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2 5851.GV™"""'™''">"-"'^3T 
^^JlllKif general index to < 

XL r / i / , 


Cornell University 

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tine Cornell University Library. 

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1883 to 1887, 





Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S.B.; Member American 
Society of Mechanical Engineers, etc. 

3 KiLBY Street. 

Engineering News Publishing Co. 


Copyright, 1888, by, 

francis e. galloupe, 

Boston, Mass. 

(All rights reserved.) 


Progress in the development of material resources, in recent 
years, has created a large and increasing volume of engineering 
literature in periodicals which contain valuable papers and in- 
formation, much of which is too recent, or fragmentary in char- 
acter, to be found in books, or elsewhere. 

This work is designed to make accessible to engineers in all 
branches of the profession, to special investigators, librarians, 
editors and others, the moi-e important papers and articles con- 
tained in leading Amei'ican and English periodicals during the 
last five years. To keep the list from becoming unwieldy, It 
was decided to limit, besides the period covered, the number 
of references to about ten thousand, and, with these restrictions, 
the compiler has selected each reference given by personal ex- 
amination of the articles in the flies, and has been enabled to 
include quite complete references to the. periodicals named. 
He regrets that the prescribed limits do not enable him to also 
include the Proceedings of the Engineering Societies, and other 
valuable periodicals, in the present volume. 

The index is by subjects, alphalietically arranged, and makes 
available information now practically buried in the mass of en- 
gineering literature, or only to be extracted by the aid of some 
one hundred and fifty different indices, and the loss of much time. 

Boston, May, 1888. 



dyn. dynamometer. 

econ. economy, economical. 

effic. efficiency. 

elec. electric. 

eng. engine, engineer, engineer- 

es. estimate. 

estab. establishment. 

evap. evaporation. 

exam, examination. 

excav. excavating, excavation. 

exhib. exhibition. 

exp. expense. 

exi)t. experiment. 

extin. extinguish, extinguish- 

frt. freight. 

ffalv. galvanometer. 

gen. generation. 

gov. governor. 

h. house. 

B. P. horse power. 

hai: harbor. 

hist, history. 

hor. horizontal. 

hos. hospital. 

ht. height. 

hydr. hydraulic. 

ilium, illuminating. 

imp. improvement. 

inc. increase. 

incand. incandescent. 

indus. industry, industrial. 

ins. insurance. 

Inst. Institute. 

inv. inventor, invention. 

lucom. locomotive. 

/ub. lubricating, lubricants. 

3/. E. mechanical engineer. 

mack, machine, machinery. 

manuf. manufacture. 

max. maximum. 

meth. metliod. 

min. minute. 

mi>. motive. 

mt. mountain. 

munic. municipal. 

mut. mutual. 
n. note. 

nav. navigation. 
obs. observations. 
pass, passenger. 
pat. patent. 
pneu. pneumatic. 
pop. population. 
pur. portrait. 
press, pressure. 
pro. proceedings. 
proe,. process. 
prog, progress. 
propul. propulsion. 
pyrom. pyrometer. 
B. railroad. 
r. river. 

recip. reciprocating. 
refrig. refrigerating. 
reg. regulator. 
regen. regenerative. 
rep. repoi't. 
res. residence. 
resist, resistance. 
Sy. railway. 
san. sanitary. 
sec. second. 
Soc. Society. 
spec, specification. 
sq. square. 
St. street. 
Stat, statistics. 
stm. steam. 
str. steamer. 
sup. supplement. 
sys. system. 
teleg. telegraph. 
teleph. telephone. 
temp, temperature. 
topog. topographical. 
util. utilization. 
vac. vacuum. 
vel. velocity. 
ventil. ventilation. 
loks. works. 
lort. wrought. 
let. weight. 


African Sea, interior, Eng. yens, Mar. 29-4. 

Agricultural Engines, road locom. -with sprocket wheels, 

Aveling, Eng. Feb. 29-4 ; do. spring mounted. Fowler, July 

25-4 ; Garrett's, The Eng. July lG-6 ; traction, Springfield ; 

O., Iron Age., Mar. 3-7; do. sprocket wheel, Huber, 31/ rh. 

May-.5 ; and imijlements, Smithfield C. Show, Eng. Dec. 11-5 ; 

at Shrewsbury Show, The Eng. July lS-4. 
" Exhibition, Preston Show, Implements, Eng. July 17, 

24-5 ; mach. dept., map. The Eng. July 10-5; Shrewsbury 

Show, Eng. July 18-4 ; Tlie Eng. July 18 ; Smithfield C. Show, 

and mach. Dec. 12-4; do. Dec. 11-5. 
" Export, 12 years. Iron Age, Mar. 3-7. 
" Hat press. Filter's, Sci. Am. ,Saj,. Feb. 10-3. 
" Implements, modern, £"«;/. Xov. 21-4; U. S. exports of, 

/;'o« ^^c, Feb. 14-4; trials of, Newcastle, The Eng. July 


Agricultural Machinery, Brit, exports. Iron Age, Aug. 21-4; 
The Eng. July 3-17-5; duties on. Iron Age, Mar. 19-5; Roy- 
al Soe. Show, Eng. July 15-7; sheaf binders, trials. The Eng. 
Aug. 15-4; do. binding and reaping maclis. Aug. 22,29, Sep. 
5-20-4 ; Smithfield Club Show, Eng. Dec. 12-4; The Eng. 
Dec. 12-4; Dec. 11-5; Steam Plough wks, Leeds, Eng. June- 
7 ; thrashing mach., Budapest exhib. The Eng. Feb. 5-6 ; do. 
trial, July C-3 ; do. do. July 18 ; do. do. Ruston, Dec. 12-4 ; 
traction eng., self-steering. Am. Eng. May 18-7; elastic 
wheeled, >%i. Am. Sup. July 21 ; do. spring, JIcLaren, Sep. 
8-3 ; do. for heavy haulage, Jan. 17-5 ; do. H. P., Inven- 
tors exhib. The Eng. May 22 ; do. liigh-speed, for India, 
Dec. 25; do. steering gear, Avcling's, Dec. 25-5; do. conip., 
Foden's July 1.5-7; steam cultivator. Garret's Eng. .Jan. 
12-3; do. Sci. Am. Su}?. Mar. 3-3; York Show, Eng. 
July 20-3. 
" Wheat Farming in Cal., Sci. Am. Snp. Aug. 25-3. 

Air. See also Atmosphere. 

" Carbonic Acid in. Van Nuys, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 1-7; com- 
position of. Iron Age, Apr. 29-6. 

" Compressed, meter, r/tc £h(/. Feb. 13-5 ; power. Sturgeon, 
Sci. Am. Sup. 'Slav. 6-6; do. supply at Birmingham, The 
Eng. Feb. 13-5 ; and drills. Rand, Iron Age, June 3-6. 

AIK. 3 

A.IR COMPRESSixfi Engines, Neill, eng. The Encj. Feb. 20-5; 

plant at Guimiesec Falls, Mich., Eand, Am. Eng. Dec. 

19-4; mach., high speed, Dubois, eng.. The Eng. Mar, 28, 

28-4; compression mach., Atkinson's, The Eng. Oct. 8-6.; 

do. by water power. Iron Age, June 5-4; Meeh. June 28-4. 
" COJIPRESSORS, Inventors' oxhib. The Eng. May 22-5 ; Clay- 
ton's, Iron Age, Kov. 22-3 ; Dubois', Mech. Mar. 29, Apr.-4 ; 

do. Sci. Am. <S'h/). May 3-4 ; Farcot's ventilating, June 23-3 ; 

Holt valves, Eng. Jan. 8-6 ; IngersoU's, Eng.Neios, Jan. 12-4 ; 

Elegy's whim, Sci. Am. Siiji. Apr. 21-3 ; and drills, Eand, Iron 

Age, June 3-6 ; Stolberg mines, Germany, Jlech. Apr. 12-4 ; 

and turbine, Yanagase tunnel, Japan, Feb. 23-4. 
" Currents, expts. Eng. Aug. 14-5. 
" Engine, hot, Girandon, Iron Age, Aug. 12-6; Anderson, 

Sci. Am. St(i>. Aug. 22-5 ; Benier's, Dec. 25-6 ; The Eng. 

'Nov. 4-7; Ericsson's, eeon. of. Am. Eng. Jan. 30-5; 3Ic- 

Kinley, Am. Eng. May 20-6; engs., aero-steam, The Eng. 

June 25-6. 
" Liquefying, The Eng. Jan. 29-6. 
" Navigation, aerial, R. Thayer, Am. Eng. May 22 ; Aug. 6-5 ; 

Sci. Am. Sup. May 23, June 13-5 ; Oct. 4-4 ; Eng. Feb.-2G-3 ; 

The Eng. Aug. 29-4. See .ilso Flying. 
" Pump, Hopkins, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 27-6; for vacuum gauge 

testing, Locom. Sep.-7. 
" Purification, Prince, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 27-6 ; viscosity of, 

Tomlinson, The Eng. Apr. 9-6. 
Alaska, boundary, Eng. Aug. 19-7 ; Jackson, Sci. Am. Sup. .Jan. 

13-3 ; resources, Schwatka, July 4-5 ; Yokon region, Dec. 24-7. 
Allen, Horatio, por., Hj. Gaz. Apr. 4-4. 
Anemometers, Blram's, Davis, Sri. Am. Sup. May 16-;5; do. 

expts., Archibald, Aug. 1-5 ; do. do.. The Eng. Juno 19-5 ; 

hand, Galton, Eng. Sep. 19-4 ; Hagemann, Fran. Inst. Sep.-7 ; 

Palmieri's, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. lG-6; Siemen's, Sci. Am. Sup.. 

May 21-7. 
Angle-iron bending mach. Eng. Aug. 17-3. 
Animals, attitudes of, in motion, Fran. Inst. Apr.-3 ; Muy- 

bridge, Soc. Arts, Oct. 19-3 ; domestic, evolution and breeds^ 

Brewer, Oct. 25-3. 
Antiseptics, Boillat, Van JVost. Nov.-5. 
Antwerp, growth, Eng. Xeu-s, Aug. 23-4. 


Arches. See also Bridges ; Buildixg. 
" Equipollent, The Bng. Feh. '2'>-7 ; helieoidal oblique, Culley, 
Van Xost. Apr.-July, Sep.-G; intrados, math, curves for. 
Booth, Maj'-i; log. and rililjcd oblique, Culley, June, July, 
Sep.-6 ; pressures on, eal. of, French methods, Gould, Felj.-4; 
stone masonry, curve of eixuilibrium in, Fuller, 2'lie Eng. 
July 2.3-0 ; stone, £■«(/. Xi-n-x, Nov. 19-7; catenary. Booth, 
Vun Xust. Julj'-4; St. Paul, Minn., Eng. Xo'-i, Oct. 17-5; 
voussoir, cals., Karr, Sci. Am. Sup. Xov. 20-6. 

Architect and historic art, Sedding, Van Xost. Jau.-5 ; Bu. Xmis. 

Architects, Am. Inst, of, pro. S'aii.Eng. Dec. 11-6; do. 21st 
an. conv. pro. Eng. & Bu. Iter. Oct. 29-7; Western Assoc, 
pro. San. Eng. Xov. 26-5 ; do. Xov. 27, 27-6 ; charges, schedule, 
Milwaukee Assoc. San. Eng. Sep. 2;^-6 ; and civil engineers, 
what civilization owes, Bramhall, Sri. Am. Slip. Oct. 17-5. 

Architecttkal DitA'WiXG.-'. Salamagundl exhib. San. Eng. 
Jan. 15-7; training, Millard, Van Xost. Sep.-6. do. Bu. 


Architecti-ke. See also BriLiiixG; Statue of Liberty ; Am. 
An-h. flics, Buihh-r files, Sri. Am., Arch, ct BtiUders ed. files. 
" and art, Sri. Ant. Sup. June 27-5 ; breadth in, ]'an Xost. Xov.- 
3; do. Bit. Xrirs ; buildings, 10 best in U. S., Am. Eng. July 
3-5 ; color in, Aitcliison, Sri. Am . Siq). Apr. 21-3 ; dates of 
bmldings of world, n. Eng. Xncs, July 2.5-5 ; examination in, 
Eoj^il Inst, of Brit. Arcliitects, Eng. <£ Bu. liec. Dec. 10-7; 
earthquakes, effect of, on. Van Xost. Xov.-3; do. Buiidei- ; 
and interiors, see San. Eng., Eng. iC Bu. Sec, and^l)/(. Arch. 
files ; physical science in relation to. Slater, Van Xost. Sep.- 
3; do. l)/((7(/ec/ theory of proportion, Watkiss, Sci. Am. Suji. 
Ma3'l-6; refinements in. Van Xost. June-5; do. iJi(. Xeirs ; 
solidity and breadth iji, Xov.-3 ; do. Bn. Xeu-s ; new style of, 
Huggins, Mar. -3; influence of wood uj)Ou iron, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Apr. 2.5-5. 

Academy of Arts, Prague, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 2-4. 
Adams, J. A. res., St. Paul, San. Eng. Feb. 5-7. 
Adirondacks, in the, San. Eng. Sep. 16-6. 
Albany' res. entrances,. /S'a«. Eng. Xov. 19-5. 
Almshouse jjlans, San. Eng. Apr. 30-5. 
Am., English ideas of. Gale, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 3-3. 
Am. Unitarian Assoc. Bu., Boston, San. Eng. Feb. 4-6. 
Amsterdam Xat. Museum, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 30-6. 


ARCHlTECTUTtE. ASTOR Bu., Wall St., N.Y., S(in. Encj. Aug. 5-6. 

'• Bachelor Apart. H., Washington, and IS". Y. res. ,Saii. 
Eng. Sep. 23-6. 

•• Bakeu, Geo. F., res. Seabrlght, X. J., interior, San. Eng. 
Deo. 10-5 ; Jan. 14-6. 

" Baldwin, C, res. Newport, R. I., San. Eng. Apr. 2-7. 

'■ Baths, Athletic Club, S<;u. Eng. May 27-6 ; public, Lewis- 
ham, England, Dec. 17-5 ; and \\ash houses, (ilasgow Corp., 
Townhead, Feb. 4-6 ; bath h. of St. Antoine hos., Paris, 
July 16-7. 

" Beverly Farms, Mass., San. Eng. June 24-6. 

'• Blocks, private residences, Chicago, San. Eng. Oct. 7-6 ; row 
of dwellings, do. Oct. 23-6 ; dwellings, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 15-3. 

" Boston, residences, San. Eng. Xov. 19-5; Xov. 6-6 ; old 
doorway, Bulfineh St., Dec. 4-6; Bowditch, A., Jamaica 
Plains, Mar. 26-7. 

'• Bowling Green Hotel, Kenilworth, Si:i. Am. Sup. Oct. 17-5. 

'• Brajian, G. T. ■»'., Cohassct, Mass., San. Eng. Apr. 16-7. 

" Bridge, Memorial, to Gen. Grant, over Potomac r. Wash, 
and Arlington, proposed, San. Eng. Mar. 12-7. 

•• Brighton Coll., Sri. Am. Sup. Jan. 31-5. 

" Beit. Govt. Offices, "Whitehall, Loudon, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Sep. 27-4. 

•• Bkookline, Mass., private res. San. Eng. Sep. 10-4; subur- 
ban, Apr. 22-6 ; Feb. 19-7. 

" Brooklyn Life Ins. Bu., N. Y., San. Eng. Sep. 24-4. 

•• Buffalo, suburban h's, San. ^n(/. June 10, Aug. 19-6; h. 
May 14-7. 

" Cambridge, Mass., res. San. Eng. Sep. 30-6; Jan. 1.5-7. 

" Camden, N. J., h. San. Eng. Sep. 10-7. 

'• Canandaigua, X. Y., San. Eng. Jan. 22-7. 

" Cancer Hos., N. Y., San. Eng. Xov. 12-5. 

" Cape Elizabeth, *X. J., summer res. San. Eng. May 20-6. 

" Castle IIujimelshain, Thuringia, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 27-4. 

" Cathedrals, of Cologne, west spires, San. Eng. Jan. 28 ; do. 
central spire. May 20; of Burgos, Spain, May 20; of Toledo, 
do. June 10-6; St. Paul's, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 3; Gloucester, 
Dec. 1-3 ; Hereford, May 31 ; Cork, -Vug. 9^ ; of Incarnation, 
Garden City, X. Y., des. Maj-9-5; Southwell, June 13; 
Dunblane, Sep. 5-5 ; Peterborough, The Eng. Apr. 6-3. 


Akchitectuee, Chicago, res. San. Enrj. A\n\ 8 ; suburban, May 
C,6; Oct. 30-6. 

" Church, Doi-at, France, San. Eng. July i ; of Anvers, Seine- 
et-Oise, do. Aug. 27-4; St. Julieu, Auvergue, do. Dec. 31-5 ; 
of Santa Maria, Toscanclla, Italy, Apr. 22; Patterson Mem- 
orial Chapel, Phil., JI:iy 27; at Chicago and St. Louis, July 
1; St. Jauies Episcopal, X. Y. city, Sep. 9; of Bedeemer, 
Bryn-Mawr, Pa., July 29; St. Bartholomew, Irvington, Xov. 
27-6 ; of St. James tlie Less, :May 28-7 ; votive, at St. Peters- 
burg, Sci. Am. Snji. Apr. 2.5 ; Dec. 12-5 ; town des. Maj- 1-6 ; 
St. Etienne-dii-Mout, Paris, Eny. & Bn. liec. Oct. 29-7. 

'• CiNX'iXNATi, suburban res. Smi. Enrj. Apr. 29-6. 

" City Hall, Vienna, Sd. Am. Sup. Jan. 5-4. 

'■ Cliftondale, Mass., res. Sun. Enrj. Mar. 26-7. 

" ( 'LUB, Uuion, Chicago, Sun. En/j. Oct. 22-4 ; do. h. at Tuxedo 
Park, X. Y., July 22-0 ; Constitutional, Charing Cross, Lou- 
don, Sri. Am. Slip. Oct. 10-5. 

'• ( 'OFFEE Tavern, at Newcastle, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 6-3. 

" Colonial, h. at Jamaica Plaius, Mass., Eny. & Bu. Bee. Oct. 
S-7; entrance, Charleston, S. C., San. Enrj. Jan. 22-7. 

" CoJLMKKCiAL Bu"s, two, San. Enrj. Apr. 15-6; Phil. Ins. 
and "Wash. Safe Deposit Co., Jan. 8-7. 

" <'(.iOK, H. H., X. Y., San. Eng. sup. Jan. 1-5. 

" C(jui'EK Inst., X. Y., repau'S to, San. Eng. Xov. 5-4. 

" COTTAGE, near Boston, San. Eng. Xov. 26-5 ; at South Park, 
("Chicago, May 27 ; at Bryn-Mawr, Pa., June 24; at Buffalo, 
Julj' S ; Wej'uiouth, Mass., Oct. 23 ; seaside, Cape Elizabeth, 
X. J., Aug. 5; Longwood, Mass., Aug. 26; Morristown, X. 
J., Sep. 16; at Tuxedo Park, X". Y., July 22; Castiue, Me., 
July 29 ; summer, Manchester, Mass., Dec. 18 ; double, Chel- 
sea, Mass., Dec. 25-6; Convales h., St.Leonard-on-Sea, Jan. 
8; atWahdurst, Sussex, England, Feb. 5 ; Cushiug's Is., Me., 
Mar. 12; farmers, Beverly Farms, Mass., Apr. 2-7; villas, 
Crowboro, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 22-3; Xorbiton Park, Surrey, 
Feb. 23-4; and rectorj^. Mar. 1; gardener's, June 21 ; Eng- 
lish, July 19 ; semi-detached, Oct. 4 ; sunnner, Xov. 1-4. 

" COEUR, Jacijue.s, h. Bourges, France, San. Eng. Feb. 25-6. 

" Country Houses, San. Eng. May 7; do. near Boston, Xov. 
12-5 ; Scranton, Pa., June 3-6 ; Cooperstown, X.Y., July 1 ; 
res. at Highland Mills, X.Y., Oct. V ; Maiden. Mass., Aug. 12 ; 
at Cedarhurst. L. I.. Sep. 9-6 ; Sri. Am. Sup. Sep. 13-4. 


Architecture, Court House, old, raising of, Boston, San. 
Eng. Mar. 5-7; Boyal Cts. of Justice, London, 8ci. Am. 
8np. Jan. 20-3; U. S., at Peoria, 111., Nov. 17-3; Hall of 
Palace of Justice, A'ienna, Mar. 28-5; May 8-6. 

" Crematorium, Buffalo, N. Y., San. Eng. Mar. 4-6 ; at Lan- 
caster, Feb. 26-7. 

" Dakota Apartment H., N. Y., San. Eng. Feb. 26-3. 

" Denver Club, Denver, Col., San. Eng. June 25-7. 

" Depot, Mott Haven, N. Y. Cen. K., San. Eng. May 21-7. 

" Detroit and Dorchester, Mass., res. San. Eng. Sep. 2-6. 

" DeVinne Press Bu., JS. Y., San. Eng. May 13-6. 

" Edgar, AVm., res. Newport, E. I., San. Eng. Sep. 3-7. 

" Edinburgh, view in old, San. Eng. Jan. 15-7; University 
buildings, July 30-7. 

" English H., lake region near Ambleside, San. Eng. Feb. 26-7. 

" Equitable Bu., N. Y., Sau. Eng. Jan. 8, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12, 
Mar. 26, Apr. 9-7. 

"• Everett, T., res. Cleveland, San. Eng. Dec. 24^5. 

" Farwell, J. v., res. Chicago, San. Eng. June 4-5. 

" FiNGARRY, N. B., Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 5-4. 

" Florist's, design for, Sci. Am. Sup. A])v. 18-5. 

" Frognall Priory, England, interior, San. Eng. Sep. 30-6. 

" Geemantovitn, Pa., res. San. Eng. Sep. 2-6. 

" Glen Ridge, N. J., res. San. Eng. Maj^ 28-7. 

" GORHAM Bu., N. Y., San. Eng. Jan. 29-3. 

" Gregynog Hall, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 17-3. 

" GUENEY, E. W., res. Beverly, Mass., San. Eng. Apr. 30-7. 

" Gymnasium, at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., San. 
Eng. Nov. 20-6. 

" Hackeidge, res. England, San. Eng. May 7-7. 

" HeatON, h. at Bradford, San. Eng. May 12-3. 

" Hemenvtay Bu., Boston, San. Eng. Mar. 12-5. 

" Henry, D. H., h. Tuxedo Park, N. Y., San. Eng. Nov. 6-6. 

" Home for Blind, N. Y., San. Eng. Mar. 19-7. 

" Hospital, Cambridge, Mass., San. Eng. Jan. 21-6; Chil- 
dren's, Ciu. O., June 11-7; Civil, at Antwerp, Feb. 11-6; 
circular wards, Snell, Dec. 10-5; Cottage, (small), Burdett, 
Feb. 18 ; do. at Halstead, Apr. 8 ; do. Maj^ 27 ; do. June 24 ; 
Sep. 2 ; do. Sanitarium, Reedham Asylum, Sep. 30; do. St. 
Pauls, Crajf, Kent, Nov. 20 ; do. Surbiton, Dec. 18-6 ; do. Jan. 
8; do. Princess Alice Memorial, Eastbourne, May 14-7. 


Architecture, Hospital, militiuy, Aug. 13, 13-5; ship "Cas- 
talia," Ajjr. 29-6 ; Stratlord-oii-Avdii, Feb. 2(;-7 ; plans, Hast- 
tings, St. Leonard's and E. Sussex, .July 2 ; do. Jlethodist 
General, Sep. 3-7 ; Takhtsingji, Oct. 15, 1.5 ; Taylor, Moses, 
Hos., Oct. 29-3. 

" Hotel de Ville, St. Quentin, Siri. Am. Sup. Dec. 19-3; 

D'Alnij', San. Jiiiij. Sep. 24-7. 
" House, design, S<:L Am. Siqi. Dec. 29-3; Mottingham Park, 

Eltliam, No\-. 10-3 ; suburban, >Iar. 13-6 ; do. Hyde Park, 

Mass., San. Enrj. Aug. 19-6; houses, Dec. 10-2-t-5, etc.; do. 

semi-detaclied, Boydeu, Jan. 7-6; do. do. Sci. Am. Sup. 

Oct. 20-3. 
" Houses of Parliament, Vienna, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 1.5-4; 

do. quadriga for, Dec. 19-3 ; do. stiituary for. Industry- and 

Commerce, Juno 6-5 ; Buda Pesth, Feb. 28-3. 
" Howe's, G., res. Mancliester, Mass. S'Hi. Eiuj. Jan. 1-7. 
" Hull General Infirmary, Smi. Emj. Aug. 21-i. 
" Hyde Park, Mass., h. Sun. Eny. Aug. 19-6. 
" Institute of Painting, London, ,sVi. Am. Siqi. Sep. 1-3. 
" Ives, H. C, h. San. Eng. Xov. 19-3. 
" Jacobean style, h. in, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 30-4. 
" Kansas City Exchange, Bu., competition reps. San. Eng. 

July 29-6. 
" Kensington Court, Sci. Am. Sup. June 12-6. 
" KiRTLAND, J. C, res. Orange, X. J., S<ni. Enrj. Apr. 10-7. 
" Korean, P. Lowell, Soc. Artg^ 3Iar. 12-5. 
" Lafayette, X. J., res. Sun. Enrj. Feli. 2G-7. 
" Lallemant Hotel, Court, ,SV(;). Eny. Oct. 8-4. 
" Leach, H. S., res. Saratoga Springs, Smi. Eny. Xov. 13-6. 
" Leeds, h. Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 24-3. 
" LisiEUX, Xormandy, old h. at, S<(n. Eng. July 8-6. 
" Lodge, to private res. Xorth Easton, :Mass., San. Eng. Xov. 

5-4; Mentmore entrance, Jan. 1; porter's, Xo. Andover, 

Mass., San. Eng. May 21-7; English, ,sv/. Am. Suji. Sep. 29-3. 
" London, Central Inst., So. Kensington, San. Eng. Aug. 30-4 ; 

St., old, view in, San. Eng. April 23-5. 
" LONGLEAT, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 30-6. 
" LONGWOOD, Mass., li. San. Eng. May 13-6; June 11-7. 
" Lord Geo. L., li. Jlilwaukee, San. Eng. Mar. 2.5-6. 
" Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, San. Eng. Aug. 27-7. 
" Lynchburg, Ya., h. San. Eng. Mar. 19-7. 


Architecture, Manciiester-by-Sea, Mass., h. San. Eiuj. Dec. 

31-5 ; res. Apr. 29-6 ; Mar. 5-7. 
" Manhattan Co., bank, X.Y., skylight, San. Mng. Feb. 19-5. 
" Manuf. Br., San. Eng. Sep. 17-7. 
" Marquand, H. G., res. N. Y. San. Eng. May 21-5. 
" Mason, Wm. P., and W. Sargent, res. Boston, San. Eng. 

Apr. 9-7. 
" McCoRJiiCK Theol. Sem., Chicago, San. Eng. July 2-7. 
" Medical Bu., English, Sci. Am. Sup. May 15-6. 
" Memorial Hall, Lawrenceville School, N. J., San. Eng. 

Dec. 4-6 ; entrance. Mar. 5-7. 
" Metropolitan Club, Washington, San. Eng. July 2-7; 

do. opera h. N. Y., Dec. 6-3. 
" Mitchell, J. G., res. Brookline, Mass., San. Eng. Apr. 1-6. 
" Mont Dore, West Kirby, Cheshu-e, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 26-4. 
"• ilONT St. Michel, Normandy, Sci. Am. Sup. 29-4. 
" ]MoxTE Carlo Casino, Sci. A^n. Sup. June 6-5. 
" Monument Nat. (bu.) des., Rome, ;S'c('. Am. Sup. Oct. 2.V4. 
'• Mosque, great, court of, Damascus, San. Eng. Aug. 12-6. 
" Murray Hall, Pablo Beach, Fla., Sun. Eng. Feb. 19-7. 
" Mut. Life Ins. Bu., N. Y., San. Eng. May 22 ; Jvov. 27-4. 
" Newcastle, N. H., h. on coast. Sun. Eng. June 17-6. 
" Newport, E. I., res. San. Eng. June 17; do. aud St. Louis, 

Aug. 26-6. 
" N. Y. Commercial Bu., San. Eng. Apr. 23-7. 
" Norton, C. W., res. Alston, Mass., San. Eng. Aug. 6-7. 
'• Nottingham Mechanics Inst. Sri. Am. Sup. June 7-4. 
" Oceanic, N. J., res. San. Eng. Feb. 4-6. 
" OsBOKN, C. J., h. Mamaroneck, N. Y., ,SV(n. Eng. Dec. 3-5. 
" Palace, Nancy, France, Snn. Eng. Jan. 15 ; at Agra, India, 

Feb. 12-5; of i'rocadero, Paris, Nov. 6-6; of Exhib. of Fine 

Arts, Rome, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 24-3. 
" Palazzo, Vendramin-Caleigi, A'enice, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 

" Pantheon, Rome, Sci. Am. Sup. ilay 19-3. 
" Parsonage, design, Sci. Am. Sup. June 16-3. 
" Philadelphia, San. Eng. Jan. 22, 29-7; Overbrook res. 

Jan. 7 ; suburban do. Apr. 15 ; h. at 'W'ynnewood, Oct. 14-6. 
'• PiCKARD, S. F., res. Portland, Me., San. Eng. Oct. 30-6. 
" POST Office, Brooklyn N. Y., Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 19-5 ; 

Minneap., Minn., Jan. 19-4. 


Akchitecture, Pullman, 111., casino and parsonage, San. Eng. 

July 10-4. 
" Pumping Station, Boston sewerage, Sci. Am. Sup. 5Iar. 

" Romanesque capitals, Smi. Entj. Mar. 18-6. 
*' Rotterdam, h. of a thousand terrors, Sri. Am. Suji. Mar. 

'• Salem, Mass., pine apple h. Snn. Eng. Jan. 1-7. 
" Sax l.siiiKo, Bournemoutli, Sci. Am. Siiji. July 5-4. 
'■ Sanitorium, Holloway, Virginia >\'ater, Sci. Am. Sn^i. 

Feb. 16-4. 
" SCIIEVENINGEN CASINO, Sci. Am. Siqi. Aug. 22-5. 
" School, i^riniarj-, Jioston, Smi. Eny. Ma5'6; do. O'Brien 

grammar, Oct. 14; Lawrenceville, X. J., Dec. 4-6; London, 

Sci. Am. Svj}. Jan. 27; City of London, A'ictoria Emb., 

Feb. y ; Q. Elizabeth grammar. Heath, Apr. 14-3 ; technical 

high, Berlin and Strassburg University, Dec. 13-4. 
" Shakespeare Memorial Tower, Stratford, Sci. Am. Sup. 

Sep. 12-.5. 
" Seven Oaks, h. Sci. Am. Stip. May 2G-3. 
" Sheffield offices and business block, Sci. Am. Suji. Apr. 

" Shoe factory, Hanan & Sons, X. V., San. Eng. Aug. 13-7. 
'• Shooting-box, Welsh, Sun. Emj. Dec. 25-6. 
" Short Hills, X. J., res. Sun. Emi. July 15: Xov. 13, 

'■ Skiumore, W. L., res. Sun. Eng. X'ov. 26-5. 
" Sloane, W. D., res. Lenox, Mass., Eng. & Bu. Bic Oct. 


" Somerville Hall, Oxford, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. ir-3. 

" So. Orange, X'. J., res. Sun. Eng. Dec. 4-6. 

" So. Park, Chicago, res. San. Eng. X'ov. 27-6. 

" Southport, Albany bu"s, Sci. Am. Sup. X'ov. 7-5. 

'•'• Spiritual Temple, porch, Boston, S<in. Eng. Mar. 2.5-6. 

'■ Stable, arrangements, Wetmore, San. Eng. Feb. 18 ; Mar- 
pie Hall, England, Apr. 1-6 ; and store, ■Washington. Ma\- 

" Stations, Phil., Ger. and Cliestnut Hill Ry., Sun. Eng. 
July 15-6; Boston & Albanv H. and Conn. River R.. Oct 
14-6; Feb. 12-7. " ' 

" St. Albans Abbey, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 22-5. 


Architecture, St. George Hills, h. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 1(3-0. 
" St. Louis res. San. Emj. Bee. 11-G. 
" St. Pauls, London, jS'f(. Am. Siqi. Mar. 3-3; vicarage, July 

26-4 ; do. July 25-5. 
" Stephens College, Auuandalo, N. Y., San. Eng. Mar. 11-G. 
" Store front, San. Eng. Feb. 5-7. 

" Strang, res. Narragansett Pier, K. I., San. Eug. Dec. 18-G. 
" Talliafebro, W., res. Glenridge, N. J., San. Eng. Apr. 9-7. 
" Taylor, H. A., res. Newport, P. I., San. Eng. May 14-7. 
" Temple of Diana, Ephesus, Sci. Am. Sap. Xov. 8-4; do. 

of Luxor, Eg}qjt, Aug. 29-5 ; do. of Solomon, Feb. 20-6. 
" Thayer, X., res. Boston, San. Eng. July 30-4. 
" Theatre, Palace, Vienna, Sci. Am. Snp. Feb. 27-6. 
" Tiffany, C. L., res. N. Y., San. Eng. Apr. 9-5. 
" Tower, Pine, Branksome Park, Sci. Am. Sup. May 10-4. 
" Town Hall, Westminster, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 1.5-3. 
" Trask, S., res. Saratoga Springs, San. Eng. Dec. 11-6. 
" Ty-To-Maex, St. Mellons, Cardiii; Sci. Am. *V«/,. Jan. 2-6. 
" Underwood, H., res. Belmont, Mass., San. Eng. Feb. 12-7. 
" Union Theolog. Sem., N. Y. City, San. Eng. Oct. ~-6. 
" Vanderbilt AVjM. K., h. N". Y., San. Eng. Dec. 4; do. 

entrance Feb. 11-6; Cornelius, do. Dec. 11 ; stable, Apr. 17-4. 
" Victor Emmanuel Memorial, des. Rome, Sci. Am. Sup. 

Mar. 17-3. 
" Vienna University Bu., Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 10-5; City 

Hall park, Feb. 21-5. 
" ViLLARD, li. dining room flreplace, San. Eng. Jan. 29-7. 
" Villa des. Sci. Am.. Sup. June 9-3 ; ^•illas, June 20-5 ; serai- 
detached, Leeds, Sep. 8-3. 
" A\'ASHINGT0N, row of houses, San. Eng. Sep. 23-6 ; res. 

Oct. 1-7. 
'' Waste Weir Outlet, Kangra tank, San. Eng. June 4-7. 
" Waterlow Bu's, London (for working people), San. Eng. 

Apr. 10-4. 
" AVater Tower, Swampscott, Mass., San. Eng. Nov. 13-6. 
" Whiton, J. M., res. Plaiufteld, N. J., San. Eng. Apr. 23-7. 
" Winchester, Mass., res. San. Eug. Apr. 8-6. 
" AN'iXNii'EG, res. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 22-4. 
" Wolfe, C, res. Newport, K. I., Sau- Eng. Mar. 2G-4. 
" Workmen's Dwellings, Honisey, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 19-5. 
" Y. M. C. A., and res. Newburgli, N. Y'., San- Eng. July lU-7. 
"• Y'ONKEKS, N. Y'., res. San. Eng. Apr. 30-7. 


Argentine Eepub., Iron Aijf, Feb. 19, Aug. 13-5 ; Aug. 12-0 ; 
Aug. 18-7; hiirbor imp. £iiy. Xeas, Xov. 21-5; other end 
of hemisphere, ^^'. E. (_'urtis, Harpers, Xov.-T. 

Armies and Xavies of Europe, table, Eny. Xwn, jMiij' 30-5.^o Military Engineering. 

Armor. See Gunnkry and Armor. 

Arrow Kelease,, iSci. Aii\. Siqi. Jan. 29-7. 

Asbestos, application of, Jroii ^;/(", May 20-6; ,SV:/. Am. Sup. 

Aug. 4-3; Tlie L'liij. June 22-3; and opening machine, Jimj. 

Xevs, Mar. C-o ; do. Haretield wlis., Sci. Am. ,Siiji. ,Vpr. 

AsRiiALTE, rod-;, French, £ni/. Xvir.'<, Apr.' lS-5 ; origin aud 

uses, .SV;/. -!//(. Sii^i. ^Vug. 4-3. 
AsPiiALTUM Deposits of Cal., Smj. Xnrs, Jan. 8-7. 
Astronomical Day, proposed abolition and eft'ect on nav., S. J. 

Brown, Vnii Xii!<l. Mar.-6. 
" Motions, Fran. Inst, liles-'t. 

AsTRONO.MY, aurora borealis, theories, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 17-3; 
comets, I!. 8. Ball, Nov. 8-4; do. tails of, Xov. 7-5; do. 
Bielas" ; Xewton, Mar. 20-6 ; do. of 1812, orbit of, Eitchie, 
Soc. Arts, Dec. 27-3 ; cosmosphere in teaching phenomena, 
F. H. Baile}', Get. 27-7; Henry Draper memorial, Fran. 
JhsJ. Julj' 7; eclipse of Algol, E. Hill, .Vn'. Aiu. Siiji. Sep. 
11-6; equatorial tclesci>iies, AYarner, Apr. 18-.5; gaseous 
bodies, constitution of, Eitter, Dec. 27-4. 

•• Lick Observ. Eng. Xcws, Sept. 12-5; do. glass for, Jlrch. 
.Jan.-5; do. dome of, proportion, Fraser, Scl. Am. Sujk Feb. 
21-5; Mars appearance in '8(1, July 10-6; meteors, McCarty, 
.July 14-3; meteorites, Dewar, Feb. 20; do. do. origin. Mar. 
0-6 ; do. of ('ranbourne. Flight, Tlie Enrj. Aug. 17-3 ; do. 
Jan. 8-22-G. 

" Moon, lunar surface and temp., Ericsson, Van Xost. Sep.-6; 
do. Xiitiir:- ; do. Scl. Am. Sup. Aug. 14-6 ; do. mass and theory 
ijf tides, D"Auria, Fran. Inst. Apr, May-3 ; do. temp., Ferrel, 
The Encj. Maj'7-G; Nice ol)Serv., floating dome, Eng. Xein:. 
.June 20-5; do. do. Mirh. Sep.-5 ; do. Eiflel, E)iij. Junel2-,5; 
do. Si:i. Am. Siiji. Dec. 27-1; do. Haynie, Xov. 21-5; notes, 
Fran. Inst. May-3 ; do. July, Oct.-7 ; observ., highest, in Eu- 
rope, Locum. Aug.-6. 

ASTEO>fO]\IY. 13 

Astronomy, Laws of jsrojectile motion in vmcuo, Lodge, The 
Eng. Jan. 12-3 ; soImi' sys. Sri. Am. Sup, Xov. 13-6 ; stellar 
photography, Pickering, Sue. Arts, Dee. 23-G ; 'watch trials 
at Kew observ., D. Glasgow The Emj. Jan. 1-0. 

Atmosphere, lieight limit, jMott, Sei. Am. Sup. 'i\o\. 20-6 ; 
humidity, Lacom., Feb.-5 ; See also AiR. 

Atmospheric telesieter system, Elec. World, Mar. 7-5. 

Australasias trade with U. 8., //•(,;( Age, May 20-6. 

Australia, colonies as a field for engineers, Eng. Jan. 2o-l; 
Am. locoms. in. By. (rrtn., July 13-3 ; pearl shell. Iron Age, 
Oct. 29-5; prog. June 2-7; U. S. trade with, Jan. 27-7; 
western, map, E)ig. Jan. 21-7. 

Ballooning, militarj-, Eng. Xevn, July 14-3 ; do. Eng. June 
22-3 ; do. Sei. Am. Sup. Aug. 11-3 ; do. navigable war, July 
18-5; do. evolutions in France, Xov. 6-6; expts., Brearey, 
Jan. 22-7. 

Balloons, kite, captive, Archibald, By. & Eng. Sep.-7 ; navig- 
able trains of air-ships, Elec. Bev. Feb. 2S-.5; do. Set. Aui; 
Woelferfs, Sei. Am. Sup. Sep. 1 ; manuf. at Paris, Dec. 1 ; 
Tissandier's elec. Dec. 22-3 ; centenarj' of, Mar. 1.") ; captive, 
Turin, Aug. 16; Eenard"s elec. Oct. 4, IS; do. and Kreb's, 
Nov. 29-4; Capazza's lenticular. May 30; Blanchard centen- 
ary, Aug. 1-5; Chalais, Renard, Mar. 13-6; metal, The 
Eng. Feb. 9-3 ; ajrial nav., n. Pole, Sep. 11-5. 

Baltimore, flour export, growth, By. Ga?:. Xov. 19-6. 

Barb fence patents, overthrow, Elec. Bet-. June 28-3 ; Sei. Am . 

Barometers, Goldsehmid, Eng. Ac/rs, Apr. 3-6 ; recording, 
Mecli. Apr.-5 ; aneroid, Elec. Bev. Jul}' .5-4 ; Dufour"s regis- 
tering, Sei. Am. Sup. Jan. 19-4. See also Meteorological 

Barrel MACH., Frencli, Sei. Am.. Sup. Aug. 2-4; bbls., paper, 
manuf., Deering, Dec. 4-6. 

Bartholdi, Auguste Frederic, por. Sei. Am. S^ip. Dec. 18-6. 

Base-ball-istics, n. Michaelis, Fran. Inst. Mar.-7; base ball 
science, Sei. Am. Sup. Sep. 15 ; do. Rutherford, Xov. 10-3 ; 
do. Hiscox, Feb. 9-4. 

Beams and Girders, wts. of girders and roofs. Buck, Eng. 
News, Mar. 3 ; beams, I and channel bars, comparative mo- 
ment of inertia, Bland, Mar. 17-3 ; plates, stresses on rivets 
in, Mar. 6-6 ; truss deflection, June 18-7. 


Beams and Girders, iron and steel, Iron Age, July 26; English 
practice, Nov. 29-3 ; curious wooden, Apr. 23 ; Coffin's dia- 
grams for Phcenix beams, Aug. 20-5 ; do. 3Iedi. Sep.-5 ; 
English practice, Pendred, Dec. 8-3 ; cost of manuf . I beams 
in Belgium, Iron Aye, Aug. 26-6 ; steel and iron riveted, 
expts., Struliel, Am. Enrj. Mar. 7-21 ; tests of iron girders 
and columns, U. S. testing board rep. Dec. 5 ; transverse 
strength wooden beams, Hartford, Dec. 12-4; wrt. iron and 
struts, strength, By. Ciaz. Oct. 12-3; secondary strains on 
statical structures, ilar. 28 ; tests, Ilarkort, May 2, Jul}- 25, 
Sep. 12-4. 
" Stresses in. Wood, Von Xnst. Jan; strains in, bow girders, 
Weruer, 0ct.-4; proportion between stresses and sections 
in girder wk., Feb.-5 ; do. The Eng ; strength of steel and 
wrt. iron, Anderson, Oct ; formulas, Philbrick, Oct, No^■.-6 ; 
application of virtual velocities to deflection and stresses of 
frames, Friiii. Inst. Feb, Apr.-.3 ; diagrams for calculating 
stresses ill bowstring girders. Lean, ,Si:i. Am. Siiji. Apr. 4-5; 
Kennedy, Apr. 30-T; size of rolled 1 beams for different 
loads and spans, table, Lucoia. Dec.-4. 
" Loads on, E)iii. June 0-4 ; stresses on girder bracing, Elliott, 
July 1-7 ; rolled iron joists, strength, Lixon, The En<j. 
Mar. 23 ; resistance of beams when strained beyond elastic 
limit, AV. R. Browne, Sept. 28 ; b. and g. cals., Ende, Nov. 9, 
Dec. 7, 21-3 ; continuous, cals. do. Feb. 22, do., MacKensie, 
Sep. .5 ; theory of arched girders, Totth, June 13 ; caN. of 
girder stresses. Lean, Dec. 2(i-4; do. do. Feb. 20; deflection 
formulas of beams, Donaldson, July 3-5 ; strength, Un\\in, 
Oct. 29-6. 

Bearings, ball thrust. Iron Aye, Sep. 2-6. 

Beaver Falls indlstkies. Iron Ayr, Mar. 27-4. 

Beer, consumption stats. Sci. Am. ,Si(/>. Apr. 7-3 ; testing ap. 
Aug. 20-7. 

Bells, largest, Nystrom, Iron Aye, 3Iar. 29-3. 

Benham, Henry AV., Eny. Xeus, June 7-4. 

Belting, flour mill, Iron Aye, July 16-5; transmiss. of 
power by, Shay, Nov. 17-7; do. Elec. I7(V. Feb. 19-7; do. 
Atta, jflech. Sep.-4; friction of leather on ii-on pulleys, Hol- 
nian, Oct.-5 ; Mar.-6 etc. ; driving power of jjuUej-s, Feb, 
Mar, May .-7; tests, Webber, Jlech. sup. Juue-7. 


Beltijslg, Belts, length of, T. Square, Ain. Eng. Apr. 8, 15 ; fac- 
tory, June 30; leather, Aug. 25-6; transmiss. of power by, 
Sawyer, Van Nost. S.ep.-3 ; do. by belts, cords and wire, 
Leloutre, July-4 ; oil dressed, Fran. Inst. Oct.-3; leather, 
friction on iron pulleys, Sep.-5 ; leather link, .Schieren, Eluc. 
JiVi\ June 25 ; do. do. Sci. Am. ;S'»jJ. July 9-7; do. Ireson, 
(for elec. purposes), £Zec. Bev. Oct. 22-7 ; do. Elec. World, Oct. 
22-7; Tullis, iVc;'. Am. Sup. Aug. 15-5; do. Eng. June 20-5; 
ti-ausmiss. of power by, mech. eng. lab. Mass. Inst. Tech., 
Lanza, Soc. Arts, Jan. 28-6 ; and ropes for driving, Tullis, 
The Eng. June 26; and rope gearing, vel. in, Nov. 13-5. 

Bkverages, gaseous, Boulet's measuring ap. Sci. Am. Sup. Xov. 
7-5 ; carbonated, domestic manuf . of, C. E. Avery, Soc. 
Arts, Nov. 11-6. 

Beveling Machine, Davis, Scotland, Mech. Dec.-5. 
Bicycles and Tricycles, Mech. June 9-3; Boys, Van Xost. 

Aug.-4:; do. Sci. Am. Sup. July 2G-4; velocipede, hist., Jan. 

29 ; Taylor, July 23-7 ; power used by bicycle. The Eng. 

Apr. 13-3 ; bicycle wks., Coventry, England, Sep. 10-6. 
Bills of Lading, conditions in. Iron Age, May 13-6. 
Binary Vapor Engines, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 14-5. 
Birmingham, Ala., Iron Age, Apr. 15-6. 
Bleaching Machine, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 28-5 ; bleaching and 

scouring processes, Feb. 12-7. See also Chemistry, bleach- 
Blowers and Fans, ventil. effect of, Eng. Neios, Dec. 11-6 ; 

fan, J^ec/i . Mar. 24^3 ; expts., Snell, Dec.-7; do. Am. Eng. 

Dec. 21-7 ; Snell, Nov. 23, 30-7 ; Smith ventilator fan, Sep. 

3-5 ; fan, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14-3 ; Stewart's rotarj', and 

exhiiuster, Eng. July 27-3; Thwaite's rotary, Apr. lG-6; 

efflc. of, Snell, Dec. 30-7; fan, Capel, The Eng. Feb. 16; 

Stewarfs differential, Sep. 21 ; fans, effic. Nov. 16, n. Dec. 

7, 7-3 ; do. Jan, 4, 18, Feb. 1 ; Guibal fan, Feb. 8 ; Capel 

tests rep., D. K. Clark, Mar. 28 ; fans, effic. of, Herschell, 

Nov. 14, Dec. 26-4; do. do. Eraser, May 22; do. Jan. 2-5; 

fan testing, K. H. Smith, July 24-5 ; Root's, Feb. 12, Apr. 26-6. 
Blovs'ing Engines, "Wermer's, ^4hj. £»</. Feb. 15-29, Mar. 7-4; 

Galloway, r/je £/»(/. May 11, 18-3 ; horizontal, Nov. 14-4; 

for charcoal fires, Jan. 2-5 ; Meuse, Jan. 8-6 ; Sep. 9-7. 
Bolt and Rod Turning Machine, Nicholson, Iron Age, Nov. 



Bolts and Nuts, standard sizes, Iron Age, Nov. 6-4; do. 
Fran. Inst. Dec. 4; Fran. Inst, standard, Mar.-5 : M. C. B. 
Club, liy. (rdz. Jan. .5-3 ; Seller's standard, table, )V'-(. Am. 
Stq). June 28-4; spring washers, Grover, Eng. Feb. 2.")-7 ; 
nut flnishing machine, Manchester exhib. The Enrj. July 8.-7 ; 
screw threads, expts., King, Eng. Xeies, Oct. 17-5 ; do. Iron 
Age, July 9-.5 ; do. 3Iech. July-.5 ; strength of bolts as 
affected by thread. Am. Eng. June 3-6 ; Seller's standard sys. 
of screw threads, table. By. Gaz. May 30-4. See also Screw 


Book Making Machine, Feister, Eng. News, Apr. 10-6 ; do. per- 
fecting do. Eny. Jlar. 4-T. 
" Notices, Fran. Inst, files, Jan.-3-Dec.-7. 

Boring JIaChine, Gulland's, The Eng. Aug. 21-5 ; and screw 

cutting ap., Snowden, Eng. May 22-5. 
Boston, making new land in, Eng. Xews, Feb. 20 ; streets 

and St. rys. Mar. 13-6 ; pass. tra\el growth, Galloupe, Aug. 

6; park sy^. Aug. 27; AVest End imp. Oct. 22-7; pass. 

travel, II. liij. (inz. Jan. 16-5; do. Nov. 19, Dec. 24; Eevere 

Beach travel, Nov. 5-6. 

Bottle Testing Machine, Salleron, Sci. Am. Sitp. Oct. 1-7. 
Bourdon, Eugene, por. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 29-4. 
Box Nailing Machine, cyl. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 17-6; do. 
Lines', The Eng. Aug. 14-5. 

Brake, friction. Beer, Belgium, Iron Age, June .5-4; prony, 
large, Apr. 29-6; do. Fran. Inst. Apr.-6; hydr. gov. L'l- 
mann"s, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 24-7. See also Kailroad 


Brazil, U. S. trade with. Iron Age, July 23-5; do. Mar. 17-7: 
developments in, Apr. 15-6 ; Aug. 4, Dec. 29-7 ; pliysical 
geog. Eng. Aug. 13-6, 

Breweries, dust explosions in, Fran. Inst. Feb.-3 ; Swan br'y. 
England, The Eng. June 29, July 6, 13 ; Well Park br'y. 
Exeter, England, Sep. 21-3; 160-quarters, at York. Jan 11-4. 

Brewers Exhib., Eng. Oct. 26-3; Nov.-5. 

Brewing Ap., Cone's, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 6-3 ; hops, bitter sub- 
stance of, J. Bungener, July 20 ; steam plant, Girard's, 
France, Aug. 9-4. 

BKICK. 17 

Brick, Indus. N. Y. city, Tomkin's, Eng, News, June 11-7 ; wk.^ 

crushing strength of. Iron Age, Nov. 26-5 ; making machs., 

English, Johnson, i¥ecft. Jul y-4; do. £«;/• June 20-4; do. 

The Eng. May 29-5 ; making, Ward, Am. Eng. May 20-6 ; 

machs. Fran. Inst. Jan.-3 ; wk., AVoodley, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 

11-3 ; brick, lime and cement kiln, Hoffman, Dec. 18-6 ; 

hricks and brickwk., T. R. Smith, July 9-7; pressing and 

perforating niaeh.. Page's hand-power. The Eng. Aug. 3-3 ;, 

making, H. Ward, Apr. 30-6. 
Bridges, Abergavenny, sewerage wks., foot, Tlie Eng. Feb. 

" Abergeldie suspen. The Eng. Aug. 7-5. 
" Abutment strengthening, Cliestnut st., Phil., The Eng. 

Feb. 6-5 ; Sci. Am. 
" Accident, fall during construction. Bait. & O. K., Eng. 

Mar. 6-5. 
" Adige r., at Verona, Sci. Am. Sup. June 6-5; do. Biadego, 

Eng. Apr. 17-5. 
" Albert, The Eng. Dec. 4-5. 
" Albula, Solis, Switz., Sci. Am. Sup. June 16-3. 
" Allegheny suspen. Pittsburg Junct. R., rep. on cables, 

Collingwood, Eng. Xews, Aug. 2-4 ; Van Nost. Apr .-5 ; By. 

Gaz. Apr. 3-5; Eng. July 11-4; The Eng. Aug. 15-4. 
" Am. Designs, Graham, The Eng. Mar. 5; iron. Mar. 26; 

May 28-6. 
" Anglesea Swing, Cork, iSci. Am. Sup. July 19-4; Eng. 

Nov. 23, Dec. 7, 21-3 ; hydr. mach. Feb. 20-5. 
" Appomattox High, Eng. Xeu-s, Oct. 22-7. 
" Arches, false sliew, £■«(/. -A>i'.-*-, Mar. 20; stone, Penn. R., 

Aug. 13-7; arch abuts., thickness, Trautwine's rule for, Hij. 

Gaz. Apr. 17-5 ; beton, fall of, Greece, June 25-6 ; masonry, 

on Penn. R., July 8-7. 
" Arthur Kill, San Eng. Jan. 15-7. 
" Attock, cantilever, over Indus r., Punjaub, staging for, Eng. 

yea-s, Jan. 10-5; Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 3-5; Eng. Nov. 14. 2S„ 

Dec. 12, 26-4. 
" Bagain r., Indian Midland Ry., Berkley, Eng. May 27, 

June 10-7. 
" Battersea, The Eng. July 16, 23-6. 
" Bedford, over Ouse r., The Eng. Dec. 5-4. 
" Berlin City Ry., iron, r/tei'n^. May 4-3. 


Bridges, Big Otter Creek, wrecked, Norfolk & West. R., By. 

Gaz. Apr. 8-7. 
" Bismarck, Missouri r. N. Pac. E., Ry. G-nx. Dec. 7, 14-3 ; Sci. 

Am. Sup. Jan. .')-4; and derrick boat for, Eng. Jan. 11, 2.5; 

Morrison, Feb. 8-4. 
" Blackfriars, over Tiiames r., Lend., Chat. & Dover Ky., 

The Eng. Apr. 27-3 ; Aug. 29, Sep. 12-4. 
" Blair Crossing, Missouri r., Neb., Eng. Xi'irft, Xov. 17-3; 

By. Gnz. Nov. 9, .SO-3 ; Sci. Am. Sup. Deo. 22-3; Xov. 12-7; 

Morrison, Eng. Sep. 2, .30-7. 
" Blaauw Krantz Viaduct, Cape Colonj', Am. Eng. Jan. 2.3, 

May 15-5; Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 11-5; Eude, eng., The Eng. 

Feb. 27, Mar. 13, Apr. 17-5. 
" Borde's Hoisting ap., viaduct construction by, Sci. Am. 

Sup. Dec. 4-6. 
" Brent Viaduct, Hounslow & Met. Ry., London, Sci. Am. 

Sup. Nov. 3-3 ; The Eng. Sep. 7, 7-3. 
" Broken, Bait. & O. E., The Eng. July 1.5-7. 
" Brooklyn suspen., and N. Y., (East r.), R. Hering, Eng. 

j>>ics, Jan. 13 ; Adams, Jan. 20 ; May 26, June 2 ; accident, 

June 9 ; hist. June 16-3 ; Mar. 29-4; travel charts, Jan. 31-.5 ; 

rep., '85, Jan. 16, Nov. 13-0; June 4, 18; problem, June 11; 

imp., June 25; Nov. .5-7; Iron Age, Maj'3, 31-3; By. Ga:. 

June 1-3 ; grip, Dec. 25-5 ; Chatham st. extension. May 13-7 ; 

St. By. Gaz. June-6; Elec. Eev. Apr. 12-3; Sci. Am. Sup. 

May 26, July 14-3 ; Locom. Aug.-3 ; Eng. May 2.5-3 ; The 

Eng. June 1-3. 

" Building, in U. S., Iron Age, Mar. 4-6; econ., By. Gaz. 

Dec. 10-6; Apr. 29-7; do. Ottewell, Mar. 25-7. 
" Buying, By. Gaz. Sep. 17, Oct. 1, 15-6. 
" BuzzEY, (Tin; Forest Hills ; Roslindale), accident, Bost. ct 

Prov. R., Eng. News, Mar. 19, 26, Apr. 2-7 ; disaster, rep. on, 

May 4, M. A. Howe, Am. Eng. Apr. 6; Meatyard, Apr. 20-7 ; 

The Eng. Apr. 1-7. See also Bridge, South St. Arch. 
" Cabin John Arch, "Washington, Meigs, Eng. Aeics, June 

" Cantilever, Eng. Xet')s,Dec.15; first, Dec. 29-3; Jan. 5, 

19; n. Fanning, July 12-4; oriental, Jaixm, Van Xost. 

Jan.-6. See also names of bridges. 


Bridges, Cake of, T. Cooper, Sci. Am. Sup. June 2-3. 
" Central Viaduct, foiiudations, Cleveland rep., Searles, 

By. & Eng. Sep.-7. 
" Cicero, 111., Am. Eng. Mar. 7, 14-4. 
" Claremont, Iowa, 3-hinged iron arch, Cunningham, The 

Eng. Aug. 12-7. 

" Cloonacanna, over Moyr.,Elwes, eng., rAe^n^r. June 6-4. 

" COBDEN Free, Southampton, Eng. Jan. 4-4. 

" Coleman, Singapore, The Eng. Feb. 22-4. 

" Cologne, over Rhine r., Rj^ and road, Sci. Am.' Sup. Oct. 

4-4 ; The Eng. Aug. 22-4. 
" Columns, pin-ended, teists, T. Cooper, Eng. Xews^ Feb. 3-3 ; 

U. S. gov. tests. Van Nost. Aug.-3. 
" Comparative wts. of Pegram, Ey. Gaz. Sep. 17-6. 
" CONESTOGA, Penu. R., Eng. Nev;s, Oct. 22-7. 
" CONSTRUCTION, Atn. Eng. Sep. .5-4; hist, of develoimient of , 

W. P. Trowbridge, Eng. & Bu. Sec. Oct. 15-7. 
" Crawford, Singapore, The Eng. June 22-3. 
" Culverts, East. & Midland Ry. Murriott, Eng. Jan. 14-7. 
" Danube r., des. Am. Eng. Feb. 22-4; proposed, Graham, 

Tlie Eng, Xov. 7, 28 ; Dec. 26, 26-4 ; do. Jan. 30, 30, July 17-5. 
" Deflection Measuring Ap., Sei. Am. Sup. May 7-7. 
" Designs, n. Wernnag, Eng. Neios, Aug. 15-5 ; a bad. Mar. 

26-7; By. Ga^. Apr. 30-6. 
" Detroit r., Eng. Xews, Mar. 5-7. 
" Dimensioning, new meth., Ottewell, Eng. Nevjs, May 14. 21, 

Sep. 19-7; n. on Weyrauch's ineth. of det. Cain, Van Xust. 

" Dnieper r., Russia, Sci. Am. Eng. June 26-6; Eng. Jan. 

16-30, Feb. 13, 27-5. 
" Donarnenez Viaduct, France, fall of, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 

9-3 ; raising fallen girder, Deo. 13-4. 
" Draw-Span, McCabe, Am. Eng. Jan. 21, Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 

IS, 25, Apr. 15-6; Ry. draw, Milwaukee, Eng. & Bu. liec. 

Nov. 26-7; do. double track, Staten Is. Rap. Transit Co., 

Boiler, By. Gan. Nov. 19-6; do. one-armed, do. Eng. Feb. 

11-7; Newark Bay, Ceu. R. of N. J., By. Gas. June 17-7; 

strains, formula, Beresford, Van JVost. Feb.-5 ; Crimea st., 

Paris, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 6-6; over Harlem r.. Suburb. Rap. 

Transit Co., May 14-7 ; Harlem r., N. Y. ElevatedRy., Cooper, 

Eng. Apr. 1-7. 


Bridges, East e., N. Y. See Bridgks, Brooklyn. 

" East. & Midland Ey., and station yards, Marriott, Eng. 
Jan. 21-7. 

" ECHAIG, Bell, eng., The Eng. Sep. lS-5. 

" English, some jjoor, Eng. Neics^ June 18-7. 

" Erection, false wks. Etig. Neu-n^ Jlar. 2-t-.3. 

" Eyebars, steel, Breithaupt, Am. Eng. Oct. 13-6. 

" Failures, "SO, Eng. Xewx, Apr. 30-7. 

" Feeder r.. Great West. Ey., The Eng. Feb. 8-4. 

" Floor Beams, unsafe, Eng. J\V"-s, June 2."), July 9, 23-7; 
wrt. iron, double track, test. Boiler, Eng. & Bu. Eec. Dec. 

" Floors, standard. White, Hi/. (M?:. June 6-4; and ware- 
house, Sep. 9-7. 

" Foot, at La Villette, Sei. Am. Sup. Apr. 21-3 ; do. Eng. 
Mar. 9-3 ; failure, Chatham, Aug. 28-5 ; Abergavenny, The 
Eng. Feb. 20-5. 

" Formula, for fixed vrt. of. Painter, Am. Eng. Dee. 24-5. 

" Forth, Ey. and Works, Eng. Xrvs, Xov. 24, Dec. 29-3; 
July 12, Sep. 20, Nov. 1, 8-4; Biggart, Feb. 28, Mar. 21, Apr. 
11 ; Hutchinson rep., Oct. 10, 31, Xov. 28-5 ; Aug. 28-6 ; Iron 
Age, Apr. 2, July 2, Oct. 8; hj'dr. ap., Oct. 29-5; mach., 
Sep. 1-7; 3R'ch. May-5; n. Am. Eng. Feb. 8, July 18 ; B. 
Baker, Oct. 10-31, Xov. 7-4; July 3-5; June 24; Xov. 24-6; 
Mar. 23, May 18, Aug. 17, Sep. 7-7 ; tube riveting machs., 
Moir, Eng. & Bu. Bee. Oct. 22, Doc. 3-7; E>j. Gaz. July 
27-3; July 11, Oct. 17-31-4; Apr. 30, Xov. 26, Dec. 17-6; 
Mar. 11-7 ; Airy and Baker, Van Xo.^t. Jan.-3 ; n. ;NLir.-4 ; 
Oct. Deo.-5; n. Dec.-6; B. Baker, ,S'ci. Am. Sup. Oct. 14-4; 
Biggart, Feb. 28 ; Baker, Aug. 22 ; T.C.Clarke, Oct. 10; 
Baker, Oct. 24; Biggart, Xov. 14; Dec. 12-5; Apr. 23, 30, 
Dec. 31-7. 

" Forth, etc., Eng. Aug. 17-3 ; Jan. IS, Aug. 29, Sep. 5-4 ; Jan. 
9, 16, Feb. 6, 20, Mar. 13, Sep. 11, 18, IS, Oct. 9, 16, 30, Xov. 
27, 27, Dec. 4-5 ; July 16, Oct. 22-6 ; Fowler and Baker, Mar. 
4, 18, Apr. 15, June 3, July 29, Aug. 5-26, Sep. 9-7 ; B. Baker, 
The Eng. Xov. 7, 21, Dec. 5-4; mach., Jan. 16, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 
July 24, 24; Baker, Sep. 11, Oct. 9, 16, 16-5 ; triangulation 
and measurement of, Middleton, Oct. 8-29, Xov. 12, Dec. 3 
10-6 ; do. Eng. Xeu-s, Xov. 13, 20-6 ; The Eng. Feb. 4, 11^ 
Mar. 11, July 22; Biggart, Xov. 2.5, 2.>7. 


Bridges, Feazeu r., Can. Pac. Ry., Eny. Sep. 5-4. 

" French articulated, Bij. Gas. Apr. 15-7. 

" Garabit Viaduct, France, Eng. Neins, Aug. 9, 30-4; Eiffel, 
Mech. Julj'-3 ; Sci. Am. Siq). June 30-3 ; Eikj. May 15, 29-5. 

" Georgetown Viaduct, U. Pac. R., Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 25-6. 

" German, constrnction regulations. The Eiig. July 25-4. 

" Girder, plate, Becker, Eng. JVews, Jan. 17; do. Doran, Feb. 
28-5; des. Oct. 30-6; continuous, gra^jh. meth. of repre- 
senting strains in, McC'abe, Am. Eng. Dec. 10-5; iron and 
steel, expts. By. Gaz. Jan. 2G-3 ; Dutch gov. tests, Strobel 
Mar. 21-4; diagonals, Austrian Rys., July 17-5; do. The 
Eng. sup. May 22-5; wt. of, Shelford, By. Gax. Dec. 3-6; 
bowstring, stresses in. The Eng. Feb. 20; girders, Beypore, 
Madras Ry. June 19-5 ; des. Shelford, Sep. 10-6. 

" Grand Canon, Pueblo & Ark. Val. R., Am. Eng. May 16, 

" Guard rails, Mass. R. Commissioners circular, Eng. Xeios, 

Dec. 31-7 ; By. Gaz. Dec. 30, 30-7. 
" llANGLETON, Brighton & Dyke Ry., The Eng. Sep. 16-7. 

' Havre de Grace, Bait. & O. R., Md., Eng. JVeu-s, May 10; 

caisson air-lock, Nov. 22; accident to, E. L. Aljbott, Nov. 

29-4; Jan. 3; caissons, &c., Patton, Feb. 7; do. sinking, do. 

Apr. 11-25, May 2-5. 
" Hammersmith, The Eng. Apr. 22, 29, May 20-7. 

" Harlem r., jjroposed, Eng. JVeus, Feb. 20, 27, Apr. 10 ; draw. 
Suburb. Rap. Trans. Co., spec, Cooper, Julj' 17-31, Sep. 18-6 ; 
Manhattan, caisson. May 28, June 11-7. 

" Harrison, overhead, Tor., Grey & Bruce R., Eng. Xeu^s, 
May 15-6. 

'■ Hawkesbury r.. New So. "Wales, Aus., Eng. JVeiDs, Feb. 13 ; 
designs for, Miiy 8 ; June 5-6 ; By. Gaz. Apr. 30 ; founda- 
tions, June 18-6; designs tov, Eng. Apr. 16-6; Feb. 25, 
Mar. 11 ; foundation caissons, Fowler, Apr. 8, 22-7 ; The Eng. 
Nov. 11-4; borings, Feb. 20-5. 

" Henderson, Ky., By. Gaz. Aug. 11-3. 

" High, construction, Eng. News, Aug. 14-6 ; Nor. & West. R., 
Iron Age, Aug. 5-6 ; do. By. Gaz. July 23-6. See also names 
of bridges, Kiuzua, etc. 


Bridges, Highway, iron, specs., Watldell, Am. Emj. Aug. S, 

15-4; Jan. 12; Meatyard, Feb. 2-7; standard, X. Y., Xew 

' Haven & Hart. E., My. Gaz. Oct. 28-7; des. Eng. July 31-5. 

" HOOGHLY R., cantilever. East Indian Ey., 7?;/. & Eng. Mar.- 

7; The Eng. Jan. 23, Feb. 13, 20, Mar. 20-5. 

" Howe Truss, cost of labor in framing and erecting, Eng. 

Xpios, Mar. 21-3 ; brace and equation of 4th degree, Creliore, 
Van Xost. Jan.-4. 
" IBICUY R., Grt. Southern Ey., Brazil, Eumball, Eng. Feb. 

" Indian State Eys., 100-ft. span. The Eng. Feb. 8-4; Sep. 

" Indicator, Biadego, Eobinson, 3/ecA. Feb. 2-4. 
" Indus Ey., iS<:i. Am. Sup. Apr. 21-3. 
" iNSrECTiON, X.Y. State, Eng. .Y-c-.s-, Apr. 30-7; and strength 

of materials, Howard, Inm Age, May 19-7; of public wks., 

Vose, Van Xd.sI. Sep.-3; Eran. Inst. Mar.-3. 

" Iron, care and maintenance of, Blunden, Eng. Xeics. Apr 7, 
14-3 ; inventor of, Thomas Paine, Iron Age, Sep. 30-6 : in 
Central Europe, July 21-7; in U. S., hist. Am. Eng. Dec. 28- 
7; care of, Ey. Gaz. Mar. 2:?-3; preserv., Paschen, Van Xost. 
Nov; German, construction regs., Xov.-4; do. The Eng. 
arched, hinge joint construction for, Backhaus, The Eng. 
Dec. 31-6. 

" Kennet r., Eeading, England, Sri. Am. Siqi. July 25-5 ; The 

Eng. May 2!)-5. 
" KiRCHENFELD, Benic, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 8-3. 
" KiNiPPLES, travelling and folding, (Greenock, Eng. July •->7 

Aug. 17-3. 

" KiNZUA Viaduct, highest in world. X. Y.. L. Erie & AVest. 
K., Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 27-3. 

" KOSI R., Indian State Eys.. The Eng. Xov. 19-6. 

" Lachine, Eng. Xeirs, Oct. 8, 10-7. 

" Large, vs. steam ferries, Sedgwick, 7?(/. cO Eng. :\Iav-7- 
wind pressure on, n. Hy. Gar.. Xov. 18-7. 

" La Tardes Viaduct, MontbucouEy., The Eng. Apr. 24 24, 

May 1-5. 
" Lattices, stresses, Eobertson, The Eng. Dec. 30-7. 


Bridges, Lauterman Falls, O., Am. Eng. Jan. 2-5. 
" Lift, Oswego canal, Syracuse, N. Y., Eng. N'ews, Sep. 27-4; 

over a canal, May 23-5 ; French, Iron Age, May 27-6. 
" Lifting, at Tarante, Italy, Eng. Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 11-7. 
" Live Loads for. By. Qaz. Dec. 10-6. 
" LoxESTOFT Ravine, Parkinson, eng.. The Eng. Sep. 2-7. 
" Long Is., proposed, Eng. News., Apr. 23-7. 
" Longest in world, Eng. News., July 5-4. 
"• Louisville, movement In, Baker, Eng. News, Mar. 28-5 ; 

and New Albany, T. C. Clarke, Nov. 27-6. 
" Lowell, Mass., Central, ^)». Eng. Sep. 26; overMerrimac r., 

Oct. 31-4. 

" Madrid Ry., Sci. Am. Siq]. Nov. 3-3. 

" MAL5IIN0T Viaduct, France, i?i/. ffn^. July 24-5 ; The Eng. 
Mar. 20-5. 

" Mannheim, des. Tlie Eng. Dec. 16-7. 

" Memorial TO Grant, AVashington, proposed, Symons, Eng. 

News, Feb. 26-7. 
" Mexican Construction, Flagg, S<:i. Am. Sap. July 24-6. 
" Midland Ri'., wk., St. Pancras extension, The Eng. Dec. 

" Minneapolis, over Miss, r., spec. Am. Eng. Oct. 29-5. 
" MiNO K., internat., Spain & Portugal Ry., Si-i. Am. Sup. 

July 25-5. 
" Mobile r.. Mo. & Mont. R., Patton, Eng. News. Apr. 4-5. 
" Monongahela R., suspen., Pittsburgh, Lindenthal, Eng. 

News, July 7-3; May 2, 24, 31-4; AVickersham, May 26-3; 

do. /j'ora ^(/e, June 21-3 ; do. ilech. June 9-3; do. Sei. Am. 

Step. June 16-3 ; Eng. Mar. 14, Apr. 25-4. 
" Mt. Creek, Can. Pac. R., W. A. Doane, Eng. News, Sep. 

" Natural, "Preblsehthor,"' Saxony, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 27-4. 
'• N. Y. & Brooklyn. See Bridges, Brooklyn. 
" Niagara Falls, cantilever, Eng. News, Dec. 29-3 ; trav- 
eler for. Mar. 1, May 17-4; towers replacement, Dec. 10-7; 

replacing stone with iron, Eng. cC Bu. Hec. Nov. 5-7 ; towers, 

Buck, eng.. By. Gaz. Nov. 4-7; Schneider des.. Mar. 7-21-4; 

do. Eng. News, Oct. 6-3 ; do. Van Nost. Apr.-5 ; Sci. Am. Stqi. 

Mar. 2S-5 ; Eng. Mar. 5, 12, Apr. 2, 9-6 ; towers. Buck, eng., 

Dec. 9-7; do. The Eng. Dec. 9-7; Jan. 2.5-4. 


Bridges, Omaha, Xeb., IGth st. viaduct, Eng. Xev-s, June 13-5; 
May 22-6. 

" OpoktO, Luiz I, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 4, Oct. 9-6. 

" Lift, over Ourcq canal, Sci. Am. Suj). July 11-5. 

" Phila., Eng. Xeva^'DeQ. 15-3; Market St., monument, Oct. 
2.5-4 ; Oct. 16-6 ; Chestnut St., repairs to, Jan. 3 ; strenifth- 
ening, Apr. 18-5; do. liij. Gnz. Jan. 30-5; do. abutmi'iit 
strengthening, The Eng. Feb. 6-5; do. Sci. Am.-., South St., 
Fran. Inst, June-6. 

" Piers, repairing, Kansas C, Pearsons, Eng. Xeu-s, Dec. 
25-6; river, foundations, Brendlinger, Am. Eng. Jan. 18, 25, 
Peb. l-2'J-4; barrel, C. B. & Q. P., By. Gnz. Feb. 11-7; me- 
tallic, Albion, The Eng. Apr. 13, 20; Rangoon Y. Py., Aug. 
3-3; wk., Burma State Rys., June 3-7. 

" PiTTSBlKG AND ALLEGHENY susi'EX., repamng, Eng. Xeirs, 
Xov. 17-3; rep.. The Eng. Dec. 7-3. 

" Point, Pittsburg, Si-i. Am. Siqi. July 4-5. 

" Point Pleasant, AV. Va., coffer-dams, Patton, Eng. Xetrs. 
Mar. 14, May 30-5. 

" Pontoon, railroad, Lawler, Eng. Xevs, June 30-3; and pile, 
over Miss, r., at Prairie du Ohieu, Wis., Lawler, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Nov. 15-4; l!y., Guatemala, Jan. 31-5 ; Dec. 24-7. 

" Portable, Eiffel sys. Eng. X,'ti:-<. Apr. 24-6; Py., n. i?;/. cC- 
Eng. Mar.-7; (l'ottran"s sys. of, Sci. Am. Stq). Sep. 27, Dec. 
6-4; do. Eng. Aug. 15-4. 

" PouGHKEEPSiE, ovcr Hudson r., Eng. Xevs, Feb. 23-4; Oct. 
15, 20-7; n. Iron Age, Feb. 22-3; O'Rourke, S'in. Eng. July 
30-7; n. Hg. &«,;•., Sep. 10-6; July 1-7; Sci. Am. -SVjj.Mar. 
5-7; n. Eng. Feb. 18. May 13, Aug. 26-7. 

" Princes, Melbourne, Aus., ,S'i'('. Am. Siqj. Mar. 13-6. 

" Raccoon, Ind. & St. Louis R., wreck by wind, Sci. Am. Siqi. 
Dec. 1-3. 

" Railroad. See also under names of bridges. 

" Railroad, oldest, Whipple truss, Troy, X. V., Del. & Hud- 
son Canal Co., Eiig. Xeirs, Apr. 7; viaducts in world, u. 
Oct. 27-3 ; do. Iron Age, Oct. 18-3 ; spec, Waddell, Ji'y. <r,i.r. 
Sep. 13, 20-4; cumulative vibrations in, Juno 26-6; trestles. 
E. A. Hill, Oct. 8-22 ; Louis, .t Xash.. Oct. 20 : Erie, Nov. 5 ; 
truss, Pegram, Dec. 10, 17-7: long girder, Ky., Iron Age. 
Sep. 17-5. 


Bridges, Railroad, removable. Iron Age, Aug. 12-6 ; N. Y. R. 
Commissioners, M-ch. Julj'-5 ; Furness, England, Light, ^l»i. 
JSng. Dec. 31-5; specs., Apr. 27, May 4-7; vibrations, X. Y., 
Peun. and O., My. (iaz. June 25; heavy, and economical, 
Oct. 1; Old Columbia, Oct. 8-6; Am., Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 2, 
9-7 ; long span, Tomlinson, Eiiy. Aug. 13-6 ; inspection. Am. 
Soc. C. E., discuss. Aug. 19-7. 

" Retiro r., Brazil, Grunewald, /SV('. Am. Sup. Mar. 2.:-7 ; 
Eng. Feb. 18-7. 

" RiACHUELO R., Buenos Ayres, Port, E. Woods, The Eng. 
Oct. 8-6 ; Mar. 25-7. 

•' Riveted vs. pin connected, Eng. Xeirs, June 2,5-7. 

" Road, double, Douro r.. Oporto, Eng. July 2-6. 

" ROKUGO R., foundations, Yokohama r., Japan, Eng. Xews, 
Feb. 16-4. 

" Rdlo, Missouri r., iSTeb., C. B. & Q. R., sj^ec. Iron Age, Sep. 
16-6 ; By. & Eng. Sep.-7. 

" Salterhebble Viaduct, HuURy., England, piers. By. Gur.. 
June 13-'!; Sci. Am. Sup. July 5-4; The Eng. Mar. 7-21-4. 

" Sault Ste. Marie, By. Gaz. Julj^ 15-7. 

" Schuylkill r.. Bait. & O. R., Eng. Xews, Feb. 6; foun- 
dations. Mar. 27-6. 

" Seneca r., "Weedsport, X. Y., So. Cen. R., fall of. By. Gas. 
Apr. 25-4. 

" SlEE Ho, China Rys., Kinder, The Eng. Dec. 2, 9-7. 

" SiL E., Sci. Am. Sup. Xov. 3-3. 

" Singapore,- Arab St., The Eng. 'Nov. 9-3. 

" South St. Arch, (replacing Bussey br.) Bost. & Prov. R., 
By. Gas. Dec. 30-7. 

" Spec, and Building, German, Eng. Xeus, Aug. 6-7; stan- 
dard, proposed. By. Gaz. Mar. 19 ; Dec. 10-6. 

" Speed Registering on, Eng. Yews, Mar. 15-4; 

" St. John's k., steel cantilever, X. B., Eng. Xeus, Aug. 9-4; 
Aug. 15-5 ; By. Gaz. July 24, Oct. 30-5 ; Eng. Aug. 6, 27, 
Sep. 10, 24, Oct. 15-6. 

" St. Lawrence r., Lachiue, Can. Pac. R., proijosed, spec, 
Eng. Neics, Oct. 10-5 ; Shaler Smith, Oct. 1-7 ; J/ccA . June-5 ; 
By. Gaz. May 28, Nov. 26-6; Brunlees, Eng. Apr. 3-5; at 
Quebec, Eng. Xevjs, May 16-5 ; do. proposed. Am. Eng. May 
1-5 ; do. Eng. 


Bridges, St. Leger Valley, France, iron viaduct, »:i. Am. Sup. 
Mar. 24-3. 

" Steel Wire for, n. Van Xust. X(.iv.-6. 

" Strains, max. in, ^1/-;. Xmj. Dec. 19-4; Jan. 9-5; max. po- 
sitions of live load, single intersection trusses. Cain, Van 
Xnst. Mar.-5; secondary. Bender, liy. Gaz. Apr. 4, 11-4; ef- 
fect of rail joints on, Jan. 28-7. 

■ Stkath Taieri, Xew Zealand, Hay. Eng. Xn's, July 12-4. 

'• Stresses, in structures, graphic meth., i^rahum, Am. Emj. 
Jan. 4, 11-4; in frames, Enrj. Dec. 7-3. 

" STitiX(.iEi;s, max. bending moment. Bland, Eiuj. Xeo:s, Feb. 

•• SuKKUR, over Indus r., India, £«</. .Ytu'.s, Dec. 2G-5 ; Iron 
Age, Oct. 22-.3 ; lii/. Ith-.. Dec. ls-5 ; n. Van Xuat. Dec.-o ; 
Th: Eng. Sep. 2.5-5 ; July 9, 80-G. 

" SCTLEJ K., Empress, Sci. Aiii. Sup. Aug. 8-5; The Eng. 
Feb. 2iJ-<i. 

" SusPEXsiox, and triangular combined, Thacher, Eng. Xev:s, 
X<iv. 10-3; early, Sep. 10-7; corroded wire cables, Merh. 
Xov. 24-3; Oarsdu's, iSci. Am. Siiji. Apr. 30-7; and canti- 
lever. Till' Eng. Jul}' 11-4. See also under names, Pitts. & 

ALLKi.., etc. 

■• SwiXG, Kush St., (.'hicago, Eng. Xev-s, Aug. lC-4 ; on X. Y. 
Cen. E., Am. Eng. Feb. !S ; for Sing Slug, FeVi. l.")-4; Xieder- 
baum dock, Hamburg, Sri. Am. Sup. Mar. 10-3; Eng. Jan. 
19, Feb. 9, 1(1, Mar. 2-3; over Ouse r., Hull Ry., Sci. Am. 
Sup. Mar. 22-4; do. 2^ he Eng. Jan. 2."), Apr. 4, 4-4; Den- 
mark, Mar. 4-7. 

'■ S^VITZERLAXD, in, The Eng. May 4-3. 

■• Syracuse, lifting at, X". Y. AV. Shore & B. E., Sd. Am. Sup. 
Aug. 10-4. 

■' Taff r., Glamorgan, The Eng. Oct. 19-3. 

■■ Tari)i;s Viaduct, Montbucon Ey.. France, wreck of, Eng. 
Xeu-i:, Sep. 20-4; Sei. Am. Sup. Oct. 11-4: The Eng. Apr. 
24, 24, May 1-5. 

" Tay Viaduct, Eng. Xews, May 12-3; Mar. 1-4; Aug. 1; 
Oct. ;jl-.3; opening, June 2.5, Aug. iJ-7; JL-eh. X'ov. 17-3: 
Barlow, eng., Ey. linz. Dec. 4-5 ; Se|i. 2-7 ; Biggart, Sei. Am. 
Slip. Aug. 22, Oct. 31-5 ; do. Feb. 12, July 16 ; Kelsey. Dec. 
3-7 ; do. Eng. Aug. 12-7. 


Bridges, Tay Viaduct, foundation appliances, Encj. June 2(5 ; 
Sep. 18-5 ; Dec. 31-6 ; Biggart, The Enrj. July 10, Sep. 25-5 ; 
May 13; Kelsey, Sep. 2-7. 
Tekapo, New Zealand, Am Eng. July 30-5. 
'• Temporary, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 19-7. 

Tensas e., M. & M. R., Patton, Eng. News, June 20-5. 

Tessin e., Italy, Biadego, Eng. Sep. 18-5. 

Testing Machine, 600-ton, Kellogg, Eng. News, Feb. 5-7. 

Thames e., London, Eng. Xru's, Aug. 21-6 ; and subway, 
proposed, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 8-4; at Tower, low level, pro- 
posed Kinipple Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 28, June 20-5; do. July 
31-6; do. £»(/. Jan. 16-5 ; do. T he Eng . ^Uiy 8-5 ; Eng. Jan. 
25, June; Putney, July 23-6; jiroposed. The Eng. Aug. 
24-3 ; do. East of London, Jan. 25 ; at Little Tower Hill, 
Oct. 31-4. 

" Tone r., Japan, Otagana, My. & Eng. Apr.-7. 

" TORKHAM, India, Eng. Xews, Nov. 19-7. 

" TOUNGOO Ry., wk.. The Eng. Dec. 3-6. 

" Travelling, San. Eng. Apr. 23-7. 

" Trestles, wooden, Kan. C. &. Om. R. Eng. yews, Aug. 13; 
railroad, wood cluster bent, Hanlon, Dec. 31-7; timber, 
Grand Rapids, Mich., Marson, Am. Eng. Feb. 29-4; deep 
water, Halifax Iiarbor, lutercol., litj. Ga.^. Apr. 9-6. 

" Truss, expired pats, on, Brocls:, Eng. Xi'V-.t, Jan. 6-27, Feb. 

17, 24, Mar. 10, 24, Apr. 28, May 12, 19, June 16, 23, July 

7-28, Aug. 4-18, Sep. 1, 8-3 ; deflection of a, Sheridan, Vim 

Nbst. Dec.-6 ; depths and wts., formula, Du Bois, Hy. & Eng. 

'• Ulverston Canal, Furness Ry., England, C. J. Light, Am. 

Eng. Jan. 7-6. 
" Viaduct, Cape Col., Africa, Ende, Eng. Xetrs, Jan. 24-5; 

main. No. East. Ry., Cudworth, The Eng. Sep. 17-6. See 

also names of bridges. 
•' Vibrations in, S. W. Robinson, ' .S'ci'. Am. Sup. Apr. 21, 

June 16-3. 
" Waldlitobel Viaduct, Arlberg Ry., Eng. Xi-ws, Nov. 1-4 ; 

Sci. Am. Siq). Dec. 20-4. 
" AVarehouse and bridge flooring. By Gaz. Sep. 9-7. 


Bridges, Waterloo, Loudon, foundations, Eng. Xeirs, Mar. 

31-3 ; restoration, The Eng. May 11-5. 
" Weights, comparative, Pegrani, By. Gm. St-p. 17-6 : and 

truss depths, formula for, Du Bois, Ey. & Eng. June-7. 
" Westport, Conn. Eng. .Vcics, Aug. 2-4. 
" WllEX KOT A BRIDGE, Eng. Xctr.'i, May 22-6. 
" WiNOOSKi R., Vt., Barbour, Eng. Xi'ivs, Mar. 13-6 
" WiNSOR Locks suspex.. Conn., repairs of. Sen. Eng. Feh. 

" Works, Canadian, Iron Age, Feb. 12-5. 
" Yazoo r., Tenn., Louis., X. Or. A Tex. Ey., Eng. Xews, 

Jan. 20, Sep. 8-3 ; /SV/. Am. ,Su/,. Nov. 10-3. 

Bridging the Indus i;., Eng. Xeirs, Jan. 20-3. 
Briggs, Egbert, Ilech. Mar. 10-3. 

British Assoc, pro. Am. Eng. Sep. 5-2(3-4; Oct. 22, 29, Xov. 
5-5; at Montreal, Eh'c.Wnrhl Sep. 6, 13-4; do. Sci. Am. Sk/i. 
Sep. 27, Oct. 4-4; do. The Eng. Aug. 29-4; Sei. Am. Sup. 
Oct. 17; portraits merabs., Oct. 31-5; Oct. 1-7; Eng. Sep. 
28, Oct. 5, 12-3; Aug. 29, Sep. 19, Oct. 10, 24-4; Sep. IS, 
2.5-5; Sep. 10-24, Oct. 1-6; Sep. 9-30, Oct. 7, 14-7; The 
Eng. Sep. 25, Oct. 2-5; Sept. 3, 10-6; Sep. 2-10-7. 

" COLlJiBiA, Iron Age, Aug. 2.5-7. 

" Colonial and Indian Exhib., Eug. Feb. 12, Apr. 30, 
May 7; colonies. May 14; May 21, June 11, IS, July 16, 
Oct. 29-6. 

" Empire, size of. Iron Age, July 5-3. 

" Food Supply in war. The Eng. July 27-3. 

" Gov. Manufs., Eng. July 23-6. 

" Guiana and Honduras, U. S. trade with. Iron Age. June 

^' Xavy additions. Iron Age, Xov. 19-5 : Eng. Jan. 16-5. See 

also Marine, do. 
" Trade, Eussian, Iron Age, Apr. 30-5 ; and Am. foreigu, 

compared. Mar. 25-6 ; stats, of decline of, Jan. 28-0 ; do. 

My. Gas. Aug. 12-7. 
Brush, air, Sei. Am. Sup. Apr. 2-7. 
Brush, Chas. F., por., Sei. Am. Sup. Oct. 4-4. 


Buenos Ayres pub. works, Eng. News, Mar. 29-4. 

Buffalo lake trafficN. Y., Sij. Gaz. Jan. 16-5. 

Building. See also Architecture ; Engineering, building, 
materials ; Plumbing. 

" Agric. Hall, Kensington, Set. Am. Sup. June 5-6 ; do. The 
Eng. Apr. 30-6 ; Albert Exhib. Palace, May 23, June 6, 13, 
13-4; Aquatic Circus, Paris, Edoux, eng.. Mar. 19-6; do. 
Sci. Am. Stip. May 1-6. 

" Apart. H., Mad. ave., N. Y., San. Eng. June 14-3. 

" Bath, Turkish and Russian, Hoffman h., N. Y. city, San. 
Eng. Feb. 21-4. 

" Boston, Deer Is. hos., /S'ra. ^)i(/. Nov. 13; Highland skat- 
ing rink, fall, Deo. 25-6; Parker h., details, Jan. 1; Old 
Court h., raising, Mar. 5 ; Norway Iron Works, roof collapse, 
Mar. 19 ; Unitarian bu., Apr. 23-7. 

" Brick Walls, incrustation on, Trautwine, Am. Eng. May 
22-5 ; brick wk., permissable strain on, Bohme, Sci. Am. 
Snp. Mar. 20-6. 

" Buffalo Armory roof, Eng. & Bu. Bec: Oct. 29-7. 

" Business, U. S. annual results, Iron Agi', Sep. 3-5. 

" Chicago foundations, Laurie, Sail Eng. Jan. 21-6. 

" Cock roaches, how to get rid of, n. San. Eng. June 24-6. 

" Construction, fire-proof, Collingwood, San. Eng. Feb. 11, 
Mar. 4, Apr. 1, 8, May 13, Aug. 26, Sep. 16, Nov. 13-6 ; de- 
tails, Parker h., Boston, Jan. 1 ; Feb. 19 ; Mar. 19 ; details, 
balloon frames, June IS, Sep. 10, 17-7. 

" Dwelling houses, Henman, Sci. Am. Sup. May 12-3. 

" Earthquake, Charleston, S. C, damage to, by, rep. San. 
Eng. Sep. 30 ; construction based on experience of, Bixby, 
Oct. 14-6. 

" Engineering, domestic. Potter bu., N. Y., San. Eng. June 
17-6; plant, builders and contractors, Nov. 27; erection of 
towers St. Patrick's cath., N. Y., Dec. 4-lS; Dec. 2.5-6; 
Jan. 18-29, Feb. 5-19, Mar. 5,26, Apr. 9, June 4, July 2, Sep. 
17; dredging, Oct. 8; Dec. 17, 24-7. 

" Foundations, healthy, G. Brown, San. Eng. Feb. 7-21, 
Mar. 27, Apr. 10, May 15, June 12, July 17, 31, Aug. 14-4. 


3UILDING, FlEE-PROOP BUILDINGS, IroH Affe, June 20-T ; do. con- 
struction, CoUingwood, San. Eng. Feb. 11, Mar. fi, Apr. 1, y, 
May 13, Aug. 26, Sep. 16, Nov. 13-6 ; con.struction for heavy, 
on compressible soil, Jenney, Dec. 10-5 ; Am . JEh(i. June 20-7 : 
tixing bloclis, Sri. Am. Siij'.Feh. 14; InX. Y., June 20; and 
economical plastering, G. H. Hunt, Aug. 29-5. See also FiKE 

" Floors, decking, Lindsay's steel, The Eng. Oct. 7-7. 

" Frame Construction, Arey, Sri. Am. Snj). Aug. 23-4. 

" Framework, stresses in, graph, treatment, Graham, The 
Enrj. Aug. 17, Nov. 2-3. 

■' Gov., erection of, Thayer, San. Eng. Apr. 22-G. 

" Graphics, cals. by drawing lines, R. H. Smith, The Eny. 
Dec. 21-3. 

" Heavy, fire-proof construct, on compressible soil, Jenney, 
San. Eng. Dec. 10-5. 

" Hospital, Army & Xavy, Hot Springs, Ark. San Eng. Xov. 
1-3; cottage, construct., Burdette, Miller hos., Greenwich, 
England, San. Eng. Apr. 24-4; Deer Is., Boston, Xov. 13-6; 
Park hill, Liverpool, The Eng. Jan. 16-5. See also Archi- 
tecture, hospitals. 

" Hull Gen. Infirmary, San. Eng. Aug. 21-3. 

" Improvements, recent, T. M. Clark, Snr. Arts, Oct. 9-4. 

'■ Iron, So. East Ey., The Eng. June 29-3. 

'• Japanese house, E. S. Morse, Sri. Am. Siq}. May 29-6. 

" Height of, law governing. In Paris, San. Eng. Sep. 24-.5; 
public, jiroijosed law for erection of, Mar. 2.1-6. 

" Lawrenceville School, N. J. (construct, and fittings). 
San. Eng. Dec. 4-6. 

'■ Liverpool Exhib., The Eng. June 11-6. 

'- Madison Capitol, fall of, San. Eng. Xov. 20-3. 

'• Manhattan Warehouse, San. Eng. Jan. 24-4. 

•■ 3IAS0NRY, change of dimensions during hardening and com- 
pressive tests, CoUingwood, San. Eng. Sep. 16-6; raising 
and moving, Sci. A)n. Stiji. Sep. 29-3. 

■' Materials, concrete as a, Potter, Sri. A)n. Suj). May 2- 
5; concrete construct, irai^s., Sci. Am. Sup. Xov. 7-5: mor- 
tars, plastering, etc., June 13-.5 ; do. ^l»i. Airh ; hydr. lime. 
Locom. Sei:i.-5; mortars, remarkable efteets of adding sac- 
charine matter to, Haukey, Apr.-7. See also Engineerin*;. 



Building, Middleboro Town Hall, wide span cast iron arched 
ribs, Sci. Am. Sup, Dec. 20-4. 
" Moving, of large masses, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 29-3 ; movable 
buildings, Portrineau's, Mar. 1-4; movable market, May 

" N. Y., h's. for workmen, Snn. Eng. Xov. 22; Met. Opera h. 

Dec. 6, 27-3 ; lofty buildings, Kcir, Jan. 3, 10 ; Mut. Life Ins. 

Co., May 22, June 12, 19-4; E(xuitable b. construct., Feb. .o, 

12, Mar. 26, Apr. 9-7; do. Encj. & Bu. Sec. Oct. 8, 15, 15-7; 

kitchen boilers, Geo. Vanderbilt res. San. Eng. Feb. 20; 

tenement h. act of "S", May 14-7. 
" Pkeservation, by parafflne A\ax, obelisk, C'aft'all, Sci. Am. 

Sup. Jan. 30-6. 
'■ Public, proposed laws for erection of, San. Eng. Mar. 2.5-0. 
" EOMAN, construct., Oldrieve, Sii. Am. Ship. Aug, 22-5. 
" Roofs, stresses, grapli. meth., Graham, Am, Eng. Jan. 4, 11 ; 

west side water wks., Chicago, Mar. 21, 2S, Apr. 4, 11; No. 

Print wks. Apr. 18, 25, May 2, 9-4; coverings, J. Slater, 

Sci, Am. Sttp. June 21-4; rooting tiles, Feb. 14-5; do. Ain. 

Arch; slate roof coverings, Slater, Sci. Am. Sup. Jul}' 18-5; 

Huddersfield station, fall of, Lond. & Xo. West Ey. Eng. 

Oct. 16-5 ; do. TIte Eng. Xov. 13-5 ; Swansea station, strains, 

graph, treatment, Graham, July 27-3; shed, Carnac bridge 

terminus, Nov. 14-4 ; girder, Cen. India Rj'. Oct. 9 ; iron, So. 

India Ry. Oct. 2.3-5, etc. ; Fine Arts Court, Paris exhib. "89, 

Sep. 2, 10 ; of Ey. shops at Houwick, Sep. 23-7. 
" School, public, Brooklyn, San. Eng. Sep. 20-3. 
" Service Pipe Running, table, Sager, Snu. Eng. Dec. 10-5. 
" Shoring of, BlashiU, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 25-5. 
" St. Marks, Venice, foundations of, Blackwell, Sci. Am. Sup. 

Oct. 3-5. 
" St. Peters, Rome, hooping of dome of, Sci. Am. Suti. July 

" Stables, Pickhardt's, San. Eng. Aug. 2, 10 ; wks. Nov. 1-3 ; 

floors, Eng. & Du. lice. Deo. 17-7; construct., A. W. Wright, 

Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 15-4; do. Feb. 21-5. 
" Steam boilers, in 5th ave. res. San. Eng. Feb. 12-7. 
■" Stone, cause and prevention of decay of, Eglestou, San. 

Eng. July 16-5 ; do. Feb. 5-20 ; Mar. 5, 12, 26, Apr. 10-30-7. 


Building Stone, decay of on ground level, Van Xost. Dec.-5 ; 
do. Bu. Xews; decay of, A. A. Julien, iSci. Am. Sup. Sep. 2:j- 
3 ; do. Mar. 2i- i. 
" Strain meter, Am. Eng. Jan. 18, 2."), Feb. 1-4. 
" Tkxemknt houses, San. Emj. July li)-3. 
" Theatre, Eoyal Alliambra, London, construct. Am. Entj- 
Aug. l.-j-J: ; Terry's iron work construct, in, Ende, The Eny. 
Sep. 2:3, Oct. 7-7. 
" Trades Exhib. Eng. Apr. C-3. 
" Vienna Cattle JIarket, Sd. Am. Sup. Jan. 17-5. 
'• Water, distrib. in Berkshire apart, h. Smi. Eng. Feb. 1.5-3; 
raising, in bu's. July2-.5; supply in city res. Xov. 13-6; 
Altering cisterns, Hiseox, Sri. Am. Siiji. Aug. 2:j-4. 
" Window balance, Button, Sck. Arts, Dec. 28-2. 
BuiLDiNi;s, 10 best in U. S., Sri. Am. Sup. Aug. 21)-.5 ; Am. Arch. 
BuEJiAii, Sri. Am. Sup. Xov. 28-5. 

Business, goodwill, value of, England, Iron Agr, Apr. 29; fail- 
ures, Boston, Sep. lC-6. 
Button works, Warstone, Birmingham, The Enrj. Sep. 24-6. 
Cables, hoisting, Eng. AVic.s-, Mar. .5-7; mt. ajrial, Gate of 
France, City of Grenoble, Sri. Am. Sup. Xov. 28 ; copper, 
gutta pcrcha covering mach. Dec. .5-.5. 
Calculating Instrument, or cyl. slide rule, Thacher, Eng. 
Xetr.i, Dec. 18-G ; maohs. Iron Age, July 2-5 ; do. averaging, 
A\ichincloss, Mi-rh. May 2C-3 ; do. Edmundson's, Sri. Am. 
Suj). July 18-5 ; do. do. Eng. May 1-5. 
Calico Printing Machine, 12 color, Sri. Am. Sup. Ott. S-7. 
Caloric Eni;ine, Victor, Iron Age, July 2-5; Buckett, Eng. 

Apr. 20-3. 
Canada, trade, Eng. Xeus, Dec. 4-6 ; Iron Age, June 4-.5 ; and 
U. S. in 'SI, Preece, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 21-5 ; customs tarifts, 
The Eng. Sep. 0-7. 

Canals, Baltic and X'orth Sea, Eng. Xetrs, Mar. 13, Sep. 2.5-6; 
and Westijlialien, Tlie Eng. June 17-7. 
" BELGIU3I, nav. in, Gobert, Eng. Xnc'^, Mar. 3-3. 
" Birmingham and Bristol, The Eng. .June 24-7. 
" Boats, steam propulsion for. Iron Age. Feb. 18-6. 
" Brussels ship, Eng. X-irs, Dec. 18-6. 
'• Builder, De Lesseps, E)ig. Xeus, June Ci-5. 


Canals, Canadian system, Iron Age, JIar. 15-3. 

" Channel, ship. The Eng. Aug. 3-3. 

" Colorado, of, irrig., rep. Eny. Xcws, Dec. 25-6 ; and rail- 
roads in, Sci. Am. Siiji. Sep. 25-6 ; Eng. 

" Corinth, Specht, Eng. Xews, June 7-4; Am. Eng. Nov. 
28-4; Sci. Am. Sni). Feb. 23-4; Nov. 13-6 ; The Eng. June 
fJ-4; Oct. 8-6. 

" Erie, Eng. Xews, Mar. 13, May 22-6 ; rep. Am. Eng. Feb. 20 ; 
E. Sweet, Feb. 27; commerce of, Mar. 6; enlargement,. 
Mar. 27-5. 

" Great Western jiaritime. The Eng. Aug. 3-3. 

" Harlem r., ship, Eng. Acios, Aug. 13-7. 

'* Hennepin and Erie, Eng. Ae»s, Mar. 13-6. 

•" HOLSTEIN, ship. Iron Agef Aug. 6-5. 

" Irrigation, of Col., rep. Eng. Xetcs, Dec. 2.5-6. 

" Isthmus, Stevens, Am. Eng. May 29-5. 

" Jordan, proposed, Gordon, Eng. Xeus, Nov. 3-3. 

" Lifts, hydr., W. K. Hutton, Eng. Kews, May 17; bridge, 
Penn, Searles, May 31-4 ; Iron Age, Feh. 10-7; French and 
Belgian, 3Iech. Nov.-5; Fointenettes, France, Clark, Eng. 
July 10-5 ; presses for. The Eng. Oct. 15-6. 

" Lock Gates, circular, strains on, Romanes, The Eng. Nov. 
21-4; do. Jan. 30-5. 

" Manchester Ship, Lyster, Am. Eng. Apr. 1.5-6; and 
Tehuantepec ship Ey. Nov. 19-5 ; San. Eng. Aug. 2(;-6 ; Hy. 
Gaz. Sep. 16; map, Oct. 7-7; H. S. Smith, Van Aos?. Nov.- 
4 ; map, Sci. Am. Sup. May 5-3 ; Nov. I'^S ; Aug. 21-6 ; 
Eng. Jan. 26, Feb. 2, Mar. 9-23, Apr. 27, Dec. 28-3 ; Jan. 18, 
Feb. 1, Mar. 7, Apr. 25, May 16, Aug. 29-4; July 10, Dee. 17- 
6 ; Aug. 12, Sep. 2, 16, Oct. 7-7; The Eng. May 4, 11, June 
8-3; map, Jan. 4; do. Nov. 14; May 16-4; June 25-6. 

" Morris, and inclined planes, H. M. Wilson, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Feb. 24-3. 

" N. Y. State and West Shore R. Eng. Aeics, Dec. 22-3. 

" Neufforse, hydr. elevator at Foutinettes, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Feb. 21-5. 

" Nicaragua Ship, Eng. Xeirs, JMay 1.5-6 ; Peary, Iron Age, 
Nov. 17-7; do. liij. & Eng. 0ct.-7; treaty, text, Am. Eng. 
Dec. 26-4; vs. Panama, Jan. 2; Aramen, Jan. 30 ; Stevens, 
Jan. 30, Feb. 20; interoceanic, Meuocal, Nov. 26-5; (Engs. 
Club, Phil.), Mar- 18-6 ; Nov. 30-7 ; Eng. Mar. 6-5. 

3-1: CANALS. 

Canals, Nice Irrigation Works, Enrj. Feb. 20-.5. 
" Northern III., Eng. JYeivs, May 1-6. 
'• XOKTil Sea and Baltic, Eng. .Vo'-s, Sep. 2.V6 : Baltic & 

Westph.alian, TJte Eng. June 17-7. 
" Palestine, H. J. ilartin, Eng. Xei'-n, Aug. 11, Oct. 6-3. 

" Panama Works, Eng. A>»'s, Jan. 6; maps, Aug. 4, 11; 
culebra, or great cut, Dec. 8-3 ; marine dredge at Colon, Apr. 
5 ; May 3 ; Aug. lC-4; Aug. 8, 22, Nov. 21-.5 ; Apr. 3 ; rep. 
May 22 ; n. Aug. 14 ; Jameson, Sep. 2.5-G ; July 30, Aug. 13, 
Nov. 19-7; Iron Age, Sep. 6-3 ; July 10, 31, Sep. 4, Nov. 20- 
■4; J/«-cA. Sep. 1.5-3; Apr. 26. Sep.-4; Am. Eng. Oct. 3, Dec. 
19-4; June 17-6; Aug. 17-7; n. Jiy. r/rrr. May 16-4; Van 
A'csf. ]Mar.-3 ; Feb., .Iul}'-6 ; J^ra;;. 7;ist. Nov.-4 ; map, AVi'. 
Am. iSiip. Jan. 13, Nov. 24-3; Jan. 5-4; Oct. 23, Dec. 18-6; 
Boyd, June 4 ; July 23, Oct. 8-7 ; Hurlbert, Forum, Nov. -7 ; 
Eng. July 20, Sep. 21, Oct. 19-3 ; Apr. 2.5-4 ; Feb. 6, Apr. 2, 
July 2-6; Aug. .5, Nov. 2.5-7 ; Tha Eng. Axig. Q-G; Boyd, 
Apr. 1,5. 22, July 22-7. 

^' Pontiloff, Russia, Eng. July 10-5. 

■' Projects, Newcome, I'ot J\"os(. July-3; Xnut. Mag. 
' Rotterdam, Eng. Xevs, Aug. 28-6. 

" ItussiAN Siiiv, n. Eng. A>('-.<, Sep. 4-6 ; Iron Age, Dec. 4-4. 

" Sluices, aut. Eng, Xens, Mar. 13-6. 

" Speed on. Condor, Van Xost. Jan. Feb.-o ; iS<:i. Am. Su/i. 
Apr. 12-4; Eng. Feb. L5-4. 

" Steam on, Eng. Jan. 29-6. 

" St. Mary's Falls (Sault Stc Marie), and locks. Sun. Eng. 
Mar. 25, Apr. 1-6 ; liy. Gm. Mar. 4-7. 

" St. Petersbcrg, to Cronstadt, Eng. Xcns. Dec. 1-3 ; mari- 
time, Set. Am. Siiji. July 11-5. 

" Suez, Eng. AVics, June 23-3 ; Specht. Sep. 26-.5 ; and Nicara- 
gua, May lu-6; Iron Age, Oct. 2-4; Lesseps. July 2:i-.5 ; 
Am. Eng. Jan. 2, Oct. 8-,5 ; and Euphrates Tal. R}-. Van. 
Xost. Mar; a second, Sep.-3 ; Rundell, Jan.-4; comniiss. 
rep., Flamant, Nov.-6 ; traffic Hy. tO Eng. July-7 : do. The 
Eng. May 27-7; Sci. Am. Sup. Sep.-3 ; Eng. Dec. 7-3. 

" Tancartille, and sewer, Havre, France, exca\-. ap. on, Snn . 

Eng. July 2-7. 
" Towing, Klett, Iron Age, Apr. 26-3 ; do. Jln-h. Apr. 21-3. 


Canal Tkansportation, cost of on a deeper, Iron Age, June 
17-6; and river meths., Klett, Van Xost. Apr.-3; Brit, and 
U. S. The Encj. Sep. 3-6. 

Candle Mach., moulding, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 31-5; do. Price, 
Eng. May 22, 29, June 5 ; Inv's. exhib. July 3-5 ; Barlow, 
Jan. 7-7; and wks., Field's, The Eng. Dec. 26-4; making 
mach. June 2C-5. 

Can-soldeking ap., Merriam's, Iron Age., July 23-5. 

Canvas Testing Machine, O'Connor, Eng. Feb. 26-6. 

Cape of Good Hope, U. S. trade with, Iron Age, Julj' 22-6. 

Capital and Labor. See also Labor. 
" AND Labor, probs. in profit sliaring, Kent, Mech. sup. June 
7 ; do. By. <6 Eng. Aug.-7 ; capital's need for higli-priced 
labor. Partridge, Am. Eng. Dec. 22, 29-6 ; comparative econ. 
(cost, interest &c.) Cobb, Van Nost. Dec.-6 ; riddle of the 
sphinx, Baj'les, addr. Sci .Am. Sup. July 10; labor x^robs., 
Thurston, Aug. 21, 28-6. 

" Business Profits, F. A. ■\Valker, Sci. Am. Sup. June 4; 
cost in mauufs., H. Metcalfe, Aug. 6 ; labor probs., Emery, 
Dec. 10-7; capital (and percentages going to labor) in storm 
and calm, Locom. May-7; source of business profits, F. A. 
Walker, Soc. Arts, Mar. 2-1-7 ; social sustenance, Philpott, 
Pop. Sci. July-Dec.-7 ; economic disturbances since '73, 
Wells, Sep.-7. 

Carbonic Acid, in liquid and solid states, Iron Age, May 13-6. 

See also Chemistry, carb. acid. 
Carding Engine, Hubner, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 16-6; machs., 

Truxler's Ai^r. 7-3 ; do. Oct. 22-7 ; engine, Hetherington, 

eng. The Eng. 'Sep. 16-7. 
Carpet Cleaner, pneu., Warsop, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 24^7; Eng. 

Xov. 4-7. 
Carriage A'S'heels, tests, Fran. Inst. July-6. See also Wheels. 
Cask Making IIachine, Thornewill's, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 15-5 ; 

Wright's, Eng. Sep. 14-3. 
Cave, marble, Missouri, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 7-5. 
Cayley, Arthur, por. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 3-3. 
Celluloid, Iron Age, Mar. 17-7. 
Cement Mill and testing ap., Faija's, The Eng. Dec. 4-5. 


Cements, tests, Faija, Eng. Nev:s^ Apr. 21, May 12 ; do. Mann, 
May 19; do. portland, strength, May 19; rosenilale nianuf., 
Ulster cty., N. Y., Sep. 15; portland, mixtures, Dec. 15-3; 
hardening, Perrodil, Xov. 29-±; concrete, cost of, E. Low, 
Jan. 24; slag, Eausome, Feh. 21 ; portland, adulterations, 
Fresenius, Apr. 4; tests, Boston drainage wks., E. C. 
Clarke, July 4 ; strength, effect of sand on, July 11 ; jiort- 
land, "Porte de France,"' Xov. 7; do. Smedt rep. Dec. 5, 19; 
tests, rej). Dec. 19, 26-5. 

" Tests, chemical, Enr/. News, Jan. 30, Feb. 13 ; mortars and 
concretes, qualities, Feb. 6 ; testing, May 1 ; testing mach., 
Brendlinger, May 1.5-6 ; German, Jan. 29 ; mach. Bohme, 
Mar. 26 ; bags, vs. bbls. for, May 21, 2S ; effects of magne- 
sia, June 4 ; manuf . June 18 ; from blast furnace slag, June 
25; hydr. June 25; manuf. at harbor wks., Calais, Guillain, 
Sep. 3 ; effect of sugar, H. Porter, Dec. 24-7. 

" Slag, Iron Agr, Feb. 19-5 ; manuf. from blast furnace cin- 
der, Aug. 12-6 ; do. in U. S. Apr. 21-7; tests, Sondericker, 
J/i?c/t. Dec; effect of sugar on. Parsons, Dec. -7; mortars, 
influence of sand on strength of, Arnold, Am. Eng. Jan. 11-4 ; 
Faija, July lC-5 ; do. Iron Age ; and silicate of lime. Waters, 
Am. Eng. Jan. 7-G ; portland, manuf., Ransome, Se^j. 21-7; 
do. tests at long dates, San. Eng. July 2 ; do. testing, for 
Calais and Boulogne harbor wks., Guillain, July 9-7 ; hj-dr. 
manuf. from blast furnace slag, Friswell, Eng. & Bu. Eec. 
X"Ov. 12 ; influence of sugar on, expts. Dec. 24^7. 

" Testing Maciiixe.s, Eiehle, Fairbanks, Hy. Gnz. June 19-5; 
tests, Boston drainage wks., E. C. Clarke, Jan. 22 ; te^ts, 
sys. of, Am. Soc. C. E. rep. Mar. 5-6 ; do. Swiss. Jan. 
7-7; manuf. and tests, Mann, V((n .Vosf. Sep.-3 ; do. Faija, 
Xov.-Jt; mortars, influence of sand on strength of, Arnold, 
Jan; portland, Faija, Sep.-5; mixtures, Tctmaier's, Feb.-6 ; 
jjortland, Ransome imp., Friswell, Fran. Inst. June, July-7. 

" Xatural, Japanese soils, Korschelt, ,Sci. Am.. Sup. Jan. 27; 
Portland, manuf., iliddleton. May 26 ; manuf., Ulster cty., X'. 
Y. Oct. 0-3; tester, Fairbanks, Feb. 16 ; and mortars, Tut- 
hill, Sep. 6-4; mortars, influence of sand on strength of, 
Arnold, Feb. 7 ; slag. Mar. 28 ; of the Gate of France, City 
of Grenoble, X^ov. 28-5. 


Cements, Tests, rep. Set. Am. Sup. Jan. 30; magnesian, in 
masonry, accidents due to, Claye, Nov. 13 ; do. Dec. 11 ; mor- 
tar, effect of adding saccharine matter to, Crouipton, Dec. 
25-6 ; Idln, Dietzscli, Julj' 16 ; portland, Eansome, Nov. 19- 
7; blast furnace slag and slag cement, as compared with 
Portland, C. S. Schumann, Lacom. Nov .-6; hydr.,nat. and 
artif ., comparative values, Cummings, Soc. Arts., Nov. 10-7. 

" Portland, strength, Eng. Aug. 17-3 ; mach., Michele, Mar. 
G, Maj'l; manuf.. Spoor, June 12, Aug. 14-5 ; under com- 
pression, Am. Soc. C. E. circular Feb. 12 ; Eng. Dept.,Wasli., 
rep. Nov. 27-6 ; tests, Feb. 18 ; mach. July 1-7. 

" Portland, mill and plant. The Eng. Oct. 19, Nov. 30-3 ; 
testing mach., jNIichele's, June 19-5 ; portland, Arlesey wks. 
Oct. 8 ; do. production, U. S., n. Nov. 26-6 ; effect of sugar 
on, Barnes, Feb. 11 ; portland, liansome imp., Friswell, Mar. 
4; do. magnesia in. Mar. 18; do. Faija, Apr. 22; do. tests, 
Middleton, May 20 ; hj'dr. manuf. from blast furnace slag, 
Friswell, June 10; port, manuf., Eansome, Sep. 9-7. 

Central American crisis. Iron Age., Mar. 26-5 ; republics, 
Apr. 1-6. 

Centrifugal mach., &c. Inventor's exhib. Eng. Nov. 20-5. 
" Pumps. See Pumping Engs ; Pumps. 

Ceylon, U. S. trade with. Iron Age, July 7-7. 

Chadwick, Edwin, (book n. of wks. Health of nations.) The 
Eng. Sep. 16-7. 

Chains, without welding, Eng. Nev^s, Apr. 2 ; use and care of, 
S. H. Adams, Aug. 6-7 ; rolling machs., Jacker's, Iron Age, 
May 27-6 ; early hist, of. Smith, Mech. Mar. 29-4 ; Adams, 
Aug.-7; manuf. mach., without welding. Am. Eng. June 
6-4; Adams, July 6-7; steel, without welding, Apr. 6-7; 
do. Sci. Am. Sup. July 26-4; do. Apr. 16-7; casting, brass, 
E. India, C. P. Clarke, Nov. 27-6 ; and cables, Traill, book 
n. The Eng. Sep. 18-5 ; casting in solid steel, Gautier, Oct. 
22-6 ; steel, manuf. without welding, Our3^, Mar. 4 ; lor 
lifting and hauling, use and care of, Adams, July 8-7. 

Chapin, Chester W., By. Gaz. June 8, 15-3. 

Charcoal, burning, Sweden, Iron Age, Mar. 12-5 ; manuf. in 
kilns, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 15-3; do. Feb. 2-4; furnaces, old, 
Lncom. Oct.-5. 

Chase, Pliny Earle, Fran. Inst. Sep.-7. 


Chemistry, notes, Fran. Inst. Jaii.-Mar, >Iay-July-7; indus- 
trial, Leeds, Sci. Am. iSiiji. :Slav. 3-3; Ta<;gart, Nov. 22-4; 
Indus. Enrj. June 13; on Tj-ue, July 18-4; Crookes, addr., 
Brit. Assoe. The Emj. Scj). 3-6. 

" All!, water and soils, det. of nitric acid in, Grandval, Sci. 
Am. iStiji. Oct. 3-3 ; up. for es. carb. acid in, .Sep. 4-6 ; do. 
Van Nuys, Jan. 22-7. 

" Alkali proc. Sci. Am. Sn/i. Sep. 17-7 ; alkaloids, consti- 
tution of, Sudtler, Dec. 15-3 ; June 12-6. 

" AiiMONiA, product from nitrogen of minerals, Beilby, Sci. 
Am. Slip. Apr. 25, 3Iay '2-5 ; sulphate nianuf ., Gruneberg"s 
ap. for, ^y. Smith, Xov. C-6 ; sulphate plant, Simon, Staftbrd 
gas wks. jEng. Oct. 14-7. 

'' Analysis, curiosities of. The Eng. June 8-3. 

" and crystal form, compared, theory. Barlow, Sci. 
Am. Snp. Mar. 20-6. 

" Benzine from coal gas, G. E. Davis, ,Vc('. Am. Siip. Oct. 

" Bleaching, ap., Morris, Sci. Am. Snp. Feb. 24-3; proc. 
Felj. 27, May 1-6; processes. May 7-7; proc, Mather, The 
Enn. Mar. 19-6. 

" Borax, Cal., hist, of, Kobottom, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 25-6 ; 
Feb. 19-7 ; boric acid, Gooch, Apr. 30-7. 

" Camphor, Japanese, Sri. Am. Sup. Oct. 25 ; carbolic acid, 
French, JIay24; carbon and its compounds, actions with, 
Gore, Xov. 8-4. 

" Ciiloiunation proc, Newberj'-Vautin, Sci. Am. Suji. Xov. 
19-7; chloroform manuf. Sep. 18-6. 

" Coal-tar, and colors derived from it, L. 51. Xorton, Sue. Arts. 
Dec. 11-4; coal distil, and annnonia ijroduct, 7Vie Emi. Dec. 

" Colors, common and poisonous, Sci. Am. Sup. June 19- 
6; constitution and phj'siolog. action, cnnnection between, 
Brunton, Oct. 30-6 ; creosote, Hager, Jan. 20-3 ; crystal 
form and atom compared, theory. Barlow, >Iar. 20-6. 

" Distil., continuous ap. Sci. Am. Siij'. Sep. 10; and concent, 
of chem. liquids, proc, G. Anderson, Sep. 17-7: dyein<;-. fix- 
ing coloring matter upon cotton by taunin, "Witt, Aug. 1-.5 ; 
do. aniline black ou cotton goods. May 1-6; dyes, aniline 
ill dress materials, O'Neill, Jan. 3-5 ; do. alizarine, Feb. 


Chemistry, Elements, combiniug wts., vols, and spec, gravs. 

compared, table, W.Farmex-, Sci.Am. Sup. Sep. 20-4; do. uew. 

Germanium, Pringle, Nov. 6, 27-6 ; enameling, Vanes, June 

2-3; equivs., ap. to determine, H. N. Morse, May 23-5; 

exam. Oct. 9-6. 
'• Filtration by soluble and volatile Alters, Gooch, Sci. Am. 

Sup. Oct. 31-5 ; flame, Fletcher, Mar. 5-7 ;fl uorine, isolation, 

Jan. 22-7; black ash revolving furnace, W. Smith, Nov. 

19-7. of foods and nutrition, Atwater Soc. Arts, Apr. 22-6. 
•• Gases, liquefaction, Dewar, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug, 9-4; do. 

Mar. 7; do. Coleman, May 16-5 ; condens. of. The Emj.Yeh. 

1-4; glucose. Brewer, Apr. 17-6; glycerine, Berghaus, 

Apr. 14, June 23-3 ; do. and its uses, Alcock, July 4-5 ; 

green, emerald, properties and manuf., R. Gallovi^ay, Sep. 

" Hops, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 24-3; hydrogen manuf. ap. Dec. 

1-3 ; do. boiling point of, E. .J. Mills, Jan. 17-5 ; do. amaK 

gam, Molloy, 21ie Eng. Mar. 7-4. 
" Iodine, Ehrmann, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 5-4. 

" Laboratories, AVyandotte, Mich. Iron Age., Nov. 15-3 ; 
Paris School of Physics & Cheui. Sci. Am. Sup. June 28-4; 
wire ap. for, Hopkins, Sci. Am. Sup. June 13-5 ; Zurich, Feb. 
12; U. S., N. Y. pub. stores, Benjamin, Mar. 19-7; lab. 
refrigerators, Eng. Mar. 19-6. 

" Liquefaction, of, C. F. Cross, .SV). Am. Sup. Mar. 24-3. 

