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Some Comments on the Statements made 

by Pliny and Vitruvius about Wall and 

Panel Painting 


A. P. LAUEIE, M.A., D.Sc. 


Cambridge : 

at the University Press 



of the Pompeian frescoes was correct, and conclusive 
evidence that the ingenious but much criticised 
theories of Herr Berger have no foundation in fact. 
I have also, I believe, thrown fresh light on the 
method of painting with wax on panel, the nature 
of r^dvaxn'i, and the Greek method of painting on 
marble surfaces. 

In conclusion, I wish to bhank Miss R. F. Forbes 
for her valuable assistance in translating difficult 
passages, and Professor Baldwin Brown, Professor 
Hardie, the Rev. G. C. Richards, Fellow of Oriel, 
and Dr. Degering of Berlin (who is now engaged 
on a German translation of Vitruvius), for help and 
advice in many ways. 

I am also much indebted to Mr. A. B. Thomson 
and Mr. R. Burns, A.R.S.A,, for their experiments 
in wax painting. 

A. P. Laurie. 

HerIot-Watt College, 
Edinburgh, January 1910. 

Note. — Since this book was completed Mr. Noel 
Heaton has shown (Journ. Royal Soc. Arts, Jan. 7, 
1910) that the frescoes at Knossos are examples of 
Buon Fresco, that there are no signs of joins, and 
that the pigments are bedded in. 


Page 9. For "Valentine" read "Valentin" Rose; and for 
"editions" read "edition." 

Students of the subject are referred to the article by F. Gerlioh, 
"Die Teohnik der Eomiseh-Pompejanisohen Wandmalerei" (Neue 
Jahrbiicher fur das Klaasische Altertum, 21. 2. 1908), which, on the 
whole, agrees with the conclusions come to in the text. 




If we investigate the technical processes of past ages 
we find that changes were very slowly introduced, 
and that a method of attaining the desired result, 
having been brought to perfection, remained unaltered 
from generation to generation. This conservative 
habit is peculiarly to be found associated with the 
artistic crafts, which even to-day, in spite of the 
discoveries of chemists and the introduction of 
machinery, have undergone little modification. 

The history of painting, with which we are here 
especially concerned, illustrates this habit very 
clearly. Although the properties of drying oils were 
known in the sixth century, and the use of such 
oils in painting was described by Theophilus in the 
Schedula Biversarwm Artiv/m, in the twelfth century, 
yet it is only in the fifteenth century that oil begins 
to replace egg, as the almost universal medium.^ 

^ This statement probably requires modification as far as northern 
countries are concerned, judging by the records of Ely Cathedral 
and St. Stephen's Chapel. 



The reasons for this conservative habit are easily 
understood. In the first place, the mastery of an 
artistic craft is only slowly and laboriously attained, 
and the pupil, having by years of practice gained 
facility of expression by means of the technique taught 
him by his master, finds the new technique inexpres- 
sive and nonplastic. In the second place, each tech- 
nique leads to a particular form of artistic expression, 
and the artist having at last attained perfection in 
this expression desires no further change. Centuries 
may therefore pass before a man arises of sufficient 
originality to aim at new modes of expression, and 
to try to obtain these by mastering a new 

Even when the artist has at last accepted the new 
medium as preferable to the old, he uses it at first 
to imitate the old effects, and generations may pass 
before the full possibilities of the new medium are 
reahsed. The truth of this statement is so clearly 
revealed by a study of the pictures painted in oil 
from the fifteenth century onwards that it requires 
no further demonstration. 

We are therefore quite justified, in an inquiry of 
this nature,in supplementing the information supplied 
by Pliny and Vitruvius by information gathered from 
older writers and older works of art. 

Nor need we confine the source of such additional 
information to the neighbourhood of Rome, as we 


may safely assume that such technical knowledge 
as was possessed by the civilisations which had grown 
up round the Mediterranean basin would be con- 
centrated in Rome at the time of the empire. 

Our inquiry may also be legitimately assisted by 
the examination of worksrof art proidjiced at a time 
somewhat later than that'-of^PlmyiJ'n so far as we 
find on examination that they assist us in elucidating 
the descriptions of technical processes given by him. 

For we cannot expect to find again in the history 
of art a series of wall paintings buried in the volcanic 
ashes of the eruption which killed the author who 
is one of our principal sources of information, and 
thus signed, sealed, and dated, forming the appro- 
priate illustration to the author's own works. 
- We may also find in later writers information 
which will assist us in th« interpretation of passages 
contained in the author under consideration, and, in 
the modified practices of the art in later times, 
indications of the methods of an earlier technique. 

But the consideration of the extent to which we 
are justified in using information from later sources 
to enable us to understand completely the technique 
used at the period we are inquiring into, leads us to 
lay down the rule by which such an investigation 
must be governed. 

The rule is this. The information supplied by the 
writers of the period under consideration . must be 


regarded as in essence complete, until it is clearly 
demonstrated by exhaustive experiments that some 
essential information has not been supplied by them. 

The necessity for thus limiting and defining our 
inquiry has been so little recognised by many writers 
that it requires some further explanation. 

Let us take a particular example. 

In order to understand the technical processes 
used by painters in the time of Pliny, it is of the 
utmost importance to know whether they were fami- 
liar with the properties of the 'drying' oils which 
are used by painters to-day. 

On examining the writings of Pliny we find that 
he describes the preparation of nut oil, which is 
one of the 'drying' oils, but makes no mention of 
its property of oxidising into a transparent elastic 
solid, or of its use in painting. 

In the earlier writings of others there is also no men- 
tion of the properties of drying oils, and Dioscorides, 
who is almost a contemporary, while adding the 
description of the preparation of poppy oil, also 
fails to note their ' drying ' properties. 

The first mention of the ' drying ' properties of 
nut oil, and its use as a varnish for pictures, occurs 
in Aetius, a writer of the early sixth century. 

If, therefore, we are to apply the rule which has 
already been laid down, we are bound to commence 
our inquiry with the assumption that the properties 


of drying oils, and their consequent use in painting, 
were not known in the first century of the Christian 
era, but were discovered subsequently. 

Against this conclusion many arguments can be 
used. In the first place, comparatively few of the 
books written in classical times have survived, and 
many technical treatises must have perished. 

In the second place, portions of the authors which 
have survived have disappeared, and consequently 
a missing chapter may contain the information which 
is wanting. 

In the third place, the authors themselves are 
often compilers with no practical acquaintance with 
the technical processes they describe, and probably 
preferred to copy from older compilers, rather than 
take the trouble of collecting information from the 
craftsmen themselves. 

In the fourth place, as the craftsmen were taught by 
tradition, and jealously guarded the secrets of their 
craft, they may well have made use of processes 
which were only recorded centuries after their dis- 
covery, or have disappeared without ever being 
recorded at all. 

In the fifth place, the author considered may often 
omit facts with which he must have been perfectly 
familiar, just as Pliny fails to tell us what medium 
was used by one school of Greek painters, although 
it is quite evident that some medium must have 


been used, and Pliny must have been familiar with 
its nature. 

In reply to these arguments, only one thing 
requires to be said. While we are justified in using 
all the information supplied by writers existing 
before the date which we have fixed as the limit 
of our inquiry (in this case the end of the first 
century of the Christian era), we are not justified 
! in using new information contained in writers sub- 
sequent to this date, because we cannot prove that 
it is not the outcome of discoveries made after the 
period we are considering. 

We are no more justified in assuming a knowledge 
of the properties of (irying oils in the first century 
because they were described in the sixth century, 
than we should be justified in assuming a knowledge 
of aniline dyes in the first century because they 
are described in works on chemistry Avritten in the 
nineteenth century. 

Therefore the only possible working hypothesis is, 
that the descriptions given by our authors of techni- 
cal processes are in substance correct, and that what 
is not stated by them was not known at the time 
when they wrote. A less rigid method of inquiry 
leads us to endless loose speculations, and makes all 
real progress impossible. 

If this is to be our working hypothesis, let us next 
consider what conditions are necessary to justify 


us in abandoning it. These are, in the first place, the 
discoYery of an earlier or contemporary writer con- 
taining additional information. In the second place, 
the demonstration by means of the chemical analysis 
of a work of art of undoubted authenticity that our 
information is incomplete or inaccurate. In the 
third place, the demonstration, after exhaustive 
experiments, that a technical process described by 
the author is unworkable, or that a given contem- 
porary work of art can only be reproduced by using 
methods not mentioned by contemporary writers. 
It is in this third case, however, that the utmost 
caution is necessary. 

The original craftsmen had the advantage of the 
accumulated knowledge of centuries of tradition 
and of years of training in the use of the lost 
technical process. The modern experimenter has 
nothing to guide him but a few brief words of 

His experiments must • therefore be ^of a very 
thorough and exhaustive character before he ven- 
tures to decide that the process is impossible, or that 
the work of art must have been produced by another 

In conclusion, where there are obvious omissions 
or obscurities in the information at our disposal, it 
is better to state frankly that we do not know, than 
to take advantage of the opportunity for ingenious 


speculations. We must also resist the temptation of 
inventing a technical process which the contemporary 
writer does not describe, and then getting over 
the difficulty of his omission by assuming that one 
or two chapters of his book have been lost, which, 
no doubt, contained the proof of the correctness of 
our ingenious guesswork. 

I may have seemed to have laboured too long 
in laying down the conditions essential to a scientific 
inquiry ; but those who are familiar with the many 
writings on this subject, and the way in which 
ingenious hypothesis has been piled on ingenious 
hypothesis, will realise the necessity of bringing this 
department of research into line with the many 
other departments which have come in recent years 
under the control of those methods of exact in- 
vestigation which we owe to the students of natural 

Having now discussed at some length the prin- 
ciples on which such an inquiry as this should be 
conducted, I propose to describe briefly the pigments 
used in classical times. 

Those who wish an historical survey of the various 
writers who have dealt with this subject can consult 
Die Maltechnik des Alterthums, by Ernst Berger, 
Mtlnchen, 1904. 

As much that I have to say will involve a criti- 
cism of some of Herr Berger's conclusions, it is 


only fitting to state in this place, that all students 
of this subjeot ^^^ immensely indebted to him for 
his learned publications. 

Before going further, however, it is necessary to 
mention the actual texts of Vitruvius and Pliny 
consulted and quoted from in the course of this 
paper. These are : the edition of Pliny's Natural 
History, edited by Carl Mayhoff, and issued by 
Teubner in 1906 ; and the most recent edition of 
Vitruvius, De Architectura, by Valentine Rose, issued 
by Teubner in 1899, and containing some corrections 
on the earlier editions by Rose and Mliller-Strtlbing. 

To return to the pigments used in classical times, 
they can be briefly dealt with, because, though there 
are obscure descriptions in Pliny, and many pigments, 
especially those prepared from organic colouring 
matters, are difficult to identify, there is a sufficient 
amount of exact information to enable us, partly by the 
analysis of actual samples, and partly by the descrip- 
tions given by Pliny, Vitruvius, and others, to decide 
without doubt on the nature of a sufficient number 
of pigments to supply the painters of classical times 
with an extensive palette. As, moreover, there is no 
dispute as to the identity of those I shall mention, 
and I have little new to add to what is common 
knowledge, it would be tedious to give all the proofs 
and references. 

It is, in the first place, evident, both from the 


descriptions in Pliny, Vitruvius, and others, and 
from the analysis of pigments, that the painters in 
classical times were familiar with what are now 
roughly called the earth colours, such as the yellow 
and red ochres, terre verte, and probably the siennas 
and umber. The references to red colours are often 
somewhat obscure, but Pliny describes ochres from 
various sources,^ and Vitruvius mentions both yellow 
and red ochres,^ and the roasting of yellow ochres to 
form purples.^ More than one white earth is men- 
tioned by Pliny* as having been used in painting, 
and chalk, gypsum, and plaster of Paris were known. 
Other pigments described by Pliny have been identi- 
fied with the blue and green copper ores.^ 

Blue carbonate of copper has been used as a 
pigment up to comparatively recent times^ and was 
apparently known to early Italian painters as azzurro 
della magna. I have prepared a blue pigment from 
azurite. It is a beautiful blue and very difficult 
to distinguish in appearance from real ultramarine, 
as is correctly stated by Mrs. Merrifield.^ It is of a 
sandy nature, and therefore difficult to handle in oil, 
in which it settles, letting the oil float to the top. 
Hence the directions, after the introduction of oil 

I Pliny, Bk. xxxiii. c. 56. = Vit., Bk. vii. o. 7. 

» Vit., Bk. vii. u. 11. 

* Pliny, Bk. xxxv. oo. 18, 19, 30 ; xxxvi. 59. 

" xxxiii. 26, 57. " Ancient Practiee of Painting , cxcyii. 


painting, to mix it with size or to dust it on dry, and 
the belief that it turned green in oil.^ 

The native sulphide of mercury, cinnabar, was 
also used as a pigment.^ I have prepared a red from 
native cinnabar, which is very little inferior in 
brilliancy to vermilion, that is, the artificially pre- 
pared sulphide. 

The native sulphide of arsenic, orpi ment. was also 
used,* and has only recently disappeared from the 
artist's palette. It is a yellow of peculiar beauty, 
and unlike any other yellow in appearance. It is 
fugitive in oil, but permanent in a pure spirit varnish 
or pine balsam. 

Coming to artificial pigments, they understood the 
preparation of white lead (cerussa),* somewhat in- 
accurately described by Pliny, but more clearly by 
\Vitruvius. They were also familiar with several 
vpreparations of the oxides of lead, such as litharge, 
red lead, and other similar preparations.^ 

Sir Humphry Davy found an orange yellow oxide 
of lead pigment on ' a piece of stucco in the ruins 
near the monument of Gains Gestius.' " 

The preparation of verdigris is also described by 

1 Ancient Practice of Painting, cciv. 

2 Pliny, Bk. xxxiii. c. 36; Vit., Bk. vii. c. 8. 

' Pliny, Bk. xxxiii. c. 22 ; xxxiv. c. 56; Vit., Bk. vii. o. 7. 
" Pliny, Bk. xxxiv. o. 54 ; Vit., vii. 12. 

° Pliny, xxxiii. 35, 40; xxxiv. 51, 54; xxxv. 22; Vit., vii. 12. 
8 Phil. Trans., vol. 105, p. 105. 


Pliny and Vitruvius,^ and the preparation of lamp 
black, charcoal black, and probably bone black.^ 
I One of the most interesting of the ancient pigments 
was the copper frit which is frequently present both 
in Egyptian and Roman remains, and which occurs in 
Egypt as early as the twelfth dynasty. 

There is no clear description of this pigment in 
Pliny, though it is probably referred to in chapter 57 
of the thiT.ty-third book, and again in chapter 38 
of the thirty-seventh book, but Vitruvius gives a 
perfectly clear account of its preparation. 

Vitruvius tells us that it was formerly manu- 
factured in Alexandria and afterwards manufactured 
by Vestorius at Puteoli,^ and that it is prepared by 
heating together copper, sand, and soda. 

The analysis of the blue, however, reveals the 
presence, in addition, of lime and alumina. These 
may have been deliberately introduced, or have been 
present in the impure sand and soda used. 

Professor Russell has made a special investigation 
of this blue, and has also prepared a green. A com- 
plete account of his experiments will be found in the 
Proceedings of the Royal Institution, London, 1893. 
The blue is easily identified by its appearance under 
the microscope, consisting of transparent glassy frag- 
ments, and by its giving the usual reactions for copper. 

' Pliny, xxxiv. 26 ; Vit., vii. 12. ' Pliny, xxxv. 25 ; Vit., vii. 10. 
3 Vit., vii. 11. 


In addition to these pigments they were accustomed 
to prepare pigments from vegetable and animal dyes. 

Both Pliny and Vitruvius mention the use of the 
purple dye of the murex for this purpose. 

Pliny states that the pigment is prepared by 
adding to the dye a white earth which is used for 
cleaning silver, and which absorbs the dye more 
readily than wool.^ This earth is probably infusorial 
earth, which has the property of absorbing and fixing 
basic aniline dyes without the use of any mordant or 
precipitating agent. Vitruvius mentions mixing the 
dye with honey.^ 

In addition, Vitruvius mentions the use of other 
vegetable colouring matters, including madder for 
dyeing chalk,^ and Pliny describes a process for 
dyeing 'chrysocoUa' (probably green carbonate of 
copper) with ' lutum,' in the same manner as flax or 
wool is dyed by the use of ' alumen.' * 

An account of the nature and properties of 'alumen' 
will be found in chapter 52 of the thirty-fifth book. 

The question as to what this substance was and 
how it was prepared or obtained, and how far it is 
identical with the double sulphate of alumina and 
potash known to-day as alum, is worthy of further 
investigation. It is evident from the account given 
in the thirty-fifth book that a white variety was 

' Pliny, xxxY. 26. ^ Vit., vii. 13. 

s Vit., vii. 14. ^ Pliny, xxxiii. 26. 


known, and this white variety was used in the process 
of dyeing wool scarlet, and was also used for preparing 
vegetable lakes. This certainly seems to point to the 
substance being either sulphate of alumina, or alum, 
however obtained and prepared. We should, however, 
be departing too far from our present inquiry if we 
followed this question any further. 

Such dyes as weld, woad, kermes, and madder were 
well known, and doubtless used for the preparation of 

Sir Humphry Davy ^ examined a pot of pigment 
found in the so-called bathsof Titus,of a pale red colour, 
which proved to be a vegetable or animal dye on a 
chalk base, and containing some silica and alumina. 

But one of the most interesting of recent discoveries 
has been the identification of a rose pigment obtained 
by Mr. Flinders Petrie in Egypt, as a madder lake. 
Professor Russell,^ who examined this pigment, 
found the base to be gypsum, and identified the colour- 
ing matter as alizarin by its absorption spectrum. 
He then succeeded in successfully imitating the 
pigment by heating madder root with lime water and 
gypsum, an entirely novel method of preparing a lake. 

Indigo, both from India and from woad, was also 
known, and probably dragon's blood.^ 

The only other question of interest is whether the 

1 Phil. Trans., vol. 105. 

2 Rnsaell on Ancient Egyptian Pigments, Royal Institution, 1893. 
* Pliny, xxxiii. 57 ; xxxiii. 38 ; viii. 12 ; xxxv. 27 ; Vit., vii. 14. 


preparation of ultramarine from lapis lazuli was 
known in classical times. 

No pigment was more prized by the fifteenth and 
sixteenth century painters of Italy, and its prepara- 
tion is described in great detail in more than one 
fifteenth century MS.^ 

Among his descriptions of precious stones Pliny 
describes a stone called ' cyanos.' ^ From his descrip- 
tion this stone is evidently lapis lazuli, and he goes 
on to speak of an artificial variety discovered by an 
Egyptian king. This account is probably taken from 
Theophrastus, because he also speaks of the discovery 
made by an Egyptian king of an artificial cyanos. 

But the place where this statement is made in 
Theophrastus is chapter xcviii., in that part of the 
work where he describes earths, and more especially 
those suitable for pigments. 

An earlier mention of ' cyanos ' occurs in chapter 
Ivi., where Theophrastus is describing the various 
precious stones and gems. He again refers to it in 
chapter Ixv., contrasting it with the ' sapphire,' ^ and 
again in chapter Ixx., where, if this chapter be taken 
as a continuation of the preceding chapter, he is 
apparently referring to the golden particles of pyrites 
the stone often contains. On the whole, therefore, the 

' MS. Jehan Le Bfegue, Ancient PrtKtice of Painting, vol. i. p. 96. 
MS. Cennino Cennini, page 47 of translation by Mrs. Herringham. 

2 Pliny, xxxvii. 38, probably also xxxvii. 39, called 'sapphiros.' 

3 A variety of lapis lazuli, not the modern sapphire. 


evidence is in favour of Theophrastus having de- 
scribed two, if not more, different blue stones under 
the one name, the first being lapis lazuli, and the 
last being of the nature of a blue earth used in 
painting, and the artificial variety being probably the 
Egyptian copper frit. 

We may therefore safely say that there is no 
evidence in favour of the view that the prepara- 
tion of ultramarine from lapis lazuli was known in 
classical times. The process, which is an elaborate 
and difficult one, either came from elsewhere, or was 
discovered at some time during the middle ages. 

