Half of the Atlantic 
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—— 1904. The Matawan Formation of Maryland, Delaware, and New 
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Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 18, pp. 485-440. 

-— 1908. Results of a recent investigation of the Coastal Plain Forma- 
tions in the area between Massachusetts and North Carolina: 
Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 20, pp. 646-654, pl. iii. 

Cocxerzst, T. D, AA—1909. Amber in the Laramie Cretaceous: Torreya, 
vol. 9, pp. 140-142, text-fig. 

Cormans, E.—1867. Description de la Flore fossile du premier Etage du 
Terrain Crétacé du Hainault: Mém, Acad. roy. Belgique, vol. 36, 
pp. 1-20, pls. iii-v. [plates wrongly numbered as being from 
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Coyrap, T. A.—1869. Notes on American Fossiliferous Strata: Amer. 
Journ. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 47, pp. 358-364. 

Conwextz, H.—1892. Untersuchungen ueber fossile Holzer Schwedens: 
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— 1846. Pflanzen Versteinerungen der béhmischen Kreideformation, 
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tion, pt. ii, pp. 81-96, pls. xlvi-li. Stuttgart. 

Cornzt, F. L.—1867. See BurArr, A., & Cornet, F. L.—1867, 

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Hainaut: Ann. Soc. géol. Belgique, vol. 35, pp. 322-324. 
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1. xii. 

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Cragin, F. W.—1889. Contributions to the Paleontology of the Plains. 
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no. 10, pp. 65-68. 

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—— 1889. Exposition Paléophytique.—Paléontologie des Colonies Fran- 
gaises, Expos, Univ. Paris, pp. 1-32. 

— 1890. Recherches sur les Végétaux fossiles de I’Ile d’Aix (Charente- 
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VAnjou: Bull. Soc. d’Etudes Sci. d’Angers, vol. 21, pp. 97-103, 
2 plates, figs. 1-4. ‘ 

Cross, W.—1896, See Eunons, Cross, and Eirpripar.—1896, 

Cummins, W. F.—1892. Report on the Geography, Topography, and 
Geology of the Llano Estacado or Staked Plains, with notes on 
the Geology of the Country west of the Plains, in 8rd Ann. Rep. 
Geol. Surv. Texas, pp. 129-228, text-figs. 

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land: Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 45, pp. 407-419. 

Davipson, T.—1869. Notes on Continental Geology and Palxontology 
(Cretaceous): Geol. Mag., vol. 6, pp. 251-263. 

Dawson, J. W.—1873. Note on the Fossil Plants from British Columbia, 
collected by Mr. James Richardson in 1872: Geol. Surv. Canada, 
Rep. Progress, 1872-3, pp. 66-71, unnumb, pl. 

—— 1874. Note on Fossil Woods from British Columbia, collected 
by Mr. Ricbardson : Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 7, pp. 47-81. 

—— 1883. On the Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras of British Columbia 
and the North-West Territory: Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 
vol. 1. pp. 15-34, pls, i-viii. 

—— 1£84. The Cretaceous Flora of North America: Nature, vol. 30, 
pp. 831-632, s 



Dawson, J. W.—1885. A modern type of plant in the Cretaceous : Science, 

vol, 5, p. 514, text-fig. 

1886. On the Mesozoic Floras of the Rocky Mountain Region of 
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pls. i-iv. 

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Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. 4, sect. iv, pp. 19-32, 
pls. i, ii. 

1888. Note on Fossil Woods and other Plant Remains, from the 
Cretaceous and Laramie Formations of the Western Territories 
of Canada: Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. 5, sect. iv, 
pp. 31-387. 

1890. On Fossil Plants collected by Mr. R. A. McConnell, on 
Mackenzie River, and by Mr. T. OC. Weston, on Bow River: 
Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. 7, pp. 69-74, pls. x, xi. 

1893. On the Correlation of early Cretaceous Floras in Canada and 
the United States, and on some new plants of this period: Proc. & 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. 10, pp. 79-93. 

1894. On New Species of Cretaceous Plants from Vancouver Island : 
Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. 11, sect. iv, pp. 53-72, 
pls. v-xiv. 

1905. The Geological History of Plants, 290 pp. London. [Ist ed. 

and Dawsoy, G. M.—1889. On Cretaceous Plants from Port 
MeNeill, Vancouver Island: Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vol. 6, 
sect. iv, pp. 71, 72. 

Denzy, M. H.—1848 a. Uebersicht der urweltlichen Pflanzen des Kreide- 

gebirges tiberhaupt und der Aachener Kreideschichten insbeson- 
dere: Verkandl. naturhist. Vereins preuss. Rheinland, 5th year, 
pp. 113-125. 

1848 8. Ueber eine neue Gattung urweltlicher Coniferen aus dem 
Eisensand der Aachener Kreide: Verhandl. naturhist. Vereins 
preuss. Rheinland, 5th year, pp. 126-142. 

1849. Entwurf zu einer geognostisch-geogenetischen Darstellung 
der Gegend yon Aachen: Amtlich. Bericht Ges. Deutsch. Natur- 
forsch. Arzte Versanml, in Aachen 1847, pp. 269-828. 

1850. Uebersicht der urweltlichen Pflanzen des Kreide-Gebirges 
iiberhaupt und der Aachener Kreide-Schichten insbesondere : 
Neues Jahrb. f. Min., pp. 115-117. [Referat.] 

1850 a. Ueber eine neue Gattung urweltlicher Coniferen aus dem 
Eisensande der Aachener Kreide: Neues Jahrb, f. Min., pp. 117-118. 

1851. Beitrag zur fossilen Flora der hollaindischen Kreide: 
Verhandl. naturhist. Vereins preuss, Rheinland, 8th year, pp. 

1857. See Ertinasnavsen and Drsny.—1857. 

1852. Ueber die fossile Flora der Kreideformation der Umgebungen 
von Aachen und Maestricht: Aimtlich. Bericht 32. Versamuml, 
Deutscb. Naturforsch. Arzte in 1856, pp. 142-144. 


Deney, M. H.—-1858 a. See Errinesiausen and |esry.—1858. 

—— 1865. [On Cretaceous plants of Auchen :] Currespondenzblatt no. 2, 
Verhandl. naturbist, Vereins preuss, Rheinland, 22nd year, 
pp. 56-58. 

—— 1877. [On Fossil Conifers of the Aachen Chalk:] Correspondenz- 
blatt no, 1, Verhandl. naturhist. Vereius preuss. Rheinland, 

34th year, p. 110. 
—— 1881. Sur les Feuilles Querciformes des sables d’Aix-la-Chapelle: 

Comptes Rendus Congrés Bot. Horticult., pt.2, pp. 83-97, pl. 

—— and Errinesnavsen, C. von.—1859 a. Die urweltlichen Thallophyten 
des Kreidegebirges von Aachen und Maestricht: Denkschr. k. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 16, pp. 131-214, pls. i-iii, 

— and Enrixesiausnn, C. von.—18598. Die urweltlichen Acrobryen 
des Kreidegebirges von Aachen und Maestricht: Denkschr. k. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 17,pp. 183-248, pls. i-vii. 

Dexrcke, W.—1883. Ueber einige neue Siphoneen: Neues Jahrb. f. Mu, 
vol. 1, pp. 1-14, phi. ~ 

—— 1901. Ueber Heragonaria vy. Hag. und Goniolina Rem.: Centralbl, 
f. Min., no. 15, pp. 469-473, text-figs. 1, 2. 

Dewarque, G.—1880. Fragments Paléontologiques. Sur une Algue 
nouvelle de la Craie: Ann. Soe. géol. Belgique, vol. 8, pp. 43-44, pli. 

Diuter, J. §.—1908, Strata containing the Jurassic Flora of Oregon: 
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 19, pp. 8367-402 [see Oret. plants by 
Knowlton, pp. 384-387]. 

Diuuzr, J. S., and Sranton, T. W.—1894. The Shasta-Chico Series: Bull. 
Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 5, pp. 435-464. 

Dixon, F.—1850. The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous 
Formations of Sussex, 422 pp., xl pls., London, Also ed. 2, 
revised and augmented by T. Rupert Jones, Brighton, 1878. 

Dotto, L.—1888. Aachenosaurus multidens: Bull. Soc. belge Géol., vol. 2, 
p. 800. 

DorairzEr.—1853. See Krrscr, M.—1853. 

Dunxer, W.—1846. Monographie der Norddeuischen Wealdenbildung. 
Hin Beitrag zur Geognosie und Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt, 
83 pp., xxi pls. Brunswick. 

— 1856. Ueber mehre Pflanzenreste aus dem Quadersandstein von 
Blankenburg : Palxontographica, vol. 4, pp. 179-183, pls, xxsii- 

Enrenperc, C.—1841. Ueber noch jetzt zalilreich lebende Thierarten der 
Kreidebildung und den Organismus der Polythalmien: Abhandl. 
k, preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1839, pp. 81-174, pls. i-iv. 

Ercnwaup, E, von.—-1853. Einige palxontologische Bemerkungen iiber 
den Eisensand von Kursk: Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Muscou, vol. 26, 
pt..i, pp. 209-231, 

— 1860. Lethea Rossica, Plants in vol. 1, pp. 268, pls. xxi. Stuttgart. 

— 1861. Der Griinsand in der Umgegend von Moskwa: Bull. Soc, 
Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. 34, pp. 278-3138. 


Ercnwatp, E, vox.—1862. Die Vorweltliche Fauna und Flora des Griine- 
sandes der Gegend von Moskwa: Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 
vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 355-410. 

—— 1865-68. Lethixa Rossica, vol. 2, pp. 1304, pls. iii (Cret.). Stuttgart. 

E.orincz, G. H.—1896. See Emons, Cross, and Erpripcn—1896. 

Ennons, 8. F., Cross, W., and Ex:pripes, G. H.—1896. Geology of the 
Denver Basin in Colurado: Mon. U.S. Geol. Surv., no. 27, 
pp. 1-527, pls. i-xxxi. 

Exputcumr, 8.—1840. Genera Plantarum secundum ordines naturales 
disposita, 1483 pp. Vienna. Also Supplement (114 pp.), 1842. 

—— 1847a. Synopsis Coniferarum fossilium, 52 pp. Sangalli. 

1847 8. Synopsis Coniferarum, 368 pp. Sangalli. 

Encenuarpt, H.—1885. Die Crednerien im unteren Quader Sachsens: 
Festschrift naturwiss. Ges. Isis Dresden, pp. 55-62, pl. i. 

— 1892. Ueber boehmische Kreidepflanzen aus dem Geolog. Institute 
der deutschen Universitat Prag: Mitteil. Osterland. herausgegeb. 
Naturforsch. Ges, Osterlandes, vol. 5, pp. 86-18, pl. i. 

—- 1892 a. Ueber Kreidepflanzen von Niederschéna: Abhandl. 

naturwiss. Ges. Isis Dresden, 1891, pp. 79-105, pl. ii. 

1897. See Vanudrren, G.—1897. 

Evrneriwwexr, R.—1904. An Endophyte (Stichus mermisoides) occurring in 
the test of a Cretaceous Bivalve: Rec. Australian Mus., vol. 5, 
no. 4, pp. 255-257, pls. xxx, xxxi. 

Erringsuavsex, OC. von.—1851. Die Proteaceen der Vorwelt: Silzb. k. 
Akad, Wiss. Wien, vol. 7, pt. x, pp. 711-743, pls. xxx—xxxiv. 

—— 1852. Ueber fossile Pandaneen: Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
vol. 8, pp. 489-495, pls. xxiii—xxvi. 

—— 1852a. Ueber fossile Protesceen : Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 9, 
pp. 820-824, pls. Ivii-lviii. 

—— 1852B. Ueber Paleobromelia, ein neues fossiles Pflanzengeschilecht:: 
Abhandl. k.k. geo]. Reichsanst., vol. 1, pt. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-10, pls. i, ii. 

—— 1852c. Beitrag zur naheren Kenntuiss der Flora der Wealden- 
periode: Abbandl. k.k, geol. Reichsanst., vol. 1, pt. 3, no. 2, 
pp, 1-32, pls. i-v. 

— 18534. Die Tertiar-Floren der Oesterreichischen Monarchie, no. 1. 
—Fossile Flora von Wien: Abhandl. k.k. geol. Reichsanst., vol. 2, 
pt. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-36, pls. i-v. 

—— 18538. Die Tertiaeie-Flora von Hiring in Tirol: Abhbandl. k.k. 
geol. Reichsanst., vol. 2, pt. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-118, pls. i-xxxi. 

—— 1859. See Desay and Errinesnarsen.—1859 a. 

— 1859x. See Desey, M. H., and Errincsnausen, C. von.—1859 3. 

— 1863. Die fossilen Algen des Wiener und des Karpathen-Sand- 
steines: Sitzb. k, Akad. Wiss, Wien, vol. 48, pp. 444-467, pls. i, ii. 

——— 1867. Die Kreideflora von Niederschoena in Sachsen, ein Beitrag 
zur Kenntniss der altesten Dicotyledonengewichse: Sitzb. k, 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 55, pt. 1, pp. 235-264, pls. i-ili. 

—— 18678. Die fossile Flora des Tertiirbeckens von Bilin, pt. i: 
Denkschir. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 26, pp. 79-174, pls. i-xxx. 


Errinasuavsen, C. von.—1872. Die fossile Flora von Sazor in Krain: 
Denkschr, k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 32, pp. 159-202, pls. i-x. 

— 1874. Die Florenelemente in der Kreideflora: Sitzb. k. Akad, Wiss. 
Wien, vol. 69, pt. 1, pp. 510-518. ; 

— 1887. Onthe Fossil Flora of New Zealand: Geol. Mag., dec. 3, 
vol. 4, pp. 863-367. 

—— 1887 a. Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Fossilen Flora Neuseelands: 
Denkschr. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 53, pp. 148-192, pls. i-ix, 

—— 1888. Contributions to the Tertiary Flora of Australia: Mem. Geol. 
Surv. New South Wales, Palxout. no. 2, L89 pp., xv pls. 

— 1891. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Fossil Flora of New 
Zealand: Trans. New Zealand Institute, vol. 23, pp. 237-310, 
pls. xxiv-xxxii (see p. 286 e¢ seg.). [Descriptions ef species 
translated from Denkschr. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 53, 1887.] 

— 1893. Ueber fossile Pflanzenreste aus der Kreicdeformation 
Australiens: Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 102, pp. 126-151. 

—— 1895. Beitrige z. Kennt. d. Kreideflora Australiens: Denkschr. k. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 62, pp. 1-57, pls. i-iv. 

— 1896. Ueber die Kreideflora der siidlichen Hemisphire: Mittheil. 
Naturwiss. Ver. Steiermark, vol. 32, pp. 155-164. 

—— 18964. Ueber die Nervation der Blatter bei der Gattung Quercus 
mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer vorweltlichen Arten: 
Denkschr. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 63, pp. 117-180, pls. i-xii. 

— and Dzsry, M. H.—1857. Die urweltlichen Thallopbyten des 
Kreidegebirges von Aachen und Maestricht: Sitzb. k. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, vol. 25, pp. 507-512. 

—— 1858. Die vorweltlichen Acrobryen des Kreidegebirges von Aachen 
und Maestricht: Sitzb.k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 27, pp. 167-170. 

— 1859. See Desry and Errinesuausen.—1859 a. 

— 1859s. See Duspy and Errinasnavsny.—1859 3. 

Feisrmanret, O.—1870. Ueber die Reste der Kreideformation bei Kuchel- 
bad: Sitzb. k. bohm. Ges. Wiss., 1870, pp. 73-75. 

—- 1872. Ueber Baumfarnenreste der bdhmischen Steinkohlen-, Perm- 
und Kreideformation: Abhandl. k. bohm. Ges. Wiss., vol. 5, 
pp. 1-30, pls. i, ii. 

— 1874. Vorbericht tiber die Perucer Kreideschichten in Bohmen und 
ihre fossilen Reste: Sitzb. k. bohm. Ges. Wiss., 1874, pp. 253-276. 

— 1877. Notes on Fossil Floras of India.—XIV. On a tree fern 
stem from the Cretaceous Rocks near Trichinopoly in Southern 
India: Ree. Geol. Surv. India, vol. 10, pp. 133-140, plate. 

Fsiix, J.—1894. Studien iiber fossile Pilze: Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., 
vol. 46, pp. 269-280, pl. xix. 

—— and Natnorst, A. G.—1893. Versteinerungen aus dem mexican- 
ischen Staat Oaxaca: Beitr. Geol. Palaont. Republ. Mexico, 
pt. ii, pp. 41-54, pl. iil. Leipzig. : 


Fiscuer, G., ng Waxrpner.—1826. Notice sur les végélaux fossiles du 
Gouvernement de Moscou: Seance publ. Soc. Imp. Nat. Imp. 
Universit. Moscou, pp. 1-23, pl. i. 

Fiscner-Oostrr, ©. von.--1858. Die fossilen Fucoiden der Schweizer- 
Alpen, nebst Erérterungen iiber deren geologisches Alter, 72 pp., 
xviii pls, Berne. 

Fisner, C, A.—1909, Geology of the Great Falls Coalfield, Montana: 
Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv., no. 356, pp. 1-85 [see pp. 33-36]. 

Firron, W. H.—1836. Observations on some of the Strata between the 
Chalk and the Oxford Oolite, in the South-East. of England: 
Trans. Geol. Soc., ser, 2, vol. 4, pp. 103-388, pls, xi-xxiii. 

Fuicuz, P.—1892. Sur une dicotylédone trouvée dans l’Albien supérieur, 
aux environs de Sainte-Menehould (Marne): Comptes Rendus 
Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 114, pp. 1084-1085. 

—— 1893. Sur un nouveau genre de Conifére rencontré dans |’Albien de 
lArgonne: Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 116, pp. 1002- 

—— 1804. Sur des fruits de Palmiers trouvés dans le Cénomanien aux 
environs de Sainte-Menehould: Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 
vol. 118, pp. 889-890. 

— 1896. Etudes sur la Flore fossile de lArgonne Albien-Cénomanien : 
Bull. Soe. Sci. Nancy, ser. 2, vol. 14, pp. 114-306, pls. i-xvii. 

— 1896. Note sur les nodules et les bois minéralisés trouvés 4 Saint- 
Parres-les-Vaudes (Aube) dans les Grés verts infracrétavés: Méin. 
Soc. Acad. Aube, vol. 33, pp. 177-18, pl. iv. 

— 1900. Contribution ala Flore fossile de la Haute-Marne (Infra- 
erétacé): Bull. Soc. Sci. Nancy, ser. 2, vol. 16, pp. 11-31, 
pls. i, ii, & unnumb. pl. 

— 1900. Note sur un bois fossile de Madagascar: Bull. Soc. géol. 
France, ser. 3, vol. 28, pp. 470-472, text-fig. 1. 

-—— 1902. Note sur un Zoséeriies trouvé dans le Orétacé supérieur du 
Dévoluy: Bull. Soc. géol. France, ser. 4, vol. 2, pp. 112-126, 
pl. ii. 

—— 1905. Note sur des bois fossiles de Madagascar: Bull. Soc. géol. 
France, ser. 4, vol. 5, pp. 346-358, pl. x. 

Fontainz, W. M.—1879. Notes on the Mesozoic Strata of Virginia: 
Amer. Journ, Sci., ser. 3, vol. 17, pp. 229-289, 

— 1889. The Potomac or Younger Mesozoic Flora: Mon. U, S. Geol. 
Surv., no. 15, 377 pp., elxxx pls. 

—— 1893. Description of some Fossil Plants from the Great Falls Coal- 
field of Montana: Proc, U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 15, pp. 487-493, 
pls. lxxxii-lxxxiv. 

— 1894. Notes on some Fossil Plants from the Trinity Division of the 
Comanche series of Texas ; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., yol. 16, pp. 261- 
282, pls. xxxvi-xliii. 

— 18944. Flora of the Shasta-Chico series, in Dinter and Sranton.— 


Fonrarne, W. M.—1895. See Sranroy, T. W.—1895. 

1896. The Potomac Formation in Virginia; Bull.U. 8. Geol. Surv, 5 

no. 145, pp. 1-147, & map. 

—— 1898. See Wexp, W. H., and Pirsson, L. V.—1898. 

—— 1899. Notes on Lower Cretaceous Plants from the Hay Creek 
Coalfield, Crook County, Wyoming: U.S. Geol. Sury. 19th Ann. 
Rep., pt. ii, pp. 645-702, pls. clx—clxix. 

—- 1905. Notes on som? Lower Cretaceous (Kootanie) Plants from 
Montana, in L. F. Ward’s Status of Mesozvic Floras: Mon. U. 8. 
Geol. Surv., no. 48, pp. 284-315, pls, Ixxi-Lsxiii. 

—— 19058. Report on various collections of Fossil Plants from the 
Older Potomac of Virginia and Maryland, in L. F. Ward’s Status 
of Mesozoic Floras; Mon. U.S, Geol. Surv., no. 48, pp. 476-593, 
pls. evii~cix. 

Forp, 8S. O.—1906. See Srwarp and Forp.—1906. 

Fraas, O.—1867. Aus dem Orient, pt. 1, p. 40. Stuttgart. [Reprinted 
from Wirtt. Jahresh., vol. 23.] 

——— 1878. Aus dem Orient, pt. 2, p.43. Stuttgart. [Reprinted from 
Wirtt. Jahresh., vol. 34.] 

Fritet, P, H.—1903. Histoire naturelle de la France. Pt. 24, Paléo 
botanique (Plantes Fossiles), 347 pp., xxxvi pls. Paris. 

—— 1908. Etude sur les Nymphéacées fossiles, pts. i-iii: Le Naturaliste, 
vol, 30, pp. 538-56 ; pp. 137-189; pp. 149-150. 

— 1910. See Covyart, J., and Frrret, P. H.—1910. 

Farrscu, A.—1877. Studien im Gebiete der béhmischen Kreideformation, 
Palwontologische Untersuchungen der einzelnen Schichten. IT. 
Die Weissenberger und Malnitzer Schichten: Archiv. Naturwiss. 
Landesdurehf. Béhmen, vol. 4, pp. 1-152. 

— 188%. Studien im Gebiete der bohmischen Kreideformation. 
Palzontologische Untersuchungen der einzelnen Schichten. III. 
Die Iserschichten : Joc. ci¢., vol. 5, pp. 1-187. 

—— 1889. Studien im Gebiete der bébmischen Kreideformation. 
Palmontologische Untersuchungen der einzelnen Schichten. IY. 
Die Teplitzer Schichten: Joc. cit., vul. 7, pp. 1-119. 

— 1893. Studien im Gebiete der bodhmischen Kreideformation. 
Palxontologische Untersuchungen der einzelnen Schichten. V. 
Priesener Schichten [Plants by Bayer, see p. 128]: Joc. cit., 
vol. 9, pp. 1-134. 

— 1897. Studien im Gebiele der bohmischen Kreicleformation. 
Paleontologische Untersuchungen der einzelnen Schichten. VI. 
Die Chlomeker Schichten [Plants by Bayer, see pp. 72-83]: 
foe. ett., vol. 10, pp. 1-83. 

—— and Bayer, E.—1901. Studien im Gebiete der béhmischen Kreide- 
formation : oc. cit., vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1-180, text-figs. 

Fritn, J.—1890. Zur Kenntniss der Gesteinbildenden Algen der sckweizer 
Alpen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Santisgebietes: Ab- 
handl. schweiz. palaont. Ges., vol. 17, pp. 1-32, pl. i. 


Fucus, T.—1895. Studien iiber Fucoiden und Hieroglyphen: Denkschr. k. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 62, pp. 369-448, ple. i-ix. 

Fusn, K.—1909. See Srorzs, M. C., and Frsit, K.—1909, 

19104. See Srores, M.C., and Fosn, K.—1910. 

—— 1910... Some Remarks on the Cretaceous Fossil Flora and the Causes 
of Extinction: Bot. Mag. Tokyo, vol. 23, no, 284, pp. 197-220. 

Garpyer, J. S.—1884. On the Relative Ages of the American and the 
English Cretaceous and Hocene Series: Geol. Mag., dec. 3, vol. 1, 
pp. 492-506. , 

-—— 18864. On Mesozoic Angiosperms: Geol. Mag., dec. 3, vol. 3, 
pp. 193-204, pl. v. 

— 1886 8. Second Report of the Committee... for... reporting on 
the Fossil Plants of the Tertiary and Secondary Beds of the 
United Kingdom: Rep. British Assoc., Birminghain, pp. 241-250 
and pl. [Also in Geol. Mag., 1886, p, 495.] 

Geinirz, E.—1901. Aphrocallistes (Hexagonaria) als Senongeschiebe: 
Centralbl. f. Min., no. 19, pp. 584-585. 

Geinirz, H. B.—1842. Charakteristik der Schichten und Petrefakten des 
siichsisch-boéhmischen Kreidegebirges. Pt. 8. Die sachsisch-boim- 
ische Schweiz, die Oberlausitz und das Innere von Bohimen, pp. i- 
xxii, 63-116, pls. xvii-xxiv. Leipzig and Dresden. [Ed. 2 in 1850.] 

—— 18504. Das Quadersandsteingebirge, oder Kreidegebirge in Deutsch- 
land, 292 pp., xii pls. Freiberg. 

—— 18508. Das Quadergebirge, oder cie Kreideformation in Sachsen, 
mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Glaukonitreichen Schichten : 
Fiirstl. Jablon. Ges. Preisschrift, pp. 1-44 & 1 pl. Leipzig. 

—— 1850p. Ueber die Zusammensetzung und Lagerung der Kreide- 
Formation in der Gegend zwischen Halberstadt, Blankenburg, 
und Quedlinburg: Neues Jahrb. f. Min., pp. 133-138. 

—— 1875a. Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. Erster Theil. Der untere 
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—— 18758. Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. Zweiter Theil. Der mittlere 
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—— 1879. Ueber zwei neue Kreide-Pflanzen: Neues Jahrb. f. Min., 
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ferales: Annals Bot., vol. 24, pp. 119-124, pl. xiii. 

Ginry, G. H.—1899. See Hacue, A,, e¢ alé?.—1899. 

Guocxer, E. F.—1841. Ueber die kalkfiihrende Sandsteinfurmation auf 
beiden Seiten der mittleren March, in der Gegend zwischen 
Kwassitz und Kremsier: Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol., 
vol. 19, suppl. pp. 309-334, pl. iv. 

Goerrrrt, H. R.—1836. Die fossilen Farnkrauter: Nova Acta Acad. 
Caes. Leop.-Carol., vol. 17, suppl., pp. 1-486, pls. i-sliv. 

—— 1839. Bemerkungen iiber die des Geschiebe im nérdlichen Deutsch- 
Jand vorkommenden versteinerten Holzer: Neues Jahrb. f. Min., 
1839, pp. 518-521, pl. 8B. 


Gorprrrt, H. R. —1842 a. Ueber die. fossile Flora der Quadersandstein- 
formation in Schlesien, als erster Beitrag zur Flora der Tertiaer- 
gebilde: Nova Acta Acad. Oaes. Leop.-Carol., vol. 19, pp. 97-134, 
pis. xlvi-liii. 

—— 18428. Fossile Pflanzenreste des Eisensandea yon Aachen, als 
zweiter Beitrag zur Flora der Tertiaergebilde: Nova Acta Acad. 
Caes. Leop.-Carol., vol. 19, pt. 2, pp. 137-160, pl. liv. 

— 18H. Ueber die fossilen Cycadeen iiberhaupt, mit Riicksicht auf 
die in Schlesien vorkommenden Arten: Uebers. scbles. Ges. 
Vaterlind. Kultur in 1848, pp. 114-144, pl. i. 

—— 1845. Uebersicht der fossilen Flora Schlesiens. See Wiuuzr, F.— 

—— 1847. Zur Flora des Quadersandsteins im Schlesien, als Nachtrag 
zu der friiher erschienenen Abhandlung itiber denselben Gegen- 
stand: Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol., vol. 22, pp. 855-365, 
pls. xxXv.—xxxviii. 

—— 1848. Zur Flora des Quadersandsteins im Schlesien, als Nachtrag 
za der Abhandlung in N. Acta Acad. C. Leop. Nat. Cur. xix, 
1841: Neues Jahrb. f. Min., pp. 269-278. 

—— 18504. Monographie der fossilen Coniferen. Pp, 1-286, pls. i- 
lviii; Anhang, pp. 1-78. Preisschrift, Leiden. 

—— 1865. Ueber die fossile Kreideflora und ibre Leitpflanzen: Zeitschr. 
deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. 17, pp. 638-648. 

—— 1865 a. Die fossile Flora der Permischen Formation: Palaeontogr., 
vol. 12, pp. 1-316, pls. i-lxiv [see p. 259]. 

—— 186538. Ueber das Vorkommen von Baumfarn in der fossilen Flora, 
insbesondere in der Kreideformation: Neues Jahrb. f. Min., 
pp. 305-399. 

— 1865 c. Beitrige zur Kreideflora und ihre gegenwartige geognostische 
Bedeutung : Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop-Carol., vol. 32, part 1, 
Heft 5, pp. 11, 12. 

— 1866. Beitrage zur Keuntniss fossiler Cycadeen: Neucs Jahrb, f. 
Min., pp. 129-135, pl. ii. 

—— 1881. Arboretum fossile. Sammlung yon Dinnschliffen fossiler 
Coniferen-Hélzer der palaozoischen Formation, [Actual slides 
of fossil plants.] Descript. pp. 1-6. Breslau. 

Gotpruss, A.—1826. Petrefacta Germanie, part 1. Pp. 1-242, pls. i- 
lxsi. Diisseldorf. 

Goruan, W.—1904. Rhizodendron oppoliense Géppert (nach der anatom- 
ischen Struktur) Alsuphilina sp. (nach der Oberflichenskulptur 
des Stammes): in lief. 2, Potonié, Abbild. u. Beschreib. foss. 
Pflanzenreste, pp. 1-12, text-figs. Berlin. 

— 1905. Zur Anatomie lebender und fossiler Gymnospermen-Hélzer : 
Abhandl. k. preuss. geol. Landesanst., vol, 44, pp. 1-108. 

— 1908. Die Frage der Klimadifferenzierung im Jura und in der 
Kreidefurmation im Lichte paliobotanischer Tatsachen: Jahrb, 
k. preuss. geol. Landesanst., vol. 29, pp. 220-242, pls. xvi-xix, 


Goruan, W.— 1908 4. Die fossilen Holzer von der Seymour- und Snow- 
Inseln: Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Sudpol. Exped. 1901-03, vol. 3, 
pt. 8, pp. 33, pls. ii. Stockholm. 

— 1910, Weichselia reticulata: in lief.7, Potonié, Abbild. u. Beschreib. 
foss. Pflanzeureste, pp. 1-14, text-figs. Berlin. 

Gowan, J.—1900. See Sewaxv and Goway,—1900. 

Grucory, J. W.—1897. Some problems of Arctic Geology, IJ. Former 
Arctic Climates: Nature, vol. 56, pp. 851-352. 

Grierenxert, O.—1889. Die Versteinerungen der senonen Kreide von 
K6nigslutter in Herzogthum Braunschweig: Palaeont. Abhandl., 
vol. 14, pp. 1-116, pls. i-xii [see p. 14]. 

Giszr, C. W.—1861. Geognostische Beschreibung des bayerischen Alpen- 
gebirges und seines Vorlandes. Pp, 1-950, pls. i-xlii. Gotha. 

— 1871. Die sogenannten Nulliporen (Lithothamnium und Dactylopora) 
und ibre Betheiligung an der Zusammensetaung der Kalkgesteine : 
Abbandl. k. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, vol. 11, pt. 1, pp. 11-52, 
pls. i, ii; & pp. 232-290, pls. Di-D iv. 

— 1896. Vorlaufige Mittheilung tber Flyschalgen: Neues Jahrb. f. 
Min., vol. 1, pp. 227-232. 

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nebst Bemerkungen iiber paliozoische Holzer: Zeitschr. deutsch. 
geol. Ges., vol. 37, pp. 433-440, 

Gwynwe-Vacenan, D.T.—1908. See Kinston and Gwyxnz-Vavenan.—1908. 

Haast, J. voy.—1887. Notes on the Age and Subdivisions of the Sedi- 
mentary Rocks in the Canterbury Mountains, based upon the 
Palxontological Researches of Professor Dr. C. Baron von 
Ettingshausen in Gratz (Austria): Trans. & Proc. New Zealand 
Inst., ser. 2, vol. 19, pp. 449-451. 

Hacus, A., Ipprses, J. P., Weep, W. H., Waccort, C. D., Girry, G. EL, 
Sranron, T. W., Knowiron, F. H.—1899. Geology of the Yellow- 
stone National Park, part ii: Mon. U.S. Geol, Surv., no. 32, 
pp. 1-791, pls. Ixxvii-cxli. 

Hauez, E.—1852. Vortrag iiber Petrefacten der Kreideformation (Q. 8. 
St.) bei Blankenburg: Bericht naturwiss. Ver. Harzes, 1852, 
pp. 6, 7. 

— 1855. [Fossil Plants from Quadersandstein]: Bericht naturwiss. 
Ver. Harzes, 1853-54, p. 12. 

Hauiic, T.—1848. Beitrige zur Gesehichte der Pflanzen und zur Kennt- 
niss der nordeutschen Braunkoblen-Flora: Bot. Zeit., vol. 6, 
pp- 166-172. 

Ha:cuer, J. B.—1901. Sabal rigida; a new species cf Palm from the 
Laramie: Aun. Carnegie Mus., vol. 1, pp. 263-264, text-fig. 

— 1903. Osteology of Haplocanthosaurus with Description of a New 
Species, and Remarks on the probable Hubits of the Sauropoca 
and the Age and Origin of the <Adlantosaurus Beds: Mem. 
Carnegie Mus., vol. 2, no, 1, pp. 1-75, pls. i-vi. 

— 1905. See Stanrox and Harcugr.—1905, 


Havrrrierscu, P.—1897. Die als fossile Algen beschriebenen Pflanzenreste 
oder Abdriicke : in Engler’s Pflanzenfamilien, I, pt. 2, pp. 543-569. 

Hayven, F. V.—1859 a. See Merk, F. B., and Haypgn, F. V.—1859. 

1859 B. See Merk and Haypry.—1859 3, 

—— 1859c. See Meek and HaypEn.—1859 c. 

—— 1869. Geological Report of the Exploration of the Yellowstone and 
Missouri Rivers under the direction of Captain W. F. Raynolds, 
Corps of Engineers, 1859-6). Washington. 

— 1871. Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey 
of Wyoming. 2nd Ann. Rep. [=4th Ann. Rep.]. Pp. 1-511. 

—— 1872. Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey 
of Montana. 5th Ann. Rep. Pp. 1-538. Washington. 

—— 1873. Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Surrey 
of the Territories. Pp, 1-844. Washington. 

Hecror, J.—1879. On the Fossil Flora of New Zealand (Abstract) : 
Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst., vol. 11, pp. 586-537. 

Herr, O.—1859. See Merk and Haypen.—1859. 

—-— 1859. See Lesquererx.—l859. 

— 1861. Reply to Dr. Newberry on the Age of the Nebraska Leaves: 
Amer. Journ. &ci., ser. 2, vol. 31, pp. 485-440. 

—— 1863. On the Fossil Flora of Bovey Tracey: Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Lond., vol. 152, pp. 1089-1086, pls. ly—Ixxi. 

—— 1865. Die Urwelt der Schweiz. Ziirich. [Die Zeit der Kreide- 
bildung, pp. 167-220.] 

—— 1867. See Cave.uint, J., and Heer, O.—1867. 

—— 1868. Flora Fossilis Arctica.—-I.- Die fossile Flora der Polarlinder 
enthaltend die in Nordgronland, auf der Melville-Insel, im Banks- 
Jand, am Mackenzie, in Island und Spitzbergen entdeckten fossilen 
Pflanzen. Pp. 1-192, pls. i-l.  Ziirich. 

—— 18694. Beitrage zur Kreide-Flora—I. Flora von Moletein in. 
Mahren: Neue Denkschr. allgem. schweizerisch. Ges. Naturwiss., 
vol. 23, pp. 1-24, pls. i-xi. 

-—- 1870. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of North Greenland, being 
a Description of the Plants collected by Mr, Edward Whymper 
during the swnmer of 1867: Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., 
vol. 159, pp. 445-488, pls. xxxix-lvi (Miocene plants). [Flora 
Fossilis Arctica, vol. 2.] 

-—— 18704. Die Miocene Flora und. Fauna Spitzbergens: K. Svensk. 
Vet.-Akad. Handl., vol. 8, pp. 1-98, pls. i-xvi. 

—-- 1871. Forutskickade anmarkningar 6fver Nordgrénlands Kritflora, 
grundade p& den svenska expeditionens upptickter, 1870: Ofvers,' 
K. Svensk. Vet.-Akad., vol. 28, pp. 1175-1184. 

—- 1871a. Beitrage zur Kreide-Flora—II. Zur Kreide-Flora yon 
Quedlinburg: Neue Denkschr. allgem. schweiz. Ges, gesammt, 
Naturwiss., vol. 24, pp. 1-15, pls. i-iii. 

-— 18718. Mittheilungen an Professor H. B. Geinitz: Neues Jahrb. f. 
Min., pp. 894-395. 


Hur, O,—1872. Vorliufige Bemerkungen titber die Kreideflora Nordgrén- 

lands, gegriindet auf die Entdeckungen der schwedischen Ex- 
pedition vom Jahre 1870: Zeitschr. deutsch. geol, Ges., vol. 24, 
pp. 155-164. [Translation of Heer, 1871.] 

1874.4. Die Kreide-Flora der Arctischen Zone, gegriindet auf die 
von den Schwedischen Expeditionen von 1870 und 1872 in Grén- 
land und Spitzbergen gesammelten Pflanzen: K. Svensk. Vet.- 
Akad. Handl., vol. 12, pp. 1-138, pls. i-xxxviii, [Flora Fossilis 
Arctica, vol. 3.] 

1874 8. Beitrige zur Steinkohlen-Flora der Arctischen Zone: K. 
Svensk. Vet-Akad. Handl., vol. 12, pp. 1-11, pls. i-vi [p. 8, 
pls. v, vi for Cretaceous plants]. [Flora Fussilis Arctica, vol. 3.] 

1874 c. Ueber Ginkgo Thunberg : Gartenflora, vol. 23, pp. 260-262, 
pl. lecevii. 

1876 a. Beitrage zur fossilen Flora Spitzbergens, gegriindet auf die 
Sammlungen der Schwedischen Expedition von Jahre 1872 auf 
1873: K. Svensk, Vet.-Akad. Handl., vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1-141, 
pls. i-xxxii [pp. 48-50 for Cretaceous plants]. [Flora Fossilis 
Arctica, vol. 4, pt. 1.] 

1876 B. Ueber fossile Friichte der Oase Chargeh: Neue Denkschr. 
allgem. schweiz, Ges, gesammt. Naturwiss., vol. 27, pp. 1-11, 

1876 ¢, Beitrige zur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes: 
Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. 22, ne. 12, 
pp. 1-122, pls. i-xxxi. [Flora Fossilis Arctica, vol. 4, pt. 2.] 

1877. Flora Fessilis Helvetie, Die Vorweltliche Flora der Schweiz. 
Dritte Lieferung. Die Pflanzen des Jura (Fortsetzung), der Kreide 
und des Eocen. Pp, 101-182, pls, xlv-lxx. Ziirich. 

1877 4. Beitrage zur fossilen Flora Spitzbergens, mit einem 
Anhang—Uebersicht der Geologie des Kisfiordes und des 
Bellsundes von Prof. A. E. Nordenskidld: Flora  Fossilis 
Arctica, vol. 4, pt. 1, pp. 1-141, pls. inxxxil. 

1878. Beitrige zur fossilen Flora Sibiriens ynd des Amurlandes: 
Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol, 25, no. 6, pp. 1-38, 
pls. i-xv. [Flora Fossilis Arctica, vol. 5, pt. 2] 

1880. Beitrage zur Miocenen Flora von Nord-Canada; Flora Fossilis 
Arctica, vol, 6, pt. 1, no. 3, pp. 1-17, pls. i-iii. 

1880. Nachtrage zur Jura-Flora Sibiriens : Mém. Acad, Imp, Sci. 
St. Pétersbourg, vol. 27, no, 10, pp. 1-34, pls. i-ix. 

1880 8. Nachtrige zur fossilen Flora Grénlands; K. Svensk. Vet.- 
Akad. Handl., vol, 18, no. 2, pp. 1-17, pls. i-vi. 

1881. Contributions & la Flore fossile du Portugal; Comm. Serv. 
Geol. Portugal, pp. xiv, 51, pls. i-xxvill & A. 

1882. Die fossile Flora Gronlands, I: Flora Fossilis Arctica, vol, 6, 
pt. 2, pp. 1-112, pls, i-xlvii. 

1883.4. Die fossile Flora Grénlands, II: Flora Fossilis Arctica, 
vol. 7, pp. 1-275, pls. xlviii-cix & map [see Section 1, Die Flora 

der Patootschichten, pp. 1-46]. 


Heer, O.—1883 n. Flora fossilis Grgnlandica. Afbildinger af Grgnlands 
fossile Flora; Meddelelser om Grouland, vol. 5, pls. i-cix & map 
[plates reprinted in Flora Fossilis Arctica, vols. 6, 7]. 

Hitpesranp, F.—1861. Die Verbreitung der Coniferen in der Jetztzeit und 
in den fritheren geologischen Perioden: Verhandl, naturhist. 
Ver. preuss. Rheinl., vel. 18, pp. 199-884, pls. i-iv. 

Hitt, R. T.—1893. Paleontology of the Cretaceous Formations of Texas— 
the Invertebrate Paleontology of the Trinity Division: Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 8, pp. 9-40, pls. i-viii [seo p. 39, 
pl. i]. 

—- 18954. On Outlying Areas of the Comanche Series in Kansas, 
Oklaboma, and New Mexico: Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 50, 
pp. 205-234. 

—- 1895.8. Discovery of a Dicotyledonous Flora in the Cheyenne Sand- 
stone: Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 49, p. 473. 

—— 1901. Geography and Geology of the Black aud Grand Prairies, 
Texas, with detailed descriptions of the Cretaceous Formations: 
2lst Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. for 1899-1900 [see pp. 314—- 
318 for Knowlton’s Report]. 

Hint, W.—1900. See Juxus-Browns, A. J., and Hitt, W.—1900. 

Hisincer, W.—1837. Lethwa Srecica seu Petrificata Svecia, Iconibus et 
Characteribus Illustrata. Pp. 1-124, pls. i-xxxiv, & pls. xxxv— 
xxxix supplement. Stockholm. 

Hocusrerrer, F. voy.—1866. See Unorr, F.—1866. 

Hormayy, H.—1884. Untersuchungen itber fossile Holzer: Zeitschr, 
gesammt. Naturwiss., vol. 57, pp. 156-195. 

Houicx, A.—1892 a. The Palwontology of the Cretaceous Formation on 
Staten Island: Trans. New York Acad. Sci., vol. 11, pp. 96-104, 
pls. i-iv. . 

*—— 1892 8. Additions to the Cretaceous Flora of Staten Island: Proce, 
Nat. Sci. Assoc. Staten Island [not seen]. 

—— 1893. Additions to the Paleobotany of the Cretaceous Formations on 
Staten Island: Trans. New York Acad. Sci., vol. 12, pp. 28-39, 
pls. i-iv. 

— 1893 a. Preliminary Contributions to our Knowledge of the Creta- 
ceous Formation on Long Island and Eastwards: Trans. New 
York Acad. Sci., vol. 12, pp. 222-237, pls. v—vii. 

—— . 18938. A New Fossil Palm from the Cretaceous Formation of Glen 
Cove, Long Island: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 20, pp. 168, 169, 
pl. exlix. 

— 1893 c. Plant Distribution as ‘a Factor in the Interpretation of 

: Geological Phenomena, with special reference to Long Island and 
Vicinity : Trans. New York Acad. Sci., vol. 12, pp. 189-202. 

—— 1893 p. Some further Notes upon Serenopsis Kempii: Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Club, pp. 334-335, pl. elxvi. 

— 18944. Additions to the Palxobotany of the Cretaceous Formation 
on Long Island: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 21, pp. 49-65, 
pls. clxxiv—clxxx, 


Houxicx, A.—1894 8. Fossil Salvinias, including Description of a new 

Species: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 21, pp. 253-257, pl. eev. 

1894 c. Some further Notes on the Geology of the North Shore 
of Long Island : Trans. New York Acad. Sci., vol. 13, pp. 122-130, 

1894 p. A New Fossil Nelwmbo from the Laramie Group at 
Florence, Colo.: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 21, pp. 307- 

1894 5. Wing-like Appendages on the Petioles of Liriophyllum 
populoides, Lesq., and Liriodendron alatum, Newb., with Descrip- 
tions of the latter: Bull. Torray Bot. Club, vol. 21, pp. 467-471, 
pls. cexx, cexxi. 

1895. Lescriptions of New Leaves from the Cretaceous (Dakota 
Group) of Kansas: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 22, pp, 225-228, 
pls. eexxxvi-cexxxvil. 

1896 a. Martha’s Vineyard Cretaceous Plants: Bull. Geol. Soe. 
Amer., vol. 7, pp. 12-14. 

1896 8. Appendages to the Petioles of Liriodendra: Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Club, vol. 23, pp. 249, 250, pls. celxix, eclxx. 

1896 c. Recent Additions to the Cretaceous Fossil Flora of 
Staten Island: Proc. Nat. Sci. Assoc. Staten Island, vol. 6 
[not seen]. 

1897. Notice of finding a Moriconia cyclotoxolon in Staten Island: 
Proc, Nat. Sci. Assoc. Staten Island, vol. 6, p. 30 [not seen]. 

1898 a. Notes on Block Island: Ann. New York Acad. Sci., vol. 11, 
pp. 55-72, pls. ii-ix. 

1898 8. Additions to the Palexobotany of the Cretaceous Formation 
on Staten Island (New York), no. II.: Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 
vol. 11, pp. 415-430, pls. xxxvi-xxxviii. 

1898 c. Geological Notes. Long Island and Block Island: Trans. 
New York Acad. Sci., vol. 16, pp. 9-18. [See also Newsrrry, J. 8. 

1898 pb. ae Cretaceous Clay Marl Exposure at Clifford, N.J.: 
Trans. New York Acad. Sci., vol. 16, pp. 896-7, 124-136, 
pls. xi-xiv. 

1899. Some Features of the Drift on Staten Island, N.Y.: Ann. 
New York Acad. Sci, vol. 12, pp. 91-102, pl. i. 

1902. Fossil Forms from the Laramie Group of Colorado: Torreya, 
vol. 2, pp. 145-148, pls. iii, iv. 

1903. A fossil Petal and a fossil Fruit from the Cretaceous 
(Dakota Group) of Kansas: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 30, 
pp. 102-105, 

1908 a. Geological and Botanical Notes: Cape Cod and Chappa- 
quidick Island, Mass.: Bull. New York Bot. Garden, vol. 2, 
pp- 381-407, pls. xl, xli. 

#—— 1904. A Recent Discovery of Amber and other Fossil Plant 

Remains at Kreischerville: Proc. Nat. Sci. Assoc. Staten Island, 
vol. 9, pp. 81, 32 [not seen]. 


Voutcn, A.—1905 4. The Occurrence and Origin of Amber in the Bastern 
United States: Amer, Nat., vol. 39, pp. 137-145, pls. i-iii. 

— 1905. A Recent Discovery of Amber on Staten Island: Journ. 
New York Bot. Gurden, vol. 6, no. 63, pp. 45-48, text-figs. 
14, 15. 

-—— 1905, Additions to the Paleobotany of the Cretaceous Formation 
of Long Island, no. TI.: Bull, New York Bot. Garden, vol. 3, 
pp. 4038-418, pls. Ixx—lxxix. 

*-— 1905 p. Forest Fires in the Cretaceous of Staten Island: Proc. 
Nat. Sci. Assoc. Staten Island, vol. 9, pp. 35-36 [not seen]. 

-— 19064. The Cretaceous Flora of Southern New York and New 
England: Mon. U.S. Geol. Surv., no. 50, pp. 1-219, pls, i-xl. 

-— 1906 8. See Houtice and Jerrrey.—1906. 

*—— 1906 c. Insect Borings in Cretaceous Lignite from Kisiecherville? 
Prue. Nat. Sci. Assoc. Staten Island, vol. 10, pp. 23, 24 [not seen]. 
*—— 1908. Chemical Analysis of Cretaceous Amber from Kreischerville : 

Proc. Nat. Sci. Assoc. Staten Island, vol. 12, p. 34. 
and Jnrrrey, E, O.-—1906. Affinities of certain Cretaceous Plant- 
Remains commouly referred to the genera Dammara and Brachy- 
phyllum: Amer. Nat., vol. 40, pp. 189-204, pls. i-iv. 
and Jxrrrrey, E, C.—1909. Studies of Cretaceous Coniferous 
Remains from Kreischerville, New York: Mem. New York Bot, 
Garden, vol. 3, pp. 1-76, pls. i-xxix. 
Hom, T.—1890. Notes on the Leaves of Liriodendron: Proc. U.S, Nat. 
Mus., vol. 13, pp. 15-35, pls. iv—ix. 
— 1895. On the Validity of some Fossil Species of Liriodendron: Bot. 
Gazette, vol. 20, pp. 312-316, pl. xxiii. 
—— 1896. Remarks upon Paleohillia, a problematic Fossil Plant: Bot. 
Gazette, vol. 21, pp. 207-209, pl. xvii. 
Hoxzarrer, B.—1884. Ueber einige wichtige Mollusken der Aachener 
Kreide: Zeitschr, deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. 86. pp. 454-484. 
— 1885. Ueber die Fauna des Aachener Sandes und seine Aequiva- 
lente: Zeitschr. deutsch. geul. Ges., vol. 37, pp. 595-609. 
Hostvs, A.—1870. Beitrige zur Geognosie Westfalens.—Die westfalischen 
Kreideformation vorkommenden Pflanzenreste: Neues Jahrb. f. 
_Min., pp. 381, 382, 
— 18704. Ueber einige Dicotyledonen der westtalischen Kreidefurma- 
tion: Palxontogr., vol. 17, pp. 89-104, pls. xii—xvii. 
and Marcg, W. von pEk.— 1880. Die Flora der westlalischen Kreide- 
formation: Paleontogr., vol. 26, pp. 126-241, pls. sxiv—xliv. 
1885. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Pflanzen 
und Fische aus der Kreide Westfalens: Palwontogr., vol. 31, 
pp. 225-232, pls. xix, xx. 
Hovevacaun, M.—1889. Sur la nature végétale de I’ Aachenosaurus (résumé): 
Bull. Soc. belge Géol., vol. 38, pp. 505, 506. 
— 1890. Sur la nature végétale de I Aachenosaurus multidens, A. Smets: 
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Hovevacque, M., and Kintay.—1900. Album de Microphotographies de 
Roches sédimentaires. Pp. 1-14, pls. i-Ixix. 
Hertoy, W.—1831-1837. See Linpuzy and Hurron. 

Tporyes, J. P.—1899, See Haauz, A., ef alii.—1899. 

Ives, J. C_—1861. Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored 
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Senate, 36th Congross. Ex. Doc. order of Sec. of War. 

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gerode am Harz, nebst Bemerkungen tber die Steinkohlen-Forma- 
tion in der Grafschaft Hohenstein. Pp. 1-118, pls. i-iv. 

Jevrray, E, C.—1906 8. The Wound Reactions of Brachyphyllum: Ann. 
Bot., vol. 20, pp. 383-394, pls. xxvii, xxviii. 

—— 1906 c. See Houiick and Jerrrey.—l906. 

—— 1907. Araucariopitys,a new genus of Araucarians: Bot. Gazette, 
vol, 44, pp. 435-444, pls. xxviii-xxx, 

—— 1908. On the Structure of the Leaf in Cretaceous Pines: Ann. Bot., 
vol. 22, pp. 207-220, pls. xiii, xiv. 

— 1909. See Hoxiick and Jurrrey,—1909. 

-—— 19104. On the Affinities of the genus Yezonia: Ann. Bot., vol. 24, 
pp. 767-773, 1 pl. 

—— 19108. New Prepinus from Martha’s Vineyard: Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., vol. 34, pp. 1-6, pls. i-iv. 

—— 1910c. A New Prepinus from Martha’s Vineyard : Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., vol. 34, pp. 833-3388, pl. xxxiii. 

— and Cnrysuer, M. A.—1906. On Cretaceous Pityoxyla: Bot. 
Gazette, vol. 42, pp. 1-15, pls. i, ii. 

Jounston, R. M.—1896. Further Contributions to the History of the 
Fossil Flora of Tasmania: Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania for 1894-5, 
pp. 57-63, & 5 pls. 

Joxes, T. R.—1862. Trails, Tracks, and Surface-markings: Geologist, 
vol. 5, pp. 128-139, pl. vii. 

JuKes-Browne, A. J., and Hint, W.—1900. The Cretaceous Rocks of 
Britain.—Vol. I. The Gault and Upper Greensand of England : 
Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, pp. 1-499. 

Kerner, F.—1896. Kreidepflanzen von Lesina: Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs- 
anst., vol. 45, pp. 37-58, pls. i-v. 

Kursuaw, E. M.—1910. A Fossil Solenostelic Fern: Ann. Bot., vol. 24, 

pp. 684-691, pl. lviii, text-fig. 

1910 a. See Srorrs and Krrsuaw.—1910. 

Kinston, R., and Gwynne-Vaueuan, D: T.--1908. On the Fossil Osmun- 
dace: Trans, Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. 45, pp. 759-780, pls. i-vi 
[issued separately, 1907]. 

Know.ton, F. H.—1889. ‘he Fossil Wood and Lignites of the Potomao 
Formation: Amer. Geologist, vol. 3, pp. 99-106. 



Kyowtron, F. H.—1889 a. Fossil Wood and Lignite from the Potomac 

Formation: Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv., no. 56, pp. 11-72, pls. i-vii. 
1889 . Description of two New Species of Fossil Coniferous Wood 

1889 c. See Lesquerzux, L. —1889. 

1890, A Revision of the Genus Araucarioxylon of Kraus, with 
compiled Descriptions and partial Synonymy of the Species : Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., vl. 12, pp. 601-617. 

1892. See Lesquurnux, L.—1892. 

1893. See Wuep and Knownrow.—1893. 

1893 a. Description of a New Fossil Species of Chara: Bot. Gazette, 
vol. 18, pp. 141, 142, text-figs. 

1893 c. Bread-fruit Trees in North America: Science, vol. 21, 
pp. 24-25. 

1893p. See Weep and Know.ron.—1893. 

1895. Description of a New problematical Plant from the Lower 
Cretaceous of Arkansas: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 22, 
pp. 887-390, text-figs. 

1805 a, in R. T. Hiru.—1895 a. Report upon a small Collection of 
Fossil Plants from Black Hills, near Belvidere, Kansas, collected 
by Prof. R. T. Hill, in August, 1894: Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, 
vol. 50, pp. 212-214. 

1886. The Fossil Plauts of the Denver Basin: Mon. U.S. Geol. 
Surv., no. 27, pp. 446-473. See Eumons et ali?.—1896. 

1896 a. American Amber-producing ‘l'ree: Science, n. s., vol. 3, 
pp. 582-584, text-figs. 1-4. 

1897. See Sranton, T. W., and Know.ton, F. H.—1897. 

1898. A Catalogue of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Plants of North 
America: Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv., no. 152, pp. 1-247. 

1898 a. Description of Pityoaylon Hollicki, n. sp. See Houuicx, A. 
—1898 a, 

1899 s. Fossil Flora of the Yellowstone National Park: Mon. U.S. 
Geol. Surv., no, 32, pt. ii, pp. 651-791, pls. Ixxvii-cxxi. See 
Hagurg, A., & alii, 

1900 a. Flora of the Montana Formation: Bull. U.S, Geol. Surv., 
no. 168, pp. 1-77. pls. i-xix. 

1900 B, Preliminary Report on a Collection of Fossil Plants from 
the vicinity of Winthrop, Methow Valley, Northern Cascade 
Mountains, Washington, made by Prof. I. C. Russell, September 4, 
1898: 20th Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., pt. 2, pp. 117-118. See 
Russi, I. C.—1900. 

1901. Reports on Fossil Plants from the Woodbine Formation: 
21st Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., pt. 7, pp. 314-818, pl. xxxix. 

1905. Fossil Plants of the Judith River Beds: Bull. U.S. Geol. 

Surv., no. 257, pp. 129-155, pls. xiv-xix. See also Srayron and 
Harcuer.— 1905, : 


Knowtton, F. H.--1907. Description of a Collection of Kootanie Plants 
from the Great Falls Coal Field of Montana: Smithsonian 
Miscell. Coll., vol. 50, pp. 105-127, pls. xi-xiv. 
190%. Description of New Fossil Liverwort from the Fort Union 
of Montana: Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 35, pp. 157-159, pl. xxv. 
—— 1908. See Ditirr.—1908. 
—— 1909. The Stratigraphic Relations and Paleontology of the “ Hill 
Creek Beds,” “ Ceratops Beds,” and equivalents, and their Refer- 
exce to the Fort Union Formation: Proc. Washington Acad. 
Sci., vol. 11, pp. 179-238. 
—— 1910. Succession and Range of Mesozoic and Tertiary Floras: Journ. 
Geol., vol. 18, pp. 105-116. 
Krasser, F,—1889. Ueber die fossilen Pfanzenreste der Kreideformatiou 
in Mabren: Verhandl. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 39, pp. 31-34. 
— 1896. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Kreideflora von Kron- 
stadt in Mahren: Beitr. Paliont. Geol. Osterreich-Ungarns, vol. 
10, pp. 113-152, pls. xi--xvii. 
— 19806 4. Ueber die fossile Kreideflora von Griinbach in Niederdster- 
reich: Anzeig. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 43, pp. 41-43. 

and Kusart.—1906 s. Vorlaiufige Bericht ueber die Fossilen Flora 
von Moletein in Mahren: Anzeig. k, Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 43, 
pp. 46-47. 

Kerstes, J.—1858. Kounicka skala : Ziva, vol. 1, p. 28, pls. i, ii. 

Krexpowsk1J, M.—1880. Beschreibung fossiler Baume hauptsichlich aus 
dem Suden Russlands.—I, II: Arbeiten Naturf.-Ges. k. Univ. 
Charkow, vol. 13, pp. 263-294, pls. i, ii. [In Russian, ref. by 
Winkler, Bot. Centralbl., vol. 6, 1881, pp. 415-417.] 

Kusarr.—1906. See Krassur and Kuparr.—1906 z. 

Korrz, F.—1902, Contribuciones 4 la Paleophytologia Argentina.—III : 
Sobre la existencia de una Dakota-Flora en la Patagonia Austro- 
Occidental: Revista Mus. La Plata, vol. 10, pp. 43-59. 

Lamurz, E.—1894. Ueber neue Fundorte der subhercynischen Flora: 
Zeitschr. f. gesammt, Naturwiss., vol. 67, pp. 193-198. 

Lamptuen, G. W., and Warker, J. F.—1903. On a Foasiliferous Band at 
the Top of the Lower Greensand near Leighton Buzzard (Bedford- 
shire): Quart, Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 59, pp. 234-265, pls. xvi-xviii. 

Lancz, T.—1890. Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Flora des Aachener Sandes : 
Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. 42, pp. 658--676, pls. xxxii-xxxiv. 

Lavrent, L.—-1899. Thése—Flore des caleaires de Célas: Ann. Mus. 
d’Hist. Nat. Marseille, ser. 2, Bull., vol. 1, fasc. 2, pp. 1-148, 
pls. i-xiv, & 3 maps. 

—— 1898. See Manton, A. F., and Lavrenr, L.— 1898. 

—— 1907. Les Progrés de la Paléobotanique Angiospermique dans la 
derniére décade: Progress, Rei But, vol. 1, pp. 319-367. 
Lericuz, M.—1909. Sur les Fossiles de la Craig phosphatée de la Picardie, 
a Actinocamax quadratus: Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., sess. 57, 

year 1908, pp. 494-503, text-figs. 


Lesqugrevx, L.—1859. On Fossil Plants collected by Dr. John Evans at 
Vancouver Island and at Bellingham Bay, Washington Territory ; 
in a letter from L. Lesquereux to J. D. Dana, dated Columbus, 
Ohio, May 12, 1859: also in Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 27, 
pp. 360-362. 

—— 1860. Note on Prof. Newberry’s criticisms of Prof. Heer’s deter- 
mination of Species of North American Fossil Plants: Amer. 
Journ, Sci., ser. 2, vol. 29, pp. 484-436. 

—— 1868. On some Cretaceous Fossil Plants from Nebraska: Aimer. 
Journ. Sci. ser. 2, vol. 46, pp. 91-105. 

— 1868a. In Hayden’s Notes on the Lignite Deposits of the West: 
Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 45, pp. 205-208. 

—— 1869. On Species of Forest Plants from the Tertiary of the State of 
Mississippi [Appendix on Cretaceous Plants, pp. 430-433]: Trans. 
Amer. Phil, Soc., vol. 18, pp. 411-433, pls. xiv—xxiii. 

—— 1871. On the Fossil Plants of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Forma- 
tions of Kansas and Nebraska : Hayden’s Prelim. Rep. U.S. Geol. 
Surv. Wyoming, pp. 370-385. 

— 1872. Fossil Flora: Hayden’s Prelim. Rep, U.S. Geol. Surv. Mon- 
tana, pp. 283-304. 

— 1873. Lignitic Formation and Fossil Flora: Hayden’s 6th Ann. 
Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., pp. 317-428. 

— 1874. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. 
—I, The Cretaceous Flora: Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., vol. 6, 
pp. 1-133, pls, i-xxx. 

—— 18764. New Species of Fossil Plants from the Cretaceous Formation 
of the Dakota Group: Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., ser. 2, no. 5, 
pp. 891-400. 

— 1876 x. A Review of the Cretaceous Flora of North America: Ann. 
Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., for 1874, pp. 316-365, pls. i-viii. 

—— 1876 c. On some New Species of Fossil Plants from the Lignitic 
Formations: Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., ser. 2, no. 5, pp. 363- 
389; also Ann. Rep. for 1874, pp. 296-315. 

— 1878 a. Remarks on Specimens of Cretaceous and Tertiary Plants 
secured by the Survey in 1877; with a List of the Species 
hitherto deseribed: Tenth Ann, Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., 
for 1876, pp. 481-520. 

—— 1878 B. Coutributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Terri- 
tories.—II. The Tertiary Flora: Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., 
vol. 7, pp. 1-366, pls. i-lxv. 

—— 1878 c. See Newzerry, J. S.—1878. ; 

—— 1882. Remarks on the Cretaceous and Tertiary Flora of the 
Western Territories : Amer. Nat., vol. 16, pp. 102-108. 

——- 1883. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. 
III. The Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras: Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. 
Territ., vol. 8, pp. 1-283, pls. i-lix. 

— 1884. Report on the Recent Additions of Fossil Plants: Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool. Harvard,.vol. 7, pp. 225-230, 


Lusquzreux, L,—1889, Recent Determinations of Fossil Plants from 
Kentucky, Lousiana, Oregon, California, Alaska, Greenland, etc., 
with descriptions of new Species (posthumous work edited by 
Knowlton): Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 11, pp. 11-38, pls. iv—xvi. 

—— 1892. The Flora of the Dakota Group (edited by Knowlton): Mon. 
U.S. Geol. Surv., no. 17, pp. 1-286, pls. i-Ixvi. 

—— 1893. The Genus Winchellia: Amer. Geologist, vol. 12, pp. 209-213, 
pls. viii, ix. 

—— 1895. Cretaceous Fossil Plants from Minnesota: Minnesota Geol, 
and Nat. Hist. Survey, Final Rep., 1885-1892, vul. 3, pt. i (Palw- 
ontology), pp. 1-22, pls. A, B. 

Lixsus, A.—1901. Ueber ein fossiles Holz aus der Sandablagerung 
Sulawa bei Radotin: Sitzb. deutsch. naturwiss.-mediz, Verein. 
Béhmen, Lotos, n.s., vol. 21, pp. 15-18. 

Liexier, O.—1907. Végétaux fossiles de Normandie.—IV. Bois Divers. 
(1® série): Mém, Soc. Linn. Normandie, vol. 22, pp. 289-332, 
pls. xvii-xxiii. . 

Lima, W. pe.—1901. Noticia sobre alguns vegetaes fosseis da flora 
senoniana (sensu lato) do solo Portuguez: Comm. Serv. Geol. 
Portugal, vol. 4, pp. 1-12, 

Linpiey, J., and Hurrox, W.—1831-37. The Forsil Flora of Great 
Britain ; or, Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains 
found in a fossil state in this Country. Vol. J, pp. 218, pls. lxxix; 
vol. 2, pp. 208, pls. lxxx-clvi; vol. 3, pp. 230, pls. clvii-ccxxx. 
London, 1831-37. 

Lorenz, J., von Linurnav.—1897. Eine fossile Halimeda aus dem Flysch 
yon Muntige (Monticulus) bei Salzburg: Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, vol. 106, pp. 174-177, pls. i, ii. 

—— 1901. Zur Deutung der fossilen Fucoiden-Gattungen Tenidium und 
Gyrophyllites: Denkschr. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 70, pp. 523- 
583, pls. i-iv, text-figs. 

—— 1902. Erginzung zur Beschreibung der fossilen Halimeda Fuggeri : 
Sitzb. k, Akad, Wiss, Wien, vol. 111, pp. 685-712, pl. ii. 

Lorenz, T.—1902. Geologische Studien im Grenzgebiele zwischen 
helvetischer und ostalpiner Facies: Bericht. Naturforsch. Ges. 
Freiberg, vol. 12, pp. 1-61 (34-94), pls. i-ix. 

Lupwie, R.—1861. Fossile Pflanzen aus der 4ltesten Abtheilung der 
Rheinisch-Wetterauer Tertiar-Formation: Paleontogr., vol. 8, 
pp. 39-154, pls. vi-lx. 

Lypexker, R.—1889. See Boutenanr, G. A., and Lypexxer, R.—1889. 

Lyx tt, C.--1834. See Murciison and Lyevy.—1834. 

Maas, G.—1895, Die untere Kreide des subhercynet: Quadersandstein 
Gebirges: Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. vol. 47, pp. 227-302, 
pls. v-ix. [For plants in Neocomian and Gault, see pp. 275 
and 282.] 

Mack, 8. J.--1862 4. Some Fossil Fruits from the Chalk: Geologist, 
vol. 5, pp. 1-4, pl. i. 


Macuir, 8. J—1862 8. The “ Dragon-Tree”’ of the Kentish Rag : Geologist, 
vol. 5, pp. 401-404, pl. xxii. 
Mariiarp, G.—1887. Considératicns sur Jes fossiles décrits comme 
algues: Mém. Soc. paléont. Suisse, vol. 24, pp. 2-40, pls. i-v. 
Mauuoizet, G.--1887. Oswald Heer, Bibliographie et Tables Icono- 
graphiques. Précédé d'une Notice biographique par R. Zeiller. 
Pp. 176, and portrait. Stockholm. 
Manre.t, G. AA—1822. The Fossils of the South Downs, or Illustrations 
of the Geology of Sussex. Pp. 327, pls. xi, & map. London. 
— 1827. Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex: containing a general 
view of the geological relations of the South-Eastern Part of 
England; with Figures and Descriptions of the Fossils of the 
Vilgate Forest. Pp. 92, pls. xx, & map. London. 
—— 1833. The Geology of the South-East of England. Pp. 415, 
pls. v, & map. London. 
—— 1835. A Tabular Arrangement of the Organic Remains of the 
County of Sussex: Trans. Geol. Soc., ser. 2, vol. 3, pp. 201-216 
[Issued separately in 1829.] 
—— 1843. Description of some Fossil Fruits from the Chalk Formation 
of the South-East of England: Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. 4, pp. 34, 35. 
—— 1844. The Medals of Creation; or first lessons in Geology and in the 
Study of Organic Remains, 2 vols. Pp. 1016, pls. vi. London, 
— 16846. Description of some Fossil Fruits from the Chalk Formation 
of the South-East of England: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe., vol. 2, 
pp. 51-54, pl. ii. 
—-— 1847. Geological Excursions round the Isle of Wight and along the 
adjacent Coast of Dorsetshire. Pp. 428, text-illust. London. 
— 1851. Petrifactions and their Teachings; or, a Handbook to the 
Gallery of Organic Remains of the British Museum, Pp. 496, 
text-illust. London. 
1854. The Medals of Creation, ed. 2: 2 vols. Pp. 930. London. 
Manck, W. von prr.— 1864. Fossile Fische, Krebse und Pflanzen aus dem 
Plattenkalk der jiingsten Kreide in Westphalen: Palwontogr., 
vol. 11 [plants, pp. 77-88, pl. xiii]. 
Matix, V.—190]. Prispevek K floré teského Cenomanu: Rospravy Ceske 
Akad. Cisare Praze, vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 1-16, pls. i, ii. 
Manton, A. ¥.—1873. See Sarorra and Marton.—1873. 
--— 1878. See Sarorra and Marton.—1878. 
— 1885. See Sarorra and Marron.—1885. 
— 1890. Sur la Flore turonienne des Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhéne) : 
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 110, pp. 1052-1055. 
—— 18904. See Vasszur, G.—1890. ; 
and Laurent, L,.—1898. Examen d’une Collection de Végétaux fossiles 
de Roumanie: Anuar. Mus. Gevl. Paleont. Bucharest for 1895, 
pp. 187-227, pls. i, ii. 
Martin, K.—1890. Untersuchungen tiber den Bau von Orbidclina von 
Borneo: Samml. geol, Reichsmus. Leiden, ser. 1, vol. 4, pp. 211- 
231, pls. xxiv, xxv. 


Manrin, K.—1901.  Lithothamnium in eretaceischen und jiingeren Ablager- 
ungen tropischer Inseln: Centralbl. f. Min., 1901, pp. 161-165. 

Martius, C.—-1822. De plantis nonnullis antediluvianis ope specierum 
inter tropicos viventium illustrandis: Denkschr. k. bot. Ges. 
Regensburg, vol. 2, pp. 121-147, pl. ii. 

Massatonco, A.—1855, Zoophycos, novum genus plantarum fussilium. 
Pp. 52, pls. iii. Verona. 

—— 1856. Studii Paleontologici. Pp. 53, pls. vii. Verona. 

—— 1857. Vorliufige Nachricht iiber die neueren paliontologischen 
Entdeckungen am Monte Bolea: Neues Jahrb. f. Min., pp. 775- 

McBrivg, T. H.—1893. A New Cycad: Amer. Geologist, vol. 12, pp. 248- 
250, pl. xi. 

Mees, F. B., and Haypgn, F. V.—1859. Remarks on the Lower Cretaceous 
Beds of Kansas and Nebraska, together with Descriptions of some 
New Species of Carboniferous Fossils from the Valley of Kansas 
River [with letter by Heer]: Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
1858, pp. 286-266. 

— 1859s. On the so-called Triassic Rocks of Kansas and Nebraska. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 27, pp. 31-85. 

— 1859c. Remarks on the Lower Cretaceous Beds of Kansas and 
Nebraska : Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 27, pp. 219-227, text-figs. 

Muszez, P.—1908. Fossile Koniferen aus der Kreide- und Braunkohlen- 
formation Nordbéhmens: Abhandl. naturwiss. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 
pp. 27-82, pl. ii. 

—— 1909. Fossile Pflanzenreste aus den Mungo-Schichten in Kamerun: 
Abhandl. k. preuss. gcol. Tandesanst., vol. 62, pp. 399-404, 
pl. ii. 

Merci, C. EF. von.—1852. Prospectus der paliontologischen Pflanzen- 
wiberreste in Russland, so wie ihrer Erforschung: Bull. Acad. 
Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. 10, pp. 373-384. 

—— 1853. Verzeichniss aller in Russland bis jetzt (November 1852) 
aufgefundener, beschriebener, unbeschriebener oder zweifelhalter 
fossiler Pflanzen: Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, vol. 11, 
pp. 800-305. 

— 1855. Paleodendrologikon Rossicum—Vergleichende anatomisch- 
inikroskopische Untersuchungen fossiler Hélzer aus Russland: 
Preisschrift k. Akad. Wiss. 8, Petersburg. Pp. 99, with Atlas, 

e _ pls. xx. 

Mernitz, G. P.—1907. Catalogue of the Type and Figured Specimens of 
Fossils, Minerals, Rocks and Ores in the Department of Geology, 
United States National Museum: Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no, 53 
[for plants see pp. 87-340]. 

Mescuinetir, A.--1892. Fungi fossiles: in P. A. Saccardo’s Sylloge 
Fungorum omnium hucusque cogniturum, vol. 10, Suppl. univ., 
pp. 741-808. Patuavii. 

— 1895. Fungi fossiles: in Saccardo, op. cit., vol. 11, pp. 657-659, 


Mesciiweur, A.—-1902, Fungoram fossilium omnium hucusque cognitorum 
Iconographia, Pp. 144, pls. xxi. Vicetias, 

Minter, 8. A—1881. North American Mesozoic and Czenozoic Geology and 
Palxontology [reprinted from Proc. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist.]. 

Miqumn, F. AA—1853. De fossiele Planten van het Krijt in bet Hertogdom 
Limburg: Verhandl. geol. Kaart. Nederl., vol. 1, pp. 35-56, 
pls. i-vii. 

—— 1861. Prodromus Systematis Cycadearum. Pp. 36. Amsterdam. 

Morris, J.—1854. A Catalogue of British Fossils. Ed. 2. Pp. 372 
[plants, pp. 1-26]. London, 

Morton, 8S. G.—1832. On the Analogy which exists between the Marl of 
New Jersey and the Chalk Formation of Europe: Amer. Journ. 
Sci., vol. 22, pp. 90-95, 

Movenor, A.—1844. See Scnimrer and Mouvgror.—1844, ; 

Movrtox, M.—1881. Géologie de la Belgique. Vol. 2. Pp. 384. Paris 
and Bruxelles, 

Mounter-Cuatmas, M.—1877. Observations sur les Algues calcaires appart- 
enant au groupe des Siphonées verticillées et confondues avec les 
Foraminiféres: Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 85, pp. 814- 
817, text-figs. 

—— 1879. Observations sur les Algues calcaires confondues avec les 
Foraminiféres et appartenant au groupe des Siphonées dichotomes : 
Bull. Soc. géol. France, ser. 3, vol. 7, pp. 661-670. 

Murcuisoy, R. I.—18335. See Sepawicx, A., and Murcmnison, R. I.— 

Naruonsr, A. G.—1874. Om n&gra fonnodade viixtfossilier: Osvers. K. 
Svensk, Vet.-Akad, Férhandl., year 30, no. 9, pp. 25-52, pls. xv—xix. 

— 188la. Berittelse, afgifven till Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademien, om 
en med understéd af allminna medel ut{érd vetenskaplig resa till 
Schweiz och Tyskland: Ofvers, K. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Férhandl., 
year 38, no, 1, pp. 61-84, pl. i. 

—— 1881s. Om Sp&r af Nagra Evertebrerade djur m. m. och deras 
Paleontologiska Betydelse.-—French resumé—Mémoire sur quel- 
ques traces d’animaux sans vertébres ete. et de leur portée paléon- 
tulugique: K. Svensk. Vet.-Akad, Handl., vol. 18, pp. 1-104, 
pls. i-xi. 

— 1883. Contributions 4 la Flore fossile du Japon: K. Svensk, Vet.- 
Akad. Handl., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 1-92, pls. i-xvi. 

-—— 1885. Pualexontologiska Forskningar vid Wajgattet och Sofias Fard 
till Kap York: extract from Nordenskiéld’s Den Andra Dicksonska 
Expeditionen till Gronland, pp. 250-348, & map, Stockholm. 

— 1886, Nouvelles Observations sur des Traces d’Animaux et 
autres Phénoméues d’origine purement mécanique décrits comme 
Algues fossiles: K. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl., vol. 21, no. 14, 
pp. 1-48, pls. i-v. 


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pp. 667-669, 


Wessex, P., and Wexner, O.—1856. Neuer Beitrag zur Tertiirflora der 
niederrbeinischen Braunkohlenformation: Palontogr., vol. 4, 
pp. 111-178, pls. xx—-xxx. 
White, C.A.—1889. See Nuwserry, J. S.—1889, 
1891. Correlation Papers.—Cretaceous: Bull, U.S. Geol. Surv., 
no. 82, pp. 1-273, & maps. 
Wuitn, D.—18904. On Cretaceous Plants from Martha’s Vineyard : 
Amer. Journ, Sci., ser. 3, vol, 39, pp. 93-101, pl. ii. 
— 18908. Cretaceous Plants from Martha’s Vineyard (Abstract): Bull. 
Geol. Soc. America, vol. 1, pp. 554-555. 
and Scnucnert, C.—1898. Cretaceous Series of the West Coast of 
Greenland : Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 9, pp. 343-368, pls. xxv, 
Wieranp, G.R.—1899c. A Study of American Fossil Cycads.—ITI. The 
Female Fructifications of Cycadeoidea: Amer. Journ, Sci., ser. 4, 
vol. 7, pp. 383-391, pls. viii-x. 
—— 1900. The Yale Collection of Fossil Cycads: Yale Sci. Monthly, 
vol. 6, pp. 211-221, pl. i. 
— 1901. A Study of some American Fossil Cycads.—IV. On the 
Microsporangiate Fructification of Cycadeoidea: Amer. Journ. 
Sci., ser. 4, vol. 11, pp. 423-436. 
— 1903. Notes on the Marine Turtle Archelon—II. Associated 
Fossils: Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 15, pp. 215, 216. 
—— 19038. Polar Olimate in Time: Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 16, 
pp. 401-480. 
—— 1905. See Wann, L. £.—1905. 
—— 1906. American Fossil Cycads: Publ. Carnegie Inst., no. 34. 
Pp. 296, pls. 1. Washington. 
— 1908. Historie Fossil Cycads: Amer, Journ. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 25, 
pp. 93-101, text-fig. 
—— 1910. Two new Araucarians from the Western Cretaceous: Bull. 
8. Dakota Geol. Surv. for 1908, pp. 77-81, pl. i. 
Wiurayson, W. C.—1887. On the Morphology of Pinites oblongus (Abies 
oblonga of Lindley and Hutton): Mem. Manchester Lit. Phil. 
Soce., ser. 3, vol. 10, pp. 189-194, pl. ix. 
Wituston, 8. W.—1905. The Hallopus-, Baptanodon-, and Atlantosaurus- 
beds of Marsh : Journ. Geol., vol. 13, pp. 339-350. 
Winer, F.—1845, Neue Beitrige zur Flora von Schlesien zur Geschichte 
und Geographie derselben, Pp. 225. Breslau. 
Wincuext, N, H.—1885, The Geological and Natural History Survey of 
Minnesota : 13th Ann. Rep. for Year 1884, pp. 76-77. 
— and Urnau, W.—1888. The Geology of Minnesota.—Vol. II. of 
the Final Report: Geol. & Nat. Hist. Surv. Minnesota for 1882~ 
1885, pp. 1-695, pls. xxxii-Ixi, map, & lettered plates. St. Paul. 
Wivxutr, C.—1881. Review of Krendowskij, Beschreibung fossiler Baume 
hauptsachlich aus dem Siiden Russlands: Bot, Centralbl., vol. 6, 
pp. 415-417, 


Woovwarn, H.—1885. Notes on some Mesozoic Plant-Remains from 
South Australia: Geol. Mag., dec. 8, vol. 2, pp. 289-293, 
pl. vii. 

Woopwarn, H. B.—1887. The Geology of England and Wales ; with 
Notes on the Physical Features of the Country, ed. 2. Pp. 670, 
with map. London. 

Worspett, W. C.—1903. The Affinities of the Mesozoic Fossil, Bennettites 
Gibsonianus Carr.: Ann. Bot., vol. 14, pp. 717-721.' 

Yorovama, M.—1889. Jurassic Plants from Kaga, Hida, ani Bechizen : 
Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 3. pp. 1-66, pls. i-xiv. 

—— 1894. Mesozoic Plants from Kozuke, Kii, Awa, and Tosa: Journ- 
Coll. Sci, Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 7, pp. 201-231, pls. xx-xxviii. 

—— 1906. Mesozoic Plants from China: Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. 
Tokyo, vol. 21, art. 9, pp. 1-39, pls. i-xii. 

ZeruveR, R.—1885. Sur les affinités du genre Laccopteris: Bull. Soc. bot. 
France, vol. 32, pp. 21-25, text-fig. 

-— 1897. Revue des Travaux cle Paléontologie végétale publiés dans le 
cours des années 1893-1896: Rev. gén. Bot., vol. 9, pp. 450- 

— 1900. Eléments de Paléobotanique. Pp. 421, text-figs. Paris. 

—— 1903. Revue des Travaux de Paléontologie végétale publiés dans le 
cours des années 1897-1900: Rev. gén. Bot., vol. 15, pp. 330- 

—— 1905. Sur quelques Empreintes végétales de la Formation char- 
bonneuse supracrétacée Balkans: Ann. Mines, ser. 10, vol. 7, 
pp. 826-349, pl. vii. 

—— 1908. Les Progrés de la Paléobotanique de l’ére des Gymnospermes : 
Progress. Rei Bot., vol. 2, pp. 171-226. 

—— 1909. Revue des Travaux de Paléontologie végétale publiés dans le 
cours des années 1901-1906 : Rev. gén. Bot., vol. 20 [see pp. 167— 
173, 208-210]. 

Zenker, J. C.—1833. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Urwelt. Pp. 67, 
pls. vi. Jena. 

Zicno, A. pr.—1864, Ueber die geognostische Zusammensetzung der 
Eugandischen Berge:-Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. vol. 16, pp. 520— 

Zittet, K. A.— 1890. See Scuimrer and Scnenx.—1890. 


Note on Brongniart’s ‘“ Histoire des Végétaux Fossiles ” 
(see p. 5). 

Wuewn the MS. of this Literature was completed, I followed 
the usual British custom, and supposed the date on the title- 
page, 1828, was sufficient to quote for Brongniart’s ‘‘ Histoire.” 
Since then some detailed work on the Carboniferous Flora 
has revealed to me that for nomenclatorial purposes this is in- 
sufficient. Mr, 0. Davies Sherborn has-kindly devoted his expert 
knowledge to the task of settling, so far as possible, the exact 
dates of the various parts, and has now fixed definitely three 
dates which even M. Zeiller’s admirable bibliography * left 
uncertain, In the text throughout my volume, where the book 
has been quoted as 1828, reference to the following list for the 
page quoted, will give the exact date. I believe in no case in 
the present volume does the difference in date prove important. 

Bronentart, A.— 1828-1838, “ Histoire des Végétaux Fossiles” etc. Paris 
and Amsterdam. 
Vol. I. part 1. 1828, pp. xii, 1-80; pls. 1-9, 11, 13, 14, 16-18, 
2. 1828, pp. 81-136; pls. 9 bis, 10, 12, 15, 19-27. 

” 19. = 

5 » 93 1829, pp. 137-168; pls. 28, 30--36, 38-41, 44, 45. 

» » +4. 1829, pp. 169-208 ; pls. 29, 42, 43, 46-49, 51, 52, 54- 
56, 61, 66. 

a », 5. 1830, pp. 209-248 ; pls. 50, 53, 57, 58, 61 bis, 62, 64, 
65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76. 

» » 6. 1831, pp. 249-264; pls. 59, 60, 63, 69, 72, 74, 75, 77-82. 

5 » 7. 1833, pp. 265-288 ; pls. 83-97. 

i » 8 1833, pp. 289-312; pls. 82 A, 98-109, 

» —9,-:« 9: 1834, pp. 313-336 ; pls. 110-114, 117, 118, 124, 127, 

128, 130. 

»  » 10. 1836, pp. 337-868; pls. 115, 116, 119-123, 125, 126, 
129, 131-134. 

» » LL. 1836, pp. 369-416 ; pls. 135-146. 

» —-»_ 12. 1886, pp. 417-488; pls. 37, 37 bis, 82 B, 147-160. 

»f13. 1837, pls. 161-166. 

{13 1837, pp. 1-24; pls. 1, 2, 14, 15, 18. 

» 9»: 14. 1888, pp. 25-36; pls. 3-7, 22, 23, 26, 28, 30. 

» 9 15, 1838, pp. 57-72; pls. 8-13, 16, 17, 19-21, 24, 25. 

Vol. II. unfinished. 

* Zuttier, R,—-1903. “ Flore fossile des Gites de Charbon du Tonkin.” 
Paris, p. 306, 




DESCRIBED IN WORKS UP TO 31st Decemser, 1910. 

Tuts is an alphabetical list of all the specific names originally given to 
plant-remains from the Cretaceous formations, with a few references to 
plants first described from other formations and subsequently discovered 
in those of Cretaceous age. It is merely a list, without any critical 
observations as to synonymy; but when a new name is given to a species 
already known, a cross-reference is added. Mere names in lists and doubtful 
records, such as “ Pinus sp.,” are not included, unless a published figure or 
some other special circumstance justifies this course. The date following 
the author’s name in each case corresponds with the entry in the Biblio- 
graphy (pp. 1-47), which gives the full title of the work or paper quoted. 
Epecific names are not amended, except in the case of obvious misprints, 
and no species have been re-named. 

The names of the European Wealden plants (other than Angiosperms) 
are not included in this list, except those of a few species which range {o 
higher horizons. The Wealden Flora has already been described by 
Prof. Seward in two earlier volumes of this series of Catalogues. 

Aachencsaurus multidens, Smets in Dollo, 1888, p. 300. (= Aachen- 
orylon, Hovelacque, 1890, and Nicolia Moresneti, Hovelacque, 
Aachenoxylon, Hovelacque, 1890, p. 60, text-fig. 1, pl. ili, fig. 1. 
(= Aachenosaurus multidens, Smets, in part.) 
Upper Cretaceous ; Moresnet. 
Abies Benstedi, Mantell, 1843, p. 34; & 1816 (1843), p. 52, pl. ii, 
figs. 2, u, b,c; (& 1844, p. 166, pl. y, figs. 2, 24, 2h, wood of same). 
Lower Greensand ; Maidstone, 
—— Briarti (Coemans), Schimper, 1872, p. 807. Cretaceous ; Belgium. 
_— calcaria, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 33, pl. v, fig. 1, pl. vi, fig. 17. 
Cenomanian; Bohemia, 
—— chuchlensis, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 34, pl. v, figs. 11-13. 
Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 


Abies Linkii, Roewer, 1&9, p. 10, pl. xvii, fig. 2. (= Abietites Linkit 
(Roem.), Dunker, 146. Reccrded American Trinity div. by Fon- 
taine, 1894.) Oolithen-gebirges; Northern Germany. 

—— minor, Velenovsky, 1&85, p. 83, pl. v, figs. 14, 15, pl. vill, fig. 1. 

Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

—— oblonga, Lindley & Hutton, 1885, p. 155, pl. exxxvii. (= Abvetites 

oblongus, Goeppert, and Pinites oblongus, Williamson, 1887.) 
¥ Greensand; Dorsetshire. 
—— oblongata, Buckland in Bensted, 1862, p. 337. (= Abies oblonga 

in Lindley & Hutton.) Greensand ; Dorsetshire. 
—— (Picea?) Omalii (Coemans), Schimper, 1872, p. 307. (= Pinus 
Omalii, Coemans, 1867.) Cretaceous; Belgium. 

— Valentini, Kurtz, 1902, p. 58. 
U. Cretaceous (‘‘ Dakota Beds”) ; Patagonia. 
Abietites acicularis, Saporta, 1890 4, p. 814; & 1894, p. 92, pl. xvii, 
figs. 1, 2. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— angusticarpus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 263, pl. exxxiii, fig. 1. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Benstedi (Mantell), Goeppert. (= Abies Benstedi, Mantell, 1846.) 
Lower Greensand ; Maidstone. 
— californicus, Fontaine in Diller & Stanton, 1894, p. 450 [nomen 
nudum). Horsetown Beds; California, U.S.A. 
—— Chevalieri, Fliche, 1896, p. 207, pl. ix, fig. 1. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
——~- cretacea, Newberry, 1898, p. 18, pl. xiv, fig, 5. 
Dakota Group; Dakota, U.S.A. 
—- curvifolius, Dunker, 1856, p. 18, pl. xxxiii, fig. 1. 
Quadersandstein; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
~ — ellipticus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 263, pl. exxxii, figs. 8, 9, pl. exxxiii, 
figs. 2-4, pl. clxviii, fig. 8. | Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-_— Ernestine (Stiebler), Lesquereux, 1874, p. 49, pl. i, fig. 7. 
(= Pterophyllum Haydenii, Lesquereux, in part.) 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— Glueckii, Richter, 1905, p. 7, pl. i, fig. 14. 
Upper Cretaceous; Blankenburg. 

—— Gcepperti, Dunker, 1856, p. 180, pl. xxzii. Ibid. 
—— Hartigi, Dunker, 1856, p. 180, pl. xxxiii, fig. 2, (= Araucarites 
Hariigi, Schimper, 1872.) Ibid. 

— Linkii (Roemer), Dunker, 1846, p. 18, pl. ix. figs. 1] a-e. (= Abies 
Linkti, Roemer, 1839.) (Recorded U.S.A. by Fontaine, 1894.) 
Wealden ; North Germany. 
-—~ macrecarpus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 262, pl. exxxii, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—-- marylandicus, Fontaine in Ward, 1605, p. 549, pl. exv, figs. 4, 5. 
Older Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
— oblongus, Goeppert, 1850, p. 207. (= Alies oblonga, Lindley & 
Hutton, 1835.) 
-—- truncatus, Saporta, 1867, p. 84.—Quadersandstein ; Westphalia, 


Abietites Tyrrellii, Dawson, 1886, p. 17. 
Fort Pierre Group; North-West ‘Territory, Canada. 
—— Valentini, Kurtz, 1902, p. 50. 
U. Cretaceous (equivalent of Dakota Group); Patagonia. 
—— ? sp., Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 262, pl. Ixviii, fig. 17. 
; Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A. 
Abiocaulis yezoensis, Suzuki, 1910, p. 18], pl. vii, figs. 1, 2. 
Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Acacizphyllum ellipticum, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 269, pl. lxix, 

fig. 18. Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— longifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 279, pl. exxxvii, fig. 6 ; pl. cxxxviii, 
figs. 1-3. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

-——- microphyllum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 280, pl. exxxviii, fig. 5. Ibid. 
—— pachyphyllunm, Fontaine in Ward, 1903, p. 270, pl. Ixix, fig. 19, 
Shasta Formation ; Knoxville, U.S.A. 
——-spatulatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 280, pl. exxxviii, figs. $, 6-9. 
Poutomae Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— variabile, Fontaine, 1889, p. 24], pl. elxx, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A, 
Acacioxylon antiquum, Schenk, 1883, p. 9, 
Cretaceous (?); Libyan Desert. 
Acer amnboyense, Newberry, 1895, p. 106, pl. xlvi, figs. 5-8 (seeds 
only). Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— antiquum, [itingshausen, 1867 a, p. 259, pl. iii, fig. 17. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
— caudatum, Heer, 1883 a, p. 38, pl. Ixv, figs. 1-2. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland, 
-—-? cretaceum, Nilsson, 1832, p. 345, pl. i, figs. 1-2. 
Greensand; Scania, Sweden. 
— edentatum, Heer, 1883 a, p. 39, pl. Ixy, fig. 3. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— minutus, Hollick, 1893, p. 35, pl. iii, fig. 6. 
Raritan Formation (?); Staten Island, U.S.A. 
— obtusilobum (?), Unger, 1847, p. 154, pl. xliii, figs. 12,13. (Re- 
corded American Cret. Lesquereux, 1868, p. 100.) (= Menispermites 
saline, Knowlton, 1898 ?) 
—— paucidentatum, Hollick, 1898 p, p. 182, pl. xiv, figs. 2, 3. 
Upper Cretaceous (Cley Marl); New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— Saskatchewense, Dawson, 1886, p. 16. 
Belly River Series ; North-West Territory, Canada. 
—— sp. (fruit), Hollick, 1906 4, p. 89, pl. xxxiii, figs. 12, 13. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha's Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Acerates amboyensis, Berry, 1909, p. 263 (naming Aceraées sp. ?, 
Hollick in Newberry, 1895). 
Raritan Formation; New Jersey. U.S.A, 
—— arctica, Heer, 1882, p. 82, pl. xxx, figs. 19, 20. 
Atare Beds; Greenland, 


Acerates sp.?, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 124, pl. xxxii, fig. 17; 
pl. xli, figs. 4,5. (Named Acerates amboyensis, Berry, 1909.) 
Amboy Clays; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Aceriphyllum aralicides, Fontaine, 1889, p, 321, pl. clxiii, fig. 8. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Acerites? cretaceus (Nilsson), Brongniart, 1849 a, p.111. 
Cretaceous; Scania, Sweden, 
— Emme, Stiebler, 1857, p. 58 [nomen nudum]. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—-— menispermifolius, Lesquereux, 1868, p.101. (= Menispermites 
acerifolia, Lesquereux, 1874.) | Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— multiformis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 156, pl. xxxiv, figs. 1-9. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— pristinus, Newberry, 1870, p. 15; & 1878, pl. v, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— styracifolius, Unger, 18504, p. 453 [not specifically named by 
Reuss, 1846, p. 96, pl. li, figs. 4, 5]. 
Cenomanian (Pliner); Bohemia. 
Acrostichites Egedeanus, Heer, 14744, p. 39, pl. iii, figs. 5, 56. 
Kome Beds; Arkrusak, Greenland. 
Acrostichophyllum cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 28, pl. ii, 
figs. 22, 23. Cenomanian; Vyservvic, Bohemia. 
Acrostichopteris adiantifolia (Fontaine), Berry, 1910p, p. 629. 
(= Baieropsis adiantifolia, Fontaine, 1889.) 
Potomac Formation, &c,; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— cyclopteroides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 109, pl. xciv, fig. 8. Ibid. 
—— densifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 107, pl. xciv, fig. 4, pl. elxx, fig. 11, 
pl. elxxi, figs. 2, 6, pl. elxxii, fig. 13. 
Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
-—- fimbriata, Knowlton, 1907, p. 110, pl. xi, figs. 8, 3.4. 
Kootanie Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— longipennis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 107, pl. clxx, fig. 10, pl. elxxi, 
figs. 1, 5, 7. Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— parcelobata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 108, pl. xciv, figs. 6, 7, 11, 14. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— parvifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 108, pl. xciv, figs. 5, 9, 10, 12, 
pl. elxxi, figs. 3, 4, pl. elxxii, fig. 14. 
Potomac Formation ; Maryland and Virginia, U.S.A. 
— pluripartita (Fontaine), Berry, 1910 p (re-naming Baieropsis pluri- 
partita, B. pluripartita minor, and B. longifolia of Fontaine, 1889). 
Potomac Formation, ete.; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Acrestichum crassifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 105, pl. xvi, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— cretaceum, Velenorsty, 1889, p. 5, pl. ii, figs. 22, 23. 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bobemia. 
--—— Haddeni, Hollick, 1902, p. 146, pl. iv, figs. 3-6. 
or Larainie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 


Acrostichum primordiale, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 147; & 1895, 
p- 10, pl. i, fig. 1. Cretaceous ; Australia. 