" Mancfs., alkali proc. Eng. July 8-7; micro-organisms, 
changes in relation to, Sci. Am . Sup. Apr. 25-5 ; det. of 
nitric acid in sol. of permanganate of potassium, Oct. 2-6. 

•' Oils, Japanese camphor, Oishi, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 24; 3 
Chinese fixed, R. II. Davies, May 9; essential, Aug. 8-5; of 
peppermint, Todd, Feb. 19-7. 

" Organic subs., series of, Sohnurrer, Sci. Am. Sup. July 
12-4; oxygen production by Brin"s proc. Dec. 10-7. 

" Paraffin, fusion point, Eng. Apr. 23-6. 

" Perfumes, flowers used in, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14; and es- 
sential oils, Naudin, Oct. 13-3 ; manuf., formulas for, Mus- 
kegon, Jan. 17-6 ; manual, Apr. 25-5. 

" Phosphates of Picardy, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 12-7; pig' 
meuts, J. M. Thomijson, Oct. 31-5. 


Chemistry, Poisons, antidotes for, chemicals used in mamrfs. 
EiKj. News, Dec. 11-6. 

" Pkogkess, Fran. Inst. .Scp.-6; Ko^coc, Sci. Am. Sup. Xov. 
1-i; Bolton, June 19-6. 

" Refract(-.:\ietee, Bertrand's, Si'i. Am. Snp. .Jul}' 3-6. 

" Saccharine, sweet coal-tar product. Fahlberg, Sri. Am. 
Sup. Xov. 12-7; do. inv. of, Kcniseu, ioiv.iH. Feb.-7 ; salt, 
manuf., Middleborough, Bell, Sri. Am. Sup. Oct. 1-7 ; salt- 
petre, sources. Lock, Feb. 13-6; science, Brit. Assoc, Glad- 
stone, Oct. 27-3 ; silver deposition on glass, F. L. James, 
Nov. 20-4; soaps, medicated, J. V. Shoemaker, Aug. 22-5; 
do. toilet, manuf., C. A. "W right, Dec. .5, 12-5 ; soap Imbbles, 
Kucker, Feb. .5-7 , soda, manuf. bj- ammonia proc, Kcebig, 
July 12-4; do. sulphite, Boake, Feb. 1.3-6: do. nitrate, Chil- 
ian, manuf. Aug. 21-6; soda ash revulviug furnace, Sep. 
13-4; sodium proc, Castncr, ilactear, May 21-7; do. Frrxn. 
Inst. Juue-7. 

" Soi-rBiLiTY of cliemicals in water, table, Sci. Aui. Sup. Dec. 
20-4; solution, nature, tlicdry of, Pickering, Feb. 12-7; 
sugar, centrif. extractor>, Gib<i>n. Oct. 1-7; suli^hur, Aug. 
11-3; do. i-xtraction of, Vincent, May 10-4; do. occurrence 
and extractiim. Lock, Aug. 30-4. 

" Tanxic acui, det. in tauniug materials, Darton, *■(. Am. 
Sup. Sep. 12-.5; tannin, sources, Fnm. Inst. June-7 ; do. 
Kendall, ,SV(. Am. Sup. Feb. 7-5; do. Trimble, July 10-7; 
toning baths. Ashman, Dec. 13-4; urine anal. Sep. 17-7. 

" "Wall paper, test for, Locom. June-7; water, oxygenated, 
Ebell, Sri. Am. Sup. July 4-5; water-proofing, cupro- 
ammonium sols, for, paper and veget. tissues, July 5-4: 
rainwater, chlorine in, Feb. l'.'-7; wines, coloration of, 
Cazeneuve, July 10-6 ; A\hite lead, Ijy sublimation, Fn;/. Sep. 
4-5; wks., of AVidues, Nov. 2-3; do. Flint. Sep. 26-4; do. 
Addinell, Sei3. 4-5. 

Ciiesbrougii, Ellis S., por. Fuij. Xevs. Aug. 21-6; Snn. Fu<i. 
Aug. 26-6: por. Sri. Am. Sup. Oct. 9-6. 

Chevreul, El'gene, por. Sri. Am. Sup. Sep, IS: interview 
Nov. 27-6. 

" Michel E., por. Sri. Am. Sup. Nov. 1-4. 


Chicago, pub. wks. Eng. Xews, Oct. 20-3 ; do. rep. May 30-5; 
growth in 50 j'ears, Iron Age, Mar. 17-7 ; main drainage and 
supply, map, Am. Eng. Feb. 9-7 ; growth of trade and pop. 
My. Ga~.. Feb. 19 ; pork packing, Xov. 19-6 : do. in A\'est, 
Apr. 29-7; foundations, Laurie, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. C-6 ; 
trade, 'SC, rep. The Eng. July 8-7. 

Chili, trade with TT. S., Iron Age. Aug. 16-3 ; May 7, June 2.5, 
Aug. 20-5 ; trade, Apr. 1 ; developments in, Sep. 9-6. 

Chimneys, high, sizes, Kent, Eng. Xews, Dec. 27-J:; construct., 
H. F. Mills, Mar. 13 ; Bancroft, Mar. 29, June 21 ; July 19 ; 
leveling, AVilber, Aug. 9-4 ; July 11 ; Pac. and Merrimac 
mills, Lawrence, Mass., H. F. Mills, July 18; ,St. Eollox, 
Glasgow, Bancroft, July ■2:>; tall, Bancroft, Sep. 12, Oct. 
31; do. June 13, Aug. 22, Xov. 14, Dec. 26; X. Y. steam 
Co., July 18-5 ; climber, Aug. 28 ; draught, dimens. Oct. 2, 

" High, Iron Age, jMay 8 ; draught gauge,June 19 ; construct. 
Mar. 27, Apr. 17, Nov. 13-4; sizes, table, Jan. 29, " crinoline," 
Cambria Iron Co., "^Vebb, July 9 ; Aug. 13-5 ; highest, Feb. 
11 ; staging, novel, Juue 24-6; construct., Karr, Apr. 7-7. 

" High, construct., H. F. Mills, Jlech. Mar. 22, Apr. 12 ; May 
3; Xov.-4; do. ioco«j. draught gauge, Loeom ; do. Meek. 
June 14-4 ; sizes, table, Kent, Jan ; climbing, Feb ; table, 
Aug; "crinoline," Cambria Iron Co., Johnston, Pa., G. 
"VVebb, Sep.-5 ; climber, ]Srov.-5. 

" High, sizes, Kent, Am. Eng. Nov. 28-4; factory, Apr. 1.5: 
staging, Coggin, June 3 ; circular, Mechernicli, near Cologne, 
J. M. "Wood, Sep. 1-6 ; do. San. Eng. Sep. 2-6 ; climbing ap. 
Oct. 1-5; draught. Van Xost. Jan; dimens. of, Pinzger, 
Sep.-3; construct., Seddon, 0ct.-4; do. Bancroft, Aug.-5. 

*' High, draught, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 27-.3 ; climlijng and 
straightening, Sanderson's meth. Aug. 9-4; Mechernich 
circular, "Wood, Sep. 2.5-6 ; Karr, Jan. 29 ; distillery, 
Schmidt, Dec. 10-7; construct, iocoiii. Aug.-4; tall, table, 
Jan.-5 ; stability of, June-6 ; N0V.-7. 

" High, laddering, Eng. May 13-7 ; at Bradford, fall of, Apr. 
20-3 ; do. The Eng. Feb. 9-3 ; sizes, table, Kent, Aug. 28-5 ; 
Mechernich circular, Cologne, Ger., J. M. Wood, Sep. 3-6. 

42 CHINA. 

China, Chinese wts. and measures, E)ig. Xevjs, Sep. 29-3 ; and 
Japan, Eys. in, Oct. 17-.5 ; first Ey. -Jan. 9 ; I! y. c-onstruet. 
May 29-6; engineering enterprises in, Aug. ij, Sep. 17-7; 
prog, in, Iron Aijr, Aug. .30; U. S. trade with, in "82. Sep. 20, 
20, 27 ; measures, foot rule, Sep. 20-3 ; metallurg}-, Aug. 14- 
4; musie, wts. and measures, origin, Jan. 8 ; trade, Aug. 
1.3, Sep. 17-5; do. U. S. with. Dee. 9-6; Ky. locom., first, 
3Iech. Dec.-4; music, wts. and measures, origin, Jan; Ey., 
first, Xov.-o; iron foundries and rice jjan eastings, Dee.-4: 
do. T'(!« iVbsJ. Oet.-i; do. Clu-in, Xen-g ; Eys. in, 7?«. frffi. 
Sep. 2.5-5 ; and Jaimn, scientific prog, in, Sri. Am. .S'«/j. July 
7-.3 ; Xorth, Kaiping Colliery, Eng. Xov. 27-5 ; Ey. develop- 
ment. The Eng. .Jan. 15-6. 

ChroxO(tRA1'H regulator, Eng. Dec. 24-6. 
CixciNXATi bd. of pub. wks. rep. Eng. Xev}S, July 7-3. 
(_'ITIES. Spc also names of do. 
" EXGLI.SII and Am., pop. and debt, Eng. Xe\rs, Jan. 10-5; 
Am. pop. growth, Jan. 1.5 ; munic. pub. wks., Appleton, July 
2 ; traffic growth, Oct. 15-7. 

" EUROi'E, of, and U. S., Iron Age, Feb. 1-3 ; commercial, law 
of growth, June 4-5 ; Am. pop. growth, Hering, n. >Iar. 17- 
7; Europe and U. S. Mech. Feb. 3-3; pops., U. S., F. A. 
AValker, Am. Eng. Mar. 20-5; cab and carriage service. Hi/. 
Gdz. Aug. 31-3; and water transport, between Miss. r. and 
Lakes, June 24-7; of Europe, pop. Van Xost. Ai3r.-3; snow 
in, n. Apr.-6; traffic growth, ,S'f. My. Jour. Dec.-7; pops., 
Euroxje, Sci. Am. ,Su/i. July 28-3 ; do. The Eng. Apr. 13-3 ; 
Stat., Bazalgette, Jan. 18-4. 

Clark, Alvan, Electric. Sep.-7. 

Clocks. See also Chronograph. 
" Water, £"«(/. A>i';s, June 30-3 ; time measuring, hist. Apr. 
4-5; Indus., Conn., Jlcrh. Oct. C-3 ; and watches. Apr. 19-4; 
signal, Fran. Inst, ilar, Xov.-3; elec, contact maker, Mar.- 
6; do. Thomas, Electric. Jan; do. Stone, June-3 ; do. horol- 
ogy, Terry, Mar, May, Juue-5 ; do. Synchronous Time Co., 
Boston, Oct.-6. 

" Electric, and teleg. circuits, Buell, Elec. Mev. May 19 ; do. 
synchronized, E. sys., Standard Time Co. May 24; do. do. 
X. Y. .July 26 ; do. Xov. 29-3 ; do. Feb. 14, Oct. 25 ; do. set- 
ting mechanism, Kettell's, Oct. 2.5-4. 

CLOCKS. 43: 

Clocks, Electeic, EUc. Bev. July 18-5 ; self-winding, Oct. 16- 
6;Auburn, Sep. 10 ;watchman's, Nov. 26; elec. Dec. 24-7. 

" Electric Time Distrib., H. L. Bailey, Elec. World, July 
18 ; elec. watch, Nov. 28-5 ; do. contact maker, Apr. 24 ; do. 
sys., Warner, May 29 ; do. self-winding. Pond, July 24 ; do. 
Tabony time register, Oct. 16-6 ; do. Holcombe's sys. May 

" Spherical, French, 17th cent. Sci. Am. Sup. July 21-3 ; 
Chehab's hydr. Sep. 13 ; water, or clepsj^dra, Dec. 20-4 ; do. 
Magnus, Mar. 21-5; and watches, watch without hands, 
June 19 ; elec, pendula propul.. Van der Weyde, July 31-6. 

" Electric Signal, G. W. Blodgett, Sor. Arts, Nov. 23-2 ; 
turret, Lucknow, Benson, Eng. Aug. 28-5 ; at Eoyal Court 
of Justice, The Eng. Dec. 21-3 ; horology at Inv's. exhib. 
Aug. 14, Oct. 30-5. 

Cloth Measuring and Marking Machine, Sci. Am. Sup^ 
Feb. 6-6 ; plaiting do. June 6-5 ; pressing and tentering do. 
Mar. 14-5 ; stretching, do. Sep. 8-3 ; do. Birch's, Mar. 27-6. 

Coal, dust fuel, Eng. Xetrs, Ai^r. 7-3 ; spontan. combust, in 
mines, Durand, Mar. 8-4; in China, May 1.5-6 ; Am. coals, 
calorific value, Oct. 16-6 ; mine pits, Dortmund, Tomson, 
Nov. 5 ; mine shaft, Demer K. Dec. 3 ; stocking, Dodge, Dec. 

" Alabama, and iron in, Hunt, Iron Age, Mar. 8; prod., Grt. 
Brit. Mar. 29 ; do. U. S. Apr. 12 ; spontan. combust. Apr. 26 ; 
formation, De Saporta, May S ; coke Indus. May 17 ; bitum., 
evap. power of, July 5, Aug. 16; slack mach. Aug. 30; 
coke from, porosity, xVug. 30 ; coking, Jameson proc Oct. 

" Coke Ovens, Jameson, Iron Age, Feb. 28 ; Jlonongahela 
district, Apr. 17 ; Bufl'alo trade, July 3 ; ovens, Hoffman, 
Nov. 6; and iron fields of South, Dec. 11-4; coke, spec, 
grav. Jan. 1 ; and iron ore product, Ohio, Apr. 23 ; calorific 
value of. May 14 ; anthracite and bitum. compared. Ma}' 21 ; 
spontan. combust. July 9 ; mining, Belgium, Sep. 10 ; coke, 
test of flat-top, Sep. 17 ; do. Tenn. Sep. 24; handling mach., 
Cleveland, Oct. 8; washing mach., Bell-Eamse}', Oct. 22; 
coke manuf . Oct. 15, 22 ; coke in Penn. Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Dec. 
3; bitum. tests, Dec. 17; fields. No. Car. Dec. 31-5. 

44 COAL. 

Coal, Elevator, and ore, Columbus, O. Iron Age, Mar. 25; 
and Iron Co., Dayton, Apr. 1 ; and iron ore, Ala., English 
capital in, Apr, 22; prod., Grt. Brit. Apr. 22; and iron land^, 
Jonesboro, Ala. Maj'20-6; barges vs. schooners, .Jan. G; 
Duluth trade. Mar. 3; authra., cost of mining. Mar. 24; 
prod., U. S. in '8(>, June 30; mining, in 111. Dec. 1; do. 
mach., Benson, Dec. 1.5; coke furnaces. Southern, Dec. 1.5; 
stocking and reloading. Dodge, Dec. 22-7. 

" EcON. UTIL. of, 31pdi. May 111; prod., U. S. 'S2, May 20; 
slack mach. Aug. 2.3-3; breaker, anthracite, Drifton, Pa. 
May 10, 24-4:; anthra. and bitum., navy dept. rep. June; 
mach.. Stand. Derrick Co. Sep; do. Bell, Nov; heating 
power of English, Kestner, Dec.-5 ; stocking and reloading. 
Dodge, I)ec.-7. 

" Haulage mach. Am. Eng. Sep. 12-4 ; mines, anthra., growth 
of product, June 12 ; evap. power of coals, table, June 20; 
mine hoisting eng., Aulmann, July 30; anthra. tonnage in 
Penn., table. Am. Emj. files, middle of each month-5 ; U. S. 
prod. Feb. 2.") ; anthra., U. S. Mar. 2.5, Apr. 22 ; do. in Penn. 
July 21, Aug. IS, Sep. 22, Oct. 20, Xov. 24, Dec. 22-6 ; U. S. 
prod. '86, Aug. 17; anthra. Penn. Dec. 21-7. 

" EvAP. power op, table, .S'«». E)\(j. Feli. 19-7 ; mines, anthra., 
growth of capae. and prod. Hy. (r(i.z. May 29-5 ; pressing 
mach., Bietrix, July 10-6 ; prod. stat. July 8 ; trestles, Del. 
Lack. & West. E. July 22-7 ; preserv. from alteration on ex- 
posure to atraos., Poech, Van. Xnst. Sep-4 ; combust, under 
press. Sei).-5; combust., of, Kestner, Ity. iC Eng. Feb; 
U. S. prod., n. Mar; prod., Russia, Fay rep. Sep.-7: tar 
distil. Fran. Inst. Feb, Mar; t;ir constituents, Dec.-6. 

*' Mine, Zankerode, elec. locom. Sci. Am. Sii/i. 'Slur. 31; coke 
furnace, Seibel's, Apr. 21 ; recovery of volatile constituent^, 
proc, Lightfoot, Aug. 2.5; mines, elec. in, Bagot, Sep. 1.5-3: 
breaker. Am. May 24; Pyke, July 2ii ,• chem. and valuation 
of. Glover, Xov. 8 : coal-tar distil, ap. Xov. 22 : anthra. 
fields of Penn., Ashburuer, Nov. 22 ; incomplete combust, of 
gases, Dixon, Dec. 13; dust expts. near Xeuwkerchen, Ger., 
^y. Galloway, Dec. 20; coke ovens and by-product util.. 
Hoffmann's, Doc. 27-4. 

*' Staith, Butler's, Sci. Am. /S'hj). Jan. 10 ; origin and structure 
of. Mar. 21-5. 

COAL. 45 

Coal, boring mach., Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 30; cutting macli. and 
rope power, Bower, Feb. 13 ; mine fire-damp indie. Carle- 
ton's, Feb. 13 ; colie ovens, Aug. 7 ; mining, Sep. 2.5 ; Calvert, 
Xov. 27; coal-tar stm. vaporizer, Dec. 4-6; mine winding 
engs., Black Eock Coll. Apr. 16; combust. Oct. 22; coal-tar, 
saccharine product from, Fahll)erg, Nov. 12-7. 

" Am. Coals, character and effic. Shock, Locom. Jan; do. and 
evap. power, table, M. C. Meig's expts. Maj^-S ; waste, or culm 
util.. Price, Dec.-4 ; authra. and bitum. compared, navy 
dept. rep. July; combust. Nov.-o; U. S. prod., '8G, Ash- 
burner, Aug.-T ; coal-tar and colors derived from it, L. M. 
Xorton, Soc. Arts, Dec. ll-i ; mining, S. JI. Buck, Mar. 10-7. 

" Duties on, England, JEiig. Mar. 2; coke ovens, Sep. 21; do. 
manuf. Sep. 21 ; do. Jameson proc. Sep, 21, 28-3 ; coke 
ovens, Jameson, Jan. 11 ; coking and recovering bj^-products. 
Smith, Feb. 22 ; authra. breaker, Drilton, Pa. Feb. 22, Apr. 
11 ; distil, expts. Apr. 11 ; and iron in '83, June 27 ; coke 
ovens and by-products, Sep. 26, Oct. 10, 17, 31-4. 

" Spontaneous combustion, Eng. Jan. 30; export, England, 
Feb. 6 ; supply, England, Feb. 13 ; tips, Butler, Inv's exhib. 
May 1 ; coke, Simon-Canes proc. May 29 ; blast furnace coke, 
value of, May 15, June 12, 19; coking, bye-products in, 
"Watson Smith, June 19-5 ; dust fuel, July 9 ; gas tar burn- 
ing, Oct. 29; dust explosions, Nov. 26; consumption, Cal., 
table, Dec. 10; and coke, sulphur in, Dec. 24-6 ; raining, in 
Col. Jan. 28 ; do. Belgian, Oct. 21 ; do. explosives for, Oct. 
28 ; mine explosions, Tweddle, July 1 ; coke ovens, Bauer, 
Nov. 11-7. 

" Coke ovens, Jameson's, The Eng. Mar. 16 ; ^^■inding in deep 
shafts, Stokes, June 29, Julj'20, Aug. 10; colls., winding and 
pumping engs., Mariemont & Bascoup, Sep. 7-21-3; Doman 
mine, Hungary, Jan. 11 ; washing mach., Hall, Apr. 4, Aug. 
S ; wharf. Nine-elms, July 11 ; shipping mach., Westmacotts, 
July 25; English collieries, Aug. 22; recov. of bye-products, 
AVatson Smith, Oct. 10 ; do. from Hoffmann coke ovens. Otto, 
Oct. 10 ; coke ovens, Hoffmann's regenerator, Oct. 10 ; staith, 
Butler's. Nov. 21-4. 

" Hyde, hoist., Boston docks. The Eng. J'a.n.i); staiths, mov- 
able, Inv's exhib. May 22 ; districts of Ala., map, June 5, 19, 
July 3; washing mach., Shei3i)ard's, June 5; loading mach., 
Eigg's, Inv's exhib. July 3 ; borer, Acme &c. Oct. 23-5. 

iC, COAL. 

Xi:OAL, coll. tank locom., Jolcey, The Eng. Jan. 1.5 ; Brit, product, 

'8.5, n. Apr. 16-6 ; miue, and steel drum, Dagliah, Mar. 11 ; 

calorific value of, Oct. 21, Nov. 4, 11-7. 
Cocks, asbestos, Eng. Xevrs, Xov. 28-5 ; packed, Mech. Sep. -.5. 
£'uixs, value of foreign, Eng. Xeu-s, Jan. 31-5 ; Am., curious 

facts about, Iron Age, Oct. 2.5-3. 
Colombia, U. S. trade with. Iron Age, Apr. IG ; trade, Aug. 

Color Grinding Machine, French, Mech. Xov. 24-3 ; tests, Har- 

court, GrcA'ille, Sci. Am. Suji. Jan. 8-7. 
CdMBixu Maciis., Thompson's, Sci. Am. Sti/i. Apr. 5-4: ; Heil- 

mau's cotton do., Dobson's imp. in, Mar. 21-5. 
Commodities, average prices of, for 40 years, Kimball, i'/'-u/y*. 

Concretemixer, Sooysmith, Eng. Xewa, Dec. 6-4:; Mar. .5-7; 

Caldwell, St. By. Gaz. June-7 ; Carey, Eng. July 3-5. Sl'c 

also Cements. 
CONSL'LAR reports. The Eng. flies Jan.-Dec.-7, itc. 
Cooper, Peter, por. Iron Age, Apr. 5-3 ; and first locom. 7?;/. 

Gaz. Apr. 1.3-3 ; por. Elec. Her. Apr. 12-3. 
Cork, mechan. properties. Iron Age, May 20 ; do. apijlic. of, Aug. 

2G-6 ; do. Van Xost. Oet.-O ; do. Katiire ; "\V. Anderson, Sri. 

Am. iSiiji. Aug. 14-6; Feb. 12; and life saving applies. Apr. 

23-7 ; mauuf ., Good, Pr-/-. Sci. M. Sep.-7. 
Cotton, crop, U. S. Iron Age, Sep. 13-3; compress. Sep. Is— t ; 

Si). Gaz. Sep. 24-6; Centen. expos., X. Orleans, Fran. Inat. 

" Mule, self-acting. Lees, Oldham, Sci. Am. Sup. July 28-3; 

mills, waste in, July 25-5 : do. Wadi'S F. & Fah : spinning, 

Taylor, Sci. Ain. Sup. Xov. 21 ; balling mach., Coates", Dee. 

5-5; thread manuf., England, Aug. 6; opener, press and 

puller, Manchester exhib. Oct. 8-7; chem. of, Sue. Arts, 

Xov. 8-3 ; fibre, Pray, Apr. 10-4. 
" Textile Mach., Inv's exhib. £«(/. June 5, 12; mills. Am. 

losses in hooping, etc. Aug. 21-5 ; explosions, Apr. 8-7 ; 

press, Morse's, The Eng. Apr. 17 ; baling press, Cummins', 

July 24-5 ; mach., Manchester exhib. June 17 ; press, comp. 

stm. and hydr., Egypt, Turner, June 24; carding, preparing, 

scutching and spinning mach., roving and slubbing frames 

and self-acting mules, in Manchester, Oct. 21-7. 
" Seed oil manuf. Eng. July 10-5. 


Cranes and Derricks, boom derrick, Eiuj. News, Jan. 13, 20 ; 
30 ft. hand derrick, Appletou, Mar. 10-3; 20-ton block setter, 
India, May 15-6; 100-ton floating, Atlas, Jan. 15-7. 

" Yale, Iron Age, Feb. 15 ; do. 4-ton power walldng, Mar. 8 ; 
15 and 25-ton traveling, Box, May 3 ; Aug. 9, 16-3. 

" Weston-Capen, Yale, 3Iech. Feb. 10; 4-ton do. Mar. 10; 
trav.. Box, Apr. 28; Towne, Aug. 4, 11-3; as labor saving 
maehs., Applebj^, Mar. 8; Dujour, Apr. 26; 60-tou, Eotter- 
dam. May 3; Eidgeway, 0ct.-4; 20-ton elec., Farcot, St. 
Owen, France, Sep.-5. 

" Traveling, AValker's, Am. Eng. Apr. 4-4 ; trav. transfer, 
Lowe sys. May 27-6; trav. derrick, Equit. bu., N. Y. San. 
Eng. Jan. 22 ; derricks, builders and contractors eng. plant, 
Jan. 29 ; do. Croton aqued. Sep. 17-7 ; do. Court H., Boston, 
fall of, Eng. & Bu. Bee. Nov. 19-7. 

" Yale, By. Gaz. Feb. 29; do. 6-ton hand trav. Feb. 29, Aug. 
8-4; do. pillar yard. Mar. 25-7; French trav. By. & Eng. 
Oct-7 ; Fran. Inst. Aug.-3. 

" Derrick, 30-ft. hand, Appleton, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14-3 ; 
construct, and use, Towne, Mar. 27 ; masonry, Nov. 1-4 ; 2.5- 
ton stm., Abouehofi" steel wks., St. Petersburg, Apr. 18; 98- 
ft. Bonnet's, Dec. 26-5; elec. May 22; 10-ton stm. Goliah, 
T. Smith, des. Sep. 18-6. 

" Steam, 20-ton, Chaplin, Eng. Jan. 19 ; and traction eng. Julj' 
20 ; hydr., Bess. steel wks. Sep. 28-3 ; 60-ton, Eotterdam, Apr. 
11; trav.. Fielding, June 13-4; and grab. Coles, luv's exhib. 
May 1-5 ; stm. trav., do. Sep. 17 ; 30-ton stm. coaling, Troon 
har. Apr. 2 ; 50-ton, Eoker pier wks., Sunderland, Oct. 8-6 ; 
15-tou floating, Buch, Apr. 1 ; 50-ton do.. Tilbury docks. 
Hunter, Apr. 8; "all round" Titan, Eansomes, Sep. 10; 
25-ton, Nov. 4-7. 

" Traveling, 10-ton, Cape Town har. wks. The Eng. Jan. 26 ; 
power for dock estates, Maginnis, May 18-3 ; 40-ton hydr., 
Portsmouth dockyard, Jan. 4 ; 14-ton stm. portable. May 16 ; 
hydr. overside, Aug. 1 ; movable, Cardiff docks, Aug. 8 ; 
150-ton, Abouchoff steel wks. Oct. 31, 31-4. 

'•' Hydr., Buenos Ayres port. The Eng. Feb. 6; 35-ton stm., 
Abouchoff steel wks. Feb. 27; Wrightsou's for Bess, casting 
pits, June 5 ; hydr. June 12 ; crab, overhead, Appleby's, 
June 26-5. 


Cranes, 40-ton floating, Stettin liar. The Eny. Jul}' .3 ; 1.5-ton 
forge, Abbott, eng. Sep. 4; Thwaite's hoisting and travers- 
ing, Oct. 23 ; stm. derrick and cxcav., Stothert, eng. Nov. 20 \ 
Eapier's pendulum titan, Nov. 13-5. 
•' Hi'DK., wareliousf, The Entj. Sep. 24; do. AVoohvich, Oct. 1 ; 
.50-ton floating, Tilburj' dock, Oct. 29; 100-ton do., Arm- 
.strong, Dec. 3-6; traversing warehouse, Thwalte, Feb. 4; 
20-ton floating, Appleby, Apr. 2U ; trav., Paris, Lyons & Jled. 
Ey. Apr. 29, Sep. 9; 3-ton trav., 50 ft. span, Sep. 9-7. 

Cream, separating indus. in Scandinavia, Eng. Oct. 2S ; separa- 
tors, centrif., Scand. Nov. .5, 18, Dec. 2-7; do. mechan. stm. 
and hand power. The Enrj. Apr. 22 ; scp. mach., Victoria, 
Oct. 21-7. 

Cp.egier, DeWitt C, por. St. By. Gaz. Apr.-6. 

CeejiatORIuji, and furnace, at Butt'alo, N. Y. San. Eng. JIar. 
4; fur. for annual refuse, .John Hopkins hos.. Bait. July 
15-6; crera., Lancaster, Feb. 20-7; at Wimborue Minstei, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 9-4. 

Cricket Scorer, Paget, Eng. July 29-7. 

Crtrtogkapiiv, Eng. Xci's, Sep. 11, Oct. 2-6. 

Cuba, Iron Age, July 9 ; and Spanish Col. -July, Oct. S-5 ; indus- 
tries, Dec. 1-7. 

Cuban KECirROCiTY treaty. Iron Age, Dec. 11-4; furnaces, 
ilar. 12-5. 

Cyphers, crj'ptography, Beaufort sys. Eng. Xeics, Sep. 11 ; Oct. 

Dakota names, Eng. Xevs, Sep. 22-3. 

Dams, masonry, of world, typical. The Eng. ilar. 11, lS-7; Car- 
illon, Que., Ottawa r. and canal, Bell, Eng. Xeics, Mar. 17-3 ; 
do. Sci. Am. Su/i. Jlay 12-3 ; Cliagres dam, Eng. Xeirs, July 
30-7 ; coffer, balanced floating, for water pipe repairing, 
Belmont main, Phil., Kinder, Jlirh. Oct.-5 ; construct., de- 
fective, Eng. Xrics, June 6-5; Davis Is., Ohio r., >[artin, 
ilay 15-6 ; do. /SV-('. Am ; mud pond, E. Lee, ilass. Eng. 
Xcii:.s, May 8-6; Gileppe r., Verners, Belgium, Grugnola, 
Dec. 2.5-6; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 22-3; high masonrj', com- 
puting strains in, Gould, Van A'.isf. Apr.-4. 
■' HOLYOKE, Mass. Am. Eng. Oct. 1.5-5: do. repairs to, ,S'<(/(. 
Eng. Dec. 17-5; do. Van Xn.^t. Apr.-6 ; do. Eng. Oct. 1-6;. 
do. preserv. The Eng. May 14-6. 

DAMS. 49 

Dams, Ingersoll, Ont., broken, Eng. News, Apr. 9-7; Kanawha 
r. Nov. 20-6; stone, Mechaniesville, N. Y. Oct. 18-4; Mit- 
tersheim reservoir, siphon weir of. Mar. 14-5 ; Montreal flood 
dykes, Oct. 1-7. 
" Quaker bridge, Croton aqvied., N.Y. water supply, specs. 
Eng. Xews, Apr. 12-4 ; Dec. 5-5 ; and reservoir, rep. Feb. 20, 
27-6; Feb. 19, Mar. 5, Dec. 24-7; Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 11-6. 
" Reservoir, of world, Gravell, Sci. Am. Sup. May 28-7; do. 
The Eng. Mar. 11, 18-7; retaining, Wetzmann, Grueber^ 
Eng. yeirs, June 5-6. See also under names of do. 
" SuRESNES, at, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 13-4; Sweetwater, and 

irrig. experience in So. Cal. San. Eng. June 4-7. 
" VlLLAR MASONRY, Lozoya r., Manby, San. Eng. Mar. 15-3 ; 
do. The Eng. Apr. 13-3 ; Vyruwy, do., Liverpool water sup- 
ply, Eng. XeiDs, Jan. 30-6 ; do. San. Eng. Jan. 28, Dec. 25-6 ; 
do. Eng. Jan. 8-6 ; do. The Eng. Feb. 5, June 4-6 ; do. Jan. 
7, 14, 28-7. 

Decoration, Garesche, Sci. Am. Sup. June 18-7. 

Denny, Wm., por. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 30-7. 

Deprez, Marcel, por. Sci. Am. Sup. June 16-3. 

Deveredx, John, por. i?j/. Gaz. Apr. 2-6. 

Diamonds, So. Africa, Iron Age, May 28-5. 

Distilling Ap., Egrot's, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 2-4. 

Docks. See Harbor Eng. 

Door Spring, hydr., Stevens, Eng. Mar. 6-5. 

Drainage, of valley of Mex., Garay, Eng. Xews, July 7-3 ; 
drains, ordinary, Norwich, Coun. Aug. 15 ; h.. Coney Is. 
Sep. 19, Oct. 3; in 111. Dee. 19-5; Boston, Jan. 16; do. 
Mystic r. valley, rep. Jan. 23 ; canals. 111. Feb. 20 ; and ven- 
til., h., De Vinne Press, Mar 6; tile and open ditch drains, 
capac. of, I. O. Baker, Sep. 4; 111. Oct. 30; City of Mexico, 
Nov. 6-6 ; of valley and City of Mexico, July 16-7. 
" Land, engs. for, Iron Age, Mar. 24; pump, screw, Dutch, 
May 19 ; of fens and lowlands by stm. power, Wheeler, June 
23 ; scoop-wheels. Deeping Fen, England, Aug. 25-7. 
" Pond, Fort, expts.. So. West Ga. Mech. Aug.-4; Boston 
main, wks. Dec.-5; of large marshes, Hollister, Am. Eng. 
Feb. 1-4 ; agric, Hartford, Feb. 27-5 ; V. S. Mar. 9, 16-7 ; of 
large marshes, Hollister, Van Nost. Oct.-4; Commission, 
Mass., rep. May; mach., Po valley, n. June-6. 


Drainage, of large marshes, Hollister, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 22-4: 
in 111. .Jan. 23 ; reclamation of lake Copals, Aug. 21-6 ; pump, 
Dutch screw, .June 4 ; imp. of fen districts by scouring, dredg- 
ers and water transport, power, W. H. Wheeler, Dec. 17-7. 

" Sluices, Lough Erne wks. Eng. Sep. 19-4; of H. of Parlia- 
ment, Shone, Feb. 4; arterial, in Ire. June 10-7; sluices, 
Lough Erne, The Say. Sep. 19, sup. Oct. 10, 10-4; reclam. 
of L. Copais, Jul}' 9-6 ; of IL of Parliament, Feb. 4 ; of fens 
and low lands by stm. power, AVheeler, Feb. 4-18, Mar. 4, 2.5. 
Apr. 8, 15, June 3, 17, Nov. 18 ; wks., Ballyteigne, Ire. Apr. 
29; do. Newhaven, July 29; of fens, etc. Aug. 5, Sep. 2, 
Oct. 7, 21, 28-7. 

Draper, Henry, Sri. Am. Sup. Mar. 10; por. Apr. 7-3. 

Drawing Frame, rotary (fibre) Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 23-6. 

Drawing, reproduction, blue print proc. Eng. yens. May 5 : 
preserv. sys., O. Smith, Aug. 4-3 ; India ink, Ajjr. 5 ; map, 
photo-coi)}-ing, !Min. of Pub. wks., France, June 28 ; conven- 
tional colors, Haupt, July 5 ; blue and black proc. reprod. 
Aug. 9, 30; So. West Ga., Fort, Nov. 1-4. 

" El'LER, adjust, curve, Eng. .Yp?'/s, Mar. 28; mach. topog. 
Aug. 22; print proc. on ^xhite ground, Shancross, Haig. 
Nov. 28-.5 ; reprod. heliography, or actinic copying, Thwaite, 
Nov. 27 ; for reprod. (electrotype proc.) Dec. 11 ; reprod. 
black proc. Dec. 25-6 ; bd. and blue print frame, Feb. 19 ; 
map reduction, photogi-aphic, Ajjr. 2 ; pantagraph, Gieseler, 
Nov. 26; standard section lining. Van '\^eck, Dec. 31-7. 

" Peprod., printing on white ground. Iron Age, Nov. 19-5 ; 
black proc. do. June 10-6 ; office, l>lue print file, Jlech. May 
5 ; blue proc. June 23 ; reversed do. Sep. 22 : instruments. 
Gardam, Oct. 20; photo, reprod. of, Townsend, Oct. 27. Nov. 
10, 17-3; office sys., Towne, Jan. 28, July; Bergner, Dec.-4; 
duplicating, n. Richards, Nov.-.5 ; blue prints, July, Oct.-6 ; 
standard section lining. Van Vleck, Dec.-7. 

" Workshop, Ottewell, Am. Eng. Nov. 7. 21-4; instruments, 
comcograph (ellipse dr. ttc), Campbell, Dec. 1-6 ; black 
proc. reprod. Mar. 1(5-7; mechan. Hij. G-ds. Feb. 23-3; black 
on white ground proc. Nov. 6-5 ; paper clip, ilay 21-6 ; 
draughtsmen, Mar. 11 ; blue proc. reprod. July 8-7 : ellipso- 
graph, Fran. Inst. Oct.-6 ; school, Fran. Inst. rep. June-7. 


Drawing, Large blue print ap., Parsons, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 
26 ; pantograph and beam compass, MacCord, Feb. 16 ; reprod. 
by elec. ap., Schmid's, Nov. S-4 ; map and plan copying, blue 
proc. etc. Jan. 24; instrum. for ellipses and hypers.. Honey, 
May 23; blue lines proc. Haig, Nov. 7; do. R. W. Jones, 
Nov. 7; curve lustrum., MacCord, Feb. 27, Apr. 3; ellipses, 
Aug. 7-6 ; instrum. for curves, Jan. 1 ; blue pr. copying, etc. 
Feb. 19 ; do. Mar. 19 ; actinic heliography, Thwaite, Mar. 
12-7; do. The Eng. Dec. 17,24-6; blue proc. formulas, iocom. 
Jan.-5 ; motion, Batchelor, Eng. July 4-4. 
Dredging Mach., "Hercules," Pan. canal, Eng. JVetas, Feb. 3-3 ; 
on the Tees, Fowler, Apr. 5 ; marine, Pan. Canal Co. Apr. 5 ; 
suspended. Hall, Aug. 2 ; bucket, Both, Aug. 2 ; Coney Is., 
N. Y. Dec. 6-4; Bruce, Jan 24; Atlas, Jan. 31-5 ; ap. for 
shaft sinking, Mar. 6; dumping scow, Barney, Mar. 20; 
Flood rock. Mar. 20, June 19 ; Robinson, Dec. 4 ; and excav., 
single-chain, Jessop, Dec. 11-6 ; self penetrating grapple, 
Feb. 19 ; appliances, Webster, July 16, 23-7. 

" Recent imps, in. Iron Age, Dec. 16-6; operations and appli- 
ances, Webster, Mar. 31, and excav. hoisting and conveying 
mach., Brown, Apr. 28-7; Oakland har., Cal. Mech. May 
24^4; Osgood excav. Am. Eng. Feb. 27-5; Badger pump- 
ing, Jan. 28-6; Jessop's single-chain excav. Jan. 12; hydr.. 
Hunt, Aug. 3-7 ; builder's and contractor's eng. plant, imps. 
San. Eng. Dec. '25-6; dumping scows. Jan. 1-7; Potomac 
flats plant, Eng. & Bu. Bee. Oct. 8 ; Lockwood, Cape Cod 
Canal, Nov. 5-7 ; Dunbar, By. Gaz. Nov. 13 ; Osgood, Nov. 
20; stm. excavs.. Am. and English, Dec. 25-5; for Suez 
canal, Nov. 4-7. 

" Meinesz's COJIP. air ap. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 22 ; marine, 
for port of Colon, Apr. 5-4; Gabert's revolving excav. Jan. 
31; Am., on Pan. canal, Feb. 14; Osgood mammoth excav. 
Apr. 11 ; Am. Spoon & Hercules, July 18-5 ; Demange's 
excav. Feb. 13 ; Jacquelin do. Sep. 18-6 ; Gatmell do. Aug. 

" Weak r. comp. engs. and boilers, Eng. Jan. 12, 26, Feb. 23, 
Mar. 16 ; i . and canal, Priestman, Feb. 16 ; Smith's hydr. 
Aug. 10 ; twin screw, Nov. 23-3 ; Hall's suspended, July 4 ; 
ops., Oakland bar., Cal. July 11-4; Powell's mud receiver 
and hydr. lift, Jan. 2 ; hydr., Burmah, Bruce sys. June 12 ; 
Dunbar stm. navvy, Ruston, Aug. 21, 28-5. 


Dredging Mach., twin screw, New Zeal. Encj. June 11 ; Royal 
Albert docks, Aug. 13-6; Jan. 7; stm. excav., Osgood 
Dredge Co. Feb. 11; excav., Gatmell, Feb. 18; Webster, 
Mar. 4; twin screw hopper "Pholas," Bombay, June 24; on 
Clyde r., C. A. Stejihenson, Aug. 12, Sep. 9-7. 
" Geab-bdcket, Priestman, eng. The Eng.'Feb.^; Sep. 21 ; 
Smith's hydr. Nov. 23-3 ; excavs., Pan. canal, Weyher, eng. 
July 11-4; Melbourne har., sup. Oct. 16, 30, Nov. 13, 20, 
20-5 ; Priestraan's, for Brazil, Sep. 10-6 ; Osgood excav. 
Jan. 7; Bristol, Jan. 7; engs. commission, "Dolphin,"' Jan. 
14, 21 ; and dredging lower estuary Clyde, C. A. Stephenson, 
Aug. 12 ; Hari-ison's scouring, for fen drains and rivers, Oct. 

Drills, rock, Brandt, Eng. .Veics, Feb. 9-4; press., Eberhardt, 
Mech. Jan.-6 ; rock, Halsej', Am. Eng. ^ov. 'Il-i; radial, 
Jan. 19-7; multiple. The Eng. Nov. 21-4; hydr., Steven- 
son's, May 13-7. See also Mining. 

Drilling Maciis., for Russian gov. Iron Age, Dec. 27-3 ; multi- 
ple, Feb. 3 ; hydr. portable, Toulon, France, Mar. 31-7; and 
slotting mach. Jlech. July 28, Aug. 11; do. Bement, Sep. S; 
Russian, Dec. 1-3; twist grinder, F. Smith, Feb. 2-4; port- 
able hydr., Toulon dock-yard, Fontaine, Eng. Feb. 11-7; 
hydr., Fontaine, The Eng. May G-7. 

Drying JIachs., removal of steam from, Blackman vapor pro- 
peller, Sci. .iia. Siiji. Dec. 18-6; kiln for cereal products, 
Tomkins, Eng. Oct. 24-4. 

DcsT, explosions, Eng. ^feirs, Nov. 7-5 ; do. Abel, Set. Am. 
Sup. Mar. 3, 10-3 ; and ashes. Fryer, San. Eng. July 9-7. 

Dyeing, colors, eflFect of light and soap on, Sci. Am. Snp. Nov. 
6-6 ; garment. Mar. 20-7. See also Chemistry', dy'eing. 

Dynamometers, portable, W-ale's, Iron Age, Aug. 7-4; Raftard, 
Feb. IS ; valve, Giddings, June 17-6 ; Ayrton, Mech. Feb. 10 ; 
balance, S. S. Webber, June 30; White, Durfee, Aug. 4-3; 
Puplus, Paris, Mar. 29, Apr; Rieter, July ; portable. Wale's, 
0ct.-4; Webber's balance, Aug.-6 ; traction. Fitch, Scp.-7 ; 
Tatham, Fran. Inst. Nov, Dec.-5 ; do. Nov.-6. 

" White, Electric. Nov.-5; Tatham, Elec. See. July 20-4: do. 
Dec. 12-5; balance, Lawrence mach. Aug. 21-6; Webl)'s 
elec. Elec. World, Sep. 10, 17-7 ; Ayrton's, ,S'c-i. Am. Svp. 
Feb. 17 ; Megy's totalizing, Mar. 17-3. 


Dynamometers, Puplus', Sci. Am. Sup. May 10; brake, Boar's, 
July 12-4; belt, Hefner des. Dec. 4-6; Silver & Gay and 
Euddick recording, 2 forms of, Hollerith. Soc. Arts, Nov. 

" Tatham, Eng. June 27-4; for cable laying, Lacoine, Feb. 
13-5; registering belt, Ganz, Sep. 10-6; flex, band, Unwiu, 
The Eng. Oct. 19-3; Bailey's power testing ap. Mar. 21; 
brake, Bear's, June 6-4; Tatham's, Deo. 25-5. 

Eads, James B., por. Eng. News, Apr. 16-7; do. Mech. Apr.-7; 
do. By. Gaz. Mar. 18-7; Hy. &Eng. Apr.-7; por. Sci. Am. 
Sup. May 7-7 ; Eng. Mar. 18-7. 

Eakth, figure of, Eng. News, Feb. 24-3 ; age. Proctor, n. Aug. 
30, mean temp, of world, Nov. 22-4 ; underground temps. 
Dec. 19-5 ; density, Sep. 10-7 ; temp., n. 3Iech. Nov.-5 ; do. 
underground, Fco* iVosJ. Apr, May-3 ; do. Nature; rotation, 
deflective effect of, Davis, Van Nost. Apr ; deflections, Ran- 
dolph, June, Dec.-3 ; rotation, effect of on bodies moving on 
surface, Oct.-3 ; figure of, Roberts, Mar.-5. 
" Terrestrial radiation, J. Tyndall, SrA. Am. Sup. Apr. 28 ; 
movements in Java, R. Proctor, Dec. 22-3 ; do. Feb. 9-4 ; 
mass, secular inc. of, Winchell, May 3 ; temp, in deep mines, 
H. Smith, Sep. 20-4; temp., mean, secular dec. of, Hiscox, 
Feb. 21 ; mean density det. June 6 ; Grotto of Gargas, Sep. 
26 ; underground temps., Prestwich, Nov. 28-5 ; do, Feb. 13- 
6 ; do. The Eng. Nov. 6-5 ; currents, Werustein, Sci. Am. 
Sup. June 19-6 ; pop. Locom. July-3. 

Earthquake, Seismological Soc. of Japan, Am. Eng. Jan. 16- 
30-5 ; elec. seisoscope clock, Elec. World, Mar. 12 ; Ewiug's 
seismograplis, July 9-7 ; Gray's recorder, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 
23-4 ; in Andalusia, May 2 ; seismograph, Cordenon's indie. 
May 9 ; Oct. 24-5 ; earthquakes, R. Thayer, Nov. 6-6 ; do. 
McGee, Jan. 15-7 ; earthquake in Essex, The Eng. May 2-4. 

Education, civil service exams., N.Y. muuic. Eng. News, Aug. 
7 ; French eng. school, L'ecole des Pouts et Chaussees, Aug. 
14-6; in civil eng., Waddell, Jan. 8; do. discuss. Jan. 22-7; 
tech. Cunynghame, Van Nost. Aug.-5 ; do. Sibley Coll. Jan.- 
6 ; the nation's great prob., Thurston, Oct.-6 ; tech. Fran. 
Inst. Nov.-S ; ed. ap., rep. Mar.-6 ; eng. course in tech. 
schools, Hutton, Elec. Mev. Nov. 26-7. 


Education, Huxley, Sci. Am. ,S'hj). Apr. 21-3; tech., in Am. 
July 19 ; natural sci. in scliools, H. E. Armstrong, Dee. 20-4 ; 
of engineers, Thurston, Sep. 18 ; in handicraft, Dec, 11-6 ; on 
continent, Arnold, Feb. 12; tech. training, Thurston, July 
ir.-7; illus. in Nuernberg Indus, exhib., Ordway, Soc. Arts, 
Feb. 8-3. 
EgyI'tian civilization, early, Selikovitsch, Fran. Inst. 3Iay-7. 
Electeic SehviCE Co., air pump, Elec. En. Nov. 20-6. 

" Annunc'iatoks, and fire alarm. Van Benschoten's, Elec. 
Wnrlcl, May 24-4. 

" Apparatus, Gramme mach., storage bat., dynamoes, ampere 
meter, Holtz mach., elec. lamps, Fran. Inst. >lar.-6 ; in sub- 
marine mines, H. L. Abbott, rep. Flee. liev. Oct. 4-3. 

" Art, Fran. Inst. May; art applies., rep. May; in U. S. pat. 
ofHce, May-6; do. hist., Kintner, Elec. World, May 15, 22-6; 
do. do. Sci. Am. Stij). June 5-6. 

" Balances, W. Thomson, Electric. Nov.-7. 

" Batteries. See also Elec. Storage Batteries. 

" Batteries, galvanic, cellulose for, Beehler, Jlech. Aug.-7 ; 
Bunsen cells, elec. mo. force and resist., Grower, Van Xi,st. 
Dec.-3 ; primary, Sy. & Eng. Oct.-7 ; and Fritts' selenium 
cells, Fran. Inst. Mar; rep. Apr.-5. 

" Batteries, Coppeioxide, Lalande, ^?ec«ric. Sep.-3 ; det. of 
elec. mo. force and internal resist, of. Hooper, Aug; rota- 
tive, Bazin, Sep.-5 ; voltaic action, theory of, J. Bnnvn, Feb ; 
reversible lead, and use for lighting, Fitz-gerald, May, July; 
medical, Piper, Aug.-7. 

" Batteries, Daniel cell, corrosion of copper plate in, Elec. 
Hev. Apr. 5 ; galvanic, Sep. 13-3 ; Daniel, elec. mo. force, Apr. 
10; medical, July 19, 20-4; and Fritts' selenium cells, Feb. 14; 
Bazin's rotating, .Vug. 1.") ; galvanic. Van der Weyde, Dec. 
2(5-5 ; Lathrop plunge, May 15 ; acid gravity, July 31 ; resist, 
galv., Farmer, Sep. 11 ; C & C motor, Nov. 13-6; chromic 
compounds, Apr. 9; chloride of silver, Barrett, Dee. 10-7. 

" Batteries, LaUmde-Chaperon, £?«-■. II orZrf, June 21-4; tests, 
Ajir. 18 ; Bazin's rotative, Hospitaller, Aug. 22-5; running 
down of, as influenced by performance of median, wk.. Lodge, 
Apr. 24; relative working value of bat. materials. Fitch, 
May 8 ; "Upward"" gas, for domestic lighting, July 17 ; open 
circuit, meths. of preventing deterioration of, Bogart, Aug. 
7 ; Eoberts' dry, Aug. 14-7. 


Electric Batteries, Lithanode, D. Fitz-Gerald, Met. World, 
Oct. 2; peroxide, I. L. Roberts, Oct. 9-6; elec. mo. force of, 
cals., Tommasi, Apr. 16-7. 

" Batteries, Nitric and Cliromic acid, J. T. Sprague, Sci. Am. 
iSry). Apr. 21 ; insulite sealed, June 23-3 ; cost of, Jan. 19 ; selen- 
ium pile elements manuf . Nov. 8 ; gas carbon, Franks, Nov. 
15-4 ; Fritts' selenium cells, June 6 ; Bazin's rotary pile, 
Oct. 10-5; expts. towards the animal bat. Aug. 28; Upward 
primary, Sep. 11-6 ; cellulose, Jan. 29-7. 

" Batteries, Paris Elec. exhib. i:ng. Apr. 3 ; and Fritts' selen- 
ium cells, Apr. 17-5 ; thermal, Aug. 13-6 ; water, June 24-7; 
currents, cost. The Eng. Nov. 30-3 ; running down of. Lodge, 
Feb. 5 ; fall of elec. mo. force with discharge, Higgs, Mar. 5 ; 
Lithanode, Fitz-Gerald, Oct. 29-6 ; for carbon consumption, 
Sep. 30-7. 

" Baton, Carpentier, Eny. Jan. 14-7. 

" Bleaching, textile fabrics of veget. fibre, Electric. July-3 ; 
Naudin, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 10-3 ; proc. Sep. 25-6. 

" Boat, Vienna Elec. exhib. J/ec7i. Nov. 24-3; stm. launch, 
"Electricity," Van'Nost. May-3; do. Reckenzaun, Maj'-i ; 
Trouve, Elec. Mev. Apr. 26-3; do. Feb. 19-7; submarine, 
Goubet, June 19-6 ; launch, Eng. July 20-3. 

" Brake, Ries', Elec. World, Mar. 5-7. 

" Bricks, generative. Electric. Feb.-3. 

" Brush contact and comp. switches, Hartwell, Eng. Oct. 21-7. 

" Chemical Eqdivs., table, Prescott, Electric. Jan.-6. 

" Chronometer for measuring speed of nervous impressions, 
D'Arsonval, Elec. World, July 23-7. 

" Circuits, inductive and conductive, Sprague, Van JSfost. 
Mar.-3 ; do. Electric ; divided, Arey, Electric. Dec.-5. 

" Clocks. See Clocks. 

" Club, N.Y., pro. Elec. Eev. Feb. 12 ; discuss., expts., Eicke- 
meyer. Mar. 12 ; pro. Apr. 30-7. 

" Color makingand fixing, Hummell, Elec. Bev. Aug. 15-5. 

" Communication without wires, X)oVo&a.r, Electric. Nov.-6; 
do. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 11-6. 

" Conductivity op metals. Iron Age, Nov. 19-5 ; tests, Weil- 
ler. May 12-7 ; table, Jlech. May-7 ; do. Weiller, Van Xost. 
Oct.-5 ; and alloys, table, do. Electric. Dec.-4. 


Electric Conductors, econ. size of, Am. Eng. Nov. 7-4 ; Preece, 
Van. Xost. Jan, July, Aug .-4 ; most econ. size. Hooper, Elm:- 
tric. Jul}'-4; overhead, hard-dra^vn copper wire as a, JIaver. 
May-5 ; sizes of , Bering, Feb ; atrial, heating by dec. cur- 
rents, J. G. White, Aug, Oct, Xov ; proportioning. Turner, 
N0V.-6 ; lead encased, D. Brooks, Jun.-7. 

" Conductors, wires, rep. Fran. Inst. Nov.-5 ; manuf., Elec. 
Bev. Aug. 23-3; most econ. size, June 14-4; profitable sec- 
tion for power trans., Eae, Elec. World, Dec. 19-5; lead- 
cased, Sci. Am. Sup. May 26-3 ; JoeFs meth. of laying, Enrj. 
Aug. 10; Dec. 14-3; Preece, TAe -£"«£(. Dec. 14-3 ; sectional 
area diagram, sup. Nov. 21, 21-4. 

" Conference, Nat. pro. Electric. Oct.-5 ; Elec. World, Sep. 
13-7; congresses of past. Oct. 4-2.5, Nov. 1, 8, 29-4; do. 
Phila. ,SV-;'. Am. Sitp. Oct. lS-4. 

" CONVEKTKR, Brown aut. Elec. Iter. Mar. 13-6. 

" Conveyors, and Lartigue"s light elec. Eys. Sci. Am. Sup. 
Nov. 22-4. 

*' Currents, i'«(/. Aci'-.s, Feb. 10-3 ; induction between wires, 
Preece, Dec. 18-6 ; and poten. indies., Kapp, JlecJt. May 17-4; 
inc. of adhesion by, Eies, By. Gaz. Aug. 19-7; induced, in a 
magnetic field, JIurdoek, Van Xost. July-3 ; personal safety 
with, Dolbear, Feb. -.3 ; self-induction and conductors, 
Hughes, July-6 ; traction adhesion for varying, Eies, By. 
& Eng. Sep.-7. 

"• Currents, energy of, Carhart, Electric. Aug.-4 ; measuring 
by galv. Hering, Jan.-5 ; measurement, Hosjjitalier, Mar: 
self-induction, Hughes, Apr, June- Aug; alternating, Deri, 
Sep.-6 ; alternating ap., power absorbed by, Jan ; self-induc- 
tion, coeff. J\lay ; alternating, distrib. by, Kennedy, jMay. 
July, Aug; do. E. Thomson, June; do. Slattery, Sep ; do. 
Stanley, S(»p ; do. max. wk. of, Kaj)p, Oct ; induction between 
wires, Preece, Nov. -7. 

" Currents, induction in cores, Heaviside, Elec. Bev. Aug. 9- 
4; protector, standard, Aug. 1-3; self-induction, Gerard, 
Apr. 2, 23 ; alternating, E. Thomson, June 4 ; do. disk galv., 
Fleming, June 11 ; dangers to life, Badt, Aug. 27; multiple 
arc distrib., Edison, Sep. 10-7. 

" Currents, magnetic, rotation of in metals etc. Hall, Elec. 
World, Nov. S, 29 ; personal safety witli, Dolbear, Nov. 29-4. 


Electric Cdrkents, self-induction, Hughes, EUc. World, Feb. 
27, Mar. 6-27, July3-17, 31, Aug. 14 ; divided, ino. in branches 
of, expt., Rayleigh, Oct. 16; reg.. Brush's, Nov. 20-6; con- 
stant, with varying dec. mo. force, Trotter, Sep. 24-7. 

" Currents, fatal power of, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 19-4; voltaic, 
gen. by sulphur cell with solid electrolyte, Bidwell, Dec. 12- 
5 ; self-induction, Hughes, Apr. 3, July 24-6 ; alternating, 
E. Thomson, July 9; Foucault's ap. for illus., Waltenhofen, 
Aug. 6-7. 

" CuRREJfTS, induction, Volta, Eng. Nov. 16-3 ; and poten. 
indies., Kapp, Feb. 29-4; self-induction, Hughes, Feb. 5, Apr. 
23, June 11-6; measuring instrums., Crompton and Kapp, 
The Eng. Feb. 22 ; aut. reversing commutator, Volk's, Mar. 
28 ; alternating, theory of, Hopkinson, Dec. 5, 12-4. 

*' Currents, transformers, continuous, Electric. Feb ; Gaulard, 
eflSc. tests, Cardew, Aug ; sub-divided, Gutmann, Oct.-7 ; 
Hospitaller, Elcc. Sev. Sep. 20-4 ; distrib. by, Dec. 25-6 ; 
secondary, Benjamin, Feb. 5, 12 ; eflic., Zipernowski, Apr. 16 ; 
alternating, distrib. by, Kennedy, May 7 ; regulating series- 
wound. May 21 ; do. E. Thomson, June 4; distrib., Edison 
sys. Oct. 1 ; Jehl, Nov. 19 ; Paris and Scott, Nov. 19-7 ; high 
and low tension, Bollmann's meth. Elec. World, July 9-7 ; 
distrib. by, Eng. Oct. 14-7; Edison sys. The Eng. Nov. 4-7. 

" Discharges, Mareschal, Elec. World, Feb. 28-5 ; through 

gases, expts., Schuster, Sep. 17-7 ; and spark photographs, 

Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 4-5. 
" Disintegrator, The Eng. Sep. 23-7. 
'• Distribution, Edison's 3-wire sys. Am. Eng. Dec. 5-4; 

Forbes, Van Nost. Apr; Juue-6 ; Gaulard sys. My. & Eng. 

Jan.-7; by alternate currents, hk. n., Kennedy, Fran; Mst. 

" Distrib., Edison 3-wire sys., Paul, Electric. Mar; Forbes, 

May-July-5 ; do. Apr ; AVestinghouse, Gaulard pat. Dec.-6 ; 

Gaulard and Gibbs sys. Eng. Mar. 2-3; do. Elec. World, 

Dec. 4-6; by storage bats. Feb. 7-5; by alternating currents 

and transformers, Kennedy, May 14 ; econ., Webb, June 18 ; 

Edison sys. July 23-7; by induction, Enuma, Sci. Am. Suj). 

Sep. 20-4; sys., E. Thomson, July 23-7; by aid of induction 

coils, Slattery. Soc. Arts, May 26 ; imps, in, Stanley, Dec. 

22-7. See also Elec. Current, transformers. 


Electric, Deposition of alloys, expts.,Watt, £'Z«efric. 0ct.-7. 

" Drill, rock, Phelps, Elec. Eev. July 23-7. 

" Dynamics, Electric. Aug ; dynamic theory, P. Atkinson, 

" Dynamos, Gordon, Jan. 11-3 ; mammoth Brush, Sep. 2-6 ; 
Ferranti, Mech. Jan. 6 ; small, Jlerltens, Jan. 20 ; motor re- 
versing gear, Oct. 6-3 ; Ferranti, Feb. 2 ; Gramme multiijo- 
lar, Apr. 19; generator, Ganz, June 14; and eng., Buda- 
pesth, June 14; mach. testing, Sep.-4; efflc. Nov.-5; Daft 
motor, N. Y. Elevated Ry. By. Gaz. Xov. 27-.5; Thompson, 
FaK iV'osJ. >Iar, Apr.-3 ; do. May, June-4; and magnets, n. 
Feb.-5; motors, efflc. By. & Eng. Jun; do. J. F. Sprague, 

" Dynamos, Tatham, Edison, Weston, tests, rep. Fran. Inst. 
Nov.-o; great Brush, Oct; tests, Dec.-6; motors, Sprague, 
St. By. Gaz. Aug.-7. 

" DYNA5I0S, Ferranti raach. Electric. Mar; Ball unipolar. 
May; Nov, Deo; Fiske, Dec; efflc, Heriug, Dec.-3 ; action 
of, Fiske, Jan; Edison tests, Cincin. Apr; maeh., To^pler 
expts., P.Atkinson, May, Dec; as a motor, J.V.Meigs, 

" Dynamos, motor construction. Chaster, Electric. .Tan, Feb, 
Apr, Aug ; comp. Feb ; Ball unipolar, tests, Raymond. Feb ; 
dyn. electrotyping, Apr; Edison, test, Apr; Bollmann, 
Gruninger, June; governing pulley, Campbell, July machs., 
theory of, Asher, Aug; best form, Sperry, Sep. ; armatures, 
eyl., Hering, Nov ; machs., tests, rep. Fran. Inst. Committee, 
Dec.-5 ; do. Jan-6. 

" Dynamos, mach. tests, Heinrichs, Electric. Feb ; arma- 
tures, cyl., Hering, Mar; as a gen. and motor, Mordey, Apr; 
building, May-July ; small, tests, Anthonj-, rep. May ; mach. 
testing, efflc. of, Kapp, Auj^ : mach., copper dep. by, Floyd, 
Aug ; tests, Fran. Inst., Hering, Nov ; great Brush, Thurston, 
Dec. 6. 

" Dynamos, Hopkinson mach. Electric. Jan, Feb; "dead 
wire," Anthony, Feb; do. Hering, May; CAC motor, 
Feb; motors, F. J. Sprague, Mar; do. Baxter, Mar; do. 
small, requirements of, Wheeler, Mar; do. do. effic. of, 
Clifford, June ; tests, Jackson, Apr, June; Gramme arma- 
mature and field iron, Jackson, June-7. 


Electric Dynamos, magnetic fields, C. Hering, Electric. Aug; 
do. magnetism of iron In, Ewing, Oct; macli. construction, 
W. Adams, Dec.-7. 

" Dynamos, Ball unipolar mach. Elec. Eev. Apr. 26, May 17, 
17; machs., predudicial action, Geraldy, May 24; do. para- 
sitic action in. May 31 ; Ferranti, Sep. 20 ; motors, Oct. 4 ; 
Gramme, Fuller Co. Dec. 6, 13 ; hand power, Dec. 6-3 ; 
Brush, Jan. 10 ; for electro-plating, Colburn, July 12 ; Mc- 
Tighe, Aug. 30; machs. as substitute for telegraph bats., 
Rothen, Sep. 6; Gerard, and incand. lamps, Sep. 27; Victo- 
ria, Anglo- Am. Co. Oct. 4 ; 20-light, Remington, Dec. 6-4. 

" Dynamos, Colburn, ^Zcc. iJe«. Feb. 14 ; Edison-Hopkinson, 
test, Feb. 21 ; Bolimann, May 16 ; best form, Sperry, Aug. 
29 ; Mather, and incand. lamp, Oct. 17 ; Zipernowsky, Nov. 
14; Fran. Inst, effic. tests, Nov. 14, 28-5; Knowles-MoiTat, 
Jan. 16 ; Thomson incand. Feb. 6 ; motors. Chaster, Apr. 11 ; 
Western Co. July 17 ; Gordon, Aug. 7 ; Brooklyn Elec. Con- 
struct. Co. Sep. 4; power trans, to, Pentz, Sep. 18; Brush 
motor, Sep. 18 ; Gramme ring, hist.. Van der Weyde, Oct. 
23; Immisch motor, Dec. 4; testing, Dec. 25-6. 

" Dvna.mos, motor gov., AjTton, £'Zcc. iJe?). Jan.8; Kennedy, 
Feb. 5 ; motors gov., Mordey, Feb. 5 ; Deprez, Feb. 5 ; iron 
clad, Apr. 9; and ap.. Am. sys. Apr. 23; Brown, May 7; 8- 
light, Hopkins, June 11 ; motor, Baxter, June 11 ; driving 
gear, Ayrton, July 30; Siemens-Halske, Aug. 13; field mag- 
nets, Nov. 5; constant current, Nov. 12; C & C motor, 
Dec. 3 ; friction driving gear, Dec. 17 ; steam turbine, Clarke^ 
Dec. 31-7. 

" Dyna.mos, mach., Edwards, Elec. Worlil, May 3 ; alternat- 
ing-current. May 31; Daft, Aug. 23; Oppermann, Sep. 6; 
Brush, Sep. 20; Sawyer-Man, Oct. 25; Gerard, and lamps, 
Oct. 25; motor, Reckenzaun's, at Elec. exhib. Nov. 15; 
machs., expired pats, on, Brock, Nov. 29, Dec. 13 ; mach., 
Forbes, Dec. 6-20-4. 

" Dynamos, motor pats., expiring. Brock, Mec. World, Jan. 
10, 24, Feb. 14, Mar. 7 ; Thomson-Houston, Mar. 28 ; Eng- 
lish, Apr. 4 ; "Western C'o's, Apr. 11 ; Daft motor. May 16 ; 
Sperry sys., Aug. 22 ; best form of, Sperry, Aug. 29 ; Schuy- 
ler sys., Sep. 5; Crompton-Burgin, Sep. 12 ; Wood-Gramme, 
and current reg. Oct, 17-6. 


Electric Dynamos, testing ap., Phil, and Fran. Inst, tests, 
EUc. World, Xov. 14, 21; Deprez motor, Dec. 5; Brooklyn 
Elec. Construct. Co. Dec. 12; Zipenowsky-Deris, Dec. 19; 
Edison and Weston conipet. tests, Deo. 19-5 ; do. Mar. 20-6. 

" Dynamos, Heinrieli's, J77fc IIV)-?(Z, Jan. 2 ; Bain's, Feb. 6; 
field magnets, 20 typical forms, Feb. 13; as generator and 
motor, Mordey, Feb. 13 ; Thomas', Mar. 13 ; Hochausen's, 
Mar. 27 ; Westinghouse, Apr. 3 ; magnet winding for shunt, 
series and comp. maclis. Apr. 10, 17, May 1, 1.5; testing, 
Hopkinson meth. Apr. 17; Fran. Inst, tests, Duncan, Apr. 
17; and gas eng. combined, Apr. 21-7. 

'• Dynamos, Jenney, ^^ec. TroWc?, May 8, Wenstrom, May 8; 
Hecla, May 1.5; motors, early expts.. Van der AVeyde, May 
22; Daft motors, May 22; construct., Gravier, June 12; 
Joel's, July 10; Cowle's elec. smelting, Aug. 21, 28; trans- 
mission of power to, Pentz, Sep. 25; armature winding, 
Frige, Oct. 9; motor, Stockwell, Oct. 16; motors, Sprague 
sys. Oct. 16, 30; Clark's, Xov. 6; Edgerton's, Xov. 13; Eaf- 
fard-Bregnet, Xov. 27; construct., French, X^ov. 27; pre- 
determination of characteristics of, Kapp, Dec. 4-18 ; Gramme 
ring, magneto-elec. induction theory as applied to, Dec. 4; 
Elwell-Parker, Dec. 11; Mather, Dec. 11-6. 

" Dynamos, construct. Elec. World, Feb. 5; motors, small, 
requirements of, S. G. Wheeler, Feb. 19; Eickmeyer's, Mar. 
12; Elwell-Parker alt. current, Apr. 16 ; Am. (Wood), Apr. 
23; motor, small, C & C Co. Apr. .30; reg., Perkins, May 
7; Baxter's motor, June 11; motors, small, efflc. of, Cliftbrd, 
June 2.5-7. 

" Dynamos, Faraday disc, £;ec. Tf'oWt?, July 2 : motors, effic, 
Emmons, July 2; Brown (Oerliken), July 23; Schuyler, 
July 23; aut. reg.. Browns, Grueninger, July 30; Bradley 
multipolar, Aug. 13; des., anal, of, Wagner, Aug. 27; West- 
inghouse alt. mach., Sep. 3; Waterhouse, Sep. 10; protection 
from lightning, Sperry, Sep. 24; motor, SchlesingerEy, Oct. 
22-7; coupling on same external circuit. Haskins, West. 
Electric. Xov. 26-7. 

" Dynamos, Ferranti alt. current mach. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 
20; Elphinstone-Vinceut mach. Jan. 27; Siemen's generator, 
external armature and Gaulord-Gibbs secondary, June 2; 
Thom.-Hous. and sys. June 9-3. 


Electric DTisTAMOS, Hoiikinsou and Muirhead's mach. Sii. 
Am. Sup. July li; Bairs unipolar, July 22-3; Siemen's, 
with friction driving gear, Jan. 12 ; Bessolo's and Siemen's 
open ring, Apr. 5; niachs., prog, in, S. P. Thompson, Apr. 
26; Kravogrs motor, June 14; Gerard's alt. current, 200 H. 
P. July 19 ; Thury's mach. July 26-4. 

" Dynamos, Fourvielle's motor, (S'c(. ^l»i. iS'iip. July 4-5; effic. 
testing, Kapp, June 12 ; Joel's eng. July 3 ; armature wind- 
ing. Frige, Sep. 18; motors, prog.. Robbing, Dec. 11-6; sys.,, 
S. D. Field, May 7 ; hand power driven armature, Hopkins, 
June 25 ; 8-light, G. !M. Hopkins, July 2 ; machs, July 30-7. 

" DvxAJios, Ball's unipolar, Eng. Mar. 30; Hopkinson and 
Muirhead's, June 8; driven bj^ Brotherhood engs., July 20; 
Ferranti, Aug. 24 ; Edison, with Porter-Allen eng. Aug 31 ; 
do. for isolated plants, Sep. 7 ; Ferranti continuous current 
generator, Sep. 21 ; do. efflc. of, Oct. 19 ; Siemen's^ with 
friction driving gear, Oct. 19-3. 

" Dynamos, dynamo and 3-cyl. eng., Matthews, Eny. Feb. 22 ; 
Gr.amme, Mar. 28 ; testing, May 2 ; tests, May 16; Ganz, 
May 16; Rieter, June 6 ; 1000-light Ferranti, Health exjiib. 
Oct. 10; Vanderpoele, Phil, exhib. Xov. 7; Ball unipolar, 
telemeter and gov. do. Nov. 14; Brush sj^s., do. Nov. 28-4. 

" Dynamos, mach., bk. n. Eiuj. Jan. 2; do. 7-ft Wiiuhurst, 
Jan. 16; Edison-Hopkinson, Jau. .30 ; driving, Mather sys. 
Feb. 13; and photometrical tests at Munich, "82, rep. Feb. 
27; and eug., Inv"s exhib., Kajjp, Aug. 28-5; Edison-Hop- 
kinson, efflc. May 7 ; Brush colossus, Oct. 8 ; Thom.- 
Hous. Dec. 5-6 ; Brown, Mar. 11 ; friction driving gear, 
Eaworth, Nov. 25-7. 

" Dynamos, Elphinstone"s, The Eng. Jan. 5 ; Westminster 
Aquarium exhib. Apr. 27 ; Gramme mach. May 25 ; Edison- 
HoiJkinson mach., F. S. Sprague, Aug. 10; Ferranti mach. 
Nov 2, 2-3 ; mach. at Vienna exhib. Feb. 1 ; Schuckert, Mar. 
7; eng. gov., Willan's, June 13; Thom.-Hous. Oct. 3-4. 

'■ Dynamos, Edisou-Hopkinson, T./te ^hi/. Feb. 27 ; Patter- 
son's machs. July 3, 17 ; Forbes non-polar, July 17 ; Kapp's, 
and Allen eng. combined, July 31 ; efflc. July 31 ; Elwell- 
Parker's, July 31 ; "Manchester," Aug. 7; Gulcher, Aug. 21 ; 
Thom.-Hous. Aug. 28; Victoria, Sep. 11-5; machs., effic. 
testing, Kapp, Mar. 5, 12 ; great. Brush Elec. Co. Nov. 19, 
Dec. 17-6 ; and lamp. Lever's, Oct. 21-7. 


Electric Dynamo motors, pyro-magnetic, Iron Age, Sep. 1-7; 

Am. Eng. Aug. 24, SeiJ. 7-7; By. & Eng. Oct.-7; elec. gen. 

from coal, Edison, Fran. Inst. Oct.-7 ; generator, do. EUctric. 

Sep; thermo-magnetie, Houston and Thomson, Sep.-7; EIpc. 

Her. Aug. 27, Dec. 31-7; direct from fuel, Elec. IVorhl, Aug. 

20, 27-7 ; iSri. Am. Aug. 27-7 ; Manuf. <& Builder, Sep.-7 ; 

Edison's, The Eng. Sep. 16-7. 
" Eakth conductiois, Adams, Van Xmt. Sep.-6 ; Electrie. 
" Earthquake Indicator, seismometer, Moses, Elec. Rev. 

July 2, 30-7. See also Earthquakes. 
" Eel, Elec. Bev. Dec. 25-6. 

" Elec. mo. force, standard. The Eng. Aug. 21-5. 
" Elements, Fiske, Electric. June, July, Sep.-3. 
" Electrical Engineers, Am. Inst. pro. Electric. Jan. Apr. 

June, Oct.-Dec.-7: in Japan, Fujioka, Mar.-7; Am. Inst. 

rules, Elec Bei:. Mar. 20-6 ; eng. course in tech. schools, 

Hutton, Xov. 26-7; eng. Prescott, Apr. 0-7; do. Chaittau- 

qiian; eng. school of London, Elec. ^]'orhl, Oct. 4-4; Am. 

Inst. pro. May 28-7; eng. Inv's exhib. r/ie^«(/. May 1, 8, 22, 

June 26, July 3, 17-31, Aug. 7, 21, 2S, Sep. 11-5. 
" Exhib., of Fran. Inst., "84, Fran. Inst. Apr. Aug. Oct.- 

Dec.-4; do. Jan.-Dec.-5 ; do. general rep. July-5 ; do. 

Jan; and pure research, Dec.-6 ; do. Sii3-der, Electric. Veh; 

Am. Inst., X. Y. rules, Aug.-7 ; Phil., Sep. 2-Oct. 11, •84, 

May, Sep, Oet.-i; Vienna, Elec. Ilev. June 7; Munich, Aug. 

9-3; Phil. Apr. 3, June 28, July 26-4; do. Elec. World, 

Mar. 29, Apr. 26, June 7, 21, July .5, 26. Aug. 16, 30, Sep. 6 ; 

first, at Royal Inst., London. 1810, Apr. 12 ; Am., Boston, 

:S"ov. 22-4. " 

Exhib., Vienna, Sri. Am. Siiji. Oct. 27-3 ; do. Mar. l.Vi; do. 

Eng. Feb. 23, Sep. 21, Oct. .5-26, Xov. 2-30, Dec. 7-2S-3 : do. 

teleg. and teleph. Jan. 4; do. Ry. exhibs. Jan. 18. 25; 

do. Feb. 1, 22. Mar. 14, 28; Phil. May 2, Oct. 3 &C.-4; do. 

"Woodbury, Jan. 2; Paris, Mar. 27-5: Vienna, The Eng. 

July 27, Aug. 24, 31, Sep. 7-3; Phil. Sep. 5, Oct. 17,24. 

jSTov. 7, 21-4. 

" Fans, for hot weather, Elec. World. July 2,3-7. 

" Firing, explosive purposes of, Abel, Van Xost. July-3 ; 

The Eng. 
" Fountains, ilium, of, £?ec. World, "Sow. S-i; Sci. Am. Sup. 

May 2-5 ; Em/. 


Electric Furnace, Cowles, Fran. Inst. 0ct.-6 ; generator, Ber- 
liner, Mec. Eev. Sep. 10; Cowles, Sep. 24-7; do. T. S. Hunt, 
Elec. World, Oct. 24-5; generator, Berliner's, Sep. 10-7; 
Cowles', and prod, of aluraiumn and its alloys, Soc. Arts, 
Feb. 11-6. 
" Fusion, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 24-6. See also Elec. Welding. 

" Galvanometers, constant det., Hooper, Electric. Mar; 
cheap, and thermopile, Penny, Mar ; Lippnian, Aug.-i ; Dep- 
rez, Feb; tangent, inaninioth, at Cornell, Anthony, Oct.-5 ; 
do. June-6 ; imperfection of, Rayleigh, Elec. Sev. Nov. 8-3 ; 
Bunnell & Go's, Julj' 19-4; Jones, Apr. 25-5 ; tangent. Hart- 
man and Kohlrausch, Nov. 20 ; jjortable, Nov. 27-6 ; coil com- 
paring, Skinner, Aug. 27-7. 

" Galvs., and bat. test, E. R. Barker, Elec World, May 31 ; 
at Phil, exhib. Sep. 27, Oct. 11, Nov. 8, 22, Dec. 27-4; Rosen- 
thal's niicro-galv. Apr. 11 ; Apr. 25 ; Lippmann mercury, 
Aug. 1; Kohlrausch's spring, Sep. 26-5; do. Jan. 23-6; Hart- 
raann, Oct. 10 ; Edelmann's medical Oct. 21 ; do. astatic, 
Dec. 12-5; imp. May 8; tangent, Cornell, May 20; tangent, 
scale lor, W. H. Preece, Nov. 13-6; correction factor. Skin- 
ner, June 18 ; coils computing, do. Sep. 3-7 ; Rosenthal's, Sci. 
Am. Sup. May 16; Gray's reflecting, June 6-5; Obach's, 
Eng. Aug. 3-3. 

" Gas Lighter, Elec. Bev. Aug. 21-6 ; and buttons, Jan. 22- 

" Gases, passage through, theory of, Schuster, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Aug. 28-4. 

" Gauge, Elec. Rev. Jan. 24-5. 

" Generation, Kendall, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 15-4; turbogen- 
erator. Parsons, Eng. Apr. 22-7. 

" Governor, Willan, 3fech. July-4; motor, Ayrton, Electric. 
Sep.-3 ; Amet, Feb.-5 ; "Willans, Eng. Feb. 15 ; Westing- 
house, June 13-4; Jamieson, Jan. 9-5. 

" Hatching, Elec . World, Aug. 2-4. 

" Heat and Light, Gray, Elec. Scv. Apr. 19-3 ; transmission 
of heat Into, Case ap. July 17-6 ; heater for st. Ry. cars. 
Burton, July 2-7; heating vs. stm., table, Electric. Feb.-5. 

" History, Levison, Electric . Jan.-Dec.-3 ; Feb, Apr, June-4 ; 
Maver, Elec. World, Mar. 1, 29, Apr. 12, 26, May 24, June 2S, 
Aug. 9-4. 


Electric Horse Shoeing, Sci. Am. Sup. June 28-4. 

" Hotel Annunciator system, Seller's, Elec. World, July 

" Indicators, Prescott, £:iec. World, Mar. 27-6; indicating 
instrums. of Edison Co. Dec. 24-7. 

" Induction. See .ilso Elec. Currents, self-induction,etc. 

" Induction, D. Brooks, Electric. Jan.-6 ; composite spark 
characteristics, Moncel, Elec. Sev. Apr. 26; May 17,24-3; 
suppressor, Jackson, Aug. 8-5; coils, graph, treated, Kapp, 
Elec. World, June 11 ; self-indue, and mut. measuring, Ayr- 
ton's secohmeter, July 16; coil, retiirdation in, Stanley, 
Dec. 24-7 ; volta, W. Smith, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 29-3 ; and 
conduction, do. Apr. 18-5 ; mach., Wimhurst, July .3-6 ; bal- 
ance. Bell, Eng. Jan. 5, Feb. 2, Mar. 9-3 ; raachs., ^\'imhurst, 
Inv's exhib. May 1-5 ; volta-induc, W. Smith, The Eng. 
Xov. 16, 23-3 ; volta, and magnets, do. July 4-4. 

" Industry, France, '82, Electric. Feb.-3. 

'• Instruments, protector, Cartwright, Elec. Bev. Oct. 3-5. 
See also Elec. Galvs., measuring, meters, etc. 

'• Insulation, high, ('. Haskins, SZecfriC. Mar.-7; insulator, 
oil as an, expts., Frempt, ^[ay-6 ; ozokerit purifying ap. Sci. 
Am. Sup. Oct. 10-5 ; do. The Eng. Sep. 4-5. 

" Inventions, Beeman, Van Xost. A^r.-o; protection of, Ja- 
mins, Elec. World, June 20-5; Eng. June 26-5 ; Beeman, The 
Eng. Jan. 9-i5. 

" Lamps, safety. Iron Age, Oct. 29-5; sxin. Electric. Nov .-3; 
regs., hist., Keith, Feb. -4; Pilsen's, Elec. World, Mar. 22, 
20 ; Berstein, or Boston, June 14-4 ; Crompton's, Eng. Mar. 
lG-3 ; Street-Maquaire, Jan. 8-6. 

" Lajips. Arc, carbon, resists. Iron Age, July 16-5 ; Forbes, 
ilcch. Jan. 13-3 ; carbons, rep. Fran. Inst. June-5 ; Brush, 
review of controversy. F. L. Pope, Electric. Sep; Crorapton, 
Oft. -4; carbons. May; actual caudle power, Adams, Xov.- 
5; Levison's focusing, Feb.-7; Rogers, Elec. Her. Feb. 21; 
Kay, Apr. 18 ; rep. July 11-5 ; and regs., Keith, Elec. World, 
Jan. 26, Feb. 2-23, Mar. 8, 22, :\ray 31; Cromptou, Aug. 23; 
Brush, hand, Oct. 18 ; Gerard, Oct. 2.5-4. 

" Lamps, "Lever,'" Elec. World, May 16; frictional clutch, 
E. p. Thompson, July 11; tests, Phil, exhib. July 11-5; 
Street-Maquaire, Feb. 13 ; Hyde's, July 17-6. 


Electric Lamps, carbon manuf. Elec. World, July 2; "Wood 
(Am.) focusing, Dec. 10-7; ht. and distrib. of, for Illuminat- 
ing, Badt, West. Electric. Dec. 3-7; Schmidt's, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Oct. 20-3 ; Street and Maquaire, May 22-5 ; Clark, Eng. Jan. 
25 ; Crompton, July 11-4 ; Rogers, Jan. 30 ; Belfast, Newton, 
Feb. 6 ; lightning arresters. Mar. 6-5 ; Vienna, elec. exhib. 
The Eng. Oct. 5, 19, Nov. 2, 23, Dec. 28-3 ; Crompton's, May 
23-4; Gramme's, Nov. 13-5. 

" Lamps, Incandescent, Cruto, Iron Age, July 9-5 ; candle 
power, tables. Am. Eng. Oct. 8, 15-5 ; filaments, new meth. 
of making, San. Eng. Jan. 29-7; effic. expts., Gale, Van 
Nost. July-4; econ.. Weaver, Mar.-5; rep. Fran. Inst. Sep; 
duration and effic. do. Oct.-5 ; tests, Feb.-6. 

" Lamps, Incand., econ.. Weaver, ^ZecJric. Apr, Sep; glow, 
Preece, May; pat. June; measurement, colominetric, Pen- 
kert, Sep ; av. duration, meth. of obtaining, Fleming, Nov.- 
5;. effic, Herlng, Jan; changes in resist, of, A. C.White, 
Jan; Moses, Mar; tests, Tatham, Apr; do. Woodhouse and 
Ranson, table, Maj' ; lit. July ; Edison filament case, Sep.-6 ; 
glow, Webber, Feb, Mar.-7. 

" Lamps, Incand., Siemen's and Halske's. econ., W. Siemens, 
Elec. liev. Oct. 11 ; tests, table, Nov. 1 ; Maxim, Nov. 15-3 ; 
connection between strength of light and duration in glow 
of, Edison expts. Jan. 28; Stanley and Thomson, Oct. 4-4; 
hist. Feb. 28 ; mouth, Apr. 25 ; Sawyer-Man, May 23 ; Jen- 
ney, Ang."8-5 ; Mar. 20 ; glow, Bernstein, July 3 ; manuf. 
Dec. 18-6; glow, Webber, Jan. 1; glow sys., Schuyler Co. 
Mar. 5; manuf., Swinburne, Mar. 19, 26, May 7; portable, 
Friedlasnder, July 23 ; Aug. 6 ; and switches, Sawj-er-Man, 
Dec. 24-7. 

" Lamps, Incand., Weston's, Elec. World, Sep. 13 ; do. mam- 
moth, Oct. 11-4; curious phenom., Houston, Mar. 21; Edi- 
son effect. May 9 ; pat. suits, illus. May 16 ; photometer for 
measuring intensity. May 23 ; air exhausting ap. May 30 ;, 
tests, Fran. Inst., Phil. Aug. 29-5; do. .Jan. 30; hist. Feb. 
27; Westinghouse, Apr.-3 ; photom. measurements, A. P. 
Wright, July 3-6 ; on ai-c circuits, Diehl's sj-s. Feb. 12 ; reg- 
ulation by secondary bats. Aug. 13 ; Westinghouse, Sej). 3-7. 

" LAmPS, Incand., Trouve's portable, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 29-4 ; 
Cruto's, May 9-5; Moses, Eng. May 11-3; Edison, Elec, 
exhib. Dec. 19-4. 


Electric Lamps, Trouve portable, Eng. Jan. 2 ; life of, Oct. 23, 

Nov. 6-5 ; low-resist, glow, Apr. 9 ; Weston, May 28-6 ; 

Bernstein glow, Feb. 4-7 ; Vienna elec. exhib. The Eng. 

Sep. 21-3 ; efRc. and duration testing, Fran. Inst. rep. Sep. 

" Laryngoscope, Seller, Electric. July-3; Meyer, Oct.-5; 

and otoscope, Elec. World, May 2-5. 
" Laws, anal, of Ohm's and Joule's, Curtiss, Elec. World, Mar. 

" Light and health, Eng. July 4-4. 

" Lighters, Elec. Eev. Apr. 10-4. 

" Lighting. Including Arc Lighting. See also Elec. 

Lighting, Incand. 
" Lighting, Nat. Assoc, pro. Electric. Sep.-5; Mar, Oot.-6; 

Mar., Sep.-7; £/ec. Rev. Aug. 22, 29-5; Feb. 13, 20, Sep. 

11-6 ; Feb. 19, Aug. 13, 20-7 ; Elec. World, Aug. 22-5 ; Feb. 

20, Sep. 11-6 ; Feb. 19, 26-7. 
" Lighting, Co's, Eng. Nev^s, Feb. 14; notes, June 23; plants 

and storage bats., dangers of, Nov. 10-3; arc, Heinrichs, 

Feb. 13-6; and stm. i^ower, Iron Age, Sep. 3-5; at Prague, 

Otto gas eng. Jan. 27-7; Hochausen sys. Mech. Feb. 9, Mar. 

22, Apr. 19; bats. Mar. 8-4; econ. of. Am. Eng. Dec. 12-4: 

at Prague, Otto gas eng. Nov. 17 ; Am. plant, Nov. 17-6 ; in 

wks. and factories, Oct. 12-26, Nov. 2, 9-7. 
" Lighting, comparison with gas, rep., Ger. San. Eng. June 

18-5 ; Edison distrib. in Boston, junction box details, Jan. 

8-7; arc, by tower sys. Eng. & Bu. Eec. Dec. 24-7; Ey. Gaz. 

Nov. 12-6; and force, transmiss. of by elec, Siemens, Van 

JVosJ. Feb., in mills, Woodbury, Mar; devel., Gordon, Oct. 

Hopldnson, Nov— 3 ; bats., primary, for, Probert, Sep.-4; 

By & Eng. Jan; station, Oct.-7; in mills, Fran. Inst. Jan.-3. 

" Lighting, in mills. Electric. Jan; tests, table, Feb; hist., 
Lancaster, Mar; plant at St. Denis, France, Mar; Co's, list 
of. May; station, Partz sys. May; on Brookl}'u bridge, 
June; Tacy, July; In Paris, July ; discov. July ; Co"s, Eu- 
ropean, Aug; Dec.-3; tests, Cin. exhib., F. L. Pope, Apr.- 

" Lighting, Edison Co. isolated, rep. Electric. Feb ; station, 
test, Harrisburg, Pa. Feb; in Am., Preece, Mar, Apr; Chi- 
cago, Conv. pro. Apr; arc, Boston, Apr.-5. 


Electric Lighting, on Brighton Ry., Slingo, Electric. Apr; 
Vienna, n. June; Edison pats, claims, June, July ; station, 
Milan central, Aug ; san. superiority. Van der Weyde, Aug ; 
private Instal., Naile, Sep.-5. 

*' Lighting, London, Lain, ^ZecJric. Feb ; Edison sta., Harris- 
burg, test, Feb; relation to ins., Woodbury, Mar ; plants, 
operating exp., Weeks, Mar; Moses, Mar; station, Boston, 
rep. Mar; sta., Boston, rep. Mar; arc plants, Orford, May- 
Aug ; at Trenton, N. J. Sep ; Co's legal relations to teleg. 
and teleph. Co's and pat. office, Steuart, Oct ; vs. gas, effects 
on temp, and atmos. of rooms, tests, Breslauer, Berlin, Oct ; 
distrib. of arc and incand. lights on same circuit, Lemp, 
Nov; and serial wires, Haskins, Nov; Dcc.-6. 

*' Lighting, and reversible lead bats., Fitz-gerald, Electric. 
May; station construct.. Powers, June; power required, 
Aug ; Westinghouse alternating sys., F. L. Pope, Sep ; Edi- 
son station, table, Nov ; in mills, Woodbury, Nov, Dec ; 
Addenbrooke, Dec.-T. 

" Lighting, econ. of. Van der Weyde, Elec. Rev. Apr. 5 ; in 
conservatories, Apr. 5 ; Colt disk eng. Apr. 12 ; Edison vil- 
lage plant sys. Apr. 12; Hopkinson, May 3 ; Nottingham, 
May 11 ; Grands magazines du printemps, Paris, May 31, 
Am. & Ilium. Co., Boston, June 7; Thom.-Hous. sys. June 
14 ; at Abbeville, France, June 28 ; July 19, 26 ; plants, Aug. 
2; cost compared with gas, Aug. 9 ; arc. Jenney, Aug. 16; 
Brush, at Evansville, Ind. Aug. 30; arc, sta., Stanton st. 
Dec. 27-3. 

" Lighting, Brush-Swan sys. Elec. Rev. Jan. 10, 17; Brush, 
Buffalo, Jan. 28 ; plants, Jarvis Eng. Co. Feb. 28 ; Mar. 27 ; 
arc, carbon manuf. Apr. 17; prog., Preece, Apr. 17, May 17; 
Am. & Ilium. Co., Boston, rep. May 31 ; absolute standard 
of, June 14 ; Buffalo Co. June 28 ; Brush, Rochester, N. Y. 
Aug. 9-23; Edison cen. sta. sys. Aug. 23; Pilsen sys. Dec. 
20 ; Weston, Dec. 27-4. 

" Lighting, at Hachette Publishing H., Paris, Elec. Rev. Jan. 
17 ; arc carbon making, Jan. 31 ; Cen, Ry. sta., Buda-Pesth, 
Jan. 31 ; N. E. Weston Co., hist. Feb. 28 ; conv. jsro. Mar. 7 ; 
Schuyler sys. Mar. 28 ; arc resist., Penkert, Apr. 4; Western 
Co's sys. Apr. 11 ; cen. sta., Jenks, Apr. 18 ; Brush sys. June 
6; in cotton mills, N. E. Cotton Mfgs. Oct. 3-5. 


■Electric Lighting, as an Ilium. Elec. Rev. Mar. 6 ; Ins. Co., 
Woodbury, Mar. 13; hist., Beane, Mar. 20; Waterhouse sys. 
May 1 ; Brush Co. May 22 ; arc carbon holder, Stupakoff, 
July 3 ; Sllverton, England, July 3 ; by wind power util. 
Aug. 7, 21 ; Chicago Co"s, Aug. 14 ; Sun Co, distributor, 
Aug. 28 ; and ierlal wires, Haskins, Sep. 2.5 ; vs. gas, heating 
effects in theatre, Dreslauer, Sep. 2.5, Nov. 27 ; testing bridge, 
Davies, Oct. 16; distrib. box, Oct. 23; arc, inverse el. mo. 
force of, Cross, Nov. 6-6. 

'' Lighting, conv. pro., Mather plant, Elec. Bev. Feb. 26; 
Edison sta., Harrisburg, Pa. May 28; Slattery, June 4 ; arc 
carbons, Zucon's, June 18; Paris opera, June 25; sta., Hol- 
born, England, July 2 ; cen. sta., measurement of elec. for, 
Aug. 13; Thom.-Hous. fact., Lynn, Aug. 20; Sun sys. Sep. 
10 ; wiring rules, Dec. 3 ; cost of, Sternes, Dec. 3-7. 

" Lighting, Excel. Elec. Co. sys., Mailloux, Elec. World, Jan. 
5-19 ; Brush sta., Rochester, Mar. 22 ; Boston sta. Mar. 29 ; 
Sheehj^'s sta. switchboard, Apr. 20; towers, July 5; in flour 
mills, Greenhill, Aug. 2; Van Depoele sys. Sep. 27; in Am., 
Preece, Dec. 27-4. 

" Lighting, Thom.-Hous. sys. at Phil, exhib. Elec. World, 
Jan. 3 ; econ. of, Stirling, Jan. 3 ; underground, Reynolds, 
Jan. 24; in N. Y. City, prog. Jan. 31; conv. pro. Feb. 28; 
reg. and indie, Weston's, June 13; Brush fact, at Cleveland, 
Aug. 1 ; Jenney sys. Aug 8 ; arc, Sperry sys. Aug. 22 ; do. 
Schuyler sj'S. Sep. 5 ; growth of, Sep. 19 ; arc sj's. Am. Elec. 
Mfg. Co. Oct. 24, 31 ; econ. of fuel in, Nov. 7 ; prog, in "85, 
Dec. 26-5. 

" Lighting, arc, Heinrich's sys. .EZec. Troi'?<7, Jan. 16 ; Brush 
sta., Boston, Mar. 6; Schajfer sys. Apr. 10; arc, timetable 
for lighting pub. lamps, Howells, Aug. 14; by water" power, 
Aug. 21 ; Brush sta., Cleveland, Aug. 28, Sep. 18 ; Thom.- 
Hous. sta., Lowell, Oct. 9; plant for statue of liberty, Oct. 
30; sta., Prague, Nov. 6; prog.. Poisons, Dec. 4-6. 

" Lighting, munic, Edison sys. Elec. World, Feb. 12; Brush 
sta., Phil. Feb. 12; sta.. Fort Wayne, Jenney, Feb. 19; 
Thom.-Hous. citizen's, Brooklyn, July 2; Ferdinand St., 
Boston Elec. Lt. Co. Aug. 13; Edison sta., Detroit, Sep. 10; 
multiple arc distrib., Edison pat. Sep. 10; Thom.-Hous. sta., 
Nashua, N. H. Sep. 17; cost of domestic, Salomons, Nov. 
19-7; Atkinson, West. Electric. Jaly-Dsc. -7. 


Electric Lighting, Thom.-Hous. sys. Sci. Am. Sup. June 9; 
Zipernowsky sys. July 28 ; arc, candle, Morin's, Sep. 1 ; arc 
carbon making mach. Dec. 29-3 ; Stanton st. sta., IST. Y., 
U.S. Ilium. Co. Feb. 9-4; and serial wires, Haskins, Dec. 11-6 ; 
arc carbons manuf. Dec. 13-7; Thom.-Hous. sys., E. Thom- 
son, Soc. Arts, May 24-3 ; Edison ceu. sta. sys., Jenks, Feb. 
" Lighting, in mills, Eng. Jan. 26; plant, St. Denis, Jan. 26; 
do. Weiller, Feb. 16; cost of. Mar. 2; by Gordon mach. Mar. 
9; exhib.. Aquarium, London, Mar. 16 ; at Union Soc, Ox- 
ford, Apr. 27 ; May 2.5, June 1 ; Zipernowsky sys. June 15 ; 
at Fisheries exhib. June 29, Nov. 2 ; plant, Louvre, Paris, 
July 27; Edison sta., Milan, Aug. 31; Edison fittings, Sep. 
14, 28 ; plant, Mag. du printemps, Paris, Oct. 19 ; signalling 
and storage of power in coal mines, Nov. 3-3. 

" Lighting, arc, Hochausen sys. Unc/. Jan. 11, Feb. 8, Mar. 14 ; 
conductors, Apr. 18 ; sta., Boston, June 27 ; July 25, Sep. 5, 
12, Oct. 3, 17 ; Health exhib., Gerard, Sep. 5 ; do. Oct. 31 ; 
Sep. 12; Gulcher sys. Nov. 7-4. 

" Lighting, sta., BudaPesth, Eng. Jan. 2; at Havre graving 
dock, Jan. 9; wks. Temesvar, Hungary, Jan. 30; reg., 
Phidol., Turkey, Feb. 27 ; aut. reg., Phidol, Laconic, Mar. 20 ; 
sys., Inv's exhib. May 1 ; Thom.-Hous. sys. May 1 ; Siemens 
instal., Inv's exhib. May 15 ; Goolden dynamo ap. May 22, 
29; in mills, Hartwell, July 3; plant, Greenock, Julj' 17; 
Weston sys., N. Y. July 24; do. fittings, Aug. 21 ; Neville, 
Aug. 21 ; Lincoln's inn, Nov. 20-5. 

" Lighting, Lucerne sta. Eng. Jan. 29; factory lighting, 
Weston, Apr. 23; Thom.-Hous. sys., Phil, exhib. Dec. 12; 
sta. instruments, Paddington, Dec. 31-6 ; Bernstein sys. Jan. 
7 ; at Col. & Ind. exhib. Jan. 21 ; Manches. exhib. May 6, 
June 24 ; Vienna Town Hall, June 10, 24 ; on Isle of May, 
D. A. Stevenson, Aug. 12, 19; in wks. and facts., Fleming, 
Sep. 30, Oct. 7 ; arc. carbon electrodes manuf. Nov. 18-7. 

" Lighting, cost, TheEng. Feb. 2; Hopkinson, Apr. 20; at 
Nottingham, May 4 ; plant. Fish, exhib. May 11 ; at Leeds, 
May 25-3; in Brixton, Jan. 11; fittings, Feb. 29; Health 
exhib. May 23; arc. Am. sj'S. Sep. 26; at Montreal, Oct. 3 ; 
Weston's, Phil, exhib. Oct. 17 ; Victoria sta., Swan-Edison, 
Nov. 28, 28, Dec. 5-19, 19-4. 


Electric Lighting, mach., Mather, The Eng. Feb. 13; power 
expended in, Kapp, Feb. 27; tower sys., Elgin, 111. Mar. 6; 
sys., Inv's exhib. Apr. 17 ; and gas, penetrative power of, Sep. 
4 ; of Antwerp, Nov. 20 ; by induction, Dec. 4-5 ; at Col. & Ind. 
exhib. May 28 ; shed, do. May 14 ; at Edinb. do. June 11 ; at 
Liverpool, do. Sep. 24-6; at Col. & Ind. do. Jan. 28; sta., 
"VVhiteley plant, England, Feb. 18 ; sta., Hadfield mills, Feb. 
2.5 ; from cen. stations, Swan-Edison, Williamson, Dec. 16-7. 

" Lighting, Incandescent, cost of, Equer, TSng. Wews, June 
27-5 ; incand. lamps on arc circaits, Iroti Age, Jan. 20-7 ; on 
str. Arizona, Mech. June 2-3 ; mercury vac. pump, Weston, 
Sep.-5; cutout, Little, July-6; domestic, for dwellings, Am. 
Eng. Oct. 27-6; on IT. S. cruisers, Murdock, My. & Eng. 

" Lighting, Incand., prog., U. S., n. Electric. Apr; measur- 
ing standards, Aug.-5 ; Bernstein glow. May ; size of con- 
ductors when lamps are in multiple arc, Leonard, Aug ; car- 
bons, Hickley, Oct; Edison pats, and legal status, Dec.-6; 
leads, C. Hering, Jan ; on high tension circuits, Wetzler, 
Mar; by reversible lead bats., Fitzgerald, May, July; of 
K. trains, G. W. Blodgett, July; do. Carswell, Nov .-7. 

" Lighting, Incand., Eden theatre, Brussels, Elec. JRev. Mar. 
22; Bernstein sys. May 31 ; vs. gas, July 12-3; Feb. 27; 
Schaefer sys. Apr. 10; Preece, Apr. 17; 300-light, Schuyler, 
Jun. 26 ; lamps on arc circuits, Ridlon, Nov. 20-6 ; on L'. S. 
Avery, cruisers, Sep.-7. 

" Lighting, Incand., in theatres. Royal Manchester, Eng- 
land, Elec. World, June 14 ; on strs. June 21 ; carbon filament, 
chem. of, E. P. Thompson, Oct. 25, Nov. 1 ; on English, 
transports, Nov. 22-4 ; N. Orleans exhib. Mar. 21 ; on arc 
circuits, Aug. 15 ; growth, Oct. 3-5. 

" Lighting, Incand., by low resist, glow lamps, Bernstein, 
Elec. World, Apr. 17, 24, May 1; size of conductors for, 
Leonard, July 24; from arc light circuits, Ridlon, Nov. 20; 
Howell's meth. of indie, potentials of Incand. circuits, Dec. 
11-6 ; long dist., Slattery, Feb. 12 ; Fort Wayne, Jenney sys. 
July 16-7; theatre, Munich exhib. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 10-3; 
Scala theatre at Milan, May 31-4; domestic, Hospitaller, 
Apr. 18-5 ; Clerc's aut. commutator for, Sep. 4-6 ; from arc 
light circuits, Ridlon, Soc. Arts, Nov. 11-6. 


Electric Lighting, Incand., Brush sys. Eng. Feb. 9, May 25, 
June 1 ; str. Himalaya, Feb. IG, Arizona, May 4 ; Brunn 
theatre, Aus. Apr. 13 ; Eden theatre, Paris, June 22 ; domes- 
tic, Swan, July 20; in Louvre, Paris, July 27; plant on atr. 
Oregon, Oct. 12 ; on shipboard, Nov. 30-3 ; do. Apr. 4-18 ; 
Swan and Edison, Health exhib. June 27 ; dynamo and bat. 
compared, Sep. 12; Weston sys., Phil, exhib. Oct. 24; on 
str. Colossus, Nov. 21-4. 
" Lighting, Incand., str. Oceanien, Gramme and Megy motor, 
Eng. Mar. 27 ; 3-wire Edison sys. Apr. 17 ; strs. Etruria, &c., 
June 19; radiation from carbons, July 3; wires (mains), 
size, July 3 ; vac. pump, AVestou, Aug. 7 ; domestic, Nevile, 
Aug. 21 ; in theatres, Cance meth., Oct. 23-5. 

" Lighting, Incand., theatre, Paris opera, Emj. Jan. 1-6; of 
trains, Carswell, Sep. 23; Dredge, Oct. 28, Nov. 18; Brown 
aut. converter, Dec. 23-7 ; str. Himalaya, The Eng. Feb. 9 ; 
mach., Wright's, May 25-3; on U. S. str. Albatross, June 
20 ; Bethnal-Green museum, Aug. 8-4 ; on strs. Umbria and 
Etruria, Apr. 10-5. 

" Launches, Keckenzaun, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 29-4. 

" Line Construction, Lookwood, Electric. July. Aug. Nov. 

Dec.-4; Jan.-Deo.-5. 
" Lock, Lockwood, Elec. Bev. Sep. .5-5. 
" Locomotion, econ. of. Electric. Mar.-o; Eeckenzaun, June- 

7 ; limit of speed, Sabine, Elec. Mev. July 12-3 ; prog, of. 

Farmer, -Bice. World, Dec. 20-4: ; and magnetic, hist., Bentley, 

The Eng. Sep. 19-4. 
" Locomotive, mining, tests, table, Keckenzaun, Electric. 

July-6 ; tests, Elec. Mev. May 22-6 ; Hal'ls, of 1850, Elec. 

World, Jan. 10-5 ; Page's, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 28-5. 

" Mach., influence, Voss, ^ZecJrio. June ; Atkinson's, 0ct.-3 ; 
do. 4-plate, Topler, Elec. World, Mar. 29 ; Benjamin's Voss- 
Holtz, Oct. 18-4; high press, influence, Hempel, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Oct. 10-5 ; Wimhurst, Mar. 12-7. 

" Magnetism. See also Electro-magnetism. 

" Magnetism, cause of, in steel and metals, Iron Age, Sep. 
6-3 ; magnetization changes in length, rods of iron, steel and 
nickel, Bidwell, Electric. June-5 ; relation between magnet 
core and magnetizing force, French, Dec.-6. 


Electric Magnetism, action of iron as magnetic screen, EIpc. 
Bev. Mar. 29 ; luminosity of magnets, J. T. Sprague, June 7 ; 
cause of, in iron, steel etc., Hughes, June 14, 21-3; in 
watches. Toppan, May 14, June 2.5, July 30; do. Haskins, 
Nov. 5 ; magnetic bridge, Eickmeyer, Aug. 27 ; S. S. Wheeler, 
Nov. 12-7. 

" Magnetism, theory of, Hughes, Elec. Wot-JO, Mar. 29, Apr. 
5, 12, 26 ; magnetic polarity and neutrality, do. May 24, 
June 28, July 12-4; mag. effects on iron and steel bars. Bid- 
well, May 30-5; magnet winding, Hering, Jan. 16, Feb. 13, 
Mar. 6, 20-6; magnetization, el. mo. force of, E. L. Nichols, 
Sep. 24-7. 

" Magnetism, cause of, in iron and steel, Hughes, Sci. Am. 
Sup. June 23, July 7-3 ; magnetic separator, Feb. 23 ; mag- 
netic balance, Hughes, Mar. 22 ; terrestrial, Owen, Mar. 29- 
4 ; magnetic separation of minerals at Oberlahnstein, Heb- 
erle, Oct. 10-5 ; JEng. June 15-3 ; magnetic separator, 
Buchanan's, The Eiir/. Apr. 27; in iron and steel, cause of, 
Hughes, June 1-3 ; theory of, do. Apr. 4, ii. 11-4. 

" Measurement, and nomenclature, Nystrom, Iron Age, Nov. 
18-4; do. il/f-r/i. Nov.-4; for cimnnercial purposes, Shool- 
bred. Van Xnst. Oct. -3 ; eleo. mo. force of, in constant ele- 
ments, Eeynier, Electric. Jan; Olim's law, July, Aug; F. L. 
Pope, Oct, Dec.-4 ; principles, do. Aug.-.5 ; Wheatstoue's 
bridge, ijroof, Salomons, Nov.-G ; Elec. Bee. Oct. 18-3 ; and 
noraen., Nj^strom, Nov. 2'.)-4 ; June 19-6 ; Sep. 17-7 ; Weaver, 
Elec. irorM, Jan. 24-5 ; Shoolbred, T he Eng . :sldy lS-3 ; See 
also Elec. Measuring, Meters. 

" Measuring, instruments, spring for, Iron Aije, Oct. 9-4; 
do. Eaton, Electric. Oct. -4; do. for vel. of projectiles, H. A. 
Sinclair, Apr.-5 ; do. Ayrton, Elec. Biv. May 31 ; do. Uppeu- 
born's, Sep. 13-4; do. Phil, exhib., E. P. Thompson, Elec. 
Worlil, Jan. 31-5; AV. Thomson's. June 18-7 ; ap., Munich 
exhib. Sci. Am. Siiji. Jan. 20-4:; lustrums., W. Tliomson's, 
July 30-7. See also Elec. Measurement. 

" Meters. See also Elec. Galvs. Measurement, Measur- 
ing, Units. 

" Meters, current, 3Iech. Dec. 29-3: testing, Gordon, Jul y-4 ; 
Bitter, Van Xost. Jau.-6; current, Forljes', Houston, Fran. 
Inst. r)ec.-7; Ayrton, Prescott, Electric. Jan; voltameter, 
silver, Anderson, May-6 ; Forbes, Nov.-7. 


Electric Meters, Hopldnson, Elec. Rev. Apr. 19-3 ; voltameter, 
Eaton, Dec. 5-5 ; do. Sep. 4, Oct. 9 ; do. gauging. Mar. 6 ; W. 
Thomson, Aug. 14-6; Ohm-meter, Feb. 26; ammeter, U. S. 
Elec. Co. Apr. 30 ; Arou, Julyl6; current, Forbes', Oct. 8 ; 
Grove, Oct. 29 ; coulomb, Borel, Nov. 19-7; magnet, Car- 
pentier's, Elec. World, Oct. 4-4; hist., in Am., Brock, Nov. 
21, Dec. 0-5; Weston current and energy. Mar. 13,27; elec- 
tro-, contin. indie.,Bichat, May 15-6; coulomb, Forbes', Oct. 

" Meters, current, Hopkiuson's, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 21 ; sol- 
enoid galv., or ampere, Jamieson, June 16 ; Mascarfs regis- 
tering, Aug. 18 ; Marianim's re-electrometer, Aug. 25 ; and 
power. Boys, Sep. 29 ; current, H. Shaw, Dec. 8-3 ; quad- 
rant, W. Tliomson's, Feb. 9 ; current, Crompton and Kapp, 
Apr. 19 ; ampere, volta, and measures, Vienna exhib. June 7 ; 
Kohlrausch"s aj). Aug. 9-4. 

" Meters, calorimetric, volta and ampere, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 
31 ; Cauderaj-'s coulomb, Hospitaller, Oct. 17 ; Hartmaun's 
mirror galvs. Oct. 24-5; ampere and volta-, Edelmann, July 
81 ; voltameter, for elec. light, Aug. 28 ; do. electro- 
static, "\V. Thomson's, Aug. 28-6 ; ammeter, Waterhouse, 
Nov. 5 ; current, Nov. 19-7. 

" Meters, Hopkinson, Enrj. Mar. 9-3 ; Mho-meter, Thomson, 
May 2-4 ; ammeter, Ayrton, June 20 ; A'olmeter, C'arde^^•, Sep. 
5-4; June 20-3; power. Boys, The Eng. 3\xne8:, current, 
Hele Shaw's, Oct. 26-3. 

" Microphone, contacts, Bidwell, Mech. May 19-3; expts., 
Hughes, Electric. Mar.-3 ; influence of surface condensed gas, 
Probert, Elec. Ber. May 17-3. See also Telephone, Micro- 

" Motors. See Elec. Dynamo Motors. 

" Ore treatment, Rae, Elec. Bev. Aug. 6-7. 

" Organ movement, Walker, Jlech. Oct.-G. See also Organ. 

*' Papers, Brit. Assoc, O. J. Lodge, Electric. Nov.-7. 

*' Patents, U. S., '82, n. Mech. June 23-3 ; U. S. stat., '84, 
Electric. Feb.-5; do. Feb.-6; do. stat., '86, Feb.-7; do. '82, 
Elec Bev. Oct. 18-3 ; do. stat., Loekwood, Feb. 14-5 and 
files; Elec. World files. 

" Phenomena, imitation of, by liquid or gaseous currents, 
Decharme, Sci. Am. Su2). Jan. 5-4; analogies with liydro- 
d3'namic effects, do. Oct. 3, 17-5. 


Electric Pneumatic sys., Clay, Phil. Eng. Xews, Xov. 20-6. 

" Potential, energy and work, Fiske, Van Xost. May-3 ; 
current and resist., J. T. Sprague, Elec. Eev. Aug. 9-3. 

" Power, by Brown's dynamos, Electric. May; motive, W. 
Wharton, Xov.-7; of Xiag. falls, J. Trowbridge, Elec. Mev. 
.June 28-4 ; do. May 30-5 ; heat transformation into, with 
bats., thermopiles and dynamos, Penkert, Sci. Am. Sup. 
July 31-6. 

" Power DISTRIB., by s-econdary generators, Gibbs, Van Nost. 
June-5 ; Gaulard, Elec. World, Nov. 29-4 ; by Sprague mot- 
ors, Boston, Sep. 3-7; Fiske, Sci. Am. Sup. 3Iay 5-3. 

" Power service, Martin. By & Eng. Oct.-7; Elec. World. 

" Power Transmission, Iron Age, Dec. 3-5 ; Van Depoele, 
June 3; Dec. 16-6; Ara. Eng. Nov. 14-4; Nov. 2C-5 ; Luce, 
Van Nost. Feb.-5; Van Depoele, Maj-; energy, Kapp, n. 
Aug, Sep.-6; Julien sys., Salom, Fran. Inst. .June-7 ; Elec- 
tric. June-3 ; Jan ; vs . steam, comp. air etc., in mines, Schulz, 
Apr; mill. elec. mo. force, Carhart, Dec.-5. 

" Power Trans., Electrician; Upton, Mar; op. of motors 
from elec. light and power stations, Martin, Oct; Levy, 
Dec.-6 ; English expts., Fontaine, Jan, Feb ; between Creil 
and Paris, expts., Deprez rep. Jan, Feb; by Brown"s dyna- 
mos, May-7 ; Elec. Bev. Mar. 22 ; Apr. 5 ; French Inst. rep. 
May 10, 31 ; Grenoble expts. rep. Oct. 25-3 ; Mar. 2" ; May 
24-4; Nov. 7-5; Sep. 25, Dec. 4-6; expts., Fontaine, Jan. 
22 ; vs. compressed air, Sep. 17-7. 

" Power Trans., Schlesinger, Elec. World, Apr. 18, May 2, 9; 
from central stations, >Iay 16 ; lietween Creil and Paris, 
expts., Deprez, Nov. 28; do. machs. used in, Dec. 5 ; 1st, 
Dec. 12-5 ; expts., H. Fontaine, Dec. 4.-6 ; by Oerliken dy- 
namos, Gruenlnger, July 23-7. 

" Power Trans., at Bienne, Switz. Set. Am. Sup. Jan. 24; 
Deprez expts. Dec. 19-5; do. between Creil and Paris, Jan. 
23; Dec. 11-6; Eng. Mar. 23, 30; Apr. 27-3; Oct. 16, Nov. 
6 &C.-5 ; Nov. 12-6 ; Lodge, The Eng. Jan. 26, Feb. 9, 23, 
Mar. 9, 16; A. Siemens, Apr. 13; Lodge, Aug. 24, Oct. 5-3; 
do. Jan. 11-4; July 30-6. See also Telpherage. 

"Progress, Japan, Fujioka, E>j. d- Eng. Maj'-7; "83, Elec. 
World, Jan. 5-4; '84, review of, Jan. 3, 10, 24-5; in Am., 
"85, Jan. 2-6; in Am. Eng. Dec. 26-4; "86, Jan. 21, 28-7. 


Electric Properties of german silver, Prescott, Electric. 

" Quantity, Wheeler, Electric. Nov.-S. 
" Registering Av., heat reg., telemeters, timepiece, clocks, 
rep. Fran. Inst. Jan.-6; dynamograph, wk. of machs. 
Resio, Elec. Mev. June 14-3. 
" Regulation, in 3 wire distrib. Elec. World, Apr. 16-7. 
" Reostats, temp, coeffs., Anthony, Electric. June-7; wire, 

and Weston's, for laboratories, Elec. World, May 16.-5. 
" Resistance, n. Iron Age, Apr. 26-3 ; measuring, Uppenborn, 
Electric. Feb ; pure copper wire, table, Prescott, June ; Ber- 
ing, Dec.-5; coils, polarization of, Thomas, Feb.-7; of 
human body. Stone, Elec. Bev. July 19-3 ; do. Aug. 16-4; of 
commercial iron, Preece, Elec. World, Sep. 17-7; A. W. 
Waters, Sci. Am. Sup. May 10-4 ; of steel solutions, Eng. 
July 8-7 ; tester, Blackburn's portable. The Eng. Apr. 6-3 ; 
of platinoid, Bottomley, Julj' 3-5. 
'' Science, advances, Trowbridge, Mecli. Feb.-5. 
" Signal, box, dist., Talbot, Elec. Sev. June 7-3; signaling, 

Sep. 13-4; police, usual, Oct. 9-6. 
"• Signs and Symbols, Eng. May 15-5. See also Elec. Sym- 
" Smelting, and Aluminum proc, Cowles, Fran. Inst. Feb.-6 ; 
proc. do. Elec. Bev. Sep 19-5; dynamo (largest), Thurston, 
Oct. 2-6 ; Cowles' proc. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 26-5 ; E7ig. Sep. 
11-5 ; Eng. <fc Mining Jour. 
" Solenoids, Electric. Apr.-5. 

" Spakk, elec. mo. force of, Edlund, Elec. Bev. Apr. 2-7. 
" Standards and Resistances, Brit. Assoc. Eng. Sep. 23-7. 
" Storms, Electric. June-3. 

" Storage Batteries, (accumulators; secondary) and arc 
lights, dangers of, Eng. News, Nov. 10-3 ; prog. Iron Age, 
Jan. 11 ; Faure accum. Mar. 8-3 ; Viaduct, Apr. 9 ; Kalischer, 
June 18; July 16, Sep. 10-5; (Elwell), Aug. 25; durability, 
Eeckenzaun, Sep. 1-7; 3Iech.Jan. 6; Faure, Feb, 24-3; Sep. 
Oct.-5; Morton', Van Nost. June-3; Lodge, Mar; n. Aug.-4; 
Howard, Oct.-5; Plante and Faure accums., chem. of, Fran. 
Inst. Jan, July-3; notes, Oct.-3-Dec.-4; Apr.-5; Julieu, 
St. By. Gaz. July; test, Weis sys. Sep.-7; for locomotion, 
Keckenzaun, Sep.-7. 


Electric Storage Bats, (secondary), Ehctric. Jan, Mar; Blec. 
Accum. Co. May; June; expts., Aron, July ; Brush, Nov.-3; 
n. Feb ; elec. ino. force of, expts., Eeynier, Jul}'-4 ; do. Mar ; 
Jan ; aut. eut>out, Prescott, May ; Roberts, July ; charging, 
Preece, July ; Kalischer, July ; plates, Dec.-5 ; Bauer, June, 
Sep, Nov; treatment, Drake, Nov.-6 ; pats. Jan; construct., 
Eeckenzaun, Feb, Mar, May, Julj', Aug, Oct ; Roberts, 
June ; tests, Huber, Aug ; Reckenzauc, Oct ; for elec. locoms. 
do. Sep; Mailloux, Sep ; Reckenzauu's, Julien tests, Pres- 
cott, Dec.-7. 

" Storage Bats., -B^cc. 7?(;b. Mar. 22, 29, Apr. 5; Frankland, 
Apr. 12, 29 ; tests, Morton, Apr. 26 ; Lodge, June 21 ; J. T. 
Sprague, June 28, July 5 ; in mills, Oct. 11 ; Kabath accum. 
Nov. 1 ; and steam gen., Biggs, Nov. 22 ; Faure accum. Nov. 
29-3; rep. Jan. 3; Feb. 14; Jarrianfs, Mar. 13 ; Aug. 2; 
use In telegraphy, Preece, Nov. 1-4. 

" Storage Bats., discharge of, Frankland, SJec. Sev. Jan. 3 : 
Gaulard and Gibbs sec. gens. Feb. 7; Howard, July 11 ; 
Viaduct Mfg. Co. July 25, Nov. 28-5; pats. July 10-24, Aug. 
14, 28 ; Aug. 7 ; construct., Eeckenzaun, Dec. 2.5 ; U. S. pats. 
Oct. 9-23, Dec. 25-6 ; do. Jan. 1, 8, 20 ; plant, .Jan. 1 ; Mon- 
taud's accum. Jan. 15 ; expts., Swinburne, Jan. 22, Apr. 
16; Accum. Co. Feb. 12; power distrib. by, Feb. 26; Elec. 
Accum. wks. June 18, IS ; construct., Eeckenzaun, July 16, 
Aug. 13, 20; Smith, Aug. 6 ; Mailloux, Aug. 20; Duncan, 
Aug 27 ; Eeckeuzaun's, Sep. 24 ; Hedges, Oct. 1-7. 

" Storage Bats., manipulator. Brush sys. £?ee. WorJd, Oct. 
4-4; distrib. by, Feb. 7; Eoberts, Feb. 28 : tests, June 6; 
charging, Preece, June 27 ; Howard, July 4 ; large, Eoberts, 
July 25 ; accum. electrodes, Eeynier, Dec. 5-5. 