Some writers have gone so far as to assume a 
knowledge of the preparation of arifi/?cmi^ ultramarine 
from the statements made by Pliny. 

It is evident from the foregoing account that the 
painters of classical times had a very complete palette 
at their command, a palette which remained the same, 
with a few modifications, right through the history of 
painting and up to the dawn of modern chemistry. 

The principal modifications were, the introduction 
of ultramarine, and the disappearance of the copper 
frit, and of pigments prepared from murex, and the 
introduction of artificial in place of native vermilion, 
of lakes prepared from dye woods, and after the 
discovery of Mexico of the cochineal lakes in place ol 


With the exception of the introduction of ultra- 
marine none of these changes can be regarded as 
improvements on the palette used in classical times. 

While I have refrained from going into detail, 
much more might be said on this subject, a com- 
parison of the statements made by Pliny and 
Vitruvius respectively about the same pigments being 
alone of great interest. Pliny evidently copied some 
of his facts from Vitruvius, and in many cases copied 
inaccurately. The statements made by Vitruvius 
about the nature and preparation of pigments are 
evidently much more reliable, and we may suppose 
are due to actual practical knowledge. The state- 
ments in Pliny are in many cases quite unintelligible, 
and his evident ignorance of the method of prepara- 
tion of so well known a pigment as the blue copper 
frit is very significant. 

The suggestion that the white earth he describes 
as being used to prepare a pigment from the murex 
dye is infusorial earth is, I believe, new, and the 
experiments by Professor Russell on the Egyptian 
blue and Egyptian madder lake are not as well 
known as they ought to be. His experiments on the 
madder lake are especially interesting, as nearly all 
traces of lakes from madder disappear in the mss. 
of the middle ages, right through to the seventeenth 
century, when a receipt is given in the Ars Vitraria. 

We shall now proceed to consider what mediums 



were used for painting on panel and canvas in and 
before the time of Pliny. 

A medium suitable for the artist must fulfil several 
functions. It must, when mixed with the pigment, 
form a convenient means of transferring the pigment 
to the brush and from the brush to the picture, 
and it must serve to attach the pigment to the 
surface of the picture, and in addition some mediums 
serve to protect the pigment more or less perfectly 
from chemical and mechanical injury. 

Among primitive mediums which serve to attach 
the pigment may be mentioned gum, glue, and white 
or yolk of egg. Such mediums can all be dissolved 
in or mixed with water, and while serving to attach 
the pigment do not really protect it from attack by 
air and moisture or prevent its easy removal. 

Of the three, probably egg protects and preserves 
the pigment best. 

But the discovery that certain vegetable oils have 
the property of ' drying,' that is of being converted by 
the oxygen of the air into elastic transparent solids, 
has supplied the artist with a medium which protects 
the pigment, and gives the picture a surface which 
is practically waterproof Experiments ^ which I have 
made have proved that this protection is not so 
complete as has been supposed, and that dried films 
of linseed oil are pervious to water vapour, but there 
' Appendix I. 


is obviously a great difference between such an oil 
surface and a surface consisting of gum, glue, or egg. 

The best known of these vegetable ' drying ' oils are 
linseed oil, poppy oil, and walnut oil. Castor oil 
gets sticky when exposed to the air, but does not 
' dry ' with sufficient completeness to be of any 
practical use to the painter. There are other drying 
oils, but we need not consider them here. 

If we wish to protect a surface from moisture we 
can use other means besides the use of a ' drying oil.' 

Many resins exude from the trees in a semi-liquid 
form, and are known generally as balsams. This semi- 
liquid condition is due to the presence of volatile oils 
which subsequently evaporate and leave the hard 
resin behind. The semi-liquid turpentines from the 
various species of pine are excellent examples, such 
as Canada balsam from the abiea halsamsa, Venice 
turpentine from the larch, and others. On distilla- 
tion the volatile spirits of turpentine, or ' turpentine ' 
as it is usually called, is obtained, and the resin is 
left behind. 

Such semi-liquid turpentines, on slightly warming, 
can be used as varnishes, but do not lend themselves 
readily to use as painting mediums without further 
admixtures on account of their sticky nature. 

At the present day varnishes are prepared in one 
of two ways. 

The dry hard resin is dissolved in a volatile 


medium, such as spirits of turpentine, alcohol, or 
rectified petroleum, and brushed over the surface. 
The volatile medium then evaporates and leaves a 
layer of the resin behind. Such varnishes correspond 
to the natural varnishes or pine balsams, which may 
be regarded as natural spirit varnishes, in which the 
resin is dissolved in spirits of turpentine. (Distinc- 
tions are drawn by chemists between balsams, tur- 
pentines, and solutions of resin in spirits of tur- 
pentine, but the above statements are sufficiently 
accurate for our present purposes. ^ 

The other modern method of making varnishes is 
to dissolve the resin in a drying oil, which solu- 
tion, when exposed in a thin film, ' dries ' to form a 
hard elastic coating, owing to the oxidation of the 
oil, and contains the oil and resin intimately associated 
together. Such varnishes are usually diluted with 

It is evident then that if we wish to paint a picture 
which will resist the attacks of moisture, we have 
several different methods available. 

We may use a drying oil as our medium, or we 
may use a natural balsam, or a spirit varnish, or an 
oil varnish. 

In practice the last three mediums, if used pure, 
will be found to be too sticky to lend themselves to 
a successful use. 

' Dieterioh on Analysis of Resins, Balsams, and Gum Resins. 


Or we may paint our picture with gum, egg, or 
glue, and then protect the surface afterwards by 
varnishing with any of the above substances. The 
sticky nature of the varnishes will not prevent their 
use for this purpose, though making them unsuitable 
as painting mediums (see Appendix I.). 

There is still, however, another substance which 
has not been mentioned, and which will serve to 
protect the pigment, and that is beeswax. 

Beeswax is easily melted and forms semi-fluid 
semi-solutions, with turpentine and oil, and dissolves 
in fused resins. It is not transparent, but in thin 
coats is so nearly transparent as to make it quite 
suitable for solid painting. 

While a fused resin is quite unsuitable for a 
varnish, as it is impossible to lay it on in smooth 
coats, and it cracks all over on cooling, the dissolving 
of a little beeswax in it only diminishes its trans- 
parency a little, and makes it quite suitable for use 
as a varnish. The melting point is considerably 
lowered, and the varnished surface does not crack. 

After these preliminary explanations we are in a 
position _to consider intelligently the information 
available as to the mediums and methods used by 
painters in the time of Pliny. 

In the first place we shall begin by stating what 
knowledge they had of the various substances men- 
tioned in the above statement. 


In Pliny's account of remedies derived from eggs, 
he states that a cement for glass can be made of white 
of egg and lime.^ He says that white of egg (ovi 
candidum) is suitable for laying gold leaf on marble.^ 
He also mentions egg as suitable for a painting 
medium in a particulai; case in the following words : * 
— ' Pingentes sandyce sublita, mox ex ovo inducentes 
purptirissum fulgorem minii faciunt. Si purpurae 
facere malunt, caeruleum sublinunt, mox purpurissum 
ex ovo inducunt.' 'Painters put on sandyx as a' 
ground colour; thereafter, laying on purpurissum 
with egg they produce the brilliance of vermilion. 
If they prefer to produce the brilliance of purple they 
put on caeruleum as the ground colour, and then lay 
on purpurissum with egg.' If we now proceed to 
consider this statement of Pliny's, it is evident, in 
the first place, that he does not state whether he 
means the whole egg or the white or the yolk to be 
used. Formerly, when describing how to lay on gold 
leaf, he states definitely that ' candidum ovi ' is to be 
used. It seems therefore probable that the medium 
in this case is intended to be the whole of the egg. 
In the second place, he only directs the purpurissum 
to be mixed with the egg, and fails to mention what 
medium the other pigments are mixed with. 

If the medium for these other pigments was not 
also egg, it certainly could not be wax, as the paint- 

' xxix. 11, ^ xxxiii. 20. » xxxv. 26. 


ing over it with the egg medium could not be 

successfully carried out. Probably, therefore, it was 

a water medium, that is egg, gum, or glue. 

There is also another possibility, and that is that 
the passage refers to fresco painting. Purpurissum, 
he tells us later, was one of the pigments that could 
not stand the action of wet lime, and therefore it may 
have been customary to paint it on the dry surface 
with egg. Similar directions for touching up true 
fresco with pigment mixed with egg are to be found 
in Cennino Cennini.^ 

It is also not clear from the statement whether it 
is the process of glazing with purpurissum to which 
he wishes to direct attention, or the use of egg. 

There are other passages with which we shall have 
to deal later, in which a process is stated either to 
be peculiar to a particular painter, or only to be 
used in a special case. In such cases we are justi- 
fied in stating that such processes were not universally 

In this passage it is impossible to say from the 
context, whether or not we are to understand that 
the use of egg is exceptional, and whether only for 
this special purpose. 

The passage at any rate proves conclusively that 
the use of egg as a medium was a familiar idea to 
Pliny for this special purpose, and there is certainly 

1 Cennino Cennini, translation by Mrs. Herringham. 


no evidence to be drawn from the text that he in- 
tends egg to be used only in this case, and there- 
fore there is no evidence that egg was not the 
ordinary accepted medium for other purposes. 

Pliny mentions the preparation of glue from hides 
of oxen,^ and the preparation of fish glue? and the 
use of glue by carpenters.^ 

He also mentions glue in connection with pig- 
ments in his description of the preparation of 
black pigments.* The actual words used are as 
follows : — 

' Omne autem atramentum sole perficitur, librarium 
cumme, tectorium glutino admixto.' ' The prepara- 
tion of every sort of atramentum is completed by 
exposure to the sun, that used for writing having an 
admixture of gum, that for use on plaster-work an 
admixture of glue.' 

With this statement the following statement made 
by Vitruvius can be compared : — 

'Inde coUecta partim componitur ex cummi sub- 
acta ad usum atramenti librarii, reliqua tectores 
glutinum adraiscentes in parietibus utuntur. Sin 
autem hae copiae non fuerint paratae, ita necessi- 
tatibus erit administrandum, ne expectatione morae 
res retineatur. Sarmenta aut taedae schidiae com- 
burantur, cum erunt carbones extinguantur, deinde in 

' xi. 94. 2 xxxii. 24. " xvi. 82, 83. 

' XXXV. 25. 


inortario cum glutino terantur. Ita erit atramentum 
tectoribus non invenustum.' ^ 'When it has been 
collected thence ' (i.e. when the soOt arising from the 
combustion of resin has been collected from the walls 
of a specially constructed furnace), 'part of it is 
blended with beaten up gum for use as writing ink, 
the rest is used on walls by plasterers, who mix it 
with glue. Should such material not be at hand, the 
necessities of the case must be so dealt with as to 
prevent undue delay ' in carrying out the work. 
Twigs or pine- shavings are to be burnt, when con- 
verted into charcoal they are to be extinguished, and 
then powdered in a mortar with glue. This will 
provide plasterers with a quite pleasing black.' 

It has been assumed that these passages prove the 
use of glue for painting on walls. They are, how- 
ever, capable of another explanation. Lamp black 
is of such a light powdery nature that it is very 
unmanageable as a pigment, being both bulky to 
handle and difficult to moisten with water. It has 
long, therefore, been the custom of the trade to 
grind it with water and a little glue, press it into 
convenient shapes, and sell it in such a form as 
' drop black.' The pigment in this form can readily 
be mixed with oil or any other medium, the amount 
of glue being just sufficient to bind it together. 
Charcoal is also very unmanageable, and would 
' Vitruvius, vii. 10. 


require fine grinding and similar treatnaent. It is 
therefore quite possible that this method of prepar- 
ing black for use was equally familiar in the time of 
Vitruvius, and that the passages quoted have no refer- 
ence to the actual medium used for painting. 

Glue was used for preparing gesso grounds on 
coffins in Egypt, and possibly also as the painter's 

Pliny mentions various kinds of gum, including 
gum Arabic, which he states 'to be the best, and he 
also describes the use of gum for medicinal purposes.^ 

The references to the use of gum for making ink 
have already been quoted. There is a passage in his 
description of gums in the thirteenth book to which 
more attention might well have been given. In 
speaking of a gum which he calls sarcocoUa, he 
says : — ' Fit et e sarcocolla — ita vocatur arbor et 
cummis — utilissima pictoribus et medicis, similis 
pollini turis, et ideo Candida quam rufa melior.' (A 
gum) 'is also obtained from sarcocolla — both tree 
and gum are so named — which is very useful to 
painters and physicians. It resembles the dust of 
frankincense, and for that reason the white is better 
than the red.' 

This is supposed to be the Penaea Sarcocolla of 
Linnaeus, the gum of which is brought from Abys- 

' See Appendix II. 

•= xiii. 19 ; xiii. 20 ; xxiv. 64, 65, 67. 


sinia. Pliny mentions its medicinal uses later on,^ 
and it is also described by Dioscorides.^ It would 
be of great interest to follow up this reference, and 
if the gum can really be identified, carefully examine 
its properties. 

In conclusion, the artistic possibilities of these 
three media, glue, gum, and egg, require no demon- 
stration. Glue is the medium of the scene-painter, 
gum is the medium of the painter in water-colour, and 
egg was the medium of the early Italian painters. 

Nor can there be any doubt that all these sub- 
stances, being familiarly known, would be tried as 
media -by artists, though they might ultimately 
select one in preference to another.^ 

We shall now proceed, to examine carefully the 
statements made by Pliny about oils, resins, and 

A very large number of resinous bodies are men- 
tioned by Pliny, including those used for perfumes, 
such as balm of Gilead and frankincense, and the 
various sources from which they are obtained are 

It is unnecessary to include all these in our present 

1 xxiv. 78. 2 B. iii. o. 99. 

^ A medium of egg and gum mixed, with the addition of bile to 
make the colour flow easily, is mentioned in a Papyrus found at 
Thebes of the third or fourth century. Papyri Oraeci Musei 
Antiquarii publici Lugduni Batavi, edited by C. Leemans : torn. 
ii. papyrus x. 


inquiry, but it is sufficient to give the names and 
sources of some of them. In the 22nd chapter of 
the twenty-fourth book, he mentions resins extracted 
from the pine, the pitch-tree, and the larch, the 
terebinth, the lentisk, and the cypress. He distin- 
guishes in this chapter between the dry and the' 
liquid resins, speaking, for instance, of the resin of 
the pitch-tree as unctuous and of the larch as thin 
like honey. It is a matter of some difficulty to 
identify the various kinds of pine referred to by 
Pliny. The terebinth, which he says comes from 
Syria, is supposed to be the pistacia terebinthus, while 
the lentisk yields the resin known as mastic.^ 

An exhaustive inquiry into all the resins men- 
tioned by Pliny, and an attempt to conclusively 
identify the various trees described by him would 
involve a long and laborious research, and would be 
of no value for our present purpose. It is sufficient 
that such balsams or natural varnishes -were well 
known, and were obtained from many sources. 

A clear distinction is drawn by Pliny between resin 
and pitch.2 The ' resin ' is the natural product of 
the tree, 'pix' is the result of a special process, 
namely, heating the broken up timber of the tree, 
when a tar flows out and is collected. Such a tar 

1 xxiv. 22. 

^ Dioscorides mentions the trees pitch is obtained from, but not 
the method of preparation. B. i. 94. 


or pitch is still known and used to-day, and is of 
a rich brown colour. It differs in its behaviour and 
properties from the natural balsam or resin, and from 
the hard resin obtained when the turpentine has been 
distilled. The preparation of this pitch will be 
found described in the 21st chapter of the sixteenth 
book. This pitch, Pliny informs us, was used for 
tarring ships. There is also another artificial 
preparation described by him called zopissa, which 
was apparently used in medicine, and was scraped 
from the bottoms of ships. This he states to have 
been a mixture of pitch and beeswax. The bees- 
wax would doubtless be introduced to toughen the 
pitch. A description of this substance is given in the 
23rd chapter of book sixteen. The resins already 
referred to were used, either to add to wine, or to 
paint the inside of the wine vessels. They were 
also, of course, used in medicine. There is no hint or 
suggestion in Pliny of their being used to varnish 
pictures or other objects. Below will be found the 
references to the chapters where resins are men- 
tioned, with the exclusion of those used as perfumes, 
such as frankincense.^ 

He tells us that all resins are soluble in oil,^ 
describes the extraction of a resin by oil,* and de- 

1 xii. 36 ; xiii. 11 ; xiii. 12 ; xiv.' 25 ; xvi. 16-23 ; xvi. 76 ; xxiv. 
11 ; xxiv. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28. 
^ xiv. 25. ' xxiv. 1. 


scribes the preparation of liniments by dissolving 
resins in oil.^ When the nature of the oil is not 
specially mentioned, no doubt olive oil is intended. 
We are not justified, therefore, in supposing that 
the preparation of an oil varnish by dissolving the 
resin in a ' drying ' oil was understood, on the 
evidence merely of these receipts for medical pre- 
parations by the use of olive oil. 

A large number of oils were also known in the 
time of Pliny, though no distinction was made be- 
tween fixed oils like olive oil and essential oils. A 
list of these oils will be found ^ in the 7th chapter of 
the fifteenth book, and some account of their method 
of extraction. They are either extracted by pressing, 
or by boiling the substance containing the oil with 
water, or by mixing the substance first with olive 
oil and then pressing, by which a solution of the 
required oil in olive oil would be obtained. 

It is in this chapter that the preparation of wal- 
nut oil is mentioned. There are two other references 
to walnut oil. It is mentioned as a remedy for 
certain complaints,^ and a receipt for bird lime consists 
of walnut oil mixed with the juice of the mistletoe 
berry.* This receipt is very interesting, as no doubt 
the drying properties of the oil would make the 
mixture stickier on exposure to the air. 

^ xxiv. 22. '' XV. 7. 

'^ xxiii, 45. ^ xvi. 94. 


The preparation of linseed oil and poppy oil are 
not given, but the preparation of poppy oil is given 
by Dioscorides.^ 

Several other interesting oils are raentioiaed, such 
as castor oil. 

It is evident from this account of the oils and 
resins known in the time of Pliny that the wMe- 
rials for oil painting and for making oil varnishes 
were known. We shall next consider whether the 
materials for making spirit varnishes were also avail- 
able. These are spirits of turpentine, alcohol, and 

There are several references to petroleum in Pliny. 
It is mentioned in the 109th chapter of the second 
book, in the 39th chapter of the thirty-first book, and, 
under the name of liquid bitumen, in the 51st chapter 
of the thirty- fifth book. He distinguishes between 
different kinds, and states that it is used for burn- 
ing in lamps. Some writers have therefore assumed, 
on the strength of these references, that it was used 
in classical times as a painting medium and in the 
preparation of varnishes. Natural petroleum is quite 
unsuitable for such a purpose, and requires to be 
most carefully rectified by distillation before it can 
be used. So that we may dismiss this hypothesis, 
as the true art of distillation was apparently un- 
known at the time of Pliny, the first descriptions 

' Diosoorides, B. iv. 65. 


occurring at a later date.^ For this same reason 
alcohol was not available. 

A description of a crude method of distillation is, 
however, to be found in Pliny in his chapter on oils,^ 
where he states that, by boiling pitch and covering the 
boiling pot with fleeces and then wringing them out, 
a yellow oil is obtained which he calls pissinum. This 
oil is again referred to as pisselaeon.^ It has been 
assumed that this statement in Pliny justifies us in 
stating that in classical times spirits of turpentine 
was known and doubtless used in paiijtLng. It has 
not been noticed apparently that this oil was not 
distilled from the pine balsam or oleo resin, but from 
the pitch, the method of preparing which has already 
been described. Such an oil would be very different 
from spirits of turpentine, and of very doubtful value 
as a medium, or for the preparation of varnishes. 

Finally, it may be pointed out that the assump- 
tion that the art of distillation was not known in the 
time of Pliny, because it is not mentioned, is streng- 
thened by the description given by him of the process 
for obtaining an oil from pitch. This crude process 
no doubt represents the first attempt at distillation 
before the idea of a closed-in vessel, and a descending 
pipe leading from it, had occurred to any one. 

