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Full text of "Gazetteer and business directory of Tompkins county, N.Y., for 1868"

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New York State Colleges 


Agriculture and Home Economics 


Cornell University 

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tine Cornell University Library. 

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A ^ , THISMBTIOM <%.\ % , 
J* ' 13 SPRING IEHKr'^J\^«_^»|V 



PATENTS for Tempering Steel without the aid of any liqnida, received the only award 
at the Great National Implement Trial, held at Aubnrn, in 1866. They possess the fol- 
lowing superior qualities : ^ ,, , 

1. They are made with a fine Cutlery Temper at the edges. 

2. They hold only a Spring Temper at the center and at the heel. 

3. They are warranted perfectly uniform, every knife being exactly alike in temper. 
4.' We warrant they can he ground from 8 to 10 times without losing their cutting 

6. Finally, we will warrant them to cut flrom 40 to 50 acres of grain or grass vi-ithout 
being once ground. 

We are the sole Manufacturers of these Knives in the United States. Each Knife' 
hereafter will bear our 


We are now making PliANE IRONS under this new process of tempering ;—- 
every Iron bears our Clover-Leaf Trade-Mark, and we hereby authorize all Hardware 
Sealers to allow their customers to try our " Plane Irons," and if not satisfactory, refund- 
price paid, and charge Irons back to us. 

Reynojds, Barber & Co., 

steel Tempering Works, Auburn, N. Y. 



In presenting the initial number of the " Gazetteet and Directory 
of Tompkins County" to the public, the publisher desires to return 
his sincere thanks to all who have so kindly assisted in obtaining 
the valuable information which it contains, and without whose aid 
it would have been impossible to have collected, in the brief space 
of time in which it is essential that all such works' should be com- 
pleted. Especially are our thanks due to the several editors of 
the Ithaca Journal, Ithaca Democrat, Tompkins Co. Sentinel, The 
Oroton Journal and the Dry den Weekly News, for the uniform kind- 
ness which has been evinced in calling public attention to the 
author's efforts ; and to them and many other gentlemen of Tomp- 
kins County, for essential aid in furnishing material for the work. 
We have also drawn largely from " French's Gazetteer of the State 
of New York," and some from Stone and Stewart's " Atlas of 
Tompkins Co.," and Spence Spencer's "Head Waters of Cayuga 

When it is known that time, equal to nearly three years' labor, if 
done by one man, has been devoted to the canvass, and the great 
difficulty many times experienced by the agents in collecting the 
•necessary information, it is believed our patrons will willingly ex- 
cuse any seemingly short-comings in the completeness of the 

The advertisers represent many of the leading business men 
and firms of the County, and we most cheerfully commend them 


all to the patronage of those under whose observation these pages 
may come. 

So complete a canvass of this County for a Business Directory, 
and the additions of farmers' names, together with the number of 
acres owned or leased by each, and their post office addresses, has 
never been attempted by any other publisher. 

That errors may have occurred in so great a number of names 
and dates as are here given, is probable, and that names have been 
omitted that should have been inserted is quite certain. We can 
only say that we have exercised more than ordinary diligence and 
care in this difficult and complicated feature of book-making. To 
such as feel aggrieved in consequence of error or omission', we beg 
pardon, and ask the indulgence of the reader in marking such as 
had been observed in the subsequent reading of the proofs, and 
which are noted in the Errata, following the Introduction. 

The Map of the County was engraved with great care by Messrs. 
" Weed, Parsons & Co.," of Albany, and, it is believed, will prove 
a valuable acquisition to tbe work. 

With thanks to friends generally, we leave our work to secure 
the favor which earnest endeavor ever wins from a discriminating 
business public. 





County.— On page 25, sixth line, for "A. Critten," read "N, Crittenden." 

Iianslng —Moses and Nicholas Se Few settled at the month of Salmon Creek a 
year or two previous to Silas Ludlow, or about 1190-91. At that time land was sold for 
eighteen cents per acre. Silas Ludlow sailed from Southampton, Long Island, In a 
sloop, to the Mohawk Elver, from thence by a batteaux, (carrying their goods where 
the water was too low to float their craft,) to Oneida Lake, np Seneca Biver, and Cayuga 
Lake, to Ithaca. 

Samuel Baker, of Westchester Co., came on with his hired man about 1793. They com- 
menced clearing the land, and erected a small bark cabin about twelve feet square. 
While engaged at chopping one day, about two weeks after their arrival, they were sur- 
prised by the sound o^ axes to the eastward. Supposing they were the only white men 
in the vicinity, they started in the direction from whence the sound proceeded, on a 
reconnoitering expedition. They were met about half way by Capt. Ben^ah Strong, and 
his son, who had located on Salmon Creek, and who also supposed they were the only 
white men in the vicinity, and they were then on their way .to investigate the source of 
the sound of axes to the westward. Samuel Baker was the flrst blacksmith in town,— 
The first church was built of logs at Lanslngville. 


Dant>y,— On page 134, " COWLES, STLVESTEE, (West Danby,) (with Almirm,) 
farmer 9i}i," should have been added. 

On page 137, " KEBLEK, HIEAM," should have been capitalized as a subscriber. 

On same page, " Martin, Wm., (South Danby,) farmer 60," should read "MARTIN, 
WM., (South Danby,) manuf. of sleighs and farmer 60." 

Dryden.— On page 147, " LAMBBESOIsr, JOHN N., (West Dryden,) farmer 25," has 
85 acres instead of 25, and should have been capitalized as a subscriber, 

Groton.— On page 193, for "EKITENDEN, DANIEL," read "CHITTENDEN, 

On page 197, for " MATINBEEG, THEODOEE," read " MALMBEEG, THBODOEE." 

ItUaea.— On page 179, "PAETENHEmEE, P. L," should be " PAETENHEIMEE, 
P. J," 

On page 165, after " Tompkins Co, National Bank," " E, J. Partenheimer, cashier," 
should be " P. J. Partenheimer." * 

Advertisements.— On page 228, in advertisement of Clinton House, for " D, S. 
Thompson," proprietor, read^' S, D, Thompson." 


cox. nohts catztga axd sjeneca. sts., 
x'Z':bc..a.Oj9l, - . . na-. -sr. 

S. D. THOMPSON, Proprietor. 

Free Omnibus to & from the Cars & Steamboats. 




Almanac or Calendar for SO years 124 

A Story with a Moral 338 

Biographical Sketches Tr-84 

Brilliant Whitewash 123 

Business Directory 125-237 

Capacity of CiBtems or Wells 122 

' Cashand Credit .» 238 

Census Report 14-15 

Chemical Barometer 123 

Courts in Tompkins County 239 

Bisconnt and Freminm 132 

Errata 9 

Facts on Advertising .' 122 

French Decimal System of Weights and Measures 117-121 

Gazetteer of County 21-36 

Gazetteer of Towns 37-77 

Government Land Measure 116 

Habits of a Man of Business 238 

How to get a Horse out of a Fire 123 

How to Secure the Pnhlic Lands 111-112 

,How to Succeed in Business 109-111 

Interest Table 121 

Law Maxims 112-116 

Leech Barometer 123 

Postal Kates and Hegulations 105^107 

Post Offices and Postmasters 239 

Enles for Detecting Counterfeit or Spurious Bank Notes 108^109 

Stamp Duties 98-104 

Table of Distances 240 

TableofWeights of Grain, Seeds, &c ....'..'.'..'.'.122 

The States, their Settlement, &c 85-96 

TheTerritories, their Area, Boundaries, Population, &c 96-98 

To measure Grain in a Bin 123 

Tompkins County Officers 13 

To those who Write for the Press*; 238 

U. S. Internal Eevenue Officers , 13 


Caroline, j25 

Danby, '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.ISi 

Dryden, loq 

Bnfleld, .....'.'.'."■"is? 


Til, ^-""i- 

Ithaca, 163 

Lansine, "1.203 

Newfleld, 217 

Ulysses, ;!;!'.'.225 



Fresh & 


Salt Meats of 

all Kinds. 

at reasonable prices!"'* " "^ "'"''^' ='""=« ""* »»*« ^^^' »* «" ««»«', and. always 





Aeademles and Schools. 

Dryden Seminary, Dryden 156 

Agricultural Implements. 

(See aim Mowers and Seapers.) 

Gi'egg, PlyerA Co., Tmmansburgh 165 

Pervlgo, 0, &L. &Co., Groton Ifi4 

Morton Bros, Groton 176 

Eamsey, E. S., Tnimansburgli 196 

Eumsey, John & Co., Ithaca 234 


Utter, D. B., TmmanBburgli 174 

Barrel manufacturers. 

Young & Nortz, Ithaca 178 

Books and Stationery. 

Van Duyn, John, Trumansburgh 186 

Boots and Sboes. 

Eobinson & Wright, Groton 196 

Sherwood & Conley, Trumansburgh 178 

Brackets, Moldings, Etc. 

Gould, J. D„ TrumanBburgh 206 

Kenyon, G. J. & H. K., Ithaca 140 

MorBe, Harris & Co., Ithaca 132 

Butter Tubs, Firkins, Etc. 

Toung & Nortz, Ithaca 178 

Carriage JUakers. 

Cowdry, A. S., Ithaca 828 

Cronk, Watkins & Co. , Ithaca 2.S2 

Powers & Pennoyer, Groton 182 

■Williams, S. S., Groton 200 

Claim Agents. 

Eowe, Jerome, Ithaca 206 


Quigley, A. H. & D. C, Trumansburgh.. 160 

Cole Patent Trace Buckle. 

Harrell& Sergeant, Syracuse , 212 

Cutter TToods and Carriage Bo- 

Linderman, D. V., Groton 196 


aough, S., Tnmmnsburgh 176 

Griswold, H. P., Trumansburgh 148 

Hoysradt, G. W. Dr., Ithaca 164 

Meiotte, Geo. W. Dr. , Ithaca 234 

Dining Rooms. 

Alhambra House, Ithaca 160 


Van Duyn, John, Trumansburgh 186 

Dry Goods. 

Burke, Mtzsimons, Hone & Co., 

Eochester 183 

Earle, S. Mrs., Trumansburgh 192 

Mandevill, L. A., Trumansburgh 148 

Flies and Rasps. 

Auburn File Works, Auburn 194 


Flagging and Stone. 

Quigley, A. H. & B. P., Trumansburgh. .206 

Furniture Dealers. 

Morse, Harris & Co., Ithaca 133 

Groceries and Frovislons. 

Fuller, W. A., TrAnansbnrgh .. 164 

Mandevill, L. A., Trumansburgh 148 

TUlotson, H. N. & Co., Ithaca 166 

Hair Dresser. 

Johnson, Geo. A., Ithaca 210 


Creque, John, Trumansburgh 174 

Morton Bros., Groton 176 

Eumsey, John & Co., Ithaca 234 

Harness, Trunks, Etc. 

Hooper, Geo., Ithaca 213 


Clinton House, Ithaca 9, 228 

Ithaca Hotel, Ithaca 210 

Washington House, Trumansburgh 220 

Hoire's Akuc Cure, etc. 

Howe, C.B., Seneca Falls 20 

Insurance Agents. 

Austin, Wm., Trumansburgh 190 

Bristol & Markham, Ithaca : 208 

Eowe, Jerome, Ithaca '. 206 

Smith, J. DeMotte, Trumansburgh 140 

Iron Founders and Macbinists. 

Gregg, Plyer & Co., Trumansburgh 166 

Perrigo, C. & L. & Co., Groton 184 

Eumsey, E. S., Trumansburgh 196 

Itbaca Oil and Flax Mills. 

Morse, B., Ithaca 138 

Jevrelry, IVatches, Etc. 

Bartlett, C. A., Groton. ..'. 190 

Thompson & Co., Trmnausbargh 306 

liadies' Furnlsbing Goods. 

Earle, S. Mrs., Trumansljurgh 193 


Austin, Wm., Trumansburgh. . , 190 

Eowe, Jerome, Ithaca 206 

Smith, J. DeMlotte, Trumansburgh 140 

Wilcor, Samuel H., Ithaca 196 

lilTerj- Stables. 

Follett, J. K., Trumansburgh 144 

Lewis Bros., Ithaca 234 

Marble Dealers. 

Perkins, Thos. N., Trumansburgh 220 


(Stone and Brick.) 

Fish, K. H., Trumansburgh 176 




meat market. 

Wyckoff, Richard B., TrumauBborgh 10 


Barle, S. Mrs.. TrumanBburgli 193 

Giltner, Wm. Mrs., Truman sburgh 172 

mowers and Reapers. 

(See also Agricultural Implements.) 

Gregg, Flyer & Co., Tnimansbnrgh 165 

Perrigo, C. & L. & Co., Groton 184 

monrer and Reaper Knives. 

Beynolds, Barber & Co., Auburn 6 

music and musical Instrnments. 

Hintermister, J. H., Ithaca 14i 

Eedington & Howe, Syracuse 216 

Sydney, B., Ithaca 236 

Oriental Syrup and Balm of Gll- 
ead Ointment. 

Taft, G. T. Dr. & Co., Seneca Falls 20 

(Himee, Sign, Etc.) 

Clapp, Chas., Ithaca 176 

Paper Warelionse. 

Garrett, J. & r. B., Syracuse 234 

Patent Right Dealer. 

Clapp, Chas., Ithaca 176 

Pictures, Picture Frames, Etc. 

Spencer, Spence, Ithaca 172 

Planing mills. 
Kenyon, G. J. & H. R., Ithaca 140 


Printing Offices. 

Groton Journal, Groton 168 

Ithaca Democrat, Ithaca }j« 

Ithaca Journal, Ithaca ■'vi 

Tompkins County Sentinel, Tnanans- 

burgh 136 

Weekly News, Dryden 152 

Produce Dealers. 

Bumham & Co., Groton 176 

Saddlery Hardirare. 
Harrell & Sergeant, Syracuse 212 

Sasb,Doors and Blinds. 

Gould, J. D., Trnmansburgh 206 

Kenyon, G. J. & H. R., Ithaca 140 

Se\rlng macblnes. 
Bristol & Markham, Ithaca 208 

Silver and Plated Ware. 

Bartlett, C. A., Groton 190 

Thompson & Co., Trnmansburgh 206 

Small Fruit Grotvers. 

Wight, Warren, Waterloo 194, 236 

StoTes, TIUTvare, Etc. 

Creque, John, Tromansbuigh 174 

Morton Bros., Groton 176 

Kumsey, John & Co., Ithaca 224 

Tea Warebonse. 

Van Duyn, John, Trnmansburgh 186 


Chandler, Wm., Trumansburgh 206 

Wall Paper, 'Window Shades &c. 

Spencer, Spence, Ithaca 172 

Wood and W^lllo-w Ware. 

Fuller, W. A., Trumansburgh 164 

TUlotson, H. N. & Co., Ithaca 166 

W^oolen millB. 

Burke, Fitzsimons, Hone & Co., 

Rochester : 183 

HaydenBros., Port Byron 228 

ITonng & Nortz, Coopers, at Ithaca, 
hare been engaged in business here some 
four years. They occupy a shop 100 feet 
long by 24 feet wide, and employ eight men. 
The establishment is located on JRailroad 
Avenne,now generally known as Fall Creek. 
They manufacture all kinds of work usually 
gotten up at first class cooper shops, and as 
their prices are uniformly moderate, they 
will no doubt receive the patronage of those 
residing contiguous to Ithaca. See card, 
page MB. 

John Van Duyn, Sealer In Drugs 
and Medicines, at Trumansburgh, offers ms 
customersj)nre goods in that line, at rea- 
sonable prices. He also sells Books, Sta- 
tionery, Music, &c., and Is agent for the 
"Great American Tea Co.," a fact well 
worth remembering, when you go to Tru- 
mansburgh. See advertisement, page 186. 

Sherwood ic Conley, of the Tru- 
mansburgh Boot and Shoe Store, keep an 
extensive stock of everything suitable for 
men's, women's, youth's or children's "foot 
gear.'' They employ experienced work- 
men, who will get up to order in the neatest 
manner, anything in the line of light or 
heavy boots, shoes or sUppers. They war- 
rant their goods to fit. Call and see them 
when you go to Trumansburgh. See card, 
page 178. 

Jerome Ro'we, Attorney and Coun- 
selor at Law, Claim Agent, and Life Insu- 
rance Agent, at 27 Bast State street, Ithaca. 
See card, page 206. 

Thompson & Co., Jewelers, and 
dealers in Watches, Clocks, Plated Ware, 
&o., at Trumansburgh, keep an extensive 
assortment, and sell goods cheap for cash 
See card, page 206. 





r. u. ABDBSSS. 

E. C. Moe (Jroton. 

M. M. Brown Ithaca. 

Chauncey P. Failin Ludlowville. 

J. B. Lewis Trumanaburgh. 

County Clerk. 

Thos. J. McEIheny Ithaca. 

County Judge and Surrogate. 

Hon. M. Van Valkenburgh Ithaca. 

A. S. Johnson, Special Co. Judge.. .Ithaca. 

County Treasurer. 

E. C. Seymour Ithaca. 

District Attorney. 

M. King Newfleld. 

Excise Commissioners. 

Peter Apgar Ithaca. 

W. C. Curran Ithaca. 

Samuel Love , Ithaca. 

Justices of Sessions. 

Chas. J. Eonnseville Caroline Center. 

B. S.Ford Enfleld. 

Iioan Commissioners. 


James H. Comstock Dryden. 

Benjamin S. Halsey Ithaca. 

IHemlier of Assembly. 

John H. Selkreg ji Ithaca. 

member of Congress. 
W. S. Lincoln Owego, Tioga Co. 

School Commissioner. 

A. H. Piersnn Trumansburgh. 


E. C. Van Kirk .Ithaca. 

Horace L. Boot, Under Sheriff. Dryden. 

State Senator. 

O. W. Chapman. .Binghamton,Broome Co. 

Superintendents of Poor. 

Moses T. Benman Bnnby. 

Wm. W. Snyder Varna. 

Peter H. Farrington....; Jacksonville. 

List of U. S. laternal Revenue Officers in the 
County of Tompkins, 26th. Dist. N. Y. 




Wesley Hooker, 
Maj. Be Witt Apgar, 

Deputy Collector, 
Asst. Assessor, 



Capt. A. W. Knettles, 

Assistant for towns of Lansing 
and Groton, 

South Lansing. 


John M. Smith, 

Assistant for town of Bryden, 



Cyrus H. Howe, 

Assistant for towns of Ulysses, 
Newlield and Enfield. 


Maj. John Higsins, 
John B. Bean, 

Inspector of Tobacco and Cigars, 


tJ. & F. B. Garrett. Wholesale and 
Betail Bealers in Printing, Writing, Wrap- 

Syracuse, have built up a heavy trade in 
their line, extending from Harrisburgh^n 
Pennsylvania, to the Canadian border. We 
have dealt considerably with this establish- 
ment, and have invariably been gratified in 

having onr orders promptly filled, and al- 
ways with just the article required. See 
card, page 334. 

IVlIlIam Austin, Attorney and 
Counsellor at Law, at Trumansburgh, will 
attend to all legal business intrusted in his 
hands; and is also prepared to insure build- 
ings, &c., against loss by fire,, in some of 
the best companies in the Sountry. See 
card, page 190. 



OF 1 ses, 






Cliaiiges since 


, 1865. 














^ m 


















































Dryden. . . 






4^ tn 
at V 

a) > 


74 14,438 32671 
195 32,843 

d CD 

5 «,- 


5,640 34043 42356 

1,387 12,329 
165 20,690 




80060 53370 

86272 27947 

52068 48796 




Total 6,621114462414799 344734166330248081319926145751676823 7876 65679 

a-- 7 


































In addition to the above extracts we give the following totaU for the 
County, as per returns for the several heads mentioned :— 

CoBh Value of m,rms,\9,m, $13,077,138,50; of Stocft 1865, $1,985,060; of 
tools and vmpUmmU 1865, $503,937. Acres plowed, 1865, 61,014J. Winter 



Rye, bushels grown in 1864, 14,527i. Bm-ley, bushels harvested in 1864, 
86,318^. Flax, acres sown, 1865, 677i. Pounds fff Unt, 1864, 69,293. 
.Bb7i«2/, pounds collected in 1864,34,936. Wm-king ftBew, 1865, 594. Neat 
CaitZe, number killed fot beef in 1864, 3,639. 5«»7i«, number of pigsin 1865, 
7,388 ; one year old and over, 7,190 ; slaughtered in 1864, 8,771 ; pounds 
ofporkmadein 1864,1,873,398. TTooZ, pounds shorn, 1865, 359,187i. Sheep, 
number of lambs raised, 1865, 29,686; number killed by dogs 1864, 271. 
Poultry, ralue owned 1865, |33,968.18. Eggs, value sold, 1864, |39,071.43. 
Fertilizers, value bought in 1864, $3,590,33. Domestic Manufaetures, 1864, 
yards of fulled cloth, 3,31 9i ; yards of flannel, 4,304i ; yards of linen, 4,1 30 J ; 
yards of cotton and mixed cloths, 143. Apples, number of trees in fruit, 
1864, 169,089 ; barrels of cider, 1864, 7,365f . Hops, pounds raised, 1864, 
2,320. r<WMo/5a2/, 1864, 48,808. 

Robinson Sc TV^rlgbt, Boot and 
Shoe Mannfactarers and dealers at Groton, 
get up first class goods to order. For par- 
ticulars we refer the reader to tieir card on 
page 196. 

E. S. Rnmsey, Manafactnrerof Farm 
Rollers, Iron Harrows, Plows, and Agricnl- 
tural Implements generally, at Trumans- 
burg, advertises on page 196. They make 
good implements, and sell at reasonable 

Fonrers Sc Pennoyer, Carriage 
manufacturers, at Groton, publish an ad- 
vertisement on page 183. Groton is noted 
for its manufacture of carriages. Farmers 
and others come here from many miles 
around, when they want a good buggy or 
wagon at a moderate price. This firm em- 
ploys good workmen, and consequently 
can offer good bargains to their customers. 

Barke, Fltzslmons, Bone & 
Co., Importers, Jobbers and Betailers of 
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Woolens, No. 
53 Main street, Rochester, publish a card 
on page 183. This House was established 
in 1849, since which time its success has 
been uninterrupted, each year increasing its 
amount of business. Their annnal sales 
amount to the enormous sum of near 
$1,600,000, their trade extending from the 
Fastem portions of the State to the " Far 
West." Occupying, as they do, fully 23,000 
feet of flooring in actual business depart- 
ments, every portion of which is crowded 
with immense piles of goods from foreign 
countries, as well as oi^domestic mannfac- 
ture, renders the facilities of this house for 
Jobbing equal to any in the conntry. The 
firm are also proprietors of the " Genesee 
Falls Woolen Mills," where they mannfac- 
ture 100,000 yards of goods annually. See 
advertisement, colored page 183. 

TVm. Cbandler, Undertaker, at Tra- 
mansbargh, keeps general assortment of 
burial cases, coffins, &c^ and will attend 
funerals when desired. His terms are rea- 
sonable. See card, page 206. 

Tbe Ithaca Journal, published in 
Ithaca, by Hon. John H. Selkreg, is a first 
class family newspaper, and an able advo- 
cate of the local interests of the village and 
surrounding country. It was the first pa- 
per pnbliished in Tompkins County, having 
been established July 4, 1815, as The Seneca 
BepiMiean, by Jonathan Ingersoll. Since 
then, and until 1841 or '42, (when Mr. Selk- 
reg became proprietor.) the paper had 
experienced numerous changes in name as 
well as owners. Since Mr. Selkreg became 
proprietor, it has continually increased in 
circulation, till it now constitutes an ex- 
cellent advertising medium for those who 
act the part of wisdom and avail themselves 
of its columns. In November, 1867, the office 
was destroyed by fire, but the paper was 
regularly issued from the "Democrat" 
office, until Jan. 1, of the present year, at 
which time Mr. Selkreg had established an 
entirely new office, with a jobbing depart- 
ment well and liberally supplied with type, 
presses, etc., and is capable of turning out 
superior work in that line. Mr. Selkreg is 
a veteran "Knight of the Quill," and at pres- 
ent represents his district in the Assembly, 
an ofuce he has held for several terms, an 
evidence of the esteem and confiience 
reposed in him. He is also president of 
the "Ithaca Calendar Clock Company." 
Mr. Wesley Hooker, his associate editor, is 
a man of good executive ability, and is well 
qualified for the position he holds. Mr. 
Hooker also holds the office of Deputy Col- 
lector U. S. Internal Revenue. See adver- 
tisement, page 202. 

Tbe Groton Carriage Works, S. 
S. Williams, proprietor, at Groton, turns 
out some of the most elegant and dnrable 
work to be found in the State. Mr. Wil- 
liams desires to eall especial attention to 
his Platform Spring Wagons, wUch he is 
now taming out largely. As he invariably 
uses only the best of timber and iron in 
the manufacture of his work, purchasers 
may rely on getting their money's worth. 
We refer the reader, for further particulars 
to the advertisement on page 200. 



Tbe A.nbarn File Works, situated 
on Market Street, is one of the Institu- 
tions of Auburn. Since it came onfler the 
management of the present proprietor, 
this estaljlishment has gained a wide and 
enviable reputation for tbe superior excel- 
lence of his hand-cut flies and rasps, of 
■which he turns out from 160 to 800 dozen 
per week. He employs from 20 to S5 of the 
best mechanics to be found. Among the 
varieties turned out are all kinds of flat, 
hand, mill, round, half round, square, three 
square, slotting, knife, pit saw and cabinet 
flies and rasps, taper saw and extra horse 
rasps, from the best warranted English cast 
steel. Such is the reputation of these 
Files that they are universally adopted 
throughout the manufactories of Auburn, 
where theyare considered superior to all 
others. We advise all mill owners, ma- 
chinists and mechanicsgenerally, who have 
not already become acquainted with their 
excellence, to do so the flrst opportunity. 
See card, paee 194. 

D. V. Lmdennan, Manufacturer of 
Cutter Woods and Carriage Bodies, at 
Groton, publishes a card on page 196. He 
has had large experience in the business, 
and is prepared to suit all customers. Write 
to him for particulars. 

Samuel Bl. tVUcox, Attorney and 
Counselor at Law, and Notary Pnblic, at 
Ithaca. Oflce in County Clerk's office, up 
stairs. See card, page 196. 

Spence Spencer, Dealer in Wall Pa- 
per, Window Shades, Holiday Goods, and 
Fancy goods generally, at No. B East State 
street, Ithaca, nas also interested himself 
in getting up a series of Stereoscopic Views 
of the "Scenery of Ithaca and the Head Wa- 
ters of Cayuga Lake." Mr. Spencer has 
also published a neat little volume, bearing 
the above title, and containing a description 
of the various Waterfalls, Cascades, Ra- 
vines, &c., which, together, render the 
scenery about Ithaca among the most ro- 
mantic and picturesque in America. The 
reader will flnd, Jn Mr. Spencer's card on 
page 172, a list of selected views, repre- 
senting some of the more beautifhl scenes 
in this charming region. 

Mrs. Wm.. Gtltner, keeps a Milline- 
ry store on Main street, Trumansburgh, 
where we would recommend such ladies as 
desire the best made and most fashionable 
goods in her line, to purchase their sup- 
phes. Her stock will be found complete, 
and comprises all the varieties required in 
her line. See card, page 172. 

I<. A. MandeTifil, General dealer in 
Dry Goods, Groceries, &o., at Trumans- 
burgh, sells good goods at reasonable prices. 
He visits the New York markets often, and 
consequently can oflter his customers fresh 
goods at all times. His motto is "quick 
sales and small profits.'' Make anote of it 
See card, page 148. 

D. B. trtlier, Architect and Builder, at 
Trumansburgh, advertises on page 174. 
Mr. Titter's experience, renders hm emi- 
nently qualifledfor drawing plans and speci- 
fications, and making estimates, or taking 
entire charge of the erection of buildings <9 
whatever style required. See card. 

Warren Wight, Propagator and deal- 
er in the celebrated Seneca Slaek Cap and 
Davison's Thornless Easpberries, Grape 
Vines, Strawberries, and other small fruits, 
at Waterloo, Seneca Co^ publishes cards 
on pages 194 and 286. His experience m 
the bnsiness is large, and his soil is excel- 
lent, probably no better can be found in the 
State for the purpose he uses it. We ad- 
vise our iWends to peruse his advertisements 
and purchase their supplies of him. He uses 
great care in packing for shipment, and 
sends out none out first-class plants. It 
would do no harm to address Mm for circu- 
lar, and might be the means of affording you 
an abundance of his delicious fi^lts. 

J, D. Gould, Manufacturer of Sash, 
Blinds and Doors, at Trumansburgh, ad- 
vertises on page 206. We have no hesita- 
tion in recommending him to the citizens 
of Tompkins County, as one who does good 
work, and sells his work at satis&ctory 

A. H. Sc E. P. anlgley, of Tru- 
mansburgh, deal in all kinds of Flagging. 
Their quarries on Cayuga Lake are exten- 
sive, and their trade extends to a great dis- 
tance. Orders will receive prompt atten- 
tion at their hands. We refer all parties 
who are anxions to secure the best quality 
of Flagging, to their card on page 206. 

O. A. Bartlett, dealer in Watches, 
Clacks and Jewelry, at Groton, publishes an 
attractive card on page 190. His stock is 
large and is selected with care. Customers 
will find at his store good goods in great 
variety and at low prices. He will also at- 
tend to all calls in the line of repairing, &c. 
We cordially recommend Mr. Bartlett to 
the patronage of the citizens of Groton and 

Bristol ic ITIarlcIiam, Sewing Ma- 
chine Agents, at Ithaca, offer to the citi- 
zens of Tompkins County several first class 
machines ; prominent among which is the 
celebrated morenee machine, noted as be- 
ing capable of doing a greater variety of 
work than any other machine ever made. 
It is durably built, and would prove an or- 
nament in any house. 

The Chid Medai, Howe, PrafMin, and 
WiUxKn <K QWibt Jr., are all good machines. 
Messrs, B. & M. are also agents for several 
Fire and Life Insurance Companies. They 
are both gentlemen and deserve a large pat- 
ronage. See card, page 808. 

John Crecine, Hardware dealer, at 
Trnmansbnrgh, publishes an advertise- 
ment on page 174. Besides keeping a gen- 
eral assortment of heavy and shelf hard- 
ware, iron, steel, nails, &e., he mannfac- 
tures tin, copper, and sheet Iron ware, and 
is agent for the celebrated "Olive Branch " 
Cooking Stove, said to be one of the very 
best Stoves made, and is a general favorite 
and largely used by the cit&ens in the vi- 
cinity of Trumansburgh. -We refer the 
reader to the list of its patrons In Mr. 
Oreque's advertisement. 

S. Clough, of Trumansburgh, has been 
established as a DentIA, since 1848, since 
which time he has gained many friends and 
patrons, as the result of his excellent work 
in the dental line. See card, page 176. 



Tbe Itbaca Democrat, 

& WUliams, editors and proprietors, has, 
under varlons titles, and by numerons edi- 
tors, been pnblished at Itliaca, about forty 
years. Mr. Spencer, one of tbe present 
proprietors, luts been connected with the 
establistiment since its birth; and Mr. 
Williams, though a younger man, has had 
large experience, and proves a enccessfnl 
manager. The sheet presents a neat and 
tastefil appearance, its selections are well 
chosen, and its local and advertising de- 
partments well represented, a nataralcon- 
segdence resolting from its extended cir- 
ctuation. The iTob department of the 
Democrat office is snpplied with type and 
material snitable for execntijig all kinds of 
Job printing, in a superior manner. The 
publishers are deserving of abundant suc- 
cess. See their card, page 128. 

A. H. & D. C. Qnlsley, Uerchant 
Tailors and dealers in Cloths, ready made 
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gloves, &c., at Tru- 
mansburgh, publish a card on page 160. It 
is well &iown to the customers of this 
house, that their "fits" are superb. They 
employ the best of workmen, and manufac- 
ture their goods ttam the best qualities of 
cloth. By all means call on them when yon 
are in want of goods in their line. 

Alhambra Bonse.— This popular 
Bestanrant, at Ithaca, is located at No. 94 
Owego (State) street, and is under the man- 
agement of O. H. Gregory, the gentlemanly 
proprietof , than whom there is no better 
caterer to the appetites of hungry mortals. 
His rooms We alwKys neat, and his tables 
snpplied with the delicacies of the season. 
See card, page 160. 

G. W. HovHradt. Dental Surgeon, 
No. 3 Clinton Hall Block, Ithaca, has had 
mnch experience in his profession, and is 
prepared to do all work in his line In the 
most skillfnl manner known to the art. 
See his card, page 164. 

\f, A. Fnller^Grocer. and dealer In 
Provisions, Wood and Willow ware, Yan- 
kee Notions, &c., at Tromansburgh, ad- 
vertises his business on page IM. He 
keeps a complete stock of goods in his line, 
and sells at low prices. Call and see him 
when you visit Trumansburgh. 

G. 3, & H. K. Kenyon, Proprie- 
tors of the Ithaca Planing Mills, manufiiic- 
ture Sash, Doors, Blinds,Molding8, &c., of 
a superior quality, from the best seasoned 
lumber. They also attend to all orders for 
re-sawing. Scroll Sawing, &c. See their 
card, page 140. 

Cbarles Clapp, is a Honse, Sign, 
Carriage and Ornamental Painter, of expe- 
rience and talent, at Ithaca. His terms are 
reasonable, and he is ever ready to serve 
his customers to the best of his ability- 
See card, paee 176. 

inortonBrotlieirB, Hardware deal- 
ers at Groton, advertise on page 176. They 
deal in all kinds of Hardware, Hollow Ware, 
Stoves, Agricaltural Implements, &c., 
whi;h they sell cheap as the market will 
afford. Call and see their stock when yon 
go to Groton. | 

3. H. Hlntermlster, Music dealer 
and manufacturer of Organs and Melodeons, 
at Ithaca, publishes a card on page 144. 
Mr. H. has, during the short time he has 
been engaged in the bneiness here, ex- 
tended hie trade far beyond the limits of 
the county. He sells Pianos and Eeed in- 
struments made by the most celebrated 
mannf^turers in the country. Parties 
when visiting Ithaca,' should call at his 
Wareroomsand Factory on State street. 

The Itbaca OU and Flax mtUls, 
P. Morse, proprietor, at Ithaca, is a source 
of mnch benent and profit to the people liv- 
ing in the vicinity of Ithaca. Mr. Morse, 
as may be seen by reference to his card on 
page 133, lends flax seed to farmers for 
sowing, and pays a liberal price for the 
crop in the foil ; and we recommend paint- 
ers and others wantingpure oil, to purchase 
a supply at his mill, where can also be had 
oil meal, of a superior quality, for feeding 
stock. Farmers who have not tried it wiH 
be surprised at the results. 

Dryden Seminary was erected by 
Prof. Jackson Graves, in 1862, on a hand- 
some lot of three acres, located in the 
south-east part of the village of Dryden. 
It is a neat looking wooden structure, two, 
stories and basement, and is arranged 
throughout with a special view to the com- 
fort and convenience of students, of wham 
there has been an average of 120 in atten- 
dance. The school supports four expe- 
rienced teachers, of whom Prof. Graves is 
at the head. The Prof, is an accomplished 
teacher, and a gentleman^ and has been 
heretofore connected with several of the 
best schools in the State. He resides in 
the Seminary building, where he can ac- 
commodate several students with good 
rooms and board. We earnestly recom- 
mend parents desiring to send their chil- 
dren to a first class school, where their 
mora/ as well as literary attainments will 
be carefully looked after, to make the ac- 
quaintance of Prof. Graves. For farther 
particulars we refer the reader to page 156. 

Tbe Groton Iron "WorliLB, C. & 
L. Perrigo & Co., proprietors, were estab- 
lished in Groton nearly twenty years ago, 
and have since then added materially in 
building up the village, and adding wealth 
to its inhaoitants. 

The Messrs. Perrigo & Co. are engaged 
principally In the manufacture of the Gro- 
ton Horse Power, which they claim is.un- 
snrpassed by any other. The Young War- 
rior Mower, as built by them, is one of the 
best in use, is Well made, and is in every 
way calculated to give entire satisfoction to 
those who nse them. They also bnild Stark 
& Perrigo's Patent Spoke Planer, Steam 
Engines, and other machinery of various 
kinds. See card, page 184. 

Cronk, Watklns & Co., at Ithaca, 
are proprietors of the ZTnion Carriage Fac- 
tory, where they employ a large number of 
excellent workmen, who build from the 
best of timber and iron, carriages, buggies, 
sleighs, cutters, &c., in great numbers. — 
They have them on saie, or will get them 
up to order on short notice, and on reason- 
able terms. See their card, page 232. 



Gregg Iron TForlcs, at Trnnmna- 
tnrgh, owned and operated by Gregg, Fly- 
er «£Co.,are among the largest establisii- 
mentB for the manufacture of Agri6ultnral 
Implements in this part of the State. The 
business was originated by James A. Clapp, 
at Farmer Village, about the year 1847. 
The present firm succeeded to the business 
and moved the establishment to Trumans- 
bnrgh, in 1865. During that year they erect- 
ed a substantial and commodious brick 
building in which to Conduct their rapidly 
increasing business. It is a two story 
building, 101 feet long and 90 feet wide. 
Located in the western paitof the village, 
it attracts the attention of all coming into 
town from that direction. 

The firm are extensively engaged in the 
manufacture of Daniel H. Thayer's cele- 
brated Iron Mower, well known for their 
freat strength, simplicity and durability, 
'hey also manufacture Sharp's Improved 
Revolving Axle Rake, Threshing Machines, 
Clover Machines, Horse Powers, Planing 
Machines, Circular and Drag Saws, &c. In 
the various departments the company work 
up about BOO tons of cast and wrought iron, 
and 200 tons of coal annually. The works 
are admirably conducted. Only experienced 
and competent workmen, (of whom, when 
in full operation, there are about 55,) are 
employed. The establishment of these 
works in Trumansburgh, is destined to add 
materially to its growth and prosperity. 
We need not remind the farmer that his 
interest lies in purchasi'ng his agricultural 
implements direct from the manufacturers, 
and we know of no more honest and liberal 
dealers than Gregg, Plyer & Co., of Tru- 
mansburgh. See advertisement, page 165. 

H. P. Griswold, Surgeon Dentist, at 
Trumanfburgh, has had some sixteen 
years experience in his profession, during 
which time he has become perfectly ac- 
quainted with all the various diseases of 
tne month, teeth and gums, and is well 
q^ualified to cure or relieve the same. Par- 
ties wishing new teeth, or diseased ones 
extracted or filled, will do well to give him 
a call. See card, page 148. . 

The Tompkins Connty Senti- 
nel, issued weekly by Oscar M. Wilson, 
at Trumansburgh, was purchased by the 
present proprietor in November, 1865, and 
was by &im removed ftom Farmer .Village, 
Seneca County, where it was previously 
published, to Trumansburgh, in March, 
1866. Mr. Wilson gets up his paper in good 
shape, and judging from the appearance of 
its columns, is acknowledged by the busi- 
ness men of that section, to be an excel- 
lent advertising medium. His office is 
provided with Job Type and Presses. Call 
and see him when you want a good job 
executed. See card, page 136. 

Geo, Hooper, Manufacturer of Sad- 
dles and Harness of all descriptions, pub- 
lishes an attractive card on page 213. He 
is noted for getting up good work, ftom the 
best qualities of leather to be found in the 
market. He sells goods low as the market 
will afford. He is located at 16 N. Aurora 
street, Ithaca. 

Hayden Brotbers, Manufacturers 
and dealers In superior grades of Woolen 
Cloths, at Port Byron, Cayuga Co., have for 
many years been celebrated for the purity 
and extra quality of their goods. It will be 
remembered that not a particle of shoddy 
or waste enters into theirfabrica ; and we 
would recommend parties desiring really 
valuable and serviceable goods to address 
them for samples and prices. See card, 
page 328. 

Iienrls Brotbers, at "So, 10 Aurora 
street, Ithaca, keep a first class Hack and 
Livery Stable, where may be had trusty 
horees, and careful drivers when required. 
Gallon them when yon want a team. See 
card, page 234. 

R. B. TVyckoff, Butcher and dealer 
in Meats, at his market in Trumansburgh, 
advertises on page 10. He will strive to 
satisfy all his customers. 

JHnslcal.— We ask particular attention 
to the advertisement, page 216, of Messrs. 
Redington & Howe, Wholesale Music 
Dealers, No. 2 Wieting Block, Syracuse. 
Every one is interested in it, for music is 
now a household necessity. This is an old, 
experienced House, which justly enjoys an 
unblemished reputation for honorable 
business dealing. We have known them 
personally in Ogdensbnrgh for several 
years, and know that their facilities are un- 
surpassed by any House between New 
York and Chicago. Money will be saved 
by sending to them for any musical articles. 
They always ensure satisfaction to their 

Al^asbington HoDse, Trembly & 
Burch, proprietors, at Trumansburgh. This 
popular Hotel is large and commodious, 
and under the management of the present 
firm, ofi'ers superior inducements to the 
traveling public. We recommend those 
who prize a clean and comfortable room 
and good meals, to remember the Wash- 
ington House when they visit Trumans- 
burgh. See card, page 220. 

A. S. Cowdry, Carriage maker, has 
been engaged in the'busines at Ithaca, for- 
t^f-two years. His long experience enables 
him to produce work equal to any built in 
this country. We refer the reader to his 
card on page 228. 

Johnson's ToUet, Geo. A. Johnson, 
proprietor, is located adjoining the Ithaca 
Hotel, on State St., Ithaca. Mr. Johnson 
has fitted it up in superb style, and will 
serve his customers in such a comfortable 
manner that they will be glad to call again 
and often. He is general agent for the 
county for a superior article of Cocoanut 
Oil for dressing the hair, and which he offers 
at advantageous prices. See card, page 210. 

Thos. N. Perkins, marble dealer. 
Si J'^m?*°**"''S''' publishes a card on page 
V ^V*^^ Who desire to erect monuments 
or headstohes over the graves of departed 
friends, will find at Mr. Perkins' shop all 
the varieties of marble worked in this 
country, and can undoubtedly make satis- 
factory arrangements with him for filling 
their orders. He is also prepared to exe- 
cute orders for cemetery enclosures, &c.. to 
order, in the best manner. 



E. Sydney, Dealer in the celebrated B. 
Bhoninger & Co'b Organs and Melodeons, 
at No. 14 East State St., Ithaca, pnblishes a 
card on page 236. Parties desiroas of purcha- 
sing an instrument will do well to call on 
Mr. Sidney, who will be pleased to give 
them any information desired on the stib- 
ject, aud show them the excellent qualities 
of his instruments. 

Barnbam Sc Co., at Oroton, are 
general dealers in Country Produce, for 
which they pay the highest market price in 
cash. Farmers will do well to call on them 
before marketing their produce. See card, 
page 176. 

K. H, Flsb, Practical Mason and 
Plasterer, at Trumansburgh, is a compe- 
tent workman, and would be glad to take 
jobs for work in his line. See card, page 

Mrs. S. Earle, dealer in Dry Goods, 
Ladies Furnishing Goods and Millinery, at 
Trumansburgh, publishes a card on page 
192, which we advise our friends to careful- 
ly peruse. Her stock is very complete. It 
would seem almost impossible not to satis- 
fy the most fastidious, in styles as well as 
prices. We think it would at least be to 
the interest of those in want of goods in 
her line to call and examine the stock when 
in town. 

Tbe Dryden TTeefcly News, 
issued weekly, at the enterprising village of 
Dryden, by A. Clapp, serves well as an ad- 
vertising medium for the people of Tomp- 
kins County. Mr. Clapp conducts his pa- 
per on Radical Republican principles, and 
besides the " Local " and " Miscellaneous" 
news department, he devotes a large por- 
tion of his paper to literature, and, we are 
glad to learn, he has succeeded in gaining 
for it a very large circulation in this and 
adjoining counties. See card on page 153. 

Tbe Clinton Hoasie, at Ithaca, has 
long been khown as one of the largest and 
most imposing hotels m the State. Under 
the management of Mr. S. D. Thompson, 
its gentlemanly proprietor, it is a favorite 
resort for commercial travelers and teurists 
who visit thi s vicinity to enjoy its charm- 
ing scenery. See cards, pages 9 and 228. 

John Rnmeey Sc Co., dealer in 
Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricultural 
Implements, «fcc., at No. 46 State St., Itha- 
ca, advertise on page 224. Mr. Rumsey 
has for several years sold hardware to the 
people of Tompkins and surrounding coun- 
ties, and has ever been noted for his upright 
and fair dealing. He has recently taken 
Mr. Freeman Kelly into partnership, and 
the new firm will hereafter continue, we 
are sure, to merit a liberal share of public 

Dr. G. 'W. melotte, Surgeon Dent- 
ist, has his office in the new Witgiis Build- 
ings, State Street, Ithaca, where he is pre- 
pared to attend to all professional calls in 
the most scientiflc and satisfactory manner. 
The Doctor has had some ten years expe- 
rience at his profession. We were person- 
ally acquainted with him while in St. Law- 
rence Co. several years since, and where he 
had many warm friends. See card, page 234. 

'file Reynold's Steel Temper- 
ing Wotk.a, Reynolds, Barber & Co., 

Proprietors, at Auburn, are largely engaged 
in the manufacture of Reaper and Mower 
Knives, Plane Irons, Chisels, &c. The 
process by which they temper steel is a pe- 
culiar one, and, as patented by Mr. Rey- 
nolds, is the result of over forty years 
labor. This gentleman always worked on 
the plan that tempering steel was simply 
changing it from tiiSmna to a gran-mar 
state. Hecertainly has succeeded in pro- 
dncing a finer granulation (temper) than 
has ever before been produced. Messrs. 
Reynolds, Barber & Co. control the patents 
for these processes, and are applying them 
snccessfutly in all their manufectures.— 
Their establishment is capable of turning 
out an immense amount of work, yet their 
orders are now, and have heen for some 
monthB,accumulating far in advance of their 
present ability to supply; a circumstance 
which they will not long allow to be the 
case. We predict that the time is not far 
distant when all Mower and Reaper Facto- 
ries and farmers will use their improved 
sections. See their advertisement on page 
6, fronting the Introduction. 

The Ithaca Hotel, situated on the 
corner of State and Aurora Sts., has for 
nearly half a century been the welcome rest- 
ing place of the weary traveller, or the com- 
fortable home of the tourist and pleasure 
seeker. Since 1809 it has been one of the 
leading hotels of the place. It has been 
the headquarters of numerous conveations, 
and its halls have resounded with the elo- 
quence of Clinton, Wright, and several oth- 
ers of the country's distinguished states- 
men. Among its many landlords, none have 
been more popular with thepublic than the 
present proprietor. Col. Wm. H. Welch, 
who has for many years catered to the com- 
fort of his guests. See card, page 210. 

Hoive's PTever-FaUIng Ague 
Care and Tonic Bitters, and 
Howe's Concentrated Syrup, are 
prepared under the personal supervision of 
Dr. C. B. Howe, the proprietor, at Seneca 
Falls, N. T., for ague and fever, and all 
periodic diseases, rheumatism, paralysis, 
etc. The "Ague Cure" has produced won- 
derful cures. The "Syrup," for the blood, 
liver, skin, digestive and uterine organs, 
has cured many cases of scroftila, cancer, 
tumors, goiter, salt rheum, scaldhead, and 
many other diseases too numerous to men- 
tion in this place. See card, page 20. 

Cole's Patent Wedge Tongue 
Trace Buckle, as manufactured by 
Messrs. Harrell & Sargeant, at Syracuse, 
have secured a high reputation wherever 
they have been introduced. As the adver- 
tisement gives a good idea of the improve- 
ment, yve advise the reader to peruse it. 
See page 312. 

mothers. Read This !— So says Dr. 
G. T. Taft & Co., of Seneca Falls. In their 
advertisement on page 20, they desire to 
inform yon of the wonderful qualities of 
their " Oriental Syrup," for children. We 
have heard of many cases where this valua- 
ble medicine has given great relief. They 
are also proprietors of "Rosenberger's 
Balm of Gilead Ointment," for eld sores, 
ulcers, rheumatism, burns, chilblains, piles, 
&c., and for galls, or wounds on horses, it 
is unsurpassed. 



Are your children restless, irritable, wakeflil, feverish f Are they cutting teeth? Are 
the gums red and painflil f Have they diarrhoea f Have they fits or spasms f If so, 


It is the only Syrup or Cordial, or CHILD MEDICINE in market free from Opium, Tor- 
phine, or Paragoric. These you can't give : or, at least, you ought not to. TL jy de- 
stroy the functions of the BRAIN: the child grows pale : its eyes grow wild ; its flesh 
becomes soft ; it loses its mind ; it becomes an Idiot. Mothers, these are facts I To be 
convinced, try it. The Oriental Sjrrap contains NONE of those poisons. It is per- 
fectly harmless. It is soothing — quieting. The child sleeps sweetly, and awakes refresh- 
ed and lively. The teeth penetrate the gums without pain. It is good for aged and ner- 
vous people. TKYIT. 

DE. Q. T. TAFT & CO., Proprietors, 

Seneca Falls, N, Y. 


SIK ASHLEY COOPER, in one of his lectures to his class, says:— I have used the 
Balm of Gilead in my practice, in one form or other, for more than forty years • and for 
Old Sores or Ulcers, Eraptlons, Kbeumatlsm, BurnB, Cbllblalns, 
Scalds, Files, Obafes, dec, it surpasses every other known remedy. 

Rosenberger's Balm of Gilead Ointment 

Is composed of Oils and Balsams from trees and shrubs, and for all the diseases referred 
to by Dr. Cooper, we warrant It almost a specific. For Gall, Grease and 
"Wonnds of Horses, it has no equal. We warrant it ; therefore do not hesitate 
to try it for every kind of 'Wound, Bruise or Sore. 

DR. G. T. TAFT & CO., Proprietors, 

Seneca Falls, N. Y. 


IB X "XT a? £3 ^.. » , 

Warranted to cure, permanently, Chills, Ague & Fever^nd all Periodic Diseases. It 
cures Sciatic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, and all Weaknesses, ijbc., being won- 
dorftilly adapted to CURING Disease, restoring health and strength. 

Xbls Preparation Is purely Vegetable, and entirely free from Quinine 
or Mineral Poison. N. B. Persons using this Medicine can commence working imme- 
diately, and without fear of the disease returning. 

Howe's Concentrated Syrup. 

It Zlestox-eM XZenl-tla lay I'xix'irylM.s 

the Blood, Correcting the Liver, Cleansing the Skin, Strengthening and Kestorine the 
Digestive and Uterine Organs, Regulating and Renovating the System 

It cures Scroflila or Kings Bvir, Cancers, Tumors, Goiter, all Swellings of the Throat 
or Glands, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Camp Itch, Erysipelas, CarbuncleslBoils, Blotches, 
Pimples, Sores, Mercurial and Syphilitic diseases. Ulceration of the Mouth and Throat, 
Mi®''',?'""*^' i '''^° Catarrh, Rheumatism, Piles, Gravel, Jaundice, Uterine and Female 
dlmcultios, ^ ^ ' 

C. B. HOWE, M. D., Prop'r, Seneca Falls, N.Y. 

Ofnceon Fall St. Rooms overthe P.O. Resldenoe, Cayuga St. above R.R. 



THIS COUNTY, named in honor of Governor Daniel D. 
Tompkins, was formed from Cayuga and Seneca, April 17, 1817 ; 
the towns of Hector, Ulysses and Covert, being taken from Seneca, 
and the towns of Dryden, and parts of Locke and Genoa, from 
Cayuga County. That part of Locke set off to Tompkins was 
named Division, now Groton ; and the part taken from Genoa was 
called Lansing. Three towns, viz : Caroline, Danhy and Cayuta, 
were annexed from Tioga County, March 22, 1822. The name of 
the town of Cayuta was subsequently changed to Newfield. A 
narrow strip was taken from the west side of Newfield, and an- 
nexed to the town of Catherin«, Chemung County, in 1853; and 
April 17, 1854, the County of Schuyler was erected, and the town 
of Hector taken from Tompkins and annexed to Schuyler. 

The County lies around the head of Cayuga Lake, south-west of 
the center of the State; is centrally distant from Albany about one 
hundred and forty miles, and contains 277,730f acres, of which 
206,514 acres are cultivated, and in 1865, had a population of 

The water shed between Cayuga Lake and Tioughnioga River 
occupies the east border, and that between the same lake and Sus- 
quehanna River, the south border of the Csunty. The north half 
of the County is separated into two distinct parts by the deep val- 
ley of Cayuga Lake, which is some 700 feet below the ridges on 
either side. The east portion, declining toward the north, gradu- 
ally loses its hilly character, and spreads out into the beautifully roll- 
ing lands so common in Central New York. West of the lake the 
land does not lessen in height within the limits of the County ; but 


the rough, broken hills, change into smooth ridges, with long grad- 
ual slopes. At the head of ihe lake,, a tract of land nearly level, 
two miles long and one and a-taalf wide, extends south from the lake 
shore, and from this the valley of Cayuga Inlet opens to the south- 
west, and the narrow gorge of Six Mile Creek, to the south- 

This plain is surrounded on three sid^sy the east, south and west, 
by hills ascending rather abruptly fromi four to seven hundred feet; 
and on this plain and the surrounding hilk, the village of Ithaca iS' 
built. The soil of this bottom land i» a deep rich alluvium, and 
was probably once covered by the waters of the lake. 

The deep Valley of Cayuga Lake aSk^As a fine opportunity to 
examine the geological structure of thisiregion, CTpon the shore, 
in the extreme north part of the County, are found the Hamilton 
Shales, the lowest rock in the County. Next aboye them on the 
shore appear the Tully Limestone, Geuesee iBlate and Portage and 
Ithaca Shales and Sandstone. 

The Tully limestone furnishes an abundance of linoe ; huge frag- 
ments of this rock are found scattered over the land several hun- 
dred feet above the regular veins of the rock, showing that somfe 
great force had been in operation here at some former period. The 
Genesee slate is about 100 feet thick, and the Portage group 300. 
The summits of all the hills are formed of the rocks belonging to 
the Chemung group, usually covered deep with drift deposits. — 
There are several deposits of marl in the marshy ground at the 
head of the lake, and about six miles south of Ithaca there is an 
extensive bed ; also several small ones near Newfield. The streams 
in their course from the table lands to the lake, have worn deep 
channels into the rocks ; and waterfalls, which once were; probably, 
at the face of the bluds, have receded one to two miles, forming 
below deep, rocky chasms, bordered by perpendiculau* walls. As 
the rocks are composed of strata of different degrees of hardness, 
the water ha» worn them irregularly — the soft and yielding shales 
generally forming a declining surface, while the hard and compact 
limestone retains its perpendicular form. 

The Taghkanic Falls, below Tr umansburg, have receded something 
more than a miJe from the lake. In its passage, the stream first 
produced a series of fells and rapids, but finally receded so as to 
form but a single fall. This is caused by the higher strata being 
so much harder than those below, that a firm table is formed of 
these, while those below are undermined. About a mile north of 
these falls is a cascade, where, from the absence of a resisting stratum 
at the surface, the rock has been worn down in a continuous slope. 

The principal streams in the County are Salmon Creek, which, 
rising in Oayuga County, flows south through the town of Lansing, 


to the Lake, into which it empties, about eight miles below Ithaca. 
Fall Creek, which also takes its rise in Cayuga County, flowing 
south-westerly in a tortuous course through Groton, Dryden and 
Ithaca, frequently near its mouth, over sharp precipices, forming beau- 
tiful cascades and rapids ; it empties its waters at the head of Cayuga 
Lake. Cascadilla Creek, rising in the town of Dryden, and flowing 
westerly, empties its waters into Cayuga Inlet, within the limits of 
the village of Ithaca. Six Mile Creek, the tributaries of which take 
their rise, some in Dryden and some in Caroline, empties into 
Cayuga Inlet, within the village of lUiaca. Enfield Creek, rising 
in Enfield, flows south-easterly into Cayuga Inlet. Buttermilk 
Creek, rising in Danby, flows north-westerly into the same stream. 
Cayuga Inlet, takes its rise in Tioga County, and .flowing north- 
ward in a somewhat tortuous course, through Danby, Newfield and 
Ithaca, finds its outlet at the.head of Cayuga Lake. Aft;er it reaches 
the lowlands at the head of the lake, the Inlet is a deep, sluggish 
stream, and for nearly a mile above its mouth is of sufficient capaci- 
ty to float the steamers which ply between Ithaca and Cayuga. 
Taghkanic Creek, rising in Schuyler County, flows north-easterly 
through Ulysses to the lake on the west side, nearly opposite Sal- 
mon Creek. There are also several branches of Owego Creek, and 
other small streams, which flow south, and empty into the Susque- 
hanna River. Several other small streams find their way through 
deep narrow gorges to the waters of Cayuga Lake. 

These streams are nearly all rapid, clear and cold, being fed by 
springs, and were formerly well stocked with brook trout, and even 
now the skillful disciple of Walton, who has the patience and nerve, 
to follow their various windings, and can throw a fly with precision, 
will often find, 

" Just where the water curling 'round 
Some old black roet, draws near his eye. 
Each worm, and gnat, or floating fly, 
An " Old SetUer" thatwould gladden rthe heart 
of i^r Isaac himself." 

The numerous cascades upon these streams, form one of the most 
peculiar and pleasing features of the landscape, varying in magni- 
tude and beauty, each one having its own particular attraction, to 
view the beauties of which, so many tourists, artists and pleasure 
seekers, have visited this picturesque and beautiful part of our State. 

The soil in the north part is generally a gravelly or clayey loam, 
formed by the drift deposits ; while that in the south is a gravelly 
or slaty loam, derived from disintegration. It is all best adapted 
to grazing. In the north part the people are generally engaged in 
grain raising. Wheat, which for many years has suffered by the 
midge, is again forming the staple production. In the southern 


towns, the principal branches of agriculture pursued are stock rais- 
ing and dairying. Oats are very extensively grown throughout 
the County, but the surest and most profitable crop is corn. The 
influence of temperature upon this crop is strikingly illustrated in 
tables and statements prepared by Hon. Ezra Cornell, and reported 
to, and published by, the New York State Agricultural Society in 
1860, showing that the greater the altitude of the land above the 
level of Cayuga Lake, and consequently the lower degree of tem- 
perature, the less the average bushels of corn produced per acre. 
This report also exhibits the improvement in the cattle of the 
County, as shown by the steady increase in the products of the 
dairies for a series of years, since the introduction of Short Horns 
and Devons into the County, 

The first full blood Durham was brought into the County in 1840. 
In 1845, the average product of butter per cow, in the County, was 
only 102 lbs; In 1850, it was 109 lbs. per cow; in 1855, it was 
113 lbs., and in 1860, it was 128 lbs., per cow ; showing an in- 
crease of twenty-five per cent, in the value of the cattle of the 
County for dairy purposes, since the introduction of Short 
Horns and Devons ; and it is fair to presume that their value 
for the shambles has been increased to an equal amount. There 
are now several individual dairies whose average is two hundred 
pounds per cow ; and one entire school district has averaged one 
hundred and sixty-five lbs. per cow. It is but fair to say, that 
Tompkins County is principally indebted for this improvement to 
the efforts of Mr. Cornell, aided by a few public spirited men, 
among whom may be mentioned Joseph McGraw, Jr., A. B. Ben- 
ham, and J. & M. Robinson of Dryden, John P. Hart, of Groton, 
David Crocker, of Lansing, William Mitchell and Levi and Lyman 
Williams, of Ithaca. 

Mr. Cornell has now a large herd, (seventy-five to a hundred, we 
believe,) of Short Horns and Devons, which will compare favora- 
bly with any in the State. Some two or three years ago, he sold 
one of his calves, one year old, for three thousand dollars, to go to 
England; a circumstance which speaks well for the quality of his 

There is also a marked improvement in horses and sheep ; some 
of the finest horses in the State are raised in this County. 

That portion of the County lying near the lake is remarkably 
adaptedtothegrowthof fruit of all kinds; and large quantities 
of a very superior quality are annually produced. The eai-ly vari- 
eties of grapes are also grown with great success in the immediate 
vicinity of the lake. 

The Tompkins County Agricultural Society was organized in 
1841, and the Fairs have since been held annually at Ithaca. In 
1856 their present buildings were erected, at a cost (with the 


grounds,) of about $15,000. The Fair Grround is located on the 
flat in the north part of the Village. The Fair House is 150 by 
100 feet ; tvro stories, with an observatory. The grounds are en- 
closed with tight board fences, and contain a good half-mile track. 
The present principal oflicers are J. B. Albright, President ; O. B. 
Curren, Treasurer; A. Critten, Secretary. The latter has held the 
office of Secretary for nearly twenty years. The Fairs have been 
a success, and the Society is now in a flourishing condition. 

The County Seat is located at the village of Ithaca. The Court 
House is a brick edifice, built upon a fine lot near the center of the 
village. The act of incorporation fixed the Court House at Ithaca, 
the exact locality to be designated by the Surveyor General, or, if 
he neglected to do it, by the judges of the County Court. Unless 
a site was conveyed to the Supervisors, and $7,000 secured to be 
paid, the County was to be reannexed to the counties from whence 
it was taken. Luther Gere, Wm. R. CoUins and Daniel Bates, 
were appointed to superintend the erection of the County buUdings. 
The first County officers were Oliver C.'Comstock, First Judge ;* 
Archer Green, Cleric; Arthur S. Johnson, Deputy Clerk ; Henry 
Bloom, Sheriff; and Andrew D. W. Bruyn, Surrogate; David 
Woodcock, District Attorney; Charles Bingham, Master in Chan- 
cery and \gt Assistant Justice; Wm. R. Collins and John Ludlow, 
Coroners; Wm. R. Collins, Under Sheriff; Spenoer Crarj, Deputy 
Sheriff. The first Justices of the Peace in 1817 were : W. Wig- 
ton, Arthur S. Johnson, Eliakim Acany, A. D. W. Bruyn, Henry 
Bloom, Charles Bingham, Nathaniel Hallock, John Sutton, Simeon 
P. Strong, Joseph Goodwin, John Bowman, Jonathan Bennett, 
Samuel Love, John Ellis, Wm. Martin, Peter Rappleye, Chester 
Cobome, Thomas White, Richard Smith, H. D. Barto, Caleb 
Smith, Parley Whitmore, James Weaver, Stephen Woodworth, 
Lewis Lookers, John Bowker, Charles Kelly, C. Brown 2nd, James 
Colegrove and Abijah Miller. 

The jail, contiguous to the Court House, is a well built stone 
edifice, with ample accommodations for the health of the prisoners. 
The cells are clean and well ventilated. The County Clerk's office 
is a fire proof brick building, fronting on Tioga street. 

The County Poor House is situated upon a farm of 100 acres in 
Ulysses, six miles north-west of Ithaca. We take the following 
extracts from the report of the Superintendent of the poor for 

" The whole number of paupers in Poor House on the 15th of 
November, 1867, was 49. The number of paupers received into 
the house during the fiscal year ending November 14, 1867, was 

* John Satton and John EUis are recorded as 1st Judges in 1817. See record in Conn- 
ty Clerk's office. 







100. The average number during the year, 57. The aver 

expense for each pauper during the year above the proceeds of 

farm, $47.02. The children receive instruction during three mon 

of the year. 

"The whole sum expended for which drafts were drawn u] 

the Treasuer, by the Board, for the year ending November 14, 18 

as expenses of the poor, was $4,511.82. 
! "The following statement shows the amount due from the Co 
! ty, and the amount due from the towns respectively for the supp 

of the poor for the past year : 

From the Countv . $1003 


" Danby 


" Drvden 


" Enfield 


" Groton 



" Ithaca 


" Newfield 


" Ulysses 


The amount of produce sold from the farm was. . . . 

2725 21 
334 21 

"The above sum was expended for provisions, groceries, clothi 
mechanical labor, &c. 

"The grain and other products raised on the Poor House Fa 
the present year, was as follows : 

Of Wheat, there was- raised, 247 Bu 

"Rye, " « 172 ' 

"Oats, " " 705 ' 



" Potatoes, " « 

425 ' 

5 ' 

« Apples, « " 

125 ' 

. ... 30 ' 

" Cabbages, " 

. . 500 hea 




"Hay, ,« " ;. 

7 tor 

« Butter, " " 

-ynft iT>c 

"Your committee recommend that the sum of $50 be raised 


"Your committee would say that the Poor House Farm was pur- 
chased in the year 1827, for the sum of $2000, and the house erect- 
ed at an expense of $3409.56. 

" Your committee take pleasure in commending <lie energetic and 
efficient action of the Superintendents and Keeper in doing so well 
with the present structure, which is emphatically a " Poor House," 
and we recommend that some measures be adopted by the Board of 
Supervisors, looking to a reconstruction of the same at no distant 

The early history of Tompkins County is substantially a repe- 
tition of the history of most of the counties of Western New York. 
During the Revolution, with the exception of patches here and 
there cultivated by the Indians, it was an unbroken wilderness. 
The Indians hunted and fished, and wooed or made war, as seemed to 
them good, aad their light canoes were the only crafl that parted 
the waters of our beautiful lakes. But as the ever restless white 
man began to encroach upon th^ir hunting grounds, and spy out the 
land, their jealousies were aroused, and acts of hostility followed. 

Influenced by presents and promises made by British agents and 
Tory adherents, five of the six confederated Indian tribes commenc- 
ed the most inhuman barbarities along the north-western frontier. 
The Oneidas alone remained friendly to the American cause. 

The cold-blsoded massacres at Wyoming, Cherry Valley, and 
other points, aroused Congress to the necessity of doing something 
to check and punish the authors of these indiscriminate butcheries, 
and in 1779, they placed three thousand Continental troops under 
the command of General Sullivan for this purpose. 

Mr. Goodwin, in his Pioneer History of Cortland County, says, 
" General Sullivan marched from Eastern Pennsylvania, and arrived 
with his army at Wyoming on the 24th day of June. * The enemy 
having fled before him, and learning that they were committing 
outrages of the grossest "character, he determined to pursue, and if 
possible drive them from the country. 

"On the 31st of July, he left with his forces for the Indian settle- 
ments further up the Susquehanna. His stores and artillery were 
conveyed up the river in one hundred and fifty boats, and presented 
a grand and imposing appearance. The horses, two thousand in 
number, as they moved along in single file, formed a continuous 
line of six miles in length. The forces arrived at Tioga Point on 
the 11th of August, and were joined by General Clinton on the22d, 
he having marched from Mohawk, with a detachment of one thou- 
sand troops. 

"The Indians, under Brant and Butler, had taken a position near 
Newtown, where they had strongly entrenched themselves, deter- 
mined to resist the advance of Sullivan. 


"After a severe battle, the Indians were routed, and Sullivan con- 
tinued his march, passing a little west of Ithaca, through the town 
of Hector, and penetrated as far west as Conesus Lake, in the Genfe- 
see Valley, destroying along his route all the Indian villages, or- 
chards^tand cornfields. On his return march, at the outlet of Sene- 
ca Lake, he detached Col. Zebulon Butler, with the Rifle Corps 
and five hundred men, to the east side of Cayuga Lake, to lay waste 
the Indian settlements there ; and, on the next day, Lieut. Col. 
'Dearborn was detached, with two hundred men, for the purpose of 
destroying a settlement south of the Lake, which occupied the nar- 
row valley of Six Mile Creek, now covered by the waters of Hal- 
sey's mill dam, and another located about two miles up the Cayu- 
ga Inlet. There .were three considerable villages on the East 
shore of the lake, one of which was the capital, or chief village of 
the Cayugas, besides numerous smaller settlements scattered along 
the banks at various distances. These were all burned, and their 
orchards and corn-fields destroyed." 

Mr. Goodwin says, " On the opposite side of the lake, where the 
Taghkanic Creek empties into the Tiohero, or Cayuga Lake, the 
Indians had built a small town, and were growing corn, beans and 
potatoes on the rich flats. They had also apple trees of two and a 
half centuries growth. This little town, called by the natives after 
the stream on which itwasloeated, escaped the notice of Col Butler." 

" There was another settlement about six miles south-west of 
Taghkanic, near the present village of Waterburgh, which, from its 
back location, was not discovered by either of the detachments 
which Gen. Sullivan had sent out to make havoc with the Indian 

This flying visit of Sullivan and his little army, is, as far as 
known, the first invasion made by the whites into tWs country. In 
1788, eleven men, with two Delaware Indians for guides, left King- 
ston, on the Hudson River, to explore the country west of the 
Susquehanna, with the intention of selecting a future home ; but 
they returned after an absence of about six weeks, without making 
a location. 

In April of the next year, three of their number, not satisfied 
with the result of their first visit, determined again to seek for a 
home in the west. On the east side of the flat, at the head of Cayu- 
ga Lake, the Indians had cleared away the thorn and hazel bushes 
from several patches for cultivation, and here these three pioneers 
of Tompkins County, Jacob Yaple, Isaac Dumon Snd Peter Hine- 
paw, selected four hundred acres, embracing so much of the valley 
as lies east of Tioga street, in the village of Ithaca, as their future 

Having planted some corn in the " Indian clearings," they left a 
younger brother of Jacob Yaple to take care of it, and returned to 


their former homes. In September following, they returned with 
their families, bringing with them a few articles of necessary house- 
hold furniture, some farming utensils, and a few hogs, sheep, cattle 
and horses. They are reported to have been nineteen days in 
making the journey from Owego to Ithaca, a distance of twenty- 
nine miles. 

The Yaple family was composed of Jacob Yaple, his wife, and 
three children, and John Yaple, a younger brother of Jacob, about 
twenty years old. The Dumon family consisted of Isaac Dumon, 
his wife, and three children, and John Dumon and his wife, who had 
then lately been married. The Hinepaw family was composed of 
Peter Hinepaw, his wife and five children, the oldest of whom was 
about twelve years of age. 

Three log cabins were soon erected, one on the Cascadilla Creek, 
near where Mr. William's Flouring Mill now stands, and the other 
two nearly opposite Halsey's Mill, or near the residence of Dr. 

A public road was built from Oxford, on Chenango River, direct- 
ly through to Ithaca, by Joseph Chaplin, in 1791-92-93, and this 
became the great highway for immigration in the south part of the 
State for many years. As a consequence, the country immediately 
bordering upon the road was rapidly settled. After the little set- 
tlement at Ithaca, others were soon started in Ulysses, on the west 
bank of the lake, and along Chaplin's road in Dryden. The open- 
ing of the rich lands of the Genesee country to settlers, diverted 
immigration from this region, and the County for many years did 
not increase in population with the same rapidity as the other re- 
gions further west. The growth of the County, however, has been 
gradual and continuous ; and now in every element of real pros- 
perity, it is fully on an average with the other counties of the 

Five weekly newspapers are now published in the County : 

The Seneca Republican, the first paper published in the County, 
was started at Ithaca, July 4, 1815, by Jonathan Ingersoll. In 
1816 it was changed to The Ithaca Journal, and in 1817 Mack & 
Shepherd became proprietors. It was successively issued by Mack 
& Searing, Ebenezer Mack and Mack ds Morgan, until 1824, when 
Wm, Andrus became partner, and the paper was issued by Mack 
& Andrus. In 1827 the name was changed to the Ithaca Journal, 
Literary Gazette and General Advertiser, and about a year after- 
ward, a portion of the title was dropped, and it was issued as The 
Ithaca Journal and Advertiser. In December', 1833, Mack & An- 
drus sold to Nathan Randall ; in 1837 Randall sold to Mattison & 
Barnaby ; and in 1839 A. E. Barnaby became sole proprietor. — 
In 1841 Barnaby sold to Alfred Wells, who soon after sold to J. 


H. Selkreg, who still continues its publication under the name of 
THE ITHACA JOURNAL. On the evening of November ZZ, 
1867, the office of the Journal was destroyed by fire. The publi- 
cation Wf s regularly continued from the Democrat office until Jan. 
1st, 1868, when the Jownal office was re-established, and the paper 
enlarged to eight colums. 

The Republican Chronicle was started at Ithaca in June, 1820, 
by Spencer & Stockton. In 1823, David D. Spencer became sole 
proprietor. In 1826 S. S. Chatterton bought an interest, and in 
1828 he became sole proprietor, and soon after changed the name 
to The Ithaca Bepuhlican. In 1831 or '32 he again changed the 
name to The Tompkins American, and in 1834 the paper was dis- 

The Western Messenger was started at Ithaca in 1826, by A. P. 
Searing, and was continued about two years. 

The Philanthropist, a Universalist paper, was started at Ithaca 
in 1831, by O. A. Brownson, and was continued about one year. 

The Ithaca Chronicle was started by D. D. & A. Spencer, in 
Feb., 1828, and was continued by them until 1853, when Anson 
Spencer became sole proprietor. In 1855 it was changed to The 
American Citizen, published by A. E. Barnaby & Co. Anson 
Spencer again became sole proprietor, by whom it was published 
until Feb. 25, 1863, when it was united with the Tompkins County 
Democrat, which paper was started at Ithaca in October, 1856, by 
Timothy Maloney, who continued its publication till the fall of 

1860, when he died. S. C. Clisbe purchased the office, April 1, 

1861, May 12, 1862, B. R. Williams purchased a half interest in 
the paper, and the publication was continued under the firm name 
of Clisbe & Williams, until Feb. 12, 1863, when Clisbe sold his 
interest to Williams, by whom it was published until 25th of Feb., 
1863, when "The Tompkins County Democrat" and "The Amer- 
ican Citizen," were united under the name of " Ithaca Citizen and 
Democrat" published by Spencer & Williams. July 4, 1867, the 
name was modified to 

ITHACA DEMOCRAT, and enlarged to an eight column paper. 
It is still continued by Messrs. Spencer & Williams, Mr. Spencer 
having been at times part owner and at others sole proprietor of 
the business since the establishment of the " Chronicle," in 1828. 

The Jeffersonian and Tompkins Times was started in 1836, by 
C. Bobbins. He soon after sold to G, G. Freer, who changed the 
name to The Ithaca Herald. In 1837 Nathan Randall became pro- 
prietor, and merged the paper in the Ithaca Journal and Adver- 


The Tompkins Volunteer was started at Ithaca by H. C. Good- 
win, in 1840. He soon after sold to J. Hunt, Jr. In 1843 the 
title was changed to ?%« Tompkins Democrat, and after a short time 
the paper was removed to Green, Chenango County. 

The Flag of the Union was started at Ithaca, in 1848, by J. B. 
Gosman. In 1850 it was merged in the Ithaca Journal cmd Ad- 

The Templar and Watchman was started at Ithaca, in 1853, by 
Orlando Lund. It afterward passed into the hands of Myron S. 
Barnes, and was continued a short time. 

[The record of the papers published at Trumansburgh was fur- 
nished by O. M. Wilson, Esq., editor of " The Tompkins Co. Sen- 
tinel," and is as follows :] 

1 . The first paper ever issued in Trumansburgh was the " Lake 
Light," on the 10th of October 1827. Edited by Phelps and 
Broome, a violent political and anti-Masonic sheet was published 
up to Feb. 1829, during which time it had in addition to the above, 
as editors and proprietors, Clark & Bloomer, St. John & Clark, 
and H. St. John. 

2. "Anti Masonic Sentinel." The first number was issued Feb. 
5, 1829. E. St. John was editor and proprietor. It was published 
but a few weeks. 

3. " Trumanshvrgh Advertiser." The first number was issued 
July 4, 1832 ^ David Fairchild was editor and proprietor for five 
years. In 1837 it passed to Erastus S. Palmer and Corydon Fair- 
child. Palmer & Fairchild continued together for a short time, 
when Palmer, now editor of a paper in Alleghany county N. Y., 
took sole control of the paper, which was continued as an indepen- 
dent and neutral paper to June 27, 1838, on which day the seventh 
volume was commenced under the name of 

4. ' Trumansburgh Advertiser dk Tompkins County Whig,' a po- 
litical paper. Palmer continued as editor up to June 26, 1839, at 
which time he associated with him Charles H! Maxson, under whose 
management the paper continued to June 17, 1840, when Maxson 
sold out to Palmer. The paper was continued but a few months 

5. "Trumansburgh Sun," a neutral paper, was issued on Deo. 2, 
1840, John Gray editor and proprietor. It contimfcd through three 
volumes, to October 15, 1843, on which day was issued the 

6. " Trumansburgh Gazette," a neutral paper under John Creque, 
Jr., as editor and proprietor, who carried the paper through nearly 
three volumes to March 7, 1846. 


1. " Trumanshurgh Herald," a neutral paper, was issued March. 
7th, 1846, and continued one year, with S. M. Day as editor and ' 

8. " Trumanshurgh Weekly Independent," issued Nov. 5, 1851, 
by W. K. Creque as editor and proprietor, was continued through 
two volumes, and discontinued April 21, 1852. 

9. " Trumanshurgh News," an independent paper, issued by 
Edw. Himrod & A. P . Osborn in Sept. 1860, and continued after 
the first three months by the first named gentleman, up to June,> 
1863, when A. O. Hicks and W. W. Pasko took possession of the 
office. W.J. Van Namee soon after purchased the office, and owned 
it to the time of the conflagration of Peb. 23, 1863, when the 
office was destroyed. 

10. On the 5th of April, 1865, the TOMPKINS CO. SENTINEL 
was first issued in Trumansburgh, by Oscar M. Wilson as editor 
and proprietor, by whom it has since been published. 

The Christian Doctrinal Advocate and Spiritual Monitor was 
started at Mott's Corners in 1837, under the auspices of the 7th 
Day Baptist denomination, and was continued several years. 

The Qroton Ballance was started at Groton in 1838. Its name 
was subsequently changed to The Groton Democrat. It was dis- 
continued about 1840. 

THE GROTON JOUENAL was started at Groton, November 
9th, 1866, by H. Clark Marsh, the present editor and proprietor. | 

Bumsey's Companion was started at Dryden, in 1856, by H. D. 
Rumsey. It was soon after changed to The Fireside Companion,} 
and again in a few months to The Dryden News. In 1857, it wasi 
sold to G. Z. House, and, changed to The New York Confederacy,' 
and was soon after discontinued. In 1858, it was resuscitateifi 
as THE DRYDEN WEEKLY NEWS, by Asahel Clapp, by ' 
whom it is still published. 

In April, 1804, the Legislature passed a law incorporating a com- 
pany under the name of the "Susquehanna and Bath Turnpild 
Road Co.," to build a turnpike from the Susquehanna River in the 
town of Jericho, in Chenango Co., to the town of Bath, in Steuben j 
Co., running near the heads of Cayuga and Seneca Lakes. This 
road runs through the towns of Caroline, Dryden, Ithaca and En- 
field, and that part of it lying within the corporation of the village 
of Ithaca, is nowvoalled State Street. 

In April, 1807, the Owego and Ithaca Turnpike Company was 
meorporated, and the road was finished in 1808. This road, run- 
ning from Owego, then in the County of Broome, to the head of 
Cayuga lake, gave a great impetus to the business of Ithaca, and 


emigration to the County; and when the war of 1812 cut off the 
supply of plaster and gypsum, which was principally furnished 
from Novia Scotia, hundreds of teams daily passed over this road 
from Ithaca to Owego, loaded with this article, taken from the al- 
most inexhaustible pl,aster beds of Cayuga. 

In March, 1810, another company was incorporated to build a 
turnpike road from Ithaca to Geneva, under the name of the Ithaca 
and Geneva Turnpike Company. This road was laid out along the 
west side of Cayuga Lake, crossing the outlet of Seneca Lake near 
Geneva, and was completed in 1811. 

The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825, and that of the Cayuga 
and Seneca Canal in 1828, gave the citizens of Tompkins a water 
communication from Ithaca to the Hudson river, and greatly ad- 
vanced the interests of the County. 

The Ithaca and Owego Railroad Company was incorporated Jan- 
uary 28, 1 828, with a capital of one hundred and fifty thousand 
dollars, but no active measures were taken to build the road until 
the building of the Chemung Canal from the head of Seneca lake to 
Elmira, threatened to divert trade from Ithaca and Owego. 

Gen. Simeon DeWitt, who owned a large tract of land at the 
head of Cayuga Lake, and others interested in the prosperity of 
Ithaca and Owego, set themselves at work to build this road. Eail- 
road investments were then popular, and the stock was readily 
taken, and the work was commenced and prosecuted with great 

In March, 1832, the capital stock was increased to three hundred 
thousand dollars, and the road was opened in April, 1834. This 
was the second railroad chartered in this State, and it was poorly 
constructed and equipped, and operated entirely by horse power. 
In May following the opening of the road, the capital was again in- 
creased to four hundred and "fifty thousand dollars, and April 18, 
1838, the Legislature authorized a loan to the Company of two 
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or an amount equal to one half 
of the whole sum the company had paid for constructing the road, 
not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars ; and for which the 
State was to have a lien upon the entire road and its appurtenances. 
With this aid, together with large sums raised on the individual 
credit of some of its friends, the road was put in fair condition ; 
but the Erie Railroad had not yet reached Owego, and the second 
railroad in the State was emphatically a " one horse" road between 
two interior towns. 

The great financial revulsion of thirty-seven swept over the land; 
business was prostrated ; the Company failed to pay their interest 
to the State, and in May, 1842, the road was sold by the State to 
Archibald Mclntyre and a few others, for the sum of four thousand 
Jive hundred dollars. 


April 18, 1843, the purchasers were incorporated under the name 
of the Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroad Company, with a capital 
of $18,000. 

The road, as first constructed, had an inclined plain at Ithaca, ris- 
ing one foot in every four and twenty-eight one-hundredths feet, 
with a stationary horse power to draw up the cars, and above this 
anotheB,plane, rising one foot in every twenty-one feet. The new 
Company repaired the road, doing away with these absurd inclined 
planes, and substituting sffream for feorse power. 

The New York and Erie Road was finished to Owego in June, 
1849, and the first of January, 1855, the Company leased the Cayu- 
ga and Susquehanna to the Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western 
Company, and it is now run by that Company as the Cayuga Divi- 
sion, and is one of the main outlets to the anthracite coal fields of 
Central Pennsylvania. 

In 1^35 the State built a pier at the mouth of Cayuga Inlet, ex- 
tending sixteen hundred feet into the lake, twelve feet wide and four 
feet high, for the protection of the mouth of that stream, and caused 
' the bar .at its mouth to be removed, thereby making the Inlet navi- 
gable, not only for canal boats, but for the steamers of the lake. 

The Ithaca and Towanda Rail Road Co. have made surveys, and 
the road is expected to be built at an early day. It is to start from 
the Staie line, at Waverly, N. Y., and .is to run up Shepard's Creek 
to Van Ettenville, about fourteen miles north, at a grade of four- 
teen feet to the mile ; from thence to Summit, through Spencer, 
about six miles, at an average grade of about nine feet to the mile; 
from Summit to Ithaca, a distance of fifteen miles, the road will 
run along the valley of Cayuga Inlet, at a descending grade of 
forty-five feet .to the mile, connecting at Ithaca with Cayuga Lake, 
and with Lake Shore R. R. (when that road is built.) At WaVerly 
it will connect with New York and Pa. Canal and Rail Road, run- 
ning from Waverly to Pitston, connecting thence with roads run- 
ning to the hard coal fields, and at Towanda with roads running to 
the soft coal fields. "When this road is completed the business it 
will bring will add materially to the wealth and growth of Ithaca, 
and the County of Tompkins. 

The Southern Central Rail Road, now in course of construction, 
runs south from Auburn, along the west bank of Owasco Lake, 
thence through Moravia; following the valley of Owasco Inlet, 
through Locke, in Cayuga Co., to Groton ; thence south-easterly 
through that town and Dryden to Hartford, in Cortland Co., from 
whence it takes a southerly direction to Owego, Tioga Co. This 
road is expected to be put in running order during the coming year, 
and will be the means of greatly enhancing the value of property 
in the eastern portion of the County. When all these improve- 


merits shall have been completed, Tompkins County will be as well 
provided with means of transp jrtation as any of her sister Counties. 

In preparing this brief historical account, the writer has been un- 
able to obtain any reliable data by which to give a complete exhibit 
of the part Tompkins County bore in the war of the Eebellion. 
No full regiments were recruited or organized within the County, 
but many companies were raised and went into regiments from 
other Counties, while numbers of men enlisted in localities out- 
side the County, and were there accredited. We can only give a 
few statistics as furnished us by individuals. 

Captain Jerome Rowe, with his company, joined the 32d Reg., 
N. Y. v., 31st May, 1861, at New York. Capt. Martin C. Clark 
went out at the head of a company, part of which was from Tomp- 
kins and a. part from Cortland County; the company joined the 
23d Regt. N. Y. V., 16th May, 1861. Capt. Wm. Glenny, went 
out from Ithaca, with Company C, 64th N. Y. V., in the fall of 
1861. (The regiment was mustered in at Elmira.) He was af- 
terwards promoted, and returned as Brev. Brig. General. Capt. G. 
D. Crittenden, of Groton, Company C, and Capt. J. H. Barnard, 
of Dryden, Company F., 76th N. Y. V., were mustered with their 
men Sept. 16th, 1861, at Cortland. Capt. R. H. S. Hyde, of Caro- 
line, took out Company Bi, I09th N. Y. V. He was afterward 
promoted Major of 15th Cavalry. Capt. Wm. E. Mount raised 
Company F., 109th N. Y. V., in Groton and Dryden. Capt. R. D. 
McAllister raised Company A., of the same regiment, in Danby. 
Capt. A. W. Nettles raised Company G., in Lansing. They were 
mustered into the service at Binghampton, Aug. 27, 1862. Com- 
pany K., 137th N. Y. v., went out from Ulysses, under Capt. Silas 
Piersons, and Company D., of the same Regt. went from Ithaca, un- 
der Capt. John H. Lury. R. S, Van Voorhees, of Ithaca, went out 
as Lieut. Col. of the 137th, was promoted to the Colonelcy, and 
returned as Brev. Brig. Gen. Westel Willoughby, of Groton, 
went out as Major, and John M. Ferrington, of Trumansburgh, went 
out as surgeon of the 137th. The Regiment was mustered into 
service at Binghampton, 25th Sept., 1862. John Whittock, of 
Ithaca, went out as Captain Co. I., 132d N. Y. V. Company D. 
143d N. Y. v., went out under Capt. John Higgins, of Jthaca, in 
the fall of 1862. Capt. Higgins was promoted to Major, and after- 
wards, Brev. Lieut-Col. Capt. Harrison Marvin, of Dryden, took 
out Co. 1., same Regiment. Capt. David A. Signor, took out Co. 
M., 21st Cavalry, from Ithaca, in the winter of 1863. Capt. George 
L. Truesdell, of Dryden, went out in the 15th Cavalry, Jan. 1864, 
as 1st Lieut, of Co. I. He was in the service nearly two years, 
was promoted to the Captaincy of Co. G., in 1865, and was in 
twenty-three engagements. 


This necessarily brief and imperfect review of the military record 
of the County, is sufficient to show that her citizens were not lack- 
ing in patriotic ardor. Men and means were given in unstinted 
measure at each repeated call, and many were they whose lives 
sealed their devotion to their country and her sacred cause. While 
memorial shafts rise above the ashes of those, the patriot dead, they 
shall have a more fitting and eternal remembrance in the grateful 
hearts of their countrymen. And may He, who rules among the 
nations of the earth, grant that the peace which they died to con- 
quer, may be ever unbroken, shedding its joyful fruits to the latest 
generations and the remotest age of time. 



CAMOLjINE was formed from Spencer, (Tioga Co.,) Feb. 
22, 1811, and was transferred to this County, March 22, 1822, A 
part was annexed to Danby in 1839, and a small portion annexed 
fpom the same town in 1866. It is the south-east corner town of 
the County. Its surface is an upland, broken by a series of ridges 
running north-west and south-east. The summits of the hills are 
usually rounded and rolling, and their declivities steep. 

The streams are Owego Creek, forming the east boundary, and 
Six Mile Creek and their branches. These streams generally flow 
in deep, narrow valleys, bordered by steep hillsides. The soil in 
the north part of the town is a gravelly loam, and in the south part 
day predominates. The soil and surface are best adapted to graz- 

Caroline Cknter, (p. v.) is a small village near the center of the 
town, at the head of Boyer Creek. Motfa Comers, (p. v.) on Six 
Mile Creek, in the north-west corner of the town, is an enterprising 
village of nearly 300 inhabitants, and contains several mannfaeto- 
ries. About a mile below the village is the extraiave Gun-barrel 
manufactory of the Messrs. Losey. This establishment was started 
50 years ago, by Abiel Losey, at Otsego; thence it was removed 
to Fall Creek, near Ithaca; thence to Owego; and thence to its 
present location. 

Speedsville, (p. v.) upon Boyer and West Creeks, in the south- 
east Conner of the town, is a small village, with about 120 inhabi- 
tants. Slaierville, (p. v.) near the north border, on Six Mile Creek,, 

C -,.,:. 


contains about Yi^ iliiJiBibitanfis. Caroline' t>epot, (p. o.) in the west 
part, is a station ow tlte C. & S. R. R. Caroline, ((p. v.) is a h!am- 
let in the north-eas* eDi*lBer of li&e town. 

The first settlement vet town was begOh by Capt. David Rich, 
who came from VertMont', ik' jf^QS, and Ibeatednear Willow Bridge. 
The next year Widow Eas-sfey, with five" sons and fite daughters, 
located on lands adjoiniws CaipU. Rich, tn J798 Thos. Tracy, Lemu- 
el Gates and Moses Reedy &0m Massack^Asetts ; Augustin Boyer, 
froni Virginia; and Joseph GllwmberSjSifehard Bush and Hartmian 
Ennest, from Ulster Co., N.Y.; seftletJ in the town. In 1801, 
Levi Sfeiter, (formerly of SJaliei'Ville,) €harles and John i Mulks, 
James Bishop and John Caut^@', (.the lufSfer first seMer at Mott's 
Corners,) from Ulster Co.; and' JoHh Rounseville,- ftom Massachu- 
setts ; located in the town. Dfv Josepli' Speed, from Virginia, was 
also an early settler, and for mafiy yea** a prominent man in the 
town. The first child born was liartiet RounceviHe ; John Rob- 
inson taught the first school ; Ricbafd!^^!)^ kept the first inn; Isaac 
Miller the first store, and Gen. Jote Cantine l^uilt the first grist- 
mill, in 1800. The first church, /Reformed Prot. Dutch,) was 

■*&)rmed at an early period; the first paiiJlloi' wais* IJev. Garritt Man- 


'jSThe census of 1865, reported nine eMfcliteS-' ib the to-vrti, and a 
^pfjjlation of 2,257. The town has an aifea" of 30,322| acres, of 
■^^€&. 20,740i acres were reported as impTb'^'ed, and 9,582} as un- 
im^reved. It contains 19 schools in which S^feaehers are employed. 
Thi#Yerage daily attendance during the year JSCT was 283. The 
«^^Hses for the support of schools during the year was |4,7l0;50. 
.ThftiiVtoiber of miles of public road in the towa fs- I'Otf. 

^-iP-JllS^F was formed from Spencer, (Tiogat Gotih«y,) Feb; 
SaiJMl,(and was transferred to this County Mauehi 22^, I'822. — 
Eart of! (Caroline was annexed, April 29, 1839, and a part was an- 
rKeKieiiitcf.©ivyden in 1856. A small corner nortb-eas* of the rail- 
f(0^4 jyas^ABnexed to Caroline in 1866. It lies near the' center of 
the swJh Jjouder of the County. Its surface is brokea ty ranges 
of hills -^eiiaiiBg north and south, 300 to 400 feet above the valleys. 
Their sunpimits .are rounded and their declivities generally steep.-^ 
The vaileysiwe mere ravines. The principal streams affc Cayuga 
Inlet, which .flojKS through the south-west part of the town J Butter- 
mS^ andiSixsMille Creeks, and the tributaries of Owego Creek,r= 

,fhe«„«oil is«flni«ed gravelly and shaly loam, with occasional 

[^patches pf cliiy,;and is well adapted to grazing. 

Danhy, (p. w)«in the north part, contains three churches and'sev- 
eral stores, shops, &c. Been Settlement, (South Danby, p. o.) n&sc 
the center, and \West Danby, are hamlets. 


The first settlers "were Jacob Yaple and Isaac Dumon, who re- 
moved from the head of Cayuga Lake, wherte Ithaca now stands, 
and where they first located, to Danby, about the year 1795. 
These men built the first grist mill in the town, in 1797. The 
stones were quarried on South Hill, near Ithaca, and by them 
dressed and prepared for use. Dr. Lewis Beers, with his eldest 
brother, came into the town from Stratford, Conn., in 1797, and 
purchased two hundred acres of land. Joseph Judson also located 
in the town in 1797, and taught the first school. Dr. Beers kept 
the first inn, commencing in 1798, in a house twenty by twenty- 
two feet square. He was also the first Justice of the Peace^ re- 
oeiying his commission from Governor Tompkins, in 1807. Abher 
Beers kept the first store, and Jabez Beers was the first Member 
of Assembly from that town. Among the other early settlers 
were David and Hezekiah Clark, Stephen Beers, John Miller, Wm. 
Hogg and Moses Barker. The first death in the town was that of 
an infant son of Lewis Beardsley. The first church, (Congrega- 
tional,) was formed in 1807 ; Rev. Daniel Loring was the first 

The census of 1865 reports eight churches. There are 17 Schools, 
employing 35 teachers, with an average daily attendance of 276 
scholars. The expenditures for school purposes during the year 
1867, were $3,394.96. The population of the town in 1865 was 
2,140. It contains an area of 34,142J acres, of which 23,022} are 
improved, and 11,119} unimproved. There are in the town 119} 
miles of public road. 

DMYDEN, named by the Surveyor General, Simeon De- 
"Wltt, after John Dryden, the English Poet, was formed from 
Ulysses, Feb. 22, 1803. A part of Danby was annexed in 1856. 
It is now the largest town in the County, being ten miles square, 
and is No. 23 of the original townships in theMilitaty Tract. 