" Storage Bats., iudic. Slec. World, Apr. 3; 25 j-ears ao-o, 
June 5 ; for light and power, Bauer, June 5 ; Imps. Aug. 7 ; 
treatment of, Drake, Oct. 2; lithanode, D. G. Fitz-Gerald, 
Oct. 2; Julien accum. Nov. 20; Elec. Accum. Co. Dec. 11; 
construct., Eeckenzaun, Dec. 18, 25; ap. for indie, charge of, 
Montaud, Dec. 18-6. 

" Storage Bats., Montaud accum. Elec. World, Feb. 5 ; 100 
H. P., Paris City Hall, Apr. 30; aut. switches, May 7; hist., 
Van der AVeyde, May 7, 21; install. May 14; Julien cell' 
May 21 ; manuf . June IS ; Phcenix, July 2 ; Peyrusson Sep 


Electric Stokage Bats., and transmission, W. Siemens, Sci. 
Am. Stip. May 12; and piles, Munich Elec. exhib. Dec. 12; 
Lodge, Dec. 22-3 ; distrib. of elec. energy by, Gaulard-Gibbs 
sys., Gibbs, June 13; Gime's accum. July 18; Glaesener's, 
Aug. 29 ; Henderson, Nov. 28-5 ; bimetallic, Jan. 16 ; Gadofs, 
Dec. 11-6 ; Montaud accum. Apr. 2, June 18 ; 100 H. P., City 
Hall, Paris, June 4; Fitzgerald, Sep. 10; for locomotion, 
Reckenzaun. Nov. .5-7; Faure accum., Pendleton, Soc. ^l)-«s, 
Dec. 14-2. 

" Storage Bats., chem. of, i:iic/. Jan. 5; Brush, Feb. 23, 
Mar. 2; transport, of, Mar. 30-3; (secondary), Wilklns, 
July 4 ; July 2.5, Dec. 19-U ; May 8 ; auto-accum., Jablochhoflf, 
June 19; Nov. 13-5; Sep. 17-6; (sec), lithanode for, Soc. 
Tel. Engs. Mar. 18-7; Lodge, The Eng. Jan. 5; Ehvell 
accum. June 15-3 ; Drake, Sep, 10-6 ; reversible lead, Fitz- 
gerald, Mar. 25, Apr. 8-7. 

" Stove, Sellons, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 18, Oct. 31-5. 

" SvriTCH-BOARDS, multiple, (2,400 lines), Kan. C. Teleph. 
exeh. (1,000 wires), Lond. Telph. esch. Elec. Bev. Aug. 30-3 ; 
fittings, Eng. Feb. 5-6. See also Telephone Switch-bds. 

" Symbols, J. Munro, Elec. Rev. Oct. 1-7 ; Eng. May 15-5. 

" Synchronism, Fran. Inst. Apr.-5. 

" Telemetry, Hewitt, Eng. Neios, Apr. 25-5 ; instrum.. Edge- 
comb, Electric. Dec.-4; Telemeter Co.'s instrums. Elec. Rev. 
Ap. 3-6. 

" Telpherage. See Telpherage. 

'•' Testing, ap., Woodbury, Mecli. May 12-3; do. portable, 
Fran. Inst. June-3 ; do. Elec. Rev. May 3-3 ; outfit, Irish's, 
Elec. World, Dec. 10-7; portable ap., Woodbury, The Eng. 
June 15-3. 

" THERMOSTAT, F. C. Chllds, Soc. Arts, Mar. 8-3. 

" Time, repeater, Oram, Elec. Rev. May 22; detector, Rose- 
brook, June 12-6; Lippmann, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 1-7. See 
also Telephone Time Tkansmisson. 

" Tool, motor for shops, Elec. Rer. May 3-3. 

" Units, Eng. News, Sep. 19-5 ; measurement, Barker, Iron 
Age, 12-3 ; and nomenclature, Nystrom, Dec. 18-4 ; Ohm, 
Rowland's det. of, July 30-5 ; Mech. June 21 ; Nystrom, 
Dec.-4 ; of measure. Am. Eng. Oct. 31-4 ; measurement, 
W. Thomson, Van Nost. May-4. 


Electric Units, Watt and H. P., Preece, Vnn Nost. Dec.-5; 
mechau. explanation of, Crocker, Electric. Feb. -Apr; Joule's 
law anal., ]$ucldnghain, Mar.-4; and nomen., Jamieson, 

.Sep.-.5 ; equivs., C. Heriug, May-7. 

" l^NiTS, raeasurcment, AV. Thomson, Elcc. Mcv. June 7-3 ; Sep. 
24-7 ; and value of, table, Elec. Worltl, Jlay 24 ; ohm, det. of, 
cxpts. Dec. 1.3-4; Curtls.s, Jan. 10-5; the ohm, F. W. Jones, 
Xov. 6-6; watt audH. P., relation between, Preece, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Xov. 29-4; ohm, legal, construct, of copies of , Oct. 24- 
5; May 28-7; Eng. May 9 ; ohm, det. of, Xov. 14-4; of 
measurement, "W. Thomson, The Eng. May 2.5-3; watt and 
H. P., Preece, Sep. 19; Oct. 10-4. 

'■• Valve, Johnson, Iron Age., July 1-6. 

" AVelding, E. Thomson, Am. Eng. Feb. 2-7; do. u. Van 
JVost. Xov.-G; do. Fran. Inst. May-7; Eies, and tempering 
metals, St. litj. Gnz. Oct.-7; E.Thomson, Elec. Rev. Dec. 
lS-6; and tempering sys., Pies', Dec. 3; Bernardo-Ruhl- 
mann, Dec. 17-7; E.Thomson, Elec. World, Dec. 2.5-6; July 
9-7; E. Thomson, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 26, May 7-7; new art 
of, do. Soc. Arts, Dec. 9-6 ; do. Eng. Sep. 24-6 ; do. Jan. 7-7. 

'• AViRE, braider, X'. E. Butt Co. Elec. Bcv. Sep. 26-5; creeper, 
Sri. Am. Sup. Sep. 2.5-6 ; gauge and current cajjac, Edison 
standard, table, Elec. World, Feb. 5-7. 

" Wires. See also Telegraph ; Telephoxe; Telpherage. 

" Wires, H. P. of, Gordon, J/ecA. Mar. 8-4; insulator, glas*. 
X^at. self-binding, Electric. jMay; distrib. thro, cities, E. 
Pies, Xov.-S ; do. Feb, Apr; properties of copper, iron and 
gernian silver, Herijig, July; joints, Haskins, 0ct.-6 ; over- 
head sys. for cities, Flad, July-7. 

" AViRES, insulator, Hamilton, Elec. Her. Apr. 19-3i overhead 
icrial cables, Feb. 28 ; do. JIacquairie, June 13-5 ; joints, 
Haskins, Sep. 4-6; carrying capac, Badt, Jlay 7; overhead, 
prevention of dangers, Barrett, Sep. 24-7; do. insul- 
ating. Brooks, Elec. World, Apr. 24. IMay 1-6 ; joint, Mcln- 
tire's, Aug. 13-7; H. P. of, Eng. Jan. 11-4. 

" Wires, rNDERGROUNu. See also Teleg. Wires, l'nder- 


" Wires, underground, subways, Eng. Xeu-s, Sep. 11 ; do. 
manhole, X. Y. Oct. 23; Washington, Oct. 9-6. 


Electric Wires, underground, Iron Age, Aug. 6-5; Com- 
miss. rep. San. Eng. July 8; (subway) tests of material, 
Ledoux, Sep. 9-6; in England, My. & Eng. A\ig.-1 ; con- 
duits, rep. on, Fran. Inst. Feb.-5; Electric. Aug.-3 ; cables, 
W.=iring sys., F. L. Pope, Dec.-±. 

" Wires, underground, Edison sys. Electric. Mur; Mass. 
R. Commiss. rep. May; Chicago, Haskins, Sep ; Sep ; Brook- 
lyn, rep. Oct ; Brooks, Dec ; cables in Germany, Dec ; Subway 
Commiss. rep., on Phil., Wash. and€hic. Oct.-Dec.-5 ; in 
England, Lain, Jan ; Standard Undergr. Co. sys. Feb; for 
arc lighting, R. W. Pope, Mar ; subways, N. Y. June ; do. 
Commiss. rep. Aug; Brooklyn, Sargent, Nov.-6; eilic. of, in 
cities, D. Brooks, Mar.-7. 

" Wires, underground, Lydecker, Elec. Mev. Mar. 29; 
expts., Chicago, Apr. 26; cable wks., Kerite, Oct. 11 ; for 
light, Morton, Dec. 20-3 ; July IS ; Pennock, Sep. 12 ; cables, 
Benjamin, Sep. 19; cable, Okouite, Sep. 2G, Oct. 24; N. Y. 
Elec. Subway Commiss. rep. Oct 24-5 ; do. May 8-6 ; Dor- 
sett, Oct. 24-5 ; do. Feb. 13 ; Benjamin sys. Oct. 30-6 ; Sar- 
gent, Oct. 8 ; subways, N. Y. Dec. 3 ; conduit, Chenoweth, 
Deo. 10-7. 

" Wires, underground, sys. J5;ec. TFo?'W, Oct. 11 ; Callender, 
Nov. 15-4; Am. Sectional Co"s sj's., rep. Feb. 14; in Paris 
sewers, Feb. 21; Contin. Union Cable Co. sys. Mar. 14; 
Elec. Tube Go's, Mar. 28, Apr. 4, 11 ; in Chicago, Apr. 18 ; 
Woodward's cui'b conduit sys. x\.pr. 18 ; Maquer's sys. Apr. 
25 ; Brook's sys. June 20 ; Oilman's elec. subway, Aug. 29 ; 
Okonite Co's sj^s. Sep. 26; Stand. Undergr. Cable Co's sys. 
Oct. 24-5; Beere-Grant sys. Feb. 13; N. Y. rep. May 8; 
Macquairie, May 22; N. Y. Subway Commiss. rep. July 10; 
do. conduit sys. July 24-6. 
" Wires underground. Continuous Undergr. Cable Co's sys., 
Phil. Sci. Am. Siip. June 23-3 ; (teleg.) Jacques, Soc. Arts, 
Nov. 13-4; prog, in, do. Oct. 22-5; Edison lead connections. 
The Eng. Nov. 21-4. 

Electrician, what is an, Waldo, Elec. Mev. Oct. 29-7 ; flrst- 
Wm. Gilbert, Sci. Am. Stqj. Sep. 13-4. 

Electricity. See also Electric &c. 
" Applied to explosives, Abel, ^jiS'. A'eros, July 7 ; U. S. Mag- 
netic observ., Los Angeles, Cal. Aug. 18-3. 


Electricity, recent uses of, Iron Age, Nov. 13-4 ; from wind 
power, Vienna Elec. exhib. Mech. Nov. 3-3 ; as a motive 
power, Forbes, Van. Nost. Aug ; static and dynamic, rela- 
tion of, Dec. -3 ; magnetism, theory of, Hughes, July; pas- 
sage through gases, expts., Schuster, .Sep.-4. 

" Selenium Cells, and bats., Fritts, Van Nost. May; electro- 
motive action of ilium, selenium, diseov. by Fritts, W. Sie- 
mens, Juno; in warfare, Fiske, Dec.-5; thermo-elec, n. 
Sep.-6 ; production, Fiske, Exj. & Enrj. Xov. Dec.-7. 

" Hall's Phenomenon, Fran. Inst. Sep; as ilium, agent in 
astron. obs. Sep.-4 ; in medicine, Apr ; in warfare, torpedoes, 
Mar.-5 ; do. Jan, Feb ; dynamic, development of. Mar ; 
applic. to markraanship, July, Aug.-6 ; bk. n., Fleming, Jan ;. 
nature, n., Hering, .June-7; as motive power, "W. Wharton Jr. 
St. Fiij. Gaz. Nov.-T. 

" Meghan. Energy, and equivs. Electric. Apr; from wind,, 
util. Sep.-3; Brit. Assoc, pro. 0ct.-4; atmospheric, Blake, 
May, Aug; do. Van der AVeyde, Oct.-5 ; electromotive ac- 
tion, inverse, of voltaic arc. Cross, Sep ; dynamic, C. Hering, 
Apr.-Dec.-6 ; nature. Miller, Jan ; and gas, Graelf, May ; 
d3rnamic, Hering, Jan.-Dec.-7. 

"• Propulsion, for, Elec. Fev. Mar. 22 ; heat and light, Gray, 
Apr. 19 ; as motive power, Forbes, June 7 ; applic. to do. 
Buiswanger, July 5 ; applic. to working of coal mines, 
Bagot, Aug. 23 ; Fiske, n. Nov. 29-3 ; sources of (elec. bats.). 
Mar. 6; Oct. 11; marine, (elec. under sea), Beane, Nov. 22, 

" Sources, Tyndall, Elec. Fev. Mar. 7 ; distrib. of, Forbes, 
Mar. 14 ; Rogers, Sep. b-5 ; in medicine, Apr. 3 ; ozone, hist., 
Van der Weyde, June 19, 31 ; transmission of heat into, Case 
ap. July 17-6; death by, D'Arsonval, M;n'28; motive power 
of circulation of blood, Stonex, June 4; gas into, Oct. 1.3-7. 

" Elevated Roahs, for, N. Y., Farmer, Elec. World, Dec. 
27-4; production by solar energy vs. coal, Fritts, Feb. 7; 
production from light, W. Siemens, Fritts, Apr. 2.) ; in war- 
fare, Fiske, Nov. 21, 28 ; static, P. Atkinson, July 4, 2.5, Sep. 
26, Oct. 3, 31, Nov. 7, Dec. o-5 ; do. Jan. 2, 16-6 ; wliat is it, 
Wolcott, July 2-7. 

" Domestic, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 13 ; atmos., origin of, Zelinder, 
Aug. 11-3. 


Bleoteicty, the discovs. in, Sci. Am. Sup. May 17-4 ; da. 
July 14-4; and its applies., Fraser, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 6, 13; 
applies, to seismic movements, Sep. 20-4; as a motor, hist, 
n., M. G. Farmer, Jan. 17 ; sources of, Tyndall, Feb. 21, Mar. 
14 ; and magnetism, Nipher, May 9 ; in warfare, Fislie, Dec. 
19-5 ; hydrodynaniic effects, Apr. 10 ; and magnetism, Aug. 
7-6 ; and crystallization, Oct. 1, 22, Nov. 5, 12-T. 
". Applics. to dust, Eng. Jncieo; Antwerp exhib. June 19 ; 
July 10, 17-5; direct from fuel, Sep. 9-7; bk. n., J. T. 
Sprague, The Eng. Sep. 12-4; sources, Tyndall, Jan. 9-5 ; 
modern views of, Lodge, Nov. 4-7. 
Electro-calorimeter, Elec. World., Oct. 10-5; Roitis', Sci. 
Am. Sup. Nov. 14-5. 
" Chem. Rings, Sci. Am. Siip. Feb. 21, 28-5. 
" Dental Ap. Fran. Itist. Mar.-5. 

" Deposition, of iron, Austin, Electric. Aug; of alloys, S. P. 
Thompson, Aug.-7; of carbon, etc.. Gore, Elec. Sev. Se^i. 
13-4; of iridium on copper plates, J. M. Batchelder, Soc. 
Arts, May 22-4. See also Metallurgy. 
" Dynamics, units. Iron Age, Jan. 22-5 ; do. Mech. Aug. 11, 
Sep. 8; do. Nystrom, Oct. 20; do. Nov. 10-3 ; do. Jan.-5; 
do. Fran. Inst. July; maeh. Dec. -4; error in. Hooper, Elec- 
tric. Mar.-6. 
Electroliers, Brentwall's suspen. for. The Eng. Mar. lB-3. 
Electrolysis, of silver and copper, Shaw, Electric. Apr.-7 ; 
desilverization of lead by, Keith, Elec. World, Sep. 20-4; 
precip. of copper by, Foote, Mar. 7-5 ; arr. of vats for, Sla- 
ter, May 1-6; Sommer, Sci. Am. Sup. June 16-3; Schucht, 
June 14-4 ; secondary, Senimola, July 31-6 ; Brit. Assoc. 
Eng. Sep. 16-7 ; bk. n., Fontaine, The Eng. Mar. 6 ; commer- 
cial, Higgs, Feb. 6, Apr. 17, June 12, 26, Aug. 28-5. 
Electrolytic Copper Refining, Eng. July 3-5. 
ElcCTRO-magnets, construct., Du Moncel, Van Nbst. Jan-Mar; 
winding of, Dec.-3 ; largest. Electric. Mar.-3 ; J. T. Sprague, 
May-4; Currie, -Bto;. J?et'. Feb. 21-5 ; Recordon, -En^. Jan. 
1-6. See also Electric Dynamos. 
" Magnetic mach. tools, Rowan, Am. Eng. Sep. 14, 21-7 ; do. 
illus. Elec. World, June 2.7-7; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 3-1;, 
locomotive, eai'ly, Elec. Bcv. JIar. 14 ; eng. of 1884, Aug. 22- 
5 ; induction, Heaviside, July 23-7 ; drilling and riveting 
machs. The Eng. June 3-7. 


ElectO-Magnetism, discov., Lutterasiu, Elec. L'fv. Jan. 9-6 ; 

and hydro-dj'naiuies, Eng. Oct. 2G, Nov. 2-3. 
" Meuical Ap., bats., rep., Fran. Inst. May-6; Elec. WurhJ, 

Nov. 1-4. 
" Me(;aloscope (medical). Elec. Hev. Feb. 1.3-6. 
" Metallurgy, Fran. Inst. Feb.-5. 
Electrometer, quadrant, AV. Thomson's, 'Merh. Feb. 23-4; do. 

Eng. Dec. 28-3. See also Electric Oalvs. 
Electromotive action of ilium, selenium, Fritts, Fran. Inst. 

Electro-motors, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. G-4. 
'■ Plating, with nickel, Finn. Inst. Feb, Mar.-4; dynamos, 

E. P. Thompson, Elec World, Jan. 10-.5 ; silver, electrolj'tic 

balances of chem. corrosion, (iore, Set. Am. Sup. Apr. 21-3 ; 

with nickel. AVahl, :\ray 10-4. 
" PXEU. transit sys.. Clay, 3/(-<7). Oct.-7; valve, Johnson"?, 

Elec Ilev. May 2-.). 
'• Technical Inst.. ^Monteflore, Belgium, Elec. Bev. Oct. lS-4. 
" Technics, at Vienna exhib. Elec. ]Vnrlil, Aug. 23, 30-4. 
'' -Typing, Set. Am. Sup. May 9-5; dynamo, Elmore, Sankey, 

Enij. Felj. 20-.5. 
Elevators, hydr. and motors, B. F. Jones, Eng. Xchs, .June 9- 

3 ; safety attach.. Clem & Morse, Inm Agi', Nov. ,S-3 : mo-r 

econ., Magovern, Mar. 3 ; bbl. and package. Roller Chain 

Belting Co., Ohio, Xov. 17-T; liydr. and stm., effic. of, 

MccJt. Feb.-5; hydr.. Oti-i', hush valve for, E.C.Smith";, 

San. Eng. Apr. 29 ; hydr. lifts, Mersey J!y. tunnel, liich. 

Oct. 30-6; Equit. L. Ins. Co.. X. Y. Eng. & Bu. Sec. Xov. 

5 ; most econ. Magovern, Dec. .3-7. 
" Stokes, .4h!. i?«f/. Jan. 11 ; for fibrous material. Link Belt 

Co. Jan. 2.'i; AVhittier, Dec. 12-4; hydi-., uudergr. station, 

Mersey Ky., I.iverpuol, IJich, June 30-6; and hoisting eng*.. 

Lidgerwood, 7?//. Gnx. Mar. 211-5; hydr. and motors, B. F. 

Jones, Sci. Am. Sup. July 7-3; great street, Stockliolm, 

Sweden, Apr. 2G-4: helicoidal, Sep. 10-7. 
" Large, Weaver r. Eng. Sep. 12-4; hydr., Otis, Apr. 17: 

hydr. Inv"s exhil)., Ellington, May 1 : do. Aui. Co. May s ; 

Attwood, Inv's exhib. Mnyl."); liydi-. (lioists), Oct. lO-.j; 

hj'dr., Bennett, Sep. 17-6; econ. of, ;May 27-7: hydr. lifts, 

cyclic. Hart's, TJit Eng. .Tan. 2G-3. 


Elevators, Am. Elec. Co. Tlie Eng. June 27-4; hoists 
and lifts, Attwood's, May 1.5; Stevpus & Majors lift, Oct. 9; 
Butler's endless chain (for materials), Dec. 25-5; hydr. 
pass., Mersey Ey., Eich, May 14-6. 

Ellipse drawing. Smith, Povv.r & Trans. Mar.-7. 

Embroidering Machs. Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 7-6. 

Emery, wheels. Iron Age, Apr. 2-5 ; do. solid. May 20-6 ; do. 
and tiles, commercial value, Aug. 25-7; grinding rooms, 
Yale and Towne Mfg. Co. May 31-3 ; do. Mcch. May 12-3 ; 
wheels and mach., Eoper, Van Xost.¥%b.-o; wheel fitting 
shop and files, relative econ. Ey. (,4az. May 27-7; wheels 
and mach., lloper, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 28 ; mines of Asia 
Minor, Stevens, rep. Nov. 28-5 ; wheels, solid, Paret, Apr. 

Employers liability in Europe, Iron Age, Oct. 28-6. 

Engines. See also Air Engine ; Marine Engines ; Eailroad 
Locomotives ; Pumping Engines ; Steam Engines. 
" Hydraulic, aut. tug, Mech. May-5 ; arr., pneu., Tasker, Nov.- 
7 ; caloric beam, for fog signaling. Iron Age, Oct. 6-7 ; calo- 
ric, "Victor," 3Iedi. Aug.-5; do. beam, Pulsometer Eng. 
Co. Eng. Jan. 14-7. 

Engineer, and wage earner. Iron Age, Sep. 24-5 ; some often 
neglected duties of the, Collingwood, San. Eng. June 24-6 ; 
as an economist, Towne, Am. Eng. June 17-6. 

Engineers, Amal. Soc. of, England, Eng. June 20-3 ; and archi- 
tects, Eng. Nexos, Jan. 9-6 ; Club, Phil., pro. May 31-4; 
hand books, Trautwiue, Am. Eng. Apr. 10, 24-5 ; duties, 
addr., Collingwood, Van Nost. A\ig.-G; education of. By. 
Gaz. Jan, 26, Feb. 9-3 ; stationarj', exam, of. Iron Age, Feb. 
21-4; Stationary, Nat. Asso. pro. jSYa. Engineer, Sep.-7. 

Engineering. Including Building, Civil, Mechanical, and 
Municipal Eng. See also Bridges ; Building ; Electric ; 
Harbor; Marine; Military ; Telegraph ; AVatek Wks. 
" IiEVlEW of year '82, Eng. A\'ios, Jan. 0; projects, foreign, 
Feb. 3 ; Quarterly, list articles in, Jlar. 10-3 ; 10 years rec- 
ord, Apr. 19-4; union library, Feb. 7; water jet, elironol. of, 
Feb. 14; coil'er-dam, floating, E. F. Smith, Mar. 14; map 
rei^rod., photograijhic, Davanne, May 9; prog., Boiler, June 
27 ; do. Graft', July 4 ; )H-ofession of, Kent, Aug. 29 ; period- 
ical lit. index, flies to Oct. 3-5. 


Engineering, coucrete vs. brickwork, Eng. Xeus, Jan. 2 ; in 
• war-times, Jan. 30; cals., short cuts, June 5; duties, Colling- 
wood, June 19 ; one year of, Flad, sup. July 3, 17 ; Am. Acad, 
of, proposal for, Kent, Oct. lC-6 ; failures, Apr. 9 ; union 
library. Ajir. 16 ; bridge stresses, cal., n. Jlay 7; do. canti- 
lever principle, n. June 11 ; do. dimensioning meth., Otte- 
well, June 11 ; do. Stowell, Sep. 3-7. 

" Establishments, arr. of, Hutton, Iron Age, Feb. 22-3 ; 
.Japanese, July 29 ; accidents, Sej). 9-6 ; estimating, Mvch. 
Jan. 6 ; estabs., arr. of, Hutton, Feb. 3 ; shop records, Schlei- 
cher, Mar. 24-3 ; concrete in foundations. Mar. 8 ; contrac- 
tors time book. May 10-4 ; manuf. wlis. correspondence card, 
Jan.-6 ; strengtli of materials, Howard, July ; index, Sep.-7. 

" Freezing- tlirougli quick sand, Am. Eng. June 27-4 ; 
sti'ength wrt.iron cols. Apr. 17; exploration outfit. Fielding, 
May 1.5, 22; strength materials, tests, Pike, Sep. 10; cols., 
crushing limit of, n. Dec. 17-.5 ; pats., files from Jan. 1-6 ; 
and architecture, San. Eng. Nov. 27, Dec. 25-6 ; do. Jan. 1- 
29, Feb. 5-19, Mar. 5, 12, 26, Apr. 9, 30, June 4, July 2, Aug. 
1,1-7 ; do. line of demarkation, J. M. Wilson, Eng. & Bu. 
Hec. Nov. 5-7. 

" Masonry, and carpentry of Greeks and Romans, Van Xoat. 
July; long col. formula, Robinson's, Burr, Nov; force, defi- 
nition, Nov ; arches, proportions of, from French practice, 
Gould, Dec.-.3 ; and science, Jan.-4. 

" Science and practice of, Kennedy, Van Xost.jRn; strength 
materials under rex^eated stress, Merriman, Feb ; true gravi- 
metric constant, Clark, Mar; inventions since 1S02, Bram- 
well,Mar, Apr; instrums., planimeter, Coradi, Elliott, June; 
as a profession, Kent, Aug; and architecture, relations 
between, Goldstraw, Sep.-5. 

" Progress, Nursey, Van Nost. Apr; achievements and 
reward, Buchholz, Aug; Am. Acad., proposed, Kent, Oct; 
long cols., flexure and resist, of, Hoskin's. Nov.-6. 

" Tech. Education, Fran Inst. .Tan; and indus. prog., .an. 
summary, '84, Feb.-5 ; do, '85, Apr,-6; do. Feb; long cols., 
n., Cain, July, Aug.-7; Am. assocs. Hy. Gas. :\tar. 30-3 ; 
prog., '84, July 3 ; instrums., Coraudi polar planimeters, 
Anisler, Aug. 14-5; util. of natural forces, Elec. Rev. Aug. 


Engineering, Wks., important, Brunlees, Sci.Am. Sup. Feb. 24; 
rhymes, Baylea, Apr. 7 ; sand foundations, movement of, 
Forchheimer, Apr. 7 ; stresses in frame works, Graham, Sep. 
15-3 ; the wall (ancient walls &c.) T. K. Smith, Dec. 6-4. 

" Instrument, rolling planimeter, Reitz, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 
25 ; iuvs. since 1862, F. J. Bramwell, Maj^ 9, 15 ; sustaining 
walls, July 18 ; prog, in '84, July 18 ; piles, the destroyers 
of, Oct. 31 ; instrum., the integraph, Nov. 7-5. 

" Shaft sinking thro, quick sand, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 13 ; prac- 
tice, ethics of, Bayles, Feb. 27 ; materials, concrete. Slater, 
May 1 ; prog., Flad, Sep. 25 ; tendencies, Coxe, Nov. 13-6 ; 
angles, laying off, Locom. Jan.-3 ; strength materials, J. E. 
Howard, May-7. 

" Metal trades exhib., and, Etig. July 6-20-3; wks., Corn- 
wall, Tangyes, Birmingham, Sep. 5 ; tech. training, Elgar, 
Sep. 12-4 ; subaqueous blasting June 26 ; strength materi- 
als, Brit. Assoc, Baker, Sep. 25-5; notes, files, 1883-7. 

" Prog., '82, The Eng. Jan. 5; rhyme, Bayles, Mar. 23; 
graphics, cals. by drawing lines, R. H. Smith, June 15, 29; 
spherical tower, Aug. 10 ; iron wk. des., spec, and inspection, 
Pendred, Oct. 5; Escher wks., Zurich, Nov. 23, 30; shaft 
sinking thro, quicksand, Poetsch's sys. Nov. 30; Soc. of, 
pro. Nov. 30, Dec. 21-3; '83, Jan. 4; Soc. of, pro. Feb. 8, 
15 ; frame work, graph, treatment of stresses in, Graham, 
Feb. 8, June 20; graphics, or cal. by drawing lines, R. H. 
Smith, Mar. 7 ; science and practice, Kennedy, Oct. 31-4. 

" Review op '84, The Eng. Jan. 2 ; Am. enterprise, Eigg, 
Mar. 6, 13 ; autographic stress and strain diagrams, Unwin, 
Aug. 28-5 ; prog., '85, Jan. 1,8; wks., sys. in, Renold, Dec. 
3; i-esist. of materials to repeated loads, Unwin, Dec. 10; 
struts, Ayrton, Dec. 10-6. 

" Progress, "80, The Eng. .Jan. 7 ; resist, of materials, Unwin, 
Jan. 7 ; measuring instrum. for mechan. testing. May 20 ; 
stresses in a camp stool, notes, Aug. 5-26 ; extension, elastic, 
a species of motion, 1!. H. Graham, Aug, 19, Sep. 2; struts, 
strength, W. H. Smith, Sep. 2, 9, Oct. 14, 28; do. strength 
and stiffness, R. H. Smith, Nov. 25-7. 

" Building, sand, movement of, Forchheimer, Eng. Neics, 
Mar. 3; stones, use of, Gowans, Mar. 24; public buildings, 
meaus of egress, July 14-3. 


Engineering, Building, brick, standard, Switz., Fayod, Eng. 
jVcnc.s, Dee. 1.5; stones, decay of, Dec. 1.5-3; do. of Chicago, 
Jenny, Jan. 5 ; buildings, raising and moving, in Am. Feb. 9 ; 
concrete, for farms. May 31 ; brick masonry beton floors, 
resist, expts. July 12; Mut. Life bu., N. Y., hoisting and 
heating plant, Aug. 2 ; material, cork as a, Wagner, Oct. 4 ; 
brickwork, saltpetre, exud. upon, Nov. 1.5-4; do. Am. Arch; 
bricks of glass sand, Eng. .Veins, Nov. 29-4. 

" Building, roofs, concrete, Payne, Eng. News, May 2; 
Church of Sacred Heart foundations, Montmartre, Paris, 
Maj' 9 ; St. Peters, Rome, hooping of dome, Maj"- 16 ; brick- 
work, Ranklue, Maj^ 16, 16 ; buildings, public, list, Aug. 1 ; 
mat., mortars, Sej). 12; dangerous, Gamble, Sep. 26; mate- 
rial, Aberdeen granite, Sep, 20-3. 

" Building, construct, in earthquake countries, Milne, Apr. 
3; nails, tenacity of, Apr. 24; roofs, glass, n. July 24-6 ; 
mat., mortars, effect of adding saccharine matters to, Cromp- 
ton, Jan. 1 ; roofs, supports, masonry arches as, Tiedemauu, 
May 14; flooring, steel, Lindsay, Nov. 26-7. 

" Building, roofing, Iron Age, Feb. 22-3 ; sand, sharp, and 
quicksand, JlAc/i. Nov. 17-3; bricks, sizes, Apr. 19-4:; brick- 
work, permiss. strain on, Majf ; crushing strength of, Nov.-5. 

" Building. Nat. Agric. Hall, Loudon, Am. Eng. Sep. 3; 
brick walls, etflorescence of, C. J. .Vnderson, Dec. 24-5 ; cj'- 
clorama, Gcttj'sburg, Eng. & Bit. Sec. Nov. 19; opera house 
requirements, Adler. Nov. 26; Nat. bu. & Custom h. require- 
ments. Bell, Dec. 3-7 ; roofing, joint, water-proof, Cin. 
Corrug. Co. 7?;/. Gas. May 29-5. 

■' Building, walls, damp. Van Xost. Apr; public, pillar tests, 
U. S. govt. Aug.-3 ; long col. formula, Burr"s criticisms, 
Robinson, Apr, May; do. n. Burr, Aug; stone wk., formula 
for cal. pressures in, Gould, Aug; Albany, N. Y., Capitol, 
foundations of, McAlpine, Sep ; roofs, truss, wood, Sep.-4. 

" Building, inspection of metallic structures, Sanderson, Van 
Kost. Apr , iron wks. in, ornamentation, Juliau, Apr ; struct- 
ural des., general. Burr, ^lay ; Roman construct., 01drie^•e, 
Sep. -5; do. Bu. Xeas; materials, resist, to frost. Van Sust. 
Jan; brick^^■ork, permiss. strain on, Bohme, Mar; mat., 
white pine, bricks and stone, strength of, n.. Pike, June; 
concrete, Slater, June-6; do. Eng. £ Bu. Hcc ; do. Bu. Xeics. 


Engineering, Building, material, mortars, effect of adding sac- 
charine matter to, Crompton, Sy. ct Eng. Jan.-7 ; do. The 
Set. Am.3, 10-6 ; material, betonand iron as, Fran. Inst. Aug. 
-3; sustaining walls, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 26; buildings, gal- 
vanized steel plate, Nov. 5-7 ; bridge and warehouse floor- 
ing, Eiifj. Aug. 19-7 ; Agvic. Hall, Kensington, roof cals. 
"The Enrj. Nov. 19-6. See also Building. 

" Civil. See also Bridges ; Canals ; Dams ; Eng., Munic- 
ipal; Pavements; Railroad; Roads; Sewerage; Tun- 
nels ; Water Works, etc. 

" Civil, Am. Soc, Engineers, pro. Eng. .Vcv's, Jan. 20; Feb. 
10; ilay 26. June 9, 16, 30, July 7, 21, Dec. 8-3 ; Mar. 1, 
Apr. 26, May 10, 24, 31, June 14-28, Nov. 22, Dec. 20-4 ; Jan. 
24, 31, Feb. 21, 27, Mar. 14, June 13, July 4-.5 ; Jan. 9, 23, 
Apr. 10, June 5, July 24, Aug. 7, Oct. 23, membershij), Nov. 
27-6 ; Jan, 22, growth, Jan. 29 ; Feb. 5, Mar. .5, Apr. 9, June 
4, black-balling, June 18, map showing distrib. of, Julj^ 2- 
22, Aug. 13-27, Sep. 10, 17, Oct. 15-7. 

" Civil, Am. Soc. pro., Mech. May 24, Nov.-4; Am. Eng. 
June 13, 13, 20, Nov. 14-28-4 ; July 3, 10-5 ; July 7-6 ; July 
13,20-7; San. Eng. July 2, 10, 23-5; Jan. 28, July 15-6 ; 
July 9, 16-7; By. Ga:s. June 20-4; July 3-5 ; July 30-6; 
July 8, reorguization of, Oct. 14-7 ; Eng. July 31-5 ; Feb. 
26, Apr. 30, Aug. 13-27, Sep. 3, 10-6 ; Mar. 11, Apr. 1, Aug. 
19, 26, Sep. 16-7. 

" Civil, Institution of Engineers, pro. Eng. Xec.'s, .Tan. 12, 
June 7-4; hist, sketch, Oct. 30-6 ; addr., Bazalgette, Van 
JVost. Apr.-4; J?"f/. Jan. 12, Ai^r. 6-3 ; Jan. 11, Ma}f9-4; 

■ June 12-5 ; Apr. 2, May 28-6 ; The Eng. Jan. 19, Dec. 7, 14- 
3 ; Jan. IS, Feb. 1, 8, Jlar. 7, 21, 28, Apr. 4, May 30, June 6- 
4; Jan. 16, 30, Feb. 20, Mar. 20, Apr. 10, 24, May 29, June 
12, Sep. 25, Nov. 13, 20-5 ; June 4-6 ; Apr. 11-27, May 11, 25, 
June 15, July 13, Nov. 11, 18 7. 

" Civil, Institution of Ireland, The Eng. Apr. 3-5. 

" Civil, and Surveyors, Ohio Soc. pro. Eng. Xeus., Jan. 31-5 ; 
Jan. 23-6. 

" Civil, Societies, Paris, pro. Eng. Xeics, Feb. 9, May 3-4; in 
U. S. July 11-5. 

■' Civil, Worthing local board spec, England, Eng. Xews, Dec. 
15-3 ; Aarberg base line, Switz., measurement and ap. of 
Ibauer, Specht, Mar. 22-4. 


Engineering, Civil, Engineers dept., Wash., rep. Eiig. News, 
Jan. 10 ; Trautwine's pocket bk. Feb. 14-3 ; and architecture, 
wliat civiUzation owes, Brainhall, Sri. Am. Sup. Oct. 17-5 ; 
sand, thrust of, exjits., Siegler, Sep. .S-7 ; at Inv"s exhib. Eng. 
July 3, 10, 31-5 ; description of u, Tredgold, The Eng. Apr. 

" Civil, city engineers hand bli. Eng. Xeirs, July 26-4 ; cul- 
verts, box, max. spans of, July 2.5-5. 

" Civil, dimensions meth. Eng. Xens, July 2, 10, 23, 30, Aug. 
13,20-7; do. AVeyrauch, Van Xnst. Oct. ^o\.-3; ditch imps., 
apportionment of cost of, Opdycke, Eng. Xeii-x, Jan. 24-.5. 

" Civil, earthwork, slopes, Eng. .Vcc's, Mar. 14-28, Apr. 11- 
2.5, May9, lG-5; shrinkage expts.. May 1,8-6; do. do. of 
clayey soils, Apr. 2 ; computation from diagrams, Sep. 3-7 ; 
S.B.Fisher, Am. Eng. Oct. 1-5; cal. i?;/. G^as. May 28-6 ; 
shrinkage. Van Nost. Dec.-5 ; do. Flyuu, T/ie -£"«(/. July 23-6. 

" Civil, education, Waddell, Eng. Xevs, Jan. 1; Jan. 15, Feb. 
5, 19-7 ; Vose, Van Mar.-3 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 20-3. 

" Civil, embankments, sand-bag, Eng. Xi-vs, Oct. 24-.5 : 
Vyrnnwy reps. June 19-6 ; exam, papers, X. Y. munic. ser- 
vice, Jan. 10, 24-5; do. Sci. Am. Suji. Oct. 2-C. 

" Civil, excavatiOx, great cut, France, Eng. Xews, July 19; 
plant, Carson, Oct. 25-4; and embankment by water power, 
Dorsey, Sci. Am. Sup. July 24-6; in soft materials, freezing 
proc. for, Sooysmith, Sy. if Eng. May-7; do. Sue. ^4;-fs, Jan. 
27-7. See alsoExG., Civil, Trench Mach. 

" Civil, fees of, Eng. Xetr.'i, May 1-6 ; field wk., elimination of 
errors in, Bouton, Van Xust. Aug.-6 ; fouudatious, deep, 
Eng. News. July 18-5 ; do. in 300 ft. water, Jandin, Paris, 
Feb. 27 ; do. sand as, Curtis, May 15 ; do. sand. May 29-6 ; 
do. subaqueous. Iron Age, Feb. 4-6 ; do. do. new substance 
for, Gaetner, Van Xnst. May-6 ; do. air locks and shaft tubes 
construct., Brennecke, The Eng. May 7-6. 

" Civil, geodetic, operations, Pumiugton, Eng. Xetrs. Oct. 
20-3; Assoc, of Europe, internat. Sep. 27-4; operations, 
Norwegian, Van Xost. Apr.-3 ; wk., U. S., Boutelle, July-6 
do. Science ; do. do. Mason it Dixon. Gore, Bg. <£■ Eng. Mar 
do. Borden"s Jlass. survej-, Apr; I'. S. lake survey. May 
U. S. coast survey, June; wk., U. S.. Gore, July, Aug.-7 
operations, Eng. Sep. 14-3. 


Engineering, Civil, grading contract, agreement for, Eng.Xews, 
Aug. 25-3 ; hypsometry. Baker, Van Nost. Nov, Dec.-G ; 
instruments, transits, MeiTiman, Eng. News, Dee. 22-3 ; do. 
steel tapes, Ciillej', Sep. 3-7; do. Holme's solar theodolite, 
Am. Eng. July 3-3 ; do. curve ranger, Dalrymple, Eng. Xov. 
" Civil, land, drawing deeds and plans for, Eng. Xews, .Jan. 
13 ; plans, metric sys. on, Dec. 15-3 ; gov., quartersection 
subdividing, Z. A. Enos, July 26, n. Aug. 23-4 ; surveying, 
old lot lines, Hoag, May 9, 16 ; recording town plats in 
Mich. July 11 ; surveying, J. O. Baker, Oct. 31-5. 

" Civil, leveling, spirit, sources of error in, Johnson, Van 
Nbst. 0ct.-3 ; Swiss precision, Guison, Feb.-5 ; maps, relievo, 
manuf. of, Cortez, Eng. News, Jan. 24; meridian, det. of 
true, Dec. 12-3. 

" Civil, N. Y., Penn. and N. J. boundary lines, Eng. News, 
Oct. 20 ; N. Y. city contracts, frauds, Dec. 15-3 ; N. Y. State 
survey, '83, Mar. 8-4 ; prismoidal formula, Juue 5-6 ; protile 
quans., balancing, graph, meth. May 10; racecourse con- 
struct., Allarde, May 31-4. 

" Civil, K. curve, curvograph, Marechal's, Am. Eng. Deo. 17- 
3 ; K. party, massacre by Indians, Eng. News, Oct. 13-3 ; 
retaining wall, earth pressure against, McCabe, Am. Eng. 
Nov. 17, Dec. 1-6 ; ret. wall, Gould, Van Nost. Mar.-3. 

" Civil, eoads, turnpikes, old English, Eng. News, Jan. 20; 
Macadam, Feb. 17 ; Buchanan, Sep. 15-3 ; and road making. 
Sears, Feb. 23; Egypt, turnpike, O., spec. July 19-4; bad, 
cost of, Feb. 14 ; roadways, asphalts, of Berlin, May 23-5 ; 
imp. Mar. 13 ; gravel. Brown, Apr. 24-6 ; st. grade intersec- 
tions. Mar. 5, July 9-7 ; maintenance and rolling of, Debame, 
Van Nost. Apr.-4; roadways, effect of frost on. Van Nost. 
July-6; do. The Eng. See also Eoads. 

" Civil, stadia reduction, diagrams, Eng. News, Aug. 6-7; do. 
measurements, Winslow, Van Nost. Apr; do. theory. Wood- 
ward, June ; do. optical theory, n. I. O. Baker, July-4. 

" Civil, surveying, Eng. Nevs, Oct. 25-4; Ohio Soc. pro. 
Jan. 31; in 1562, Feb. 7; chaining, J. C. Balver, Sep. 19; do. 
H. W. Clarke, Oct. 3-3 ; base line measurements by steel 
tape, Feb. 13-6. 


Engineering, Civil, Canadian govt, (camp life), Eng. News, 
July 10,24, Aug. 14; lustrums., I. O. Baker, Aug. 7, Sep. 11, 
2.5, Nov. 13, Dec. 4; do. Oct. 9; trigonometrical, of India, 
J. T. Walker, Sep. 4, 11 ; rod, Specht, Xov. 13-6 ; do. Jan. 1 ; 
rods, Jan. 14-7. 
'• Civil, sl-rvfa'ing, instrums.. Baker, Eng. Xews, Mar. 12; 
do. construct, and use. Mar. 19 ; allowance for curvature of 
earth, Apr. 9 ; old treatise, Meyer, May 14 ; immortal, Dec. 
31; mach., the autogr.aphometer, Floran, May 7-7; do. Am. 
JS'Hr/. May 4-7 ; do. and levelling ap., Villepigne's, The Eng. 
July 29-7; do. ap. Sd.. Am. jS'hji. June 4-7; autopograph 
mach., Gillefs, Nov. 8-4 ; party in No.West. Wis. Aug. 25-3. 

■• Civil, topog., and R. surveys, T. Low, Eng. Xevs, Oct. 11- 
4; signs, Dec. .5-5 ; surveys, Aug. 6-7; models, Lehman, 
Ey. Gaz. Jan. 22-6; surveys. Walling, Van Nost. Oct. 4; do. 
do. Apr.-6. 

" Civil, trench exeav. plant, Eng. Xi;ws, Oct. 2.5-4; mach., 
Carson's, San. Eng. Feb. 19-7 ; triangulation adjusting 
meth., T. C. Thomas, Am, Eng. Apr. 4; do. T. W. Wright, 
May 23-4. 

" Materials. See also Building ; Cements ; Engineering, 
BUILDING ; Ikon and Steel ; Metals ; Piles ; Steel ; 
Stone ; Testing Mach ; Wire ; Wood. 

" Mechanical. Including Friction and Lubrication. See 
also Air Engine; Belting; Bolts and Ndts; Chim- 
neys ; Coal ; Cranes ; Dynamometers ; Electric ; 
Friction; Fuel; Furnace; Gas; Gases; Heat; Ma- 
chinery ; Machines ; Machine Shop, Tools ; Marine 
Boilers, Engines ; JEeciianks ; Railroad Locomotives ; 
Power Transmission ; Pumi'ixg Engines ; Steam ; Steam 
Boilers, Engines, Hammers, Heating ; Turbines ; Wire 
Ropes, etc. 

" Mechas., Am. Soc. Engineers, pro. Eng. Xi'ics, Dec. 4, 11- 
6 ; June 18, 25, Dec. 3, 10-7 ; Iron Age, June 21, 28, Oct. 25, 
Nov. 8-3; May 29, Nov. 20-4; Nov. 19, 20-5; Nov. 25, Dec. 
2.9-6; Dec. 1,8-7; JM-Ji. June 2, 23, 30, Nov. 10-3 ; May 
31, June 7, Dec.-4; June, Dec.-5 ; presidents of, portraits. 
June, special rep. sup. June, Dec. -7; Am. Eng. Nov. 14-4; 
May 27, June 3, Dec. 8, 15-6 ; Dec. 7-7 ; San. Eng. Nov. 19- 
5; June 3-6; Eng. A- Bu. l!.r. Dec. 10-7. 


Engineering, Mech AN., Am. Soc.Hy.Gaz. June 18-6 ; June 17-7; 
Bng. Aug. 6, 20-6; Jan, 7-21, July 8, 29, Aug. 5, Dec. 30-7. 

" Mechan., Institution of Engineers, pro. Bng. Feb. 2, July 
27, Aug. 3, 10-3 ; Jan. 18, 25, Feb. 1, May 9, Aug. 1-15-4; 
Jan. 16, 23, Feb. 6, Mar. 27, May 8, Aug. 7-28-5 ; Feb. 12, 
May 14, Aug. 20, 27-6 ; Jan. 3, Feb. 11, May 20, 27, Aug. 5- 
19 ; Oct. 7-7 ; The Eng. Feb. 2, July 13, 27, Aug. 3, 10, Nov. 
9-3; May 9, Aug. 8, 15, education, Thurston, Sep. 12-4;- 
Aug. 14^5; Aug. 20, 27, Oct. 22, Nov. 5-6; Feb. 11-25, Aug. 
5, 12-7. 

" Mechan"., cannon, stm. eng., man and insect power, Eng. 
News, Nov. 17-3 ; man, working power of, M. C. Meigs, May 
2-5 ; do. Sci. Am ; removing condemned mach. by dynamite, 
De Kinder, Eng. News, Oct. 25-4; coeflT. friction of air flow- 
ing in long pipes, Unwin, July 11-5. 

" Mechan., construct. Iron Age, Aug. 16-3 ; energy, lost,, 
June 24; H. P., distrib of, in U. S. Nov. 4-6 ; critical points 
in, Apr. 7; mechan. equiv. of heat, ap. for det., E. A. Cow- 
per, Nov. 17-7; mechan. motions plotting, 2Iech. Apr. 21; 
force, power, work, Nystrom, May 5 ; heat, work and power, 
Bering, June 16 ; 180° rock-shaft, Aug. 25 ; mechan. short- 
hand, Dec. 22-3 ; instrums., revolution iudics., Woodbury, 
Jan. 26-4; binary vapor engs. Mar; the unexpected which 
often happens. Sweet, Dec.-5 ; engineers, education of, 
Wood, Maj'-6 ; circular segments, areas, table of, for boiler 
attendants, Mar.-7. 

" Meghan, thermodynamics, theory, Reynolds, Am. Eng. Jan. 
4, 11 ; do. Apr. 17, 24-5 ; power util. of Niagara falls, 
Rhodes, June 27; training foi', Alden, Oct. 3, 10-4; the un- 
expected which often happens. Sweet, Nov. 12-5 ; substitu- 
tion of statical for sliding contact, H. Shaw, Jan. 19 
mechan. equiv. of heat, ap. for det., E. A. Cowper, Oct. 5-7 

" Meghan., (vel.) kinemeter, Haynes, By. Gaz. Nov. 18-7 
power, storage of. Van Nost. Apr ; energj"-, transmission of, 
Reynolds, Dec.-3; thermod., theory, Reynolds, June; do 
2ud law, Webb, Oct.-5 ; do. Rankine's, Wood, May, June 
Oct, Dec; power, sources of, Dec.-6; do. The Eng. 

" Meghan., gases, kinetic theory of, Fran. Inst. Maj', June; 
solids and liquids, do. July-3 ; instruction in, Sep.-4; scien- 
tific method in, Dec.-5 ; power, cost of, by different systems, 
EUc. Bev. Apr. 26-3. 


Engineering, Meghan., motive power transmission, compari- 
sou of systems, Lauriol, EIkc. Rev. Nov. 20-6 ; wave power 
util. Nov. 26-7; triple thermic motor, Trowbridge's rep., 
\V. II. Harrison, Elec. World, Aug. 22-5 ; do. plant, Lowell, 
June 5-6. 
" Meghan., energy, transmission of, Reynolds, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Dec. 1 ; do. theory of, cannon, stm. eng., man and insect, 
Jouffret, Dec. 8-3 ; instruction, Thurston, Apr. 19 ; eng- 
ineeers, training for, Alden, Nov. 8-i; thermod., J.M. Gray, 
June 20; conversion of heat into useful wk., W. Anderson, 
July 18, 2.5, Aug. 1-22; mech. science, addr., B. Baker, Oct. 
17; force measuring instrum., Moon's, Oct. 17-5. 

" Meghan., scientific method in, C. Sellers, S<:i. Am. Sup. Jan. 
9; power meter, Ashton's, Feb. 13; forces in moving bodies, 
balancing, Porter, Mar. 6, 13 ; power transmission methods, 
Lauriol, Dec. 4-6. 

" Meghan., connecting rod, jjath of point on, MacCord, Sci. 
Am. Sup. May 2S; median, equiv. of heat, expts., Cowj^er, 
Oct. 1.5-7i scientific method in, C. Sellers, Locom. Jan.-6 ; 
binary vapor engs. Eng. Jaa. 9-5; laboratory, Lanza, Jan. 
14-7 ; energy, lost, E. H. Smith, The Eng. Apr. 24, May 1-5 ; 
kinematic diags., I!. H. Smith's, Apr. 2-6; mechan. equiv. 
of lieat, ap. for det., Cowper, Sep. 9-7; momentum and 
inertia, Atkins, Power & Trans. Mar; centrif. force, com- 
putation of, do. July-6. 

" Meghan., Friction and Lubrigation, lubricants, value and 
prices, Thurston, Iron Age, Feb. 1-3 ; do. Jlech. Jan. 27 ; do. 
June-5; do. ^4»). Eng. Apr. 3, May 29, June .5-5; do. Van. 
Nost. Apr .-5; do. Sci. Ant. Sup. June 13, Sep. 12-5; oil tests, 
do. ilech. Feb, 17-3; journal bearings, anti-friction, Jan; 
lub. oils, friction of, "Woodbury, Jan.-5 ; lub. Am. Eng. May 
23, 30-4; torsion and oil testing machs., autographic, Thui-s- 
ton, Eij. Gaz. Feb. 19-6 ; lub., testing, Jalms. Van Xost. 

" Meghan., Friction and Lub., Tower's expts., rep. Sci. 
Am. Sup. Jan. 12; nature of friction, July 12-4; lub. oils, 
measurement fr. of, Woodbury, Jan. 24; do. Arviu, Mar. 28; 
lubricators, rattan, Feb. 7; laws of fr., Deprez, Oct. 24-5; 
lubs., vegetable oils as, Lock, Aug. 21-6 ; fr. and lub., Hele- 
Shaw, Jan. 1-1.5-7 ; lubs., Arvine, Locom. Dec.-4. 


Engineering, Mechan., Friction and Lub., friction roller 
expts., H. Shaw, Eng. Aug. 19-7; friction at high vels. 
Commiss. rep. The Eng. June 13 ; do. sliding, of rotatiou. 
theory of, Thurston, Nov. 21; do. expts.. Tower's, Dec. 5-4 
do. do. Mar. 6 ; do. rolling, resist, to, R. H. Smith, May 29-5 
lub. Dec. 10-6. See also Friction. 
" Municipal, railway cleaner, Reynold's, Eng. News., Apr. 24- 
6 ; h. numbering, n. Feb. 26 ; st. grade intersections, Calkins, 
Feb. 26 ; Jan. 29, Feb. 19, Mar. 5 ; St. imp. prices, Sep. 10- 
7 ; garbage cremation, Zellweger, Sci. Am. Sup. July 17-6. 
" MUNIC, Boston, City Engs. rep. Eng. News, June 20-5 ; 
do. do. Mar. 26-7 ; do. Jan. 16-30, map, Feb. 6-27, Mar. 16- 
27, Apr. 3, 23, 30; Brooklyn, i)ub. wks. rep. Sep. 18; Gales- 
burg, 111. Feb. 6-6 ; Glasgow, st. refuse disposal, Aug. 30- 
4 ; London, and san. Aug. 21 ; N. Y. Feb. 5-7 ; Paris, num 
bering h's, July 31; do. sewers, n. Nov. 6-6; do. sts., "8/, 
Jan. 1 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 7, 14, st. paving, Jan. 21, 28. 
St. cleaning in, Feb. 4-7. 
" MuNic, Phila. Eng. News, Dec. 18, map, Dec. 25-6; do. 
Jan. 1, 22, Feb. 5, 12, 26, registry land, Mar. 12, Registry 
Bureau, (lots land) Mar. 19-7 ; Providence, Apr. 10, 17, 
May 1-29, June 5-19, July 3, 24, 31, Sep. 11 ; Rochester, N. 
Y., rep. Nov. 20-6; St. Paul, st. sweeping, cost, 
Sep. 12-5; Vienna, st. cleaning in, The Eng. Feb. 26-6; 
Washington, pub. wks. Eng. News, Mar. 10-3 ; do. Aug. 28, 
spec. Sep. 4^25, Oct. 2-30-6 ; do. sts. Oct. 22-7. See also 
Pavements ; Roads ; Sewers ; Water Works. 

England's supremacy, Jeans, Eng. Jan. 1-6. See also Brit- 
ish ; Great Britain. 

Ensilage Cutter and centrif. elevator, Albaret, Eng. Nov. 14- 
4; Bust, Apr. 10-5. 

Ericsson, John, Harrison, Mech. May-7. 

Evans, Oliver, and the locomotive, Eng. Neios, Sep. 17-7; and 
his inventions, Eran. Inst. July-6 ; do. C. Sellers, Sci. Am. 
Sup. July 31-6. 

Excavating, Borrow-pit, Portland, Or. Eng. News, Nov. 28-5 ; 
plant, Carson, Eng. Mar. 21-4. See also Eng. Civil, do. 
trench mach. 

Exhibitions, Am., in London, '86, map, Eng. News, June 20-5 ; 
Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 23, May 21, June 11-7; Eng. June 20-4; 
Mar. 18-7 ; The Eng. Mar. 18-7. 


Exhibitions, Amsterdam Internat. Eng. May 2o-3 ; Antwerp, 

Belgium, iSci. A)ii. ,S'hj). May 0-5 ; plan, T/ie Eng. Aug. 14, 

21, Sep. 4, 18, i.-j, Oct. 9-30, Nov. 6, 27, Dec. 4, 18-5. 
" Brewer's, Etig. Oct. 24-4; Brit. Col. and Ind. July2, Aug. 

6, Sep. 24-G; Budapest, The Eng. Sep. 11-5; Calcutta, 3Iay 

18-3; do. Jan. 4-4; do. Eke. l!ev. Apr. 3-4; Cincin. Indus. 

Aug. 2-3; Crystal Palace, The Eng. June 20-4; Denver 

mining and Indus. Elec. Eev. Aug. 16-3. 
'• Edinbdegh, Eng. Oct. lG-5 ; May 7, June 4, 2.5, July 9, bu's. 

Oct. 22. Nov. 19-6; The Eng. May 7, 21, June 11, 18, July 2, 

Aug. 27, Sep. 17-6. 
" Electkic. See Electric Exhib; Exhib., Phila. Elec.., 

Vienna Elec. 
" Enc. and Metal Trades, The Eng. July 6-27-3. 
'• Fi.sHERiES, see Exhib., Fisheries; Fine Arts and Indus., 

Wolverhajnptou, Eng. May 23, June G, 13-4 ; Forestry, Edinb. 

July 4, 2."i, Aug. 1.5-4; Glasgow, mining, The Eng. Xov. 6, 

20-5; do. Xov. IS-T ; Havre maritime aud internat. Sci. Am. 

Sup. Apr. 30-7; Health, Eng..Xi>T. 11, May 9, 10, 30, June 

13, 20 etc., Oct. 31-4; do. The Eng. Apr. 25, May 9-4. 
" Inventions, iS'aH. £h;/. July-5&c; Jau. 7-6itc; lighting of , 

Eng. Mar. 27, May 8 Ac, Aug. 14, Oct. 9, 16, Xov. 20-5; 

The Eng. Aug. 22-4 ; do. May 1-29, June 5-36, July 3-31, 

Aug. 7, 14 &C.-5 ; Italianlndus., at Turin, ,SVi, Atn. Sup. Oct. 

" Liverpool, Eng. Mar. 14, 21, June 11, July 2, 23, 30-6; do. 

The Eng. May 14, June 11, July 2, Aug. 0, organ, Sep. 10, 

17, Sep. 24-6 ; Madrid, Oct. 26-3 ; Manchester, Eng. Apr. 29, 

Oct. 28-7; do. buildings, etc. The Eng. May 0. 20, June 3, 

July 22-7; Xewcastle Indus., "87, ,SV('. Am. Sup. Dec. 18-6; 

do. Eng. May 13-7; do. The Eng. May 20, 27, June 10, July 

1, Sep. 30-7. 
" New Orleans, Eng. Keus, Jan. 23-6; Iron Age. Jan. 1-5; 

E!ec. World, Dec. 20-4; ,S<7. Am. Sup. Jan. 10-5; The Eng. 

Mar. 27, Apr. 10, 17, May 8-5. 
" XiCE, Sci. Am. Sup. July 28-3 ; Feb. 2-4 ; do. Eng. May 2-4 : 

Xorwich Agric. July 16-6. 
" Novelties. See Exhib., Phila. 
" Paris, Ky. Jubilee,'87, Am. Eng. Mar. 16-7 ; "89, and 1,000 ft. 

tower, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 14-6 ; "89, maeli. palace, Maj-21-7- 


Exhibitions, Paris,'89, Eng. Apr. 22, Sep. 2, Oct. 21, buildings, 
Dec. 16, 16, 30-7 ; '89, roof of mach. hall. The Eng. June 
10, 24, Aug. 19, fine arts court, Sep. 2, 16, 16-7. 

" Phila., Elec. Mech. Apr. .5-4 ; Fran. Inst. Novelties, rep. 
Fran. Inst. July-6 ; Elec. Elec. Rev. Apr. 3-4; d6. Eng. 
June 6-4. See also Elec. Exhib. 

" Royal Soc. E.ig. May 16-4; Eoyal Agric. Show, mach. 
dept.,map, T/ie £'n^. July 13, 21-3; Smithfield Club Show, 
The Eng. Dec. 11-5 ; Swiss, at Zurich, 8ci. Am. Sup. July 
28-3 ; do. Nat. Eng. Sep. 7, Nov. 16-3 ; Textile Trades, Aug. 
15-4; Vienna Elec. The Eng. July 27-3 ; Vincennes Ry., 
bu's, Nov. 18, 18-7. 

Expert Testimony, in judicial inquiries, Herschel, Eng. Neivs, 
Apr. 9-23-7. 

Explosives, Eng. Neios, Oct. 20-3 ; chlorate of potash as an, 
Feb. 23 ; rackarock blasting powder, Abbot, Mar. 1 ; gun- 
powder, Apr. 5 ; modern, on St. Gotthard Ry. and Corinth 
canal, Specht, July 5; anal, of, do. Aug. 16; expts., do. 
translator, Sep. 6; Specht, compiler, Sep. 27-4. 

" Gdn Cotton manuf . Eng. News, Jan. 17 ; HellofHte, Oct. 10 ; 
rackarock, Dec, 12-5; do. San. Eng. Dec.-5; ap. for meas- 
uring force of, Guttman, Eng. News, Apr. 10-6 ; "Securite," 
Apr. 30 ; by reaction, July 2-7. 

" Gun Cotton manuf. Iron Age. Jan. 1-5 ; Newton, Jlech. 
Dec. 15-3 ; gunpowder, earliest use of, June ; ap. for det. 
relative strengths of, Whinery, Sep.-5 ; wood powder. Am. 
Eng. June 10-6 ; nitroglycerine, destruction by. By. Gaz. 
Nov. 26-6 ; May 13-7 ; gunpowder, who discovered, Braun, 
Van Nost. Aug ; Berthelot, Aug ; gunpowder magazines, 
drying of, Munroe, Dec.-3 ; heat action of, July ; gun cot- 
ton, compressed, expts., Forster, Aug-4. 

" High, for war purposes, expts., Munroe, and arr. Zalinski 
dynamite gun. Van Nost. Jan; gunpowder, flashing test 
for, Munroe, May ; gelatine, spontan. decomposition, Mun- 
roe, June-5 ; gaseous mixtures, Berthelot, Feb ; gun cotton 
and shells, compressed, Forster, Nov, Dec.-6 ; gunpowder 
magazines, drying of, Fran. Inst. Sep.-4 ; high, elec. firing 
of, Benjamin, Elec. Bev. Dec. 25-6 ; theory of combust., A. 
V. Garratt, Jan. 15-7. 


Explosives, Gunpowder, chem. theory of. Debus, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Feb. 17 ; Oct. 20, 20-3 ; heat action of, I^oble, June 7; 
pyroxjdin-guncotton, Pile, Aug. 16 ; nitroglycerine in the 
oil regions, Deo. 27-4; aj). for measuring force of, Guttman, 
Xov. 7-5 ; gaseous mixtures, D. Clerk, June 5-6 ; Kinetite, 
Mar. 12 ; Eoburite, Nov. 19, Dec. 31-T. 
" German, Koburite, Eng. June 17 ; for coal mining, Xov. 18- 
7 ; elec. applied to. May 11-.3 ; do. The Eng. May 11 ; nitro- 
glycerine. Apr. 13, 13 ; ignition of gaseous mixtures. Mal- 
lard, Aug. 24-3 ; brown prismatic (cocoa) powder, Feb. 29- 
4; gaseous mixtures, Berthelot, Seji. 11 ; do. Thwaite, Oct. 
2, Nov. 13-5 ; do. do. Jan. 1 ; do. D. Clerk, Apr. 23 ; June 4-6. 

ExTEACTORS, centrif., Gibson, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 24, Oct. 1-7. 

Fabric Manitf., stains in, A. Eoger, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 10-5. 

Fairlie, Robert F. By. Gaz. Aug. 21-5. 

Farms, median, power on, Eng. Jan. 8-6. 

Fawcett, Henry, por. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 27-4. 

Ferry imp., Seacombe, E7ig. Aug. 3, 31, Sep. 14, 28, Oct. 19-3. 
See also Eailroad Ferry. 

FiL^S, Iron Age, Nov. 29, Dec. 6-3; mauuf. Mar. 20-4; filing,. 
Rose, Mech. Dec. 15-3 ; file sharpener, sand-blast, Tilghman, 
Jan. 5; manuf. Apr. 5-4; hand vs. mach. cut, Am. Eng. 
Sep. 1-6. 

Finance, stocks and bonds of world, Ry. Gaz. Apr. 15-7. 

Fire-proof paper and ink, n. Eng. Xews, Mar. 3-3. 

Fire Protection. See also Building, Fire-proof. 
" Risks of eleo. lighting, Hedges, Eng. Xeic.<:, Nov. 17-3 ; ap- 
pliances, Dunham, x\pr. 2G-4; hydrant, CTreathead injector, 
Feb. 20-6 ; precautions, Jlay 14-7 ; hand grenades. Iron Age, 
Oct. 23-4; ins., mut. Mar. 26; sprhiklers, June IS; hand 
grenades, Nov. 19-5; hydrant, Gaskill, Mar. 11; hand gren- 
.ades, Apr. 29-6 ; extin. sprinkler tests. Am. Eng. Jan. 5-7. 
" Risks from hot water and stm. pipes, San. Eng. June 24- 
6 ; ap. on locoms., AVab. St. L. & Pac. R. By. Gaz. Jan. 26- 
3; protect, in dry goods district, Stevens, Van Xost.^Lar; 
extin. in theatres, AA'oodrow, July-4; protect., rendering 
wood uon-inflamable, Jones, July-5 ; prevention of, in thea- 
tres, Fran. Inst. June-3 ; hazards in textile mills. May ; ex- 
tinguishing, Aug.-5. 


FiKE Alarm, elec, Forgeot, Electric. Scp.-3 ; do. telegraph, N.Y. 
Elec. liev. Mar. 29-3 ; do. Boston force, u. Apr.-4 ; do. and 
Am. police teleg. June 7, 14 ; extin. sprinkler, Grinnell, 
Sep. 27-4; alarm. Hill's elec. thermostat, Dec. 19-5 ; do. 
box, Union, Oct. 2; do. teleg. box, Dec. 4-6; do. sys.,, 
Pearce and Jones, Jan. 8 ; do. Kendall, May 21 ; do. Am. 
aut. July 2-7. 

" Alaesi, teleplionic, Elec. World, Aug. 21 ; do. and dist. 
teleg. sys., McCulloh, Nov. 27-6 ; do. .and police telegs. imps., 
Gaynor, Mar. 5-7; risks of malting, ferment, sizing and dye- 
ing, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 17-3 ; hj^drant, injector, Greathead, 
Feb. 23 ; protect, in theatres, Apr. 26 ; thermograph, Lechne's, 
June 7 ; flres in London and N. Y. Oct. 25-4. 

" FiKE-PEOOP bu. in N. Y. Sci. Am. Sup. June 20; do. plas- 
tering, G. H. Hunt, Aug. 29 ; from stm. pipes, n. Sep. 5 ; 
extin. perpetual (chemical), Oct. 31; doors in mills, Hexa- 
mer, Dec. 19-5 ; addr., Hoadley, Jan. 30, May 8 ; eng., float- 
ing stm., Zophar mills, Aug. 21-6 ; loss, U. S. Sta. Eng. Sep.- 
7 ; aut. sprinklers for protect, against, Woodbury, Soc. Arts, 
May 21-5 ; alarm, Martin-Wilson aut., Kendall, May 12-7. 

" Alaesis, Elec. exhib. Vienna, Eng. Kov. 9-3 ; injector hy- 
drant, Greathead, Jan. 11 ; do. elec. Bright, Feb. 15-4 ; sprink- 
lers, aut. tests and expts., Woodbury, Jan. 2, 16, Feb. 6 ; fire- 
proof doors. May 22 ; sprinklers, aut. June 26-5 ; escape, 
Edmunds, Jan. 22; eng., floating, Merryweather, June 18-6. 
" Float, " Seth Low," Brooklyn, Eng. Jan. 7 ; boats, Cowles, 
Jan. 14; and elec. burglar alarm, Taussig, Mar. 25; extin., 
stm. for, Oct. 14; peculiar origin of fires, Dec. 2-7; London 
flres, The Eng. Mar. 2 ; risks of elec. lighting. Hedges, Oct. 
12-3 ; flres in theatres, Jan. 25 ; eng., stm., Shand, eng. Aug. 
15 ; do. raft, Sep. 26 ; sprinkler, Grinnell aut. Oct. 3 ; risks 
in London and N. Y. Oct. 3-4; London fires, Jan. 30, Feb. 

FlEE-BElCKMANUF., Mt. Savage, Md. Eng. News, Apr. 10-6; do. 
Iron Age, Apr. 15-6 ; do. Anderson, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 24- 
6 ; fire-bricks. Dent, Am. Eng. Nov. 9-7. 

Fish curing and cooking plant. Leach's, The Eng. May 25-3. 

Fisheries, Exhib., Loudon, Sci. Am. Sup. May 19; Am. 
exhibits, July 14; U. S. at, Kov. 17,24-3; Eng. Feb. 9, 
May 4 ; mach. at, May 18-3. 


Fisheries, Exhib., life saving ap. Eng. May 25 ; stm. traw- 
ler, June 1, 8 ; models, July 27, Aug. 10, 24, 31 ; U. S. stat., 
'80, Sep. 14-21 ; English and Am. Sep. 28 ; U. S. at, Oct. .5 ; 
Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 2-23, Dec. 7, 28-3 ; The Eng. Feb. 9, May 

Fishery, Menhaden, in U. S. Eng. July 6-3 ; trawl winch. The 
Eng. Sep. 21-3. 

Flad, Henry, por. Eng. News, July 3-6. 

Flanging Mach., Bassett, Iron Age, Aug. 7-4. 

Flax, cultivation, U. S. Fran. Inst. May-6 ; breaker indus. Sci. 
Am. Sup. Oct. 8 ; scutching mach. Xov. 26-7. 

Florida, gull coast of, Levis, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 10-3. 

Flour, what the baker can get out of a bbl. of, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Nov. 22-4; packing in bags, ap., Koellner, Dec. .5-5. 

Flour Mill, anal. Am. Eng. Dec. 3-5 ; at Malters, Switz. Sci. 
Am. Sup. Nov. 24-.3 ; Beyer's porcelain cyl. Aug. 30-4; Am. 
roller milling, M. AV. Clark, Sep. 5 ; roller, power lost by 
friction in, !JIiiller, Nov. 14-5 ; wind-mill, Aug. 13 ; roller 
milling, H. Simon, Sep. 10; milling, Oct. 22-7. 

" Mill, gigantic, Porta Costa, Eng. Sep. 21-3; jVlbert bridge, 
Battersea, July 11, Sep. 10, Oct. 3-4; roller, Covinto, Chili, 
Apr. 24; milling exhib., Paris, June-"), 19, July 3 ; mach., 
Buiscough, Hind, Sep. 4, lS-5 ; do. JIanchester, Sep. 3 ; mills, 
Liverpool, Nov. 19-6 ; roller milling, Simon, July 8-7. 

" Mills, Greenwood's, Blackburn, The Eng. Jan. 16 ; vertical 
engs., Wolverhampton, Nov. 20; Phcenix mills, Newcastle- 
on-Tyne, Carter, eng. Dec. 11 ; roller milling sys. Dec. 11-5 ; 
roller, Bombay, Simon, eng. June IS, 2.5 ; the modern, Dec. 
17-6 ; mach. Dec. 17-6 ; do. Apr. 22 ; Brit, milling trade de- 
pression, June 17; roller mills, power consumed by maohs. 
in, tests, Simon, July S, 15, 15; modern milling. Little, Aug. 
26, Nov. lS-7. 

Flying, mach., engs., Russia, Ahrbecker, 3Iech. Jlar. 31-3 ; air, 
nav. of, R. Thayer, Am. Eng. May 22-5; do. Sci. Am. Sup. 
Oct. 4; mach., Brearey's, Dec. 13-4; expts. Jan. 8-7; flight 
of birds, Lancaster, The Eng. Mar. 2 ; Lancaster, May IS, 
June 22, Aug. 3, 10, Sep. 21-3 ; air, nav. Aug. 29-4. See also 
Aiu Navigation. 

Fog Illumination, theory. Physical Soc. Eng. Jlay 1-5. 


Fog Signals, Iron Age, Jan. 6-7; ap., Buckett caloric eng. and 
siren, 3Iech. Apr. 14-3 ; whistle operator, Sonnebula, Dur- 
ham, Sng. Feb. 20-5 ; June 24-7. 

Foods, economic consumption of, tables, San. Eng. Dec. 4-6; 
inorganic Fran. Inst. Sep; fatty, Oct.-6; and nutrition, 
chem. of, Atwater, Soc. Arts, Apr. 22-6. 

Forests, climatic influences of, Sng. Neivs, June 6 ; forestry in 
Europe, July 18-5 ; and floods, Roberts, Am. Eng. Apr. 11- 
25, May 2-30, June 6-4 , rotation, Campbell, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Jan. 8-7; laws, U. S. Eng. Oct. 23-5. 

Forge, Tubul Cain, the father of, Mech. May 10-4; smiths, 
Homick Ey. wks. The Eng. Sep. 23-7. 

Forging heat developed in. Iron Age, Nov. 22-3 ; do. Tresca, 
Mech. Nov. 17-3; Aug.-4; smith wk. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 16- 
7; gasolene vapor for forges, Eng. Nov. 27-5. 

Foundations. See Building ; Eng., Building, Foundations. 

Foundry, Bouton Co. Iron Age, Apr. 28-7 ; hydraulics, Rad- 
cliif, Mech. Feb, 16, Mar. 22-4; wks., Hopson & Chapin 
Mfg. Co. Nov. 5 ; sand moulder. Rice, Dec.-6. See also 
Iron and Steel. 

France, mineral stat. for '83, Iron Age, June 4-5 ; crown 
diamonds, ap. for exhibiting, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 20-4; postal 
and teleg. service, Eng. Aug. 29-4 ; trade, '86, consular rep. 
The Eng. Apr. 1, 8-7. 

Francis, James B., por. Eng. News, Jan. 1-7. 

Franklin Institute, Phila., programme of lectures. Am. Eng. 
Oct. 29-5 ; bks. in library and pro. Fran. Inst, flies, Jan.-3- 
Dec.-7; Novelties exhib. rep. Aug.-Dec-6; an. meeting 
pro. Feb.-7. 

Friction, of hydr. cupped leather packing, St. Louis, E7ig. 
News, May 14-7; of bearings, expts.. Tower, Iron Age, Feb. 
14-4; journal bearings, anti-friction, Jan. 22-5; expts.. 
Tower, rep. Mech. Feb. 2, 9-4 ; nature of, Van Nost. Apr ; 
sliding, of rotation, Thurston, Dec.-4 ; of solids, Hele-Shaw, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 18 ; fluids, Dec. 25-6 ; coil, Suplee, Power 
& Trans. Mar.-6 ; of bearings, expts. Eng. Nov. 16-3 ; expts.. 
Tower, Feb. 6-5 ; what is friction. The Eng. Feb. 22-4. See 
also Eng., Mechan., Friction and Lubrication. 

Fry, Howard, Mech. May 26-3 ; By. Gaz. May 4, 11-3 ; por. 
Sci. Am. Sup. June 2-3. 

100 FUEL. 

Fuel, powdered anthracite and gas, Eng. Jfevs, Nov. 13-6; 
econ. Iron Age, Dec. 6-3 ; dust, Ferret's, Dec. 10-5 ; caloriflo 
power of, Feb. 4-6 ; calorimeter, Schwaekhofer, Sep. 10-5 ; 
do. Mcch. Sep.-.5; econ. Dec. 8-3 ; artif . tnach. May 3 ; do. 
France, June 28-4. 

" Gaseous, Sutherland, ^4m. £■»(/. June 20-4; fluid and solid, 
relative costs, n. July 10; do. Beatty, Oct. 29-5; calorific 
power of, W. Thomson, July 7 ; dust, July 28 ; combust, 
and practical requirements, F. Siemens, Oct. 27-6 ; calorific 
power of, Sakurai (Japan), Van Xost. Feb; combust., F. 
Siemens, Dec.-6; controlled combust., expt. principles of , 
Fran. Inst. Jan.-3 ; lieat of combust, of coal, July-4. 

" Gaseous, L.T.Wright, Set. Am. Sup. Mar. 8-4c; fluid and 
solid, rel. costs, Beatty, Nov. 7-5; combust., F.Siemens, 
Nov. 27-6 ; calorimetry, Thwaite, Jan. I.t ; and smoke, 
Lodge, Mar. 19, 26-7 ; of future, Wardman, July 11-5 ; do. 
Pop. Sci.M; evap. values, Locom. May-3; do. Apr; compar. 
value different coals and woods, tables. Locum. Apr.-6 ; cal- 
orimeter, dust. Ferret, Eng. Oct. 23-5; Nov. 12-6; do. 
Schwackhofer's, The Eng. July 10-5; and smoke. Lodge, 
May 28, July 23-6; combust. Aug. 19-7. See also Coal; 
Furnace. See also Fuel ; Railroad Locom. fire box, fur- 
kace; Marine Boiler furnace ; Steaji Boilers, etc. 

" Gas, Henderson, Iron Age, June 7, 28 ; gases, ap. for anal, 
of, July 12; controlled combust., Marlett sys. July 12 
smoke prevention, Oct. 18-3 ; Orvis smokeless, Oct. 2-4 
chimney gases, Feb. 5; stm. as aid to combust, in, Apr. 23 
grate and heating surface, Nov. 26 ; dust fuel. Ferret's, 
Dec. 10-.5; Krudewig smoke-preventing, Jan. 21-6. 

" Regen., heating by radiation, Head, Am. Eng. Feb. 20-5 ; 
draught gauge, Fran. Inst. June-5; Cowles reduction, for 
ores, rep. July-6 ; gases, Bunte's ap. to determine, Sci. Am. 
Sup. July 14 ; gas furnaces, flame distrib. in, Aug. 4-3 ; re- 
gen. gas, meth. of heating, F. Siemens, Jan. 17-5; combust., 
fire, addr., Hoadley, Jan. 30, May 8-6. 

" Gas, Siemen's direct proc. Eng. Jan. 5 ; mechan. stoker, 
Sinclair's, Jan. 19 ; gas, retorts, Siemen's regen. sys. Jan. 19 ; 
crucible, Fiat's, Feb. 16, 23-3; regen. gas, Dec. 19-4; dust 
fuel. Ferret, Oct. 23-5. 


Furnace, and gas producer, Smith-Carson. Eng. Apr. 16; 
revolving cement, Ransome, Aug. 13 ; combust, gas, Oct. 29- 
-6 ; coal smoke abatement, The Eng. Apr. 27 ; Siemen's 
regcn. Nov. 30, Dec. 14-3 ; gas, Smith-Carson's, May 9 ; 
regen. gas, heating, new meth. of, F. Siemens, Oct. 3-4; 
Siemen's, Nov. 26-6. 

Gakey, Leander, My. & Eng. Jan.-7; por. By. Gaz. Dec. 3-6. 

Garrett, John W. By. Gaz. Oct. 3-4. 
" Richard, The Eng. Aug. 8-4. 

Gas, cheaper, Forstall, Eng. JVews, Nov. 10; inventor of [Wm. 
Murdock], Dec. 1-3; natural, in 111. Doc. 12-5; do. piping 
for, May 1 ; do. and pipe, Dec, 4-6 ; do. Paine, Jan. 29, Feb. 
26; do. long dist. transport.. Christian, July 80; distrib., 
Westinghouse, July 30; nat., Pitts., Sorge, Sep. 10, 17-7. 

" Water, as fuel. Iron Age, June 28-3 ; introduction in Lon- 
don, Sep. 18-4 ; production, cost and profit, N. Y. Mar. 19 ; 
water. Mar. 26; nat., in iron and steel mills, Pitts. Apr. 2; 
do. heating power of. May 28 ; do. rep. July 16 ; water, Aug. 
6; nat., hist. Aug. 27; manuf. Nov. 12-5. 

" Illum., calorific power of, 7»-ore Age, Feb. i; producers, Feb. 
11; nat., supply. Mar. 25; water, manuf. plant at Essen, 
Ger. Aug. 19; nat., use of in iron and steel wks. Oct. 7; 
manuf., stat. Nov. 4-6 ; lightiug, candle power and ilium., 
Pritchard, Mar. 24 ; water, in Austrian steel plant, Apr. 21 ; 
nat., composition, Sep. 1 ; furnace, regenerative, Swindell 
Construct. Co. Dec. 1 ; producer. Smith, Dec. 8-7. 

" Water, as fuel, Goodyear, Mech. June 23-3; mains, N. Y. 
May 10; nat.. Hunt, May 31; ilium., manuf. from sawdust. 
Walker, June 7 ; unit of light, Kruss, June 28 ; coal, some 
properties of , Aug. -4; wks., Ohio, Purdy, Apr; water, at 
Essen, Ger., Schultz, Aug.-5 ; lighting by incand.. Dredge, 
sup. July-7. 

" Nat., commiss. rep. San. Eng. May 23, 30, June 20, 27; 
July 11-25 ; do. Metcalf , Nov. 28, Dec. 5 ; do. Fulton, Dec. 
26; and water supply, various cities, table. Am. Eng. At^t. 
4-4; prices in different cities. Mar. 27; nat., conveyance, 
Apr. 3 ; water, openheartli furnace, Lllianberg, May 22 ; nat., 
pipe couplings, Young's, Dec. 3-5. 

" Holder, large. Am. Eng. Jan. 7; consumption, Jan. 14; 
producers, Rowan, Feb. 4-6. 

102 GAS. 

Gas, water, Lowe, Am. Eng. Mar. 4, 25, Apr. 1 ; nat., long 
dist. transportation of, Feb. 18, 2.5, Mar. 4, 18; do. do. 
Roberts, May 27, June 10-24 ; do. flow of gases formulae. 
Painter, Oct. 20 ; water, econ. of, Taylor, Dec. 15-6 ; mak- 
ing from coal tar. Burns, May 25, June 1-7. 

" Lighting Met. opera h., IST. Y. San. Eng. Dec. 27-3; vs. 
elec. lighting, rep. Ger., Kenk, June 18; burners, heated air 
supply for, F. Siemens, July 16 ; lighting and ventil. of 
apartments, Sugg, July 23-5 ; legislation for N. Y. city, 4 
bills. May 13 ; pressures in N.Y. citj^, July 22 ; coal, estima- 
tion of sulphur and impurities in, Fanley, Aug. 19 ; water, 
econ., as a fuel, Kent, Dec. 25-6 ; nat. supply of Pittsburg 
and vicinity, map, Jan. 15; commissions of Mass., rep. Feb. 

" Water, Van Nost. Jan; burners, Sugg, Dec; wks., regen. 
furnaces, Munich, Schilling, Dec.-3 ; ilium, and econ., 
Cheesmau, Apr.-4; eng., el. principles of. Lane, Nov.-5; 
wells and streams measurement, Robinson, Aug.-6 ; water, 
as an econ. fuel, Kent, By. & Eng. Jan; nat., Paine, Jan. .7. 

" Meter and burner, governing, Fran. Inst. Oct.-3 ; burners, 
Siemen's regen. Oct.-i; nat., util. Jan.-5 ; machs. and car- 
buretters, Dec.-6 ; water, Lowe, rep. Novelties exhib. Jan, 
Feb; lights, Novl. exhib. Mar; nat., chem. compos, rep., 
Phillips, Oct, N0V.-7; reg., low-press., Pintsch, By. Gaz. 
May 21-6 ; nat., or rock, May 20-7 ; lighting, elec. Elec. Bev. 
July 2.5-5; do. devices, Elec. World, Feb. 16-i; cost of, in 
Am., table, Jan. 16-6. 

" "Water, as fuel, Marx, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 7; do. Julj' 14; 
do. m.anuf., N. Y. Aug. 18; main jointing and testing, 
Folkard, July 21, Sep. 1 ; retorts, heat regen. sys. of firing, 
Siemens' prin. Sep. 8 ; burner, Clamond's, Oct. 27 ; coal^ 
residual product from, Greville, Mar. 15 ; do. in mechan. 
trades, T. Fletcher, Mar. 29 ; manuf . from limed coal, 
Wanklyn, Apr. 5 ; supplied to X. Y., manuf. and compos. 
May 24; ilium., from sawdust util., G. Walker, June 7; do. 
Sep. 6; washer, Bandsept, July 19; lighters, induction 
sparK, July 19; do. elec. Sep. 13;, carb. acid and ilium, 
hydrocarbons in, tests, Dec. 20-±. 

" Nat., Hequembourg, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 10: do. Fulton, 
Mar. 14 ; use of, in workshop, T. Fletcher, Mar. 21 ; meter, 
Clegg's, Mar. 21-5. 

GAS. 103 

Gas, lamp, Wenham's, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 28; ilium, ap., 
Foucault's, Apr. 4; water, incand. light, Pahnetijelm's, June 
13 ; emplo}rment for cooking. Macadam, July 25 ; ap., Don- 
son's, Aug. 8 ; burners, light and heat distrib. and air sup- 
ply, F. Siemens, Aug. 1.5 ; exhauster, Meizel's reciprocating, 
Sep. 26; water, produc. ap., Goodyear's, Nov. 7; lighting 
and ventil. by, Sugg, Nov. 7; retorts, Coze's sys. Nov. 28; 
nat. fuel and applic. to manuf . purposes, Carnegie, Dec. 19 ; 
do. Dec. 26-5. 

" Nat., at. Pitts. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 2 ; July 10 ; water, Xhwaite, 
Mar. 6 ; coal, enrichment by hydrocarbons, Davis, Apr. 3 ; 
well at Findlay, O. May 15 ; wks., Birmingham, gas holder. 
May 29 ; nat., geology of, Ashburner, May 29 ; manuf. imps. 
June 26; eng., Xane, July 3; furnace, regen., "VV. Middlesex 
rolling mills, Jnly 31 ; carburetted air ap. Sep. 4; burners, 
Somzee's, Oct. 2; manuf., Stedman Stanlej- furnace, Oct. 

" Nat., Chance, Set. Am. Sup. Jan. 8 ; do. Ashburner, Feb. 12 ; 
furnace, Henderson, Jan. 15; Co's of U. S. Feb. 5; burner, 
incand., Welsbaeh, Mar. 12; holder at Erdberg, Mar. 26; 
manuf. from paraffine oil, Macadam, July 2 ; eng., regen. sys., 
Macpherson, July 9 ; leakage detection, Kattier, Aug, 13 ; 
light, incand., Welsbaeh, Aug. 13; coal, proc. for es. carb. 
acid in, Sheard, Sep. 10; distil., temp, of, Sep. 17; balance, 
for composition and spec, grav., Lux, Sep. 24; nat., long 
dist. transmiss.. Christian, Oct. 29 ; generator, duplex, Nov. 
12; ap., Eliott's, Nov. 12; nat., conversion into ilium, g. 
Nov. 26-7; coal and water (ilium.), relative poisonous prop- 
erties of, Sedgwick, Svc. Arts, Oct. 8-5; nat., and oil, meths. 
of drilling for, Newell, Jan. 7-6. 

" Making plant, Donson's Eng. Feb. 9 ; exhauster and hor. 
eng., Eeale"s, Apr. 6 ; do. Gwynne's, May 11 ; holder at 
Eheims, Debranne, May 11; Co's, Met., England, June 8-3; 
water, Apr. 3; wks., scrubber, St. Albans, Box, Apr. 17; 
nat., Carnegie, July 10, 17 <£c ; Inv's exhib. July 31, Aug. 7, 
28; water, Oct. 30-5; producers, Thwaite, Jan. 22; water, 
Jan. 15; nat., burning, at Pitts. Mar. 20, 26; heating power, 
Apr. 30; water. May 7-6 ; burner, incand., Welsbaeh, Feb. 
4; Inst. pro. July 1, 8; making mach., aut. Dec. 23-7. 

" Burning systems. The Eng. Jan. 12 ; wks. roofs, Wallasey, 
Feb. 16 ; wks. purifier house. Bury, Apr. 20-3. 

104 GAS. 

Gas, water, The Eng. May 25; do. Nottingham, June 1.5; do. 
Sheffield, pump house, June 23 ; lighting, inv. of, "Wm. Mur- 
dock, Aug. 3-3 ; ilium, power, instrums. for testing, Sep. 
19; wks., Coventry, gas holder, Nov. 14, 14-4. 

" Washer, scrubber, "Waller's, The Eng. May 15; nat., fuel, 
Carnegie, May 22 ; exhauster, Greenaway's, June 26-5 ; pro- 
ducers. Rowan, Jan. 22; wks., Birmingham, gas holder 
tank, largest, Apr. 9 ; do. Hunt, eng. May 21 ; do. largest, u. 
Maj' 21 ; do. May 28, June 4 ; supply, London, June 18 ; 
wks., retort charging, Vross sys. Aug. 13, do. Becktou, Aug. 
20-6; producers, Thwaite, Jan. 28; coal, and air mixture ex- 
plosions, Douglass, Apr. 22 ; supplj', London, Julj' 1 ; nat., 
fuel, value of, table, Phillips, Sep. 30 ; meter, Ochwadt self- 
registering, Dec. 30-7. 

" Engines, pumping. Crown, Eng. News, Sep. 13-4; Otto 
plant, at Prague, Aus. Dec. 25-6; Sombart, Iron Age, Mar. 
1 ; Parker, Nov. 1-3 ; Seraine's, June 5 ; effic. Julj' 31-4 ; 
ecou., recent imps, in, Jan- 7, 14; theory of. Mar. 11 ; Atliin- 
son, Sep. 16-6 ; Otto, Prague, Aus., elec. light plant, .Jan. 27 ; 
do. Coblenz, water wks., Ger. May 19 ; do. vertical, Sep. 

'• Engs., Universal, Jlech. Jan. 20; Sombart, Fob. 17; Parker, 
Oct. 27 ; and producing plant, Davison, Dec. 29-3 ; Forest, 
Jan. 5; Otto, expts., n. Jan. 12; vertical, Seraine, May 10; 
Delamare, Eouen, France, Nov .-4 ; working, Feb ; effic. Mar. 
Korting, June ; dilTerential, Atkinson, Oct.-5 ; and pump. 
Otto, Am. Eng.lioY. 2Q-o; vertical. Otto, Sep. 28-7; start- 
ing valve, Atkinson's, San. Eng. Feb. 26-7; Otto, expts., 
Brooks, T'iTO :\''os;. Feb.-4; theory, Feb.-6 ; Clerk, Otto, rep. 
Fran. Inst. Oct.-5; Stockport, Clerk, rep. Sep. -6. 

" Engs., and generator, Parker, Yonkers Fuel Gas Co. Electric. 
Aug.-3; do. EJec. i?ti'. Jan. 3-4; Korting, Nov. 13-6; and 
stm. motors, effic, Holgate, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 20; "Words- 
worth's, Apr. 14; Edward's, Sop. 29; and producer, Don- 
son's, Nov. 17 ; explosions, Nov. 17-3 ; motor, Forrest's, 
Mar. 1 ; Seraine's, June 21 ; Stockport, Nov. 1 ; Universal, 
Barker, Nov. 8; working of. Dee. 27-4; D. Clerk, Apr. 11; 
Anderson, Aug. 22; prins. of, D. Lane, Sep. 26; econ. Oct. 
3-5; Benier's, Apr. 10; Lenoir's carburetted air motor, June 


Gas Engs., Otto wks. Enrj. Feb. 1.5; and caloric, Mar. 24-4; 
Korting, Inv's exhib. May 8 ; differential, Atkinson, do. 
Aug. 21-5 ; Delamare, Mar. 26 ; Otto, July 16 ; Atkinson, 
Aug. 27-6 ; do. trial, Unwin, May 6 ; Otto, Orossley, July 8-7. 

" ENGS.,Worsam's, T/ieSref/. June29; Edward's, Aug. 10; Don- 
son's, Oct. .5 ; do. gas as motive power, Nov. 2-3 ; and caloric, 
F. Jenkin, Mar. 7 ; Seraine's May 9 ; Otto's, May 30-i ; Stock- 
port, Mar. 6 ; at Inv's exhib. July 24 ; Atkinson's differential, 
Aug. 7 ; Clerk's, Oct. 2 ; Volk's gov. attacli. Oct. 16 ; Syrinx, 
Nov. 6; theory of, Eoohas, Dec. 4; Atkinson's, Dec. 18-5 ; 
Wright's & Barnett's, Jan. 1 ; Korting, Mar. 26 ; Mar. 26, n. 
Apr. 9 ; Trent, May 21 ; Atkinson's, Aug. 27 ; Brydges, Oct. 
1-6 ; do. May 6, 13 ; Otto, May 27 ; EoUason's, Sep. 30 ; aut. 
Dec. 23 ; Atkinson's cycle, Dec. 30-7. 

Gaseous mixtures, explosion of, Eng. Mar. 12-6. See also 

Gases, expansion of. Am. Eng. June 17-6 ; kinetic theory, Eddy, 
Van Nost. Feb, Mar.-3 ; liquefiable, critical point of, Fran. 
Inst. May-4; ap. for measuring compressibility at high 
pressures, Amagat. Sci. Am Sup. Oct. 9-6. 

Gates, folding, and shutters, Bostwick's, The Eng. Sep. 23-7. 
Gauges, standard sys., Bond, Van Kost. June-3; do. lengths, 
do. Eng. Dec. 11, 25-5. 

Georgia, Capitol bids, Eng. N'eios, Oct. 11-4. 

Gearing, gear wheel,, large, Iron Age ^ Jan. 31-4; do. cutting 
mach., Piat, Paris, J/ccA. Mar. 24; cog teeth^shapes, Stan- 
wood, May 12 ; gear cutter, Newton, June 9 ; do. mach., Albro, 
Sep. 15; strength of spur and bevel, W. Lewis, Sep. 22; 
wear of teeth, Dec. 1-3 ; sys. of, Jenkin, Jan. 5 ; cal. of, 
Pemberton, July-4 ; backlash in, ,Vug.-.5 ; gear cutting, 
large. Mar; do. wheels, H. P. n. May-6 ; friction in tootlied, 
Lanza, Dec.-7. 

" Walker's sts. Am. Eng.'Mixj 9-4; gears, small. Mar. 25 ; 
crypto-dj'namic, Apr. 8-6 ; odontograph, Grant's, Mar. 2 ; 
wheel teeth. Last, July 27, Aug. .3-7 ; for metal planers, 
Fran Inst. June-3 ; power transmiss. by, June, Aug; gears, 
bevel, cutter, Belgium, rep. Aug.-6 ; odontograph. Grant, 
Feb ; teeth of, eiiic., Grant, May-7. 

106 GEARrNTG. 

Gearing, Teeth, limiting numbers of, MacCord, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Feb. 3-3 ; do. Grant, May 7-7 ; gear wheels, Suplee, Power & 
Trans. Sep.-Nov.-7 ; nest, Eng. Oct. 26-3 ; gear cutter, bevel, 
Bilgrara, July.S-5; do. Am. Machinist; power transmiss. by, 
Emj. Apr. 9 ; teeth for, Oct. 8-6 ; gear bevel, cutting mach., 
Brehmer"s, The Eng. July 10-5. 

Geography, Greely arctic exped. results, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep 6; 
Iceland, Sep. 6-4; prog, of, Oct. 8-7. 

Geology, geolog. survey of Italy, Van Feb.-3 ; Petro- 
graphy, Teale, .Tune-5 ; anthracite measures stratification, 
Penn., AVasmuth, Fran. Inst. Aug.-I ; exploration and sur- 
veys in west, Gratacap, Sci. Am. Sup. May 24—1. 

Germany, civil cases procedure, Eng. Xews, Apr. 23-7 ; indus- 
tries, Iron Age, ^Vug. 30-3. 

Gilbert, 'Wji., por. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 13-4. 

Glaciek, motion, causes of, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 18-3 ; Muir, 
AV right, Feb. 5-7; motion, ^y. B. Browne, The Eng. Feb. 

Glass, manuf . Eng. Xen-s, Dec. 8-3 ; hardened and tempered, 
Iron Age, Apr. 16 ; window, trade, Aug. 27-5 ; blowing 
mach., Wright, Jlech. Jan. 6; making in Bohemia, Feb. 10- 
3 ; hardened and tempered, F. Siemens, Apr.-.5 ; tempered, 
do. Am. Eng. Apr. 24-5 ; do. Van Xost. Aug.-5 ; manuf. 
Fran. Inst. Aug.-4; making, Henderson, Sep.-7. 

" Blowixg, by compressed air, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 2.5; wks., 
Val St. Lambert, Sep. 29 ; Murano, Jarves, Nov. 24-3 ; blow- 
ing ap. Aug. 30-4 ; soluble, Apr. 4 ; tempered, F. Siemens, 
June 27-5 ; window, manuf. witli uat. gas, July 10-6 ; Lup- 
ton. May 7; drawing mach., Oppermann, June 11 ; decora- 
tive. Pollen, Sep. 3-7; Locom. Oct.-5 ; and glass making, 
Gaffield, ,S'oc. .Ijts, Xov. 22-3 ; .Enj/. Nov. 9-3 ; blowing ap.. 
Health exhib. July 21-4; tempered. Mar. 6-5; sheet casting 
table, Daglish, Jan. 21-7 ; wks. of Val St. Lambert, The Eng. 
Aug. 10-3 ; hardened, F. Siemens, Mar. 13-5. 

Gould, Jay, Eng. Xews, Sep. 8, Oct. 6-3 ; opinions of, Pg. Ga^. 
Sep. 7-3. 

Gold and silver production, T'. S. '84, Locom. Jan.-o. See also 
Metals, Gold and Silvek. 

GEAIN. 107 

Grain, stored, pressure of, Roberts, Emj. Xeu-s, Apr. 7-3 ; 
wheat crop of world. Iron Age, Sep. 22-7 ; shoveling mach., 
Lotz, Am. Eng. Oct. 1-5 ; elevators, Entj. & Bu. Bee. Nov. 
12-7; exports U. S. My. Gaz. Jau. 23; elevator, 60th St. 
Station, N. Y. Cen. E., N.Y. Jan. 30, Feb. 6; wheat jiroduc- 
tion., U. S. Feb. 13 ; crops, "85, Oct. lG-5 ; exports, Newport 
News, Apr. 9; crops, July 16; do. U. S., "86, Oct. 29-6. 

" Receipts, N. Y., Boston, Phil, and Bait., '86, Uij. Gaz. Jan. 
21, 28 ; exports, Jan. 21 ; receipts. No. West. Mar. 18, Apr. 
29 ; crops of world, '86, Apr. 8 ; receipts, Apr. 22 ; do. Atlan- 
tic ports, Sep. 30 ; wheat supply of world, '87-8 ; Oct. 7-7 ; 
warehousing mach. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 31 ; separating 
machs., Marot's, Apr. 28; elevator, Watson plan, June 16; 
do. Poulsom's Nov. 17-3; scouring ap. Nov. 22-4. 
" Warehousing, mach., Albert dock, 'RnW^Eng. Feb. 2; ele- 
vator, Poulsom's, Oct. .5 ; do. Dow's stores, Brooldyn, Sep. 
14, Oct. 19, Nov. 2-3 ; do. floating, 50 ton, Spencer, Feb. 27- 
5 ; do. portable, and crane, Lyster, Aj)r. 9 ; do. vessel, 
Thwaite, Oct. 22-6 ; conveyor, Anti-friction Co. July 29-7. 

Great Beitian, landed proprietors of, Locom. June-3. See also 
British; England. 

Greeley, Lieut., recovery, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 11-4. 

Greenland, Eng. Xews, Aug. 11-3 ; exped., Nordenslyold's, Sei. 
Am. Sup. Feb. 2-4; Eng. July 27-3. 

Grindstone, Fran. Inst. Aug.-3. 

Grove, Wji. R., por. Sci.Am. Sup. May 30-5. 

Gunnery and Armor, modern ordnance, Eng. Xews, May 12 ; 
gun, Haskell multi-charge, Nov. 3-3 ; armor, cast iron, 
expts., Gruson, May 3; ar. plate trials, do. rej). May24; 
ar. behavior, C. O. Browne, May 31 ; gun, Gatling, Aug 16 ; 
do. 6-lb. rapid firing, Brit, navy, Sep. 13; ar., chilled cast 
iron, exists., French and German, Scliutz, Nov. 15; gun, 
Maxim mach. Dec. 6-4. 
" Guns, Berdan shell, Eng.jVeus, Feb. 21 ; projectile vels. Apr. 4 ; 
England's naval armament, Maj' 2 ; ar. plate trials, Gruson, 
May 9 ; gun, Maxim mach. June 27 ; guns, large, Aug. 22 ; gun 
material, U. S. ordnance rep., Bixby, Oct. 17-31, Nov. 7-28, 
Dec. 5-26-5 ; ar. tests in Europe, Jan. 9, 23 ; ar. material do. 
rep., Bixby, Jan. 16; ar., chilled cast iron, May 27-6; guns, 
use of steel in. Mar. 26-7. 


GuxxERY AXD AioiOK, giiii, dynamite, Zalinski's, trials, Iron 
^(/e, Apr. 24 ; do. Smitli, June 19 ; do. ilaxim's mach. Dec. 
18-4; ar. plates, chilled cast iron, French and German expts. 
Jan. 8 ; guns as heat engines, Apr. 23 ; ar. plates manuf . 
May 7, 21 ; gun, Jlaxim maeh. June 25-5. 

" Aktillery, modern. Iron Aye, Aug. 12 ; guns, pneu., in war, 
Aug. 10; gun ti-ials, Nordenfelt, Sep. 16; U. S. ordnance, 
Nov. 18-6 ; gun carriages, crusher gauges for. May 12 ; guns, 
magazine and repeating rifles. Mar. 24 ; do. steel, Rodman 
prin. api)lied to. Mar. 24 ; do. and ar., Am., Mar. 31 ; do. and 
turrets, disappearing, July 21 ; do. modern, C'arbutt, Aug. 

" Gun cartridges, Mech. Mar. 22; guns, large, for U. S. govt. 
Apr. 26; ar., cast iron, exjrts. May 10-4; gun explosions, 
.Jan. Mar; guns as heat engs., Anderson, Apr.-5 ; gun mak- 
ing in Am., Waters, Jan; g. and ar., U. S. coast defense, 
Morgan, sup. June-7. 

" Guns, heavj' ordnance, Michaelis, Am. Enrj. June 27 ; do. 
do. Meatyard, July 18 ; do. and ar. behavior, C. 0. Browne, 
July 18, 2.')-4; and ar., chilled cast, French and Ger. expts., 
Schutz, Jan. 16 ; guns as heat engs., W. Anderson, May 1 ; 
gun, Maxim mach. Julj^ 23-5 ; guns, great, Meatyard, Sep. 
29-6 ; gun, dj'namite, Apr. 13 ; guns, casting heavy cannon, 
Allen's meth. Aug. 24-7. 

" Armor plate expts. Van Nost. Jan; gunnery expts. at 
Sijezzla, Mar ; ar., hard, July ; ar., steel vs. comp. Dec.-3 ; 
guns, armament question, n. Apr ; ar. under fire, Browne, 
July-4; gun, air, dj'namite, Zalinski, Jan; dynamite shells, 
June ; ar. plates, Aug ; projectiles resistance, n. Oct ; gun- 
nery expts., n. Nov. -5 ; guns, cause of erosion in bore of, 
Lanfray, Apr ; gun, Nordenfelt, n. Sei5.-6 ; guns, 110-ton 
English, Fiij. & Enrj. Apr; do. mag. and repeating rifles in 
Europe, James, May; gun carriage, hydro-pneu., disappear- 
ing, Armstrong, English, Aug.-7 ; projectiles vel., elec. det. 
of, Fran. Inst. Aug.-5 ; do. do. Houston, Elfc. Worhl, Aug. 
8, 15-5 ; gunnery, applic. of elec. to devel. of markmanshlp, 
Michaelis, Aug. 7, 14-0 ; gun, dynamite, Zalinski, expts. 
Electric. Oct.-7 ; do. elec., Monfort, Elec. See. June 20-.5. 

" Gun, 100-ton, breech loading, Italian trials at Spezia, &■/. 
Am. Siq?. Mar. 3; do. Lj-mau-Haskell, Aug. 11; do. 20-tou 
AVhitworth, trials, Oct. 0-3. 


Gu>fNERY AND Araioe, guns and ar. plated forts, expts. on, at 
Shoeburyness, Sci. Am. Su2'>. Oct. 13 ; gun mechanism, Oct. 
27; war rockets explosion, Woolwich arsenal, Nov. 10; gun, 
Haskell's multicharge, Dec. 22-3 ; ar. plate, chilled iron, Gru- 
son's, testing, Apr. 12 ; gun, Gardner mach. Apr. 19 ; do. wire, 
construct., Longridge, May 10; do. Catling, June 7; guns,, 
heavy, of "S4, Maitland, Aug. 16 ; gun Maxim mach. Nov. 8 ; 
gunnery, linked shells, Cochrane, Nov. 15-4. 

" Gunnery, shell and fuse, Berdan's, Sci. Am. Snp. Feb. 7 ; ar. 
plate trials at Spezia, Mar. 28 ; guns, as heat engines, ^y. 
Anderson, May 30; do. Kru^jp breech loading, June G ; gun 
press, gauge, Shaw's, June 6; guns, Hotchkiss', mach. June 
13 ; do. and ar. penetration, June 13 ; do. mach., Inv's exliib. 
June 20 ; do. Nordenf elt, do. Julj' 25 ; do. range of, Aug. 8 ; 
do. conversion of heat into wk., W. Anderson, Aug. 15 ; gun, 
13-in. De Range's, Aug. 29 ; g. andar., mild steel for, Mackiu- 
1a.y, Sep. 5 ; guns, great, comparison, table, Oct. 10-5. 

" Fortifications, iron in, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 6; shot gun, 
Spencer, Mar. 27 ; ar. plate turrets, expts. at Bucharest, 
May 22 ; Gruson's turret trials at Spezia, Aug. 28 ; gun, 
army, U. S. Oct. 2-6 ; do. 110 1-2-ton Elswick, for str. Ben- 
bow, Mar. 26; do. mag., German, Apr. 2; guns, steel, Sum- 
ner, Apr. 16 ; do. mag. and repeating rifles, James, Apr. 30 ;, 
do. Maxim, May 7 ; do. dynamite. May 14 ; do. steel, Mait- 
land, May 1-4 ; do. mag. rifles, June 11 ; gun, Krnpp, 52-ft.. 
June 18-7. 

" Guns, Elswick, Armstrong, 1101-2-ton, Newcastle exhib. 
Sci. Am. Sup. July 2 ; gun, mag. rifles, Lee mag. gun &c. 
July 9 ; do. Maxim, July 16 ; do. 110-ton Armstrong, Oct. 
15; do. great, Krupp, Oct. 29-7; do. heavy, construct., C. 
Shaler, Soc. Arts, Feb. 12 ; guns, heavy, casting at So. Bos- 
ton, Lyle, Feb. 12; gun, pneu. dynamite and use of higli ex- 
plosives in warfare, Zalinski, Dec. 23-5. 

" Guns, mach., Nordenfelt, Eng. Jan. 19, Feb. 9, 16; do. 
modern ordnance, Jan. 19; gun, mach., Nordenfelt, Jan. 26; 
artillery, field, Italian, Apr. 6 ; guns, Krupp and Armstrong, 
Dec. 14-3 ; gunnery, Brit, naval, Jan. 4, 11, 25, Feb. 15, 29, 
Mar. 14, 28, Apr. 11, June 6, 20, Jul}- 11, Aug. 1 ; gun, mach., 
Gardner, Feb. 15 ; do. breech loading, Phillip's, Feb. 22 ; 
guns, mach. Feb. 29 ; gun practice at sea, Mar. 14-4. 


OuNNiiRY AND Arhor, armor, cast irou, expts., Gruson, Eng. 
Apr. 4; guns, raach. Apr. 4; gun, Gatling, Apr. 25; guns, 
double barrel and rifles, May 2 ; do. English ordnance, May 
30, June 27 ; do. wire, treatise on, July 2.5 ; do. JSTordenfelt 
mach. Aug. 1 ; gun, 6 pounder, Brit, navy, Hotchkiss, Aug. 
8 ; guns, construct, of ordnance, Sep. 10 ; gun, 110-ton Arm- 
strong, Oct. 24; do. wire, construct. Xov. 7; do. mach., 
Maxim, Nov. 7 ; do. factories, France, Nov. 21 ; do. shell, 
Berdan and mechan. fuse Dec. 26-4. 

*' Guns, strength of , ^iijf. Apr. 10 ; gunnery, England's naval 
armament, Apr. 17; gun, artillery at Inv's exhib., Gardner, 
Anderson, Hotchkiss, May 1 ; do. do. Nordenfelt, May 15 ; 
do. mach., Maxim, June 5 ; do. mach., Gardner, Aug. 14-5 ; 
do. wire, construct. Jan. 22 ; do. dynamite, Zalinski, Feb. 12 ; 
do. "CoUingwood," June 11 ; do. barrels, erosion of, Oct. 
22 ; guns, rifled, English, Dec. 10-C. 

'" Guns, Armstrong, table, Eiirj. Jan. 28 ; do. Krupp, Feb. 4 : 
do. heavy, steel for, Jaques, Feb. 18 ; gun, 110-ton Elswick, 
Feb. 18 ; guns, mag. and repeating rifles, Mar. 4 ; do. Maxim, 
Mar. 18 ; gun, dynamite, iDneu. tori^edo, Apr. 15 ; guns and 
ar., steel lor, Apr. 22; guns, mag. rifles, Spencer, "Winches- 
ter, Vetterli, Hotchkiss, etc. Apr. 29, 5Iay G ; gunnery, ar- 
tillery tire, accuracy. May 6 ; do. steel projectiles. May C : 
gun, 110-ton, Longridge, Maj' 13 ; do. mach., Maxim, on 
steel carriage, June 3-7. 

^' Guns, Elswick, wks. Eng. July 29; do. ordnance exhib., 
Newcastle, July 29 ; gun carriages, modern, Aug. 19, 2G ; 
gun, 110-ton Elswick, Armstrong, Sep. 9; guns, Zalinski 
dynamite, expts. Oct. 21 ; do. steel projectiles, Oct. 28 ; do. 
mag. rifles, Nov. 11 ; do. wire, Longridge, Nov. 11, IS : do. 
as thermodynamic machs., Dixon, Dec. 23-7. 

" Gun, 110-ton Armstrong breech loading, The Etig. Jan. 20 ; 
effects of shot on steel-faced plates at St. Petersburg, Apr. 
6 ; guns, Belgian, July 27 ; steel shot trials, Palliser's, Aug. 
3 ; ar. plate fort at Shoeburyness, Aug. 31, Sej). 28 ; rocket 
explosion, Woolwich arsenal, Sep. 2S-3. 

" Gkuson chilled iron shield trial at Buckan, The Eng. Teh. 
22; ar. plate trials at Copenhagen, Mar. 28. May 30; gun, 
wire, construct., Longridge, Mar. 28 ; guns, heavy, of "84. 
English and foreign, Maitlaud, June 27 ; do. dynamite. Am. 
Sep. 19-4. 


Gunnery and Armor, guns, dynamite, Sci. Am, Harper^s 
Weekly^ Army & Xavy Jour; linked shells, TheEng. Oct. 10; 
gun. Maxim mach. Oct. 10; guns, effect of obstructions iu 
gun barrels, Nov. 7-4. 
" Gun, Nordenfelt 6 lb. quiclc firing, The Eng. Feb 6 ; do. 
bursting, str. Active, Feb. 6; guns, as iieat engs., W. Ander- 
son, Feb. 6 ; do. strength of , Feb. 13; ar. plate triiils at 
Spezia, Feb. 27; gun press, gauge, hydr., Shaw's, Apr. 24; 
guns and war stoi-es, May 8 ; Gruson's chilled iron ar. expts. 
May 8 ; protective power of ar. plates, May 15-5. 

" Guns, combust, of gunpowder in, J. F. Meigs, The Eng. 
July 3 ; see also Explosives ; wrt. iron ar. plates, laws of 
penetration, July 24; guns, De Bange's, Antwerp exhib. 
Aug. 14; do. Montcrieff carriages for Russian ironclads, 
Sep. 25; ar., Cadiz target and Armstrong guns, Sep. 25; 
guns, English, French view of , Oct. 16-5. 
" Gun, submarine, Ericsson's, TneEng. Jan. 22; do. dynamite, 
pneu. Jan. 22; Gruson's ar. at Spezia, Apr. 30 ; do. do. tur- 
ret ar. trials. May 7, 14 ; gun, Martini-Enfield rifle, July 2 ; 
Gruson shield at Spezia, Aug. 6 ; gun, Enfleld small-arms 
factory (Martini rifle), Aug. 20; guns, rifles, foreign, Aug. 
20 ; do. U. S. ordnance, Ang. 20 ; gun, Collingwood, rep. Sep. 
24; steel faced ar. plates, Nov. 26, Deo. 17, 17-6. 
" Gun, 110 1-2 ton Elswick, for str. Benbow, The Eng. Feb. 11 ; 
guns, mag. and repeating, W. H. James, Mar. 11 ; do. mag. 
German rifle, Apr. 1 ; gun steel, treatment, Maitland, Apr. 
1 ; guns, Cauet protected, Apr. 8 ; do. Elswick, Newcastle 
exhib. May 13; guu, 67-ton bi-eech-loading, Aug. 12; effect 
of St. Chamond projectile on steel-faced plate, Sep. 2-T. 

Hair-brushing Mach. Willonghby's, The Eng. May 11-3. 

Hallidie, Andrew S. St. By. Gaz. June-7. 

Hammers, drop, lifting device for, Ward, Iron Age, May 5-7 ; 
do. Hasse, Belgium, Mech. June 18-4 ; Beaudry, Am. Eng. 
Mar. 27-5; gas, Robsou's, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 6-6; do. The 
Eng. Sep. 10; power, pneu., Player's, Dec. 17-6; do. Eng. 
June 20-4 ; do. Thwaite's, Jan. 22-3 ; duplex, Equit. The Eng. 
Apr. 24-5 ; power. Wild's, May 27-7. See also Steam Ham- 

Hank dyeing and wringing mach., Robertshaw's, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Nov. 28-5. 


Hanscoji, Wm. W., por. St. i?j/. Gaz. June-6. 
HARBOit Engineering. See also Dredging ; Rivers. 

" Eng., wharf moorings, Enf/. Xeics, June 23-3 ; Antwerp wks. 
Sej). 22 ; jetty sys., Eads, .lune 28 ; concrete construct. Aug. 
9 ; imp. and connection of Hudson and Harlem rivers, New- 
ton, Aug. 30 ; jetty, Galveston, Nov. 29, Dec. 27-4. 

" Eng., dry-dock, Simpson, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Eng. 
Xt'ios, Feb. 21 ; sea-wall, Brighton, England, Apr. 11 ; rock 
removal by diving bell, Apr. 23 ; jetties, Apr. 2S ; floating 
landings, Schrader, Aug. 8 ; rock removing under water, 
Welland canal, James, July 11 ; concrete breakwater. New- 
haven, England, July 25; imp., N. Y., Hell Gate, (Flood 
rock), Sep. 12-5 ; of refuge, Nantucket, Mass., proposed, Jan. 
8 ; imp., Nantucket, L. M. Haupt, Apr. 16 ; Simpson dry tim- 
ber dock, Stockton, England, May 28-7. 

" Eng., dry dock construct, in quicksand, Hamburg, Iron Age, 
June II ; Hell gate imps. July 23-.5 ; quay walls, Sep. 9-6 ; 
Cardiff lifting docl5, Jfech. Oct.-i; floating breakwater, Julj- ; 
N. Y., flood rock explosion, Nov.-5 ; subaqueous foundations, 
Gaertner, Am. Eng. Apr. 29-6. 

" Eng., N. Y., Hell gate imp., maps, San. Eng. Dec. 3-5; 
dry docks, Havre, France, Eng. & Bu. Sec. Dec. 3-7 ; concrete 
in sea-water, Stj. Gaz. Sep. 2; docks, Ashland, Wis., Wis. 
Cen. E. Oct. 7-7; dock, Alexandra, Hull, England, VanKost, 
May; defense by submarine mines, Sleeman, 0ct.-3, and 
docks, Gould, May-5; tides and coast wks., Stevenson, Feb. 
-6; floating locom. By. & Eng. Mar; N. Y''., imp. June-7; 
imp. of port of Phil., Haupt, Fran. Inst. Nov.-7. 

" Eng. floating dock, St. Nazaire, France, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 
17 ; Lyttelton port and graving dock, New Zeal. June 2 ; 
concrete in marine construct. June 2 ; floating breakwater, 
Oct. 6-3 ; coral reefs, origin of, Mar. 8 ; dry docks at Erie 
basin, So. Brooklyn, July 5; Antwerp, imps. July 26; dry 
lifting dock, Cardiff, Aug. 23 ; concrete for marine construct. 
Sep. 13 ; gas-light buoy, Sep. 20 ; Havre roadstead, Sep. 2&-4:. 

" Eng., dock wall construct, with iron pile planks in found, 
under water, 8i:i. Am. Sup. Jan. 3 ; buojr, Courtenay's 
whistling, Jan. 3 ; do. Brown's bell, Jan. 3 ; Reunion Is. Ey. 
and port. Mar. 14 ; dry timber docks, ]\Iay 2 ; Tilbury deep 
water docks, May 23 ; floating, at Havre, wharf walls con- 
struct. May 23-5. 


Harbor Eng., St. Petersburg seaport maritime canal, Sci. Am. 
Svj}. July n ; sandbag embankments, Osborne, Sep.12-5. 

" Eng., N. Y., Flood rock removal, Sd. Am. Sup. Jan. 2 ; slip- 
way, hydr., at Hiogo, Mar. 27 ; Tilbury deep water docks. May 
29; India, west coast, July 17; wks., Buenos Ayres,Dec. 11- 
6 ; wk., concrete in, papers, Inst. C. E. Jan. 1 ; floating hos.. 
Laws, des. Feb. 26 ; Port of Cadiz, July 2,3 ; floating dry 
dock, Cardiff, Oct. 15 ; laud slip at Zug, Switz. Nov. 12-7 ; 
Boston, Raymond, Soc. Arts, Jan. 5 ; submarine mines, func- 
tion of, in seacoast defense, H. L. Abbot, Mar. 26-5. 

" Eng., braced piers and' supports, Eng. June 1; and coast 
buoyage Oct. 12 ; liarbors of refuge, Feb. 9, Mar. 9, Aug. 17, 
Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, Dec. 7-3 ; do. May 30 ; do. Peterhead, 
Aug. 22; at Trieste, Feb. 22; docks and coal shipping at 
Cardiff, England, July IS, Aug. 1-15 ; Alexandra dock, New- 
port, Aug. 15 ; landing stage and pontoon, hos. ship, " Cas- 
talia," Nov. 21-4. 

" Eng., OtagoPort, New Zeal. Eng. Jan. 28 ; dry timber dock, 
Simpson, Mar. 27 ; and coast defense, May 1 ; floating break- 
water. May 15; concrete breakwater, Newhaven, England, 
July; N. Y., Flood rock explosion, Oct. 30-5; submarine 
do. Jan. 1 ; dock yard expenditure, England, July 2 ; Chat- 
ham dock yard, Oct. 22, Nov. 5; Clyde graving dock, Nov. 
19; Dec. 3; hos. on Tyne r. Dec. 17-6. 

" Eng., Esquiraalt dock, Brit. Colombia, Eng. Feb. 18; wks., 
Lisbon, projected. Mar. 4; composite light-ship, " Puffin," 
Schlesinger, May 6; dock at Kowloon, Hong-Kong Co. July 
22, Aug. 5; Malta dock yard centrif. pumps, Moreland, Aug. 
20; Cardiff' off' shore floating, Clarke, Sep. 9; dry dock, San 
Fernando, Buenos Ayres, Nov. IS, 18; hydr. lifting dock, 
Bombay, Nov. 25-7. 

" Eng., wrt. iron cyl. beacons. The Eng. Feb. 2 ; fog signal ap. 
for lightship and signal station, Feb. 16 ; fog signalling ap.,. 
Holmes' siren, Mar. 2; caisson, Lyttelton graving dock. 
New Zeal. Feb. 23; ferry landing stage, Jarrow, Tate, eng. 
Mar. 30; floating self propelling dock, Rennie's, Apr. 6; 
wlis., Antwerp, Aug. 10; slipway hauling mach., Ayr. har. 
Dec. 7, 7, 14-3 ; slipway and shiij cradle, do. Feb. 22, Mar. 
28; Preston dock and ribble imps., Garlick, June 20; docks 
at Boston port, AVitham r., Wheeler, eng. Dec. 26-4. 