It is evident then that spirit varnishes artificially 
prepared were not known in the time of Pliny, 

1 See Appendix III. ^ xv. 7. ^ xxiv. 24. 


though natural spirit varnishes or balsams were 
available. Such varnishes were used in Egypt in 
the 19th dynasty for varnishing cofSns, and the 
varnish is still in good condition,^ and therefore 
there is no reason why they should not have been 
used by classical painters. The evidence provided by 
Pliny is, however, against their having been generally 
used, for, speaking of Apelles Pliny says, ' Inventa ejus 
et ceteris profuere in arte ; unum imitari nemo potuit, 
quod absoluta opera atramento inlinebat ita tenui, ut 
id ipsum, cum repercussum claritatis colorum omnium 
excitaret, custodiretque a pulvere et sordibus, ad 
manum intuenti demum appareret, sed et lurainuTn 
ratione magna, ne claritas colorum aciem offenderet 
veluti per lapidem specularem intuentibus et e lon- 
ginquo eadem res nimis floridis coloribus austeritatem 
occulte daret.' ^ ' His innovations in the art of paint- 
ing have also been useful to others ; but one of them 
nobody has been able to imitate. He used to cover 
his pictures after their completion with a layer of 
atramentum so thin, that while it created a reflexion 
of the brightness of all the colours and protected 
them from dust and dirt, it was itself visible only to 
one examining very closely. But the chief purpose 
was to prevent the brightness of the colours from 
offending the eye (they were as if looked at 
through talc), also that when seen from a distance 

' Appendix II. ^ xxxv. 36. 



the too florid colours might be imperceptibly 

The general impression made by this description 
is that of the result of varnishing a picture painted 
in some medium like tempera, by which the dead 
dull look of the colours is at once removed. 

The use of the word atramentum, and the remarks 
about the softening effect, suggest, however, that the 
artist covered his picture with a thin glaze of bitu- 
men. Some of the more fluid bitumens could pro- 
bably be used for such a purpose. The beautiful 
effects which bitumen is capable of giving were only 
too well known to the early painters of the nineteenth 
century as their pictures now testify. 

Atramentum properly means black, and is con- 
fined by Vitruvius^ to lamp black and charcoal 
black. On the other hand Pliny, in speaking of 
atramentum,^ mentions an atramentum which exudes 
from the earth like the brine of salt pits. This 
must surely be some form of bitumen, in which 
case the use of the word atramentum, in speaking 
of the process used by Apelles, would be justified. 
It is evident that Pliny himself did not understand 
the process, and that it was some method of varnish- 
ing, though possibly with a bituminous or semi- 
bituminous varnish. A varnish, for instance, in 
which bitumen was dissolved in a pine balsam like 

' vii. X., Vitruvius. ^ xxxv. 25, Pliny. 


Venice turpentine, would fulfil all the conditions laid 
down in Pliny's description. 

It was also a process peculiar to Apelles, for Pliny 
speaks of it as having been used only by him, stating 
that in this no one could imitate him. 

The CYidence, therefore, of this passage is in favour 
of the conclusion that the varnishing of pictures was 
not practised by classical painters, with this one excep- 
tion. On the other hand it is difficult to understand, 
since they had natural varnishes in abundance, and 
since the use of them was so well understood in Egypt, 
why they were not used by classical painters. This 
is one of the cases where we have to decide between 
the facts derived from the actual examination of 
contemporaneous objects, and the authority of our 
author. While it is difficult to imagine that Pliny 
was not familiar with the artists' studios of his time, 
or that the special significance of the passage lies in 
the use of the word atramentum, the dark glazing 
being the special invention of Apelles, yet it is not 
easy to see why other artists should have had any 
difficulty in repeating his process. On the whole I 
am disposed to think that the classical painters 
were probably quite familiar with the advantage of 
varnishing their pictures with the natural balsams, 
and that Pliny is speaking in ignorance of the tradi- 
tions of the studios. 

Whether the pictures were varnished or not, we 


have so far identified three possible media for paint- 
ing, gum, glue, and egg. For pictures that did not 
require to be waterproof these media would be 
sufficient, but as soon as a demand came for a 
medium which should be waterproof, and at the same 
time pliable in handling and not too brittle when 
dry, it is evident that we have a choice between two, 
a drying oil, like nut or linseed oil, and beeswax. 

We have found no evidence of a knowledge of 
the properties of drying oilj and therefore we are 
bound to assume, as a working hj'pothesis, that such 
knowledge was absent. If we find definite proof of 
the use of beeswax, it is a further confirmation of 
the absence of, at any rate, a practical working 
knowledge of drying oils, as no one would use bees- 
wax if he knew of something more convenient, and 
any one who has worked in both media will un- 
hesitatingly prefer oil. 

The problem of obtaining a waterproof medium 
would probably arise, in the first instance, in connec- 
tion with ships. The substance already described, 
zopissa, the mixture of beeswax and pitch which 
was used for coating the sides of ships, would be 
a translucent brownish yellow body. If a desire 
arose for decorating ships it could be easily done 
by mixing pigments with this substance and laying 
them on with the tar brush in bold designs, as the 
colour of the mixture would not affect the colour of 


the pigments more than a dark varnish would do. 
Experience in this rough decorative treatment might 
well lead to a more refined use of wax mixed with 
pigments, as a medium, without the sticky dark 
coloured tar, both for ship decoration, and for paint- 
ing on panels. 

At this point, however, the technique derived 
from the practice with the tar brush would meet 
another technique, namely that of modelling in 
coloured waxes, and from the two combined a special 
kind of pictorial art would develop. We shall see 
how far this conjectural view agrees with the infor- 
mation at our disposal. We shall begin by considering 
the statements made by Pliny about the preparation 
and properties of beeswax itself, by quoting in full 
chapter 49 of the twenty-first book : — 

' Cera fit expressis favis, sed ante purificatis aqua 
ac triduo in tenebris siccatis, quarto die liquatis igni 
in novo fictili, aqua favos tegente, tunc sporta colatis. 
Rursus in eadem oUa coquitur cera cum eadem aqua 
excipiturque alia frigida, vasis melle circumlitis. 
Optima quse Punica vocatur, proxima quam 
maxime fulva odorisque mellei, pura, natione autem 
Pontica, quod constare equidem miror inter venenata 
mella: dein Cretica, plurimum enim ex propoli 
habet, de qua diximus in natura apium. Post has 
Corsica, quoniam ex buxo fit, habere quandam vim 
medicaminis putatur. Punica fit hoc modo : ven- 


tilatur sub diu saepius cera fulva, dein fervet in 
aqua marina ex alto petita, addito nitro. Inde 
lingulis hauriunt florem, id est candidissima quaeque, 
transfunduntque in vas, quod exiguum frigidae habeat, 
et rursus marina decocunt separatim, dein vas ipsum 
aut aquam refrigerant. Et cum hoc ter fecere, juncea 
crate sub diu siccant sole lunaque. Haec enim 
candorem facit, sol siccat, et, ne liquefaciat, pro- 
tegunt tenui linteo. Candidissima Tero fit post 
insolationem etiamnura recocta. Punica medicinis 
utilissima. Nigrescit cera addito chartarum cinere, 
sicut anchusa admixta rubet, variosque in eolores 
pigmentis trahitur ad reddendas similitudines, et 
innumeros mortalium usus parietumque etiam et 
armorum tutelam. Cetera de melle apibusque in 
natura earum dicta sunt.' ^ 'Wax is made from 
honeycombs out of which the honey has been 
pressed. Having been first cleaned with water and 
dried for three days in the shade, the combs are on 
the fourth day melted on the fire in a new earthen 
vessel with water enough to cover them, and then 
strained off in a wicker basket. The wax is again 
boiled in the same pot with the same water, and is 
poured into cold water contained in vessels the 
interior of which has been smeared all over with 
honey. The best wax is that called Punic, the next 
that of a very yellow colour with the smell of honey, 

1 xxl. 49. 


which, though of Pontic origin, is unaffected, I am 
surprised to find, by its poisonous honey. Next best 
is the Cretan, for it has a large proportion of propolis 
of which we spoke when treating of bees. Next to 
these is the Corsican, which, as it comes from the 
box-tree, is believed to have medicinal qualities. 
Punic wax is prepared as follows : Yellow wax is 
exposed to the outside air for some time, then boiled 
in sea-water taken from the open sea, with nitrum 
added. Then the flower, that is, the whitest part, is 
skimmed off and poured into a vessel containing a 
little cold water. Again it is boiled in sea- water by 
itself, then the vessel, or at least the water, cooled. 
When this has been done three times the wax is 
dried in the open air on a mat of rushes in the light 
of the sun and the moon. For the latter makes it 
white, the sun dries it, and lest it should melt it is 
covered with a thin linen cloth. It will become 
exceedingly white if it is boiled again after the 
exposure to the sun. Punic wax is the most useful 
for medicines. Wax becomes black when papyrus 
ash is added to it. It becomes red when mixed with 
alkanet ; with pigments it is made to assume various 
colours in order to represent true likenesses of objects. 
It is useful to men in numberless ways, even serving 
as a protection for walls and weapons. Other par- 
ticulars concerning bees and honey we have stated 
when speaking of the nature of these insects.' 


It is evident from this passage that it was cus- 
tomary to mix pigments with wax, and the coloured 
mass was used for modelling portraits, and wax was 
used as a protective coating for walls and armour. It 
is necessary here, however, to make a somewhat long 
digression in order to consider the statements made 
by Pliny about Punic wax and the method of purifying 
it with nitrum. A description of nitrum is given by 
Pliny in xxxi. 46. The description is obscure, and he 
may well be referring to more than one substance, 
but we are on the whole justified in identifying it with 
a natural efflorescence found in some of the desert 
regions on the Mediterranean, and proving to be a 
double salt of carbonate and bi-carbonate of soda. 
For experimental purposes, therefore, we can replace 
it by ordinary sodium carbonate, which will, how- 
ever, be the more powerful alkali of the two. 

Fee ^ and John ^ both rightly concluded that the 
treatment with soda and salt water would have no 
effect on the purification of the wax, and the matter 
might be left here if Herr Berger had not revived 
an old idea in a new form, namely, that a special 
medium of wax and soda was used in classical times, 
consisting of a wax-soda soap or emulsion, an idea 
which he bases largely on this passage in Pliny.^ 

' F^e : Sur la MatUre MddicaU et la Botanique de Pline. 

" John : Malerei der Alien, Berlin, 1836, p. 204. 

' 'Der Zusatz von Nitrum bezweokt die Verseifung oder nur 
Bmulgierung des Waohses,' etc. Die Maltechnik des AUerthums, 
vol. i. p. 100. 


It is impossible to give all the references in Berger 
dealing with this subject, as the principal object of 
the whole book is to prove that this medium alone, 
or in combination, was used for panel and wall 

In the first place, therefore, it is necessary to consider 
whether the process described by Pliny would result 
in the saponification of the wax. Beeswax consists 
principally of myricyl palmitate with about ten per 
cent, of cerotic acid. Myricylic alcohol is insoluble 
in water, and the soda salts of cerotic acid are also in- 
soluble. While, therefore, beeswax readily saponifies 
in an alcoholic solution of soda, it is not probable that 
it would be saponified by a solution of soda in water. 
Moreover, in the British Pharmacopoeia the test for 
the purity of beeswax is to heat it with a solution of 
soda in water. If any soap is formed this shows the 
presence of adulteration with fats. This test might 
be regarded as conclusive, but the question as to 
saponification is so important that I determined to 
test the matter further. I therefore took some 
beeswax of undoubted purity, of which I knew the 
history, and boiled it under an inverted condenser with 
a saturated solution of carbonate of soda for twelve 
hours. At the end the whole mass was treated with 
ether, and both the water solution and the solution 
in ether examined. Neither contained the slightest 
indication of a soap having been formed. The question 


of saponification may be considered therefore as 
finally settled. 

We shall next consider the question of the forma- 
tion of an emulsion. Herr Berger states quite cor- 
rectly that when beeswax is melted in pure water 
and then shaken up| no emulsion is formed, but that 
the introduction of a small quantity of soda at once 
makes it possible to form an emulsion in this 
way. The question therefore is whether Punic wax, 
prepared in the way described by Pliny, can be con- 
sidered to be an emulsion of beeswax and soda 
solution. If the beeswax is merely boiled with the 
soda without shaking up, it collects on the top and 
very little emulsion is formed. If the emulsion is 
formed by shaking up, prolonged warming in a water 
bath causes the wax to separate again and float on 
the top. If, then, we suppose a considerable quantity 
of wax to be boiled in this way with soda, we should 
expect to find the bulk of it collecting on the top, 
just as when it is boiled with water. 

Following the description by Pliny, we find that he 
states that the whitest part of the wax is skimmed off, 
is poured into cold water, and is bleached iii the open 
air upon a mat of rushes. It is quite evident that 
this bleaching could only be applied to dry, solid 
beeswax, which could not possibly therefore be an 
emulsion as supposed by Berger. It might certainly 
accidentally contain a little soda mechanically caught 


in the wax. But the boiling with sea water alone 
would serve to remove this accidental impurity, and 
as I have shown no soda is chemically combined 
with it. The resulting product will therefore simply 
be bleached beeswax, and will not differ from the 
wax prepared with water alone. 

In order to strengthen the view that Punic wax was 
something quite different from ordinary wax, and was 
specially used for treating walls, Berger points out that 
when talking of ordinary encaustic Pliny speaks of 
wax, but, when discussing wall painting, he speaks of 
Punic wax,^ and that similarly Vitruvius, in speaking 
of the treatment of walls with wax, speaks of Punic 

In Mayhoff's edition of Pliny the word is given as 
pvmica. But in the corresponding passage in Vitru- 
vius (vii. 9) we find that Eose, in his later edition 
alters the punica of his former edition to pontica. 
From a note to the text we find that in the oldest 
MSS. (see below, p. 78, note) the word appears, not as 
punica, but as pumica. Rose refers us further to 
his edition of the works of the physician Theodoras 
Priscianus, where we find the following note : ' pontice 
fere legitur ut pomice, unde ponice, punice, quod 
delendum.' In another note on ' cera pontica ' : ' falsa 
lectio punica' (in certain MSS. of Theod. Prise.) 'ut 
etiam apud Plinium alibi.' 

' Pliny, xxxiii. 40. " Vit. vii. 9. 


It is evident that whether Rose is right in his 
reading or not, no argument can be based on the use 
of a word which a commentator of the authority of 
Rose does not consider to be a correct reading. 

It will also be noted that Pliny states that Punic 
wax is best for medicinal uses, yet when discussing 
the medicinal use of wax ^ he speaks simply of wax 
without the word Punic. If he regarded Punic wax 
as something quite distinct from ordinary wax, and 
used the word Punic whenever he wishes it and 
not ordinary wax to be used, it is difficult to under- 
stand why he does not do so in the chapter on the 
use of wax for medicinal purposes. 

If we inquire further from what source this idea 
of the use of an emulsion of wax and soda comes, 
we find two sources.^ 

In the ffermenem, obtained by Didronfrom the Mon- 
astery of Mount Athos, and supposed to be written in 
the sixteenth century, claiming to be the teaching of 
a painter of the eleventh or twelfth century, a receipt 
is given for a medium consisting of equal quantities 
of potash lye, wax, and size melted on the fire. While 
this medium is mentioned, the evidence to be drawn 
from the Hermeneia as a whole is in favour of Qgg 
being the customary medium.^ 

' xxii. 55. 

^ Berger's receipt for what he calls Punic wax will be found on 
page 100 of the Maltechnik des Alterthums, vol. i. 
' Didron : The Hermeneia, a MS. found by him at Mount Athos. 


A similar receipt exists in the MS. of Jehan Le 
Begue/ which begins thus: 'Prenez une livre de 
chaux et douze de Flandres puis prenez eaue 
boulant,' etc. This receipt refers to the presence of 
potash, only if we accept Mrs. Merrifield's emenda- 
tion of ' Cendres ' for ' Flandres.' 

Such a medium would in reality be a glue medium 
with wax intermixed. It is hardly necessary to 
point out that a medium containing free soda or 
potash is very objectionable, and would probably 
soon result in the destruction of the picture. 

But it is not necessary for us to discuss the merits 
or demerits of this medium. It is sufficient for our 
purpose that it appears for the first time in MSS. 
which are not earlier than the end of the fourteenth 
or beginning of the fifteenth century, and that there- 
fore they have no bearing on the subject we are 
discussing, namely, the medium used before and up 
to the end of the first century of the Christian era. 

Sufficient has been said to show that Pliny clearly 
does not describe such a preparation, and that we 
may dismiss it as one of the ingenious fictions 
that have so long obscured the scientific investiga- 
tion of the classical methods of painting. I shall 
have to refer to it again, however, when discussing 
Herr Berger's theories about metho'ds of wall 
1 Mrs. Merrifield, Ancient Practice 0/ Painting, vol. i. p. 307. 


Having now cleared the way we can proceed to 
consider the actual information given by Pliny about 
pictures on panel, linen, or parchment, leaving the 
question of wall painting for later consideration. 

In the first place, it is necessary to consider the 
evidence in favour of two mediums having been 
used, one by painters ' with the brush,' and the other, 
wax, ' with the cauterium and the brush.' 

In the 34th chapter of the thirty-fifth book. 
Pliny begins by stating that he is going to enumerate 
as briefly as possible the more eminent among 
painters, 'Nunc celebres in ea arte quam maxima 
brevitate percurram,' etc. After discussing in this 
chapter the early beginnings of painting, and in the 
next chapter the institution of pictorial contests 
at Corinth and Delphi, he begins to describe the 
great painters in detail in the 36th chapter, and 
speaking of Apollodorus of Athens, says: — 'Hie 
primus species exprimere instituit primusque gloriam 
penicillo jure contulit.' 'He was the first to depict 
objects as they really appeared, and he first conferred 
a just glory on the brush.' And again further on, 
speaking of Zeuxis of Heraclea, he says : ' Ab hoc artis 
fores apertas Zeuxis Heracleotis intravit olympiadis 
Lxxxxv anno quarto, audentemque jam aliquid 
penicillum — de hoc enim adhuc loquamur — ad mag- 
nam gloriam perduxit,' etc. ' Through the gates of art 
thrown open ' (by Apollodorus), ' Zeuxis of Heraclea 


passed in the fourth year of the 95th Olympiad, and 
brought the brush — for it is of the brush we are stiU 
speaking — to the great glory at which it was already 

He is evidently speaking here of artists who 
painted with the brush. This, however, is not con- 
clusive evidence that they were not painters in wax, 
as we shall iind that he tells us that one method of 
painting in wax was with the brush. But we shall 
find, as we follow up the quotations, that he is 
evidently referring to a school of painters who used 
a different medium from the wax medium. These 
pictures with this medium were evidently painted 
on panels, as frequent references to panel, one of 
which has already been quoted, are made in this 

The pigment mixed with this medium could be 
easily removed from the picture with a sponge, 
because he tells us that Protogenes, not satisfied with 
his success in painting the foam on the mouth of a 
dog, frequently removed the paint with a sponge, 
and at last threw the sponge at the picture, when 
the wet colour on the sponge was thus replaced on 
the picture and gave the required effect. 

This story certainly suggests the use of a medium 
soluble in or mixed with water, though it might 
equally happen in the case of oil painting. It could 
not have happened with a wax medium, except in 


a very hot climate like that of Egypt during the 
summer months. We also know from this chapter 
that the pictures of this school of painting were 
destroyed by damp. 

In chapter 37, Pliny proceeds to discourse on 
painters of an inferior rank, who, however, were 
' painters with the brush.' He says, ' Namque subtexi 
par est minoris picturae celebres in penicillo : ' 
' It is well to add some mention of those who won 
fame by the brush in a minor kind of painting.' 

In this chapter he mentions the painting of stage 
scenery and the painting of walls, so that there is 
clearly no distinction in his mind between the 
method used for these three purposes, namely panel 
pictures, stage scenery, and wall decoration: they 
are all ' painters with the brush.' 

