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Full text of "Martindale's unclaimed money, lands and estates manual : devoted to the interests of all who are in search of unclaimed money, lands or estates, next of kin, heirs at law, legatees, etc."

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**Ste'*'* ""Claimed 

"ipney, lands and 

Cornell University 

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tine Cornell University Library. 

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LAW— LEGATEES, Etc. Etc Etc 



[A'Uthoro/"Martin(ial»''a Vhited Slates Law Mreetory,'" "The Commercial and Legal Guide," and lata 
Editor of "The American Law Magasine."] 

'X1.XOX1, Sa.oo. 




Sintered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884, by J. B. Mabtinsai^ ia tbe- office of tl>e 
Librarian of Congress, at Wasliington D. C. 






PEOEM--- 3 

Unclaimed Money, Lands and Estates Bureau 8 

English Law oe Limitations 9 

Limitation Laws — United States 14 

Public Land Laws OF the United States 21 

Curiosities of Next of Kin 25 

Dormant Funds in Chancery... 31 

English Estates Reverting to the Crown 40 

Claimants 48 


Trinity Church History — Anetje Jans Estate 52 

Estates in Chancery. 

Estate of John Turner 61 

The Mangini-Brown Estate 62 

Catharine Chapman Estate 64 

Richard Thomas Estate 65 

R. Goodman's Trust 66 

Patterson Estate 67 

L:)ST at Sea 69 

Heirs at Law vs. Charities ... 74 

Bank of England — Unclaimed Dividends 78 

Bankruptcy — Unclaimed Dividends — 84 

CONTENTS— Continued. 



MiSBKS 88- 


Wills i 92 


Lapsed Legacies- -. 105 


Missing Eelatives -.- 108. 


Unexpected Assets 112 


Treasure Trove 118 


Escheats 120 


Special List No. 1 - 125 

" 2 12& 

" 3 133 

" 4 136 

" 5 151 

" 6 152 

" 7 159 

" 8 164 

" 9. 170 

" 10 172 

" 11 ^ 177 

" " " 12. " 181 

" iS---- 185 

" 14 189 

" 15 190 

" 16 193 

•' 17---- -. 200 

Table of Distribution of Intestates' Estates 206 

"RESTATES IS Chancery," (Chap. 9), should have been credited to Be Barnardy's 
Next of Kin Gazette. By a typographical error the credit was omitted. 


"We make no apology for engaging in the business set forth on 
our title-page, but wish briefly to outline the policy pursued and to 
be pursued. But for the abuse by adventurers and swindlers of a 
business in itself as legitimate as that of the lawyer, the banker, or 
the broker, we would not consider even this explanation necessary. 
"We may never be able to rid the business of its present odium, but 
we do pledge ourselves to do all in our power to that end, and shall 
never shrink from the task of publicly exposing frauds by which 
over-sanguine claimants are swindled out of their money, whenever 
such cases are brought to our notice. We shall endeavor to raise no 
false hopes, but when convinced that a claim is hopeless, will, as far 
as possible, prevent such claimant from expending money on it. "We 
have, and can .always have, plenty of legitimate business, and want 
nothing to do with imagined estates or visionary claimants. So 
much has been said and done respecting large estates supposed to 
exist in the old country, that it becomes our duty, right in the outset 
to say that which may have the effect of dispelling many a blissful 
dream; but the dreamer may have his reward, if he will, by the 
saving of his money. We do not dispute the fact that large sums of 
money do exist in almost every European country awaiting rightful 
claimants, many of whom are residents of America; but, although 
in the aggregate they amount to millions, yet they consist tor the 
most part of a multitude of small estates. Those amounting, to 
millions, or hundreds of millions, are very " few and far between." 
There is a tradition in a vast number, we might say in most of the 
old femilies, that they are entitled to a large estate in England, 
France, Germany, or some other European country; and as such 
traditions descend from father to son, the expected value always 
increases till it often reaches a sum too large for a common mind to 
grasp. Numerous associations have at different times been formed 
for the purpose of prosecuting these fictitious claims. One or two 
Ingenious persons proceed to set the ball rolling by sensational 
articles in the newspapers, or by circulars, calling all persons of a 
certain name to apply to them respecting a large derelict estate in 



the Old World. The statements are made with circumstantial 
details, having every appearance of truth, and, although seemingly 
harmless, are often the cause of great disappointment, trouble and 
expense. A list of names of the expectant heirs is prepared, a lib- 
eral estimate of expenses is formed for a trip to the old country, and 
the amount required is divided pro rata amongst all the claimants, 
who are then called upon to contribute their respective shares. It 
is understood in such case that they will be entitled to participate 
in the estate in proportion to the money subscribed, and so we get a 
joint-stock company. The scrip of such an adventure has been 
known to sell as high as two per cent of the supposed value of the 
estate. It requires but one or two to lead the way, and, like a flock 
of sheep, they all follow blindly, regardless of the most patent facts. 
Many cannot trace their pedigrees a generation back. They do not 
even know who has left the fortune sought to be recovered. A simple 
and vague statement that one "Hyde," "Lawrence," "Jennings," or 
others died in England a century ago suffices. Such trifles as a 
Will or the Statute of Limitations do not trouble them. The sup- 
position that a person of their surname was at one time possessed of 
wealth is sufficient to create all these subscribers to fortune " heirs 
to vast estates." They are unaware how little the mere similarity 
of name is worth in genealogical researches. Once possessed of the 
idea, it becomes their pet child, and their fancies range over a vast 
domain of possibilities which may place them in affluence. The 
demon of speculation becomes as strong in them as in any dealer in 
" options " on the Chicago Board of Trade. They are nearly al^yays 
poor or ignorant people, who are dazzled by the prospect of 
becoming suddenly rich, and are lured on until the exhaustion of 
their means puts an end to the investigation. But the dream 
remains as vivid as ever; the delusion is clung to with even greater 
tenacity; and all that remains for them to do is to complain of 
their wrongs, of the injustice of the law, or the fraud of some 
unknown trustee. The legend will, perhaps, be handed down to 
their children, who in their turn may seek possession of these 
imaginary millions. What is the result of these " associations," 
which, it may here be remarked, are by no means of recent date, 
some having been formed nearly half a century since? The agent 
(generally the promoter) deputed to discover the broad acres, on 
arrival in the old country, spends most of his time at the Probate 
Kegistry, endeavoring to connect a Testator, or an Intestate, with a 
member of the Association; and, when the locality is known, he has 


recourse to the Parish Eegisters. Finally, he seeks the assistance of 
a lawyer, who in most instances dissuades him from proceeding 
further with the vague -information in his possession. After a pro- 
longed and useless stay, he returns to the States, and a " Keport " is 
then printed, containing copies of wills, a few extracts from Parish 
Registers, and sometimes a copy of a crest. This is sent to each 
member of the syndicate. Notice of a second meeting is given, and, 
if sufficient funds are raised, another visit is made to Europe, and so 
the matter goes merrily on until the funds are exhausted. In some 
instances the agent reports that he has been unable to find the 
estate; or that, owing to the lapse of time, it cannot be recovered; 
or, mayhap, it is in the possession of the rightful owner. In one 
case, no less than three of the expectant heirs and two lawyers went 
to London, to endeavor to recover a small square in the East End. 
In another, an agent for some twenty years past has derived a liv- 
ing from the pseudo-claimants to a Townley estate which has long 
since been claimed and properly disposed of. A third has actually 
crossed the Atlantic no less than seventeen times. Not one of these 
associations has ever succeeded in recovering the estate, or, we would 
say, of even finding any vacant recoverable estate, whether real or 
personal; but, as an unsupported assertion is easily made, a locality 
is chosen by the agent bearing the name of the association, and is 
declared to be the estate sought for. It is to no one's interest to go 
to the expense of proving a negative, and so the assertion remains, 
if not unchallenged, at least not disproved by evidence. Thus the 
"Hyde," "Knight," "Harland," and "Hungerford" estates are said 
to consist respectively of " Hyde Park," " Knightsbridge," " Har- 
land Square," and " Hungerford Market and Bridge." If titles to 
real estate were to be upset upon such slender foundations as the 
mere coincidence of a name, owners of property would have to con- 
sider in title deeds- the name of the street in which their houses are 
situated. We should advise all persons who believe themselves 
entitled to property to be very cautious how they expend their 
money in verifying their suppositions. Large estates are few in 
number, and any one wishing to know whether there is any founda- 
tion for a report that an estate is unclaimed, can readily do so by 
applying to some responsible person engaged in that line of busi- 
ness. If any such estates exist, they are invariably known, and are 
usually placed in due course of Administration by the Chancery 
Courts. Many petsons are undoubtedly entitled to money which 
can still be recovered, although such claim may have been in abey- 


ance for upwards of a century. We do not advise persons to go to 
the other extreme, and take no interest in the subject, because they 
fancy that, owing to the impecunious position of their family, they 
cannot be entitled to a fortune. Although correct so far as " for- 
tune " is concerned, they may yet recover an amount to compensate 
them fully for their trouble, as these moneys generally find their 
way into the pockets of those who least expect it. 

In the following pages lists are given of persons who (if living, 
or, if dead, whose heirs) are entitled to money, and in most instances 
the persons mentioned are entitled to sums well worth recovering. 
In some cases investigation has not been made to ascertain what is 
really due, and in some cases the amount may prove too small to 
justify undertaking its recovery. It may be, in some instances, the 
money has recently been, or is now, in the course of recovery by the 
persons entitled to it; yet they are all worth looking into, inasmuch, 
as the fees charged for a preliminary examination are usually small 

Advertisements for Heirs-at-Law, Next of Kin, Owners of 
Unclaimed Money, etc., which have appeared in the newspapers of 
the United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, and Grermany 
since the year 1600 have been carefully preserved, classified and 
numbered, and the names of persons wanted numbering over 
100,000 are in the possession of this Bureau.* 

The following specimens of these advertisements are here 
inserted, simply to show their character in general: 

"Bakbaea Anderson '(deceased.) If William Anderson, for- 
merly of Elgin, North Britain, a relative of the above, and who 
is supposed to have gone abroad many years since, or, if dead, his 

widow or children, will communicate with Messrs , 

Solicitors, he, she or they may hear of something to their advantage.'' 

" Elizabeth Morris. — The heirs or next of kin of Mrs. Eliza- 
beth Morris, who lately died in the State of Pennsylvania, and who 
was formerly the wife of Oliver Morris (comedian), are requested to 

make themselves known to, Messrs. . The said Elizabeth 

Morris left England for America between 1770 and 1775, and paid 
a visit to England about the year 1802." 

" John Darby and Oliver Jackson, Esqs — The addresses of 
these gentlemen are required, in order that legacies of $5,000 each 
may be paid them. Address " 

" Ann Eaton. — If the relatives or next of kin of Ann Eaton, 
late of Ormskirk, County of Lancaster, Spinster, deceased, will 

*For rate of fees for information respecting these advertisements, see eighth page of this Manual. 


apply to Messrs. , Solicitors, they will hear of 

something to their advantage. * * * * (Note. — This 
person died intestate, and her effects went to the Crown, who would 
recoup, the same on Next of Kin substantiating their claim.)" 

" Thomas Nicholson, formerly of Chapel End, Walthamstow, 
in the County of Essex, (shoemaker,) about the year 1830 left 
England for Upper Canada; returned to England on a short visit 
about ten years ago, but sailed again for Canada. If living, he is 

about sixty-two years of age. If he or his heirs will apply to 

, Solicitors, they may receive a large sum of money." 

This Manual will be thoroughly revised and published every 
year, and Supplements issued between times, as frequently as may , 
be required; so that names for insertion may be sent in at any time. 
"We trust we shall have the. hearty co-operation of all our cor- 
respondents, as no charge is made for insertion of advertisements, 
and the benefits are to be mutual. 

In the preparation of this Manual we have had access to similar 
works published in Europe, to the authors of which we feel under 
obligations, and take this public method of acknowledging the 
same. Amongst those from whose works we have drawn valuable 
data, we wish to name Robert Gun, Esq., Messrs. De Barnardy 
Brothers, and Edward Preston, Esq., all of London, England. 



The name of this Bureau is indicative of its nature, object and aims. It was 
begun in 1875, and has been in successful operation ever since. Having a complete 
chain of connections with similar Bureaus in Europe, and having access to informa- 
tion relative to unclaimed estates there, that have been accumulating for over one 
hundred and fifty years, and concerns property of many millions of dollars, the right- 
ful heirs to much of which now reside in America, and having correspondents in every 
county in the United States, we are enabled to collect and disperse information which 
speedily leads to the finding of rightful heirs and the recovery of long unclaimed 

Advertisements for Heirs at Law, Next of Elin, Owners of Unclaimed Money, etc., 
which have appeared in the newspapers of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, 
France and Germany since the year 1600, have been carefully preserved, classified 
and numbered, and the names of persons wanted numbering over 100,000, are in the 
possession of this Bureau. Information will be given as to whether or not any par- 
ticular-name appears in these lists, on receipt of a fee of $2.00. An abstract of the 
advertisement in which any name has appeared will be given on receipt of a fee ot 
$5.00. This fee will be deducted from the fee for a fuU copy of such advertisement,, 
should it be afterward desired* The fee for full copy of any advertisement is $10.00. 
Five or ten dollars expended in this way is often of more real value to a claimant than 
five hundred or a thousand dollars spent in sending an agent to Europe. These ad- 
vertisements do not cover all the claims that may arise. 

The fee for searching the records for a will is $10.00, where the date of the tes- 
tator's death can be given within two years. If this cannot be done, the fee 
is $3.00 additional for each additional year, and, at this rate, the search may be ex- 
tended over a period of two hundred years if desired. 

The Bank of England keeps what is called " Unclaimed Dividend Books." They 
are now seven in number, and date back to the year 1780, and represent the money 
deposited in that bank, and for -various reasons never called for since the beginnings 
of the last century. They contain the names of over 130,000 depositors, with descrip- 
tion as to profession and place of residence of each. These books can be personally 
inspected and any name searched for by our London Associate, for the same fee as. 
above set forth for searching for a will. 

^ There are thousands of tracts of land, especially in the Western States and Terri- 
tories, the owners of which are non-residents and unknown, or dead, and their heira 
ignorant of the ownership; Tax titles are maturing to much of it, and "land pirates" 
have possession of a large amount under forged or "bogus" titles. We hunt up these 
lands, and with such facts as we can get concerning the owners, and by means of 
extensive advertising can generally find the real owner or his heirs and place them in. 
rightful possession. No charge is made for advertising names, but we are to share in 
the profits of the case should the party advertised for be found. We urge our attor- 
neys and clients to send in such names as they desire advertised, with all facts per- 
taining to them. 

Every letter of inquiry to this Bureau must be accompanied by a fee of $1.00 to. 
insure an answer. 

Address all communications to — 

J. B. MAKTINDALE, General Manager, 

142 LaSalle Street, CBICAGO, 



As the recovery of real estate is altogether barred if an action is not 
brought within a specified time, we have thought it advisable to 
give briefly the present existing law of England on the subject of Limita- 
tion of actions, as it effects reSl estate. 

It is not necessary however for present purposes to discuss or do any 
thing more than briefly allude to the various ancient Statutes of Limita- 
tion, which date from the year 1540, and most of which, if not all, have 
been repealed either actually or by implication. No case can now arise 
under them, and they are of interest to the antiquary rather than to the 
lawyer. Of existing interest there are two groups of facts and phases of 
Law to be considered. First, the Law as it stood previously to the 1st of 
January, 1879; and second, the Law as it now stands. The old Act, as 
wiU be seen, has now no force or operation whatever as to such parts of it 
as are repealed by the new one. In enacting these and other limitation, 
measures, the Legislature has acted on the principle that, where any person 
should fortuitously find himself in possession of realty to which some other 
person is rightfully entitled, such other person should, in the interest of 
the public, be placed under some restrictions as to the limit of time for his 
claim to be properly asserted. To divest any one of what he has had for 
many years, and has made provision for enjoying in perpetuity, would 
probably cause more harm in the end than to permit ah ignorant or negli- 

fent claimant to agitate, and carry out long dormant schemes for an in- 
efinite period. 

To dispose first of claims by the Crown. By 9 Geo. III., cap. 16 
(passed in 1769), and its amending Statutes, such claims and rights in any 
lands are now, and have since that date, been barred after the lapse of sixty 
years. Next, with regard to all other persons. Under the Law as it stood 
previous to the 1st of January, 1879, the Statute 3 & 4 Will. IV., cap. 27 
(passed in 1833), absolutely prevented any one from bringing an action, 
for the recovery of land, except within twenty years next after the time at. 
which the right to bring such an action first accrued to him, or to any an- 
cestor or other person through whom his claim might be founded or arise.. 
This Act contained the very reasonable proviso that with respect to Estates 
in reversion or remainder, or other future Estates, the right before alluded 
to should be deemed to have first accrued at the time when any such Es- 
tate became an Estate in possession. That is to say, a person entitled to 
succeed to the possession of an Estate on the death of another person who 
held it for life, was allowed twenty years to prosecute his claim from the 
date of the death of the life possessor, on whose death he would become 


entitled, and not before, to, himself enjoy an unfettered interest in the prop- 
erty. However, under Section 14 of that Act, a written acknowledgment 
of the title of the person entitled, given to him or his agent, and signed by 
the person in possession, extended the time of claim to twenty years from 
the date of such acknowledgment. "With respect to disabilities, the Act 
provided, that if, when the right to bring such an action first accrued, the 
person entitled should be under disability to sue, by reason of infancy, 
coverture (if a woman), lunacy, or absence beyond the seas, ten years were 
allowed from the time when the person entitled should have ceased to be 
under such disability, or should have died, notwithstanding that the period 
of twenty years before mentioned should have then expired, but with the 
definite proviso that the whole period do not, including the time of disa- 
bility, exceed forty years. As an example, we may take a case of a right 
first accruing in 1840. The land would have been forfeited twenty years 
after, or in 1860. Supposing the person entitled had been under 
a disability, such as absence beyond seas, when his right first accrued (1840), 
a further period of ten years was granted, provided the whole time did not 
exceed forty years, from the date of his having ceased to be beyond seas, 
*'. e., had he returned in 1855 his right would have disappeared ten years 
after that date, or in 1865, but had he returned in 1875 It would have been 
forfeited under that Law in 1880, and not 1885, when the whole period 
■would have exceeded forty years. Asa matter of fact, however, the right 
to recover .would actually have been lost on the 1st of January, 1879, when 
the new Act hereinafter alluded to became Law. Moreover, no further 
time was allowed on account of the disability of any other person than the 
one to whom the right of action first accrued. By that Act, also, a mort- 
gagee in possession was assured of a quiet possessory title at the expiration 
of twenty years next after he entered or gave a written acknowledgment 
such as that before alluded to, of the mortgagor's title or right to redeem. 
An illustration of the Law on this point, as it relates to mortgagees, may 
be of use. Let us suppose that A. has mortgaged his freehold property to 
B. for a certain sum, at a fixed rate of interest. The interest is not paid, 
and B., instead of exercising the power of sale he no doubt possesses under 
the mortgage deed, enters into possession, and pays himself his interest out 
of the rents of the property. As soon as he has been in possession twenty 
years under the Law then m force (or twelve years now), the right of A. 
to redeem and get his property back again becomes absolutely barred in the 
absence of the undertaking or acknowledgment before alluded to. As to 
an Advowson — which, it may be remarked, is a perpetual right of presenta- 
tion to an ecclesiastical benefice — no action could be brought to enforce a 
right of presentation after the happening of three successive incumbencies, 
or sixty years (whichever should last happen), or 100 years in all, in case 
three remarkably long-lived ecclesiastics should happen to' have been in 
possession for the whole century. Twenty years, too, was the limit for the 
recovery of money secured by mortgage, rents-service, or rents-charge and 
tithes ; or by judgment, or otherwise charged on land and legacies, in the 
absence of the statutory acknowledgment to which we have already alluded. 
In every case where any person who could have brought an action or suit for the 
recovery of the interests alluded to failed to do so, his right was altogetherex- 
tinguished. For all practical purposes this is an epitome of the Law as it stood 
prior to the 1st of January, 1879. The Real Property Limitation Act of 1874, 
which took effect from the 1st of January, 1879, made very important 
changes in the Law. Such changes, however, may be readily grasped by those 


^ho have carefully perused the following remarks, as, with one small ex- 
•ception, they are merely an alteration of figures in certain cases. The 
period of twelve years is substituted for twenty, ,as the limit of time for 
bringmg an action for the recovery of land, or all corporeal hereditaments, 
and most tithes and rent or other periodical payments charged on land, 
■from any person under the circumstances mentioned in the former Act 
and before alluded to. A good number of possessors with no title to their 
holdings other than the fact that they were in possession of them, must 
have blessed the passing of an Act that secured them the property after 
they had been only twelve years in occupation of it. Thus any one who 
'had taken unto himself a property in the year 1867, was assured, under 
the new Statute, in the quiet enjoyment of it, by the corresponding day of 
the year 1879, instead of 1887, as would have been the case, if the Act had 
not relieved him. The disability clause is also reduced to twelve years, 
with six years' grace, from death, or ceasuig of disabiHty, whichever shall 
first happen, provided that the whole period does not exceed thirty years. 
It may be here conveniently remarked that " absence beyond seas" ceases 
-altogether to be a disability under the new Act — a fact of some importance 
to foreigners. These are the brief, butimportantalterations the Law madeby 
the Statute of 1879 which has been rather more than five years in operation. 

There are certain other Statutes and many cases affecting the limita- 
tion of time for recovery of incorporeal hereditaments, such as way and 
water leaves and other rights, which, as they are hardly likely to be of any 
particular interest to our readers, we do not propose to discuss. 

Generally it may be stated, that in no case has a Claimant any chance 
. -of ousting a possessor, unless he has the amplest proofs that those in 
possession — ^who may be there by an agent, if not personally — are there in 
consequence of concealed fraud, or as Trustees for such Claimant. It is 
rseldom, if ever, that these very difficult facts have been proven to the satis- 
faction of a Court of Law. The foregoing remarks do not, however, apply 
to personal property, i. e., cash, or securities for cash in Government 
Stocks, the Court of Chancery, and in most public Companies, as such 
investments are held by the Companies as Trustees for their Shareholders, 
•or Stockholders as the case may be, and can always be recovered, together 
with the accrued dividends. Legacies bequeathed by Testators, and which 
remain unclaimed, are in the same position as the Stocks before mentioned, 
as also are shares under intestacies. 

All realty must be 6onveyed by a deed signed and sealed by the seller, 
which is delivered to the buyer as evidence of his title ; but it is a matter 
of considerable difficulty when a person dies intestate, or makes no allusion 
in his Will as to his realty, to ascertain when and how it has been disposed 
■of ; for it is only by application to those immediately concerned, that the 
actual ownership of land can be discovered, unless, however, it is situated 
in the following two counties or one district, in which disposition of land 
and similar property, whether by Deed or Will, must be registered. 

These counties and this district are provided with Eegistry Offices 
(established in the years mentioned), viz., Middlesex in 1708, West Eiding 
■of York in 1704, East Eiding of New York in 1707 (including the town 
and county of Kingston-upon-Hull), N'orth Eiding of York in 1737. 
The great district of the Pens known as the Bedford Level, which was 
Teclaimed some time since, has a special Act, vesting certain powers in the 
freeholder, and among others, that of requiring a registration similar to 
what is already in force in the counties, etc , above mentioned. 


The foregoing remarks comprise all tlie instances in which registration 
is compulsory for perfecting a title. In 1862 an Act was passed, entitled 
the " Land Eegistry Act" (25 and 26 Vict., cap. 53), making provision for 
an optional ofl&ciai investigation, by a Commissioner or Registrar appointed 
by the Government, of any title an owner might desire to have brought 
under the provisions of |the Act. On a title being found to be good, a cer- 
tificate was delivered to the owner, which formed his evidence that he was 
duly and properly in possession. However, after two or three decisions of 
the Judges, that the evidence on which the certificate was obtained was open 
toresifting at any time, the Statute became unworkable; so much so, 
indeed, that Lord St. Leonard, perhaps the most skillful conveyancer who 
has ever sat on the Woolsack, stated that the Act in question made a title 
" absolutely indefeasible except in the event of any flaw being found in 
it," a piece of sarcasm which completely finished its career as a practical 

In 1875 the " Land Titles and Transfer Act " repealed the foregoing 
Statute, and established ' an optional Land Registry for England and 
Wales (commencing 1st January, 1876), on a basis somewhat extended 
beyond the limits of its predecessor. A Registrar of Titles and an Assist- 
ant Registrar have been appointed, with a large staff of clerks, both 
professional and otherwise. These gentlemen act very much in the same 
way as if they were concerned for purchasers of property, the titles of 
which owners bring before them. A series of General Rules and Orders 
regulate the practice, and a strict investigation is made. If the title be 
found good, a certificate of " absolute title " is delivered. If the owner 
has a possessory title only, a certificate stating such to be the case is fur- 
nished him. No case has yet arisen in which a certificate of either of these 
kinds has been taken exception to. The Act contains a variety of clauses 
as to registration of mortgages and leases of land subject to its pro- 
visions which, being of a technical nature, it is unnecessary for us to note 
here. The principal facts are as stated. As a reform and a general 
benefit, however, it has wholly failed, and almost as signally so as its pre- 
decessor. Lawyers, for obvious reasons, do not advise the adoption of its 
provisions, and owners are shy of it because it does them no immediate 
good, and takes heavy fees out of their pockets without any immediate 
benefit. Those with good titles do not want them made better, and 
such as have bad ones do not want it to be known that they are so. A 
man who contemplates mortgaging his land — ;and two-thirds of theland'in 
England and Wales is mortgaged in some manner — does not wish to place 
himself in such a position that the fact may become known. This is a 
practical detail the framers of the Act overlooked altogether. Not one 
title in a thousand is registered under its clauses, which are, be it re- 
membered, merely optional. The Statute is at present, of chief, if not of 
only, advantage to theofiicials who draw large salaries for administering it ^ 
but it is to be hoped that an alteration will take place in the Legislation 
so as to render the registration of mortgages, and conveyances of land,, 
compulsory, as in Prance where it has worked smoothly for many years 
past. Such an alteration would save much useless litigation and great 
expense, besides conferring on the possessor an absolute and perfect title. 
A person may also dispose of his personal Estate by deed of gift, for 
which there are no Registry Offices. It is by no means rare to find an 
aged man giving both realty and personalty to his issue or to a stranger to 
avoid paying the Government duties on his decease. In many instances. 



therefore, as has heea 'shown, it is next to impossible to discover the actual 
ownership of property, whether real or personal, without knowledge 
obtained from parties able to disclose it. If therefore, any person believes 
himself entitled to property so disposed of, he would have to commence 
proceedings against the person in possession, who, after giving him notice 
that he has a perfect title, would produce the deed properly verified to the 
Court ; and, if it is in due and proper form, the person bringing the action 
would be condemned to pay all the costs of it, as the burden of proof in 
this as in all other cases, rests with the person seeking relief. — De Bar- 
nafdy's Unclaimed Money Registm: 



THE following brief synoj)sis of the Statutes of Limitation of the- 
several States is not sufficiently full to be of practical use to attor- 
neys, but will serve to give a general idea of the law to those who may b& 
mterested : 

Alabama — Suits on judgments of courts of any State or Territory, 
or of the United States, twenty years. Suits on sealed contracts, and for 
bonds or any interest therein, ten years. Suits for trespass, trover or 
detinue, on simple contracts, stated or liquidated accounts, and for use- 
and occupation of land, six years. Suits on unliquidated accounts, threfr 

Abizona — Open account or contract not in writing, two years ; con- 
tract in writing, four years ; real actions, adverse possession, five years. 

Arkansas — Open accounts, three years ; promissory notes and written 
instruments, five years ; judgments and decrees, ten years : for recovery of 
real estate, seven years. 

CALiFORifiA — For a demand or obligation, in writing or not, created 
out of the State, two years ; open account or verbal contract, two years ; 
vrritten contract or obligation executed in the State, four years; real 
actions, or on judgments or decrees of any court, five years. 

CoKNECTiouT — Actions upon instruments under seal, and promissory 
notes not negotiable, must be brought within seventeen years after the 
right of action accrues. Upon negotiable notes, book accounts, debt 
and simple contract, within six years. 

Colorado — Actions on contracts, upon judgments of Court not 
of record for writ, for waste and trespass, for taking personal property, 
must be begun within six years ; most other actions within three years. 

Dakota — On judgments or sealed instruments, twenty years ; on con- 
tract, obligation or liability expressed or implied, except as above ; liability 
created by statute other than penalty or forfeiture for trespass on real 
property ; taking, detaining or injuring goods or chattels ; for the specific 
recovery of personal property, criminal conversation, or other injury to 
the person, or rights of another not arising on contract, and for relief 
on Igrounds of fraud,, six years; action against Sheriff, Coroner or 
Constable, except in case of escape, on statute for a penalty or forfeiture, 
three years ; action for libel, slander, assault, battery, or false imprison- 
ment, upon a statute for a forfeiture or penalty to the people of the terri- 
tory, two years ; action against Sheriff or other officer for escape of 
prisoners, one year. 

Ublaware — The following causes of action are barred after three 



years : Trespass, replevin, detinue, account, debt not on an instrument 
signed by the party, assumpsit and case. iPromissory notes, bills of exchanga 
and writings, obligatory after six years. Married women, infants, and 
persons non compos mentis, may sue within three years after the disability 
is removed; and absent debtors mav be sued within three years after 
their return ; and if a debtor remove after the cause of action has accrued* 
the time of his absence is not computed. 

District of Columbia— Actions of account or simple contract, note 
or book account, detinue, replevin and trespass must be brought within 
three years ; on specialties, within twelve years, subject to usual qualifica- 
tions and exceptions. Part payment or new promise^operates as a revivor 
of the debt. 

Gbobgia— Suits must be brought as follows, after right of action 
accrues: On foreign judgments, five years; for enforcements of rights 
accrumg to individuals under statutes, acts of incorporations, or by opera- 
tion of law, twenty years ; upon promissory notes, bills of exchange, and 
other simple contracts in writing, six years ; upon open accounts, four 
years ; upon instruments under seal, twenty years. Domestic judgments 
become dormant in seven years from the time of their rendition, or when 
execution has been issued, and seven years have expired from the time 
of their redition, or when execution has been issued, and seven years have 
expired from the time of the last entry upon such execution, made by an 
officer authorized to execute and return the same. Such judgments may 
be revived by fieri facais, or be sued on, within three years from the time 
they become dormant. 

Illinois — Personal actions, on unwritten contracts, express or im- 
plied, five years ; actions on bonds, notes, etc., ten years ; judgments lien 
on real property for seven years, if execution is issued within one year ; 
may be revived by sci. fa. ; or action of debt may be brought thereon at 
ajiy time within twenty years. 

Indiana — Open accounts and contracts not in writing, six years ; 
actions not limited by statute, fifteen years ; written contracts, other than 
those for the payment of ' money, judgments of Courts of Eecord and real 
actions, twenty years. On a mutual current account, the time runs from 
the date of the last item on either side ; contracts for the payment of 
money, ten years. 

Iowa — Actions for injuries to person or reputation, or to recover a 
statutory penalty, must be brought within two years ; to enforce a me- 
chanic's lien, two years ; on unwritten contracts, five years : on written 
contracts, ten years ; on judgments of Courts of Record, twenty years ; 
to recover real estate, ten years. The time during wliich defendant is 
a non-resident of the State of Iowa, not computed, but a suit that has 
been fully barred by the laws of another State, prior to the defendant 
coming to, or being found in this State, cannot be maintained, except 
where the cause of action arose in this State. Eevivor : — Admission of 
debt or new promise to pay, which must be in writing. 

Kansas — To recover real property sold on execution, five years after 
record of deed ; to recover real property, sold by executors, etc., five years ; 
real property sold for taxes, two years from date of recording tax deed ; 
other actions for recovery of real property, fifteen years ; forcible entry 
and detainer, two years ; persons under legal disability, when cause of 
action accrues, may bring action two years after disabilty is removed; 
contract not in writing, or liability creaied by statute, except a forfeiture 


or penalty, three years; trespass on real property; taking or injuring per- 
sonal property, or recovery of personal property; injury to rights of 
another, not on contract ; relief on the ground of fraud, two years ; other 
actions, except quasi criminal, five years. 

Kesttuckt — Promissory notes (not placed on the footing of bills of 
exchange), are barred after fifteen years as to principals, and after seven 
years as to sureties ; merchants' accounts against merchants are barred 
after five years; merchants' accounts against other patrons are barred 
after two years next succeeding the first day of January after the account 
is made. Actions on bills of exchange, promissory notes, placed on the 
footing of bills of exchange, checks, drafts and orders, and endorsements 
thereof, are barred after five years, after cause of action arose. A new 
promise to pay the debt before it is entirely barred, takes away the benefit 
of the statute of limitation up to the date of the promise. 

LouisiAif A — Open accounts, three years ; notes and bills, five years ; 
acknowledgments or closed accounts, judgments, personal obligations and 
mortgages, ten years. Judgments' can be revived every ten years and thus 
perpetuated, when prescription has once accrued, a waiver must be in 
writing to be effective. 

Maine — Debt contracts and liabilities, express or implied, not under 
seal, six years ; special action on the case, two years ; all other actions, 
twenty years. 

Mabtland — Notes a,nd accounts are barred after three years. Sealed 
instruments and judgments after twelve years. 

Massachusetts — Contracts or liabilities not under seal, express or 
implied, six years ; real actions upon an attested note, and personal actions 
on contracts not otherwise limited, twenty years. 

Michigan — The following actions are required to be brought within 
SIX years next after the cause of action shall accrue : First, all actions of 
debt, founded upon any contract or liability not under seal, except such as 
are brought upon the judgment or decree of some Court of Record of the 
United States, or of this or some other of the United States ; second, all 
actions upon judgments rendered in Courts not of record ; third, actions 
for rent ; fourth, all actions of assumpsit, or upon the case founded upon 
any contract, express or implied ; fifth, all actions for waste ; also actions 
of replevin, trover and other actions for taking, detaining or injuring goods ; 
also all other actions on the case, except those for slander or libel, which 
must be brought within two years after the action accrues ; all actions for 
a trespass on lauds, an assault or for false inprisonment, two years; ac- 
tions against Sheriffs for the acts of deputies, three years ; in actions brought 
to recover the balance due upon a mutual and open account current to the 
cause of action, shall be deemed to have accrued at the time of the last 
item proved in such account ; actions on judgments and decrees of Courts 
of Eecord, and on contracts not otherwise limited, must be brought within 
two years. 

Part payment or promise in .writing will revive a debt, barred by the 
statute of limitations. 

Minnesota — Actions concerning real property, twenty years ; to fore- 
close mortgage by advertisement, fifteen years ; by action, ten years ; on 
judgments and decrees, ten years ; contracts, express or implied, six years ; 
revival must be in writing, or by part payment. If cause accrued and is 
barred in another State, it can be sustained here only in favor of a citizen 
who has held it from beginning. If defendant is absent when cause ac- 


crues statute does not begin to run till his return, and when he departs 
after it accrues, period of absence is deducted. 

_ Mississippi— Real actions, ten years ; mortgages, ten years after pos- 
session' taken ; mortgage debt is barred when action upon writing secured 
is barred ; remedy m equity is barred when that at law shall be barred ; 
land, ten years adverse possession, saving to infants and lunatics the right 
to sue within ten years after removal of disability ; actions for which no 
other period is prescribed, six years after cause of action accrues ; open 
and stated accounts, not acknowledged in writing, and unwritten contracts, 
three years ; penalties and forfeitures under penal statutes, one year ; do- 
mestic judgments and decrees, seven years ; foreign judgments, seven years ; 
but if judgment debtor is a resident of this State, three years ; executor 
or administrator, four years after qualification. Infants and lunatics may 
sue within prescribed time after disability is removed ; statute does not 
run against absentees from the State during period of absence, nor against 
any concealed fraud. Lien of judgments, seven years. Actions barred in 
State where debt accrued, and where defendant resided, are barred here. 

Missouri — Two years: — Actions in ejectment and all actions on 
written contracts or instruments. Five years : — All actions on contracts 
not in writing, actions upon open accounts, actions for trespass on real 
estate, actions for damages to the person, and actions for damages for in- 
jury to personal property or for the possession thereof. Three years : — 
Actions against Sheriffs and other officers on official bonds. Two years : — 
Actions for libel, slander, assault, battery, false imprisonment or crim. con. 
It is doubtful whether or not judgments are barred in ten years. At all 
events, they will be presumed to be paid in twenty, and perhaps, in ten 

MoNTAif A — Upon contract or account not in writing, three years ; 
contracts, obligations, etc., in writing ; judgments and decrees of Courts, 
or acknowledgment in writing, six years. No limitation against banks, 
trust or loan companies, or Savings Banks. Upon mutual or current ac- 
counts, date from last item. Party out of Territory or injunction suspends 

Part payment, principal and interest, on bills, notes or instrument of 
writing, or a written promise or written acknowledgment of contract or ac- 
count not in writing, will revive a barred right. 