Harbor Eng., Brighton beach wks., Coode, des. The Eng. Feb. 
13 ; Tilbury deep water docks, Apr. 3 ; East Scottish, July 10 ; 
Antwerp quays, July 31 ; N. Y., Flood rock removal. Hell 
Gate, Oct. 9-5; Royal Albert dock extens., Carr, eng. Feb. 
5-19; Greenock har., map, Mar. 12; quay walls construct, 
at Rotterdam, Ysselsteyn, Mar. 21 ; Alexandra dock jjump- 
iug mach. Sep. 3 ; Buenos Ayres port and wks., Nov. .5 ; 
concrete construct., Inst. C. E. Dec. 17 ; Eyemouth har., 
Merk, eng. Dec. 17-6 

" ENG.,wharf, screw pile, at Kurrachee, The Eng. Jan. 21 ; do. 
exten. Apr. 15 ; Cardiff dock and Rys., Barry, Mar. 4 ; buoys, 
spherical and conical. Mar. 25; pier at Salto r., Uruguay, 
"Wilson, Apr. 15 ; harbors of refuge, Apr. 22 ; \\ks., Algoa baj-, 
Cape Colony, Shield, Apr. 29 ; i)roraenade pier, Folkestone, 
Ridley, Maj'27; St. Helier har. July 1 ; Ceara wks., Brazil 
July 29 ; Calais har. imp. Aug. 26 ; Preston dock and Rib- 
ble run, Sep. 30, .30; tidal estuaries aud bar of Mersey r., 
"Wheeler, Nov. 11-7. 
Hardwakk, store arrangements, Iron Age, July-Dec.-5 ; do. 
flles-6 ; in Germany, Apr. 1-6 ; prices current. Iron Age 

Harrison, John, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 7-3. 

Hathaway, Chas., por. St. By. Gaz. Aug-6. 

Hat making, wool, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 31-7. 

Haavaii, U. S. trade with, Iron Age, July 14-7. 

Hayti, U. S. trade with, Iron Age, Aug. 27-5., 

Health, unliealthy occupations. Iron Age, Feb. 25-6 ; malaria, 
Sternberg, San. Eng. Jan. 11-25 ; germs and epidemics, 
Mar. 1-29; food and ilium, oils, adulterations, C. F. Chand- 
ler, rep. Apr. 19-3 ; Internat. exhib. June &c.-i ; Am. Pub. 
Assoc, pro. Oct. 14-6 ; and artif . lights, Ehe. Eev. Jan. 3 ; 
and elec. light, July 2G-4. 

" Alcohol habit. Carpenter, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 13 ; pneumo- 
nia, Delafield, Mar. 24; malaria, Salisbury, Mar. 31, Apr. 7- 
28, May 5-19 ; alcohol in. Barlow, Apr. 21 ; poisoning by ni- 
trate of silver, Mott, May 19; breathing, AVark, June 2. 9 ; 
hair. Shoemaker, June 9 ; cereal foods, Cuzuer, June 30-3. 

" Cookery, sci. of, AV. M. AnUiams, Sri. Am. Siip.'Mav. \. S; 
and wk., national, Paget, Aug. 9 ; malaria, nature of, Dowling, 
Aug. 30-4. 

HEALTH. 115 

Health, temperance reform, scientific basis of, B. W. Richard- 
son, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 13 ; temp., moisture and pressure in 
relation to. Tripe, Sep. 20 ; malaria, Tommasi, Oct. 11 ; cholera, 
Koch, Oct. 11-4; do. F. II. Hamilton, Jan. 10; do. microbe, 
Feb. 7; mental contagion in inebriety, Crothers, Jan. 31; 
alcohol props, T. L.Wright, Jan. 31 ; cultivation of microbes, 
Oct. 17-5. 

" Bacteria of disease, Hun, Sci. Am. Sup. June 12 ; tyrotox- 
icon, in poisonous ice-cream, Vaughan, Aug. 28 ; inorganic 
foods, Randolph, Sep. IS ; why some people grow fat, Ran- 
dolph, Oct. 16 ; social waste of a great city. Seaman, Nov. 6 ; 
disinfection by heat. Parsons, Nov. 27; veget. and fatty 
food diets, Beaumetz, Dec- 4-6; and longevity, Buchanan, 
Mar. 12; climate relations to, Poore, May 7-28, June 4; dis- 
trib. of micro organisms in atmos., Fraukland, July 30; 
genesis of Bright's disease, Fothergill, Aug. 13-7. 

" Hygiene, Locom. Sep.-6 ; relations of micro organisms to 
disease, Marcy, Soc. Arts, Feb. 28 ; cholera, etiology and 
prog, of, Shattuck, Oct. 23-4; do. Asiatic, from a layman's 
point of view. Brewer, Feb. 2G-5 ; chem. of foods and nutri- 
tion, Atwater, Apr. 22-6; disinfector, Thursfleld's sero- 
steam. The Eng. July 29-7. 
Heat, flameless combust. Iron Ac/e, Oct. 25-3 ; conducting 
power of materials expts. Oct. 9-4; specific and latent, 
Van der Weyde, Mech. June 16-3 ; reg., metastatic, Randolph, 
Nov-4; solar, as motive power, Tellier, n. Dec.-5; thermo- 
dynamics, Reynolds, Van Most. Feb. -4; combust. Sy. & 
Eng. June-7. 

" Abstraction by mechan. energy, Fran. Inst. Feb; do. 
(cold) Apr ; radiant, Mar.-3 ; reg., metastatic, Sep. -4 ; refrig. 
jnach. as heater, Aug.-6; thennod.. Wood, Feb.-Apr.-7; 
regulation by elec. and mechan. devices, Engle, Elec. World, 
Mar. 12; reg., Butz's, Sep. 24-7. 

" New prin. of measuring, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 27; conduct, 
power of materials, Coleman, Nov. 1-4; units of living be- 
ing, registering ap. for, D'Arsonval, July 3; dissociation 
temps, and pyrotechnics, F. Siemens, July 10 ; action of stm. 
on combust, of carb. oxide and hydrogen, Aug. 14-6; heat 
photography, Ives, Apr. 23-7; conduct, power of materials, 
Eng. Sep. 5-4; high temps., thermo-elec. measurement of, 
Chatelier. Mar. 11-7. 


Heating AXD Ventilation. See also Heat; Steam Heating. 

" Buildings, quan. air required, Eng. iVe-ics, Dt'C. 26-5; hot 
water, Boston f o.'s sys. Aug. 27-7 ; do. Daniel's, Iron Age, 
July 29-G ; adapt, of stm. b's. for warming dwellings, J. W. 
Anderson, Am. Eng. June .5-5; water, flame contact, Fletcli- 
er, Aug. 4-6; and ventil., Billings, San. Eng. Jan. 11, Feb. 
8, Mar. 15, Apr. 12, May 31 ; doctor's, h. Mar. 8 ; school bu. 
Mar. 8 ; Soldier's Home hos., Washington, Mar. 15 ; Ogdrns- 
burg opera h. Mar. 22 ; prison, Apr. 20 ; N. Y. hos. buildings. 
May 31; Met. opera h., N. Y. Dec. 6-3; sys. for houses in 
Germany, Sep. 18-4. 

" Nat. Soldiers Home hos., Va. San. Eng. Sep. 3; bu's, 
quan. air required in, Hartford, Oct. 8 ; Berlin H. of Parlia- 
ment imps.. Grove, Dec. 31-5; Chamber of Deputies, Paris, 
Joly, rep. July 22 ; relative econ. of by heated chimneys and 
fans, W. P. Trowbridge, July 29 ; trap syphonage, expts., 
G. Brown, U. S. rep. Dec. 11, arr. of Vienna Orpheum, 
Leschetizky ; Dec, 25-6. 

" Hot fl'ATEK, in a barn, Jan. 1 ; do. of State, War & Navy 
Dept. bu., Washington, .Ian. 22; do. of P. O., Customs & 
Inter. Eev; govt, bu., Woodstock, N. B. Feli. 5, 19; hot 
water b. Mar. 19 ; liot water and fitting, Apr. 9, 23, May 14, 
June 4, 11, July 23, Aug. 20, Sep. 3-24; and ventil., Hones- 
dale school, Apr. 30; hot water and stm., comp. value for 
heat and power transmiss., Emery, June 11-7; and ventil., 
hot water, Westchester cty. almshouse, Eng, & Bu. Rec. Dec. 

" Theatre, Seddon, Van Yost. Apr; warmth and lighting, 
Galton, Oct.-4; of bu's., Porter, Jan.-5; do. Bu. Xcics; hot 
water, St. By. Gaz. June-6; water, (Prall sys.), Boston 
Heating Co.'s plant, Elcc. Worhl, Nov. 12-7; ventil. and oli- 
structed air, vital discovs. in, Conaut, Sci. Am. Snp. June 9 ; 
ventil. by coal gas, Humphreys, June 30; lieating by gas, 
Gomez's ap. Dec. 29-3 ; and ventil. Jan. 23 ; hot water, 
flame contact , T. Fletcher, Julj^ 17; heating, flame, applic. 
of. Lodge, Aug. 7-6. 

" Hot Water, Prall sys., rep., Isherwood, Ma.i. Stm. Fitter, 
July-7 ; do. Emery, Trans. Am. Soc. .V. E.-l ; and ventil. hints, 
Locom. Dec.-6; do. Pap. Sri. 3/; and ventil. of aparts., util. 
of suns rays in, E. S. Morse, Soc. Arts, Apr. 9 ; (warming) 
of bu's, applic. of solar heat to, Woodbridge, Nov. 12-5. 


Heating and Ventil. by radiation, Head, Eng. Feb. 27-5 ; and 
ventil., air required in bu's, Hartford, The Eng. Nov. 13 ; 
ventil., and lighting of Bristol Council Hall, H. Shaw, Nov. 

Hemp Trade, U. S. Iron Age., Feb. 3-7. 

Henry, Joseph, and magnetic teleg., Dickerson, Sci. Am. Sup. 
June 26-6. 

Henry memorial tablet, Princeton, addr., Dickerson, Electric. 

Heredity, Weismann, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 26-7. 

Hoist, friction, Jones', The Eng. Mar. 23-3. See also Eleva- 

Hoisting Engine, double. Am. Eng. June 27-4. 

Holland, coast surveys, Eng. News, Jan. 9 ; coast fortifications. 
May 1-6. 

Holmes, Chas. B., St. By. Gaz. Nov.-7. 

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 7-6. 

Hong-Kong, U. S. trade with, Iron Age, Aug. 26-6. 

Hook construct. Am. Eng. July 13-7. 

Hooke, Robert, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 1-3. 

Hooks and Eyes Mach. Mech. Feb. 23-4. 

Horse, shoe, antiquity of. Iron Age, Nov. 22-3 ; construct, of 
foot, St. By. Gas. July-6 ; shoeing, hist, and principles of, 
Keil, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 31 ; Am. trotting, evolution of. 
Brewer, May 26-3 ; Melton, winner of Derby, '85, Aug. 1-5. 

Horses, trotting stat., table, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 24-3 ; Govt, 
cavalry, breeding farm for, Robertson, Aug. 13-7. See also 
Rys., St., horses. 

Hudson Bay & Strait route, Coats, Eng. July 22-7. 

Hutchinson, Robert, por. St. By. Gaz. Apr.-7. 

Huxley, Thos. H., por. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 1-3. 

Hydraulic Engineering, flow of water thro, pipes, tables, 
McAlpine, Eng. News, Jan. 13, Mar. 3, 10; Green's pond 
imp., Long Branch, N. J. June 9; power supply, Ellington, 
Nov. 17-3 ; power distrib., London, Aug. 23 ; flow of water, 
expts., Weston, Sep. 27; mud, sand and gravel transport, 
by running water, Vauthier, Nov. 1-4. 
" Eng., lift and mud receiver, Powell, Eng News, Feb. 7; 
power, Ellington, May 16, 23; St. Anthony falls, Aug. 8; 
gauging of flowing water. Turner, Aug. 15-5 ; pump, John- 
ston, J:;n. 22-7. 


Hydraulic Eng., mach. Iron Age, Apr. 19 ; wk., notes on roll- 
ing mill, Nov. 15-3 ; jack, Nov. 13-4 ; ram. May 13 ; press 
for prismatic gunpowder, June 10-6 ; power in Germany, 
July 21-7. 

" Eng., discharge of water thro, apertures, table, Mech. Jan. 
13; mach. Tweddell, Apr. 28; flow of elastic fluids thro, ori- 
fices, June 16; wk., notes, Nov. 10-3; flow of water thro, 
pipes, Weston (Am. Soc. C. E.), Oct.-4; putting bolts 
thro, retaining wall under water, proc, Reynolds, Sep; 
lifts, French and Belgian, Nov.-5 ; aut. flood gate, Czvetkovic, 
inv. San. Eng. Nov. 19-5 ; jack. Am. Eng. Oct. 24-4 ; ram, 
Mar. 18-6; lifting jack, Tangye, By. Qaz., Feb. 16-3; jack, 
Giant, Nov. 20-5. 

" Eng., tables, Kutter's formula, Flynn, Van Nbst. Feb, 
May; expts., Cunningham, Apr.-June; current-meter meas- 
urements, Rhine r., Baum, Aug.-3 ; architecture, Jan.-4; 
do. Builder. 

" Eng., measurement and flow of water in ditches, Bowie, Van 
Nost. Jan; do. Browne, May; do. Pierce, June; do. Emery, 
Apr., n. June; use of double floats for measuring vels. in 
large streams, Bazin, Feb; propulsion, Barnaby, Apr. May; 
flow through submerged outlets, Salles, June; tables, based 
on D'Arcy's formula, Flynn, June; Darcy's formulas ap- 
plied. Hill, Dec.-5 ; flow of water over submerged weirs. 
Sawyer, Mar; Kutter's formula, Flynn, Apr; do. n. Sep.-6. 

" Eng., vel. of approach in weir comput. Fran. Inst. Aug; 
back water from dams, Nov.-4 ; coef . of efflux, short pipe, 
Oct.-6 ; reaction of liquid jet, AVebb, Aug ; impact water on 
plane surfaces, expt. verifying Weisbaoh's formula, W. C. 
Smith, Oct ; loss of head in, Churcli, Nov ; reaction of liquid 
jet, AVebb, Dec.-7. 

" Eng., mach.. Perry, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 6, Feb. 24; mach. 
tools, Tweddell, Apr. 2S ; press, Brinck's, June 2 ; fan brake, 
Aug. 4-3; pump, Roux's, July 5; two manners of motion 
of water, Reynolds, Aug. 9 i parachute motor, Jagu's, Sep. 
20; do. Yagu's, Nov. 15-4. 

" Eng., elevator at Fontnettes, Neuffosse canal, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Feb. 21-5; ram, Pcarsairs, June 5; comp. press, Oct. 2; 
blower, "Trompe,"' Oct. 16-6; hydrographic survej-ing, 
Bradford, Apr. 23-7. 


Hydraulic Eng., motor, oscillating, Schaltenbrand, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Sep. 17 ; drilling niaeh., Toulon dock yard, Oct. 29 ; sub- 
marine mining, hist., Rodman, Nov. 26, Dec. 3-7; topog. 
meths. of U. S. Coast and geod. survey, Burton, Soc. Arts, 
Apr. 2C-3. 
" Eng., power distrib. Eng. Oct. 2G-3 ; current meter tests. 
May 23; Hydr. Eng. Co. Sep. 5-4; hydro-mech. physiog- 
raphy, Evans, Jan. 30; motor, Donaldson, Feb. 20; power 
supply, Ellington, Mar. 13-27 ; mach., Inv's exhib. May 1-5 ; 
ram, Pearsall, Apr. 9; cotton press, AVatson, Aug. 27; expts. 
Oct. 15-6; power wks. at Niagara falls, j)roposed, Jan. 14; 
jack, Tangye, June 3-7. 
" Eng., pump, Roux, TAe ^)i(/. May 23-4; lifting mach. and 
coal hoist, Boston docks, Jan. 9, 23, 23 ; mach., Buenos Ayres 
port, Feb. 6, andengs. Mar. 6; rams, force of, E. B. Weston, 
Feb. 20; power supply, Ellington, Mar. 20, Apr. 10; eng., 
Hastie's, June 12; aut. flood gate, Czvetkovic"s, Aug. 14; 
forging press, Tweddell's, Sep. 25 ; pumping eng. Sep. 25 ; 
flanging mach. Sep. 25; formulas, Donaldson, Oct. 2; pump, 
Broxburn Coll. Oct. 2; forging press. Berry's, Oct. 30-5; 
concrete lowering proc. under water, Jan. 29; mach. for 
slipway at Hiogo, Jap. govt. Feb. 12-6 ; pipe testing ap. 
Sep. 30-7. 

Hydeometee, Bate's, Eng. May 11-3. 

Hydeo-dynamic researches, Bjerknes', Cooke, Sci. Am. Siq). 
May 9, 30, Aug. 1-5 ; do. Eng. Mar. 27, Apr. 10, 24-6. 

Hygiene, our clothing and h's. Fran. Inst. 0ct.-4. See also 

Ice, strength of, Eng. Xeuis, Dec. 26-5 ; age, in Peru, Fran. Inst. 
Apr; mining and storing, Nov. -3 ; harvest of Am. Eng. Nov. 
" MACH.,.Ballantine, Iron Age, Sep. 11-4; Pictet, Mech. Jan. 
26; French, July; Ballantine refrig. plant, Sep.-4; and 
refrig. ap., Lightfoot, Van Xost. Aug, Sep.-6 ; making mach. 
Eng. May 28, June 18 ; July 2, 9, 23; Oct. 1-6; Pontifex, 
Apr. 1-7. See also Refrigerating Mach. 
" Palaces, Mech. Aug.-5 ; yacht construct. Sci. Am. Sup. 
Dec. 17-7. 

Incubator, rep. Fran. Inst. Mar.-6. 

Index, card catalogue as an, Eng. A'eios, Mar. 31-3 ; to periodi- 
cal literature (begins), Feb. 21 &C.-5; card catalogue, Bg. 
Gaz. Mar. 30; do. sys., R. classittcatiou, Berg, Apr. 6-3. 

120 INDIA. 

India, Iron Age, Aug. 23-3 ; survey of, J. T. Walker, Van Nost. 
Jan.-e ; pub.wks. dept. Eng. Maj- 2-i ; irou working, Mar. 5-6. 
" British, U. S. trade with, Iron Agr, Jan. 7-6; Aug. 11-7. 

Indian CASTINGS, Iron Agr, Jan. G-7; C. P. Clarke, The Eng. 
May 28-6. 

Indigo MANUF., Ransom, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 8; in India, Oct. 

Industrial Hygiene, Gerhard, J/ccA. Apr.-7. 

Infernal Machines, Iron Age, June 7-3. 

Injector, Gastine's traction (for insects destroying), Sci. Am. 
Sup. Jan. 10-5. See also SiEAit Boiler Injector. 

Instincts, human, James, Pop. Sci. 21. Sep.-7. 

Interest, rate of, in Europe, Iron Age, Feb. 11-6. 

Interstate Commerce, bill, U. S. Iron Age, Feb. 3-7; doc. 
Mech. sup. Mar. -7 ; text, Bi/. Gaz. Deo. 31-6 ; commiss. rep. 
Dec. 9-7. 

Invention, art of, J/t'c/i. Oct. 13-3; do. Elec. liev; Sesly, Elec- 
tric. July-6 ; inventing, an analytical and systematic method 
of, E. P. Thompson, Elec. Worl^l, Xov. 22, Dec. 20-4; do. 
do. Jan. 17, Feb. 7, 14, Mar. 1-t, May 2-5. 

Inventions, and leading patentees, "83, Iron Age, Oct. 16-4; 
chance, Jlech. Jan. 19; of Watt, Jan. 12, 19, Feb. 2; and 
p.atentces of '83, 0ct.-4; and pats. liy. Guz. Feb, lG-3 ; in- 
fluence of on civilization, C. Smith, Soc. Arts, Feb. 14-4; of 
Watt, Eng. Nov. 30, Dec. 7-3. See also Patents. 

Inventors, unfortunate. Iron Age, Aug. 13-5. 
'• Institute, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 3-5. 

Ikon and Steel. See also Steel. 
" AND Steel Inst., England, pors. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 29-7 
Eng. May 11-3; pro. May 2, 9, Sep. 20, Oct. 3-4; May 8-29 
June .5, 12, Sep. 4, 11-5; May 21, 28, Oct. 1.5, 22-6; May 27 
June 3, 10, Sep. 23, 30-7; The Eng. May 11, 18, Sep. 21, 28 
Oct. 5-3; May 2, 16, Sep. 26, Oct. 3, 10-4; May 15, 22, Sep 
4, 11-5; May 14-28, Oct. 8-22-6; Sep. 23-7. 
" Preserv., Bower-Barft" proc. Eng. Xeu's, Nov. 24-3; do. 
blast furnace ^^■ith bosh water-jacket and iron top, Weudt, Sep 
G-4 ; do. cast wk., designs, C. W. Trowbridge, May 16 ; indus- 
tries, rep.. Cope, June 27-5 ; working stress of, B.Baker, 
Dec. 18-6 ; iron trade. Am., "86, Swank, Jan. 8 ; do. rolled 
beam manuf., Belgium, n. Mar. 12; ettect of temp, on, Ram- 
sey, Dl'c. 3-31-7. 


Iron and Steel, trades, '82, Brit, review, Iron Age, Jan. 4; 
crystallization of, A. F. Hill, Jan. 4; iron, trade of world, 
Jan. 4; do. pig. produc., U. S., table, Feb. 15, Mar. 22; do. 
trade of Grt. Brit. Feb. 22; micros, anal, of, Bayles, Mar. 1; 
iron, cast, euainelling. Mar. 8 ; U. S. imports and exports, 
May 15; Bower-Barff'proc, Bower, Mar. 15-3. 

" Iron, Indus., Sweden, Iron Aye, Apr. 5; do. trade manuf., 
■82, Grt. Brit. Apr. 19; crystallization, A. F. Hill, Apr. 19; 
Stat., '82, Apr. 26; iron, trade stat., Brit. May 3; do. con- 
sumption per capita, of world. May 10-3. 

" Blast Furnaces, working, Cochrane, Apr. 26 ; gas seals on, 
Uehling, May 3; practice. May 31, .June 7 ; Jan. 18, Apr. 
19, June 14; reducing fuel consump.. Brown, June 21 ; idle, 
June 21 ; high and low temp, working, July 5 ; condition, 
July 16, Oct. 11, jSTov. 22 ; Crozer Steel it Iron Co., Roanoke, 
Ya. Sep. 20; econ. in relation to design, Nov. 1 ; Cowper 
stoves, Dec. 6-3. 

" Ironworks., blowing engs., French, 7ron Age, June 14; 
do. manuf., gaseous fuel in, July 12; do. pig, produc. July 
26; do. smelting, heating arr. for, July 19, 26; do. pig, 
trade, Aug. 9 ; do. Belgian manuf. Aug. IG ; do. wk. preserv. 
Aug. 23 ; do. Krupp's wks., Essen, Ger. Aug. 23 ; do. det. 
of manganese in spiegel, etc. Aug. 30-3. 

" Iron, puddling, median. Iron Age, Sep. 6 ; do. steel and 
metals, cause of magnetism in, Sep. 6; German Ry. tests 
for, Sep. 13 ; iron, wrt. manuf., Chapin pneu. proc. for, Sep. 
13 ; do. manuf. in Marjdand and Penn. in 1734, Sep. 13 ; do. 
fields of Sweden, Sep. 27 ; do. founding, coal and coke for, 
Sep. 27; do. and coal produc, German, Oct. 4; gases in, 
Oct. 4, 11 ; iron, ores, carbonate, kiln for roasting, Oct. 18 ; 
trade, Brit. Nov. 29; iron, ores, chem. anal., compar. value 
of, Dec. 13-3. 

" Blast Furnaces, condition, U. S. Iron Age, Jan. 10, 24. 
Apr. 10, June 12, July 10, 31, Aug. 7. Sep. 11-25, Oct. 9, 
Nov. 13, Dec. 11; action of phosphorus, .Ian. 10; iron ores, 
value of, Feb. 14; York, Feb. 28; Weimer's water cooling 
ap. May 1 ; Citico, May 1 ; So. AV'est. Ya. May 15 ; use of 
raw coal in. May 15; plant, 29-4. 

" Iron, foundry hydraulics, 7;vjk ^li/c, Feb. 21, Mar. 27 ; do. 
pig, produc. Jan. 31; do. do. U. S.,"82 and "83, Feb. 14, Mar. 
13, Apr. 3 ; do. do. produc. aud stocks of, Brit., '83, Apr. 3-4. 


Iron and Steel, iron, furnace, cupola, Ibrugger, Iron Age, 
>Iay 29 ; trades, Brit, review, "83, Jan. 3 ; fluctuations in 
prices since 1872, Jan. 3 ; expts., Brit., "83, Jan. 31 ; foreign 
trade, •83, Mar. 13-4. 
" Irox, expts. on secretion of gas in. Iron Ar/e, Apr. 3 ; pro- 
duction, France, '83, Apr. 17; physical condition of , Apr. 
24; iron furnace, gas puddling and heating, Smith-Carson, 
Apr. 10; do. do. cupola, English practice, May 1 ; do. do. 
reverberatory, Stubblebine, JFay 8; production, stat., U. S., 
"83, May 8 ; iron, districts of Grt. Brit. May 15 ; do. making 
in South, May 22 ; do. production. East and AVest, May 20 ; 
do. rolling mill eng., German, June 5-i 

" Iron mines, Lapland, Iron Age, July 31 ; do. foundry ijrac- 
tice, English, Aug. 28; "wks., Ebbw, Sep. 4; manuf. Sep. 4; 
wks., Dowlais, Sep. 4; iron, charcoal, Indus. Sep. 25 ; do. 
pig, V. S. imports, Sep. 25; do. furnace crane, Sep. 25; do. 
Swedish, indus. Oct. 23, 30, Xov. 6; do. Xat. Charcoal 
Assoc. Oct. 9; do. furnace, heating regen. gas, Oct. 30; do. 
do. regen., Dick and Eilej', Oct. 30; Indus., extent, U. S. 
Oct. 30; iron, pig, profit in manuf. Xov. 20; ladle carriage, 
English, Nov. 27 ; iron foundries, Chinese, Dec. 11-4. 

" Blast Furnaces, condition. Iron Age, .Tan. 22, Feb. 12, Mar. 
12, Apr. 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug. G, Sep. 10, Oct. 8, 
Nov. 12, Dec. 10 ; Avesta proc. Mar. 19 ; Salisbury iron region, 
Feb. 5, Mar. 26; gases, Apr. 2; English and Am. practice, 
Apr. 30, May 7 ; regen. hot blast oven, Long, May 21 ; iron 
ore and fuel in. May 21; value of coke. May 28; a water 
jacket, June 18; English practice, July IG; Durham iron 
wks.. Pa. Sep. 24; old charcoal, Oct. 8; wks., No Chic. 
Rolling Jlill Co. Oct. 22 ; Am. distrib. and proportions of, 
Dec. 24-5. 

" Iron, in modern architecture Iron Age, Jan. 1 ; trades, Brit. 
review of, Jan. 8; iron, hot blast oven, Shelby Co., Ala. 
Jan. 15; do, cinder pig, Jan. 29; do. ore, L. Superior, '84, 
Jan. 29 ; do. pig production, "84, Feb. 12 ; do. ornamentation, 
Feb. 19 ; German}-, Feb. 19, May 7 ; iron, pig, U. S. districts, 
Mar. 19 ; do. castings, wts. of by measurement, Mar. 26-5. 

" Iron, wks., Jefferson, O. Iron Age, Apr. 2 ; do. foundry, 
ancient practice, Apr. 16; do. bar, etc., wt. tables, Apr. 23; 
do. pig, English, Apr. 30-5. 


Iron and Steel, bars, Imported, price, U. S. Iron Age, May 7; 
iron ore and fuel consumpt., '84, May 21; iron manufs. 
wages scale. May 21 ; Am. produc, stat., ,84, May 28 ; iron, 
wrt. castings, Mitis, June 4; preserv., Bower-Barff proc. 
June 11 ; iron, pig, cost of production, June 18 ; do. Clapp- 
Grifflth's proc. Apr. 16, 30, June 25; do. do. plant, Pitts. 
Mar. 12-5. 

" Iron, sheet, galvanized, /)'o» ^4(/e, July 23; pi-oduction, July 
30; English exports, July 30; micros, structure of, Aug. 13; 
iron, sheet rolling, wages in West, '79-'80, Aug. 20 ; do. 
wages, English, Aug. 20; do. wks., English in Eussia, Aug. 
20; Ferro-mangauese, and manuf. Aug. 20; iron, manuf., 
Sweden, Sep. 3; do. wks., Krupp's, Germany, Sep. 10; do. 
wks., German, wages and profits, Sep. 10; and copper, 
effect of heat and cold on, Sep. 17 ; iron wks. at No. Chic. 
Rolling Mills, Sep. 17; ship bu., Germany, Sep. 24-5. 

" Iron, castings, light wks., Hopson and Chapin, Iron Age, 
Oct. 1 ; do. founding, value of silicon pig, Oct. 1 ; do. struct- 
ures, intermittent strains on, Oct. 8 ; do. foundry wk., cost 
of production in, Oct. 8 ; do. hot blast stove. Cooper, Oct. 
1.5 ; do. ore smelting witli petroleum, ^yeber proc. Oct. 29-5. 

" Iron, beams, Iron Age, Nov. 5 ; mechan. puddling, Otis wks. 
Nov. 5 ; iron furnace, cupola, Ibuegger tests. Nov. 5 ; do. 
do. Riley open-hearth, Nov. 12 ; exports, Nov. 12 ; do. hot 
blast stove, Gordon, Dec. 3 ; do. plate bending rolls, Eng- 
lish, Dec. 10; do. forgings, heavy, manuf. of, Dec. 24; do. 
and coal trades, Sweden, Dec. 31 ; do. pig, and steel produc- 
tion diagram, ■72-"85, Dec. 31-5. 

" Blast Fuknaces, U. S. condition, Iron Age, Jan. 7, Feb. is, 
Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13, June 10, July 8, Aug. 12, Sep. 9, Oct. 
14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9; distrib. and projjortions of Am. Jan 7; 
Brit. Feb. 25 ; reconstructed, Shelby, Ala. Apr. 1 ; coke and 
charcoal as fuel for, Apr. 8 ; charging ap., Uehling, Apr. 29 ; 
records, comparisons, July 8 ; repairing linings, Dec. 2-6. 

" Brit., annual review of. Iron Age, Jan. 7 ; iron, trade, Aus- 
trian Jan. 14; do. foundry, sand moulding mach., Aiken"s, 
Jan. 21; do. pig, production in "85, Jan. 28, 28; do. furnace 
production. No. Chic. Rolling Mills, Jan. 21, Feb. 4; do. 
roasting furnace, Davis-Colby, Feb. 11 ; imports, '85, Feb. 
11 ; iron, furnace, Amiiston, Ala. Feb. 18 ; do. oi-e quarry. 
Cranberry, N. C. Feb. 26-6. 


Iron and Steel, Am. Inst. Mining Engs., Iron Age, Feb. 25, 
Mar. 4, 11 ; iron, pig, protection of. Mar. 3 ; do. nianuf ., 
profits of in Germany, Mar. 4 ; do. eiiarcoal, region of South, 
Mar. 18 ; do. Grt.Britian's interest, a century and a lialf ago. 
Mar. 18 ; do. castings, !Mitis, from wrt. iron or steel. Mar. 
25; Krupp's great wlvS., Essen, Ger. Mar. 25-G. 

" Ikon, foundrj-, rel. value of coal and coke, Iron Age, Apr. 
15; production, Grt. Brit. Apr. 29; Am. stat., "85, May 6; 
imj)orts and exports. May 6; production manganese ores, U. 
S. '85, May 6 ; iron rolling mill, Seaman, May 6 ; 6 montlis 
output in Grt. Brit. Sep. 2; iron rolling mills, U. S.,capacit}', 
Sep. 29; do. do. engs. Sep. 9-6. 

" Iron, hardening furnace, Herzog's, Iron Age, Oct. 14; recent 
imp. in basic proc. Nov. 11 ; iron wlcs., John Cockerill, 
Seraing, Nov. 11 ; do. So. Boston, Nov. 18 ; iron, pig, ad- 
vance in, Nov. 25; notes on working stress of, Dec. 9;- iron, 
trade, Southern, growth of, Deo. 9; do. nuts, manufs. stand- 
ard, Dec. 23 ; do. rolling mill, steel rail, capac. of, Dec. 23 ; 
do. do. Bean's & Martin Rod, Dec. 30-6. 

" Blast Furnaces, U. S., condition. Iron Age, Jan. 13, Feb. 
10, Mar. 10, Apr. 14, May 12, June 9, Aug. 11, Sep. 15, Oct. 
13. Nov. 10, Dec. 15 ; capacity, IT. S. Jan. 6 ; heating, eflfect 
on composition of pig, May 5 ; hoist, Fayette, July 21-7. 

•" Iron range, Gogebic, Birkinbine, Iron Age, Jan. 6; do. pig 
production, U. S.. 86, Jan. 20, Feb. 3; do. do. Grt. Brit. Jan. 
20; do. trade, English, "86, Feb. 3; production, Germany, 
'85, Feb. 10; iron, roofing corrugating mill, Daeleu, Feb. 17; 
do. ore smelting in U. S., Birkinbine. ]\Iur. 10; foreign, 
sources of, U. S. supply of, ilar. 10; iron, slag and metal 
tilting car, Weinier, Birkinbine, Mar. 10 ; do. manuf . in Ger- 
many, Mar. 24-T. 

" Iron, pig, making in South, Pierce moth. Iron Age, Apr. 7; 
do. drawing proc, flow of metals in, O. Smith, Apr. 7; pro- 
duction, France, Apr. 7; iron, range, Gogebic, Apr. 14; do. 
mines of Minnesota, Birkinbine, Apr. 14, 21 ; production, 
'80, Apr. 28; do. wks., U. S., table of, Apr. 28; do. wages, 
Sheftield, June 2; do. ingot manipulator, Robinson, June 2; 
do. and manganese on's in Xo. Car. and Ga., Birkinbine, 
June 2; do. casting upon lace, Outerbridge, Jviue 9; do. 
manuf., wages, June 23; do. industry of Bilbao, June 30-7. 


Iron anb Steel, iron, pig, U. S. rank in. Iron Age, Aug. 11 ; do. 
swaging mach., Dayton, Excel. Needle Co. Aug. 18 ; do. charg- 
ing ap., Lucy fur., Kennedy, Sep. 1 ; do. duties, Canadian, 
Sep. 1, 8 ; do. masters, Am., Potter, Sep. 22 ; do. gas furnace, 
Mcfvenna, Oct. 13 ; do. furnace plant, Temi. Coal, Iron & 
R. Co., Ensley City, Ala. Nov. 3 ; do. wks. Cambria, Pa. 
Nov. 10 ; do. Charcoal Workers Assoc, pro. Nov. 24, Dec. 1 ; 
do. making in Birmingham district, Dec. 8-22 ; do. ores of 
U. S., Birkinbine, Dec. 29-7. 

" Iron, crystallization, Mech. Feb. 3 ; do. A. F. Hill, Apr. 28 ; 
iron, plate shearing mach., Donnay, Feb. 17; do. foundry 
cupolas, consumpt. of fuel in England, Mar. 3 ; do. rustless, 
Bower-Barif proc. Mar. 10 ; micros, anal, of, Bayles, Mar. 10 ; 
effect of repeated heating on, Barnaby, May 10; iron, found- 
ry, elbow moulding without pattern, Radclifl', Sep. 15 ; do. 
do. moulding elliptical forms do. Dec. 1-3. 

" Iron, cupola, Stewart, English practice, 3fec,h. Mar. 22 ; do. 
rolling mill eng., vertical, German, May 31 ; do. furnace, 
cuijola, Ibrugger, June 14 ; do. foundry, moulding and cast- 
ing a 20-inch center-valve, Eadclitf, Oct ; do. and wood tests, 
AVatertown mach. rep. Nov.-4. 

" Ikon, castings, wts. by measurement, llech. Jan; do. found- 
ry practice, ancient. May; do. armor plate manuf., Brink, 
Aug, Sep ; do. wrt. castings, Mitis, Nordenfelt, Nov ; do. 
wrt., crystallization of. Hill, Dec.-5 ; do. moulding, loam, 
imp. Feb; do. foundry, West, Apr.-July, Sep.-6. 

" Iron, blast furnace b's and settings, Gordon, Am. Eng. Mar. 
21, 28, Apr. 4; do. wrt. manuf. direct from ore, W. P.Ward, 
May 2, 9; Bayles, June 6, 13; iron, foundry cupola furnace, 
Blackeney's, Dec. 19-4: ; do. wk. ornamentation, Julian, Mar. 
13 ; Gordon converter. May 22 ; iron, Bower-Barff proc. for 
oxidation of metals, AVeightman, May 29-5. 

" Iron, blast furnaces, Brit., number. Am. Eng. July 10; do. 
foundry, wk. es. sys., Messerschmidt, July 23, 30, Aug. 6-27 ; 
do. do. sand moulding mach., Kice, Sep. 24; do. do. cupola 
fur., J. Riley, Sep. 24; do. do, value of silicon pig, C. Wood, 
Oct. 8; do. blast furs.. Am., distrib. and proportions of, 
Birkinbine, Dec. 24, 31-5. 

" Iron, test specs., Pittsburg, A. E. Hunt, Am. Eng. Apr. 15- 
29; do. foundry patterns, metal j)late wks., C. T. Millis, 
June 10-30, July 7-28, Aug. 4-18-6. 


Iron and Steel, iron, blast furnace accessory products, Blair, 
Am. JEiig. Aug. 11, IS; do. castings, malleable, Sep. 22-6; 
do. do. Mi-cli. Prog. 

" Iron, change of elastic limit by drawing, heatirsg and re- 
peated loads, Bausehingen, Am. Eng. Jan. 20 ; iron, found- 
ing. Crane, Feb. 2-23, JIar. 2-30, Apr. 6, 20, 27, :May 4-2.-), 
.June 1, 22, .July G, 13, 27, Aug. 3-24, Sep. 28, Oct. 12-20, 
Nov. 9-T. 

" Iron, nianuf., econs. in, A. E. Tucker, Am. Eng. Feb. 23, 
Mar. 2 ; do. forges, Biiilalo heating, Apr. ; do. casting on 
lace and other combust, materials, Outerbridge, June l-j : do. 
pure, properties, Adamson, July 6; production, U. S., "80 
and '50, Aug. 17 ; iron, foundry patterns, metal plate wk., 
C. T. Jlillis, Oct. 12-26, Nov. 2-16, Dec. 21 ; do. wrt. Dec. 

" Iron, industry. Ry. Gnz. Nov. 2.3-3; do. pig production, U. 
S. Feb. 1.5-4; do. trade review, "85, Jan. 8; blue heat, effect 
of, Stromeyer, Feb. 19-6 ; trade, U. S., '86, Jan. 7 ; iron blast 
furnaces, early, Feb. 11 ; working stress, B. Baker, Feb. 18 ; 
l^rices, ■8.'J-'87, Aug. 20-7; micros, structure. Sorb}', Ton 
Nost. .Jan; relation of manganese and carbon in, Pourcel, 
Feb; notes, Apr; corrosion of, Gruner, Sep, Oct; Bower- 
Barff proc. Bower, Nov; mild, expts. Nov; tests, German 
Ry. Dee.-.3. 

" Corrosion tests, Phillips, Van Xost. Feb. 3Iar ; ijhysioal con- 
dition, Hughes, ilar; Bayles, Sep.-J:; iron, cast, malleable, 
tests, Ricketts, Apr; do. do. properties of, July; tests, 
proof, June-5 ; corrosion, Parker, Mar ; iron, corrosive effects 
of steel on, in salt water, Farquharson, Mar.-6. 

" Classification. Kent, 7?;/. it- Eng. Ai)r; prices, June; iron 
blast furnaces, U. S. July, Aug. and flies; production, U. 
S., '56 and "86, Scp.-7 ; iron, annealed, Fran. Inst. June-3 ; 
do. forging, distrib. of heat of, Apr.-4 ; strength on heating, 
Apr; niii^ros. structure of, Oct.-5 ; iron, blastfurnace. May; 
do. car wheel, micros, structure, Aug; castings, Mitis proc. 
N0V.-6; micros, structure. Garrison, Mar; iron blast furnace 
crucibles, llartraan, Dce.-7. 

" Direct ri;iic.. Bull's, S'ci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14; Samuelsou, 
,Tnne 9 ; iron, forging, heat developed in, Tresca, Dec. 15-,3 ; 
do. indus. in Brazil, Ferrand, Mar. 29; do. foundry cupola, 
Thwaite's, Ajjr. 5 ; do. wrt., manuf . from ore, 'W. P. "Ward, 
June 14-4. 


Iron and Steel, iron, blast fur. slag refining, Elbers, Si'i. Am. 
Sup. Jan. 31 ; do. preserv. by iron oxide, Thwaite, Feb. 28 ; 
do. rustless, Bower-Barff, Kidder, June 20 ; do. and coal dis- 
tricts of Ala. Aug. 1 ; do. foundry cupola fur., Riley's, Oct. 
31-5 ; do. heavy forgings manuf ., Putnam, Jan. 2 ; do. blast 
fur. fuels, charcoal and coke as, Belaul, Sep. 11 ; do. stove, 
hot blast fire-brick, Massick, Nov. 20-6. 

" Iron", blast furs., Walsh, Sci. Am. Suj). Jan. 8 ; do. wrt. wk., 
Gardner, June 11 ; do. and other metal casting on lace and 
other combust, materials, Outerbridge, July 9 ; composite, 
G. Allen, July 23 ; anal., .J. J. Morgan, July 23 ; iron, elec- 
tro-deposition of, Aug. 6 ; do. wrt., Chapin, Searles, Oct. 1-7. 

" Crystallization of, A. F. Hill, Soc. Arts, Apr. 12-3 ; iron, 
preserv, Locora. Sep.-.3 ; do. pig, production cost, ]Moorhead, 
Apr ; do. manuf. of Ohio, Lord, Aug.-4 ; do. safety of, ficti- 
tious coeffs. of, Jan; do. castings, Mitis wrt., Nordenfelt, 
June-5 ; effects of blue heat on, Stromeyer, Apr.-6 ; iron, 
trade production, U. S., '86, stat. Apr.; do. foundry mould- 
ing sand, June; do. blast furs, in U. S., condition, coal and 
coke, tables, Oct.-7. 

" Blast Furnaces, working, JEng. Feb. 2; gases as a source 
of ammonia. Mar. 9 ; econ. Maj' 18, Sep. 21, 28 ; Cowpe^ 
stove, Sep. 21-3. 

" Iron, pig manuf. in Sweden, J<:ng. Jan. 26 ; do. Brit, trade, 
'82, Feb. 9; do. pig breaker, Blake's, Mar. 2; effect of re- 
peated heating, Apr. 20; rolling mill reversing engs.. Nova 
Scotia Co. May 4 ; iron, jsroduc., '82, June 1 ; do. wks., John 
Cockerill, Seraing, Belgium, Aug. 3 ; do. and coal trade, 
Belgian, Aug. 3, 24; do. Founders Soc. Aug. 31; do. Mould- 
ers of Scotland, Sep. 21-3. 

" Iron, blast fur. econ., Houson. Eng. Feb. 1 ; do. do. use ol 
raw coal in. Bell, May 2, 9 ; do. do. Ebbw Vale, Aug. 15 ; 
do. fur. cupola, Stewart, Jan. 18 ; physical condition, 
Hughes, Feb. 8; wks., Ebbw Vale, Aug. 8; do. Rhymney, 
Aug. 1, 8 ; do. Dowlais, Aug. 8 ; iron, fur. regen., Riley and 
Dick, Sep. 26; do. wks.. Dee, Oct. 10; do. heated, vapors of, 
Oct. 17; smelting cupola, Gmelin, Oct. 31-4. 

" Iron, blast fur., tar and ammonia from, Jones, Eiig. Oct. 16 
23, Nov. 6 ; do. castings, wrt., Mitis, Nordenf elt. May 15 ; do., 
wks., Spittlegate, July 24; do. and wood wks.. Sheaf , Lin- 
coln, Ruston, July 31-5. 


Iron and Steel, iron wks., Britannia, Gainsborough, Eng. 
Aug. 7; do. industr}^ of Frodingliara, Dove, Aug. 21; do. 
pig, silicon, AVood, Sep. 11 ; do. furs., cupola, Eiley, Sep. 18 ; 
do. plate straightening niaeh., Britton, Inv"s exhib. Oct. 2; 
do. trade of Scotland, Oct. 2, 9-.5. 

" lRO>f, blast fur. practice, Am. Eny. Oct. 29; do. do. Nov. 
19; effects of blue heat on, Jan. 29; iron, rolling mill, cruci- 
form sections, Jan. 29; tests, Feb. 12; test recording ap., 
Buckton, Feb. 19 ; iron, foundry tilting ladle, Burrows, Feb. 
20; do. working, India, Mar. 5-6. 

" Iron, castings, ilitis, Emj. Apr. 9; iron forging press, 4,000- 
ton hydr., Cammell, Apr. 23 ; trade. Am. June 11 ; iron, wks., 
Bethlehem, June 25, July 2 ; do. test recording ap., Henning, 
Aug. 6; micros, structure, Aug. 6 ; Edinb. exhib. July 30, 
Aug. 27, Oct. 8 ; iron wks., Carron, Falkirk, Sep. 3, 10-6. 

" Iron, malleable, produc. direct from ores, Enrj. Oct. 1 ; 
Inst., removal of metalloids, Oct. 15, 22; iron foundry pig, 
silicon in, Oct. 22 ; foundry iron, do. Nov. 12-6. 

" Iron, blast furs., cost of, Saumelson, Encj. June 17, July 1; 
do. trade, Scotch, in "SO, Jan. 7 ; worliing stress of. Baker, 
Jan. 21 ; do. foundr_y, molding mach., Pneu., Mold. Co. Mar. 
4 ; trades, European, Mar. 25 ; iron, founding, scientific, 
Turner, Ajjr. 1 ; do. cupola, Hcrbertz, Tangye, May 20 ; at 
Manches. exhil). Jlaj'20; Newcastle exhib. June 10; iron, 
pig manuf.. Bell Bros. July 1 ; composite, Allan, Aug. 19-7. 

" Iron, blast furnace working, Cochrane, The Eng. Feh. 2; 
do. manufd. product, Brit. u. Apr. 20; do. export, crude. 
Brit. May 18; do. production by Sicmen's direct proc. from 
magnetic sand, July 0; do. and coal Indus., Liege. Laveleye, 
July 27 ; do. do. hist., Liege district, Aug. 3; do. hot blast 
stoves, cal. of heating surface. Dee. 14; do. wks. rolling 
mill engs., Ehymney, Dec. 14-3. 

" "Works, Eescliitza, Hungary, Thu Eii,j. .Tan. 11, IS, Feb. 1, 
1, 15, 29, 29; Hughes, Feb. 1, 8; carbon in, Feb. 15; iron, 
blast furs., Hungary, Jan. 18; do. do. use of raw coal in. 
Bell, May 2; do. regen. firo-l)riek stove. Ford, eng. Jan. IS; 
do. pig produc, Brit. ]May "23 ; do. foundry cupola, Stewart's 
rapid, Thwaite, Aug. 29, 29 ; do. fur. regen., Kiley, Dlck"s, 
Oct. 3-4. 


Iron and Steel, iron found, cupola, Gmelin's, Jan. 2; do. and 

coal dists. of Ala. June 5, 19, July 3 ; do. trades employers 

assoc, number employed, Aug. 7-5; wks., Athus, Jan. 22, 

22, July 9; iron, metal and coal Indus., Russia, Mar. 19; 

Mors Bay Co's wks. Nov. 5 ; wks., Corugreaves, New Brit. 

Iron Co. Nov. 26; iron, wks., at Ruabon, New British Co. 

Nov. 12 ; do. castings, wrt. iron, Mitis, Dec. 3 ; do. and coal 

Indus. Stat., Belgium, Dec. 24-6. 
" Iron, trade, Ger., "86, consular rep. Jan. 14; wks., Athus, 

Belgium, June 24, Sep. 9, 9 ; iron, blooming or cogging mill. 

Head's, Sei3. 30; do. found, cupola, Greiner, Dec. 9 ; do. 

cast, and steel, internal stresses of, Kalakoutsky, Dec. 9- 

Ironing Mach., Health exhib. Eng. Oct. 10-4. 
Irrigation, in No. Col. Eng. News, May 3 ; eng., canal in West, 

C. A. Jliller, June 28 ; iu India, Ashtl tank, Burke, July 19, 

26; in So. Africa, Aug. 9; wks., in Italy, Sep. 20-4; in Col., 

rep. Mar. 28 ; Egypt, Apr. lS-5 ; ditches in U. S. Jan. 2 ; 

Dorsey, Dec. 4-6 ; reservoirs, Jan. 8 ; eng. in former home 

of Aztecs, Dec. 31-7. 
" In new countries, O'Meara, Mech. June 23-3 ; San. Eng. Aug. 

5-6 ; reservoirs for, Torrioelli, Van JVost. Dec. -6 ; in N. W. 

Col., O'Meara, Sci. Am. Svp. June 2-3; in Cal., Dow, Jan. 

5; wks. in Italy, Nov. 29-4; canals of No. Col. Sep. 11-6; 

mach. on Pac. coast, J. Richards, Dec. 17, 24-7 ; do. do. 

Eng. Nov. 4, 18, 2.5; in lower Egypt, Feb. 25, Sep. 2, 9-7; 

wks., Nice, Jan. 2, 16-5 ; N. E. Col., O'Meara, The Eng. Apr. 

27-3 ; weir for gauging water, Sep. 17 ; in Egypt, Saidich 

Barrage, Dec. 3, 31-6 ; do. Jan. 21, Feb. 18-7. 
Islands, Queen Charlotte, Eng. Aug. 15-4. 
Ivory, use, Sheffield cutlery trade. Iron Age, Mar. 1-3 ; supply, 

Africa, Aug. 20-5 ; do. Nov. 24-7. 

Jail, revolving, Omaha, n. Eng. Dec. 18-5. 

.Tamin, Jules, ijor. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 17-6. 

Japan, commerce of. Iron Age, Aug. 2-3 ; U. S. trade with, Dec. 

lS-4; do. June 25, Sep. 24-5; do. Sep. 8-7; prog, in. May 

27-6; agric. Eng. June 24-7. 
Japanese, metal work. Dresser, Iron Age, JIar. 22-3 ; magic 

mirrors, etc.,Mendenhall, Soc.Arts, Dec. 2-2-; pottery, E. S. 

Morse, Oct. 11-3 ; arms and armor of ancient, Baba, Oct. 


130 JAVA, 

Java, agric. crisis iu, Iron Age, Jan. 6-7. 

Jenkin, Henky C. Fleejiixo, Electric. Aug.-5 ; Eng. June 19-5 ; 

Tne Eng. .June 19-.5. 
Jeevis, Joi-inB., por. Eng. News, Jan. 17, Xov. 28-.5 : por. Am. 

Eng. Jan. 1G-.5 ; por. By. Cths. Jan. 23-5. 
Johnson, T. L., por. iSt. By. Ga.-. May-6. 
Jumbo, elejihant, strufl<; by locoinotive, Sci. Am. Su}). Dec. 2.5-6. 

Keeper, G. B., por. St. By. Gn.v. Oct.-6. 
KiECiillorF, GusTAV R., por. S'-i. Am. Sup. Dee. 17-7. 
KiER EXPLOSION, Stainland, Eng. Dec. 10-6. 
Kites, expts., Colladen, Sci. Am. Suji. Sep. 10-7. 
Kneading Macii., Deuel, Purel, Eng. Feb. 4-7. 
Knitting Mach. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 1-3. 
Knots, Eng. News, Dec. 26-5. 

Krupp, Alfred, por. Iron Age. Aug. 25-7; and his work as a 
cast steel manuf. The Eng. July 29, Aug. 5, 12-7. 

Labor. See also Capital and Labor. 

" English navvy, the, Eng. Xews, Dec. 1-3; prices, June 14; 
do. Paris schedule of, Oct. ll-Jt; occupations of people, V. 
S., F. A. AValker, May 9 ; value in different countries, Burge, 
Juue 27; in V. S., prices, table, Oct. 17, 17-5; wages, U. S. 
and Europe, Jan. l.j-7 ; do. In England, Porter, Iron Age, 
Mar. 22; do. in Mass. Sep. 13; prog, in English working 
classes in last half cent. Dee. 20-3 ; co-oporation at Guise, 
France, Sep. 4-4. 

" Prison, N.^Y. State, Iron Age, Mar. 5 ; sliding scales In Eng- 
lish coal trade, Oct. 22-5 ; commiss. rep. Apr. 1 ; do. 1st 
rep. May 20 ; trades unions, hist. Apr. 22-6 ; 8 hours a work- 
ing day, Thurston, Mech. Feb.-Jul.-7; housing of working 
classes iu England and "Wales, Royal commiss. rep. San. Eng. 
Sep. 10-24, Oct. 8, 15-5 ; weekly wages in Europe, Am. Eng. 
Mar. 25, Apr. 1, S ; food prices in Europe, Apr. 15-6, 

" B ALT, & Ohio E, employee's relief assoc. By. Ga:;. Mar, 30-3 : 
labor ijuestiou and science, AV. Siemens, Electric. Mar, -7 : 
and wages in Am,, Pidgeou, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar, 21 ; how to 
care for our poor fellow citizens, Cacheux, Sep, 19-5 ; rid- 
dle of sjihiux, addr,, Baj-les, Apr, 10 ; Brotherhood of Locom, 
Engs,, Arthur, May 15 ; 8 hour question, Atkinson, May 
22-6; differences and arbitration, J, D, Weeks, Soc. Arts, 
Mar, 25-6. 

LABOR. 131 

Labor, Amal. Soc. op Engs. Eng. July 11 ; Iron Founders Soc. 
Aug. 15-4; industrial partnerships, Dec. 26-4; compar. 
value of, different countries, Jan. 2-5 ; employees socs. The 
Eng. May 11-3 ; in Europe, Feb. 12, 19 ; in Austria, Mar. 5, 
12 ; employees socs., Stm. Eng. Makers Soc. Mar 5 ; wages, 
Europe, table. Mar. 12; do. May 14; do. Russian artels, or 
co-op. sys. Aug. 13-6; in Grt. Brit. Jan. 7-28, Feb. 4, 18, 
Mar. 4, 18, Apr. 1, 29, May 27, June 24, July 22-7. 

Lake, James K., por. St. By. &az. Jan.-6. 

Land, division of, Paul, Van Nost. Aug.-4; U. S. govt, lands, 
disposal of. By. Gaz. Nov. 6-5. 
" Slip at Zu&, Switz. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 12-7. 

Language, universal, Volapuk, n. Eng. News, Aug. 8-5 ; Vidal, 
Wiudstraud, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 28-5. 

Lathes, eng.. Lodge, Iron Age, Aug. 25 ; Shellenback pulley 
boring and turning, Dec. 29-7 ; spindle, Wohlenberg, Mech. 
Apr. 28 ; screw cutting dies. May 5 ; do. change gears, cals., 
Rose, June 2, 30; RosePolytech. Inst., Ind. 0ct.-5; do. Am. 
Eng. July 30-5; hollow, Mersey forge, Liverpool, Jan. 5-7; 
spindle "hold-fast," Faught, By. Gaz. Mar. 30-3; crank 
shaft lathe, Newburn, England, Eng. Aug. 3-3 ; recording 
indie, Simouds', Nov. 7-4; power and foot, Manchester 
exhib. Aug. 12-7; hollow, Mersey forge. Craven, eng. The 
Eng. Dec. 10-6. See also Machine Tools. 

Laundries, Paris, Eng. Mies, Mar. 13-6 ; N. Y. Sci. Am. Sup. 
Dec. 26-5. 

Lavoisier, A. L., por. Sci. Am. Sup. July 23-7. 

Lavtn Mowers, Iron Age, Mar. 27-4. 

Leather, imitation, new plastic matei'ial, Mech. Apr. 7-3 ; tan- 
nin, sources, Trimble, Fran. Inst. June-7; chawing machs. 
Sci. Am. Stip.Jna. 20; dyeing. Seller, Oct. 6-3; manuf. and 
uses, E. J. Tanner, Sep. 10-7; dressing mach., P. A. Lock- 
wood, inv. Aug. 7-6 ; do. The Eng. June 11-6. 

Leeds, England, industries of. Iron Age, Sep. 20-3. 

Lesseps, Ferdinand De, por. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 1-3. 

LiEBiG, por. Sci. Am. Stip. Mar. 3-3. 

Life Insurance, testing eeon. of expenses of management, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Sep. 20-4; do. Jan. 10-5; and mortality tables, 
Dec. 17-7. 
" Saving, service, U. S., Lyle, Soc. Arts, Jan. 24-4. See also 
Marine, Life. 

132 LIGHT. 

Light, photometry, hist. /ron ^If/e, Aug. 28-i; mechan. equiv. 
of, Apr. 8-6 ; photoniet. measurements, sun, moon, elec, etc. 
Van Nost. Aug.-3 ; wave theory, Fran. Inst. Xov.-4; melting: 
platinum standard of, expts.. Cross, Electric. X0V.-6. 

" Artif., Marks, Elec. Rev. Nov. 12-7; jjhotom., hist, of, Elec. 
Wiirld, Aug. 2-i; and ether waves, E. K. Prescott, Sci. Am, 
Sup. Mar. 10-24; astigmatism and ophthalmometry, Gav- 
arret, May5 ; eye as an aid in photom. Oct. 31, Xov. 3-3 ; wave 
theory of, W. Thomson, Dec. 13-4 ; photometric standards, 
Apr. 11-5; vel. of, Newcomb's determin. Sejj. 4; polarized, 
expts., Hopkins, Xov. 20-6 ; photom. for diffused, June 13-.5 ; 
do. Jonr. Gas Lighting; photom., hist. Eng. July 18-4. See 
also Elec. Lamps, Lightixg; Physics; Science. 

Light-house, Eddystone, Douglass, Eng. A'eic.s, Apr. 19-4; 
foundation, 14 ft. bank, Del. bay, Oct, 31-5 ; lantern. 
Bishop's rock, Douglas, June 0-6 ; service, U. S. Iron Age, 
.July 24-4; illurainants, expts. Oct. 8-.5 ; ilium., relative 
merits of dec, gas and oil, Feb. 18; deep sea, April 1-6; 
light-h's., U. S. Mech. July; do. iron, Dec.-4. 

" Eddystone, lantern, etc., Douglass, Am. Eng. Ayr. 11-4; 
shifting, at Buddonness, Cunningham, Apr. 10-5 ; illumin- 
ants, Van Xnst. Oct. -4; do. elec, gas and oil, Mar; do. 
expts., Edwards, June-6; elec, Isle of May, D. A. Steven- 
son, i?)/ & Eng. Oct.-7; ilium., Gieseler, Fran. Inst. Jan.-7. 

" Expts. n., Electric. June-5 ; ilium., Hopkinson, N0V.-6 ; light- 
h".s, Macquarie, Hopkinson, Apr; elec, of Tino, Oct. -7; 
light-h's, elec. Elec. Rev. Oct. 4-4; elec. light for. Heap, 
Sep. 19-5 ; elec. ilium., rep., Millis, Feb. 6 ; elec. lighting, 
3[ar. 27-6; light-h's, elec, ilium, of , Hopkinson, Kec. World, 
Nov. 13, 20-6. 

" jMocth of Weser r. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14-3 ; Eddystone, 
Douglass, Jan. 12; Mar. 22; Buddonness, removal of, Cun- 
ningham, Aug. 1-5; elec, on Isle of May, Stevenson, Oct. 
8-7; do. r/i.e ^EHf/. Aug. 19-7 ; light-h's and marine signals, 
Eng. Sep. 10-24-6; lamps, Wigham, Aug. 12; Eothersand, 
Dec 2, 16, 16-7. 

" Eddystone, Douglass, The Eng. Dec. 7-3; Galley head, 
Sloane, eng. Jan. 11-4; Mew I?., Belfast, Douglass, eng. 
Jan. 9; lantern of 2nd order, and ap., AVatlingls., Bahamas, 
Oct. 2-5. 


Light-House. lantern, Bishop's dock, Douglass, eng. The Bng. 

Apr. 16 ; Eddystone, model, Liverpool exhib. June 11 ; light- 

h's, light vessels, buoys and beacons, Douglass, Sep. 3 ; 

elec., of Macquairie and Tino, Dec. 24-6. 
Lighting, chem. products of different kinds of, table, Elec. 

World., July 26-4; solid and liquid ilium, agents, L. Field, 

Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 22-3 ; artif ., Crompton, Sep. 13-4. See 

also Elec. Lighting. 
Light-ship, and ocean signal station, Cloudman's, Elec. World, 

Mar. 13-6 ; revolving lantern for. The Eng. Aug. 22, 22-4 ; 

lights, floating, Trinity H., steel masts for, May 6-7. 
Lightning, rods, Haskins, Electric. Aug.-4 ; protection against, 

McAdie, Aug.-5 ; conductor, Spang, Elec. Bev. Sep. 20, 27- 

3; conductor testing ap., Siemens', Elec. World, May 7-7; 

conductors, rep. Sci. Am.' Sup. July 5; do. expts. Oct. 4; 

Slingo, Sep. 20; ball, Plante, Oct. 18-4; conductor testing 

ap. June 4; Dec. 24-7; rod resist, testing ap., Siemens', 

The Eng. Sep. 19-4. 
LiGNEUK, manuf. ap. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 21-5. 
LixCRUSTA Walton, Sci. Am. Sup. June 2-3. 
Linoleum, and floor cloth wks., Kirkaldy, Eng. Aug. 12-7. 
Lock, Gilbert, Iron Age, May 6-6. 
Locks, Am. cabinet. Iron Age, Nov. 4-6. 
Locomotives. See Railroad Locomotives. 
Logging, on Columbia r. Eng. Nevis, June 23, July 7-3 ; locom., 

Portei''s geared, The Eng. Aug. 17-3. 
London, bridge travel in, n. Eng. News, Sep. 8 ; highways and 

travel, Dec. 1-3 ; bd. of wks. rep. May 30 ; growth, Aug. 1.5 ; 

size and extent, Sep. 12-5 ; pop. Feb. 13 ; munic. and san. 

eng. Aug. 28-6; pass, trafiic, Sep. 10; buildings, cost per cu. 

ft., Isaacs, Oct. 1-7. 
" Fog, cost of, Iron Age, Mar. 5-5 ; administration of a great 

city, Bazalgette, San. Eng. Jan. 31; smoke, money value of, 

Hoadley, Jan. 10-4 ; do. Am. Machinist ; city pass, traflic, n. 

Van Nost. Oct. -4; fogs, cost of gas in, n. Elec. Rev. Dec. 

24-7 ; earliest map of, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 10-3 ; growth of. 

Mar. 1-4; pop. Eng. Jan. 22-6; Met. Bd. of ^'V\s,. rep. The 

Eng. Mar 28-6. 
Loom, Keighley's, Sci. Am. Sup. July 28-3 ; handkerchief 

motion, May 3-4 ; open shed looms, May 23-5 ; carpet, Paris, 

May 14-7 ; Jacquard lacing mach., Dc Sparre, Eng. July 8-7. 


LuBKiCATiNG OILS, friotion measurement8,Woodbury, Eng. Dec. 

5-4. See also Eng., Mechan., Friction and Lub; Oils 

AND Lubricants. 
Lumber Kiln, Casalonga, Mech. Aug.-6. 
Lyon, Lewis, por. St. By. Gaz. Feb.-7. 

Machine Design, education of intuition in, J. T. Hawliins, 
Iron Ac/e, June 30-7; do. do. Jlech. sup. June-7; do. do. Am^ 
JEng. .Tune 1, 8-7; do. do. By. Gas. Sep. 2-7; Jan. 19-3; 
O. Smith, Mich. Oct. 6-27, Dec. 29-3; do. Jan. 5, 19, 26, 
Dpc.-4; do. Jan, Mar, June, Aug, Oct, Xov.-5; do. Apr, 
JIay-6; Galloupe, May-5; with regard to repairs. Am. Eng. 
Sep. 1, 8-G ; Apr. 6, 20, 27, May 11-7. 

" Eepair "Work, Medi. Jan. 12; (patching), .Tune 28, Sep. -4; 
Jan.-,5 ; construction, ^1)^. Eiig. Maj' 2, 9, .Tune 6-4 ; surfaces, 
plane, error detecting in, Brashear, Jan. 23, 30-5; Sep. 1, 

" Shop, one story, Dabney, Iron Age, Apr. o ; do. do. 3Iech. 
Mar. 31; arr.. Fitch, Apr. 7-3; do. do. Iron Age, Apr. 12; 
Dickson Mfg. Co., Scranton, Pa., plan, Apr. 26-3; do. do. 
Mveh. Apr. 21 ; oiling planer Vs, Feb. 10; notes, Feb. 17 &c ; 
wk., stock, dies and taps. Sep. 1 ; lathe wk. chucking. Rose, 
June 9, 16, Sep. 15 ; algebra, O. Smith, Nov. 17 ; planer 
tables, Dec. 22-3. 

" Shop practice, repair wk. Mech. Jan. 12 ; a college work- 
shop. City of N. V. May 17; repairing (patching), June 28, 
Sep; practice, milling tapers, Aug.-4; repairing, Jan.-5 ; 
turning large i^iston rod, etc. Juue-7. 

" Shop, time bk. Am. Eng. Apr. 15-6; gravity parallelometer, 
Brashear, July 20-7; accounts, Dec. 1.3-29-6; do. :\Ietcalf 
sys. By. (roi. .Tune 4-6 ; blacksmitli's art, aucieut and mod- 
ern, Newman, Van Xost. Feb.-5; do. Bn. Acios; critical 
methods of detecting errors in plane surfaces, Brashear, Sci. 
Am. Si(p. Apr. 11 ; hand-craft and rede-craft, D. C. Oilman, 
July 11-5; decimal, binary and other scales, table, Locom. 

" Tools. See also Lathes; Planing Maciis., etc. 

" Tools, L.ancaster Co. Iron Age, Feb. 8 ; rachet brace, Schu- 
macher, May 3-3; drill, twist, grinder, Feb. 7; wks.. Lodge, 
Barker, Cincin. Oct. 16-4; heavy modern, July 22-6; lathe 
change wheels, Mech. Jan. 20-3. 


Machine Tools, Lancaster Co. Mech. Feb. 3; Richards, 
Apr. 7,28; May 19, 26, June 2, 16; chucking lathe wli., 
Rose, June 9, 16; stocks, dies and taps, Sep. 1; tool hold- 
ers, Rose, Sep. 22 ; feeding. Get. 13 ; lathe tools and wk. 
Nov. 3 ; templates, Nov. 17 ; files, drills and drilling. Rose, 
Nov. 17; lathe testing, do. Nov. 24; drilling and boring, 
do. Dec. 8; lathe recording aut. indie, Siraonds, Dec. 22-.3. 

" Tools, turning and boring, Richards, Mech. Jan. 5, 12 ; do. 
tapers, Jan. 5; planing, Jan. 12; lathe, Jan. 19,26; lathe 
chasers, Feb. 9, 16; boring, Rose, Feb. 9, 16, Mar. ]; 
niicrom. caliper, Frasse, Feb. 16; planers, Feb. 23, Mar. 22; 
uses, Mar. 8 ; drilling gauges, Mar. 15 ; nut wrenches. Mar. 

" Tools, boring tapers, Mecli. Apr. 5 ; slotting, Apr. 12 ; Rich- 
ards, Apr. 12 ; arr., Pemberton, Apr. 26 ; cutters. May 3, June 
21, Sep; broaches for guns. May 10; milling, May 31, June 
14 ; planer chucks, Thomas, June 28 ; feed motion, shaft 
straightener, July; Aug; wks.. Lodge, Cincin., O. Oct. -J:; 
measuring mach., Sweet, Feb; drill chuck. Mar; planer V"s 
and chuck. Porter's, May-5 ; Feb, Mar, May, June-6. 

" Tools, steels, quality, U. S. testing bd. rep. Am. Enrj. Jan. 
2, 9 ; drills, twist, Thorne, Nov. 19-5 ; elliptic hole cutting 
mach., Lyall, Apr. 22; heavy, Hulse, June 17; for heavy 
forgiugs and castings, do. Sep. 22, 29, Oct. 6-27, Nov. 3, 10; 
special, intrinsic value of, O. Smith, Dec. 22-C ; Miles, By. 
Gaz. June 15 ; Sellers, Chic, exhib. June 22 ; do. do. Ry. ap- 
pliances, July 30-3. 

" Tools, metal cutting, W. F. Smith, Sci. Am. Sup. July 21-3 ; 
levelling mach. (for sheet metal), Britton, Nov. 7-5; LyalFs 
oval hole cutting mach. Aug. 7-6 ; electro-magnetic, Rowan, 
Sep. 3-7; annealing and tempering, fine, iocom. Oct.-7; do. 
8ci. Am. 

" Tools, hydr. Eng. Mar. 9, 23, 30, Apr. 13, 27 ; for cutting 
metals. Mar. 2, May 4, 25; June 1 ; planing, Sep. 7, Nov. 
9; eng. lathes, Nov. 30; drills, twist and grinders, Dec. 
21-3 ; eng. lathes, Richards, Jan. 11 ; Mar. 7, May 16 ; lathe 
reversing gear, June 27-4; Inv's exhib. Sep. 4, Oct. 2-5; 
Hulse, The Eng. May 28-6. 
Machinery, design, growth in. Iron Age., Mar. 25 ; plant, inven- 
tory value of, O. Smith, July 22 ; do. Am. Eng. June 17, 24-6. 


Machinery, foundations, Irrm Ar/p^ Jul}' 15-6 ; do. Paper Trade 
Jour ; strains on, Jf'cli. May 12 ; IuIj.. C'onlj', June 23 ; age of, 
Sep. 1-3 ; strength of. May 17-31, June 7-4 ; complexity in, 
May-5; and appliances, rep. Fruit. Iiint. Apr.-5 ; balancing of, 
Seymour's ap. Si-i. Am. /S'lv- Jan. 20-3; balancing rotating 
parts of, do. Sep. 19-5 ; and education, I!aymond, Jan. 23-6 ; 
lub., econ. in, Conly, Lornm. .Vug. -3. 
" Eating, The Eng.Feh. Vi; theatrical. Madison Sq. theatre, 
N. Y. Feb. 2a, Apr. 2.j ; do. Paris Opera h. Feb. 29: at 
Health exhib. :May 9-30, June 13, 27. July 4, Oct. 21-4: at 
Inv's exhib. July 3-31, Aug. 7-21, Sep. 2.5, Oct. 23, Nov. 6; 
Agric. Show, Jul}' 17; graphic kinematics of. E. H. Smith. 
July 31-5 ; at Liverpool exhib. July 2-G ; hauling eng.. New- 
castle exhib. June 10-7. 

Machines, topog. of, O. Smith, Eng. Xnrx, Juh' 25-5 ; do. Iron 
Age, Oct. 9-4; invention of, July 1-6; iron and wood work- 
ing. Iron Age files ; e:im constructiim. Jordan, JItcli. Oct. 27- 
3; for physical tests, Abbott, Midi. Apr; toi^og. of, O. 
Smith, Oct. -4; evolution of, Shaw, ^'nn Xnst. \ug.-5', cams, 
rolling, construct., Mac< ord, Sri. Am. Snp. Oct. 3-1 0- .5 ; in- 
vention of, II. Shaw, May 22-Ci ; ancient toys, Locom. Aug .-7 : 
topog. of, O. Smith, Eng. July 3-5; at Manchester exhib. 
Sep. 10-7; oscillation vs. rotation, Ec}'nolds, The- Eng. 
Jan. 5, 19, Feb. 2, 10-3. 

Madagascak, Si:i. Atn. Sup. Aug. 18-3. 

Magnetism, Eng. June 15-3. Sec also Electric Magnetism. 

Malt, mills, prevention of dust explosions in, Fran. Inst. Sep.- 
3; crushing mill, etc. Sri. Am. Snj>. Sep. 15-3; manuf., 
Stopes, Mar. 13-6; malting, pneu. Apr. 19-4; do. do. at 
Troyes, The Eng. Jan. 25, 25 : do. do. Galland's svs. June 

Man. See Men. 

Manueactures, methods and cost of. Iron Age. May 6-6; Am., 
tal)le, Eiee. Ber. ilar. 29-3. 

Mani'FACturing, conditions of success in. Iron Age. Feb. 26-5: 
estabs., U. S., different states, Locom. July-3. 

Map reduction, photographic. Harden, By. if' Eng. May-7. 

Marble quarries, Yt. 3Ieeh. Sep. 15, 29-;3. 

Marine Engineering. lucludiug Naval Eng. See also Har- 
bor En(j. 


]\Iaeixe Engineering, submarine explosions, Flood rock, N. Y. 
Eng. JS^eios, Oct. 17, 31-5 ; vessels speed, exception to Man- 
gel's law, Magovern, 3/ec/i. Jan. 20-4:; prog., Marshall, Oct.- 
7; explorations, Sci. Am. ,Siip. May 10-4. 

" Eng., forced draft in large strs., u. Eng. July 31-5 ; fiction. 
Cruise of Meander, flies Jan.-Dec.-6; and Clyde ship bu., 
'85, Jan. 15, 22; prog. Jul}r30-6; curves of stabil.. Heck, 
Apr. 8; Marshall, Aug. 5-7; bk. n., Seaton, The En(j. June 
29-3; of future, Oct. 22-G; Am. Mar. 28-4; stm. practice, 
Am., table, July 17-5 ; do. Mech. Eng. 

" Anchor, forging mach., Nock, Iron Age., Mar. 15-3 ; Mech. 
Feb. 24-3; gear, Baxter's, Eng. Sep. 5-4; do. do. Feb. 20-5; 
do. do. Sei.Am. Sup. May 2-5; Martin, July 80-7 ; do. do. 
Hawks, Eng. June 10; cast steel, committee i-ep. Dec. 30-7; 
gear, str. Algoma, The Eng. Feb. 19-6; stockless. Hall's cast 
steel, Oct. 7-7. 

" Angle Iron bevelling mach. for ships frames. The Eng. 
Nov. 20-5. 

" Blasting, subaqueous, with nitroglycerine, Iron Age, July 

" Boats. See also Marine Fire, Life, Steam, Torpedo, 
Tug boats. 

" Boats, submarine, Nordenfelt, Eng. Neivs, Oct. 24-5; do. 
warfare. Iron Age, Nov. 6-4 ; do. Nordenfelt, Oct. 29-5 ; stm. 
launch, fastest, Herreshoff, July 22-6 ; launch engs., naphtha, 
June 30; submar., Nordenfelt, July 7-7; launch eng. with 
Davey b. 3Iech. Feb. 24; launch, elec, Yarrow, Aug. 25-3; 
do. fast, Pictet, Jan. 19 ; do. eng., corap., Duncan, June 21-4 ; 
propul. by galv. bats., Bechler, May-7. 

" Boats, submar., Nordenfelt, Avi. Eng. Oct. 22, Nov. 5-5 ; 
stm. launch, Herreshoffs, July 28-6 ; gun boats, I?ij. & Eng. 
Apr.-7; high speed, Sci. Am. Sup. July 21 ; do. Pictet's, 
May 19 ; submar. monitor, Sep. 1 ; launch, stern wheel, 
Stella, Dec. 22-3; catamaran, center bd. Dec. 27-4; do. stm., 
May Barrett, Jan. 17; launches and 56-ft. stm. cutters, Fel). 
14; inclined plane sys. for, July 4; submar., Nordenfelt, 
Dec. 5-5; do. do. Apr. 23 ; do. Goubet's, Jan. 9; Trouve's 
elec. and siren, Sep. 11-6; petrol, eng., Lenoir's, Nov. 5-7. 

" Boats, stm. launch engs., comp. Eng. Junel; Chinese, 
Fisheries exhib. June 22-3. 


Marine Boats, launch b., Burrell, Eng. Apr. 11; wrecking 
lighter, Thames Conservancy, Rennie, July 11 ; launches, 
trials, Aug. 22; jiiunace, steamboat equip, of war vessels, 
Dec. .5 ; stm. cutters, 30 and o6-ft. do. Dec. 26-4. 

" Boats, stm. pinnace, 21-ft., eng. and b. for, S^gr. Jan. 23 ; 
stm. launch, screw, light draft, Nile r., Thornycroft, Apr. 
10; submar., Nordenfelt, Oct. 2, lG-5 ; stm. launch engs., 
comp., Burrell, Feb. 2G ; patrol, launching, Apr. 23 ; stm. 
launch eng. Oct. 1.5 ; submar., Nautilus, Dec. 24-6 ; submar. 
warfare (and mining) Bucknill, Jul}' 1-29, Aug. 5-2G, Sep. 
IG, 30; launch, stm., Day, Oct. 7-7. 

" Boats, elec, T/ie &!</. Apr. 4 ; do. b's, Tipping's, Sep. 2G; 
stm. hopper barge. Beta, Nov. 7-4; do. eng. withBremner"* 
valve gear, Jan. 23-.j ; do. engs., comp., Butler's, Julj-16; 
do. engs., ParneH's, Oct. 1 ; submar. Dec. 3 ; launch eng., 
triple expan. iiigh speed, French, Dec. 31-6 ; do. do. Jan. 7 ; 
sul)uiar.. Nordenfelt, for Turkey, Feb. 11 : fastest in world, 
!JIar. 2.") ; launch, ele."., and motor, Elieson's, Oct. 14; do. 
stm., Buzz, Am. Nov. 4-7. 

" Boilers. See also Marine Engines, Steamers. 

" Boilers, «"'adiat"s, 2L'i:h. Nov. -5; do. Iroyi Age, Nov. 19; 
zinc in, Dec. 10-5 ; feed water heating at sea. May 13 ; in- 
duced and forced draught, July 29 ; Dec. 2-6 ; high press. 
June 30 ; water tube, Thornj'croft, Sep. 29-7. 

'■ Boilers, str. Rover, stm. making, C. A. Smith. ^4»i. Eng. 
Jan. 4, 11 ; and combust, of fuel in furs., Howden, Apr. 2.5 ; 
str. Hunstanton, etc. Nov. 7-4 ; fo: propeller. Vanguard, 
Carroll, Pittsburg, .Jan. 30; etfic JNIilron, May 1, 8-5; min- 
eral oil combust, in, Jan. 7-21, Feb. 4. Jlar. 25 ; plates, steel, 
failure of. Kent, Apr. 1-1.5-6 ; high stm. pressures at sea, 
July 13. 27-7; corrosion, Hallett, ra« A'ys*. Dcc.-4; high 
press. By. &■ Eng. Aug.-7 ; pressures, U. S. govt, rules for, 
Locom. Dec. -7. 

" Boilers, Bd. of Trade rules for, Eng. Mar. 23 ; str. Satellite, 
trials under forced draught, Jlar. IG, 23; flues, corrug., 
strength of, Apr. G ; makers and iron ship builders, English, 
Aug. 24; strength, Nov. 9-3; corrosion, Sep. .5-4. 

'■ Boilers, water walls and fire-brick furs., str. Louisiana, 
Eng. :Mar. G ; steel, thick plates, Parker, Apr. 3 ; forced 
draft, Robinson, Apr. 17 ; M'Kaig, luv's exhib. Nov. 13-5. 


Marine Boilers, fur., forced draft, Eng. Mar. 12, 19; closed 
stokeholds, str. Mersey, May 7 ; forced draft ap., str. Racil- 
la, Oct. 8; evap. at sea, Nov. 5-6; high and low temp., 
Kemp, Stephen.Jan. 21-7. 

" Boilers, Livet's furnaces. The Eng. Jan. 12; for str. Clare- 
mont, July 20-3; str. Colossus, Feb. 8, 1.5; forced draft, 
Apr. 18 ; str. Oregon, Howden, Apr. 18 ; str. Knight of the 
Cross, Nov. 21-4; tug boat, Feb. 20; fur., forced draft, 
"VVlllan's arr. Apr. 3 ; effic, Milton, Apr. 10 ; Cochran's, May 
29; steel, str. Eastwood,. June 19; forced combust., H.arden's 
sys. JulylO; zinc in, Phillips, Nov. 27 ; steel, strange fail- 
ure of, Maginnis, Dec. 11-5. 

" Boilers, feed water heating at sea. The Eng. Apr. 10; 
forced combust, on str. Rodney, Apr. 23-6; fire-boxes, 
Thornycroft, .Juue 17; str. Elbe and stm. pipe explosion, 
Dec. 23-7 ; do. Eng. Dec. 23-7. 

" Cables, submarine. See Telegraph, Ocean Cables. 

" Commerce protection. The Eng. Dec. 31-6. 

" Compass, pole as a guide, Tan Nrjst. Dec.-3; Naut. Jlag; 
W. Thomson's, Sri. Am Sup. Feb. 6-6. 

" CONSTRCCTIONS, concretc in, Eng. Xews, Juue 16-3 ; do. 
Dec. 11-6; do. Iron Age, Jan. 20-7; do. Eng. Jan. 12-3; do. 
July 4-4 ; do. Nov. 19-6 ; do. In sea water, Aug. 19-7. See 
also Harbor Eng. 

" Dangers, avoidable, of ocean, Cottman, Forum, Nov .-7. 

" Dredger, twin-screw, str. Pholas, Eng. June 24-7. See also 
Dredging Mach. 

" Engines and Boilers, wt. as affected by stm. expansion, 
Eng. Ifeios, Oct. 30-6 ; of Lakes, Holloway, Iron Age, June 21 ; 
and ship construct., steel castings in, Parker, June 21, July 
12, 19-3 ; condenser, surface, Wheeler, Jan. 7 ; triple expan., 
str. Enfield, Jan. 21, 21 ; for 40-knot ships, Sep. 2 ; of Etru- 
ria, Sep. 9-6 ; comp. Aug. 18 ; triple expan. Sep. 22-7. 

" Engs. and ship construct., castings in, Parker, 3Iech. June 9, 
16 ; do. do. test tables, Aug. 4 ; of Lake strs.. West. Trans, 
line, June 23 ; on Lakes (device for getting off centers), Hol- 
loway, June 30-3 ; and b's, Brit, ironclad str. Colossus,, 
3Iaudslay, Mar. 15, Apr ; crank shaft forging and pit turn- 
ing mach. for, Apr. 12-4. 


Marine Engines, wks. and shipyard, des. for, Brown, Mech. 
JuQe7; eomp., str. Xormandie, July; condensers, Sep.- 
Nov; German str. Blitz, Oot.-4; triple expan., str. Austra- 
lasian, Xapier, Mar; do. Brit. str. Sobraleuse, Barrow, Aug; 
stm. audhj'dr. reversing, Allen, eng. Aug; str. Meteor, Goss 
Eng. wks. Oct.-5; triple expan., screw propeller, See, June; 
.■indconii). eng., limit of stm. press., Emery, sup. June; triple 
expan., Bechler, July ; Marshall, Nov ; indie, diags., Emery, 

" Engs., ratios of expan., table. Am. Emj. July 2.5; des. Aug. 
8 ; Sep. .5-4 ; shafts, comp. des., factors of safety, table, Feb. 
C; str. Australasian, Feb. 27 ; crank shafts, strength. Mar. 
20; triple comp., expts., Seaton, Juue 12 ; comp., for lake 
service, ff. Miller, Dec. 31-5; comp. twin screw, stis. Sur- 
prise &c., English, Jan. 7; development of, Parker, .\-Ug. 
25 ; triple expan., Wyllie, Nov. 17, 24-6. 

" ExGS., multiple comjj., inertia, Meatyard, Am. Emj. Apr. 6; 
C3'l. condensation and reduction by compounding, Emery, 
June S ; and eomp. eng. and b. press, limits, do. June 15, 22 ; 
quadruple expan., Rankin, con. June 29; prog., Marshall, 
Aug. 17-31, Sep. 7, 14; triple expan., U. S. str. Sitka, Nov. 
2 ; indie, diag., Emery, Dec. 7-7. 

" Eng.s., relations between size, sjieed and power of, Sennett, 
Yan Xost. Sci5.-3 ; triple expan., str. Aurora, Cleveland 
Ship Bu. Co. Hi). & Enfj. Jun(> ; do. coal consumpt. of, Juue : 
comp. and limit pressures, Emery, July; quadruple-expan., 
str. Myrtle, Rankin, Scotland, -iug; high press, and forced 
draft, trials, Sep; triple-expan. Oct .-7; crank pins, Fran. 
Iiist. ]\[ar; piston si)eeds, July-3. 

" Engs., str. La Normandie, Sci. Am. Siif. Sep. 15; str. Alba- 
tross, Oct. 27; propeller, MacCord, Dec. 1.5-3; b's, str. 
Churchill, Mar. 29; crank pin turning mach. May 3; eomp., 
stm. yacht Lady Torfrida, Julj' 12; war ship Rodney. Nov. 
22-4; triple comp.. Seaton, June 6; crank shaft imp. Nov. 
21; condenser, surface, str. Calabria, Dec. .5-,5 ; comp., and 
b's, str. Prometheus, May S ; cranks and shafts, J. F. Hall, 
June 19; crank shaft bu. Sep. 4; development, Parker, Oct. 
IG; do. Marshall. Nov. 2G ; triple-expan., Wyllie, Nov. 20-6 ; 
do. Henderson, Nov. 20-7. 

" Engs., and b's, paddle, Mawuna. Eng. Mar. 9; do. str. Han- 
overian, Apr. 13 ; do. comp., str. Czar, Apr. 20, Jlay 4-3. 


Marine Engines, comp. twin-screw, str. Satellite, Eng. May 25, 
Conqueror, June 29 ; comp., str. Tartar, Oct. 26, Nov. ; b. 
and turning gear of strs. Nov. 30, Deo. 14-3. 

" EngS., and b., str. Churchill, Hall, Enrj. Jan. 4; do. coinp., 
str. Normandie, Barrow, Jan. 18, Feb. 1 ; do. str. Isle of 
Dursey, Wallsend Co. Feb. 29; twin-screw, str. Starthes, 
Apr. 25; do. comp., strs. Hunstanton &c. May 2-30; paddle, 
str. Samara, June 27 ; comp., Spanish gunboat Eulalia, July 
4; and b's, twin-screw, triple-expan., str. Arabian, July 25; 
Ky ferries, Korsor, Aug. 22 ; German despatch vessel. Blitz, 
.'lug. 29 ; crank material tests, Oct. 31 ; centrif . pumping, 
str. Umbria, Nov. 14; and b's, str. County of Salop, Dec. 5, 

" Engs., wks., Hartlepool, Eng. Jan. 23 ; triple-expan., str. 
Australasian, Napier, Jan. 30; comj). twin-screw, Ital. 
torpedo ram str. Etna, Hawthorn, Feb. 6, 27; triijle-expan., 
table, Feb. 13; and b's, comp., paddle str. Normandy, Mar. 
20; comp., str. Cotentin, Wilson, Apr. 3; triple-expan., str. 
Sobraleuse, June 5, 19 ; coupling to shafts, Galloway, June 

" Engs., stm. reversing, Allen, Eng. July 3 ; and gig, Simp- 
son, Inv's exhib. July 17, and b., str. Meteor, Goss. Eng. 
wks., Bath, Me. Aug. 21 ; wks., Napier, Govan, Sep. 18 ; do. 
Clydebank, J. & G. Thomson, Sep. 18 ; and b's, comp., str. 
Boadicea, Rennie, Oct. 2; crankshaft, rep. Oct. 16; nora. H. 
P. of, Dec. IS; and b., comp., twin-screw str. Surprise, Pal- 
mer, Oct. 9, 23, Nov. 6, 20, Dec. 4, 18-5. 

" Engs., triple-expan., str. Enfield, Eng. Jan. 1 ; and b's, str. 

Eoyal Princess, Jan. 15; stm. yacht Lily, Jan. 22; friction, 

indie, diags., str. Cleveland, Feb. 26 ; and b's, paddle str. 

Kathleen Mavourneen, Mar. 19 ; triple and quadruple expan. 

Apr. 2 ; str. Kronnag-na-mara, Apr. 9 ; flexible cranks and 

propeller shafting, Apr. 23 ; comp. and triple expan. Apr. 

" Engs., and b's, str. Monas Queen, Eng. May 21, June 4; do. 

str. Roj^al Prince, June 25 ; str. Westmoreland, July 2 ; and 

b's, do. July 16; paddle str. Ozone, Aug. 20; comp., str. 

Stepney, Sep. 17, Oct. 1 ; triple expan. Nov. 5, 12; and b's, 

str. Nulli Secunda, Nov. 26-6. 


Marine Engines, triple-expan., str. Warrington, Westgarth, Eng. 
Jan. 7 ; and b"s, triple-expan., stm. j'aclit Gladiator, Ramage, 
Feb. 4, II ; pneu. rotation indie. Rung, Feb. 11 ; triple-expan., 
Rtm. y;ieht Cassandra, Feb. 18; stm. tug Power, Usk Co. 
F('b. 2.5 ; and b's, quadruple-expan., str. C'ty. of York, Bar- 
row, Mar. IS, and b's, Apr. 1 ; wks., Central, AV'est Hartle- 
pool, Mudd, Mar. 25; triple-expan., str. Maryland, Ai^r. 8 ; 
4-cyl. quad.-expan., stm. yacht Myrtle, Rankin, June 10; 
' pi?ton valves, June 24; quad.-expan., Brock, Nov. 4 ; triple- 
expan., str. Bencroy, Dec. 30-7. 

" Ex<;s., comp., str. Leerdam, The Eng. .l&n.rt; comp. surface 
condensing 20 H. P., screw yachts, Venus, sup. Jan. 12 : 
triple-expan., str. Millicent, Feb. 2 ; grasshopper, tug-boat 
Henrietta, Apr. 27 ; comp. yacht. Shank's, Jul}' 27 ; and b's, 
U. S. strs. Boston, Atlanta and Dolphin, Nov. 2, 9; for light 
draft strs. on Siberian rivers, Nov. 9-3. 

" En(;s., old, The Eng. Jan. 18; and b's, str. Colossus, Feb. 
8,1.5; .3-cyl. comp., "Willaus, Apr. 4 ; cable ship Monarch, 
Apr. 25, Jlay 2, 2 ; H. P. of. May 23 ; and b's, torpedo boat 
for Russian govt. June C-27, b's, July 4, fan, July 18 : comp. 
armored turret ship Riachuelo, Brazil, .July 4, 4 ; crank shaft, 
making, N. W. Wheeler, Aug. 22 ; do. strength, Oct. 24; 
comp., str. Henry AVright, Oct. 31 ; and b., comp., for Japan, 
Nov. 28 ; Brit, twin screw str. Amphion, sup. Dec. 19-4. 

" Engs., comp., tug-boat Hibernia, T/ie ^Kr/. Jan. 30, 30; di- 
agonal surface condens. jjaddle wheel. Shanks, Feb. 20 ; twin 
screw tug-boat America, Apr. 3; comp., str. Mona, Apr. 10; 
surface condenser, Kirkaldj-'s, .June 5 ; condensing water, 
cost of, June 12 ; triple-expan. .June 26-5. 

" Engs., triple-expan., str. Eastwood, Earle, bu. The Eng. 
July 3, 3 ; do. with Joy valve gear, July 24, 24 ; comp., for 
Seiner, jiass. boats, Aug 14, 14; and b's, trial, str. Prince 
Albert, table, Sep. 25 ; 15 H. P. launch and yacht, comp. 
surface condens. Oct. 2 ; and b's, French war vessel Phlege- 
ton, Oct. 9, 10, 16, pumping mach. Oct. 23 ; surface condensa- 
tion, str. Calabria, Kirkaldy, Oct. 30; triple-expan. Oct. 30; 
twin screw, str. Scout, Dec. 18-.5. 

" Engs., and b's, U. S. twin screw str. Chicago, The Eng. 
Jam. 29, 29 ; comp. paddle, Indian govt. Feb. 12 ; pumping, 
Mumford, eng. Mar. 5-6. 


Marine Engines, andb., comp., str. Prometheus, TheEng. Mar. 
5; triple-expan., and crank shaft, str. Coot, Apr. 16; comp., 
converthig into triijle-expan.. Cole, Apr. 30; highspeed, 
July 9; and h., triple-exijan., str. Matabele, Hall, Aug. 6; 
do. ^^'yllie, Nov. 5, 5 ; do. French high speed launch, Deo. 

" Engs., str. Poplar, The En(/. Feb. -i; triple-expan., Morison, 
Feb. 11 ; do. vs. comp. Ajjr. 15 ; do. str. Oroya, Barrow, May 
6; andb., comp., str. Mananeuse, Rollo, May 20; do. for At- 
lantic strs. June 3, 10 ; triple-expan., str. Worcester, Julj^ 29 ; 
do. str. Dogali, Aug. 5, 5 ; ccmp., high speed launch, Aug. 
12 ; do. triple-expan. Aug. 26 ; side wheel ferry str. Edin- 
burgh, Sep. 23; trij)le-expan., str. Benbow, Oct. 14; do. Ger- 
man mail strs. Dec. 2; and b's, do. do. Dec. 23-7. 

" Explorations, submarine, Sci. Am. Stip. May 10-4. 

" Explosive, nitro-gelatine, Ii-on Age, Aug. 27-5. See also 

" Ferry, stm.. Isle of Wight, England, Mason, Mech. Nov.-5 ; 
do. Eng. Aug. 7-5 ; Ry. ferry boats, Korsor, Aug. 8-4 ; strs., 
Flannery, eng. The Eng. Oct. 5-3; boats. Snowdrop, Flan- 
nery, des. May 1-5 ; do. No. and So. Woolwick, Dec. 24-6 ; 
sidewheelstr. Duchess, Ediub. Aug. 12, 19, Sep. 23, sup. 23-7. 

" Fire Boats, Brooklyn, Eng. Jan. 7; for Cleveland and Chi- 
cago, Cowles, Jan. 14-7. 

" Fishing, vessels, English and Am. Eng. Jan. 11-4 ; boat, 
stm., Cran, Jan. 29-6; do. capstan and trawling mach. The 
Eng. June 15-3. 

" Fog Signalling, mach, Craig, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 25-6 ; 
Eng. Mar. 23-3. 

" Governors, elec. l/ec/i. May-5 ; do. TheEng; u. Apr. 24-5; 

Oct. 22-6 ; Murdoch, Cochrane, Eng. Feb. 4-7. 
" Grain Cargoes, Jenkins, Eng. Apr. 22-7. 
" Gunnery, Eng. Apr. 20, 27-3. See also Gunnery and 

" Hauling and pumping mach., for slipways, Eng. July 

•" Hydraulic, mach. Eng. Apr. 18, 2.5-4 ; do. str. Quetta, The 

Eng. Apr. 11, 18-4; propulsion, stm. boat. Am. Eng. Apr. 

24-5; do. str., by reaction, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 15-3; do. of 

ships. May 16-5; do. of vessels by jet propellers, Oct. 2-6; 

do. ^-re^. Feb. 29-4; do. Barnaby, The Eng. Mar. 21-4. 


JIarine Ice Breaker, str. Biyderen, Sweden, Eng. Feb. 0-5. 

" Life, boats, Brit. Sci. Am. Sup. July 17; do. stm. July 17- 
6 ; do. do. Apr. 2 ; saving rocket service, Feb. 5 ; raft, Coi)C'- 
man, JIa,y28-7; saving service, Lyle, Sm'. Arts. Jan. 24-4; 
ap. on ships, Eng. June 3-7; boat, stm., Benjamin, The Eng. 
Apr. 30; do. Liverpool cxhib. Jan. 11-6; do. stm. tubular, 
Beloe, des. .Jan. 28-7. 

" Lightships across the Atlantic, proposed, 2Iedi. July-5. 

" Lloyds, The Eng. Oct. 31-4. 

" 3lESSAiiERiES, Maeitimes, French, Eng. xiug. 22-4 ; July 1-7. 

" Naval Architects, Inst. pro. Am. Eng. Apr. 2.5, May 2, 9- 
4; ,S'ci. ,1m. Sup. June 26-6 ; Eng. iLir. 23, 30-3 ; Apr. 4- 
25-4; Apr. 3-17-.5; Apr. lG-30, May 7, July 30, Aug. 6, 13- 
6; Apr. 1-1.5, July 29, Aug. 5, 12-7; The Eng. Mar. 16-30, 
Apr. 6-3; Apr. 4-18-4; Mar. 27, Apr. 3-5 ; Apr. 16-30-6; 
Apr. 1-1.5-7. 

'' Xaval, architecture, study of, Elgar, Vnn Xost. Mar.-5 ; 
review, England, if;/ c6 Eng. fSep.-7; training, Elgar, Sri. 
Am. Sup. Nov. 15-4; at Inv"s exhib. Sei). 5; mild steel ap- 
plied to, and military purposes, Mackinlay, Sep. 5-5 ; 50 
j'ears prfig. Apr. 16-7 ; attack, Eng. Mar. 21-4 ; architecture, 
Inv's exhib. Sep. 11-5 ; Annual, English, Dec. 17-6 ; Admiral- 
ty coefts., Mansel, The Eng. May 21, Jime IS, Sep. 3, Oct. 
1-6 ; do. do. Dec. 23-7. 

" Xavies, navy yards, European, rep. Eng. Xetrs. Nov. 7-5; 
commercial, of world, Iron Age, Julj' 31-4; of Europe, Nov. 
12-5; nav}', cruisers, U. S. Dec. 2; do. dept. wk. of, U. S. 
Dec. 9-6; merchant navy of world, stat. Sep. 1-7; of Eu- 
rope, Hichborn, Merh. Dec.-5 ; Chinese navy. By <£ Eng. 
Oct; U. S. warships, Oct, Nov; navy dept., X'. S. Dec.-7; 
naval battle of Trafalgar, Sri. Am. Shji. Dec. 5-5 ; the ram 
in naval warfare, Eng. Feb. 29; Brit, navy, Dec. 5-4; do. 
Mar. 19, 26-6; Brit, and French ironclad. The Eng. Sep. 12; 
do. unarmoured, Oct. 17; nav}' imp. Nov. 28, Dec. 5-4; of 
world, tables, Aug. 13, 27, Sep. 3 ; of Britain and France, 
Oct. 29-6; French, armor for, table, Dec. 31-6. 

" Navigating under water. Iron ,lge, Apr. 22-6. 

•' Navigation, inland, abroad, Tapscott, Eng. Xevs, Apr. 4- 
5 ; do. European, Feb. 6-6 ; capstan, on Volga r. ,4m. Eng. 
Feb. 27; inland, of Europe, June 5-5; hist, of, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Nov. 10-3. 


Marine Navigation, inland, in Europe, hydro-mechanics. 
Hartley, Sci. Am. Sup. May 30 ; chart for great circle sailing, 
R. A. Proctor, Aug. 8-5; stm., early expts. May 14-7; 
inland, in Ireland, The Eng. Jan. 26-3 ; do. in Europe, Hart- 
ley, May29-S; PaiJiellenic stm., Greece, Mar. 12; do. on 
continent, July 9-6. 

" Oceans, of world, Eng. iVeios, Oct. 25-4; sea, depths of. 
Iron Age., Apr. 5-3 ; water temp, at various depths, Mech. 
Maj' 3-4 ; sea horizon, Jan.-5 ; ocean travel, limit of speed 
in. Am. Eng. June 10-6; do. and air currents, Smellie, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Oct. 3 ; water, composition of, Dittmar, Nov. 28-5 ; 
geology of the Atlantic, Oct. 30-6. See also Marine Sea, 

" PENINS0LAB & Oriental Co. Eng. News, June 26-6. 

" Propellers, guide blade, Thornycroft, Mech. June 2-3 ; 
water jet, Vati Nbst. Jan.-3 ; reaction, accident, Sci. Am. 
/Sup. Aug. 27-7 ; jet, Atkin's, Power & Trans. Sep.-Nov.-6 ; 
£)i</. Apr. 16-6 ; guide blade, effic, Thornycroft, The Eng. 
Mar. 16-3; jet, Aug. 27-6. See also Marine, Hydr. 
Propdl., Screw Propellers. 

" Propulsion of ships, jet. Iron Age, Apr. 1-6; do. Am. Eng. 
Mar. 4-6 ; Oram sys. Fran. Inst. June-6. 

" Routes, N. Y. to London, Milford Haven route. By. Gaz. 
Sep. 30-7 ; Hudson Strait and Bay, Eng. June 17-7. 

" Screw Propellers, Am. Eng. July 7-6 ; Atkins, Power & 
Trans. Jan.-Apr.-7; steering gear, Thompson, Eng. Sep. 
17-6; effic, Froude, The Eng. Mar. 23-3; do. Greenhill, 
June 4, 25, July 9, Sep. 17-6 ; do. do. Feb. 25, Mar 18 ; do. 
Blechynden, July 1-7. 

"■ Sea, deep sounding and dredging, Mech. Dec. 29-3 ; do. Jan. 
5-4 ; do. Van Nost. Jan.-3 ; do. str., G. S. Blake's ap. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Aug. 18-3 ; explorations in Gulf stream, Verrill, Nov. 
1-4; soundings and ap., Bartlett, Soc. Arts, Oct. 26-3; do. 
Sigsbee's, Eng. Oct. 2; and dredging, Sep. 28-3. 

" Sea-water, making potable, Eng. News, June 27-5 ; evap. 
ap. in vacuo, Jones, Iron Age, Feb. 24-7; condensing ap., 
Provand, Mech. June 21-4; distilling ap., Normandy's, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Aug. 25 ; do. from fresh, Harding, Oct. 6-3 ; prop- 
erties and constitution of, Saporta, Mar. 14 ; distil, of, (mil. 
uses), June 6 ; making potable, Kay, June 11-5. 


Marine, Sea-water, condenser, distilling, ap., do. Eng. May 
30-4 ; friction still for, Pearce's, The Eng. Dec. 4-5 ; evap. ap. 
in vacuo, C. Jones, Oct. 15-6. 

" Screw, steering ap., Kunstadter, Iron Age, Aug. 6-.5 ; do. 
3Iech. Aug; screws, twin, Maclaine, Nov.-5; projjellers, 
Fran. Inst. Sep.-3 ; do. Aug.-6 ; do. Pistoja, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Feb. 3-3 ; do. maganese-bronze, Eng. Oct. 19-3 ; do. blades, 
strains on, Calvert, Apr. 8 ; do. Blechynder, May 13, June 3, 
10-7; twin, Maclaine's, The Eng. Apr. 24-.5. 

" Ships, including war ships. See also Marine Steamers. 

" Ship bu., '82, English, Iron Age, May 10; do. iron and steel, 
on Delaware r. Sep. 20; shipping. Am., decline of, Dec. 13; 
steel, fornavj', Dec. 13-3 ; Am. Feb. 7 ; bu., iron, inCal. Feb. 
28; do. Am. Co."s wks. Mar. 27; do. Sweden and Norway, 
Aug. 7 ; do. iron, and hist. Nov. 27 ; do. on Delaware r. Dec. 
4; do. 150-ton shears, Am. Co., at Phil. Dec. 18-4. 

" Ship bu., iron. Iron yli/cFeb. 5 ; merchant, of all nations, Aug. 
13 ; steel vs. iron Nov. 12 ; merchant marine, the world's, 
'85, Nov. 12-5; bu., English, in "85, Jan. 28; 40-knot ships, 
June 17; new war, Aug. 12; armor, rubber and asbestos for, 
Sep. 23; Brit, war, Benbow, Oct. 14; iron and steel, durabil- 
ity of, Oct. 14-6. 

" Ships, Brit, war. Iron Age, Feb. 10 ; raising sunken, July 28 ; 
at sea, telephonic connection between, L. J. Blake, Nov. 
10-7; shipping of world, Mech. Jan 13; rudder, solid cast 
steel, Jessop, Mar. 17; bulkheads in, Apr. 28; bu., iron and 
steel, Delaware r. Oct. 6 ; resistance of, Dec. 8-3 ; Am. Feb. 
2; gun shields for cruisers, Clark, Feb. 9-23, Mar. 1, 8; bu. 
shears. Am., Phil. Dec.-4; steel vs. iron, Boyd, Dec-5; 
war, non-sinkable, Bechler, June-7. 

" Ships, vessel loading, Murgatroyd's sys. ^ih. Eng. Feh. 8: 
bu. imps., AVm. John, July 4-4; do. Biles, Oct. 1; Brit, war. 
Scout, Oct. 15-5; shipping, Am., decline of, Jan. 14; bu., 
mild steel for, Martell, llay 20, 27, June 3-6 ; do. steel as 
used for, Sep. 14, 21-7; hos., plan. Sun. Eng. Mar. 5-5; bu. 
on lakes, table, /■>. (ra.-. Dec. 2-7. 

" Ships, load lines of , Van Xost. Sep; do. Xaiit. Mag; iron, 
deviation in compasses. Creak, Van Xost. Sep.-3 ; do. ves- 
sels construction, S<'p.-4: bu., mild steel for, Ward, June: 
steel, Sep; corrosion of copper of Juniata. :Muuroe, Sep.-6. 


Marine Ships, Brit, war, Bij. & Enrj. Feb ; do. do. W. H. "White, 
Mar, Apr; do. Reina Regente, Spain, May; Brit. May; bu., 
lake, U. S. May; steel castings, July; U. S. war, Newark, 4 
& .5, July ; armored battle, Aug, Sep ; English war, Trafalgar, 
Oct ; merchantile shipping of world, Oct ; at sea, telephonic 
communication between, Blake, Oct.-7; do. Ao.Elec. World, 
Aug. 27-7 ; gun shields and water line defense for cruisers, 
Fran. Inst. Jan, Feb.-4. 

" Ships, logs, eleo. Set. Am. Sup. Jan. 6; stability indie. May 
19-3 ; Brit. Feb. 2 ; models, speed expts. with, Apr. 12 ; U. 
S. war, Atlanta, Dolphin and Chicago, Hayes, Apr. 12, 12; 
Teredo and his work (ship worm), Sep. 6; Castalia hos. 
Dec. 20-4; steamboat equip, of war vessels, Apr. 11; water 
chambers for reducing rolling at sea. May 16 ; merchant ves- 
sels as armed cruisers, June 27 ; German men of war, July 
4 ; launching and docking of, sidewise, July 11 ; Brit, war, 
expt. evolutions with, Aug. 1.5-5. 

" .Ships, magnetism, Bottomley, Sci.Am. Sup. Mar. 27; buffer, 
hydr. collision, Stanley's, May 1 ; steel castings for, E. C. 
\Varren, July 10, 17-6 ; gyroscope collimator, Fleuriar's (ship 
oscils.), Feb. 26 ; war.W. H. White, Mar. 5 ; French war, Nep- 
tune, July 2.3 ; at Queen's jubilee review, Sep. 3 ; rudder 
action. Frith, Sep. 3 ; of war, old English, Sep. 10-7 ; rigs 
of vessels, Forbes, Soc. Art.'<, Dec. 13-3. 

" Ship bu. and marine eng., Clyde, '82, Eng. Jan. 12, 19, Feb. 
2, 23-3 ; do. '83, Jan. io, Jlar. 7-4 ; slipways, Feb. 23 ; turret 
with chilled cast iron armor, June 8; chilled cast iron 
ar. June 15 ; proportions of vessels, Aug. 31-3 ; Brazil tur- 
ret, Riachuelo, Apr. 4; vessels stability, Apr. 11, May 2, 
Oct. 17; eng. do. Apr. 18; jury rudder, str. Knickerbocker, 
Aug. 1 ; ar., chilled cast iron, expts. Oct. 17 ; shipping, 
Lloj'd's register, Oct. 31; hos., Castalia, Oct. 31-4. 

" Ship bu. and eng., Clyde, "84, Eng. Jan. 30, Feb. 6; do. 
trade, English, Feb. 20; stability of vessels, Heck, Ajh-. 10; 
winch and windlass, Illaroo, .June 12 ; man-of-war and Capt's 
duties, Aug. 14; shipyard, Leven, Sep. 4; do. Fairfield wks., 
Govan, Elder, Sep. 11 ; bu. notes. Biles, Sep. 11 ; rudder, 
temporary, Lucas, Oct. 2; teleg. indie, Lloyd, Oct. 2; war, 
requirement, Nov. 6; shipping, French ports, n. Dec. 25-5. 

" Ships, Cruise of Meander (fiction), Eng. Jan.-Dec; still 
water friction, Pearce, Jan. 8-6. 


Marine Ships, jurj' rudder fitted to str. Gloucester, Eng. Feb. 
5; bu., Brit, future, M;ir. 12; armor plated turrets, expts. 
Mar. 19; guns, Hotchlviss and Nordenfelt, Mar. 19; war, 
Mar. 26; strain indie. Apr. 30; English vessels register, May 
28 ; hydr. maeh. for cleaning bottoms, June 2.5 ; boat hous- 
ing, AVilson, Aug. 6 ; pump, Joicey, Aug. 20 ; framing, Thomp- 
son's sys. Nov. 19; stability cals. for, Dec. 10-6. 

" Ships, bu. and eng., Clyde, "86, Eng. Jan. 7, 14, Feb. 4; war, 
Jan. 28 ; do. fuel supply, Barnaby, Apr. 8 ; cruiser armor, 
belted and internal, Biles, Apr. 1.5; life-saving ap. on, June 
3 ; bu., basic steel for, Martell, July 29 ; Bu. & Iron Co., Pal- 
mer, July 29; do. diagrams, Grt. Brit. Sep 2 ; watertight 
door, M'Elroy, Xov. 11-7. 

" Ship bu., Brit, in "82, The Eng. 12, n. 19; stern frames 
and rudders, cruc. cast steel, Jan. 19; stability indie, for, 
Taylor's, Mar. 9 ; rolling reducing at sea, P. "Watts, Apr. 6 ; 
hogging strains, Smith, Apr. 6 ; Eeed's ironclad, June 1, 8 ; 
Daphne disaster, Aug. 24 ; Kingston trawl winch, Sep. 21 ; 
stability at launching, Biles, Xov. 16-3. 

" Ships, models, speed expts. with, The Eng. Feb. 15; cradle, 
Ayr har. Feb. 22, Mar. 28 ; armor clad turret, Eiachuelo, 
Samuda, Apr. 4, 11 ; ventil., Webb sys. Apr. 18 ; iron and 
steel, imps., John, May 16; launching sideways, N. "W. 
Wheeler, June 20 ; stm. trawling cruise, July 4 ; ventil. ap., 
Green's, Oct. 3 ; bu., Elgar, Nov. 14-4. 

" Ships of war, armor distrib. in, The Eng. Aug. 7-5 ; stabil- 
ity, Feb. 19 ; bu., Brit, in '85, Feb. 19 ; turret trial at Buchar- 
est, Mar. 5, Apr. 16; war, speed trials of, W. H. "White, Apr. 
16 ; 40-knOt speed, n. May 7, n. June 18, July 2 ; iron, inven- 
tor of the, addr., Bailey, Nov. 12 ; iron and steel, butt con- 
nections of, Dec. 24 ; vessels, list, Dec. 24-6 ; disappearing 
turret, Mongin, Feb. 11 ; Brit, merchant service and royal 
navy, Barnaby, Apr. 1 ; tonnage, Dec. 30-7. 

" Signals, submarine, J. M. Batchelder, Soc. Arts, Maj' 26-7. 

" Steamboats, boating chronol. £■)!(/. ^'ejcs, Jan. 24-5; shafts, 
H. W. Baker, Am. Eng. June 12, 26-5 ; Norwich, Grt. East. 
Ry. The Eng. Jan. 23 ; Am., Rigg, Mar. 6 ; stern wheel, foi 
Brazil, May 8-5. See also Marine Steamers. 

" Steamers, U. S. twin screw steel cruiser, Eng. Xeics. Sep. 


Marine Steamers, U. S., old stra. vessels, Iron Age, Mar. 29; 
ocean speeds, June 7-3 ; steamships, revolution in, June 19 ; 
Brazil's war-ship, July 31; Chilian cruiser, Esmerelda, Nov. 
13 ; speed of, Dec. 4-4. 

" Stes., chronol. Iron Age, Feb. 19 ; 1st to cross ocean, Feb. 
26 ; fast cruiser, Mar. 5 ; crank shafts, strength. Mar. 5 ; 
iron, life of, Apr. 9 ; U. S. rep. on Dolphin, June 2.'5 ; Eng- 
lish, Benbowand armament, July 23; U. S. naval cruisers, 
Oct. 15 ; iron clad war, in So. Am. Oct. 15 ; fast ocean, Dec. 

" Strs., Great Eastern, Iron Age, Aug. 12, 26; Atlantic, Sep. 
9 ; costs of fast do. Sep. 9 ; fast ocean, Sep. 16 ; steel, lake, 
Susquehanna, Sep. 30; Russian cruisers, Nov. 25; U. S. 
navy do. Dec. 2-6 ;, table, Jan. 20; ocean, 
size of. Mar. 24; boat, fastest in world, Ital. govt., Yarrow, 
Apr. 14 ; Great Eastern, May 5 ; N. Y. Atlantic liners, speed 
of, Dec. 29-7. 

" Stks., City of Fall River, Old Col. R. Mech. Mar. 17; stm. 
vessels, old U. S. Apr. 7 ; twin screw, Victoria, Pusey, May 
19; ocean speeds, June 16; Oregon, Gulon line, Aug. 4, Oct. 
27; steamships effic, Magovern, Aug. 4; broken shaft 
coupling, A. Thomson, Dec. 22-3 ; U. S., Albatross, Feb. 23 ; 
mach. repairs, Hamilton, Aug; Brazilian armored iron clad, 
Eiachuelo, Sep.-4 ; coal consumpt. n. Jan, Apr ; Ist to cross 
ocean. Mar; Normandy, feathering paddle wheels. Elder, 
June; U. S., Dolphin, defects of, Isherwood, July; U. S. 
cruisers. Naval Bd. on, Nov.-5. 

" Steamers, rev., for U. S. of Colombia, Am. Eng. Jan. 4; 
Assyrian Monarch, Jan. IS ; designing, Pearsons, Mar. 7, 14- 
4 ; Brit, cruiser, Feb. 13 ; tin clads for Nile r. Mar. 6 ; Guion 
line, fuel consumpt. Apr. 10-5 ; crank shafts. See, May 27 ; 
ocean travel, limit of speed in, June 10-6. 

" Steamship econ. Am. Eng. July 14; transportation prob. 
(vessels), Am. July 21, Aug. 18; Orlando, Aug. 25 ; triple 
comp. lake, Sep. 15; ocean transport, by petroleum, Dec. 
29-6 ; dynamite cruiser, Apr. 13-7 ; Cunard, Umbria, 8an. 
Eng. Dec. 11-4 ; cruisers, swift. Van Nost. May-5 ; ocean 
travel, limit of speed in, Cazin, Sep ; do. do. Thurston, July- 
6 ; do. do. Forum. 

" Steamers, English, Narcissus, By. & Eng. Feb ; ocean, sizes 
of. Mar; U. S. naval, Apr; do. war ships, Oct, Nov; do. 
navy dept. Dec; Reina Regente, Spain, Dec,-7. 


Marine Steamers, Atlantic, what speed costs in, By. Gaz. Sep. 
17-6; speed of modern, Aug. .5-7; City of Fall River, trial 
of, Fran. Inst. Jnly-Sep.-4; Sound, Pilgrim, Roach, Elec. 
Si-r. Mar. 2!l-.3 ; great Atlantic, fast, Oct. 4-4; U. S. cruisers, 
dec. light for, Murdock, Aug. 20-7. 

" Steamers, La Norniandie, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 6 ; moving of 
large masses, Jan. 1.3 ; La Plata, crue. cast steel rudder, Mar. 
10; rig, Forbes', Apr. 28; Violet, Lond. & No. West Ry. Co. 
May 26; ocean, swift, June 16; twin-screw shallow draft, 
Thornycrolt, July 21 ; Swiss lake, July 28 ; light draft stern 
wheel, Aug. 18 ; U. S., Albatross, Oct. 27-3. 

" Steamers, French, Talisman, .SVi. Am. Sn/i. Apr. 19; ash 
hoisting ap. May^; Brazil, Riaohnelo, Samuda, Maj'24; 
vibration of stm. vessels, Schlick, May 31 ; French iron clads, 
L'indomptable, June 21 ; 4-ton guns, Chilian, Esmerelda, 
Dec. 20-4. 

" Steamers, great Atlan., dimens. and power, table, Sci. Am. 
Siif). Feb. 14; Brit, twin-scre-w war. Colossus, May 16; 
shallow draft propeller and fast screw launch, May 23 ; Cop- 
pin's triple steamship, July IS; mail, Ireland, Oct. 24; Brit. 
war, Imperieuse, trial trip, Nov. 21-5 ; Brit. Ciimperdown, 
Feb. 20 ; CoUingwood, accident on, June 12 ; (_;rt. Eastern, 
June 12; Japanese Iron clad, Nanina, June 26-G. 

" Steamers, steel stern wheel, Sci. Am. Sup. July 31 ; new 
Am. war, U. S. twin-screw cruiser, 4,000-tons, itc. Aug. 21 ; 
Peer of Realm, raising wreck, Sep. 4; Brit, war, Orlando, 
Sep. 11 ; express Atlan. Sep. 11 ; screw shaft ball thrust 
bearing, Sep. 25; Atlantic, W. John, Oct. 2; fastest seaboat, 
Chinese, Oct. 16 ; channel, Victoria, Oct. 30; French war, 
Tjclloche, Nov. 20; Brit, war, twin-screw barbette, Benbow, 
Dec. 11 ; salvage of Oregon's cargo, Merritt, Dec. lS-6. 

•' Steamers, Nulli Secunda, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 1 ; transatlan- 
tic, risks of, Jan. 22; French gunboat. Gab. Charmes, Jan. 
29; Girt. Eastern, Mar. 12, June 18 ; disappearing turrets, 
Mar. 10 ; Spanish war, Pelayo, Apr. 2 ; liquid fuel on. Apr. 
2; light draft twin-screw, for Nicaragua, Apr. 0; do. river, 
May 14; dynamite cruiser. May 14; German corvette, Greif, 
June 18; high speed twin-screws, Linnington, June 18 ; 
Brit., Sanspareil, June 25-7. 

" Steamers, ocean, stat., table, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 13; flex, 
crank snd propeller shafting-. 0;t. 22-7. 


Marine Steamers, shallow draft stern wheel, for Magdalena 
r. Sci. Am. Slip. Nov. 12; Fifeshire, refrig. mach. Dec. 3-7; 
first applic. of stni. for propelling vessels, inventor of, Locom. 
.June-3 ; speed of European war vessels, Sep. -6. See also 
Marine Torpedo Boats. 

" Steamers, strains on, Eng. Apr. 6 ; Castle Packet line, Haw- 
arden Castle, Apr. 13 ; twin screw shallow draft, for Congo 
r. May 18 ; masting, ships of war, May 18 ; do, June 1 ; 
Oregon, June 29; U. S. govt. Fish Comraiss., Albatross, 
Sep. 7-3 ; do. do. engs. and tests, Oct. 17 ; steamships, speed- 
trials, Dec. 26-4. 

" SxEaMERS, war vessels, steamboat equip, of, Eng. Jau. IG, 
23; paddle wheel, hist., Sandham, Ai^r. 3, 17, 24, May 22; 
stern wheel, Volga r., R. Runeberg, Apr. 10; cruisers and 
turretted battle ships, Apr. 17; triple steamship, Coppin, 
May 22 ; French stm. shipping, Messageries Maritimes, June 
26 ; Brazil govt, stern wheel, Forrest, Aug. 28-5. 

" Steamers, paddle wheel, Kathleen Mavourneen, Eng. Mar. 
5 ; English, forced combust, in. Mar. 12, May 7, 21, 28 ; war 
ships, speed trials, Apr. 16; paddle, Mona Queen, Isle of 
Man, May 7 ; Nanina, Japan, May 14 ; raising Peer of Realm, 
May 21 ; Etruria, Aug. 13 ; stern wheel river, Aug. 20 ; 
Atlan., speeds, Aug. 20, 27; Am. cruiser, Sep. 3; forced draft 
on, Oct. 8; U. S. cruisers, Oct. 8; Orizaba, Oct. 8, Deo. 17; 
Beiibow, Oct. 22; Pac. Stm. Nav. Co.'s, Nov. 12, Dec. 17; 
NuUi Secunda, Nov. 12, 26 ; Narcissus, Dec. 17-6. 