It is also in this chapter that the method of 
varnifihing pictures invented by Apelles is mentioned. 

In chapter 38 a method of frightening birds by 
picture of a dragon painted on parchment is described. 

In chapter 39 he discusses who was the inventor 
of painting in wax, and then^ proceeds to give an 
account of famous painters in this medium. Speak- 
ing of Pausias, who had been taught encaustic 
painting, he says that he retouched ' with the brush ' 
some walls at Thespiae, but was not successful, as 
this kind of painting was evidently not in his line. 

^ Pliny, XXXV. 40. 


' Pinxit et ipse penicillo parietes Thespiis, cum 
reficerentur quondam a Polygnoto picti, multumque 
comparatione superatus existimabatur, quoniam non 
suo genere certasset.' 'He also painted with the 
brush some walls at Thespiae when they were being 
repaired. They had been previously painted by 
Polygnotus, and the work of Pausias was considered 
to suffer much by comparison, for he was contending 
in a style not his own,' thus apparently indicating that 
wax painting was not the method usually used for 
painting on walls. 

The next sentence, however, throws some doubt on 
this conclusion, as Pliny says : — ' Idem et lacunaria 
primus pingere instituit, nee camaras ante eum 
taliter adornari mos fuit; parvas pingebat tabellas, 
maximeque pueros.' ' He first started painting coffer- 
ceilings, nor had it been the custom before him to 
decorate arched roofs in this way. He usually 
painted small pictures, chiefly of children.' Unless 
we are intended to draw a distinction between instituo 
and pingo, and to understand that while he intro- 
duced the decoration of ceilings, not necessarily exe- 
cuted by his own hand, he painted, with his own 
hand, on panel small pictures of children. 

Further light is thrown on the process of painting 
in wax by the following quotation: — 'Hoc aemuli 
interpretabantur facere eum quoniam tarda picturae 
ratio esset ilia. Quam ob rem daturus ei celeritatis 



famam absolvit uno die tabellam, quae vocata est 
hemeresios, puero picto.' ' This his rivals interpreted 
as due to the slowness of that manner of painting. 
Wherefore wishing to gain the reputation of 
celerity he completed a picture in one day. It 
was a portrait of a boy, and was called "a day's 
work." ' 

So tedious a process, in which the execution of a 
picture, it is to be presumed of small size, in a 
single day was regarded as a remarkable feat, is, 
apart from other reasons to be considered later, 
further evidence that the wax technique was not 
convenient for large surfaces of walls. 

Further on in this chapter, after mentioning 
various painters and their principal works, Pliny 
says: — 'Hactenus indicatis proceribus in utroque 
genere non silebuntur et primis proximi: Aristo- 
clides, qui pinxit aedem Apollinis Delphis.' ' Though 
I have so far mentioned only the leading painters 
in each branch, I will not pass over in silence those 
of the second rank: Aristoclides who painted the 
temple of Apollo at Delphi.' 

We have here a further proof that there were two 
schools of painters, those who painted 'with the 
brush,' and those who painted in wax. 

It is not clear, however, whether in the remainder 
of the chapter Pliny is speaking still only of the wax 
painters or including both schools. 


In confirmation, in the table of contents we find 
as follows : — 

' Qui penicillo pinxerint 
De avium cantu compescendo 
Qui encausto cauterio vel cestro vel penicillo 

' Those who painted with the brush 
On silencing the singing of birds 
Those who painted in encaustic with the 
cauterium, the cestrum, and the brush.' ^ 

These three methods of encaustic painting will next 
have to be considered, but the distinction is clear 
between those who painted with the brush, and those 
who painted in encaustic with the brush. The 
story about the birds divides for us the part of the 
book dealing with the one kind from the part deal- 
ing with the other kind of painting. 

In the 41st chapter the different kinds of wax 
painting are described, and in the 42nd chapter 
a special method of painting or dyeing cloth used in 
Egypt, and so the chapters on painting end. 

It is, I think, clearly estabhshed by these quota- 

' I have adopted the reading 'encausto cauterio' restored by 
Mayhoflf on the authority of the Codex Bambergensis, the most 
ancient extant. It was Sillig who altered ' cauterio ' into ' aut 
ceris,' wishing to harmonise the Index with the Text xxxv. 41, 
where it runs ' cera et in ebore cestro.' For MayhofPs proposed 
emendation of xxxv. 41, see below, p. 60. 


tions that the painters in classical times painted on 
panel as well as on walls, and that there were two 
quite different methods of painting panel pictures, 
the one defined by Pliny as ' painting with the 
brush,' and the other painting with wax. 

While the evidence is not conclusive, it is on the 
whole in favour of the view that Pliny regarded 
'painting with the brush' as equally suitable for 
panels, large canvas pictures, scenery, and wall paint- 
ing, while the painting in wax was confined to panels, 
probably of small size, and that the process was 
recognised as a tedious one unsuitable for large sur- 

The medium used for ' painting with the brush ' 

is nowhere described, but the story of the use of the 

sponge certainly suggests that it was a medium 

which could be mixed with water.^ The fact that 

the medium is not mentioned is strongly in favour 

^ If the following simile of Plutarch's may be pressed so far, I 
would suggest that we find in it strong evidence of the use of a 
water medium for panel pictures, and that it agrees with Pliny's 
statements as to the destruction of paintings. It is unlikely that 
Plutarch is alluding to buon fresco, which is extremely durable : 
7} yap 6}pLS hiKe rets fih fiXXas (pavTa^ias itp' {lypdls ^wypafpelv, Taxi/ 
fxapaivofUva? Kal diroXenro^ffas t^v dtdvoiaVj at 5^ tCjv ^pwfj^vwv dK^ves 
hir aiTTjS olov iv ^yKaijf/.a(n ypatpdfievat 6tct irvpbs ei'SwXa rah fivrifxaLS 
ivaTToKeliroucrt KLVoi^ieva koX ^Covra Kal tjideyyb^eva Kai irapap/Jvovra rbv 
&\\op xpl"""'- ' For, indeed, sight seems to paint all other fancies 
on a wet ground, so swiftly do they fade and leave the mind, but 
the images of those beloved, painted by it as it were in encaustic 
by means of fire, leave behind in the memory shapes which move 
and live and speak and remain for ever.' — Amatorius, 759 0. 


of the conclusion that it was either egg, gum, or 
gluej or any one of these according to the fancy of the 
artist. These mediums are so obvious that it might 
well never occur to a writer to mention them. The 
same omissions are to be found in later MSS., where 
the special methods and materials for laying on 
gold, etc. etc., are mentioned, but it does not occur 
to the writer to say with what he mixed his 

Of the three . mediums mentioned, the early and 
almost universal use of egg as a medium in Italy 
and elsewhere, and the Byzantine traditions, point to 
this being most probably the medium used in classical 

There is no need, however, to imagine that there 
is any mystery in the matter. These substances 
were known, just as they were known in the 
fifteenth century, and were used probably one for 
one purpose and one for another, just as they were 
used in later times. 

We find, for instance, that in order to prepare a 
proper painting surface the Egyptian of the nineteenth 
dynasty covered the wood of the coffin with a gesso 
of chalk and glue, and we find Oennino Cennini, in the 
fifteenth century, directing panels to be prepared in 
exactly the same manner, while the directions given 
by Pliny for using white of egg in gilding agree with 
the directions given by Oennino Cennini. It is surely 


reasonable, therefore, to suppose that before the 
revolution produced in painting by the introduction 
of the use of drying oils, artists made use of the 
three obvious mediums at their command — egg, glue, 
and gum, and that probably just as egg was found 
to be the most suitable in the fifteenth century, 
so it was found to be the most suitable in the first 

At any rate, until we have further information, 
there can be no justification for devising mediums, 
made of mixtures of wax and soda, for which there 
is not a particle of historical evidence, and for exer- 
cising our ingenuity in getting away as far as possible 
from the obvious.^ 

We have next to consider what information can be 
derived from Pliny about painting in wax. 

Some writers "have suggested that the wax medium 
was the wax soda emulsion, others have suggested 
that the wax medium used by Greek painters was 
an emulsion of wax in turpentine, or of wax in a 
mixture of drying oil and turpentine, or of a drying 
oil, varnish, and turpentine. Such mediums, on the 
purely negative evidence which we have obtained 
from a study of Pliny, are quite inadmissible. 

We shall have to consider three difit'erent chapters 
of the thirty- fifth book in order to understand clearly 

^ Herr Berger believes this medium to have been a wax soda or 
potash emulsion. 


what Pliny has to say about encaustic painting, 
In the 31st chapter, after discussing the various 
pigments, he says : ' Ex omnibus coloribus cretulam 
amant, udoque inlini recusant purpurissum, Indicum, 
caeruleum, Mehnum, auripigmentum, Appianum, 
cerussa. Cerae tinguntur isdem his coloribus ad eas 
picturas, quae inuruntur, alieno parietibus genere, 
sed classibus familiari, jam vero et onerariis navibus, 
quoniam et pericula expingimus, ne quis miretur et 
rogos pingi, juvatque pugnaturos ad mortem aut 
certe caedem speciose vehi.' ' Of all colours those 
which love a chalk ground and refuse to be laid on a 
damp surface are purpurissum, indigo, caeruleum, 
Melian white, orpiment, Appianum, and white lead. 
Waxes are stained with these same colours for pic- 
tures in encaustic, a kind of painting unsuitable for 
walls, but commonly used for ships of war, and now 
also for merchant ships. Since we paint even those 
vehicles of danger, no one should be surprised if we 
also paint our funeral piles, and like to have gladiators 
conveyed in splendid carriages to death or at least to 

The first part of this chapter dealing with the 
pigments which cannot stand a wet surface we .shall 
consider later. 

We have it here clearly stated that all these pig- 
ments were used for colouring wax for encaustic 
painting, and that the process was not suitable for 


walls, but was used to decorate ships. As we know 
from the chapters already quoted, encaustic painting 
was not confined to ship decoration. We have here 
a confirmation of the former probable conclusions 
that encaustic was seldom used, at any rate in 
the time of Pliny, for wall decoration, but we know 
from the 64th chapter of the thirty-sixth book that 
Agrippa had the potter's work in the baths painted 
in encaustic (figlinum opus encausto pinxit in calidis, 
reliqua albario adornavit). This must have been an 
ornamental terra-cotta work introduced as part of a 
scheme of wall decoration and painted either before 
or after it was put in position. Evidently Pliny 
regarded this as a proof that he would have spared 
no expense, and would therefore have used mosaic 
if it had been invented in his time. This is a close 
approach to treating the whole wall with encaustic, 
if the terra-cotta was painted after erection. It will 
be evident, as we proceed to consider in more detail 
the nature of the process, that while not impossible 
to apply to walls, the process would be difficult.^ 

' In the inaoription from Athens, which records the building 
accounts of the Erechtheion, occurs the entry of a sum paid to the 
encaustic painters for having painted the cymatium on the epi- 
sbylium of the interior : iyKUXKnai^ rb Kv/juiriov ijKiavTL t4 ^Tri ti? 
iinaTvKlif ti^ ivrbs (Cecil Smith, article 'Pictura' in Smith's Ant.). 
That encaustic was used at a later date for ceiling decoration seems 
clear from the statement in Procopius that Justinian, on restoring 
the imperial palace, had the ceilings decorated, not with paintings 
in melted wax, t(^ ki)/)iJ! iuTaKhri re /tai SiaxvOivr^, but with mosaic. 


After discussing the artists who painted 'with 
the brush/ he speaks as follows in chapter 

'Oeris pingere ac picturam inurere quis primus 
excogitaverit, non constat. Quidam Aristidis in- 
ventum putant, postea consummatum a Praxitele; 
sed aliquanto vetustiores encaustae picturae exsti- 
tere, ut Polygnoti et Nicanoris, Mnesilai Pariorum. 
Elasippus quoque Aeginae picturae suae inscripsit 
iveKaev, quod profecto non fecisset, nisi encaustica 
inventa.' 'It is not agreed who first thought of 
painting with wax colours and making a picture by 
heat. Some think the art was invented by Aristides 
and afterwards brought to perfection by Praxiteles. 
But there are in existence encaustic pictures of a 
date somewhat earlier than theirs, such as those by 
Polygnotus, and by the Parians Nicanor and Mnesi- 
laus. Elasippus also wrote on his pictures at 
Aegina iveKaev, which he certainly would not have 
done unless encaustic painting had been invented.' 

In the former chapter we have had the coloured 
wax associated with the verb inurere. In this 
chapter inv/rere is brought into association with 
encaustic, and eyKaieiv, so that there can be no doubt 
of their being used to describe the same process of 

The opening sentence of this chapter, ' Ceris pin- 
gere ac picturam inurere,' has given rise to serious 


misconception as to the probable nature of tbe 
process. It has been assumed by many writers on this 
subject, of whom Eastlake and Conner are examples,^ 
that this means that the painting process was done 
first, and the heating of the surface done afterwards. 
They have therefore tried to devise mediums which 
would on the one hand be fluid under the brush 
when cold, and could be subsequently fused by 
heating without injuring the picture. I do not like 
to say that to produce a picture under such con- 
ditions is impossible, but the experiments I have 
made with wax dissolved in turpentine, and the 
attempts I have afterwards made to fuse the sur- 
face, do not encourage me to believe that anything 
can be done ,in this way. Unless the wax is in great 
excess the fusing process is quite useless as a method 
of attaching more firmly the comparatively easily 
removed wax turpentine painting, and if it is in 
sufficient excess to fuse, the picture itself is inevitably 
injured. Such wax turpentine painting, even after 
subsequent heating, does not make nearly so durable 
a job as starting with the fused wax right away. 
The introduction of oil instead of turpentine increases 
the difficulties of the operation. 

There is no need, however, to translate this 
sentence as if the ' inurere picturam ' followed the 

^ Eastlake, Materials for History of Oil Painting, p. 152. 
Conner, Mitteil. des archdol. Inst. Bom., Abtheil. xiv., 119. 


process of 'ceris pingere/ as Mayhoff^ has correctly 
pointed out. Without entering into the subtilties 
of the various uses of ac, it is sufficient for our 
purpose to state that ac denotes a closer connection 
than that implied by et, and can be used therefore 
to represent the same idea in a slightly different 
form. This sentence may be therefore regarded 
as an attempt to give a complete description of the 
process of encaustic painting, by mentioning that it 
was a process for painting, it involved the use of wax, 
and it also involved the heating of the wax during 
the painting process. 

Moreover, Mayhoff points out that if Conner's 
view be accepted the passage should run, 'Ceris 
pingere pictaque inurere.' 

The correct translation of ejKaio), and therefore 
of inv/ro is difficult. Mayhoff, in the communication 
to Herr Berger, which has been already referred to, 
considers that the correct translation is not ' einbren- 
nen,' but rather 'aufbrennen' — i.e. heiss auf den 
Malgrund auftragen.^ 

At the end of the section dealing with encaustic 
painters, the following chapter occurs^: — 'Encausto 

1 Communication to Ernst Berger, printed in Die Maltechnik des 
AUerthums, vol. i. p. 189. 

• '■' This view is oonflrmed by the following allusion to the process 
in Plutarch : eUbves iv iyKai/jiain ypa<fi6/jievaL Blo, irvpds — ' images 
painted in encaustic by means of fire.' — Amatorius, 759 0. 

^ Pliny, XXXV. 41. 


pingendi duo fuere antiquitus genera, cera et in ebore 
cestro, id est, vericulo, donee classes pingi coepere. 
Hoc tertium accessit resolutis igni ceris penicillo 
utendi, quae pictura navibus nee sole nee sale ven- 
tisve corrumpitur.' 'In ancient times there were 
[only] two methods of encaustic painting, with wax 
and on iYory with the cestrum, that is with a sharp 
pointed tool, until it became the custom to paint 
ships of war. Then the third method was added, 
that of melting the wax colours with fire and laying 
them on with a brush. This kind of painting applied 
to ships is not injured by sun, wind, or salt water.' 

If we include along with this chapter the state- 
ment made in the contents, 'qui encausto cauterio 
vel cestro vel penicillo pinxerint,' we have evidently 
here three methods of encaustic painting — with wax, 
using the cauterium, on ivory, using the cestrum, and 
again with wax, using the brush. 

Professor Mayhoff has suggested an amended read- 
ing of this chapter, replacing the word ' cera ' with 
the word ' cauterio,' thus making the passage run, 
that there were two ancient methods, 'one with 
the cauterium, and the other with the cestrum on 

Whether we accept this amended reading or not, 
there is no dispute as to what one of the three 
methods was. The cauterium is the name used 
for the branding-iron for cattle, and for the instru- 


iiient used in surgery for performing cauteries. It is 
therefore a hot metal instrument, with which the 
coloured sticks of wax could be moulded and 
modelled on the panel into the required picture. 
The only other instrument mentioned in this con- 
nection is the pa^Siov, which Mayhoff, with great 
probability, identifies with the cauterium. 

The painting on ivory with the cestrum remains 
up to this day an unexplained process. Many in- 
genious suggestions have been made, but they are 
merely suggestions unsupported by evidence. A 
very complete discussion of possible explanations is 
to be found in Herr Berger's Maltechnik, for which 
the reference is given.^ 

Leaving then the painting on ivory with the 
cestrum unexplained, we come to the third process, 
namely, painting with the brush. 

Pliny's description of this process is perfectly clear 
and definite — 'hoc tertium accessit, resolutis igni 
ceris penicello utendi '—and yet most of the writers 
on this subject have refused to accept the process as 
described by Pliny. Eastlake, for instance, at once dis- 
misses it by saying that it is impossible to paint with 
melted wax alone, as it cools too rapidly on the 

The discovery, however, of actual wax portraits by 
Flinders Petrie at Hawara, painted apparently in the 

1 Vol. i. p. 223. 


second century, and very little later than the time 
we are considering, threw fresh light on the matter.^ 
Many similar pictures have since been discovered, 
and they are remarkable for the fact that in many 
both the modelling process with the cauteriuni and 
work with the brush can be seen side by side. 

Flinders Petrie was, I believe, the first to point out 
that in Egypt, for many months, wax remains melted 
in the sun, and that therefore far from presenting 
difficulties from too rapid cooling on the canvas, the 
difficulty would be the other way, and he mentions 
a particular case where the eye of a portrait has got 
smudged by a careless finger.^ 

The ease, therefore, with which melted wax can be 
used as a medium for the brush is a question of 
temperature ; as we move from Egypt to Greece, from 
Greece to Rome, and from Rome to France, the 
difficulty would increase, and special methods would 
have to be adopted. 

The experiments on wax-painting made by Herr 
Berger are of great interest, and he has doubt- 
less correctly identified the spoon-like instruments 
found at St. Medard, with the cauterium, but on 
this question of brush work with melted wax his 
account of his experiments is not clear. He seems 

^ Hawara, Biahmu, Arsinoe, Flinders Petrie. The Leadenhall 
Press, 1889. 
2 Hid., p. 19. 


To face page 62. 


to have used a medium of wax, resin, and nut oil, 
and to have varied the proportion, and he does not 
state what these proportions were. The introduction 
of a drying oil is, in the light of the information we 
have derived from Pliny, quite illegitimate. The 
introduction of a very small quantity of olive oil, 
especially if counteracted by hardening the wax with 
a resin, produces a mixture which is firm when cold, 
but the addition of an appreciable quantity of olive 
oil results in a soft mess which will not harden. If 
the olive oil is replaced by a drying oil, then the 
ultimate hardening of the surface depends on the 
oxidation of the oil, and to all intents and purposes 
we are merely painting an oil picture with the 
superfluous introduction of wax and resin. 

Pliny says the picture is to be painted with the 
brush with wax melted over the fire, and speaks of 
no other admixture. What we wish to know, is 
whether this process is practicable in more temperate 
climes. We have seen that in Egypt there would 
be no difficulty. I determined therefore to experi- 
ment upon this point with the assistance of Mr. 
Thomson, a young art student. 