The surface «f the north half is rolling or moderately hilly, and 
that of the south half, hilly and broken. The east border forms 
the water-shed between the Tioughnioga River and Cayuga Lake. 
The highest ridge, in the south-east part, is 1,700 to 1,800 feet above 
tide. The principal streams are Fall Creek, flowing south-west, 
through near the center of the town, on its course affording several 
water privileges, Cascadilla Creek and several small streams, 
tributaries to Owego Creek, which take their rise in the south part. 
Dryden Lake is a small sheet of water, one mile long and about 
half a mile wide, lying in an elevated valley, near the east border, 
and 1,500 feet above tide, Dryden Springs, strongly impregnated 
with sulphur, magnesia and iron, is situated one mile west of Dry- 


den village, and has a considerable notoriety for its medecinal vir- 
tues. A comfortable and substantial house is located at the Springs, 
and both are under the management of Miss S. S. Nivison, a lady 
possessing large experience in the management of diseases, and a 
graduate of one of our best medical colleges. In the south-east part 
of the town are two large swamps, each covering an area of several 
hundred acres. This town was once one of the best lumbering dis- 
tricts in the County. In 1835 the census reported fifty-one saw 
mills. At the present time the number is quite small. 

Dryden (p. V.) is incorporated, and has a population of nearly 
700. It is pleasantly located on the south branch of Fall Creek, in 
the east part of the town, and is a flourishing inland village. It 
contains two churches, one academy, one grist mill, one woolen fac- 
tory, a printing office, hotel and several stores and shops. The 
grounds and buildings of the Dryden Agricultural Society are locat- 
ed on Main street in the eastern part of the village. The society 
was organized thirteen years ago, and has since been conducted with 
entire success. It is usually as largely attended, and in several in- 
stances the receipts have been larger than have been realized at 
many County Fairs. The receipts from all sources, as per the treas- 
urer's report for 1867, were $1,671.21, and the disbursements dur- 
ing the same period were $1,502.62, leaving in the treasury a bal- 
ance of $168.59. 

The Southern Central Rail Road now being built, enters the 
town from the north, on lot No. 6, and passes south-easterly through 
that and Nos. 16, 26, 37, 38, 48, 49, 59, 69 and 70, on the line of 
Cortland County. The road passes through the western portion of 
the village of Dryden. Its completion will undoubtedly materially 
add to the growth and prosperity of the place. 

Mna (p. V.) is a thriving little village of some 230 inhabitants. 
It is situated on Fall Creek, a little west of the center of the town, 
and contains two churches and several shops, mills, &c., and one or 
two stores. Varna (p. v.) on Fall Creek, near the west line of the 
town, contains between one hundred and fifty and two hundred in- 
habitants, and West Dryden (p. o.) in the north-west part, is a ham- 
let. Malloryville, on Fall Creek, in the north-west part ; Calif m- 
nia, south of the center; Freeville, north of the center, and Willow 
Glen, a mile and a half west of Dryden, are hamlets. 

The C. & S. R. R. cuts the extreme south-west corner, but there 
is no station within the limits of the town. 

Amos Sweet commenced the first settlement in this town, in 
1797, on the present site of Dryden village. The next settlers 
were Ezekiel Sanford, David Foot and Ebenezer Chansen, who lo- 
cated in 1798, at "Willow Glen." A single yoke of oxen, at one 
load, brought these three families, consisting of fourteen persons, 
and all their household goods, from the Chenango River. Oapt. 


George Robertson, (sometimes called the " father of the town,") 
also came in, in '98, and settled on Lot 53, in the western part of 
the town. Peleg Ellis and John Ellis came in about the year 1800. 
Peleg located in the south part of the town, at what is now called 
Ellis Hollow. John Ellis located at Malloryville. For many 
years he was a prominent man, and for more than twenty-five years 
he was Supervisor of that town, and his name now stands in the 
census of 1835 thus, "John Ellis, King of Dryden." Among the 
early settlers were Lyman Hurd, from Vermont, Dr. Sheldon, Dr. 
Wolf, Irona Peat, Wm. Daley, Joel Hull and James Wood. Dan- 
iel Lacey taught the first school ; Amos Lewis kept the first inn ; 
Joel Hull the first store, and Col. Hopkins, from Homer, built the 
first mill, in 1800. Joseph Chaplin built a road from Oxford, 
Chenango County, to Ithaca, passing through t^is town in 1792- 

The census of 1865 reports nine churches. There are 28 schools, 
employing 59 teachers, with an average daily attendance of 486 
scholars. The expenditures for school purposes during the year 
1867, was $7,850.46. The population of the town in 1865, was 
4,795. It embraces an area of 56,773 acres, of which 41 ,5621 acres 
are improved and 15,210i unimproved. There are in the town 
208} miles of public roads. 

ENFIJELDf named from Enfield, Conn., was formed from 
Ulysses, March 16, 1821. It lies upon the center of the west bor- 
der of the County. It is six miles square. Its surface is rolling, 
and it has a mean elevation of 500 to 700 feet above Cayuga Lake. 

The principal streams are Enfield Creek, and the South Branch 
of Taghkanic Creek. 

Upon the former, in the south-east part of the town, is one of 
the finest of the many beautiful cascades found in this County. — 
How and when these falls received the name of " Lucifer," remains 
in doubt, but below the main fall there is a recess in the rocks, with 
regular walls and rocky floor, which was formerly called the " De- 
vil's Kitchen," and, here it is fair to presume, the falls were named ; 
but whether by the proprietor himself, or some of his friends, is quite 
uncertain. The stream rushes through a deep, narrow gorge, and 
has a total fall of two hundred and thirty feet ; the main fall is 
about one hundred and sixty. 

* "About a half mile above the fall, the little creek, which has 
its rise among the blue hills beyond, suddenly enters a narrow but 
formidable gateway ofrock, whose huge buttresses tower a hundred 
feet above on either side, surmounted with a bristling growth of 

*3pmce Spenca'i, ''■Head Waters qf Cayuga Lake. 


hemlock and pine. The course of the «^^«?°J>'^\^"g„^X "bZti" 
atively free fi-om obstruction until now, winding through a beautu 
fully formed. yalley of green pastures «°d meadow land wheie 
many an honest tiller of the soil has erected his comfortable home, 
now becomes painfully tortuous, broken with sharp angles and ob- 
structed with fragments of rock which have fallen from the heights 
above ; and the water which has idly found its way thus far, pre- 
pares in earnest for the desperate encounter which seems inevita- 
ble, and plunges into the shawdows of the gorge as if curious to 
explore its mysteries, and. strong to endure the torment which it 
may inflict. 

" Probably there is no Ravine in the world which furnishes more 
variety in so short a space, as that which extends from the rocky 
entrance, so securely guarded by the two granite champions, to the 
dizzy verge of the grand fall, a few hundred yards below. Every 
foot of progress discloses some new and singular formation of rock 
entirely dissimilar from any preceding it. Cascades of every con- 
ceivable form and height, and deep, narrow channels, which some- 
times conceal in their rumbling depths the fiercely running water, 
follow each other in such rapid and agreeable succession, that the 
spectator is at once lost in wonder and delight. Throughout the 
entire course, a safe and easy footpath winds along beneath the over- 
hanging cliffs, and at a point about midway from the entrance, 
crosses the gulf thirty feet above the water, by a rustic bridge, from 
which a grand view of the Ravine is obtained, both up and down 
the stream. 

" So picturesque, and at times sublime, is the scenery on either 
hand, that the tourist, as he descends, sometimes forget* that he 
has not yet beheld the grand object of his visit, and shudders with 
astonishment when at length, upon turning an abrupt corner of the 
cliff, the fearful gulf, whose rocky pavement checked the rash leap 
of " Lucifer," stares him in the face. 

" The war of waters 1 from the headlong height 

Velino cleaves the wave-worn precipice ; 
The fall of waters 1 rapid as the light 

The flashing mass forms, shaking the abyss ; 
The hell of waters 1 where they howl and hiss, 

And boil in endless torture ; while the sweat 
Of their great agony, wrung out from this 

Their Phlegetnon, curls round the rocks of jet 
That gird the gulf around, in pitiless horror set." 

" Two hundred and twenty feet beneath, the water, already re- 
covered from the concussion of the fall, is seen dimly through the 
mist-wreaths to flow leisurely along, and disappear in the shadow 


of green foliage beyond. One hundred and fifty feet above, are buri- | 
ed the roots of trees which crown the noble brow of the cliff, and . 
thrust still another hundred feet into the sunlight of heaven, wave 
the topmost boughs, which sway fearlessly over anatJyss of nearly 
five hundred feet in depth." 

The soil in this town is principally a gravelly loam. 

Enfield Center, (p. v.) located, as the name indicates, near the 
center of the town, is the largest village. Enfield, (p. c) in the 
eastern, and Enfield Falls, in the south-east part, are hamlets. 

Among the first settlers were Giltner, John Whittock, 

James Rumsey, Lewis Owen, and Isaac and John Beech. John Ap- 
ple kept the first inn; Samuel IngersoU the first store, and Wil- 
liam Ferris built the first mill. 

The census of 1865 reports four churches in the town. There 
are 14 schools, employing 29 teachers, with an average daily at- 
■ tendance of 207 scholars. The expenditures for school purposes, 
during the year 1867, were $4,531.99. 

The population of the town in 1865 was 1,693. It embraces an 
area of 18,468 acres, of which 13,877J- are improved, and 4,590f 
unimproved. There are in the town 84t miles of public roads. 

CtJJOjTO^ derived its name from Groton in Connecticut, and 
was formed from Locke, (Cayuga Co,,) as "Division," April 7, 1817, 
and its name changed March 13, 1818. It is the north-east corner 
town in the County, and has a rolling or moderately hilly surface. 
From the valleys the" land rises by long and gradual slopes to a 
height of one hundred to three hundred feet. The highest point 
in town is about fifteen hundred feet above tide. It is watered 
principally by Owasco Inlet, running north through the center, and 
Fall Creek, running south through the eastern portion of the 

Bear Swamp, in the west part, contains several hundred acres. 

•The soil is a fine quality of gravelly loam, underlaid by slate, 
and is well adapted to agricultural purposes. 

Groton, (p. v.) on Owasco Inlet, near the center of the town, is 
incorporated, and is considerably noted for its manufactories of 
carriages, threshing machines, &c. It also has a foundry and ma- 
chine shop, an academy, newspaper office, several stores, and a 
population of about 700 inhabitants. - McLean, (p. v.) on Fall 
Creek, in the south-east part, is also a manufacturing village of 
some note, and contains five churches, and about three hundred in- 
habitants. Perttville, (p. y.) near the south border, is a small vil- 
lage containing two churches, saw mill, grist mill, &c. Groton 


City, (p. T.) in the north-east corner ; West Groton, (p. v.) in the 
north-west ; Benson's Corners, in the south-west, and Lafayette on 
Fall Creek, above McLean, are hamlets. 

Among the early settlers were Samuel Hogg, at West Groton ; 
Ichabod Brown and John Guthrie, at Groton ; and J. Willoughby, 
J. Houghtaling and W. S. Clark, at East Groton. There is yet 
living in town Mrs. Elizabeth Pipher, who has resided here since 
1802. She is now 105 years old, and is yet enjoying as good health 
as could be expected for one so far advanced in years. 

The census of 1865 reports thirteen churches in town. 

There are seventeen public schools, employing 40 teachers, with 
an average daily attendance of 419 scholars. The expenditures 
for school purposes during the year 1867 were $5,370.35. The 
population of the town in 1865 was 3,401. It has an area of 28,905 
acres, of which 23,370 are improved, and 5,535 unimproved. 

There are in the town 119 miles of public road. 

ITHACA was formed from Ulysses, March 16, 1821. The 
name was first generally applied to the village, about 1806. Mr. 
King says, in his " Early History of Ithaca," that, " Hitherto it 
had been known only as " The Flats," or as some say, " The City," 
or as others " Sodom," and of course none of these could be retained. 

" There is a small island in the Ionian Sea, with which there is 
connected much that is interesting and beautiful, in ancient and 
classical writings. Homer made it the seat of government of one 
of his most distinguished, perchance his favorite hero ; for although 
Achilles ranked highest for strength and prowess at the siege of 
Troy, yet even in the Illiad, the blind poet seems to have been de- 
lighted to rehearse the wise counsels, and to portray the skill and 
bravery of Ulysses ; and the Odyssey is but a narration of his wan- 
derings and adventures,wherein tempest-tossed and ship-wrecked,and 
after a thousand accidents and surprises, and as many extraordinary 
escapes, he returns home to find a wife faithful, and to hear of a son 
whose absence in search of his father manifests the strongest filial 
love. Virgil, alsoj in his ^nead, makes mention of the same 
island. It was named " Ithaca," and its city — also of that name — 
is described as a " bird's nest, built among the rocks." 

"And here, in this valley, almost surrounded by hills, with no sea, 
it is true, laving its shores, but with a beautiful lake close by, the 
rising village was appropriately named " Ithaca ;" (the name had 
been bestowed by Gen. DeWitt, several years previonsly, but it 
was not until about this period that it became generally knoVn. 
On opening his house, Vrooman put up the sign "Ithaca Hotel," 
and thu^ it soon was well published ;) and it is now the only spot 
upon the face of the earth so designated, for the ancient Ithaca is at 
present known by the name of Theaki." 


It is the central- town in the County, and lies at and around the 
head of Cayuga Lake. A tract of land two miles long and one and 
arhalf broad, low and nearly level, extends south from the lake 
shore ; and from this the valley of Cayuga Inlet opens to the south- 
west, and that of Six Mile Creek to the south-east. 

Ridges, 400 to 700 feet high, with steep declivities, separate these 
valleys, and surround the low land and the head of the lake. From 
the summits the surface spreads out into a rolling upland. A marsh 
half a mile wide borders immediately on the lake. The principal 
streams are Fall, Cascadilla, Six Mile, Buttermilk and Ten Mile 
Creeks, and Cayuga Inlet. Several other smaller streams find 
their way through deep gorges into the lake. In their course from 
the highlands each of these streams plunges down the. wall-like pre- 
cipices which surround the lake, forming series of cascades which 
for beauty and variety are scarely equaled elsewhere. Upon Fall 
Creek, within the space of one mile, there are five falls, varying 
in height from forty-five to one hundred and twenty-five feet. Cas- 
cadilla and Six Mile Creeks, also have beautiful cascades. About 
two miles south of the village is Buttermilk Creek, where the 
waters before reaching the valley come tumbling down a broad 
rocky inclined plane of more than a hundred and twenty-five feet, the 
stream distributing itself so widely over the rocks, that it partakes, 
as has been aptly said, " the foamy whiteness belonging to the pro- 
duct of the churn, rather than of the spring." In the beds of many 
of these streams, and especially is this the case with Buttermilk 
Creek, — there are deep basins worn in the rock, in which the water 
whirls and boils as in a huge cauldron. They were probably once 
small holes, into which stones have been deposited by the water, 
where they have whirled around and around year after year, until 
this ceaseless friction has worn them out to their present dimen- 
sions. In very low water they sometimes receive the whole stream , 
and a person can stand quite near them, upon the dry rock, but 
within reach of the spray from their boiling contents ; the rocks 
are slippery and the footing insecure. Fanciful names have been 
given to some of these basins, two of which, " Father Mathews' 
Cup" and the " DeviPs Punch Bowl," indicate, perhaps, the senti- 
ments and tastes of those who named them. 

Our space will not permit an extended description of these beau- 
ties scattered with such a lavish hand throughout this town ; but 
the reader is referred to a little book, (from which we make a few 
extracts,) published a year or two since by Mr. Spence Spencer, of 
this town, entitled, " Scenery of Ithaca," or " Head waters of Cayu- 
ga Lake," in which he will find all these wonderful works of the 
"Great Architect " minutely and beautifully described.* 

*Mr. Spencer has alBO collected MteteoBcoplc Views of all the flails and objects of in- 
terest In the vicinity of Ithaca, taken by first-class artists. No collection can be com- 
plete withoat them, and we onderstand he supplies them at liberal rates.— En. 


The soil in this town is a fertile, gravelly loam upon the uplands, 
and a deep rich alluvium in the valleys. 

Ithaca, (p. v.,) is the County Seat, the commercial center of the 
County, and is one of the ijiosil; beautiful villages in the State. It is 
indeed doubtful if there be another place in the State where the 
same amount apd variety of beautiful scenery can be found within 
so small a compass. Built upon a level plain, and on the hills 
which surround it on three sides, it looks out to the north upon the 
quiet waters of the Cayuga ; while from the east, within its corpor- 
ate limits, three considerable streams come plunging and foaming 
over numerous falls, and writhing and hissing through deep rocky 
gorges and dark ravines to the plain below, and mingling with the 
lazy waters of the Inlet, find their way to the lake. 

The beauties of Ithaca are not its only attraction. Situated near- 
ly in the center of a County unsurpassed for the variety and abun- 
dance of its products, with a direct railroad and water communica- 
tion with the markets of the east and west, and a water-power suf- 
ficient to drive the machinery of Lowell, there is no reason why it 
should not become one of the largest manufacturing towns in the 

The deep gorge through which the waters of Fall Creek flow, is 
bordered by perpendicular cliffs, and formerly the water was car- 
ried to the mills below in wooden flumes, suspended to these walls ; 
but in 1831.-32, Mr. Bebee built a tunnel through the rock, two hun- 
dred feet long, from ten to twelve feet wide, and thirteen feet high, 
into which the whole stream can be turned, and by which a fall of 
more than a hundred feet is obtained for hydraulic purposes. The 
perpendicular fall of this stream, within a mile and a half of the post 
office, is five hundred feet, and the minimum power of twenty-five 
feet is sufficient to drive a flouring mill of eight runs of stones ; and 
Cascadilla and Six Mile Creeks afford half as much more power. 
Of this vast water power about eighty per cent, lies idle for want of 
capital to employ it. 

Hon. Ezra Cornell says, that the investigations made in the sum- 
mer of 1865, with reference to the Ithaca and Towanda Rail Road, 
now being constructed, prove that steam power can be produced 
cheaper at Ithaca than any other place in the State on navigable wa- 
ters ; and like investigations made during the building of the Cor- 
nell Library, and with reference to securing the location of the State 
Asylum for the Blind at Ithaca, demonstrate, that building mate- 
rials are cheaper here than at any place of equal population in the 
State ; and that buildings for manufacturing purposes can be erec- 
ted at twenty per cent, less cost than at other localities. Food and 
labor are also comparatively cheap. With all these advantages of 
cheap power, cheap labor, cheap and abundant food, and cheap and 
reliable avenues for reaching good markets, centering at Ithaca, it 


only requires that the attention of capital be directed to the place 
to insure the employment of its resources. On Fall Creek there is 
a paper mill which makes daily about one ton of printing paper, and 
sixteen hundred pounds of wrapping. The two principal buildings 
are of brick, one forty by sixty, and the other sixty by one hundred 
feet. There is also a flouring mill, with seven runs of stones, of 
sufficient capacity to make two hundred and fifty barrels of flour 
per day, and grind one thouisand bushels of coarse grain. On Cas- 
cadilla Creek there is another mill with four runs of stones, capable 
of producing one hundred and twenty-five barrels of flour, and 
grinding seven hundred bushels of coarse grain per day ; attached 
to this is a plaster mill, which will grind twenty tons per day. On 
Six Mile Creek is a third with eight runs of stones, and having a 
capacity similar to the one first mentioned, and to which there is 
also attached a plaster mill. There are in the village several foun- 
dries and machine shops, one of which is extensively engaged in 
the manufacture of mowers and reapers, and other agricultural im- 
plements, several tobacco factories, carriage factories, one melo- 
deon factory, one linseed oil and flax mill, one brewery and a large 
number of other manufactories of various kinds, two large elevators 
and store-houses. There are also a large number of boat yards, at 
which are annually built from thirty to forty canal and lake boats, 
at an average cost of about thirty-eight hundred dollars each. It 
has become generally conceded that the Ithaca built boats are 
among the best running on our inland waters. 

The mercantile interests of Ithaca are quite extensive, and there 
are now quite a large number of houses in active business, the pro- 
prietors of which were familiar to the citizens of Tompkins County, 
more than thirty years ago, then as now, dispensing their wares. 
The growth of the town has heretofore been slow, but sure. Men 
have grown rich here, and latterly there seems to be a new life and 
energy instilled into the whole population. Much of this has no 
doubt been stimulated by the munificence and generosity of the 
Hon. Ezra Cornell, the founder of " Cornell University," " Cornpll 
Library," &c., of whom we shall hereafter speak. When the Itha- 
ca and Towanda, and the Lake Shore Bail Boads, shall have been 
built, Ithaca will have emerged from her thraldom, and, summer or 
winter, will be as accessible as any ofher sister towns or cities. We 
trust the energy of her citizens will not long delay the day. 

In 1865, Henry B. Horton invented a new and perfectly reliable 
calendar, and in connection with Hon. J. H. Selkreg and Harvey 
Platts, entered into its manufacture, and now the Calendar Clock 
Factory is one of the institutions of Ithaca. The mechanism by 
which the calendars are tested, thirty or forty at a time, through 
a series of eight years, in four hours, works perfectly, and detects 


the fault, should there be any, in the calendars. The operation is 
an interesting one to visitors. 

The public schools are graded, and are in a prosperous condition. 

The " Ithaca Fire Department " consists of five engine com- 
panies, one hook and ladder company, one bucket company, and a 
protective police force. The officers for 1868 are as follows : 

B. R. Williams, Chief Engineer. 

J. M. Heggie, Jr 1st Asst. " 

Geo. Sjpcebaugh, 2nd Asst. " 

John Diltz, Foreman " Cayuga " Engine Co. No. 1 . 

JohnSpence, " "Rescue" " " « 2. 

J. M. Lyons, « " Tornado " H. & L. Co. No. 3. 

Wm. S. Berry, " " Eureka " Engine Co. No. 4. 

Geo, Pickering, " " Torrent " Bucket Co. No. 5. 

Geo. J. KenyoTi, " " Hercules " Engine Co. No. 6. 

J.Morris, " .' "Cataract" " " « 7. 

P. J. Partenheimer, Captain " Protective Police." 

Wm. W. Esty, the retiring " Chief," in his annual report to the 
President and Trustees of the village, in December, 1867, reports 
the expenditure of $2,353.39, to sustain the Department, purchase 
new hose, repairs, &c. The total number of certified and enrolled 
firemen was 361. Certificates of membership had been granted to 
78 new applicants, and seven certificates of honorable discharge had 
been granted during the year. 

The Departnient is excellently managed, and it is owing to its 
efficiency that Ithaca has escaped several disastrous conflagrations. 

Cascadilla Place. — This Institution is located in Ithaca, New 
York. Its site is on an eminence, overlooking the village from the 
east. Its northern line is a natural ravine, broken up into cascades 
and waterfalls, in whosfe depths the " Cascadilla " finds its way to 
the valley. At its eastern margin, an artificial stream, answering 
the purpose of a raceway, which has wound along the verge of the 
ravine from a supplying dam, spreads itself out into a large pond 
shaded by willows, and furnishes an ample supply of water to the 
establishment. Springs, both of pure water and largely impreg- 
nated with sulphur, lie along the banks of the ravine, and will be 
used in the buildings. The landscape around is unsurpassed. The 
waters of Cayuga Lake are spread out towards the north, and may 
be seen for a distance of thirty miles ; the village lies beneath, 
with a broad belt of highly cultivated farms skirting the west;— 
and, stretching away to the south, the valley loses itself among the 
hills in the distance, From the piazza of the building, eight of the 
nine towns of the County of Tompkins, four towns in Seneca, and 
two in Cayuga County, can be seen. 


The building, erected within the past two or three years, is of 
stone, having a front of 100 feet and a depth of 175 feet, rising four 
stories above the basement, and surrounded with porticos and bal- 
conies. It was planned by Miss Nivison, with patience and care, 
and with marlted skill and ability. Her long and successful expe- 
rience has enabled her to produce a plan which, the Trustees be- 
lieve, will prove to be most thoroughly and perfectly adapted to 
the purposes sought to be accomplished. The building will ac- 
commodate, easily and comfortably, two hundred patients. A 
Gymnasium and exercise room will be built along the margin of 
the ravine, having from its center a bridge spanning the chasm di- 
rectly over a beautiful cascade, and leading into cool and pleasant 
walks in the groves beyond. 

The Institution is intended to be something more than a mere 
" Water Cure." Its foundation theory is not that water is a/univer- 
sal panacea. Using it freely in all proper cases, its medical direc- 
tion will, nevertheless, feel free to use and apply all appropriate 
medical remedies without a blind and exclusive adherence to any 
one system. The case and the care of each patient will form a sep- 
arate study, and nothing will be omitted likely to restore health 
or strength, whatever may be the particular " school " from which 
it is derived. 

It is inteioed, eventually, to unite with this main purpose of 
properly treatmg the sick and the restoration of invalids, the in- 
struction and education of females as physicians and nurses. Such 
an arrangement will benefit both patients and pupils. It will give 
to the former intelligent, thoughtful and interested care, instead of 
the hired and routine attention of ordinary Institutions ; and, to the 
latter, ej^perience as well as learning. In the end it is hoped that 
the surplus earnings of the Corporation will enable the Trustees to 
erect a separate building for the care of the indigent sick and of in- 
valids who are unable to provide necessary medical attendance and 
care. So that the Institution is in no sense a private speculation, 
but in all respects a Public Beneficence. Its profits will go, not 
into the hands of individuals, but wholly into appropriate channels 
of usefulness and benevolence. 

The Institution is managed by a Board of Trustees, of whom 
Hon. Ezra Cornell is the leading spirit. 

It is expected the building will be used during the fall and winter 
of 1868, for the University School. 

The village contains nine churches, the Cornell Library, one 
academy, three banks, three printing offices, one bindery and a 
Town Hall. 

The Presbyterian church, with its neat chapel, the Baptist church 
and the Court House, are located on the north and east sides of a 
beautiful park, well shaded with maples, elms and evergreens. 


There are seven public houses in the village, the most important 
of which are the Clinton House, the Ithaca Hotel and the Tompkins 
House. The Clinton House is one of the most imposing buildings 
in the place, and a grander looking hotel cannot be found outside 
the large cities. With a front on Cayuga street of one hundred 
and twenty feet, adorned with massive columns and broad porticos, 
and crowned by a cupola from which the eye sweeps at a glance, 
the plain, the lake, and surrounding hills ; its symmetrical whole, 
stands as a monument to the enterprise and public spirit of Henry 
•Hubbard, Henry Ackley and Jeremiah S. Bebee, three of the prin- 
cipal business men of the place in 1831, when this building was com- 
pleted. The hospitable record of the House is a capacious one. 
It includes statesmen and jurists, and also travelers of celebrity, 
who have shown their good taste in journeying, by traversing the 
regions of the Cayuga. From the venerable Surveyor General De- 
Witt, (the friend and correspondent of Washington,) who watched 
its building with so much hope of its success, its register has been 
graced by thousands of names, good and true, not the least inter- 
esting page in which is that which records the signatures of the 
principal diplomats accredited to our Government, when making, 
with the Secretary of State, their tour of the country." 

" The rebuilding of the House in ] 862, was due to the increased 
enterprise of Ithaca. Mr. Cornell and Mr. Thompson together 
planned the new arrangement. They made the house a modern 
one. It was a stately and capacious one in its old devisings, but it 
now has in its broader spaces and more beautiful appointments, 
those way8 of living which our more fastidious, more rapid age 

One of the " old land marks " of Ithaca may be found standing 
on the south-west corner, at the intersection of Aurora and State 
streets. The venerable Ithaca Hotel still looks on with a seeming- 
ly benignant smile, at the gliding throng as they hurry past or 
crowd its threshold, and here it has stood for more than half a cen- 
tury, unchanged and unmoved by the world's turmoil, bustle and 
progress. Originally erected by Luther Gere, Esq., one of the 
founders and early pioneers of Ithaca, in 1809, it was looked upon 
as a model hotel, and amid all the changes of time, has maintained ' 
its early reputation. "Its front pavements have been bored, not for 
oil, but many a hickory shaft has been put down, and towering 
aloft with the stars and stripes given to the breeze, proclaimed it 
the " Old Tammany of Tompkins County." Its halls have been 
packed with untold conventions, and the affairs of the nation in all 
its changes have been discussed by a generation of patriots. 
Beneath its roof gathered the patriots of 1812, and were mustered 
into service; here was the roll call for the heroes of 1861, and the 


echoes of the tfaitors' gung had not died away from Fort Sumpter 
before the citiaiens of Tompkins gathered at the hearth-stone of the 
old wigwam, to offer their money and their lives for the defence of 
the Union. Its ceilings have echoed with the eloquence of DeWitt 
Clinton, Silas Wright, Martin Van Buren, and a host ot statesmen 
who have paised away. Venerable old pile ! May the dust of 
time gather lightly on thy brow." 

" The Cornell Library, owes its existence to the puWic spirit and 
munificence of Horn. Ezra Cornell, whose name it very appropriate- 
ly bears. It is located upon the corner of Tioga and Seneca streets 
in Ithaca ; having a front upon the former of sixty-eight feet, and a 
depth of one hundred. The building is of brick, three stories in 
^eighth, and so constructed as to be substantially fire-proof. 

"The idea in which this enterprise originated was to bring within 
the i'eaich of all classes,' freely and without cost to them,- the treas- 
ures ctf literature and science ; and to stimulate and encourage the 
intellectual growth of the communities within its influence. 

''In the accomplishment of this purpose, the clear, practical intel- 
lect of its founder foresaw, as the first condition of success, that the 
Institution should be self-supporting ; never a dependent upon the 
tardy bounty tot half aids and half destroys a needy enterprise ; 
but possessing within itself the means of independent existence, and 
pei-nldnent and sturdy growth. Accordingly, the edifice erected 
was pliinned so as to contain, not only the Library and its accesso- 
ries', but al^tf many rooms so admirably adapted to business pur- 
poses as to cofftmaTid, at all times in the future, a large and steadily 
Ihcreasihg renttill, and thus furnish strength and vitality to the Insti- 
tution, through the agency of a permanent and durable iticome. 

" The execution of this ;f)lan met the approval of the entire com- 
munity. The front of the building, on the first flodr, is now occu- 
pied by the post office, fitted up with an elegance and convenience 
rafely excelled ; and the First National Blank, whose business rooms, 
if not as gorgeous as those of the Metropolis, are at least as pleasant 
and cheerful ; wliile the rear of the building is devDted to offices, all 
adding their share to the support of the Library. Here also is the 
arsenal of the DeWitt Guards, arranged and adorned with a taste 
and elegance which does them credit ; their drill-room, large and 
convenient. The Library Hall, a room for public purposes, capa- 
ble of seating an audience of eight hundred persons, and lighted from 
the ceiling through globes of glass ; the Farmer's Club Room, 
whose museuin of curiosities and specimens of vegetable growths 
and mineral formations, have become both interesting and valuable ; 
and the Hall of the Historical Society, whose collection, needing 
only to be arranged and systematized, is rapidly advancing in inter- 
est and importance. ' 


"Prominent among the many rare curiosities, are to be found 
several specimens of art executed by the " American Photo-Litho- 
graphic Co.," of Brooklyn, N. Y., of which Mr. Cornell is President. 
The process of photo-lithographing, enables the reproduction of 
maps, engravings, charts, wood cuts &c., in enlarged or diminished 
size with great accuracy and rapidity. Persons wanting views &c., 
would by addressing the Company, corner Third Avenue and Tenth 
streets, Brooklyn, receive specimens of their work gratuitously. 

" From all these sources revenue flows, steadily and ungrudg- 
ingly, into the treasury of the Library, making it no dependent 
upon the charitable impulses of individuals or the public ; but able, 
within itself, abundantly to secure its own existence, and promote 
its own future improvement. And with the additional aid of the 
permanent endowments, soon to be made by the liberality of its 
founder, it will be able to act always independently and with effect, 
become a recognized power in the community, and largely mould 
and shape the mental and moral character within the circle of its 

" Its organization has another commendable element. It is neither 
sectarian nor partizan. All denominations are represented in its 
governing Board, and must continue to be. All parties and shades 
of parties have equal rights iu its management ; and the votes of 
the people which elect a president of the village, the votes of the 
firemen electing their chief engineer, the votes of the board of su- 
pervisors selecting their chairman, directly affect, through these 
officers, the character and material of the Library corporation. So 
that no partial or imperfect good is intended ; but one that is gen- 
eral, universal, equally open and free to all. 

" The Library itself is finished with great beauty and elegance. 
Its alcove-columns represent each of the varieties of our native for- 
est woods. The dark swarthy hue of the walnut, the delicate yel- 
low tracery of the pine, the warm veining of the beach and maple, 
the red glow of the cedar, the shining panels of the elm, the gnarled 
heart of the locust, the hard, white grain of the hickory, and 
the dusk shadings of the oak ; each, with their remaining associates 
of the forest, combine to make interesting and beautiful, this quiet 
abode of Literature and Science. Its alcoves are arranged in double 
stories, and are capable of holding forty or fifty thousand volumes, 
with a means of expansion anchenlargement to any extent which the 
good fortune of the future may make desirable. 

" The work of filling these waiting shelves with their silent but 
eloquent occupants has already begun. About four thousand vol- 
umes had been selected and purchased by Mr. Cornell, up to 
Dec. 1867; among which the glowing colors of Audubon's Birds 
of America, and the innumerable plates of the Incohographic Cyclo- 
pwdia, and the old, quaint volumes illustrating the early condition 


and architecture of London, indicate very clearly his purpose to 
make the Library collection one of great interest and excellence, 
and not to be baffled in its execution by even grave questions of 

"Attached to the Library, and so arranged as to be used in con- 
nection with it, are two Beading Booms, one intended to be exclu- 
sively occupied by ladies, and the other by gentlemen ; to be open 
and ready for use at all times; where will be found the newspapers 
and periodical excellence of the day, and where, it is hoped, a plea- 
sant and cheerful place will be found, to lure the young from the 
dissipation and revelry of idle days and wasted evenings-, to the 
pleasures of intellectual culture, and genial and improving society. 

" Much of these results is yet in the future, but the foundation 
upon which they are to rest is already secure ; and the pleasure- 
seeker who wanders amid the unrivalled scenery which marks the 
head waters of the Cayuga, when tired of the roar of waterfalls, or 
cool drip of cascades, or summer murmur of waves, will always 
find welcome and rest in the quiet and pleasant alcoves of the Cor- 
nell Library." It is expected that some 6000 or 7000 more vol- 
umes will be added in due time, to the already rich treasures of the 

The DeWitt Guard was organized as a military company in 
1851, and their first regular meeting was held 31st of December 
of that year. 

At that meeting a series of by-laws were adoj>ted, many of 
which are still in force, though none of the members of '51 are now 
connected with the organization. Jf any times has- the Company 
celebrated our National holidays, and received and entertained like 
companies from abroad, and have been by theiaa received in return. 
Pleasant memories are these to those who participated in them. — 
Members of the Company have served in our country's defence in 
the suppression of the late rebellion; some returned to their former 
home and vocation, while other's died in their country's service; 
some by the direful hand of disease, while a few fell while nobly 
vindicating their country's honor. In the fall of 1864 the Company 
served for one hundred days on guard duty over the rebel prisoners 
in Camp Elmira. Their drill roona is located in the Cornell Libra- 
ry Building. 

In a neat little volume of near 200 pages, published by the Com- 
pany, and entitled " History of the DeWitt Guard, Co. A, 50th 
Eegiment National Guard, State of New York," may be found a 
very complete history of the incidents connected with the pleasures, 
trials and privations, through which the Company has passed since 
its organization. 


The citizbns of Tompkins County would find it an entertaining 
work, and we understand it can be procured for a small sum at the 
book stores in Ithaea. Its closing paragraph reads as follows : — 

" We have endeavored to give, as we stated at the commence- 
ment, a full, true and concise history of the DeWitt Guard ; our 
task is completed ; and in closing, we only ask that a generous 
public will remember the present and former members of tkis Com- 
pany, who sacrificed so much for their country in the hour of her 
peril, and to bestow honor where honor is due." 

The Cornell Univeisity, chartered a few years ago by the Legis- 
latore, and located at Ithaea, is the crowning evidence of the public \ 
spirit and mumficence of Mr. Cornell, and no sketch of Ithaea would ; 
be complete without some notice of the institution. Mr. A. D. 
White, President of the University, speaks of it as follows : 

" In the educational annals of the State of New York like noblest 
deed by far is the foundation of the University at Ithaca by the Hon. ' 
Ezra Cornell. 

" The General Government had made, in 1 863, an appropriation ' 
of lands to the different States and Territories, for the' establish- j 
ment of colleges devoted to agricultural, mechanical and other arts 
and science*. Of this appropriation the share of NewTork was 
very nearly a million of acres. 

" Of course various parties rushed foi"ward to claim portions of! 
this generous provision. For a time it deemed destined to be scat- 
tered among all the institutions known as colleges throughout the 
State^and that thus the whole fund would be ftittered away. But 
into all this clamor quietly stepped Mr. Cornell, insisted that the 
fund, to be efficient, must be kept. together in one place, and agreed 
that he would give half a million of dollars to an institution to be 
established at Ithaca, profVided the State sboold give such institution 
the income of the new fund. 

" Despite much opposition, a law was passed chartering the Cor« 
nell University, and in September of 1865 the first business meet- 
ing of its Trustees was held at Ithaca, Gov, Fenton presiding. 

" Mr. Cornell's promises were far more than redeemed.. He gave 
into the hands of the Trustees not merely the 500,000 dollars, but a 
beautiful site and farm of over two hundred acres, besides the Jew- 
ett cabinet — the most complete of its kind in the country — which 
iiad recently cost him ten thousand dollars. Nor did his munifi- 
fience end here. In accordance with a provision in the charter, he 
gave $25,000 to found a professorship of agricnlture at Genesee Col- 
lege, and invested an additional sum of 50,0CK) dollars for the Uni- 

"The plans for building embrace large d<»mi>»tories, lectjire and 
redtation rooms, public halls, library, museum^ laboratory, work- 
shops, farm buildings, dwellings, &c. It is intended to erect them 


from time to time from the interest of the Cornellfund, astheymay 
be needed. It is agreed that while the huildings ought to be sub- 
stantial and tasteful, there shall be no attempt at display. 

" The general arrangement will be in large quadrangles, as most 
convenient and effective. 

"The site is of surpassing beauty. A plateau over three hun- 
dred feet above the level of Cayuga Lake, bordered on one side by 
the Cascadilla and on the other by Fall Creek, gives a noble place 
for the buildings and ornamental grounds. 

" Back of these is the great college farm; on either side are ravines, 
rOjCks and falls of water, combining not less beautifully than those 
at Trenton. 

" In front, stretching far to the right as eye can reach, are the 
beautiful waters of Lake Cayuga, — directly in front is the tidy and 
thriving village of Ithaca, its spires and towers rising amid masses 
of foliage — and to the left sweeps a bold range of hills, diversified 
with groves and cultivated fields and dotted with farm-houses, clos- 
ing in the whole scene as with the walls of an amphitheatre. It is a 
seat worthy the ideal which it is believed Mr. Cornell's munificence 
will make real." 

"We make the following extracts from the first general announce- 
ment by the Trustees and officers of the University... 

"The first term of the University, will open on the last "Wednes- 
day in September, 1868, with the inauguration of the President 
and Professors. 

" The Departments and Courses will be organized as follows : 
"Division of Special Sciences and Arts. — 1. The Department of", 
Agriculture; 2. the Department of the Mechanic Arts; 3. the De- 
partment of Civil Engineering ; 4. the Department of Military En- 
gineering and Tactics ; 5. the Department of Mining and Practical 
Geology ; 6. the Department of History, Social and Political 

" In all the instruction in these Departments a constant effort 
will be made to educate men to speedily become practically useful 
in developing the resources and in aiding in the general progress of 
the country. 

" In the Department of Agriculture, science and practice will go 
together, not to rear a body of amateur agriculturists, but to bring 
scientific methods to bear in ordinary agriculture, so that tried by an 
economic test the result shall be to advance the prosperity of the 
country. Special attention will be given to the education of young 
men, ambitious to become instructors and professors in the numer- 
ous agricultural colleges now rising in nearly all the States of the 

" In the Department of the " Mechanic Arts," science will also be 
applied to practice ; iStting men to take positions of influence and 


usefulness, in developing the manufacturing and mechanical re- 
sources and interests of the country. Special attention •will be paid 
to the practical education of those who wish to take charge of manu- 
factories and work shops of various sorts. 

" In the Department of Civil Engineering the same idea of mak- 
ing thoroughly scientific men for speedy practical use will be car- 
ried out. 

"The Bepartmentof Military Engineering and ^acf/c* it is hoped 
to place under the supervision of graduates of the National Acade- 
my at West Point. 

"The Department of Mining and Practical Geology has for its 
aim the fitting of men to develop the vast mineral resources of the 
nation. When it is considered what immense losses have been in- 
curred under the management of unscientific or half-scientific men, 
the importance of this Department will be recognized. Situated as 
the University is near one of the greatest mining districts of the 
United States, it presents special attractions to all students desiring 
real preparation for work of the kind contemplated. 

" In the Department of History, Social and Political Science, the 
need of the country for a higher and more thorough education for 
the public service, will be constantly kept in view. Principles as 
thought out by Economists,,Statesmeh and Historians will be con- 
stantly applied to what has been actually wrought out in society. 
The Trustees will endeavor, in questions of Political Economy, upon 
which good and able men differ, to have both sides ably presented 
and discussed. No attempt will be made, however, to proselyte 
students to any peculiar or partisan views. 

" In the Division of Science, Literature and the Arts in General, 
the following course will be adopted : 

" 1 . First General Course, or " Modern Coursed — ^This will ex- 
tend through four years. To Modern Languages, which have be- 
come so indispensable in a good education, will be mainly assigned 
the place and labor usually given to Ancient Languages. The 
course will be suited to, the needs of students, so far as possible, by 
the allowance of options between studies in the latter years of the 
course, oft a plan somewhat similar to that lately adopted at Har- 
vard University. 2. "Modern Course Abridged." — ^ITiis course 
will extend through three yeajrs. This, as well as the abridged 
courses which follow, are intended to meet the needs of those stu- 
dents who have not time for a full general course. It will give the 
main studies of the extended course, the subordinate studies being 
omitted so as to decrease the time one year. 3. Second General 
Course, or " Combined Course." — ^This course will extend through , 
four years. In this the languages studied will be Latin and German, 
the remainder of the course being essentially the same as the " Gen- 
eral Course." To those who wish to ,make a thorough study of 


Modern Languages this course will be valuable, as combining the 
most useful parts, practically, of the courses usually pursued in Col- 
leges, with a broader course ; giving the two sides of all the great 
Modern Languages and literatures, including our own, and aiding 
the scientific student greatly in the literature and nomenclature of 
science. 4. " Combined Course Abridged." — ^This will extend 
through three years. Its name explains its character. 5. Third 
General Course or " Classical Course." — This will be mainly like the 
" First General Course," with the option of Ancient Languages for 
Modern. 6. " Scientific Course." — This will extend through three 
years, aifording a general scientific preparation for either of the 
first four departments in the " First Division," as named above. A 
special effort will be made to bring this Department fully up to the 
needs of the times, both by the course adopted and by the professors 
elected to maintain it. 7. Scientific Course Abridged. — This will 
extend through two years. Its name explains its character. 8. 
Optional Course. — This is similar to that allowed American stu- 
dents in the greater German Universities ; also like the " Select 
Course " at the University of Michigan ; and which, in both cases, 
has been very successful. In this course the student, on cond\ilta- 
tion with friends and the appropriate instructors, selects any three 
studies for which he may be fitted, from the whole range of studies 
pursued in the entire University, follows them up to such point as 
may be agreed upon, and receives, from the Governing Board of 
the University, at the completion of his work, a certificate, showing 
the extent of the course he has taken. 9. Degrees, Diplomas and 
Certificates. — Appropriate degrees, attested by diplomas or certifi- 
cates, will be conferred upon all students passing satisfactorily 
through any of the above named departments or courses. But it 
is thoroughly to be understood that no distinction will be made 
between the course extending through four years, as to the name, 
character or value of the degree or diploma, and the Trustees pledge 
themselves to use every effort to prevent any caste-spirit in any de- 
partment or course as compared with another." 

"All candidates for admission to any department or course must 
present satisfactory evidences of good moral character. 

"All candidates for admission to any of the special departments 
in the " First Division " must be at least sixteen years of age. All 
candidates for admission to any of the courses of the •* Second Di- 
vision " must be at least fifteen years of age. 

" Candidates for advanced standing will be examined in the pre- 
vious srtudies of the course which they purpose to enter, and if they 
come from another College or University will present certificates 
of honorable dismission. 

" Entering the University will be considered a pledge to obey its 
rules and regulations. 


"Candidates for admission to any department or course must have 
received a good common English education, and be morally, men- 
tally and physically qualified to pursue to advantage the course of 
study to which they propose to give their attention." 

" The fees for tuition to persons not exempt under the charter as 
" State Students," are ten dollars for each term, or thirty dollars for 
the year. Neither matriculation fees nor initiation fees are required. 

" In special oases of students of decided merit, who are proven 
to be in great need, a remission may be made, either wholly or in 
part, of tuition fees, such remission being considered as a loan, the stu- 
dent giving a note or promise to pay them so soon as he shall be- 
come able after leaving the University. In all other cases payment 
for each term must be made in advance. Students will be held re- 
sponsible for any injury which may be done by them to the Uni- 
versity property." 

" One large stone building, 165 by 50 feet, and four stories in 
height, has already been erected ; another of the same size is in 
progress. In these, besides dormitories, are library, lecture and 
recitation rooms, over thirty in number, and of various sizes. — 
There will be two laboratories well equipped, one under the direc- 
tion of the Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, and the other un- 
der the Professor of General Chemistry. The University already 
possesses the Jewett collection in Palaeontology and Geology, at a 
cost of ten thousand dollars, and has received a donation from the 
State of a collection of duplicates from the State Geological collec- 
tion, and has funds now in hand to make large additional collections 
for illustration in the different departments. The Trustees feel war- 
ranted in stating that the University will commence with a scien- 
tific and general library sufficient for the immediate wants of Facul- 
ty and Students, and constant appropriations will be made for its in- 

Mr. Cornell has just purchased the Library of the late Dr. An- 
thon for the University. It consists of about 7000 volumes, and is 
one of the best and most complete classical Libraries in the country. 
President "White sailed for Europe in March, where he will make 
large purchases of foreign books suited to the wants of the Univer- 
sity. He hopes to return in July when the final steps in the process 
of orgahization will be taken. 

The indications are that a large number of students will be in at- 
tendance at the opening of the University in September. The ap- 
plications have been very, numerous, and are steadily upon the 

"It is intended to erect workshops upon the University property 
where students, under proper direction, can have practical instruction 
in Mechanic Arts. The first of these will be a workshop fitted 
with the proper machinery for working in wood and iron, in which 


students can labor at fair prices upon agricultural implements and 
machinery in general, and upon models for the University collec- 
tions of machinery and apparatus. 

"Accomplished artisans will superintend this work, and the at- 
tention of those young men who would qualify themselves, by sci- 
entific study, for the most responsible and remunerative positions 
as master mechanics and superintendents of workshops, is recom- 
mended to this feature in the course of practical instruction. 

" The following prizes are offered by the Founders of the Univer- 
sity to aid meritorious students : 

To the student of the Volunteer Labor Corps in Agriculture, who 
without neglecting his other University duties, shall have shown 
himself most efficient, practically and scientifically, upon the 

University farm, $50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 

To the third in merit 10 00 

To the student in the Volunteer Labor Corps in the Mechanic Arts, 
who, without neglecting his other University duties, shall have 
shown himself most efficient, practically and scientifically, in 

the University workshops $50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 

To the third in merit 10 00 

The above shall be known as the " Founder's Prizes." 

The following prizes are offered by the President of the Universi- 
ty to aid meritorious s^tudents, : 

To the student showing the most satisfactory progress in the "Mod- 
ern Course " during the first year $50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 

To the student showing the moat satisfactory progress in the " Com- 
bined Course " during the first year $50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 

To the most meritorious student in Chemistry, as applied to Ag- 
riculture .$50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 

To the most meritorious student in Practical Mechanics and Phy- 
sics .$50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 

To the most meritorious student in General Histpry $50 00 

To the second in merit. 20 00 

To the most meritorious student in Modern History $50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 


To the writer of the best English Essay $50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 

To the student who, without neglecting his other duties as a mem- 
ber of the University, shall make the most satisfactory devel- 
opment in physical culture, $50 00 

To the second in merit 20 00 

To the third in merit 10 00 

" The committees of examination reserve the right to withhold a 
prize where the competition shows a standard not sufficiently ele- 

" The above shall be known as the ' President's Prizes.' " 

" Relations of the University to the State, — The act organizing 
the Cornell University makes it an organic part of the educational 
system of the State. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secre- 
tary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Speaker of 
the House of Assembly are ex-offleio Trustees. The President of 
the State Agricultural Society is also ex-officio a member of the 
Board. It may be mentioned here, that the Board of Trustees are 
not a body sitting for life, but that they are constantly renewed, the 
term of office being five years ; three being selected every year — 
one of them by the Alumni whenever they shall number fifty. 
This, it is hoped, will do much to ensure vigor and prevent the stag- 
nation from which so many institutions of learning have suffered. 

" Scope of the University. — ^The special departments referred to 
above will be developed conscientiously and as thoroughly as pos- 
sible. The prominence plainly given the first two by the Act of 
Congress will be loyally remembered. It must also be constantly 
recollected that education is here to be made, not only scientific, 
but practical. Military education will also be provided for. More- 
over, the Trustees are also pledged to try fully and fairly the ex- 
periment of allowing students in appropriate departments to do 
something towards paying their way by organized manual labor, 
under scientific direction. This, however, will be voluntary, as the 
freedom of our University demands. 

" But beside these fecial departments, the Trustees provide, in 
accordance with the clearly expressed intent of the Congressional 
act, general instruction. Mr. Cornell's gift is made in order to 
round the whole institution into the proportions of an University 
worthy of the State. He expressed plainly and tersely the whole 
University theory when he said, '/ would found an institution 
where any person can find instruction in any study* 

" Features of the University. —First. Every effort will he made 
th(U the education given he practically useful. The idea of doing a 
student s mind some vague general good by studies which do not 


interest him, will not control. The constant policy -will be to give 
mental discipline to every student ly studies which take practical 
hold upon the tastes, aspirations and work of his life. 

" Second. There is to be University liberty of choice. Several 
courses carefully arranged will be presented, and the student, aided 
by friends and instructors, can make his choice among them. 

" When we consider that young men are constantly obliged to 
make choice unaided in regard to matters of even more difficulty 
and danger than courses of study, it will not be thought so abso- 
lutely necessary that but one single course should be allowed, and 
all men of all minds forced to fit it. 

" Third. There will be no Fetichism in regard to any single 
studies. All good studies will be allowed their due worth. While 
the beauty and worth of ancient classics will not be denied, it is 
hoped to give the study of modern classics, especially those of our 
own language, a far more important place than they have hitherto 
held in our colleges. Special attention will be paid to these. 

" Fourth. Historical studies and studies in Political and Social 
science will be held in high honor, and will have more attention 
than is usual in our higher institutions of learning. Beside thorough 
regular courses, it is intended to present special courses of lectures 
by non-resident professors of eminence. 

"Fifth, There will be no petty daily marking system, a pedantic 
device, which has eaten out from so many colleges all capacity 
among students to seek knowledge for knowledge's sake. Those 
professors will be sought who can stir enthusiasm, and who can thus 
cause students to do far more than under a perfunctory piecemeal 

" Sixth.. It enters into the plan adopted by the Board of the Cor- 
nell University to bring about a closer and more manly intercourse 
and sympathy between Faculty and students than is usual in most 
of the colleges. 

" Seventh. The study of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Hy- 
giene, with exercises for physical training, will be most carefully 
provided for. 

"Eighth. The Cornell University, as its highest aim, seeks to 
promote Christian civilization. But it cannot be sectarian. Estab- 
lished by a general government which recognizes no distinctions in 
creed, and by a citizen who holds the same view, it would be false 
to its trust were it to seek to promote any creed or to exclude any. 

" The State of New York, in designating this institution as the 
recipient of the bounty of the general government, has also declared 
the same doctrine. By the terms of the charter, no trustee, pro- 
fessor or student can be accepted or rejected on account of any re- 
ligious or political opinions which he may or may not hold. 


"The success of the University of Michigan, where the Faculty 
comprises men of all religious sects and of all parties, is a sufficient 
refutation ofthose who assert that an institution of learning must 
be sectarian to be successful." 

The present Trustees are as follows : 

*His Excellency, Reuben E. Fenton, Governor; *His Honor, 
Stewart L. Woodford, Lieutenant-Governor; *Hon. Edmund L. 
Pitts, Speaker; *Gen. Marsena R. Patrick, President State Agri- 
cultural Society ; *Hon. Victor M. Rice, Superintendent of Pub- 
lic Instruction ; *Hon. Ezra Cornell, Chairman of Board of Trus- 
tees; *Hon. Andrew D. White, President of the University; 
*Francis M. Finch, Esq., iiSrarian Cornell Public Library ; *Alon- 
zo B. Cornell, Esq., Ithaca ; Hon. Horace Greeley, New York ;— 
Hon. Edwin D. Morgan, New York; Hon. Erastus Brooks, New 
York ; Hon. William Kelly, Rhineheck ; Gen. J. Meredith Read, 
Albany ; H«n. George H. Andrews, Springfield, Otsego Co.; Hon. 
Abram B. Weaver, Beerfield, Oneida Co.; Hon. Charles J. Folger, 
Geneva; Hon. Edwin B. Morgan, ^wroro ; Hon. John M. Par- 
ker, Owego; Hiram Sibley, Esq., i2ocAe«fer ; Hon. Josiah B. Wil- 
liams, Ithaca; Hon. George W. Schuyler, Ithaca, Treasurer of the 
University; William Andrus, Esq., /iJAaca; John MoGraw, Esq., 

Among the many fine buildings of Ithaca, we must not forget 
the splendid block recently built by Wilgus Brothers & Co., on 
the corner of State and Tioga Streets. In size and grandeur it 
rivals the splendid Cornell Library Building. Two thirds of the 
ground floor is occupied by the Messrs. Wilgus Brothers & Co., for 
the sale of dry goods, &c., and is one of the largest stores out- 
side the great cities. The remainder of the lower floor will be oc- 
cupied by another house, also as a dry goods store. The second 
floor is devoted to offices, and the third and fourth, in one, as an 
immense public hall, which will be fitted up in magnificent style. 
Altogether the edifice is an additional evidence of the prosperity of 
this beautiful village. 

The commercial interests of the place are extensive and impor- 
tant. A daily line of steamboats on the lake, running between this 
place and Cayuga Bridge, in connection with the D. L. & W. R. 
R., serves to connect the Erie R. R. on the south with the N. Y. 
Central on the north. The lake is also a link in the great chain of 
the internal water navigation of the State, and upon it a large 
amount of canal commerce, centering at Ithaca, is carried on. The 

• Tnuteu Bac-OfflcU). 



transhipment of Scranton and Lackawanna coal brought by the Cay- 
uga Branch of the D. L. & W. E, R., forms an important and 
constantly increasing branch of business. A large portion of the 
anthracite coal for the northern and western markets is supplied 
through this avenue. 

The village was incorporated April 2, 1821. Its present popu- 
lation is about 6000. The census of 1865 gives it at 5,700. Free 
Hollow is a manufacturing hamlet on Fall Creek, about a mile and 
a half above Ithaca. 

The first settlement of the town was made by Jacob Yaple, Isaac 
Dumond and Peter Hinepaw, revolutionary soldiers, who located 
on the present site of Ithaca village in 1789. The land that they 
occupied had previously been partly cultivated by the Indians. — 
Among the other early settlers were families named McDowel, 
Davenport, Bloom, King, Patchin, Star, Conrad, Markle, Sayers 
and Brink. The first child born was a daughter of John Dumond, 
Sept. 1789. Henry Yaple, who still resides at Danby, or Caro- 
line, was the first white male child born, Aug. 28, 1791. The first 
death was that of Rachel Allen, in 1790. 

In 1792 a man named Lightfoot came up the lake with a boat-load 
of goods, and entering the inlet, landed near the present steamboat 
landing. Here he erected a shanty, where he continued an itener- 
ant trade for a number of years. 

The first frame house was erected about the year 1800, by Abram 
Markle. The carpenter employed was a Mr. Delano, to whom 
Luther Gere was then apprenticed. The first regular and estab- 
lished merchant was Mr. David Quigg ; Doctor Frisbee was the 
first physician ; Oliver Wisewell the first lawyer ; Rev. Mr. Man- 
deville the first minister ; a Mr. Howe the first school teacher ; a 
Mr. Belcher the first singing teacher ; Peleg Chesebrough was the 
first tailor ; Hudson Gaskil the first blacksmith ; a Mr, Agar the 

first silversmith ; Hartshorn kept the first inn, and Jacob 

Yaple built the first mill in 1790. There was a post-office estab- 
lished here in 1804, and Richard W. Pelton was the first post- 

As early as 1810, Ithaca was regarded as one of the most thriv- 
ing and promising villages of the interior. 

The first church (Presbyterian) was organized in 1804-05, with 
seven members. 

There were in 1867, 10 public schools, employing 36 teachers, 
with an average daily attendance of 689. The expenditure for 
school purposes during the year was $9,788.21. 

The population of the town in 1865 was 7,264. It embraces an 
area of 17,963f acres, of which 14,241} are improved and 3,722 J 
unimproved . There are in the town 97} miles of public road. 


LANSIHTG was formed from Genoa, (Cayuga Co.,) April 7, 
1867. It lies upon the east bank of Cayuga Lake, in the north 
part of the County. The surface is principally a rolling upland, ly- 
ing about five hundred feet above the lake. Bordering the lake in 
many places, perpendicular ledges of rock rise from twenty to fifty 
feet, and at others the land forms a continuous slope from the top 
of the bluffs to the water's edge. The soil is generally a fertile 
gravelly loam, well .adapted to grain or grass. 

The principal stream is Salmon Creek, which, taking its rise in 
Cayuga County, flows south through near the center of the town. 
Its valley is narrow and bordered by steep hillsides. Its principal 
tributaries are Gulf, Townley and Hedden Creeks. Numerous 
smaller streams find their way over falls and through guUeys to the 

Ludlowville, (p. v.) situated on Salmon Creek, about a mile from 
its mouth, is the principal village. It contains several manufactur- 
ing establishments, stores, churches, and nearly three hundred in- 
habitant. Lansingville, (p. v.) on the ridge west of Salmon Creek, 
in the north part of the town, contains a little over one hundred in- 
habitants. North Lansing, (p. o.) in the north-east corner ; Lake 
Ridge, (p. o.) on the bluff above the lake in the north-west corner, and 
Libertyville, (South Lansing p. o.) are hamlets, ^ast Lansing, \ 
near the center of the east part, and Potest City, on the lake, in 
the south part, are post offices. 

In this town at least one of the unfortunate soldiers of Sullivan's 
army, captured by the Indians, was tortured and burned. , 

The first settlement in the town was made by a family named 
Depew, who located at the mouth of Salmon Creek, in 1791. 

In the fall of that year, or spring of 1792, Silas Ludlow settled 
half a mile west of Ludlowville, Henry Ludlow and his sons 
Thomas and Henry, came in about the same time. Richard and 
Charles Townley came in from New Jersey, in 1793 ; and also a 
family by the name of Himrod, who settled at what is now called 
Himrod's Point. The Teeters, Goodwins and Blooms settled in 
the east and south part of the town, in 1794. Henry and Thomas 
Ludlow built the first grist mill in 1795, just below the falls on Sal- 
mon Creek. It was a rough log building, about twenty feet square. 
Jonah Tooker kept the first store. Thomas Ludlow was the first 
post-master, and William Boyse kept the first inn, at Libertyville. 
The first night of his stay in the house a rattle-snake crept into the 
bed and slept with his children. 

The census of 1865 reports eight churches in the town. There 
are 20 public schools, employing 37 teachers, with an average daily 
attendance of 372 scholars. The amount of expenditures for school 
purposes during the year 1867 was $4,978.50. The population of 


t p'.own in 1865 was 2,940. It embraces an area of 35,696 acres, 
; (vnich 28,476 are improved, and 7,220 unimproved. There are 
in the town 145i- miles of public roads. 

WEWFIULD yra.a formed from Spencer, (Tioga Co.,) as 
" Cayuta," Feb. 22, 181 1. Its name was changed March 29, 1 822, 
and a part was annexed to Catharine, (Schuyler Co.,) in 1853. It 
is the south-west corner town in the County. The surface is high 
and hilly, the ridges being 400 to 600 feet above the vallej s, and 
1,500 to 1,700 feet above tide water. 

The streams are Cayuga Inlet, the south branch of Enfield Creek, 
Carter Creek and their tributaries. 

The valleys of the streams are usually narrow and bordered by 
steep hill-sides. A portion of the west part of the town is yet un- 

The soil is a shaly and clayey loam, and is well adapted to gram 
growing or grazing. 

Newfield, (p. v.) an enterprising village, is situated in the north- 
east part of the town, on the west branch of Cayuga Inlet, It cor;- 
tains three churches, two flouring mills, a saw mill, woolen factory, 
carriage shops, planing mill, tannery, several stores, &c. It has a 
population of between four and five hundred inhabitants. Trum- 
bull's Corners, (p. v.) on the north border, is a small village. 
Foney Hollow, (p. o.) is a hamlet in the south-west part. 

Thomas located at Poney Hollow and was the first settler. 

Among the other early settlers were S. Chambers, Elijah Moore, 

Carter, and Daniel ^B. Swartwood ; Jeremiah Hall kept the 

first inn, George Dudley the first store, and John Greene built the 

first mill. , , , . .... 

There are in the town 23 public schools, employmg 44 teachers 
with an average daily attendance of 341 scholars. The aniount of 
expenditures for school purposes during the year 1867, was $4,087.- 
48. The population of the town in 1865 was 2,700. It embraces 
an area of 34,891} acres, of which 23,491 } are improved and 11 ,400 
unimproved. There are in the town 141 } miles of public roads. 

VLTS8ES, named after one of the heroes of Homer, and 
ruler of ancient Ithaca, was formed March 5, 1799, and was No. 22 
of the original townships in the Military Tract. Dryden was carved 
out of it in 1803, and Ithaca and Enfield in 1821. It lies upon 
the west bank of Cayuga Lake, and is the north-west corner town 
in the County. A range of bluffs, about six hundred feet high, with 
steep declivities, borders upon the lake ; and from their summits 
the surface spreads out in an undulating upland. The soil is an ex- 
cellent quality of gravelly loam, producing fine crops of gram and 


grass. Taghkanic Creek flows through the town from the west, and 
is the principal stream. Trumansburgh Creek, in the north part, 
and several other smaller streams, flow into the lake. On all of 
these streams are beautiful cascades. On Taghkanic Creek, about 
a mile from the lake, are the celebrated Taghkanic .Falls, — the 
highest perpendicular waterfkll in the State. They have worn 
a deep gorge in the yielding shales, with banks three hundred and 
eighty feet high. The sheet now falls, in an unbroken sheet, over 
a limestone terrace about 215 feet in height. Many attempts have 
been made to describe the falls, but they all come so far short of 
the reality and give such an imperfect idea of the real beauty of 
this gem of the lake, that we will be readily excused from attempt- 
ing a lengthy description, though we cannot refrain from making a 
few extracts from Mr. Spencer'a "Head Waters of Cayuga Lake," 
in regard to them. 

The first is taken from quite a lengthy article by "Wm. H. Bo- 

" All the journey up the ravine is a demand on our admiration, 
for the gorge is walled in by vast heights — of bare and of wooded 
rock. They rise treeless, and as if they would exhibit to us all the 
processes of geological condition, or so densely covered with forest, 
as that there seems a perpetual mystery in their concealment. — 
Especially as we near the Fall, there is on the left hand, or south 
side, far and deep episodes of glen within the greater glen, leading 
off to invite us to explore them and detaining us from the onward 
progress. Few do make the exploration, and they abide summer 
and winter, nooks and recesses of woodland, the very chosen home 
of the Fawn and the Dryad, if the mystery of mythology were yet 
interlaced with our forest life. The bold heights are pinnacled and 
castellated, and the sky seems like a narrow river of blue ether 
flowing above us. We forget the ruderoading in the study of this 
wildly written chapter of creation. We turn out of one of these 
deep wood paths to the right, and upon us is the Taghkanic — the 
most winning and beautiful of Falls. That pure veil of misty 
water, turning into woven air, almost from the instant it leaves the 
brow of the precipice, and so gently, so sweetly changing into foam 
—pure silver threaded wool like foam — and at last not dashing or 
breaking, but gliding into the chasm below. There are what seem, 
diflfei:ent fibres, (if we may use that word,) of the water that make 
up thfe Fall and these are intermingled in sweetness of union. The 
water has a descent so free that it seems to use a leisure of move- 
ment, and it is easy to enumerate the sections in the time of the 
fall. Beneath it nearly all the way, the rock is visible, jind there is 
a foliage there that is thus perpetually bathed by the crystal cas- 
cade. It is a very diamond of beauty, set in all the rugged anji 
fierce scenery of that dark and wild glen. It is like a fairy sur- 


rounded by a rude guard of giants. It is a surprise of loveliness 
amidst darkness and gloom. The glen has intended to give a great 
amphitheatre for the Fall, which true to its shy sweetness of notice, 
occupies but brief space in that extended circle. A little pool seems 
to be in constant attendance at the foot of the cascade, as if lingering 
to talk to the Taghkanic, before it should tell the story of its far 
leap, to the Cayuga, to which it is to hasten. Great mounds of de- 
bris are beneath the clifis, and boulders are scattered in profusion, 
welcome seats and convenient tables to those who are fascinated to 
linger here." 

The second extract is a poetic gem, entitled 


On the brow of the delicate streamlet, 

In the folds of its forest hair, 
I see the gems of a bridal, 

The pearls ot a peerless pair. 

The rill of the shadowy woodland, 

Runs to the Lake with a spring ; 
The Indian maid, Tashkanic, 

Weds the Cayuga King. 

In the shade of the murmuring maple 

Wait, fair girl, at my side, 
Till I lift your wondering lashes 

On the dainty lace of the bride. 

Nearer your tremulous footstep ; 

Yonder the flash of your eye ; 
Through the break of the marginal leaflets. 

Where the mist sails up to the sky. 

Yon see it : — I know by the color 

That tells me its rose-red tale ; 
You see, in the frame of the forest. 

The lace of the bridal veil. 

Over the rock it is floating : — 

It is woven of diamonds or spray ; 
Of molten pearl or of star-dust? — 

Tell me the fabric, I pray. 

Yon answer me only with dimples 

Hid in a tinting ^ rose, 
A.nd the light of our own near bridal 

Under your eyelid glows. 

The Indian maid, Taghkanic, * 

Weds with the Sapphire King ;— 
But a dearer and daintier bride 

The bloomings of June shall bring. 


Trumantburgh, (p. v.) near the north border of the town, has a 
population of near 1,400, and is the second village in the County in 
size and amount of business. 

It contains four churches, one academy, two banks, one tannery, 
a number of stores, shops, &c. It has also an extensive iron foundry 
and machine shop ; that of Messrs. Gregg, Plyer & Co. They em- 
ploy a large force of men, and their business materially adds to the 
welfare of the place. 

Jacksonville, (p. v.) near the center of the town, is an enter- 
prising place of about 300 inhabitants. Waterhurgh, (p. v.) near 
the west border, contains several manufacturing establishments, 
and about 150 inhabitants. Halseyville, on Taghiianic Creek, is a 

On Trumansburgh Creek there are, within a short distance below 
the village, two grist mills and a plaster mill. Several valuable 
stone quarries are being worked in the banks of both streams, and ^| 
limestones abound along the banks of the lake. 

" In this town, near Waterburgh, are located the remains of an 
old earthwork, or fortification, supposed by some to be the work of 
a race inhabiting this country prior to the Indians. Little of it now 
remains, but enough to indicate its character. 

"Hon. Herman Camp, of Trumansburgh, a few years ago, visited 
this locality, and says that, about half a mile west of Waterburgh, 
on the north side of the road, in the woods, this artificial ridge of 
earth still remains. On the west end of it stands a large pine 
stump, between three and four feet in diameter, and from this point 
\he owner of the land, Mr. Hart, says there were traces of a palisade. 
On the south side of the road is a field, on four acres of which the 
owner, Mr. Sherwood, has found (when plowing,) great numbers of 
bones, but in such a broken and decayed state, as to make it diffi- 
cult to determine whether they are human bones or not." 

" Mr. Hunt also says, that he has seen a human skull disinterred 
on his part of what has long been called the " Indian Fort and Bury- 
in<5 Ground." Numerous stones, of different sizes, ground to an 
edge at one end, and fragments of coarse earthen or stone vessels, 
and pipes, have been found on this ground." 

"Dr. Lewis, of Trumansburgh, has the bones of a man, found 
imbedded in the earth, attached to the roots of a tree, between two 
and three feet in diameter, which was blown down about a mile east 
of Waterburgh. Mr. Camp's conclusion is that this was once an 
Indian encampment, covering five or six acres, enclosed and defend- 
ed by slight earth-works, on the solid ground, and palisades on the 
low soft ground; and-that the bones scattered about in such num- 
bers, are part human, and part those of animals used for food." 

"This is one of several similar structures found occupying the 
most commanding positions in Western New York, and some of 


the Western States. Their great antiquity is proved, not only by 
the large growth of timber with which they are covered, but by the 
fact that the Indians who occupied the country when the whites 
took possession, had no knowledge of their origin, either by tradi- 
tion or otherwise." ' 

This antiquity, and the manner in which they are constructed, 
certainly gives some color to the theory of Gov. Clinton and others, 
that they were erected by a people far more advanced in civiliza- 
tion, or at least in the art of defensive warfare, than the present 
race of Indians. 

This town furnished the first and only volunteer company of cav- 
alry in Western New York, for the war of 1812. 

The first settlements ■ were commenced by Samuel Weyburn, in 
1790, at the mouth of Taghkanic Creek, or what is now called Good- 
win's Point. Abner Treman came in during 1793. He had been 
a Revolutionary soldier, and received lot No. 2, containing 640 
acres, as a bounty from the Government. John McLallen, who 
came in with Mr. Treman, soot after opened the first inn at Tru- 
' mansburgh. His brothers, Robert and Henry, and Mr. Treman's 
brothers, Philip and Jared, followed them tw) or three years later. 
Moses and Jesse Harreman came in about the year 1795, and Jesse 
received of Abner Treman one hundred acres of land, on lot No. 2, 
for one year's labor, clearing lanc^. David Atwater was an early 
settler, and located about half a ,mile above Taghkanic Falls, in 
1796. Abner Treman built the first grist-naill in 1794. He went 
east to procure mill-stones and a bolt for his mill, and on his re- 
turn, when between the head o^the lake and Goodwin's Point, he 
nearly perished with cold, in the deep snow, having nothing to 
guide him but a few marked trees. His feet and hands were so 
badly frozen that he became a cripple for life. 

The first school was taught by Stephen Woodworth, and the first 
merchant was a Mr. Henshaw. He opened a store at Trumans- 
burgh in 1802. In Dec. 1805, he was succeeded by W. & N. Camp, 
merchants at Owego, who established a branch store in Henshaw's 
building, in charge of their brother, Herman Camp, as clerk and 

The first church edifice was built of unhewn logs, for the First 
Presbyterian Society, in 1803, at which time the church was organ- 
ized. It was located at Updike's Settlement, and was taken down 
but a few years since. Grove Cemetery is large, well laid out, 
adorned with trees and shrubbery, and is one of the most beautiful 
in the County. 

E „ . 


There are in the town fourteen public schools, emplioying twenty-? 
nine teachers, with an average daily attendance of .321 scholars. — 
The amount of expenditures for school purposes during the year 
1867 was $5,558.17. 

The population of the town, in 1865, was 3,506. It embraces an 
area of 20,567f acres, of which 17,732 are improved, and 2,835f 
unimproved. There are in the town 96J miles of public roads. 



[The following sketches of the lives of three men jvho for along 
time have been intimately connected with the history of Ithaca, 
and whose names will ever be revered for the great good they have 
accomplished for their fellow citizens and townsmen, and for the 
cause of humanity, are copied from the " New Topographical Atlas of 
Tompkins County." They will be found interesting and instruc- 
tive to those veho have not already perused them, and it is believed 
their republication here can give offence to no one. — Pub.] 


There are afew names sp;intj.mately,.cppnected with the,pa5t apd 
present history of the County, that they, c9,nnot. be parsed pyer in 
silence, even in so brief a, sketch, a.?,;thi? ji'^nen, who, liaye expended 
much of their time and pron;iQtipgJ;he5tiaterial and moral 
welfare ofthe County ; mgnpfhiigh^rejigipusfispirations, 
of large and conipr^hensiye views, Wihpse, k%e}^ yi^ion^ peiie|trating 
the veil which hides tte future, frongi, the, cpmjjipjjnsii^i.ft^jd^pccupy- 
ing a higher stand-point, see y^th .gre^ltejr.clearg^? t}^ ,i|^cessities 
of the present in their j-elatip^s. to t^e j^lu^^ij » s •/ .; -, •, 

First among thps,e,js,,the ia,tg.,SurvgyotrQaHeir^Vfl.f"the State of 
New York, Simeon t)e. Wit^t^ .,4ljth.P.ugh f'^'J-'liQAWiitt was never 
a permanent resident of the .Cpuiity, ^BV. the r^*sPB itfeat his official 
duties required much of his tiipe in Albany,: ye.tifeis interests were 
here, and Ithaca was the place he had selected, for, his future home. 


He was a descendant qf the family of De Witts of Holland, a 
branch of which emigrated and settled in this State at an early 

Gen. De Witt was born at Wawarsing, Ulster Co, N. Y., on the 
25th of December, 1756. His father was a physician, of good re- 
pute, but of limited means, and charged with the maintenance and 
culture of a large family. A classical education at that early day 
was obtained with difficulty, and at great expense; but Dr. DeWitt, 
discovering in his son the germs of a rich mind and decided charac- 
ter, determined to ^ive him the advantages of a liberal education. 

He entered Queen's (now Rutger's) College, at New Brunswick, 
New Jersey, and graduated in 1776^ receiving the two highest honors 
of his class. 

Beturning home, he pursued his studies, as he found opportunity, 
passing much of his time in the family of Gen. James Clinton, 
whose wife was his aunt. Here he formed an intimacy with his 
cousin, De Witt Clinton, which continued during their lives. 

With Gen. Clinton, and his brother. Governor George Clinton, 
he was a great favoritcij and it was from communion with such men, 
and the teachings of his honored father, that he imbibed those great 
principles of true patriotism which his whole life illustrated. 

During the next year the formidable invasion of Burgoyne, roused 
all the military spirit of the country, and a batallion was organized 
in Ulster County, to join the army of General Gates^ and Mr. De- 
Witt was chosen its adjutant. 

' On arriving at the seat of war, the batallion was incorporated 
into a regiment already existing, and being thus deprived of his of- 
ficial position, he stepped into the ranks and partook of the perils 
of the battle, and triumphs of the victory. 

Heturning from this campaign, he resumed his studies, devoting 
himself principally to Mathematics and Geometry. 

Shortly aflerj General Washington in arranging his topographical 
staff, made inquiry of Governor CJlinton, for a person qualified to 
act as assistant GeOgi'apher to the army, and upon the prompt re- 
commendation of the Govei'nor and his brother, Mr. De Witt was 
appointed, in 1778, Assistant to Col. Robert Erskine, then Geogra- 
pher in Chief. On the death of Col. Erskine, in 1780, he was nomi- 
nated by General Washington to the vacant ofHoe, and on the 4th 
of Sfeptembei-i (when not quite 24 years old,) appointed by Con- 
gress Geographer to the Army of the United States. From that 
time to the close of the war and the disbanding of the army, he was 
attached to the staff 6f his illustrious Colhmander, employed with 
his assistants in surveying the ground around and in advance of the 
route of the army, iintil the labors of his corps was terminated at 
YorktoWn, by the surrender of Cornwallis. 


It was his signal good fortune to witnsss the surrender of the 
two Royal Armies. 

The fidelity and accuracy with which Mr. De Witt discharged 
his duty, amid the dangers and disconjforts of the field, are beauti- 
fully illustrated by the maps and plans, the records 0;f his work, 
now among the documents of the New Yorlc Historical Society. 

On the 13th of May, 1784, Mr. De Witt succeeded General Schuy- 
ler, as Surveyor-General of the State of New York, which office he 
held until the day ofhisdeath, a, period of more than half a century. 

In 1786, the Surveyor-General was associated with Generals 
Schuyler and Clinton, of New York, and Messrs. Rittenhouse and 
Ellicott, of Pennsylvania, to determine the boundary line between 
those States, the unsettled condition of which had led to trouble- 
some interference of State jurisdiction. 

The boundary was established in a mostsatis&otory manner, and 
the commission closed in the succeeding year. 

,The same year President Washington, wiithout {lis solicitation or 
knowledge, nominated Gen. D;e Witt to the Senate, as Surveyor- 
General of the United States, and the appointment was promptly 
confirmed. This event he alyraya regarded as the most gratifying 
in his public life. 

His selection for such an office, by one who made all his appoint- 
ments with the strictest rega,rd to personal qualifications^ m^ht 
well gratify the honorable pride of any man. But devotion to his 
native State, and personal considerations, induced him to decline 
the office. 

Perhaps the most important era in the official life of the Sur- 
veyor-General, was that during which he was connected with the 
Canal Policy of the State. 

Since the eminent success of that great undertaking, at once the 
glory of the State and Nation, many competitors have claimed the 
honor of its first inception. We believe the country i? settled in 
the conviction that the people of the State are most indebted for 
just conceptions of this great project to the brilliant intellect, phil- 
osophical mind and extended observations of Governeur Morris, and 
the penetration, sagacity, and profound reflectiqli, — as exhibited in 
his powerful essays— of Jessee Hawley, and to them has been duly 
awarded the palm. But it was certainly due to the far-looking 
views,the personal influence, and patient working of De Witt Clin- 
ton, and a host of others, that the Canal Policy became that of the 
State. In all great public undertakings there are three classes of 
co-workers, by whom success is achieved — those whose enlightened 
and liberal views suggest, those whose personal influence enforce, 
and those whose experience and labor consummate the work. But 
it is manifest that unless the latter class is directed by a sagacious 
and comprehensive intellect, a great project may be stifled at its 


birth, by the intrigues of a feV resolute aild cunning men oppose(J 
to its. success. This w?« ,theca^e in regard to the Canal Policy', 
inaugurated in 1810. • A poweffiil minority oif the people Were'op- 
posed' to it! whose leaders were wati^hing to find a cailse for its 
abarid6ntaeritf'iti tlie expensiveiie^s of the projek. Henci6 it reqiiired 
great caiitiioh in those charged with it^ execution,, to' see that every 
step in its p'rogress should be taken with a view to the 'greatest 
economy, Consistent with the perfect completion ofthe Work.' 

Ho'w well this was d6hd by the Surveyor-General, the history of 
the Canal amply testified. . • , < .. > 

He was directed to take chargeof the preliminary surveys neces- 
sary to ascertain the he^t routes and ttiost economical plans for the 
work. ' , ' 

The very selection oSf the agents to do this, was no slight res- 
ponsibility ; but, fortunately for' the State,' the great surveys car- 
ried on in previous years'j to open' arid 'explore its territory, and 
develop its resources, hM ediicated' a, 'class of 'm'eri eminently fitted 
by ihtellect'ahd experience' foi-tjie'wbrk;* and from' these the Sur- 
veyor General selected, those he 'deemed best fitted for the impor- 
tant-'oharge'; ati'd'the nieMories 'of ' Bebjaniiri Geddes, Charles. C. 
Brodhead,£^n(i BQnja,mii!i Wright;, attest the sagacity and wisdoni of 
his choice. ' '" 

Upon the organization of the Board of Canal Commissioners, 
the Surveyor General was made an ex-officio member, and * was 
well understood that much of its efficient action was due to his 

it was said by the venerable Stephen Van Rensselaer, that neither 
himself nor Governor Clinton had ever seen occasion to differ with 
General De Witt, on any important measure adopted by the 

When a full and faithful history of the State of New York shall 
be written, we believe that due credit will be given to the influence, 
the profoiunid intellect, arid tnrfeiriititea labors of Simeon De Witt, 
exerts ton^ards the fifiaJ and' ttiuinphtot success of the great Canal 
Policy iof^tli* State; > ; . -mv j^ f--,- .* '■ ' . ., ..■..,. 

In 17a8f GeiierAl De WiStwab eliedted a Regent 'of the Univer- 
sity) (aird'; aft' 1829, itd Chanpellor, which office be held until, his 
death.' Hei|)ift)c»^edto 'lie'^terrieeltrntftk-oiigh the institutions of 
learhihg,(^«6pe'«* to the Refeeiftis, ja." Systematic Series of 'Meteoro- 
logical/ Gbsern^tidn*; incIu&iii^gJthe' temperature— the quantity of 
rain Ming djiHngatheyfeapjr^tfietjpi-ogress of vegetsition-l-and of 
all thi' pbe»twti«(nfl' wMbh-feoHstilutft'the peculiarity -pt climate."-^ 
Also, OlfiterVatioh I ttfroa«Jier variation 6f the Mt^netid Needle, a 
matter of^guealt-iteportKhoein' determining the boundaries of lands. 

In 1790,«hi^-lw'as';ohti!«B»iaTWMnbeI' of the Amerieatf Philosophical 
Society, establifehpdinaH$l»(|eliphiai of which Dr. Franklin was the 


first President, and over which David Rittenhouse then priesided. 
He made a number of contributions to their researches, the most 
important ef which was an astronomical paper, entitled Observa- 
tions made on the Total Eclipse of the Sun, made at Albany, June 
16, 1806, which was published in the sixth volume of their transa!c- 

Philadelphia aQ.d Boston alone had Philosophical Societies, when 
one was incorporated in|hi8 $tate, in 1793, under the name of the 
"Society for the Prpt^btipn of i Agriculture, Arts and Manufac- 
tures." Of this. General DeWitt was flu original niember, and, 
on the death of Chancellor Livingston, its first President, in 1813 
he succeeded him in the Chair. 

To this \^dy he communicated vaiious: papers of a highly prac- 
tical nature on Agriculture and' Agricultural Machinery. A plan 
of , a Meteorological Chart, for exhilntihg a> comparative view of the 
climates of North America^ and the progress of -vegetation. The 
first practical 'isu^estioni of the modern "isothermial charts." — 

Point as a text book, 

He was also the author of other philosophical papers, published 
in various philosophical journals, among which weri " Observations 
made on- the functions of the Moon, deduced from observations 
made on the great Eclipse of 1806," and a " Plan for a new form 
of Raingagc," "A Table of Variations of the Magnetic Needle." 
AlsO,"BiBea88ions on the Theory of the Remarkable Meteors, or 
Falling Stars, of November, 1833, &c." 

Edrly in the present century General De Witt purchased a thou- 
sand acres of land, being part of what is, known as the "Location," 
owned by Mr. Abraham Bloo'dgood in the town of Ulysses (now 
Ithaca,) at the, head of .Cayuga ^akie, embracing a large part of the 
present ^ite of village of Ithaca. Upon Visiting his purchase, his 
practical ihind at once perceived it to be well adapted, from its lo- 
cation and ample "waterpdyrer, to become a manufacturing village 
and a naturalentrepbt' for the trade of a large district of country. 

He purchased several adjoining tracts so that his estate, covering 
the valley, nearly reached the summits of the hills on the east and 

He laid out the plat for a small village wKer^, 'JUduibra and Owe- 
go Streets now are, and sold lots on most easy 1^^,; that persons 
of small means might be induced to secure Gwi]^i4a1)te homes.'^ 
He then built upon the Cascadilla Creek,.a 6uj^tom-^iaill sufHcicht 
for the nfecessities of the country around. ■ ''L'* , ' • ,,■''' 


He subsequently introduced at great expense, from the celebrat- 
ed Spanish flock of Chancellor Livingston, the breed of Merino 
sheep. This proved a heavy loss to him, but he never regretted 
it, regarding the benefit the agricultural interests of the country- 
derived from their introduction, ample compensation for his own 

By the completion of the Erie Canal, a highway was opened be- 
tween Ithaca and the Hudson River through the Cayagfi Lake and 
Seneca Biver, furnishing a better market and greatly advancing the 
interests of the County. General De Witt, to meet the increasing 
demand, extended his town plat, and the village rapidly increased ; 
its progress being greatly favored by his moderate prices and liber- 
al credits to settlers. He also gave generously toward public im- 
provements, both in land and money. 

Many of the churches received from him the sites they occcupy, 
and not only the early, but the subsequent prosperity of Ithaca is 
owing, in a great degree, to his liberal policy. 

In 1829 the Chemung Canal was put in course of constijiction, 
and it became manifest that the completion of this work would be 
a serious detriment to the interests of Ithaca and Owego, by divert- 
ing the traffic and travel upon which the capital and enterprise of 
these places so much depended. 

To countervail the anticipated effects of this Canal, the Ithaca and 
Owego Railroad project was revived. In 1828, a charter had been 
procured for this road, but it had laid dormant. It was now deter- 
mined to build the road. The charter provided for a capital of 
only one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, .while it was well un- 
derstood that it would require at least four times that amout to 
complete tde road. The enterprise was popular and there was no 
difficulty in procuring subscriptions for the stock ; the subscribers 
stipulating, that upon the procurement of an Act increasing the 
capital, they should be privileged to take up the additional stock 
pro-rata with their subscriptiohs. 

General De Witt and his son. Richard Varick De Witt, subscrib- 
ed largely for the stock, and the road was commenced and operations 
carried on so vigorously, that before the capital could be increased, 
it became necessary to procure additional funds or suspend the 
work, which would endanger the enterprise. In this critical condis 
tion of affairs. General De Witt and his son Richard rescued the 
Company from their dilemma, by pledging their individual credit 
for the necessary means to carry on the work. This act, with the 
aid of a loan from the State, secured the completion of the road. — 
But the shadows of the dark days of 1836-7 &sgan to gather in the 
financial horizon ; bankruptcy and ruin prostrated States and indi- 
viduals; Pennsylvania postponed the payment of her debt, and 
stopped the progress of her public works. The North Branch 


Canal, intended to connect her great Coal Fields with the Susque- 
hanna River, was abandoned, and operations on the New York and 
Erie Road were discontinued before it had reached the Susquehan- 
na Valley. 

Thus the great highways which were to connect the Ithaca and 
Owego Road with southern New York and Central Pennsylvania 
were closed, and it remained only a connecting link between the 
villages which gave it its name. The stockholders, once so eager 
to secure the additional stock, refused to take it, and the road was 
left mortgaged to the State for the amount loaned it, and addition- 
ally in debt for sums advanced by its friends. The consequences 
were inevitable, the road was sold on the mortgage to the State, 
and ruin came upon those who had carried it through its former 

The venerable Simeon De Witt had passed away before these 
disasters overtook his cherished project, but his estate was ruined, 
and only sufficient to pay bis debts. 
' The advantages of this road, so vital to its prosperity, were se- 
cured to Ithaea, but by the sacrifice 6f all the property and inter- 
ests of its " founder, patron and friend." 

General De Witt died at Ithaca, on the 8d day of December, 
1834, exhibiting during his painful si(^ness, and in bis dying hour, 
those traits of christian character of which his life had been an illus- 
trious exemplification. 


Rev. William Wisnkh, D. D., was born in Warwick, Orange 
County, New York, on the 18th of April, 1782. He was the second 
son of Captain Asa Wisner. 

His father was a Revolutionary officer. He was first a lieut- 
enant, then acted as adjutant, and afterwards was convmissioned a 
captain, which commission bore the signature of Washington him- 
self. At the close of the war, he settled on a farm in Orange Coun- 
ty, where his children were born. In 1799, he exchanged this farm 
for a much lai^er landed estate on the banks oftlie Chemung River, 
at Newtown, Tioga Co., now Elmira, Chemung County, State of 
New York. 

He arrived at his new home, with his family, on the first day (^ 
January, 1800. This at that time was a fronti^ settlement with 
but few inhabitants, surrounded with forests, with only here and 
there a clearing. 


It was here in this new country, amid the hfti'dships and exeite- 
ments of frontier life, that the subject of this sketch found it neces- 
sary to choose a profession forlifef. ■ 

The opportunities for mind culture which he had previously en- 
joyed, had been diligently improved. He had acquired, for those 
times, a good common school' education, and was somewhat ad- 
vanced in classical and mathematical! studies'. After mature delib- 
-'eration, he selected the legal, profession, and, in 1803, enfef^ as a 
student the office of Samuel Haight, Esq., a lawyer of larg% prac- 
tice and' considerable eminence in that part of the State. 

His previous classical aild literary acquirements, secured him a 
credit of three years, leaving him four years of study -before be 
could be admitted to practice in the Supreme Court. He remained 
with Mr. Haight but one year,'aiid then transferred his clerkship to 
the office • of Hon. Vincent Matthews,' who at that time, and for 
more than half a century aflerwai^ds>, stood at the head of the bar 
in Western' New. York. After study ing^witb Mm for a yeac, in the 
Spririg;of;l§05,;heiWas admitted to pKaetiCeihthe Court of Com- 
mon Pleas, and immediately enliet'dd into partnership with his legal 
preceptor.^ 'Thus/ at the aigeof/- 23 years," he'<cdmmenced the prac- 
tice of the law, which' he pursued with much enthusiasm and suc^ 
cess for about eight, years. In August, 1808, he was admitted to 
practice in the Supreme Court of the State, his license beii^ signed 
by the venerated James Kent, then Chief Justice of that Court. 
His strong, clear, logical mind, his keen sense of the ridiculous, his 
brilliant wit, and biting sarcasm, in connection with the deep sym- 
pathies of his nature, and the noble attributes of his heart, eminent- 
ly fitted him for su^ess at . the Bar, and it is not suifrising that 
during the few years of his practice, he attained an eminence, as a 
lawyer and an advocate, which few attain in a life-time. 

, In 1806, he inade.a public professipu of his faith in Christ by 
uriitliig with the Presbyterian Cliurbh, and became an active and 
efficient worjterin the vineya,rd of his Master. Such was his desire 
to do good, that he Was led to consider whether it Was not his duty 
to change his profession, and enter the Ministry. The great ques- 
tion' with him Was, whether he could not be vastly more useful in 
that profession than as a lawyer. He had already secji^eil a Iftrge 
and growing practice, iftnd his pi»ofessional prospects, both as to 'ifaine 
and fortune, were exceedingly flattering. ' ' ' 

AH these must be relinquished if he entered the Ministi*y," and 
tyet.with the cOnsequ^enoes fully' before himyhe detarniined to make 
thcchange. While staged in oltising up his legdl business, he 
J)ursued a .brief, theologieal course, under the care of the Association 
of Ontario. 


In the Autumn of 1811, he was licensed to prbach, and soon af^ 
ter was settled as a stated suipply" at iTi'dg* Point, (noW Athens,) 
Pettn. Hete he gathered'a sinall <shu#ch, and, in 1812, was ordained 
as an evangelist. ' ' ' 

He ministered to this peopdd wiibTery little pectmiiurj support, 
beyond: that.' drawn frgra^his own means; but with gratifying suc- 
cess, iforinorethanvthreejjearsij' Pe th^n received and accepteda 
call to the pastorate of the Txesjiyterian' ^Iturcb a,t Ithacaj Nejv 
York, where he remoyed with his family^apd commenced his labors 
in Filsbfuary, l^e; ',TO fh68,"^ ffiai time, Vas' little more tha^ 
a hamltst, 'cohtaimng afeoiit'^O ^h^bliaiitl.'' " ' , '* ^ ' 

It 'w'a^ ' iibtbrious , for, lis , ifrimbi'ility ^ ' \ Hbrse-r^ctng, gambling^ 
Sabbath-bteaking, profanity aifii'dln'tl^irip'ewti^^''*^^'*^ brfm'givaS. 
"The', only ^police' of the' place \^aJ8'.gn'-6r^ali!zdtioncall^';irAi 
M(yral Sbeiety,' w'hicli iaftei-#ard&'adi0t«id'thiB' liibi:^ If^jSfd^rfat^ 
name of Tlie Chaotic Society: :T^ik 'SWcii^t^ tol^di'itsf OtW&w^^^ 
and pMished those who Violitecf thein, iii its'owi 'way ; ahd' its 
moral code 'v^as as novel as its piihi'sHmerits wefei pecufiar. If a 
man bdcam'e too drunk, and 'kas ilois^ and Abusive in the tavern, 
the police rfftofe Society wotild throw a rope over him, 4nd di'aghim 
into the street, ii'd drench hitti with cold water; or draw him to 
the creek, and thdr^^<lt(ck him, ai English Jurists used to duck their 
common scolds." "'''*♦,, 

Sucb was the reputati6ii; 6f ijie ;^lace abroad, that strangers hav^ 
been known td inquire whether it would be safe for them t6 r6n)ain 
in it over iiight. Excepting the little chUrch to *hich Dr. Widnfer 
was' called, there was no religious orgailizatiob in the place, and 
even ' that wk^ fast Becoiding extinct. ' It consisted of three males 
and ten females. The previous pastor of the church had become 
discouraged,' and left ,^i,t^oi;t waitipgito. be di8iqi^sed;,.:The only 
pul^lic building in the place, >ras a s^i^llfraiiie f^hf^;Iy)|Use,,wh)eh 
occupied a .cc^venien^ tuid. cenl^ral, position. ]HQi|>e;.the, religious 
seryiceia! pa the Sabbath, and tjie weekly prayc|i:7mee^}ngf ^§7P ^eld* 

Soon 0ej> t^e arrival, pf , thjB pas])p|-,.he setihi.H)ssp]yf.aj; >v:ork, ,t$ 
imprqve,.i£,possible^the.,ippr^lS of the plaice. , Seeing tfce dreftdfuj 
rav^ggtjTyMp^intepfipei'Ancfs was, m^^king among the people, hepro^ 
cure,4i^)^9!)^^i'^'''<39 <^^H^ k^^4> ^^^ fpund that in |ihe village — ^^i,t 
wascali^-rrtiiereiWere moret^thjan fifty thousand gallon^ of intoxi- 
icating'Jiquprs sold in »i yeftf . ■ . j ,. ,, j 

This led him to pr^aeb oil the .subject with great! boldaesa >and 
power, and by so doing, he incurred the bititer opposition of all .the 
rum-seliei^s and drinjter%."''nii'ey' 'set' themselVes^ *mai&tifl'feljr' to 
treat hiiii"with the utmosi^AdiiJftiiy, ■ They cime'tn't'HemRt' and 
set up tiverh'agns Wore m'^f</j they shear6d|He%|fee;»id tail 
of his horse' iiid afterWaVd teMteff to* cut the fljroif df ijiothtit- 
they carried away his carri^e'wli'eels irid hid tHfefiS^^'tfie'WoOds'J 


and committed many other similar scandAlous acts. Thejr even 
went so far as to pull down the school house where he preached, and 
thus compelled him to cause a barn to be fitted up on his own 
premises in which to hold his meetings. 