" Steamers, twin-screw, Reina Regente, J. & G. Thomson, 
Eng. Mar. 4 ; Spanish iron-clad, Palayo, June 3 ; raising of 
Locksley Hall, Aug. 10 ; English, Trafalgar, Sep. 23 ; The 
Earl, and b's, French, and salvage and tug-boat, Oct. 14; 
Spanish cruiser, Reina Regente, Oct. 21 ; Britannia, Penin- 
sular and Oriental, Oct. 28 ; English, Orlando, Palmer, Nov. 
4 ; engs. and b's, Nov. 25 ; Electra, Russell, Dec. 2 ; Victoria, 
elec. lighting, Dec. 2-7. 

" Steamers, ocean, berths in, The Eng. Feb. 9; U. S. war 
ships, speeds, Feb. 9 ; Himalaya, elec. light on, Feb. 9 ; 
Oregon, Mar. 2 ; stm. trials of Satellite under forced draft, 
Butler, Mar. 23 ; Violet, Lond. & No. West. Ry. Co. Apr. 13, 
13 ; Lepanto, Ital. Apr. 13, May 11 ; U. S. navy steel cruis- 
ers, Apr. 13 ; Tartar, June 8 ; stern wheel, for Magdalena r. 
June 29-3. 


Marine Steamers, Atlan., old and new, The Eng. July 6 ; Aus- 
tral, stability curves of, Oct. 12; St. Germain's bows after 
collision, Oct. 12; U. S. twin-screw stm. cruiser, Chicago, 
Oct. 26, 26; Helvetia, Swiss lake, Nov. 23-3. 

" Steamers, Abyssinian and b's. The Eng. Jan. 4, 11 ; paddle 
wheel ambulance, Red Cross, Jan. 11 ; triple screw, Jan. 11 ; 
U. S. cruisers, Jan. 2.5, Feb. 8 ; loading by hydr. mach., A. 
Brown, Apr. 11-25; cargo, Phillip's, Apr. 18; Lake of 
Lucerne, Apr. 18 ; English and French fleets, May 16 ; Atlan., 
America, July 25, Aug. 1 ; Chilian cruiser, Esmeralda. Oct. 
10, 24; Atlan., speed, n. Oct. 17; do. old and new, Oct. 31-4. 

" Steamers, Servia, in a gale. The Eng. Mar. 20; high speed, 
Apr. 24 ; U. S. despatch boat. Dolphin, June 5, July 3 ; Brit., 
Benbow, June 12, launch of, June 19; Ireland, Dublin Stm. 
Packet Co. Aug. 28, 28, Sep. 4, 11 ; merchant, table, Sep. 
4-5 ; stern wlieel, for Xile r. Feb. 5 ; loss of Oregon, Mar. 19, 
Apr. 30; Grt. Eastern, May 7 ; screw engs. of '.58, May 14, 
June 18-6. 

" Steamers, raising Peer of Realm, The Eng. July 9 ; Atlan. 
Aug. 13, 13 ; Allen, Aug. 27 ; Brit, barbette ironclad, Ben- 
bow, Sep. 24; Grt. Eastern, Oct. 15 ; fuel consumpt., table, 
Kov. 12-6 ; light draft river, Jan. 14 ; river, for Java. Birch, 
Mar. 4; Pac. Stm. N.av. Co.'s, Oroya, Barrow, bu. Mar. 25, 
Apr. 1-7. 

" Steamers, b's. The Eng. Apr. 15 ; changes of level in 
water surface by skin friction and propellor, Corterill, Apr. 
1 ; cruisers, belted and internal protect.. Biles, Apr. 8 ; Tous- 
sant L'Ouverture, despatch boat, Apr. 8; Grt. Eastern, Apr. 
8 ; sizes, Lloyd's return, Apr. 8 ; Bentwick, indie, diags. 
Apr. 15; high speed twin-screw, Linnington, Apr. 15; Brit. 
Sanspareil, May 13 ; efflc, Stroudley, May 27 ; Normandy, 
feathering paddles. May 27 ; stm. vessels, motion of. Mansel, 
June 24-7. 

" Steamers, Trafalgar, The Eng. Aug. 12 ; Elbe, stm. pipe 
explosion on, Sep. 23, Oct. 21 ; shallow draft, stern wheel, 
for So. Am., Yarrow, Sep. 30; large, n. Oct. 7; Fifeshire, 
refrig. mach. on, Oct. 14, 14: Spanish cruiser, fastest in 
world, Reina Regente, Oct. 14, 2S. 28 : liquid fuel on Thames 
I. Nov. 11; Nordeufelt, Dec. 2:i-7. 


Marine Steering, engs., 7 by 6 in. Am. Eng. May 13-6 ; gear, 
hydr., Lafarque's, Eng. Ma}- 11-3 ; do. stm., Brittou, Feb. 
15-4; do. hand-screw, Hastie, May 8-3; do. Apr. 30; do. 
Thompson's, Oct. 1, 8 ; do. Jochumsen's aux. hydr. Oct. 8 ; 
do. stm., Ziese's, Dec. 31-6 ; of Ajax, Froude, May 13 ; 
gear, Newcastle exhlb. .July 22 ; do. double-screw hand and 
stm., Napier, Aug. 5-7; do. Pepper's, The Eng. Aug. 6; do. 
Maguinnis', Oct. 1-6. 
" Strephometer, pneu., Schow, Eng. Dec. 26-4. 
" Swimming, art of, 8ci. Am. Sup. Nov. 8-4. 

" Telegraph, portable ap. at sea, use of, Elec. World, Aug. 

16 ; possible meth. of elec. commun. between vessels at sea, 

A. G. Bell, Oct. 18 ; elec. do. Nov. 15-4. 
" ThekmOMETEK, photo-, Michaelis', Sci. Am. Sup. June 21-4. 

" Torpedo, Berdan, Iron Age, Sep. 24-5; boat eng. and fan, 
Oct. 14 ; English systems, Nov. 25-6 ; boat catchers, Mar. 
10; boats, speed trial, Bussey, May 5; do. twin-screw, Wil- 
borg, May 12; do. b. explosions, English, July 21 ; resist- 
ance expts., English, July 28-7. 

" Torpedo, str. Polyphemus, Mech. Oct. 6-3 ; boat gun, Hotch- 
kiss. Mar. 15 ; submar., inventor of. Mar. 29 ; launching ap., 
Canet, Apr. 26 ; boat, flreroom fan, Russian, Nov.-4 ; Italian 
ram, Etna, comp. twin screw eng. Apr.-5; boats, Schichan, 
Aug, Sep; do. Russian, table, Oct; do. Dec. -7. 

" Torpedo, expts. n. Vnn Xost. Nov.-6; do. My. & Eng. Jan; 
submar. warfare, Jan; boats, Thornj'croft, Mar; do. gun, 
trial. May; do. twin-screw fast, for Ital. govt. June; do. b's, 
Yarrow, Thornycroft, July; I'esist. expts., English, Aug; 
do. Nordenfelt, Sep ; Brennan, Oct ; battle, Nov ; boat. Yar- 
row, Dec.-7 ; locom. for coast defense, Sleeman, Electric. 
Mar.-3 ; boat, Griswold, Remington, Jan.-7 ; do. elec. Elec. 
World, Jan. 16-6; Win's sys. Elec. Ser. Nov. 8-4. 

" Torpedo boats, Sci. Am. Sup. May 19; McEvoy's sys. June 
23; boat, Poti, Russian, Dec. 15-3; do. do. Feb. 16; do. 
guns, Hotchkiss, Mar. 15 ; do. Yarrow, July 5 ; vessel with 
pneu. dynamite gun, July 19-4; self-propelling and steering, 
Paulson's, Mar. 21 ; boat 68, Jul}' 25-5 ; use in war, Galb- 
ney, Apr. 10, 17; boat. May 29; do. Japanese govt. Aug. 14, 
Sep. 18 ; do. and gunboat, Oct. 9-6. 


Marine Torpedo boat, Brit., Yarrow, iSri. Am. Sitp. Feb. 19; 
do. catchers, Feb. 26; do. seagoing, Mar. 26; do. Brit, gun- 
boat Rattle-snake, Apr. 16 ; do. Yarrow, May 7 ; do. Fallie 
type and German gunboat Eber, July 9 ; Brennan, Aug. 27 ; 
boat, lor Spain and Spanish cruiser, Reina Regente, Nov. 19, 
Dec. 10; do. Nov. 26; do. petrol, burners on, Dec. 17-7. 

" Torpedo, attack and defense, Eng. Mar. 30; McEvoy's sya. 
May 11 ; air compressors for torpedo service. Brotherhood, 
May 18 ; boats for Russian and Danish govts. Dec. 28-3 ; 
do. Jan. 18 ; do. Yarrow, Jan. 2.5, Feb. 8 ; do. armament. 
Hotohkiss, Feb. 1 ; do. Argentine govt., Y'arrow, Feb. 22 : 
do. Mar. 7; launching ap., Canet, Mar. 14-5. 

" Torpedo boats, high speed, Eng. May 2.3 ; attack and de- 
fense, Wiliiams' sys. Oct. 17-4; boat engs. and b., Belliss, 
.Tan. 16; Whitehead, autobiograpliy (Action), Feb. 6-27, 
Mar. 0-27, Apr. 3, 17, 24, May 8 ; in war. Mar. 13, June 19; 
boats, Apr. 24; do. hydr.propul., Thornycroft, July 10; do, 
Nov. 20; do. Russian govt., Goubet sys. Nov. 20-5. 

" Torpedo boat, Falke, Austrian, trial, Eng. Jan. 8, Apr. 2; 
do. comp. oondens. engs. Aug. 13 ; do. b. Aug. 20 ; do. pump- 
ing engs. Sep. 10; do. small, Sep. 10; do. fan and eng. Sep. 
24; do. lioisting gear, Oct. 1; do. Chinese govt. Oct. 22; do. 
Yarrow, Dec. 31-6. 

" Torpedo boat, sea going, Eng. Feb. 11 ; do. twin-screw, 
Ital. govt., Y'arrow, Apr. 29 ; locom., Brennan, June 24, July 
1 ; boat, accident, July 8, 1.5 ; do. Ariete, .Spanish, July 15, 
Nov. 4; do. b., water tube, Thornycroft, July 22: do. Yar- 
row, July 29; do. Dec. 16; do. submarine, Dec. .30-7. 

" Torpedo boat resist.. Y'arrow, The £n^. Mar. 30; do. dis- 
\A\\n\ Normandy's, July 13-3 ; do. Y'arrow, Jlay 23 ; 3Iay 
30 ; do. for Russian govt. June C, engs. June 13-27, b's, July 
4, fan, July 18-4 ; vessels, foreign, Feb, 6-5. 

" Torpedo boat, .Tap. govt. The Eng. July 2 ; do. Russian, 
Aug. 13 ; do. do. Wiborg, immersion diags. Oct. 22 ; vessels 
and equip. Nov. 5; boat. Yarrow, Dec. 10; do. Peace- 
maker. Dec. 24-6; boat, stat., n. Jan. 7; do. El Destructor, 
Jan. 14; do. catchers, Jau. 21; do. trials, Mansel, xipr. 29: 
do. accidents. May 27 ; do. submarine, Nordenfelt, June 3 : 
do. for Spain, Oct. 21-7. 

" ToWAftE by endless cliains, Eng. A'<-ic,s\ Jan. 12-4. 


Marine Tug, propul. against current, Iron Age, May 7-5 ; boat, 
twin-screw, for Rhine r. The Eng. June 8-3 ; Sea Gull explo- 
sion, Nov. 26-6 ; stm.. Jubilee, June 10-7. 

" Ventilation sys., str. Preussen, Eng. Apr. 8-7. 

" Watek-SPOUTS, asrial vortices, expts. Sri. Am. Sup. Aug. 

" Waves, oil for stilling, Townsend, i^ran. 7)is«. July-7 ; oil 
expts. in stopping breakers, Sci. Am. Su]}. Feb. 14-5 ; use of 
oil at sea, Bi-it. Admir. rep. Feb. VI ; ship. W. Thomson, 
Oct. 15 ; ocean, height, jSTov. 19 ; transporting power of, Sep. 
10-7 ; do. Eng. July 15-7 ; oil on rough water, rep.. Sparrow, 
Locom. 0ct.-3. 

" Yachts, stm., Astor, Iron Age, Aug. 30-3 ; do. Livadia, Jan. 
10; do. steel, Dec. ll-i; do. races, Sep. 2-6 ; do. and Colt 
disk eng. Mech. Apr. 7 ; Atalanta, Gould, Apr. 21 ; stm. 
(Astor), Harlan, U- S. Sep. 8-3; do. Livadia, Jan. 5-4; do. 
Am., speed. Am. Eng. July 30-5; in '84, Van Nost. Aug .-4; 
do. jSfattt. Mag, 
" Yachts, measurement and time allowance. Van Nost. June- 
5; bu., 50 years of, Kemp, By. & Eng. June; U. S., Volun- 
teer, Sep.-7; stm. twin-screw, Wiegand, Fran. Inst. June- 
6 ; stability and speed of, Sci. Am. Sup. May 30-5 ; Galatea, 
Brit, and Mayflower, Am. Oct. 9-6; stm., Chemcheck, June 
11-7 ; Am. and English, Oct. 15-7 ; evolution of modern. Bur- 
gess, SoG. Arts, Jan. 20-7 ; Herreshoff, Eng. Oct. 5-3 ; do. 
Mech. Eng; stm., Rosalind, and engs., Cochran, i^n;/. Mar. 
21; do. Lady Torlrida, Elder, June 6-4; do. Magnolia, 
Herreshoff, May 29-5 ; Brit, and Am., dimensions, table, 
Nov. 25; speeds, table, Dec. 9, 16-7; stm., Kenj^'s, The Eng. 
Apr. 6; do. Atalanta, Gould's, June 1-3 ; stm., comp. engs., 
Edinb. exhib. June 18-6 ; Herreshoff, Now Then, Sep. 16-7. 

Mariners Compass, W. Thomson's, The Eng. Jan. 1-6. 

Marseilles, n. The Eng. Nov. 2-3. 

Mason, Wm. Ry. G-az. May 25, June 1-.3 ; por. Sci. Am. Sup. .July 

Mass., boundary, Eng. iVeios, Oct. 25-4; industries, n. Iron Age, 
June 28-3. 

Materials, strength of large spruce beams, Fran. Inst. Feb.-3. 
See also Eng. Materials. 


Mathematics, polygon construction, Eng. Ifeios, Oct. 11-4; 
arithmetic, early, Aug. 22 ; Nov. 7, Dec. 19 ; rapid cals. Nov. 
14-5 ; origin of letter X, Kitter, Sep. 3-7 ; remarkable num- 
ber, Mech. Apr. 19-4 ; least squares, adjustment of condition- 
obs., Wright, Van Nost. May, June; division, corrective 
(short meth.). Miller, Aug.-3. 

" Deflecting forces of revolving spheroid, Randolph, Van 
iVosJ. Jan; earth's rotation, Hendricks, Jan; algebra, cain, 
Mar; geometry, notes, do. May; trig, jirob. solution by 
approximation, Andrews, July-4; correlation of different 
branches, Hayward, , June-6 ; do. Xatiire ; ellipse, propertj- 
of, D'Auria, Fran.- Inst. Jan.-7. 

" Brit. Assoc, Cayley, Sci. Am. Snj). Oct. 20-3 ; parallel 
curves, MacCord, Jan. 10-4; circle squaring, Bing, Aug. 1- 
5; radii of curv., det. of, MacCord, Apr. 17, 24; do. geomet. 
det. do. Sep. 4, 11, Oct. 10, Nov. 13; log. spiral, graph, proc. 
do. Aug. 14-6; of geodesy Eng. Mar. 21-4; ellipsograph, 
Knott, Feb. 27-5 ; circle squaring, Bing, The Eng. June 5-5. 

Matter, fourth state of, Crookes, Iron Age, Dec. 13-3 ; and 
" radiant " matter, Fran. Inst. Sep-5 ; forms of vibrating 
bodies, Dechanne, Eng. June 12-5. See also Physics. 

Mauritius, commerce of. Iron Age, Nov. 24-7. 

Measures, English mile, relative to size of earth, and early met- 
rics, Clark, Van Xost.lilny-3. SeealsoWis. and Measures. 

Mechanic Arts, in Europe, Fran. Inst. Jan.-o; abroad and at 
home, C. Sellers, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 14-5. 

Mechanical, tracts. Am. Eng. Mar. 30, Apr. 6, 27, May 11-7; 
conundrum, i?;/ Gaz. July 30, Aug. 6, 20-6 ; integrators, 
Shaw, Van J\'"k<. Nov, Dec.-5 ; motors, cannon, stm. eng., 
man and insect as, Jouffret, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 8-.3 ; equiv. 
of heat, Eng. May 30, June 20-4 ; education, Oct. 29-6 ; 
movement, Kubec's, The Eng. Mar. 2S-4 ; do. Sn'. Am. See 
also Eng., Mechan. 

Mechanics, prob., Trautwine, Eng. Xeti-s, May 9, 16-5; inertia. 
Hall, Jilech. May 3-4 ; Schiele's anti-friction curve, Jan, Apr.- 
6; screw, perfect, prob. sol., Eogers, Van Xast. 0ct.-4; 
screw, applied to fine arts, Simonds. June-5 ; rotary motion 
analysis as applied to gyroscope, Barnard, Dec.-G. 


Mechanics, Sellers, Fran. Inst. Miir, Apr.-±; harmonic motion, 
Jan. -5 ; particle in rotating tube. Church, Sep. -7 ; motion, 
perpetual, MitzandLamy's, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 10-3 ; Lodge, 
book n. The Bng. Oct. 23-5. See also Mechanism. 

Mechanism, wheel-trains, planetary, MacCorJ, Sci. Am. Sup. 
May 17, June 14, Aug. 23-4 ; do. do. Jan. 3, Mar. 28-5 ; 
sphere and roller, ShaW, May 21, simul. dead points, Mac- 
Cord, Oct. 8-29-7 ; theatre, Jan. 2, 23, May 22-6 ; do. at 
Lyceum theatre, The Eng. Apr. 2-6. See also Mechanics. 

Melograph and melotrope (music registering mach.), Carpen- 
tier, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 20-7. 

Men, power of, the spymograph, n. Eng. A'eios, June 30-3 ; hist., 
unwritten, Evans, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 27 ^ running, instantan. 
photos. Dec. 8-3 ; hygiene of the feet (shoe design), Lee, 
July 5-4 i possible suspension of old age, S. W. Caldwell, 
May 23-5 ; making of, C. Morris, Aug. 7 ; circul. of blood 
cxpts., Mosso, Dec. 11-6; stature variations, Apr. 16; life 
energy, Alcock, Apr. 30 ; longevity, human, June 25-7. 

Mensuration, Cooper, Mech. Feb.-7. 

Mercury, distiller, J. W. Clark's Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 9-4; pump, 
mercurial air, S. Thompson, Eng. Nov. 25-7. See also Met- 
als, Mercury. 

Merrill, Sherburne S. By. Gaz. Feb. 13; por. Mar. 20-5. 

Metal, shearing mach. for large plates, Donnay, Iron Age, Feb. 
8; cutting, modern meths., W. F. Smith, May 10, 17; 
Exchange rules, N. Y. June 28 ; market, '83, review of, Dec. 
27-3; working mach.. Cornice, litigation on, June 19-4; 
market, '85, review of, Jan. 7 ; do. annual review, Deo. 30-6 ; 
do. do. '86, Jan. 6-7; and trade reps. Iron Age files. 

" Working industries. Am. and English practice, Mech. May 
12; cutting, meths., W. P. Smith, May 19, June 9, 23, 30-3 ; 
casting upon lace, etc., Outerbridge, Fran. Inst. June-3 ; cast- 
ings from carbonized fabrics, do. rep. Nov.-7 ; do. do. Sci. 
Am. Sup. Nov. 12-7 ; saws. Craven, Eng. June 17-7. 

Metals. See also Iron and Steel ; Metallurgy; Steel. 
" An. review, '84, Iron Age, Jan. 1 ; flow of, early expts. 
July 30; an. review of, '85, Dec. 31-5 ; and alloys, oxygen 
in, Jan. 7, 14-6; sheet ceiling wk. Dec. 29-7; early hist. 
Mech. Feb. 23, Apr. 5-4. 

158 METALS. 

Metals, flow of, early expts., Ward, Mech. June ; oxidation of, 
and Bower-Barff proc, Weightman, June ; oxygen and oxides 
in, Nov.-5 ; alloys, melting ijoints, Dec.-7; do. do. Sci. Am; 
sheet, flow of in drawing proc. Fran. Inst. Nov ; allcali jjro- 
duction, N0V.-6; vapors of. Parry, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 27-4. 

" Crystalline Alloys, Pearce, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 14-5; 
welding, Lafltte proc., W. Anderson, Oct. 16-6 ; and alloys, 
colors of, Austen, Feb. 5 ; expan. of, ap. for, June 25 ; hard- 
ness of, Turner, July 2, 16-7; and alloys, conductivity, Eng. 
July 25-4 ; flow of. Ward, June 12-5 ; properties common to 
fluids and. May 28-6 ; impurities in, Austen, The Eng. Mar. 
26-6 and before ; flow of, Feb. 18-7. 

'■- Aluminum, £)i(/. A'eics, Jan. 12-4; raauuf. proc. /ron Age., 
Jan. 18; alum, bronze, frictional tests, Self, May 26; alloy 
tests, Cowles, Sep. 1-7; Am. Eng. Feb. 11; alum, bronze 
casting, etc., T. D. West, Dec. 22-6 ; do. do. Jiy. Gaz. June 
10; alloys, Oct. 21-7; Eran. Inst. June-3 ; and its alloys, 
expts., Self, Mar.-May-7. 

" Alumixum, VanderWeyde, Elec. Bev. Oct. 3, Nov. 21-5; 
Price, Jan. 30-6; diseov. Mar. 26-7; in Nev. Sci. Am. Sup. 
Mar. 8-4 ; and extraction, Seymour, May 23-5 ; Price, Mar. 
6 ; Aug. 14-6 ; Mar. 19-7 ; and its alloys, production of, and 
Cowles' elec. furnace, Cowles, Soc. Arts, Feb. 11-6; Eng. 
July 9-6 ; Jan. 14, ilar. 25-7. 

" Bronze, tempering, Eng. News, Mar. 1-4; alloys. Iron Age, 
Nov. 27, Eec. 4-4; June 4-5; strength of, Thurston, Hy. 
Gaz. Ang. 7-5; strongest, Fran. Inst. Feb.-Apr.-4; casting, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 2; alloys for eng. purposes, Nursey, 
Nov. 29-4 ; do. Van Nost. Jan. 5 ; casting, Boehm, June 13- 
5 ; do. artistic, Simonds, Mar. 20-6 ; strongest of, Eng. July 
4-4. See also Metals, Manganese, Phosphok Bronze. 

" Copper, inU. S., ■72-'82, Eng. News, July 21-3; indus. of 
U. S. Iron Age, Oct. 4, 11 ; markets, European and Am. Nov. 
15-3 ; May 8 ; gold, silver, copper, lead produc. U. S. Feb. 7 ; 
production of world, Feb. 7, June 5-4 ; do. June 4-5 ; do. 
May 27-6 ; do. Apr. 21-7 ; Spanish, May 14-5 ; and lead, 
prices chart, Jan. 21 ; Spanish Co.'s, May 13 ; mines, lake, 
'86, Apr. 7; great German Co. June 30-7; iron, steel, and 
effect of heat and cold on, 3Iech. Oct.-5 ; do. do. A\'ehrenfar- 
ning. Van Xost. Feb.-6. 

METALS. 159 

Metals, Copper, tin-zinc alloys, U. s. testing bd. rep. Am Eny. 

Nov. 21-4; and brass, Ele<trU\ July-5; produc, U. S., '86, 

May-7; mining Indus. Elec. Rev. July 5-3; stat. of world, 

Mar. 7-5 ; alloys among ancients, Eeyer, Sc.i. Am. Sup. Sep. 

29-3 ; refining, electrolytic, Aug. 8-5 ; ciystallization, Dana, 

Jan. 8-7 ; mining, L. Superior, Eathbone, Eng. Feb. 25, Mar. 

4-7; and lead produc, U. S., n. The Eng. Nov. 26-6. See 

also Metallurgical. 
" Delta metal, tests, German, Eng. News, Sep. 6-4 ; alloys, 

Meeh. Mar. 24-3; (iron and bronze). Am. Eng. Jan. 9-5; 

alloy. Loom. July-3; do. new, Dick, The Eng. Feb. 23-3. 
" Dental amalgam. Best, 8ci. Am. Sup. June 7-4. 
" Gold, (gold, silver, copper and lead) production, U. S. Iron 

^^e, Feb. 7-4; discov. in Cal. Aug. 27; and silver produc, 

U. S., '84, Oct. 8; first discov. in Cal. Nov. 26-5; and silver. 

Mint rep. June 2-7 ; mystery, comp. Fran. Inst. Nov.-6 ; ore, 

electro-am alg. of, Elec. Bem. Mar. 29-3 ; and silver produc, 

U. S. June 14-3. 
" Gold, ore, electro-amalg. of, Eng. Mar. 9-3; and silver, 

Russell's leaching proc, Egleston, Sep. 12-4; do. treating, 

U. S. Mint, July 9, 16, Aug. 13, .Sep. 3 ; do. Eoyal Mint, 

Aug. 20-6 ; ores, cont.iiniug silver, leaching of, Egleston, 

Mar. 4, 11. ; and silver produc. of world, Topley, Sep. 16 ; do. 

geolog. distribution, do. Oct. 14, 21-7; production, U. S., 

'85, n. The Eng. Oct. 15-6. 
" lElDUM, industry. Iron Age, Mar. 13-4; smelting, Dudley, 

Mech. Mar. 3-3; Indus, do. Apr. 5-4; do. Fran Inst. July-4; 

do. Elec. Bev. July 12-4; do. W. L. Dudley, Sci. Am. Sup. 

Aug. 9-4. 
" Lead, markets, European an Am. Iron Age, Oct. 4; Indus. 

of U. S. Oct. 18-3 ; production, U. S. Feb. 7 ; do. '83, Mar. 

20-4 ; copper, and prices chart, Jan. 21-6 ; burning. Am. Eng. 

Sep. 15, 29, Oct. 6. 13-6; wks., Dee, Walker, Eng. Sep. 26-4. 
" Manganese Bronze, and phospher, Eng. yews, May 23-5 ; 

P. M. Parsons, Van Nost. Jan.-4; Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 2-4. 
'■ Mercury, trade, Iron Age, Dec. 18-4 ; quicksilver markets 

since Dec, '85, June 9-7. See also Mercury. 
" Nickel, produc. New Caledonia, Iron Age, Feb. 11-6 ; and 

alloys, June 2-7; plating, Warren, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 26; 

and alloys, July 2-7; and zinc, quicksilver produc, U. S. 

The Eng. Dec. 3-6. 

160 METALS. 

Metals, Phosphor and manganese bronzes, Eng. Nexus, May 

" Silver, and gold, coi^per, lead produc, U. S. Iron Age, Feb. 
7-4; and gold, produc, U. 8., "83, Oct. 8-5 ; do. Mint rep. June 
2-7; do. produc, U. S. Elec. Rev. June 14-3 ; ores, amalgam. 
Eng. Aug. 22 ; and gold, Russel's leaching proc, Egleston, 
Sep. 12-4; do. treating, U. S. mint, July 9, 16, Aug. 13, Sep. 
3 ; do. Royal mint, Aug. 20-6 ; the world's n. Feb. 2.5 ; gold 
ores containing, leaching of, Egleston, Mar. 4, 11 ; and gold 
produc. of world, Topley, Sep. 16 ; do. geolog. distrib. do. 
Oct. 15, 21-7. 

" Solders, testing. Iron Age, Oct. 29-7; Am. Eng. May 11-7. 

" SODIDM, Eng. Jan. 28-7. 

" Spelter, foreign trade in. Iron Age, Apr. 19; May 31-3/ 
world's produc. May G-6. 

" Tin, Iron Age, Mar. 13 ; plate, classification, Jan. 31 ; 
do. manuf. Jul}' 17, '24; do. U. S. Aug. 21; plates, Xov. 
20-4; Banca mines, Apr. 30; plate manuf., U. S. Feb. 12, 
Apr. 9, 30 ; and pickling niach. June 4 ; recovery from scrap, 
July 23-5; Sep. 2, Nov. 4; deposits of Straits Settlements, 
Nov. 25-6 ; plate manuf., Stercken, Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 15, 29.7 ; 
and copper-zinc alloys, IT. S. testing bd. rep. Am. Eng. Nov. 
21-4; Blake, Sci. Am. Suji. Mar. 20-6; produc. of world, 
n. Eng. Nov. 18-7. 

" Zinc, Indus, in U. S. Iron Age, Sep. 27-3 ; Belgian wks. 
July 31-4; Indus., U. S. and foreign countries, Sep. 10; ore 
deposits of Va. and E. Tenn. Sep. 10-5 ; and copper-tin 
alloys, U. S. testing bd. rep. Am. Eng. Nov. 21-4; mines, N. 
J., Darton. Sci. Am. Sup. July 14 ; manuf., Sincay, Sep. 15-3 ; 
do. in Belgium, Eng. Aug. 3, 24-3 ; produc. in Europe and 
U. S. The Eng. Sep. 17-6. 
Metallurgical, gas furnace, Iron Age, May 19-4; electro-, 

plant for copper extraction, Elec. Rev. Nov. 22-4. 
Metallurgy, reduction of oxydized iron by carb. oxide, Aker- 
man, Iron Age, Apr. 5 ; in Sweden, Nov. S, 22-3 ; refractory 
ore elec. furnace, Cowles, T. S. Hunt, Am. Eng. Sep. 24-5 ; 
Duncom concentrator, June 10 ; copper smelter, Pacific fur- 
nace, June 10-6 ; electro-, of copper, Elec. World, Oct. 31-5 ; 
do. Eng. Sep. 25-5 ; produc. of aluminum and alloys in elec. 
fur., Cowles, Elec. World, Feb. 27: Cowles' Smelting Co., 
water power, Lockport, N. Y. Feb. 5-7. 


Metallurgy, Wood r. smelting wks. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 27 ; 
det. of lead from its ore by electrolysis, Sommer, June 1(5 ; 
concentrating mill at O'lSTeil mines, Galena, Kan. July 
21-3; gold chlorination in Cal., Browning, July 12; deposi- 
tion of ores, Newberry, July 19 ; electro magnetic ore dress- 
ing, Aug. 9; gold extraction, Aug. 23; amalg. of silver 
ores, Rathbone, Francke Tina proc. Oct. 11-4. 

" Ore milling stamps vs. rolls, Stetefeldt, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 
14 ; copper matte electrometallugic treatment for cu. extrac- 
tion, Sestri-Levante estab. Feb. 28, Mar. 7 ; rapid smelting 
plant, Stewart's, June 27; of iron (direct proc), Oct. 24-5; 
silver and lead smelting in Col. JSTov. 13-6 ; electro-. Mar. 12 ; 
lead smelting, Lewis-Bartlett proc, Ramsay, May 14^7; 
copper mattes, bessemerizing of , Peters, Soc. Arts, Feb. 24-7. 

" Prussian mining, and, Eng. June 6 ; silver ore amalg. June 
13-4; lead smelting proc. July 31; electro-, of copper, Sep. 
25; silver ore furnace, Stetefeldt, Egleston, Sep. 25; rolls 
for crushing ore., do. Nov. 13-5 ; silver and lead smelting in 
Col. Sep. 10: roller mill, Mumford, Sep. 17-6. 

" Mach., gold stamper bat.. Daglish, Ung. Feb. 11; leaching 
of gold ore containing silver, Egleston, May 6-20 ; pneu. ore 
pulverizing mach. July 8 ; gold extraction from ores, Aug. 
26; of gold, silver and mercury in U. S., Egleston, Sep. 9; 
do. do. bk. n. Oct. 21 ; reduction of ores, Bell, Sep. 23 ; ex- 
traction of gold from ores, Newbery-Vautin chlorination 
proc. Sep. 30-7. 

" Silver ore amalg., Rathbone, Tfte .Engr. Aug. 8-4; Queens- 
land gold quartz mill. Colonial exhib. July 16 ; copper ore 
smelting cupola, Stewart's rapid, Dec. 24-6 ; stm. stamp ore 
crusher and amalg., William's, Mar. 25; hydr. separators. 
Mar. 25-7. 
Meteorograph, Rysselberghe, Eng. May 9-4. 
Meteorology, anemometer, Bourden, Mech. Mar. 3 ; actinome- 
ters, Dec. 8-3 ; barometer and weather. Van Nbst. Nov .-4 ; 
Mag; and other registers, rep. Fran. Inst. Mar; do. N'aut. 
tornado study, Apr.-6; popular errors in. Abbe, Feb .-7. 

" Registering Ap., Richard's barom. and thermom. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Apr. 7-3 ; instrums., Vesuvius obsei-v. Oct. 24-5 ; 
clouds, forms, Apr. 17-6 ; errors in, Abbe, Feb. 26-7 ; com- 
mittee rep., W. H. Niles, Soc. Arts, May 10-3 ; do. do. May 
8-4 ; do. do. May 14-5 ; do. do. May 13-6 ; do. do. May 12-7. 


Meteoeology, Fisheries exhib. Eng. Jan. 15-3 ; barometric 
observs., reduction to sea level, Feb. 22-4; Instrums., self- 
recording, Draper, Dec. 4-5 ; elec. scale reader, Sep. 24-6 ; 
instrums., Anemogene, Eougerie, (rotation earth and wind 
currents), Feb. 18; hygrometrical obs. Apr. 22; seismo- 
graphs, Ewing, Tokio, June 3-7; R. Scott, The Eng. May 

Metebs, Ashton's power, Iro)i Age, Oct. 1.5-5 ; for power and 
electricity. Boys, Mecli. Aug. 18-3; Siemen's Watt, Eng. 
Dec. 21-3. See also Dynamometers ; Elec. Meters. 

Metric system. Iron Age, Oct. 16-4; Mvch. Xov.-4. 

Mexico, pub. wks. and people, Eng. Xeirs, Jan. 12-4; imports 
and exports. Iron Age, Sep. 6; proposed commercial treaty 
with, and U. S. Nov. 15 , trade, Dec. 27-3 ; crisis, July 2 : 
finances, Sep. 3 ; metal manuf . trade, Sep. 3 ; Am. hardware 
in, Sep. 17-.5; pop., chart and stat. By. Gas. July 10-5; debt, 
June 17-7; do. Elec. Bev. Dec. 20-4- 

Military Engineering. See also Armies ; Gunnery and 
" Army mess hall, David's Is., X. Y. har. San. Eng. Sep. 10-7: 
Bange's artillery sys. Sei. Am. Sup. Mar. 1, May 17 ; tor- 
pedo launching ap. May 24 ; railroad transportation, Nov. 1 ; 
bread ovens in field, Xov. 26 ; coast defense by elec. torpe- 
does, Win's sys. Dec. 13-4. 
" Harbor, port, defense by torpedoes, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 14; 
elec. light ap. May 9 ; teleg. June 13 ; telemetrograph (draw- 
ing plans by telescope), Aug. 1; siege of Alexandria by 
Caesar, Sep. 12-5 ; attack formations, Ang. 6-7 ; steel for 
warfare, H. M. Howe, Soe. Arts, Oct. 14-6. 
" Telegraphy, telephone in, Eng. June 4 ; and sporting rifle. 
Rees, June 25 ; Dredge omni-telemeter, Aug. 20-6 ; cutlasses 
and bayonets, defective, Apr. 29-7; elec. torpedoes and coast 
defense, William's sys. The Eng. Oct. 17-4; horse and field 
artil. guns, 12-lb. field, Oct. 21-7. 

Milk-can, Deerfoot safety, A. P. Browne, Sci. Am. Snp. Apr. 

Milling Mach., vs. planer. Grant, Iron Age, Dec. 1 ; Xiles, Dec. 

15-7; Hewes, .Vech. June 2; vertical. Bliss, Sep. 22-3: do. 

French, Jan. 19-4; as substitute for planer, J. J. Grant, 

Dec.-7; do. do. Am. Eng. Nov. 23-7; French, Sci. Ain. Snp. 

May 30-5 ; Lipe, eng. The Eng. Ai^r. 4-4. 

MILLS. 163 

Mills and factory bu., evolution of, Iron Age, Aug. 2&-6; 
English cotton, Mech. Nov. 24-3 ; distrib. of power in 
woolen mill. Am. Eng. May 27-6 ; architecture, Fran. Inst. 
" Steam plants for, C. H. Manning, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 23-7 ; 
sprinklers, aut., for protection against fires, Woodbury, Soc. 
Arts, May 21-5 ; floors for light luach. Eng. Feb. 27-5 : coiup. 
eng., Marky, Dresden, May 6, 27-7; factory depreciation 
Mathesou, The Eng. Sep. 14, 14, Oct. 12, 19 Nov. 9-3 ; rope 
driving gear, Jan. 11-4. Sec also Flouk Mills. 

Minerals, products of U. S., '85, Eng. News, Oct. 30-6; wealth 
of Tarquln and Annam, Iron Age, Oct. 11-3 ; English stat., 
'83, Aug. 21-4 ; rare, for manuf . purposes, Dec. 24-5 ; pro- 
ducts, U. S., '86, July 28-7 ; do. Williams, rep. Am. Eng. 
June 26-5 ; Germanium, Weisbach, May 18, 25, June 1-29-7. 
" Products, U. S. Ry. Gaz. Aug. 3-3 ; do. A. Williams, rep. 
Van Nbst. Jan.-6 ; crystallization, Fran. Inst. Aug.-5 ; and 
rocks, the useful, 8ci. Am. Sup. Sep. 6-4; products of U. S. 
Eng Sep. 14-3; wagons of So. Wales, Nov. 28-4; produc, 
U. S., William's rep. The Eng. Jan. 25 ; resources of U. S. 
Aug. 8-4 ; rare, for manuf. purposes, Nov. 27-5 ; of U. S. 
May 28-6. 

Miners, inch of water, Iron Age, May 13-6 ; safety lamps, Aug. 
23-3 ; do. Eng. Sep. 17-6. 

Mining Engineers, Am. Inst., pro. Eng. News, June 16-3; Iron 
Age, Mar. 1, June 14, Oct. 18-3 ; Feb. 28, Mar. 6, June 5, 12, 
Sep. 11-4; Feb. 19, 26, Mar. 5, May 28, Sep. 24, Oct. 1, 8-5 
Feb. 18, Mar. 4, 11, May 27, Oct. 21-6; Feb. 24, Aug. 4-7 
Mecli. Mar. 8, 15, June 14, 21-4; By. Gaz. Feb. 25, Aug. 12-7 
By. & Eng. Sep.-7; Eng. Oct. 16-30-5; Mar. 26, Apr. 2, 
June 25, July 2, 9, Nov. 19-6 ; Apr. 15, 22-7. 
'• Engineering. See also Coal; Eng; do. Civil, Mate- 
rials; Explosives; Bramall, Eng. iVeios, Dec. 13, 20-4; 
Divining-rod, Raymond, Sep. 29, Oct. 6, 20-3; shaft sink- 
ing, thro, quicksand, England, Ritson Wilson, Feb. 2 ; do. 
by freezing. Poetsch meth. June 7, July 5 ; drill hole tamp- 
ing with plaster of Paris, Easton, Aug. 9; submarine blast- 
ing, Laner's meth., Specht, Aug. 23-4; by compressed air, 
Johnson, Apr. 11 ; shaft sinking thro, water-bearing loose 
materials, J. E. Mills, Apr. 25-5; do. Parker, Dec. 3-7; 
rock drill, Barrow, Dec. 12-5 ; do. Githen's, Mar. 26-7. 

164 MINING. 

Mining, Comstock lode, Iron Age, July 12; divining rod, Sep. 20, 
27, Oct. 11-3 ; do. Fran. Inst. Jan, Feb.-5 ; in China, Oct. 2 ; 
rock drill, Nov. 20-4 ; iron ores, Va. Jan. 15 ; rock breaker 
and ore crusher, Brennan, Mar. 18 ; plant, Dickerson mine, 
Apr. 29 ; do. Cal. & Hecla copper, July 15-6 ; regions of L. 
Superior, map, Birkinbine, Aug. 4-7 ; shaft sinking thro, 
quicksand, Andre, Mech. Dec. 22-3; Rand rock drill, Halsey, 

" Explosives, use of, Sumet, Am. Eng. Aug. 22, Sep. 5; 
hoisting engs., Lidgerwood, Oct. 17-4; centrif. ore pulvera- 
tor. Waring, Aug. 10, 17-7; shaft sinking in watery running 
ground, Galloway, Van JSfost. Dec.-3 ; do. thro, water- 
bearing loose materials. Mills, Mar.-5 ; eleo. drilling, Taver- 
don ap. Elec. World., July 26 ; elec. power transmission in, 
Schulz, Nov. 22-4 ; elec. locomotive, Keckenzaun's, May 22, 
July 24-6. 

" Rock drill, Welker's percussion, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 27-3 ; 
shaft sinking thro, quicksand, by artif. freezing, Jan. 19, 
Mar. 1 ; do. H. AV. Hughes, Dec. 20-4 ; compressed air locom. 
Mar. 15; blasting, elec. mach., Bornhardt's, June 14; elec. 
drill, Taverdon's, Aug. 23; Cal. & Hecla lifting wheels, Sep. 
6; hydr. in Cal., G. O'Brien, Sep. 20; diamond, mach., 
Brazil, Oct. 11-4. 

" Shafts, deep, and, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 26; shaft sinking, 
Quievrechain working, Sep. 26 ; portable prospecting drill, 
Dec. 19-5; shafts, sinking, Poetsch's meth. Apr. 17 ; do. 
tubes and air loclc testing, Brennecke, June 12-6 ; gold, 
mach. May 14; iron ore exploring, use of magnetic needle 
in, Brough, Aug. 27-7 ; coal. Buck, Soc. Arts, Mar. 10-7. 

" Gold, Siberia, Eng. Feb. 23, Apr. 6-3; and metallurgy, Bel- 
gian, July 25-4 ; rock drill, Cranston, Oct. 30 ; do. Barrow, 
Beaumont, Nov. 6 ; do. Adelaide, Dec. 24; mach., Inv"s 
exhib. Oct. 30, Nov. 6-3 ; hauling mach., Palermo, Italy, 
Jan. 15 ; quartz mill, Disraeli, Mar. 5 ; roller wedge, Bur- 
netts, Sep. 24; silver mills, Lexington, Butte C, Mont. 
Dec. 24-6. 

•' Copper, mach. -Ens'. Feb. 25, Mar. 4; submarine, personnel 
for, Bucknill, Mar. 25, etc; do. Oct. 14-28. Nov. 4, 11, Dec. 
2, 23 ; flreless locom., Halle, Aug. 5 ; gold, Mount Morgan, 
Dec. 16-7; submarine, r/ie £'»f/. Aug. 17-3 ; shaft sinking 
mach., thro, loose materials. Am., J. B. Mills, Feb. 6-5. 

MINING. 165 

Mining, rock drill, Barrow's, The Eng. June 12 ; exhib., Glas- 
gow, Nov. 6, 20-5; gold, mach., Transvaal, Louis, June 

Mines, diamond fields of So. Africa, Eng. News, June 30-3 ; fire 
bulk-head, Eolker, May 2 ; 3,000-ft. shaft, Comstock lode, 
Aug. 29 ; accidents. Parent, Aug. 29, Sep. 5-5 ; do. in (ven- 
til.), Sep. 25, Oct. 2-30, Nov. 6-27, Dec. 4, 11-6 ; iron, Hud- 
son r. Iron Age, May 24 ; zinc, of Sussex City, N. J. July 
19; iron ore and wks. at Bilbao, Oct. 25-3. 
" Iron, Minn. Iron Co. Iron Age, Apr. 23-5 ; do. Apr. 14, 21-T; 
do. ores of Teun. r. valley, Aug. 6-5 ; do. L. Superior, in 
'85, Jan. 14, Apr. 1; do. Gogebic, Sep. 9, range Dec. 2-16; 
Alaska, Sep. 23 ; Kand quarry bar drill, Sep. 30-6 ; Kingston 
& Pembroke Co. June 2 ; Vermillion lake, Aug. 4 ; Gogebic 
iron range, map, Aug. 11,18-7; centrif. ventilators, Murgue, 
Van Nost. Sep.-3 ; coal, spontan. combust, in, Durand, 

Mines, standpipe, Calumet, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 10-3 ; Cal. & 
Hecla, and plant, Aug. 16-4 ; do. Eng. & Mining Jour ; fire- 
damp detector, Garforth's, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 25-4; ventil- 
ator, Korting's jet, Apr. 4; magnesia, at Aigues-Mortes, 
Apr. 25-5 ; phosphate, of Canada, Mont. Apr. 17 ; Kimberley 
• diamond, Africa, Aug. 7-6 ; do. Aug. 20-7 ; do. So. Africa, 
Locom. July-5. 
" Pump, Deane sinking, Eng. Aug. 10-3 ; diamond fields. So. 
Africa, Aug. 29-4 ; do. Apr. 23, May 14, 28, June 4, 18, July 
9, 23, Aug. 13, Dutortspan, Oct. 29, Kimberley, Nov. 12-6 ; 
do. do. Aug. 26, Sep, 2; accidents, June 3-7; do. The Eng. 
Aug. 3-3 ; magnesia, Aigues-Mortes, Mar. 20 ; Athus district, 
map. Mar. 27-5; Eio Tinto (Red r.), Spain, Sep. 16-7. 

Mint, Brit. Mech. Aug. 25-3; Royal, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 2.5-6. 

Molding Mach., instrum. for marking cutters, Mech. June 16-3. 

Money, legal tender paper, Iron Age, May 15-4; paper currency 
and gold and silver coinage of world, Elec. Bev. Apr. 4-5 ; 
new Brit, coinage and jubilee medal, Sci. Am. Sup. Julj^ 9-7; 
how it is spent, U. S. stat., '85, Locom. Sep.-6 ; bi-metallism, 
Eng. Oct. 7; do. hist, chart, Koch, Dec. 30-7; gold produc- 
tion, U. S., '85, n. The Eng. Oct. 15-6, See also Metals, 
Gold; Silver; Mint. 

Montreal City rep., n. Eng. News, Nov. 13-6. 

MORLEY, Wm. K. Eng. Neius, Jan. 27-3. 

166 MOTOR. 

Morrison, James F., por. Elec. World, Aug. 7-6. 

Motor, domestic, Darcy, Iron Age, Oct. 14-6. See also Air, 

Gas Eng; Elec. Dynamo Motors, etc. 
Mt. Blanc, ascent of, Sci. Am. /Sup. Oct. 29-7. 
" Desert, Green Mt. Ry. J^ran. Inst. Sep.-3. 
Mule Stindle, duplex, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 7-3. 
MuRDOCK, "\Vm. Eng News, Dec. 1-3. 
Museums, commercial, Europe, Iron Age, Dec. 10-3. 
Music reading, Kroeh, Sci. Am. Sup. June 7-4. 
Musical pitch, det., hist, and present standards of. Cross, Soc. 

Arts, Apr. 24-4. 
Musk, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 19-7. 
Nail Mach., wire, Hutchins, Iron Age, June 9-7; hob, Mech. 

Feb. 2 ; cut, Am. N. Co. Apr. 5-4 ; wire, Lovell, Eng. Mar. 

Nails and bar iron prices, chart, Iron Age, Jan. 14-6 ; cut and 

wire, comparative value, Oct. 6, 20-7. 
Napier, Robert D. The Eng. May 15-5. 
Naples, Vesuvius observ., Marcillac, Sci. Am. Slip. Oct. 24-5. 
Nasmtth, James, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14-3. 
Nations, debts of. Iron Age, Oct. 2-4. 
New Mexico, roadways of, Pullen, Soc. Arts, Mar. 11-6. 
Newspapers, stat. of world. Iron Age, Aug. 27-5 ; current facts 

about, Locom. Aug.-6. 
Newton, Isaac, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 17-6. 
New York City. See also Building; Railroads; Rail- 
ways, Elevated, Underground, etc. 
" Buildings, Eng. Xev-s, Jan. 5, May 31 ; pub. wks. rep. Mar. 

15 ; and Penn. boundary survey, Oct. 2.5 ; travel growth (rap- 
id transit), Haupt, Nov. 8-4; do. Feb. 21; bd. pub. wks. 

rep. Mar. 7, June 13, Nov. 21 ; Broadwaj' traffic, u. July 11 ; 

traffic growth, Nov. 7, 28-5 ; mayor's message, Jan. 9 ; bd. 

pub. wks. rep. Feb. 13 ; tenement irs, Oct. 2-6 ; bu. prog. 

Jul. 2 ; traffic growth, Oct. 15 ; munic. bu"s, Dec. 3 ; traffic, 

notes, Dec. 31-7. 
" Industries, Iron Age, Mar. 29 ; growth of, Apr. 5 ; bu. 

growth, July 12 ; bu. in, Sep. 13-3; real estate vals. Dec. 

24-5; imports, hardware, iron, steel and metals, Dec. 2; as 

a, commercial center, Dec. 9-6 ; exports and imports, Eg. G-as. 

Sep. 7-3; city pass, travel, Jan. 14-7; rapid transit in, May 

21-6 ; do. Feb. IS, July 15-7. 

NEW YORK. 167 

New York C, pass, transport., n. Van Nost. Aug.-6 ; st. lighting 

costs, Ulec. World, May 2-5" pass, traffic, (Sci. Am. Sup. 

Oct. 10-5. 
New Zealand, finances, Iron Age, Dec. 8-7; Eng. July 1-7. 
Niagara Falls and r., depth and quantity, Iron Age, Oct. 26-3 ; 

rate recession ol Falls. Aug 6 ; power of, Sep. 24-5. 
Nice Irrigation Works, Eng. Jan. 2, 16-5. 
Nichols, Wm. E., Swain, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 30-7. 
Nickel Plate decis., Blatchford, IronAge, Feb. 22-3. 
NORDBNSKJOLD, Adolf Enk, por. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 3-3. 
North Pole exped., search for Greely, map, Sci. Am. Sup. May 

Norway and Sweden industries, Eng. Feb. 8-4. 
NOSTRAND, Van, David, obit. Van Nost. July-6. 
Ocean Currents, measurements by hydrometric wheel, Eng. 

News, Nov. 14-5. See also Marine, Ocean, Sea, etc. 
Oil Mill, mach. Sci. Am. Sup. May 17-3 ; England, Jan. 26-4 ; 

plant do., Gruning, des. Jan. 29-7 ; mills, do. Eng. Dec. 17-6 ; 

The Eng. Nov. 23-3; Rose, eng. Aug. 21-5. 
" Testing Mach., railroad, Thurston's, Am. Eng. Feb. 25-6 ; 

do. Rtj. Gaz. Feb. 19-6; do. The Eng. June 4-6. See also 

Eng., Mechan., Friction and Ldb. 
Oils, cotton seed mach. and manuf . Iron Age, July 23-5 ; do. 

Thompson, Mech. July-5 ; mineral, fire test, Feb. 2-4 ; oil from 

corn, Green's proc. Fran. Inst. Mar.-6 ; in Cal. Sci. Am. Sup. 

Mar. 29 ; kerosene, origin of name, Apr. 5 ; linseed, botany 

and chem., Earle, Aug. 2-4; detection of adulterations, O. C. 

Carter, Nov. 14-5; solidified, Wright, Mar. 12-7; Dee wks. 

Eng. Sep. 19-4; distil, of shale. Young, May 8; menhaden 

and guano, July 3-5. 
" Lubricants, and friction measurements of. Iron Age, Nov. 

27-4; lub. devices, Senderling, Oct. 8-5; lubs., Lux, Van 

Nost. 'Dec. -3; lubs., val. by consumers, Fran. Inst. July, 

Aug.-5 ; friction measurements, Woodbury, Eng. Dec. 5-4. 

See also Eng., Mechan., Friction and Lub; Petroleum. 
Orange Free State, So. Africa, pub. wks., Halle. Am. Eng. 

Aug. 20-5. 
Organ, spec, Temple ch., London, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 3-3 ; 

largest, Rigacath., Russia, Nov. 1-4; Wedlake's, Dec. 2G-5; 

Liverpool, exhib. Oct. 23 ; in Westminster Abbey, Jan. 23-6 ; 

do. The Eng. Aug. 21, 21, 28, 28 ; Wedlake's, Nov. 13, 13-5. 

168 OXYGEN. 

Oxygen, liquefying proc, Carlletet, Mech. Nov .-5. 

Ozone Mach., Elec. World, Sep. 19-5. 

Paine, Wm. H., por. St. By. Gaz. Sep.-6. 

Paint, sienna, burnt and raw, Eng. Neios, Dec. 22-3 ; luminous, 
Balmain proc, Sci. Am. Suj). July 11-5; removal of, from 
ironwork, T he Eng . Dec . 5-4: \ painting in encaustic, ancient 
art of, Fran. Inst. Sep.-5; paint mill, white lead, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Dec. 18-6:, paints, luminous, 7tok ^j/e, Oct. 4-3 ; do. 
metal, Aug. 13-5 ; do. for exposed metal surfaces, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Sep. 12-5. 

Panama, Chamberlain, Eng. News. Nov. 3-3. See also Canals, 

Paper from sawdust, Eng. News, Dec. 27-4; hiSt. of, Bryan, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 3-3 ; water-proof, July 24, 31-6 ; calen- 
dering and cutting mach., Bertram, Mar. 5-7; do. Eng. Dec. 
31-6 ; hand made, controversy, Locom. Dec.-6 ; Bowker, n. 
Sep.-7; do. Harpers, June-T; do. Paper world ; water-proof, 
C.E.Wright, The Eng. June G-4:; mills, Esk and Valley- 
field, Penicuik, Aug. 5-7. 
" Negotiab'le, Iron Age, July 24-4. 

Paris, bu., peojile and poverty, Eng. News, Jan. 12; pop. stat. 
Dec. 27-4; Met. Ey. n. Aug. 15; do. and traffic, Haag, Aug. 
22; sewage util. Nov. 7-5; St. cleaning, Feb. 5 ; water and 
tramway Stat., n. July 10-7; Met. Ej^ schemes, Eng. June 
27; exhib. sites, "89, Dec. .5-4; st. cleaning, Jan. 14 ; as a 
seaport, Nov. 25-7. See also Eng., Muxic, Paris. 

Parks, Yellowstone Nat., U. S. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 20-3; Jan. 
19-6 ; Eng. Oct. 7, 14, 28, Nov. 25-7. See also Boston, etc. 

Partnership. Iron Age, Deo. 4-4. 

Patents, U. S. office, rep. U. S. Eng. Neios, Sep. 10-7; do. 
Mech. Aug. 25; law of , bk.n. Nov. 24-3 ; duration, U. S. 
Apr. 26-4; sys., Am., Perkins June-7; U. S. rep. By. Gaz. 
Oct. 16-5 ; Mansfield, By. £ Eng Feb.-7 ; English, act '83 
and Am. Inventors, Eran. Inst. Mar.-4 
" U. S. office practice. Fowler. Electric. June-6 ; U. S., elec- 
tric, Stat. '86, Feb; sys.. U. S., reforms in, Steuart, Mar. -7 
law revision, do. Elec. World, Dec. 24 ; do. U. S. Dec. 31-7 
office reorganization, U. S., Piatt, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 12-4 
U. S. Eng. May 20; law, mechan. equivs. Aug. 19-7; Eng- 
lish, Eng. files, Jan.-3-Dec.-7 ; do. The Eng. files, Jan.-3- 
Dec.-7; bill, Brit. The Eng. Mar. 23; act. English, Dec. 28-3. 


Pattern design, Day, Sci. Am. Stip. Apr. 9-30-7. 

Pavements, standard, spec, U. S., rep. Hug. Neivs, Mar. 10, 17; 
wood, Paris, Sep. 29-3; asphaltum, Feb. 16; composite. 
Mar. 29; wood, London, Bedell, July 5; do. do. map. Stay- 
ton, Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 6, 13; Kerr, July 19; St., Phil., rep. 
Aug. 9; Kansas City, Dec. 13-4. 
" Wood, cost of, Eng. News, Feb. li; asphalt, Feb. 28; do. 
vs. wood. May 30; St., St. Louis and Markland, June 6-5; 
prices. Neb. Feb. 20; relative safety of asphalt and stone. 
Mar. 13 ; "Ceramite" as paviug material, Gonvy, Mar. 20; 
tar, Apr. 17; road paving material, Campbell, Apr. 24; pav- 
ing, Aug. 21 ; 5th Ave., N. Y. Oct. 2, 9-6; Phil, paving, 
Jan. 15 ; St., Sargent. Sep. 24, 24 ; do. Chicago, Sep. 24-7. 
" Street, Iron Age, Dec. 24-5 ; pavings, June 24-6 ; wood, in, 
London, Stayton, Am. Eiig. June 27-i; asphalt, at Wash- 
ington, Dec. 10-5 ; wood and asphalt, Neville, May 13-6 ; 
and St. Rys. San. Eng. Feb. 19, Mar. 12, Apr. 9, May 21, 
July 30, Aug. 6-27, Sep. 3, 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8-7; do. N. Y., 
Stayton, Eng. & Bu. Rec. Nov. 12, 20, Dec. 3.10, 24-7; 
do. si)ec., St. Geo., London, Dec. 24-7; do. iu London, Hay- 
wood, San. Eng. Aug. 27-7. 
" Asphalt paving of Berlin^ u. Van Xust. Oct.-6; st. Fran. 
Inst. Sep-4; do. W. B. Knight, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 14-5; 
cement paving, Feb. 27-6 ; St., discuss., West. Engs. Jan. 29 ; 
foot, asplialt and concrete, Straohan, Dec. 31-7 ; composite, 
Eng. Deo. 14-3 ; wood, June 6-4 ; brick, Apr. 29-7 ; metallic, 
Wilke's, The Eng. Dec. 25-5. See also Eng., Munic, Lon- 
don, Paris, etc. 

Pen, Mackinnon, writing fountain, The Eng. Mar. 27-5. 

Penn. industries, Eng. Xcus, Oct. 16-6. 

Peru, debt, Eng. News, July 30-7; Iron Age, July 30-5; trade, 
Jan. 14-6 ; prog. Mar. 31-7. 

Perspective, Smith, Power & Trans. June, July-7. 

Petroleum, Am. stat. Eng. News, May 31-4; pipe lines, Nat. 
Transit Co., June 13; do. transport, by, France (naphtha In- 
dus, in Caucasus), Sage, Aug. 1-5 ; Russian vs. Am., n. Nov. 
13 ; Russian, Tarbutt liquid fuel, n. Nov. 20-6 ; furnaces, 
Iron Age, May 3; exports, Aug. 30; as vapor fuel, Nov. 
22-3 ; Caspian, Oct. 30-4. 
" Exports, Iron Age, Jan. 8 ; rock quarry, Alsace, Feb. 12 ; 
transport. Jul}^ 2, Oct. 22-.5. 


Petroleum, oil product, Penn. and N. Y. Nov. 26-5 ; as fuel, 
Jan. 21 ; liquid f uea, Jan. 28 ; do. burners in Russia, Feb. 4 ; 
Russian trade, Apr. 1; carrying vessels, Sep. 2; burner. 
Am. Oct. 21 ; oil wells, Russian, Nov. 18 ; Russian pipe 
line concession, Nov. 25-6 ; refined, exportation. Mar. 24 ; 
Russian, Apr. 7 ; burners, Westphal, Apr. 7 ; liquid fuel 
burner. Aerated Fuel Co. Oct. 27-7. 

" FuKNACES, Russia, MpcIi. Apr. 28 ; as fuel, Dec. 8-3 ; liquid 
fuel, n. Dec. .5 ; quarries, Alsace, Germany, Feb ; refuse as 
fuelinlocoms., Urquhart, Mar ; liquidhydrocarbons as fuel, 
Abel, Aug.-5 ; products, n. Nov.-6 ; combust, of mineral 
oils and residues in b. furnaces, D'Allest, Am. Eng. Dec. 

" ExG., Eteve, Am. Eng. Nov. 3 ; liquid fuel, Tarbutt, Nov. 24, 
Dec. 1, 8; liquid, Dec. 1-6; fuel in Russia, stat. Nov. 9; oil 
for fuel, Nov. 30-7; do. By. Gaz. Sep. 14-3; fuel, July 1-7; 
do. liquid, Van Nost. Jan, Apr.-6 ; strs., Nictiol, Ry. & Eng. 
Feb; oil for fuel, Aug; Russian, rep. Oct.-7; as emergency 
power for war-ships, Fran. Inst. May-4 ; Russian, n. Jan, 

" Products, and. King, Sci. Am. 8tip.'M&j 26; burning ap., 
Lcnfs, Brandt's, Sep. 22-3 ; Indus., Russian, May 31 ; vase- 
line manuf . May 31 ; bitumens, origin of, Peckliara, Sep. 6 ; 
wells, Dec. 13-4; transport., Nat. Transit Co.'s pipelines, 
Olean, N. Y. to Brookline, July 11 ; Am. oil and gas fields, 
Dewar, July 18-5. 

" Eng., Spiel's, Sci. Am. Sup. X-pv. 3; ilium.. King, Nov. 6; 
carrying strs., Martell, Nov. 13-6 ; burner. May 7 ; regions 
in U. S. and Canada, Redwood, Sep. 10, 17 ; marine b. for 
petrol, fuel, Dec. 10; burning ap. for torpedo boats, Dec. 
17-7; products as related to san. legislation, Peckham 
Soc. Arts., Apr. 23-5 ; oil and nat. gas, meths. of drilling for, 
Newell, Jan. 7-6; 1st oil well, Locom. Dec.-i. 

" Liquid Fdeu, Eng. June 22, 2!) ; storage of, Oct. 19-3 ; indus., 
Russian, Feb. 22, Mar. 7, 21, 28, Apr. 4, 18, May 2, 16: oil 
wells in Penn. Dec. 19-4; storage of, Feb. 13 ; as fuel. Smith, 
June 19; transport. July 31 ; do. Harris, Oct. 9-5 ; eng., 
Spiel, Feb. 5 ; iuilustries of Europe, Jan. 29, Feb. 12, 26, 
Mar. 12, 26, Apr. 9; liquid fuel, June 11, 2.") ; carriage of, by 
sea, July 30; strs. July 30, Nov. 26, Dec. 10 ; refining and 
transport. Nov. 12, Dec. 3, 17-6. 


Petkolexim burning furs., Saratofif water wks. The Eng. Mar. 
23 ; storage, Aug. 10-3 ; as fuel, at Forth bridge wlis. Oct. 3-4 ; 
transport, in bulk over sea, strs. July 30; produc, U. S., n. 
Nov. 5; liquid fuel, Dec. 24-6; eng., Spiel, Jan. 21; trans- 
port, of Black sea, June 17 ; fuel in Russia, Commiss. rep. 
Aug. 26 ; fuel, Urquhart, Sep. 16 ; do. on Thames r. Nov. 11 ; 
do. expts., Thwaite, Dec. 9-7. 

Philadelphia, travel (rapid transit), Haupt. Eng. News, Nov. 
S-4 ; highways Imp. Jan. 2 ; pub. bu's, Oct. 9-6 ; manuf . 
industries in '85, Iron Age, Jan. 7-6 ; st. Ry. traffic, '85, n. 
Am. Eng. Mar. 11-6 ; rapid transit in Haupt, Ry. Gaz. May 
30-4 ; geol. of. May, June ; water supply, Fran. Inst. Apr, 
July, Nov.-3. See also Eng., Munic ; "Water Works, Phil. 

Philippine Islands, fabrics and industries of, Kneeland, Soc. 
Arts, Jan. 11-3. 

Phonograph, Edison's, Elec. Hev. Oct. 22, Nov. 5-7; Xocom. 

Photography, engineering, Humphreys, Eng. JVews, June 14-4 ; 
isochromatic. Iron Age, July 30-5 ; subaqueous, Feb. 25-6 ; 
upon wood, Feb. 24-7; do. Mech. Aug. 4-3; actinism, Fran. 
Inst. May ; isochromatic, July ; composite, Aug, (Washing- 
ton) Oct.-5 ; do. Feb ; by lightning flash. Mar ; color-sensi- 
tive, July, Aug; isoch., Ives, rep. Oct ; with phosphorescent 
substances, Dec.-6; heat, Ives, Mar; flash light, Carbutt, 
Dec.-7 ; in medicine. Electric. 0ct.-3. 
" Enamel, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 28; gelatine plates. Farmer, 
May 12 ; pictures on glass, Godard, May 12 ; silver printing, 
permanent, Bruce, Oct. 13 ; ap. for taking at regular inter- 
vals, Oct. 20-3 ; on wood, Taylor, Mar. 15 ; instant. Mar. 29 ; 
mounting and coloring photos, in imitation of oil paintings, 
Nov. 8-4. 
" Photos., vitrified, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 17; non-actinic light 
for dark room. Mar. 14; intensification of gelatine plates, 
Spiller, Mar. 25 ; lantern transparencies, T. N. Armstrong, 
Apr. 4; develop, imps.. Burton, Apr. 18; plates, aids to cor- 
rect exposure of, Goodwin, June 6 ; isoch., Ives' proc. June 
" Photographer's conveniences, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 1 ; sil- 
ver printing, Wallace, Sep. 12 ; cylindrograph, Moessard's 
(panorama phot.), Sep. 19; lantern slides by contact print- 
ing, Nov. 28-5; gelatine eniul. ap., H. London, May 15-6. 


Photography, invisible image, Harrison, Sci. Am. Sup. July 
24 ; oxygen and hydrogen lantern reg., Beard, July 24-6. 

" Instant, operation of sliutter in, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 25; 
chemicals, impurities in, G. M. Jones, Oct. 2; photos, print- 
ing wk. Oct. 9 ; collodio-bromide emul. proc. for lantern 
slides, J. B. Wellington, Dec. 18-6 ; lantern transparencies, 
or wet collodion, Jan. 22; of moving objects, Marey, Feb. 5, 
12 ; unboiled emuls., Newburg, Feb. 12, printing lantern pic- 
tures by artif . light, Humphrey, Mar. 26 ; coating paper 
with gelatine emuls., Burbank,May 21 ; Perron's ap. June 4-7. 

" Printing proc, Husband, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 6; formula 
for develop, of i)aper negatives, Aug. 20; photo-engraving 
processes, Sep. 24 ; amusing, Oct. 8 ; image, latent, and red 
and purple chloride. Lea, Oct. 15-29, Nov. 5 ; coUodio- 
chloride for printing paper, Passavant, Dec. 3 ; camera bel- 
lows, Dec. 24-7; jjlates, sensitiveness of, Pickering, Soc. 
Arts, Apr. 26-3 ; stellar, do. Dec. 23-6 ; in natural colors. 
Lea, Locom. July-7; photo-mechan. printing machs., Bolas, 
The Eng. Nov. 7-4. 
Photometry, Eng. Jan. 5, 12, 26, Feb. 23, Mar. 16, 30, Apr. 20, 

27, May 25, June 8-3. See also Light. 
Physics See also Electricity; Eng., Mechan. ; Heat; 
Light; Sound, etc. 

" Compressibility of solids. Spring, Am. Eng. Sep. 7-3 ; do. 
Apr. 4, 11, Aug. 1 ; matter, kinetic theory of, "W. Thomson, 
Sep. 12, 19, 26-4; magnetization, change in length of iron, 
steel and nickel rods by, Bidwell, Van Nost. Nov.-5 ; aether, 
liminiferous. Wood, Jan; air, physiography, Evans, Jan; 
electricity, atmos., origin, Gerland, Feb; carb. acid in liquid 
and solid state, n. May; energy, conservation of , Dixon, 
June ; light, white, standards of, July-6 ; sound radiometer, 
Dworak, Electric. July-4; microscopy, elec. ilium, in, 
Schultze, Mar. -5. 

" Heat, light and electricity, E.Gray, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 7 ; 
radiant matter spectroscopy, Crookes, July 21 ; liquid vor- 
tex rings, Hart, Sop. 1-3 ; matter, kinetic theory of, W. 
Thomson, Oct. 25-4; gravity, true constant of , A]ir. 4 ; of 
tenuit}', soap bubbles, Sloane, June 27-5 ; atoms and mole- 
cules, Sloane, Jan. 23 ; properties common to fluids and solid 
metals, Austen, July 17 ; capillary attraction, W. Thomson, 
Oct. 9, 16-6. 


Physics, units, theory of (measurement of magnitude), Szar- 
vady, Aug. 13; flow of solids, or liquefaction by pressure, 
Hallocls;, Nov. 5-7. 
" Fine rulings on glass and metals, W. A. Rogers, Soc. Arts, 
Deo. 28-2; colors, proper metli. of measuring, Pickering, 
May 8-4; liquid vortex rings. Hart, The Eng.July^O; W. 
R. Browne, Nov. 23-3 ; matter, kinetic theory of, W. Thom- 
son, Sep. 5-4 ; 3d law of motion, W. H. Hudson, Mar. 13, 
20; motion, laws of, R. H. Smith, Mar. 27, Apr. 3 ; do. do. 
Newton's, Lodge, Apr. 24, May 15 ; do. do. Lonsley, May 1 ; 
n. June 19 ; pendulum, conical, theory of, Lyon, Dec. 18-5 ; 
capill. attraction, W. Thomson, Feb. 26-6. 

Pianoforte, hist., Hopkins, Sci. Am. Sup. May 19-3 ; action, 
Chickering, Lowe, Soc. Arts, Apr. 26-3 ; with organ pedals, 
Wedlake, The Eng. Dec. 31-6. 

Piles, di-iving, cutting mach. under water, Clarke, Eng. News, 
Jan. 27-3 ; do. Apr. 2-7 ; machs. June 16-3 ; in Japan, May 
10-4 ; Becklcr, Aug. 7-6 ; Iron Age, Apr. 29-6 ; effic. Mech. 
Nov.-4; mach., large, Cen. R., Ga. Aug.-5; Ao. Nat. Car 
Bu ; Beckler, Am. Eng. July 14-6 ; stm. hammer. Cram's, 
San. Eng. Mar. 12-7; piles bearing power, formulas. By. 
Qaz. July 8-7; The Eng. May 14, Dec. 17-6. See also 
Building ; Engineering, building, foundations ; Har- 
bor Eng. 

Pipes, iron, fittings, standard. Iron Age, July 12; do. and b. 
tubes, Dec. 20-3 ; nipple mach. Oct. 21-6 ; standard, and 
pipe threads. Mar. 3-7 ; tapping mach. under press., Debaus- 
saux, France, Mech. Jan. 26 ; lead, strength. Mar. 29-4 ; 
joints, hot water, Mar.-5 ; do. Am. Arch. 

" Standard, and pipe threads. Bond, Mech. Dec.-5 ; wrt. iron, 
table, N0V.-6 ; iron, protection from rust, Scott, Am. Eng. 
Jan. 7-6 ; threads, uniform standard, Mech. Eng. committee 
rep. Mar. 2, 9 ; joint. May 25-7 ; continuous stone, construct, 
mach., Hamilton's, jSare. ^)i(;. Feb. 8-3 ; threads, standard. 
Bond, Nov. 19-5 ; do. committee rep. Feb. 26 ; joints for 
nat. gas, Sep. 24-7. 

" Threads, standard. By. &Eng. Apr.-7; lead, making mach. 
Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 1-3 ; cast iron, large, manuf., Widnes 
foundry, Jan. 12-4 ; hose, flow of water through, E. B. Wes- 
ton, Jan. 3-5 ; sheet iron, elbowing mach. Mar. 12-7. 

174 PIPES. 

Pipes, sheet metal, Eng. July 16 ; hydr. testing mach., Ken- 
nedy's, Dec. 24-6 ; fittings manuf . in U. S., Forbes, Feb. 25 ; 
threads, standard, Apr. 15-7; lead, mach., Weems,eng. The 
Eng. Oct. 12-3; copper, expts., Sinclair, Dec. 23-7; do. do. 
Eng. Dec. 2.S-7. See also Plumbing ; Screw Threads ; 
Steam Pipes ; Water Works, etc. 

Pittsburg, map. Iron Age, Feb. 11-6 ; industries, Sep. 20-3 ; do. 
Eng. Mar. 26-6; Jan. 7-7. 

Planer tables. Mech. Feb. 2-4. 

Playpair, Lyon, por. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 17-5. 

Planing Mach., Wilkinson, eng. Tfte jBu^. Apr. 11-4 ; double 
cutter, Buckton, Apr. 8-7. 

Plant anal, as an applied sci., Abbott, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 12-7. 

Plumbing, spec. San. Eng. Jan. 11 ; London res. Feb. 22 ; Met. 
opera h., N". Y. Dec. 20; Am. practice, Dec. 6, 27 ; English 
do. Sep. 27, Oct. 4, 25, Nov. 1, 15-29, Dec. 6, 20-3 ; do. Jan. 
3, 17, 31, Feb. 28, Mar. 13, 20, Apr. 3, 24, May 8, 15, 29. June 
26, July 24, Aug. 14, Sep. 18, Oct. 9, 23, Nov. 20, Dec. 25-4. 
" Am. practice, Jan. 3, 31, Feb. 14 ; and san. features in Com. 
Vanderbilt's stable. May 1 ; exam, paper, June 26 ; res., H. 
G. Marquand, N, Y. June 7, 14, July 3-31, Aug. 7-28; and 
plumbers, July 10 ; a Boston res. July 17 ; Nat. Conven. 
pro. July 3, 10, 31 ; and water supply, H. H. Cook's res. 
Nov. 13, 27-4; Feb. 12; Mar. 26 ; English practice, Jan. 1, 
8, 29, Feb. 19, Mar. 5, Apr. 16, May 7, 21, June 4. 11, July 
16, Aug. 13, 27, Sep. 17, Oct. 8, 29, Nov. 12, 26. Dec. 10, 31 ; 
Hemenway bu., Boston, Mar. 12 ; res., F. L. Higginson, Bos- 
ton, May 28; Nat. Assoc, pro. July 2; in Newport res. Oct. 
1 ; res., Geo. Lewis, N. Y. Dec. 24-5. 
" English practice, San. Eng. Jan. 14, 21, Mar. 11, Apr. 
8, June 3, July 1, 29, Aug. 26, Sep. 23, Oct. 14, 23, Nov. 13, 
Dec. IS; specs, for Syracuse, Feb. 4; requirements for Mil- 
waukee, Feb. 11 ; do. and registratton of in Phil. Feb. 18 : 
do. Denver, May 20-6. 
" Nat. Assoc. Master plumbers, pro. July 1; work, extras in, 
July 22; in tenement, N. Y. Aug. 5 ; Chic, apprenticeship 
sj'S. Aug. 19; appliances for water waste prevention, Coyne, 
Sep. 9; apprenticeship in N. Y. Sep. 16; of West Middle 
school, Hartford, Sep. 23 ; in 12th regt. armory, N. Y. city. 
Sep. 30, Oct. 7 ; why a plumber needs a helper, Scott, Sep. 
30; in Phil. Nov. 20; wk., Hudson r. State Hos. Dec. 25-6. 


Plumbing, English practice, San Eng. Jan. 8, Sep. 3, 17, Oct. 1 ; 

catechism of N. Y. trade schools, Jan. 8, Feb. 5-19, Mar. 12, 19, 

Apr. 2, 9, 30, Maj' 7 ; requirements, Rochester, N. Y. Jan. 22 ; 

Nat. Assoc. Plumbers, pro. June 25, July 2 ; rules, N. Y. 

Aug. 27-7 ; Eng. & Bu. Bee. Oct. 22 ; N. Y. Nov. 12 ; Am. 

Nov. 19, Dec. 3; in N. Y. R. R. Men's bu., N. Y. Dec. 24-7. 
Pneumatic, transmission between London and Paris, Bulier 

sys. Eng. Xcws, M^jr. 28-5; pipes, Equit. Life Ins. bu.,N. 

Y. Eng. & Bu. Mec. Nov. 12-7; despatch tube sys., electro, 

McLauthlin's, Elec. Wo7-Id, Apr. 16-7; tubes, Sci. Am. Sup. 

Apr. 10-6. 
Pole Roads and railways, locom., Tanner & Delaney, Iron Age, 

Mar. 25-6; locoms. and construct. A>n. Eng. Apr. 1-6; 

locom., Adams & Price, By. Gaz. Feb. 19; do. Cowles, Apr. 

16-6; and locoms. Sci. Am. Sup. May 15-6; locom. The 

Eng. Mar. 12-6. 
Porcelain, casting, Iron Age, July 16-5 ; cyl. mill, Weymann's, 

Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 24-3 ; moulding ap., Lauth, Apr. 11-5. 
Portable Steam Boilers and Engines, b., Colby, Iron Age, 

Mar. 26-5 ; eng., Erie Eng. wks. Apr. 22-6 ; semi-port, eng., 

50 H. P. comp., Ruston, Mech. Nov.-4; eng. test, Am. Eng. 

Oct. 15-5; engs., comp., Hornsby, Marshall, Sci. Am. Sup. 

Mar. 14-5 ; do. Turner, Eng. Aug. 3 ; semi-port, and trac- 
tion, Dec. 14; do. Lane & Bodley, Dec. 21-3; eng., Jlather, 

Mar. 27; semi-port, engs., Robey, Nov. 13-5 ; pumping eng., 

Webber, Dec. 24-6. 
" Eng., Turner's, r/ie i'reg'. July 27-3 ; semi-port. comp. eng., 

Burrell, eng. Mar. 14 ; do. 50 H. P., Ruston, spec. July 11 ; do. 

do. Robey, Sep. 26; engs. Dec. 12-4; do. Mather's, May 8; 

semi-port, eng., Robey's, with Richardson's elec. reg. July 

17-5; eng., Budapest exhib. Feb. 5; semi-port, eng., 40 H. 

P., Robey, Edinb. exhib. Aug. 20; do. do. comp., trial of, 

Davey, eng. Nov. 26-6; eng., comp., McLaren, eng. Aug. 

Postal Service of world, hist. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 19, 26-7. 
Post OIRce, U. S., in time of Washington, McMaster, Sci. Am. 

Sup. Oct. 3-5. 
Power, transmiss., hydr., London, Eng. JVews, Feb. 6 ; dlstrib. 

bj' compressed air at Birmingham. England, Oct. 16-6 ; 

transmiss. and heating, stm. and hot water, comparative 

value, Emery, Iron Age, July 21, 28-7. 

176 POWER. 

Power transmiss., long dist., Reuleaux, By. Gaz. June 25-6; 

do. and storing, E. Thompson, Elec. World-, Jan. 24-5. 
" DiSTRiB. to }i"s by riirefied air, Hirn's telodynamic cables, 

Cliretien, <S'ci. Am. Sup. Oct. 10 ; accumulatory, Doliis', Dec. 

5-5 ; measurement of, Suplee, Power and Trans. Juue-Aug.- 

6; and motion, Atliius, July-7 ; dlstrib., hydr. Eng. Aug. 

1-4 ; transmiss., frictional driving gear, Ewing, Mar. 12 ; do. 

by gearing. Mar. 19, June 11 ; dist. by compressed air, at 

Birmingham, Oct. 1-6. 
" Meter, Asliton, Mech. Oct.-5; Eng. Jan. 1-6. 
Preece, "\Vm. H., por. Elec. World, May 14-7; Sci, Am. Sup. 

July lG-7. 
Precious stones, cameo cutting, Marsh, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 5; 

and gems, Kunz, Dec. 31-7 ; in U. S., do. Harper's J/. Dec.-7. 
Press, hydr., 4,000-ton forging. Iron Age, May 27; drop, Nov. 

18-6; power, double crank, Ferracute Mech. Co. Mech. Oct. 

6; drop, press, attainable by, Thurston, Nov. 24-3; do. do. 

Van Nost. Jan.-4; rotary, Fritsche, Mech. Jan. 5; hydr., 

friction of leather collars in, expts.. Hick, July-4; power, 

problems, 0. Smith, Dec.-7; do. do. Am. Eng. Xov. 30-7. 
" Drop, press, by, Fran. /)is«.Dec.-3 ; presses, Socius, Lebee's, 

Poizot's, Champonuois', for beet roots, etc. Sci. Am. Sup. 

Aug. 29-5 ; stamping, Seymour's differential vernier, Eng. 

Oct. 19-3; do. do. Am. Mach; embossing, James", The Eng. 

May 9-4 ; letter copying, Capel's, Feb. 26-6. See also Print- 
Prices, products, rise and fall of. Iron Age. Jan. 28-6. 
Printing and presses, 2-rev., Potter, Iron Age, Jan. 17-4; do. 

Mech. Jan. 12-4; type setting by elec. Elec. World, Feb. 

20-6 ; Marcilly's copper plate, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 27-3 ; 

proc, autographic, chemico-mechan. !May 24; Marinoni's 

rotary, July 26-4; centenary of London Times, Feb. 21-5. 
" Plates or engravings by etching. Gillot proc. Sep. 4-6 ; 

Feister ; Apr. 23-7 ; produc. 60,000 copies per hour, Locom. 

Sep. -7; do. Paper World; mach. Eng. May 13-7; do. The 

Eng. Apr. 22-7. See also Type Composing Machs. 
Propeller. See Marine Propeller. 
Providence, R. I., city rep. Eng. Xeics, Jan. 19-4; pub. wks. 

Apr. 10-6. See also Eng., Munic, Providence. 
Public Works dept., U. S., W. F. Smith, Eng. News, June 11-7 ; 


PULLEY. 177 

Pulley, steel, Fulton, Mech. Feb. 2-4; divided. Cross, July, 
and wagon wheel lub. devices, Sonderling, Oct.-5 ; Fulton's, 
Am. Eng. Feb. 1-4 ; wooden split, July 28-6 ; friction, Feb. 
1&-7 ; cone, Fran. Inst. Feb.-3 ; telescope, Christie, Elec. Bev. 
Sep. 18-6 ; wooden, Elee. World, Aug. 16 ; friction clutch, 
Frisbie's, Dec. 13-4; centrif. friction, Weston's, The Eng. 
Nov. 6-5 ; friction, Oldham, Oct. 29-6. 

Pullman, 111. Mech. June 28-4 ; from a state med. point of view, 
De Wolf, San. Eng. Apr. 17-4 ; expt. June 25 ; casino and 
parsonage, July 16-5; Sy. Gaz. Oct. 29-6; Sci. Am. Sup. 
Mar. 22-4. 

Pulverisers, centrif., Waring, Mech. Feb.-6 ; mach., Tischer, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 30-6; Walker's, The Eng. Aug. 1; 
Wood's grinding mill and separator for hard substances, 
Dec. 26-4 ; Sheppard's crushing mill. May 8 ; GrifBn's, July 
24-5; mach. Sep. 10-6; "Devil" disintegrator. Hardy Pick 
Co. Xov. 4-'7. 

Pumping Engines, Holly-Gaskill, test, rep. Eng. News, July 14, 
Sep. 1 ; and testing, specs., Buffalo, Oct. 6-3 ; Holly-Gaskill, 
Saratoga, K. Y. Apr. 26; pumping by wire rope transmiss. 
Aug. 30; Davidson, test, Brooklyn water wks. Nov. 8-4; 
and mach. for water wks.. Pond, May 30 ; comp. condensing, 
Worthington, June 13 ; pumping hot water. Coles, June 27-5. 

" Engs., Worthington, New Bedford, Mass. Eng. News, Jan. 
26; pumping dredge, Jan. 30; and b's, specs., St. Louis 
water wks. Aug. 7; stm., selection of, Wolif, Sep. 25; Worth- 
ington, high duty, "expts., Mair, Nov. 6-6 pumping plant, 
early Am., Phil. Apr. 16; high service motor, Burlington, 
Vt., Parker, Oct. 1-7. 

" Engs., Am., econ. and duty of, Iron Age, Feb. 26-5; water 
pumping, July 15-6 ; Eider hot air, N. Y. Aug. 4 ; expansive 
working in, Davey, Oct. 13-7; and winding mach. of an- 
thracite coal regions. Green, Mech. June 30-3 ; power regen- 
erator, Bochkoltz, Apr ; Leavitt, Boston Main Drainage wks. 
Dec.-5; comp. Gaskill, June; Wolf, Aug.-6. 

" Eng. performance, n. Am. Eng. Apr. 4; Porter, June 6; 
pumping hot water, Cole's, Aug. 22 ; mach. of Richmond, 
Va. Water wks. Dec. 26-4; Eeynold's, at Allegheny, Pa. 
Mar. 6; Gaskill, duty, table, Ajjr. 10; mach. for water wks.. 
Pond, June 5 ; comp. condensing, Knowles, Nov. 5-5. 


Pumping Engs., Leavitt, Boston Main Drainage wks. San. Eng. 
Mar. 27-4 ; Worthington, Apr. 1-6 ; do. Buffalo, N. Y. Van 
Nost. Apr, July ; Gaskill, Saratoga, N. Y., Hill, 0ct.-3 ; Key- 
nolds, do. Feb.-5 ; Gaskill, test, do. By. & Eng. Jan, Feb.-7 : 
do. Saratoga Springs water supply, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 29; 
non-condeusiug, Pildacre colliery, Nov. 29-4; mach., mine, 
Leavitt, June 6-5 ; do. do. addr. July 31-6. 

" Engs., hor., Hayward Tyler, Eng. Jan. 5-3 ; Gaskill, Saratoga, 
N. Y. Mar. 7 ; May 2 ; friction loss by. May 23 ; comp., East- 
bourne water wks. Oct. 3, 24, Nov. 21' Dec. 5-4. 

" Engs., mach., Bosisio, Milan, Eng. Mar. 6, 20; comp., Dun- 
can, Inv's exhlb. May 1 ; do. Buda-Pesth water wks. May 8, 
22, June 5 ; do. Whitacre, Birmingham water wks.. Gray, 
July 3, 17, Aug. 14, Sep. 11, 25 ; do. condensing, Worthing- 
ton, Nat. Tran. Co. pipe lines, July 31; centrif., 30-in., 
Gwjmne, Aug. 7 ; mach. Inv's exhib. Aug. 28 ; centrif. Aug. 
28 ; comp., Northwich water wks., Wolstenliolme, Sep. 25-5. 

" Engs., Reynolds, Allegh. City, Pa. Eng. Jan. 8, 22; regula- 
tor. Mason, Apr. 9 ; comp., high press., Millwall docks, May 
14; Worthington, Aug. 20; do. high duty, Oct. 1; comp., 
Yokohama, Sep. 24; Sydney water wks. Dec. 3-6; centrif.. 
Khatetbeh, Egyi^t, Farcot, Jan. 28; Lincoln water wks., 
Teague, Mar. 4 ; underground, Denby colliery, Thorne-nill, 
Mar. 25; Prague water wks. Sep. 23; stm., Grendon, Oct. 
28 ; comp., at Watford, Oct. 28-7. 

" Engs., comp., trial. The Eng. May 4; do. tandem, St. Albans 
water wks. Aug. 17, 24, 24; Bascoup collieries, Sep. 7, 14-3; 
hydr., Marplewater wks., Hathorn, Mar. 7 ; do. comp., Dept- 
ford, May 9 ; hor., Bradley, Oct. 17-4. 

'• Engs., mach., high press., Buenos Ayres port, Tyler, eng. 
The Eng. Mar. 6, 13 ; Remscheid water wks. Apr. 10; hydi., 
Drysdale, eng. Apr. 24 ; Cornish, Davey's differential valve 
gear, Aug. 21; hydr. high press.. Fielding, eng. Sep. 25-5: 
comp., Blake, July 16,23; do. Malta water wks. July 23: 
beam, Middlesex water wks. July 23, 30-6. 

" Engs., Alexandra docks. The Eng. Sep. 3; comp., Stockton 
water wks. Sep. 3, 3 ; underground, Hebburn colliery, Oct. 
1 ; mach., Pearn's, Oct. 15; Amsterdam water wks. Nov. 5- 
19-6 ; Burtou-on-Trent sewage wks., Gunson, Feb. 25 : 
duplex. Fielding, June 10; comp., Hampton, July 1, S: ver- 
tical rotative, July 22, 22-7. 


Pumping Engs., vertical rotative, Sontwack water Co. The Eng. 
July 22, 29 ; Indian State Rys. Aug. 19 ; differential, Umaria 
colliery, Aug. 19 ; mach., Widnes water wks, Aug. 26-7. 

Pumps, centrif., large, Iron Age, Aug. 21-4; without valves, 
Keis, Antwerp, June 25-5; centrif., Lawrence Mach. Co. 
Mar. 18; do. vs. reciprocating, July 8-6; constant current, 
Baillet, Mech. Dec. 29-3; ratory, piston. Peck, Jan. 5; do. 
wall, Constantin, Prance, Sep.-4; without valves, Eeis, 
Antwerp, June; centrif., English, .July-5 ; Sigaudy, Mar.-6 ; 
centrif., efflcs., Webber, Dec; flanges divergencies, San- 
guinetti, Dec.-7. 
" Sand, Booth's, Am. Eng. Sep. 12-4; centrif., efBc, table, 
Apr. 17 ; do. Lawrence Mach. Co. Dec. 10-5 ; power, Web- 
ber differential, Apr. G; flange diam. divergs., Sanguinetti, 
Nov. 23 ; centrif. Dec. 7-7 ; press., reg.. Mason, Bij. Gaz. Sep. 
2-7; elec, Edgerton, Elec. Bev. Oct. 22-7; hydrodynamic 
Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 11-6 ; valve, Jan. 15-7. 
" Centrif., expts.. West Surrey water wks. Eng. Feb. 15-4; 
hydr., Moore, Feb. 5; centrif., and hydr. propulsion, June 
18 ; centrif., Wade, Dec. 3-6 ; slurry, Taylor, July 1 ; 
mercurial air, S. Thompson, Nov. 25-7; Clyde, The Eng. 
July 20; revolving piston. Peck's, Nov. 2-3; centrif.. Til- 
bury docks, Simpson, Dec. 12-4; Scott's, June 12; slurry, 
Beasley's, Dec. 18-5; hydr., Johnston's, Dec. 10-6; Whit- 
tlesea mere, Sep. 2; Haarlem lake, Oct. 21-7. See also 
Drainage; Waterworks. 

Punching and milling mach., Nicholson, Providence, Iron Age, 
Sep. 22-7; holes in soft steel, Guerhard, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 

Pyramids, great, of Gizeh, Eng. News, Mar. 21-5 ; do. metrology 
of, Totten, Van IVost. Sep ; and Lake Moeris, Whitehouse, 
Nov.-4 ; builders, do. June-5 ; the great, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 

Pyrometers, Iron Age, Sep. 4-4 ; Saintignon, Nov. 12-5 ; Frew, 
Feb. 4-6 ; Browne, Mech. Feb ; Saintignon, Nov .-5 ; Sou- 
lier's, Sci. Am. Sup. MaylO, July 12; Oct. 11; Ericsson's 
solar, Oct. 11-4; Saiiitignon's, Oct. 17-5; do. Eng. Sep. 4-5; 
Frew, Jan. 8-6. 

Quarry'ING and stone dressing mach., Crump, Eng. Feb. 12-6. 

Quarries, marble, Vt. Mech. Sep. 15, 29-3. 


Quarries, granite, Merrill, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 22, 29-7 ; grind- 
stone, Eng. Oct. 14-7; elec. blasting and lighting, The Eng. 
June 6-4. 

Qdartz, Iron Age, Aug. 30-3; crushing mill. Globe, T/ie JEWS'. 
July 8-7. 

Queensland, Eng. Nov. 19-6. 

Rag Engine, English, Iron Age., Sep. 17-5. 

Rail, 80-lb. Iron Age, Feb. 5-5; 110-lb. Belgian, Eng. iVeM)s,May 
21-7 ; angle bars, broken. By. Gaz. Mar. 6-5 ; buckling from 
tight joints, Greenhill, Aug. 5-7; Ao. The Eng; cambering 
arr.. Seaman, Iron Age, Jlay 24-3 ; cleaner, stm., Prosser's, 
The Eng. July 8-7 ; creeping on St. Louis bridge, Johnson, 
Eng. iVews, Jan. 3-5; do. Iiij. ffas. Jan. 2-5; exports, Brit. 
May 2.1-3; fastening, Davies' sys. Sci. Am. Sup. 3 a.n. ^6; 
fishplate, angle, invention of , Ey. Gaz., May 1-5; rolling 
mill, Parkes, By. & Eng. Jan.-7; flange, Vforn, Lehigh 
Val. R. By. Gaz. Feb. 18-7; heads, form of, June 18-6; and 
wheel gauges, Snow, Feb. 22, Mar. 21-4. 
" Joint, breaks, Becker, Eng. Xews, Mar. 21-5; bevelled, 
Fisher, By. Gaz. Oct. 1-6 ; diagonal, Sayre, Apr. 27 ; Gibbon, 
Nov. 9-3 ; nut lock, Houston & Tex. Aug. 1 ; do. standard, 
Morgan, Louis. & Tex. Aug. 22-4; do. Am. practice, Jan. 9- 
5 ; tests. May 18-3 ; do. sham. May 2-4; rails and sleepers, 
Sandberg, Eng. Xcxcs, Mar. 20-6. 
" Joints, By. Gaz. Aug. 17-3; Feb. 5-6; boltless, expts., 
Gibbons, The Eng. Mar. 7-4 ; broken, By. Gaz. Jan. 30, 
Feb. 6, 20-5; expts.. Hanks, April 2; Fisher, Apr. 23; 
Mansfield, Mar. 19-6 ; standard, Chic. Mil. & St. P. Mar. 25- 
7 ; :Mich. Ceu. May 1-5 ; N. Y. West Shore & B. Sci. Am. 
Sup. July 28-3 ; and steel rails, Sandberg, Feb. 12-6 ; why 
they break, Apr. 3, June 26, Nov. 6-5. 
" Mill, Edgar Thomson, Pittsburg, Iron Age, July 1-6 ; engs.. 
The Eng. Nov. 30-3 ; and cogging mill, Sri. Am. Sup. June 
30-3 ; engs., Davy, Iron Age, Nov. 5-5 ; Dowler's Iron wks., 
Leeds, Kitson, Mcch. Feb.-5, Eng. Jan. 2, 9-5; engs., Wen- 
del, June 13-3. 

" ^TFeT^^^^'T- ""■'■ '''''■ Sop- 30-7; production, 7.o« 
^i/<., Feb. 19-5; do. and consump. My. Gaz. Feb. 19-6; U. 

and Tees, powder ^tl^^^lg^j^^^^^ ^^'^ ^ -"^"g' 

EAIL. 181 

Rail section, 100-lb. Hy. Gaz. June 25, 25-6 ; and fishplate, stand- 
ard, N. Y., N. H. and Hart. Sep. 9-7 ; and joint, track gauge, 
Forney, Apr. 11-4 ; heaviest, N. Y. Ceu. Jan. 16-5 ; standard, 
Chic. Mil. & St. P. Eng. News, June 25-7; do. W. E. Jones, 
Am. Eng. June 19, 26-5 ; do. Penn. R. Eng. News, Aug. 13- 
7 ; do. Prov. & Worcester, Mar. 19-7. 

" Sections, Nat. Car Bu. June-5; heavy, Sayre, By. Gaz. 
Mar. 18-7 ; Mattes, Apr. 8, 15, June 3, 24-7 ; Penn. R. Eng. 
News, Sep. 29-3; Sandberg, liy. Gaz. May 13-7; and splice, 
standard, Bost. & Albany, Mar. 4-7 ; standard. By. & Eng. 
May 7; do. Mas. Car Builders', By. Gaz. Mar. 27-5; 
symetry, ijy. (?a2. Nov. 28-4 ; and tire, Apr. 6-3 ; do. The 
Eng. Mar. 2-3 ; Tratman, Nat. Gar Bu. Aug.-5 ; and wheel, 
standards, Prov. & Worcester, By. Gaz. Mar. 12-6 ; worn, 
Eng. News, May 14-7. 

" Testing in Russia, Eng. News, Nov. 28-5 ; Am. Eng. Dec. 
10-5 ; Van Nost. May-6. 

" 'lliADE in TJ. S. Eng. News, June 20-5. 

" Weak, Germany and France, By. Gaz. Aug. 27-6 ; web, 
thickness, expts.. Von Weber, Apr. 15-7; and wheel for 
common roads. The Eny. Feb. 2-3. 
Rails, and ballast. Am. jiractice. By. Gaz. Jan. 16; chem. com- 
position of bad, July 31-5 ; English vs. Am. Eng. News, Dec. 
19-5 ; and fastenings, Danisii State Rys. The Eng. Mar. 13 
5 ; forms, Eng. News, Feb. 26-7 ; life of, foreign. By. Gaz. 
May 6-7 ; light. Mar. 13-5 ; splice bar breakage, June 12-5 ; 
spliced oiut, Lightfoot, Nov. 4-7 ; spring, Olmstead, By. & 
Eng. Aug.-7. 

" Steel, Iron Age, Aug. 7-4 ; do. By. Gaz. Nov. 25-7 ; con- 
sumption, Jan. 27-7; do. territorially, Dec. 9-6; on conti- 
nent, Eng. May 21-6 ; cost, Eng. News, Nov. 8-4 ; do. Iron 
.4g'e, Oct. 30-4 ; durability. Van Nost. 3\i\j-6\ diO. Iron Age; 
first Am., Durfee, Mech. Sep. 15-3; and iron, prices, /tok 
Age, Feb. 24-7; in Russia, Aug. 5-6; tensile strength, July 
1-6; do.. Hanks, By. Gaz. June 25-6; -waaj: ot. Iron Age, 
Oct. 9-4; worn, Eng. Nexes, Oct. 8-7; do. Penn. R. By. Gaz. 
Sep.-3; do. Manhattan elevated, Dec. 17-6. 

" PuiCES, By. Gaz. Oct. 5-3 ; and track labor, July 10-5 ; pro- 
duction and consump. Iron Age, Feb. 25-6 ; wear of, Am. 
Eng. May 16-4. 


Railroad Accidents, U.S. See By. Gaz. files each month; 
'82, Sy. Gaz. Feb. 16-3; '84, nature and causes for 12 years, 
table, Feb. 13-3; TheEng. July 23-6 ; Mar. 18, Apr. 1-7; 
bridge, Canadian Pac. Eng. News. Sep. 3-7; bridge abut- 
ments washed out. Grand Trunk, Apr. 30-7 ; Ind. & St. 
Louis. My. Gaz. Sep. 14-3. 

" Accidents, Chatwortli bridge, Eng. News, Aug. 20-7 ; do. 
as seen through French spectacles, Sep. 17-7 ; do. The Eng. 
Sep. 9-7 ; coUision, Eng. News, Apr. 9-7 ; derailment, re- 
markable. Chic. St. L. & Pitts. By. Gaz. May 22-5; derail- 
ments, influence of earth's rotation on, Randolph, Van Xost. 
Peb.-3 ; at Donnton, The Eng. Aug. 15-4 ; dynamics, ques- 
tion of, Eng. News, May 14-7; earthquakes and tangents, 
So. Carolina R. By. Gaz. Oct. 29-6. 

" Accidents, English, Doncaster, map, Eng. News, Oct. 1-7; 
do. By. Gaz. Oct. 26-3 ; By. & Eng. Jan, Oct, Dec.-7 ; Forest 
Hills, (Bussey bridge; Roslindale), Bost. & Prov. Eiig. 
News, Mar. 19, 26, Apr. 2, 9, 23, 30, May 21-7; do. By. Gaz. 
Mar. 18, 25-7; do. rep. By. & Eng. June-7 ; Fredonia, N. Y. 
By. Gaz. Feb. 11-7 ; Fribourg, Switz. Sex. Am. Sup. Jan. 

" Accidents, German, By. Gaz. Apr. 6-3 ; Jan. 9-5 ; bridge. 
Glens Falls, rep. Nov. 30-3; an instructive, Havre 
de Grace, P. W. & B., Penn. R. Eng. News, June 25-7; land- 
slide, N. Y. Cen. Eng. News, Apr. 23-7; Mass., '83, By. Gaz. 
Nov. 23-3; Monte Carlo, Nov. 5-6; Penistone, Eng. July 
2.5-4 etc; Portadown. The Eng. Dec. 17-6. 

" Accidents, Republic, O. By. Gaz. Jan. 14-7; Silver Creek, 
Sep. 17, 24-6; do. Frank Leslie's, Sep. 23-6 ; track, safe- 
guards against. Eng. News, Feb. 12, 26-7 ; train, for 13 years, 
table. By. Gaz Feb. 12-6 ; West Deerfleld, Apr. 16-6 ; do. 
Mass. Com. rep. May 28-6 ; Woodstock, Eng. News, Feb. 

" Appliances, Chicago exhib. Eng. News, June 9-3 ; By. Gaz. 

May 25, June 8, 22, 29-3 ; Iron Age, July 5-19-3 ; The Eng. 

Aug. 10-31, Sep. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. IG, Dec. 7, 28-3 ; Jan. IS, 

Feb. 1, Mar. 14, July 11, Aug. 29, Sep. 26, 26-4. 
" Accounts, applj'ing net earnings to construction. By. Gaz. 

Apr. 25-4; Goodwin, Mar. 20-5 ; real estate records Nov 



Railroad Bracket Girder, N. Y. & Buf . The Eng. June 8-3. 

" Brakes, and coupler reports, ^jigi. News, July 2-7; Am. & 
locom. liy. Gaz. Feb. 19 ; Bavaria, July 2 ; continuous, aut. in 
Europe, June Jr-e, Aug. 12-7 ; Mech. Jan.-5 ; Eng. Sep. 25-5, 
Oct. 29-5; The Eng. May 11-3 ; returns, Sep. 25-5 ; diagram 
ap. for, Kapteyn, Eng. Mar. 25-7 ; Am. Brake Co., trials, 
My. Gaz., July 31-5 ; recording ap. Sep. 10-6. 

" Brakes, Burlington trials, By. Gas. July 23, 30, Aug. 6-27, 
Sep. 10, 24, Oct. 1, 22, 29, Nov. 12-6, May 13, 20, 20, 27, June 
10, 17, Sep. 23-7. See also R. Brakes, Frt. tkain, West- 
INGHOUSE ; aut. electro-air. Carpenter, By. Gaz. May 20-7 ; 
Eaines valve, Oct. 15-6, May 27-7; elec, Achard, Aug. 5-7. 

" Brakes, Freight train, aut., trials, Burlington, Eng. 
News, May 21, 28, July 9, Sep. 24, Oct. 1-7; do. By. Beview, 
May 21-7; train. By. Gaz. Mar. 30-3, Dec. 4-5, May 7, 28-6, 
June 10, 17, July 1-7; do. By & Eng. July-7; elec. Park, 
Jan. 7-7 ; do. By. & Eng. Feb.-7 ; car, Wilde's aut. Sei. Am. 
Sup. Oct. 27-3. 

" Brakes, gear, By. Gaz. Nov.9-3 ; German friction stop block. 
Mar. 5-6 ; hydr. fau, Eng. June 1-3 ; interchangeable, aut. 
Feb. 11-7; do. Grt. East. Ry. The Eng. Feb. 18-7; at Inv's 
exhib. Apr. 2-6; Kampfe, Elec. July-4; Loughridge, By. 
Gaz. Aug. 26-7 ; Mallinckrodt, Dec. 19-4. 

" Brakes, pipe coupling, metallic, Kapteyn, Eng. June 3-7 ; 
power reg., Natchez & Col. R., Jackson, iJi/. Gaz. July 22-7; 
screw, Lauf man, Jan, 16, shoe, Oct. 30-5 ; do. Banning, 
June 8-3 ; do. Ross. Aug 15-4; do. Lappin, Iron Age, Jan. 
27-7; slack, question of. By. Gaz. Aug. 20, 27, Sep. 3-6. 

" Brakes, Tanner case, hist. By. Gaz. Jan. 19-3 ; tell tale, 
Lancas. & York. Ry. The Eng. Aug. 8-4; tolls, bridge, Can- 
ada So. By. Gaz. Jan. 12-3 ; train resist, tests, Burlington, 
Eng. News, June 25-7; do. tests. By. Gaz. May 15-29, July 
31-5; do. July 2, 23, Sep. 10, 24, Oct. 1, 22, 29, Nov. 12-6, 
do. June 3-7; do. test ap., Berlin, Mar. 4-7. 

" Brakes, Vacuum, aut., London, Sei. Am. Sup. Jan. 9-6; 
The Eng. Oct. 16, 16-5; Grt. West. Ry. Apr. 27-3; L.ancas. 
& York. Ry. Dec. 7-3. 

" BraicEs, Westinghouse, By. Gaz. Sep. 24-6; elec. air 
valve, Jnne 3; expts., Galton, June 10,10-7; instructions 
for working, Jan. 12-3 ; at Inv's exhib. The Eng. Aug. 21-5. 


Railroad Brakes, Westinghouse, hose, Hij. Gaz. Jan. 25-4 ; 

No. Eastern Ry. Aug. 8-4; Siig; The JEny; tests, Eng. 

News, Nov. 26, 20-7; By. Gaz. Oct. 21, Nov. 11, 11, 25, Dec. 

2-T; Electric. Dec.-7 ; Eng. Jan. 5, Oct. 12, 19-3; Feb. 15, 

July 18, Oct, 31-4; May 1-5; Dec. 9-7; in U. S. The Eng. 

June 10-7; air, wks. l!>j. Gaz. May 23, June 13, July 18-4; 

do. May 21-6. 
" Bridges, removable. Iron Age, Aug. 12-6; viaducts of 

world, Oct. 18-3. See also Bridges. 
" Building, early, objections to, /?'on ^g'e. Mar. 29-3 ; irregu- 

ity of, Kent, Eng. News, Sep. 27-4; rapid, Manitoba, Mont. 

Iron Age, Nov. 3-7; do. San. Eng. June 4-7; stat. Iron Age, 

Sep. 18-4. 
" Capitalization, liy. Gaz. Aug. 26-7. 
" Car, baggage, mail and express, standard, Pitts. Cin. & 

St. L., Wall, Hy. Gaz. Oct. 9-5. 
" Car Builders Assoc, master, pro. Sy. Gaz. Apr. 13, May 4, 

18, June 15, 22-3; June 13, 20-4; June 12, 19-5; Jan. 11, 

18-6 ; June 17, 24-7. 
" Car Co., Pullman Palace, rep. By. Gaz. Oct. 26-3. 
" Car Couplers, By Gaz. Dec. .5-4; Master Car Builders", 

discuss. June 29-5 ; Mar. 5, 12, June 25, July 2-6 ; Sliinn 

committee rep. Dec. 9-7; 42 illus. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 10-5; 

S. W. Robinson, May 8-6. in vertical plane, By. Gaz. Jan. 

29; Ames aut. June 5, Oct. 2-5; Aug. 27-6; Archer, Oct. 

2-5 ; Arkman, Barnes, May 28-6 ; attach, tender, Colby, July 

4-4; aut. June 5-5; M. C. B. rep. By. & Eng. July-7; do. 

Avery aut., C. B. Emerson, Soc. Arts, Apr. 26-3. 
" Car Couplers, Cowell, By. Gaz. Oct. 2 ; Dowling, Oct. 2-5 ; 

do. Aug. 19-7 ; Evans, Nov. 7-4 ; freight, Oct. 2-5 ; do. Mc- 

Keen, May 28; do. Ames, Aug. 27-6; do. M. C. B. rep. June 

17-7; and frt. train brakes, Iowa R. Corns, rep. By. & Eng. 

June-7; frt., aut., Sci. Ar)x. Sup. Oct. 18-4. 
" Car Couplers, Gifford, By. Gaz. Oct. 2; Hien, Oct. 2-5; 

Hill, Eng. Maj' 20-7; liolocaust (injuries by). By. Gaz. Sep. 

18, 25-5 ; Jaimey and Miller interchangeable, McConwaj', 

Feb. 1-4, Janney, Oct. 2-5; at Inv's Exhib. Eng. May 1-5; 

Lorraine, By. Gaz. Dec. 23-7 ; Marks, Oct. 2-5 ; on Mass. 

R.'s, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 18-4. 
" Car Couplers, McKeen, By. Gaz. Oct. 2-5 ; do. May 28, 

July 23 ; Miller hook, Apr 16-6. 


Railroad Cab Couplers, and Janney interchang., McConway, 
By.Gaz. Feb. 1-4, pass, and frt. Oct. 2; Perry, Out. 2; 
tight and loose, mechan. difference between. May 29 ; Titus, 
Oct 2 ; Thurmond, Oct. 2-5 ; trials, Eng. News, May 7, rep. Dec. 
17-7 ; do. at Buffalo, 42 illus. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 10-5 ; do. 
tables, By. Gas. Sep. 18, 25-5 ; N. Y. R. Corns, rep. Aug. 6- 
6 ; Wilson, Oct. 10-4. 

" Car, dead wt., cost of. By. Gaz. Feb. 16, 16-3 ; derrick, stm. 
Aug. 1-4; do. Oct. 23-5; dining, C. B. & Q. Jan. 15-6; do. 
Mich. Cen. Aug. 19; drawing room interior, "Wason, Bost. & 
Albany, Oct. 21-6; dumping, see R. Car, Frt., dumping; 
dynagraph Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 6-4 ; dynamometric, French, 
Jan. 27-3 ; earnings, loss of while repainting, By. Gaz. Oct. 
5, Nov. 9-3 ; excursion, "Yellowstone," Oct. 3-4; fire extin- 
guisher operated by derailment brake, Pitts. Cin. & St. 
Louis, Mar. 18-7; flanging, Eng. News, Sep. 19-5. 

" Car, Freight, special. My. Gaz. Aug. 3-3 ; carrying capac. 
Oct. 5-3 ; table, Oct. 2-5 ; Am. and English, Feb. 8-4 ; The 
Eng. standard, Hilldrup, By. Gaz. Mar. 7-4; do. framing, 
Howe truss. Mar. 6-5; do. M. C. B. June 12; end platforms 
for, Oct. 23-5 ; best size of, Apr. 8 ; and truck, 30-ton, Mich. 
Cen., Susemihl, Mar. 25-7; of future, Garey, 3Iech. May 19- 
3 ; lumber, standard sizes, M. C. B. rep. By. cC Eny. Aug.-7. 

" Car, Frt., box, No. Pac. By. Gaz. Aug. 31-3; do. framing, 
Nov. 4-7 ; do. Russian, May 8-5 ; do. cost, Iron Age, Jan. 6- 
7; do. bodies, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 3-7; do. N. Y. "West Sh. 
& B. The Eng. Jan. 18-4; brake, ratchet, do. By. Gaz. July 
25-4; do. trials, M. C. B. By. <& Eng. Mar.-7; brakes and 
couplers, Iowa R. Coms. rep. June-7. 

" Car, Frt., coal, standard, Phil. & Reading, By. Gaz. July 
18 ; couplers, Sep. 26-4 ; do. and buffer, McKeen, May 13 ; 
do. Browning, Feb. 25-7 ; door, fastening, Scanlan, Ma}^ 25- 
3 ; do. hanger and seal locks, Dunham, Oct. 22 ; do. Wag- 
ner, Jan. 1-6 ; draw gear, standard, Norfolk & West. Aug. 
8 ; draw heads, 42, Sep. 19-4 ; dump, Blaine, July 29-7 ; do. 
Goodwin, July 16-6 ; dumping, Bagnall's, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Feb. 7-5. 

" Car, Frt., gondola, double hopper, Marden, By. Gaz. Dec. 
16-7; locks, seal, Dunham, Oct. 22-6; do. gravity, Feb. 11- 
7; marking, fast frt., M. C. B. rep. Mar. 28-4; rates, load, 
May 6-7 ; rules, interchange, June 29-3. 


Railroad Car, Frt., rules, exchanged, Ry. Gaz. July 25-4', 
do. M. C. B. rep. May 21-6; stock, Burton, Sep.9-7; do. 
double-deck, Apr. 23-6 ; truck, standard, Rich. & Dan. Apr. 
10-5; do. proposed M. C. B. June 12, 26-5; do. 40,000 lbs. 
July 9; do. Lehigh Valley, July 23; do. center plates, 
July 30; do. standard, Bost. & Albany, Nov. 5-6. 

" Car Heating, by stm. Entj. News, Apr. 2-7 ; do. San. Eng. 
Jan. 29 ; do. various methods, Feb. 19 ; do. Mar. 5, test do. 
19,26-7; do. systems, W.A.Smith, The Eng. Dec. 28-7; 
lighting and seats. By. Gaz. Mar. 2-3 ; couplers, Dec. 2-7 ; 
By. & Eng. Feb.-7 ; stm. etc., Karr, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 9, 
June 4-7 ; Baker, By. Gaz. Mar. 11 ; Bost. Rev. B. & Lynn 
sys. Nov. 4; do. couplers, Dec. 2; continuous, couplers, 
Curtis', Dec. 23 ; couplers, different systems, Dec. 2-7 ; Cur- 
tis' frost proof stm. trap for outlets, Ayn. Eng. June 1-7; 
Emerson sys. Mar. 30-7 ; do. coupler, -Hj/. (raz. Dec. 2-7; 
Gold sys. Nov, 12-6 ; do. June 3, 17, Oct. 21, 21 ; do. coupler 
Dec. 2-7 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 4-6 ; Gold and Baker heat- 
ers. By. Gaz. Deo. 2, 16; Hitchcock coupler, Dec. 2-7. 

" Car Heating, hot air, Pearce, inv. Am. Eng. Sep. 21-7; 

Martin, By. Gaz. Jan. 21, do. coupler, Dec. 2 ; in Mass., table, 

Dec. 23; McGee coupler, Dec. 2; Pennycuick srs. Oct. 28 ; 

do. coupler Dec. 2; press, reg., Keiley, Oct. 7; Safety Car 

Heating and Lighting Co.'s sys. May 13 ; do. coupler, Dec. 2 ; 

Sevvell sys. Apr. 29; do. coupler, Dec. 2-7; do. Karr, Sci. 

Am. Sup. Dec. 24-7; Smith & Owen heater. By. Gaz. Feb. 

2.0-7; standard, Dec. 5-4; Westinghouse's sys. Am. Eng. 

Jan. 26-7; Williams' coupler, By. Gaz. Dec. 2-7. 
" Car, life and profits of, Spalding, By. Gaz. xVug. 20-6 ; Iron 

Age, Sep. lG-6; do. West. & Atlan. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 9-6. 
" Car Lighting, By. Gaz. Apr. 15, Nov. 18-7; by elec, Goe- 

pel, Eli'c. Eev. Sep. 17, 17; Barrett sys. Dec. 31-7; by elec, 

incand., Boston & Prov. Nov. 15-4:; elec. lamp, Munich, Sep. 

27-3; do. Kirby, -B)/. Go:.::. Apr. 22 ; Pintsch sys., France, 

Nov. 11-7 ; do. with oil gas, Apr. 6-3 ; do. lamp, May 22-5. 

" Car, loading mach., Kane, J.m. .E^nfii. Jan. 21-6; lubs., expts., 
France and Belgium, iJj/. Gaz. Mar. 5-6; do. in Europe, 
Grossman, Oct. 30-5 ; do. Am. Eng. Feb. 8, 15-4; mileage 
and repair, cost, Spalding, By. Gaz. Dec. 17, 17-6 ; oiling reg- 
ulations, Saxon State Ey. Dec. 4-5. 


Railroad Car, Painters, Master Car and Locom. Assoc, pro. 
By. Gtaz. Sep. 23-7 ; paints, relative durability of simple and 
comp. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 14-5 ; parlor, Mann boudoir. By. 
Gaz. Dec. 14-3; do. smoking, with Frost light, Penn. R. 
Mar. 26-6 ; do. palace. Am. The Eng. Aug. 29-4 ; platform 
and coupler, Blackstone, By. & Eng. May-7; coupler pats., 
Miller, June, Sep, Oct.-7. 

" Car, Passenger, vi^indow blinds, flexible, Wilson, By. Gaz. 
Nov. 16-3 ; bay-window, Penn. E. Aug. 29 ; officer's, Pitts. 
Cleve. & Toledo. July 25 ; painting, light vs. dark, MoKeen, 
Nov. 7-4 ; seats, June 22-3 ; do. Forney, June 4-6 ; do. Mar. 
25-7 ; do. By. & Eng. Mar .-7 ; do. Henry tilting cushion, 
By. Gaz. Dec. 18-5 ; ventil. Jan. 12-3 ; do. Aug. 1-4. 

" Car, postal, Harrison, By. Gaz. Jan. 29-6; refrigerator, 
rubber, Ayer, Aug. 15 ; do. Ely, June 6-4 ; do. door fastener. 
Cloud, Mar. 12-6; Wickes, N. Y. L. Erie & West. Feb. 4-7; 
rolling stock. Am. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 2-7; rules, inter- 
change. By. Gaz. July 10-5 ; Nov. 19-6 ; service and stations, 
Jan. 26-3; shifting at Harrisburg, Dec. 10-6; shop, pass., 
Bait. & O. Aug. 22-4; special, for Gruson ar. plate, Eng. 
News, Apr. 30-7; springs, helical, tests. Cloud, By. Gaz. 
May 30-4; do. N. E. R. club discuss. Mar. 19-6; car trans- 
fer, Ramsey's, rep. Fran. Inst. Sep.-6. 

" Cabs ard locoms., relative wts. of, Mech. Oct. 20-3 ; do. 
Nat. Car Builder ; coal hopper, stm. derrick and car for pat. 
Ry. Sci. Am. Stip. May 31-4. 

" Car Truck, diamond,i?2/. Gaz. Apr. 6 ; standard, Apr. 27-3 ; 
center support, Finlay, July 11 ; center plate, Aug. 22 ; con- 
tinuous frame, Nov. 7-4; 6-wheel, for Kan. City, C. B. & Q. 
Apr. 2-6; frt., Cen. Pac. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 1-4; pass., 
Penn. R. By. Gaz. Dec. 9-7; radial suspen., Robinson, 
Mech. June 16-3; 4^ wheel palace. Am. 2'he Eng. Sep. 26-4; 
trucks, iron timber, Apr. 2-6 ; do. variable gauge, Mackinlay, 
Eng. May 1-5. 

" Car Truck Axles, breakages, German, Eng. News, Oct. 
31-5; divided, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 14-5; friction testing ap., 
lathe. By. Gaz. May 22; boxes, expired pats, on. May 29; 
do. standard, Saxon State Ry. Dec. 4-5 ; do. radial. Bottom- 
ley's, The Eng. June 19-5 ; and shoes. By. Gaz. Oct, 30-5 ; 
strengthening, Griggs, Apr. 9-6. 


Railroad Cah Truck Axles, standard, Eastern R., France, 
Hy. Gas. Apr. 30-6 ; tests, table, Paxson, Feb. 11 ; bearings 
and lub., N. E. R. Club discuss. Nov. 18-7; steel. Coffin, 
Iron Age, Dec. 1-7; do. Mech. Dec--7; do. Jty. Gaz, Dec. 
23-7 ; and wheels, Mech. May-6 ; effect of cold on, tests, 
By. & Eng. Apr.-7. 

" Car Truck, check chains. By. Gaz. Mar. 14-4; do. Feb. 27; 
journal friction and train resist, expts., Wellington, June 5, 
July 24-5 ; journal box, Vogt, By. & Eng. Jan.-7 ; do anti- 
friction, Sharpneck, Am. Eng. July 27-7. 

" Car Wheel, Allen, By. Gaz. Jan. 19-3 ; do. By. & Eng. 
Feb; Arbel disk, Mar. -7; breakage. By. Gaz. June 1-3 
breakages on English Rys. By. & Eng. June-Sep.-7 
Wellman, By. Gaz. Mar. 23-3 ; do. J. M. Ford, Feb. 1-4 
and pulley, Josef Wheel Co. Iron Age, May 26-7 ; and rail 
relations, Forney, By. Gaz. June 20,27; axles and draw-bars, 
M. C. B. standard, Nov. 21-4; base, flexible, Grover, Mar. 
22-6 ; Whitney chill for castings. By. & Eng. Feb.-7 ; chilled, 
casting, Bait. Car W. Co. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr, 4-5 ; exports. 
Iron Age, Sep. 20-3 ; do. By. World ; gauges, Mech. Feb. 24-3 ; 
grinding mach., Lindstrom, By. Gaz. Apr. 22-7 ; and axle, 
bill forms, Sep. 18, Oct. 23-5; raanuf. Mech. Sep. 8-3; roll- 
ing mach.. Fowler, Iron Age, Sep. 1.5-7 ; service. By. Gaz. 
Feb. 2, Mar. 9-3 ; skidding, steel scale from, Head, By. & Eng. 
0ct.-7; standard, tread and flauge, M. C. B. By. Gaz. Oct. 