Nebraska — "Within five years an action upon a specialty, agreement, 
contract, promise in writing or foreign judgment. Within four years, an 
action upon a contract not in writing, expressed or impHed, an action upon 
a liability created by statute other than a forfeiture or penalty ; also for 
an injury to the rights of the plaintiff not arising on contract. All ac- 
tions or causes of action barred by the laws of any other State shall be 
deemed barred under the laws of this State. 

Nevada — Within six years : — An action upon a judgment or decree 
or liability founded upon an instrument in writing. Within four years :— 
An action on an open account, or upon a contract not founded upon an 
instrument in writing. 

New Hampshire — Notes and accounts, six years from last promise ; 
notes secured by mortgage, real actions and judgments, twenty years ; 
against estate of deceased person, three years, and demand within two years 
of appointment of administrator of estate settled as insolvent claim, must 
be presented to Commissioner within six months. Debts outlawed in 
other States are revived for six years by debtor moving here. 


New Jersey — Debt not founded on specialty and all actions of ac- 
count, six years ; upon sealed instruments, sixteen years ; judgments and 
real actions, twenty years. 

New Mexico — Actions upon judgments are limited, to be brought 
■within iifteen years ; on notes and all other contracts in writing, within 
six years ; on open accounts, four years ; for conversion or injuries to prop- 
erty, and for relief against fraud, four years ; for injuries to the person or 
reputation, two years. The usual exception is proyided in favor of persons 
under legal disability and allows one year after the termination of the dis- 
ability. The statute was approved January 23d, 1880. Causes of action 
existing at the date of the appearance of this act must be sued on within 
two years. The representatives of a person having a cause of action, who 
dies within a year from the expiration of the period of limitation, have one 
year after death to commence suit. 

A cause of action founded on contract, express or implied, is revived 
by an admission that the debt is unpaid, or a promise to pay ; such admis- 
sion or new promise to be in writing. 

New Yoek — Contracts, express or implied, except those under seal, 
and upon judgments of a court not of record, six years ; upon judgments 
of Courts of Record and sealed instruments, twenty years ; actions to re- 
cover damages for a personal injury resulting from negligence, three years ; 
for Ubel, slander, assault, battery, or false imprisonment, two years. 

Acknowledgment by part payment or ia writing, will revive a barred 

North Carolina — The statute of limitations was suspended from 
May 20th, 1861, to January 1st, 1870, on causes of action arising on 'con- 
tract prior to 1868. Actions on judgment of a Court of Eecord on sealed 
instruments for the foreclosure of a mortgage, and for the redemption of 
a mortgage, where the mortgagee has been in possession, must be com- 
menced in ten years ; actidns on a Justice's judgment, seven years ; actions 
on the bond of any public officer or executor, etc., must be commenced in 
six years ; actions on any contract or liability, except as above, shall be 
commenced in three years. 

Debts barred by the statute of limitations can only be revived by a 
promise in writing, signed by the party to be charged. 

Ohio — One year : — Libel, slander, assault, battery, malicious prosecu- 
tions, false imprisonment and statutory penalties and forfeitures. Four 
years : — Trespass to real property, action pertaining to personal property, 
and for injuries to plaintiff's rights, not otherwise limited. Six years : — 
Contracts not in writings express or implied, and liabilities created by statute 
other than forfeitures or penalties. Fifteen years : — Written instruments. 
Twenty-one years : — Eecovery of real estate. Action upon official bonds 
or undertakings, given in pursuance of statute, ten years after right of ac- 
tion accrues. 

Part payment, or written promise or acknowledgment, will revive. 

Oregon — Within ten years all actions for the recovery of real estate, 
upon sealed instruments and judgments or decrees. Within six years, all 
contracts not under seal, express or implied, written or verbally, for waste 
or trespass upon real property, and for taking, detaining or injuring per- 
sonal property, or for the recovery thereof. Within three years, all actions 
against Sheriffs, Constables or Coroners upon a liability incurred while in 
office, except for escape, which is one year. Within two years, all actions 
for a penalty or forfeiture to the State ; also, for libel, slander, false im- 


prisonment, crim. con., assault and battery, etc. To recover, a liability 
against which the statute has run, part payment, or a writing, signed by 
the party to be charged, is necessary. 

Pennsylvania — Book accounts, debts, notes, and contracts not 
under seal, six years; contracts under seal, twenty-one years. Adverse, 
uninterrupted possession of real estate for. twenty-one years, gives title as 
against every one except the Commonwealth, infants, persons not SMijMns, 
or beyond the seas. 

Khode Island — For trespass, four years ; tort, other than trespass, 
or on simple contracts, six years ; on specialties, twenty years. 

South Carolina^ Upon a judgment or decree of any Court, or 
upon a sealed instrument, other than sealed notes and personal bonds for 
the payment of money only, twenty years ; for recovery of property, ten 
years ; upon contracts not under seal, sealed notes and personal bonds for 
the payment of money only, liability by statute other than a penalty or 
forfeiture, trespass on real property, and for recovery of personal property 
and upon open accounts, six years ; action for balance due on open 
account current accrues from the date of the last item proved on either 

Tennessee — On bonds, notes, bills of exchange, accounts and con- 
tracts, six years. Against sureties of guardians, administrators and public 
officers for non-feasances, etc., six years. Against such officers, personally, 
on their bonds, ten years. On judgments of Courts of Record and other 
cases not' expressly provided for, ten years. Against personal representa- 
tive of descendant, seven years from his death, notwithstanding any 
existing disability. Against personal representative after qualification, by 
resident within two and a half years, by non-resident, if cause accrued in 
life-time of deceased, three and a half years, otherwise from time cause of 
action accrued. Statute does not apply in commercial transactions, where 
accounts, mutual and reciprocal, are current ; and where persons not mer- 
chants have mutual accounts time is computed from date of last item, 
unless amount is liquidated and balance struck. . After right of action 
accrues debt can be revived by express promise to pay. 

Texas — To personal actions, one year is allowed to bring suit ; con- 
tracts in writing, four years ; open accounts, except between merchant and 
merchant, their factors or agents, two years. 

Utah — Open accounts and contracts not in writing, two years ; con- 
tracts or obligations founded on writing, four years ; judgments, five years; 
recovery of lands, seven years. 

Vekmont— Action against Sheriff for neglect of deputy against sure- 
ties in guardian's bond, four years ; debts on contracts not under seal, debt 
for arrears of rent; account, assumpsit or case founded on contract; 
trespass on lands, replevin and other actions for taking or detaining, 
or injuring goods against towns or town clerks ; for neglect of duty of 
clerk, six years ; debt or scire facias, on judgment debt, on specialty 
covenant (except of seizure in deeds of land), covenant of warranty after 
final decision against title, eight years ; action on promissory notes wit- 
nessed, fourteen years ; action on covenant of seizing to recover lands or 
the possession thereof, fifteen years. , . , 

ViEGiNiA— Upon bonds of officers, ten years ; on sealed instruments 
in general, twenty years ; on awards and unsealed written contracts, five 
years ; on extra contracts, five years, unless for store account, which is two 


Washington' — The following actions must be commenced within 
three years from the time the cause of action accrues : An action upon a 
contract or liability, not in writing or for taking, detaining or injuring 
personal property ; an action for relief upon the ground of fraud. The 
following actions must be commenced within six years from the time the 
cause of action accrues, viz. : Upon a contract in writing, or liability, 
express or implied, arising out of a written agreement ; for the rents and 
profits of real estate ; upon a judgment of any Court. An action for the 
recovery of real estate must be commenced ivithin ten years. 

West Virginia — Ejectment, ten years ; on contract under seal, given 
prior to April 1, 1869, twenty years, and since, ten years ; on promissory 
notes given prior to April 1, 1869, five years, sin'ce then, ten years ; 
accounts, five years, except store accounts, three years ; accounts between 
merchant and merchant, five years. There are certain statutory savings 
in favor of persons under disability, and also where defendant has 
obstructed prosecution of right. When contract is made in another State, 
the statute of such other State controls, except that a judgment had in 
another State is barred in ten years. 

Wisconsin — On all contracts not under seal, six years ; on sealed in- 
struments, twenty years. 

Wyoming — Contract, agreement or promise in writing, five years; 
not in writing, four years. Debts contracted prior to residence in the 
Territory, are barred after two years'- lona fide residence here. 


New BRUNSvriCK — On contracts not under seal, six years ; contracts 
under seal or judgments, twenty years ; actions for assault, battery, wound- 
ing, imprisonment or for words, two years. 

Nova Scotia — Actions of assumpsit, trespass, quare clasum /regit, 
detinue, trover, replevin, debt grounded upon any lending or contract, 
without specialty, or for rent account, or upon the case, must be brought 
with six years next after the cause of action. Mortgages, judgments and 
legacies are deemed satisfied at the end of twenty years, if no payment is 
made or acknowledgment in writing in the meantime. 

Ontario — Simple contracts, six years ; contracts under seal, twenty 
years ; judgment, six years, but may be revived. Actions to recover land, 
ten years : distress for rent, six years ; to recover wild lands granted by 
the Crown, but never in the possession of the grantor, twenty years ; re- 
vivor by part payment or written acknowledgment. 



The Agricultural Lands are divided into two classes, one at $1.25 per acre, 
designated as minimum, lying outside of railroad limits ; the other at 
$2.50 per acre as double minimum, lying within railroad limits. Titles 
are acquired by purchase at pubhc sale, or by "ordinary private entry," 
and in virtue of the pre-emption, homestead, timber culture and other laws. 
Purchases at public sale are made when lands are "offered" at pubhc auc- 
tion to the highest bidder by proclamation of the President, or by order 
of the General Land Office. Lands so offered and not sold, and not since 
reserved or withdrawn from the market, can be secured by "private entry" 
or location. 

But none of the lands in Northern Dakota have been "offered" at 
public sale, all having been reserved for homesteads, pre-emption and tree 
claims on account of their agricultural value, and because this system is 
more in accordance with the interests of the masses, and not for specula- 
tors, as under the public sale system. Sioux half-breed scrip can be used 
to purchase any surveyed land, but very little of this scrip is now outstand- 
ing. Soldiers additional homestead entries can also be purchased and laid 
upon any vacant surveyed land, thus acquiring title without residence 


Any person who is the head of a family who has arrived at the age of 
twenty-one years, and is a citizen of the United States or has filed his declar- 
ation of intention to become such, is entitled to enter one-quarter sec- 
tion or less quantity of unappropriated land under the homestead laws. 
The applicant must make an affidavit that he is over the age of twenty-one 
or is the head of a family, and that he is a citizen of the United States or 
has declared his intention to become such, and that the entsy is made for 
his exclusive use and benefit and for actual settlement and cultivation, 
and must pay the legal fee and that part of the commissions required to be 
paid when entry is made, as follows : 

When within railroad limits, for 160 acres, fee $10, commission, ^8 ; 
for eighty acres, fee $5, commission, $i. Outside of railroad limits, fee 
$10, commission |4, and in proportion for eighty acres. When these re- 
quirements are complied with the Receiver issues his receipt in duplicate 
and the matter is entered upon the records of the office. After faithful 



observance of the law in regard to actual settlement and cultivation for 
the continuous term of five years, at the expiration of that term or within 
two years thereafter, final proof must be made, and, if satisfactory to the 
land ofl&cers, that part of the commissions remaining unpaid (the same in 
amount so paid on entry) must be paid. The Register then issues his 
certificate and makes proper returns to the general land office, as the basis 
of a patent. 

Any settler desiring to make final proof must first file with the Regis- 
ter a written notice of his intention, describing the land and giving the 
names of four witnesses by whom the facts as to settlement^ continuous 
residence, cultivation, etc., are to be established. This notice must be ac- 
companied by a deposit of money sufficient to pay the cost of publishing 
the notice which the Register is required to publish for thirty days (five 
times) in a newspaper designated by him, or arrange with the publisher 
of the paper therefor. Notice is also posted in the land office for the 
same period. 

Final proof cannot be made until the expiration of five years from 
date of entry, and must be made within two years thereafter. In making 
final proof the homestead settler may appear in person at the district land 
office with his witnesses and there make the affidavit and proof required, 
or he may, if by reason of bodily infirmity or distance, it is inconvenient for 
him to appear at the land office with his witnesses, appear before the judge of 
a court of record of the county and state or district and territory in which 
the land is situated, and there make final proof. When a homestead set- 
tler dies before he can prove up, the widow, or in case of her death, her 
heirs may continue settlement and obtain title upon requisite proof at the 
proper time. In case of death of both parents, leaving infant children, 
the homestead may be sold for cash for the benefit of the children, and 
the purchaser will receive the title. ' 

The sale of a homestead claim to another party before completion of 
title is not recognized. In making final proof the settler must swear that 
no part of the land has been alienated except for church, cemetery or 
school purposes, or right of way of railroad. 

Homestead claims may be relinquished, but in such case the land re- 
verts to the government. If a settler does not wish to remain five years 
on his tract, he may pay for it as under pre-emption law, in cash or war- 
rants, at any time after six months of actual residence. This proof must 
be made before the district officers. Homesteaders are allowed six months 
after entry to commence improvements and establish residence. 

The law allows but one homestead privilege to .any one person. 

Every person who served not less than ninety days in the army or 
navy of the United States during " the recent rebellion," who was honor- 
ably discharged and who has remained loyal to the government, may 
enter a homestead, and the time of his service shall be deducted from the 
period of five years, provided that the party shall reside upon and culti- 
vate his homestead at least one year after he commences improvements. 
The widow of a soldier, or, if she be dead or has married again, the minor 
heirs (if any) may, through their guardian, make a homestead entry, and 
if the soldier died in the service, the whole term of his enlistment will be 
credited upon the term of required residence. Soldiers and sailors as 
above may file a homestead declaratory statement for a 160 actes of land 
■ through an agent, after which they have six months to file their home- 
stead. This latter entry must be made in person. Thus a soldier who 


desires to secure a claim may do so by sending a power of attorney and 
certified copy of his discharge to some responsible party who can file for 
him up on the land selected. Lands acquired under the homestead laws 
are not liable for any debt contracted prior to the issuing of the patent 


Heads of families, widows or single persons (male or female) over 
the age of twenty-one years, citizens of the United States or who have de- 
clared their intention to become such under the naturalization laws, may 
enter upon any "offered "or" unoffered" lands or any unsurveyed lands 
to which the Indian title is extinguished, and purchase not exceeding 160 
acres under pre-emption laws. After making settlement, if on "offered" 
land the applicant must file his declaratory statement with the district 
land_ office within thirty days, for which a fee of |!i.00 is required, and 
within one year from date of settlement make final proof of his actual 
residence on and cultivation of the tract, and pay therefore at $1.35 per 
acre if outside of railroad limits, or $3.50 per acre if within these limits, 
and he ma,y pay in cash or by military bounty, land warrants, agricultural 
college, private claim or supreme court scrip. 

When the tract has been surveyed and is not " offered " land, the 
claimant must file his or her declaratory statement, and make proof and 
payment within thirty-three months from date of settlement. Settlement 
is the first thing to be done under the pre-emption laws. 

When settlements are made on unsurveyed lands, settlers are required 
to file their declaratory statements within three months after date of the 
receipt at the district land office, of the approved plat of the township em- 
bracing their claims, and make proof and payment within thirty months 
from the expiration of said three months, payments the same as in case 
of offered land. 

Pre-emptors may submit proof of residence and improvements at any 
time after six months of actual residence. He must show by his own tes- 
timony and by two credible witnesses such actual residence and cultiva- 
tion — a habitable dwelling and other improvements, to the satisfaction of 
the land officers that the spirit of the law has been complied with. 

At any time before the expiration of the time allowed for proof and 
payment, the settler may, by making proper application at the land office 
and payment of the required fee, convert his claim into a homestead, and 
the time he has resided upon the land is credited on homestead residence 
if he desires, ^o person who abandons his residence on his own land to 
reside on public laud in the same state or territory, or who owns 330 acres 
of land, is entitled to the benefits of the pre-emption laws. It is held, 
however, that this does not apply to a house and lot in town. Claims can- 
not be transferred uufil title is perfected. The second filing of a declar- 
atory statement by any pre-emptor, when the first filing was legal in all 
respects, is prohibited. Before proof and payment on pre-emption claim, 
written notice must be given by the claimants to the register, who must 
post a notice in his office and cause the same to be published in a newspa- 
per nearest the land for at least thirty days as in case of homesteads. 


Under the timber culture laws not more than 160 acres on any one 
section, entirely devoid of timber can be entered, and no person can make 
more than one entry thereunder. 


The qualifications of applicants are the same as under the pre-emption 
iuid homestead laws. The land office charges are, for 160 acres or more 
than eighty acres, 114 when entry is made and $4 at final proof. For 80 
acres or less, $9 at entry and $4 for final proof. The applicant must make 
affidavit that the land ^specified in his application is exclusively prairie, or 
other land devoid of timber, that his filing and entry is for the cultivation 
of timber for his exclusive use and benefit ; that the application is made in 
good faith and not for the purpose of speculation, or directly or indirectly 
for the use or benefit of any other person or persons ; that he intends to 
hold and cultivate the land and comply with the laws, and that he has not 
previously made an entry under the timber culture law. 

The party making an entry of a quarter section is required to break or 
plow five acres covered thereby during the first year, and five acres in addi- 
tion during the second year. The five acres broken or plowed during the 
first year he is required to cultivate by raising a crop, or otherwise, during 
the second year, and to plant in timber, seeds or cuttings during the 
fourth year. For entries of less than 160 acres the amount of land to be 
cultivated must be jorora^a. Provision is made for extension of time in 
case drought or grasshoppers destroy trees. These trees he must cultivate 
and protect, and if, at the expiration of eight years from date of entry, or 
at any time within five years thereafter, the entrant, or, if he be dead, his 
heirs, shall prove by two credible witnesses, the planting, cultivating and 
protecting the timber for not less than eight years, and that there were at 
the end of eight years at least 675 living, thrifty trees on each of the ten 
acres required to be planted, he, or they will be entitled to a patent. It 
should be added, that in making final proof it must be shown " not less 
than twenty-seven hundred trees were planted to each acre." Fruit trees 
are not considered timber in regard to cultivation of an entry under this 

It is not necessary that the ten acres should be in a compact body. 

Failure to comply with any of the requirements of the law, at any 
time after one year from date of entry, renders such entry liable to con- 
test. And upon due proof of such failure the entry will be cancelled. No 
land under this law will, in any event, become liable to the satisfaction of 
any debt or debts, contracted prior to the issuing of the final certificate 



WHILE compiling his index to Next of Kin advertisements, it occurred 
to Mr. Edward Preston that a summary of such advertisements might 
not only be amusing, but might chance to convey unexpected good news to 
some who should read it. For the same reason, and to give an idea of the 
character of such advertisements in general, we insert it in this Manual as 
it appeared in the London Times, with the comments of that paper upon it. 
When we consider that this summary is for only one year's advertisements 
in that one paper alone (the year 1876), we can form some idea of the 
magnitude of such advertising in the different newspapers of the whole 
civilized world, running through a hundred years or more : 

" Some twenty-six persons are shown to have died without relatives, 
as the Treasury Solicitor advertised for the Next of Kin (if any) to make 
out their relationship. The amount of money thus reverting to the Crown 
is rarely made public, but it has 'oozed out' in the notable case of Mrs. 
Helen Blake, of Kensington, that the sum was not less than £140,000 
personalty. In other cases large rewards were offered for marriage, bap- 
tismal, and burial certificates. A gentleman in distressed circumstances 
sought the representatives of a firm who carried on business in Calcutta in 
1816. A reward was offered for information of a lady who, when a girl, 
was taken from Canada to Australia. Next of Kin were sought for 
numerous persons who had left England and settled in the Colonies, the 
United States, or India. Unclaimed dividends of the Agriculturist 
Cattle Insurance Company awaited claimants. Good fortune awaited the' 
family of a certain cab driver. 

A reverend gentleman, son of a Lincolnshire draper, was wanted for 
something to -his advantage ; and a gentleman who left England in 1854,. 
was wanted to claim a certain residuary estate. Johann Bauer, born in 
1820, and last heard of at Sydney, was"" considered to be dead," without 
having left any Heir-at-Law, or by will, disposed of certain property ; it 
was therefore forfeited to the Next of Kin. A son was anxious for his 
mother's address ; two persons, living in London in 1831, or their descend- 
ants, were entitled to share in certain moneys. It would be to the advan- 
tage of a traveling herbalist to write to his wife ; and a miner in the North 
of England would find it to his advantage to make himself known. Nu- 
merous notices were issued by the Bank of England with reference to re- 
transfers of Unclaimed Stock or Dividends, from the Commissioners, for 
the Eeduction at the National Debt ; and a reward of £250 was offered for 
a clue to a marriage settlement by the relatives of a Testator, who, on his. 
death-bed, could only utter the words " Lincolu's-Inn Fields." 



The descendants of two persons of the name of Braat, born 1778 and 
1783, were wanted " for their own interests" ; a very old friend' from abroad 

longed to meet J. B., of B ; a person who went to sea many years ago, 

■and had not since been heard of, was entitled to funds ; and another who 
went to sea in 1859, was wanted for something "greatly" to his advantage 
— such notices as these are not uncommon. A niece was anxious to hear 
from her uncle ; " the friends she has left in England are all dead ; she is 
now holding a good situation, and she only wants to hear from her uncle." 
H. B. was anxious to communicate with the individual who called on him 
^'respecting property in Chancery" — there are many callers of this sort — 
and the relatives of a gentleman who went to, New Zealand in 1863, de- 
sired much to know his whereabouts. B.C., late of Ipswich, " whose father 
was a miller, aged 28," — so states the advertisement — was wanted for some- 
thing greatly to her advantage ; and a Hull pauper inherited £30,000 left 
him by a Scotch nobleman. 

The desoendantsof one family were entitled to £1?,000 ; those of an- 
other who, in 1798, were living in Bloomsbury, were anxiotisly sought ; 
and tidings of a person reported to have been drowned in 1830, in the Mer- 
rimac Eiver, would be liberally paid for. The N"ext of Kin of the Secre- 
tary of the late Earl Exmouth, were unknown ; and the Heirs of a per- 
son who emigrated to America as long ago as 1683, were wanted to claim 
$2,000,000. A father affectionately enquired for his daughter, who ran 
away from home. " She will learn with regret" — so ran the sad notice— 
"that her mother died recently" ; a son who left his home in 1850, was in- 
formed that something "very greatly to his advantage" awaited him — this 
advertisement was repeated many times in various newspapers. Some- 
thing good was notified for a person who went to New Jersey in 1823 — ^if 

dead, his Next of Kin were entitled ; Winifred , not having heard from 

her husband for twelve years, would be glad of any information within 
three months ; and a gentleman having left two legacies to charitable in- 
stitutions, which appear to have had no existence, claimants were sought. 

Claimants to lands in Canada, and the relatives of two brothers who 
were drowned at Montreal, were also the subject of Next of Kin notifica- 
tions. Inquiry-was made as to the investments or property of one person, 
and an " expectant legatee" was willing to pay handsomely for a clue to 
some funds supposed to have been deposited in a Bank ; a laborer was en- 
titled to a legacy ; and divers charitable institutions (including the Tem- 
porary Home for Lost or Starving Dogs), were invited to claim a share of 

a benevolent Testator's residuary estate. was requested to " write to 

Nephi Elsmore, Salt Lake City, Utah — it will be to his advantage"— some 
Tomance undoubtedly underlied this notice. Two sisters were informed of 
the sudden death of their brother at Melbourne ; and the Heirs of Ninian 

E , who was "a hind at Widdrington, in 1760," were unknown. The 

representatives of a certain merchant, who carried on business in the City 
of London, in 1820, were wanted for " something beneficial" ; like notices 
are very frequent, as Unexpected Assets often accrue. A son was anxious 

to hear from his " mother, sister, or brother" ; and Dinah , sought for 

something to her great advantage. The relatives of a captain, who died 
suddenly, were requested to communicate with the clergyman of the parish ; 
and the " Next of Kin of the author of ' Sam Slick' will hear of something 
pecuharly interesting to them on applying to ." Several domestic ser- 
vants were entitled to legacies ; a sister would hear of something to her ad- 
vantage if she would make herself known to her brother ; a gunner who 


deserted Her Majesty's service in 1863, or, if dead, his Next of Kin, were 
interested in an Irish Probate case ; the Heirs-at-Law of several persons of 
unsound mind, were inquired for under the Lunacy Eegulation Act ; and 
a lady who seems to have enjoyed the luxury of being married four times, 
was entitled to a legacy left by her sister ; the Heirs of a Spanish lady, an 
aged spinster of eighty-two, were inquired for by a Spanish _Court—" all 
those who think they have a right to the inheritance are invited to apply" ; 
this Advertisement opens up a wide field for claimants. The representa- 
tives of another lady who died in 1809, at the venerable age of ninety-four, 
were inquired for by the High Court of Justice. 

The following is rare : — " A Prussian gentleman named , is sup- 
posed to have fallen overboard or leapt into the sea, while on board a vessel 
bound for Mexico ; being an expert swimmer, he may have been picked up 
by a passing vessel ; if alive, he is implored to make known his where- 
abouts." Such an announcement as this naturally gives rise to a world 
of conjecture, and relatives are perhaps even now ingorant as to whether 
the imf ortunate Prussian is dead or alive. 

Solicitors were anxious to know if a certain lady " made a will of a 
more recent date than the one found at her death," and the Heirs of a Mr. 
-Jones, Superintendent of a Lunatic Asylum, in 1836, were now for the first 
time inquired for. A niece was entreated to communicate with her uncle ; 
and the representatives of the creditors of a person who died over forty 
years ago, are interested in a " windfall." A tailor would hear of some- 
thing to his advantage, on applying at his old shop ; and a son was informed 
of the death of his father at Charing Cross Hospital. An afflicted 
father was in search of his long-lost-sight-of-son ; and tidings would be 
most thankfully received by the mother of a Queensland emigrant — last 
heard of eleven years ago. 

The following contains a highly satisfactory announcement to a 
gentleman of the Jewish persuasion : — " Should this meet the eye of CM. 

Moses, by applying to he will find a legacy from his aunt." A 

Swiss paper had the following: — "T. Metzger (Heirs). All persona 
believing themselves to be heirs of the above, formerly Governor of Breda 
and Lieutenant-General of the Dutch Cavalry, are requested to communi- 
cate with , who is in possession of all documents necessary for the 

recovery of the inheritance." J. Mitchell, who disappeared from Oxford 

some years ago, was wanted to claim a legacy, and Elizabeth M , 

who left England in 1850 for New Zealand, was wanted for a like purpose. 

Colonial newspaper notices are remarkable for their pithiness. The 
following is from the Sydney Morning Herald: — "Henry Ormerod. — 
Wanted, information ; last heard of near Sydney ; father dead. Write 
Mrs. Ormerod." Something advantageous awaited a hair-dresser, late of 
Romney, Hants, and a son, resident in Australia, informed his father, 
brother, cousin, or any of his friends, that they could communicate with 

him at . The Next of Kin of several soldiers of our Lidian Army 

were wanted to claim various sums of money and effects. One of these 
soldiers had managed to save the sum of £308 19s. lid. The unknown 
nephews and nieces were wanted of a gentleman who died at Lisbon ; a 
person, last heard of in Queensland, was entitled to the residuary estate of 
his brother ; two sons were wanted to claim an estate left them by their 
father ; and the father of a child, left under the guardianship of a nurse, 
was informed that " his daughter died suddenly, to the great grief «f the 


A person who left Wales in 1857 was entitled to one-third of two 
farms ; a surplus awaited division among the owners of slaughter-houses 
shambles, etc., in the neighborhood of old Newgate Market ; and Mary 

Ann E was informed that "she will receive £800, left her by her 

father's friends," if she would only make herself known. A "Sailor 

Boy," who left his home early on , would hear of something to his 

advantage " by writing to Friend ." Preparatory to receiving prop- 
erty due to him under his grandfather's will, F. J. S. was earnestly 
requested to communicate with his friends at once.. 

The Next of Kin of a spinster, who died at Bath in 1795, were only 
now sought ; and the address of a father and son wanted by Solicitors 

in the following curious notice : — " Stacey, aged between 9 and 10 ; 

last heard of in care of his father ; believed to be tramping about the 
country with him." Janet Taylor, who left Stirlingshire about forty years 
ago, is interested in a Scotch Succession case ; and certain shareholders 
of the Star and Garter Hotel Company were wanted to claim a good 

The Heirs of persons in all stations of life are occasionally sought 
through the medium of what is known as a Next of Kin Advertisement. 
The description of L. S. is a " sausage-skin dresser " — an unsavory callings 
but, doubtless, a profitable one, as the Heirs were inquired for. J. T., who 
left England some years ago, is entitled to a share of his father's estate, 
" if he claims the same within two years." 

A gentleman for some years missing was requested to communicate 
with Solicitors " who hold money belonging to him, for which they desire 
to account," and the heirs of a J. B. Baron were stated to be entitled to no 
less than £800,000. 

Unexpected assets of a very large amount awaited the representatives 
of the creditors of a gentleman who died in 1740, and the Next of Kin of 
persons who held shares in the West New Jersey Society as long ago as 
1692-3 were entitled to funds; a student was implored to communicate 
with his parents ; and to J. B. the joyful intelligence is conveyed " that he 
has been adjudicated bankrupt, and may return home without fear of 
molestation." A counsel's clerk is requested to " call at address given him 
by the lady whom he courageously rescued from drowning, in order to be 
thanked for his gallant conduct in risking his life on that occasion." 
Fortunes have occasionally been left for gallant conduct of a similar 

Similar summaries to the foregoing for the years 1877-1882 have 
appeared in the following, among other newspapers, namely. Standard, 
Morning Post, Daily Neivs, Broad Arrow, and Laiv Journal. Space will 
not permit the reproduction of all these summaries, but the following are 
the more noticeable of the Kindred notices for 1882 : 

A lady who left England as long ago as 1826, or her children (if any), 
are wanted to share a legacy of £3,500 ; and a veterinary surgeon of Eus- 
sell Square, in 1830, is interested in a pedigree case pending in Chancery. 
A gentleman who went to New Zealand would like to hear from any 
relative or friend now living ; "it is thirty-three years since he heard from 
home, so full accounts of family, caries de vis'ite, etc., would be gladlv 
received." J. G., of Mexico in 1832, and D. G., at one time of Ohio, are 
entitled to shares in an estate ; the descendants of E. B., who left England 
in 1810, are sought; and a large reward is offered for proof of the death 
of S. A., at one time a barmaid. • 


The creditors of a late noble lord are informed that a sum of £4,000 
is now divisible among them ; by the deatli of his aunt, a sailor is entitled 
to freeholds ; and a soldier who deserted from the Uhlan Guard, at Berlin, 
is among the missing ones wanted. J. D., of Bermuda in 1845, is believed 
to have been lost at sea ; and J. W. H., " of the Kooky Mountains," is 
interested in his father's estate ; L. H. is wanted to administer the estate 
of her late husband, a Canadian farmer ; while J. M., missing for many 
years, is presumed to be dead, and his wife is applying for letters of 
administration to his estate in Ireland. There were many similar appli- 
cations to the Court of Session, under the Presumption of Life Limitation 
(Scotland) Act, by Next of Kin anxious to possess themselves of the 
estates of their missing relatives. 

News is sought of a baronet, last heard of in Sydney, beheved to have 
gone to Fiji ; also of F. W. C, who is supposed to have gone to Canada. 
A. H., born in Burmah in 1853, married in 1869, went to sea in 1870, is 
among the lucky ones wanted for something to their advantage ; and J. 
O'C, an apprentice on board a merchant vessel, last heard of in 1865 from 
a sailors' home, is asked to claim his estate, otherwise his sister will take 
the initiative. 

E. P. died in Paris in 1871, and his Next of Kin are wanted to claim 
£591 Consols, with accumulated interest. H. K. N., first of Nat^l, then 
of the Australian gold-diggings, last heard of in New Zealand, is desired to 
make his whereabouts known ; and Bridget R., who left Ireland for 
England thirty years ago, is entitled to share the estate of a brother who 
died in Australia. 

A commission has been issued to take evidence as to the Heirs in 
England of E. R., who died suddenly in Bombay, and the nephews and 
nieces sought of W. T., who died in Portugal ; A. M., last heard of in 
New York, is wanted for his own benefit ; and W. T., once of Queensland, 
is a residuary legatee ; Rudolph K., formerly of Western Australia, and 
afterwards of Colombo, is anxiously inquired for ; also the Next of Kin of 
Sir M. B. C, at one time of Jamaica, and afterwards of Scotland. 

A man known as " Charcoal Dick," who left the Ballarat diggings for 
England, is informed -that £4,000 or £5,000 lies in the Geelong Bank, and 
between 200 and 300 ounces of gold-dust in the Gold Treasury ; and a 
reward is offered for proof of the death of J. E. S., who left Oxford 
twenty-five years ago. This individual seems to have had a chequered 
career. He is described as of "roving habits, tall, fine-built, but with 
club-foot, by trade a trunk-maker ; believed to have exhibited a stufE.ed 
calf with ;two heads and seven legs ; sometimes did a httle business in 
booths in the art of self-defense." 

If W. 0. S. does not come forward and prove that he was in this 
country at a given date, he will forfeit a share of his mother's estate ; and 
the landlord of J. W. threatens to take possession of a house greatly 
iniured by J. W.'s prolonged absence. 

In 1682, a lady of title devised certain lands ; the heirs or assigns of 
such devises are now sought ; also the Heir -male of T. R., of Oxford, in 
1685 Merchants, shippers, consignees, captains, seamen, and others who 
may have sustained losses by the Confederate cruisers, are inquired for in 
connection with the Geneva Award. The Q. C. who is executor of a will 
bequeathing property of A, J. S., is desired to make himself known; and 
T. R., aged seventy, is entitled to a final dividend. 

About £5,000 is divisible in respect of certain tithe renewal funds ; 


the creditors of one J. S. are entitled to £700 ; whilst another J. S. (a 
retired Sergeant-Ma j or E. I. 0. S.), is wanted for something to his benefit. 

Persons having private property or papers belonging to J. L. Y. (late 
of the Hussars), are sought ; and the guardians of Mary B. D. M. (aged 
three years), are wanted, respecting matters of " great pecuniary impor- 
tance." Fred J. B., a midshipman, of Brisbane, in 1866 ; and R. C, Jate 
engineer on a ship plying on the Shanghai River, are both wanted for 
something to their advantage ; also the son of a clergyman last heard of 
in New Zealand. The representatives of R. 0. (excise officer), who left 
this country for the United States thirty years ago, are wanted ; and a 
notice headed "Bequest" inquires for W. G., formerly of Belfast and 
lately of New York. 

Valuable property has been left to G. C. ; and W. H., last heard of at 
the Diamond Fields, South Africa, is a missing Legatee. Information is 
desired as to the property of a deceased Major ; also a clue to several large 
sums due to the estate of 0. R. H. Sylvius L. or his representatives are 
interested in the estate of an Indian Judge who died in 1820 ; A. L. (nee 
F. de Celigny), or her Heirs are wanted; and Judy, Michael and Pat 
Donohoe sought by the Irish Court of Probate. 

J. McL. had an account with some banker unknown to his Next of 
Kin, and a clue is desired thereto. J. W. K. F. M., last heard of at Sur- 
rey Hills, Sidney ; W. H. of Hobart Town, and the representatives of R. 
P., who died in 1848, are all sought in connection with property at Lime- 

J. M., who left England in the Lalla Roohh in 1848, informs his rela- 
tives that they can hear of him at Pretoria ; the Heirs of M. M., who in 
1844 owned lands in Oeylon, are wanted ; and J. E. J. W., last heard of at 
Orange Free State, is entitled to a share of his aunt's estate. A Bombay 
firm desire to know if a certain lieutenant is alive, as they hold a policy 
on his life ; while S. D., formerly of Perth, in consequence of the death 
of his brother is wanted for' something greatly to his advantage. 

One result of the unfortunate " Palmer Expedition " is that persons 
having property of the deceased in their hands are inquired for ; while in 
the case of the estate of Mr. Walter Powell, M. P. (^ost at sea in a bal- 
loon), probate has been granted, death being assumed. 

In addition to these multifarious notices many claimants were sought 
by the Bank of England authorities as to unclaimed Stocks and Dividends ; 
the Treasury Solicitor advertised for Next of Kin in some forty " Crown 
windfall" cases; and the Crown Agents for the Colonies gave London. 
Gazette pubhcity to a long list of Cape Intestates, the Unknown Heirs 
being entitled to about £30,000. 



BEFOEE quoting statistics as to these Funds, it may be useful to give 
a little historical information (gathered from a Blue Book on 
Chancery Funds), as to the origin of the Accountant-General's OflBce, and 
as to the amount of funds belonging to the Suitors. 