These indignities he bore with the utmost meekness, literally 
obeying the injunction, "lore your enemies, bless them that curse 
you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which de- 
spitefuUy use you and persecute you." ' 

fiis kindness and faithfulness were so uniform and unremitting, 
that in a short time his bitterest enemies became his warmest 
friends. His influence over the people constantly increased, and 
was exerted to the utmost for the moral and religious improvement 
of the, place. He set himself against vice in every form, with a 
boldness and CQnsisten<;y which ehallenged the admiration of all. — 
He ever ii^anifested a tender conscientiousness and an uns^fish re- 
gard for the welfare of .others, which to a la,rge extent disarmed opr 
position, and prepared thoise to wjiom he ministered, to receive his 
instructions and exhortations as from one sent of God. The de- 
lightful transforming results of his self-denying labors upon the in- 
habitants of the place and the surroundiiig country, were wonder- 
ful indeed. We hazard nothing in saying, that this whole region of 
country is more indebted to him for its present moral and reljgioius 
elevation, than ^ any other man. His success as a pastor was such, 
that his Chucphi which, in 1816, consisted of bi^t thirteen members, 
in 1830, .besides having fprnished a nucleus for several other religi- 
ous prgapizatioja^, jtiad inqreased to a membership of eight hun- 
dred, and there were in h|8 congr^ation but eighteen or twenty 
adults >irho,4id not belong to it. 

About this time. Dr. Wisner, hoping to ihcrease his usefulness, 
accepted a call to the Brick Church, in Bocihester, New York, where, 
for ifeur years, he ministered with great acceptance and success; — 
after which, owing to &iling health, he accepted a call to the First 
Presbyterian Church of St. Louis, Missouri, with the hope that he 
might be benefited and restored by the change of climate. In this 
he was disapipointed, and after remaining with that people for two 
years, he found himself so enfeebled and debilitated, as to make it 
necessary to resign his oharge and return North. Se supposed 
that his pastoral work was finished, and very naturally selected 
Ithaca as the place in which to spend his Jia«t ,c^^b. 

Here, among his old friends and former people, with some 
months of entire rest from labor and responsibility, lie was so far 
restored, as to feel that he might with safety return to the duties of 
his wofession. Yielding to U»e earnest solicitations of his former 
flock, he was re-installed as their pastor. 


In this capacity he continued to serve them until declining health, 
and the infirmities of age, made it necessary for him to retire from 
the active duties of the ministry. 

Dr. Wisner still lives, and is enjoying a delightful old age. It 
is the earnest desire of his numerous friends that many years still 
may be added to so useful a life. 


Hon. Ezra Cobhell was born Jan. 11, 1807, at Westchester 
Landing, ih Westchester Co., State of New York. His father was 
poor and inured to hard labor, but a man of some culture, and for 
many winters taught district schools. He Was a potter by trade, and 
lived to the Age of ninety-one years, having reared a family of eleven 
children, of whom Ezra was the eldest. The advantages Ezra en- 
joyed for an early education, were confined to those winter schools 
taught by his father; nor were those always open to him, except by 

In 1819, his father removed to De Ruyter, Madison Co., N. Y. 
Here he established a small pottery, and with the assistance of 
Ezra and a younger brother, conducted a farm. 

Here his father also taught school during the winter, and i!zra 
and his younger brother, wishing to attend it, obtained their father's 
consent, on condition that theyishould clear four acres cf heavily 
timbered land, by planting time in the Spring. This task was ac- 
complished by the 10th of May following. 

About this time the mechanical talent of joung Cornell was first 
developed. His father employed a man to build a small pottery 
shop. Ezra worked with him, and so far became master of the 
trade, that the next year he cut from the woods with his own hands, 
planned and built, a neat two story house for his father. In 1826, 
being, then nineteen years old, he commenced life for himself, and 
worked two years as a carpenter and joiner, in Syracuse and Homer, 
in this State. In 1839 he came to Ithaca, and engaged with Otis 
Eddy to work one year in the machine shop attached to his cotton 
factory, at eight dollars per month and board. After working six 
months, Mr. Eddy informed him that he thought he was not get- 
ting wages enough, and that for the balance of the year he should 
pay him twelve dollars. At the end of the year, although a legal 
day's work was then twelve hours, he had credit for six months at 
eight dollars, and seven months at twelve dollars ; having gained 
one month by overwork. 


In 1630, he was pu^ in clut|-§e of the flquring ntill of J. S. Be^be 
at.fall , C|;^«^,,at,an i^nnual,. salary of four hi,ii^dred dollars, where 
he remained for ten years. In 1840, Mr. Be^fbe having failed, he 
pjirchased^dieirigjit for, apatfPlt plow, for.the.^tates of M^ine and 
Georgia, and trayeled in those States to s^lj it. While thus engaged, 
he became'acquainted with Francis O. J. ^mith, editor of the Maine 
Farmer,' and a member of Congress. This acquaintance with Mr. 
Smith,' led'io his first connection with the Ik[agnetic Telegraph, 
though which he subsequently' acquired his large fortune. 

Mr. Smith owned one-fourth of Prof. Morse's patent, and Con- 
gress had appropriatied thirty-thousand dollars to build an experi- 
mental line between Washington and Baltimore. Prof. Morse's 
plan then was to encase the wires in a lead pipe, and bury it two 
feet in the ground. Mr. Smith had taken the contract to lay this 
pipe, at the rate of one hundred dollars per mile, but after a care- 
ful estimate of the cost he was satisfied that he would lose money 
by the contract. Mr. Cornell extricated him from his difficulties, 
by inventing a machine something like a plow, with, a drum near 
the middle of the beam, around which the pipe was coiled, by means 
of which, with the aid of a strong teatn, the trench could be cut, the 
pipe laid and covered, as the plow passed along at the speed of or- 
djnapy plq\)ring. - ,?!.., i - - , : 

' The pipe-layer was taken to Baltimore, arid With the aid'df a six 
mule team, under the direction of Mr. Cornell, ten miles 6fthe pipe 
was' suciSessfuliy' laid at a cfok' of ten dollSi^s" per mile, Ins'tead of 
one hundred. But it was soon disco veredthat the inSulatibh was 
so imperfect that it would hot V6t(k. '"After* s|iendirie'th'e winter of 
1843^aM''44''iti Vain' attempts ^6 'se'cure perfect 'irishlal^qij,' the pro- 
ject of an underground telegraph was abahdoiied," and' .me" present 
method' of SlfirigTrig on poleis adopted. MK Cotnejl* was put in 
charge of 'the ^ork, and pushed it with stich Tigoi*, that he got the 
line in operatlph in May 1S44, in time to telSjri-aph thd nomination 
of James K. I^dk.- ' ■ ' '^ - ° f 

In 1845, a company oegaifti/ed and a.. telegraph line built 
between New York and .Baltimore,, and Mr. Cornell superintended 
the construdiion of the iieotion between. th6 i former city and Phila- 
delphia,. He received $1,000 a year forhis serviocB, and demon- 
strajicd his faith in the iinanioial success ©f the scheme by subsmb- 
ing for $500 of the stock, which he paid out of his salary. 

Before the close of that year a company was organized to build 
the New York and Buffalo line, and Mr. Cornell took Uie contract to 
bup that part of it between New York and Albany. On this con- 
ti'^ct he cleared six thousand dollars. In 1847, he organized the 


.Company, and buUJilhe line between Troy and; J^lyutreal, by which 
^e made thirty tjtic^u^^d dollars, and again. m^ifested ;his faith in 
telegraphs, by invjpstJlig it in the Erie and 'Miehigan ^ipe, ; running 
from Buffalo to Miltiraukee. ■ . : .«!» .• . , ''.■■,. 

For seyen long j^es^ri^Mr. Cornell was deprived of the.benefits of 
this investment, owing to • conflicting claims, between the .grantees 
of Morse," Gale &,y ail,. w;ho owned three-fourths of the patent, and 
the grantees of.. Smith,- who owned the remaining one-foiirthi grow- 
ing out of a "inisimderstanding as to the division of this ; Western 
territory. ■ But ., largely;^ through the efforts of Mr.' Cornell,' these 
rival interests were united,'and the competing lines consolidated in 
1855, under the name'of >;the;Western Union Line, in which he is 
one of the largest shareholders.' 

Mr. Cornell has always taken a lively interest in ) Agriculture, 
and has freely devoted his time and money for its advan6ement. — 
In 1862 he was elected President of the State Agricultural Society, 
and by it selected as a delegate to the Royal Agricultural Exhibi- 
tion in London, where he made himself thoroughly conversant with 
the farming methods of England. 

In 1861 he was elected to the Assembly by the Union party, and , 
in 1862 re-elected. In the fall of 1863 he was elected to the State 
Senate, and in 1865 re-elected to the same office. 

In 1862 he appropriated one hundred thousand dollars to estab- 
lish a free ,Lib|figiFy at Ithaca,' and subsequently he "gave half a mil- 
lion of dollars,' and ^twd hundred acres of land^ to establish a Uni- 
versity at the] same place, ; on condition that the ' State, would give 
the Institution the' proceeds of the Land Grant,'made by the' Gen- 
eral Government^to this State, for the promotion of , Education.-— 
This grant consisted of 990,000 ,' acres. ^ This laiid scrip is now 
worth in the market only sixty, cent^ per acre, and 1 if -sold now, 
would only produce $594,000,' but Mr. Cornell is buying in and lo- 
cating this scrip, and, hopes by thus increasing its' value,' to secure 
for this institution the princely endowment of throe millions of dol- 
lars. He has also purchased for the University, at ^ cost of ten 
thousand dollars, the Jewett Paleontological Cabinet, *^of Albany, 
the most complete of its kind in this country. 

Mr. Cornell is a man of strong practical common sense, and a 
high degree of inventive and mechanical ingenuity. He is enthu- 
siastic and persevering in carrying but his jplans, never; anticipating, 
and consequently seldom exjperieiicing defeatg^. A; man of great 
firmness, sometimes approaching obstinacy, at lieast;in the deilsnce 
of opinions which he thoroughly believes to be right,and he never 


j__ . _ ^ 

holds any others. He is a man of noble iiistincts and generous impul- 
ses, but not given to the estimate of men or things, at more than their 
plain actual value. He has a vigorous, clear and comprehensive 
intellect, combined with simple, unostentatious habits and manners. 
Wisely acting as his own executor and almoner, he is using his 
large fortune, in a manner that will make his name a household 
Word for generations to come. 




AZjiSjiMA was settled near Mobile, in 1703, by the French ; was 
formed into a Territory by act <Df Congress, approved March 3, 1817, 
from the eastern portion of the Territory of Mississippi ; framed a Con- 
stitution August 3, 1819, and was admitted into the Union December 
14 of the same year. Area 50,733 square mUes, or 33,463,080 acres. — 
Population in 1860, 964,801, of whom ^5,080 were slaves. It is the chief 
cotton growing State of the Union. White male citizens who have re- 
sided one year in the State land three months in the county, are entitled 
to vote. An election for a Convention was held -December 24, 1860, 
and a majority of over 50 jOOO votes cast for secession ; the Convention 
met January 7, 1861, and on (the 11th passed the ordinance of secession, by 
a vote of 61 to 39, which was followed on the 2lst by the resignation of 
its members of Congress. 

ji.!E£'jiJ^S;A^ was settled art; Arkansas Post in 1685, by the French, 
and was part of the Louisiana purchase ceded by France to the United 
States, April 30, 1803. It was formed into a Territory by act of Congress, 
March 2, 1819, from the southern part of the Territory of Missouri ; its 
western boundairy was settled M^ 36, 1824, and its southern. May 19, 
1838. Having adopted a ConstitudaiMi, a memorial was presented in 
Congress, March 1, 1836, and an aot for its admission into the Unicm 
passed June 15 of the same year. Area 52,198 square miles, or 83,406,- 
730 acres. In 1860 its population was 435,450, of whom 111,115 were 
sslaves. It is an agricultural State, its staples being corn and cotton. — 
Citizenship and residence in the State for six months, quali^ voters in the 
county and district where they (reside. January J6, 1861, its Legislature 
ordered a State Convention, which assembled, and on May 6, voted to 
secede, 69 to 1. January 4, 1864, a Convention assembled in Little 
Rock, which adopted a new Constitation, the principle feature of which 
consisted in a clause abolishing slavery. The Convention adjourned 
January 23. This body also inaugurated a Provisional Government. 
The Constitution was submitted to thie peojjle, and 12,177 votes cast for it, 
to 226 against it. TheState was a:e-organized under the plan contained 
in the Amnesty Proclamation of President Lincoln, in pursuance of 
which an election was held March 14, 1864. The vote required under the 
Proclamation was 5,405. About l'6i000 votes were cast. 



CjiLIFO^J^Jii -was settled at Diego in 1768, by Spaniards, and was 
part of the territory ceded to the United States by Mexico, by the treaty 
concluded at Guadaloupe Hidalgo, February 32, 1848. After several inef- 
fectual attempts to organisse it aa a Territory or admit it as a State, a 
law was passed by Congress for the latter purpose, which was approved 
September 9, 1850. Area 1885881 square miles, or 130,947,784 acres. 
Population in 1860, 305,439. It is the most productive gold mining re- 
gion on the continent, and also abounds in many other minerals. — 
White male citizens of the United States, and those of Mexico who may 
choose to comply with the provisions of the treaty of Queretaro, of May 80, 
1848, who have resided in tiie State six inoaths and in the county or dis- 
trict thirty days, are entitled to vote. 

COJVJV^CTICU'Tyras. settled at "Windsor, in 1633, by English Puri- 
tans from Massachusetts, and continued under the jurisdiction ofthat Prov- 
ince until April 83, 1663, when a separate charter was granted, which con- 
tinued in force until a Constitution was formed, September 15, 1818. It was 
one of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States Con- 
stitution, January 9, 1788. Area 4,674 square miles, or 3,991,360 acres. 
Population in 1860, 460,147. It is one of the moat densely populated 
and principal manufacturing States in the Union. Residence for six 
months, or military duty for a year, or payment of State tax, or a free- 
hold of the yearly value of seven dollars, gives the right to vote, 

SSZii. TKdSJ^vras settled at Wilmington, early in 1698, by Swedes 
and Finns ; was granted to William Penn, la 1683, and continued under 
the government of Pennsylvania until the adoption of a Constitution, 
September 20, 1776 ; a new one was formed June 13, 1793. It was one 
of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States Constitu- 
tion, December 7,1787. Area 2,130 square miles, or 1,856,800 acres.— 
Population, in 1860, 113,316, of whom 1,798 were slaves. It is a grain and 
fruit growing State, with some extensive manufactories. Residence in 
the Slate one year, and ten days in the election district, with payment 
of a State or county tax assessed ten days prior to an election, gives the 
right to vote, except that citizens between twenty-one and twenty-two 
years of age need not have paid. the tax. 

FIiO^IDA was settled at 61;. Augustine, in 1565, by Spaniards; was 
formed from part of the territory ceded by Spain to the United States 
by treaty of February 23, 1819-; an act to authorize the President to 
establish a temporary government was passed March 3, 1819 ; articles 
of surrender of East Florida were framed July 10,- and of West Florida, 
July 17, 1831, and it was then taken possession of by General Jackson 
as Governor. An act for the establishment of a Territorial Govern- 
ment was passed March 80, 1833, and by act of March 3. 1828, East and 
West Florida were constituted one Territory. Acts to establish its 
boundary line between Georgia and Alabama were passed May 4, 1836, 
and March 2, 1831. After several ineffectual attempts to organize it 
into two Territories, or into a State and Territory, an act for its admis- 
sion into the Union was passed March :B, 1845. Area 59,368 square 
miles, or 37,930,530 acres. Population, to 1860, 140,435, of whom 
61,745 were slaves. It is an agricultural State, tropical in its climate and 
products. Everjr free white male citizen, who has resided in the State 
two jears and in the county six months, and has been enrolled in the 
militia (unless exempt by law,) is qualified to vote ; but no soldier, seaman 


or marine can vote unless qualified before enlistment. Its Legislature 
called a Convention, December 1, 1860, which met January 3, 1861, and 
passed a secession ordinance on the l@th 4)7 a vote of 63 to 7. 

6^^0i2^Z4 was settled at Savannah, in 1733, by the English under 
General Oglethorpe. It was chartered June 9, 1733; formed a Con- 
stitution February 5, 1777; a second in 1785 and a third May 30, 1798.— 
It was one of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States 
Constitution January 2, 1788. Area 58,000 square miles, or 37,130,000 
acres. Population, m 1860, 1,057,386, of whom 462,198 were slaves. It is 
a large cotton and rice growing State. Citizens of the State, six months 
resident of the county where voting, who have paid taxes' liie year pre- 
ceding the election, are entitled to vote. November 18, 1860, it's Legis- 
lature ordered an election for a State Convention, which assembled and 
passed a secession ordinance January 19, 1861, by a vote of 208 to 89, ahd 
on the 33d of the same mouth its members of Congress resigned. 

IZiLI,^OIS was settled a>t Kaskaskia, in 1683, by the French, and 
formed part of the northwestern territory ceded by Virginia to the 
United States. An act for dividing the Indiana Territory and organizing 
the Territory of Illinois, was passed by Congress, February 3, 1809 ; and 
an act to enable it to form a State Constitution, Government, &c., was 
. passed April 18, 1818 ; a Constitution was framed August 26, and it was 
admitted into the Union December 33 of the same year. Area 54,405 
square miles, or 64,819,300 acres. Population, in 1860,1,711,951. It is the 
chief " prairie" State, and the largest grain growing and second largest 
cattle raising State in the Union. All white male inhabitants, who have 
resided in the State one year and election district sixty days, can vote in 
the district where actually resi(Ung. 

IJV1>IAJ\/'A. was settled at Vincennes,' in 1690, by the French, and 
formed part of the northwestern territory ceded by Virginia to the United 
States. It was organized into a Territory May 7, 1800, from which the 
Territory of Michigan was set off in 1805, and Illinois in 1809. An act 
was passed to empower it to form a State Constitution, Government, &c., 
April 19, 1816, and it was admitted into the Union December 11 of the 
same year. Area 38,809 square miles, or 31,637,760 acres. Population, in 
1860, 1,350,428. It is an agricultural State, chiefly devoted to grain grow- 
ing and cattle raising. A residence of one year in the State entitles males 
of 21 years of ag« to vote in the county of their residence. 

10 yVd. was first settled at Burlington by emigrants from the Northern 
and Eastern States. It was part of the region purchased from France ; 
was set off from the Territory of "W^isconsin and organized as a separate 
Territory June 12, 1838 ; an act for its admission as a State was passed 
and approved March 3, 1845, to which the assent of its inhabitants was to 
be given to be announced by Proclamation of the President, and on De- 
cember 28, 1846, another act for its admission was passed. Area 50,914 
square miles or 32,584,960 acres. Population, in 1860, 674,913. It is an 
agricultural State, resembling Illinois, and contains important lead mines. 
White male citizens of the tJnited States, having resided in the State six 
months and county twenty days, are entitled to vote. 


JS'AA^SjiS was formed out of the original Louisiana purchase, and or- 
ganized into a Territory by act of Congress, May 30, 1854, and after sereral 
ineffectual attempts was finally admitted into the Unioa in January, 1861. 
Area 78,418 square miles, or 50,187,520 acres. Population, in 1860, 107,- 
206. It is an agricultural State, with a soil of rich and deep black loam, 
except the central portion, which is partly a desert. The western portion 
is a fine grazing country, well wooded. Residence in the State six months, 
and in the township or ward thirty days, confers the right of suffrage on 
white male citizens. It also abounds in minerals. 

H^JSJVTZTCXT was settled in 1775, by Virginians ; formed into a 
Territory by act of the Virginia Legislature, December 18, 1789, and ad- 
mitted into the Union June 1, 1792, by virtue of an act of Congress pass- 
ed Februaiy 4, 1791. Area 37,680 square miles, or 24,115,200 acres.— 
Population in 1860, 1,155,684, of whom 225,483 were slaves. It is an agri- 
cultural State, raising more flax and hemp than any other. Loyalty, a 
residence of two years in the State and one in the county are the requke- 
ments to votei " Any citizen of this State who shall enter the service of 
the so-called Confederate States, in either a civil or military capacity; or 
into the service of the so-called Provisional Government of Kentucky, ia 
either a civil or military capacity ; or having heretofore entered such ser- 
vice of either the Confederate States or Provisional Government, shall 
continue in such service after this act takes effect, (March 11, 1862,) or 
shall take up or continue in arms against the military forces of the United 
States or State of Kentucky, or shall give voluntary aid and assistance to 
those in arms against said forces, shall be deemed to have expatriated him- 
self, and shall no longer be a citizen, except by permission of the Legisla- 
ture by a general or special statute." 

ZOITJSIAJVA was settled at Iberville, in 1699, by the French, and 
comprised a part of the territory ceded by Prance to the United States, by 
treaty of April 30, 1803, which purchase was erected into two Territories 
by act of Congress March 26, 1804, one called the Territory of Orleans, the 
other the District of Louisiana, afterwards changed to that of Missouri.— 
Confess, March 2, 1806, authorized the inhabitants of Orleans Territory 
to form a State Constitution and Government when their population 
should amount to 60,000 ; a Constitution was adopted January 22, 1813, 
and the Staie admitted into the Union Aprils of the same year, 
under the name of Louisiana. Area 41,255 square miles, or 26,403,200 
acres. Population in 1860, 708,002,, of whom 331,726 were slaves. It is 
the chief sugar producing State of the Union. Two years' residence in 
the State and one in the parish are the qualifications ot voters. Decem- 
ber 10, 1860, the Legislature ordered a State Convention to be held, which 
assembled and passed an ordinance of secession January 26, 1861, by a 
vote of 113 to 17. The people voted on the question, and on March 38 
the following was announced as the result : For, 20,448 ; against, 17,396; a 
majority of 3,152. The Convention ratified the 'Confederate' Constitution 
March 11, 1861, by avote of 107 to 7, and refused to submit it to the peo- 
ple by 94 to 10. On the 11th day of January, 1864, Maj. Gen. Banks 
issued a Proclamation for an election of State officers and delegates to a 
Constitutional Convention, for the purpose of affecting a reconstruction of 
the State Government under the plan suggested in the Amnesty Proclama- 
tion of President Lincoln. The election was held on the 22d day of Feb- 
ruary, 1864. The officers thus elected were installed March 4. The total 
^ a'^1 "^m ^^ 10,725. The vote requisite under the Proclamation was 
5,051. The Convention amended the Constitution so as to abolish slavery. 
The new Constitution was adopted by the people by a vote of 6,836 for, to 
1,566 agamst. 


MjLIJVS was settled at York, in 1623, by the English, and was for- 
merly under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. October 29, 1819, the in- 
habitants of the District of Maine framed a Constitution ; applied for ad- 
mission December 8, 1819. Congress passed an act March 3, 1820, and it 
was admitted as a State March IS, of the same year. Area 31,766 square 
miles, or 20,830,240 acres. Population, in 1860, 628,279. It is largely en- 

faged' in the lumber trade and ship building. Citizens of the United 
tates, except paupers and persons under guardianship, who have resided 
in the State for tiiree months next preceding the election, are entitled to 

Mji-^TZsUVD was settled at St. Mary, in 1634, by Irish Roman 
Catholics, having been chartered June 20, 1632. It was one of the origin- 
al thirteen States ; formed a Constitution August 14, 1776, and ratified the 
Constitution of the United States April 28, 1788. Area 11,124 square 
miles, 6r .7,119,260 acres. Population in 1860, 687,049, of whom 87,189 
were slaves. It is mainly an agricultural State, producing grain and to- 
bacco. A residence of one year in the State, and six months in the coun- 
ty, gives the right to vote to every white male citizen who takes the oath 
of allegiance prescribed in the Constitution. January 28, 1864, a bill pass- 
ed the Legislature submitting to the people the question of a Convention 
to revise the Constitution of the State. The popular vote on the question 
was as follows : For Convention, 32,303; against, 18,337. The Convention 
assembled and adopted a Constitution abolishing slavery, which was sub- 
mitted to and adopted by the people ; and in accordance with its provis- 
ions, on the 29th of October, 1864, the Governor issued his Frbclamatioh 
declaring the slaves in that State free from the 1st day of November. 

MASSACMU'SJETTS was settled at Plymouth, November 3, 1620, 
by English Puritans, and Charters were granted March 4, 1629, January 
13, 1630, August 20, 1726, and October 7, 1731. It was one of the original 
13 States; adopted a Constitution March 2, 1780, which was amended No- 
vember 3, 1820, and ratified the Constitution of the United States Febru- 
ary 6, 1788. Area 7,800 square miles, or 4,992,000 acres. Population in 
1860, 1,231,066. It is a largely commercial, the chief manufacturing and 
most densely populated State in the Union. A residence of one year in 
the State, and payment of State or county tax, gives the right to vote to 
male citizens of 21 years and upward, except paupers and persons under 

M'ICSIG-ii.JV was settled at Detroit in 1670, by the French, and was 
part of the territory ceded to the United States by Virginia. It was set 
ofT from the territory of Indiana, and erected into a separate Territory 
January 11, 1806 ; an act to attach t» it all the territory of the United 
States west of the Mississippi river, and north of the State of Missouri, 
was passed June 28, 1834. Wisconsin was organized from it April 30, 
1836. In June of the same year an act was passed to provide for the ad- 
mission of the State of Michigan into the Union, and a Constitution having 
been adopted, it was admitted January 26, 1837. Area 56,243 square 
miles, or 35,995,S52 acres. Population in 1860, 749,113. It is a grain 
growing and cattle rearing State, with rich and extensive mines of copper 
and iron in the Northern Peninsula. A residence in the State of six 
months preceding the election, entitles white male citizens to vote. 


MIJVJVMSOTii- was settled about 1846, chiefly by emigrants from 
the Northern and Western States. It was organized as a Territory by 
act of Congress approved March 3, 1849, and admitted into the Union 
February 26, 1857. Area 95,874 square miles, or 60,975,536 acres. Pop- 
ulation in 1860, 172,133 whites, and about 25,000 Indians, many of the 
tribes being' of a warlike character. It is an agricultural State, chiefly 
devoted to l^^orthem grains. The right to vote is extended to male per- 
sons of 21 years of age, of the following classes, if they have resided in 
the United States one year, the State four months, and the election dis- 
trict ten days : White citizens of the United Slates, and those of foreign 
birth who have declared their intention to become citizens ; persons of 
mixed white and Indian blood who have adopted the customs of civiliza- 
tion, and those of pure Indian blood who have been pronounced capable 
by any district court of the State. 

MISSISSITTI y^zA settled at Natchez, in 1716, by the French, and 
was formed out of part of the territory ceded to the United States by 
South Carolina in 1787, and Georgia in 1802. It was organized as a Ter- 
ritory by act of Congress, April 7, 1789, and enlarged on the north March 
27, 1804, and on the south May 14, 1812. After several unsuccessful at- 
tempts to enter the Union, Congress finally passed an act March 1, 1817, 
enabling the people of the western part of the Territory to form a State 
Constitution and Government, which being complied with August 15, it 
was admitted December 10 of the same year. Area 47,156 square miles, 
or 30,179,840 acres. Population in 1360, 791,305,. of whom 436,631 were 
slaves. It is the second cotton growing State of the Union. Citizens 
who have resided one year in the State, and four months in the county, 
and having performed military duty or paid taxes, are entitled to vote. A 
Convention met January 7, 1861, and on the 9th passed an ordinance of 
secession by a vote of 84 to 15. 

MISSOJT^I yj^ settled at Genevieve in 1768, by the French, and 
was part of the territory ceded by France by treaty of April 30, 1803. 
It was created under the name of the District of Louisiana, by an act 
approved March 26, 1804, and placed under the direction of the oflScers 
of the Indiana Territory, and was organized into a separate Territory June 
4, 1812, its name being changed to that of Missouri ; and was divided 
March 2, 1819, the Territory of Arkansas being then created. An act au- 
thorizing it to form a State Constitution and Government was passed 
March 6, 1820, and it was admitted into the Union December 14, 1821. 
Area 67,380 square miles, or 43,123,200 acres. Population in 1860, 
1,182,012, of whom 114,931. were slaves. An act of gradual emancipation 
was passed July 1, 1863, by a vote of 51 to 30. On the 6th of January, 
1865, a Constitutional Convention assembled in St Louis, and on the 8th 
of April adopted a new Constitution, declaring the State free, prohibiting 
compensation for slaves, and adopting many other radical changes. On 
5o c^n^ of June the Constitution was adopted by the people by a vote of 
1 ' P *,? 41,808, and pursuant to a Proclamation issued on the 1st of Ju- 
ly, the Constitution went into effect July 4, 1865. It is an agricultural 
and mmmg State. Citizens of the United States who have resided in the 
State one year, and county three months, are entitled to vote. By an act 
passed by the Legislature of 1863, voting by ballot was adopted, and the 
«»«n)oc« system abolished. 


JVJ^SSASJS^A was settled by emigrants from the Northern and 
Western States, and was formed out of a part of the territory ceded by 
France, April 30, 1803. Attempts to organize it were made in 1844 and 
1848, but it was not accomplished until May 30, 1854. Area 75,955 square 
miles, or 44,796,160 acres. Population 38,841, besides a few roving tribes 
of Indians. A Convention adopted a State Constitution February 9, 1866, 
which was submitted to the people on the 22d of June, and adopted by a 
vote of 3,938 for, to 3,838 against, and State ofBcers were elected. A bill 
was passed by Congress, July 37th, admitting the State, but the President 
withheld his signature. In February, 1867, Congress passed an act im- 
posing certain conditions to admission, which were promptly accepted, and 
the temtory became a State. It is an agricultural region, its prairies af- 
fording boundless pasture lands. 

JVJS'yAS>ji was organized as a Territory March 2, 1861. Its name 
signifies snowy, and is derived from the Spanish word nieve (snow.) It 
comprises 81,539 square miles, or 52,184,960 acres, lying mostly within the 
Great Basin of the Pacific coast. Congress, at its session in 1864, passed 
an a,ct which was approved March 31, to enable the people of the Terri- 
tory to form a Constitution and State Government, in pursuance of which 
a Government was. orcanized and the Territory admitted as a State by 
Proclamation of the President, October 31, 1864. At the time of its or- 
ganization the Territory possessed a population of 6,857 white settlers. 
The development of her mineral resources was rapid and almost without 
parallel, and attracted a constant stream of immigration to the Territory. 
As the population has not been subject to the mictuations from which 
other Territories have suffered, the growth of Nevada has been rapid and 
steady. At the general convention election of 1863, 10,934 votes were cast. 
During 1864 great accessions to the population were made. It is probably 
the richest State in the Union in respect to mineral resources. No region 
in the world is richer in argentiferous leads. It also contains an immense 
basin of salt, five miles square. Quartz mills are a very important feature 
in mining operations. The State is barren for agricultural purposes, and 
is remarkably healthy. 

J\r£!W JETjiMTSfflSS was settled at Dover, in 1623, by English 
Puritans, and continued under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts until 
September 18, 1679, when a separate charter was granted. It was one 
of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States Constitution 
June 31, 1788 ; its State Constitution was framed January 5, 1776, and 
amended in 1784 and 1793. Area 9,380 square miles, or 5,939,200 acres. 
Population in 1860, 326,073. It is a grazing and manufacturing State. 
All male citizens, except paupers, are allowed to vote. 

JV^W jrJSIiSJST^^ settled at Bergen, in 1634, by the Dutch and 
Danes ; was conquered by the Dutch in 1655, and submitted to the English 
in 1664, being held thereafter under the same grants as New York, until it 
was surrendered to the Crown in 1703. It was one of the original thirteen 
States, adopted a State Constitution July 2, 1776, and ratified the United 
States Constitution December 18, 1787. Area 8,330 square miles, or 5-, 
334,800 acres. Population in 1860, 672,035. It is a grain and fruit grow- 
ing region, its orchard and market products being relatively greater than 
those of any other State. A residence of one year in the State gives the 
right to vote, except to paupers, &c. 


JV^W TO:SJ^ was settled at Manhattan, in 1614, by the Dutch ; was 
ceded to the English by grants to the Duke of York, March 20, April 36, 
and June 34, 1664 ; was retaken by the Dutch in 1673, and surrendered 
again by them to the English, February 9, 1674. It was one of the orig- 
inal thirteen States ; ratified liie United States Constitution July 36, 1788 ; 
framed a Constitution April 30, 1777, which was amended October 37, 
1801, and November 10, 1831 ; a new one was adopted November 3, 
1846. Area 47,000 square miles, or 30,080,000 acres. Population in 
1865, 3,831,777. It is the most populous, wealthy and commercial of 
the States. White male citizens of the United States, who have resided 
in the State one year, in the county four months, and election district 
thirty days, are entitled to vote ; and all men of color who have resided 
in the State three years, and own and pay taxes on a freehold assessed 
at $350. 

JVOSTJff CjHSOZIJVji was settled at Albemarle, in 1650, by the 
English, and was chartered March 30, 1663. It was one of the original 
thirteen States, and ratified the United States Constitution, November 31 
1789 ; its State Constitution was adopted December 18, 1776, and amended 
in 1835. Area 50,704 square miles, or 32,450,560 acres. Population in 
1860, 993,633, of whom 331,059 were slaves. It is an agricultural State, 
with some mines and extensive i)ine forests. Every freeman of 21 years 
of age, having resided one year in any county in the State, may vote for 
a member of the House of Commons, but must own fifty acres of land to 
vote for a Senator. A State Convention passed an ordinance of secession 
May 31, 1861. An election for delegates to a State Convention took place 
September 31, 1865. The Convention assembled October 3. On the 2d of 
October it passed an ordinance forever prohibiting slavery. The Legisla- 
ture ratified the Constitutional amendment December 1. An election was 
held on the first Thursday of November, for Governor, Members of Con- 
gress and the Legislature. 

OSIO was settled at Marietta, in 1788, by emigrants from Virginia and 
New England; was ceded by Virginia to the United States October 20, 
1783 ; accepted by the latter March 1, 1784, and admitted into the Union 
April 30, 1803. Area 39,964 square miles, or 25,576,960 acres. Popula- 
tion in 1860, 3,339,511. It is the most populous and wealthy of the agri- 
cultural States, devoted principally to wool growing, grain and five 
stock. A male of 21 years of age, who has resided in the State one year, 
and has paid or been charged with a State or county tax, is eligible to 


OSSGOJV, although it had previously been seen by various naviga- 
tors, was first taken possession of by Capt. Robert Gray, who entered the 
mouth of Its pnncipal river May 7, 1792, naming it after his vessel, the 
Columbia, of Boston. Exploring expeditions soon followed, and fur com- 
pames sent their trappers and traders into the region. In 1811 a trading 
post was established at the mouth of the Columbia river by the American 
U ur Company, who named it Astoria. Por some time a Provisional Ter- 
ritorial Government existed, but the boundary remained unsettled until 
the treaty with Great Britain in 1846, when the 49th parallel was adopted. 
MoTn^ o'^iKo^ organized as a Territory August l4, 1848; was divided 
w/»^2viS^^'r*v*''^ ^''^ P'""''"^'' "»« nortLm portion being called 
Waehington and the southern Oregon. November 9; 1857, a Sti^e Con- 
stitution was adopted, under which it was admitted February 14 1859, 


about one-third of it on the east being added to Washington Territory, 
its northern boundary following the Columbia river until its intersection 
with latitude 46 ■= north. Area 102,606 square miles, or 65,667,840 
acres. Population in 1860, 52,465. It is an agricultural State, pos- 
sessed of a fertile soil, extensive pastures, genial climate, and is well 
wooded. Gold and other precious metals are found in considerable abun- 

^^JVJVSTZ VAJVIA was settled at Philadelphia, in 1881, by Eng- 
. lish Quakers, and was chartered February 28 of the same year. It was 
one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the United States Constitution 
December 12, 1787 ; adopted a State Constitution September 28, 1776, and 
amended it September 2, 1790. Area 46,000 square mitea, or 29,440,000 
acres. Population in 1860, 2,906,115. It is the second State in wealth 
and population, and the principal coal and iron mining region in the 
Union, libsiuence in the State one year, and ten days in the election 
district, with payment of a State or county tax assessed ten days prior to 
an election, gives the right to vote; except that citizens between 21 and 22 
years of age need not have paid the tax. 

^B:0D£! ISLAJVD was settled at Providence in 1636, by the Eng- 
lish from Massachusetts, under Koger Williams. It was under the juris- 
diction of Massachusetts until July 8, 1662, when a separate charter was 
f ranted, which continued in force until the formation of a Constitution in 
eptember, 1842. It was one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the 
United States Constitution May 29, 1790. Area 1,306 square miles, or 
835,840 acres. Population in 1860, 174,620. It is largely engaged in 
manufactures. A freehold possession of $13; or, if in reversion, renting 
for $7, together with a residence of one year in the State and six months 
in the town ; or, if no freehold, then a residence of two years in the State 
and six months in the town, and payment of $1 tax or military service in- 
stead, are the qualifications of voters. 

SOUTH Cji^OZTJVA. was settled at Port Royal, in 1670, by the 
English, and continued under the charter of Carolina, or North Carolina, 
until tbey were separated in 1729. It was one of the original thirteen 
States, ratifying the United States Constitution May 23, 1798 ; it framed a 
State Constitution March 26, 1776, which was amended March 19, 1778, 
and June 3, 1790. Area 29,385 square miles, or 18,806,400 acres. Population 
in 1860, 703,708, of whom 402,406 were slaves, an excess of 101,270 over 
the whites. It is the principal rice-growing State. Whites, who have re- 
sided in the State two years and district six months, and have a freehold 
of fifty acres of land, or have paid a State tax, are entitled to vote. De- 
cember 17, 1860, a Convention assembled in Columbia, adjourned to 
Charleston, and on the 24th unanimously adopted an ordinance of seces- 
sion, which was followed the next day by a Declaration of Causes claimed 
to be sufficient to justify the act. • An election for delegates to a State Con- 
vention was held September 4, 1865. The Convention assembled Sep- 
tember 13, and adjourned on the 28th. It repealed the ordinance of seces- 
sion, abolished slavery, equalized the representation of the Senate and 
taxation throughout the State, giving the election of Governor and Presi- 
dential electors to the people, ordered the Legislature by moa 
voce, endorsed the Administration unanimously, and directed a commis- 
sion to submit a code to the Legislature for the protection of the colored 
population. The Legislature ratified the Constitutional Amendment No- 
vember 13, 1865. 


TJSJVJVJESSSJE! was settled at Fort 1756, by emigrants 
from Virginia and North Carolina j was ceded to the United States by- 
North Carolina December, 1789, conveyed by the Senators of that State 
February 35, 1790, and accepted by act of Congress April 3 of the same 
year ; it adopted a Constitution Feb. 6, 1796, and was admitted into the 
Union the 1st of June following. Area 45,600 square miles, or 39,184,000 
acres. Population in 1860, 1,109,601, of whom 275,179 were slaves. It 
is a mining and agricultural State, and is largely productive of live stock. 
Citizens of the United States who have resided six months in the county 
are entitled to vote. A military league was formed between the Governor, 
Isham G. Harris, and the rebel States, May 7, 1861, ratified the same day 
by the Senate by a vote of 14 to 6, and a Declaration of Independence 
submitted to the people, the election to be held June 8, the result of which 
was declared by the Governor, June 34, to be 104,913 for, and 47,238 
against. This movement not being acceptable to the people of East Ten- 
nessee, which had declared against separation by a vote of 33,938 to 14,780, 
they, in a Convention held at Greenville, June 18-31, repudiated it. An- 
drew Johnson, Provisional Governor of the State, called a State Conven- 
tion to be held in Nashville the second Monday in January. Delegates 
were elected, the Convention met, declared slavery forever abolished, pro- 
hibited compensation to owners of slaves, and abrogated the secession or- 
dinances. These amendments of the Constitution were submitted to the 
people 23d of February, 1865, with the following result: For ratification, 
32,197 ; rejection, 63. The United States Constitutional Amendment was 
ratified April 5, 1865. 

TJSXAS was first settled at Bexar, in 1694, by Spaniards; formed a 
part of Mexico until 1836, when she revolted from that Republic and in- 
stituted a separate Government, under which she existed until admitted 
into the Union by a joint resolution approved March Ist, 1845, imposing 
certain conditions, which were accepted, and a Constitution formed July 
4 of the same year, and another joint resolution adopted by Congress, 
consummating the annexation, was approved December 29, 1845. Area 
237,504 square miles, or 152,003,500 acres. Population in 1860, 604,215, of 
whom 182,566 were slaves. It is an agricultural region, principally devo- 
ted to ^rain, cotton and tropical iruits. Free white male citizens of 21 
years of age, who have resided in the State one year and district six 
months are entitled to vote. A Convention assembled at Galveston Jan- 
uary 28, 1861, and on February 1 passed an ordinance of secession, by a 
vote of 166 to 7, to be submitted to the people February 23, and on March 
4 they declared the State out of the Union, and Gov. Houston issued a 
Proclamation to that effect. 

T^^MOJVT yii& settled in 1724, by Englishmen from Connecticut, 
Chiefly under grants from New Hampshire ; was formed from a part of 
the territory of New Yorlt, by act of its Legislature March 6, 1769; framed 
a Constitution December 25,1777, and was admitted into the Union 
March 4, 1791, by virtue of an act of Congress passed February 18 of the 

?S^rf ^ffi ™q'*-''??>"'^^^ ^3""''^ "il^^- "•• 6.535.680 acres. Population in 
i«eu, (jio,u»8. It IS a grazing region, producing more wool, live stock, 
maple sugar butter cheese and hay, in proportion to its population, than 
any other State. Any citizen of the United States who has resided in the 
State one year, and will take the oath of allegiance, is entitled to vote. 


VI^GIJVIii. was settled at Jamestown, in 1607, by the English, and 
was chartered April 10, 1606, May 23, 1609, and March 13, 1612. It was 
one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the United States Constitution 
June 25, 1788 ; it framed a State Constitution July 5, 1776, which was 
amended January 15, 1830. The State was divided in 1863. Present 
area 87,352 square miles. Population in 1860, 1,314,532, of whom 481,- 
410 were slaves. It is a large com producing^ and the chief tobacco grow- 
ing State. Every white male citizen of the age of 21 years, who has been 
a resident of the State for one year, and of the county, city or town where 
he offers to vote for six months next preceding an election, and has paid 
all taxes assessed to him, after the adoption of the Constitution, under the 
laws of the Commonwealth after the re-organization of the county, city 
or town where he offers to vote, is qualified to vote for members of the 
General Assembly and all officers elective by the people. A Convention 
sitting in Richmond on the 17th. of April, 1861, passed an ordinance of 
secession, by a vote of 88 to 55, which was submitted to the people at an 
election lield May 23, the result of which was announced June 25 to be 
128,824 for, and 32,134 against. The State Government was re-organized . 
by a Convention which met at Wheeling, May 11, 1861. Upon the divi- 
sion of the State in 1863, the seat of Government was removed to Alexan- 
dria. A State Constitutional Convention, March 10, 1864, adopted a sec- 
tion abolishing slavery. 

WJSST VJSIGJJVIjI.—Oil the passage of the ordinance of se- 
cession by the Virginia Convention, a Convention of the western and other 
loyal counties of the State was held at Wheeling, which assembled May 
11, 1861, and on the 17th unanimously deposed the then State officers and 
organized a Provisional Government. On the 26th of November, 1861, a 
Convention representing the western counties assembled in Wheeling and 
framed a Constitution for West Virginia, which was submitted to the 
people on the 3d of May, 1862, and adopted by them by»a nearly unani- 
mous vote. The division of the State was sanctioned by the Legislature 
May 18, 1862, and ratified by Congress by an act approved December 31, 
1862, conditioned on the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution 
providing for the gradual abolition of slavery, which was done on the 24th 
of March, 1863, by a vote of the qualified electors of the proposed State, 
28,318 votingin favor of the amendment, and 573 against it.. In pursu- 
ance of the act of Congress, the President issued a Proclamation^ April 
20, 1863, admitting the State sixty days from the date thereof, and on the 
20th of June the new State Government was formally inaugurated. Area 
24,000 square miles. Population in 1860, 350,599, of whom 12,754 were 
slaves. It is a large com producing State, and abounds in coal and other 
minerals. The Alexandria Legislature adopted the United States Consti- 
tutional Amendment February 9, 1865. White male citizens, residents of 
the State one year and county thirty days, unless disqualified by rebellion, 
are entitled to vote. 

jyiSCOJVSIJV was settled at Green Bay, in 1669, by the French ; 
was a part of the territory ceded by Virginia, and was set off from Mich- 
igan December 24, 1834, and was organized into a Territory April 30, 
1836. Iowa was set off from it June 12, 1838, and acts were passed at 
various times setting its boundaries. March 3, 1847, an act for its admis- 
sion into the Union was passed, to take effect on the issuing of a Procla- 


mation by the PreBident, and by act of May 29, 1849, it was admitted into 
the Union. Area 53,924 square miles, or- 34,611,360 acres. Population in 
1860, 775,881. It is an agricultural State, chiefly engaged in grain raising 
and wool growing. Both white and colored citizens of the United States, 
or white foreigners who have declared their intention to become citizens, 
are entitled to Vote. Colored citizens were admitted to the franchise, by a 
decision of the Supreme Court, rendered the 37th day of Match, 1866, 
holding that, whfereas an election was held in 1849, under the provisions 
of chapter 187, of that year, at which election 5,365 votes were cast in 
favor of the extension of the right of suffrage to colored men, and 4,075 
against such extension, therefore, the section of said law conferring such 
right had been constitutionally adopted and is the law of the land. 



ii.Xiii.3£^A, our new territory, recently purchased of Russia, compre- 
hends all the north-west coast on the Pacific, and the adjacent islands north 
of the parallel of 50 degrees 40 minutes north, and the portion of the main- 
land west of the meridian (about 140° west) of Mount St Elias. The area 
is computed at 481,376 square miles. The climate, although wanner than 
in the same latittide on the eastern coast, is too rigorous to admit of suc- 
cessful agricultural operations, and the chief value of the county and ad- 
j acent seas is derived from their fisheries and hunting grounds. The south- 
ern and central portions are mountainous; the northern portion along the 
Arctic ocean is quite flat, nowhere rising more than fifteen or twenty feet 
above the sea. The population is estimated at about 80,000, mostly Esqui- 

clSiJ2^0J\/jl was organized by the Thirty-Seventh Congress, in the win- 
ter of 1868, out of the western half of New Mexico, the boundary between 
the two Territories being the 109th meridian (32d west from Washington,) 
and includes the greater portions of the valleys of Colorado and Gila, 
■'^'"ch two rivers drain its entire surface, with parts of Utah, New Mexico 
and Nevada, and yet convey, it is reported, a less volume of water to the 
sea than the Hudson at Albany. The fertile Messilla Valley was left with 
New Mexico. The Territory forms a block nearly square, and contains 
136,141 square miles, or 80,780,340 acres. Its white population is probably 
considerably less than 10,000. For agricultural purposes it is probably 
the most worthless on the Continent, owing to the absence of rains, but it 
IS reputed to abound in silver mines. 

XT u'^^'^^^^''^^**°''SaoizedMarch2, 1861, from parts of Kansas, 
Nebraska and Utah, and is situated on each side of the Rocky Mountains, 
between latitude 37° and 41°, and longitude 25° and 32° west from Wash- 


ington. Area 104,500 square miles, or 66,880,000 acres. Population 50,- 
OOU, besides numerous tribes of Indians. By an enabling act passedMarcb 
21, 1864, the people of the Territory were authorized to frame a State Con- 
stitution and organize a State GoTemment, and a Convention accordingly 
met in 1865, and on the 13th of August adopted a Constitution, which was 
submitted to and adopted by the people September 5, and State officers 
elected November 14. A bin to admit the Territory as a State passed 
Congress, but was vetoed May 35, 1866. It is said to be a superior graz- 
ing and cattle producing region, with a healthy climate and rich soiL 
An extensive coal bed, and also gold, iron and other minerals abound. 

2)ji£^02'^ was first settled by emyloyees of the Hudson Bay Com- 
pany, but is now being peopled by emigrants from the Northern and Wes- 
tern States. It was set off from the western portion of Minnesota when 
that Territory became a State in 1857, and was organized March 3, 1861. 
Area 148,933 square miles, or 95,316,480 acres. Population 3,576 whites, 
and 3,361 Indians, besides the roving tribes. 

IDjiSO was organized by the Thirty-Seventh Congress, at its second 
session, in the winter of 1863. Its name means 'Bead of the Mountains,' 
and it embraces the whole breadth of the Rocky Mountain region, and has 
within its bounds the head waters of nearly all the great rivers that flow 
down its either slope, but the greater portion lies east of the mountains. 
Its southern boundaiy is the 41st, its northern the 46th parallel of latitude. 
It extends from the 104th meridian on the east to the 110th on the west. 
Area 336,378 square miles, or 308,870,730 acres. For agricultural purposes 
it is comparatively worthless, but abounds in gold and other valuable 

MOJ\/'Tii.JVji. was settled by emigrants from the Northern and West- 
ern States. Organized in 1864, with the following boundaries: Com- 
mencing at a pomt formed by the intersection of the 87° L. W. from Wash- 
ington with the 45" N. L. ; thence due west on said 45th degree to a point 
formed by its intersection with the 34th degree W. from Washington ; 
thence due south along said 34th degree of longitude to its intersection 
with the 44th degree and 30 minutes of N. L. ; thence due west along said 
44th degree and 30 minutes of N. L. to a point formed by its intersection 
with the crest of the Rocky Mountains; thence following the crest of the 
Rocky Mountains northward till its intersection with the Bitter Root 
Mountains ; thence northward along the crest of said Bitter Root Moun- 
tains to its intersection with the 39th degree of longitude W. from Wash- 
ington ; thence along said 39th degree of longitude northward to the 
boundary line of the British possessions; thence eastward along said 
boundary to the 37th degree of longitude W. from Washington^ thence 
southward along said 37th degree to the place of beginning. This makes 
it the northermost Territory next the States east of the Missouri Valley. It 
is a good mining and agricultural region. The total population is put 
down at 15,833. Large accessions have been made since the census was 

^JEWMSXICO was formed from a part of the territory ceded to 
the United Statesjby Mexico, by the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, Feb- 
ruary 3, 1848, and was organized into a Territory September 9, 1850. — 
Area 131,301 square miles, or 77,568,640 acres. Population 83,000, besides 
large tribes of warlike Indians. The principal resource of the country is 
its minerals. 



IT'TAZT-wa.B settled by the Mormons, and was fonned from a part of 
the territory ceded to liie United States by Mexico, by the treaty of Guada- 
loupe Hidalgo, February 3, 1848, and was organized into a Territory, Sep- 
tember 9, 1850. Area, 106,383 square miles, or 68,084,480 acres. Popula- 
ton, 40,373, of whom 29 were slaves. Brine, sulphureous and chalybeate 
springs abound ; limestone, granite, sandstone and marble are found in 
large quantities; iron is abundant, and gold, silyer, copper, lead and zinc 
have been found. Not one-fiftieth part of the soil is fit for tillage, but on 
that which is, abundant crops of grain and considerable cotton are raised. 
A Convention was held at Great Salt Lake City, January 23, 1862, and a 
State Constitution formed, but it has not been acted on by Congress. 

' VI/dS^TJ^eTOJ^-^asaeUleA by emigrants from the Northern and 
Western States, and was organized into a Territory, March 2, 1853, tcomthe 
northern portion of Oregon, to which was added another portion from the 
eastern part when the latter Territory was admitted as a State, February 
14, 1859. Area 69,994 square miles, or 48,686,800 acres. Population 
11,168, besides numerous tribes df Indians. 



Stamp Duty. 

Accidental ii^nries to pereone, tick- 
ets, or contracts for insurance 
against, exempt. 

Affldavits, exempt. 

Agreement or contract not other- 
Trlse specified : 
For eyery sheet or piece of paper 
upon whicli eitlier of tlie same 
shall he written, $0 5 

Agreement, renewal of,Bame stamp 
as original instrament. 

Appraisement of valne or damage, 
or for any other purpose : For 
each sheet of paper on which it 
is written, 6 

Assignment of a lease, same staiip 
as original, and additional 
stamp upon the value or con- 
sideration of transfer, accord- 
ing to the rates of stamps on 
deeds. (See Conveyance.) 

Assignment of policy of Insurance, 
same stamp as original instru- 
ment. (See Insurance.) 

Assignment of mortgage, same 
stamp as that required upon a 
mortgage for the amount re- 
maining unpaid. (See Mort- 
check, draft or order for any 
sum of money drawn upon any 

Stamp Duty. 
banlc, banker or trust compa- 
ny at sight or on demand, 2 
When drawn upon any other per- 
son or persons, companies or 
corporations, for any sum ex- 
ceeding $10, at Bight or on de- 
mand, S 

Bill of exchange, (inland,) draft or 
order for the payment of any 
sum of money not e:fceeding 
$ 100, otherwise than at sight or 
on demand, or any promissory 
note, or any memorandum, 
check, receipt, or other writ- 
ten or printed evidence of an 
amount of money to be paid on 
demand or at a time designa- 
ted : For a sum not exceeding 
$100, * B 

And for every additional $100 or 
ftactidnal part thereof in ex- 
cess of $100, S 

Bill of exchange, (foreign^ or let- 

ter of credit drawn in, but pay- 
able oat of, the United States : 
If drawn singly, same rates of 
duty as inland bills of exchange 
or promissory notes. 
If drawn in sets of three or more, 
for every bill o( each set, where 
the sum made payable shall not 



Stamp Duty. 

exceed tlOO or the eqnivalent 
thereof In any foreign currency 2 

And for erery additional $100, or 
fractional part thereof in escesB 
of $100, S 

Bill of lading or receipt (other than 
charter party) for any goods, 
merchandise, or effects to be 
exported from a port or place 
in the United States to any for- 
eign port or place, 10 

Bill of lading to any port In Brit- 
ish North America, exempt. 

Bill of lading, domestic or inland, exempt. 

Bill of sale by which any ship or 

Tessel, or any part thereof, shall 

he conveyed to or vested In any 

other person or persons : 

When the consideration shall not 

exceed $500, 60 

Exceeding $500, and not exceed- 
ing $1,(X)0, 1 00 
Bxceeding $1,000, for every ad- 
ditional $600, or fractional part 
thereof, 60 

Bond for indemnifying any person 
for the payment of any sum ot 
money : When the money ulti- 
mately recoverable thereupon 
is $1,000 or less, 60 

When in excess of $1,000, for 
each $1,000 or fraction, 50 

Bond-administrator or guardian, 
when the value of the estate 
and effects, real and personal, 
does not exceed $1,000, exempt. 

Exceeding $1,000, 1 00 

Bond for due execution or per- 

fonnance of duties of office, 100 

Bond, personal, for security for 
the payment of money. (See 

Bond of any description, other than 
such as may be required in le- 
gal proceedings, or used in con- 
nection with mortgage deeds, 
and not otherwise charged In 
this schedule, 25 

Broker'snotes. (See Contract.) 

Certificates of measurement or 
weight of animals, wood, coal 
or hay, exempt. 

Certificates of measurement of oth- 
er articles, 6 

Certificates of stock in any incor- 
porated company, 35 

Certificates of profits, or any certi- 
ficate or memorandum showing 
an interest in the property 
or accumulations of any incor- 
porated company : If for a sum 
not less than $10 and not ex- 
ceeding $50, 10 
Exceeding $50 and not exceed- 
ing $1,000, 25 
Exceeding $1,000, for every ad- 
ditional $1,000 or fractional 
part thereof, 86 

Certificate. Any certificate of dam- 
age i>r otherwise, and all other 
certificates or documents is- 
sued by any port warden, ma- 

Stamp Duty. 

rine surveyor, or other person 

acting as such, 26 

Certificate of deposit of any snm of 
money In .any bank or trust 
company, or with any banker 
or person acting as such : If for 
a sum not exceeding $100, 2 

For a sum exceeding $100. 6 

Certificate of any other descrip- 
tion than those specified, 6 

Charter, renewal of, same stamp as 
an original instrument. 

Charter party for the charter of any , 
ship or vessel, or steamer, or 
any letter, memorandum, or 
other writing relating to the 
charter, or any renewal or 
transfer thereof^ If the regis- 
tered tonnage of such ship, 
vessel, or steamer does not ex- 
ceed 160 tons, 1 00 
Exceeding 150 tons, and not ex- 
ceeding 300 tons, 3 03 
Exceeding 300 tons, and not ex- 
ceeding 600 tons, 5 00 
Bxceeding 600 tons, 10 00 

Check. Bank check, 2 

Contract. Broker's note, or mem- 
orandum of sale of any goods 
or merchandise, exchange, real 
estate, or property of any kind 
or description issued by brok- 
ers or persons acting as such : 
For each note or memorandum 
of sale, 10 

Bill or memorandum of the sale 
or contract for the sale of 
stacks, bonds, gold or silver 
bullion.coin, promissory notes, 
or other securities made by 
brokers, banks, or bankers, 
either for the benefit of others 
or on their own account : For 
each hundred dollars, or frac- 
tional part thereof, of the 
amount of such sale or con- 
tract, 1 
Bill or memorandum of the sale 
or contract for the sale of 
stocks, bonds, gold or silver 
buUion.coin. promissory notes, 
or other securities, not his or 
their own property, made by 
any person, firm, or company 
not paying a special tax as bro- 
ker, bank or banker : For each 
hundred dollars, or fractional 
part thereof, of the amount of 
such sale or contract, 6 

Contract. (See Agreement.) 

Contract, renewal of, same stamp 
as original instrument. 

Conveyance, deed, instrument or 
writing, whereby any lands, 
tenements, or other realty sold 
shall be granted, assigned, 
transferred^ or otherwise con- 
veyed to or vested in the pur- 
chaser or purchasers, or any 
other person or persons, by his, 
her or their direction, when the 
consideration or value does not 
exceed $500, 60 



1 m 

Stamp Dnty. 
When the consideration exceeds 
$500, and does not exceed 
$1,000, 1 00 

And for every additional $600, or 
fractional part thereof, in ex- 
cess of $1,000, 60 
Conveyance. The acteiowledg- 
ment of. a deed, or proof by a 
witness, exempt. 
Conveyance. CertiScate of record 

of a deed, exempt. 

Credit, letter of. Same as foreign 

hill of exchange. 
Cnstom-honse entry. (See En- 
Cnstom-house withdrawals, (See 

Deed. (See Conveyance — Trust 

Draft. Same as Inland bill of ex- 
Endorsement of any negotiable in- 

simment, exempt. 

Entry of any goods, wares or mer- 
chandise at any custom-house, 
. either forconsnmption or ware- 
' housing: Not exceeding $100 
. in value, 26 

Exceeding $100, and not exceed- 
ing $500 in value, 50 
Exceeding $600 in value, 
Entry for the withdrawal of any 

foods or merchandise from 
onded warehouse, 50 

Ganger's returns, exempt. 

Indorsement npon a stamped ohlir 
gation in acknowledgment of 
Its fulfillment, exempt. 

Insurance (life) policy : When the 
amount insured shall not ex- 
ceed $1,000, 25 
Exceeding $1,000,, and not ex- 
ceeding $5,000, 60 
Exceeding $5,000, 1 00 
Insurance (marine, inland, and 
fire,) policies, or renewal of the 
same : If the premium does net 
exceed $10, 10 
Exceeding $10, and not exceed- 
ing $50, S5 
Exceedmg $50, 60 
Insurance contracts or tickets 
agaidst accidental iqinries to 
persons, exempt. 
Lease, agreement, memorandum, 
or contract for the hire, use, or 
rent of any land, tenement, or 
portion thereof: Where the 
rent or rental value is $800 per 
annum or less, 50 
Where the rent or rental value 
exceeds the sum of $800 per 
annum, for each additional 
$200, or Ihictional part thereof 
in excess of $800, 60 
Legal documents : 
Writ, or other original precess, 
by which any suit, either crim- 
inal or civil, is commenced in 
any court, either of law or equl- 

Confesslon of Judgment orcog- 

no''". .. exempt. 

Writs or other process on ap- 

Stamp Duty, 
peals ftoTO. justice courts or 
other courts of Inferior juris- 
diction to a court of record, exempt. 
Warrant of distress. exempt. 

Letters of administration. (See 

Probate of will.) 
Letters testamentary, when the 
value of the estate and effects, 
real and personal, does not ex- 
ceed $1,000, Exempt. 
Exceeding $1,000, 6 
Letters of credit. Same as bill of 

exchange, (foreign.) 
Manifest for custom-house entry or 
clearance of the cargo of any 
ship, vessel, or steamer, for a 
fereign port : 
If the registered tonnage of snch 
ship, vessel, or steamer does 
not exceed 300 tons, 1 00 

Exceeding 300 tons, and not ex- 
ceeding 600 tons, 3 00 
Exceeding 600 tons, s OO 
[These provisions do not ap- 
ply to vessels or steamboats 
plying between ports of the 
United States and British 
North America.] 
Measurers' returns, exempt. 
Memorandum of sale, or broker's 

note. (See Contract.) 
Mortgage of hinds, estate, or pro- 
perty, real or personal, herita- 
ble or movable, whatsoever, a 
trust deed in the nature of a 
mortgage,orany personal bond 
given as security for the pay- 
ment of any definite or certain 
sum of money : exceeding $100, 
and not exceeding $580, 60 

Exceeding $SU0, ana not exceed- 
ing $1,000, 1 CO 
And for every additional $500, or 
fractional part thereof, in ex- 
cess of $1,000, 60 
Order for payment of money, if the 

amount is $10, or over, i 

Passage ticket on any vessel ttom 
a port in the United States to a 
foreign port, not exceeding 
$36,^ " ' ^60 

Exceeding $3S, and not exceed- 
ing $50, 1 00 
And for every additonal $60, or 
flractional part thereof, in ex- 
cess of $60, 1 00 
Passage tickets to ports in Brit- 
ish North America, exempt. 
Pawner's checks, 5 
Power of attorney for the sqle or 
transfer of any stock, bonds or 
scrip, or for the collection of 
any dlvidende or interest there- 
on, 25 
Power of attorney, or proxy, for 
voting at any election for ofSt- 
cers of any incorporated com- 
pany or society, except reli- 
gious, charitable, er literary 
societies, or public cemeteries, 10 
Power of attorney to receive or col- 
lect rent, 25 
Power of attorney to sell and con- 
vey real estate, or to rent or 



Stamp Bnty. 
lease the Bame, 1 00 

iPower of attorney for any other 

purpose, 60 

ProDate of will, or letters of admin • 
istration; where the estate and 
effects for orin respect of which 
such probate or letters of ad- 
ministration applied for shall 
be sworn or declared not to ex- 
ceed the value of $l,Oi)0, exempt. 
Exceeding $1,000, and not ex- 
ceeding $2,000, 1 OO 
Exceeding $3,000, for every ad- 
dUionaf $1,000, or fractional 
part thereof, in excess of 
$2,000, 50 

Promissory note. (8ee Bifl of ex- 
change, inland.) 
SepoBUnote to mntnaUneorance 
companies, when policy is sub- 
ject to duty. 
Renewal of a note, subject to the 
same duty as an original note. 

Protest of note, blH of^exchange, 
acceptance, check, or draft, or 
anv marine pitotest, 35 

Quit-claim deed to be stamped as a 
conveyance, except when giv- 
en as a release of a mortgage 
by the mortgagee to the mort- 
gagor, in which case it is ex- 
empt ; but If It contains cove- 
nants may 3k subject as an 
agreement or -contract. 

Beceipts for satisfaction of any 
mortgage or judgment or de- 
cree of any court, exempt. 

Beceiipts for any sum of money or 
debt due, or for a draft or oth- 
er instrument given for the 
payment of money ; exceeding 
$1!0, not being for satisfaction 
«f any mortgage or judgment 
or decree of court, 2 

,(8ee Indorsement.) 

Beceipta for the delivery of pro- 
perty, exempt. 

iEtenewal of agreement, contract or 
charter, by letter or otherwise, 
same aitamp as original instru- 

■Sheriff's return on writ or other 

process, exempt, 

'ITrust deed, made to secure a debt, 
to be stamped as a mortgage. 

Warehonse receipts, exempt. 

Warrant: of attorney accompany- 
ing Ji bond or note, if the oond 
or mote is stamped, exempt. 

Wei^rer's returns, exempt. 

Official documents, instruments, 
and papers issued by officers 
«f the United States Govem- 
^lent, exempt. 

Official instruments, documents, 
.and papers issued by the offi- 
cers of any State, county, town, 
brother municipal corporation, 
in the exercise of functions 
strictly belonging to them in 
their ordinary govemnttental or 
municipal capacity, exempt. 

Papers necessary to be used for 

Stamp Duty, 
the collection from the United 
States Government of claims 
by soldiers, or their legal rep- 
resentatives, for' pensions, 
back pay, bounty, or for prop- 
erty lost in the service, exempt, 


In all cases where an adhesive stamp is 
used for denoting the stamp duty upon an 
instrument, the person using or affixmg the 
same must write or imprint thereupon in 
mk the initials of his name, and the date 
(the year, month, and day) on which the 
same is attached or used. Each stamp 
should be separately cancelled. When 
stamps are printed upon checks, &c., so 
that in filling up the instrument, the face o& 
the stamp is and must necessarily be writ- 
ten across, no other cancellation will be re- 

All cancellation must be distinct and legi- 
ble, and except in the case of proprietary 
stamps from private dies, no method <)£ 
cancellation wnich differs from that above 
described can be recognized as legal and 


A penalty of fifty dollars is Imposed upon 
every person who makes, signs, or issues, 
or who causes to be made, signed, or issu- 
ed, any paper of any kind or description 
whatever, or who accepts, negotiates, or 
pays, or causes to be accepted, negotiated, 
or paid, any bill of exchange, draft, or or- 
der, or promissory note, for the p^ment of 
money, without the same being duly stamp- 
ed, or having thereupon an adhesive stamp 
for denoting the tax chargeable thereon, 
cancelled in the manner required by law, 
with intent to evade the provisions of the 
revenue act, 

A penalty of two hundred dollars is im- 
posed upon every person vrho pays, nego- 
tiates, or offers in payment, or receives or 
takes in payment, any bill of exchange or 
order for the payment of any snm of money 
drawn or purporting tobft drawn in a for- 
eign country, but payable in the United 
States, until the propel stamp has been af- 

A penalty of fifty dollars is imposed upon 
every person who frandniently makes use 
of an adhesive stamp to .denote the duty re- 
quired by the revenue act, without effectu- 
ally cancelling andiObUterating the same in 
the manner reqniiediby law. 

Attention is particularly called to the fol- 
lowing extract fionj^ section 165, of the act 
of June 30, 1864, as.amended by the act of 
July 13, 1866 : 

"If any person shall wilfully remove or 
cause to be removed, alter or cause to be al- 
tered, the cancelling or defacing marks on 
any adhesive sti^np, with intent to use the 
same, or to jcatu^e tne use of the same, after 
it shall have bieen used once, or shall know- 
ingly or wilfully sell or buy such washed 
or restored 'Stamps, or offer the same for 
sale, orgiveOEiexpose the same to any per- 



eon for nse, or knowingly nee the same or 
prepare the same with intent for the fur- 
ther use thereof, or if anjr person shall 
knowingly and without lawful excuse (the 
proof whereof shall lie on the person accus- 
ed) have in his possession any washed, re- 
stored, or altered stamps, which have been 
removed from any vellnm, parchment, pa- 
per, instrnment or writing ; then, and In 
every such case, every person so offending, 
and every person knowingly and wilfully 
aiding, abetting, or assisting in eommitting 
any such offence, as aforesaid, shall, on con- 
viction thereof, * * * he punished by 
a flne not«xeeeding one thousand dollars, 
.«r by intprisoBment and confinement to 
ibard labor net exceeding five years, or both, 
ottthe disereition of the court?' 

iSfitiis not iawftai to record any Instruiqent, 
^icnnient, xx paper required by law to be 
^Hiped, 'OP ;sny copy thereof, ilnless a 
stamp or stamps of the proper amount have 
been^affix-ed .aiod cancelled in the manner 
req^ed 'by law; and fluch instrument or 
cmyanditfaereescd thereof are utterly null 
am^void, and catioot be used or admitted as 
evidence in any oeurt until the defect has 
been cured as proirided in section 158. 

All willful vio1»tk>ns of the law should be 
reported fto 'the United States District Attor- 
mey within «nd frar die district where they 
.'ane Aomaditted. 


fBeiiiei«9ie«tainp»ma7be used indiscrimi- 
x^d^n^posn iany of the matters or thiujgs 
eamnteEOtedSs Schedule Bt except propne- 
tary and j^biying card stamps, for which a 
special aeie baa been pn»<rjd,ed. 

Postitge stamps canDot be used in pay- 
ment eirtise duty cluxgeablJe on instru- 

ITheilaw does not designate which of the 
pavties its an Instrnmenc shall furnish the 
necessaiy stamp, nor does the Commission- 
er of luteirnai, Bevenue assume to detenMne 
that it shall be supplied b^ one party rather 
than bycnother: out if;aa instrument sub- 
ject to stomp duty is issued without having 
the neeessary stamps affixed thereto, it can- 
not be necord^d^ oradnsditted, or-used in ev- 
idence, in any court, natU a legal stamp or 
stamps, denoting the aimount of tax, shall 
have Deen afflxpdas pneseribedby iawt and 
the person who thus issues it is liable to a 
penalty, if he omits !tbe stamps with an in- 
tent to evade the provisions of the internal 
reyenue aet^ . 

The Srst act imposing a stamp tax upon 
certain. specified instruments took effect, so 
far as said tax is concerned^ October 1, 1863. 
The Impression which seems to prevail to 
some extent, that no stamps are required 
npon any instruments, issued In the States 
lately in ihsurteotion, prior to the surren- 
derj or prior tO'tbe establishment of collec- 
tion district»ihar«,lB erroneoos. 

Instruments lewed in those States since 
October 1, 186a,:i«re subject to the same tax- 
es as similar ones issued at the same time 
in the other States. 

No stamp lsn«8esaary npon an Instrument 
executed prior ttoOntoberl, 1862, to make 

It admissible in evidence, or to entitle it to 

Certifieateaqfloan in which there shall 
appear any written or priiited evidence of 
an amount of Dsoney to be paid on demand 
or at a time desitsaated, are subj ftct to stamp 
duty OS "promlsswry Botes." 

When two or more persons join in the ex- 
ecution of an imfMBment, the stamp to which 
the instrument is liable noder the law, may 
be affixed and cawrelled by either of them ; 
and "when more CSan one signature Is affix- 
ed to the same paper, one or more stamps 
may be alHxea thereto, representing the 
whole amount of tie stamp required for 
such signatBn«." 

No stamp is required on any warrant of 
attorney accmopanying a bond or note, 
when such bond ornote has- affixed thereto' 
the stamp or stamps denoting the duty re-- 
quired ; and, whenever any Bend or note is 
secured by mortgage, but one<Btamp duty is- 
required on such papers— sueli stamp doty 
being the highest rate requiredifor such in- 
struments, or either of them. In such case 
a note or memorandom of the value or de- 
nomination of the stamp affixed should be 
made upon the margin or in the acknowl- 
edgement of the Instrument which Is not 

Particular attention Is called to the 
change in section 164, by striStog out the 
words "or used ;" the exemptJSsi thereun- 
der is thus restricted to docmnents, Ac, 
issued by the officers therein named; Also, 
to the changes in sections 1S3' abd 168, by 
inserting the words "and cascsSed in the 
manner required by law." 

The acceptor or acceptors of any bill of 
exchange, or order for the payment of any 
sum of money, drawn or pnrpcnrSng to be 
drawn in any foreign connti7, but' payable 
in the United States; must, beforeilaymg or 
accepting the same, place thereupon a 
stamp indicating the duty. 

It is only npon conveyances of re»% sold 
that conveyance stiimps are necessm. A 
deed of real estate made without vmable 
consideration need not be stamped as- a 
conveyance ; but if it contains covenants, 
such, for instance, as a covenant to warront 
and defend the title, It should be stamped 
as an agreement or contract. 

When a deed purporting to be a convey- 
ance of reiUty sold; and stamped accordingt- 
ly, Is inoperative, a deed of confirmation,, 
made simply to cure the defect, requires uo> 
stamp. In sueh case, the second deed 
should contain a recital of the facts, and 
should' show the reasons for Its execution. 

Partition deeds between tenants in com- 
mon, neednotbe-stoinped as conveyances, 
Inasmuch as there is no sale of realty, but 
merely a marking out, or a defining, of the 
boundaries of the part belonging to each; 
but wheremoney or other valuable consid- 
eration is paid by ohe co-tenant to another 
for equality of partition, there is a sale to 
the extent of such consideration, and the 
conveyance, by the party receiving it, 
should be stamped accordingly. 

A conveyance of lands sold for unpaid 
taxes, issued since August 1, 1866, by the 
officers of any county, town, or other mu- 

staUp duties. 


nioipal corporation in the fllBcTiarge of their 
strictly olBcial duties, ia exempt from 
Btamp tax. 

A conveyance of realty sold, subject to a 
mortgage, should be stamped abcording to 
the constderatioil, or the valile of the prop- 
erty unerummbereil. T'he consideration in 
such case is to be found by adding the 
amount paid for the equity of redemption 
to the mortgage debt. T&e fact that one 
part of the consideration is paid to the 
mortgagor and the other part tp the mort- 
gagee does not change' the lUbility of the 

The stamp tax upon a mortgage is based 
upon the amount Itis given to secure. The 
fact that the value of the property mortgag- 
ed is less than that Smoum, and that conse- 
quently the seeurlty is oisly partial, does 
not change the liability of the instrument. 
When, therefore, a second mortgage is giv- 
en to secure the payment of a sum of mon- 
ey partially seemed by a prior mortgage u"p- 
on other property; or when two mortgages 
upon separate property are given at the 
same time to secure the payment of the 
same sum, each should be stamped as 
though it were the only one. 

A mortgage given to secure a surety from 
loss, or given for any purpose whatever, 
other than as security for the payment of a 
definite and certain sum of monery,is taxa- 
able only as an agreement or contract. 

The stamp duty upon a letfse, agreement, 
memorandnra, orcoatractfor the nire, use, 
orrent of any land, tenement, or portion 
thereof, is based upon tho annual rent or 
rental value of the property leased, and the 
duty is the same whether the lease be for 
one year, for a term of years, or for the 
fractional part of a year only. 

Upon every assignment or transfer of a 
mortgage, a stamp tax is required equalto 
that imposed upon a mortgage for the 
amount remaining nnpaid ; this tax is re- 
quired upon every such transfer in writing, 
whether there is a scUe of the mortgage or 
not ; but no stamp is necessary upon the 
endorsement of a negotiable instrument, 
even though the legal effect of such indorse- 
ment is to transfer a mortgage by which 
the instrument is secured. 

An assignment of a lease within the mean- 
ing and intent of Schedule B, is an assign- 
ment of the Uase?iold, or of some portion 
thereof, by the lessee, or by some person 
claiming by, from, or under him ; such an 
assignment as subrogates the assignee to 
the rights, or some portion of the rights, of 
the lessee, or of the person standing in his 
place. A transfer by the lessor of his part 
of a lease, neither giving nor purporting 
to give a claim to the leasehold, or to any 
part thereof, but simply a right to the rents, 
&c., is subject to stamp tax as a contract 
or agreement only. 

The stamp tax upon a fire insurance 
policy is based upon the premium. 

Deposit notes taken by a mutual fire in- 
surance company, not as payment of pre- 
mium nor as evidence of indebtedness 
therefor, but to be used simply as a basis 
upon which to make rateable assessments to 
meet the losses incurred by the company. 

should not be reckoned as premium in de- 
termining the amount of stamp taxes upon 

When a policy 6t insurance properly 
st&mped has been issued and lost, no stamp 
is necessary upon another issued by the 
same company to the same party, covering 
the same property, time, &c., and designed 
siinply to supply the loss. The second 
policy should recite the loss of the first. 

An instrument which operates as the re- 
newal of a policy of insurance, is subject to 
the same stamp tax as the policy. 

When a_policy of insurance is issued for 
a certain time, whether it be for one year 
only or for a term of years, a receipt for 
premium, or any other instrument which 
has the 'legal effect to continue the contract 
and extend its operation beyond that tim^Me^ 
quires the same amount of revenue stamps 
as the policy itself; but such a receipt aa 
is usually given for the payment of the 
monthly, quarterly, or annual premium, is 
not a renewal within the meaning of the 
Statute. The payment simply preventf"""- 

policy from expiringj by reason of non^pr- 
formance of its conditions ; a receipt grvta 
for such a payment requires a two-cent 
Stamp, if the amount received exceeds 
twenty dollars, and a two,-cent stamp only. 
When, however, the time 'of payment has 
passed, and a tender of the premium is not 
Sufficient to bind the company, but a n^'w 
Jolicy or a new contract in some form, with 
the mutuality essential tO\.every contract, 
becomes necessary between the insurer and 
the insured, the same amount of stamps 
should be used as that required upon the 
original policy. 

A permit issued by a life insurance com- 
pany changing the terms of a policy as to 
travel, residence, occupation, &c., should 
be stamped as a contract or agreement'. 

A bill single or a bill obligatory, i. e., an 
instrument in the form of a promissory 
note, under seaZj is subject to stamp duty 
as written or printed evidence of an amount 
of money to be paid on demand or at a 
time designated, at the rate of five cents 
for each one hundred dollars or fractional 
part thereof. 

A waiver of protest, or of demand and 
notice, written upon negotiable paper and 
signed by the indorser, is an agreement, 
and requires a five-cent stamp. 

A stamp duty of twenty-five cents is im- 
posed upon the "protest of every note, bill 
of exchange, check or draft," and upon 
every marine protest. If several notes, 
bills of exchange, drafts, &c., are protest- 
ed at the same time and all attached to one 
and the same certificate, stamps should be 
affixed to the amount of twenty-five cents 
for each note, bill, draft, &o., thus protest- 

When, as is generally the case, the cap- 
tion to a deposition contains other certifi- 
cates in addition to the jurat to the affida- 
vit of the deponent, such as a certificate 
that the parties were or were not notified, 
that they did or did not appear, ttiat they 
did or did not object, &c,, it is subject to 
a stamp duty of five cents. 

When an attested copy of a writ or other 



firocesa Is nsedbya sheriff or other person 
n making personal service, or in attaching 
property, a five-cent stamp should be affix- 
ed to the certificate of attestation. 

A marriage certificate issned by the offi- 
ciating clergyman or magistrate, to be re- 
turned to any officer of a State, county, city, 
town, or other municipal corporation, to 
constitute part of a public record, requires 
no stamp ; but if ft la to be retained by 
the parties, a five-cent stamp should be af- 

The stamp tax upon a bill of sale, by 
which any ship or vessel, or any part there- 
of, is conveyed to or vested in any other 
person or persons, is at the same rate as 
that imposed upontconveyances of realty 
sold; a bill or sale ofany other personal 
property should be stamped as a contract 

im assignment of real or personal prop- 
erty, orofboth, for the benefit of creditors, 
should be stamped as an agreement or con- 

vVWten or printed assignments of agree- 
nitetil; bonds, notes not negotiable, and 
of all other Instruments the assignments 
of which are not particularly specified in 
the foregoing schedule, shoiud be stamped 
as agreements. 

No stamp ia necessary upon the registry 
of a judgment, even though the registry is 
such in Its legal effect as to create a lien 
which operates as a mortgage upon the 
property of the judgment debtor. 

When a "power of attorney or proxy for 
voting at any election for officers of any 
incorporated company or society, except 
religions, charitable, or literary societies, 
or public cemeteries," is signed by sever- 
M al stockholders, owning separate and dis- 
tinct shares, it Is, in its legal efiisct, the 
separate instrument of each, and requires 
stamps to the amount of ten cents for each 
and every signature ; one or more stamps 
may be used r^preseuting the whole amount 

A notice ftom landlord to tenant to 
quit poBsesalon of premises requires no 

A stamp tax is imposed upon every 
"manifest for cnatom-houae entry or clear- 
ance of the cargo of any ship, vessel, or 
steamer for a foreign port." The amount 
of this tax in each case depends upon the 
registered tonnage of the vessel. 

If a vesael clears in ballast and baa no 
cargo whatever, no stamp ia neceaaary; 
but if she haa any, however small the amount 
—a etamp ahoma be need. 

A bond to convey real eatate requires 
stampa to the amount of twenty-five centa. 

The stamp duty upon the probate of a 
will, or upon lettera of administration, is 
based upon the sworn or declared value of 
all the estate and effects, real, personal, 
and mixed, nndiminished by the debts of 
the estate for or in respect of which such 
probate or letters are applied for. 

When the property belonging to the es- 
tate of a person deceased, lies under dif- 
ferent jurisdictions and it becomes neces- 
sary to take OQt letters in two or more 
places, the letters should be stamped ac- 
cording to the value of all the property, real, 
personal, and mixed, for or in respect of 
which the particular letters In each case 
are issued. 

Letters ie ionit mm shonld be stamped 
according to the amount of property re- 
maining to be administered upon therenn- 
der, regardless of the stamps upon the orig- 
inal letters. 

A Taerecopy of an instmment is not sub- 
ject to stamp duty nnless it is a certified 
one, in which case a five-cent stamp shonld 
be affixed to the certificate of the person 
attesting it : bnt when an Instrument is 
execnted and issued in duplicate, triplicate, 
&c., as in the case of a lease of two or more 
parts, each part has the same legal effect as 
the other, and each should be stamped as 
an original. 




Letters.— The law requires postage on 
all letters (inclading those to foreign conn- 
tries when prepaid), excepting those writ- 
ten to the President or Vice President, or 
members of Congress, or (on ofBcial busi- 
ness) to the chiefs of the executive depart- 
ments of the Government, and the heads of 
bureaux and cUef clerkB,>and others invest- 
ed with the firanldng privilege, to be pre- 
paid by stamps or stamped envelopes, pre- 
payment in money being prohibited. 

All drop-letters must be prepaid. The 
rate of postage on drop-letters, at offices 
where free delivery by carrier is establish- 
ed, is two cents per half ounce or fraction 
of a half ounce ; at offices where such free 
delivery is kot established the rate is one 

The single rate of postage on all domes- 
tic mall letters throughout the United 
States, is three cents per half ounce, with 
an additional rate of three cents for each 
additional half ounce or fl-actionofahalf 
ounce. The ten cent (Pacific) rate is abol- 

Newbpafebs, etc. — Letter postage Is to 
be charged on all handbills, circnmrs, or 
other printed matter which shall contain 
any manuscript writing whatever. 

Daguerreotypes, when sent In the mail, 
are to be charged with letter postage by 

Photographs on cards, paper, and other 
flexible material, (not In cases), can be sent 
at the same rate as miscellaneous printed 
matter, viz., two cents for each four ounces 
or fraction thereof. 

Photograph Albums are chargeable with 
book postage — four cents for each four 
ounces or fraction thereof. 

Newspaper Postaob.— Postage on daily 
papers to subscribers when prepaid quar- 
terly or yearly In advance, either at the 
mailing office or office of delivery, per 
quarter (three months), 3S cts. ; six times 
per week, per quarter 30 cts. ; for tri-week- 
ly, per quarter 15 cts. ; for semi-weekly, per 
quarter 10 cts. ; for weekly, per quarter 6 

Weekly newspapers (one copy only) sent 
by the publisher to actual subscribers with- 
in the county where printed and published, 

PBEE. ' 


Postage per quarter (to be paid quarterly 
or yearly in advance) on newspapers and 
periodicals issued less frequently than once 
a week, sent to actual subscribers In any 
part of the United States: semimonthly, 
not over 4 oz., 6 cts. ; over 4 oz. and not 
over 8 oz., 12 cts. ; over 8 oz. and notiover 
12 oz., 18cts. : monthly, not over4 oz., Sets : 
over 4 oz. and not over 8 oz., 6 cts. ; over 8 
oz. and not over 12 oz., 9 cts. ; quarterly, 
not over 4 oz., Icent; over4oz. and not 
over 8 oz., 2 cts. ; over 8 oz. and not over 
12 oz.. Sets. 

Tbanbient Matter.— Books not over 4 
oz. in weight, to one address, 4 cts. ; over 4 
oz. and not over 8 oz., 8 cts. ; over 8 oz. and 
not over 12 oz., 12 cts. ; over 12 oz. and not 
over 16 oz., 16 cts. 

Circulars not exceeding three in number 
to one address, 2 cts. ; over 3 and not over 
6, 4 cts. ; over 6 and not over 9, 6 cts. ; over 
9 and not exceeding 12, 8 cts. ■ 

On miscellaneous mailable matter, (em- 
bracing all pamphlets, occasional poblica- 
tions, transient newspapers, hand-bills and 
posters, bookmannscrlptsand proof-sheets, 
whether corrected or not, maps, prints, en- 
gravings, sheet music, blanks, flexible pat- 
terns, samples, and sample cards, phono- 
graphic paper, letter envelopes, postal en- 
velopes or wrappers, cards, paper, plain or 
ornamental, photographic representations 
of different types, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, 
roots and scions,) the postage to be pre-paid 
by stamps. Is on one package, to one ad- 
dress, not over 4 oz. in weight, 2 cts. ; over 
4 oz. and not over 8 oz., 4 cts. ; over 8 oz. 
and not over 12 oz., 6 cts. ; over 12 oz. and 
not over 16 oz. , 8 cts. The weight of pack- 
ages of seeds, cuttings, roots and scions, 
to be franked. Is bmited to thirty-two 

[Ai,L printed matter (except single cop- 
ies of newspapers, magazines, andperiodl- 
cals to regular subscribers) sent via over- 
land mail, is to be charged at letter post- 
age rates.} 

Any word or communication, whether by 
printing, writing, marks or signs, upon the 
cover or wrapper of a newspaper, pamphlet, 
magazine, or other printed matter, other 
than the name or address of the person to 
whom it is to be sent, and the date when 
the subscription expires, subjects the pack- 
age to letter postage. 



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Additional Table of Foreign Postage. 

The **indicates that, unless the letter la reristered, pre-payment is optional ; in all 
other caees it i> required. J Pamphlets and Periodicals, ten cents per four onnces or 
fraction thereof. { Pamphlets, Magazines, &c., two cents per four ounces or hraction 







Argentine Sepnblic, 23d each month from N. T.. 


Australia, British Hail, Tia Panama 

Bahamas, by direct steamer ftora New York. . . , 

Bogota, New Granada 


Brazils, 33d each month flromNewTork 

Buenos ATres, 33d each montb A'omNew York.. 

Canada, any distance, (if not prepaid, 10 cts.) 

Central America, Pacific Slope, via Panama 

Chili, British Uail, via Panama 

China, vis San Francisco 

Costa fiica 


Ecuador, British Mail, via Panama 


Havana , < 

Honduras • 

Hong Kong, ria San Francisco 

Swan, vialSiu Francisco 

Mexico , 

Hantevideo, 23d each month ttom K Y 

Nassau, N. rrov., by direct steamer ftom N. Y.. . 

New Brunswicik 

Newfoundland, <16 c. if over 8,000 niiles) 

New Granad», <ezcept Aepinwall and Panama). . , 

Nicaragua, Pacific Slope, via Panama 

do Gulf Coast of 

Novia Scotia (* IB cts. if over 3.000 miles) 

Panama '•r--\ 

Pern, British Mall, vta Panama 

Porto Bico, Bri'sh Mail, via Havana or San Joan . 

Prince Edwaid,*s Island, [nnder 3,000 miles] 

Sandwich Islands, by mau to San Francisco 

Turk's Island , 

Uruguay, by Aih. pkt. 22d each month from N.Y. . 
Yancoaver's Island. 

Venezuela, British MaiLvia Aspinwall. 
do by American Yen. packet 





'he recent postal treaty with Great Britain piovideB that besides letters and newspo- 
s, "book packets," and *- packets of pattems and samples," may be sent. Such 

The I 
pers, *' 

1. Must contain no vrriting. 

2. Must be (blly prepaid (6 cents per 4 ounces team the TT. 8., or 8 pence sterling from 
Great Britiun.) 

S. Hnst be open at the ends to allow inspection. 

Samples of merchandise must not be of intrinsic value. 

Dutiable articles— books, music, &&, sent from Great Britain to the United States, 
must, in addition to the postage, pay the regular duties, which af »— On books and 
engravings, 25 per cent.; music and photograpfis, 20 per cent. 

If letters or articles sent to Italy are not prepaid, or are insufficiently paid, they will 
be charged with deficient postage, and subject to fine, on arrival at their destination. 


Infallible Rules for Detecting Counterfeit or 
Spurious Bank Notes. 

Bulk Ist.— Examine the ehading of the 
letters is title of Bank called i.atbbwobe, 
which in gennine notes presents an even, 
straight, light and silky appearance, gen- 
erally so fine and smooth as to appear to be 
all in one solid, pale body. In the counter- 
feit the lines are coarse and irregalar, and 
in many of the longer lines breaks will be 
perceived, thus presenting a very inferior 
finish in comparison to genuine work. 

2d.— Observe the dies, circles and ovals 
in the gennine ; they are composed of a 
network of lines, which, by crossing each 
other at certain angles, produce an endless 
variety of figures ; sse the onb cbnt stamp 
J-TTACHBS. The fine line alone is the 
unit which enables you to detect spurious 
work. In the counterfeit, the bepbbsentbd 
white lines are coarse, irregular, and cross 
each other in a confused, irregular manner, 
thus producing blurred and imperfect 

3d,— Bzamine the form and features of 
all human figures on the notie. In the gen- 
uine, the texture of the skin is represented 
by fine dots and lines intermixed. In the 
eyes, the pupil is distinctly visible, and the 
white clearly seen ; the noB6, mouth and 
chin, well formed, natural-and expressive ; 
the lips are slightly pouting, and the chin 
well thrown out ; and the delicate shading 
of the neck perfectly harmonizes with the 
rest of the figure. Observe the fingers and 
toes ; they should be clearly and accurately 
defined. The hair of the head should show 
the fine strands and present a natural ap- 
pearance. The folds of the drapery of hu- 
man figures should lay natural and present 
a fine, finished appearance. In the counter- 
felt the female figure does not bear the 
natural prominence In outlines; observe, 
the eyes and shading surrounding does not 
present the lifelike appearance it should. 
The fingers and toes are not properly and 
proportionately defined ; the hair does not 
bear that soft and finished appearance as in 
the gennine. 

4th,— Examine the imprint or engraver's 
names in the evenness and shape of the 

fine letters. Ctmnterfeits never bear the 
imprint perfect. This rule should be strict- 
ly observed, as it is infiilllble in detecting 

6th.— In the genuine note the landscapes 
are well finished : trees and shrubs are 
neatly drawn ; the limbs well proportioned, 
and the foliage presenting a fine natural 
appearance ; clear sky is formed of fine 
parallel lines, and when clouds or h^vy 
skies appear, they cross each other, and 
bear a soft, smooth and natural appear- 
ance. The perspective, showing a view of 
the surrounding country, is always clear 
and distinct. The small figures in the 
background are always plainly seen, and 
their oatlines and general character re- 
cognized. Ships are well defined and the 
canvass has -a clear texture ; railroad cars 
are very accurately delineated ; in examin- 
ing a train observe carefully the car most 
distant. In the counterfeit the landscape 
is usually poorly executed ; the leaves of 
trees poony and nnnatnrally defined.— 
The hues representing still water are 
scratchy rather than parallel, the sky is 
represented generally in like manner, and 
where rolling clouds are to be seen, the 
unnatural effect is obvious. Domestic 
animals are generally poorly executed, 
particularly the head and limbs ; the eyes 
are seldom clearly defined. Ships are 
poorly drawn, the texture of the canvass 
coarse and inferior in style of workman- 
ship, thus giving an artificial appearance. 
Bauroad cars are also poorly executed ; the 
car farthest fi-om the eye Is usually the 
most imperfect. The perspective is always 
imperfect, the figures in the background 
can seldom be recognized. 

6th.— Bills altered ttom a smtller to a 
higher denomination, can readily be de- 
tected by a close observer, in consequence 
of the striking difference between the parts 
which have been extracted and the rest of 
the note. This difference is readily per- 
ceived in the lack of color, body and finish 
of the dye ; we have seen bills where the 
surrounding shading In altered dies was 



too dark, but from the back or flnieb of the 
white lineeyou have a sure test. Again 
observe particularly the words " Five " or 
^' Ten Dollars ^' as the case may be, denote 
ing the denomination of the note; the 
parallel outlines and shading (if any) are 
coarse and imperfect. Alterations are fi:e- 
quently made by pasting a greater denomi- 
nation over a smaller, bat by holding the 
bill up to the light, the flraud will be per- 
ceivecl. Another method resorted to is to 
cut out the figures in the dies as well as 
the words one dollar, or the words two or 
three as the case may be, and with a sharp 
eraser, scrape down the ends and also the 
edges of the pieces to be inserted ; when 
the pieces thus jirepared are affixed they 
are hardly perceivable; but by passing 
the note through the hand, so as to feel 
the die both with the finger and thumb 
at the same time, the f^aud will be de- 
.tected by the stiffhess of the outer 
edges, " occasioned by the gum or method 
adopted^' in affixing the parts. The letter 
S should always be examined, as in many 
alterations it is pasted or stamped at the 
end of the word " dollar ;" and even when 
stamped there, the carrying ont of the out- 
lines for its shading will readily show the 
fraud. Bills of broken banks are frequent- 
ly altered by extracting the name of bank, 
state and town ; they may readily be de- 

tected by observing first the state, second 
the title or name of the bank, third the 
town or location. 