The beeswax mixed with the pigments were kept 
melted in little pots resting on a hot plate. The 
hot plate also served for mixing tints. Ordinary 
artists' brushes were used, and the painting done on 
wooden panels. The secret of success proved to be 


the warming of the panel. This can be done either 
by holding near the surface a lump of hot' metal, 
such as a soldering bolt, and then painting on the 
surface thus warmed, or better, by. warming the panel 
over a gas flame or in front of a fire. The painting 
must be executed rapidly and with certainty. There is 
no difficulty in over-painting or in keeping the panel 
just warm enough to enable the colour to be freely 
laid on without fusing what has already hardened. 

Probably no such warming of the panel is necessary 
during the summer either in Greece or Rome. 

Just when about to commence these experiments 
I found that Mr. Burns had many years before 
devoted a year to experimenting on painting with 
melted wax. The powdered pigments mixed with 
the wax were kept in front of a fire in bottles, and the 
picture was painted on a canvas which was kept 
sufficiently warm by placing it so that the back was 
exposed to the warmth from the fire. 

The following photographs of one of the experiments 
made by Mr. Thomson and myself, and the beautiful 
work by Mr. Burns,^ prove conclusively that there 
is no difficulty in painting with melted wax with the 
brush even in northern countries. The process does 
not lend itself to glazing, but if the finished work is 
polished with a piece of linen, it has all the appear- 
ance of an oil picture, while either thin washes or 

^ See Frontiapieoe. 


To face page 64. 


impasto painting are at the command of the 

The remains found at St. Medard throw further 
light on this question. For a detailed description oi 
them the reader is referred to Berger's Maltechnik 
vol. i. page 211. 

Among the contents of the vessels was found bees- 
wax, and a mixture of beeswax and resin.^ Some 
long thin metal rods, with a shallow spoon at one 
end and a flattened portion at the other, have been 
supposed by Herr Berger, with every probability, to 
be specimens of the cauteria used at that time. There 
was also a bronze box, measuring 12 cm. by 20 cm. 
and 10 cm. deep, and divided into compartments 
which are covered with silver lids, stamped full of 
square holes, and thus forming a silver grid over the 
top of the box. 

Herr Berger suggests, with every probability of 
truth, that this box was filled with glowing charcoal 
to melt the wax colours and warm the cauteria. It 
would, however, serve another purpose still better, 
with its large hot surface covered with the silver grid, 
namely, the warming of the panel at intervals during 
the process of painting. 

' The fatty acids found in one vessel by Chevrenl are doubtless, 
due to the oxidation of the beeswax. Herr Berger's Mcdtechnik,_ 
vol. i. p. 268, and again the experiments by Georg Buohner, 
Munich, p. 273, which explain Chevreul's results. 



In conclusion, the significance of the resin mixed 
with the wax does not seem to have been completely 
grasped. By dissolving a dry resin in the wax we 
raise the melting point, and make it much more 
difficult to manipulate. 

But by mixing it with the semifluid pine 
balsam existing in quantities in the surrounding 
forests, the painter of St. M^dard would lower 
the melting point of the wax, and make it easier 
to manipulate. The resulting medium would also 
be more translucent, and ultimately harder than 
the wax alone, though taking longer to become 

Experiments I have tried with beeswax and Canada 
balsam have clearly demonstrated the statements 
made above. In the course of time the volatile 
turpentine of this balsam would evaporate, and the 
final result would be the mixture of wax and resin, 
free from the original turpentine found at St. 

It seems a very natural development of the tech- 
nique in more northern lands, where pine balsams 
were plentiful, and where the high melting point of 
the wax seriously increased the difficulties, to use 
this mixture. The wax removes the stickiness which 
the balsam would have if an attempt were made to 
use it alone. 

To sum up, the statements made by Pliny, the 


discoveries of wax pictures at Hawara, the materials 
found in the grave at St. Medard, and Herr Berger's 
experiments and my own combine to give us a com- 
plete picture of this old technical process about 
which so much speculation has been indulged in. 

The origin of the technique from two sources, 
modelling in wax and tarring ships, is clearly shown 
in Pliny's account of the process; the two resulting 
methods of painting with the cauterium and the 
brush are also correctly and clearly described by 
Pliny, and the two methods are found side by side 
in the pictures from Hawara. 

Finally, the difficulties that have been supposed to 
exist are completely removed when we allow for the 
climate of the region where wax painting originated, 
and when we find how easy it is to overcome the 
difficulties by warming the panel. The introduc- 
tion of pine balsam and the bronze box, with the 
painting and modelling tools found at St. M6dard, 
complete the picture, and show us a modification 
due to northern climes of the pure and simple wax 
medium. Large panels could of course only be 
painted in warm weather, or by heating them with 
a hot bolt or brazier. Wall surfaces could probably 
be directly painted in a warm chmate, but in a 
colder climate would require to be heated with a 
brazier. Vitruvius describes the use of such a brazier 
for heating walls which were being varnished with 


beeswax. Varnishing is a simpler matter than 
painting, and I am disposed to agree with Pliny that 
the process was not suitable for wall painting in 
Rome, though possibly in Egypt and in Greece. 

We shall now proceed to consider the methods 
used for painting on walls. 

Before looking at the information to be obtained 
from Pliny and Vitruvius, we must first shortly con- 
sider the possibilities in the use of mediums for wall 
painting which the information already collected 
brings before us. 

In the first place we have the possibility that the 
pigments mixed with water were painted on to the 
wet plaster. This is the process known as Buon 
Fresco, and is probably the simplest and most 
obvious form of wall painting. 

Or before being laid on the wet plaster the pig- 
ments might be mixed with gum, glue, or egg ; or 
again, the plaster might be allowed to get dry, and 
then the medium might be used to attach the 
pigments to the dry surface. 

In addition to these water mediums there is another 
possible one, namely, milk. The caseine in milk 
forms a very strong and durable cement with lime, 
and consequently milk ^ is a very suitable medium 
for wall painting. 

Besides these water mediums the wall might be 

, ^ Pliny, xxxvi. 55 ; xxxv. 56. 


painted in encaustic, though this would evidently be 
a troublesome process, and finally the wall surface, 
painted by any of these methods, might be var- 
nished with wax to preserve and polish the 

There is evidently no reason why only one of these 
methods should be used, or why more than one 
method should not be combined with another, just 
as we find Cennino Cennini directing work to be 
painted in buon fresco, but also directing it to be 
finally finished, when dry, with egg tempera. 

A wall, for instance, might well be begun in buon 
fresco, painted with a size or egg medium, and finally 
varnished with wax. 

There is no reason to suppose that only one of 
these methods was selected and always used, and 
therefore it is not surprising that authorities should 
differ or that the results of analysis should vary. 

The question, however, that has recently been 
reopened by Herr Berger is whether the process 
known as buon fresco was ever used, and whether 
the process which is called stucco lustro was not 
the universal process. 

I have not included stucco lustro among the 
possible processes which I have suggested above, but 
we shall have to consider it in due course. 

The principal authority whom we shall have to 
consult in this matter is Vitruvius, but before 



doing so we shall consider first the statements made 
by Pliny which throw light on the subject. We 
have already noted one of these, in which he says 
definitely that encaustic painting is not suitable for 
walls. In the opening of the same chapter, which 
I here requote, he mentions certain pigments as not 
suitable for painting on a wet surface. 

'Ex omnibus coloribus cretulam amant udoque 
inlini recusant purpurissum, Indicum, caeruleum, 
Melinum, auripigmentum, Appianum, cerussa.' This 
sentence is quite meaningless if it is intended to 
apply to water only, but if it means a wet surface 
of lime it becomes intelligible, as many of these 
pigments would be destroyed by wet lime. The 
reference to wall painting in the next sentence makes 
this meaning all the more probable. 

But this chapter must be considered in conjunc- 
tion with another chapter, xxxiii. 56, where he is 
describing different varieties of ochre. One variety 
he calls marmorosum sil, and then goes on to say, 
' Hoc autem et Attico ad lumina utuntur, ad abacos 
non nisi marmoroso, quoniam marmor in eo resistit 
amaritudini calcis.' 'This and the Attic sort they 
use for high lights ; for panelled spaces none but the 
marmorean kind, because the marble in it resists the 
acridity of the lime.' 

If this mention of a special ochre which resists 
lime be read along with the mention of the special 


colours which do not resist a wet surface, I think the 
combined evidence shows clearly that he is speaking 
in both cases of the action of wet lime, and therefore 
is familiar with the process of painting on wet 
plaster. There is, however, another interesting point 
to be noticed in the last quotation. One of the 
arguments against the use of buon fresco in classical 
times is the large area covered at one time by many 
of their wall paintings, as it is held that buon fresco 
involves the treatment of limited areas at a time, 
and therefore joins should be visible. We shall have 
to consider these matters presently at greater length; 
but in this chapter Pliny distinctly suggests, by the 
use of the word abacus, that limited spaces or panels 
only are painted on the wet plaster, and that con- 
sequently a pigment which could resist wet lime was 
selected for the painting of such limited areas. It 
may well have been that, while this wet painting was 
used for important decorative pictures, the cheaper 
decorative colouring round the margins was painted 
on dry plaster in a less durable manner.^ We shall 
find some remarks of Vitruvius bearing on this point. 
In the meantime the evidence is clear and un- 
mistakable from Pliny that he was familiar with the' 
operation of painting on wet plaster. This does not, 
however, exclude the possibility of some medium 

1 Wiegmann holds this view : Die Malerei der Alten. 


like size being mixed with the pigments laid on this 
wet surface. 

We shall next consider the information to be 
obtained from Vitruvius. 

In the seventh book of his work on Architecture, 
after describing the making of concrete floors and the 
preparation of lime, and the plastering of arches and 
cornices, he proceeds as follows, in the middle of the 
8rd chapter : — 

' Coronis explicatis parietes quam asperrime trul^ 
lissentur, postea autem supra, trullissatione subares- 
cente, deformentur directiones harenati, uti longi- 
tudines ad regulam et ad lineam, altitudines ad 
perpendiculum, anguli ad normam respondentes exi- 
gantur. Namque sic emendata tectoriorum in picturis 
erit species. Subarescente, iterum et tertio indu- 
catur. Ita cum fundatior erit ex harenato directura, 
eo firmior erit ad vetustatem soliditas tectorii. Cum 
ab harena praeter trullissationem non minus tribus 
Coriis fuerit deformatum, tunc e marmore graneo 
directiones sunt subigendae, dum ita materies tem- 
peretur uti cum subigatur non haereat ad rutrum, 
sed purum ferrum e mortario liberetur. Graneo 
inducto et inarescente, alterum corium mediocre 
dirigatur. Id cum subactum fuerit et bene fricatum, 
subtilius inducatur. I^ cum tribus coriis harenae 
et item marmoris solidati parietes fuerint, neque 
rimas neque aliud vitium in se recipere poterunt. 


Sed et liaculorum subactionibus fundata soliditate 
marmorisque candore firmo leYigata, coloribus cum 
.politionibus inductis nitidos expriment splendores. 
Colores autem, udo tectorio cum diligenter sunt 
■inducti, ideo non remittunt sed sunt perpetuo per- 
manentes, quod calx in fornacibus excocto liquore 
facta raritatibus evanida, ieiunitate coacta corripit 
in se quae res forte contigerunt, mixtionibusque ex 
aliis potestatibus conlatis seminibus seu principiis 
una solidescendo, in quibuscumque membris est 
formata cum fit arida redigitur uti sui generis pro- 
prias videatur habere qualitates. Itaque tectoria 
quae recte sunt facta neque vetustatibus fiunt hor- 
rida, neque cum extergentur remittunt colores, nisi 
si parum diligenter et in arido fuerint inducti. Cum 
ergo ita in parietibus tectoria facta fuerint uti supra 
scriptum est, et firmitatem et splendorem et ad 
vetustatem permanentem virtutem poterunt habere. 
Cum vero unum corium harenae et unum minuti 
marmoris erit inductum, tenuitas eius minus valendp 
faciliter rumpitur nee splendorem politionibus propter 
imbecillitatem crassitudinis proprium obtinebit. 
Quemadmodum enim speculum argenteum tenui 
lamella ductum incertas et sine viribus habet remis- 
siones splendoris, quod autem e solida temperatura 
fuerit factum, recipiens in se firmis viribus poiitionem 
fulgentes in aspectu certasque considerantibus 
imagines reddit, sic tectoria quae ex tenui sunt 


ducta materia non modo sunt rimosa, sed etiam 
celeriter evanescunt, quae autem fundata harena- 
tionis et marmoris soliditate sunt crassitudine spissa, 
cum sunt politionibus crebris subacta, non modo 
sunt nitentia, sed etiam imagines expressas aspici- 
entibus ex eo opere remittunt. Graecorum vero 
tectores non solum his rationibus utendo faciunt 
opera firma, sed etiam mortario conlocato, calce et 
harena ibi confusa, decuria hominum indueta, ligneis 
vectibus pisunt materiam, et ita ad certamen subacta 
tunc utuntur. Itaque Yeteribus parietibus nonnulli 
crustas excidentes pro abacis utuntur, ipsaque tectoria 
abacorum et speculorum divisionibus circa se pro- 
minentes tiabent expressiones.' 

There are so many difficult and doubtful points 
involved in the translation of this chapter that I now 
give a rendering into English which has been done 
with the greatest possible care, and after consulta- 
tion with more than one classical scholar. This will 
enable us to discuss more easily the difficult passages. 

' When the cornices are finished, the walls are to 
be trowelled as roughly as possible, and thereafter, 
when the trowelling is somewhat dry, over it the 
directions of the sand-mortar are to be so traced out, 
that in length it must be true by the rule, in height 
by the plumb-line, and the angles by the square. 
For thus the surface of the plaster will be faultless 
for pictures. When this (first coat) is slightly dry, 


a second is to be laid on, and then a third. The 
firmer and sounder the laying on of the sand- 
mortar, the more solid and durable will the plaster- 
work be. When besides the trowelling not less than 
three coats of sand have been set out, applications 
of marble-dust ^ are to be used. This stuff is to be so 
tempered that in the spreading it does not stick to 
the trowel, but the iron comes out of the mortar 
clean. A coat of marble-dust^ having been laid on 
and getting dry, another rather thin coat is to be 
applied. When this has been beaten and well 
rubbed, another still finer is to be put on. Thus 
with three coats of sand and as many of marble, 
the walls are so firm that they cannot crack or be- 
come defective in any way. And moreover, solidity 
being secured by rubbing with planes, and smooth- 
ness from the hardness and sheen of the marble, 
the walls will give out with great brilliance colours 
applied with polishings. For colours, when they are 
carefully laid on damp plaster, do not get loose, but 
are for ever permanent, for this reason, that the lime, 
losing all its moisture in the kiln, is so dry and 
porous that it readily imbibes whatever chances to 
touch it, and solidification taking place from the 
mixtures of the various potentialities whose elements 
or first principles are brought together, the result- 
ing substance, of whatever it is composed, when it 

' i.e. marble-dust mortar. 


becomes dry, is such, that it seems to have special 
qualities peculiar to itself. Thus plaster-work which 
is well executed neither becomes rough from age nor 
when it is washed does it give up the colours unless 
they have been laid on carelessly and on a dry surface. 
If, therefore, plaster- work on walls is carried out as 
above described, it will be firm, lustrous, and very 
durable. But when only one coat of sand and 
one of marble-dust are used, its thinness renders 
it liable to be easily broken, nor can it take on a 
proper brilliance from the polishings owing to its 
lack of substance. For just as a silver mirror when 
jnade from a thin plate gives back a wavering and 
uncertain image, but if made from a plate of solid 
temper takes on a high polish and reflects to the 
spectators bright and faultless images, so plastering, 
when its substance is thin, is not only full of cracks 
but also quickly decays, while thatwhich is firmly coni- 
pacted of sand-mortar and marble, when it has been 
rubbed with many polishings, is not only glistening 
but also clearly reflects to the spectators the images 
falling on it. Greek pla:sterers, indeed, use not only 
the above methods to make their work firm, but also 
putting the lime and sand together in a mortar, they 
have it thoroughly pounded with wooden staves by a 
number of men, and use it after it is so prepared. 
Hence from their old walls people cut out slabs and 
use them as panels, and those plaster slabs so cut out 


for panels and mirrors have fillets in relief round 

Before considering this chapter as a whole, there 
are one or two points in the text and translation to 
be considered. 

In the earlier edition by Rose, in speaking of the 
finishing processes of plastering, the word baculorum 
is used, which in the later edition is replaced by 
liaculorum, that is ' smoothing planes ' instead of 
'beaters.' These smoothing planes would probably 
not differ from the modern plasterer's trowel. 
Though beating the surface might be part of the 
earlier stages of preparation, smoothing planes 
would obviously be necessary for the final process. 

In line 3, p. 73, the words ' cum politionibus ' have 
been rendered ' with polishings.' This translation is 
justified by the repeated use of this word in this 
chapter and elsewhere by Vitruvius in a sense which 
can only be translated by the word polishings, and by 
its agreeing with the whole description of the nature 
of the process used. Herr Degering suggests that here 
the word refers to the material used in the mortar. 
The view adopted by Herr Reber ^ is that the correct 
translation is the colour laid on at the same time 
with the plaster. On the other hand Rode and 
Conner interpret the passage as we do. It is difficult 

' Reber, Des Vitruvius Zehn Biicher iiber Archilektur, Stuttgart, 


to reconcile Reber's translation with the fact that in 
the very next line Vitruvius directs 'the colour to be 
laid on the plaster. It is true that Vitruvius some- 
times uses the verb 'polire' in the sense of 'to 
plaster.' But when we take into account the use of 
the substantive in its plural form here, its undoubted 
signification elsewhere in the chapter, and the state- 
ment made in the next line that the pigments were 
laid on the wet plaster, we are, I think, justified in 
our translation. 

Herr Berger suggests as an alternative translation 
that in this passage ' coloribus cum politionibus in- 
ductis ' should be translated the ' colours mixed with 
polishing substances.' 

In line 4, p. 73, we find the words ' udo tectorio.' 
In the four MSS. mentioned in the note,^ this 
word is not udo but nudo, and the emendation was 
made by Jocundus in the sixteenth century. As 
this sentence contains the most direct and important 
statement to be found in either Pliny or Vitruvius 
in favour of the use in their time of buon fresco, 
it is curious that the opponents of buon fresco have 
not made more use of this fact that udo is an 
emendation on nudo. If, however, the whole passage 

1 Harleian MS. Brit. Mus., 2767 (about ninth century). Sclet- 
staiensis, 1153 (tenth century). Wolfenbuttelensis Oudianus, 69 
(eleventh century). Epitomati Vitruvii, Wolfenb. Oudian., 132 
(tenth century). These four are regarded by Rose as the most 
reliable authority for the original text. 


is read, and especially the remarks lower down, con- 
trasting the dry with the wet method, this correc- 
tion is justified. Possibly the copiers of the ninth 
and eleventh centuries, unfamiliar with buon fresco, 
put in the n to make sense of the passage, while 
Jocundus, familiar in his time with buon fresco, 
did not hesitate to strike it out again. 

Herr Berger also proposes to translate ' colores 
autem udo tectorio cum diligenter sunt inducti,' ' when 
the colours are laid on with the wet plaster ' (' udo tec- 
torio als Ablativ,nicht als Dativ gefasst ') ' wenn sie init 
dem feuchtenTectorium aufgetragen sind,' p. 94. This 
is quite inadmissible. Whatever doubt there may be 
about the translation of the line above, the only 
possible translation of this passage is the colour laid, 
or smeared, on the wet plaster. 

In line 10, p. 73, the phrase ' in quibuscumque mem- 
bris est formata,' gives rise to considerable difficulty. 
If it had been 'quibuscumque membris' the translation 
we have given would be justified. The Rev. G. C. 
Richards suggests, ' whatever be the shapings of the 
divisions of the plaster,' and Herr Degering that it 
refers to markings. Reber translates it as we have. I 
confess I am unable to understand either of these 
suggestions, or to make sense of them when intro- 
duced into the passage. We are here dealing with 
the chemical union of the lime, water, and pigments 
into a homogeneous whole on the smooth plaster 


surface. Another translation which has been sug- 
gested is, ' in whatever shape or form.' The phrase, 
however, is not necessary to the meaning of the 
passage as a whole. 