In the olden time the Masters in Chancery had the custody of all 
moneys and effects deposited in Court in the suits referred to them, and 
the Usher took charge of any property brought into Court in suits which 
had not been referred to one of the Masters. The Masters and the Usher 
were responsible for all moneys and other property received by them, and 
were bound to distribute the property so entrusted to them by Orders of the 
Court. In the meantime they employed the money in their hands for their 
own benefit. This practice continued until the bursting of the South Sea 
Bubble, when it was found that several of the Masters were defaulters. 
The defalcation amounted to over £100,000 ; it was made good by increased 
fees on the Suitors, and stringent precautions were taken to prevent a 
recurrence of such a scandal. Each Master was directed by an Order of the 
Lord Chancellor of 1724 to procure and send to the Bank of England a 
chest with one lock, and hasps for two padlocks ; the key of the lock to be 
kept by the Master, the key of one of the padlocks by one of the sis Clerks 
in Chancery, and the key of the other by the Governor or Cashier of the 
Bank. Each Master was ordered to deposit in his chest all moneys and 
securities in his hands belonging to the suitors, and the chests were then 
to be locked up and left in the custody of the Bank, and to be so kept that 
the Masters might have easy access thereto, under Orders of the Court. 
This plan did not work well, for it was found that by the rules of the 
Bank of England the vault where the chests were kept could not be 
opened unless two of the Directors were present with their keys; and 
it was soon found that great trouble, diflBiculty and expense would be occa- 
sioned to the Suitors by requiring the attendance of no less than five 
officials whenever any of the chests had to be opened to deliver out effects 
and to receive the interest due. In 1725. therefore, a General Order was 
made directinff that all money and effects should be taken from the Masters'^ 
chests and given into the custody of the Bank. Duplicate accounts were 
to be kept at the Bank and at the Chancery Report Office, and any dealing 
with the Suitor's money was to be certified to the Eeport Office. Another 
General Order extended the plan to moneys and effects m the custody of 

the Usher of the Court. . ^ ^, n ^ ^ ni. 

In 1726 the first Aocountant-General of the Court of Chancery was' 
appointed, and all funds in the custody of the Masters or Ushers wero' 



transferred to his charge. An act of Parliament passed in 1725, gives 
power to appoint an Accountant-General, and contains elaborate proyisions 
with reference to the custody and safety of the Suitors' Fands. The fol- 
lowing section evidently points to the misappropriations above referred 

" To the end that all misapplications or wastings of the subject's 
money by any officer of the High Court of Chancery may be entirely pre- 
vented for the future. Be it therefore further enacted that the Account- 
ant-General shall not meddle with the actual receipt of any of the money 
or efEects of the Suitors, but shall only keep the account with the Bank 
and the said Accountant-General, observing the rules hereby presented, 
or hereafter to be presented to him by the said Court, shall not be answer- 
able for any money or efEects which he shall not actually receive ; and the 
Bank of England shall be answerable for all the moneys and efEects of 
the Suitors which are or shall be actually received by them." 

Having thus glanced at the origin of the office of Accountant-General 
to the Court of Chancery, a word or two as to the funds dealt with by the 
Court may not be out of place here. Prom the Annual Budget of the 
Paymaster-General it appears that the receipts for the year ending 31st 
August, 1880, added to the securities then in Court, made up a grand total 
of £95,504,487 9s. 5d. After deducting payments during the year there 
remained in hand £75,108,835 5s. Id., exclusive of foreign currencies of 
the value of about £400,000. These enormous sums were mainly thus 
invested : 

Consolidated 3 per cent. Annuities, £4 7,543,458 9s. 9d. ; cash, 
£5,334,015 15s. 4d. ; reduced 3 per cent. Annuities, £5,855,591 16s. 
lOd. ; new 3 per cent. Annuities, £8,470,314 6s. 9d. The residue was 
made up of India Stock, Exchequer Bills, Metropolitan Consolidated 
Stocks, and^Stocks of most of the leading Kailway, Dock and other Com- 

After being informed of these extraordinary investments, no one will be 
surprised to hear that very considerable sums of Unclaimed Money have, 
from time to time, accumulated ; in fact, the Royal Courts of Justice have 
been built almost entirely with the surplus interest of the Suitors' money. 
By an Act passed iij 1865 power is given to apply £1,000,000 from funds 
standing in the books of the Bank of England to an account entitled : 
"Account of securities purchased with surplus interest arising from securi- 
ties carried to the account of moneys placed out for the benefit" and better 
security of the Suitors of the Court of Chancery." 

It would seem, therefore, that these unclaimed funds have been 
utilized to lighten the burden of taxation, it being impossible to divide the 
surplus interest among the Suitors. 

The Dormant Funds have frequently been the subject of investiga- 
tion. From a Eeturn presented to Parliament in 1829, it appears that the 
total amount of Stock on which the dividends had not been received for 
twenty years and upwards previous to that date (1839), was £1^37,904 ; for 
fifteen years. £33,388; for ten years, £70,498; and for five years, 
£301,558. The total amount of Suitors' Stock then in Court was £38,- 

In 1853 the Suitors' Further Eelief Act was passed. By it the Lord 
Chancellor was empowered to cause an investigation to be made into the 
several accounts standing in the name of the Accountant-General to the 
credit of any cause or matter, the dividends of which had not been dealt 


■with for fifteen years or upwards, and if, and when, he should be of opinion, 
that it was not probable that any claim would be made for the same, to 
make Orders for the appropriation of the future dividends or such part of 
such dividends as he should be of opinion might safely and properly be 
so appropriated, for the benefit of the Suitors, and for the carrying the same 
over to an account, to be entitled "The Suitors' Unclaimed Dividend 
Account" and for the carrying over, from time to time, such part of 
the cash standing to the last mentioned account, as he might think fit, to 
the credit of " The Suitors' Fee Fund Account." Directions were also 
given for a similar investigation to be made at the expiration of every five 

The first investigation under the provisions of the foregoing Act was 
made in 1854. By a Return made to the House of Commons in July, 
1854, it appears that the number of accounts undealt with for fifteen years 
previously to 1st May, 1854, was 566, and the total amount of such Stock 
£256,175 3s. 8d., the total amount of Suitors' Stock then in Court being 
£46,000,000. In 1855, a list containing the titles of such accounts, but 
not stating the amounts, was printed and exhibited in the Chancery Offices, 
with the following highly satisfactory result : " Many persons came for- 
ward and preferred their claims, and about one-half of the Stock supposed 
to be unclaimed was transferred out of Court to successful claimants." 
A fact for skeptical people to ponder over, and very encouraging news for 

In 1860 and 1866, similar lists were published, but the total amount 
of funds then lying dormant does not appear therein. The investigations 
under the " Suitors' Further Rehef Act" are of a limited character, and 
do not apply to many unclaimed funds invested by the Accountant-General 
under the provisions of the " Infant Legacy Act," the " Trustee Rehef 
Act," and other Acts. 

The first investigation into the amount of Suitors' Unclaimed Cash 
in Court was made in 1850, and a Return was presented to Parliament 
showing the result as follows : 

Number of accounts 4,013 ; valuation (cash and stocks), £562,039. 
This Return does not include cash arising from interest or dividends on 
the Unclaimed Stock. 

When Mr. Lowe (now Lord Sherbrooke), was Chancellor of the 
Exchequer, Rev.W. St. J. "Wheelhouse, M. P., at the request of an influen- 
tial deputation, put himself into communication with Mr. Lowe, with a 
view to having greater publicity given to the Ust of Unclaimed Funds in 
Chancery, but Mr. Lowe could not be prevailed upon to alter the arrange- 
ments then existing, namely, — exhibiting the Ust in the Chancery Offices. 
However, in 1872, the Court of Chancery Funds Act was passed, and by 
the Rules made thereunder a List of Dormant Funds in Chancery was 
ordered to be triennially published in the London Gazette. The first list 
under the new Act was looked for in 1873, but it did not see the light till 
March, 1877. It contained about 2,500 entries, some of them curious. 
Thus :— 

"Joseph Barlow— Absent beyond seas; Bowden v. Bayley — The 
account of unpaid claimants entitled to £100 each ; Bryan v. Collins — 
The accumulated account ; Biixter v. Facherell— The schooling and ap- 
prenticing fund ; Bleadon v. Haynes — The plough, furniture, stock, and 
effects account ; Brooks v. Levey— The legatees' and annuitants' account ; 
Sophia Deacle— Present address unknown; Bryant v. Story— Legacy 


bequeathed for the relief of widows and] orphans of soldiers killed in war ; 
in the matter of the proceeds of derelict property brought into the Port 
of Nassau, in New Providence, and sold for the benefit "of the rightful 
owner when appearing, according to the Act 12 Anne, c. 18, s. 2 ; Drever 
V. Maudsley — The one hundred years term account ; Gurden v. Badcock — 
The creditors under the deed of 2nd September, 1791 ; Heyden v. Owen — 
The account of the seamen belonging to H.M. ships Decade and Argonaut; 
Milner v. Gilbert — The foreign securities and shares account ; Mason v. 
Gee-The descended estate ; Prince v. Bourjot-The ten hogsheads account; 
Winter v. Kent — Fund to answer the unclaimed legacy given by the will 
of the testator, James Underbill ; "Wroughton v. "Wroughton — The plate 
and picture account; Yates v. Eawlins — The account of Shareholders 
who did not come in to substantiate their claims ; the account of the un- 
claimed legacy of Sebastian Nash de Brissac." 

In addition to the foregoing the Bank of England is custodian of a 
number of boxes, etc., belonging to the Suitors. The following are the 
most noticeable items : 

" A box containing small articles of jewelry ; a paper marked, 'George 
Colman, Will'; abox marked, 'Diamond Necklace, Coronet and Barrmgr; 
a box containing plate and other articles ; a bag of clipped money, etc , 
(Jones V. Lloyd, August, 1736) ; two boxes containing plate, belonging to 
a person of unsound mind." 

Complaints were made in the House of Commons of the delay in 
issuing the List, and reform in this respect was promised. 

The second List was not issued until 23 June, 1881. It contains some 
4,000 entries, each'representing an unclaimed fund of £50 or upwards. 
No improvement in the form of the list was observable, and the following 
notice of motion was given in the House of Commons : 

" Me. Stanley Leighton. — Dormant Funds in Chancery. — To call 
attention to the unsatisfactory form in which the list of causes, to the 
credit of which unclaimed money belonging to the suitors is standing, is 
issued ; and to move, — That future lists be strictly alphabetically arranged, 
with cross-references to the sub-titles ; together with the names and last 
known addresses of the persons originally entitled ; the date of the last 
decree or order ; and the amount unclaimed. 

On March 10, 1882, an interesting debate arose on Mr. Leighton's 
motion, of which the following is a short summary : 

Mr. Leighton observed that an abuse existed which might be readily 
and easily removed. The magnitude of the question was apparent when it 
was considered that many millions of money passed through the hands of 
the Paymaster in Chancery every year. Large sums of the suitors' money 
were borrowed to enable the Chancellor of the Exchequer to carry through 
his financial operations, and the New Palace of Justice had been mainly 
. built with the surplus interest of the suitors' money. In 1881 Mr. Glad- 
stone borrowed no less than £40,000,000 of the suitors' money for National 
Debt purposes. Therefore the suitors had some claim to consideration. 
The letter and the spirit of Acts of Parliament were in favor of publicity, 
which, indeed, was called for by common honesty. In the olden time, the 
Suitors' funds had been misappropriated by high ofiicials, who were heavily 
fined. In our own time. Orders have been passed to the effect that a list 
of dormant funds should be published every three years, and in alphabet- 
ical order. It was not published every three years, and when published, it 
was not in alphabetical order Names and addresses ought to 


be giyen. This was done in the lists issued by the India Office and the 
War Office ; some of these lists were replete with suggestive details, and 
would serve as useful models for our Chancery officials. The result of 
publishing insufficient information was that encouragement was given to 
the levying of blackmail. If proper lists were published, claimants would 
not have to pay a fancy percentage for information. The usual answer to 
these complaints was that unfounded claims had to be guarded against ; 
but it was equally the duty of other Government departments to protect 
themselves against unfounded claims, and they did it without making a 
secret of information that ought to be published. What would be thought 
of a member of this House if he found in the Library a pocket-book con- 
taining bank-notes, and said nothing about it for fear an unfounded claim 
should be made ? In respect to these funds, the Government were trustees, 
with duties to the pubhc ; and they were bound to give all the information 
they could. The true owners were those who would be claimants if they 
had the knowledge of their rights. The knowledge was kept back by the 
Office, which held and utilized the money. A stereotyped official reply had 
hitherto been given ; but what he wished to do was to sweep away the cob- 
webs of officialism, and to secure the publication of intelligible lists. (Hear, 

Mr. Findlanter seconded the motion. He highly approved of the 
form of index suggested .... the present system tended to confuse 
searchers .... officials might say that the present lists were sufficient, 
but the public were not satisfied, and the interests of the public ought to 
be first considered in the matter. Grave scandals sometimes occurred in 
consequence of the non-publication of information. His attention had re- 
cently been called to a care before the Master of the EoUs, in Ireland, from 
which it appeared that a clerk in the Accountant-General's Office in Ire- 
land, had communicated, it was supposed innocently, to a solicitor in Dub- 
lin, the fact that a derelict fund of £8,000 was remaining in Court. The 
consequence was that the solicitor, having looked at the file of proceedings, 
communicated with the parties interested, and made a bargain with them 
that, if he told them of that particular fund,- he should get one-third ot the 
£8,000. The Master of the EoUs strongly animadverted on the matter, 
expressing a hope that that would be the last occasion on which, either 
casually or by design, such a communication would be made, and also a 
hope that steps would be taken to compel publication of accounts of 
derelict funds. In Ireland they had no Act similar to that under which 

even those defective lists were published in England Measures, he 

thought, ought to be adopted, both in this country and jn Ireland, to pre- 
vent the appropriation of these funds by the Governmen t. 

The Attorney-Genekal. — These Dormant Funds amounted to about 
a hundredth part only of the total Chancery funds, and consisted, for the 
most part, of very small amounts.* After a lapse of time they were not 
thought sufficiently important for persons to make out a claim, because 
they were so small. The list was not made out in strictly alphabetical 

order ; but an alteration in that respect might be made If there 

was an obligation to publish the list every three years, it certainly ought 

to be fulfilled The further information desired would involve great 

labor and trouble as to small amounts, which the Paymaster could not 
undertake He was quite sure that in this country, however poor 

* Tais is a mistake ; each fund represents a sum of £50 or upwards ; the very smaU amounts 
are not published at all. 


a man might be, he would be able to employ a solicitor. .... Those hav- 
ing practical acquaintance with the whole question, thought that sufficient 
information was already furnished, to enable persons who had a claim, to 
■support it, while shutting out those who made a trade of the matter. 

Mr. Salt. — What was wanted was sufficient publicity without too 
much of it It might be well that the lists should be published an- 
nually instead of triennially. 

Mr. Donaldson" Hudson. — The funds did not always consist of small 
amounts, as had been stated by the Attorney-General. He knew a case in 
which upwards of £10,000 had been paid into the Suitors' Fund, where it 
totally escaped notice for twenty years without earning any interest for 
those entitled to the money. (Hear.) When a private person applied, all 
information was refused ; the employment of a solicitor was essential. It 
was rather hard that those who had only small sums in Chancery should 
be refused all information except they employed a solicitor The result 
was that some of those interested never got their money. Unless the 
lists were properly published, these Dormant Funds would go on increasing. 

De. Lyoks suggested that instead of claimants having to employ a 
solicitor, a fee of Is. should be charged each applicant, as at Somerset 
House. He would like to see a similar step taken with regard to unclaimed 
stock and dividends in the public funds. (Hear, hear.) 

Me. Gray regretted that the Attorney-General had not referred to 
the subject of cross-indexes. The adoption of such a system would, he 
thought, be of advantage to the parties interested. He could not under- 
stand how it was that the motion was opposed. For his own part, he be- 
lieved that, if carried, it would be attended with beneficial results. 

The motion was unfortunately defeated by a niajority of 19, but the 
question is too important to the public to be allowed to slumber. 

On March 9, 1883, Mr. Stanley Leighton renewed his motion, and the 
Attorney-General promised that future Lists should contain sufficient in- 
formation for legitimate claimants ; the amount standing to the credit of 
each suit would be given. The next List would be published soon after 30 
September, 1883. 

The debate was commented on in the leading newspapers, thus : — 

Times. — The subject of Dormant Funds in Chancery is one which 
relates to a matter of the greatest importance to a vast number of persons. 
A hundredth part of the Suitors' Funds mean more than £751,000. Look- 
ing at the question from the Suitors' point of view, it must be admitted that 
each person would prefer reading over the list himself, and finding there 
the clue which would lead to the discovery he hopes to make .... the 
particulars exist which might enable much of this money to be successfully 
claimed. It would, no doubt, be a work of some labor to re-publish the 
present list with the addition of all the information suggested, but it might 
be done if some official were told ofE to compile from the records the 
necessary facts. We can see no difficulty in providing effectual remedies 
against the abuses contemplated by the Attorney-General, 

Observer. — Mr. Leighton has done good service in calling public atten- 
tion to the funds now lying dormant in Chancery, and it is to be hoped 
that things will not be allowed to remain as they are. At intervals lists of 
these unclaimed funds are indeed pubhshed, but they are lists which any 
man of business would be ashamed of. 

Standard.- — Owners for these funds could presumably be found if 
proper facilities were afforded for investigation. If the existing lists were 


modified in the sense proposed by Mr. Stanley Leighton, there is no 
doubt that a large proportion of these Dormant Funds would find their 
way into the pockets of their rightful owners. 

The next list of Dormant Funds will be looked for wi£h some curi- 
osity. The one on which the debate arose was out of print soon after it 
was issued. Its great value may be estimated by the fact that the legal 
papers reprinted it in eztenso. 

A good precedent for the suggested improvement in form of the List 
is a notice issued "for general information," by order of the Secretary of 
State for India, in 1879. That notice was published in the leading news- 
papers, and contains a List of "Unclaimed Balances," amounting to 
upwards of £10,000, and it gives the following particulars : — (1) date when 
account opened ; (2) title of account ; and (3) amount in Government 
securities and Cash awaiting claimants. It is, not, therefore, easy to under- 
stand why information voluntarily given by one Department of the State 
should be refused by another. — Preston's tlnclaimed Money. 

The following is from the London Law Journal of recent date, and 
will be found interesting in this connection : 

" The publication by the Chancery Pay Office of the Hist of causes 
having balances to their credit, which have not been dealt with for fifteen 
years, is likely to produce much investigation, and to give rise to many 
expectations, some reasonable and others absurd. If the document pene- 
trates across the Atlantic; as in all probability it will, some heart-stirring 
may be expected among our American cousins, some of whom are credited 
with extravagant notions as to the fortunes merely waiting to be claimed 
by them in England. In 1855 the first of the lists was published — not 
printed, we believe, but exhibited in the Chancery offices — and, according 
to the report of the Chancery Funds Commissioners, ' many persons came 
forward and preferred their claims, and about one-half the stock supposed 
to be unclaimed was transferred out of Court to successful claimants.' 
This result is encouraging to investigators of the list ; but, of course, the 
gleaners of 1855, being the first comers, had by far the best opportunities. 
In 1872 the Chancery Funds Act was passed, and the rules made in 1874, 
under the authority of that Act, after providing (Rule 90) that 'the 
Chancery Paymaster may, in his discretion, on a request in writing, sup- 
ply such information with respect to any transactions in the Chancery 
Pay Office as may from time to time be required in any particular case,' 
continue (Rule 91) as follows : 

As soon as conveniently, may be after September 1, 1875, and after 
the same day in every succeeding third year, a list shall be prepared by 
the Chancery Paymaster, and filed in the Report Office, and a copy thereof 
shall be inserted in the London Gazette, and exhibited in the several offices 
of the Court, of the titles of the causes and matters in the books at the 
Chancery Pay Office (other than the causes or matters referred to in Rule 
92), to the credit of which any securities or any money amounting to or 
exceeding £50 may be standing, which money, or the dividends on which 
securities, have not been dealt with by the Accountant-General, or by the 
Chancery Paymaster (otherwise than by the continuous investment or 
placing on deposit of dividends) during the fifteen years immediately 
preceding such September 1-, and no information shall be given by the 
Chancery Paymaster respecting any money or securities to the credit of a 
cause or matter contained in any such list, until he has been furnished 
with a statement in writing by a Solicitor, requiring such information, of 


the name of the person on whose behalf he applies, and that, in such 
Solicitor's opinion, the applicant is beneficially interested in such money 
or securities.' 

As soon as conveniently, might be after September 1, 1875, was 
found to be no earlier than March 1, 1877, when the second list was pub- 
lished. Some impression on the unclaimed funds must have been made 
after that list was issued ; and, now the third list has arrived, it will, no 
doubt, be found less open to attack, but still not to be overlooked by the 
enterprising. The object of the rule was, doubtless, that there should be 
a list every three years, but this intention has not been observed. It was 
only after some correspondence in these columns, and other pressure, that 
the present list is now produced. It has been suggested that the amount 
standing to the credit of the cause should, be published, as well as its name. 
Some of the amounts would probably make the mouth water, and perhaps 
the officials are wise in not offering too tempting a bait to the cupidity of 
persons who may not be over-scrupulous in backing their claims. No 
amount, it should be observed, is less than £50 — a sum to which even the 
richest do not usually object. There is, therefore, quite sufficient induce- 
ment to any one who may think he has an interest in the cause, to make 
inquiries. The names of some 3,000 causes are open to be scanned 
by hopeful eyes. The fact that the amount of the prize is unknown may, 
perhaps, add zest to the pursuit. But the fact that the property of 
the Chancery Division of the High Court amounts to a sum nearer 
£100,000,000 than £50,000,000 sterling— a not unhandsome slice of which 
is unclaimed — shows that much is to be won. The bulk of the enormous 
sum in the hands of the Chancery Division is, of course, left there, even 
when dividends are unclaimed for fifteen years. The Court is the great 
administrator of property which executors, trustees, and others prefer not 
to take the responsibility of distributing for themselves ; and trusts for 
accumulation, life interests, and other causes, account for much that is 
left untouched for many years. Still, there are sure to be some happy 
discoveries, resulting in the receipt of welcome sums. Acute and perse- 
vering investigators need not fear that enough will not be left out of their 
leavings to finish the New Law Courts, and we hope that many of them 
will be successful in rescuing comfortable sums from the maw of the 
Commissioners for the Eeduction of the National Debt. 

Not so practically important, but more interesting to the average 
reader, is the list of 'boxes and other miscellaneous effects' remaining in 
the Bank of England to the credit of the Chancery Division. Compared 
with the list of causes with balances unclaimed for fifteen years, the list of 
boxes is short, but it gives some details which might well be given in the 
longer list. Most of the causes are marked with the ' letter, year, and 
number' which now appears in the title of every cause, the most material 
part of which is the year in which the writ was issued. The year is, of 
course, a useful guide to the searcher, and in future issues of the list of 
causes with unclaimed balances, we hope that it will appear, as well as in 
the list of boxes. It may be assumed that the causes in this latter list, 
which contain no numbers and letters, were commenced before it became 
the practice so to identify causes — that is, before 1853. Only one of those 
not so identified contains any indication of the date of the cause. All the 
rest must, therefore, be treated as ' aged,' like the horses whose years are 
not given in one of Mr. Tattersall's catalogues. One box is not identified 
even by the name of a cause, but is described simply as ' a box containing 


small articles of jewelry.' It will probably be long before the contents of 
this box adorns any place more becoming than the Bank cellars, but even 
its chance of revisiting the light is not hopeless. Not long since, we 
related in these columns a romantic story .of a similar box, the contents of 
which had been long condemned to the same obscurity. The Bank serv- 
ants, some years ago, laid hands upon it, and it fell to pieces when 
touched. It was found to contain a quantity of plate of the period of 
Charles II. There was also a bundle of love letters, of the time of the 
Eestoration, which performed the prosaic office of disclosing the owner of 
the plate, which his representative duly received. There are several 
entries of ' plate, jewelry and trinkets,' heirlooms, no doubt, of value and 
interest ; otherwise they would hardly be where they are ; one of 'family 
relics,' and one of 'presentation plate.' Many of the contents are 
■described vaguely as 'securities,' and some as 'promissory notes' — baits 
which will not tempt investigation so strongly as solid silver. One box is 
marked, 'His Majesty, the King of Spain, v. Valles and others; securities,' 
but we have no clue to which king it was, or whether the securities are 
Spanish bonds. A little investigation would, probably, soon disclose the 
owner of most of this property. The Chancery Division does not, it must 
be .confessed, take a very high view of its duties in reference to the prop. 
«rty deposited with it. If a trustee, who found himself possessed of valu- 
able property belonging to his beneficiaries, were to use no more diligence 
to discover their owner than does the Chancery Division, no judge would 
fail to pronounce him guilty of a grave breach of duty. The highest 
Court of Equity in the Kingdom contents itself with playing a sort of 
game of hunt the slipper with the public. If ownership is satisfactorily 
proved, the Court will disgorge, but not otherwise. With regard to 
unclaimed funds and other property of long standing, an official ought to 
be appointed to discover by all the means available, and by advertisement, 
whose they are. As it is, the public are left to trust to the ingenuity and 
penetratioa of themselves and their legal advisers." 




IN the category of successful claims on the Government for the refund- 
ing of estates which had reverted to the Crown by reason of persons 
dying intestate and leaving no known Next of Kin, is a singular case 
decided by the late Vice-Chancellor Malins. The facts were these : — In 
December, 1871, Mrs. Maria Mangin Brown, then of Hertford Street, 
Mayf air, died intestate, leaving personal property of the value of more 
than £300,000, and with no Next of Kin ; the Treasury Solicitor took 
possession of her estate on behalf of the Crown, and paid all expenses of 
administration, Advertisements were then issued in the following form : — 

" Next of Kin. — Brown. — The i Relations or Next of Kin of Maria 
Mankin Brown, late of Hertford Street, Mayfair, who died on the 21st 
December, 1871, are requested to apply to the Solicitor of the Treasury, 
Whitehall, London." 

Fourteen persons came in und^ this Advertisement, but only four of 
them succeeded in establishing their claims. These lucky four were 
Italians, residing abroad at the time of Mrs. Mangin Brown's death. The 
matter came on by petition, praying for payment of £192,535, the bal- 
ance of the above sum of £200,000, to the petitioner, Fillippo Tomasso 
Mattia Freccia, after providing for succession duty and costs. After 
some discussion between Counsel, the Vice-Chancellor made the order as 

Part of the funds had been paid out of Court, in pursuance of the 
Vice-Chancellor's Order, when several new claimants appeared on the 
scene, and a stop-order was obtained on the remaining funds in Court. 
A Special Examiner was appointed, a vast' amount of evidence taken 
before the Chief Clerk, as to the genuineness of the alleged relationship 
of the new claimants. 

The case was carried to the House of Lords, and in June, 1880, their 
Lordships affirmed the Order of the Vice-Chancellor. 

One or two curious things concerning the lady whose estate has been 
the subject of such expensive litigation deserve a passing notice. It 
seems that the denizens of London are indebted to this Mrs. Brown for a 
very beautiful drinking fountain, placed in Park- lane, close to the house 
wherein she resided for upwards of forty years. This work of art is said 
to have cost £5,000. It is also stated that this lady had in contempla- 
tion the formation of swimming baths in various parts of London at a 
large outlay, and that when the Metropolitan Board of Works desired to 



take her house for the purpose of widening Hamilton place, she proposed 
to carry out, at her own cost, an alternative scheme, the estimate -for 
which was £50,000; that the deeds were, it is stated, prepared, but the 
lady died before she could carry out her good intentions. 

Lest it should be thought that the Mangin Brown case is an isolated 
one. and that it is impossible for many people to die without known rela- 
tives, I may say that between thirty and forty such cases annually occur. 
Those for 1883 are as follows :— 

Beresford, John P. (Middlesex). 

Briggs. Eliza (Somerset). 

Brown, Thos. (York). 

Butler, Mary Ann (Middlesex). 

Cain (or Kane, Michael (Chester). 

Chandler, Jno. (ship's cook) died at sea. 

Crook, Maria (Middlesex). 

Daly, John (Middlesex). 

Davis (or Davies), (Hertford). 

Doyle, Ann (Ireland). 

Gray, John (Middlesex). 

Halfpenny, Daniel (Middlesex). 

Harris, Selina (Surrey). 

Hughes, Elizabeth (Chester). 

Jones, Martha (Hereford). 

Lacon, Dr. Henry (died abroad). 

Langley, Catherine R. (Middlesex). 

Langley, Charles (Solicitor). 

Ludlow, Jane Maria (Middlesex). 

Madsen, Mathias (London). 

Martin, Prances (Middlesex). 

Mostyn, Robt. Capt. (Ireland). 

Newman, Alex. (Suffolk). 

Pigott, D. P. (died abroad). 

Rowlls, Ruth (or Irwin). 

Smith, Geoirge (Middlesex). 

Stokes, John Allen (Surrey). 

Sweeney, Maria (Chester). 

Symons, Caroline (Devon). 

Tart, William (Dover). 

Taylor, Geo. (Monmouth). 

Varley, Samuel (Worcester). 

Welsh, Edwd. G. (Commercial Traveler). 

Welton. John (Middlesex). 

Williams, Geo. (Middlesex). 

The Next of Kin of the above are doubtless inquired for with refer- 
ence to effects more or less valuable. Such notices are, moreover, ex- 
ceedingly interesting to relatives, as they are the means of affording a 
clue to the fate of some missing one. 

The following notes of curious cases, in which successful claims have 
been made on the Crown, will be encouraging to persons having claims of 
a like kind : — 


In 1802 the following Advertisement appeared :— 

" If the Relations or Next of Kin (if any) of George Frederick Kohler. 
late Brigadier-Gleneral in his Majesty's Artillery, who died in Egypt on 
29th December, 1800, a Widower and Intestate, will apply at the King's 
Proctor's OfiBoe, Doctors' Commons, London, they will hear of something 
to their advantage." 

In 1813 the then Solicitor to the Treasury obtained, as nominee of 
the Crown, a grant of Letters of Administration to the estate and effects 
of George Frederick Kohler, an officer of Artillery, who died in Syria in 
1800, intestate, and whose property up to that time had not beea 

In 1820 Christiane Bauer, of Cronberg, laborer, and Elizabeth his; 
wife, filed a bill, claiming to be entitled to General Kohler's property, as 
his Next of Kin. The bill alleged that the intestate was the only son of 
George Kohler, who was born at Bingen, on the Rhine, and who left thera 
very early in life and became a soldier in the Royal Artillery ; he after- 
wards entered the service of the East India Company, where he died or 
was killed in battle, leaving the intestate his only child. The bill prayed 
for the usiial discovery and accounts. 

The answer to the bill denied all knowledge of the relationship of tha 


plaintiffs to the intestate, and stated that the Crown Solicitor had paid, 
'Over the money to the King's Proctor, on warrant under the Sign Manual. 
Exceptions were taken to the answer, which were allowed. An amended 
■answer was put in, stating that the nominee of the Crown entered into a 
bond to the King's Proctor in a penal sum, which bond recited the death of 
General Kohler intestate and without issue or any known relation, where- 
by His Majesty, in right of his Koyal prerogative, became entitled to the 
personal estate and effects aforesaid. It was stated that the balance 
(£7,843, 8s. 4d.) had been, in 1814, paid to the King's Proctor. 

In 1830 the suit was revived. In 1831 a decree was made directing 
inquiry as to who were the N'ext of Kin thus : — 

" Pursuant to a Decree of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, the Next 
■of Kin of George Frederick Kohler, otherwise Keylor, late a Brigadier- 
General in His Majesty's Eegiment of Artillery service, who died at Jaffa, 
in Egypt, in December, 1800, intestate, who were living at the time of his 
■decease, and the personal representatives of such of them as are since dead." 

Between 1831 and 1851 various proceedings were taken. On 36 

• February, 1859 (twenty-eight years after the injury was directed), the 

Master made his Eeport, by which he found that Jacob Kohler, Johann 

Michael Kohler, and Ge^trandt Schmidt formerly Kohler), were the 

paternal uncles and aunt, and sole Next of Kin of the intestate living at 

the time of his death,, and that Philip Kohler, H s Kohler, and Johann 

M. Schmidt, were respectively their personal representatives. Exceptions 
"were taken to this Report, but it was confirmed by the Vice-Ohancellor 
Kindersley on 9 June, 1859. A supplemental bill was filed, accounts were 
directed, and an Order made for paying what should be found due with 
interest at four per cent. In 1860 the Chief Clerk certified that the sum 
of £7,843 8s. 4d. was due for principal, and £14,439 13s. 6d. for interest, 
and an Order was made to pay into Court the sums thus found due. It is 
•almost needless to say the Crown appealed from this decision. 

In July, 1861, the case came on in the House of Lords, when their 
Xiordships affirmed the Vice-Chancellor's decision. 

The foregoing case is especially noteworthy as showing that Next of 
Kin may successfully claim funds from the Crown, although over sixty 
years may have elapsed between the date of the intestate's death and the 
recovery of the money. It would be difficult to find a more encouraging 
•case for claimants. 


This case is remarkable, not for the largeness of the sum at stake, but 
from the fact that the Crown had to pay interest for a period of thirty 
years, the Vice-Chancellor being of opinion that the Crown " had no right 
to have money, as it were, wrapped up in a napkin." The facts were these : 
— In 1836 Thomas Dewell died intestate. A.t the time of his death no 
Next of Kin were forthcoming, and the Crown Solicitor took out Letters 
of Administration. The following Advertisement was issued : — 

"If the Relations or Next of Kin of Thomas Dewell, formerly of 
Oowes, Isle of "Wight, and late of Elhott place, near Gosport, in the County 
of Southampton, Gtentleman, a Lieutenant in Her Majesty's Army, 

deceased, will apply to , they may hear of something to their 


No Next of Kin appeared. The clear amount that came to the Crown 


was £2,064 7s. Id., -which, under the then existing law, the Crown Solic- 
itor paid over in 1838 to the King's Proctor, for the King's use. In 1857 a 
suit was instituted, and further Advertisements for Next of Kin were issued. 
In 1858 certain persons were proven to be Next of Kin, and the Crown 
were willing to pay the balance aforesaid ; the only question was, whether 
interest could be claimed from the time when there was a clear balance in 
the hands of the administrator, — that is, in 1827. After a learned argu- 
ment, the Vice-Chancellor said : — "In this case the Sovereign has, on his 
own account, or on behalf of the public, had the use of the property, and 
the Sovereign or the public is responsible, and therefore it appears to me 
there is a liability to pay interest." His Honor then made an Order for 
repayment by the Crown of the sum of £2,064 7s. Id., with interest from 
the year 1837 to 1858,— the date of the Order. 

Another remarkable " Crown windfall " case is that of Mrs. Helen 
Blake, who died in 1876, at Kensington, intestate, leaving personalty of 
the value of £130,000, and without any known relatives. The usual notice 
■was issued, thus : — 

"Blake. — Heir-at-Law. — Next of Kin. — The Heir-at-Law and the 
Next of Kin of Mrs. Helen Blake, late of No. 4, Earl's Terrace, Kensington, 
Widow, deceased, are requested to apply to the Solicitor of the Treasury." 

No one reading this very bald notice would guess that £140,000 only 
.awaited proper proofs of identity prior to being handed over to the lucky 
Next of Kin. The amount in dispute is not stated in the Advertisement, 
nor are the Next of Kin informed, in the usual phraseology of such notices, 
that " something to their advantage " awaits them. Unless Next of Kin 
Advertisements state concisely what the Next of Kin are wanted for, they 
have rather a discouraging tendency than otherwise, for instances are not 
unknown where a creditor of a deceased person has advertised for Next of 
Kin in order to get his account settled. However, in this case it would 
seem that claims have been lodged, as an action is pending in the Chancery 

Many people believe it impossible to recover property from the 
Crown, but there is little difficulty if the claimant's title is a clear one. 
The following is the record of a case in which no less a sum than £57,000 
in the Three per Cents was thus recovered : — 

In 1842, Mr. John Turner, of Middlesex, died intestate, and very 
"wealthy. His effects were taken charge of by the Treasury Solicitor, who 
issued the following notice : — ^ 

"Next of Kik. — If the relations or Next of Kin of John Turner lato 
ot Huntley Street, in the parish of St. Bancras, in the County of Middle- 
sex, Esq., who died on or about the 30th day of January, 1843, will apply 
to they may hear of something to their advantage." 

The Next of Kin did eventually find it very much to their advantage, 
but several years elapsed before the Advertisement was brought under 
their notice. Meanwhile the Solicitor to the Treasury had taken out 
Letters of Administration and sold the sum of £57,000 Three per Cents 
standing in the name of the intestate, and paid the proceeds into the 
Treasury. Next of Kin eventually appeared, and two Chancery suits were 

In 1849, the Next of Kin having established their claims, the cause 
came on for further directions, and a question was raised whether the 
Solicitor to the Treasuiy must pay interest on the £57,000 Three per 
Cents from the time of its transfer to the Treasury. 


Counsel for the Next of Kin contended that the nominee of the 
Cro'^Tn was in the same position as any other administrator, and must re- 
place the fund with interest at four per cent. 