CouNTBBPBiTB.— The paper on which they 
are printed is generally of a very inferior 
quality, with less body, finish and tough- 
ness than bank note paper has. The ink 
generally lacks the rich luster of the gen- 
uine ; the red letters and figures are gen- 
erally imperfect, and the ink does not pre- 
sent the Vermillion hue as it should. The 
printing is generally inferior, usually ex- 
hibiting specks of white in the most promi- 
nent letters. The date and filling up, and 
the President's and Cashier's names are 
generally written by the same person, 
although in many instances they present 
a difi'erent appearance. There are bills in 
circulation bearing either genuine dies or 
vignettes; but upon close examination 
you will be enabled to detect any spurious 
bill, whether counterfeit or altered, by the 
instructions here given, if persevered in for 
a short time. We beg to suggest, if time 
will admit, the learner should examine 
minutely every bill he receives. A pow- 
erful pocket magnifying glass, which can 
be purchased for from fifty cents to one dol- 
lar at any of the opticians, will greatly en- 
able you to see and comprehena the differ- 
ence between genuine and spurious work. 


What will my readers give to know how 
to get richf Now, IwUl not vouch that 
the following rules will enable every per- 
son who may read them to acquire wealth ; 
but this I will answer for, that if ever a 
man does grow rich by honest means, and 
retains his wealth for any length of time, 
he must practice upon the principles laid 
down In the following essay. The re- 
marks are not original with me, but I 
strongly commend mem to the attention 
of every young man, at least as afibrding 
the true secret of success in attaining 
wealth. A single perusal of such an essay 
at an impressible moment, has sometimes 
a very wonderful effect upon the disposi- 
tion and character. 

Fortune, they say, is a fickle dame— Ml 
of her freaks and caprices ; who blindly 
distributes her favors without the slightest 
discrimination. So inconstant, so waver- 
ing is she represented, that her most faith- 
ful votaries can place no reliance on her 
promises. Disappointment, they tell us, 
16 the lot of those who make offerings at 

her shrine. Now, all this is a vile slander 
upon the dear blind lady. 

Although wealth often appears the result 
of mere accident, or a fortunate concur- 
rence of favorable circumstances without 
any exertion of skill or foresight, yet any 
man of sound health and unimpaired mind 
may become wealthy, if he takes the prop- 
er steps. 

Foremost in the list of requisites are 
honesty and strict integrity in every trans- 
action of life. Let a man have the reputa- 
tion of being fkir and upright in his deal- 
ings, and he will possess the confidence of 
allwho know him. , Without these qualities 
every other merit will prove unavailing. 
Ask concerning a man, " Is he active and 
capable!" Yes. "Industrions, temper- 
ate and regular in his habits ? "—Oh yes. 
"Is he honest! Is he trustworthy!" 
Why, as KS that, I am sorry to say that he 
Is not to be trusted ; he needs watching ; 
he is a little tricky, and will take an undue ' 
advantage, if he can. " Then I will have 
nothing to do vrith him," will be the in- 



variable reply. Why, then. Is honesty the 
best policy f Because, without it, you will 
get a bad name, and everybody will shun 

A character for knavery will prove an In- 
surmountable obstacle to snccess In al- 
most everyundertaklng. It will be found 
that the straight line is, in business, as in 
geometry, the shortest. In a word, it is 
almost impossible for a dishonest man to 
acquire wealth by a regular process of bus- 
iness, because he is shunned as a depreda- 
tor upon society. 

. Needy men are apt to deviate flromthe 
rule of integrity, under the plea that ne- 
cessity knows no law ; they might as well 
add that it knows no shame. The course 
is suicidal, and by destroying all confidence, 
ever keeps them immured in poverty, 
although they may possess every other 
quality for success in the world. 

Punctuality, which is said to be the soul 
of business, is another Important element 
in the art of money getting. The man 
known to be scrupulously exact in the ful- 
fillment of his engagements, gains the 
confidence of all, and may command all 
the means he can use with advantage: 
whereas, a man careless and regardless of 
his promises in money matters will have 
every purse closed against him. Therefore 
be prompt in your payments, 

Next, let us consider the advantages of 
a cautious circumspection in our inter- 
course with the world. Slowness of be- 
lief and a proper distrust are essential to 
success. The credulous and confiding are 
ever the dupes of knaves and impostors. 
Ask those who have lost their property 
how it happened, and yon vrill find in 
most cases that it has been owing to mis- 

§ laced confidence. One has lost by en- 
orsing, another by crediting, another 
by false representations; all of which a 
little more foresight and a little more dis- 
trust would have prevented. In the af- 
fairs of this world men are not saved by 
faith, but by the want of It. 

Judge of men by what they do, not by 
what they say. Believe in looks rather 
than words. Observe all their movements. 
Ascertain their motives and their ends. 
Notice what they say or do in their un- 
guarded moments. When under the influ- 
ence of excitement. The passions have 
been compared to tortures which force men 
to reveal their secrets. Before trusting a 
man, before putting it in his power to 
cause you a loss, possess yourself of every 
available information relative to him. 
Learn his history, his habits. Inclinations 
and propensities: his reputation for honor, 
industry, frugality and punctuality; his 
prospects, resources. Supports, advantages 
and disadvantages : his intentions and mo- 
tives of action; wno are his fHende and 
enemies, and what are his good or bad qual- 
ities. You may learn a man's good qualities 
and advantages tiom his Mends— his bad 
qnalities and disadvantages trom bis ene- 
mies. Make due allowance for exaggeration 
in both. Finally, examine carefUUy before 
engaging in anything, and act with energy 
afterwards. Have the hundred eyes of 

Argus beforehand, and the hundred hands 
of Briarius afterwards. 

Order and system In the management of 
business must not be neglected. Nothing 
contributes more to dispatch. Have a 
place for everything and everything in its 
place; a time for everything, and every- 
thing in its time. Do first what presses 
most, and having determined what is to be 
done, and how it is to be done, lose no 
time in doing it. Without this method all 
is hurry and^contkisiou, little or nothing is 
accomplished, and business is attended to 
with neither pleasure nor profit. 

A polite, afikble deportment is recom- 
mended. Agreeable maimers contribute 
powerfully to a man's success. Take two 
men, possessing equal advantages in every 
other respect, but let one be gentlemanly, 
kind, obliging and conciliating in his man- 
ners ; the other harsh, rude and disobliging; 
and the one will become rich, while the 
other will starve. 

We are now to consider a very itnportant 
principle in the business of money-getting, 
namely— Industry — nersevering, indefiti- 

table attention to business. Persevering 
iligence is the Philosopher's stone, which 
turns everything to gold. Constant, regu- 
lar, habitual and systematic application to 
business, must in time, if properly directed, 
produce great results. It must lead to 
wealth, with the same certainty that pov- 
erty follows in the train of idleness and 
inattention. It has been truly remarked 
that be who follows his amusements in- 
stead of his business, will, in a short time, 
have no business to follow. 

The art of money-saving is an important 
part of the art of money-getting. Without 
frugality no one can become rich ; with it, 
few would be poor. Those who consume 
as fast as they produce, are on the road to 
ruin. As most of the poverty we meet 
with grows out of idleness and extrava- 
gance, so most large fortunes have been 
the result of habituu industry and frugali- 
ty. The practice of economy is as neces- 
sary in the expenditure of time as of 
money. They say if " we take care of the 
pence the pounds will take care of them- 
selves." So. if we take care of the 
minutes, the days will take care of them- 

The acquisition of wealth demands as 
much selr-denial, and as many sacrifices 
of present gratification, as the practice of 
virtue itself. Vice and poverty proceed, in 
some degree, from the same sources, 
namely— the disposition to sacrifice the 
fliture to the present ; the inability to fore- 
go a small present pleasure for great ftiture 
advantages. Hhn fail of fortune in this 
world, as they fall of happiness in the 
world to come, simply because they are un- 
willing to deny themselves momentary en- 
joyments for the sake of permanent fhture 

Every large city Is filled with persons, 
who, in order to support the appearance of 
wealth, constantly live beyond their in- 
come, and make up the deficiency by 
contracting debts wnlch are never paid. 
Others, there are, the mere drones of so- 



clety, wliopass their days in Idleness, and 
• Subsist by pirating on the hives of the In- 
dustrions. Many who ran a short-lived 
careerof splendid beggary, could they be 
but persuaded to adopt a system of rigid 
economy for a few years, miitht pass the 
remainder of their> days in afBuence. Bnt 
no 1 They mnst keep np appearances, 
they must live like other folks. 

Their debts aecumnlate; their credit 
fails ; they are harassed by dn^, and be- 
sieged by constables and shertff. In this 
extremiu, as a last resort, they snbmit to 
a shamenil dependence, or engage in crim- 
inal practices which entail hopeless wretch- 
edness and Infamy on themselves and 

(Stick to the bosiness in which yon are 
regnlarly employed. Let speculators make 
tboQsande in a year or a day ; mind yonr 
own regnlar trade, never taming li'om it 
to the right hand or to the left. If yon are 
a merchant, a professional man, or a me- 
chanic, never bay lots or stocks, unless 
yon have surplus money which you wish 
to invest. Your own business yon under- 
stand as well as other men ; bnt other peo- 
ple's business you do not nnderstand. 
Let yonr business be some one which is 
nseml to the community. All such occn- 
pations possess the elemraits of profit in 

How to Secure the Public Lands, 



The following circular gives all necessary 
information as to the procedure necessary 
in parchasing and securing the public 
lands : 


Gbn'l Land OymoE, July 19, 1865. f 

Numerous questions having arisen as to 
the mode of procedure to purchase public 
lands, or acquire title to the same by bounty 
land locations, by pre-emptions or by home- 
stead, this circDlar is commqnicated for the 
information of all concerned. 

In order to acquire title to public lands 
the following steps must be taken : 

1. Application must be made to the Reg- 
ister of the district land office in which the 
land desired may be situated. 

A list of all the land offices In the United 
States is fhroished by the Department, 
with the seats of the different offices, 
where It is the duty of the Register and 
Receiver to be in attendance, and give 
proper l^cillties and information to persons 
desirous of obtaining lands. 

The minimum price of ordinary public 
lands is $1,S5 per acre. The even or re- 
served sections felling within railroad 
grants are increased to double the minimum 
price, being $3,60 per acre. 

Lands once ofl'ered at public sale, and not 
afterwards kept out of market by reserva- 
tion, or otherwise, so as to prevent free 
competition, may be entered or located. 

3. By the applicant filing with the Regis- 
ter his written application describing the 

tract, with its area ; the Register will then 
certify to the receiver whether the land is 
vacant, with its price ; and when found to 
be so, the applicant must pay that price 
per acre, or may locate the same with land 
warrant, and thereafter the Receiver will 
give him a " duplicate receipt," which he 
IS required to surrender previons to the 
delivery to him of the patent, which may 
be had either by application for it to the 
Register or to the General Land OlBce, 

3. If the tract has not been offered at 
public sale it is not liable to ordinary pri- 
vate entry, but may be secured by a party 
legally qualified, upon his compliance with 
the requirements of the pre-emption laws 
of 4th September, 1841, and 8d March, 1843; 
and after such party shall have made ac- 
tual settlement for such a length of time 
as will show he designs it for his perma- 
nent home, and is acting in good faith, 
building a house and residing therein, he 
may proceed to the district land office, es- 
tablish his pre-emption claim according to 
law, by proving his actual residence and 
cultivation, and Bhowing that he is other- 
wise within the purview of these acts.— 
Then he can enter the land at $1,25, either 
In cash or with bounty land warrant, unlees 
the premises should be $3,50 acre lands. 
In that case the whole purchase-money can 
be paid in cash, or one-half in cash, the 
residue with a bounty )and warrant. 

4. But if parties legally qnirilfied desire 
to obtain title under the Homestead Act 
of 20th May, 1862, they can do so on com- 



plying with the Department Circular, dated 
80th October, 1862. 

6. The law confines Homestead entries 
to surveyed lands ; and although, in cer- 
tain States and Territories notedin the sub- 
joined li8t,jpre-emptor8 may go on land be- 
fore snrvey7yet they can only establish their 
claim after return of survey, but must file 
their pre-emption declaration within three 
months after receipt of ofBcial plat, at the 
local land-offlce where the settlement was 
made before survey. Where, however, it 
was made after survey, the claimant must 
file within three months after date of set- 
tlement; and where actual residence and 
cultivation have been long enough to show 

that the claimant has made the land bis 
permanent home, he can establish his 
claim and pay for the same at any time 
before the date of the public sale of'^ lands 
within the range in which his settlement 
may f^U. 

6. All nnoffered surveyed lands not ac- 
quired under pre-emption, homestead, oi 
otherwise, under express legal sanction, 
must be ofi'ered at public sale nnderthe 
President's Proclamation, and stmck off to 
the highest bidder, as required by act of 
AprUl4, 1820. 

Commissioner General Land Office. 


1. A promise of a debtor to give "satis- 
factory security" for the payment of a por- 
tion of his debt. Is a sufficient considfira- 
tion for a release of the residue by his 

3. Administrators are liable to account 
for interest on lUnds in their hands, al- 
though no profit shall have been made 
upon them, unless the exigencies of the 
estate rendered it prudent that they should 
hold the funds thus uninvested. 

3. Any person who voluntarily becomes 
an agent for another, and in that capacity 
obtains information to which as a stranger 
he could have bad no access, is bound in 
subsequent dealing with his principal, as 
purchaser of the property that formed the 
subject of his agency, to communicate such 

4. When a house is rendered nntenanta- 
ble in consequence of improvements made 
en the adjoining lot, the owner of such 
cannot recover damages, because it is pre- 
sumed that he had knowledge of the ap- 
proaching danger in time to protect him- 
self fl:om it, 

B. When a merchant ship is abandoned 
by order of the master, for the purpose of 
saving life, and a part of the crew subse- 
quently meet the vessel so abandoned and 
bring her safe into port, they will be enti- 
tled to salvage. 

6. A person who has been led to sell 
goods by means of fblse pretenses, cannot 
recover them ft-om one who has purchased 
them in good faith from the fraudulent 

7. An agreement by the holder of a note 
to give tne principal debtor time for pay- 
ment, without depriving himself of the 
right to sue, does npt discharge the surety. 

8. A seller of goods who accepts, at the 
time of sale, the note of a third party, not 
endorsed by the buyer. In payment, can- 
not in case the note is not paid, hold the 
buyer responsible for the value of the 

9. A day-book copied from a "blotter" 
in which charges are first made, will not 
be received in evidence as a book of origi- 
nal entries. 

10. Common carriers are not liable for 
extraordinary results of negligence that 
could not have been foreseen by ordinary 
skill and foresight. 

11. A bidder at a Sherifi''s sale may re- 
tract his bid at any time before the prop- 
erty is knocked down to him, whatever 
may be the conditions of the sale. 

12. Acknowledgment of debt to a stran- 
ger does not preclude the operation of the 

13. The fruits and grass on the farm 
or garden of an intestate descend to the 

14. Agents are solely liable to their prin- 

15. A deposit of money In bank by a hus- 
band, in the name of his wife, survives to 



16. Money paid on Sunday contracts may 
be recovered. 

17. A debtor may give preference to one 
creditor over another, unless fraud or special 
legislation can be proved. 

18. A court cannot give judgment for a 
larger sum than that specmed in the ver- 

19. Imbecility on the part of either 
husband or wife, invalidates the mar- 

30. An action for malicious prosecution 
will lie, though nothing further was done 
than suing out warrants. 

21. An agreement not to continue the 
practice of a profession or business In any 
epeclAed town, If the party so agreeing has 
received a consideration for the same, is 

22. When A consigns goods to B to sell 
on commission, ana B delivers them to C, 
In payment of his own antecedent debts, A 
can recover their value. 

23. A finder of property is compelled to 
make diligent Inquiry for the owner there- 
of, and to restore the same. If, on finding 
such property, he attempts to conceal such 
fact, he may be prosecuted for larceny. 

24. A private person may obtain an In- 
junction to prevent a public mischief by 
which he is afi'ected in common with others. 

25. Any person interested may obtain an 
Injunction to restrain the State or a munici- 
pal corporation from maintaining a nuisance 
on Its lands. 

26. A discharge under the insolvent laws 
of one State wul not discharge the insol- 
vent fi:om a contract made with a citizen of 
another State. 

27. To prosecute a party with any other 
motive than to bring him to justice, is 
malicious prosecution, and acaonable as 

28. Hinisters of the gospel, residing in 
any incorporated town, are not exempt 
from jury, military, or fire service. 

29. When a person contracts to build a 
house, and Is prevented by sickness from 
flnishing it, he can recover for the part per- 
formed, If such part is beneficial to the 
other party. 

30. In a suit for enticing away a man's 
wife, actual proof of the marriage is not ne- 
cessary. Cohabitation, reputation, and the 
admission of marriage by the parties,' are 

31. Permanent erections and fixtures, 
made by a mortgagor after the execution of 
the mortgage upon land conveyed by it, be- 
come a part of the mortgaged premises. 

32. When a marriage is denied, and plain- 
tiff has given suJBcient evidence to estab- 
lish it, the defendant cannot examine the 
wife to disprove the marriage. 

33. The amount of an express debt can- 
not be enlarged by application. 

34. Contracts for advertisements in Sun- 
day newspapers cannot be enforced. 

35. A seller of goods, chattels, or other 
property, commits no fraud, in law, when 
he neglects to tell the purchaser of any 
flaws, defects, or nnsonnmiess in the same. 

36. The opinions of witnesses, as to the 
value of a dog that has been killed, are not 
admissible in evidence. The value of the 
animal Is to be decided by the jury. 

37. If any person puts a fence on or plows 
the land of another, he is liable for trespass 
whether the owner has sustained injury or 

38. If a person, who is unable from ill- 
ness to sign his will, has his hand guided 
in making his mark, the signature is valid. 

39. When land trespassed upon is occu- 
pied by a tenant, he alone can bring the 

40. To say of a person, " If he does not 
come and make terms with me, I will make 
a bankrupt of him and ruin him," or any 
such threatening language, is actionable, 
without proof of special damage. 

41. In an action for slander, the party 
making the complaint must prove the words 
alleged:, other words df like meaning will 
not suffice. 

42. In a suit of damages\for seduction, 
proof of pregnancy, and the birth of a child, 
IS not essential. It is sufficient if the ill- 
ness of the girl, whereby she was unable to 
labor, was produced by shame for the seduc- 
tion ; and this is such a loss of service as 
will sustain the action. 

43. Addressing to a wife a letter contain- 
ing matter defamatory to the character of 
her husband is a publication, and renders 
the writer amenable to damages. 

44. A parent cannot sustain an action for 
any vnrong done to a child, unless he has in- 
curred some direct pecuniary injury there- 
from in consequence of some loss of ser- 
vice or expenses necessarily consequent 

45. A master is responsible for an injury 
resulting from the negligence of his ser- 
vant, whilst driving his cart or carriage, 
provided the servant is at the time engaged 
in his master's business, even though the 
accident happens in a place to which his 
master's business does not call him ; but if 
the jonmey of a servant be solely for a pur- 
pose of his own, and undertaken without 
the knowledge and consent of his master, 
the latter is not responsible. 

46. An emigrant depot is not a nuisance 

47. A railroad track through the streets is 
not a nuisance in law. 



48. In an action for libel against a news- 
paper, extracts from such newspaper may 
be given to show its circulation, and the 
extent to which the libel has been pnbli shed. 
The jury, in estimating the damages, are 
to look at the character of the liGel, and 
whether the defendant is rich or poor. The 
plaintiff is entitled, in all cases, to his ac- 
tual damages, and should be compensated 
for the mental sufferiAgs endured, the pub- 
lic disgrace inflicted, and all actual discom- 
fort produced. 

49. Delivery of a husband's goods by a 
wife to her adulterer, he having knowledge 
that she has taken them without her bns^ 
band's authority, is sufficient to sustain an 
indictment for larceny against the adul- 

60. The fact that the insurer was not in- 
formed «f the existence of impending liti- 
gation, affecting the premises insured, at 
the time the insurance was effected, does 
not vitiate the policy. 

51. The liability of an innkeeper is not 
confined to personal baggage, but extends 
to all the property of the guest that he con- 
sents to receive. 

52. When a minor executes a contract, 
and pays money, or delivers property on the 
same, he cannot afterwards disaffirm such 
contract and recover the money, or prop- 
erty, unless he restores to the other party 
the consideration received from Mm- for 
such money or property. 

53. When a person has, by legal inquisi- 
tion been found an habitual drunkard, he 
cannot, even in his sober intervals, make 
contracts to bind himself or his property, 
until the inquisition is removed. 

54. Any person dealing with the repre- 
sentative of a deceasedperson, is presumed, 
in law, to be flilly apprized of the extent of 
such representative 8 authority to act in 
behalf of such estate. 

65. In an action against a railroad com- 
pany, by a passenger, to recover damages 
tor uvinries sustained on the road, it is not 
compulsory upon the plaintiff to prove ac- 
tual negligence in the defendants; but It 
IB obligatory on the part of the latter to 
prove that the injury was not owing to any 
fault or negligence of theirs. 

56. A guest is a competent witnesSi in an 
action between himself and an inn-keeper, 
to prove the character and value of lost 
personal baggage, Money in a trunk, not 
exceeding the amount reasonably required 
by the traveler to defray the expenses of 
the journey which he has vmdertaken, is a 
part of his baggage ; and in ease of its loss, 
while at any inn, the plaintiff may prove its 
amount by his own testimony. 

57. The deed of a minor is not absolutely 
void. The court is authorized to judge, 
from the instrument, whether it Is void or 
not, according to its terms being fevorable 
or unfavorable to the interests of the minor. 

68. A married woman can neither she nor 
be sued on any contract made by her dur- 
ing her marriage, except in an action relat- 
ing to her individual property. The action 
must be commenced either by or against 
her husband. It is only when an action 
is brought on a contract made by her be- 
fore her marriage, that she is to be joined 
as a co-plaintiff; or defendant, with her hus- 

69. Any contract made witb a person ju- 
dicially declared a lunatic is void. 

60. Money paid voluntarily in any trans- 
action, with a knowledge of the facts, can- 
not be recovered. 

61. In all cases of special contract for ser- 
vices, except in the case of a minor, the 
plaintiff can recover only the amiountstip" 
ulated in the contract. 

62. A wife is a competent witness with 
her husband, to prove the contents of a lost 
trunk, or when a party. 

68. A wife cannot be convicted of receiv- 
ing stolen goods when she received them 
of ner husband. 

64. Insurance against flre, by lightning or 
otherwise, does not cover loss by lightning 
when there is no combustion. 

66. Failure to prove plea of justification, 
in a case of slander, aggravates the offence. 

66. It is the agreement oftbe parties to 
sell by sample that constitutes a sale by 
Sample, not the mere exliibition of a speci- 
men of the goods. 

6T. An agent is liable -to his principals 
for loss caused by his misstatements, tho' 

68. Makers of promissory notes given in 
advance for premiums on policies of insur- 
ance, thereafter to be taken, are Uable there- 

69. An agreement to pay for procuring an 
appointment to office is void. 

70. An attorney may plead the statute of 
limitations, when sued by a client for mon- 
ey which he has collected and Ihiled to pay 

71. Testimony given by a deceased wit- 
ness on first trial, is not required to be re- 
peated verbatim on the second. 

73. A person entitling himself to a reward 
offered for lost property, has a Uen upon the 

Sropertyforthe reward: but only when a 
efinite reward is offered. 

78. Confession by a prisoner must be vol- 
untarily made, to constitute evidence against 

74. The defendant in a suit must be serv- 
ed with process; but service of such pro- 
cess upon his Wife, even in his absence iroin 
the State, is not, in the absence of statuto- 
ry provisions, sufficient. 



75. The meaenre of danmgeB in trespaea 
for catting timber, la Its valtte aa a cliattel 
on the land where it was felled, and not the 
marlcet price of the lumber manufiictured. 

76. To Bupport an indictment for mali- 
cious mischief in killing an animal, mal- 
ice towards its owner muat be ahown, not 
merely passion excited against the animal 

77. No action can be maintained against 
a sheriff for omitting to accbimt for money 
obtained apon an execution within a reas- 
onable' time. HehaatiUthe return day to 
render such account. 

73. An interest in the profits of an enter- 
prise, aa profits,, renders the party hold- 
ing it a partner in the enterpriae, and 
indkes him presumptively liable to ahare 
any loss. 

79. Males can marry at fourteen, and fe- 
males at twelve years of age. 

80. All cattle found atlarge upon any pub- 
lic road, can be driven by any person to the 
public pound. 

81. Any dog chasing, barking, or other- 
wise threatening a passer-by in any atreet, 
lane, road, or other public thoroughfare, 
may be lawfully killed for the same, 

82. A written promiae for the payment 
of such amount as may come into the nanda 
oftlie promisor, iaheld to be an instru- 
ment in writing for the payment of money. 

83. The declaration of an agent is not ad- 
misaible to eatalblish the fact of agency. — 
But when other proper evidence fa given, 
tending to eatabllah the fact of agency, it 
is not error to admit the declarationa of tne 
agent, accompanying acta, though tend- 
ing to show the d&pacity in which he act- 
ed. When evidence ia competent in one 
respect and incompetent in another, it ia 
the duty of the court to admit it, and con- 
trol Its effects by suitable instructiona to 
the jury. 

84. The court hm a general power to re- 
move or suspend an attorney for such im- 
moral conduct as ^rendered him unworthy 
of confidence in hi19 -official capacity. 

85. Bankruptcy's pleadable in bat to all 
actions and in all courts, and this bar may 
be avoided whenever it ia in*erpoaed, by 
showing tnaA in the procuroment of the 
discharge, or a violation Of any of the pro- 
viaioua of the bankrupt act. 

86. An instrument In the form of a deed, 
but limited to takB>effect at the'termination 

' Of the grantor's natural lite, is hdld to be a 
deed, not a will. 

87. A sale will ndt be set a9idB:tts ftaud- 
ulent, simply because the bi^er waa at the 
time unable to mata: the wyment agreed 
upon, and knew his inabiutiy, and did not 
intend to pay. 

88. No man is under an obligation to 
make known his circumstances when he is 
buying goods. 

). Contracting parties are bound to dis- 
close material facts known to each, but of 
which either supposes the other to be igno- 
rant, only when they stand in aome apecial 
relation of trust and confidence in relation 
to the subject matter of the contract. Bnt 
neither will be protected if he doea any- 
thing, however slight, to mialead or deceive 
the other. 

90. A contract negotiated by mail ia 
formed when notiee of acceptance of the of- 
fer is duly deposited in the post-offlce, pro- 
perly addressed. This rule applies, although 
the party making the offer expreaaly re- 
quirea that if it la accepted, apeedy notice 
of acceptance shall be given him. 

91. The date of an instrument is so far a 
material part of it, that an alteration of 
the date by the holder after execution, 
makea the inatrument void, 

9S. A corporation may maintain an action 
for libel, for words published of th'em and 
relating to its trade or bnainesa, by which 
it haa incurred special damages. 

93. It is unprofessional for a lawyer who 
haa abandoned his case without trying it, 
a term or two before trial, to claim a fee 
conditional upon the success of his client, 
although his client was succeaafiil. 

94. Although a party obtaining damages 
for injuries received through the default of 
another, was himself guilty of negligence, 
yet that will not defeat his recovery, unleaa 
his negligence contributed to cause the in- 

95. A person may contract to labor for an- 
other during life. In consideration of receiv- 
ing his support ; "but his creditors have the 
right to inquire into the intention with 
which auch arrangement ia made, and it will 
be set aside if entered into to deprivie them 
of hia future eaminga. 

96. Ajgrantormay by expreas terms ex- 
clude the bed of a river, or a highway, 
mentioned as boundary; but If without 
language of excluaion a line ia deacribed as 
' along, or ' upon,' or as ' running to ' the 
highway or river, or as * by,' or * running to 
the bank of the river ; these expressions 
carry the grantee to the center of tlie high- 
way or river. 

97. The court will take J>ains to construe 
the words used in a deed in auch a way aa 
to effect the Intention of the partlea, how- 
ever unakillfully the instrument may be 
drawn. But a court of law cannot exchange 
an intelligible word plainly employed in a 
deed for another, however evident it may 
be that the word used waa naed by mistake 
for another, 

98. One who lias lost his memory and 
understanding is entitled to legal protec- 
tion, whether such loss is occasioned by 
his own miaconduot or by an act of Provi- 



99. When a wife leaves her hueband vol- 
untarily, it must be shown, In order to 
make him liable for necessaries ftirniahed 
to her, that she could not Btay with safety. 
Personal violence, either threatened or in- 
flicted, will be sumcient cause for such sep- 

100. Necessaries of dress fhmishod to a 
discarded wife must correspond with the 
pecuniary circumstances of the husband, 
and be such articles as the wife, if prudent, 
would expect, and the husband should 
furnish, if the parties lived harmoniously 

101. A fligitive from justice ftom one of the 
United States to another, may be arrested 
and detained in order to his surrender by 
authority of the latter, without a previous 
demand for his surrender by the executive 
of the State whence he fled. 

102. A watch will not pass under a be- 
quest of "wearing apparel," nor of 
" household Jlirniture and articles for fami- 
ly use." 

103. Money paid for the purpose of set- 
tling or compounding a prosecution for a 
supposed felony, cannot be recovered back 
by a partyvaying it. 

104. An Innkeeper is liable for the death 
of an animal in his possession, but may free 
himself from liability by showing that the 
death was not occasioned by ue^igence on 
his part. 

105. Notice to the agent of a company is 
notice to the company. 

106. An employer is not liable to one of 
his employees for an injury sustained by the 
latter in consequence of the neglect of oth- 
ers of his employees engaged in the same 
general business. 

107. Where a purchaser at a Sheriff's sale 
has bid the full price of property under 
the erroneous belief that the sale would di- 
vest the property of all liens, it is the duty 
of the court to give relief by setting aside 
the sale. 

108. When notice of protest is properly 
sent by mail, it may be sent by the mail of 
the day of the dishonor ; if not, it must be 
mailed for the mail of the next day ; ex- 
cept that if there is none, or it closes at an 
unseasonably early hour, then notice must 
be mailed in season for the next possible 

109. Apowder-honse located in apopnlouB 
part of a city, and containing large quanti- 
ties of gunpowder, is a nuisance. 

110. When the seller of goods accepts at 
the time of the sale, the note of a third per- 
son, unindorsed by the purchaser, in pay- 
ment, the presumption Is that the pay- 
ment was intended to be absolute ; and 
though the note should be dishonored, the 
purchaser wUl not be liable for the value of 
the goods. 

111. A man charged with crime before a 
committing magistrate, but discharged on 
hie own recognizance, is not privileged 
from arrest on civil process while returning 
from the magistrate's office. 

112. When one has been induced to sell 
goods by means of false pretences, he can- 
not recover them from one who has bona 
fide purchased and obtained possession of 
them from the fraudulent vendor. 

lis. If the circumstances attendant upon 
a sale and delivery of personal property are 
such as usually and naturally accompany 
such a transaction, it cannot be declared a 
legal fraud upon creditors. 

114. A stamp impressed upon an instru- 
ment by way of seal, is good as a seal, if it 
creates a durable impression in the texture 
of the paper. 

115. If a party bound to make a payment 
use due diligence to make a tender, but 
through the payee's absence from home is 
unable to find him or any agent authorized 
to take payment for him, no forfeiture will 
be incurred through his failure to make a 

Government I/and lUeasnre. 

A township, 36 sections, each a mile 

A section, 640 acres. 

A quarter section, half a mile square, 
160 acres. 

An eighth section, half a mile long, north 
and south, and a quarter of a mile wide, 80 

A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile 
square, 40 acres. 

The sections are numbered Itom one to 
thirty-six, commencing at the northeast 
comer, thus : 






n w 
8 w 

n e 
s e 















21 . 
















The sections are all divided In quarters, 
which are named by the cardinal points, 
as in section one. The quarters are divi- 
ded in the same way. The deserlptiou of 
a 40 acre lot would read : The sotith halt 
of the west half of the southwest quarter 
of section 1 in township 24, north or range 
7 west, or as the case might be ; and some- 
times will foil short, and sometimes overrun 
the number ofacrea it is supposed to con- 






is iffluiM By Act of congress-iraroYed My 28, 1866. 


In every system of Weights and Measures 
it is necessary to have what are called 
" Standard!," as the pound, yard, gallon, 
&c., to he divided and multiplied into 
smaller and larger parts and denominations. 
The definition and construction of these 
Standards involve philosophical and scien- 
tific principles of a somewhat ahstruae 
character, and are made and procured hy 
the legislative department of the govern- 
ment. The nominal Standards in the new 
system are the Mxtbb, the Abb, the Litbb, 
and the Gbak. The only real Standard, the 
one by which all the other standards are 
measured, and from which the system de- 
rives its name of " Metric," is the Mbtbb. 


Is used for all measures of length, distance, 
hreadth, depth, heighth, &c., and was in- 
tended to be, and is very nearly, one ten- 
millionth of the distance on the earth's 
surface from the equator to the pole. It is 
about 89Ji inches, or S feet, 3 fiiches and 
3 eighths, and is to he sabstituted for the 

Ib a snrfiice whose side is ten Meters, and 
is equal to 100 square Meters or about i 
square rods. 

Ib the unit for measuring solids and capa- 
ity, and is equal to the contents of a cube 
whose edge IS one-tenth of a meter. It is 
about equal to 1 quart, and is a standard in 
cubic, dry and liquid measures. 

_ A cubic Meter (or Kiloliter) is called 
a atere, and is also used as a standard in cer- 
tain cubic measures. 


Is the Unit of weight, and is the weight of 
a cube of pure water, each edge of the cube 
being one one-hundredth of a Meter. It is 
about equal to 15>f grains. It is intended 
as the Standard in au weights, and with its 
divisions and multiples, to supersede the 
use of what are now called Avoirdupois, 
Apothecaries and Troy Weights. . 

Each of the foregoing Standards is divi- 
ded decimally, and larger units are also 
formed by multiples of 10, IflO, &c. The 
successive suborflinate parts are designa- 
ted by the prefixes Decl, Centi andMilli; 
the Buccessiva multiples by Seka, Hecto, 
Kilo and Myria ; each having its own nu- 
merical signification, as will ne more clear- 
ly seen in the tables hereinafter riven. 

The terms used may, at first sight; have 
a formtda}>l^ appearance, seem difficult to 

pronounce, and to retain in memory, and to 
be, therrfore, objectionable ; but with a lit- 
tle attention and use, the apprehended dif- 
ficnlty wijl"lbe found more apparent than 
real, as has been abundantly proved Inr es- 
perience. The importance, also, of con- 
formity in the use of commercial terms, on 
the part of the United States, with the 
pracftce of the many nations in which the 
system, with it* preient Tumunelature, has 
already been adopted, must neatly over- 
balance the combatively slight objection 
alluded to. 




4 fartUngmakel pennj, 
12 pence " 1 shilliDg, 
20 thilUngg " 1 {louiid. 



lO'mOts make 1 cent. 
10 cents " 1 dime. 
10 dimes "^ 1 dollar. 

10 millimeters make 1 centimeter. 


centimeters " 



decimeters " 



meters " 



dekometers " 



heetometers " 






100 square miUimetera make 1 eqnare centimeter. 
100 square centimeter '' ' ... 

100 square decimeter " 
100 centares " 

100 ares " 

1 square decimeter. 

1 square meter or CBHTABie, 

1 ABi:. 

1 hectare. 

|^*Thedenom]nations less than Iks' Are, including the Meter, are used in speeifyisg 
the contents of surfaces of small extent ; the-temiB Cmtare, Are and Eectart, ia expres- 
sing quantities of land surveyed or measured. 

ffljfi abore tahle may, however, be continued beyond the Meter, thus r 

100 square meters 

100 square dekameters 

100 square hectometers 

100 square kilometers 

sqnare dekameter. 
B(^are heetometer, 
square kilometer, 
square myrfameter. 


1000 cubic millimeters make I 

1000 cubic centimeters *^ 1 

1000 cubic decimeters " 1 

lOOD cubic meters " 1 

1000 cubic dekameters " 1 

iOOO cubic hectometers " 1 

1000 cubic kilometers " 1 

cubic Centimeter, 
citbi^decitoetfer or liter, 
cubic meter or stere. 
cubic dekameter. 
cribie heetometer. 
cubic kHometer. 
cdbic myriameter. 

War Dry and li^ruid Meamra, 












[E^ALtpkr, the standard of Measures of Capacity, Usually In a cvHndfical form, Is 
equivalent to a cable Betitiieter, or the one4honsandth p4rt of acublc Meter, the contents 
of which ^re moat Ohe quart.] 

The KiloHlBlf, iSi S*»»*, ts a cubic Meter, and is used as a oBit ia meastfrine flrcwood 
and lam!beif. ^ 

10 decisteres make 1 stere. 
10 stores " 1 dekastere. 



10 milllerams 

10 centigrams 

10 decigrams 

10 gr'ams 

10 dekagrams 

10 hectograms 

10 kilograms 

10 myriagrams 

10 quintalB 









miUier or tonneaa. 


































































Acts and Resolutions of Congfegs. 

PUBLIC— No. 183. 

AN ACT to authorize the nse of the metric 
system of weights ahd measnres. 

Be it enacted by the Senate ahd Hd/iae of 
Se^resmtaliveeofthe United States of Amen- 
ca in Congress assembled. That from and af- 
ter the passage of this act, it shall be hm- 
ful throughout the United States of Ameri- 
ca to employ the weights ahd measnres of 
the metric system ; and no contract or deal- 
ing, or pleading In any court, shall be 
deemed invalid or liable to objection, be- 

cause the heights or measures expressed or 
referred to therein are weights Or measnres 
of the metric system. 

Sko.2, And be it further enacted. That 
the tables in the schedule hereto annexed, 
BhaU be rebognized in the construction of 
bontractsj ana In all legal proceedings, as 
estaiblishihg, in terms of the weights and 
measures now in use in the United States, 
the equivalents of the weights and meas- 
ures expressed therein in terms of the me- 
tric system ; and said tables ma^be lawfiil- 
ly used for computing, determining and ex- 
pressing, in customary weights and meas- 
ured, the weights and measures of the metric 


Mbtbio Dksoiokatioks aKB VAiiUES. EqinvAunraS ra Dbnomihations in Use, 

Myriametre, 10,000 metises. 

Kilometre, 1,000 metres, 

Hectometre, 100 metres, 

Dekametre, 10 metres. 

Metre, .1 metre. 

Decimetre, 1-lOth of. a, metre. 

Centimetre, 1-lOOth of a metrfe, 

Millimetre, .. ■■ 1-lOOOth of a met e. 


0.63137 mile, or 2,380 feet and 10 inches. 
' 3^ feet and one inch. 
, 393.7 Inches. 
.39.37 inches. 

3.937 inches. 


0.03^ inch. 


Mbtbio DEiioiniri.TioMs ahd Values. 

Hectare, . . . 


Centare, . . . 

10,0% square metres, 

100 square metres, 

1 square metre. 

EiturrALEiiTs IK Dxnoiukatiohb in Use. 

2.471 acres. 

119.6 square yards. 

1.650 square incheB. 





^ a a 






o o o 

o u S 









Mktbio Dbnohikations ahd VALrBS. 



No, of 

Weigttof what quantity of 
^ater at maximum density. 

Avoirdupois weight. 

UiUier or tonnean,. 













10 litres, 

Sa04.6 pounds. 
320.46 pounds. 


Bectogram ..'.... 



2.2046 pounds. 


10 cubic centimetreSf • 

0.3527 ounce. 

15.432 grains. 
0.5432 grain. 

.1 of a cubic centimetre 

10 cubic millimetres, 

1 cubic millimetre, 


0.1643 grain. 


0.0154 grain. 


At Seven per Cent. In OoUars and Cents, from *1 to 910,000. 

AM'NT. 1 day. t days. 16 days. 1 mo. 3 mos. 6 mos. 12 mos. 
























$ C. 

1 94 

$ C. 

















1 36 

2 72J«; 

4 08J< 

5 44>f 

6 80>i; 
13 61 

$ C. 















1 17 

1 46 

2 92 
8 76 

14 68 
29 17 

$ C. 










05 Ji 








2 33)^ 

2 91^ 

6 83>^ 

11 m% 

17 60 
29 161^ 
68 33 

$ C. 

1 76 
8 75 
17 50 

86 00 
62 60 
70 00 

87 50 
176 00 

$ C. 

$ 0. 






















2 10 








14 00 

10 60 

21 00 

14 00 

28 00 

17 50 , 


35 00 

70 00 

70 00 

140 00 

105 00 

210 00 

140 00 

280 00 

175 00 

860 00 

350 00 ' 

,»700 00 




Discount and Premium. 

When a person boys an article for $1,00— 
30 per ceqt pff, (or discount,) and sellfl it 
again ^pi- $l,Qi), he makes a profit of 35 pei? 
cent. on his InTestment. Thus: He pays. 
80 cents and sells fpr tt,00— a gain qf 30 
cents, or 35 per cent qf 80 cent^. And for 
any transacuon where tlie sale or purchase 
of gold, silyer, or cnrrency is ppncemgd, 
the foUo^ng n^es ^ill apply In all casps- 

Bulb 1st.— fo flpd prsWUBi Tfl»4fl WP- 
connt is given: Multiply lOQ ty r*te pf. 
discount and divide by JOO, Igss rate.Qf die- 

Bulb 2d. — To find discpunt when pre- 
mium is given. Multiply the rate of interest 
by 100, and divide by 100, plus the rate of 

Suppose A has $140 in currency, which 
he wishes to exchange for gold, when gold 
is 37 per cent, premium, now much gold 
should he receive t In this case the pre- 
mium is given, consequently we must find 
the discount on A^s currency and subtract 
it &om the $140, as per rme 2d, showing 
the discount to be a trifle more than 31 per 
cent, and that he should receive $110,60 in 
5 pr ct. Dls. allows tSJf pr ct. Pre. or profit 


" tir'" " '" 

16 " 

" tl7« " " 


" 25 " " 


" • 33;^ " " 


" *43 " " " 


" m% " " " 

60 " 

" 100 " " 

W<ff~ A dagger (t) denotes the profits to 

be a fl-action 

more than specified. A (*) 

denotes profits to be a itactiou less than 


TaWe of TTelsbts of Gmln, 
Seeos, &c. 


Barley wpighs 48 lb. per bushel. 

Beans ^' 63 " " 

Buckwhejat" [43 " " 

CloverS^d !....60 " " 

Com weighs.... 58 " " 

Flax Seed* " 55 " " 

Oats " ..3a " " 

Peas " 60 " " 

Potatoes " ...60 'f " 

Bye " 56 '> " 

TimothySeed 44 " " 

Wheat 80 " " 

•Flax Seed by cust'i]|i weighs 66 lb. per bush. 

F^icta on AdvertlslnK. 

TheadvertieementB in an ordinary num- 
ber of the London Times exceed 3,500. The 
annual a4yertislng bills of one London firm 
lltJ... *" «moptto»a00,0q0: and three 
^rn^^T mentiioned *ho elcii annually 
expend for the purpose $50,000. The ex- 

In large cities nothing is more common 
than to see large business establishments, 
which seem to nave an immense advantage 
over all pompetitprs, by thp wealth, expe- 
rience, and prestige they have acquired 
drop graduafly out of public view, and be 
succeeded by firms of a smaller capital, 
mpre pnragy, and more determined to have 
the fact that they sell snch and such com- 
modities known from one end of the land to 
the other! In other words, the establish- 
ments advertise; thp old die of dignity.— 
The former are ravenous to pass out of ob- 
scurity ipto publicity; the latter believe 
that their puDlicity is so obvious flu* it 
cannot be obscured. The first understand 
that they must thrust themselves iipoh 
ptiblic attention, or be disregarded: the 
second, having once obtained public atten- 
tion, suppose they have arrested it perma- 
nently; while, in fact, nothing is more char- 
acteristic of the world than the ease with 
which it forgets. 

Stephen Girard, than whom no shrewder 
business man ever lived, used to say : I 
have always considered advertising liber- 
ally and long to be the great medium of 
success In business, and the prelude to 
wealth. And I have made it an Invariable 
rule too, to advertise in the dullest times 
as well as the busiest ; long experience 
having taught me that money thus spent is 
well laid out ; as by keeping my business 
continually before the public it has secured 
me many sales that I would otherwise have 

Capacity of Clgterns or ITeUs. 

Tabular view of the number of gallons 
contained in the clear, between the brick 
work for each ten inches, pf depth : 



3 teet equals 19 































11 , 







' 959 





35 ' 

' 3059 



Brilliant Wbltewasb. 

TSueaj haye beard of the li^Uiant etncco 
wUtewaBh on the east end of the Presi- 
dent's honse at Washington. The follow- 
ing is a recipe for it ; it is gleaned from the 
National Intelligencer, with some addi- 
tional improTeinentB learned by experi- 
ments : Take half a bushel of nice nn- 
slacked lime, slack it with boiling watei;, 
cover it daring the process to keep in the 
steam. Strain the liquid throngh a fine 
sieve or straiiier, and add to it a peck of 
salt, prevlouely well dissolved in warm wa- 
ter ; three pounds of ground ripe, boiled to 
a tmn paste, and stirred in boiling l^ot ; half 
a pound of powdered Spanish whiting, and 
a pound of clean glpe, whichhas been pre- 
viously dissolved by soaking it well, and 
then hanging it over a slow fire, in a small 
kettle within a larg^ one filled with water. 
Add five gallons othot water to the mixt\ire, 
stir it wel, and let i|t stand a few days cov- 
ered ttojo. the dirt. 

It should be put on right hot ; for this 
purpose it can be kept in i^ kettle on a 
portable ftamace. It is said that about a 
pint of this mixture will cover a square 
yard upoii the outside of a house if proper- 
ly appUed. Brushee more or less small may 
be used according tp the neatness of the job 
required. It answers as well as oil p^lnt 
for wood, brick or scone, and is cheaper. 
It retains its brilliancy for many years. 
There is nothing of the kind that will 
compare yitb it, either for inside or oatside 

Coloring matter may lie put in and made 
of any snade you like. Spanish brown 
stirred in will make red pink^ niore or less 
deep according to the quantity.' A delicate 
tinge of this is very pretty, for inside walls. 
Finely pulverized common clay, well mixed 
with Spanish brown, makes a reddish stone 
color. Tellow-ochre stirred in makes yel- 
low wash, but chrome goes fhrther, and 
makes a color generally esteemed prettier. 
In all these cases the darkness of the shades 
of course is determined by the quantity of 
coloring used. It is dificalt to make niles, 
because dstes are difiTerent. It would be 
best to try experiments on a shingle and let 
it dry. We have been told that green must 
not be nfixed with lime. The lime de- 
stroys the color, and the color has an effect 
on the whitewash, which makes it crack 
and peei. When walls have been badly 
smoked, and you wish to have them a clean 
white, it is well to squeeze ipdigo plenti- 
fully throu^ a bag into the HKiter you use, 
before it i's stirred in the whole mixture. 
If a larger quantity than five gallons be 
wanted, the same proportion should be ob- 

Boir to get a Horse out of a 

The great difficulty of getting horses from 
a stable where sorronndmg buildings are is 
a state of conflagation, is well known.— 
The plan of oovemg their eyes with a blan- 
ket wUl not always succeed. 

A geptle^an whose hqrses hayebe^iliQ 
great peril from such a cause, having tried 

in vain to save them, hit upon the expedi- 
ent of having them harnessed as though go- 
ing to their usual work; when, to his aston- 
ishment, they were led from the stable 
without difficulty. 

Tbe Chemical Barometer. 

Take ^ long narrow bottle, such as an old- 
fashioned Ean-dje-CologAe bottle, and put 
into it two and a half drachms of camphor, 
and eleven drachms of spirits of wine: 
when tlie camphor is dissolved, which it 
will readily do by slight agitation, add the 
fo^owing mixture: TafK water, nine 
diacbms; nitrate of potash (saltpetre) 
thirty-eight grains ; and ,mariate of am- 
monia (sal ammoniac) thirty-eight grains. 
Dissolve these salts in the wat^r prior to 
mixing with the camphorated spirit : then 
shake the whole well together. Cork the 
bottle well, and wax the top, but after- 
wards make a very small aperture in the 
cork vrith a red-hot needle. The bottle may 
then be hung up, or placed in any stationa- 
ry ppsition. By observing the different 
appearances which the materials assume, 
as the weather changes, it becomes an ex- 
cellent prognosticatorof a coming storm or 
bfa^onuy sky. 

Iieeeb Barometer. 

Take an eight ounce phial, and put in it 
three gills of water, and place in it a healthy 
leech, changing the water in summer once 
a week, and tu winter once in a fortnight, 
and it will most accurately prognosticate 
the weather. If the weather is ^o be fine, 
the leech lies motionless at the bottom of 
the glass and coiled together in a spiral 
form ; if rain may be expected, it will creep 
up to the top of its lodgings and remain 
there till the weather is settled ; if we are 
to have wind, it vrill move throngh its habi- 
tation with amazing swiftness, and seldom 
goes to rest till it begins to blow hard ; if a 
remarkable storm of thunder and rain is to 
succeed, it will lodge for some days before 
almojBt continually out of the water, and 
discover great uneasiness in violent throes 
and convulsive-like motions ; in frost as in 
clear summer-like weather it lies constantly 
at the bottom ; and in snow as in rainy 
weather it pitches ite dwelling in the very 
mouth of the phial. The top should be cov- 
ered over with a piece of muslin. 

To Mbastok QauH nf a Bnt.— Find the 
number of cubic feet, from which deduct 
aijX-Mth. The remainder is the number of 
bushels— allowing, however, one bushel 
extra to eveiy 33£ Thus in a remainder of 
324 there would be 336 bushels. In a re- 
mainder of 448 there would be 450 bushels, 



j^lmanao or Calendar for 30 Years. 




















1876 ] 
























































































Jan, and Oct. 
























Feb., Mdr., 















Sept. & Dec. 








April & July. 








^^'^'^'^'iS.—ViDA the Tear and observe the Letter above It; then look for the 
Month, and In a line with It find the Letter of the Tear ; above the Letter find the Day ; 
and the flgores on the left, in the same line, are the days of the same name in the month. 

Leap Tears have two letters; the first Is used tlU the end of February, the second 
during the remainder of the year. 





Directory Is arranged as follows : 1. Name of individual or firm. 2. Post office ad- 
dress in parentliesis. 3. Business or occupation. 

A Star (*) placed before a name, indicates an advertiser in this work. Por sach ad- 
vertisement see Index. 

Figures placed after the occupation of/ann«r«, indicate the number of acres of land 
owned or leased by the parties. 

The work /street is Implied as regards directory for Ithaca. 

For additions and corrections, see Errata, foUoirlng tbe Intro- 


(Fost-Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abbey, Beaben, (Speedsville,) farmer BO. 

Abbey, Russel F^ (Speedsville,) former 67. 

AEIHS, HENBT S., (Speedsville,) saw and planing mill, cheese box factory, carpenter 

and joiner, andertaker and farmer 2. 
Allen, John P., (Mott's Comers,) saw mill and wood turner. 
Andrews, Simon, (Caroline,) farmer 16. 
Annis, Orrin, (Caroline Center,) former 150. 
Ashley, Haria Mrs. (Slaterville,) milliner and farmer 60. 
Ashley, Samuel P., (Slaterville,) attorney and counselor at law. 
Ashley, William P., Slaterville.) farmer 183. 

Atwater, Jason D., (Slaterville,) grist mill and farmer 95. , 

ATWOOD, OEOBOE W., (Caroline Depot,) farmer 106. 
Anlt, John. (Mott's Comers,) general mechanic and farmers. 
BALL, HIRAM S., (Caroline Center,) Free Will Baptist clergyman. 
Bates, Abraham, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 100. 
Bates, Francis Aj^(Mott's Comers,) farmer 9B. 
Beckman, John W., (Caroline,) farmer 105. 
Besemer, John J., (Slaterville.) farmer 108. 
Beet, Charles, (Slaterville,) farmer 25. 
Best, James, (Slaterville,) farmer leases of Wm. Niver, 64. 
Bingham, Ormal, (Slaterville,) Baptist clergyman. 

Bishop, Joeeph S., (SpeedBvUle,) fenn»r 104. 

Blackman, Frederick B., (SpeedBville.) farmer 133. 

Blackman, Levi, (estate) (SpeedsTiUe,) 50. 

Blackman, Solomon V., (Speedsyille,) fanner 29. 

Blackman, William H., (SpeedSTille.) 

Blair, George, (SpeedsvilleO former 340. 

Blair, Robert, (Speedsville,) farmer' 176. 

BOGABDUS, CALVIN, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 230. 

Eosardns, Mannine, (Caroline Depots farmer 6. 

Boice, Comelins, (BlaterTiUe,) (wilh John,) farmer 130. 

Boice, Eli, (tUatervllle,) saw mill and farmer 165. 

Boice, Emory, (Slaterrille,) farmer 200. 

Boice, HeniT, (Slatervllle,) farmer 100. 

BOICE, JAMES, (Slaterville,) farmer 67X. 

Boice, Johni (Slaterville,) (with Comelitu,) farmer 180. 

BOWMAN, DANIEL M., (Slaterville,) farmer TO. 

Boyce, Collins, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 1. 

Boyce, Sarah Mrs., (Caroline Depot,) farmer 6. 

BOYBK & SPEED, (Caroline,) (W<Mi» JU. Boyer and Bdbert Q. B. Spud,) proprietors 

Tontpkins Co. ontter and cheese factory. 
BOTEB, THOMAS M., (Caroline Center,) farmer 488. 
BOYEE, WALLlS At., JCarollne,) (Bayer & Speed,) farmer 62. 
BBEAELBT, ANDREW, (Caroline Center,) boot and' shoe maker. 
BREAELET, JOHN, (Caroline Center,) farmer 50. 
BRINE, ELIAS, (Caroline Center,) carpenter and joiner and farmer 144. 
BRINK, THOMAS B., (Caroline Center,) farmer 96. 
Brodhead^Abigail Mrs., (Slaterville,) farmer 10. 
Bronson, Ebenezer, (Speedsville,) farmer 80. 
Buchannon, Christopher, (Caroline Center^ farmer 2^. 
Ball, Henry W., (Slaterville,) general merchant, alio, physician and farmer 100. 
Bull, John, (Slaterville,) post-master, merchant and farmer 20. 
Bull, Justus, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 160. 
Bull, Moses, (Slaterville,) farmer 140. 
Bush, Benjamin, (Slaterville,) fanner 21. 
Bash, Wiluam, (Slaterville,) farmer 75.' 
Calkins, Enos, (Speedsville^ floor and meal store and farmer 2. 
Cannon, John a., (Slaterville,) farmer 109. 
Cam, Wm. J., (Slaterville,) boot and shoe maker. 
Carpenter, Edward S., (Speedsville,) farmer 154^. 
CHURCH, JOHN E., (Caroline,) farmer a. 
Clark, Eliza Mrs., (Caroline Center,) farmer 96. 
Clark, George H., (Slaterville.) proprietor Slaterville Hotel. 
Clark, Mary Mrs,, (Speedsville,) farmer 75. 
Clark, Mason, (Caroline Center,) farmer 150. 
CLARK, SPENCER L., (Caroline Center.) farmer. 
Cole, William, (Caroline Center,) farmer 4. 
Cooper, Hiram, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 67^. 
Cooper, John A. D., (Mott's Comers,) farmer 181. 
Cooper, Samnel B., (Caroline Depot,) farmer 40. 
Cooper, William, (Caroline Depot,) iiirmer 200. 
Crandall, Horace L^ (Caroline,) carpenter and joiner and former la. 
Crane, Benjamin, (Speedsville,) farmer 140. 
Crane, Moses, (CaroUne Center,) farmer 34. 
Cross, John, (Caroline Center,) farmer 273. 
Cummings, James E., (Wilseyville, Tioga Co.,) former 80. 
Curtis, John A., (Caroline Center,) former 18Q. 
Curtis, WUliam, (Caroline Center,) farmer 180. 
Cutting, Betsey Mrs., (Mott's Comers,) farmer 1. 
Davis, Charles L., (Slaterville,) (Davit dk Harding.) 

Davis & Harding, (Slaterville,) (CharletL. Davis and Hubert Baxding,) blacksmiths. 
Davis, John, (Caroline Depot,) farmer IJ^. 
Dean, Christian Mrs., (Slaternlle,) former 12. 
Dennis, Ell, (Caroline Depot,) former 75. 
Deputron, Henry, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 2()Jtf. 
Deuell, Charles, (Slaterville,) fariser 108. 
Deuell, Morgan, (Slaterville.) former 116. 
Denell, Sally Mrs., (Slaterville,) former 42. 
Barsley, Prancls, (Caroline,) farmer 72. 
Earsley, Nathan B., (Caroline,) former 68X. 
Earsley, William, (Caroline^ former 50. 

EDWARDS, NELSON G., (Mott's Corners,) boot and shoe maker. 
Eighmey, Daniel, (Speedsville,) farmer 60. 
Eighmey, Philip, JSiaterville,) former 100. 
Eldridgo, Enoch P., (Stoterville,) M. B. dergjmwi. 

CABpLINB. 127 

Enni«t, Qrrui, (Caroline Center J farmer ISO. 

EVANS, JQSLffi H„ (CMQfiipie Center,) farmer 100. 

EVANS, 8SlJv¥sTM,(Caj'olliiie Center,) fiifeirf 7. 

Foot, Charlea, (Wilsejrvme, Tioga Co.,) farmer "4. 

Freeman, GflBiertO., (SpeedBTille,) fiirmer 100. 

PBEEK, M. v.; iglaterYdle,) Wactsailth. 

GALLAGBBK, WILLIAM C, (SlatervUle,) alio, physician. 

Gates, GeoVge, i^ott's Corners,) boot and sboe maker. 

Gennng, JoluMMott's ComerB,) former T5, 

GIBSON, Q. W. S., (SlaterriUe,) miller. 

Gilbert, Dan. B., (Speedsville,) post-master. 

Goodrich, Gomsey, (Speedsville,) farmer 140. 

Goodrich, Levi, (SpeeOavUle,) farmer 830. 

GOBTOK, ALOKZO N., (Caroline Depot,) farmer lOO. 

GRANT, HENBT, (Caroline Center,) harness maker and farmer 15. 

Grant, James B^ (Caroline Center,) farmer llJi. 

Green, Samuel E., (Slaterville,) farmer 134. 

Hamilton, Joseph^jSlatervllle,) farmer 100. 

Hammon,EdmonB., (Slaterville,) farmer 14. 

Hanford, Don C, (Caroline Depot,) cabiiiet;maker, npbolaterer and farmer SS. 

Harding, Abram T., (Slatervllle,)^carriSge maker ana undertaker. 

Harding, Hubert, (Slaterville,) (jkoAt £Harding.) 

Hart, Alonzo O. , (Caroline,) farmeP 80. 

Hart, Jbhii, (CaroUhe Center,) farmer leases of George Pompelly of Ovrego, US. 

Hart, Benhen, (Caroline Center,) farmer 117. 

Hartson, Abel, (Slaterville,) farmer 39. 

Hawkins, George W., (Speedsville,) ( Wlating <£ HawUtu.) 

Hawkins, Levi, (Slaterville,) fanner i». 

HATNES, J. A., (Caroline,) farmer. 

Hajnes, Peleg, (Caroline,) farmer 90. 

HEAD, 9MIT H, (Caroline Center,) fanner 60. 

Hedges, ElijahC., (WiisoyviUe, Tioga Co.,) farmer 189. 

Higgins, Charles B., (Caroline,) farmer 166. 

Higgins, Daniel, (Slaterville,) farmer 160. 

Higgins, Benben, (CaroUhe Center,) farmer 90. 

HILDEBBANT, CHABLES, (Caroline^ farmer 810. 

Hildebrant, Nancy M. Mrs., (Caroline Center,) farmer 3X- 

HiU, Norman, (Caroline Depot,) Dirmer 48. 

Hillei7,')9nsanA. MrB.,'(C8rotineDepot,)ftrmer34. 

Hogan, Aaron B., (Slaterville,) fanher W- 

Hoglen, Williain, (Caroline Centw,) farmer 175. 

Holbrook, Philip, (Caroline Center,) M. E. clergyman. 

HOLMES, CALVIN A., (Mott's Corners,) farmer 49. 

Holmes, Ims, (Mott's Comers.) farmer 66. 

Hoose, Charles, (Wilseyville, Tioga Co.,)farmer 170. 

HOBNBECK, ALVA JL (Stoter^le,) (Sombaek & Brotli^.) 

HOBNBECK &BROTHEB, (SlatervUle,) (CornaiiU f. ind Mm F.) bUcksmlths. 

HOBNBECK, COBNELIUS P., (Slaterville,) (Bdmbecle & Brotlutr.) 

HOBNBECE, LUCIUS D., (Slaterville,) c(irrlag« maker. 

Hombeck, Philip, (Slaterville,) carriage Iriakef; ~ 

HOWE, EPENia'trs, (SpeedsvilH) farmer 50. 

Holslander, Henry, (Caroline Center.) iitrmer leases qi Joseph McGraw of Diyden 618. 

Humphry, Helen M. Mrs. (SpeedaviUe,) fftnoeit 96. ' 

Humphrey, Hiram, (Speedsville.) former laO. 

Hungerford, Lewis, (Slaterville,) former 65. 

rVOBY, COBNELIUS, rtJaroIlnis Cei|iter,i former TO- 

Jansen, Daniel, (Mott's Corners,) former 74. 

JANSEN, OLIVER, (Slaterville,) farmer 50. 

Jansen, Spencer, (Caroline Depot,) former 46. 

Jenks, Daniel B., (Siieedsvllle,) farmer. ' 

Johnson, ComeUns, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 40. 

JOHNSON, BANSOM, (apeedsville,J hoineo. fhysiclan. 

Joiner, James, (Speedsville,) grist mill. 

Jones, John, (Caroline Center J farmer 87. 

JONES, SAMtFBL, (Speedsvilfe,TTanher 110. 

Jordan, Uriah, (Caroline Center,) farmer 59; 

June, Jeremiah, (Slaterville,) fajnner Hi; 

Eeeler, Albert, (Mott's Comers;) miller and former S^. 

Kelley, Patrick, (Slaterville,) tatffl^^;^. 

Eelley, Philip, (Slaterville,) farmer 1. 

KenyoUj^ Henry, (Caroline,) farmer 66. 

KING, BRADI^Y W., (Qaroline Q^ilteir,) agent fojr AW ?!■ PhiUips, and former H- 

Kingman, L^man, (Speedsville.) 



A TSJitTr-riro cozumjv JozrsiJVAL, 

Ii Fabllshed every Thnreday by 



Culver and Bates' Brick Block, Third Floor, 


In Advance. 

$2.00 per Year, 

Tbe Democrat was establiebed in 186S, nnder the present management. 

THE Jie iiPiiTilEilT, 

The Northrup Power Press. 

Gordon Lightning Job Press. 

JVew 2yj^ 

ne, an 

d Eve 


y Complete. 



1 w 

a w 

3 w 


8 m 

6 m 


One Square, 1 00 





10 00 

16 00 

One-qnarterCorn,6 00 

700 ■ 


10 00 

18 00 

25 00 

80 00 

One-half Colnmn, 7 00 

10 00 

IS 00 

16 00 

S5 00 

40 00 

60 00 

oneuolunm, 10 00 ' 16 00 ' 20 00 ' M 00 

40 00 

70 00 

100 00 

ONB mOH apace or less, makes asqnare 
For AdvertlBlng In doable columns, 60 pei 

■ cent, add 

tlonal will 

be charge! 




Kingman, Lvman B., (Hpeedsville,) produce broker. 
KNAPP, JOHN L., (Caroline Center.) former 44. 
Krnm, Henry 2a., (Caroline Depot,) farmer 149. 
KKUM, MICHABL 0^ (Slatervflle,) farmer 356. 
LAKDON, SEXTUS B., (Mott'a ComSrs,) farmer 16. 
Lane, Abraham, (SlaterVule,) farmer 66. 
Lane, George SMiWilsByville, Tioga Co.J farmer 70. 
Lane, Horace, (wuseyrllle, Tioga Co..) former 62. 
'Lane, leaac, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 60. 
Lane, Jacob, (WilBeyrille, Tioga Co.,) farmer 65. 
Line, Hellasa, niott's Comers,) farmer 63. 
Lane, Blcbard C., CWllseyTllle, Tioga Co..) former 18S. 
Lane, Walter, (Caroline Center,) farmer 80. 
Lee, Patrick, (Caroline Center,) farmer 160. 
LEOQ, LABNABD, (SpeedSTille,) farmer. 
LBGG, LEONARD, (SpeedBvUle,) farmer 66. 
Lege, Lyman, (Speeasrille,) manufactarer of Boap, potaeb and brick, dealer in floor and 

feed, and farmer 63. 
LEGO, MABTIN L., (SpeedSTille,) carriage maker and farmer 1. 
LEGG, BBUBEN T., (SpeedBTllle,) carpenter and Joiner. 
Legg, Stillman F., (SpeedsTllle,) carpenter and joiner, and farmerlK. 
Leet, William, (estate,) (Speedsville,) 49. 
Leonard, Abram, (Slaterrille,) farmer 126. 
Lewis, Alexander, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 50, 
Lewis, Lydla Mrs., (Mott's Comers,) farmer 20. 
Liddington, Abby MrB.JSpeedsTille,) fanner 60. 
LIDDINGTON, FBEDEEICK G., (Speedsville,) farmer 60. 
LIDDINGTON. VALENTINB, (Speedsville,) farmer 171. 
Linch,Comelia Mrs., (Mott's Comers,) farmer 46. 
L03EY, BENJAMIN, (Mott's Comers.) farmer 6. 
LOTT, WINSOB E., (Caroline Center,) blacksmith and former 8K. 
LomisDery.Cantine, (Mott's Comers,) former 70. 

LOITNSBEBT, EDWARD, (Mott's Comers,) tanner, carrier and farmer 40. 
Loansbery,JUchard, (Mott's Corners,) farmer 85. 
Lull, John B., (Mott's Comers,) gun barrel maker and farmer 9. 
Lvmvi, David B., (SpeedBville,) stage proprietor. 

lVON, WILLIAM H., (Speedsville,) manufactarer of cheese vatB, milk cans and coolers. 
Mandeville, Garret, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 160. 
Mandeville, John L., (Mott's Comers.) surveyor. 
Manning, Charles, (Caroline Depot,) farmer leases of Harry Boss 60. 
Marsh, Frederick J., (Caroline Depot,) farmer 96. 
Maynard, Edward, (Caroline Center,} former 1)i. 
Maynard, Thomas, (Caroline Center,) farmer 11. 
MCfGILLIVEAT, GEO., (Ithaca,) farmer. 
McGraw, Hash, (Speedsville,) farmer 90. 
McLaeBh,^John, (Caroline,) farmer 26. 
MCWHOETEB, DAVID, (Slaterville,) former 60. 
McWhorter, Gilbert, (Slaterville,) farmer 45. 
MCWHOE'TEB, JAMES H., (Mott's Comers,) blacksmith. 
McWhorter, John, Olott's Comers,) farmer 80. 
Mearham, Albert, (Caroline Depot,) blacksmith. 
Meacham, William S., (Caroline Depot,) basket maker and farmer Z^. 
Mead, Benjamin F., (Slaterville,) farmer 20. 
Merlcle, Blias, (CaroUne Centerj farmer 100. 

MBBBBLL, ALVIN, (Caroline Depot,) station keeper, post-master and farmer 75. 
Merrell, Martin, jCaroline Depot,) farmer 60. 
Merrick, John, (Caroline,) farmer 38. 
MEBEICK, MATHEW L., (Speedsville,) farmer 96. 
Merrill. Jason P., (Caroline Depot,) ticket agent and telegraph operator. 
MILLBE, JAMBS M., (Caroline Depot,) farmer 72. 
Miller, John B., (Caroline Depot,) fSrmer 12if . 
Moncrief, Caroline Miss, (Speedsville,) milliner and dress maker. 
Morrell, Charles H., (Caroline,) farmer 75. 
Mott, William 2d., (Mott's Comers,) farmer 260. 
MXnE,GEOBGE, (SpeedsviUe,) farmer 157. 
Mulks, Moses, (Mott's Comers,) carpenter and joiner and fanner 1. 
NELSON, GEOBGE J., Vsiaterville.) farmer 126. 
NIXON, GEOBGE H., (speedsville,) general merchant and farmer 3. 
NOEBIS, BENSON, (Slaterriile,) former 96. 
Norris ^Philip, (Slaterville,) former 96. 

NOBTHEOP, ALONZO B., (Mott's Comers.) mason, carpenter and farmer 2^. 
NOEWOOD, JONATHAN M., (Slaterville,) farmer 95. 
Noxon, James, (Speedsville,) fanner 117. 
NOXON.LAWBEN F., (Speedsville,) former 10. 



OBden, Charlee, ff«ro"ne Center) (i»l^l"^'^'lfe'®!li**- 

Offden Daniel, (Caroline Center.) (with t7A<W.,)ft.«ner 144. 

ofney, Daniel, (Caroline Center,) farmer 40., 

Olney, William, (Caroline^) farmer 6P. , 

Osborn GeoreeW.,(8peetlBville,) carpenter inajdinM., , , 

oltrSerFfflella, (Caroline OeiW,)(0«<roffld# 4 A ,<,,,, 

oStSSder&SaterkBBeB,(CaroUne Center,) ^(ttita OttrmOii-ahd ItaHa A. Slattr,) 

millinera and dresf makers. 
Paine, David, (Caroline Center,) former 85. , 
Paine Edward, (Caroline Center,) farmer 64. 
PAIn!e, franklin, (Slaterville,) forpipr 93. 
Paine, Maria H. Mrs., (SlatervUle.) farmer 44. 
Parker, Emily J. Mrs., (Speedsville,) dresa makfer. 
PAREEB, JAMES M., (SpeedsviUe,) former 10. 
PARKER, SAMUEL, (Speedsville,) farmer 68. 
Patcb, Anna Mrs., (Caroline,) former 12S. 
Patch, Horace, (Spefedhville,) former ITS. 
Patch, John B., (Speedsville,) farmer 185. 
Patch, Nathan, (Speedsville,) ta.nhet IW. 
Perry, A. A., (Mott's Comtrs,) practical tanner. 
Perry, James, (Caroline Center,) farmer 24. 
Perry, Joseph, (Caroline Center,) farmer 30. 
Perry, Joseph 2d., (Caroline Center,) farmer 40. 
Perry, Minns H., (Caroline Depot,) Baptist cleirgJlMn. 
Perry, Simeon B., (Caroline Center,) fanner 76. , 
Personius, Elizabeth Mrs., (Caroline Center,) former 18.. , 

Personlus, Isaac, (Slaterville,) former leases Of Abraham JenSen, 78. 
Personius, James, (Caroline Center,) forinterl,, 

PBRSOlrtUS, JOHN J., (Caroline Center,) fermer 60. , ^ ^,„; . 

Personius, Walker V., (Mott's Comers,) merjonant, poat-masteir and folmorS. 
Personius, William, (Mott's Corners,) farmer 1*8. 
PETERS, JOHN J., (Caroline Center,) foniiBr 30. 

Pew. William, (Slaterville,) bUcksmlth. t^ » ,,4^,3, w «•■ i 

PHILLIPS, ASA E., (Caroline Center.) gSaefSl merchint, Bf&dler W. King, agent. 
PHILLIPS. LTJMANB., (Caroline Centet) ^fmei- 80. 

Pool, Daniel, (Caroline Depot,) blacksM^h snd;formei'25. 

I*reBton, Henry L.,(Carbliiie Center,) farmer ISO. , . 

PRESTON, ORLANDO B., (Caroline Center,) firirie* 105. 

"lUICK, DANIEL H., (SlaterviUe,) former 116JC. 
;aick, Frederick, (Slaterville,) former 112. 
;uick, Henry, (Caroline Center,) farmer WX, 
>uick, Johnson, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 135. 
;nick, Peter, (Slaterville,) farmer 60. 
,nick, Richard S., (Slaterville,) farmer 96. 
eed, Benton, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 90. 

Reed, Herman C, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 300. 

Reed, JacobjiTMott's Comers,) farmer 63. 

REED, JAMES B., (Mott's Comers,) former 41>^. 

REEVES, GEORGE, (SpeedBville.) toilor, .. , 

Rhoode, Increas S., (Mott's Comers.) farther 300. 

Rice, George, (Speedsviile,) former 97. , ... 

Rice, Polly Mrs., (Caroline Center,) fannerlOT. 

RICH, MIRRIAM MBS., (CaroUne,) former 60. 

Rich, Orrin P. , (Caroline,) farmer 57. , , , . 

Richards, Susan Mrs., (Caroline Depot,) fiirmer 2. 

Ridgway, James and Son, (Caroline Depot,) K,ita6t 450. 

RIGHTMIRE, JOHN, (SpeedBvlUe,) farmer 260. , , . 

RIGHTMYER, JAMES H., (CaroUne Depdi,) fitAii 63. 

Rightmyre, John, (Mott's Cotnere,) former 94. . , i - 

ROBINS, URIAH L., (Caroline Center,) ciirriage maker and fttnler 18. 

Robinson, Solomon, (Slaterville,) former 140. , . . . 

Roe, James W., (Mott's Comets,) (mih NaOaam J.,) former 180. 

Roe, Nathaniel J., (Mott's Corners,) (wUhJcuMi W.,) former 160. 

Ross, Edmond, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 236. , .^, .^ 

ROUNSBVILLE, CHARLES J., (Caroline Ceatfet,) Wkcksmlth, anctloneor, attorney at 
' law, justice of the peace and farmer 7. 

Rounesville, Emily, (C&roline,) farmer 100. . 

Roanseveli, Madison, (Caroline,) fthnet llO. 

ROUNSEVKLL, NELSON, (Caroline,) post nialtter Bhd fohner 81. 

Royce, Almon, (Caroline,) farmer l}j. 

Royce, Julius C, (Caroline,) blacksmith. 

Rummer, Levi, (Speedsville,) famier 87. 

Sanders, George T., (Mott's Corners,) general merchatit. 

Sawyer, Henry, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 31. 


SCHOONMAKEH; JACOB D., (Slatervllle,) farmer 140. 

SCHUTT, ANKAURS., (Caroline Depot,) fanner 17. 

Scott, Abraham Q,, (CaroIineOenter,) cooper and farmer SO, 

Scutt, Sylyester A., (slatervllle,) farmer 87. 

Seager, Hiram O., (Slaterville,) fiirmer leases of Wm. Bull, l}i. 

Seeley, Hanoab, (Carolibe Depot,) (<aMi Maru,) ISirmer 64. 

Seeley, Mary Miss, (Carbline Depot,) (with Banmh.) farmer 64. 

Shaw, William L., (SMeasvlUe J farmer 47. 

SHULENGBUKG, AUSTIN, (WilseyVille, Tioga Co.,) farmer. 

Shulenburg, John B., (Wllseyville, Tioga Co.,) farmer 113. 

Shulenbnrgar, Henry, (Wilseyville, Tioga Co.,) farmer 75. 

Shorter, Tirzah, (Mott's Comers,) farmer iii, 

Simpson, Philetus, (Mott's Comers.) carpenter and Joiner and farmer 11. 

Slater, Maria A., (Caroline Center.) (Ostrander & Slater.) 

Slater, Sharrard, (Caroline Center,) general merchant, post-master and farmer 83. 

SLOUGHTBE; BENJAMIN V., (Mott's Corners,) farmer «. 

Smiley, Hatre^, (Slaierrille,) farmer 76. 

Smith, Charles, (Caroline,) carpenter and joiner. 

Smith, Frederick, (Caroline Center.) farmer 160. 

Smith, George, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 8. 

Snow, Asa ST, jMott's Corners,) farmer 1, 

Snow, James H., (Caroline Center,) farmer 130. 

Snow, Simon V., (Caroline Center,) farmer 123. 

Spaolding, Truman, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 8S, 

Spanldi^g; William, (Caroline Depot,) Ittrmer 93. 

Speed, Ricbard P.j^(Carollne,) farmer 76. 

Speed, Hobert G. H., (Caroline,) {Bayer & 3peea.) 

SPEED, WILLIAM, (Caroline Center,) farmer SOO. 

Stearns, John, (SpeedsriUe,) farmer 100; 

Stephens, Clarissa Mrs., (Caroline Depot,) fariner 18. 

Stephens, Daniel, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 60. 

Stephens, David, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 26. 

Stephens, James ^Caroline Depot,) farmer 160. 

Stephens, James W., (Caroline Depot.) farmer 40. 

Stephens, Smith D., (Caroline Depot,) farmer 180. 

Stephens, Maria Mrs. &Son, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 60. 

Stephens, Samuel, (Caroline Depot,) farmer 110. 

BTKAIQHT, HIKAM A., (Caroline,) former l>f . 

Strong, Anson B., (Slatervllle,) farmer leases of Elizabeth Hamilton, 50. 

Strong, Baiiazah J,, (SpeedBvilleO fanner. 

SuUiviiti, Jphn, (estate,) (Slatemlle,) 108. 

SULLIVAN, WILLIAM, (Slatervllle,) fiirmerll7. 

TAFT, JOHN, (Caroline Center,) farmer 74. 

TALCOTT, FRANCIS, (Mott's Comers,) harness and trunk maker. 

Thomas. John W.,jSlaterville,) farmer 28>f. 

Toby, Charles P., (Slaterville,) gristmill and farmer 320. 

TOBEY, NATHANIEL M., (Caroline,) two saw mills and farmer 16S. 

Torrey, David B., (Caroline Center,) farmer 238. 

Tracy, Smith, (SpeedSVille,) farmer 90. 

Tucker, Edwara, (Mott's Corners,) cooper and farmer 78. 

Turk, Isaac, (Slatervllle,) (with ZachaHah,) farmer 16 and Individually 86. 

Turk, John, (Slaterville,) farmer 60. 

Turk, Zachariah, (Slatervllle,) (with Isaac,) farmer 16 and individually 180. 

Tyler, Hiram W., (Speedsville,) farmer 823. 

Vandermark, Benjamin, (Mott's Corners,) farmer 87. 

Vandermark Brothers, Mott's Comers,) (Valentine andJame$ E.,) general merchants. 

Vandermark, Elisha, mott's Corners,) farmer 90. 

Vandermark, Hannah E. Mrs., (Caroline Center,) farmer 2. 

Vandermark, Hiram, (Mott's Corners,) farmer 76. 

Vandermark, Jacob, (Mott's Corners,) woolen factory and gristmill. 

Vandermark, James, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 148. 

Vandermark, Jamles K., (Mott's Corners,) (Yandermarh Brothen.) 

Vandermark, Johii J., (Caroline Center,) farmer 1. 

Vandermark, Valentine, (Mott's Comers,) ( Vaniermark Brothen.) 

Vanederstlne, James, (Speedsville,) farmer 87. ^ 

Vanpelt, Garret, (SlaterVille,) boot and shoe maker. 

Vanpelt, Lorenzo D., (Slatervllle,) farmer 123. 

Wade, Benjamin C, (Speedsville,) hotel keeper and fanner 1. 

Wall, John C, (Caroline Center,) eclectic physician. 

Watkins, Lyman, Speedsville,) farmer 221. 

WATTLES, CHAUNCEY L., (Caroline,) farmer 161. 

Wattles, Lathrop, (Caroline,) farmer 140. 

Webb, Frederick, (Caroline,) farmer 40. 

Webb, James, (Caroline Center,) farmer 25. 





PLiM iii mm 

Parlor & Chamber 

Also do Sep»Vring, Scroll Sa/wing, Carving or XTpfutlaterlngf and cut straight 

or curved Jlfouldings, 



Are situated in the Village of Itha<!a, 



The Proprietor, B. MORSE, lends flirmers every spring, clean Flax Seed to bow, and 
contracts to pay some stipnlated price for the flax seed and flax straw raised, orpays the 
market pnce, as the farmers may choose. Farmers are finding this to be one of the best 
paying crops that they can raise in this section of coantry. He also keeps pure 

Flax. Seed OU and Oil Meal, 

to sell in qnantities to snit purchasers, 
rounding country. 

This has also proved a. great benefit to the sur- 

The Oil he manuteotures is esteemed very highly for painting, on account of its not 
peeling off, as Linseed Oil that Is brought from Sew York is very apt to do. 

^^^Jf^K^°'""^ '? ?*'= section feed large quantities of oH meal to their cattle, sheep, 
horses and hogs, and the more they feed of it the better they like it. In fact, it has be- 
S?«-.^J^» ."^IS"/ '»™e", especially the better class of stock growers, an indlspBHsaMe 
article of food for stock, one that is both healthy ^d nutritious for any animal. 


_^ — « 

Webb; John, (Caroline,) farmer 30. 

Webster, William, (Uott's Comers,) farmer 16. 

Whitbeck, John, (Slatervllle,) Dutch Reformed clergyman and farmer 8. 

WHITE, GEORGE W., (Mott's Comers,) grist and saw mill, and farmer 88. 

White, Morgan A., (Caroline Center,) farmer 50. 

Whiting & Hawkins, (Speedavllle,) {Samiul Whiting and Cfeorge W., Hawkine,) blatk- 

Whltlne, Samnel, (^eedsvllleO {Whiting <k EawJdnt.) 
WHITLEY, STEPHEN, (Caroline Center,) farmer 65. 
WHITLET, WILLIAM Bt., (Caroline Center,) former 66. 
Wllber, William, (SpeedtTille,) farmer 104. 
WiUard, Franklin, (Slatervllle,) carpenter and joiner. 
WILLIAMSON, E. J., (Caroline,) ftrmer. 
Wlnchell, John, (Caroline Center,) farmer 60. 
Winchell, Levi M., (Caroline Center,) farmer 78. 
Wlnchell, William, (Caroline Center,) farmer 70. 
Wolcott, George, (Mott'a ComersO carpenter and joiner and farmer 4. 
Wolcott, John, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 21. 
Wolcott, William, (Mott's Corners,) carpenter and joiner. 
TAPLE. GEORGE W., (Slatervllle,) firmer 63. 
Taple, Horace, (Caroline,) farmer 39. 
YiffLB, JOHN J., (Caroline Center,) farmer 65. 
Yaple, Peter, (Caroline,) farmer 20. 
YjO'LB, WILLIAM,* (Slatervllle,) farmer 150. 
Yates, Francis, (Slatervllle,) liirmer 37. 
Yates, Simon, (Speedsville,) blacksmith and farmer 1. 
Young, Andrew, (Caroline Center,) farmer 60. 
Young, William, (Caroline Canter,) fiirmar 86>^.l 
Youngs, James, (Mott's Comers,) (lirmer 81. 


(Post Office Addresses in Parenthesasiii 

Ackels, John, (South Danby,) farmer 35. 
AUick, DeWltt, (West Danby,) mason. 
Angle, Esther S., (Danljy,) farmer leases 50. 
Atwell,H., (Danby,) farmer 40. 
Austin, Alonzo, (South Danby,) fanner 53. 
Austin, Samnel, (South Danby,) fanner 63. 
Banfleld, Charles A^ (Danby,) farmer 65. 
BANFIELD, ISAAC, (Danby,) firmer 175. 
Banfleld, Joel, (Danby,) blacksmith and farmer 50. 
Barton, Frederick, (South Danby,) farmer. 
Baylor, Peter, (Danby,) farmer leases 100. 
BEACH, DAVID, (West Danby,) farmer 100. 
BBARDSLEY, A., (Danby,) farmer 100. 
BBARDSLBY, G. F., ff)anby,) farmer 60 and leases 100. 
BEABDSLBY, H. S., (Danby,) wagon maker and farmer 255, 
Beardsley, WellBjDanby,) farmer 81. 
BEERS, ANDREW, (Danby,) farmer 800. 
BEERS, A. J^ (South Danby,) former. 
'BEERS, BLI DRy (Danby,) farmer 22. 
BEERS. H. A., (South Danby,) firmer 260. 
ffieera,J., Panby,)farmer4q. 
iBeers, Levi L., g?anby,) auctioneer and farmer JSO. 
JBeers, Levi C, (Danby,) firmer leases 104. 

ffleers, LucianB., (Danby,) farmer 76. 

Beers, Marcus, (Danby,) firmer leases 150. 

134 DANBT. 

Beers, Mariar(Danby,) farmer 94. 
BeerB, Wm. K., (Danby,) fanner 62. 
Bell, John, panby,) fanner 90. 
Bennett, AaroDijroanby,) fanner BO. 
Bierce, George W., (Danby,) fanner 60. 
Bierce, Jnliat.panby,) cooper. 
BINGHAM, SETH, (South Banby,) farmer IBO. 
BIKCH, DAVID, (Sonth Danby,) farmer SOJf . 
BLOVBLT, FBTBR, Cpanby,) farmer 100. 
BODA, F. O., (South Danby,) farmer lOa. 
■ BOGEKT, DAVID, (South Danby,) farmer 100. 
BOGEBT, JACOB, (South Danby,) farmer 100. 
Botton, A. W., Panby,) farmerleases 94. 
BOWER, HENKY, ffianby,) farmer 75. 
Bradfoid, Mrs., panby.) 
Bradford, Sarah, manbyj) milliner. 
Bratt, George J., (South Danby,) carpenter and farmer. 
BKIGGS, ISAAC, (Went Danby,) farmer 418. 
Briggs, Jamea I., QFeBtDanby,) farmer 86. 
BriggB, Mary A„ (West Danby,) farmer 84. 
Brock, Alfred,JDanby,) farmer 100. 
Brock, John, panby,) farmer 212. 
BBOCK, THOMAS, panby,) overseer of poor and fanner 200. 

Brown, Solomon Eev„ panby.) 
BEUCE, HANNAH, (Newfleld,) farmer 110. 

BBUCB, JAMES, panby,) farmer. 

BEtTCE, MATHIAS, panby,) farmer 162. 

BBUICE, JAMES, (Newfleld,) farmer 108. 

CASH, JOHN, (South Danby,) farmer. 

Chapman, W. B., panby,) general merchant and farmer 12. 

Clark, Delia, panby,) farmer 275. 

Clark, Peter, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 1. 

Clongh, Lemuel W., panby,) blacksmith and farmerl. 

Cog^s, Loima, (South Danby,) farmer leases 115Ji. 

Compton, Silas, panby,) farmer 50. 

COOK, JAMES, Panby,) farmer 100. 

Coale, Anna, (South Danby,) farmer 58. 

Cooper, Ann, (South Danby,) farmer 100. 

Corpser, FestuB, (Spencer, Tioga Co.) farmer 107. 

Cooper, Henry, (South Danby,) farmer 10. 

Cooper, John, (South Danby,) farmer leases 114. 

Cooper, Lyman, panby,) farmer 100. 

Cornell, B. F., panbyy farmer 830. 

Comwell, Nelson A^ (Danby,) farmer. 

Cowles, Almiron, (West Danby,) farmer 92;f . 

Crance, Darid, (West Danby,) farmer 50. 

Crance, John, (West Danby ,);fiirmer 80. 

Crance, Marcus^(WeBtl)anby,) farmer 80. 

Crance, Mary, (West Danby,) farmer 30. 

OAnce, Stephen, (West Danby,) farmer 18. 

caSAGBB, G. W., Panby,) farmer. 

CBKGAN, JAMES F^ (Ithaca,) farmer 90. 

Oronce, Moses Jn, (West Danby,) farmer leases 210. 

Cronce, Moses, (West Danby,) farmer. 

Cnmings, Gustus, panby,) farmer leases 60. 

CnmingB, Jacob, panby,) fiu:mer60. 

cnETlS,ELBBKTL. By^ panby,) supervisor andifarmer 640. 

Daniels, Lyman, (Sonth Danby,) farmer SO. 

DAWS, SAMUEL, (West Danbyi) farmer 100. 

Dawson, John, panby,) farmer 26. 

Deforest, A. B., panby,) farmer 50. 

DBNI80N, CHAS., (South Danby,) Oirmer. 

Denison, Gleorge, (South Danby,) farmer 89. 

Dixon, Traverse, panby,) farmer. 
Doolittle, Anson, (Ithaca,) farmer 26. 
DOBN, A., Panby,) farmer 160. 
Dom, Brownel, Panby,) farmer 80. 
Dom, David, panby.) farmer 58. 
Dom, B. B., panbyj farmer leases 250. 
DOBN, FRANCIS, Panby,) farmer 106. 
Dom, B., panby,) farmer 50. 
Dom, Ensign, panby,) fiirmer 80. 
Dom, Seth, (Danby,) ftirmerSO.! 

DANBT. 133 

DO WE, DBWITT C, (Danby,) farmer 80. 

Drew, Samuel, (South Danby,) farmer 50. 

Dumond, John A., (Danby,) farmer 83. 

DUTTON, A. H., (West Danby,) farmerMS. 

Baatman, Charles, (WUseyville, Tioga Co.) firmer 80. 

Egbert, W., (Danby,) farmer 40. 

ELLIOTT, BENJAMIN, (South Danby,) chair maker and fiirmerl02. 

Elliott, C, Panby,) farmer 10. 

Elwell, H. Bev.,f Danby,) pastor M. B. Church. 

ELYEACALvm, (Ithaca,) firmer 150. 

Emery, Benjamin P., (West Danby,) farmer. 

English, Charles, (West Danby,) wagon maker. 

Bvarts, Washington C, (Danby,) farmer l>f . 

EVEREST, D. A., (Danby,) farmer ISO. 

Fist, Clark, (West Danby,) farmer 46. 

Fist, Wm., (Danby,) farmer leases 1. 

Fitzer, Thomas T., (West Danby,) farmer 1. 

FitzingerjGabriel, (South Danby,) farmer 1%. 

Fogarty, Wm., (South Dauby,) farmer 93. 

Forces, Mrs., (IthncaJ 

FOBTNBB, GEORGE H., (Danby,) auctioneer and farmer. 

FORTNER, LEWIS, (Danby,) farmer 262. 

Poster, Lot, (Danby,) millwright and tHrmer 40. 

Foster, Sidney, (Danby,) tanner and firmer 1. 

FRAZIBBiISAAO J., (Ithaca,) farmer 118. 

GARDNER, WM., (Danby,) tarmer 120. 

Gavet, Wm. Rev., (South Danby,) M. B. clergyman. 

Gennng, Anna, (South Danby,) farmer 50. 

Gennng, Joel D., (Danby,) farmer ItH. 

GENUHG, LUTHER G., (South Danby,) farmer 160. 

Georgia, Miles Jr., panbyO farmer 50. 

Greene, John, B., (Danby,) farmer 86. 

GUNDERMAN, WM., QOanby,) farmer 100. 

HALL, ALBERT, (Danby,) farmer 175. 

Hall, Leonard, QanbyJ farmer 80. 

Hall, Leonard, (South Danby,) farmer 79. 

Hallet, Wm. (Danby,) farmer. 

HALLOCK, WM. B., (Danby,) farmer 270. 

HAMLIN, S. D., (Danby,) Sirmer 215. 

Hance, J. L., (DanbyO farmer 40. 

HANDY, M., (South Danby,) farmer 134. 

HANPORD, J., (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 
■ Hanford, Joel, fflanby,) farmer 76. 

Hart, Edward, (Danby,) farmer 40. 

Hart, Mrs., (Danbyji farmer 80. 

Haward, Charles, (West Danby,) farmer 25. 

Haward, Leonard, (West Danby,) farmer. , ^ . 

HAWES, J. & JON, (J. and W. C.,) (Danby.) general merchants. 

HAWES, W. C, (Danby.) (J. Bawm & Son.) 

HATATT, T., panby,) farmer 100. , 

HAYCOCK, JOHN, (Danby.) firmer 162Jtf. 

Haywaid, Daniel, (Danby,) farmer 40. 

Hayward, Ruth, panby,) farmer 6. 

Hazen, A., Panby,) farmer leases 300. 

HILL, EDWARD, (South Danby,) farmer 109 and leases 127. 

Hinds, Lot S., panby,) tanner. 

HOLLteTER, NOAH, Panby,) shoemaker and farmers. 

HOUSE. JAHIBL, (Danby,) farmer 186. 

House, Lewis, (West Danby,) farmer. 

HOUSE, SIDNEY, (West Danby,) farmer 105. 

ttowe'll c'c jn..(Da.n}f^,)(T.S.Bawettt!iCO.) , .. 

HOWELL' T. h: &c'd"i07d.BoweU, Jr.) panby,) general merchants, own farm 84. 

Howell, Wm., (South Danby,) farmer 50. 

HOWLkND, CHARLES, ^outh Danby,) postmaster and farmer 100. 

Howland, George, (South Danby,) farmer leases 80. 

HOWLAkD, J. K., panbyj farmer 141. 

HOWLAND, WM., ^outh Danby,) farmer 110. 

HEAD, THOMAS, (Danby,) farmer 109. 

Hemingway, Chauncey, (West Danby,) carpenter and farmer 66. 

Huee P., (Danby,) farmer. 

HUGb, LUMAN, (West Danby,) farmer 100. 

Hungerford, Mrs., Panby,) farmer 90. 

HutcTdngs, Timothy, (West Danby,) farmer 92. 


T h: E 





ImeJ Every Tlmrsiay, at TmansliirEli, New M, 


Oscar M. Wilson, Editor & Proprietor. 

Its Circulation in the Counties of Tompkins, Seneca, Cayuga and 

Schuyler, makes it the best advertising medium in this region. 