" Cak Wheels, and axles, Mech. May .-6 ; bad, By. Gaz. June 
5, 12 ; cheap, Apr. 24-5 ; chilled, Whitney contracting. 
May 20 ; defect gauge, standard, July 29-7 ; English, Apr. 
18, 2.5-4 ; flat, Oct. 22-6 ; independent, Feb. 11, Mar. 11-7 ; 
micros, struct, of, Eng. Nov. 5-6. 

" Car AVheels, paper. Iron Age, June 16-7; prices, inter- 
change and axles, By. Gaz. July 17. 31-5 ; running gear tests, 
Northern Ry., France, Apr. 29-7; scrap, Feb. 9, and Car 
Bu.'s club, Feb. 2-3; skidding, steel specimens produced by. 
Head, The Eng. Sep. 9-7; So. Mahratta Ry. Apr. 3-5; steel. 
Iron Age, Mar. 12-5 ; do. Krupp, By. Gaz. Dec. 18 ; do. turn- 
ing, Dec. 11-5 ; do. vs. cast iron, Jan. 12-3 ; do. vs. chilled, 
M. C. B. Nov. 13, 27-5 ; do. do. Jan. 1-6 ; do. spring plate, 
Apr. 24-5 ; do. elastic, Miltmore's, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 6-3. 


Railroad Car Wheels, steel-tired, Snow, Sci. Am. Sup. July 
27-3 ; do. Feb. 13-5 ; strength of cast iron, Feb, 9, 16-3. 

" Car Wheel, tire and axle fastening, standard, German, 
Hy. Gaz. Feb. 20-5 ; breakages, in '86, German, July 1.5-7 ; 
fastening. Cloud, By. & Eng. May-7 ; and flange, standard, 
M. C. B. By. Gaz. June 12 ; turning on axles, June 19-5. 

" Car Wheel tread, Melber, Am. Eng. Apr. 3-5 ; turning 
mach., Miles, By. Gaz. Feb. 12-6 ; wheels, wt. of, Apr. 20, 

" Cattle guard, Kan. C. & Omaha, Eng. News, July 30-7 ; 
chemists. Am. Assoc, pro. By. Gaz. July 15 ; city pass, traf- 
fic. May 6 ; club. Western, pro. Feb. 4-7 ; coal pockets, N. 
Y. L. Erie & West. Oct. 5-3 ; color blindness, tests, Sep. 9- 
7; coramissions, state, Aug. 24 ; 10 years of (Mass.), June 
15 ; combinations. Fink, Sep. 21-3 ; companies as manufac- 
turers, Eng. Feb. 25-7. 

" Construction, Eng. News files ; Gordon's economical, dis- 
cuss. Eng. News, July 31-6 ; engineering, So. Penn. Jan. 15- 
29-7 ; bracket girder, N. Y. West Sh. & B. By. Gaz. May 11- 
3 ; see also R. bracket girder, distrib. of material, Jan. 11 ; 
4 years of, Aug. 1, 8-4 ; rapid, Canadian Pac. Mech. Sep. 15- 
3 ; do. E. T. Abbott, Sei. Am. Sup. Apr. 11-5 ; spirals, 
Georgetown, B. & Leadville, By. Gaz.l^ov. 27-5; U. S., in 
'82, Mech. Jan. 27, Mar, 17-3 ; do. '30-'84, table, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Oct. 24-5 ; do. early objections to, Mech. Mar. 31-.3. 

" Crane, 10-ton, Indus, wks. By. Gaz. July 31-5 ; locom., stm. 
June 4-6; do. Taff Vale Ry. The Eng. Jan. 16-5; hand, 5- 
ton, Sep. 30-7. 

" Crossings, Buffalo, Eng. News, Oct. 29-7; grade, Mass. R. 
Coms. rep. By. Gaz. Mar. 7-4; gates, aut., Connell, Aug. 28- 
5; do. Parks (train protecting bar). The Eng. June 12-5; 
signals, see R. Signals ; stops, state laws. By. Gaz. Jan. 

" Culverts, pipe, Eng. News, May 16-5 ; timber box. Chic. 
Mil. & St. P. May 22-6 ; By. Gaz. May 14-6 ; proportions, 
Eng. News, Sep. 18-6 ; do. By. Gaz. Sep. 10-6 ; sewer pipe 
for, Aug. 31-3 ; Jan. 23-5 ; Dec. 3-6 ; Rich. Fred. & Pot. 
Mar. 6-5 ; iron pipe, C. B. & Q. Feb. 25-7. 
Curves, Eng. News, July 2-7; metric, Oct. 13-3; elevation, 
By. Gaz. Dec. 3 ; widening gauges on , Sweeney, Apr. 30-6. 


Railroad Drainage, and roads, Paine, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 20; 
do. By. Gas; draw-bridge, aut., elec. protection for, Apr. 
11-4; do. interlocking ap., Old Col. Dec. 25-5. See also 

" Ditching Mach., Am. By. 602. June 13-4; ditcher, McGrew, 
Aug. 20-6; and dock wks., Brit. Assoc, Brunlees, Bng. 
iVetos, Oct. 27, Nov. 3-3 ; dynamometer and train resist, on 
govt. Rys., Saxony, By. Gaz. May 1-5. 

" Earnings, By. Gaz. Aug. 17, Sep. 7-3; do. '85, Feb. 12-6; 
earthwork, Specht, Eng. News, Aug. 22-5 ; do. area cross- 
section by graphic meth., Dubret, Van Wost. Jan.-3 ; eco- 
nomical. Am. and English, Eng. Mar. 26-6 ; economics, 
By. Gaz. Jan. 5, 19-3; do. Gordon, Sci. Am. Sup. May 1-6. 

" Elec. calls and ap., Vienna exhib. Eng. Jan. 18, 25-4; do. 
light plant, portable, Suakim-Berber Ry. Sci. Am. Sup. May 
16-5 ; do. Elec. World., May 2-5 ; do. Eng. Apr. 3-5 ; eleva- 
tors, hytlr. car lilt, St. Lazare Irt. station, Paris, By. Gaz. 
Nov. 18, 18-7 ; do. Mersey Ry. hydr. lilts, E7ig. May 14-6 ; 
embankment slide (artit. earthquake), Penn. R. By. Gaz. 
June 24-7. 

" Employees, number, U. S. MecJi. Mar. 3-3 ; sickness and 
mortality. By. Gaz. Mar. 30-3 ; relief assoc, Bait. & O. rep. 
Mar. 21-4; do. Mar. 27-5; do. May 21-6; English stat. Jan. 
14 ; education on Bait. & O. Apr. 22 ; trainmens' premiums, 
Sep. 2, 23, Oct. 7 ; exam., C. B. & No. Dec. 9-7. 

" Engineering, (laying out), Wellington, By. Gaz.Dec. 3-6; 
do. education, Jameson, Soc. Arts, Oct. 28-6 ; engine 
shed, Lond. & No. West. By. Gaz. May 4-3 ; excavator, stm., 
and ballast trains, Dec. 25-5; do. Dunbar's, Nov. 13-5; do. 
Osgood Dredge Co. Nov. 26-6; do. mach.. Chic, exhib. The 
Eng. Sep. 14-3; exhib., Chicago, Ilech. Oct. GS; do. By. 
Gaz. July 6-20; expenses, operating, Erie & N. Y. Cen. Jan. 
12-3; do. op., motive power. May 25-3; do. anal.. Rich. & 
Dan. Feb. 1-4; English and Am. Eng. Oct. 30-5. 

■" Fence, Eng. News, June 13-5 ; ferry boat Solano, Cen. Pac, 
San Fran. Aug. 23-4; do. do. Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 25-3 ; do. 
San Juan, Puerto Rico, Eng. May 16-4 ; do. Cen. Pac. Iron 
Age, Aug. 2-3 ; do. Eng. July 6-3 ; and car transfer, Port- 
land, Or. Ry. & Nav. By. Gaz. Aug. 7-5; stm., Danish State 
Rys. By. & Eng. Nov.-7; first in Am. Iron Age, Feb. 18-6; 
do. Fran. Inst ; do. By. Gaz. June 11-6. 


Railroad Freight, claim dept. By. Gas. Nov. 4-7 ; cotton move- 
ment, May 11, Dec. 14-3; do. Oct. 9-5; credits and miscel. 
charges, Kirkman, Sep. 12 ; delivery, do. Sep. 26-4. 
" Frt. Grain, movement, winter, By. Gaz. Apr. 1,S, May 11-3 ; 
Feb. 22; distrib. Feb. 29-4; June 26-5; Feb. 11-7; com 
crops, Chic, to eastward, July 13, Sep. 14, 14-3 ; Chic, lake 
commerce, Jan. 11, 11, 18-4; shipments, Dec. 14, 21-3; and 
canal receipts at N. Y. Jan. 25-4 ; and live stock. Chic, 
receipts, Jan. 16; do. receipts of eastern ports, Jan. .30; frt. 
rates, for 20 years, Jan. 9-5; receipts, Xo. Western, ilar. 5- 
6; movement of flour, wheat and commerce, Feb. 11-7. 

" Frt., live stock movement eastward. By. Gas. Sep. 30-7; 
loading, cost of. Iron Age., May 14-5 ; loading gauge, Eng- 
lish, By. Gaz. Oct. 10; at N. Y. Oct. 31-4; do. Feb.6 ; pork 
packing, Dee. 2.5-5 ; do. summer, Nov. 23-3 ; profit dec. on 
through from West, Feb. 15-4; rates and class. May 13-7. 

" Frt., traffic, the year. By. Gaz. Dec. 26-4; do. and crops, 
Nov. 23-3 ; do. trunk line stat. June 12, Dec. 25-5 ; do. Feb. 
4; do. local and through. Mar. 25-7; transport, effic. of, 
June 1-15, and pass. May 11, 2.5-3 ; do. table, Apr. 29-7 ; do. 
cost, England and U. S. May 1-5 ; do. expense, foreign, 
Dowden, Van Nost. June-6 ; way-bills, Kirkman, By. Gaz. 
Sep. 5-4. 

" Frts., class. Iron Age, Mar. 17, 24, Apr. 14-28, May 5, 12-7. 

" Gadge changing. East Tenn. By. Gaz. June 4-6 ; Mobile & 
Ohio, May 14, 21-6; on Southern R's in '85, Hudson, Nov. 
11, in '86, Oct. 14-7; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 3, 10-7; gates, 
see R. Crossings, gates. 

" Gauges, in Am. Eng. News, Aug. 9-4; do. Eng; contest. 
By. Gaz. Oct. 12-3; Southern, origin, Aug. 27-6. 

" Grade, adjustment to curves, Whittekin, Eng. News, Mar. 
8-4; crossing collisions, July 30-7; cuives gradient re- 
duction, Vincent, Van Nost. Sep. 4 ; profiles, condensed. By. 
(t«2. Feb. 0-5; descent. So. Park & Pac, map, Dec. 24-6; 
max. for econ. May 20-7. 

" Grades, of world, profile chart, Eng. News, Sep. 3-7; eflect 
of vel. in reducing, By. Gaz. Nov. 26-6; actual and virtual, 
Oct. 7-7; guard rail, standard, Penn. R. June 12, Aug. 21-5 ; 
hist., early, H. Allen, Apr. 4, 11-4; do. 1st train. Bait. & O. 
Eng. News, Nov. 8-4. 


Railroad Incorporations, U. S., '82, Eng. Xews, Feb. 17, 

24-3; imps. do. Mar. 3; instructions to section foremen and 

bridgemen. By. Gaz. Sep. 21 ; do. Westinghouse brake, Sep. 

" Interstate Commerce, bill, £■?((?. News, Jan. 29-7 ; interstate 

transport., U. S., rep. Ey. Gaz. Jan. 22 ; Cullom bill, Feb. 26, 

M;iy 21-6. 
" Land records, By. Gaz. Jan. 16-5 ; legislation in England, 

Tratman, £'h</. Xcv^s, Aug. 1-5; livestock, development of 

grazing on tiie great plains, By. Gaz. June 22-3. 
" Location, Wellington, Eny. News. May 7-21-7 ; do. over 

Blue Ridge, West. Xo. Car. R. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 26-7; 

Jameson, By. & Eng. Nov, Dec.-7; in relation to econ. of 

service. Am. Eny. Apr. 1-6. 

" Locomotives. See also Railways, Street, locoms. 

" Locoms., in U. S., number, u. Eng. News, Feb. 7, Oct. 3-5; 

adhesion to track (liamnier blow in), Fran. Inst. Jan.-7; 

Am., evolution of, Oct.-6 ; do. earljf, Iron Age, Sep. 17-.5; 

do. do. "Best Friend," "West Point,"' 3/cc/(. Sep.-5 ; do. 

.sV-(. Am. Sup. Feb. 10-3; do. Nat. Car Builder ; do. TheEng. 

sup. Feb. 2-3 ; do. cost of, n. Eng. Dec. 23-7; do. heavy, n. 

Mech. Aug. -6 ; mogul, Newfoundland liy. The Eng. Jan. 

19-3 ; do. Apr. 17 ; do. for New Zealand, Nov. 27-5. anthra. 

vs. bitum. coal burning. By. Gaz. Apr. 1-7 ; Austria, express, 

Northern Ry. The Eng. sup. Oct. 2-5 ; aux. stm. generator, 

Sep. 2-7; axles, England, Eng. Xeu-s, Aug. 30-4; do. By. 

Gaz. June 11-6. 
'■ Locoms., Baldwin, wks. E7ig. Nea-s, Apr. 9-7; for Chili, 

By <6 Eng. July-7 ; consol. frt., Chic, exhib. By. Gaz. June 

22-3; do. The Eng. Feb. 1, 1-4; pass. do. By. Gaz. June 29; 

narrow g. consol. July 13-3 ; mogul, New So. Wales, Mar. 

27; "decapod," Mar. 20,27, May 1-5; Sci. Am. Sup. May 

30-5 ; built by wks., table. By. Gaz. Mar. 2.V7. 

" Locoms., Belgian State Ry. By. Gaz. Mar. 2G-6; Eng. Feb. 

12, Nov. .")-6; TheEng. Apr. S-22-7 ; pass. Feb. 5-20-6; 

goods and shunting, Apr. 23-6 ; steep gradient pass. Sep. 11-5. 
" LOCOM., bell, .stm. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 11-4; bell ringer, 

Latow ski, Germany, Ey. & Eng. Apr. -7; Belpaire fire-box, 

consol., Louisville & Nash., Wells, Ey. Gaz. Oct. 24; do. 

Norfolk & West. Dec. 12-4; blast pipes, The Eng. July 1-7. 


RAii.ROAn LocOM, BoiLEK, Lansou, Rij. Gaz. Oct. 16-5 ; ashpan, 
aut., Hart, Sop. 2G-4 ; blast pipe, Old Col., Laudor, June 11-6 ; 
construct. (English b's), Mas. Mech. rep. Oct. 12-26, Nov. 
2-3; crown bars, Grigg's, July 25-4; explosions, Brit. Rys., 
rep. I}y. i& Eiiy. Nov, Dec.-7 ; feed water heater, Rushforth, 
Sy. Gaz. Apr. \^ ; do. Fairbanks, June 3-7 ; fittings, Man- 
chester exhib. The Encj. July 15-7. 

" LocoJi. Boiler, fire-box, Wootten, Phil. & Reading, Ry. Gaz. 
Feb.2y-4; steel flre-boxes, Forney, Tlie Eny. Apr. 13-3 ; fur- 
nace plate, limit of thickness, Ry. Gaz. Nov. 11-7 ; flre-brick 
arches and spark arresters, expts. Nov. 6-5 ; do. Danish 
State Rys. Nov. 5-6; grate surface, Irnn Age, Oct. 7-6; do. 
The Eng ; do. as a factor in rapid transit, Galloupe, Mech. 
Oct.-5 ; f urjiaces, petroleum as fuel in, Urquhart, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Sep. 20-4. 

" LocOM. Boiler, gauge glass, Schwartzkopf, Ry. Gaz. Mar. 
11-7 ; heating surface efflc, expts. Am. Eng. Dec. 24-5 ; lag- 
ging, 3Iech. Nov.-5 ; plates, steel for, Webb, Mech. Aug.-5 ; 
safety attachments, Burgermeister, Ry. Gaz. Oct. 3-4; 
smolvestacli, chimney for anthracite coal, N. J. Cen. June 
1-3; stays, diagonal, Dec. 3-6; tests, Sep. 4, 11; do. hydr. 
Sep. 18-5; do. Mas. Mech. rep. The Eng. Nov. 13-5; water 
gauge, Summerson, Ry. Gaz. May 8-5 ; do. The Eng. 

" LocoM. Boilers, Mech. Mar. 17-3; discuss. Apr. -5; con- 
struct, and tests, Ry. Gaz. Sep. 4, 11-5 ; designing. Mar. 2-3 ; 
stm. making, C. A. Smith, Am. Eng. Jan. 4-4; Bombay Ry. 
The Eng. June 22-3 ; Mas. Mech. rep. Aug. 28-5 ; Mar. 12-6. 

" LocoM., bogie, double engs. Tfte £«</. Sep. 19-4 ; and equal- 
izing beam, origin of, Deo. 31-6 ; bi-akes, driving wheel, 
Mas. Mech. rep. Ry. Gaz. July 2 ; do. consol., C. B. & Q. 
Sep. 3 ; do. Am. Br. Co. Nov. 12-6 ; do. and tender, Beals, 
Sep. 30-7. 

" LocoMS., Brazil, Grt. So. Ry., tank, Black, fiijr. Sep. 9-7; 
Brooklyn bridge, tank. Porter, Ry. Gaz. Dec. 11-5 ; Brooks, 
Chic, exhib., f rt. mogul, June 8, do. shifting, June 15 ; do. 
narrow gauge, June 1, 15 ; do. pass. Aug. 17-3 ; do. The Eng. 
Nov. l(i-3; do. 10-wheel, Ry. Gaz. Sep. 2S-3; do. locoms. 
built by wks. Apr. 15-7; Buenos Ayres & Pac. Ry. Mech. 
June 21-4; do. The Eng. May 30-4; building, in U. S., n. 
The Eng. Sep. 21-3 ; do. cost of, Iron Age, Nov. 3-7 ; busi- 
ness, Apr. 22-6. 


Railroad Locoms., Caledouiau Ey., Scot. Eng. July 30; do. 
express, Dec. 10-6 ; do. pass. By. Gaz. Jan. 28-7 ; do. express, 
Neilson, The Eng. Aug. 13-6 ; Can. Pac. consol. By. Gaz. May 
6 ; do. F. R. Brown, June 17-7 ; do. pass. Eng. Oct. 1-6 ; do. 
Oct. 21, Nov. 18-7 ; and car combined, Lehigh Val. Sci. Am. 
Slip. Dec. 6-4; Caracas Ry., Venezuela, Eng. Oct. 16-5; do. 
tank locom. Sep. 25-5 ; catechism, Forney, By. & Eng. Nov, 
Dec; center of grav. Jan.-7; do. Medi. World; Cen. Pac, 
14-wheel, By. Gaz. Jan. 18-4 ; do. 10-wheel f rt. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Aug. 11-3; do. "El Gobernador," large, Feb. 23-4; do. 
frt. The Eng. Sep. 26-4; C. B. & Q. pass. By. Gaz. Nov. 
14-4; do. June 11-6; Chic. & No. West., Tilton design, 
Dec. 23-7 ; Chicago exhib. July 6-3 ; see also under Baldwin, 
Brooks ; for Cliili, Baldwin, By. & Eng. July-7 ; China E3's., 
first, Iron Age, Dec. 11-4; do. 10-wheel tank. Kinder, The 
Eng. Nov. 18, Dec. 16-7. 

" LocoM. Coal, consump. as affected by temp.. Klein, Eng. 
A^eios, Dec. 10, 17-7; do. per mile on English and Am. By. 
Gaz. Sep. 11-5 ; do. and length of trains. May 7-6 ; coal con- 
sump. The Eng. Jan. 23-5 ; do. Hodgson, By. Gaz. May 2- 
4 ; do. The Eng ; do. and balanced valves. By. Gaz. Apr. 23- 
6 ; do. Am. Eng ; coal delivery, Mas. Mech. rep. Eng. Neiis, 
Sep. 24-7; do. Pitts. Ciu. & St. L. By. Gaz. Apr. 1; 3Ias. 
Mech. rep. July 1 ; station, Hackensack, Peun. R. Sep. 2-7; 
stage. So. West. Ey., Russia, Eng. Jan. 26-3 ; premiums, 
Penn. R. By. (?az. Apr. 17-5; tests, No. Pac. Apr. 2-6; stor- 
age ijlaut, The Eng. Aug. 24-3. 

" LocOM., Col. Midland, 10-wheel pass. By. Gaz. Nov. 25-7. 

" Locoms., Compound, Borries, Iron Age, Mar. 10-7; do. 
Mech. Sep.-5 ; econ. of. By. Gaz. Apr. 16-6 ; Eng. Jan. 1, 8, 
22, Feb. 5-6; The Eng. Oct. 9-30, Nov. 20-5; Brazil, Iron 
Age, Oct. 29-5 ; do. and stm. jacketed, Oct. 7-6 ; do. Paulista, 
Sliarp, Mech. Nov.-5 ; English, Am. Eng. July 10-5 ; 

" Locoms., Compounded, and stm. jacketed, in Russia, expts., 
Borodine, Am. Eng. Sep. 8-29, Oct. 6-6 ; The Eng. Aug. 20- 
6 ; German, Am. exhib. By. Gaz. Jan. 11-4 ; do. do. Van 
Borries sys. Oct. 15-6 ; do. Eng. July 16-6 ; do. Hanover 
Ey. The Eng. Mar. 18-7; on German Rys. Locom. Nov. -4: 
hist. J?i/. (?ax. Aug. 28-5; trial, Aug. 12-7 ; Webb's, Sci. 
Am. Slip. Nov. 28-5 ; do. Lond. & No. West. The Eng. Aug. 
3-3 ; do. Compauliva Paulista, sup. Oct. 30-5. 


Railroad Locoms., Compound, Eny. Jan. 22, Aug. 10-3 ; Sep. 
11, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 23, Nov. 6, 20, Dec. 4-18-5 ; and stm. jack- 
eted, Sep. 3-24-6 ; Lond. & No. "West. Aug. 10 ; Amsterdam 
exhib. Oct. 12-3 ; express, Hanover, Apr. 30 ; India, Sep. 3- 
6; No. East. Ry., Worsdell, June 17; do. goods, Sep. 23-7; 
The Eng. Aug. 31-3; Feb. 15-4; Worsdell's, Grt. East. May 
15, 1.5-5 ; Burgess design, Jan. 29 ; in India, Sandiford, Aug. 
27 ; Nlsbet's, No. Brit. Oct. 22-6 ; Feb. 18, 25, June 3-7. 

" LocoM. Connecting rods, broken, Eng. News, Nov. 5-7 ; 

strains on at high speeds, Mech. May 10, 17-4; Mech. World; 

Bij. Gaz. Feb. 15-4; solid eyes, n. ioco;?!. Apr .-7; Bij. & 

Eng; rods, Ches. & O. liy. Gaz. Apr. 10-5; J. B. Johnson, 

Sep. 16 ; strains in, do. Nov. 4, 4-7. 
*' LocOM., construction, Stroudley, Eng. Mar. GS; do. and 

working, Lond. Brighton & So. Coast, do. TheEng.MnT. 

20-5; consol., Can. Pac. iJ?/. G^a^. May 6-7 ; do. Eng. Oct. 

21, Nov. 18-7; contractor's tank, Pecliet, The Eng. Mar. 11- 

7; cost of Am., n. Eng. Dec. 23-7; counterbalancing, Viel- 

haber. Iron Age, Oct. 6-7; do. Mech. 0ct.-7; do. By. Gaz. 

Oct. 14, 14, 28-7 ; coupler, Wilkins, Iron Age, Apr. 22-6 ; do. 

By. Gaz. Jan. 8 ; Cowles' pat. for pole Rys. Feb. 19, Apr. 16- 

6; crank axles, Mech. 0ct.-4; do. Lond. & Brighton Ry. 

Sci. Am. Stqy. Apr. 16-7; do. Stroudley, do. The Eng. Mar. 

4-7; Crompton's designs. May 7-6; do. -Bn^. Feb. 19-6. 

" LocoM. Cylinder, capac. By. & Eng. Sep.-7 ; piston speed, 
table, Power & Trans. July-7; cocks and spring relief valve. 
By. Gaz. Oct. 21-7 ; packing, metallic, piston rod, Jerome's 
Am. The Eng. Oct. 7, 7-7 ; port slotting mach.. Miles, By. 
Gaz. Feb. 22-4; proportions, Atkinson, Iron Age, May 12; 
formula, July 14-7; Mas. Mech. rep. By. Gaz. July 1-7; 
By. & Eng. Sep, Oct.-7 ; Am., rep. The Eng. Dec. 30-7 ; water 
relief and safety valve, Vielhaber, Iron Age, Oct. 6-7. 

" LocoMS., Danish State Ry. pass. The Eny. Jan. 26-3 ; 
design, Aug. 13-6 ; Dick, tank, Inv's exhib. Eng. June 19-5 ; 
drivers' premiums, Mas. Mech. rep. Mech. Aug. 4-3 ; driv- 
ing-box oiler, Campbell, By. Gaz. Jan. 26-3. 

" LocOM., Driving-wheels, and dead blocks, M. C. B. stand- 
ard. By. Gaz. Nov. 5-6; effect of change in diam. on econ., 
Holmes, Am. Eng. June 12-5; hammer blow of, rep. Fran. 
Inst. Oct.-6 ; tire expau., gas ap. for. The Eng. May 11-3. 


RAILROAD LocoM. Driving-wheel tires, steel, tests. Iron Age, 
Nov. 5-5 ; wear of, Sep. 9-6 ; do. lieatiug and setting maeh., 
Gentrj'"s, The Eny. July 22-7. 

" LOCOMS., Dundee Ry. The Eng. JIar. 2-3 ; Dutch Rys., tank, 
Euy. Nov. 7-4; early. West Point foundry, Ohio, exiiib. By. 
Gaz. ]\Iay25-3; do. Nat. museum. Mar. 5-6; see also R. 
LocOMs., Am; eccentrics, tlirow of. Iron Aye, Jan. 13-7; 
do. liy. Gaz; econ. Eng. Oct. IG; grate surface, Galloupe, 
Oct. 22-5; do. Jfcdi. Oct.-5; do. tests, Oct. 29-5; elec. 
Field's, My. Gaz. Nov. 11-7 ; see also Railvtays, Elevated, 

" Loco.M. Engineers, Brotherhood of, hist, and aims, Iron 
Age, July 8-6; Locora. Engineer's New Years (fiction), 
Weber, By. Gaz. Dec. 26-4 ; English, durabilty, Mar. 12-6 ; 
do. Sri. Am. Sup. July 24, Aug. 21-6 ; do. Eng. Feb. 12, 
Mar. 5, Apr. 2, 9, 30, May 14, .July 2, Dec. 3-6; Feb. 11, May 
6-20, June 17, July 22, Oct. 7, 14, Nov. 11-7; do. The Eng. 
June 8-3 ; Feb. 5-6 ; evolution of Arci. Fran. Inst. Oct. -6 ; 
exhaust damper, variable, Luttgen, By. Gaz. Oct. 1-6 ; expen- 
ses, England, Eng . '^ ov . '2G-6 ; do. wear of mach. The Eng. 
Mar. 9-3; exports, Eng. Xi'irs, Nov. 21-5; do. and car, By. 
Giiz. Oct. 1-6; do. U. fi., 12 years. Mar. 25-7; express eng., 
on an, Sei. Am. Sup. June 6-5 ; do. The Eng. Jan. 16-5 ; 
Estrade's high speed, France, Iron xlge, May 27, June 24-6; 
do. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 10; Sep. 11-6. 

" LocoMS., Fail-lie, Saxony, Eng. Mar. 26-6 ; fast pass., Aus- 
tin, Nov. 5 ; do. indicator on, Nov. 5-5 ; do. By. Gaz ; Festin- 
iog, narrow g. Eng. Sep. 26-4; tireless, Honiginann's caus- 
tic soda, 3It'eh . Nov. 3-3 ; do. May 10-4 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. 
Apr. 4-5; do. Locom. Feb.-4; do. Eng. Aug. 17, 24-3; do. 
Feb. 27-5 ; do. The Eng. Jan. 23-5 ; first, Peter Cooper, Bait. 
& O. By. Gaz. Apr. 13-3; do. in Am. Nov. 19; do. with 
truck, Nov. 26-6 ; Forney, Thyland's Ry., Denmark, Dec. 
26-4; four cyl., for increased tractive power. Iron Age, Apr. 
1-6 ; do. Nat. Car tfc Locom. Bu ; frame forging, stm. drop for, 
Devine, Jlech. June 9-3 ; France, tank. Call, Apr.-6 ; do. 
eftic. of, n. Am. Eng. Mar. 21-4; do. tank jkiss.. West. Ry. 
Eng. Jan. 22-6 ; f rt. mogul. Bait. &, O. By. Gaz. Nov. 5-6. 

" Locom. Fuel, accounts, By. Gaz. Nov. 30-3 ; do. consump., 
Marie, Van Nost. Dec.-4; do. Paris & Lyons Ry. The Eng. 
May 9, 9, 16-4. 

KAII.KOAD r.OCOM. FIT:!.. 197 

Railkoad LocoiM. FcKL, Am. JUng. Julj' 25, Aug. S-4; ecoii., 
Stevens' valve gear, 7?;/. Gttz. Feb. 1 ; do. England, Feb. 29 ; do. 
Sinclair, July 4-4 ; do. Sep. ;J0-7 ; ^yaste, Am. Eiiy. June 24-6 ; 
do. F. C. Smith, Sci. Am. Siqi. Oct. 31-5 ; energy of in, Cun- 
ningham, Van Nost. Scp.-6 ; expts., French, Jlarie, Tiij. Gaz. 
Mar. 14-1; do. Encj. ~^hiy 9-4; petroleum .'is. Iron Aye, Nov. 
20-4; Mcch. j\Iar.-5; Am. Eng. Apr. 20-7; n. J?(/. Gaz. Sep. 
12-4; n. July 5-7; refuse as fuel, Urcxuhart, The Eny. Aug. 
1.5-4; fuel records. Iron Age, Sep. 9-6; eonsump., Cal. So. 
ntj. Gaz. Apr. 0-3. 

*' LocoMS., German, 4-\vheel tank, Uij. Gaz. Sep. 14-3; Glas- 
gow & So. West. Ry. Scot. Aug. 14-5 ; do. pass. Sei. Am. 
Su2J. Nov. 10-3 ; do. Eng. Sep. 21-3 ; Great Eastern Ry. 
England, frt. Uij. Gaz. Hay 23, 30-4; do. pass., Apr. 17-5; 
do. The Eng; do. express, Eng. Nov. 10, 23-3; do. frt. Apr. 
4-4; do. express, AVorsdell design. The Eng. Apr. 20, 51 ay 
4-3; do. Worsdell, tank, sup. jSIai. 13-5; Grt. Northern Ry., 
England, Sterling des. Hy. Gaz. Jan. 29-6; do. Newcastle 
cxhifc. Eng. May 20-7; Grt. So. & West., Ireland, Set. Am. 
<S»j). Sep. 5-5; do. pass. I'he Eng. June 20, July 17-5; Grt. 
West. R}-. express, Sci. Am. Siqi. Oct. 30-6 ; do. The Eng. 
Sep. 24-6. 

" LocoJis., hammer blow of, Mceh. Nov.-7; do. rep. Praii. 
7hs«. Oct.-6; Jan.-7; do. vIik. £■«</. Feb. 10-7; liead-lights, 
elec. ileeh. Oct. 0-3 ; do. arc, Elee. World, Dec. lS-6 ; liigh 
and low. Iron Age, Oct. 14-C; do. Greenliill, The Eng. Dec. 
2, 9-7; high speed, JIar. 14, 21, May 10-4. 

" LOCOM. HlSTOur, "Rocket," Iron Age, Jan. 22-3 ; Mech. Feb.- 
5; By. Gaz. Oct. 17-4; The Eng. Sep. 12, Oct. 10, Dec. 19- 
4; n. JMar. G-5; do. at Liverpool exhib. Feb. 2.5-7; early, 
Rogers wks. Ity. &, Eng. ^-mx.-I ; earl}-, Liverpool & M;in- 
cliester Ry. 1S34, The Eng. Feb. 23, 23-3 ; Dundee Ry. :Mar. 
9.; Crewe, May 2.5-3 ;, Nov. 7-4; list, table, 
Feb. 1.3-5 ; in England, T. West, Am. Eng. Apr. 29, 31ay 0, 
13, Aug. 4-1S-6; do. Sci. Am. Sup. May 15-0; wheels of 
"Novelty," 1S29, Jones, By. Gaz. Dec. 7-3 ; links in, Sci. 
Am. Snp. Oct. 25-4; The Eng. Dec. 2S-3 ; .Sep. 12, Dec. 10- 
4; Feb. 6-5; outline hist, of Am. Eng. Aug. 4, &c.-6. 

*' LocOMS., Honigmann's fireless, caustic soda, Mech. Nov. 
3-3; do. May 10-4; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 4-5; do. Locom. 
Feb.-4; do. Eng. Aug. 17, 24-3 ; do. Feb. 27-5. 


Railkoap I,ocoms., Hoiiigmann's tireless, The Eng. Jan. 23-5; 
Hung.uian State Rys., express pass. sup. May 7, 7-6 ; ini- 
I)rovcinent, Dean, Mech. Aug. lS-3 ; do. in France, Ilij. & 
Eng. Jan.-7; Ao. Jiy. Gaz. Jan. .5-3; do. tj'pe, Chitclioll, 
I-ehigh Val. July 18-4; to Chicago in 18 hours, Grinishaw, 
The, Eng. June 20, July 4-4; imps, in, Mas. Mech. pro. Iron 
Age, July 12-3. 

" LocOM., Indian State Rys., goods, r/te-BH^r. Dec. 4-5; indi- 
cating, Btj. Gaz. July 6-.3; do. Grinishaw, Mech. Jan. 27-3; 
do. Eng. Nov. 5-5; indie, diags., Cln. New Or. & Texas, Ji'i/. 
(7o2. Jan. 2-5; do. Norfolk & "West. Oct. 9-5; do. Sep. 10- 
6; injector Korting, Dec. 19-4; do. Webb, £h^. May 1-5; 
inside cyl. T/ie £«(/. Nov. 16-3; Italj'. iJi/. Gas. Mar. .5-0; 
do. pass., Turin exhib. Eng. July 11-4; Japan govt., tank, 
Kitson, Dec. 31-6. 

" LocOMS., Lancas. & Yorkshire Ry., express, Sci. Am. Sup. 
July 24-6; do. do. T/ie £«(/. June 11, 11-6 ; do. pass. Aug. 
20, 2G-7; light, Antwerp trials. The Eng. Apr. 23, 30-6; for 
liquid fuel burning, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 22-3 ; link motion, 
Stephenson's, The Eng. M.ny 2.5-3; links slotting mach. Ity. 
Gaz. July 31-5; Liverpool & Man. Ry. 1834, early liist. The 
Eng. Feb. 23, 2.3-3 ; logging, Porter, liij. Gaz. Aug. 22-4; 
Lond. & Brighton Ry., express. The Eng. Oct. 12; do. & So. 
Coast, express, Gladstone, Oct. 19, 19, 26, 26-3 ; Lond. & 
No. West, wks., Crewe, Oct. 3-4; do. "Webb, May 8-5; 
Lond. & So. West., pass., Adams, 7i;/. (t'«2. Aug. 26-7; do. 
express, Eng. Sep. 2, Dec. 30-7; do. pass., Adams" design, 
The Eng. & sup. Nov. 4-2.5, Dec. 2-7; Jlan. Ry., express, 
Sacre, eng. Jan. 2-5; Manclies. Sliefficld & Lin., out. cj'l. 
express, Mech. ,luly-5; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 7-5; Mason, 

. bogie. I'rov. Warren & Bristol, Hij. Gaz. Apr. 23; do. 
heavy, pass. June 4-6 ; do. pass.. Am. The Eng. Jan. 9, 9-5. 

" Locoirs., Jlersey Ry. and tun., England, Hij. Gaz. Apr. 9-0 ; 
do. tank. The Eng. Feb. 19-6; Mex. Cen., 4-cyl., Johnstone, 
Eng. Jan. 28-7; Mich. Cen., frt. mogul, liy. Gaz. June 10-7; 
Midland, express, Eng. Dec, 9-7; do. The Eng. sup. Feb. G. 
27, do. jNlar. G; pass, (working drawing), sup. ]ilay S-5 ; 
mountain, Harz, Abt rack-rail, Eng. A'fins, May 22-6 • see 
.also Railways, Mountain; nuitller, Richards', Am. Eng. 
June 29-7; Murpliy design, l/y. Gaz. Aug. 31-3. 


Railroad Locoms., Narrow Gauge, rack and pinion, Sci. Am. 
Snp. Nov.-3; do. Baldwin, pass. liij. Gaz. Sep. 7-3; do. 
brewery, Guineas, Dublin, shunting, Jan. 5, 12-3 ; do. Eiig ; do 
Brooks, Sy. Gaz. June 1-15, Aug. 3-3 ; do. Conglomerate 
Mining Co. July 13-3 ; Festiniog, Eng. Sep. 26-4 ; do. Wool- 
wich Arsenal, 18-in. g. Apr. 24-5 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. May 30- 
5 ; do. metre g., Liverpool exhib. The Eng. June 11-6. 

'• Locoms., Newcastle exhib. The Eng. July 1-7; do. New- 
foundland Ry., Am. mogul, Jan. 19-3 ; New Orleans exhib. 
Ry. Gaz. Mar. 20-o; N. Y. Cen., pass. Eng. May 28-0; 
charts, lly. Gaz. Feb. S-4; N. Y. W. Sh. & B., tenders, The 
Eng. Dec. 7-3; Norris (early), Hy. Gaz. Feb. 4-7; 1st to 
ascend heavy grade, Feb. 4,4-7; No. Brit. Ry., express. 
Holmes, eng. The Eng. Oct. 8-6; Old Col., "Pilgrhu" 
(large), liy. Gaz. Mar. 23; do. Taylor, May 18-3; do. Lau- 
der, Feb. 25-7 ; Paulista Ry., Brazil, Eng. July 10, Sep. 11-5 ; 
Pcnn. R., consol., By. Gaz. Sep. 17-6; and Reading, pass. 
The Eng. Nov. 20-5. 

" Locoms. Performance, Louis. &Nash. Eng. News, June 13- 
5 ; reports, Feb. 0-6 ; returns, liy. Gaz. Jan. 19, Feb. 16, Mar. 
2-3 ; consol. frt., Norfolk & West. May 15-5 ; on N. Y. Ele- 
vated, F. .7. Spraguc, Mar. 12-6; do. Electric; Kan. C. St. 
Joe & Coun. B. May 13; So. Pae. Jlay 20-7; Stroudley's, 
Lond. Brighton & So. Coast, Sci. Am. Snp. Dec. 1-3 ; do. 
The Eng. 

" LocOM. piston rod lubricator, Hoftmaster, By. Gaz. Mar. 
28-4 ; do. packing. Sleeper, Mar. 4 ; and valve stem packing, 
standai'd, C. B. & Q. Aug. 5-7; power, hauling, table, AVell- 
Ington, Eng. News, Mar. 12-7; do. starting do. By. Gaz. Sep. 
3,10; do. cost in dillereut countries, Jeans, Dec. 10-6; do. 
N. Y. Elevated Ry., Sinclair, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 3-5; do. 
cost of, England, The Eng. Dec. 31-6 ; practice, English and 
Am., Whitley, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 11-4 ; do. The Eng. July 4-4. 

" LocOM. repair shops, TatF Vale Ry., CardilT, Riches, The 
Eng. Sep. .5-4; reverse lever latch, May's, Mech. 0ct.-6; do. 
do. Am. Eng. Mar. 9-7; do. By. Gaz. Oct. 8-6; do. Eng. Oct. 
7-7; reversing gear, screw. Grand Trunk, By. Gaz. Jan. 7; 
R. J. Loconi. wks., pass. Feb. 11-7; Roanoke Jlach. wks., 
consol. frt., Norfolk & ^Vest. May 15-5; I'ogers wks., eng. 
details. By. &Eng. July-7; do. pass, and ivt.Eng. Jan. 21-7; 
rotary, Goodwin, By. Gaz. Aug. 21-5. 


Railkoad Locom. running, Buel, Ry. & Eng. Feb.-T; running 
gear, Aug.-7. 

" Locom., scales, Howe, Iron Age, June 19-4; do. do. port- 
able, Mech. May2Jt-4; Schenectady wks., consol. frt. The 
Eng. Jan. 30-5 ; screw reversing gear, Grand Trunk, By. 
Gaz. Jan. 7-7; Shaw's, Fran. Inst. rep. on. Am. Eny. Apr. 
4-4; shed, Cardiff, Talf Vale Ky. Eng. Sep. 12-4; shops, 
Mechlin, The Eng. Feb. 19-6; slip, imperceptible in, By. 
Gaz. Sep. 4-5. 

" LocoMS., Small, Buck, Iron Age, Aug. 16-3 ; Krauss, Mun- 
ich, Dec. 15-7 ; By. & Eng. Oct.-7 ; Dunning, By. Gaz. June 
15-3 ; May 30-4 ; (6-inch gauge.) and large, Manchester 
exhib. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 1.5-7 ; The Eng. Sep. 19-4. 

" Locom. Smoke-Box, extension front, function of. Iron Age, 
Dec. 29-7; Mas. Mech. rep. By. «»,;. July 1.3-3 ; and stack, 
July 10 ; extended, Wabash, Oct. 30-5 ; register diaphragm, 
Concannon, Oct. 7-7. 

" LocOMS., So. Australia, Adelaide & Murray Bridge Ry., 
Thow, Eng. Apr. 15-7 ; of So. West Ry., '51-"8G, The Eng. 
Mar. 11-7 ; spark arrester, Hill's, Fran. Inst. !Mar.-3 ; do. do. 
By. Gaz. Feb. lG-3 ; do. Wilson, By. £ Eng. June-7. 

" LocOM. Speed, high. Iron Age, Mar. 3-7; do. By. Gaz. Apr. 
18-4; do. The Eng; piston and train, -Vi-c/i. Apr.-7; x^roject, 
to Chicago in 18 hours, Fran. Inst. June, July-4; By. Gaz. 
Feb. 2-3 ; indicator, Stroudlej', Mech. Apr. 7-3 ; do. do. By. 
Gaz. Aug. 24-3; recorder, Klose, Mech. Mar. 8-4; do. Eng. 
Feb. 1-4. 

" LocoMS., St. German Ry., Paris, tank, Tlie Eng. Nov. 27-5 ; 
steel in. By. Gaz. Feb. 5-6 ; steaming ap., Greenwade, May 
20-7; Stephenson wks. Eng. Xeics, Xuv. 20, 26-7; do. 4- 
wheel express, pass., Lond. & So. West. Eng. Aug. 12, 19-7; 
Stevens design, express, L. Shore & Mich. So. By. Gaz. Mar. 
11-7 ; St. Gothard, 8-coupled, Stocker des. By. Gaz. Mar. 16, 
23-3 ; do. do. The Eng. Jan. 5-3 ; do. Sri. Am. Sup. May 12- 
3 ; do. Maffel, Munich, Eng. Mar. 30-3. 

" LocOMS., Strong, design, tests, Eng. Xeics, Sep. 17, 24-7; 
Iron Age, Jan. 2.5-3 ; trials, Sep. 22, Dec. 15-7; valve gear, 
Mech. Jan. 13-3; Am. Eng. Feb. 23-7; Lehigh Val. R. By. & 
Eng. Mar, Apr, Oct.-7 ; By. Gaz. Feb. 5 ; valve gear, Mar. 
19 ; u. Dec. 10-6 ; "Duplex." Feb. 18 ; June 24-7. 


Eailroad Locoms., Strong, tests, rep., Leuvitt, By. (rax. Sep. 
16, 16, 23-T; Soc. Arts, Dec. S-7 ; Eng. Mur. 2-3; radial 
valve gear, Jan. 15-6 ; Lehigh Val. R. Apr. 29-7. 

■" Locoms., Swedish Ry., 8-coupled, goods, The Eng. Nov. 19, 
Dec. 3-6; Swiss, Finland Ry., light moguel. By. Gaz. July 
2-6; swivel-bogie IS-iuch guage, Chatham Fort wks. Eng. 
Feb. 25-7; do. Inv's exhib. The Eng. July 31, Aug. 5-7; 
Taff Vale Ry., English, tank. Riches, Eng. Mar. 13, 27-5 ; do. 
do. By. Gaz. Dec. 25-5 ; do. repair shops, Cardiff, do. The 
Eng. Sep. 5-4; tank. By. Gaz. Dec. 25-5; do. Eng. Mar. 13, 
27-5 ; do. Black, Oct. 28-7; tender and truck, 3,000 gal., N". 
Y. West. Sh. & B. By. Gaz. May 14-6 ; do. The Eng. Dec. 
7-3; covering. Chic. & No. West. By. Gaz. Apr. 15-1 ; do. 
No. Brit. Ry. The Eng. Sep. 17-6 ; Thylands Ry., Denmark, 
Forney, By. Gaz. Dec. 26-4. 

" LocoM. Tires, steel. Am. vs. Krupp, Iron Age, Dec. 3-5; 
wear of, Sep. 9-6 ; ap. for heating, setting and removing, 
Pedrick, May 12-7 ; do. By. Gaz. May 13-7 ; steel, manuf . 
July 31-5 ; turnhig tools, Ehrhardt, German, June 3 ; fas- 
tenings, June 17-7. 

" LocoM., traction increasers, -Zi'o jj ^^e, June 9-7; do. trials. 
Dee, Pitts. Cin. & St. L. By. Gaz. Aug. 15-4; Am. Ry. Mas. 
Mech. Assoc, rep. Locom. Sep.-7; tractive power. By. & 
i'njf. Mar.-7 ; and train resist ; effic. of, and water and fuel 
consump., Frank, Van Nost. Mar.-5. 

" LocoM. Trials, Am. Eng. Oct. 29, Dec. 17-5 ; Chic. & Alton, 
Feb. 25, Mar. 4; effic. of bitum. coals. Mar. 4, 11 ; power of 
fuel in. Mar. 18 ; Mich. Cen., Reaser, Apr. 8 ; power, Aug. 
25-6 ; Bost. & Albany, By. Gaz. Feb. 2-3 ; Cen. Pac. Feb. 1- 
4; do. Am. Mach; at high speed, Phil. & Reading, By. Gaz. 
Oct. 23-5 ; Jan. 29-6 ; C. H. Hudson, SH. Am. Sup. Dec. 4- 
6 ; Eng. Sep. 18-5 ; Webb comp. Feb. 1-4. 

" LocOM., Uleaborg Ry. Eng. June 4-6. 

" Locom. Valve Gears, radial. Strong, Mech. Jan. 13-3 ; do. 
By. Gaz. 3Iar. 19-6 ; do. Eng. Jan. 15-6 ; Joy's, J)Iech. Jan. 
12-4; do. Am. Eng. Aug. 29-4; do. Sci. Am. Suj}. Oct. 11-4; 
do. Graham, The Eng. Apr. 27 ; Brown's, June 29-3 ; Fid- 
ler's, By. Gaz. May 11-3; do. Eiig. Sep. 24-6; motion, Can. 
Pac. By. Gaz. Aug. 12-7; Stevens, Mech. July-6. 

*' Locom. Valves, slide, Allen-Richardson, By. Gaz. May 9-4. 


Railroad Locom. Valves, slide, do. Jackson, Ey. Gaz. Apr, 
1-7; friction, Dec. 31-6; friction ap. May 29-5; do. T/ie 
Eng ; Delancey, balanced, Nov. 20-5. 

" LOCOMS., Webb's, comp. Iron Af/e, Sep. 6-3 ; do. Mech. Sep. 
22-3; do. By. Gaz. Aug. 17-3; do. tank, Sep. 23-7; do. En{,. 
May 1-5 ; do. July 1, Dec. 23-7 ; do. The Eng. Aug. 3-3 ; do. 
tank, frt., Lond. & No. West. By. & Eng. Aug.-7; do. Ry. 
Gas. Feb. 15-4; do. pass. Aug. 21-5; do. Aug. 20-6; do. 
Dunbar, Nov. 9-3 ; do. trial, Eng. Feb. 1-4 ; Tlie Eng. May 

" LocOMS., wheel-base, flexible, Fretel's, The Eng. Sep. 26-4; 
do. Sci. Am; wheels, English, By. Gaz. May 2-4; balancing 
do. Mar. 16-.3 ; wheel tires, tension of, Mech. Jan. 20-3 ; do. 
standard. By. Gaz. Sep. 5-4 ; whistle, pass. June 5 ; do. 
single-bell chime, June 12-5 ; Wootten fire-box, Phil. & 
Reading, Feb. 29-4; do. consol., Cul. & Hecla, Jan. 22-6; 
do. pass, mogul, N. Y. L. Erie & West. Dec. 17-6; do. per- 
formance, Apr. 1-7; do. The Eng. Dec. 18-5; do. June 3-7; 
work, standard reamers for, Fran. Inst. Sep.-3. 

'• Loco.M. Works, building in U. S., n. The Eng. Sep. 21-3 ; 
Baldwin, hist. Iron Age, Mar. 13-4; do. Aug. 5-6; do. 
Jlech. Mar. 1-4 ; do. locoms. built by, table. By. Gaz. Mar. 
2."i-7 ; Clyde. Glasgow, Eng. Jan. 8, 15-6 ; Crewe, Lond. & No. 
West. The Eng. Oct. 3-4; Grt. Northern, Doncaster, By. 
Gaz. Oct. 23-5 ; do. Eng. Aug. 7-5 ; Rogers, By. & Eng. Jan.- 

" Locoms., AVurtemburg, Germany, By. Gaz. Apr. 20-3. 

" Mail Crane, Cin. N. Or. & Tex. By. Gaz. Jan. 21-7 ; main- 
tenance of ■way, 40 years, Dec. 18-.5 ; rep. Pitts. & AVest. Feb. 

" Management, Transportation, Wellington, Eng. A'-ics, 
July 2-7; do. organization for collection of rev. By. Gaz. 
July 25-4 ; do. character of men who handle money, Aug. S ; 
do. bonding persons who handle money, Aug. 15 ; do. busi- 
ness, Kirkman, Aug. 22-4; do. retrenchment econ. Apr. 17, 
24, May 1-29-5 ; map, V. S. E}irj. Xeics, Oct. 8, sup. Dec. 3-7 ; 
do. do. lines using Janney coupler. By. Gaz. Mar. 18-5. 

" ^Master Mechanics Assoc, pro. By. Gaz. June 29, rejjts. 
July 6,13-3; pro. June 27-4; June 19, 26-5; June 18, 25, 
July 2-6; June 24, July 1-7. 


Railroad Mileage, new, U. S., '83, Eng. JVews, Jan. 19-4; do. 
Canacla,Feb. 20-6 ; operating, block sys. Bi/. Gaz. Sep. 7-3 ; 
do. station records and papers, Kirknian, Oct. 10 ; do. train 
and station men manual, Nov. 21-4; op. dept. and man- 
agement, Dec. 4-18-5 ; do. Jan. 1-6 ; op. expenses, U. Pac. 
June 3-7. 

" Passenger, fares, surburban, table. By. Gaz. Sep. 2-7; sta- 
tion, see R. Stations, pass ; separating 1st and 2nd class, 
Nov. 16 ; and Ticket Agents Assoc, pro. Mar. 30-3 ; do. Sep. 
30-7 ; traffic and rapid transit, N. Y. Eng. IVews, Apr. 23-7 ; 
transport.. Am. R.'s, '84, Poor, n. Locom. Nov.-5; travel, 
N. Y. and Chicago, My. Gaz. Jan. 18-4 ; handling at crowded 
terminals, Pearson's device, Sep. 30, Oct. 7-7. 

" Patents, U. S. By & Eng. Mar.-7 ; permanent way, iron 
and steel, TV. R. Browne, Eng. JVews, June 7-4 ; see also 
Railroad Track Ties, metallic ; pile driver, stm., Hats- 
well, Flint & Pere M. By. Gaz. May 9-4; caf, stm., Indus. 
wks. June 19-5 ; pipe culverts, standard, Kan. C. & Om> 
Eng. News, Oct. 22-7; pool, By. Gaz. Mar. 21-4; practice, 
anal, in, Am. Eng. Dec. 17-5 ; prog, in U. S. By. Gaz. Feb. 
18 ; do. diagram, Paris exten., St. Louis & San Fran. Apr. 
1.5 ; promotion, July 8-7; pumphig, wind eng., Strong's, Iron 
Age, Nov. 1-3 ; purchasing agent, Kirkman, By. Gaz. Apr. 

" Rates, N. Y. R. Corns, rep. By. Gaz. Dec. 28-3 ; and charges 
bill, Brit. Apr. 2-6 ; receivers, law of. Patterson, Aug. 8-4 ; 
repairs, cost, table, Feb. 25-7; repair shop tools, special, 
Mas. Mech. rep. By. & Eng. Apr, June, Aug.-7; reservoirs, 
water wks., for R."s, mills, farms, By. Gaz. Nov. 11-7; road 
bed, standard, Mich. Cen. Mar. 6-5; round h. and repair 
shops. Rich. & Alleg. Jan. 19-3. 

" Safety Guard, Latimer, Eng. News, May 21-7; do. appli- 
ances, elec. Am. Eng. Aug. 31-7 ; do. econ. value of, By. 
Gaz. Nov. 30-3 ; sand store h., Pitts. Cin. & St. L. Apr. 22; 
do. and dryer, C. B. & Q. July 22-7; saw, Mich. Cen. Nov. 
19-6; screw proi^eller, Gorman, Sci. Am. Sup. July 24-6; 
section foremen's instructions. By. Gaz. Apr. 27, May 4-18- 
3 ; securities and Vanderbilt's will, Dec. 18-5. 

" Shops, Am. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 9-7; Aurora, 111., C. B. & 
Q. By. Gaz. Jan. 7-7; crane. Porter, July 11; notes, Mis- 
souri Pac. July 11-4. 


Railroad Shops, at Derby, Midland, England, By. Gaz. Aug. 
22-4; do. The Eng ; piece wk., Casanave, By. (ran. July 2-16, 
Aug. 6-27-6; repair, special tools in, >Ias. Meth. rep. By. & 
Eng. Apr. June, Aug.-7. 

" Shovel, stni., and wrecking car, Bucyrus, By. Gaz.3-a\y27- 
3; sidings (turnouts), formula for. Parsons, Eng. Xi-irs, 
July 19, 26, Aug. 2-30, Sep. 6-4; do. and crossings, stand- 
ard, By. Gan ; Dec. 4-5 ; do. switch, gridiron, Edgehill, Liv- 
erpool, Lond. & No. West. Apr. 15-7. 

" Signal, crossing, magneto-elec, Penn. Steel Co. By. Gaz. 
Aug. 7-5; Elec. Bev. May 8-6 ; elec, decision, Liverraore, 
Electric. .1une-5; opinion Court, June-5 ; fog and safety ap.. 
Keinpe's, Tlie Bug. July 1.5-7; Gould-Tisdale, By. Gaz. Aug. 
19-7; Hall block sys. Fran. Inst. Jan.-6 ; interlocking, Ber- 
gen Hill, Penn. R. By. Gaz. Oct. 14-7 ; locking gear, Davis, 
E)iy. Dec, 4-5 ; lantern, Metzler, Fran Inst Aj)r. -5; sys., 
Hadden, Electric. May-3. 

" Signaling, by oil pipes, Ij-oji A'7«i Apr. 8-6 ; ap., Lond. & 
So. West. By. & Eng. Nov. 13-5 ; by elec, G. W. Blodgett, 
Electric. Dec; Hardy, Dec.-6. 

" SiGNALiZER, time, Fran. Inst. Jan. -6. 

" Signals, aut., Bost. & Albany, By. Gaz. Jan. 19, Aug. 3-3 ; 
do. June 24-7; do. Sci. Am. Sup. July 30-7; Inv's exhib. 
Eng. May 1-5 ; Blackpool, The Eng. Oct. 19-3 ; do. Liver- 
poo exhib. Dec. 24-6 ; elec, and interlocking, rep. Fran. Inst. 
Jan.-6; do. imps, in, G. W. Blodgett, Soc. A7-ts, Jan. 22-5; 
do. N. Y. West Sli. & B. Electric. Feb.-5 ; do. Eng. Nov. 21- 
4; do. Currie's, The Eng. Mar. 14-4; electro-aut., Blodgett, 
By. Gaz. July 1.5-7 ; electro-magnets, working by, Timniis, 
Van Nost. Jan.-5 ; interlocking and block, Bost. & Albany, 
By. Gaz. Aug. 3-3 ; do. rep. Fran. Inst. Jan.-6 ; interlocked, 
By. Giiz. Dec. 17-6; magnetic and teleph. microphone trans- 
mitter, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 8-.5 ; magneto-elec, Penn. Steel Co. 
Nov. 7-5; Elec. World, Dec. 12-5; do. bells, French, May 9- 
5; photoscope, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 24-5; pneu., Am. By. 
Gaz. Feb. 13-5. 

*' Signals, Saxby & Farmer safety appliances. By. (£ Eng. 
Sep.-7; do. Eng. Jn\y •2-2-1 ; Shaffer sys. .and safety lock, 
Eng. Xeu-s, Oct. 13-3 ; semaphore, switch, standard, Cum- 
mings. By. Gaz. May 14-6; do. elec. slot, Nov. 11; do. 
Johnson's slot, Dec 30-7; do. Harrington, Oct. 31-4. 


Eailroad Sigis^als, semaiJhore, do. My. & Eng. Nov.-T; do. 
Penn. E. By. Gaz. Oct. 2S-7 ; Signal and Switch Co.'sexhib., 
Chicago, July 6 ; uniformity in, Nov. 9, Dec. 7-3; signal 
target tests, C. B. & Q. Aug.27-6 ; torpedo, Palmer, Nov. 
20-5 ; Westinghouse train ap. Sep. 5-4. 

" Single Track, limit of capae. My. Gaz. Jan. 18-4 ; do vt'ork- 
ing, Muir, Feb. 4-7. 

" Snovt, fence, cuttings, Howie, My. Gaz. Oct. 3-4 ; do. Nov. 
26-6; do. Eng. Oct. 29-6; flanger. My. (?a«.Feb. 26-6; do. 
Chic. Mil. & St. Paul, Feb. 18-7 ; plow and track flanger, 
pneu., Mich. Cen. Feb. 26-6; sheds. Can. Pac. Eng. 
Xews., Oct, 8-7 ; shovel, rotary stm. My. Gaz. Sep. 12-4; do. 
Apr. 24-5 ; do. d^o. Feb. 25, Apr. 22-7 ; do. do. Eng. Oct. 
17-4 ; specs. 8ci. Am. Sup. Sep. 15-3 ; do. Eng. News. 

" Speed Indic, Stroudley, My. Gaz. Nov. 7-4; do. Eng. Feb 
23 ; do. Tiukbein, Jan 19-3 ; recorder, Russia, Jan. 30-5 ; do, 
Siemen's, My. Gaz. Apr. 22-7. 

" Speeds, high. Iron Age, Oct. 7-6; Eng. News, Oct. 6-3; 
fast Am. Aug. 22-5; Oct. 23-6; Sd. Am. Sup. May 31-4; 
table. The Eng. Aug. 7-5; English, Iron Age, Jan. 10-4; 
fast trains of world, July 9-5 ; express, taijles, Foxwell, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Jan. 26-4; high, Mech. Sep. 1-3; 3Iay 24-4; My. 
Gaz ; fastest in world, table, Mech. July-5 ; train recording, 
Am. Eng. Feb. 20; fast trains, Brit. vs. Am. May 1-5 ; table, 
Eng. Aug. 14-5 ; Van Nost. Feb, n. Sep.-3 ; train speed and 
power, Schoeffler, Feb; fast trains, Europe and Am., Rotch, 
May-3 ; Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 13-3 ; do. The Eng. Jan. 26-3 ; 
and facilities, Le Van, Sci. Am. Sup. May 2-5 ; fast time, 
Fran. Inst. Apr.-5 ; fast trains. My. Gaz. Jan. 5 ; do. condi- 
tions, Jan. 19 ; do. U. S. Mar. 2, 23 ; do. English, Aug. 17-3 ; 
do. do. express, Eng. May 23-4 ; fast, New O. & Tex. My. Gaz 
Mar. 7; do. table, June 6, 13; do. Chic, to Wash., Bait. & 
O, June 20-4; fast trains, English and Am. May 1, Sep. 4; 
do. N. Y. W. Sh. & B. July 17, Aug. 28-5; English, The 
Eng. Oct. 26-3; fastest in England, Feb. 29, n. Mar. 14-4; 
Sci. Am. Sup. June 7-4; English express, Willock, Locom. 

" Spirals, My. Gaz. Nov. 27-5; spikes, strength of, Apr. 2, 
9, 23 ; springs. Parrel's bandless, Dec. 31-6. 

" Stations, Battle Creek, specs,, Eng. News, Sep. 24, Oct. 


]{AiLROAD Stations, foor, bridge, Arrol Bros., Scotland, i?j/. & 
Eng. Mar.-7; pass.. Glen Kidge, Del. Lack. & W. Ry. (ias. 
Apr. 29 ; do. Jersey City, N. Y. L. Erie & West. May 6-T ; do. 
Ao.Eng. News, May 29-6; do. Micli. Ceu. Sep. 10-7 ; do. 
Kalamazoo, Hy. Gaz. Aug. 5-7 ; do. Milwaukee, Eng. Xeics, 
Mar. 5-7; do. Munich central, By. Gaz. Dec. 30-7; do. plat- 
forms, standard, Tenn. & O. July 17; July 3-5; Powell, 
Phil. Ger. & Chest. Hill, Nov. 26-6; Eastern & Midland, 
Marriott, Eng. Jan. 28-7; N. Y. W. Sh. & B. By. Gaz. Apr. 
23, May 7-6; pass., Ann Harbor and Dexter, ]\rich. Cen. 
Apr. 1-7 ; do Un. Pac. Eng. News, Apr. 2-7 ; do. Am. Arch ; 
and yards of double track lines. By. Gaz. Apr. 24, 31-3 ; Ter- 
race Park, Buffalo, N. Y". Cen. By. & Eng.M.ny-1. 

" Statistics, "82, Iron Age, Aug. 23-3; do. Aug. 7-4; do. U. 
S. Mech. Feb. 24-3; do. traffic, and the year. By. Gaz. Dec. 
31-6 ; steel tires manuf . Iron Age, Aug. 13-5 ; stock fluctu- 
ations, aud eng. compared, By. Gaz. July 18-4; stops at 
crossings, cost of, Jan. 12-3 ; supplies, handling, Kirkman, 
Feb. 11, Apr. 15-7. 

" Switches, ap., Dujour, By. Gaz. Jan. 25-4; curves, May 
14-6; cut-out. Dailey, May 20-7 ; and frogs, Parsons, Eng. 
yens. May 10-4 ; interlocking. By. Gaz. Dec. 28-3 ; do. Sep. 
19-4; do. Mar. 13; do. tables, Nov. 20; and signals, do., Sax- 
by. Grand Cen. depot. N. Y. Mar. 13-5 ; theory of, Stephens, 
Van Xdst. Aug.-3; unguarded. By. Gaz. Aug. 17-3; and 
frog foot-guard. By cfc Eng. Sep.-7; frog, German, By. Gaz. 
Sep. 11 ; frogless, Price, Sep. 18 ; Mansfield, Sep. 25-5 ; do. 
main track. Price, Am. Eng. Nov. 5, 12-5 ; and frog rules. 
By. Gaz. Oct. 26, Nov. 30, Dec. 7 ; frogs, July 20, 27, Aug. 
3, 31, Sep. 7-3. 

" Switches, lock, Mitchell, By. Gaz. Sep. 16; do. Kirby, Nov. 
lS-7; locking gear, Langley, Mar. 11-7; do. Eng. Feb. 18-7; 
points, Barr, The Eng. Mar. 4-7; sidings, gridiron, Edgehill, 
Liverpool, Lond. & No. West. By. Gaz. Apr. 15-7; and sig- 
nal ap., interlocking, tables, Sep. 19-4; split, guard, Mans- 
field, Dec. 9-7 ; stand. Chic, exhib. Dec. 21-3. 

•' Telegraph. See Railroad Train Telegraphing. 

" Terminal facilities, N. Y'., Del. Lack. &^Y. By. Gaz. Oct. 
10; N. \. Cen. Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 6; N. Y. L. Erie & W. 
Sep. 4-5. 


Railroad Terminal Facilities, N. Y. W. Sh. & B., Weehaw- 
ken, Eng. News. Sep. 29-3; do. Ry. Gaz. Nov.-6; do. Penn. 
R. Feb. 20, 27; Boston, Jlay 15-5; yaids and wks., Buffalo, 
Jan. 8, 8-6; terminus, N. Y. W. Sh. & B. and N. Y. Ont. 
& West. Set. Am. Sup. Apr. 21-3 ; timber consump. Iron 
Age, Sep. 2-6 ; do. Pop. Sci. M; do. preserv. experience, Sy. 
Gas. Jan. 12-3. 

" Time, bk. Ey. Gaz. Jan. 21-7; standard, Eng. Neios, Oct. 20, 
Nov. 10-3; Indic, Duraont, Hy. Gaz. Nov. 23-3; rules and 
teleg. orders, rep. Oct. 22-6 ; table making, Eng. News. Sep. 
29-3 ; do. 3Iech. Sep. 22-3 ; tables, Hy. Gaz. Oct. 26, Nov. 2- 
3 ; do. tj'pography, Apr. 1-7. 

*' Track, Parsons, Eng. News, Oct. 4-Dec. 27-4; do. Jan. .3- 
Oct. 17-5; Sweeney, liy. Gaz. Mar. 11-7; Dudley, Soc. Arts, 
Apr. 28-7 ; Inv's exhib. Eng. Oct. 9-5 ; Vogdf s. The Eng. 
Apr. 30-6 ; angle bar breaks, Weiss, By. Gaz. Jan. 14-7 ; 
ballast, importance of, Burkhardt, Eng. Neics, Oct. 16-6 ; 
buckling under suns heat, Greenhlll, The Eng. July 8-7; 
buffer, Shaw, My. Gaz. Sep. 19, 26 ; clearing from snow in 
■cuts (fences), Oct. 3; crossing curve, n. Oct. 17-4; drainage, 
July 10-5; fishplate, defects of, Sep. 3-6; frog foot-guards, 
Hart, May 9-4; frogs, guardrails, etc., tables, June 27-4; 
gauge, Willard, Nov. 11-7 ; gauges and wheel flanges, N. E. 
R. Club, Apr. 23; inspections, Sav. Fla. & West. Aug. 20-6; 
do. stm. car, Merryweather, Eng. Jan. 28-7. 

'" Track, joints stat., U. S. By. Gaz. Dec. 5-4; laid in U. S., 
'82, Eng. News, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10-3 ; laying, joints on 
curves. By. Gaz. Apr. 6-3; do. mach. Sci. Am. Snp. Aug. 27- 
7; lifting jack, German, By. Gaz. May 20; (per. way), 
Lond. & No. West. July 8-7; maintenance of way. Tread- 
well, Am. Eng. Aug. 27, Sep. 3-5 ; do. as affected b}' traffic. 
By. Gaz. Dec. 4-5 ; materials, Kirkman, Apr. 29-7; metallic, 
see R. Track Ties, metallic ; safety guard pat., Latimer, 
E7Lg. News, May 7-7; signs, standard, N. Y. Penn. & O. By. 
Gaz. May 23-4; specimen, fine, Eng. News, Sep. 17-7; spike, 
Penn. E. By. Gaz. Dec. 4-5 ; standard, N. Y. L. Erie & ^V. 
June 3-6 ; sun kinks, Mech. 0ct.-4. 

" Track Ties, Eng. News, Aug. 4, Dec. 29-3; By. Bevicw; 
By. Gaz. Apr. 10-5; Am., standard dimens; Eng. News, 
Jan. 17-5; do. By. Gaz. Dec. 26-4; beechwood for, Emj. 
News, Apr. 3-6 ; diestnut oak for, n. liy. Gaz. Dec. lG-7. 


Railroad Track Ties, creosoting ap., Chaligny's, iSci. Am. 
Sup. Nov. 21-5 ; durability, Eng. News, Aug. 29-5 ; Hough 
rep. June 27-5 ; of Florida Oiik, Am. Eng. Apr. 22-6 ; on 
French Rj'S., consumi^. of, Eng. News, Feb. 28-5; and for- 
est destruction, 7??/. Ga.z. Feb. 16-3 ; 111. Cen., tie and rail 
renewals, Apr. 2-6 ; length of, Eng. June 17-7. 

" Ti;ack Ties, metallic, Legrand, Eng. News, Jan. 15, 29, 
Feb. 5-7; Tratnian, Feb. 12-7; iron, in Germany, Jung- 
becker, Mar. 8-4; do. May 30; Holland, June 13-5; in 
Europe, Apr. 24-6 ; Post's, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 14-5 ; do. The 
Eng. July 22 ; Quelch's, Dec. 30-7 ; June 12-5 ; iron and 
steel in Europe, Iron Age, Apr. 29-6 ; do. Browne, Eij. Gaz. 
June 13-4; Jhj. £;((/. Mar. 13-5; steel, Oct. 20-6 ; cast iron 
sleeper, N. Y. Cen., Toiicey, By. Gaz. Sep. 4-5 ; iron vs. 
wood, German, Meyer, Feb. 19-6 ; iron, expt. June 4, 4, 11-6 ; 
do. Post, Sep. 9-7 ; composite ties, Austin, Seidl, Dec 9; 
cost of maintenance, Dec. 10-7; steel sleepers, Post, Van 
-Y(/,>.^ Aug-6 ; do, Midland Ry., England, iJj/. Ga^. Jan. 8- 
G ; Loud. & No. AVest. Apr. 13-3 ; do. Webb's, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Oct. 4-4; do. Eng. May 1-5 ; do. Netherlands State Ry., 
Braet, 7?;/. & Eng. Aug; do- on European Rys. Nov.-7; iron 
and steel, German, Eng. Feb. 2G-6 ; steel, Hoerde, Aug. 12- 
7 ; Taj-lor, The Eng. Feb. 25-7; on German Rys. June 4-6; 
do. Sheffler sys. June 25-6. 

" Track Ties, preserv. Eng. Nev;s, Dec. 27-4; Hy. Gaz. Feb 
19-6; Aug. 19-7; by antiseptics. Card, By. & Eng. Sep.-7; 
Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 20-7. 

" Traffic, U. S., "83, By. Gaz. Dec. 28-3; and U. S. exports 
and imports, Feb. 5-6 ; growtli of agric. and other. May 18- 
3 ; wts., anal. Am. Eng. Feb. 11-6 ; Chicago sliipinents. By. 
Gaz. Jan. 20; receipts and No. 'West, productions, Feb. 23- 
3 ; cost of transport. Oct. 21-7 ; crops, June 15 ; do. develop- 
ment. Mar. 2-3 ; haul, graph, det. of dist. of, Eng. Neics, 
Apr. 14-3; hog packing in Northwest, By. Gaz. Mar. IG; as 
aft'ected by iron Indus. June 15; lumber, June 15-3; pass., 
Pac. Coast, May 28-6 ; see also under names of cities ; safety 
of travel. Eng. Netcs, Oct. 3-5; stat. if (/. &«5:. Dec. 31-6 ; 
traffic union, German, Nov. 18-7. 

" Traction, draw-bar, C. B. & Q. Eng. Neurs, May 14-7. 

" Train, cost of running, JUecli. May 10-4; despatchers diags.. 
Bii. Gaz. Julv 13-3 ifec. 


Railroad Train, elec. continuous, Sci. 'Am, Sup. Aug. 13-7; 
frt., long, Louis N. Or. & Tex. Ey. Gas. Dec. 11-5; 
Locom. Apr.-6 ; indie, Boynton's, G. W. Blodgett, Soc. Arts, 
Apr. 9-5 ; lamp. Watts', My. Gaz. Dec. 25-5 ; lighting by 
elec, Blodgett, By. & Eng. Oct.-7; do. expt., Massey, Elec. 
Sev. June 21-4; elec. lighting, Elec. World, Dec. 5-5; G. W. 
Blodgett, July 9-7; Eng. Dec. 5-4; movement by teleg.. 
Turner, My. Gaz. Jan. 15, 29, Feb. 5-26-6 ; orders, and rules, 
uniform, July 3-5 ; telegraphic, Apr. 22, 29-7 ; pipe indie. 
West. Brake Co., Kapteyn, Eng. Oct. 9-5; President's, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Oct. 29-7; puUman, from Calais toRome, By. Gaz, 
Apr. 6-3. 
" Train RESIST., tests, Eng. News, Dec. 10-7; Sci. Am. Sup. 
Oct. 6-3; and journal friction expts., Wellington, The Eng. 
June 26-5 ; do. By. Gaz ; and tractive power, Galloupe, Am. 
Eng. Dec. 3-5 ; and locom. tests, Jan. 21, 28-6 ; curve, 
Trautwine, By. Gaz. Feb. 1, Mar. 14-4; do. as affected by 
length of train, Oct. 9-5; Van Nost. Aug.-3; The Eng; do. 
compensation for, Randolph, Van Nost. Mar .-4; do. as an 
element of danger, Mackensie, Jan.-4; resist, expts. By. 
Gaz. Mar. 12; do. Hudson, Mar. 26-6; Van Nost. Mar.-6 ; 
resist., winter and summer i?;/. Gaz. Apr. 9; tests, Burling- 
ton, Nov. 19-6; resist., M. C. B. rep. June 17-7; Locom. 
Aug.-7; and tractive power, iJy. 6raz. Dec. 30-7 ; Desdouits, 
By. & Eng. Feb; M. C. B. rep. July-7; due to grav. on 
inclines, table. The Eng. sup. July 23-6. 

" Train rules. By. Gaz. May 11, 18, June 1-29, July 6-27-3 ; 

Mar. 25-7 ; and teleg., uniform, rep.. May 8-5 ; in 1845, Mar. 

12-6 ; running, cost of, Eng. News, Mar. 29-4 ; service. Am. 

and foreign, HacUey, By. Gaz. Nov. 25-7; signal, elec. 

Acme, Elec. Bev. Aug. 6-7; signaling ap., aut., Ducousso's, 

Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14-3 ; Eng. Jan. 5-3 ; Buyer's, The Eng. 

Oct. 22-6 ; speeds, rule for, Steiner, Eng. News, Mar. 29-4 ; 

n. Sep. 18-6. 
" Train Telegraphing, Phelp's elec. induction, By. Gaz. 

Feb. 20, u. Apr. 10-5 ; Sep. 16-7 ; do. from morning trains,- 

Fraji. Inst. Sep.-5 ; do. on moving trains, July-6 ; Electric. 

0ct.-3; Phelp's induction, from moving trains, n. Mar-5; 

Aug.-7; do. sys., expts. Elec. Bev. Feb. 21-5; by induction, 

Lehigh Valley, Sep. 24, Oct. 15-7 ; with moving trains, Elec. 

World, Feb. 21, Dec 5-5 ; Edison's sys., Phelps, Mar. 6-6. 


Railroad Train Telegraphing, duplex, Elec. World, Nov, 
13-6; Lehigh Valley, Sep. 24-7; to moving trains, Rudd, 
West. Electric. Dec. 3-7 ; Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 3-7. See also 
Railroad Telegraph. 

" Train weights and speeds, frt., u. Eiig. News, Sep. 18-6; 
wrecks, managing, The Eng. Jnne-I^-S; Xat. CarBu; trains, 
frt., long, Louisville N. Or. & Tex. Eng. Neios, Dec. 19-5; 
Sy. Gaz. Dec. 11-5. 

" Travelers risks, Bly, Eng. JVeios, July 25-5 ; traveling in 
1849, By. Gaz. Aug. 3; tunnel wk., Pittsburg, Aug. 24-3 ; 
turntable, \\ooden, Eng. News, Feb. 24-3 ; \\'rt. iron, Low- 
thorp, Apr. 2-7; do. and eng., Altoona, Peun. R. Mech. Jan. 
19-4; Eng. July 13-3; and sand house, Del. Lack. & AVest., 
Hoboken, 3Iech. Dec.-4 ; do. Fritzsche, J};/. Gaz. Feb. 9-3 ; 
turntables, Indian State Rys. The Eng. Oct. 29-1 ; watch- 
mans shanty, Eng. News, Aug. 8, 1.5-5; water column, Poage, 
By. Gaz. Sep. 21 ; water crane, Penn. R., Collin, Aug. 24-3 ; 
do. crane, White, Mar. 7-4; Indian State Rys. The Eng. 
Oct. 7-7. 

" What constitutes a. By. Gaz. July 31-5 ; whistles, expts. 
Aug. 24, 31-3 ; wrecking and stm. shovel car, Baruhart, Feb. 
Railroading, elements of, drainage, By. Gaz. Xov. 7-4 ; locoms., 
Paine, Dec. 26-4; pass, movement, Jan. 16; frt. Jan. 9, 
cars, Jan. 2-5 ; real estate, records, etc. Nov. 14: shops, eng 
h. Dec. 12; stations, Nov. 21 ; teleg. fences, Dec. 19; track, 
main and sidings, Dec. 5-4; scientific, J. H. AVilsou, Dec. 

Railroads, including reports of North American R. R's. See 
Railways, for foreign lines. See also By. Gaz. files, Eng. 
News files, for news items and construction notes. 

" Of AVorld, Iron Age, JIar. 5-5 ; July 15-6 ; Trasonster, 
Eng. Neies, Feb. 28-5 ; Mech Jan. 6-3 ; By. Gaz. June 4-6 ; 
June 3-7; Van Nost. Mar. -3; prog., table. Iron Aye, Jan. 
11-3 ; Stat. Eng. Neus, Mar. 7-5. 

" U.S., progress of, chart. By. Gaz. Feb. 18-7; transcontin- 
ental, from French standpoint, Eng. Xeu's. Mar. 14-5 ; Sci. 
Am. Sup. Dec. 17-7; AVestern Assoc, rep. 7?;/. Gaz. Jan. 
19-3 ; in 1830, Eng. News. Sep. 29-3 ; Am., in 1840, Iron Age. 
Sep. 16-6; early Am. ,S<-/. ,1»). Sup. Sep. 15-3; 1880, com- 
plete census stat. By. Gaz. Feb. 9-3. 


Railroads, U. S. "82, Poor's Manual, Eng. News, Sep. 8-3; 
review of, liy. Gaz. Aug. 17, table, Aug. 24-3; '83, Aug. 
1-4; "84, Poor, Eng. News, Oct. 4-4; table, By. Gaz. Aug. 
7, 28-5 ; '85, Poor's rep. Aug. 13-6 ; '86, Aug. 26 ; "87, Dec. 

" Ala. N. Or. Tex. & Pac. J. Ity. Gaz. Feb. 15; Atch. Top. 

& S. Fe. Feb. 8-4, May 13, 13-7; do. fluctuatious in mainteu- 

ance expenses, Sep. 12-4 ; Boston, value of, n. Mar. 27-5 ; do. 

suburban traffic. May 4-3, n. Dec. 11-5; Host. & Albany, 

Nov. 2-3 ; do. Dee. 4-5 ; do. Nov. 4-7 ; Bost. & Maine, Mar. 

30-3 ; do. Dee. 3-6 ; do. Dec. 16-7 ; Bost. & Prov., rep. Nov. 

19-6; Bost. Eevere B. & Lyuu (narrow g.), rep. Feb. 9; 

Bait. & O., organization. Mar. 10-3 ; reps. July 13-3 ; do. 

Nov. 21, 28-4; do. Nov. 19, 19-6; do. hist., n. Eng. News, 

Sep. 17-7. 
*' Canada, By. Gaz. May 1-5 ; Grand Junction, Eng. Jan. 

" Can. Pac, track laying in '82, Bell, Eng. A'eios, Mar. 17; 

Dec. 29-3 ; west, div., J. C. James, Nov. 1-15-4 ; do. location, 

Am. Eng. Aug. 13, 20-6; shops, Iron Age, Oct. 4-3; By. 

Gaz. Apr. 20-3 ; contractors, Eng. News, Feb. IG ; divis- 
ion of laud on. Aug. 23-4; rep. By. Gaz. July 11-4; 

snow slide region, Schenck, Jan. 22-6; rep. May 27, 27-7; 

Sci. Am. Sup. July 2i-6; Nov. 5-7; Eng. Mar. 21, 28, Apr. 

4, 25, May 16-30, June 6-27, July 4, 11, 25, Aug. 1-29, Sep. 5, 

19-4; west, terminus, map, July 8-7; The Eng. Nov. 6-5; 

rapid ccnstruot., Abbott, £■)»(/. News. Mar. 28-5; Am. Eng. 

Apr. 3-5 ; By. Gaz. Nov. 20-6. 
" And Canals, Mech. Sep. 29-3 ; Central, U. S. E)ig. News, 

Nov. 3, 10-3; do. & Banking Co., Ga., rep. By. Gaz. Dec. 

18-5 ; Chesapeake & O., rep. Apr. 23-6. 

" Chicago, earnings. By. Gaz. Apr. 10-5; extensions, Eng. 
News, Sep. 10-7; mileage and receipts. By. Gaz. Oct. 16-5; 
& Atlantic, Nov. 7-4 ; & Alton, rep. Mar. 2-3; Feb. 27-5; 
Mar. 19-6; Mar. 4-7; Bur. & Q. rep. Jan. 5, Apr. 20-3; May 
7-6; and Clevelaud, between, hist., Sargent, Sep. 30-7; Mil- 
waukee & St. P. Apr. 27-3 ; '83, Feb. 1, rep. Mar. 28, 28-4 ; 
do. Mar. 20-5; & No. West. Aug. 17-3; Aug. 15-4; rep. 
July 31-5; Aug. 6-6; Aug. 12, 12-7; EoCk Is. & Pac, rep. 
July 14-4 ; June 11, 18-6 ; June 17-7. 


Railroads, Cin. Ind. St. L. & Chic, rep. By. Gaz. Oct. 7-7; 
Gin. New Or. & Tex.Pac. and organization, Feb. 23; Cleve- 
land Col. Cin. & Ind. Mar. 23-3; stock div. rep. Apr. 25-4; 
Conn. Commis. rep. Enrj. News, Feb. 2-4; and crops, iJi/. 
Gaz. Sep. 21-3. 
" Dates of introduction in various countries, Eng. News, Mar. 
6-6; do. Elec. Bev. Apr. 24-6; do. The Eng. Apr. 30-6; Del. 
Lacli. & West. By. Gaz. Jan. 18-4; do. origin, July 11-4; do. 
N. Y. terminal wks. Oct. 16-5; Denver & Rio Grande, May 
23-4; early objections to, Feb. 23; Eastern (Mass.), Oct. 5- 
3 ; East Tenn. Vir. & Ga. Dec. 12-4 ; do. Dec. 2-7 ; electric- 
ity on, bks. Aug. 31-3. 

" English and Am. compared, Eng. Nevis, Nov. 7, Dec. 12-5 ; 
Jan. 23, Apr. 10, 17-6; op. exp. &c. July 10; Nov. 13-6; do. 
Meeh. World ; Iron Age, Aug. 20-5 ; Dorsey, Van Nost. Feb.- 
6; By. Gaz. Sep. 21-3; Oct. 16-5; n. Aug. 26, Sep. 16, Oct. 
7-7 ; Eng. June 4-6. 

" FiTCHBURG, Hoosac tun. consol. rep. By. Gaz. Jan. 14, 28; 
Florida, Apr. 1, 15-7; Govt, ownership, results of, Hadley, 
Aug. 21, 28-5; Grand Trunk, Apr. 20; do. and AVest Shore, 
Nov. 16-3; rep. May 9-4; do. Nov. 5-6; Hartford N. Y. & 
Boston, Eng. News, Jan. 27-3 ; Houston & Tex. Cen. By. 
Gaz. Jan. 23-5 ; fludson Bay, Eng. News, Dec. 18-6 ; do. 
Sci. Am. Su2). Dec. 25-6 ; do. map. The Eng. Nov. 12-6 ; 111. 
Cen. By. Gaz. Mar. 23-3; do. rep. Mar. 14-4; do. Mar. 11-7; 
on Indian reservations, Oct. 31 ; Iowa, density of pop. across, 
Apr. 4-4; Kansas C. & Memphis, Sep. 28-3 ; do. Commis. 
rep. Feb. 25-7. 

" Lake Shore & Mich. Cen., rep. By. Gaz. May 4-3 ; May 9 ; 
June 27-4 ; do. Jan. 2, May 8-5 ; May 14, 14-6 ; L. S. & Mich. 
Southern, organization, Jan. 26 ; rep. May 11 ; western Van- 
derbilt, June 29-3 ; rep. May 15-5 ; May 14, 14-6 ; (Vander- 
bilt roads), Jan. 7; hist., Leland, Sep. 23-7. 

" Landscape gardening, BaU. & O. By. Gaz. Oct. 7-7 ; Lehigh 
Val. rep. Feb. 15-4; light and portable, Tratman, Eng. Ni-ics, 
Sep. 6-4; light,' By. ffas.Mar. 27-5; logging in U. S., n. By. 
& Eng. Feb.-7; Louisville & Nash. By. Gaz. Oct. 12-3; do. 
operating rules, Oct. 21 ; rep. Oct. 28 ; Maine Commis. rep., 
'86, Feb. 4-7 ; management, economic organization, July 13- 
3; Manitoba construct., Montana exteu. Dec. 9-7. 


Railroads, Mass. Bij. Gaz. Jan. 19, May 25-3; Jan. 18-4; '83, 
Jan. 30-5 ; Commis. reps. Eng. News, Mar. 26-7 ; '86, My. 
Gaz. Jan. 28-7. 

" Mexican, Eng. JVews, July 21-8 ; July 18 ; Nevin, Aug. 8-5 ; 
Am. line via Jalapa, map, Wellington, Sep. 3-17-7; Iron 
Age, Oct. 30-4 ; effect of, Apr. 22-6 ; sys., map, E. Low, Am. 
Eng. Feb. 13-5 ; Bij. Gaz. June 8, Aug. 24, Dec. 14-3 ; Feb. 
15, Dec. 19-4; May 14; in '85, June 4-6; branch to Pacific, 
map, Nov. 27-5. 

" Mich., My. Gaz. Dec. 21-3. See also Railroads, L. Shore 
& Mich. 

" Minnesota, Baker, rep. Eng. Jfeios, Jan. 3-5; Missouri Pac. 
rep. By. Gas. May 28-6; Apr. 1-7. 

*' Narrovt Gauge, construct, and equip., Reed, Eng. Ncivs, 
Mar. 15, 22-4; Am. Eng. Feb. 1.5-29, Mar. 7-4; Van Nost. 
Dec.-4; turnouts for, E. Low, Eng. News, Jan. 31-5 ; My. 
Gaz. Aug. 31-3 ; advantages of, Moreau, Van Nost. May-6 ; 
Iron Age. See also Railways, Festiniog, and N. Gauge. 

*' New England situation, Eng. Nevjs, Aug. 6-7; New 
Hamp., rep. My. Gaz. July 10-5 ; New Jersey's leased, Dec. 

" New York, Jty. Gaz. Jan. 18-4; growth of traffic and 
profits, Sep. 21-3; Comniiss., 1st rep. Feb. 1-4; do. rep. 
Jan. 16-5 ; 3rd rep. Jan. 15-6 ; rep. '86, Feb. 4-7 ; N. Y. Cen. 
Dec. 21 ; rep. Jan. 5-3 ; Dec. 19-4 ; and Erie, Jan. 1-6 ; N. 
Y. Conn. & Eastern, Sep. 2-7; N. Y. Lake Erie & West, 
Jan. 26, Sep. 14,21, 21, Nov. 30-3; Nov. 28-4; rep. Apr. 4- 
4; do. Nov. 27, Dec. 4-5; do. Dec. 3,3,10-6; do. Dec. 2-7; 
terminal wks. Sep. 4-5 ; N. Y. & N.E., rep. Feb. 22 ; Clark on 
do. Dec. 12, 12-4 ; do. Dec. 17 ; N. Y. N. Haven & Hart., rep. 
Dec. 17-6 ; North River Construction Co. Jan. 18-4 ; Penn. 
& O. rep. Apr. 6-3 ; N. Y. West Sh. & B., Weehawken ter- 
minals, Eng. News, Sep. 29, and canals, Dec. 22-3 ; con- 
struct.. Cowan, Sep. 27, Oct. 4, 11-4; construct. Dec. 5, 12-5; 
do. andN. Y. Cen. My. Gaz. Oct. 24-4; July 31; Fink on, 
Sep. 4; terminal wks. Nov. 6-5. 

" Norfolk & West., rep. My. Gaz. July 30-6 ; Northern Pac. 
Eng. News, Sep. 15-3; My. Ga.t. Sep. 14; rep. Mar. 9, Sep. 
28-3; costs, Anderson's es. Nov. 14-4; rep. Sep. 25-5; do. 
Sep. 24-6; do. Sep. 16-7; SH. Am. Sup. Nov. 24-3; Eng. 
Sep. 14-3. See also Railroads, Pacific. 


Railroads, Old Col., rep. Ey. Gas. Nov. 5-6 ; Oregon Ry. & Nav. 
Sep. 4-5 ; rep. Nov. 23-3 ; Dec. 9-7 ; Oregon & Trans. Co. 
I Dec. 21-3; Jan. 11-4; rep. Aug. 3-3; Aug. 6-6; Pacific, 

debt, to Govt. Feb. 6-5. 

" Penn. By. Gaz. Jan. 19, Nov. 2-3; rep. and securities owned 
by, Mar. 9-3; rep. Mar. 7; hist., Watkins, Apr. 11; con- 
struct., old meth. Apr. 11-4; rep. Mar. 6-5; Mar. 5, .5-6; 
Mar. 4, 4-7; Pitts. Ciu. & St. Lonls,rep. Apr. 29-7; Phil. & 
Columbia, hist., Willis, Eng. Nexos, Apr. 25-5. 

" Phil. & Reading, lease of Cen. N. J. Ey. Gaz. May 25-3 ; 
rep. Jan. 22-6 ; Jan. 14, jNIar. 25-7 ; Pittsburg Junction, map, 
Feb. 6-5 ; political econ. of, Feb. 2-16-3 ; and rents, May 2C- 
7; reports, see names of R. R's and Sy. Gaz. files. 

" ROADMASTERS ASSOC, of Am., pro. By. Gaz. Oct. 14, 21-7; 
Schuylkill River, East side, Eng. Neios Mar. 5-7 ; So. Car- 
olina, By. Gaz. Feb. 23-3 ; Southern, Eng. News, Nov 28-5 ; 
So., prog. Iron Age, Oct. 25-3; So. Pac, rep. By. Gaz. Aug. 
26-7; So. & Steamship Assoc. Feb. 16, June 8, 22-3; Aug. 
5-7; rep. Aug. 6-6. 

" So. Penn. Eng. News, Oct. 4-4; JJ;/. Gaz. July 31-5 ; hist. 
Am. Eng. Dec. 17-5 ; St. Louis & San. Fran., rep. May 28-6 ;. 
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba, Oct. 5-3 ; Sep. 25-5 ; Supts. 
Assoc, of No. Am., pro. Oct. 14-7; Texas, Eng. News, July 
5-4; By. Gaz. Jan. 2.5-4. 

" Transport, faclls. of past and present, Fran. Inst. Aug. -5;^ 
underground, see Railways, Underground. 

" Union Pac, Govt, director's rep. By. Gaz. Feb. 1 ; earnings 
and traffic. Mar. 14, 21 ; and Govt. Sep. 5; Vlllard manage- 
ment, Sep. 19; rep. Sep. 26-4; sys., rep. Apr. 8, 8-7. See 
also Railroads, Pacific. 

" Vermont Cen. case. By. Gaz. Sep. 26, 28-3; Wabash sys. 
Apr. 24-5 ; Wis. Cen., rep. Aug, 6-6. 
Railways. Including Foreign. For No. American R. R."s 
and general statistics, see Railroads. 

" Appliances, growth of. Iron Age, Nov. 1-3 ; Argentine 
Repub. Eng. News, Oct. 20-3 ; in Asia, see Rys., Central 

" Australia, By. Gaz. June 15-3 ; n. June 6-4 : n. May 14-6 ; 
Austria, gradients and curves, The Eng. Oct. 12-3 ; Austria- 
Hungary, By. Gas. Feb. 22-4; Aug. 19-7. 


TfAiLWAYS, Belgium State, Eng. News, Feb. 13-6; management, 
Jty. Oaz. July 24-5; Bengal State, Eng. Jan. 12-3. 

" British. See Rys., English ; Rys., Grt. Brit, and under 
names of Rys; buffer stop, hydr., Langley, Eng. Feb. 19-6; 
buffers and screw couplings, Indian State, Rys. The Eng. 
May 8-5; Burmah and Slam, proposed, Jan. 8-6; Caledon- 
ian & No. Brit., rolling stock, Eng. Nov. 19-6; cargo boats, 
Indian Rys. The Eng. Aug. 20-6. 

" Carriages, East Bengal Ry., wheels and axles, The Eng. 
Jan. 19-3; Buenos Ayres, By. Gas. Oct. 19-3; do. English 
sleeping. Great So. Aug. 28-5 ; do. Eng. Mar. 6-5 ; coupling, 
English, Sci. Am. Sup. July 9-7 ; electro-plated. So. Eastern 
Ry., Wainwright, Eng. Jan. 2-5 ; English, 1st class, By. Gaz. 
Feb. 23-3; German compromise sleeping, July 15-7; heat- 
ing, English, Fowlis, By. & Eng. May-7 ; warmers, Pegray's 
ap. Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 28-5 ; Ind. Midland, and spec. 2'he 
Eng. Nov. 25-7 ; Ind. State Rys., intermediate. The Eng. Dec. 
21-3; bogie. Mar. 28; 3rd class, May 2-4; do. Nov. 27-5; 
composite, July 23-6. 

" Carriages, lamp, Eng. Nov. 12-6 ; Lancashire & Yorkshire, 
bogie. The Eng. June 11-6; saloon, iS'ci. Am. Sup. Aug. 20- 
7 ; London & No. West., frame, Eng. June 19-5 ; saloon, Eng- 
lish, Lancan. & York. Sci.Am.Sup. Aug. 20-7 ; invalid do. Eng. 
July 8-7; hotel do., Brown, TheEng. Feb. 25-7 ; sleeping, £«(/. 
English, Buenos Ayres Great So. Eng. Mar. 6-5 ; By. Gaz. 
Aug. 28-5 ; German compromise, July 15-7 ; St. Gothai'd Ry. 
3rd class. The Eng. Jan. 11-4; and bogie truck, Lancas. & 
Y^ork., England, By. Gaz. Aug. 6-6. 

" Trans-Caspian, By. Gaz. Mar. ■1-7 ; in Central Asia, map, 
Eng. JVeivs, July 30-7 ; Ceylon, etc. By. Gaz. Aug. 28-5 ; 
Govt. Rys. do. Eng. Nov. 19, Dec. 3-6 ; The Eng. July 17-5 ; 
chair, Grover's keyless, Eng. Aug. 3-3 ; do. Tozer's, The 
Eng. Aug. 27-6; June 10-7; China, Eng. iVe?cs, Nov. 14, 21, 
Dec. 19-5 ; Jan. 30, July 10-6 ; By. <& Eng. Aug.-7; By. Gaz. 
Feb. 1-4 ; and Japan, Aug. 14-5 ; Chinese, The Eng. June 
10-7 ; Columbia, By. Gaz ; July 20-3 ; Congo, Eng. Ifews, 
Jan. 23-6; Congress, Brussels, 27te Eng. Feb. 26; couplings, 
Oct. 29-6; Cuba, Cardenas & Juoaro Ry., hist. By. Gaz. 
July 29, Aug. 5-7 ; Dublin & Kingstown, hist, of, Grierson, 
The Eng. Aug. 12-7. 


Railways, Electric. See also Rys., Street, Elec ; Iron Age, 
Apr. 26-3 ; Elec.Bev. Aug. 23-3 ; Beane, Feb. 7-5 ; Kramer, Oct. 
lS-5 ; Marks, Apr. 17-6 ; Elec. World, Feb. 14-5 ; of world, 
Martin, table, Eiig. Nm-s, May 28-7 ; in U. S. By. Gaz. Apr. 
29-7; do. St. By. Gaz. June-7 ; do. Sci. Am. Snp. Dec. 24-7; 
do. n. TheEnrj. Sep. 26-4; at Baltimore, Daft, Iron Age, 
July 16, Dec. 3-5 ; Bait. & Hainptou, St. By. Gaz. July-6 ; 
Beutley-Knight, St. My. Gaz. Feb.-7; 670-H.P. locom. Elec. 
World, June 19-6; Bessbrook & Newry, By. Gaz. Xov. 26-6; 
Blackpool, 3Iech. reb.-6 ; Elec. Bev. Dec. 18-6 ; Eng. Sep. 
17-6; brake, Ries, St. By. Gaz. July-7 ; at Brighton, Eng- 
land, n. By. Ga-. Aug. 22-±; The Eng; Elec. Bev. Sep. 
20-3; June 21-4; Volk, Elec. World, June 26-6; Sci. Am. 
Sup. Nov. 3-3 ; The Eng. May 21-6. 

" Elec, Chicago exhib. Electric. Aug.-3; locora. Meek. Aug. 
25-3 ; do. Eng. Aug. 24-3 ; cost of operating. Am. Eng. Dec. 
19-4; Daft, Bait. Iron Age, July 16. Dec. 3-5; do. St. By. 
Gaz. Sep-7; do. motor for. Electric. Jau.-4; do. at West 
Brighton, Coney Is. Aug.-4; do. and Field systems, testing, 
Elec. Bev. May 24-3 ; do. Sep. 12-5; do. motor Ampere, 
Bait. (July ll),Elec. World,Jan. 10-5 ; England, By. & Eng. 
Oot.-7; in Europt^, St. By. Gaz. May-6 ; do. table, Elec. Bev. 
Sep. 17-7; evolution of, Adams, Electric. Dec. -4; do. Jan, 
Feb.-5; do. Elec. Bev. Feb.-7; Faure accumulator, Nov. 
29-3; Field motor, Aug. 27-7; Henderson's grip sys. Jan. 
3-5; Irish's sealed conduit for, St. By. Gaz. Dec. -7. 

" Elec, locomotion, Farmer, Am. Eng Jan. 9-5; do. Elec. 
Bev. Feb. 28-4; do. Rcckenzaun, Nov. 28, Dec. 5-19-5; 
locom.. Chic, exliib. Mech. Aug. 2.5-3; do. Eng. Aug. 24-3; 
Edison's, Elec. World, May 24; "The Judge," June 7-4; 670- 
II. F., Bentley, Jnne 19-6; Henry's, Aug. 21-5. 

" Elec, Mass., bill, Callendar, St. By. (t<(;--. May-7 ; Minneap- 
olis, Minn. July-6 ; as motive i)0\ver, A\'liarton, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Dec. 3-7; motors for, Van Xont. 0ct.-6; Daft do. Elec- 
tric. Jau.-4: liist., Bentley, Elec. Bev. Aug. lG-4; Field, 
Aug. 27-7 ; dri\-ing, table, )SV). Am. Sup. Dec. ,3-7 ; overhead 
conductors for, ^/crfm. Aug. -7; Paris, n. ^'an Xoxt. Nov.- 
3; pats., iVcc'tcR'. Sep.-4; Pittsburg, iJy. Gaz. July 16-6; 
Portrush, Mcch. Dec. 22-3; do. Eire. Ber. Nov. 22-3; do. 
Elec. World, ]\[ay 17-4; do. Hopkiuson, Sci. Am. Sup. June 
9-3 ; do. Eng. Apr. 20-3 ; do. Siemens, The Eng. Apr. 13-3. 


Railways, problem, Curtis, Electric. Mar.-5; prog., Martin, 
Sci. Am. Sup. May 21-7; By. Ga:s; power required on, n. 
Electric. Oct.-5. 

" Elec, Eies' sys. St. By. Gaz. Aug.-7; Sclilesi-nger, in 
Lyken Val. coal mine, Elec. World, Oct. 22-7; Siemens, 
Jan. 17-5 ; at Zaukeroda coal mines, Elec. Bev. Jan. 
10-5; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 29-3; Feb. 7-5; do. The Eng. 
Nov. 16-3; signal ap., rep. Fran. Inst. Jan.-6; Sprague, St. 
By. Gaz. Dec.-6; do. tests, Jan.-7; do. at Boston sugar 
refinerjf, Elec. World, July 23-7; storage of power, C. yv. 
Siemen's, Elec. Bev. Sep. 20-3 ; storage bats, lor, Faureaccum. 
Elec. Bev. Nov. 29-3 ; Reckeuzauu, Sci. Am. Sup). Nov. 19, 
Dec. 24-7; traction bj^, Eng. July 29-7; traction adliesion, 
inc. of by means of elec. current, Ries, Elec. World, Aug. 27- 
7; Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 10-7; at West Brighton, Conej^ Is., 
Daft, Electric. Aug.-4 ; at Zankerode colls., Siemens, Elec Bev. 
Jan. 10-5 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 29-3 ; Feb. 7-5 ; do. The 
Eng. Nov. 16-3. 

" Elevated, n. Eng. Mews, May 28, July 16; of future, June 
lS-7; overhead (tramways), Mech. Apr. 21-3; Van Nost. 
Nov .-6; and underground. By. (?a.?. Feb. 18, May 6-7; Han- 
Ion, Elec. Bev. J\x\y '2-1 ; Adams sys. St. By. Gaz. Dec.-7; 
Angely's suspended elec. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 31-5; bed for 
bridge structures, Woolsou, 3Iech. Dec.-7; do. By. Gaz. Dec. 
30-7 ; viaduct, Berlin City Metropolitan, By. & Eng. May- 
7 ; do. By. Gaz. Mar. 2 ; do. traffic, Dec. 21-3 ; do. May 6-7 ; 
do. (Elec. Rys.) St. By. Gaz. May-6; do. bridges, The Eng. 
May 4-3; do. Apr. 1, 1-7; Boston, see Rys., Elevated, 
Meigs ; Brooklyn, Kings Cty. Eny. Xews, Sep. 24-7; erecting 
mach. Eng. & Bn. Bee. June 4-7; in Chicago, By. Gaz. Feb. 

" Elevated, earlj^, single post, Galloupe, St. By. Gaz. Mar.- 
6 ; do. Meigs, Lartlgue, Eng. Dec. 17-6. 

" Elevated Electuic, elec. propul. on, Rae, By. Gaz. Mar. 
21-4; do. Elec. Bev. Mar. G, Apr. 26-4; do. F. J. Sprague, 
Mar. 5-6 ; do. Soc. Arts, Dec. 10-5 ; Elec. Eng ; do. in 
N. Y., Pickernell, Electric. Sep.-5; power required, n., F. J. 
Sprague, Jan, Feb.-6 ; electricity as motive power for, 
Woodbury, Elec. Bev. June 12-6 ; Angely's suspended, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Jan. 31-5; N. Y., Daftmotor, "B. Franklin," Elec. 
World, Sep. 5, Dec. 12-5. 


Railways, Elevated Electeic, applic. of electricity to, F. J^ 
Sprague, Elec. World, Jan. 16, 23, Mar. 6, 13 ; Sprague sys. 
Sep. 25; Field sys. Nov. 6-6; Enos sys. May?; Daft sys.,. 
9th Ave. Aug. 13-7. 

" Elevated, hist., Galloupe, Mech. June-6 ; Jersey City, Penn. 
R. Eng. News, June 25-7; Kansas C. By. Gaz. July 30-6; 
Lartigue single rail sys. Iron Aye, Sep. 23-6 ; Am. Eng. Sep. 
22-6; Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 19-4; Oct. 31-5 ; Eng. Oct. 26-3 ; 
The Eng. Sep. 17-6; law, decision, St. By. Gaz. Aug; legis- 
lation, June-7; Mack, Mar.-6; Manhattan, see Rts., Ele' 
vated, N. Y. 

" Elevated, Meigs, Iron Age, July 23, Dec. 10-5; Mech. Dec- 
5 ; June-6 ; and rapid transit, Galloupe, Am. Eng. Nov. 19 
26, Dec. 3, 10-5 ; do. Fran. Inst. Jan.-Apr, Aug-6 ; do. St. By. 
Gaz. May-6; rep., Stark, Fran. Inst. Feb.-7; do. Am. Eng. 
Jan. 12-7 ; Boston elevated. By. Gaz. Apr. 23-6 ; St. By. 
Gaz. Mar, May; incorporators, n. June; legislation, u. 
June-7 ; Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 5-7 ; rapid transit in Am. cities, 
Eng. Apr. 10-5; test. May 20-7. 

^' Elevated, N. Y. City, Manhattan, travel on, Eng. News., 
Oct. 16-6; sharp curves on, Apr. 2; traffic, n. Dec. 81-7; 
Iron Age, Aug. 4-7; do. of structure, safety of , San Eng. 
Nov. 6-6; strength and safety of, rep. Am. Eng. Mar. 6; 
passengers, '72-'84, Apr. 10-5 ; rep. By. Gaz. Mar. 23 ; Com- 
mission on cost of, Apr. 27 ; traffic, Dec. 7-3 ; July 15-29 ; 
structures, Oct. 21-7; traffic and effect of 5 cent fares, St. 
By. Gaz. Dec.-6; and rapid transit facils., Boston, compared, 
Galloupe, July-7; Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 24-7; The Eng. Oct. 
14-7. See also Rys, Elevated, Suburban Riip. Tran. Co. 

" Elevated, at Paris, proposed, Sci. Am. Sup. May 9-5; 
Pittsburg Junction, standard posts and girders. By. Gaz. 
Mar. 13-5 ; and rapid transit, Haupt, Eng. News, Nov. 8-4 ; 
do. Galloupe, Fran. Inst. Jan- Apr, Aug.-6; do. discuss, on 
Meigs and single girder, hist., Galloupe, Am. Eng. Nov. 19, 
26, Dec. 3, 10-5 ; Feb. 11, 18-6 ; do. St. By. Gaz. May-6 ; 
facils., N. Y. and Boston compared, Galloupe, July; Riley, 
Sep.-7; in Boston, By. Gaz. Dec. 25-5; Sprague elec. sys. 
St. By. Gas. Dec.-6; tests, Jan.-7; Suburb. Rap. Tran. Co., 
N. Y. Eng. News, Apr. 30-7 ; do. bridge erecting and hoist- 
ing eng. San. Eng. Apr. 30-7; traction, Trtre Xos<. Feb. -6; 
Iron Age ; viaduct, Vienna City, The Eng. Apr. 2-6. 


Railways, Elevated, wire, Suspension Transport. Co. Elec. 
World, June 26, Sep. 4-6; Wliite's, St. Bij. Gaz. Oet.-6. 

" East Indian, T. W. Jones, Eng. News, Aug. 14-6 ; cheapest 
working in world, Hi/. Gaz. July 27-3 ; vice-regal train, JSug. 
Sep. 24-6 ; see also Rys, Indian ; East. & Midlands, map. 
The Eng. Aug. 7-5 ; economical, Eng. Mar. 2G-6 ; in Ecua- 
dor, ifj/. (ra^. Jan. 28-7; Egypt, from Suakim to Berber, 
Eng. News, Mar. 7, 21-5 ; endless, Frascara, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Sep. 11-6. 

" English. See also Railroad Accidents ; Railroads, 
English and Am; Rys., Grt. Brit, and names of Rys. 

" England, construct, in colonies, Eng. News, Aug. 21-6 ; frt, 
handling in. Iron Age, Sep. 6-3 ; do. By. Gaz ; do. Worthing- 
ton, Mech. Sep. 8-3 ; English brakes. Iron Age, Jan. 15-5 ;, 
cost of operating, English and Am. Oct. 21-6 ; do. Eng. 
News; Brit., 50 years ago. Iron Age, Aug. 11-7; do. By. Gaz. 
July 29-7 ; in Brit, and Russian empires, ii. Van Nost. Dec- 
6 ; f rt. handling. By. Gaz. Aug. 31 , Sep.-7 ; do. at docks, 
July 27; gradients, Aug. 17-.3 ; traffic and policy, Feb. 8, 15, 
29 ; commissions. Mar. 7, 14-4 ; British, in '85, Sep. 3-6 ; av. 
pass, trains, Apr. 29 ; management, June 10, 24, July 1-15 ; 
and canals, June 17; Brit., in '86, Sep. 9; notes, Oct. 14-7. 

" England, rates, Eng. Jan. 30-5 ; and foreign compared, 
May 7 ; Brit. Aug. 20 ; cost of permanent way maintenance, 
Aug. 27, Sep. 17 ; motive power, Aug. 27 ; mileage, Brit, and 
Russian empires, Oct.. 29-6 ; express trains, The Eng. Dec. 
7-3; extension in colonies, July 30; frt. rates, Brit, aud 
foreign, Sep. 24; brake returns, Oct 29-6. 

" Europe, in, Eng. Neios, Mar. 27-6; stat., n. Ara. Eng. Jan. 
7-6 ; and pops., '85, table, Oct. 5-7 ; do. The Eng. Sep. 2-7 ; 
in '84, n. Van Nost. Oct.-6 ; Ey. Gaz. Oct. 24-4 ; Eastern 
Europe, Sci. Am. Suj). Dec 17-7. 

" Ferry str., East Indian Ry. The Eng. Mar. 26-6; ferry over 
Ganges, Mar. 11-7 ; Festiniog, narrow gauge, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Nov. 15-4; rolling stock, Eng. Sep. 26-4. 

'■' France, 1st, n. Van Nost. Nov.-5 ; do. By. <fc Eng. Apr ; 
light French, Dec.-7 ; By. Gaz. Apr. 20-3 ; transport, rates. 
Mar. 6; French policy, July 10, 17-5; frt. rates, June 18; 
Paris Met. project, map, June lS-6; do. Apr. 30-7; do. Sci. 
Am. Sup. July 3-6 ; do. Eng. June 1-3 ; >lay 7-6 ;' The Eng. 
Apr. 9-6 ; introduction of, By. Gaz. Apr. 29-7, 


Railways, Germany, stat. Eng. News, July 25-5 ; do. By. Gaz. 
Apr. 9-6 ; Maj' 20-7 ; rail export trade. Iron Age, Feb. 18-6 
Am. Eng. Oct. 15-3 ; and Am., frt. traffic, Btj. Gaz. Oct. 24-4 
track. Mar. 6 ; policy, Aug. 14-5 ; track ballast, Xov. 5 
safety, Nov. 5-6 ; rails and ties stat. Aug. 26-7 ; Sci. Am. 
Sup. Mar. 6-6. 

" Goods wagon, English, By. Gaz. May 16-4; Indian State 
Rys. The Eng. Ajjr. 17-5 ; in Grt. Brit., a years worldng in 
United Kingdom, Eng. Xews, Nov. 29-4 ; see also Ry's., Eng- 
land; Grt. Eastern express trains, diraens. By. Gaz. Sep. 
11-5 ; Northern, Doncaster, England, Am. Eng. Aug. 20-5. 

" India, in, Eng. News, Aug. 30-4; May 22-6; Mech. Jan. 20- 
3; Bij. Gaz. Oct. 1-6; construct. Iron Age, Aug. 28-4; 1st 
in, By. Gaz. Feb. 16-.3 ; bogie wagons, Indian State Ry. 
June 0-4 ; rates and expenses, July 9-6 ; Eng. Feb. 13-5 ; 
Aug. 27-6; and Am. Dec. 30-7; n. The Eng. Mar. 23-3 ; 
economical construct, in, De Brath, Dec. 19, 26-4; July 30- 
6; permanent way, Indian State Rys. Feb. 2.5-7. See also 
Rys., East Indian. 

" iNDO-EUROPEAN projects, Eng. News, Aug. 27-7; Iquique, 
So. Peru, Ridings, Dec. 27-4; in Ireland, By. Gaz. Dec. 31- 
6; in Italy, construct. Van Nost. Dec.-6 ; do. By. Gaz. Dec. 
31-6 ; legislation in. By. Gaz. Aug. 22, 29-4 ; employees, n. 
Apr. 10-5 ; map, TJte Eng. Nov. 4-7; Jajjan, Eng. News, 
Apr. 2.T, Aug. 8-5; Iron Age, Sep. 6-3 ; n. Mech. Apr. 12-4; 
Am. Eng. Sep. 10; sys., map, Dec. 10-3; By. Gaz. Nov. 9-3; 
map, June 3-7; Lond. Brighton & Lond. & Portsmouth, 
profiles, The Eng. Oct. 19-3 ; Lond. & No. West, wks., 
Crewe, Eng. News, Oct. 25-4; profile section, Euston and 
Carlisle, Eng. Feb. 1-4; economies of great Rys. Apr. 8-7; 
Malta, The Eng. Apr. 13, 13-3; Mediterranean, Dec. 2-7; 
Mersey, Fox, May 14-6 ; Midland, England, steel track ties, 
By. Gaz. Jan. 8-6 ; St. Pancras extension. The Eng. Dec. 25, 

" Mountain, steep gradient, Eng. News, Maj'22-6; do. stm. 
cars. Rowan, TIte Eng. Feb. 11-7 ; of world, working dia- 
grams, Eng. Aug. 20-6 ; various, chart of altitudes, Sci. Am. 
Sup. July 28-3 ; Abt rack rail sys. Eng. News, Dec. 26-5; 
May 22-6 ; do. steep incline, Iron Age, Jan. 7-6 ; do. By. Gaz. 
Dec. 2.5-5; Jan. 7, 7, 14-7; do. and locom. The Eng. Nov. 
12-6; Mt. Desert rack rail, J?j/. (;^a,r. Jan. 14-7. 


Railways, Mountain, see also Rys., Mt., Green; cable at the 
Giessbach, Switz. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 15-3 ; Inclined cable 
at Territet-Glion (Chlllon), Switz. Am. Eng. Feb. 22-4; elec., 
n. Van Nost. Aug .-4; Green Mt., Mt Desert, Eng. News., 
July 21-3 ; May 17-4 ; Tatrman, Jan. 22-7 ; My. Gaz. Oct. 
19-3; rack-rail Jan. 14-7; Fran. Inst. Sep.-3; Harz, Abt 
sys. Eng. News, May 22-6 ; inclined, Higli Bridge, N. Y. 
By. Gaz. Aug. 24-3. 

" Mountain, Mt. Kearsarge, Mansfield, Eng. News, June 2-3 ; 
La Guaira & Caracas, Venezuela, map, Sci. Am. S^ip. Nov. 
21-5 ; locoms., for Riggenbach's rack-rail, My. Gaz. May 7-6 ; 
do. lor Brazil, The Eng. July 2-6 ; steep inclines, Uto Mt. 
Eng. Sep. 14, Oct. 5-3 ; Nevada Cen. Eng. News, Mar. 1-4 ; 
Pike's Peak, Mech. June 21-4 ; Mt. Pilatus rack-rail, Switz. 
Eng. News, Feh.ld-l ; My. Gaz. Feb. 4-7; locom. and car, 
Eng. May 13-7 ; double rack, The Eng. Dec. 24-6 ; rack-rail, 
n. Eng. News; Aug,. 14-6; n. Mech. Dec.^; Riggenbach's 
locom. My. Gaz May 7-6; Locom. Dec.-4; Sci. Am. Sup. 
May 1-6 ; Riggenbach's, The Eng. July 2-6 ; Nov. 5-6 ; see 
also Rys., Mt., Abt ; Righi rack-rail, accident on, Eng. News, 
Apr. 24-6 ; June 25-7 ; do. Vaudols wire rope Ry. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Mar. 1-4 ; Mar. 21-5 ; St. Gothard, grades, Wellington, 
Eng. News, Apr. 16-7 ; do. and other, Vose, Soc. Arts, Dec. 

" Narrow Gauge, Festiniog, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 5-4; roll- 
ing stock, Eng. Sep. 26-4 ; colonial. The Eng. May 25-3 ; 
see also Railroads, Narrow G; New South Wales, in, 
Eng. Jan. 16, 23-5; Northern, of Europe, The Eng. Aug. 
6-6 ; Northumb. Straits, Eng. May 29-5 ; portable, Decau- 
ville, Sci. Am. Sup. July 19-4; Eng. Apr. 18, May 16-4; see 
also Rys., Elevated, Lartigue; Prussian, My. Gaz. Feb. 9, 
July 13-3 ; travel, classes and fares in, and Am. Apr. 11-4; 
rates, and traffic, Apr. 23-6 ; rolling stock, sesthetic, My. Gaz. 
Apr. 20-3 ; do. The Eng. May 18-3 ; Brit, exports, Jan. 18-4; 
table, Eng. July 11-4 ; Midland & No. East. July 10-5 ; in 
'85, Dec. 10-6; So. Mahratta Ry. The Eng. Aug. 31-3; 
radial. Met. Ry. July 9-6 ; Russian, u. My. Gaz. Aug. 1-4 ; 
June 3-7 ; Severn tunnel, Hawkshaw, map. The Eng. Sep. 

" Ship, Eads, Eng. News, Sep. 20-4 ; Iron Age, Nov. 27-4 ; Sci. 
Am. Sup. Oct. 6-3. 


Railways, Ship, see also Ei'S., Ship, Tehuantepec ; Suez. 

proposed, (Sci. Am. Sup. May 17-4; Clark, Eng. Apr. 4-4; 
Tehuantepec, Am. Isthmus, Ends, Mng. Neios, July 28-3; 
Sep. 20-4; Feb. 14; Interoceamc problem, Corthell, Aug. 
29-,5; do. Am. Eng. Sep. 3, 17-5; Eng; Iron Age, Nov. 27-4; 
3Iech. Mar.-5; Am. Eng. Nov. 19-5; June 30-6; Fran. Inst. 
June- 5; Sci. Am. Dec. 27-4; Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 6-3; Mar. 
7-5 ; Corthell and Eads, Soc. Arts, May 14^5 ; Atlantic and 
Pac. Eng. Feb. 22-4; Jan. 9, 23-5. 

'" Shops, repair, roof Great So. & West., New So. Wales, The 
Eng. Jan. 12-3 ; do. at Hornich, Lancas. & York. The Eng. 
Sep. 23-7 ; single rail, elec. motor, Sci. Am. Sup. June 7-4 ; 
Duchamp's, Feb. 14-5; Mar. 12-7; Eng. Dec. 24-6; see also 
Rys., elevated, Lartlgue; single track, train working on, 
Grt. British, By. Gaz. Maj'6-7; sleeper mach., portable, 
Eng. Oct. 15-6 ; So. Africa, Ry. Gaz. Nov. 25-7 ; So. Amer- 
ica, Eng. News, Sep. 13 ; So. Peru, Iquique, Ridings, Dec. 
27-4 ; So. Australia, Eng. Maj' 2-4 ; Aug. 26-7 ; in Spain, 
and roads, Eng. News, Apr. 3-6 ; stations, Melbourne, Victo- 
ria, Aus. Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 23-4; do. Cromer, Eastern & 
Midlands, Eng. Dec. 9-7 ; do. Hull Ry. The Eng. July 24-5 ; 
■do. roof, Bandora, Dec. 2-7 ; St. Gothard, Eng. News, Jan. 
6-3; grades. May 14, Sep. 10-7; traffic through tunnel, Hy. 
fto.?. July 16-6 ; Sci. Am. Sup. May 3-4; ^regi. Nov. 9, 16, 
Dec. 28-3. 

" Street, Eng. Nevjs, .July 9-7 ; country tramways, Tratman, 
Apr. 3-6 ; of various cities, St. My. Gaz. Jan.-Dec.-6 ; Jan.- 
Dec.-7; of world, table, July-7; and pavements, Liverpool 
tramways, San. Eng. Sep. 16, 23, Nov. 20-6 ; Feb. 19, Mar. 
12, Apr. 9, May 21-7 ; see also St. By. Gaz. and St. By. Jour. 
files, for U. S. and foreignnotes ; Am., construct., equip, and 
maintenance of, AV right, St. By. Gaz. Jan.-Dec; Am. Assoc, 
pro. Nov. -6; May, Nov.-7; Electric. l<io\'.-7 ; of Berlin, n. 
St. By. Gaz. May; and Boston common, June; Boston stat., 
'87", Dec; brake. Baker, Dec.-7. 