—— tristaniephyllum, Bayer, 1899, p. 41, text-figs. 13, 13a. 
Perucer Beds; Kuchelbad, Bohemia. 
Adiantites cassebeeroides, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 z, p- 195, 

pl. ii, figs. 12-17. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
——— Decaisneanum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859s, p. 194, pl. ii, 
fig. 10. Ibid. 

-—— marylandicus, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 549, pl. exy, fig. 4, 5. 
Potomac Formation ; Vinegar Hill, U.S.A. 
—— parvifolius, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 558, pl. exvii, fig. 1, 
Lower Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A, 
-—— prelongus, Dawson, 1883, p. 25, pl. v, fig. 19. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— yuasensis, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 216, pl. xxi, fig. 15. 
Neocomian ; Yuasa, Japan. 
Adiantum aneimizfolium, Saporta, 1894, p. 82, pl. xv, fig. 21. 
Valanginian; Portugal. 
—— densinerve, Heer, 1883 a, p. 2, pl. xlviii, fig. 15. . 
Patoot Beds; Patoot, Greenland. 
—— dilaceratum, Saporta, 1894, p. 164, pl. xxix, figs. 10-11, pl. xxxi, 

fig. 7. Albian ; Portugal. 

—— eximium, Saporta, 1894, p. 164, pl. xxviii, fig. 18, pl. xxxi, fig. 6. 
—— expansum, Saporta, 1894, p. 165, pl. xxviii, fig. 17. Ibid. 

—— formosum, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 18744, p. 33, pl. iii, figs. 1, 
a, 6, 2; pl. xiii, figs. 26,11,12. Kome Beds; Akrosak, Greenland. 
— formosum incisum, Heer, 1874 a, p. 36, pl. xiii, figs. 11, 12. 
—— montanense, Knowlton, 1907, p. 112, pl. xii, figs. 1, 2. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—  subtilinervium, Saporta, 1894, p. 82, pl. xviii, fig. 9. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— tenellum, Saporta, 1894, p. 163, pl. xxix, fig. 12, pl. xxxi, fig. 4. - 
Albian ; Portugal. 
Adoxa preatavia, Saporta, 1894, p. 187, pl. xxxivy, fig. 5. Ibid. 
Z&cidites stellatus, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859, p. 212, pl. iii, 
figs, 2-3. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
ZZgirophyllum sp., Lampe, 1894, p. 197 [nomen nudum]. ; 
Cretaceous ; Heimburg. 
Alcyonidiopsis longobardiz, Massalougo, 1856, p. 48, pl. vii, 
figs. 1-2. : Lower Cretaceous ; Italy. 
Alethopteris elegans affinis, Eichwald, 1865, p. 16. ; 
Cretaceous ; Russia, 
—— elongata, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 268. 
Perucer Beds; Kounitz, Bohemia, 

_— odontopteroides, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 268. 
Perucer Beds; Mscheno, Bohomia. 


Alethopteris Reichiana (Brongniart), Pres! in Sternberg, 1838, p. 146. 
(=Pecopteris Reichiana, Brongniart, 1828.) 
Cenomanian; Niederschoenn, Saxony. 
—--- recentior, Ettingshausen, 1852 c, p. 16, pl. iii, figs. 17, 18. 
Wernsdorfer Beds. 
—— revoluta, Schulze, 1888, p. 10 [nomen nuduia]. 
Nevocomian; Helmstein. 
Aleurites eccenica, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 397. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Alisma? reticulata, Heer, 1882, p. 59, pl. xv, fig. 1. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Alismacites dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 37, pl. ii, fig. 10. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— primevus, Saporta, 1894, p. 96, pl. xv, fig. 31, pl. xvi, fig. 13 a. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— primigenius, Saporta, 1890 a, p. 814. Ibid. 
Alnites crassus, Lesquereux, 1895, p. 13, pl. B, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group ; Minnesota, U.S.A. 
-—_—1 Friesii (Nilsson), Brongniart, 1849 a, p. 111. 
Cretaceous ; Scania, Sweden. 
—-~— grandifolia, Newberry, 1870, p.9; & 1878, pl. iv, fig. 2; & 1898, 
p. 67, pl. iv, fig. 2. Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— insignis, Dawson, 1883, p. 28, pl. viii, fig. 38, 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Carada. 
— petiolatus, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 10 [nomen nudum]. 
—— quadrangularis, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 62, pl.iv,fig.1. (=Hama- 
melites quadrangularis, Lesquereux, 1876, and Populites quadrangu- 
laris, Lesquereux, 1868.) Dakota Group: Kansas, U.S.A. 
-— speciosus, Kichwald, 1865, p. 58, pl. iii, fig. 15. 
Cretaceous; Russia. 
Alnus? Friesii, Nilsson, 1232, p. 346, pl. i, fig. 7. Greensand; Sweden. 
Alnus grandifolia, Newberry, in Raynolds, 1869, p. 164 [nomen nudum]. 
‘ Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— Grewiopsis, Ward, 1887, p. 30, pl. xiv, fie 1. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
~—— kanseana, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 62, pl. xxx, tig.8. (= Hamamelites 
Kansaseana, 1876, and H. Kansaseanus, 1883, re-named Quercus 
Kanseana by Knowlton, 1898.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— protogea, Heer, 1883 4, p. 22, pl. lv, fig. 10. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
-— 2 sp., Roemer, 1889, p. 144, pl. xii, figs. 7-8. 
Senonian ; Bunzlau, Silesia, 
Alsophilina kauniciana, Dormitzer in Krejici, 1853, p. 28, pl. i. 
‘ (= Oncopteris Kauniciana (Dorm. sp.) Velenoysky, 1888.) 
Perucer Beds; Kaunitz, Bohemia. 
Amelanchier Whitei, Hollick, 19064, p. 83, pl. xxxii, fig. 1. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha's Vineyard, U.S.A. 


Ampelophyllum attenuatum, Lesquereus, 1876 a, p. £96; & 1876 5, 
p- 354, pl. ii, fig. 3. Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-~— firmum, Lesqueveux, 1876 4, p. 896. Thid. 
—— ovatum, Lesquereux, 1876 8, p. 355; & 1883, p. 69. (= Populites 
ovata, Lesquereux, 1868, and Celtis ? ovata, Lesquereux, 1874.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.8.A. 
Amphibennet(t)ites Bleicheri, Fliche, 1896, p. 163, pl. xiv, fig. 1; 
pl. v, fig. 2, text-fig. 3. Albian ; Revigny, France. 
--— Renaulti, Fliche, 1895, p. 167, pl. v, fig. 3, text-fig. 4. 
Albian ; Ardennes, France. 
Amphibryophyllum carinatum, Debey in Mourlon, 1881, p. 133 
{romen nudum]. Cenomanian ; Limbourg, Belgium. 
—— plicatum, Debey in Mourlon, 1881, p.133 fiomen nudum]. Ibid. 
---—— verticillatum, Debey in Mourlon, 1881, p. 183 [nomen nudum]. 
Amygdalus taurica, Eichwald, 1865, p. 67, pl. iii, fig. 22. 
Neocomian ; Russia. 
Anacardites amissus, Heer, 1882, p. 99, pl. xl, fig. 8. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— antiquus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 156, pl. lvii, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Andromeda acuminata, Lesquereux, 1876 4, p. 593. Ibid. 
—— affinis, Lesquereux, 1876 8, p. 348, pl. iii, figs. 5, 5a. 
Laramie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— australiensis, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 150; & 1895, p. 39, pl. iii, 
fig. 23. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— Cookii (Newberry), Berry, 1909, p. 261 (renaming Andromeda 
flexuosa, Newberry, 1896). Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
--— eretacea, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 117, pl. xvii, figs. 17, 18, pl. xxiv, 
fig. 5. Dakota Group: Kansas, U.S.A. 
— flexuosa, Newberry, 1895, p. 121, pl. xxxiv, figs. 1-5. (Re-named 
Andromeda Cookii by Berry in 1909.) 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— grandifolia, Berry, 1907, p. 204, pl. xv, fig. 3 (re-naming Andromeda 
latifolia, Newberry, 1895). 
Middle Cretacecus; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
— latifolia, Newberry, 1895, p. 120, pl. xxxiii, figs. 6-10; pl. xxxiv, 
figs. 6-11; pl. xxxvi, fig. 10, (= Andromeda grandifolia, Berry, 
1907.) Amboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
— linifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 118, pl. lii, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— nove-cesarez, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 121, pl. xli, figs. 
9-12, 28-31. Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— Parlatorii, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 18, pl. i, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— Parlatorii longifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 116, pl. lxiv, fig. 19. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 


Andromeda Pfaffiana, Heer, 1882, p. 79, pl. xxv, fig. 6; pl. xxxviii, 
figs. 5-7; pl. sliv, fig. 12. Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— Snowii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 117, pl. xvii, fig. 16. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

—— tenuinervis, Lesquereus, 1892, p. 116, pl. xxxviii, fig. 7. Ibid. 
—— Wardiana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 119, pl. lxiv, fig. 17. Ibid. 

—— sp., Heer, 1874 a, p. 185, pl. xxvi, fig.66. Cretaceous; Greenland. 
Androvettia carolinensis, Berry, 19104, p. 183, pl. xix, figs. 1-6. 
Middle Cretaceous ; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— statenensis, Hcllick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 22, pl. iii, figs. 1-5; pl. vii, 
figs. 1-8 ; pl. viii, figs. 1-12; pl. xxviii, figs. 5-8; pl. xxix, figs. 1-6. 
Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Aneimia perplexa, Hollick in Newberry, 1898, p. 3, pl. xv, figa. 1, 1a; 
pl. xvi, fig. 3; pl. 1xiii, figs. 1-4 (re-naming Sphenopteris elongatum, 
Newberry, 1863). Laramie Formation; Orcas Island, U.S.A. 
—— robusta, Hollick, 1902, p. 148, pl. iii, fig. 1. 
: Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— stricta, Newberry, 1895, p. 38, pl. iii, figs. 1, 2, 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
--— supercretacea, Hollick, 1902, p. 145, pl. ili, figs. 6, 7. 
Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 
Aneimidium lobulatum, Saporta, 1894, p. 129, pl. xxvi, fig. 23. 
Urgonian; Portugal, 
—— minutulum, Saporta, 1894, p. 180, pl. xxvi, fig. 13. Ibid. 
—— Schimperi, Heer, 18744, p. 36, pl. ii, fig. 19; pl. xv, fig. 5c. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— tenerum, Saporta, 1894, p. 130, pl. xxvi, fig. 25, - 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
— sp., Heer, 1874, p. 153, pl. xvi, fig. 3 a. Cretaceous; Greenland. 
Angiopteridium auriculatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 113, pl. vii, figs. 
8-ll; pl. xxviii, fig. 1. (Re-named Berry 1910p, Teniopteris 
auriculatum.) Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
——— canmorense, Dawson, 1893, p. 83, text-fig. 2. 
Kootanie Formation; North-West Territory, Canada, 
—— densinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 115, pl. xxix, fig. 4. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

—— dentatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 117, pl. xxx, figs. 6, 7. Ibid. 
—— ellipticum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 114, pl. xxix, fig. 3. 1bid. 
—— nervosum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 114, pl. xxix, fig. 2. (Re-named, 

Berry 1910p, Teniopteris nervosum.) Ibid. 

—— oregonense, Fontaine in Stanton, 1895, p. 22 [nomen nudum}. 

Horsetown Beds; Oregon, U.S.A. 
—— cvatum, fontaine, 1889, p. 115, pl. xxix, figs, 6, 7. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—-~ pachyphyllum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 115, pl. xxis, fig. 5. Ibid. 
—— strictinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 116, pl. xxix, figs. 8, 9. lbid. 
—— strictinerve, var. latifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 116, pl. xxx, 
figs. 1, 5, Ibid. 


Anisophyllum semi-alatum, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 98, pl. vi, figs. 
1-5. (= Quercus semialata, Lesquereux, 1868.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1883, p. 28, pl. viii, fig. 34. 

Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 

Anomaspis hispida, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 50, pl. x, figs. 4, 8, 9. 
Raritan Formation ; New York, U.S.A. 
—— tuberculata, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 49, pl. x, figs. 5,6; pl. xxv, 

fig. 5; pl. xxvi, fig. 1. Ibid. 
Anomozamites acutiloba, Heer, 1876, p. 102, pl. xxiii, fig. la; 
pl. xxiv, figs. 1-3; pl. xxv, fig. 9; pl. xxviii, fig. 8d. Jurassic. 

Recorded for Canadian Kovtanie Formation, Dawson, 1880. 
—— angustifolius, Fontaine, 1889, p. 167, pl. xxx, figs. 2, 3. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— cretaceus, Heer, 1874 4, p. 70, pl. xvi, figs. 19, 20. 
Kome Beds; Greenlard. 
—— virginicus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 168, pl. xxx, fig. 4; pl. xxxi, fig.3. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1893, p. 91. Kootanie Formation ; British Columbia. 
Ancna cretacea, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 77. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— robusta, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 124, pl. xx, fig. 4. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
Anthocephale bohemica, Bayer, 1893, pp. 32, 47, text-fig. 22; & 
Bayer in Fritsch, 1893, p. 182, text-fig. 193. 
Senonian ; Priesen, Bohemia. 
Antholithes horridus, Dawson, 1886, p. 7. 
Upper Cretaceous; North-West Territory, Canada. 
Antholithus Gaudium-Rosez, Ward, 1895 a, p. 355, pl. iii, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—-— nympheoides, Hosius, 1870 a, p. 102, pl. xvii, figs. 35-36, 
Cretaceous ; Westphalia, 
Apeibopsis cyclophylia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 180, pl. xxv, fig. 6. 
; Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Thomseniana, Heer, 1882, p. 95, pl. xxxvi, fig. 5. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Apocynophyllum cretaceum, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 258, pl. iii, 

fig. 19. Cenomanian ; Niederschvena, Saxony. 
—  cuneatum, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 170, pl. xxxii, 
fig. 106. Upper Senonian; Haldem, Westphalia. 

—— sordidum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 109, pl. lxvi, fig. 11. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— subrepandum, von der Marck, 1864, p. 79, pl. siii, fig. 5. ; 
Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 
— warraghianum, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 188, 149; & 1895, p. 31, 
pl. iii, figs. 5-6. Cretaceous; Australia, 


Aralia anisoloba, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 214; & 1882 3, p. 22 (15), 
pl. v (iii), figs. 4-6. (= Araliphyllum anisoiobum, Velenovsky, 
1889, and Aralia subformosa anisoloba, Ettingshausen, 1895.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—--- berberidifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 135, pl. xvi, fig. 11. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Brittoniana, Berry, 1905 5, p. 96, pl. xlv, fig. 3. 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— calomorpha, Saporta, 1894, p. 188, pl. xxxiv, figs. 15-16 ; pl. xxxv, 
fig. 1, 2, 4. Albian ; Portugal. 
—— Chlomekensis, Velenovsky, 1882, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
—— Chlomekiana, Velenovsky, 1882 s, p. 20 (13), pl. v (iii), fig. 3. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— concreta, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 3894; & 18768, p. 349, pl. iv, 
figs. 2-4. (=A. semiorbiculata, Lx.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—- coriacea, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 11 (58), pl. i (xvi), figs. 1-9; pl. ii 
(xvii), fig. 2. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
— Credneriefolia, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. . 
Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
-— Daphnophyllun, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 214; & 18828, p. 30 (23), 
pl. vii (v), figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10; pl. viii (vi), figs. 1-5. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
— decurrens, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 11 (51), pl. iv (xix), figs. 5-7. 
(=Aralia subformosa decurrens, Ettingshausen, 1895.) Ibid. 
—— denticulata, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 170, pl. xxxii, 
figs. 107, 1074. Upper Senonian; Haldem, Westphalia. 
—— (Panax) dentifera, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 18 (60), pl. ii (xvii), 
figs. 3-5. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—- dubia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 31+4, pl. elvii, figs. 1-7. (= Aralia Fon- 
tainei, Knowlton, 1898.) Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— elegans, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 13 (60), pl. iv (xix), fig. 1. (= Aralia 
Jureata, Vel.) Cenomanian; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
—— Fontainei, Knowlton, 1898, p. 37 (re-naming 4. dubia, Fontaine). 
‘ Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— formosa, Heer, 18694, p. 18, pl. viii, fig. 83. (= Araliphyllum 
Jformosum (Heer) Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Upper Cretaceous ; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— furcata, Velenovsky, in Fritsch & Bayer, 1901, p. 152. (= Arali- 

phyllum furcatum, Velenovsky.) Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— groenlandica, Heer, 1882, p. 84, pl. xxxviii, fig.3; pl. xxxix, fig, 1; 
pl. xlvi, figs. 16-17. Atane Beds; Greenland, 

—— Kowalewskiana, Saporta & Marion, 1878, p. 12. (= Arali- 
phyllum Kowalewskianum in Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
— Masoni, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 133, pl. xv, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 


Aralia mattewanensis, Berry, 1905 5, p. 95, pl. xliii, fy. 2; pl. xlvi, 

fig. 6. Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— microphylla, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 171, pl. xxxii, 
fig. 108. Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 

~—— minor, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 214; & 1882.8, p. 25 (18), pl. v (iii) 
fig. 9. (= Aralia subformosa minor, Ettingshausen, 1893.) 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
——— nassauensis, Hollick, 1894 a, p. 55, pl. clxsiv, figs. 3, 7. 
Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— Newberryi, Berry, 1907, p. 201, pl. xv, fig. 1 (re-naming 4. palmata, 
Newberry). Middle Cretaceous; N. Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— palmata, Newberry, 1895, p. 117, pl. xxxix, figs. 6, 7; pl. xl, 
fig. 3. (=Aralia Newberryi, Berry, 1907.) 
Amboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— partita, Velenovsky, 1882, p. 214 [nomen nudui}j. 
Cretacevus ; Bohemia. 
—— patens, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 1894, p. 54, pl. clxxiv, fig. 4; 
& Newberry, 1895, p. 117, pl. xxviii, fig. 3. 
Amboy Clay ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— polymorpha, Newberry, 1895, p. 118, pl. xxxix, figs. 1-5. 
Amboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— propinqua, Velenovsly, 18824, p. 214; & 1882 8, p. 29 (22), pl. vii 
(v), figs: 9-12; pl. viii (vi), fig. 6; pl. ix (vii), figs. 1-3, 6; pl. x (viii), 
fig. 1. Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Buhemia. 
—— propinqua angustifolia, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 214 [nomen 
nudum]. Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
~—- propinqua latifolia, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. 
“ Ibid. 
— proxima, Saporta, 1894, p. 189, pl. xxxv, fig.3.4. Albian; Portugal. 
—— pungens, Lesquereus, 1883, p. 123, pl. xix, figs. 3-4. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— quinquepartita, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 302; & 1874, p. 90, pl. xv, 
fig. 6. Dukota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— radiata, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 64, p). vii, figs. 2-3. Thid. 
—— Ravniana, Heer, 1882, p. 84, pl. xxxviii, figs. 1-2. 
Atane Beds; Greenland, 
—— rotundata, Dawson, 1886, p. 14, pl. iv, fig. 5. 
Mill Creek Series ; Mill Creek, Canada. 
— rotundiloba, Newberry, 1895, p. 118, pl. xxviii, fig. 5; pl. xxxvi, 
fig. 9. Araboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
— Saportana (also spelt Saportanea), Lesquereux, 1876 a, p. 394; 
& 1876 8, p. 350, pl. i, figs. 2, 2a. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—-Saportanea deformata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 131, pl. xxiii, 

figs. 1-2. Ibid. 
——- semi-orbiculata, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 895. (= A. conereda, Lx., 
1876 B.) Ibid. 

—— subemarginata, Lesquereus, 1883, p. 63; & 1892, p. 133, pl. xv, 
fig. 3. Ibid, 


Aralia subformosa, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 150; & 1895, p. 40, pl. iv, 
fig. 4. Cretaceous; Australia. 
— subformosa angustiloba, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 42. (=Aralia 
Jormosa figured by Velenovsky, 1882, pl. v, fig. 2.) 
—— subformosa anisoloba, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 41. (=Aralia 
anisoloba, Velenovsky, 1882.) 
—— subformosa crenulata, Ettingslausen, 1895, p. 41. 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— subformosa decurrens, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 42. (=Aralia 
decurrens, Velenovsky, 1886.) 
——. subformosa dentata, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 40. 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— subformosa denticulata, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 41. (=Aralia 
Jormosa figured by Velenovsky, pl. vi, fig. 7.) 
--— subformosa integriloba, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 42 (incl. Aralia 
triloba, Velenovsky, 1882). 
— subformosa minor, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 42. (=Aralia minor, 
Velenovsky, 1882.) 
—— subformosa pluriloba, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 42 (inel. Aralia 
Kowalewskiana figured Velenovsky, 1882, pl. v, fig. 1, & pl. vi, 
fig. 1). 
——- subformosa quinqueloba, Ettingshansen, 1895, p. 42 (incl. Aralia 
Kowalewskiana figured Velenovsky, 1882, pl. vi, figs. 1-2). 
—— tenera, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 214 (nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Bohemia, 
— tenuinervis, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 63, pl. vii, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— Towneri, Lesquereux, 1876 4, p.895; & 1876 8, p. 349, pl. iv, fig. 1. 
— transitiva, Velenovsky, 1882, p. 214; & 1882.8, p. 28 (21), pl. vi 
(iv), figs. 8-10. (= Araliphyllum transitivum, Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian ; Kaunic, Bohemia, 
—— triloba, Velenovsky (non Newberry), 1882 4, p. 214; & 1882 8, p. 23 
(16), pl. v (iii), figs. 7, 8. Cenomanian; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
— tripartita, Lesquereux, non Saporta, 18764, p. 394; & 18763, 
p. 348, pl. i, fig. 1. (= Sterculia tripartita [Lx.], Knowlton, 1898, 
p. 224.) Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A, 
—— ? vernonensis, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 492, pl. evii, fig. 6. 
Older Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Waigattensis, Heer, 1883 4, p. 36, pl. Ix, fig. 5. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. - 
——- washingtoniana, Berry, 1910 n, p. 27, pl. viii, fig. 4. 
Magotby Formation ; Columbia, U.S.A. 
— wellingtoniana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 131, pl. xxi, fig. 1; pl. xxii, 
figs. 2-3. Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A, 
—— wellingtoniana Vaughanii, Knowlton, 1901, p. 317. 
Dakota Group; Texas, U.S.A. 


Aralia Westonii, Dawson, 1886, p. 14, pl. iv, fig. 6. 
Mill Creek Series; Mill Creek, Canada 
a WESene ty Krasser & Kubart, 1906, p. 47 [nomen nudum}. 
Cretaceous; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— Sp,, ieinaias, 1896, p. 136 (24), pl. xvi (vi), figs. 5, 5a. 
Cretaceous; Aunstadt, Moravia. 
Aralizphyllum aceroides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 319, pl. elvi, fig. 11; 

pl. elxii, fig. 2. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— acutilobum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 318, pl. clxiii, fig. 2. Ibid. 
— haldemianum, Debey, MS., in Saporta, 1873, p. 60, pl. vii, 
figs. 1, 2. Upper Senonian; Haldem, Westphalia. 

— magnifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 318, pl. clix, figs. 9, 10. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— obtusilobum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 317, pl. elxiii, figs. 1, 4; pl. elxiv, 
fig. 3. Ibid. 
Araliphyllum anisclobum, Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 47, 50, 54. 
(= Aralia anisoluba, Velenovsky, 1882.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
-—_- formosum (Heer), Velenovsky; 1889, pp. 50, 54, 59. (= Aralia 

formosa, Heer, 1869.) Ibid. 
—— Kowalewskianum, Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 50, 54, 57. (= Aralia 
Kowalewskiana, Saporta & Marion, 1878.) Ibid. 
-—transitivum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 119. (= <Aralia transitiva, 
Velenovsky.) Ibid. 
Ataucaria acutifolia, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 94, pl. xlviii, figs. 13—- 
15. Albian ; Luschitz, Bohemia. 

—— bladenensis, Berry, 1908 a, p. 255, pl. xii; pl. xili; pl. xiv, figs. 1-3. 
Middle Cretaceous ; N. Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— bohemica, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 8, pl. i, figs. 20-24. 
Cenomanian ; Lipenec, Bohemia. 
— brachyphylla, Bayer in Fritsch, 1894, p. 129, text-fig. 178; & 
Bayer, 1893, pp. 5, 36, fig. 3. Senonian; Priesen, Bohemia, 
—— Clarkii, Berry, 19104, p. 182. 
Middle Cretaceous ; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
— crassifolia, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 94, pl. xlviii, fig. 12. 
Albian ; Lusehitz, Bohemia. 
—— cretacea (Brongniart), Saporta in Schimper, 1872, p. 255. 
Greensand ; France. 
—— epactridifolia, Bayer in Fritsch, 1893, p. 24; & Bayer, 1893, 
pp. 4, 36, fig. 2. Senonian; Priesen, Bohemia. 
—— Frici, Velenovsky in Fritsch, 1893, p. 128, text-fig. 177. 
Priesener Beds; Priesen, Bohemia. 
—— Hatcheri, Wieland, 1910, p. 80, fig. 2on plate. Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— hespera, Wieland, 1910, p. 78, fig. 1 on plate, & pl. xxii. 
S. Dakota, U.S.A. 
—— insulinensis, Fliche, 1896, p.177, pl. v, fiz. 5, text-fig. 5. 
Albian; Islettes, France, 
-—- Jeffreyi, Berry, 19084, p. 258, pl. xvi. 
Middle Cretaceous ; N. Carolina, U.S.A. 

Araucaria latifolia, Bozzi, von Feistmantel, in Tommasi, 1892, p. 1119 
[nomen nudum]. Senonian (?); Italy. 
— macrophylla, Bozzi, 1891, p. 375, pl. xvi, figs. 1-2. 
Cretaceous (?); Vernasso, Italy. 
—— . Miqueli, Debcy, 1877, p. 110 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—~ obtusifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 249, pl. Ixxxv, fig. 13. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-— podocarpoides, Iontaine, 1&89, p. 249, pl. lxxxvi, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— reperta, Fliche, 1896, p. 174, pl. vi, fig. 2. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
-—— revigniacensis, Fliche, 1896, p. 176, pl. v, fig. 4. 
Albian ; Revigny, France. 
—— spatulata, Newberry, 1868, p. 10; & 1878, pl. ii, figs. 5, 5 a. 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—- Toucasi, Saporta, 1879, p. 198, text-fig. 272. 
Turonian; Toulon, France, 
—— vernassiensis, Bozzi in Tommasi, 1892, p. 1120 [nomen nudum]. 
; Senonian (?); Italy, 
——- zamioides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 250, pl. exxi, figs. 1-1 a. 
Potomae Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
% — sp., Jeffrey, 1906, p. 388, pl. xxviii, figs. 14, 15. 
Middle Cretaceous ; New York, U.S.A. 
Araucariocaulcn breveradiatum, Lignier, 1907, p. 290, pl. xix, 
figs. 33-43 ; pl. xxi, fig. 67, diagr. 10; pl. xxii, figs. 75-78 ; pl. xxiii, 
figs. 79-81; text-fig. 2, p. 283, Cenomanian ; Dives, France. 
Araucariophloios breveradiatum, Lignier, 1907, p. 291. Ibid, 
Araucariopitys americana, Jeffrey, 1907, p. 435, pls. xxviii-xxx. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Araucarioxylon egyptiacum, Kraus in Schimper, 1874, p. 383; & 
in Schenk, 1883, p. 3, pl. i, figs. 1-2; pl. ii, fig. 3. (= Dadoxylon 
egyptiacum, Unger, 1838.) 
Cenomanian or Lower Turonian ; Libyan Desert. 
—— albianum, Fliche, 18964, p. 182, pl. iv, figs. 2-4. 
Albian ; Aube, France. 
—— armeniacum, Giirich, 1885, p. 433. Cretaceous ; ‘Cranscaucasia. 
—— barremianum, Fliche, 1900, p. 26, pl. ii, figs, 2-4. 
Lower Cretaceous; Vassy, France, 
—- Gardoniense, Crié, 1890, p. 235, pl. i, figs. 1-4. 
Cenomanian ; Tle de Aix, France. 
---- Hoppertcne, Knowlton in Ward, 1899, p. 644, pls. elxiii-clix. 
Dakcta Group ; 8. Dakota, U.S.A. 
—— madagascariense, Fliche, 1900 4, p. 472, text-fig. 1. 
Senonian ; Madagascar. 
-—— novebcracense, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 58, :1. xxi, figs. 1-3, 
5, 6. Raritin Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— Prosseri, Penhallow, 1900, p. 77. 
Comanche Cretaceous; Kansas, U.S.A, 


Araucarioxylon Tankoense, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, p. 41, pl. iii, 

figs. 17-18. Upper Cretaccous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
— virginianum, Knowlton, 1869, p- 50, pl. vii, figs. 2-4; & 
1889 n, p. 106. Potomac Formation (Trias ?); Virginia, U.S.A, 

—— zeelandicum, Crié, 1889, p. 29 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
Araucarites acutifolius, Endlicher, 18475, p. 301. (= Araucaria 
acutifolia, Corda.) Middle Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
—— adpressus, von der Marck, 1864, p. 80, pl. xiii, figs. 10-11. 
Upper Senonian; Drensteinfurth, Westphalia. 
—— egyptiacus, Goeppert, 1865.4, p. 259. (=Araucariorylon egypt- 
iacum, Kraus, 1874.) 
—— aquiensis Fontaine, 1889, p. 264, pl. exxxiii, figs. 8-12. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— argillicola, Kichwald in Merck, 1853, p. 304 [nomen nudum]. 
Neocomian; Russia. 
—— erassifolius, Endlicher, 18478, p. 801. (= Araucaria crassifolia, 
Corda.) Middle Cretaceous; Bokemia, 
——- cuneatus, Ward, 1899, p. 670, pl. clxiii, fig. 10, 
Dakota Formation ; Blackhills, U.S.A. 
----- Hartigi (Duuker), Schimper, 1872, p. 252. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— inflatus, Krendowsky, 1881, p. 275, pl. ii, figs. 14-19. 
Cretaceous; Russia. 
—— Nordenskioldi, Heer, 1874 a, p. 125, pl. xxxvii, figs. 3, 4. 
Cretaceous; Spitzbergen. 
— ovatus, Hollick, 1898 4, p. 128, pl. xii, figs. 3a, 4. 
Upper Cretaceous (Clay Marl); New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— patagonica, Kurtz, 1902, p. 49 (cone scale). 
Upper Cretaceous; Patagonia. 
—— Reichenbachi, Geinitz, 1842, p. 98, pl. xxiv, fig. 4. (= Sequoia 
Reichenbachi, Heer, 1868. = Geinitzia Reichenbachi, Follick & 
Jeffrey, 1909.) Quadersandstein ; Saxony. 
— virginicus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 263, pl. exxxiv, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-—— ? Wardi, Hill, 1898, p. 39, pl. i, figs. 1 a-d. (This is Porocystis pruni- 
Jormis, Cragin, see Rauff, 1895.) Lower Cretaceous; Texas, U.S.A. 
— wyomingensis, Fontaine in Ward, 1899, p. 669, pl. clxiii, figs. 1-9. 
Lower Cretaceous; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— Zoeilleri, Berry, 1£08 a, p. 252, pl. xi, fig. 3. 
Middle Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Ardisia glcssa, Bayer, 1893, pp. 25 & 44, text-fig. 17; & Bayer in 
Fritsvh, 1893, p. 181, text-fig. 189. Senonian; Priesen, Bohemia, 
Ariszema cretacea, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 38, pl. xlvi, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—-? dubia, Hollick, 18984, p. 130, pl. xii, fig. 6. 
Upper Cretaceous (Clay Marl); New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— 2 mattewanse, Hollick, 1898 4, p, 130, pl. xii, fig. 7. Thid, 


Aristolcchia Daveauana, Saporta, 1894, p. 183, pl. xxxv, fig. 10. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— tecomeecarpa, Bayer, 1899, p. 29, pl. i, figs. 7, 8, text-figs. 10, 10a. 
Perucer Beds; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
Aristolechiaphyllum (?) cellulare, Ward, 1905, p. 492, pl. cviii, 

fig. 4, Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Aristolochites dentata, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 18, pl. ii, 
figs. 1, 2. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

—— infundibuliformis, Lesquereux, 1876 4, p. 393. 
7 Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Aristoloizphyllum crassinerve, Fontaine, 1859, p. 322, pl. clx, 
figs. 3-5. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Artbropitys mirabilis, Eichwald, 1865, p. 32, pl. v, fig. 9. : 
Cretaceous; Russia. 
Arthrotaxis sp., Nathorst, 1891, p. 34, pl. i, figs. 12-14. 
Cretaceous (?); K6énigs-Wusterhausen. 
Artocarpidium cretaceum, Ettingshausen, 18674, p. 251, pl. ii, 
fig. 4. Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony, 
—— Guillemainii, Menzel, 1909, p. 401, pl. ii, figs. 4, 5, 6. 
Senonian; Kamerun. 
—— pseudo-cretaceum, Ettingshatisen, 1893, p. 148; & 1895, p. 22, 

pl. ii, fig. 11. Cretaceous ; Australia, 
Artocarpophyllum occidentale, Dawson, 1894, p. 60, pl. xii, fig. 51; 
pl. xiit, fig. 52. Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 

Artocarpus Dicksoni, Nathorst, 1890 4, p. 6, pl. i, figs. 1-4. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Greenland. 
— Lessigiana (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1893 ¢, p. 24. 
Lower Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 
——~ undulata, Hosius, 1870 a, p. 100, pl. xvi, fig. 29. 
Senonian; Legden, Westphalia. 
Arundinites oppelensis, Roemer, 1870, p. 291, pl. xxvii, fig. 6. 
Cenomanian ; Oppeln, Upper Silesia. 
— Wohlfarthi, Otto, 1854, p. 27, pl. iv, fig. 2; pl. vii, figs, 1-5. 
(= Cycadeites? Wohlfarthi (Otto), Geinitz, 1875 8.) 
Quadersandstein ; Saxony, 
Arundo cretaceus, Lesquereux, 1868, p.92. (= Phragmites cretaceus, 
Lx., 1874.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— groenlandica, Heer, 1874, p. 104, pl. xxviii, figs. 8-11. 
Atane Beds; Greenland 
Asimina eccenica, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 387 ; & 1878 B, p. 25], pl. xliii, 
figs. 7, 8. Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Aspidiophyllum dentatum, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 88; & 1892, p. 212, 
pl. xxxix, fig. 1. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— platanifolium, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 88, pl. ii, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—-— trilobatum, Lesquereux, 1876 8, p. 36], pl. ii, figs. 1, 2. Ibid, 


Aspidium angustipinnatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 98, pl. xvi, figs. 1, 
8,8; pl. xvii, fig. 1; pl. xix, fig. 10. (= Dryopteris angustipinnata 
(Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 91; re-named.) 

Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

—— angustipinnatum montanense, Fontaine, 1893, p. 491, pl. lxxiv, 
figs. 1, la. (= Dryopteris angustipinnata montanense (Fout.), 
Knowlton, 1898, p. 91; re-named.) “ 

Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 

--— cretaceo-zeelandicum, Ettingshausen, 1887 4, p. 174 (34), pl. vii, 
figs. 2, 3. Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 

—— cystopteroides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 99, pl. xvi, fig. 2. (=Dryo- 
pteris cysteropteroides (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 91; re-named.) 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

——- dentatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 102, pl. xxv, figs. 6, 7. (= Dryo- 
pteris dentata (Fontaine), Knowlton, 1898, p. 91; re-named.) Ibid. 

——— Dunkeri (Schimper), Fontaine, 1889, p. 101, pl. xxii, fig. 9; pl. xxv, 
figs. 11,12; pl. xxvi, figs. 2, 8, 9, 18. (= Cladophlebis Dunkeri 

(Schimp.), Seward, 18944, p. 100.) Ibid. 
—— ellipticum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 95, pl. xiii, figs.9,10. (=Dryopteris 
elliptica (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92; re-named.) Ibid. 

—— fecundum, Heer, 1882, p. 32, pl. xxix, figs. 5, 9. 
Atane Beds; Greenland, 
—— Foersteri, Renault, 1888, p. 352 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; France. 
-—— fredericksburgense, Fontaine, 1889, p. 94, pl. xi, figs. 1-6 ; 
pl. xii, figs. 1-6; pl. xvi, fig. 9; pl. xix, figs. 6, 7. (= Dryopteris 
fredericksburgense (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92; re-named.) 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
——heterophyllum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 96, pl. xiv, figs. 1-5; pl. xv, 
figs. 1-5. (= Dryopteris heterophylla (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, 

p. 92; re-named.) Ibid. 
—— Jenseni, Heer, 1882, p. 31, pl. xvi, fig. 4; pl. xxix, fig. 4; pl. xxx, 
figs. 1-6. Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— Kennerlyi, Newberry, 1863, p. 518; & Hollick in Newberry, 1898, 
p. Ll, pl. xvi, figs. 4, 5. (= Dryopterts Kennerlyi (Newberry) 
Knowlton, 1898.) Upper Cretaceous; British Columbia. 

—— macrocarpum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 103, pl. xvii, fig. 2. (= Dryo- 
pteris macrocarpa (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92; re-named.) 

Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

——. microcarpum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 103, pl. lix, figs. 2, 12; pl. lx, 
figs. 6,7. (=Dryopteris microcarpa (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92; 
re-named.) Tbid. 

—— monocarpum, Fontaine, 1893, p. 490, pl. Ixxxiii, figs. 4-6, 6a; 
pl. Ixxxiv, figs. 38,3a. (= Dryopteris monocarpa (Font.), Knowlton, 
1898, p. 92; re-named.) Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 

__ montanense, Fontaine, 1893 p490, p.1. 1xx»ii, figs. 1-8; pl. Ixxxiii, 
figs. 2,3, 3a. (= Dryopteris montanense (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, 
p. 92; re-named.) Ibid. 



Aspidium oblongifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 100, pl. xxi, fig. 5. 
(Dryopteris oblongifolia (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92; re-named.) 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Oerstedi, Heer, 1882, p. 30, pl. xxxiv, figs. 3, 4. (= Dryopteris 
Grstedi (Heer), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92; re-named.) 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— parvifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 100, pl. xxi, fig. 6; pl. xxiv, fig. 8; 
pl. xxv, fig. 10; pl. xxvi, figs. 1, 14, 16,17. (=Dryopteris parvifolia 
(Fontaine), Knowlton, 1898 ; re-named.) 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— pinnatifidum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 101, pl. xxi, fig. 15. (= Dryo- 
pteris pinnatifida (Fontaine), Knowlton, 1898; re-named.) Ibid. 
—— Schowii, Heer, 1882, p. 31, pl. xxuii, figs. 10, 10 d. 
tane Beds; Greenland. 
—— ursinum, Heer, 1870, p. 462, pl. xxxix, fig. 6a. (Recorded by 
Heer, 18808, from Kome Beds.) Miocene; Greenland. 
—— virginicum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 97, pl. xv, fig. 7; pl. xxi, fig. 14. 
(= Dryopteris virginica (Fontaine), Kuowlton, 1898; re-named.) 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Aspleniopteris adiantifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 118, pl. xvi, fig. 6. 
~— Nilssoni, Sternberg, 1825, p. xxii, pl. xlili, figs. 3, 4, 5. 
Greensand; Hor, Sweden. 
——— pinnatifida, Fontaine, 1889, p. 118, pl. xxii, figs. 1-3, 6, 7. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Asplenites dubius, Velenovsky, 1888 s, p. 16, pl. ii, figs. 17-19, 
Chlomeka Beds; Leipa, Bohemia. 
—— Trevirani, Debey, 1848, p. 116 [nomen nudum], 
Quadersandstein ; Bavaria. 
—— sp., Krasser, 1896, p. 122 (?), pl. xiv (iv), figs. 8, 8a. 
Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia, 
Asplenium albertum, Dawson, 1886, p. 11, pl. iii, fig. 6. 
Mill Creek Series ; Mill Creek, Canada. 
—— Boyeanum, Heer, 1874a, p. 33, pl. xi, fig. 9. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— Brongniarti, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859, p. 193 (13), pl. ii, 
figs. 1-3. (=Hausmannia (?) Brongniarti (Debey & Ettingshausen), 
Richter, 1906.) Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— cenopteroides, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 n, p. 194 (14), pl. ii, 
figs. 8-9. Senonian ; Aix, Rbenish Prussia, 
—— calopteris (Debey & Ettingshausen), Heer, 1883 a,p.5. (= Benizia 
calopteris, Debey & Ettingshausen.) Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— Dicksonianum, Heer, 18744, p. 31, pl. i, figs. 1-5. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
-—- dubium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 109, pl. x, fig. 9. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Foersteri, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18593, p. 193 (13), pl. ii, 
figs. 4-7, 11. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 


Asplenium Haguei, Knowlton, 1899 8, p. 655, pl. lxxvii, figs. 1, 2. 
Laramie Formation; Yellowstone Park, U.S.A. 
--— Johnstrupi (Heer), Schimper, 1869, p. 660; & Heer, 1874 a, p. 32, 
pl. i, figs, 6,7. (=Sphenopteris Johnstrupi, Heer.) 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— lapideum, Heer, 1882, p. 3, pl. ii, figs. 8, 3 0. : Ibid. 
— magnum, Knowlton, 1896, p. 450 [nomen nudum]. 
Laramie Formation ; Yellowstone Park, U.S.A. 
-—— Martinianum, Dawson, 1836, p. 5, pl. i, fig. 1. 
Kootanie Formation ; Martin Creek, Canada. 
-— Nauckhcffianum, Heer, 18808, p. 3, pl. i, figs. 9-12. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— Niobrara, Dawson, 1883, p. 20, pl. i, fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous; Peace River, North-West Territory. 
—— Nordenskioldi, Heer, 18744, p. 33, pl. ii, figs. 17 a, 17 4. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
——- Nordstroemi, Heer, 1874 4, p. 93, pl. xxvi, fig. 6 a. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Paleopteris, Unger, 1866, p. 3, pl. i, figs. 4-8. 
Lower Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
—— Pringelianum, Heer, 18834, p. 4, pl. xlviii, figs. 9, 9d. 
Patoot Beds; Patoot, Greenland. 
—— raritanense, Berry, 1909, p. 246, pl. xviii, fig. 1. 
Raritan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— scrobiculatum, Heer, 18834, p. 4, pl. xlviii, figs. 10, 10 d. 
Patoot Beds; Patoot, Greenland. 
—— tenellum, Knowlton, 1900, p. 19, pl. iii, figs. 1, 2. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—-- Velenovskyi, Marik, 1901, p. 6, pl. i, fig. 13. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
—— wyomingense, Knowlton, 1900 a, p. 19, pl. iii, fig. 12. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Knowlton, 1900, p. 20, pl. iii, fig. 11. Ibid. 
Asterophyllites cretaceus, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 267. (= Pseudo- 
asterop hyllites cretaceus, Velenovsky, 1887 a.) 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 

Asterosoma radiciforme, Otto, 1854, p. 15, pl. ii, fig. 4; pl. ili, 

figs. 1, 2. Quadersandstein ; Saxony. 
Astrocaryopsis Sanctz-Manehildz, Fliche, 1896, p. 276, pl. xiii, 
figs. 4, 5, text-lig. 12. Cenomanian ; Sainte-Menehould, France. 

Athrotaxopsis expansa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 241, pl. cxiii, figs. 5, 6 
pl. cxv, fig. 2; pl. cxvi, fig. 5; pl. exvii, fig. 6; pl. cxxxv, figs. 15, 
18, 22. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

—— grandis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 240, pl. exiv, figs. 1-3; pl. exvi, figs. 1-4; 
pl. cxxxy, fig. 10. : Tbid. 

—— pachyphylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 242, pl. cxv, figs. 1, 3; pl. exvii, 
figs, 1, 3-5. Ibid. 



Athrotaxopsis tenuicaulis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 241, pl. exiv, figs. 4, 5, 
pl. cxy, fig. 4; pl. exvi, fig. 6; pl. exvii, fig. 2. : 

Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

Avlacolepis rhomboidalis, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 147; & 1895, 

p. 12, pl. i, fig. 10. Cretaceous; Australia, 

Aulacophycus pedatus, Heer, 1877, p. 143, pl. lviii, fig. 12. ie 

Neocomian ; Switzerland. 

Baiera arctica, Heer, 1874 a, p. 37, pl. iti, fig. 3. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— brevifolia, Newberry, 1891, p. 199, pl. xiv, fig. 3. 
Kootanie Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 
— cretosa, Schenk, 187la, p. 5, pl. i, fig. 7. (= Sclerophyllina 
cretosa, Heer.) Wernsdorfer Beds; Austrian Silesia, 
— dichotoma?, Heer (zon Braun), 1876 a, p. 49, pl. xxxii, fig. 1. 
Cretaceous ; Spitzbergen. 
——— foliosa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 213, pl. xciv, fig. 13. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— grandis, Heer, 1874, p. 37, pl. iii, fig.4. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— incurvata, Heer, 1882, p. 45, pl. xiii, fig. 6. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— leptopoda, Heer, 1882, p. 46, pl. xxviii, fig. 9. Ibid. 
—— longifolia (Pomel), Heer, 1876 c, p. 39, pl. viii, fig. 6. (= Diero- 
pteris longifolia, Pomel, 1849. Recorded Canadian Kootanie by 
Dawson, 1886.) Jurassic; Spitzbergen. 
— sagittata, Heer, 1882, p. 46, pl. xxx, fig. 18. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
-Bajera scanica, Sternberg, 1825, p. xxviii, pl. xvii, fig. 2. 
Greensand ; Hor, Sweden. 
Baieropsis adiantifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 211, pl. xcii, figs. 8, 9; 
pl. xciii, figs. 1-3; pl. xciv, figs. 2, 8. (Re-named by Berry, 
1910 v, Acrostichopteris adiantifolia). 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
——- adiantifolia, var. minor, Fontaine, 1889, p. 212, pl. xciv, fig. 1. 


-— denticulata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 210. pl. xciii, fig. 7. Ibid. 
—— denticulata, var. angustifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 210, pl. xcii, 
fig. 7. Ibid. 

—— expansa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 207, pl. Ixxxix, figs. 1, 3; pl. xe, fig. 1; 
pl. xci, fig. 2; pl. xcii, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation; Fredericksburg, U.S.A. 

—— foliosa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 209, pl. xciii, figs. 4-6. Ibid. 
—— longifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 210, pl. xci, fig. 6. (= Acrosticho- 

pteris pluripartita (Fontaine), Berry, 1910p.) . Ibid. 
—— macrophylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 212, pl. xe, fig. 6. Ibid. 

—— pluripartita, Fontaine, 1889, p. 208, pl. lxxxix, fig. 4; pl. xc, 
figs. 2-5; pl. xci. figs. 1, 3, 4,7; pl. xcii, figs. 1, 2, 6. (= Acro- 
stichopteris pluripartita (Fontaine), Berry, 1910 p.) Thid. 


Baieropsis pluripartita, var. minor, Fontaine, 1889, p. 208, pl. xci, 
fig. 5; pl. xcii, figs. 3,4. (= Acrostichopteris pluripartita (Fontaine), 
Berry, 1910p.) Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

— sp., Dawson, 1892, p. 87. Kootanie Formation ; British Columbia. 

-Bambusites australis, Ettingshausen, 18874, p. 180 (40), pl. vii, 
fig. 21; pl. viii, figs. 1-3, 3a. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 

Bambusium latifolium, Heer, 1881, p. 22, pl. xix, figs. 1-3, 1c. 

Cretaceous ; Portugal. 

—— neocomense, Heer, 1877, p. 146, pl. lviii, fig. 23. 

Neocomian ; Switzerland. 

Banisteriophyllum cretaceum, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 47, pl. iv, 

fig. 2, Cretaceous; Australia. 
Banksia crenata, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 140, 149; & 1895, p. 31, 
pl. iii, fig. 11. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— cretacea, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 149; & 1895, p. 28, pl. iii, figs. 9, 
10. Ibid, 
—— longifolia, Ettingshausen, 1851, p. 780, pl. xxxi, fig.19. (=Myrica 
longifolia, Unger.) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— plagioneura, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 141; & 1895, p. 29, pl. iii, 
fig. 8. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— prototypos, Ettingshausen, 1851, p. 732; & 1852, p. 822, pl. lxiii, 
figs. 2, 3. Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony, 

— pusilla, Velenovsky, 1883, p. 7 (32), pl. i (ix), figs. 14-17. 
Cenomanian; Bohemia. 

—— sub-longifolia, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 141; & 1895, p. 29, pl. iii, 

fig. 7. Cretaceous; Australia, 
Banksites pusillus, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 213 [nomen nudum]. 

Cretaceous; Bohemia, 

—— Saportanus, Velevovsky, 1882 4, p. 213; & 1883, p. 7 (32), pl. i 

(ix), figs. 18-20. Cenomanian; Bohemia. 

Bauhinia cretacea, Newberry, 1886 8, p. 77, pl. lvi, fig. 5. 
Middle Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

— 1? gigantea, Newberry, 1895, p. 93, pl. xx, fig. 1. 
Amboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 

——~ marylandica, Berry, 1908c, p. 219, three text-figs. 
Magothy Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 

Belodendron densifolium, von der Marck, 1864, p. 80, pl. xiii, 
figs. 8, 9. Upper Senonian ; Sendenhorst, Westphalia. 

— gracile, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— lepidodendroides, Debey, 1848, p. 121 [nomen nudum]. Tbid. 
— Neesii, Debey, 1848 4, p. 121 [nomen nudum]. Ibid, 
Benizia calopteris, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859, p. 216 (36), pl. v 
figs. 18-17, (= Asplenium calopteris, Heer, 1883 4.) 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 


Bennettites dacotensis, McBride, 1893, p. 249, pl. xi, figs. 1, 2. 
(= Cycadeoidea dacotensis of Ward, 1894). 
Dakota Group; S. Dakota, U.S.A. 
—— Gibsonianus, Carruthers, 1870, p. 700, pls. lviii-lx. (= Bennettites 
Gibsoni, Carruthers, 1868.) Lower Greensand; Isle of Wight. 
—— Gibsoni, Carruthers [romen nudum]. (=Bennettites Gibsonianus, 
Carruthers, 1870.) 
—— Maraniana, Scarabelli MS. in Capellini & Solms-Laubach, 1892, 
p. 110, pl. iii, fig. 4; pl. ii, fig. 3. Cretaceous (?); Italy. 
—— maximus, Carruthers, 1870, p. 699. 
Lower Greensand ; Shanklin; Isle of Wight. 
—— Schachtii (Coemans), Carruthers, 1870, p. 699. (= Cycadeoidea 
Schachti, Capellini & Solms-Laubach, 1892.) Gault; Belgium. 
Benstedtia sp. (Mackie), Seward, 1896 8, p. 219, pl. xiv, fig. 3. (= Dra- 
cena Benstedtii, Mackie, 1862.) Greensand ; Maidstone, Kent. 
Benthamia dubia, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 11 (72), pl. vii (xxx), figs. 4, 6. 
Perucer Beds; Vyserovic, Bohemia, 
Benzoin Masoni (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 47 (re-naming 
Lindera Masoni, Lesquereux, 1892). 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— venustum (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 47 (re-naming Lindera 
venusta, Lesquereux, 1892). Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Bergeria minuta, Presl in Sternberg, 1838, p. 184, pl. xlix, figs. 2a, 8, 3. 
Cenomanian ; Saxony. 
Betula atavina, Heer, 18834, p. 22, pl. lv, figs. 8, 21 2. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland, 
—— beatriciana, Lesijuereux, 1868, p. 95; & 1874, p. 61, pl. v, fig. 5; 
pl. xxx, fig. 4. Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A, 
-—- Goepperti, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 138, pl. xvii, figs. 21-23. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— perantiqua, Dawson, 1883, p. 27, pl. vii, fig. 27. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
— Stevensonii, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 293; & 1878 z, p. 139, pl. xviii, 
figs, 1-5. Laramie Formation, Wyoming, U.S.A. 
-—- tremula, Heer, 1883 a, p. 21, pl. liii, fig. 1 ¢; pl. ly, fig. 9. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland, 
—— vetusta, Heer, 18834, p. 22, pl. lv, fig. 7. Ibid. 
Betulites denticulata, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 15, pl. iv, 
figs. 5, 6. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—-?% Hatcheri, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 141, 
pl. xviii, fig. 3, Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
— populifolius, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 64, pl. vi, figs, 1, 2. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— rugosus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 65, pl. vi, figs. 3-5. Ibid. 
— Snowii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 64, pl. v, figs. 1-4. Ibid. 
— Westii, Lesquereuz, 1892, p. 60, pl. iv, figs, 1-22; pl. v, figs. 5-14. 


Betulites Westii, var. crassus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 63, pl. vy, 

figs. 5-17. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Westii, var. cuneatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 62, pl. v, fig. 8. 
— Westii, var. grewiopsideus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 63, pl. Ixiv, 
fig. 10. Ibid. 
—— Westii, var. inequilateralis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 62, pl. v, 
figs. 10-13. Tbid. 
— Westii, var. lanceolatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 62, pl. v, fig. 14. 
~— Westii, var. latifolius, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 61, pl. iv, figs. 9-11, 
—— Westii, var. multinervis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 62, pl. iv, figs. 
20-22, Ibid. 
—— Westii, var. oblongus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 61, pl. iv, figs. 17- 
19. Ibid. 
-— Westii, var. populoides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 63. Ibid. 
—— Westii, var. obtusus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 61, pl. iv, figs. 5-8. 
—— Westii, var. quadratifolius, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 62, pl. y, 
fig. 9. Ibid. 
—— Westii, var. reniformis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 62, pl. v, fig. 5. 
—— Westii, var. rhomboidalis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 62, pl. v, figs. 6, 
6 Ibid. 
—— Westii, var. rotundatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 61, pl. iv, figs. 12- 
16. Ibid. 
—— Westii, var. subintegrifolius, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 61, pl. iv, 
figs. 1-4. Tbid. 

—— sp., Lesquereux, 1892, p. 65, pl. v, fig. 18. 
Dakota Group; Dakota, U.S.A. 
Bignonia cordata, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 9 (70), pl. vi (xxix), fig. 5. 
(= Bignoniphyllum cordatum, Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— pulcherrima, Bayer, 1899, p. 33, pl. i, figs, 9-14; pl. ii, figs. 4- 

10; text-figs. 11, 12. Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— silesiaca, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 8 (69), pl. vii (xxx), figs. 1, 2, 5, 11, 
1d. Cenomanian: Kieslingswalde. 

Bignoniphyllum cordatum, Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 54, 58. (= Big- 
nonia cordata, Velenovsky, 1885.) 
Blechnum priscum, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 174 (34), pl. vii, figs. 1, 
la. Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
— zeelandicum, Crié, 1889, p. 88 (14) [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous: New Zealand. 
Blyttia infracretacea, Saporta, 1894, p. 122, pl. xxiii, fig. 15; pl. xxiv, 
fig. 7b. Urgonian ; Portugal. 
Bombacophyllum argillaceum, Velenovsky, 1889. (= Bombaz- 
argillaceum, Velenovsky, 1883.) 


Bombax argillaceum, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 213; & 1883, p. 20 (45), 
pl. ii (x), figs. 17-19; pl. iv (xii), figs. 6-9. (= Bombacophyllum 
argillaceum, Velenoysky, 1889.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

— virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 310, pl. cli, fig. 4. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

Bonaventurea cardinalis, Debey & Ettingshausen, 185938, p. 203, 

pl. iii, figs. 2-19. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
Boueina Hochstetteri, Toula, 1884, p. 1319, pls. vii-x; & Steinmann, 
1901, pp. 1-5, text-figs. 1-7. Upper Neocomian; Servia. 

Bowerbankia attenuata, Debey, 1849, p. 299 (31) [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

—— emarginata, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
—-— maxima, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum}. Tbid. 
—— repanda, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
— rotundifolia, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 

Brachyoxylon notabile, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 54, pl. xiii, 
figs. 2-6 ; pl. xiv, fig. 2. Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Brachyphyllum Brardianum, Brongniart, 18494, p. 110 [nomen 
nudum]. Lower Cretacevus; France. 
—— confusum, Saporta, 1894, p. 112, pl. xx, fig.8. Aptian ; Portugal. 
— corallinum, Heer, 1881, p. 21, pl. xii, figs. 1-8, 1 aa. 
_ Cretaceous; Portugal. 
—— crassicaule, Fentaine, 1889, p. 221, pl. ¢, fig. 4; pl. cix, figs. 1-7; 
pl. ex, figs. 1-3; pl. oxi, figs. 6, 7; pl. exii, figs. 6-8; pl. clxviii, 
fig. 9. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—- crassum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 32, pl. ii, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— macrocarpum, Newberry M8. in Newberry, 1895 (footnote by 
Hollick), p. 51; and for internal structure, Jeffrey, 1906 8, p. 384, 
pl. xxvii. Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
-—— obesiforme, Saporta, 1894, p. 176, pl. xxxi, figs. 12-13; pl. xxuiii, 
fig. 40; pl, xxxiv, fig. 8, Albian, Portugal. 
—— obesiforme elongatum, Saporta, 1894, p. 176, pl. xxxi, fig. 14. 
-—— obesum, Heer, 1881, p. 20, pl. xvii, figs. 1-4. 
Cretaceous ; Portugal. 
—-- Orbignianum, Brongniart, 18498, p, 309; and d'Orbigny, 1852, 
p. 650, text-fig. 529. Cenomanian ; Isle d’Aise. 
—— parceramosum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 228, pl. ox, fig. 4. 
Potomac Forination ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— texense, Fontaine, 1594, p. 269, pl. xxxviii, figs. 3-5; pl. xxxix, 
figs. 1, la. Trinity Division; Texas, U.S.A. 
— sp. ?, Fontaine, 1889, p, 224, pl. elxviii, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— sp. ?, Fontaine, 1889, p. 224, pl. exxxy, fig. 9. Ibid. 
—— sp. ?, Fontaine, 1889, p. 223, pl. exxxv, fig. 8. Ibid. 
—— sp.?, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 37, pl. ix, figs. 5, 6; pl. vi, fig. 3; 
pl. xiv, fig. 3. Raritan Formation ; New York, U.S.A. 


Brachyphyllum sp., Jeffrey, 1906 8, p. 389, pl. xviii, figs. 16-17. 
Brasenia antiqua, Dawson, 1886, p. 15, text-fig, (Re-named by 
Hollick, 1894p, Nelwmbo Dawsoni.) 
Belly River Series ; Medicine Hat, Canada. 
Braseniopsis venulosa, Saporta, 1894, p. 192, pl. xxiv, figs. 1-4. 
Albian; Portugal. 
—— villarsioides, Saporta, 1894, p. 195, pl. xxxv, fig. 9. Ibid. 
Bresciphyllum cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 25, pl. v, figs. 2, 3. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Bromelia? tenuifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 41, pl. i, fig. 18. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Bronnites orientalis, Unger, 1850, p. 524. Turkey. 
Bryocarpus monostachys, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— polystachys, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
Bumelia marcouana (Heer), Lesquereux, 1874, p. 90, pl. xxviii, fig. 2. 
(= Leguminosites marcouanus, Heer in Dana ) 
Dakcta Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— ? rhomboidea, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 118, pl. li, fig. 10, 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Butomites cretaceus, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 25, pl. iii, figs. 10-13, 15. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

Caesalpinia Cookiana, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 94, pl. xlii, 
figs. 49, 50. Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—- raritanensis, Berry, 1909, p. 257. 
Ravitan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Calamitopsis Konigi, von der Marck, 1804, p. 81, pl. xiii, fig. 12. 
(= Frenelopsis Konigti, Hosius & v. d. Marck, 1880.) 
Senonian; Drensteinfurth, Westphalia. 
Callistemon cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 22, pl. i, fig. 3. 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
Callistemophyllum ambiguum, Ettingshausen in Reuss, 1854, 
p- 740 [nomen nudum]. Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia, 
— Bruderi, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 115, pl. i, figs. 6, 7. 
Cretaceous: Bohemia, 
— Heerii, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 261, pl. iti, fig. 13. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
Callitris? sp., Fontaine, 1889, p. 272, pl. clxix, fig. 8. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Calycites alatus, Hollick, 1905, p. 417, pl. Ixxii, fig. 8. 
Cretaceous Shale; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— diospyriformis, Newberry, 1895, p. 182, pl. xlvi, figs. 39-41. 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
— hexaphylla, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 402, 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— obovatus, Hollick, 1906, p. 109, pl. v, fig. 24. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Martha's Vineyard, U.S.A, 


Calycites parvus, Newberry, 1895, p. 131, pl. xlvi, tigs. 28-29. 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Lesquereux, 1892, p. 221, pl. xxii, fig. 8. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Campteroneura paradoxa, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
Camptoneura truncata, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
Camptopteris biloba, Presi in Sternberg, 1838, p. 168, in Sternberg, 
1825, pl. xlii, fig. 2. Quadersandstein ; Hér, Saxony. 
Cannophyllites Hisingeri, Goeppert, 1848, p. 277 [momen nudum]. 
Quadersandstein ; Silesia. 
—— Nilssoni, Unger, 1850 4, p. 317. Greensand ; Scania, Sweden. 
—— septentrionalis, Nilsson, 1832, p. 346, pl. i, fig. 9. Ibid. 
Capparidoxylon Geinitzi, Schenk, 1883, p. 12, pl. i, figs. 3-4. 
Cretaceous ; Cairo, Egypt. 
Cardiopteris tasmanicus, Johnston, 1896, p. 63, fig. 9. 
Cretaceous (?); Tasmania, 
Carex Clarkii, Berry, 1905 , p. 347, text-fig. 1. 
Middle Cretaceous; Maryland, U.S.A. 
Carolopteris aquensis, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 8, p. 206, pl. iii, 

figs. 20-27. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— asplenioides, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859n, p. 210, pl. iii, 
figs. 29-33; pl. iv, fig. 22. Thid. 

Carpinites arenaceus, Goeppert, 1847, p. 306, pl. xxxvii, figs. 5-7. 
Cretaceous ; Silesia. 
— microphyllus, Heer, 1883 4, p. 23, pl. ly, fig. 13. 
Patoot Beds ; Greenland. 
Carpinoxylon compactum, Vater, 1884, p. 848, pl. xxix, figs. 28, 29. 
Lower Senonian (?); Helmstedt. 
Carpites alatus, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 150, pl. xvi, 
fig. 2. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A, 
— burmannieformis, Saporta, 1894, p. 151, pl. xxvi, figs. 9-12. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
—— burszformis, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 306, pl. Ix, fig. 30. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— cocculoides? major, Lesquereux, 18788, p. 307, pl. lx, figs. 38, 39. 
—— coniger, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 221, pl. xxxviii, fig. 17. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— cordiformis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 220, pl. xxii, fig. 9. Ibid. 
— glumeformis, Lesquereus, 1878 8, p. 304, pl. xxxv, fig. 4a; pl. lx, 
figs. 14-17. Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— granulatus, Saporta, 1894, p. 209, pl. xxxvi, fig. 17. 
Upper Albian; Portugal. 
— judith, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 149, pl. xvi, 
fig. 4. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A, 
—— laurineus, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 304, pl. lx, figs. 20, 21. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 


Carpites ligatus, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 307, pl. lx, figs. 36, 36 a. 
Laramie Formation ; New Mexico. 
~— liriophylli?, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 77, pl. xi, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— minutulus, Lesquereux, 1878s, p. 305, pl. Ix, fig. 25. Tertiary. 
Recorded, Berry, 1905, p. 32, from Cretaceous of Cliffwood, U.S.A. 
—— mitratus, Lesquereux, 1878 z, p. 304, pl. lx, figs. 18, 19. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— myricarum, Lesquereus, 1878 s, p. 303, pl. Ix, figs. 8-11. Ibid. 
—— obovatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 221, pl. Ixii, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— plicicostatus, Saporta, 1894, p. 151, pl. xxvi, fig. 8. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
— pruni, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 149, pl. xv, figs. 6, 
6a. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
-—— rhomboidalis, Lesquereux, 1878 z, p. 306, pl. lx, figs. 28, 29. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
— spiralis, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 306, pl. lx, fig. 27. 
Laramie Formation ; New Mexico. 
—— tileaceus (Heer), Lesquereux, 1892, p. 221, pl. xxii, figs. 6, 7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— triangulosus, Lesquereux, 18788, p. 302, pl. lx, fig. 4; pl. lxii, 
figs. 19, 20, Laramie Formation ; ene: U.S.A, 
— utahensis, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 305, pl. Ix, fig. 22. Ibid. 
— valvatus, Lesquereux, 1878 z, p. 307, pl. Is, ip 37. Ibid. 
—— verrucosus, Lesquereux [non (Heer) Sehimper', 1878'B, p. 305, 
pl. lx, fig. 23. Ibid. 
— Viburni, Lesquereux, 1878 z, p. 308, pl. Ix, figs. 26, 26 a. Ibid. 
Carpolithus agglomeratus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 267, pl. cxxxiy, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— arachioides, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 403. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— avellaniformis, Schlotheim, 1820, p. 421; & 1822, pl. xxi, fig. 6. 
Senonian ; Aix, Bhenish Pai. 
—— barrensis, Ward, 1899 8, p. 692, pl. clxix, fee, 14, 15. 
Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
— brookensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 268, pl. cxxxv, figs. 2, 4; pl. cxxxvi, 
fig. 6; pl. elxvii, fig. 6. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-—— cliffwoodensis, Berry, 19055, p. 100, pl. slviii, fig. 6. 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— collophylloides, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— complanatus, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151; & 1899, p. 58, pl. iv, 
fig. 23. Ibid. 
—— conjugatus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 267, pl. exxxiv, fig. 9. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— cretaceus, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 262, pl. iii, fig. 2. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 



Carpolithus curvatus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 269, pl. exxxv, fig. 17. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— drupezformis, Hollick, 1898 p, p. 134, pl. xi, figs. 4, 4a. 
Upper Cretaceous (Clay Marl); New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— dubius, Berry, 19055, p. 100, pl. xviii, fig. 7. 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— euonymoides, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 110, pl. vii, fig. 2. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— euphorbioides, Goeppert, 1842 B, p. 157, pl. liv, fig. 19. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—-— fagiformis, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151; & 1895, p. 53, pl. iv, 
fig. 22. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— falcatus, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 398. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—  fasciculatus, Fontaine (non Tiesquereux), 1889, p. 265, pl. exxxiv, 
fig. 1. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— floribundus, Newberry, 1895, p. 133, pl. xlvi, figs. 17-21. 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— fcenarius, Ward, 1899 8, p. 693, pl. clxix, figs. 17, 18. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—-— geminatus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 267, pl. cxxxiv, fig. 10. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— Harveyi,-Fontaine, 1894, p. 278, pl. xliii, fig. 3. 
Trinity Division; Texas, U.S.A. 
— hirsutus, Newberry, 1895, p. 134, pl. xlvi, figs. 14, 14a. 
: Amboy Olay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
— horridus, Dawson, 1883, p. 21, pl. i, fig. 3. 
Upper Cretaceous ; North-West Territory, Canada. 
— hymenospermoides, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Australia, 
—— juglandiformis, Berry (xox Schlotheim), 1905s, p. 100, pl. xlvi, 
fig. 8. Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— juglandiformis, Schlotheim, 1822, p. 97, pl. xxii, fig. 5. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— komensis, Heer, 1882, p. 17, pl. iii, figs. 12, 120. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— latus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 269, pl. exxxy, fig. 3. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— longipes, Heer (non Massalongo), 1883 a, p. 45, pl. lix, figs. 8-9. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— mattewanensis, Berry, 19054, p. 48, pl. ii, fig. 7. 
Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— (Zamites) meridionalis, Dawson, 1894, p. 64, pl. x, fig. 42. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— montium-nigrorum, Ward, 1899 8, p. 692, pl. elxix, fig. 13. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
— mucronatus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 270, pl. exxxvi, fig. 15. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 


Carpolithus oblongus, Goeppert, 1842 n, p. 158, pl. liv, fig. 20. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— obovatus, Fontaine, 1894, p. 278, pl. xliii, fig. 5. 
Trinity Division; Texas, U.S.A. 
—— ostryeformis, Berry, 19054, p. 47 (renaming Carpolithus 
virginiensis, Berry, 1903, non Fontaine). 
Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— oveformis, Newberry, 1895, p. 134, pl. xlvi, figs. 15, 16. 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— patootensis, Heer, 1883 4, p. 46, pl. Ixiv, fig. 12. 
Patoot Beds ; Greenland. 
—— pruniformis, Newberry (non Heer nec Schlotheim), 1895, p. 133, 
pl. xlvi, fig. 42 New Jersey ?, U.S.A. 
-— pruniformis, Schlotheim (zon Heer), 1822, p. 97, pl. xxi, fig. 4. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rbenish Prussia. 
—— sarthacensis, Crié, 1877, p. 232 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Mans, France. 
—— scrobiculatus, Heer, 1874 a, p. 120, pl. xxvi, figs. 15, 16. 
Atane Beds; Greenland, 
—— semisulcatus, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 251; & 1895, p. 53, pl. iv, 
fig. 21. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
—— sessilis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 269, pl. cxxxvi, fig. ¥. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— siliculeformis, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151; & 1895, p. 53, 
pl. iv, fig. 20. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
— Smithie, Mantell, 1844, p. 196; & 1846, p. 53, pl. ii, figs. 3, a, 8, 
oe, d. Upper Chalk; Kent. 
—— spinosus, Newberry, 1883, p. 514; & 1898, p. 188, pl. Ixviii, 
figs, 2. 3. Upper Cretaceous (?); New Mexico, U.S.A. 
—— striatus, Newberry in Raynolds, 1869, p. 170 [nomen nudum]. 
Upper Cretaceous (?); Missouri, U.S.A. 
—— ternatus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 265, pl. exxxiv, figs. 2-4, 6, 8. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— thulensis, Heer, 18744, p. 89, pl. i, fig. le. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— vaccinioides, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 110, pl. vii, figs. 19, 19 a. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 266, pl. cxxxiv, figs. 11-14; 
pl. exxxy, figs. 1, 5; pl. elxviii, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— virginiensis, Fontaine in Berry, 19055, -p. 100, pl. xlviii, fig. 5. 
(Re-named Carpolithus ostryeformis, Berry, 1905 a.) 
—— vyserovicensis, Bayer, 1899, p. 47, text-fig. 15. 
Perucer Beds; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
— woodbridgensis, Newberry, 1895, p. 133, pl. xlvi, fig. 22. 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
_.—— sp., Dawson, 1893, p. 90, text-fig. 15. 
Upper Cretaceous ; North-West Territory, Canada. 


Carpolithus sp., Heer, 1880, p. 8, pl. ii, figs. 10, 11. 
Cretaceous; Greenland. 
— ? sp., Lesquereux, 1874, p. 114, pl. xxvii, fig. 5; pl. xxx, fig. 11. 
Cretaceous ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

— sp., Otto, 1854, p. 33, pl. iv, figs. 5, 6. Dippoldswalde, Saxony. 
Cassia angusta, Heer, 1882, p. 101, pl. xxvii, fig. 6. (= Pale@ocassia 
angustifolia, Ettingshausen, 1867.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
-—— antiquorum, Heer, 1882, p.101, pl. xxvii, fig.5. (=Leguminosites 
cussieformis, Heer, 1874 A.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— atavia, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 6, pl. viii, figs. 3-7, 10. 
Cenomanian; Kieslingswalde. 
—— Etheridgei, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151; & 1895, p. 51, pl. iv, 
fig. 16. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
— Ettingshauseni, Heer, 1882, p. 100, pl. xxvi, fig. 8. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— melanophylla, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 5, pl. viii, figs. 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 
12. Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 
—~— phaseolitoides, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— polita, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 146. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— pre-mennonia, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151; & 1895, p. 51, 

pl. iv, fig. 15. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
— pre-phaseoclitoides, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 52, pl. iv, fig. 14. 
(= Paleocassia phaseolitoides, Ettingshausen, 1887 a.) Ibid. 

—— problematica, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 146, pl. xxxviii, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1906, p. 84, pl. xxxii, fig. 13. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Castalia ? duttoniana, Knowlton, 1900 a, p. 55, pl. xiii, fig. 7. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Stantoni, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 147, pl. xix, 
fig. 4. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
Castanea Hausmanni, Dunker, 1856, p. 181, pl. xxxiv, tig. 1. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1887, p. 27, pl. i, fig. 8. Souris River, Canada. 
Casuarina Covillei, Ward, 1895 a, p. 353, pl. iii, fig. 2. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— primeva, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 189; & 1895, p. 14, pl. i, 
figs. 16-20. Cretaceous ; Australia, 
Casuarinites cretaceus, Ettingshausen, 18874, p. 18], pl. viii, 
figs. 6-7. Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
Caudex spinosus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 91. (= Caulinites spinosa, 
Lesquereux, 1873.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Caulerpa Lehmanni, Heer, 1877, p. 141, pl. lvii, fig. 11. 
Neocomian; Switzerland. 
— sp., Lorenz, 1902, p. 23 (56), pl. vii, fig. 3. 
Lower Cretaceous; Switzerland. 


Caulerpides bryoides. (= Caulerpites bryodes, Debey & Etiings- 
Caulerpites articulatus, Hampe in Stiehler, 1858, p. 56, fig. 3 [nomen 
nudum]. (= Delessertites Hampeanus, Stiehler, 1858.) 
—— Brardii, Sternberg, 1833, p. 23. (= Fucoides Brardii, Brongniart, 
—— Brongniartii, Debey in Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 203. 
Cretaceous; La Rochelle. 
—— bryodes, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 189, pl. i. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— Diesingii, Unger, 1850, p. 8; & 1853, p. 77, pl. xxiv, fig. 2. 
Cretaceous ; Switzerland. 
—— Eseri, Unger, 1850, p.3; & 1853, p. 77, pl. xxiv, fig. 1. 
Cretaceous ; Bavaria. 
—— incrassatus (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 61 (re-naming 
Delesseria incrassata, Lesquereux, 1873). 
Laramie Formation; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
— lingulatus (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 61 (re-naming 
Delesseria lingulata, Lesquereux, 1873). 
Laramie Formation ; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
— montalbanus, Renger in Fritsch, 1877, p. 72 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
—— Orbignianus (Brongniart), Sternberg, 1833, p. 23. (= Fucoides 
orbignianus, Brongniart, 1824.) 
Lower Cretaceous; Austria and France. 
— tenuis, Fischer-Ooster, 1858, p. 82, pl. vii, fig. 5. 
Upper Cretaceous; Switzerland. 
Caulinites atavinus, Heer, 1881, p. 22, pl. xix, fig. 4; pl. xvi, fig. 8d. 
Cretaceous; Portugal. 
— fecunda, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 384. 
Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— fimbriatus, Saporta, 1894, p. 97, pl. xvii, figs. 16-17. 
Valanginian; Portugal. 
— inquirendus, Hollick, 1905¢, p. 406, pl. Ixx, fig. 3. (= Onoclea 
inguirenda, Hollick, 1906 a.) Cretaceous Clay ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— sparganioides, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 391. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— spinosa, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 422. (= Caudex spinosus, Les- 
quereux, 1883.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— stigmarioides, Ettingshausen, 18674, p. 248, pl. ii, fig. 1. 
(= Corticites stigmarioides, Engelhardt, 1892.) 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
Caulomorpha Heeri, Saporta, 1894, p. 217, pl. xxxviii, fig. 9. 
Cenomanian ; Portugal. 
Caulopteris Brownii, Renault, 1883, p. 73, pl. viii, fig. 10. (Plate 
descript. gives name C. Cottaeana.) Cretaceous; England, 
— Cottaeana, Renault, 1883, p. 73 (?), pl. viii, fig. 10. (Text 
descript. gives name C. Brownti.) Cretaceous ; France (?), 

Caulopteris cretacea, Stenzel, 1897, p. 17. (= Protopteris punctata, 
Sternberg, pro parte.) Senonian; Westphalia. 

—— cyatheoides, Unger, 1867, p. 649, pl. i, figs. 1-3. 
Neocomian; Austria. 
—— Dicksonioides, Carruthers, 1865, pl. xiii (misprint for C. 

—— oppoliensis (Goeppert), Stenzel, 1897, p. 18. (= Rhizodendron 
oppoliense, Goeppert, 1886.) Cretaceous; Oppeln. 

—— punctata, Goeppert, 1836, p. 449. (= Protopteris punctata, Presl 
in Sternberg, 1838.) 
—— Songeri, Goeppert, 1836, p. 449, pl. xli, fig. 112. (= Protopteris 
Songeri, Pres] in Sternberg, 1838.) Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
Ceancthus constrictus, Hollick, 1906, p. 93, pl. xxxiv, figs. 15-17. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—— cretaceus, Dawson, 1883, p. 28, pl. viii, fig. 33. 
Upper Cretaceous; Varcourer Island, Canada. 
—--- prodromus, Heer, 1883 a, p. 41, pl. lxii, fig. 15. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— sp.?, Hosius & ron der Marck, 1880, p. 175, pl. xxxvi, fig. 182. 
Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
Cedrelospermites venulosus, Sapurta, 1894, p. 98, pl. xvi, fig. 21. 
Valanginian; Portugal. 
Cedrophloios Bleicheri, Fliche, 1896, pp. 256-258, pl. xii, fig. 4; 
pl. xiv, fig. 3. Albian; Vilotte, France, 
Cedroxylon barremianum, Fliche. 1900, p. 24. pl. ii, fig. 1. 
Lower Cretaceous; Haute-Marne, France. 
—— blevillense, Lignier, 1907, p. 267, pl. xviii, figs. 15-17; pl. xxi, 
fig. 66 & diagr.; pl. xxii, fig. 72; pl. xxiii, fig. 87. 
Albian ; Héve, France. 
— Drewi, Shirley, 1898, p. 13. Upper Cretaceous ; Queensland. 
— Gardcniense, Crié, 1890, p. 236, pl. ii, figs. 1-4. 
Cenomanian ; France. 
—— Hoheneggeri, Felix. . recorded Liebus, 1901, p. 17, in Perucer 
Beds of Bohemia, 
~— inequale, Reiss, 1907, p. 96, fig. 1 of unnumb. pl. 
Upper Cretaceous; Japan. 
—— manehildense, Fliche, 1896, p. 247, pl. xe, fig. 3. 
Cenomanian ; Sainte-Menehould, France. 
—— Matsumura, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, p. 42, pl. i, fig. 10; pl. iv, 
figs. 20-23. Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
—— reticulatum, Saporta, 1880 (1877), p. 653, pl. iii, fig. 3. 
Neocomian ; France, 
—— Ryedalense, Conwentz, 1892, p. 25, pl. vii, figs. 5-9; pl. viii, 
fig. 1. Senonian; Sweden. 
-— Yendoi, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, p. 44, pl. iv, figs. 24-26. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
—— sp., Schenk, 1869, p. 239, pl. iv, figs. 8-9; pl. vii, fig. 2. 
Wernsdorfer Beds; Austrian Silesia. 


Cedrus Lennieri, Saporta, 1880 (1877), p. 652, pl. iv, fig. 1. 

Upper Neocomian; Havre, France. 

lotharingica, Cornuel, 1882, p. 262, pl. vii, figs. 2-3. 
Albian ; Houpctte, France. 
oblonga (Lindley & Hutton), Fliche, 1896, p. 200, pl. viti. (= Abies 
oblonga, Lindley & Hutton.) Albian ; France, 

Celastrophyllum acutidens, Fontaine, 1889, p. 305, pl. elvi, fig. 8. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
albedomus, Ward, 1505, p. 489, pl. eviii, fig. 3. Ibid. 
angustifolium, Newberry, 1895, p. 100, pl. xiv, figs. 8-17. 

Amboy Clay ; Wovdbridge, U.S.A. 
arcinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 304, pl. exlvi, fig. 3. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
australe, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 188, p). ix, fig. 14. 

Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 

Benedeni, Saporta & Marion, 1873, p. 67, pl. 3, fig. 6; pl. xii, 
figs. 1-2. 

Eocene. (Recorded American Cretaceous. Hollick, 189+ a, p. 58.) 

Brittonianum, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 105, pl. sliii, 

figs. 37, 38, 46, 47. Amboy Clay ; New Jersey (?). 

breokense, Fontaine, 1889, p, 305, pl. elviii, fig. 8; pl. clix, fig. 7. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
crassipes, Lesquereux, 1892. p. 174, pl. lvii, figs. 6, 7. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
crenatum, Heer, 183 4, p. 41, pl. Ixii, fig. 21. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
cretaceum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 173, pl. xxxviii, figs. 12-14. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
decurrens, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 172, pl. xxxvi, fig. J. Ibid. 
denticulatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 306, pl, clxix, fig. 10; pl]. elxxii, 
fig. 7. Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
elegans, Berry, 1905 », p, 84, pl. xliii, fig. 6, 
Matawan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A, 
ensifolium, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 108, pl. xsi, figs. 2-3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
grandifolium, Newberry, 1895, p. 104, pl. xix, fig. 8; pl. xxi, 
figs. 1-4. Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Hunteri, Ward, 1895 4, p. 358, pl. iy, fig. 9. 

Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A, 

integrifolium, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 260, pl. iii, fig. 14. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

lanceolatum, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p, 280, pl. iii, fig. 9. Ibid. 

latifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 800, pl. elxxii, figs. 3, 6; pl. clxxiii, 

fig. 13. Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A, 
? marylandicum, Fontaine in Ward, 1900, p. 559, pl. exvi, 
fig. 7. Ibid. 

minus, Ifollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 105, pl. sli, figs. 51, 52. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 


Celastrophyllum myrsinoides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 174, pl. lviii, 

figs. 8, 9. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Newberryanum, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 101, pl. xlix, 
figs. 1-27. Amboy Clay; Sayreville, U.S.A. 

—— obliquum, Knowlton in Lesquereux, 1892, p. 173, pl. lvii, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— obovatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 307, pl. clxxii, figs. 9, 10. 
Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— obtusidens, Fontaine, 1889, p. 305, pl. clvi, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— obtusum, Heer, 1882, p. 96, pl. xxviii, fig. 15. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— proteoides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 304, pl. exlvi, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— pulchrum, Ward, 1899, p. 706, pl. clxxi, figs. 3, 4. 
Dakota Group; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—-- robustum, Newberry, 1895, p. 103, pl. xlii, figs. 41, 42. 
Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— f saliciforme, Ward, 1905, p. 494, pl. eviii, fig. 7. 
Older Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-—— serratum, Saporta & Marion, recorded Heer, 1883 a, p. 41, pl. Ixv, 
fig. 6. Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— spatulatum, Newberry, 1895, p. 103, pl. xlii, figs. 43-45. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— tenuinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 306, pl. clxxii, fig. 2. 
Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— undulatum, Newberry, 1895, p. 102, pl. xxxviii, figs. 1-3. 
Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Celastrus arctica, Heer, 1883 a, p. 40, pl. Ixi, figs. 5d, Se. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— ? sp., Hollick, 1893, p. 38, pl. i, fig. 4. : 
Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Celtidophyllum cretaceum, Krasser, 1896, pl. xvi, figs. 8, 9, 10. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
—— cretaceum integrifolia, Krasser, 1896, p. 116, pl. xvi, figs. 12- 

14. Ibid. 
—— preaustrale, Krasser, 1896, p. 130, pl. xvi, figs. 8-14. Tbid. 
Celtiophyllum cretaceum, Krasser, 1889, p. 34 [nomen nudum]. 
: Ibid. 

Celtis ? ovata, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 66, pl. iv, figs. 2-38. (= Populites 

ovata, Lesquereux, 1868, & Ampelophyllum ovatum, Lesquereux, 

1876 B.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
Cephalotaxites insignis, Heer, 1883 4, p. 10, pl. liii, fig. 12. 

; Patoot Beds; Greenland. 

Cephalotaxopsis brevifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 238, pl. lv, fig. 3; 

pl. evi, fig. 0; pl. evii, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A, 


Cephalotaxopsis magnifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 236, pl. civ, figs. 4, 
5;, figs. 1, 2,4; pl. evi, figs. 1,3; pl. evi, figs. 1,2, 4; pl. eviii, 
figs. 1, 8, 4. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— microphylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 238, pl. eviii, fig. 5; pl. cix, 
fig. 9. Ibid. 
—— ramosa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 237, pl. civ, figs. 2,3; pl. evi, figs. 2, 4; 
pl. evii, fig. 8; pl. eviii, fig. 2. Tbid. 
——? rhytidodes, Ward, 1905, p. 258, pl. Ixviii, fig. 8. 
Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1893, p. 89. Kootanie Formation; British Columbia. 
—— sp., Fontaine in Diller & Stanton, 1894, p. 450. 
Knoxville Beds; California, U.S.A. 
Cephalotaxospermum carolinianum, Berry, 19104, p. 187. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
Cerasus meridionalis, Eichwald, 1865, p. 67, pl. iii, fig. 28. Russia. 
Ceratopetalum primigenium, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 138, & p. 150; 
& 1895, p. 44, pl. iv, fig. 5. Cretaceous ; Australia, 
—— rivulare, Ettingshausen, 18874, p. 186, pl. ix, figs. 15-16. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
Ceratophyllum australe, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 147; & 1895, 
p. 14, pl. i, figs. 14-15. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
— rivulare, Crié, 1889, p. 9 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceons; New Zealand. 
Ceratostrobus echinatus, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 25, pl. xi, figs. 7-15; 

pl. xiii, fig. 5. Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 
—— formosus (Heer), Schulze, 1888, p. 18. (= Getnitzia formosa, 
Heer.) Senonian; Altenburg. 

—— sequoizphyllum, Velenovsky, 1885, p, 24, pl. xii, figs. 14-16. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
— strictus, Schulze, 1888, p. 19 [nomen nudum]. (= Geinitzia 
cretacea, Schimper.) Senonian; Altenburg. 
Cercis eocenica, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 384. 
Laramie Formation (?); Colorado, U.S.A, 
Cercospora coriococcum, Bayer, 1899, pp. 3, 4, text-figs. 1, 1a, 2. 
Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 
Cesalpinites marticensis, Marion, 1890, p. 1054 [nomen nudum]. 
Turonian ; Martiques, France. 
Chamecyparites Charonis, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 12, pl. iii, 
figs. 3-6; pl. ii, fig. 9. Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
Changarniera dubia, Saporia, 1894, p. 110, pl. xx, figs. 13-14. 
Lower Cretaceous (7); Portugal. 
Chara acanthica, Stache, 1380, p.199 [nomen nudum]. (= Kosmogyra 
acanthica, Stache, 1889.) Upper Cretaceous; Corgnale. 
— carinata, Stache, 1880, p. 198 [nomen nudum]. (= Kosmogyrella 
; carinata, Stache, 1889.) Liburnian (Upper Cretaceous) ; Cosina. 
— cingulata, Stache, 1880, p. 198 [nomen nudum]. (= Kosmogyra 
cingulata, Stache, 1889.) Ibid. 


Chara cosinensis, Stache, 1880, p. 198 [nomen nudum}. (= Nite/a 
cosinensis, Stache, 1889.) Liburnian (Upper Cretaceous); Cosina. 
—— dolium, Stache, 1880, p. 199 [nomen nudum]. (= Cristatella 

dolium, Stache, 1889.) Upper Cretaceous (?); Corgnale. 
—— guttifera, Stache, 1880, p. 199 [nomen nudum]. (= Kosmogyra 
guitifera, Stache, 1889.) Tbid. 
——- liburnica, Stache, 1880, p. 198 [nomen nudum]. (= Lagynophora 
liburnica, Stache, 1889.) Upper Cretaceous (?); Cosina. 
—— ornata, Stache, 1850, p. 199 [momen nudum]. (= Kosmogyra 
ornata, Stache, 1889.) Ibid. 
—— perarmata, Stache, 1880, p. 199 [nomen nudum]. (= Kosmogyra 
perarmata, Stache, 1889.) Upper Cretaceous (?); Corgnale. 

——: polonica, Unger, 1860, p. 3, pl. ii, figs. 1-4. 
Cretaceous (?); Galicia. 
——-- robusta, Stache, 1880, p.179 [nomen nudum]. (= Nitella robusta, 
Stache, 1889.) Upper Cretaceous; Cosina. 
—— Stacheana, Unger, 1860, p. 3, pl. i, figs. 1-4. Ibid. 
—— Stantoni, Knowlton, 1895 a, p. 141, text-figs. 1-3. 
Bear River Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— superba, Stache, 1880, p. 199 [nomen nudum]. (= Kosmogyra 
superba, Stache, 1889.) Upper Cretaceous (?); Divacea. 
Cheilanthites Mantelli, Goeppert, 1836, p. 231. (= Sphenopteris 
Mantelli, Bronyniart, 1828.) Tilgate Sands; Sussex. 
Cheirolepis Choffati, Saporta, 18904, p. 814; & 1894, p. 90, pl. xvii, 
figs. 4-9. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
Chiropteris elongata, Rossmiesler, MS., in Cotta, 1836, p. 585. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschcena, Saxony. 

—— obtusa, Rossmissler, MS., in Cotta, 1836, p. 585. Ibid. 
—— Reichii, Bronn, 1837, pl. xxviii, fig. 1. (= Halyserites Reichii, 
Sternberg.) Ibid. 

—— spatulata, Newberry, 1891, p. 199, pl. xiv, figs, 1, 2. 
(= Sagenopteris ?, Seward, 1910, p. 431.) 
Kootanie Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— Williamsii, Newberry, 1891, p. 198, pl. xiv, figs. 10, 11. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
Choffatia Francheti, Saporta, 1894, p. 150, pl. xxiv, fig. 8; pl. xxvi, 
figs. 19-22. Urgonian ; Portugal. 
Chondrites zqualis, Sternberg, 1833, p. 26. (= Fucoides equalis, 
Brongniart, 1824.) 
—— aragonensis, Saporta, 18914, p. 312, pl. eclxxv, fig. 1. 
Cretaceous; Aragon, France. 
—— assimilis, Saporta, 1891 a, p. 312, pl. eclxxv, fig. 2. 
Cretaceous; France. 
—— bignoriensis, Mantell, 1854, p. 102, text-fig. 9. Chalk ; Sussex. 
—— Bosqueti, Miquel, 1£58, p. 54, pl. vi, fg. 4. Senonian; Belgium. 
—— bulbosus, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 373; & 1878, p. 42, pl. i, fig. 14. 
Laramie Formation ; New Mexico. 


Chondrites cretaceus, Presl in Sternberg, 1838, p. 103, pl. xxxiv, 
fig. 3. Cretaceous (?) ; Swabian Alps. 

—— dichotomus, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 266. Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 

—— difformis (Brongniart), Sternberg, 1833, p. 26. (= Fucoides 
difformis, Brongniart, 1824.) 