Advertising by the year or less time, at reasonable rates. 

^@m wmimwim 



Hyde, Ephralm, (Danby,) cooper. 

Jennings, Benjamin, (fianbyj farmer leases 800. 

Jennings, BUjali, (Sontli Danbyi) carpenter and former. 

Jennings, Homer, (Danby,) fanner 36. 

Jennings, L., (Danby.) 

Jennings, Levi, (South Danby,) farmer 70. 

JENNINQS, OSCAK, (Danby,) millwright and farmer 100. 

Johnson, Andrew, (Danby,) fanner 65. 

Jones, David, (Danby,) shoemaker and farmer leases 1. 

Jopp, Sherman M., panby,) farmer 40. 

JTIDSON, ELBBBT, ffianby,) former 267. 

JTJDSON, STOCKTON B., (Danby,) farmer 184 and leases 100. 

Keeler, Charles P., Panby,) farmer 80. 

KeelerJIiram, (Danby,) farmer leases 90. 

KEMtEDT, ANDKBWjiWest Danby,) fanner 1B4. 

KEHBDT^ CHABLBS, (West Danby,) fanner 100. 

King, A. E., Panby,) carpenter and farmer 10. 

KING, MBKEITT, (Newfleld,) lawyer. 

Ktag, Samuel B., (Danby,) former 75. 

KIEKBNDALL, ABKAM, panby,) farmer leases 93. 

KIBKBNDALL, SAMUEL, panby,) former 100. 

Knapp^A. W., panby,) cooper. 

LAMKlN, JAMES, (Danby,) farmer leases S29. 

LAEUB, James, (Danby.) farmer leases 100. 

LEWIS. ALFRED A^ (West Danby,) farmer 177. 

Lewis, Alvin, (West Danby,) former. 

Lewis, B., (South Danby.) 

Lewis, George, (West Danby,) carpenter. 

Lewis, John W., (West Danby,) blacksmith. 

Littles, W., Panby,) farmer leases 125. 

Logan, James, (South Danby,) former. 

Luce, Edward P. Dr., (Danby.) 

Mabee, Harriet, (Danby,) former 28. 

Mabee, Nathaniel, panby,) farmer. 

Manley, John, (Sonth Danby,) farmer 42. 

Mannmg, Daniel, (Danby,) farmer 73. 

Manning, J,, panby,) carpenter and farmer. 

Manning, John, (South Danby.) larmer BO. 

MANNSTG, JOSEPH, (South Danby,) farmer 100. 

Martin, Ira, panby,) farmer 93. 

Martin, Manuel, panby,) farmer 90. 

Martin, Wm„ (South Danby,) farmer 60. 

Masterson, N., Panby,) fanner 60. 

Maybee, Wm., (Spencer, Tioga Co.,) fanner 50 and leases 67. 

McTaKTHUK, GEKSHOM, (panby,) farmer 100. 

MCEWEN, .panby,) farmer 1()0. 

MCPALL, CHABLES. panby,) farmer 114. 

MCPALL, JOHN J., Panby,) fkrmer 95. 

MCPALL, JOSIAH, panby,) carpenter and former 50. 

McMannus, Michael, jDanby,) farmer 66. 

McPherson, W. H., (panby,) cabinet maker. 

MBEKEB, EEUBEN, Panby,) farmer 101>f . 

Merrill, I. 0„ panby,) carpenter and joiner. 

Messenger, Chancey, (West Danby,) farmer. 

Messenger, Wm. H., (Danby,) farmer 50. 

Mettler, George E., (Danby,) farmer 83>^. 

Mettler, John J., (DanbyJ farmer S2. 

Mlddaugh, John J„ panby,) farmer 20. 

Middaugh, P. A., (Danby,) farmer 20. 

MILLBE, B., (South Danby,) farmer 100. 

Miller, H, D., panby,) farmer 10. 

MILLBB, WM., (Sonth Danby,) farmer 345. 

Montgomenr, George, panby,) farmer 62}i'. 

Moms, J. P., phaca,) farmer 90. 

Mulks, Christopher^Jpanby,) former. 

Mynard, Cortland, (West Danby,) farmer 46. 

Nelson, Phineas, ^onth Danby.) fiirmer 40. 

Nelson, Samuel, (South Danby,) farmer 63. 

Nichols, A., panbyO farmer 12. 

O'BRIEN, MAETm, Panby,) farmer 130. 

08TEANDBR, CHABLES H. P., Panby,) former leases 168. 

Ostrahder, Dwlght,(Danbr,) shoe maker. 

Ostrander, George H. R., (Danby,) farmer leases 66. 

Ostrander, Jones, panby,) shoe maker and farmer 7. 

138 DANBY. 

OSTKANDEE, 0^ Panby,) farmer 300. 

Owens, Edward, (Danby,) wagon maker. 

Owens, "S.. p»nby,) wagon maker. 

ParBhall, David, (Danby,) farmer 76. 

Parshall, Gilbert, (DanbyJ farmer 78. , . ^ „.i 

PATCHEN, IBA, (West Danby,) general merchant and farmer 215. 

PATCEIBN, JOHN, (West Dan^O fiirmer 136. 

Patrie, Peter, (Spencer, Tioga CTo.,) farmer 60. 

Petty, Peter, (West Danby,) farmer 20. 

Phillips, T. J., Panby,) miller. 

PlerBon.Mathew, panby,) wagon maker. 

Pool, Edward, flOanby,) farmer leases I. 

Pool, Gabriel, fDanby,) farmer 80. 

POTTER, LEMUEL,l0aroliiie Depot.) farmer 150. 

PBATT, CHHISTOPHER P., panT)y,) farmer 116. 

PUGSLET, WM. H., panby,) farmer SOO. 

Eichards, irolm, panby,) farmer 40. 

EittenhoDse, Wm., (Sonth Danby,) farmer 83. 

Eoper, Charles, (Danby,) farmer 64. 

EOPEE, LUTHBB, panby,) farmer 220. 

Eoper, S. A., panby,) farmer 86. 

Eyan, Patrick, panby,) Sinner 50. 

Eyant, Joseph, panby,) ftrmer 90. 

SANDEESON, JOHN, (West Danby,) firmer 109X. 

SayleBLpharles E., (West Danby,) butcher and fawner 10. 

Sears, Brastus, panby,) farmer 80. 

Sears, John 3., panby) farmer 25. 

Sears, Wm., (Soath Danby.) farmer 33. 

Seigler, Joseph, panby,) farmer 50. 

Shephard, Simeon L.^anby,) shoe maker, 

SHERGOTJE, A. A.^ panby,) farmer. 

SHEEGOTJE, BENJ., Panby,) farmer leases 100. 

SIGNOE, DAVID A., Panby,) farmer 295. 

Smiley, Edwin, panby,) farmer 93. 

Smiley, John, panbyj farmer 89. 

Smiley, Wm., (South Danby,) farmer 97. 

Smiley, Zebulon, panby,) fanner. 

Smith, Isaac, panby,) farmer 60. 

Smith, Lewis, (South Danby,) farmer leases 150. 

SNTDBB, CHiaSTOPHEB, (West Danby,) former 180. 

SNYDEB. WM., (West Danby,) farmer 126. 

S01TLE, JOHN P., Panby.) blacksmith and fiirmer 92. 

Spanlding, Betsejr, (West DanbyJ 

SPAULDTNG, WILLABD P., (West Danby,) farmer 180. 

Sqnires, Henry D., panby,) clock agent. 

Starks, C, panbVj) farmer 1. 

Starks, Stephen, panby.) cooper. 

Steel, Elson W., panbyj fiirmer. 

St. John, Wm. H., (South Danby,) firmer 65. 

Sulivan, J., Panby ,)farmer 2. 

Swansbroiwh, Wm. H., panby,) fiirmer 80. r 

Swartout, E. E^, panby,) farmer leases 120. 

SWAETOUT, W. T., (Danby,) fanner 123. 

Sweetlove, Ellis, (West Danby,) farmer 50. 

TAGGAET.ALVIN, (West Danby,) firmer 100. 

TAYLOB, ANDEEW, (Danby,) farmer 100. 

Taylor, Eleazor, panby,) firmer 18, 

Turlor, MrsM phaca.) fiirmer 140. 

THATCHEB, E., (West Danby,) firmer 102. 

THATCHEB, EDMOND, (West Danby.) 

Thatcher, Jerrie, (West Danby,) justice of the peace and fiirmer ISO. 

THATCHEB, JOHN, (West Danby,) farmer 70. 

Thatcher, J. P., (West Danby,) firmer 58. 

Thayer, Malachl, (Danby,) fiirmer 60. 

THCJMAS, JOHN, PanTjy,) fenuer 70. 

Thompson, S. H., Panby.) 

Thornton, John, (West Danby,) firmer leases 200. 

Tibbitts, A. Dr., (West Danby,) firmer 65. 

TODD, BTBON A., (West Danby.) collector and constabW. 

TODD, C. J:, OTewieldO fiinner 100. 

Todd, G. A.. (West Danby,) fiinner iSS. 

Todd, Joseph B., (West Danby,) firmer. 

Trayer, Miles, (South Danby,) farmer. 

Tripp, James, (South Danby,) mechanic and firmer 86. 


Tripp, Jamea S., (Sonth Danbj,) farmer 26 and leases 38. 
Troy, Michael, (Dgnby,) fiirmer 36. 
Trror, J., (Ithaca,) hlacEBmlth and fanner 3. 
Tobha, AlbertlCDanhy,) farmer leases 97. 
Tnrk, David, (Danbr,) farmer 86 and leases 358. 
TuthiU, John, (DanbT,) firmer 106. 
Tuttle, George, (DanDf,) fkrmerlOO. 

Van De Bogert, VrancU, (Danby,) carpenter and farmer (&}(. 
Vandebogart^ John, (Sanbr,) justice of the peace and farmer 80. 
VAN OELDEB, JAMBS W., (Danby,) farmer 100. 
VAN GBLDBR, T. B., (Danby,) millwright and farmer 160. 
Van Gilder, baae, (Dauby,) farmer 80. 
VANKLEEK; jambs L^(Sonth Danby,) fanner 180. 
Van Orstrand, Michael, (Danby,) farmer 46. 
Van Ostrand, P. J., (West Danby,) farmer 98. 
Van WorhlB, W., (Danby,> fiirmer 1. 
Vorhis, Chester L., (Danby,) fanner 80. 
VOEHIS. JOTHAM, (Danby,) tanner and farmer 190. 
VOSE, ALFEBD 3d, (Spencer, Tioga Co.,) farmer 100. 
VOBB, JOHN W., (Spencer, Tioga Co.,) school teacher. 
Vose, MarceUns, (Spencer, Tioga Co.,) farmer TO. 
WADHAMS, LUCIUS A., panby,) farmer 55. 
Wall, Taylor, (Soath Danby,) farmer. 
Walling, C. L., (Danby,) farmer T6. 
Ward, S. O., (South Danby,) farmer IJf and leases 100. 
WEED, E. M. JWest Danby,) fanner 140. 
Weed, Pollyj Cwest Danby,) farmer 30. 
WEED, WM., (West Danby,) farmer 150. . 
Wrir, Dadley, (South Danby,) blacksmith and farmer 60. 
Westerrelt. Maria, (West Danby,) farmer 80. 
Wheelock, B. A. BeT., (DanbyO pastor let Congregational church. 
■ ,)far 
ly,) ft 

wuiiamH, jieujaiuiu, \uau\j3^f famici i. 

WISE, GEOEGB, (Danby,) ftirmer 100. 

Wise, George, fl)*nby,) fanner 148. 

Wood, George L., (Danby,) musician. 

WEIGHT, CHASLBS L., (South Danby,) farmer 350. 

Wright, Hanford, (IthacaJ farmer 80. 

WEIGHT, ISAAC, (Sonth Danby,) fiirmer 178. 

Taple, David, (Ithaca,) carpenter and tormer 66. 

Taple, Mary B., (Ithaca,) farmer 56. 


(Post-office Addresses in Fareatheses.) 

AKIN, JOSEPH, (Varna,) fiirmer % 
Albright, Blisha, 0ryden,) farmer 192. 
Albright, Harrison, (McLean,) farmer 84. 
Albright, Jacob, (Etna.) farmer 82. 
Aldricb, John, (Ithaca,! former 133. 
Allen, Charlotte MrB^(Vama,) farmer 14 
ANDHBWB, JOHN W., (McLean,) (Andreun A Wattm.) 

ANDBEWS & Watson, (McLean,) {John W. Anarm)$ and Oto. Wdtion,) cheese box 
fiictory sBd saw mill. 
r, A. L., (WestDiydcn,) flumer 81. 

Bauey, George, (Dryden,) farmer 81, 

Baker, David, ffirydenj nnner 29. 

Baker, George P. A., (WestDryden,) farmer 1(X). 



I. P@K9tto i 




Assets, $4,478,100 




" 3,645,388 

Mntual Benefit Life Insurance Co., 


Office over H. D. Barto & Co/s Bank, 


G. J. £ H. R. KENYON, 

ITHACA, Pf. ^Sf., 

Msnufacturers of 

Meldiniis, Omental & House Brackets, 

Re-Sawing, Scroll Sawing & Shaping. 

HRYDBN. 141 

Baker, Horace, ffitna,) farmer 86. 
Baker, Oliver, (Etna,) rarmer 10. 

5 A^l&^^r? ollV^^i?'' Dryden,) carpenter and joiner and farmer ®. 
BAKEB, WILSON, (Varna,) farmer B. 
SARy^' NIIWTON, (Peruvllle,) farmer '&%. 
Ball, Harlow. (McLean,) farmer 1. • 
BALLAKD JOHNVfDrydenO former 166. 
BALLOU, OESAmfs, Pryden,) farmer 1023^. 
Banfleld, David, athaca,) farmer 75. 
Banfleld, David XT., (Ithaca,) farmer 60. 
Banfleld, Edward, (estate,) (Ithaca,) 65. 
Banfleld, Horace P.. flthaca,) farmer 48. 
BANPIELD, JOHN J., (Ithaca,) farmer 30. 
Banfleld, Joseph H., (Ithaca,) farmer 50. 
Banfleld, Justas A., (Ithaca,) farmer 36. 
Banfleld, Warren D., (Ithaca,) farmer 30. 
Barber, John, (West Dryden.) farmer 25. 
Barber, John S., (West Dryden,) farmer 30. 
BAENDM, RALPH W., (Dryden,) farmer riii. 
Barrows, Elizabeth Mrs., (Dryden,) farmer 1. 
Barrows, Lovanda L. Miss, (Dryden,) tailoreas. 
Bartholomew, Caleb, (EtnaO furnace and machine shop. 
Bartholomew, Daniel, (Dryden,) lumber dealer, carpenter and joiner. 
Bartholomew & Hemmingway, (Etna,) (Jawe Barthxilomew and Henry ammingwau.) 
cabmet makers and undertakers. - i» »>/ 

Bartholomew, JeBBe;JBtna,) (Bartholomew & Bemmingway.) 
Batchelor, Nathan, (Varna,) farmer leases of Pierson Ogden of Ithaca, 100 
™™&,i*rkin J. L„ (McLean,) carpenter and joiner and farmer 20. 

BATAED, AARON, (Etna,) farmer. 

SSSiJ?^P^T''SI5*'J3?''^^f^'>'=°°P«''> °wns a sand bank and farmer 6^. 
BEDELL, ABIJAH, (Ithaca,) farmer 94. 
Beem, Samnel, (Dryden,) former 40. 
Beeman, Eichard, (Etna,) farmer 69. 
Beers, Samuel, (Varna,) tannery, saw mill and farmer 8. 
Belknap, Amos C^ (of Blmira,) farmer 46. 
Belknap, David W.,mryden,) farmer 118V. 
BENHAM, ALLEN B., (McLean,) farmer lit. 
Besemer, Josiah, (Mott's Comers,) farmer 120. 
Besemer, Martin, (Mott's Corners) farmer 96. 
Bills, Daniel, (West Dryden.) farmer 60. 
Bishop, Anna Mrs., (Varna,) farmer 100. 
Bishop, Delina Mrs., (Ithaca,) farmer 69^. 
Bishop, Joel, (Dryden.) gunsmith. 
BISHOP, VflifCENT, (West DrydenO farmer. 
Bissel, Lawton, (Dryden,)boot and shoe maker. 
Bloom, James H., (West Dryden,) farmer 39. 
BLOOM, JOSEPH S^ (West Dryden,) farmer 116. 
BLOOM, JULIUS, (West Dryden.) farmer 10. 
Bloom, Lncinda Mrs., (Diyden,) dress maker. ' 

BLUMBEEG, ABEAM, pryden,) farmer 60. 
BOGAET, AAaON, (Etna,) farmer 149. 
Boughton, Manley A„ (Slaterville,) farmer 81. 

S9SS9Si U^-*^ Pryden.) attorney and counselor at law and justice of the peace.- 
BOUTON, WASHINGTON I., pryden,) blacksmith. ' 

Bower, Anson C, (West DrydenJ {Smith c6 Bower.) 
y Bower, David D., pryden,) {J. W. Dwight <t Co.) 
Bower, Joseph L^ Pryden,) photograph gallery. 
Bower, Simeon, peruville,) farmer &0. 
Bowker, Sarah A. Mrs., pryden,) milliner and dress maker. 
Boynton, GeorgejJMcLean,) farmer 38. 
Bradley, George W., Pryden,) carriage maker. 
Brady, Philip, ptna,) tailor and farmer 3. 
Briggs, Isaac S., pryden,) alio, physician and farmer 11. 
Brotherton, Betsj, (Etna,) (with Pamella,) farmer 26. 
Brotherton, David, (Etna,) boot and shoe maker. 
BEOTHEETON, GEOEQB, (Etna,) former 87. 
Brotherton, Pamelia, (Etna,) (with Betsy,) farmer 25. 
Brown, Ann Mrs., pryden,) farmer 36. 
Brown, Aqgnetus, pryden,) watch maker andjeweler. 
BEOWN, HENET C, (Varna,) farmer 78. 
Brown, Israel, (Varna,) farmer 15. 

Brown, Morris L., (Varna,) former leases of David Mannine of Ithaca 10!i 
BEOWN, SUSAN M., (Etna,) farmer. ' 



BROWN, S. NELSON, (West Dryden,) farmer 160. 

BEOWN WILLIAM H., (WestDryden,) ftrnier 181. 

Bryant, WUllam C, (West Drjden,) farmer i». 

BIJCKLIN. BLIAS K., (Dryden,) farmer 33. 

Bull, John B., (SlaterrUle,) farmer SO. 

Bunell, William, (Btnaj) M. B. clergyman. 

BUKCH. JAMES T., (Dryden,) carpenter and joiner. 

Burch, John, (Dryden,) farmer 90. 

Barllngame, Alanaon, (Dryden,) fa^er 85. 

Burr, John, (Etna,) farmer 96. 

Bnrton, Acees, (Dryden,) farmer 10. „ ^ ,a 

Barton, Charles, (pryden,) farmer leases of James Burton 10. 

Bush & Griffith 'pthaca,) {John J. Bmh and T/iomas QTiffiOi,) grist mill. 

Bush, John J., (Ithaca,) (Buih A Cfrifflth,) fanner 14. 

Bash, Philander, mryden,) farmer 1. 

BUSH, SAMUEL My (Dryden,) farmer leases 2. 

BUSH, WILLIAM H., ffltna,) farmer 60. 

Batman, Henry E., (McLean,) house painter and farmer 6. 

Butts, Michael, g)ryden,) firmer 10. 

CADT, CHAELE9, pryden,) farmer 184. 

Cady, Eliaa W., (Dryden,) fanner 614. 

CADT, JOHN E., (Dryden,) farmer. 

Cady, Oliver B., (Dryden.XfiirmBr 444. 

Cain, Asa, (Varna,) farmer 100. 

Caldwell.BetsyS. Mrs., (Dryden,) farmer 4. 

Caldwell, Orange 8., (Dryden.) millwright and farmer 1. 

CAED, ALBEET J., ft)ryden,) farmer TO. 

Card, Alhert J. 2d., (Dryden.) farmer 76. 

Carmer, Cleveland, (Dryden,) farmer 6. 

earner, John, (DryaeUj) farmer 10. 

CABPBNTER, AJLONZO, (Dryden,) ftirmer 28. 

Carpenter, Barney, pryden,) fanner 40. 

Carpenter, William, (Dryden,) farmer 146. 

CAEPENTEE, WILLLIAM J., (Dryden,) millwright. 

Carr, James M., (West Dryden,) boot and shoe maker. 

Carr, KeziahMrs., (Etna,) fanner 5. 

Carty, Luke, (Dryden,) farmer 5Jf. 

Casar, Walter, (Peruville,) farmer leases of his mother 6s. 

Casey, Morris, Uthaca,) firmer 22. 

Casey, Wm., (West Dryden^ farmer 69K. 

Castle, Sheldon, (West Dryden,) saw mill and farmer 91. 

Caughey, WiUiam, (Ithaca,) (with Tkoe. Paxtm,) former 46. 

Chadwick,DeWittC.,ff)ryden,)(iV£(*oto * Chadimck.) 

CHAMBERS, CHESTER L., (Slaterville,) farmer 80. 

Chapman, Joel, (EreeyilleJ boot and shoe maker. ™ , , w _ 

*CLAPP, ASAHEL, (Dryden,) editor and proprietor Dryden Weekly News. 

Clark, Albert, (Dryden,) farmer leases of Nathaniel Thorn of Qroton, 60. 

Clark, Albert Rj (Dryden,) farmer 182. 
Clark, John, (WestDr; ' " ' 

_ _^ _iryden,) farmer 6. 

Clark', Seymour 6., (Dryden,) farmer 1. 

Cleaveland, Sylvenns, (DrydenO farmer 1. 

Clement, Darins J., 0ryden,) farmer 75. 

CLUT, HENRY, (Dryden,) tailor. 

Cole, Alvln, (Dryden,) farmer 61X. 

Cole, Edmond^reeville,) farmer 28. 

Cole, Lewis, (Preeville,) fanner 60. 

Colgrove, Luther H., (Peruville,) farmer 75. 

Collins, Arthur, (Sonth Lansing farmer 99. ,.„ ,, ,„ »._iii» 

COLTdN, Ma6^N B^(Peravffle,) fermor 80 and leases of Joseph Smiley of Groton m. 

COMSTOCK, JAMES H., (West Dryden,) commissioner of deposit fund and firmer eo. 

Cook, Bradford, (Ithaca,) farmer 160. .„ ^ # .,^ 

Coon P., (Varna,) firmer leases of William Belcher of Danby, farmer 63*. 

COOPEE, JOHN E., (Slaterville,) fanner 76. 

Cooper, Joseph, (Ithaca,) farmer 12. 

Cornelius, David, Qthaca.) farmer 180. 

COENELIUS, JAMES, (Ithaca,) firmer 55. 

Cornell, Jesse, (IthacaO former SO. 

COENELL, OLIVEE H. P., (Etna,) firmer 212. 

Corrington, Albert, (Dryden.) farmer 84. 

Corrington, Augustus, (Dryden.) farmer 60. 

Corrington, Daniel, (Dryden,) former 60. 

Cotanch, Isaac H.JS'reeville^ former 70. 

COVBBT, JOHN W., (West Dryden,) farmer 66. 

vnTDEN. 143 

COVEBT, NICHOLAS M., (West Drydeli,) termer 23. 

Cramer, Martin, (Varna.) farmer 5. 

Crane, James, (McLean,) fanner 170. 

Crapser, William A., (Etna,) blackemltli. 

Cremar, Martin, (Varna,) fanner 5. 

Cratts, Edwin, fVarna,) (Jacob GrvtU A Sont.) 

Crutts. Jacob, (Varna,) (/oCTJft Cnit^ & SomJ ifiraier 340. , . _j^ ,„ 

Crutts, Jacofir & Sona, (Varna,) (Mdrenui, William and Sdwln,) grist and flonring mill, 
and fanners 161. 

Crutts,Marenus, (Varna,) (Jacob Oruttt £ Sont.) 

Crutts, William, (Varna,) (Jacob OrutU A Sons.) 

Cryspell, Wm., (Slatervllle,) farmer 12. 

DAS^Y, THOMAS D., (McLean,) fanner leases 120. 

Darling, SdWm, (PeruTlUe,) farmer 110. 

DAVIOTOBT, ANTHONY, (Varna,) farmer 120. 

Sarenport, Benjamin, (Varna,) farmer 130. 

Davenport, Charles, (Vama,) (with Stephen,) brmer 60. 

Davenport, Hiram A., ^tna,) farmed ISSX- 

Davenport, Lansing, (Varna,) farmer 31. 

Davenport, Nelson, (Varna,) farmer 25. 

Davenport, Phebe Mrs., (Ithaca,) farmer 60. 

Davenport, Stephen, (Varna,) (with Charlee.) fenner 60. 

DAVBNPOBT, WABRKN, (Varna,) farmer 71. 

Davidson, Bob't. G., (McLean.) machinist and fanner 10^. 

Davis, Thomas, (Drvden,) Inmber dealer, carpenter and joiner and fanner 80. 

De Condres, Mary Mrs., (McLean,) farmer 110. 

Demaranville, Loring, (Slatervllle,) farmer 55. 

Detricit, Abram /., (WestDryden,) farmer 100. 

Devinney, Gilbert, picLean,) farmer 69. 

Dibble, Joel, (McLean,) farmer 2: 

Dickson, George, (Etna,) farmer 30. 

Dodgejlanlel H,, (Ithaca,) farmer 16. 

DODGEi OLrVERj (Etna,) former 16B. 

Dodge, Seth^heirsof, (WestDryden,) farmer 3. 

DONELLT, MICHAEL, (Dryden,) farmer 90. 

Donoly, Patrick, fflrydien,) fortter 6|if . 

Douglass, Jnlins, (West DrydenO farmer 80.: 

Douglass, James S., (West Divden,) farmer 06., 

DOWNBt, ANGBtmB MRS., ffltna.) farmer 10. 

Draper, Ell, (DnydenO (i>»<S A.brUpef,) grOBei". 

Draper, Sarah Mrs., (Dryden,) talloresa. 

Draper, Thomas W., (Diyden,VMackBmtth. „ „ , „ 

♦DRYDEN SBMINAEY, fflryden,) Jackson Graves, principal ; Mrs. M. J. Graves, pre- 
ceptress : Miss B. J. Mason, Ist assistant ; I. Houpt, teacher of music. 

DBYDEIf SPMNGS HOUSE, (Dryden,) i home for TlSMors and invalids. Miss Samantha 
S; NivlBon, ttrdprietor. , ,„ , . . 

*DEYDEN WllKLT NEWS, (Dryden,) Asshel Clapp, editor and priqprletor. 

Duell, Ben3amin,^r^den,) y>!«i:i^ Draper.)^ 


DtrPEE, WILLIAM, (DiydeL.,, —, ^, ,,-, 

Duryee, Richard, (Freeville,) treasurer cheese factory and farmer lis. 
Dusenbery, Enoch, (Etna,) farmer 60, 
DUSENBERY, HENRY, (Etna,) farmer 98. 
Dusenbery, John W., (Etna,) farmer 80. , :, , . 

t Dusenberry^Lateyette, (Etna,) boot and enoemaker and farmer S. 
Dusenbew, William, (Etna,) former 77. 
Dwight, Elijah, pnrden,) former 60. 

DWTgHT, LEA, (McLean,) farmer m, .... ^. „..„,.. •„ , j- 
Dwight, Jeremiah W., mrydenj) (/. W-XHiliMi <fe Co.,) (PieigM A Stan.) • 
DwightJ J. W. & Co., (prydeii,) (/iremfefcTr. BwtgM, Pavtd B. Sower andJm.Mtiltr,) 

general merchants and druggists. 
Dwight, BosweUR.,(Slaterviire,) former 88. ,„ „ . 

Dwight & Sears, (Dryden,) (Jeremiah W. Dwight oM Bh-am Sean,) saw mill. 
Eaton, William, ^thaca,) farmer 122. 
Edsall, Wm., (Dryden,) former 80. 
ELLAS, WM. W., (Dryden,) millwright. 
Elliott, Charles, ffltna,) Baptist clergyman. 
Elliott, James, (Etna,£farmer 16. 
Elliott, Lonlsa Miss, (Etna,) n^Hner. 
Ellis, George A., (Drvden,) famer 60. . 

Ellis, Ira H., (Varna,) (wiffi Wairtn 0.,) farmer 74. 

Ellis, John, (Drydea,) for^ieiise?. > „ ,, ^ . . ,, ^i .,, 

Ellis, John J., ^thaca,) treasnreiTBUlB HolIo\* cheese ftctoiy and former SS6. 



Livery & Stage Stable, 

S. Side Main St., 





The Sest of Carriages and Careful Drivers, at the service 
of the Public. 

Special Attention given to Fnmlablne Horse* and Carriages for 
Funerals, or Horses and Carriages for Parties, XLrcnrslons, &o. 

Stage rnns In connection ivltli tbe Boats on Caynga I<a]ie. 

% iSB® 

mantofacthrbr op 



And all Kinds of IKuBlcal Ulercliandlsc. 

Tbe largest and most responsible Mnslc House In IVestem Neir 
Xork. Central 'Warerooms and Factory, 


Ellis, John K., (Ithaca,) farmer 85. 

BUia, Lyman Sy (Slaterville,) (Mlddatigh AEUle.) 

ELLIS, OBMH T„ (Varna,) postmaster and farmer 72. 

Ellis, Warren C, (yama,) (mililra B.,) farmer 74. 

ENGLISH, BLIHtr, (Ithaca,) farmer 96. 

English, Hezeldah, (v ama,) farmer 69. 

English, Jesse, (Ithaca,) farmer 250. 

English, John, ^thaca,) farmer 62. 

English, Lewis, gthaca,) farmer 60. 

English, Lather J. ythaca,) fanner 94. 

ENGLISH, PHILANDBK, (Varna,) farmer 20. 

Bsty, Edward, (Etna,) (mith Joteph,) saw lath, and shingle mill, clothes pin machine and 

farmer 578. 
Bsty, Joseph^ (Btna,)(wi<A Edward^) saw, lath and shingle mill, clothes pin machine and 

farmer 678. 
EWEBS, ALVAH, (Etna,) farmer. 
Ewers, Jane Mrs,, (Varna,) farmer 120. 
EWEKS, PAUL, (Etna,) farmer 135. 
Feeler, James, (Dnrden,) farmer 50. 
Eerguion, HeniV H., (Dryden,) farmer 60. 
Ferris, James, ODryden,) termer 9Jtf. 
' EISHBE, WILLIAM H. , (West Dryden,) termer 44. 
Fisher, Bli. (Dryden,) farmer 2. 

FISHBB, JAMES, (McLean,) saw and cidermill and fanner 5. 
Fitch, Wm,, (Dryden,) alio, physician. 
Fitts, Edwin, (Dryden,) general merchant. 
Fitts, Horace G., pryden,) farmer 94. 

FittB, Leonard, (pryden,) farmer 60. 

Poearty, John, (West Dryden,) fanner 20. 

FOETNEB, ANDEBW K., pwden,) termer 81. 

FOSTEB, ICHABOD, (Dryden,) carpenter and joiner and termer 5. 

Fox Chester W.^JWest Dryden,) carpenter and millwright and farmer 9X- 

Fox! James H,, (West Diyden,) farmer 226. 

Fox, Julius C, (PeruTille,) farmer 40. 

Fox, Merritt B., fferavllle,) farmer 55. 

Fox, Palmer B., (West Dryden^ farmer 100. 

Fox Samuel, heirs of^JPeruvUIe,) farmer 40. 

Pox Susan B. Mrs., (West Dryden,) termer 71. 

Fox, WUher Fewest Dryden,) farmer 22>tf. 

PIffiEMAN, LTMAN D., (Etna,) hailding mover and farmer 9. 

Frees, John B., (Varna,) farmer 140. 

Preese, William, (Varna,) fanner 4X. 

FEENCH, CTEtrS, (Dryden.) hardware, tinware, groceries &c. 

PULKBRSON, BUENBTT C;3(West Dryden,) farmer 130. 

PULKEBSON, CALVIN B., (West Dryden,) farmer 67. 

Pulkerson, Samuel, (McLean,) farmer 150. • 

Fulkerson, Sarah Mrs^^West Dryden,) farmer 60. 

Pulkerson, Stephen, (West Dryden,) fanner 162. 

Furgerson, Isaac, miyden,) fanner 165. 

GAKDNBE, ALLEN B., (Dryden,) fanner 50. 

Gardner, EobertB., (Dryden,) farmer 136. 

Gastin, Edwin, (EtnaOmachmlst. 

GENUNG, AARON, (Ithaca,) tenner 145. 

Genune, Jacob P., athaca,) saw mill and farmer 140, 

GENONG, JOSEPH, (Khaca,) farmer. 

George, Alette Mrs., (West Dryden,) farmer 5. 

George, Ahnanzo W., (West Dryden.) fanner 90. 

George Amazilla J. j:West Dryden.) termer 70. 

George James H^West Dryden,) farmer 100. 

Geoile, Joel B^fwest Dryden,) grocery and termer 70. 

GEoMB, JOHN P., (West Dryden,) farmer 100. 

George, Sylvester M., (West Dryden,) fanner 100. 

George Thomas, heirs of, (West Dryden,) farmer 60. 

GifFord' Benjamin, (Etna.) farmer 88. 

GIPFOM), THEODORE A., (Etna,) farmer. 

Giles, James, (Btnaj) farmer 100. 

Giles, John J., (Etna,) farmer 219. 

Givens, Darius. (Dryden,) carpenter and joiner. 

GrVENS, EDWARD, dryden.) termer 115. 

GIVENS, THOMAS, (Dryden,) farmer 93. 

GIVENS WILLIAM E., (Divden,) farmer 195. 

GIVENS, SAMUEL, (Etna.) termer 166. 

GLASGOW, BENJAMIN, (Varna,) farmer. 

Godfrey, Phllo, (Dryden,) farmer 5X- 

146 DBTDEN. 

GOOHKICH, MILO, (Dryden,) attorney and connselor at law. 

*GBAVBS, JACKSON, (Dryden,) principal Dryden Seminary. 

Graves, M. J. Mrs., pryden,) preceptress Dryden Seminary. 

Gray, Almon, iflthaca,) farmer 138. 

Gray, Eafiis, (Ithaca,) farmer 26. 

Green, Mrs., 0ryden,) talloress. 

Green, Oliver, (Dryden,) tailor. 

Griffin, Henry, (Dryden,) farmer 16. 

QHIFFIN, LEONAHD 0., (Etna,) farmer 86X. 

Griffin, Lewis L., (Dryden,) farmer 75. 

Griffith, Thomas, (Ithaca,) (Bush & Orifflth.) 

Griswold, B^idamin, (Dryden.) farmer 100. 

Griswold, Emeline Mrs., (Dryden,) farmers. 

Griswold, Leonard, (Dryden,) farmer 110. 

Griswold, Lnther, (Dryden,) farmer 13B. 

Griswold, Nathan, fflryden,) farmer 76. \ 

Grover, Elizabeth Mrs., (Varna,) farmer 40. 

Grover. Ira, heirs of. (Varna,) farmer 24. 

GEOVEE, LEMI (Varna,) farmer 133. 

Grover, William M., (Peruville,) farmer 70. 

Gunn, Andrew Jr., (Freeville,) farmer 9a. 

GUSTIN, ALBEETO M., (Dryden,) carriage maker. 

Hallett, Miles, (Varna,) farmer 7. 

HALLIDAT, SAM., (Ithaca,) brick and Btooe mason and farmer 80. 

Hallock^ohn, (Ithaca,) farmer 97. 

Hamet, Wm. P., (West Dryden,) tlirmer 25. 

Hammond, David B., fDryden,) farmer 50. 

Hanford, Frederick, (Etna,) farmer 205. 

Hanford, George, (Etna,) farmer 80. 

Hanford, George B., (EtnaJ farmer 58. 

HANFOED, WILLIAM JE., (Etna,) farmer 58. 

Hanshaw, James, (Varna,) farmer 12. 

Hare, Anna Mrs., pryden,) farmer 14. 

Hare, Wm. W., pryden,) farmer 200. 

Harington, Henry S., (Ithaca,) farmer 80. 

HABRIS, HENET, phaca,) farmer 15. 

Hasbronck, Josaphat D. B., (Slaterville,) farmer 150. 

Hatch, Sullivan, (McLean,) farmer 7. 

HEAD, JOHN S., (Etna,) farmer leases 120. 

Heffron, Jerome, (Etna,) house and carriage painter. 

Heffron, Mary Mrs., (Peruville,) farmer 8. 

Hemmingway,' Henry, (Etna,) (Bartlwlomew & Bemmingway.) 

Hemingway, Joseph, (Etna,) farmer 95. 

HEMINGWAT, SAMIJEL J., (Etna,) farmer 67X- 

Hemingway, Wm. R., (Mc Lean,) farmer 117. 

HILDraiBEANT, SAMUEL, pryden,) farmer. 

HILES, ANDREW, pryden,) farmer 89. 

Hiles, Asenath Mrs., pryden,) farmer 100, 

HILES, GEOEGE, (Dryden,) farmer 100. 

Hiles, Jacob, pryden,) farmer 50X . 

HILES, JOHN E., Pryden,) farmer 111. 

Hiles, Olive L. Mrs., pryden,) farmer 11. 

Hill, Austin, Pryden,) farmer 156. 

HILL, GEOEGE, Pryden,) tormerll6. 

Hill, John, ^cLean,) carpenter and joiner and farmer 114. 

HILL, OELIN H., (McLean,) farmer leases 297. 

HILL, SAEAH E., (McLean,) farmer 297. 

HILE, STLVESTEH, (McLean,) farmer 63. 

HOAGLIN, HARRISON, (McLean,) firmer 85. 

Hodges, James, (Vamaj) farmer 100. 

Holenbeck, Henry, (McLean,) farmer 10. 

HoUister, Hiram, (estate) (Slaterville,) 174. 

HoUister, Horace H., (Ithaca,) farmer 63>f . 

Honpt, Alpheue F.^fDryden,) house painter and farmer '3V. 

HOUPT, HENRY H., pryden;) insurance agent and farmerSS. 

Houpt, I., pryden,) teacher of music, Dryden Seminary. 

Houselander, Abram, Pryden.) cooper. 

Houts, George, (West Dryden,) fermer 88. 

HOUTZ, GEORGE H., CEtna,) (Bbute, Wood <£ Co.,) postmaster. 

Houtz, John, ptna,) grist, saw and shingle mill and farmer 25, 

HOUTZ, JOHN H., (Btnaj) (flbute, Wooi * 00.) 

HOUTZ, WOOD & CO., (Etna,) (John B. Boiitz, OUt B. Wood and George B. Boule,) gen- 

crSii lUBrcQftiits. 
Howard, Pliny, (Etna,) boot and sho* maker. 

VBTDEN. 147 

HOWB, PKBBMAN S., (Dryden,) dentiat. 

HOWE, HENRY T., (Sonth Lansing,) gonamtth and farmer VI&H. 

Howe, Solomon L., (McLean,) surveyor and farmer 7. 

Hubbard, Wm. B., pryden,) farmer 90. 

Hubbel. Joseph G., (Etna,) farmer 157X' 

HugUl, banlel, (Etna,) farmer 60. 
Huneerford, William, (1 

Hungerford, William, (Ithaca,) farmer 71. 

HTOT, HOHTON, (Ithaca,) farmer IS. 

Hunt, Stephen, (SlaterYille,) farmer 53. 

HUNT, THOMAS, (Varna,) (Oatrander <k Hunt.) 

HTJNTER, ABEAM G., pryden.) farmer. 

Hurd, John, (Slaterville,) saw mill and farmer 50. 

Hurlijert, Edwin, (Dryden,) brick and stone mason. 

HURLEY, BLISHA, (Varna,>black8mith and farmer 2X- 

Hutchings, Mary Mrs., (McLean,) farmer 65>f. 

Jaeger, Matthew, ff)ryden,)i'armer 103. 

JAGQBR, S. H., (pryden,) hotel proprietor. 

Jameson, Jackson, mryden.) farmer 100. 

Jameson, Thomas, (Dryden,) (Jonea & Jamtson.) 

Jamerson, Gilbert, (Dryden,) farmer 50. 

Jewell, Michael, (tthaca,) farmer 105. 

Johnson, Betsy Mrs., (West Dryden,) farmer 102^. 

Johnson, Elizabeth, Mrs., (Peraville,) farmer 30. 

Johnson, Ezra I., (McLean,) farmer 66. 

Johnson, John, jtSlaterville,) sawmill and farmer 100. 

Johnson, John C., (West Dryden,) carpenter and joiner and farmer 71 

Johnson, John 8., (PeruvlUe,) farmer 77. 

Johnson, Robert G^ (Dryden,) farmer 106. 

Johnson, Thomas, (Dryden,) farmer 85. 

JOHNSON, WILLIAM W., (Slaterville,) blacksmith and farmer 90. 

Joiner, Phebe Mrs., (Dryden,) farmer 85. 

Jones, George, (Dryden,) (Joins & Jameeon.) 

Jones & Jameson, (Dryden,) (George Jones and Thomas Jamesons) Hvery. 

Jones, Jesse. (Varna,) farmer 9Ji. 

JOYNER, NELSON, Pryden,) farmer. 

June, Solomon T., phaca,) ftirmer 87. 

Keech, Charles A., (Dryden,) farmer leaac» of Robert Peryis 64. 

Keenan, John, (McLean,) farmeroa. 

Keepch, Louisa Mrs., Pryden,) farmer 38. 

Kellogg, Thomas N., Qthaca^ carpenter and Joiner and farmer 8. 

KENNEDY & BROTHER, pryden,) (John F. and William W.,) tannery. 

KENNEDY, JOHN P., Pryden,) (Kennedy A Brother:) 

KENNEDY, WILLIAM W., pryden,) (Kennedy <t Brother.) 

King, Melissa Mrs., (Etna,) (with Bradford and Delila Snyder,) farmer 160. 

KIZBR, HENRY P., pryden,) farmer. 

KIZER, JACOB, Pryden,) farmer 16. 

KNAPP, CYRUS, (Etna,) farmer 155. 

Knapp, Elizabeth Miss, (FreeviUe.) farmer 59. 

Knickerbocker, Piatt, (McLean,) farmer 134. 

LABAR, CALEB B., (Varna,) (vMhMlchard 7.,) farmer 110. 

Labar, Jesse, (Varna,) farmer 85. 

LABAR, RICHARD V., (Varna,) (wUh Caleb B.,) farmer 110. 

LABAR, WM. E., (Varna,) farmer. 

Laoey, John R., Pryden,) farmer 100. 

Lacy, John C, pryden,) farmer 36. 

Lamberson, Daniel, (West Dryden,) farmer 75. 

Lamberson, James, (West Diyden,) firmer 83>i'. 

Lamberson, James E., (West Dryden,) farmer 41. 

Lamberson, John N., (West DrydenJ farmer 25. 

Lamberson. William, (West Diyden,) farmer 20. 

LAMKIN, JOHN, (SlaterviUe,) fanner leases 100. 

LAMONT, ARCHIBALD B„ (McLean,) farmer 200. 

Lamont, Daniel, (Dryden,) farmer 10. 

Lament, John D., (Dryden.) farmer HI. 

Lamont, Eobert,JMcLean,) farmer 200. 

Laning, Henry, (Etna,) alio, physician. 

Laramore, Thomas, pryden,) fanner 220. 

Lawrence, Azel, (Ithaca,) farmer 80. 

Lawsou, Daniel, (Dryden,) wagon maker and farmer 5. 

Layton,Panl, pryden.) farmer 135. ,. ^ ,, , 

LESTER, WILLIAM H., Pryden,) barber and eating saloon. 

Lewis, Alexander, pryden,) farmer 127. 

LEWIS, LORIN S., (Slaterville,) farmer 89. 

Lewis, Lorenzo, (Dryden,) farmer 180. 




Wonld respectfDlly inform the citizens of Trnmansbnrg and vicinity, ttiat he !• 
permanently heated on the Barto place, near Dr. Lewis, where he will he happy to meet 
all those who may need hie services in the varions hranchesofhis profession. Having 
been in constant and snccessfU practice for the past sixteen years, he feels confident 
that he is able to give perfect satisfaction in all his operations, which will he performed 
in ttie most improved and scientific manner, and warranted. 

Particular attention given to the preseriation of the natural teeth, and treatment of 
all diseases of Houth and Gnms, such as 

A2veo2ar Abscess, Periostitis, Ulceration of the 
Gums, Diseases of the A.ntrum, 

And correcting the irregularities of the Teeth. For filling teeth the best metals will al- 
ways be used. 

I have a large Stock of Artificial Teeth that will enit the most fastidions, which I 
will set on any of the various kinds of plate now in use. 

Tetth, Hxtmoted teith Care and Without Fain, 



Dry Goods 




I would call the attention of the people of Tompkins County to my large stock of 
goods lately purchased in New York, at greatly reduced prices. Anything In the 

Grocery, Yankee Notions or Dry Goods 

Line, that Is wanted, I flatter myself that I can fUmish as cheap as any one in the trade. 
My motto is, " Quick sales and small profits." 

DSTDEN. 149 

Lindsay, Zlna, (DrrdeHi) farmer 6. 

Lobdell, Anson, (west Dryden,) fanner 10. 

Lombard, Jacob, (Etna,) fanner 5. 

Loomis Jra W., Vaouth Lansing,) farmer 1. 

LOBD, BBABTUS H., (Dryden^) cattle broker and fiirmer 183. 

Loromer, James, (Dryden,) farmer 95. 

Loromer, Thomas, (Dryden,) farmer 27. 

Loromer, James, (Dryden,) farmer 95. 

Loromer, Thomas, (Dryden,) farmer 2.. 

Lnddington, John W., (Peruville,) farmer 41^. 

Luddington, Nancy Mrs., (Peraville,) farmer ll^jf. 

Lumbard, James H., (PeruTilleO farmer 100. 

LUPTEN, GODVBNBUB M., (Dryden,) farmer 800. 

LTJTHBR, OBSON, (McLean,) (Luther <t aherwood.) 

Lnther & Sherwood, McLean,) (Orion Luther and William Sherwood,) grist mill. 

Lynangh, Lawrence, (Dryden,) farmer 60. 

LTnum,.James, (Dryden,) farmer 19>if . 

Mack, Alfred Bj^fWest Dryden,) farmer 81. 

Mack, Halsey, (West Dryden,) farmer 30. 

Madden, Patnck, (McLean,) farmer 24Jf . 

Main, Levant, (McLean,) farmer 82. 

MANDBVILLB, JAMBS H., (Slatertffle,) farmer 182. 

Manning,' D aniel, (Varna,) fiirmer 87. 

MANNING, WILLIAM J., (Varna,) farmer 36. 

MABVINjHABBISON. (Dryden,) (Murdock and Marvin.) 

Mason, Alonzo, (Preevllle,) farmer 4X. 

Mason, B. J. Miss. (Diyden.) Ist assistant Dryden Seminary. 

Mastin, Britton Mrs., (Bryden,) tailoress. 

MCAKTHTJB, BBNJAJttlNjfEtna,) fiirmer 32. 

MfcArthnr, Catherine Mrs., (Etna.) farmer 32. 

MC ABTHUE, BBBNBZEB, (Etna,) farmer 162. 

MCAETHTTB,I'BANB;LIN, (Etna,) farmer 44. 

MoArthur, Mifiry Miss, (Etnaj) fanner 2. 

McCarthy, Daniel, (estate,) (Etna,) 50. 

McClintock, Charles, (Dryden,) farmer 90. 

McCutchan, Eobert, (Etna,) farmer 194. 

McDermott, James, (estate,) (Dryden,) 17. 

McElheny, James, (McLean.) farmer 2. 

McGoTem, Michael, (Peruville,) farmer 18. 

McGraw, Joseph, (Dryden,) farmer 660. 

McKean, George W., (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 

McKee, David, (McLean,) (with Samvel,) fanner 75. 

McKee, Martha Mrs., (Dryden.) farmer 75. 

McKee, Samuel, (McLean,) (with David,) farmer 76. 

McKeller, Duncan, (Dryden,) farmer 290. 

MoKinney, Alexander, (McLean,) farmer 100. 

McMaster, James, (Slatenrille,) farmer 144. 

McVoy, Marcns, (DrydenO fanner 6. 

McWhorter, Bbenezer, (Varna,) butcher and fanner T.. 

McWhorter, John S., (VamaJ farmer 68X. 

Mespell, William, (Dryden,) farmer 67. 

MESSENGBE, DOLPHTJS S., (Dryden,) farmer 81. 

Messenger, Levi, (Dryden,) farmer 48. , . „ ™,„ ^ ^ ,„ 

Middaugh & Ellis, (Slaterrille,) (Orrm Mlddaugh and Lyman 8. EUit,) steam saw mill 

Middaueh, Harrison, (Ithaca,) secretary Ellis Hollow Cheese Factory and fanner 66. 

Mlddangh, Nelson, (Ithaca,) farmer 86. __.. _ ^ „, j , _„ 

Mlddaugh, Orrin, (Ithaca,) (Middaugh & Bale,) steam saw miU and farmer 750. 

Middaugh, Weasels S., (ithaca,) farmer 125>tf. 

MIDDAUGH, WM. H., (tthaca,) farmer. 

MILK, JEWITT, (yama,) farmer 97. ..... „,„, ,„» 

MILKS, WM. J., (Dryden.) farmer leases of Alflred Willie, 180. 
Miller, Abram D., ffltna,) farmer 80. 
MILLER, ALBBET W., (Peruville,) farmer 18. 
Miller, Casper, (Varna,) farmer 140. 

juiijijriA,\^ x-i., ^.».l™l,/ .millwright. 
Miller, John, (Dtyden.) (.7; W. Dwight ds Co.) 
Miller, Samuel, (Etna,) farmer 60. 
Mineah, George, (Peruville,) firmer 50. 
MINBAH, GBOEGB H., (McLean,) farmer 140. 
Mineah, John H^ ff'reevlUe,) farmer 117. 
MINBAB, NICHOLAS H., (Freeville,) farmer 100. 
Mineah, Thomas^fMcLean,) farmer 160. 
Mineah, Thomas H., (FreeviUe,) farmer 57>f . 
J ' 

150 DBTDEN. 

Minieer, SylTeeter,_(V8nia,) M. E. clei^gyman. 

MONBOE, JOHN H., (Ithaca,) farmer 6 and (withMilo,) fanner 33. 

Monroe, Milo, (Ithaca,)^ (wi<A John JS,,) farmer 33. 

Monroe, William M., (Peraville,) farmer 67. 

MONTGOMBBT, DAOTEL E., pryden,) farmer 6%. 

Montgomery, John J., ODryden,) alio, physician. 

Montgomery, Silas 8., (Dryden,) attorney and couneelor at law. 

Moore, Grove G., (Dryden,) hotel keeper and farmer 48. 

Moore, William H., CDryden,) boot and shoe maker. 

Morgan, Elizabeth Mrs., (PeruTille,) fiirmer 100. 

Morgan, Isabel Mrs., (Etna,) farmer SO. 

Morgan, John, (McLean,) farmer 60. 

Moseley, EnoR, (West D)^den,) fiirmer 56. 

Moseley, Melissa Mrs., (west Dryden,) farmer 87. 

Mosier, Daniel, (estate,) (McLean,) 6^. 

Mnlks, Edward, (Ithaca,) fanner 100. 

Mnlks, Peter, (Shiterville,) farmer 192. 

Munroe, Wm., (Pemville,) fanner 68. 

Monson, Moses, (Slaterrille,) farmer. 

Mnnson, Orange, (Slaterville,) farmer 60. 

Murdock & Marvin, fflrydenj) ( Otis Murdock and Earriton Marvin,) hoot and shoe store. 

Mnrdock, Otis, (Dryden,) (Murdocle di Martin.) 

Myers, Andrew. (Slaterville,) farmer IBO. 

Nary, Philip, CDryden,) farmer 40. 

Nelfis, John v. C., (Dryden.) Presbyterian clergyman. 

Nelson, Bobert, (Dryden,) farmer 100. 

Jfelson, William »., (Dryden.) farmer 86. 

Nichols & Chadwick, 0)ryaen,) ( WiUiam W. Nielwlt and Sewitt C. Chadwick,) drug- 

Nichols, William W„ (Dryden,) (NicJwls & Chadwick.) 

NIVISON, SAMANTHA S., 0ryden,) prep. Dryden Springs Honse and farmer 24. 

Northrop, Amos B., (Varna,) boot and shoe maker. 

Northrop, PrederickD., (Etna,) farmer 76. 

Northrop, George H., (Ithaca,) (Wm. B. Worthrop <t Son.) 

Northrop, Wm. H. & Son, (Ithaca,) (George 3.,) saw mill and sash and blind factory. 

NOETON, FBANK J., (Varna,) farmer. 

NOEWOOD, KKASTUS, (Slaterville,) (Washium * Norwood,) steam saw mill and far- 
mer 60. 

Oaks, Jacob, (Dryden,) farmer 75. 

Oaks, Orrin, 0ryden,) farmer 83. 

Obym, Michael, (McLean,) farmer 30. 

O'Connner, John, (Dryden,) farmer 15^- 

O'Conner, Michael, (Dryden,) farmer 9}i. 

Odell, Sylvester, (Dryden.) carpenter and joiner. 

Ogden, EstUB, (Freeville,) farmer 43. 

OGDEN, JACOB, athaca,) farmer 12. 

OGDEN, NELSON J.-ifFreeville,) farmer BO. 

Oliver, Maria Mrs., (Slaterville,) farmer 100. 

Oliver, Peter, (Ithaca,) farmer 50. 

Onan, Alexander, (Ithaca,) farmer 90. 

Onan, Alexander 2d, (Ithaca,) fan^gr 133. 

Onan, John J. , (Varna,) farmer 13. 

Osbom, Channcey, rithaca,) farmer 170. 

OSBOBN, JOHN, (Mott's Comers,) cooper, brick and stone mason, and farmer 19. 

Ostrander, Ezra^jyama,) farmer 105. 

OSTBANDEE, HEBMON C, (Ithaca,) farmer 76. 

OSTBANDEE & HDNT. (Varna,) (Miflvn Otlrandtrand Thomat Sun*,) groceries. 

Ostrander, Levi, (Ithaca,) farmer 60. 

OSTBANDEE, MTEON, (Varna,) (Ottrandtr A Bunt,) fanner 38. 

OVEBACEEB, ABCHIBALD D., m:iia,)l)irmer 66. 

OVEBACKEB, HEZEEIAH, (Ithaca.) farmer. 

Overacker, Jacob S., (Etna,) farmer 14. 

Overacker, JnliaMrB„ (VamaJ farmers. 

OVKBBAUGH, PETBB M., (Etna,) farmer 80>tf. 

Overt, Meneroy, (Varna,) (with Oeorge Woodman,) farmer 86. 

Ozmnn, John W., (Varna,) fanner 118. 

Palmer, Earlmon, (Vama,) fltrmer 67. 

Paxton, Thomas, (Ithaca,) (with WiUiam Caugheu,) fl>rm«r46. 

PEBEIGO, JOHN, (Dryden,) grist and flouring mill. 

Pettigrove, Wm. M., (Dryden,) grocer. 

Pew, Dan, (Ithaca,) farmer 86. 

Pew, Thomas E„ (^tna,) farmer 94. 

Pierce, Hamlet T., pryden,) cabinet maker. 

Pierce, Job, (Dryden,) farmer 76. 

Poland, Lawrence, (Ithaca,) fanner 1. 

PRATT, GEORGE D., (BrydenJ haraesa maker. 

PRIMROSE, DAYTON, (West Dryden,) fanner 100. 

Primrose, Harrison H., (West Dryden,) postmaster. 

Primrose, Lewis, ffltna,) fanner 2>j'. 

Prosser, Edward, athaca,) blacksmith. .^,. ,-t> n^ 

Prosser, George T., (EtnaO carpenter and joiner and farmer leases of Sebaski Duel 14. 

Purvis, Polly Ann Mrs., (Dryden,) fanner 160. 

Ralph, George, (Etna,) farmer 80. 

RALpH, BiStBOA a., (Etna,) farmer 78. 

Reed, Levi H., (Varna,) farmer 88. _ „ ^ , ^ . 

REZEAU, HARRY G., (Varna,) proprietor Varna Hotel and farmer 6. 

Rhodes, Aubrey, (Etna,) farmer 148. 

Rhodes, Geo. W., (Etna,) farmer 887. 

RHODES, MILES, (Etna,) farmer 387. 

Rhodes, Truman, ffltna,) saw mill and cider mill. 

Rhodes, William, (Etna,) farmer 830. , , ^, „.. 

Rice, Daniel F,, ftthacaj president Ellis Hollow cheese factory and farmer 244. 

RICHARDSON, WM. H., (Peniville,) farmer 148. 

Robertson, Mott J., (Etna,) farmer 140. 

Robertson. Oakley, (PemTille,) farmer 256. 

Robison, Jacob, ffiryden,) ferm»r 28. 

Roblson, Nancy E. Miss, (Dryden,) millmer. 

Robison, Thomas, (DrydenO farmer 70. „ . „ . 

ROCKWELL, ERASTUS,g)ryden,) (JK^OctoeB **»*■) , 

ROCKWELL E. SANDERS, (DrydenJ CE. BockwOl & Son.) 

ROCKWELL, E. & SON, (Dryden,) (Erastus and E. Sandert,) woolen mills. 

Roe, Charles, (West Dryden,) blacksmith and farmer 1. 

Roe, William M., (West Dryden,) farmer 81. . 

ROGERS, ALBERT, (Dryden,) carpenter and jouMr. 

Roosa, Andms, (Slaterville,) farmer 84. 

Roosa, Jacobus, (Slaterville,) ftrmer 132. 

Root, Horace L.,]pryden,) farmer 7. 

ROSE, JACOB v., (Etna,) carpenter and firmer 3. 

Rose, PeterL, (Slaterville,) farmer 75. . ^,„.„„«i 

Ross, William L., (Varna,) carpenter andjoiner and farmer 61. 

Rowland, Jonathan, (Dryden,) farmer 12X- 

Rowland, Samuel, CDryden,) farmer 130. 

Rnlison, George P., ^tna,) farmer 23X- 

Rummer, Eli, jpryden,) farmer 191. 

Sagar, John, (Etna,) farmer 56. 

SAGER, RUSSELL, (Preeville,) farmer 37X- 

Sales, Henry N., (VamaO farmer 46^. 

Saltsmon, George, (Dryden,) livery. 

Sanford, Lyman, (Dryden,) farmer 197. 

Schovee, Hezekiah, (West Dryden,) farmer BO. 

SOHUTT, AARON, (Slaterville,) farmer 48. 

Schutt, James H., (Slaterville,) farmer 186. 

SCHUTT, JOHN J., (Slaterville,) farmer 122. 

Schott, Mnnroe, (Etna,) farnfer 140. 

Schutt. Peter, (BtnaO saw mill and farmer 40. 

SCOP]!eLD, HiBNRY W., (McLean,) farmer 121. 

SCOFIELD, MARY MRS., McLean,) farmer 34. 

Scott, Chancey L., (Slaterville,) farmer 120. . 

Scott, Stephen N., pryden,) carpenter and joiner. 

Scutt, Charles W„ (Slaterville,) farmer 40. 

SEAGER, MARVm, (Etna,) farmer 76. 

Seager, Philip, (Pryden,) farmer 200. 

SEAGER, ROBERT, (Etna,) farmer 96Jf • 

Seager, Robert, (Dryden,) fanner 84. 

Seamon, Jacob, (Varna,) blacksmith and farmer 48. 

Sears, Hiram, (Dryden,) (DwigM <fc Sears.) 

SEARS, WlitlAMH., (Dryden,) (.Spear, Baums&^n.) 

Shaver Bliznr W., pryden,) farmer leases of John W. Lacey, a. 

SHAVER, IRA C, (Freeville,) farmer 80. 

SHAVER JULIUS M., (PreeviUe,) farmer 90. 

Shaver, Wm. J., (Freeville,) fanner 80. 

Shaw, Merritt, (PemvlUej) farmer 100. 

SHEi!dON, EDWARD, *ryden,) farmer 95. 

SHELTON JAMES B., toryden,) carriage maker. 

Sherwood, Betsy Mrs., (Varna,) farmer 12X. 

Sherwood, Elizabeth Mrs., fVarna,) farmer 12. 

Sherwood, George, (Etna,) farmer 2>f. 

Sherwood, Laura Mrs., pryden,) farmer 57. 



T K[ E 

DfiIcii WmitlT Ml 

The Xarffest SPaper, has the Widest Circulation, and is the 

Sest Advertising Medium in Central 

JVew York. 

It Clroula-tes XJsiteiisl'vely In 

Tompkins, Cortland & Tioga Counties. 

Is Radical Republican in sentiment ; contains a faithful digest of 
all the local and general news of the week ; discusses all reformato- 
ry measures that are agitating the country, of both a political and 
social nature; and also devotes a large portion of its columns to 
general family reading, such as gems of thought and wisdom, and 
general information, stories for children and adults, anecdotes, &o., 

rtJmLrisiiED aju 



A.. OLA.PP. 


Executed in a Neat Manner, and at Reasonable Prioes. 

DBTDBN. 153 

SHEKWOOD, THOMAS I., (Etna,) deBigner and buUder. 

Sherwood, William, McLean,) (Luther & Sherwood^) 

SHERWOOD, WILLIAM, fVarna,) CW.&W. W. Sherwood,) fanner 67. 

BHBHWOOD, WILLIAM W., (Varna,) (W. db W. W. Sherwood.) „ , ,„ , _, * 

SHERWOOD, W. & W. W., (Varna,) (tPm. and Wm. W.,) proprietors Fall Creek grist 

SliirtB, George P., (Varna,) farmer 2. 
Sickmon,Hanford, (McLean,) farmer 100. 

SILSBBB, DAVID J., (Slatervllle,) farmer 100. , 

Simons, Andrevr, (McLean,) carpenter and joiner. 
Simons, John, (Dryden,) farmer 47. 
SIMONS, LUTHER, (McLean.) farmer. 
Simeon, Alexander, (Ithaca,) farmer 25. 
Sixbee, John I., (Dryden^ farmer 7. 
SkiUing, Samuel, (PemTille,) farmer 100. 
SkillmanLWillianVL(Preeville^ farmer leases 3. 
Skilling, William W., (Freeville,) farmer 64. 
Slater, Daniel, (Varna,) farmer 26. 
Slater, Sherwood, (Slatervllle,) farmer S7. 
SMILEY, AKTBMAS L., (Etna,) farmer IBO. , 

Smiley, Robert M.. (Etna,) farmer 94. „ ., ,_„ 

Smith & Bower, (West Dryden,) ( muiam J. Smith and Anion C. Bower,) farmers 170. 
SMITH. GILBERT, (Slaterrille,) shingle mill. 
Smith, Henry, (Dryden,) farmer 1. 
SMITH, JAMS D., (Etna,) dentist. 
Smiley, John, (Etna,) farmer 60. 
Smith, John M., (Ithaca,) farmer 90. 
Smith, Lester, (Btn%) carpenter and Joiner. 
Smith, William J., (West Dryden,) (Smith A Bower.) 
"Smith, William R., (Slaterrille,) firmer 160. 
Snyder, Alva B., (West Dryden,) farmer BO. , . ,„„ 

SNYDER, ALVIRAS, (Etna,) president cheese factory and firmer 160. 

SNYDER, AMANDA M, MRS., (Varna,) farmer 72>i. MiK..« jrinn 

SNYDER, BRADFORD, (Etna,) secretary cheese factory and (with Urs. Mama Ji.%ng 
and Mias Belila Snyder,) farmer 160. 

Snyder, David, (Btna,) farmer 12Jtf. „ „ ,. „, _, «,_,„, mn 

Snyder, Delila Miss, ffltna,) (with Bradford Snyder and Mrs. MelzeeaZirtg,) fanner IBU. 

Snyder, Enos, (West Dryden,) farmer 80. 

SNYDER, HARRY A.. (Ithaca,) carriage maker and farmer 122. 

SNYDER, HENRY, (Varna,) farmer 19. 

SNYDER, IRA, fVarna,) farmer 75. 

SNYDER, IRA W., (Varna,) (with James,) farmer 115. 

SNYDER, JACOB, (Ithaca,) farmer 202. 

SNYDER, JAMES, (Varna,) (with Ira W.,) farmer 115. 

SNYDER, JOHN 2d., (VBma,) farmer 126. 

SNYDER, JOSEPH, (Varna,) farmer 120. 

SNYDER, NELSON, (Varna,) farmer 75. 

Snyder, Orrin. (Ithaca.) &rmer 122. 

SNYDER, PBTER,^ama,) farmer 100. 

SNYDER, PETER T., (Varna,) farmer 126. 

Snyder, Peter V., (Btna,)farmer 148. 

SNYDER, PHILIP R.,Jyama,) farmer 23. 

SNYDER, WALTER, (Varna,) farmer 52. 

SNYDER, WILLIAM, (Varna,) farmer 87K. 

SNYDER, WILLIAM Sy (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 

SOUTHWORTH, JOHN, CDryden.) farmer 815. 

Sonthworth, Newman W., (West Dryden,) carpenter and joiner. 

SPACE, JOSEPH, (D^den,) farmer 50. 

SPACE, MARTHA MRS., (Dryden,) farmer 16; 

SPACE, THOMAS, (Dryden,) farmer 143. 

ipEAl:SucUsi^'ffi:'lD'^»,)W A. Spear, MerHU Ban^ and VmamS. 

Sears,) general merchants. 
SPEAR, BEI a., OJryden,) (Spear, Baueut A Sean.) 
SPBRRY, CHARLES, (Dryden,) farmer 92. 
SPERRY, GAMALIEL, (Dryden,) farmer 85. 
Sperry, John B., (Dryden,) farmer 101. 
Sperry, Zina, (Dryden,) farmer 92. 
Spragae, Joseph, (Ithaca,) farmer 42. 
Sprlgg, John M., ftthacaO farmer 63. 
SprlSg, William, (Va™a.) farmer 40. 
Stanley, Star, (Ithaca,) farmer IJf- 

Stanton, John, (Dryden,) farmer 44. 

Stebbins, Freeman, (Dryden,) farmer 6SSi. 

154 DBTDSN. 

Stedman, Smith S., (McLean,) former 26. 

Steel, Jolm, (McLean,) farmer lOS. 

Steel, Nathaniel, (Pemville,) farmer 77. 

Stephens, Samael, (Etna.) former 175. 

Stephenson, William, (Varna,) farmer 150. 

Sterena, Smith, (Etna,) farmer 104. 

Stewart, John,JDryaen,) farmer 183. 

STBWAET, PETER L., (Etna,) farmer 95. 

Stickles, Anson^ajryden,) former 297. 

STICKLES, BRYANT F.,CDryden,) farmer 97. 

Stickles, Job C, (Dryden,) farmer 66. 

STOUT, JOHN, (Diyden,) farmer 2X. 

Stubbs, John W., (Etna,) farmer 70. 

Sutfln, George W., (Etna.) farmer 60. 

Sntfin, James Q., (Pemville,) farmer 100. 

Sntfln, William X, (Preeville,) farmer 100. 

Sntliff, Charles, (West Dryden,) farmer 26. 

Satliff, Henry P., (West Dryden,) farmer 101. 

Sutliff, Uriah, (estate) (West Dryden,) farmer 100. 

Sweet, Andrew J., pryden,) blacksmith. 

SWEETLAND, GEOBGE 3., (Dryden,) farmer 170. 

Sweetland, John B., (DrydSn,) farmer 62 

SWEETLAND, LA ^AtETTE, (Dryden,) farmerlOO. 

Swift, William, (Dryden,) fanner 70. 

Talcot, James, (Ithaca,) farmerl. 

Tanner, Abraham, (Dryden,) postmaster. 

"■^S-SSSS ^™°™ 3:j (Dryden,) blacksmith. 

TEETEB, SLT, (West Dryden,) farmer 218. 

Teets, Mary Mrs., (West Dryden,) farmer 5. 

Thomas, Beqjamin, (Shiterville,) farmer 150. 

Thomas, Henry, (Slaterrille,) farmer 133. 

Thomas, Michael, (Diyden,) farmer 78. 

Thomas, Wm., pryden,) farmer 106. 

Tichenor, Clarissa Mrs., (Ithaica,) farmer 57W. 

Tillotson, John, (Dryden,) farmer 7. 

Townley, Bichard, (Sonth Lansing,) general mechanic and farmer 23. 

Trapp, Almon, jMcLean,) formei^ 110. 

Tripp, George W., OOryden,) fanner 102. 

Tripp, George W., OPreeville,) former 25. 

Tripp, James, Pryden,) farmer 145. ' 

''SHSjJ^'K**" E. Pryden.) farmer 40if . 

TEUHSDELL, GSOEGE L, Pryden,) general merchant. 

Tucker, Mary Mrs., (Dryden,) former!. 

TUCKEE,MABTAijNMES., (McLean,) fanner 87. 

Tucker, Morgan Mrs., Pryden,) miUiner. 

Tyler, Artemas L., (Etna,) farmer 104. 

TYLEE, BAENET, Pryden,) fonner79. 

Tyler, Cyrus, (EtnaJ farmer 60. 

Tyler, John E., (McLean,) farmer 160. 

Tyler, Moses, QacLean,) farmer 82. 

Tyler, Moses, pryden,) farmer 1 itf. 

Tyler, Stephen, ffltna,) farmer 76. 

Updike, Jacob, (DiTden,) farmer 70. 

Updike, Jacob S., pryden,) farmer 60. 

Vall,BenJamin C, Phaca,) farmer 81. 

Van Derhoir, Simeon, (Etna,) farmer 66. 

Van Derhoof, Julius pryden,) carpenter and joiher. 

Van Dnsen, Maria Mrs., (Etna,) famer 50. 

Van Horn, A. L, (Etna!) farmer 79. 

Van HomJVeybnm, (West Dryden,) farmer 100. 

T?S w«2^i*fe ?'***^*!k' (PeFBVlUe,) hpUh Sarahi fonne* 80. 

Van Order, Alonzo pryden )'blacksmi4. """"'■ 

VAlJPiLT, HIBAM, (Dryden,) fanner 64. 
Vanpelt, Levi, (SlatervUle,) fonner200. 

van Bickle, William, (Varna,) blacksmith. 

vSSllS'e; h^fM?.'i'2rT' "^'"' °' ™" ''"""' "' ^""S' '^• 

'^^un^a^^^™®^'^^^^' OOTden,) attorney and connseUor atlaw.jndg. and 

DRTDEN. 155 

VAKNA HOTEL. (Varna.) Harry Bezean, proprietor. 

VOORHBES, WliLlAM, (Dryden,) alio, physician. 

Wade, Edwin H., (MeLeaa,) l)utter tub and firkin lactory and planing mill. 

Waeer, James S., (Sonth Lansing,) farmer 30. 

Wait, Henry, (Etna,) farmer S6. 

WALKBB, S. J., (Etna,) farmer. 

Wallace, Jonas, (West Dryden,) farmer 50. 

Warner, Francis M., (West Dryden.) M. B. clergyman. 

Washburn, George H., (Dryden,) (WosAftam (fcSbrMiooii.) _ „ ., » „ 

Washburn & Norwood, (Dryden,) (.ffeorge B. WcuMmrn and Brattus Norwood,) steam 

saw mill. 
WATSON, GHORQH, (McLean,) (^Andrews A Wataon.) 
Wattles, Hubert, ^latervUle,) farmer 85. 
Weaver, Edward G^Etna,) carriage maker. 
WBAVBE, EUGENE, (Etna,) firmer. 
WEAVES, HBNBT B., heirs of, (Etna,) firmer 150. 
Webster, John W., (Etna,) farmer 825. 
Weed, Eice, (estate.) (Etna,) fanner 44. 
WEED, THOMAS K., (Etna,) farmer 10. 

Welch, Edward, (Dryden,) farmer 30. 

Welch, James, (Dryden,) farmer 43. 

West, Addie A. Mrs., 0ryden,) farmer 63. 

West, Gardner, fflryden,) farmer 105- 

West, William, (Dryden,) farmer \iH- 

WestoTer, Elisna, jpryden,) farmer 100. 

Wheeler, Thomas B.. (Varna,) farmer 123. 

WHEELBE, ALMON, mryden,) farmer 105. 

Wheeler, Cortland J„ (PeruvlUe,) farmer 30. 

Wheeler, Edson L., (Dryden,) farmer 50. 

Wheeler, Elaon P., (Dryden,) fanner 39. 

Wheeler, Emery A., fflryden,) fanner 102. 

Wheeler, Orrln W., (Dryden,) farmer 86. 

White, Abel, (Preeville,) farmer 90. 

White, Allen, (Dryden,) farmer 50. 

White, Henry, (FreeTille,) farmer 1. 

White, William B., (Freeville,) carpenter and joiner, 

WILLCOX, LYMAN, (Dryden,) fermerS^tf.. 

Willey, James A., (Slfttemlle,) farmer 180. 

Willey, Bichard B., (Slaterville,) farmer 150. 

Willey, Samuel B., (FreeTille,) fanner no. ,, ., ^ -n 

WILLIAMS, A. & L. M., (Freeville,) (Ambrose and Lum»M.,) gnst and saw null. 

WILLIAMS, AMBROSE, (Freeville,) (^. *i. X. WmiaTns.) 

WILLIAMS, ISAAC, OTarna,) farmer 60. _. , , . 

WILLIAMS, LUCUS M. (Freeville,) (4. * L. M. muiamt,) postmaster. 

Wilson, James, (Freeville,) farmer 1. 

Wilson, Sarah B. Mrs., (Dryden,) farmer 65. 

WOOD, OTIS B., (Etna,) (ffoute. Wood <ft Co.) 

Woodman, George. (Varna,) (with Meneroy Overt,) farmer 36. 

Wool, Robert M., (Siaterville,) farmer 111. 

Woolver, Samu^ (Etna,) fanner 276. 

Worden, Peter, (Etna,) farmer 135. 

Wright, Charles, (West Dryden,) farmer 106. 

WRIGHT, DAVID,^ (McLean,) farmer 8. 

WRIGHT, GEOBGE, (McLean,) plasterer and stone mason. 

Wright, James H., (McLean,) brick and stone mason and farmer 16. 

Tates, Chester, (Siaterville,) farmer 4. 

Tates, Stephen, (Siaterville.) saw mill and farmer 180. 

York, Albert L„ QJryden,) M. E. clergyman. 

Youmans, Jason A., (Etna,) carpenter and joiner and farmer ajf. 




loii Lafe k Uemei 

This InBtltntion 1b eituated In the village of Dryden. Tompkins Comity, New York; 
one mile from the Dirden Sulphur SpringB and Water Cure, and on the line of the Hall- 
road now in course of conBtructlon from Auburn to Owego. It was founded in 1862, 
^and has been gradually increaaing in numbers and influence ever eince. 

It has always been under the charge of the same Principal and Preceptress, who de- 
vote their entire time to its interests. 

There are two courses of studies, Knglish and Classical. The former embraces four 
years, and the latter three. Students graduating from either of these receive a diploma. 
Young men completing the Classical Course have entered our best colleges with very 
creditable commendations; and young ladies have entered the Junior Class of Vassar 

Pupils sent here from abroad are under the immediate care and direction of the 
Principal, becoming at once members of his household. 

Pupils are not allowed to nse tobacco or intoxicating drinks. 

Tuition expenses from $4 to $8 per term for day scholars. 

Board, tuition, washing, lights and Ihel, $70 per term. 

There is a good Library from which students draw books. 

A cabinet and apparatus sufficient for illustrating the principles of science. 

Sprlns Term opens Karcb 23, closes Jnne 26, 186S. 
Fall » « Aug. 10, « Nov. 13, « 

TTlnter " •« Not. 30, " March S, 1869. 






(Post-Oflaoe Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Ackley, Hiram S., (Mecklenl)nrgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 88. 

.^IKEN, DANIEL L., (Enfield Center,) carpenter and farmer W<4. 

Almy, Bradford L., ( JackBonviUe,) ahoemaker and farmer 33. 

Anderson, Norman, (Itbaca,) baruess maker. 

Atwater, Amanda, (Tmmansburgh,) farmer VSt. 

ATWATBB, ELIJAH S., (Enfield.) farmer. 

Atwater, Eryin, (Enfield Center,) farmer 115. 

Auble, Sophia, (Enfield Center,) tailoress. 

AUKMACK, WM. H., (Mecklenburgr, Schuyler Co.,) fanner 94. 

Eabcock, Margaret Mrs., (JackeonTille,) farmer 30. 

BABCOCK, SOPHIA MRS., (Jacksonville,) farmer 16. 

Baeley, James, (Enfield Center,) farmer 80. 

Bagley, Wm., (Aifield Center,) attorney and cannselor at law. 

Bafley, Daniel W., (Enfield Center,) farmer 150. 

Bailey, Jehiel, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 66. 

Baker, Jeremiah M., (Ithaca,) farmer 107. 

Baker, John M., (Enfield Center,) farmer 116. 

Baker, John W., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 65. 

Barber, Eliza B., (Enfield Center,) farmer 1. 

BAEBEB, WM.,(Enfield Center,) blacksmith. 

BODLE, GEOEQB W., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 117. 

Booth, Wm., (Jacksonville,) farmer 50. i 

Bowgar, Daniel, (Jacksonville,) farmer 49. 

BEAGAW, ABEAM, OEnfield,) farmer 100. 

BEEWBE, BDGAE, (Enfield Center,) farmer 150. 

BEEWEE, HENEY COL., (Enfield Center,) farmer 70. 

BEISTOL, BYEON B., (Enfield Center,) son of S. Bristol. 

BRISTOL, STEPHEN B., (Enfield Center,) stock dealer and fanner 110. 

Broaa, John P., (Enfield Center,) postmaster and blacksmith. 

Bruce, Edward, (Ithaca,) farmer 10. 

BETJCE, OLIVEE, (Enfield,) farmer 100. 

Budd, Benj. F., rttnaca,) carpenter and farmer 10. 

Budd, Charles, (Ithaca,) blacksmith. 

BTJDD, GEORGE W., (Ithaca,) farmer 60. 

Burlew, David, (Enfield Center,) farmer 70. 

Barlew, Phineas, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 91. 

Burton, John, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 50. 

Butler, Daniel D., QEnfleld Center,) farmer 5. 

Byrum, Clark, (Enfield Center,) farmer leases 190. 

Byrum, Eleazer, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co,,) farmer 66^- 

Byrum, Joseph, ralnfield Center,) farmer 48. 

Byrum, Oliver, (Enfield Center,) farmer 60. 

Carley, Clark A., (Enfield Center,) farmer 4. 

Carman, Caleb, (Jacksonville,) farmer leases 65. 

CARMAN, RICHARD, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 140. 

Cay wood, Helim, (Cayutavllle, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 97X. 

Chase, Ezra Rev., (Enfield Center,) clergyman andfarmer 75. 

CHASE, WM. C, (Bnfleld Center,) laborer. 

Cherry, TheodoreLC[thara,) farmer 50. 

COCHRAN, ROBERT, (Ithaca,) farmer 12. 

Compton, John, (Ithaca, ) farmer 95. 

Cook, James, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) dentist. 

Corbin, Tallman, (Ithaca,) shoemaker and farmer 10. 

Cowen, Henry, (Enfleld,) farmer 50. 

Cowen, Lewis, ^nfield Center,) farmer 90. 

Cowen, Seth A., (Enfield,) farmer 50. 

Cox, William, (Jacksonville,) farmer 50. 

CROSS, TIMOTHY, (Ithaca,) farmer lOOJtf. 

CULBEETSON, WM., (Ithaca,) (Snaia & OuOertson.) 

Culver, Alonzo, (Enfield,) farmer. 

Culver, Lawrence, (Enfield,) farmer 60. 

CUErV, AMOS, Mnfleld,) fhrmer 109. , „ ,, 

DAELnsTG, JAMES, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 140. 

Darragb, John, (Enfield Center,) firmer 24. 

Davenport, Wm., gthaca,} farmer 86. 

Dean, Francis F., (Ithaca,) ftomer 60. 


Dean, John, (Newfleld.) farmer 18. 

Dean, Wm. S., '^nfleld Center,) painter and farmer 8. 

Dearbum, Oren, (Enfleld Center,) firmer 8. 

Doty, Isaac, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer BO. 

Downing, George B., (Enfield Center,) farmer i\%. 

Drake, Wm. H., (Ithaca,) farmer 6B. 

Duncan, Wm., (Ithaca,) grocery. 

Dunham, Peter, (Enfleld Center.) farmer 7. 

Durling, Johjo, (Trumanehnrgh,) farmer 65^. 

Ehle, John, (Enfleld,) blacksmith. 

Emley, James S., (Enfleld,) farmer 825. 

Ervy, Emanuel M., (Cayutaville, Schuyler Co.j) farmer 97Jf. 

Farrington, Isaac, (Mecklenburgh, Scbnyler Co.,) farmer 25. 

Finaghan, Patrick, QEnfleld Center,) farmer 1. 

FISH, JAMBS L., (Enfleld Center,) farmer 7. 

FI»H, JOHN M., (Enfleld Center,) farmer leases 112. 

Fish, Osear E., (Enfleld Center,) farmer 72. 

Fish, Samuel, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 22. 

Fish, Solomon J., (Enfleld Center,) farmer 61. 

Fish, WeUSiCEnfleld Center^ farmer 75. 

FISHEK, CHAKLES W.; (Nfecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 260. 

Fisher, Wm. M., ffl;nfleld Center,) farmer 88. 

Fletcher, Charles J., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer. 

Fletcher, Herman, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 30. 

Fletcher, Joseph N y (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 85. 

Fletcher, Leroy C, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 69. 

FORD, EDWIN %, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 135. 

Fowler, Geo. S., (Enfleld Center,) farmer 67>(f. 

Fowler, Samuel N., (Ithaca,) farmer 70. 

Gee, William, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 30. 

Georgia, Cyrenus Sy (Bnfleld Center,) farmer 97. 

GifFord, Jeremiah, Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) cooper. 

Goodrich, James, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 1. 

Gould, Wm. E., (Jacksonville,) farmer 4S. 

Graham, James C.^fEnfield,) farmer 2. 

Graham, Samuel, (Bnfleld Center,) farmer 80. 

GRANT, BDWIN, (Enfleld Center,) blacksmith. 

Gray, Drury, (Ithaca,) fanner 6. 

Green, Thomas, (Enfleld Center,) farmer leases 100. 

Griflln, BenJ. U., (Bnfleld,) farmer 40. 

Griffln, Ceranna, (Bnfleld Center,) farmer 10. 

GrifSn, George B^ (Bnfleld Center,) farmer 6. 

Griffln, Gilbert. (EnfleldO farmer 60. 

GKIFFIN, STEPHEN, (Bnfleld Center,) carpenter and tanner 1. 

Harvey, Asher, (Mecklenburgh. Schuyler Co.,) farmer 48. 

HABVBT, ELEAZER B., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) firmer 100. 

HABVBT, JAMES, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 147. 

Harvey, Joel, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 89. 

Harvey, Moses L., (Enfleld Center,) farmer 86. 

Harvey, Samuel A., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 68. 

HAEVET, SENECA, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 109. 

HARVEY, SETH B^ (Enfleld Center.) farmer iSO. 

HARVBT, SILAS, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 236. 

Harvey, Silas 2d.,^nfleld Center,) farmer 60. 

Hansner, George W., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co,,) firmer leases 50. 

HAUSNER, ISAAC, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) ftirmer 161. 

Hausner, Martin, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co..) fUrmer 60. 

Havens, George, (Mecklenburg, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 10. 

Havens, Hiel T., (Ithaca,) farmer 80. 

Hedeiu, Joseph L., (Ithaca,) farmer 5, 

Heller, Oren A., (Ithaca.) farmer 20. 

Hines, David, (TrumbBll Comers.) farmer 81. 

HOLLISTBR, JULIOS, fflnfleld,) farmer 40, 

Holly, Andrew J., fflnfleld Center,) farmer 65. 

HOLLY, NOAH, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 264. 

Holzapfel, Fred., (Bnfleld Center,) fiirmer 66. 

Hoose, Lewis D., (Ithaca,) farmer 1. 

H0PE:INS, GBORGB H., gthaca.) farmer 168. 

Horton, Beq). J., (Enfleld Center,) farmer leases 66. 

Horton, Dewitt C., Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) firmer 11. 

H0Rt6n, JOHN, (Snfleld,) farmer 100. 

Hosher, James M., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.) farmer 60. 

Hosner, Henry, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) former leases 64. 

Hosner, Irrtn M., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 60. j 


HOSNEK, LAVINA, (Mecklenbnrgh, Schuyler Go.,) farmer IM. 

Hovey, James A. Dr., (Enfield Center,) alio, physician. 

Hular, Wesley C, (Jacksonville,) farmer 64. 

Hnngerford, BenJ., (Enfield Center,) farmer 90. 

INK, GEORGE O, (Enfield Center.) farmer 188. 

Jackson, Byrcm^ (Enfield Center,) farmer 60. 

Johnson, Abratn H:, (Ithaica,) farmer 66. 

Johnson, David, (Mecklenbnrgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer «3. 

Johnson, George, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) fistrmer 64, 

Jones, Louise. (Enfield Center,) dressmaker. 

JOYCE, JASIES, (Ithaca,) laborer. 

June, August, (Enfield Center,) fanner 65. 

KELLOGG, NELSON, (Enfield Cmter,)(Marahda & KeOoggi) 

Kelsey, Charles T. Dr.,^(Meckledburgh, Schuylei!C0i,)*j8iysr(aan and farmer 173Jf- 

KELSET, THOMAS, (Ithaca,) farmer 166»'i. 

King, Charles, (Enfield Center,) farmer Ifaaea ^. 

Kins, Oren, (Enfield Center,) farmer 63. 

Kinkle, Wm., (Mecklenbnrgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer. 

Kirby, Barney, (Enfield Center,) farmer 66. 

Kirby, NicholasL(Enfleld Center,) farmer 77Jjf . 

Kitchen, Wm., wnfleld Center,) farmer 1. 

KORTS, JACOB, (Ithaca,) fanner 240. 

KORTS, JOHN W;, ^thaca,) farmer leases 100. 

Lancaster, Amos, (Ithaca,) carp^ter and joiner. 

Laning, Alonzo, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 35. 

Laning, Amoa v., ^nfield Center.) farmer 70. 

LANIKG^ CHAraJES W. , (Bnfield Center,) fanne'r 123. 

LANING, THEO., (Enfield Center,) farmer 128. 

LANNING, HARKISON. (Jacksonville,) farmer 95. 

LANNHTG, JAMES M., (Enfield Center,) fanner 128. 

Lanning, Joseph I., (Enfield Center,) farmer 62. 

Lanning, T. Jefi'erson, (Enfield,) fanner 90X. 

LANNmG, WM., ^nfield Center,) farmerTeases 450, 

LARESONE; JAT., (Mecklenbnigh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 109. 

Larison, Joseph, (Mec klenbnrgh, achuyler Co.,) farmer 60. 

LEONARD, ARCHIBALD, ^field Center,) farmer 100. 

Leonard, James, (Trumbull Comers,) fanner 33. 

Leonard, Luther, (Trumbull Comers^ farmer 75. 

Leondard JSichard J., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) fanner 57. 

Longcoy, wmi, (Trnmbnll Comers.) flirmer21>f. 

Longstreet, Slocum L., (Jacksonville,) farmer 66. 

Loomis, Samuel, (Enfield Center,) shoe maker. 

Lovell, Ezra C, (Mecklenbu^b, Schuyler Co.,) wagon maker and blacksmith. 

Lovell, Jerome B.,JEnfield Center,) farmer S4. 

Lovell, John W„ (Enfield Center,) farmer 77. 

Lytle, Lansing C., (Enfield Center,) fanner 137. 

MABET, SAMUEL P., (Ithaca,) fanner leases 50. 

Manay, John, (Enfield,) farmer 12. 

Marshall, Gertrnde.JEnfield Center,) school teacher. 

MARSHALL, JAMBS H., (Enfield Center,) (Marshall eft Kellogg.) 

MARSHALL & KELLOGG, (Jatnes B. MairaluM ana NOeon Kellogg,) (Enfield Center,) 

generalprodnce dealers. 
MarshalLWm., (Enfield CenterJ farmer 84. 
McCqy,^wm., (Mecklenburgh, Sfihiiyler Co.,) ftinfler84. 
McKEEGAN, FHEBE E., (Waterburgh,) farmer 138. 
Merchant, Wm. A., OPinfleld Center,) farmer 94. 
MILLER, CALEB, (Enfield Center.) farmer 119. 
MILLER, JONATHAN L., (Elifield Center,) fanner 126. 
MILLER, JDDSON H., (Enfield Center.) fermer 112. 
MINIER, ABRAM W., (Enfield Center,) former 100. 
Nash, Richard,JEnfieldA fiirmar 66. 
NELSON, JOHNC, athacB,) farmer 113. 
NEWMAN, ISAAC H.. (Ithaca,) farmer 160. 
NEWMAN, WM. O., ffthaca,) fermer 107. 
Nivison, Jared T., (Jacksonville^ farmer 26Sfi 
NOBLES, ANSON Cy (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 150. 
Nobles, Charles R., (Enfield Center,) fanner 50. 
Nobles, John A., (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 82. 
NOBLES, SQUIRE J„ (Trnmbnll Comers,) former 105. 
OWEN, JAMES M., (Enfield Center,) farmer leases 100. 

Palmer, Daniel, (Trumbull Corners,) former 40. ' , 

Palmer, L. Franklin, (Ithaca,) farmer 60. ' 
Palmer, Louis, (Ithaca,) former 70. 


A. H. & D. C. QUIGLEY, 

Merchant Tailors, 

Main St., Trumans'burgli, N. Y., 




CasBimereB, Ladies' Sacking, Vesting, Furdy's Sheep's 



Hosiery, Ties, Scarfs, Bows, Sleeve Buttons, Linen and 

Paper Collars, Maslin and Woolen Shirts, 

nmbrellas. Trunks, Satchels, &c. 

Cloth & Trimming for Sale by the Yard. 
Cutttne and makine on Sbort Notice. 





N^o. 94= OT^EaO STREET, 



Oysters, Steaks, Lunches, Pastry, Tea, 


Warm Meals Furnished to Order on Short Notice. 
O. H. CRECORY, Proprietor. 


Peirson, Van Kensalaer, (Enfleld Center,) botanic physician. 

Pinckney, Marenns, (Enfleld Center,) fanner 60. 

Porter, AlpheuB H., rEnfleld Center,) farmer 67. 

POETEE, FEANCIS, (Trambnll Comers,) firmer 75. 

Porter, Timothy J., ffinfleld Center,) farmer 75. 

Potter, MUnBon, (EnileldO farmer 50. 

Proctor, Thos., (Enfleld Center,) farmer 1. 

Purdy, Andrew J., Cltliaca,) farmer. 

PUEDT, CALEB, (Ithaca,) farmer 300. 

Purdy, Comellna T., (Ithacaj) farmer 60. 

Purdy, Samuel D., (Enfleld Center,) farmer 80. 

Qneal, Jonathan, (Enfield,) farmer 70. 

Eightmire^panlel, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 50. 

Eockwell, Hiram, QEnfleld Center,) farmer 36. 

BOB, DANIEL, (Ithaca,) laborer. 

EOLPE, CHBSTEE, (Enfleld,) farmer 110. 

EOLFE,EBEN, (Jacksonville,) farmer 85. 

EOLPE, EPHEAIM, (JackBonviUe,) farmer 150. 

Eolfe, Ezra, (Enfleld,) farmer 75. 

Eolfe, George, (Mecklenbnrgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 48. 

Eolfe, JonaUian, ^nfleld,) farmer 158. 

Eolfe, Jonathan 3d, ^nfleld Center,) farmer 60. 

Eolfe, Oscar, (Enfleld,) farmer 60. 

Eolfe, Eenben, (Enfleld,) farmer 130. 

Eolfe, Samuel, (Enfleld,) justice of the peace and farmer 46X. 

Eolfe, Simeon,JEnfleld,) farmer 60. 

Eolfe, Warren £., (Enfield.) farmer 50. 

Eoloson, Isaiah, (Mecklenbnrgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 70. 

EumBCTtAIbertL., (Enfleld,) hotel keeper. 

EUMSET, CHARLES W., /Trumbull Comers,) farmer 150. 

Eumsey, Eliza J., OE!nfleld Center,') farmer 60. 

Bnmsey, Qeorge, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 65. 

EumBey^orace, (Trumbnll Comers,) firmer 68. 

EUMSET, JAMES, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 106. 

Eumsey, Jonathan, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 78. 

EUMSET, JOSHUA J., (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 8. 

EUMSET, MILES, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 100. 

EmnseyLpllverLfflthaoa,) farmer 75. 

EUMSET^ SCHUTLEE J., (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 172M. 

Eussell, Hermon, (Tmmbull Comers,) farmer' 60. 

SAGE, CHAELES I., (Enfield Center,) farmer 38. 

SAGE, JOHN E.^JacksonTille,) farmer 113. 

SEAELES, OLI'VEB, (Mecklenbnrgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 103. 

Sheffield, John 'W.;^thaca,) farmer 63. 

Sheldon, Jerome, (Enfleld,) farmer. 

SIMPSON, GEORGE J., OSnfleld,) laborer. 

Smith, AlTah K., (TmmanBburgh,) farmer 90. 

Smith, Charles M., (Tmmansburgh,) farmer 70. 

Smith, Christopher, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 80. 

Smith, Earl ^V., QEnfleld Center,) farmerOO. 

Smith, George, (Enfleld Center,) farmer leases 94. 

Smith, HarrfBon,(Tramansburgh,) farmer 42. 

SMITH, HUGH H., (Elnfleld Center,) farmer 133. 

SMITH, JAMES T., (Enfleld,) farmer 100. 

SMITH, JOHN, (Pdrry City, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 1^. 

Smith, John H., (JacksonTille,) &rmerl7. 