" Street, Cable, San Francisco, Eng. News. Nov. 10-3 ; Iron 
Age, Sep. 6-3 ; By. Age ; Miller, Iron Age, Juue 16-7 ; do. 
3Iech. Sep, 0ct.-7; propul., Wright, Am. Eng. Jan. 2.5-4; V. 
S., Miller, By. Gaz. June 3-7 ; (tramways), Colam, Van 
Nost. Aug. -5 ; propul., Hauscom, St. By. Gaz. July-Sep.- 
6 ; extent, n. Juue-7. 


Railways, Street, Cable, cable making, San Fran. 8ci. Am. 
Sup. Oct. 30-6 ; do. The Eng. Oct. 1-6 ; (wire rope tram- 
-ways), Eng. June 15, 22-3; May 16,30; Bucknall-Sinith, 
Oct. 17, Nov. 7, 14-4; July-Dec.-5; June 11, 18, July 2, 
Sep. 10, Dec. 17, 24-6; The Eng. Jan. 12-3; Orvis and 
Adams, Oct. 3-4. 

'" St., Cable, accidents, u. St. Btj. Gaz. Oct ; advantages, Feb 
Am. construction, hist., Wright, Apr, May; San Fran. July- 
Oct.-7; Am. Assoc, rep. N0V.-6, Oct.-7; Electric. W&r. -5. 
Aqudic. sys., Italy, Eng. News, June 19-6; in Austria, Eng 
Dec.' 17-6; Birmingham gradients and curves, The Eng 
Aug. 12-7 ; Briancon inclined plane and elevating ap. Sci. 
Am. Sup. Nov. 10-3 ; Brooklyn bridge, Eng. News, July 9- 
7 ; do. splicing cables, Jiy. Gaz. Aug. 10-3 ; do. traction on, 
Eng. Sep. 7-3; do. do. engs. lor, Jan. 29-6; do. power used 
on. The Eng. June 12-5 ; car brake on hilly Rys. in Cincin- 
nati, St. By. Gaz. Oct.-6 ; Am. Eng; cars, Reckenzaun, Van 
Nost. Nov .-5 ; do. do. Iron Age ; do. and grip, Mech. Aug. 

" St., Cable, Chicago, Ramussen sys. Iron Age, Apr. 14-7 ; 
rep. St. By. Gaz. Jan.-6 ; Miller, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 13-3 ; 
Findlay, Eng. June 15-3 ; Bucknall-Smith, Sep. 18-5 ; con- 
duit, Ramsden, St.By. Gaz. K-^y; construct, of Mt. Adams 
and Eden Park inclined, Cincin. Oct.-e ; Coming's sys. lor 
cities, surface and elevated, Sci. Am. Sup. May 2-5 ; Edin- 
burgh, Northern, Colam, eng. The Eng. Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11- 
7; eiRc, Seddon, Eng. News, June 18, 25-7; do. Hanscom, 
St. By. Gaz. Oct.-7; English, Iron Age, July 30-5; grip and 
cars, Mech. Aug. 25-3 ; Paine grip, Feb.-6 ; gripping and 
crossing, St. By. Gaz. May; grip, Dec.-6; grips, Dec.-7 ; 
Gould combined, and elec. conduit, Elec. Bev. Oct. 31-5. 

" St., Cable, Hallidie's sys., San Fran. Mech. Dec. 22-3; 
Feb. 2-4; of Cal., table, St. By. Gaz. May 1 ; Market st. By. 
Gaz. Nov. 23-3 ; San Fran. Mining <£ Sci. Press, Sep. 27-3 ; 
do. Eng. Sep. 14-3; Nov. 21, Dec. 19-4; Clay st. hill, Buck- 
nall-Smith, Jan. 9 ; Sutter st. do. Feb. 13 ; Cal. st. do. Mar. 
13 ; Geary st. do. Mar. 27 ; Market and Union sts., do. Apr. 
24, June 12-5. 

" St., Cable sys., Highgate, London, J. C. Robinson, rep. Am. 
Eng. Aug. 1-4 ; Eng. June 18-6 ; The Eng. May 23-4 ; vs. 
horse, Ejig. News, Mar. 12-7. 


Railways, Street, Cable sys. vs. horse, econ., tables, TheEng. 
Oct. 21-7 ; iuclined, and elevators. Am. Eng. Seji. 29-6 ; Kan- 
sas City, Ry. Gas. July 31-5 ; Mining & Sci. Press, July 18-5 ; 
Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 22-5 ; motive power, Miller, Eng. Xeirs, 
June 11-7; N. Y. City, 3rd Ave. /ronJr/c, July 9-5; do By. 
Gaz. Feb. 15-4; N. Hudson cty., Jersey City, St. By. Gaz. 
Mar.-6 ; Penn iuclined plane at Pittsburg, Am. Eng. Apr. 10, 
May 15-5 ; Phil. Eng. jVetos, May 31-4 ; Ramussen, May 
7-7 ; do. Iron Age, Feb. 10-7. 

" St., Cable, San Francisco, Eng. News, Nov. 10-3; Halli- 
die's sys. Mech. Dec. 22-3; Feb. 2-4; of Cal., table, St. By. 
Gaz. May-7; Market St. By. Gaz. Nov. 23-3; do. San Fran. 
Mining i£ Sci. Press, Sep. 27-3 ; do. Eng. Sep. 14-3 ; Nov. 21, 
Dec. 19-4; Clay st. hill, Bucknall-Smith, Jan. 9; Sutter st. 
do. Feb. 13; Ca). st. do. Mar. 13 ; Geary st. do. Mar. 27; 
Market and Union sts. do Apr. 24, June 12-5 ; cable making 
for, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 30-6; do. 2'Ae Eng. Oct. 1-6. 

" St., Cable, sjjrocket wheel sys. St. By. Gaz. Feb.-7; Superga 
Ry. Sci Am. Sup. Nov. 1-4; switching, St. By. Gaz. July-6; 
traction rope, Millej', Eng. yens, June 4-7; tube, wrt. iron, 
for, June 2S-4 ; underground haulage endless rope, Wood, 
des. Sci. Am.. Sup. Nov. 15-4. 

" Street, of Cal., San. Fran., table, St. By. Gaz. May-7. See 
also Rys., St., Cable, Hallidie and San Fran. 

" St., Cars, bodies, form of, St. By. Gaz. Nov.-6; brake, 
Fletcher, Merh. JIay-6 ; do. St. By. Gaz. June-6 ; Roff-Emery, 
Feb.-6; Messier, Nov.-7; for Emperor of Brazil, Gilbert, 
By. Gaz. Nov. 25-7; compressed air, Cumptich"s, jS'oi. ^jii. 
Sup. Apr. 30-7 ; coupling device, St. By. Gaz. Dec ; double- 
decked, July-7 ; heating. Gold sys. Aug.-6 ; horses, see Rvs., 
St., horses; sand-box, "Reliable,"" St. By. Gaz. Oct.-7 ; sleep- 
ing, Buenos Ayres, So. Am. The Eng. Dec. 16-7 ; spring 
motors for, Cole's, Pugh's, Larrimore's, Pfantz's, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Jan. 24-5; stm., Rowan's, Antwerp, Mar. 19-7; The 
Eng. Mar. 26-6; steps, rubber covered, St. By. Gaz. Jan.-7; 
cars worked by stored power, compared with locoms. and 
automotors, The Eng. May 14; Antwerp trials rep. May 
21-6 ; ventilator, Ober, St. By. Gaz. Sep ; wheels, wrt. iron 
center, July-6 ; swiveling, Tenwick's, Sci. Am. Sup. May 30-5. 

" St., carriages, Antwerp trials, Sci. Am. Snp. May 15-6; do. 
Rowan's, do. stm. TheEng. Mar.26-6. 


Railway, Street, Chicago, genesis of, St. By. Gaz. Nov.-6; 
compressed air motor, Astoria, Long Island, Eng. News., 
July 25-5; By. Gaz. Aug. 14, Sep. 4-5; Selfe, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Aug. 7-6; construct, in U. S., Wharton, Eng. News, 
Oct. 24-5; do. equip, and maintenance, Wright, cars, St. By. 
Gaz. Jan.-Mar; stables, Apr .-June; management, July; 
rules and reports, Aug, Nov, Dec ; crossing. Shannon, Jan.-7 ; 
curves, etc., n. The Eng. Feh. 16-3; (tramways; develop- 
ment, Eng. JSTov. 27-5; and working, Jan. 1-6; directory, St. 
By. Gaz. Dec. etc ; do. of world, Aug.-0ct.-7 ; draw-bar 
height, White, Mar.-7. 

" St.. Electric. See also Rys., Electric; By. <& Eng. J\i\y- 
7; Electric; Am. St. Ry. Assoc, rep. Mar.-5; Martin, Jan; 
do. stat. June; in U. S. (in operation), Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec- 
7; H. Smith, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 17-3; Reckenzaun, Aug. 
29-5; E. W. Mansfield, Sep. 17-7; Reckenzaun, Inv's exhib. 
Eng. May 1-5; Nov. 18-7; propul. The Eng. July 29-7; 
accumulator and traction sys. Elec. World, Nov. 20-6 ; ap- 
plies., M. H. Smith, Sci. Am. Stip. Oct. 25-4. 

" St., Elec, Bait. By. Gaz. July 24-5; run by storage bats., 
Bauer, Elec. World, May 15; Daft, Feb. 13, Aug. 7-6; 
Bentley-Knight sys. St. By. Gaz. Feb.-7; do. Elec. Bev.Sep. 
5-5 ; do. Cleveland ; do. Elec. World, Aug. 8-5 ; do. do. Sci. 
Am. Sup. Sep. 5-5 ; in Berlin, Eng. News, Apr. 3-6 ; tramway 
car, expts., Reekenzaun"s, Elec. World, Mar. 20-6 ; Bess- 
brook & Newry, Ire. By. Gaz. Nov. 26-6; do. Sci. Am. Sup. 
Oct. 24-5; do. HoiJkinson, Eng. Dec. 9-7; do. do. The Eng. 
Dec. 16-7; Blackpool, H. Smith, des. St. By. Gaz. reb.-6; 
do. Elec. World, Feb. 27-6 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 13-6 ; do. 
Jan. 8-7; do. The Eng. Jan. 1, n. Apr. 30-6; Boston, West 
End, St. By. Gaz. Sep.-7 ; Brighton, traction at, Electric. 
Oct.-7; do. Eng. Sep. 14-3. 

" St., Elec, cable and horse lines, cost of, Elec. World, Oct. 
23-6; Cleveland, W. H. Knight, By. Gaz. Sep. 12-4; Bentley- 
Knight sys. Elec. World, Aug. 8-5 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 
5-5 ; car, Equit. Elec. Co. Elec. Bev. Sep. 19-5 ; Julien, Iron 
Age, Mar. 3-7 ; do. storage, rep. Elec. World, Mar. 20 ; Nov. 
20; at Hamburg, Dec. 11-6; W. Middlesex Tram. Sci. Am. 
Sup. May 5-3 ; cars, Martin, i?(/. <fc ^nt/. Mar.-7; do. Elec. 
World, Dec. 18; Michaelis, Dec. 25-6; Reckenzaun, Aug. 1- 
5 ; do. Am. Eng. July 30, Aug. 6-5. 


Railways, Street, Elec, Reokenzaun, Electric. 'Nov. -5; run 
by accums., France, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 27-3 ; costs, Sep. 27-4. 

" St., Elec, Daft sys., at Asbury Park, N. J. Elec. World, 
Nov. 19-7; do. Bait. Feb. 13, Aug. 7; do. Los Angeles, Cal.. 
Dec. 4-6 ; do. Orange, N. J. Apr. 23 ; do. overhead wire 
hanger, June 25-7 ; Denver, Elec. World, Apr. 16, 30-7 ; in 
Europe, By & Eng. June-7 ; Faure storage, at Kew Bridge, 
"VV. Met. Tram. Co., England, Elec. Ben. A^r. aS; Field's. 
Elec. World, Feb. 19-7; France, run by accumulators, ,S'ci. 
Am. Sup. Oct. 27-3 ; Frankfort, Ger. My. Gaz. June 12-5 ; 
and OflFenbach, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 11-4 ; gearing, methods 
of, Reckenzaun, Electric. Oct.-7 ; do. Elec. World, Oct. 1-7 ; 
Giants Causeway, The Eng. Sep. 28-3 ; grip sys., Hender- 
son's, Dec. 12-4. 

" St. Elec, Hamburg, Elec. World, Aug. 21; Juliencar, Dec. 
11-6 ; Jagel, Elec. Bev. Jan. 9-6 ; Kansas City, St. By. Gaz. 
Aug.-6 ; Kew Bridge, W. Met. Tram. Co., England, Faure 
storage, Elec. Bev. Apr. 5-3 ; Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 28-3 ; 
locom., Elieson's, Elec. World, Dec. 26-5 ; Minneapolis, 
Minn., Van Depoele, Electric. July-6; Montgomery, Ala. 
Elec. World, Mar. 12-7; motor attach, to tram cars, Pendle- 
ton, Aug. 7-6 ; do. do. St. By. Gaz. Sep.-6 ; motor exhib., 
Phil. Sep.-7; motors for, Elec. Bev. July 9-7; Paris, Eng. 
Sep. 21-3; Elec. exhib. at, Elec. World, June 28-4; Pollak 
and Briswanger's sys. May 21-7 ; Ries, increasing traction 
adhesion of, St. By. Gaz. Oct ; undergr. conduit, Oct.-7 : 
combination conduit. Electric. Oct.-7 ; do. Elec. World, Nov. 

" St., Elec, Schlesinger sys, Fran. Inst. Nov.-6; Electric. 
Dec.-6 ; at Phil. Nov. 27 ; Elec. World, Oct. 30-6 ; Short- 
Nesmlth sys., Denver, Col. ^^ec^j-z'c. Apr.-7; Sprague sys., 
motor, Eng. Neios, Oct. 22-7 ; Am. Eng. Nov. 23-7 ; gearing, 
St. By. Gaz. Nov; storage bats.. Am. Assoc. Nov; Recken- 
zaun, Sep.-7; Huber, By. & Eng. Oct.-7; long runs with, 
Elec. World, Viet:. 24-1 ; Storage Co. JS'iig'. Mar. 16-3 ; trac- 
tion adhesion increasing on, Ries, St. By. Gaz. Oct.-7; Eng. 
Oct. 19-3 ; Antwerp exhib. Dec. 11-5 ; undergr., Broadway 
Subway, Elec. World, Aug. 16-4; undergr. conduit, Ries", 
St. By. Gaz. Oct.-7 ; Van Depoele, Aug.-7-; Van Depoele, 
undergr. conduit, St. By. Gaz. Aug.-7; Electric. Mar; at 
Minneapolis, July-6 ; Eng. Apr. 22-7. 


Railways, Street, Elec, at Vienna, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 19-4; 
Elec. exhib. at, Elec. TfoWrZ, July 5-4; Aug. 14, Oct 2; at 
Appleton, Wis. Nov. 6 ; Scrantou, Pa. Dec. 18, 25-6 ; Apr. 
" St., English, tramways, Eng. News, Dec. 19-5 ; Greene, Jan. 
16-6; Jan. 15; earnings, Jan. 22-7 ; No. Met. Co., London, 
St. By. Gaz. July-6; Brit. Feb, Apr; July-7; wks. Eng. 
July-Dec.-5; Jan. 1-6; fare collection and register, St. Ry. 
Gaz. Apr; pass, indie, Bisset, .Oct; finances, June-6; in 
France, trains (tramway), Corsmann, My. & Eng. Aug.-l ; 
Eng. Oct. 8-6 ; n. Sep. 9-7 ; gas eng. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 26- 
7 ; hist, of, St. My. Gaz. Oct, Nov .-6 ; Jan, Feb ; Am. 

" St., horse-car, hist. Eng. News, Feb. 2-4; horse power. Hill, 
Am. Eng. Mar. 2.5-6 ; do. used on, Wright, Feb. 18-6 ; do. 
St. My. Gaz. Jan.-Mar ; construct, of foot, July ; horse shoe- 
ing, N0V.-6; horses, Harris, St. My. Jour. Dec; motive 
power, stm. vs. horse, Ransom, Dec.-7; used in propul., 
Wright, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 20-6 ; care of horses. Am. St. 
Ry. Assoc, rep. Mar. 7-5 ; ins., mut., rep. St. My. Gaz. Nov.- 
7 ; Liverpool tramways, San. Eng. Sep. 16, 23, Nov. 20-6 ; 
The Eng. May 21-6. 

" St., locomotives, Honigmann soda b., W. E. Hutton, Eng. 
Neios, Feb. 16-4; English, Falcon wks., Russell, Mech. June 
14-4; Antwerp trials, Van Nost.Mss.-G; do. The Eng. Jau. 
29, Aug. 27-6 ; motive power cost, fireless locoms., Franck, 
Ry. Gaz. May 23-4; do. soda locom. engs. July .3-5 ; St. My. 
Gaz. Apr. 6 ; Honigmann's condensers, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 
1-4 ; do. Eng. Aug. 17, 24-3 ; do. Jan. 18-4 ; tramway, 
Merryweather, Mar. 9, 16-3 ; Merryweather, table, Eng. Jan. 
11-4; do. Inv's exhib. Sep. 4-5; Russel, May 23-4; Krauss, 
Munich, Aug. 26 ; comp. condensing. Black, Newcastle 
exhib. Sep. 30 ; Elieson's elec. Oct. 14; Greig & Aveling's, 
Oct. 21-7; AVilkinson's, The Eng. Mar. 2; expenses of, 
Stockton Tramway, June 29-3 ; Greig's, Aveling, Oct. 21 ; 
Birmingham Cen. Oct. 28-7. 

" St., Lyver sys. and pavements, St. My. Gaz. Aug; of Maine, 
U.June; Mass. Mar.-7; Moscow tramways, .En^. Jan. 5-3. 

" St., Motive power, best. Am. St. Ry. Assoc, rep. Eng. 
Xeiat, Nov. 24-3; do. J??/. (?n2. Nov. 16-3 ; St. car propul., 
power required. Iron Age, Aug. 26-6. 


Railways, Street, mechan. motors, Antwerp exhlb., expts., 
Galton, Van Nost. 5Iar.-6 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 27-6 ; com- 
pressed air engs., Nantes Tramways, n. Van Nost. May; H. 
P. used for, Wright, Aug.-6 ; mechan. traction, Europe, 
expts., Tratman, St. By. Gaz. Feb. Apr.-June; coming^ 
motive power, Nelll, Mar ; other than cable or elec. Nov.-7. 

" St., N. Y. traffic, n. Eng. News, Dec. 31-7; Ry. Gaz. Dec. 
14-3; (State), St. By. Gaz. July; IST. Y. Assoc, pro. Oct.-T; 
Paris, Apr.-6 ; pneu., compressed air, San Fran. The Eng. 
Sep. 26-4. 

" St., rail and track (Liverpool), -E're^r. News, Aug. 20-7; Creg- 
ier rail, St. By. Gaz. Mar; rails, center bearing, etc. May; 
rails. Am. Assoc. Nov .-7; do. best material for, Wright, Sci. 
Am. (Sup. July 25-5 ; rules, Rodgers, St. By. Gaz.T>&c\, sand- 
box. Car Traclj Friction Appliance Co. Mar, July-7 ; station 
and waiting room heating, June-6 ; stm. traction, Sep ; stm. 
motors, noiseless, Nov .-6 ; car, Baldwin, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 
2-4; do. By. Gaz; stm., Liege, The Eng. Aug. 17-3; stm. 
working. Parsons, Dec. 12-4 ; do. Birmingham, Mar. 18-7. 

" St., St. Etienne tramway, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 24-5; strikes, 
N. Y. City, St. By. Gaz. Mar, Apr.-G ; do. Oct ; success of, 
June-7 ; switches, Scott's tramway points, Eng. Aug. 31-3 ; 
see also Rys., St., construction, etc., Wright ; track ties, iron, 
Paris, Eng. News, Aug. 30-4 ; traffic, city, Galloupe, Oct. 1- 
7; do. rapid transit facils., N. Y. and Boston, (SJ. -Bi/. Gaz. 
.July ; tramway, origin of word, Apr.-7 ; for tramways, see 
Rys., Street; travel, rapid transit facils., N. Y. and Bos- 
ton, Galloupe, St. By. Gaz. July-7 ; do. city traffic, Eng. 
News, Oct. 7-7; Vienna City, The Eng. 16-3. 

" Suakim-Berber, ^m. £'n(7. Mar. 20-5 ; switches, points and 
crossings, E. Bengal, The Eng. Feb. 9-3; interlocking points, 
Dutch Ry. Co. Feb. 19-6 ; see also R. Switches ; in Swed- 
en, Ti. By. Gaz. Oct. 8-6 ; do. Eng. July 15-7; in Switzer- 
land, Aug. 6-6; see also Rys., St. Gothard; tip wagon, 
Fowler, Eng. Oct. 9-5 ; 0-ton, English, Oct. 29-6 ; wagons, 
metre gauge. The Eng. June 27-4 ; travel, classes and fares 
in Prussia and Am. By. Gaz. Apr. 11-4. 

" Underground subways, water tight buiklieads for, J. E. 
Robinson, Eng. News, Jan. 8-7 ; San. Eng. Mar, May 20, 27, 
June 3 ; in cities, July 8 ; problem in N. Y. City, July 15 ; 
Aug. 26-6. 


Railways, Underground, vs. elev.Ry.Gaz. Feb.18 ; pass, traffic, 
May 0-7; Glasgow, n. Feb. 5-6 ; London, Met., subsidence 
of, Hutchinson rep. San. Eng. Mar. 11 ; May 20, 27, June 3-6 ; 
traffic, Ey. Gaz. Feb. 18-7; Parks, Eng. Mar. 21; Met. 
extension, June 6, 13-4 ; Met. and Met. District, Balder, Feb. 
2U-5 ; Met. inner circle completion, Hawkshaw, eng. The 
Eng. Mar. 2, 9-3 ; inner circle, July 2-6. 
" Underground, London & Southwark subway, Greathead, 
eng. Eng. News, Nov. 5-7 ; St. Ey. Gaz. July-7 ; Eng. Apr. 
1, 15-7; The Eng. Oct. 7-7; N. Y. city. Arcade, Broadway, 
Eng. News, May 12-3 ; District, Mech. Feb.-6 ; problem in, 
San. Eng. July 15-6 ; St. By. Gaz. Apr .-7 ; do. By. Gaz. Jan. 
1-6 ; do. May 6-7 ; District, Eng. News, Jan. 2-6 ; do. By. 
Gaz. Jan. 1-6 ; do. St. By. Gaz. Jan.-e ; do. Elec. World, 
Jan. 9-6; do. Eng. June 4-6; Met. By. Gaz. May 6-7; Phil. 
Met. Oct. 15-6. 
" Venezuela, of, IronAge, Sep. 20-3 ; do. Guaira and Caracas, 
Eng. Oct. 9-5; wagons, Cawnporea Ry. The Eng. Jjily 31- 
5 ; do. Indian State Rys. July 1-7; see also Rrs., tip wag- 
ons ; wire. Ball, Sci. Am. Sup. May 28-7 ; wrecking plant, 
Grt. So. & West., England, By. Gaz. July 17-5 ; do. The 
Eng. Apr. 3-5 ; working, Eng. Feb, 23-3 ; works, Granile, at 
Naples, Med. Ry. Co. The Eng. Dec. 23-7. 

Ramie decorticating mach. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 13-6. 

Rawlinson, Robert, The Eng. Aug. 17-3. 

Refrigerating, freezing mixtures, table, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Dec. 5-5 ; do. Aug. 27-7 ; by ammonia proc. Am. Eng. June 
3, 10-6; ap., ammonia, Eng. July 22; ap. test, N. Y. July 
22-7; mach., ammonia. Am., Wood, The Eng. Feb. 4-7; cold 
air, Eng. Apr. 2.5-4 ; compressed air, W. Anderson, Sci. Am. 
Stip. Aug. 22 ; different methods of producing cold, artific- 
ially, Coleman, Aug. 23-4; mechan. production of, Sep. 19- 
5 ; and ice, Ballentine, Am. Eng. Aug. 22-4 ; Chamber's, The 
Eng. Aug. 14-5 ; ice making, handy, Fleuss', July 8-7 ; cold 
air, Giffiird's, July 6, Aug. 17-3; do. Hall's, Sci. Am. Sup. 
June 28-4; do. Eng. June 27-4; do. The Eng. May 23-4; 
hand ioe making, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 6-7 ; and compressed 
air. Kirk, The Eng. Apr. 4-4 ; and ice making, Lightfoot, 
des. Sci. Am. Sup. July 17, 24-6 ; do. Tlie Eng. Feb. 16-3 ; 
do. dry air, May 16-4 ; do. May 21, 21, June 4, 25-6 ; do. and 
Otto gas eng., Crossley, Feb. 25-7. 


Refrigerating, and ice making, Pictets' Ice, The Eng. Xov. 30- 
3. See also Ice Mach, 

Respirators, for smoke and gases, Loebs, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 

Revolver, Kynoch, Eny. Jan. 15-6. See also Gunnery and 

Reis, Philip, Buck, Electric. Sep.-3 ; por. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 

Resin indus. in Landes dept., France, Renard, Sci. Am. Sup. 
July 5-4. 

Richardson, H. H. San Eng. Mar 6-6. 
" Wji. J., por. St. My. Gaz. Mar.-6 ; do. Jan.-7. 

RlKER"s Ts. improvement, Eng. Xcva, Dec. 2(>-o. 

Rivers, Atchafalaya, La., founding piers In, Eng. Xeu-s, Hay 
5-3 ; bars, removal of, Aus., Shellshear, The Eng. Jan. 23- 
5 ; cabling, JIaequarrie, Elec. Wortd, June 26-6 ; Cal. mining 
debris in, Bowie, Eng. XfVK, July 30-7; crossings, Coats, 
Am. Eng. Feb. 2-7; current meters. The Eng. May 9-4; 
Danube, obstruction removal, near Vienna, Specht, Eng. 
Xcus, July 12-4; origin and removal of, do. Gartner, Van 
Nost. Feb.-5; Delaware, tidal, imp., Haupt, Fran. Inst. 
Oct.-7; denudation by. Van Nost. July-4; do. The Eng-., 
estuaries. Carver, Am Eng. May 1-5; W. R. Browne, 
The Eng. Nov. 14-4 ; in Europe, inland nav. of. Hartley, 
Van Xiist. Aug. Sep.-6 ; Eng. Apr. 24-5 ; flooding the Sahara, 
Plympton, Van Nost. Aug.-6 ; Science; floods, Ohio, Merrill, 
Eng. Xen:s, Mar. 22, Apr. 5-4; and water way, regulation 
for prevention of, Wex, Van Xost. Feb.-3 ; flow of streams. 
Maw, ,SVi. .4j)i. ,SV- Dec. 20-4; do. The Eng. Oct. 17-4; 
and harbors, U. S. Engs. rep.. Overman, Am. Eng. Aug. 6, 
" Hudson, Eng. Xews. July 12 ; and Harlem connection, Xew- 
ton, Aug. 30-4; Humber, tidal. Van Xost. May-5; Eng. 
Dec. 12-4; hydrometrograj)h, Eavaglia's, (water level aut. 
indie.) Elec. World., Aug. 15-5; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 3-5; 
Jetty sys. Eng. Xcvs, Feb. 3-3 ; Kanawha, Aug. 28 ; do. lock 
and dam, Nov. 20-6 ; do. Eng. & Bn. Sec. Oct. 22-7; im- 
provement, Japanese, Am. Eng. Mar. 11, 11, lS-6; Levee 
sys. May 8, 29, July 30, Aug. 6, 27, Sep. 10-5 ; and harbor, 
N. Y. and N. J., Gillespie, Aug. 1.3-5; U, S. Aug. 10, 31; 
Mississippi, rep.. Miller, Eng. Xeir:;, July 2S-.3. 

RIVEES. 231 

Rivers, imp., By. Gaz. Apr. 22, 29, May 6 ; Talmage, June 24-7 ; 
Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 6-7; Peoria, 111. Am. Eng. Oct. 5, 12; 
Seine, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 10-7; western waterways, con- 
struct. Am. Eiig. Oct. 26-7 ; Lake tributaries, mouths of. 
Rice, Van Nost. Dec.-3. 

" Mississippi, floods, Eng. Neios, July 7-3 ; do. Eng. May 23- 
4; imps, rep.. Miller, Eng. News, July 2S-S; Ao. Rij. Gaz. 
Apr. 22, 29, May 6 ; do. Talmage, June 24-7 ; do. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Aug. 6-7 ; jetties. So. Pass, cost, Eng. JVeios, Dec. 17-7 ; 
levees, rep. Aug. 7-6; do. Am. Eng. Feb. 9-7; reservoir sj-s. 
at head of, Eng, News, Aug. 23-4; do. Pyle, Harpers, Sep.- 
4 ; silt movement, McMath, Van Nost. Jan.-3 ; source, L. 
Itasca, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 19-7 ; valle3', protection from 
overflow, J. B Robinson, Am. Eng. Aug. 8-22-4 ; work on, 
Eng. News, Nov. 14-5. 

" Motor, Nossian's, Maier, Sci. Am. Sup. July 2-7; mt. 
streams, sediment carrying, in Europe, Specht, Dec. 12-5 ; 
Niagara gorge and falls, Hovey, Sep. 11-6 ; Nile delta, Wan- 
derson, Am. Eng. Aug. 1-4 ; do. Anderson, Van Nost. Sep.- 
4 ; do. Eng. July 4-4 ; expedition from Khartoum to sea, 
map, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 18 ; do. and nav. Dec. 6, 6-4 ; floods, 
impounding, map, Oct. 24-5 ; Ao. Eng. Sep. ll-o; physics, 
problems, J.B.Johnson, Eng. News, Aug. 1-5; do. Van 
Nost. Sep.-5 ; purilication, peaty, self-purification, Hartlej', 
Van Nost. July-3 ; Thames, Eng. Aug. 21-5; Rhine wire 
rope towage, Sci. Am. Sup. July 19-4; Rhone, moveable 
weirs on, Eng. News. Apr. 14-3 ; do. Lyons, Eng. Mar. 23-3 ; 
util. at Geneva, map, The Eng. June 1-3. 

" Sediment carrying, treatment of, Specht, Eng. News, Nov. 
7-5 ; Seine, Paris, Harcourt, July 3, 31-6 ; do. The Eng. Mar. 
12-6; imps. ;S'ci. ^m. (Swj). Sep. 10-7 ; purification, Durand- 
Claye rep. Seen. Eng. Mar. 18-6 ; Eng. Feb. 19-6 , stream 
gauging for Phil, water supply, Sanborn, San. Eng. June 3- 
6 ; Thames, crossing below London bridge, Eng. Feb. 16-3 ; 
purification, Aug. 21-5 ; movement of water in, Unwin, The 
Eng. Jan. 26-3 ; Tiber, regulation of, Montariari, Van Nost. 
Dec.-3; tidal, imp., Gould, Van Nost. Sep.-4; do. Delaware, 
Haupt, Fran. Inst. Oct.-7 ; and upland waters, value of main- 
taining, Browne, Van Nost. Sep, Oct.-5 ; Humber, May-5 ; 
Eng. Dec. 12; Unohagah, Can. Aug. 29, Sep. 5, 12, Oct. 24-4; 
vel. gauging in floods, Ritter, Eng. Neros, Aug. 6-7. 

232 RIVERS. 

Rivers, measurement of, Am. Eng. June 6-20-4; water level 
indie, Ravaglia's hydrometrograph, Elec. World, Aug. 15-5; 
do. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 3-5 ; Wear, barges, iron hopper, Eng. 
Mar. 30-3 ; Weaver, nav. Sep. 12-4 ; do. Dutton sluices, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Jan. 24-5. 

Riveting, Holbrook, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 16-4; expts., French, 
By. Ga^. Feb. 11-7; machine, MacColl's, Eng. May 18-3; 
Nobert's, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 12-5 ; do. hydr., Bement, By. 
Gaz. Mar. 4-7 ; do. plant, Berry, eng. The Eng. Feb. 20-5 ; 
do. Deliiloe, inv. Sci. Am. Sup. May 21-7; do. ship, The 
Eng. Nov. 30-3 ; do Stepiiens, Eng. June 3-7; do. Tweddell's 
150-ton, Iron Age, Sep. 10-5 ; do. Mech. Sep.-5 ; do. TJie Eng. 
July 31, Aug. 7-5; do. Eng. May 4; do. machinery, Xov. 
30-3; do. May 1-5. 

Rivet making, Plymouth, Mass. Iron Age, June 3-6. 

RivETTED Joints, expts., Kennedy, The Eng. May 15-5. 

Rivetter, plate closing. The Eng. July 1-7. 

Roach, John, 3Iech. Feb.-7; n. By. Gaz. Jan. 14^7 ; The Eng. 
Jan. 21-7. 

Road, harrow for macadamized roads, Sci. Am. Sup, Apr. 21-3 ; 
locomotion, centenary of, Macfie, Feb. 16-4; locomotive 
(traction eng.), and roller. Am. Eng. Dec. 26-4; Foden"s, 
The Eng. July 20; Fowler's, July 20-3 ; 16 H. P. stm. 
plowing, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 20-3 ; high speed, McLaren, 
The EHg. June 1-3; do. Dec. 16-7; for heavy haulage, 
do. Dec. 12-4; Eddington, Jan. 21-7; Stockport trials, 
Sep. 19-4 ; and rail truck, Perrett's, Oct. 22-6 ; rail and 
wheel, Sci. A^n. Sup. Mar. 24-3 ; roller, stm., and traction 
eng. Am Eng. Dec. 26-4. 

Roads, Sears, Am. Eng. Feb. 15-4; govt., in Italy, Eng. Xeics, 

Apr. 24-6 ; macadam, construct., J. W. Brown, Sci. Am. Sup. 

Nov. 13-6 ; roadways of New Mexico, Pullen, Soc. Arts, 

Mar. 11-6 ; repair and maintenance of, Wheeler San. 

Eng. June 25, July 9-7; in Spain, Eng. News, Apr. 3-6; in 

Switz. The Eng. Apr. 6, 6, May 4-3. 
Roberts, Milton J., por. Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 27-7. 
ROEBLiNG, John A., por. Ena. JSTeios, May 26-3 ; do. Sci. Am. 

Sup. July 14-3. 
Rogers, Wm. B., por. Soc. Arts, Oct. 12-2. 
Rolling Mill, frictional, reversing clutch, Weston's, The Eng. 

Jan. 19; eng., Seraing, July 27-3. 


BOLLING, Mill, eng., comp. reversing, at Codnor Park, Walker, 
eng. The Eng. Maj- 30; do. Tannett, eng. June 6. 13-4; 
Stevenson's, Aug. 1.3-6; at jSTewport mills. Head, IMay 6-7; 
sheet, Codnor Park, June 20-4; for covering sheets, Daelin's, 
July 22-7. 

EOLLS, gradual reduction, for hard subs.. Hall's, The Eng. Mar. 

KooFiNG Mach., edging and seaming. Brandrilf, Iro7i Age, Apr. 

EOPE driving. Iron Age, Aug. 19-6; white manilla, strength of, 
3Iech. Aug. 18-3; wire, towage ou Khine, Eng. July 13-3. 

EOPES, painted and tarred, ap. The Eng. Apr. 22-7. 

EOTARY Engines, Bliss, Iron Age, Aug. 14-4; Dec. 31-5; Jan. 
28 ; parallel shaft do. Feb. 25 ; Mar. 4-6 ; Washburn, 
Aug. 11-7; Waldron, Mech. Sep.-4; for locoms., Goodwin, 
Sep.-5; Wade's, Am. Eng. May 9-4; high-speed, Eigg, Sep. 
28-7; Harrington's, Elec. Mev. Jan. 3-3; do. Elec. World, 
Jan. 3-5 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 3-5 ; Pinchbeck's, Aug. 11- 
3 ; do. Oct. 4-4 ; do. Eng. Jan. 1-6 ; do. The Eng. June 8-3 ; 
Feb. ti, 13-6 ; Kingdon's, Eng. Dec. 3-6 ; do. The Eng. Aug. 
6-6 ; and pump, Goldschmidt, July 6-3 ; Oct. 16, 23 ; in- 
clined shaft, Dec. 18 ; with movable partition, Dec. 25-5 ; 
parallel shaft, Parson's, Jan. 15, Feb. 5 ; n. Apr. 16-6. 

EuBBER, india, prices, /ro« Age, Jan. 16-7; tubing mach., Eoyle, 
Mech. Oct.-5; substitute, vulcanized fibre, Apr.-5; do. 
Balata as a. Van Nost. Sep.-5; elastic fabrics manuf. imps. 
Sci. Am. Sup. 3vii\e 23-3; wks., Silvertown, dec. lighting, 
Eng. June 11, 18, 25-6. 

EuBiES, artificial, Fran. Inst. Nov.-6. 

EUSSIA, drainage, Pinsk marshes, Eng. News. Dec. 26-5 ; iron, 
metal and coal industries, Iron Age, Apr. 29-6 ; U. S. trade 
with, Apr. 2-5; mechan. industries of. The Eng. Feb. 23-3. 

Sable Island, submergence, Sci. Am. Sup. May 10-4. 

Safe deposit vault, San Eng. Sep. 2.3-6; banker's strong 
room, Chatwood Safe & Lock Co. Eng. Dec. 2-7. 

Salt, manuf. Iron Age, Feb. 24-7; wks., Clarence, Middles- 
brough, Eng. Oct. 12-3 ; mines, Northwich, Sep. 26-4. 

Sand blast file sharpener, Tilghmans, Iron Age, F'eb. 7-4; Soi. 
Am. Sup. Dec. 22-3 ; Eng. June 1-3 ; The Eng. Nov. 9-3 ; 
Matthewson's ap. June 12-5. 
" Molding Mach., Eice, Iron Age, Aug. 5-6. 


San Francisco, st. Ry. stat. Eng. News, Mar. 6-6. 

Sanitary Eng. See also Buildings; Health; Plumbing; 

" European cities, condition of, Eng. News, June 23; h. 

drains, cast iron, Aug. 11-3 ; do. drainage, Gerhard, Jan. 26 ; 

do. Durham sys. Feb. 2-4; town ordinances, Sep. 2(i; Coney 

Is., Gerhard, Oct. .3-5; condition of soil under cities, Apr. 

9; h. drains and traps, Honeyman, Oct. 29-7. 
" Eng. patents, mortality reps., tables, San. Eng. files ; 

arrangements in Vanderbilfs res. San. Eng. Jan. 4; JIc- 

Closky trap ventil. patent suit, Jan. 18 ; sewer connections 

to h"s, May 10 ; w.ater closets. May 10, 31 ; h. drainage, Aug. 

2, 23 ; arsenical poisoning by wall jjapers, Stevenson, Aug. 

9-.30, Sep. 6, 13; pub. bath, Berlin exhib. Oct. 11 ; baths, 

Turco-Russian, N. Y. Oct. 18-3. 

" Sewer connections and water supply of dwellings, San. 
Eng. Feb. 14; Pullman from a slate medicine point of view, 
Do Wolf, Apr. 17 ; healthy foundations, G. Brown, June 12, 
July 17, 31, Aug. 14, Sep. 4; pub. baths and wash houses, 
St. Pancras, London, Oct. 23 ; eng. as it now is, Rawlinson, 
Oct. 23 ; H. H. Cook's res., plan, Nov. 13-4 ; round hos. wards. 
Snell, Nov. 19-5; stat., Italy, Apr. 22 ; hos., for Bourne- 
mouth commissioners, Aug. 19; destruction and preserv. of 
life, Chadwick, Sep. 2 ; and domestic eng. during Montreal 
small pox epidemic, Nov. 6-6 ; condition of the dwelling h. 
Jan. 1-7. 

" Architecture, Am. Eng. July 23-5; drainage under dwell- 
ings, Clarksou, The Builder; do. Van Nost.Feh.-o; science, 
advances in, Oct.-6 ; do. Nature; h. appliances, Botting, Sci. 
Am. Siij). Jan. 27; atnios., disinfection of, Lee, Dec. 29-3 ; 
sewer gas and its dangers, McCaskey, Jan. H ; h. drainage 
and refuse, Galton, Jan. 26 ; h. sewage disposal, A. AV. 
Bell, Feb. 23; do. M. T. Clark, Dec. 27-4; prog. Aug. 7-6; 
relations of temp, to health in h"s, Benjamin, Mar. 19; disiu- 
fectors, Thursfield, Sep. 17-7; sanitation, T. AVins, Jan. 17- 
5 ; do. 50 years of, Jan. 1 ; do. of towns. Gordon, Nov. 19- 
7 ; legislation, petrol, products as related to, Peekham, Soc. 
Arts, Apr. 23-5 ; h"s, Eng. Aug. 22-4 ; survey, England, The 
Eng. Oct. 15-6. 

" Institute of Grt. Britain, pro. San. Eng. Oct. 25, Nov. 1-3 ; 
Aug. 6, Oct. 22-5; Dec. 25-6. 

SAW-MILL. 235 

Saw-mill, hist. Iron Age, Feb. 24-7; head blocks, Parish, Am. 
Eng. Sep. 14-T. 

Saws, cross-cut, Iron Age, Jan. 25-3 ; manuf . Nov. 5-5 ; circular 
and band, Ransonie, Eng. Maj' 13-7. 

SCHEELE, CarlWilhelm, B. F. Hays, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 21-5; 
por. Oct. 30-6. 

School, tech., Mass. Inst, of Technology, hist. (Wm. B. Rog- 
ers), Soc. Arts, Oct. 12-2. 

Science, walking, odometer (pedometer), Eng. News, 3\x\y 1o\ 
do. steps, length of, July 25; hardening plaster, Mallion, 
Paris, Aug. 8-5 ; and Indus., relations. Iron Age, Oct. 8-5 ; 
mission of, Thurston, Am. Eng. Sep. 19, 26, Oct. 3-17-4; 6 
gateways of knowledge (senses). Van Nost. June; do. W. 
Thomson, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 1-3 ; do. May 17-4 ; Thurston, 
addr. Van Nost. Oct; mechan. prog., Bramwell, addr. Nov.- 
4; physical basis of phenomena. Bates, Oct.-5 ; Am. Assoc, 
pro. By & Eng. Sep.-7; in relation to the arts, Fran. Inst. 
Jan.-Mar; a plea for pure, Oct; and industry, prog., '82, 
Feb.-3; do. do. "83, Feb.-4; plant anal, as an applied, 
Abbott, July; do. chem. basis, Sep; notes, Feb, Mar, May, 
&C.-7 and files ; modern, scholastic prelude to, Elec. Sev. 
Aug. 23-3. 
" Matter, nature and existence of, Knowles, Sci. Am. Snp. 
Jan. 12-4 ; and eng.,Westmacott, Dec. 29-3 ; dust-free spaces,. 
Lodge, June 28 ; Soc. for Psychicp-l Kesearch, reps. Aug. 30 ; 
the infinitely great and infinitely little, K. A. Proctor, Nov. 
" Origin and hist, of least and lowest living things, Dallinger, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 3 ; specti-a of metallic vapors, Becquerel, 
Jan. 31 ; painless extinction of life in lower animals, B. W. 
Richardson, Feb. 14; spectroscopic exam, of vapors evolved 
on heating iron, etc.. Parry, Feb. 28 ; protoplasm, Mar. 28 ; 
results of Lady Franklin Bay (arctic) exped. May 16 ; ether, 
properties of, G. F. Fitzgerald, May 30 ; trochoided plane, 
Hargrave, May 23; Nat. Acad. pro. May 23; causes of sex, 
Schlechter, June 20-5. 
" Agency of water in volcanic eruptions, Prestwich, Sci. Am. 
Sup. July i; sunlight and earth's atmos., Langley, July 4 ; 
forms of vibrating bodies, Decharme, July 18; eroding 
power of ice, Newberry, July 25 ; measurement of blood cor- 
puscles, Ewell, Oct, 3, Nov. 7-5. 

aric SCIENCE. 

Science, motor centers ol brain and mechanism of will, Hors- 
ley, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 17; cultivation of microbes, Oct. 17; 
Ramie (China grass), F. Watson, Oct. 24; do. as a textile 
material, Mason, Nov. 21 ; ana3sthetics, synopsis of, B. W. 
Richardson, Nov. 14, 21 ; standard pulse reading, do. Nov. 
14; bacteriology, Looniis, Nov. 21; climatic influence of 
forests, Chanceral, Dec. 12-5; Huxley, addr., Royal Soc. 
Feb. 6-6. 
" Natural, Tabasheer, relation to mineral substances, Dyer, 
Sri. Am. Sup. May 28-7; physical, Inv's exhib. Eng. Oct. 
2.3-5; growth and death, researches on, C. S. Minot, Soc. 
Arts, Jan. 10-4; the sea-serpent, Putnam, Locom. Oct.-6 ; do. 
Oct.-7; Am. Assoc, for Advancement of, pro. Eng. Oct. 
1.5-6; do. Oct. 21-7; mechan. prog., Bramwell, The Eng. 
Sep. 5-4. 

Screws, perfect, prob. solution, Rogers, Am. Eng. July 4-18-4; 
wood, standard sizes, Mech. Apr. 19; perfect, Rogers, May 
31, June 7, 14-4; raachs., Jones, May 5; cutting-lathe, Prov. 
Am. Eng. June 26-5; forging niach, Apr. 15-6; do. Pair- 
bairn's, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 11-6 ; do, do. The Eng. Mar. 19-6 ; 
manuf . in R. I. Iron Age., July 9, 30-5 ; perfect, solution of 
prob. June 5, 12, July 3-4; wood, Harvey rolled, Sep. 3-5; 
screw cutting, see Lathe, screw cutting. 

Screw Threads, Iron Age, Oct. 7-6; standard, Mech. Jan. 13; 
in cast iron, Barnes, Sep. 22 ; gauges, Oct. 20 ; fine, stand- 
ard (watch and math, lustrums.), English, Oct. 27-3; 
Jan. 12; absurdities, Jan. 12-4; Mas. Car. B. Club, Ry. Gaz. 
Jan. 5; standard, July 20-3; Sep. 24-6; Seller's sys. Aug. 
19-7 ; do. or Fran. Inst. sys. Fran. List. Apr.-7 ; do. table, 
Sci. Am. Sup. June 28-4; Whitworth, etc. Eng. Sep. 10-6. 

Scutching Mack. Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 8-7. 

Seaweed, econom. applies, of, E. C. Stanwood, Sci. Am. Sup. 
July 12-4. 

Sewers and Sewerage, tank, Boston, Eng. yncs, Feb. 10; 
pumping station do. Feb. 17 ; sys., Norfolk, Va., Lamb, May 
5 ; of Xahant, Mass., Bowditch, Dec. 8 ; sys., Kansas C. Dec. 
1.5-3 ; sys., Boston, Jan. 5, 5, 26 ; do. City Eng. rep. May 10 ; 
Kansas C, Chanute, Feb. 16, Apr. 26, May 3, 10, Pearson, 
May 24; combined vs. AVaring sys., Moore, May 17; do. and 
separate, McMath, May 24 ; storm overflow, Deptf ord. Loud. 
June 21-4. 


Seweks and Seaveragb, and drainage, Mexico, Eng. News, 
July 5; flusliing tanks, Rome, July 12; Wandle- Valley main 
drainage, Crump, Oct. 11, 18 ; sewering of towns on separate 
sys., A. E. White, Nov. 15-4. 

" Standard form, Washington, Eng. News, Jan. 17 ; sewer- 
age, do. Feb. 21 ; purification at Frankfort, Gerhard, Feb. 
21; wks., Leeds, Mar. 7; London Met. rep. Mar. 28, Apr. 
18 ; Apr. 11 ; wks., Buxton, Thush sys. May 2 ; outfall wks., 
Burham, Brady, June 6 ; disposal, Paris, June 20 ; ABC 
proc, Aylesbury, England, July 25 ; Nichols, Aug. 15 ; 
prices, Baltimore, Nov. 14-5. 

" Ventilation, Eng. News, Jan. 30; Boston, Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 
27 ; ventilator, Eachus, Mar. 6 ; and garbage removal, Euro- 
pean, Mar. 27 ; London, expts. with, Apr. 10; bu., Brooklyn, 
May 1 ; Providence, May 8, 22, intercepting, Sep. 11 ; spec, 
Shreveport, June 19 ; Washington, Oct. 2, 9 ; of Paris, Nov. 
6 ; lower Thames valley, Mellis, Dec. 18-6 ; disposal, Provi- 
dence, E. I., rep. Jan. 1; Phil. Jan. 1 ; assessments. Fall 
River, Mass. Jan. 8 ; proposals. May 28 ; foundations, con- 
tract prices, June 4; distrib. water, quantity, Arnould, Sep. 
3 ; Englewood, N. J., prices, bids, Sep. 17 ; treatment, expts.. 
Birch, Sep. 17-7. 

" Works, Boston main drainage, Mech. Dec.-5 ; Providence, 
rep., Gray, Am. Eng. Apr. 10; separate vs. combined sys., 
B. Wins, Apr. 24, May 1 ; separate sys., Pierson, Aug. 13-5 ; 
ventil., Eachus, Apr. 8-6; Shone hydro-pneu. sys. June 22- 
7 ; separate sys., Baumeister, San. Eng. May 3, 24 ; disposal 
by subsurface irrigation, Philbrick, May 17; ancient, and 
water supply, Silesia, Doerich, Oct. 4-3 ; Bost. main drain, 
wks., hist., map, Feb. 28, Mar. 13, 27, Apr.3 ; sys., Memphis, 
cost of. Mar. 20, 27 ; of Waterbury, Conn. June 19 ; a large, 
Lond. July 24; disposal, H. Robinson, Nov. 27-4. 

" Composition of , Nichols, table, iSan. Eng. Sep. 3; refuse 
destructor at Bombay, Dec. 31-5 ; scheme for valleys of 
Mystic and Blackstone r's, rep. Feb. 11 ; disposal, methods 
of, Bost. Commission, Feb. 18. 25 ; sys., Schenectady, N. Y. 
Apr. 22; precipitation wks., Sheffield, England, July 1; 
ventil., Straehan, Aug. 12; disposal at Providence, Sep. 23; 
farm at Saltley, England, W. S. Till, Oct. 7, 23 ; ap. for 
flushing, Sep. 23-6. 


Sewers and Sewerage, treatment at London, San. Eng. Oct. 
23 ; construct and sewage disposal, Phllbrick, Dec. 4^6 ; do. 
Jan. 1, Mar. .5, June 18, Aug. 6-T. 

" Sewage disposal at Mass. Eeformatory, Concord, and 
sludge j)umps at Walthaiustow, Essex, San. Eng. Jan. 8 ; of 
Providence, rep. Jan. 8; of Lakewood, N. J. Jan. 22; sys. 
and tunnel at Bar Harbor, Feb. 12; Carson's trench mach. 
Feb. 19 ; construct. Mar. 19 ; H. of Parliament, Westminster, 
Apr. 2-16, May 7, 14 ; and aqueducts of ancient Rome, Lan- 
ciani, Apr. 2; removal of shallow flowage from Boston 
storage reservoir, Apr. 16 ; Newark sys. May 7, 14; receiv- 
ing and catch basins, Waterbury, Conn. July 9; construct., 
Hetherington, Ang. 20, Sep. 3, 10-7. 

" Refuse disposal of towns, Virchow, Van Nost. Aug; size 
and ventil., White, Dec.-4; London, rep.. Gallon, Apr; 
depositing tanks, Frankfort, Lindley, May ; purification, fac- 
tory, Rockner proc. June; town drainage, Russia, state of, 
Abramson, June ; purification. Thresh, July, Oct. -.5 ; do. 
The Builder; veutil. of, Eachus, T'an iVbsZ. Mar; Mass. Com- 
iniss. rep. May ; chem. treatment, London, June ; irrigation 
wks., Berlin, Miller, July; treatment, Tidy, Julj'; veutil., 
Strachan, No v. -6. 

" Sewage, Fran. Inst. Aug.-5 ; town, mechan. appliances in. 
Apr.-6 ; gas, cremation of, Thomas, Jan.-7 ; pipe, manholes 
on, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 12; disposal, H. Robinson, Dec. 
13-4; plan for Providence, Gray, May 30-5 ; wks., Boston, 
Jan. IC; removal, H. AVhite, Feb. 6 ; ventil., Eachus, Feb. 
20; and micro-biology, Faraday, Mar. 13; flushing ap., Par- 
enty's. Mar. 27 ; disposal, pneu., Duckham's sys. May 22 ; 
do. in Berlin, Sep. 18-6 ; filter press, Drake-Muirhead, July 
2; wks., Hendon, July 16-7. 

" Pi'MPlNG eng., Pullman, 111. Eng. Apr. 6-3; proc. Apr. 30; 
ventil., Eachus, Sep. 17; wks., Bolton, Oct. 29-6; sludge, 
Dibdin, Crump, Feb. 4; and refuse dumping barge, Baney, 
May 27; imp. sys., Boston, results on death rate, Aug. .5; 
do. effect on health, Aug. 5-7 ; pumping engs., h. and pumps. 
Whitwood, The Eng. Mar. 9, 16; and streets, Loudon, table. 
Mar. 16; wks.,Brownhills, May IS; wks., Salford, lime 
mixing mach. July 6, 13, Aug. 10, 10-3 ; storm overflow, 
Dcptford, June 6; sewage. Shone sys. June 27-4. 


Sewers and Sewerage, wks., Abergavenny, TheEng. Feb. 6, 
13 ; pumping, Winchester, cost of. Mar. 13 ; ABC proc. at 
Aylesburg, June 26 ; Lower Thames Valley, H. Robinson, July 
10; pumps, Shone's hydro-pneu., Henley wks. Aug. 21 ; Lond. 
drainage, J. O. Phillips, Dec. ll-,5 ; wks., Stratford-on-Avon, 
E. Pritchard, eng. Jan. 1, 1.5; ventilator, Eachus, Jan. 15; 
Clapham, &c. Mar. 12, Apr. 2 ; and aqued. at Wandsworth, 
Mar. 19; London, chem. treatment of, Apr. 16; pumps, 
Waltliamstow, June IS ; and water wks., Petersfield, H. Rob- 
inson, eng. Oct. 8, 15; sewage London, Nov. 12; wks. at 
Southampton, Nov. 19-6. 
^' Sewage, London, cost of treating, r/se-Bn*/. Jan. 14; do. dis- 
posal, Apr. 15 ; do. precipitation wks. at Barking, Feb. 4, 11 ; 
sludge and disposal, Dibdin, Feb. 25; do. Crump, Feb. 25; 
wks., Hendou, May6; treatment, expts., Dibdin's, Birch, 
Aug. 5; util. wks., Leicester, Aug. 12; wks., Acton, Sep. 
16 ; of Henley on Thames, Oct. 21-7. 

Seraing works, Societe Cockerill, Bel. Iron Age, Sep. 13-3. 

Sewing Mach. motor, Heinrici's, Sci. Am. Sup. Maj- 30-5 ; mach., 
Urquhart, June 18-7; Singer wks. at Kilbowie, Eng. Aug. 
28, Sep. 4-5. 

Shafting, compressed steel, tests, Watertown, Iron Age, June 
7; transmiss. of power by, Dec, 13-3; clutch, heavy, 1,000- 
H. P., Weston, Oct. 2-4 ; couplings, interchangeable, Nov. 
11-6 ; friction clutch, J. Smith ^Voolen Co. Apr. 28 ; do. 
Moore, May 19; Stow flexible, Maj- .5-7; clutch, Horton, 
Mech. Mar. 17 ; do. Wilkinson, Maj' 5 ; do. Realeaux, June 
9 ; do. Vielhaber, Nov. 24 ; compressed steel, Naylor, May 
19; levelling instrum., Macdonald, Aug. 25; sys., Yale & 
Towne Co. Sep. 22, 29; mill, notes, Dec. 1-3; do. Jan. 26; 
coupling, Gallois, Mar. 1 ; load of. Ma}' 3 ; speed indie, 
Woodbury, Maj-3; do. O. Smith, June 21 ; do. Young, July; 
Flecming nest gear, Aug; clutch, 1,000-H. P., Weston, 
Sep.-4 ; speed indie, gauge. Hedge, Aug ; frictional resist, 
of, Webber, Dec-5 ; deflection, Grirashaw, Aug.-7. 
" Friction Clutch, Am. Eng. Oct. 10; H. P. of, Carr, 
'So\. 28-4; frictional resist, of, S. Webber, Dec. 3-5; Apr. 
29 ; turned, price lists, inaccuracies, tables, July 28, Aug. 4, 
18, 25-6 ; price lists, standard, table, M-ar. 30 ; f r. clutch, 
Macdonald, Aug. 10-7; do. Dohmen-Leblanc, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Sep.27-4 ; speeding up, Hobart, Oct. 22-7 ; mill, Locom. Oct.-3. 


Shafting, strength of, Eng. Apr. 20-3 ; coupling, friction, Her- 
mann!, Sep. 12-4 ; fr. clutch, Bagshaw, Mayl5-5 ; rev. counter. 
Kaiser, Feb. 19; fr. clutch, Mather, July 30; do. Fisher, 
Aug. 20-6 ; strength, Greenhill, The Eng. Apr. 20-3 ; bear- 
ings, friction of lubricated, expts.. Tower, Mar. 7, 21 ; coup- 
ling, elastic, Brotherhood's, Apr. 4; friction of lub. journals, 
W. R. Browne, July 25-4 ; coupling, Jameson's, and Frisbie's 
f r. clutch, Jan. 9 ; do. Fisher's, July 31 ; and bearings, Oct. 
16 ; coupling, flexible. Hall's, Xov. 6-5 ; steel, tests. Mar. 

Shaping Mach., Prentiss', Iron Age, Mar. 13-4; do. 3Iech. Feb. 
23, Apr.-4; rotary, Krentzberger's, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 6-3. 

Shears, power, Bliss, Iron Age, Mar. 4-6; shearing mach., 
1,000-ton hydr. Eng. Dec. 23-7. 

Shop council, Iron Age, Aug. 19-6. 

Shovel, solid steel, Iron Age, Nov. 18-6. 

Sibley College, Cornell Univ. Am. Eng. Nov. .5, 19-5. 

Sibley, Hiram, por. Sci. Am. S%ip. Feb. 27-6. 

Siemens, Charles Wm. Eng. jVeios, Nov. 24-3 ; Eng. Nov. 23-3 ; 
The Eng. Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 14, 28-3. 

SiLLiMAN, Benj. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 28-5. 

Silk, maoh., Atherton, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 13-3 ; producing bom- 
byees, rearing of, Wailly, May 10-4 ; mechan. reeling of, 
Nov. 19-7 ; reeling mach., Sewell's, The Eng. Aug. 5-7. 

Slates, Rutland and AVash. City, tests, AVilliams, Van Nost, 
Aug. -4. 

Slotting Mach., understroke. Iron Age, Aug. 14-4; Newton, 
Mech. Aug.-4 ; portable, and keyway cutting, Spencer, eng. 
The Eng. Feb. 27-5. 

Smith, Chas. A. Am. Eng. Jan. 9-5. 

Sxow, removal by salt, Paris, Eng. Xews, Feb. 6, Dec. 11-6; and 
salt in N. Y. Jan. 8 ; i-emoval in Paris, u. Mar. 12-7. 

Soap, toilet manuf. and mach., Beyer's, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 15- 
4; making, laund. .and toilet, June 20-5 ; toilet manuf ., C. 
R. AVright, Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 6 ; manuf. July 10-6 ; making. 
Watt, Eng. Feb. 29-4; do. The Eng. ]May 28-6. 

Society of Arts, Mass. Inst, of Tech., list membs., "85, Soc. 
Arts-6 ; do. '86,-7 ; pro. '82-3— "86-7. 

Societies, Boiler makers and iron ship builders, rep. Eng. Apr. 
25-4. See also Engineers, Civil, Inst., Mechan ; Mining 

SOUND. 241 

Sound, mills, S. P. Thompson, Mech. Mar. 29, Apr.-i; do. do. 

8ci. Am. Sup. June 21-4 ; theory of, Mott, Apr. 3-6 ; wave 

theory, do. May 28 ; sense of hearing, Rutherford, Nov. 5-7. 
South America, U. S. trade with. Iron Age, Jan. 13-7. 
Space, physical. Van Nost. July; geometry of, Randolph,, 

Spain, U. S. trade with. Iron Age, Dec. 3-5; pop. n. Am. Eng^ 

Dec. 29-6. 
Spectroscope and weather, Fran. Inst. Jan.-3. 
Speed Indicators, Iron Age, June 26; Young's, July 24-4; 

Hedge's, Aug. 13-5; Pratt, Elec. Mev. Apr. 24; recorder 

tachometers, Oct. 23-6; Young's, Elec. World, Sep. 13-4; 

Hedge's, Apr. 17-6; Braun's, Set. Am. Sup. Aug. 2; counter, 

Deschien's & Young's tachometer, Nov. 1-4; elec, Fargu- 

harson & Lane's, Jan. 17-5 ; do. tachometer, Jan. 1.5-7 ; do. 

Horn's, Eng. Dec. 3-6 ; counter. The Eng. Nov. 2-3 ; gauge. 

Hedge's, June 26-5 ; Blythswood, Nov. 20-5 ; Willis' hydro- 

pneu. speedometer, Oct. 28-7. 
Sphere and roller mach., Shaw, Iron Age, Dec. 24-5. 
Sphinx, Eng. Keu-s, May 1-6. 
Spinning, philosophy of twist. Wades Fibre & Fab ; do. Sci. Am. 

Sup. May 23; 100-spind. mule, Jan. 24; ant. yarn spinner, 

Lawson's, Aug. 22 ; cop winding mach. Nov. 7-5 ; ring 

throstles, Bourcart, July 24; motions in bobbin frames, 

Nov. 13-6. 
Springs, spiral. Hand, Mech. Sep.-7; helical. Cloud, Am. Eng. 

May 23-4. 
Sprinklers, aut., for protect, against fires, Woodbury, Soc. 

Arts, May 21-5. See also Fire Protection. 
St. Louis industries. Iron Age, Aug. 23-3. 
" Paul and Minneapolis, Iron Age, May 29-4. 
" Peters, Rome, hooping of dome. Iron Age, Aug. 27-5. 
Stamp Mach., Stamp End wks., Lincoln, Eng. Jnly 31-5. 
Stable commodities, fall in prices since '75, Iron Age, Mar. 

Starch, manuf. steam plant, France, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 20; 

Salomon, Nov. 24 ; potato, Angele's ap. Dec. 15-3. 
Statistics, foreign, Eng. Sep. 11-5. 
Statue of Liberty, Bartholdi; N. Y. harbor, Eng. Neios, 

Aug. 25-3; Jan. 5-4; Apr. 11, 18, cost, Aug. 15-5; Nov. 

20-6; Iron Age, Aug. 14-4. 


Statue of Liberty, construct. Iron Age, June 11 ; pedestal, 
June 18-5; Aug. 12-6; Mecli. June 28-4; San. Eng. Oct. 
23-6 ; Elec. World, May 30-5 ; Goodridge plan for erection, 
Sd. Am. May 26-3; Sci. Am. Sup. May 10-4; nianuf. Sep. 
12-5 ; Oct. 23-6 ; dimens. Locom. Nov .-6 ; Eng. Dec. 10-6. 

" Duke of AVellington, at Aldershot, erection of, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Sep. 19-5; Germania, at Bingen, German Nat. monu- 
ment, Oct. 13, Nov. 24 ; do. War and Peace, Dec. 15-3 ; do. 
Siemering, Sep. 25-6 ; statues, great bronze. Iron Age, Oct. 
Steam, generation of. Iron Age, Jan. 31 ; users, estimates for, 
June 26; distrib. in cities, N. Y. Aug. 7-4; Co. N. Y., bu.'s 
July 9-5 ; substitutes for, July 1 ; power of Prussia, Sep. 
23-6; pressures, high, use of, June 2; gen. Sep. 29-7; 
superheated. Porter, 3Iech. Feb. 3 ; for power and heating, 
econ. of combined use for, .Tune 9 ; flow of In pipes, Eudiger, 
June 9, 30-3; gen. of, Jan. 26; users estimates, Emery, 
June 21, 28, July; distrib. in cities, N. Y. sys. Aug.-4; 
superheated, Mar.-5 ; do. Mar.-6 ; use of . Mar; evap. pans, 
exhaust, Stearns, sup. June; and power, cost of, Towne, 
sup. June.-7; centenary of (Oliver Evans), San. Eng. Sep. 

" Estimates, Emery, Am. Eng. May 30, June 20, 27 ; energy 
of, Denton, Nov. 7-4; pressures, high, Feb. 9-7; econ. at 
Nat. Eubber Co. wks., Bristol, R. I., Hill, Van Xost. Feb.-4; 
making coal for tests, do. Dec.-5; exiian. of, limitations, 
Marks, l}y. & Eng. Apr.-7; high-press., econ. of, Fran. Inst. 
May-5 ; econ. with compressed air. Strange sys. June-6 ; 
econ. by expan., Marks, Mar.-7. 

" Power of world, n. By. Qaz. Sep. 23-7; gen., "W. Ander- 
son, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 19, June, 14, 21 ; power, cost of, 
table, Emery, Mar. 22 ; distrib. in cities, 'W. P. Shinn, Aug. 
9.4; eflic. of, measuring, Mar. 14-5. transmiss., Emery, 
May 29; making by friction ap., Pearse, Sep. 11-6; sale of, 
Emery, Jan. 15 ; gen. of, Oct. 29 ; illus. (wood and sawdust 
b"s.), Babcock, Dec. 17-7. 

" Vel. of, Atkins, Pouvr & Trans. Dec.-7 &c; transmiss of, 
Emery, Soc. Arts, Feb. 2.5-6 ; properties of saturated, Locom. 
Apr.-3 ; dens, and vol. of air and saturated stm., D. K. 
Clarke, table, May-5. 

STEAM. 243 

Steam, gen. and use, ioconi. Aug.-6 ; do. Jan.-7; pressures, 
high, use of, 0ct,-6; do. June; power and engs. of world, 
Aug.-7; distrib. in cities, Eng. Feb. 27-5; effic, measure- 
ment of. The Eng. Feb. 6-5; gen. of, Aug. 19, Sep. 9-7. 
Steam Boilers, riveted joint tests, Moberly, Eng. News, May 
26, June 2-3 ; Eoot wrt. iron sectional, Feb. 24-4 ; joint. 
Thorn, Feb. 28-5; and eng., physical theory of, Wolff, Feb. 
20, 27; fur. forced combust. Nov. 26-7; long cyl., dangers 
of, F. B. Allen, Iron Age, Apr. 19; flues, corrug., strength, 
Parker, May 3; Kent, May 24; welded, Oct. 4 &C.-3 ; con- 
struct. Mar. 6; and ship steel plates, water tube, Lucy fur., 
Pitts. June 12; construct, and strength, Sep. 11 ; corrosion 
and scale, Nov. 6 ; heads, bracing, Dec. 11 ; flues, resist, to 
collapse, Dec. 11-4. 

" Boilers, firing by Siemens gas sys. Iron Age, Feb. 26 ; 
Colbj', Mar. 5 ; heating surface, value of position of, Aug. 
6; plate rolling, Adamson sys. Nov. 19 ; material, Dec. 10 ; 
Arnold's, Dec. 24-5; power, Jan. 14; plate, soft steel for, 
Mar. 4; do. steel, failures in. Mar. 4; strength materials, 
rules, Apr. 1 ; do. Apr. 8 ; flue collapse, Apr. 8 ; safe work- 
ing press. Apr. 8 ; firing tests, Sep. 23 ; Harrison, Dec. 2-6 ; 
and their settings, Hague, Jan. 18 ; case of low water in, 
Codman, Apr. 14; Lane, May 26; tubes, flow of gases thro. 
June 23 ; aut., Chic. Aut. B. Co. July 28 ; tubes, ribbed, Aug. 
2.5 ; use of kerosene oil in, Lyne, Dec. 1 ; fur. smoke pre 
venter, Dec. 15-7. 

" Boilers, strength of, 3Iech. Jan. 20; fur. door and grate 
bars, Ashcroft, Feb. 3; long cyl., dangers of, Apr. 14; flues, 
corrug., strength of. May 12; testing by hot and cold water, 
Mas. Mech. discuss. Aug. 4; welded, Hartly, Aug. 18 ; do. 
Sep. 1-3 ; riveted joints, Jan. 5 ; grate bar. Rider, Jan. 26 ; 
fur. door, Miksch, Jan. 26 ; grates, dimens. Feb. 23 ; fur. 
combust., smokeless, Lawrence, Feb. 23; construct., forms 
of strength and etfic, Strong, Mar. 1, Sep.-Nov; vertical, 
Pelestot, Apr. 5; and settings for blast furs., "Witherow, 
Apr. 12; oil in, Apr. 19; inspection, Apr. 26; internally vs.. 
exter. fired, Buel, May 10 ; forced draft for, Howden, May 
17,24; water tube, Lucy furs., Pitts.. Kent, June 21; brae- 
ing, Aug ; head bracing, Dec.-4. 

" Boilers, fur. anal, of chimney gases, Mech. Jan; strength 
and effic, tests, table, Strong, Jan.-5. 


Steam Boilers, Colby, Mech. Feb; do. portable, and feed w. 
heater, Mar; vertical, Hazelton, Mar; and eng. fuel eeon., 
Barnes, Apr ; ecou. by forced draft, screw propeller for, 
Brooklyn Navy Yard, Aug ; grate and heating sur. Nov ; fur., 
Stevens, Nov : tubular, Dec.-5 ; making. Ford, Jan.-July, 
Sep; Root, Apr.-6; vertical, C'ounery, May; heating sur. In 
tubes, rel. value, Fitch, May ; use of kerosene oil in, Lyne, 

" Boilers, controlled combust. San. Eng. Sep. 6-3 ; at 
Tribune bu., N.Y. Jan. 31-4; N. Y. Jan. 29; new form, Sep. 
10-5; and eng., low press. Davy atmos. Apr. 22; grate bars, 
McDougall's self-acting, July 29-6 ; C. A. Smith, Am. Eng. 
Jan. 4- Apr. 18 ; Burnell, May 23 ; construct., etc., Burnell, 
.July 25, Aug. 1 ; Firmenich, Aug. 29 ; Heine, Sep. 5 ; Col- 
by's sectional, Sep. 26 ; tubes, sizes, table, Nov. 7 ; hor. 
tubular, construct., Scheffler, Nov. 14; H.P., standard, Nov. 
21, 28; LawsoQ non-explosive, Oct. 24-4; do. Feb. 6, 27-5. 

" Boilers, fur., Blanchard, Am. Eng. Jan. 16; feeding at 
bottom. Mar. 20; plates, thick steel, W. Parker, May 15, 29; 
water tube, Babeock, June 19 ; and engs. in France, '83, num- 
ber, July 3 ; light tubular, Cadiat, Dec. 3 ; feed w. and scale 
compounds, Dec. 17 ; rating by horse powers, C. B. Richards, 
Nov. 12, 19, Dec. 10-5 ; for h. heating, Gorton, Mar. 4; fur., 
Davison, Apr. 29 ; tube arr. May 13 ; feed water, Aug. 4, 11 ; 
Hipkin's, Aug. 18 ; management, Sep. 29, Oct. 6-27 ; settings, 
Hague, Nov. 24-6 ; grate bars, Mar. 23 ; aut., Chic. Aut. B. 
Co. Aug. 3 ; use of kerosene oil in, Lyne, Nov. 30-7. 

" Boilers, furnace, smoke prevention, England, By. Gas. 
Aug. 15-4; safety ap., German, July 23-6; tubes, strength, 
Van Nost. Feb.-3 ; riveted joint tests, Moberly, Jan; corro- 
sion and scale, King, June; defects, Engert, Sep; furs., 
combust, in under press., Howden, Sep; explosions, Kays, 
Nov.-4; riveted joint tests, Kennedy, July; plates, thick 
steel; Parker, Sep.-5; tubes, ribbed, Chomienne, France, 
By. & Eng. May-7 ; cast iron in, Fran. Inst. Mar.-May; 
tests by hydrostatic press. Aug; as magazines of explosive 
energy, Dec.-4 ; do. Jan ; Zell, Safety St. Gen. Co. Elec. Bev. 
Jan 2; fur., Jarvis, Apr. 23-7; Harrison's (C. I. sectional), 
Elec. World, Feb. 27-6. 

" Boilers, safety and feed ap. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 10-3 ; furs., 
smoke burning, F. C. Smith, Jan. 19, Feb. 16-4. 


Steam Boilers, tubes, keeping tight, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 5^ in- 
crustation prevention by zinc, Sumburnking, July 5 ; hor. 
tubular construct., Scheffler, Dec. 6; tubes, sizes, etc., table 
and rep. Dec. 13, 13-4. 

" Boilers, fur., blow pipe flame, Engert, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 
17 ; do. Blanchard"s, Feb. 28 ; do. Cronipton's dust fuel, Aug. 
8; Anderson, Aug. 22; fur., F. Siemens', Aug. 20; do. Fer- 
ret's dust burning, Nov. 28-5 ; J. M. Allen, Mar. 20 ; com- 
bust, and fire-boxes, Coleman, Oct. 2; with gasogene furs., 
Albin, Dec. 11-6 ; for wet bagasse and nat. gas, and aut. 
stoker, Babcock, Dec. 24-7. 

" Boilers, inspection, ins., defects, etc. Locom. files, vertical, 
J. M. Allen, des. Locom. Jan, Mar; riveted joints, J. H. 
Cooper, Jan ; long, dangers of, Feb ; do. bracing. May ; 
domestic, Mar ; feed pipe connection, May, Aug.-3 ; do. Jan.- 
5; iron and steel expts., J. M. Allen, Feb, Apr, July, Dec; 
hand hole plate, Apr; cast iron in, Apr; anti-incrustation 
powders, Fairbairu, Apr ; corrosion and scale in, July ; sedi- 
ment collecting in, cals., table, Dec; safety valve pipe, rule 
for, Dec.-4. 

" Boilers, construct., use of steel in, Locom. Feb ; fur. forced 
draft, May, Sep ; rivets and rivet heads proiiortious, June ; 
riveted joints, Kennedy rep. June; stm. pipe connections, 
July ; grate and heating surface, Sej) ; fire door linings, Nov.- 
5 ; scale, Jan ; riveted joints proportions, Jan ; defects, Apr, 
Julj' ; rivets, bess. steel for, June ; domestic and drums, July ; 
firemen, July ; connections, dangerous, Aug.-6 ; grate bars, 
F. B. Allen, Jan ; manhole for bleaching keirs, Jan ; flues, flow 
of gases thro. Feb; setting. May; surface blow ofl'ap. June; 
stm. and mud drum connections, July ; fire surface limit, 
July; corrosion, examples, Aug; high press., construct, of, 
Oct ; upright tub., heating sur. of, Oct.-7 ; safety, J. R. Rob- 
inson, Soc. Arts, Dec. 27-3. 

" Boilers multitub., Bellamys, Eng. Apr. 27; water-tube, 
Thornycroffs, May 18 ; flue, Engert's, Sep. 14-3 ; sectional, 
Hardingham, Jan. 11 ; forced draft, Apr. 11, 18 ; portable 
sectional, Sandycroft, Sep. 19; joint. Thorn, Oct. 10-4; ver- 
tical. Coles, Apr. 3 ; and mechan. stoker, Knap, May 1 ; 
Babcock, Inv's exhib. May 1 ; riveted joints, rep., Kennedy, 
July 3, 10 ; Root, Sep. 25 ; Arnold, Nov. 27-5 ; Heine, Apr. 
2; forced combust. Apr. 23, May 7, 21, 28-6. 


Steam Boilers, radiation tests, Eng. lab. Eng. July 30; fur., 
Silvester's, Sep. 24-6; helical joints, notes, Jan. 21, Feb. 2.5, 
Mar. 4, 18, 25, Apr. 1-29, May (J, 1.3, 27, June 3, 10, July 1 ; 
flues, helically corrug. May 27 ; making plant hydr. May 
27 ; fur. mechan. stoker. Proctor, Sep. 9 ; do. Sep. 23-7. 
" Boilers, furnace econ. The Eng. Jan. 19, n. Feb. 2; feed w. 
reg., Jochumsen's, Apr. 13 ; elephant, Apr. 27, July 13 ; 
Hodge's, July 13 ; Crossness pumping station (corrug. flue), 
July 27-3 ; bk. n. Feb. 29, Mar. 7 ; elephant, Livet's, May 

9 ; Koot & StoUworks feed w. purifier, July 18 ; effic. July 
25 ; fur. smoke abatement, Aug. 15 ; fur., Engert's blow pipe 
flame, Dec. 19-4; do. do. n. Jan. 20-5. 

" Boiler setting, hor. r/ie -£■«(/. Feb. 20; heating sur., influence 
of position. Mar. 13; fui'S., Boswell, Mar. 13; feed w. reg., 
Grossman, Mar. 20; effic. Mar. 20; fur. combust, under 
press. May 29 ; as magazines of explosive energy, Thurston, 
June 26, July 3 ; forced draft by revolving screw in chimney, 
Kafer, July 3 ; single riveted lap joints des., R. H. Smith, 
Aug. 21 ; semi-portable, Rouudthwaite's, Sep. 18-5. 

" Boilers, water-tube, Babcock's, development of, illus. The 
Eng. Oct. 23 ; Hartley's vertical tubular, Nov. 13 ; hydr. 
tests, 3Ias. Mech. rep. Xov. 13 ; water-tube, Antwerp exhib. 
Dec. 4 and sup; Genetic, Dec. 2.'J-5; flue and fur. tubes, 
Curtin's, Mar. 12; forced draught expts., Patterson, Apr. 

10 ; fire boxes and combust., Coleman, Sep. 24 ; Cornish, Am- 
sterdam water wks. Nov. 5-6 ; fur. feeder, Proctor's, Aug. 
I'J ; fur. stoker, Johnson's, Sep 23; and eng. wks., Patter- 
son's, Naples, Dec. 30; fur. flues, strength of, Dec. 30-7. 

" Boiler damper reg.. Bowker, JLch. Apr.-,5 : San. Eng. Dec. 
25-6 ; Kellam's, Am. Eng. Aug. 13-5 ; drilling machs., Camp- 
bell, Mi'ch. Aug.-dr. 

" Boiler Explosions. "S."), Iron Agt:, Mar. 25-6 ; Eiverdale 
testimony, Mech. Sep. 29-3; Bilston, England, Jan; and 
superheated water, Feb; in England, "84, Hiller. Oct.-5 ; 
causes of. Lowering, Ji/«. Eng. Oct. 10,24-4; in '84, table, 
Apr. 3-5; Jan. 14-6; Kays, Sri. Am. Sup. Sep. 27; causes 
of, Lowery, Nov. 1.5-4; Allen, Feb. 19-7; rep. inspectors 
Hartford St. B. Insp. & Ins. Co. Locom. Feb.-3 and files ; 
summary for year, Feb; (long) remarkable, July-4: U. 
S., '84, table, Feb; and superheated water. May; English, 
'84, July-5 ; rotary bleaching h. Oct. -6. 


Steam Boilers, at nail wks. {Iron Age, July 18-78), iocom. 
Nov .-6 ; summary, '86, table, Feb ; in Englancl,'86, Hiller rep. 
July; cracks, etc. Sep.-7; England, Eng. Feb. 16, Sep. 1-t; 
do. '82, Apr. 13-3 ; do. "SS, Mar. 28-4 ; do. '84, Mar. 13, 20-5 ; 
do. '85, Mar. 26-6 ; do. '86, Apr. 29-7. 

" Boiler, feed pump, donkey, Mumford's, The Eng. June 
15-3; feeder, Sintz, Am. Eng. Oct. 31-4; do. The Eng. Feb. 
20-5 ; feed water filter. Blessing, Am. Eng. Dec. 8-6 ; purifier 
and heater, Warner, Dec. 24-5 ; do. Hoppes live steam, 
July 6-7 ; filtering plant, Hyatt, Iron Age, May 12, June 16- 
7 ; feed water heaters, value of, Eng. News, Dec. 18-6 ; Iron 
Age, Aug. 20-5 ; Jan. 13 ; Reynold's, Nov. 24 ; Armstrong, 
Dec. 22-7; Mech. Mar.-5; Goubert, Am. Eng. July 3-5; 
Hooker, Feb. 18-6; "water tube," June 15-7; Berryman, 
The Eng. Jnlj 6-3; Compactum, Kirkaldy, eng. May 14; 
Burrell, July 16-6; Maclaine's, Sep. 30-7; fittings, Mech. 
Apr. 7-3 ; flanging mach.. Basset, Aug.-4 ; gauge cock, water 
g. and stm. alarm column, Reliance Co. Am. Eng. Dec. 14-7. 

" Boiler Injectors, Giffard, Mech. Apr. 14-3 ; "Standard," 
Am. Eng. Sep. 17-5 ; vs. steam pump etHc, Henderson, Aug. 
17, 31-7 ; principle of. By. Gas. Aug, 0-6 ; Borland's, The 
Eng. May 8 ; ejector condenser, Morton's, Oct. 9 ; self start- 
ing, Gresham's, Nov. 13-5; exliaust, Dec. 9-7; do. Am. 

" Boiler mechan. stokers, fur., Brightniau, Zell Eng. Co. 
Am. Eng. Jan. 28-6 ; do. Elec. Bev. Jan. 30, Oct. 9-6 ; Sin- 
clair's, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 10-3; Hodgkinson's, Oct. 4-4; 
aut., Babcock, Dec. 24-7; Knap, Eng. May 1-6; Hodgkin- 
son's, San. Eng. Aug. 28-4; do. The Eng. Aug. 1, n. 22-5; 
safety valve, treacherous, Durfee, Iron Age. Aug. 6-5 ; do. 
do. Mech. Aug-5. ; Barcon, By. Gaz. Sep. 30-7; Pinel,^)ig'. 
May 9-4. 

" Boiler Tests, (economic, etc.), inter, and exter. fired. Iron 
Age, May 1 ; for U. S. govt. May 22 ; rules, June 5 ; stand- 
ard, Dec. 25-4; trials, standard. May 14; do. Fran. Inst, 
tests, July 23; vertical, Hazelton, Mech. Feb. 10; evap. 
power of bitum. coals, Kent, June 30 ; Harrison b. Aug. 11- 
3 ; rules, Kent, May 31, June 7 ; with 111. coal, June 7 ; Dec- 
4; effic. table. Strong, Jan ; standard, Apr; do. rep. Am. 
Soc. M. E. May, June-5; do. do. San. Eng. June 4-25; 
warm blast ap. trials, rep., Hoadley, July 16-5. 


Steam Boiler Tests, effic. for various conditions, Chart, J. A. 
Caldwell, San. Eng. Dec. 25-6 ; evap. power of coal, table, 
Feb. 19-7. 

" Boiler Tests, effic. table, Am. Eng. May 30; rules, Kent, 
May 23, Nov. 14-4 ; Barrus, Feb. 6 ; rules, Feb. 20 ; standard 
trials, meth. .June 5, 12 ; Heine, July 3, Sep. 10; sectional 
and shell, rel. econ., Buel, July 10; trials, Indus. Elec. 
exhib., "84, July 23; Babcock, table, Sep. 24; elec. light, 
tests, Wagner, Nov. 12, 19; commercial value of stm. coals, 
Nov. 26 ; Jarvis Eng. Co. Dec. 3 ; trials, with Stevens fur., 
Gallouije, Dec. 17-5 ; fur. effic. with different coals, Jan. 7 ; 
Harrisburg elec. light, cen. station.. Pa. Jan. 7 ; water-tube 
b. Apr. 22 ; Root b. 'Sivy 6 ; econ. (50 per cent). May 13 ; at 
Dessan sugar ref . Oct. 13 ; Phil, water dept. Dec. 15-6 ; fur., 
forced combust, exists, at Wash, navy yd. Jan. 26 ; Galloway 
b., Edgemoor I. Co. Mar 16, 30, Apr. 6, 13, 27-7. 

" Boiler Tests, Brush elec. light wks. Van XriH. Jan.-3 ; evap. 
power anthra. coal in, Kent, Aug.-4 ; testing, evap. of water 
from and at 212° F., Buel, Feb ; standard, rep. Mar, Apr.-5 ; 
n. Aug.-6 ; Fran. Inst. May; and St. b's, rep. July-5 ; Kings- 
ley, rep. Oot.-6 ; furs., downward-draught, Lozano, Nov. 
Dec.-7; Babcock b., Edison Co. Elec. Mev. Jan. 3-5; at 
Nashville, J. W. Hill, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 18-6 ; calorimeter, 
Locom. Feb; evap. power and efflc. Oct.-5 ; Am., effic. of, 
Fran. Inst. rep. The Eng. Sep. 4-18-5. 

" Boiler water gauge, connections, 3/ecft. Jan 26 ; Bertrand, 
Apr. 5; do. Apr.-4; glass, Summerson's, The Eng. Apr. 3-5. 

" Calorimeter, Barrus, Iron Age, Dec. 10-5 ; do. Am. Eng. 
Oct. 31-4; do. Dec. 3-5; Grizzi, The Eng. June 1-3. 

" Carriage, Bollee's, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 18-3 ; Dec. 17-7. 

" Check valve, spherical, Labeyrie's, Am. Eng. Mar. 9-7. 

" Engines. See also Marine and Pumping Engs ; Railroad 

" Engs., cyl. condens., loss by, Emery, Eng. yeics, Nov. 27- 
6 ; high speed motor, Cockburn, Aug. 6-7 ; Davis, Iron Age, 
Jan 18 ; English mint, Mar. 1 ; Ide, Dec. 20-3 ; and gearing 
for elec. light, Fithian's, Jan. 10 ; inventions of AVatt, Jan. 
31, Feb. 7, 14; early hist. May 1-29, June 5 ; early, Trevi- 
thick's, Dec. 2,5-4 ; and gov., Nystrom's high-speed, Feb. 5 ; 
cutoff gear, Topmiller, Apr. 2 ; Trenton, May 7 ; oscillating, 
Moore, June 18-6. 


Steam Engines, reversiug valve, Moore, Iron Age, July 2 ; high- 
speed, Fielding, Sep. 17 ; Shipnaan, Oct. 8 ; cyls., non-conduct 
ing, Nov. 26 ; Grasshopper, English, 1815, Dec. 10-5 ; condens- 
ing, air valve, Losenhausen's. Mar. 25 ; aut. cutoff, Man, 
Apr. 1 ; Webster, Lane Mach. Co., Akron, O. Apr. 15 ; slide 
valve friction, June 3 ; compressed hot air in, July 15 ; 
Proell's high-speed, Nov. 4 ; Ide, Nov. 18-6. 

'■' Engs., high speed comp. for elec. lighting, Swiss, Iron Age, 
Jan. 13 ; slide valve friction, Feb. 3 ; flywheels, strength of, 
Feb. 3 ; winding, double cyl., Copeland, Feb. 3 ; piston rod 
packing, Eohn, Feb. 17; blowing, Wermer, Mar. 17; beam, 
compounding, Mar. 31 ; valve movement, Coryell, May 26 ; 
comp. single cyl., Richards, June 9 ; cyl. condens. and comp. 
engs., Emery, June 16; oscillating, valve gear, Hartley, Oct. 
6; high-speed, "climax," Oct. 6-7. 

" Engs., slide valve. Church, ilfec/t. Jan.-6 ; direct acting, 
Davis, Jan. 6, Feb. 17 ; slide valve, Morsop, Jan. 13 ; for 
English mint. Mar. 3; comp., advantages. May 12; do. Por- 
ter-Allen, May 19; do. single cyl., Richards, June 2; cyl. 
jacketing, for hoisting eng. and stm. hammer, June 9 ; valve, 
circular D, June 16 ; connecting rods, June 23 ; vertical, bal- 
anced, Durfee, June 30; comp., Riedinger, Aug. 4; do. 
Shanks, English, Aug. 11 ; and gov.. Ball, Aug. 11 ; valve 
diags., Rose, Aug. 18, Sep. 1 ; do. Zeuner, Sep. 29, Oct. 13 ; 
spherical. Tower, Sep. 8 ; condenser, Korting, Sep. 29 ; cutoff 
cams, Jordan, Oct. 6 ; vertical, balanced, Durfee, Oct. 6 ; 
comp.. econ. of, Rudiger, Oct. 6, 13 ; valve motion, Ang- 
strom, Nov. 24; governing by comijression. Tabor, Dec. 1; 
Ide, Dec. 15 ; high-speed, Jacomy, Dec. 22 ; and gearing, 
Fithian, Dec. 29-3. 

" Engs.. valve gear, Laharpe, 3Iech. Jan. 19 ; serai-port.. Lane, 
Feb. 2 ; her. condens., Ludwig, Feb. 9 ; 6 H. P. Farcot, Paris, 
Feb. 9; valve, balanced, Rund, Feb. 16; comp., Willans, 
Mar. 1 ; condensing water, table. Mar. 29 ; winding valve 
gear. Mayer, Apr. 5; high-speed. Parson, Apr. 19; Corliss, 
Schneider, Creusot, France, Apr. 26; winding, aut. cutoff 
gear for, Maj'er, ^Vpr; condensing water for, table, Aller, 
Apr; early hist., Dubois, Apr. 26, May 3-31; high-speed, 
equalizing action of recip. parts, June 14-28, July; revers- 
ing gear, Boutard, June 14; hor., Kliebisch, Chemnitz, Sax- 
ony, Aug; vertical tandem, surface-condensing, Dec. -4. 


Steam Engines and gov., high-speed, Xystrom, 1/ec/i. Jan; high 
press., Trevithick's early, Crewe Ey. wlis. Jan; crank shafts, 
strength, Feb ; cutoff gear, Topmiller, Feb ; piston packing, 
spring, Flanders, Apr ; g'renton. May ; single acting, Rich- 
ards, Jlay; oscil., Moore, June; cutoff valves, June; com- 
pression in, Rose, Aug ; higli-speed, Fielding, Sep ; condens- 
ing water, cost of, Sep; Shipnian, Oct ; semi-portable, with, English, Oct; Grasshopper, English, 1815, Nov; 
c}is, non conducting materials in, Emery, Dec.-5 ; condens., 
Nolet, Feb ; slide valve and piston position, Mar ; crank 
shafts (lining), n. May ; piston packing ring thickness, Ruth- 
erford, suj). June; cyl. condens. and comp. eng., Emery, 
sup. .Tune ; valve gear, Allan, June ; condenser, surface, Light- 
hall, June; valve gear, Swain's universal, Oct.-6; building, 
labor in, Fitch, July; triple expan., Suplee, Nov; piston 
packing, Sweet, Dec; non-condensing, internal friction of, 
Thurston, Dec; valve gears and govs.. Fitch, Dec.-7. 

'• Exos., Tandler's, Am. Eng. Feb. 1; slide valve, balanced, 
Delancey's, Mar. 14; most econ. May 2, 16-30; Ide, June 13; 
Estes, Aug. 29; comp.. Turner's, Seii. 19; cyl. lub. Nov. 7- 
4; hist, '-steam jack," Mar. 13; parts proportioning, Apr. 
10; Ide, Apr. 17; comp. and non-comp., relative econ. Feb. 
20, Apr. 24, May 15 ; Trenton, May 8 ; slide valve, balanced, 
Schuhmaun, July 10; eccentric, spherical, Tripier, Poillou, 
Sep. 3; valve, Carlson's, Dec. 24; econ. aut. cutoff, Corliss, 
over plain slide valve, Dec. 31-5. 

" ExGS., Porter-Hamilton, Am. Eng. Feb. 18 ; rolling mill, 
Joliet Steel Co.'s, Mar. 11 ; Chuse, Mar. 11 ; Taylor Mfg. Co. 
Apr. 1 ; balanced rotary valve, Glenn, May C; cals., formu- 
las. May 6; crank pin, strength, May 20; balanced valve, 
Bal. V. Co. July 14; Fishkill (Jorliss, Nov. 10; crank shaft 
twisting moment det. bj' graph, nieth., Hollis, Dec. S ; non- 
condens, friction of, Tliurston, Dec. 8, 15-6; valve move- 
ment, Coryell's, May IS ; friction of non-condens., Buel, 
June 8, 15; comp., AVilliams, July 6; contin. expan., Hen- 
derson, Aug. 10; Corliss, Reynold's wrt. iron frame, Aug. 
31 ; Eussel, Nov. 16 ; piston packing, Sweet, Nov. 23 ; Valley, 
Dec. 14; non-condens., internal friction of, Thurston, Dec. 

'■ Engs., Armington & Sims cutoff, San. Eng. Apr. 19-3 ; hoist- 
ing and derrick, Equit. bu., N. Y. Eng. & Su. i?cc'.Mar. 26-7. 


Steam Engines, stopping ap., German, By. Gaz. Sep. 9-7; slide 
valve bacli press., Robiusou, Van Nost. 3\x\y\ 2-cyl. eomp., 
do. Oct, Nov.-3 ; comp. and plant, Buel, May, and b. Jime- 
4 ; cushioning in, Morton, June-5 ; triple-expan. Apr.-6 ; 
nou-condeus., friction of, Thurston, By. & Eng. Feb ; comp.. 
King, Mar; do. Berries, Mar; slide valves, power required 
to move, trial, Giddings, Apr.-7. 

" Engs., commercial and dynamic efficiencies, Fran. Inst. Oct ; 
valve motion, new radial, Dec ; cutoff, cheapest point, Dec- 
3; do. do .Feb, May, June, July; comp., econ. Jan, Apr; 
cyl. condensation, Jan, Mar, Apr; exjian. and size, econ. 
July; theory, development, hist. 0ct.-4; cyl. jacketing, 
Sep ; do. behavior of stm. in, Dec.-5 ; Porter-Allen, Bucke}'e, 
rep. Feb; cyl. condens. and expan. Feb, May ; inertia recip. 
parts and effect on crank pin, Sep ; non-condensing, friction 
of, Dec.-6; triple-exisan., Heudersou, Nov.-7. 

" Engs, Corliss, Electric. Apr.-June; do. and Wheelock, July ; 
Greene, Aug ; Porter-Allen, Sep ; Buckeye and Hartford, 
Oct ; Cummer, Nov ; Straight Line, for elec. lighting, 
Thurston, Dec. -3 ; Armington, Jan ; Ball, Feb; Ide, Mar; 
Ericsson and AVestinghouse, for elec. lighting, Thurston, 
AiJr.-4; Davey vacuum, safety, Aug .-5; Buckeye, Elec. 
Bev. Dec. 20-3; Fitchburg, Jan. 24; Eeynolds-Corliss, Jan. 
31 ; Ide, Feb. 21-4. 

" Engs., Cowdrey 4-oyl., without dead centers, Elec. Bev. Feb. 
14-5 ; N. Y. Safety Stm. Power Co. Jan. 23 ; Burnham, Mar. 
27-6; and gov., Russell, Nov. 19-7; Ide, Elec. World, ,Ja.n. 
26, Feb. 2 ; Ball, Feb. 23, Mar. 1 ; Harmon, Gibbs, Apr. 5 ; 
Straight Line, Dec. 20-4; Kriebel's oscil. Feb. 28; N. Y. 
Safety Stm. Power Co."s, Mar. 21 ; Fitchburg, Apr. 18 ; Fith- 
lan. May 2 ; Shipman, Aug. 22 ; Ide, Sep. .5-5 ; H. P. of. 
Rose, Jan. 9; Burnham's, Mar. 27-6; Woodbury, Rochester, 
July 30 ; Russell, aut. Nov. 19-7. 

" Engs., comp. vert., Farcot's, Sci. Am. Siqy. Jan. 6 ; hor., 
Sulzer's, Mar. 3 ; origin, hist. Apr. 28 ; Farcofs imp. Woolf 
comp. June 9 ; Ridcalgh's, high-speed, Aug. 11 ; Allis' 
Twin. Sep. 22; Tower's spherical, Sep. 22; vert, and hor. 
comp., Bietrix's, Sep. 29 ; valve gear, Laharpe's distrib. 
without eccentrics, Nov. 17-3; 6 H. P., Farcot's, Jan. 26; 
Abraham 4-cyl. Feb. 2; Ide, Feb. 16; Tower spherical. May 
3 ; and generator, Friedrich & Jaffe's, Nov. 15 ; vert, tandem 
comp. surface condens.. Worth, Dec. 27-4. 


Steam Engines, Trevithick's high press., at Crewe, Sci.Am.Sxtp. 
Jan. 3 ; corap. coudens. tandem, Simpson, Jan. 24; comp.,\Vil- 
lans', and elec. gov. Feb. 28; balancing recip. parts of, 
Se}'mour, Mar. 7 ; high-speed. Mar. 21 ; do. Fielding, July 
11 ; do. Jacomy"s motor, Sep. 19-5 ; hor., with Proell valve 
gear, Apr. 24; vert., Friedrich, May 29; high-speed. Porter, 
June 19; comp. compared witii high press, condens. eug., 
Walton, Aug. 28 ; slide valve des., R. H. Smith, Dec. 25-6 ; 
beds, asphalt masonrj', Feb. 19-7 ; non-condens., friction of. 
Thurston, Locom. Nov, Dec.-6; high-speed, principles of. 
Porter, Soc. Arts, Nov. 9-2; Cummer, H. A. Hill, Mar. 8-3. 

" Engs., comp. hor., Rudiuger's, ^(if/. Jan. 5; do. Hayward 
Tyler, Apr. 6 ; experimental, Mason, Sci. Coll., Birmingham, 
Feb. 23; non-condens. Apr. 13, 27; Ridcalgh's high-speed, 
June 29 ; comp.. Glasgow, Aug 24 ; do. valve gear, Goodfellow, 
Oct. 0. do. at Statybridge spinning mill, Sep. 14, Oct. 5 ; 
hor., Yeddo, Japan, Nov. 9; Abraham's 4-cyl. Dec. 21; 
comp., for Ind. States Ry. Dec. 28-3. 

" Engs. hor. condens., Lowe, Berlin, Bny. Jan. 4; piston, 
Maclaine, Jan. 11 ; comp., for elec. lighting, Lilians, Jan. 
25 ; do. for dynamos, Prager, Feb. 1 ; high-speed, Parsou, 
Mar. 14 ; cutoff gear, Proell, Mar. 21 ; Tower, spherical, ilar. 
7, May 21 ; eccentrics, spherical, Tripier, May 30 ; wall, 
Tangye, June 13 ; comp. hor., Dacca Twist mill, ;Mauchester, 
June 13; eccentrics, reversing, July 4; aut. barring, Hick, 
Aug. 22; cutoff gear, Low, Sep. 12; hor., Craig valve gear. 
Oct. 3; Trevithick's high-press., Crewe, Nov. 21-4. 

" Engs., high-speed, Chandler, ^n^. Jan. 16; piston packing, 
spiral, Durham, Mar. 13 ; comp., receiver, ^Villans, Apr. 
17; Wheelock, Inv's exhib. May 1 ; high-speed at, do. May 
1 ; Tower spher. May 1 ; high-speed, Fielding, July 31 ; 
valve gear, differential, Davey, Sep. 4 ; Corliss, Inv's exhib. 
Sep. 11 ; high-speed, Welford, Oct. 16 ; blowing, Liker, Hun- 
gary, Oct. 30, Nov. 13 ; comp., and Lond. Port. Cement Co.'s, 
Ormerod, Nov. 27 ; with Morton's ejector condenser, Dec. 
11 ; vert. comp. mill, Douglass, Dec. 25-5. 

" Engs., air compressing, Manchester, Enr/. Feb. 19 ; comp. 
tandem, Joicey, Feb. 19; hor,, Proell valve gear. Mar. 12; 
high-speed, Apr. 16, July 2 ; hor., Hertay's expan. gear, 
Brabant, June IS; do. Stevenson, July 9; Westinghouse, 
Aug. 13 ; valve gears, radial, Sep. 17, Oct. 8-6. 


Steam Engines, triple-expan., Edinb. exhib. Eng. Oct. 15 ; do. 
hor. comp. Oct. 29; Marehant, Oct. 22, Nov. 5, 12: mill, 
inverted cyl. Nov. 26; comp., King's, Dec. 24-6; beam, com- 
pounding, Bagshaw, Mar. 11; "Climax" motor, Apr. 1; 
distrib. of heat in, T. English, July 8-22, Oct. 7 ; oscil., valve 
gear. Hartley. Sep. 16; comp. condens. tandem, Powell, 
France, Nov. 11 ; Seller's comp., single crauk, Nov. 25 ; do. 
Dec. 30; comp. Dec. 30-7. 

" Engs., comp.. Royal mint. The Eng. Jan. 19; valve gears, 
radial. Graham, Feb. 23, Mar. 30 ; do. diagrams, Falken- 
burg. Mar. 30 ; for elec. lighting H. of Parliament, Mar. 16 ; 
non-condens., cals. Apr. 6, 20; on vprt. iron bed plates, 
Tyler, Apr. 13 ; hor. comp. 400 H. P., Stothert, June 8 ; valve 
gear, Morton's, July 6; condenser, Kirkaldy's, July 6; hor., 
Davey, Sep. 28; at Smithfield C. Show, Dec. 14; comp., Ind. 
State Eys. Dec. 28-3. 

" Engs., comp. and centrif. drainage iDump, Hathorn, The 
Eng. Feb. 22; hor. condens., Woolwich arsenal, Apr. 11; at 
Health exhib., sup. May 9; i-eversiug gear, Bout.ard's, May 
16; vert, comp., Ind. St. Kys. Aug. 1; slide valve, balanced, 
Tipping's, Aug. 1 ; comp. tandem, Whitmore, eng. Sep. 12; 
Straight Line, Oct. 3 ; AVestinghouse, Oct. 31 ; vert, tandem, 
Worth, Nov. 7 ; comp. triplex, Goodfellow, Nov. 28 ; comp. 
condens. tandem, Simpson, Dec. 19-4. 

" Engs. fly-wheels, E. H. Smith, The Eng. Jan. 9; slide valve 
friction. Tower's expts. Feb. 6 ; slide valve. Peck's relieved, 
Feb. 27; do. friction relieved. Mar. 5; Ti'ossln's superheated 
stm. Mar. 27; Kriebel's, Apr. 10; valve gear, Fletcher's, 
Apr. 17 ; at Invs. exhib. May 8, 22 ; 25 H. P. Wheelock, May 
8 ; high-speed. Parson's, May 8 ; Goodfellow & Matthew's, 
May 8; Chandler's, May 22; hor. comp. condens., Stothert, 
eng. May 29 ; lead in, May 29 ; valve gears, radial, Graham, 
June 5; Fielding's high-speed, June 5 ; 50 H. P. hor., French, 
June 19, 26-5. 

'' Engs., efHc. of. The Eng. July 8; 50 H. P. vert. comp. mill, 
Spencer, eng. July 10 ; at Agrlc. Show, July 17 ; Eobey's, 
with Proell's valve gear, Invs. exhib. Aug. 7; Mather's 
diagonal, Aug. 7 ; grasshopper, Birmingham, Aug. 14 ; Cli- 
max vert. Aug. 28 ; and b's, straw burning, Garrett, eng. 
Sep. 4, 4 ; at Antwerp exhib. Sep. 18 ; piston valves, Thom's, 
Oct. 16-5. 


Steam Engines, 400 H. P. Corliss and valve gear, The Eng. 
Nov. 6; coiiip., cutout iu large eyl. of, B. H. Smith, Nov. 
27; do. at Inv's exliib. Dee. 4; do. 1st Ave. hotel, Dec. 11; 
condens., Autwerp exhib., Bollinckx, eng. Dec. 18, 18-5. 

'■ Engs. 20 H. P. condens., Antwerp exhib., JTolet, eng. The 
Eng. Jan. 1 ; vert, tandem comp. surface condens., "Worth, 
Jan. 8; 1.50 H. P. hor.. Hick, Jan. 22; comp., expan. in, 
Jan. 29; slide valves, Westgarth, Feb. 5; cyl. condens. 
Feb. 26; hor., English, Feb. 26; Am. Mar. 5; cals., 
Unwin, Apr. 9 ; slide valve, equilibrium. Bate's, Apr. 23; 
high-speed, obscure influences of reciprocation iu, Eigg, 
June 4 ; vert. Corliss, July 2 ; Edinb. exhib. July 16 ; dead 
points, Oct. 1 ; hor. quick speed, Proell, eng. Oct. 22 ; Mar- 
chant, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12; slide valve des. R. H. Smith, Nov. 
5; high-spee d,and dynamo. Greenwood, Nov. 12; cyls., con- 
dens. in, Nov. 19; fly-wheels, strength of , Nov. 19; single 
acting, eflie. of, Dec. 3, 10-, double eyl., elec. light, Eobey, 
eng. Dec. 10; hor. with single Proell cutoff' gear, Dec. 10; 
Castle, vert. cyl. Dec. 17-6. 

" ExGS., Quernel, high econ. The Eng. Jan. 28; cj'l. condens. 
Feb. 4, Bodmer, 4, Mar. 4; non-condens., friction of, Thurs- 
ton, Feb. 4, 25, and pumps, 6 H. P., Ind. St. Eys. Mar. 4; 
for elec. light, Manchester exhib. June 3 ; econ. July 1 ; 
comp. flour mill, July 15, 22; do. Southwark <fc Vauxhall 
water wks., sup. July 22; do. vert., Ind. St. Eys. Sep. 2-16; 
do. cyl. met.allic packing, Jerome's, Oct. 7, 7; valve and 
gov., Horton's aut. cutoff", Oct. 14; comp., Bever's, Dec. 23; 
do. mill, 1,000 H. P., Buckley, eng. Dec. 23-7. 

" Eng. brake, Prony, Mech. Apr. 14-3 ; do. friction. Beer, May 
17-4; do. do. Buchetti, Mar .-5; dynamometer, slide valve, 
Giddings, Am. Eng. July 7-6; and b. fuel economizer, P. 
Barnes, Eng. News., May 30-5. 

" Eng. Governors, shaft. Ball, 7ro)j .4^6, Dec. 29-7; do. do. 
j1/r(7). Dec.-7; aut. cutoff, Vienna exhib. Oct. 13 ; aut. throt- 
tling, do. Dec.8-3 ; Ganz, Mar. 29 ; Wright, Apr. 19-4 ; "Waters, 
^l»i. Eng. Feb. 1 ; expan. reg., .aut. Aug. 29-4 ; elec, Ide, Oct. 
22-5 ; Von Liede, inv. Feb. 4-6 ; and speed recorder, Hayne's 
Idnemeter, Apr. 27-7; elec. ^?ef. World, Dec. 12-5 ; shaft. 
Ball's, Dec. 10-7; speed regulators and hydr. motors, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Aug. 4-3; elec, Willaus, Feb. 28; do. Jamieson's, 
Mar. 21 ; "Cat," May 16-5. 


Steam Eng. Governors, Eng. May 25-3 ; Ganz, Jan. 18 ; Moacrop 
recorder, Knowles, May IG ; Tangye, June 20-4 ; McFarlanc, 
Nov. 27-5; Liede, Jan. 1-6; Lindley's, The Eng. Oct. 24-4; 
theory of, Bruntou, Jan. 2; Napier's "Cat," Apr. 10 ; speed 
regulation, elec, Willans, Apr. 24-5. 

" Eng. Indicators, Ricliards, foreign modifications, Mech. 
Jan. 20; power measurement, Macgovern, Jan. 27; card 
errors, Rogers, Mar. 17 ; Ajjr. 7 ; motions, Nystrom, June 
2,9, Aug. 11; ap., Parlis, Sep, 1-3 ; Sliaeffer, Mar. 8-4; 
diags., errors in, Re}'nolds, Sep; novel, Nov.-5; diag. 
measuring, Grimshaw, July-7 ; 3 types compared, Barrus, 
Am. Eng. June 6-4; applic, table, Nov. 26-5 ; diags. Jan. 14, 
Feb. 4-6; rigs, Fran. Inst. Jul}r-3 ; do. May; cards, 0ct.-4; 
Amice, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 17-5; Crosby, i'ng'. Feb. 29-4; 
diags. June 12-5 ; rigs, Grimshaw, The Eng. Aug. 24-3. 

" Eng. Lubricators, Schonheyder's, ilfec/t. May 10-4; do. 
Eng. Apr. 11-4; do. The Eng. Apr. 11-4; Craig's, Am. Eng. 
Feb. 8-4; Mollernp's, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 22-4. 

" Eng. Makers Soc. Eng. Oct. 5-3; rep. June 6-4; power 
meter. Boys (Liverpool Eng. Soc), Eng. IVews, Mar. 15-4; 
speed recorders, Hayne's kinemeter, Am. Eng. Apr. 27-7 ; 
variation registering, Anthony, Electric. Dec.-6 ; Moscrop's 
contiu. fluctuations, Elec. World, May 10-4; do. Knowles, 
Eng. May 16-4; do. May 1-5. 

" Eng. Trials, stationary, tests, Barrus, Eng. JVetos, Nov. 13- 
6 ; stm. consumption per H. P., Williams, Mech. Aug. 2.5-3 ; 
tests. Hill, Ffoi A'bst. Feb; do. Barrus, Sep.-6; comp. con- 
dens., Alsace Ger. Fran. Inst. Oct; cj^l. condens. expts. 
0ct.-Dec.-5; testing in 1849, Eng. Feb. 15-4; University 
Coll. Oct. 2, 9-5; comp. non-condens., trial of, Nov. 26; 
expts., Donkin, Nov. 5, Dec. 3-6; Newcastle, July 22; 
Royal Agric. Soc. do. Nov. 11, 18, Dec. 9, Appold brake, 16, 
16 ; n. Dec. 30-7. 

" Eng. Trials, wt. of stm. indicated and wt. water vaporized 
in cyl., difference between, Isherwood, The Eng. Jan. 4-4; 
Corliss, at Creusot, Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 20, 27, Apr. 17 ; hor. 
comp. tandem, test, Longridge, rep. Jul3r3-17; comp. con- 
dens., at Mulhouse, econ. of, Isherwood (Fran. Inst.), Oct. 
2, 2, 9; condens. in cyl., expts., Gately, Oct. 30, Nov. 6, 20, 
27, Dec. 25-5; do. do. Jan. 29-6; distrib. of heat in stm. 
engs., expts., T. English, July 1-7. 


Steam Eng. Trials, tests at Newcastle, The Eng. June 2-t,J'uly 15, 
22, Aug. .5, 19 ; Agric. Soc"s Show exirts. Nov, 18, 25, Dec. 
2 ; testing ap. McLaren's, Dec. 2 ; do. brake, Dec. 9 ; Dec. 9-7. 

" En<;. Works, Peter Brotherhood's, London, Eng. Apr. 27, 
.July 20-3 ; and shipyard, Napier, Govau, Sep. 18 ; John 
Cockerill Co., rep. Oct. lG-5. 

" Engineers, exam, ordinance for, Fran. Inst. Feb.-4. 

" Gauge, tester, Euchholz, Ger. Jlech. Mar. 31; connections, 
Dec. 22-3 ; recording, Edson, ^Im. Eng. Xov. 28-4 ; Bourdon, 
Cooley, Jan. 23-5; recording press., Hague, San. Eng. July 
."50-7; air-sxM-ing press., Allan, Eng. Jan. 7-7; Budenberg's, 
The Eng. May 8-5; Allen's, Feb. 2G-6. 

" Hammer, who invented, Eny. Xevs, Jan. 24-5 ; origin, Xas- 
luyth, Mech. Mar. 17-.3 ; Dick's, Stevenson, Scotland, Aug.- 
5; 10-ton, Sci. Am. Snp. Mar. 15; at Darlington forge, Oct. 
18-4; 100-ton, Creusot wks. Maj' 9 ; Dick's, June 27-5; do. 
The Eng. May 1-5-5; 10-ton, Feb. 8, 29; at Darl. forge, Sep. 
5-4; Banning's, Sep. 9-7. 

" Heating. See also Heating ; C.A.Smith, n. Eng. Xev:s. 
Jan. 22 ; plant data, Jan. 29 ; overhead pipes. Mar. 5-7 ; f or 
mach. shops and nianuf . estabs. Iron Age., Sep. 6, 13-3 ; 
piping drip receiver, Ma 3- 22; overheat, foi- mach. shoijs, 
Dec. 18-4; vs. hot water, Emery, July 21, 28; data, "Wolff, 
Sep. 1 ; radiators, cast vs. \\\t. iron, tests, Hogan, Oct. 13-7 ; 
of bu's, Am. practice, Briggs, Mech. May 12, June 23; Am. 
May 19, 26, June 2-16; do. Eigg, Aug. 4, 11 ; mach. shop, 
Aug. 18, Sep. 1 ; long dlst., Carpenter, Dec. 29-3; receiver 
for water from drip pipes. May 17-4; ap. May; exhaust 
stm. May, July; Station B ehimnej^, N. Y. Stm. Co., Emery, 
July-5; and i>ower transmiss., compar. value stm. and hot 
water for, Emery, sup. June; and ventil. office bu., Snell, 

■' Heating, and ventil. New bu., Mass. Inst. Tech., Wood- 
bridge, Am. Eng. July 4; by overhead pipes, Dec. 12-4; 
lldw of stm. thro, pipes, Babcock, July 10; heater, Plum- 
nier, July 23-5 ; reduced press, sys. Sep. 8-6; Wolff, Sep. 
14-7; of stores, San. Eng. Jan. 4; and fitting, Jan. 18, Feb. 
15. 22, Apr. 5, 19, May 24; supply, N. Y. Stm. H. Co. Feb. 
1, 25 ; warming churches. Mar. 1, 22 ; of bu's. Am. practice, 
R. Briggs, Apr. 5, 12, 3Iay 24, 31 ; June 7, 7, 14, 28, July 5- 
19,28, Aug. 9, 30, Sep. 20, Oct. 4, 25, Dec. 6; and ventil.. 
Met. Op. h. N. Y. Dec. 13-3. 


Steam Heating, San. Eng. Jan. 3-24, radiator connections, 
24, Feb. 21, Apr. 3, 10, May 1, June 5, 26, July 24; and 
ventil., Bridgeport hos. Feb. 14; N. Y., selling by wt. June 
19; and fitting, June 5, 26, July 24, Sep. 4, Oct. 16; and 
ventil., Mass. Inst. Tech., Woodbridge, Oct. 30, Nov. 6-4. 

" Heating ap., Mut. Life Ins. bu., N. Y. San. Eng. July 23; 
and ventil. ap. as used on continent, details, Sep. 10; do. re^ 
suits at Mass. Inst. Tech., Woodbridge, Sep. 17, 24; water 
line sys. Oct. 1 ; comparative value of metal surfaces for 
warming air, Baldwin, Nov. 26 ; and fitting, June 4, Dec. 3- 
24-5 ; do. Mar. 11, Apr. 15, June 3, Aug. 12 ; combined receiv- 
ing tanli and pump gov. Mar. 18 ; grav. ap., desirability of, 
when coils are only 14 Inches above water line, June 10; 
amt. of stm. for given radiator surface, July 1 ; and ventil. 
in Koyal Holloway Coll. Aug. 5 ; b. for h. warming, Sep. 9 ; 
stm. trap, Sep. 23 ; relative cost of one and two pipe sys- 
tems, Nov. 13 ; imps, in, Tudor, Dec. 18-6 ; Equit. Life Ins. 
bu., N. Y. Eng. & Bu. Bee. Oct. 22, Nov. 19-7. 

" Heating of shops, Sturtevant sys. By. Gaz. June 10-7 ; Am. 
practice, Briggs, Van Nost. May, June-3; pipes, loss of heat 
from. By. & Eng. Sep.-7; of horse cars. Gold sys. St. By. 
Gaz. Aug.-6 ; of bu's from a central source, Bartlett, Set. 
Am. Sup. May 2-5 ; compar. value of stm. and hot water for 
transmiss. of heat and power, Emery, Sei. Am. Sup. Oct. 15 ; 
by exhaust stm., C. H. Manning, Oct. 29-7; receiver for 
water from drip pipes, Locoin. Apr; hints, Nov.-i; and ven- 
til.. New Bu.,Mass. Inst. Tech., Woodbridge, Soc. Arts, May 
22-4; imps, in, Tudor, Nov. 12-5; of bu's. Holly's sys., 
Bartlett, The Eng, Oct. 10-4t; ap., Lan. & York. Ey., Man- 
chester, Dec. 17-6. 

" Injectors, Morse inspirator, Meeh. Nov.-5 ; exhaust. By. 
Gaz. Nov. 4-7; do. Am. Mach; do. Eng. Apr. 18-4; do, 
Hamer, Holden, Davies, May 1-5. 

" Jack, Sei. Am. Sup. Apr. IS ; hist, of, June 6-5. 

" Meters, Meeh. Apr. 14-3 ; (heating bu's by stm.), Bartlett,, 
Sei. Am. Sup. May 2-5. 

" Motor, oscil., for pump, Sei. Am. Sup. Mar. 17-3. 

" Pipes, coverings, non-conducting. Iron Age, Mar. 17-7; 
check valve, Pratt's straightway, Meeh. Nov. 3-3 ; thermom. 
Am. Eng. June 1-7 ; fittings, cast iron dimen. scale, San. 
Eng. Apr. 26-3. 


Steam Pipes, and gas pipes, wrt. iron, standard threads for, 
Briggs, Eng. Nov. 20-6 ; water hammer in, Fran. Inst. July ; 
coverings, non-conducting, Dec.-3 ; radiation and covering 
eflSc, expts. Locom. Jan; hangers, Nov, Dec; long, exijan. 
joints in, Dec.-7 ; coverings, Ordway, Soc. Arts, Nov. 8-3 ; 
and b. coverings, non-conducting, Eng. Feb. 16; do, compo- 
sitions, Sep. 21-3 ; do. Ordway, Feb. 27-5 ; do. ap. testing, 
The Eng. Jan. 25; do. expts., Ordway, May 23-4. 

" Peess. regulator, Curtis, Iron Age, Sep. 13-3. 

" Pumps, Davidson, Eng. News, Feb. 10-3 ; Lawrence Mach. 
Co. May 7-7; valve gear, Harlow's, Iron Age,Oct.^; Ide, 
Nov. 6-4; Carricaburn, Jan. 28; Empire, Feb. 11-6; piston, 
Wetherell, Apr. 21 ; double acting power, Goulds Mfg. Co. 
May 5; Schutte stm. jet siphon, Aug. 18-7; Ide, Mech. Oct; 
valve gear, Harlow, Oct.-i; condenser, Craig, Aug.-e; 
Knowles, setting up, Dec.-6 ; Harlow's valve gear, Am. Eng. 
Oct. 3; Hall's, Dec. 12-4; Nagle, Jan. 2; econ. of, table, 
Jan. 16; reg.. Mason, Apr 17; Hall duplex, Nov. 12-5; do. 
June 8-7; Worthington, expts., Mair, Nov. 3-6; gov.. 
Blessing's, Jan. 5-7; direct acting, expts. on, Mair, San. 
Eng. Nov. 6-6; valve motion, Harlow, Sy. Gaz. Oct. 10-4; 
Empire, Elec. World, Feb. 6-6 ; comp. Blake with condenser, 
Eng. June 29-3 ; Worthington, Nov. 14-4 ; do. fire exting. 
Nov. 13-5 ; direct acting ram, Peam, May 22 ; well sinking, 
Warner, Invs. exhib. Oct. 23-5; Bernay's, The Eng. May 
8-5. See also Pumping Engs. 

" Road roller, 20-ton, Am. Eng. Mar. 18-6. 

" Separator, Boys', The Eng. Feb. 26-6. 

" Stamp, Leavitt, Iron Age, June 11-5 ; do. differential, Cal. 
& Hec. copper mines, do. 3Iech. July-5 ; Eng. Jan. 29, Feb. 
5 ; Leavitt, Feb. 26-6 ; Ball, Feb. 25-7. 

" Surface condenser, wheeler, Mech. Jan.-6. 

" Syren, Steven, Eng. Jan. 22-6. 

" Tables, comparative, Nystrom, Mech. Apr. 21-3. 

" Trap, expan., Curtis, Eng. Xeus. Sep. 1-3 ; Lancaster, Mech. 
Jan. 20; Hawes, Aug. 18-3; Pratt, Jan. 19-4; Hawes', .4m. 
Eng. Feb. 16-7; expan., Hyde's, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 11-5; 
McDougall's, The Eng. Dec. 23-7. 

" Valve, balanced, Glenn Co. Iron Age, Apr. 5-3 ; straight- 
way, Cincin. Brass wks. Jan. 20; Wade. Feb. 17-7; press, 
reducing. Acme, iUecA. Jan. 20; bal., Gleun Co. Apr. 14-7. 


Steam Valve, Mason reducing, By. Gaz. Mar. 4-7. See also 
Steam Eng. 
" Windlass, and steering gear, Eng. July 27-3. 