We shall now consider the information to be de- 
rived from this passage. 

In the first place, the instructions for preparing 
the plaster surface are perfectly clear and definite. 

In the second place, whatever doubt there may be 
about the translation of line 3, line 4 can only be 
translated as meaning that the pigments are to be 
laid on the wet lime. 

In the passages after line 4 there is a most interest- 
ing attempt to explain the way in which the lima 
and pigments ultimately form a homogeneous whole. 
If, instead of speaking of the lime losing its moisture, 
Vitruvius had said losing its carbonic acid, the pas- 
sage might with this emendation have been written 
by a modern chemist describing the scientific basis 
of buon fresco. I do not understand why this most 
interesting passage has been condemned as obscure. 

In the next place, it is to be noted that Vitruvius does 
not speak of this as the only method of wall painting, 
but as the most cki/rable method, and contrasts it with 
the results obtained by painting on a dry surface. 

We have here definite evidence that painting on 
dry walls was also customary, in which case some 
medium like glue would doubtless be used, and this 


goes a long way to explain the conflicting conclusions 
of investigators and chemists. 

Vitruvius in effect tells us that he is familiar with 
painting on dry walls, necessarily with some binding 
medium, and with painting on wet lime, and he 
regards the wet lime painting as the more permanent. 
He would not have come to this conclusion without 
a wide experience of both methods. 

We have next to consider whether, in painting on 
wet plaster, any medium such as glue was intro- 
duced. No such medium is mentioned by Vitruvius, 
and we are therefore bound to conclude that it was 
absent, until chemical analysis or carefully conducted 
experiments prove the contrary. There is no neces- 
sity for its introduction in buon fresco. As I have 
already pointed out, no conclusive evidence is to be 
derived on this point from Pliny. 

I have already discussed the references in Pliny and 
Vitruvius to the mixing of glue with black, and have 
shown that they do not prove the use of glue as a 
medium, as they are capable of quite a different and 
equally plausible explanation. 

Herr Berger suggests that the whole of this 
passage applies to the preparation of coloured grounds 
by mixing pigment with the last layer of plaster, 
and has nothing to do with the decoration by paint- 
ing on the wall, which might be carried out on the 
top of this coloured ground. He claims to have 


found such coloured grounds in Pompeii, and states 
that the thickness amounts to '01 mm. (page 96). 
So thin a coat as this can hardly be described as a 
final coat of plaster and pigment laid on with a 
trowel. But Chevreul seems to have found cases of 
pigment mixed with the last layer of plaster.' There 
is no reason why, if they wished, the decorators should 
not prepare such coloured grounds in certain cases, 
and it is quite probable they did so. In reply, 
however, to the statement that this description 
applies only to the preparation of such coloured 
grounds, I have to say that, in the first place, it is 
impossible, without malting a distorted translation, 
to translate ' udo tectorio cum diligenter sunt in- 
ducti ' in any other way than laid on the wet plaster. 
In the second place, Yitruvius is in this book dis- 
coursing of wall painting, and gives no other method 
than this for carrying it out. 

It is true that there is an obvious hiatus in the MSS. 
about the 6th chapter of this book, but this does not 
justify the assumption that other methods of painting 
on walls were here described and have been lost. 

To sum up, then, the information which we have so 
far derived from Pliny and Vitruvius, it is clearly 
demonstrated that both painting on dry plaster, with 
a suitable medium, and painting on wet plaster in 
buon fresco was practised. 

' Hittorf, I' Architecture Polychrome. 


A further study of this chapter shows clearly that 
this method of fresco painting was very different from 
the method used in the time of the Renaissance, or 
to-day, as there are frequent references to the polish- 
ing of the surface during the process. Herr Berger 
was, I believe, the first to point out the significance 
of these polishing processes. In order to understand 
the meaning of these passages, we shall have to 
consider more clearly the nature of buon fresco itself. 

When the pigment is flooded over the wet surface 
of the plaster, the particles settle into the hollows of 
the surface, bathed in a solution of lime. As this 
solution of lime becomes carbonated and precipitated 
by the carbonic acid of the air, the particles of 
pigment are packed round with the precipitated 
carbonate, so that the holding of the pigment to the 
plaster is more of the nature of a mechanical than a 
chemical process. 

Moreover, lime is so slightly soluble in water, and 
the carbonating of the lime is so slow a process, that 
each time the surface is flooded with water, fresh 
unaltered lime is dissolved and brought to the surface 
of the plaster, for many days. 

There is no need, therefore, for the immediate 
painting of a surface as soon as the last layer of 
plaster is put on, though, on the other hand, it is as 
well that the plaster should be kept damp, in order 
to keep a soft bed beneath the pigments, into which 


they can become more or less incorporated. If this 
is done there is no reason why a large surface should 
not receive its final coat of plaster and then be 
painted on in a leisurely manner, as long as, by 
means of damp cloths or occasional sprinkling over 
with water, it is prevented from getting too hard. The 
particular technique, therefore, adopted by the 
Renaissance painters, a small portion at a time re- 
ceiving its final coat of plaster and then being painted 
on, is not of the essence of the buon fresco process. 

The Roman plaster was not only very thick, but 
the numerous coats were to be put on before the last 
coats were completely dry. 

Such a mass would hold the contained water for 
some time, and could easily be kept damp if necessary, 
while the painting could be proceeded with in a 
leisurely manner. 

It is next necessary to consider carefully the state- 
ments made in Vitruvius about polished surfaces. 
As he does not direct the addition of any foreign 
substances, we must first try whether such a polished 
surface can be produced by the methods he describes. 

In order to test this I had a series of shallow wooden 
trays made, into which I introduced first a layer of lime 
and sand, and then laid on this, when partially dry, 
two layers of marble dust and lime, in the proportion 
of two of marble dust to one of lime. 

While the final coat was quite wet it was subjected 


to the process familiar to plasterers of 'closing in.' 
That is to say, it was worked repeatedly on the surface 
with the long, straight, slightly rounded steel edge of 
the plasterer's trowel, the trowel being held at an angle 
to the surface of about forty-five degrees. This closed 
in surface, although inside a building, took several 
days to dry. As it got drier and firmer the working 
of the surface with the rounded edge of the trowel 
was repeated, by drawing it across with quick firm 
strokes. Ultimately we obtained a dry, hard, compact 
surface with the appearance of polished marble. 
This satisfied me that, in so far as uniform plaster 
surfaces are concerned, the polished surface described 
by Vitruvius can be got without the introduction 
of any material beyond lime, marble dust, and water, 
although great technical skill is doubtless wanted, 
and great expenditure of time and patience to 
produce a satisfactory result. It is, however, evident 
from his account that such polished plaster surfaces 
were highly prized, and were not the work of the every- 
day plasterer. 

The next experiments were made with pigments. 

I had had the opportunity of examining some 
portions of Koman fresco obtained some years ago 
by a friend from the Palatine. One of these was 
coated with vermilion,^ another with red oxide of 

' The plaster immediately below the vermilion was stained 
yellow, as if some wax and oil had been used. This appearance 
was absent in the other examples. 


iron, and a third with the blue Egyptian frit. In 
the case of the vermilion, and to a great extent in 
the ease of the oxide of iron, the coating of pigment 
appeared homogeneous under the microscope. But 
in the case of the coarse particles of the copper frit, 
which had to some extent weathered off, it was evident 
that the particles were imbedded in the plaster 
and flush with the particles of marble dust. In order 
to try to reproduce this appearance another panel 
of plaster was prepared and closed in. It was then 
allowed to dry for a day before being painted on, and 
then it was painted with a thin coat of cobalt blue, in 
one part, — laid on so as to show the brush-marks and 
different depths of work, — with a thick uniform coat 
of vermilion in another part, and with yellow ochre 
in a third part. It was then left for another twenty- 
four hours, and the whole surface then pressed firmly 
with the flat of the plasterer's trowel. This could be 
done without any disturbance to the painted surface, 
but with an evident improvement in the vividness of 
the colouring. On examining under the microscope 
the whole surface appeared uniform, and the pigments 
flush with the plaster, the edge of the vermilion and 
the edge of the plaster being in focus at the same 
time, and the particles of cobalt blue imbedded 
among and flush with the particles of marble dust. 
(This pigment was selected because it is of a com- 
paratively coarse grain, and corresponds most nearly 






To face page S6. 


therefore to the old Egyptian blue.) The surface was 
allowed to dry further, and then the attempt was 
made to polish it with the edge of the trowel. This 
was only partially successful ; in some places a polish 
was obtained, in others the pigment was disturbed, 
owing to a want of perfect smoothness in the edge of 
the trowel. Such a process of polishing does not 
seem, however, to be impossible, even in the case of a 
painted surface, if the right tools were devised and 
sufficient practice attained. But even the first 
stage of the process produces a smooth surface 
with some degree of shine about it, and compacts 
the whole mass together. When dry it can be 
washed with water or rubbed up with beeswax and 

If, then, we are to accept the account given by 
Vitruvius, the Roman method of buon fresco differed 
very widely from the one at present practised, 
involving, in the first place, the ' closing in ' of the 
plaster, and in the second place the partial or com- 
plete smoothing and polishing of the surface after 
the colour had been laid on. This is probably the 
most durable method of painting ever devised. 
While this polishing process might be facilitated by 
the introduction of glue,^ or, judging by the results 

1 Wiegmann, as a result of his experiments, came to the conclu- 
sion that some size was present. Die. Malerei der Alien, Hanover, 


of Herr Berger, still more by the introduction of 
soap, it is not necessary to introduce any such sub- 
stances in order to carry out successfully the process 
as described by Vitruvius, and the durability would be 
diminished. It is also evident, that even if it were 
found preferable to plaster only a small portion at 
a time, as is suggested by Pliny, such divisions would 
disappear in the subsequent treatment, though they 
might, as was found by Donner,i reappear in course 
of time as cracks running along the lines of the 
former joins. 

We shall next consider the special treatment to 
which the plaster surface was subjected in order to 
protect vermilion, according to the statements of 
Pliny and Vitruvius. 

In the 40th chapter of the thirty-third book, speaking 
of native vermilion, Pliny says ' Inlito solis atque lunae 
contactus inimicus. Remedium, ut parieti siccato cera 
Punica cum oleo liquefacta candens setis inducatur 
iterumque admotis gallas carbonibus inuratur ad 
sudorem usque, postea candelis subigatur ac deinde 
linteis puris, sicut et marmora nitescunt.' ' When 
laid on, the exposure to sun and moon is harmful. 
The remedy is: when the wall is dry spread on it 
with a brush melted Punic wax mixed with oil and 
glowing hot, and again, heat it to sweating point by 

^ Die erhcdtenen antihen WandmaUreien in techniscJter Beziehung, 


placing charred gall-apples near it, afterwards rub 
it with candles and then with clean linen cloths 
as marble is made to shine.' And Vitruvius, also 
speaking of vermilion, says in the 9 th chapter 
of the seventh book, 'apertis vero id est peristylis 
aut exhedris aut ceteris eiusdem modi locis, quo sol 
et luna possit splendores et radios inmittere, cum ab 
his locus tangitur, vitiatur et amissa virtute coloris 
denigratur. itaque cum et alii multi turn etiam 
Faberius scriba cum in Aventino voluisset habere 
domum eleganter expolitam, peristylis parietes omnes 
induxit minio, qui post dies xxx facti sunt invenusto 
varioque colore, itaque pro minio locavit inducendos 
alios colores. At si qui subtilior fuerit et voluerit 
expolitionem miniaceam suum colorem retinere, cum 
paries expolitus et aridus fuerit, ceram ponticam igni 
liquefactum paulo oleo temperatam saeta inducat, 
deinde postea carbonibus in ferreo vase compositis 
earn ceram a proximo cum pariete calefaciundo 
sudare cogat, atque ut peraequetur deinde tunc 
candela linteisque puris subigat, uti signa marmorea 
nuda curantur. haec autem <ydva)<Ti<i graece dicitur. 
ita obstans cerae ponticae lorica non patitur nee 
lunae splendorem nee solis radios lambendo eripere 
ex his politionibus colorem.' 'But in open places, 
that is, in peristyles and loggias and the like, into 
which sun and moon can dart their bright rays, the 
[painted] part when touched by these is marred, and 


the quality of its colour being destroyed it turns 
black. Thus it was that when Faberius the notary 
wished, like many others, to have his house on the 
Aventine hill richly decorated, he covered all the 
walls in the peristyles with vermilion. After a month 
they became ugly and uneven, and accordingly he 
bargained with the contractors to lay on other colours 
instead of vermilion. But a more discerning person, 
who wishes his vermilion decoration to keep its 
colour, should, when the wall is well polished and 
dry, lay on with a stiff brush Pontic wax melted in 
the fire and tempered with a little oil, then bringing 
an iron pan of glowing coals near to the wall, he must 
heat both it and the wall and make the wax sweat, 
and thereafter, to make the surface even, he must 
rub it with a candle and clean linen cloths, as nude 
marble statues are treated. This process is called 
ydvcoai^ by the Greeks. The coat of Pontic wax 
being in front does not allow the play of the sun's 
rays or the sheen of the moon to take away the 
colour from such decorations.' 

In the first place, it is evident that this is a process 
for varnishing a surface already painted, and not for 
painting a surface. There is no inconsistency there- 
fore, as some have held, in Pliny's saying in xxxv. 
81 ' alieno parietibus genere,' where he is discussing 
the use of wax as a medium for painting, and on the 
other hand recommending it for varnishing an 


already painted surface. Mastic varnish, for instance, 
is quite suitable for varnishing pictures, but would 
make a very inconvenient and unsatisfactory medium 
to paint with. In the second place, both Vitruvius 
and Pliny confine the use of this process to a special 
purpose, namely, the protection of vermilion, and 
only when exposed to direct sunlight. Vitruvius 
states definitely that it is not necessary where ver- 
milion is used for interior decoration. 

This is a conclusive proof that this process was not 
a universal one. If the process had not been men- 
tioned at all, it might have been omitted by accident 
and still have been used. But to mention a process 
and at the same time confine it to a particular 
purpose, shows quite clearly that it was not the 
general method of treating all wall surfaces. It will 
also be noted that Vitruvius says the varnish is to be 
applied ' cum paries expolitus et aridus,' clearly 
indicating that the decorative treatment with ver- 
milion has been executed on the wet surface, which, 
after drying, is then varnished with wax. 

In Pliny's statement the wax mentioned is Punic 

As has been already explained (p. 43), in the older 
edition of Vitruvius by Kose, punicam is given as 
the word, but in the four MSS. already referred to, 
the word is written puTnicam (sometimes written 
pomicam), which Rose has come to the conclusion is 


a corruption of the word ponticam (the short t and 
the n being perhaps mistaken for m by the tran- 

It will be remembered that Pliny, in his chapter on 
beeswax, mentions both these waxes, and I there 
pointed out that Herr Berger lays great stress on 
punicann being the word used both by Pliny and by 
VitruYius in this connection. 

After the correction by Rose, it is at any rate 
open to doubt whether punicaifn was the word used 
by Vitruvius, and therefore it is unsafe to base any 
argument on the presence of this word. 

The use of the word candela has given rise to some 
difficulty. Some have suggested that it means that a 
lighted candle was used to warm the surface, others 
that a roller shaped like a candle is meant. Candles 
seem to have been known, made both of wax and 
tallow, and therefore others have said that the 
meaning is that the surface was finally rubbed with 
a wax candle and a linen cloth. Another possible 
view is that a tallow candle was used for the final 

It will be noticed also, on examining the context, 
that it is not at all clear whether the statement 
about the polishing of marble applies to the whole 
process, or merely to the rubbing with candelae and 
linen cloths. Either view would satisfy the trans- 


I tried the experiment of polishing marble 
with tallow, with wax melted with olive oil, and 
then strongly heated after being applied, and with 
a lump of solid wax alone and a linen cloth. 

I failed to obtain a polish either by rubbing up 
with tallow or rubbing up after treatment with hot 
melted wax and oil. But I found that if the marble 
was very lightly rubbed over with a lump of solid 
beeswax, and then rubbed hard with a hard rough 
linen cloth, a beautiful polish was at once obtained. 
The only precaution necessary is to avoid putting on 
too much wax when rubbing with the lump of bees- 
wax. The layer is so thin that the marble is not in 
the slightest discoloured, but gets at once a glossy 
surface, which gives it depth and transhicency. The 
marble used had already, of course, been smoothed 
and polished as far as was possible by merely treat- 
ing the surface of the stone itself 

A piece of wax, already shaped as a candle, 
would be very convenient for this purpose, being 
readily held in the hand while the end would be 
rubbed over the marble. 

The rubbing with wax candles is thus completely 
explained, and it is evident, that while in the case of 
a porous plaster surface it is necessary to fiU up the 
pores with hot wax to begin with, before polishing 
with wax candles and linen, in the case of marble 
this process is not necessary, the process called 


ydvaai'; being the rubbing with wax candles and 
linen alone.^ 

In conclusion, vermilion, when exposed to direct 
sunlight, does change colour in the way described, 
and is to some extent protected by being covered 
with a glossy surface either by varnishing or in the 
way described by Yitruvius.^ 

We shall next proceed to consider the evidence 
supplied by chemical analysis. But before doing so 
it is necessary to state clearly two propositions. 

In the first place, the presence of organic matter is 
not a proof that an organic medium like glue or egg 
has been used. Such organic matter may be present 
accidentally in the original material, may form part 
of one of the pigments, as for instance a pigment 
prepared from murex or madder, or may have 
soaked into the buried plaster surface. 

If we can extract the organic substance and 
identify it as glue, gum, beeswax, or what not, that 
is another matter altogether. 

In the second place, if organic matter is absent, 
and at the same time the pigment is firmly adhering 

' Pliny uses the word ' nitesount,' therefore the process must 
give a shine. No doubt armour, to which he refers, would be 
polished the same way. 

^ Tj Si jAviiKri.s ToS Ayd\/iaTos AvajKala • raxli yci.p l^avBS rb hIXtivov (fi 
Th TraXaio, tCiv dyaXfidrui' IxP'^t""- 'The " Ganosis " of the statue 
is necessary, for the vermilion with which the ancient statues are 
painted soon loses its colour.'— Plutarch, Quaest. Horn., 287 D. 


to tlie plaster, this may be taken as proof positive 
that the use of an organic medium was not of the 
essence of the original painting process. 

For it is inconceivable that if the binding material 
has been removed by the action of fire, or of water, 
the pigment would still remain firmly adhering to 
the plaster, though of course it might be found lying 
on the plaster in a loose powdery condition. 

Therefore the presence of a firm adhering coat 
with no organic matter, or merely traces of organic 
matter, may be taken as a proof that buon fresco 
was the process used. Herr Berger's experiments 
with portions of fresco painted with wax colours and 
then treated with hot ashes are quite inconclusive, 
as after the baking he did not analyse the pigments 
to see if the wax, all or in part, was not still there, 
though driven in by the heat (p. 148).i Such hot 
ashes might suck up some, but not all the wax, and 
some would still be present. 

Those who believe the Koman frescoes at Pompeii 
to have been painted with wax are on the horns of a 

Sir Humphry Davy, John, and Chevreul, all 
agree that wax is absent. If this absence is due 
to the action of hot ashes, then how is it that the 
pigments adhere ? 

How can any one explain the miraculous process 

^ The teat with acid for effervescence is quite inconclusive. 


by which the binding material has been removed 
and the pigments left firmly adhering ? 

A very interesting statement by Presuhn is noted 
by Herr Berger in this connection (p. 149). He finds 
that monochrome washes on walls in Pompeii dust 
off, but in wall pictures the pigments are firmly 
adhering. This clearly points to the use, for cheap 
colour work, of an organic material, such as glue, on 
the dry plaster, which has dissolved and therefore 
left the pigment loosely adhering, while the more 
important frescoes were executed in the more reliable 
method of buon fresco as directed by Vitruvius. 

The determination of the actual organic sub- 
stances is a difl&cult matter; the amount of bind- 
ing medium necessary to fix a pigment to a surface 
is very small, and as a rule chemists can only get 
small fragments to examine, as they cannot be 
allowed to destroy large surfaces ; and such organic 
substances, even if they remain in situ, change their 
character in course of time from the chemical actions 
of moisture and oxygen, and therefore it becomes 
more and more difficult to decide definitely what 
they were originally composed of. 