Counsel for the Crown submitted that the case was a peculiar one ; 
that by the neglect of the Next of Kin. to come forward, and the obscurity 
and difficulty which the intestate himself had created by using a Christian 
name different from that by which he had, as the jury had found, been • 
baptized, the administrator was perfectly justified in the course which he 
had taken, and as he had made no interest by the fund, ought not to pay 
any. The case was hke that of Unclaimed Dividends which were taken 
by the Crown, and upon which no interest was paid, the Crown retaining: 
the interest or using the money as compensation for taking care of it, as 
was done, in fact, by bankers. The plaintiffs were not entitled, either in 
respect of contract or otherwise, to interest. 

The Vice-Chancellor, however, was of opinion that as the Crown's 
nominee had, without any necessity arising in the course of the adminis- 
tration of the estate, sold the Stock ; and then without any judicial deci- 
sion,authority, or investigation, paid it over to those whom he considered 
entitled, the persons really entitled to the fund ought not to suffer by the 
proceeding. The Solicitor to the Treasury was therefore ordered to replace 
the sum produced by the sale, with interest at four per cent. 

It would be difficult to find a more encouraging decision than the 
foregoing for persons having claims on the Crown arising out of Intestates' 
estates. • 

The Upcroft Estate Case (personalty valued at £160,000) excited a 
good deal of interest. The facts are these : — In November, 1861, the fol- 
lowing notice appeared in the Times: — 

" Sudden Death. — The Deputy-Coroner for West Middlesex held an 
inquest on Wednesday night .... touching the sudden death of a 
gentleman of fortune named John Montague Upcroft, sixty years of age, 
residing at 301, Marylebone-road. Mr. Norton, the deceased gentleman's 
medical adviser, deposed that he was found dead in his bedroom on Satur- 
day morning last. The cause of death was phthisis and polypus of the 
heart, and disease of the lungs. The deceased was a man of large property, 
being worth at least £130,000, and a large amount of money was found 
in the house. As no relatives had come forward to claim it, the witness 
had deemed it his duty to employ a solicitor to seal up and take charge of 
the deceased's property, and to take such other proceedings as the law 
directed. In conformity with the medical evidence, a verdict of ' Death 
from natural causes ' w^as returned." 

In December, 1861, the Next of Kin were advertised for apparently 
without success, as in the session of 1877, Mr. Colman, M. P., gave the 
following notice : — 

"To call attention to the case of John Montague Upcroft, an illegiti- 
mate, who died on the 23rd November, 1861, intestate ; and to move for a 
Keturn of any allowance made out of the estate, and of any other applica- 
tion for allowance which has been made and not acceded to by the Treas- 

This notice, however, dropped out of the Order Book, and it may be 
useful to cite precedents for the information asked for by Mr. Colman. In 
1833, Mr. Harvey (then M P. for Colchester) moved for a Return as to 
Intestates' Estates as follows : — 

" Return of the number of cases and of the names of the parties in. 


Tyhich the Crown has administered to the estate and effects of persons who 
have died intestate, leaving no lawful issue, since the year 1824 to 1830, 
both inclusive, specifying (1) the nature and extent of the property so ob- 
tained and now in progress of recovery ; (3) the appropriation thereof ; 
(3) what proceedings have been taken in the Courts of Law or Equity in 
respect thereof; and (4) the costs attending each case, and by and to whom 
paid, so far as relates to the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury." 

The return fills 47 pp., and from it we extract the following ;— Num- 
ber of estates reverting to the Crown during the period between 1824-1830, 
about 150 ; amount received (in round numbers), £210,000 ; appropriated 
£131,000; amount in progress of recovery over £25,000; costs, about 

It may be interesting to add particulars of some of the estates inclu- 
ded in this Keturn, thus : — 

« Intestate's name.— Bolton Mainwaring. Amount obtained £6,061 
2s. In progress of recovery. Nil. Crown's share paid to the King's Proctor, 
jei,503 2s. 3d. ; Grant to Anna Priscilla Warrington, £4,259 12s. 3d. ; 
Costs, £299 7s. 6d. Intestates name. — Samuel Ducket and John Wat- 
son ; Amount obtained — Nil. ; In progress of recovery — £1,000 Bast In- 
dia Stock, and about £6,000 arrears of dividend." This suggestive note is> 
attached to the entry : — " The difficulty of identifying the deceased parties 
has hitherto stopped the progress, and nothing has yet been recovered. 
Intestate's name. — John Turner — (Seaman's wages). Amount obtained 
£51 2s. 4d. ; Debt paid £19 19s. 6d. ; Grant to W. Player £3 lis. 2d. ; 
Costs £28 lis. 8d. Intestate's name. — Charles Sidney — (Share of Deccan 
Prize money). Amount obtained £50 10s. 9d. ; Crown's share £3 Is. Id 
Grant to Mr. Sicard £25 17s. 8d. ; Costs £30 12s. Intestate's name.- 
Eachel Frances Antona Ijee. Amount obtained £24,910 lis. lOd. 
Crown's share £5,770 8s. 2d. ; Grant to Lady Ann Dash wood Trehurst 
£16,346 7d. ; Costs £1,706 148. 6d." 

Many more details might be extracted from this Eeturn, but the above 
are probably enough to prove that very large sums yearly revert to the 
Crown by reason of persons dying without known relatives. 

One of the most recent " Crown windfall" cases is that of the undis- 
posed of residue of the estate of a Mr. George Perton who died at Prest- 
bury, Gloucestershire, in 1881. The personality was valued at £260,000 ; 
but £200,000 (the residue after payment of munificent legacies) was undis- 
posed of by the testator's will. An inquiry as to the legitimacy of the testa- 
tor was held before Mr. Dowdeswell, Q. C. ; the testator was proved to be 
illegitimate, and the £200,000 went to the Crown. 

Before, leaving this subject we would draw attention to the Treasury 
Solicitor Act of 1876, under which these estates are dealt with. The title 
of the Act is "to incorporate the Sohcitor for the affairs of Her Majesty's 
Treasury, and make further provision respecting the grant of the adminis- 
tration of the estate of deceased persons for the use of Her Majesty." The 
principal sections are as follows : — 

Section 2 — Enables her Majesty, by Royal Warrant, to nominate the 
Treasury Solicitor to act on behalf of her Majesty in cases where estates 
have reverted to the Crown by persons dyiag intestate or otherwise. 

Section 4 — Relates to the disposal of money and property received 
from administration or forfeiture .... of Unclaimed Grants, and em- 
powers the Treasury to make Rules with reference thereto, thus — (1) Such 
money and all money arising from securities ... is to be carried to an 


account to be called " The Crown's Nominee Account " (3) All money- 
standing to the credit of the said account not required for purposes thereof! 
is to be paid into the account of Her Majesty's Exchequer. (3) Money, 
securities, or property granted by Her Majesty to any person, and not. 
claimed within the period fixed by the rules aforesaid, the Treasury may 
direct to be sold, and the proceeds carried to the Crown's Nominee Ac- 

Then follows this important proviso : If any person satisfies the 
Treasury of his right under the said grant to the whole or any part of 
such unclaimed money, securities, or property, the Treasury may direct 
the sum paid to the Crown's Nominee Accouiit in respect of the same or- 
of the part to which such person shows himself to be entitled, to be paid 
to such person Out of the Consolidated Pund, or the growing produce- 

It will thus be seen that personal estate can be recovered froni the 
Crown at any time on proper proofs of title being adduced. 

The section proceeds : The accounts of the receipts and expenditure- 
on the Crown's Nominee Account shall be deemed public accounts ; and. 
such abstract thereof as may be directed by Rules under this Act shall 
be annually laid before Parliament. 

Although the accounts are to be deemed " public accounts," they are 
issued in such a form as to be of no value whatever to the public. No par- 
ticulars are 'given as to the number of estates dealt with ; the names and 
addresses of the intestates : the amount of each estate ; the number of cases 
in which claimants have appeared ; the amount of the funds handed over 
to the Next of Kin, and so-forth. All these particulars could be given 
with very little trouble, and the Parliamentary Paper would then indeed be 
a valuable one to the public. 

Since the passing of the Treasury Solicitor Act the receipts have been 
as follows: 1877, £137,876 19s. lid. ; 1878, £139,769 9s. 3d. ; 1W7.% 
£140,879 3s. 5d. ; 1880, £56,448 13s. lid. 

After payment of the Crown's share, grants to persons having claims- 
on the bounty of the Crown, costs, etc., the balance in hand in 1881 was 
£177,374 5s. lOd. 

Attention has been called in the House of Commons to the meagTC 
nature of the information afforded by the " Crown's Nominee Ac- 
count," and Sir Herbert Maxwell, last session, gave the following notice : 

" Sir Hbrbekt Maxwell — Intestates' Estates reverting to the Crown 
— Return showing the total amount received on behalf of the Crown since 
the passing of the Treasury Solicitor Act, 1876, with the names and 
addresses of the Intestates ; also the names and addresses of the Intestates 
whose estates are in course of administration, with the amount of each 

This notice, unfortunately, dropped out of the Order Book, but I hope 
to see it renewed. There are many precedents showing the great value of 
publicity in similar cases. 

The evidence of the late Queen's Proctor before the legal Depart- 
ments Commission, as to how these estates are ordinarily dealt with, is 
very interesting. The following is the essence of it, extracted from a 
letter in the Daily News on " Windfalls for Royalty." The Queen's Proc- 
tor said : 

" I take out letters of administration, and get in all the money for the 
Government in connection with the estates and Intestate bastards and 


iona vacantia. ... I recommend the Lords of the Treasury as to the 
disposition of the balance of the effects. . . . The Solicitor of the 
Treasury is appointed administrator. ... I am known all over the worlds 
and I correspond with solicitors and the people interested. ... I ascertain 
what the effects are eiftier at the Bank of England or with various public 
bodies. . . . Mr. Stephenson gets in the effects. . . . Sometimes there are 
large and heavy pedigree cases. ... In a heavy case a short time ago, I 
fancied it was rather a fraudulent case on the part of the party who set 
up the claim. I got the facts together and took Counsel's opinion. . . . 
I went on and won the case, and a large sum was recovered. ... I have 
a lot of administrations going in shortly and among them is one estate 
worth £35,000. Occasionally I have much heavier amounts even than that, 
. . . All these estates are vested in the Crown ; they belong to Her 
Majesty in right of Her Eoyal prerogative. . . . When bastards die there 
are always plenty of people only too ready to seize hold of their 
property and get wills made. ... In one case there was a commission to 
America. ... It was an estate worth £70,000, 1 think. ... In ordinary 
cases the procedure is this : I receive a letter that A. B. is dead ; that 
he had such and such property ; that he was a bastard, or has left none 
but illegitimate relations. I then ascertain the facts, and find out who the 
.Ifext of Kin are, or the persons to whom the Crown should make grants, 
and I recommend accordingly. I take out from forty to fifty administra- 
tions in a year. Some are large amounts — £130,000 and sums of that 
sort." — Preston's Unclaimed Momy. 



THERE are not a few estates in England the presumptive owners whereof, 
though having apparently a,good title thereto, may be ousted by the 
rightful Heir — supposed long since to have departed this life — ^re-appearing 
on the scene. There are likewise people who, possessing every just right to 
a very desirable estate, are still liable to litigation and worry by reason of 
impostors setting up claims having SLprima facie appearance' of genuineness. 

The catalogue of spurious claimants is a long one ; such claims have 
been set up not only in our own day and in our own country, but also in 
the olden time both here and abroad. Claimants have rarely any diffi- 
culty in finding people ready to believe, not only in the genuineness of 
their claims, but also (and this is the strangest part' of the business), to 
find the money to assist in substantiating them. The Magna Charta 
Association is a notable case in point, one of the principal objects of that 
Association being " to secure the release and establish the rights of Sir 
Roger Tichborne," — not a very lively outlook for the trustees of the Tich- 
borne estates, who have already had to obtain a Special Act of Parliament 
in order to raise funds for opposing the claim of Arthur Orton, the cost of 
such opposition being nearly £100,000. 

It is easy for really just claims to arise ; this is clearly shown by the 
following paragraph, which apppeared in a .leading provincial newspaper 
some years ago: 

" An Estate Withoitt an Ownbk. — At a meeting of the Historic 
Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, held in the Grand Jury Room of St. 
George's Hall, Liverpool, on Thursday night, Mr. George Meyer, who pre- 
sided, in referring to an interesting seal belonging to the family of Moels, 
stated that the last owner of the property at Moels had a son of very 
disi?olute character, who, getting into debt, collected the rents of the estate, 
to meet his extravagances. His father, vowing that he would be revenged 
on his son, set out to find him ; but whether he did so is not known, iS to 
this day neither father nor son have been heard of, and the whole of the 
estate is now in the hands of the tenants, and would be claimable should 
an Heir be found." 

We often hear of searches for missing Heirs-at-Law, but it is rarely 
indeed that we find recorded an instance afEording such ample material 
for the novelist as the foregoing. An aggrieved father goes in search of 
his erring son, and neither father nor son are heard of again — that is suffi- 
ciently romantic, in all conscience ! 

Lovers of the curious may like to consult a work entitled " Celebrated 
Claimants." Many and marvelous are the claims there recorded, including 
the history of a spurious claim to be no less a personge than the Sultan 
of Turkey. A pretender to the throne of England died only recently. 



The following is a curious case of an abortive claim to large estates 
in the North of England: 

Many years ago a Mr. William Swan was found dead in his bed, at an 
obscure lodging in London. He was the only surviving male Heir of the 
late Mr. Alderman Swan, Mayor of Hull, who left estates of the value of 
£30,000 per annum, or thereabouts, and which the unfortunate Heir had 
been trying (in vain) for over twenty years to recover. The history of the 
Heir is no less remarkable than that of his father, who, when nine years 
of age (to disinherit him), was abducted from the house of his father 
(Richard Swan, Esq., of Benwell Hall, near Newcastle), and put on board 
the New Britannia brig ; was wrecked on the rocks of Scilly with Sir 
Oloudesley Shovel's fleet, and was afterward taken prisoner by an Algerine 
vessel, and sold for a slave ; but, after four years imprisonment, he was 
set at liberty by the redeeming Friars. After this he was again ship- 
wrecked, was carried and sold for a slave to a planter in South Carolina, 
where he sufEered almost every human woe. He returned to his native 
home in 1726, after an absence of about twenty years, and was identified 
by one Mrs. Grofton, of Newcastle, his nurse, and Thomas Chance, who 
had been his father's footman. He directly laid claim to the estates of 
Alderman Swan, but having neither money, nor friends living, tof assist 
him, all his efEorts proved abortive. After this, he settled at an obscure 
village. North Dalton, near Hull, where he married one Jane Cole, by 
whom he had one son, the above unfortunate William Swan. He after- 
wards died of a broken heart at the above village, 1735. 

After reading the foregoing romantic story, it is easy to believe in the 
truth of the old song which says — 

'Tis a very good world that we live in, 

To lend, or to, spend, or to give in; 

But to beg, or to borrow, or get a man's own, 

'Tis the very worst world, Sirs, that ever was known. 

Prom the ' great uncertainty of human affairs, it not unf requently 
happens that estates belonging to one family change owners several times 
in a generation. In the course of these transitions, the rightful Heir is 
occasionally lost sight of, and when he does revisit his native place, he 
finds it almost impossible to substantiate his heirship. 

Advertisements for claimants are passed over by most people as hav- 
ing only a transitory value, but many of such notices are, nevertheless, 
the means of affording not only a clue to a very desirable estate, but also 
a clue to the whereabouts of some long-lost relative, who has possibly re- ' 
turned from abroad after many years' absence the happy possessor of an 
ample fortune, which he is anxious his Next of Kin should share, could 
he only find them. 

The following is an advertisement for the descendants of a person 
•who died 120 years prior to the issue of this notice : — 

" WiLLiiM Chapman, deceased. — William Chapman, late of New 
Shoreham, in the County of Sussex, Mariner, who departed this life about 
the year 1732, and formerly of Deptford, in the County of Kent, had by 
his wife four sons and three daughters ; the names of the sons were Will- 
iam, John, Joseph, and Clement, and the names of the daughters, Eliza- 
beth, Margaret, and Annie. Any persons who can trace their descent 
(however remote) from either of the said Chapmans, may hear of some- 
thing greatly to their advantage, upon application to 

The following is a very curious Claimant Advertisement : — 


"To SoLiciTOES AND OTHERS. — Twenty-eight years ago. — ^Wanted, 
the claims of Young Tom Smith, the shoemaker's son, of London Wall, 
to be TAKEN UP. Supposed to be dead. — T. Smith." 

Such notices as the foregoing ai-e not uncommon, and they show 
pretty clearly that claimant cases are constantly cropping up. 

What is known as the "Great Jennens Case" has given rise to many 

Claimants. The facts are remarkable, and may be shortly stated thus : — 

The late William Jennins, of Acton-place, Suffolk, and of Grosvenor- 

square, Esq., by whom the estates were left, attained the great age of 97, 

and died in the year 1798. 

King William the Third, was godfather to WilHam Jennens, and 
amongst other valuable presents at his baptism a • silver ewer from that 
Sovereign was conspicuous. William Jennins was at one time page to 
George the First, and during the long period of his life remained a bach- 
olor, more given to penuriousness than hospitality, and his accumulations 
multiplied even beyond the power of computation. He received £3,000 a 
year from what was known as the Exchequer Tontine. He had property 
in almost every fund, and the following were some of the chief items : — 

South Sea Stock £100,000 

Indian Stock 23,800 

Consols, Three per Cents 60,000 

Bank Stock 35,000 

Pour and Five per Cent, ditto 54,000 

Reduced Annuities 50,000 

Long ditto , 2,000 per ann. 

Cash at five different bankers 107,000 

Accumulated interest on Stocks, Funds, etc., about 150,000 

On Mortgage, about 200,000 

Landed estate, say 8,000 per ann. 

London Assurance (dividend due) 3, 400 

New River Concern (dividend due) 5, 000 

His wealth was immense. The dividends on most of his Stocks had 
not been received since 1788, nor the interest on his mortgages for years. 
In his iron chest, the key of which was found hidden in a mortgage deed, 
there were bank notes of the year 1788 to the amount of £19,000, and 
several thousand new guineas. About £30,000 in money and bank notes 
were found at his town and country houses, and also a key to the chest 
containing his mother's plate and valuables deposited with Messrs. Childs, 
the bankers. He is reported to have always kept £50,000 in his bankers* 
hands for any sudden emergency ; he had not drawn a draft on the bank 
for the last fourteen years of his life. It was only a short time before his 
death that he employed a steward. He was very regular and exact in his 
accounts ; he even noticed his household bills when they exceeded their 
usual weekly amount. His expenses were supposed to be about £3,000 
per annum only, although his property at his death was of the estimated 
value of two millions sterling. A Will -was found in his coat-pocket, 
sealed but not signed. This was owing — so runs the tale — to his having 
left his, spectacles at home when he went to his solicitor for the purpose of 
executing the Will. It is stated that by this Will the whole of his im- 
mense wealth was intended to be wholly alienated from the channels into 
which it. fell. 

Truly, indeed, do " great events from little causes spring " In this 
case, ^the disposition of no less than two millions worth of property ap- 
pears to have been diverted, owing to the intending testator having for- 
gotten his spectacles. The Heir-at-Law of Mr. William Jennens was 


George Augustus William Curzon, infant son of the Honorable Asshleton 
Curzon, M. P., to -whom all the real estate reyerted. The personalty 
devolved to his cousins. 

From the date of William Je'nnens's death, in 1798, to the present 
time, claimants have periodically made claim to these estates. 

One of the latest claimants was a person known as " Martin the Sex- 
ton." His claim was heard by Vice-Chancellor Bacon, and dismissed. 
The Court of Appeal upheld the Vice- Chancellor. 

The case of a still later set of claimants to these vast estates came 
before the late Vice-Chancellor Malins, and was dismissed. 

Intending claimants would do well to ponder the learned Vice- 
Chancellor's judgment. His lordship said : " If such a claim could be 
allowed after a period of eighty-two years, no one would be safe in the 
possession of his property. He could see no ground whatever for alleging 
concealed fraud. 

The Sir Andrew Chadwick Estate case has also given rise to numer- 
ous claimants. Sir Andrew died at Westminster in 1768, very wealthy. 
One remarkable fact in connection with this case is the getting up recently 
at Eochdale of an " Association of Claimants," 400 in number, claiming 
descent from Sir Andrew — a.11 very anxious to obtain a share of his prop- 
erty, said to be now worth £7,000,000. 

The case ChadwicJe v. GhfidioicTc and Others, in which the plaintiff 
claims to be the Heir-at-Law 'of Sir Andrew, was lately before the Queen's 
Bench Division on a question of discovery. The trial of the cause has 
not yet been decided. 

A few years since there appeared in the New Tork World a very inter- 
esting article headed Phantom JEstates, giving "the chances of the Jennens's 
and others as interpreted by themselves." It shows that Americans in 
this, as in many other matters, like big figures : — 

The following table shows the various Estates, their value, and the 
number of heirs among whom they will be divided. 

Heirs. Estate. 

Aeneke, Jans 1,000 $317,000,000 

Baker. 87 350,000,000 

Carpenter — 200,000,000 

Chadwick 5 37,000,000 

Edwards -- 160 90,000,000 

Hyde, N. S 200 12,500,000 

Hyde, Ann 150 360,000,000 

Hyde, Bklyn 1 5,000,000 

Jennings 1,835 400,000,000 

Kern - — 200,000,000 

Leake. — 100,000,000 

Mackey 1 10,000,000 

Merritt 80 10,000,000 

Shepherd 15 175,000,000 

Trotter 200 300,000,000 

Townley'. '..—■: — 1,800,000,000 

Lawrenee-Townley 50 500,000,000 

Van Horn 20 4,000,000 

Webber 60 50,000,000 

Weiss .." 4 30,000,000 

Q-rand total— 30 estates; 3,868 heirs; value of estates, $4,740,500,000. 

In one of these cases (the Hyde Case) several thousand dollars were 
spent in a vain endeavor to find the location of the property or money.— 
Preston's Unclaimed Money. 



IN 1636, Koelof Jansen, who had been Assistant Superintendent of 
Farms at Kennselaerwick, obtained from the Dutch Director-General 
and Governor, Wouter Van Twiller, a grant of thirty-one morgend, or 
sixty-two acres, of land on Manhattan Island, a little to the north of Tort 
Amsterdam. On the city map to-day, the grant would cover a sec- 
tion beginning south of Warren Street, ^extending on Broadway to 
Duane, and thence northwesterly a mile and a half, to Christopher Street, 
forming an unequal triangle, with its base on North River. Soon after 
the grant, Jansen (or Jans) died, leaving a wife and four children. In 
1638, the widow, Anetje Jans, married Dominie Everardus Bogardus, and 
her farm became the " Dominie's Bouwerie." Possibly, if Van Twiller could 
have foreseen this transfer, he would not have made the grant to Jans. 
The new Governor and the new dominie were fellow passengers to Man- 
hattan in 1633, in the ship " Southberg," but after their arrival they did not 
harmonize. The Governor resented the dominie's interference in public 
affairs. Bogardus, in his pulpit, called Van Twiller " a child of Satan," 
which so incensed him that he never again darkened the dominie's door. 
In 1647, Bogardus sailed for home with William Kieft, who had been 
Governor since 1638, and now was superseded by Peter Sfcuyvesant. The 
ship was wrecked on the coast of Wales, and Bogardus, Kieft, and seventy- 
eight other passengers were lost. In 1664, by the English occupation, 
New Amsterdam became New York, and Colonel Richard NicoUs was Gov- 
ernor. The Jans grant had been confirmed to his heirs soon after the 
death of Bogardus; but in 16?1 the heirs sold the property to Colonel 
Francis Lovelace, who succeeded NicoUs as Governor in 1668. At this 
sale one of the heirs failed to be present, but Lovelace considered his title 
good enough, and he bought the Bouwerie for his private property, not 
for the Crown. On July 39, 1673, while Lovelace was away on a pleasure 
tour, five Dutch ships sailed up the bay, anchored ofE the Battery, and can- 
nonaded the city. Captain Oolve, with six hundred men, landed, and the 
fort soon surrendered. When Lovelace returned, he was permitted to sail 
for England, where he was severely reprimanded for cowardice and 
treachery. The peace between England and the States-General, 1674, 
restored New York, and one of the first acts of the 'new Governor, Sir 
Edmund Andros, was to confiscate the estate of Ldvelace to the Duke of 
York. The Jans-Bogardus Bouwerie was thus incorporated into what was 


called the Duke's farm, the King's farm (wnen the Duke of York became 
James II., and also under William and Mary)) and the Queen's farm under 
Anne, in whose reign it was transferred to "Trinity Church. 


Thus the Jans claim was wiped out ; indeed, it hardly ever was heard 
of till about thirty years ago, and Dr. Berrian, in his " Historical Sketch 
of Trinity Church," published in 1847, does not eyen mention it. But 
since then, uneasy heirs, or supposed heirs, the descendants of the 
daughters of Anetje Jans Bogardus, the Kiersteds and all their kin, the 
Van Brughs. and the sisters and the cousins and the aunts, and thousands 
more, are periodically stirred up by lawyers here and there, throughout the 
country, from Maine to Texas. Now and then a suit is suggested, with 
the representation that there are millions in it ; but no scheme of Mul- 
berry Sellers is more Utopian or hopeless. The State Courts repeatedly 
have re-affirmed the valid, subsisting, and absolute title of Trinity Church 
to all its property, and the claims of the Jans heirs are disposed of in 
" Sanford's Chancery Keports," vol. iv., p. 633, as follows : 

" The law on these claims is well settled, and it must be sustained in 
favor of religious corporations as well as private individuals. Indeed, it 
would be monstrous, if, after a possession such as has been proven in this 
case for nearly a century and one-half, open, notorious, and within sight 
of the temple of justice, the successive claimants, save one, being men of 
full age, and the courts open to-them all the time (except for seven years 
of the war of the revolution), the title to lands were tobe litigated success- 
fully upon a claim which has been suspended for five generations. Few ' 
titles in the country would be secure under such an administration of the 
law ; and its adoption would lead to scenes of fraud, corruption, foul in- 
justice, and legal rapine, far worse in their consequences upon the peace, 
good order, and happiness of society than external war or domestic insur- 

As for the story, sometime current, that Trinity corporation was will- 
ing to compromise such claims, it never has offered, and never will offer, 
one dollar for that purpose. 


This prelude explains and disposes of the Anetje Jans claims in con- 
nection with the property of the corporation ; and now properly begins 
the history of Trinity Church, especially in respect of its wealth, how its 
means were acquired, and how they have been and are dispensed, which we 
think will be interesting to the public at large, and especially to those who 
have at any time entertained a hope that they would some time become 
possessed of a large interest in it, as heirs of Anetje Jans. 

Immediately after the Dutch surrender of the colony, the English 
Church service was first celebiated in New York, September 14, 1664, by the 
chaplain of the English forces, the Dutch permitting the use of their church 
after their own morning service ; and for some years the two congregations 
used the same chapel, which was in the fort near the Battery. ' In 1678- 
80, the Kev. Charles Wooley, a graduate of Emanuel College, Cambridge, 
in 1677, was chaplain to the English garrison, and a journal of the time 
says : " We went at noon to hear the English minister, whose services took 


place after the Dutch church was out. There were not above twenty-five 
or thirty people in the church," which was a good congregation, for the en- 
tire population of the city was then only 2,500. In 1696-7, a church was 
built where Trinity now stands, and in 1697, the fifth year of the reign of 
William and Mary, by an act of the Assembly, approved and ratified by 
the Governor of the province, a royal grant was made of " a certain church 
and steeple lately built in the city of New York, together with a piece or par- 
cel of ground adjoining thereunto, being in or near to a street without the 
north gate of the city, commonly called and known by the name of the 
" Broad Way." The name given to the church in the original charter was 
the same it bears to-day. " The Parish of Trinity Church." The war- 
dens and vestrymen appointed under this charter included Col. Caleb 
Heathcote, an ancestor of the late Bishop Delancey, and such names as 
Morris, Clarke, Eead, Burroughs, Wilson, and Ludlow, familiar in this city 
now. The edifice was built by assessments and subscriptions mostly small, 
from £1 to £5 ; Gov. Fletcher gave £35 ; Chidlay Brook, Esq., £30 ; and 
Col. Peter Schuyler subscribed £5, "to be paid in boards." In a subse- 
quent separate subscription to build a steeple, in a total sum of £318, £5 
12s. 3d. was a "contribution from the Jews." In 1704, Sarah Knight, of 
Boston, kept a journal of her visit here, and she says of New York people : 
" They are generally of the Church of England and have a New England 
gentleman for their minister and a very fine church, set out with all cus- 
tomary requisites." This New England gentleman was the Rev. William 
Vesey, for whom Vesey Street was named. He was educated at Harvard, 
and was a dissenting preacher but was appointed rector "provided he should 
be admitted to holy orders," and he went to England and was ordained. 
His first service in Trinity was on March 13, 1698, and he was rector nearly 
fifty years, till his death, on July 11, 1746. At first his salary was £100, 
with £36 allowance for house rent, and afterwards the Easter Communion 
offerings and £34s. from the weekly collections were allowed him. The 
clerk and sexton were paid from fees for christenings, marriages, funerals, 
and bell-ringings. 


In 1705, in the reign of Queen Anne, a grant was made to the corpo- 
ration to Trinity Church, by deed patent, signed by Lord Cornbury, then 
Governor of the province, of " the tract called the Queen's farm, lying on 
the west side of Manhattan Island," extending from what now is vesey 
Street, northwardly along the river to Skinner Road, now Christopher Street. 
This tract included the confiscated Lovelace land, bought from the Jans- 
Bogardus heirs. It was literally a farm then and of no great value — the 
city, with less than 5,500 population, was wholly below Wall Street — and 
in its first year's ownership, the church let the entire farm to George Ryerse, 
for £35. In 1737 the church, originally a small square building, was en- 
larged to 148 in length by 72 feet breadth, with a steeple 175 feet high. 
"It stands," says a historian of the time, "very pleasantly upon the banks 
of Hudson's river, and has a large cemetery on each side, enclosed in the 
front by a painted, paled fence. Before it, a long walk is railed off from 
the Broadvay, the pleasantest street of any in the town." It was a splen- 
did church for its day. The tops of the pillars supporting the galleries were 
decked with the gilt busts of angels winged ; two great glass branches were 
suspended from the ceiling ; on the wall hung the arms of some of the 
principal benefactors, conspicuous among them Gov. Fletcher's. During 


the reigns of William and Mary, Queen Anne, and George I. were be- 
stowed, by the bounty of the Crown, three full sets of Communion plate, 
inscribed with the initials of the donors and the royal arms. All the 
furniture of the altar, desk, and pulpit was of the richest and cost- 
liest kind ; and John Olemm built the organ for £520, the vestry adding 
a gratuity of £40. But with all this show, and with a wealthy 
congregation, the corporation, rich in productive property, was compara- 
tively poor, and for many years its wants were pressing. Among the 
early bequests are £50 from Abraham Depuyster, £500 from Thomas 
Duncan, £100 from Joseph Murray for the poor of the parish, and £50 
from Paul Richards for the same purpose. Prom the year 1709 the 
church conducted and supported a charity school. Prom 1715 it had 
assistant ministera, the first of whom were, catechists to the children, to 
the Indians, and especially to the negro slaves, numbers of whom were 
baptized and became communicants in the same church "with their own- 
ers, who were the wealthiest and most prominent people in the city. For, 
of course, till the Eevolution it was the Established Charch, and for 
sixty years the corporation, the vestry, the pew owners, or patentees, as 
they were called, included members of his Majesty's Council, Mayors, 
Recorders, Aldermen, Attorneys-General, and other city and provincial 
magnates. At the same time the selection of wardens and vestrymen 
extended to all classes and callings, limited only by reference to the fit- 
ness, intelligence, and probity of those who were appointed. 


After the death of William Vesey, the Rev. Henry Barclay, father of 
Thomas Barclay, the first British Consul-General in the United States, 
and grandfather of Henry Barclay, British Consul in this city, was 
appointed rector, and was inducted into office October 33, 1746. An induc- 
tion in those days required considerable red tape. First, letters from the 
vestry to the Lord Bishop of London, and to the Venerable Society for the 
Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and next to his Excellency, 
the Hon. George Clinton, Esq., Captain-General and Governor-in-Ohief 
in and over the Province of New York and territories thereon depending, 
in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, and Vice- Admiral of the red 
squadron of his Majesty's fleet. To all this the Governor, signing himself 
simply G. Clinton, sent letters of admission and institution, and a mandate 
for the induction of " Henry Barclay, Clerk, able to be Rector of the 
Parish Church of Trinity Church, in the City of New York;" and rector 
he was for eighteen years, until he died, October 38, 1764. He gives its 
name to Barclay Street. And here it may be noted that Chambers, Des- 
brosses, Duane, Jay, Laight, Moore, Morris, Murray, some of them opened 
through church property, all were named for wardens and vestrymen 
of Trinity, and the derivation of Rector, Church, and so on, is obvious. 


A few years after the induction of Mr. Barclay, the congregation had 
so increased that, although there were 3,000 sittings in the church, it was 
resolved to build a chapel. This was the beginning of St. George's. The 
church lands were still unproductive, but in July, 1749, the corporation 
bought from Henry Beekman six lots fronting on Nassau and Fair (Beak- 


man) streets. These lots ^cost £645, and their estimated value in 1871 
was 1500,000. Trinity issued bonds for £3,000 to build the chapel. Some 
subscriptions came in. The Archbishop of Canterbury sent £10 ; Sir 
Peter Warren (for whom, and not for General Warren, as some suppose, 
Warren Street was named) contributed £100. Sir Peter built for his town 
residence the house, 1 Broadway, which some authorities insist was built 
by Archibald Kennedy, some tinie Collector of this port, and afterward the 
Scotch Earl of Cassflis ; but Warren built it in 1742, long before Kennedy 
lived in it. St. George's was opened July 1, 1752. It was a neat, stone- 
faced edifice, 92 feet long, 72 feet wide, with a steeple 1 75 feet high, and 
was furnished with " a fine large bell, which cost £88 3s. 2d. sterling." In 
1811 St. George's separated from Trinity, but in 1812 Trinity endowed it 
with twenty-four lots on Greenwich, Barclay, Murray, Warren, Chambers, 
and Reade streets, then annually renting for |3,000 for twenty-one years, 
and $3,200 for a second term of twenty-one years. In 1813 the endow- 
ments were increased by eight lots on EeaHe, Murray, and Chambers 
streets, then renting for $1,020 annually, and Trinity bought from Cor- 
nelius J. Bogert, for $3,125, a lot to enlarge St. George's church-yard, 
besides paying $5,104 for an iron railing and some repairs in the church. 
In 1814 the church was burned, and Trinity rebuilt it at a cost of $31,000, 
besides buying, for $14,000, the adjacent estate of Thomas Burling. The 
gifts of Trinity to St. George's in money and lots, at their then value, 
amounted to nearly a quarter of a million. In 1752 Trinity corporation' 
gave to King's (Columbia) College the tract of land between Murray and 
Barclay streets, and extending from Church Street to the river. More 
than thirty years ago, this ground was very safely estimated to be worth 
"perhaps $400,000." 


The Rev. Samuel Auchmuty, born in Boston, educated at Harvard 
College, and ordained in London, who had been assistant to Mr. Barclay 
and catechist to the blacks, succeeded to the rectorship of Trinity, Septem- 
ber 1, 1764. The estate of the corporation had become more productive, 
but its income was still comparatively limited. Yet, in 1763, it was 
resolved to set apart the lots on Broadway and Partition (Fulton) Street 
for another chapel, and to borrow £15,750 to build St. Paul's. This beauti- 
ful building, the only church in the city now standing on its original site, and 
presenting substantially the same unchanged appearance it did more than 
a century ago, was opened for service October 30,1766, and Dr. Auchmuty 
preached the dedication sermon, and the Governor, Sir Henry Moore, by 
permission of the vestry, introduced a band of music. Trinity, now famous 
for its choral service, paid much attention to its music long ago. The 
New York Gazette, January 15, 1761, notes that " on Sunday last, at Trin- 
ity Church, was performed an Anthem on the death of his late sacred 
Majesty" (George II., who died October 25, 1760, and the news was lojig in 
coming), composed by Mr Tuckey, organ part by Mr. Harrison, solo part 
by Mr. Tuckey, and chorus by the boys of the Charity School." In 1762 
Trinity sold its old organ, gave 700 guineas for a new one, and advanced 
the salary of the organist to £18 per quarter. The Gazette of September 
23, 1762, announced that " Mr William Tuckey has obligated himself to 
teach a sufficient number of persons to perform the Te Deum, and he de- 
sires all persons, from lads of 10 years old, to be speedy in their applica- 


tion, and he will receive all qualified until there are fifty voices in the 
chorus." This was the beginning of boy choirs and choral service in the 
city. It is pleasant to note, too, in the Gazette, February 10, 1772, that a 
considerable sum of money was collected and charity sermons preached 
on the previous Sunday at Trinity, St. George's, and St. Paul's for the re- 
lief of the prisoners in the " Goal" of the city, " they being in want, not 
only of firing, but even of the common necessaries of life." 