SMITH, JOSEPH, Otfecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) &rmer 115. 

Smith, Obediah, (Enfleld,) farmer 50. 

SMITH, WM.B., (Enfleld j laborer. 

SNOW & CULBEETSON, (FTm. Ouliertson and Wm. t7. Snow,) (Ithaca,) Enfleld grist 

Snow, Ervln L^, (Ithaca,) blacksmith. 
Snow, Welles 'W., (Ithaca,) miller. 
Snow, Wm., (Enfield,) farmer 86. 
SNOW, 'WM. C, (Ithaca,) (Snow eft CuOertaan.) 
Souls, Lambert, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 97. 
Sullivan, Jamep, (Enfleld,) farmer 10. 
Sumerton, Frank G., (Enfield Center,) (toner 40. 
Sumerton, John, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 67. 
Sutphen, Horace, Qthaca,) farmer 60. , 

Swartout, Maria, (Ithaca,) seamstress and farmer 1. 
SWICK, OLIVER P^ (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) laborer. 
TEETER, ANDREW, (Enfleld Center,) farmer 116. 
THATCHER, EBENEZER, (Ithaca,) farmer 88. 



THATCHER, JOSEPH B., athaca,) farmer 116. 

Thatcher, Wm., (Ithaca,) farmer BO. 

THEALL, JOHN H., (Enfield Center,) farmer 185. 

Tlchenor, Albert S., (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) former 66. 

Tichenor, Isaac, (Enfield Center,) farmer 28. 

Tichenor, Wm. J., (Enfield Center,) farmer leases IBO. 

Titus. Augustas, jithaca,) farmer 74. , . ^„„ 

TEA^S TJUDiIeY W^ (Enfield,) farmer leases 100. 

Trumble, Charles M., (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 90. 

Trumble, Isaac P., (Trnmbull Comers,) farmer 83. 

TUCKER EZRA D., (Enfield Center,) blacksmith and fanner 50. 

Tucker Georffe Smith, (Enfield Center,) blacksmith and firmer 65. 

Tucker, Wm. L., (Enfield Center,) farmer 60. 

TubbB, Walton, (Enfield Center^ farmer 78Jf . 

Updyke, Lawrence, (Jacksonville,) farmer 61. 

Updyke, Levi, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) fanner 44. 

Undyke, Minor, (Waterburgh,) farmer 66. 

VAN B^SKIRK, PETER W., (Ithaca,) farmer 168X. 

VAN DINE, CHARLES, (Enfield,) blacksmith. 

VAN KIRK, ENOCH, (Enfield,) fanner 160. 

Van Kirk Lewis H., (Enfield,) postmaster and fanner 160. 

Van Marter, Aaron W., (Enfield Center,) hotel keeper. 

Van Marter, Joseph, Ottecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 90. 

Vescelius, William, (Perry City, Schuyler Co.,) firmer 11. 

Wafer, James S., (Enfield Center,) farmer 52. 

Wallingback, Henry, (Mecklenbnrgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 69. 

Wallingback, Herman, (Enfield Center,) former 60. 

Wallingback, William, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) fanner 60. 

Wallingback, Thomas M., (Enfield (Center,) former 75. 

WALLINGBACK, SOLOMON, (Enfield Center,>annei! 112. 

Wallingbeck, J., (Mecklenburgli, Schuyler Co.,) farmer ^50. 

WEAraERBT, EDMUND, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler COy) farmer 142. 

Wheeler, Nathaniel M. Rev., (Enfield Center,) pastor M. B. church. 

Whipple, Wm., (Enfield,) farmer leases 96. 

WHITE, CHARLES W., (Enfield Center.) laborer. 

Whitney, Delden, (Mecklenburgb, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 47. 

Whitney, JoelN., (Enfield Center,) fanner 53. 

Wickham, Henrietta Mrs., (Ithaca,) keeper of Enfield Falls hotel. 

Wilb«ir, Henry Rev., (Enfield Center,) pastor of Chria'tlan church and former 60. 

Wilber, R., flthaca,) farmer 93. 

Wilkin, David, (Jacksonville,) farmer 48. 

Wilkin, Harrison, (Jacksonville,) farmer 68. 

Wilkin, Wilson C, (Enfield,) farmer 15. 

wBlLIAMS, AUSTIN, (Enfield,) moulder. 

Williams, Oliver 8., (Enfield,) former 40. 

WILLIS^ James R., (Jacksonville,) farmer 100. 

Wood, Albert, (Mecklenburgh, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 63. 

WOOD, DANIEL R., (Ithaca,) farmer 110. 

WOOD, ORSON, (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 

Woodward, Benj., (Ithaca,) fanner 74. 

Woodward, JohUj (Ithaca,) farmer 70. 

WOODWARD, K. MRS., (Ithaca,) farmer 160. 

Wortman, John G., OEnfleld Center,^ cabinet maker. 

Wright, Horace (3., (Enfield Center,) harness maker. •■* 

Wright, Sylvester J., (Enfield Center,) cooper. 

(See Indes.) 

ITHACA. 163 


(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ABHAMS, CHARLES E., (Ithaca,) farmer with B. E. Davis. 

Ackermnn, Kalph, (Ithaca,)) proprietor Green Tree Inn and fiirmer 10. 

ACKLEY, CORNELIA, (Ithaca,) news room, 11 Tioga. 

Akina, John, (Varna,) farmer 65. 

Akina. W. H., Qthaca,) (Stevens A Aiklnt.) 

ALLEN, WILLIAM H^ (Ithaca,) hair dresser. Bank Block. 

Anderson, John Rev., (Itnaca,) pastor Zion chnrch. 

Andrus, Frederick K., (Ithaca,) (Andnti.MoChain <fc Co.) 

AndruB, McChain & Co., (Ithaca,) imlliam Andrm, Georgi, MaChain, Frederick K. 

Andru>,WiUiam Andrus Jr., andjoseph M, Lyone,) paper mannfacturers, printers 

and hook binders, 41 East State. 
Andrus, William, (Ithaca,) (Andrus, ifc Chain <& Co.) 
Andrus, William Jr., (Ithaca,) (^tu^rus, McChain & Co.) 
Apgar, DeWitt M^jor, (Ithaca,) assistant assessor internal revenue. 
Apgar, Peter, (Ithaca,) commissioner of excise. 
Apley, Frank, (Ithaca.) teamster. 
Atheneum, (public hall and lecture room,) (Ithaca,) Wilgua Buildings, WUgns Bros, & 

Co., props. 
Atwater, Leonard, (Ithaca,) pedlar. 

Atwater, Lewis, (Ithaca,) veterinary anrgeon, 19 N. Aurora. 
Aucbmoodv, GecL, (Itiiaca,) carpenter. 
Ayere, William W., (Ithaca,) horticulturist and farmer 86. 
Baker, Absalom M., (Itkaca,) boat builder. 
Baker, Daniel, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 60. 
Baker, Jesse, (Ithaca,) boots and shoes, 2? East State. 
Baker, Theodore, (Itliaca,) saloon keeper, 99 Bast State. 
BALDWIN, JOHNGURNEB, (Ithaca,) (Jones amd Baldwin.) 
Baptist Church, (Ithaca,) Rev. Joaeph N. Folwell, pastor. 
Barden, Wm. W., (Ithaca,) road master, Cayuga Division, D. L. & W. R. R. 
Barker, John, (Ithaca,) carpenter andjolner. 
Barker, Oliver, (Ithaca,) alio, physician. 
Barnes, John, (Ithaca,) mason. 

Barney, C. w., (IthacaO principal Ithaca public school. 
BATES, CHARLES W., (Ithaca,) (Culver & Sates.) 

BATES, JACOB, (Ithaca,) (Bates, Wortman & Co.,) cattle broker and farmer 22. 
BATES, RUFUS, (Ithaca,) (Bates, Wortman & Co.) 

BATES, SARAH A. MISS, (Ithaca,) dress and cloak maker, 56 North Tioga. 
BATES, WORTMAN & CO. , (Ithaca,) (Jacob Bates, Jacob B. Wortman and Bi^us Bates,) 

meat market, also drovers and packers, 10 and 12 N. Aurora. 
Beardsley, Jeff. F., (Ithaca,) portrait and landscape painter, 7 Lynn. 
Beera, Frederick, (IthacaO (J. M. & F. Beers.) 

Beers, Geo. D., (Ithaca,) (Beers & Howard.) , „. 

Beera & Howard, (Ithaca,) (Oeo. D. Beers and Ossian G. Howard.) lawyers, 14 N. Tioga. 
Beers, I. M. & F., (Itha»,) (Isaac M. and Frederick,) lumber merchants, VU Seneca. 
Beera, laaac M., CIthaca,) (I. M. &. F. Beers.) 
Beera, W. L., (Ithaca,) stone cutter, 14 S.Aurora. 
Belknap, Myra A. Miss, (Ithaca,) (Bird <Ss Belknap.) 
BENNETT, JAMES D.j (Ithaca.) blacksmith, 15 Junction corner Bnndle. 
Bennett, J. B. & Son, (Ithaca,) UohnB. and John G.,) boat builders. 
Bennett, John B., (Ithaca,) (J. B. Bennett db Son.) 
Bennett, John Q., rtthaca,) (J. B. Bennett & Son.) 
Berry, Mathew, (Ithaca.) stone cutter, 114 N. Aurora. 
Betta, Frank & Co., (Ithaca,) (Alpheus Twist,) livery, Forest City Hotel. 
Bird & Belknap Misses, (Ithaca,) (Miss Lydia J. Bird and Myra A. Belknap^ dress and 

cloak makers, 86 E. State. 
Bird, Lydia J. 3ktiss, gthaca,) (Bird <6 Bdknap.) 
Bishop, A., (Ithaca,) homeo. physician, 22 E. State. 
Bishop, Charles, (Ithaca,) fisherman. 
Bishop, James, (IthacaJ fisherman and skiff builder. 
Blakeslee, A., (Ithaca,) house and sign painter, 38 B. State, up stairs. 
Blood Charles F., (Ithaca,) merchant tailor and gents' furnishing goods, 67 E. State, 
Boardinan, D., (Ithaca,) lawyer and justice supreme court, CornellLlbrary, corner Tioga 

and Seneca. 
BOQARDUS, CHARLES H., (Ithaca,) farmer leases 100. 





n. 3 CltOl EaU BM, 

Two DoorB south of Clinton 'Bonse, 

Ithaca, N. Y. 

The Katnral Teeth shonld be preserved, and those requiring the services of a sklll- 
fnl operator will find one in Dr. G. W, Ho7sradt. 

All artificial work executed in the most beautiful and artistic style, and the most 
thorough attention given to preserve the natural teeth. 




WOOD h Willow WARi, 



Eemember the best Stock of Goods In Tnimansbnrgh is to be found at this Store. 
N. B.— Four doors North of the Washington House is the place. 






It is all Ii-on, very strong and durable, warranted less draft than any other Mower. 

Will work the knives at any angle. The cuttur-bar joint is around the Pitman 

Sliaft, and is entirely different from other machines. See circulars giving 

full description of this Mower. 

^harp's • Fatent "Wlieel' KEorse PLakes, 

WitB cleaners between each tooth. 

The teeth of these Eakes are of the best Pittsburg Steel, work independent, 
dump easy, and done with the horse standing or walking. 

Grain Threshing Machines, Large Combined Clover Thresh- 
ing Machines, Warranted the Best in Use, 

Jlorse Powrers, Wood Planing Macblnes, Circular Wood Savrs, Drag Sa\Fg,&c. 






(Successors to TlUotson Sc Son,) 

Have a Choice and Well Selected Stock of 



We have the Cheapest Sugars In to-wn, CoflTeeii, Teas, IHolaAsliis,.: 

syrups. Butter, 

Xiggs, Cheese, Fish, mackerel. Cod, Smok- 
rel, smoked Halibut, Dried Beef, 

ed mackere. 

Rams, Shoulders, Fork, Spices 


■ ■»[, 

Also a fine Assortment of Canned Fruit&, Green Pickles, Cross 
<& BlackwelVs Celebrated London Pickles, Italian Maccaroni, 
Raisins, Citron, Figs, Lemons, Oranges, Desiccated Cocoanutfor 
Pies, Puddings, Cakes, <£'c. 

Particular attention paid to packing and ehipping Domeetic Fraits of all kinds.— 
Cash paid fi>r produce. Fresh Oysters reoelved.every day during 
the season. ' 


W. A. J. OZMUN. 

ITBAGA. 167 

BoBtwlck, H. v., (Ithaca,) (Bofttoick dt Wllmot.) 

BoBtwlok, Wm. L., (Ithaca,) (MitM cfe 5o«to«.) ^ ,„ , ^, ,, ^ , *. ^ 

Boatwlck & Wiltnot, (Ithaca,) (£r. V. Boatwiek and W. A.. WUmot,) barrel tectory, 12 

Boughton, James, (Ithaca,) hlacksmlth. 

Bouton, Nelson, 0h»ca,) miller. „_, ,„ , 

Bonton, Truman A., (Ithaca,) carpenter and builder, comer Buffalo and Spring. 

Boys, Almon, (Ithac^-^ {Boyi Bros.) 

Boy«, A. Mrs jiiflthac^) millinery and fancy goods, 61 State. 

Boy* Bros. , fltthaca;) '(.4i»j0)i ifc Henrj/,) carpenters, Bl N. Tloj 

1 'Soys. Henry, (Ithaca,)'(S03^» Bros.) 

' Bradbury, ComeliuB, (Ithaca,) lime kiln, Westport. 

Bradley, Jarvls F., (Ithaca,) civil engineer, at A. Burritt's, Tioga. 

Brando, Martin V., (Ithaca,) conBtable. 

Brennan, James, (Ithaca,) farmer leases of 0. L. Grant, BO. 

Brink, Thomas. (Ithaca.) farmer 2. 

Bin®rOL,.GEO.H.,(Ithaca,)CBrf«<oZcfcJforftAam.) , „ ,» ^ •, 

*BBI8T0L & MAKKHAM, athacaJ(e«o. B. Bristol andSufm A. Ifarkham,) sewing 
machine and insurance agents, Wilgus Buildings. 

Brooks, Arthur B.j (Ithaca,) {GaunUttt ilk Brooks.) 

Brooks, Predericlft (Ithaca,) hats, capsand furs, 40 B. State. 

BrookB,«'.W.,(ItJiac4,)(B«rritt,Bm)*«'ce Co.) ti t ;^w u u 

Brown, Francis A'.', (Ithaca,) master machinist, Cayuga division D. L. & w. B. K. 

Brown,'JUlins^(Ithactf,)rarmer63.\ .-^ ' ., „ 'a...., 

Brown, M. M., (Ithaca,) alio, physician and surgeon, also coroner, 64 B. State cor. 
Aurora. - ,. ■ ^ 

BBUSH, KING Q., (Ithaca,) (Laney, FlUlngham <Ss Co.) 

Bryan, Williayi J., (Ithaca,) farmer 230. 

Bryant. Solomon, (Ithaca,) farmer 74. 

Buck, Bffiieon, (Ithaca,) farmer 8S. 

BUNpT, ALFEED H., (Ithaca,) farmer 70. 

BTJNDT; CHABLES, (Ithaca,) (Bundy S Hofle.) 

Bnndy.'QeorgeWi, (Ithaca,) cider mill, farmer 249. , „ ^ , ^ ,. . , „ 

BUNOT^&ffQFiii:, atbaca,)(C'«orfe« Bundy .o»d CAoria(fiy!«,X tobacco an^ cigars, 9 

Bundy.'-lusan ifflss; (Ithaca,) ariier 60. "*■ ' 

BtJEDICK,.D. W., (Ithaca,) (White & Burdick.) 
BurdlckiPsiSi (Ithaca,) stone mason. 

BUEI/Iife WAI-TBB, (Ithaca,) (Sehayler <* Burling.) „' „ " »' 
sSt, Abei^llSa,) fire and life insurance agent and notary pubfic, also real estate 

BuH^rB'rooksl Co.,' (Ithaca,) (,J. C. B«rHtt, F. YT. Brofiht and KJ. BurHlC,) watch 
Tnakers andjewelers, 80 B. State. .: i , 

Barritt, E. J., (Ithaca,) (Burritt, Brooks it Co.) 


Burt, David £., (Ithaca,) (with Manuel,) eupervisor and farmer 70. . 

BUETT, MANUEL, (Ithacaj) (with Damd i.,) farmer 70. 

Byington, Wniy athaca,) (Kennsy & Byinflton.) 

CARET, kSAHEL, (Ithaca,) (CragerJL Carey.) 

CAHMBE QKOBGE W., (Ithaca,) (Morse, Harris ds Co.) . ^ ». -, j ,« 

Ca^S; John I),(It{iica,) general furniture warehouse and undertaker, U end IS 
■ tioUth Aurora. '" 

Call' Sp,^&yca™enter and builder, 37 South Cayuga, and farmer 20. 

Casey, Patrick, (Ithaca.) farmer 17. ^ 


Clarrt "aM'wItcCakfr- atdTewile^^ 
J ^^'^'f'^i^'ZisS^^'Olark, , , 

} Clintin, Chas. ]^:,^'i^^l":'ZdOh^flesM.,) wine, and Uquors, 71 N. Aurora. 
■ '^cEmTON TOB?(i\ffi 14, 18 and 18N. Cayuga eor. Seneca, S.b. Thompson, prop, 

Clinton, Miles L., (Ithaca,) (Clinton & Co.) 




The Cheapest Paper in Tompkins Co. 

T K[ E 

Gretoii Journal, 

■ Is f liblishefl Every Friday Morning, 

i^t the IaOW JPrice »{ 


Subscriptions received at any time, or for ai^ or three months, at the nniform price 
ot li)i cents per month. Mailed to any address in the United States or Canadas on re- 
ceipt of Price. Postage is free in Tomplcios County. 

THE GBOTON Jt)DBNAL prints all the general news of the day, and for homo 
news is not excelled hy any paper in the county. It contains short stories for all classes 
and ages ; agriculture articles by the best wriiers ; ftin for the young and the aged ;— 
New York and home produce markets ; interastipg political intelligence for all parties. 

The Journal, liaving a large and gradually increasing circulation, is a valuable ad- 
vertising medium. AliiBited^mountof epAce is devoted to advertisements, at rea- 
sonable prlceii. 

I*I^^I3V A]Vr> F.A.lVC^^ 

Of every description, -erecuited In the very best style, and at fiiir prices. Our type and 
™f.^ .„ "entirely new, and all printing Issued ftom this office will be found to be exe- 
cuted in a tasty and..workmanlike manner. 

E. C. MARSH, Proprietor. 

ITHACA. 169 

CODDINQTON, JAMES, rcthaca,) farmer. 

Coddington, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 41. 

CODDmaTON, WIDOWS., (Ithaca,) farmer 114. ^ ^ 

Cohen, David, (Ithaca,) agent for Seely Marks of New York, fancy goods, 49 State. 

Cole, I'rancis, (Ithaca,)carpenter and builder, 29 a. Plain. 

Colegrove, Lockwood F., (Ithaca,) aisessor and farmer 43. 

COMFOET, JAMBS, (Ithaca,) farmer 3. 

ConoTer, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 95. 

Conrad, Francis Miss, (Ithaca,) hoarding house, 21 E. Seneca. 

Cooper, Bliza D., (Ithaca,) hoarding house, 23 W. State. „ ~ 


Van Voorhees, manager. 
CORNELL, A, B., (Ithaca,) vice-president First National Bank of Ithaca. 
CORNELL, EZRA HON., (Itliaca,) farmer, dealer in blooded stock, founder of Cornell 
University and Cornell Library, and president of Am. Photo-lithographic Co. 

Cornell, E. B., (Ithaca,) mason. 

Cornell Hall and Library, (Ithaca,) cor. Tioga and Seneca. 

CORYELL, CHARLES, (Ithaca,) (0. t& W. Coryell.) 

CORYELL, C. & W., (Ithaca,) {Charles & WiUiam,) alio, physicians and surgeons, 23 

CORYELL. WILLIAM, (Ithaca,) (C.dsW. CoryeU.) 

•COWDRjr, ADAM S., (Ithaca,) carriage maker, IT and 19 S. Aurora, owns farm 5. 

Coy, John H., (Ithaca,) milk dairy and farmer 113. J0^ ,,>„ . 

CEADIT, A. M., (Ithaca,) cabinet warerooms and uiidertak8Pl®and 15 N. Aurora. 

GEAGBE, ADAM, (Ithaca,) (Crager & Carey.') 

CRAGER & CAREY, (Ithaca,) (Adam Crager and AsaM Carey,) farmer 75. 

Crager, James G., (Ithaca,) farmer 120. 

Grain, Miles, flthaca,) proprietor Union House. 

Crane, T. F., gthaca,) lawyer, 10 Cornell Library. 

Cratsley, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 95. 

Criddle, William, (Ithaca,) cabinet maker and former 8. 

Crippen.LT. Rev.. (Ithaca,) pastor 1st M.E. Church. w wi-. ^„rf tp 

•CEONk, WATKINS & CO., (Ithaca,) (TOiBom iS. Oronk,John L. WatMni and W. 
Henry Martindale,) carriage makers, 17 W. State. 

CRONK, WILLIAMS., (Ithaca,) (C'ronft, ffo«*iM<6 Co.) 

CROSBY, 'WILLIAM O., (Ithaca,) proprietor Union Hotel, opposite railroad depot. 

Crowell,itoseB,.(Ithaca,) lawyer and ^stice of the peace, Cornell Library, owns farm 

Croziei, John S., athace,,) (B. A. di J. S. Orozier.) . ,,,„„, at 

Crozier; R. A. & J. S., (Ithaca,) (BickardA. and John S.,) groceries and provisions, 6 ». 

Crozier, Richard A., (Ithaca,) (B. A. & J. B. Crozier.) 

CUFFMAN,ORINS., (Ithaca,) woolen manufactory. ™r n„*-. \ „o„or»i m^r 

CULVEE & bates! (Ithaca,) (Liwis H. Culver and Charlet W. Bates,) general mer- 
chants, 69 and 71 E. State. 

CULVER, LEWIS H., (Ithaca,) (Culver * Bates.) 

Culver, Wm. M:. (Ithaca,) hats, caps and furs, 64 B. State. 

Curran, 0. B., (Ithaca,) druggists, 78 E. State. . 

CURRAN, WALTER C, (Ithaca,) commissioner of excise, over w js. state. 

Curtis, Ida L. Miss, (Ithaca,) music teacher, cor. Farm and Lynn. 

CURTISS, CHAS. B., (Ithaca,) (Schuyler & Curtiss.) 

Cutter, J. L., (Ithaca,) cabinet warerooms, 10 W. State. 

Dale, A. B., athaca,)carpenter and builder. 

Davenport, Samuel E., (Ithaca,) mason, 11 Sears. 

Davis, Benjamin E., (Ithaca,) farmer 85. 

DAVIS, CALEB, (Ithaca,) farmer 176. 

Str^h^af &.,^(I?h\'?4'Swye%'akd insurance agent, room 11 Cornell Library, N. Tioga. 
Da^'&Rob'i?stT(^tlfe)1^'"^2i,^»<^^a»- ^oMnson,) wines and liquors, 9N. 
De Laflo^Martin S., athaca,) (Winton, DeLano & Co.) 

DENK"'#OBm'^ "laSTtW over Gray & D'Arcy's saloon, 5 N. Tioga. 

Depuy, Henry D. W., (Ithacaj) farmer 16. 

DlfecilNER, THEoboRB, (Ithaca,) gunsmith, over 11 Tioga. 

DEVENPORT, AMOS H., (Ithaca,) farmer 100, 

Deyenport, Moses M., (Ithaca,) farmer 70. ^ .. „ „ .„,„„ 

Dobrin, Theodore, (Ithaca,) hoop skirt mannfactarer, 8 S.^nrora. 

Dodd.iohn S., (Ithaca,) carriage maker, 13 South Tioga. 
Dodge & Lord, (Ithaca,) (L. m Dodge and John Lord,) i 

manuf. of melodeons and organs, 

21 W. State. ^ ^ . r ..x 

Dodge. L. W., (Ithaca,) (Do'lge & Lard.) 
Donnelly, H. D., athaca,) lawyer, over 62 E. State. 

170 ITBACA. 

DOWH, HAKTBT A., (Ithaca,) {Ferrit & Dmoe.) 

BreBser, Joeeph H., (JacksonTille,) hamesB maker. 

Dryer, Chester C, CIthaca,) captain of eteamer Aurora. 

Dudgeon, Margaret MiBS, atbaca,) rauBlc teacher, 9 E. Buffalo. 

DUEPHY, H. M., (Ithaca,) foreman Phoenix Iron Works. 

DWTER, JOHN S., (Ithaca,) flouring mill. 

Sari, Caleb, (Ithaca.) maeon and etone qnarry, 24 W. Clinton. 

Eaton, Chaancev, (Ithaca,) farmer 29. 

Eaton, Harrey, (Ithaca,) carpenter and farmer 32. 

Eaton, Jacob, (Ithaca,) wagon maker, 144 W. State. 

Egbert, Cynthia, (Ithaca,) milliner, 13 B. State, up stairs. 

Egbert, Peter V., (Ithaca,) farmer 98. 

Elston, Joseph, (Ithaca.) farmer 100. 

Emery, J. H., (Ithaca,) lawyer. 

Emley, William C, (Ithaca,) farmer OlJi'. 

EMMENS, DANIEL, (Varna,) (wUh Theodore,) farmer 118. 

EmmenSjTheodore, (Varna,) (with Daniel,) farmer 118. 

Ensign, Hiram, (Ithaca,) farmer 58. 

Episcopal Church, (Ithaca,) Eev. Wm. Payne, pastor. 

ESTT & CO., gthaca,) (Joeeph and Edward B.,) farmer B70. 

ESTT, EDWAED S., (Ithaca,) (Esty & Co.,) saw mill, tanner and dealer in leather and 

flndines, 68 E. StajlLJ '. 

ESTY^CJSBFH, gt^HfajpSir <Ss Co.) 
Esty, Wm. W., (Itha^^^nShonse and elevator, canal insurance agent, prodnce salt 

and water lime dealer, also forwarder, foot oiW. State. 
Evans, Charles W., (Ithaca,) boat carpenter. 

Everts, Asahel T., (Ithaca,) carriage maker, 52 S. Albany, cor. W. Clinton. 
Exchange Hotel, (Ithaca,) B. H. Watkins, prop., 18 and 20 W. State. 
EAEMEKS HOTEL, nthsca.) Joseph O. Eezeau, prop. 16 S. Aurora. 
Pamham, Albert A., Qthacn,) boat builder. 
PamhamjE. J. & M. M. Misses, (Ithaca,) mfflinery, 30 E. State. 
EAEEAND, JOHN W., (Ithaca,) (Farrand <t Platte.) 
PAEEAND & PLATTS, (Ithaca,j (John W. Farrand and Albert H. Platts,) Forest City 

tobacco and cigar factory, 16 Meadow cor. Seneca. 
Perguson, Isaac, (Ithaca,) carpenter, cor. Caynga and Marshall. 
PEEEIS, BBNJ. G., (Ithaca,) (Ferris <& Bowey 
PBEEIS & DOWE, (Ithaca,) (Benjamin G. Ferris and Money A. Dowe,) lawyers and 

insurance agents, 12 N. Tioga. 
PILLINGHAJT PEED., (Ithaca,) (Laney, Fillingham <£ Co.) 
Pinch, Dudley P., (Ithaca,) books, stationery and general news depot, 75 E. State. 

finch, P. M., (Ithaca,) lawyer, Cornell Library, Tioga cor. Seneca, 
inch, Harriet Mrs., (Ithaca,) farmer 86. 
Pinch, W. Py athaca,) (Morrison, ffawkins dk CoJ 
Pirst M. B. Church, (IthacaO N. Aurora, Eev. I. T. Crippen, pastor. 
PIEST NATIONAL BANK OP ITHACA, (Ithaca,) E. T. Turner, president: A. B. Cor- 
nell, vice president; H.B. Lord, cashier: Cornell Library, Tioga cor. Seneca. 
Pish, I. B., (Ithaca,) soap maker, Utica N. Marshall. 
PisherjJohn, athaca.) retired farmer. 
PLEMtNG, GEOEGB W., ffthaca,) farmer leases 216. 
PLEMING, JAMES, (Ithaca,) farmer 114. 
FLEMING, THOMAS, (Ithaca,) farmer 113. 
Fletcher, S. B., (Ithaca,) paper maker. 
Folwell, JosephN. Eev., (Ithaca,) pastor Baptist Church. 
Forest City Hotel, (Ithaca,) 41 and 43 S. Cayuga, Alpheus Twist, prop. 
Fosbinder, Wm., (Ithaca,) boat builder. •" ^ ' »^ • »" *" 

Powler, Geo., (Ithaca,) miller, 62 N. Aurora. 
Prance, Henry, (Ithaca,) fanner leases 100. 
Pranks, Qeo^ ttthacaj merchant tailor, 30 E. State. 
PEEAB, ALEXANDEE, (IthacaJ farmer 104. 
Prear, Wm., (Ithaca,) (Purdy diFrear.) 

Frost, George W., (Ithaca,) groceries and provisions, 88 B. State and 1 N. Aurora. 
Ganoung, Elizabeth Mrs., (fihaoa,) farmer 20. 
Gardiner, C. Mrs., gthaca/) ladies rtirnishlng store, 24 E. State. 
Gardner, Calvin, (Ithaca,) boat builder. 
Gardner, Ira, gthaca,) mason. 
Garrett, Gilbert, gthaca,) boat bnllder. 

*^*°ed'o^'Aprfl n*1868T°"'^°'"*' °' tobacco and cigars, 118 E. Seneca, (factory bnra- 
'^""s tafe' * ^™'''''' (^''"«"'>) (•'■"An 0. OauntUtt and Arthur B. Brooks,) drnggista, 86 B. 

Keufien,%hi&Voi''''''""'" * ^"^^'^ P"^*^^°* "'^"'"Se of Ithaca. 
Genger, Franois, gthaca,) (O'Connor A Genger.) 

ITHACA. 171 

Qenung, George, (Ithaca,) carpenter and fanner 9. 

Glbbs, Wesley D., (Ithaca,) music agent and farmer leases 100. 

Gibbs, William 3., nthaca,) farmer 90. 

Gilbert, George S., (Ithaca,) carriage maker, 23 Corn. 

Gilbert, John T., (Ithaca,) carriage maker, 23 Com. 

Giles, Al W., (Ithaca,) flonr and feed merchant. Bank Block, owns farm 6. 

Qilkey, Eiley, (Ithaca,) saw mill and lumber yard. 

GLENNY, WM. GHN., (IthacaJ dry goods, agent for Wheeler and Wilson sewing ma- 
chines and postmaster, 28 £. State. 

Glenzer, J. 3.. (ithacaj) (Sawyer <£ Olemer.) 

Goodrich, Alfred L., (Ithaca,) captain of steamer Eate Morgan. 

Goodrich, Harvey Q., (Ithaca,) marble dealer, 14 Aurora. 

Goodspeed, Benjamin, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 168. 

GOODSPBED, CHAUNCBT, (Ithaca,) farmer 212. 

Graham, Wm^ (Ithaca,) constable. 

Granger^C., (IthacaO {J. L. Granger & Cb.) 

GEAKQER, FRANCIS, (IthacaO photographer, 28 E. State. 

Granger, J. S. & Co., (Ithaca,) Qi. L. and C^) dry goods, Wilgus buildings, State. 

Granger, M. ll.J^t'baca^ (J. S. Granger & Co.) 

GBAITT, GHAUNCEY L., (Ithaca,) president Tompkins Co. National Bank. 

Grant, B(enry J., (Ithacaj fWinton, DeLano <6 Co.) 

Grant, H. J., (Ithacaj) (3. J. Grant & Co.,) insurance agent, 12 B. State. 

Grant, H. 3. & Co., (Ithaca,) tobacconists, 12 E. State. 

GEAT, ADAM, (Ithaca,) sawyer. 

Gray, Allen, (Ithaca,) dealer in dry goods, groceries and produce, also agent for the 
Great U. S. Tea Co., 84 E. State. 

Gray, David, (Ithaca,) saw mill and farmer 44. 

Gray, & D'Arcy, (Ithaca,) (Pardon Gray and John D'Arcy,) saloon, B N. Tioga. 

Gray, Leander, (Ithaca,) constable. 

Gray, Simeon P. Bev., (Ithaca,) pastor Seneca St. M. B. church. 

Green, Herman D., (Ithaca,) master mechanic Ithaca Iron Works. 

Greenly, Frederick P., (IthacaO sub agent M. U. Express. 

Gregory^ A. Ward, (Ithaca,) (Johmon <fc Gregory.) . 

♦GREGOET, O. H., (Ithaca,) Alhambra House, 18 B. State. 

Hall, O. H., (Ithaca,) harness and trunks, 8 N. Aurora. 

Halsey, Henry, (ItMca,) (Halsey's Mills.) 

Halseys Mills, (Ithaca,) ( mlliam and Henry Halsey,) merchant millers, also plaster mill, 
1 E. State, steam elevator and warehouse on Seneca. 

Halsey, William, (Ithaca,) (HcUsey^s Mills.) 

HAMMOND, W. H., (Ithaca,) gas fitter and plumber, 8 N. Aurora. 

Hanford, Jasper, (Ithacaj farmer IBO. 
, HANSHAW, COMPOET, (Ithaca,) (Hart & Hanshaw.) 

Hanshaw, James, (Ithaca,) farmer 92. 

HANSHAW, JAMES H., (Ithaca,) farmer leases 93. 

Hanshaw, Samuel, (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 

Hardenburgh, Henry, (Ithaca,) farmer 78. 

HARDENBUHQH, JOHN, (Ithaca,) farmer 105. 

Harding, Alpheus, (Ithaca,) carriage maker, 74 Aurora. ,„ , 

HAEDY, CHAS. E., (Ithaca,) caswer Merchants' and Farmers' National Bank. 

♦HAEPEE, GEORGE, (Ithaca,) harness and trunks, 16 N. Aurora. 

HAEEIS, DAVID A., (Ithaca,) (Morse, Harris & Co.) 

Harris, S., (Ithaca,) dry goods and groceries, B4 B. State. 

Harrison, Adam, (Ithaca,) boot and shoe maker and farmer 2. 

Hart, Amos O., (Ithaca,) cattle broker. . „ , , „ . 

HART & HANSHAW, (Ithaca,) (Horace Hart and Comfort Hanshaw,) Empire custom 
and Souring mill. 

HAET, HORACE, (IthacaO (Hart >k Hanshaw.) 

Harvey, ABahel,(|thaca,) farmer 126. 

Harvey, Joseph H., (Ithaca,) farmer B. 

Harvey, Eobert, (Ithaca,) (Smith & Harvey.) , .„ „ 

HATCH, WM. P., (Ithaca,) proprietor Clinton saloon, 1 N. Cayuga. 

Hatmaker, Peter A., (Ithaca,) farmer 91. 

Hawkins, John, (Ithaca,) speculator. 

Hawkins, N. S., (Ithaca,) (Morrison, HawUns & Co.) 

Hayborn, Geo. A., (Ithaca,) physician, 82 N. Albany. 

Hayes, Henry O., (Ithaca,) proprietor Farmers' diningroom, 77 E. State. 

Hayt k B Miss, (Ithaca,) (with Mrs. J. W. Lanning,) heir to Charles Hayt estate, 14B. 

HAZEN, BLAIR A., (Ithaca,) fanner 142. 

Head, BrittB., (Ithaca,) boat builder and farmer 10. 

Heath, John C., gthaca,) town clerk. 

Heffron,Alfred; (Ithaca,) farmer 30. ,,.,,,. ,. j, ^:„ v ;. 

Heggie James M., (Ithaca,) wholesale and retail dealer in coach and saddlery hardware, 
trunks, coach trimmings, whips, &c., 43 B. State. 

Heller, Nelson H., (Ithaca,) former leases 80. 





H:0LIID^Y C3-003DS, 
Tiews of the Scenery A boat Ithaca, 

Note Fapor, ISnvelopes, Stereoscopes, Fbotograpb Albnms, Pic- 
tures, Frames, Farlan Ware, and Fancy Goods Gener- 
ally, at tbe Iiow^est Prices. JFOn 1EIA.GS JSc 03L>r> I»A.I»33KS. 

jy^. 5 Bast State Street, - - ITSACA, JV. T. 

\A%t of the Best Stereoscopic Tiew«i 


FnbllBbed by 

582 IthacB and Cayuga Lake. 
584 Fall Creek— first Fall. 

586 Fall Creek from Top of first Fall. 

587 Fall Creek Tnnnel. 

588 Fall Creek— second Fall and Sam. 
691 Trip Hammer Falls. 
695 Willow Ayenne— looking np. 
699 Cascadllla Creek— sacond Fall. 

603 Side View of Giant's Staircase. 

604 Enfield Bavine— looking down. 
606 Enfield Kavine— Stndy. 

608 Lucifer Falls— side view. 

609 Wells Falls, Sis Mile Creek. 
611 Lick Brook, Tail Fall. 


616 Lick Brook — Cascade and Fall. 
616 Main or Upper Fall— Lick Brook. 

618 Eagle Creek— Pnlpit Fall. 

619 Eagle Creek— Cascades. 

621 Eagle Creek— Steeple Eock and Fall. 
623 Cayuga Lake— Stndy. 

625 Caynga Lake— Stndy. 

626 Taghkanic Falls. 

627 Taghkanic Bavine. 

628 Taghkanic Havine— looking down. 

630 Taghkanic Bavine and Caysga Lake. 

631 View on Caynga Lake at Anrora. 

634 Cayuga Lake-^ead Waters. 

635 Cayuga Lake— Comer of 

Main St., TrTinians"burgh, N. Y., 

Would call the attention of the ladies of Tompkins County to her extensive stock of 


Especially she would enumerate her large assortment of 

Bonnets, Hats & Frames, Ribbons all Widths 

and ilualltles, Bress Trlmmlnss, 'Worsted Goods, Rlcb 

S3S'StJf,".»„*,"5,'5/?''' »" classes of goods usually found in a FIEST-CLASS MHilN- 
EEY ESTABLISHMENT. Rememher the place, 


Opposite A. G. Stone's Dry Goods Store, 


ITHACA, 173 

Hereon, widow of Michael, (Ithaca,) proprietor of Washington House, 12 8. Cayuga. 

Higgins, John, (Ithaca.) tobacco and cigar Importer. 

Hill, Horace, (Ithaca,) ticket and freight agent, Cayuga Division of D. L. & W. K. H. 

Hillebrant, Theodore, (Ithaca,) farmer 160. 

HllliokiJohn ,1., (IthacaJ fanner 25. 

♦HINTEEMISTEK, JOHN H., (Ithaca,) manufacturer of melodeons and all kinds of 

musical InstrnmentB, 21 W. State. 
HIXSON, J. FOSTER, ffthaca,) farmer 147. 
HOFFMAN, HENRY, (Ithaca,) tobacconist, 26 B. State. 
Hoffman, Henry Mrs., (Ithaca.) (HMman & jRhen.) 
Hoffman & Rhen, (Ithaca,) (Mrt. Benry Hoffman and Mrs. J^trton Shen,) mlUinerB, 48 

E. State. 
HOFLE, CHARLES, (Ithaca,) {Bundy and Hctfle,) village collector. 
HoUister, Hattie Miss, telegraph operator, W. U. line, 74 E. State. 
HoUister, Timothy, (IthacaJ turner of wood, 23 S. Aurora. 
HolUster, Walter, (Ithaca,) harness maker, 78 E. State, up stairs. 
Holman, C. E. Mrs., (ItbacaO dress and cloak maker, over 66 E. State. 
Holmes, S. A., (Ithaca,) (Holmes <£ Stamp.) 
Holmes & Stamp, (Ithaca,) (5. A. EblmaandA. B. Stamp,) proprietors of Tompkins 

House, cor. Aurora and Seneca. 
HOOKER, WESLET, (Ithaca,) editor Ithaca Journal, and deputy collector internal 

♦HOOPER, GEO., (Ithaca,) harness, trunks &c., 16 N. Aurora. 
Hooper, Ira, (Ithaca,) farmer 1. 

HorCon, Beiy. F,, (Ithaca,) farming implements, 105 W. State. 
Howard, Harrison, (Ithaca,) (Howard d; Spencer.) 
Howard, Ossian G., (Ithaca,) (Beers <fc Howard.) 

Howard & Spencer, (Ithaca,) (Harrison Howard and James JU. Spencer,) fiuniture manu- 
facturers, 3 W. Htate. 
Howell, Byron C, (Ithaca,) claim agent, basement Cornell Library, Tioga. 
Howell, R. K., (Ithaca,) court crier. 
Howland, E., (Ithaca,) butcher. Central Market. 

Howland, Hemmingway B., (Ithaca,) farmer with Mrs. Hilllard Howland. 
Howland, Hilllard Mrs., (IthacaO farmer 60. 
Howland, Stephen B., (Ithaca,) former 177. 

•HOYSRADT, G. W. DR., (Ithaca,) dental surgeon, 3 Clinton Hall Block, N. Cayuga. 
Hoyt, Charles, (Ithaca,) (Hoyt & Tappenden.) 
Hoyt, Hezeklah, (Ithaca.) farmer 100. 
HOYT & SPBNCB, (Ithaoa,) f TT. H Hoyt and John /^nce,) manufacturers of cigars, 14 

E. State. 
Hoyt & Tappenden, (Ithaca,) (OharUs Hoytand George A. Tappenden,) boots and shoes, 

over 5 N. Tioga. 
HOYT, W. H., athaca,) (Hoyt <6 Spence.) 

Hoyt, William S., (Ithaca,) carriage maker, 16, 18, 20 and 22 S. Tioga. 
HULL, ALBERT M., (Ithaca,) (i%p«, Bowe, Strong <fi Co.) 
Humphrey, Wm. R., (Ithaca,) superintendent Cayuga Division D. L. & W. R. R. 
Hungerford, Edwam, (Ithaca,) owns farm 288. 

Hungerford, Newell, (Ithaca,) frescoe punter, fhilt grower and farmer 8. 
Hughes. Oliver, (Ithaca.) farmer 32. 
Hyatt, Geo. F., (Ithaca,) (Hyatt & Olbs.) 
Hyatt & Oltz, (Ithaca,) (Geo. F. Hyatt and John Oltz,) carpenters and builders, 33 E. 

Hymes Bros. & Co., (Ithaca,) (Mdor Hymes and Jullits Hymes (f New York, and Isaac 

hymes, of Ithaca,) clothing ready made, 70 E. State. 
Hymes, Isaac, (Ithaca,) (ff!/m««Sro». <6 Cto.) 

Ingersoll, Hiram W., (Ithaca,) upholsterer and sprmg bed mann£ 8 8. Caynga. 
Irving, John, flthaca,) stone cutter and master of schooner Elfln, 95 State. 
Ithaoa Academy, (Ithaca,) S. G. Williams, A. M., principal, Cajruga. 
Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., (Ithaca,) J. H. Selkreg, president; W. J. Storms, secretary 

and treasurer; 40 W. State cor. Albany. 
*ITHACA DEMOCRAT, (Ithaca,) 69 E. State, 3d floor, Spencer & Williams, editors and 

publishers. _ _ . „ ^ ^ ., ^ 

Ithaca Falls Hotel, (Ithaca,) 1 Lake, cor. B.R. Ave., Robert Johnson, prop. 
Ithaca Gas Light Co., (Ithaca,) gas fistures, chandeliers, hall lights, brackets, drop 

lights, ifcc, L. L. Treman^snpt. „ „ , ^ 
*ITHACA HOTEL, ffthaca,) Warren H. Welch, prop. 
•ITHACA JOUBNAl, (Ithaca,) 69 E. State, over Culver & Bates store, John H. Selkreg 

and Wesley Hooker, editors, J. H. Selkreg, publisher. 
Ithaca Public School, (Ithaca,) C. W. Barney, principal; cor. Albany and Cascadilla. 
Ives, I. W., (Ithaca.) (Maurice A Ives.) 

Jackson, George, (Ithaca,) cattle broker and farmer 27. I 

Jackson. Thomas, gthaca,) farmer 20. ^^.^ „,.. . 

JAMESON, JAMBS, (Ithaea,) barber and hairdresser, 47 State. 
JARVIS, JOSEPH A., (Ithaca,) (Jamis, Young tt Spavlding,) farmer 12. 




Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Hash, Patty, 

Building Material of all Kinds. 

Curtain Banglnga, Sbades, Cords, Tassels, trail PapeY. 


Trumansburgh, N. Y. 

I have the ezclnBive sale of the celebrated Olive Branch Cooking Stove, Improved, 
mannfactared by Sheldon & Greene, Troy, N. T., which is used by more femilies in Tm- 
nansburfh, than any Stove that has yet been introdaced in this vicinity. I give a fev 

of the names of those who use it : 

Wm. A. Allen, Fayette Williams, Wm. Techenor, Isaac IHUck, 

H. C. Woodworth, C. Stanley, Wm. Teed, Sampson Bell, 

A. H. Quigley, H. C. Cregue, Chas. Hunter, A. Wolverton, 

H. B. Earto, Baniel Aiken, D. P. Cuffinan, John Aiken, 

A. B. DeGroot, S. Olough, John Creqne, B. McDonald, 

S. Earle, Henry Easluig, F. Creque, J.C.Bancroft. 

I have also the exclusive sale of the Elegant Coal Parlor Base Burning Saffistor, 
manufactured by Cos, Church & Co., Troy, N. Y. The most perfect Coal Burner for 
Parlors or Sitting Booms that has yet been introduced in this place. 


Plans & Specifications Drawn on Short Notice. 

Work Superintended if Required. 

All Kinds of Joiner work done in a irork- 
manlike manner. 

Trumansburg, N. Y. 

ITHACA. 175 

JAKVIS, YOUNG & SPATTLDING, (Joseph A. Jarvis, George K Tomg and Edgar 

Spattlding^ carriage makers, 195 Seneca. 
Jajme, B. G., (Ithaca,) (Jayne <fc Thompson.) 

Jayne & Thompson, (Ithaca,) (5. ff . Jayne and T. C. Thompson,) dealers in Grover & 
Baker's sewing machines, 65 E. State. 

Johnson, A. S., (Ithaca,) lawyer and special county jadge. 

JOHNSON, BINJ. L.j (Ithaca.) (Seymour, Johnson <Sk Co.) 

Johnson, Chas. P., (Ithaca,) (Johnson <fc Gregory,) bnilder of artesian wells. 

JOHNSON, BANIEL N., (Ithaca,) (Seymour, Johnson <& Co.) 

♦JOHNSON, GBOBGB A., (Ithaca,) barber, 81 E. State. 

Johnson, Geo. E., (Ithaca,) barber, 6 S. Cayuga, up stairs. 

Johnson & Gregory, (Ithaca,) (Chas. D. Johnson and A. Ward Gregory,) brick makers, 
Clinton, opp. Com. 

Johnson, Bobt., (Ithaca,) proprietor of Ithaca Palls Hotel, 1 Lake, cor. K. B. Ave. 

JOHNSON, WM. G., (Ithaca,) agent U. S. and M. U. Express Co's. 4Clinton HallBlock, 
N. Cajruga. 

JONES iSsBALDWIN, (Ithaca,) (Hezekiah K. Jones and John Gymee Baldwin,) tailors, 
over 83 State. 

Jones, Heth T.^^Ithaca.) former 98. 

JONES, HEZEKIAH K., (Ithaca,) (Jones & Baldwin.) 

Jones, James, (Ithaca,) farmer 60. 

Jones, James W., (Ithaca,) farmer 86. 

JONES, JONATHAN, (Ithaca,) wood turner. 

Kelly, Freeman, gthaca,) (John Sumsey di Co.) 

Kennedy, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 65. 

Kennedy, Robert, (Ithaca,) farmer 70. 

Keaney &3yvigton, (UbMia,,) (TiUoUKenney and Wm. Byington,) dry goods and gro- 
ceries, SO E. State. 

Kenney, Levi, (Ithaca,) dealer in foreign and domestic dry goods, 33 State. 

Keaney, Tillott, (Ithaca,) (Kenney & Byington.) 

*KENTON, G. J. & H. E., (Ithaca,) (George J. and Henry S.,) planing mills and manu- 
facturers of sash, blinds &c. 

KENYON, GBOBGB J., fithaca,) (G. J. &H. B. Kenyan.) 

KENYON, HENBY E., (Ithaca,) (G. J. & H. B. Kenyan.) 

Kimball, Orson, (Ithaca,) piano tuner and dealer in pianos, melodeons, &c. 

King, Alexander, (Ithaca,) (A. King & Sons.) , . , v 

King, A. & Sonsalthaca,) {Alexander, Joseph C. and Warren L.,) produce and lumber 
dealers, 180 W. Seneca. 

KING, EEANK, (Ithaca,) farmer 200. 

King, Joseph C, (Ithaca,) (A. King S Sons.) 

KING, LEANDEE B., (Ithaca,) (Treman, King & Co.) 

King, Mgrritt, (Ithaca,) district attorney, county clerk's office bnildmg. 

King, EoBwell W., (Ithaca,) boat builder and lumber and grain dealer. 

King, Warren L., (Ithaca,) (A. King db Sons.) 

Kingsbury, John,(Ithaca,) groceries and provisions, 8 W. State. 

KLDSE, JACOB W., (Ithaca,) farmer 159. 

KLINE, PETEB, (Ithaca,) farmer lOO. 

Kline, William, Othaca,) farmer 96. 

Knapp, Stephen K., (Ithaca,) carriage maker, 59 B. Mill. 

Kortz, Seymour, (Ithaca,) farmer 90. 

Labar, Elfes, (Ithaca,) (with John A.,) fanner 114. 

Labar, Elijah, (Ithaca,) farmer 30. 

Labor, John A... gthaca,) (wi<A .E7ia«,) farmer 114. ^ „.„. . ., ,„.,„ mv,,,, 

LASEYiFILLINaHAM&CO., (Samuel Laney, lYed. Filhngham, Alexander Town- 
. send and King G. Brush,) manufacturers of tin, copper and sheet iron ware, e jn. 
Aurora. , . „ , 

LANEY, SAMUEL, (Ithaca,) (Laney, FUlingham S Co.) 

LANG, JOHN B., (Ithaca,) (J. S. Beynoldi S Co.) 

Langham, John, (itbacaO mason. 

Lanmg, Elias, (Itnaca,) farmer 75. 

LANING, GIDEON W., (Ithaca,) farmer 25 and leases 75. 

Lanning, John W.. (Ithaca,) (CAof^es Say* e»«a<e,) farmer 145. tt ^ » . <jc 

Lannlni; J. W. Mrk "othaca,) (with MUs M. B. Bayt,) heir to Charles Hayt estate, 145. 

LASHIER, ALSON B., (Ithaca,) (Shangle & Lashier.) 

Lawrence, John Y., (Ithaca,) druggist, 6 E. State. 

Leonard, Lewis JIthaca.) tsherman and farmer 6. „ ma ir,-,.™ 

*LEWI^ BEOTHEBS, flthaca,) (John B. and Chester P.,) livery, 10 S. Aurora. 

LEWIS, CHBSTBE P., (Ithaca,) (Lewis Brothers.) 

LEWIS. JOHN B., (Ithaca,) (X««MS«iiA«r».) w n.™™, 

Lewis, i. W., (Ithaca,) hair dresser, 3 ChntonHall Block, N. Cayuga. 

Lewis, Luther, ftthaca,) farmer 124. 

Lindebary, Caispar, Cithaca,) farmer 53. ■„- .» imttr 

Livermore, Charles F., ffthaca,) proprietor Cajjga House, 107 W. State. 

LOBD, H. B., (Ithaca,) cashier First National Bank of Ithaca. 







General Dealers in Country Produce. 

All Wnda of Produce Ijonght and the highest market prices paid. We are always in 
•Jnarket and ready to buy. 


Stone and Brick Mason & Plasterer, 


Would respectfully announce to the people of Tompkins County, that he is competent 
and willing to perform in a workmanlike manner all work entrusted to his care, either 
by the day, yard or job. 

ITEEui^O^, ISr. IT., 

House, Sign, Carriage & Ornamental 

Painter, Patent Right Dealer. 

Cole's Celebrated Patent Sash Stop for the United States; is so perfect that it can be 
attached to any frame or sash without box or pulleys. 



Kerosene Oil, Stoves, Tin & Hollow fare, 

Glass Iiomps Be Glass IVare, Agricultural Implements, &e., 

w.'j; Morton:} SM®!"®!!* M* T» 

ITHACA. 1 77 

Lord, John, (Ithaca,) (Dodge & Lord.) 

Love, Samuel, (Ithaca,) lawyer, notary public and commlsBloner of excise, 10 N. Tioga. 

LUCAS, ASA M., (Ithaca,) justice of the peace and life and fire insurance agent, 7 N. 

Luce, Alonzo, (Ithaca,) {Luce 6b Van Order.) 
Luce, Chester S., (Ithaca,) farmer with Wm. P. Luce. 
Luce & Van Order, (Ithaca,) (Alonzo Luce and L. Van Order,) hardware, 13, 15 and 17 

E. State. 
Luce, William P., (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 
Lyons, Jacob, (Ithaca.) farmer 100. 
Lyons, JosephM., (Ithaca,) (Andms, McOhain (£ Co.) 
Lyon, Marcus, (Ithaca,) lawyer, Cornell Library, Tioga cor. Seneca. 
Mabee, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 106. 
MACKET, LINUS S., (Ithaca.) (Wttson & Mackey.) 
Macnmber, James, (IthacaO (Macuniber & TannahiU.) 
Macumber & TannahiU, uamea Maeumber and Maihew TannahUl,) manufacturers of 

stone ware, 2Bailroaa ATenue. 
Major, Wm., (Ithaca,) boots and shoes, 14 W. State. 
MANCHESTER, CHARLES W., (Ithaca,) (D. B. Stewart <fe Co.) 
Mandervill, Edgar W., flCthaca,) eclectic physician, 33 S. Cayuga. 
Manly, F. G., (Ithaca,) flour and feed, 3 N. Aurora. 
Manning, David, (Ithaca,) farmer ICO. 
Manning, Jesse, (Ithaca.) flour, feed, seeds, &c,, 6K. Aurora. 
MANNING, PHILIP, rfthaca,} custom saw mill. 
Manning, Thompson, (Ithaca,) farmer 109. 

Marian, Alfred, ftthaca,) fisherman. ^ 

MAEKHAM, RUPUS A., (Ithaca,) (BrUtol&MarWmm.) 
MarshalliE. M., (Ithaca,) merchant tailor, 50 E. State. 
Martin, William, (Ithaca,) farmer 49Ji. 

MARTINDAIE, W. HENRY., athaca,) (,Gr(mk, Waihint & Co.) 
MASTERS, JOHN, (Ithaca,) farmer 250. 
MASTEI^ LEWIS, (Ithaca,) farmers. 
Masters, Wm., (Ithaca,) veterinary surgeon, Sonth Hill. 
Maurice & Ives, (Ithaca,) (Luke Y. B. Maurice and I. W. lees,) manufacture sash and 

blinds, North Plain. , ,^ ., , 

Maurice, Luke V. B., (Ithaca.) (Maurice <b Ivee,) carpenter and builder. 
MoAlester, M., flEthaca.) (wimP. McAleiter,) farmer 104. 
MoAleSter, P., Ctthaca,) (ftiithM. McAIester,) fanner 104. 
McChaIn, George, (Ithaca,) (Andrut, Mc Chain & Co.) 
McClune, Gideon C., (Ithaca,) farmer 32, also stone quarry. 
McCormicb, George, (Ithaca,) farmer 43. ,.,»„„ 

McCrea & Co., (Ithaca,) (Thmias McCrea and Mobert Seed,) butchers, 9 S. Cayuga. 
McCrea, Thomas, (Ithaca,) (McCrea & Co.) 
McElhe'ney, Thos. J., (Ithaca,) county clerk, Tioga. 
McGILLORT,^ GEORGE. (Ithaca,) farmer 123X. 

McGOWBN, JOHN 8., (Varna,) farmer 140. , „^ „.„ ™ 

McGraw, John, (Ithaca,) lumber merchant and owns farm 75, Terrace Hill Place. 
McGRAW, JOHN S., (Varna,) farmer 140. 
Mclntire, Arnold, (Ithaca,) music agent. 
McINTIRB, DWIGHT, (Ithaca,) piano and melodeon tuner. 
Mclntire, Thomas H., (Ithaca,) mechanic. 
McKINNET, DAVm, (IthacaJ farmer 150. 
McKinney, Jacob, rithaca,) (M. McKinney dbSon.) 

•McKinney, Mills, (Ithaca.) (Sr. JTciTinTiey <fc 50B.) ^^ . ,. .in, 

McKinney, M. & Son, (Ithaca,) (if«feffln(iJoa)S,) tanners and finishers of leather. 
McKINNET. WILLIAM, (Ithaca,) farmer 120. ^ . „ „» » 

McWhorter, L. S., (Ithaca,) groceries and provisions, 2 and 4 B. state. 
McWhorter, T. L., (Ithaca,) insurance agent, 24 Lake Ave., cor. Monroe. 
Mead, Henry, (IthaoaJ farmer 51 Jtf. •„,,., 

*MELOTTE, GEORGE W., (Ithaca,) dentist, Wilgus Building. 
MEROHAN'f'S & PARMEfes NAWONAL AaNK, (Ithaca,)J. B. Williams, president ; 

George R. Williams, vice president j Chas. B. Hardy, cashier ; 38 W. State. 
Merriam,Hannah Mrs., (Ithaca,) farmer 110. 

Millard, William, (Ithaca,) farmer 95. , „ , j -m ■ . » 

Miller, korace, (ithaca.) patent right dealer, cor S. Aurora and Pleasant. 
Miller, Lncill, Miss, (Ithaca,) dress and cloak maker, over 24'E. State. 

Millspaugh, John H., gthaca.) artist, hmdscape and portrait. 

Millspaugh; Leander' (Ithaca,) trunk and harness maker and overseer of poor, 23 E. State. 

Mintem, Frank B., (Ithaca,) mason, 115 W. State. 

Minton, William S., (Ithaca,) mason, 39 S. Cayuga. 

MitchelL Frank. (Ithaca,)farmer 73. , ,, -, 

MITCmiLL, JEREMIAJa H., (Ithaca,) firmer4 and leases 55. 

Mitchell. John, (Ithaca,) fanner 130. „„,. o* »« 

MITCHELL, J. S., (Ithaca,) dry goods and groceries, 82 E. State. 






Main Street, Trumansburffh, JV. T., 

Has one of tbe Larg«Bt and beet selected Stocks of 

Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, 

To be found in town, comprising some of the following- 
Men's Calf, Kip and Stoga Boots, Bnbbers and Artie 
OTershoes ; also a fine assortment of Youth's and 
Boys' Boots; a large and select assortment of 

Ladies' Qlove Ei, Boat & Serg, Baliorals & Baiters, 

All Styles. In fact everything to be found in a flrst-class 
Boot and Shoe Store. 

Boots & Shoes 

Made to Order, 

And warranted to fit or no sale. Don't 
foil to call. 




Of every description known to the trade. 

eUTTEi TUiS 4 Fliilii 

A larse asBortment alirays on hand. 

Farmers and otiier* In -want or tbe above Goods, -will do wtHl to 

elve ns a call, and we will satisfy tbem tbls Is tbe 

place to trade. 

, George W. Car- 
east of oil mill. 

MITCHELL, KETJBEN, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 165. 

Mitchell, Samuel, (Ithaca,) farmer IBB. 

MITCHELL, WILLIAM L., (Ithaca,) farmer 95. 

Monell, A. H., (Ithaca,) wines and honors, 1 W. State. 

Montgomery, L. Miss, (Ithaca,) millinery, 34 E. State. 

Montgomery, Nelson, ^thaca,) carriage matter, 18 Utica. 

MOOD, L., (Ithaca,) machinist, Pheenix Iron Worlcs. ™ d » 

Moore, Henry, Sthaca,) hair dresser, also wig maker, over 38 B. State. 

Moore, Henry H., athaca.) cigar box maker, 1 Hudson. 

Moore, James C, athaca,) harness and trunks, E. State. 

MORGAN, CHESTEE S., (Ithaca,) flax dresser, Factory. 

Morgan, E. J., (Ithaca,) homeo. physician and surgeon, 22 E. State. 

KiSi,n,'HiwkMcr&,) (J-- T. Marrism, N. S. BawUns and W. F. Mnck,) 

dry goods. 22 H. State. _ _ . „ , 

Morrison.J.T., (Ithaca,) (ilf(»Ti»em,floaiMn»<t Co.) ^ „, , wnii-,™ 
♦MOESE, BEN., (Ithaca,) (Mane, HarrU & Co.,) linseed oil factory, William, 
*MOESB HAEEIS & CO., (Ithaca.) (Ben. Mane, PamdA. H<mi9ma Geori 

mer ) manufectarers of finished and unfinished fUmiture, William, i 
MOETIMEE, WILLIAM, (Ithaca,) spinner. 
MOSHEE, JAMES K., (Ithaca,) farmer 103. 
Molt, Nottingham, (Ithaca,) town collector. 
Mower, Mandy. (Ithaca,) farmer 10. ,.,_,, , „ „. 

Mowry, Henry F., (Ithaca,) auctioneer and fish dealer, 4 S. Tioga 
Mulvey, Thomas, (Ithaca,) farmer 34. 
Neidick, Albert, (Ithaca,) police. 

Neligan, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 7. t^. ■ , -n t tr-ar -a -a 

NeliganI Thomas, (Ithaca,) baggage master Cayuga Division D, L. & W. K. a. 

Nixon, Wm., (Ithaca,) carpenter, 113 N. Aurora. ■ ^„;, ._jt,„,„p.„ 

Northrup, John, (Ithaca,) general agent Singer sewing machine, spring bed and harness 

maker, 87 and 89 State. 
Norton, Jerome B., (Ithaca,) boatman. 
NOETON, MAECUS, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 100. 
Nortz, Chas. P., (Ithaca,) (Young <£ ^oriz.) 

O'Connoi.VnucU, (Ltb&ea,)(0' Connor dk Genger.) .j. /2,„„™\ .fnna ™r<i 

O'Connor & Genger, ffthaca,) (Frandi O'Cbnnor and Frands Gtnger,) stone yard, 

OLIVEEfc^'cfMES.'lattkca,) dress and cloak maker, 3 Clinton Hall Block, N. Cayuga. 

Oltz, John, (Ithaca,) (Hyatt & Oliz.) 

Oltz, Martin, athaca,) farmer leases 180. _ h,,™ T,„ff„i„ 

Ozmun, W. A., ffthaca,) green house and grapBry, 18S?. Buffalou 

OZMUlir, WILLIAM A. #., ffthaca,) (B. if. TUloUpn <fc Co.,) farmer 800. 

Panebum, Edmund, (Ithaca,) plow maker, 9 N. Tioga. v».— .•n' Tin(r«in 

Parley SamueLfftlJaca,) alio, physician, office and residence Parker near B. Buffalo. 

Parrott, Alfred M., ffthaca,) (Cheseinm't f Pamtt.) 

Partenieimer, Ferdinand A., ffthaca,) boots and shoes, 21 SWe. 

PAETENHEfMBE, P. I., ffthaca,) cashier Tompkins Co. National Bank, also notary 

Patmore,'john, ffthaca,) boarding house, 103 B. State. 

Patterson, Ashbel, ffthaca,) physician, 10 E. Seneca. Cayuga and 

Payne, Loise Mrs., ffthaca,) lair jewelry, basement OTnton House, cor. vayuga auu 

Seneca. „ . , i. t. 

Payne, Wm. Eev., ffthaca,) pastor Episcopal church. 
Peck, S.M. ffthaca,) alio, physician and Burgeon, over 30 =• State. 
Perr^, J. Newton, 'ffthaca,) shoe maker ana^of""'J*^\P ^*"^"'- 
Perry Tannie Miss, ffthaca,) dress maker, Geneva N. Mill. 
Pew, John M., ffthaca,) farmer 80. 
Phillips, Albert Jithaca,) (^, •?*»»*?«* ^> . 


Pindegrast, John, fftoca.) pattern maker, 47 New. 

Platts? Albert H., (Ithaca,) (Fon-an^ ±^^-> 

POPb'eOwAKg'^&'S): ffSa'S-fFTm. P- F<>B..,Or^^ J. Bme, Cyr^ 

POPE, WM. P., ffthaca,) (Pope,^owe, Stmng^ O).) 
pStir' Estella krs., (ItW ) tailoress J^7 B. S^^ 
POTTiiE, EOWLAND B., (Ithaca,) farmer leases*^. 




Potter, Sarah J. Mrs., (Ithaca,) talloreae. 

Prame Jacob, (Ithaca,) boots and shoes, 14 N. Aurora. 

Presbyterian Church, (Ithaca,) Rev. Thos. White, pastor. 

Preston, Archibald, (Ithaca,) constable. 

Preswlck, Henry W., (Ithaca,) farmer 72. 

Preswlck, Joseph, (Ithaca,) farmer 67. 

Price. Charles H^ (Ithaca,) cabinet maker. 

Pringle, James. (Ithaca,) cartman. 

Purcft', klbert J., (Ithaca,) (Pwrdy & Frear.) „ „ ^ ,, ^ v >a j ^« t> ' 

Purdy&Frear, Ithaca,) (ij6«rt,/.Pwrtf3/o»(i Wm. Frear,) photographers, 40 and 42 E. 

QUIGG, JAMES, flthaca,) dry goods and groceries, 32 E. State. 

Randolph, Hiram F., (Ithaca,) boot and shoe maker. 

Kankint^ George, (Ithaca,) crockery and glassware, 43 E. State. 

Saab, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 134. 

Eaub, Philip, (Ithaca,) farmer 62. 

Reed, Andrew W., (Varnaj) carpenter and farmer Bl. 

Reed, Robert, gthaca,) iMcGrea & Go.) , „ „^ , 

Reformed Dutch Church, (Ithaca,) Rev. Thos. C. Strong, pastor. 

Eenwick, Robert J., (Ithaca,) farmer B50. , .„, 

REYNOLDS, JAMES S., (Ithaca,) (J. S. Seynolda & Co.) 

Reynolds, Mary, (Ithaca,) farmers. _ ,, ^ .r ^ -a r ^■ , j 

REYNOLDS, J. S. & CO., (Ithaca,) {James S. Beytwlds and John 3. Lang,) xron founders 

and machinists, entrance 9 Tioga. ,„ x, hoo a 

REZEATJ, JOSEPH O., (Ithaca,) prop. Farmers' Hotel, 16 S. Aurora. 
Rhen, JefTerson Mrs., (Ithaca,) (Boffman <b Bhen.) 
HHOADES, GEORGE, (Ithaca,) farmer 140. 
Rhoades, Henry G., (Ithaca,) farmer 90. 

Rhoades, MaryMrs^ athaca,) fanner 96. . . t> i m i 

RHOADES, SXTMNBR, (Ithaca,) alio, physician and surgeon. Bank Block. 
RHODES, FREDERICK, (Ithaca,) farmer 32^. 
RHODES, GEO., (Ithaca,) farmer. 

Rhodes, William, (Ithaca,) farmer 110. ■ iaTr a^\ 

ROAT F., (Ithaca,) dining rooms, boarding house and groceries, 48 JS. btate. 
RobertSLHiram D., (Ithaca,) prop, stage routes between Ithaca and Ovid, and Ithaca 


Robinson, Archibald, (Ithaca,) boatman, west Hill. 

Robinson, James, (Ithaca,) (Day & Jlobimon.) 

Robinson. Melvin, (Ithaca,) ice dealer. ,,».,., ^ „„ ™ o» ^ 

Rogers, N. A. Mrs., (Ithaca,) clothing and gents' fiimiahlng goods, 39 K. State. 

Roman Catholic Church, (Ithaca,) Rev. James Tonhey, pastor. 

Rose, William, (Ithaca,) farmer 13. 

Ross, James H., (Ithaca,) (J. Boss & Son.) 

Ross, John, (Ithaca,) {J. Boas <S> Son.) x „ xi a 

Ross J. & Son, (IthacaJ (John Boss and James S. Boss,) silver platers, stencil cutters and 

electroplaters, 14 S.Tioga. ^ _.^ „x x 

*ROWB, JEEOMB, gthaca,) lawyer and claim agent, 27 B. State. 
ROWB, ORLANDO J., (Ithaca,) (Pope.Bowe, Strong & Co.) ,„ „ ox x 

*R1IMSEY, JOHN & CO., (Ithaca,) (Freeman Kellei/,) stoves and hardware, 68 E. State. 
Ryerson, Martin, (Ithaca.) captain of steamer Sheldrake. 
Sackelt, S. P.,<Ithaca,) alio, physician and surgeon, 19 B. Seneca. 
SANFORD, AUGUSTUS C, (lthacaJ(5a;^/or•(l! Broito-s.) . x_ x 

SANFOED BROTHERS, (Ithaca,) (Luther J..^nd Auguetut C.,) general vanety store. 
SANFORD, LUTHER J., (Ithaca,) (Sanford Brothers:) 

SAUSMAN, PETER, (Ithaca.) livery, 21 S. Cayuga. . ^ , ., , 

Sawyer & Glenzer, Clthaca,) (8. D. Sawyer amd J.J. Glenzer,) groceries and coal dealers, 

4 Junction. 
Sawyer, S. D., (Ithaca,) (Sawyer dt Olenzer.) 

Schoonmaker.WilliamD., (Ithaca,) boot and shoe maker, 6 S. Aurora. _ ,^ x 

SCHUYLER & BURLING, (Ithaca,) (Hmry W. Schuyler and Walter Stirling,) boat 

builders, W. State. „ „ x, > j 

SCHUYLER & CURTISS, (LOiaoA,) (Geo. W. Schuyler and Chas. B. Curtiss,) druggists 

and insurance agents, 74 and 76 E. State. 
SCHUYLER, GEO. W.jflthaca,) (Schuyler dk Cfurtiss.) 
SCHUYLER, HENRY W., (Ithaca,) (Schuyler <£ Burltng,) farmer 126. 
Scott, JabezB., (Ithaca,) fanner 86. 
Scott, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 76. 
Scott, Lewis, (Ithaca,) saloon keeper. 
Seaman, Daniel, (IthacaO (Seuem, Simpson & Co.) 
Seaman, James, gthaca,) police, 

seaman, •fames, t.iinacu,; ponce. 

SBELY. WM. P., (Ithaca,) (Tolles & Seely.) 

♦SELKEEG, JOHN H., (Ithaca,) editor ai 

and publisher of Ithaca Journal, president 
Ithaca Calendar Clock' Co., Member of Assembly. 

ITHACA. 181 

Seneca St. M. E. Church, (Ithaca,) Hev. Simeon P. Gray, pastor. 

Severn, Chas., (Ithaca,) (Semm, Simmon <Ss Co.) 

Severn, Simpson & Co., (Ithaca,) (CAot. Severn, Edwin Simpson and Daniel Seaman, 

agent J livery and prop. Auburn stage route, 12 W. State. 
Sexton, Myron A., (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 

SBYMOUK, EDWABD C, flthaoa,) (Seymour, Johnson & Co.^ county treasurer. 
SEYMOUR, JOHNSON & CO., (Ithaca,) (Edward C. Seymour, Benj. L. Johnson and 
Daniel iV. Johnson,) dry goods and groceries, also agents for Wilcox ic Qihbs Sew- 
ing Machine, 62 E. State. 
SH ANGLE JAMES N., (Ithaca,) (Sahngle and Lashier.) 

SHANGLE & LA8HIBE, (Ithaca,) (James N. Shangle and Alson E. Lathier,) house and 
sign painters, 14 E. State. 

Shaw, Angle B., (Ithaca,) farmer 209. 

Sheldon & Clark, (Ithaca,) (Jmes P. Sheldon and W. H. Clark,) livery, B. State, rear 
Andms, McChain & Go. 

Sheldon, Jones F„ (Ithaca.) (Sheldon <t Clark.) 

Shepard, Balph, (Ithaca,) farmer 50. 

Simpson, Alexander, (Ithaca,) farmer 200. 

Simpson, Edwin, (Ithaca,) (Severn, Simpson & Co.) 

Sincepangh, George, (Ithaca,) cartman. 

Sincepangb, John, (Ithaca,) cartman. 

Slncepaugh, Jonah, (Ithaca,) cartman, 

SINCEPAUGH, JACOB, (Ithaca,) farmer 167. 

Slawson, John, (Ithaca,) (Slawson <fe Son.) 

Slawson & Son, (Ithaca,) (John and Warren D.,) farmer \K%. 

SlawsouLWarrenD., (Ithaca,) (Slawson <S:Son.) 

Slocnm, William J., (Ithaca,) tanner. 

SLOUGHTEE, HENEY, (Ithaca,) shoemaker, 95 West Green. 

Smith, Alexander, (Ithaca,) livery, Seneca comer Aurora.., 

Smith, Amos, (Ithaca,) (Smith & Barvty^ 

Smith Brothers, (Ithaca,) (William and Horace,) props. Ithaca Brewery. 

Smith, Charles A., (Ithaca,) cartman. 

Smith, Charles W., (Ithaca,) brick yard, New. 

Smith, Gabriel, (Ithaca,) cartman. 

SMITH, GEOEGE S., (Ithaca,) (with James M.,) farmer 51. 

Smith, Harrison, (Ithaca,) cartman. t.,. rr ^ , 

Smith & Harvey, (Ithaca,) (Amos Smith and Robert Harvey,) livery, rear Ithaca Hotel. 

Smith, Horace, Athaca,) (Smith Brothers.) 

Smith, Horace E., (Ithaca,) cartman. 

Smith, Isaac H., (Varna,) farmer 88. 

Smith, James E.,ilthaca,) (with George S.,) farmer 51. 

Smith, John G., (Ithaca,) cartman. 

SMITH, P. G., (Ithaca,) blacksmith, 22 W. State. _„„,„. 

Smith, Samuel W., (Ithaca,) lawyer and justice of the peace, 10 N. Tioga. 

Smith, Thomas, (yarna,) farmer 90. 

Smith, William, (Ithaca,) (Smith Brothers.) 

Snook, Moses, uthaca,) farmer 86. 

Snyder, Levy, gthacaj farmer 55. , „ ,,. n 

SPAULDING, EDGAE, (Ithaca,) (Jarvls, Tmng and SpavMing.) 

Spanlding, N., (Ithaca,) plane maker, 11 and 13 S. Cayuga. 

Spear, Eichard, gthaca,) bUl poster, residence 62 E. Buffalo. 

BPENCB, JOHN, athaca,) (Bout & Spence.) 

SPENCEE, ANSON, (Ithaca,) (Spencer <fc Williams.) 

Spencer, James M., (Ithaca,) (Howard & Spencer.) c ^-o at.*„ 

*SPBNCEE, SPjSNCB, (Ithaca,) dealer in stationery, wall paper <Sc., 5 E. btate. 

Spencer, Thomas N..athaca,) farmer 75. „ d ,I•■^7.•„™,^ «.i;»„,= 

♦SPENCEE & WILilAMSj (Ithaca,) (Anson Spencer and Bamum S. WiMiams,) editors 
and publishers Ithaca Democrat. 

Stamp, A. B., (Ithaca,) (Holmes & Stam-^.) 

Stansbury, Caroline Miss, (Ithaca,) music teacher, Geneva. 

Stansbury, J. W., (Ithaca.) lawyer. 

Steamboat Co., nithaca,) fbot Lake Ave., T. D. Wilcox, supt. 

Stebbins, William B„ (Ithaca,) farmer 115. . ,.,„„ m 

Steele, William M., (i^thaca,) horticulturist, painter, poultry raiser and farmer 10. 

Steenburgh, Hoofman, (Ithaca,) farmer. ^ ™. -r i-_„ .* J™„^ 

Stephens: Henry W., (iaiB.cs,,) telegraph operator W. U. line at depot. 

Stephens, Philip L, athaca,) meat market, 8 E. State. 

iTEVBira Wo&^(l'tha"a%''marbie wk*s i4 N. Aurora cor. Seneca. 
l^I^^i'AXtLS^^Hi^ Steven, and m H AUns,) bowUng saloon and bil- 
liard rooms, {.asement dlinton Hall. Block, 4 North. 
Stevens, Henry, (Ithaca,) (Stevens * -^WS;) , , _„ . 
STEWAET, dAvID B., athaca,) (D. B. Stewart dk Co.) 

Powers &Pennoyer's 


We would call the attention of the people of Tompkins County to our work. Many years eipen- 
enco in our line has learned ns what the people want, and we do nut hesitate to say that we have the 
beat work on hand that can he found in the County. f 

Thct'best of material used, and none hut experienced workmen employed. 

Job W^orkin our Line Promptly and Well Done, 
and at Lowest liivins Rates. 




Importers, Jobbers and Retailers 




IVo. S3 IVIain iStreet, 


Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 North St. Paul Street, 

ltoonE:sTE:ii^, - - iv. ir., 

HjiTing establiBhed the most extensive Dry GoodB House in the State onteide of New 
York cSy, we can off«r aSJeamtoges to huyere of Dry Goods unequalled by any other 
dealers in the country. We importijireetly and keep constantly on hand full lines of 

Brocheand Paisley Shawls ; Pim Bros. Genuine Irish PbpliOs, 

Black and Colored Silks ; Irish Linens and. Lace Curtains; 
Lupins' Merinoes and Alpacas ; 

Hilgers' Celebrated Broacicloths and Doeskins. 

Our stock of the following goods is always full and complete : 

taoakB, Sacques and Mantillas ; English, French and American Cassimeres ; 
Genesee Falls passimeres, "our own make ;" Mohair and Cashmere Dress Good* ; 

' Shaker and Ebenezer Flannels ; White, Scarlet and Opera Wool Flannels ; 
;?5i., ''-OiyaHiask Table Cloths and Towelings ; Napkins, Doylies and Win^ Cloths ; 

-'' Linen Sheetings and Pillow Casings ; „. ^. 

3-4, 4-4,5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, and 11-4 Cotton Sheetings ; , 

French, American & Scotch Ginghams ; English, French & American Cahcoes 

Woolen and Cotton Yams ; Blankets, Quilts and Counterpanes ; 
Heal Laces and Embroideries ; Swiss Nainsook and Victoria Muslins ; 

Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions ; Ribbons and Trimmings : Hosiery, , 
Wrappers and Drawers; Balmoral and Hoop Skirts; &c., &c., &c., &c., &c. 

Our^tobine business, which now extends from the Eastern portion .of the State to 

the?*to'Wesf,>' offers inducements to city and country Merchants equal to any house 

;■ in tff51fn,lted States. In addition to our advantages as Manufacturers and direct.Impor- 

:,< tersjjjwS'liaye the sale of several makes of Brown Cottony and Woolen Mills in this 

a locauty. ■ ; 

■ '. Price Lists and Samples furnished on application, and orders sentbymaU or entrusted, our agents,.will receive prompt attention, and Dealers can rely upon purchasing of us 
the ydkr around 

At New York Jobbers' Prices. 





, Among the many articlee manuractnred we would enumerate the 

Groton Horse Power, 

Which we warrant to be equal to any in the United States, they havin"; taken the pref- 
erence in California in competition with 30 different kinds sent to that' market; also in 
the Western States. Wealso make 


As improved by us. W6 claim for this Machine, 

1. That they are made and put together, each.and every part, upon honor, not by 
piece hands, but the best of workmen, employed by the day. 

2.' Each and all-of them have to pass- the inspection of one of the best mechanics in 
the State, viz : Oliver Avery Jr., one of the firm. ' - 

3. Our Mower is close guarded, short crank, with a proper motion to do its work 
' well. 

4. We claim that for rough land it is superior to any machine made. Most machines''} 
will work on smooth land. This machine has been thoroughly tested. We also mann- 
facture i '■ 


SP0ICi PL^Bii 

And have the sole control of the same. We manufacture most kinds of machines com- 
monly used in the country. 


C. & L. PERRIQO & CO., 
GrFt-orcoTsr, pc. -se-. 

STBWAET,!). B. & CO., (Itliaoa,) (JDaeicI B. Sievlart and Charlei W. Manchester^ gro- 
cery, confectionery and cigar store, 7'E. State. ■ 

Stewart, Henry, (Ithica,) glove manufacturer, 114 B. Buffalo. 

Stewart, J. F., (Ithaca,) dentist, over, 86 B. State. 

St. Jotin, Louisa Hiss, Clthaca,) music teacher. 

St. John, Thomas P., (Ithaca,) owns 20 acres in lots. 

STQDDABD, EDWARD, (Ithaca,) Insurance agent, cor. Aurora and State. 

STODDARD, SAMUBL, (Ithaca,) woqI puller and tanner, 22 S. Aurora. 

SlJOEKS, EUSSEL H., (Ithaca,) carriage' trimmer, 17 West State, up stairs. 

Storms, W. J., Qthaca,) secretary and treasurer Ithaca Calendar Clock Co. 

STOWELL, JOHN C, (Ithaca,) (WUgus Brothers <fc Co.) 

STEONG, GYEU8, (Ithaca;) {Pope; Bowe; Strortq <& Co.) 

Strong, Twos, C. Eey., (Ithaca,) pastor Eeformed Dutch Church. .. • .. 

StruWe,' Daniel, (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 

Siigerma^ Philip, Clthaca,) ready made clothing, 38 B. State, 

SWAETWOOD, CABEtEMES., (Ithaca,) dress and cloak maker*al80 agent for Mrs. 
M. Work's improved system for cutting ladies dresses, sacks, &c., 10 N. Aurora. 

Sweet, Albert, (Jacksonville,) harness maker. 

SWEETMAN, DAVID, (Ithaca,) shoemaker, 20 Aurora. 

•SIDNEY, B.-, (Ithaca,) boots and shoes, also agent for New Haven Cabinjet Organ, 14 
E State " 

Taher, Hen^min P., (Ithaca,) boat builder. 

Taber,rOftrtis,' (Ithaca,) boat builder. 

TannahiU, Mathew, (Ithaca,) (Mq,cv.m.ber & TannahiU.) 

Tappehden, George A., (Ithaca,) (Eoyt & Tappenden.) 

TayfeurejCharleO'., (Ithaca,) harness maker. 

TAYLOE, JAS. B^, (Ithaca,) groceries and provisions, 60 B. State cor. Tioga. 

Teers, William, (Ithaca,) farmer 150. 

Teeter, Edward, (Ithaca,) farmer 89. 

Teeter, Isaac, (Ithaca,) farmer 440. 
!, Terry, Edward, (Ithaca,) miller, Halsey's mills. 
Rrerry, Fennimore, (Ithaca,) tobacconist, Seneca cor. Fulton. 

Terry, Jttcob, (Ithaca,) manufacture tobacco and cigars, Seneca cor. Fulton. 

Terwilegar, John, fltnaca,) teamster. 

Thayer, William, (IthacaJ broom maker and farmer 6 and leases 96. 

THOMAS, M. C. MES., (Ithaca,) boarding house, 114 W. State. ' 

Thompson, Joel N., (Ithaca,) harness maker. 

Thompson, Eoyal, (Ithaca,) farmer 175. 
I j»;!*^BQM-?8PN, S. D., (Ithaca,) proprietor Clinton House, 14, 16 and 18 N. Cayuga cor. 

I i >'f'. @' iScUfiCfti 

Thbmpsfftf, T. C. (Ithacaj) (Jayne dk Tlwmmon.) 

TILLOTSON, HBNEY N., (Ithaca,) (B. N. TilloUon S Co.,) village treasurer. 
•TILL0T8ON, H.N. & CO., (Ithaca,) (3enry if. Tillotson and WtMiam A. J. Otmun,) 
, eroceries and_provisions„31 E. State. ,„.,,,^'_,,. t«. ■ 

'TITUS &BOSTWCK, (Ithaca,) (CM. Tititt and TTm. L. Sostofc*,) proprietors Phoenix 

■ Iron Works, lumber dealer, planing mill, &c., 94 and 98 W. State. 
Titus, C. M., (Ithaca,) {Titui & Bostwick.) 
Todd, Edward B., (Ithaca,) music teacher. 

TOLLESi CHANCEY C, (Ithaca.) iToOes <& Seely.) .„„„,, ^ ^ 
TOLLeI & SBi^LY, (Ithaca,) (Chance^ C. Tollee and Wm. F. Se^y,) photographers, 74 

TOMPKIi>(S COimTY NATIONAL BANK, (Ithaca,) Chauneey L. Grant, president ; E. 
J. Partenheimer, cashier. „,,_„,. ^ % 

Tonheyjraraes Eev., (Ithaca,) pastor Catholic church. 

Torrey, B. B., dthaca,) patentee artesian wells. 

TownHall,^thaca,)cor. Tioga and Seneca. 

T0WN8END,.ALBXANDBE, (Ithaca.) (Zaney,FMm^7tam & Co.) 

TUBMAN & 6eOTHBES, (Ithaca,) (Leonaml, ETias and Lafayette Z..,) proprietors Itha- 
ca Iron Works, 11, Is; IB and 19 S. Cayuga, ji .„ „■ < 

TlfflMAN, ELIAS, (IthacaJ (Tranan, Emg& Co.,) {^emam, & Brothers.) 
;' TEEMAN king & CC, (Ithaca,) {Leonard Treman, Elias Treman, Leamder B. Kma 
<• om<«Xo/aw«««i.2Vo»B«,) dealers in hardware, IB. State. .. . t. <» n 

; TEEMAN, LAFAYETTB L. "athaca,) (Treman, King <6 Co.,) (Tremdm <£ Brothers,) 

suDt. gas light Co., seo'y Ithaca and Towanda R.E. . ■„ ^i 

; TEEMAN, LBONAED, (Ithaca,) (Treman, King & Co.,) {Treman ct Brothers.) 
' Trench, John J., (Ithaca,) harness maker. 

Tripp, Francis W., (Ithaca,) boat ironing, 10 State. 

Trotter, Eobert, (Ithaca,) carman. ^ _, . „ ., , _.„. „, ■,,,,„,.. 

TURNEE, E. T., ^thaca,) president First National Bank of Ithaca. 

l:lM''Mvh^,if!'^^lS^'ankBett, d> Co.,) proprietor Forest City House, 41 and 43 
Tyler', ZaSanah Eev., (Ithaca,) pastor Wesleyan Methodist church. 




Drugs and Medicines, 





Photograph Albums, Sheet Music, Instruction Books, 

' Vsusses, Supporters, Sbonlder Braces, dec, dec. 
^g^;JPbrsIclans Prescrlpttous Oarefally Prepared, j^ 


Agents for the Great American Tea Co. 

ITHACA. 187 

UNION HOTEL, (Ithaca,) opp. R. E. depot, Wm. O. Crosby, prdp. 

Valentine, Warren T., (Ithaca,) farmer 16. 

Van Dorn, John, (Ithaca,) live etock dealer and farmer 102. 

VanGorder, Paniel, (Ithaca,) carpenter and farmer 40. 

VanKirk, Bron C, (Ithaca,) sheriff of Tompkins Co., County Clerk's office building. 

VANNATTA, JAMBS, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 120. 

Vannatta, John B., (Ithaca,) farmer 14. 

Vannatta, John B., (Ithaca,) carpenter and millwright. 

VANNOKDER, JOHN, Othaca,) farmer 140. 

VANNOBMAN, JOSEPH, (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 

Van Order, Abram, (Ithaca,) boat bnilder. 

Van Order., Catherine Mrs., (Ithaca,) owns farm ViX- 

Van Order, Edwin, (Ithaca,) farmer with Henry Van Order. 

Van Order, Henry, (Ithaca,) farmer 98. 

Van Order, L., (Ithaca,) (I<uo« <6 Van Order.) 

Van Order, Nelson, (Ithaca,) farmer leases of G. W. Bandy, 349. 

Van Order, Parmer, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 12X. 

VAN OBMAN, GEO. F., (Ithaca,) photographer, 34 B. State. 

Vanorman. Isaac, (Ithaca,) farmer 60. 

VAN ORMAN, JOHN,- (Ithaca,) boots and shoes, 44 E. State. 

Vanorman, Myron, (tthaca,) (with, William,) farmer 95. 

Vanorman, William, (Ithaca,) (witft Myrmi,) farmer 95. 

VAN VALKENBUEG, BUGBNE, (Ithaca,) g'rocer at Free Hollow. 

Van ValkenbarghLMills, (Ithaca,) county jodge and surrogate. 

Van Valkenbnrg, William, (Ithaca,) paper maker. 

VAN VOORHEES, K. S., (Ithaca,) manager co-operatiye grocery and provision store, 2 

W. State. • 

VINCENT, ARNOLD, (Ithaca,) farmer 148. 
Vosburgh, Samuel L., (Ithaca,) watches and jewelry, 72 E. State. 
Walbridge, H. S., (Ithaca.) lawyer. 
WALKffll, WILLIAM W., (Ithaca,) miller. 
Warner, Seth, (Ithaca,) constable. 

Watkins, B. H., (Ithaca,) proprietor of Exchange Hotel, 18 and 20 W. State. 
WATKINS, JOHN L., (Ithaca,) (Crorik, Watkins & Co.) 
Weaver, Ezra, (Ilhaca,) justice of the peace, 7 N. Aurora. 
Weed, Edwin, (Ithaca,) miller. 

Welch, Michael, (Ithaca,) stone mason and farmer 24Jf . 
»WBLCH, WARNER H., (Ithaca,) proprietor Ithaca Hotel. 
Weller, Govenor, (Ithaca,) milk dairy and farmer 135. 
WesleyanMethodistChurch, (Ithaca,) Rev. Zachariah Tyler, pastor. 
Western Union Telegraph Office, (Ithaca,) 74 E. State, and D. L. & W. R. R. depot. 
Whalen, Patrick, (Ithaca,) broom maker, over 7 N. Tioga. 
Whipple, Robert, (Ithaca,) farmer 113. • 

Whitcom, John N., (Ithaca,) brick maker, S3 Wheat. ^. , , ^ ., ^, „ 

WHITE & BURDICK, (Ithaca,) (C. H. While and D. W. Burdtek,) druggists. 16 E. 

WHITE, C. H., (Ithaca,) (TOife <fe Bwrdick.) 
White, David, (Ithaca,) eclectic physician, 21 E. State. 
White, Guy H., (Ithaca,) carriage maker, 2 Esty. 
White, Thos., Rev., (Ithaca,) pastor Presbyterian Church. 
Whitlock, A. B., (Ithaca,) leader Whitlock's Cornet Band. 
Whitlock, Conrad T., (Ithaca,) farmer 70. 

Whitlock, Jesse, (Ithaca,) farmer 1. . . , , , 

Whitlock's Cornet Band, (Ithaca,) A. B. Whitlock, leader. _ , .. 

Whiton, John L., (Ithaca,) grocer, confectioner and provision dealer, also insurance 

agent, B and 7 W. State. « „» x 

Wick, Conrad, (Ithaca,) cigar manuf., 48 E. State. 
Wick, M., (Ithaca,) tobacconist, 48 B. State. , , , -, 

*WILCOX, SAMUEL H., (Ithaca,) lawyer, county clerk's office. 
Wilcox, T. D., (Ithaca,) supt. Steamboat Co. , t ■. 

•WILGUS BROTHERS & CO., (Ithaca,) (Benry L. Wilgm, JohnB.Wilgus and Jolm 
C, SlmeeU,) general merchants and props, of Atheneum public hall, 55 and 57 B. 

WILGUS, HENRY U, atbaca.) (WUgus Brothers & Co.) 
WILGUS, JOHN B., (Ithaca,) iWilgus Brothers <fc Co.) 

^LfliisTAW\j^T^thI^^^er<&Wmiams,) chief engineer Are depart- 

ment, also clerk of the village of Ithaca. ,T_:wir . onn 

WILLIAMS, DEFOREST, (Ithaca,) farmer leases of Len Williams, 300. 

WILLIAMS GEO. R., (Ithaca,) vice president Merchants and Farmers' National Bank 

WILLIAMS^ H. C, (Ithaca,) proprietor of CascadiUa mill, junction of Linn and Dryden 

WILLli'Ms,",^ r! (fl^aca,) president Merchants' and Farmers' National Bank. 
Williams, John A., (Ithaca,) lawyer. 


WILLIAMS, JOHN J., (Ithaca,) farmer leaseB 100. 

WilUamB, Josiah B., (Ithaca,) banker and farmer 60. 

WilliamB, Levi, (IthaoaO farmer 600. 

Williams, Lyman W., (Ithaca,) farmer 136. 

Williams, S. G., A. M., (Ithaca,) principal Ithaca Academy. 

WilliamSjWalter P., (Ithaca,) farmer 145. 

Wilmot, W. A., (Ithaca,) (Bostwlck <& Wilmot.) 

WILSON, HUDSON J., athacaj (WUeon, dk Mackeu.) 

WILSON, JNO. v., (Ithaca,) (Wilson <6 Mackey.) 

Wilson, Joseph, (Ithaca,) house painter, 76 N. Tioga. 

WILSON & MACKBT, (Ithaca,) {Jno. V. Wilson, Urm 8. Mackey and Mudson J. Wil- 
son,) Bi^n and house painters, 36 E. State. 

Winters, Oliver, (Ithaca,) dealer in clothing, over 14 B. State. 

Winton, DeLano & Co., (Ithaca,) (Samuel ff. Winton, Martin S. SeLano and Benry J. 
Oraat,) wholesale grocers, 9 and 11 N. Cayuga. 

Winton, Samuel H., (Ithaca,) (Winton, DeLano £ Co.) 

Wisner, Samuel P., (Ithaca,) lawyer and insurance agent, 10 N. Tioga and Stone Quarry. 

Wisner, William Eev. D. B., (Ithaca,) retired Presbyterian clergyman. 

Woarren, John By (Ithaca,) blacksmith, 18 S. Cayuga. 

Wood, Johathan S., (Ithaca,) milk dairy and farmer 228. . 

Woodney, Benj., (Ithaca,) shoemaker, 177 N. Geneva. 

WOETMAN, JACOB K., (Ithaca,) (Bates, Wortman ds Co.) 

Wright, Nelson, (Ithaca,) dyeing and repairing umbrellas. 