~— divaricatus, Debey & Ettingshausen (zon Fischer-Ooster), 1859 a, 

p. 194, pl. ii, fig. 6 0. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— elegans, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 A, p. 195, pl. ii, figs, 9-10. 

— fastigiatus, Sternberg, 1833, p. 25. (= section of Fucoides 
Targionii.) Recorded from Lower and Upper Greensand of 
Sussex by Mantell, ete. 

—— filiciformis, Lesquereux, 1889, p. 32, pl. xvi, fig. 1. 

Neocomian; Alaska. 

—— flexuosus, Newberry, 1895, p. 34, pl. i, figs. 1-4. 

Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

—— furcatus, Sternberg, 1833, p.27. (= Fucoides furcatus, Brongniart, 

—— furcillatus, Roemer (on Schinalhansen), 1841, p. 1, pl. i, 
figs. 1, «, d. Quadersandstein ; Saxony 

—— furcillatus latior, von der Marck, 1864, p. 82, pl. xiii, fig. 14. 

Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 
—— fusiformis, Fischer-Ooster, 1858, p. 53, pl. iv, fig. 3. 

Lower Cretaceous; Switzerland. 
—— intricatus, Steruberg, 1833, p. 26, as Chondrides intricatus, in 
Schimper, 1874, pl. iii, figs. 4-9. (= Fucoides intricatus, Brong- 
niart.) Upper Cretaceous; Westphalia, etc. 
—— jugiformis, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 193, pl. i, figs. 8-9. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

—— longissimus, Gimbel, 1861, p. 567. Turonian ; Bavaria, 
— Mantelli, Geinitz, 18504, p. 266. (= Spherococcites Mantelli, 
Roemer, 1841.) Quadersandstein ; Germany. 

—— neocomensis, Heer, 1877, p. 142, pl. lviii, figs. 1-7. 
Neocomian ; Switzerland. 

— polymcrphus, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 121, pl. xxiv, 

fig. 3. Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 
—- rectangularis, Giimbel, 1861, p. 563. Neocomian ; Bavaria. 
— recurvus, Sternberg, 1833, p.26. (= Fucoides recurvus, Brongniart, 
—— Riemsdyki, Miquel, 1853, p. 55. Senonian ; Belgium. 
—— tigidus, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 197, pl. ili, figs. 8, 15-- 
17. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

—— robionensis, Saporta & Marion, 1881, p. 94, text-fig. 30. 
Neocomian ; France. 
—~— serpentinus, Heer, 1865, p. 190, text-fig. $9; & 1877, p. 142, 
pl. lvii, figs. 4, 5; pl. lviii, fig. 8. Neocomian ; Switzerland. 
subcurvatus, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 131, pl. xxiv, 
fig. 4. Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 


Chondrites subintricatus, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859, p. 196, 
pl. ii, fig. 8. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

—— subsimplex, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 41, pl. i, fig. 13. 

: Laramie Formation ; New Mexico. 

— subverticillatus, Pres] in Sternberg, 1838, p. 104, pl. xxviii, fig. 1; 

; pl. lxv, fig. 34. Upper Cretaceous ; Westphalia. 
—- Targionii (Br.), Sternberg, 1838, p. 25, pl. ix, fig. 3. (= Huccides 
Targionti, Brongniart, 1828.) Greensand ; France. 

—— Thierensi (Bosq.), Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 177, pl. xxxvi, 
fig. 136.a. (= Delesserites Thierenst, Miquel.) 
Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
— vagus, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 196. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— sp., Otto, 1854, p. 13, pl. ii, fig. 3. Quadersandstein ; Saxony. 
Chondrophyllum cretaceum, Debey, 1848 a, p. 117. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— grandidentatum, Heer, 18694, p. 19, pl. xi, fig. 6. ; 
Cenomauian; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— hederzforme, Heer, 1871 a, p. 13, pl, iii, figs. 9, 11 4, 2d. 
ms Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— Nordenskioldi, Heer, 18714, p. 1183; & 18744, p. 114, pl. xxxii, 
figs. 11, 12; pl. xxx, fig. 40. (Renamed Pistia Nordenskioldi hy 
Berry, 1910 a.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— obovatum, Newberry, 1895, p. 118, pl. xlii, figs. 26, 27. 
Atbvy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— orbiculatum, Heer, 18744, p, 115, pl, xxxi, fig, 8¢; pl. xxiii, 
fig, 13. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— reticulatum, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 119, pl. xli, figs. 6, 7. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey (?), U.S.A. 
—— tricuspe, Schulze, 1888, p. 453, 
Cretaceous; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
Chondrophyton dissectum, Saporta & Marion, 1885, p. 120, text- 
fig. 126. Turonian; Frauce, 
—— laceratum, Saporta, 1894, p. 219, pl. xxxviii, figs. 4-5. 
Cenomanian ; Portugal. 
—— obscuratum, Saporta, 1894, p. 220, pl. xxxix, fig. 24. Ibid, 
Chonophyllum cretaceum, Debey, 18484, p. 117 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
— Velenovskyi, Engelhardt, 1892 a, p. 89, pl. ii, fig. 15, 
Quadersandstein ; Freiburg, Saxony, 
Cinchona rectinervis, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 213 (nomen nudum], 
Cretaceous; Bohemia, 
Cinnamomum. affine, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 206. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, 
— oanadense, Dawson, 1886, p. 18, pl. iv, fig. 7. 
Mill Creek Series; Mill Creek, Canada. 


Cinnamomum crassipetiolatum, Hollick, 19064, p. 74, pl. xxx, 
figs, 3, 4, Middle Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— ellipsoideum, Saporta & Marion. 
(Recorded Heer, 1883 a, from Patoot Beds of Greenland.) 
—— ellipticum, Knowlton in Weed & Knowlton, 1893, p. 54. 
Laramie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— Haastii, Ettingshausen, 1887 4, p. 185, pl. ix, fig. 11. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
—— Heerii, Lesquereux, 1859, p. 361; & 1869, p. 431, pl. xxiii, fig. 12. 
(= Daphnogene Heerii, Lesquereux, 1876 .) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— intermedium, Newberry (non Ettingshausen), 1895, p. 89, pl. xxix, 
figs. 1-8, 10. Amboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— intermedium, Newberry, 1896, pl. xxix, figs. 1-8, 10. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— Marioni, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 106, pl. li, figs. 6, 7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— membranaceum (Lesquereux), Hollick, 19064, p. 75, pl. xxix, 
figs. 5, 6. Middle Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
— personatum, Bayer, 1896, p. 21, text-fig. 6, & p. 35. 
Upper Senonian ; Kieslingwalde, Bohemia. 
— primigenium, Ettingshausen, 18U5, p. 24, pl. ili, fig. 1, 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— Scheuchzeri, Heer, recorded by Lesquereux, 1874, p. 23, pl. xxx, 
figs. 2, 3. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
(Originally described from Tertiary.) 
— sezannense, Watelet, 1866, p. 175, pl. |, fig. 2. 
Tertiary; Sezanae. (Recurded Lesquereux, 18V1, from Dakota.) 
—— 2? Stantoni, Knowlton, 1900, p. 60, pl. xv, fig. 1. 
Montana Formation ; Utab, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1906 a, p. 75, pl. xxx, fig. 7. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Cissites acerifolius, Lesquereus, 1892, p. 163, pl. lviii, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— acuminatus, Lesquereux, 1876 a, p. 396; & 1876 8, p. 353, pl. viii, 

fig. 1. Ibid. 

— acutiloba, Hollick, 1895, p. 227, pl. cexxxvii, fig. 3. Ibid. 
— affinis, Lesquereux, 18768, p. 352. (=Platanus affinis, Lx. 1874.) 

— affinis ampla (Dr-.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 70 (re-naming Platanus 
affinis ampla, Dawson). Mill Creek Series; Mill Creex, Canada. 
-—— alatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 160, pl. xviii, fig. 6. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Brownii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 162, pl. xviii, fig. 11. Ibid. 

—~ crispus, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 12 (73), pl. iv (xxvii), fig. 0. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
-— cyclophylla, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 353. (= Populites eycto- 
phylla, Wr.) Dakota Group; Minnesota, U.S.A. 


Cissites dentato-lobatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 164, pl. Ixvi, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— formosus, Heer, 1882, p. 85, pl. xxi, figs. 5-8. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— formcsus magothiensis, Berry, 1910 nu, p. 25. 
Magothy Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— Harkerianus, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 337; & 18834, p. 67, 
pl. iii, figs. 3, 4. (= Sassafras harkeriuna, Lx., 1873, & Sassafras 
(Araliopsis) hurkerianum, Lx., 1874.) 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— Heerii, Lesquereux, 1876 a, p. 396; & 18768, p.353, pl. vi, fig. 3. 

—— ingens, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 159, pl. xix, figs. 2, 2 a. Ibid. 
—— ingens, var. parvifolia, Lesquereux, 1s92, p. 160, pl. lvii, figs. 3, 4. 

—— insignis, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1€67, p. 19, pl. ii, figs. 3, 4. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— lobato-crenata (Lesquereux), Knowlton in Stanton & Knowlton, 

1897, p. 145. Wyoming, U.S.A. 

— obtusilobus, Lesquereux (non Saporta), 1892, p. 161, pl. xxxiii, 
fig. 6. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

—— obtusilobus, Saporta (non Lesquereux), 1894, p. 190, pl. xxxiv, 
figs. 12-13. . Albian; Portugal. 

—~ obtusum, Lesquereux, 18765, p. 354. (= Sasszfras obtusus, 
Lesquereux, 1872.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
platanoidea, Hollick, 1895p, p. 226, pl. cexxxvii, fig. 2. Ibid. 

—— populoides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 162, pl. xviii, figs. 12-14. Ibid. 
—— salisburizfolius, Lesquereux, 1883, p.66. (=Populites salishurie- 
Solius, Lx., 1868.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.8.A. 
—— sinuosus, Saporta, 1894, p. 190, pl. xxiv, fig. 11. Albian; Portugal. 
——— vitifolia, Velenovsky, 1882, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. (= Cissus 
vitifolia, Velenovsky.) Cenowanian; Bohemia, 
Cissophyllum exulum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 24, pl. vi, figs. 4, 5 
(= Premnophyllum exulum, Velenovsky.) Ibid. 
—— vitifolium, Velenovsky, 1882.4, p. 214; & 1889, p. 25. (= Cissus 
vitifolium, Velenovsky.) Ibid. 
Cissus Browniana, Lesquereux in Winchell, 1885, p. 77; & 1895, 
p. 17, pl. A, fig. 8. Dakota Group ; Minnesota, U.S.A. 
—— lobato-crenatus, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 396; & 18788, p. 240, 
pl. xli, figs. 1-3. Laramie Formation; Wyoming. 
—— vitifolia, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 8 (5d), pl. ii (xvii), fig. 6; pl. iii 
(xviii), fig, 1. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Citrophyllum aligerum (Lesquereux), Berry, 1909, p. 258, pl. xviii a, 
figs. 1-8. (= Ficus aligera, Lesquereux.) 
Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A: 
Cladophlebis acuta, Fontaine, 1889, p. 74, pl. v, fig. 7; pl. vii, fig. 6; 
pl. x, figs. 6, 7; pl. xi, figs. 7, 8; pl. clxvi, fig. 6. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 


Cladophlebis acuta, var. angustifolia, Fontaine in Ward, 1805, 
p- 539, pl. exiv, fig. 5. 
Older Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.8.A. 
—— alata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 77, pl. xix, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A, 
—— angustifolia, Newberry, 1891, p. 200, pl. xiv, fig. 8. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— argutidens, Saporta, 1894, p. 74, pl. xviii, figs. 10-12. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— brevipennis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 81, pl. xxxvi, fig. 1. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— Browniana (Dunker), Seward, 1894 4, p. 99. Wealden. 
Recorded from American Lower Cretaceous, see Fontaine 
in Ward, 1905, p. 226, pl. Ixv, fig. 9, & others. 
—- columbiana, Dawson, 1894, p. 53, pl. v, figs. 4, 5. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vanecuver Island, Canada. 
— confusior, Saporta, 1894, p. 106, pl. xxv, fig. 6; pl. xxxi, figs. 8-9. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
——~ constricta, Fontaine, 1889, p. 68, pl. il, fig. 11; pl. iii, fig. 2; pl. vi, 
figs. 5, 6, 8-14; pl. xxi, figs. 9,13; pl. clxix, fig. 2. 
Potomae Formation ; Virginia and Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— crenata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 75, pl. ix, figs. 7-9; pl. x, figs. 1, 2; 
pl. xiv, figs. 1-3; pl. xix, fig. 1; pl. xx, fig. 6. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— denticulata (Heer), Fontaine (non Brongniart), 1889, p. 71, pl. iv, 
fig. 2; pl. vii, fig. 7. Ibid. 
— derelicta, Saporta, 1894, p. 77, pl. xv, fig. 2; pl. xvi, fig. 9. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— distans, Fontaine, 1889, p. 77, pl. xiii, figs. 4, 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—- Dunkeri (Schimper), Seward, 18944, p. 100. (= Pecopteris 
Dunkeri, Schimper.) 
—— falcata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 72, pl. iv, fig. 8; pl. v, figs. 1-6; pl. vi, 
fig. 7; pl. vii, figs. 1, 2. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— falcata montanensis, Fountaiue in Ward, 1905, p. 291, pl. Ixxi, 
figs. 14-20. (Re-naming Thinn feldia montanensis, Fontaine.) 
Kootanie Formation; Montava, U.S. A. 
—— Fisheri, Knowlton, 1907, p. 109, pl. xi, figs. 2, 2 a. Ibid, 
—— fissipennis, Saporta, 1894, p. 77, pl. xvi, fig. 5. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— heterophylla, Fontaine, 1893, p. 493, pl. Ixxxiv, fig. 2. 
Kootanie Formation; Montana, U S.A. 
—— inequiloba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 80, pl. xxv, fig. 8. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— inclinata, Fontaine, 188), p. 76, pl. x, figs. 3, 4; pl. xx, fig. 8, 
— latifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 69, pl. iii, fig. 1; pl. vi, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— Limai, Saporta, 1894, p. 165, pl. xxix, fig. 8. Albian; Portugal. 


Cladophlebis minutissima, Saporta, 1894, p. 77, pl. xv, fig. 26; 
pl. xvi, fig. 19¢. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
— Nathorsti, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 220, pl. xxviii, figs. 3, 4, 10, 11. 
Neocomian ; Japan. 
—— oblongifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 74, pl. vii, figs. 3-5. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— obtusiloba, Saporta, 1894, p. 166, pl. xxix, fig. 9. 
2 Albian; Portugal. 
—— pachyphylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 80, pl. xxv, fig. 9. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— parva, Fontaine, 1889, p. 73, pl. iv, fig. 7; pl. vi, figs. 1-38. Ibid. 
—— petiolata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 80, pl. xxii, fig. 8. Ib.d. 
—— rotundata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 78, pl. xx, figs. 9-10. lbid. 
—— sinulatiloba, Suporta, 1894, p. 76, pl. xvi, figs. 1-2. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
-—- skagitensis, Penhallow, 1907, p. 306, text-fig. 2. 
Cretaceous; British Columbia. 
——— sphenopteroides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 79, pl. xxi, fig. 4. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— sulcycadina, Saporta, 1890 a, p. i814; & 1894, p. 75, pl. xvii, 
fig. 18. Valanginian; Portugal. 
—— Ungeri (Dunker), Ward, 1905, p. 228, pl. Ixy, figs. 15-16. 
(= Pecopteris Unyeri, Dunker.) 
Shasta Forniation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 70, pl. ili, figs. 3-8; pl. iv, figs. 1, 

3-6. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-— wyomingensis, Fontaine in Ward, 18998, p. 656, pl. cls, figs. 16, 
17. Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A, 

—— sp., Dawson, 1893, p. 85. 
Kootanie Formation ; British N.W.Territory, Canada. 
—— sp. ?, Fontaine, 1889, p. 76, pl. x, figs. 5, 8; pl. xx, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Clathraria ? galtiana, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 202, pl. lxii, 
fig. 180. Lower Gault; Westphalia. 
—— Lyellii, Mantell, 1827, p. 52, pl. i, figs. 1, 2,7; pl. ii, figs. 1, 2, 3; 
pl. iii, fig. 8; pl. ili, fig. 4. 
Wealden; Sussex. (Recorded from Chalk Marl, Isle of 
Wight, Mantell, 1847, pp. 295 & 297 text-fig.) 
— Schachti (Coemans), Schimper, 1870. (= Cycadeoidea Schachti, 
Capellini & Solms, 1892.) Gault; Belgium. 
Clathropodium foratum, Saporta, 1875, p. 297, pl. exxiv, figs. 1, 2. 
(= Cycadeoidea forata, Saporta in Capellini & Solms, 1892.) 
Recorded from Gault; Havre (iirst described from Jurassic). 
—— sp., Yokoyama, 1906, p. 37, pl. xii, fig. 2. 
; Lower Cretaceous ; China. 
Clathropteris egyptiaca, Seward, 1907, p. 253, text-fig. 1. 
Jurassic? ; Bgypt. 
(Shown by Newton 1909 to be Senonian.) 


Coccoloba levigata, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 887; & 18788, p. 208, 
pl. xxxv, fig. 7, Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Cocculites imperfectus, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 63, pl. xii, fig. 14. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.8.A. 
—— inquirendus, Hollick, 19064, p. 63, pl. xii, fig. 13. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Cocculus cercifolius, Saporta, 1890 8, p. 182 [nomen nuduin]. 
Lower Cretaceous; Bagnols, France. 
—— cinnamomeus, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 4 (65), pl. viii (xxxi), figs. 16-21, 
Perucer Beds ; Lipenec, Bohemia. 
—— extinctus, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 3 (64), pl. vi (xxix), figs. 1, 3. 
Cenomanian ; Silesia, 
—— minutus, Hollick, 1905, p. 407, pl. Ixx, fig. 6. 
Cretaceous Clay; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— princeps, Saporta, 1890, p. 182 [nomen nudum]. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Bagnols, France. 
Cocoopsis ovata, Fliche, 1896, p. 273, pl. xiii, figs. 3,4; pl. xvii, fig. 3, 
Lower Cenomanian; Sainte-Menehould, France. 
—— Zeilleri, Fliche, 1896, p. 271, pl. xii, figs. 5, 6; pl. xiii, figs. 1, 2. 
Lower Cenomanian ; Argers, lrauce. 
Codites idicensis, Squinabol, 1890, p. 185, pl. viii, fig. 3. 
Cretaceous (?); Italy, 
—— neocomiensis, Saporta & Marion, 1881, p. 96, text-fig. 31. 
Neocomian; France. 
Colutea coronilloides, Heer, 1882, p. 100, (= Leywminosites coronil- 
loides, Heer, 1874.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Langeana, Heer, 1882, p. 100, pl. xl, fig. 7 3. Ibid. 
-—— obovata, Berry, 1906 8, p. 175, pl. viii, figs. 5-6. 
Magothy Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A, 
—— primordialis, Heer, 1882, p. 99, pl. xxvii, figs. 7-11; pl. xliii, 
figs. 7-8. Atane Beds; Greenlund. 
—— protogeea, Heer, 1883 a, p. 48, pl. Ixi, fig. le; pl. Isii, fig. Le. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— valde inzqualis, Heer, 1882, p. 100, pl. xxvii, figs, 12-13. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Combretiphyllum acuminatum, Menzel, 1909, p. 402, pl. ii, fig. 7. 
Senonian ; Kamerun. 
Compteroneura paradoxa, Debey, 1850, p. 117 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— truncata, Debey, 1850, p. 117 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
Comptonia? antiqua, Nilsson, 1832, p. 346, pl. i, fig. 8. (=Dryandra 
antiqua, Ettingshausen, 1851, = Comptonites antiquus, Unger, 1865.) 
Greensand; Sweden. 
-—— microphylla (Heer), Berry, 19064 (renaming Rhus microphylia, 
Heer, 1874 a, & others.) 
—— tenera, Hosius & von der Marck, 1885, p. 227, pl. xix, figs. 3-4. 
Upper Senonian ; Westphalia, 



Comptoniopteris cercalina, Saporta, 1894, p. 129, pl. xxvi, fig. 24. 
Urgonian ; Portugal, 
—— intermedia, Marion, 1890, p. 1053. Turonian; Martigues, France, 

—— provincialis, Marion, 1890, p. 1023. Ibid. 
——- Saporte, Murion, 1890, p. 1053. Tid. 
-—~ Vasseuri, Marion, 1890, p. 1053. Tid. 

Comptonites antiquus (Nilsson), Hisinger, 1837, p. 111, pl. xxxiv, 
fig. 7; & Unger, 1865, p. 374, pl. i, fig. 1. (=Comptonia antiqua, 
Wilson, 1832, =Dryandra antiqua, Ettingshausen, 1851.) 

Greensand ; Sweden. 

Cenfervites? zgagropiloides, Brongniart, 1828, p. 36, pl. i, figs. 4, 5. 

Cretaceous; Denmark. 
—— aquensis, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 187, pl. i, fig. 4. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 

—— Brardii (Sternberg), Debey, 1848 a, p. 114. 

Cretaceoua ; La Rochelle, France. 

—— cespitosus, Debey & Eltingshausen, 1859 a, p. 188, pl. i, figs. 10-1) 

Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 

— dubius, Berry, 1903 c, p. 677, text-fig. 9, p. 678. 

Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

—— fasciculata, Brongniart, 1828, p. 35, pl. i, figs. 1-3. 

Cretaceous ; Denmark. 

—— orbigniana (Sternberg), Debey, 1848 a, p. 114. 

Cretaceous ; La Rochelle, France. 

— ramosus, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 188, pl. i, fig. 9. 

Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

— Woodwardii, Mantell, 1844, p. 104, text-fig. 4. Chalk; Norfolk. 

Ccniferocaulon colymbeeforme, Fliche, 1900, p. 16. 

Lower Cretaceous ; France, 

Coniopteris nitidula, Yukoyama, 1906, p. 35, pl. xii, figs. 4, 4a. 

Cretacevus; China. 

Conites familiaris, Sternberg, 1825, p. xxxix, pl. xlvi, fig. 2. 
(= Zamiostrobus familiaris, Bronn & Roemer, 1856.) 

Planer; Triblitz, Bohemia. 

—— gibbus, Reuss, 1844, p. 169. (=Microzamia gibba (Reuss), Corda, 
1846.) Ibid. 

—— insignis, Bronn & Ruemer, 1856, p. 54, pl. xxviii, fig. 13. 

Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

—— sp., Bronn, 1887, p. 577, pl. xxviii, fig. 13. Ibid. 

Conospermites ellipticus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 279, pl. exxxviii, fig. 14. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— hakeefolius, Ettingshausen, 1867 4, p. 254, pl. iii, figs. 4, 12. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

—  hakeefolius, Velenovsky (non Etlingshausen), 18824, p. 213 
[nomen nudum]. Cretaceous ; Boheinia, 

—— linearifolius, Etlingshausen, 1893, pp. 140, 149; & 1895, p. 27, 
pl. iii, fig. 14, Cretaceous; Australia. 


Corallinites galaxacera (Galaxaura), Massalongo, 1856, p. 42, 

pl. vi, figs. 1-2. Cretaceous; Venice, Italy. 
Cornophyllum vetustum, Newberry, 1895, p. 119, pl. xix, fig. 10. 

Amboy Clay ; Wovdbridge, U.S.A. 

Ccrnoxylon myriczeforme, Vater, 1884, p. 846, pl. xxix, figs. 25, 26. 

Lower Senonian (?) ; Helmstedt 

Cornus cretacea, Caspary, 1888, p. 39. Kénigsberg, Prussia. 
—— cretacea solidior, Caspary, 1888, p. 40; 1889, p. 29, pl. vi, figs. 4— 
17. Ibid. 

—~— Forchhammeri, Heer, 1882, p. 85, pl. xliv, fig. 13. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— Holmiana, Heer, 1883, p. 36, pl. Ixii, fig. 12; pl. Ixiv, figs. 6, 7. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— obesus, Dawson, 1894, p. 62, pl. ix, fig. 30. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— platyphyllicides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 126, pl. Ixiv, fig. 15. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.8.A. 

—— precox, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 125, pl. xxiii, fig. 5. Tbid. 
—— rhamnifolia, Weber, 1852, p. 192, pl. xxi, fig. 8. Tertiary. 

(Recorded Lesquereux, 1872 & 1878 5, American 
Laramie & Montana Formations.) 
—— Studeri?, Heer, 1859. Tertiary. 
(Recorded Ward, 1872, p. 293, & 1878, p. 244, 
pl. slii, figs. 4, 5, American Cretaceous.) 
—— suborbifera, Lesquereux, 1878 3, p. 243, pl. xlii, fig. 2. 
Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— thulensis, Heer, 1883, p. 37, pl. Ixii, figs. 9-11. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
Corticites stigmarioides (Ettingshausen), Engelhardt, 1892, p. 116. 
(= Caulinites stigmaricides, Ettingshausen ) Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
Costarites undulatus, Debey, 18484, p. 115 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
Crategus aceroides, Lesquerenx, 1892, .p. 148, pl. liv, fig. 8; pl. ly, 
fig. 1. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
——? equidentata, Lesquereux, 1878 3, p. 207, pl. lviii, figs. 4, 4a. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— atavina, Heer, 1883 a, p. 43, pl. Ixiv, fig. 11. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
——? fragarioides, Heer, 1883 a, p. 43, pl. lsii, fig. 10. Ibid. 
—-— Lacoei, Lesquereus, 1802, p. 143, pl. Ixiv, fig. 14. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— lawrenciana, Lesqnereux, 1892, p. 142, pl. xxxviii, fig. 1. Ibid. 
___— monmcuthensis, Berry, 1907 a, p. 675, text-fig. 1. 
Magothy Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— tenuinervis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 142, pl. liv, figs. 5-7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Credneria acerifolia, Richter, 1908, p. 18, pl. ti, fig. 13; pl. iii, fig. 1. 
Quadersandstein; Blankenburg, Saxony. 


Credneria acuminata, Hampe, 1852, p. 7 [nomen nudum]. (Ia 
Stiehler, 1858, p. 64, pl. x, figs. 6, 7.) 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg. 
— arcuata, Velenovsky, 18828, p. 14, pl. viii, fig. 9. 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
—— arcuata, Richter (now Velenovsky), 1905, p. 14, pl. iii, fig. 4; pl. vi, 
fig. 10. Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
— atava, Richter, 1905, p. 14, pl. iii, fig. 6. 
Upper Cretaceous; Neinstedt, Saxony. 
—— Beckeriana, Goeppert, 1845, p. 220 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Silesia. 
—— biloba, Zenker, 1833, p. 19, pl. ii, figs. A & B. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
~— bohemica, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 213; & 18828, p. 9, pl. iii, 
fig. 1; pl. iv, figs. 10-11. Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
—— cuneifolia, Bronn, 1837, p. 583, pl. xxviii, fig, 11. (= Eiétings- 
hausenia cuneifolia of Stiehler, 1858.) 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— denticulata, Zenker, 1833, p. 18, pl. ii, fig. E. .— 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
— elongata, Richter, 1905, p. 14, pl. ii, fig. 11; pl. iv, figs. 4, 7; 
pl. vi, figs. 6, 7, 8, 9. Upper Cretaceous ; Eselstall, Saxony. 
—— Engelhardati, Richter, 1905, p. 14, pl. iv, fig. 3. 
Upper Cretaceous; Neinstedt, Saxony. 
— expansa, Brongniart, 18494, p. 111 [nomen nudum]. (= LHitings- 
hausenia expansa of Stiehler, 1858.) 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— Geinitziana, Unger, 1849, p. 349. (= Eitingshausenia Geinitziana, 
Stiehler, 1858.) Thid. 
—— glandulosa, Richter, 1905, p. 14, pl. ii, fig. 12; pl. iv, fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous; Eselstall, Saxony. 
—— grandidentata, Unger, 1849, p. 348, pl. v, fig. 5. (=Ettings- 
hausenia grandidentata of Stiehler, 1858.) 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— integerrima, Zenker, 1833, p. 17, pl. ii, fig. F. 
Quadersandstein; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—~— levis, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 213; & 18828, p. 13, pl. iii, fig. 4; 
pl. iv, figs. 2-6. (= Platanus levis, Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian; Bohemia, 
—— Le Conteana, Lesquerenx, 1868, p. 98. (= Protophyllum Leconte- 
ana, Lx , 1874.) Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
-~— macrophylla, Heer, 1869 4, p. 16, pl. iv. 
Upper Cretaceous; Moletein, Moravia, 
——? microphylla, Lesquereux, 1876 4, p. 397. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—--— oblonga, Schimper, 1874, p. 60. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— peltata, Richter, 1903, p. 14, pl. iv, fig. 5; pl. vi, fig. 11. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Eselstall, Saxony. 


Credneria posthuma, Richter, 1905, p. 15, pl. iii, fig. 7. 
Upper Cretaceous; Westerhausen, Saxony. 
—— Reichi, Geinitz, 1850 4, p. 274 [nomen nudum]. (= Eitingshausenia 
Genitziana, Stiehler, 1858.) Quadersandstein ; Saxony. 
—— reticulata, Eichwald, 1853, p. 230, text-fig. 3. (=Hitingshausenia 
reticulata, Stiehler, 1858.) Neocomian ; Kursk, Russia. 
—— rhomboidea, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 213; 18828, p. 1], pl. iii, 
figs. 2,3; pl. iv, fig. 1. Cenomanian ; Kuchelbad, Bohemia. 
-—~ Schneideriana, Goeppert, 1845, p. 220 [nomen nudum]. 
Tiefenfurth, Silesia, 
—— spathulata, Eichwald, 1853, p. 230, text-figs. 5,6, (=Hittingshau- 
senia spathulata, Stiehler, 1858.) Neocomian; Kursk, Russia. 
—— Sternbergii, Brongniart, 1849.4, p. 160 [nomen nudum]. (=/t- 
tingshausenia Sternhergi, Stiehler, 1858.) 
Cenomanian ; Teschen, Bohemia. 
—— subserrata, Hampe, 1852, p. 7 [nomen nudum]. (In Stiebler, 
1858, p. 64, pl. ii, fig. 18.) 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 

—— subtriloba, Zenker, 1833, p. 20, pl. iii, figs. C, D, G. Ibid. 
—— superstes, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 213; & 18828, p. 15, pl. iv, 
figs. 7-9. Cenomanian ; Leipa, Bohemia. 

—— tenuinervis, Hosius, 1870 a, p. 95, pl. xii, fig. 2. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
— tremulefolia, Brongniart, 18494, p. 111 [momen nudum]. 
(=Ettingshausenia tremulefolia, Stiehler, 1858.) 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— triacuminata, Hampe, 1852, p. 7 [nomen nudum]. (In Stiehler, 
1858, p. 64, pl. x, figs. 8, 9.) 
Quadersandstein; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— venulosa, Eichwald, 1853, p. 280, text-fig.4. (= Ettingshausenia 
venulosa, Stiehler, 1858.) Neocomian; Kursk, Russia. 
— westfalica, Hosius, 18704, p. 95, pl. xii, fig. 1. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— Zenkeri, Richter, 1905, p. 12. Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— Zenkeri acuminata (Hampe), Richter, 1905, p. 12, pi. ii, fig. 5. 
(= Credneria acuminata, Hampe.) 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— Zenkeri asymmetrica, Richter, 1905, p. 12, pl. v, fig. 5. Ibid. 
—— Zenkeri denticulata (Zenker), Richter, 1905, p. 13, pl. ii 
figs. 6,7; pl. vi, figs. 1,12. ‘(= Credneria denticulata, Zenker.) 
-——- Zenkeri integerrima (Zenker), Richter, 1908, p. 12, pl. i, fig. 1; 
pl. iii, figs. 8, 5, 8a, 8d; pl. v, figs. 6, 7, 8. (=Credneria 

integerrima, Zenker, 1833.) Tbid, 
—— Zenkeri intermedia, Richter, 1903, p. 13, pl. vi, figs. 2, 3, 4, 4, 
13. Ibid. 

-—— Zenkeri oblonga (Schimper), Richter, 1965, p. 18. (= Credneria 
oblonga, Schimper.) Thid. 


Credneria Zenkeri orbicularis, Richter, 1905, p. 12, pl. ii, fig. 2; 
pl. v, figs. 2, 3. Upper Cretaceous; Saxony. 
—— Zenkeri subserrata (Hampe), Richter, 1905, p. 13, pl. ii, fig. 8. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— Zenkeri subtriloba (Zenker), Richter, 1905, p. 13, pl. ii, fig. 3; 
pl. v, figs. 9-11. Senonian ; Quedlinburg. 
—— Zenkeri triacuminata (Hampe), Richter, p. 13, pl. ii, fig. 4; 
pl. iv, fig. 2; pl. v, figs. (14), 15, 16. (=Credneria triacuminata, 
Hampe.) Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— Zenkeri triloba, Richter, 1905, p. 12, pl. v, fig. 12. 
Upper Cretaceous; Eselstall, Saxony. 
— ?sp., Dunker, 1856, p. 182, pl. xxxv, fig. 1. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— sp., Dunker, 1856, p. 180, pl. xxxiii, fig. 3. Ibid. 
— sp., Heer, 1874 a, p. 11], pl. xxxii, figs. 20, 21. 
Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
—— sp., Otto, 1854, p. 47, pl. ix, figs. 8, 9. Dippoldswalde, Saxony. 
—— sp., Richter, 1905, p. 14, pl. ii, fig, 2. 
Upper Cretaceous; Salzberg, Saxony, 
—— sp., Schenk, 1890, p, 485, text-fig. 286. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
Cretovarium japcnicum, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, p. 70, pl. ix, figs. 58-60. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Cristatella doliolum, Stache, 1889, p. 136, pl. iv, fig. 8. (=Chara 
doliolum, Stache, 1880.) : Upper Cretaceous ; Corgnale. 
Crossochorda Marioni, Dewalque, 1880, p. 45, pl. ii, fig. 1. 
Cretaceous ; Condroz, Belgium. 
Crotonophyllum cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 20, p). v, figs. 4-11. 
_Cenomanian; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
Cryptomeria primeva, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 89, pl. xlviii, figs 1-11. 
Planer; Bohen.ia. 
Cryptomeriopsis antiqua, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, p. 52, pl. i, fig. 11; 
pl. vi, figs. 35-41 ; text-fig, 18. 
Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
—— mesozoica, Suzuki, 1910, p. 18d, pl. vii, figs. 3-5. Ibid. 
Cryptomerites hungaricus, Tuzson, 1908, p, 3, pl. ii, figs. 4, 5. 
Upper Cretaceous; Hungary. 
Ctenidium dentatum, Heer, 1881, p. 17, pl. xvi, figs. 12-15. 
Cretaceous; Almargem, Portugal. 
—— integerrimum, Heer, 1881, p-17, pl. xvi, figs. 4-11. Ibid. 
Ctenis imbricata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 177, pl. exxxviii, figs. 10-12. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Ctenophyllum latifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 175, pl. Ixviii, figs. 2, 3. 

Ctenopteris angustifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 159, pl. Isv, fig. 2; 
pl. Ixvii, fig. 4. Ibid. 

— columbiensis, Penhallow, 1902 8, p. 26, text-fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancourer Island, Canada. 


Ctenopteris insignis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 156, pl. Ixi, figs. 4, 5; pl. xii, 
fig. 1; pl. lsiii, figs. 1, 2. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
~— integrifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 158, pl. lsii, fig. 2; pl. lxv, fig. 3. 

—— longifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 159, pl. Ixvii, fig. 5. Ibid. 
——— minor, Fontaine, 1889, p. 157, pl. lxvii, fig. 3. Ibid. 

—— ultima, Saporta, 1894, p. 84, pl. xv, fig. 27. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 157, pl. Ixii, fig. 4; pl. Ixv, fig. 1; 

pl. Ixvi, fig. 4. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Culmites cretaceus, Ettingshausen (von Miquel), 1867 a, p. 247, pl. i, 
fig. 3. Cenowanian : Niederschoena, Saxony. 

—— cretaceus, Miquel (zon Ettingshausen), 1853, p. 53. 
Senonian; Belgium. 
-—— priscus, Ettingshausen, 1852 ¢, p. 16, pl. ili, figs. 4-8. 
Wernsdorfer Beds (see Krasser, 1895, p. 146). 
—— sp., Roemer, 1870, p. 291, pl. xxviii, fig. 14. Cenomanian ; Silesia. 
Cunninghamia elegans, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 93, pl. xlis, figs, 29- 
31. Quadersandstein ; Bohemia. 
— planifclia, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 93, pl. 1, figs. 1-3. 
Quadersandstein ; Perutz, Bohemia. 
—— stenophylla, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 15, pl. v, figs. 2, 4, 10, 16. 
: Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
Cunninghamiostrobus yubariensis, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, p. 45, 
pl. v, figs. 27-34, text-figs. 15, 16, 17. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Cunninghamites borealis, Heer, 1882, p. 55, pl. xxix, fig. 12. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—- dubius, Sternberg in Unger, 1867, p. 651, pl. ii, fig. 8. 
Upper Cretaceous; Austria. 
—— elegans (Corda), Endlicher, 1847 3, p. 303. 
Middle Cretaceous; Bulhemia. (Recorded by Heer, 1883 a, 
Greenland; Patoot Beds.) 
—— elegans linearis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 179, pl. xxxvii, 

fig. 142. Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
—— oxycedrus, Pres] iu Sternberg, 1838, p. 203, pl. xlviii, fig. 3; 
pl. xlix, fig. 1. Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— planifolius, Endlicher, 18478, p. 305. (=Cunninghamia plani- 
folia, Corda.) Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— prisea, Eichwald, 1861, p. 311. Greensand ; Russia. 
—— pulchellus, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 136, pl. xvi, 
fig. 1. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— recurvatus, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 179, pl. xxxvii, 
figs. 148, 144. Lower Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 

—— squamosus, Heer, 1871 A, p. 9, pl. i, figs. 5-7. 
Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 



Cunninghamites squamosus densifolia, Hosius & von der Marck, 
1880, p. 178, pl. xxxvii, figs. 139, 140, 141. 
Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
—— squamosus linearis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 179, 
pl. xxxvii, fig. 142. Ibid. 
—— Sternbergii, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 246, pl. i. figs. 4-6. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— ? sp., Knowlton, 19004, p. 29, pl. y, fig. 3. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Cupanites Nove Zeelandiz, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 188, pl. iv, 
figs. 18-20. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
Cupressinea insignis, Geinitz, 1850, p. 270. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
Cupressinoxylon ? Bibbinsi, Knowlton, 1896 a, p. 584, text-figs. 1-4. 
Upper Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— cheyennense, Penhallow, 1900, p. 76. 
Comanche Cretaceous; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— columbianum, Knowlton, 1889 4, p. 49, pl. iv, fig. 5; pl. v, figs. 3, 
4; pl. vi, figs. 1-5; pl. vii, fig. 1. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— comanchense, Penhallow, 1900, p. 77. 
Comanche Cretaceous (?); Kansas, U.S.A. 
— elongatum, Knowlton, 1889s, p. 7, pl. iii, figs. 1-4, 
Laramie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— Glasgowi, Knowlton, 1889 8, p. 6, pl. ii, figs. 1-5. 
Cretaceous (?) ; Iowa, U.S.A. 
—— infracretaceum, Fliche, 1896, p. 248, pl. xvii, figs. 1, 2. 
Albian; Montblainville, France. 
-— Kiprivanowi, Merckliu in Krendowskij, 1880, p. 266, pl. i, figs. 4, 5. 
Cretaceous ; Isjum, Russia. 
—— Lennieri, Lignier, 1907, p. 275, pl. xix, figs. 25-28 ; pl. xxi, diag. 8; 
pl. xxii, fig. 73; pl. xxiii, fig. 88. Lower Cretaceous; Heéve, France. 
— McGeei, Knowlton, 18894, p. 46, pl. ii, fig. 5; pl. iii, figs. 1-5. 
Potomac Formation ; Washington, U.S.A. 
—— pulchellum, Knowlton, 1889, p. 45, pl. ii, figs. 1-4. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— sequoianum (Mercklin), Vater emend. 1884, p. 813. 
Lower Senonian; Harzburg. 
—— Severzovi, Mercklin, 1855, p. 59, pl. xiti, figs. 7-9. 
Greensand ; Russia. 
—  turoniense, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 199, pl. xlii, 
fig. 175 a. Turonian ; Westphalia, 
— ucranicum, Goeppert, 1850, p. 201, pl. xxvi, figs. 1-4. 
Cretaceous ; Charcow, Ucranica. 
— vectense, Barber, 1898, p. 337, pl. xxiii; pl. xxiv, figs. 1-15. 
~ Lower Greensand ; Isle of Wight. 
—-— Wardi, Knowlton, 1589 a, p. 48, pl. iv, figs. 1-4; pl. v, figs. 1, 2. 
Potomac Formation ; Columbia, U.S.A. 


Cupressites Cookii, Newberry, 1870, p. 9 [nomen nudum]. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— obtusifolius, Kichwald, 1865, p. 44, pl. iii, figs. 6-7. Russia, 
Cupressoxylon cheyennense, Penhallow, 1907 a, p- 238. 
Comanche Cretaceous; Kansas, U.S.A. 
——— comanchense, Penhallow, 1907 4, p. 289. Ibid. 
—— Dawsoni, Penhallow, 1907 4, p. 240. 
(Recorded in Cretaceous of Medicine Hat, Canada.) 
—— macrocarpoides, Penhallow, 1907 a, p. 238, 
Cretaceous ; Medicine Hat, Canada. 
Cussonia ? lacerata, Saporta, 1894, p. 189, pl. xxxv, fig. 3B. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— partita, Velenovsky, 18828, p, 20, pl. vii, fig. 1. (= Cussoniphyl- 
lum partitum, Velenoyvsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian ; Hodkovic, Bohemia, 
Cussoniphyllum partitum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 22, pl. v, fig. 1. 
(=Cussonia partita, Velenovsky, 1882.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
Cyathea angusta, Heer, 1883 a, p. 1, pl. i, figs. 4-5. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— fertilis, Heer, 1882, p, 21, pl. xxxi, figs. 3-8. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Hammeriz, Heer, 1882, p, 22, pl. xxxi, figs. 1-2; pl. xxxv, figs. 4, 45. 

Cyatheites? nebraskana (Heer), Knowlton, 1898, p. 81 (ve-naming 
Pecopteris nebraskana, Heer). Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

Cycadeites? Wohlfahrti (Otto), Geinitz, 18758, p. 232, pl. Ixvi, 
figs. 3a, 6. (= Arundites Wohlfahrti, Otto, 1852). 
Quadersandstein ; Dippoldiswalde. 
Cycadeocarpus (Dioonites) columbianus, Dawson, 1873, p. 69, 
pl. i. Lower Cretaceous ; British Columbia. 
Cycadeoidea Argonnensis, Fliche, 1896, p. 153, pl. i, fig. 5. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
-—— arida-gamantiensis, Leriche, 1909, p. 501, text-fig. 3. 
Senonian; ‘'empleux-la-Fosse, France. 
—— aspera, Ward, 1899 4, p. 213; & 18998, p. 624, pl. cxvii. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— Bibbinsi, Ward, 18970, p. 15; & 1905, p. 456, pl. lxxxiii, fig. 3; 
pl. Ixxxiv, fig. 3; pl. Ixxxv; pl. Ixxxvii, figs. I, 2, 4, 6,7; TI, 1, 2,4, 
8, 9,10, 11; III, 5, 7; IV, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11; V, 12, 15; pl. Ixxxix, 
figs. I, 5; II, 2, 5, 6; pls. ci-civ. 
Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
— ceicatricula, Ward, 18994, p. 203; & 18998, p. 609, pls, Ixxxiii- 
Ixxxiv, Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
-—— Clarkiana, Ward, 1905, p. 472, pl. Ixxxix, figs. I, 2, 4; pl, evi. 
Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—-- Colei, Ward, 1899, p, 211; & 18998, p. 619, pls. ex-exii. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 


Cycadeoidea Colleti, Fliche, 1896, p. 151, pl. ii; pl. iii, figs. 1, 2. 
Albian ; Islettes, France. 
—— colossalis, Ward, 1899 4, p. 197; & 1899 s, p. 603, pls. lxvii-lxxii. 
(See also Wieland, 1906, p. 98.) 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
-—— dakotensis (McBride), Ward, 18948, p. 86. (= Bennettites 
dacotensis, McBride, 1893.) Tllust. Wieland, 1906, pl. v, phot. 2, 
pls. ; XXxii, XXXIV, XXXV, XXxVi, XxxVii, XXxViii, xxxix, xl, xli, xlii, etc. 
Lower Cretaceous; S. Dakota, U.S.A. 
—— etrusca, Capellini & Solms Laubach, 1892, p. 110, pl. i, fig. 2; 
pl. iv, fig. 1; pl. v, figs. 4, 7, 8. Lower Cretaceous (2); Taly. 
——. excelsa, Ward, 1899, p. 225; & 1899 x, p. 687, pls. cliii-clv. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— Ferretiana, Capellini & Solms Laubach, 1892, pp. 84, 115. 
Cretaceous (?) ; Italy. 
—— Fishere, Ward, 1905, p. 470, pl. Ixxxvii, fig. III, 9; pl. ev. 
Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— Fontaineana, Ward, 1897c, p. 18; & 1905, p. 489, pl. Ixxxvi; 
pl. Ixxxvii, figs. I, 1; III, 2,6,8; IV, 1,7,9; V, 1, 10, 11, 18, 14, 
16, 18, 21; pl. lxxxix, figs. I, 1; III, 1, 3, 6, 7, 11; pl. xev; 
pl. xevi; pl. xevii; pl. xcviii. Ibid. 
—— forata (Saporta), Capellini & Solms Laubach, 1892, p. 96. 
(= Clathropodum foratum, Saporta, 1875.) 
Gault; Havre, France. 
—— formosa, Ward, 18994, p. 222; & 18998, p. 634, pls. exliv-cxlvi. 
See also Wieland, 1906, pl. xiv, phot. 2. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A, 
—— furcata, Ward, 18994, p. 210; & 18998, p. 618, pls. cvi-cix. 
-— Gibsoni (Carruthers), Ward. (=B. Gihsonianus, Carruthers, 1870.) 
Lower Greensand; Isle of Wight. 
~— Goucheriana, Ward, 1897c, p. 14; & 1905, p. 451, pl. Ixsxvii, 
figs. 1,3; pl. lxxxix, figs. 1, 3; pl. xcix. See also Wieland, 1906, 
32, fig. 7. Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— Guillieri, Crié, 1884, p. 512. Mans, France. 
-—— helichorea, Ward, 1900 4, p. 387, pl. iv, upper figure. (=C. dako- 
tensis, Ward.) See also Wieland, 1906, p. 162. 
Lower Cretaceous; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
-—— inclusa (Carruthers), Schimper, 1874, p. 556. (= Mantellia inclusa, 
Carruthers, 1870.) Potton Sands; Cambridgeshire. 
—— ingens, Ward, 18994, p. 221; & 18998, p. 632, pls. cxxxiii-cxliii, 
See also illust. Wieland, 1906, pls. i, ii, iii, iv, iv a, ete. 
Lower Cretaceous ; S. Dakota, U.S.A. 
—— insolita, Ward, 18994, p. 214; & 189s, p. 625, pls. exviii & exix. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— Jenneyana, Ward, 18948, p. 87; & 1899 8, p. 627, pls. exxi-cxxxii. 
See also illust. Wieland, 1906, pl. xiv. phot. 1, ete. Ibid, 


Cycadeoidea Marshiana, Ward, 18994, p. 208; & 18993, p. 616, 
pls. ci-ev. See also illust. Wieland, 1906, pl. v, phot. 1 & 3, pls. vii, 
vili, ix, phot. 1, xii, xiii, xxxiii, ete. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
——- marylandica (Font.), Capellini & Solms Laubach, 1892, p. 85. 
(= Tysonia marylandica, Fontaine, 1889.) 
Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— Masseiana, Capellini & Solms Laubach, 189%, p. 111, pl. i, fig. 1. 
(=Raumeria Masseiana, Capellini, 1890.) Cenomanian (?); Italy. 
—--McBridei, Ward, 18994, p. 205; & 18998, p. 612, ‘pls. xci-c. 
See also Wieland, 1906. Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills; U.S.A. 
—— McGeeana, Ward, 1897c, p. 12; & 1905, p. 484, pl. Ixxxvii, 
figs. IIL, 3, lu, IV, 15, V, 8, 9, 19, 20; pl. lxxxix, figs. II, 1, 8, 
III, 4,9, 10; pl. xciv. Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— minima, Ward, 19004, p. 341, pl. ii, lower fig. 
Lakota Formation; 8. Dakota, U.S.A. 
—-minnekahtensis, Ward, 1899 4, p. 200; & 18993, p. 606, 
pls. Ixxvi-Ixxix. See also Wieland, 1906, pl. sliii, phots. 4, 5, ete. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
-—— mirabilis (Lesquereux), Ward, 18943, p. 86. (= Zaminstrobus.) 
Pre-Laramie (?); Colorado, U.S.A. 
--— munita, Cragin, 1889, p. 65. Trinity Division ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— nana, Ward, 1899, p. 227; & 1899, p. 639, pls. elvi & elvii. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— Niedzwiedzkii, Raciborski, 1892, p. 355; & 1893, p. 301, pls. vii, 
Viii. Lower Cretaceous (?); Carpathians. 
—— occidentalis, Ward, 1899 4, p. 215; & 18998, p. 626, pl. cxx. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— Paynei, Ward, 1899, p. 212; & 18993, p. 620, pls. exiii-cxy. See 

also Wieland, 1906, pl. xliii, phot. 7, ete. Ibid. 
—— protea, Ward, 19004, p. 343, pl. iv, lower right fig. Ibid. 
—— pulcherrima, Ward, 18994, p. 201; & 18998, p. 698, pls. Ixxx- 
lxxxii. See also Wieland, 1906, p. 171, fig. 91. Ibid. 
— reticulata, Ward, 19004, p. 540, pl. iv, lower left fig. Ibid. 
—— rhombica, Ward, 19004, p. 386, pl. ii, upper fig. Ibid. 

— semiglobosa, Fliche, 1896, p. 155, pl. iv, figs. 1, 2. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
— Stantoni, Ward, 1905, p. 276, pl. Ixx. 
Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— Stillwalli, Ward, 1899, p. 223; & 18998, p. 635, pls. exlvii-clii. 
See also Wieland, 1906. Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— superba, Ward, 19004, p, 334, pl. iii, lower fig. See also illust. 
Wieland, 1906, pl. ix, phot. 2; pls. x, xi, etc. 
Lowest Cretaceous (?); S. Dakota, U.S.A. 
—-— turrita, Ward, 18994, p. 203; & 18998, p, 610, pls. Ixxxv-xe; & 
Wieland, 1906, pl. xxviii, plot. 6, pl. xxx, phot. 2, ete. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 


Cycadeoidea Tysoniana, Ward, 1897¢, p. 11; & 19085, p. 432, 
pl. Ixxxvii, figs. 1,5; pl. xciii. 
Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— Uhleri, Ward, 1897, p. 14; & 1905, p. 454, pl. Ixxxvii, figs. IV, 10; 
pl.c. Tbid. 
—- utopiensis, Ward, 1900 a, p. 338, pl. iii, fig. 727. 
Lakota Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— Wellsii, Ward, 18994, p. 199; & 18998, p. 605, pls. Isxiii-lxxv. 
See also Wieland, 1906, pl. xliii, phot. 6. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— Wielandi, Ward, 1899, p. 621, pl. exvi. (C. Paynei, ex parte.) See 
also Wieland, 1906, p. 110, etc., pls. xv, xvi, xvii, phot. 4, xxi, 

xxii, ete. Ibid. 
—— Yatesii, Carruthers, 1867, p.-199, pl. ix. (= Yatesia Morrisii, Car- 
ruthers, 1870.) Lower Greensand ; Potton. 

-—— sp., Fliche, 1896, p. 157, pl. v, fig.1. Albian (?); Clermont, France. 
——- sp., Wieland, 1900, p. 219, pl. i, fig. 12, text-fig. 13, p. 220. 
Lower Cretaceous ; 8. Dakota, U.S.A. 
Cycadeospermum acutum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 270, pl. exxsv, fig. 12. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
——angustum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 271, pl. exsxv, fig. 20. Ibid. 
—— californicum, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 257,-pl. lxviii, fig. 4. 
Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A. 
—— columnare, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 31, pl. xliv, figs. 7, 8. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— ellipticum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 271, pl. exxxv, fig. 19. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— lineatum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 30, pl. i, fig. 14. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— montanense, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 310, pl. Ixxiii, fig. 7. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— obovatuin, Fontaine, 1889, p. 270, pl. exxxy, fig. 13. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— rotundatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 271, pl. exxxvi, fig. 12. Ibid. 
—— Schmidtianum, Geinitz, 1879, p. 114, pl. iv, figs. 2a, 6, ¢. 
Senonian ; Silesia. 
-—— spatulatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 271, pl. exxxy, figs. 11, 21. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
--— turonicum, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 94, pl. i, figs. 4, 5. 
Turonian ; Bohemia. 
Cycadinocarpus circularis, Newberry; Ward in Smith, 1894, 
p. 848; & Newberry, 1895, p. 46, pl. xlvi, figs. 1-4. 
Amboy Clay; Alabama, U.S.A. 
Cycadites affinis, Hichwald, 1861, p, 311. Greensand ; Russia, 
--— cenomanensis, Crié, 1879, p. 14 [nomen nudum]. 
Cenomanian ; France. 
—— contiguus, Eichwald, 1865, p. 41, pl. iii, fig. 2. 
Neocomian ; Kursk, Russia. 


Cycadites Dicksoni, Heer, 1871, p. 1182; & 18744, p. 99, pl. xxviii, 
fig. 7; pl. xxvii, fig. 9¢. (=Pseudocycas Dicksoni (Heer), Nathorst, 
1907, p. 8) (= Cycas Dicksoni, Heer, 1882.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— giganteus, Hisinger, 1837, p. 109, pl. xxxiii, fig. 5. 
Greensand ; Scania, Sweden. 
-—— linearis, Sternberg, 1825, p. xxxiii, pl. 1, fig. 3. 
Greensand ; Hor, Sweden. 
—— Nilssoni, Sternberg, 1825, p. xxxii, pl. xlvii, fig. 1. (= Dewalquea 
Nilssoni, Nathorst, 1881 & 1894.) Ibid. 
—— Nilssoniana (Nilssonianus), Brongniart, 1828, p. 98. 
Greensand; Sweden. 
—— pungens, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 30, pl. ii, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— pygmeus, Saporta, 1894, p. 173, pl. xxxi, fig. 10; pl. xxxii, fig. 5. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— Sarthacensis, Crié, 1879 ?, p. 22. 
Cretaceous; Sainte-Croix, France. 
—— Saxbyanus, R. Brown, (1851) 1835, p. 130. 
Cretaceous (?); Isle of Wight. 
—— Schachti, Coemans, 1867, p. 7, pl. iii, figs. 1-3. 
Cretaceous ; La Louviére, Belgium. 
—— tenuisectus, Saporta, 1894, p. 171, pl. xxxii, figs. 1-4, 6. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— Unjiga, Dawson, 1883, p. 20, pl. i, figs. 2, 2 a. 
Upper Cretaceous; North-West Territory, Canada. 
—— zamiefolius, Sternberg, 1825, p. xxxiii, pl. sliii, fig. 3. (=Zamites 
Schlotheimii, Pres.) Greensand ; Hor, Sweden. 
Cycadopsis aquisgranensis, Debey, 18483, p. 140. (= Pinites 
aquisgranensis, Goeppert, 1842 B.) 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— araucarina, Debey, 1848, p. 141. - Ibid. 
—— cryptomerioides, Miquel, 1853, p. 42, pl. iii, figs. 1-6. 
Senonian; Limburg. 

—— Foersteri, Debey, 1848, p. 142. Ibid. 
—— Monheimi, Debey, 1848, p. 141. Ibid. 
—— Ritzi, Debey, 1848, p. 141. Ibid. 
—- thujoides, Debey, 1848, p. 142. Ibid. 

Cycadopteris Dunkeri, Schenk, 1871 4, p. 6, pl. ii, figs. 1-2. 
Senonian; Austrian Silesia. 
Cycadoxylum westfalicum, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 193, 
pl. xli, figs. 164, 165. Lower Senonian; Haltern, Westphalia. 
Cycas Dicksoni, Heer, 1882, p. 42, pl. xiv, fig. 10; pl. xvi, fig. 7. 
(= Cycadites Dicksoni, Heer, 18744; Pseudocycas Dicksoni, Na- 
thorst, 1907.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Steenstrupi, Heer, 1882, p. 40, pl. v, figs. la,10. (= Pseudo- 
cycas Steenstrupi (Heer), Nathorst, 1907.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— sp., Velenovsky, 1887, p. 642. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 


Cyclopitys Delgadoi, Saporta, 1890 a, p. 814; & 1894, p. 91, pl. xviii, 
figs. 1-4. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
Cyclopteris Klipsteini, Dunker, 1846, p. 11, pl. is, fig. 7. 
Neocomian ; Duingen. 
—— Moquensis, Newberry in Ives, 1861, p. 129, pl. iii, figs. 1, 2 
Base of Cretaceous (?); Arizona, U.S.A. 
— squamata, Ettingshausen, 1852, p. 13, pl. iv, fig. 1. 
Wernsdorfer Beds (see Krasser, 1896, p. 146). 
Cylindrites arterizformis, Goeppert, 1842 4, p. 117, pl. i. 
Quadersandstein ; Silesia. 
— conicus, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 191, pl. xl, fig. 160. 
Lower Senonian ; Belgium. 
-_— } cretaceus, Miquel, 1853, p. 55. Senonian ; Belgium. 
~— Daedaleus, Goeppert, 1842, p.117, pl. xlix, figs. 1, 2. 
Quadersandstein ; Silesia. 
—— latifrons, Saporta, 1880 (1877), p. 642, pl. i, fig. 1. 
Lower Cretaceous; Villequier, France. 
— spongioides, Goeppert, 1842 4, p. 115, pl. xlvi, figs. 1-5 ; pl. xviii, 
figs. 1,2. (= Typha gigantea, Unger, 1870 4.) 
Quadersandstein ; Silesia. 
— spongioides (Goeppert), emend. Richter, 1909, p. 8, pls. xi, xii, 
xiii. Lower Cretaceous ; Quedlinburg. 
Cyparissidium cretaceum, Schenk, 1876, p. 167, pl. xxix, figs. 10-11. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Brandenberg, Tyrol. 
— gracile, Heer, 1874, p. 74, pl. xvii, figs. 5, 0, ¢; pl. xviii, fig. 60; 
pl. xix; pl. xx, figs. 1, d, ¢; pl. xxi, figs. 9d, 10d. 
Kome Beds: Greenland. 
——? japonicum, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 229, pl. xx, figs. 3a, 6, 6a, 13; 
pl. xxiv, fig. 4. Neocomian (?) ; Japan. 
~— minimum, Velenovsky, 18835, p. 19, pl. ix, figs. 6-7; pl. x, fig. 4. 
Perucer Beds; Landsberg, Buhemia. 
— ‘mucronatum, Heer, 1883 a, p. 12, pl. alviil, figs. 6c, d, 16-17. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— pulchellum, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 18, pl. v, figs. 3, 5, 6, 9. 
Cenomanian (?) ; Knezioka, Bohemia. 
— Suessii, Schenk, 1876, p. 167, pl. xxviii, fig. 13 (Widdringtonites). 
Upper Cretaceous; St. Wolfgang, Austria. 
Cyperacites ambiguus, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 139, 147; & 1895, 
p. 18, pl. i, fig. 3. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— arcticus, Heer, 18744, p. 86, pl. xii, fig. 48. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— hyperboreus, Heer, 1874 a, p. 86, pl: xxiv, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— sp., Knowlton, 19004, p. 32, pl. v, fig. 8. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— sp. (Dn.) Knowlton, 1898, p. 83 (re-naming Cyperites sp., Dawson). 
Kootanie Formation; British Columbia. 
Cyperites sp., Dawson, 1893, p. 91, text-fig. 16. : Ibid. 


Cyperites ? sp., Hollick, 1894 a, p. 63, pl. clxxx, fig. 3. 
Middle Cretaceous ; New York, U.S.A. 
Cytisus cretaceus, Dunker, 1856, p. 182, pl. xxxiv, fig. 3. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
Czekanowskia capillaris, Newberry, 1895, p. 61, pl. ix, figs. 14-16. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— (Sclerophyllina) dichotoma, Heer, 1868, p. 82, pl. xliv, fig. 6; 
& 1882, p. 14. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—-— nervosa, Heer, 1881, p. 18, pl. xvii, figs. 5-7 a, 8-11. 
Cretaceous; Almagem, Portugal. 

Dacrydinium cupressinum, Ettingshausen, 18874, p. 178, pl. vii, 
figs. 17-18, 18a. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 

Dacrydites incertus, Marik, 1901, p. 10, pl. i, fig. 20. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

Dacrydium densifolium, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 12, pl. xii, figs. 1-4. 

Dactyolepis cryptomerioides, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 52, pl. x, 
figs. 12, 13. Raritan Formation ; New York, U.S.A. 

Dadoxylon egyptiacum, Unger, 1859, p. 228, pl. i, figs. 3-5. 
(= Araucarites Aigyptiacus, Goeppert, and Araucarioxylon Atgypt- 
tacum, Kraus in Schenk, 1883.) Cenomanian (?); Cairo, Egypt. 

-—— Dantzii, Potonié, 1902 4, p. 229, pl. ii, figs. 1-8. 

Upper Cretaceous (?); Dutch East Africa. 

Dalbergia apiculata, Newberry, 1805, p. 90, pl. xliii, figs. 17-19. 

Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 

— hyperborea, Heer, 1882, p. 102, pl. xxvi, fig. 4a. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— irregularis, Hollick, 1906 4, p. 85, pl. xxxii, fig. 11. 

Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 

— minor, Hollick, 19064, p. 85, pl. xxxii, fig. 12. Ibid. 

—— Rinkiana, Heer, 1882, p. 102, pl. xxvi, figs. 1-3. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

Dalbergiophyllum nelsonicum, Ettingshausen, 18874, p. 189, 
pl. vi, fig. 3. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 

——- phaseolitoides, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 189, pl. ix, fig.17. Ibid. 

-— rivulare, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 188, pl. vi, fig. 4. Ibid. 

Dammara acicularis, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 134, 
pl. xv, figs. 2-5. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 

—— borealis, Heer, 1882, p. 54, pl. xxviii, fig. 5. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— ? cliffwoodensis, Hollick, 1898 a, p. 128, pl. xi, figs. 5-8. 

Upper Cretaceous (Clay Marl); New Jersey, U.S.A. 

— macrosperma, Heer, 1883 4, p. 17, pl. liii, fig. 11. 

Patoot Beds; Greenland. 

—— Mantelli, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 176, pl. vii, fig. 20. 

Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 


Dammara microlepis, Heer, 1882, p. 55, pl. xl, fig. 5. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— minor, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 40, pl. ii, figs. 35-37. (= Protodammara 
speciosa, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909.) 
Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— northportensis, Hollick, 1905 c, p. 405, pl. lxx, figs. 1-2. 
Cretaceous Clay ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
Dammarites albens, Pres] in Sternberg, 1838, p. 203, pl. lii, figs. 11, 
12. Upper Cretaceous ; Balkans. 
— Bayeri, Zeiller, 1905, p. 338, pl. vii, figs. 8-11. 
Upper Cretaceous; Bulgaria. 
—— caudatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 32, pl. i, figs. 9, 10. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— crassipes, Goeppert, 1842 a, p. 122, pl. liii, fig. 3. 
Senonian ; Silesia. 
— dubius, Dawson, 1894, p. 56, pl. vi, fig. 8. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— emarginatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 33, pl. i, fig. 11. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Dammarophyllum striatum, Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 47 & 53, 
(= Podozamites striatus, Velenovsky, 1885.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Danzites firmus, Heer, 1868, p. 81, pl. xliv; & 18744, p. 56, pl. ix, 
fig. la; pl. xii, figs. 1, 2. Kome Beds ; Greenland. 
—— Schlotheimi, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 s, p. 202, pl. iii, fig. 1. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
Daphnites Goepperti, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 253, pl. ii, fig. 8. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
Daphnogene cretacea, Lesquereux, 18768, p. 343 (substituted for 
Cinnamomum Scheuchzeri, Heer, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 83, pl. xxx, 
figs. 2, 3). Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— excellens, Hichwald, 1865, p. 64, pl. iii, fig. 17. 
Cretaceous ; Russia. 
—— Heerii, Lesquereux, 18763, p. 843. (= Cinnamomum Heerii, 
Lesquereux, 1859.) Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— primigenia, Ettingshausen, 18674, p. 252, pl. i, fig. 13; pl. iii, 
fig. 15. Cenomanian; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
Daphnophyllum angustifolium, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 98, 
pl. xxxvi, fig. 8. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— crassinervium, Heer, 18694, p. 18, pl. vii, fig. 2; pl. xi, fig. 5. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Moletein, Moravia. 
— dakotense, Lesquereus, 1892, p. 99, pl. li, figs. 1-4; pl. li, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— ellipticum, Heer, 18694, p. 18, pl. vii, fig. 3. 
Upper Cretaceous; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— Fraasii, Heer, 1869 a, p. 17, pl. vi, figs. 1, 2. Ibid. 
Davallites Richardseni, Dawson, 1883, p. 25, pl. v, figs. 18, 18 a, 
18 d. Upper Cretaceous; Protection Island, Canada. 


Debeya affinis, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 46, pl. iii, figs. 21, 22. 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
—-—- australiensis, £ttingshausen, 1893, pp. 187, 150; & 1895, p. 45, 

pl. iii, figs. 19, 20, Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— serrata, Miquel, 1853, p. 38, pl. i, fig. 1. (= Phyllites Geinitzensis, 
Goeppert, 1865.) Senonian ; Limburg. 

—— sp., Roemer, 1870, p. 354, pl. xxxix, fig. 10. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Upper Silesia. 
Delesseria Friedaui, Unger, 1850, p. 20; & 1853, p. 80, pl. xxvi, fig. 2. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Styria. 
-—- incrassata, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 874. (= Caulerpites incrassatus, 
Knowlton, 1898.) Laramie Formation ; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
—- lingulata, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 874. (= Caulerpites lingulatus, 
Knowlton, 1898.) Ibid. 
— Reichii, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 80. (= Halyserites Reichii, Stern- 
berg.) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
Delessertites Hampeanus, Stiehler, 1858, p. 56, pl. xi, fig. 12. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— Thierensi, Miquel, 1853, p. 54, pl.i, fig. 4. (= Phyllites Thierensi, 
Bosquet MS., Debey, 1851.) Senonian ; Limburg. 
Delgadopsis rhizostigma, Saporta, 1894, p. 141, pl. xxiii, figs. 3, b-c; 
pl. xxv, figs. 1-4, 9-18; pl. xxvi, fig. 2. 
Urgonian; Cercal, Portugal. 
Dermatophyllites acutus, Heer, 1882, p. 80, pl. xlii, fig. 7. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
——. borealis, Heer, 1874 a, p. 112, pl. xxxii, figs. 8, 84. Ibid. 
Dewalquea aquisgranensis, Saporta & Marion, 1873, p. 61, pl. viii, 
figs. 5-7. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— coriacea, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 23, pl. iv, figs. 1-6. (=Aralia 
coriacea, Velenovsky.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
-—— dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 211, pl. lix, figs. 5, 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— gelindenensis, Saporta & Marion, recorded Hosius & v. d. Marck, 
1880, p. 174, pl. xxxiv, fig. 124. Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 
-— -— groenlandica, Heer, 1882, p. 87, pl. xxix, figs. 18-19; pl. xlii, 
figs. 5-6; pl. xliv, fig. 11. Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
--— haldemiana angustifolia, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, 
p. 178, pl. xxxiii, figs. 116, 117; pl. xxxiv, figs. 118-122. 
. Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
—. haldemiana latifolia, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 173, 
pl. xxxiv, fig. 115; pl. xxxv, fig. 114. Ibid. 
—— insignis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 172, pl. xxxii, figs. 111- 
113; pl. xxiii, fig. 109; pl. xxxiy, fig. 110; pl. xxxy, fig. 123. 
——- Nilssoni (Nilsson), Nathorst, 18814, p. 83; & 1894, p. 196, text- 
fig. (= Cycadites Nilssoni, Sternberg, 1823.) 
Greensand ; Scania, Sweden. 


Dewalquea pentaphylla, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 14, pl. viii, figs. 11, 12. 
Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
—— primordialis, Lesquereux in Winchell, 1885, p. 77; & Lesquereux, 
1895, p. 18, pl. A, fig. 10. Dakota Group; Minnesota, U.S.A. 
—— Smithi, Berry, 1910 z, p. 36, text-fig. 1. 
Tuscaloosa Formation ; Alabama, U.S.A. 
—— trifoliata, Newberry, 1895, p. 129, pl. xxii, figs. 4-7. 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
Diceras cenomanicus, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 14, pl. ii, figs. 5-7. 
Cenomanian; Vyserovic, Bobemia, 
Dicksonia borealis, Heer, 1882, p. 23, pl. xliv, fig. 2. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— conferta, Heer, 1882, p. 23, pl. xxxv, figs. 5-7. Ibid. 
— groenlandica, Heer, 1882, p. 23, pl. xxxv, figs. 8-9, Tbid. 
—— microphylla, Heer, 1878, p. 27, pl. viii, figs. 1-4. 
Lower Cretaceous (?); Atyrkan, Siberia. 
-—— montanensis, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 286, pl. Ixxi, figs. 1-4. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— munda, Dawson, 1886, p. 11, pl. iii, figs. 5, 5a. 
Mill Creek Series; Mill Creek, Canada. 
—— pachyphyila, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 224, pl. Ixv, fig. 1. 
Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A. 
—— pterioides, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 175, pl. vii, figs. 4-6. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
—— punctata (Sternberg), Heer, 1882, p. 24, pl. xlvii. (= Protopteris 
punctata, Sternberg.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— tosana, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 213, pl. xxv, figs. 18, 13 a. 
Neocomian ; Ryoseki, Japan. 
Dicksoniopteris Naumanni, Nathorst, 1890, p. 11, pl. v, fig. 4. 
Recorded Yokoyama, 1894, p. 214, pl. xxv, fig. 4. Ibid. 
Dicotylophyllum cerciforme, Saporta, 1894, p. 147, pl. xxvi. fig. 14. 
Urgonian ; Cercal, Portugal. 

—- corrugatum, Saporta, 1894, p. 148, pl. xxvi, fig. 16. Ibid. 
—— hederaceum, Saporta, 1894, p. 148, pl. xxvi, fig. 15. Ibid. 
— lacerum, Saporta, 1894, p. 149, pl. xxvi, fig. 3. Ibid. 

Dicropteris longifolia, Pomel, 1849, p. 389. (=Baiera longifolia 
(Pomel), Heer, 1876.) 
Dictyophyllum Dicksoni, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; 1874, p. 55, pl. iii, 
figs. 9, 9d, ¢, d. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— sp., Heer, 1878, p. 29, pl. viii, figs. 16 b, 16¢, 18. 
Lower Cretaceous; Siberia. 
Dictyopteris anomala, Saporta, 1894, p. 81, pl. xv, fig. 28. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— infracretacea [see infracretacica], Saporta, 1894, p. 99. Ibid. 
-—— infracretacica (error for infracretacea), Saporta, 1894, p. 81, 
pl. xvi, fig. 20. 
—— tenella, Saporta, 1894, p. 82, pl. xv, fig. 25. Ibid. 


Didymosorus comptoniefolius, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

—— comptonifolius, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 186, pl. i, 
figs. 1-5. (=Zonopteris comptoniefolia, Debey, 1848. = Gleichenia 

comptonie folia, Heer, 1874 a.) Ibid. 
—— gleichenioides, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 190, pl. i, 
figs. 10, /. Ibid. 
—— varians, Debey, 1819, p. 299; & Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 n, 
p- 190, pl. i, figs. 7-9. Ibid. 
Diemenia lancifolia, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 149; & 1895, p. 24, 
pl. iii, fig. 4. Cretaceous; Australia. 

Dillenia sp., Otto, 1854, p. 47, pl. ix, figs. 5-7. 
Dippoldiswalde, Saxony. 
Diconites borealis, Dawson, 1883, p. 24, pl. iii, fig. 37. 
Lower (?) Cretaceous; North-West Territory, Canada. 
— Buchianus (Ett.), Bornemann, 1856, p. 57 (no deseript.). 
(= Pterophyllum Buchianum, Ettingshausen, 1852. Recorded 
from American Potomac, Fontaine, 1889.) Wealden ; Silesia. 
—— Buchianus abietinus (Goeppert), Ward, 1905, p. 250, pl. Ixvii, 
figs. 1-3 (re-naming Pterophyllum abietinum, Goeppert). 
Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A. 
—— Buchianus, var. angustifolius, Fontaine, 1889, p. 185, pl. lxvii, 
fig. 6; pl. Ixviii, fig. 4; pl. lxxi, fig. 2. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-— Buchianus, var. obtusifolius, Fontaine, 1889, p. 184, pl. elxviii, 

fig. 3. Ibid. 
.--_— Buchianus rarinervis, Fontaine, 1894, p. 264, pl. xxvii, figs. 3, 
4. Trinity Division ; Texas, U.S.A. 

—— columbianus, Dawson, 1893, p.91. (= Cycadeospermum (Dioonites) 
columbianus, Dn, 1878.) 
Lower Cretaceous; Queen Charlotte Island, Canada. 
-—cretosus (Reiche), Schimper, 1872, p. 211. (=Pterophyllum 
cretosum.) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
-—  Dunkerianus (Goeppert), Miquel. Recorded Fontaine, 1894, 
p. 265, pl. xxxvi, fig. 12; pl. xxxvii, fig. 1. 
American Trinity Division. 
Dioscorea? cretacea, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 56, pl. xxviii, fig. 10. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Dicspyrophyllum provectum, Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 50, 53. 
(=Diospyros provecta, Velenovsky, 1886.) Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
Diospyros ambigua, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 110. (=D. anceps, Lx., 
1874, & Quercus anceps, Lx., 1868.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
-—— amboyensis, Berry, 1909, p. 262 (re-naming Phyllites ellipticus). 
Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— anceps, Lesquereus, 1874, p. 89, pl. vi, fig. 6. (=Quercus anceps, 
Lesquereux, 1868, p. 96.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A, 


Diospyros apiculata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 110, pl. xiv, fig. 3. 
' Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— ?celastroides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 113, pl. xx, fig. 7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
--—cretacea, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 138, 150; & 1895, p. 39, pl. iii, 
figs. 17, 18, 24. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— eminens, Dawson, 1894, p. 62, pl. x, fig. 40. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— judithe, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 146, pl. xviii, 
figs. 4,5; pl. xix, fig. 3. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— nitida, Dawson, 1883, p. 22, pl. iii, fig, 10. 
' Cretaceous; Peace River, North-West Territory, Canada. 
—— primeva, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 19, pl. i, figs. 6, 7. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— prodromus, Heer, 18744, p. 113, pl. xxxii, figs. 3-7; pl. xxviii, 
fig. 6c. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
-—— provecta, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 49, pl. xxiii, figs. 1-5, 10. 
(=Diospyrophyllum provectum, Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— pseudoanceps, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 111, pl. xxii, fig. 1; & 1895, 
p. 17, pl. B, fig. 6. Dakota Group ; Minnesota, U.S.A. 
—— rotundifolia, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 89, pl. xxx, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
——- Schweinfurthi, Heer, 1876 8, p. 6, figs. 1-10 (fruits). 
Upper Cretaceous; Egypt. 
—— Steenstrupi, Heer, 1883 a, p. 32, pl. xiv, fig. 1. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland, 
—— vancouverensis, Dawson, 1883, p. 28, pl. viii, fig. 32. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island. 
——~ Wodani, Unger, 18504, p. 435. Recorded American Laramie 
Formation, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 233, pl. lix, fig, 13. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1894, p. 62, pl. x, fig. 41. 
Cretaceous; British Columbia, Canada. 
Diphyllites membranaceus, Heer, 1883 4, p. 45, pl. lx, fig. 4a. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
Diplopora Muhlbergii, Lorenz, 1902, p. 52, text-figs. 3-6. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Switzerland. 
Dipteriphyllum cretaceum (Velenovsky), Krasser, 1896, p. 123, 
pl. xv, fig.7. (=Platycerium cretaceum, Velenoveky). 
Perucer Beds; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
Discophorites angustilobus, Heer, 1877, p. 145, pl. lviii, figs. 18, 
19. Neocomian ; Switzerland. 
—— Fischeri, Heer, 1877, p. 145, pl. lviii, figs. 16, 17. Ibid. 
—— Schneiderianus, Geinitz, 1879, p. 113, pl. iv, fig. 1. 
Neocomian (?); Caucasia, 
Dombeyopsis obtusa, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 875; & 1878, p. 255, 
pl. xlvii, figs. 4, 5. Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 


Dombeyopsis obtusiloba, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 100, (= Menispermites 
obtusiloba, var.?, Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— platanoides, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 254, pl. xlvii, figs. 1-2. 
Laramie Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 
——- trivialis, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 380; & 18788, p. 255, pl. xlviii, 
fig. 3. Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 
Dombeyoxylon egyptiacum, Schenk, 1883, p. 13. 
Cretaceous; Cairo, Egypt. 
Dorstenia ? sp., Penhallow, 1907, p. 310, text-fig. 5. 
British Columbia, Canada. 
?Draceena australis, Morris MS., Goeppert in Bronn, 1849, p. 37 
{nomen nudum]. Cretaceous (?) ; Europe. 
—— Benstedi, Kénig MS. in Mantell, 1851, p.49; & Mackie, 1862 n, 
pl. xxii. (= Benstedtia sp., Seward, 1896 3.) 
Lower Greensand; Maidstone. 
Dracznites Jourdei, Marion, 1890, p. 1054 [nomen nudum]. 
Turonian; Martigues, France. 
Dryandra antiqua, Ettingshausen, 1851, p. 739 (re-naming Comptonites 

antiquus, Nilsson). Cretaceous ; Sweden. 
—— cretacea, Velenovsky, 18828, p. 12 [nomen nudum]; & 1883, p. 1, 
pl. ix, figs. 1-5. Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 

-—— Huttoniana, Crié, 1889, p. 79 (5) [momen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
—— pteroides, Ettingshausen, 1851, p. 737, pl. xxxii, fig, 9. 
Cretaceous; near Trieste. 
Dryandroides coriacea, Velenovsky, 1832 4, p. 213 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
—— geinoglypha, Bayer, 1896, p. 18, text-figs. 11, 12, & p. 35. 
Upper Senonian ; Kieslingswalde, Bohemia. 
-—— haldemiana, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 168, pl. xxxi, 
figs. 91-100; pl. xxxii, figs. 101-104. 
Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
—— hieraciifolia, Debey (in litt.), see Hosius & v., d. Marck, 1880, 
p. 166. (= Quercus hieraciifolia.) Thid. 
—— latifolius, Ettingshausen, 18674, p. 257, pl. iii, fig. 10. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
— (Myrica) macrophylla, Hosius & v. d. Marck, 1880, p. 169, 
pl. xxxii, fig. 105. Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia, 
—— minor, Feistmantel, 1874, p, 275. Perucer Beds: Bohemia. 
—— pakawauica, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 186, pl. ix, fig. 13. 
Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
—— quercinea, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 213; & 1883, p. 33, pl. x, 
figs. 8 a—-15. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
——- serratus, Velenovsky, 1882, p. 213 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
——- Zenkeri, Ettingshausen, 18674, p. 257, pl. iii, figs. 1, 3, I1. 
(=Salix fragiliformis, Zenker, 1833.) 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony, 


Drynaria astrostigmosa, Bayer, 1899, p. 9, pl. i, figs. 5, 6, text-figs. 4, 

4a. . Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 
—— dura (Velenovsky), Bayer, 1899, p. 15, text-figs. 6,64. (=Lambertia 
dura, Velenovsky, 1883.) Tbid. 

—— fascia, Bayer, 1899, p. 10, text-figs. 5, 5a. 
Perucer Beds; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
—— tumulosa, Bayer, 1899, p. 19, pl. i, figs. 1, 1a, 2a, 3, 4. Ibid. 
Dryophyllum Alberti-Magni, Debey, 1881, p. 89, fig. 6 on plate. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— anceps, Lesquereux, MS. Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— aquamarum, Ward, 1885, p. 551, pl. xxxvii, figs. 3-5. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— aquisgranense, Debey, 1881, p. 88, fig. 1 on plate. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— basidentatum, Ward, 1885, p. 551, pl. xxxvii, fig. 11. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Beuthianum, Debey, 1881, p. 96, fig. 22 on plate. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— bruneri, Ward, 1887, p. 27, pl. x, figs. 5, 6. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
-— campteroneurum, Debey, 1881, p. 96. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
---- erenatum, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 371; & 18788, p. 162, pl. Isii, 
figs. 10, 11. Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
——- Crepini, Debey, 188], p. 94, fig. 18 on plate. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— cretaceum, Debey, 1881, p. 88, figs. 2-5 on plate. Ibid. 
—— Dethimusianum, Debey, 1881, p. 95, fig. 20 on plate. Ibid. 
—— elongatum, Dawson, 1894, p. 58, pl. vii, fig. 20. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— Eodrys, Debey, 188], p. 94, fig. 19 on plate. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— exiguum, Debey, 1881, p. 95, fig. 21 on plate. Ibid. 
—— falcatum, Ward, 188%, p. 551, pl. xxxvii, fig. 10. 
Laramie Formation (?) ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
-_— gracile, Debey, 188], p. 90, figs. 10-11 on plate. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— Heeri, Debey, 1881, p. 89, figs. 7, 8 on plate. Ibid. 
—— (Quercus) Holmesii, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 38, pl. iv, fig. 8. 
(= Quercus Holmesii, Lesquereux, 1892.) 
Dakota Group (?); Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— (Quercus) latifolium, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 393; & 18768, 
p. 340, pl. vi, fig. 1. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Lerschianum, Debey, 1881, p. 93, figs. 15-16 on plate. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— Lesquereuxianum, Debey, 188], p. 93, fig. 17 on plate. Ibid. 
—— Lesquereuxii, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 148; & 1895, p. 16, pl. i, 
fig. 30. Cretaceous ; Australia. 


Dryophyllum Neillianum, Dawson, 1894, p. 58, pl. vii, fig. 19. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—~ Nelscnicum, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 182, pl. viii, figs. 11, 11 a. 
Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
—— occidentale, Dawson, 184, p. 58, pl. vii, figs. 17,18. (Re-named 
by Knowlton, 1898, Quercus (? Dryophyllum) occidentalis.) 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
—— primordiale, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 37. (=Quereus primordialis, 
1868.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— regaliaquense, Debey, 1881, p. 92, figs. 12-14 on plate. 
Senonian: Aix, Rhenisl Prussia. 
—— (Quercus) salicifolium, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 399; & 1876n, 
p. 340, pl. viii, fig. 2. Dakota Group (?); Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— subfalcatum, Lesquereux, 1876 c, p. 379. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— tenuifolium, Debey, 1881, p. 90, fig. 9 on plate. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— westphaliense, Saporta, 1867, p. 35. 
Quadersandstein ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1894, p. 58, pl. xii, fig. 59. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
-—— (Dryophanes) sp., Debey, 1881, p. 97, figs, 23-26 on plate. 
Quadersandstein ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
Dryocpteris angustipinnata (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 91 (renaming 
Aspidium angustipinnatum, Fontaine, 1889). 
Potomac Farmation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-—— angustipinnata montanense (Font.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 91 
(renaming Aspidium angustipinnata montanense, Fontaine, 1893). 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
-—— duttoniana, Knowlton, 1900, p. 4 [nomen nudum]. 
Mantana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Kennerleyi (Newberry), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92 (re-naming 
Aspidium Kennerlyi, Newberry, 1863). . 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island. 
—— ? kootaniensis, Knowlton, 1907, p. 11], pl. xi, figs. 4, 4.4. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— Oerstedi (Heer), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92 (renaming Aspidium 

Oerstedi, Heer, 1882). Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— spp., Knowlton, 1898, pp, 91-93, re-naming yarious species of 

Echinostrobus minor, Velenoysky, 1889, p. 10, pl. i, figs, 11, 1, 15, 
Cenomanian; Vyserovic, Bohemja. 
-—— squammosus, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 16, pl. vi, figs, 3, 6, 7, 8. 
Elgodendron marylandicum, Berry, 1910n, p, 24, pl. viii, fig. 1. 
Magothy Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A, 


Elzodendron priscum, Ettingshausen, 1898, p. 150; & 189%, p. 48, 
pl. iv, fig. 6. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— speciosum, Lesquereux, 1892, p, 175, pl. xxxvi, figs. 2, 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— strictum, Hollick, 1906 4, p. 89, pl. xxxiii, fig. 6. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
——— sp., Hollick, 1906 a, p. 89, pl. xxxiii, fig. 7. 
Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
Elate oblonga, Unger, 1845, p. 199. (=Abies oblonga, Lindley & 
Hutton, 1835.) 
Elatoxylon Withamii ?, Hartig, 1848, p. 168. 
Quadersandstein ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
Eleoxylon cretaceum, Brongniart, 18494, pp. 76, 111. (=Pinus 
cretacea, Corda.) Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
Embothrites? daphneoides, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 51. (=Embo- 
thrium ? daphneoides, Lesquereux, 1874.) 
Embothrium ? daphneoides, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 87, pl. xxx, fig. 10. 
Dakota Group Kansas, U.S.A. 
Encephalartopsis nervosa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 174, pl. lxx, fig. 4; 
pl. Ixxi, figs. 3, 4; pl. xxii, figs. 3, 4. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Encephalartos cretaceus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 29, pl. i, fig. 12. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Eolirion lusitanicum, Saporta, 1894, p. 180, pl. xxxiv, figs. 2-3. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
-—#? nervosum, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 143, pl. xxvi, 
fig. 24. Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
—— primigenium, Schenk, 1871 4, p. 20, pl. vii, fig. 4. 
Urgonian ; Grodiszlt, Austrian Silesia. 
(Recorded Heer, 1874 4, pl. xxiv, figs. 1-3, Greenland.) 
-——- subfalcatum, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 142, pl. xxvi, 
fig. 23. Upper Senonian; Westphalia. 
—— sp. ?, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 182, pl. xxxvii, fig. 150. 
Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
Ephedrites baccatus, Marik, 1901, p. 14, pl. ii, fig. 3. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—-! vernonensis, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 495, pl. evii, fig. 8. 
Lower Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Equisetites annularioides, Heer, 18744, p. 61, pl. xiii, fig. 9. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
-—— Burchardti, Dunker, i846, p. 2, pl. v, fig. 7. Wealden. 
(Recorded from Urgonian of Portugal, etc.) 
—— gronlandicus, Heer, 18744, p. 61, pl. xiii, fig. 10. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— inezqualis, Eichwald, 1861, p. 310. Greensand; Russia. 
—— notabilis, Hichwald, 1865, p. 34, pl. iv, fig. 7. Neocomian ; Russia, 
—— peruanus, Neumann, 1907, p. 78, pl. ii, figs. 1, 2. 
Neocomian ; Peru. 


Equisetites? sp., Jasche, 1858, p. 95, pl. iv, fig. 3. 
Quadersandstein ; Prussian Saxony. 
Equisetum amissum, Heer, 1874, p. 60, pl. xiii, figs. 2-8; pl. xxii, 
figs. 118, c. Kome Beds & Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—-- arenarium, Hampe, 1852, p. 7 [nomen nudun]. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
— Burchardati, Dunker. (=Equisetites Burchardti, Dunker, 1846.) 
—— Heerii, Schenk, 1876, p. 165, pl. xxix, fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous; Brandenburg, Tyrol. 
—— Lyelli, Mantell, 1833, p. 245, text-figs. 1-3. 
Wealden; Tilgate Forest. 
(Recorded from American Potomac, Fontaine, 1839.) 
— marylandicum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 65, pl. ii, fig. 10. 
Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— maximum, Hampe, 1852, p. 7 [nomen nudum]. 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
— montanense, Fontaine in Weed & Pirsson, 18£8, p. 481. 
Judith River Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— nodosum, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 25. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— robustum, Newberry, 1863, p. 513; & 1898, p. 15, pl. xvi, figs. 1,-2. 
Tertiary & Cretaceous ; Washington, U.S.A. 
—— texense, Fontaine, 1894, p. 263, pl. xxxvi, fig. 1. 
Trinity Division; Texas, U.S.A. 
——- virginicum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 63, pl. i, figs. 1-6, 8; pl. ii, figs. 1- 
3, 6, 7, 9. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Zeilleri, Richter, 1905, p. 7, pl. i, figs. 2, 12. 
Quadersandstein ; Quedlinburg. Saxony. 
— sp. ?, Fontaine, 1889, p. 65, pl. ii, fig. 8, 
Potoinac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Heer, 1874, p. 124, pl. xxxviii, fig. 8. Cretaceous; Spitzbergen. 
Eremophyllum fimbriatum, Lesquereux, 1874, p, 107, pl. viii, lig. 1. 
(=Ficus? fimbriata, Lesquereux, 1868.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
Etheridgea subglobosa, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 141-150; & 1893, 

p. 46, pl. iv, fig. 3. Cretaceous; Australia. 
Ettingshausenia cuneifolia, Stiehler, 1858, p. G7. (=Credueria 
cuneifolia, Broun,) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

—— cuneiformis, Krasser, 1889, p. 34; & 1896, p. 116 [nomen nudum]. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 

— expansa, Stiehler, 1858, p. 67, (= Creduneria expanse, Brongniart, 
1849 a,) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

— Geinitziana, Stiehler, 1858, p. 67. (=Credneria Iteichi, Geinitz, 
and C, Geinitziana, Unger.) Ibid. 

— grandidentata, Stiehler, 1858, p.67. (= Credneria grandidentata, 
Unger, 1849.) Ibid. 

—— irregularis, Krasser, 1889, p.34; & 1896, p. 116 [nomen nudum]. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia, 



Ettingshausenia moravica, Krasser, 1896, p. 116 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Moravia. 
-— pseudo-Guillelme, Krasser, 1889, p. 34; & 1896, p. 116 [nomen 

nudum]. Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
—— reticulata, Stiehler, 1858, p. 67. (= Credneria reticulata, Hichwald, — 
1853.) Neocomian ; Kursk, Russia. 
—— spathulata, Stiehler, 1858, p. 67. (= Credneria spathulata, 
Eichwald, 1853.) Ibid. 
—— Sternbergi, Stiehler, 1858, p. 67. (= Credneria Sternbergii, 
Brongniart, 1849 a.) Cenomanian; Teschen, Bohemia. 
—— tremulefolia, Stiehler, 1858, p. 67. (= Credneria tremulefolia, 
Brongniart, 1849 a.) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—- venulosa, Stiehler, 1858, p. 67. (= Credneria venulosa, Hichwald, 
1853.) Neocomian; Kursk, Russia, 

—— sp., Meek & Hayden, 1859, p. 222, text-fig. 3. 
Lower Cretaceous; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Eucalyptophyllum oblongifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 325, pl. elxii, 
fig. 4. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Eucalyptus angusta, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 64, pl. xxvi, figs, 2-12. 
(=E. angustus, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 21, pl. vi, fig. 1.) 
Cenomanian; Vyserovic, Bohemia, 
—— ? angustifolia, Newberry, 1895, p. 111, pl. xxxii, figs. 1, 6, 7. 
Amboy Clay; South Amboy, New Jersey, U.S.A. 
——? attenuata, Newberry, 1895, p. 111, pl. xvi, figs. 2,3, 5. (=Ficus 
daphnogenoides, Berry.) Ibid, 
— baldemiana, Debey in Hosius & v. d. Marck, 1880, p. 174. (Mis- 
print (?) for £. haldemiana.) 
—— borealis, Heer, 1882, p. 94, pl. xl, figs. 3, 4; pl. xlvi, fig. 14. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— Chceffati, Saporta, 1894, p. 207, pl. xxxvii, fig. 1. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
—— cretacea, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 150; & 1895, p. 48, pl. iv, figs. 
7, 8. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 187, pl. xxxvii, figs. 14-19. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— Davidsoni, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 150; & 1895, p. 49, pl. iv, 
fig. 10. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—? dubia, Berry (won Ettingshausen, 1887), 1905 », p. 87, pl. ii, fig. 1. 
(= Eucalyptus Wardiana, Berry, 1905 a.) 
Matawan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— Geinitzi, Heer, 1882, p. 93, pl. xix, fig. le; pl. xlv, figs. 4-9; 
pl. xlvi, figs. 12,13. (= Myrtophyllum Warderi, Lesquereux, 1892, 
=M. Geinitzi, Heer.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— Gouldii, Ward, 1897 4, p. 576, text-figs. 1, 2, p. 577. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— haldemiana, Debey in Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 174, 
pl. xxxv, figs. 125-128, Upper Senonian; Westphalia. 
—— inzquilatera, von der Marck, 1864, p. 77, pl. xiii, fig. 1. Ibid. 