In 1774 New York was a prosperous place of some 23,000 population. 
In that year John Adams on his way to the Congress in Philadelphia, 
stopped here, and the simple-minded Bostouian, never before beyond the 
limits of New England, was much impressed, as his diary records, by 
" the opulence and splendor of the city." But troubulous times soon 
came, and first to the Church of England clergymen, who were loyalists. 
On April 14, 1776, Washington arrived in the city and took command of 
the American army, which, with his re-enforcements, numbered 10,335 
men. Di:. Auchmuty was in New Jersey, and his assistant, the Rev. 
Charles Inglis, was notified that Washington would be at Trinity on Sun- 
day, and "would be glad if the prayers for the King and royal family were 
omitted," but Inglis paid no regard to it. Not long after, while he was 
officiating, a conipany of 150 men entered the church, drums beating, fifes 
playing, and with loaded guns and fixed bayonets. The congregation was 
terrified, and several women fainted. It was feared that when Mr. Inglis 
read the collects for the King and royal family he would be fired at, but he 
went on with the service as usual and was undisturbed. By the unani- 
mous request of the members of the church he consented to preach on 
May 17, appointed by Congress as a day of fasting and prayer, but he 
made peace and repentance his subject and disclaimed having anything ta 
do with " politics." At length it was thought expedient, by such of the 
vestry as remained in town, to shut up the churches. On September 15, 
the King's troops returned. Six days afterward a fire destroyed about one- 
fourth of the city, including Trinity Church, its rectory, its two charity 
schoolhouses, the whole costing £23,300, besides the loss to the corpora- 
tion of £536 annual rent of 346 lots, on which the tenant's buildings were 
burnt. Poor Dr. Auchmuty forced his way back on foot and at night, 
through the lines, and raked the rubbish of the ruins, but found nothing 
valuable, except the church plate and his own. The registers of bap- 
tisms, marriages, and burials from the foundation of the parish were 
destroyed, and much family history was thus lost. Dr. Auchmuty 
preached his last sermon in St. Paul's, and two days afterward fell sick 
and died March 4, 1777. He was buried in the chancel of St. Paul's, and 
was succeeded as rector of Trinity parish March 30, by the Rev. Charles:. 
Inglis, who resigned November 1, 1783, just before the evacuation of the 
city by the British troops, and afterward became Bishop of Nova Scotia. 
He was a loyalist to the last, and one of the last loyalists in Trinity parish. 


The Legislature, April 17, 1784, passed "An act for making such 
alterations in the charter of the corporation of Trinity Church, so as to 
make it more conformable to the Constitution of the State." Robert R^ 


Livingston and James Duane were appointed wardens, and the vestry 
included Francis Lewis, one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- 
pendence, Eichard Morris, WiUiani Duer, Eobert Troup, John Stevens, 
Anthony Lispenard, John Rutherford, and other historic names; and, 
April 23, "agreeable. to the desire of the Whig Episcopalians," the Ev . 
Samuel Provoost was inducted rector. He was one of the nine in the 
first class graduated, in 1759, from King's (Columbia) College, which th n 
was a frame building in Trinity church-yard. He was consecrated Bishop 
of New York in 1787, and in 1789 was chosen chaplain to the United 
States Senate. On the day of "Washington's inauguration he preached 
before the President and all the dignitaries in St. Paul's Chapel. The 
•secoad Trinity Church building was erected on the site of the former one 
in 1788. Long afterward the inscribed tablet on the corner-stone was 
discovered in the church-yard, at some distance from the building, broken 
in two pieces, and in 1877 was set in thv. wall of the monument room of 
the church. Bishop Provoost was rector till he resigned December 23, 
1800, and on that day the Eev. Benjamin Moore succeeded him. He was 
consecrated Bishop of New York in 1801, but continued rector of Trinity 
till he died, February 27, 1816. In 1803-7 St. John's Chapel was built on 
the east side of Hudson Square, then a wild and marshy spot, with great 
ponds in the neighborhood — the resort of sportsmen in the summer and 
skaters in the winter. The chapel, which has undergone alteration and 
enlargement three times, originally cost nearly $173,000, and the organ, 
ordered just before the war of 1813 at an expense of $6,000, was captured 
by a British cruiser, and it cost $2,000 more to redeem it. John Henry 
Hobart who was graduated at Princeton, and who had been assistant 
minister since 1801, and assistant Bishop since May 29, 1811, was inducted 
March 11, 1816, and continued rector till his death September 12, 1880. 
His remains rest in the chancel. The Eev. William Berrian was recter 
from October 11, 1830, to his death, November 1, 1863. The present 
xector, the Eev. Morgan Dix, D. D., was inducted November 11, 1863. 
Thus, in a period of 183 years, there have been but nine rectors of 


In 1839 Trinity Church was pulled down, and the present splendid 
structure was begun by the architect, Mr. Eichard Upjohn. It was com- 
pleted in seven years, at a cost, all told, including clock, chimes and or- 
gan, of $358,639.94 — probably less than one-half the sum that would be 
required to build such a church now. It was consecrated on Ascension 
Day, May 21, 1846, by Bishop McCoskry of Michigan, and the procession, 
which included more than 150 Doctors of Divinity in surplices, started 
from Bunkers, which was then (it sounds queerly enough now), a fashion- 
able hotel at 39 Broadway. Among the many old citizens present was 
John P. Groshon, who attended the opening of St. Paul's in 1766, and, 
•stranger still, in the audience was Mrs. Ann Livingston, who was at the 
consecration of the second edifice, and was baptized in the first. The 
reredos, erected in 1877 by Mr. John Jacob Astor and his brother, Will- 
iam, as a memorial to their father, cost them about $50,000, and at the 
same time the corporation expended some $40,000 in re-decorating the 
chancel, and building new robing rooms in the rear. Trinity Chapel, in 
"Twenty-Fifjih Street, built in 1851-56, cost $230,000. St. Ohrysostam'r 
'Chapel, in Thirty-Ninth Street, built in 1869, cost for land $38,000 and 


buildings 160,000. St. Augustine's, in Houston Street, consecrated Novem- 
ber 30, 1877, cost $360,000'; and to build this fine church the corporation 
borrowed $200,000 — its only debt to-day. St. Cornelius, on Governor's 
Island, which Triiiity has supported since 1868, and supplied with a cler- 
gyman, who also acts as post chaplain, is included in the chapels of the 

trinity's gifts. /^ 

In the early history of the parish it was itself in need of assistance, 
but almost as soon as its property became productive it began to give it 
away. Since 1745 its gifts to other churches, in money, lots, communion 
plate, fonts, pulpits, carpets, bells, and everything that can enter into the 
construction and decoration of churches, are innumerable. At one time 
it gave £300 towards ground for a negro cemetery. In 1786 it granted 
three lots in Robinson Street (now Park place) for the use of the senior 
pastors of the Presbyterian congregations in the city. Besides the grants 
a,lready noted, to Columbia College and St. George's Church, it granted in 
1795-98 to St. Mark's, built on land given by the Stuyvesants, besides 
some $20,000 in money, lots estimated thirty years ago to be worth $131,- 
OOO ; to Grace Church, in 1804-11, $130,000 ; Christ Church, 175,000 ; 
St. Thomas's, $33,300 ; St. Luke's, $55,800 ; All Saints', $31,500 ; Ascen- 
«ion, $15,500 ; St. Philip's, $18,000 ; and to churches, colleges, and what 
not, all over the State and elsewhere, loans, gifts and grants, which, in 
1847, were estimated at $3,000,000. The corporation was then cumbered 
with a debt of $440,000, and as most of its lots had been leased out at an 
"early period on mere nominal rents, the annual revenue from ground 
rents, pew rents, and all other sources had never in any one year up to 
that time reached $58,000. The building of Trinity Cliapel carried the 
debt of the corporation up to $668,000. In 1857 the deficits in revenue 
for ten years amounted to $373,597.35, and in tlie same time the cOrpo 
ration had contributed and given away outside of the parish $388,141.05. 
The deficits were met by the sale of real estate and the consequent con- 
sumption of the principal. Gen. John a Dix, a vestryman since 1849, and 
a warden and the comptroller of the corporation since 1876, was the first 
to suggest measures to put a stop to the general giving away of every- 
thing to everybody. In 1868 the sale of St. John's Park to the Hudson 
Eiver Railway Company, and about the same time the falling in of the 
Astor and Lispenard leases, enabled Trinity to wipe out its debt. 


The property of the corporation, which common rumor makes cover 
pretty much the' whole of lower New York, west of Broadway, and to be 
worth from seventy to one hundred millions, consists actually of 750 lots 
which, in 1877, yielded an income of $456,786.45, less than the legal 
interest on seven million dollars, and the whole property, except the 
ground occupied by seven churches, four schoolhouses, four cemeteries, a 
Tectory, an infirmary, and a few vacant lots, was productive. In 1878 
the income was a little less. The corporation is about to pull down a 
large building on the corner of King and Greenwich streets, and erect 
-tenement houses on the site. For this purpose it will borrow money, as it 
now sells no lots, except in very rave instances, to accommodate adjacent 
ovmers who wish to enlarge their premises. Occasionally tenants have 



old houses which they neglect and let go to ruin, and these sometimes the 
corporation buys and. pute in order to be rented. 

Out of its revenue, say $450,000, the corporation pays city taxes, 
which, in 1877 were more than $100,500, besides considerabfe assessments. 
It wholly supports its seven churches, of which three are entirely free, two 
nearly free, and of the few pews rented in Trinity the highest brings but 
$85 a year. Besides its own churches, schools, infirmary, and sundry 
charities and societies, it supports wholly or in part eighteen more 
churches in the city, the principal of which are St. Luke^ in Hudson 
Street, which is allowed $10,000 a year, and All Saints', at the comer of 
Henry and Scammel streets, which draws $6,000 a year. The total of 
such allowances outside of the parish amounted in 1877 to-4 7,660.19, and 
in 1878 to $44,971.33. Its infirmary costs $7,300, and beds at St. Luke's 
Hospital $3,000 a year. The corporation expends its entire revenue in 
purposes for which the trust from its foundation was designed, and does 
not hoard one dollar. 




WE have had repeated inquiries respecting the above Estate, and as it 
is seldom the Treasury have occasion to administer to such a large 
amount of personalty, it may be of interest for many to know the history 
of the deceased, and of the litigation to which his intestacy gave rise. 

In January, 1787, a Mr. John Turner, then a young man, entered as 
a junior clerk in the Ordnance Office in the Tower, at a salary of £70 a 
year. In April, 1787, he resigned that office and became clerk Jo the Sun 
Eire Office, where, in 1805 he rose to be chief clerk, and retired in 1835 on 
a pension of £200 a year. From 1807 to 1824 he lodged with Mrs. 
Derusier, at 130, Great Russell Street. In that year he removed to 13, 
Upper Thomhaugh Street (now Huntley Street), where he died on the 31st 
January, 1843, having, on the 21st March, 1841, been found a lunatic. He 
left a considerable fortune, estimated at the time from £80,000 to £100,000, 
the result of successful speculation, and more especially from the fortunate 
purchase of a lottery ticket. 

After his death advertisements were inserted calling for his Next of 
Kin, but, none appearing, Mr. George Maule, Sohcitor to the Treasury, 
obtained letters of Administration on behalf of the Crown, and the 
balance of the property, afterpayment of the debts and certain legacies left 
by an imperfect testamentary paper, was paid over to the Consolidated 
Fund. Some time after this payment, certain persons filed a Bill against 
Mr. Maule, claiming the property as the lawful Next of Kin. 

They stated the Intestate to have been the son of John and Elizabeth 
Turner, married at Badwell Ash, near Burry, in 1755, that he was baptized 
14th January, 1763, in the name of " Theophilus." He had three brothers 
and four sisters, two of whom survived him. "When about sixteen years 
of age " Theophilus," then residing with his father, who was in the service 
of the Rev. Dr. Ord, at Famham St. Martin's, left that place for some 
offense he had committed. It was proven that he was at school there. 

No further trace of him is found, but the Plaintiff says he is identi- 
cal with the "John Turner" who entered as a clerk in the Tower. The 
evidence showed that he had left his home, and his family understood Dr. 
Ord intended to bring him up to the sea ; thai he was called "Jack the 
Sailor," having been to sea for a short time, and the Claimant supposed 
that Dr. Ord had obtained for him the clerkship in the Tower. 
The Plaintiff produced also full evidence of statements made by Mr. 
John Turner, whilst a clerk in the Sun Fire Office, as to his early history, 



which showed that he was the "Theophilus" the son of Dr. Ord's gardener. 
At his office he would say nothing as to his early life,but occasionally he fell 
in with persons of his own class with whom he would be more communi- 
cative. The evidence of two of the witnesses to whom Turner had told 
his history was to the effect that he (Turner), lived in Suffolk in his early 
years, and left it in dungeon with his relations there. 

The Court of Chancery gave judgment in favor of the Plaintiff, and 
ordered Mr. Maule to pay into Court, before the 1st May, 1849, the sum of 
£52,373 3s. lid., being the net balance of deceased's property. The gross 
amount realized from his estate was £60,430. 


It is not often that persons have wealth suddenly thrust upon them; 
and the five Italians who discovered themselves to be jointly entitled to 
more than £300,000 cannot be looked upon as otherwise than exceedingly 
fortunate persons. The money in question was the whole of the residuary 
estate of an aged lady named Maria Mangini Brown, who died in 1871 in 
Hertford Street, Mayf air, whose parentage and possessions we propose to 
shortly discuss. Mrs. Brown was the daughter of one Antonio Mangini, 
better known in England as Anthony Mangin, who filled various different 
positions iij life, and subsequently towards the latter part of the last cent- 
ury found himself Agent and Consul-General in London of the Ligurian 
or Genoese Kepublic,' one of those strugghng states practically obliterated 
by the First Napolean. He was a commercial man who amassed much 
wealth ; and married an Englishwoman who pre-deceased him. Mangini 
himself died in 1803, leaving the bulk of his property to his daughter 
Maria, who is supposed to have married one Aquila Brown, by whom she 
had a daughter who died before her and left descendants who, unluckily 
for themselves, are unable to produce any certificate or other evidence of 
a marriage between Brown and their grandmother. All Maria Mangini 
Brown's issue, therefor, being either extinct or shut out, it became neces- 
sary on her death, in 1871, to seek her Next of Kin from among Consul 
Mangini's descendants, she not having left any valid will. None of these 
being forthcoming, the Treasury administered to her estate and assumed 
possession of her accumulated wealth, subsequently paying it into the 
Court of Chancery. Here, then, was a wide field for claimants to come 
from. There was no reason to suppose Antonio Mangini illegitimate, and 
he must therefore have Next of Kin in existence somewhere. --They came 
eventually, and were no less than thirteen in number, of whom one, a 
Mrs. Lane, actually got a Chancery decree made in her favor, ordering the 
payment to her alone of nearly the whole of the £300,000. Before, how- 
ever, she could enjoy the fruits of her judgment, certain Italians named 
Ffeccia, proved themselves nearer of kin than Mrs. Lane to the defunct 
Consul, and got her judgment reversed in their, favor. Two of these Prec- 
cias received their apportioned shares out of court, and retired to enjoy 
them to their native land ; but before the remaining three received theirs, 
a -Madame Sturla put in a claim on behalf of herself and four others, al- 
leging that they in turn were armed with evidence which would prove that 
they could supplant the Freccias just as the Freccias had ousted the un- 
fortunate Mrs. Lane. They did not deny that the Freccia family were 
Next of Kin to one Antonio Mangini who was born at St. Ilario,near Genoa, 
in 1735, but they asserted that Consul Mangini was quite another person 


of precisely the same name, who was born at Quarto, also near Jenoa, 
in 1744, and from whom they were lineally descended. To support 
these different views of the case evidence was produced which took 
Vice-Chancellor Malins fourteen days to hear, and upwards of 2,000 pages 
of printed documents were filed by the different parties. The case lay in a; 
nut-shell, but the kernel was difficult to extract. A strong point in the Frec- 
cia's favor as against the Sturlas was that on Consul Mangini's death in, 
1803 the ancestors of the former family asserted themselves' to be his heirs, 
and instituted abortive Chancery proceedings for declaring Mrs. Brown 
illegitimate, and themselves entitled to her father's property. It was 
thought that the Quarto Manginis would have been the first to do this had 
they really been of kin; but it was never satisfactorially shown that their 
Counsel's contention — viz., that they never knew that any proceedings at all 
were going on — was a just one. The question then depended entirely on the 
identity of the Consul, as the chains of representation of the two families 
with their two namesake ancestors were unbroken. We have not space to 
go into the evidence, which was of the usual conflicting character. 
Among other proof the Sturla family relied to a great extent on a docu- 
ment relating to the Cjonsul's appointment, discovered in the Genoese 
State -Archives, which they alleged bore on their view of the case ; but the 
Chief Clerk, to whom the matter was referred in the first instance, found 
that it had at some period been tampered with. This becoming known ta 
the Italian Government they required the paper to be returned to them, so 
it was not available for the Vice-Chancellor's inspection. Ultimately, after 
as little delay as was compatible with the greatness of the case, the Vice- 
Chancellor decided that the assertion of Madam Sturla and her co-claim- 
ants as representatives of the Quarto Mangini family had failed, and that 
the Ligurian Consul having been the Antonio Mangini born at St. Ilario,. 
the Freccias were entitled to the £300,000 left by his daughter. This judg- 
ment was delivered in his absence, and his reasons for it have yet to be 
made known. Be they what they may, however, the not- unsuspicious 
circumstance connected with the authenticity of Madam^Sburla's document- 
ary evidence, and the means, which it is admitted, were used to raise 
money to conduct her case, seems to point to the fact that had it been 
more just it would have been commenced sooner, and had she and her co- 
heirs been properly entitled they would not have needed a sort of joint- 
stock company, formed in Genoa, to raise funds for prosecuting it. The 
Vice-Chancellor dismissed the Sturlas' summons to vary his Chief Clerk's 
certificate, and also their action, with costs against them in each case. 
Whether the unsuccessful parties will appeal is not yet ascertained, and 
seems at least doubtful. Much stronger evidence will be needed to upset 
the case of their more fortunate opponents. 

Gazette of Notembek, 1880. — It will be remembered that this cele- 
brated case of unclaimed property which has now gone from the lowest to 
the highest of our Equity tribunals, was recently decided definitely by the 
House of Lords, against the appellants. A brief recapitulation of the facts 
of the case may be of interest. The deceased, Maria Mangini-Brown, an 
elderly widow lady, died at her residence, No. 38, Hertford Street, Mayfair, 
on 31st December, 1871, leaving about a quarter of a million sterling. All 
her descendants were either deceased or shut out, and as she made no 
valid testamentary disposition, the Crown took possession of her estate. 
Claimants were not long in coming forward, and ultimately the true Next 
of Kin of the deceased were found in the persons of a family named 


Preccia. They obtained a decree in their favor, and a portion of the fund 
was paid out to two of the claimants. Very soon after this, however, cer- 
tain other persons, among them a Mrs. Sturla, came forward, and asserted 
that they were the true Next of Kin of the intestate, whose father was not, 
as asserted by the Freccias, born at St. Ilario, near Genoa, in 1735, but 
another person, born at Quarto, not far from that town, in 1744. The 
question was one of identity, and although every authority before whom 
the case was brought, decided that the St. Ilario Mangini was the real 
''Simon Pure," the disappointed Sturlas appealed from every decision 
until the case was decided against them by the highest judicial tribunal in 
the Eealm. 

The case of Mrs. Sturla and her co-heirs depended, as has been already 
stated, on a document purporting to have been obtained from the State 
Archives office in Genoa, and which had been tampered with at some period 
or other. They have not only failed in their attempt to prove themselves 
what they are not, but are also saddled with all the costs of the former de- 
cisions against them ; they cannot even receive that condolence in their mis- 
iortune to which they would have been entitled had not questionable prac- 
tices been resorted to in order to strengthen their claim. , 


The litigation to which the above intestacy has given rise, has been 
the subject of discussion in the county of Kent and elsewhere for some 
time past. 

The intelligence that an heir was wanted to an estate of one Chapman, 
worth about £1,200 a year, is, of course, very interesting to all bearing 
that name ; and the happy news did not long remain a privileged subject 
of gossip among the people of that county. It was soon known over the coun- 
try, and, as is usual in such cases, was quickly taken up by our American cous- 
ins, who, according as it suited their whims or fancies, added or subtracted par- 
ticulars as to the family, taking care in all cases to increase considerably the 
original amount — in one instance to an incredible figure. The estate is sit- 
uated between Ashford and Faversham, and the last possessors were two 
old ladies, Elizabeth and Catherine Chapman. The former died in 
October, 1863, and bequeathed her moiety to the tenants ; the other moiety 
was the property of Catherine Chapman, a lunatic, who died at Periton 
Court, Westwell, Kent, on 9th November, 1869, a spinster, and intestate, 
and was undisposed of. This is the subject of dispute. Advertisements 
were inserted in 1863, by the Commissioners in Lunacy, calling for the heirs 
of Catherine Chapman, with a view of their being appointed committees 
of the lunatic. Inquiries and researches were made into the Chapman 
pedigree, but the result was such a multiplicity of Chapmans that, owing 
to the faulty way in which the old parish registers were kept, it was almost 
impossible to distinguish the difEerent branches of the family. There were, 
in several instances, at the same time, more than one Chapman of the 
same Christian name in the same neighborhood, and of about the same age. 

Col, Deedes, as lord of the manor, claimed the estate as an escheat in 
default of heirs ; but, after two trials, the suit was decided against him, 
there being, indeed, no lack of heirs. The case came on in March last, 
before the Lord Chief Justice and a special jury, against the tenants of 
a farm in the parish of Great Chart, Kent, and forming part of the estate. 
Our space will not permit us to give particulars of the claimant's pedigree. 


Suffice it to say that the plaintifE in this instance claimed on the maternal 
line, as a descendant of the fifth generation of Susan Manooch, also mar- 
ried to a Chapman, the sister of Martha, wife of William Chapman, of 
"VVestwell, who died in 1748, and who was the great-grandfather of the 

The defendants assert that the rightful heir is Thomas Elvey, a 
descendant of William Chapman, of Badlesmere, whom they state to be iden- 
tical with the paternal ancestor of the intestate who died in 1748. 

The difficulty was to determine who was the heir from the number of 
claimants, for, as Mr. Hawkins observed at a previous trial, there were 
about 450 relatives of John Chapman living about the neighborhood, where 
the Chapmans had been settled for centuries. The jury found in favor 
of the defendants, and anotlier action must still be brought to determine 
who is entitled. 


Those who have had occasion to search the parochial registers in this 
country previous to the General Registration Act of 183 7,cannot fail to have 
been struck by the extraordinary carelessness with which these records were 
kept. In some parishes the baptisms, marriages and burials were indis- 
criminately entered without any attempt at regularity, and in others in 
the form of a diary. In some instances even the facts have been altogether 
omitted to be entered, the certificate granted at the time remaining the 
only evidence. From many registers leaves have been destroyed and 
names cut out, and in some parishes whole volumes are wanting. It is but 
fair to state that in the towns they were naturally more carefully attended to. 

Lay registration being unknown previous to 1837, it is frequently 
very difficult, if not impbssible, to obtain certificates, and it is necessary 
then to have recourse to other means — family Bibles, wills, etc. We are 
in this respect, a striking contrast to our neighbors across the Channel, 
who have always attached the greatest importance to the preservation of 
these records. The way in which their registers are kept, and the full par- 
ticulars they afford, render the compilation of any pedigree comparatively 
easy. A case came recently before Vice-Chancellor Sir Richard Malins 
which illustrates the impossibility of sometimes producing certificates and 
showing the secondary evidence which is admitted in such cases. A Mr. 
Richard Thomas died recently intestate as to the residue of his estate. 
An administration suit was instituted in the Chancery Division, and as is 
usual in snch matters, a chief clerk was directed to inquire who were the 
testator's' Next of Kin. He certified that there were twelve nephews and 
nieces of the testator who were entitled to share equally in the distribu- 
tion of his residuary estate. Amongst these he included the five children 
of one Jonathan Mickleburgh, of Crediton, and Elizabeth, his wife, 
formerly Elizabeth Thomas, spinster, the sister of the testator. The 
other Next of Kin alleged that these five persons were illegitimate, their 
parents never having been married, and that, consequently, they were not 
entitled to share in distribution to the residuary estate of the testator. 
No actual evidence, either positive or negative was adduced in respect of 
this marriage. From the year 1804 down to the date of Mrs. Mickle- 
burgh's death in 1835, the parties in question had lived together as man 
and wife, and were acknowledged and received as such by their friends and 
in society. Two old inhabitants of Crediton, stated that within their 
memory, Mr. and Mrs. Mickleburgh had always been considered by the 


inhabitants as man and wife. Moreover the testator himself believed 
his sister to have been properly married and left record of his belief by 
his will, in which a legacy is left to his niece, one of the daughters of his 
Bister, Elizabeth Micklebargh. The Vice-Chaucellor observed that where 
two people had lived together for thirty years, during the whole of which 
time they were received^ society as husband an wife, it would be very hard 
if their family were to be bastardized twenty-four years after the death of 
the survivor. In conclusion, his lordship said he should found his decision 
on the broad principle essential to the welfare of society, that where two 
persons have lived together for many years as husband and wife, have been 
universally received as such, and have had their children baptized in the 
usual manner, they should be considered as married. Accordingly, the Vice- 
Chancellor decided that the children of Jonathan and Elizabeth Mickle- 
burgh are legitimate and entitled to rank as Next of Kin on the estate of 
the testator, Kichard Thomas. 

EB Goodman's trusts. 

This appeal from a decision of the Master of the Rolls raises a very 
important question — whether the word children in the Statute for the 
distribution of Intestate Estates includes only children legitimate accord- 
ing to English law, or includes those who are legitimate according to the 
law of the country in which the parents are domiciled at the time of their 
birth, but illegitimate according to English law. The facts are briefly 
these. Miss Rachael Goodman, an English lady, died in London on the 
15th March, 1878, intestate as to one-third of her estate. All her brothers 
and sisters had died in her life time, two only leaving issue who survived 
their aunt, viz. : Isaac Goodman, who left four children, and respect- . 
ing whose rights as four of the Next of Kin there is no question, and Lyon 
Goodman who, according to English law, left but one legitimate child. 
This Lyon Goodman lived in England with one Charlotte Smith, and by 
her had three illegitimate children who, being bom in England, have raised 
no claim. In 1820 he took up his abode in Amsterdam, and continued to 
reside in that city until 1826. Thither he was followed -by Charlotte 
Smith and the three children. In 1821 a fourth child, named Hannah, 
was born to them. In the following year he married Charlotte Smith, and 
after the marriage he had by her another child, Mary. By the Dutch laws 
all children born beforethe marriage are legitimated by the marriage. Han- 
nah Goodman, now Mrs. Pieret, is to all intents and purposes legitimate in 
Holland, her native country, and the question in this matter arose, whether 
she is to be considered legitimate according to the law of England, and 
consequently entitled, as one of the Next of Kin, to a share in that portion 
of the estate as to which her late aunt died intestate. The Master of the 
Rolls held that the deceased, being a British subject domiciled in this 
country, her estate being administered according to Enghsh law, that such 
only can be considered as Next of Kin who are legitimate according to the 
laws of England, and not according to the laws of the country where 
the parents are domiciled at the time of the child's birth. 

Prom this decision Mrs. Pieret appealed. The case was argued on the 
4th of March, when their Lordships took time to consider their judgment, 
which was given at considerable length on the 13th inst. Lord Justice 
Lush was of opinion that the judgment of the Master of the Rolls was 
right, and ought to be afl&rmed, but Lords Justices Cotton and Jamesi 


being of a contrary opinion, the judgment was conseqaently reversed, in 
accordance with the views of the majority of the Court. 

It is a recognized fact that the estate of a deceased person is distrib- 
uted by the Enghsh Courts according. to the laws of the countrv in which 
he is domiciled ; and had Lyon Goodman, being domiciled in Holland 
died intestate, his persenal property in England would have been distrib- 
uted according to Dutch law — that is, Mrs. Pieret would have been consid- 
ered as one of his lawful children. This fact was admitted on both sides • 
but the case before the Court was the administration of an estate according 
to Enghsh law. Lords Justices Cotton and James were of opiaion that, 
in considering the legitimacy of a person born in a foreign country to rank 
as Next of Kin on an English estate, the law of England will so far depart 
from its own recognized rule, and consider as legitimate a person who is so 
in his native country, although illegitimate according to English law. 
Upon this point Lord Justice Lush differed from his colleagues. It would 
certainly appear an inconsistency that Mrs. Pieret should be considered 
in this said country as legitimate and entitled to succeed to her father's estate, 
and as illegitimate and debarred from all share in her aunt's estate • but 
English law affords many examples of such incongruities, the present 
decision being among the number, as, although Mrs. Pieret is declared 
legitimate, and entitled to succeed to personalty as a collateral, she would 
be excluded from any share in real estate as illegitimate, according to the 
judgment of the House of Lords in " Birtwhistle v. Bardill." Our space is 
too limited to allow us to follow the arguments of the learned judges in 
this case ; we can only briefly notice the facts. The judgments on both 
sides of the question are very forcible and evenly balanced ; so much so 
that whichever side is considered first appears to be irrefutable by the force 
of its reasoning. Such could hardly be otherwise than the case, when we 
have such authorities as the Master of Rolls and Lord Justice Lush on 
the one side, and Lords Justices Cotton and James on the other. The 
case may yet be taken- to a higher tribunal for final revision, and under the 
circumstances, as a matter of public interest, we may express the hope that 
such may be the case, although in the interest of the litigantsj we should 
hope that it may rest where it is. The amount really involved by this 
question is not considerable (some £3,000, we believe), and we are afraid 
the recognized Next of Kin in the first instance will, even if successful on 
a further appeal, hot reap much benefit from its decision. 


The administration of this estate was made the subject of debate in 
the House or Commons, attention being called thereto by Colonel Alexan- 
der, the member for South Ayreshire, and the discussion that ensued is 
fully reported in the Times of 27th June, 1877. Mr. Paterson, of Jamaica, 
having acquired a large fortune, bequeathed one-half to his sister and her 
children and the other half to his illegitimate son, expressly stipulating 
that should his said son die without heirs, his share should not go to the 
testator's sister or heirat-law, but to a distant cousin of his own. 

The illegitimate son came to Scotland, where he lived a secluded life, 
and spent but little of his large income. He appears to have been most 
eccentric, sought to conceal his property, and was not on friendly terms 
with his father's relatives. He died in January, 1874, intestate, leaving 
personal property amounting to about £40,000, and being a bastard, the 
Treasury took possession of his estate. 


Colonel Alexander claims that his constituent Mr. Paterson, of Mont- 
gomery, be put in the same position as he would have occupied had the 
deceased, his cousin-german been legitimate. 

Mr. W. H. Smith, on behalf of the Treasury, submits that the law 
gives the property to the State, leaving a discretionary power to the Treas- 
ury as to its distribution. Although in this case no will had been pro- 
duced, there is no evidence that one does not exist, as in another case a 
will had turned up, and the principal was claimed together with 4 per 
cent interest after fifty years. Several parties claim an interest in this es- 
tate, the solicitors alleging that the intestate intended leaving them a sum 
of nearly £30,000 which had stood in their names for the last twenty years. 
The Bailies of Kilmarnock represent it would be carrying out the wishes 
of the deceased if the money were given for the public objects of that town. 
The minister of the High Church at Kilmarnock, confirmed the statement 
that the deceased entertained an antipathy against his relations, and he 
inferred that the deceased probably intended to leave him a, legacy. The 
law, however, gave the estate to the Crown, and the relations had already 
been provided for to the extent of one-half the original property. 

It was stated in the course of the inquiry that the property of intes- 
tate bastards was formerly administered to in Scotland by the old Scotch 
Lords of the Treasury, then by the Barons of the Exchequer, and since 
1833 by the Lords of the Treasury. Prior to 1836, in Scotland a bastard 
was unable to make a will, even in favor of his own children, his estate be- 
ing dealt with by the Crown. The following is the general principal by 
which the Treasury is guided in dealing with the estates of intestate bas- 
tards, as stated by the Secretary to the Treasury in answer to a question 
by Mr. Grieve, and reported in the Times of the 24tli February : — " First of 
all the claims of any individual are dealt with. An inquiry is made 
whether there is any evidence, either by an informal will or otherwise of 
an intention to make provision for that individual. Then they consider 
further whether a strong claim exists on the part of individuals with re- 
gard to whom there is no such evidence. Then they proceed to consider 
what would have been the disposal of the property supposing the deceased 
had been legitimate, and they follow the principles laid down by the law 
for the distribution of property in the case of legitimate persons who die 

The resolution of Colonel Alexander was negatived by 197 to 135, 
showing a majority of 62. 

We have read with much interest the remarks of the hon. members 
on behalf of the Treasury, and especially of the disinterested way in which 
it appears that their Lordships distribute the funds of estates in their charge. 
We fully admit the great responsibility incumbent upon them, but we submit 
that where their Lordships deal with millions of the public money, they 
might be more communicative in their replies respecting estates under 
their control (in most cases amounting only to a few hundred pounds), and 
not endeavor to preclude inquiries by short, evasive replies which frequently 
deter claimants from establishing their title, and often inspire the pub- 
lic with the idea that the British Government consider " Might as Eight." 



THE history of the " Lutine" is remarkable, not merely for the amount of 
specie got from'time to time out of the wreck, but from the fact that, 
although the wreck occurred in the year 1799, salving operations have been 
continued to the present time. The facts are as follows : — On October 9, 1 799 
the "Lutine" of 33 guns, sailed from Yarmouth Eoads with several passen- 
gers, and an immense quantity of treasure, for the Texel. In the course 
of the day it came on to blow a heavy gale, which continued the whole 
night ; the ship drove on the outer bank of the Ply Island passage, and 
was lost. The darkness of the night and violence of the gale precluded 
all possibility of giving her the least assistance. At daylight not a vestige 
of the vessel was to be seen ; she had gone to pieces, and every soul, except- 
ing two, had perished. The money she had on board is said to have 
amounted to £140,000. 

Conflicting accounts of the foregoing disaster appeared in the news- 
papers, and there was considerable difference of opinion as to the value of 
the lost specie ; the lowest estimate is that given above, the highest £3, 
000,000. The most vague and contradictory statements were promul- 
gated as to the contents of the " Lutine"; some writers stated that the 
Grown Jewels of Holland formed part of her cargo; others that the money 
to pay the British troops (then in Holland) was on board ; while others in- 
sisted that the treasure was consigned by English to Hamburg merchants ; 
each and all of these statements contained a certain substratum of truth. 
It appeared that the treasure had been consigned to Hamburg by certain 
mercantile firms, having been first very heavily insured in various ofiices 
On receipt of a certificate of the loss of the vessel, the underwriters promptly 
paid the claims. Salvage operations were then commenced, and in 
about eighteen months £80,000, or thereabouts rewarded the efforts of the 
divers and others engaged in the enterprise. The Dutch Government, by. 
reason of the wreck having occurred on their coast, took two-thirds of 
the specie found, the remaining one-third going to the finders. Some 
silver spoons and a sword were among the articles found. 

In 1814 further attempts were made to get at the wreck, which had be- 
come deeply imbedded in the sand, 'but with very indifferent success ; The 
results of seven years' toil (1814-1821) being the recovery of only a few 
pieces of silver. In 1823 a Company was formed for the purpose of pros- 
ecuting a further search for the lost treasure, the Dutch Government by 
agreement taking half the amount recovered, in consideration of a sum 
of money advanced to the Company. Several thousand pounds were spent 
in diving operations, but the result was absolutely nil. Next, Lloyd^s 


appeared on the scene, and after much negotiation the Dutch Government 
agreed to hand over half of any further salvage recovered to Lhy^s. From 
1832 to 1857 spasmodic efforts were made to fish up further specie, but the 
result was merely anxiety and vexation of spirit to those engaged in the 
venture. In 1857 a further agreement was entered into between the Dutch 
Government and LhydHs, and from 1857 to 1861 (sixty years after the 
wreck took place) great good fortune attended the efforts of the searchers, 
about £35,000 being the amount of Lloyd!s share ; some interesting relics 
were also found, including part of the ship's rudder, and her bell. By the 
destruction of the Royal Exchange by fire, in 1838, the books and papers 
relating to Lhyd^s were lost, and the original underwriters of the " Lutine" 
cannot now be traced. 

In 1871 the Society of LloytPs applied for a special act of Parliament ; 
the preamble of that Act concisely recites the history of the negotiations 
between Lloyd's and the Dutch Government, and states that the Committee 
of Lloyds had in hand a sum of about £35,000, resulting from the salving 
operations aforesaid. 

The following extracts from that Act will be interesting to claimants •. 
" Section 34 provides that the Society of LloySs may from time to time aid 
in or undertake in such manner as to them seems fit the discovery, recovery, 
protection, and restoration, or other disposal of property before or after the 
passing of the Act, wrecked, sunk, lost, or abandoned, or found, or recovered 
in or beneath the sea, or on the shore at home or abroad," 

" Section 35 provides that the Society may from time to time do or 
join in doing all such lawful things as they think expedient, with a view 
to further salving from the wreck of the "Lutine", and hold, receive, and ap- 
ply for that purpose so much of the money to be received by means of 
salving therefrom .... and the net money produced thereby, and the 
said sum of, £35,000 shall be applied for the purposes connected! with ship- 
ping or marine insurance, according to a scheme to be prepared by the 
Society and confirmed by Order in Council on the recommendation of the 
Board of Trade after- or subject to such pubUc notice to claimants of any 
part of the money aforesaid to come in, and such investigation of claims 
and such barring of claims not made or not proved, and such reservation 
of rights (if any) as the Board of Trade thinks fit," 

Possibly in years to come a violent storm may arise, and the bed of 
sand now covering the wreck be again shifted, thus affording scope for 
further diving operations. 