The earliest experiments were made by Sir 
Humphry Davy and Chaptal. Chaptal's experi- 
ments were, however, confined to pots of pigment 
found in Pompeii, and therefore throw no light on 
the question of the employment of a medium, as it 


may well be that the medium was to be subsequently- 
added. Sir Humphry Davy, however, examined 
actual pieces of fresco, and as it has been stated by 
Herr Berger that he only examined minute frag- 
ments taken from the Aldobrandini wedding, I pro- 
ceed to quote the whole of the sentence from his 
paper dealing with this matter. 

'I have examined several pieces of the painted 
stucco found in the different ruins, and likewise 
the Aldobrandini picture, with a view of ascertaining 
if any application had been made to fix the colour, 
but neither by the test of alcohol, nor by heat, nor 
by the action of water, could I detect the presence of 
any wax varnish, or animal or vegetable gluten.' 
(Phil. Trans., vol. 105, p. 119.) He then suggests 
that the lightness of vegetable blacks might require 
the use of glue in their case, as stated by Pliny and 
Vitruvius, though not for heavier pigments. This 
is very much the explanation . I have already 
suggested for these passages. 

It is to be regretted that Sir Humphry Davy does 
not enter into greater detail, but while the identifica- 
tion of a particular organic medium and the deter- 
mination of the amount of it present is difficult, 
the absence of organic substances is not difficult 
to settle, even though very small fragments are 

This statement of Sir Humphry Davy's may 


be taken, therefore, as conclusive evidence that no 
binding medium was present in the samples 
examined by him. As, however, he does not 
describe the condition of these samples, this is not 
conclusive evidence that a binding medium had not 
once been present. 

J. F. John (Die Malerei der Alien, Berlin, 1836, 
p. 155), in examining a piece of red tectorium from 
Pompeii, found no binding material or organic matter 
beyond a trace of fatty matter extracted by ether. 
Ether, unless very carefully purified and rectified, 
always leaves, on evaporation, a slight greasy residue, 
and therefore, considering the early date of John's 
researches, I think it quite possible that the fatty 
matter was contained in the ether and not in the 

At any rate, such a trace of fatty matter is quite 
rightly neglected by the chemist. 

We now come to Chevreul's results.^ 

(1) In a red-coloured plaster, which was polished 
hard and shining, distillation yielded ammonia, ' show- 
ing a very appreciable quantity of an organic sub- 
stance to be present,' evidently of a nitrogenous 

A water solution residue also yielded an ammoniacal 
distillation, and alcohol extracted a trace of fat. 

1 Memoirs of the Academy of Science, xxii. 1880. Reprinted in 
Hittorf'e I' Architecture Polychrome, p. 912. 


The greater part of the organic substance was not 
dissolved by the water or the alcohol. 

It is evident that here an organic substance is 
present, either forming a constituent of the pigment, 
or forming a binding medium, as Chevreul comes 
to the conclusion later on that there is more of it 
present thaii can be accounted for by accidental 

The experiments would agree either with the 
presence of egg or glue or milk, all nitrogenous 
bodies yielding ammonia, and all containing oils or 
fatty matter. Such fatty matter is present as an 
impurity even in the glues of to-day, and would be 
sure to be present in the glues made in ancient 
times, when the methods for completely separating 
fatty, matter were not fully understood. 

It is also possible that an organic pigment or 
lake had been mixed with the red oxide of iron, 
which was found to be present. 

(2) The next piece examined was a black colour, 
and had been painted over a pink plaster, of 1 mm. 

It proved to be an organic black, and yielded 
ammonia, and resinous bodies were extracted from 
it by alcohol. 

The presence of such resinous bodies was to be 
expected in an impure vegetable black. The presence 
of ammonia suggests that some animal black had 


also been mixed with it, or that the ammonia was 
due to the glue, which we know was introduced 
into these blacks as a matter of course. 

This analysis, therefore, cannot be held to throw 
light on the question as to whether a medium wa$ 
present or not. 

(3) was coated with yellow ochre. Boiling water 
separated an organic substance, and boiling alcohol 
a ' wax or resin like matter.' It seems improbable 
that any organic pigment would be present in this 

(4) This was a fragment containing various colours 
on white plaster. 

The white plaster contained an organic material 
of a nitrogenous character, partially soluble in water, 
and a trace of fatty substance soluble in alcohol. 

The mortar underneath contained very little or- 
ganic matter. 

(5) In this fragment the red ground was over- 
painted with yellow, and the yellow with white and 
brown lines. 

The red ground contained organic matter, but the 
yellow colour mere traces of organic matter. 

This is a very remarkable case, as at first sight 
the painting over of one colour by another seems 
almost to necessitate a binding medium, and yet if 
it had been present it had disappeared from the 
over-painting. We have no information in this case 


of the condition of attachment of the surface pig- 
ments. It is not impossible, I believe, to execute 
over-painting in buon fresco if carried out in the 
manner described by Vitruvius. The partially dried 
and pressed under painting could quite well receive 
an over-painting, which could then again be pressed 
and polished. The final white over-painting softened 
very much with water. 

This completes the Pompeian fragments. The 
next analysis was of a portion of Roman fresco 
found in the Palais de Justice, Paris. 

Only a trace of organic matter was found, but the 
red plaster was firm, shining, and very compact. In 
this case the essence of the process cannot have been 
the introduction of an organic binding material. 

Next we have the examination of two examples 
from St. Medard des Pres. In this case there were 
two or three over-paintings, yet alcohol only ex- 
tracted a trace of fatty matter, and there were only 
traces of ammonia set free, and in dissolving the 
fragment in acid so as to decompose any soap present, 
and then treating with alcohol, no fatty matter was 
obtained. In this case, therefore, the evidence is in 
favour of no medium having been used, and the 
pigments were adhering firmly enough for one layer 
to be removed above another, revealing those under- 
neath. The probable explanation is that the painting 
was done in the way suggested below. 


The second fragment from St. Medard had over- 
paintings, but was also free from organic binding 
material! In the case, therefore, of the fragments from 
Paris and St. Medard, Chevreul comes to the con- 
clusion that no organic binding material was used, 
and possibly milk of lime was used as the medium. 
This method of painting on a dry wall with milk of 
lime is described by Theophilus. 

In the case of this second fragment from St. 
Medard, the layers of pigment could be lifted off 
one from another, and each layer contained carbonate 
of lime, which may well have been originally milk 
of lime. 

In the Pompeian fragments the quantity of organic 
matter Chevreul concludes is too great for us to 
suppose its presence accidental. 

To sum up, in all Chevreul examined nine samples. 

Of these four contained only traces of organic 
matter, three contained nitrogenous organic matter 
and traces of fatty matter, and two contained nitro- 
genous organic matter and resinous or waxy bodies. 

One of these two would necessarily contain resinous 
bodies, so that of these one only contains unexplained 
resinous or waxy bodies. The suggestion that the 
organic medium had disappeared through time will 
not account for its absence in the samples from 
Paris and St. Medard, certainly not in the case of 
the Paris sample, where the firm hard nature of the 


coating is specially mentioned, as the removal of 
the medium would destroy the adherence of the 

In the St. Medard samples, the layers of colour 
are found one on the top of the other, as if laid on 
a dry surface, and can be split off from each other. 

This would hardly be the case if each coat had 
been pressed home after being painted on the still 
damp plaster ; and at the same time the description 
of these layers of pigment, which can be split off 
from each other, is not consistent with the presence 
of a binding material which has perished. The 
presence of carbonate of lime in each layer explains 
the whole matter as Chevreul points out. In this 
case the layer of pigment was mixed with milk of 
lime as a medium. 

From what I have said before of the probability 
that organic binding mediums were sometimes used, 
it is evident that there is no inconsistency between 
the results obtained by Chevreul and Sir Humphry 

We can draw the following probable conclusions 
from these results. 

That many wall paintings were executed in 
buon fresco without the use of organic binding 
material, and that in some cases a modified buon 
fresco was used in which the pigments laid on the 
dry surface were mixed with milk of lime. 


That in many cases an organic medium was used 
which is present in the under plaster, and which was 
of a nitrogenous character and contained traces of 
fatty matter, and which might therefore be egg, milk, 
or glue. If glue, it had become considerably modified, 
or originally contained insoluble matter, as it was 
only partially soluble in water. 

That the fatty matter present had evidently not 
become saponified by the enormous excess of lime 

That in one instance Chevreul searches for the 
presence of soaps and finds none. 

That there is no evidence to support the view that 
wax, or any preparation of wax, was used except in 
one doubtful instance, where a ' waxy or resinous ' 
substance is found. 

That there is no evidence to show whether the 
medium used in the Pompeian fragments mentioned 
was utilised to paint on a dry surface, or was used to 
paint on wet lime as a form of modified buon fresco. 

The results obtained by the chemist Geiger 
(Ohemisohe Untersuchungen, 1826) are unfortunately 
open to doubt, as the fragments examined by him 
had apparently been treated for preservation after 
discovery, and therefore I do not propose to discuss 

Before concluding I have a few suggestions to 
make about the painting of marble walls and statues in 


Greece. The problem in this case is quite different 
from that of painting on heavily plastered walls. The 
colour is laid on a smooth marble surface, or a very 
thin coat of plaster, and we have no information, 
either in Pliny or Vitruvius, as to how this was carried 
out. Faraday, Landerer, and Semper ^ have analysed 
some of the Greek decorations and find in all cases 
organic matter, and in most cases identify the 
presence of beeswax. It is not, however, clear from 
their results whether beeswax was the only bind- 
ing material present. Having identified beeswax 
they seem to have been satisfied and looked no 

I have experimented in the painting of smooth 
marble surfaces with the following results. 

In the first place, if the marble is warmed the 
pigments can be applied with melted wax. This, as 
has been already pointed out, would be a very incon- 
venient process on large wall surfaces, unless the 
wall was warmed to a suitable temperature by the 

I have tried to paint surfaces with Herr Berger's 
' Punic wax,' but have never succeeded in doing so, 
the wax collecting in sticky particles, even with 
the addition of soap as well as soda. 

' Faraday's Analyses, Hittorf, p. 547. Landerer's Analyses, 
Antiquitis ffelUniquea, by A. R. Ramsgate, i. p. 63. Semper'; 
Analyses, Hittorf, p. 489. 

/tliziqmi/tis jicuen'iqu 

Analyses, Hittorf, p, 



I have also tried the Mount Athos receipt. Size 
alone emulsifies roughly with wax, but not in a very 
satisfactory manner. The Mount Athos receipt gives 
a perfectly workable medium, and the resulting surface 
can, as stated in the receipt, be polished with a cloth. 
There is another way, however, in which I have 
obtained a better result. 

As I have already pointed out, the statements as to 
the polishing of marble Avith beeswax made by Pliny 
and Vitruvius (Ganosis) may well refer simply to the 
rubbing of the surface with wax candles and polishing 
with a cloth, a process which is the best I have found 
for polishing marble. 

It occurred to me that this process was capable of 
further application. 

I therefore painted a piece of marble with a 
pigment mixed with a little glue, allowed it to dry, 
and then rubbed it lightly all over with a lump of 
beeswax, taking care not to scratch off the pigment 
until the whole surface had been passed over with 
the beeswax, and then began rubbing with a linen 
cloth, at first lightly, then with hard rubbing, and 
finally lightly again. In this way a beautiful polish 
was obtained, which was carried on to the bare 
unpainted marble as well. 

The result is to give the whole surface a uniform 
shining coating, the pigment appearing like a dark 
stone let into the marble, and the aesthetic effect being 


therefore quite diiferent from any other method of 
painting the marble which I have tried. Such a 
pigment, if analysed, would show the presence of wax. 

Further analyses are required of Greek paintings 
on marble before the question, as to whether this was 
the method, can be settled, but the process is very 
simple, beautiful in its results, and quite in agreement 
with the scanty information given by Pliny and 

The information to be obtained about Egyptian 
wall painting is very confusing and not satisfactory. 
In samples I have examined the pigment is easily 
sponged off, and therefore is probably put on with size 
or gum. In other cases apparently the paintings 
resist water, and probably wax has been used, possibly 
in the way described above. 

Herr Berger quotes John as saying that ' wax soap ' 
is present, but giving no demonstration of the evidence 
for this impossible conclusion. Evidently further 
research is required. 

In conclusion, it is necessary to refer briefly to the 
theory developed by Herr Berger in his Maltechnik 
des AlterthuTns. There is a modern process known as 
stucco lustro, used in Italy for making an artificial 
marble, in which a plaster of marble dust and lime 
is polished by treating it with an emulsion of lime 
and olive oil soap, and polishing with hot iron. Herr 
Berger holds that this was the method of wall paint- 


ing used in classical times, the medium being 
an emulsion of wax in soda or potash, which he 
calls 'Punic wax,' mixed with oil, which would be 
saponified by the soda, and then applied to the 
walls. He also believes other organic mediums were 
used, along with this stucco lustro process. 

He has developed this ingenious theory at great 
length, and those who wish to study the evidence he 
brings together must be referred to his book. 

In the first place, the attempt to connect the 
modern stucco lustro process with the ancient 
technique through Pliny's description of the prepara- 
tion of Punic wax breaks down at the outset, as it is 
quite obvious that Pliny's description does not refer 
to an emulsion of wax and soda. Yet the presence of 
a watery mixture containing soda is necessary to Herr 
Berger's theory, because he depends on the solution 
of soda to saponify the subsequently added oil. In 
fact the wax is superfluous and unnecessary. 

In the second place, in the account given by Pliny 
and Vitruvius of the application of wax mixed with 
a little oil to walls, we are directed to melt the wax, 
not to boil a watery emulsion. 

In the third place, the process described by Pliny 
and Vitruvius is meant for only limited application to 
special cases. 

In the fourth place, the results of chemical analysis 
have proved the absence of wax from Roman frescoes. 


Therefore the proof is complete that ' the wax soda 
oil lime medium, suggested by Berger, is not men- 
tioned by classical writers, and is disproved by 
analysis. The most that can be said for his theory 
is, that in those cases where an organic medium has 
been found, the use as one constituent of the medium 
of a lime olive oil soap without wax has not been 
disproved, as it has not been looked for. 

To sum up our conclusions, we have found that 
when painting panel pictures the ancients either 
painted with a medium which was probably egg, glue, 
or gum (of these egg being the most likely), or with 
wax, and when painting in encaustic, made use 
either of the cauterium to model the wax surface, or 
the brush using melted wax. That the difficulties 
supposed to underlie this process have proved to be 
imaginary, when climatic conditions are allowed for, 
or the panel is artificially warmed. 

That they were accustomed to use more than one 
method of painting on walls. That the best method 
of painting on plaster was considered to be buon 
fresco, the pigments being laid on the wet lime, 
though it is not absolutely clear that they did not 
sometimes modify this by mixing the pigments laid 
on the wet surface with glue, milk, or egg, this modi- 
fication not affecting the essential nature of the 

That they in certain cases painted either on the 


wet or the dry surface with one of these three 

That they also sometimes painted on the dry sur- 
face with milk of lime. 

That an essential part of their best work was the 
polishing during and after the preparation and 
painting of the plaster. 

That this polishing process is quite possible on 
marble plaster without the addition of any organic 

That such a treatment, even if only carried a little 
way, increases the durability of the painting, and 
gives a smooth surface capable of being washed or 
varnished or polished with wax. 

That in the case of vermilion painting exposed to 
direct sunlight they varnished with wax. 

That the process known as Ganosis among the 
Greeks consisted, in all probability, in simply rubbing 
the surface over with a beeswax candle and a linen 

That the easiest way to paint on marble is to lay 
on the pigment mixed with glue, and then polish the 
surface when dry with a lump of beeswax and a linen 
cloth, and that this is the simplest possible explana- 
tion of the presence of wax in Greek paintings on 
marble walls and statues. 

That in order to get further light on the extent to 
which organic mediums were used in painting on 


plaster, not only should a systematic analysis be made 
of existing remains, but plaster painted in different 
ways should then be subjected to analysis, in order 
that Ave may have some indication of what sort of 
results to expect. 

And, finally, that the more faithfully we examine 
the writings of these authors, without allowing our- 
selves to be carried away by plausible hypotheses or 
later inventions, the more we are convinced of the 
completeness and accuracy of their statements. 

Note. — While in making this inquiry I have as far 
as possible avoided referring to any information of a 
later date than Pliny, yet there is a passage in the 
famous MS. in the library of the cathedral at Lucca, 
of the eighth century, which bears so directly on later 
practice that it is worth quoting : — 

' Ita memoramus omnium operationes quae in parie- 
tibus simplice in ligno cere commixtis coloribus in 
peUibus ictiocollon commixtum.' 

' Thus we mention operations with all of them, on 
walls unmixed, on wood the colours being mixed with 
wax, on skins fish-glue being mixed.' 

This quotation I take from Mrs. Herringham 
(Gennino Cennini, p. xxiv.), who copies it from a 
photograph of the original, and which I find is 
exactly the same in Muratori's work on Italian 
Antiquities, vol. ii. p.. 377, except for an error in 


spelling and a comma. It is the more necessary to 
introduce this quotation as it is incorrectly quoted 
by Herr Berger (Beitrdge, Part iii. p. 18), the 'in' 
between ' simplice ' and ' ligno ' being omitted, and 
the whole sense thus altered, ' cere ' being thus made 
to apply to painting both on wood and walls, and 
' simplice,' which means ' unmixed,' becoming mean- 



Professor Baldwin Brown supplied me some time ago 
with a portion of an Egyptian mummy case, of about the 
time of the nineteenth dynasty, which he had obtained from 
Flinders Petrie. 

The wood, which was much decayed, was covered with 
a layer of gesso, on this was laid a black pigment, and on 
the black ground a yellow pattern had been painted, the 
whole being covered with a varnish of a warm colour. 

In many places the varnish had powdered off, but in 
other places it was intact. It was smooth, shining, with 
straight cracks running through it, brittle, and broke up 
under the needle point, with a conchoidal fracture. In fact 
it had all the characteristics of a spirit varnish, either 
artificial by dissolving a resin in a volatile medium, or 
natural, that is, a liquid balsam or natural turpentine. I 
have discussed this matter at some length in the text. 

On treating with alcohol in the cold it readily dissolved, 
showing it to be neither an oil varnish nor one of the 
more insoluble resins, but rather behaving like a pine 
balsam or some similar balsam. To identify it further 
would require an examination of the balsams from Syria 
mentioned by Pliny, such as terebinth and mastic, and 
from other possible sources. The quantity present was 
not sufficient to make anything but solubility tests. The 
varnish had a distinct orange colour which was imparted 
to the alcohol. 

By treatment with alcohol the varnish could be removed 
without affecting the painting underneath, which was 
evidently executed with a medium insoluble in alcohol. 



The black pigment proved to be coarsely powdered 
charcoal, and the yellow pigment was a yellow ochre, 
which had, however, not been floated according to the 
modern practice, as it contained coarse white particles 
apparently of quartz. The gesso was carbonate of lime. 

On boiling with water the painting and gesso were 
completely disintegrated, and the water solution, on filtra 
tion and evaporation, left a residue of translucent brown 
flakes, which on heating with soda lime gave oif quantities 
of ammonia. The solution was precipitated by tannic 
acid, but did not give the xanthoproteic reaction. It 
was examined for me by Dr. Jerdan, of Cox's gelatine 
and' glue works, and he came to the conclusion that it was 
slightly altered glue, which, very probably owing to slow 
oxidation, failed to give all the characteristic reactions.. 
This fact that Egyptian glue does not give all the char- 
acteristic reactions of fresh-made glue has been noted by 
other chemists. 

The medium used to lay the pigments on the ground 
could not be separately identified, as the painted surface 
could not be removed in sufficient quantity from the glue 
underneath. The question of most interest raisfed by this 
fragment is the source of supply of the natural balsam 
with which it has apparently been varnished. 

The varnish itself was too glossy and transparent to 
have been made by diluting a hard resin with wax. 