Wyckoff, W. O., (Ithacaj) lawyer and law reporter. 

YOUNG, GEOEGEB., (Ithaca,) GTaniw, Young & Spavlding.) 

♦YOUNG &NOETZ, (Ithaca,) (Ififliam F. Young and Charles F. Mrts,) Fall Creek 
cooper shop, Eail Eoad Avenne. 

YOUNG, WM. F., (Ithaca,) (Foanj? tfc Nbrtz.) 

Zlon Church, (Ithaca,) Eev. John Anderson, pastor. 


(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, Arris D., (Groton,) (Adams Brothers.) 

Adams Brothers, (Groton,) (Arris D. and Loadwick E.,) groceries and provisions, 

books and stationery, Cortland. 
ADAMS, HOHN, (Groton,) farmer 61. 
Adams, LoadwickH., (Groton,) (Adams Brothers.) 
Adams, Nehemiah, (McLean,) farmer 30. 
Adams, Naton, (Groton City,) farmer 30. 
ALBEIGHT, WESLEY, (McLean,) farmer 70. 
Aldrich, Elijah C, (McLean,) miller. ' 
Allen, Alvin, (Peruville,) farmer 23. 

Allen, Charles D., (Groton,) dragrfst, opposite Goodyear's Hall, Main. 
Allen, David, (GrotoUj) farmer S. 
ALLEN, DBXTEE, (Groton,) retired merchant. 
Allen, E. M., (Groton,) farmsi leases 190. 

Allen, George W. Mrs., (Groton,) milliner, Union block, Cortland. 
Allen, Henry, (Grotonj farmer 80. 
ALLEN, NELSON, (McLean j farmer 90. 

ALLEN, PEEEY W., (West Groton,) post master and farmer 85. 
Ames, Alfred, (Groton City,) farmer 46. , 

■'^df ews, D. & Son, (McLean,) (Dudiey and Isaac tl.,) turning, cabinet making and nn- 

AndrewB, Dudley, (McLean,) (D. Andrews <St Son.) 
Andrews, Isaac C, (McLean.) iB. Andrews & Son.) 
■'^'j"'^^* Conley, (PerUTiUe,) (JbAn Anthmy and John B. Cbn&v,) blacksmiths and 

45i62?-?i^'ffii.ff8™'"ll?)) (Anthony eft Conleu,) firmer 6 

ANTHdirr, EfeUBBN, (* oton,) firmer 50. ^'' 

AEMSTKONG, ALBBi* T., (Groton,) farmer 92V. 

Armstrong, Amza, (Groton,) farmer 9. ■ 

Armstrone, Willlaiiu (Groton,)molder. 

Ashley, Sylvanus, (Groton,) furniture dealer and undertaker. 

GEOTON. 189 

ABhton, Harrison, (Groton,) farmer 80. 

A8HT0N, JAMES, (Groton,) farmer 150. . 

Atwood, Chaplin P., (Groton,) carriage trimmer and farmer 14. 

ATWOOD, I'RANKLm, (Groton,) farmer 70. 

Avery, FrederlclcK., (Groton,) (Pernio eft 4«crw.) , , , ™_„i 

Avery, Marcus A., (Groton,) carpenter and builder and farmer 3, also foreman or jsxcei- 

sior Co. No. 1, Groton Are department. 
Avery, Oliver, (Groton,) carpenter and builder. 
AVERT, OLIVER JR., (Groton,) {0. L. Perrigo & Co.) 
BACHELOR, NATHAN, (Peruville,) farmer 50. 

BACKUS, CHARLES, (Groton City,) farmer 138. , ^ , , f 

BACKUS, DAVID B., (Groton.) gents' furnishing store and produce dealer, also agent 

for Guardian Mutual Life Ins. 
Backus, George, (Groton,) farmer. 
Backus, Harvey, (Groton,) farmer 150. 
BACKUS, WAILACE, (McLean,) farmer 100. 
Baird, Charles, (Groton,) farmer leases 98. 
Baldwin, A. M;., (Groton,) teacher Groton Academy. 
Baldwin, Carlos, (Peraville,) farmer, manager of the Baldwin estate. 
Baldwin Estate. (Peruville,) 120 acres, Carlos Baldwin, manager. 
♦BALDWIN, M. M., A. M., (Groton,) principal Groton Academy. 
BALDWIN, M. M. MRS., (Groton,) teacher Groton Academy. 
BALDWIN, NEWTON, (Groton,) farmer leases 100. 

Baldwin, William, (West Groton,) carpenter and builder. ' 

Barney, Arza, (Groton,) farmer 45. 
Barney, Frank, (McLean,) farmer 35. 
Barrows, Amasa, (Groton,) farmer 77. 
Barrows, Theodore T^ (GrOton,) farmer 50. 
»BARTLETT, CHARLES A., (Groton,) jeweler. 
BEACH, EZRA G., (Peruville,) farmer 115. 
Bement, Lewis H., fMcLean,) produce dealer. 
BENEDICT, ALBERT G., (McLean,) prop, saw mill and farmer 45. 
Benjamin, Samuel R., (Groton,) shoemaker. 
BENSON, CHANDLER L., (East Lansing,) farmer 200. 
Beaton, Orange M., (Groton,) farmer 80. 
Berean, Amhert B., (Peruville,) cooper. 
Berry, John, (Groton City.) farmer 70. 
Bills, Edward F., (Groton,) carriage maker. 
Bills, E. F. Mi-B., (Groton,) photographer. 
Black, Lincoln, (Groton,) retired merchant. 
BLANCHARD, JOHNM., (Groton,) farmer 131. 
Bliss, Joseph D., (Groton,) (Mortm & Bliss.) 
Bliss, Joshua D., (Groton City,) farmer 58. 
Bliss, Abiah H., (Groton City,) farmer 75. 
BLISS, ISAAC, (Groton City,) farmer 110. 
Booth, John I., (Groton,) furniture dealer and undertaker. 
Bostwick, Ezra, (Groton,) farmer 55. 
Bostwick, Stephen, (Groton,) shoemaker and farmer 63. 
Bostwick, Thaddeus, (Groton,) farmer 50. 

Bothwell, David, (Groton,) (D. & J. O-BothwdlJ) ..^„. ,„„.,. ^^ 
BOTHWELL,'D. & J. C, (Grotonj (David and Jonathan C.,) farmers 145. 
BothweU, Jonathan C, (Groton,) 0. & J. G. BothweU.) 
Bothwell, Robert, (Groton,) farmer 95, 
Bowker, BeweU, (Groton,) farmer 50. 

Bflwker, Clinton, (Groton.) farmer 47. , , ri.„tnn 

Bowker Clinton, (Groton^ vice-president First National Bank of Groton. 
Bowker, Phllura Mrs., (West Groton,) farmer lH. 
Bowman, Desman, (Groton,) tailor. 
Boynton, AriT. Rev., (McLean,) clergyman. 
Boynton, George H., (McLean,) farmer 30. 
Boynton, Henry, (McLean,) farmer 27. 
Bradley, Urania Mrs., (Groton,) farmer55. 
Brinsmade, Daniel, (Groton,) farmer 50. 
Brinsmade, Hiram, (Groton,) farmer 60. 
Broakaw, Gamot, (Groton,) retired farmer. 
Broakaw, Margaret Mfss, (Groton,) milliner. 
Bronson, Levil., (Groton,) music teacher. 
Browkew, Norton, (Groton,) carriage painter 
Brown, Aaron & ^on, (West Groton,) (Charmt&rmer^l. 
BroW Aaron, (West droton^ (4'"''?,-%'"'L'^ ^}}^ 
BROWN, ABIJAH & SON, (Groton,) (Charles,) farmer 100. 

Brown, Amasa, (Peruville,) farnier 55. 

Brown Benoni, (West Groton,) farmer 22 and leases 14. 

Brown, Charles, (West Groton,) (Aaron Brown tS> Son.) 



First door west of First National Bank of Groton, dealer in 

Watches, Clocks, Silver & Plated Ware 

Gents' and I,adies> Pins, Rings, Bracelets, Hooks, Cbalns, SUver 

TblmUes and Gold Pens, and all kinds of flrst- 

class Jewelry, Spectacles, &c., &e., 

T» which he invites the attention of thbse desiring to purchase. Also, Shooting GHasses. 

Particular attention paid to repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewehy, and warranted. 





Represents Niagara Ins. Co., 
North American Ins. Co., 
Glens Falls Ins. Co., 







Policies Written on first-class Farm Property at tow Rates. 

OBOTON. 101 

Brown, Charles, (Groton,) (AbiSah Brown & Son.) 

Brown, Ephralm, (Groton City J blacksmith. 

BROWBTjHENEYG., (Groton,) (S»rnAaai <* Ca.) 

Brown, Jonathan E., (Groton Cllty,) farmer l^. 

Brown, Joseph B., (Glroton,) farmer6. 

Brown, Justus, (Peruville,) farmer 74. 

Brown, Morton, (Groton,) farmer 86, 

BEOWN, SCOTT, (Groton City,) farmer 104. 

Biick, Alrah B., (West Groton,) house painter and farmer 25. 

Back, Harvey Ts., (Groton,) blacksmith. 

BUCK, HOKATIO W., (Groton,) blacksmith. 

Buck, Samuel B., (East Lansing,) farmer 91. 

Balkier. Lorenzo, (West Groton,) farmer 75. 

♦BUENHAM & CO., (Groton,) (WUliam H. Bumham and Henry &. ^rouiw.) produce 

and commission dealers. 
Bumham, Marsha Mrs., (Groton,) fanner 33. 
BURNHAM, WILLIAM H., (Groton,) (Bwnham <6 (7o.,) railroad commissioner for 

town of Groton. 
BurroXighs, Charles, (Groton City,) saw mill. 
Burtch, Luman T., (Groton,) farmer 63. 
Cain, Thomas, (McLean,) farmer 60. 

Campbell, Enoch L., (McLean,) carpenter and joincsr, 

Carey, Michael, (Groton,) farmer S8. 

Carpenter, Daniel, (Groton,) farmer 50. 

Carr, Nelson, (West Groton,) farmer 35. 

Caser, Henry, (McLean,) farmer 65. 

Chafey, Maland, (McLean,) farmer 30. 

Champlin, Alexander, (Summer Hill, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 80. 

CHAMFLAIN. MAJOB, (Groton City,) farmer 118. 
CHAPMAN, ALBEET, XGroton,) farinerlOO. 

CHAPMAN, CLAHKDB., (McLean,) physician and farmer 107. 

Chase, Lucius, (Groton City,) blacksmith and farmer 37. 

Chase, Wesley D., (Groton City,) fiirmer 30. 

Ctiilds, Orlando, (Groton,) farmer 90. 

Chrisman, Channcey, (Groton City,) farmer 39. 

CLAEK, BALDWIN P., (Groton,) farmer 110. 

Clark, Edward C. (Groton City,) farmer leases 73. 

CLAEK, FEANKLIN B., (Groton City,) farmer 150. 

Clark, Henry, (Groton,) (Clark & Howell.) 

CLARK, HILAND K., (Groton.) (,Beynolds & Clark,) director of S. C. R. E. and presi- 
dent of Trnmansburgh bank. 

Clark & Howell, (Groton,) (Henry Clark and Addison Howell.) llyery and props, of stage 
route between Groton and Cortland, leaving Groton at 6 A. M. and Cortland at 
11 A. M. 

Clark, Nelson, (Groton City,) fimner 30. 

Clark, Roman L., (Groton City,) farmer 73. 

Clark, William S., (McLean,) tin mannf. 

Clement, Eranklin, (West Groton,) farmer 36. 

Clement, Jnde, (West Groton,) farmer 15. 

Clough, Daniel 0., (Groton,) wood workman. 

Clongh, S. M. Mrs., (Groton,) milliner. 

COBBTelISHA, (West Groton,) farmer 206. 

Cobb, Flora S. Miss, (Groton,) preceptress Groton Academy. 

COBB, JOHN G., (West Groton,) farmer 150. 

Cobb, Mrs., (McLeaUj) farmer 74. 

COGGSHALL, DAVID H., (West Groton,) farmer 288. 

COLBY BEOTBEES, (Groton,) {Lewit T. and Henry P.,) farmer 260. 

COLBY, HENEY P., (Groton,) (CoOy Brother).) 

COLBY, LEWIS T., (Groton,) (Colby Brothers,) farmer 130. 

Colton, Ormel, (Peruville,) farmer 28. 

Comstock, Myron, (Groton,) tin smith. 

CONGEE, ALSON G., (West Groton,) farmer 109. 

Conley, John C, (Pernville,) (Anthony &, Conley.) 

Cook, George E., (Groton,) miller. 

Cook, Zachariah JGroton,) farmer 75. 

Cooper, Samuel H., (Groton City,) farmer 67. 

Cornell, Philander, (Groton,) cooper and farmer 58. 

Coming, Lockwood W., (Groton,) carriage maker and farmer 71. 

Covertriewis J., (Groton,) manufacturer and dealer In cigars and tobacco. 

Cowles, Elisha C, (Groton,) Christian clergyman and farmer a4>4. 

Crain, Henry M., (Groton,) painter. 

Crane, Melville M.jMcLean,) general merchant. 

CEITTBNDEN, CHAUNCEY, (McLean,) farmer 108. 

Crittenden, Samuel E., (McLean,) farmer 26. 




Has removed to her new Building, where will be found a full assortment of 


Dress Goods in every Variety. 

Alapacas, IHerlnoes, Plain and Platd Scotcb Plaids, ITool Do- 

Iialnes, Mourning Goods, &c. Also aline ofWblte Goods, 

Nainsooks, India Boons, SirlBS and JTaconet 

mnlls, Blsbop Kiatrns, Tarletons, 


Edgings, Embroidery and Eufflings, Fancy and Plain Pans, Bead Trimmings, Laces, 
Guipure, Brussels, Cluny and- Valenciennes, Cloak and Dress Ornaments, Veils, Blact 
Lace, Crape, Grenadine, and Berages. j 


Plain and Hemstltcb. GliOVES, Kid, SUbL, Lilsle Tbread and 
Cloth. PREIVCH CORSETS, A No. 1. COI4I.ARS, lilnen, Tbread 
I^ace, Clnny and Crape. Dress Trimmings and Dress Buttons, 
ZEPHITRS, Double, Single and Split, In all sbades. Balmoral and 
Hoop Skirts, and eTerytblng In tbe Lilne of I.adles> "Wear. 

Milfinery of Every Description. 

Sonnets, Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Plnmes, 
Both Foreign & Domestic. 

Laces, Crapes, Velvets, Silks and niusions, &c. 

SilkM^d Vefvet°Ha?8*'™ ^'^^ * ^'®*'=''"^S and Dressing Straws. Also making bver 
withSeSs^JnlXpaS: ^^^^ ^-^t ^^P^'i^^^^* '"""■>ers employed. Work done 



QBOTON. 193 

Cuatt.WJUiam, (Peraville,) farmer BIK. 

Cultiminge, Gurden, (Summer Hill, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 65. 

'CUTTEH, JOHN S., (Bast Lansing,) farmer 100. 

•Cutter, Lewis, (West Qroton.) farmer 15. 

DAKLING, LYMAN, (Peruville,) farmer 328. 

Davenport, Betsy Mrs., (Peruville,) farmer 20. 

DeBell, Franklin, (Qroton,) shoemaker. 

Detrict, Jonathan, (West Groton,) farmer 4. 

DeVinney, Francis, (Groton,) mowing machine agent and dealer in hides, 

Dunhamj^ William W., (McLean,) hoots and shoes. 

DUEFBE, ALANSON, (West Groton,) farmer 1983^. 

Dye, Jeremiah, (Groton.) carpenter and huilder and farmer 5. 

EASTMAN, LifMAN, (Groton,) farmer 100. 

Ellis, Nathan H., (Groton,) miller and farmer 12. 

EEITENDBN, DANIEL, (McLean,) farmer 100. 

Finney, Uriah, (Groton,) foreman of S. Kelly's shoe shop. 

First National Bank of Groton, (Groton,) Charles Perrigo, president ; Clinton Bowker, 

■ vice president; Dexter H. Marsh, cashier; Hiram G. Moe, teller. 
FISH, GEOEQB, (McLean,) farmer 100. 
Fisher, Joseph, (^Groton,) farmer 60. 
Fisher, Joseph W., (Groton,) painter and farmer 6, 
Fisher, Thomas L., (M;cLean,) saddler and harness manuf. 
Fitch, Lijcy Mrs., (West Groton,) farmer 90. 

Fitch, Mortimer i)., (West Groton,) surveyor, prop, of saw mill and farmer 86. 
FITTS, GE0E6E, (McLean,) secretary of McLean cheese manufacturing association, 

farmer 160. 
Flesher, Thomas, (McLean,) farmer 55. 
Foley, Mathews, (Groton,) saddle and trunk maker. 
Ford, Major, (Peruville,) prop. Pern grist mill. 
FOSTER, JAMBS O., (Groton City,) farmer 103. 
FEANCIS, ALBERT M., (McLean,) saw mill and farmer 110. 
Francis, A. M., (McLean,) president of McLean cheese manufacturing association. 
Francis, Charles C, (West Groton,) farmer 78. 
Francis^ilbert, (McLean,) farmer 70. 
Fuller, Wllkins, (Peruville,) carpenter and joiner. 
Gale, Amelia D. Miss, (Groton,) dress maker. 
Gale, Peter, (Qroton,) farmer 50. 
Gale, Zenas S.j(Groton,) farmer leases 175. 
Gibhs; Oliver W., (Groton,) farmer 88. 
Gibson, Edward, (Groton,) farmer leases 6. 
Giflord, Almon, (Groton City,) farmer 16. 
Gifford, Alva, (Groton City,) firmer 72. 
Gillam, Charles, (West Groton,) farmer 90. 
Gillett, Charles, (Peruville,) blacksmith. 
Glazier, Joseph A., (Groton,) shoemaker. 
Glisbie, Joseph, (West Groton,) farmer 50. 
Glover, Roswell, (Groton,) farmer 45. 
Goff, John, (Groton City,) farmer 17. 
Gooding, David, (Groton,) farmer 45. 

Gooding, Sidney, (Groton,) farmer 78. , , » i, „ 

Goodyear, John, (Groton,) alopathic physician and surgeon, prop, of town hall. 
Gower, John, (Groton,) farmer 60. 
GRAVES, AMOS B., (McLean,) farmer 180. 
Gray, Simeon, (Groton,) farmer leases 108. 
Green, LicettaD. Mrs., (Groton,) farmer 4. 
Gross, Lewis, (McLean,) foreman of firkin manuf. 

Gross, Van B., (McLean,) firkin manuf. . . , Tii-„.™~oa n^\,\, 

*GEOTON ACADEMY, (Groton,) M. M. Baldwin, A. M., prmcipg; MissFloraS. Cobb, 
preceptress ; Mrs. M.' M. Baldwin, Miss C J- Marsh, Miss Helen L. Morton^A. J. 
Williams and A. M. Baldwin, assistants; Dr. E. C. Moe, president ; S. C. Reynolds, 
secretary; D.H. Marsh, treasurer. „ ,^ .j 4. 

Groton Cheese Manuf. Co., (Groton,) Aaron Woodberry, president. 
GROTON HOTEL, (Groton,) Anson WyckofF, prop. „ , ,,^ , . . 

♦GROTON JOURl^Ai, (Groton ) (weekly,) Hiram C. Marsh editor and proprietor. 
Grover, Demas, (Groton,! tinsmith and farmer 50. 
GtTRLICK, MILO, (McLean,) farmer 100. 
Guthrie, John, (Peruville,) farmer 68. 
Haight, George W., (Groton,) wagon maker. 
Halt, Ira, (Groton,) farmer 68. 
Hall, Ella F. Miss, (Groton,) school teacher. 
Hall, E. Russell, (Groton City,) flour, custom and saw mill. 
HALL, SAMUEL M., (Groton,) boot and shoe manuf. 
Hall, Sheridan O., (Qroton,) shoemaker. 
Hall, William, (Groton,) shoemaker. 


Write your Name Plain, with. State, Oo. and Town. 
— . — i«^ 


Small Fraits, C^rape Tines, 



Stra'nrberrlas, etc., mammoth Sireet Com, 

Doolittle & Seneca Basplierries, etcjicaior, 

Harrison, Goodrlcb, Sbakers and Fancy Potatoes. ' 

Send Stamp for Terms, etc., etc. Address, plain, with stamp, 


Waterloo, Seneca Connty, N. T. 


.xjiBXjn.Toa', r^. 






Piles Re-Cut in the Best Manner. 

GSOTON. 196 

Halladay, Catherine Mrs., (Groton,) farmer 88. 

Halladav, John Wy (Groton.) mason and fanner Wi. 

HALLADAY, MYBON, (West Groton,) farmer 114. 

HALLADAY, NELSON, (Groton,) justice of *he peace, produce dealer and farmer 126. 

TT_.i.j — Wilar- "-■—•—> ,x_ , . „ .. , . 

HANCHET, VINCENT, ^Groton,) farmer 100. 

Hare, William W., (Groton,) attorney and counselor, farmer 221X, office Union Block, 

Haring, Elezer, (West Groton,) farmer 75. 

HAEKtNGTON, HENEY J., (Groton City,) {Benry J. Harrijigton <& Brother,) post- 

HAEIONGTON, HENHY J. & BHOTHEE, (Groton City,) (Henry J. ma Biram C.,) 
general merchants and fanners 84>^. 

HABRINGTON, HIBAM C, (Groton City,) (Bmn/ J. Barrington and Brother.) 

Harris, Berentha Mrs., (McLean,) farmer 22. 

Harris, Joseph, (McLean,) farmer 52. 

Hart, C. D. & Co., (McLean,) (Charles D. 2(i, and P. F.,) groceries and provisions. 

Hart, Charles D., (McLean,) farmer 12, 

Hart, Charles D. 2d, (McLean,) (C. D. Bart & Co.) 

Hart, J. B.,(McLean,) treasurer of McLean cheese manufacturing association. 

HAET, JOHN P., (McLean.) farmer 300. 

Hart, P. E,, (McLean,) (C. D. Bart & Co.) 

Eastmgs, Nancy Mrs., (Groton,) tailoress. 

Hastings, Stephen A., (Groton,) painter and farmer 7. 

Hatch, Arthur, (Groton,) farmer 52. 

Hatch, Beqjamin E., (Groton,) farmer 26, 

Hatch, Eleazer, (West Groton,) farmer 90. 

Hatch, J. Church, (Groton,) farmer 55. 

Hatch, Virgil, (Groton,) farmer 8>f . 

Herbert, Christopher, (Groton,) blacksinlth. 

Hide, W alter , (Groton.) farmer 60. 

HIKST, WILLIAM S. L., (Groton,) house and sign painter. 

HOBAHT.HAEEY'W, (Groton City,) farmer 100. 

Holden, William H,, (West Groton,) fanner 43. 

HolUster, Myron H^ (Groton City,) fanner 98. 

Hopkins, Harvey, (McLean,) farmer 90, 

HOTKINS, NELSON, (McLean,) farmer 150. 

HOPKINS, SIDNEY, (Groton,) justice of the peace. 

Howard, Peter, (McLean,) fanner 30. 

Howe, David W., (Peruville,) manager of the Howe estate, farmer 70. 

Howe, B. Miles, (Groton,) farmer 86. 

Howell, Addison, (Groton,) (Clark & Bowell.) 

Howland, Henry C, (McLean,) blacksmith. 

Bowser, Aaron, (Groton,) farmer 60. 

Hyde, David, (Groton,) Kinner 63. 

Hyde, William, (Groton,) farmer 40. 

Hyde, Wm. Q., (Groton.) farmer 47. 

Ingalls, John, (McLean,) farmer 90. 

Ingalls, George, (McLean,) farmer 70. 

INGALLS, JOHN W.. (Groton City,) farmer 366. 

JACKSON, BENJAMIN, (West Groton,) farmer 127. , ,. . tt ■ t.i , 

Jacobs Brothers, (Groton,) (Clinton B. and B. Wilson,) general merchants, Union Block, 

Jacobs, Clinton B., (Groton,) (Jacobs Brothers.) 

Jacobs, B. Wilson, rtJroton,) (Jacobs Brothers.) 

John, Chester C, (Groton,) painter. 

Johnson, Levi, (Groton City,) carpenter and jomer. 

JONES, HOBATIO I^ (Groton,) farmer 111. 

Jones, Joanna Mrs., (West Groton,) farmer 50. 

Jones, Stephen U., (Groton,) homeo. physician and surgeon. 

Jones, Warren, JGroton,) mechanic, wood workman and farmer 2S. 

Kane, Patrick, (McLean,) farmer 70. 

KANEB, JACOB, (Summer Hill, Cayuga Co.,) farmer leases 150. 

Karey, John, (Groton,) ftirmer 60, 

Keeffe, John, (Groton,) groceries and proyisions, 

Keeney, Olive E. Mrs,, proton,) milliner, 

Keim, S, G, Eev„ (McLean,) Baptist minister. ,.™„ ..^ 

Kelley, Pitch J., (West Groton,) carpenter and bnilder and farmer 614. 

Kelly, James, (McLean,) farmer 70. 

Kelly, Samnel, (Groton,) boot and shoe manuf. 

Kenney, William, (McLean,) farmer 60. 

Klmbell, Bllzur W., (Groton,) brick and stone mason and firmer lU- 



Cuner Woods & Carriage Bodies, 


I would call the attention of the people of Tompkins Co. co my work. Twenty-five 
years experience in the business has given me a knowledge of what the people want, 
and I feel confident of my ability to give satisfaction in all cases. 

Samuel H. Wilcox, 




Particular attention paid to all matters in Surrogate's Courts. Office In County 
Clerk's Office, up etalrs. 

Robinson &, Wright, 


o-PLOTOisr, ]sr. y. 

We would respectfully announce to the people of Tompkins County, that we have 
constantly on hand all kinds of ladies' and gents' wear, IVom the heaviest hoot to the 
lightest gaiter, of our own manufacture. We make fine boots a specialibf. We use 
nothing out the best material, and employ none but the best workmen. We are bound 
to " give you fits," Give us a call. , • 


Farm Rollers, Iron Harrows, Plows, 

One and Two Horse Caltlvators, also 'Wbeel Cultivators, Cbaln 
Pump Irons, "Wagon Jacks, Castings of all kinds. 

All Kinds of Job Work Done on Short Notice. 

GBOtON. 197 

Kime, Cortland, (McLean,) cabinet 'maker and farmer 10. 

Kimple, Henry N., fWeat Groton,) farmer 58. 

Kimple, William, f West Groton,) farmer 65. 

King, Beriah D., (McLean,) (King & Sandwich.) 

KIITg, HASTINGS A., (Groton,) farmer 'mi. 

King & Sandwich, (McLean ) (Beriah D. King and Hohn H. Sandwich,) tannery. 

Kinney, Abram, (McLean,) farmer 70. 

KNAPP, AAEON, (Groton,) farmer 100. 

Knapp, Elias, (Groton,) farmer 60. 

Knapp, Purdy, (Peraville,) farmer 45. 

Knapp, Warren, (East Lansing,) farms with Mrs. Tetter. 

KnetfleB, Jacob T., (McLean,) farmer 14. 

Krotts, Jefferson, (West Groton,) farmer 20. 

Kyes, Warren, (Summer Hili; Cayuga Co.,) farmer 60. 

Ladd, Benjamin P., (McLean,) farmer 46. 

Ladff, Leander Mrs., (McLean,) farmer 71. 

LADD, LEANDBE, (McLean,) farmer 100. 

Ladd, SulllTan, (McLean,) farmer 76. 

Lakey, Charles H., (Groton,) farmer leases 100. 

LAMOT, LTJCIUS, (McLean,) farmer 125. 

Laning, Oliver Dr., (McLeanO alio, physician and surgeon. 

Lanterman, Marietta Miss, (Groton,) milliner. 

Lamed, Edward D., (Peruville,) prop, of saw mill and farmer 5. 

LAWTON, JOHN, (McLean,) farmer 105. 

LAZELL. DENNIS, (Groton City.) wagon maker. 

LEAEN, DANIEL J. S., (Groton,) farmer 120. 

Lee, William, (Groton,) ornamental and house painter. 

Lewis, Elias, (Groton,) carpenter. 

*LINDERMAN, D. V., (Groton,) mannf. of cutter woods and carriage bodies. 

Linderman, Henry H., (Groton,) farmer 30. 

LINDEEMAN, NIEA31 B., (Groton,) fanner. 

Lindsey, George W., (McLean,) boot and shoe maker. 

Lobdell, Ebbin, (Groton,) briolr mannf. 

Lobdell, Ebenezer, (GrotonJ brick manuf. and farmer 9>f . 

Lender, Henry, (Groton,) (Lander & BaUaday.) 

Lender & Halladay, (Groton,) (Benry Lander and Wilton BaUaday, ) farmers 128. 

LOOMIS, SOLOMON, (West Groton,) farmer 100. 

LOUW, DAVID, (West Groton,) proprietor of saw mill and farmer 126. 

Lumhard, Wm. Cleaveland, (Peruville,) shoemaker. 

Luther, Chancey, (Groton,) farmer 57. 

Lytle, John, (Groton,) farmer 17. 

Alarsh, Charles H., (McLean,) (D. B. Marsh & Co.) 
• Marsh, C. J. Miss, (Groton,) teacher Groton Academy. 

MAESH, DANIEL B., (McLean,) (O. B. Marsh <fc Co.,) postmaster. 

MAEShI D. B. & CO., (McLean,) (flanielB., John 0. and Charles B.,)geaeTB.\ merchants, 
flour and custom mill. „ . , „ , . „ » 

Marsh, Dexter H., (Groton,) cashier of the FirstNational Bank of Groton. 

Marsh, D. H., (Groton,) treasurer Groton Academy. „ ^ ^ , , . ,„ , 

*MAESH, HIEAM C, (Groton,) editor and prop, of -Groton Journal, and town clerk. 

Marsh, John O., (McLean,) (D. B. Marsh <& Co.) 

Marsh, Lucius H.. (Groton.V general merchant. 

MATINBBEG, THEODOEE, (Groton,) restaurant. 

Mattim, William F., (McLean,) carpenter and builder and farmer 10. 

McDermant, Patrick, (McLean,) farmer 15. , 

MOKEE, JOHN C, (McLean,) farmer 70. 

McKeller, Archibald, (Peruville,) farmer 36. 

MCKBLLEE, JOHN, (Groton,) farmer 107. 

McEenzie, Elihu, (McLean,) farmer 50. 

MCLAOHLAN, JAMES, (Groton,) farmer 107. ^ , . , ,. j^ v -. t „^ 

McLean Cheese Manufacturing Association, (McLean,) manuf. of Cheddar cheese , Levi 
Schermerhom, foreman; A.M. Francis, president; George Fitts, secretary, J. a. 

McSferothMB?(Groton,) (2iMmn« andBaratio,) sash factory and planing mill, also 

lumber dealers, shop on William. 
NcNiel, Eugene, (Groton,) (McNisl Brothers.) 
McNiel, Horatio, (Groton,) (McNiel Brothers.) 
Merrill, Albert B.,iGrotonO weaver and farmer 20>^. 
MBTZGAE, ANDEEW, (West Groton,) farmer 127. 

MBTZGAE, CASPBE, (Groton,) farmer 213. 

MBTZGAE DAVID, (West Groton,) (with Thmmon Metzgar,) fanner 100. 
Metz^ar, Henry, (West Groton,) house painter and farmer 16. 
METZGAE, JACOB, (West Groton,) farmer 103. 
Metzgar, Joseph, (Groton,) carpenter and builder and farmer 86. 

198 OBOTON. 

METZGAE, THOMPSON, (West Groton,) (w^al David Metzgar,) fanner 100. 

Metzgar, William, (West Groton,) farmer 98. 

Miller, Deliverance Mrs., (Groton,) farmer 29. 

Miller, Frederick, (Groton,) farmer 48. 

Miller, Isaac, (Perarille,) post master, grocer and farmer 6. 

Minier, David W., (Peruville,) agent for William GoflTs patent portable wag»n loader, 

common sense sewing macmne, and farmer 41. 
Mix, Harry, (McLean,) farmer leases 29. 
Mix, Joseph, (McLean,) farmer 30. 
Moe, Augustus, (Groton,) farmer 66. 
Moe, Chas. F., (Pernville,) farmer 50. 
Moe, B. C. Dr., (Groton,) allopathic physician and surgeon and president Groton 

Moe, Giles W., (Peruville,) farmer 50. 

Moe, Hiram G., (Groton,) teller of the First National Bank of Groton. 
Moe, John, (Peruville,) inspector of elections, carpenter and builder and farmer BO. 
Moe, Hobert P., (Groton,) farmer 30. 
Montfort, James, (Peruville,) carriage maker and farmer 8. 
Morgan, Enoch, (estate^ (McLean,) 230. 
Morgan, Eunice Mrs., (Groton,) farmer 40. 

MORGAN, PHILIP, (McLean,) distiller of cider brandy and farmer 50. 
Morgan, Stephen, (McLeanO farmer 40. 
MOEEIS. FRANCIS F., (Groton,) farmer 170. 
MORSE, TYLER, (McLean.) farmer 116. 
Morton, Albert F., (Groton,) (Morton <fe Bliss.) 
Morton & Bliss, (Groton,) (Albert F. Morton and Joseph D. Bliss,) saddle and harness 

♦MORTON BROTHERS, (Groton,) (William J. and Lewis M.,) hardware and stoves. 
Morton, David B., (Groton,) blacksmith. 
Morton, George F., (Groton,) (with Porter F.,) farmer 78. 
Morton, Helen L. Miss, (Groton,) teacher Groton Academy. 
Morton, Horace, (Groton,) wagon maker and farmer 66%. 
MORTON, LEWIS M., (Groton,) (Morton Brothers.) 
Morton, Miles, (Groton,) wagon maker. 
MORTON, WILLIAM J., (Groton,) (Morton Brothers.) 
Mullen, Thomas, (Peruville,) farmer 52. 
Murray, Thomas, (Groton,) blacksmith and farmer 1. 
Newman^ijimon A., (Groton,) carriage maker. 
Newton, Burdett, (Groton,) farmer 82. 
Newton, Charles, (Groton,) farmer 85. 
Newton. George, (Groton,) farmer 78. 

NEWTON, LYDIA MRS., (Summer Hill, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 140. 
NILES, HENRY D., (West Groton,) constable, collector of town taxes and farmer 

Nlver, Arnold T. JMcLean,) billiard saloon. 

NIVER, CHARLES, (Peruville,) farmer 133. 

Nye, Samuel, (McLean,) farmer 70, 

Ogden, Lewis M., (McLean,) farmer 90. 

Oeden, Lewis, (McLean,) farmer 90. 

OTKeefe, Dennis, (Groton,) farmer 4. 

Oniond, Jennie E. Miss, (Groton,) school teacher, district No. 8. 

Owen, Charles P. Rev., (Groton,) Wesleyan Methodist clergyman and farmer 101. 

PAGE, ASA, (Groton,) fanner 118. 

Parker, Nathan A., (Groton,) fanner 40. 

Parsons, Burdettj(South Lansing,) carpenter and builder and farmer 19. 

Peck, Leonard, (West Groton,) cooper and farmer 36. 

Pennoyer, George H„ (Groton,) farmer 85. 

PENNOYER J. POWERS, (Groton,) (Powers A Pennoyer.) 

Pennoyer, Justus P., (Groton,) farmer 12. 

Pennoyer, Lorenzo, (Groton,) farmer 144X. 

Perkins, E. & G. L., (Groton,) (Ezra and Oeorge Z.,) farmers 65. 

Perkins, Ezra, (Groton,) (E. <t O. L. PerMns.) 

Perkins, Geo. L., (Groton,) (E. A O. L. Perkins.) 

Perrigo & Avery, (Groton,) { ynUiam Perrtgo and Frederick K. Avery,) prop. Separator 

PERRIGO, CHARLES, (Groton,) (C. <6 L. Perrigo * Co.) 
Perrigo, Charles, (Groton,) president of the First National Bank of Groton. 
*PERRIQO, C. & L. & CO., (Groton,) (Charles Perrigo, Lgman Perrigo and Oliver 

Avery Jr..) fonndry and machine shop, 
PERRIGO, LYMAN, (Groton,) (C. JbL. Perrigo & Co.) 
Perrigo, William, (Groton,) (Perrigo & AveryT) 
Peruville Cheese Mannihctory, Abram Tetter, president. 
Peslee, Edward, (McLean,) farmer 200. 
Pettis, Hiram, (McLean,) blacksmith. 

OBOTON. 199 

PickinB, George, (Groton,) hameeB maker. 
PtEBCE, HENRY, (Groton,) farmer 52. 
Pierce, Isaac, (Peruvllle,) farmer 10. 
Pierce, Moses, (Groton,) farmer 40. 
Pierce, Orange, (Groton,) farmer 112. 
Pierce, Otis W., (Groton,) (Pierce & Witlson.) 

Pierce & Wlllson, (Groton,) (Otie W. Fierceand Joeeph WWUm^ farmers 140. 
Pomerqy, Augustas Bev., (Groton,) retired clergyman. 
POWEKS, EDGAK B., (Groton,) {Fowera & Pemnoytr.'i 
Powers, Francis W., (Groton,) farmer IX. 
Powers, Jacob B., (Groton,) farmer 4. 

♦POWERS & PENNOYEB, (Groton,) (EdgAr S. JPmeri and J. Powers Pmnoyer,) car- 
riage manufs. 
Price, Aaron L., (McLean,) farmer 51. 

Eanney, Clifford, (Groton,) farmer 118. , 

REYNOLDS & CLARK, (Groton,) (Samud 0. Seynolds and Eiland K. Clark,) general 

merchants, Cortland. y 

Reynolds, J. M., (Groton,) farmer 55. 
Reynolds, Robert C, (Groton,) farmer %ii. 
REYNOLDS, SAMUEL C, (Groton,) (Beynbtds & Clark.) 

Reynolds, S. C, (Groton,) secretary Groton Academy. 

Riggs, Harrison M., (Groton,) farmer 75. 

Ringan8,HeniyR., (Groton City,) farmer 13. 

ROBINSON, PILANDER, (Groton,) {Bobmsm & Wright,) agent for Etna life insurance 
Co., and music dealer. „ „ . .^ , ^ » j 

♦ROBINSON & WRIGHT, (Groton,) (Filander MtMmon and Zeal IT. WngJU,) boot and 

ROGERS, ANSON B., (W»st Groton,) general merchant and farmer 4, 

Rogers, Ezra, (McLean,) farmer 12. 

ROTJK, S. D. MRS., (McLean,) farmer 120. 

ROWLEY, DANIEL w., (McLean,) prop, of Elm Tree House. 

BUNDLE, JONATHAN, (Gtroton,) farmer leases 110. 

Ryder, WilUam, (Peruvllle,) farmer 8. 

SiUey, Mrs., (McLean,) farmer 65. 

Sandwich, Hohn H., (McLean,) (S'lng <t Sandwich.) 

Sarlls, Richard S., (Peruville,) prop, uf saw mill and farmer 9. 

Satterly, William B., (McLean,) carpenter. . . 

Schermerhom, Levi, (McLean,) foreman of McLean cheese manufacturing 'association. 

Scofleld, Annias, (Groton,) wagon painter. 

Scofleld, Harlow, (Groton,} carriage trimmer. 

Seaman, Levi B., (Groton,) cooper and farmer 4. 

SBARS, EGBERT S., (Groton,) farmer 127. 

SEARS, JAMES C, (Groton.) farmer 160. 

Sears, Marcus H., (Groton,) farmer 99. ,,..,, >„ 

Sellen, John, (West Groton,) inspector of elections and farmer 60. 

Sellen, Orlando, (West Groton,) farmer 55. , 

SELLER, MAJOR, (Groton,) farmer 100. 

SHARPSTEEN, JOHN, (Groton,) farmer 100. 

Shaw, Wm. H., (Groton,) dry goods and yankee notion pedlar and farmer li. 

Sherman, Alexander A., (Groton,) shoemaker. 

Sherman, David R., (Groton,) farmer 81. , . ^ .„ 

SHERMAN, FREDERICK A., (Groton,) prop, of grist miU. 

Sherman, Joseph, (Groton,) shoemaker. 

SIMMONS, GEORGE S., (Groton,) farmer 100. 

Simpson, John, (Groton.) farmer leases 50. 

SMILEY, EVERETT, (Peruville,) farmer 132. 

Smith, Charles H. A., (Groton,) farmer 97. 

Smith, David D., fWest Groton,) farmer 15. 

SMITH, JAMES P., (McLean,) boarding house. 

SMITH, JOHN, (Groton,) farmer 150. 

Smith, Theodore, (McLean,) farmer 90. 

Sobers, Isaac, (Groton,) carpenter, builder and farmer 85. 

Southworth, Isaac, (Groton,) farmer 7. , 

SOVOCOOL, HARRISON, (Groton,) farmer 100. 

Sovocool, Henry, (Groton,) farmer 90. 

Sovocool, Henry H., (Groton,) fanner 72. 

Sovercool, Jacob, (Groton,) farmer IK- 

Sovocool, Jefferson, (Groton,) farmer 4. 

Sovocool, John, (Groton,) farmer SO. _.»„.„*„, 

In dry goods and groceries. ,,««". ' 

Stanton, Charles E., (McLean,) fanner leases 100. 
STANTON, JOHN, (McLean,) blacksmith. 

Carriage Works ! 

The undersigned, proprietor of tlie old and well-known CAREIAGE MANUFACTORY, on 

maiin Street, Groton, N. Y., 

Would inform the puWlc that he is still extensively mannfacturing 

Obriages, Buggies, Platfonn Spring Wagons, Lumber Wagons 

Of all grades and descriptions. Also, in their season, Pleasnre And Iiom'ber SliEIGHS 

He would call particular attention of Farmers and Business Men generally, to the Platfoi'm 
Spring TVaeons, which he is now mannfacturing to a greater extent than ever before. He invites 
an inspection of his work by those desiring anything In Ms line, assuring them that both priceaiBnu 
quality will be found satisfactory. • 

He flnttershimseir, that from hia long ozpericnce in the business, and the general satisfaction ex- 
pressed by old customers, that he shall enjoy a liberal share of pnblic patronage. 

8. S. "WIL.JLiXA.MS. 

GBOTON. 201 

Stark, George, (PernvlUe,) cooper and fanner 2, 

Stearne, Joseph W. Eev., (West Groton,) christian clergyman and farmer 50. 
Stebbiiis, Erastns, (Groton City,) farmer 13. 
Stodman, Smith S., (McLean,) farmer 64. 

Stevens, John, (West Oroton,) commissioner of hiahways and farmer 73. 
STEVENS, NELSON, (West Groton,) farmer 800. 
Stevens, Olive M. Mr8^(West Groton,) fanner 83. 
STEVENS, OLNBT, (West Groton,) farmer 143. 
StilsoD, Jonathan C, (Groton City,) farmer 4>f . 
STODDABD.-IREN, (Groton,) farmer 102. 
Stoddard, Julia Mrs., (Groton,) farmer 61. 
STONE, ALBERT C, (McLean,) (Williams & Stone.) 
STOUT, ABRAHAM, (Groton,) farmer 150. 
Stout, Allen, (McLean,) farmer 60. 
Stout, Jared, (McLean,) brick and stone mason. 
Sweazey, James, (West Groton,) farmer 75. 
S.weet, Helon B., (Groton City,) farmer 46. 
Sykes, William, (Groton,) farmer 23. 
Tallmadge, Alanson, (West Groton,) fanner 65. 
Tarbell, Charles H., (Pemville,) farmer leases 60. 
TARBELL, JAMES W., (Peruville,) farmer 42. 
TARBELL, MAJOR B., (Peruville,) farmer leases 130. 
Tarbell, Thomas B.. (Peruville,) farmer 49. 
TEETER, BENJAMIN, (Groton,) farmer 40. 
Teeter, David, (Groton,) farmer 63. 
Teeter, Harrison, (Peruville,) farmer 50. 
Teeter, Lavern E., (Peruville,) farmer 63. 
Tetter, Abram, (Peruville,) president of Peruville cheese manuf. 
Tetter, Christina Mrs., (East Lansing,) farmer 86. 
Tetter, Henry, (Peruville,) farmer 10. 
Thomas, Heniy. (Groton,) {Spencar <6 Thomas^ 
THOMAS, JOHN A., (Groton,) {Levi Tlwmaa & Co.) 

THOMAS, LEVI & C()., (Groton,) (Levi andJohnA.,) grocery and provision dealers. 
THOMAS, LEVI, (Groton,)<ie»i T/umas & Co.) 
Thompson, Susan Mrs., (West Grotofl,) occupies 25. 
Thorn, Nathaniel M., (Groton,) surgeon dentist. Union block, Cortland. 
Tiffany, M. D., (McLeanO farmer 30. 
Townley, Fanny Mrs., (East Lansing,) farmer 76. 
Townley, Jerome, (McLean,) farmer 90. 
Townley, Jerome B., (McLean,) farmer 95. 
Townley, Lncins, (McLean^) farmer 60. 
Townley, Marsden A., McLean,) farmer 45. 
Townley, Richard A., (East Lansing,) farmer 20. 
TRUMBLE, NELSON, (Groton,) farmer 128. 
TUCKER, HARVEY, (McLean,) farmer 100. 
Tuttle, William, (West Groton,) farmer 66. 
UNDERWOOD, ALFRED, (Groton,) farmer 200. 
UNDERWOOD, GEORGE W., (Groton,) farmer 162. 
Underwood, Henry D., (Groton,) farmer 80. 
UNDERWOOD, ISAAC, (Peruville,) farmer 110. 
Updike, Lawrence, (McLean,) farmer 64. 
Van Buskirk, Calvin, (West Groton,) retired merchant. 
Van Horn, Jehiel, (Groton,) farmer 96. 
Van Marter, Alonzo, (Groton,) farmer 60. 
Van Marter, Edwin, (Groton,) farmer 43. 
VAN MARTER, ESTUS, (Groton,) farmer 181. 
Van Marter, Judson, (Groton,) farmer 40. 
Vim Marter, Margaret Mrs., (Peruville,) farmer 59. 
Van Marter, Polly Mrs., (Groton,) farmer 45. 
VAN MARTER, SYL VANUS, (Groton,) farmer 120. 
Van Sickle, Henry E., (McLean,) carpenter and joiner. 
Vaugh, Aaron H., (Mc]-.ean,) retired farmer. 
WAIT. ANSON, (Groton,) prop, meat market and constable. 
Wait, George D., (McLean,) constable and carpenter and Joiner. . 
Walpole, Mathew, (Groton,) farmer 66. 
Warfleld, Lyman, (Groton,) farmer 14. 
WATROUS, EZRA J., (Groton,) farmer 117. 
Weaver, Denison K., (Groton,) farmer 60. 
Weaver, Ellas R., fGroton,) alio, physician and surgeon. 
i Webster, Francis W., (Groton City,) (.with MdUm,) farmer 60. 
. WEBSTER, ISAAC, (Groton City,) farmer 217. 
P Webster, Milton, (Groton City,) (wlthFrancis W.,) farmer 60. 
Webster, William, (McLean,) butcher. 

M ' 




18 6 8. 

The Ithaca Jonmal Printing Office waa destroyed by fire on the evening of Noyem- 
oer 22, 1867, and re-organized with entire 

»ODthelstof January, 1868. It IS now the Most Complete Printing Office 
im the State. It la ftamished with types of the Ijatest StTles, and most approved 
manofiictare. There are in operation Tbree Beautiful machine Presses. 

1 —The Gordon Lightning Jobber, 

(EIGHITM medium:,) 

iWhich prints Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., perfectly, and with great rapidity. 

2--Haif Medium Gordon Franklin, 

Which prints all kinds of general Jobs, including Pamplilets, Hand Bills, 
'BosOs. Pages, Circulars, &c. ' 

3--The Taylor Drum Cylinder, 

This Press is substantially like the celebrated Hoe Press, and is believed to be equally as 

All kinds of Job Work done wit;h great care, and in-the most prompt manner. 
The Journal office has one of the most competent and tasty Job Printers in the State, 
and all orders for work are careflilly executed. 

The Journal has been enlarged to an eight column paper, and is second to none in. 
the State. Subscription, $2 per year In advance. 

t>t'S?t£?°™*^ """^ ''^™ under the management of its present proprietor, JOHN H. 
^LKKBG, more than a quarter of a century. Its editors are John H. Selkreg and 
Wesley Hooker; and the general business management la under the charge of Wesley 

Thankful for past favors, the publisher asks the continued patronage of the public. 


WEEKS, MACK, fMcLean,) farmer 100. 

Welton, Edward, (Grotdn,) farmer 95. 

West, Lucretia Mrs., (McLean,) farmer 12. 

Whalen, Walter, (Qroton J shoemaker. 

WHEELER, AMBEOSB B., (Qroton,) farmer 74V 

Wheeler, Elliott B., (McLean,) farmer 70. 

Whipple, David, CMcLean,) farmer 64, 

Whipple, David, Jr., (McLean,) farmer 112. 

White, Boland D., (Groton,). farmer 65. 

Wilcok, Daniel M., (McLean,) farmer 100. 

Willcok, Albert, (McLean,) justice of the peace. 

Williams, A. J., (GrotonJ teacher Groton Academy. 

WILLIAMS, CHABLBS R., (McLean,) ( WUliams & SUme.) ■ 

Williama, George G., (Peruville,) farmer with Mrs. Williams. 

Williams, Jerome, (Groton;) farmer leases 32. 

♦WILLIAMS, SAMPSON S., (Groton,) carriage manufactory. 

Williams, S :)pha Mrs., (Peruville,) farmer 62. 

WILLIAMS So STONE, (McLean,) (Charles S. Williams and Albert G. Stone,) gvocetv 

a nd provision store, and telegraph office. 
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, (Groton,) notary public and accountant. 
Willis, Timothy Rev., (McLean,) M. E. clergyman. 
Wilmot, S. G., (Groton,) blacksmith. 
Willson, Gilbert, (Groton,) livery. 
Willson, Joseph, (Groton,) (I^eree & WHlson,) assessor. 
WILSON, LEVI, (Groton,) farmer 70. 
Wilson, Samuel, (Groton,) farmer. 
Wilson, S. Dewitte, (Groton,) farmer 29. 
Wilson, Stephen H., (Groton,) farmer leases 52. 
Wood, Frank, (McLean,) farmer 20. 
Wood, Jedediah, (Grolon,) tin pedlar. 
Wood, Thomas, (McLean,) farmer leases 50. 

Woodberry, Aaron, (Groton,) president of Groton Cheese Manilf. Co. 
Wooding, William, (Groton,) farmer 12. 
Woods, Frank, (Groton,) barber and hairdresser. 
Woolsey, James B., (Groton,) carpenter, builder and farmer 7, 
Wright, Levi, (Groton,) stone mason and farmer 26. 
WRIGHT, LEVI H., (Groton,) {BoUmon & Wright.) 
Wrig ht, Seneca, (Peruville,) boot and shoe manuf. and farmer 18. 
WTCKOPF, ANSON, (Groton,) prop, of Groton Hotel. 
York, William E. Rev., (Groton,) M. E. clergyman. 
Young, Marvin C, (McLean,) grist mill and farmer 35. 


(Post-Ofiice Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ALGABT, PHILIP, (Five Comers, Cayuga Co.,) fanner 77X- 

Allen, Nicholas T., (Ludlowville,) farmer 117. , 

ARNOLD, LAUREN B., athaca,) farmer 112. 

Atwater, John G., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 100. 

Atwater, Simnel T., (North Lansing,) farmer 70. 

Austittj Betsey E. Mrs., (South Lansing,) farmer 2. 

AUSTIN, MANNING, (Ludlowville,) farmer leases 77. 

Austin, Stephen, (North Lansing,) farmer 19 and leases 80. 

Austin, William, (South Lansing,) farmer leases 50. 

Austin, Wlsner D., (North Lansing,) farmer 170. 

Bacon, Charles H., (North Lansing,) farmer 106. 

Bacon, Daniel L., (North LansingJ farmer 220. 

Bailey, John H.. (Ludlowville,) shoemaker. 

Baker, Albert, (Lansingville,) farmer 180. 

Baker, Charles, (Lansingville.) shoemaker and farmer 1. 

Baker, Edwin S., (Lansingville,) farmer 100. 

Baker, Hyatt, (Lansingville,) cabinet maker and farmer 21Jtf . 

BAKER, JOEL, (Lansm-'ville,) (.with Henry B. Dean,) fanner leases 194. 

Baker, Samael D., fLanBingville,) fanner 183. 

BAKEK, STEPHEN A., (Ludlowville,) carriage maker and general repairer. 

B^KEB, WILLIAM P., (Lanaingville,) wagon maker and farmer 1^. 

Baker, William S., (Lanslngyille,) farmer 170. 

Barnes, Jeremiah, (LudlowTille,) farmer 81>^. 

BABB, DAVID, (Ludlowville,) physician and surgeon and farmer 15. 

Bascom, Lanra Mrs,, (Lndlowville,) farmer 8. 

BEACH, LEWIS 8., (Lansingville,) farmer with Eeuhen 0. Beach. 

Beach, Benben C, (LansingTille,) farmer 64. 

BEAKD, JOHN, (Lansingville,) cooper and farmer 112. 

Beardsley, John, (North Lansing,) farmer 60. 

Beardsley, Perry H., (North Lansing,) farmer ISX- 

Beardsley, Boswell, (North Lansing,) general merchant, postmaster and farmer 48. 

Beckwith, Lafayette, (Ludlowville,) dealer in grain and farmer leases 5. 

Beehe, John, (Ludlowville,) (Harmg & Seebeo 

Benjamin Bros., (Ludlowville,) (Charles J. and George F.,) general merchants and agents 

for the Singer sewing machine. 
Benjamin, Charles J,, (Ludlowville,) (Benjamin Broi.,) town clerk. 
Benjamin, George v., (Ludlowville,) (Benjamin Bros.) 
BENJAMIN, SAMUEL, (LudlowviUe,) lawyer and farmer 153. 
Betts, Erastns, fNorth Lansing,) farmer leases 18. 

Bickel, David, CNorth Lansing,) farmer leases 35. , 

Bickal, John, (Lansingville,) farmer leases 40. 
Bickal, Philander Mrs., (Ludlowville,) farmer 1. 
Bickel, Sarah Mrs., (Lansingville,) farmer 24. 
Bigelow, LydiaMiss, (Forest City,) farmer 65. 
Bishop, Lambert, (Ithaca,) farmer 92. 
Blakley, Horace S., (Lansingville,) carpenter and joiner. 
BLABSjBY, MAECUS, (North Lansing,) farmer 88. 
Bloom, Catherine Mts., (Forest City,) farmer 4. 
Bloom, Henry, (Forest City,) (with Simeon,) farmer 150. 
Bloom, John,jFore3t City,) farmer IW. 
Bloom, John Wesley, (South Lansing,) farmer leases 50. 
Bloom, Lewis B., (Forest City,) constable and farmer 177. 
Bloom, Simeon, (Forest City,) (with Henry,) farmer 150. 
Bloom, Wesley, (South Lansing,) farmer 81. 
BOGAEDUS, ANDEEWB., (Forest City,) (with Evert,) farmer 180. 
Bogardus, Epinetus K., (Forest City,) farmer 92}i. 
BOGAEDUS, EVEBT, (Forest City,) (with Andrew B.,) farmer 180. 
Bogardus, Hasbrouck, (LibertyviUe, Ulster Co.,) farmer 30. 
Bogardus, Jacobus B., (Forest City,) farmer 147. 
Bogardus, J. Bruyn, (Forest City,) supervisor. 
Bower, Abram, (Lualowville,) farmer 253. > 

Bower, Adam, (North Lansing,) farmer leases 40. 
Bower, Adam C., (North Lansing,) farmer leases 50. 
BOWEK, CHAELES P., (Ludlowville,) farmer 65. 
Bower, Dana, (North Lansing,) farmer leases 57X- 
BOWEE, EDWIN S., (South Lansing,) farmer 60. 
Bower, Eliza Mrs., (Lansingville,) farmer 100. 
Bower, George, (North Lansing,) &rmer 101. 
Bower, Harrison, (Ludlowville,) farmer 100 and leases ICO. 
BOWBB, HBNET, (South Lansing,) farmer 126. 
BOWBE, HONTBTEE, (Five Corners, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 100. 
BOWEE, JESSE, (Lansingville,) farmer 140. 
Bower, John, (Lansingville,) farmer 109. 
Bower, Joseph, (North Lansing,) farmer 61. 
Bower, Mervin, (Lansinzville,) farmer 62. 
Bower, Susan Mrs., (Ludlowville.) farmer 2>f . 
Bower. Willard C, (Ludlowville,) farmer 60. 
Bowers, Ezra, (Ludlowville,) farmer 295. 
Bowker, James, (North Lansing,) horse farrier and farmer 80. 
Bowker, Sally Mrs^^ (North Lansing,) former 42. 
Bown, Georeg^L., (Ludlowville,) (Mrs. Mary Bown £ Sons.) 
Bown, Geo. W., (Ludlowville,) carpenter. 

Bown, Mary Mrs. & Sons, (Ludlowville,) (George L. and Calvin B.,) farmer 75. 
Boyce, James K., (South Lansing.) farmer 95. 
Boyer, Charles, (North Lansing,) ftirmer 118. 
Boyer, Jacob, (North Lansing J farmer leases 167. 
Bower, Samuel, CNorth Lansing,) farmer 157. 
Boylis, Henry, (North Lansing,) farmer 85. 
Bradley, Anson, (LndlowvilleT) painter. 
Bradley Mary, Miss, (Ludlowville,) milliner. 

BEI8T0L, MOETIMEE M., (Ludlowville,) cabinet manuf. and undertaker. 
Brooks, Altted, (North Lansing,) farmer 285. 


Brooks, Jefferson J., (Lanslngville,) farmer 94. 

Brown, Albert D., (Varna,) farmer 25. 

BROWN, ALEXANDER, (Ludlowville,) {Brown Bros.) 

BROWN, BENJAMIN, (Varna,) farmer 119%. 

BBOWN, BBOS., (LuaiowviUe,) {Alexander P. ani John,) farmer 160. 

Brown, Calvin D., (Lndlowville.) (Mre. Mary Brown <& Sons.) 

Brown, Christopher J., (Varna,) fanner 38. 

Brown, Denton, (North Lansing,) farmer 46, 

Brown, Ebenezer B,, (North Lansing,) farmer 65. 

BROWN, HORATIO, (Lndlowyille,) manuf. of lumber and farmer 193. 

Brown, Isaac, (Ludlowville,) sawyer. 

Brown, James M., Hjake Ridge,) farmer 83. 

Brown, John^^udlowville,) farmer l}i. 

BROWN, JOHN, (LttdlowTUle.) (Brown Bros.) 

BROWN, JOSHUA, (LndlowTllle,) blacksmith, justice of the peace and farmer 2. 

Brown, LoYlnaMrs., (Varna.) farmer 28. 

Brown, Mary Ann Mrs., (LndOtowville,) occupies 5. 

BROWN, NEWTON, (Varna,) farmer 80; 

Brown, Richard, (Ponfest Clty^ farmer 48. 

Brown, Richard H., (Varna,) former 66. 

Brown, Samuel, (Forest City,) farmer 60. 

Bryant, Thaddeus R., (South Lansing,) farmer 22. 

Buchanan, AradijtLake Ridge,) fiirmer 1. 

BUCK, AMOS, (East Lansing,) fiirmer 110. 

BUCK, BENSON, (East Lansing,) farmer 120. 

BUCK, ELI B., (East Lansing,) farmer 100. 

Back, Hiram M., (Bast Lansing,) farmer 77. 

BUCK, JAMES G., (East Lansing,) farmer 150. 

Buck, Melinda Mrs.,^(EaBt Lansing,) farmer 85. 

Buck, William N., (East Lansing,) post master, overseer of poor and farmer 71. 

Bnnett, Margaret Mrs., (Ludlowville,) farmer 14. 

Bunnel, Henry tiLansingville,) farmer 99. 

BnrdickLJohn F., M.D., (Forest City,) physician and farmer 160. 

Burger, William, (Ludlowville,) farmer 6. 

Burttngham, Maria Mrs., (Lake Ridge.) former 1. 

Bums, Edwin, (Lake Ridge,) (with, John,) farmer 25. 

Bums, J<&n, (Lake Eidge,) (with Edwin,) farmer 25. 

Burns.Matthew, (East Lansing,) farmer 7. ,.,..,, ■ j .j. „„„„ 

BUEli, JAMBS A. & CO., (Ludlowville,) (William Mead,) dealers in dry goods, grocer- 
ies, drugs and general merchandise. 
BUSH, CHABLES A., (Ithaca,) farmer leases 232. 
BUSH,^CHAELBS B., (Forest City,) farmer 73. 
Bush, Daniel, (Forest City,) (with Stromd,) farmer leases 12o. 
BUSH, DANIEL S., (Forest City,) farmer 285. 

Bush, Edwin, fVarna,) farmer leases 150. ^ ,, . n- . 77 ^ = „f ,r,«.v 

Bash & Howell, (LudiowyiUe,) (Calvin M. Bush and Marion Eowdl,) props, of meat 

Bush, Jesse, (Ithaca,) farmer leases 50. 
Bush, Maria Mrs. and children, (Ithaca,) farmer 232. 
BUSH, PETER, (Forest City,) fanner 100. 
BUSH, ROBERT, (Ithaca,) farmer 426. 
Bush, Stroud. (Forest City,) (with Daniel) farmer leases 125. 
Bush, Susan Mrs., (Forest City,) farmer 10. 
Butler, Harriet Mrs., (North Lansing,) farmer 8. 
Bysher, Ann Miss, (Ludlowville,) farmer 9. 
Campbell, Benjamin, (Ithaca,) farmer 148. 
Campbell, Jerusha Mirs., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 117. 
Case, Erastus, (East Lansing,) blacksmith. 
Castello, Ellen Miss, (Lake Bidge.) artist. 
Cavanaugh, Charles A., (Ludlowville,) blacksmith. 
Chittenden Samuel P., (Five Corners, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 100. 
Clark, Allen M^ (LanSingvlUe,) farmer 6. J 

Clark, Alonzo H.. (Ludlowville,) town assessor and farmer 137. 
CLARK, GABRIEL, JEast Lansing,) mason 
Clark, Stephen W., CCiudlowviUe,) fanner 100. 
CLARK, WILLIAM W., (Ludlowville,) farmer 87. 

Collins, Hartson W., fftbaca,) lime manuf. and farmer 3U. 

Collins, John, (South Lansing,) farmer 9. 

Collins, John T., (South Lansing,) farmer 123. 

Collins, John W., (South Lansing,) boatman. 

Collins, Smith, (South Lansing,;Tarmer 70. 

Conklin, John H., (North Lansing,) farmer leases 100. 




Sash, Blinds & Doors, 

Planing, Straiffht and Circular Sawing, 

Turning, Molding, Brackets, &:c. All Work -wax- 
ranted. Sbop opp. Stone mill, 

tpitjm:an-sbtjrgh:, n. t. 

^. H. & E. P. QUiaLEY, 

Dealers in all Kinds of 

IF'Ili^flLCSIrCSrinXrCSr J 


Kept in our Quarries delivered on the shortest notice. Delivered by Canal or Bailroad 
from Cayuga Bridge, Quarry near Frog Point Landing, on Cayuga Lake. 



Charter Oak I<ife Insurance, 

No. 27 E. STATE ST., ITHACA, K Y. 

T H O ]MC r» SOIV Ac oo., 


Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver & Plated Ware, 

Watcbes, Clocks and Jeirelry neatly Repaired and TTarranted.— 
All Goods as Represented and Cheap for Casb. 




metallic Bnrlal Cases, and 'VlooA Coffins of all kinds constantly 
on hand, and furnished to order. 

Hearse in Attendance at Funerals. 


ConnellyjPatrick, (South Lansing,) farmer 8. 

Conner, William, (East Lansing,) farmer 3. i 

CONEAD, JESSE H., (Lndlowville,) (Conrad & Snyder,) collector of taxes. 

CONKAD & SSNYDEB, (Lndlowville,) (/«««« S; Conrad and Daniel Snyder,) boots and 

Cook, Abram, (East Lapsing,) farmer 1>^. 
Cook, George, (Forest City,) farmer 60. 
Cornell, Charles N., (Lanslngvllle,) farmer leases 2)tf. 
Corwin John, (Five Comers, Caynga Co.,) farmer 45. 
COX, WILLIAM T., CNorthLanslng,) Dhynician. 

CEITTENDEN^ILMAN D., (North Lansing,) prop. North Lansing flonringmUI. 
CROCKER, DAVID, (Five Comers. Caynga Co.,) farmer 140. 
Crocker, Frank, (Lansingville,) fanner leases 88. 
Crocker, Mabel A. Mrs., (Lansingville,) farmer 88. 
Croft, Frank, (LansingyilleO shoemaker. 
Curtis, Josiah, (North Lansing,) manuf. of boots and shoes. 
Cutter, Geo.L., fflast Lansing,) farmer 43. 
DATES, JOHN D., (Lndlowville,) lawyer and farmer 331. 
Davenport, Oliver, (LudlowvilleJ 

Davis Brothers, (Lake tlii^e,) (Samuel L. and Isaac,) farmers 110. 
Davis, Isaac, (Lake Ridge,) (Davie Brothers.) 
DAYIS, JACOB, (Lndlowville.) farmer 128. 
DAVIS, JAMBS B., (Lndlowville,) farmer 150. 
Davis, John, (Lansingville,) carpenter and farmer 12. 
Davis, Joshua B., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 33 and leases 208. 
Davis, Joshua, Sen., (Lake Ridge.) 
Davis, Lydia B. Mrs., (Lndlowville,) farmer 156. 
Davis, Mary Mrs., (Lndlowville,) farmer fiO. 
Davis, Sally Mrs., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 87. 
DAVIS, SAMUEL, (North Lansing,) farmer 113. 
Davis, Samuel L., (Lake Bidge,) (Davie Srothere.) 
DAVIS, WILLIAM, (Lake Ridge,) farmer 179. 
DAVIS, WILLIAM, (Lake Ridge,) (F. A. Perm & Co.) 
DEANjHENRY B., ffiansingvflle,) (with JoelBaker,) fanner leases 194. 
Dean, Warren H., (Lansingville,) farmer 70. 
Dear, William A., (Lndlowville,) farmer leases 1. . 

DearbortfBros., (North Lansing;,) (Frank and Biley^ farmers 42. 
Dearborn, Frank, (North Lansing,) n)earbom Bros.) 
Dearborn, Riley, (North Lansing,) (Deariom Bros.) 
DeCamp, Calvin, (North Lansing,) farmer 65. 
DB CAMP, DANIEL, (North Lansing,) farmer 100. 
DeCamp, Daniel 2d, (North Lansing,) farmer 94>^. 
DeCamp, Harvey, (East Lansing,) farmer 52>^. 
DeCamp, JohnL(North Lansing,) blacksmith. 
DE CAMP, MORRIS, (North Lansing,) farmer 200. 
DeCamp, Wesley, (Lansingville,) prop. Lansingville Hotel. 
DeHart, William, (South Lansing,) farmer 48Ji. 
Dickerson, Daniel J., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 63. 
Dolton. Eli, (Lndlowville,) farmer. 
DOOLITLLB, HORACE, (Lansingville,) fanner 109. 
Douglas, John W.,^aBt Lansing,) farmer 90. 
DOUGLAS, SARAH A., (East Lansing,) farmer 114. 
Drake, Catherine Mrs., (Forest City,) fanner 13>f. 
Drake, Francis, (Lndlowville,) farmer 63. 
Drake, Gabriel O., (Sonth Lansing.) farmer 64. 
Drake, George F\, (South Lansing,) farmer 90. 

Drake, George W., (South LansingO fanner 36. . 

Drake, Henry B., (Sonth Lansing,) farmer 80. 
Drake, John D. Coo, (Lake EidgeJ farmer leases 275. 
Drake, John L^ (South Lansing,) boat builder and farmer 48. 
DRAKE, PHEBE B. MRS., (South Lanslng,)yarmer 6. 
Drake, Bufus: J,, (LansingvilleO farmer 40. 
DRAKE, SAMUEL S., (South Lansing,) farmer 120. 
DRAKE, WILLIAM, (Forest City,) farmer 83. 
Driscol, Thomas, (IthacaO farmer 60. 

Dusenberry, Francisco, (Etna,) Baptist minister and farmer 74. 
Egau, Patrick, (North Lansing,) farmers. 
Emery, John, (Lndlowville,) moulder. 

Emmons, Harrison, (Genoa, Cayuga Co.,1 (Snyder & Mmmone.) 
Emmons, Isaac D., (Libertyville, ulster Co.,) farmer 6. 
Emmons, Josiah, (Lansingville,) farmer 55. 
EMMONS, SIMON V., (Lansingville,) mannf. spokes. 
Emmons, Susan Mrs., (tansingvUle,) farmer 71Ji. 
Ervy, Henry, (Itliaca,) farmer 88. 



Sewing Machine Agency, 




T. E^'S*'*^''*"^ makes four different Btitches: Lock, Double Look, Knot and 
:"o°D'e Knot, and has the reverBible feed, elegantly finished, warranted for five years. 

JtlrlCS. f uo> 

The GOItD MEDAIt makes the Grover & Baker stitch, and ia warranted equal in 
every respect. Price, $45. 

years P-^? ^° " '*'"■**'* Machine, makes the Look stitch, and is warranted for five 
- S&!S5^.?.^!'''j^*i«'£'e Grover & Baker stitch. Price, $25. 
^n^ * »5??''*^9^ * ®*^'?'! '*•» (««« cut above,) makes the same stitch as Wil- 
cox & Gibbs, and are warranted for three years. Price $33. 

i„ Age™*" wanted. Send for Glronlar. yxe are also FJre and Life 
ma* Agents* 



LANSING. . 209 

PAELIN. CHAUNCEY P., (Ludlowville,) physician, surgeon and coroner, 

Fassett, Alonzo, (North Lansing,) farmer 60. 

Fenner, Barney, (Lake Eidge,) farmer 150. 

Fenner, Casper, (Lake Kidge,) farmer 265. 

Field, AlansonJ (south Lansing,) farmer 100 and leases 35. 

Field, Eliza Mrs., (South Lansing,) farmer 85. 

Field, Henry B., (Ludlowville,) firmer leases 14. 

FIELD, PETER B., (South Lansing,) farmer with Alanson Field. 

FIELD, SAMUEL B., (South Lansing,) farmer 106. 

Fitch, Henry, (North Lansing,) justice of the peace and farmer leases 100. 

FITCH, WILLIAM R., (North Lansing,) farmer 100. 

Fitzgerald, John, (South Lansing,) blacksmith. 

Fletcher, Ahel, (Lanslngville,) farmer 4. 

Fletcher, Allen, (Lanslngville,) farmer 50. 

Fletcher, Dana W., (Lansingville,) painter. 

Fletcher, Phebe Mrs., (Lansmgville,) farmer It. 

Freece, Joseph, (North Lansing,) blacksmith and farmer 25. 

Frees, Daniel, (North Lansing,) farmer leases 10. 

French, Sarah Mrs., (North Lansing,) farmer 75. 

Fritz, Charles, (Lansingville,) carpenter and farmer leases 6. 

Geo, Hiram Rev., (Ludlowville,) Methodist clergyman. • 

GIBBS, ELIAS T., (Forest City,) farmer 145 and leases 65. 

GIBBS, JOHN W., (Forest City,) auctioneer and farmer 87. 

Gibbs, Naney Mrs., (Forest City,) farmer 65. 

GIBBS, NEWELL, (South Lansing,) farmer 100. 

Gilkey, Frank, (North Lansing,) (with Henry Newman,) farmer leases 130. 

Goodwin, Sewardl., (Libertyville, Ulster Co.,) lumber manufacturer and farmerl. 

Graves, NelsonjJBast Lansing,) farmer 22. 

Green, George W., (Lndlowville,) farmer 5K and leases 5. 

GEEEN, LAMAR, (Lake Ridge,) manuf. lumber and farmer 110. 

Green & Willing, (Lake Ridge,) lumber manufs. and dealers. 

Gregory, Sally Mrs., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 21. 

Hagin, Barnard M., (South Lansing,) dealer in grain and farmer' 39. 

Hagin, Charles G., (South Lansing,) dealer in grain, wool &c., and farmer 98. 

HALL, DARIUS, M. D., (Lansingville,) justice of the peace, notary publicand farmer 67. 

Hamilton, Arthur S., (Lansingville,) farmer 75. 

HAMILTON. JOHN W., (Lansingville,) farmer 125. 

HAMMON, JAMBS, (Lansingville,) shoemaker and farmer 20. 

Hargin, Charles, (Lake Ridge,) flsherman. 

Haring & Beebe, (Ludlowville,) (Zlsios Earimcmd JohnBeebe,) farmers 300. 

Haring. Delos, (Ludlowville,) (Haring & Beebe.) 

BARING, JOHN, (East Lansing,) farmer 160. 

Harvey, Rachel, (Lake Ridge,) ftrmer IX- 

Haskin, Clinton A., (Lansingville,) engineer, surveyor and farmer 90. 

Haskins, William A., (Ithaca,) carriage manuf. and farmer 55. .„ j , 

Raskins, William S., (Lansingville,) prop, of Salmon creek flouring mill and farmer 255. 

Hays, Henry, ?South LansingO farmer 50. 

Head, John, (South LansingO mason and farmer 8. 

Head, Joseph, (South Lansing,) farmer 53. 

Hedden, Isaac, (East Lansing,) farmer 90. 

Hedden, John, (Ludlowville,) boatman. 

Hedden, Luther, (Ludlowville,) farmer 20. ■ ^^ 

HEDDEN, LUTHER 2d, (South LansingO farmer 110. 

HEDDEN, RICHARD T., (Ludlowville,) farmer 98. . ^ , , ,, ,. 

HEDDEN, WRIGHT A., (Lake Ridge,) lumber and grain dealer, storage and forwarding 

and farmer 61. „ ,, , ,„„ 

Herrick, Hiram, (Libertyville, Ulster Co.,) farmer leases 120. 
Hilliard, Catharine Mrs., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 1. 
Hilliard, Isaac, (Five Comers, Cayuga Co.,) farmer leases 140. 
HOCKMAN, DANIEL, (Ludlowville,) farmer 107. 
Holden, Charles N., (Ludlowville,) farmer 50. 
HOLDBN, HIRAM S., (Lansingville,) farmer 29o. 
HOLDEN, JOHN, (North Lansing,) farmer 300. 
HOLDEN, JOHN, (North Lansing,) farmer 360. 
HOLDEN. WILLIAM, (North Lansing,) farmer 165. 
Howard. DanieL (Lansingville,) farmer 4 and leases 2. 
■Howe, Electa," (Bast Lansing,) farmer 50. 

Howe, John, (South Lansing,) farmer 15. .. . , ,, „„, , 

Howeil, Alanson T., (Ludlowville.) retired cabinet maker and farmer 1. 
Howell, James F.. (Ludlowville,) boatman. 
Howser, Anson, (North Lansing,) blacksmith and farmer 2. 
Howeer, Charles, (North Lansing,) farmer 17. 
Howser, Esther Mrs., (North Lansing,) farmer 6. 



Cor. State and Aurora Sts., 


W. H. WELCH, Prop'r. 

THs House is centrally located in the Busines part of the Town. 

. Free OiniMs to convey Gnests to aii Iroi all Trains ani Steamloats. 

stages liCave this Honse Dally for all Parts. 


Wo. 81 E. STATE ST., ITHACA, ST. Y., 

(Adjoining the Ithaca Hotel.) 


Shaving and Hair Dressing Rooms 

In tbe Oonnty. four Flrst-Class Operators constantly employed. 

The latest styles of Hair Catting and Hair Dressing, for Ladies, Gentlemen and 
Youth. Hair Dyeing and Shampooing.' Cocoanut Oil for the Hair, only BO cents for 8 
oz. bottles. Dealers supplied by the doz., gross or gallon, at wholesale prices. 

GEO. A. JOHNSON, Prop'r. 


Howser, Henry, (Nortli Lansing,) farmer 68. 

Humphrey, Charlee, (South Lansing,) painter and farmer 3. 

Hunt, Michaeli (Forest City,) farmer 4. 

HUSON, JOHN, (Ludlowville,) shoemalcer and farmer 8. 

Ingley, Jane Mrs., (North Lansing,) tailoress and farmer 12. 

IVBS, ALMON C, (South Lansing,) general merchant, constable, post master and farmer 

IVES, LOEBNZO D., (North Lansing,) farmer 140. 
JACOBS, CHARLES, (North Lansing,) farmer with Mrs. Maria Jacobs. 
JACOBS, HENRY, (North Lansing,) farmer. 
JACOBS, JESSE, (North LansingJ farmer 82. 
Jacobs, Maria Mrs., (North Lansing.) farmer 94. 
JEHU, RICHARD, (Ludlowville,) miller. 
Jennings, L. F., (Lndlowville,) farmer 190. 
Jones, Robert, (North Lansing.) farmer 9. 

Kam, Peter, (North Lansing,) farmer 128. . , , , ^ , 

KELLY, DENNIS, (North Lansing,) prop, of North Lansing hotel and farmer 1. 
Kelly, Nelson, (North Lansing,) manuf. of boots and shoes and farmer 12. 
Kelly, Patrick, (Lansingvllle,) /farmer 208 and leases 200. 
KBLSEY, LEE, (Lansingvllle,) blacksmith. 
Kent, 'Lorenzo, fflorth Lansing,) farmer leases 10. 
Kentz, Daniel, (South Lansing,) butcher. 
Kiper, Anthony, (Lake RidgeO farmer leases 100. 

Kiper, John, (Lake Ridge.) farmer 100. 

Knettles, Alberts., (South Lansing,) dealer in grain and farmer 245. 

KNETTLE8, HENRY, (South Lansing,) commissioner of highways and farmer 117. 

KNETTLES, JOHN T., (South Lansing,) farmer 130. 

Koplin, Angeline, (Libertvville, Ulster Co.,) farmer 120. , 

Labar, Chafles, (Ithaca,) farmer 46. 

Labar, Henry B., (South Lansing,) farmer leases 245. 

Labar, James, (Forest City,) carpenter and farmer 61%. 

Labar, John, (Ithaca,) farmer 50. 

Lane, John J.^^ast Lansing,) carpenter and farmer 20. 

LANE, ROBERT, (North Lansing,) farmer IBO. 

LANE, WILLIAM, (North Lansing,) farmer 300. 

Lanterman, Sallv Mrs., (East Lansing,) farmer 50. 

LEARN, DANIBL, (North Lansing,) farmer 130. 

Lester, Elihu A., (Five Comers, Cayilga Co.,) fanner 73. 

Linderman, Jacob S„ (North Lansing,) farmer 82. 

LOBDELL, EBENEZER, (Lansingvllle,) farmer 121>ii'. 

Lobdell, Jacob, (Bast Lansing,) farmer 68?i. 

Lobdell, Stephen I., (North Lansing,) carpenter and farmer 18. 

Longcqy, Julius, (North Lansing,) farmer 4. j fe™„ en 

LOaras, LEWIS a., (South Lansing,) carpenter and jomer and farmer 50. 

Loomis, Ma¥y J. Mrs., (South Lansing,) farmer 10. 

LOUCKS, DAVIS S., (Ludlowville,) blacksmith. 

Lowe, MosesL(Lndlowville,) farmer leases 20). 

LUCE, ISRAEL, (Forest City,) plaster manuf. and farmer 125. 

LUCE, JAMES, (Forest City,) farmer 25. 

LUDLOW, HORATIO N., (Ludlowville,) farmer 78. 

Lumbard, Daniel J., (Ludlowville,) shoemaker. 

Lyon, Calvin, (Lndlowville,) carpenter. 

Mack, Gilson, (South Lansing,) lime burner and farmer 2. 

Mack, John W. , OiUdlowville,) farnjer 22. 

MAOORIS, PATTy (East Lansing,) farmer 153Jf . 

Mallory, Charles, (South Lansing,) miller and farmer 10. 

Malloiy, Henry, (South Lansing.) boatman and farmer 80. 

Malony, James, (North Lansing,) farmer 50. 

Malony, Nathan, nsforth Lansing,) farmer 1. 

Manning, Daniel 0., (Forest City,) farmer 80. 

Manning, Ephraim 2d., (Forest CityO farmer 24^. 

Mapes, Thomas J., (East Lansing^) farmer 94X. 

Marsele, Frank, (South LansingJ boatman and termer. 

MCCORMICK, DAVID, (LakeKidge,) farmer 106. 

MCKINNEY, AMOS H., (Ithaca,) farmer 128. .^^„^^ 

McKinney, James M^, (Ithaca,) plaster manuf. and farmer 180. 

McKinney, Maggie BTiss, (Ithaca,) farmer 70. 

MEAD, JOHN, tSouth Lansing,) farmer 175. 

Mead, John M., (South Lansing.) farmer 97. 

Mead, Mary Miss. (Ludlowville.) miUiner.. „_,„„. 

MBAb.WlLLIAM; (Ludlowville,) (JamMA. Burr & Co.) 

Merrow, William, g,ansingvllle,) farmers. 

Metzker, Eva Mrs., (North Lansing,) farmer 3. 

Miller, Ahnira Mrs., (East Lansing,) farmer 5%X- 

To Harness Makers, Farmers, Teamsters, & others using Team Harness 
Tbe annexed Engraving Represents tlie 

"Cole Patent Wedge Tongue Trace Buckle," 

AVltlch was Patented Oct. 10,1865i It lias been fnlly and practical- 
ly tested, and wherever Introduced has met with the hearty approval of all parties using it. 
The following are a few of Its advantages. 

1. It allows the trace to he drawn PBEPBCTLT STRAIGHT without any Cramping. 

2. There is no draught on a tongue as in nearly every other trace buckle in use, which is 
liable to mt and Itreak the trace ; bnt the strain comes direcUy on an iron wedae, and the hard- 
er the pull on the trace the firmer the wedge holds it. 

8. It is more easily adjusted than any other buckle in use. Ifo hammers, sticks, stoties or 
levers being needed to assist in lengthening or shortening the trace. 

%. The saving in wear of traces, will, in a very short time, more than pay the slight dif- 
ference in cost between it and the ordinary buckle. 

6. Any thickness of trace can be used that is desired, as there are rivet holes cast in the 
tinder side of the bnckle for the purpose of fastening in layers of leather which will vary the 
space under the wedge as may be required. 

We only ask a fair trial, being confident that it will prove the truth of the above statement. 

For sale by all Saddlery Hardware Dealers and Harness Makers in the United States and 

manufactured Exclusively by 


Manufacturers of Saddlery Hardware. 



Of Every Description, 

M k Hem, 

Double and Single, made fl:om a superior quality of Oak and Hemlock Leather. Also 

Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Trunks, 

Tallses, I<adles' & Gents' Traveling Bags, Fly Nets, Fly Sbeets, 
Horse Blankets, Ac, &c,, &c. 

Repairing done on short notice, and at moderate prices. 

Xo. 16 N. Aurora St., Ithaca, X. Y. 


MILLER, ALPHEUS, (North Lansing,) farmer S&H. 

Miller, Barndy, (Ludlowville,) wagon maker. 

MILLBK, EDMUND S., (LanBingvllIe,) miller. 

Miller, Prank M^ (East Lansing,! (M. B. Miller & Son.) 

Miller, George W,, (East Lansing,) assessor and farmer 6. 

MILLER, HENRY, (South Lansingj) prop, of Central Exchange hotel and farmer 6. 

Miller, Irvin, (Bast Lansing,) {with Prnmer,) farmer 157. 

Miller, M. B. & Son, (East Lansing,) (Marvin S. andFranh ilf.,) blacksmiths and farmers 

Miller, Marvin B., (East Lansing,) (M. B. Miller &Son.) 
Miller, Melchia, (North Lansing,) farmer 100. 
Miller, Myron, (North Lansing,) farmer 60. 
Miller, Palmer, (East Lansing,) {with Irvin,) farmer 157. 
Miller, Peter, QNorth Lansing,) farmer 115. 
MILLER, RENSSELAER, (East Lansing,) fanner 200. 
Miller, Simon, (North Lansing.) 
Minier, Clement S., (South Lansing,) farmer 65. 
Minier, Henry, (South Lansing,) farmer 8. 
Minier, John B., (South Lansing,) farmer 6. 
Mitchell, OhloeMrs., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 415. 

MITCHELL, GEORGE H., (Ludlowville,) prop, of the Ludlowville flouring mill, plan- 
ing mill, axe handle factory and saw mill. 
Mitchell, J. J., (Ludlowville,) W. U. Telegraph operator. 

Mitchell, Sally Miss, (Lake Ridge,) farmer 275. 

Mitchell, Sarah Ann Mrs., (Ludlowville,) boarding house. 

Moe, John, (Lake Ridge,) general dealer and farmer 47. 

Moe, Marcus M., (Lake Eidge,) general dealer and farmer leases 50. 

MOOEB, WILLIAM H., (North Lansing,) miller. 

Morey, Charles, (Ludlowville,) farmer leases 67. 

Morey, Mary, (Lake Ridge,) fanner 60. 

MOREY, SAMUEL, (Ludlowville,) farmer 250. 

Morgan, Edwin, (Ludlowville,) fanner 62. 

MORGAN, EDWIN G., (South Lansing,) farmer 68. 

Morgan, Mliles A., (Ludlowville,) carpenter and joiner and farmer 1. 

Morris, Zimri, (Ithaca,) farmer 90. 

Morrison, Sydney M., (South Lansing,) farmer 103. 

Mourn, Frank, (North Lansing,) farmer 14. 

Mulligan, John, (Ludlowville,) blacksmith. 

Munson, Moses, (East Lansing,) fanner 51. 

Murphy, Martin, (Ludlowville,) farmer 2. 

Murray, Lewis H., (Lanslngville,) farmer 6. 

Myers, Alonzo, (North Lansing,) mason and farmer 1. 

Myers, Harrison, (South Lansing,) mason and farmer 1. . . , . . 

MYERS, HENRY, (Ludlowvilfe,) flouring and saw mills, dealer in grain, lumier, &c., 
and farmer 460. 

Nelson, Sarah Mrs., (Ludlowville,) dressmaker. 

NEWMAN, GEORGE, (South Lansing,) farmer 196. 

Newman, Henry, (North Lansing,) {with Frank Gilkey,) farmer leases 130. 

Newtori, George W., (Ludlowville,) tailor. 

Newion, Silas K., (Ludlowville,) saddle and harness maker and farmer 3. 

North, C. Howell, (Ludlowville,) farmer 150. . „ „ 

NORTH LANSING HOTEL, (North Lansing,) Dennis Kelly, prop. ■ 

Norton, Jehiel, (South Lansing,) forwarder, boatman and farmer leases 80. 

NORTON, JONATHAN H., (South Lansing,) dealer in grain, forwarder and former 142. 

NIVER, ABEAM, (North Lansing,) blacksmith. 

Ogden, Jacob, (Forest City,) farmer 12. 

Ogmun, Jacob, (North Lansing,) farmer leases 100. 

Osmun, Abram, (North Lansing,) mahnf. of lumber and fanner 340. 

Osmun, Charles JB., (North Lansing,) farmer leases 140. 

Osmun, Emily Miss, (North Lansing,) farmer 1. 

Osmun, Ira, (North Lansing,) constable and farmer 100. 

OSMUN, JEREMA I., (_North Lansing,) farmer 100. 

Overaker, William, (Ludlowville,) farmer leases 4. 

Parsons, Loretta, (IthacaO {with Sally,) farmer 25. 

Parsons, Nelson, (North Lansing,) farmer 85. 

Parsons, Sally, (Ithaca,) (with Loretta,) farmer 2.i. 

Patchen, David, (Lake Ridge,) farmer 1. 

Patchen, Lewis, (Lake Ridge,) firmer IX. 

Patterson, James, (North Lansing,) farmer 50. 

?EETy°"*T& cb^°Ll"Riage^)\j5^Sm^^^^^ Ferry Jr. and William Davi,,) dealers 

in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, notions &c. 
Perry, Freeman, Sen., (Lake Ridge,) shoemaker. 



PEEEY, TEBEMAN A. JE., (Lake EidgeOt^. A. Perry & Co..) post master. 
Perry, dram B., (Lake Eidge,) fanner 126 and leases 60. 
Ploaek, Heory H., (Ludlow^Ue,) dealer in eggs and country prodace. 
Pratt, John W. Eev. (LanslngviUe,) local preacher and farmer 100. 
Pressey, Abner, (Lualowville,) carpenter. 
Price, Solomon, (LudlowviUe,) shoemaker. 

Keeves, Moses, (Sonth Lansing,) (Beeves <fc Tcnmg.) ,„.,._ . , ,_, 

Beeves & Young, (South Lansing,) (Moaea Eemea and Samel 0. Young,) farmers 171. 
Ehoades, Dana. (North Lansing,) farmer 60. 
EHODBS, HENRY, (North Lansing,) 236. 
Ehcdes, Isaac, O-ake Bidge,) carpenter and farmer 50. 
EHODBS, JACOB F., (North Lansing,) school teacher and farmer leases 50. 
EOBBBTS, JAMES H., (LndlowvilleO farmer leases 128. 
BOBBBTSON, THOMAS, (Forest City,) farmer 115. 
Bobins, David H., (Ludlowville,) carriage maker. 
BOBINS, WILLIAM J., (South Lansing,) carriage maker. 
Eoblnson, David, (North Lansing,) farmer 4. 
Bobinson, Israel, (North Lansing,) farmer 17. 
Robinson, Samuel, (South Lansing,) miller and farmer 60. 
Eogers, Eunice B. Mrs., (North Lansing,) farmer 14. 
Engers, Polly Miss, (East Lansing,) weaver and farmer 14. 
Boss, Charles, (North Lansing,) farmer 13. 
Boss, James, (North Lansing,) farmer 33. 
Ross, Thomas, (North Lansing,) farmer 29. 
Royal, James B., (North Lansing,) farmer 57>^. 
Eoyal, John, (North Lansing,) farmer 50. 
Sabin, Walter Q., (Ludlowville,) shoemaker. 
Sanford, Ephraim, (North Lansing,) farmer leases 1. 
Schenck, Mary Mrs., (East Lansing,) farmer 32. 
Schooley, Nathaniel, (Lansineville,) farmer 16 and leases 17. 
Scott, Hiram, (Ludlowville,) farmer i. 
SEAMON, CORNELIUS, (South Lansing,) blacksmith. 
SBAMON, JAMBS E., (Libertyville, Ulster Co.,) farmer leases 20. 
BBARLS, JAMES B., (North Lansing,) fanner 70. 
Searles, Walter, (Ludlowville,) farmer 103. 
SEELY, WAEEEN, (Ludlowville,) prop, of Ludlowville hotel. 
Sellen, Jerome, (LanslngviUe,) farmer 20. 
Shaw, Eliza Mrs., (Sonth Lansing,) farmer 44. 
Shergur, Joseph, (South Lansingj lime burner and farmer 53. 
Shoemaker, Henry, (Ludlowville,) farmer 100. 
Shoemaker, Jacob, (South Lansing,) manuf. of lumber and farmer 160. 
Singer, Samuel, Morth Lansing,) farmer 60. 
Singer, William A., (North Lansing,) carpenter. 
SLOCUM, ALBEET, (LanslngviUe,) farmer 95. 
Smith, Aaron B., (LanslngviUe,) farmer leases 100. 
Smith, Ananias, (Ludlowville.) farmer 39>f . 
SMITH, ASA W., (Ludlowville,) dentist. 

SMITH, AUSTIN T., (South Lansing,) auctioneer and farmer leases 315. 
Smith, Edward, (Five Corners, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 70. 
SMITHjBDWIN S., (LanslngviUe,) fermer 110. 
Smith, Hanford, (Lake Bidge,).farmer 139. 
Smith, Henry, (Ludlowville,) weaver. 
Smith, Isaac L., (Five Comers, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 75. 
Smith, Jerod M., (Lake Eidge,) farmer leases 30, 
Smith, John W., (Lansingvule,) constable and farmer. 
Smith, Philemon L., (Ludlowville,) post master and boot and shoo dealer. 
Smith, Buftis H,, (LnolowviUe,) farmer 46 and leases SS}i. 
Smith, Samuel H., (Lake Eidge,) farmer leases 139. 
SMITH, SAMUEL S., (LanslngviUe,) farmer 2>f. 
Smith, Sarah Miss, (LanslngviUe,) farmer 110. 
Smith, WiUiam, (Forest City,) farmer leases 100. 

SNYDEE, DANIEL, (Genoa, Cayuga Co.,) (Snyder <& Emmont,) (Conrad & Snyder, 
LndlowviUe,) tanner and currier, also farmer 180 in Lansing and 150 In Genoa, 
Cayuga Co. 
SNYDEB & EMMONS, (North Lansing,) (Daniel Snyder and Sarrison Emmons,) to- 

Snyder, Sylvester, (Varna,) farmer 85. 
Sperry, Alvah J., (Lake Ridge,) farmer 215. 
SPEBEY, ALVAH J., (LudlowviUe,) (M. B. <6 A. J. Sperry.) 