Eucalyptus latifolia, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 97, pl. xxxvi, figs. 1-5. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— linearifolia, Berry, 1907, p. 203 (re-naming Eucalyptus nervosa, 
Newberry). Middle Cretaceous; N. Carolina, U.S.A. 
~——#? nervosa, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 18944, p. 56, pl. elxxiv, 
fig. 10; & in Newberry, 1895, p. 112, pl. xxuii, figs. 38, 4, 5, 8. 
(= Eucalyptus linearifolia, Berry, 1907.) 
Amboy Clay; Lorg Island, U.S.A. 
—— oxleyana, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 150; & 1895, p. 49, pl. iv, fig. 9. 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— ? parvifolia, Newberry, 1895, p. 112, pl. xxxii, figs. 9, 10. 
Amboy Clay ; South Amboy, New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— proto-Geinitzii, Saporta, 1894, p. 206, pl. xxxvi, fig. 16; pl. xxvii, 
fig. 11. Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
— rosieriana, Ward, 1905, p. 580, pl. cxiii, figs. 9, 10. 
Older Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— Schibleri (Heer), Hollick, 1906 a, p. 96, pl. xxxvi, fig. 6. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—- scoliophylla, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 150; & 1895, p. 49, pl. iv, 
figs. 12, 13. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
—— Wardiana, Berry, 1905, p. 47. (=Eucalyptus dubia, Berry, 
1905 z, non Ettingshausen.) Middle Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— warraghiana, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 150; & 1895, p. 50, pl. iv, 
fig. 11. Cretaceous; Australia. 
— sp., Krasser, 1896, p. 116, pl. xii, fig. 3. 
Cenomanian; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
Eugenia primzva, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 137, pl. liii, figs. 5-9. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Eugeinitzia proxima, Hollick & Jeffery, 1909, p. 43, pl. x, fig. 10; 
pl. xxv, figs. 1-3. Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Euonyminium Auerbachi, Mercklin, 1855, p. 23, pl. i, fig. 3; pl. iii. 
Greensand; Russia. 
Euphorbiophyllum antiquum, Saporta & Marion, 1885, p. 117, 
text-fig. 125, e. Turonian; France. 
—— primordiale, Saporta, 1894, p. 218, pl. xxxix, fig. 23. 
Cenomanian ; Portugal. 
Eurysacis squamosa (Heer), Schulze, 1888, p.18. (= Cunninghamites 
sqguamosus, Heer.) Senonian; Altenburg. 

Fagophyllum nervosum, Dawson, 1894, p. 58, pl. vii, fig. 16. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— retosum, Dawson, 1894, p. 57, pl. vii, fig. 15. Ibid. 
Fagoxylon hokkaidense, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 64-66, pl. vii, 
figs. 50-53. Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Fagus cretacea, Newberry, 1870, p. 23; & 1878, pl. ii, ig.3; & 1898, 
p. 68, pl. i, fig. 3. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—- leptoneura, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 134; 1895, p. 20, pl. ii, 
fig. 9. Cretaceous; Australia. 


Fagus Nelsonica, Ettingshausen, 1887 A, p. 183, pl. ix, figs. 9, 9a. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
—— orbiculata[-um], Lesquereux, 1892, p. 5], pl. xlvii, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—- polyclada, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 95; & 1874, p. 67, pl. v, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— pre-ninnisiana, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 135; & 1895, p. 21, 

pl. ii, figs. 1-5. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
—— pre-ulmifolia, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 187; & 1895, p. 21, pl. ii, 
figs. 6-8, Ibid, 

—— prisca, Ettingshausen, 1867 4, p. 249, pl. ii, figs. 3, 36. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—- producta, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 183, pl. ix, fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
—— proto-nucifera, Dawson, 1883, p. 2], pl. ii, figs.6 &6a. [Tsvlated 
leaf, and also fruit given the same name.] . 
Cretaceous ; Peace River, North-West Territory, Canada. 
Fasciculites ambiguus, Eichwald, 1865, p. 71, pl. v, fig. 7. 
Neocomian; Moscow, Russia. 
—— groenlandicus, Heer, 1868, p. 85, pl. xliv, fig. 23. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— ovata, Stenzel, 1872, p. 72 [nomen nudum). 
—— varians, Unger, 1850, p. 839. (=Palmacites varians, Corda, 1846.) 
Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
Fasciostelopteris Tansleii, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 10-15, pl. i,- 
fig. 7; pl. ii, figs. 2,3; text-fig. 4. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Fegonium dryandreforme, Vater, 1884, p. 838, pl. xxviii, figs.77-10. 
Lower Senonian (?); Brunswick, 
—— Schenki, Vater, 1884, p. 839, pl. xxviii, figs. 11-14. Ibid, 
Feildeniopsis crassinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 205, pl. lxxxv, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Feistmantelia oblonga, Ward, 18998, p. 693, pl. elxix, fig. 19. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
— virginica, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 484, pl. evii, fig. 3. 
Older Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Ficophyllum crassinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 291, pl. exliv, fig. 3; 
pl. exlv, fig. 3; pl. exlvi, fig. 1; pl. exlvii, fig. 4; pl. exlviii, figs. 1, 
2,4; pl. elvii, fig. 4; pl. clxxiii, fig. 10. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— eucalyptoides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 294, pl. exliv, figs. 1-2, Ibid. 
serratum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 294, pl. exlv, fig. 2; pl. cxlix, fig. 9. 
—— tenuinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 292, pl. exl, fig. 3; pl. exli, fig. 2; 
pl. exlv, figs. 1, 4; pl. exlvii, fig. 2; pl. exlix, figs. 1, 3,5; pl. clvi, 
fig. 1. Ibid. 
Ficoxylon cretaceum, Schenk, 1883, p. 14, pl. v, figs. 17-19. 
Cretaceous ; Cairo, Egypt. 


Ficus aligera, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 84, pl. x, figs. 3-6. (Re-named 
Citrophyllum aligerum, Berry, 1909.) 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— angulata, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 166, pl. xxxi, fig. 89. 
Upper Senonian; Haldem, Westphalia. 
— ? angustata, Jesquereux, 1883, p. 47. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— angustifolia, Hosius, 187U a, p. 99, pl. xv, figs. 21-22. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— arenacea brevipetiolata, Lesquereux, 18788, p.195, pl. xxix, 
figs. 2, 5. Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— ? arctica, Heer, 1883 a, p. 26, pl. Ixv, fig. 4. 
Patoot Beds; Patout, Greenland. 
— asarifolia, Ettingshausen, 1867 3, p. 156, pl. xxv, figs. 2, 3, 6. 
Tertiary ; Priesen. 
(Recorded by Lesquereux from Montana Formation, U.S.A.) 
— asarifolia minor, Lesquereux, 1876 ¢, p. 367. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A, 
—— atavina, Heer, 1882, p. 69, pl. xi, figs. 5b, 7, 80; pl. xvii, fig.80; 
pl. xix, fig. 1d; pl. xx, figs. 1,2. (=Ficus protogea, Heer, 1874 a.) 
Atane Beds; Greenland, 
-—— austiniana, Lesquereux in Winchell, 1885, p. 76; & Lesquereux, 

1895, p. 14, pl. A, fig. 5. Dakota Group; Minnesota, U.S.A. 
— Beckwithii, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 46, pl. xvi, fig. 5; pl. xvii, 
figs. 3, 4. Dakota Group ; Colorado, U.S.A. 

—- Berthoudi, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 78, pl. xii, fig. 3 (pre-oveupied 
naine, see I’, Lesquereuxii, Kn.). Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— bumelioides, Ettingshausen, 1867 4, p. 251, pl. ii, fig. 6. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
— Cecropiz-lobus, Bayer, 1893, pp. 15, 41, fig. 12; & Bayer in 
Fritsch, 1893, p. 130, text-figs. 1 & 4. 
Senonian ; Priesen, Bohemia, 
— contorta, Dawson, 1894, p. 60, pl. ix, fig. 31. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
——? corylifolius, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 394 [nomen nudum]. 
Laramie Formation (?); Wyoming, U.S.A, 
— crassinervis, Hosius, 1870 4, p. 99, pl. xvi, figs. 25-26. 
Senonian; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— crassipes, Heer, 1882, p. 70, pl. xvii, fig.9a; pl. xxiv, figs. 1, 2; 
pl. xlii, fig. 2c; pl. sliii, figs. 4-6; pl. xlvi, fig. 15. (=Proteoides 
crassipes, Heer, 1874 a.) : Atane Beds; Greenland. 
-—— cretacea, Hosius, 18704, p. 99, pl. xv, figs. 19-20. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
——? cuneatus, Newberry, 1863, p. 524. 
Cretaceous (?); Washington State, U.S.A. 
— daphnogenoides (Heer), Berry, 1905 8, p. 329, pl. xxi. (= Prote- 
oides daphnogenoides, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867.) 
Middle Cretaceous ; Maryland, U.S.A. 


Ficus deflexa, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 80, pl. iii, fig. 13; pl. xvi, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— densinervis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 185, pl. xxv, 
figs. 10, 11, 12. Upper Senonian; Westphalia. 
—— dentata, Hosius, 1870 4, p. 100, pl. xvi, fig. 27. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— distorta, Lesquereux, 1876 4, p. 393; & 1876 3, p. 342, pl. y, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— elongata, Hosius (non Velenovs'y), 1870, p. 98, pl. xiv, figs. 15-16. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— elongata, Velevovsky (zon Hosius), 18824, p. 213; & 1883, p. 40, 
pl. xii, fig. 4, Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
——? fimbriatus, Lesquereus, 1868, p. 96. (= Eremophyllum fim- 
briatum, Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— fracta, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 71, pl. xxxi, fig. 15. 
Cenomanian ; Kieslingswalde. 
—— Fredericksburgensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 295, pl. exlviii, figs. 3, 5. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Geinitzii, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 250, pl. ii, figs. 7, 9-11. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— Glasccena, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 48. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— gracilis, Hosius, 18704, p. 99, pl. xv, figs. 23-24. 
Senonian; Legden, Westphalia, 
—— ? halliana, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 68, pl. xxviii, figs. 3, 9. 
Dakota Group ; Minnesota, U.S.A. 
— Haydenii, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 394; & 1878 8, p. 197, pl. xxx, 
fig. 1. Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Hellandiana, Heer, 1882, p. 70, pl. xxxvii, fig. 8. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— hesperia, Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 45, pl. ix, fig. 5. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— inzqualis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 82, pl. xlix, figs. 6-8; pl. 1, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— incompleta, Knowlton, 19004, p. 46, pl. ix, fig. 2. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
-— ipswichiana, Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 22, pl. ii, fig. 12. 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
— Ipswichii, Ettingshausen, 18¥3, p. 137. Tbid. 
—— irregularis, Lesquereux, 1876 c, p. 368; & 18788, p. 196, pl. xxxiv, 
figs. 4-7 ; pl. lsiii, fig. 9. (= Ulmus ? irregularis, Lx., 1873.) 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— Krausiana, Heer, 1869 a, p. 15, pl. v, figs. 3-6. 
Upper Uretaceous ; Moletein, Moravia, 
—— lanceolato-acuminata, Ettingshausen, 1872, p. 182, pl. vi, 
figs. 3, 4. (Recorded Lesquereux, 1892, American Dakota.) 
Tertiary ; Sagor, Croatia, 


Ficus laurifolia, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 136, pl. xxv, fig. 13. 

Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 

—— laurophylla, Lesquereux, 18768, p. 342, pl. v, fig. 7 (substituted 

for Laurophyllum reticulatum). Dakota Group; Dakota, U.S.A. 
laurophyllidia, Dawson, 1894, p. 60, pl. x, fig. 37. 

Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 

Lesquereuxii, Knowlton, 1898, p. 102 (re-naming Ficus Ber- 

thoudi, Lx., 1892). Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
longifolia, Hosius, 18704, p. 99, pl. xv, figs. 17-18. 

Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
macrophylla, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 76, pl. si, fig. 1. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
magnolizfolia, Lesquereuxz, 1853, p. 47, pl. xvii, figs. 5-6. Ibid. 
maxima, Dawson, 1883, p. 21, pl. ii, fig. 5. 

Upper Cretaceous ; North-West Tervitory, Canada. 
melanophylla, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 83, pl. 1, fig. 2. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

missouriensis, Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 12, pl. i, fig. 5. 
Montana Formation; Coal Banks, U.S.A. 
Mohliana, Heer, 1869 a, p. 15, pl. v, fig. 2. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Moletein, Moravia. 
montana, Knowlton, 1900a, p. 48, pl. xi, figs, 2,3; pl. xii, fig. 1. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Mudgei, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 83, pl. xii, fig. 4. 

Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

myricoides, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 71, pl. xxxii, fig. 18; 
pl. xli, figs. 8, 9. (?) Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
neurocarpa, Hollick, 1903, p. 105, text-fig. B, 1, p. 104. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

oblanceolata, Lesquereux, 1873, p, 387 (re-named Pistacia 
oblanceolata, Knowlton, 1898). 

Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

ovata, Newberry, 1895, p. 70, pl. xxiv, figs. 1-3 (re-named Ficus 

ovatifolia, Berry, 1909). Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
ovatifolia, Berry, 1909, p. 253 (re-naming Ficus ovata, Newberry, 
1895). Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

pedunculata, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 276. 
Perucer Beds; Niederschoena, Saxony ; and Bohemia. 
Peruni, Velenovsky, 1883, p. 41, pl. xii, figs. 1-3. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
planicostata, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 393 ; & Knowlton, 19004, p. 52, 

pl. x, fig. 4. Montana Formation; Wyonring. U.S.A. 
planicostata latifolia, Lesquereux, 1873 ,p.393; & 1878 8, p. 202, 
pl. xxxi, fig. 9. Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

—— populoides, Knowlton, 19004, p. 44, pl. viii, fig. 3. 

Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

—— precursor, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 81, pl. xlix, fig. 5. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A 

Ficus primordialis, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 16, pl. iii, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.9.A. 
—— problematica, Knowlton, 19004, p. 46, pl. ix, fig. 3. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— proteoides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 77, pl. xii, fig. 2. (= Ficus 
daphargenoides (Heer), Berry, 1905 8.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— prctogza, Ettingshausen (non Heer), 1867 a, p. 249, pl. ii, fig. 5. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— protogza, Heer (mom Ettingshausen), 1871, p. 1183; & 18744, 
p. 1, pL xxx, fies 1-8; pl. xxix, fig. 26. (= Ficus atavina, Heer, 
1322.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Teticulata (Lesquerest . Hollick im Newberry, 1898, p. 88, pl. xxii, 
fies. 2 3 rensrirg Lawrophyllws r:ticvlatum, Lx, 1873). 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— Reuschii, Hosin:, 1270 a, p. &>. pl xiv, figs. 13-14. 
Senonian: Legden, Westphalia. 
— Beussii. Ettingshancen in Reass, 1354, p. 740 [nomen nudum]. 
Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— rhamnoides, K-owlion, 1904, p. 47. pl. x, figs. 1-3; pl. xi, fig.1. 
Mor.tana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
——? rhomboideus, Lesquereus, 15-5. p. 96. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— rotundata, Dasson, 154. p. 60, pl. ix, figs. 32, 33.4. 
Upper Cretacecs : Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— sapindifolia, Hollick, 1c, p. 411. pl. Isswiii, fig. 5. 
Cretaceous Clay; Long Island, U.S.A. 
— similis, Exiingshausen, 1557 a, p. 185, pl. ix, figs. 10, 104. 
Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
—— smuosa, Ward, 1557. p 41, pl ssi, fig. 2. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— speciosissima, Ward. 1587, p. 39, pl. xxi, fig. 3. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— squarrosa. Knowlton, 12904, p. £5, pl viii, fig. 2 Thid. 
—— Stephensoni, Berry, 19104, p. 194, pL. xuiii, figs. 2, 3. 
Middle Cretaceous ; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— Sternbergii, Lesquereus, 1573, p- 423: & 1892, p. 82, pl, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
___ stylosa, Velenovsky, 1552, p. 218: & 1553, p. 39, pl. xii, fig. 5. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— subgoepperti, Shirley, 1902, p. 7, pl- i. : 
Upper Cretaceous ; Queensland, Australia. 
_— suspecta, Velenorsky, 1887, p. 71, pL xxviii, figs. 6, 9. : 
Perucer Beds ; Vyserovic, Bohemia, 
___ tenuifolia, Hosius, 18704, p. 100, pL xvi, fig. 28. 
ve = : esata ; Legden, Westphalia. 
___ trinervis, Knowlton, 1900, p. #2. 
oa tigsun Formation: Wyoming, U.S.A. 


Ficus? undulata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 84, pl. xii, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
——. virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 295, pl. exliii, figs. 1, 8; pl. exliv, 
fig. 1. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Wardii, Knowlton, 19004, p. 48, pl. ix, fig. 1. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Wellingtoniz, Dawson, 1894, p. 60, pl. ix, figs. 33, 34. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
--—— Willisiana, Hollick, 1894 4, p. 52, pl. elxxvi, figs. 2, 5. 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— Woolsoni, Newberry MS., in Hollick, 1893, p. 33, pl. ii, figs. 1, 2¢; 
& Newberry, 1895, p. 70, pl. xx, fig. 3; pl. xxiii, figs. 1-6. 
Amboy Clay ; New York, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1903, p. 104, text-fig. B. 2, 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Lesquereux, 1892, p. 85, pl. x, figs. 7, 8. Ibid. 
Filicites sp., Nilsson, 1824, p. 146, pl. ii, figs. 1-3. Greensand ; Sweden. 
Fittonia squamata, Carruthers, 1870, p. 690, pl. lvi. (= Clathraria 
anomala, in part, Mantell, 1847.) 
Upper Cretaceous (?); Isle of Wight. 
Flabellaria chameropifolia, Goeppert, 1836, p. 426; & 1842 4, p. 120, 

pl. lii, figs. 1-2. Senonian ; Silesia. 
—— coryphefolia, Goeppert (probably error for F. chameropifolia), 
1836, p. 87. 
-—— longirachis, Unger, 1850 4, p. 832; & 1853, p. 91, pl. xxxi, fig. 1; 
pl. xxxii, fig. 1. Cretaceous; Austria. 

~— magothiensis, Berry, 1905 c, p. 32, text-figs. 1, 2. 
Magothy Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
——? minima, Lesquereuxs, 1874, p. 56, pl. xxx, fig. 12. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— sub-longirachis, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 181, pl. viii, figs. 4, 4. 
Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
Folium arcuatum, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
—— daphnophyllum, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. 

—— lanceolatum, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
—— lingua, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 

—— productum, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
—— ranunculus, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. _Ibid. 

Fontainea grandifolia, Newberry, 1895, p. 96, pl. xlv, figs. 14. 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 

Fraxinus przcox, Heer, 1883 a, p. 33, pl. lziv, fig. 2. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
Frenelites Reichii, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 246, pl. i, figs. 10a-l0c. 
(= Widdringtonites Reichti, Heer, 1882.) 

Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 


Frenelopsis bohemica, Velenovsky, 18884, p. 590, pl. (unnumb.), 
figs. 1-3, 10; & 1889, p. 13, pl. ii, figs. 3, 4. 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
-—— gracilis, Newberry, 1895, p. 59, pl. xii, figs. 1-3 a. _ 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— Hoheneggeri (Ett.), Schenk, 1871 a, p. 13, pl. iv, figs. 5-7; pl. v, 
figs. 1,2; pl. vi, figs. 1-6; pl. vii, fig. 1. (Recorded Heer from 
Greenland, 1874.) Wernsdorfer Beds; Carpathians. 
—— Konigii, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 182, pl. xxxvii, fig. 148. 
(= Calamitopsis Kénigi, v. d. Marck, 1864.) 
Upper Senonian ; Westphalia, 
—— leptoclada, Saporta, 1894, p. 109, p. 113, pl. xix, fig. 18; pl. xxi, 
figs. 9-11. Neocomian (? Aptian) ; Portugal. 
— occidentalis, Heer, 1881, p. 21, pl. xii, figs. 3 6, 4~7. 
Cretaceous ; Portugal, 
— parceramosa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 218, pl. exi, figs. 1-5; pl. exii, 
figs. 1-5 ; pl. elxviii, fig. 1. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— ramosissima, Fontaine, 1889, p. 215, pls. xev—xcix ; pl. c, figs. 1-3; 
pl. ci, fig. 1. Ibid. 
— varians, Fontaine, 1894, p. 273, pl. xl, figs. 1, 2; pl. xli, figs. 1-3 a. 
Trinity Division; Texas, U.S.A. 
Fritschia nobilis, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 8, pl. iii, figs. 1-3, 6, 11. 
Planer ; Bohemia, 
Fucoides zqualis, Brongniart, 1824, pp. 307, 310, pl. xix, fig. 7; & 
1828, p. 58, pl. v, fig. 4. (= Chondrites equalis, Sternberg, 1833.) 
Greensand ; Vernasque. 
—— Brardii, Brongniart, 1828, p. 77, pl. ii, figs, 8-19 (synonym for 
Carpolithes hemlocinus?, Schlotheim). (= Caulerpites Brardii, 
Sternberg, 1833.) Cretaceous; France. 
—— Brongniarti, Mantell (non Harlan), 1829, p. 204. Chalk; Sussex. 
—— caniculatus, d’Archiac, 1837, p. 159. Lower Greensand ; France. 
—— cauliformis, Fritsch, 1883, p. 136, text-fig. 181, p. 187. 
Lower Oretaceous; Chorousek, Bohemia, 
——# columnaris, Fritsch, 1883, p. 135, text-fig. 180, p. 187. Ibid. 
—— cylindricus, Sternberg, 1825, p. vii, pl. Ixviii, fig. 1. 
Quadersandstein; Bohemia. 
—— dichotomus, Reich, in litt. (= Haliserites Reichii, Sternberg, 

-——#? dichotomus, Fritsch (on Morris nec Reich), 1889, p. 119, text~ 
fig. 167. Turonian (?); Koschlitz, Bohemia, 

—— difformis, Brongniart, 1824, pp. 307, 210, pl. xix, fig. 6; & 1828, 
p. 57, pl. v, fig. 5. (= Chondrites diformis, Sternberg, 1833.) 
Cretaceous (?); Bayonne. 
—— friburgensis, Heer, 1877, p. 143, pl. lvii, fig. 3. 
Neocomian ; Switzerland. 
—— furcatus, Brongniart, 1824, p. 309, pl. xix, fig. 3; & 1828, p. 62, 
pl. y, fig. 1. (= Chondrites furcatus, Sternberg, 1833.) 
Cretaceous; Vernasque. 


Fucoides funiformis, Fritsch, 1883, p. 185, text-fiz. 129 on p. 136. 
Lower Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
—— intricatus, Brongniart, 1824, pp. 307, 311, pl. xix, fig. 8; & 1828, 
p. 59, pl. v, figs. 6, 7,8, (= Chondrites intricatus, Sternberg, 1833.) 
Greensand; France, 
—— latifrons, Heer, 1877, p. 143, pl. lvii, figs. 1-2. 
Upper Cretaceous; Switzerland. 
—— Lyngbianus, Brongniart, 1828, p. 82, pl. ii, figs. 20-21. (= Sar- 
gassites Lyngbianus, Sternberg, 1833.) Cretaceous; Denmark. 
—— Orbignianus, Brongniart, 1824, p. 308, pl. xix, fig. 1; & 1828, 
p. 78. (= Caulerpites Orbignianus, Sternberg, 1833.) 
Cretaceous ; France. 
— recurvus, Brongniart, 1824, p. 309, pl. ii, fig. 67, pl. xix, fig. 4; 
& 1828, p. 62, pl. v, fig. 2. (= Chondrites recurvus, Sternberg, 1833.) 
Greensand ; Vernasque. 
——? strangulatus, Fritsch, 1883, p. 136, text-fig. 132, p. 137. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Bohemia, 
—-- strictus, Brongniart, 1824, p. 308, pl. xix, fig. 2. (= Rhodomelites 

strictus, Sternberg.) Greensand; Isle d’Aix. 
—— Targionii, Brongniart, 1828, p. 56, pl. iv, figs. 2 & 6. Ibid. 
—— tuberculosus, Brongniart, 1828, p. 54, pl. vii, fig.5. (= Lamina- 
rites tuberculosus, Sternberg.) Thid. 
— sp., Jasche, 1858, p. 96, pl, iv, fig. 1, Cretaceous ; Saxony. 
Fucus lignitum, Lesquereux, 1876c, p. 364; & 18788, p. 42, pl. lxi, 
figs. 24, 24a, Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S,A. 

Galla quercina, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 58, pl. vii, fig. 2, 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A, 
Geinitzia biformis, Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 28 (re-naming Sequoia 

biformis, Lesquereux), Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—- cretacea, Endlicher, 18473, p. 281; & Unger, 1853, p. 93, 
pl. xxxiv, fig. 6. Cretaceous ; Austria, 
—— formosa, Heer, 187la, p. 6, pl, i; pl. ii, figs. 9, 10; & 18718, 
p- 399. Senonian ; Quedlinburg. 

—- hyperborea, Heer, 1883 a, p. 16, pl. li, fig. 18. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
-~— Jenneyi, Fontaine in Ward, 18998, p, 676, pl. clxvi, figs. 5-11; 
pl. elxvii. Dakota Group; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
— longifolia (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 19004, p. 28 (re-naming 

Sequoia longifolia, Lesquereux). 

Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— macrobracteata, Richter, 1899 8, p.44. Senonian; Qnedlinburg. 
—— microcarpa, Richter, 1905, p. 15, pl. i, figs. 6, 7. Ibid. 
—— prisca, Eichwald, 1865, p. 48, pl. iii, figs. 19a, b, ¢ (renaming 
Cunninghamites prisca, 1861). Neocomian ; Moscow. 


Geinitzia Reichenbachi (Geinitz), Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 88, pl. v, 
figs. 7-10; pl. viii, figs. 3,4; pl. xvi, figs. 2-4; pl. xvii, figs. 1-4; 
pl. xviii, figs. 1-4. (= Araucarites Reichenbachi, Geinitz, 1842; 
= Sequoia Reichenbachi, Heer, 1868.) 
Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 42, pl. viii, figs. 5, 6; pl. xviii, 
figs. 5, 6; pl. xix, figs. 1, 2. Ibid. 
— sp., Newberry, 1873, p. 10. (= Getnitzia formosa, Heer.) 
Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Gelidinium trajectomosanum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18594, 
p. 199, pl. iti, fig. 6 2. Senonian ; Maestricht. 
Gecnomites tenuirachis, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 117, pl. xi, fig. 1. 
Laramie Formation ; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
—-- Ungeri, Lesquereux, 18788, p. 118, pl. xi, fig. 2. Ibid. 
Ginkgo? acetaria, Ward, 1905, p. 551, pl. eviii, fig. 12. 
Older Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— arctica, Heer, 1874¢, p. 261, pl. 807, fig. 7. (= Baiera arctica, 
Heer.) Kome Beds; Greenland. 
-—— Baynesiana (Dawson), Knowlton, 1898, p. 110 (re-naming Salis- 
buria Baynesiana, Dn., 1883). 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island. 

—— Jaccardi, Heer, 1877, p. 116, pl. viii, fig. 20. 
Lower Aptian ; Switzerland. 

— laramiensis, Ward, 1885, p. 496, fig. 7. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— lepida, Heer, 1876, p. 62, pl. xii; pl. vii, fig. 7. 
Kootanie Formation; British Columbia. 
—— multinervis, Heer, 1882, p. 46, pl. v, fig. 1d; pl. viii, figs. 2b, 3,4; 
pl. ix, fig. 3d. Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
—— nana (Dawson), Knowlton, 1898, p. 111 (renaming Salisburi« 
nana, Du., 1886). Kootanie Formation; British Columbia, 
— primordialis, Heer, 1874 c, p. 261, pl. 807, figs. 8, 9, 10. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— pusilla (Dawson), Knowlton, 1898, p. 111 (renaming Salisburia 
pusilla, Dn., 1894.) [Knowlton’s name invalidated by Heer’s 
Jurassic species, Heer, 1876 ¢, p. 61.] 
Upper Oretaceous ; Vancouver Island. 
—— sibirica, Heer, 1876c, p. 61, pl. vii, fig. 6; pl. ix, fig. 5/; pl. xi. 
Jurassic, recorded from Kootanie Formation, British Columbia, 
—— tenuestriata, Heer, 1882, p. 14, pl. ii, fig. 12 a. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— sp. (nuts of), Dawson, 1886, p. 9, pl. ii, fig. 4. 
Kootanie Formation ; British Columbia, Canada. 
Ginkgocladus Nove Zeelandiz, Ettingshausen, 18874, p. 179, 
pl. vii, fig. 19. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 

Gleditsiophyllum triacanthoides, Berry, 19104, p. 197. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A, 


Gleichenia acutiloba, Heer, 1871 a, p. 5, pl. i, figs. 2, 20. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg. 
—— acutipennis, Heer, 1874 a, p. 53, pl. x, figs, 12, 13. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— comptoniezfolia, Heer, 1874, p. 49, pl. xi, figs. 1,2. (= Didy- 
mosorus comptoniifolius, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 B.) Ibid. 
—— crenata, Velenovsky, 18888, p. 9, pl. iii, figs. 15-17, (= Gleich- 
enites crenata, Eugelhardt, 1892 a.) 
Perucer Beds ; Vyserovic, Bohemia, 
—— delawarensis, Berry, 1907 a, p. 670, text-figs. 3, 3 a, 
Magothy Formation ; Delawaro, U.S.A. 
—— delicatula, Heer, 1874 4, p. 54, pl. ix, figs. 11 ¢, /; pl. x, figs. 16, 17. 
Kome Beds; Greenland, 
—— Drechsleriana, Goeppert, 1865 8, p. 399 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Austria. 
—— Giesekiana, Heer, 1868, p. 78, pl. xliii, figs. 1@,2a,3 a; pl. xliv, 

figs. 2, 3. Kome Beds ; Greenland. 
—--? Gilbert-Thompsoni, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 232, pl. lxvi, 
fig. 11. Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A. 

—- gracilis, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 1874, p. 52, pl. x, figs. 1-11. 
Kome Beds & Atane Beds; Greenland. 
ef. gracilis, Heer in Zeiller, 1905, p. 330, pl. vii, figs. 5, 5 a. 
Senonian ; Bulgaria. 
—— Kurriana, Heer, 18694, p. 6, pl. ii, figs. 1-4. (= Mertensia 
Kurriana, Engelhardt, 1892 4.) Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— lcngipennis, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 18744, p. 46, pl. vi, figs. 4, 
5, 6; pl. viii, figs. 1, 2, 3. Kome Beds ; Greenland. 
— micromera, Heer, 1874 4, p. 55, pl. x, figs. 14, 15. Ibid. 
—— multinervosa, Velenovsky, 1888 g, p. 8, pl. iii, figs. 1, 2. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia, 
— Nauckhoffii, Heer, 1874 4, p. 90, pl. xxv, fig. 4. 
: Atane Beds; Greenland. 
-—- nervosa, Heer, 1874 a, p. 53, pl. xi, figs. 3-6. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— Nordenskioldi, Heer, 1874 4, p. 50, pl. ix, figs. 6-12. Ibid, 
— (Mertensia) obscura, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 175, pl. vii, 
figs. 7, 7 a. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
—— obtusata, Heer, 1882, p. 37, pl. xxx, figs. 7-16. 
Atane Beds; Patoot, Greenland. 
— optabilis, Heer, 18808, p. 5, pl.i, fig.13. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— protogea, Debey & Ettingshausen} 18598, p. 191, pl. i, figs, 11- 
12,9, h. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— rhombifolia, Hollick, 1902, p. 147, pl. iii, fig. 3. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A, 
— rigida, Heer, 1868, p. 80, pl. xliv, figs. 1-10. 
Kome Beds; Kome, Greenland. 
—— Rinkiana, Heer, 1868, p. 80, pl. xliii, fig. 6. Tbid. 
—— rotula, Hecr, 1874 4, p. 48, pl. viii, figs. 4-5;, figs. 1-4. 1bid. 


Gleichenia Saundersii, Berry, 1903, p. 679, text -figs. 1-3, p. 678. 
Matawan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— thulensis, Heer, 1874 4, p. 48, pl. x, fig. 18; pl. v, fig. 9d. 
Kome Beds; Pattorfik, Greenland. 
— Vahliana, Heer, 1883 a, p. 7, pl. xlix, figs. 8a, 9. 
Patoot Beds ; Patoot, Greenland. 
—- vidovlensis, Marik, 1901, p. 1, pl. i, figs. 1, 2. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— votrubensis, Bayer, 1899, p. 22, pl. ii, fig. 1, text-figs. 7, 7 a. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— Zippei (Corda), Heer, 1868, p. 79, pl. xliii, fig. 4, (= Pecopteris 
Zippei, Corda; = Gleichenites Zippei, Seward, 1910; = Mertensia 
Zippei, Engelbardt, 1892 a.) Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— Zippei (Corda), Zeiller, 1905, p. 328. (Pecopteris.) 
Upper Cretaceous; Bulgaria, 
——-? sp., Bayer in Fritsch & Bayer, 1901, p. 85, text-fig. 33. Bohemia. 
Gleichenites coriaceus, Marik, 1901, p. 7, pl.i, fig. 16. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
— crenata, Engelhardt, 18924, p. 82. (= Gleichenia crenata, 

Velenevsky, 1888 B.) Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
— Zippei (Corda), Seward, 1910, p. 354 (re-naming Gleichenia Zippei, 
Heer, 1868). Kome Beds; Greenland. 

Glossezamites acuminatus, Yokoyama, 1906, p. 38, pl. xii, figs, 5 3, 7. 
Cretaceous; China. 
— brevior, Saporta, 1890 a, p. 814; & 1894, p. 88, pl. xvi, fig. 32. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
— dilaceratus[-um], Saporta, 1890, p. 814. Ibid. 
—— distans, Fontaine, 1889, p. 176, pl. Ixviii, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A, 
—— Fontaineanus, Ward, 18993, p. 667, pl. clxii, figs. 16-18. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
— Hoheneggeri (Schenk), Yokoyama, 1906, p. 36, pl. xii, figs. 1, 1a; 
pl. xii, figs. 5,6. (= Pod ites Hoheneggeri, Schenk.) 
Cretaceous; China. 
— Klipsteini (Dunker), Fontaine in Diller & Stanton, 1894, p. 450, 
(= Cyclopteris Klipsteini, Dunker, 1846.) 
Horsetown Beds; California, U.S.A. 
— laceratus, Saporta, 1894, p. 89, pl. xvi, figs. 26-27. 
Valanginian ; Portugal, 
—— modestior, Saporta, 1894, p, 88, pl. xvi, fig. 30. Ibid. 
—— parvifolius, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 226, pl. xxi, figs. 5, 5 a. 
Neocomian ; Yuasa, Japan. 
—— Schenkii, Heer, 1874, p. 99, pl. xvi, figs. 5-8. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
Glyptostrobus australis, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 147; & 1895, p. 12, 
pl. i, figs. 11-13. Cretaceous; Australia, 
-—— brookense (Fontaine), Ward, 1895, p. 359 (re-naming Tarodium 
brookense, Fontaine, 1889). Pvtomae Formation; Virginia, U,S,A. 


Glyptostrobus brookense angustifolium (Fontaine), Knowlton, 
1898, p. 112 (re-namimg Taxodium drookense angustifolium, 
Fontaine, 1889), Potomac Formation ; White House Bluff, U.S.A. 

—— cenomanensis, Crié, 1884, p. 512 [nomen nudum]. 

Cenomanian ; France. 

—— europaus cretaceus, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 26, pl. vi, fig. 2; 

pl. vii, figs. 2, 3, 9, 10. Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— expansus, Ward, 1905, p. 538. (= Taxodium erpansum, Fontaine, 

— fastigiatus (Fontaine), Ward, 18954, p. 380 (renaming Taxodium 
Jfastigiatum, Fontaine, 1889). Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— gracillimus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 92; & 1874, p. 52, pl. i, figs. 3, 

8, & 11-117. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— gronlandicus, Heer, 18744, p. 76, pl. xvii, fig. 9; pl. xx, figs. 9, 
10, 11; pl. xxii, fig. 12. Kome Beds; Greenland. 

-—— intermedius, Heer, 1883 a, p. 13, pl. lii, figs. 6-7. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1883, p. 25. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
—— ? sp., Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 31, pl. v, fig. 4. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Granularia sp., T. Lorenz, 1902, p. 56, pl. vii, fig. 2. 
Lower Cretaceous; Switzerland. 
Grevillea constans, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 213; & 1883, p. 28, pl. ix, 
figs. 6-10. Cenomanian ; Bobemia, 
—— Dvraki, Bayer, 1899, p. 27, pl. i, fig. 15, text-tigs. 9, 9 a. Ibid. 
—— Oxleyana, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 140, 149; & 1895, p. 27, pl. iii, 
fig. 14. Cretaceous; Australia. 
— palmata, Debey MS. in Saporta & Marion, 1873, p. 61, pl. viii, 
figs. 5-7. (= Dewalquea aquisgranensis, Saporta & Marion.) 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— Reussii, Ettingshausen, 1851, p. 721 (re-naming Salicites angustus, 
Reuss). Cretaceous; Bohemia, 
—— tenera, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 72, pl. xxx, figs. 9, 14, 16. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
Grewiopsis equidentata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 180, pl. lviii, fig. 4. 

[Same as G. Mudgei.] Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Cleburni, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 381; & 18788, p. 259, pl. Ixii, 
fig. 12. Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, 

& Point of Rocks, Montana, U.S.A. 
—— flabellata (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 114 (re-naming Popu- 
lites flabellata, Lx., 1868). Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— Haydenii, Lesquereus, 1574, p. 7, pl. iii, figs. 2, 4; pl. xxiv, fig. 3, 
[Same as G. flabellata.] Tbid: 
— Mudgei, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 18], pl. Isvi, fig. 3. [This is founded 
on the same specimen as G. equidentata.] Ibid. 

— pakawanica, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 187, pl. ix, fig. 21. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand, 



Grewiopsis paliurifolia, Ward, 1887, p. 92, pl. lvi, fig. 3. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— viburnifolia, Ward, 1887, p. 89, pl. xl, fig. 2; & recorded Hollick, 
1894 a, p. 59, pl. clxxiv, fig. 8. Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
Guatteria cretacea, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 73, pl. xxi, figs. 1-4. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Gyminda primordialis, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 88, pl. xxxiii, fig. 5. Ibid. 
Gymnogramme bohemica, Bayer, 1899, p. 45, pl. ii, fig. 2, text-figs, 
14, 144. Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
— Haydenii, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 295; & 1878, p. 59, pl. v, figs. 1-3. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Gyrochorte porrecta, De Stefani, 1881, p. 281. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Italy. 
Gyrolithes Davreuxi, Saporta, 1884, p. 27, pl. v, figs. 1-4’; pl. vi, 
figs. 1, 2. Greensand ; France. 
Gyrophyllites angustifolius, Heer, 1865, p. 190, text-fig. 100d. 
Cretaceous; Switzerland. 
—— Doblhoffii, Lorenz, 1901, p. 579, pl. iv, fig. 11. Flysch; Austria. 
—— Kastneri, Lorenz, 1901, p. 579, pl. iv, figs. 5, 7-8. Ibid. 
-__- Kwassizensis, Glocker, 1841, p. 322, text-fig. 
: Quadersandstein ; Austria, 
—— obtusifolius, Heer, 1865, p. 190, text-fig. 101; & 1877, p. 144, 
pl. lviii, fig. 13. Cretaceous ; Switzerland, 
—— Oosteri, Heer, 1865, p. 190, text-fig. 100 a; & 1877, p. 144, pl. lviii, 
fig. 14. Neocomian; Switzerland, 
—— pentamerus, Heer, 1865, p. 190, text-fig. 102; & 1877, p. 144, 
pl. lviii, fig. 15. Tbid. 
—— Petteri, Lorenz, 1901, p. 579, pl. iv, figs. 9-10. Flysch; Austria, 
— quassazensis, Glocker in Goeppert, 1865 ¢, p.12. (= Gyrophyllites 
Kwassizensis, Glocker, 1841.) 
—— vestanensis, Squinabol, 1890, p. 189, pl. xi, fig. 2. 
Cretaceous (?); Italy. 

Haastia speciosa, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 180, pl. viii, fig. 5. 
Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
Halimeda Fuggeri, Jorenz, 1897, p. 177, pl. i. Flysch ; Salzburg. 
Haliserites contortuplicatus, von der Marck, 1864, p. 81, pl. xiii, 
fig. 13. Upper Cretaceous; Westphalia. 
—— gracilis, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 189, pl. i, figs. 1-2. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— Reichii, Sternberg, 1833, p. 84, pl. xxiv, fig. 7. (= Fucoides 
dichotcmus, Reich in litt.) ; ee - Greensand; Freiberg. 
—— Schlotheimi, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
: Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— trifidus, Debey, 1848 a, p. 114 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
Halocharis longifolia, Miquel, 1853, p. 49, pl. v, figs. 4-6. 
Senonian ; Limburg, Belgium. 


Halymenites cylindricus, Sternberg, 1825, pl. xlvili, fig. 1. 
(= Miinsteria cylindrica, Otto.) Quadersandstein ; Bohemia. 
—— major, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 373; & 1878 8, p. 38, pl. i, figs. 7, 8. 
Montana Formation (& above); U.S.A. 
-—— Rioana, Zigno, 1864, p.525 [nomen nudum]. Cretaceous (?); Italy. 
—— striatus, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 373; & 18788, p. 37, pl. i, fig. 6. 
Laramie Formation ; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
—— verticillatus, Minster (iz Jit¢.), Sternberg. 1838, p. 104. 
Cretaceous ; Westphalia. 
Halyserites gracilis, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859, p. 189, pl. i, 
figs. 1, 2. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— Reichii (Sternberg), Unger, 18504, p.10. (=Haliserites Reichii, 
Sternberg, =Delesseria Reichii, Engelhardt, 1892 a.) 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— Schlotheimi, Debey, 1848 (?); & 1850, p. 116. Ibid. 
—— trifidus, Debey, 1848 4, p. 114. Ibid. 
Hamamelidoxylon Renaulti, Lignier, 1907, p. 301, pl. xix, fig. 44; 
pl. xx, figs. 45-52; pl. xxi, fig. 68; pl. xxiii, figs. 85, 93; text-figs. 
3-5, pp. 294-296. Cenomanian ; France. 
Hamamelites ? cordatus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 71, pl. iv, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
——~ kansaseana, Lesquereux, 1876, p. 355, pl. vii, fig. 4. (=Z. 
kansaseanus, 1883, = Alnus kanseana, 1874, re-named by Knowlton, 
1898, Quercus kanseana.) Ibid. 
—— quadrangularis, Lesquereux, 1876 8, p. 855. (= Alnites quadran- 
gularis, Lx., 1874, & Fopulites quadrangularis. Lx., 1868.) Ibid. 
—— quercifolius, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 71. Ibid. 
—— tenuinervis, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 70. Ibid. 
Hausmannia? arctica (Heer), Richter, 1906, p. 20. (= Jeanpaulia 
arctica & Jeanpaulia borealis, Heer, 18744.) Urgonian; Greenland, 
——? Brongniarti (Debey & Ettingshausen), Richter, 1906, p. 19, 
pl. vii, fig. 23. (= Asplenium Brongniarti, Debey & Ettingshausen, 
1859 B.) Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
— ? californica, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 228, pl. lxy, fig. 47. 
Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— ? cordata (Heer), Richter, 1906, p. 24, pl. vii, fig. 19. (= Proto- 

rhipis cordata, Heer, 1882.) Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— cretacea (Velenovsky), Richter, 1906, p. 20. (= Platyceriphyllum 
cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 

—— dichotoma, Dunker, 1846, p. 12, pl. v, fig. 1; pl. vi, fig. 12. 
Recorded from Senonian, Quedlinburg, by Richter, 1906. 
—— dichotoma euryphylla, Richter, 1906, p. 19, pl. iii, fig. 11; 
pL. iv, figs. 2, 4, 5, 7; pl. vi, fig. 2. Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— dichotcma linearis, Richter, 1906, p. 19, pl. iii, figs. 5, 8; pl. iv, 

figs. 6, 9, 9a. _ Ibid, 
—— dichotoma regularis, Richter, 1906, p. 19, pl. iii, figs. 3, 4, 6, 10; 
pl. iv, figs. 1, 8; pl. v, figs. 9, 10; pl. vi, fig. 5. Thid. 
— gracillima, Richter, 1906, p. 19, pl. iii, figs, 12, 12@, Ibid. 




Hausmannia Kohlmanni, Richter, 1901, p. 21; & 1906, p. 21, pl. i, 
figs. 1-11; pl. ii, figs. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9; pl. v, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8; 
pl. vi, figs. 3, 6, 7, 9. Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 

—— rigida, Newberry, 1895, p. 35, pl. i, figs. 2, 3, 5. 

Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

-— Sewardi, Richter, 1906, p. 22, pl. i, fig. 12; pl. v, figs. 3, 4; pl. vi, 
fig. 8. Lower Cretaceous ; Scrobhere. 

—— spuria, Richter, 1906, p. 23, pl. ii, fig. 2 (pl. v, fig. 12 (2) ). Thid, 

Hedera aquamara, Ward, 1887, p. 59, pl. xxvi, fig. 7 (re-named 
Quercus aguamara (Ward), Knowlton, 1898). 

Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

-—— Bruneri, Ward, 1887, p. 58, pl. xxvi, fig. 6, Ibid. 

— cecilensis, Berry, 1910 n, p. 28, pl. viii, fig. 2. 

Magothy Formation; Cecil County, U.S.A. 

— credneriefolia, Velenovsky, 1882 8, p. 30, pl. viii, fig. 8; pl. x, 
fig. 2. (= Hederophyllum credneriefolium, Velenovsky, 1889.) 

Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia, 

— cretacea, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 127, pl. xviii, fig. 1. 

Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

—— cuneata, Heer, 1882, p. 83, pl. xxviii, fig. 12; pl. xlv, fig. 2. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

— decurrens, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 130, pl. xviii, fig. 6. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— microphylla, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 127, pl. xviii, figs. 2,3. Ibid. 

—— obliqua, Newberry, 1895, p. 113, pl. xxxvii, fig. 8; pl. xxxviii, fig. 5. 

Amboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A, 

— orbiculata (Heer), Lesquereux, 1892, p. 129, pl. xvii, figs. 12-14, 
(= Chondrophylium orbiculatum, Heer, 1874 a.) 

Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— ovalis, Lesquereus, 1874, p. 91, pl. xxv, fig. 3; pl. xxvi, fig. 4. 

Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A, 

—— platanoidea, Lesquereux, 1876 8, p. 351, pl. iii, fig. 3. 

Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

—— primordialis, Saporta, 1879, p. 200, text-figs. 29-1 & 2 
(= Hederophyllum primordiale, in Velenovsky, 1889.) 

Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

— Schimperi, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 395; & 18768, p. 351, pl. vii, 
fig. 5. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— sini p lee, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 97, pl. xxxvii, fig. 9. 

Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 

— sp.?, Hollick, 1898 8, p. 421, pl. xxxviii, fig. 5. 

Middle Cretaceous ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 

Hederephyllum angulatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 324, pl. clxii, fig. 1. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

— crenulatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 324, pl. clxii, fig. 3. Ibid. 

—— peltatum, Marik, 1901, p. 11. pl ii, fig. 8. 

“Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 


Hederophyllum crednerizfolium, Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 50, 54, 
(= Hedera credneriafolia, Velenovsky, 1882 B.) 
—— primordiale (Saporta), Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 50, 54. (= Hedera 
primordialis, Saporta, 1879.) 
Heterofilicites anceps, Berry, 1906 5, p. 154, pl. xxvi. 
Magothy Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

Hexagonaria senonica, Deecke, 1901, p. 473. Senonian ; Rigen. 
Himantites alopecarus, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 212, pl. iii, 
fig. la. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

Hymeneza dakotana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 145, pl. lv, figs. 2, 3; 
pl. lvi, figs. 1, 2; pl. xii, fig. 2. Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— elongata, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 214; & 1886, p. 57, pl. xx, 

figs. 3, 5, Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— inequalis, Velenovsky, 1886, p- 56, pl. xxi, figs. 5,6. (= Aymen- 
@ophyllum inequalis, Velenovsky, 1889.) Ibid. 
—— Kuchlensis, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
-— latifolia, Velenovsky, 1882 a, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 

——- primigenia [spelt Hymeneal], Saporta, 1879, p. 199, text-fig. 
28, 2; also Velenovsky, 1886, p. 56, pl. xx, fig. 4; pl. vi, figs. 1-4. 
—— virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 320, pl. clxiii, fig. 6. 
Potomae Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Hymenzophyllum inequale, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 51. (= Hy- 
mened inequalis, Velenovsky, 1886.) 
Hymencphyllites heterophyllus, Unger, 1850 a, -p. 527; & 1867, 

p. 650, pl. ii, figs. 3, 4. Upper Cretaceous ; Austria. 
—— macrcphyllus, Goeppert, 1836, p. 262; & Unger, 1867, p. 650, 
pl. ii, fig. 5. Ibid. 

Hymenophyllum cretaceum, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 421; & 1874, 
p. 45, pl. i, figs. 3-4; pl. xxix, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Hymencpteris psilotoides, Stokes & Webb, 1824, p. 424, pl. xlvi, 
fig. 7; pl. xlvii, fig. 2; Mantell, 1827, p. 55, pl. i, fig. 3; pl. iii, 
fig. 7; pl. iii*, fig. 2; pl. ax, figs. 1, 2. (= Sphenopteris Mantelli, 
. Brongmart, 1828.) Wealden, Sussex. 
Hypoglossidium antiquum, Heer, 1874 4, p. 129, pl. xxxviii, figs. 14, 
15. Cretaceous ; Spitzbergen. 
Hysterites dubius, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1€59 a, p. 213, pl. iii, 
fig. 5 d. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— protogzeus (Heer), Meschinelli, 1892, p. 774. (= Hy sterium proto- 
geum, Heer, 1882.) 
Hysterium prcotogeum, Heer, 1882, p. 20, pl. xxiv, figs. 9, 98. 
(= Hysterites protogeus, Meschinelli, 1892.) 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 

Ilex amboyensis (Newberry), Berry, 1909, p. 259 (re-naming dex 
ovata, Newberry, 1896.) Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A, 


Tlex antiqua, Heer, 1882, p. 97, pl. xxvii, fig. 1 @. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— armata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 176, pl. xxix, fig. 8. 
Dakota Group ; said U.S.A. 
— borealis, Heer, 1883 a, p. 39, pl. lxiv, figs. 3, 4. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 178, pl. xxix, fig. 11. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-— ? elongata, Newberry, 1895, p. 98, pl. xviii, figs. 1, 5. 
Amboy Clay; Sayreville, U.S.A. 
-—— Masoni, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 179, pl. vii, fig. 6; pl. lxiii, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
——? ovata, Newberry, 1895, p. 98, pl. xviii, fig. 2 (re-named Ilex 

amboyensis, Berry, 1909.) Amboy Clay ; Sayreville, U.S.A. 
—— papillosa, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 177, pl. xxix, figs. 9, 10; pl. lviii, 
fig. 3. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

-—— patootensis, Heer, 1833 a, p. 40, pl. lxiv, fig. 5. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
-—— Perneri, Bayer, 1893, pp. 20 & 42, fig. 14; & Bayer in Fritsch, 
1893, p. 131, text-fig. 190. Senonian ; Priesen, Bohemia. 
—— Scudderi, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 178, pl. lviii, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— strangulata, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 899; & 18768, p. 359, pl. viii, 
fig. 3. Dakota Group (?); Colorado, U.S.A. 
Nlicium deletum, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 51, pl. xviii, fig. 5. 
Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
Inga Cottai, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 262, pl. iii, fig. 18. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
~—— cretacea, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 153, pl. lv, fig. 11. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— latifolia, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 55, pl. xx, figs. 6, 7. 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Buhemia. 
Inolepis affinis, Heer, 1883 a, p. 11, pl. liii, figs, 2, 26. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— bohemica, Marik, 1901, p. 8, pl. i, fig, 19. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— imbricata, Heer, 18744, p. 72, pl. xvi, figs. 12-16; pl. xxiii, figs. 6c, 

7,8. Kome Beds; Greenland 
Isoetes Choffati, Saporta, 1894, p. 134, pl. xxiv, figs. 2b, 9-11; pl. xxv, 
figs. 5-8 ; pl. xxvii, fig. 6. Urgonian ; Portugal. 

Isoetopsis Choffati, Saporta, 1891, p. 250 [nomen nudum]. 
Albian ; Portugal, 

Jeanpaulia arctica, Heer, 18744, p. 181, pl. ii, figs. 15 & 16, name in 
pl. deser. given to J. borealis, (= Hausmannia? arctica, in Richter, 


Jeanpaulia borealis, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 18744, p. 57, pl. ii, 
figs. 15 & 16. (= Hausmannia? arctica, in Richter, 1906.) 
‘ Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— carinata, Velenovsky, 1888 x, p. 18, pl. i, figs. 1-5. 
Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 
— grandis, Heer, 1871, p. 1181 [nomen nudum]. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— lepida, Heer, 1874 a, p. 58, pl. ii, figs. 1-4. (= Sphenopteris lepida, 
Heer, 1871.) Ibid. 
Jordania ebenoides, Schenk, 1883, p. 10, pl. iv, figs. 13-14. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Libyan Desert. 
Juglandinium longiradiatum, Vater, 1884, p. 841, pl. xxviii, 

figs. 15-16. Lower Senonian ; Brunswick. 
Juglandiphyllum integrifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 315, pl. clvii, 
figs. 3, 5, 6. Potomac Formation ; Virgiuia, U.S.A. 

Juglandites cretacea, Dawson, 1886, p. 14. 
Mill Creek Series; Canada. 
—— elegans, Goeppert, 1842, p. 156, pl. liv, fig. 18. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— ellsworthianus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 70, pl. xxxvii, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— fallax, Dawson, 1894, p. 59, pl. xi, fig. 48, 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
— Lacoei, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 71, pl. xlviii, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—- primordialis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 70, pl. xxxv, fig. 15, Ibid. 
— sinuatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 71, pl. xxxv, figs. 9-11. Ibid. 
— ?sp., Dawson, 1894, p. 59, pl. x, fig. 43; pl. xiii, fig. 56, 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
Juglans arctica, Heer, 1882, p. 71, pl. xl, fig. 2; pl. xli, fig. 4c; pl. xlii, 
figs. 1-3 ; pl. xliii, fig. 3. Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
— crassipes, Heer, 1869 4, p. 23, pl. vi, fig. 3. 
Cenomanian; Moletein, Moravia. 
— Debeyana (Heer), Lesquereux, 1868, p. 101. (= Populus? 

Debeyana, Heer, 1867.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—- elongata, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 55, pl. xi, figs. 3, 4 (for Laurus Omalit, 
Sap. & Mar.). Middle Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A, 

— harwoodensis, Dawson, 1883, p. 28, pl. viii, fig. 31. 
Upper Cretuceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 

— Humboldtana, Stiehler, 1858, p. 63, pl. xi, fig. 13. 
Cretaceous ; New Granada, 
—— Leconteana, Lesquereux, 1871, p. 382; & 18783, p. 285, pl. liv, 
figs. 10-13. Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A; 

—— ? missouriensis, Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 12, pl. i, figs. 7-9. 

Montana Formation; Missouri R., U.S.A, 

—— rhamnoides, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 294. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 


Juglans rugosus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 206; & 18788, p. 286, pl. liv, 
figs. 4, 5; pl. lv, figs. 1-9; pl. lvi, figs. 1, 2. 

Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

Jugloxylon hamaoanum, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 62-63, pl. vii, 

fig. 48. Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Jungermannites vetustior, Saporta, 1894, p. 123, pl. xxiii, fig. 14. 

Urgonian ; Cercal, Portugal. 

Juniperus hypnoides, Heer, 1882, p. 47, pl. xliv, figs. 3-4; pl. xlvi, 

fig. 18. Atane Beds ; Greenland. 

— macilenta, Heer, 1882, p. 47, pl. xxxv, figs. 10-11. Ibid. 

Juranyia hemiflabellata, Tuzson, 1908, p. 1, pl. i, figs. 1, 2; pl. ii, 

fig. 3. Upper Cretaceous; Hungary. 

Kaidacarpium cretaceum, Heer, 1883 4, p. 19, pl. Ixiv, fig. 9d. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
Kaidacarpum Bucklandi (Lindley & Hutton), Carruthers, 1868, 
p. 156, pl. ix, fig. 2. Upper Greensand ; Wiltshire. 
—— minus, Carruthers, 1868, p. 156. Potton Sands ; Cambridge. 
Kalimia Brittoniana, Hollick, 1893, p. 34, pl. ii, figs. 6, 7, 8. 
Cretaceous ; New York, U.S.A. 
Keckia ambigua, Eichwald, 1865, p. 11, pl. iv, figs. 14, 15. 
Neocomian ; Russia, 
— annulata, Glocker, 1841, p. 319, pl. iv. (= Miinsteria annulata, 
Unger.) Quadersandstein ; Austria. 
— cylindrica, Otto, 1852, p. 5, pl. ii; pl. iii; pl. iv, fig. 2. 
Lower Quadersandsteiu ; Wendischcarsdorf. 
—— nodulosa, Otto, 1852, p. 9, pl. iv, figs. 3, 6, 7. Ibid. 
— vesiculosa, Otto, 1852, p. 8, pl. iv, fig. 1. Ibid. 
-—— sp., Lorenz, 1902, p. 23, pl. viii, fig. 3. 
Lower Cretaceous; Switzerland, 
Kingthiophyllum primevum, Crié, 1889, p. 15 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
Kirchnera arctica (Heer), Velenovsky, 1888 8, p. 16, pl. ii, figs. 12-16, 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— dentata, Velenovsky, 1888 8, p. 18, pl. ii, figs. 1,2. Ibid, 
Kloedenia quercoides, Goeppert, 1859, p. 521, pl. viii 3, figs. 1, 3, 4. 
Cretaceous; Silesia, 
Knightiophyllum primevun, Eitingshausen, 1887 a, p. 185, pl. ix, 

fig. 12. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
Kohlmannopteris insignis, Richter, 1899 a, p. 40 [nomen nudum]; 
& 1901, p. 20. Senonian ; Quedlinburg. 
Kosmogyra acanthica, Stache, 1889, p. 135, pl. iv, fig. 5. (= Chara 
acanthica, Stache, 1880.) Upper Cretaceous (?); Corgnale, 
—— cingulata, Stache, 1889, p. 121, pl. ii, fig. 20. (= Chara cingulata, 
Stache, 1880.) Liburnian (Upper Cretaceous) ; Cosina, 
—— guttifera, Stache, 1889, p. 134, pl. iv, fig. 6. (= Chara guttifera, 
Stache, 1880.) Ibid. 

—— ornata, Stache, 1889, p. 134. pl. iv, figs. 4,a,b. (= Chara ornata, 
Stache, 1880.) Lid. 


Kosmogyra perarmata, Stache, 1889, p. 184, pl. iv, figs, 3a, d. 
(= Chara perarmata, Stache, 1880.) 

Liburnian (Upper Cretaceous); Cosina. 

—— superba, Stache, 1889, p. 134, pl. iv, figs. 2@,d. (= Chara superba, 

Stache, 1880.) Upper Cretaceous (?); Divacea. 
Kesmogyrella carinata, Stache, 1889, p. 121, pl. ii, fig. 19. (= Chara 
carinata, Stache, 1880.) Ibid. 

Krannera mirabilis, Corda (in litt.), Velenovsky, 1885, p. 1, pl. i, 
figs. 1-7, 10-18; pl. iv, figs. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9. (= Paleostrobus 
mirabilis, Renger, 1866.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

Laccopteris Dunkeri, Schenk, 1871 a, p.17, pl. viii, figs. 83-5; Velenov- 
sky, 1888, p. 12, pl. ii, figs. 3-7. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
— pulchella, Heer, 1881, p. 16, pl. xv, figs. 7, 7 0. 
Neocomian ; Portugal, 
Lagynophora articulata, Stache, 1889, p. 133, pl. vi, fig. 5. 
Liburnian (Upper Cretaceous) ; Cosina. 

—— foliosa, Stache, 1889, p. 133, pl. iv, figs. 10, 11. Ibid, 
—— liburnica, Stache, 1889, p. 132, pl. iv, figs. 9, 14. (= Chara 

liburnica, Stache, 1880.) Ibid. 
—— nodulifera, Stache, 1889, p. 133, pl. vi, fig. 3. Tbid. 
—~— symmetrica, Stache, 1889, p. 133, pl. vi, figs. 1, 4. Tbid. 
Lambertia dura, Velenovsky, 1883, p. 30, pl. x, fig. 16. (= Drynaria 

dura (Velenovsky), Bayer, 1899.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 

Laminarites crenatus, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— polystigma, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 192, pl. i, fig. 6. 
—— spathulatus, Debey,’ 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
— tuberculosus, Sternberg, 1833, p. 35. (= Fucoides tuberculosus, 
Brongniart, 1828.) Cretaceous ; La Rochelle, France. 
Lamprocarpites nitidus, Heer, 1882, p. 58, pl. viii, figs. 10 b, 12-14. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Laricopsis angustifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 233, pl. cii, figs. 9, 10; 

pl. ciii, figs. 1, 4. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— brevifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 284, pl. cii, figs. 5, 6. Ibid. 
-— longifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 233, pl. cii, figs. 7, 8; pl. ciii, figs. 2, 
3; pl. elxv, fig. 4; pl. elxviii, figs. 5, 6. Ibid. 
— longifolia latifolia, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 312, pl. lxxiii, 
figs. 11-14. Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 

Laurelia primeva, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 108, pl. xx, fig. 8. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 
Laurinium brunswicense, Vater, 1884, p. 845, pl. xxix, figs. 22-24. 
Lower Senonian (?); Helmstedt, 
Laurinophyllum austro-caledonicum, Crié, 1889, p. 27 [nomen 
nudum]. Cretaceous; New Caledonia. 
Laurinoxylon albiense, Fliche, 1905. p. 356, pl. x, figs. 2-3. 
Albian ; Madagascar, 


Laurinoxylon primigenium, Schenk, 1883, p. 11, pl. iii, fig, 10; 
pl. v, figs. 15-16, Cenomanian (?); Cairo, Egypt. 

——- uniseriatum, Gothan, 1908 4, p. 16, pl. ii, figs. 3-11. 
Cretaceous (7) ; rctica: 
— sp., Gothan, 1908 4, p. 19, pl. ii, figs. 12,13, =e gat 
Laurogene cretacea, Ettingshausen in Reuss, 1854, p. 740 fiona 
nudum]. Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
Laurophyllum angustifelium, Newberry (non Lesquereux), 1895 
p. 86, pl. xvii, figs, 10, 11. Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, USA. 

—— aquisgranense, Lange, 1890, p. 669, pl. xxiv, fig. 4, 
Senonian ; Gemmenich, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— austro-caledonicum, Crié, 1889, p. 27 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; New Caledonia, 
—— debile, Dawson, 1883, p. 22, pl. ii, figs. 7, 7a. 
Upper Cretaceous ; North-West Territory, Canada, 
—— elegans, Hollick, 19064, p. 81, pl. xxvii, figs. 1-5, 
Raritan Formation; Staten Island, USA. 
—— ellsworthianum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 95, pl. xiii, fig.7. (= Quercus 
ellsworthianus, Lesquereux, 1868.) Dakota Group ; Kansas, USA. 
—— insigne, Dawson, 1894, p. 61, pl. vii, figs. 24, 25. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
~— lanceolatum, Newberry, 1895, p. 86, pl. xvii, figs. 1, 12, ; 
Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— minus, Newberry, 1895, p. 86, pl. xvi, figs. 7-9. Ibid. 
— nervillosum, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 82, pl. xxvii, figs, 6, 7. 
Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— reticulatum, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 425; & 1874, p. 76, pl. xy, 
figs. 4,5. (= Ficus reticulata (Lx.), Hollick, 1898.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 
Laurus affinis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 167, pl. xxxi, fig. 9. 
Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia, 
-— affinis, Velonovsky (on Hosius & von der Marck), 1887, p. 70, 
pl. xxviii, figs. 4, 5, 7, 8 Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
—— angusta, Heer, 1882, p. 76, pl. xx, figs. 1), 7; pl. xliii, fig. Le. 
Atane Bods; Greenlund. 
—— antecedens, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 92, pl. xi, fig. 3. A 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A, 
—— attenuata, Saporta, 1894, p. ?, pl. xxxvii, fig. 9, 
Cretaceous (?) ; Portugal. 
_— Colleti, Fliche, 1892, p. 1085; & 1896, p. 279, pl. xiii, fig. 7, text- 
fig. 13, Albian ; France. 

—— crassinervis, Dawson, 1883, p. 23. 
Upper Cretaceous (?) ; North-West Territory, Canada.. 

_— cretacea, Ettingshausen, 1867 4, p. 252, pl. ii, fig. 13. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony, 

iii ; 5}; 
__..- Hollae, Heer, 1882, p. 76, pl. xxxiii, fig. 18; pl. sliv, fig. 55; 
a xly, ‘ig. 3 ‘Atane Beds; Greenland. 


Laurus Hollickii, Berry, 1905 », p. 79, pl. lii, fig. 4. 
Matawan Formatiuu ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— Knowltoni, Lesquereux, 1802, p. 94, pl. 1, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— labrusca, Unger, 1850, p. 423. (= Sterculia labrusca, Unger, 
1851 8.) 
—- macrocarpa, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 98; & 1874, p. 74, pl. x, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
~—— (Carpites) microcarpa, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 93, pl. xvi, fig. 8. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—- modesta, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 53, pl. xvi, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— Nebrascensis, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 98; & 1874, p. 74, pl. x, fig. 1; 
pl. xxviii, fig. 14. (= Persea Nebrascensis, Lx., 1869.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— Newberryana, Hollick, 1894 a, p. 52, pl. elxxix, fig. 5. 
Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— notandia, Saporta, 1894, p. 202, pl. xxxvii, fig. 7. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
— Odini, Heer, 1882, p. 77, pl. xxxvii, fig. 9. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Omailii, Saporta & Marion, 1873, p. 49, pl. vi, fig. 1. Eocene. 
(Recorded from American Cretaceous, Hollick, 1894 4.) 
— paleocretacea, Saporta, 1894, p. 202, pl. xxxvii, fig. 12. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
— plutonia, Heer, 1882, p. 75, pl. xix, figs. 1d, 2-4; pl. xx, figs. 34, 
4-6 ; pl. xxiv, fig. 66; pl. xxviii, figs. 10-11; pl. xlii, fig. 44. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— plutonina, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 149; & 1895, p. 26, pl. ii, fig. 15. 
Jretaceous ; Australia, 
—— prestans, Lesquereux, 1876c; & 18788, p. 215, pl. lsiii, fig. 7. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— pretavia, Saporta & Marion, 1885, p. 117, text-fig. 125 p. 
‘Turonian ; France. 
—— primigenia, Unger, 1850 4, p. 423. Eocene ; Sotzka. 
(Recorded by Heer, in Meek & Hayden, 1859, p. 265, for 
Dakota Cretaceous, U.S.A.) 
—— protezfolia, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 893; & 1876 8, p. 342, pl. v, 
figs. 1, 2. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—-- sccialis, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 213, pl. xxxvi, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— teliformis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 94, pl. 1, fig. 9. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 
—— titahensis, Lesquereux, 1878 B, p. 216, p]. xxvi, fig. 11. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— ? sp., Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 18, pl. i, fig. 4. 
Montana Formation; Missouri R., U.S.A. 



Leguminosites albizzioides, Menzel, 1909, p. 400, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 3. 

Senonian ; Cameroons. 
amissus, Heer, 18744, p. 119, pl. xxxii, fig. 19. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 

atanensis, Heer, 1874 a, p. 119, pl. xxxiv, fig. 6. Ibid. 
cassizformis, Heer, 18744, p. 119, pl. xxxiv, fig. 12. (= Cassia 
antiquorun, Heer, 1882.) Ibid. 

cassioides, Lesquereux, 18788, p. 300, pl. lix, figs. 1-4 (name pre- 

occupied, re-named Leguininosites Lesguereuxiana, Knowlton, 1898). 

Laramie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 

cassioides, Engelhardt (non Lesquereux), in Vanhdoffen, 1897, 

pp. 866 & 371, fig. 29. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
constrictus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 151, pl. xliv, fig. 3. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

convolutus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 151, pl. xliv, fig. 4. Ibid. 
coronilloides (?), Heer, 1874 a, p. 119, pl. xxxiv, fig. 4. (= Colutea 
coronilloides, Heer, 1882.) Atane Beds; Greenland, 

cretaceus, Engelhardt, 1892 a, p. 104, pi. ii, figs. 11, 11 a. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony, 
cultriformis, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 86, pl. x, fig. 4. : 
Dakota Group; U.S.A. 
dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 150, pl. xxxviii, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Dalageri, Heer, 1882, p. 104, pl. xxxvii, fig. 10. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
dentatus, Heer, 1883 a, p. 44, pl. Ixv, figs. 10-11. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
frigidus, Heer, 1883 a, p. 44, pl. Ixv, fig. 18; pl. ly, figs. 21 a, 22. 
. Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
hymenophyllus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 152, pl. lv, figs. 7-9; 
pl. lvi, fig. 3. Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A, 
infracretacicus, Saporta, 1894, p. 208, pl. xxxvii, fig. 14. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
insularis, Heer, 1882, p. 103, pl. xliv, fig. 6. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
lanceolatus, Schenk, 1876, p. 170, pl. xxix, fig. 16. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Brandenberg, Tyrol. 
Lesquereuxiana, Knowltun, 1898, p. 131. (=Leguminosites 
cassivides, Lesquereux, 1878.) 
Laramie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
maciientus, Heer, 1882, p. 104, pl. xxvii, fig. 15. 
; Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Marcouanus, Heer in Meek & Hayden, 1859, p. 265.  (=Lirio- 
dendron Meekii Marcouana, Heer, 1882, & Bumelia Marcouana, 
Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
omphalobioides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 149, pl. xxxviii, fig. 4. 
. Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 


Leguminosites orbiculatus, Heer, 1882, p. 104, pl. xx, fig. 3¢. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— ovalifolius, Heer, 1882, p. 103, pl. xxvii, fig. 14. Ibid. 
—— ovatus, Schenk, 1876, p. 170, pl. xxix, fig. 15. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Brandenberg, Tyrol. 
—— pachyphyllus, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151; & 1895, p. 52, pl. iv, 
fig. 18. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
—— patootensis, Heer, 1883 a, p. 44, pl. lxv, figs. 12, 12 0. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— phaseolites, Heer, 1874 a, p. 118, pl. xxxiv, figs. 7-11. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— podogonialis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 148, pl. xiii, fig. 11, pl. xxviii, 

fig. 16. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— prodromus, Heer, 1871, p. 1184; & 18744, p. 118, pl. xxxiv, 
fig. 13. Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— raritensis, Berry, 1909, p. 257, pl. xviii, fig. 4. 
Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— robiniifolia, Berry, 19104, p. 196. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— truncatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 150, pl. xxi, fig. 7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Lemna? bullata, Lesquereux, 1875, p. 363. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— scutata, Dawson, 1875. 
(Recorded from Montana Group by Lesquereux, 1878.) 
Lepidocaryopsis Westphaleni, Stur, 1873, p. 2. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Lepidodendron punctatum, Sternberg, 1820, p. 23, pl. iv, figs. 1, 2. 
(=Protopteris punctata, Presl.) 
Leptospermum cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 21, pl. i, fig. 10. 
(=Leptospermum macrocarpum, Vel.) Cenomanian, Bohemia. 
— macrocarpum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 27, pl. i, fig. 10. Ibid. 
Leptostrobus ? alatus, Ward, 18998, p. 673, pl. clxiii, figs. 16, 17. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
— foliosus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 230, pl. ci, fig. 4; pl. ciii, fig. 5; pl. civ, 
fig. 1. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— longifolius, Fontaine, 1889, p. 228, pl. ci, figs. 2, 3; pl. cii, figs. 14; 
pl. cii, figs. 6-12 ; pl. civ, fig. 6. Ibid. 
—— ? multificrus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 230, pl. elxv, fig. 6. Ibid. 
—— ? ovalis, Ward, 1905, p. 514, pl. cviii, figs. 9, 10 (naming Lepto- 
strobus ? (b) sp. Fontaine, 1889, p. 231, pl. cxxxvi, figs, 10, 10 a). 

-— ? sp. (a) Fontaine, 1889, p. 231, pl. cxxxv, fig. 6. Ibid. 
— ? sp. (b) Fontaine, 1889, p. 231, pl. exxxvi, fig. 10. Ibid, 
— ? sp. (c) Fontaine, 1889, p. 232, pl. cxxxvi, fig. 11. Ibid. 

Libocedrus cretacea, Heer, 1882, p. 49, pl. xxix, figs. 1-3; pl. xliii, 
fig. 1d. Atane Beds; Greenland, 


Libocedrus salicorniocides cretacea, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 28, 
pl. viii, fig. 2. Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 

—— Veneris, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 28, pl. x, figs. 13, 15, 17. 
Planer ; Bohemia. 
Limnophyllum lanceolatum, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 184, 

pl. xxxviii, fig. 154. Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
— primaevum, Hosius & yon der Marck, 1880, p. 183, pl. xxxviii, 
fig. 153. Ibid. 

Lindera Masoni, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 96, pl. xviii, figs. 9, 10 (re- 
named Benzoin Masoni, Knowlton, 1898). 
Dakuta Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— venusta, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 95, pl. xvi, figs. 1, 2 (re-named 
Benzoin venustum, Knowlton, 1898). Ibid. 
Liquidambar integrifolium, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 93; & 1874, p. 56, 
pl. ii, figs. 1-3; pl. xxiv, fig. 2; pl. xxix, fig. 8 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— obtusilobatus (Heer), Hollick in Newberry, 1898, p. 101, pl. v, 
fig. 4; pl. xii, fig. 4. (=Phyllites obtusilobatus, Heer, 1859.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Liriodendron acuminatum, Lesquereux, 1884, p. 227. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— acuminatum, var. bilobatum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 207, 
pl. xxviii, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— alatum, Newberry MS., Hollick, 18942, p. 467, pl. cexx. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— attenuatum, Hollick, 1906 4, p. 68, pl. xxi, figs. 9-11. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
-—— Celakovskii, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 218; & 1883, p. 43, pl. xiv, 

fig. 2. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— cruciforme, Lesquereux, 1884, p. 227. (=L. gigantewm cruciforme, 
Lx., 1892.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— dubium, Berry, 1907, p. 196, pl. xiv, fig. 3. 
Middle Cretaceous ; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
—- giganteum, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 99; & 1874, p. 93, pl. xxii, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— giganteum cruciforme, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 206, pl. xxviii, 
figs. 1,2. (=. eruciforme, Lx., 1884.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— intermedium, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 99; & 1874, p. 93, pl. xx, 
fig. 5. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— laramiensis, Ward, 1885, p. 556, pl. ls, fig. 1. ; 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
——- Meekii, Heer in Meek & Hayden, 1859, p. 265; & Heer, 1867, 
p- 21, pl. iv, fig. 3. Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A, 
—— Meekii genuina, Heer, 1882, p. 98, pl. xxii, figs. 12-13; pl. xxiii, 
fig. 6. Atane Beds; Greenland. 


Liriodendron Meekii Marcouana, Heer, 1882, p. 82, pl. xxii 
figs. 4—7, 11; pl. xxiii, fig. 3; pl. xlv, fig. 13a, 5, (= Leguminosites 

Marcouanus, Heer, 1859.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— Meekii mucronulata, Heer, 1882, p. 88, pl. xxii, figs. 3-10. 

—— Meekii obcordata, Heer, 1882, p. 88, pl. xxii, figs. 1 5, 2; pl. xxiii, 
fig.4. (= Phyllites obcordatus, Heer, 1859.) Ibid. 

—— Meekii primeva, Heer, 1882, p. 88, pl. xviii, fig. 4c; pl. xxii, 
fig. 9; pl. xxiii, fig, 5. Ibid. 

—— morganensis, Berry, 1906 B, p. 176; and 1906 x, p. 150, pl. xxi, 
figs. 2-4; pl. xxiii, fig. 1; pl. xxv. 
Magothy Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— oblongifolium, Newberry, 1887, p. 5, pl. si, fig. 1. 
: Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— Ppinnatifidum, Lesquereux, 1884, p. 227. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— pretulipiferum, Dawson, 1894, p. 63, pl. viii, fig. 27. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— primzvum, Newberry, 1870, p. 12; & 1878, pl. vi, fig. 7 (not 
named); & Lesquereux, 1892, p. 203, pl. xxiv, fig. 4; pl. xxvi, figs. 1-4. 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— quercifolium, Newberry, 1887, p. 6, pl. lxii, fig. 1. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— Schwarzii, Richter, 1904, p. 16, pl. ii, fiz. 10; 1905, p. 6, pl. i, 

fig. 10. Senonian ; Quedlinburg. 
—— semi-alatum, Lesquereux, 1884, p. 227; & 1892, p. 204, pl. xxv, 
figs. 2-4; pl. xxix, fig. 3. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

—— simplex, Newberry, 1887, p. 6, pl. lxii, figs. 2-4. (= Liriodendropsis 
simpler & L. angustifolia, Newberry, 1896.) 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— Snowii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 209, pl. xxix, figs. 1, 2. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— succedens, Dawson, 1894, p. 62, pl. viii, fig. 26. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
— Wellingtonii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 208, pl. xxviii, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Liriodendropsis angustifolia, Newberry, 1895, p. 84, pl. liii, fig. 8. 
(= Liriodendron simplex, Newberry, 1887, in part.) 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— constricta (Ward), Hollick, 1906 4, p. 71, pl. xxii, fig. 7; pl. xxvi, 
‘figs. 6-15 ; pl. xl, fig. 15. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A, 
——— lacerata (Sap.), Ward, 1896, p. 540. (= Chondrophyton laceratum, 
Saporta, 1894.) Cenomanian ; Portugal. 
—— retusa (Heer), Hollick, 19064, p: 72, pl. xxv, figs. 8,9. (=Sapo- 
tacites retusus, Heer, 1883 a.) 
Middle Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 


Liriodendropsis simplex, Newberry, 1895, p. 83, pl. xix, figs. 2, 3; 
pl. liii, figs. 1-4, 7. (=Liriodendron simplex, Newberry, 1887, in 
part.) Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

simplex constricta, Ward, 1896, p. 540. 

Middle Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

—— spectabilis, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 73, pl. xxii, figs. 1-6. 

Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 

Liriophyllum Beckwithii, Lesquereux, 18784, p. 482; & 1883, 

p. 76, pl. x, fig. 1. Dakota Group ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
— obcordatum, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 77; & 1892, p. 210, 41. xxviii, 
fig. 7. Ibid. 
—— populoides, Lesquerenx, 1878 4, p. 483; & 1883, p. 76, pl. xi, 
figs. 1, 2. Ibid. 
Lithothamnium amphiroaeformis, Rothpletz, 18913, p. 314, pl. xvi, 
figs. 10, 14. Turonian ; France. 

—— cenomanicum, Rothpletz, 1891 8, p. 313, pl. xvi, figs. 1, 2, 16. 
Cenomanian ; France. 
—— Goldfussi, Giimbel, 1871, p. 285, pl. Diii, fig. L 3 a-d. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Maestricht. 
—— gosaviense, Rothpletz, 18918, p. 314, pl. xvii, figs. 1, 3. 
Senonian ; France. 
—— mamillosum, Giimbel, 1871, p. 41, pl. ii, figs. 7 2-0. 
Danian ; Maestricht, 
—— palmatum, Goldfuss. in Giimbel, 1871, p. 284, pl. Div, fig. L 
1a, 14. Upper Cretaceous; France, 
—— parisiense, Gimbel, 1871, p. 42, pl. ii, figs. 8 a-d. 
Danian; Maestricht. 
—— perulatum, Giimbel, 1871, p. 44, pl. ii, figs. 11 a-e. Ibid. 
—— procaenum, Giimbel, 1871, p. 43, pl. ii, figs. 10 a-b, Ibid. 
—— racemosum, Goldfuss in Gimbel, 1871, p. 284, pl. Div, figs. L 
Qa, 26. Upper Cretaceous; France. 
— turonicum, Rothpletz, 1891 8, p. 313, pl. xvi, figs. 9, 13. 
Turonian; France. 
Litsaea bohemica, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 101, pl. i, fig. 8. 
Cretaceous; Kaunitz, Bohemia. 
—— carbonensis, Ward, 1885, p. 553, pl. xlvi, fig. 11. (=Malapoenna 
carbonensis (Lx.), Knowlton, 1898, renamed.) 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— expansa, Saporta & Marion, 1878, p. 68, pl. ii, figs. 1, 2. 
(Recorded from Cenomanian of Argentina.) 
—— laurinoides, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 189, pl. xl, fig. 157. 
(=Phyllites laurinoides, Hosius, 1870.) 
Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
Litsea cretacea, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 96, pl. xv, fig. 2. (=Malapoenna 
cretacea (Lx.), Knowlton, 1898, renamed.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 


Litsea falcifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 97, pl. xi, fig.5. (=Malapoenna 
Jalcifolia (Lx.), Knowlton, 1898, renamed.) 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Weediana, Knowlton in Weed & Knowlton, 1893, p.55. (=Mala- 
poenna Weediana, Knowlton, 1898.) 
Laramie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
Lochmophycus caulerpaides, Debey & Eutingshausen, 1859 a, p. 198, 
pl. ii, figs. 1-5. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
Lomatia Saportanea, Lesqucreux, 1876 3, p, 346. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— ? Saportanea, var. longifolia, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 52. 
Dakota Group; Colorado, €.8.A. 
Lomatites palao-Ilex, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 255, pl. iii, fig. 16. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony, 
Lomatopteris superstes, Saporta, 1879, p, 198, text-fig. 27, i. 
Turonian; Toulon, France, 
Lonchopteris Huttoni, Pres] in Sternberg, 1838, p. 166. (=Lonch- 
opteris Mantel, Lindley & Hutton, p. 59, pl. clxxi.) 
Lower Greensand ; England, 
—— lusitanica, Saporta, 18904, p, 814; & 1894, p. 80, pl. xvi, fig. 13. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— Mantelli, Brongniart, 1828, p, 369, pl, exxxi, figs. 4&5. (=Poly- 
podites Mantelli, Goeppert, 1836.) Lower Cretaceous; Beauvais. 
Lycopodites Francheti, Saporta, 1894, p, 131, pl. xxiii, fig. 13; 

pl. xxv, fig, 21. Urgonian ; Portugal. 
— gracilis, Brongniart (non Oldham & Morris), 1828 a, p. 84 [nomen 
nudum], Lower Cretaceous ; Bavaria. 

— gracillimus, Saporta, 1894, p. 131, pl. xxvi, fig. 5. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
—— insignis, Reich in Geinitz, 1842, p. 98. 
Cenomanian; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— Limaiy, Saporta, 1894, p. 182, pl. xxiii, figs. 16-17; pl. xxiv, fig. ll 2; 

pl. xxvi, fig. 1. Urgonian ; Cercal, Portugal. 
—— ?montanensis, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 802, pl. ixxii, figs. 15, 
16. Kootanie Formation ;; Montana, U.S.A. 

Lycopodium cretaceum, Berry, 19106, p. 276, text-fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous ; 8. Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— Lesquereuxii, Knowlton, 1897, p. 154; & 190Ua, p. 24. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A, 
— redivivum, Heer, 1874 4, p. 60, pl. xiii, fig. 1. 
: Kome Beds; Greenland. 
Lygodites patulatus, Schulze, 1888, p. 26 [nomen nudum]. 
Upper Quader ; Germany. 
Lygodium compactum, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 64, pl. v, fig 9. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
— cretaceum, Debey & KEttingshausen, 18598, p. 198, pl. ii, 
figs. 18-21; pl. ili, fig. 28. Senonian; Aix, Rhensih Prussia. 


Lygodium trichomanoides, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 45, pl. i, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

Macclintockia appendiculata, Heer, 1882, p. 71, pl. xxxvii, fig. 1. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— cretacea, Heer, 1882, p. 70, pl. xxxvi, figs. 1, 2a; pl. xxxvil, 
figs. 2-4. Ibid, 
—— trinervis, Heer, 1868, p. 115, pl. xv, figs. 7-9. Tertiary. 
(Recorded Dawson, 1894, Cretaceous.) 
Macrotzeniopteris vancouverensis, Dawson, 1894, p. 55, pl. y, 

figs. 1-3. Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
Magnolia alternans, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 20, pl. iii, 
figs. 2-4; pl. iv, figs. 1-2. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

— amplifolia, Heer, 1869 a, p. 21, pl. viii, figs 1,2; pl. ix, fig. 1. 
Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
— angustifolia, Newberry, 1883, p. 513. 
Laramie Formation ; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
—— auriculata, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 16944, p. 61, pl. elxxix, 
figs. 6,7; & Newberry, 1895, p. 75, pl. xli, fig. 13 ; pl. Iviii, figs. 1-11. 
(Re-named Magnolia Hollicki, Berry, 1909.) 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
— Boulayana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 202, pl. Ix, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— Capellinii, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 21, pl. iii, figs. 5, 6. 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— cenomanensis. Saporta & Marion, 1878, p. 13. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
— cuneata, Newberry in Raynold’s Expl., 1869, p. 163 [nomen 
nudum]. Cretaceous ; Orcas Island, U.S.A. 
— Delgadoi, Saporta, 1894, p. 194, pl. xxxv, fig. 5. 
Albian (?); Portugal, 
—— ensifolia, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 302. (= Celastrophyllum ensifolium, 
Ix., 1874.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— glaucoides, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 18944, p. 60, pl. clxxv, 
figs. 1, 7; & Newberry, 1895, p. 74, pl. lvii, figs. 1-4. 
Cretaceous ; Long Tsland, U.S.A. 
—— Hollicki, Berry, 1909, p. 253 (re-naming Magnolia auriculata, 
Newberry in Hollick, 1894 a). 
Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A, 
—— Isbergiana, Heer, 1882, p. 91, pl. xxxvi, fig. 3, 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— Lacoeana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 201, pl. lx, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— longifolia, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 1893, p. 36, pl. iii, fig. 9; 
& Newberry, 1895, p. 76, pl. lv, figs. 8,5; pl. lvi, figs. 1-4. (=Mag- 
nolia Newberry?, Berry, 1907.) 
Raritan (?) Formation ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 


Magnolia longipes, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 1894 4, p. 60, pl. clxxviii, 
figs. 1,5; & Newberry, 1895, p. 76, pl. liv, figs, 1-3. 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— magnifica, Dawson, 1883, p. 22, pl. iii, fig. 11. 
Upper Cretaceous ; North-West Territory, Canada. 
—— Marbodi, Krasser & Kubart, 1906 8, p. 47 [nomen nudun]. 
Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— Newberryi, Berry, 1907, p. 195, pl. xiii, fig. 6. (Re-naming 
M. longifolia, Newberry.) 
Middle Cretaceous ; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
— obovata, Newberry, 1870, p, 15. See Myssa vetusta, Newberry, 
—— obtusata, Heer, 1882, p. 90, pl. xv, fig, 12; pl. xxi, fig. 3. 
Atane Beds; Greenland, 
—— occidentalis, Dawson, 1894, p. 63, pl. x, fig. 36, 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
—— paleocretacica, Suporta, 1894, p. 222, pl. xxxix, fig. 26, 
Cenomanian (?); Portugal. 
— paleopetala, Hollick, 1903, p. 102, text-fig. A on p. 103. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U,S.A. 
—— pseudoacuminata, Lesquereux, 1892, p, 199, pl. xxiv, fig, 2. 
— pulchra, Ward, 1885, p. 56, pl. Ix, figs. 2, 3. , 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— rotundifolia, Newberry, 1883, p. 513. 
Laramie Formation ; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
—— ‘?sarthacensis, Crié, 1879 (?), p. 24 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Sainte-Croix, France. 
— speciosa, Heer, 18694, p. 20, pl. vi, fig. 1; pl. ix, fig. 2; pl x; 
pl. xi, fig. 1. Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— telonensis, Saporta, 1879, p. 198, text-fig. 27, 3. 
Turonian ; Toulon, France. 
—— tenuifolia, Lesquereus, 1868, p. 100; & 1874, p. 92, pl. xxi, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— Van Ingeni, Hollick, 1894 a, p. 61, pl. clxxy, fig. 6. 
Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— woodbridgensis, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 74, pl. xxxvi, 
fig. 11; pl. Ivii, figs. 5-7. Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Magnolizphyllum ? sp., Krasser, 1896, p. 131, pl. xvii, fig. 12. 
Cretaceous ; Kunstadt, Moravia, 
Majanthemophyllum cretaceum, Heer, 1882, p. 57, pl. xxx, fig. 22. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— lanceolatum, Heer, 1882, p. 58, pl. xxx, fig, 21. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— pusillum, Heer, 1883 a, p. 18, pl. Iv, figs. 17, 17 4. Thid. 
Malapoenna carbonensis (Ward), Knowlton, 1898, p. 142 (re- 
naming Litsea carbonensis, Ward, 1885). 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 


Malapoenna cretacea (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 142 (re- 
naming Litsea cretacea, Lx., 1892). Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-_— falcifolia (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 142 (re-naming 
Litsea faleifolia, Lx., 1892). Ibid. 
—— horrellensis, Berry, 1910, p. 198, pl. xxiv, figs. 1-9. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— macrophylloides, Knowlton, 19004, p. 57, pl. xiv, figs. 4, 5. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Weediana, Knowlton, 1898, p. 142 (re-naming Litsea Weediana, 
Knowlton, 1898). 
—— sp., Hollick, 19064, p. 78, pl. xxxi, fig. 4. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Malpighiastrum cretaceum, Eitingshausen, 1893, pp. 188, 150; & 
1895, p. 47, pl. iv, fig. 1. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
Mammacites Francheti, Fliche, 1896, p. 283, pl. xiii, figs. 7 and 71. 
Cernomanian ; Chaudefontaine, France. 
Manihotites georgiana, Berry, 19108, p. 507, text-figs. 1, 2. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Georgia, U.S.A. 
Mantellia ? Babbagensis, Woodward, 1885, p. 290, pl. vii, figs. 1-3. 
Cretaceous (?) ; Mt. Babbage, Australia. 
—— inclusa, Carruthers, 1870, p. 703, pl. sili, figs. 2, 3. (= Cyca- 
deoidea inclusa (Oarr.), Schimper, 187+.) 
Lower Greensand ; Potton. 
Marattia cretacea, Velenovsky, 1888 8, p. 9, pl. i, fig. 13. 
Perucer Beds ; Bohemia, 
—-— minor, Saporta, 1894, p. 83, pl. xvi, fig. 14. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
Marattites desideratus, Marion & Laurent, 1898, p. 189, pl. i, fig. 1. 
Cretaceous ; Roumania, 
Marsilea Andersoni, Hollick, 19050, p. 409, pl. Ixxi, figs. 1-3. 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
— attenuata, Hollick, 1894 p, p. 256, pl. cev, fig. 10. (= Salvinia 
attenuata, Lesquereux, 1876 c.) 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Marsilia cretacea, Heer, 1882, p. 39, pl. xvi, figs. 11,12. - 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
——? (Baiera) grandis, Heer, 1874, p. 37, pl. iii, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— perucensis (Velenovsky), Bayer in Fritsch & Bayer, 1601, p, 86, 
test-fig. 34. (=Marsilia sp., Velenoysky.) 
Perucer Beds ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
—— ? sp., Velenovsky, 1888, p. 597, figs. 11-138. (=M. perucensis 
(Velenovsky), Bayer.) Ibid. 
Matonia Wiesneri, Krasser, 1896, p. 119, pl. xi, fig. a1; pl. xii, figs. 1 
& 2; pl. xvi, fig. 10. (= Matonidium Wiesneri, Krasser, 1889.) 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia: 
Matoriidium Althausii (Dunier), Ward, 18993, p. 653, pl. 160, 
figs. 5-8. Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 


Matonidium Wiesneri, Krasser, 1889, p. 84 [nomen nudum]. (=Ma- 
tonia Wiesneri, Krasser, 1896.) Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
Megalozamia falciformis, Hosius & von der. Marck, 1880, p. 203, 

pl. xliii, figs. 181-188 a & d, Lower Gault ; Westphalia, 
Melastomites cuneiformis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 190, 
pl. xl, fig. 159, Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 

—— parvula, Unger, 1865, p. 377, pl. i, fig. 8. 
Cretaceous (?) ; Deva, Transylvania. 
Melcphytum cyclostigma, Debey & Eltingshausen, 1859 s, p. 241, 
pi. vii, figs. 28-30. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenisb Prussia. 
Menispermites acerifolia, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 96, pl. xx, figs. 2, 3. 
(= Acerites menispermifolia, Lesquereux, 1868 = Menispermites 
menispermifolia, Knowlton, 1898.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— acutilobus, Lesquereux, 1888, p. 78, pl. xiv, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— borealis, Heer, 1882, p, 91, pl. xxxix, fig. 2. 
Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
—— Brysoniana, Hollick, 18944, p. 59, pl. clxxs, fig. 10. 
Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S A. 
—— ?bunzlaviensis, Roemer, 1889, p. 144, p!. xii, fig. 9. 
Senonian ; Bunzlau, Silesia. 
—— californicus, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 268, pl. Ixix, figs. 12-14. 
Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— cercidifolius, Sapurta, 1894, p. 191, pl. xxxv, fig. 7. 
Albian ; Portvgal. 
—— cyclophyllus, Lesquereux, 18768, p. 358, pl. vi, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— dentatus, Heer, 1882, p. 92, pl. xxxviii, fig. 4. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— grandis, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 80, pl. xv, figs. 1-2. 
Dakvuta Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Knightii, Knowlton, 19004, p. 61, pl. xv, fig. 2. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A, 
—— menispermifolius (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 143 (vre- 
naming Acerites menispermifolius, Lx., 1868 & Menispermites aceri- 
folia, Lesquereux, 1874). Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— obtusiloba, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 94, pl. xxv, figs. 1-2; pl. xxvi, 
fig. 3. : Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— obtusiloba, var. (?), Lesquereux, 1874, p. 95, pl. xxii, fig. 1. 
(= Dombeyopsis obtustloba, Lesquereux, 1868.) Ibid. 
—-— ovalis, Lesquereux, 1876 a, p. 398; & 1876.8, p. 357, pl. v, fig. 4. 
—— populifclius, Lesquereux, 1876 8, p. 357, pl. v, fig. 3. Ibid. 
—— reniformis, Dawson, 1883, p. 23, pl. iv, fig. 12. 
Upper Cretaceous ; North-West Territory, Canada. 
—— rugosus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 196, pl. xxix, fig. 7. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A, 


Menispermites salinz (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 143 (re- 
naming Populites Saline, Lx., 1873). Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— salinensis, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 95, pl. xx, figs. 1, 4. Ibid. 
—— tenuinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 322, pl. clxxii, fig. 8. 
Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 321, pl. elxi, figs. 1, 2. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— Wardianus, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 85, pl. xxix, figs. 9, 11. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1894, p. 62, pl. xi, fig. 50. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
-—- sp., Hollick, 1906 a, p. 62, pl. xii, fig. 7 (for Hedera sp.?, Hollick). 
Oretaceous ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Menispermophyllum Celakovskianum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 54 
{nomen nudum]. (=Menispermophyllum Celakovuskit, Velenovsky.) 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— Celakovskii, Velenovsky, in Fritsch & Bayer, 1901, p. 128. Ibid. 
Menispermum (Cocculus) assimile, Marion, 1890, p. 1054. 
Turonian ; Martigues, France. 
Mertensia Kurriana (Heer), Engelhardt, 1892 4, p. 84. (= Gleichenia 

Kurriana, Heer.) Cretaceous; Bohemia, 
— Zippei, Engelhardt, 18924, p. 83. (= Pecopteris Zippei, Corda= 
Gleichenia Zippei, Heer.) Ibid. 