A parallel case to that of the "Lutine" was that of the "Thetis", a British 
frigate, wrecked on the coast of Brazil in 1830, with £163,000 in bullion 
on board. The hull went to pieces, leaving the treasure upon the bottom 
in five or six fathoms water. The Admiral on the Brazil Station and the 
captains and crew of four sloops-of-war were engaged for eighteen months 
in recovering the treasure. The service was attended with great skill, 
labor, and danger, and four lives were lost. A good deal of litigation was 
the result, as disputes arose between the parties as to the amount of re- 
ward for the salvors. The Court of Admiralty awarded £17,000; the 
Privy Council £39,000, and £35,800 for expenses. 

Some years ago a Company, styled " The Wreck Recovery and Sal- 
vage Company (Limited)," was launched under distinguished patronage, 
for carrying on the business of " Ship Eaisers and Cargo Salvors." It had 
however but a brief existence. 

The following Advertisement contams materials for an interesting 
tale of the sea : — 


"Eobert Fleurian, otherwise Florio, who, in 1793, went as steward oa 
board a brig, which sailed from Wapping bound for the West Indies or 
America, and was compelled soon after to put into the port of Liverpool 
for repairs, where she lay up'_^for some time. During such time the said 
Eobert Flurian wrote to his brother in London, saying he thought he 
ehould not wait for the vessel, but get another ship, since which time noth- 
ing has been heard of him, nor of the said vessel, but it is supposed she 
aailed from Liverpool and was lost at sea, and that the said Robert Florio 
perished . . . He would, if now living, be entitled to certain property under 
the will of his mother, or if he is dead, his wife or children would have an 
interest in such property." 

Some five and twenty years ago a whole family were lost in the wreck 
of an emigrant vessel. The following facts, taken from a report of the 
case, show conclusively that loss of life at sea may give rise to family com- 
plications and years of litigation : — 

John TuUey, by his Will, bequeathed all his real and personal Estate 
to trustees for the benefit of his only child, Mary Ann, till she attained 21, 
or marriage, then to pay her £500 ; then, for her separate use, during life ; 
on her decease, to her children. Testator died in 1833. In June, 1834, 
Mary Ann TuUey married John Underwood. Three children were born 
unto them — a daughter and two sons. By Orders of the Court of Chan- 
cery, the trust estate on the death of John Tulley's first executors became 
vested in the appellant, William Wing, and the respondent, Richard 

On October 4, 1853, Mary Ann Underwood duly made her will, and 
disposed of the property she took under her father's will, thus : — "to my 
husband, John underwood, his heirs, etc., subject to the estates and inter- 
ests of my children therein, under the will of my late father ; and in case 
my said husband should die in my lifetime, then I bequeath the said heredita- 
ments, etc., to William Wing . . . ." Her husband and Wing were named 
executors. John Underwood, on the same 4th day of October, 1853, exe- 
cuted his will, and thereby devised and bequeathed all^his real and personal 
estate to the appellant iipon trust for his wife, Mary Ann Underwood, her 
heirs, etc., absolutely. Then came the following proviso: — "and in case 
my said wife shall die in my lifetime, then I direct that my said real and 

Sersonal estate shall be held by my said trustee, upon trust, for my three chil- 
ren, to be equally divided among them ; and, in case all of them shall 
die under the age of twenty-one .... then to the said William Wing, 
his heirs, etc., absolutely." Testator appointed his wife and said William 
Wing, executrix and executor. 

On October 13, 1853, John Underwood and his wife, with their three 
■children, embarked together in the "Dalhousie," an emigrant ship, bound for 
Australia, and on the 19th of the same month the ship was wrecked ofE 
Beachy Head, and the father, mother, and three children were all drowned 
at sea. Now the complications began. Wing proved the wills of both John 
Underwood and his wife, Mrs. Underwood, senior, in January, 1854, took 
out Letters of Administration to the goods of her granddaughter Catherine, 
who was seen alive after her parents haid perished. She also filed a bill 
against Wing, praying for an account of the personal estate of John Under- 
wood, and of the separate estate of his wife, and that her own right as 
administratrix of Catherine in the residue of the two personal estates might 
be ascertained and declared. The bill alleged that in the events which 
had happened no beneficial right in the personal property vested in Wing. 


Evidence was taken on the subject of the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Under- 
wood and their children, and a medical man explained the process of 
drowning. In his opinion, assuming the four persons in question to have 
been in a continued state of submersion, death would take place in the 
case of all in two minutes at the outside. Two persons, both in health, 
being totally submerged at the same moment, asphyxia would ensue in the 
case of each at the same instant, as nearly as he could conceive. A person 
of seventy would live as long in such circumstances as a person of thirty, 
— assuming them both to be in health, — and a female as long as a male, 
and a weak man as long as a strong one. He could not, medically or phys- 
iologically, give any opinion whether Mr. or Mrs. Underwood was the sur- 
vivor. This evidence was corroborated by another medical man. A wit- 
ness for the defendant was of the opinion that the father survived the 
wife and two boys. Two other medical men confirmed this opinion. I^f 
will, therefore, be seen that in this, as in some other cases, the doctors dif- 
ferred and the lawyers consequently doubted. In 1864 the suit of Under- 
wood V. Wing was heard before the Master of the EoUs, who made a decree 
declaring the Tulleys entitled in equal shares to the residuary personal 
estate of the testator, John TuUey. This decree was appealed against, but 
was, in 1855, affirmed. Another bill was filed against Wing and the Tul- 
leys, and a similar decree was made to that made in the former suit. On 
the appeal to the House of Lords, both the suits were treated as involving- 
the same question, so far as Wing was concerned. Elaborate arguments 
were urged by learned Counsel on both sides, and numerous authorities 
cited, but the result was that the former decrees were confirmed. The 
foregoing case illustrates the glorious uncertainty of the law, and shows 
that in case of shipwreck, the possession of an estate may depend upon 
whether one member of a family survived the other by a few seconds only. 

A similar case came before the Civil Tribunal of Marseilles, in 1882. 
Husband and wife perished in a boat accident, and on the answer to the 
question who was the survivor, £75,000 depended. 

The following case will be especially interesting to readers of the sea- 
faring class, as it gives the history of property bequeathed to two seamen 
who, unfortunately, were lost at sea, and consequently never inherited the- 
same. The facts were these : — Eichard Corbitt, who died in 1839, by his 
will, directed the residue of his property to be converted and divided 
amongst his three children and grandchild. Of these children, James and 
Charles were merchant seamen, the former being the master and the latter 
the second mate of a ship called the "Thames," which traded between England 
and the West Indies. They left Demerara for England on the 9th of 
December, 1828, and touched at Dominica, on the 24th of that month, 
after which they were never seen nor heard of. Upon these facts being 
proven, the Master came to the conclusion that the sons survived the,' 

The Master's Eeport was disputed, and after learned arguments. Vice- 
Chancellor Knight Bruce said : — 

"The small amount of the property, the time and money which have' 
been already consumed in the investigation of this matter, as well as the- 
possibility that the expression of a judicial opinion on the question of fact 
may the more readily enable any party dissatisfied with my judgment to^ 
obtain that of the Lord Chancellor — all these considerations induce me to- 
give and to act upon the opinion, which the evidence before me impresses 
upon my mind There is no doubt the two men died. The question 


is, whether they died in their father's lifetime It is not for me now 

to decide what rule of evidence ought to guide the Court in a case where 
there is no probability one way or the other — where, for instance, there is 
no question of health or danger ; but where, on a particular day, a healthy 
man is seen exposed to no danger, and is never see a nor heard of again — 
that is not a case which it is now necessary to decide I am of opin- 
ion that these men died in their father's lifetime." 

This decision seems to have given satisfaction to the parties, as it was 
not appealed from. Some very intricate questions on the construction of 
the testator's will, however, arose when the cause came on for further con- 
sideration, and possibly a very large share of the estate was frittered away 
in costs. 

The following are specimens of Advertisements arising from loss of 
life at sea : — 

Five Pounds Eew^aed. — "Whereas Samuel Brooks, of Jesus College, 
Cambridge, did, on the evening of Monday, the 25th of August, 1851, witli 
his boatmen named Chellews and Stevens (both inhabitants of St. Ives, 
in Cornwall), sale from Milford Haven in a small yacht called the "Jack- 
daw", and neither the said Samuel Brooks nor the said boatmen have since- 
returned to their homes. The said Samuel Brooks was short in statue and 
'23 years of age. The night of the 25th of August, 1851, was very stormy, 
and the " Jackdaw" and its crew are supposed to have been lost at sea. Any 
person giving information .... tending to prove that the said Samuel 
Brooks is living, or if he is dead, or to prove the finding of the "Jackdaw,"' 
or any part of that vessel, shall receive the above reward. 

The following appeared just 100 years ago, and relates to the loss of 
a ship and every soul on board : — 

If the Next of Kin or any Eelations of "William Foster, late part-owner 
and master of the merchant ship "Commerce," who, with his wife and every 
person on board, was lost in the said ship, on her passage from Jamaica to- 
Bristol, in a violent gale of wind, in September,' 1783, will apply to ... . 
they will hear of something greatly to their advantage. 

It would be easy to multiply instances of persons supposed to have 
been lost at sea having been advertised for in connection with Unclaimed 
Money, but the foregoing are probably sufficient for the purposes of this. 

The approximate value of vessels of all nationalities with their cargoes 
lost during the year 1880, is said to have been no less than £68,327,000, 
including British property of the value of £47,495,000. These are start- 
ling figures. During the same year, unfortunately, about 4,000 lives were 
lost. — Frestm's Unclaimed Money. 



A GOOD many people are " making haste to be rich," and in the hurry 
of business charitable intentions are forgotten. If good resolutions 
are made, the putting of them into execution is too often deferred to a 
more conyenient season, which in many cases never arrives, for death steps 
in and puts an end to further procrastination; while, in other cases, 
intending testators endeavor to make up for past neglect by bequeathing 
magnificent sums to Charities, in the hope of perpetuating the renown of 
their good deeds, as well as of benefiting the Charities. The news of such 
bequests must always be disappointing to Heirs-at-Law and to Next of 
Kin. These bequests are made under the belief, doubtless, that " a man 
may do what he likes with his own." Such a belief may be a very com- 
forting one, but it rests on no sure foundation, as will be seen by the fol- 
lowing extract from what is known as the Mortmain Act, passed in the 
reign of King Gteorge II. : 

" Whereas, gifts or alienations of lands, tenements, or hereditaments 
in mortmain are prohibited or restrained by Magna Charta and divers 
other wholesome laws, as prejudicial to and against the common utility ; 
nevertheless this publick mischief has of late greatly increased by many 
large and improvident alienations or dispositions made by languishing or 
dying persons, or by other persons, to uses called charitable uses, to take 
place after their deaths, to the disherison of their lawful Heirs : For rem- 
edy whereof be it enacted. That from and after the 24th day of June, 
1736, no manors, lands, nor any sum or sums of money, goods, chattels, 
stocks in the publick funds, securities for money, or any other personal 
estate whatsoever, to be laid out or disposed of in the purchase of any 
lands shall be given, granted to or upon any person or persons for the 
iDenefit of any charitable uses whatsoever, unless such gift be made by deed 
dn the presence of two or more credible witnesses, twelve kalendar months 
at least before the death of such donor and be inroUed in His Majesty's 
High Court of Chancery within six kalendar months next after the exe- 
cution thereof." 

It is pretty evident that the provisions of the Mortmain Act are not 
generally known ; otherwise testators would be more careful when making 
their last Wills and testaments. It may be said that any one wishing to 
dispose of a large sum of money for charitable purposes would naturally 
consult a solicitor as to the best mode of procedure, but it is a well-known 
fact that many wealthy and eccentric individuals dislike this course ; hence 
the reason of so many " Wills of their Own " being made and upset. 



The Mortmain Act awears to have been passed for the benefit of 
Heirs-at-Law and Next of Kin, as instances are not.unknown of relatives 
being entirely " cut off " by a whimsical testator giving, in a pet, his whole 
fortune to eleemosynary uses but testators of this class cannot be too 
careful in framing their Wills, as may be seen by the following cases : 

A testator gave his real and personal estate for building or purchasing 
a chapel ; if any surplus, the same to go towards support of the minister, 
and, if further surplus, to charitable purposes, as executor should think 
fit. This trust was held to be wholly void ; the real estate went to the 
Heir, and the personalty to the Next of Kin. 

In another case, a testator gave his residuary estate for the purpose of 
bringing up children in the Roman Catholic faith. Here the fund did not 
^0 as the testator intended, nor did it go to the Next of Kin, but to 
ithe Grown, to be disposed of for some other charitable use under the Eoyal 
Sign Manual. 

A case decided by the Master of the Rolls, known as " Smith's Poor 
Kin Case," arising out of a charitable bequest made 250 years ago, has 
given rise to a good deal of discussion. The facts were these : In 1627 
Alderman Smith bequeathed £1,000 to be invested in land of the value of 
£60 a year, the income to be distributed for the relief and ransom of cap- 
tives taken by the Turkish pirates. Also a further sum of £1,000, to be 
invested in like manner, the income to be applied for the relief of the 
poorest of his kindred — such as were not able to work for their living, 
namely, — " sick, aged, and impotent persons, and such as could not main- 
tain their own charge." In pursuance of this benevolent testator's wishes, 
-an estate was bought at Kensington, and the income applied as directed 
by the terms of the Will. In course of time the value of the estate 
increased prodigiously, and so did the poor kindred ; there were only four 
in 1700, but in 1877 they numbered no less than 700. The estate is now 
•valued at upwards of £11,000 a year. 

In 1772, the trustees having long since ceased to apply one moiety of 
the income for the relief of captives taken by Turkish pirates, obtained an 
Act of Parliament enabling them to apply the whole income for the ben- 
efit of the Poor Kin of Smith. The Charity Commissioners made inquiry 
with a view to the preparation of a scheme for the better management of 
these funds, and found that in 1773 there were only fifteen poor kindred 
entitled to share therein. In 1807 there were twelve families claimants, 
and in 1830 there were fourteen families, numbering in the aggregate 
100 adults, recipients of, or candidates for, a share of Alderman Smith's 
bounty. In 1868 the 412 "poor" kindred lived in 110 households in the 
United Kingdom, France, and the Colonies. The claimants on this 
dharity comprise persons who were apparently never intended to be bene- 
fited by the terms of the original bequest. For instance, a retired drug- 
gist, a retired surgeon, a wholesale grocer, a gentleman (occupation not 
■given), a surgeon, and a music master — these claimants admit, for the 
purposes of apportionment, that the income of each exceeds £300 a year. 
"One claimant asks for the payment of a governess for his children ; and 
another (who is described as an actor, a refreshment hou«e keeper, and a 
■cupper) begs for assistance to go to the seaside ; another (a reduced pen- 
sioner) has £440 a year. One annuitant is described as occasionally 
coming to receive her dole (£40) with black eyes, saying " she had fallen 
down.'^ One of Alderman Smith's poor kin is represented as ragged and 
destitute, and had, by his own statement, " been dying of consumption for 


above twenty years ;" another, who had once been a soldier, and after- 
wards a bootmaker, had been in prison for deserting his family, while 
another is described as a regular beggar, in whose family the charity had 
done much mischief. 

Another claimant wrote to the trustees thus : 

" Gentlemest : I take the liberty of writeing again to inform you 
that I was entitled to my allowance at Christmas, and I don't see why I 
should be kept seven months witliout it. It his my right, and I did not 
send to ask for it till I inherrited it. If you will not send it to me, I will 

come and see the Trustees about it and I shall expect you 

to pay my expenses there and back. I am almost distressed. I owe £8 
for rent and £4 for clothes, and £3 10s. for provisions, and I have not got 
one shilling towards paying either of the bills, and I think it is very hard 
you will not send me my allowance and it his my rights, and which I ought 
ito have had it last Christmas." 

The Charity Commissioners have been directed to frame a new 
Scheme, and to apply a portion of the income to general charitable use. 
Judging by letters in the Times from Alderman Smith's Next of Kin, the 
decision of the Master of the EoUs has caused great dismay in the camp 
of the Smiths ; they claim the whole fund, and regard appropriation of any 
portion thereof to general charitable uses as " confiscation." 

Cases of a similar kind are exceedingly numerous. The following 
illustrates how uncertainly the Mortmain Act works: — A gentleman 
devised a freehold estate to trustees in trust to sell it, and pay the pro- 
ceeds, together with his residuary personal estate, to the trustees of the 
British Museum, to be by them employed for the benefit of that institu- 
tion. The question was whether this devise was void under the Mortmain. 
Act. Counsel for the trustees of the Museum contended that the British 
Museum was not a charitable institution. It was founded by the munifi- 
cence of the State for the benefit of the public. Every gift for the use of 
the public is not necessarily a charity. The Museum is National property, 
and for that reason it was held in Thellusson v. Woodford that the devise 
to the King for the use of the Sinking,Fand was good. Counsel for the 
Heir-at-Law contended that the British Museum was no more National 
property than a Hospital or College of Royal foundation, and that the 
devise was void as' being within the Statute of Mortmain. The Vice- 
Chancellor decided in favor of the Heir-at-Law, observing " that it had 
long been settled that a gift of the price of land is, in effect, a gift of land 
under the Mortmain Act. In Mr. Thellusson's "Will there was a residuary 
gift, in certain events, towards payment of the National Debt ; but those 
events had not happened, nor probably never would happen ; and no 
decision had been given as to the validity of that gift. In this Will there 
is no such gift to the Nation, but a gift to an institution established by the 
Legislature for the collection and preservation of objects of science and of 
art, partly supplied at the pnbhc expense, and partly from individual liber- 
ality." The Vice-Chancellor added : — " I consider that every gift for a 
public purpose, whether local or general, is within the Mortmain Act,, 
although not a charitable use within the common and narrow sense 
of these words ; and consequently, I must declare this devise void as to the 
real estate." 

Having shown how easy it is for a charitable donor's intentions to be 
frustrated by legal technicalities, it may be convenient to give a note of 
one or two cases where charitable bequests have been held to be valid. 


A bequest to the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the time being, to 
be appropriated to the benefit and advantage of Great Britain, was held to 
be valid as a charitable bequest, as far as regarded property of a personal 
nature, but not as regarded realty. 

In another case, a testator by his will directed that a sum not exceed- 
ing £50 a year should be paid to a literary man, preference to be given to 
one not more than forty years of age. By a codicil he, declared that his 
object was to give what little assistance he could to a worthy literary per- 
son who had not been very successful in his career, and, as far as possible, 
to enable him to assist in extending the knowledge of those subjects in the 
various branches of literature to which the testator had turned his atten- 
tion: — "Held, that, provided the literary works of the testator were con- 
sistent with religion and morality, this was a charity to which the law of 
England would give effect." Many a poor author has probably had 
cause to rejoice that this benevolent testator's intentions were not frus- 

The following amusing anecdote is from the Pall Mall Gazette. It 
may be safely termed " An Unintentional Benefaction," and will be read 
with regret by expectant legatees : 

" A gentleman who had been dining, 'not wisely, but too well,' in the 
course of the evening drew a check for a large amount, and, having signed 
it, poked it, by means of a stick, into a box placed at the gates of a char- 
itable institution to receive the donations of passers-by. When he 
regained his sobriety the next morning, he remembered with horror his 
liberality of the previous night, and addressed a moving appeal to the 
Managers of the institution in question to restore the amount of the check, 
which he found had been cashed before he had time to dress himself or 
drink one bottle of soda-water. As it was found that the unfortunate man 
had absolutely left himself penniless, the Managers, it is believed, kindly 
allowed him a small sum, to carry him on till the. next quarter ; but the 
shock was too much for him, and, after a few days of intense mental 
agony, he fell into a state of total abstinence, from which he never rallied." 

Disputes between Heirs-at-Law and Charities are very common, and 
the cases above noticed are sufficient for the purpose of showing that 
Heirs-at-Law and Ifext of Kin not unfrequently take the benefit of a 
bequest intended for some Charity. — Preston's Unclaimed Money. 




AMONG- things not generally known is the fact that there annually 
lapses to the Government a very large sum from Unclaimed Divi- 
dends, presumably by reason of the representatives of the original Stock- 
holders not being known to the Bank of England authorities. 

A recent Parliamentary Paper shows that on January 4, 1882, the' 
Dividends due and not demanded amounted to £818,909 13s. 6d., of 
■which sum there was advanced to the Government £756,739 Os. 9d. 
The sums thus advanced to the Government are applied pursuant tO' 
the provisions of certain Acts of Parliament towards the reduction of the 
National Debt. 

Too much publicity cannot be given to the fact that these Unclaimed 
Dividends belong to the representatives of deceased Stockholders; they 
only await legitimate claimants proving their title as such representatives, 
prior to being re-transferred from the Commissioners for the reduction of 
the National Debt. 

In 1870, an Act was passed vrith the short title of the National Debt 
Act, which consolidated, -with amendments, certain eaactments relating to 
the National Debt. The provisions with reference to Unclaimed Dividends 
are collected together in Part VIII. of the Act. They are so important to 
the public, and the terms thereof so httle known, that it may be useful to 
state their efEect fully. 

Section 51 provides that all Stock, no dividend whereon is claimed for 
ten years shall be transferred in the books of the Bank of Eng- 
land to the National Debt Commissioners. 

Section 53 provides that, immediately after every such transfer, the 

following particulars shall be entered in a list to be kept by the Bank : (1) 

The name in which the Stock stood immediately before the transfer ; (2) 
The residence and description of the parties ; (3) The amount transferred ; 
and (4) The date of the transfer ; such lists to be open for inspection at 
the usual hours of transfer ; duplicates of each^list to be kept at the oflBce 
of the National Debt Commissioners. 

Section 53 relates to the mode of transfer, which is to be deemed as 
efEectual to all intents as if signed by the person in whose name the Stock 
then stands. 

Section 54 deals with subsequent Dividends. It provides that where 

*See page 8 for rate of fees for searching the Bank recordB for TTnclaimed Depoeite. 



Stock is transferred, all Dividends accruing thereon after the transfer 
shall be paid to the National Debt Commissioners, and shall be from time- 
to time invested by them in the purchase of other Uke Stock, to be placed to- 
their account of Unclaimed Dividends. All such Dividends, and the Stock 
arising from the public investment thereof, shall be held by those Com- 
missioners, subject to the claims of the parties entitled thereto. 

Section 55 relates to re-transfer and payment to persons showing title. 
It is in substance as follows: — Re-transfer may be made to any person 
showing his right thereto. In case the authorities are dissatisfied with the 
claimant's title, he may by petition, in a summary way, state and verify 
his claim to the Court of Chancery and the Court may make such Order 
thereon, touching the Stock, Dividends, and costs of application, as to the 
Court seems just. 

Section 56 provides that three months' notice must be given before 
re-transfer or payment, where the Stock or Dividends claimed exceed £20. 
Section 57 provides that Advertisements as to the re-transfer shall be- 
inserted in one or more newspapers circulating in London and elsewhere. 
Where any such Advertisement is ordered by the Court of Chancery, it iss 
to state the purport of the Order. 

Section 58 provides that at any time before re-transfer of Stockier pay- 
ment of dividend to a claimant, application may be made to the Court of 
Chancery to rescind or vary any Order made for re-transfer or payment- 

Section 59. — It may be desirable to give this Section in extenso, as it: 
relates to cases vrhere a second claimant appears : — 

" Where any stock or dividends having been re-transferred or paid as 
aforesaid to a claimant by either Bank is or are afterwards claimed by 
another person, the Bank and their officers shall not be responsible for ths' 
same to such other claimant, but he may have recourse against the person 
to whom the re-transfer or payment was made." 

Section 60. This contains a Very important proviso as to second 
claimants : — 

" Provided that if in any case a new claimant establishes his title to any 
Stock or Dividends re-transferred or paid to a former claimant, and is 
unable to obtain transfer or payment thereof from the former claimant, 
the Court of Chancery shall, on application by petition by the new claim- 
ant, verified as the Court requires, order the National Debt Commissioners 
to transfer to him any such sum in Stock, and to pay to him such sum in 
money or Dividend as the Court thinks just." 

This is good news for persons who have been defrauded by reason of 
a" fictitious claim having been made to Stock and Dividends justly their 
own. Such cases are unfortunately not without precedent. 

Section 61 relates to payment of Unclaimed Dividends to the National 
Debt Commissioners. 

Section 62 relates to Unclaimed Stock, consisting of Stock Certificates 
and Unclaimed Coupons. These are dealt with in a similar manner as 
nearly as may be to Unclaimed Stock and Dividends thereon. 

Section 63 enables the Treasury to empower the Bank of England 
or of Ireland to investigate the circumstances of any Stock or Dividends 
remaining unclaimed, with a view tO' ascertain the owners thereof, and 
allow to them such compensation for their trouble and expenses as to the; 
Treasury seems just. 

Section 66 grants indemnity to,' tha Banks ol England and Ireland. 


and their officers m respect of such re-transfers as aforesaid ; they are to 
be in no way responsible to any person having or claiming any interest in 
such Stocks and Dividends. 

From a careful perusal of the foregoing provisions, it vrould appear 
that the Legislature has provided proper means for dealing with Unclaimed 
Dividends of the Bank of England, — First, by applying them towards the 
reduction of the National Debt, and secondly, for re-transfer from the Com- 
missioners to persons entitled thereto on proper proofs of identity being 
produced to the authorities. 

I am often asked why Dividends continue to remain Unclaimed year 
after year, and my answer is, that in many cases (owing to the lapse of time 
and other reasons) it is very difficult to trace the legal personal represent- 
atives of the original Stockholders, and the State will, therefore, always 
have a large annual "windfall." Many years ago the Bank of England 
authorities published Lists containing the names and descriptions of Stock- 
holders entitled to Unclaimed Dividends, and the public were largely bene- 
fited thereby ; but it was stated that such publicaiion offered f acihties for 
fraud, hence their discontinuance. It seems rather hard that the majority 
of persons interested in these funds should suffer for the delinquencies of 
a few black sheep, and it is utterly impossible to believe that the Bank of 
England Solicitors (to whom, doubtless, any questionable claim would be 
referred) could be deceived in many cases. 

The means adopted by the Bank authorities for endeavoring to find 
claimants in the present day are, I believe, of a very limited character ; 
they address a communication to the parties supposed to be interested, 
acquainting them that their names appear on the Bank books, and that, 
if they will take measures to establish any claim they may have, all proper 
assistance will be afforded them. As 1 have stated above, it is almost 
iriipossible, in many cases, for the Bank authorities to trace the persons 
really interested, and the fact of large sums being annually applied towards 
the reduction of the National Debt, arising from Unclaimed Dividends, 
would seem to show that more publicity is necessary in the interests of 
Heirs-at-Law and Next of Kin. Many thousands of persons are more or 
less interested in these dividends, (the Stockholders number nearly 350,000), 
and the more accessible Lists like those above referred to are made, the 
more chance would there be of the grand total of Unclaimed Dividends 
being reduced. 

A specimen of an Advertisement issued by the Bank of England with 
reference to Unclaimed Dividends is subjoined : — 

"Bank OF England. — Unclaimed Dividends? — Applications having 
been made to the Governors of the Bank of England to direct the payment 
of Two Dividends on the sum of £10,500 Consolidated £3 per cent, annui- 
ties, heretofore standing in the name of .... deceased, and which Divi- 
dends were paid over to the Commissioners for the Eeduction of the National 
Debt, in consequence of the first thereof having remained unclaimed since 
■ • • • Notice is Hereby Given, that, on the expiration of three months 
from this date, the said Dividends will be paid to ... . one of the Execu- 
tors of .... deceased, who has claimed the same unless some other claim- 
ant shall sooner appear and make out his claim thereto." 

A remarkable case came before the late Vioe-Chancellor Malins, in 
which it appeared that a lady died at Marseilles at the great age of ninety- 
eight, who, though entitled to £56,000 in the Funds, and to more than 
£30,000 accumulated dividends, was constantly borrowing money from her 


relatives ; from which fact, it may be inferred, that this large deposit had 
escaped the aged lady's memory. 

The following are extracted from Lists of Unclaimed Dividends pub- 
lished by the Bank of England. The numbers after the dates denote the 
nuniiber of Dividends due when the Unclaimed Dividends were transferred 
to the Commissioners, for the Reduction of the National Debt. 


Aquilar, Benjamin Welbeck Street 1781 84 

Asnby, Francis Whitehall , 1774 .... 98 

Alexander, Robert •Edinburgh 1771 103 

Barnes, John 1778 89 

Burdett, Mary Cleveland Row 1773 101 

Brown, Sarah. Parliament Street.. 1766 114 

Collinson, Ann.. Lombard Street 1763 119 

Campbell, Elizabeth Park Street 1760 135 

Croce, James Cheapside 1759 137 

In addition to Unclaimed Dividends, the Bank of England, doubtless^ 
has large sums in the shape of Unclaimed Deposits. It is also custodian 
of boxes deposited in its cellars for safe custody. It is a pity that these 
boxes are not overhauled after the lapse of a certain number of years, and 
their contents advertised. It has occasionally oozed out that many of 
these consignments are not only of rare intrinsic and historical value, but 
of great romantic interest. For instance, some years ago the servant? of 
the Bank of England discovered in its vaults a chest, which, on being 
moved, literally fell to pieces. On examining the contents a quantity of 
massive plate, of the period of Charles II., was discovered, along with a 
bundle of old love-letters indited during the period of the Restoration. 
The Directors of the Bank caused search to be made in their books, — the 
representative of the original depositor of the box was discovered, and the 
plate and love-letters handed over. — Prestoris Unclaimed Money. 

The following clipped from a newspaper of Hartford, Connecticut, of 
date of December, 1883, shows that unclaimed dividends and deposits are 
not a thing peculiar to the Baiik of England : 

" Returns received by the State Controller to this date show that 
* there are in the several savings-banks deposits unclaimed for twenty years 
aggregating $69,000, and it is estimated that further reports to be received 
will bring the aggregate up to nearly $100,000. There are 705 depositors, 
averaging $98 each, whose accounts have not been disturbed for the 
period named or longer, and whose whereabouts are unknown to the 
officials of the banks. In Connecticut this unclaimed property does not 
escheat to the State, and the bank managers have earnestly fought every 
proposition for thus disposing of it or looking to such publicity regarding 
the individual deposits as would tend to enlighten heirs or others. News- 
paper publication of the list was defeated before the Legislature, and the 
original bill was so emasculated that, as passed, it calls only for an annual 
statement of the names of and amounts due depositors, to be filed with the 
State Controller. Such a list gives next to nothing in the way of informa- 
tion, and when filed in a public office and not published in any form it is 

'The Legislature will be asked next month to change all this, and to 
require that the banks give the last known residence and all other inf orma- 


tion in their possession regarding depositors. One single bank — the Society 
for Savings — in this city holds $53,000 of unclaimed deposits due 570 
depositors, one having $3,964 to his credit and four others over $1,000 
each. The New Haven Bank has seventy-five depositors who have not 
disturbed their deposits for twenty years or more, and several other banks 
from four to thirty each. It is a somewhat remarkable fact that the banks 
in the seaport towns, which might be supposed to have a considerable 
number of depositors lost at sea, make a comparatively small showing as 
contrasted with banks on inland towns and cities. The smallest unclaimed 
deposit in .any bank is 53' cents, due one Jixlia Ennis, who, twenty years 
ago or more, did not think it worth while to draw some odd pennies of her 
deposit. There is but one other missing depositor reported by that bank 
in Southport, and against Julia Ennis's 52 cents, he has $711.11 to hia 

For the lovers of the curious we append the following singular co-in- 
cidence in relation to bank notes : 

" On one occasion the Bank of England proved much too accommo- 
dating for its own interests. Somewhere about the year 1840 one of its 
own Directors, a man of wealth and of unimpeachable honor, bought an 
estate for £30,000, and for convenience sake obtained a note for that 
amount. On returning home, just as he was about to put it under lock 
and key, he was called out of the room, and placed the note on the mantel- 
piece. On coming back, a few minutes later, no note was to be seen. No 
one had entered the room in his absence, and, after an anxious search, he 
came to the conclusion that the precious bit of paper had fallen into the 
fire and been consumed. Hurrying off to Threadneedle Street he told his 
colleagues what had happened, and they gave him a second note upon his 
undertaking to restore the lost one if it should come again into his hands, 
and, in case of its being presented by anybody else, repay the amount to 
the bank. 

Thirty years afterward, when he had long been dead and his estate 
distributed among his heirs, the supposed non-existent note turned up at 
the bank counter, where it was presented for payment. All explanation 
of the circumstances connected with it were lost upon the presentee — the 
note had come to him from abroad in the course of business, and it must 
be honored without delay. There being no help for it, he was paid the 
£30,000. Application was made to the representatives of the defunct 
Director to refund the money, but they promptly disclaimed their liability, 
and the bank perforce had to put up with the loss. The story goes that 
it was discovered (how or when we are not informed) that the builder em- 
ployed to pull down the dead man's house, preparatory to rearing a new 
one on the site, had found the note in a crevice of the chimney, and kept- 
it and, his own counsel until he thought it was safe to reap the reward of 
his patience and unscrupulousness, and so became a rich man at a stroke. 

The executors of Sir Robert Burdett found no less than £370,000 
worth of bank notes scattered here and there about his house, some 
slipped into bundles of old papers, some between the leaves of books, with- 
out a memorandum anywhere to apprise them of the existence of such 
valuables, much less of their whereabouts. A little better advised were 
the executors of the gentleman wh» left behind him a scrap of paper 
marked " Seven hundred pounds in Till," although they failed to inter- 
pret its meaning until they had disposed of all the dead man's belong- 
mgs. When one of them recollected that his; library had contained a- 


folio edition of Tillotson's Sermons, and wondered if "Till" had any ref- 
erence to it The hooks had been sold to a bookseller, who luckily had 
not found a customer for them, although he had sent them on approval to 
a geutleman* at Cambridge, who had returned them as not answering 
his expectations. The executor bought the Tillotson back again, and 
going carefully through the Tolume, recovered notes to the amount of 


The watchman of a factory at New Haven, Conn., afforded the ad- 
ministrators of his estate no clew whatever as to the hiding-place of the 
savings, of which they believed him to have died possessed. Overhauhng 
his clothes preparatory to selling them by auction, one of them threw 
an old overcoat aside, when a dirty piece of cloth dropped out of one 
of the pockets. On examination this was found to be wrapped around 
a large cartridge shell, within which lay notes of $1,800 value, which, 
but for a mere chance, might unexpectedly have enriched a purchaser 
of second-hand clothing. 

Some sixty years since a Bank of England £5 note was paid iuto a 
Liverpool merchant's office in the ordinary course of business. On 
holding it up to the light to test its genuineness the Cashier saw some 
faint red marks upon it. Examining them closely, he traced some half- 
effaced words between the printed lines and upon the margin of the 
note, written apparently in blood. After a long and minute scrutiny 
he made out the words: "If this note should fall into the hands of 
John Dean, of Longhill, near Carlisle, he will learn hereby that his 
brother is languishing a prisoner in Algiers." The merchant immedi- 
ately communicated with Mr. Dean, and he lost no time in bringing the 
matter before the Government. Inquiries were set on foot, and the 
unfortunate man discovered and ransomed. He had been a slave to the 
Dey of Algiers for eleven years when the message he had traced with 
a splinter of wood dipped in his own blood reached the Liverpool 
counting-house. Liberty, however, came too late; the privations and 
hardships of the galleys had sapped his strength, and, although he was 
brought home to England, it was but to die. 



BEFORE quoting statistics concerning Unclaimed Dividends in Bank- 
ruptcy, it may not be out of place here to give a few extracts from the 
Bankruptcy Laws of the olden time. One of the earlier statutes prescribes 
the following penalty for the fraudulent conveying away of goods : — " If, 
on indictment, k bankrupt shall be convicted, he or she so convicted shall 
be set in the pillory in some public place for the space of two hours, and 
one of his or her ears nailed to the pillory and cut off." Persons fraud- 
ulently claiming the estate of a bankrupt were thus dealt with : — 

" If at any time before or after a person becomes a bankrupt, any per- 
sons do fraudulently, or by collusion, claim, demand, recover, possess, or 
detain any debts, duties, goods, chattels, lands, or tenements, by writing, 
triist or otherwise, which were or shall be due, belonging, or appertaining 
to any such offender, other than such as he or they can and do prove to be 

due by right and conscience every such person shall forfeit and 

lose double as much as he or they shall so claim." After the creditors were 
satisfied, forfeitures were disposed of thus : — "One moiety to the Commis- 
sioners of Bankrupts to be paid unto the Queen's Majesty, Her Heirs and 
Successors, and the other moiety thereof .... employed and distributed 
to, and amongst the poor within the hospitals in every city, town, or 
county where any such bankrupt shall happen to be." The disposal of 
one moiety of these forfeitures amongst the poor in hospitals no one 
would be disposed to cavil at — why the other moiety should go to the 
Queen's Majesty is not so clear. 