Steel. See also Iron and Steel ; strength and elas., Christie, 
Eng. News, May 17 ; openhearth manuf ., Riley, Nov. 1 ; soft, 
effect of punching holes in, expts., Guerhard, Dec. 13-4: ; 
future of, May 9 ; Clapp-GrifBths proc. June 27-5 ; testing, 
CoUingwood, Jan. 16-6 ; properties, use in guns. Mar. 26-7 ; 
wks. soaking pits. Iron Age. Jan. 18; castings, gases in, 
Muller, Jan. 25, Mar. 15 ; do. Parry, Mar. 1 ; structural, 
management, A. F. Hill, Mar. 22; bess. converter, chem. of, 
Stead, Apr. 12; wks. furnaces, Siemens-Martin, Graz wks., 
Aus. Apr. 19 ; hardening and softening. May 31 ; bess. ingot 
cranes, G. Curtis, June 28 ; wks., hydr. cranes for, Oct. 25 ; 
cai'bon in, color test lor, Oct. 25, b. plate, openhearth, tests, 
Oct. 25 ; bess. plant, center crane for, Nov. 1 ; do. No. Chic. 
E. Mills, Nov. 1 ; crucible, proc, theory, Dec, 27-3. 
" Basic proc. at Creusot, /I'ora ^^e, Jan. 10; crisis, of world, 
Feb. 28; plant for cut nails, Eiverside, W. Vir. Apr. 3; 
openhearth furnace for, Apr. 16 ; do. plant, Chester, Pa. 
May 22; wks., bess., Cleveland, June 5; do. Seraing, Ger. 
Aug. 28 ; bess., basic blow, Sep. 25 ; substitution for iron, 
Oct. 2, 9; openhearth, Oct. 16 ; furnace, largest in world, 
Oct. 16; crucible cast, manuf. Oct. 16; bess., Sweden, Oct. 
23 ; lines of strain in, Nov. 13 ; bess., original plant at Troy, 
Nov. 20-4. 
" Bess., basic proc. prog. Iron Age, Jan. 8; do. plant, Jan. 29; 
do. production, Feb. 26 ; high phos. Mar. 5 ; bess., English 
Indus., '84, Mar. 12; do. converting h. Mar. 19; do. Avesta 
proc. Apr. 2 ; wks., stm. crane, St. Petersburg, Apr. 9 ; cruc- 
ible proc, chem. reactions in. May 7; press, "Whitworth, 
May 7 ; thick boiler plates, expts. May 7 ; mold for casting, 
Henderson, May 7; hardening by press. May 14; bess., 
English Indus. May 14; wks., blooming mill, Ebbw Vale, 
June 18 ; bess., small wks. July 30; do., Walnwright plant, 
July 30 ; sources of supply of fine, Aug. 20 ; castings and 
forgings, Aug. 27; physical and chem. compos. Aug. 27; 
mild castings, Sep. 3 ; for ship bu. Sep. 3 ; wks., basic, Glen- 
garnock, England, Sep. 17 ; castings, manuf. Oct. 1 ; do. 
solid, French, Dec. 10-5. 
" Testing, Iron Age, Feb. 4 ; bess. Indus, of U. S. Feb. 18-6. 

260 STEEI.. 

Steel, bess. Indus, of U. S., and iron and steel rail produc, 
'85, Iron Age, Feb. 18; making ladles, Feb. 2.5; and 
iron, effect of blue heat on, Feb. 2.5; afterblow in 
basic proc. Feb. 25; bess., basic pat., rep. May 11; 
ores of N. Car. May (1; bess., wk., unparalled. No. Chic. 
EoU. Mills, May 6 ; do. for rivets and structures, June 3 ; 
Imports and prod., U.S. Aug.5; compos, of basicbess. cinder, 
Sep. 2; wks. of U. S., capac. Sep. 2; manuf ., Avesta proc. 
Sep. 16; Woehler's expts. Oct. 7; wks., Austrian basic bess. 
Oct. 14; ores and manganese of Barton cty., Ga. Dec. 16; 
German basicbess. wks. Dec. 23-6. 

" Bess., U. S. produc, "86, Iron Age, Feb. 10; do. openhearth, 
do. Feb. 24; wks., Scranton Co. Mar. 10; melting furnace, 
AVoolwich Ar., Radcliffe, June 23 ; tests, U. S. Govt. Aug. 18 ; 
openhearth melting fur.. Lash, Sep. 8; manuf., use of alum- 
inuni in, Spencer, Dec. 22-7; structural, management of, 
A. F. Hill, Mech. Mar. 24-3 ; tests, AVatertown, table. May 
31-4 ; hardening by press. Apr.-5 ; July ; tests, Felton, 

" Bess, plant at Troy, original. Hunt, Am. Eng. 'Sow. 21-4: ; 
manganese, Hadfleld's, Jan. 16; bess. plant, Feb. 6; Clapp- 
Griffiths proc, Witherow, Apr. 10; forgings. Has well & 
Whitworth, Eglestou, ^Maj' 8 ; openhearth, homogeneity of, 
Campbell, Dec. 17-5; castings, Maccallum, July 14-2S; do. 
Gantt, Aug. 25; crucible cast tool, Styrian proc, Jacobs, 
Dec. 29-6; working, high grade, do. Jan. 5, 12; use in 
structures and heavy guns, Metcalf , Apr. 6, 13 ; strength of, 
]\lay 25; basic, expts.. White, Aug. 31-7. 

" JiIiED, tests, Brit. Admiralty, Ey. Gaz. Feb. 8 ; manganese, 
Hadfleld, Jlar. 7-4; wks., new, U. S. Mar. 5-6; properties 
and use in heavy guns, Sletcalf , ^lar. 18 ; openhearth, U. S. 
and Grt. Brt., Stat. Apr. 8 ; wks., bess., at Teriu, u. Aug. 
19-7; carbon in, Abel, Van Nost.Jan; for structures. Ma the- 
son, Apr ; tempered, molec. rigiditj' of, Hughes, July ; cast- 
ings, secretion of gas in, MuUer, July-3 ; do. do. Aug ; car- 
bon in, Mar; bess. Indus., U. S. and Grt. Brit., n. Maj-; cast, 
crucible, manuf., Seebohm, Dec.-4. 

" Mangamese, Hadfleld, Weeks, Vein Xost. Fob; basic open- 
hearth proc, Gillott, Feb; resilience of , Lewis, Jlay; Clapp- 
Grifflths proc. Sep ; Ingots structure, Walrand, Nov ; bess., 
or Thomas-Gilchrist basic proc, rep., Patterson, Dec.-5. 

STEEL. 261 

Steel, prob. Van IVost. Feb ; behavior, May ; and iron, injurious 
effect of blue heat on, Stroiueyer, May; openhearth, blow- 
holes in. Head, July; spec. grav. of low carbon. Garrison, 
0ct.-6 ; proper ties and use in structures and heavy guns, 
^Metcalf, By. & Eng. Apr.-7. 

" Plate for b's and ship plate, U. S. Govt, cruisers, tests of, 
Fran. Inst. .Tuly-4; (bess.) metallurgy of, Sep; nianuf., 
Clapp-Grifflths proc, Davj^'s, Gordon and Durfee converter, 
Nov.-5; imp., Schaefer's comp. Dec.-6; bess. proc, Hen- 
derson, June-7 ; tempered, molec. rigidity of, Hughes, 8ci. 
Am. Sup. Mar. 10-3 ; manganese. Weeks, Aug. 2 ; crucible 
cast, mannf., Seebohm, Nov. 22; creators of age of, Besse- 
mer, Siemens, ^^'hitworth and Gilclirist, Dec. G-4. 

" Eesilience of, \y. Lewis, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 18; b. plates 
W. Parker, May 23 ; Clapp-Grif . proc. May 23 ; mild, for 
naval and mil. purposes, Mackinlaj^, Sep. 5-5 ; making 
ladles. Mar. G ; plant, Davj', for small wks., Sep. lS-6 ; wks.. 
So. Boston, Jau. 22 ; furnace, RadcliflFe, Jan. 22 ; ingot to 
finished tool, Jacobs, Jan. 29 ; soft, fixed converter, Hatton, 
Feb. 19; proc, Henderson, Mar. 19; openhearth 'rapid' 
plant, Thwaite, Oct. 15-7; plate flanging, cold by hydr. 
press. Locom. Maj'-3 ; convertei', heat gen. in, June; mak- 
ing, Nov.-4; castings manuf., Salom, Nov .-5; openhearth 
produc, U. S., "86, Feb; facts about, Metcalfe, May-7; do. 
Mech. Eng; bess., blowing of small charges, latest develop- 
ment. Drown, Soc. Arts, May 27-6. 

" Tempered, molec. rigidity of , Eng. ¥eh. 2; wks. furnaces, 
Siemens-Martin, Gray, Feb. 2 ; carbon in, Feb. 23 ; wks., 
engs. for, cogging and rail mill, Apr. 6; bess., castings. 
May 11; structural, June 22 ; wks., Cleveland, England, Sep. 
28; center crane for bess. plant, Oct. 5-3; wks., hydr. 
cranes, Feb. 22; do. basic, Glasgow Iron Co. Mar. 14; do. 
bess., Helf, July 18, Aug. 1, 15, blowing eng. 22; crucible 
cast, Sep. 20, Oct. 10; openhearth, manuf. Oct. 3; wks., 
ladle carriage, Ebbw, Oct. 31-4. 

" Carbon in, Abel, Eng. Feb. 6; do. expts., do. Feb. 20; 
wks. cogging mill, Ebbw Vale, Apr. 24; do. Gleugaruoek, 
Aug. 21; trade, Scotch, Sep. 4; wks., Scotland, Sep. 25; 
mild, for ship bu. Oct. 30-5; do. Apr. 23; plant, Clai^p- 
Griffith, Apr. 2 ; castings, May 14, 21 ; plant, Davy, July 23 ; 
mild, annealing, Sep. 3 ; chcni. of basic jiroc. Sep. 3-6. 

262 STEEL. 

Steel, bess., proc. Eng. Oct. In ; do. converters, early, Oct. 
15; b. plate. Nov. 5; for armor and projectiles, Dec. 31-6. 
" Works, 5-ton ingot crane, Hallside, Glasgow, Eng. Jan. 21 ; 
do., Terni, Samuelson, June 10; do. No. Chic. Roll. Mill Co., 
Potter, June 3, 17 ; plate manuf ., Eiley, July 1, 29, Aug. 5 ; ' 
basic openhearth proc, Waites, Oct. 21; do. Harbord, Dec. 
" Bess., cheni. of bess. converter. Stead, The Eng. May 11; 
wks., Cockerill, Seraing, July 27, 27 ; do. do., Liege, Aug. 
3; carbon in, Dec. 21; openhearth proc, C. W. Siemens, 
Dec. 28-3 ; bess., Indus, in. '83, Feb. 8 ; crucible cast, manuf., 
Seebohm, Sep. 26, Oct. 3, 10 ; openhearth, imps, in manuf., 
Eiley, Oct. 3-4; and iron, injurious effect of blue heat on, 
Stromeyer, Feb. 26 ; Feb. 26 ; melting fur., Siemens, New 
Brit. Iron Co. Nov. 26; do.. Royal Arsenal, Dec. 10-6; open- 
hearth plant, Thwaite, June 10-7. 
" Chains, Eng. Oct. 29-6 ; tubes, seamless, Eng. News, May 

Stencil cutting. Iron Age, Dec. 1-7; Metal Wo7-ker. 

Stereoscope and applies., Himes, Fran. Inst. May, June-7. 

Stereotype plate mach. Mech. June 28-4 ; Sauvee, Eng. May 
16-4; do. Jan. 2-5. 

Stone, breaker, Manden's, The Eng. June 19-5 ; Baxton's, 
Jan. 8 ; Mason's, Nov. 12-6 ; Lowry's, Dec. 23-7 ; do. Eng. 
Dec. 16-7. See also Pulverators. 
" Building, supply, granite quarries, Merrill, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Jan. 15-29-7; cutting, W. P. Trowbridge, Eng. JVt'irs, June 
23-3 ; mach., McDonald's, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 4-3 ; dressing 
and quarrying mach., Crumj)'s, Mar. 27-6; Stone-Lewis, 
Eng. JVews, Jan. 23-6 ; resisting power to frost, Am. Eng. 
Oct. 22-5; saw, wire, helicoidal, Gaj''s, Sci. Am. Siq). Dec. 
19-5; Auguste's, Nov. 19-7; working machs. Jan. 15-7. 

Storms, tornado, in Minn. By. Ga.t. May 14-6 ; do. vel. and 
force of, Mees, By. & Eng. Oct.-7 ; whirlwind expts., 
Weyher, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 9-7; tornado study, Finley, 
Locom. June, July-6 ; tj'phoon iit Manilla, Kneeland, Soc. 
^jts, Dec. 28-2 ; tornadoes, TAe -£■«(/. May 21 ; Tay bridge,, 
n. Dec. 10-6. See also Wind. 

Stoves, German, Iron Age, Aug. 23-3. 

Straits Settlements, Iron Age, Nov. .5-5. 

Straw trussing mach. Eng. Dec. 14-3. 

SUGAR. 263 

Sugar, mach., and stat. of world, Iron Age, Nov. 27-4; in 
Europe and Am. Sep. 29-7 ; Florida, Fran. Inst. Sep.-5 ; 
evap. ap., Weibel, Piccard's, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 29 ; sorglium, 
Houck, May 31 ; cane decorticating mach., Faure's, June 14- 
4; milk, mauuf., inSwitz., Kunz, Feb; beet, manuf. ap. 
Nov. 14 ; beet juice extracting ap. by diffusion, Dujardin's, 
Dec. 12-5 ; manuf. filtering ap., Loze's, Sep. 25-6 ; evap. 
pan and mach., A. Smith, Glasgow, Apr. 23 ; cane manuf., 
diflfusion plant for, July 23-7. 

Sugar, cane mill and eng. Eng. Aug. 24 ; refining, triple effect 
evap. ap. Sep. 28-3 ; Jan. 23-5 ; cane manuf. plant, diffusion, 
Hallesche, Ger. Mar. 11-7; factory, a great. The Eng. July 
17-5 ; vac. evap. plant, A. & W. Smith's, Jan. 28, 28-7. 

Sun, solar temp., Ericsson's pyrom. Iron Age., Nov. 13-4; do. 
do. il/ec/i.Nov.-4 ; temp., internal, n. June-5 ; do. and motor, 
Ericsson, Van Nost. Mar ; do. Wood, July, Nov ; do. Oilman, 
Sep.-4; do. do. Jan, May; do. Wood, Feb.-5; do. surface 
Ericsson, Nov.-4; do. do. Nature:, do. Fran. Inst. May-3; 
physical constitution of. Mar, Apr ; motion of, Apr.-5 ; 
energy, storing, Elec. Sev. Aug. 2-3 ; fuel of, Sci. Am. Sup. 
July 14 ; solar physics, W. Siemens, July 21-3 ; temp, and 
motor, Ericsson's, Feb. 2; sunsets, red, Eingwood, Sep. 6; 
temp, surface and solar pyrom., Ericsson's, Oct. 11-4; wk., 
theory of radiant heat. Patten, Aug. 22, 29-5 ; heat, W. 
Thompson, Mar. 12, Dec. 17 ; light colors, Abney, May 28-7 ; 
energy, distrib. of, Langley, Soc. Arts, Jan. 25-3 ; sunshine 
recorder, Leckey, Eng. Sep. 5-4 ; heat, Dec. 4-5 ; solar 
pyrom., Ericsson's, N. Y., "84, The Eng. Oct. 31-4:; sunlight, 
and earths atmos., Langley, Royal Inst. Apr. 2J^5. 

Swamps, of U. S., Shaler, Eng. Neivs, Mar. 27-6. 

Sweden, steel mauuf. in. Iron Age, Aug. 2-3 ; Swedish Bess, 
steel. Mar. 25-6. 

Sweeping and Elevating Mach., March's, The Eng. July 

SwOBD MANUF., at Solingen, Ger. Am. Eng. May 20-6. 

Tables, sqs., cubes and roots, 1 to 1,000, Locom. Apr.-3 ; areas 
circular segments, Dec.-6. 

Talcott, Andeeson, Eng. News, Apr. 28-3. 

Telegrajis, transmiss. by pneu. tubes, Iron Age, Oct. 22-5. 

Telegraph, in U. S. IronAge, Dee. 25-4 ; the world's telegraphs, 
Mech. July-5; do. liy. & Eng. May-7. 


Telegraph, Delaney, Edison, Gray's, Western Elec. Co., rep. 
Fran. Inst. Mar.-5 ; of ancients, Bailey, Elec. liev. Apr. 20 ; 
iu Europe, table, Sep. 13, Nov. 8-3; origin, Oct. 4; use of 
storage bats, in, Preece, Nov. 1-4; telegraphing and tele- 
phoning simul. over same wire, EUc.World^^lny '2d-5\ do. 
8ci. Am. Sup. June 28-4; and teleph., Vienna exhib. Eng. 
Jan. 4-4. 

" Australasia, Eng. Mar. 28-4; aut.. Am. Rapid, Leggo 
Aut. & Postal Co.'s, Elec. livv. May 17-3 ; Teleg. & Teleph. 
Co., N. Y., rep. May 10, 17-4; fast speed, T. F. Taylor, Elec. 
World, May 24-4; Am. Rapid Oo.'s sys. Sci. Am. Su}]. Jan. 
13-3 ; Bait. & 0., prog. Elec. World, Nov. 29-4; in Belgium, 
'82, Elec. Hev. Sep. 20-4; Burke sys. Electric. June-4; 
cables, see Teleg., Oceax Cables ; Wires and do. l'nder- 
GROUND ; Chinese, Fran. Inst. Jan.-4; ciphers. Electric. 
Oct.-5 ; codes, Elec. World, Sep. 26-5 ; circuits, ground aut., 
Bobbins, By. (iaz. Aug. 12-7; Kennelly, Elec. Iter. Nov. 
.5-7; companies liabilities for mistakes, Kirlin, Electric. Nov, 
Dec.-5; Feb.-6. 

" Delaney's synchronous multiplex sys. Iron Age, Mar. 19-5 ; 
Fran. Inst. Jan, Sep.-4; fac-simile transmiss. Mar, JIar, 
June, Dec.-5 ; rep. Apr.-6 ; do. Aug.-7 ; Houston, Electric. 
Jan, Sep. -4; fac-simile, do. Apr.-5 ; Elec. lier. Feb. 7-4; 
Phil. Elec. exhib. Eng. Oct. 31-4; do. Hughes, May 21-6. 

'' District and Are alai'm sys., McCulloh, Nov. 27-6; duplex, 
Wallace deeis. Electric. Oct.-5 ; Edison phonoplex, see 
Teleg., Phonoplex ; elec, Lockwood, Electric. Jan.-6 ; 
engineers, in India, Eng. June 26-5 ; do. resist, of faults in 
submarine cables, Kennedy, Apr. 8-7; do. Soc. i^ro. Jan. 30, 
Dec. 25-5 ; Mar. 5, 19, Nov. 19-6 ; June 10-7 ; fast speed, 
expts. Electric. Aug; do. Preece, Oct. -7 aut., Taylor, Sci. 
Am. Sup. July 19-4 ; Preece, Eng. Sep. 16-7 ; field, without 
bat. Elec. Bev. Apr. 5-3; see also Teleg., Military; first 
elec. Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 15-4; first Am, underground, Eng. 
Doc. 18-5; foreign lines, stat. Dec. 24; France, Dec. 24-6; 
do. and post service organization, Elec. Bcr. Aug. 9, 30-4. 

" Gold and Stock, printer. Electric. Jan.-May, Aug.-3 ; Co., 
Phelp's stock transmitter, Feb, May-4; govt, control of 
(salaries), iT^cc. Bev. May 31 ; govt, cousider.ations, Price, 
May 3, 10-3; Green, Elec. World, Feb. 2-4; ground con- 
ductors, arrangement of, Sci. Am. Sup. June 14-4. 


Telegraph, history, A.Vail, Electric. Sep.-7 ; do. to 1837, Falne, 
Mec. Eev. June 7-3 ; early dayis of, Chapin, Apr. 24-6 ; simul. 
transmiss. of messages by one line wire, June 4-7 ; hist, of, 
in Am., pors. Elcc. World, Feb. 27-6 ; do. 8ci. Am. Sup. May 
17, 31; do. early, June 14; Guerout, Aug. 16-4; do. Sep. 29, 
Oct. 6 ; origin of, Dec. 8-3 ; Feb. 23-4. 

" House electro-phonetic, Elec. World, Nov. 20-6 ; instrums. 
Elec. Bev. June 21-4; inventor of, Sci. Am. Stij). Dec. 4-6; 
Leggo aut. and Postal Co.'s, Elec. Hev. May 17-3 ; Lesage's, 
Sci. Am. Sup. May 12-3 ; linemen and poles, Elec. Rev. Sep. 
4-6 ; lines, of world, Electric. June-5 ; do. iron and steel 
wire for, relative merits, Preece, Sep. -6 ; do. pole, in N". Y., 
rules, Aug.-7; do. thro, an Am. forest, Elec. liev. Aug. 2; 
do. Canada, Feb. 28-3; do. Germany, Jan. 31-4; magnetic, 
and Joseph Henrj^, Dickerson, addr. June 5-6 ; do. Sci. Am. 
Sup. June 26-6 ; message, cost. West. Union chart for 20 
years, Electric. Jan.-7; militar}^, during war, Treuenfield, 
Elec. Bev. Aug. 2-3 ; Irish's meth. Elec. World, Aug. 14, 21, 
Oct. 2-6; Ternant, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 1-^; see aisoTELEG.,' 
fleld; Morse, night circuit United Press, map, Electric. 
May- 5. 

" Ocean Cables (submarine), Enrj. News, Nov. 17-3; Iron 
Age, .Jan. 17-4; n. Vim Nost. Apr.-3 ; trans-atlan., n. ^?ec- 
J9-SC. Feb.-4; stat. SeiJ.-6; Cuttriss ap. Dec.-7; max'ine, Elec. 
Bev. Apr. 26 ; messages, how received, June 7 ; of world, 
July 26-3 ; do. Mar. 19, May 7-7 ; Bishop's gutta percha 
wks. May 10; Atlan. exped. of 1857, Sep. 13; Atlan., Muir- 
head duiJlexing sys. Oct. 25, Nov. 8-4; Jan. 31-5; (2 miles 
under sea), rep. Dec. 17-7 ; Bennett-Mackay, track of, map, 
Elec. World, Feb. 16; Commercial Co.'s, May 3-4; cable 
working, Ebel, May 29-6 ; ap. West. Electric. Nov. 26-7 ; and 
torpedo lines, elec. grapnel for, Kingsford, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Mar. 29-3; working, Ebel, July 17-6 ; Sep. 3-7; eug. of, 
Enfj. Dec. 14-3; June 13-4; do. life of, Oct. 9-5; resist, of 
faults in, Keunelly, Apr. 8-7 ; submar. property, English 
Soc. of, May 20-7 ; French, The Eng. Mar. 4-7. See also 
Telegraphy, submarine. 

" Phelp's induction, By. Oaz. Feb. 20-5 ; rep. Fran. Just. 
July-6 ; from moving trains, n. Electric. Mar.-5 ; jihouoplex 
sj's., Edison, By. Gaz. Oct. 22-6 ; do. do. or waj^-duplex, 
Elec. World, Apr. 17-6 ; do. Elec. Bev. Aug. 21-6. 


Telegraph, phonoplex sys. Eng. Oct. 22-6; pneu. sys., 
Willraot, Nov. 13-5; do. The Eng. Xov. 20-5; poles, 
and linemen, Elec. Bev. Sep. 4-6 ; do. large, N. Y. Elec. 
World., Oct. 3-5; do. iron, Eng. June 2G-5; Postal Co. 
Eng. Neios, Mar. 24r-3 ; do. Iron Age, Aug. 30-3 ; do. 3fech. 
Sep. 1-3 ; do. Elec. Bev. Mar. 22, May 17-3 ; do. in England, 
Nov. 26-7; printing, Baillehache, Paris, Elec. World, Ajir. 
4-5 ; do. Brown's octuplex, July 16-7 ; quadruplex, Nichol- 
son pat. Electric. Jan.-6 ; railroad, Phelp"s, 0ct.-3 ; do. 
Paine, Feb ; do. locations, occupation of by, Mass. R. Corns, 
rep. Mar.-5; do. Supt.'s Assoc, pro. Aug.-7. 

" Sextuplex, Field, Elec. World, Nov. 27-6 ; do. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Feb. 5-7; signaling ap., St. Gothard Ry. The Eng. May 
16-4 ; do. by sight. Max, Nov. 20, 20, 27-5 ; sketches sending 
by, Elec. World, May 1-6 ; Soennuering"s, Eng. Nov. 16-3 ; 
sounders, BrighfS, Sci. Am. Suj). Feb. 17-3 ; Speelier's time 
sys. Elec. irorW, Feb. 7-5; stat. of world. Electric. May-7; 
do. table, Elec. Bev. June 13-5 ; steno-mach. Elec. World, 
Apr. 24-6 ; synchronism, Houston, Mecli. July-5 ; do. do. 
Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 25-5 ; synchron.-multiplex, expt. do. 
Elec. Bev. Sep. 6, 6-4 ; do. Elec. World, Aug. 30-4 ; in prac- 
tice, Houston, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 4, Nov. 1-4 ; Delaney's 
sys. Nov. 14-5 ; do. Soc. Arts, Mar. 13-4 ; telemeter sys., 
Clark's, Elec. World, Sep. 17-7 ; train, see R. train tele- 
graphing; type printing, Luchesini, Eng. May 30-4. 

" AVestern Union Co., rep. By. Gaz. Oct. 12-3 ; stat., '66- 
"84, table. Electric. Nov.-4 ; rep. lines seized by, Aug, Oct, 
Nov.-5; stat. rep. Nov ; earnings chart for 20 years, Dec- 
6; message cost, chart for do. Jan; rep. year ending June 
30, '87, Nov .-7 ; i-ep. Elec. Bev. Nov. 15-3 ; rep. Oct. lS-4 ; N. 
Y., with Lainson message carrier sys. June 25 ; N. Y. offices, 
Dec. 31-7; rep. Elec. World, Oct. 23-6. 

" Wires, comp., French, Electric. 'M.a.j-o; difficulties, pats., 
F. "W. Jones, July-6; insulators, Gibbert, Eng. Apr. 1-7; 
speed of electricity in, expts. Elec. Bev. July 30-7 ; over- 
head, Maver, Elec. World, Nov. 22, Doc. 27-4; do. do. Jan. 
3,17; joints, Dec. 19-5; ;erial, question, N. Y. Nov. 20-6; 
coefF. of self-induction in, Preece, Sep. 17-6; and teleph. 
conductors, sys. of, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 25-5. 

" Wires, Underground, Jacques, Eng. News, Dec. 27-4; 
Boston, Mar. 27 ; problem, Oct. 9-6. 


TELEG.WiRES,UNDERGRODND,inEngland, Fleetwood, Ey.& Eng. 
Aug.-7 ; elec. storms aud, Fran. Inst. Nov.-5 ; Brook'ssys., F. 
L. Pope, Electric. Nov.-4 ; W. Thomson, rep. Feb. -5 ; Fleet- 
wood, JuIy-7; cables, iu Germany. iSci. Ain. Sup. Nov. l-i-5; 
Jacques, Soc. Arts, Xov. 13-4; 1st. Am. Eng. Dec. 18-5. 
" Wkiting, Elec. World, Apr. 23-7 ; The Eng. Nov. 18-7. 

Telegraphic Eng., in "82, Eng. Jan. 12-3. 

Telegraphy, prog. Mech. May 5-3 ; Preece, Van Nost. Sep.-3 ; 
Electric. Apr.-3 ; Edison, Elee. World, Jan. 24 ; old time, 
Haskins, Aug. 29-5 ; Preece, Elec. Bev. Mar. 20-3 ; 50 years, 
do. Aug. 20-7 ; do. do. &'ci. Am. Sup. Aug. 20-7 ; optical, 
Sep. 12-2G-5; Eng. Mar. 9-3; Preece, The Eng. Mar. 2-3; 
steno-, Phillip's, Elec. Bev. May 31-3 ; (stenographic print- 
ing), Cassagne's, Eng. Mar. lS-7; submarine, limits of, Sci. 
Am. Sup. Dec. 13-4; do. Elec. Rev. Nov. 29; tinder sea, 
Beane, Nov. 22, 29 ; ocean, Dec. 27-4 ; do. Maver, Elec. 
World, May 10, 17, June 14, July 12-4; condenser in, B. 
Thompson, Dec. 19-5. See also Teleg., Ocean Cables. 

Telephones, elec, S. P. Thompson, Mech. May 26-3 ; Electric. 
Juue-3; Taylor, May-5; profits, May-7; limits of action, 
Elec. Ben. Mar. 22 ; Bramwell, Mar. 29 ; peculiarities of, and 
users. May 10 ; Conv. pro. Oct. 25-3 ; and phonogr.aphic 
locmanand, H. C. Sti'ong, June 5-6 ; limiting dist. of speech 
by, Preece, May 21 ; theory, July 9-7. 
" Telephonic induction and amplification of sounds, E. P. 
Thompson, £?cc. World, Dec. 13-4; business, investigation, 
Forbes, Maj- 2 ; notes, July 29 ; systems, Dolbear, Dec. 26-5 ; 
do. do. Jan. 2, 9; trans., receiving and reproducing speech, 
mctli. by sensitive jets, June 12; in military telegraphy, 
Cardew, July 31-0 ; limiting dist. of speech by Preece, Apr. 
16 ; Boursel magneto, of 1S54, Barney, May 21-7 
" Lecture, Eels, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 3-3 ; Munro's expts. 
July 20; Houston, Nov. 15-4; trans, of speech by diseontin. 
elec. currents, Labye, May 23 ; commun. Aug. 1-15 ; Munro, 
Nov. 14-5; trans, and recording speech, Irish, Sep. 18-6; 
and protophone, A. G. Bell, Apr. 30-7. 
" Currents ,ap. for studying. Cross, Soc. Arts, Apr. 9-5 ; Eng. 
Mar. 23; Labye, Oct. 26-3; Vienna exhib. Jan. 4-4: Ant- 
werp exhib. Oct. 2-5; Mar. 26; early ap., Dolbear, Eeis, 
Bell. Oct. 1-6 ; Swinton, May 27-7. See also under names, 
Teleph., Bell, &c ; alsoTELEPiiONr ; do. Long distance. 


Telephones, Abakanonicz's sys. of conimun, Sci. Am. Snp. Aug. 
1-15 ; acoustic, Knudson, Electric. Nov.-G ; Am. Bell Co. Iron 
Age, Apr. 9-5 ; do. rep. Electric. Apr, June-5,'86, Muy-7 ; do. 
do. Elcc. Rev. Apr. 5-3, Apr. 3-4, Apr. 11-5, Apr. 3-6, Apr. 
23-7; do. Elec. World, Apr. 4-5, Apr. 3-6; capital. Mar. 
14-5 ; see also Telpii., Bell ; Anders', Sci. Am. Sup. 
Nov. 7-5 ; ap., early, Elec. World, Sep. 4-6 ; do. S. P. Thomp- 
son's, Sci. Am. Sup. May 3-4 ; do. Apr. 3-6 ; do. for studying 
currents. Cross, iS'oc. Arts, Apr. 9-5; do. Poole, Eng. June 
4; do. early, Dolbear, Eeis, Bell, Oct. 1-6; Bassano-Slater, 
Elec. World, Aug. 1-5; do. Sci. Am. Sup. July 25-5; in Bel- 
gium, Elec. Itev. Eeb. 7-1. 

" Bell sys. Fran. Inst. Jan.-6 ; liist. (monopoly), ^iceJrtc. Jan.- 
4; Canadian case decis. Feb.-5; hearing before U. S. Secj'. 
Interior, Dec.-5 ; May vs. Nat., N. Orleans decis. Julj'; 
argument in govt, suit, Nov.-6 ; case, Indiana decis. Elec. 
J?(C. Mar. 6; A. G. Bell, invs. of, expts. June 12-6; Judge 
Walhice's decis. Elec. World, Dec. 6-4; pat., null in Canada, 
Pope decis. Jan. 31 ; do. validity, Secy. Lamar, Jan. 23 ; 
microphonic figuring, Feb. 13; pats. May 29; N. Orleans 
decis. June 12-6; litigations, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 3-5; Bell 
case, Eug. Feb. 9-3 ; early ap. Oct. 1-6. See also Teleph., 
Am. Bell Co. 

" Blake transmitter, Elec. Bev. May 10-3 ; Bregnet's, iS'ci'. 
Am. Sup. July 26-4 ; Bourseul's, of 1854, Nov. 27-6 ; Buftalo 
sys. Elec. Rev. Oct. 14-4; Button, Elec. World, Jan. 30, Feb. 
6-6 ; cable sys., Cophenhagen, Electric. Apr.-7 ; cables. Lock- 
wood, Elec. World, Sep. 24-7; call ap., Poole, Elec. Sec. 
June 26-6; do. Stabler's individual, Elec. World, 8-4; 
Canadian case decis. Electric. Feb.-5 ; E]ec. World, Jan. 31-6 ; 
Oiosapeake & Co.'s plant, Elec. Bev. Mar. 6-4; in 
China, Endicott, Sep. 3-7; circuits, Wiethbach,liresf. Electric, 
Nov. 26-7; Clay s^'S. Elec. World, Julj' 12-4; companies, 
central, N. Y., rep. Elec. Bev. June 27; do. stat.,U. S. July 
11-5 ; do, Europe, Eng. Feb. 5-6 ; currents, measui-ing 
strength of. Cross, Electric. Nov.-5 ; Eng. Dec. 4-5 ; Jan. 1-6. 

" Dj4NN AND Lapp SYS. £i(?c. World, Dec. 18-6; Davies phon- 
opore and teleg. Eng. July 16-6 ; Dolbear's, Gray's, Eran. 
Inst. Dec.-4; do. rep. Jan.-5; do. sys. Jan.-6 ; do. Houston, 
Electric. Feb.-5 ; do. static, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 6-3 ; do. Eeis, 
Bell, early ap. Eng. Oct. 1-6. 


Telephones, Drawbaugh's, Fran. Inst. Apr, May-5; do. 
claim, F. L. Pope, Electric. Nov.-4; do. case, opmion, 
Wallace, Jan.-S; do. suit, Elec. Rev. Dec. 13-4; do. JElec. 
World, Apr. 12; do. claims, Oct. 4-4; do. Sci. Am. 
Sup. May 17-4; Ducousso's, Elee. World, June 7-4; duplex, 
Rosenburgh, Electric. May-7; dynanio,S. P. Thompsons, 
Elec. Jlev. Feb. 5, 12-7; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 2-7; 
early, Eng. July 16-6 ; Edison's, Fran. Inst. Feb.-5 ; do. Jan.- 
6; do. invs., Houston, Elec. World, Feb. 21, 28, Mar. 7, 14- 
5 ; Elgin, median. Elec. World, Mar. 5-7 ; in England and 
France, Elec. Hev. Feb. 14-5 ; see also Telephone, Gkt. 
Bkit; do. Co."s of, Elec. World, Aug. 15-5; Erie, rep. Elec. 
Bev. June 14-4; Europe, and teleg. sys. in, rep. Jan. 29-7; 
subscribers in, Elec. World, Dec. 11-6. See also Teleph. 
Statistics ; Telephony, Long Distance. 

" Exchanges, number in XJ. S., '83, Elec. Bev. May 24-3 ; 
Met. Co., IST. Y. Feb. 7-4; do. Sep. 3-7; Nat. Assoc, pro. 
Sep. 12-5; do. 7th meeting, pro. Electric. Oct.-5; N. E., 
Boston, -BZec. ^CT. Sep. 26-5; Firman sys. Oct. 24-5; stat., 
Europe, Dec. 11-6 ; do. U. S. Electric. Nov .-7 ; Greenfield 
"listening" sys. Elec. World, Sep. 5 ; Exch. Assoc, pro. Sep. 
12; mechan. sys. Dec. 26-5; Naglo's sys. Mar. 20; mechan.. 
Shaver's, June 19 ; Kansas City, July 17 ; Nat. Exch. Assoc. 
pro. Sep. 18-6; do. Oct. 1; calling generators, Lockwood, 
Nov. 19-7. See also Teleph. Statistics. 

" Experiments, thermal. Cross, Electric. Nov.-5 ; early, in 
telegraphing sound, Pickering, Elec. Bev. July 3-6 ; Paddock, 
Dec. 10-7; Munro's, Eng. Mar. 16-3; Freeman's, Elec. 
World, June 13-5 ; 1st., S. P. Thompson, Elec. Bev. July 12- 
3 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. July 28-3 ; in France and England, 
Elec. Bev. Feb. 14-5; Gray's, Fran. Inst. Dec.-4; do. inven- 
tions, Elec. Bev. Dec. 13-4 ; do. cave at, Elec. World, June 
5-6 ; Goloubitzky's, Electric. Jan.-3 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 
10-3 ; in Grt. Bait. Elec. Bev. Sep. 17-7. See also Teleph. , 

" Hammer, Labye, Elec. Bev. Sep. 13, Nov. 1-3 ; Lochtlabye's, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 27-3 ; Herz, Elec. Bev. Apr. 9-7 ; hist., 
Falue, Electric. May-3 ; do. T. D. Lockwood. Apr.-7 ; Hus- 
band's, Sci. Am. Snp. Mar. 31-3 ; interrupted elec. currents, 
transmiss. of speech by, Kintner, Electric. Dec.-7; invention 
of, Mech. Sep. 29-3. 


Telephones, investigations, Cherrill, Elec. Bev. Julyl6-7; 
Paddock, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 10-7; Irisli's, Eeceiver, 
Mec. World, Sep. 12-5; do. meth. .July 3-6 ; Italy, Co. stat., 
Elec. Bev. Aug. 16-3 ; do. Dec. 31-7 ; Krotophone, Elec. 

World, July 31-6, Labye, Belgium, Mech. Dec. 29-3; lines, 
Europe, Electric. Dec.-3 ; do. duplexing of, Elec. World, Oct. 
23-6; in London, stat. Elec. Bev. Aug. 9-4; longdistance, see 
Telephony, long distance ; McDonough's, Fran. Inst. 
Mar.-5; do. invs., Houston, Electric. Apr.-5; do. Elec. 

Ti'oWd, Nov. 1-4; mechanical, see Teleph., Elgin; Mercad- 
ier, transmiss. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 9, Feb. 27-6 ; Meucci's 
claims, Elec. World, Nov. 28-5; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 19-5; 
Mexican Co. Elec. Bev. Apr. 5-3, Apr. 26-4, rep. Apr. 18-5. 

" Microphone, Elec. Bev. Nov. 15-4; reversible, Elec. World, 
Feb. 6-6; Mix-Genest, Oct. 1-7; Blyth, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 
6, Mar. 31 ; mlcro-ap., D'Arsonval's, Feb. 3 ; Stroh, Mayo; 
contacts, do. June 16-3 ; transmitter, "VVreden's, Mar. 1-4 ; 
micro-ap. Sep. 26-5; Mix & Genest, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. \o, 
Nov. 19-7; micro, button, ^erz, Eng. May 6-7. .See also 
Elec. Microphone. 

" Nat. Assoc, pro. Elec. Bev. Sep. 18 ; N. E. Teleph. & Teleg. 
Co. May 8-6 ; do. May 14-7 ; do. Elec. World, May 15-6 ; 
Neumayer's, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 17-5; N. Y. & N. J. Co., 
exch. sys. Elec. World, Mar. 14-5; N. Y. & Phil, line, July 
10-6 ; Oram time ludlc. Elec. Bev. May 24-4 ; do. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Feb. 6-6 ; Pan-Elec, hist. Electric. Apr, May-6 ; Paris, 
central office at, Elec. Bev. June 21, Julj^ 5, 12-3; do. Genl. 
Co., rep. Eng. June 5-5; Paris-Brussels line, Elec. Bev. July 
30-7; patents, Interference cases. Electric. Apr; do. Free- 
man, July-5. See also Teleph., Bell, Gray. 

" Pendleton's Al't. PtESPONDER, Elec. World, July 18-5 ; 
Phelps', Aug. 7-6; police sys. July 30-7; Pollard's, Sci. 
Am. Sup. June 2-3 ; portable, Elec. World, May 16-5 ; Pratt 
sys. Elec. Bev. Mar. 6-6; Providence Co. May 10-3; receiv- 
ers, S. Thompson's, Elec. World, June 6; do. Irish's, Sep. 12- 
5 ; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14-3 ; do. Thompson, Eng. Jan. 

" PlEis', Fran. Inst. July, Nov.-5; Eels, inv. of, Jan; Jan, 
July-6 ; do. do. Houston, Jan, Oot.-7 ; Electric. May ; trans- 
mlttr, Nov.-3. 


Telephones, Reis question, Electric. Jul}', Oct.-7; Elec. Bev. 
Nov. 8-3; Sci. Am. Sup. June 16; S. P. Thompson, Sep. 
22-3 ; Oct. 24-5. 
. " Scotland, In, Elec. Bev. May 28-7 , do.Eng. Feb. 4, 18, Mar ; 
25, Apr. 29-7 ; signal, individual, Cary, Elec. Bev. May 17-3 ; 
in So. Australia, Sep. 27-4 ; So. N. England Co., rep. June 
6-5, May 29-6. 

Telephone Stat. Iron Age, Jan. 10-4; U. S. Electric. Sep.-G; 
Europe, Feb; Exchange, U. S. Nov .-7; of world, Elec. Bev. 
Apr. 12-3 ; in London, Aug. 9 ; Oct. 11-4 ; Denmark, Apr. 
10-6; European, June 5; exch., Europe, Dec. 11-6; do. 
Elec. World, Mar. 13-6 ; July 16-7 ; Denmark, Eng. Mar. 
*' Suit, U. S. Govt. Elec. Bev. Apr. 3-6; see also Teleph., 
Bell; Sunset Co., map. May 2-5; Swiss sys. Oct. 4-3; 
switch sys., Gould, Jan. 29-7. 
" Switchboards, multiple, Elec. Bev. Nov. 1-4; McDaniel's, 
May 23-5; Shaver aoous sys. June 19; Irish, June 31-6; 
Western Elec. Co.'s multiple, Elec. World, Oct. 18-4; "Law" 
multiple switch table for 4,000 wires, June 6-5; multiple 
sys., Carty, Sep. 19-5 ; multiijle, for 1,000 subscribers, Sep. 
4-6. See also Elec. Switchboards. 
" Taylor's elec. Elec. World, Apr. 25-5 ; Tedus, Sci. Am. 
Slip. Oct. 13-3 ; Texas, Electric. Oct. -5 ; time, transmiss. 
and telephones, Oram's indie. Elec. Bev. May 24-4; do. 
Phil, exhib. Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 6-6; see also Elec. Time; 
tones and vibrations, Haskins, Elec. Bev. Oct. 10-5 ; trans- 
mitters, Blake, May 10-3 ; do. theory, Mercadier, Dec. 5, 
26; Reis trans. Dee. 5-5; valve trans., S.P.Thompson's, 
Elec. World, May 23-5; make and break trans. June 11-7; 
do. Munro, Sci. Am. Sup. May 5-3; see also Teleph., 
Microphone; United Co. Elec. Bev. Aug. 16-4; valve, 
Thompson's, Elec. World, Apr. 10-6; Van Kysselberghe 
sys., Banneux, Feb. 9, 9, 10-4. 

Telephones, mechan. Elec. World, July 10-6 ; Phil. Elec. exhib. 
E7ig. Oct. 10-4. 

Telephoning, at sea, Elec. Bev. Dec. 27-4 ; faults, Seelej', Aug. 
28-6; Boyer, Dec. 24-7; and teleg. simul. over same wire, 
Elec, World, May 23-5; commun. between ships at sea, 
Blake, Aug. 27 ; do. Fiske, Sep. 24-7 ; and teleg. simul. on 
same wires, Sci. Am. Sup. June 28-4. 


Telephoning, possibilities of, commun. at sea, Bell, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Oct. 11; without wires, do. Nov. 1-4; do. Houston, 
Dec. 6-4. See .also Marine, Ships. 

Telephony, Electric. July-3 ; and induction coil, T. D. Lock- 
wood, Apr.-June-6 ; Apr .-7; elec, Lorrain's imps. El ec. 
^CT. Jan. 22-7; Gillett's .ip. ^Zec. IFortd, Apr. 19 ; July 12; 
wireless, and radiaphony, Houston, Nov. 8-4; imps.. Lock- 
wood, May 22 ; domestic. Heller's, July S-G ; duplex, Rose- 
burgh, Nov. 6-6 ; do. do. Mar. 5-7 ; in Scotland, ^n(ir. Feb. 
4, 18, ilar. 25, Apr. 29-7. See also Teleph., Irish's. 
•' Long Distance, Iron Age, Oct. 7-6; Hall, Electric. Nov .-7; 
Elec. Sev. May 3-3 ; Am. Teleph. & Teleg. Co. sys. June 10, 
17 ; Hibbard, Sep. 18-6 ; Apr. 30 ; distrib. Sep. 17 ; in Europe, 
Sep. 24; E. J. Hall, Oct. 1-7; imps., long dist. lines, Lock- 
wood, Elec. World, May 22-6 ; Eng. May 28-6. 

Telescope, I. O. Baker, Eng. Neios, Aug. 21-6 ; eye-pieces, His- 
cox, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 25-3 ; objectives and mirrors, Grubb, 
July 3, 10, Oct. 23 ; astronom., hist, of discov., Lagrange, 
Aug. 28-6 ; Hiscox, Feb. 19, 26 ; lenses manuf . Mar. 5, 11-7 ; 
equatorial, Grubb, constructor, Mancnester exhib. Eng. 
Dec. 16, 30-7; prog, iu size, The Eng. Mar. 21-4; and ob- 
servatory, Mt. Hamilton, Cal. July 9-6. 

Telpherage, elec. hauling by. Iron Age, Nov. 12-5; transmiss. 
of power, and telpher locom., Jenkin sys. 3Iech. Sep.-4; By. 
Gaz. Nov. 13-5; Jenkin sys. Van JSfost. Dec.-3 ; do. Sep.-4; 
do. Ma3--5 ; telpher line at Glynde, England, Electric. Dec- 
5 ; power transmiss. by, ]\ray-6 ; Jenkin, Elec. Rev. Dec. 
6-3; "Series" sys. Elec. World, j\[ay 10-4; Van Depoele, 
sys. Oct. 9-6; line at Glynde, July 16-7; do. Sci. Am. Sup. 
Jan. 9-6; F. Jeuldu, Dec. '29-3; do. Elec.Eev. Jan. 19-4; do. 
Eng. Apr. 0-3 ; telpher locom., Easton, Shrewsbury Show, 
July 18-4; The Eng. June 6-4; line at Glynde, Oct. 23-5. 

Temperatures, underground. See Earth temps. 

Tennessee manufs. and minerals, IT. S. con. rep. The Eng. 
July 8-7. 

Terra cotta manuf. Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 22-7. 

Testing Machines, for materials, ap. for, U. S. Mech. Feb. 3-5 ; 
do. Henning, Aug. 5-5 ; do. Am. Eng. June 12-20-.T ; 
Abbott, Mar. 15-4; do. Van JVost. Mar.-June-4; Emery's, 
Watertown rep. Eng. JVews, Jan. 27-3; do. Iron Age, Nov. 
29, Dec. 6-3 ; do. Jan. 24-4. 


Testing Machines, Emery's, tests. Iron Age, Oct. 2-4 ; do. Mech. 
Nov. 3,10, wk. with, Dec. 1-3 ; do. Sci.Am.Sup. July 3-6 ; do. 
Eng. Aug. 17-3; Fiiirbank's 200,000 lbs. Iron Age, May 3-3; 
Mech. May 12-3 ; 200-ton, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 9-4 ; King's. 
do. Coll. The Eng. Oct. 5, 12-3; laboratory, English, Sci. 
Am Sup. Sep. 6-4; Leoben, Sch. of Mines, Eng. Apr. 13- 
3; Olsen's, Fran. Inst. .Tan.-3; specimens, J. B. John- 
son, Bij. Gaz. June 17-T; Eiehle, Iron Age, Feb. 22-3; do. 
Mech. Mar. 3-3 ; test pieces for bars and plates, Hackney, 
Eng. News, Mar. 1-4; (iOO-ton, Union Bridge Co., Athens, 
Pa. Eng. May 6-7; do. do. MacDonald, Rij. & Eng. Feb.-7; 
100-ton, Werder, Iron Age, July 5-3 ; do. Eng. June 8-3 ; 
Wicksteed's, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 24-6 ; do. The Eng. May 

Textile Mach., exhib., Islington, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 25-4; 
do. at Manchester, Oct. 8-7 ; do. Agric. Hall, The Eng. Aug. 

Theatre, Royal Monnaie, Brussels, San. Eng. Oct. 15-5; 
Paris ordinances, Sep. 24-7 ; stages, movable, Madison Sq. 
theatre, N. Y. Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 30-4 ; Alhambra, Loudon, 
Eng. Mar. 14, June 20-4; Aquatic Circus, Paris, Edoux, 
eng. The Eng. Mar. 19-6. 

THEEMOMETiiRS, color, Mech. Jan. 20-3; hist. May 3-4; Green, 
calibration, Hansen's meth., Brown, Van Nost. July-3; rep. 
Fran. Inst. Mar.-6 ; Guichard's, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 25-5 ; 
for high temps., Armstrong, Jul}' 10; and baroms., register- 
ing, Oct. 9-6 ; correcting, Lonom. Aug.-4. 

Thomas, Sidney G. The Eng. Feb. 13-5. 

Thdrston, Kobekt H., Suplee, Mech. Mar.-7. 

Tide gauge, and reservoir, self-recording, Wra. Thomson, Eng. 
jVeios, May 19-3; Roberts', Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 12-5; Fuess, 
Sep. 24-7; Liege's, The Eng. Oct. 30-5; ht. registering- 
mach., elec, Mangraph, Sci. Am. Sxip. June 28-4; motor, 
Harding, Inv's exhib. Eng. Jlay 1-.5 ; tidal power, for water 
raising, San. Eng. May 8-4; do. n. Van Xost. Dec. -5. 

Tides, theory. Preandean, Eng. Xews, Dec. 25-6; and tidal 
scour, Boult, Van JSfost, Feb. -3 ; theory and predictions, 
Fran. Inst. Mar, Oct.-5; util. Electric. Jan.-3 ; tidal action, 
Snowden, The Eng. Jan. 23-5. 

Tile making machs., at Blois, Joly, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 

274 TIME 

Time, Van Nost. Mar.-4; isrinie lueiidian, Mar; universal, 
or world, May-6 ; standard, Mi/. Gaz. Apr. 20, Nov. 16-3 ; 
do. conv. rep. Apr. 18-4; do. Locom, Oct.-3 ; do. map. Set. 
Am. Sup. Mar. 15-4 ; observations, Alexander ; July 28-3 ; 
keeping, reformation of, Vi\ F. Allen, Dec. 20-4; the worlds 
first meridian, K. A. Proctor, Jan. 24-5 ; transmitter, Oram's, 
Feb. 6-6; regulator, Am., do. i'dgf. Apr. 17; registers, watch- 
men's, Oct. 28-5. See also Watchmans. 

Tinners Mach., Peck, Iron Age, Apr. 28-7. 

Tin, can mach., Norton's, iS'cj. Am. Sup. Aug. 18 ; mines of 
Perak, Malay, Aug. 25-3 ; plate, Indus., Brit. Iron Age., May 
17 ; do. manuf ., Trubshaw, June 7-3 ; do. do. Stercken, Nov. 
17-7; do. do. Flowers, The Eng. May 14-6. See also Met- 
als, TIN. 

Toboggan slides, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 6-6. 

TODHUNTEK, Isaac, The Eng. Mar. 7-4. 

Tools, of pyramid builders, Eng. Xews, Jul}' 28-3 ; do. Eng. 

June 22-4 ; and Implements, prehistoric, in Am. Iron Age, 

Apr. 10-4 ; grinding mach.. Sellers, Ey. & Eng. Jul}'-7. See 

also Agric. I5IPLE.AIENTS ; Machine tools. 
Torpedoes, £)i£f. Dec. 3, 17-6. See also Explosives; Harbor 

Eng; Marine torpedo boats. 
Towers; see also Chimneys, tall; Boudais, 1,000-ft., Paris, 

Eng. -Veics, Jan. 10-5; Iron ^l(/e, June 18-5; Eng. Feb. 27-5; 

Eittel. 1,000-ft., Paris, Eng. News, n. Sep. 17, Oct. 1 ; founda- 
tions, Apr. 23-7; do. Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 20; Oct. 22-7; Feb. 

7-5; Eng. Dec. 19-4; Apr. 29-7 ; and Jubilee, The Eng. 

Mar, 11-7. 
" Heights of, and spires, etc. of world, Eng. Xews, Sep. 1, 

Nov. 17-3; Iron Age, ."^ep. 6-3; Am. Eng. Feb. 27-5; Locom. 

Jau.-5 ; Pub. Bu.'s, Phil., hoisting ap. Enti. Xews, July 2, 9-7 ; 

St. Marks campanile, Venice, foundations of, Sep. 5-5; St. 

Patrick's Cath., N. Y., erection of , San Eng. Dec. 4-18-6; 

Trevithick, proposed, Eng. News, Oct. 9-6 ; Victoria Jubilee, 

London, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 22-7 ; and Eiffel, The Eng. Mar. 

*' "Washington Monument, and others, Eng. News, Dec. 15-3 ; 

Dec. 27-4; 14, 28-5; Iron Age, July 31-4; and others, 

Am. Eng. Feb. 27-5; San Eng.'ishw. 5-5; Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 

10 ; completion of, Feb. 14 ; Mar. 7-5 ; Am. Arch. 
Trautwine, John C. Eng. News, Sep. 22-3 ; Ey. Gaz. Oct. 5-3. 

TEA"\'ELS. 275 

Travels, exploration and outfit for, Fielding, Van JVost. May-5. 
Trees, big, of Cal. Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 11-3. 
Trevithtck, Eicharu, Sci. Am. Siqy. Feb. 10, Apr. 14-3 ; Eng ; 
The Eny. Feb. lG-3. 

Tubes, corrug. tubing, Walnwrlght Mfg. Co. Iron Age., Jan. 3- 
6; seamless, from solid blanks, My. Gaz. Oct. 14-7; do. 
Am.Mach; do. The Eng. Nov. 11-7; do. copper, i'njr. Sep. 
17-6; beader, Wicksteed's, The Eng. Oct. i-b:, metal, mach., 
Robertson, Nov. 5-6. 

Tunneling, alignment, Stearns, Eng. News, Aug. 16-4; arches, 
brick bond for, Schenek, Ry. Gaz. Apr. 23-6 ; boring with 
compressed water, Iron Age, Oct. 30-4 ; centering, iron, Ihj. 
Gaz, Oct. 14-7 ; construct., econom., Siegler, Eng. News, Dec. 
25-6 ; do. rapid, meth. of Bridel, Van Nost. Feb.-4 ; do. with 
3 sepax-ate openings, Crampton, The Eng. Oct. 19-3; drills, 
mach. In, Lorenz, Eng. News, Apr. 30-7 ; dump car, end, 
Apr. 21-3 ; fast, Mar. 5-7 ; do. Iron Age, Apr. 1-6 ; do. Feb. 
24-7; do. Mech. Dec. 8-3; do. By. Gaz. Feb. 2-3; hoisting 
cage, Eng. News, Mar. 31-3; hydr. mach., Crampton's, Sci. 
Am. Sxip. Apr. 7-3 ; thro, loose material, Bourdiol sys. Eng. 
Neios, June IS; in Montana, Aug. 27-7; Mt. Blanc, Grt. St. 
Bernard, May 5-3 ; Red Point, Cal. By. Gaz. Apr. 15-7 ; 
speed of, n. Mech. July-6 ; in Col., cost, Eng. Neios, Apr. 2- 
7; submarine, Hall's sys. May 23-5; do. do. Iron Age, Apr. 
16-5 ; subaqueous. Hall's device. By. Gaz. Apr. 17-5. See 
also names under Tunnels. 

Tunnels, of ancients. Iron Age, Mar. 25-6 ; carb. oxide in, Eng. 
Feb. 11-7; submarine, Crosby, Soc. Arts, Jan. 25-3; Alle- 
gheny Mt. Eng. Nevjs, Nov. 21, 28, Dec. 12-5 ; Alpine and 
temps, in, u. Van Nost. May-6. 
" Arlberg, Alpine, Aus. Eng. Neios, Nov. 17, Dec. 15-3 ; 
drills, Specht, Jan. 19, 26; transport, in, do. Aug. 2; chains 
in, do. Aug. 23; ventil. in, Dec. 6-4; Iron Age, May 31, 
Dec. 6-3; locoms. Am. Eng. Sep. 17-5; By. Gaz. Oct. 24-4; 
Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. l,May 24-4; May 16-5; Eng. Nov. 23-3, 
Mar. 21-4; air compressors at, Apr. 10-5. 
" Boston, st. Ry., proposed, Eng. Netvs, May 28-7; do. sew- 
erage wks. San. Eng. Mar. 13-4; Channel, France & Eng- 
land, Calais & Dover, excav. ap. Eng. News, May 26; July 
28-3 ; Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 17-3. 


Tunnels, Crampton's hydr. sys. for excav. Eng. Jan. 12; 
scheme, July 6, 13-3; The Eng. Apr. 6, 27, May 4, bor- 
ing mach. June 1.5-3 ; Chicago lake, Eng. News., Oct. 29-7 ; 
Eng. & Bu. Bee. Oct. 29-7; Croton aqued., N. Y., fast 
wk. Iron Age, Apr. 1-6; Feb. 24-7; San. Eng. May 21- 
5 ; ventil. aud lighting, rep. Jan. 8-7 ; headings meet- 
ing, Eng. & Bu. Bee. Nov. 26-7; Bij. Gaz. Apr. 30-6; fast 
tunneling, Feb. 18; July 29-7; Sei. Am. Sup. Sep. 11-6; 
Detroit r., Hall open caisson sys. Eng. News ^ Mar. 26-7; 
Festiniog & Bettus Ry. Eng. Apr. 13-3 ; do. W. Smith, The 
Eng. Apr. 13-3 ; Greek, 6th cent. B. C, Merriam, Eng. News, 
May 9-5 ; Hoosac, Jan. 30-6 ; do. Eng. Feb. 4, May 14 ; do. 
centering in, Julj^ 23, Oct. 1-7; Hudson r. Eng. News, May 
8-6 ; do. Eng. June 12-5 ; locoms. Feb. 16-3 ; London & 
Southwark subway, under Thames r. Eng. News, Apr. 2-7 ; 
do. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 31-7; long, construct, of, Bridel, 
Eng. Nexos, June 30-3 ; do. ventil. and diam. drills. May 3- 
4; longest, .Jan. 29-7; do. (in Russia), Iron Age, Nov. 24-7; 
do. in world, Locom. Feb.-7; Marot, Sei. Am. Sup. Feb. 14-5. 

" Mersey, & Ry., Liverpool, Eng. Neics, Oct. Vd-S; Feb. 16- 
4; opening, Apr. 4-5; Iron Age, Mar. 12-5; Feb. 11-6; n. 
Ain. Eng. Mar. 13-5; Fox, San. Eng. Oct. 7-30-6; B;/. Gaz. 
Apr. lG-6; Sci. Am. Sup. '^tla.y 12-3; Mar. 8-4; Feb. 27, 
Apr. 10-6 ; July 30-7 ; Eng. Sep. 28, Nov. 2-3 ; Jan. 22-6 ; 
Reade, The Eng. Aug. 14-5 ; opening, Jan. 22-6. 

" N. J. & Cen. Co.'s, Eng. News, Dec. 15-3; Nortliumb. 
Straits, tub. subwaj^ under. New Brunswick to Priuce Ed- 
ward Is. San. Eng. July 23-7; old, Eng. News, Aug. 2 ; 
Pfaffensprung, St. Gothard Ry., Brandt rock drill in, Feb. 
0-4:; Phffiuixville, Penn. (Schuyl. Val. R.) Oct. 3-5 ; sec- 
tions. Mar. 5-7 ; Am. Eng. Sep. 17-5; Pittsburg, wk. at, 
By. Gaz. Aug. 24-.3 ; Severn, & Ry. Eng. News, Apr. 17-6 ; 
Aug. 13-7; Mech. Nov.-5; San. Eng. Sep. 30-6; Ilawkshaw, 
^'cj. Am. Sup. Oct. 18-4 ; May 1-6 ; aud Mersey, July 30-7 ; 
£n(7. Aug. 29-4 ; Aug. 27-6 ; Sep. 9-7; & Ry., Hawlvshaw, 
7"he Eng. Sep. 20, 26-4. 

" SiMPLON, Switz. Eng. News, June 2-3 ; Mar. 8-4; proposed, 
July 2-7; By. Gaz. ^iny 20-7 ; n. Van Nosl. J ime-d; snow, 
Can. Pac. R. Eng. News, Sep. 4-6; So. Peun. R. Sep. 1-3; 
Nov. 14, Dec. 19-5; cost of, prog. Jan. 2; St. Clair, Penn. 
(Schuyl. Val. R.), Oct. 30-6; Aug. 20-7. 


Tunnels, St. Gothard, Switz., circular, etc. Eng. Nevjs^ Nov. 10- 
3; coutract, July 11-5; By. Ga-.. Jan. 25-4; Eny. Feb. 9, 16- 
3 ; compressors and drills, Wendelstein, The Eng. Feb. 9-3 ; 
ventil. May 4, 25-3 ; Stampede Pass, No. Pac. R., and svvitcli- 
back, By. Gaz. Dec. 23-7; at Stockholm, for foot pass. San. 
Eng. May 6-6; Sci. Am. Sup. May 22-6; The Eng. Apr. 9,9- 
6 ; sub-aqueous, Brj. Gaz. Feb. 25-7. 

" Temperatures in great Alpine, Iron Age, Feb. 11-6 ; 
Tliamesr., London, new liigh level, proposed, Sci. Am. Sf[p. 
June 4-7 ; do. Maynard, Eng. Aug. 14-5 ; three-way, 
Crampton, Eny. ^fcwx, Nov. 24-3; Vosburg, Lehigh Val. R. 
Eng. Neios, July 26-4; By. Gaz. Feb. 22-4; Penn. & N. Y. 
Oct. 1,8; brick tests, Oct. 15-6; Washington aqued., and 
air compress, plant, Eng. News-, Feb. 16-4; map, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Mar. S-4; Weehawken, N. Y. W. Sh. & B. By. Gaz. 
Mar. 2-3; wicker, Mont Cenis, Aug. 19-7; Yanagase-Yama, 
Japan, By. & Eng, Dec.-7. 

Turbine Governors, Rett's, Mech. Dec.-5; do. The Eng. 
June 26-5 ; Girard, Eng. Apr. 17-5. 

TcitBlNES, Keiser, Iron Age, May 15-4; and water wheels, Turn- 
bull, Mech. Mar. 31 ; S.W. Robinson, Oct. 27 ; Thurston, Dec. 
22-3; Keiser, May 3-4; turb. water wheel, Humphrey, 
Tremont mills, Lowell, expts. Jan.-5 ; tests, in U. S., Thurs- 
ton, sup. June-7. 
" Air Compressor for rock drills and tunnel ventil., B. F. 
Wright, Am. Eng. Apr. 18-4; Girard, May 8-5: turb. water 
wheel, error in, Fran. Inst. Aug; centrif; force in, Sep; 
tlieory of, Dec.-3; do. Jan, May. June; discharge, July; 
Geyelin, test, Aug.-4; Nov, Dec.-6; momentum. Wood, 
Jan; Church, Ajir, May; discharge ;n.,FrizeIl, July-7. 
" Water wheels, for small industries. Bell, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Apr. 14; early hist. Dec. 8-3; and Screw propellers, flow 
of water thro., Rigg, Oct 25-4; and reaction wheels, Don- 
aldson, Feb. 20-6; inventor of, G. Walker, May 7-7; Girard, 
and Koster, Eng. Mar. 16-3 ; do. for high falls, July 11 ; 
flow of water thro. Sep. 19-4; Girard, and gov. Apr. 17-5. 

" Water wheels, and testing ap., TurnbuU, The Eng. Feb. 
16, Mar. 2 ; Portrush tramway, Sep. 28 ; theory, error in, 
Frizell, Oct. 26; and air compressor, Yanagase tunnei, 
Japan, Dec. 21-3. 


Turbine Water wheels, theory, Donaldson, The Eng. June 6, 
20; flow water thro., and screw propellers, Itigg, Sep. 12 ; 
Girard, Sep. 12-1 ; H. P. of, K. H. Smith, Sep. 4, 2.5, Oct. 30, 
Donaldson, n. Oct..30-5 ; and reaction wheels, Donaldson, Jan. 
8 ; in AValcot flour mill, Nell, eng. Dec. 10-6 ; at Manchester 
exhib. June 17 ; vert., Terni Steel wks., Eieter, eng., Sep. 
23, 23-7. 

TwiCHELL, GiNERY, By. Gaz. July 27-3. 

Ttndall, John, Electric. Aug.-7. 

Type, composing mach, Lagerman's, Sci. Am. Sup. July 4-3; 
do. and distrib. mach., Fischer. Eng. Jul}' 2.o, Aug. 1-4; do. 
do. Thome, July 1-7; setting mach., McJiillan, Am. Eng. 
Oct. 5-7. 

Type AVriters, Crandall, Iron Age, Sep. 17-5 ; Hall, Fran. Inst. 
JIay-3 ; do. Eng. Jan. .5-3 ; Columbia, Inv's exhib. Muj' 1-.5 ; 
writers, Huling, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 1-15-7. 

United States. See also under different subjects and names of 
countries; Indus, prog. Eng. yews, Mar. 31; names of 
states, Oct. 6-3; mail, losses of, Dec. 20-4; Sec. War, rep. 
Dec. 19-5; govt, scientific bureaus, Feb. 13-6; Govt, and 
pub. wks. Oct. S-7; do. Lippincotts ; census stat. Iron Age, 
Mar. 1; tariff bill, Morrill, Mar. 8; trade. So. Am., since "76, 
May 17 ; war, mortality stat. June 28 ; mineral products, 
Aug. 9; exports of stoves, Aug. 16; industries of chief 
cities, Aug. 23 ; foreign commerce, Aug, 30, foreign trade, 
for year, Sep. 6; do. in coal and metals, Dec. 6-3; tariff, 
Hewitt, Jan. 3 ; do. hist. Feb. 14 ; trade with So. Am. Feb. 
7 ; commercial stat., '84, Oct. 16 ; exports, foreign, Xov. 6-4. 
" Imports and exports, 'S-l, Iron Age, Apr. 23 ; mineral pro- 
duction, June 25; imports, "84 and "85, Aug. 13; do., class. 
Sep. 24; foreign commerce, Nov. 26; exports, Dec. 10-5 ; 
commerce in "85, Jan. 21 ; immigration in "84 and "85, Jan. 
28; exports, "85, foreign markets, Feb. 4; do. domestic, Oct. 
7; imports, and duties, Feb. 25, Sep. 30; do. from Grt. Brit. 
June 24 ; trade with foreign countries, ilar. 4-6 ; imports 
and exports, '86, Feb. 10; naval vessels, Apr. 21 ; tariff, 
Canadian, May 19, 26 ; immigration, June 2 ; Govt, outlook, 
Mav. bnk. manual, July 21 ; trade. So. Am. Oct. 20; coinage, 
"80-7, Nov. 17 ; imports, iron and steel, Dec. 29-7. 
" Immigration, Mij. Gaz. Sep. 7-3 ; do. and pop. Feb. 8 ; 
exports, May 23-4. 


United States, exports, grain, Htj. Gaz. July 24; do. and 
imports, Aug. 14-5 ; do. grain, Jan. 22 ; pop. groivth and food 
produc. July 9 ; exports, food, dec. of, Oct. 8-6 ; do. Oct. 21- 
7; pub. wks. policy, Cooley, Van Xost. Apr; navy, Fiske, 
May; do. Simpson, May-6; mineral products of, Fran. Inst. 
Sep.-3 ; navy, coast survey and hj^drog. wk. :May-6 ; growth 
since 1800, Elec. Bev. Oct. 18-3; scientific service, 8ci. Am. 
Snp. Mar. 17-3; Grand Canon, Col., view, Jan. 19-4; as it 
was In 1780, as it is in 1880 and what it will he in 1980, Hick- 
man, ]\[ayl6-5; commerce, foreign, since 1861, Locom. X\iv.- 
7 ; tariff hill, Eng. Mar. 30-3 ; Yellowstone Nat. Park, Sep. 
23, 30-7. 

Ure, John Francis, Encj. May 2.5-3. 

Uruguay, U. S. trade with. Iron Age, Oct. 22-5; recent devel- 
opments. May 6-6. 

Vacuum gauge testing air pump, Locom, Sep.-7 ; pan and evap- 
orator, Frenzel's, Eng. Dec. 23-7; do. sugar, great, San 
Fran. The Eng. 2-5 ; pumps, Neveux's, Sci. Am. Sup. June 

Valve, ]\[ason reducing. Am. Eng. Nov. 3 ; do. The Eng. Dec- 
31-6 ; Leng's lever and cam gate, Dec. 22-6 ; straightway, 
San. Eng. June 11-5; Messenger's full way, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Aug. 1-5. See also Steam valve. 

Van Depoele, Chas. St. Ry. Gaz. Aug.-7. 
" NOSTRAND, David, por. Van jSfost. Dec.-6. See also Nost- 


Vanderbilt, Wm. H. By. Gaz. Dec. 11, 18-5. 

Vapor Engs., efflc. of fluid in, Gautt, Van Nost. Nov.-4. 

Varley, Cromwell F. The Eng. Sep. 7-3. 

Vaseline, petreoline-neutraline manuf . Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. lS-5. 

Vehicles of locomotion, curious, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 14-3. 

Velocities, different, in metres per sec, table. The Eng. Nov. 

Veneer CUTTER, stm.. Crane, 3Iech. sup. June-7. 
Venezuela, trade. Iron Age., July 16; Dec. 17-5. 
Venice, foundations of, Eng. News., Sep. 25-6. 
Ventilation, Greenleaf , Van Nost. Nov.-5 ; May-6 ; Nature. 

See also Heating and Ventil; Stm. Heating. 
Ventriloquism, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 21-6. 
Victoria, Queen, por. Sci. Am. Sup. June 25-7. 
Virginia, So. W., Hogg, Sci. Ain. Sup. Jan. 6-3. 

280 VISE. 

Vise, grip, Iro7i Ar/e, Oct. 16-4. 

Vital statistics, iu large cities. Iron Age, July 5-3 ; Billings, 
San. Enfj. Nov. 22, Dec. C-3 ; do. Dec. 4-4 ; mortality stat., 
table, Nov. 22 &C.-3 ; U. S. July 1- deatli rates in, July 15 ; 
of Glasgow, J. B. Russell, Sep. 10-6. 

Voting Maci-i., Daville's, Sci. Am. Sup. May 3-4. 

Wagks, in Grt. Brit. San Eng. Aug. 13-7 ; The Eng. May 27-7. 
See also Labor. 

Walking, leugth of step. Iron Age, July 16-5. 

Walsh, Julius S., por. ^S"*. By. Gax. Feb-6. 

Warping >[ach. Sci. Am. Suji. Apr. 23-7. 

Washington, D. C. Eng. Sep. 2, 9-7; munic. eng. Eng. Xeus, 
Aug. 2S-6. See also Eng. Munic. 

Waste, util. of, Simmonds, Sci. Am. Sup. Feb. 3, 10; cleaning 
niach. Aug. 4-3. 

Watch Making, Swiss, stat. Iron Age, July 31-4; Am. Aug. o- 
6 ; do. Waldo, Van Nost. July-6 ; watehmakers lathes. Rose, 
Mcch. Aug. 4-3 ; watches, shield, auti-raagnetic, Giles, Eler. 
I?ei\ jSIay 0-5 ; Waltham, Eng. July 3, 17, 24-5 ; stop and 
chronographs, The Eng. Apr. 8-7. 

Watchmens, telltale, elec, Fletcher's, Elec. World, May 3; 
time detector, Dec. 13-4. 

Water, aeration of, C. B. Brush, San. Eng. July 23-5 ; anal., 
Cory, rep. !May 3-3 ; do. Wanklyn's lueth. Eng. Xeics, June 
4-7 ; do. Dupre, The Eng. Nov. 20-5 ; Chicago, San. Eng. 
Mar. .5-7; do. anal. Am. Eng. Aug. 20-5; collection, storage, 
purchase and exam. E)ig. Xcws, June 12-6 ; Co.'s, Southwark 
and Vaushall, <S'e(. Am. Sup. Nov. 22-4; do. London, Tlie 
Eng. Aug. 1 ; at Health exhib. Oct. 17-4 ; consump., German 
rules, Eng. Xcws, Oct. 31-5 ; do. es. of, iS'«)i Eng. June 4-5. 
" Domestic, distil, ap. San Eng. Dec. 2.5 ; Creque sys. of 
defecating, storing, circul., and employing for domestic 
purposes, Creque, Nov. 27-6 ; do. do. Soc. Arts, Jlay 13-6. 
'' Drinking, zine in, 7to» ^l</e, Apr. 30; sea, making potable, 
June 4-5; Chicago, anal. Am. Eng. Aug. 20-5 ; sau. exam, 
of, Angell, Sri. Am. Sup. Nov. S-4; puriflc. b}' alum, Aus- 
ten, Jlay 30-5; potable, micro-organisms of, I^one, Jan. 16- 
6; and tj'ijhoid fever, relation between, Benjamin, June 11- 
7. See also Marine, sea watek. 
" EvAP. expts., Fitzgerald, Sci. Am. Sup. June 5-6; exam, 
for micro-organisms, Eng. Xeus, Mar. 6-6 ; do., Bischof, 
San. Eng. Dec. 31-5. 


Watkr Filters, filtration, Turner, Eng. Neios, Apr. 18-5 ; AVar- 
ren, Nov. 19-7; filtration, natural, Pearson's, San. Eng. July 
23; do. or subsidence, J.D.Cook, July 30; and purifier. 
Blessing's, July 23-7 ; Piefke's rapid, Sci. Am. Sup. June 21 ; 
Hj'att, June 21; filtering presses, pneu. July 19-4; Cham- 
berland's, Oct. 3-5 ; high press. Dec. 4-6 ; micro-membrane, 
Nichols, Soc. Arts, May 13-6 ; Thames, Eng. Jan. 12-3 ; do. 
Apr. 18-4; do. The Eng. Sep. 21-3; do. Pulsom. Co. July 
25-4; filter presses, Johnson's, June 6, 13-4; Piefke's, Eng. 
Mar. 23-3 ; filtration, Gerson sys. Nov. 18-7. 

" Ground, influence on health, Eng. Ifews, Oct. 23-6 ; ham- 
mer, or hydr. ram, Baillairge, Am. Eng. June 6, 13-4; hard- 
ness of, test. Hardy, Eng. News, June 11-7; heating, fiame 
contact in, Fletcher, Van Nost. Aug.-6 ; and ice, properties, 
Petterson, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 13-3 ; leak detector, hydro- 
phone, A.Paris, Eng. July 29-7; level iudic, elec, Paren- 
thou's, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 21-5 ; lifts. East Indian, Enc/. 
Weivs, Sep. 10-7; lifting, new meth. of, W. Siemens, Am. 
Eng. Oct. 29-5; locom., Weruigh, Sci. Am. Sup. June 25-7. 
Water mains, iron, corrosion of, Iron Age, June 11 ; throttle 
valve, Nov. .5-5; do. self-acting, Scotch, Mech. Dec.-5; flow 
stopping by anchor ice, Francis, Am. Eng. July 13, 20-7; 
raising large, Boston, San. Eng. Feb. 19-7; draining and fill- 
ing, S.B.Russell, Eng. & Bu. Sec. Dec. 24-7; corrosion, 
exterior, Borden and Nichols, Van Nost. Feb. -6. 

" Measuring, by metric sys. Eng. Neios, Dec. 22-3 ; and flow 
of, in ditches, Bowie, Van Nost. Jan; do. Browne, May; 
do. Pierce, June ; do. Emery, n. June-5 ; flow of, exi^t. com- 
parison of different meths., Swain, Soc. Arts, Jan. 27 ; accu- 
rate, elec. ap. for, Lowe, Oct. 27-7. 

'' Meters, Tremont, Boston, Eng. Neios, Sep. 15, 22-3 ; tests, 
Alsace, Oct. 31-5 ; Apr. 17; Foote, Nov. 13 ; Tilden, Dec. 
2.5-6; Thomson, Dec. 31-7; tilting, for exjits., Hoadley, 
San. Eng. Jan. 17-4; do. do. Fran. Inst. Apr.-4; do. do. 
Mech. Nov. 17-3 ; large, n. Nov.-5 ; Tilden, San. Eng. Feb. 
5-7; Venturi, Herschel, -Bftf/. tfc I?M. i?ec. Dec. 24-7 ; tests, 
Worthington, Kennedy, Siemens & Hess, Browne, Van 
July ; Frazer, Andre, Aug. -5 ; Helbing's liquid, Sci. Am. 
Slip. Feb. 10-3 ; Dreyer's, May 3-4 ; Frosfs, Siemeu's, Ken- 
nedy's, Sep. 27-4; Schmidt's, Eng. Mar 11-3; tests, rep. 
May 30-4; Deacon, waste-, sys. Nov. 20-5. 


Watek Meters, Frost, Eng. Sep. 16; siphon, Dec. 2-7; Mel- 
ling's, Thp Eng. Oct. 23-5; Cowan's siphon, Sep. 30; G. 
Kent's, Deo. 2-7. 

" Microbes, Sci. Am. Sup. July 10, 26-4; micro-organisms 
and water, £«(/. Feb. 2.5-7 ; mineral, mach.. Health exhib. 
Eng. Nov. 7, 28-4; motions of, two, Reynolds, VanXuKt. 
July-4; iVntJtj'c ; motors, Unwin, i'fi^. JVeios, May 9-5 ; do. 
do. Van Xrist. Jan.-6 ; do. do. The Eng. Apr. 10-5 ; do. 
small. Iron Age, July 1-6 ; do. Amherst, J/sc/i. Apr; do. 
press, engs., n. Nov.-5 ; do. expts. Am. Eng. Ajir. 17-.5 ; 
do. small, efflc. of, .June 17, July 28, Sep. 2"2-6 ; do. Balance, 
Allin, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 4-6 ; do. Eng. Apr. 10-5 ; do. 
Allin's, The Eng. Oct. 23-5. 

Water Pipes, 42 in., casting and testing at Widnes foundry, 
England, Eng. Xeics, Dec. 22-3 ; cast iron, prices chart, 
"72-'84, .Ian. 31; coated cast iron, spec, Boston, Feb. 21-5; 
scraper, Clayton, Apr. 10; laying, Prov. May 1 ; steel, Wat- 
son, !^^ov. 6; wrt. iron, H. Smith, Dec. 18; Howland, Dec. 
IS-G; wrt. iron, large. Mar. 20; Apr. 30-7; water moving 
in, momentum of, Iron Aye, Aug. 7-4 ; Howlaud, Jan. 6-7 ; 
■water in, momentum and foriteof impact of, Xystrom, Mech. 
Aug. -4; air valve. Dibble, Aug-.5 ; cast iron ?pec.. Fall E. 
w. wks., Harlow, Am. Eng. Xov. 7 ; flow w. thro., Stearns, 
Xov. 7; flow thro, hose, "Weston, Xov. 21; friction in fire 
hose, Dec. 5-4; force of ram in, Weston, Jan. 2; throttle 
valve, self-acting, Oct.' 22-5 ; tarred cast iron. May 13-6 ; 
press, reg., Curtis', Apr. 20; Howland, Apr. 20, 27, May 4-7. 

" Pipes, lead, Nichols, San. Eng. Nov. 22-3 ; conduit, wrt. iron, 
H. Smith, June 20; iron, cement lined, Nov. 20; Howland, 
Dec. 25-6 ; cast iron, thickness, table, Jan. 1-7 ; 30 in. flexi- 
ble, under Thames r. Sci. Am. jS'«;). Nov. 22-4; galv. iron, 
Venable, Apr. 25-5 ; wrt. iron, H. Smith, June 26-6 ; How- 
land, Feb. 12, Nov. 5; cast iron, wts., table, Sep. 10-7; con- 
duit, wrt. iron, Eng. July 9-6; concrete, machs., Hamilton's, 
The Eng. May 18-3; flow w. thro., expts., Stearns, Oct. 24- 
4; do. Unwin, Jan. 1 ; do. Darcy's expts., do. May 7-6; do. 
formula and tables, H. Robinson, Dec. 16-7. 

" Power, Niagara Falls and r. Eng. .Yncs Oct. 13 ; of So. 
Atlantic slope, Swain, Nov. 10-3 ; of U. S. Sep. 4-6 ; Niag. 
1. Xov. 19-7. 


Water Power, and stm. power, U. S. Iron Age, Mar. 6-4; at 
Niag. f.,McElroy, Am. Eng. Oct. 15-5; do. util. of, n. Sep. 
1-6; of U. S., govt. i-ep. San. Eng. July 15-6; of So. 
Atlantic slope, Swain. Van Nost. Nov.-3 ; Holyoke, Mass. 
Apr.-6 ; lit. of falls, U. S. Elec. Rev. Sep. 27-3 ; Niag. f . 
util., Rhodes, Elec. World, June 28-4; with high press, and 
wrt. iron pipe, hurd}'--gurdy wheel, etc., H. Smith, 8ci. Am. 
Sup. Sep. 13, 20-4; Niag. f., McElroy, Nov. 14-5; of U. S., 
D. Porter, Soc. ^j'Js, Feb. 10-7; siphon, large, jSTorway, ^u^. 
July 8-7 ; The Eng. June 27-4. 

" Pressure, in soil, Iron Age, Aug. 12-6 ; do. The Eng. July 
23-6; reg., Curtis, Apr. 28-7; do. San. Eng. July 30-5; 
proofing, Eng. jSfews, Dec. 1-3 ; pumping, Am. Eng. May 20,, 
June 10-6. See also Pumping Engs ; Steam Pumps. 

" Purification, by iron, Anderson, Eng. jVeiDS, Feb. 14; do. 
ap. do. June 6; do. do. Sep. 5; do. Ogston, Sep. 5-5; do. 
Anderson, Jan. 1 ; Stanhope, Aug. 27-7 ; by iron. Iron Age, 
Apr. 23-5 ; do. Anderson, Mech. Apr. -5 ; removing micro- 
organisms from, Franklaud, San. Eng. Aug.6-5 ; for domestic 
and mfg. purposes. Crane, June 24, Sep. 30, Oct. 7 ; its 
biolog. and chem. basis, Frankland, Nov. 13-6; do. do. Van 
Nost. Oct, N0V.-6 ; Hyatt, Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 18 ; Stanhope 
purifier,Dec. C-4 ; ap., Anderson's, June 20; do. for Indus, 
purposes, June 27 ; by iron, on large scale, W. Anderson, 
July 18-5; Job's conundrum, Conant, May 22; by alum, 
Austen, July 17-6 ; by agit. with iron and sand filtration, 
Anderson, Feb. 12; supply, A. R. Leeds, Mar. 5-7; ap.,, 
Anderson, Eng. JEay 8 ; sea, making potable, May 22-5 ; ap., 
Anderson's, The Eng. May 8-5; Howatson's, May 21; by 
agt. with iron and sand filtration, W. Anderson, Dec. 3-6. 

" Rainfall, max. rates, Boston, chart, Fitzgerald, Eng. News, 
May 31 ; obs., N. E. Meteorol. Soc. Nov. 8-4; effect of wind 
current on, Curtis, Jan. 3-5 ; Oct., U. S. Dec. 24-7 ; max. 
Am. Eng. May 8-5 ; and evap., "Brackett, San Eng. Dec. 4-6 ; 
an., L. Cochituate, Mass. By. Gaz. June 12-5 ; discharge of 
streams in relation to, Coghlan, Van Nost. July-4 ; hydro- 
mechanics, Evans, The Eng. Jan. 30-5. 

" Rain gaugj;, self-recording, Jacob's, Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 13- 
4; do. do. The Eng. Oct. 3-4; London rains, comp. of, Rus- 
sell, Eng. Neios, May 9-5; rain-separator, Robert's, jSnit. 
Eng. Mar. 5-7. 

284 AVATER. 

Water, raising, expenditure of H. P. in, Iron Ar/e. Oct. 7-6 ; 
do. maclis., Holland, Cujapari, Viiii Nnst. 0ct.-4; do. 
screw, Grulefs, Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. i;:i-4:; do. machs. 
July 16-7; do. do. The Eng. Mar. 2.5-7; reservoirs, for rail- 
roads, mills, etc., Balcom, Eny. M'ws, May 7-7 ; do. iron 
plate, Forchlieimer, Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 28-6. See also 
Water 'Works. 

" Saturator, cascade, for carb. acid gas, Mondollet, Sci. Am. 
Sup. Feb. 17-3 ; service, of Paris, Eng. News, Apr. 9-7 ; and 
sewerage S}'S., Denver, sau. matters in West, San. Eng. .Jul)' 
29-6 ; softener. Stanhope, Eng. Neu-n, Aug. 27-7 ; do. Sci. 
Am. Svp. Dec. 6-4; do. Eng. May 22-5; softening of, 
Latham, Eng. JN'eic.s, Jan. 31, Feb. 7-5; do. do. Van Xost. 
0ct.-4; do. do. JBu. News; do. ap., Lavis, Sci. Am. Sup. 
July 7-3; Maignen's ap. The Eng. Oct. 24-4; softening by 
Clark proc. Oct. 21-7 ; spring, carb. acid in mineral, Eedlich, 
Sci. xlm Sup. Aug. 7-6; stand pipes, Eng. Nevs, Oct. 30-6, 
see also Water Wks; and stm power, census stat. Mech. 
Feb. 23-4. 

" Supply. See also Water Works; filtration, in Am., Croes, 
Eng. Neii-s, June 16; of ancient cities, Atlee, Oct. 27-3; 
rural, Hett, Mar. 1.5, Apr. 5. May 10, 17; and waste in cities, 
Ludlow, June 21 ; lead pipes, use for, Aug. 30 ; dual, and 
distrib.. Marten, Sep. 13-4; development of drainage areas, 
June 13; windmills for, Dec. 5-5; sys. Jlar. 13; spougilla 
in main pipes, Fitzgerald, Aug. 7 ; rainfall, do. Aug. 21-6 ; low 
press., C. W. Baker, Aug. 14; sub-surface, Trowbridge, May 
21 ; development for small cities in West, I\iersted, Dec. 24, 

" Supply of cities, ancient. Iron Age, Xov. 1, 8-3 ; do. ancient 
Koman cities, Corfield, San. Eng. Aug. C-5 ; do. do. Van 
Nost. Oct. -.5; do. do. Bu. Xeus; do. do. Sci. Am. Sup. Dec. 
19-5 ; do. do. Am. Eng. Sep. 17-5 ; Coats, Mar. 21, 21, 28 : and 
Allegheny r. water, Phillips, Mar. 28 ; and gas sup., various 
cities, table, n. Apr. 4-4; by driven wells, for large cites. 
San. Eng. Dec. 6-3 ; systems, July 17-4; ground water as a 
source of. Mar. 18-6 ; sub-surface, Vt'. P. Trowbridge, ]\Iay 
28; bj^ driven well sys., Noyes, Aug. 6, 13-7; do. W. P. 
Trowbridge, Eng. & Bu. Bee. Dec. 6-7v Topley, Tan 
Nost.'i^o\; Mansargh, Dec.-4; Pole, Feb ; of some great 
cities, Apr.-6 ; do. The Builder; sci. of. Van Nost. Julj-; 
and cholera, Higgin, Aug.-6 ; do. Nature. 


Water Supply, waste of water, England, Binnie, By. & Eng. 
Feb.-7; do. The Eng \ of cities in ancient times, jPjyhi. /jisf. 
0ct.-3 ; clarification and purific, Gardner, Sc.i. Am. Sup:- 
Oct. 10-5. 

" Supply, in desert, Suakim-Berber, Eng. Mar. 6 ; Pole, Mar. 
20; Roman cities, Sep. 4-5; from wells, lust. C. E., Grover, 
Fox, Stooke, Matthews, Apr. 22; village, Terry, Dec. 2-7; 
(small towns), Wallingford, The Eng. Feb. 12; Apr. 30; 
waste of , in town, Nov. 26-6; Attleboro, Mass. Sail. Eng. 
Jan. 29-7; Baltimore, Eng. News, May 24-4; Berlin, n. Van 
Xo.-it. Ju1y-6; The Eiig; Birmingham, Aug. 26; Bombay, 
Tansa wks., W.Clarke, eng. July 15-7; Boston, n. Eng. 
jN'eios, May 10, 10-4; Breslau, bk. rev. San. Eng. Aug. 6-5 ; 
Chicago, Eng. Wevjs, Feb. 5-7; and main drainage, Am. Eng. 
Sep. 3, 24-5; and drainage, i^relim. rep. San. Eng. Feb. 12; 
Mar. .5-7; England, Latham, Eng. JYeios, July 5-4; Glas- 
gow, chein. anal, of, table, San. Eng. July 23-5 ; and Loch 
Katrine, The Eng. Feb. 20-5 ; West Gloucestershire, July 
15-7; Leeds, England, puriflc.' of, Fran. Inst. Feb.-7; Liver- 
pool, The Eng. Jan. 14, 28-7. 

" Supply, London, Eng. News., May 3; (Met.), Le Grand, 
June 14; for fire extinct., Greathead, Sep. 27-4; chera. anal. 
Aug. 29; tests, Dec. 26-5; San. i'df/. Jan. 3-17, Feb. 7-4; 
Met. Eng. Sep. 5; Health exhib. Oct. 24, 31-4; Met. Sep. 
11, Oct. 9, Nov. 6, Dec. 4-5; do. Jan. 1, 29, tests. Mar. 5-6; 
The Eng. Apr. 18-4; Mass., State Bd. Health, rep. Eng. 
News., Dec. 8-3 ; Memphis, San. Eng. Dec. 25-6 ; Mexico, 
and sewerage of mt. cities, Eng. News. July 12-4; Blake, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 9-4; Montpelier, Vt. Eng. News, May 
22-6 ; Moscow, Rus. Apr. 4-5. 

" Supply, New York City (Met.), Eng. News, Apr. 12-4; 
Adirondack, for N. Y. c. Jan. 24-5; San. Eng. Feb. &c; 
Croton aqued. Nov. 12-3; Parrott, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 4; 
aqued. Sep. 25-6 ; Paris, Eng. News, June 13-5 ; Philadel- 
phia, Schuylkill r., bad qual. July 21-3, Mar. 22-4, July 
11-5; do. qual. Sep. 3-7; San. Eng. Nov. 27-6; Fran. Inst. 
June, Aug.-0ct.-4; Jul3r-5; Hering, rep. Jan ; and rainfall, 
Birkiubine, Apr; rep. Aug.-7; Ramapo, N. Y. Eng. Neirs, 
May 12-3 ; Roman, old, Apr. 18-5 ; San Francisco, Flynn, 
Van Nost. Nov.-3 ; Soudan, Eng. News, Apr. 18-5 ; Utica, 
N. Y'., C. F. Carpenter, Jan. 19-4; Venice, Nov. 14-5; and 
sewerage of, San. Eng. Oct. 1-5; Van Nost. Sep.-4. 


Water, surface, safety in use of, Eny. News, Sep. 4 ; tank, aut. 
flush, Rosewater, July 17-6; temps., Am. Soc. C. E. Ajjr. 
26-4; test, Koch's bacterialogical, Eng. Dec. 23-7; tower, 
see Water Works towers ; valve, large, Eiig. Neios, Dee. 
13-4; do. Marichal's, Am. Eng. Sep. 8-6; do. clstem, high 
press., Mann's, The Eng. Feb. 12-6 ; do. Dennis' fullway. 
Mar. 2.0-7; wt. of cu. ft. at different temps., diagram, Snn. 
Eng. May 28-5; do. Locom. Nov.-7; waste of, T. J. Bell, 
Eng. News, Sep. 8-3; do. prevention, Boston, Oct. 18-4; do. 
do. Frankfort-on-Main, Ger., Gerhard, May 2-5 ; do. check- 
ing of, in Boston, San. Eng. Nov. 13-4; do. prevention and 
plumbing appliances, Coyne, Sep. 9-6 ; weir measurements, 
Mech. Jan. 12-4; wheels, overshot, Iron Age, Sep. 2-6; do. 
impulse, hurdy-gurdy, R. E. Browne, Mech. Oct. 27-3 ; do. 
the overshot, Sep.-5; do. plant, Niag. Falls, Am. Eng. Oct. 
24, Dec. 12-4; do. Laxey, Isle of Man, England, San. Eng. 
July 23-7 ; ideal, Atkins, Power & Trans. June-6 ; do. and 
turbine govs.. King's, Eng. Jan. 2G-3i do. govs., aut., do. 
The Eng. Apr. 13-3 ; do. n. Jan. 11-4. See also Turbines. 

" Works, see also AVater Supply ; aqueduct, cleaning, Fitz- 
gerald, Eng. A^eios, Apr. 26 ; on higli embankments, do. Maj- 
.'1-4; hydrant service rental, C. E. Chandler, Xov. 19; con- 
crete mixing, Boston, Dec. 24-7. 

" Works, Am., hist, and stat., Croes, Eng. News, Jan. 6, &c.- 
3 ; do. do. Jan.-June 13, 27, July 11, 18, Aug. 1, 15, 22, Sep. 
5, 20. Oct. 3-31-5; do. do. Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 20, Mar. 6, 20, 
Apr. 3, 10, 24, May 15 ; do. stat. tables, Oct. 30, Nov. 6-6. 

" Works, Am. Assoc, pro. Eng. Neics, Apr. 26-4; Jul3'.3-6; 
.Tuly20-7; San. Eng. July 8-6; July 23-7; X. E. Assoc, 
pro. Eng. News, Sep. 29-3 ; June 26-6 ; San. Eng. June 24-6 ; 
June 25-7; Amsterdam, The Eng. Xov. 5-19-6; anchor ice, 
flow stoppage by, Francis, Iron Age, Aug. 25-7 ; inlet ijro- 
tection against. Am. Eng. Xov. 2-7; Antwerp, Van Nost. 
Mar.-3 ; Aurora, 111., spec San. Eng. July 9-5; Bay City. 
Mich. Eng. Nen-s, Feb. 23-4; San. Eng. Apr. 2-7; Belfast, 
Eng. Dec. 17-6; Birmingham, Aug. 3-3; The Eng. Aug. 

" AVoRKS, Boston, contract prices, Eng. Neies, Mar. 31 ; rep. 
Sep. 15; Dec 22-3; Fisher Hill reservoir, rep. Oct. 10-5; 
Feb. 6-27-6; rep. Feb. 19; foundations and chimnej', prices. 
Mar. 5-7 ; Fisher Hill res., bids, San. Eng. Oct. S-o. 


■Water Works, Boston, res. evap., Fitzgerald, Van Ifost. July- 
6; Bradford, England (small town supply), The Eng. May 
25, June 8-3 ; Bridgeport, Conn. Eng. News, Apr. 9-7 ; Brook- 
lyn, Dec.5-5. 

" Works, Calais, Me. Eng. <fc Bu. Bee. Oct. 8-7; Calcutta, 
India, Eng. Neti]s, Dec. 17-7; -Bn^. Apr. .30-6 ; Cambridge, 
Mass., Stony brook sup. San. Eng. Nov. 20-6 ; Carlisle, Eng- 
land, Jan. 29-7; Charlottesville, Va., Bolton, Sci. Am. Sup. 
Mar. 13-6; Chicago, tunnel, Eng. & Bu. Bee. Oct. 29-7; 
Clinton, N. Y., Baxter, Eng. Nevis, Feb. 28-5 ; Coblenz, Ger., 
driven by Otto gas engs. Iron Age, May 19-7 ; Cohoes, San. 
Eng. Jan. 29-7; Congleton, small town supply, The Eng. 
May 18-3; Constantinople Briflfault, San. Eng. Jun. 29-7. 

" Works Construction, notes, Eng. News files ; lifting a 
40-in. main, Boston, Jan. 23; prices, Croton aq. Jan. 30; do. 
main laying, N. Y. Mar. 13-6 ; in U. S. Feb. 26; Stat. May 
28 ; and management, June 18 ; and stat. July 23, 30, Aug. 
6, Sep. 3, Oct. 1, Dec. 17, 24-7; masonry in shafts and under 
press. San. Eng. June 11-5 ; Watertown, Mass. Sep. 30 ; Cam- 
bridge, Mass. Nov. 20; Gardiner, Me. Dec. 18-6; Charlottes- 
ville, Va. May 21, 28; Ware, Mass. July 16; details, Bill- 
ings, Sep. 24-7; do. do. Eng & Bu. Bee. Oct. 15, 22, Nov. 19, 
Dec. 10; Calais, Me. Oct. 8; Cohasset, Dec. 3-7. See also 
Water Works, N. Y., etc. 

" Works, cost of raising small quans. by stra. pumps, Eng. 
Neios, Oct. 9-6 ; Croton, see Water Works, New York ; 
Dover, N. H. Nov. 26-7 ; Dutton sluices, Eng. Dec. 19-4 ; 
early, Mech. Sep.-5; East Orange and Bloomfield, N.J. San. 
Eng. June 25-7 ; Edinburgh, Eng. News June 23-3 ; Eng. 
June 1-3; July 29, Aug. 19-7; Leslie, The Eng. June 15-3; 
Aug. .5-7; flush tank, Morrison, Eng. Neius, Apr. 3-6; Gal- 
veston, Tex. Mar. 3-3 ; Genoa, Italy, u. Dec. 18-6 ; Harlem 
sub. aqued. 3Iech. Nov.-6 ; head gate, roller curtain, Foote, 
Eng. News, Dec. 11-6 ; Hyde Park, San. Eng. Jan. 7-6 ; 
Jersey, Burstall, Eng. July 8, 22-7; Kansas City, map, 
Pearsons, Eng. News, Nov. 5-26, Dec. 3, 17, 24-7; Katatbeh, 
Egypt, Sci. Am. Sup. Apr. 30-7; Kimberly, engs. duty, Eng. 
June 13-4; Lawrence, Mass., H. W. Rogers, San. Eng. Mar. 
12-7; Lawreuceville, N.J. Dec. 4; Liberty, Va. Jan. 21-6; 
Limpsfield and Oxtead, The Eng. Sep. 2-7; Liverpool, Dea- 
con, rep. Eng. News, Oct. 3-5 ; San. Eng. June 17-5. 


Water Works, Liverpool,Vyrnwy r. sup. San. Eng. Oct. 25-3; 
do. The Eng. Oct. 16-5 ; London, Bolton, rep. Eng. News, 
Apr. 2.") ; stat. Aug. 15 ; ilarblehead, Mass., iron reservoir, 
Nov. 21-5; Matlocli-Bath, The Eng. Aug. 1.5-4; milling, 
Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 22-7 ; Milwaukee, x)ub. Eng. News, Aug. 
2.5-3 ; Naples, Italy, Am. Eng. Feb. 11-6 ; Nashville, Teuu. 
Eng. News, July 19-4. 

" Works, Nevt York City, Croton aqued., rep. Eng. News, 
Mar. 17; Aug. 11, 2-5-3 ; map, Dec. 6-4 ; spec. Mar. 7, 14, 
prices 21 ; July 11-5 ; Jan. 9, 23, construct, prices 30 ; veiitil. 
May 29; gate h. Oct. 30; one years prog. Dec. 18-6; bids, 
Jan. 22; prices for, Feb. 5, 19; July 30 ; rep. Aug. 13-7; 
Iron Age, Dec. 25-4; July 7-7; water sheds, map, San. Eng. 
Mar. 26 ; Apr. 30 ; tunnel. May 21 ; engs. es. and spec, 
table, Aug. U-5 ; tunnel under Harlem r. Feb. 25, Mar. 11, 
18 ; san. inspect, of. May 27 ; June 17, Aug. 19, Nov. 13-6 ; 
map, Feb. 5, 19; June 11 ; Aug. 13 ; tipple cars on, Aug. 13 ; 
accident on, Oct. 1-7; location of plant, Eng. & Bu. Sec. 
Nov. 12-7; Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. lO-o; Eng. ¥eh. 2G-6. See 
also Tunnels, Croton aqued. 

'• Works, Nottingham, England, San. Eng.Oct. 15-5 ; The Eng. 
June 15-3 ; covered reservoir, Tarbotton, July 10-5 ; Paris, 
Jlcch. Apr .-7; Peterborough, Addy, The Eng. June 15-3; 
Philadelphia, Eng. News, Jan. 6, 27-3 ; May 24, 24-4 ; Belmont 
submerged main, De Kinder, rep. Mar. 2S ; toijog. surveys, 
Allen, Mar. 28; rep., '84, Oct. 3-5; rep. Aug. 2S-6 ; Feb. 12; 
early Am. Apr. 23 ; rep. Aug. 27-7 ; Pittsburg, rep. Jan. 17-5 ; 
Port Elizabeth, So. Africa, Gamble, The Eng. June 15-3; 
Poughkeepsie, rep. San. Eng. Apr. 9-7 ; press, in mains, 
varios cities, table, Croes, Eng. Neios, Jan. 9-30, Feb. C-27, 
Mar. G, 20, 27, Apr. 3-24, June 5, 20, July 17 ; Providence, Apr. 
24-6; pumping, direct and reser. sys. compared, July 12-4; 
rates, Sep. 5 ; Eed Bank, well and pumping mach. Aug. 2'J- 
5; Eemscheid, pumping station, The Eng. Mar. 20, 27; Apr. 
10-5 ; reports, Eng. News, June 27-5 ; "83, San. Eng. July 

" Works, Reservoirs, Villar, Lozoya r., Manby, Eng. News, 
Feb. 24; broken, at Knoxville, Tenn. July 21-3; in lime- 
stone countries, E. P. Fuller, Feb. 23-4; failure, Cleveland, 
O. Dec. 25-6; Little Rock, broken, Nov. 12; storage, open 
or closed. Beach, Dec. 3-7. 


Water Works, Reservoirs, Northwestern sys., Pyle, Eng. 
IfeiBs, Oct. 3-5; do. Harpers, -4:; evap. from, expts. Irun 
^[/e, Miiy 20-6; walls construct. Am. Eng. June 8-T; Bea- 
con Hill, slope slipping, Lowell, San. Eng. Jan. 14-6; stor- 
age, sliould they be open Or closed. Beach, July 23 ; Mol- 
teuo, Cape Town, Africa, C. J.Wood, Aug. 27-T; constrnct.,, 
Kraft, V^aii iVost. July ; storage, capac. of, Eippe, July-3 ; 
covered service, Morris, Peb.-4; bretiks, remarkable, Luk- 
ens, Loom. Aug.-7; Stratford-on-Avou, The Eng. Nov.27- 
5 ; Mallgakauda.Mar. 18-7. See also Dams. 

Works, Rosario, engs. and pumps, Easton, eng. The Eng. 
May U, 14-6; Samaria, Russia, Eng. News, July 30-7; ser- 
vice pipes, Richards, June 28-4; Sholapur, Burke, The Eng. 
Jan. 4-4 ; small, Henley, Church, eng. Jan. 5 ; for towns, 
July 20-3; specs., and sewerage, Shreveport, Eng. Mies, 
June 19-6; Southampton, T/ie ^k^. Oct. 30-5; Southington, 
Conn. San.Eng. Feb. 18-5 ; Southwark& Vauxhall, Hampton, 
Restler, sng. The Eng. July 15-7 ; St. Helens, Knowsley 
pumping station, Apr. 10, May 29, June 5-5 ; St. Pierre 
mine, Creusot Co., France, Mech. Apr. 19-4; stand pipes, 
Ward, Eng. News, July 24; do. notes, Sep. IS; do. July 2- 
7; do. Sandusky, O. Nov. 13-6; do. do. San. Eng. Feb. 12- 
7; do. destruction, Eng.Jwn.-'^ ; Taunton, Mass. Eng. News, 
Feb. 9-4; San Eng. July 3-4; towers, Princeton, N. J. Eng. 
News, Dec. 1-3 ; do. Youkers, N. Y. Oct. 18-4 ; do. Grave- 
send, L. 1., failure, Oct. 23 ; do. Weehawken, N. J. Nov. G- 
6 ; do. Asbury Park, San. Eng. Sep. 2 ; do. Gravesend, burst- 
ing of, Oct. 23, Dec. lS-6; at Kankakee, lU., fall of, Jan. 1- 
7; breakages, -Bn^. & Bu. Bee. Nov. 5, 12-7; do. Colchester, 
The Eng. Feb. 15-4; Venice, Irun Age, Nov. 6-4; Washing- 
ton, aqued. Eng. News, Feb. 14-5 ; Sep. 18-6 ; Waterbury, 
Conn. San.Eng. Apr. 8-5; Wein, Stooke, eng. The Eng. Sep. 
18-5; Wellesley, Mass., Fuller, rep. Eug. Neivs, Oct. 10-5;, 
Whitacre, Birmingham, Eng^Sep. 25-5; Widnes, H. Davey, 
eng. The Eng. Aug. 26-7 ; Yokohama, Eng. News, Aug. 
Watt, Jamks, Inventions of, Cowper, Mech. Jan. 12,19, Feb. 2-4. 

Wax, L. Field, Sci. Am. Sup. Sep. 1-3. 

Wkaltii of nations, Grt. Brit, and U. S. Iron Age, Oct. 4-3 ; 
Elec. Bev. Dec. 6-4. 


Weather, stat., U. S. Eng. Neios, Mar. 19, June 25 &c., Oct. 
15-1; foreoasting, Abercromby, Fan JVbsf. Nov .-5 ; do. cxpC. 
J'ran. 7ns«. Apr, May-5; service, state, plan for, rep. Jan, 
Mar.-7; signal sys. Aug.-6 ; do. code, Houston, Electric. 

Weighing Machs., Torsion bal. Iron Age, May 29-4; Keuther 
aut. balance, Feb. 1-3 ; do. Mech. Feb. 3-3 ; Torsion bal.. 
Springer, May 24-4; do. scales, Zimmerman, Am. Eng. May 
15; do., Kent, June 5-5; Sweet meas. raach. May 13-6; 
aualj'tical bals. Elec. World, July 4-5 ; aut. Sci. Am. Sup. 
May 8-6; Torsion, Kent's, July 9-7; do. Eng. Apr. 22- 
7 ; Hart's cattle, The Eng. July 22-7. 

AV EIGHTS AND MEASURES, English mcas. Eng. Xews. Dec. 22-3; 
Roger's Bond comparator mach. Mech. Jan. 27 ; ililbrough 
meas. mach., Whitworth, Feb. 3 ; French (scale) compara- 
tor, Sep. 15 ; Anglo-Saxon metrology, Sep. 22-3 ; length 
standards, Bond, Am. Eng. Jlay 23, 30 and before, June 6- 
27, July 4—18-4; Bi'it. and metric standards, Smythe, Vayi 
Xost. Sep.-Xov; slide rule. Boys, Dec; standards, Culley, 
Dec.-5 ; do., Fran. Inst. Apr, May-4; metric sys. Elec. liev. 
Jul}' 26-3 , standard and metric units, June 2C-6 ; French 
and English, .June 18-7 ; Internal Bureau observatory, Sci. 
Am. Snj-). Oct. 20-3; do. Feb. 23-4; Brit, and metric, com- 
parison for eng. purposes, A. H. Smythe, Mar. 14-.5; met- 
ric, and old units, F. Brooks, Aug. 14-6; dividing eng. for 
standard lengths, Eng. Sep. 3-6 ; standards of length, Bond, 
July 11, 25, Aug. 15-4; do. do. The Eng. .Tune 5, 12, and 
their subdivision, Feb. 20, Mar. 6-5 ; French and English, 
conversion table for, sup. Feb. 5, Mar. 19-6 ; units of Avt., 
mass and force, Apr. 1-7. 

Welch, Ashbel, por. Eng. iVews, Jan. 20-3. 

AVells, ancient. Latham, Eng. News, Sep. 3-7; artesian. Bourn, 
Lincolnshire, England, Pilbrew, Dec. 27-4; do., Darley, 
.July 25, Aug. 8-5;do. Nev. Iron Age, Nov. 13-4; do. do. 
J/ec/i. Nov; do.,N. Y. May 24; do., boring tools, Aug .-4; do. 
of Denver, Am. So3. C. E. rep. San. Eng. Aug. 12; do. pre- 
mature spouting, Sep. 9 ; do., on N. J. coast, Sep. 16-6 ; do. 
in Iowa, Oct. 1-7; do. Pomona, Cal. Sci. Am. Stip. Jan. 10; 
do. at Fort Scott, Kan. Feb. 21; do. Darley, Sep. 12-5; do. 
Chainberlin, May 22, 29, June 5-6 ; do., U. S., Darley. Eng. 
June 19, 26-5. 

WELLS. 291 

Wells, driven, pat.. Green, Eng. Xcks, Sep. 22-3 ; do. Iron 
Age, May 20-7; do., for water sup., W. V. Trowbridge, 
San. Eng. Dec. G-3 ; do. at Hertford, England, Sep. 23-6 ; 
do., Hoadley, Dec. 4-2.5-4; do. do., Soc. Arts, May 10-3 ; do. 
sys., Brooklyn, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 12-4. 
" Lining, Eng. News, June 14-4; digging pneu., Russia, July 
30-7; deepest bore hole, n. Van Nost. JuneG; do. Iron 
Age, July 2; Rouse's point, July 2-5 ; bore tube drilling 
mach., Meriyweather, Meeli. Maj'-5 ; bore hole test and ap., 
cliuograph, MacGeorge's, Eng. Mar. 13, Apr. 3-.5 ; do. do. 
Sci. Am. Sup. Oct. 10-5 ; boring by stm., with spring 
pole, Ijyman, Mar. 27-6 ; tube, Abyssinian, Le Grand, eng. 
The Eng. Oct. 24-3; curbs, Ind. St. Rys. Jan. 9 ; boring 
tools. Parson's, June 12-5. 

A\'"est Indies, trade. Iron Age, Sep. 3-5; Spanish, do. Dec. 18-4. 

Wheels, tires, corrug., rolled, Fox, Am. Eng. July 20-7 ; and 
spring wheels, Aveling, Si:i. Am. Srq), Jan. 24; metal, Nov. 
7-5 ; carriage, principles of, Sep. 4-6 ; band, Ratfard sys. 
Jan. 29-7; hurdy-gurdy. The Eng. May 30-4. See also Car- 
riage Wheels ; Railroad Car Wheels. 

Whistler, Geo. W. Sci. Am,. Sup. Mar. 26-7. 

Whitworth, Joseph, /j'ou ^If/c, Dee. 24-5; Feb. .3-7; Fernie, 
San. Eng. Mar. 19-7 ; Hij. Gas. Jan. 28-7 ; por. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Mar. 19-7; Eng. Jan. 28-7; The Eng. Jan. 28, 2S-7. 

William I, King Prussia and German Eraperor, por. Sci. Am. 
Sup. Apr. 30-7. 

Wind, press. Eng. News, Aug. 1 ; do. max. Oct. 10-5 ; do. and 
vel., Hazen. Oct. 29-7 ; as a motive power, G. S. Strong, 
Mech. Ajjr. 28-3 ; vel., Archibald, Mar; press., max., Baker, 
Nov. -5; vel., expts., Archibald, Am. Eng. Feb. 20; move- 
ment, table, Feb. 27; vel. and press., table. May 1-5; i^ress. 
on spher. cyl. and conical surfaces, Philbrick, Van Nost. 
Dec.-4; press., max., n. Nov.-5; tornado study, Fran. Inst. 
Ai)r.-6 ; power storage, Elec. Eev. July 2(i-3 ; motor, jjane- 
mone, Sci. Am Sup. Sep. 22-3 ; force, Sutcliffe, Feb. 23-4 ; 
press. Eng. June 27-4; vel., expt., Archibald, .Jan. 30; 
force and vel. July 10-5; press, and stability of structures, 
Campbell, The Eng. Oct. 1-6. See also Storms. 
" Engine, Kirkwood, Iron Age, Jan. 6-7; railroad. Strong, 
3Iech. Oct. 20-3. 


Wind Mills, for water sup., Wolflf, Eng. News, Dec. 5-5; and 
tank tower, Shrewsbury, N. J. May 22-6 ; hist. Iron Age, 
Mar. 19-5; do. 3/ecft. Mar.-.5 ; tests, Penn. Agric. exhib., '84, 
Am. Eng. Dec. 26-4; blade angles, table, June 5-5 ; J. W. 
Hill, Sni. Am. Szip. July 19-4. 

Winding Engines, Imp. Coal mines, Japan, Eng. Sep. 2S-3; 
portable, Spencer, eng. The Eng. May 15 ; comp., Dick's, 
June 12-5 ; and indie, gear, Tangye, Jan. 4-6. 

\ViRE, barbed, pats. Iron Age, June 14-3 ; cop manuf ., Monchel 
estab., France, Elec. World, Nov. 1.5-4; drawing, without 
pickling. Iron Age, Jan. 21, Apr. 1-6; do. copper, S'ci. Am. 
Svp. Jan. 10-5 ; steel, tests, Eng. July 23-6 ; do. of high 
teuac, Percy, The Eng. May 21-6; fence, barbed, pat. decis. 
Eng. Neios, June 16-3. 
" Gauge, Standard Imperial, Eng. Xews, Mar. 1-4; Iron Age, 
Aug. 2; standard, Grt. Brit. Oct. 11-3; Brit. Mar. 6-4; 
standard, Mech. Jan. 6 ; do. Grt. Brit. Oct. 27-3 ; do. Mar. 
8-4; do. Brit. Xov.-7; Brit. Mg. fUz. Sep. 21-3; standard. 
England, Van Nost.'Hoy.-Q; B. G. May-4; standard sys., 
&. Fran. Inst. M.iiy-Q ; do. Brit. Aug.-4; Am., diams., Her- 
ing. Electric. Apr; table of all, do. May, correction, June; 
standard, Sei).-6 ; Nat. Elec. Light Assoc, jji-oposed, July; 
do. standard, rep. Sep.-7; Brit, standard, -B/ec. i?ft). Aug. 
23-4; Nat. Teleph. Assoc, Feb. 6-6 ; metric, table, sup. 
Aug. 20; discuss. Sep. 3; do. Nat. Teleph. Exch. Oct. 8-7; 
Elec. World, Mar. 14; standard, Sep. 26-5; do. internat. 
June 19, 26-6; Murdock, Dec. 10-7; legal standard, Eng- 
land, Eng. Sep. 7-3 ; standard, Feb. 8-4 ; Trotter, Mar. 19- 
6 ; The Eng. Oct. 26-3 ; standard, Feb. 8-4. 

" Mills, and rod mills, of U. S. Iron Age, Feb. 8-3 ; do. Am. 
Nov. 19, Dec. 17-5; do. Iowa barbed, Oct. 20-7; nail mach., 
Hardman, Apr. 15; do. Sharon, Nov. 4; do. list, Apr. 15-6; 
rods, iron and steel, manuf., U. S. Sep. 3-17-5. 

WiKE Rope, ways, Transylvania, Bochart, Eng. Xeiex. Jan. 1; 
cable haulage, Teschen mines, Oct. 29-7; power trausraiss. 
by belts, cords and, Leloutre, Am. Eng. Aug. 15, 22-4 ; El- 
liot, Sci. Am. iSii}}. June 11 ; manuf., Cradock wks. July 2-'/; 
wks., Bullivant, ^H(/. Dec. 5-3 ; do. do. Millwall, Mar. 4; 
Elliot, Apr. 1 ; wks. and machs.. stranding and closing, Crad- 
ock, Apr. 15, 22-7. 


WiRK Testing Mach., Riehle, Iron Age, Oct. 2-4; do. Elec. 
World, Nov. 22-4 ; triniigular truss, Fran. Inst. Aug.-4. 

Wood, timber, preserv. Eng. News, June 9, Aug. 18-3 ; do. sup- 
ply of "\vorld, Jan. 17 ; do. preserv., Am. Soc. C. E. rep. July 
11-5; do. do. creosote, Jan. 16; do. dry rot fungus, L(!li- 
msinn, Nov. 20-6; seasonhfg, moisture of, expts. Apr. 2; 
creosoting wks., Lehigh Valley, Perth-Amboy, N. J. May 
2S-7; distil., retorts for. Iron Age, Oct. 4-3; carboniza- 
tion retorts, Mathews, June 19-4; timber preserv. processes, 
,rune 18-5; drying expts., C. B. & Q. May 5-7; durability 
of resinous. May 20 ; preserv. Sep. 9-6 ; do. Pop. Sci. M; 
strength, Watertown mach. tests, rep. Mech. Nov.-4; timber 
preserv. processes, July-5. 
" Timber, creosoting. Tidy, Am. Eng. Jan. 4, 11 ; do. antisep- 
tic treatment of, Boultou, July 11-4; woods and their decay, 
Dudley, Sep. 8-22-6 ; do. do. Pop. Sci. M. Aug, Sep.-6 ; lum- 
ber jn-oduc. and L. Superior traffic, By. Gan. Mar. l.S ; tim- 
ber preserv.. Am. Soc. C. E. rep. June 12-5 ; do. Feb. 19 ; do. 
tie pressing wks., Laramie, U. Pac. R., Chanute, Oct. 29, 
Nov. 0-6; pre.serv. by antiseptic treat.. Card, Aug. 5-7; bu. 
seasoning. Van iVbst. Feb ; Cuban, strength, etc., Estrada, 
Nov, Dec.-3 ; timber, antiseptic treat, of, Boulton, Dec- 
4; do. do. do. July-Sep; creosote. Tidy, Dec. -5; timber, 
Apr.-6 ; do. Bu. News; preserv. by antiseptics, Fran. Inst. 
July-6 ; Nicaraguan, Flint's inves., Thurston, Oct. -7. 

" Lumber drier, Chicago, Sci. Am. Sup. Mar. 10-3 ; boxwood 
and its substitutes, J. R. Jackson, July 11 ; timber preserv.. 
Am. Soc. C. E. rep. Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 28-5 ; timber, Bias- 
hill, Apr. 3; do. measurement, Apr. 10-6; do. jireserv., rep., 
Locom. July-5 ; do. do. kyaniziug, Eng. Sep. 7-3 ; preserv. 
May 23; teak, Nov. 14, 21-4; jireserv., creosoting, Boulton, 
Inv"s exhib. May 1-5; pulp pails, Jan. 1, Sep. 2-7; timber, 
antiseptic treat, of, Boulton, 7Vte Eng. Jane 6-4; do. round, 
strength of , Preece, Oct. 30-5; do. at Ind. & Col. exhib., 
tests, Sep. 3-6. 

" Molding Knives, llech. Apr. 21-3; wagon spoke reproduc- 
ing lathe, Sci. Am. Sup. Jan. 19-4; wool mach. Feb. 21-5. 

" AVoRKiNG MaCHS., and iron, 7)-oji ^(/f flies; planing much 
Oct. 14-6; do. Delern, French, Mech. May 20-3: planing 
mill. Keystone, Py. Gaz. June 13-4. 


WuOD Working Machs., Richard's, Eng. Feb. 13; casks and 
barrels, luv's exhib. Aug. 14; luv's exhib. Oct. 30-5; Rob- 
inson's wlis., Rochdale, The Eng. Nov. 14-4; worliing 
tools, power consumed by, W. L. Cliurch, May 29-5. 

Woodcock, Wivi., por. Ry. G-az. Dec. 10-6. 

\VOOL CARBON ZING wlis. Sci. Am. Sup. Nov. 7-5. 

Woolen mill, cloth working indus., econ. processes, Ramsay, 

Set. Am. Sup. July 26-4. 
Wool oil, acids of, Sci. Am. Sup. July 11-5. 

" AVashixg Mach. Sci. Am. Sup. July 7-3; Mehl's, Apr. 5-4. 
WORTHKN, Wm. E. Eng. News, Jan. 29-7. 
Wrenches, proportions, 3Iech. Sep. 22-3 ; nut, shapes. Mar. 29, 

Apr. -4. 
WuRTZ, Chas. a., por. Sci. Am. Sup. July 5-4. 
Yerkes, Chas. T., por. St. By. Gaz. July-6. 
Yucatan ruined cities, Plongeon's discovs. Sci. Am. Sup. Aug. 


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