Metrosideros perigrinus, Heer, 1874 a, p. 116, pl. xxvii, fig. 22, 
Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
Microdictyon regale, Richter, 1899, p. 40. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
Microlepia pluripartita, Saporta, 1894, p. 83, pl. xv, fig. 17; pl. xvi, 
fig. 24. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
Microlepidium striatulum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 11, pl. i, figs. 25-27. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Microzamia? dubia, Berry, 1905, p. 43, pl. i, fig. 2. 
Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— gibba, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 85, pl. xlvi, figs. 1-10. (= Conites 
gibbus, Reuss, 1844.) Quader & Pliner; Bohemia. 
Mimusops ballotzoides, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 98, pl. ii, fig. 18. 
Quader; Saxony. 
Mitropicea Decheni, Debey, 1848 a, p. 120 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

—— Noeggerathii, Debey, 1848 a, p. 120 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
Monheimia aquisgranensis, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859, p. 211, 
pl. iv, figs. 3-10, Ibid. 
—— polypodioides, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 211, pl. iti, 
figs. 34-36; pl. iv, figs. 1-2, 21. Ibid. 
Monimia pre-vestita, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 135, 149; & 1895, 
p. 28, vl. ii, figs. 13, 14. Cretaceous; Australia, 

Moriconia emericana, Berry, 19104, p. 20. 
Magothy Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 


Moricona cyclotoxon, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 B, p. 239, pl. vii, 

figs. 23-27. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
Morinium populifolium, Ettingshausen in Reuss, 1854, p. 740 [nomen 
nudum]. Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 

Munieria baconica, von Hantken in Deecke, 1883, p. 9, pl. i, figs. 4-10. 
Cretaceous; Austria. 
Munsteria annulata, Unger. (=Kechia annulata, Glocker, 1841.) 
—— cretacea, W. A. Ooster, 1871, p. 69, pl. xi, fig. 24. 
Upper Cretaccous; Switzerland. 
—? Goepperti, Geinitz, 1850 4, p. 266. Quadersandstein ; Silesia. 
— Keckii, Unger, 18504, p.14. (=Muensteria annulata, Unger = 
Keckia annulata, Glocker, 1841.) 
—— Massalongiana, Zigno, 1864, p. 525 [nomen nudum]. 
: Neocomian ; Italy. 
—— rugosa, Zigno, 1864, p. 525 [nomen nudum]. Tbid. 
—— Schneideriana, Goeppert, 1842 a, p. 115, pl. li, fig. 3. 
Quadersandstein; Silesia. 
—— spiralis, Massalongo, 1857, p. 778 [nomen nudum]. 
Neocomian ; Italy. 
Muscites cretaceus, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 8, p. 185, pl. i, fig. 6. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
Myrica acuta, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 65, pl. xlii, fig. 35. 
Amboy Clay; U.S.A. 
— aspera, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 66, pl. ii, fig. LI. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Brittoniana, Berry, 19054, p. 46. (=Myrica Heerii, Berry, non 
Boulay, 1903.) Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S A. 
——- Brookensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 310, pl. el, fig. 11; pl. elvi, fig. 10. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Campei, Marion, 1890, p. 1054 [nomen nudum]. 
Turonian ; Martigues, France. 
— cinnamomifolia, Newberry, 1898, p. 64, pl. xxii, figs. 9-14. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— cliffwoodensis, Berry, 19044, p. 73, pl. iv, fig. 1. 
Matawan Formation; Cliffwood, New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— cretacea, Heer (non Lesquereux), 1871 a, p. 10, pl. iii, fig. 2 ac. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony 
—— cretacea, Lesquereux, 1876 a, p. 392; & 18768, p. 339, pl. iii, fig. 4. 
(Name pre-occupied, =M. dakotensis, Lx., 1883.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 35, pl. iv, fig.9. (=. cretacea, 
which name was preoccupied by Heer.) Tid. 
— Davisii, Hollick, 1893, p. 32, pl. ii, fig. 3. 
Cretaceous; Kreischerville, New York, U.S.A. 
—— elegans, Berry, 1907, p. 191, pl. xi figs. 1-4, 6. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carclina, U.S.A. 
— emarginata, Heer, 1882, p. 66, pl. xli, fig. 2; pl. xlvi, fig. 12¢. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 


Myrica fenestrata, Newberry, 1895, p. 63, pl. xlii, fig. 82. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A, 
—— fragiliformis (Zenker), Engelhardt, 1892a, p.98. (=Satix fragi- 
liformis, Zenker, 1833.) Cenomanian ; Niederschvena, Saxony. 
— Gaudryi, Marion, 1890, p. 1054 [nomen nudum]. 
Turonian; Martigues, Ftance. 
— gracilior, Saporta, 1894, p. 218, pl. xxviii, figs. 10-11. 
Cehomanian ; Portugal. 
—— gYandifolia, Hollick, 1898, p. 32, pl.jii, fig. 1. (Namie pie-occupied 
=M. Hollicki, Ward, 1893.) 
Raritan (?) Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
— Heerii, Berry, 19030, p. 682, text-figs. 7, 8, p. 678. (=Myrica 
Brittoniana, Berry, 1905 a.) 
Matawan Formation ; New Jetsey, U.S.A. 
— Hollicki, Ward, 1893, p. 4837. (=. grandifolia, Hollick, 1893.) 
—— indigena, Krasser, 1889, p, 84; & 1896, p. 129, pl. xv, fig. 1. 
Cenomanian; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
—— lacera, Saporta, 1894, p. 200, pl. xxxvi, figs. 6, 7. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
—— leiophylla, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 155, pl. xxviii, fig. 47. 
Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia, 
—— Lessigiana, Lesquereux. (=Artocarpus Lessigiana, Knowlton.) 
—— longa, Heer, 1882, p. 65, pl. xviii, fig. 90; pl. xxix, fizs. 15-17; 
pl. xxxiii, fig, 10; pl. xli, fig. 40,d. (=Proteoides longus, Heer, 
1874 a.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— Newberryana, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 63, pl. sli, fig. 5. 
Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— obliqua, Knowlton in Lesquereux, 1892, p. 68, pl. xiv, fig. 16. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— obtusa, Lesquereux; 1874, p. 63, pl. xxiv, fig. 10. Ibid. 
.— (Comptonia) parvula, Heer, 1883 a, p. 20, pl. lv, figs. 1-3. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— precok, Heer, 18834, p. 21, pl. lv, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— primeva, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 155, pl. xxviii, fig. 46. 
Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
—— pseudo-lignitum, Ettingshbausen, 1893, pp. 186, 148; & 1895, 
p 15, pl. i, figs. 4, 5. Cretaceous; Australia, 
—— raritanensis, Hollick in Newberry, 1896, p. 65, pl. xlii, fig. 34. 
? Amboy Clay ; U.S.A. 
—— revisenda, Saporta, 1894, p. 201, pl. xxxvi, fig. 5. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
—— Rougoni, Marion, 1899, p. 1054 [nomen nudum]. 
Turonian ; Martigues, France. 
—— Schenkiana, Heer, 1871 a, p. 1], pl. iii, fig. 1. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
-- - Schimperi, Lesquercux, 1892, p. 66, pl. ii, fig. 12. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 


Myrica ? semina, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 63, pl. xxvii, figs. 4, 4a. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— serrata, Penhallow (non Velenovsky), 1907, p. 309, text-fig. 4. 
Cretaceous ; British Columbia, Canada. 
—— serrata, Velenovsky, 1883, p. 34, pl. x, figs. 1-8. (=Myricophyllum 
serratum, Velenoysky, 1889.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— Sternbergii, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 35. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— thulensis, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 1874,, p. 107, pl. xxxi, fig. 1. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Torreyi, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 392; & 1878, p. 129, pl. xvi, figs. 3- 
10. Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— ?trifoliata, Newberry, 1898, p. 37, pl. xiv, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; New Mexico. 
—— vernassiensis, Bozzi, 1891, p. 3878, pl. xvi, fig. 5. 
Cretaceous (?); Vernasso, Italy. 
— Zenkeri (Ettingshausen), Heer, 18744, p. 108, pl. xxxi, fig. 2. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— sp., Hollick, 1906, p. 54, pl. vii, fig. 22. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—— (fruit ?), Heer, 1882, p. 66, pl. xlvi, fig. 26. 
Cenomanian ; Greenland. 
— ?sp., Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 34, pl. vi, fig. 4. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—- ? sp., Lesquereux, 1874, p. 63, pl. xxvii. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Velenovsky, 1883, p. 11, pl. v, figs. 6-8. [Catkins and fruit.] 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
Myricephyllum dentatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 316, pl. elvi, fig. 6. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Myricanthium amentaceum, Velenovsky, 1883, p. 11, pl. v, figs. 9- 
12, Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
Myricophyllum asplenioides, Lange, 1890, p. 667, pl. xxxiv, figs. 1,2. 
Senonian ; Wingertsberg, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— glandulosum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 15, pl. vi, figs. 6-8. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia.- 
—— longepetiolatum, Ettingsbausen, 1893, pp. 139, 148; & 1893, 

p. 16, pl. i, fig. 29. Cretaceous ; Australia.- 
— serratum, Velenovsky, 1889. (= Myrica serrata, Velenovsky, 

Myrsine borealis, Heer, 18744, p. 113, pl. xxxii, fig. 23; & 1882, p. 81,- 
pl. xxiv, figs. 70, 8; pl. xxvii, fig. 10; pl. xliv, figs. 19, 20. 
Atane Beds; Greenland.- 
— caloneura, Bayer, 1893, pp. 23-438, fig. 16; & Bayer in Fritsch,- 
1893, p. 131, text-fig. 188. Senonian ; Priesen, Bohemia. 
— crassa, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 114, pl. li, figs. 2, 3. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 


Myrsine elongata, Newberry MS, in Hollick, 18944, p. 54, pl, claxvii, 
fig. 2; & Newberry, 1895, p. 122, pl. xxii, figs. 1-3 (re-named 
Myrsine Gaudini, Berry, 1909.) Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 

—— Gaudini (Lesquereux), Berry, 1909, p. 263. (Re-naming Myrsinites? 
Gaudini, Lesquereux, 1892, and Myrsine elongatu, Hollick, 1894 a.) 

Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

— manifesta, Bayer, 1803, pp. 21, 43, fig. 15; & Bayer in Fritsch, 
1893, p. 130, text-fig, 187. Senonian ; Priesen, Bohemia, 

-—— oblongata, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 122, pl. xlii, fig. 15. 

? Amboy Olay; U.S.A. 

Myrsinites? Gaudini, Lesquerenx, 1892, p. 115, pl. lii, fig. 4 (re- 
named Myrsine Gaudini, Berry, 1909). 

Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

Myrsinophyllum revisendum, Saporta, 1894, p. 186, pl. xxxiv, 

fig. 10. Albian ; Portugal. 
—— varians, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 25, pl. iv, figs. 8,9; pl. v, fig. 12; 
pl. vi, figs. 10, 11. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

— venulosum, Saporta, 1894, p. 204, pl. xxxvii, fig. 15. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
Myrtophyllum antiquorum, Heer, 1871, p. 1184 [nomen nudum]. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— (Eucalyptus?) Geinitzi, Heer, 18694, p. 22, pl. xi, figs. 3, 4. 
(=Lucalyptus Geinitzi, Heer, 1882.) 
Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— latifolium, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 150; & 1898, p. 50, pl. iv, 
fig. 19. Cretaceous; Australia, 
— longifolium, Velenovsky, 1882, p. 214 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Buhemia, 
~— parvulum, Heer, 1882, p. 94, pl. xv, fig. 11; pl. xxi, fig. 4. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— pusillum, Heer, 1871 a, p. 14, pl. iii, fig. 10. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— (Eucalyptus?) Schuebleri, Heer, 1869 4, p. 23, pl. xi, fig. 2. 
Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
— Warderi, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 136, pl. lili, fig. 10. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

Nageiopsis acuminata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 201, pl. lxxxv, fig. 11. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— angustifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 202, pl. Ixxxvi, figs. 8, 9; 
pl. lxxxvii, figs. 2-6; pl. lxxxviii, figs. 1, 3, 4, 6-8; pl. lxxxix, fig. 2. 


— crassicaulis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 198, pl. lxxix, figs. 2, 6; pl. Ixxxii, 
fig. 1; pl. lxxxiv, figs. 3, 9, 11. Ibid. 

—— decrescens, Fontaine, 1889, p. 199, pl. Ixxvii, fig. 3. Ibid. 

——. heterophylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 201, pl. Ixxxiv, fig. 4; pl. Ixxxvi, 
figs. 6, 7; pl. Ixxxviii, figs. 2, 5, Ibid. 


Nageiopsis inequilateralis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 200, pl. lxxsv, fig. 6. 
(= Podozamites inequilateralis, Berry, 1910 c.) 

Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

—— latifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 198, pl. Ixxsii, fig. 3. (= Podozamites 

latifolius, Berry, 1910 c.) Thbid. 

—— longifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 195, pl. Ixxv, fig. 1; pl. lxxvi, figs. 2-6; 

pl. lxxvii, figs. 1, 2; pl. Ixxviii, figs. 1-5; pl. Ixsix, fig. 7; pl. Ixxxv, 

figs. 1, 2, 8, 9. Ibid. 
—— microphylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 201, pl. lxxxiv, fig. 6; pl. Ixxxv, 
fig. 14; pl. lxxxvi, figs. 1-3, 5. Ibid. 

--— montanensis, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 312, pl. Ixxiii, fig. 10. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— obtusifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 200, pl. lxxxv, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— ovata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 199, pl. lxxvii, fig. 4; pl. Ixxx, fig. 5. 


—~ recurvata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 197, pl. xxv, fig. 2; pl. Ixxix, fig. 4; 
pl. lxxx, fig. 3. Ibid. 

—— subfalcata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 203, pl. elxviii, fig. 4, Ibid. 
—— zamioides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 196, pl. lxxix, figs. 1, 3; pl. Ixxs, 
figs. 1, 2,4; pl. Ixxxi, figs. 1-6. Ibid. 

Nathorstia angustifolia, Heer, 18808, p. 7, pl. i, figs. 1-6. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— firma, Heer, 18808, p. 7, pl. i, fig. 7, (=Danaeites firmus, Heer.) 
—— latifolia, Nathorst, 1908, p. 17, pl. iii, Cenomanian ; Greenland. 
Nathorstiana arborea, Richter, 1909, p. 3, pl. viii, figs, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 
13 (14); pl. x, figs. 11, 15. Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— gracilis, Richter, 1909, p. 4, pl. viii, figs. 4, 6, 7, 9-12; pl. ix, 
figs. 3, 8 (9); pl. x, figs. 1-4, 6, 7 (12, 14, 16). Ibid. 
—— squamosa, Richter, 1909, p. 6, pl. ix, figs. 1, 2, 4-7, 10-13; pl. x, 
fig. 17. Ibid. 
Nechalea fluitans, Debey in Mourlon, 1881, p. 133 [nomen nudum]. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Belgium. 
—— lobata, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— minor, Debey in Mouwrlon, 1881, p. 133 [nomen nudum]. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Belgium. 
—— petiolata, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— serrata, Debey, 1848 a, p. 115 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
Nectandra imperfecta, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 76, pl. xxvii, figs. 13, 14. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Negundoides acutifolia, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 101; & 1874, p. 97, 
pl. xxi, fig. 5. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
Nelumbium arcticum, Heer, 1882, p. 92, pl. x1, fig. 6. 
Atane Beds; Greenland, 
— Choffati, Saporta, 1894 a, p. 836. Lower Cretaceous ; Portugal, 


Nelumbium gallo-provinciale, Saporta, 1882, p. 924, 

Cretaceous of Fuvean ; Trest, France. 
~— lusitanicum, Saporta, 18944, p.835. Lower Albian; Portugal. 
—— provinciale, Saporta in Saporta & Marion, 1885, p. 125, text+fig. 

p. 128; & 1890, p. 5, pl. xii, fig. 1; pl. xiii, fig.1; pl. sv, figs. 1-6. 
Danian (?); France. 

—— Saskatchuense, Dawson, 1888, p. 35. 
Belly River Series ; Canada. 
—— tenuifolium, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 402; & 18788, p. 253, pl. xlvi, 

fig. 3. Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
Nelumbo Dawsoni, Hollick, 1894p, p. 309 (renaming Brasenia 
antigua, Dawson, 1885). Belly River Series; Canada, 

—— intermedia, Knowlton, 1900 a, p. 53, pl. siii, figs. 3-5. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Kempii, Hollick, 1905c, p. 412, pl. Isxiv, figs. 1, 2; pl Isxv; 
pl. lxxvi; pl. Ixsvii, fig. 1. (=Serenopsis Kempii, Hollick, 1893 3.) 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
— Laramiensis, Hollick, 1894p, p. 307, text-fig. on p. 308, 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— primeva, Berry, 1905z, p. 75, pl. xliii, fig. 1. 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— ?sp., Knowlton, 1900 a, p. 54, pl. xili, fig. 6. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A, 
Neomeris c/r. annulus, Parker & Jones in Bohm, 1903, p. 97. 
QGenomanian ; Guldscha, Asia. 
— (Herouvalina) cretacea, Steinmann, 1899, p. 200, text-figs, 42-16. 
Upper Cretaceous; Mexico. 
Nerium Roehli, von der Marck, 1864, p. 78, pl. xiii, fig. 3. 2-4. 
Upper Senonian; Westphalia. 
Neuropteridium spinulosum, Saporta, 1894, p. 79, pl. xvi, fig. 7 0. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— torresianum, Saporta, 1894, p. 79, pl. xviii, fig. 14. Ibid. 
Neuropteris angulata, Newberry in Ives, 1861, p. 131, pl. iii, fig. 5. 
Cretaceous ; Arizona, U.S.A, 
—— Castor, Dawson, 1883, p. 24, pl. iv, figs. 14, l4a. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— heterophylla cretacea, Penhallow, 19028, p. 36. 
Lower Cretaceous; Queen Charlotte Island, Canada, 
Neurosporangium foliaceum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 190, 
pl. i, fig. 5. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— undulatum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 192, pl. i, fig. 7. 
Nicolia egyptiaca, Unger, 1859, p. 218, pl. i, figs. 1,2; & 18664, 
p. 29], pl. i. Cretaceous or Tertiary ; Egypt & Abyssinia. 
— Moresneti, Hovelacque, 1889, p. 505; & 1890, p. 63, text-figs. 2-8, 
pl. iii, fig. 2. (=<Aachenosaurus multidens, in part.) 
Senonian ; Moresnet, Belgium. 


- Nicolia Owenii, Carruthors, 1870 a, p. 310, pl. xiv, figs. 1, 2. 
Cretaceous (?); Cairo. 
Nilssonia bohemica, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 11, pl. ii, figs, 25-28; 
pl. iii, fig. 12. Getiemanian: Bohemia, 
— californica, Fontaine, 1905 a, p. 252, pl. Ixvii, fig. 7. 
Neocomian ; California, U.S.A. 
—— densinerve (Fontaine), Berry, 1910p, p. 639 (spelt Milsonia ; 
=Platypterigium densinerve, Fontaine.) 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A, 
—— Gibbsii (Newberry), Hollick in Newberry, 1898, p. 16, pl. xv, 
figs. 2, 2¢ (‘e-naming Teniopleris Gibbsii, Newberry, 1863). 
Cretaceous ; Washington, U.S.A. 
-—— Johnstrupi, Heer, 1882, p. 44, pl. vi, figs. 1-6. 
Atane Beds; Greenland, 
—— lata, Dawson, 1883, p. 24, pl. iv, figs. 15 bis, 15a. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
—— nigracollensis, Wieland in Ward, 1905, p. 319, pl. Issiii, 
figs. 15 a-d. Dakota Group; 8. Dakota, U.S.A, 
—— oregonensis (Fontaine), Berry, 1910p, p. 637. (=Sapindopsis 
oregonensis, Fontaine, 1905 a.) 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
——— orientalis, Heer, internal anatomy discovered in Upper Cretaceous 
of Japan by Stopes, 1910. 
— pasaytensis, Penhallow, 1907, p. 307, text-fig. 3. 
British Columbia, Canada, 
—— polymorpha cretacea, Penhallow, 1902, p. 42. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Queen Charlotte Island, Canada. 
-—— pterophylloides, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 228, pl. xxii, figs. 8-10; 
pl. xxv, fig. 7. Neocomian; Japan, 
—— ? sambucensis, Ward, 1905, p. 254, pl. Ixvii, fig. 8, 
Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— schaumbergensis (Dunker), Nathorst, 1899, p. 45, pl.i, figs. 6-9; 
& Yokoyama, 1894, p. 227, pl. xx, figs. 12, 14; pl. xxi, fig. 14; 
pl. xxii, figs. 5-7. Neocomian ; Japan. 
—— Stantoni, Ward, 1905, p. 251, pl. Ixvii, figs. 5, 6. 
Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
Nipadites cretaceus, Massalongo, 1857, p. 778 [nomen nudum]. 
Neocomian; Verona, Italy. 
—— provincialis, Saporta, 1868, p. 303, text-fig. 2. 
Upper Cretaceous; France, 
Niponophyllum cordaitiforme, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 16-23, 
pl. iii, figs. 14-16, text-figs, 5-7. 
Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Nitella cosinensis, Stache, 1889, p. 121, pl. iii, figs. 4, 5, 6. 
Liburnian (Upper Cretaceous); Cosina, 
— devisita, Stache, 1889, p. 136, pl. iii, figs. 56, a, b. 
Upper Cretaceous (?); Corgnale, 


Nitella? (Chara) globulus, Stache, 1889, p. 121, pl. ia, fig. 16. 
Liburnian ; Cosina. 
—— robusta, Stache, 1889, p. 136, pl. iv, fig. 7. (=Chara robusta, 
Stache, 1880.) Upper Cretaceous (?); Divacea. 
— Stacheana (Unger), Stache, 1889, p. 135, pl. iii, figs. 54, a, b, ¢, d; 
pl. iv, figs. 1 uw, b; pl. v, figs.40 a,b. (=Chara Stacheana, Unger, 
1860.) Upper Cretaceous (?); Cosina. 
—— subimpressa, Stache, 1889, p. 136, pl. iii, figs. 55 a, b. 
Upper Cretaceous (?) ; Trieste. 
Noeggerathiopsis Robinsi, Dawson, 1894, p. 56, pl. vi, fig. 7. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
Nordenskidldia borealis, Heer, 1870 a, p. 65, pl. vii, figs. 1-13. 
Recorded Lesquereux, 1892, p. 219, in Dakota Group, Kansas. 
Nothopegoxylon scalariforme, Gothan, 1908 a, p. 20, pl. il, figs. 14 
-18. Cretaceous (?); Antarctica. 
Nullipora gracilis, Reuss, 1846, p. 66, pl. xvi, figs. 4-6. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
Nulliporites granulosus, Heer, 1865, p. 190, text-fig. 103; & 1877, 
p. 148, pl. lviii, figs. 10, 11. Cretaceous ; Switzerland. 
Nyssa Buddiana, Ward, 1887, p. 53, pl. xlvii. fig. 7. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— cuneatus, Newberry, 1863, p. 524; & 1898, p. 125, pl. xvii, figs. 4-6. 
Cretaceous (?); Washington, U.S.A. 
—— Snowiana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 126, pl. lii, fig. 11. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— vetusta, Newberry, 1870, p. 11; & 1878, pl. ii, fig. 2 (as Magnolia 
obovata); & 1898, p. 125, pl. i, fig. 2; pl. iv, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

Octea nassauensis, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 76, pl. xxvii, fig. 8 
Middle Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
Olea ? myricoides, Saporta, 184, p. 220, pl. xxxix, fig. 25. 
Cenomanian ; Portugal. 
Oleandra arctica, Heer, 1874, p. 38, pl. xii, figs. 3-11; pl. xxi, fig. 2d. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— graminefolia, Knowlton, 1907, p. 113, pl. xi, figs. 5, 5, 6, Ga. 
Kootanie Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 
Oleandrium tenerum, Saporta, 1890 a, p. 814; & 1894, p. 85, pl. xv, 
fig. 3; pl. xvi, fig. 18. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
Oncopteris Kauniciana (Dormitzer), Velenovsky, 1888 B, p. 22, pl. v, 
fig. 1. (=Alsophilina Kauniciana, Dorwitzer, 1853.) 
Perucer Beds ; Bohemia, 
— Nettwalli, Dormitzer in Krejici, 1853, p. 28, pl. ii. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
Onoclea inquirenda, Hollick, 1906 4, p. 32, pl. i, figs. 1-7. (= Caulin- 
ites inquirendus, Holliek, 1905 ¢.) 
Magothy Formation ; Long Island, U.S.A, 


Onoclea minima, Knowlton, 1899 n, p. 656, pl. Ixxvii, figs. 11-15. 
Laramie Formation ; Yellowstone Park, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Nathorst, 1891, p. 24, pl. i, figs. 5-7. 
Mecklenburg, nr. Rostock. 
Onychiopsis capsulifera(Velenovsky),Nathorst,1890,p.55. (= Thyrso- 
plerts capsulifera, Velenovsky, 1888.) Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— elegans, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 215, pl. xxviii, figs. 7, 7a. 
Neocomian (?); Japan. 
—— elongata (Geyler), Yokoyama, 1889, recorded by Krasser, 1896, 
p. 121, pl. vii, fig. Cenomanian ; Knnstadt, Moravia. 
—— Mantelli (Brongniart), Seward, 1894, p. 41. (=Sphenopteris 
Manteili, Brongn., 1828.) Recorded Potomac Formation, Maryland, 
U.8.A., Fontaine, 1889, p. 91. 
—— psilotoides (Stokes & Webb), Ward, 1905, p. 155, and recorded 
p. 518, pl. exiii, fig. 1. (=O. Mantelli. Seward, 1894.) 
Older Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Opegrapha antiqua, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 390; & 18788, p. 36, pl. i, 
figs. 1-le. Larainie Furmation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Opegraphites striato-punctatus, Debey, 18484, p. 116 [nomen 
nudum ; cancelled, Debey, 1850]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
Ophioglossum granulatum, Heer, 18834, p. 8, pl. lvii, figs. 8-9. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
Oreodaphne cretacea, Lesquereus, 1874, p. 84, pl. xxx, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 
Oreodoxites plicatus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 122, pl. xviii, figs. 1-4. 
Taramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
Osmunda arctica, Heer, 1883, p. 7, pl. xlix, figs. 4-7; pl. 1, figs. 6-8, 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— delawarensis, Berry, 1906 z, p. 164, pl. viii, figs. 2-4. 
Magothy Formation; Delaware, U.S.A. 
——- Dicksonioides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 146, pl. xli, fig. 5; pl. lviii, 
fig. 9; pl. lix, figs. 1,4, 8, 9,11; pl. lx, figs. 2, 4, 5, 9 ; pl. Ixi, figs. 1, 2. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
——- Dicksonioides latipennis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 147, pl. lx, figs. 1, 3; 
pl. lxi, fig. 3. Ibid, 
— Gerini, Saporta, 1890 8, p. 183, pl. xi, fig. 1. 
Upper Creiaceous; France. 
—— haldemiana, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 140, pl. xxv, fig. 18. 
Upper Senonian; Haldem, Westphalia. 
—— major, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 121, pl. xviii, fig. 5. 
Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— montanensis, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 129, 
pl. xiv, fig. 6. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— nove-cesare, Berry, 1907 A, p. 671, text-fig. 2. 
Magothy Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— Oebergiana, Heer, 18744, p. 98, pl. xxvi, figs.9, 9; pl. xxxii, fig.7 a. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 


Osmunda petiolata, Heer, 18744, p. 57, pl. iii, figs. le, 20; pl. xx, 
fig. 10¢. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— retinenda, Saporta, 1894, p. 107, pl. xix, figs. 16-17. 
Lower Cretaceous (?); Portugal. 
—— sphenopteroides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 145, pl. xxv, fig. 13. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Osmundites skidegatensis, Penhallow, 19024, p. 3, pls. i-v, text- 
figs. 1, 3 on pp. 6, 10; & 1902 8, p, 52, pls. vii-xi. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Queen Charlotte Island, Canada. 
Osmundophyllum cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 6, pl. ii, fig. 21. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Otozamites (?) groénlandicus, Heer, 1874 a, p. 99, pl. xxvi, fig. 2. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 

Pachyphyllum Heerianum, Saporta, 1894, p. 108, pl. xix, fig. 25. 
Lower Cretaceous (?); Portugal. 
Pachypteris cretacea, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
——~— dalmatica, Kerner, 1896, p. 47, pl. ii; pl. iii, figs. 1, 4; pl. v, fig. 10. 
Cenomanian ; Dalmatia. 
—— dalmatica dentata, Kerner, 1896, p. 47, pl. iii, fig. 3. Ibid. 
— dimorpha, Kerner, 1896, p. 49, pl. iii, fig. 2; pl. v, fig. 8. Ibid. 
Pagiophyllum dubium, Fontaine, 1894, p. 271, pl. xxxix, figs. 2-11. 
Trinity Division; Texas, U.S.A. 
— sp., Dawson, 1893, p. 90, text-fig. 14. 
Kootanie Formation ; North-West Territory, Canada, 
Palzanthus (Williamsonia) problematicus, Newberry, 1895, 
p. 125, pl. xxxv, figs. 1-9. (=Williamsonia problematica (Newby.), 
Ward, 1895.) Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Paleobremelia Jugleri, Ettingshausen, 18528, p. 3, pl. i, fig. 1; 
pl. ii, figs. 1-8. [Probably egg-cases of fishes (Stopes). } 
Wealden; Hanover. 
Paleocassia angustifolia, Httingshausen, 18674, p, 261, pl. iii, 
figs. 6-7. (= Cassia angusta, Heer, 1882.) 
Cenomanian; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— lanceolata, Ettingshausen, 1867 4, p. 262, pl. i, fig. 8; pl. iii, fig. 8. 
—— laurinea, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 147, pl. lxiv, fig. 12. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— phaseolitoides, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 189, pl. ix, fig. 17. 
(= Cassia pre-phascolitoides, Ettingshausen, 1895.) 
Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand, 
Palzocyparis flexuosa, Saporta, 1894, p. 108, pl. xix, figs. 19-20, 26 ; 
pl. xx, figs. 1-5. Lower Cretaceous (?); Portugal. 
—— obscura, Saporta, 1894, p. 178, pl. xxxiv, fig. 8. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
Paleohillia arkansana, Knowlton, 1895, p, 387, text-figs. 1-3. 
Trinity Division ; Arkansas, U.S.A. 


Palzohillia sp., Holm, 1896, p. 207, pl. xvii, figs. 1,2. [Structure of 
P. arkansana.] Trinity Division; Arkansas, U.S.A. 
Paleolepis bicornuta, Saporta, 1894, p. 179, pl. xxxiii, fig. 4c. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— cheiromorpha, Saporta, 1894, p. 215, pl. xxxix, figs. 15-16, 
Cenomanian ; Portugal 
—— emarginata, Saporta, 1894, p. 179, pl. xxxiii, fig. 15. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— multipartita, Saporta, 1894, p. 215, pl. xxxix, figs. 17-18. 
Cenomanian ; Portugal. 
Palzostrobus crassipes, Renger, 1866, p. 137, pl. i, figs. 2, 3, 4, 5. 
(=Dammarites crassipes, Goeppert.) Upper Cretaceous ; Horice. 
—— mirabilis, Renger, 1866, p. 184, pl. i, fig. 1. (=Krannera mirabilis, 
Corda.) Upper Cretaceous; Novy Bydzov. 
Palzospathe Sarthacensis, Crié, 1879 (?), p. 20. 
Cretaceous ; Sainte-Croix, France. 
Paleodictyon giganteum, Peruzzi, 1881, p. 1, pl. i, fig. 3. 
Cretaceous ; Italy. 
Palinosphaeria sp., Reinsch, 1905, p. 402, text-fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous. 
Paliurus affinis, Heer, 1883 a, p. 42, pl. Ixii, figs. 16-19. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— anceps, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 166, pl. xxxv, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— cretaceus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 165, pl. xxxv, fig. 3. Ibid. 
—— integrifolius, Hollick, 1894, p. 57, pl. elxxvii, figs. 5, 8, 12. 
Cretaceous; Long Tsland, U.S.A. 
—— membranaceus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 101; & 1874, p. 108, pl. xx, 
fig. 6. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— minimus, Knowlton, 18993, p. 659, pl. Ixxvii, figs. 7-9. 
Laramie Formation ; Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A. 
—— montanus, Dawson, 1886, p. 14. Mill Creek Series; Canada. 
— Neillii, Dawson, 1894, p. 62, pl. xi, figs. 44, 45. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
— obovatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 165, pl. xxxv, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— ovalis, Dawson, 1886, p. 14, pl. iv, figs. 4, 8. 
Mill Creek Series; Canada. 
—— populiferus, Berry, 19068, p.177; & 1906s, p. 153, pl. xx, fig. 1, 
Magothy Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— zizyphoides, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 397; & 1878, p. 274, pl. li, 

figs. 1-6. Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Palmacites canaliculatus, Schlotheim (zon Heer), 1820, p. 326, 
pl. xvi, fig. 2. Quadersandstein ; Gotha, Germany. 

—— horridus, Heer, 1869 4, p. 15, pl. v, fig. 1. 
Cenomanian; Moletein, Moravia, 
— obsoletus, Schlotheim, 1820, p. 396, pl. xvi, fig. 3. 
Quadersandstein ; Gotha, Germany. 


Palmacites Reichi, Geinitz, 1850 a, p. 270. 
Quadersandstein ; Dittersbach. 
—— rimosus, Heer, 18768, p. 11, figs. 21, 22 [fruits]. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Egypt. 
—— varians, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 87, pl. xlvii, figs. 7-9. (= Fasci- 
culites varians, Unger, considered to be Protopteris Sternberg?, Corda, 
by Feistmantel, 1872.) Planer; Bohemia. 
—— Zittelii, Schenk, 1880 4, p. 657 [nomen nudum]. 
Nubian Sandstone; Cairo. 
—— %sp., Otto, 1852, p. 9, pl. iv, figs. 4,5. Quadersandstein ; Saxony. 
Palmocarpon cretaceum, Miquel, 1853, p. 51, pl. vii. 
Senonian: Limburg. 
Palmophyllum moleteinianum, Krasser & Kubart, 19068, p. 47 
{nomen nudum]. Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia, 
Palmoxylon Andegavense, Crié, 1892, p. 101, unnumb. pl., fig. 4. 
Turonian (?); France. 
— angiorhiza, Stenzel, 1904, p. 267, pl. xxiv, figs. 287-289. 
Cenomanian (?); Tlacolula, Mexico. 
—— Aschersoni, Schenk, 1883, p. 6, pl. v, fig. 4. 
Cretaceous (?); Egypt. 
—— astron, Stenzel, 1904, p. 257, pl. xx, figs. 208-213, 
Cenomanian (?) ; Tlacolula, Mexico. 
——- astron radicatum, Stenzel, 1904, p. 260, pl. xx, figs. 214-222. 
—--- astron verum, Stenzel, 1904, p. 258, pl. xx, figs. 208-213. Ibid. 
—— Boxberge (Geinitz), Stenzel, 1904, p. 195, pl. ix, figs. 75-78. 
Turonian ; France. 
—— cheyennense, Wieland, 1903 4, p. 216 [nomen nuduia]. 
Upper Cretaceous; Fort Pierre, 8. Dakota, U.S.A. 
— Cotte libycum, Stenzel, 1904, p. 221, pl. xv, figs. 136, 137. 
Upper Senonian; Egypt. 
== Lingerinum, Crié, 1892, p. 99, unnumb. pl., figs. 1-3. 
Turonian (?); France. 
—— parvifasciculosum, Vater, 1884, p. 830, pl. xxvii, figs. 2-3. 
Lower Senonian ; Harzburg. 
—-— parvifasciculatum, Schenk, 1890, p. 888. (Same as P. parvi- 
—— radiatum, Vater, 1884, p. 831, pl. xxvii, fig. 4. 
Lower Senonian (?); Helmatedt. 
—— scleroticum, Vater, 1884, p. 829, pl. xxvii, fig. 1. 
Lower Senonian (?); Brunswick. 
—— tenue, Stenzel, 1904, p. 228, pl. xvi, figs. 145-151. 
Cenomanian (?); ‘Tlacolula, Mexico. 
—— texense, Stenzel, 1904, p. 185, pl. viii, figs. 61-63. 
Cenomanian (?); Texas, U.S.A. 
—— variabile, Vater, 1884, p. 832, pl. xxvi, fig. 5. 
Lower Senonian (?) ; Helmstedt, 


Palmoxylon variabile verum, Stenzel, 1904, p. 238, pl. xviii, 
figs. 188-196 ; pl. xix, fig. 197. Lower Senonian; North Germany. 
—— Zitteli, Schenk, 1883, p. 5, pl. ii, figs. 5-6. 
Cenomanian (?); Libyan Desert. 
Panax cretacea, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 18744, p. 114, pl. xxxii, 
figs. 9, 10. Atane Beds; Greenland, 
—— globulifera, Heer, 1883 4, p. 35, pl. Ixii, fig. 8 b. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— macrocarpa, Heer, 1883 a, p. 35, pl. lxii, fig. 8. Ibid. 
Pandanus Aquisgranensis, Debey in Mourlon, 1881, p. 183 [nomen 
nuduinj, Senonian ; Limburg. 
—— austriacus, Ettingshausen, 1852, p. 492, pl. xxiii, fig. 1. 
Senonian; Austria. 
—— pseudo-inermis, Ettingshausen, 1852, p. 493, pl. xxiv, figs. 1-2; 
pl. xxv, fig. 1. Ibid. 
—— Similde, Stiehler, 1857, p. 454; & 1858, p. 75, pl. xiv. 
Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— trinervis, Ettingshausen, 1852, p. 494, pl. xxvi, fig. 1. 
Senonian; Austria. 
Paracallipteris Potoniei, Richter, 1904, p. 17, pl. i, fig. 13; & 1905, 
p. 6, pl. i, fig. 13. Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
Paracedroxylon scituatense, Sinnott, 1909, p. 171. pls. Ixxx, lxsxi. 
Cretaceous (?); Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
Paracredneria Fritschii, Richter, 1905, p. 15, pl. ii, fig. 14; pl. iii, 

fig. 9. Upper Cretaceous ; Westerlausen. 
Parathinnfeldia dubia, Richter, 19C4, p. 14, pl. i, fig. 3; & 1905, 
p. 5, pl. i, fig. 3. Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony, 

Parrotia Canfieldi, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 141, pl. xxx, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— grandidentata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 140, pl. xxxix, figs, 2-4, 
— 2? Winchelli, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 140, pl. xxix, figs. 5, 6. 
Dakota Group; Minnesota, U.S.A. 
Passiflora antiqua, Newberry, 1895, p. 109, pl. xxiii, fig. 7. 
Aiwboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
Pecopteris Andersoniana, Heer, 18744, p. 41, pl. iii, figs. 7, 7b. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— angustipennis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 87, pl. xxi, fig. 10. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—- arctica, Heer, 1868, p. 80, pl. i, fig. 13; pl. xliti, fig. 5. 
Kome Beds; Greenland, 
—— arenaria, Hampe, 1855, p. 12 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
— argutula, Heer, 1871, p. 1182; & 18744, p. 96, pl. xxvi, figs. 8, 8d. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— atyrkanensis, Heer, 1878, p. 29, pl. viii, figs. 9-17. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Siberia, 


Pecopteris Bayeana, Heer, 1871, p. 1181 [nomen nudum]. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— bohemica, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 95, pl. xlix, fig. 1. 
Quadersandstein ; Bohemia. 
—— Bolbroeana, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 18744, p. 41, pl. iii, fig. 6. 
Kome Beds ; Greenland. 
~—— borealis, Brongniart, 1828, p. 341, pl. exix, fig. 12; & Heer, 1868, 
p. 81, pl. i, fig. 14; pl. xliv, figs. 5, a, 5. Ibid. 
—- brevipennis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 86, pl. xxi, figs. 1-3. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— Browniana, Dunker. (= Cladophlebis Browniana, recorded from 
Canadian Kootanie, Dawson, 1893.) 
— Buftoni, Johnston, 1896, p. 60, fig.3. | Cretaceous (?); Tasmania. 
— Choffatiana, Heer, 1881, p. 15, pl. xi, figs. 9, 9d. 
Cretaceous; Portugal. 
—— constricta, Fontaine, 1889, p. 89, pl. xx, figs. 1, 2, 4. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— cuspidata, Schulze, 1888, p. 26 [nomen nndum]. 
Senonian ; Heimburg, Germany. 
—— cycloloba, Newberry in Ives, 1861, p. 130, pl. iii, figs. 3, 4, 4. 
Base of Cretaceous (*); Arizona, U.S.A. 
—— denticulata, Heer, 18744, p. 93, pl. xxvi, figs. 7, 7 5. 
Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
— — dilacerata, Saporta, 1894, p. 78, pl. xviii, fig. 13. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— dispersa, Saporta, 1894, p. 170, pl. xxviii, fig. 13. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— Geinitzii, var., Fontaine in Weed & Pirsson, 1898, p. 481. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—- Geyleriana, Nathorst, 1890, p. 48, pl. iv, fig. 1; pl. vi, fig. 1. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Japan. 
—— cf. Haidingeri (Debey & Ettingshausen), Zeiller, 1905, p. 331, 
pl. vii, fig. 6. : Upper Cretaceous ; Seltzi Izvor, Balkans. 
-— hyperborea, Heer, 1868, p. 81, pl. xliv, fig. 4. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— incerta, Debey, 1848 4, p. 117 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— komensis, Heer, 1882, p.6, pl. iii, fig. 5. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— kudlisetensis, Heer, 1874 4, p. 97, pl. xxvi, fig. 18. 
Upper Cretaceous; Greenland. 
-—— latiloba, Heer, 1S p- 28, pl. viii, figs. 5-6. 
Lower Cretaceous (?); Siberia. 
—— lobifolia, Citta, (now (Phill.) Lindley & Hutton) in Reuss, 1846, 
p. 95, pl. xlix, figs. 4, 5. Lower Quader ; Bohemia. 
—— microdonta, Fontaine, 1889, p. 85, pl. xix, fig.8; pl. xx, figs. 4,11. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—- minor, Velenovsky. 1888 8, p. 19, pl. iii, fig. 18. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia, 


Pecopteris minutula, Saporta, 1894, p. 170, pl. xxviii, fig. 14. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— montanensis, Fontaine, 1893, p. 492, pl. Ixxxiii, figs. 1, la. 
Kootanie Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— nebraskana, Heer, 1868, p. 332, text-fig. 8 (re-named Cyatheites? 
nebraskana, Knowlton, 1898). Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— Nordstromi, Heer, 1871, p. 1182 [nomen nudum]. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Oebergiana, Heer, 1871, p. 1182 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
—— osmundacea, Schulze, 1888, p. 26 {nomen nuduin]. 
Senonian ; Heimburg, Germany. 
— ovatodentata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 85, pl. xv, fig. 8; pl. xxii, fig. 12 ; 
pl. xxiii, fig. 1. Potomac Formatiun; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— pachyphylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 88, pl. xxvi, figs. 4, 5. Ibid. 
—— Pfaffiana, Heer, 1871, p. 1182; & 18744, p. 95, pl. xxvi, fig. 5. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 

— polypodioides, Debey (xox Brongniart), 1849, p. 299 [nomen 

nudum]. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— Reichiana, Brongniart (non (Goeppert), Schimper, zee Presl), 1828, 
p. 302, pl. exvi, fig. 7. Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

——  Reichiana, Pres] in Sternberg, 1838, p. 155, pL xxxvii, fig. 2. 
Quadersandstein ; Bavaria. 
—- reticulata, Stokes & Webb, 1824, p. 424, pl xlvi, fig. 5; pl. xlvii, 
fig. 3. (= Weichselia reticulata (Stokes & Webb), Ward, 1899.) 
Wealden ; Tilgate Forest. 
— Schone, Reich in Cotta, 1836, p. 586. 
Quadersandstein ; Freiberg, Saxony. 
— serrulata, Heer (xow Hartt, nec (Lesquereux) Schimper), 1871, 
p- 1182 (nomen nudum]. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— (Pteris?) socialis, Heer, 1882, p. 34, pl. vii, fig.4; pl. vili, fig. 15; 
pl. xxxii, fig. 9. Ibid. 
-—— striata, Presl in Sternberg, 1838, p. 155, pl. xxxvii, figs. 3, 4. 
: Quadersandstein ; Bavaria. 
—— strictinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 84, pl. xiii, figs. 6-8; pl. xix, 
fiz. 9; pl. xx, fig. 3; pl. xxii, fig. 13; pl. clxx, figs. 5, 6. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— — tenella, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—- virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 82, pl. viii, figs. 1-7; pl. ix, 
figs, 1-6; pl. xxiv, fig. 2; pl. elxix, fig. 3. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-— Zippei, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 95, pl. xlix, figs. 2,3. (= Gleichenia 
Zippel, Heer, 1868 = Mertensia Zippei, Engelhardt, 18924 
=Gleichenites Zippei, Seward, 1910.) Quader; Bohemia. 
—— sp., Dawson, 188%, p. 25. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 

—— sp., Heer, 1878, p. 29, pl. viii, figs. 17¢, 17 d 
Lower Cretaceous; Siberia, 


Pecopteris sp., Zeiller, 1905, p. 333, pl. vii, figs. 2, 3. 
Upper Cretaceous; Balkans. 
— sp.,, Zeiller, 1905, p. 335, pl. vii, figs. 7, 7 a. 
Upper Cretaceous; Balkans. 
—— (Cladophlebis?) sp., Zeiller, 1905, p. 335, pl. vii, fig. 4. Ibid. 
Periploca cretacea, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 105, pl. xl, fig. 16. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Persea Hayana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 103, pl. xvi, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Leconteana, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 75, pl. xxviii, fig.1. (=Sassafras? 
Leconteanum, Lesquereux, 1869, and Quercus Benzoin, Lesquereux, 
1859.) Ibid. 
—— nebrascensis, Lesquereux,. 1869, p. 431, pl. xxiii, figs. 9, 10. 
(= Laurus nebrascensis, Lesquereux, 1868.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— Schimperi, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 103, pl. xvi, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— Sternbergii, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 76, pl. vii, fig.1. (=Ficus Stern- 
bergii, Lesquereux, 1873.) Ibid. 
—— Suessi, Krasser in Krasser & Kubart, 1906 8, p. 47 [nomen nudum]. 
Cenomanian; Moletein, Moravia. 
— valida, Hollick, 1906, p. 76, pl. xxix, figs. 8, 9. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
Perseophyllum Hauthalianum, Kurtz, 1902, p. 52. 
Equivalent of Dakota Group; Patagonia. 
Persoonia Lesquereuxii, Knowlton in Lesquereux, 1892, p. 89, pl. xx, 
figs. 10-12. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— spatulata, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 71, pl. slii, fig. 14. 
? Amboy Clay ; U.S.A. 
Petrospheria japonica, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 4-6, pl. i, figs. 1-6. 
Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Peuce aquisgranensis, Endlicher, 1847 8, p. 294. (=Pinites aguis- 

granensis, Goeppert, 1842 8.) Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— cretacea, Endlicher, 18478, p. 32. (= Pinites eretacea, Corda, 
1846.) Greensand ; Bohemia. 

Peucedanites antiquissimus, Saporta, 1890 8, p. 180, text-fig. 35, 
Albian (?); Portugal. 
— primordialis, Saporta, 1894, p. 194, pl. xxxv, fig. 13. Ibid. 
Phacidites communis (Feistmantel), Meschinelli, 1892, p. 779. 
(= Phacidium commune, Feistmantel, 1874.) 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
Phacidivm circumscriptum, Bayer, 1899, p. 7, text-fig. 3. Ibid. 
— commune, Feistmantel, 1874, pp. 262, 266. (= Phacidites 
communis, Meschinelli, 1892.) Ibid. 
— myrtophylli, Engelhardt, 1892 4, p. 80, pl. ii, fig. 10a, 3. 
Quader; Freiberg, Saxony, 
-—— Paleocassie, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 242, pl. i, figs. 8, 83. 
Cenomanian; Niederschoena, Saxony. 


Phaseolites elegans, Hollick, 1906 4, p. 85, pl. xxxii, fig. 4. 
Middle Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— formus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 147, pl. lv, fiys. 5, 6, 12. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Manhassettensis, Hollick, 1905c, p. 414, pl. Ixxviii, figs. 1-2. 
Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
Phegopteris Grothiana, Heer, 1883 a, p. 3, pl. xlviii, figs. 12-18. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland, 
—— Jorgenseni, Heer, 1882, p. 32, pl. xxxv, figs. 1-3. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Kornerupi, Heer, 1883 a, p. 3, pl. xlix, fig. 3. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
Phillyria Engelhardti, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 68, pl. xxvii, figs. 2-5. 
Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
Phlebomeris? falciformis, Saporta, 1894, p. 84, pl. xviii, fig. 8 & 
p. 169, pl. xxx, figs. 2-4. Valanginian & Albian ; Portugal. 
—— spectanda, Saporta, 1894, p. 168, pl. xxix, fig. 14; pl. xxx, fig. 1. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
— Wilkommi, Saporta, 1894, p. 168, pl. xxx, fig. 5. Ibid, 
Phlebopteris dubia, Richter, 1899 a, p. 40. 
Neocomian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony, 
Phragmites? Cliffwoodensis, Berry, 1905 5, p. 99, pl. xlvi, fig. 5. 
Matawan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— cordaiformis, Dawson, 1883, p. 26, pl. v, fig. 22. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
— cretaceus, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 55, pl. i, figs, 13, 14; pl. xxix, 
fig. 7. (= Arundo cretaceus, Lx., 1868.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— falcata, Knowlton, 1899 8, p. 658, pl. lxxviii, fig. 5. 
Laramie Formation; Yellowstone Park, U.S.A. 
—— laramianus, Cockerell, 1909, p. 141. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
— Prattii, Berry, 19104, p. 191. (= Phragmites sp., Berry, 1907, 
p- 190, pl. xi, fig. 5.) | Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 

— Rumpfi, Stur, 1871, p. 503. Cretaceous; Piber, Austria. 
—— sp., Berry, 1907, p. 190, pl. xi, fig. 5. (= Phragmites Prattii, Berry, 
1910 a.) Middle Cretaceous; N. Carolina, U.S.A. 

Phycodes sericeus, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 200. 
} Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
Phyllites actinoneuron, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151; & 1895, p. 54, 

pl. iv, fig. 24. Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— acuminatus, Goeppert, 1847, p. 361 (naming fig. 4, pl. h of 
Goeppert, 1842 a). Quadersandstein ; Silesia, 

—— amissus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 217, pl. 1xii, fig. 1. 
: Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— amorphus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 102; & 1874, p. 118, pl. xxii, 
figs. 3-4, Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A, 



Phyllites angustus, Crié, 1877, p. 232 [momen nudum]. 


Cretaceous ; Mans, France. 
(Comptonia?) antiqua, Nilsson, 1882, p. 346, pl. i, fig. 8. 
Greensand ; Sweden. 
aristolochizformis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 217, pl. lix, fig. 8. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
betulefolius, Lesquereux, 1869, p. 480, pl. xxiii, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
bipartitus, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 73, pl. xxix, fig. 4. 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
celastroides, Heer, 1871 a, p. 14, pl. iii, fig. 12. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
celatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 215, pl. Ixi, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
cenomanensis, Crié, 1877, p. 232 [nomen nudum]. 
Cenomanian; Ste. Croix, France. 
cliffwoodensis, Berry, 1905, p. 47, pl. ii, fig. 8. 
Cretaceous; Cliffwood, U.S.A. 
coriaceus, Newberry in Ives, 1861, p. 182, pl. iii, figs. 7, 7 a. 
Lower Cretaceous (?); Arizona, U.S.A. 
cotinus, Lesquereux, 1876 s, p. 364. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
(Acer 2) cretaceum, Nilsson, 1832, p. 345, pl. i, figs. 1, 2. 
Greensand ; Sweden. 
curvinervis, Hosius, 1870 4, p. 101, pl. xvi, fig. 30. (= Viburnum 
subrepandum, Hosius & vy. d. Marck, 1880.) 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
denticulatus, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 148, 
pl. xix, fig. 2. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 

- durescens, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 218, pl. Ixi, fig.5; pl. Ixil, figs. 3, 4. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Ehrlichi, Unger, 1850, p. 503; & 1867, p. 651, pl. ii, figs. 9, 10. | 
Upper Cretaceous; Austria. 
ellipticus, Newberry, 1895, p. 130, pl. xxiv, fig. 9, (Re-named 
by Berry, 1909, Diospyros amboyensis.) 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
emarginatus, Goeppert, 1847, p. 361, pl. xxxvii, fig. 11. 
Quadersandstein ; Silesia. 
enervis, Goeppert, 1847, p. 361, pl. xxxvii, figs. 8, 9a. Ibid. 
erosus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 216, pl. lxi, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
(Alnus) Friesii, Nilsson, 1832, p. 346, pl. i, fig. 7. 
Greensand ; Sweden. 
Geinitzensis, Goeppert, 1865, p.12. (=Debeya serrata, Miquel.) 
Geinitzianus, Goeppert, 1847, p. 361, pl. xxxvii, figs. 5-7. 
Quadersandstein ; Silesia, 
gronlandicus, Engelhardt in Vanhéffen, 1897, pp. 863, 872, 
text-fig. 30. Kome Beds; Greenland. 


Phyllites ilicifolius, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 213, pl. x, fig. 9. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— incurvatus, Heer, 1882, p. 105, pl. xxvii, fig. 10. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— indeterminatus, Sternberg, 1825, p. 40, pl. xlili, fig. 1. 
Greensand ; Sweden. 
—— inflexinervis, Saporta, 1894, p. 204, pl. xxxvi, fig. 12. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
— innectens, Lesquereus, 1892, p. 219, pl. Ixv, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— intricata, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1405, p. 148, pl. xviii, 
fig. 6. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
— lacerus, Saporta, 1894, pl. xxv, fig. 11. Albian (?); Portugal. . 
—— Lacoei, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 218, pl. xlv, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— levigatus, Heer (non Miquel), 1874, p. 120, pl. xxxiv, fig. 16. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— levigatus, Miquel (zon Heer), 1853, p. 41, pl. i, fig. 2. 
Senonian ; Limburg. 
-— latifolius, Berry, 1910c¢, p. 194. (=Nageivpsis lutifolia, Fontaine, 
1889.) Patuxent Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— laurencianus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 215, pl. xliv, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
~—— laurinoides, Hosius, 1870, p. 101, pl. xvi, fig. 31. (= Lilsea 
laurinoides, Hosius & v. d. Marck, 1880.) 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— lingueformis, Heer, 1874 4, p. 120, pl. xxxiv, fig. 15. * 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— longepetiolatus, Heer, 1882, p. 105, pl. xv, fig. 8 Ibid, 
—— monocotyleus, Miquel, 1853, p. 53, pl. i, fig. 3. 
Cretaceous; Belgium. 
— multinervis, Hosius, 1870 4, p. 101, pl. xvii, fig. 34. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— nervulosus, Sternberg, 1825, p. 39, pl. xlii, fig. 2. 
Greensand ; Hor, Sweden. 
—— obcordatus, Heer in Meek & Hayden, 1859, p. 266. (=Lirio- 
dendron Meekti obcordata, Heer, 1882.) 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— obscura [us], Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 181. pl. xlii, fig. 33. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— obtusi-lobatus, Heer in Meek & Hayden, 1859, p. 266. (=Liguid- 
ambar obtusilobatus, Hollick in Newberry, 1898.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— orbicularis, Newberry, 1895, p. 180, pl. xxiv, figs. 7,8. (=Populus 
orbicularis, Berry, 1909.) Amboy Clay; Sayreville, U.S.A. 
—— pachyphyllus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 325, pl. exlix, fig. 2. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 


Phyllites pelagicus, Unger, 1850, p. 508; & 1867, p. 653, pl. ii, fig. 13. 
Upper Cretaceous; Austria. 
—— perplexus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 215, pl. xxxviii, fig. 15. 
, Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— platanoides, Bozzi, 1891, p. 379, pl. xxi, fig. 8. 
Senonian (?); Vernasso, Italy. 
—— poinsettioides, Hollick, 1893, p. 37, pl. i, fig. 10. 
‘Raritan Formation; New York, U.S.A. 
—— problematicus, Saporta, 1894, p. 97, pl. xvi, fig. 10. : 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— proteaceus, Bozzi, 1891, p. 379, pl. xvi, figs. 6-7. 
Senonian (?); Vernasso, Italy. 
-—— proteoides, Unger, 1867, p. 652, pl. ii, fig. 11. 
‘Upper Cretaceous; Austria. 
-~ — quinquenervis, Hosius, 1870, p. 101, pl. xvii, fig. 33. 
Senonian; Legden, Westphalia, 
-— ramosinervis, Heer, 1871 a, p. 15, pl. iii, figs. 13, 14. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
-—— repandus, Sternberg (non Engelhardt), 1822, p. 29, pl. xxv, fig. 1. 
Quadersandstein ; Germany. 
—— Reussi, Unger, 1867, p. 653, pl. ii, fig. 12. 
j Upper Cretaceous; Austria. 
— rhoifolius, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 101; & 1874, p. 111, pl. xxii, 

figs. 5, 6. Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— rhomboideus, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 112, pl. vi, fig. 8. (= Ficus 
: rhomboidea, Lesquereux, 1868.) Ibid. 

—— sinuatus, Lange, 1890, p. 671, pl. xxxiv, fig. 9. 
Senonian ; Spitalgarten, Prussia. 
—— Snowii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 214, pl. xxxviii, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— stipuleformis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 216, pl. lxi, fig. 2. Tbid. 
— Sturi, Unger, 1865, p. 378, pl. i, figs. 10-11. 
Cretaceous (?); Deva, Transylvania. 
—— tesselatus, Sternberg, 1825, pl. xlii, fig. 4 (described as from 
Cretaceous; removed from Cretaceous by Debey & Ettingshausen, 
1859 b, p. 245). i 
—— testaceus, Goeppert, 1847, p. 861 (naming figs. 9 & 10, pl. liii of 

Goeppert, 1842 a). Quadersandstein ; Silesia. 
—— Thierensi, Bosquet MS. in Debey, 1851, p. 569 [momen nudum]. 
(= Delesserites Thierensi, Miquel, 1853.) Danian; Maestricht. 

— triloba, Knowlton, 19004, p. 74, pl. xviii, fig. 2. 

Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

—— triplinervis, Hosius (non Saporta), 18704, p. 101, pl. xvi, fig. 32. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 

— triplinervis, Saporta (zon Hosius), 1894, p. 209, pl. xxxvi, fig. 7 a. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
—— umbonatus, Lesquereux, 18€8, p. 102; & 1874, p. 113, pl. xix, 
fig. 4. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A, 


Phyllites undulatus, Newberry, 1895, p. 181, pl. xxiv, fig. 10. 
Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— Vanone, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 22, pl, i, fig. 8. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— venosissimus, Newberry in Ives, 1861, p. 131, pl. iii, fig. 6. 
Base of Cretaceous (?); Arizona, U.S.A. 
— (Salix?) Wahlbergii, Nilsson, 1832, p. 345, pl. i, figs. 3-6. 
Greensand; Sweden. 
—— Winkleri, Debey, 1848, p. 124 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— zamieformis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 88, pl. ii, fig. 7. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— sp., Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 140, pl. 1, figs. 4-10; pl. li, figs. 1-8. 
Lower Quader; Bohemia. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1887, p. 32, pl. ii, fig. 20. 
Laramie Formation ; Canada. 
—— sp., Knowlton, 1899 8, pl. Ixxviii, fig. 7 (not in text). 
Yellowstone Park, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 75, pl. ix, fig. 4. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A, 
—— sp., Knowlton, 1900, p. 75, pl. xix, fig. 5, Ibid. 
—— sp., Lange, 1890, p. 672, pl. xxxiv, fig. 10. 
Seuonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— sp., Lesquereux, 1892, p. 216, pl. lix, fig. 7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Phyllocladites crenatus, Schulze, 1888, p. 21 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony, 
—— rotundifolius, Heer, 18744, p. 124, pl. xxxv, figs. 17-21. 
Cretaceous; Spitzbergen. 
Phyllocladopsis heterophylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 204, pl. lxxxiv, 
fig. 5; pl. elxvii, fig. 4. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Phyllocladus laciniosa, Schulze, 1888, p. 26 (nomen nudum]. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Heimburg, Germany. 
— subintegrifolius, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 92; & 1874, p. 54, pl. i, 
fig. 12. (Re-named Zhinnfeldia subintegrifolia (Lx.), Knowlton, 
1898.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
Fhyllodadoxylon antarcticum, Gothan, 1908 4, p. 4, pl. i, figs. 4-8. 
Cretaceous (?); Antarctica. 
Phyllotzmia costulata, Saporta, 1894, p. 221, pl. xxxix, fig. 20. 
Cenomanian (?); Portugal. 

—— demersa, Saporta, 1894, p. 216, pl. xxxviii, fig. 6. lbid. 
—— elongata, Saporta, 1894, p. 216, pl. xxxix, fig. 21. Ibid. 
—— nervosa, Saporta, 1894, p. 216, pl. xxxviii, figs. 7-8. Ibid. 

—— stipulacea, Saporta, 1894, p. 217, pl. xxxviii, figs. 12-13. Ibid. 
Phymatoderma Lemerianum, Brongniart, 1849 a, p. 10. 
Gault; France, 
Picea albertensis, Penhallow, 1908, p. 82. 
Judith River Series; Alberta, Canada, 


Picea cliffwoodensis, Berry, 1906 8, p. 169; & 1906 n, p. 143, pl. xix. 
Magothy Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— cretacea, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 14, pl. i, figs. 4, 5. 

Cenumanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia, 

Piceites exogyrus, Goeppert. See Hildebrand, 1861, p. 251. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
Pinites aquisgranensis, Goeppert, 18428, p. 151, pl. liv, figs. 1-5, 

10-12. (=Cycadopsis aquisgranensis, Debey, 1848 8.) 

Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
-—— Andrei (Coemans), Gardner, 1886 B, Bs 3, pl x, fig, 1. (=Pinus 

Andrei, Coemans, 1867.) Gault ; Folkestone. 
-—— Benstedi, Endlicher, 18474, p. 19. (=Abies Ronse, Mantell, 
1846.) Lower Greensand ; Maidstone. 
—— cretacea, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 91, pl. xlvii, figs. 1-6. (=Peuce 
eretacea, Endlicher, 1847 3.) Pliner; Bohemia. 
—— cretaceus, Dunker (zon (Corda), Goeppert), 1856, p. 182, pl. xxxv, 
fig. 2. Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 

—— cyclopterus, Saporta, 1894, p. 178, pl. xxviii, fig. 20. 
Lower Albian ; Portugal. 
— cylindroides, Gardner, 18863, p. 245, & plate, figs. 2, 2a. 
Lower Greensand; Potton. 
—— exogyra (Corda), Geinitz, 1850 a, p.272. (=Pinus exogyra, Corda 

in Reuss, 1846.) Quadersandsiein ; Bohemia. 
—— gracilis, Carruthers, 1869, p. 2, pl. i, fig. 9. Gault ; Folkestone, 
—— hexagonus, Carruthers, 1871, p. 540, pl. xv. Ibid. 

Leckenbyi, Carruthers, 1869, p. 2, pl. i, figs. 1-5. 
Lower Greensand ; Isle of Wight. 
—— Leei, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 570, pl. exix, figs. 6, 7. 
Older Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— lepidodendroides, Roemer, 1870, p. 290, pl. xxvii, fig. 7; 
pl. xxviii, fig. 3. Perucer Beds; Silesia. 
—— Mantellii, Carruthers, 1866 8, p. 543, pl. xxi, fig. 3. 
Greensand ; Maidstone. 
—— oblongus, Williamson, 1887, p. 193, pl. ix. (= Abies oblonga, 
Lindley & Hutton, 1834.) Greensand ; Dorset, 
—— patens, Miquel (non Carruthers), 1853, p. 41, pl. ii. 
Senonian ; Limburg. 
—— patens, Carruthers (won Miquel), 1866 8, p. 543, pl. xxi, fig. 4. 
Greensand ; Maidstone. 
—— pottoniensis, Gardner, 1886 8, p. 245, fig. 3. 
Lower Greensand; Potton. 
—— Pricei, Carruthers, 1875, p. 280, text-fig. Gault ; Folkestone. 
—-—? Quenstedti, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 272. Perucer Beds ; Bohemia, 
—— Reussii, Endlicher, 1847 3, p. 287. (=Pinus Reussii, Corda, 1846.) 
Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
—— sussexiensis, Carruthers, 1866.8, p. 541. (=Zamia sussexiensis, 
Mantell.) Lower Greensand; Sussex, 
— undulatus, Hichwald, 1853, p. 231. Lower Cretaceous; Russia. 


Pinites sp., Roemer, 1870, p. 301, pl. xxx, fig. 2. 
Turonian ; Upper Silesia. 
Pinostrobus prolongatus, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 272. 
Perucer Beds ; Bohemia, 
—— vallidus, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 272. Ibid. 
Pinus Andrzi, Coemans, 1867, p. 12, pl. iv, fig. 4; pl. v, fig. 1. 
(=Pinites Andrei (Coemans), Gardner, 1886 3.) 
Cretaceous ; La Louviére, Belgium. 
—— anthraciticus, Dawson, 1893, p. 89, text-fiz. 10. 
Kootanie Formation; North-West Territory, Canada. 
—— Argonnensis, Fliche, 1896, p. 217, pl. ix, fig. 3. [Cones.] 
Albian; Clermont, France. 
—— aspera, Cornuel, 1866, p. 671, pl. xii, figs. 6-12. 
Neccomian ; France. 
—— Briarti, Coemans, 1867, p. 10, pl. iv, fig. 2. 
Cretaceous ; La Louviére, Belgium. 
— (Cedrus) Corneti?, Coemans, 1867, p. 11, pl. iv, fig. 8.; Ibid. 
—— Crameri, Heer, 1868, p. 84, pl. xliv, figs. 7-18. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— delicatulus, Berry, 19044, p. 68, pl. ifig. 12. 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— depressa, Coemans, 1867, p. 15, pl. v, fig. 4. 
Cretaceous; La Louviére, Belgium. 
— HEirikiana, Heer, 18744, p. 85, pl. ii, fig. 1; pl. xvii, figs. 6, 7; 
pl. xviii, fig. 20; pl. xxiii, fig. 16. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— elongata, d’Orbiguy, 1852, p.617; & Cornuel, 1882, p. 260, pl. vii, 
fig. 1. Aptian; Saint-Dizier. 
—— exogyra, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 91, pl. xlviii, figs. 16-18. 
(=Pinites exogyra, Geinitz, 1850 a.) Greensand ; Bohemia, 
—— familiaris, Brongniart, 18284, p. 107. (=Conites familiaris, 
Sternberg, 1825.) 
——- gibbosa, Coemans, 1867, p. 13, pl. v, fig. 2. 
Cretaceous; La Louviére, Belgium. 
— gracilis, Cornuel, 1866, p. 671, pl. xii, figs. 4, 5. 
Neocomian ; France. 
—— Guill(ijeri, Crié, 1884, p. 512. Cretaceous ; France. 
—— Heeri, Coemans, 1867, p. 14, pl. v, fig. 3. 
Cretaceous; La Louviére, Belgium. 
—— lingulata, Heer, 1874, p. 84, pl. xii, fig. 10d; pl. xxxiii, fig. 18. 
Kome Beds ; Greenland. 
—— longissima, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 29, pl. i, figs. 14-17. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— macrostrobilina, Menzel, 1908, p. 27, pl. ii, figs. 1, 1a, 10. 
Quadersandstein; Bohemia. 
—— mammnilifer, Saporta, 1880, p. 654, pl. iv, fig. 2. 
Aptian ; Cauville, France, 
—— mattewanensis, Berry, 1903 ¢, p. 680, text-fig. 4 on p. 678, 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A, 


Pinus monasteriensis, Hosius & yon der Marck, 1880, p. 141, pl. xxvi, 
fig. 19. Upper Senonian ; Westphalia, 
—— Nathorsti, Conwentz, 1892, p. 13, pl. i, fig. 1; pl. ii, figs. 1-5; 
pl. iii, figs, 1-3; pl. vi, figs. 1-10; pl. vii, figs. 1-4. 
Senonian; Sweden. 
—— Nordenskioldi, Heer, 1876 c, p. 45, pl. ix, figs. 1-6. (Recorded 
Canadian Kootanie, Dawson, 1893.) Jurassic; Spitzbergen. 
—— Olafiana, Heer, 18744, p. 85, pl. xx, fig. 100; pl. xxiii, figs. 19, 
19d. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— Omalii, Coemans, 1867, p. 10, pl. iv, fig. 1. (=Abies Omalii, 
Schimper, 1872.) Cretaceous; La Louviére, Belgium. 
—— oxyptera, Saporta, 1890, p. 4, pl. xiii, fig.7. Danian (?); France. 
—— Parsyi, Saporta, 1880, p. 655, pl. iv, fig. 3. 
Albian; Bléville, France. 
—— Peterseni, Heer, 1868, p. 84, pl. xliv, fig. 19. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— Prehalepensis, Fliche, 1896, p. 225, pl. x, fig. 2. 
Albian ; Thibaudette, France. 
—— Premonticola, Fliche, 1896, p. 220, pl. is, fig. 4. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
—— protopicea, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 31, pl. vii, figs. 1, 2, 4, 6; pl. iii, 
fig. 4. * Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
-— Quenstedti, Heer, 1869 a, p. 13, pl. ii, figs. 5-9; pl. iii. 
Cenomanian; Moletein, Moravia. 
—— quinquefolia, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 16, pl. xxii, fig. 2. 
Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— raritanensis, Perry, 1909, p. 247 (naming Pinus sp., Newberry). 
Raritan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— Reussii, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 90, pl. xlvi, figs. 22-25. 
(=Pinites Reussi, Endlicher.) Greensand ; Bohemia. 
—— rhombifera, Cornuel, 1866, p. 670, pl. xii, fig. 19. 
Neocomian; France. 
— Saportana, Fliche, 1896, p. 232, pl. x, figs. 5, 6, text-fig. 9. 
Albian ; Islettes, France. 
— schista, Ward, 1905, p. 531, pl. exii, figs. 13-15. 
Older Potomae Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— shastensis, Ward, 1905, p. 262, pl. Ixix, figs. 1-3. 
Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A. 
—— Staratschini, Heer, 18744, pp. 104, 129, pl. xxviii, fig. 15; 
pl. xxxiv, fig. Le; pl. xxxviii, figs. 6-7. | Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— submarginata, Cornuel, 1866, p. 669, pl. xii, figs. 18-18 & 20, 21. 
Neocomian ; France. 
— suleata, Velenovsky (non Eudes-Deslongechamps), 1885, p. 30, 
pl. vii, figs. 5, 11. Planer; Bohemia. 
—— susquaensis, Dawson, 1883, p. 23, pl. iii, fig. 36. 
Cretaceous; North-West Territory, Canada. 
— tetraphylla, Jeffrey, 1908, p. 214, pl. xiv, fig. 17. 
“i Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 


Pinus (Ptero -Cembra) Toillezi, Coemans, 1867, p. 16, pl. v, fig. 5. 
Cretaceous; La Louviére, Belgium. 
—— triphylla, Hollick & Joffrey, 1909, p. 14, pl. iii, figs. 6, 7 (?); 
pl. xxii, fig. 1. Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— ucranicus, Goeppert, 1865 c, p. 12 [nomen nudum], 
Danian ; Maestricht. 
—— umbonatus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 102. 
Cretaceous; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— (Abies) Upernivikensis, Heer, 1882, p. 56, pl. ix, figs. 5-7. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— vaginalis, Heer, 1874 a. p. 108, pl. xxvii, fig. 15 3. Ibid. 
—— vernonensis, Ward, 1905, p. 497, pl. cix, figs. 4-6. 
Older Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
——- Wohlgemuthi, Fliche, 1896, p. 223, pl. x, fig. 1. 
Albian ; Clermont, France, 
—— yezoensis, Stopes & Kershaw, 1910, p. 899, pl. xxvii, figs. 3-5; 
pl. xxviii, fig. 2. Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
—— sp., Cornuel, 1866, p. 673, pl. xii, figs. 2-3. | Neocomian; France. 
—— sp., Engelhardt, 1892, p. 105, pl. ii, fig. 16. 
Cenomanian; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
—— ? sp., Fontaine, 1889, p. 272, pl. clxx, fig. 4. 
Lower Cretaceous; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Heer, 1874 4, p. 129, pl. xxxvii, fig. 5. Cretaceous; Spitzbergen. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1893, p. 31, pl. i, figs. 13, 19, 20, 22. 
Middle Cretaceons ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 16, pl. ix, figs. 11, 12; pl. xxiii, 

fig. 6. Ibid. 
— sp.?, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 17, pl. iii, fig. 8; pl. xxii, fig. 5. 

—— sp. ?, Newberry, 1895, p. 47, pl. ix, figs. 5-8, 17, 18. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Pisonia atavia, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 67, pl. xxxi, figs. 13, 14. 
Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
— cretacea, Berry, 19104, p. 191. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A, 
Pistacia Aquehongensis, Hollick, 1898 8, p. 421, pl. xxxvi, fig. 5. 
Cretaceous ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— oblanceolata (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 167 (renaming 
Ficus oblunceolata, Lesquereux, 1873). 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Pistia corrugata, Lesquereux, 1876, p. 299; & 18788, p. 103, pl. Ixi, 
figs. 1, 3-6, 11. Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A, 
—— Mazeli, Saporta & Marion, 1885, p. 37, text-fig. 114, C. D. 
Senonian ; France, 
—— Nordenskicldi (Heer), Berry, 1910 4, p. 189 (re-naming Chondro- 
phyllum Nordenskioldi, Heer), Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Pistites loriformis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 182, pl. xxxviii, 
figs. 151, 152. Lower Senonian ; Westphalia, 


Pitcarnia primzva, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880,‘p. 217, pl. xliv, 
fies, 210, 211. Neocomian ; Westphalia. 
Pityoidolepis statenensis, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 53, pl. ix, figs. 
13, 14; pl. xxvil, figs. 1-3. 
Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Pityoxylon Argonnense, Fliche, 1896, p. 253. Albian; France. 
— Hbollicki, Knowlton in Hollick, 1898 p, p. 134, text-figs. 1, 2. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— infracretaceum, Fliche, 1896, p. 241, pl. xii, fig. 1; pl. xvi, figs. 1, 2. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
— piceoides (cretaceum), Vater, 1884, p. 821. 
Lower Senonian (?) ; Brunswick. 
— scituatense, Jeffrey & Chrysler, 1906, p. 11, pl. ii, figs. 8-12. 
Cretaceous (?); Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
—— statenense, Jeffrey & Chrysler, 1908, p. 8, pl. i; pl. ii, fig. 7. 
Middle Cretaceous; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—- Thomasi, Fliche, 1896, p. 254, pl. xvi, fig. 3. 
Albian ; Triancourt, France. 
Pitys familiaris, Unger, 1845, p. 197. (=Conites familiaris, Sternberg, 
Planera artiqua, Heer, 1883 a, p. 26, pl. lv, figs. 11-12. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
— antiqua, Newherry, 1895, p. 69, pl. xlii, figs. 1-4. (Name pre- 
occupied, =P, Knowltoniana, Hollick.) 
Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— betuloides, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 57, pl. viii, fig. 22. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—— cretacea, Berry, 1907, p. 193, pl. xi, figs. 7, 8. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— Knowltoniana, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 69, pl. xlii, figs, 1-4. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Plantaginopsis marylandica, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p.561, pl.cxvii, 
fig. 7; pl. cxviii, figs. 1, 2. 
Older Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
Plateanthus (Williamsonia) problematicus, Newberry, 1895, 
p- 125, pl. xxxv, figs. 1-9. Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Plataninium subaffine, Vater, 1884, p. 843, pl. xxix, figs. 19-21. 
Lower Senonian (?); Brunswick. 
Platanophyllum crassinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 316, pl. clviii, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Platanus aceroides? latior (Goeppert), Lesquereux, 1868, p. 97. 
(=P. latior, Knowlton, 1898.) Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— acute-triloba, Krasser, 1889, p. 34; & 1896, p. 142, pl. xiii, fig. 2. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
—— affinis, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 71, pl. iv, fig. 4. (= Populites affnis, 
Lx., 1878, & Cissttes affinis, Lx., 1876.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 


Platanus affinis ampla, Dawson, 1836, p.12. (Re-named Cissites affinis 
ampla (Dn.), Knowlton.) Mill Creek Series; Mill Creek, Canada. 
—— Aquehongensis, Iollick, 1893, p. 32, pl. iv. 
Raritan Formation (?); Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— aralizformis, Krasser, 1896, p. 144, pl. xii, fig. 6. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
—— betulzfolia, Krasser, 1889, p. 34; & 1896, p. 143, pl. xiv, fig. 4. 
— cissoides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 75, pl. Ixi, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— cuneiformis, Krasser, 1896, p. 141, pl. xii, fig. 5; pl. xiv, fig. 3. 
Cenomanian; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
—— diminutiva, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 98 (-ws); & 1874, p. 73, pl. viii, 

fig. 5. Dakota Group; Nebraska (?), U.S.A. 
—— Heerii, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 303; & 1874, p. 70, pl. viii, fig. 4; 
pl. ix, figs. 1, 2. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

—— irregularis, Krasser, 1896, p. 143, pl. xvi, fig. 2. 

Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
—— Kuemmelii, Berry, 19068, p.176; & 19068, p. 146, pl. xxiii, tigs. 
2,3; pl. xxiv. Magothy Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— levis, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 16, pl. i, figs. 1,2. (= Credneria levis, 
Vel., 1882.) Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
—— latiloba, Newberry, 1870, p. 23; 1878, pl. ii, fig. 4; & 1898, 
p. 105, pl. i, fig. 4. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— latior (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p.170 (re-naming Platanus 
primeva, Lx., 1874, & P. aceroides (?), Goepp., var. latior, Lx., 1868.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

——- moravica, Krasser, 1896, p. 140, pl. xiii, fig. 3; pl. xv, fig. 3. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
——? Newberryana, [eer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 16, pl. i, 

fig. 4. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— obtusiloba, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 97; & 1874, p. 69, pl. vii, figs. 
3, 4. Ibid. 

-——— onomastus, Bayer, 1896, p. 22, text-figs. 17, 18, & p. 35. 
Cenomanian ; Kieslingswalda, Bohemia. 
—— platanoides (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 171 (re-naming 
Viburnum platanoides, Lesquereux, 1878 8). 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— primeva, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 97; & 1874, p. 69, pl. vii, fig. 2; 
pl. xxvi, fig. 2, (Re-named P. latior by Knowlton, 1898.) 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— primeva grandidentata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 73, pl. ix, figs. 
1, 2. (Re-named P. latior grandidentata by Knowlton, 1898.) Ibid. 
—— primeva integrifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 74, pl. xlix, fig. 4. 
(Re-named P. latior integrifolia by Knowlton, 1898.) Ibid. 
—— primeva subintegrifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 73, pl. ix, figs. 
2,4. (Re-named P, latior subintegrifolia by Knowlton. 1898.) 


Platanus pseudo-Guillelme, Krasser, 1896, p. 139, pl. xiv, figs. 1, 2. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
—— Raynoldsii integrifolia, Lesquerenx, 18788, p. 185, pl. xxvi, 
figs. 4, 5. Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— recurvata, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 71, pl. x, figs. 3-5. (= Sassafras 
(Araliopsis) recurvatum, Lesquereux, 1873.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-— rhomboidea, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 17, pl. ii, fig. 10; pl. vi, figs. 
2,3. (= Credneria rhomboidea, Vel., 1882.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
— Velenovskyana, Krasser, 1896, p. 188, pi. xv, fig. 2. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
— vyserovicensis, Marik, 1901, p. 10, pl. ii, figs. 4, 5. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— ? Wardii, Knowlton, 1900, p. 14, pl. it, figs. 1-4. 
Montana Formation; Missouri R., U.S.A. 
— sp., Heer, 1883 , p. 258, pl. liv, fig. 1d. Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—- sp., Hollick, 1906 a, p. 83, pl. xxxi, fig. 5. ; 
Cretaceous; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Platyceriphyllum cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 29, pl. v. fig. 16. 
(=Platycerium eretaceum, Vel.= Hausmannia cretacea (Velenovsky), 
Richter, 1906.) Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
Platycerium cretaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 5, pl. v, fig. 16. 
(= Dipteriphyllum eretaceum (Velenovsky), Krasser.) Ibid. 
Platypterigium densinerve, Fontaine. 1889, p. 169, pl. xxx, fig. 8; 
pl. xxxi, figs. 1,4; pl. xxxii, figs. 1, 2; pl. xxsiii, fig. 1; pl. xxxiv, 
fig. 1; pl. xxxv, figs. 1, 2, (Renamed Nilssonia densinerve by 

Berry, 1910 pv.) Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—-- Rogersianum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 171, pl. xxxi, fig. 2; pl. xxviii, 
fig. 2; pl. xxxiv, fig. 2. Ibid. 
Pleosporites Shirainus, Suzuki, 1910, p. 191, pl. vii, fig. 6, text-figs, 
2&3. Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Plutonia cretacea, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 11, pl. ii, figs. 11-20; pl. iii, 
fies. 1, 2. Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 

Poacites acicularis, Saporia, 1894, p. 146, pl. xxvi, fig. 7 4. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
—— borealis, Heer, 1874 a, p. &6, pl. xxiv, fig. 5. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— cercalinus, Saporta, 1894, p. 146, pl. xxvii, fig. 17. 
Urgonian; Portugal. 
—— cretaceus, Marik, 1901, p. 13, pl. ii, figs. 13-14. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— gemillinervis, Saporta, 1894, p. 96, pl. xv, fig. 36. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
— levis, Saporta, 1894, p. 180, pl. xxxii, fig. 10 (antedated by A. Braun, 
1851). Albian ; Portugal, 
—— Nelsonicus, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 180, pl. vii, figs. 22, 224, 
Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 


Poacites paucinervis, Saporta (non Heer, nec Watelet), 1894, p. 95, 
pl. xvi, fig. 33. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
-—-— plurinervis, Saporta, 1894, p. 116, pl. xxii, fig. 8, 
Aptian; Portugal. 
~— plurinervulosus, Saporta, 1894, p. 146, pl. xxvi, fig. 4. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
—— striatifolius, Saporta, 1894, pp. 57, 110, pl. xx, figs. 11, 12. 
Lower Cretaceous (7); Portugal. 
-—— tenellus, Saporta, 1894, p. 95, pl. xvi, fig. §; pl. xvii, fig. 3. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
——? sp., Hollick, 1894 a, p. 64, pl. clxxx, figs. 2, 12. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1905 c, p. 411, pl. lxxiii, fig. 1. 
Cretaceous Shale; Long Island, U.S.A. 
Podalyriophyllum brochidodromum, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 151; 
& 1895, p. 51, pl. iv, fig. 17. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
Podocarpites Tyrrellii, Dawson, 1888, p. 35. 
Belly River Series ; Canada. 
Podocarpium cupressinum, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 177, pl. vii, 
fig. 11. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
—— pre-dacrydioides, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 178, pl. vii, fig. 12. 
—— tenuifolium, Ettingshausen, 1887 4, p. 177, pl. vii, figs. 8-10, 10¢. 
—— Ungeri, Ettingshausen, 1887 4, p. 177, pl. vii, figs. 13-15. Ibid. 
Podocarpoxylon aparenchymatosum, Gothan, 19084, p. 8, pl. i, 
fig. 11. Cretaceous (?); Antarctica, 
Podocarpus cretacea, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 18, pl. xii, figs. 5-11. 
(=Podocarpus sp., Velenovsky, 1888 a.) Perucer Beds; Menlik. 
—— sarthacensis, Crié, 1879 (?), p. 80 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Sainte-Croix, France, 
—— sp., Velenovsky, 1888 a, p. 596, fig. 9. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Podogenium Americanum, Lesquereux, 1878 B, p. 298, pl. liz, fig. 5; 
pl. lsiii, fig. 5; pl. lxy, fig. 6. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Podozamites acuminatus, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 45, pl. xiii, 
fig. 7. Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— acutifolius, Fontaine, 1889, p. 181, pl. Ixxx, fig. 6; pl. lxxxy, figs. 
10, 15; pl. lxxxvii, fig. 1; pl. clxx, fig. 2, 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—~—? acutus, Saporia, 1894, p. 87, pl. xvi, fig. 28. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— affinis (Schenk), Schimper, 1870, p. 161. Urgonian ; Silesia, 
—— alcantarina, Saporta, 1894, p. 212, pl. xxxix, fig. 1. 
Cenomanian ; Portugal. 
—— angustifolius (Eichwald), Schimper, 1870, p. 160; recorded Los- 
quereux, 1884, p. 28. (Re-named Podozamites Knowltont by Berry, 
1909.) Dakota Group; Wansas, U.S.A. 


Podozamites austro-caledonica, Crié, 1889, p. 27 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Portes de Fer, New Caledonia. 
—— caudatus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 29. (=Dammarites caudatus, Lx., 
1892.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— distantinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 179, pl. Ixxix, fig. 5; pl. Ixxxii, 
fig. 4; pl. lxxxiii, figs. 1, 2,6, 7; pl. Ixxxiv, figs. 1, 2, 8, 10, 14, 15; 

pl. Ixxxv, figs. 1, 2, 16. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Eichwaldi (Schimper), Heer, 1877 a, p. 36, pl. vii, fig. 7 e; pl. viii, 
figs. 1-4; pl. vi, fig. 22 e. Jurassic ; Siberia. 

(Recorded Perucer Beds, Bohemia, Velenovsky, 1885.) 
—— ellipsoideus, Saporta, 1894, p. 87, pl. xvi, fig. 31; p. 176, pl. xxxii, 
figs. 8-9; pl. xxxiii, fig. 5; pl. xxxv, fig. 12. 
Valanginian & Albian; Portugal. 
—— emarginatus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 29. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

—— gracilior, Saporta, 1894, p. 175, pl. xxxiii, fig. 6. 
Albian; Portugal. 
—— grandifolius, Fontaine, 1889, p. 180, pl. Ixxxii, fig. 2; pl. Ixxxiii, 

fig. 5. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Haydenii, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 27. (=Pterophyllum Haydenii, 
Lesquereux, 1868.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

-—— Henriquesi, Saporta, 1894, p. 174, pl. xxxiv, figs. 6-7. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— Hoheneggeri, Schenk, 187la, p. 9, pl. ii, figs. 3-6. (= Glosso- 
zamites Hoheneggeri, Yokoyama, 1906.) 
Wernsdorfer Beds; Austrian Silesia. 
—~—inequilateralis, Berry, 1910c, p. 194. (=Nageiopsis inegui- 
lateralis, Fontaine, 1889.) Patuxent, Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Knowltoni, Berry, 1909, p. 247 (re-naming Podozamites angustifolius 
(Eichwald), Schimper, 1872, & Zamites angustifolius, Kichwald, 
— lanceolatus (Lindley & Hutton), Schimper, 1872, p. 160. Oolitic. 
(Recorded, Lesquereux, 1891, Kootanie Formation of America.) 
—— latipennis, Heer, 1882, p. 42, pl. xiv, figs. 1-9; pl. xv, figs. 2a, 
3b. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— linearis, Saporta, 1894, p. 86, pl. xv, figs. 23-24, 
: ‘ Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— lingulatus, Schimper, 1872, p. 161. Urgonian ; Silesia. 
.— lIongipennis, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 10, pl. ii, fig. 7. 
; Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— marginatus, Heer, 1882, p. 43, pl. xvi, fig. 10. 
: Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— minor, Heer (non (Schenk) Nathorst), 1882, p. 44, pl. xvi, fig. 8. 
-—— modestior, Saporta, 1894, p. 174, pl. xxxi, fig. 11; pl. xxxii, fig. 7. 
Albian ; Portugal, 


Pcdozamites nervosa, Newberry (non Schenk), 1891, p. 200, pl. xiv, 
fig. 6 (name antedated by Schimper, 1872, p. 161). 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
——— oblongus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 28, pl. i, figs. 10-11. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—- obovatus, Schenk, 1871 a, p. 10, pl. ii, figs. 7-10; pl. iii, figs. 1-3. 
Urgonian ; Austrian Silesia. 
—— obtusus, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 9, pl. i, figs. 8, 9. 
Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 
-— oviformis, Saporta, 1894, p. 87, pl. xvi, fig. 29. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— pedicellatus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 180, pl. Ixxvi, fig. 1; pl. Ixxviii, 
fig. 7; pl. lxxxii, fig. 5. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— prelongus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 29. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— proximans, Conrad, 1869, p. 361, text-fig. 
Raritan Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— pusillus, Velenoyvsky, 1885, p. 11, pl. ii, figs. 20, 21, 22, 24a. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— Stenopus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 27, pl. i, tig. 7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— striatus, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 10, pl. ii, fig. 8. (= Dammaro- 
phyllum striatum, Velenovsky, 1889.) Perucer Beds ; Bolemia. 
—— subfalcatus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 179, pl. lxviii, fig. 6; pl. clxx, 
fig. 9. Dakota Group; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— tenuinervis, Heer, 1882, p. 44, pl. xvi, fig. 9. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— Zittelii, Schenk, 1871 a, p. 8, pl. i, fig. 8. 
Wernsdorfer Beds; Austrian Silesia, 
—— Sp., Fontaine, 1894, p. 267, pl. xxxvi, fig. 8. 
Comanche Formation; Texas, U.S.A. 
— ?sp., Hollick, 1894 a, p. 62, pl. clxxx, fig. 4. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
— sp. ?, Hollick, 1902 a, p. 401, pl. xli, figs. 8, 9. . 
Cretaceous ; Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
Polypodites blechnoides, Debey, 1848 a, p. 116; & 1850, p. 116. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— gracilis, Marik, 1901, p. 6, pl. i, figs. 14-15. 
Cenomanian ; Behemia. 
—— Mantelli, Goeppert, 1856, p. 341. (= Lonchopteris Mantelli, 
Brongniart, 1828.) 
— Schneiderianus, Goeppert, 1845, p. 214. 
Quadersandstein ; Lowenberg. 
— zonatus, Marik, 1901, p. 4, pl. i, figs. 9-12. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Polypodium dentatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 105, pl. xxii, figs. 4, 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— fadyenioides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 104, pl. xvi, figs. 4, 5. Ibid, 


Polypodium Graahianum, Heer, 1883a, p. 3, pl. xlviii, figs. 4, 43, 
5b, 5 bd, Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— Hcchstetteri, Unger, 1866, p. 5, pl. ii, figs. 1, 2. 
Lower Cretaceous (?); New Zealand. 
Polystichum Hillsianum, Hollick, 1902, p. 146, pl. iv, fig. 7. 
Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 
Polytzenia quinquesecta, Saporta & Marion, 1885, p. 117, text-lig. 
125 a. Turonian ; France. 
Populites affinis, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 423. (= Platanus affinis, Lx., 
1874, & Cissites affinis, Lx., 1876.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— amplus, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 140, pl. xviii, 

fig. 1. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
— cuneatus, Lesyuereux in Saporta & Marion, 1878, p. 10 [nomen 
nudum]. Dakota Group; U.S.A. 