The possibility of using natural pine balsams as painting 
media is of consideriable interest. 

The receipts for lakes given in the MSS. from the twelfth 
to the sixteenth century are nearly all for their prepara- 
tion from dye wood or from kermes, or cochineal, madder 
being very rarely if ever referred to, . 


Sach lakes are very fugitive. 

Moreover, the only really brilliant green in the receipts 
is verdigris, which has the reputation of turning black 
in oil. 

It is therefore difficult to understand how the pigments 
used for glazing by Van Eyck, for instance, have stood the 
test of time so remarkably well. It is usually assumed that 
oil, and still more oil varnishes, protect pigments from mois- 
ture, and amber varnish has been treated with a special 
superstitious reverence. Some experiments I made in 
1891,1 and which are published in the Proceedings of the 
Society of Arts, h'ave evidently escaped the attention of 
recent continental writers. By using ignited sulphate of 
copper with various mediums, and exposing the painted 
surfaces when dry to moist air, I found that oil and oil 
varnishes, including amber, are readily permeated by 
moisture and the pigment attacked. 

On the other hand spirit varnishes and natural pine 
balsams protect the pigment from attack. 

The question therefore arises whether the Van. Eyck 
mediums were not more of the nature of a balsam than 
an oil. 

De Mayerne gives a receipt for making from verdigris 
a green which will never change by dissolving the 
verdigris in a pine balsam. This receipt gives a most 
beautiful green, and it is the only green, either used as a 
glazing colour or mixed with yellow, with which I have 
been able to match the magnificent greens to be found in 
Van Eyck's pictures, when confining myself to the palette 
available for him. 

The whole question has been carried further by the 
Hon. Neville Lytton, who has been painting for some 
time with a medium of Canada balsam and mastic 
varnish, containing spike oil, and a little amber varnish 
(copal oil varnish would do just as well) to give it tough- 
ness and elasticity. He prefers to emulsify this medium 

' Figments and Vehicles of the Old Masters. Cautor Lectures, 
Society of Arts, 1891. 


with water. Though it is not so easy to manipulate as an 
oil medium, the surfaces painted with it are sufficiently 
pliable, and tests which I have made with it show it to be 
capable of protecting pigments from both moisture and 
pernicious gases. White lead, for instance, in this medium 
is not affected by sulphuretted hydrogen. Unfortunately 
the possibility of using it with sufficient facility for fine paint- 
ing has not been completely demonstrated, as Mr. Lytton 
has been mixing it with pigments ground in oil, thus intro- 
ducing an excessive amount of oil into the picture, instead 
of grinding the dry pigment in the medium itself. A little 
oil or oil varnish can be added with impunity, but the 
amount must be small 

In my own experiments I have found an emulsion of 
Canada balsam, turpentine, and white of egg quite nice 
to paint with, though of course drying rather rapidly. 
Curiously enough this emulsion, if the white of egg is not 
in excess, dries to form a hard transparent layer, the egg 
merely serving to make it easier to manipulate under the 
brush. A picture painted on paneL with this medium 
would resist chemical change, but would be brittle and 
easily injured mechanically. 

The problem is, therefore, how much drying oil can be 
safely introduced to give toughness without spoiling the 
protecting value of the balsam. 

The whole subject is deserving of further investigation, 
but it is, I think, at any rate possible that the Van Eyck 
medium was principally a natural pine balsam, like Venice 
turpentine, toughened with a little oil, and perhaps 
emulsified with white of egg. 

The solid painting might be pure egg, while the upper 
glazings would be nearly pure balsam with a little oil. 
The green would be prepared by dissolving verdigris in 
Venice turpentine by heat, and then probably adding a 
little oil. 




Its history in ancient times and during the Middle Ages. 
Extracted from the account by M. Berthelot in 
La Grande Encyclopidie, by kind permission of the 

' The operation of distillation does not appear in the 
history of the sciences before the Christian era, although 
the industrial practices relative to the preparation of 
mercury are certainly more ancient. But towards the 
iirst centuries the concordant texts of Pliny and Dioscorides 
prove that it was in use. They explain that cinnabar 
being placed in an iron cup which is itself enclosed in an 
earthen vessel with a head (afifii^) carefully luted all 
round, and the whole heated on a coal fire, the mercury 
sublimates and condenses by cooling on the head, whence 
it is collected by scraping. It is a real sublimation which 
is thus described. These authors describe also a prepara- 
tion of essence of turpentine carried out by heating resin 
in a pot and condensing the vapour in wool spread on the 
orifice^ this wool being afterwards squeezed in order to 
extract the volatile oil. To the same order of ideas might 
also be referred the preparation of pompholyx, or oxide 
of zinc, described by Pliny, the ore (calamine) being 
thrown into a furnace and the vapour condensing into 
smoke in the midst of a second chamber superposed. 

' More exact indications as to the results of distillation 
are to be met with in a writer who lived in the third 
century, Alexander of Aphrodisias, a commentator on the 



" Meteorologica," which is a writing of the Aristotelian 
school. It is said there that sea-water can be rendered 
drinkable by heating it in a boiler and collecting the 
vapour in covers placed above. Wine and other liquids, 
it is added, furnish water in the same way. 

' Besides these documents drawn from classical sources 
we find others, more detailed, and accompanied by draw- 
ings of the distilling 
apparatus in the writ- 
ings of the Greek al- 
chemists of the same 
epoch. The most an- 
cient are derived from 
a treatise, now lost, 
written Ity Cleopatra, a 
learned Egyptian lady 
who lived some time in 
the early centuries of 
the Christian era, and 
who also wrote on 
weights and measures. 
Along with the mystic 
figures of her "Chry- 
sope6 " we find a distil- 
ling apparatus con- 
sisting of a mattrass 
surmounted by a large 
tube which debouches 
into an upper receiver 
provided with two inclined bent side tubes by which 
the condensed liquid flows. The whole is placed on a 

' Similar figures more detailed are found in the works 
of Zosimus, the oldest writer on alchemy whose authentic 
writings we possess. He seems to belong to the epoch of 
Clement of Alexandria and of TertuUian (about 200 A.D.). 
Some of his figures have two or three lateral tubes, the 
upper receiver being called /irJKO's. 


Figure from a MS. in St. Mark's, Venice. 



' We shall give only the accompanying figure (1) from 
Zosimus. It is that of a true alembic. 

'An apparatus (2) 

still more analogous to 
our alembics is de- 
scribed and pictured in 
Synesius, an author 
who lived at the end of 
the fourth and begin- 
ning of the fifth cen- 
tury. In Synesius we 
have a boiler heated 
over a bain-marie, or a 
bath of cinders. 

'The agreement be- 
tween the MSS. con- 
taining the figures here 
given, and the indica- 
tions in the " Meteoro- 


The MSS. containing these figures were 
copied in the 11th and 15th centuries, but they 
reproduce more ancient MSS., and the figures 
correspond exactly to descriptions in the text. 

logica " by Alexander of Aphrodisias leaves no doubt as to 
the existence of distilling apparatuses founded on the same 
principles as our own, in the time of the Eoman empire, 
particularly towards the third and fourth centuries of our 
era. It is to be observed that the covers, heads, condens- 
ing vessels then bore the names of S-ix^l^ and of /SijKos. 
This is doubtless the origin of the word alembic, modified 
only by the addition of al, the Arabic article.' 

It is clear from this account that there is no evidence 
of distillation with covered vessel and descending tube so 
early as the time of Pliny, though apparently invented 
shortly after. It is still more improbable that such inven- 
tions were used at this early time for the preparation of 
turpentine, alcohol, or rectified petroleum in considerable 


Abacus, 71. 

Abies bakamea, 19. 

Aeid test, 95. 

Aetius, 4. 

Agrippa, baths, decoration of, 

Alcohol, 20, 31. 

Aldobrandini Wedding, 97. 

Alexandria, 12. 

Alizarin, 14. 

Alkanet, 39. 

Alum, 13, 14. 

Alumen, 13. 

Amatorius (Plutarch's), quota- 
tion from, 52, 59. 

Analyses of frescoes, 94-104. 

Apelles, 48. 

- — varnish used by, 33, 34, 

ApoUodorus of Athens, 46. 

Appianum, 55. 

Arabic, gum. See Gum. 

Architectura (Vitruvius), 9. 

Aristides, 57. 

Aristoclides, 50. 

Arsenic, sulphide of, 11. 

Are Vitraria, 17. 

Atramentum, 24, 33, 34. 

Azurite, 10. 

Azzurro della magna, 10. 

Baldwin Brown, 113. 

Balm of Gilead, 27. 

Balsam, 19, 20, 28, 29, 32, 33, 

34, 35, 66, 67, 114-116. 
Baths of Titus, 14. 
Beeswax. See Wax. 


Berger, 8, 40, 42, 43, 54, 59, 61, 
62, 65, 67, 69, 78, 79, 81, 88, 
92, 95, 96, 97, 107, 112. 

Bird lime, 30. 

Bitumen, 31, 34. 

Black, 12. 

charcoal, 25. 

lamp, 12, 25. 

pigments : preparation of 

with glue, 24, 25, 26. 

Blue, Egyptian, 12. 

Bono black, 12. 

Bronze box at St. M^dard, 65. 

Buchner, 65. 

Buon fresco, 23, 68, 69, 71, 78- 
88, 95, 96, 101, 103, 109. 

joinings in, 71, 88. 

Burns, wax picture by, 64. 

Caeruleum, 22, 55. 

Gains Cestius, 11. 

Canada balsam, 19, 66, 115, 116. 

Gandela, 92. 

Carbonate of copper, 10, 13. 

Caseine, 68. 

Castor oil, 19, 31. 

Cauterium, 46, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67, 

Cement, 22. 
Cennino Cennini, 15, 23, 53, 69, 

Cerotic acid, 41. 
Cerussa, 11. 
Cestrum, 60, 61. 
Chalk, 10, 13, 53. 
Charcoal black, 12, 25. 



Chevreul, 65, 82, 95, 98, 99, 

102, 103, 104. 
Chrysocolla, 13. 
Cinnabar, 11. 
Cochineal lakes, 16. 
Codex Bambergensia, 51. 
Coffins, Egyptian, 26, 33, 53. 
Coloured grounds in Pompeii, 

Copper carbonate, 10, 13. 

frit, 12, 16, 86. 

ores, 10. 

Cyanos, 15. 
Cypress, 28. 

Davy, Sir Humphey, 11, 14, 95, 

96, 97, 103. 
-De Architectura (Vitruvius), 9. 
Decoration of ships, 36, 37, 55. 
Degering, 77, 79. 
Didron, 44. 
Dieterich, 20. 
Diosoorides, 4, 27, 28, 31. 
Distillation, 31, 32, 117-119. 

of pitch, 32. 

Diversarum Artium Schedida, 1 . 

Donner, 58, 59, 77, 88. 

Dragon's blood, 14. 

Drop black, 25. 

Drying oils, 1, 4, 5, 6, 18, 19, 20, 

30, 36, 54, 63. 
Dye, purple, 13. 

■woods, 16. 

Dyes, 13, 14. 

Earth colours, 10. 

infusorial, 13, 17. 

Earths, white, 10, 13. 
Eastlake, 58, 61. 
Egg, 18, 21, 22, 27, 36, 53, 68, 
94, 99, 104. 

tempera, 69. 

iyKaloi, translation of, 57, 59. 
Egypt, varnish used in, S3. 
Egyptian blue, 12, 17, 86. 

coffins, 26, 33, 53. 

frit, 12, 16, 86. 

gesso, 53, 113. 

Egyptian blue, wall painting, 68, 

Elasippus, 57. 
Emulsion from wax, 40, 42, 44, 

Encaustic, 48, 51, 54-68, 69, 70, 

Essential oil, 30. 

Faraday, 105. 
F6e, 40. 

Fish glue, 24, HI. 
Frankincense, 27, 30. 
Fresco, analysis of, 85. 

chemistry of, 83, 84. 

microscopic examination of, 


experiments on, 86. 

painting, 23. 

polishing of, 86, 87. 

touching up with egg 

medium, 23. 
Frit, Egyptian, 12, 16, 86. 

y6.v<a<n^ 89, 90, 94, 106, 110. 

Geiger, 104. 

Gesso, 26, 53, 113, 114. 

Egyptian, 53. 

Glue, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 36, 53, 

68, 87, 94, 96, 99, 104, 106, 


in black pigments, 24. 

fish, 24, 111. 

Gold leaf, receipts for laying on, 

Grounds, coloured in Pompeii, 

Gum', 18, 21, 26, 27, 36, 53, 68, 

94, 109. 
Gypsum, 10, 14. 

Hawara wax portraits, 61, 62, 

Hermeneia, wax potash medium, 

Herringham, 15, 23, 111. 
Hittorf, 82, 98, 105. 
Honey, 13. 



Index, Pliny's, 51. 
Indigo, 14, 55. 
Infusorial earth, 13, 17. 
Ink, composition of, 25. 
Inurert, 57. 

picturam, translation of, 


Iron, oxide of, 86. 

Ivory, 60. 

painting on, 61. 

Jehan le Bequk, 16, 45. 
Jocnndus, 78, 79. 
John, 40, 96, 98, 107. 

Kbrmes, 14, 16. 

Lake, madder, 14, 17. 
Lakes, coehineal, 16. 

• vegetable, 14. 

Lamp black, 12, 25. 

Landerer, 105. 

Lapis lazuli, 15, 16. 

Larch, 19, 28. 

Lead, oxides of, 11. 

Lentisk, 28. 

lAaculorum, 77. 

Lime, 22, 68, 79, 83, 84, 85, 104, 

Linseed oil, 18, 19, 31. 
Litharge, 11. 
Lucca, 111. 
Lutum, 13. 

Madder, 13, 14. 

lake, 14, 17. 

Maltechnik des Alterthums, 8. 
Marble, polishing of, 93. 
dust, 75, 86. 

experiments on painting, 


Marmorosum sil, 70. 
Mastic, 28, 91, 113. 
Mayhoff, 9, 43, 51, 59, 60, 61. 
Medium, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 36, 
94, 105, 114. 

probable nature of, 52- 


Medium of wax resin nut oil, 

of wax and potash in 

Hermeneia, 44, 

— — in Thebes Papyrus, 27. 
Mediums, evidence for two, 46- 

for wall-painting, 68, 


Melian white, 55. 
Mercury, sulphide of, 11. 
Merrifield, 10, 45. 
Method of inquiry, 1-8. 
Milk, 68, 99, 104, 109. 
Mistletoe berry, 30. 
Modelling in wax, 37. 
Mortar, 74, 75. 
Mount AthoB, 44, 106. 
Mnesilaus, 57. 
Muratori, 111. 
Murex, 13, 16, 17. 
Myrioyl palmitate, 41. 

Natural History (Pliny), 9. 
Nicanor, 57. 
Nitrum, 39, 40. 
Nut oil, 4, 36, 63. 

OOHKBS, 10, 70. 
Oil, 21, 27, 29. 

from pitch, 32. 

essential, 30. 

linseed. See Linseed Oil. 

oUve, 30. 

poppy, linseed, castor, 31. 

varnish, 20, 31. 

walnut, 30. 

Oils, drying, 18, 19, 20, 36, 54. 

vegetable, 18. 

volatile, 19. 

of walnut, linseed, poppy, 

castor, 19. 
Olive oil, 30, 63, 93. 
Orpiment, 11, 55. 
Oxide of iron, 86. 
Oxides of lead, 11. 

Painters ' with the brush,' 46. 



Panel, paintings on, 46, 47, 48, 

' 49, 52, 53, 61, 67, 109. 

Papyrus, Thebes, medium in, 27. 

Papyrus ash, 39. 

Pausias, 48. 

Petrie, Flinders, 14, 61, 62. 

Petroleum, 20, 31. 

Pigments, 8-17, 24, 37, 40, 55, 

80, 96, 
Pigments injured by wet lime, 

23, 55, 70. 
Pensea saroocoUa, 26. 
Pine tree, 19, 28. 
Pistaoia terebinthus, 28. 
Pisselaeon, 32. 
Pissinum, 32. 
Pitch-tree, 28. 

28, 29, 36. 

oil from, 32. 

distillation of, 32. 

Pix 28 

Plaster', 75, 76, 83, 85, 107, HO, 

of Paris, 10. 

Pliny's Index, 50. 

Natural History, 9. 

Plutarch, 52, 59, 94. 

Polygnotus, 49, 57. 

Pompeii, 82, 95, 96. 

Pontic beeswax, 39. 

Poppy oil, 4, 19, 31. 

Portraits, wax at Hawara, 

61, 62, 67. 
Praxiteles, 57. 
Presuhn, 96. 
Prisoianus, 43. 
Protogenes, 47. 
Punic wax, 39-45, 91-92, 105. 
Punica, correct reading, 43. 
Parpurissum : laying on with 

egg, 22, 23, 24. 

Puteoli,' 12. 

papSlov, 61. 
Keber, 77, 79. 
Red lead, 11. 
ochre, 10. 

Resin, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 31. 

Richards, 79. 

Rode, 77. 

Rose, 9, 43, 77, 91. 

Russell, 12, 14, 17. 

St. Medabd, 62, 65, 66, 67, 101, 

102, 103. 
Sand, 75. 
Sandyx, 22. 

Saponification of wax, 41. 
Sapphire, 15. 
SarcoooUa, 26. 
Semper, 105. 

Ship decoration, 36, 37, 55. 
Ships, tarring of, 29, 36. 
Sienna, 10. 
Sillig, 51. 

Size, 44, 69, 87, 106, 107. 
Soap, absence of, 104. 

from wax, 40. 

Sodium carbonate, 40, 41, 42, 44, 

45, 54. 
Soot, 25. 

Spirit varnish, 20, 31, 33. 
Spirits of turpentine, 19, 31, 54, 

Stucco lustro, 69, 107, 108. 
Sulphide of arsenic, 11. 

of mercury, 11. 

Syria, 28. 

Tar, 37. 

Tarring of ships, 29. 

Terebinth, 28, 113. 

Terra-cotta, 56. 

Terre verte, 10. 

Thebes papyrus, medium in, 

TheophiluB, 1, 102. 
Theophrastus, 15. 
Titus, baths of, 14. 
Turpentine, spirits of, 19, 20, 

21, 31, .32, 54. 
Venice, 19, 35, 116. 

Ultramarine, 10, 15, 16. 
Umber, 10. 



Varnish, 4, 19, 20, 21, 28, 31, 

32, 34, 35, 37, 115. 
used by Apelles, 33, 34, 


used in Egypt, 33. 

oil, 20. 

spirit, 20. 

Varnishing of ships, 36. 
Vegetable oils, 18. 

Venice turpentine, 19, 35, 116. 
Verdigris, 11, 115. 
Vermilion, 11, 16, 86, 94. 

protection of, 88, 91. 

Vestorius, 12. 
Vitruvius, 9. 
MSS. of, 78. 

Walls, painting on, 48, 49, 50, 

52, 68-84, 80, 82, 111. 
Walnut oil, 19, 30. 
Wax, bees', 27, 29, 36, 39, 55, 

60, 69, 93, 94 105, 106, 110. 
and resin, 65. 

candles, 92, 93, 94, 106, 


emulsion, 40, 42,44, 54, 108. 

medicinal use of, 44. 

mixed with pigments, 37, 

39, 55. 

Wax, bees', mixed with resin, 63. 

mixed with balsam, 66. 

mixed with oil, 63. 

mixtures of, 54. 

modelling in, 37. 

• on marble, 105. 

painting, 54-68. 

portraits at Hawara, 61, 

62, 67. 

preparation of, 37-45. 

Wax, Pontic, 39. 

potash receipt, Jehan le 

B^gue, 45. 

soap, 40, 4] . 

treatment with soda, 41. 

turpentine painting, 58. 

for walls and armour, 39, 


Punic, 39-44, 105. 

Weld, 14. 
Wiegmann, 71, 87. 
White earth, 10, 13. 

lead, 11, 55. 

Woad, 14. 

Yellow ochre, 10." 

ZB0XIS of Heraclea, 46, 
Zopissa, 29, 36. 

Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty 
at the Bdinbnrgli University Press