As recently as the year 1761, a person named Parrott was executed at 
Smithfield for fraudulently concealing the true state of his affairs from 
his creditors. 

A few years later on (in 1772) a noted firm of bankers stopped pay- 
ment. The event is thus dilated on in the newspapers of the day : — 

"It is almost impossible to describe the general consternation in the 
Metropolis at this instant. No event for 50 years past has been remem- 
bered to have given so fatal a blow both to trade and public credit ; an 
universal bankruptcy was expected ; the stoppage of almost every banking 
house in London was looked for ; the whole city was in an uproar ; many 
of the best families in tears .... caused by the rumor that one of the 
greatest bankers in London had stopped payment, which afterwards 

proved true The principal merchants assembled, and means were 

immediately concerted to revive trade and restore the national credit." 

Considering the distress the failure of a large firm causes, who can wonder 
at the penalties being so severe, in days gone by, for fraudulent bankruptcy ? 



In the year 1876 an Act had to be obtained arising out of the winding- 
up of the Western Bank of Scotland. That bank stopped payment in 1857, 
with liabilities amounting to nearly nine millions, and after the lapse of 
twenty years the fund, in the shape of Unclaimed Dividends, etc., remain, 
ing to be dealt with was £10,368. In the Liquidators' balance-sheet it is 
curious to note the alarming difference between nominal and estimated 
assets, thus : — Credits and overdrawn accounts, etc., set down in the Com- 
pany's books at £^,800,000, or thereabouts, are estimated to reahze the in- 
significant sum of £439 18s. 3d. 

A still more gigantic liquidation than that of the Western Bank of 
Scotland was that of the City of Glasgow Bank, which failed in 1878, and 
caused wide-spread ruin and misery. The habilities were about £14,400, 
000. with very small available assets. Two calls were made, one of £500, 
the other of £2,250, in respect of each £100 of stock. These enormous 
calls enabled the Liquidators to pay off the great bulk of the liabilities, 
and in 1882 an Act was passed transferring the remaining assets and lia- 
bilities to the " Assets Company." The balance-sheet showed that no less 
than £260,000 in the shape of interest could be claimed by creditors, and 
that no claims had been lodged in respect of £54,143 17s. 7d. The 
names of the persons entitled to these large sums have never been 

Acts of Parliament with reference to Bankruptcy have from time to 
time been passed, but, Judging from correspondence in the newspapers, 
they have failed to give entire satisfaction to the public. A Memorial pre- 
sented to Earl Cairns, when Lord Chancellor, contains some striking de- 
tails concerning Unclaimed Dividends in Bankruptcy, of which, the follow- 
ing is a summary : — 

In 1864 the Chief Kegistrar of the Bankruptcy Court stated before a 
Select Committee of the House of Commons that there was a fund called 
the "Unclaimed Dividend Account," producing £45,000 a year; that 
under the Trust Deed Clauses of the Act of 1861, and also under certain 
sections of the Act of 1869, very large sums had been received by trustees, 
none of whom were liable to any official supervision, or even rendered, as 
far as could be discovered, any amount of Unclaimed Dividends or undi- 
vided surplus to any person whatever. The value of bankrupts' estates 
and of estates administered under trust deeds during the period between 
1864 and 1876 was £68,817,221 10s. 

The Memorial proceeds : — " It will be seen that under Bankrupts' 
estates more than 30 per cent of the assets remain undivided at the end of 
the year, and that nearly £22,000 per annum has been paid to the Consol- 
idated Fund from Unclaimed Dividends. The estates under liquidations 
and compositions are more than four times the value of bankrupt estates, 
and must therefore yield at the least nearly £90,000 a year in Unclaimed 
Dividends ; . . . . also unemployed balances of at least a million and a 
half. Innumerable cases have been brought under my notice in which 
creditors under petitions for liquidation, which have been filed for months, 
have neither been able to get any dividend nor any information whatever 
respecting their debtors' estate, until, wearied by unavailing efforts, they 
have retired in hopeless disgust." 

The foregoing probably in some degree accounts for the enormous 
sums lying idle in the shape of Unclaimed Dividends. 

In 1877 the Secretary to the Mercantile Law Amendment Society 
wrote a long letter to the Times, which was characterized by the leading 


journal as an important and interesting document. We extract from it 
the following: — 

" The figures to which I am now about to refer are so important that 
I trust they will be carefully considered. I yenture to think they deserve 
the special consideration of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. It appears 
from the Comptroller's Eeturn that on 31st December last, there remained 
in the hands of trustees under Bankrupts' estates, undistributed assets 
amounting to £441,364 2s. lOd., and that in the Bank of' England there 
was a sum of £10,784 18s. 5d., being Unclaimed Dividends remaining 
after the close of bankruptcies .... immense sums of money in these 
cases must remain in the hands of trustees in the form of Unclaimed 
Dividends. Why should the Unclaimed Dividends be kept by these ad- 
venturers? .... Between 1862 and 1871 the gross value of the estates 
dealt with under the Bankruptcy Acts, 1861 and 1869, amounted to the 
immense sum of £74,564,326 All Unclaimed Dividends and undi- 
vided surpluses have been kept by the trustees It would be very 

diificult to estimate with accuracy the actual amount of Unclaimed Divi- 
dends now in the hands of trustees, but there can be no doubt that there 
is at least seven or eight millions of money." 

Some persons may possibly desire to be enlightened as to the prospect 
of obtaining their share of the funds referred to. The following section 
from the Bankruptcy Act of 1869 shows that Unclaimed Dividends may 
be recovered at any time, on proper reasons being given for the delay in 
sending in claims : — 

"116. Where any dividends remain unclaimed for five years, then 
and in every such case the same shall be deemed vested in the Crown, and 
shall be disposed of as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury 
direct : Provided that at any time after such vesting the Lord Chancellor 
or any Court authorized by him may by reason of the disability or absence 
beyond seas of the person entitled to the sum so vested, or for any other 
reason appearing to him sufficient, direct that the said sum shall be 
repaid out of money provided by parliament." 

A perusal of the foregoing facts will probably be sufficient to show 
what an important unit in the fabulous sums of money awaiting claimants 
are Unclaimed Dividends in Bankruptcy. 

There appeared in the Times, some years ago, a letter from " An Ex- 
ecutor," complaining bitterly of the delay in distributing Dividends ; in 
this case the published correspondence showed that £900 had quite escaped 
notice for upwards of ten years, and the editor of the City article of the 
Times, when commenting on the case, said : — " Were a Parliamentary Ee- 
turn of the residues of estates in the hands of trustees in Bankruptcy to 
be ordered, people would be startled at the totals it would reveal." ^ 

Various attempts have been made by successive Governments to 
amend the law of Bankruptcy. Most of the Bills have contained a clause 
providing for the transfer to the Crown of all Undistributed Assets and 
Unclaimed dividends (estimated by the Comptroller at about £5,000,000). 
Before such transfer takes place the names and addresses of the creditors 
entitled, with the amounts divisible, should be published in the leading 
newspapers, so that they or their representatives may have a fair chance 
of making good their claims. By omitting sums under £5 as not worth 
the expense of recovery, the cost of advertising would be defrayed. — Pres- 
torCs Unclaimed Money. 

We have had no opportunity of searching Eecords to ascertain even 



the approximate Amount of Unclaimed Dividends in Bankruptcy in the 
Courts of the United States, but we know that in the aggregate the 
amount is very large. Not in large sums to any one creditor, but in a 
multitude of small ones. The creditor of any Bankrupt having even a 
suspicion that a dividend may be remaining unclaimed, to his credit, 
would do well to inform this BUREAU of the fact, and have an investiga- 
tioa, aa it will cost but a trifle. 



THEEE is every reason to believe that the hoards of money and other 
valuables one so often reads of as having been discovered by workmen 
while engaged in pulling down old houses, have been secreted by Misers ; 
the result is that, in many cases, property thus found is taken possession 
of by persons whom the Misers never intended to benefit — namely, their 
Heirs-at-Law and Next of Kin. 

It is pretty certain that misers of both sexes existed ages ago, as they 
do in our own day, and the following notes concerning some notable 
examples of this class of monomaniacs may not be uninteresting. Of these 
who made it a rule of their lives to — " Gather gear by every wile," the case 
of M. Osterwald, who died at Paris in 1791, is remarkble, as showing that 
the richest man in a city may also be the most miserable one. He was the 
Son of a poor minister, and began life as a clerk in a banking-house, at 
Hamburg, where he acquired a small sum, which he augmented by hi® 
speculations in business and his economical mode of living ; he afterwards 
came to Paris, where he accumulated his enormous fortune. He was a, 
bach'elor-^the expenses of a wife and children being incompatible with hfe 
frugal mode of living. He had for a servant, a poor wretch, whom he never 
permitted to enter his apartment ; he had always promised that at his death 
he should be handsomely recompensed, and accordingly he left him a pit- 
tance of six months' wages and a suit of clothes, but, as he expressly statei, 
"not the most new." A few days before his death some of his acquaint- 
ances, who saw that he was reduced to the last extremity by want of nour- 
ishment, proposed to him to have some soup. "Yes, yes," he replied, "it, 
is easy to talk of soup— but what is to become of the meat ?" Thus died 
one who was reported to be the richest man in Paris, more from want of 
care and proper nourishment than from disease. He is stated to have left 
to relations, whom he had probably .never seen, the sum of three millions, 
sterling. Under his bolster were found eight hundred thousand livres in 
paper money. 

A miser died in Paris in 1880, leaving property supposed to be worth 
about £60. Some time elapsed before the heir presented himself, but on 
his doing so, a search was made in the miser's apartment, and no less a sum 
than £32,000 was discovered in a cupboard. 

The cases of these French misers strikingly illustrate the truth of the 
following lines : — 

To heirs unknown descends the unguarded store, 
Or wanders heaven-directed to the poor. 


In a recent case, — that of William Rhodes, known as the Hounslow 
miser, — two charities benefited largely by the miser's hoards. He was 
worth nearly £80,000, all of which he left to the Royal Free H6spital and 
the lifeboat Institution. The miser's nephews and nieces tried to upset the. 
will, but it was upheld, the two charities consenting to pay 1,000 guineas; 
to the Next of Kin. It is said that this miser commenced his savings by 
picking up cigar -ends and other unconsidered trifles. His household effects 
fetched £5 17s. 

A still more extraordinary case is that of an English lady, who died 
in 1766, in a lodging-house near the Broadway, in Deptford, at the age of 
96. Her name was Mary Luhorne. For upwards of forty years sh& 
lived in Greenwich and Deptford in the most penurious manner, denying^ 
herself the common necessaries of life. She was known not to have had any 
fire or candle in her apartment for fourteen years prior to her death. She fre- 
quently begged on the high roads when she went on business to the city.. 
Notwithstanding her wretched way of life, after her death there were found, 
securities in the Bank, South Sea, East India, and other Stocks to the- 
amount of £40,000 and upwards, besides jewels and other precious stones^ 
plate, china, clothes of every kind of the richest sort, great quantities of 
the finest silks, linen, velvets, etc., unmade of very great value, besides. 
a large sum of money. To whom all this treasure reverted does not 
appear ; it is to be hoped the miser's Next of Kin came in for a share of it. 

The neighborhood where Mary Luhorne died seems to be still famous. 
for its misers. In 1877 there died at Woolwich a Mr. John Clark, aged 
eighty-six. He is described as having been a man of education, but a very- 
singular character ; although reputed as immensely wealthy, he was very 
miserly in his habits, and lived to the last in a squalid hovel in the poorest, 
part of Woolwich ; the greater pprtion of his life was spent in the accumu- 
lation of books, of which he left a large store. It was reported that the 
front shutters of his house had not been opened for over thirty years ; he 
never took a regular meal, nor did he know the taste of wines or spirits. 
Yet, notwithstanding that he lived in such a den and suffered such priva- 
tions, he reached an octogenarian age, and died worth £40,000, or there- 
abouts. This bookworm, as well as miser, seems to have been a strange- 
combination of avarice and liberality ; for by his will he left no less than. 
£6,000 to his doctor, also £5,000 to his housekeeper, besides many legacies 
to local charities, and to a number of the poor neighbors by whom he wa& 
surrounded. Knowing well he could not take his wealth with him, h& 
appears to have tried to make some reparation for a wasted life by dis- 
posing of his treasures with a liberal hand. What his Next of Kin said 
about the legacy of £6,000 to the doctor is not recorded. Bequests of this 
nature are a prolific source of litigation. 

An instance of miserly habits in the great and pioble is to be found! 
in the case of that renowned captain, the Duke of Marlborough, of whom 
it is chronicled that, when in the last stage of life and very infirm, he- 
would walk from the public room in Bath to his lodgings, on a cqld, dark 
night, to save sixpence in chair hire. He died worth £1,500,000. 

It is recorded of a Sir James Lowther that, after changing a piece of 
silver in George's Coffee-house, and paying twopence for his dish of coffee,, 
he was helped into his chariot (he was then very lame and infirm), and went 
home. Some time after, he returned to the same coffee-house on purpose 
to acquaint the woman who kept it that she had given him a bad half- 
penny, and demanded another in exchange for it. Sir James is stated ta 


have then had about £40,000 per annum coming in, and was at a loss 
whom to appoint his heir. 

Sir Thomas Colby, an official high in office, shortened his existence by 
his passion for this world's goods, as appears by the following anecdote: — 
" He rose in the middle of the night, when he was in a very profuse per- 
■spiration, and walked down stairs to look for the key of his cellar, which 
he had inadvertently left on a table in the parlor ; he was apprehensive 
that his servants might seize the key and rob him of a bottle of port wine, 
instead of which he himself was seized with a chill, and died intestate, 
leaving over £300,000 in the funds, which was shared by five or six 
•day-laborers, who were his Next of Kin." Marvelous good luck for his 
poor relations ! 

Sir William Smyth, of Bedfordshire, when nearly seventy years of 
age, was wholly deprived of sight ; he was persuaded to be couched by a 
•celebrated oculist, who, by agreement, was to have sixty guineas if he 
restored his patient to any degree of sight. The oculist succeeded in his 
operation, and Sir William was able to read and write without ,the use of 
■spectacles, during the rest of his life ; but as soon as Sir William perceived 
the good effects of the oculist's skill, instead of being overjoyed, as any 
•other grateful person would have been, he began to lament the loss (as he 
•called it) of his sixty guineas. His contrivance, therefore, now was how to 
cheat the oculist. He pretended that he had only a glimmering, and 
oould see nothing perfectly. For that reason the bandage on his 
■eyes was continued a month longer than the usual time. By this means 
he obliged the oculist to compound the bargain, and accept of twenty guineas. 

A covetous man thinks no artifice too mean which he may legally 
practice to save his money. The miserly knight was an old bachelor, and 
at the time the oculist couched him is reported to have had a fair estate, 
■a large sum of money in the Stocks, and not less than £5,000 in his house ! 
Dr. King, in Anecdotes of His Oion Times, makes the following observation 
•when quoting Sir Wilham Smyth's case: — "If you could bestow on a man 
■of this disposition the wealth of both the Indies, he would not have 
-•enough, because by enough (if such a word is to be found in the vocabu- 
lary of avarice), he always means something more than he is pos- 
«essed of." 

The following is an instance (by no means an isolated one) of good 
fortune accruing to N"ext of Kin by a miser dying intestate : 

At Northfleet there died, in 1772, a Mr. Page, dealer in limestones 
■and gun-flints, by which occupation, and by a most penurious way of liv- 
ing, he had accumulated a fortune of some £12.000. He lived alone, in a 
large house, for several years, no one coming near him but an old woman 
in the village, who, once a day, went to make his bed. His death was 
occasioned by his running a knife into the palm of his hand while opening 
an oyster. The wound inflamed, and at length mortified. Though 
repeatedly requested to apply to a surgeon, he refused, saying, " All of that 
profession were rogues, and would make a job of his misfortune." From 
his having died without a will, his money went to a relative in very embar- 
rassed circumstances. During the latter years of his life, the miser would 
never suffer this poor relative to come to his house, and never gave him 
the smallest assistance. 

Some years since, a chiffonnier (or rag and r,efuse gatherer) died 
intestate in France, having literally " scraped " together 400,000 francs, the 
whole of which went to the Heir-at-Law. 


In another case, the body of an old man named Partridge, a rag and 
l)one collector, was discovered on a heap of filth in a room in one of the 
iDack streets of Exeter. The deceased was in the habit of prowling about 
the city, collecting bones and garbage, and he had been seen to eat morsels 
•of food picked up by him in the streets. He lived alone, in a room which 
was filled with rags, filth, and vermin. He had complained of illness a 
few days before his death, and had, marvelous to I'elate, resorted to -intox- 
icating liquors as an antidote, of which he drank freely. After his death, 
a savings-bank book was found, from which it appeared he had a large 
csum of money in the bank, and had also lent £15 to his landlady, besides 
various sums of money to other persons. His death was, without doubt, 
oaused by self-neglect, dirty habits, and insufficiency of food. By his 
"dying without a will, a nice little windfall reverted to his Next of Kin. 

Some years ago, there died at Surrey Hills, Sydney, an old lady, 
named Soliff, who was a native of England, and lived alone. None of her 
neighbors ever knew her to leave her house .... she was very penurious 
.... never lit a fire .... lived a life of rigid seclusion froin choice, 

though she possessed a large income from house property In her 

last illness, one of her latest injunctions to those around her was to " look 
after a few pence on the mantel-piece." .... She left nothing whatever 
to her relations in Australia, but everything to her Next of Kin in 
England. After her death, three bags of money were found, containing 
^1,100 in gold and silver .... a deposit note for £6,000 .... deeds 
relating to house property, and about eighty dresses of rare colors and 

great beauty, also rare and costly furs It is said her husband was 

transported for stealing a bag of flour She followed him, and got 

him signed to her The husband died many years ago. — Preston's 

Unclaimed Money. 



IF a testament be made in writing and afterwards lost, two unexcep- 
tional witnesses who saw and read the document and remembered the 
contents thereof, may, on deposing to the tenour of the Will, afford suf- 
ficient proof of its having been executed ; and in such cases probate is 
usually granted according to the deposition of the witnesses. It is quite 
clear, according to the text- books, that the contents or substance of a tes- 
tamentary instrument may be established in this way, though the instru- 
ment itself cannot be produced, upon satisfactory proof being given that 
the instrument was duly made by the testator, and was not revoked by 
hini. For example, by showing that the instrument existed after the tes- 
tator's death, or that it was destroyed in his lifetime without his privity or 
consent. Thus, where a testator had delivered his Will to a friend to take 
charge of for him, and died some years afterwards, the Will was found torn 
to pieces by rats, and in part illegible ; on proof of the substance of the 
Will by the joining of the torn pieces, and by the aid of the memory of 
the witnesses, probate was granted. 

In a case where, after iAie death of the testator, his Will and Codicil 
were, it was alleged, wrongfully torn by his eldest son, the Court having, 
by means of some pieces which were saved and by oral evidence, arrived 
at the substance of the instrumeats, admitted their validity. But where 
allegations of this serious nature are made they must be supported by the 
clearest evidence. 

In another case, where a Codicil has been burned by order of the tes- 
tator, but not in his presence, as required by the statute, probate was 
granted on a draft copy. This case shows the necessity of having a. 
solicitor at one's elbow, not only when making our testamentary disposi- 
tions, but also when destroying them, so that the destruction may be done 
in a legalized way. 

Where a Will is duly executed, but afterwards destroyed in the life- 
time of the testator without his authority, it may be established on satis- 
factory proof being given of its contents, and of it having been so de- 
stroyed. The law is the same where a wife, having power to dispose of 
property by her Will, makes her Will and afterwards destroys it by the com- 
pulsion of her husband. 

The law as to suppressing or destroying Wills is clearly shown by the 

following case : "A person after the death of a testator possessed himself 

' of the Will, and suppressed or destroyed it. On these facts being proven 

to the satisfaction of the Court, letters of adm-inistration were granted 

with the Will annexed to the residuary legatee." A case of this kind was 

WILLS. 93 

tried in Ireland some seventy-five years ago. The following' is from the 
newspaper report of the trial : 

" A most extraordinary case was tried at the last Maryborough Assizes. 
The facts were these : Kobert Baldwin, in March, 1783, made his will, by 
which he devised the lands in question to the children of his youngest son. 
Soon after, his faculties failed him ; he became altogether childish, and 
died in April, 1784, aged 80 or thereabouts. The defendant, testator's 
eldest son, immediately gave out that his father had destroyed the will, 
and, no will being found, he entered into possession of the estate, and so 
matters remained for twenty-one years, the whole family, during all that 
time, believing that their father had died without a will. But, after 
twenty-one years, the delusion vanished, and the defendant's own children 
became the immediate instruments of justice to the children of his 
brother. In 1802 the defendant's wife died, and he soon afterwards, at 
the age of 78, married a very young woman, which caused some anxiety 
to his two sons, Robert and Edwin, whose poignant expressions of regret 
so exasperated their father that he, in his resentment, executed his will to 
disinherit his eldest son, Robert, and, in his fit of anger, showed it to his 
second son, Edwin, who instantly determined to get at it and destroy it, 
in order to preserve the property to his elder brother. With this view he 
broke open his father's desk, where he found, not his father's will which 
he sought, but the will of his grandfather, which was then altogether for- 
gotten' by the family. He read it, and found that the estate of which his 
father would have disinherited his brother, lawfully belonged to his 
cousins, the children of his late uncle John. He immediately communi- 
cated the important discovery to his brother, and he to their uncle Jona- 
than, in consequence of which the will was, about the beginning of the 
year 1805, lodged in the Prerogative Court. When the defendant was 
apprised of the discovery of the will, he said it was very true — his father 
never did cancel h's will, but that he did it away by two deeds, by which 
he afterwards conveyed the property to him, the defendant, and that those 
deeds were both registered. It appeared, indeed, that one such deed had 
been registered since the discovery of the will ; and both deeds appearing 
foully suspicious, a bill was filed in the Court of Exchequer, the cousins 
desiring to have the opinion of a jury on these alleged deeds. After a long 
trial, the jury found a verdict for the plaintiffs, with the full approval of 
the Judge. By this verdict the plaintiffs (five in number) were restored to 
an estate of £300 a year, of which for twenty-five years they had been 
deprived by their uncle." 

Old uncles (especially wealthy ones) are invariably looked up to with 
the profoundest respect by their nieces and nephews, but in this instance 
the confiding nephews appear to have been the victims of misplaced 

A very hard case, namely, an action of ejectment by an eldest son, as 
Heir-at-Law, against his own mother, was tried some twenty-five years ago. 
Such action would never have been commenced but for the loss of a 
carefully-prepared Will. • 

In the case of the goods of Miss Helen Jane Gladstone, who died in 
Germany in 1880, letters of administration had been granted to her 
brothers. Sir Thomas Gladstone and the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 
After the issuing of the grant, certain bills of costs were found among 
some loose papers belongmg to the deceased, from which it appeared that 
the lady had made a Will in 1853. Upon further search, the will was 


found. The letters of administration were accordingly reyoked and the 
long-missing Will admitted to probate. 

In another case, the Will of a gentleman who died in Ireland in 
1880, was discoTcred secreted behind a grate in a small back 
room, many months after the Heir-at-Law had taken possession of the 
estate. The discoyery of the Will altered the destination of £40,000; 
instead of the Heir-at-Law being entitled to the whole, the Will showed 
that the testator's nephews and nieces were to share equally. 

Instances are not unknown of bodies having been exhumed for the pur- 
pose of searching for Lost Wills. A case of this sort occurred in 1876. 
The facts were these : — In 1870 a clergyman died near Bedford. After 
his death, rumors were afloat that a Will had been buried with him, which, 
document, if found, would alter the devolution of his estate. The repre- 
sentatives of the deceased memorialized the Home Office, and the Home- 
Secretary ordered the exhumation of the body. The proceedings were con- 
ducted with grave decorum. A bundle of papers was found under the, 
body, tied with red tape, but these are said to have been only old love let- 
ters ; no Will was found. The'village was in a great state of excitement 
during the proceedings, as village gossips would have it that a party of 
hody-snatchershad visited the church-yard. 

Advertisements for lost Wills are, unfortunately, only too common, 
and large rewards are occasionally offered for such missing-documents. In 
the case of the late Lord St. Leonards, the sum so offered was £500.- The: 
noble Lord had made a Will and several Codicils, but on his death the 
Will could nowhere be found. Costly litigation ensued, which resulted in 
probate being granted on a copy of the Will drawn up from memory by 
his Lordship's daughter. This decision was appealed against, but was upheld. 

It should be universally known that the Wills of living persons may 
be deposited in a place of security at Somerset House, on payment of a 
small fee. The enactment on the subject is 20 & 21 Vict., c. 77, s. 91, and 
is as follows: — 

" One or more safe and convenient depository or depositories shall be 
provided, under the control and directions of the Court of Probate, for all 
such Wills of living persons as shall be deposited thefeia for safe custody ; 
and all persons may deposit their Wills in such depository upon payment of 
such fees and under such regulations as the Judge shall from time to time 
by any Order direct." 

In givingiudgment in the case of the Lost Will of Lord St. Leonards,. 
Mr. Justice Hennen drew attention to this Act of Parliament, and 
regretted that the public had not availed themselves of it more exten- 

The following is a specimen of an Advertisement seeking a clue to 
a Lost Will:— 

" £100 Reward.— Will of Stephen Merris Mills, Esq., wanted. He died 
at 25, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, on June 10, 1858. It is believed that 
the Will was placed in a small table in that house, and the table and other 
furniture of the house were sold by auction, by Mr. Dowell, on April 18th, 
1865. The above reward will be paid if the Will be handed over to . . . .'^ 

A little more care on the part of testators as to the safe custody of 
their Wills, would save endless trouble and litigation, not to mention some- 
times life-long family quarrels. 

Extraordinary Will cases have a peculiar fascination to many people 
■who are not in the smallest degree interested in the result from a money 

WILLS. 95 

point of view, but only take an interest tnerein as lovers of the curious.. 
Whimsical Wills have been, and still are, a prolific source of business for 
lawyers, and Heirs-at-Law and Next of Kin are occasionally indirectly bene- 
fited by a whimsical testator's Will being upset. Probably a solicitor ia 
rarely consulted by an intending whimsical testator, from a natural fear 
that a damper might be thrown on his designs. Whimsical bequests have 
sometimes served a very useful purpose, and instances are not unknown of 
such bequests having been made by lawyers themselves. The following is 
a case in point : 

.William J. Haskett, a lawyer, who died in New York City, left a Will 
containing this very curiously worded clause : — 

" I am informed that there is a Society composed of young men con- 
nected with the public press, and, as in early life,. I was connected with 
the papers, I have a keen recollection of the toils and troubles that bubbled 
then and ever will bubble for the toilers of the world in their pottage- 
cauldron, and, as I desire to thicken with a little savory herb, their thm 
broth, in the shape of a legacy, I do hereby bequeath to- the New York Press, 
Club, of the City of New York, 1,000 dollars, payable on the death of Mrs* 

We have a Newspaper Press Fund in London, and any similar legacy 
to that above noted would doubtless be very acceptable. 

There is probably no more profitable class of business to a lawyer than 
that arising out of the disputes about Wills, and the following extract from 
a French Advocate's Will, pithily expresses his opinion of his clients : — 
"I give 100,000 francs to the local madhouse. I got this money out of 
those who pass their hves in litigation ; in bequeathing it for the use of 
lunatics, I only make restitution." 

It is recorded of a rich old farmer that in giving instructions for his 
Will, he directed a legacy of £100 to be given to his wife. Being informed 
that some distinction was usually made in case the widow married again, 
he doubled the sum ; and when told that this was quite contrary to custom, 
he said, with heartfelt sympathy for his possible successor, " Aye, but him as 
gets herll desarve it." 

It is possible for a whimsical testator to be very just, and at the sam& 
time very caustic, as appears by the following extract from the Will of 
John Hylett Stow, proved in 1781 : — 

" I hereby direct my executors to lay out five guineas in the purchase 
of a picture of the Viper biting the benevolent hand of the person who 
saved him from perishing in the snow, if the same can be bought for the 
money ; and that they do, in memory of me, present it to .... a King** 
Counsel, whereby he may have frequent opportunities of contemplating on 
it, and by a comparison between that and his own virtue be able to form 
a certain judgment which is best and most profitable, — a grateful remem- 
brance of pastjfriendship and almost parental regard, or ingratitude and 
insolence. This I direct to be presented to him in lieu of a legacy of £3,. 
000 I had by a former will, now revoked and burnt, left him." 

If the learned Counsel interested happened to be present at the read- 
ing of the Will, his feelings may be well imagined. 

That it is most unwise to make, one's own Will, disputed Probate 
cases abundantly prove. The following verse from an old number ot 
Blackwood's Magazine is appropriate : — 

Testators are good ; but a feeling more tender 
Springs up when I think of the feminine gender j 


The testatrix for me, who, like Telemaque's mother. 
Unweaves at one time what she wove at another. 
She bequeaths, she repents, she recalls a donation. 
And she ends by revoking her own revokation ; 
Still scribbling or scratching some new Codicil, — 
Oh ! success to the woman who makes her own Will. 

Undoubtedly " a crusty old bachelor" must have been the Parisian 
merchant Monsieur Columbies, who, when he died, left £1,300 to a lady 
of Rouen, for having, twenty years before, refused to marry him, " through 
which," states the will, " I was enabled to live independently and happUy 
as a bachelor."' 

It has been, and no dwubt will continue to be, the ambition of some 
prosperous men to be the founder of a rich and great family, and it has 
sometimes happened that, without abandoning this idea, they have, by an 
ingenious device, contrived to disappoint their immediate relations. The 
Will of Sir John Pakington, proved many years ago may be instanced. J. 
S. Eussell, Esq., was his nephew ; at the death of Sir John this nephew 
had a son about four years of age, and to the eldest son that might be 
born of this child, Sir John bequeathed his large landed estates, so that 
the income must have accumulated for nearly forty years before it could 
be enjoyed by the prospective legatee ; in default of issue the estates were 
to go to the descendants of the second son of Sir W. B. Cook ; and in 
case of second default, the property would go to a grandson of Mr. Knight, 
of Lee Castle. Sir John thus effectually debarred any of his Next of Kin 
living at his death from the enjoyment of his property. 

An uncommdn case of eccentricity on the part of an Englishman 
occurred some fifty years ago. His Will contained the following unique 
provisoes : — 

" I bequeath to my monkey, my dear and amusing Jacko, the sum of 
£10 sterling per annum, to be employed for his sole and exclusive use and 
benefit ; to my faithful dog, Shock, and my well beloved cat, Tib, a pension 
of £5 sterling ; and I desire that, in case of the death of either of the three, 
the lapsed pension shall pass to the other two, between whom it is to be 
equally divided. On the death of all three, the sum appropriated to this 
purpose shall become the property of my daughter Gertrude, to whom I 
give this preference among my children, because of the large family she 
has, and the difficulty she finds in bringing them up." 

We have all heard of cases of "waiting for dead men's shoes"; but 
it would probably be difficult to find a parallel case to that above noted — 
namely, a bequest to a daughter on the falling in of three Hves, — those of 
a monkey, a dog, and a cat. 

Another instance of a bequest for the support of domestic pets is the 
following : — 

" In 1875, Mrs. Elizabeth Balls, of Streatham, Surrey, after liberal 
Legacies to hospitals and other charitable institutions, set apart the sum 
of £65 per annum for the support of her late husband's cab mare, and £5 per 
annum for the keep and care of a greyhound ; the mare to be kept in a 
comfortable, warm, loose box, and not to be put to work either in or out 
of harness, and that her back should not be crossed by any member of her 
late husband's family, but that she should be ridden by a person of light 
weight, not above four days a week, and not more than one hour each 
day, at a walking pace." 

Bequests to canine pets often lead to law suits. The history of a case 

WILLS. 97 

of this kind, tried in 1798, was shortly this : — Mrs. Hannah White, by a 
paper purporting to be her last Will and testament, left to the mother of 
one of her servants £25 per annum in trust for the maintenance of five 
favorite cats, during the course of their natural lives ; to St. George's, and 
Middlesex Hospitals, £1,000 each ; a few legacies to domestics, and the 
residue of her estate, which was very considerable, to the apothecary at- 
tending her person. This curious document was witnessed by an attorney 
and the clerk of the parish. The Court of Delegates, on the Will being 
disputed by disappointed relatives, heard Sir William Scott in support ot 
the Cats and the Apothecary, and other Advocates for the Next of Kin. 
The following is the substance of the decree : — " That the bequest to the 
apothecary be struck out of the Will, as being no part of the real Will of 
the deceased, and that probate be granted to the Next of Kin ; that the 
legacies of £35 per annum for the maintenance of the five cats, and the 
bequests to the hospitals aforesaid, together with the legacies to the 
servants, be confirmed, as being the Will of the deceased." It will thus be 
seen that the intentions of this whimsical testatrix were upset, and the Next 
of Kin benefited, but how long the cats were allowed to live is not recorded. 

In 1800, Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw, of Pontefrdct, by her Will bequeathed 
the bulk of her property, valued at £15,000, to her housemaid, Mary Watson. 
The Heir-at-Law disputed the validity of the Will, and endeavored to prove 
that the deceased was in a complete state of intoxication when she executed 
her Will; This allegation, however, was not sustained, and the fortunate 
housemaid gained the day. If Mary were intoxicated with delight at her 
good fortune, such a frame of mind can be easily understood under the 
circumstances, but it was too bad of the disappointed Heir-at-Law to try 
to prove this whimsical testatrix "drunk aud incapable." 

A curious, and I may add a peculiarly hard, case came before Vice- 
Chancellor Bacon in 1880. Thefacts were these :-" Miss Turner devised large 
real estates to her father for life, and then to her brother, on the following 
conditions : — " But if my brother shall marry during my life without my 
consent in writing, or if he shall already have married, or shall hereafter 
marry a domestic servant, or a person who has been a domestic servant," 
then such bequest to her brother to be void. The brother came into pos- 
session of the said estates, and died in 1878, leaving a widow and two chil- 
dren. The suit was instituted against the widow and children, on the 
ground that the testatrix's brother had forfeited his title to the legacy by 
marrying a domestic servant. It was contended, on behalf of the 
widow, that she had been a housekeeper, and not a domestic servant. The 
Vice-Ohancellor, however, was of opinion that a housekeeper was a domes- 
tic servant, and thus the legacy was forfeited. 

A bequest, made by a Frenchman, may truly be styled " A new way 
to pay old debts." Vaugelas, the famous French grammarian, was in 
receipt of several pensions, but so prodigal was he in his charities, that he 
not only always remaines poor but was rarely out of debt, and finally 
acquired among his intimates the sobriquet of Le Hihou, from his compul- 
sory assumption of the habits of the owl, and only venturing in to the 
streets at night. After disposing of the little he possessed to meet the 
claims of his creditors, he adds : — 

" Still, as it may be found that even after the sale of my library and 
effects these funds will not suffice to pay my debts, the only means I can 
think of to meet them is thafmy body should be sold .to the surgeons on 
the best terms that can be obtained, and the product applied, as far as it 


■will go, towards the liquidation of any sums it may be found I still owe ; I 
have been of very little service to society while I lived, I shall be glad if I 
can thus become of any use after I am dead." 

Whether the creditors accepted this well-intentioned bequest in part 
"satisfaction of their claims is not recorded. 

Some few years since, a lady bequeathed her body to the Hunterian 
Museum for dissection, "understanding the Museum to be in great want 
of pathological specimens." After dissection, her body to be burned. 

In l'?74 a Mr Whitehead, much admired for his many literary pubK- 
eations, bequeathed, among other whimsical legacies : "his heart, with £50, 
to Lord le Despenser." 

There is very little doubt that the fear of being thought eccentric or 
singular, prevents a good many people from giving vent to their pecu- 
liarities during life. But this fear of public opinion altogether loses its 
influence in the matter of testamentary dispositions. When, in the pres- 
ence of an expectant throng of bereaved relatives, the reading of the Will 
takes place, the testator is quite beyond either reproach or reply. This 
probably accounts for many a whimsical bequest, and when an expectant 
legatee finds in place of a legacy, only a few personal failings pointed out, 
he receives an unkind cut indeed. 