— cyclophylla (Heer), Lesquereux, 1868, p. 93. (= Populus cyclo- 

phylla, Heer, 1858, & Cissites cyclophylla, Lx., 1876.) 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— elegans, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 94; & 1895, p. 10, pl. A, fig. 2; 
pl. B, fig. 1. 1bid. 

— fagifolia, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 422. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— flabellata, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 94. (Re-named Greuiopsis flabel- 

lata by Knowlton, 1898.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— lancastriensis, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 58, pl. iii, fig. 1. (=Populus 
lancastriensis, Lesquereux, 1868.) Ibid. 

— litigiosus (Heer), Lesquereux, 1892, p. 46, pl. vii, fig. 7; pl. viii, 
fig. 5; pl. xlvi, fig. 6; pl. xlvii, fig. 1. (= Populus litigiosa, Heer, 
1867.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— microphyllus, Lesquereux, 1869, p. 430, pl. xxiii, figs. 2, 3. 

Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

— ovata, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 94. (=Ampelophyliwm ovatum, Lx., 
1876.) Tbid. 

—-~ probalsamifera, Dawson, 1894, p. 57, pl. vii, fig. 23. 

Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, U.S.A. 

— quadrangularis, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 94. (=Hamamelites 
quadranguaris, Lesquereux, 1876, and Alnites quadrangularis, 

Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— saline, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 423. (Re-named Menispermites 
saline by Knowlton, 1898.) Ibid. 
—— salisburizefolia, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 94. (= Cissites salisburia- 
Solius, Lx., 1883.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

— Sternbergii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 45, pl. vii, figs. 8, 9. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— tenuifolius, Berry, 1905, p. 69, pl. xlix, fig. 7. 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— Winchelli, Lesquereus, 1895, p. 12, pl. B, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; Minnesota, U.S.A, 


Populocaulis yezoensis, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 63-64, pl. viii, 
fig. 49, Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan, 
Populophyllum crassinerve, Funtaine, 1889, p. 812, pl. elviii, fig. 4. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.s.A. 

—— hedereeforme, Fontaine, 1889, p. 311, pl. clxvi, fig. 3. Ibid. 
= menispermoides, Ward, 1905, p. 498, pl. ex, figs. 2-4, Ibid. 
—— minutum, Ward, 1905, p. 499, pl. evii, fig. 9. Ibid. 
—— reniforme, Fontaine, 1889, p. 311, pl. clv, fig. 9; pl. elvi, fig. 3. 

Populus acerifolia, Newberry, 1870, p. 65; & 1878, pl. xiii, figs. 5-8. 
Larawnie Formation, (Recorded Kurtz, 1902, p. 51 from 
Cenomanian, Argentina.) 
—— amissa, Heer, 1882, p. 65, pl. xxviii, fig. 18. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
——? apiculata, Newberry in Hollick, 1893, p. 31, pl. iii, fig. 2; & 
Newberry, 1895, p. 65, pl. xv, figs. 3, 4. 
Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— aristolochioides, Lesquereux, 1876 4, p. 393. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— auriculata, Ward, 1895 a, p. 356, pl. iv, fig. 4. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Berggreni, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 18744, p. 100, p]. xxix, figs. 1-5. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— cordata, Heer (non Newberry), 1871, p. 1183 (nomen nudum]. 
—— cordifolia, Newberry, 1870, p.18; & 1878, pl. iii, fig. 7. 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— cretacea, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 138, pl. xvii, 
figs, 1-5. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
— cyclophylla, Heer in Meck & Hayden, 1859, p. 266. (= Poputlztes 
cyclophylia (Heer), Lesquereux, 1868, & Cissites cyclophyllu, Lx., 
1876.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— ? Debeyana, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 14, pl. i, fig. 1. 
(=Juglans Debeyana (Heer), Lesquereux, 1808.) Tbid. 
—— denticulata, Heer, 18834, p. 20, pl. ly, fig. 5. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
— elliptica, Newberry, 1870, p. 16; & 1878, pl. iii, figs. 1, 2. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A, 
— flabellum, Newberry, 1863, p. 524; & 1898, p. 44, pl. xx, fig. 4. 
Cretaceous; Washington, U.S.A 
—— harkeriana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 44, pl. xlvi, fig. 4. 
7 Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 
— hyperborea, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 18744, p. 106, pl. xxvii. 
fig. 8d; pl. xxix, figs. 6, 7a, 8a, 9; pl. xxx, fig. 20. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— Kansaseana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 42, pl. xvii, figs. 1-7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 


Populus lancastriensis, Lesquereux, 1868, p.93. (= Populites lancas- 
triensis, Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— .latidentata, Dawson, 1886, p. 16. Belly River Series; Canada. 
—— Leuce (Rossm.), Unger, 18504, p. 417. (Recorded by Heer in 
Meek & Hayden, 1859, p. 265, from Dakota Cretaceous.) 
—— litigiosa, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 18, pl. i, fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— litigiosa denticulata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 47 [nomen nudum]. 
—— longior, Dawson, 1883, p. 27. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— melanaria, Heer in Lesquereux, 1878, p. 173, pl. Ixiv, fig. 5. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— melanarioides, Lesquereux, 1876c, p. 879; & 18788, p. 174, 

pl. xii, fig. 5. Ibid. 
— microphylla, Newberry, 1870, p. 17; 1878, pl. iii, fig. 5; & 1898, 
p. 46, pl. iii, fig. 5. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

—— obovata, Knowlton, 1900, p. 34, pl. vii, fig. 4. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— orbicularis (Newberry), Berry, 1909, p. 250 (re-naming Phyllites 
orbicularis, Newberry, 1895). 
Raritan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—- potomacensis, Ward, 18965 a, p. 356, pl. iv, figs. 1-3. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— primeva, Heer, 1871, p. 1182; & 1874 a, p. 88, pl. xxiv, fig. 6. 
Kome Beds; Greenland, 
—— ? problematica, Knowlton in Weed & Knowlton, 1893, p. 15, 
pl. vi, figs. 5, 6. Laramie Group; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— protozadachii, Dawson, 1883, p. 26, pl. vii, fig. 25, 
Upper Cretaceous ; British Columbia. 
—— rectinervata, Dawson, 1883, p. 27, pi. vii, tig. 26. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— rhomboidea, Lesquereux, 1859, p. 860; & in Newberry, 1898, 
p. 51, pl. xx, figs. 1, 2. Ibid. 
—— ? Ricei, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 266, pl. Ixix, fig. 10. 
Shasta Formation ; Oregon, etc, U.S.A, 
—— stygia, Heer, 18744, p. 107, pl. xxix, fig, 10. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— temuleformis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 152, pl. xxviii, 
figs. 43, 44 (45 ?). Upper Senonian; Haldem, Westphalia, 
— trinervis, Dawson, 1883, p. 26. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
— Wardii, Knowlton, 1900 a, p. 36, pl. vi, fig. 7. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Knowlton, 19004, p. 37, pl. vii, fig. 5. Ibid, 
— sp., Knowlton, 1905, p. 140, pl. xix, fig. 1. 
Judith River Beds; U.S.A. 
— sp., Hollick, 1906 a, p. 50, pl. vii, figs. 16-18 (Aments). 
Cretaceous; Martha's Vineyard, U.S.A. 


Posidonia cretacea, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 134, pl. xxiv, 
figs. 7, 8, 9. Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 
Potamogeton cretaceus, Heer, 1883, p. 19, pl. ly, figs. 23-24. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— priscus, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 274. Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
Potamogetophyllum vernonense, Fontaine in Ward, 1904, p. 500, 
pl. cix, fig. 7. Older Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Premna exul, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 218 [nomen nuduw). 
Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
Premnophyllum exulum, Velenovsky, 1839, p. 24. (= Cissophyllum 
exulum, Velenovsky, on same page.) Cenomaniau ; Bohemia. 
—— trigonum, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 51, pl. xviii, fig. 2. Thid. 
Prepinus japonicus, Stopes & Kershaw, 1910, p. 396, pl. xxvii, figs. 1,2; 
pl. xxviii, fig. 1. Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
— statenensis, Jeffrey, 1908, p. 2U9, pl. xiii. 
Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— viticetensis, Jeffrey, 1910¢, p. 336, pl. xxxiii. 
Magothy or Upper Potomac ; Staten Island, U.S.A, 
Protea Haidingeri, Kttingshausen, 1867 4, p. 254, pl. ii, fig. 12. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony, 
Proteephyllum californicum, Fontaine, 1905, p. 267, pl. lxix, 
fig. 11. Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
— dentatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 286, pl. elvi, fig. 7; pl. clxxii, 
figs. 1, 4; pl. clxxiii, figs. 12, 14. 
Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— ellipticum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 285, pl. cxlii, figs. 1, 2. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— oblongifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 284, pl. cxxxix, fig. 5; pi. cxl, 

figs. 1, 2. Thid. 
—— orbiculare, Fontaine, 1889, p. 283, pl. exxxix, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— ovatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 285, pl. exli, fig. 1. Ibid. 
—— reniforme, Fontaine, 1889, p. 282, pl. exxxix, fig. 3; pl. celvi, 
fig. 4; pl. elx, figs. 1, 2. Ibid. 

—— tenuinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 286, pl. cl, fig. 13; pl. clvi, fig. 2. 

— Uhleri, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 564, pl. exviii, fig. 5. 

Older Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 

—— sp.?, Fontaine, 1889, p. 284, pl. cxxxix, fig. 2. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Proteocides acuta, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 17, pl. iv, 
figs. 7, 8. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

—— affinis, Schenk, 1876, p. 169, pl. xxix, fig. 14. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Brandenberg, Tyrol. 
—— australiensis, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 140, 149; & 1895, p. 26, 
pl. iii, fig. 16. Cretaceous ; Australia, 
—— crassipes, Heer (non Ettingshausen & Gardner), 1871, p. 1183; & 
1874, p. 110, pl. xsxi, figs. 6-8, (=Ficus crassipes, Heer, 1882.) 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 


Proteocides daphnogenoides, Heer in Cuapellini & Heer, 1867, p. 17, 
pl. iv, figs. 9, 10. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

—— Ettingshauseni, Schenk, 1876, p. 170, pl. xxix, fig. 13. 
Upper Cretaceous; Brandenberg, Tyrol. 
—— granulatus, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 18744, p. 111, pl. xxxi, 

figs. 11, 113. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— grevilleeformis, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 17, pl. iv, 
fig. 11. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— of. grevillezformis, Heer in Kerner, 1896, p. 54, pl. v, fig. 2. 
Cretaceous; Lesina, Dalmatia. 
—— ilicoides, Heer, 1871 4, p. 18, pl. iii, figs. 7, 8. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— lancifolius, Heer, 1871 4, p. 12, pl. iui, figs. 5, 6. Ibid, 
— longus, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 18744, p. 110, pl. xxxi, figs. 4, 5; 
pl. xxix, fig. 8. (=Myrica longa, Heer, 1882.) 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— major, Dawson, 1893, p. 61, pl. xii, fig. 54. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
— Neillii, Dawson, 1894, p. 61, pl. xii, fig. 53. lbid. 
— Reussi, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 105. (=Sulix macrophylla, Reuss.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— vexans, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 18744, p. LiL, pl. xxxi, figs. 9, 10. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— sp., Dawson, 1894, p. 61, pl. xiii, fig. 53. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
Proteophyllum coriaceum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 18, pl. iv, fig. 13; 
pl. vi, fig. 15. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— cornutum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 18, pl. iv, fig. 12. Ibid. 
—— daphnoides, Saporta, 1894, p. 208, pl. xxxvi, fig. 3. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
—— decorum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 18, pl. v, fig. 13. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
— demersum, Saporta, 1894, p. 203, pl. xxxvii, fig. 15. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
— dissectum, Saporta, 1894, p. 156, pl. xxx, figs. 18, 14; pl. xxxi, 
figs. 15-16; pl. xxxiv, fig. 17. bil, 
—— laminarium, Velenovrsky, 1889, p. 18, pl. iv, fig. 7. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
— Launayi, Zeiller, 1905, p. 342, pl. vii, figs. 12, 18, 13 a. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Balkans, 
— leucospermoides, Saporta, 1894, p. 185, pl. xxx, fig. 15. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— oblongatum, Saporta, 1894, p. 204, pl. xxxvi, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— oxyanthzemorphum, Saporta, 1894, p. 185, pl. xxxv, fig. 8. 
— paucidentatum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 18, pl. vi, figs. 12, 18. 
Cenowanian ; Boheinia. 
— productum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 18, pl. iv. figs. 10, 11. Tbid. 


Proteophyllum Saportanum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 18, pl. vy, fig. 14. 
Cenomanian ; Bobemia. 
—— trifidum, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 18, pl. vi, fig. 14; pl. v, fig. 15. 
—— truncatum, Saporta, 1894, p. 203, pl. xxxvii, fig. 16. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
Proteopsis Proserpine, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 19, pl. i, figs. 6-9. 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
Protocyathea trichinopoliensis, Feistmantel, 1877, p. 136, pl. i, 

figs. 1-2. Neocomian (?); India, 
—— Ungeri (Unger), Feistmantel, 1877, p. 186 [nomen nuduin = 
Caulopteris cyatheoides, Unger]. Neocomian; Austria. 

Protodammara speciosa, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1906, p. 199, pl. i, 
figs. 5-13; pl. ii, figs. 1-5. (=Dammara minor, Holliek.) 

Raritan Formation ; Staten [sland, U.S.A. 

Protophyllocladus lanceolatus (Knowlton), Berry, 1903p, p. 441 
(re-naming Thinnfeldia lanceolata, Knowlton, 1893). 

Laramie Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 

-—— polymorphus (Lesquereux), Berry, 1J03p, p. 442 (re-naming 
Salisburia polymorpha, Lesquereux, 1859, & Thinnfeldia polymorpha, 
Knowlton, 1898). 

—— subintegrifolius (Lesquereux), Berry, 19034, p. 440; & 1904, 
p. 69, pl. i, fig. 5 (renaming Thinnfeldia subintegrifolia (Lx.), 
Knowlton, 1898, & Thinnfeldia Lesquereuxiana, Meer, & Phyllo- 
cladus subintegrifolius, Lesquereux). 

Cretaceous; Staten Island, U.S.A. 

Protophyllum boreale, Dawson, 1883, p. 23, pl. iv, fig. 13. 

Upper Cretaceous; North-West Territory, Canada. 

— crassum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 193, pl. Ixy, fig. 4. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— crednerioides, Lesquereux, 18768, p. 363, pl. iii, fig. 1; pl. viii, 

fig. 4. Ibid. 

— crenatum, Knowlton in Lesquereux, 1892, p. 190, pl. Ixv, fig. 7. 
—— denticulatum, Lesquerenx, 1892, p. 193, pl. xxxvi, fig. 9. Ibid. 
—— dimorphum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 190, pl. xli, fig. 1. Ibid. 
—— Haydenii, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 106, pl. xvii, fig. 3 (=Pterospermites 
Haydenti, Lesquereux, 1872). Ibid, 
—— integerrimum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 192, pl. xliii, fig. 3; & 1895, 
p. 21, pl. B, figs. 10, 11. Dakota Group; Minnesota, U.S.A. 

—— Leconteanum, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 103, pl. xvii, fig. 4; pl. xxv, 
fig. 1. (=Credneria Le Conteana, Lesquereux, 1868.) 
Dakota Group; Kaneas, U.S.A. 
—— minus, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 104, pl. xix, fig. 2; pl. xxvii, fig. 1. 
—— Mudgii, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 106, pl. xviii, fig. 3. (= Quercus 
Mudgii, Lx., 1872.) Ibid. 


Protophyllum multinerve, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 105, pl. xviii, fig. 1. 
(=Pterospermites multinervis, Lesquereux, 1872.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 
~— Nanaimo, Dawson, 1883, p. 28, pl. viii, fig. 35. : 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
-—— nebrascense, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 108, pl. xxvii, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— obovatum, Newberry, 1895, p. 128, pl. xxxviii, fig. 4. (=Ptero- 
spermites obovatus, Berry, 1909.) Amboy Clay ; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— prestans, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 188, pl. xli, figs. 2, 3; pl. xiii, 
figs. 3, 4. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— pseudospermoides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 194, pl. lix, fig. 2. Ibid. 
—— pterospermifolium, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 195, pl. lix, fig. 1. 


—— quadratum, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 104, pl. xix, fig. 1. (=DPtero- 
spermites quadratus, Lesquereux, 1872.) Ibid. 

—— querciforme, Hollick, 1895, p. 227, pl. ecxxxvii, fig. 1. Ibid. 
--— rugosum, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 105, pl. xvii, figs. 1-2; pl. xix, 
fig. 3. (=Pterosperimites rugosus, Lesquereux, 1873.) Lbid. 

—— Sternbergii, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 101, pl. xvi; pl. xviii, fig. 2. 
(=Pierospermites Sternbergii, Lesquereux, 1873.) Ibid. 
—— ? trilobatum, Lesquereux, 1876 a, p. 397. Ibid. 
—— undulatum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 189, pl. xlii, fig. 2. Ibid. 

—— sp., Dawson, 1894, p. 68, pl. xi, figs. 46, 47. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
Protopteris Buvignieri, Brongniart, 1849 a, p. 111 [nomen nudum]. 
Lower Cretaceous ; France. 
—— Cotteana, Presl in Sternberg, 1838, p. 170, pl. Ixv, figs. 4-6; 
pl. Ixvii; & Stenzel, 1886, p. 25. Turonian ; Oppeln. 
—— Duplessyana, Saporta, 1880, p. 646, pl. ii; pl. iii, igs. 1, 2. 
Albian ; Havre, France. 
—— fibrosa, Stenzel, 1886, p. 25, pl. iii, figs, 30-36. Turonian ; Oppeln. 
— punctata, (Sternberg), Pres] in Sternberg, 1838, p. 170, pl. lxv, 
figs, 1-3. (=Lepidodendron punctata, Sternberg, 1820, =Dicksonia 
punctata, Heer.) Greensand ; Bohemia. 
—— Singeri, Presl in Sternberg, 1838, p. 171, pl. lxy, fig. 7. (= Caulo- 
pteris Singeri, Goeppert, 1836, removed from Cretaceous by Debey & 
Ettingshausen, 1859, p. 245.) Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
—— Sternbergii, Corda, 1845, p. 77, pl. xlviii, tig. 1. Ibid. 
—— Wohlegemuthi, Fliche, 1896, p. 132, pl. i, fig. 2. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
Protorhipis cordata, Heer, 1882, p. 10, pl. iii, fig. 11. (=Hausmannia 
cordata (Heer), Richter, 1906.) Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— Fisheri, Knowlton, 1907, p. 114, pl. xii, fig. 3. : 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
Protorrhipis Choffati, Saporta, 1891, p. 252; & 1894, p. 144, pl. xxii, 
figs. 9-11; pl, xxvi, figs. 17-18; pl. xxvii, figs. 1-5. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 


Prunus? acutifolia, Newberry, 1895, p. 90, pl. xiv, fig. 1. 
Amboy Olay; Woorbridge, U.S.A. 
-—— (Amygdalus) ? antecedens, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 144, pl. lv, 
fig. 4. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— cerasiformis, Velenovsky, 1887, p. 69, pl. xxix, figs. 2, 7. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
— cretaceus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 102; & 1874, p. 111, pl. xxiii, 

figs. 8, 9. Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
~— Parlatorii (Heer), Lesquereux, 1868, p. 102. ( = Andromeda 
Parlatorii, Heer, 1867.) Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 

Psammopteris knorrizformis, Hichwald, 1861, p. 304. 
Greensand ; Russia, 
Pseudo-Araucaria Lamberti, Fliche, 1896, p. 193, pl. vii, fig. 2, 
text-fig. 7. Albian; Grandpré, France. 
-—— Loppineti, Fliche, 1896, p. 189, pl. vi, figs. 3-5. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
— major, Fliche, 1896, p. 191, pl. vii, fig. 1. : 
Albian ; Islettes, France. 
Pseudoasterophyllites cretaceus (Feistmantel), Velenovsky, 1887, 
p. 648, on plate figs. 19-25. (=Asterophyllites cretaceus, Feist- 
mantel, 1874.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
Pseudocycas Dicksoni, Nathorst, 1907, p.8. (= Cycadites Dicksoni, 
Heer, 1874 a, = Cycas Dicksoni, Heer, 1882.) 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— insignis, Nathorst, 1907, p. 7, pl.i, figs. 1-5; pl. ii, figs. 1-9; 

pl. iii, fig. 1. Cenomanian ; Greenland. 
—— pumilio, Nathorst, 1907, p. 7, pl. i, figs. 6, 7. Ibid. 
—— Steenstrupi, Nathorst, 1907, p. 8, pl. ii, figs. 10, 11. (=Cycas 
Steenstrupi, Heer, 1882.) Ibid. 
Pseudofrenelopsis Felixi, Nathorst in Felix & Nathorst, 1893, p. 52, 
text-figs. 6-9. Neocomian; Mexico. 

Pseudogeinitzia sequoiiformis, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 45, 
: pl. «, fig. 11; pl. xxv, fig. 4. 
Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A, 
Pseudostrobus Guillieri, Crié, 1879 (?), p. 30 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Sainte-Croix, France, 
Ptenostrobus nebrascensis, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 114, pl. xxiv, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

Pteridoleimma aneimiifolium, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859s, 

p. 280, pl. vii, fig. 1. Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

—— antiquum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 8, p. 232, pl. vii, figs. 4-5, 
10, Ibid. 

—— arborescens, Debey & Ittingshausen, 18593, p. 237, pl. vii, 
figs. 11-13. Ibid. 

—— Benincase, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 s, p. 225, pl. vi, figs. 1-5, 

— deperditum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18998, p. 233, pl. vii, 
fie. 8. lbid, 


Pteridoleimma dictyoides, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18593, p. 236, 

pl. vi, figs. 15-17. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— dubium, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 8, p. 231, pl. vii, figs. 2-3. 

—— durum, Bayer, 1896, p. 5, text-figs. 3, 4, & p. 31. 
; Upper Senonian ; Bohemia. 
—_— Elisabethe, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 224, pl. v, figs. 5-9. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— gymnorhachis, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859, p. 234, pl. vii, 

figs. 21-22. Ibid. 

—— Haidingeri, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 8, p. 228, pl. vi, fig. 10. 

—— Heissianum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 x, p. 227, pl. vi, figs. 9, 
14. Ibid. 

—— Kaltenbachi, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 233, pl. vii, fig. 9. 

—— Koninckianum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18593, p. 224, pl. v, 
figs. 1-4. Tbid. 

—— leptophyllum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 235, pl. vii, 
figs. 18-19. Thid. 

—— Michelisi, Debey & Ettineshausen, 1859 z, p. 229, pl. vi, figs. 11-12. 

—— odontopteroides, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 234, pl. vii, 
fig. 20. Ibid. 

—— orthophyllum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 227, pl. vi, 
fig. 6. Tbid. 

—— pecopteroides, Debey & Ettingsbausen, 18598, p. 226, pl. vi, 
figs. 7-8. Ibid. 

—— phycomorpha, Saporta, 1894, p. 171, pl. xxviii, figs. 7-9, 12. 

Albian ; Portugal. 
—— pseudadiantum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 235, pl. vii, 
figs. 14-17. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— Ritzianum, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 8, p. 224, pl. v, figs. 10- 
12, Ibid. 
—— Serresi, Debey & Ettingshansen, 18598, p. 229, pl. vi, figs. 13, 
18-19. Tbid. 

-—— spoliatum, Saporta, 1894, p. 85, pl. xvi, fig. 25; pl. xviii, fig. 7. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 

—— tripartitum, Saporta, 1894, p. &5, pl. xv, fig. 1. Tbid. 
—— Waterkeyni, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18593, p. 231, pl. vii, 
figs. 6-7, Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia? 

FPteridophyllum fastigatum, Schulze, 1888, p. 11 [nomen nudum]. 
Neocomian ; Helmstein, 
Pteris? Albertini (Dunker), Velenovsky, 1888 8, p. 15, pl. iv, figs. 5-10. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
— Albertsii (Dunker), Teer, 1882, p. 29, pl. xvi, figs. 5, 6; pl. xxviii, 
figs. 1-8; pl. xlvi, figs, 22-24, Atane Beds; Greenland. 


Pteris dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 24, pl. i, figs. 2, 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— frigida, Heer, 1882, p. 3, pl. ii, fig. 13; p. 25, pl. vi, fig. 55; pl. x, 
figs. 1-4; pl. xi; pl. xii, fig. 2; pl. xiii, fig. 2; pl. xvi, figs, 1,2; 
pl. xviii, fig. 108. Kome Beds & Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— (Oleandra) glossopteroides, Dawson, 1883, p. 24, pl. iv, fig. 16. 
~ Upper Cretaceous; Protection Island, Canada, 
—— longipennis, Heer, 1882, p. 28, pl. x, figs. 5-18; pl. xiii, fig. 1. 
Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
—- nebraskana, Heer in Lesquereux, 1874, p. 46(?), pl. xxix, fig. 5. 
(Named Pecopteris (?) nebraskana (?), p. 46.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 
—— Reichiana, Ettingshausen, 1867 4, p. 243. 
Cenomanian; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
-—— Russellii, Newberry, 1883, p. 503; & Hollick in Newberry, 1898, 
p. 7, pl. Ixi, figs. 1, la. Laramie Formation ; New Mexico. 
—- slivenecensis, Marik, 1901, p. 7, pl. i, fig. 18. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Pterophylium alaskense, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 152, pl. xxxviii, 

figs. 19, 20. Lower Cretaceous ; Alaska. 
—— blechniforme, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 212, pl. xxiv, 
fig. 197. Neocomian; Westphalia. 
—— Buchianum, Ettingshausen, 1852 ¢, p. 21, pl. i, fig.1. (= Déioonites 
Buchianus, Bornemann, 1856.) Wealden ; Silesia. 
— californicum, Fontaine in Diller & Stanton, 1894, p. 450 [nomen 
nudum]. Horsetown Beds; California, U.S.A. 

—— concinnum, Heer, 1874 a, p. 68, pl. xiv, figs. 15-20 ; pl. xv, fig. 5 6. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— cretosum, Reich in Cotta, 1836, p. 585; and in Goeppert, 1847, 
p- 862, pl. xxviii, fig. 4. (= Pterozamites (?) cretosus, Miquel, 
1861.) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
— Ernestine, Stiehler, 1857, p. 454; & 1858, p.76, pl.xv. (=Ptero- 
camites Ernestine, Miquel, 1861.) Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— Germari, Otto, 1854, p. 36, pl. v, figs. 3, 4. Quader; Saxony. 
—— Haydenii, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 91; & 1874, p. 49, pl. i, fig. 6. 
(=Podozamites Haydenii, Lesquereux, 1888, and in part = Abietites 
Ernestine, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 49, pl. i, fig. 7.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— lepidum, Heer, 1874, p. 68, pl. xvi, figs. 1-30. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—-~? lowryanum, Ward, 1905, p. 254, pl. Ixvii, fig. 9. 
Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— montanense (Fontaine), Knowlton, 1907, p, 122, pl. xiv, fig. 3, 
(= Zamites montanensis, Fontaine, 1893.) 
Kootanie Formation; Montana, U.S.A, 
— Reichianum, Engelhardt, 1892 a, p. 89, pl. ii, figs. 1, 2. 
Cenomanian; Niederschoena, Saxony, 


Pterophyllum saxonicum, Reichenbach in Geinitz, 1849, p. xxii; and 
in Goeppert, 1847, p. 362, pl. xxxviii, fig. 13. (=Pterozamites (?) 
saxonicus, Miquel, 1861.) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

Pterespermites auriculatus, Heer, 1882, p. 95, pl. xxvii, fig. 4. 

Atane Beds; Greenland, 

—— carolinensis, Berry, 1907, p. 198, pl. xiv, fig. 2. 

Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 

— cordifolius, Heer, 1882, p. 94, pl. xxvii, figs. 2-3. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— credneriifolius, Berry, 1907, p. 199, pl. xiii, fig. 4. 

Middle Cretaceous ; North Carolina, U.S.A. 

— Haydenii, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 802. (= Protophyllum Haydenii, 
Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— longeacuminatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 186, pl. lix, fig. 3. Ibid. 

— modestus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 186, pl. lviii, fig. 5. Ibid. 

—— multinervis, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 802. (= Protophyllum multi- 
nerve, Lesquereux, 1874.) Ibid. 

—— obovatus (Newberry), Berry, 1909, p. 259. (= Protophyllum 
obovatum, Newberry, 1895.) Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

— quadratus, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 301. (=Protophyllum quadratum, 

Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— rugcsus, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 426. (= Protophyllum rugosum, 
Lesquereux, 1874.) Ibid. 
—— Sternbergii, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 425. (= Protophyllum Stern- 
bergii, Lesquereux, 1874.) Ibid. 
— undulatus, Knowlton, 19004, p. 67, pl. xvi, fig. 3; pl. xvii, fig. 2; 
pl. xviii, fig. 4. Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

— Wardii, Knowlton, 19004, p. 66, pl. xv, fig. 4; pl. xvi, fig. 1. Ibid. 
Pterospermum cretaceum, Unger, 1865, p. 376, pl. i, figs. 2-3. 

Cretaceous; Transylvania. 

Pterozamites Ernestine, Miquel, 1861, p. 29. (=Pterophyllum 

Ernestine, Stiehler, 1857.) Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 

—— ?saxonicus, Miquel, 1861, p. 29. (=Pterophyllum saxonicum, 

Reichenbach, 1842.) Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

Puccinites cretaceus, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 26, pl. iii, fig. 14, & 

pp. 48 & 52. (= Uredinites cretaceus, Velenovsky, same work, same 

plate, & p. 29.) Perucer Beds ; Bohemia. 

-Pycnois speciosa, Stenzel, 1872, p.71 [nomennndnum]. Cretaceous (?). 

Pyrus cretacea, Newberry, 1870, p. 12; & 1878, pl. iii, fig. 7; & 1898, 

p. 110, pl. i, fig. 7. Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A, 

Quercophyllum chinkapinense, Ward, 1905, p. 513, pl. cxii, 

figs. 8, 4. Older Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— grossedentatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 307, pl. clvi, fig. 9. Tbid. 
—— tenuinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 308, pl. cxlix, figs. 6, 7. Tbid. 

—— wyomingense, Fontaine in Ward, 1899 3, p. 688, pl. clxix, fig. 6. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 


Quercus acrodon, Lesquereux (zon Massalongo), 1878 z, p. 158, pl. xix, 

figs. 11-13. (= Quercus Lesquereuxiana, Knowlton, 1898.) 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
alnoides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 54, pl. vii, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
anceps, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 96. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

- antiqua, Newberry, 1870, p. 26; & 1898, p. 69, pl. xiii, fig. 2. 

Dakota Group; Utah, U.S.A. 

asymetra, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 165, pl. xxxi, fig. 82, 
Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
banksizefolia, Newberry, 1863, p. 522; & 1898, p. 69, pl. xviii, 

figs. 2-5, Cretaceous ; Washington, U.S.A. 
Benzoin, Lesquereux, 1859, p. 350. (=Persea Leconteana, Les- 
quereux, 1874.) Cretaceous (?); Yancouyer Island, Canada. 

Beyrichii, littingshausen, 1867 a, p. 248, pl. ii, fig. 2. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
calliprinoides, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 182, pl. viii, fig. 9. 
Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
castanoides, Hasius & von der Marek (non Goeppert), 1880, p. 163, 

pl. xxx, figs. 76, 77. Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
colpophylla, Ettingshausen, 1893, p, 184; & 1895, p. 19, pl. i, 
figs. 22, 23, Cretaceous; Australia. 

competens, Lesquereux, 1876 c, p. 370. 
Montana Formation (?); Wyoming, U.S.A. 
coriacea, Newherry, 1863, p. 521; & 1898, p. 73, pl. xix, figs. 1-3 ; 

pl. xx, fig. 5. Lower Cretaceous; Washington, U.S.A. 
cuneata, Hosius (von Newherry, nec Saporta), 1870 4, p. 97, 
pl. xiii, fig. 10. Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 

cuneata, Newberry, 1870, p. 25. Dakofa Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
cuspidigera, Heer, 1883 4, p. 29, pl. lvi, fig. 22. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 39; & 1892, p. 56, pl. vii, fig. 4. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
denticulata, Heer, 1883 4, p. 25, pl. lyi, fig. 16. 
TPatoot Beds; Greenlaud. 
dentonoides, Knowlton, 1900 a, p. 40, pl, vii, fig. 7, 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U 8.A. 
dryandrefolia, von der Marck, 1864, p. 79, pl. xiii, figs. 6-7. 
Upper Senonian ; Westpiatia. 
elliptica, Newberry, 1863, p, 523; & 1598, p. 74, pl. xviii, fig. 1; 
pl. xx, fig. 3. Cretaceous ; Washington, U.S.A. 
ellsworthianus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 96; & 1874, p. 65, pl. vi, 
fig. 7. (=Laurophylium ellsworthianum, Lesquereux, 1892.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A, 
eoprinoides, Berry, 19044, p. 74, pl. iv, fig. 11. 
Matawan FPormation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 


Quercus eucalyptoides, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 140, 148; & 1895, 
p. 18, pl. i, fig. 26. Cretaceous ; Austrailia. 
—— euryphylla, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 160, pl. xxviii, 
figs. 48, 49, 50; pl. xxix, fig. 51. 
Upper Senonian; Haldem, Westphalia. 
— ferox, Heer, 1882, p. 68, pl. xix, fig. 7. ° Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— flexuosa, Newberry, 1863, p.521; & 1898, p. 74, pl. xix, figs. 4-6. 
Cretaceous ; Washington, U.S.A. 
—— formosa, Hosius & yon der Marck, 1880, p. 164, pl. xxxi, fig. 81. 
Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
— glascoena, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 55, pl. vi, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— gracilis, Newberry (on Saporta), 1883, p. 504; & 1898, p. 75, 
pl. Ixvii, fig. 4. Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Hatcheri, Knowlton, 1906, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. xxix, 
p.95. (=Quercus montana, Knowlton, non Willd.) 
Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— hexagona, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 95; & 1874, p. 64, pl. v, fig. 8 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A.- 
—— hieracifolia (Debey), Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 166, 
pl. xxxi, figs. 85-88. (=Dryandroides hieraciifolia, Debey in litt.) 
Upper Senonian; Westphalia. 
— Hollickii, Berry, 1905», p. 71, pl. li, figs. 1, 2. 
Matuwan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— Holmesii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 58. (= Dryophyllum (Quercus) 
Holmesii, Lesquereux, 1883.) 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver, Canada, 
— (Dryophyllum) Hosiana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 57, pl. iii, fig. 14, 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—? iliciformis, Hosius & von der Marck (on Saporta), 1880, p. 165, 
pl. xxxi, fig. 84. Upper Senonian ; Halden, Westphalia, 
-—— Johnstrupi, Heer, 1883 4, p. 24, pl. lvi, figs. 7-11, 114, 12 @. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
— Judithe, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 143, pl. xviii, 
fig. 2. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— kanseana (Lx.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 194 (re-naming Hamamelites 
kansaseana, Lesquereux., 1876 8, and Alnus kanseana, Lx., 1878.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Lanzeana, Heer, 1883 4, p. 24, pl. lvi, figs. 13-15. 
Patoot Beds ; Greenland. 
— latifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 58. (= Dryophyllum latifolium, 
Lesquereux, 1876.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— latissima, Hosius, 1870 a, p. 97, pl. xiii, fig. 11. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia, 
—— Legdensis, Hosius, 1870 a, p. 97, pl. xiii, fig. 7. Ibid: 
—— Lesquereuxiana, Knowlton, 1898, p. 194; & 19004, p. 39, 
11. vii, fig. 1 (re-naming Quercus acrodon, Lesquereux, 1878 z). 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 


Quercus longifolia, Hosius, 1870 , p. 97, pl. xiii, figs. 8-9. 
Senonian ; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— Marioni, Heer, 1883 a, p. 23, pl. lvi, figs. 1-6. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— montana, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 148, pl. xvii, 
fig. 6 (antedated by Willd.= Quercus Hatcheri) 
Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
——? montanensis, Knowlton, 19904, p. 11, pl. i, fig. 10. 
Montana Formation ; Missouri R., U.S.A. 
-—— Mporrisoniana, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 40, pl. xvii, figs. 1-2. 
Dakota Group; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— Mudgii, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 302. (=Profaphyllum Mudgii, 
Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— multinervis, Lesquereux, 1859, p. 360. 
Cretaceous (?); Vancouver Island, Canada. 
— Myrtillus, Heer, 1883, p. 25, pl. lvi, figs. 12 4, 17-20, 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— negundoides, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 292. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— Nelsonica, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 182, pl. viii, fig. 10. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
——? Novee-Casarez, Hollick, 1898 p, p. 131, pl. xiii, figs, 8, 10. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—? (Dryophyllum) occidentalis (Dawson), Knowlton, 1898, 
p. 195 (re-naming Dryophyllum occidentale, Dawson, 1804). 
; Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver, Canada. 
— pachyphylla, Ettingshausen, 1887, p. 181, pl. viii, figs. 8, 8 a. 
is Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 
—— patootensis, Heer, 1883 a, p. 25, pl. lvi, fig. 21. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— paucinervis, Hosius (zon Watelet), 1870 4, p. 98, pl. xiii, fig. 12. 
Senonian; Legden, Westphalia. 
—— platinervis, Lesquereux, 1859, p. 361. 
Cretaceous (?); Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— poranoides, Lesquereux, 1874, p, 66, pl. xxx, fig. 9. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Pratti, Berry, 1907, p. 192, pl. xi, fig. 9. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
—— primordialis, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 95; & 1874, p. 64, pl. v, fig. 7. 
(=Dryophyllum primordiale, Lesquereux, 1883.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— pseudo-chlorophylla, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 148; & 1893, 

p. 17, pl. ii, fig, 10. Cretaceous; Australia, 
— pseudo-drymeja, Velenorsky, 18824, p. 218; & 1883, p. 42, 
pl. x, figs. 21, 22. Senonian ; Bohemia. 

—— raritanensis, Berry, 1909, p. 249 (re-naming Quercus Johnstrupi, 
Newberry (non Heer), 1895, p. 69, pl. xix, fig, 7), 
Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U,S.A. 



Quercus reticulata, Eichwald, 18635, p. 62, pl. iii, fig. 16. 

Cretaccous ; Russia. 
(Dryophyllum) rhamnoides, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 57, pl. xlviii, 

fig. 4. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
rhomboidalis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 165, pl. xxxi, 
fig. 82. Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 

Rinkiana, Ileer, 1882, p. 67, pl. xix, fig. 5. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

robusta, Schulze, 1888, p. 20 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Heidelberg. 
rosmarinifolia, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 134, 148; & 1895, p. 19, 
pl. i, fig. 25. Cretaceous ; Australia. 
salicifolia, Newberry, 1870, p. 24; & 1878, pl. ii, fig. 1; & 1898, 
p. 77, pl. i, fig. 1. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
semi-alatus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 96. (=Anisophyllum semi-alatum, 
Lesquereux, 1874.) Ibid. 
severnensis, Berry, 19101, p. 22, pl. viii, fig. 3. 
Magothy Formation ; Severn River, U.S.A. 
sinuata, Newberry, 1870, p. 27; & 1898, p. 78, pl. xiii, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group ; Utah, U.S.A. 
spathulata, Eichwald, 1865, p. 62, pl. iii, figs. 9, 10. 
Neocomian; Kursk, Russia. 
sphenobasis, Hosius & vonder Marck, 1880, p. 164, pl. xxx, figs. 78- 
80. Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 
spurio-ilex, Knowlton in Lesquereax, 1892, p. 53, pl. xlviii, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Stokesii, Ettingshausen, 1893, pp. 133, 148; & 1895, p. 18, pl. i, 
fig. 21. Cretaceous; Australia. 
suspecta, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 52, pl. xlvii, fig. 7 ; pl. x1 viii, figs. 1, 2. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
thulensis, Heer, 1882, p. 69, pl. xxvi, fig. 7. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 
troglodytis, Heer, 1882, p. 69, pl. xxix, fig. 14. Ibid. 
Velenovskyi, Bayer, 1896, pp. 11, 33, text-figs. 7-9. 

Upper Senonian ; Kieslingswalda, Bohemia, 
venulosa, Eiehwald, 1865, p. 63, pl. iii, fig. 11. 
Neocomian ; Kursk, Russia. 
viburnifolia, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 159, pl. xx, figs. 11, 12. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Victoriz, Dawson, 1883, p. 27, pl. vii, fig. 28. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
Wardiana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 53, pl. vii, fig. 1. - 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Warmingiana, Heer, 1682, p. 68, pl. xix, fig. 6. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

westfalica, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 161, pl. xxix, figs. 52- 
63; pl. xxx, figs. 64-75, Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 


Quercus westfalica latior, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 161, 
pl. xxix, figs. 52-59. Senonian; Haldem, Westphalia. 
—— westfalica oblonga, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 161, 
pl. xxx, figs. 69-75. Ibid. 
— westfalica obtusata, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 161, 
pl. xxix, figs. 60-63 ; pl. xxx, figs. 64-68. Ibid. 
— Wilmsii, Hosius, 1870 a, p- 95, pl. xii, figs. 3-6. 
Senonian; Westphalia. 
—— wyomingiana, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 400. (Name subsequently 
cancelled by author). Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Berry, 1905 5, p. 72, pl. xlvii, fig. 6. (= Quercus sp., Hollick, 
1906 a.) Middle Cretaceous ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Cornuel, 1866, p. 673, pl. xii, fig. 1. Neocomian ; France. 
—— sp., Ettingshausen, 1895, p. 20, pl. i, figs. 27-28, 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1898 p, p. 181, pl. xiv, fig. 9. 
Middle Cretaceous; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1906 a, p. 56, pl. viii, fig. 17. 
Middle Cretacecus; Martha's Vineyard, U.S.A. 

Raphaelia neuropteroides, Debey & Ettingshausen, 18598, p. 220, 
pl. iv, figs. 23-28; pl. v, figs. 18-20. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— Woldrichi, Marik, 1901, p. 3, pl. i, figs. 3-8. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Raritania gracilis (Newberry), Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 26, pl. vi, 
figs. 4-7; pl. ix, figs. 1-4; pl. x, figs. 14-17; pl. xix, figs. 3-6; 
pl. xx, fig. 1. (= renelopsis gracilis, Newb., 1895.) 
Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Raumeria masseiana, Cuapellini & Solms-Laubach in Capellini, 1890, 
p. 446, pl. ii, (=Cycadeoidea masseiana, Capellini & Solms- 

Laubach, 1892.) Cenomanian (?); Italy. 
Ravenalospermum incertissimum, Saporta, 1894, p. 200, pl. xxxvi, 
figs. 13-14. Upper Albian ; Portugal. 

Rhacoglossum dentatum, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
—— heterophyllum, Debey, 1850, p. 117 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
Rhamnites apiculatus, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 171, pl. xxxvii, figs. 8-13. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— minor, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 106, pl. xlii, fig. 36. 
Amboy Clay; U.S.A. 
Rhamnus? acuta, Heer, 1882, p. 78, pl. xli, fig. 6; pl. xlv, fig. 13. 
. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—-- deformatus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 126, pl. xx, fig. 6. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
— discolor, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 398; & 1878, p. 280, pl. lii, fig. 17. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A, 
—— elegans, Newberry, 1870, p. 49; & 1898, p. 117, pl. ], fig. 2. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 


Rhamnus inequilateralis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 170, pl. xxxvii, 
figs. 4-7. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— Mudgei, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 169, pl. xxxvii, figs. 2, 3. Ibid. 

—— Nove-Cesareez, Berry, 1905 », p. 85, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6. 

Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

—— obovatus, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 207; & 18783, p. 281, pl. liv, 
figs. 1, 2. Laramie Formation; New Mexico, U.S.A. 

—— Oearstedi, Heer, 1882, p. 98, pl. xxi, figs. 9, 10. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

— Pfaffiana, Heer, 18834, p. 42, pl. lxiv, fig. 8 

Patoot Beds; Greenland. 

—- prunifolius Lesquereux, 1883, p.85; & 1892, p. 169, pl. xxxv, 
fig. 14. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

~~ revoluta, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 171, pl. lxv, fig. 5. Ibid. 

—-— Rossmaessleri, Unger, 18504, p. 464. (Recorded Hollick, 1893, 
Cretaceous, U.S.A.) 

—— salicifolius, Lesquereux, 18684, p. 206; & 18788, p. 282, pl. liii, 
tigs. 9, 10. Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 

-—— similis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 168, pl. xxxv, figs. 12, 13. 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A, 

—— tenax, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 101; & 1874, p. 109, pl. xxi, fig. 4. 

Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

—— sp. ?, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 175, pl. xxxvi, fig. 181. 

Upper Senonian ; Haldem, Westphalia. 

Rhizocaulon elongatum, Saporta, 1894, p. 94, pl. xv, figs. 5-6; 
& p. 146, pl. xxvi, fig. 6. Valanginian & Urgonian ; Portugal. 

— najadinum, Vater, 1884, p. 833, pl. xxvii, fig. 6. 

Lower Senonian (?); Helmstedt. 

—— vetus, Saporta, 18904, p, 814; 1894, p. 94, pl. xv, fig. 4; pl. xvi, 
fig. 7. Valanginian; Portugal. 

Rhizodendron oppoliense, Goeppert, 1865 8, p. 897; & in Stenzel, 
1886, p. 5, pl. i, figs. 1,3, 5-12; pl. ii; pl. iii, figs. 20-29. (= Rhizo- 
pterodendron oppoliense, Goeppert, 1881, = Caulopteris oppoliensis, 
Stenzel, 1897.) Turonian ; Oppeln. 

Rhizopterodendron oppoliense, Goeppert, 1881, p. 3. (= Rhizoden- 
dren oppolrense, Goeppert, 1865 B.) Turonian ; Silesia. 

Rhodomela diluviana, Agardh, 1824, p. 201. (=Fucoides strictus, 
Brongniart, 1824.) 

Rhodomelites strictus (Agardh MS.), Sternberg, 1833, p. 25. 
(= Fucoides strictus, Brongniart, 1821, = Spherococecites strictus, 
Brongniart, 1828.) Cretaceous; La Rochelle, France. 

Rhodomenites Mantelli, Debey in Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, 
p. 207. (=Spherococcites Mantelli, Roemer, 1841.) 

Planer ; Saxony. 

Rhoidium Ungeri, Mercklin, 1855, p. 21, pl. i, figs. 1, 2; pl. ii. 

Greensand; Russia. 

Rhopala primeeva, Ettingshausen, 1867 4, p. 255, pl. iii, fig. 5. 

Cenomanian; Niedersclioena, Saxony. 


Rhopalophyllum australe, Ettingshausen, 1803, p. 149; & 1895, 

p. 28, pl. iii, figs. 12, 13. Cretaceous; Australia, 
—— Pprimevum, Eitingshausen, 1895, p. 2 [now en nudum), Ibid. 

Rhus antiqua, Bozzi, 1891, p. 377, pl. xvi, fig. 4. Cretaceous (?); Italy. 
—— cretacea, Bozzi (zon Heer, nec Velenoveky) in Tommasi, 1592, p.1119 
{nomen nudum]. Senonian (?); Italy. 
—— cretacea, Heer (xox Velenovsky), 1871 a, p. 14, pl. tii, fig. 11, 
Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
—— cretacea, Velenovsky (non Heer), 1887, p. 68, pl. xxvii, figs. 7-12. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— dens mortis, Bayer, 1893, pp. 19, 42, fig. 13; & Bayer in Fritsch, 
1893, p. 130, text-fig. 185. Cenomanian ; Priesen, Bohemia. 
—— evansii, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 293. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— membranacea, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 369; & 1878n, p. 292, 
pl. lxiv, figs. 6, 7. Montana Formation (?); Wyvming, U.S.A. 
—— microphylla, Heer, 1874, p. 117, pl. xxsii, fig. 18. (Re-named 
Comptonia microphylla by Berry, 1906 4.) 
Atane Beds: Greenland 
—— Powelliana, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 155, pl. lvi, figs. 4, 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— pseudo-Meriani, Lesquereux, 1878 8, p. 293, pl. lviii, fig. 11. 
Laramie Forniation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— Uddeni, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 154, pl. lvii, fig. 2, 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— ? Westii, Knowlton in Lesquereux, 1892, p. 154, pl. xxxviii, 
figs. 9, 10. Thid. 
Rhynchogoniopsis neocomiensis, Neumann, 1907, p. 87, pl. i, fig. 3. 
Neocomian ; Peru, 
Rhytisma hedere, Heer, 1882, p. 20, pl. xxiv, fig. 6a. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Rhytismites hederz, Meschinelli, 1892, p. 781. (=Rhytisma hedere, 
Heer, 1882.) 
Roemeria americana, Unger in Roemer, 1852, p. 95. 
Cretaceous (?); Texas, U.S.A. 
Rogersia angustifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 288, pl. exliii, Sg. 2; 
pl. cxliv, figs. 4, 8; pl. cl, figs. 2-7. 
Pctomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— angustifolia, var. parva, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 523, pl. exi, 
fig. 9. Older Potomac Formation ; Washington, U.S.A. 
—— longifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 287, pl. cxxxix, fig. 6; pl. exliv, fig. 2; 
pl. el, fig. 1; pl. clix, figs. 1, 2. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Rohlfsia celastroides, Schenk, 1883, p. 9, pl. iv, fig. 12. 
Upper Cretaceous; Libyan Desert. 
Rosellinites lapideus (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 204 (re-naming 
Spheria lapideu, Lesquereux, 1873). 
Laramie Fuermation ; Colcrado, U.S.A. 


Rosthornia carinthiaca, Unger, 1842, p. 110. 

Senonian ; Carinthia. 
Royena desertorum, Heer, 1876 8, p. 10, figs. 11-16 (fruits). 

Upper Cretaceous; Egypt. 

Rubiephyllum (Ericophyllum) Gaylussaciz, Bayer, 1893, 
pp. 81, 47, text-fig. 21; & Bayer in Fritsch, 1893, p. 131, text-fig. 192. 
Senonian ; Priesen, Bohemia, 

Sabal Campbelli, Newberry, 1863, p. 515; & 1898, p. 27, pl. xxi, 

figs. 1, 2. Tertiary & Cretaceous; Washington, U.S.A. 
—— grandifolia, Newberry, 1898, p. 28, pl. xxv; pl. Ixiii, fig. 5; pl. lsiv, 
fig. 2, 2a. Laramie Formation; Colorado, U.S.A. 

—— imperialis, Dawson, 1883, p. 26, pl. vi, fig. 23. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
—— rigida, Hatcher, 1901, p. 263, text-fig. 1. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Sabalites andegavensis, hitherto described as Tertiary, said to be 
Senonian by Welsch, 1897, p. 667. 
Sabiocaulis Sakuraii, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 66-70, pl. viii, fig. 
pl. ix, figs. 55-57. Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Sagenopteris elliptica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 149, pl. xxvii, figs. 9, 11-17. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—= latifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 148, pl. xxvii, fig. 10. Ibid. 
—— Mantelli (Dunker), Schenk, 1871 3, p. 222, pl. xxxi, fig. 5. Recorded 
Diller & Stanton, 1894, American Lower Cretaceous. 
—+ neocomiensis, Husius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 210, pl. xliv, 
fig. 194. Neocomian ; Westphalia, 
—— nervosa, Fontainein Ward, 1905, p. 237, pl. lxv, figs. 41-45. 
Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A. 
— nilssoniana (Brongniart), Ward, recorded Penhallow, 1902 8, p. 39. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Queen Charlotte Island, Canada. 
— oblongifolia, Pemhallow, 1902 8, p. 40, text-fig, 2. 
Lower Cretaceous; Queen Charlotte Island, Canada, 
—— oregonensis, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 233, pl. lxv, figs. 36-38 
(re-naming Scgenopteris latifolia, Fontaine in Diller & Stanton, 
& Angiopteridium oreyonense, Fontaine in Stanton.) 
Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A, 
—— variabilis, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 40. (=Thinnfeldia variabilis, 

Velenovsky, 1885.) Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—-— virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 150, pl. exxxviii, fig. 13; pl. exxxix, 
fig. 1. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

—— ? sp., Fontaine in Diller & Stanton, 1894, p. 450; & in Ward, 

1905, p. 238, pl. Ixv, fig. 46. Shasta Formation; California, U.S.A. 
Sagittaria Victor-Masoni, Ward, 1895 4, p. 354, pl. iii, fig. 5. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

Salicinium varians, Hofinann, 1884, p. 191. Danian ; Maestricht. 

Salicinoxylon biradiatum, Lignier, 1907, p. 272, pl. xviii, figs. 18-24; 

pl. xxiii, figs. 84, 02. Cenomanian; Heéve, France. 


Saliciphyllum californicum, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 266, 
pl. Ixix, fig. 9. Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— ellipticum, Fovtaine, 1889, p. 303, pl. exlvi, figs. 2, 4; pl. cl, fig. 8; 
pl. elxiii, fig. 5; pl. elxvi, fig. 2. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— longifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 302, pl. cl, fig. 12. Ibid. 
-—--— pachyphyllum, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 265, pl. Ixix, fig. 8. 
Shasta Formation ; California, U.S.A. 
—— parvifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 803, pl. elxxii, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Krasser, 1896, p. 129, pl. xiii, fig. 4. 
Cenomanian ; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
Salicites angustus, Reuss, ]844, p. 169; & 1846, p. 96, pl. li, figs. 7, 8. 
(=Grevilica Reussii, Ettingshausen, 1851.) Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
-—— fragiliformis, Zenker (see Brongniart, 1849 a, p. 111). 
Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
—— Hartigi, Dunker, 1856, p. 181, pl. xxxiv, fig. 2. Ibid. 
—— Petzeldianus, Goeppert, 1845, p. 220. Cretaceous ; Silesia. 
—? Wahlbergii (Nilsson), Bronguiart, 1849 4, p. 111. 
Cretaceous; Scania, Sweden. 
Salisburia Baynesiana, Dawson, 1883, p. 25, pl. ¥, figs. 21, 214, 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— (Ginkgo) lepida, Dawson, 1886, p. 8, pl. ii, fig. 2. (=Ginkgo 
lepida, Heer, 1876 c.) Kootanie Formation ; British Columbia. 
—— (Ginkgo) nana, Dawson, 1886, p. 8, pl: ii, fig. 3. (Re-named 
Ginkgo nana, Knowlton, 1898.) 
Kootanie Formation ; Coal Creek, Canada. 
—— polymorpha, Lesquereux, 1859; p. 362; & 18788, p. 84, pl. vii, 
figs. 40, 41. Montana Formation; Missouri R., U.S.A. 
—— frimordialis (spelt Salisburea), Heer, 1871, p.1182; & 1874, 
p. 100, pl. xxvit, figs. 1-3. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— pusilla, Dawson, 1894, p. 56, pl. vi, figs. 11-14. (Re-named Ginkgo 
pusilla, Knowlton, 1898.) 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada, 
—— (Ginkgo) sibirica, Dawson, 1886, p. 8, pl. ii, fig. 1. (= Ginkgo 
sibirica, Heer, 1876.) Kootanie Formation ; British Columbia. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1886, p. 18 (nutlets). 
Lowes Laramie Formation ; Canada. 
—— sp., Dawscn, 1886, p. 9, pl. ti, fig. 4. Ibid. 
Salix angusta, Reuss (zon A. Braun), 1844, p. 169. Planer; Bohemia. 
—— assimilis, Saporta, 1894, p. 231, pl. xxxvi, fig. 8a; pl. xxxvii, 
figs. 2-3, 6, 18, 19-20. Upper Albian; Portugal. 
—— cretacea, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 213 {nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Bohemia, 
—— cuneata, Newberry, 1870, p. 21; & 1878, pl. ii, fig. 2 (as Salix 
Mechii) ; & 1898, p. 59, pl. ii, figs. 1, 2. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A, 


Salix deleta, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 49, pl. ili, fig. 8. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— eutawensis, Berry, 1910a, p. 93, pl. xxii, figs. 1-11. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 
~— flexuosa, Newberry, 1870, p. 21; & 1878, pl. i, fig. 4; & 1898, 
p. 56, pl. ii, fig. 4; pl. xiii, figs. 3,4; pl. xiv, fig. 1. (Re-named 
8. proteefolia flexuosa (Newberry), Lesquereux, 1892.) 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
~— foliosa, Newberry, 1898, p. 57, pl. xiii, figs. 5, 6. 
Cretaceous; New Mexico. 
~—— fragiliformis, Zenker, 1833, p. 22, pl. iii, fig. H. (= Myrica 
Jragiliformis, Engelhardt, 1892 4, = Dryandreides Zenkeri, Ettings- 
hausen, 1867 a.) Quadersandstein ; Blankenburg, Saxony. 
+— Goetziana, Heer, 1871 4, p. 11, pl. iii, figs. 3, 4. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
~— Hayei, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 48, pl. iii, fig. 7. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— inequalis, Newberry, 1895, p. 67, pl. xvi, figs. 1, 4, 6; pl. xvii, 
figs. 2-7. Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— infracretacica, Saporta, 1894, p. 182, pl. xxxi, fig. 18. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— laramiana, Dawson, 1887, p. 28, pl. i, fig. 10. 
Upper Laramie [formation ; Canada. 
— Lesquereuxii, Berry, 1909, p. 252 (re-naming Salix proteefolia, 
et var, Lesquereux, 1868 & 1896). 
Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— macrophylla, Reuss, 1844, p. 169. (=Proteoides Reussi, Engel- 
hardt, 1892.) Cretaceous; Perutz, Bohemia. 
—— mattewanensis, Berry, 1905 z, p. 68, pl. li, fig. 5. 
Matawan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— Meekii, Newberry, 1870, p. 19; & 1878, pl. i, fig. 3 (as S. cuneata) ; 
& 1898, p. 58, pl. ii, fig. 3. Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— membranacea, Newberry, 1870, p. 19; & 1878, pl. i, figs. 5-8a. 
(=8. raritanensis, Berry, 1909.) 
Lower Cretaceous; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
——- nervillosa, Heer in Capellini & Heer, 1867, p. 15, pl. i, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— Newberryana, Hollick in Newberry, 1895, p. 68, pl. xiv, figs. 2-7. 
Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— pacifica, Dawson, 1883, p. 26, pl. vii, fig. 24. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— perucensis, Velevovsky, 1887, p. 71, pl. xxviii, figs. 1-3. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
— protezfolia, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 94; & 1874, p. 60, pl. v, figs. 
1-3. (Re-named Salix Lesquereurii by Berry, 1909.) 
Dakota Group ; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— protezfolia flexuosa (Newberry), Lesquereux, 1892, p. 50, 
pl. lxiv, figs. 4, 5. (=S. flexuosa, Newberry, 1870.) Ibid. 


Salix proteefolia lanceolata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 50, pl. Ixiv, figs. 
6-8 Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— protezfolia linearifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 49, pl. lxiv, figs. 
1-2, Ibid. 
—— protezefolia longifolia, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 50, pl. Ixiv, fig. 9. 
(Re-named Salix Lesquereuxti by Berry, 1909.) Ibid. 
—— pseudo-Hayei (Newberry), Berry, 1909, p. 251 (naming Salix sp., 
Newberry, 1896, p. 68, pl. xlii, figs. 6-8.) 
2 Raritan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— purpuroides, Hollick, 1894 4, p. 50, pl. clxxiv, fig. 9. 
Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— raritanensis (Newberry), Berry, 1909, p. 250 (re-naming Saliz 
membranacea, Newberry, 1868). 
Raritan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
——- retinenda, Saporta, 1894, p. 182, pl. xxxi, fig. 19. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— Schoene, Engelhardt, 1892 a, p. 96, pl. ii, figs. 8, 9. 
Quader ; Freiberg, Saxony. 
—— Stanteni, Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 38, pl. vi, fig. 6. 
Montana Formation; Utah, U.S.A. 
—— Vasseuri, Marion, 1890, p. 1054 [nomen nudum]. 
Turonian; Martigues, France. 
—  ? Wahlbergii, Nilsson, 1832, p. 347, pl. i, figs. 5, 6. 
Greensand ; Scania, Sweden. 
—— sp., Dawson, 1893, p. 57, pl. vii, fig. 22. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1893, p. 32, pl. ii, figs. 15, 16. 
Middle Cretaceous; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
— ? sp., Hollick, 1894, p. 63, pl. clxxx, fig. 6. Ibid. 
—— sp., Knowlton, 1900, p. 39, pl. vii, fig. 2. 
Montana Formation ; Utah, U.S.A. 
— sp,, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 51, pl. viii, fig. 6 (fruit). 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Roemer, 1889, p. 144, pl. xii, figs. 5-6, Senonian ; Silesia. 
Salvertia transylvanica, Unger, 1865, p. 377, pl. i, fig. 7. 
Cretaceous ; Transylvania. 
Salvinia attenuata, Lesquereux, 1876 c, p. 3877. (=Marsilea attenuata, 

Hollick, 1894 p.) Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— elliptica, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 18943, p. 255, pl. cey, figs. 14, 
144, 15. Upper Cretaceous (?); Washington, U.S.A. 

Santalum Nove-Cesaree, Berry, 19068, p. 182; & 19064, p. 153, 
pl. xx, fig. 7; pl. xxii, fig. 3. 
Magothy Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Sapindophyllum apiculatum, Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 51, 54, 57. 
(=Sapindus apiculatus, Velenovsky, 1886.) 
—— brevior, Saporta, 1894, p. 205, pl. xxxvii, fig. 11. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 


Sapindophyllum coriaceum, Ettingshausen, 1887 a, p. 187, pl. ix, 
figs. 22-23. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand. 

— pelagicum, Unger in Velenovsky, 1886, p. 7. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— subapiculatum, Saporta, 1894, p. 2U5, pl. xxxvi, figs. 10-11; 
pl. xxxvii, figs. 4-5, 10 a, 17. Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
Sapindopsis brevifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 300, pl. clvii, fig. 4; 

pl. elv, figs. 1, 7; pl. elxiti, fig. 3. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

— cordata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 296, pl. cxlvii, fig. 1. Ibid. 
— elliptica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 297, pl. exlvii, fig. 3. Thid. 
—— magnifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 297, pl. eli, figs. 2,3; pl. clii, figs. 
2,3; pl. cliii, fig. 2; pl. cliv, figs. 1, 5; pl. clv, fig. 6. Ibid. 
— obtusifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 301, pl. elvi, fig. 13; pl. clix, figs. 
3-6. Ibid, 

—— oregonensis, Fontaine, 19054, p. 268, pl. Ixix, figs, 15-17. (Re- 
named by Berry, 1910 v, Nidssonia oregonensis.) 
Shasta Formation; Oregon, U.S.A. 
—— parvifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 300, pl. cliv, fig. 6. ; 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

—— tenuinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 301, pl. cliti, fig. 1. Ibid, 
— variabilis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 298, pl. cli, fig. 1; pl. clii, figs. 1, 4; 
pl. eliii, fig. 3; pl. cliv, figs. 2-4; pl. cly, figs. 2-6. Thid. 

Sapindus apiculatus, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 53, pl. xxii, figs. 1-8. 
(= Sapindophyllum apiculatum, Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
—— diversifolius, Lesquereux, 1892, p, 158, pl. lxiv, fig. 18. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— imperfectus, Hollick, 1905, p. 415, pl. Ixxviii, fig. 4. 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
— inexpectans, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 144, 
pl. xvii, fig. 7. Judith River Beds; Montana, U.S.A. 
—-- Morrisoni, Lesquereux MS. in Heer, 1882, p. 95, pl. xl, fig. 1; 
pl. xli, figs. 1a, 1; pl. xliii, figs. la, 10; pl. xliv, figs. 7-8; & in 
Lesquereux, 1883, p. 83, pl. xvi, figs. 1, 2. 
Dakota Group: Colorado, U.S.A. 
— prodromus, Heer, 1871, p. 1184; & 18744, p. 117, pl. xxxiv, fig. 5, 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— saxonicus, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 101, pl. ii, fig. 14. 
Quader ; Freiberg, Saxony. 
Sapotacites Haydenii, Heer in Meek & Hayden, 1859, p. 265, 
, Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— hyperboreus, Heer, 1883 4, p. 32, pl. Ixi, figs. 7-9. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— Knowltoni, Berry, 1906 8, p. 181, pl. viii, fig. 1. (= Sapotacites 
sp. (?), Lesquereux, 1892.) Magothy Formation ; Delaware, U.S.A. 
—— nervillosus, Heer, 1883 a, p. 32, pl. lsi, fig. 11. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 


Sapotacites obovata, Velenovsky, 18824, p. 213; & 1886, p. 50, 
pl. xviii, fig. 6. (=Sapotophyllum obovatum, Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
—— retusus, Heer (non Massalongo), 1883 4, p. 32, pl. Isi, fig. 10. 
(=Liriodendropsis retusa (Heer), Hollick, 1906 a.) 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— Stelzneri, Engelhardt, 1892 a, p. 98, pl. ii, fig. 12. 
Quader; Freiberg, Saxony. 
—— sp. ?, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 114, pl. Ixv, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Sapotophyllum obovatum, Velenovsky, 1889, pp. 50, 54, 58. 
(= Sapotacites ohovata, Velenovsky, 1882 a.) 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Sarcostrobilus Paulini, Fliche, 1900, pp. 19-23, pl. i, figs. 2-4. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Haute-Marne, France. 
Sargassites Lyngbianus (Brongniart), Sternberg, 1833, p. 36. 
(=Fucoides Lyngbianus, Brongniart, 1828.) Cretaceous; Arnager. 
—— Rosthorni, Sternberg, 1833, p. 36, pl. xxv, fig. 6, 
Lower Cretaceous; Carinthia, 
Sassafras acutilobum, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 79, pl. xiv, figs. 1, 2. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A, 
— angustilobum, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 77, pl. xxix, figs. 1-3. 
Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—— arctica, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 18744, p. 109, pl. xxxi, figs. a, 

3D. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— bilobatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 290, pl. elvi, fig. 12; pl. elxiv, 
fig. 4. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

-—— cretaceum, Newberry, 1870, p. 14; & 1878, pl. vi, figs. 14; & 
1898, p. 98, pl. vi, figs. 1-4; pl. vii, figs. 1-3; pl. viii, figs. 1, 2. 

Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A, 

— cretaceum dentatum, Lesquereux, 1876, p. 344; & 1874, pl. xi, 

figs. 1, 2. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.8.A. 
— cretaceum grossedentatum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 101, pl. li, 
fig. 5. Ibid. 

— cretaceum heterolobum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 289, pl. elii, fig. 5; 
pl. clix, fig. 8; pl. clxiv, fig. 5. 

Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

— cretaceum obtusum, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 80, pl. xii, fig. 3; 

pl. xiii, fig. 1. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— cretaceum recurvatum (Lesquereux), Newberry, 1898, p. 99, 
pl. ix, fig. 2. (=8S. recurvatum, Lesquereux, 1873.) Ibid, 
—— (Araliopsis) dissectum, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 57; & 1892, p. 101, 
pl. xiv, fig. 1. Tbid. 
—— (Araliopsis) dissectum symmetrieum, Hollick, 1895, p. 226, 
pl. cexxxvi. Ibid. 

—— harkeriana (sic), Lesquereux, 1873, p, 425; & 1874, p. 81, pl. xi, 
figs. 8-4; pl. xxvii, fig. 2. Thid, 


Sassafras hastatum, Newberry, 1895, p. 88, pl. xxvii, figs. 4-6; 
pl. xxviii, figs. 1,2; pl. xl, fig. 4. Amboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
—— Krejcii, Velenovsky, 1882 4, p. 213 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
—— Leconteanum, Lesquereux, 1869, p. 431, pl. xxiii, fig. 1. (=Persea 
Leconteana, Lesquereux, 1874.) Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— (Araliopsis) mirabilis, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 424; & 1874, p. 80, 
pl. xii, fig. 1. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Mudgii, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 99; & 1874, p. 78, pl. xiv, figs. 3, 4; 
pl. xxx, fig. 7. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
—— obtusum, Lesquereux, 1872, p. 303; & 1874, p. 81, pl. xiii, 
figs. 2-4. Tbid. 
—— (Araliopsis) papillosum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 102, pl. vi, fig. 7, 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— parvifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 289, pl. cxxxix, fig. 7. 
Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— Paulini, Fliche, 1900, p. 15, pl. i, figs. 2-5. Neocomian ; France. 
—— Pfaffiana, Heer, 1883, p. 29, pl. ly, fig. 18. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— (Araliopsis) platanoides, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 58, pl. vii, fig. 1. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— ? primordiale, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 100, pl. xvi, fig. 10. Ibid. 
—— progenitor, Newberry MS. (?) in Hollick, 18944, p. 53, pl. elxxiv, 
fig. 1; & Newberry, 1895, p. 88, pl. xxvii, figs. 1-3. 
Cretaceous ; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— protophyllum, Saporta, 1894, p. 182, pl. xxsi, fig. 17. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
—— (Araliopsis) recurvatum., Lesquereux, 1873, p. 424. (=Platanus 
recurvata, Lesquereux, 1874, and 8S. cretaceum recurvatum (Les- 
quereux), Newberry, 1898.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— (Araliopsis) rotvndilobum, Newberry in Ward, 1895 a, p. 380. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— subintegrifolium, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 99; & 1874, p. 82, pl. iii, 
fig. 5. Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— sp., Dawson, 1883, p. 27, pl. vii, figs. 30, 30 a. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
Saururopsis niponensis, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 58-62, pl. vii, 
figs. 42-47 ; text-fig. 19. Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Schizeopteris mesozoica, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 6-10, text-figs. 
1-3, pl. ii, phot. 1. Ibid. 
Schizoneuropsis posthuma, Richter, 1906, p. 13, pl. vi, fig. 10. 
Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
Sclerophyllina cretosa (Schenk), Heer, 1874, p. 59, pl. xiii, figs. 13, 
14; pl. xvii, fig. 12; & p. 124, pl. xxxv, figs. 8-10, (=Baiera 
eretosa, Schenk, 1871 a.) Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— cretosa major, Heer, 18744, p. 124, pl. xxxv, figs. 9-10. 
Cretaceous ; Spitzbergen, 


Sclerophyllina dichotoma, Heer, 1868, p. 82, pl. xliv, fig. 6. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
Scleropteris bellidula, Heer, 1874 a, p. 35, pl. ii, figs. 17 ¢, 17d, 18; 
pl. xi, fig. 8. Ibid. 
-—— callosa, Schulze, 1888, p. 15 [nomen nudum]. Senonian ; Salzberg. 
—— debilior, Saporta, 1894, p. 107, pl. xis, fig. 14. 
Neocomian (?); Portugal. 
—— dentata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 153, pl. lxiii, figs. 3, 4. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— distantifolia, Fontaine in Ward, 18998, p. 662, pl. clsii, figs. 2, 3. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— elliptica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 151, pl. xxviii, figs. 2, 4,6; pl sxix, 

fig. 1. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
——- elliptica, var. longifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 152, pl. xxviii, fig. 7. 

—— rotundifolia, Fontaine in Ward, 12998, p. 663, pl. elxii, figs. 4, 5. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— vernonensis, Ward, 1895 a, p. 349, pl. ii, figs. 1-3. 
: Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— virginica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 152, pl. xxviii, figs. 3, 5. Ibid. 
Sclerotites sp., Geinitz, 1842, p. 99, pl. xxiv, figs. 1-3. 
: Cenomanian ; Saxony. 
— sp. (Lx.), Meschinelli, 1895, p. 659. (= Sclerotium (?) sp., Les- 
Sclerotium ? sp., Lesquereux, 1892, p. 28, pl. lix, figs. 4, 4a. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Scolopendrium cfficinarum dedaleum, Cotta, 1836, p. 586. 
Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 
Sedites ?) Rabenhorstii, Geinitz, 1842, p. 97, pl. xxiv, fig. 5. 
Planer; Streblen, Dresden, 
Selaginella arctica, Heer, 1882, p. 39, pl. xiii, fig. 5. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— dichotoma, Velenovsky, 1888 8, p. 29, pl. vi, figs. 8-11. 
Perucer Beds ; Vyserovic, Bohemia, 
—— ?falcata, Lesquereux, 1876c, p. 865; & 18783, p. 48, pl. lxi, 

figs. 12-15, Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— laciniata, Lesquereux, 1676, p. 378; & 18788, p. 47, pl. Ixiv, 
figs. 12, 124. Ibid. 

—— marylandica, Fontaine in Ward, 18085, p. 553, pl. cxv, figs. 9, 10. 
Older Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 
Sequoia acuminata, Lesquereux, 1876 ¢, p. 384. 
Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— acutifolia, Newberry, 1891, p. 200, pl. xiv, figs. 7, 7 a. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A, 
— albertensis, Penhallow, 1908, p. 83, figs. 1-6. 
Judith River Series; Alberta, Canada, 
— ambigua, Heer, 18744, p. 78, pl. xxi, figs. 1, 2a, 8-8, 9a, 10a, 
b,¢, 11. Kome Beds; Greenland, 


Sequoia biformis, Lesquereux, 1876, p. 366; & 18788, p. 80, pl. Ixii, 
figs. 15-18. (Re-named Geinitzia biformis, Knowlton, 1900 a.) 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— brevifolia, Heer, 1868, p. 93, pl. ii, fig. 23. Ibid. 
—— concinna, Heer, 1883 a, p. 13, pl. xlix, figs. 83, 8c; pl. 1, fig. 14; 
pl. li, figs. 2-10; pl. lii, figs. 1-3; pl. lili, fig. 1d. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— condita, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 391; & 18768, p. 335, pl. iv, 
figs. 5-7. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Couttsiz, Heer, 1863, p. 1051, pls. lix, lx, xi. Tertiary. 
(Recorded American Cretaceous, Hollick, 1892, p. 30, pl. i, fig. 5.) } 
— crispa, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 22, pl. x, figs. 5-7, 9, 14, 16. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— cuneata, Newberry, 1898, p. 18, pl. xiv, figs. 3-4 a. 
Upper Cretaceous; Canada. 
— cycadopsis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 243, pl. exii, figs. 9-11; pl. exiii, 

figs. 1-3. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— delicatula, Fontaine, 1889, p. 247, pl. cxxi, fig. 3. Tbid. 
— densifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 246, pl. cxxi, fig. 4. Ibid. 

—— Fairbanksi, Fontaine, 1905, p. 178, pl, xlvi, figs. 9-11. 
Lower Cretaceous; California, U.S.A. 
—— fastigiata (Sternberg), Heer, 1869, p. 11, pl. i, figs. 10-13. 
(= Caulerpites fastigiatus, Sternberg, 1833.) 
Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 
— formosa, Lesquereux, 1868, p. 92; & 1874, p. 50, pl. i, fig. 9. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— Goepperti (Dunker), Schulze, 1888, p. 19 [nomen nudum}. 
Senonian ; Altenburg. 
— gracilis, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 18744, p. 80, pl. xviii, fig. Le; 
pl. xxii, figs. 1-10. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— eracilis laxa, Heer, 1874, p. 82, pl. xxii, fig. 10. Tbid. 
—— gracillima (Lx,), Newberry, 1895, p. 50, pl. ix, figs. 1-3. 
Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— heterophylla, Velenovsky, 1885, p, 22, pl. xiii, figs. 2-4, 6-9; 
pl. xiii, fig. 12, Perucer Beds; Boliemia. 
— ?inferna, Ward, 1905, p, 507 (naming Sequoia sp. (?), Fontaine, 
1889, p. 248, pl. exvi, fig. 7; pl. exxxii, figs. 2, 5, 6). 
Lower Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— intermedia, Richter, 1904, p. 15, pl. i, fig. 8; & 1905, p. 5, pl. i, 
fig. & Senonian ; Saxony, 
—  Langsdorfii (Brongn,), Heer, 1883 a, p. 15, pl. liii, fig. 8. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—- legdensis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 180, pl. xxxvii, 

fig. 147. Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
— lepidota, Bayer in Fritsch, 1893, p. 129, text-fig. 180; & Bayer, 
1893, pp. 8, 37, figs. 6, 7, 8. Senonian ; Priesen, Bohemia. 


Sequoia longifolia, Lesquereux, 1876 ¢, p. 365; & 1878 8, p. 79, pl. vii, 
figs. 14, 14.@; pl. 1xi, figs. 28, 29, (Re-named Geinitzia longifolia, 
Knowlton, 1900 a.) Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

—— lusitanica, Heer, 1881, p. 18, pl. xvii, figs. 7 6, c, 7 bd, 9. 

5 Cretaceous; Portugal. 

— macrolepis, Heer, 1883, p. 16, pl. li, figs. 1, 12d. 

Patoot Beds; Greenland. 

—— major, Velenovsky, 1888 4, p. 594, figs. 4-6 on unnumb. pl. 

Cenomanian; Bohemia. 

-— microcarpa, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 24, pl. x, figs, 2, 3. Ibid. 

— minor, Velenovsky, 1887 a, p. 638, figs. 11, 12 on plate. Ibid. 

—— moravica, Krasser & Kubart, 1906 8, p. 46 [nomen nudum]. 

Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia. 

—— oblonga, Marik, 1901, p. 8, pl. i, fig. 21. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

—— pectinata, Heer, 1871, p. 8, pl. i, fig. 8. 

Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 

—— pogiophylloides, Fontaine, 1894, p. 276, pl. xlii, figs. 1-3. 

Trinity Division; Texas, U.S.A. 

—— Reichenbachi (Geinitz), Heer, 1868, p. 83, pl. xliii, figs. 1d, 27, 
5a, 5d, 5dd, 8, 8b; & Geinitz, 1875 a, p. 306, pl. Ixvii, fig. 6. 
(= Araucarites Reichenbachi, Geinitz, 1842, = Geinitzia Reichen- 
bachi, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909.) Kome Beds; Greenland. 

— Reichenbachi longifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 244, pl. cxvii, 
fig. 8. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

—— Reichenbachi Rabenhorsti (Geinitz), Heer, 1871, p. 1181 
[nomen nudum]. Kome Beds ; Greenland. 

—— rigida, Heer, 1871, p. 1182; & 18744, p. 80, pl. xxii, figs. 5g, lla; 
pl. xxv, fig. 6. Atane Beds & Kome Beds; Greenland. 

—— Smittiana, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 18744, p. 82, pl. xii, fig. 100; 
pl. xvii, figs. 3, 4; pl. xviii, fig. 10; pl. xx, figs. 56, 7c; pl. xxiii, 
figs. 1-6. Ibid. 

— subulata, Heer, 1871, p. 1182; & 1874 4, p. 102, pl. xxvii, figs. 34, 
7, 8b, 15a; pl. xxviii, figs. 3-6; pl. xxix, figs. 2c, 7b; pl. xsxiv, 
fig. la. Atane Beds; Greenland. 

— subulata lusitanica, Saporta, 1894, p. 177, pl. xxxiii, figs. 7-12. 

Albian ; Portugal. 

— Winchellii, Lesquereux in: Winchell, 1885, p. 76; & Lesquereus, 

- 1895, p. 10, pl. A, fig. 1. Dakota Group ; Minnesota, U.S.A. 
—- Woodwardii (Carr.), Schimper, 1872, p. 316. (= Sequotites Wood- 
wardii, Carruthers, 1866 B.) Upper Greensand ; Dorset, 

—— sp., Fontaine, 1889, p. 247, pl. cxx, fig. 9. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Fontaine in Ward, 18998, p. 676, pl. clxvi, figs. 3, 4. 
Lowest Cretaceous ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Fontaine, 1889, p- 248, pl. exvi, fig. 7; pl. cxxxii, figs. 2, 5, 6. 
(=Sequoiu? inferna, Ward, 1905.) 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 


Sequoia sp,, Hollick, 1905, p. 410, pl. Ixxii, fig. 2. 
Middle Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Hollick, 1906 a, p. 44, pl. ii, fig. 42 (cone)." 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—— sp.?, Knowlton in Stanton & Hatcher, 1905, p. 131, pl. xiv, fig. 2 
(cone). Judith River Beds; Aiberta, Canada. 
—— sp. ?, Newberry, 1895, p. 49, pl. ix, figs, 4, 4a. 
Amboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Sequoiites Gardneri, Carruthers, 1869, p. 7, pl. i, figs. 7, 8. 
Gault ; Folkestone. 
—— Holsti, Nathorst in Conwentz, 1892, p. 28, pl. iii, figs. 4-5: pl. iv, 
figs. 1-4; pl. viii, figs. 2-7. Senonian ; Sweden. 
——: ovalis, Carruthers, 1871, p. 541, text-fig. Gault; Folkestone. 
-—— polyanthes, Marik, 190], p. 9, pl. ii, fig. 1. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
—— Woodwardii, Carruthers, 18668, p. 544, pl. xxi, figs. 11-16. 
Upper Greensand ; Blackdown. 
Sequoiopsis speciosa, Richter, 1899 n, p. 44. 
Senonian: Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
Serenopsis Kempii, Hollick, 18938, p. 169, pl. exlix. (=Nelumba 
Kenpii, Hollick, 1905 c.) Formation (?); Long Island, U.S.A. 
Sillimania texana, Unger, 1850 a, p. 524: & in Roemer, 1852, p. 95. 
Cretaceous (?); Texas, U.S.A. 
Simaba ? saxonica, Engelhardt, 18924, p. 102, pl. ii, fig. 6. 
Quader; Freiberg, Saxony. 
Smilax grandifolia-cretacea, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 40, pl. xlvi, fig. 3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— panartia, Bayer, 1896, pp. 8, 32, fig. 5. 
Upper Senonian ; Kieslingswalda, Bohemia. 
-— raritanensis, Berry, 1909, p. 248. Raritan Formation ; U.S.A. 
— undulata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 39, pl. xlvi. fig. 2. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Solenostelopteris japonica, Kershaw, 1910, p. 689. pl. Iviii & text- 
fig. Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Sparganium cretaceum, Heer, 18744, p. 105, pl. xxviii, fig. 12. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Spathites sp., Knowlton, 1897, p. 140. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Spheria cretacea, Heer, 18834, p. 1, pl. Ix, fig. 2. 
eretaceus, Meschinelli, 1892.) Patoot Reds; Greenland. 
—-- lapidea, Lesquereux, 1872, p.373. (=Spherites lapideus, Meschi- 
nelli, 1892, & Posellinites lapideus, Knowlton, 1898.) 
Laramie Formation; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
—— myrice, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 390. (=Spherites myrice, Meschi- 
nelli, 1892.) Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—- phyllostichoides, Saporta, 1894, p. 156, pl. xxviii, fig. 1. 

Albian; Portugal. 

(= Spherites 


Spheria problematica, Know!ton in Lesquereux, 1892, p. 23, pl. xxxi, 
figs. 2,2a. (=Spherites problematicus, Meschinelli, 1895.) 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— rhytismoides, Lesquereux, 18764, p. 382. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Spherites cretaceus (Heer), Meschinelli, 1892, p. 753. (=Spheria 
cretacea, Heer, 1883 a.) Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— lapideus (Lesquereux), Meschinelli, 1892, p. 766. (=Spheria 
lapidea, Lesquereux, 1873.) 
—-— myricz (Lesquereux), Meschinelli, 1892, p..759. (=Spheria 
myrice, Lesqnereux, 1873.) Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— primevus, Goeppert, 1836, p. 87 [nomen nudum]. 
— problematicus, Meschinelli, 1895, p. 657. (=Spheria prohlem- 
atica, Knowlton, 1892.) Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—-- solitarius, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 a, p. 213, pl. ili, figs. 4 e-g. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
Sphzerococcites centralis, Goeppert, 1851, p. 46; & 1854, p. 229, 
pl. iii. Quader ; Westphalia. 
—— cornutus, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum). 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— Laubei, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 91, pl. i, fig. 1. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia, 
—— lesinensis, Unger, 1869, p. 56, pl. v, fig. 1. 
Cretaceous ;- Dalmatia. 
—— lichenoides, Goeppert, 1865, p. 642 [nomen nudum]. 
Quader; Germany. 
—— Mantelli, Roemer, 1841, p. 1, pl. i, fig. 2. (=Rhodomenites 
Mantelli, Debey, = Chondrites Mantelli, Geinitz, 1850 a.) 
Planer; Saxony. 
—— Meyrati, Fischer-Ooster, 1858, p. 56, pl. iv, fig. 4. 
Neocomian ; Switzerland. 
—— Mohli, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
— pinnatifidus, Unger, 1850, p. 27; & 1853, p. 80, pl. xxiv, fig. 7. 
Cretaceous; Bavaria. 
—— strictus, Agardb MS. in Brongniart, 1828, p. 52. (= Rhodomelites 
strictus, Sternberg.) Cretaceous; La Rocheile, France. 
—— striolatus, Presl in Sternberg, 1825, p. 105, pl. xxvii, fig. 3; pl. lxv, 
figs. 32, 33. Tertiary. (Recorded Otto, 1852 ?, p. 14, pl. iv, fig. 1.) 
Lower Quader; Dippoldiswalde 
Sphenaspis statenensis, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 51, pl. x, figs. 22, 
23; pl. xxvi, figs. 2-4. Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A 
Sphenolepidium debile, Heer, 1881, p. 20, pl. iii, figs. 20, 21, 20. 
Cretaceous; Portugal. 
— dentifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 258, pl. cxxvii, figs, 8, 4; 
pl. exxviii, figs. 2-6 ; pl. oxxix, fig. 5; pl. exxx, figs. 4-6, 10 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 


Sphenolepidium Kurrianum (Dunker), Heer, 1881, p. 19, pl. xiii, 
figs. 16, 8b; pl. xviii, figs. 1-8. (=Thwites Kurrianus, Dunker, 
1846.) Cretaceous; Almargem, Portugal. 

—— pachyphyllum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 259, pl. exxxi, figs. 6, 7. 

Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S,A. 

—— parceramosum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 257, pl. cxxix, fig. 7; pl. exxx, 

fig. 8; pl. exxvi, fig. 2. Ibid. 
—- recurvifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 258, pl. exxvii, fig. 2; pl. exxx, 
figs. 2, 7. Ibid. 

—— Sternbergianum (Dunker), Heer, 1881, p. 19, pl. siii, figs. 2-8, la; 
pl. xiv. (=Sphenolepis Sternbergiana (Dunker), Schenk, 1871.) 
Lower Cretaceous ; Portugal. 
—— Sternbergianum, var. densifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 261, 
pl. exviii, fig. 7; pl. exxi, figs. 5, 7, 9; pl. exxv, fig. 2; pl. exxix, 
fig. 3; pl. cxxx, fig. 1; pl. exxxi, figs. 1-3; pl. cxxxii, fig. 4. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— virginicum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 259, pl. cxxv, fig. 4; pl. elxvi, 
fic. 6. Ibid. 
— sp., Dawson, 1893, p. 90, text-fig. 13. 
Kootanie Formation ; North-West Terr: ritory, Canada. 
Sphenolepis Kurriana, Schenk, 1871, p. 243, pl. xxxvii, figs. 5-8; 
pl. xxxviii, fig. 1. (=Sphenolepidium Kurrianum (Dunker), Heer, 
1881.) Wernsdorfer Beds; Carpathians. 
—— Sternbergiana (Dunker), Schenk, 1871 8, p. 243, pl.xxxvii, figs. 3, 4; 
pl. xxxvili, figs. 3-13. (=Sphenolepidium Sternhergianum (Dunker), 
Heer, 1881.) Wealden ; Germany. 
Bphenopteniaren tenerum, Marik, 1901, p. 7, pl. i, fig. 17. 
Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 
Sphenopteris acrodentata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 90, pl. xxxiv, fig. 4. 
Potomae Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— acutidens, Saporta, 1894, p. 128, pl. xxiii, fig. 4. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
—— aneimizformis, Saporta, 1894, p. 128, pl. xxiii, 3a. Ibid. 
—— angustiloba, Heer, 1881, p. 14, ‘ph xvi, figs. 1, 2 
Grocevite Portugal. 
—— asplenifolia, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 267. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
— capillaris, Saporta, 1894, p. 74, pl. xvii, figs. 19-21. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— cercalensis, Saporta, 1894, p. 126, pl. xxiv, figs. 4-6; pl. xxv, 

fig, 20 Urgonian ; Portugal, 
~—— Choffatiana infracretacica, Saporta, 1894, p. 67, pl. xvii, 
figs. 11-13. Neocomian ; Portugal, 

—— corrugata, Newberry, 1870, p. 10; & 1878, pl. ii, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 
— crennlaris Saporta 1894, p, 160, pl. xxix, fig. 13; pl. xxx, fig. 12. 

Albian ; Portugal, 


Sphenopteris cuneifida, Saporta in Choffat, 1889, p. 200; & Saporta, 
1894, p. 69, pl. xvi, fig. 11, & p. 127, pl. xxiii, fig. 5. 
Valanginian & Urgonian ; Portugal. 
—— debiliformis, Saporta, 1894, p. 67, pl. xviii, fig. 15. 
Neocomian ; Portugal. 
-— debilior, Saporta, 1894, p. 161, pl. xxviii, fig. 5. Albian; Portugal. 
—— debilis, Heer (zon (Sternberg), Unger), 1871, p.1181 [nomen nudum]. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
-—— dissectiformis, Saporta, 1894, p. 68, pl. xv, fig. 18; pl. xvi, figs. 

22-23. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—- Drygalskii, Engelhardt in Vanhéffen, 1897, pp. 863, 371, text- 
fig. 27. Kome Beds ; Greenland. 

—— elongata, Newberry, 1863, p. 511. 
Laramie Formation (?) ; Washington, U.S.A. 
—— flabellina, Saporta, 1894, p. 160, pl. xxviii, figs. 3, 6; pl. xxix, 
fig. 16. Albian; Portugal. 
-—— flabellinervia, Saporta, 1894, p. 70, pl. xv, fig. 20. 

Valanginian ; Portugal, 

——- flabellisecta, Saporta, 1894, p. 69, pl. xv, figs. 14-15. Ibid. 
—— fragilis, Heer (zon (Schlotheiu), Brongniart), 1874, p. 34, pl. ii, 
figs. 20, 20 d. Kome Beds; Greenland. 

— ginkgoides, Saporta, 1894, p. 68, pl. xv, fig. 13. 
Valanginien; Portugal. 
—— Goepperti, Dunker. Recorded Saporta, 1894, p. 157, 
Albian; Portugal. 
—- gomesiana, Heer, 1831, p. 18, pl. xi, fig. 7. Cretaceous; Portugal. 
— grevillioides, Heer, 18744, p. 34, pl. xi, figs. 10, 11. (= Zhyrso- 
pleris grevillioides, Hollick, 1906 a.) Kome Beds ; Greenland. 
—— hyperborea, Heer, 1874, p. 123, pl. xxxviii, figs. 14, 20, 9d, ¢. 
Cretaceous ; Spitzbergen. 
—— involvens, Saporta, 1894, p. 159, pL xxviii, fig. 10; pl. xxiv, figs, 
2-5, 7; pl. xxv, figs. 10-11; pl. xxxi, figs. 3,5; pl. xxxv, fig. 6. 
Albian; Portugal. 
—— Johnstrupi, Heer, 1868, p. 78, pl. xliii, figs. 7,70. (=Asplenium 
Johnstrupi, Heer, 1874 a.) Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— latiloba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 90, pl. xxxv, figs. 38-5; pl xxxvi, 
figs. 4-9; pl. xxxvii, fig. 1. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— (Asplenium) lepida, Heer, 1871, p.1180 (=Jeanpaulia lepida, 
Heer, 1874 a.) Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— lesinensis, Kerner, 1896, p. 37, pl. i, figs. 1-5; pl. v, tig. 9. 
Cenomanian; Lesina, Dalmatia. 
— linearisecta, Saporta, 1894, p, 125, pl. xxiii, figs. 10, 11; pl. xxv, 

fig. 19. Urgonian ; Portugal. 
—— lobulifera, Saporta, 1894, p. 71, pl. xv, fig. 16; & p 124, pl. xxiii, 
figs. 6-7. Valanginian & Urgoman; Portugal. 