SPERBY, M. E. & A. J.. (Ludlowville,) (MarshaM B. and Alvah J.,) dealers in hardware. 
8PEEEY MABSHALL E., (Ludlowville,) (U. B. <fe A. J. Sperry.) 
Stark, John, (South Lansing,) carpenter and former 1. 
Starr, Daniel, (Lake Bidge,) Inrmer leases 74. 
Starr, Joseph M., (Lake Eidge,) painter. ' 

LANSmO. 315 

Steeraburg, Isaac P., (East Lanaine 1 farmer <IR 
STEINBERG CHABLES H., (Eas^ttSng,) farmer 220. 
Stewart Bmeline Mrs., (Ludlowville,) farmir 60 

100. (LanBingvlUe,) post master, dealer in general merchandise and farmer 

STORMS, ABEL, (Ludlowville,) farmer 200. 
Storms, John, (Lansiugville,) farmer 7 

i™{!^uKSiv^f "f °^'"''^ p"''"''^ '^°'"«'' ''°"='^«' ""^ '»""«' !«• 

StubbB, Eoyal^ (South Eansing,) farmer leases 1 3. 
SULLIVAN, DANIEL, (Laueingville,) farmer 120 
Swartwood, Leroy, (Five Corners, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 30. 
Sweasey, Sally Mrs., (Lansingville,) farmer 7 
Sweazey, Calvin, (Ludlowville,) (with Jacob,) farmer 75 
Sweazey, Jacob, (North Lansing,) farmer 84. 
Sweazey, Jacob, (Ludlowville,) (with Calvin.) farmer 75 
Sweazey, Thomas, (North Lansing,) farmer 18 
SWEA2EY, THOMAS, (Ludlowvlile,) farmer 110. 
Tarbell, Abram H., (North Lansing,) farmer 99. 
Tarbell, Almon M., (North Lansing,) farmer 68 
Tarbell, Johnson M., (North Lansing,) farmer 67 

Z^'Jifh Riw^-i^''/''T'''^,^*°^-W.™*°°''- oHumber, cider and flax, and farmer 4. 

Tauver, Robert A., (Ludlowville,) farmer 2. 

Teeter, Andrew, rLibertyville, Ulster Co.,) lumber manuf. and farmer 202. 

Teeter, Andrew, (Ludlowville,) (with Beriry,) farmer 188. 

Teeter, Franklin, (Ludlowville,) farmer 43. 

TEETEE, GEOKGEW., (Forest City,) farmer 170 

Teeter, George W., (Ludlowville,) farmer 83. 

TEETEE, HAERISON, (Five Corners, Cayuga Co.,) farmer 150 

TEETEE, HENEY, (LndVwviUe,) (with ZnX«;,) iirmS 128 

Teeter, Jacob, (Ludlowville,) farmer 57. 

Teeter, Jefferson, (South Lansing,) farmer 84 

Teeter, Letty Mrs., (Ludlowvillej farmer 50. 

Teeter, Peter, (Ludlowville,) farmer 40. 

Teeter, Polly MrSy (North Lansing,) farmer 5. 

Teeter, Eichard, (Lansingville,) farmer 91. 

Teeter, Sally Mrs., (Libertyville, Ulster Co..) farmer 20 

TEETEE, VINCENT, (Libertyville, Ulster Co.,) farmer 92. 

Teeter, warren. (Ludlowvilb,) farmer 45. 

TEETER, WILLIAM, (South Lansing,) farmer 120. 

Teeter, Zeno M., (East Lansing,) farmer leases 11^. 

Terpening, Permelia Mrs., (South Lansing,) farmer 60. 

Terry, Susan Mrs., (Ludlowville,) farmer I. 

THAYEE, DANIEL H., (Ludlowville,) njanuf. of agricultural implements, dealer in 

groceries, provisions, hardware, &c. 
Tichenor; Charles, (Forest City,) (with John,) farmer 110. 
Tichenor, Daniel, (North Lansing,) mason and farmer 1. 
TICHENOR, FLEMING, (SouthXansing,) boatman. 
Tichenor, John, (Forest City.) (with Charles,) farmer 110. 
Tichenor, Nancy Mrs., (South Lansing,) farmer 60. 
TODD, JOSUa, (Lake Ridge,) farme? 150. 
Todd, ^dney S^ (Ludlowville,) farmer 80. 
TOMPKINS, CHAELBS A., (North Lansing,) farmer 56. 
TOWNLEY, AARON H., (South Lansing,) farmer 300. 
Townley, Charles, (Ludlowville,) farmer 84. 

Townley, James, (Lake Eidge,) prop, of Lake Eidge hotel and farmer 33V'. 
Townley, John A., (Ludlowville,) farmer 215. 
Townley, John N., (Ludlowville.) farmer 160. 
Townley, Lewis J., (North Lansing,) farmer 109. 
TOWNLEY, MANLEY, (Ludlowville,) farmer 176. 
Townley, Oliver P., (South Lansing,) farmer 310. 
Trimmer, Adam, (North Lansing,) farmer 50. 
Tucker, Almon, jLansingville,) farmer leases 110. 
TUTHILL, DAVID, (Lake Eidge.) farmer 71. 
Vananken, Aaron B.. (Ludlowville,) groceries and provisions. 
VANDEEMAEK, HEEMAN L., (South Lansing,) cooper and farmer 14. 
Vanpatten, Samuel S., (Ludlowville,) cooper. , 

Wager, Frances M. Mrs., (Ludlowville,) farmer 45. 

WALDO, EUGENE, (Ludlowville,) millwright, book keeper and school teacher. 
Warner, George H., (Lansingville,) blacksmith and farmer 1. 
Weaver, Amaziah, (Ludlowville,) mason. 
Weaver, Joseph, CNorth Lansing,) farmer 7. 
Weaver, Mosher, (North Lansing,) mason and farmer IX. 
Webster, Jonathan, (South Lansing,) carpenter and farmer 1. : 




No. 2 Wieting Block, Syracuse, N. Y., 

(Of ten years standing at Ogdensturgli,) 


The Dunham Piano Forte, 

Also the Central, Hallet & DaviK, Boardman & Gray, Hazleton, 

Raven & Bacon, Vose, miller, Guild, Arion, and others. 

Also for the unequalled 


(J. Esty & Co., and R. Burdett & Co.,) 

(Imitation of the Human Voice,) pronounced by the Musical Profession the Best Heed 
Organ in the world. Please send for circular describing this wonderAil invention, (the 
VOX HUMAiNA TREMOLO.) Also Wholesale agents and dealers in other 


And Musical Merchandise of all ICinds. 

We buy direct of the Uanufacturers and Importers at their Vmoul rales to thiirialuiU- 
sale agents. Our store expenses are much less than New York and Boston Honses, 
thereoy enabling ns to sell on better terms to the Trade, to Teachers, Clergymen, 
Churches, Schools and Societies, as well as to retail customers. 

Purchasers will find themselves more than paid for a visit to Syracuse in the bar- 
gains that can be secured at this Wholesale House, (having great advantages over any 
small establishment.) 




lansins-n:ewfield. 217 

Welch, Henry B., (Vama,) farmer 49. 

Western Union Telegrapli Co., office in James A. Bnrr's store, J. J. Muchell, operator. 

WHITE, B. BATES, QLudlowville,) farmer 109, 

Wilcox, , (Forest City,) farmer 40. 

Wiidman, John N., (Liidlowville,) farmer 68. 

Wilkinson, Kohert C., (Forest City,5 farmer 1. 

WILLIAMS, BQBBBT, (North Lansing,) farmer 109. 

Williams, George, (North Lansing,) farmer 70. 

Williams, Harrison, (Lake EidgeO farmer 90. 

WILLIAMS, ISAAC H., (South Lansing,) farmer 190. 

Williams, Nathan, ff^orth Lansing,) farmer 60. 

Williams, William B., (South Lansing,) farmer 59. 

Williamson, Benton, (Lake Kidge,) farmer leases IIT. <. 

WilliamBon, Charles H., (South LansingJ hoatmaa. 

Willing, (Lake Eidge,) (0reen iSs WilMng.) 

Willing, Henry, Ovake Bidge,) farmer IIX. 

WILLIS, CHAELBS, (North Lansing,) cooper. 

Willis Jacol), (North LanslngJ cooper and fanner 81. » 

WILsbN, JOHN 3., (Lake Eidge,) farmer with Mrs. Chloe Mitchell. 

WOOD, AAEON, (LudlowrUleO shoemaker and farmer leases 121. 

Wood Amasa, (Ludlowvllle,) cabinet maker, sorghum manuf. and farmer 121. 

WoodI Daniel C, (Ludlowville,) farmer 8>^. 

Wood Lavina, (East Lansing,) weaver and farmer 30. 

Woodbury, James M., (South Lansing,) justice of the peace and farmer 5. 

WOODS, FEANK, (Ludlowville,) shoemaker. 

Wooley, Austin, (Lansingville,) farmer 20. 

WOOLEY, EDWIN, (Ludlowville,) farmer 140. 

WOOLBT, ELI, (Lake Eidge,) farmer 118. 

WYCKOFF, lEA, (South Lansing,) farmer 150. 

Wvckoff John W., (South Lansing,) manuf. of brooms and farmer 101. 

Young, David 0., (South Lansing,) (Beeves <6 Young.) 


(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, Jeremiah, (Newfleld,) farmer 20. 
Alexander, Aaron, (Newfleld,) carnage manuf. 
Alexander, Geo., (Newfleld,! farmer 340. 
Alexander, John, (Newfleld,) faimer 288. ,.,_„,. <,on 

ALEXANDEE, ilAEY ANN MBS.. (Newfleld,) grmei 280. 
Alexander, Eobert, (Poney Hollow,) farmer 172^. 
Allen, Albert K.. (Newfleld,) fanner 90. 
Allen, Hiram, (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 


Anderson, Benoni B., (Newfleld.) farmer 85. 

Anderson, James H., (Nevvfleld.) grocer. 

Anderson Mary Mrs., (Newfleld ) fa™«r 22X. 

Anflsraon William M., (Newfleld.) farmer 80. 

aSotiN JOHlHcay^ta, Schuyier Co.,) farmer 84. 

bailey: GEo!VWewfleld,) carpenter and joiner. 

Bailey, James, CNewfleldO farmer 75. 

Ballev Larlcum, (Newfleld,) miller and farmer 15. _ 

Bailey Morton A., (Newfleldp Bcho(J teacher. ■ 

l^¥/bn" H^^^^rSSbiacksmith and farmer 54 

N . ^ -^--— - 


Barnnm, James C, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 60. 
Beach, Alonzo, (West Danby,) blacksmith and farmer 88. 
BEACH, HOLDBN, (Newfleld,) farmer leases 44. 
Beach, John, (Newfleld,) farmer 60. 
BEARDSLEY, JOHN, (Newfleld,) farmer 122. 
Bell, James, (Newfleld,) farmer 63. 
Bellls, Charles, (Ithaca,) farmer 94. 
BelliSLSamuel W., (Newfleld,) cooper. 
BIEBECK, SUSAN MRS., (Newfleld,) farmer 63. 
Bishop, Franklin D., (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 60. 
BISHOP, GEORGE, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 100. 
BISHOP, GEORGE H., (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 100. 
BISHOP, LEVI, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 100. 
BISHOP, RANSOM, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 113. 
BLAKESLBE, HAVILLAH D., athacal) farmer 233. 
Blakeslee, William P., (Ithaca,) prop. National hotel and farmer 100. 
BOWER, PHILIP, (Newfleld,) farmer 132. 
Bowers, Leander, (Newfleld,) farmer 26X. 

Boyce, James, (Caynta, Schuyler Co.i) shingle manuf. and farmer 25. 
Boyce, Jasper M., (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) rarmer 50. 
BOYCE, JTJDA C. MRS., (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 23. 
Boyer, Herman E., (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 55. 
Boyer, John B., (Caynta, Schuyler Co.j) farmer 55. 
Boyer, Susan, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) iiarmer ph. 
Brink, Sylvester, (West Danby,) farmer M. 
BROWN, ABRAM, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 100. 
BROWN, ALVAH, (Poney Hollow,) farmer 250. 
BROWN, AUGUSTaS S., (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 51. 
BROWN, HOLDEN T., (Newfleld,) farmer:360. 
Brown, Holden, (Newfleld,) farmer 68. 
Brown, Jeddiah, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,); farmer 75. 
Brown, Steven T., (Newfleld,) insurance agent and farmer 140. 
Burdick, John, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 25. 
Burdick, Leonard T., (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 26;^. 
BUSH, NELSON^ (Newfleld,) farmer 102X. 
BUSKIEK, PETER, (Newfleld,) farmer 107. 
Buzzard, Eosel, (Newfleld,) teamster. 
CARMAN, JASON, (Poney Hollow,) farmer 135. 
Carman, Jonathan O., (Newfleld,) farmer 47. 
Carpenter, Jerry, (Poney Hollow,) farmer 70. 
Carpenter, John P., (Trumbull Comers,) harnesstin^ker. 
CARPENTER, JOSEPH, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 200. 
CARPENTER, JOSEPH JR., (Poney Hollow,) farmer 100. 
Carpenter, Noble, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer .10. 
Carpenter, Reuben H., (Trumbull Corners,) farmer'53. 
CARPENTER, WILLIAM C, (Ithaca,) carpenter and farmer 147. 
CAVANAUGH, DANIEL T., (Newfleld,) farmeril02. 
Cavanaugh, Joseph, (Newfleld,) farmer 80. 

CAVANAUGH, MICHAEL R., (Newfleld,) lumberman find farmer 107. 
Cavanaugh, Peter, (Newfleld,) blacksmith and farmer leases 102. 
CHAFFEE, ANDREW, (Newfleld,) farmer 150. 
Chaffee, EllSn Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 22. 
, Chapman, James J., (Trumbull Comers,) (foUh Dorm C. Barnes,) fanner 295. 
Chatman, Sanford, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 2. 
Clark, Israel S., (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 68. 
Clark, James M., (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) lumberman and fermer 21. 
Clark, John W.,JTrumbnIl Corners,) farmer 85. 
CLARK, LUTHER M., (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 100. 
Colegrove, James L., (Newfleld,) farmer 43. 
Colhns, Ira, (Newfleld,) farmer 50. 
Collins, Phlismer, (Newfleld,) farmer 13. 
Compton, Abigail Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer '40. 
CONGDON, CHARLES R., CNewfield,) farmer 118. 
COOK, ABEAM, (Newfleld,) farmer 118. 
Cook, Charles, (Newfleld,) farmer 65. 
Cook, Christopher C, (Newfleld,) physician and surgeon. 
COOK, JAMES H., (Newfleffl,) farmer 61>f . 
Cook, William, (Poney Hollow,) farmer 40. 
Cooper, AlviUj (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 90. 
CORNISH, DIRE, (Newfleld,) farmer 104. 
CORNISH, HIRAM, (Trumbull Corners,) shoemaker. 
Cornish, Hiram Jr., (Newfleld,) farmer 66. 
Comwell, Corydon, (West Danby,) farmer 20. 
COENWELL, H. LAVINA, (West Danby,) farmer 82. 


COX, WM. A., (Newfleiao farmer 135. 

CEANCE, AZUBAH A. MRS., (West Danby,) farmer 20. 

Crane, Philips., (Cayittaville, Schuyler Co.,) carpenter and farmer 115. 

Craskga, Philip, (Trumbull Corners,) lumberman. 

Crawford, Alphe«a,(Newfleld,) farmer 80. 

Crawford, Andrew G., (Ithaca,) farmer 70. 

CEAWFOED, DANIEL, (Newfield,) farmer 125. 

Crowell, John, (Newfleld,) postmaster. 

Culver, John, fflewfleld,) (Kellogg & Culvert 

CUETIS, DAVID W., (Newfleld,) farmer 320. 

CURTIS, BEASTUS (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 

Cutter, LaFayette, (Newfleld,) assistant assessor internal revenue and farmer 116. 

Cutter, Nelson B., (Newfleld,) farmer 55. 

Dassance, Bosea, (Newfleld,) farmer 30. 

DASSANCB, ISAAC E., (Newfleld,) farmer 184. 

Dassance, Nancy Mrs,, (Newfield,) farmer 100. 

Dassance, Oney, (Newfield,) farmer 224. 

Dassance, Sebastian Rev., (Newfleld,) Baptist clergyman and farmer 50. 

Dassance, Steven, (Newfleld,) farmer 42. 

DAVENPORT, JOHN, (Newfleld,) farmer 185. 

DAVIS, LOUISA MES., (Ithaca,) farmer 150. 

DAVIS, PHILETUS, (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 

Dean, Albert S., (Newfleld,) building mover. 

Dean, SidneyR., (Newfleld,) farmer 80. 

DEGEAW, WALTEE, (Alpine, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 113. 

Deland, Joseph, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 110. 

DENSE, CHAELES, (Newfleld,) farmer. 

Devenport, Oliver R., (Trumbull Corners,) carpenter and joiner and farmer 18. 

Devenport, Stephen, (Newfleld,) farmer 167. 

DEYO, HENRY P., (Ithaca.) butcher. 

Dickens, Amasa, (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 

Dickens, William, (Newfleld,) farmer 50. , ,, 

DIETEICK, ABEAM J., (Pouey Hollow,) prop. Poney Hollow Hotel, and farmer 156. 

DIMICK, HARRISON S., (Poney Hollow,) farmer 40. 

Doolittle, Benjamin, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 122. 

Doolittle, Prank, (Newfleld,) gl-ocer. 

DOOLITTLE, jJSHIAL, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 79. 

Douglass, Catherine Mrs,, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 21. 

Douglass, William C, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 127. 

Drake, Benjamin D., (Newfleld,) farmer 1U4. 

DEAICE, EDGAE, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer. 

Drake, Joseph C, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 12. 

Drake, Nancy Mrs,, (Trumbull Cotners,) farmer 61J^. 

Drake, Reuben, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 74. 

Drake, Samuel, (Trumbull Corners,) {with Lewis Puff,) blacksmith. 

Drake, William, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 67. 

Dudley, Jacob R., (Newfleld,) wool dealer and farmer 101. 

Dudley, Perclval S., (Newfield,) millet. 

Dudley, Samuel S., (Newfield,) farmer 97>^. 

Dunning, Nathaniel B., (Newfleld,) farmer 825. 

Earl, Daniel, (Newfleld,) farmer 103. 

EMBODY, JOHN, (West Danby,) farmer 74. . ,, mc 

Ervay, Charles, (Cayutaville, Schuyler Co.,) shingle manuf. and farmer 1U5. 

Ervy, Sylvanus, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 87>^. 

Estabrook, Robert C, (Newfleld,) justice of the peace and fanner 76. 

EVANS, OLIVBE, (Newfleld,) fii'mer. 

Everhart, Amos, (Newfleld,) general merchant. 

Bverhart, John C., (Newfield,) fajnler 32. 

Everhart, Joseph C. , (TrambuU Corners,) farmer 41. 

Everhart, Philip, (Newfield,) farmer 60. 

Bverhart, Philip Mrs.. (Newfield,) taildress. 

FAIRBEOTHER, EEVO, (Newfleld,) farmer 60. 

Parmer, Wm. E., (Newfleld,) harness maker. 

Parrington, Frank P., (Newfleld,) (Harrington <£ Gzllott.) 

Fish, Daniel P., (Newfleld,) farmer 170. 

PISH, PHILIP, (Newfield,) blacksmith. 

Pish, Simeon M., (Newfleld,) farmer 162. 

Fleming, William L., (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 54. 

Ford, James, (Newfleld,) (with Jo!m,) (aimer 80. 

Ford, John, (Newfleld,) (with James,) farmer 80. 

Ford, Samuel, (Newfleld,) farmer 70. 

Fowler. Chas. W., (Newfleld,) farmer 75Ji. ,„,„„, ,an 

PRBBSB, JOHN. (Poney Hollow,) lumberman and farmer isu. 

FREESE, SIMON, (Newfleld, ) farmer 100. 



TREMBLY & BUBCH, Proprietors, 

lain St., Trumansburgh, N.' Y. 

Onests will jind at this Popalar Motel all the 

Comforts of a Mome. The Tables will 

be sapplied with the delicacies 

of the Season, and the 

Rooms are Airy, Clean & Well Furnished. 

Thomas N. Perkins, 



American & Italian 

Marble ! 

And tbe Best and Finest 

White Ehode Island Granite, 
Monuments & Headstones, 

larWe & Granite Posts for Cemetery 

ENCLOSURES, &c., &c. 

lemploy none but flrst-class workmen, and my prices are always reasonable. Call 
at my works before purchasing elsewhere. ' ■' " " 


Frost, David, (TrnmbuU Comers,) shingle manuf. 

QaUou. James,^ (NewfleldJ farmer 50. 

GAUSLINE, NATHANIBL, (Newfleld,) farmer 10. 

Genimg, Calvin H., fNewfteld,) farmer 21. 

Georgia, Ann Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 32. 

GEORGIA, CYEENIUS S., (Newfleld,) farmer 128. 

Georgia, Nathan S., (Newfleld,) farmer 2. 

GIBBS, JOHN C, (Newfleld.) farmer 120. 

GILLBTT, JOHN, (Newfleld,) farmer 130. 

GILLBTT, NELSON, (Newfleld.) farmer. 

Gillott & Parrington, (Newfleld,) (NathavM M. GUloU, Frank P. Harrington,) general 

Gillott, Nathaniel M., (Newfleld,) (Gillott & Farrington.) 
Godley, Andrew, (Trumbull Comers,) (with Lorenm,) farmer 86. 
Godley, Charles, (Trumbull Comers,) lumberman. 
Godley, Lorenzo, (Trumbull Corners,) (with Andrew,) farmer 88. 
GORE, MOSES, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 244. 
Gosline, Wm. H., (Newfleld,) farmer 60. 
GRAY, JOHN REV., (Newfleld,) Baptist clergyman. 
Gray, Simeon, (Newfleld,) farmer 30. 
Green, William, (Newfleld,) farmer 10. 
Gregg, Hannah Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 24^. 
Grover, Anson, (Trumbull Comers,) blacksmith. 
Grover, Orison, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 50. 
Grover, Sarah Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 17. 
Hall, Elias, (Newfleld,) shingle maker and farmer 50. 
HAM, GEO. W., (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 
Ham, Luther S., (Newfleld,) justice of peace and farmer 80 . 
Hamilton, Lorenzo D., (Newfleld,) farmer 7. 
HAEKER, JOHN, (Newfleld,) farmer 157. 
Harriman, Lyman L., (Newfleld,) fanner SH- 
HARRINGTON, WILLIAM, JNewfleld.) farmer 100. 
Hazard, Thomas J., (Alpine, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 72. 
Hazen, John P., ffthaca,) farmer 58>!f. 
Heath, Lebbeus, (Newfleld,) carpenter and farmer 30^. 
Henderson, Abraham, (Alpme, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 77. 
Henderson, Chancy G., (Alpine, Schuyler Co.,) (with Lyman E.,) farmer 223. 
Henderson, Lyman B., (Alpine, Schuyler Co.J (with Chaney G.,) Jarmer 223. 
Hendershot, Freeman, (Alpine, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 50. 
Hendrix, Jacob, (Newileld,) fanner 16. 
HINB, JOB, (Newfleld,) farmer leases 178. 
HINE, WM., (Newfleld,) farmer 178. 
Holly, Bezallel I., (Cayutaville, Schuyler Co.,) firmer 44. 
Holly, George W., (Cayutaville, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 6. 
Holman, John W., (Newfleld,) farmer 85. 
Holmes, Charles, (Newfleld,) farmer 50. 
Holmes, Gteorge, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 70i 
HORTON, BBAJDDOCK M., (Newfleld,) farmer 65. 
Horton, Henry, (Newfleld,) farmer 60. 
Horton, Stephen, (Newfleld,) farmer 75. 
Hortbn, William, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 90. 
House, Susan Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 
House!, Mark, (Cayntaville, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 60. 
Hughes, Jacob C, (Newfleld,) farmer leases 100. 
Hymes,Jane Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 120. 
Hyres, William, (Newfleld,) farmer 40. _ 
JAMBS, JOHNF., (Newfleld,) farmer 102, 
James, John T.,_(Newfleld,) painter and farmer 3o. 
Jessup, James W., nSTewfleld,) farmer 60. 
Jessnp, John, (Newfleld,) farmer 55. 
JILLBTT, NJELSON J., (Newfleld,) farmer 130. 
Johnson, Alvin, (Newfleld,) farmer 35. 
KATS, JOHN B., (Alpine, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 67. 
Keen, Elvin J.. (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 48. t 

KELLOGG. CHAS. F., (Newfleld,) farmer 62 and leases 100. , , . 

Kellogg & Culver, (Ne^^-fleld,) (JosL>h KeSogg Jr., and John Culver,) gener,al merchants. 
, Kellogg, Daniel M., (Newfleld,) (with Jay T.,) farmer 86. 
Kellogg, Jay T., (Newfleld,) (jmOi Darnel M.,) farmer 88. 
KELESgG, JOSEPH JR., (Newfleld,) (Kellogg & Culver,) farmer 100. 
Kellogg, Sarah S. Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 50. 
KELLOGG, WILLIAM, (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 
Kelsey, John B., (Newfleld,) manuf. of woolen gpods. 
Kemp, Geo., (Newfleld,) farmer 89 and leases 66. 
Kennedy, John D., (West Danby,) farmer 68. 


KING, MERRITT, (NewfleM,) lawyer. 

Kittenhouse, David, (Newfleld,) farmer 34. 

Knettles, James M^ (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 

Kuettlefl, Joseph, (West Danby,) farmer 90. 

Knickerbocker, Charles, (Newfleld,) farmer 125. 

Kresga, Philip, (Trumbull Corners,) carriage manufactory. 

LaBarre, Richard, (Newfleld,) farmer 163. 

Landon, Daniel, nsewfleld,) farmer 40. 

Larow, Mahlon, (Newfleld,) farmer 257. 

Laughlin, Hiram, (Newfleld,) farmer 70. 

Linderman, Harvey, (Newfleld,) farmer 3. 

Linderman, James F., (Newfleld,) farmer 42, 

LINSAY, EGBERT C, (West Danby,) farmer 65. 

Longcoy, Samuel L., (Newfleld,) farmer 53. 

MALLORY, HARRY, (Newfleld,) farmer 170. 

Marsh, Edwin, (Tmmbnll Comers,) farmer leases 145. 

MARSH, WILLIAM, (Trumbull Corners,) school teacher. 

MASTERS, LEWIS H., (Newfleld,) (with Boyal Soaebroot,) pTcf'te American Hotel. 

McAllaster, Bettjamin R., (Newfleld,) fanner 210. 

McCorn, Charles, (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 

McCorn, John, (Newfleld,) lumber manuf. and farmer 144. 

McCORN, MOSES 2d, (Newfleld,) farmer 104. 

MoDANIELS, MINAR, (Newfleld,) farmer 124. 

McDANIELS, JOHN, (Newfleld,) farmer 30. 

McDANIELS, ORRIN, (Newfleld,) farmer 289. 

McDaniels, RansomjJNewfleld,) farmer 82. 

MCDANIELS, EOSWELL, (Newfleld,) farmer 128. 

MCDANIELS, THOMAS, jPoney Hollow,) resident. 

McEwen, George, (Poney Hollow,) farmer 62. 

McGiveu, William, (Newfleld,) farmer 85. 

McKeen, A., (Newfleld,) ( Van Buskirk <6 McKeen.') 

MEAD, ANNA MRS., (West Danby,) farmer 84. 

Mead, Geo. W., (Newfleld,) farmer 76. 

.Metzler, Joseph, CNewfleld,) boot and shoe maker. 

Millage, Solomon, (Newfleld,) farmer 15. 

Miller, Henry H., (Newfleld,) carriage manuf. and farmer 100. 

MOOT, ALFRED, (CayutayiUe, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 100. 

Moot,Jacob C, (Cayutaville, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 77. 

MURRAY, DAVID, (Newfleld,) farmer 108. 

Nowlan, Truman, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) lumberman and farmer 23. 

Osmun, Freeman, (Poney Hollow,) (witMsaac and nUliam,) farmer 270. 

Osmun, Isaac, (Poney Hollow,) (with William and Freeman,) farmer 270. 

Osmun, William, (Poney Hollow,) (with Isaac and Freeman,) farmer 270. 

Owen, Joseph E., (Newfleld,) (with Elisha Bibble,) blacksmith. 

Palmer, Abraham, (Newfleld,) farmer 51. 

Palmer, Heman B., (Poney Hollow,) farmer 70. 

PALMER, ISAAC, (ifewfleld,) blacksmith and farmer 100. 

PALMER, WILLIAjyi 0„ (Newfleld,) fanner 64. 

PARSONS, JARED, (Newfleld,) shoe maker and farmer 15. 

PARSONS, TIMOTHY, (Newfleld,) farmer. 

Patterson, Nancy, (Newfleld farmer 50. 

PATTERSON, THOMAS, (Newfleld,) farmer 106. 

Patterson, William, (Newfleld,) fanner 53. 

Payne, Elizabeth Mis., (Newfleld,; farmer 229. 

PAYNE, JOHN G., (Newfleld,) farmer 106. 

Pierson, Nathan, (Newfleld.) (T.H. A N. Piersm.) 

Pierson, T. H. & N., (Newfleld,) (TheqahUmB. andNattian,) carriage makers. 

Pierson, Theophilus H., (Newfleld,) (T. B. and N. Piersm.) 

PONEY HOLLOW HOTEL, (Poney Hollow,) Abram J. Dietrick, prop. 

Powers, Michael, (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 60. 

POYER, AARON, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer leases 40. 

Protts, Adam, (Newfleld,) farmer 54. 

PROTTS, ELBERT C, flilewfleld,) farmer 126. 

Protts, George, (Newfleld,) farmer 62V. 

PROTTS, GEORGE W., (Newfleld.) farmer 109. 

Protts, Jacob, (Newfleld,) farmer 16 andJeoses 67. 

Protts, Levi C., (Newfleld,) farmer 49. 

PROTTS, WILLIAM C, (Newfleld,) fanner 126. 

PUFF, JTAOOB, (Newfleld,) farmer 116. 


Boats, Wm., (NewfleW,) farmer 50. 

EOCKWELL, BEinJAMIN, (Poney Hollow,) farmer 250. 

ROCKWELL, HIRAML(Poney Hollow,) farmer 150. 

ROGERS, BRADLEY W., (Newfleld,) farmer 108. 

Rorick, John A., (Cayata, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 95. 

ROSEBROOK, ROYAL, (Newfleld,) (with LewU B. Maatert,) prop'rs American Hotel . 

Rowe, William, (Triimball Corners,) farmer 10. 

Riimsey, Edward, (Trumbull Corners,) prop, grist mill and farmer 5. 

Rumsey, Henry, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 75. 

RPMSEY, ISAAC N., (Newfleld,) farmer 270. 

RUMSEY, ISAIAH, (Trumbull Comers,) firmer 200. 

Riimaey, John P., (Trumbull Corners,) shoe maker. 

Ramsey, Steven, (Newfleld,) farmer 81. 

Savercool, Alonzo, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) (with Leroy,) farmer 100. 

Savercool, Leroy, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) (with Alonzo,) farmer 100. 

SAVERPOOL, URI, (Newfleld,) farmer 236. 

Saxton, John A., (Trumbull Comers,) farmer 64. 

Schoolcraft, Sarah Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 25. 

Se&bring, ClornelinsjT^ewfleld,) farmer 85. 

SEABRINGl, COKNELIUS H., (Newfleld,) dealer in agricultural implements acd larii,cr 

Seabring, John, OTewfleld,) surveyor and farmer 40. 

Seabring, John H., (Newfleld,) farmer 75. 

Seabring, RlchardL(Newfleld,) farmer 80. 

SEABRING, SAMUSL, (Newfleld,) farmer 113. 

Searles, Jane Mrs^ (Newfleld,) farmer 175. 

Seely, Obed A., (WestDanby,) farmer 84. 

SEELY, SEYMOUR A., (West Danby,) farmer 145. 

Seely, Zadoc, (Newfleld,) lumberman and farmer 250. 

Shaffer, Amos, (Newfleld,) farmer 75. 

SHERWOOD, STEVEN, (Cayutaville, Schuyler Co;,) farmer 10. 

Simpson, Charles, (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 

Simpson, Robert, (Newfleld,) farmer 81)^. 

Sinaepaugh, Alpheus, (IthacaJ farmer 62. 

Sinsepaugh, Catherine Mrs., (Ithaca,) farmer 100. 

Sinsepangh, David, (Ithaca,) farmer 105. 

Sinsapaugh, Isaiah, (Ithaca,) farmer B5X. 

Smith, George, (Newfleld,) farmer 75. 

Smith, Henry, (Newfleld,) dealer in cattle and sheep and farmer 150. 

SMITH, HENRY C, (Newfleld,) farmer 73 and leases 83. 

Smith, Isaac, (Newfleld,) farmer 20. 

SMITH, ISAAC L., (Newfleld,) retired farmer. 

Smith, Jacob, (Newfleld,) farmer 50. 

SMITH, JAMES P., (Trumbull Comers,) general merchant. 

SMITH, JOHN H^ (Ponev Hollow,) farmer 50 in Schuyler Co. 

Smith, John P., (Tmmbnll Corners,) farmer 70. 

Smith, Joseph, (Newfleld,) farmer 40. 

Smith, Lewis H^ (Tnimbull Comers,) farmer 40. 

Smith, SamuelH., (Newfleld,) farmer 91. 

Smith, Wm. R., (Newfleld,) overseer of poor and farmer 83. 

Snyder, David, (Newfleld,) farmer 80. 

Snyder, Jacob J., (NewfleldO farmer 136. 

Snyder, James M;., (Newfleld,) farmer 78. 

Snyder, John, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 60. 

Snyder, Richard M., OTewfleld,) farmer 80. 

Snyder, William H., (Newfleld.) farmer 63. 

Snyder, William W., (Newfleld,) farmer 23. 

Spauldmg, Phineas, (Newfleld,) sawmill and farmer 74. 

Stamp, Benjamin, (Poney Hollow,) farmer 126>tf. 

STAMP, OTLBBRT 0., (Newfleld,) farmer 62. 

STAMP, JONATHAN, (Newfleld,) hotel proprietor. 

STAMP, JULIAS A.. (Poney Hollow,) farmer 80. 

Stannara,Zena8 J^ (Poney Hollow,) farmer 76. 

Stanton, Henry, (Newfleld,) farmer 10. 

Stark, Catharine, (Newfleld,) farmer 8. 

Starks^Harnm, (Newfleld,) farmer 50. 

STARKS, HURUM JR., (Newfleld,) farmer. 

STARR, BENJAMIN, (Newfleld,) mason and supervisor. 

Starr, cias. M., (Newfleld,) dealer in reapers and mowers and farmer 6o. 

Stewart, Horace S., (Newfleld,) farmer 35. 

Stewart, Ira, (Newfleld,) farmer 64. 

Stratton, David, (Newfleld,) farmer. 

Stratton, William, (Newfleld,) farmer222. 

Sturdyfent, Dennis, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 54. 






House Furnishing & Builders Hardware 
%xm, mttl wm, 

•Mechanics' Tools, Carriage Trimmings, 







And for several First-Class 

PiiLii & iiiiiii sni E$, 

mannfacturers of Bvery Description of 

Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware. 

ill afford*"* will at all times be found complete, and our prices .as low as the market 


SWartwood, Hiram, (Oaynta, Schuyler Co..) farmer 72. 

TABOE, PBLEG; (isfewfleld,) farmer 103. 

Tasigart, Benjamin H., (Newfleld,) farmer 50. 

TiCGGAKT, WM., (Newfleld,) farmer 15T. 

TAYLOR, CATHA.KINE I., (Newfleld,) dress maker and tailoresa. 

Taylor, David, (Newfleld,) farmer 43. 

Teeter, Andre<r, (Newfleld,) farmer 50. 

TEETER, GEO. K., (Newfleld,) farmer 152. 

Teeter, George, (Newfleld,) farmer 60. 

Thompkins, Almerin, (Newfleld,) farmer 87. 

Thorn, Elvin, (TrainbuU Corners,) (with Peter Thorp,) carriage manuf . 

Thorp JPeterLfTrumbuU Comers,) (wi</t Sum r/iora,) carriage man ui. 

Todd, Henry K., (Newfleld,) farmer 53. 

Todd, John V., (Newfleld,) farmer 62.^. 

Todd, LntherB., (Newfleld,) farmer leases 175. 

Tompkins, Abbey Mrs., (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 84. 

TOMPKINS, BRADLEY, (Newfleld,) farmer 08 and leases 120. 

Tompkins, Bradford K., (J^ewfleld,) farmer 78. 

Tompkins, Sallie Mrs., (Newfleld,) farmer 130. 

Trnmbnll, Almine, (Trumbnll Corners,) farmer 48. 

TUPPBK, JAMES S. JWest Danby,) farmer 105. 

Tapper, J:olm, (West Danby,) farmer 52. 

Underdown, John, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 63. 

Vail, John, (Trumbull Corners,) farmer 3. 

VALE, ISAAC, (Newfleld,) farmer 100. 

VanBnskirk & McKeen, (Newfleld,) (Jlfos«« YanBusklrk and A. McKeen,) cijrar macr. - 

VanBuskirk, Moses, (Newfleld,) (VanBaskirk & MoKeen,) collector of town taxes . 

TanBuakirk, Phineas, (Newfleld,) farmer 110. 

VanKirk, Andrew J., (Newfleld,) farmer 184>^. 

VanKirk, Morgan, (Newfleld,) farmer 170. 

VanOstrand, Abram, (Newfleld,) farmer 174. 

WALDORPF, Z^HANIAH H., (Newfleld,) farmer 10. 

Wescott, John, (Newfleld,) farmer 73. 

Whitney, Amos B., (West Danby,) carpenter and farmer 33. 

Whitney, John, (West Danby,) lumberman and farmer 44. 

WHITNEY, MILO C, (West Danby,) farmer 110. 

Williams, Benjamin P., (Trumbull Corners,) lumberman and farmer 76. 

WILLIAMS, CORTEZ M., (Trumbull Corners,) resident. 

Williams, John, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 12. 

WOOD, HORACE, (Trumbull Corners,) mason and farmer 2. 

WoodhuU, Smith, (Newfleld,) blacksmith. 

WORDEN, LEMUEL P., (Newfleld,) farmer 15. 

Worden, Orin, (Newfleld,) farmer 163. 


(Post-Offioe Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abel, A. p., (Trumansburgh,) lot 37, farmer 61. 

ABEL, A. i., (Trumansburgh,) (with J. S.,) lot 28, fanner 273. _ 

Abel, Andrew J., (Trumansburgh,) house, sign and carnage pamter! 

ABEL, J. S., (Trumansburgh,) (with A. i.,)Iot 27, farmer 373. 

AIKEN, JOHN O. , (Trumaiisburgh,) carpenter and builder. 

Alden, A. S., (Trumansburgh,) carpenter and farmer 60. 

Aldridge, Lewis H., (Waterburgh.) lot 27, farmer 40. 

Allen, William A., (Trumansburgh,) retired farmer. 

Amraack. Stephen A., (Perry City, Schuyler Co.,) lot 18, farmer 79X- 

Andrew,Edward, (Waterburgh,) lot 12, farmer 64. •vro„.i=„!ii m 

Andrews, Henry, (Trumansburgh,) lot 20, farmer leases of L. MandeviU, 10. 

Andrews, John, (Jacksonville,) farmer 55. 

Arden, Robert, (Trumansburgh,) farmers. 

Arnold, Jacob, (Jthaca,) lot 32, farmer 86. 


ArrowBmithJTameB, (TramanBbnrgh,) (MandeviU & ArrowimUh.) 

*AUSTIN, WILLIAM, (Trumansburgh,) lawyer and insurance agent. 

Ayers, Nathaniel S., (Trumansburgh,) lot 11, farmer 65. 

Balnbridee, Chas., (Jacksonville,) lot 38, farmer 70. 

BALL, ISAAC C, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 175. 

Bancroft, Charles P., (Trumansburgh,) cabinetmaker and photograph art|iBt, (retired.) 

Bancroft, John O. Mrs., (Trumansburgh,) milliner and fancy goods. 

BANK OF TEUMANSBURGH, (Trumansburgh,) capital $50,000 ; Hyland K. Clark, 

president: AsaB. Clark, cashier. 
BANNAN, MICHAEL, (Jacksonville,) lot 20, farmer 50. 
Banta, John, (Jacksonville,) farmer 33. 
Barber, William, (Perry City, Schuylet Co.,) lot 18, farmer 2. 
Barnum, Joshua, (Jacksonville,) lot 31, farmer 58>^, 
Barto, Henry D., (Trumansburgh,) president Henry D.Barto & Co'sBank and notary 

Barto, Henry D. & Co's Bank, (Trumansburgh,) Henry D. Barto, president; George T. 

Spink, cashier ; John Woodworth, teller. 
BABTO, R. CXJacksonville,) agent fori Ohio Buckeye reaper and farmer 93. 
Bates, Alfred, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 120. 
Bates, Sylvester H., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 132. 
BELL, WM. F., (Trumansburgh,) lot 20, butcher. 
Benbridge, Michael, (Jacksonville,) lot 32, farmer 26. 
BLUB, ABEAM Q., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 32. 
Blue, Jesse, (Jacksonville.) lot 23, farmer 52X. 
BlucLJohn, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 23. 
BOARDMAN, TRUMAN, (Trumansburgh,) retired farmer 120. 
Booth, Wm., (Jacksonville,) lot 21, farmer 56. 
Bouton, Jason D., (Trumansburgh,) proprietor Stone flouring mills, saw mill and 

farmer 20. 
BOWER, ALEXANDER, (Waterburgh,) lot 21, farmer 195. 
BOWER, ANDREW, (Jacksonville,) lots 23 and 31, farmer 130. 

BOWEE, CHARLES M., (Jacksonville,) lot 23, keeper of, county house and farmer 100. 
Bower, David, (Waterburgh,) lot 26, farmer works E. Bowers' farm 155. 
Bower, Geo. H., fWaterbnrgh,) lot 11, farmer 50. 
Bower, Thomas M., (Jacksonville ) farmer leases 1.30. 
Bower, Thomas 2d, (Waterburgh,) lot 11, farmer 76. 
BOWYEE, EDWARD D., (JackBonville,) lot 30, thresher and farmer 15. 
Bradley, Daniel, (Trumansburgh,) retired farmer. 
Bradley, Nathan T., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 50. 
Bradley, Walter, (Jacksonville,) lot 31, farmer 22. 
BRANNEN, MICHAEL, (Jacksonville,) lot 20, farmer. 
Brewer, Benjamin, (Trumansburgh,) boot and shoemaker. 
Brewer, Philip C, (Trumansburgh,) shoemaker and farmer 4. 
BEIQGS, SAMUEL R., (Trumansburgh,) lot 20, farmer 135. 
Broas, Jessie, (Jacksonville,) lot 30, pump maker. 
Brown, John E., (Jacksonville,) carpenter and builder. 
Brown, Enos L., (Jacksonville,) (Brown <6 Base.) 
Brown & Rose, (Jacksonville,) (moa L. Brown and Theo. C. Base,) blacksmiths and 

carriage makers. 
BULLAED, ISAAC, (Jacksonville,) hotelprop. 
BUECH, CORTDON, (Trumansburgh,) (T^eMley <fc Bureh.) 
Eurdick, Gilbert V., iTrumansburgh,) machinist. 
Burdiek, Henry C, (Trumansburgh,) moulder. 
Burdick, Mason A., jTrumansburgh,) machinist. 
Burghardt, C. W., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 70. 
Burlew, Samuel, (Waterburgh,) lot 19, lawyer and farmer 148. 
Burlew, VanEensselaer, (Waterburgh,) farmer works S. Burlew's farm, 148. 
Bush, Abram Valentine, (Trumansburgh,) saloon keeper and miller. 
BusH, Ey^ (Trumansburgh,) fanner 80. 
CAMP JlDWAED, (Trumansburgh,) resident. 

Camp, Hennon, (Trumansburgh^ linseed oil manufacturer and farmer 100. 
Campbell, Z. C, (Jacksonville,) lot 82, farmer 100. 
Carman, Caleb, (Jacksonville,) lot 28, thresher and farmer 25. 
Carman, Enmor, (Jacksonville,) lot 29, drover. 
Carman, Jacob, (Jacksonville,) farmer 93. 
CAEE, JOHN, (Jacksonville,) farmer 120. 
Chamberlain, James, (Trumansburgh,) lot 11, farmer 56. 
Chandler & Hungerford, (Trumansburgh,) (Uomnmth Ghandler and Amasa ffunger/ord,) 

Chandler, Monmouth, (Trumansburgh,) (Chandler & Bungerfori.) 
Chandler, Mon, (Trumansburgh,) painter. 
♦CHANDLER, WILLIAM, (Trumansburgh,) undertaker, painter and sealer of weights 

and measures. 
Chapman, Levi, (Trumansburgh,) ffermer 65. 

VLY8SES. 327 

OHASB, HENEY B., (Jacksonville,) physician. 
CLARK, ASA B., fTrumansbargh,) cashier Bank of Tramansbargh. 
Clark, Daniel Q., (Tramansburgb,) house painter and grainer. 
CLARK, JOB G., (Tramansburgb,) (Oufman <£ Clark.) 
Clock, Zalmon W., (Trumansburgh,) miller. 

*CLOtJQH, STEPHEN, (Tramansburgb,) dentist and agent Charter Oak Life and Trav- 
eler's A.ccident insurance companies. 
CODDINGTON, A. P., (Tramansburgb,) insurance agent. 
Cole, Amjr Mrs., (Perry City, Schuyler Co.,) lot 27, farmer 30. 

Cole, David, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 28. 
Cole, Gilbert M., (Trumansburgh,) U, 

viu.ia, v;...u>...^., v'l-'"— '-"''•a-,/ u, S. consul at Acapnlco. 

COLB, ISAIAH S., (Jacksonville,) lot 24, farmer llOJi. 

Cole, John, (Waterburgh,) blacksmith. 

Cole, Nathan, (Trumansburgh,) (Cole & Tan Auken.) 

Cole & Van Auken, (Trumansburgh,) (Natlum Cole and John C. Van Auken,) black- 

Colegrove, David Jr., (Jacksonville,) lot 9, farmer 50. 

COLEGROVB, JAMES, (Jacksonville,) farmer 144. 

Colegrove, John, (Jacksonville,) lot 17, lime kiln and farmer 152. 

Colegrove, Samuel, (Jacksonville,) egg dealer and farmer 90. 

COLLINS, P. W., (Tramansburgh,) merchant tailor and- dealer in gents' famishing 

Comfort, Merritt, (Trumansburgh,) butcher. 

CONLBT, JOHN O., (Trumansburgh,) (Sherwood & Conley.) 

Conover, Ellas, (Trumansburgh,) lot 28, carpenter and joiner. 

Cooper, Daniel L., (Tramansburgh,^ blacksmith and farmer 2}i. 

Cooper, H- G-. (Jacksonville,) lot 14, farmer 67. 

Cooper, Jeremiah, (Jacksonville,) farmer 40. 

Cooper^euben H., (Trumansburgh,) blacksmith. 

Corey, Wm. Q. JPerry City, Schuyler Co.,) lot 18, farmer 120. 

CORNELL, J.OHN H., (Jacksonville,) lot 17, frait raiser, landing and store house Cayu- 
ga Lake, and farmer 130. 

Coyle, Michael, (Jacksonville,) pastor M. E. church. 

Crawford, Minor T., (Trumansburgh,) cooper. 

*CREQUE, JOHN, (Tramansburgb,) hardware dealer. 

Creaue, Wilmott D., (Trumansburgh,) baker. 

CUFPMAN & CLARK, (Trumansburgh,) (David P. Cuffman and Job 0. Clark,) car- 
riage makers. 

CUFPMAN, DAVID P., (Trumansburgh,) (Cuffman & Clark.) 

Culley, Mathew, (Tramansburgb,) machinist. 

CURRY, LUCIUS B., (Jacksonville,) lot 28, farmer 144. 

Dagget, Clark, (Tramansburgb,) farmer 38. 

Dagget, Traman, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 35. 

Davis, Edward, (Jacksonville,) rarmer 60. 

Dederer, Levi, (Jacksonville,) farmer 75. 

Dederer, Wm. C„ (Jacksonville,) farmer leases 75. 

DB 6R00T, ABBAM B., (Trumansburgh,) baker and confectioner. 

DEREMMER, JOHN, (Jacksonville,) lot 24, farmer 105. 

Dickerman, A. B., (Trumansburgh,) firmer 35. 

Dickerman, Chas. S., (Trumansburgh,) (Plckerman & Trautman.) . , „ „, , 

Dickerman & Trontman, (Tramansburgh,) (Chas. S. Dickerman ana Daniel H. rrout- 
man,) photograph artists, 

Dickins, Mahlon, (Jacksonville,) farmer 20. 

Dickinson, Abram B., (Trumansburgh,) painter and glazier. 

Dimick, S. G., (Trumansburgh,) lot 28, farmer 65. 

Dimick, Wm., (Jacksonvillel) farmer leases 46. 

Donovan, Jeremiah, (Jacksonville,) lot 31, farmer 10. 

Douglass, Charles B., (Tramansburgh.) blacksmith. 

Douglass, William M., (Tramansburgh,) blacksmith. 

DOWNING, GEORGE E., (Perry City, Schuyler Co.,) lot 18, farmer 108. 

DUBOIS, PETER, (Ithaca,) lot 25, farmer 121. 

Dumont, David, (Tramansburgh,) (Dumoni, Pierson * Co.) 

Dnmont, Pierson & Co., (Tramansburgh,) (i>aB»<« Dummt, William Fierson, Arthur M. 
Solman and Henry Wakeman,) general merchants. „ ^ , . , 

DUMONT, WALDEON B., (Tramansburgh,) (with Milo Tanduaen,) stone quarry and 

Dunham, John" B., (Trumansburgh,) stage proprietor, Trumansburgh and Havana. 

Dunn, Benj., (Trumanebutgh,) fanner 30. 

Dunn, Thomas, (Trumansburgh,) painter. 

DURLING, ALBERT, (Tramansburgh,) farmer leases 105. 

Darling, Carso, (Jacksonville,) lot 10, farmer 65. 

Earl, John, (Ja<!keonvilIe,) fanner SO. 

EARLj SYLVANU8, (Trumansburgh.) 

*EARLE, SYLVANUS MRS,, (Tramansburgh,) mlllmery and fancy goods. 



€or. North Cayiig^a. and ^eraeca Sts., 

D. S. THOB^PSOP2, Proprietor. 

This House is now pronounced by the most fastidious judges to be as elegant, com- 
modious and complete as any House in New York ; and the Proprietor assures the pub- 
lic that no pains will be spared to make it pleasant and comfortable for his patrons. 

The house has been newly painted, papered and furnished. Visitors will find the 
dining-room elegant, and the table supplied with the delicacies of the season. The 
sleeping rooms are degantly furnished and pleasant, and Tisitors will find the House a 
pleasant home while staying at it. 

Free Omnibus to and from the Oars and Steamboats. 


stone Bnlldlng, IT & 19 S. 
Aarora St., ITHACA, N. T. 

Light Carriages and Platform Wag- 
ons constantly on hand and made to 
order. Particular attention paid to re- 

Residence, 128 E. State St. 




Is the most succeseftil establishment of the kind in the State. 

Eyery yard is warranted to be wrought flrom pure 'nrool. No waste, shoddy or 
shearings were ever used in the manufacture of our goods. 

Parties wanting Casslmeren, Tweeds, Grays, I.adies' Olotbs, Flan- 
nels, dec, of a superior quality, should order directly (fom the Mill. 

Samples sent nrben requested. 



Easling, E. J , (Jacksonville,) fanner 88. 

Basling, G. w., (Tramansburgli,) lot B, farmer 60. 

Easling, Henry, fTrumansburgh;) (toith James,) farmer 60. 

Easling, James, (Tramansburgh,) (leitfi Henry,) farmer 60. 

Easling, Leroy, (Jacksonville,) farmer 65. 

Ehler, John, (Trumansburgh,) tailor, 

Ellick, Isaac, (Tramansburgh,) carpenter and builder, and farmer 3. 

Elmore, Daniel, (Trumansburgh,) agent Singer's sewing machines. 

Elmore, F. George, (Trumansburgh,) canvasser. 

Emery, James E., (Trumansburgn,) groceries and provisions, also overseer of poor and 

justice of peace. 
Essom, Wm., (Jacksonville,) lot 31, farmer leases 64 
Fairchild, Joiin A., (Waterburgh,) lot 27, farmer 44. 

Parrington, John My (Trumansburgh,) alio, physician, surgeon and farmer 37; 
Farrington, P. H., (Jacksonville,) farmer 68. 
Earrington, Wm., (Jacksonville,) lot 22, deputy post master, boot and shoe dealer and 

farmer 96. 
Fish, Charles H., (Trumansburgh,) harness maker. 
Fish, J. Corey, (TrumansburghJ cooper. 

*PISH, E. H., (Trumansburgh,) stone and brick mason. 
Flynn, Nicholas, (Trumansburgh,) blacksmith. 
Follett, Henrietta, (Ithaca,) farmer 5. 

•FOLLETT, J. K., (Trumansburgh,) livery and stage proprietor. 

Follett, John C„ (Ithaca,) farmer 75. 

FOECB, ALBEET W., (Trumansburgh,) wood vforkman, Gregg's Iron Works. ' 

Foster, Daniel, (Jacksonville,) carpenter. 

Fowler, Alva, ffthaca,)lot 32, farmer 1)i. 

FOWLEE, ELI, (Jacksonville,) lot 9, farmer 101. 

Fowler, Eeuben, (Jacksonville,) lot 10, farmer 84. 

Frear, Baltus, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 4X. 

French, Thomas, (Waterburgh,) lot 11, farmer lU- 

Friends Meeting and school house, (Jacksonville,) lot 29. 

Fritts, Daniel J., (Trumansburgh,) carpenter and builder. 

Fritts, Frederick, (Trumansburgh.) farmer 1. 

Fritts, Henry H^ (Trumansbargh,) carpenter, builder and cabinet maker. 

Fritts William T., (Trumansburgh,) carpenter and builder. 

♦FtJLLEE, WILSON A., (Trumansburgh,) groceries and provisions. 

Ganonng, Jarvis, (Ithaca^ farmer works W. P. Luce's farm, 204. 

GANOUNG, JOSEPH, (Jacksonville,) farmer 125. 

Ganoung, Warren, (Jacksonville,) farmer leases 50. 

GANUNG, JAMES, (Jacksonville,) lot 17, farmer lOO. 

Ganung, Wm. H., (Jacksonville,) carpenter. 

*GILTNBE, WILLIAM MES., (Trumansburgh,) millraer and fancy goods. 

Goodwin, Geo., (Jacksonville,) lot 16, farmer 14. 

Goodyear, D. S., (Waterburgh,) blacksmith. 

Goodyear, Lewis, (Trumansburgh,) lot 7, farmer 50. 

Gould, Bethuel V., (Trumansburgh,) retired. ^ ^ „ , , v , vr ;■ ,„„»„,„ 

♦GOULD JOSEPH D., (Trumansburgh,) carpenter, builder, also eash and blind factory. 

Gould, Willis v., (Trumansburgh,) (with Alva C. Owen,) lot 28, farmer 115. 

Graves. Orange 8., (Trumansburgh,) retired farmer. 

Green, Prank, (Trumansburgh.) blacksmith. 

Green, Wm. C., (Jacksonville,) carriage maker. „ „ , j , „,„, .„;■ 

GKEgIg, CHAtTNCBT P., (Trumansburgh,) (Gregg, Fiver & Co.,) produce dealer and 

GEEGG, EEASTUS C, (Trumansburgh,) (dreggi Plytr & Co.) r, n. „ ™^ 

*GEEg6 pAeE& CO., (Tramansburgh,) (i^'oste 6'. Gregg, Ohauncey F. Gregg and 

Charles W. Fh/er,) proprietors Gregg Iron Works. 
Grice, John T., (Waterburgh,) carriage maker. 

*0EISW0LD HENET P., (Trumansburgh.) surgeon dentist. . 

G^rie, Alson, (Trum^sbW,) ag«it ^^ Gregg, Plyer & Go's., mowing machines. 

and retired fanner 8. 
Hale, David, (Trumansburgh,) farmers. 


HALSET NATHANIEL, (Traman^urgh,) mlUer, Halseyville, and farmer 3o. 
Hand, Lewis P., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 50. 
Harrison, E. B., (Jacksonville,) lot 14, farmer 80. 

gWtu^^ra&b'SlWvVentlVirruf^^^^^^^ lumber dealer, manufacturer of 

sash, doors and blinds, and wire fence. 
HASEN, FENTON, (Jacksonville,) carpenter. 
Hatch, Lafayette, (Trumansburgh,) stone mason. 
Hawes, MathiasD., (Trumansburgh,) alio, physician. 
Higgins, Morris, (Trumansburgh,) farmer IdX. 

230 .ULYSSES. 

Hildreth, Wm. B., (Jacksonville,) lot 31, farmer 15. 
Hill, Isaac B., (Tramansburgh,) eclectic physician and farmer 4. 
Hill, Samuel, (Jacksonville,) lot 4, farmer 15. 
HofFmire, Henry, (Trumansburgh,) house painter. 
Holman, Arthur M., (Trumansburgh,) (IhnnOTil, Pierson & Co.) 
Hopkins, Amos T., (Jacksonville,) lot 24, farmer leases 95. 
Hopkins, Celia Miss, (Trumansburgh,) dress maker, 
Horton, Joel, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 1. 
Hovenkamp, John, (Trumansburgh,) cooper. 
Howe, Cyrus H., (Jacksonville,) speculator. 
Sungerford, Amasa, (Trumansburgh,) (Chamdler & Bungerford.) 
Hurfbut, Alba, (Trumansburgh,) lot 20, engineer and farmer 11. 
HUBLBUT, HOMER, (Jaeksonville,) lot 81, farmer 105. 
Hunter, James S., (Trumansburgh,) harness maker. 
Huson, James, (Jacksonville^) lot 21, thresher and farmer .50. 
Iredill, Joseph L., (Jacksonville,) lot Jl, farmer 27. 
Jameson, John, (Trumansburgh,) shoe maker. 
. JEWELL, REUBEN H., (Jacksonville,) lot 15, farmer 143. 
JOHNSON, DANIEL, (Jacksonville,) lot 14, farmer 108. 
JOHNSON, JERRY, (Trumansburgh,) barher and hair dresser. 
Jones, Henry B., (Trumansburgh,) cattle broker. 
Jones, John, (Jacksonville,) (Jones, Smith dt Pratt.) 
Jones, Peter, (Trumansbursrh,) carriage maker. 
Jones, Smith & Pratt, (Jacksonville,) (Henry A. Smith, John Jones and Wm. J. Pratt,) 

prop'rs paper mill. 
Jones, T., (Trumansburgh,) lot 19, farmer leases 60. 

Kelly, Oliver P., ^Trumansburgh,) harness and trunk maker and carriage trimmer. 
Kenney, Cora Miss, (Trumansburgh,) teacher Union school. 
Kinff, Anson, (Jacksonville,) lot 10, farmer leases 100. 
KING, ASAPH, (Jacksonville,) farmer 160. 
King, Bronson, (Jacksonville,) lot 17, boat builder. 
King, Harsey, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 30. 

KING, HIRAM, (JacksonviUe,) lot 25, breeder of fine wool sheep and farmer 133. 
KING, JONATHAN, (Jacksonville,) lot 10, farmer 108. 
King, J. P., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 62. 
KING, SYLVESTER, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 45. 
Kirby, Jonah W., (Jacksonville,) lot 31, farmer 15. 
Kirby, Thomas, (Jacksonville,) lot 25, farmer 8. 
KIRST, ISAAC, (Trumansburgh.) 

KIRTLAND, JOHN C, (Trumansburgh,) (Smith <6 KirOand.) 
KRUM, L. D., (Ithaca,) lot 31, blacksmith. 
Lambert, Hiram, (Jacksonville,) lot 31, farmer 13. 
Laning, Benjamin, (Jacksonville,) lot 22, farmer IIS. 
Laning, Horace, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 75. 
Letts, John A., (Trumansburgh,) lot 20, farmerSS. 
Letts, Welcome, (Jacksonville,) lot 18, farmer 101. 

LEWIS, J. & J. D., (Trumansburgh,) (jM««m andJohnD.,) alio, physician and surgeon. 
LEWIS, JOHN D., (Trumansburgh,) (J. & J. D. Lewis,) coroner. 
LEWIS, JUSTIN, (Trumansburgh,) (J. &,J.B. Lewis.) 
Linsy, Edward, (Jacksonville,) firmer 11. 
Loomis, G. W., (Jacksonville,) (MaitUon c6 Loomis.) 

Lovell, Eber & Sons, (TrumansburghJ (J. Milton and Hiram jlf.,) general merchants. 
Lovell, Hiram M., (Trumansburgh,) (Mer Lovell (fc Sons.) 
Lovell, J. Milton, (Trumansburgh,) (Eber Lovell & Sons.) 
Lovell, J. W„ (Trumansburgh,) farmer 60. 
LOVELL, MILO H., (Trumansburgh,) blacksmith. 
Lucky, Henr^, (Jacksonville,) lot 9, farmer 81. 
Lunger, James, (Trumansburgh,) farmer BOX- 
Malone, John, (Jacksonvillej) lot 24, farmer 34. 
*MANDEVILL & ARRO^SMlTH, (Trumansburgh,) (Lyman A. MandeviUand James 

Arrowsmith^ eeneral merchants. 
MANDBVILL, LYMAN A., (Trumansburgh,) (MandeniU & Arrowsmith,) owns farm 

Manning, Samuel, (Trumansburgh,) ejg and poultry dealer. 

Mathews, W. C, (Jacksonville,) carpenter and builder. 

Mattison, C. C, (Jacksonville,) (Maltison dk Loomis.) 

Mattison, Jacob, (Jacksonville,) lot 22, farmer 10>^. 

Mattison, James M., (Jacksonville.) lot 22, nurseryman. 

MatUson & Loomis, (JacksonvUle,) (C. <J. Mattison and G. W. Loomis,) general mer- 

Maynard, Anna M. Miss, (Trumansburgh,) music teacher. 
McKean, Patrick, (Trumansburgh,) tailor. 
McLallan, Ann E., (Watorburgh,) farmer 36. 
MCLALLEN, DAVID K., (Trumansburgh,) lot 5, farmer 122. 


McLallen, Maria Mrs., (Tmmansburgh,) farmer 11. 

Mead, Oliver, (Trumansbargh,) mechanic and farmer 64. 

Mead, Wm., (Triimansburgh,) farmer 71. 

Mekeel, Aaroa f Jacksonville,) farmer 15, 

Mekeel, Jesse, (Jacksonville,) {with Edward Pijle,) lot 30, miller and farmer 120. 

MKKEEL, WM.. (Jacksonville.) lot 21, farmer 70." 
MILLBK, WARD, (Jacksonville.) i - - 

<.>>»»„», » — , V. „„«,..,„,, lot 20, farmer 105. 

Milne, James, (Trumansbargh,) lot 14, farmer leases of Mrs. Ball, 110. 

Minnie, Geo., (Jacksonville,) lot 31, farmer 60. 

MORGAN, JAMES T., (Ithaca,) lot 33, farmer 193. 

Morgan, W. Howard, (Waterbnrgh,) lot 18, farmer 50. 

Morgan, Willis H., (Waterbnrgh,) lot 18, fanner 68. 

MORSE, VIRGIL D., (Ithaca,) farmer 130. 

MOSHER, GEO. A., (Triimansburgh,) farmer lit). 

Mosher, Lnthan, (Trumansbargh,) (Wager <S Mosher.) 

Moss, John, (Waterbnrgh,) foreman in grist mill and post master. 

Mott, Harry, (Ithaca,) farmer 97. . 

Nash, Thomas, (Perry City, Schuyler Co.,) lot 29, farmer 68X. 

NEWELL & RIDDLE, crrumausbargh,) (Wm. S. Newell and Samuel B. Middle,) flour- 

inff and custom millers. 
NEWELL, WM. S., (Truraansburgh.) (Newell & Siddle.) 

OGDBN, WILLIAM H., (Tramansbiirgh,) prop, iron foundry. 

Owen, Alva C, (Trumansbargh,) (with Wiuis V. Cfmsld,) lot 28, farmer 115. 

OWEN, CHARLES B., (Jacksonville,) lot 29, breeder of fine wool sheep and farmer 135. 

Owen, Levi H., (Trumansbargh,) supervisor and farmer 50. 

Paddock, Stephen, (Waterburgh,) lot 19, farmer 90. 

Page, Lucius B., (Trumansbargh,) (Page <£ Stewart,) owns farm 10. 

Page & Stewart, (Trumansburgn,) (Lucim E. Page and Geo. H. Stewart,) furniture 

Page, William N. Rev., (Trumansbargh,) pastor presbyterlan church. 

Parmele, Ellas, (Jacksonville,) farmer 204. 

Pease, Allen, (Truraansburgh,) retired farmer. 

PEASE, ANDREW J., (Trumansburgh,) prop, plaster mill one mile east of Trumans- 
burgh, and farmer 111. 

pease; BENJ. p., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 103. 

Pease, Cynthia, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 100, 

PEASE, A. I., (Trumansburgh,) farmer. 

PEASE, EAHL A., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 115>^. 

♦PERKINS, THOMAS N., (Trumansburgh,) dealer In Italian and American marble. 

Pierce, Clark, (Trumansburgh,) brick maker. 

Pierce, Lafayette, (Trumansburgh,) drain tile manuf. and brick maker, 

Piersail, Bdmond, (Trumansburgh,) (teith Frank Piersall,) farmer 240. 

Plersall, Frank, (Trumansburgh,) (with Edmond,) farmer 240. 

Pierson, Albert H., (Trumansburgh,) school commissioner. 

Pierson, William, (Trumansburgh,) (Dumant, Pierson tS: Co.) 

Pinkney, Henry, (Jacksonville,)lot 43, farmer 160, 

Plough, Wm.,' (Jacksonville,) stone quarry and farmer 130. • 

Plowman, Peter, (Trumansburgh,) coppersmith. 

PLOWMAN, WM. H., (Trumansburgh,) hardware dealer and M. tJ. Express agent. 

PLYBR, CHARLES W., (Trumansburgh,) (Gregg, Plyer & Co.) 

Pope, :, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 92. 

Pratt, David S., (Trumansburgh,) (WUcox, Pratt & Co.) 

Pratt, James L., (Trumansburgh,) chair maker. 

Pratt, James R., (Trumansburgh,) ( Wilcox, Pratt <& Co.) 

Pratt, Wm. J., (Jacksonville,) (./ones. Smith, & Pratt.) 

Purdy, A. J., (Jacksonville,) farmer 33. 

Futman, Isaac K., (Trumansburgh,) miller. 

Pyle, Edward, (Jacksonville,) {^with Jesse Meleed,) miller and farmer 120. 

QtTIQLEY, DAVID C, (Trumansburgh,) (A. H. <b D. C. Qiiigtey.) ,„„„„„. 

QaiGLEY, ASHBR H., (Trumansburgh,) (A. 3. & D. C. Qmgley,) (A. H. <& E. P. Quig- 

*QDIGLEY, A. H. & D. C, (Trumansburgh,) (Asher H. and David C.,) clothing and 

gents' furnishing goods. „ , „ „ , ^ 

♦QUIGLEY, A. H. & E. P., (Trumansburgh,) (Mli^r B. and B. P.,) stone quarry. 
QUIGLEY, E. P., (Trumansburgh,) (A. H. &M P. Quigley.) 
Eappleye, Sylvester, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 13. 
Raymond, Wm. H., (Jacksonville,) lot 21, farmer 87. 
Reynolds, Aneeline M., (Trumansburgh,) teacher Union school. 
RIDDLE, SAMUEL R., (Trumansburgh,) (NeweU SBiddle.) 
Robertson, George, (Trumansburgh,) merchant tailor. 
ROBINSON, DE WITTB C, (Trumansburgh,) painter. 
ROBINSON, GEO., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 83. , „ ^. 

ROBINSON, JOHN S., (Trumansburgh,) (Fare Auken & Robinson.) 
Eulfe, S. E., (Jacksonville,) lot 28, farmer leases of C. L. Carman 139. 



froik WmtH 


ITKAO^, - - r<rE-W7- YORK. 

Manufacturers of all the I^atest Styles of 


Platform Spring Business Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c. 

We receive the latest New York Styles monthly, and employ a large force of workmen^ each one 
or whom excels iB his plTtlcular branch. All of our work is made from the best oftality of wwiant! 
lion. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. 


Kolfe, Miner, (Jacksonville,) lot S9, fiiriner 65. 

Rose, Theo. C, (Jacksonville,) {Brown tfc Boss.) 

Bovre, Caroline M. Miss, (Jacksonville,) lot 39, farmer 50. 

Bndy. Henry, (Trumansburgh,) lot 5, farmer 120. 

EDDY, JOHN, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 66Jtf. 

Bumsey, Bradfbrd, (Waterburgh,) lot 27, farmer 82. 

♦ETJMSKY, E. S., (Trumansburgh,) iron foundfer and manuf. agricultural implements 

at Halseyville. 
Sawyer, Hiram, (Trumansburgh,) saloon keeper. 
BEABEINQ,S. AUGUSTUS, (Trumansburgh,) principal Union school. 
Sears, A. P., (Trumansbnreh,) farmer 150%. 

Severn, Henry, (Jacksonville,) lot 22, farmer 100. , 

SHAEP, DENNIS P., (Trumansburgh,) pattern maker and patentee of Sharp's wheel 

rake, residence Ithaca. , 
SHEBWOOD, A. M., (Trumansburgh,) lot 11, farmer 14. 
♦SHEEWOOD & CONLBY, (Trumansburgh,) {Stephen A. Sherwood and John 0. Conley,) 

. boot and shoe manufacturers. 
SHEEWOOD, JOHN, (Perry City, Schuyler Co.,) lot 18, thresher and farmer 30. 
SHEEWOOD, STEPHEN A., (Trumanshurgh,) (Sherwood & Conley.) 
Sirrine, John, n'rumansburgh,) carpenter and builder and farmer 4. 
Sloat, Thomas C., (Jacksonville,) farmer 93. 
Smith, A. F., (Jacksonville,) lot 10, boat builder. 
Smith, Benjamin P., (Trumansburgh,) brick and stone mason. 
Smith, C. H., (Jacksonville,) lot 10, boat builder. 
Smith, Christopher S., (Trumansburgh,) retired farmer. 
Smith, Cortland, (Jacksonville,) lot 30, farmer 50. 
Smith, Elias, (Trumansburgh,) lot 19, farmer 84. 
Smith, Elias, (JacksonvilleO lot 89, farmer 50. 
Smith, Pranklln, (Jacksonville,) lot 31, fanner 30. 
Smith, Henry A., (JacksouvUle,) (Jones, Smith dk Pratt.) 
Smith, Horace, (Jacksonville,) farmer 80. 
Smith, Isaiah, (Jacksonville,) lot 30, farmer 35. 

Smith, James,JTrumansbnrgh,) farmer 6. , . , , 

♦SMITH J. DB MOTTE, (Trumansburgh,) attorney and counselor at law, also Are and 

life insurance agent. 
Smith, Jehiel, (Jacksonville,) lot 17, farmer leases 50. 
SMITH & KIBTLAND, (Trumansburgu,)!, Hi. :om H. Snath and John C. Klrtland,) 

SMITH, MINOR T., (Trumansburgh,) lot 20, farmer 152. 
Smith, N. H., (Trumansburgh,) raiser of fine horses and farmer 40. 
SMITH, OLIVER C, (Jacksonville,) lot SO, carpenter and farmer 37. 
SMITH, REUBEN H., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 190. 
Smith, Eobert P., (Trumansburgh,) retired farmer. 
Smith, Eobt. T., (Jacksonville,) lot 25, farmer 16. 
SMITH, SCHOONOVEB, (Ithaca,) farmer 118. 
SMITH, WILLIAM H., (Trumansburgh,) {Smith * Kirttand.) 
Spaulding, Wm. Byron, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 94. 
Spiser, Benjamin, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 6. 

Spicer, Emerson, (Trumansburgh,) farmer leases 36. . „ , „ , 

Spirk George T., (Trumansburgh,) cashier Henry D. Barto & Co s Bank. 
Stacey, Thomas Rev.,l(TrumanBburgh,) pastor M. E. church. 
Stanley, Charles, (Trumansburgh,) boot and shoe maker. 
Stevens' Nicholas H., (Jacksonville,) lot 23, farmer 62. 
Stewart George H., (Trumansburgh,) (Page & Stewart.) 
Stilwill, Jacob, (Trumansburgh,) lot 6, farmer 76. 

STONE A. G. (Si SON, (Trumansburgh,) (^ffl«r< O. and James L.,) general merchants. 
Stone, Albert G., Q;rumansburgh,) (A. 0. Stone SSon) 
Stone James L., (Trumansburgh,) (A. O. Stone & Son.) 
Stone, Richard H., Wrumansburgh.) nurservman. 
Stone William J., (Trumansburgh,) general merchant and farmer 7. 
Stout, J. M., (Jacksonville,) lot 15, post master and farmer 100. 

STRdBKIDGE, LYMAN, (Trumansburgh) farmer 215. , w .=. 

Struple Warn, (Jacksonville,) (M)ii!A Barnson H. Tompkins,) farmer leases of W. F. 

Hill 81 
SULLIT^AN, E. S. K., pthaca,) lot 25, farmer 119. 

Sutton, S.,(Jacksonville,)lot 10, farmer 10. ^ ,, _- ' 

Swartout Menry C, (Jacksonviile,) lot 30, carpenter and farmer 57. 
Svke. Wm., (Waterburgh,) foreman in saw mill and millwright. 
Taylor, Chas. C, (Jacksonville,) lot 10, blacksmith. 
Taylor, Richard C, (Jacksonville,) town clerk. 
Teater C. K., (Jacksonville,) lot 22, farmer 130. 
Teed, Eugene S., (Trumansburgh,) harness maker. 
Teedl Hmnah M, Mrs., (Trumansburgh,) dress maker. 




git fill rii 

Dr. Geo. W. Melone 

Snccessor to 

Dr. A. H. Fowled, 

Ib permanently located in Ithaca, where be most reepectfuUy eolicits a continnance of 
the patronage which has hitherto been so liberally bestowed apon Dr. Fowler for the 
past ten or twelve' years. 

Having been snccessfally engaged in the practice of ,the profeeaion in all its branches, 
be feels warranted in offering his services to a discriminating and appreciative public. 

^^ Teeth extracted witnont pain, by use of Pure Nltroag Oxide Gas, or 
the liOcal Anaestbetlc Spray. 

office; in iriliGUS BUIItDIlVGS, STATE STREET. 


No. 1 Aurora Street, 

(Opp. Itbaca Hotel,) 



Succesfsorfs to E. n. mtchell^ 

N. B.— Good Horses and trusty Drivers at the service of the pablic. Particular at- 
tention paid to Airnlsbing Horses and Carriages for Funerals. 



Writing, Wrapping, Tissue, Roll & Fancy 

mmmi' suppyss of ml wm%, 


Conntry Dealers Sulieil wltli Envelopes U Mmn at New York Prices. 


"SSTq. a ATVest :F*A3rette St., 



Teed, William H^ (Trumansburgh,) flali market and town Collector. 
Teeter, John, (Trumaneburgh,) C>t 12, farmer 20. 
*TB.OMVSOT'i&CO.,(Ttximausb\iTg\i,)(Oeo.S. Thompson ma Sichard C. TompJans,) 


THOMPSON, GEOBGB S., (Trnmansbnrghj) (Thompson & Co.) 

THOMPSON, HfiSfRY M., (Trumansbureii,) farmer 105. 

Thompson, John M., CTrumaneburgh,) oil dealer and broker. 

Thompson, Philman H. Jr., (Trdmansbargh,) oil refinery, Irvin, Warren Co.. Pa., owns 

Thompson, Sidney P., (Trumansbnrgh,) lot 20, farmer 50. 
Thorp, Frahk A., (Jacksonville,) auctioneer. 
Tibbits, Solomon, (Trumansburgh,) stone mason. 
Tlchenor, Jabez, (Trumansburgh,) lot 6, farmer 21. 
TiEheno*, Sherman, (Trumansbnrgh,) retired farmer 16. 

♦TOMPKINS CO. SBNTINJ5L, (Trumansburgh,) Oscar M. Wilson, editor and proprietor. 
TOMPKINS, E. G., (Jacksonville,) lot 30, buflder and farmer 100. ^ „ „ 

Tompkins, Harrison H., (Jacksonville,) (with Warn Struple,) lot 25, leases of W. F. 

Hill 81 
TOMPKINS, EICHAED C, (Trumansburgh,) (Thompson &Co.,) music dealer. 
Trapp, Jestes O., (Waterburgh,) cooper. 
TKBMAN, ABNBR, (Waterburgh,) flour and saw mill. 
Treman, Annie Mrs., (Trumansburgh,) farmer 1. 
Treman, Erastus E., (Trumansburgb,) milk dealer and farmer 72. 
Treman, Jared, (Trumansburgh,) retired miller. „ , , 

♦TREMBLY & BURCH.JTrumansburgh,) (Leroy Trembly and Corydon Burch,) pro- 
prietors Washington House. ' 
Trembley. David, (Jacksonville,) lot 14, farmer 50. 
TEKMBLT, JiEEOT, (Trumansburgh,) (lYembly <Ss Burch.) 
Trotter, A. M., (Ithacaj farmer 80. . „ , , 
TEOUTMAN, DANIEL H., (Trumanaburgh,) (Diekerman & Troutman.) 
Trowbridgfe, Headly, (Waterburgh,) lot 11, farmer 7. 
Trowbridge. Wm. E., (Perry City, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 68. 
Updike, A. G., (Waterburgh,) lot 27, farmer 167. 
IJpdike, Chas., (Ttumansburgh,) cooper. 
Updike, Kftiah, (Waterburgh,) lot 19, farmer 100. 
Updike, Jacob C, (Trnmansburgh,) carpenter and builder. 
Updike, Jacob P^Waterburgh,) lot 12, farmer 77. 
Updyke, Ealph, (Waterburgh,) lot 19, farmer 100. ^ ,, ., , 
*UTTEE, D. BENNETT, (Trumansburgh,) carpenter and builder. 
Van, Samuel, (Jacksonville,) lot 15, farmer 17. 
Van Samuel R.. (Jacksonville,) lot 16, farmer 106. 
Van Thomas, (Jacksonville,) lot 15, farmer 125. 
VaSiAmburg, Chas., (Jacksonville,) lot 29, painter. 
VanAmbnrg, Jacob, ^JackBonville,) lot 29, farmer 30. 
Van Anken John C. (Trumansbnrgh,) (Cole <& Vam, Aukertj 
vSjAUKENA ROBINSON, (Wm. A. Van Auken and John S. Eoiinson,) (Trumans- 

bureh.) general merchants. _ . , ., « i, x 

VAN AUKEN, WM. A., (Trumansburgh,) (Van Auken dk BoHnson.) 
Van'Buskirk, John, (Jacksonville,) cabinet maker and undertaker. 
VanderbiltLJacob, (Jacksonville,) lot 28, famer 125. 
VANDBEVBEE, T. C, (Jacksonville,) lot 32, farmer 95. 

Su&Wl!a,^'??«r^^'^'°riSS^ Btone quarry and 

VANDUYN, CHAS., (Jacksonville,) lot 22, blacksmith. 

y^l^^^^N^ToW (TmSsiurii ?druSt, and agent for the American Tea Co. 
vl^irkSePff^jSon^ra ^S. "'^o ^"^^ ^- ^'"'^'■^■^'^ f"™ 1^' 

VAnl?Sw!; A. v., (Waterburgh,) lot 12, farmer 30. 
Veeder, Joseph, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 138. ... 


WaJker, Alexander, (JackBonville,) mechanic. 

WAED, WM., (JacksonviUe.) famerllO. 

WAED WM. T., (Jacksonville.) lot 31, farmer 100. 

Weaver, William W., (Tranian8bm;gh,) grocery. 

WESTBEVBLT, B. Z., (JackBonville,) farmer 100. 

^feTsi'^sW^-Slli &t and W. U. telegraph operator. 

Wilooi, Blisha, (Jacksonville,) farmer 40. 



No. 14 E. State S^t., Ithaca, X. T^., 

EegB leave to announce that he bUU continneB the sale of the 


fiiJB'— — 

3*^^ B. SionlDier Go's 




[n all their variona etyles, 
Tor Parlor, Chnrch, 
Lecture ICooms, 
Sabbath Schools & 
Lodges. We claim for 
;hese Instruments that 
;hey are far superior to 
my Reed Organs or Melo- 
leons now mannfactured 
'or ponrer, variety 
— ^ — ind quality of tone, 

andareputnp in casesof Rosewood, Walnut, Chestnut and Oak, that far Burpass any- 
thing of the kind manufactured In this country for design and beauty of finish. The 
public are invited to call and examine them. 



Davison's Thornless Raspberries. 

Waterloo, N. T., May 1, 1868. 

On and after May IB, 1868, the Arm of DOOLITTLB & WIGHT will no longer exist. 
The undersigned who is the one who first introduced the Seneca Raspberry to the pub- 
lic, will now De prepared to furnish No. One First Class Plants, of Senecas and Davi- 
son's Thomlese, which are to be the leading Raspberries and should go together. 

The THOKNLBSS is early, ripens a trifle earlier than the Doolittie ; the SENECA 
ripens about two weeks later than THORNLESS, which makes the season complete in 
the berry line. 

All wishing good, first-class plants of these two valuable berries, can rely on me for 
them, as I will send out no poor plants. 
. Send stamp and get my prices, when issued next fall. 

My soil enables me to grow plants eqnal to any grown In the country, and they are 
pronounced N9. One, by reliable dealers. Yonrs Truly, 


Waterloo, Seneca Co., N. T. 

P. S.— Write your name very plain, that there may bo no mistake, and send early. 



WUcox, J. Osborne, (Trumansburgh,) (WUcox, Pratt <t Co.,) secretary Union agricul- 
tural society. „ , „ , , n 
Wilcox, Pratt & Co., (Tmmansburgli,) (J. Oshome WUcox, James E. Pratt and Band S. 

PratL) hardware dealers. 
Wtloox, Koswell, (JackBonville,) lot 9, stone quarry and farmer 14. 
Wilcox, Thomas, (Jacksonville,) mechanic and farmer 10.^ 
Wilkin, Oliver Cm (Tramansburgh,) carpenter. 
WILLIAMS, ANDKEW J., (Jacksonville,) farmer GT. 
Williams, Ella A., (Trumansburgh,) teacher Union school. 
Williams, Payette, (Trumansburgh,) furniture dealer and undertaker. 
Williams, Stephen G., (Trumansburgh,) blacksmith. 
Willis, John, (Jacksonville,) lot 4, farmer BO. 
Wilson, AsaD., (Trumansburgh,) farmer leases 60. 

Wilson, Theodore, (Ithaca,) fSrmer 45. „ , . „ „ x- , 

♦WILSON, OSCAE M., (Trumansburgh,) editor and prop. Tompkins Co. Sentinel. 
Wilson, William Bev^ (Trumansburgli,)retired Methodist clergyman. 
WOLVBETON, ASHBE, (Trumansburgh,) {Wolverton & Young.) , „ , .„ 

WOLVEETON & YOUNG, (Trumansburgh,) (.Asher Wolverton any Stephen Young,) 

WOOD, CHAELESi (Jacksonville,) lot 21, farmer 60. 

Wood, Geo. F., (Jacksonville,) lot 21, vpagon maker and farmer 32. 

Woodworth, A. B., (Jacksonville,) farmer 214. 

Woodworth, A. D^ (Trumansburgh,) lot 16, faftner 25. j„„. „ „ 

WOODWOETH, HEEMON C, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 4 and 90 m Seneca Co. 

Woodworth, John, (Trumansburgh,) teller Henry D. Barto & Co's Bank. 

Worden, Willard, (Trumansburgh,) lot 6, speculator. 

Wortman, Edward, (Jacksonville,) lot IS, former 56. 

Wortman, Gabriel, (Trumansburgh,) farmer 94. 

Wortman, L. H., (Jacksonville,) farmer 64. 

WEIXON, DENFTIS, (Tmmansburgh,) blacksmith. 

♦WYCKOPP, EICHAED B., (Trumansburgh,) butcher. 

Younff JEzra, (Trumansburgh,) general merchant. „ , ^ j . , 

YOWg;^ STEPHEN, (TrumansWgh,) (Wolverton <& Young,) tanner and currier, also 
inspector of flection. 


H. N. XUlotson & Co., Grocers, 
&c.,No..31 East State street, Ithaca, pub- 
lish an attractive advertisement on colored 
page 166. This enterprising firm as suc- 
cessors to the firm of TillotSon & Son, will 
continue to merit the confidence and pat- 
ronage of the citizens of Tompkins Co. 
Their stock is always extensive and com- 
prises a complete assortment of articles 
usually kept in a first class grocery and pro- 
vision store. The proprietors will be found 
gentlemanly and attentive to the calls of 
their customers. Call and see them when 
in town. 

morse, Harris & Co., of the " Cas- 
cadilla Furniture Works," at Ithaca, pub- 
lish a card on page 132. This firm do a,n 
extensive business, and sell goods of their 
own manufacture, at wholesale or retail, at 
very low prices. We earnestly I'ecommend 
those in want of goods in their line to call 
and see them, believing they will save a 
liberal per centage thereby. 

J. K. FoUett's Livery Stables, at 
Trumansburgh, are well known for tte 
stylish turnouts ftimished by Mr. PoUett. 

Travelling men, and others who have not 
already hacToccasion to procure livery at 
Trumansburgh, will find it to their interest 
to patronize this estabhshment when they 
do. We are assured his terms will be found 
entirely satisfactory to his customers. See 
card, page 144. 

Xlie Groton Journal, a neat and 
well conducted sheet, is published every 
Friday, at Groton, by H. C. Marsh, editor 
and proprietor. The paper was commenced 
by m. Marsh, Nov. 9th, 1866, since which 
time he has built up quite a large circlna- 
tion. The establishment of such an office 
and local paper in the growing village of 
Groton, should be appreciated and liberally 
patronized by its citizens, and, judging 
from the appearance of the paper, we should 
infer they were fully alive to its importance 
as an advertising medium. Mr. Marsh is 
prepared to do plain or fancy Job printing, 
cheap and on short notice. Bee his card on 

^^F. DeMotte Smitli-, Attorney and 
Counselor at Law, and Fire and Life Insu- 
rance Agent, at Trumansburgh, publishes a 
card on page 140. Mr. Smith has, by close 
attention to business intrusted in his hands, 
eained the confidence and esteem of a large 
Pist of clients and patrons. Persons having 
legal business of any kind, collections Sc., 
to^e attended to in this section of the State, 
can hardly do better than entrust it in the 
hands of Mr. Smith, who will work for their 
best interests. By reference to his card it 
will be, noticed that he represents several 
of the strongest and most rehable Insu- 
rance Companies in America. Persons 
wishing to do business with Mr. Smith, 
will fln% his office over H. D. Barto & Co s 



Haolta ol a JUan ot Business. 

A aacreil regard to the principles ot Justice 
rormstne bapiB of every transaction, and 
reaaiates the conduct of the upright man of 

He is strict in Iceeping his engagements. 

Does nothing carelessly or in a hurry. 

Employs no one to do what he can easily 
do himself. 

Keeps everything in its proper place. 

Leaves nothing undone that ought to be 
done, and which circumstances permit him 
to do. 

Keeps his designs and business from the 
view of others. 

Is prompt and decisive with his custom- 
ers, and does not overtrade his capital. 

Prefers short credits to long ones, and 
cash to credit at all times, either in buying 
or selling ; and small profits in credit ca^s, 
with little risk to the chance of better gains 
with more hazard. 

He is clear and explicit in all his bar- 

Leaves nothing of consequence to memo- 
ry which he can and ought to commit to 

Keeps copies of all his important letters 
which he sends away, and has every letter, 
invoice, &c., relating to his business, titled, 
classed, and put away. 

Never suffers his deslc to be confused by 
many papers lying upon it. 

Is always at the head' of his business, 
well knowing that if he leaves it it will 
leave blm. 

Holds it as a maxim that lie whose credit 
is suspected is not one to be trusted. 

Is con8tantl}r examining his books, and 
sees through his whole affairs as far as care 
and attention will enable him. 

Balances regularly at stated times, and 
then makes out and transmits all his ac- 
counts current to his customers, both at 
home and abroad. 

Avoids as much as possible all sorts of 
accommodation in money matters and law- 
salts where there is the least hazard. 

He is economical in his expenditures, al- 
ways living within ids income. 

Keeps a memorandum book in his pock- 
et, in which he notes every particular rela- 
tive to appointments, addresses, and petty 
cash matters. 

Is cautious how he becomes surety for 
any person ; and is generous when urged 
by motives of humanity. 

Let a man act strictljr to these habits ; 
when once begun they will be easy to con- 
tinue—ever remembering that he hath no 
profits by his pains whom Providence doth 
not prosper— and success will attend his 

Take pleasure in your business, and it 
will become your recreation, 

Hope for the best, think for the worst, 
and bear whatever happens. 

A Stobt with a Mobai..— a Connecticut 
exchange tells the following story of a boy 
who was sent from Croton, Conn., to New 
London, one day last summer, with a bag 
of corn. The boy was gone all day, and re- 
turned with the bag unopened, which he 
duniped on the floor. Said he— 

'• There is your com, go and sell it, for I 

" Sold any f " 

" No : I've been all over London with it, 
and nobody said a word concerning green 
com. Two or three fellows asked me what 
I had in my bag, and I told 'emit was nohe 
of their business what it was." 

The boy is not nnlike hundreds of mer- 
chants who will promptly call him a fool 
for not telling what he had to sell, and who 
are actually doing the same thing on a much 
larger scale than did the boy, by not adver- 
tising their business. 

To Those who Wbite toe the Pkess.— 
It would be a great favor to editors and 
printers, should those who write for the 
Press observe the following mies. They 
are reasonable, and our correspondents 
will regard them as such :— 1. Write with 
black ink on white paper, wide ruled. S. 
Make the pages small, one-fourth that of a 
foolscap slieet. 3. Leave the second 
page of each sheet blank. 4. Give to the 
written page an Ample margin all around. 
5. Number the Mges in the order of their 
succession. 6. Write in a plain bold hand, 
with less respect to beauty, t. Use no ab- 
breviations which are not to appear in 
print. 8. Punctuate the manuscript as it 
should be printed. 9. For italics under- 
score one line ; for small capitals two : for 
capitals three. 10. Never interline without 
the caret to show its place. 11. Take special 
pains with every letter in proper names. 
12. Review eyery word to be sure that none 
is illegible. 13. Put directions to the print- 
er at the head of the first page. 14. Never 
write a private tletter to the editor on the 
printer's copy, butj always on a separate 

Cash and Cbbdit.— II yon would get rich 
don't deal in bill books. Credit is the "tempt- 
er in a new shape." Buy goods on trust, 
and you will buy a thousand articles that 
Gash would never have dreamed of. A shil- 
ling in the hand looks larger than ten shil- 
lings seen through the perspective of a three 
months bill. Cash is practical, while Credit 
takes horribly to taste and romance. Let 
Cash buy a dinner, and you will have beef- 
steak flanked with onions. Send Credit to 
market, and he will return with eight pair 
of woodcocks and a peck of mushrooms.— 
Credit believes in diamond pins and cham- 
pagne suppers. Cash is more easily satis- 
ned. Give him three meals a day, and he 
don't care much if two of them are made up 
of roasted potatoes and a little dirty salt.— 
Cash is a good adviser, while Credit is a 

?ood fellow to be on visiting terms with, 
f you want double Chins and contentment, 
do business with cash. 




Of the Supreme Court, Circuit Courts and Courts of Oyer and Terminer. 

Third Monday In Jafiuary, 
First Moudaylu September, 

J. M. Pahkbr, Justice. 
D. BoAitDMAN, Justice. 

Baksom Baloom, Justice. 
J. M. Parkbb, Justice. 



Second Tuesday in December, D. Boaedman, Justice. 

E. Baloom, Justice. 

STATE OF NEW 70BK^ Comiyof Tompkins, ss. 

It is hereby ordered that the terms of the Cotinty Court and the Court of Sessions of 
said County of Tompkins, he held at the Court House, in Ithaca, for thd years 1868 and 

18fi9 SB folloWB \ 

On the fourth Monday of February, and the first Monday of October, at which a Petit 
Jury only will attend : on the fourth Monday of May, at which a Grand Jury only will 
attend ; and on the third Monday of December at which no Jury will attend. 

Jan k, 1868. •» •» *- m. VAN VALKENBURGH, County Judge. 

I Thos. J. McElheny, Ithaca, clerk; Eron C. VanEirk, Ithaca, Sheriff; H.L. Root, 
Dryden,UnderSher»: M. King, Newfleld, Dist. Att'y; W. O. Wyckoff, Ithaca, Re- 
porter; R. K. Howell, Ithaca, Crier. 

Post Offices and Post Masters in Tompkins 



Caroline Nelson Rounsevell. 

Caroline Center Sharrard Slater. 

Caroline Depot Alvin Merrill. 

Danljy Josiah Hawes. 

Dryden Abraham Tanner. 

East Lansing Wm. N. Buck. 

Bnfleld Lewis H: Van Kirk. 

Enfield Center John P. Broas. 

Etna <*«o- ?,• .^I'^JS' 

Forest City. Clarissa I^irehild. 

Freeville . . . . l Lncus M. Williams. 

Groton Haryey D. Spencer. 

Groton City Henry J. Harrington. 

Ithaca...... ^?-w%^?- 

JacksonvUle f^" ,!??;■ 

Laike Ridge Freeman A. Perry Jr. 

LS?gvSle -^^^^^^^"^^ IS- 

Ludlowville ■■ .Philemon L. Smith. 


McLean Daniel B. Marsh. 

Mott's Corners Walker V. Personius. 

Newfield..... -wk" • ••^"li^ '^''^T 

North Lansing Roswell Beardsley. 

Pernville Isaac Miller. 

Poney Hollow Alyah Brown. 

SlaterviUe • Jol^,^""- 

South Danby Charles Hewland. 

South Lansing • Almon C- Ives. 

SpeedsviUe Dan. B Gilbert. 

Trumarisbnrgh Albert G. Stone. 

Trumbull Corners „-^?"S, ^^f-"" 

Varna ' ^'P^^-J"'!" 

■Waterburgh Joli? f-°^^- 

West DanTay •■. a ■■■.■■■■ i™,,^,*'*™- 

West Dryden Harrison H. Primrose. 

West Groton i'er'7 W. Allen. 





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