—— longifolia, Feistmantel (xo Dunker), 1874, p. 267. 
Perucer Beds ; Bohemia, 


Sphenopteris lupulina, Heer, 1881, p. 15, pl. xi, figs. 8, 8b-c. 2 
Cretaceous ; Portugal. 
— Mantelli, Brongniart, 1828, p. 170, pl. xly, figs. 3-7. (= Onychiopsis 
Manielli (Brongniart), Seward, 1894, = Hymenopteris psilotoides, 
Stokes & Webb, 1824.) Hastings Sands; Sussex. 
—— Morrisiana, Johnston, 1896, p. 58, figs. 14, 15. 
Cretaceous (?); Tasmania. 
—— Nordenskioldi, Heer, 1871, p. 1181 [nomen nudum]. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—- pachyphylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 93, pl. 1, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— Pichleri, Schenk, 1876, p. 166, pl. xxix, figs. 2-5. 
Upper Cretaceous; Tyrol. 
—— plurinerva, Heer, 1881, p. 18, pl. xi, figs. 6 & 6); pl. xv, figs. 8, 
8 b-c, Aptian-Neocomian ; Portugal. 
— polyclada, Saporta, 1894, p. 127, pl. xxiii, fig. 12. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
—~— pseudo-Cordai, Saporta, 1894, p. 163, pl. xxviii, fig. 11; pl. xxx, 
figs. 3-8; pl. xxxiii, fig. 4a. Albian ; Portugal. 
—— pseudolepida, Saporta, 1894, p. 73, pl. xv, fig. 32. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— pygmea, Saporta, 1894, p. 127, pl. xxiv, fig. 7 a. 
Urgonian ; Portugal. 
— recurrens, Saporta, 1894, p. 162, pl. xxix, fig. 15. 
Albian ; Portugal. 
— spatulata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 93, pl. 1, fig. 4. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— subadnata, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 267. Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— subtilinervis, Saporta, 1894, p. 19, pl. iii, fig. 82; pl. xiv, figs. 12, 
17; p. 68, pl. xv, fig. 22; pl. xvi, fig. 4. Valanginian ; Portugal. 
— tasmanica, Johnston, 1896, p. 60, figs. 10-13. 
Cretaceous (?); Tasmania. 
— tenuicula, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 217, pl. xx, fig. 11; pl. xxi, figs. 2, 
2a; pl. xxviii, fig. 6. Neocomian ; Japan. 
—— tenuifissa, Saporta, 1894, p. 161, pl. xxviii, fig. 4, 
Albian ; Portugai. 
—— thrysopteroides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 89, pl. xxv, fig. 3; pl. lviii, 
fig. 5. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— valdensis, Heer, 1881, p. 14, pl. xv, figs. 9-14; pl. xvi, fig. 55. 
Lower Cretaceous; Portugal. 
Sphenozamites sp., Dawson, 1886, p. 7. 
Kootanie Formation; Martin Creek, Canada. 
Spiropteris sp., Nathorst, 1891, p. 34, pl. i, figs. 15-17. 
Upper Cretaceous (?) ; Kénigs-Wusterhausen. 
Spongia Saxonica, Geinitz, 1850, p. 264. (= Spongites Saxonicus, 
Geinitz, 1842.) 
Spongites Saxonicus, Geinitz, 1842, p. 9¢, pl. xxiii, figs. 1, 2. 
Quadersandstein ; Saxony. 


— minuta, Presl in Sternberg, 1838, p. 202. 
—— oblonga, Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
Stenopteris? cretacea, Hollick, 1902, p. 148, pl. iii, fig. 2. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— virginica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 112, pl. xxi, fig. 8. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Sterculia aperta, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 82, pl. x, figs. 2-3. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— cliffwoodensis, Berry, 1905 g, p. 88, pl. xliii, fig. 5. 
Matawan Formation; Cliffwood, U.S.A. 
— Drakei, Cummins, 1892, p. 210, text-fig. 8. 
Dakota Group; New Mexico, U.S.A. 
—— elegans, Fontaine, 1889, p. 314, pl. clvii, fig. 2; pl. clviii, figs. 2, 3. 
: Potomae Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-— Geinitzi, Engelhardt, 1892, p. 101, pl. ii, figs. 3, 4, 7. 
Quader ; Freiberg, Saxony. 
—— Krejeii, Velenovsky, 1883, p. 47, pl. xiii, fig. 1. 
Cenomanian; Bohemia. 
—— Labrusca, Unger, 1851, p. 175, pl. xlix, figs. 1-11. Eocene; Stotzka. 
(Recorded American Cretaceous, Hollick, 1896.) 
—— limbata, Velenovsky, 1883, p. 46, pl. xiii, figs. 2-5; pl. xiv, fig. 1. 

Cenomanian; Bohemia, 

Steinhauera globosa, 

— lineariloba, Lesquereus, 1876 8, p. 358. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-— lugubris, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 81, pl. vi, figs. 1-3. 
Dakota Group (?); Colorado, U.S.A. 
—— minima, Berry, 19063, p. 177. 
Magothy Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— mucronata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 182, pl. xxx, figs. 1-4. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— obtusiloba, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 82, pl. viii, fig. 3. (Re-named 
Aralia tripartita (Lx.), Knowlton, 1898.) Ibid. 
—— pre-labrusca, Hollick, 19064, p. 24, pl. xxxiv, figs, 21, 22. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
— reticulata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 185, pl. xxxiv, fig. 10. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Snowii, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 183, pl. xxx, fig. 5; pl. xxxi, figs. 2, 3; 
pl. xxxii; pl. xxxiii, figs. 1-4. Ibid, 
—— Snowii bilobata, Berry, 1905 5, p. 89, pl. sliii, fig. 7. 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
— Snowii disjuncta, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 184, pl. lviii, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— tripartita (Lx.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 224. (=Sverculia obtusiloba, 
Lx., 1883, & Aralia tripartita, Lx., 1876.) Ibid, 
_— variabilis, Saporta, 1868, p. 400, pl. xii, figs. 6,7; Heer, 1883 4, 
p. 38, pl. lvii, fig. 7. Patoot Beds; Greenland, 


Sterculia vetustula, Dawson, 1886, p. 10, pl. iii, fiz. 2 
Middle Cretaceous ; Canada. 
—— sp.?, Hollick, 1898 », p. 133, pl. xiv, figs. 4-7. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Jersey, U.S.A- 
— sp.?, Hollick, 18988, p. 422, pl. xxxvii, fig. 5. - 
Middle Oretarcous, Staten Island, U.S.A. 
—— sp.?, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 95, pl. xxxiv, figs. 18, 19. 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
Stichus mermisoides, Etheridge, 1904, p. 255, pls. xxx, xxxi. 
Cretaceous; Australia. 
Stigmaria flexuosa, Debey, 1848 a, p. 117 [nomen nudum], 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
Strezeleckia gangamopteroides, Johnston, 1896, p. 58, figs. 5-7. 
Cretaceous (?); Vasmania. 
-—— tenuifolia, Johnston, 1896, p. 58, fig. 8. Ibid. 
Strobilites Bucklandi, Lindley & Hutton, 1835, pl. exxix; Gardner, 
1886 a, p. 200. Upper Greensand (?) ; Wiltshire. 
—— Davisii, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 68, pl. iti, fig. 10. 
Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
-—— inquirendus, Hollick, 1898 4, p. 180, pl. xi, fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— microsporophorus, Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 66, pl. x, figs. 18-21; 
pl. xxiv, figs. 2-6. Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A, 
ees perplexus, Hollick, 1906 4, p. 107, pl. ii, ty: 43, 
Middle Cretaceous; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S, i, 
‘“——- sp., Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 69, pl. iii, fig. 9. 
Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
Sycophyllum dentatum, Schulze, 1888, p. 464. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
‘Symphorocarpophyllum Albertum, Dawson, 1887, p. 30, pl. ii, 
fig. 17. Upper Laramie Formation ; Canada. 
— Linnziforme, Dawson, 1887, p. 30, pl. ii, fig. 18. Ibid. 
Syringodendron ? sp., Otto, 1854, p. 26, pl. iv, figs. 3, 4. 
Lower Quader; Dippoldiswalde, Saxony. 

‘Tenidium alysioides, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 131, pl. xxiv, 

fig. 5. Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 
—— lusitanicum, Heer, 1881, p. 12, pl. xx. (= Volubilites lusitanicus, 
Lorenz, 1901.) Cretaceous; Portugal 

—— pinnatisectum, Saporta, 1880, p. 642, pl. i, fig. 2. 
Upper Neocomian ; Havre, France. 
Teniopteris arctica (spelt Tanzeopteris), Heer, 1871, p. 1181 [nomen 
nudum]. Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— auriculatum (Fontaine), Berry, 1910p, p. 684, (= Angio- 
pteridium auriculatum, Fontaine, 1889.) 
Patuxent Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— deperdita, Heer, 1883 a, p. 8, pl. xlviii, fig. 14. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 


Teniopteris Gibbsii, Newberry, 1863, p. 512. (=Milssonia Gibbsii, 
Hollick in Newberry, 1898.) Cretaceous (?); Washington, U.S.A. 
-—— kuchelbadensis, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 269. 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
—— nervosum (Fontaine), Berry, 1910, p. 634. (= Angiopteridium 
nervesum, and others, Fontaine, 1889). 
Patuxent Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— orovillensis, Fontaine in Penhallow, 1902 3, p. 37. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island. 
—— plumosa, Dawson, 1883, p. 24, pl. iv, fig. 15. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Vancouver Island. 
—— sp., Heer, 1878, p. 30, pl. viii, fig. 19. Lower Cretaceous (?) ; Siberia. 
Teenioxylon varians, Felix (cretaceum), Vater, 1884, p. 852. 
Lower Senonian ; Harzburg. 
Taonurus incertus, Dawson, 1886, p. 10. 
Kootanie Formation ; British Columbia, Canada, 
—— Saportai, Dewalque, 1880, p. 43, pl. i, figs. 1a, 16, 24, 20. 
Senonian; Anzin, France. 
—— tenuestriatus, Heer, 1877, p. 145, pl. lvii, figs. 7-10. 
Upper Cretaceous; Switzerland. 
Taxites pecten, Heer, 1883 4, p. 9, pl. lili, figs. 9, 9 0. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland, 
Taxcdium (Glyptostrobus) brookense, Fontaine, 1889, p. 254, 
pl. exxii, fig. 1; pl. exxiv, figs. 3-9; pl. cxxsi, fig.5; pl. elxv, 
figs. 1-3; pl. elxvi, figs. 4, 7; pl. clxvii, fig. 3. 
‘ Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— (Glyptcstrobus) brookense, var. angustifclium, Foutaine, 
188, p. 256, pl. clxvii, fig. 1. Ibid. 
—— cuneatum, Newberry, 1863, p. 517. 
Kootanie Formation; British Columbia, Canada. 
—— (Glyptostrobus) denticulatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 233, pl. cxxiv, 
fig. 1. Potomac Formation; Virgima, U.S.A, 
—— (Glyptostrobus) expansum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 252, pl. exxiii, 
fig. 1. Ibid. 
—— (Glyptestrobus) fastigiatum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 253, pl. exxv, 
figs. 1, 3. Ibid. 
—~— (Glyptostrobus) ramosum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 25], pl. exsiii, 
figs. 2, 3; pl. exxiv, fig. 2; pl. cxxvii, fig. 1; pl. cxxxii, fig. 1; 

pl. elxvi, fig. 1. Ibid. 
—— (Glyptostrobus) virginicum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 252, pl. xxi, 
fig. 6. Ibid. 

—— sp., Dawson, 1894, p. 56, pl. vi, fig. 10. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
Taxo-Torreya trinervia, Ettingshausen, 1887, p. 176, pl. vii, figs. 16, 
16a. Upper Cretaceous ; New Zealand.. 
Taxoxylon cretaceum, Unger, 1859, p. 231, pl. iii, figs. 12-14, 
(= Cedroaylon cretaceum, Kr, in Schimper, 1870.) 
Quadersandstein ; Amberg, Germany, 


Taxoxylon halternianum, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 194, 
pl. xli, figs. 166-168. Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
Tempskya cretacea, Hosius & yon der Marck, 1880, p. 192, pl. xxxix, 
figs. 161-163. Ibid. 
—— varians (Corda), Velenovsky, 1888 s, p. 23, pl. vi, figs. 1-7; pl. v,- 
fig. 5, & text-fig, Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 
Terminalia rectinervis, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 52, pl. xx, figs. 1, 2 
(=Terminaliphyllum rectinerve, Velenovsky, 1889.) 
: Cenomanian; Kaunic, Bohemia. 
Terminaliphyllum rectinerve, Velenovsky, 1889. (=7Jerminalia 
rectinervis, Velenovsky, 1886.) 
Ternstroemia crassipes, Velenovsky, 1886, p. 54, pl. xviii, figs. 3, 4. 
(= Ternstreamiphyllum crassipes, Velenovsky, 1889.) 
Cenomanian ; Vyserovic, Bohemia. 
Ternstreemiphyllum crassipes, Velenovsky, 1889. (= Zernstremia 
crassipes, Velenovsky, 1886.) 
Tetraphyllum dubium, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 137, 
pl. xxv, fig. 14. Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 
— oblongum, Heer, 1882, p. 105, pl. xxvi, figs. 5 0, 6. 
: Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Thalassocharis Binkhorsti, Debey, 1865, p. 57. 
Cretaceous; Prussia. 
—— Bosqueti, Debey, 1851, p.568; & in Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, 

p. 146. Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— Bosqueti, forma brevi-articulata, Miquel, 1853, p. 51, pl. vi, 
fig. 2. Cretaceous; Belgium, 

—— Bosqueti, forma lata, Miquel, 1853, p. £1, pl. vi, fig. 3. 
Upper Senonian ; Belgium, 
——- Muelleri, Debey, 1848 4, p. 119; & 1851, p. 568. 
Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— westfalica, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 147, pl. xxvi, figs, 25-. 
28, 30-34; pl. xxvii, figs, 29, 35-89 ; pl. xxviii, figs. 40-42. 
Upper Senonian ; Westphalia. 
Thinnfeldia arctica, Heer, 18744, p. 123, pl. xxxv, figs. 11-16; 
pl. xxxvi, fig. 10 3, Cretaceous ; Spitzbergen. 
—— Buftoni, Johnston, 1896, p. 61, fig. 18. 
Cretaceous (?); Tasmania. 
—— Fontainei, Berry, 1903p, p. 443 (re-naming Thinnfeldia variabilis, 

Fontaine, 1889). Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— granulata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 111, pl. xxvi, figs. 10-12; pl. xxvii, 
figs. 1-5, 8; pl. elxis, fig. 1. Ibid. 

—— lanceolata, Knowlton in Weed & Knowlton, 1893, p. 49, pl. v, 
fig.5, (Re-named Protophyllocladus lanceolatus, Berry, 1903 p.) 
Laramie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— Lesquereuxiana, Heer, 1882, p. 37, pl. xliy, figs. 9-10; pl. xlvi, 
figs. 1-12. Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—— marylandica, Fontaine in Ward, 1905, p. 541, pl. exiv, figs. 8, 9. 
Older Potomac Formation ; Maryland, U.S.A. 


Thinnfeldia montana, Knowlton, 1898, p. 227 (re-naming Thinnfeldia 
polymorpha (Lesquereux), Knowlton, = Salisburia polymorpha, Les- 
quereux), Montana Formation ; Coal Banks, U.S.A. 

—-— montanense, Fontaine in Weed & Pirsson, 1898, p. 481. 

Lower Cretaceous; Montana, U.S.A. 

—— polymorpha (Lesquereux), Knowlton in Weed & Knowlton, 1893. 
(=. montana, Knowlton, re-named Protophyllocladus polymorphus 
by Berry, 1903 v.) 

—— polymorpha, Johnston (zon Schenk nec Knowlton), 1896, p. 62, 
fig. 16. Cretaceous (?); ‘Tasmania. 

—— rotundilcba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 111, pl. xxvii, figs. 6, 7. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

-~—— subintegrifolia (Lx.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 228 (renaming Phyllo- 
cladus subintegrifulius, Lesquereux, 1868 & 1874). (=Protophyllo- 
cladus subintegrifolius, Berry, 19U3 p.) 

Dakota Group; Nebraska, U.S.A. 

—— variabilis, Fontaine (zcx Velenovsky), 1889, p. 110, pl. xvii, 
figs. 8-7; pl, xviii, figs. 1-6. (=TZhinnfeldia Fontaine?, re-named 
by Berry, 1903 p.) Potowac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A, 

— variabilis, Velenovsky, 1885, p. 6, pl. 1i, figs. 1-5. (Re-named 
Sagenopteris variabilis, Velenovsky, 1889.) 

; Perucer Beds; Bohemia. 

Thuites alienus, Sternberg, 1825, p. xxxviii, pl. xlv, fig. 1. 

Cretaceous ; Behemia. 

—— crassus, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 32. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 

— gramineus, Sternberg, 1825, p. 31, p. xxxvili, pl. xxxv, fig. 4. 

Peracer Beds ; Bohemia, 

— Hoheneggeri, Ettingshausen, 18520¢, p. 26, pl. i, figs. 6, 7. 
(=Frenelopsis Hoheneggeri, Schenk, 1871.) 

Wernsdorfer Beds (see Krasser, 1896, pp. 146, 147.) 

—— Kurrianus, Dunker, 1846, p. 20, pl. vii, fig. 8. (=Sphenolepidium 
Kurrianum (Dunk.), Heer, 1881.) Wealden; Germany. 

— Meriani, Heer, 18744, p. 73, pl.-xvi, figs. 17, 18. 

; Kome Beds; Greenland, 

—— Pfaffii, Heer, 18744, p. 100, pl. xxxi, figs. 88, ¢, d, ¢. 

Atane Beds; Greenland. 

—— Wilkinsoni, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 147; & 1898, p. 11, pl. i, 
figs. 7-9. Cretaceous ; Australia. 

—— sp., Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909, p. 31, pl. vili, figs. 12-18; pl. xxvii, 
tigs. 4-6; pl. xxviii, figs. 1-4. 

Raritan Formation ; Staten Island, U.S.A. 

Thuja cretacea (Heer), Newberry, 1895, p. 53, pl. x, figs. lla 

Ainboy Clay ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

Thuya sp., Cornuel, 1866, p. 673, pl. xii, fig. 23. Neocomian; France, 

—— sp., Jasche, 1858, p. 97, pl. iv, figs. 8, 9. Cretaceous ; Saxony. 

Thuyites debilis, Saporta, 1894, p. 115, pl. xxii, fig. 6 

Aptian ; Portugal. 

—— densior, Saporta, 1894, p. 109, pl. xx, fig. 6. Ibid. 


Thuyites pulchelliformis, Saporta, 1894, p. 109, pl. xix, figs, 21-24; 
pl. xx, figs. 7-10; p. 115, pl. xxi, fig. ‘7. Aptian ; Portugal. 
—— sp,, Nathorst, 1891, p. 27, pl. i, figs. 8, 9, 10. 
Upper Cretaceous (?); Rostock. 
Thuyoxylon americanum, Unger in Roemer, 1852, p. 95. 
Cretaceous (?); Texas, U.S.A. 
Thyrsopteris alata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 124, pl. xxxvi, fig. 5. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— angustifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 131, pl. xliv, fe. 4; pl. xly, fig. 35 
pl. xlviii, fig. 2; pl. slix, figs. 3,4; pl. lv, fig. 2; pl. lviii, fig. 8. 


—— angustiloba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 134, pl. xlviii, figs. 3-5; pl. lv, 
fig. 3. Ibid. 

— bella, Fontaine, 1889, p. 139, pl. lili, fig. 5; pl. ly, figs. 6,7; pl. lvi, 
figs. 2,5; pl. lvii, figs. 1, 5; pl. lviii, fig. 4. Ibid. 

— brevifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 121, pl. xxiv, figs. 5, 10. Ibid. 

—— brevipennis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 124, pl. xxiv, fig. 3; pl. xxxvi, 
fig. 2; pl. xxxvii, figs. 3, 9; pl. xxxviii, fig. 1; pl. xli, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— capsulifera, Velenovsky, 18888, p. 10, pl. i, figs. 6-12. (= Ony- 
chiopsis capsulifera, Nathorst, 1890.) Perucer Beds ; Boheinia. 

—— crassinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 130, pl. xli, figs. 1--3. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

—— crenata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 127, pl. xxxix, figs. 1, 2. Ibid. 
—— decurrens, Fontaine, 1889, p. 130, pl. xliii, fig. 7; pl. xlvi, figs. 2, 
4; pl. xlix, figs. 5-7. Ibid. 
— densifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 129, pl. xxxix, fig. 3; pl. xl, figs. 2-5; 
pl. li, fig. 5. Ibid. 
— dentata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 121, pl. xxiv, figs. 4,6, 7, 9; pl. xxv, 
figs. 1, 2. Ibid. 

—— dentifolia, Fontaine in Ward, 1899 s, p. 660, pl. clxi, figs. 6-9. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— distans, Fontaine, 1889, p. 184, pl. xlvii, fig. 3; pl. liv, fig. 8. 
Potomac Formation) Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— divaricata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 125, pl. xxxvii, figs. 5-8; pl. clxx, 
fig. 1. Ibid. 
—— elliptica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 133, pl. xxiv, fig. 3; pl. xlvi, fig. 1; 
pl. |, figs. 6,9; pl. li, figs. 4, 6,7; pl. liv, fig. 6; pl. lv, fig. 4; 
pl. lvi, figs. 6, 7; pl. lvii, fig. 6; pl. lviii, fig. 2. Ibid. 
-—— grevillicides (Heer), Hollick, 19064, p. 31, pl. i, figs. 10-13, 
(=Sphenopteris grevillioides, Heer, 1874 .) 
Middle Cretaceous ; Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—— heteroloba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 139, pl. liii, fig. 4. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— heteromorpha, Fontaine, 1889, p. 136, pl. lii, fig. 1. Ibid. 
—— heterophylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 142, pl. lviii, fig. 3. Ibid. 
—— inequipinnata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 142, pl. lvii, figs. 3, 8. Ibid. 
— insignis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 127, pl. xxxix, fig. 4; pl. xl, fig. 1; 
pl. xli, fig. 6; pl. xlii, figs. 1, 2, 4; pl. xliii, figs. 1, 3. Ibid. 


Thyrsopteris insignis angustipennis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 128, pl. xlii, 
fig. 3; pl. xliii, fig. 2. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— Meckiana, Fontaine, 1889, p. 125, pl. xxxviii, figs. 2-4, 8; pl. 1, 
figs. 7, 8; pl. li, fig. 3. Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— Meekiana angustiloba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 126, pl. xxxviii, 
figs. 5-7, 9; pl. xliii, fig. 8; pl. xliv, fig. 3; pl. xlvii, fig. 4; pl. xlviii, 
fig. 1; pl. liv, figs, 2,11; pl. ly, fig. 1; pl. lvi, figs. 1, 3. Ibid. 

— microloba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 140, pl. vii, fig. 4. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— microloba alata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 140, pl. lv, fig. 5; pl. lviii, 

fig. 1, Ibid. 

—— microphylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 131, pl. xlv, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5. 
—— nana, Fontaine, 1889, p. 141, pl. lvi, figs. 4, 8. Ibid: 
—— nervosa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 122, pl. xxv, figs. 4, 5, 16; pl. xxxvii, 
figs. 2,4; pl. xxxix, fig. 5; pl. xl, fig. 6. Ibid. 
-—— obtusiloba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 143, pl. lviii, figs. 7, 10. Tbid. 
—— pachyphylla, Fontaine, 1889, p. 135, pl. 1, fig. 3. Ibid. 
—— pachyrachis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 182, pl. xlvi, figs. 3, 5; pl. xlvii, 
figs. 1, 2; pl. xlix, fig. 1. Thid. 
— pecopteroides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 185, pl. li, fig. 1. Ibid. 
— pinnatifida, Fontaine, 1889, p. 136, pl. li, fig. 2; pl. liv, figs. 4, 5, 
7; pl. lvii, fig. 7. Ibid. 

—— rarinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 123, pl. xxvi, figs. 6,7; pl. xliit, 
figs. 4-6; pl. xliv, figs. 1, 2,5; pl. xlix, fig. 2; pl. clxix, figs. 6, 7. 


—— retusa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 144, pl. lix, fig. 10. Thid. 
—— rhombifolia, Fontaine, 1889, p. 188, pl. lii, fig. 5; pl. liv, fig. 1. 


—— rhombiloba, Fontaine, 1889, p. 144, pl. lix, figs. 6,7; pl. Ix, fig. 8. 


—— sphencpteroides, Fontaine, 1889, p. 143, pl. lviii, fig. 6. Ibid. 

—— squarrosa, Fontaine, 1889, p. 143, pl. lis, fig. 3. Ibid, 

—— varians, Fontaine, 1889, pl. lil, figs. 2-4; pl. liii, figs. 1-3; pl. liv, 

fig. 10; pl. lvii, fig. 2. Ibid. 

—-— virginica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 120, pl. xxiv, fig. 1. Ibid. 

Tillephyllum dubium, Newberry, 1895, p. 109, pl. xv, fig. 5. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
Todea? saportanea, Lesquereux, 1874, p. 48, pl. xxix, figs. 1-4. 

(=Lomatia saportanea, Lesquereux, 1876 3.) 

Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Torreya densifolia (spelt Torreia), Dawson, 1883, p. 25, pl. v, 
figs. 20, 20a, (Re-named Tumion densifolium by Knowlton, 1898.) 
Upper Cretacecus; Protection Island, Canada, 
—— Dicksoniana, Heer, 1871, p. 1182; & 1874, p. 70, pl. xviii, 
figs. la, 2a, 3, 4. Kome Beds; Greenland. 


Torreya dicksonioides (spelt Torreia), Dawson, 1883, p. 21, pl. ii, 
fig.4. (Re-named Tumion dicksonivides by Knowlton, 1898.) 
Upper Cretaceous ; North-West Territory, Canada. 
—— falcata, Fontaine, 1839, p. 235, pl. cxiii, fig.4. (Renamed Tumion 
Jalcatum by Knowlton, 1898.) 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A, 
—— oblanceolata, Lesquereux, 1883, p. 30, pl. i, fig. 2. (Re-named 
Tumion oblenceolatum by Knowlton, 1898.) 
; Dakota Group (?); Colorado, U.S.A. 
——- parvifolia, Heer, 1874 4, p. 71, pl. svii, figs. 1, 2. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
—— venusta, Yokoyama, 1894, p. 230, pl. xxii, figs. 11, 12, 12a. 
Neocomian; Japan. 
— virginica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 234, pl. cix, fig. 8. (Re-named 
Tumion virginicum by Knowlton, 1898.) 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Trametes Pini, Conwentz, 1892, pp. 13, 21, pl. vii, fig.1. (= Trametites 
Pini, Meschinelli, 1892.) Senonian ; Sweden. 
Trametites Pini, Meschinelli, 1892, p. 747. (= Trametes Pini, 
Conwentz, 1892.) 
Trapa ? cuneata, Knowlton, 19004, p. 64, pl. v, fig. 6. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S. 4. 
—— ? microphylla, Lesquereus, 1876 ¢, p. 369; & 1878, p. 295, pl. Ixi, 
; figs. 16-17 a. Tbid. 
Tricalycites major, Hollick, 1905, p. 416, pl. lxxii, figs. 3-7. 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— papyraceus, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 1894, p. 68, pl. clxxx, 
fig. 8; & Newberry, 1895, p. 132, pl. xlvi, figs. 30-38. 
Amboy Clay; Woodbridge, U.S.A. 
Tricarpellites striatus, Newberry, 1895, p. 132, pl. xlvi, figs. 9-13. 
Trichomanes Riccioides, Heer, 1871, p. 1182 [nomen nudum]. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
Trichopitys sp., Nathorst, 1885, p. 286, text-fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— sp. ?, Kerner, 1896, p. 52, pl. iv, fig. 5. 
Cretaceous; Lesina, Dalmatia. 
Trichosporites Conwentzi, Felix, 1894, p. 273. 
Tpper Cretaceous; Sweden. 
Triplaris cenomanica, Engelhardt, 18924, p. 96, pl. ti, fig. 5. 
Quader; Freiberg, Saxony. 
Triploporella Fraasi, Steinmann, 1880, p. 136, pi. v, figs. 1-8. 
Turonian ; Lebanon. 
—— Fraasi minor, Steinmann, 1899, p. 193, text-figs. 38, 39. 
Cenomanian; Mexico. 
Tsugites magnus, Fliche, 1896, p. 211, pl. ix, fig. 2. 
Albian ; Clermont, France. 
Tumion carolinianum, Berry, 1908s, p. 383, text-figs. 1-2. 
Middle Cretaceous; North Carolina, U.S.A. 


Tumion densifolium (Dawson), Knowlton, 1898, p. 234 (re-naming 
Torreya densifolia, Dawson, 1883). 
—— dicksonioides (Dawson), Knowlton, 1898, p. 234 (re-naming 
Torreya dicksonioides, Dawson, 1883). 
falcatum (Fontaine), Knowlton, 1898, p. 234 (re-naming Torreya- 
falcata, Fontaine, 1889). 
—— oblanceolatum (Ix.), Knowlton, 1898, p. 284 (re-naming Torreya 
oblanceolata, Lesquereux, 1883). 
—— virginicum (Fontaine), Knowlton, 1898, p. 234 (re-naming Torreya 
virginica, Fontaine, 1889). 
Typha ? sp., Hollick, 1894, p. 63, pl. clxxx, fig. 9. 
Upper Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
—— gigantea, Unger, 18704, pl. iii, fig. 6. 
(Includes supposed Alge from Quadersandstein.) 
Typhacites levis, Saporta, 1890, p. 3, pl. xiii, figs. 5, 5a. 
Uppermost Cretaceous; France, 
—— rugosus, Saporta, 1890, p. 3, pl. xiii, figs. 4, 4 a. Ibid. 
Typhzloipum cretaceum, Krasser, 1896, p. 127, pl. xii, fig. 4. 
Cenomanian; Kunstadt, Moravia. 
Tysonia marylandica, Fontaine, 1889, p. 193, pls. clsxiv—clxxx. 
(= Cycadeoidea marylandica {(Font.), Capellini & Solms-Laubach, 
1892.) Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 

~Ulmiphyllum Brookense, Fontaine, 1889, p. 812, pl. ely, fig. 8; 
pl. clxiii, fig. 7. Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— crassinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 313, pl. clviii, figs. 6, 7. Ibid. 

— densinerve, Fontaine in Ward, 1899 8, p. 689, pl. clxix, fig. 7. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 

—— tenuinerve, Fontaine, 1889, p. 313, pl. elviii, fig. 1. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Ulmophyllum latifolium, Ettingshausen, 18874, p. 184, pl. ix, 

figs. 6-8. Upper Cretaceous; New Zealand. 
—— planarefolium, Ettingshausen, 18874, p. 184, pl. ix, fige. 2-5, 4 a. 

—— priscum, Dawson, 1894, p. 59, pi. viii, fig. 28. 
Upper Cretaceous; Vancouver Island, Canada. 
Ulmus dubia, Dawson, 1883, p. 27, pl. vii, fig. 29. Ibid, 
—~ preecursor, Dawson, 1887, p, 28, pl. ii, fig. 11. 
Laramie Formation ; Canada. 
Uredinites cretaceus, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 29, pl. iii, fig. 14, 
(= Puccinites cretaceus, Velenovsky, 1889, same figure.) 
Perucer Beds; Bohemia, 

“Vaccinium sp. ?, Kerner, 1896, p. 55, pl. v, fig. 5. 
Cretaceous; Lesina, Dalmatia. 
Vesquia Tournaisii, Bertrand, 1883, p. 1882; & 1€83 4, p. 294, : 
Cenomanijan ; Tournai, France, 


Viburnites crassus, Knowlton in Lesquereux, 1892, p: 124, pl. xlvy, 

figs. 1-4. Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Evansanus, Ward, 1894, p. 262; & 18993, p. 709, pl. elxxii, 
figs. 3, 4. Dakota Group; 8. Dakota, U.S.A. 

—— Masoni, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 125, pl. xlv, fig. 5. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
Viburnum anomalum, Knowlton, 1900, p. 72. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— attenuatum, Heer, 18834, p. 34, pl. Isiii, fig. 5. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland, 
—— contortum, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 396. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— dichotomum, Lesquereux, 1873, p.399; & 1878, p- 225, pl. xxxviii, 
fig. 6. Ibid. 
— ellsworthianum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 121, pl. xxi, fig. 6. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.8.A. 
—- grewiopsideum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 120, pl. xxi, fig. 4. Ibid. 
—— Hbollickii, Berry, 1903 c, p. 683, text-figs. 5, 6. 
Matawan Formation ; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— ineequilaterale, Lesquerenx, 1892, p. 119, pl. xxi, figs. 2, 3. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
-—— integrifolium, Newberry MS. in Hollick, 1894.4, p. 54, pl. clxxvii, 
fig. 7; & Newberry, 1895, p. 125, pl. xli, fig. 1. 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. _ 
— Lesquereuxii, Ward in Lesquereux, 1892, p. 121. 
Dakota Group; Dakota, U.S.A. 
— Lesquereuxii commune, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 122, pl. lili, fig. 2, 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— Lesquereuxii cordifolium, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 122, pl. lii, 

fig. 9. Ibid. 
— Lesquereuxii lanceolatum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 123, pl. liii, 
fig. 3. Thid. 

—— Lesquereuxii latius, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 123, pl. liii, fig. 10. 
— Lesquereuxii longifolium, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 122, pl. liii, 
fig. 1. Tbid. 
—— Lesquereuxii rotundifolium, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 122, pl. lii, 
fig. 8 Ibid, 
— ? Lesquereuxii tenuifolium, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 123, pl. lxiv, 
fig. 13. Ibid. 

—— Mattewanense, Berry, 1904, p. 89, pl. iv, fig. 13. 
Matawan Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 

—— montanum, Knowlton, 1900, p. 73, pl. xix, figs. 1, 2. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

— multinerve, Heer, 1883 a, p. 33, pl. Ixiii, figs. 1-4. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 

— multinerve, var, b, Heer, 1883 a, p. 34, pl. Lxiii, fig. 4. Tbid. 


Viburnum oxycoccoides, Dawson, 1886, p. 17, 

Upper Cretaceous (?); Canada, 
~— platanoides, Lesquereux, 1878 s, p. 224, pl. xxxviii, fig. 8. (Re- 
named Platanus platunoides (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898.) 

Laramie Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
——? problematicum, Knowlton, 19004, p. 71, pl. xix, fig. 4. 
Montana Formation ; Utah, U.S.A. 
—— robustum, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 120, pl. xx, figs. 4-6, 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
~—— rotundifolium, Lesquereux, 1876c, p. 368; & 18783, p. 225, 
pl. xxxvii, fig. 12; pl. xxxviii, fig. 10; pl. lxi, fig. 22. 
Montana Formation; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
-—— Saskatchuense, Dawson, 1888, p. 35. 
Belly River Series; Canada, 
—— sphenophyllum, Knowlton in Lesquereux, 1892, p. 123, pl. liii, 
_ fig. 4, Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— subrepandum, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 190, pl. xl, 
fig. 158. (=Phyllites curvinervis, Hosius, 1870 a.) 
Lower Senonian ; Westphalia. 
—— vetus, Saporta, 1894, p. 204, pl. xxxvi, fig. 9. 
Upper Albian ; Portugal. 
— Zyziphoides, Heer, 1883 a, p. 34, pl. lx, fig. 2. 
Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
Vitex pentadactyla, Velenovsky, 1882, p. 213 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Bohemia. 
Vitiphyllum crassifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 308, pl. cl, figs. 9, 10. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—- multifidum, Fontaine, 1889, p. 309, pl. clxxiii, figs. 1-9. 
Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— parvifolium, Fontaine, 1889, p. 309, pl. clxxii, figs. 11,12. Ibid. 

Vitis Bruneri, Ward, 1887, p. 69, pl. xxxii, figs. 1, 2. 
Laramie Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 

—— Carbonensis, Ward, 1887, p. 70, pl. xxxii, fig. 3. Ibid. 
—— sparsa, Lesquereux, 1878, p. 241, pl. lx, fig. 24. Ibid. 
Volubilites lusitanicus, Lorenz, 1901, p. 566. (=Tenidium lusi- 

tanicum, Heer, 1881.) Cretaceous; Portugal. 

Weichselia erratica, Nathorst, 1891, p. 24, pl. i, figs. 1-4 
Lower Cretaceous; Mecklenburg, nr. Rostock. 

— Ludovice, Stiebler, 1857, p. 453; & 1858, p. 73, pl. xii; pl. xiit. 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 
-—— reticulata (Stokes & Webb), Ward, 18998, p. 651, pl. clx, figs. 2-4, 

(=Pecopteris reticulata, Stokes & Webb, 1824.) 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 



Widdringtonia complanata, Lesquereux, 18768, p, 836; & 18783, 
; p. 72, pl. 1xii, figs. 18, 14. Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
—— parvivalvis, Bayer, 1893, pp. 14 & 40, fig. 11; & Bayer in Fritsch, 

1893, p. 129, text-fig. 182. Senonian; Priesen, Bohemia. 
—- Reichii (Ettingshausen), Velenovsky, 1887 a, p. 639, figs. 14-16 on 
plate. Cenomanian ; Bohemia. 

—— sarthacensis, Crié, 1879 (?), p. 30 [nomen nudum]. 
Cretaceous; Sainte-Croix, France. 
Widdringtonites debilis, Saporta, 1894, p. 93, pl. xvii, fig.14; p. 105, 
pl. v, fig. 19; pl. xvii, fig. 14; pl. xix, figs. 6-8. 
Valanginian & Neocomian; Portugal. 
—— fasciculatus, Hollick, 19064, p. 45, pl. iv, fig. 1. 
Middle Cretaceous: Martha’s Vineyard, U.S.A. 
—— fastigiatus, Endlicher, 18473, p. 272. (= Caulerpites fastigia‘us, 
Sternberg, 1838.) Middle Cretaceous ; Bohemia. 
—— gracilis, Heer, 1868, p. 83, pl. xliii, figs. le, fg, 3c. 
Kome Beds; Greenland, 
— pygmeus, Saporta, 1894, p. 93, pl. xviii, fig. 10. 
Valanginian ; Portugal. 
—— Reichii (Ett.), Heer, 1882, p. 51, pl. xxviii, fig. 5. (= Frenelites 
Reichii, Ettingshausen, 1867 a.) Atane Beds; Greenland. 
— subtilis, Heer, 18744, p. 101, pl. xxviii, figs. 1, 10. 
. Atane Beds; Greenland, 
Williamsonia? Bibbinsi, Ward, 1905, p. 554, pl. exv, fig. 11. 
Older Potomac Formation; Maryland, U.S.A. 
—— cretacea, Heer, 1882, p. 59, pl. xii, fig. 1; pl. xiii, fig. 9. 
Atane Beds; Greenland. 
—- delawarensis, Berry, 1907 a, p. 678, text-fig. 4. 
Magothy Formation; Delaware, U.S.A. 
—— docata, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 87, pl. ii, figs. 9, 9a. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
— ? gallinacea, Ward, 1905, p. 485, pl. evii, fig. 4. 
Older Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— minima, Saporta, 1894, p. 105, pl. xix, fig. 9. 
Neocomian (?); Portugal. 
—— ? pheenicopsoides, Ward, 18998, p. 668, pl. clxii, fig. 20. 
Lower Cretaceous; Black Hills, U.S.A. 
—— problematica (Newberry), Ward, 1895, p. 382. (= Paleanthus 
(Williamsonia) problematicus, Newberry, 1895.) 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— recentior, Dawson, 1886, p. 12, pl. iv, fig. 1. 
Mill Creek Series; Canada, 
——? Reisii, Hollick, 1893, p. 37, pl. i, figs. 2, 3. 
Raritan Formation; Staten Island, U.S.A. 
— Smcckii, Newberry, 1895, p. 127, pl. xxxvi, figs. 1-8. 
Amboy Clay; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— texana, Fontaine, 1894, p. 278, pl. xliii, figs. 1, 2. 
Trinity Division ; Texas, U.S.A. 


Williamsonia virginiensis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 273, pl. cxxxiii, 
figs. 5-7; pl. elxv, fig. 5. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
Winchellia triphylla, Lesquereux, 1893, p. 209, pl. viii, fig. 1. 
Upper Cretaceous; Montana, U.S.A. 
Woodwardia crenata, Knowlton, 19004, p. 22, pl. iii, fig. 3. 
Montana Formation ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— sp., Knowlton, 1900 4, p. 23, pl. iii, fig. 9. Ibid. 

Xylolithes, Debey, 1848. (Cancelled by Debey, 1850, p. 117.) 
Xylomites aggregatus, Heer, 1882, p. 21, pl. xxix, figs. 11, 114. 
Atane Beds ; Greenland. 
—— ellipticus, Ettingshausen (zon Feistmantel), 18674, p. 243, pl. i, 
fig. 7. Cenomanian ; Niederschoena, Saxony. 

Yatesia Guillaumoti, Fliche, 1896, p. 148, pl. i, fig. 4. 
Albiau ; Clermont, France. 
— Morrisii, Carruthers, 1870, p. 688, pl. lv, figs. 83-6, (= Cycadeoidea 
Yatesii (Morris), Carruthers, 1867.) Lower Greensand ; Potton. 
Yezonia vulgaris, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 23-32, pl. ii, figs. 5-8 ; 
pl. iii, fig. 9; pl. iv, fig. 19; text-figs. 8-11. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Yezostrobus Oliveri, Stopes & Fujii, 1910, pp. 33-41, pl. i, figs. 8-9 ; 
pl. iii, figs. 1U-13 ; text-figs. 12-14. Ibid, 
Yuccites fractifolius, Saporta, 1894, p. 110, pl. xix, fig. 20 a. 
Lower Cretaceous (?); Portugal. 
—? sp., Miquel, 1853, p. 53, pl. i, fig. 3. Cretaceous ; Belgium, 

Zamia macrocephala, Lindley & Hutton, 1835, p. 117, pl. exxv. 
(= Zamiostrobus macrocephalus, Endlicher, 1841.) 
Greensand ; Kent. 
—— ovata, Lindley & Hutton, 1837, p. 189, pl. cexxvia, (=Zamio- 
strobus ovatus, Schimper, 1870.) Ibid. 
_— sussexiensis, Mantell, 1843, p. 34; & 1846, p. 51, pl. ii, fig. 1. 
(= Pinites sussexiensis, Carruthers, 1866 8.) 
Lower Greensand ; Sussex. 
—— Washingtoniana, Ward, 1895 a, p. 350, pl. ii, fig. 6. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A, 
Zamiophyllum Buchianum (Lttingshausen), Nathoret, 1890, p. 46, 
pl. ii, figs. 1-2; pl. iii; pl. iv, fig. 2; & Yokoyama, 1894, p. 223, 
pl. xx, fig. 1; pl. xxii, figs. 1, 2; pl. xxiii, fig. 6; pl. xxvii, 
figs. 5a,b; pl. xxviii, figs, 1, 2. (= Pterophyllum Buchianum, 
Ettingshausen, 1852 c, & Diconites Buchianus, Bornemann, 1856.) 
Neocomian ; Japan, 
_— Naumanni, Nathorst, 1890, p. 47, pl. v, fig. 1; & Yokoyama, 1894, 

p. 225 pl. xxi, fig. 3; pl. xxvi. Ibid. 


Zamiopsis brevipennis, Richter, 1904, p. 1, pl. i, fig. 9; & 1905, p. 5, 

pl. i, fig. 9. Senonian; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 

--—— insignis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 162, pl. xii, fig. 3; pl. Ixiv, figs. 1, 3; 
p!. Ixy, figs. 4-6; pl. Ixvi, fig. 2; pl. lxvii, fig. 7. 

Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 

— laciniata, Fontaine, 1889, p. 164, pl. Isvi, figs. 1, 5-8. Ibid. 
—— longipennis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 164, pl. xi, fig. 8. Ibid, 
— petiolata, Fontaine, 1882, p. 166, pl. lxvi, fig. 3. Ibid 
— pinnatifida, Fontaine, 1889, p. 161, pl. lxi, fig. 7; pl. Ixii, fig. 5; 

pl. lxiv, fig. 2; pl. Ixvii, fig. 2. Ibid. 
Zamiostrobus elongatus, Ettingshausen in Reuss, 1854, p. 740 [nomen 

nudum]. Cenomanian ; Moletein, Moravia, 

— familiaris, Bronn in Roemer, 1852, p. 50. (= Conites familiaris, 
Sternberg, 1825.) 
—— Guerangeri, Brongniart, 1849 a, p. 111 [momen nudum]. 
Cretaceous ; France. 
—— Loppineti, Fliche, 1896, p. 139, pl. i, fig. 3, text-fig. 2, 
Albian; Clermont, France, 
-——— macrocephalus, Endlicher, 1841, p. 72. (=Zamia macrocephala, 
Lindley & Hutton, 1835.) Greensand ; Kent. 
-—— ovatus, Schimper, 1870, p. 203. (= Zamia ovata, Lindley & 
Hutton, 1837.) Greensand; Kent, 
—— pippingfordensis, Unger, 18504, p. 300 (described by Fitton, 

1836, p. 181, pl. xxii, fig. 10.) Lower Greensand; Sussex. 
— sp., Otto, 1854, p. 38, pl. v, fig. 5. Dippoldiswalde, Saxony. 
Zamites acutipennis, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 18744, p. 66, pl. xv, 
figs. 3, 4, 5a; pl. xvi, fig. 10. Kome Beds; Greenland. 

—— affinis, Schenk, 1871 a, p. 13, pl. iii, fig. 8. 
Wernsdorfer Beds; Silesia, 
—— alaskana, Lesquereux, 1889, p. 32, pl. x, fig. 4. 
Neocomian ; Alaska. 
—— apertus, Newberry, 1891, p. 199, pl. xiv, figs. 4, 5. 
Kootanie Formation ; Montana, U.S.A, 
—— arcticus, Goeppert, 1866, p. 134, pl. ii, figs. 9,10. Recorded by 
Heer from Kome Beds, Greenland, 
—— bohemicus, Velerovsky, 1889, p, 6, pl. iii, figs. 7, 8. (= Cycas sp., 
Velenovsky, 1887 a.) Cenomanian ; Bohemia, 
—— borealis, Heer, 1874, p. 66, pl. xiv, figs. 13, 14; pl. xv, figs. 1, 2. 
Kome Beds.; Greenland, 
—— brevipennis, Heer, 1871, p. 1181; & 18744, p. 67, pl. xv, figs. 8, 
9, 10. Ibid. 
—— concinnus, Heer, 1871, p. 1181 [nomen nudum]. Ibid. 
—— crassinervis, Fontaine (non Germar), 1889, p. 172, pl. Ixis, fig. 4; 
pl. Ixxxiii, fig. 3. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— distantinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 172, pl. Ixxxiii, fig. 4. Ibid, 


Zamites familiaris, Corda in Reuss, 1846, p. 86, pl. xlix, figs. 10, 11. 
(= Conites familiaris, Sternberg, 1825.) Planer; Bohemia. 
—— globuliferus, Heer, 1882, p. 12, pl. iv, figs. 1-7. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
-—— Goepperti, Schenk (on Zigno), 1871, p. 11, pl. iii, figs. 6, 6 a. 
Wernsdorfer Beds; Silesia. 
—— Heeri, Nathorst MS., figured as Zamites, n. sp., Natborst, 1885, 
p. 341, fig. in text. Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
— iburgensis, Hosius & von der Marck, 1880, p. 214, pl. xliv, fig. 202. 
Neocomian ; Westphalia. 
— (Dionites) Kaufmanni, Heer, 1877, p. 146, pl. lviii, figs. 21, 22. 
; Neocomian ; Switzerland. 
—— méntana, Dawson, 1886, p. 7, pl. i, figs. 6, 6 4. 
Kootanie Formation; Canada. 
— montanensis, Fontaine, 1893, p. 494, pl. lxxxiv, fig. 4. (Re-named 
Pterophylium montanense by Knowlton, 1907.) 
Kootanie Formation; Montana, U.S.A. 
—— ovalis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 178, pl. lxxxv, fig. 4; pl. clxx, fig. 3. 
Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
—— ovatus, Schenk (non (Lindley & Hutton), Morris), 1871 a, p. 12, 
pl. iii, figs. 7, 7 a. Wernsdorfer Beds; Austrian Silesia. 
—. pachyneurus, Schenk, 1871 a, p. 12, pl. iv, fig. 1. Ibid. 
— Schlotheimii, Presl in Sternberg, 1838, p. 200. (= Cycadites 
zamiefolius, Sternberg, 1825.) Quadersandstein ; Hor. 
-——- speciosus, Heer, 18744, p. 64, pl. xiv, figs. 1-12; pl. xvi, fig. 4. 
Kome Beds ; Greenland. 
.-— subfalcatus, Fontaine, 1889, p. 173, pl. Ixxxiv, fig. 13; pl. lxxxv, 
fig. 3. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A. 
-—— tenuinervis, Fontaine, 1889, p. 171, pl. Ixvii, fig. 1; pl. Ixix, fig. 2 ; 
pl. Ixx, fig. 1; pl. Ixxv, fig. 3; pl. Ixxvi, fig. 7; pl. Isxviii, fig. 6 ; 
pl. Ixxxiv, fig. 7. Potomac Formation ; Virginia, U.S.A, 
— Vanhoffeni, Engelhardt in Vanhéffen, 1897, p. 371, text-fig. 28. 
Kome Beds; Greenland. 
— Weedii, Fontaine in Weed & Pirsson, 1898, p. 48]. 
Lower Cretaceous; Montana, U.S.A, 
-—— sp., Dawson, 1886, p. 7, pl. i, fig. 4. Kootanie Formation ; Canada, 
-——? sp., Fontaine in Ward, 1899 8, p. 666, pl. clsii, fig. 15. 
Lower Cretaceous ; Wyoming, U.S.A. 
— sp., Fontaine, 1889, p. 173, pl. Ixxxiv, fig. 12. 
Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 
— sp., Lesquereux, 1892, p. 26, pl. i, fig. 8. 
Dakota Group; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— sp., Schenk, 1871, p. 13, pl. iii, fig. 11. 
: Wernsdorfer Beds; Austrian Silesia, 
Zingiberites pulchellus, Heer, 1871, p. 1183; & 1874.4, p. 105, 
pl. xxvii, fig. 12 4, . Atane Beds; Greenland, 


Zizyphus Beckwithii, Lesquereux, 18833, p. 125, pl. xix, fig. 5. 
Laramie Formation ; Colorado, U.S.A. 
-—— cliffwoodensis, Berry, 1907 4, p. 676, text-fig. 5. 
Magothy Formation; New Jersey, U.S.A. 
—— dakotensis, Lesquereux, 1892, p. 167, pl. xxxvi, figs. 4-7. 
Dakota Group ; Kansas, U.S.A. 
—— elegans, Hollick, 1894 a, p. 58, pl. clxxvii, figs. 9, 10. 
’ Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
— groenlandicus, Heer, 1883 a, p. 42, pl. Ixii, fig. 20. 
: Patoot Beds; Greenland. 
—— Lewisiana, Hollick, 1894, p. 58, pl. clxxx, fig. 13. 
Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
— oblongus, Hollick, 1906 a, p. 92, pl. xxxiv, figs. 9,10. - 
Middle Cretaceous; Long Island, U.S.A. 
Zonarites digitatus (Brongniart), Geinitz. (= Fucoides digitatus, 
Brongniart.) Recorded from American Cretaceo is by Lesquereux, 
1873, p. 421; & 1874, p. 44, pl. i, fig. 1. 
‘Zonopteris comptoniefolia, Debey, 1848, p. 117 [nomen nudum]. 
(=Didymosorus comptonifolius, Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 3.) 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 
—— digitatus (Brongn.), Geinitz. Recorded from Dakota Group, 
Kansas, by Lesquereux, 1873, p. 421. 
—— Goepperti, Debey, 1848, p. 117; & Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 s, 

p. 213, pl. iv, figs. 11-20. Senonian ; Rhenish Pruasia, 
—— Goepperti heteropleura, Debey, 1848, p. 117 [nomen nudum]. 

Zoophycos Brianteus, Massalongo, 1855, p. 51, pl. iii, figs. 1, 2. 
Upper Cretaceous, 
emarginatus, Cocchi. See Sacco, 1888, p. 186. 
Targionii, Savi & Meneghini. See Sacco, 1888, p. 186. 
tenuestriatus (Heer). See Sacco, 1888, p. 186. 
Villz, Massalongo, 1855, p. 49, pl. ii, figs. 1, 2. Upper Cretaccous, 
Zosterites Agardhianus, Brongniart, 1828, p. 115. 
Cretaceous ; Sweden. 
— exquinervis, Debey, 1849, p. 299 [nomen nudum]. 
Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia, 
-— angustifolius, Ettingshausen, 1893, p. 137; & 1895, p. 13, pl. i, 
fig. 2. Cretaceous; Australia. 
— Bellovisana, Brongniart, 1824, p. 317, pl. xxi, fig. 7. 
Greensand ; Isle of Aix, France. 


—— caulinizfolia, Brongniart, 1828 a, p. 204. Ibid. 
—— elongata, Brongniart, 1824, p. 317, pl. xxi, fig. 6. Ibid. 
—— lineata, Brongniart, 1824, p. 318, pl. xxi, fig. 8 Ibid. 

—.- Loryi, Fliche, 1902, p. 122, pl. ii, one text-fig. 
Senonian ; Dévoluy, France. 
— Miqueli, Debey MS. in Mourlon, 1881, p. 133 [nomen nudum]. 
Senoniau ; Limburg, Belgium. 


Zosterites multinervis, Debey, 1848 4, p. 119 [nomen nudum]. 

Senonian; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 

—— Orbigniana, Brongniart, 1824, p. 317, pl. xxi, fig. 5. 

Greensand ; Isle of Aix, France. 

—— Orbignyanus, Bronn in Bronn & Roemer, 1852, p. 43. (= Zoster- 
ites Orbigniana, Brongniart, 1824, & Z. cauliniefolia, Brongniart, 
1828 a.) 

— vittata, Debey, 1848, p. 119 [nomen nudum]. 

Page 50. 



. Add Bignonia Westerhausiana, Richter, 1904, p. 20, pl. ii 

Senonian ; Aix, Rhenish Prussia. 


Under Abietiles cretacea, for “ Dakota” read “ New Mexico.” 
Under Abietites Glweckii, add Richter, 1904, p. 19, pl. i, fig. 14, 
Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony, 
Add Asplentum distans, Heer, recorded Dawson, 1886, p. 5, 
pl. iii, fig. 7. 
Kootanie Formation; Canmore, Rocky Mts., Canada. 

figs. 1-5. Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 

. For “ Cassia pre-mennonia” read “ Cassia pre-memnonia.” 
. Under Cedroxylon manehildense for “xe” read “ xy.” 
. Add Dryopteris parvifolia (Fontaine), Knowlton, 1898, p. 92; & 

in Ward, 1906, p. 541, pl. exiv, fig. 7. (=Aspidium parvifolium, 
Fontaine, 1889.) Potomac Formation; Virginia, U.S.A. 

. Under Eguisetum Zeilleri, add Richter, 1904, p. 18, pl. i, figs, 2 

& 12. Senonian ; Quedlinburg, Saxony. 

. Under Geinitzia microcarpa, for “1905” read “ 1904.” 
. Under Laurus crassinervis, add Dawson, 1886, p. 10, pl. iii, 

figs. 3, 3a. 





Plants with great variety of external morphology, but with- 
out differentiation into true root, stem and leaf. The plant 
body may consist of a single cell, a small number of cells, or may 
be a large, complex organism many feet in length. The higher 
members of the group show both internal and external structures 
suggestive of some of the features of the Vascular plants, but 
they are distinguished from them by the absence of true roots 
and the lack of differentiated vascular elements. Reproduction 
may be by simple, unisexual spores, but in the majority of forms 
there is some trace of sexuality, and in some the reproductive 
processes are exceedingly complex. 

As no member of the group produces woody or scleren- 
chymatous elements, the parts are all soft and are very liable 
to decay. This perhaps accounts for their scarcity among the 
fossils, though many purely physical appearances have been 
mistaken for them. Few reliable determinations of members 
of this group have been made, except among the Calcareous 
Algz, which secrete for themselves a coating of carbonate of 

Class ALG A. 

Plants with vegetative body varying from a single cell to a 
complex, multicellular structure. All forms are provided with 
chlorophyll, which is masked by other pigments in some of the 


Among living Alge the majority of the larger forms are 
marine and the group preponderates largely in the sca-water 
flora asa whole. It is, therefore, all the more surprising that so 
few good fossil examples are recorded. That Algw existed from 
Palwozoic times is rendered certain by the fact that one of the 
earliest known plants with its internal structure preserved is 
an alga, Nematophycus (Dawson), Carruthers. The theory that 
all terrestrial vegetation originated from aquatic forms in the 
earliest times, is also generally accepted. The mere delicacy of 
the tissues forming the Alge is not a sufficient explanation for 
the remarkable poverty of their petrifaction, for equally delicate 
parts of the higher plants are preserved; and it is probably 
due to the chemical nature of their cell-walls that they are so 
ill represented in fossil floras. 

Although large numbers of appearances in the rocks have been 
described which are not Algz but are of purely physical origin, 
many writers have hastily discarded specimens which merit re- 
tention because of the unsatisfactory nature of most fossil Algz. 
Seward (1894) has discarded all the numerous generic names 
given to algal impressions and proposed the comprehensive 
generic name Algites for everything. For the Cretaceous plants 
this course does not seem advisable, because a number of the 
described species are at least as good as many of the fossil fern- 
species which are retained by all paleobotanists, while at the 
same time it is recognised that their affinities are very imperfectly 

The literature dealing with fossil Algw is extensive, and much 
of it‘is highly controversial. In a Swedish paper in 1874 
Nathorst showed how many of the fossil * alge ” were simply 
physical markings, and he continued his work in 1881. To this 
Saporta replied in 1882 with a large monograph on the fossil 
Algee. Nathorst published a more exhaustive paper in 1886 in 
reply both to Saporta and the others who continued to maintain 
the algal nature of the remains. In 1895 Fuchs contributed a 
large paper on ‘ Fucoiden und Hieroglyphen”, and stated that 
after an exhaustive examination of all the “ fucoids” in most 
museums, he did not discover a single carbonised specimen, and 
he denied the statements made by other workers that such spe- 
cimens are frequent. His opinion was that all the so-called 


fucoids of the Flysch were of physical origin or due to animal 
tracks. Rothpletz more recently (1896) has taken a moderate 
view, and maintains the algal nature of many of the species. 
These papers are not confined to a consideration of the Creta- 
ceous Algee, but deal with the whole range of forms. 

The Calcareous Alge are naturally, by reason of their hard 
encrustations, of most importance geologically, and they do 
really play a part as “rock builders” (see Seward, 1894 8). 
Several undoubted genera and species of this group have been 
described from Cretaceous rocks, 

, (Living family.] 

Minute unicellular Alge sometimes living in colonies, but 
generally free swimming. The shape of the cell is exceedingly 
various, and particularly characterised by the thickened cell- 
wall which is in two parts, fitting together like a pill-box and 
its lid. This shell is generally silicified and often flattened aud 
ornamented. In the living cell the chloroplast has a yellowish- 
brown colour. 

Fossil diatoms are recorded in enormous masses in several 
Tertiary and a few Cretaceous deposits. In some cases, indeed, 
a five whitish earth consists almost entirely of myriads of the 
minute silicified tests. 

Ehrenberg (1841) pointed out long ago that many species of 
diatoms existed in the Upper Cretaceous, several apparently 
identical with living species, and all belonging to still living 
genera, He gives a list (p. 119) of the species and their localities 
which is too long for quotation, but a few names selected from 
it will indicate the distribution and character of the forms he 
records :— 

Amphitetras antediluviana, from the Chalk Marl of Oran, 
Coscinodiscus Aryus, from the Chalk Marl of Caltanisetta, 
Coscinodiscus eccentricus, from the Chalk Marl of Oran, 
Coscinodiscus Putina, from the Chalk Marl of Zante, 
‘ragilaria rhabdosoma, from the White Chalk of Gravesend, 


Fragilaria striolata, from the White Chalk of Gravesend, 
Gallionella aurichalcea, from the White Chalk of Riigen, 
Gullionella sulcata, from the Chalk Marl of Caltanisetta, 
Navicula ventricosa, from the Chalk Mar! of Oran. 

Cayeux (1892, 1897) has recorded numerous diatoms from 
the Upper Cretaceous zones of Ammonites mammillaris and 
A, inflatus in the Paris basin. In his specimens the silicified 
tests are sometimes replaced by calcareous matter. Hitherto 
there are no authentic records of diatoms earlier than the 
Upper Cretaceous. 

[Living family. ] 

Unicellular Algee of very various size and external form. 
The thallus may. be much branched and is often of considcrable 
sizo, but it is not separated by cell-walls into distinct cells. 
Many of the genera are encrusted with a calcareous coating, 
and the majority of them are marine. 

The Siphoneaces are the most important group of fossil Alge, 
and a number of well preserved and microscopically studied 
forms have been described by Rothpletz, Steinmann, and others 
from the calcareous members of the order. The soft-celled, 
microscopic forms belonging to this affinity have uot been re- 
corded among fossils. 

Suborder CODIACEZ. 

Genus BOUBINA, Toula. 

[Toula, Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-naturwiss. Cl. 1884, 
vol. 88, p. 1319. For the recognition of its plant-naturo 
see Steinmann, Bericht. naturf. Ges. Freiburg, vol. 11, 
pp. 1-6, text-figs. 1-7.] 

The genus is monotypic and cannot therefore be diagnosed 
apart from the species. It was described by Gimbel, Zittel and 
others as a sponge, and the reference of the fossil to the Algz is 
due to Steinmann, 


This genus, which shows such similarity to the living Hali- 
meda, is of special interest because previous to its recognition 
no member of the Codiacez had been determined on the basis 
of its structure, prior to the Tertiary. 

Boueina Hochstetteri, Toula. 

1884, Boueina Hochstetteri, Toula, Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
math.-naturwiss. Cl., vol. 88, pp. 1819-1824, pls. vii-ix. 

1901. Boueina Hochstetteri, Steinmann, Bericht. naturf. Ges. 
Freiburg, vol. 11, pp. 1-6, text-figs. 1-7. 

In this alga the simple, unbranched body of the calcareous 
thallus is 10-20 mm. long, 2-3°5 mm. thick, and is penetrated 
by a system of branching canals which are connected without 
any visible segmentation, The cross-section is circular or oval, 
and in the central region the little branched canals of the axis 
run more or less nearly parallel, in the periphery they are very 
much smaller and stand at right angles to the surface and are 
very freely dichotomously branched. The ultimate branches 
are arranged very close together and form a kind of cortical 
zone. In large specimens the central canal-system is replaced 
by a simple cavity. Between the canals is an undifferentiated 
calcareous skeleton. 

Honizon.—Upper Neocomian. 


The general habitat of this Neocomian member of the 
Codiacez appears to have been similar to that of the modern 

Steinmann’s figures (Steinmann, 1901, text-figs. 2 and 3), 
reproduced here as text-fig. 1, show the general character of the 
cross-section of these alge and illustrate clearly the remarkable 
likeness to the living Halimeda, a similar section of which is 
shown in text-fig, 2. 

Fructifications for this fossil are not recorded, but this is a 
point which tends further to strengthen its supposed affinity to 
Halimeda, for in the living genus the spores are not developed 
on the parts already penetrated by calcareous matter. 

It may be remarked that though, as Steinmann points out, 
there is a great similarity between the fossil and the living genus, 
the parts compared are only the ‘‘stalk” region of the plants 
and this is similar in several of the Codiacee. 



Text-fig. 1.—Bouetna Hochstetteri, Toula, A. Transverse section showing 
the character of the central and the peripheral canals. x 28, 
B. Cross-section of a specimen with a central cavity, and showing 
clearly the dichotomous branching of the peripheral canals, x 28, 
After Steinmann, 


Other Codiacez.—To the Codiacew should perhaps be added 
the impression described by Lorenz v. Liburnau as /alimeda 
Fuggeri (Lorenz, 1897) from the Flysch. Further specimens of 
this fossil were described by Lorenz in 1902, and the generic 

Text-fig. 2.—Cross-section through a living Halimeda for comparison with 
the fossil Bowetna Hochstetteri. x 24. After Steinmann, 

name Halimedides suggested for them. The specimens certainly 
have the external appearance of a Halimeda, but they exhibit 
no internal structure, and their plant origin does not appear to 
be entirely beyond doubt. 

Genus NEOMERIS, Lamouroux. 

[Living genus. ] 

A member of the Dasycladacee with unbranched, cylindrical 
stem, thickly encrusted. It consists of a thick-walled stem- 
cell with no cross walls or constrictions, with densely packed 
whorls of 32-80 side “branches.” These carry usually one 
terminal and short-stalked sporangium and two sterile para- 
physis-like segments with swollen ends, 


Neomeris cretacea, Steinmann. 
1899. Neomeris cretacea, Steinmann in Felix & Lenk, Beitr. Geol. 
Palxont. Mexico, p. 200, text-figs, 42-46. 

The largest portions of the calcareous cylinder of the fossil 
are 3-4 mm. long and 2 mm. thick, but they were probably 
10 mm. long when alive. They are perfectly cylindrical or 
slightly compressed. The tubes are penetrated by a central 
cavity which varies from 1:2~1-4 mm. in diameter. The wall is 
often as much as 0°5 mm. thick, and is penetrated by numerous 
radially arranged branches of two kinds, the one simple and 
uniform, about 0:05-0:06 mm. in diameter, and the other in 
fewer numbers and of flask-like shape with a blind ending. 

Horrzon.— Upper Cenomanian. 


The form much resembles the Eocene representatives of tho 


Text-fig. 8.—Munieria baconica, v. Hantken. External appearance. 
A. Nat. size; B. enlarged. After Deecke, 

Genus MUNIERIA, v. Hantken in litt, (see Deecke), 
[Neues Jahrb. f, Min., 1888, vol. 1, p. 9.] 
The genus contains the single species AL. baconica, and is not 

diagnosed by the original author. 

Munieria baconica, v. Hantken in Deccke. 
1883. Muateria baconica, v. Uantken in litt., Deecke, Neues Jahrb. 
f. Min., vol. 1, pp. 9-1], pl. i, figs. 4-10. 


1897. Munieria baconica, Wauptfleisch in Engler & Prantl, Pflan- 
zenfamil., p. 56, 
1906. Munieria ct, baconica, Oswald, Geol. Armenia, plate to face 
p. 234. 
This alga is cylindrical, from 5-7 mm. long, with a blunt 
apex. It is composed of numerous symmetrical, similar zones, 


Text-fig. 4.—Munieria baconica, vy. Hantken. A. Cross-section showing 
k, chalky skeleton, v, verticillate canals. B. Longitudinal section, 
c, central canal, C. Restoration of a small part of the alga: c, axial 
canal; v, verticillate canals which contained the living portion of the 
alga. The perforated outline represents the calcareous skeleton, 
w, with spaces, 2, init. After Deecke. 

each about 0-5 mm. thick, so that there are 10-14 of these in a 
specimen, The diameter is about 0°75 mm., and each zone is 
perforated by about a dozen round pores. In good specimens 



there is no external ornamentation, and, except for the pores, 
no external sign of zones. 

The external appearance of the fossil is seen in numerous 
cases where it has weathered out, so that hand-specimens are 
covered with individuals of Munierta. The internal structure 
can be studied by means of sections. In section it is seen that 
there is an axial canal in the centre of each segment, from 
which the lateral canals radiate. In longitudinal section they 
are seen more clearly, and the arrangement of the living tissues 
is evident (see text-fig. 4). 



Deecke gives no concise definition of the genus, but describes 
it at some length and places it near Gyroporella. In the neigh- 
bourhood of Bakony the alga is so abundant it is said practi- 
cally to compose one of the beds of the Cretaceous. Hovelacque 
(1900) gives a figure of a section of fossiliferous calcite from 
the Urgonian of the Sub-Alps in which are fragments of what 
he considers may be Munieria of Deecke, but his published 
figures are not conclusive. 

Details of the reproductive branches are unknown. In the 
same matrix Deecke noticed several segments differing somewhat 
from the normal ones, which he took to be the reproductive 
branches of the same species. 

V. 11063. A small hand-specimen, and a microscopic slide of 
the same, described as Munieria by Oswald (1906). 
The sketch which he gives (see plate to face p. 234) 
is unsatisfactory, the actual specimen, while showing 
much more definite structure than does the figure, 
being still of such an obscure nature that it is highly 
doubtful if it is an alga. In the matrix are numerous 
other fragments (not noted by Oswald) which bear a 
closer resemblance to a Lithothamnium than does his 
specimen to Munieria. No accurate determination 
seems possible at present. 

(?) Urgonian ; Armenia. Presented by Dr. F. Oswald 
and H. F. B. Lynch, Esq., 1904. 


Genus DIPLOPORA, Schathiutl. 
[Siid-Bayerns Lethwa Geogn. Petrefacten, 1863, pp. 824, 327.] 

The generic name was first given to forms which Schafhautl 
included among the Bryozoa. Later by Giimbel and others 
it was superseded by Gyroporella, but the older name was 
revived for some of the algal forms which are characteristic of 
the Trias; and the name is also used by Lorenz and Arbenz for 
the Cretaceous species which they describe as follows :— 

Diplopora Muhlbergii, T. Lorenz. 

1902. Diplopora Mithloergit, T. Lorenz, Bericht Naturf. Ges. Ziirich, 
vol. 12, pp. 19 [52]-20[53], figs. 3-7. 

1908. Diplopora Miihlberyii, Lorenz, Arbenz, Vierteljahrsschrift 
Naturf. Ges. Zurich, vol. 58, pp. 387-392, figs. 1-5. 

Slender, somewhat bent tube-like forms, average length about 
2mm. (?) From the hollow axial space open whorls of branch 
canals. The branches vary, but are principally simple. Branch 
whorls are separated some distance from each other and the 
branches are not superimposed in vertical series. In a variety 
described by Arbenz (1908) the average diameter is 0:3-0°5 mm., 
with a thickness of 0-1-0'15 mm. for the wall. 

Hor1izon.—Barremian and Aptian. 

Locatrty.—Wildkirchli and elsewhere, locally very abundant. 

Lorenz notes that the discovery of this form in the Cretaceous 
is of interest, because hitherto alge of this generic type have 
been known in numbers only from the Trias, with isolated 
specimens from the Jura. According to Arbenz (1908) the 
alga is extremely abundant in the Lower “Schrattenkalk ” 
(Up. Barremian) and Aptian of some districts, and may even 
form one third of all the organisms in a deposit. He says 
(p. 892) “Die Diploporen der untern Kreide scheinen somit 
auf das Barrémien und Aptien in neritischer Facies heschrinkt 
zu sein,” where they are a typical facies fossil. 

The name D. Miihlbergit probably covers several spevies 
which can only be separated when more detailed work is 



Genus TRIPLOPORELLA, Steinmann. 
[Neues Jahrb. f. Min., 1880, vol. 2, p. 130.] 

Steinmann gave no generic diagnosis of this genus, but de- 
scribed it fully, and his original description was much extended 

Text-fig. 5.— Triploporella Fraasi, Steinmann, A. A portion of the Lebanoa 

Cretaceous rock with specimens of Zriploporel/a, natural size. B. A 
fragment of Triploporella, x 2, C, An enlarged fragment showing 
a, the primary branching, 2, the secondary branch system, c, the axis 

oroken across. After Steinmann, 

by the examination of further specimens from Mexico (see Stein- 
mann, 1899), According to him Triploporella is a member of 
the Dasycladacese of Turonian and Cenomanian age, which had 
a wide geographical distribution, as is evidenced by the two 
localities in which it has been found, viz. Syria and Mexico. 
It has some of the characters both of the Acetabulariez and the 


Dasycladacew, and may be considered as a form intermediate 
between the two groups. 

Triploporella Fraasi, Steinmann. 

1880. Triploporella Fraast, Steinmann, Neues Jahrb. f. Min., vol. 2, 
p. 186, pl. v, tigs. 1-8. 

1899. Triploporella Fraasi, Steinmann in Felix & Lenk, Beitr. 
Geol. Paleont. Mexico, pp. 190-195, text-figs. 29-40. 

A form with closely packed series of whorled branches bearing 
spores, and with finely divided branches below and beyond 
these. The whole structure probably about 30 mm. long, and 

Text-fig. 6.—TZriploporella Fraasi, Steinmann. Portion of a radial section 
of some of the whorled branches. s, the axial stem. In the cavities 
of the ‘ branches” are the ‘‘ mother spores” dividing into four. After 

of a diameter of about 5 mm. at the distal, and 1-5-2 mm. at 
the proximal end. 

From the calearcous specimens of Mexico further details were 
obtainable, and the verticillate series of sporangial branches 
contained “ spores,” 

The restoration of the plant given in Steinmann’s second 
paper, reproduced here in text-fig. 7 (p. 246), shows the verticai 
axis and series of whorled branches, both spore-bearing and 

Horizon.—Turonian and Cenomanian. 

Locatrry.—Lebanon, Syria, and Mexico 


Text-fig. 7.—TZriplopsrella Fraasi, Steinmann. Reconstruction, x 4. 
After Steinmann. 

Associated with the Sipbonee is the rather doubtful genus 
Goniolina, first described from the Jurassic, and later recorded 
in Cretaceous deposits. Saporta originally named it as an 
inflorescence of a proangiosperm, and its external appearance 
is suggestive of the spines of an Echinoderm. It is now generally 
accepted among the Siphonee, but as it is primarily a Jurassic 
plant it will not be considered here. 


Gyroporella (Giimbel) is another genus recorded in the Cre- 
taceous, but it was first described from Permian rocks. It is 
outwardly similar to Neomeris, but with less complex structure. 


The extremely problematic fossils which have been placed in 
the genus Gyrophyllites, founded by Glocker in 1841 for some 
Jurassic specimens, have a number of representatives in true 
Cretaceous deposits, and also in the Flysch. Heer (1877) founds 
and figures three species (pl. lviii), G@. obtustfolius, G. Oosteri, 
and G. pentamerus, from the Swiss Cretaceous. His genus 
Discophorites, with the species D. angustilobus and D. Fischer, 
shows no characters really to separate it from the previously 
named “genus,” and must be included in “ Gyrophyllites.” 
Lorenz (1901) considers the “‘ genus” at some length and defi- 
nitely places it in the Acctabulariew, although Solms-Laubach, 
iu his classical monograph on the Acetabularies (Solms-Laubach, 
1901), does not discuss these fossils, but notes their extremely 
problematic nature in his text-book. Lorenz (J.c.) determines 
several new species from the Flysch deposits. 

[Living family. ] 

Alge, almost entirely marine, with a large, branched and 
complex thallus. Multicellular, with some cell-differentiation. 
Chromatophores golden brown in living cells. 

Genus CHONDRITES, Sternberg. 
[Flora d. Vorwelt, 1838, p. 25.] 

Ale, or fossils which suggest alge, with a much-branched 
dichotomous or sympodial thallus which is cylindrical. 

The essential feature of the fossils described under this generic 
name is the cylindrical form of the branches. These are not 
flattened in the rock like most plant-remains, and they often 
lack all traces of carbonaceous material. They are frequently 


distinguished from the surrounding matrix by their different 
colour—black in a light rock or white in a dark one. 

Brongniart (1828.4) described the genus under the name 
Fucoides in his § Gigartinites as follows (p. 20) :—“ Fronde 
rameuse, & branches presque-cylindriques, charnues, jamais 
membraneuses.” He divided the group into nine species, to 
the number of which many later writers have added. Much 
that was said about the fossil Alge as a whole (p. 234, ante) 
applies particularly to this section, and it does not appear neces- 
sary to enter into an exhaustive recapitulation of all the “species” 
described, even among the Cretaceous specimens of Chondrites. 
In contrast to most of the earlier writers who tended to multiply 
genera and species of fossil Algw, Ettingshausen (1863) pointed 
out that a number of the so-called Algs, placed in this genus by 
Fischer-Ooster and others, cannot be accepted. He also noted 
the difficulty of distinguishing between many of the forms to 
which distinct specific names have been given, because of the 
intermediate stages which occur to connect them. 

In the controversy on the algal nature of fossil Alga, the genus 
Chondrites is one of the most disputed. Nathorst (1886 a) main- 
tains that the forms are not alge and supports this view with 
weighty arguments. For example, he points out how the very 
nature of the matrix, particularly in the Flysch deposits, shows 
that the beds must have accumulated rapidly, while Algz of the 

-nature of the supposed “ Chondrites” do not inhabit troubled 

waters. He also makes much of the argument that the 
specimens are not carbonised and show no trace of vegetable 
substance even when they occur in rocks which contain other 
true vegetable fossils which are carbonised. This objection, 
however, seems to be sufficiently answered by the fact that 
even among living seaweeds the decay takes place in a different 
manner from that of the higher plants, owing to the different 
chemical composition of the plant-body in the two types of 

After having read most of the extensive and highly con- 
troversial literature on the subject, and having seen a large 
number of specimens in most of the leading museums, my 
conclusion is that the “ genus” Chondrites dues contain “ species ” 
which are truly the remains of alge, though many of those 
described for the genus are probably purely physical phenomena. 


And further, that if this conclusion should ultimately prove 
incorrect and all of them prove to be other than alge, it is still 
useful to retain the genus for the present, and wise to keep 
it in the established position which is as good as any other 
on a@ priort grounds, and has the advantage of being long 

In his exhaustive monograph on the Algewe of the Flysch 
Rothpletz (1896) proposes the generic name Phycopsis to 
replace the old-established Chondrites. His objection to the 
latter is very just, namely, that it suggests affinities which are 
not proven. His own name, however, is not free from the same 
objection. As he brings forward no new facts which throw 
light on the affinity of the plant, by the code of nomenclature 
the older name should be retained. According to my suggestion 
regarding the names of doubtful species, the uname is printed in 
gothic type *. 

The Flysch deposits which are so peculiarly rich in “ Algw” 
have been the subject of a monograph by Rothpletz (1896) to 
which reference should be made. They will not be specially 
treated in the present volume, and indeed most of them are 
Tertiary, or doubtfully Cretaceous in age. 

Chonvrites Targiontt (Brongniart), Sternberg. 

1828. Fucoides Targionii, Brongniart, Hist. Végét. Foss., p. 56, 
pl. iv, figs. 4-6. 

1828, Fucotdes Targionti, Brongniart, Prodréme, p. 20. 

1835 (read 1828). Fucotdes Targionti, Mantell, Trans. Geol. Soc. 
[2] vol. 8, p. 210. 

* In a paper in the Annals of Botany for October 1911, I brought 
forward the arguments that form the fonndation of my suggestion—which 
is, that all fossil plants for which there is no good, scientific reason for 
association with given families and genera, and to which nevertheless 
names indicative of such affinities have been given, should be printed 
henceforth in Gothic character. This would instantly indicate the doubtful 
nature of the fossil without altering and multiplying the nomenclature, 
and would avoid the use of a trinomial system or any of the other more 
cumbrous devices which have been suggested. It would also immediately 
appeal to those not specially trained in paleobotany when looking through 
lists of names, and set them on their guard against drawing unwarranted 



1838. Chondrites Targionii et varr., Sternberg, Versuch Flora 
Vorwelt, p. 25, pl. ix, fig. 3. 

1853. Chondrites Targionti, Unger, Denkschr. k, Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, vol. 4, p. 79, pl. xxv, fig. 5. 

1858. Chondrites Targiontt (excl. some of Sternberg’s varr.), 
Fischer-Ooster, Fossilen Fucoiden, p. 46, pl. viii, figs. 8 a, 8d. 

1863. Chondrites Vindobonensis, varr., Ettingshausen, Fossilen 
Algen Wiener Karpathen-Sandsteines, p. 457. 

1869. Chondrites Targionit, Schimper, Traité Paléont. Végét., 
vol. 1, p. 170, pl. iii, fig. 7. 

1877. Chondrites Targiont (et varr.), Heer, Flora Foss. Helvetia, 
p. 156; pl. 1x, fig. 5; pl. Ixi, fig. 9; pl. xii, figs. 1-10; pl. lxiii, 
figs. 6 a, 12-17. 

1880. Chondrites Targionii, Hosius & vy. d. Marck, Paleontogr., 
vol. 26, p. 180, pl. xxiv, figs. 1, 2. 

1896. Phycopsis Targiont, Rothpletz, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., 
vol, 48, p. 887. 

1900. Chondrites Targioni, Zeiller, Elém. Paleobot., p. 33, fig. 6. 

Heer’s diagnosis is perhaps the most concise :—‘* Chondrites 
fronde irregulariter dichotome et pinnatim ramosa, ramis 
alternis et oppositis, hinc inde valde approximatis ‘75-1-5 mm. 
latis, longitudine valde inaequalibus, ramulis nonnullis praelongis, 
angulo acuto egredientibus, errectis, strictis.” 

Horizon.—Lower Greensand—Flysch. 

Locatrry.— Widely distributed over Europe. 

Many of the specimens which have been referred to this 
species are certainly worthless, and are probably worm-burrows 
or animal-tracks of the kind demonstrated by Nathorst. 
Further, a number of specimens have been placed in sub- 
species or varieties which show no real features distinctive 
enough to separate them from the “species” which is recog- 
nisedly of little scientific value in any case. There are, 
nevertheless, a number of fossils which can at once be recognised 
as characteristic and which it is useful to place together under 
one well-established name. 

The specimens in the Museum are principally from the 
Lower Greensand of Bignor Park, one of the earliest known 
localities for the fossil, which Mantell described and figured in 
several of his works. The thallus is whitish and highly 
calcareous, and the specimens are less suggestive of plants than 
many of the others included in the species, though they come 
within the terms of the diagnosis, 


Text-fig. 8 —Chaudrites Targtontt (Brongn.), Sternberg. A character- 
istic specimen of the “species.” Nat. size. After Brongniart. 

V. 88, V. 88a. Numerous ramifications of the branched 
“thallus” penetrating the sandy matrix in various 
directions. The branches are white in colour and 
cylindrical. In section they appear as circles scattered 
in the matrix. Lower Greensand; Bignor Park, 
Sussex. : Lgerton Coll., 1882. 

5570, 5573, 5574, 5575, 5576, 5577, 5579, 5579 a. Similar 
specimens from the Greensand. Mantell Coll, 


10780, 9424, 9426, V. 11507, V. 11508, V. 11509, V. 11510, 
V. 11511, V. 11512. Similar specimens from the 
Greensand; Bignor (?). Mantell Coll. (?) 

Choudvrites intricatus (Brongniart), Steruberg. 
[Plate I, fig. 1 5.] 

1824, Fucoides intricatus, Brongniart, Observations sur Fucoides, 
p. 311, pl. xix, fig. 8. 

1828. Fucoides intricatus, Brongniart, Hist. Végét. Foss., p. 59, 
pl. v, figs. 6, 7, & 8. 

1828. Fucoides intricatus, Brongniart, Prodréme, p. 20. 

1838. Chondrites intricatus, Sternberg, Versuch Flora Vorwelt, 
p. 26, pl. vii (non vi), fig. 3. 

1858. Chondrites intricatus, Fischer-Ooster, Fossilen Fucoiden, 
p. 44, pl. viii, fig. 1. 

1863. Chondrites Vindvbonensis, varr., Ettingshausen, Fossilen 
Algen Wiener Karpathen-Sandsteines, p. 457. 

1869. Chondrides intricatus, Schimper, Traité Paléont. Végét., 
vol. 1, p. 172, pl. iii, fig. 9. 

1877. Chondrites intricatus (et varr.), Heer, Flora Foss. Helvetie, 
p. 157, pl. Ixiii, figs. 1-10. 

1896. Phycopsis intricata, Rothpletz, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., 
vol. 48, p. 888, pl. xxii, fig. 7. (Chondrites equalis should 
probably be included here.) 

Heer’s diagnosis may be quoted :—“ Chondrites fronde subtili, 
caespitosa, tripinnatim ramosa, ramulis *25-°5 mm. latis, longi- 
tudine inaequalibus, setaceis, angulo acuto egredientibus, 


Locatrry.— Widely distributed in the Swiss Alps and else- 

Ettingshausen (1863) concluded that this species is really a 
younger form of Chondrites Targioniz, but Rothpletz’s more 
recent and more detailed work does not support this view. 
The species was one of the earliest to be recognised among 
fossil alge, and its characteristic size and appearance make it 
easily distinguished from most of the other “species” of 
supposed alge. 

In our Pl. I, fig. 1 a slab of Cretaceous Flysch shale is 
illustrated, showing numerous fragments (b) of the plant with 
other algze. 


53020. A number of fragments of the tufted, branching thallus, 
together with an Algites, figured in Pl. I, fig. 10. 
Cretaceous Flysch ; Sievering. 

Ettingshausen Coll., 1879. 

V. 11513. Several fragments of the branching thallus, one 
showing the tufted form very well. Cretaceous Flysch ; 
Sievering. Ettingshausen Coll., 1881. 

Text-fig. 9.—Chauvrites tutricatug (Brongn.), Sternberg. 
A characteristic specimen. Nat. size. After Heer, 

V. 11514, V.11515. Numerous branches and fragments of 
thallus lying in various directions and penetrating the 
slab of matrix. Cretaceous Flysch; Sievering. _ 

Ettingshausen Coll., 1881. 

eLhonvrites patulus, Fischer-Ooster. 
[Plate I, fig. 2.] 
1858. Chondrites patulus, Fischer-Ooster, Foss. Fucoiden, p. 48, 
pl. viii, figs. 6, 7. 
1877. Chondrites patulus, Heer, Flora Foss, Helvetie, p. 156, 
pl. lxiii, figs. 18-24, 
Heer’s diagnosis may be quoted :—‘* Chondrites fronde erecta, 
pinnatim vel bipinnatim ramosa, ramis approximatis, sub angulo 
fere recto egredientibus, inaequilongis, -75-1 mm. latis.” 



Locarity.— Fahnern, ete., Switzerland. 

This ‘“‘ species” is readily separated from the others by the 
arrangement of the lateral branches at right angles to the larger 

V. 11516. In Pl. I, fig. 2, a small fragment from the Upper 
Cretaceous is illustrated to show the branched thallus, 
which much resembles the original description. 


Text-fig. 10.—Chandrites patulugs, Fischer-Ooster. Showing the rect- 
angular form ofthe brauches. Nat. size. After Fischer-Ooster. 

Genus ALGITES, Seward (emend.). 
[Catal. Mesoz. Plants Brit. Mus., Wealden, pt. i, 1894, p. 4.] 

Seward’s diagnosis, if emended, may be taken:—A generic 
term to cover a presumably composite genus for those flattened 
impressions “‘ which in all probability belong to the class Alge, 
but which by reason of the absence of reproductive organs, 
internal structure, or characters of a trustworthy nature in the 
determination of affinity, cannot be referred with any degree of 
certainty to a particular genus or family.” 

The separation of the cylindrical forms into another group 
may at times seem arbitrary, but it is convenient at present. 
Where all the ‘“ genera” are based on very unsatisfactory data, 
it is well to use a clearly marked and stable character. 



Algites furcatus (Brongn.), comb. nov. 
[Plate I, fig. La.] 

1824, Fucoides (Spherococcus?) furcatus, Brongniart, Observations 
sur Fucoides, p. 309, pl. xix, fig. 3. 

1828. Fucoides furcatus, Brongniart, Hist, Végét. Foss., p. 62, 
pl. v, fig. 1 

1828. Fucoides furcatus, Brongniart, Prodréme, p. 20. 

1838. Chondrites furcatus, Sternberg, Versuch Flora Vorwelt, p. 27. 

1858. Chondrites furcatus (some varieties), Fischer-Ooster, Fossilen 
Fucoiden, p. 51, pls. ix-x. 

1863. Chondrites affinis § C. genuinus, Ettingshausen, Toss. Algen 
Wierer Karpath.-Sandst., pp. 460, 465. 

1869. Chendrides fureatus, Schimper, ‘Traité Paléont. Végét., vol. 1, 
p. 169, pl. iii, fig. 8. 

1896. Phycopsis uaffinis, Rothpletz, Zeitschr. deutsch, geol. Ges., 
yol, 48, p. 885, pl. xxii, figs. 1, 2. 

Alyites with thallus branching alternately, the side branches 
averaging 3 mm. in width and with rounded ends, springing 
from a larger branch 4~7 mm. in diameter. The main branches 
are characterised by dichotomous division, and the ultimate 
branches are sympodial. 


Locatrry.—Switzerland and other mid-European countries. 

Rothpletz states that it is the fucoid with the widest thallus 
among those of the Flysch deposits. It appears to me to be one 
of the best established of the doubtful group. 

53020. A branching thallus showing some of the ultimate 
ramifications with their rounded ends, illustrated in 
Pl. I, fig. 1 a, with Chondrites intricatus. Cretaceous 
Flysch ; Sievering. Ettingshausen Coll., 1879. 

Algites sp. 

41410. Very obscure markings on a block of white chalk, which 
may possibly be fucoidal impressions. Upper Chalk; 
Charlton, Kent. Purchased, 1868. 

Algites ? 

V. 3947. Unidentifiable fragments of plant tissue in a mass 

together. On sandstone. They may, however, be 

macerated fragments of higher plants. Senonian; 
Baumberg, Westphalia. Purchased, 1899. 


Norz.—Several more or Jess doubtful species which could 
technically be placed in the genus Algites have been described 
from time to time. Their bibliographic details, however, are 
not worth bringing together. Many of the ‘‘species” will be 
found in the list of Cretaceous species given at the beginning of 
this volume. 


Algw, principally marine, with branched and sometimes very 
complex thallus. Multicellalar, with some cell-differentiation 
and a more highly organised reproductive system than in the 
other groups of Algx. The calcareous encrusting of the thallus 
and the form of growth give a number of the species the 
appearance of corals. The chromatophores (as in all Rhodo- 
phycese) contain a red colouring-matter. 

Genus LITHOTHAMNIUM, Philippi. 
[Living genus. ] 

A coralline Alga with an encrusting, spreading thallus growing 
on to the sub-stratum, with irregular, coralline, or branching 
upward outgrowths. Thallus entirely calcified and as hard as 
stone. Basal part of thallus with a regular arrangement of the 
cells in rows. Conceptacles developed in the upward growing 
part of the thallus, generally in series of growth-zones. 

As the living genus was long unrecognised as belonging to 
the Alge, it is not surprising that fossil representatives of the 
group remained even longer without detection. It was in 1874 
that the first systematic description of the fossil forms of 
Lithothamnium appeared by Giimbel under the title “Die 
sogenannten Nulliporen.” In this work seven Cretaceous 
species are described in addition to those of Tertiary and 
Jurassic age. Rothpletz (189138), under the title “ Fossile 
Kalkalgen aus den Familien der Codiaceen und der Corallineen,” 
has added the only other important contribution to the subject, 
in which he describes four new Cretaceous species of Litho- 
thamnium. Solms-Laubach in his ‘Text Book of Fossil Botany’ 
says that “ we shall do put them all together as 


Lithothamnium ramosissimum,” but he wrote before the more 
detailed measurements and study of the fossils had been under- 
taken. Seward (1898) gives some of Rothpletz’s figures and 
describes Z. mamillosum, Giimbel, in his more recent Text- 

Lithothamnium has not hitherto been recognised in British 
retaceous rocks, although it is so widely spread in European 
deposits of the same age. Though no specimens have been 
identified in the British Museum Collection, I have had the 
privilege of examining Prof. Rothpletz’s original specimens in 
Munich. In several of these slides the internal structure is 
remarkably clear, and there appear to be several true species 
awong those described from the Cretaceous, even if all the 
eleven species are not really distinct. 

Text-fig. 11.—Lithothamnium mamillosum, Giinbel, to show external 
features. Nat. size. After Giimbel. 

Lithothamnium mamillosum, Giimbel. 

1871. Lithothamnium mamillosum, Giimbel, Abbandl. k, Akad. 
Wiss. Miinchen, vol. 11, p. 41, pl. ii, figs. 7a, 7 b. 

1891. Lithothamnium mamillosum, Rothpletz, Zeitschr. deutsch. 
geol. Ges., vol. 43, p. 315, pl. xvii, fig. 7. 

1898. Lithothamniuin mamillosum, Seward, Fossil Plants, p. 188, 
text-fig. 32 A, p. 155. 

Algal thallus irregularly branched, nodular and crust-like, 
the branches about 5 mm. long and 4:5 mm. thick. In micro- 
scopic section the individual cells of the perithallium aro 
55-8 » in diameter and of square outline, and of the 
hypothallium about 18 p in length. 

Apparently sterile. 

As text-fig. 11 shows, this irregular coralline mass may well 
have been mistaken for an animal nullipore. Previous to 



Giimbel’s work, it had been described as Cellepora bipunctata, 
Goldf., Membranipora bipunctata, Blainy., Discopora bipunctata, 
Edw., and Marginaria bipunctata, Roem. 

The internal structure was studied in more detail by 

» 50 
Text-lig. 12.—Lithothamnium mamillosum, Giimbel, to show microscopic 
details of the tissue of the perithallium. x 80. After Rothpletz. 

Rothpletz (1891 3), in the hope of detecting reproductive organs, 
but the available specimens seem to be sterile. 
Horizon.—Uppermost Cretaceous (Danian). 
Locariry.—Petersberg, near Maestricht. 
Typr.—Goldfuss’ specimen of Cellepora bipunctata in the 
Paleontological Museum, Old Academy, Munich. 

Text-fig. 13.—Lithothamnium perulatum, Giimbel. External appearance. 
Natural size. After Giimbel. 

Lithothamnium perulatum, Giimbel. 

1871. Lithothamnium perulatum, Giimbel, Abhandl, k. Akad. Wiss. 
Miinchen, vol. 11, p. 44, pl. i, figs. Ll a, lle. 

Thallus somewhat flat, spreading and irregularly encrusting. 
In section the cells are rectangular and 10x 8 jr in diameter, 


Horizon.—Uppermost Cretaceous (Danian). 
Tyrp.—Bavarian State Collection, Old Academy, Munich. 

Lithothamnium procoenum, Giimbel. 
1871. Lithothamnium procoenum, Giimbel, Abhandl. k. Akad. Wiss. 
Miinchen, vol. 11, p. 43, pl. ii, fig. 10. 

The thallus with irregularly divided branches about 3-4 mm. 
in diam, springing from a thicker stock. In section the cells 
are rectangular and about 1248 p. 

The specimen was originally known as the Nullipore Ceriopora 
dichotoma, Goldf. 

It is probable that the species Lithothamnium parisiense, 
Giimbel, described from a small fragment, and separated from 

Text- fig 14 —Lithothamnium procoenum, Gimbel. External form. 
Natural size. After Giimbel. 

this because its cells are 9 « X 6 w in diameter, really belongs to 
this species. 

Hor1zon.—Uppermost Cretaceous (Danian). 

Locarrry. —Petersberg, near Maestricht. 

Tyrr.— Paleontological Museum, Old Academy, Munich. 

Lithothamnium palmatum (Goldf.), Giimbel. 
1826. Nullipora palmata, Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germanic, p. 20, 
pl. viii, fig. 9. 
1871. Lithothamnium palmatum, Giimbel, Abbandl. k. Akad, Wiss. 
Miinchen, vol. 1], p. 284, pl. p iv, figs. Lla& L1b. 
Irregularly branched, the branches much grown together, 
and the ends of the branches somewhat swollen, In section 
the cells are rectangular and 7 x8 p. 



Horizon.—Upper Cretaceous. 

Locarity.—Gosau, and in France. 

Trps.—Goldfuss’ Nullipora palmata, in the University 
Collections at Bonn. 

It is probable that Lithothamnium racemosum (Goldf.), 
Giimbel, p. 284, pl. piv, figs. L2a & L 26, is really a small 

Text-fig. 15.—Lithothamnium palmatum (Goldf.), G@imbel. External form. 
Natural size. After Giimbel, 

fragment of this species. The size of the cells, viz. 9p x10p 
instead of 7X8 yp, is the only apparent difference and hardly 
seems sufficient basis for a specitic distinction where the internal 
details are so slightly described. 

Lithothamnium Goldfussi, Giimbel. 
1871. Lithothamnium Goldfussi, Giimbel, Abhandl. k. Akad. Wiss. 
Minchen, vol. 11, p. 285, pl. p iv, figs. L3a&L308, 
A large, spreading form with wing-like expansions and short 
branches with rounded ends. The cells are exceptionally large, 
and measure 70 px 24 pu. 

Locatiry.—In the Cretaceous deposits, apparently several 

Type.—Goldfuss’ specimens. in the University Collections of 
Lithothamnium cenomanicum, Rothpletz. 
1891. Lithothamnium cenomanicum, Rothpletz, Zeitschr. deutsch. 
geol, Ges., vol. 48, p. 3138, pl. xv, figs. 1, 2, 16. 
The thallus consists of rounded, mamillose masses which are out- 
wardly quite distinct from the other species of Lithothamnium. 


VText-fig. 16.—Lidhothamnium Goldfussi, Gimbel. External form. 
Natural size. 

Text-fig. 17.—Lithothamniuim cenomanicum, Rothpletz. A. External 
appearance, natural size. B. Cross section showing a zone of 
tetraspore development, x 2 After Rothpletz. 


The growth is very regular and there is no growing over of 
the perithallium through the hypothallium. In section the cells 
are 12-14 pw x 20-25 p. The tetraspores lie in a number 
of concentric zones in the tissues and are 50-60 p by 70-80 p. 
Locatiry.—St. Paterne, Sarthe, France. 
Typr.—Paleontological Museum, Old Academy, Munich. 
Rothpletz considers that this species should be placed near 
L. amphiroeformis, L. nummuliticum, L. ramosissimum, and 
L. racemus, because of the size of the cells, though in its 
outward form it differs from these. 

Lithothamnium turonicum, Rothpletz. 

1891 Lithothamnium turonicum, Rothpletz, Zeitschr. deutsch. geo], 
Ges., vol. 43, p. 318, pl. xv, figs. 9, 13. 

Small, dichotomously branching form, the branches 38 mm. 
thick by 12 mm. long. When broken across the concentric 
banding is visible to the naked eye, and these concentric rings 
are the tetraspore zones. Cells 9-10 p» by 12-15, and in the 
hypothallium up to 30, long. Tho tetraspores are 30-35 p 
wide and 75 yu high. 


Locatrry.—Beaussct, Var, France. 

Typz.—Paleoutological Museum, Old Academy, Munich. 

Both the external shape and the internal cells separate this 
immediately from ZL. cenomanicum, while the other forms to 
which it has an external likeness have not been studied by 
means of sections, so that this form stands rather isolated. 

Lithothamnium amphirozformis, Rothpletz. 

1891. Lithothamnium amphiroeformis, Rothpletz, Zeitschr. deutsch. 
geol. Ges., vol. 43, p. 314, pl. xv, figs. 10, 14. 

Very delicate cylindrical branches, dichotomously divided, and 
only 0° mm. in diameter. The cells are 12-15 » wide and 
20-30 y long, and in the hypothallium up to 100 p» in length. 
No tetraspores or conceptacles have been recognised. 

The fact that the cells are so much larger in this form than 
in LZ, turonicum, although it is externally of smaller size, 
precludes the likelihood of this species being a juvenile stage 


Text-fig. 18.—Lithothamnium turonicum, Rothpletz, A. External form, 
natural size. B. Part of the thallus to show the cells and tetraspore 
zone, X 25. After Rothpletz. 

Text-fig. 19.--Lithothamnium amphiroeformis, Rothpletz, A. External 
form, natural size. B. Transverse section, and C, Longitudinal section, 
showing the zones of cells. B x 45 and C x 50. After Rothpletz. 


of L. turonicum, as might at first be imagined from the external 
similarity . 


Locatrry. —Beausset, Var, France. 

Type.—Paleontological Museum, Old Academy, Munich. 

Lithothamnium gosaviense, Rothpletz. 

1891. Lithothamnium gosaviense, Rothpletz, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. 
Ges., vol. 43, p. 315, pl. xvii, fig. 3. 

An encrusting form, taking on the shape of the object it 
covers ; the upper surface branching or warty. The cells are 

Text-fig. 20.—Lithothamnium gosaviense, Rothpletz. Section showing 
g s I g 
several tetraspore zones in the tissue. X 30. After Rothpletz. 

9-12 » wide and 9-12 , high, but in the hypothallium up to 
25 p long. The tetraspores are 30-40 » wide and 50-70 » high, 
Tetraspores are developed once the perithallium reaches a 
thickness of 300 p. 

Horizon. —Senonian. 
Locatrry.—Gosau and Martigues, fairly common. 
Typr.—Paleontological Museum, Old Academy, Munich. 



Indeterminate remains. 

V. 11065. Supposed fucoidal remains in a coarse sandstone 
from North Kop Khan, Armenia (see Oswald, 1906, 

p. 339). 

the matrix, and are entirely unrecognisable. 

The fragments are carbonised and permeate 


resemble fragments of higher plants rather than 


Presented by Dr. FP. Oswald 

and H. F. B. Lynch, Esq., 1904. 

Descrisep Creracrous “ ALam” of EXCEEDINGLY DOUBTFUL 

The following may represent traces of Alge :— 

Caulerpites bryodes, Debey & 

Caulerpites Eseri, Unger. 

Chondrites cretaceus, Pres}. 

Chondrites dichotomus, Feistmantel. 

Chondrites divaricatus, Debey & 

Chondrites filiciformis, Lesquereux. 

Chondrites neocomensis, Heer. 

Chondrites polymorphus, Hosius & 

v. d. Marck. 

Chondrites Riemsdyki, Miquel. 
Chondrites serpentinus, Heer. 
Confervites Woodwardi, Mantell. 
Fucoides equalis, Brongniart. 
Fucoides strictus, Brongniart. 
Halyserites gracilis, Debey & 
Spherococcites Meyrati, Fischer- 

The following appear to be poor impressions of Dicotyledonous 

or Monocotyledonous plants :— 

Delesserites Thierensi, Miquel, in 
Hosius & vy. d. Marck, and in 
Debey & Ettings. (dicot. leaf ?). 

Fucoides Brardii, Brongniart (leafy 
twig of gymnosperm). 

Fucoides tuberculosus, Brongniart, 

Haliserites Reichii, Sternberg. 

Laminarites polystigma, Debey & 

Lochmophycus caulerpoides, Debey 
& Ettings. 

Neosporangium foliaceum, Debey & 

Neosporangium undulatum, Debey 
& Ettings. 



The following may be of vegetable origin, but are indeter- 

minable :— 

Aulacophycus pedatus, Heer. 

Caulerpa Lehmanni, Heer. 

Caulerpites tenuis, Fischer-Ooster 
(probably a small conifer twig). 

Chondrites Bosqueti, Miquel. 

Chondrites elegans, Debey & Ettings. 

Chondrites flexuosus, Newberry 
(rootlets ?). 

Chondrites jugiformis, Debey & 

Chondrites rigidus, Debey & Ettings. 

Chondrites subcurvatus, Hosius & 
y. d. Marck (rootlets ?). 

Chondrites subintricatus, Debey & 
Ettings, (rootlets ?). 

Chondrites subverticillatus, Presl 
in Sternberg. 

Chondrites vagus, Debey & Ettings. 

Confervites equensis, Debey & 

Confervites dubius, Berry. 

Delessertites Hamp , Stiebler. 

Fucoides Brongniarti, Mantell. 

Fucoides caulifurmis, Fritsch (pith- 
cast 7). 

Fucoides lygubianus, Brongniart. 

Fucoides orbignianus, Brongniart. 

Gelidinium trajectomosanum, Debey 
& Ettings. 

Gyrochorte porrecta, de Stefani. 

Haliserites contortuplicatus, v. d. 

Keckia ambigua, Eichwald (fern 
petioles ?), 

Phycodes sericeus, Debey & Ettings. 

Spherococcites Laubei, Engelhardt. 

Spherococcites pinnatifidus, Unger. 

The following appear to be indeterminable as Algee, and are 
probably the tracks of animals, trickling water, etc. :— 

Caulerpites pyramidalis, Sternberg. 

Caulerpites Diesingi, Unger. 

Chondrites fusiformis, Fischer-Oost. 

Codites neocomiensis, Saporta & 

Confervites cespitosus, Debey & 

Confervites ramosus, Debey & 

Cylindrites arterieformis, Goeppert. 

Cylindrites contcus, Hosius & v. d. 

Cylindrites dedaleus, Goeppert. 

Cylindrites spongioides, Goeppert. 

Fucoides? columnaris, Fritsch. 

Fucoides funiformis, Fritsch. 

Fucoides friburgensis, Weer. 

Fucoides latifrons, Heer. 

Fucoides strangulatus, Fritsch. 

Keckia annulata, Glocker. 

Keckia cylindrica, Otto. 

Keckia nodulosa, Otto. 

Keckia vesiculosa, Otto. 

Miinsteria Schneideriana, Goeppert. 

Neomeris annulus, Bohm. 

Nulliporites granulosus, Heer. 

Tenidium alysioides, Hosius & v. d. 

Taonurus Saportai, Dewalque. 

Taonurus tenuestriatus, Heer. 

Zonarites alcicornis, Fischer-Ooster. 

Zoophycos Brianteus, Massalongo. 

Zoophycos Ville, Massalongo. 

Hexagonaria senonica, Deecke (a 


These lists do not comprise all the supposed Alge from Creta- 
ccous rocks, but include the majority of them and indicate the 

extent of the described material. 

Some synonyms and further 


“* species,” with references to the original descriptions, will be 
found in the list of Cretaceous plants at the beginning of the 

Class FUNGI. 

A group of plants parallel to the Alge, ranging from uni- 
cellular to large multicellular forms. They are all without 
chlorophyll, unable to manufacture their own food, and are 
therefore parasitic or saprophytic. 

In comparison with the numerous fossils, vegetable and 
otherwise, which have been described as Alge, there are very 
few Cretaceous specimens which have been placed in the group 
of Fungi. 

A few “species” of parasitic fungi have been describved as 
having attacked several of the dicotyledonous leaves which are 
so numerous in Cretaceous times; and while it is possible that 
a few of these are in reality the remains of fungal infection- 
spots on the leaves, most of them suggest that they owe their 
origin to the accidents of petrifaction. In 1896, Krasser 
(p. 116, pls. xi-xii) described and figured some traces of fungi 
on the supposed Monocotyledon Typheeloipum cretaceum, but he 
refrained from naming them, and said ‘“‘aus der Kreideformation 
ist bisher tberhaupt kein einziger Pilz bekannt iiber dessen 
systematische Stellung man sich mit Sicherheit dussern kénnte.” 

There are now known, however, undoubted fungal petri- 
factions. Most of these are found in the woods which have 
their anatomical structure preserved, and in which many of the 
cells are permeated by fungi. Among the petrified remains of 
the Japanese Cretaceous forests recently described by Stopes & 
Fujii (1910), parasitic fungi showing their reproductive organs 
have been discovered inhabiting the leaves and stems of the 
higher plants. These are among the best petrifactions of fungi 
known from any geological formation. Septate and aseptate 
forms are recorded, and Suzuki (1910) even figures the micro- 
scopic section of a petrifaction showing the details of an 
ascomycetous perithecium. 


Sub-Class Ascomycetes. 


Genus PLEOSPORITES, Suzuki. 
[Bot. Mag. Tokyo, vol. 24, 1910, p. 194.] 

A monotypic genus with the following species. 

Pleosporites Shirainus, Suzuki. 

1910. Pleosporites Shirainus, Suzuki, Bot. Mag. Tokyo, vol. 24, 
pp. 191-194, text-figs. 2, 3, pl. vii, phot. 6. 

Microscopic fungus in which the “ hyphe are well developed, 
septate, 2-5 4 in diameter. Terithecium formed under the 

Text-fig. 21.—Pleosporites Shirainus, Suzuki. Perithecium cut Jongitu- 
dinally through the neck and orifice, showing asci (as); paraphyses 

(pr); byphe (hy); and epidermis of host (ep). x 870. After 

hypoderma of the leaves of the host, well defined, spherical or 
somewhat flask-shaped, with an orifice, short-necked, thick- 
walled, the wall consisting of 5-7 or more irregular layers of 
thin-walled plectenchyma cells. Asci formed at the bottom 


of perithecium, without development of stroma; paraphyses 

Host.—Shoot of Cryptomeriopsis. 

Horizon.— Upper Cretaceous. 

Locatiry.— Hokkaido, Japan. 

Type.—In Prof, Fujii’s collection in the Botanical Department, 
Science College, Imperial University, Tokio, Japan. 

This fungus is found excellently preserved, infecting most of 
the shoots and leaves of the Cretaceous Gymnosperm Crypto- 
mertopsis. The fructifications form under the hypoderm of the 
leaves, as is illustrated in the text-fig. 21. 

The prevalence of this fungus in the remains of Crypto- 
meriopsis is commented on by Fujii (1910), who compares it 
with those infesting the living genus Cryptomeria, and con- 
siders that it may have been one of the factors in the extinction 
of the host. 

V. 11988. A microscopic section of three leaves of Crypto- 
meriopsis antiqua, Stopes & Fujii, all affected by 
a fungus which is in all probability the same as 
that described by Suzuki as Pleosporites Shirainus 
infecting Cryptomerinpsis mesozoica, Suzuki. One of 
the fungal perithecia is cut nearly medianly in this 
section, and two other perithecia in the other leaves 
are cut very tangentially. Throughout the meso- 
phyll of all the leaves there are numerous ramifying 
hyphe which show their septations in many places. 
In their description of the host-plant, Cryptomeriopss 
antiqua, Stopes & Fujii (1910, p. 55) noted the 
presence of this fungus but did not describe it further. 
It is of course possible that it is not of the same 
species as that more recently described by Suzuki 
(1910) on his species of Cryptomerivpsis; indeed, 
judging from the “biological species” of fungi which 
result from their adaptations to different hosts, it is 
more than likely that the two fungi would be classed 
as different species were they both alive. In the 
present imperfect state of our knowledge, however, it 
seems better to place this fungus in Suzuki’s species, 
Pleosporites Shirainus, with a note to the effect that 


it inhabits a different host from that attacked by his 
original species, than to multiply specific names. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Presented by Dr. M. C. Stopes, 1910. 

Genus PETROSPH/J&RIA, Stopes & Fujii. 
[Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1910 8, p. 6.] 

Monotypie genus with the following species. 

Petrosphzria japonica, Stopes & Fujii. 
[Plate IT.] 

1909-10. Petrospheria japonica, Stopes & Fujii, Proc. Roy. Soe. 
Lond., vol. 81, p 599 (abstract), and Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., 
19108, pp. 4-6, pl. i, figs. 1-6. 

Microscopic fungus in which the “hyphe are septate, 2-4 u 
in diameter, the septa at right angles to the long walls. Many 
cells of the hyphe irregularly swollen to a large size. These 
swollen cells usually thickened, and forming round or irregular 
nests of plectenchyma which has often extremely thick walls. 
These clusters, entirely within the tissue of the host, are 
principally in tho periderm.” 

True spore-formation at present unknown. 

Hosr.—Saururopsis, on the apparently underground stems. 

Horizon.—Upper Cretaceous. 

Locatiry.— Hokkaido, Japan. 

Typn.—British Museum (Natural History). 

The stem of the Angiospermie genus Saururopsis was found 
to be thickly infested with septate hyphw and also masses of 
reproductive or resting cells (see text-fig. 22). 

No other fossil form is known with which this can be com- 
pared, but resting masses of thickened cells are not uncommon 
among living members of the Spheriacee, with which it is 
probable the fossil has some affinity. Whether the fossil was a 
parasitic or saprophytic form is not determinable, but it appears 
to have lived underground, for the part of the host it was in- 
festing was a rhizome or underground stem. 

V. 11968. Holotype. Stopes & Fujii, 1910, Phil. Trans. Roy. 
Soc. Lond., pl. i, figs. 1, 2, 3,5, & 6. There is little 


to add to the original description of this specimen. 
The stem affected by the fungus is one of several 
lying in the mincral matrix of the slide, but is the 
only one of the genus Saururopsis hitherto discovered. 
Throughout the cortex numerous blackened masses are 
to be seen which are possibly the effete clusters of the 
fungal tissues, but may be due to some secretion 

Text-fig. 22.—Petrospheria japonica, Stopes & Fujii. A & B. Ends of 
hyphe cut off by transverse septum, and much swollen and thickened, 
C & D. Nests of thickened fungal “ cells” in the periderm of the host 
showing the form in which they commonly occur, x 750. After 
Stopes & Fujii. 

natural to the host-stem. All round the stem just 
below and within the periderm the hyphe and re- 
productive masses have been petrified in the midst of 
their activity. Hyphe with swollen ends similar to 
those in the text-figure are seen in considerable 
variety. Micro. section in slide 1 B2 in Stopes Coll. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Presented by Dr. M. C. Stopes, 1910. 


V. 11957. Paratype. Section through the same stem with 
fungus. Slide 1 B1 in Stopes Coll. 
Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Presented by Dr. M. C. Stopes, 1910. 

V. 11969. Paratype; section through the same stem showing 
the fungus very widely spread through the tissues. 
The distribution of the fungus in the periderm layers 
of the host is illustrated well in this section, a small 
portion of which is drawn in. Plate II to show both 
the hyphe and a few of the irregular thickened 
fungal cells. Slide 1 B4 in Stopes Coll. 
Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Presented by Dr. M. C. Stopes, 1910. 

V. 11970. Paratype; next section to V. 11969. This shows 
similar hyphal developments to those in V. 11969, 
and also has in the periderm layers a number of par- 
ticularly well preserved nests of thickened cells (cf. 
text-fig. 22). Several of these are seen quite at the 
edge of the host-tissues, though the majority of them 
are more deeply seated. Slide 1 BS in Stopes Coll. 

Upper Cretaceous ; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Presented by Dr. M. C. Stopes, 1910. 

V. 11971. Paratype. Slide 1 B10 in Stopes Coll. 
Upper Cretaceous; Hokkaido, Japan. 
Presented by Dr. M. C. Stopes, 1910. 

Doubtful members of the Pyrenomycetes :— 

Genus SPHZERITES, Meschinelli. 
In Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, x, p. 753. 
Si P 

Presumably with the characters of the living Spheria, but 
incompletely known. 

Sphezrites cretaceus (Heer), Meschinelli. 

1883. Spheria cretacea, Heer, Flora foss. Gronlands, p. 1, pl. lx, 
figs. 2, 2d. 
1892. Spherites eretaceus, Meschinelli, Syll. Fung. foss., p. 753. 


1902. Spherites cretaceus, Meschinelli, Fungor. foss, omnium 
Iconog., p. 21, pl. x, figs. 6, 6 a. 

“Sph. peritheciis numerosis, orbiculatis, 1-14 mm. latis, 
ostiolo rotundato pertusis.” 

Host.—Leaf of Viburnum zizyphoides. 

Horizon.—Upper Cretaceous (Patoot Beds). 


Heer’s description (1883 A, p. 1) is followed exactly by 
Meschinelli, who adds nothing new to the original short state- 
ments concerning this doubtful fossil. It is, however, as Heer’s 
original figure shows, rather more likely to be a fungus than 
most of the circular markings on leaf-impressions which are 
described as such. 

Sphezerites problematicus (Knowlton), Meschinelli. 

1892. Spheria problematica, Knowlton in Lesquereux, Flora 
Dakota Group, p. 23, pl. xxxi, figs. 2, 2 a. 

1895. Spherites problematicus, Meschinelli, Fungi fossiles, p. 657. 

1902. Spherites problematicus, Meschinelli, Fungor. foss. omnium 
Iconog., p. 24, pl. x, figs. 26, 26 a. 

“ Peritheciis sparsis, punctiformibus, rotundatis vel ovalibus, 
raro triangulatis, 0°5-1 mm. diam., ostiolo centrali duobus 
annulis prominentibus circumdato.” 

Hosr.—Leaf of Sterculia Snowit. 

Horizon.— Dakota Group. 

Locattry.—Kansas, U.S.A. 

While it is possible that this species may represent a true 
pyrenomycetous fungus, there is no real evidence for the view, 
and the markings on the leaf may be duo to galls, and not 
fungal in their nature. 


Genus PHACIDITES, Meschinelli. 
[In Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, x, p. 776.] 

Presumably with the characters of the living genus Phaci- 
dium, but incompletely known. 


Phacidites circumscriptus (Bayer), nom. nov. 

1899. Phacidium circumscriptum, Bayer, Sitzungsber. k. bohm. 
Ges. Wiss. Prag, p. 7, text-fig. 3. 

1901. Phacidium circumscriptum, Bayer in Fritsch & Buyer, 
Studien bohm. Kreidepfl., p. 67, text-fig. 3. 

Fungus on leaves with apothecia scattered or in groups of 
two or three, mostly round or very slightly angled, 15-2 mm. 

Text-fig. 28.—Phacidites cirewmscriptus (Bayer), nom, nov. A. Leaf of 
Aralia daphnophyllum with the fungus, natural size. B. Small 

portion about 3 times enlarged to show the character of the apothecia. 
After Bayer. 

in diameter, with a definite border. In some cases grooves run 
from the border to a central depression. 
Host.—Leaf of Aralia daphnophyllum. 
Horizon.—Upper Cretaceous (Perucer Beds), 
Locatity.—Vyserovic, Bohemia, 


In Bayer’s original description (Bayer, 1899) he illustrates 
this fungus with two text-figures which show its very character- 
istic appearance. He states that it is rare, but readily distin- 
guished from any of the other Cretaceous fungi. 

Supposed fungus :— 
Genus RH YTISMITES, Meschinelli. 
{In Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, x, p. 781.] 

Presumably with the characters of the living genus hytisma, 
but incompletely known. 

Whvtismites Hederze (Heer), Meschinelli. 
1882. Rhytisma hedere, Heer, Flora foss. Grénlands, p. 20, 
pl. xxiv, fig. 6 a. 
1892. Rhytismites hedere, Meschinelli, Syll. Fung. foss., p. 781. 
1902. Rhytismites hederee, Meschinelli, Fungor. foss, omnium 
Iconog., p. 57, pl. xvii, fig. 5. 

Horizon.— Upper Cretaceous (Atane Beds). 


Typz.—Heer’s specimen in University Geological Museum, 
Copenhagen, on leaf of Hedera primordiatis. 

Very many further specimens of the Greenland leaves, not 
only of Hedera but of other genera, show circular markings 
similar to those described by Heer as his fungus Rhytisma 
hederce. A number of excellent specimens are in Prof, Nat- 
horst’s collection in Stockholm, and a comparison of these with 
Heer’s original, and with other specimens, suggests strongly 
that the markings are truly organic but are those of galls, and 
not fungi. 

The same conclusion is suggested for Phaeidium myrtophylli 
described by Engelhardt (1892 a, p. 80, pl. ii, figs. 10 a, b), 

Further ‘‘ genera ” which are probably due to gaia are :— 

Puccinites cretaceus, Velenovsky, 1889, p. 26, pl. iii, fig. 14, 
which is also the same as Uredinites cretaceus, Velenovsky, 
1889, p. 29, fig. 1, a-b. 

Phacidites communis (Feistmantel), Meschinelli, 1902, p. 54. 
=Phacidium commune, Feistmantel, 1874, p. 266. 

Sclerotites sp. (Knowlton), Meschinelli, 1902, p. 99.=Scler- 
otium sp., Knowlton, 1892, p, 23, pl. lix, fig. 4. 




Genus HYSTERITES, Meschinelli. 
[In Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, x, p. 774.] 

Hystevites protogeus (Heer), Meschinelli. 

1882, Hysterium protogeum, Heer, Flora foss, Gronlands, p. 20, 

pl. xxiv, figs. 9, 9a. 

1892. Hysterites protogeus, Meschinelli, Syll. Fung. foss., p. 774. 

1902. Hysterites protogeus, Meschinelli, Fungor. foss. omnium 

Iconog., p. 24, pl. xv, figs. 6, 6a, 

Horizon.—Upper Cretaceous (Atane Beds). 


Typr.—Heer’s specimen in University Geological Museum, 

The twig on which the so-called fungus was detected by 
Heer (1882) appears to be that of a dicotyledon, which though 
it is not described by Heer is very common in the Greenland 
beds. The one specimen with the “fungus” which Heer 
mentions, he supposes to be a gymnosperm; but even superfi- 
cially it appears much more like a dicotyledonous twig. In 
Stockholm, in Prof. Nathorst’s rich collections of Arctic plant- 
fossils there are a number of similar stems which all show the 
small markings Heer took to be a fungus, but which bear the 
strongest likeness to lenticels. 

Hysterites protogceus, in short, seems to be nothing but normal 
lenticels on woody twigs. 

Genus CERCOSPORITES, nom. nov. 

Presumably with the characters of the living genus Cercospora, 
but incompletely known. 

Cercosporites coriococcus (Bayer), nom, nov. 

1899. Cercospora coriococcum, Bayer, Sitzungsber. k. béhm. Ges. 
Wiss. Prag. p. 4, text-figs. 1, la, 2. 


1901. Cercospora coriococeum, Bayer, in Fritsch & Bayer, Studien 
bohm. Kreidepfl., p. 66, text-fig. 2. 

The fungus forms roundish, sharply delineated patches, 
generally distinct from each other but sometimes merging. 

Text-fig. 24.—Cercosporites coriococcus (Bayer). a. Leaflet of Dewalquea 
coriacea covered with the fungus, natural size. 6. A small portion 
enlarged twice to show the surface character of the fungal patches, 
ce. Portion of leaf of Hedera primordialis showing the same fungus. 
After Bayer. 

These are 2-5 mm. in diameter, with a surface marked by 
series of concentric striations; in some cases the centre is 
slightly depressed.. These patches lie both on the Jeaf-lamina 
and over the central nerve. 


Host.—Leaves of Dewalquea coriacea, Aralia daphnophyllum, 
Hedera primordialis, and many others. 

Horizon.— Upper Cretaceous (Perucer Beds). 

Locariry.—Vyserovic and Kounic, Bohemia. Very plentiful. 

These markings on the dicotyledonous leaves of the Bohemian 
Perucer Beds are undoubtedly very characteristic and easy to 
recognise. I have seen them in other collections of Bohemian 
plants, and think it very probable that they do truly represent 
fungal remains, though the nature of the impressions does not 
allow of microscopic examination or of exact determination. 


Genus TRAMETITES, Meschinelli. 
[In Saccardo, Sylloge Fungorum, x, p. 747.] 

Presumably with the characters of the living genus Trametes 
but incompletely known. 

Trametites Pini (Conwentz), Meschinelli. 

1892. Trametes Pini, Conwentz, Unters. foss. Holz. Schwed., 
pp. 18, 21, pl. vii, fig. 1. 

1892. Trametites Pini, Meschinelli, Syll. Fung. foss., p. 747. 

1902. Trametites Pini, Meschinelli, Fungor. foss. omnium Iconog,, 
p. 6, pl. iv, fig. 5. 

Meschinelli defines the species as follows :—Cl. doct. Con- 
wentz innumeras mycelii reliquias, lignum illud dum viveret a 
parassitis vexatum ostendentes, in speciminibus suecicis invenit. 
Hyphe tenues, jalinw, cineres, brunnese et quandoque atro- 
cineree ad nigritudinem, ligni in directionem verticalem 

In describing some Gymnospermic petrified woods from 
Sweden, Conwentz (1892) mentioned the frequent occurrence 
in them of fungal hypbe. He gives a figure and short descrip- 
tion of them and associates the name 7'ametcs Pini with the 
fungus, though ho does not absolutely identify it as such. 

Host.—Wood of Pinus Nathorsti. 


Locarity.— Sweden. 


Typz.—Conwentz’ slide in Paleobotanical Museum, Stock- 

Meschinelli’s figure is a reproduction of that of Conwentz, 
which shows the fungus in a low degree of magnification. The 
species may be taken to include the numerous hyphe that are 
noticed in petrified woods of Cretaceous pines, though it 1s 
probably not a true biological species. 

[Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. 46, 1894, p. 273.] 

Presumably with the characters, of the living genus T'richo- 
sporium, but incompletely known. 

Trichosporites Conwentzi, Felix. 

1892. “Cf. Trichosporium fuscum,” Conwentz, Unters, foss. Hilz. 
Schwedens, p. 27, pl. vii, fig. 9. 

1894. Trichosporites Conwentzi, Felix, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., 
vol. 46, p. 273. 

Branched, septate hyphe, conidia egg-shaped or oval, circular 
when seen from one end. Composed of one cell, apparently 
undivided, and of dark, red-brown colour, 

Host.—Wood of Oedrowylon Ryedalense. 


Locarity.—Ryedal, Sweden. 

Typr.—Paleobotanical Museum, Stockholm. 

The specific name and some description of this fungus appear 
in Felix’s paper on Fossil Fungi (Felix, 1894), but it was 
figured by Conwentz in his paper on the petrified woods of 
Sweden (Conwentz, 1892), who described the effects of the 
fungus on the wood, Cedrowylon Ryedalense, and noted that the 
hyphee are thick-walled, branched, and septate. 

Conwentz’ illustrations of the hyphe and conidia are re- 
produced in the text-figure 25 (p. 280). 

While the name appears to be unfortunate in being too 
suggestive of affinities with a living genus where such affinity 
cannot be established from the data at present available, it 
seems better to leave it than to multiply poorly established 
specific names. 


Text-fig. 25.— Trichosporites Conwentzi, Felix ; hyphex and conidia. 
After Conwentz. 


Xylomites ellipticus, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 243, pl. i, fig. 7. 
“ Peritheciis ellipticis planis, disco centrali vix distinguendo.” 

This “fungus” takes the form of small oval markings on 
the impression of the leaf of Ficus Geinitzii. Ettingshausen 
considered that there could scarcely be any doubt that the 
appearance is due to a fungus. 


Phacidium Palcocassie, Ettingshausen, 1867 a, p. 242, pl. i, 
figs. 8, 8b. ‘* Peritheciis irregularibus polygonis depressis, 
disco subrotundato, pallido.” 

This is also a mere marking on a leaf-impression which may 
or may not be due to a fungus, but about which there is no 
clear evidence in the specimens themselves. 

Spheerites myrice (Lesquereux), Meschinelli, 1892, and 1902, 
p. 29 (=Spheria myrice, Lesquereux); and also Spherites 
Lesquereuxt, Meschinelli, 1892, & 1902, p. 38 (=Spheria 
rhytismoides, Lesquereux), are two other markings on leaves 
for which there is little evidence to support their claims to 
being fungi. 

Stichus mermisoides, Etheridge, 1904, pp. 255-257, pls. xxx- 
xxxi, Described as an endophytic fungus in the shells of a 
Cretaceous bivalve. The plates, however, are far from con- 

Sclerotites sp., Geinitz, 1842, pp. 99 & xxii, pl. xxiv, figs. 1-3. 
Xylomites aggregatus, Heer, 1882, p. 21, pl. xxix, fig. 11. 
Rosellinites lepideus (Lesquereux), Knowlton, 1898, p. 204. 
=Spheria lapidea, Lesquereux, 1873, p. 373, & 1878 8, p. 34, 
pl.i, fig. 3. 


Fig. 1. A slab of rock from the Cretaceous Flysch, with a. Algites 
furcatus (p. 255), and 6. Chondrites intricatug (p. 252). 
Nat. size. 

Fig. 2. Chonvrites patulug. Nat. size. (p. 253) 


ray aa 


d.Green Photo imp. 


Part of the outer cortex and periderm of the Angiospermic 
stem Saururopsis which is infested by the fungus Petro- 
spheria japonica, Stopes & Fujii. V. 11969. 

M. The outer limit of the stem, slightly crushed and destroyed 
adjacent to the granular mineral matrix of the section. 

K. Cells of periderm layers in which hyphe and other cells of 
the fungus are principally developed. 

C. Inner cells of cortex in which are hyphe of fungus, but no 
other fungal cells which appear to have been vital at the 
time of petrifaction. 

H. Fungal hyphe, at H’ a part showing the septate condition. 

. Groups of thickened cells of the fungus. 

. Cells in the cortex containing blackened “ frothy” substance 

which may be due to the fungal cells, or may be due to 
some natural secretion of the plant. 

Magnification x 300. (p. 270) 



M.C.Stopes del. J.Green Hth. 




Acetabulariex, 247, 
Algex, 233. 

Algites, 234, 254. 
furcatus, 255. 

Ampbitetras antediluviana, 235. 
Animal tracks ete. described as 

alge, 266. 
Aralia daphnophyllum, 274, 
Asconiycetes, 268. 
Aulacophycus pedatus, 266. 

Basidiomycetes, 278. 
Boueina, 236. 
Hochstetteri, 237. 

Caulerpa Lebmanni, 266. 
Caulerpites bry odes, 265. 
Diesingi, 266. 

—— Eseri, 265. 

—— pyramidalis, 266. 
tenuis, 266. 
Cedroxylon Ryedalense, 279, 
Cellepora bipunctata, 258. 

Cereospora coriococcum, 276, 

Cercosporites, 276. 
coriococcus, 276. 
Ceriopera dichotoma, 259, 
Chondrites, 247. 

— equalis, 252, 
affinis, 255. 

—— Bosgueti, 266. 
cretaceus, 265. 
—— dichotomus, 265, 
ane Civericatus, 2 5. 
—- elegans, 266. 
—— filiciformis, 265. 
-— flexuosus, 266, 
fureatus, 255. 
—— fusiformis, 266. 
——- genuinus, 255, 
-— intricatus, 252. 

Chondrites jugiformis, 266. 
neocomensis, 265, 

— patulus, 253. 

—— polymorphus, 265. 

--— Rieimsdyki, 265. 

-— rigidus, 266. 
serpentinus, 265. 
subcurvatus, 266. 
subintricatus, 266. 
subverticillatus, 266. 
— Targionii, 249, 

vagus, 266. 
Vindobonensis, 250, 252. 
Codiaceze, 236. 

Codites neocomiensis, 266. 
Confervites zequensis, 266. 
—— cxsnitosus, 266. 

dubius, 266. 

ramosus, 266. 
Woodwardi, 265. 
Corallinacez, 256. 
Coscinodiscus Argus, 235, 
eccentricus, 235. 

Patina, 235, 
Cryptomeriopsis antiqua, 269. 
mesozoica, 269. 
Cylindrites arterisformis, 266. 
—- conicus, 266, 

—- dedaleus, 266. 
spongioices, 266. 

Dasycladacex, 239. 
Delesserites Thierensi, 263. 
Delessertites Hampeanus, 266, 
Dewalquea coriacea, 277. 
Diatomacce, 235, 

Diplopora, 243. 

-—— Mihlbergii , 243. 
Discomycetes, 273. 
Discophorites, 247. 


Discophorites angustilobus, 247. 
Fischeri, 247. 
Discopora bipunctata, 258. 

Ficus Geinitzii, 280. 
Fragilaria rhabdosoma, 235. 
— striolata, 236. 
Fucoides, 248, 

-—— equalis, 265. 
Brardii, 265. 
Brongniarti, 266. 
cauliformis, 266. 
columnaris, 266. 
—— friburgensis, 266, 
—- funiformis, 266. 
—— furcatus, 255. 
intricatus, 252. 
latifrons, 266. 
lygnbianus, 266. 
orbignianus, 266. 
strangulatus, 266. 
strictus, 265. 
—— Targionii, 249. 
tuberculosus, 265. 
Fungi, 267. 

Gallionella aurichalcea, 236. 
—— sulcata, 236. 

Galls, 275. 

Gelidinium trajectomosanum, 266, 
Gigartinites, 248. 
Goniolina, 246. 

Gyrochorte porrecta, 266. 
Gyrophyllites, 247. 
obtusifolius, 247. 

—— Oosteri, 247. 
pentamerus, 247. 
Gyroporella, 242, 247. 

Halimeda, 237, 239, 

Fuggeri, 239. 
Halimedides, 239. 

Haliserites contortuplicatus, 266. 
Reichii, 265. 

Halyserites gracilis, 265. 
Hedera primordialis, 275, 277. 
Hexagonaria senonica, 266. 
Hyphomycetes, 276. 
Hysterites, 276. 

protogeus, 276. 
Hysterium protogeum, 276. 

Keckia ambigua, 266. 
—-— annulata, 266. 
- — cylindrica, 266. 
nodulosa, 266. 
—— vesiculosa, 266. 

Laminarites polystigma, 265. 
Lenticels, described as fungi, 276. 
Lithothamnium, 256. 
amphirozformis, 262. 
cenomanicum, 260. 

—- Goldfuasi, 260. 

—— gosaviense, 264. 

— mamillosum, 257. 

—— nummuliticum, 262. 
palmatum, 259. 

parisiense, 259. 

—— perulatum, 258. 

—— procoenum, 259. 
racemosum, 260. 

racemus, 262. 
ramosissimum, 257. 

—— turonicum, 262. 
Lochmophycus caulerpoides, 265. 

Marginaria bipunctata, 258, 
Membranipora bipunctata, 258. 
Munieria, 240. 

baconica, 240. 

Miinsteria Schneideriana, 266. 

Navicula ventricosa, 236. 
Nematophycus, 234. 

Neomeris, 239. 

—— annulus, 266. 

cretacea, 240. 
Neosporangium foliaceum, 265. 
undulatum, 265. 
Nullipora palmata, 259. 
Nulliporites granulosus, 266. 

Petrosphgria, 270. 

—— japonica, 270. 
Phacidites, 273. 
circumscriptus, 274. 
— communis, 275. 
Phacidium, 273. 

—— circumseriptum, 274. 
commune, 275. 
—— myrtopbylli, 275. 
Palzocassi, 281. 
Pheophycex, 247. 
Phycodes sericeus, 266. 
Phycopsis, 249. 

—- affinis, 255. 
intricata, 252. 

-—— Targioni, 250. 
Pinus Nathorsti, 278. 
Pleosporites, 268. 
Shirainus, 268, 
Puccinites cretaceus, 275, 
Pyrenomycetes, 268. 


Rhodophycex, 256. 
Rhytisma, 275. 

— hedere, 275. 
Rbytismites, 275. 

-—— hedere, 275. 
Rosellinites lepideus, 281. 

Saururopsis, 270. 
Sclerotites, 275, 281. 
Sclerotium, 275. 
Siphoneacer, 236. 
Spheria, 272. 
— cretacea, 272. 
—— lapidea, 281. 
—-— myrice, 281. 
—~-— problematica, 273. 
‘ rhytismoides, 281. 
Spheerites, 272. 
cretaceus, 272. 
—— Lesquereuxi, 281. 
—— myrice, 231. 
problematicus, 273. 

Spheerococcites Laubei, 266. 

—— Meyprati, 265. 
—— piunatifidus, 266. 
Spherococcus, 255. 
Sterculia Snowii, 273. 

Stichus mermisoides, 281. 

Tenidium alysioides, 266. 
Taonurus Saportai, 266. 
tenuestriatus, 266. 
Thallophyta, 233. 
Trametes, 278. 

Pini, 278. 

Trametites, 278, 

Pini, 278. 
Trichosporites, 279. 
Conwentzi, 279. 
Trichosporium fuscum, 279. 
Triploporella, 244. 

— Fraasi, 245. 
Typheloipum cretaceum, 267. 

Uredinites cretaceus, 275. 
Viburnum zizyphoides, 273. 

Xylomites aggregatus, 281. 
——- ellipticus, 280. 

Zonarites alcicornis, 266. 
Zoophycos Brianteus, 266. 
— Ville, 266, 


BM. (N.H. ). 
No. 21. 


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Supplement. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &e. 
Pp. vi., 103. 11 Woodcuts. 1871, 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

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British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. 
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Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum :— 

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cluding portion of the family Timeliide (Babbling 
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Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum—continued. 

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betical Indexes.] 1894, 8vo. 1/. 

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Platalee (Ibises and Spoonbills) and Herodiones 
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Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum—continued, 

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Part IV. Columbe. Pp. 73. [With Index.] 1856, 
12mo. Is. 9d. 

Part V. Galline. Pp.iv.,120. [With an Alphabetical 
Index.] 1867, 12mo. 1s. 6d. 

Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropieal Islands of the Pacific 
Ocean in the Collection of the British Museum. By 
George Robert Gray, F.L.8., &c. Pp. 72. [With an 
Alphabetical Index,] 1859, 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

Catalogue of the Collection of Birds’ Eggs in the British 
Museum (Natural History) :— 

Vol. I. Ratite. Carinate (Tinamiformes—Lariformes). 
By Eugene W. Oates. Pp. xxiii. 252. -18 Coloured 
Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, ] 
1901, 8vo. 12. 10s. 

Vol. II. Carinate (Charadriiformes—Strigiformes). By 
Eugene W. Oates. Pp. xx., 400. 15 Coloured Plates. 
[With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1902 
dvo. 12. 10s. 

32203 A2 


Catalogue of the Collection of Birds’ Eggs in the British 
Museum (Natural History)—continued. 

Vol. III. Carinate (Psittaciformes — Passeriformes) 
By Eugene W. Oates and Capt. Savile G. Reid. 
Pp. xxiii, 349. 10 Coloured Plates. [With Syste- 
matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 1. 5s. 

Vol. IV. Carinate (Passeriformes continued). By 
Eugene W. Oates, assisted by Capt. Savile G. Reid. 
Pp. xviii., 352. 14 Coloured Plates. [With Syste- 
matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1905, 8vo. 17. 10s. 

Vol. V. Carinate (Passeriformes completed). By W. 
R. Ogilvie-Grant. Pp. xxiii.,547. 22 Coloured Plates. 
[With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1912, 
8vo. 2d. 7s. 6d. 



Catalogue of the Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbenians 
in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. 
Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 80. [With an Alphabetical 
Index.] 1844, 12mo. 1s. 

Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British 
Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &¢.:— 

Appendix. Pp. 28. 1872, 4to. 2s. 6d. 

Part II. Emydosaurians, Rhynchocephalia,and Amphis- 
benians. Pp. vi, 41. 25 Woodcuts. 1872, 4to. 
3s. 6d. 

Hand-List of the Specimens of Shield Reptiles in the 
British Museum, By Dr. J. HE. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. 
Pp. iv., 124. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1873, 
8vo. 4s. 

Catalogue of the Chelonians; Rhynchocephalians, and 
Crocodiles in the British Museum (Natural History). 
New Edition. By George Albert Boulenger. Pp. x., 311. 
73 Woodcuts and 6 Plates. [With Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes.] 1889, 8vo. 15s. 

Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum (Natural His- 
tory). Second Edition. By George Albert Boulenger :— 

Vol. Il. IRguanide, Xenosauride, Zonuridsw, Anguide, 
Anniellide, Helodermatide, Varanide, Xantusiide, 


Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum—continued. 

Teiide, Amphishenide. Pp. xiii, 497. 24 Plates. 
[With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes. ] 1885, 
dsvo. 12. 

Vol. III. Lacertide, Gerrhosauride, Scincide, Anelytro- 
pide, Dibamide, Chameleontide. Pp. xii. 575. 40 
Plates. [With a Systematic Index and an Alphabetical 
Index to the three volumes.] 1887, 8vo. lJ. 6s. 

Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural 
History). By George Albert Boulenger, F.R.S., &¢. :— 

Vol. I., containing the families Typhlopide, Glauconiide, 
Boide, Ilysiide, Uropeltide, Xenopeltide, and Colu- 
bride aglyphe (part). Pp. xiii, 448: 26 Woodcuts 
and 28 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical 
Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 12. 1s. 

Vol. I1., containing the conclusion of the Colubride 
aglyphe. Pp. xi., 382: 25 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. 
[With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894, 
svo. 17s. 6d. 

Vol. IIL, containing the Colubride (Opisthoglyphe and 
Proteroglyphe), Amblycephalide, and Viperide. 
Pp. xiv., 727: 37 Woodcuts and 25 Plates. [With 
Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index to the 3 
volumes.] 1896, 8vo. 17. 6s. 

Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes in the Collection of the 
British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. Pp. xvi., 281. 
[With Geographic, Systematic, and Alphabetical Indexes. ] 
1858, 12mo. 4s. 


Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the 
British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. Pp. xvi., 160. 
12 Plates. [With Systematic, Geographic, and Alphabetical 
Indexes.] 1858, 8vo. 6s. 


Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. Second 
Edition. Vol.I. Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the 
British Museum. Vol. I. Containing the Centrarchide 
Percide, and Serranide (part). By George Albert 
Boulenger, F.R.S. Pp. xix.,394. Woodcuts and 15 Plates. 
[With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo. 


Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the 
British Museum. By J.J. Kaup, Ph.D., &c. Pp. iv., 80. 
4 Plates, [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 12mo. 2s. 

Catalogue of the Fresh-water Fishes of Africa in the 
British Museum (Natural History). By G. A. Boulenger, 
F.R.S. :— 

Vol. I. Pp. xi, 373: 270 text-figures. [With Syste- 
matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1909, imp. 8vo. 
ll. 12s. 6d. | 

Vol. Il. Pp. xii, 529: 382 text-figures. [With 
Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1911, imp. 
8vo. 27. 5s. 


Guide to the Systematic Distribution of Mollusca in the 
British Museum. PartI. By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., 
E.R.S., &c. Pp. xii., 230. 121 Woodcuts. 1857, 8vo. 5s. 

Catalogue of Pulmonata, or Air Breathing Mollusca, in the 
Collection of the British Museum. Part I. By Dr. Louis 
Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 192. Woodcuts. 1855, 12mo. 2s. 6d. 

Catalogue of the Auriculide, Proserpinide, and Truncatellide 
in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Louis 
Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 150. Woodcuts. 1857, L2mo. 1s. 9d. 

List of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. 
By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. — 

Part II. Olivide. Pp. 41. 1865, 12mo. 1s. 

Catalogue of the Conchifera, or Bivalve Shells, in the 
Collection of the British Museum. By M. Deshayes :— 

Part I. Venerids, Cyprinide, Glauconomide, and 
Petricolade. Pp. iv., 216. 1853, 12mo. 3s. 

Part IT. Petricolade (concluded); Corbiculade Pp. 
217-292. [With an Alphabetical Index to the two 
parts.] 1854, 12mo. 6d. 


Catalogue of Brachiopoda Ancylopoda or Lamp Shells in the 
Collection of the British Museum. [Issued as “Catalogue 
of the Mollusca, Part IV.”] Pp. iv., 128. 25 Woodcuts. 
[With an Alphabetical Index.] 1853, 12mo. 3s. 


Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British 
Museum. Part III. Cyclostomata. By George Busk, 
F.R.S. Pp. viii. 39. 38 plates. [With a Systematic 
Index.] 1875, 8vo. ds. 



Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in 
the Collection of the British Museum. By C. Spence Bate, 
F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 399. 58 Plates. [With an Alpha- 
betical Index.] 1862, 8vo. 10. 5s. 


Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma, based upon 
the Collection made by Eugene W. Oates and preserved in 
the British Museum. By T. Thorell. Pp. xxxvi., 406. 
[With Systematic List and Alphabetical Index.] 1895, 
8vo. 10s. 6d. 

Coleopterous Insects. 

Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects in the Collection of 
the British Museum :— 

Part VII. Longicornia, I. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 
174, 4 Plates. 1853, 12mo. 2s. 6d. 

Part VIII. Longicornia, II. By Adam White. Pp. 237. 
6 Plates. 1855, 12mo. 3s. 6d. 

Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Coleoptera in the 
Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Lycide. By 
Charles Owen Waterhouse. Pp. x., 83. 18 Coloured 
Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 
1879, 8vo. 16s. 

Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of. Madeira in the 
Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon 
Wollaston, M.A., F.L.S. Pp. xvi., 234: 1 Plate. [With 
a Topographical Catalogue and an Alphabetical Index.] 
1857, Svo. 3s. 

Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the 
Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon 
Wollaston, M.A., F.L.S. Pp. xiii., 648. [With Topo- 
graphical and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1864, 8vo. 10s. 6d. 

Catalogue of Halticide in the Collection of the British 
Museum. By the Rev. Hamlet Clark,. M.A., F.L.S. 
Physapodes and (#dipodes. Part I. Pp. xii, 301. 
Frontispiece and 9 Plates. 1860, 8vo. 7s. 


Catalogue of Hispide in the Collection of the British 
Museum. By Joseph S. Baly,M.E.S.,&c. Part I, Pp.x., 
rl 2 9 Plates. [With-an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 
vo. 638. 

Hymenopterous Insects. 

Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the 
British Museum. By Frederick Smith. 12mo. :— 

Part II. Apide. Pp. 199-465. 6 Plates. [With an 
Alphabetical Index.] 1854. 6s. 

Part III. Mutillide and Pompilide. Pp.206. 6 Plates. 
1855. 6s. 

PartIV. Sphegide, Larride, and Crabronide. Pp. 207- 
497. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856. 

Part V. Vespide. Pp.147. 6Flates. [Withan Alpha- 
betical Index.] 1857. 6s. 

Part VII. Dorylidz and Thynnide. Pp. 76. 3 Plates. 
[With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859. 2s. 

List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the 
Typical Specimens in the British Museum. Vol. L., 
Tenthredinide and Siricide. By W. F. Kirby. 
Pp. xxviii., 450. 16 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic 
and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1882, 8vo. 17. 18s. 

A Revision of the Ichneumonide, based on the Collection in 
the British Museum (Natural History). With descriptions 
of new Genera and Species. By Claude Morley, F.Z.S., 
F.E.S. :— 

Part I. Tribes Ophionides and Metopiides. Pp. xi. 
88: 1 Coloured Plate. [With Systematic and Alpha- 
betical Indexes.] 1912, 8vo. 4s. 

Part II. Tribes Rhyssides, Echthromorphides, Anoma- 
lides, and Paniscides. Pp. viii, 140. 1 Coloured 
Plate. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, 
&e.}| 1913, 8vo. 5s. 6d. 

Dipterous Insects. 

A Monograph of the Culicide, or Mosquitoes. Mainly com- 
piled from the Collections received at the British Museum 
from various parts of the world in connection with the 
Investigation into the cause of Malaria conducted by the 


Colonial Office and the Royal Society. By Fred. V. 
Theobald, M.A., &c. :-— 

Vol. III. Pp. xvii., 359: 17 plates, 1 diagram, and 193 
illustrations in text. 1903, 8vo. 1d. 1s. 

Vol. IV. Pp. xix., 639: 16 plates and 297 text-figures. 
[With Index.] 1907, 8vo. 10. 12s. 6d. 

Vol. V. Pp. xv., 646: 6 plates and 261 text-figures. 
[With Index.] 1910, 8vo. 17. ds. 

Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies [Genus Glossina]. By Ernest 
Edward Austen. With 10 coloured plates and 24 text- 
figures, by A. J. Engel Terzi, and 1 map. Pp. x., 110. 
[With Index.] 1911, roy. 8vo. 5s. 6d. 

Illustrations of African Blood-sucking Flies other than 
Mosquitoes and Tsetse-Flies. By Ernest Edward Austen, 
with coloured figures by Grace Edwards. Pp. xv., 221: 
13 coloured plates, 3 text-figures. 1909, roy. 8vo. 
li. 7s. 6d. . 

Lepidopterous Insects. 

Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalenz in the British 
Museum. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart. :— 
Vol. I. Catalogue of the Syntomide. Pp. xxi., 559: 
285 woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical 
Indexes.] 1898, 8vo. 15s. 

Atlas of 17 Coloured Plates, 8vo. 15s. 

Vol. If. Catalogue of the Arctiade (Noline, Litho- 
siane). Pp. xx., 589: 411 woodcuts. [With Syste- 
matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1900, 8vo. 18s. 

Atlas of 18 Coloured Plates (xviii—xxxv.), 8vo. 15s. 

Vol. ILI. Catalogue of the Arctiade (Arctiane) and 
Agaristide. Pp. xix. 690: 294 woodcuts. [With 
Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1901, 8vo. 15s, 

——-Atlas of 19 Coloured Plates (xxxvi.-liv.), 8vo. 16s. 

Vol. IV. Catalogue of the Noctuide [Agrotine]. Pp. 
xx., 689: 125 woodcuts. [With Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes.] 1903, 8vo. 15s. 

——Atlas of 23 Coloured Plates (lv.Ixxvii.), 8vo. 16s. 

Vol. V. Catalogue of the Noctuids [Hadenine]. Pp. 
xvi., 634: 172 woodcuts. [With Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes.] 1905, 8vo. 15s. 

—— Atlas of 18 Coloured Plates (lxxviii—xev.), 8vo. 15s. 


Catalogue of Lepidoptera Phalenee—continued. 

Vol. VI. Catalogue of the Noctuide [Cuculliane]. Pp. 
xiv., 532: 172 woodeuts. [With Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes. ] 1906, 8vo. 15s. 

——Atlas of 12 Coloured Plates (xevicvii.), 8vo. 10s. 

Vol. VII. Catalogue of. the Noctuide [Acronyctine]. 
Pp. xv., 709: 184 woodcuts. [With Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes.| 1908, 8vo. 17s. 

—-Atlas of 15 Coloured Plates (cviii—cxxii.), Svo. 13s. 

Vol. VIII. Catalogue of the Noctuide [Acronyctine, II.]. 
Pp. xiv., 583: 162 woodcuts. [With Table of -the 
Phylogeny of the Acronyctins, and Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes.] 1909, 8vo. 15s. 

— Atlas of 14 Coloured Plates (cxxiii—cxxxvi.), 8vo. 

Vol. IX. Catalogue of the Noctuide [Acronyctineg, ITI.] 
Pp. xv., 552: 247 woodcuts. [With Table of the 
Phylogeny of the Acronyctine, and Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes.] 1910, 8vo. 15s. 

— Atlas of 11 Coloured Plates (exxxvii—cxlvii.), Svo. 

Vol. X. Catalogue of the Noctuide [Erastrianz]. 
Pp. xix., 829: 214 woodcuts. [With Table of the 
Phylogeny of the Erastriane, and Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes.] 1910, 8vo. 11. 

——Atlas of 26 Coloured Plates (cxlviii-clxxiii.). 1911, 
8vo. 1d. 

Vol. XI. Catalogue of the Noctuide. [Sub-families 
Euteliane, Stictopterine, Sarrothripine, and Acon- 
tianee. | Pp. xvii, 689: 275 woodcuts. [With 
Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1912,8vo. 14. 

——Atlas of 16 Coloured Plates (clxxiv.-cxci.), 8vo. 
17s. 6d. 

Vol. XII. Catalogue of the Noctuide [Sub-family 
Catocaline, part]. Pp. xiii, 626: 134 woodcuts. 
{With Table of the Phylogeny of the Catocalins, and 
Ep sainaite and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1913, 8vo. 

s. 6d. 

——Atlas of 30 Coloured Plates (cxcii-cexxi.), 8vo. 
ll. 5s. 


Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera 
* in the Collection of the British Museum :— 

‘Part V. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xit., 74. 
78-100 Esisared Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 
1881, 4to. 22. 10s. 

Part VI. By Arthur Gardiner Builer. Pp. xv., 89. 
101-120 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 
1886, 4to. 27. 4s. 

Part VII. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. iv., 124. 
121-138 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 
1889, 4to. 27. 

Part VIII. The Lepidoptera Heterocera of the Nilgiri 
District. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. iv., 144. 
139-156 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 
1891, 4to. 20. 

Part IX. The Macrolepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon. 
By George Francis Hampson. Pp. v., 182. 157-176 
Coloured Plates. [With a General Systematic List of 
Species collected in, or recorded from, Ceylon.) 1893, 
Ato. 27, 2s. 

Catalogue of the Collection of Palearctic Butterflies formed 
by the late John Henry Leech, and presented to the 
Trustees of the British Museum by his Mother, Mrs. Eliza 
Leech. By Richard South, F.E.8. Pp. vi., 228. 2 Coloured 
Plates. With a Portrait and Biographical Memoir of Mr. 
Leech. 1902, 4to. 17. 

pan oe: of Diurnal Lepidoptera described by Fabricius in 
- the Collection of the British Museum. By Arthur Gardiner 
Butler, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 303. 3 Plates. 1869, 8vo. 7s. 6d. 

List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the 

+, Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 
12mo. :— 

Part XXVIII. Tortricites and Tineites. Pp. 287-561. 

1863. 4s. 

Part XXXI. Supplement. Pp.1-321. 1864. 5s. 
Part XXXIITI.—  ——— Part 3. Pp. 707-1120. 
1865. 6s. 

Neuropterous Insects. 

Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the 
y Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. H. Hagen. 
Part I. Termitina. Pp. 34. 1858, 12mo. 6d. 


Orthopterous Insects. 

Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the 
British Museum. Part I. Phasmide. By John Obadiah 
Westwood, F.L.S., &. Pp. 195. 48 Plates. [With an 
Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 4to. 37. 

Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattariz in the Collection of 
the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. 
Pp. 239. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1868, 8vo. 
5s. 6d. 

Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermapitera Saltatoria in the 
Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, 
F.L.S., &¢. -— 

Part 1I. Locustide (continued). Pp. 225-423. [With 
an Alphabetical Index.] 1869, 8vo. 4s. 6d. 

Part III. Locustide (continued).—Acrididz. Pp. 425- 
604, [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 4s. 

Part TV. Acridide (continued). Pp. 605-809. [With 
an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. 

Part V. .Tettigide.—Supplement to the Catalogue of 
Blattarie.—Supplement to the Catalogue of Dermaptera 
Saltatoria (with remarks on the Geographical Distri- 
bution of Dermaptera). Pp. 811-850; 43; 116. 
[With Alphabetical Indexes.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. 

Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera. By W. F. Kirby :— 

Vol. I. Orthoptera Euplexoptera, Cursoria, et Gres- 
soria. (Forticulide, Hemimeride, Blattide, Mantide, 
Phasmide.) Pp. x. dul. [With Index.] 1904, 
dvo. 10s. 

Vol. II. Orthoptera Saltatoria, Part I. (Achetide et 
Phasgonuride.) Pp. viii., 562. [With Index.] 1906, 
8vo. 15s. 

Vol. III. Orthoptera Saltatoria, Part II. (Locustids 
vel Acridiide.) Pp. vii., 674. [With Index.] 1910, 
Svo. 1d. 

Homopterous Insects. 

A Synonymic Catalogue of Homoptera. Part I. Cicadidee 
By W. L. Distant. Pp. 207. [Index.] 1906, 8vo. 5s. 



Catalogue of the Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms, 
contained in the Collection of the British Museum. By 
Dr. Baird. Pp. iv., 182. 2 Plates. [With an Index of 
the Animals in which the Entozoa. mentioned in the 
Catalogue are found, and an Index of Genera and 
Species.] 1853, 12mo. 2s. 

Catalogue of the Chetopoda in the British Museum (Natural 
History). A. Polychexta: Part I—Arenicolide. By J. 
H. Ashworth, D.Sc. Pp. xii., 175. 15 Plates, 68 Text- 
figures. [With Systematic and General Indexes, List of 
Te ae ae Description of Plates, &c.] 1912, roy. 8vo. 

. Ts. 6d. 


Catalogue of Sea-pens or Pennatulariide in the Collection of 
the British Museum. By J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &e. Pp. iv., 
40. 2 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

Catalogue of Lithophytes or Stony Corals in the Collection 
of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray, F.RS., &e. 
Pp. iv., 51. 14 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 3s. 

Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British 
Museum (Natural History) :— 

Vol. I. The Genus Madrepora. By George Brook. 
Pp. xi., 212. 35 Collotype Plates. [With Systematic 
and Alphabetical Indexes, and Explanation of the 
Plates.] 1893, 4to. 17. 4s. 

Vol. II. The Genus Turbinaria; the Genus Astreopora. 
By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Cantab., F.L.S., F.Z.8. 
Pp. iv., 106. 30 Collotype and 3 Lithographic Plates. 
[With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and 
Explanation of the Plates.] 1896, 4to. 18s. 

Vol. III. The Genus Montipora; the Genus Anacro- 
pora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A., &e. Pp. vii., 192. 
30 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With Syste- 
matic Index, Index of Generic and Specific Names, 
and Explanation of the Plates.] 1897, 4to. 1d. 4s. 

Vol. IV. The Family Poritide. I.—The Genus 
Goniopora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. viii., 
206. 12 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With 
Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation 
of the Plates.] 1903, 4to. 12. 

Vol. V. The Family Poritide. II—The Genus Porites. 
Part I.—Porites of the Indo-Pacific Region. By 
Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. vi., 303. 35 Plates, 
[With Index of Generic and Specific Names and 
Explanation of the Plates.] 1905, 4to. 1d. 15s. 


Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British 
Museum (Natural History)—continued. 

Vol. VI. The Family Poritide. IT.—The Genus Parties 
Part II.—Porites of the Atlantic and West Indies, with 
the European Fossil Forms. The Genus Goniopora, 
a supplement to Vol.ITV. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. 
Pp. vi. 173. 16 Collotype and 1 Lithographic Plates, 
[With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and 
Explanation of the Plates.] 1906, 4to. 17. 


Catalogue of British Birds in the Collection of the British 
Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.8., &c. 
Pp. xii., 248. [Witha List of Species.] 1863, 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

Catalogue of the British Species of Pisidium (Recent and 
Fossil) in the Collections of the British Museum (Natural 
History), with Notes on those of Western Europe. By 
B. B. Woodward, F:L.8., &c. Pp. ix., 144. 30 Plates. 
[With Bibliography and Index. ] 1918, ’8vo. 10s. 6d. 

Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the Collection of the 
British Museum. Second edition. Part I. Andrenide 
and Apide. By Frederick Smith, M.H.8S. New issue 
Pp. xi. 236. 11 Plates. a Systematic and Alpha- 
betical Index.] 1891, 8vo. 

Catalogue of British Fossorial Hymenoptera, Formicidae, and 
Vespide in the Collection of the British Museum. By 
Frederick Smith, V.P.E.S. Pp. 236. 6 Plates. [Withan 
Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 12mo. 6s. © 

Catalogue of British Hymenopiera of the Family Chalcidide 
By Claude Morley, F.Z.8., F.E.S. Pp. 74. [Index.] 
1910, 8vo. 3s. 6d. 

Illustrations of British Blood-sucking Flies, with notes by 
Ernest Edward Austen, Assistant, Department of Zoology, 
British Museum (N.H.). Pp. 74. 34 Coloured Plates. 
1906, roy. 8vo. 10. ds. 

A Catalogue of the British Non-parasitical Worms in the 
Collection of the British Museum. By George Johnston, 
M.D., Edin., F.R.C.L., Ed., Lu.D., Marischal Coll., Aber- 
deen, &c. Pp. 365. Woodcuts and 24 Plates. [With an 
Aiphaborenl lads] 1865, 8vo. 7s. 


Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum 
(Natural History). By F. Jeffrey Bell,M.A. Pp. xvii., 202. 
Woodcuts and 16 Plates (2 Coloured). [With Table of 
Contents, Tables of Distribution, Alphabetical Index, 
Description of the Plates, &c.] 1892, 8vo. 12s. 6d. 

List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Collection 
of the British Museum; with Synonyma and References 
to figures. 12mo.:— 

Part V. Lepidoptera. By J. F. Stephens. 2nd Edition. 
Revised by H. T. Stainton and E. Shepherd. Pp. iv., 
224. 1856. 1s. 9d. 

Part VI. Hymenoptera. By F. Smith. Pp.134. 3851. 2s. 

Part VII. Mollusca, Acephala and Brachiopoda. By 
Dr. J. E. Gray. Pp. iv., 167. 1851. 3s. 6d. 

Part VIII. Fish. By Adam White. Pp. xxiii, 164. 
(With Index and List of Donors.) 1851. 3s. 6d. 

Part XI. Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects. By H. Denny. 
Pp. iv., 51. 1852. 1s. 

Part XII! Lepidoptera (continued). By James F. 
Stephens. Pp.iv., 54. 1852. 9d. 

Part XIII. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By 
Frederick Smith. Pp.iv., 74. 1853. Is. 4d. 

Part XIV. Nomenclature of Neuropiera. By Adam 
White. Pp. iv.,16. 1853. 64d. 

Part XV. Nomenclature of Diptera, I. By Adam 
White. Pp. iv., 42. 1853. 1s. 

Part XVI. Lepidoptera (completed). By H.T. Stainton. 
Pp. 199. [With an Index.] 1854. 3s. 


Illustrations of Australian Plants collected in 1770 during 
Captain Cook’s Voyage round the World in H.M.S. 
“Endeavour.” By the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks,. 
Bart., K.B., P.R.S., and Dr. Daniel Solander, F.R.S. 
[Being a series of lithographic reproductions of copper- 
plates engraved after paintings by F. P. Nodder, James. 
Miller, J. F. Miller, and John Cleveley.] With Introduc- 
tion and Determinations by James Britten, F.L.S., Senior 
Assistant, Department of Botany, British Museum :— 

Part I—101 Plates, with 31 pages of descriptive text.. 
1900, fol. 12. 5s. ; 

Part IIl.—142 Plates (pls. 101-243), with 41 pages of 
descriptive text (pp. 35-75). 1901, fol. 12. 15s. 


Illustrations of Australian Plants &¢e.—continued. 

Part III.—77 Plates (pls. 244-318, 45a, and 122), with 
26 pages of descriptive text, including Index to the 
whole work (pp. 77-102), and 3 maps. 1905, fol. 12. 5s. 

Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. Friedrich 
Welwitsch in 1853-61 :— 

Vol. I. Dicotyledons. By William Philip Hiern, M.A. 
E.L.S., &c. :— 

Part I. [Ranunculacee to Rhizophoracee.] Pp. 
xxvi., 336. [With Portrait of Dr. Welwitsch. 
Introduction, Bibliogr: aphy, and Index of Genera.] 
1896. 8vo. 7s. 6d. 

Part II. Combretaces to Rubiaces. Pp. 337-510. 
[With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 4s. 

Part III. Dipsacee to Scrophulariacez. Pp. 511- 
784, [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 5s. 
Part IV. Lentibulariacez to Ceratophylleze. Pp. 785- 

1035. [With Index.] 1900, 8vo. 5s. 

Vol. II. Monocotyledons, Gymnosperms, and Crypto- 
gams :— 

Part I. Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms. By 
Alfred Barton Rendle, M.A., D.Se., F.L.S., Assis- 
tant, Department of Botany. Pp. 260. [With 
Index of Genera.] 1899, 8vo. 6s. 

Part II. Cryptogamia. Pp. 261-566. [With Table 
of Errata, and General Index to the whole work.] 

1901, 8vo. 6s. 

Wasaulan sigeiegaty ... By William Carruthers, F.R.S. 

Mosses aes +» 5, Antony Gepp, M.A., F.L.S. 

Hepaiics .. eg «» 4 F. Stephani. 

Marine Algz see «ey Hthel 8. Barton, 

Freshwater Alge ... «. 5, W. West, F.LS., and G, §, 
West, B.A. 

Diatomaceze wei «5, Thomas Comber, F.L.S. 

Lichenes  ... a8 v5, EB. A, Wainio, 

Fungi se oo «« », Annie Lorrain Smith. 

Mycetozoa .. ey «4, Arthur Lister, E.RBS. 

Catalogue of the Plants collected by Mr. and Mrs. P. A. 
Talbot in the Oban District, South Nigeria. By A. B. 
Rendle, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., E. G. Baker, F.L.8., H. F. 
Wernham, B.8c., 8. Moore, F.L.S., and others. Pp.x., 157: 
17 Plates. [With Index and List of Plates.] 1913, Svo. 9s. 

Flora of Jamaica, containing descriptions of the Flowering 
Plants known from the Island. By William Faweett, 
B.8Sec., F.LS., etc, and A. B. Rendle, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., 
F.LS., ete. Voll. Orchidacee. Pp. xx., 150: 32 Plates. 
[With Index of Genera and Species. ] 1910, 8vo. 
10s. 6 


Synopsis of the British Basidiomycetes: a Descriptive 
Catalogue of the Drawings and Specimens in the Depart- 
ment of Botany, British Museum. By Worthington George 
Smith, F.L.S. Pp. 531. 5 Plates and 145 Figures in 
Text. [With Index.] 1908, 8vo. 10s. 

A Monograph of the British Lichens : a Descriptive Cata- 
logue of the Species in the Department of Botany, British 
Museum. Part II. By Annie Lorrain Smith, F.L.S. 
Pp. [viii.,] 409 : 59 Plates. [With List of Plates, Glossary, 
and Index.] 1911, 8vo. 12. , 

A Monograph of the Mycetozoa: a Descriptive Catalogue 
of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. 
By Arthur Lister, F.R.S., F.L.S. Second Edition, 
revised by Gulielma Lister, F.L.8. Pp. 302. 201 Plates 
(120 coloured). 56 Woodcuts. [With Indexes, Biblio- 
graphy, Glossary, etc.] 1911, 8vo. 17. 10s. 

List of British Diatomacesz in the Collection of the British 
Museum. By the Rev. W. Smith, F.L.S., &e. Pp. iv., 55. 
1859, 12mo. 1s. 


Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum 

(Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S.:— 

Part I. Containing the Orders Primates, Chiroptera, 

Insectivora, Carnivora, and Rodentia. Pp. xxx., 268. 

33 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical 
Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 5s. 

Part II. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder 
Artiodactyla. Pp. xxii., 324. 39 Woodcuts. [With 
Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 6s. 

Part III. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborders 
Perissodactyla, Toxodontia, Condylarthra, and Ambly- 
poda. Pp.xvi.,186. 30 Woodcuts. [With Systematic 
Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, 
including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 4s. 

Part IV. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder 
Proboscidea. Pp. xxiv., 235. 32 Woodcuts. [With 
Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera 
and Species, including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. 

Part V. Containing the Group Tillodontia, the Orders 
Sirenia, Cetacea, Edentata, Marsupialia, Monotremata, 
and Supplement. Pp. xxxv., 345. 55 Woodcuts, 
[With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of 
Generaand Species, including Synonyms. | 1887, vo. 6s. 

Catalogue of the Fossil. Birds in the British Museum (Natural 
History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A. Pp. xxvii., 368. 
75 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical 
Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 
8vo. 10s. 6d. 


Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British 
pen (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., 
E.G.S. :— 

Part I. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, 
Dinosauria, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Pro- 
terosauria. Pp. xxviii, 309. 69 Woodcuts. [With 
Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera 
and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 7s. 6d. 

Part II. Containing the Orders Ichthyopterygia and 
Sauropterygia. Pp. xxi., 307. 85 Woodcuis. [With 
Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera 
and Species, including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. 6d. 

Part III. Containing the Order Chelonia. Pp. xviii., 
239. 53 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and 
Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species including 
Synonyms.| 1889, 8vo. 7s. 6d. 

Part IV. Containing the Orders Anomodontia, Ecaudata, 
Caudata, and Labyrinthodontia; and Supplement. 
Pp. xxiii, 295. 66 Woodcuts. [With Systematic 
Index, Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, 
including Synonyms, and Alphabetical Index of Genera 
and Species to the entire work.] 1890, 8vo. 7s. 6d. 

A descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Reptiles of -the 
Oxford Clay. Based on the Leeds Collection in the 
British Museum (Natural History), London. By C. W. 
Andrews, D.Sc., F.R.S. :— 

Part I. Families Ophthalmosauride, Elasmosauride. 
Pp. xxiii., 205: 94 Text-figures, 11 Plates. [With 
Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, List of [lus- 
trations, Explanations of Plates, &c.] 1910, 4to. 1/. 5s. 

Part II. Families Pliosauride, Teleosauride, and 
Geosauride. Pp. xxiv., 206: 73 Text-figures, 14 
Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, 
List of Illustrations in Text, Explanations of Plates, 
&¢e.] 1913, 4to. 1/. 5s. 

Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural 
History). By Arthur Smith Woodward, LLD., F.R.S., 
E.G.S., &e. :— 

Part I. Containing the Elasmobranchii. Pp. xlvii,, 
474. 13 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. [With Alphabetical 
Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 
1889, 8vo. 1. 1s. 

Part II. Containing the Elasmobranchii (Acanthodii), 
Holocephali, Ichthyodorulites, Ostracodermi, Dipnoi, 
and Teleostomi (Crossopterygii and Chondrostean 
Actinopterygii). Pp. xliv., 567. 58 Woodcuts and 
16 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic 
Index of Genera and Species.] 1891, 8vo. 1l.-1s, 


Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural 

Part III. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi 
of the Orders Chondrostei (concluded), Protospondyli, 
Aetheospondyli, and Isospondyli (in part). Pp. xlii., 
544, 45 Woodcuts and 18 Plates. [With Alphabetical 
Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species. ] 
1895, 8vo. 12. 1s. 

Part IV. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of 
the Suborders Isospondyli (in part), Ostariophysi, 
Apodes, Percesoces, Hemibranchii, Acanthopterygii, 
and Anacanthini. Pp. xxxix., 636. 22 Woodcuts 
and 19 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and 
Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1901, 
8vo. li. Is. 

A descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of the 
Fayim, Egypt. Based on the Collection of the Egyptian 
Government in the Geological Museum, Cairo, and on the 
Collection in the British Museum (Natural History), 
London. By C. W. Andrews, D.Sc. Pp. xxxvii., 324: 
98 Text Figures and 26 Plates. [With Systematic and 
Alphabetical Indexes.] 1906, 4to. 1/. 15s. 

Systematic List of the Ed wards Collection of British Oligocene 
and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum (Natural 
History), with references to the type-specimens from 
similar horizons contained in other collections belonging 
to the Geological Department of the Museum. By Richard 
Bullen Newton, F.G.8. Pp. xxviii. 365. [With table of 
Families and Genera, Bibliography, Correlation-table, 
Appendix, and Alphabetical Index.] 1891, 8vo. 6s. 

Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, 
British Museum (Natural History). Part I. The Austra- 
lasian Tertiary Mollusca. By George F. Harris, F.G.8., &c. 
Pp. xxvi., 407. 8 Plates. [With Table of Families, Genera, 
and Sub-Genera, and Index.] 1897, 8vo. 10s. 

Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum 
(Natural History) :— 

Part I. Containing part of the Suborder Nautiloidea, con- 
sisting of the families Orthoceratide, Endoceratide, 
Actinoceratide, Gomphoceratide, Ascoceratide, 
Poterioceratide, Cyrtoceratide, and Supplement. By 
Arthur H. Foord, F.G.8. Pp. xxxi., 344. 51 Woodcuts. 
[With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of 
Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 
8vo. 10s. 6d: 


‘Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum 
(Natural History)—continued. 

Part II. Containing the remainder of the Suborder 
Nautiloidea, consisting of the families Lituitide, 
Trochoceratids, Nautilide, and Supplement. By 
Arthur H. Foord, F.G.8. Pp. xxviii, 407. 86 Wood- 
cuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical 
Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 
1891, 8vo. 15s. 

Part 1II. Containing the Bactritide, and part of the 
Suborder Ammonoidea. By Arthur H. Foord, Ph.D., 
F.G.S., and George Charles Crick, A.R.S.M., F.G.S. 
Pp. xxxiii., 303. 146 Woodcuts. [With Systematic 
Index of Genera and Species, and Alphabetical Index. ] 
1897, 8vo. 12s. 6d, 

List of theTypes and Figured Specimensof Fossil Cephalopoda 
in the British Museum (Natural History). By G. C. Crick, 
F.G.S. Pp. 103. [With Index.] 1898, 8vo. 2s. 6d. 

A Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms 
and the Range in Time of each Genus and Order. By 
Henry Woodward, F.R.S. Pp. xii, 155. [With an 
Alphabetical Index.] 1877, 8vo. 5s. 

Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the Department of 
Geology, British Museum (Natural History):— 

The Jurassic Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc., F.G.S., 
F.Z.S. Pp. [viii.,] 239 : 22 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. 
[With List of Species and Distribution, Bibliography, 
Index, and Explanation of Plates.] 1896, 8vo. 10s. 

The Cretaceous Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc., 
F.R.S., &e. :— 
Vol. I. Pp. xiv., 457: 64 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. 
[With Index and Explanation of Plates.] 1899, 
svo. 16s. 

Vol. TI. Pp. xlviii., 346. 75 Woodcuts and 9 Plates. 
[With List of Localities, Bibliography, Subject 
and Systematic Indexes, and Explanation of 
Plates.] 1909, 8vo. 13s. 

Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of 
the British Museum (Natural History), with an account of 
the morphology and systematic position of the group, and 
a revision of the genera and species. By Robert Etheridge, 
jun., of the Department of Geology, British Museum 
(Natural History), and P. Herbert Carpentier, D.Sc., F.R.S., 


F.L.S, (of Eton College). Pp. xv.,322. 20 Plates. [With 
Preface by Dr. H. Woodward, Table of Contents, General 
Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1886, 4to. 10. 5s. 

The Genera and Species of Blastoidea, with a List of the 
Specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). By 
F. A. Bather, M.A., F.G.8., of the Geological Department. 
Pp. x., 70. 1 Woodcut. 1899, 8vo. 3s. 

Catalogue of the Paleozoic Plants in the Department of 
Geology and Palwontology, British Museum (Natural 
History). By Robert Kidston, F.G.S. Pp. viii, 288. 
Bee a list of works quoted, and an Index.] 1886, 
vo. 58. 

Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of 
Geology, British Museum (Natural History). By 
A. C. Seward, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., University Lecturer 
in Botany and Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge :— 

Part I. The Wealden Flora. Part I. Thallophyta— 
Pteridophyta. Pp. xxxviii., 179. 17 Woodcuts and 
11 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, Explanations 
of the Plates, &c.] 1894, 8vo. 10s. 

Part II. The Wealden Flora. PartII. Gymnosperme. 
Pp. viii., 259. 9 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. [With 
Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, é&c.] 
1895, 8vo. 15s. 

Part III. The Jurassic Flora. Part I. The Yorkshire 
Coast. Pp. xii, 341. 53 Woodcuts and 21 Plates. 
[With Alphabetical Index, Explanations of the Plates, 
&e.] 1900, 8vo. 1. 

Part IV. The Jurassic Flora. [I.—Liassic and 
Oolitic Floras of England (excluding the Inferior 
Oolite Plants of the Yorkshire Coast), Pp. xv., 192. 
20 Woodcuis and 13 Plates. [With Alphabetical 
Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c.] 1904, 8vo. 10s. 

Catalogue of the Fossil Plants of the Glossopteris Flora in 
the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural 
History). Being a Monograph of the Permo-carboniferous 
Flora of India and the Southern Hemisphere. By EK. A. 
Newell Arber, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. Pp. Ixxiv., 255: 51 
Text-Figures and 8 Plates. [With Bibliography and 
Alphabetical Index.] 1905, 8vo. 12s. 6d. 



General Guide to the British Museum (Natural History), 
Cromwell Road, London, 8.W. Thirteenth Edition. With 
58 text-figures, 2 plans, 2 views of the building, and an 
illustrated cover. Pp. x., 121. 1913, 8vo. 3d. 

Guide to the Specimens illustrating the Races of Mankind 
(Anthropology), exhibited in the Department of Zoology, 
British Museum (Natural History). Second Edition. 
[By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 16 Figures. 
Pp. 35. 1912, 8vo. 4d. 

Guide to the Galleries of Mammals (other than Ungulates) 
in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum 
(Natural History). Eighth Edition. Pp. 101. 52 
Woodcuts and 4 plans. Index. 1906, 8vo. 6d. 

Guide to the Specimens of Great Game Animals (Ungulata) 
exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum 
(Natural History). Second Edition. [By R. Lydekker, 
F.R.S.] Pp. 95. 53 Text and other figures. With list 
of Horns, Antlers and Tusks, and Index. 1913, 8vo. Is. 

Guide to the Elephants (Recent and Fossil) exhibited in 
the Department of Geology and Paleontology in the British 
Museum (Natural History). [By Dr. C. W. Andrews, 
F.R.S.] Illustrated by 31 text-figures. Pp. 46. 1908, 
8vo. 6d. 

Guide to the Specimens of the Horse Family (Equide) 
exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum 
(Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Pp. 42. 
26 Figures. 1907, 8vo. Ls. 

Guide to the Domesticated Animals (other than Horses) 
exhibited in the Central and North Halls of the British 
Museum (Natural History), Second Edition. [By R. 
Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 25 Figures. Pp. 56. 
[With table of Contents, List of Illustrations, and Index. ] 
1912, 8vo. 6d. 

Guide to the Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins (order Cetacea) 
exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum 
(Natural History). [By R. Lydekker, ¥.R.S.] Illustrated 
by 33 Figures. Pp. 47. [With Index.] 1909, 8vo. 4d. 

Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of 
Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). [By W. R. 
Ogilvie Grant.] Second Edition. Pp. iv., 228. 25 Plates, 
and 7 Illustrations in text. [With Index.] 1910, 4to. 
2s. 6d 


Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology 
British Museum (Natural History). [By W. R. Ogilvie. 
Grant.] :— 

Part I. General Series. Pp. 149. [With Index.] 
1905. 4to. 6d. 

Part II. Nesting Series of British Birds. Second 
Edition. Pp. 62. 4 Plates. [Index.] 1909, 4to. 4d. 

Guide to the Gallery of Reptilia and Amphibia in the 
Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural 
History). [By R. Lydekker, F.R.S.] Illustrated by 
76 text and other Figures. Second Edition. Pp. iv., 85. 
[With Table of Contents and Index.] 1913, 8vo. 1s. 

Guide to the Gallery of Fishes in the Department of Zoology 
of the British Museum (Natural History). [By Dr. W. G. 
Ridewood.] Illustrated by 96 Figures. Pp. v., 209. 
[With Preface by Sir E. Ray Lankester, Table of 
Classification, and Index.}] 1908, 8vo. 1s. 

Guide to the British Vertebrates Exhibited in the Depart- 
ment of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History).. 
[By W. P. Pycraft.] Pp. iv., 122. 26 Text-Figures, 
1 Plan. [With Index.] 1910, 8vo. 1s. 

Guide to the exhibited series of Insects in the Department 
of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). By C. 0. 
Waterhonse. Second Edition. Pp. 65: 62 text- and full- 
page Illustrations. [With Table of Contents and Index.] 
1909, 8vo. 1s. 

Guide to the Crustacea, Arachnida, Onychophora and My-. 
riopoda exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British 
Museum (Natural History). (By W. T. Calman, D.Sc., 
A. S. Hirst, and F. J. Bell.) Pp. 183: 90 Text-Figures.. 
[With Table of Contents and Index.] 1910, 8vo. 1s. 

Guide to the Shell and Starfish Galleries (Mollusca, Polyzoa,. 
Brachiopoda, Tunicata, Echinoderma, and Worms), 
Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). 
Fifth Edition. Pp. iv., 133. 125 Woodcuts, Plan, and 
Indexes. 1908, 8vo. 6d. 

Guide to the Coral Gallery (Protozoa, Porifera or Sponges,. 
Hydrozoa, and Anthozoa) in the Department of Zoology, 
British Museum (Natural History). Second Edition. 
Pp. [iv., 8] 73. 90 Illustrations, Plan, and Index. 
1907, 8vo. Is. 

A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department 
of Geology and Paleontology in the British Museum 
(Natural History). Ninth Edition. [By A. 8. Woodward, 
LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xvi. 100. 6 Plates, 88 Text- Figures. 
[With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Se and. 
Index.] 1209, 8vo. 6d. 


A Guide to the Fossil Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes in 
the Department of Geology and Paleontology in the 
British Museum (Natural History). Ninth Edition. [By 
A. 8. Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S.] Pp. xviii.,110. 8 Plates 
and 116 Text-Figures. [With Table of Contents, Lists of 
Illustrations, Geological Time-Scale, and Index.] 1910, 
8vo. 9d. 

A Guide to the Fossil Invertebrate Animals in the Depart- 
ment of Geology and Paleontology in the British Museum 
(Natural History). [By F. A. Bather, D.Sc. F.R.S.] 
Second Edition. Pp.x.,183. 7 Plates and 96 Text-Figures. 
[With List of Illustrations, Geological Time-scale, and 
Index.] 1911, 8vo. 1s. 

A Guide to the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum 
(Natural History). Eleventh Edition. Pp. 32. Plan. 
1911, 8vo. 1d. 

The Student’s Index to the Collection of Minerals, British 
Museum (Natural History). Twenty-fourth Edition. 

Pp. 36. [With a Plan of the Mineral Gallery.] 1911. 
8vo. 2d. 

An Introduction to the Study of Minerals, with a Guide to 
the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum (Natural 
History). By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S. Thirteenth Edition. 
Pp. 128. 41 Woodcuts. [With Plan of the Mineral 
Gallery and Index.] 1910, 8vo. 6d. 

An Introduction to the Study of Rocks and Guide to the 
Museum Collection. Fourth Edition. By L. Fletcher, 
M.A.,F.R.S. Pp. 155. [With Plan of the Mineral Gallery, 
Table of Contents, and Index.] 1909, 8vo. 1s. 

An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a List of the 
Meteorites represented in the Collection. By L. Fletcher, 
M.A., F.R.S., &. Tenth Edition. Pp. 120. [With a Plan 
of the Mineral Gallery, and an Index to the Meteorites 
represented in the Collection.] 1908, 8vo. 6d. 

List of British Seed-plants and Ferns exhibited in the 
Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). 
[By A. B. Rendle, D.Sc., F.R.S., and J. Britten, F.L.S.] 
With table of Sequence of Orders, and Index of Genera. 
Pp. 44. 1907, 8vo. 4d. 

‘Guide to Sowerby’s Models of British Fungi in the De- 
partment of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). 
Second Edition, revised. By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S. 
Pp. 85. 91 Woodcuts. [With Table of Diagnostic 
Characters, Glossary, and Index.] 1908, 8vo. 4d. 


*Guide to Mr. Worthington Smith’s Drawings of Field and 
Cultivated Mushrooms, and Poisonous or Worthless 
Fungi, often mistaken for Mushrooms, exhibited in the 
Department of Botany. British Museum (Natural 
‘History). Pp. 24: 2 Plates, containing 28 coloured 
figures ; 4 text-Figures. 1910, 8vo., 1s. 

Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited in the Department 
of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). [By Arthur 
Lister, F.R.S.] Third Edition, revised. Pp. 49. 46 
Woodceuts.. Index. 1909, 8vo. 3d. 


No. 2.—Books and Portraits illustrating the History of Plant 
Classification exhibited in the Department of Botany. 
Second Edition. [By A. B. Rendle, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.] 
Pp. 19. 4 Plates. 1909, 8vo. 4d. 

No. 4.—Memorials of Charles Darwin: a Collection of 
Manuscripts, Portraits, Medals, Books, and Natural History 
Specimens to commemorate the Centenary of his Birth 
and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Publication of ‘‘ The 
Origin of Species.” (Second Edition.) [By W. G. Ride- 
wood, D.Se.] Pp. vi. 50. 2 Plates. 1910, 8vo. 6d. 

No. 5.—Guide to the Exhibition of Animals, Plants, and 
Minerals mentioned in the Bible. Second Edition. 
Pp. vii., 78. 7 Text-figures. .[With Index.] 1911, 8vo. 6d. 

No. 6.—Guide to the Exhibition of Specimens illustrating 
the modification of the Structure of Animals in relation to 
Flight. Pp. viii., 80. 1 Plate, 44 Text-figures. [With List 
of Illustrations and Index.] 1913, 8vo. 6d. 


Handbook of Instructions for Collectors, issued by the 
.’ British Museum (Natural History). With Illustrations. 
Third Edition. Pp. 144. Index. 1906, 8vo. 1s. 6d. 

Instructions for Collectors :— 

No. 1.—Mammals. Fourth Edition. Pp. 8. Text illust. 
1912, 8vo. 3d. 

No. 2.—Birds and their Eggs. Fifth Edition. Pp. 13. 
6 Text-figures. 1912, 8vo. 3d. 

* The plates may be had separately in one sheet mounted on linen and 
varnished. Price 1s., or 1s. 2d, post free. 


Instructions for Collectors—continued. 

No. 3.—Reptiles, Batrachians, and Fishes. [Third 
Edition.] Pp. 12. 1903, 8vo. 4d. 

No. 4.—Insects. Fifth Edition. Pp. 11. Text illust. 
1911, 8vo. 3d. 

No. 5.—Diptera (Two-winged Flies). Third Edition. 
Pp. 16. Text illust. 1908, 8vo. 3d. 

No. 6.—Mosquitoes (Culicide). [Third Edition.] Pp. 8. 
1 Plate, 1 figure in text. 1904, 8vo. 3d. 

No. 7.—Blood-sucking Flies, Ticks, &c. By E. E. Austen. 
Third Edition. Pp. 24: 13 figures in text. 1907, 8vo. 3d. 

No. 8.—Spiders, Centipedes, &c. Second Edition. Pp. 4. 
1906, 8vo. 3d. 

No. 9.—Soft-bodied and other Invertebrate Animals; Shells 
of Molluscs. Third Edition. Pp. 18. 1909, 8vo. 3d. 
No. 10.—Plants. Fourth Edition. Pp.10: 3 figures in text. 

1909, 8vo. 3d. 
No. 11.—Fossils and Minerals. Fourth Edition. Pp. 8. 
1913, 8vo. 3d. 


No. 1.—The House-Fly as a Danger to Health. Its Life- 
history, and how to deal with it. By Ernest E. Austen. 
Second Edition. Pp. 12: 2 -plates (containing 4 figures), 
and 3 figures in text. 1913, 8vo. 1d. 

British Museum (Natural History), 
Cromwell Road, 
London, 8.W. 
November, 1913. 

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