Dr. Dunlop, of Scotch origin, afterwards a Member of the United 
States Senate, left a very singular Will. It has often been commented on, 
owing to its extreme singularity ; but its principal provisions are so amus- 
ing, that no apology is necessary for reproducing them. The doctor is 
described as having been a jovial and kindly man, and his WiU certainly bears 
out this character. In it he says : — 

"I leave the property of Gairbread, and all the property I may be pos- 
sessed of, to my sisters, and ; the former because she is 

married to a minister who — may God help him — she henpecks ; the latter 
because she is married to nobody, nor is she likely to be, for she is an old 

maid and not market rife I leave my silver tankard to the eldest 

son of old John, as the representative of the family. I would have left it 
to old John himself, but he would have melted it down to make temperance 
medals, and that would have been a sacrilege. However, I leave him my 
big horn snufE-box ; he can only make temperajace horn spoons out of that. 
.... I leave my brother-in-law, Allan, my punch-bowl, as he is a big, 

gauchy man, and likely to do credit to it I leave to Parson Che>: 

vassie my big silver snuff -box as a small token of gratitude to him for tak- 
ing my sister Maggie, whom no man of taste would have taken I 

leave to John Caddell, a silver tea-pot, to the end that he may drink tea 

therefrom to comfort him under the affliction of a slatternly wife 

I leave my silver cup, with the sovereign in the bottom of it, to my sister 

, because she is an old maid, and pious, and therefore necessarily 

given to hoarding ; and also my grandmother's snufE-box, as it looks decent 
to see an old maid taking snuff " 

It was well for this affectionate brother that he had gone heavenward! 
before the gist of his testamentary benefactions were made known, other- 
wise he might have been "interviewed" by his scandalized sisters. 

The following very whimsical bequest I take from a Scotch newspaper : 
— " Some years ago an English gentleman bequeathed to his two daughters 
their weight in £1 bank notes. A finer pair of paper weights has never yet 
been heard of, for the eldest daughter got £51,200, and the younger- 

WILLS. 99 

The Will of Dr. Johnson, the celebrated lexicographer, who died in 
1784, is noteworthy ; by it the bulk of his property was left to " his faith- 
ful black servant. 

The Chevalier Francois de Kosaz, who died in 1876, and who is reported 
to have been very successful in prosecuting claims for persons interested iu 
Unclaimed Money, left a very singular Will. His personal estate was sworn 
under £45,000. The testator seems to have believed that in a " multitude 
of counselors there is wisdom," for he appointed no less than seven execu- 
tors. His Will contains this very extraordinary paragraph : — 

" I beg and supplicate our Merciful Eedeemer to receive every one of 
us in His Holy Paradise. I supplicate our very Holy Mother, the Virgin 
Mary, the very Holy Mother of God, an'fl all the angels and archangels, 
and all the cherubim and seraphim, all the throne and denominations, all 
the dominions and virtuesses of the heavens, all the saints and the seven 
million martyrs of the prosecution against our very holy religion, and all 
the inhabitants of the heavens, to obtain pity, mercy, and pardon of God 
for all our beloved family." 

The bulk of his property he bequeathed to his wife for life ; on her 
death, certain French and Italian Funds were to be set aside as a provision 
for charities in France ; the entire residue of his property was to be applied 
in founding a Catholic Asylum for thirty orphan girls, a Protestant Asy- 
lum for thirty orphan girls, and charities for the relief of the infirm and 
distressed. A Chancery suit arose on the construction to be put on this 
whimsical testator's bequests, and the Heir-at-Law of the Chevalier was 
inquired for. 

Peculiarly-worded Wills have led to the waste of many a goodly pat- 
rimony. Heirs, executors, and beneficiaries seem to take intense delight 
in squabbling over a testator's intentions. Montaigne, the celebrated phil- 
osopher, is stated to have got over any difficulties in the way of carrying 
out his testamentary intentions by the happy expedient of calling all the 
persons named in his Will around his death-bed, and counting out to them 
severally the bequest he had made them. Many a whimsical testator 
might usefully follow Montaigne's example ; but there is always a risk of 
the donor getting better, and finding himself penniless. I once heard of a 
ease of this sort. A small farmer in Suffolk, being very ill, was advised 
by his affectionate relatives to distribute his money, and thus save legacy 
duty. He did so, but got well again. The relatives declined to re-coup 
these supposed death-bed gifts, and left the poor old farmer to seek parish 
relief. Cases of this kind, it is to be hoped, are very rare. 

Khyming Wills are scarce, but amusing. In a case decided in the Pro- 
bate Court in 1875, the testator made a codicil to his Will, as follows : — 

I, having neither kith nor kin, 
Bequeath all I have named herein 
To Margaret, my dearest wife. 
To have and hold as hers for life, 
While in good health and sound in mind 
This codicil I've undersigned. 

His wife and executors having predeceased him, probate was granted to the 
Crown Solicitor, there being no Next of Kin. The publicity given to the 
case may be the means of bringing to the knowledge of some distant rela- 
tives of this evidently well-intentioned testator the news that the Crown 
holds, in trust, funds for their benefit. 



Another curious specimen of a Will in rhyme is that of a Mr. John 
Hedges. The original may be seen at Somerset House : — 

The fifth day of May, 
Being airy and gay, 
And to hyp not inclined. 
But of vigorous mind, 
And my body in health, 
I'll dispose of my wealth. 
And all I'm to leave, 
On this side the grave. 
To some one or other, 
And I think to my brother, 
Because I foresaw 
That my brethren-in-law, 
If I dil not take care, 
Would come in for their share. 
Which I nowise intended. 
Till their manners are mended. 

And of that, God knows there's no sign. 

I do therefore enjoin. 

And do strictly command. 

Of which witness my hand. 

That nought I have got 

Be brought into hotch-pot ; 

And I give and devise. 

As much as in rae lies. 

To the son of my mother. 

My own dear brother. 

To have and to hold 

All my silver and gold. 

As the affectionate pledges , 

Of his brother — 

John Hedges. 

The following is an instance ot marreious good fortune for a day 
laborer, arising out of the "Will of an eccentric testator: — In 1773, — 
Edmunds, Esq., of Monmouth, bequeathed a fortune of upwards of £30,- 
000 to one Mills, a day laborer, residing near Monmouth. Mr. Edmunds, 
who so handsomely provided for this man, would not speak to or see him 
while he lived. 

Again, in 1775, a Mr. Henry Furstone, of Alton, Hampshire, died 
worth about £7,000 in the funds, and having no relation, he left this large 
sum of money to "the first man of his name who shall produce a woman 
of the same name, to be paid them on the day of their marriage." 

We have all heard of unmanageable sons and scapegrace nephews 
being cut off with a shilling, but the following case of a wife having the 
sum of only one shilling bequeathed to her is very sarcastic, and shows to 
what lengths a long-suffering Benedict may be driven. In 1772, John 
G e, Esq., of Surrey, died, and his Will contains this clause : 

" Whereas, it was my misfortune to be made very uneasy by . . . my 
wife, for many years from our marriage, by her turbulent behaviour, for 
she was not content with despising my admonition, but she contrived every 
method to make me unhappy ; she was so perverse to her nature that she 
would not be reclaimed, but seemed only to be born to be a plague to me ; 
the strength of Samson, the knowledge of Homer, the prudence of 
Augustus, the cunning of Pyrrhus, the patience of JdbJ the subtlety of 
Hannibal, and the watchfulness of Hermogones, could not have been suffi- 
cient to subdue her ; for no skill or force in the world would make her 
good ; and as we had lived separate and apart from each other eight 
years, and she having perverted her son to leave and totally abandon me, 
therefore I give her one shilling only." 

One of the most whimsical bequests is recorded in a probate case 
decided in 1879. The testator left £10 to the undertaker who buried his 

A French lady, who died in 1882, desired by her Will that her heart 
might be placed in the tomb of her second husband, but her body in her 
first husband's tomb, in America. 

Mr. John Innes, a well-to-do Lincolnshire farmer, was evidently of 
opinion that a son having "expectations" is far less energetic than one 
having none, for it is recorded that he, for many years, suffered his son to 

WILLS. _ip 


go to another farmer as a laborer, but by his Will he left his hard-wofTong 
son the handsome fortune of £15,000. 

In the vrell-known Thellusson Will case, it has been computed that, 
had the testator's intentions been carried out in their entirety, the sum of 
money to be divided amongst the Next of Kin at the end of the period 
fixed by the Will for the money to accumulate, would have amounted to 
£140,000,000, or thereabouts. 

The following case is interesting, as showing how prodigiously money 
accumulates at compound interest : 

" M. Ricard appointed by his Will that the sum of 500 livres should be 
divided into five portions. The first, at the end of a hundred years, 
amounting to 13,100 livres, to be laid out in prizes for dissertations proving 
the lawfulness of putting out money to interest. The second, at the end 
of two centuries, amounting to 1,700 000 livres, to be employed in estab- 
lishing a perpetual fund for prizes in literature and arts, and for virtuous 
actions. The third, at the end of three centuries, amounting to more than 
226 millions of livres, to be employed for establishing patriotic banks, and 
founding museums with ample establishments. The fourth, at the' end of 
four centuries, amounting to 30,000 millions, to be employed in building a 
hundred towns in France, containing each 150,000 inhabitants. The fifth, 
at the end of five centuries, amounting to four millions of millions of 
livres, to be appropriated for the payment of the National Debt of Britain 
and Prance, for producing an annual revenue to be divided among all the 
Powers of Europe, for buying up useless offices, purchasing a royal domain, 
increasing the income of the clergy, and abolishing fees for masses, for 
maintaining all children born in France till they be three years of age, for 
improving waste lands and bestowing them on married peasants, for pur- 
chasing manors and exempting the vassals from all servitude, ior founding 
houses of education, workhouses, houses of health, and asylums for 
females, for portioning young women, for conferring honorary rewards 
on merit ; besides a large surplus to be appointed at the discretion of his 

In the list of Dormant Funds in Chancery there is an entry — " The 
one hundred years term account." Can it have reference to the following 
whimsical Will case, a note of which appeared in the Madrid newspapers : 
— " A Spaniard, Juan Delgado, died, leaving a Will endorsed to the effect 
that it should not be opened until one hundred years after his death. The 
hundred years having elapsed, it is not surprising to find that the deposi- 
tory of the Will, as also the location of the property, are anxiously 
inquired for," — no doubt by expectant Next of Kin. 

A very short Will was proved in 1881. The exact words are these : — 
"All that I possess in the world I leave to my wife." But a still shorter 
one is recorded thus: — "Everything to my brother Tom." — Preston's 

In the principal registry of Her Majesty's Coiirt of Probate, at Som- 
erset House, there are Wills of which " approbation " was " had and 
obtained " nearly 500 years ago. The &c8t Will recorded is in the year 
1383, and is in Latin, as most of the very early Wills are. The first 
Will written in English is that of Lady Alice West, widow of Sir Thomas 
West, and was proven on September 1, 1395. It begins thus : — " In dei 
nomine. Amen. On Thursday — that is to sey, the xv day of the moneth 
of Jul, in the yer of the iucarnacion of our Lord Ihu Crist a thousand 
and thre hundred and fourscore and fiftene — 1, Alice West, lady of Hyn- 


ton Martel, in liool estat of my body and in good mynde beynge, make my 
testament in the maner as hit folweth hereafter : In the begynnyng, I 
bequethe my soule to G-od Almighty and to his moder, Seynt Marie, and 
to al the seyntis of heuene, and my body to be beryed in Crischerch, in 
the priorie of the chanones in Hamptschire, by the Newe Forest, wher as 
myne auncestors leggeth." The writing of a Will of 1395 is not to be read 
as easily as the writing of the present day, in consequence of the difficul- 
ties connected with the different shape of the letters, the variations in and 
the uncertainty of the spelling, the unfamiliar abbreviations, and the 
obsolete words ; but from the laborious carefulness with which they were 
originally engrossed, the pains taken with the formation of each letter, 
putting to shame the slipshod writing of the present day, and the great 
care taken of them by the officials who have their custody, they are in a 
wonderful state of preservation, and far more perfect and legible than 
many wills and documents of a much later date. The very slowness with 
which they were written seems to have been the means of rendering them, 
so far as writing can be made so, permanent. The writing has in many 
places, where the ink has faded, been since touched up; and in some 
places, where the parchment is worn, the words are illegible ; but, gener- 
ally, the writing stands out sharp and distinct, although a little browned 
by age. The Wills of persons of position were, in spirit, much the same 
in the fourteenth century as they now are ; there are pecuniary and specific 
legacies to relatives, legacies to old and present servants, legacies for 
charitable purposes, and particular directions about the funeral and place 
of burial. Dame Alice West's Will is too long to give at length; but 
some extracts, showing the articles which at that period were so valuable 
as to be specially bequeathed, the amounts of the legacies, and the persons 
to whom they were left, may prove interesting. The lady commences the 
disposition of her property as follows ■.^-" Also I devyse to Thomas, my 
sone, a bed of tapicers work, with all the tapices of sute, red of colour, 
ypouthered with chapes and scochons in the corners of myn auncestres 
armes, with that I bequethe to the same Thomas the stoffe longyng 
therto — that is to seye, my beste fether-bed and. a clu canevas and a mat- 
eras and twey blankettys and a peyre schetes of reynes and sex of my best 
pilwes," which he will choose. ^' Also, I bequethe to the same Thomas, 
my sone, a peyre matyns book and a peir bedes, and a ryng with which I 
was yspoused to God, which were my lordes his faderes." Except among 
small farmers and shopkeepers in Wales, by whom it is a common custom 
to bequeath bedding to- different members of the family, it is an unusual 
thing in the present day to dispose of it in this manner by Will ; and the 
reasofi is that feather-beds, mattresses, pillows, blankets, and sheets are 
comparatively cheap, and the use of them not confined to the wealthy ; 
but in Lady Alice's time they must have been articles of luxury, and a con- 
siderable item in the dower of a bride. There are several bequests of beds 
in the Will which point to this conclusion — in one, forty marcs are 
bequeathed to Beatrice Wareyn, "and a bed convenable for a gentel- 
woman ;" in another, testatrix bequeaths " to Idkyne, my chambrer, £20, 
and a bed convenable for her estat." Tetetatrix next thinks of her 
daughter-in-law. "Also I bequethe to Johane my dough ter, my sone is 
wyf, a masse book and alle the bokes that I have of latyn, englisch, and 
frensch out take the forsayd matyns book that is bequeth to Thomas my 
sone. Also I bequethe to the same Johane all my vestyments of my 
chapell and my tapites whit and red paled, and blu and red paled, with 

WILLS. 103 

alle my grene tapites that longeth to my chapell forsayd, g,ad with the 
irontels of the forsayd auter, and with all the rydells aud trussing cofres 
•and all other apparaile that longeth to my chapelle forsayd." We wonder 
what books she had, and particularly what English books ; a list of them 
would be most interesting. She could not have had many, and we cannot 
■suggest what they were. It must be remembered that this Will was made 
more than five years before the death of Chaucer, and nearly eighty years 
before the first book was printed in English, and books in Enghsh must 
consequently have been few indeed ; their scarcity made them of great 
value, they were carefully treasured, and their future ownership specially 
provided, for by Will. Something might be said as to the education of 
ladies of the highest class at that time. Here was a lady possessing books 
in English, Latin, and French, which it is presumable she could read, 
Latin, however, was the language of her religion ; French was probably 
the tongue she was brought up in, and was the language of the Court ; 
and English was the language of her dependents ; so that, almost as a 
matter of necessity, every lady of rank must hav.e been familiar with all 
three languages.. There are several other legacies to testatrix's daughter- 
in-law, Johane. She gets, among other things, *' a basyn of silver, with 
boses upon the brerdes, and " a chales,'' we suppose for use in her chapel ; 
and " my chare, and that I have longyng thereto. Also a chariot with 
twey standardes heled with lether which that serveth for myn barneys." 
Then come gilts to other mefnbers of her family: — To "Sir Nichol 
Clifton, Knyght, and to Alianore, his wif, my donghter, and to Thomas 
Clifton, here son, £130, euenliche to be departed betwix ham thre ; and if 
Thomas here sone forsayd deyeth, I wol that it tome to profet of his 
fader and his moder ;" and to, " my suster Dame Luce Pitzherberd, prior- 
isse of Sheftebury, £40." ; The three following legacies speak for them- 
selves : — "Also I bequethe ^40 to be departed among alle my servants, men 
and women of myn household, as well for their attendance on Thomas 
her sone as for her, and as welto hem that I have eny thyng bequethe to 
in this testament as to hem that I have nothyng bequethe, and I wole that 
it be departed trewely to every, man and woman after his degre." "Also I 
bequethe £40 to be departed among my pouere tenantes where I have 
lordshype — that is to seye,. to hem -that have most nede." "Also I 
bequethe to Richard Ff orster, \which is a blyndman that was somtyme ser- 
vant with my f orsed lord, 20 ihajcs." We should not expect to find any 
Will previously to the Reformation without a legacy to say masses. Lady 
West gives £18, 10s, "for to,-synge and seye 4,400 masses for my lord Sir 
Thomas West is soule, and for myne, and for alle cristene soules," and 
they are to be " done " within " fourteen night after her deces." If it is 
reckoned up, it will be found that masses then cost about a penny each. 
There is another bequest t6. Christ Church, where she was to be buried, 
■" to bidde and to rede and synge for iny. Iprdes soule forsayd, and myn, 
and alle cristene soules, while' the world sclial laste." Testatrix gives many 
sums of 100 shillings to bodies of religious women and communities of 
brothers, among others to the religious women the " menouresses" liv- 
ing without Aldgate of London, the " freres prechoure" within Ludgate of 
London in Plet-street, the Augustine brothers within Bishopsgate, and the 
Hospital of Seynt Marie Maudeleyne above Wynchester, and sometimes is 
added, " to the priests belonging to the same," " to be departed among 
them by evene portions for to synge and rede divine service, and to preye 
for my forseyd lordes soule and myn, and for alle cristene soules, and for 


the estat of Thomas my sone and Johane his 'wif and her children," and 
some smaller sums to several recluses for the same object. Having given 
iill the legacies she desires, the testatrix then disposes of the remainder of 
lier property : — " An al the residue of my godes, after the dettys that I owe 
ben quyt, and after my testament is parfoned, I bequethe to the foreayd 
Thomas my sone ;" and, after all these directions and legacies, the good 
lady finishes her Will by ordering the manner of her own interment ; 
when she^dies her body is to be carried "to the forsayd priorie of Chris- 
cherch,, and with right litel cost," buried at the first masse, with a taper 
of six pounds of wax burning at her head, and another taper of six pounds 
of wax burning at her feet. 



IN" 1852 this adTertisement appeared : " Notice. — If Mr. William SnoTT- 
don. Joiner, late of West Herrington, in the County of Durham, 
will apply to any of the parties mentioned below, he will hear of some- 
thing to his advantage " 

Mr. Snowdon, however, did not apply, and the result was a Chancerj 
suit, asking the directions of the Court, as to the disposal of the funds 
accumulated by reason of this legatee's disappearance. A decree was 
made by Vice-Chancellor Stuart directing (among other things) . inquiry 
as to whether the aforesaid William Snowdon was living or dead. In con- 
sequence of that decree, further advertisements were issued, but thfr 
missing legatee was not traced. The matter came on again before Vice- 
Chancellor Stuart, and the following is an extract from the Vice-Ohancel» 
tor's judgment : 

"The rule was well-established that if a person could be shown not to- 
have been heard of since a given day, and seven years or more have 
elapsed, one might presume at the expiration of that time that he was 
dead. Of course he might reappear, and such cases had happened. Thfr 
executors in this case caused advertisementa to be inserted in the news- 
papers respecting William Snowdon without effect, but that was no evi- 
dence that he died before •sthe testator. There was no sufficient evidence to- 
presume that he died at any particular time during the seven years. H& 
must, therefore, be taken to be dead, but to have outlived the testator. ...."" 

The foregoing is a fair specimen of many a lapsed legacy case. 
Nothing is more common than for persons to leave their native land^ 
and take no further thought of kith or kin left behind. Should the 
legatee above referred to ever reappear, he will doubtless be able to 
recover his estate from the persons now enjoying the same. Such inci- 
dents are not without precedent. 

Many very remarkable causes relating to Lapsed Legacies have been 
decided by the Court of Chancerv, but it would probably be difficult to 
find one more curious in its incidents than the following, which oam©^ 
before Vice-Chancellor Malins, and in which a sum of £34,834 lis. 6d.. 
Consols was in dispute. The facts were as follows : In 1869 Mr. Dun- 
combe, an aged Solicitor, of New Inn, Strand, died intestate, possessed of 
very considerable wealth. He had three children, namely, Henry Stuart. 
Duncombe, Charles William Duncombe, and Anna Johnson, a widow. 
Mr. Duncombe was not on good terms with Henry Stuart, his eldest son. 
In 1868 that son, theu sixty-six years of age, went to his father's office 
for pecuniary help, but the old man dismissed him with half-a-crown., 



From that time till the institution of the suit the son had never been heard 
of. In 1870 advertisements were inserted as follows : 

"Tvt'ENTY Pounds Kewaed. — To Kegistrars of Deaths and Parish 
Clerks, Tailors' Trade Societies, and Masters of Union and other Work- 
houses. — Wanted, information of. la person named Henry Stuart Dun- 
combe, a journeyman tailor, much in the habit of traveling in the coun- 
try, and who, if living, would be 67 years of age. Was last seen in 
London in August, 1868. Any person who can give information as to his 
■whereabouts, or who can supply a certificate of his death, will receive the 
above reward on applying to . . . ." 

Probably few people reading the foregoing advertisement would be 
likely to guess that the journeyman tailor inquired for was the son of 
a Solicitor and Heir to £25,000 ; and even had Mr. Duncombe seen the 
advertisement, he would not have been ternpted to reply thereto. The 
notice seems carefully worded to glean information as to his death. He 
is not even told that his father is dead, nor is he informed that on 
applying to So-and-so he will " hear of something to his advantage." 

No reply came to the advertisement in any shape or form.. Mrs. 
Johnson (formerly Duncombe), when she married, executed a settlement 
by which, if Henry Stuart Duncombe predeceased her, her interest in his 
share of Mr. Duncombe's estate would be bound, otherwise not. She died, 
leavii\g one child only, a boy. A suit was instituted with, respect to the 
aforesaid sum of £24,834 lis. 6d., which represented the missing son's 
■share of his father's estate. The question was, whether the trustee's of 
Mrs. Johnson's settlement were entitled to the fund, or whether it was 
■divisible among the Next of Kin of the missing legatee, assuming him to 
have been alive at the end of seven years from the time when he was last 
■seen in London, but now dead, intestate, and unmarried. 

The Vice Chancellor, in his judgment, characterized the case as a 
most remarkable one, and after recapitulating the facts, said that haying 
regard to the authorities, he must presume— (1) That Henry Stuart Dun- 
•combe did survive his father; and (2) that he was now dead. There 
lemained another question, when did he die? Mrs. Johnson, the sister 
■was now dead. Jf her brother died in her lifetime, she would, as one of 
his Kext of Kin, have an interest in his share of the property. She had 
■executed a settlement, and had left one child. If, however, her brother 
survived her, then his share woiild not be bound by her settlement of her 
interest in it. The only conclusipn at which the Vice-Chancellor could 
^arrive on this part of the case was that Henry Stuart Duncombe was now 
certainly dead, intestate, and that his brother and nephew were his 
sole Next of Kin. They would, therefore, take his share of his father's 
property in equal moieties, and there must be a declaration accordingly. 
-If (added the Vice-Chancellor) hereafter Henry Stuart Duucombe should 
be found to be living, he must resort to his brother and nephew for the 
Tepayment of the money. It was entirely his own fault that he had not 
made his existence known (if he did exist) ; for it was hardly likely. that if 
Tie was still alive he had not seen some of the very numerous advertise- 
ments issued for him. The Vice-Chancellor said he himself thought that 
Henry Stuart Duncombe was " as dead as a door-nail." Summed up 
shortly, the decree was this: "That Henry Stuart Duncombe survived 
'his father, and was alive at the end of seven years from the time he was 
last seen (August, 1868) ; that he was now dead, intestate ; and that his 
■sole Next of Kin, his brother and nephew, were now entitled to his share 
•of Mr. Duncombe's property." 


Many an exciting novel has far less foundation on fact than the 
Henry Stuart Duncombe case. The missing Heir would be eighty years 
-old if living now, and if he were to put in an appearance and claim this 
£35,000, after being dismissed from his father's presence with half-a-crown, 
his doing so would be the very acme of romance. 

The following is the note of a case decided in 1874, by the Court of 
Session, Scotland, after fifteen years' fruitless search for a Missing Legatee : 

This was an action of niultiplepoinding and exoneration, instituted 
in 1859,. at the instance of Mr.C. M. Barstow, C.A., judicial factor on the 
•estate of the late William Maltman, of the East India Company's Service, 
who died at Elie, in the county of Fife, in March, 1854, leaving heritable 
And personal property to the value of £10,000, or thereabouts. He had 
several brothers and sisters, all of whom predeceased him, with the excep- 
4;ion,of Gavin Maltman, who went abroad about 1814. This Gavin Malt- 
man, who was born in November, 1793, and who had in the course of his 
life wandered over a considerable portion of the West Indian Islands and 
North America,, was last heard of at Shediac, New Brunswick, in July, 
1854. Various reports of his death were sent to this country, and the 
"Court on two occasions sent a Commission abroad to inquire into the 
truthfulness of these reports, but they turned out to be unfounded. The 
dourt, in consideration of Gavin Maltmau's great age, his long absence, 
and the fact that he had been extensively advertised for and inquired after 
.... ordained the Judicial Factor to divide the personal estate among 
the Next of Kin of Walter Maltman other than Gavin Maltman, the Next 
•of Kin being cousins once removed, and to convey the heritable estate to 
the Heirs-at-Law .... on the ground that Gavin Maltman, if aUve, had 
had ample opportunity of appearing and claiming the Succession. 

The passing of the Presumption of Life Limitation (Scotland) Act, 
1881, has given rise to many claims by persons desirous of possessing them- 
selves of the estates of relatives long lost sight of. The most important 
provision of the Act is, that persons not heard of for seven years or 
upwards are assumed to be dead, and the Next of Kin may institute pro- 
ceedings to " uplift and enjoy" their estates and property. 

There wUl doubtless be some cases of hardship arising, by reason of 
the missing Heirs-at-Law returning home afte.r the seven years limit and 
finding their estates distributed among their affectionate relatives. Incidents 
•of this kind are on record, but I have only space for the following remark- 
able case : — 

"In 1761 a certain French astronomer was sent to India by the Parisian 
Academy of Sciences, to watch the Transit of Venus. He arrived, unf ort- 
Tinately, too late; but he had the patience to remain eight years in that 
country till the Transit of 1769. Ill-luck, however, still pursued him, for 
the state of the atmosphere prevented him from witnessing the second 
Transit. He then returned to France, where he found his friends under 
the impression that he had been dead and buried for years. His heirs were 
already in possession of his property." 

The foregoing jottings are sufficient for the purpose of drawing atten- 
tion to the fact, that large sums of money not unf requently lapse to Heirs- 
,at-Law and Next of Kin, owing to the legatee not being traceable. — 
Preston's Unclaimed Money. 



THEKE is an old saying, " Out of sight, out of mind," and in many- 
cases it is doubtless only too true, but at Christmas and on festive 
occasions when families meet together, there is no toast more heartily drank 
than that of " The Absent Ones." Some of these missing ones may have 
been lost sight of "for years, and of their whereabouts it has not been pos- 
sible to glean the slightest intelligence, though every known channel likely 
to afford the much-wished -for news has been resorted to. Enormous sums 
are annually spent in searching after Missing Relatives and Friends ; in 
many cases these searches are crowned with success, while in others every 
effort proves abortive. 

Scores of people at present belonging to a circle below that of the 
" Upper Ten" have really fair grounds for expecting a change of fortune 
in the right direction some day, but they lack the necessary clue on which 
all their hopes turn. It has frequently happened that a long-forgotten 
relative has been brought to remembrance by the delightful surprise of a. 
substantial legacy, the news being conveyed through the medium of a news- 
paper Advertisement. Of such an announcement the following is a speci- 
men: — 

"Paeticulae Notice. — Missing Relatives. — Frederick Foot and 
B. Foot (sons of Matthew Foot, late of Enniskerry, in the countyof Wicklow, 
Ireland, deceased), who left Ireland in the year 1859, for the United States. 

of America, are requested to communicate without delay to 

Solicitor, who can inform them of something to their advantage. Any 
information relating to the above parties will be thankfully received. 

. Advertisements of the following kind are also very numerous ; they 
are invaluable as a means of tracing Missing Relatives: — 

"Missing Relative. — Thomas Allen or his Representative, who' 
went from London to Australia about %% years ago, will hear of something 
to their advantage by applying to " 

The following must have been especially gratifying to the testator's 
poor relatives ; it is the only Advertisement of the kind I have come across : — 

"Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in the 
cause of ..... . such of the Poor Relations of Feancis Hodgson, late 

of Lane House, in the County of Lancaster, Gentleman (who died some- 
time in the month of February, 1785), to whom he did not, in and by his. 

last Will and Testament, give any Legacy, are to come in and 

prove their kindred and relationship " 

Here is another curious Missing Relative Advertisement : — 

" Infoemation. — Any person who can give information as to the. 



Helatives of Heney Ferguson, who died in 1808, aged 94 years, a native 
of America, will receive a good compensation for the favor. The said 
Henry Ferguson was found dead near the Tower, and £1,500 in Bank- 
Notes were discovered sewn in between his clothes ; a bundle of Manuscript 
was found in his pocket, containing a learned "History of the Progress of 
the Arts and Sciences from the period of the Komans up to the year 1808," 
In his wretched hovel near the City a very valuable Library was also found. 
Apply at " 

The following extraordinary Advertisement appeared in 1836 ; there 
are doubtless numbers of people equally as anxious as the advertiser was 
as to an uncle's testamentary dispositions : — 

" The Advertisbb Wishes to Find His Uncle Out. — He is the 
son of James and Susan Hill, of Meikleham, Surrey ; Mr. Webb, of East 
Hisley, ; George Armon, that keeps the Post-Office, High Wickham, Buck- 
ingham ; Mary Disten, Church Street, Bethnal Green ; William Hill, Tot- 
tenham, baker ; Thomas Scott, butcher ; Elizabeth Button, of Burnham, 
in Essex — those are all Relations. If any person can give any informa- 
tion of this person, or any of the above, so that he may know if they 
HAVE RECEIVED ANY BENEFIT FROM HIS UNCLE, and where his effects lay, 
it being one-and-twenty years since he heard of him ; George Harmon said 
the effects laid at Burnham." 

"Whoever will endeavor to get the property shall receive a fourth part 
of it, as the Advertiser is the only Male Heir to this property. Direct 
to " 

Many domestic complications result from husbands leaving their homes, 
as appears from the following case: — In 1850 Maria Dunster married John 
Milton, and in 1854, well-knowing that her husband was alive, she went 
through the marriage ceremony, by the name of Maria Dunster Chappie, 
with one Francis Edwards, since deceased. Mrs. Milton often saw her law- 
ful husband, who was a Corporal in the Devon Militia. In May, 1870, 
however, she went through the ceremony of marriage with another man 
named Henry Melhuish, who being, it was alleged, ignorant of his sup- 
posed wife being already married, by his Will, dated August, 1870, gave 
her all his real and personal estate, and appointed her sole executrix. 
Henry Melhuish died in 1871, and Mrs. Milton proved the Will ; the per- 
sonality being of the value of about £800, or thereabouts. After 18 71 Mrs. 
Milton returned to her husband. A Chancery suit resulted, the brother 
of Henry Melhuish being the plaintiff, and he claimed the fund as sole 
Next of Kin of his deceased brother, alleging that Mrs. Milton had obtained 
the money by fraudulently assuming the title of his brother's wife. Mrs. 
Milton denied that while li-Ning with Mr. Melhuish, or at the time of going 
through the ceremony of marriage with him, she had ever heard of her 
husband, and afiBrmed that she had not, in fact, heard of him for nineteen 
years, and believed him to be dead. Such being the facts — and it would 
be difficult to find a parallel case — the Vice-Chancellor said he was of opin- 
ion that Melhuish had no certain evidence at the time of the ceremony of 
marriage having been performed, as to Milton being alive or dead, and he 
married. Mrs. Milton, otherwise Edwards, notwithstanding. The Vice- 
Chancellor added : " It would not be safe to assume that the character 
of wife was the only motive for the bequest. Might not the testator have 
intended that she should have the property in the events that had hap- 
pened ? . . . . Fraud not being established, the bill must be dismissed 
with costs." 


Here we have a case of a long lost husband turning up after nineteen 
years' absence on the scent of a legacy, and actually enjoying, after so 
long a lapse of time, the fortune left by Melhuish, 

Here is a curious notice by a colonist : — 

" If my wife Jane Young, last heard of in Sidney, in 1878, does not 
return, or communicate with me within three months from date, I intend to< 
marry again,^— (signed) Thomas Young. 

Port Douglas. 4th August, 1882." 

In 1882 Sir James Hannen had to adjudicate on the following pecu- 
liar case. — ■ 

" Counsel applied on behalf of Augustus Alexander de Nieeville for 
letters of administration to the property of his father, Mr. Stanislaus de 
Niceville, who must reasonably be supposed to be dead, as he has not been 
heard of since 1831, and if he were now alive he would be 105 years of age. 
In his early days he held a commission in the French army, but he came 
to this country in 1826, and settled in Devonshire. On the breaking out 
of the French Eevolution he and his wife went to France. His wife re- 
turned to Devonshire, but kept up a correspondence with her husband till 
February 1831, when she ceased to hear from him. Every inquiry was- 
made to try and trace the husband, but without avail. Madam de Nice- 
ville died in 1875 without having apphed for letters of administration. 
AfBdavits were read in support of these facts, and the learned President 
granted the application." 

Noth withstanding lavish expenditure of time and money, efforts ta 
trace • Missing Relatives occasionally prove abortive. Of this class of 
cases, probably the most notable instance on record is that of the search 
for Sir John Franklin, in the result of which many Heirs-at-Law and 
Next of Kin must have been interested. 

The main facts are these: — In 1845 the Ereius and Terror left our 
shores, the number of officers and men on board being 138. The last 
despatches were received from Baffin's Bay, July 12, 1845, when Sir Johni 
wrote most cheeringly of the prospects of the Expedition, and expressed a. 
hope that his wife and daughter would not be over anxious if the Expedi- 
tion should not return by the date fixed (July, 1848) ; the latest date|on which 
the Expedition was actually seen, was July 26, 1845 ; the ships were then 
moored to an iceberg, waiting for an opportunity to cross over to Lancaster 
Sound. In August, 1850, traces of the Expedition's first winter quarters 
were found by Captain Austin. In 1849 the then Board of Admiralty 
offered a reward of £20,000 to "any ship or ships of any country, or to any- 
exploring party whatever which should render efficient assistance to the. 
missing ships or their crews, or to any portion of them," — ^with what result, 
is too well known. 

Numerous Parliamentary Eeturns have from time to time been pub- 
lished as to the cost of theSe searching expeditions, and in 1854 it was. 
estimated that between 1848 and 1853 over £800,000 had been thus spent. 
From 1854 to 1874 Arctic expeditions have gone on their perilous voyages, 
and have returned with more or less barren results. It has been estimated 
that the total outlay on these magnificent enterprises cannot have been 
less than two million sterling ! Lady Franklin seems, to the last, to have 
nobly clung to the hope that tidings of her long-lost husband would be 
found, for shortly before her death, in 1873, she caused the following 
Advertisement to be inserted in the Times : — 

"Two Thousand Pounds Reward offered by Lady Franklin to 


any one who will take to her, previous to the 1st of January, 1875, the- 
whole of the Journals or other Records which he may find of the Expedi- 
tion of the Erelibs and Terror, and which are believed to have been deposited 
near Point Victory on King William's land by the survivors of the expedition 
in 1848." 

The Franklin case is remarkable, not only for the amount of money 
spent in endeavoring to find a clew to the crews of missing ships, but also 
as showing the indomitable pluck and energy of British seamen in follow- 
ing up a forlorn hope. 

£1 1881 a reward of £300 was offered by the Sidney Government for 
a clew to a party of five persons who disappeared from the Coast of 
Austraha, 300 miles south of Sidney, on a geological survey expedition. 
The. search for the missing expedition, however, has, thus far, proved as- 
unsuccessful as in the Franklin case. 

Advertisements for Missing Relatives are increasing year by year ; it. 
would, therefore, seem as if the public found this kind of publicity answer 
the desired end. It cannot be too generally known that' a record is kept 
of all such Advertisements, as it often happens that many years elapse- 
before they are brought under the notice of the interested parties, owing to- 
absence beyond seas, and 'other causes. 

I take the following romantic story from a recent number of the Trn'onto- 
Mail, and with it I may appropriately close these jottings on Missing Rela- 
tives : — 

"About twenty years ago ia French lad was kidnapped from Montreal,, 
and taken to sea. He followed sailing for some years, and eventually 
settled in Michigan, being employed by a Mining Company. A few years ; 
ago a party of emigrants arrived' at the station, and being strangers, and 
ignorant of the English langiiage, they made inquiries as to the French 
families residing there, and were directed to the house of the young 
Frenchman, who gave them lodgings for the night. In the course of the 
evening the fact was disclosed that the emigrants and their host were 
originally from the same portion of the Dominion. The host repeated' 
the story of his kidnapping. The family of emigrants had lost a son 
years ago, who mysteriously disappeared, and had never since been heard 
of. The interest of both parties was aroused, and further questioning 
proved the fact that the host of the emigrant family was the long-lost 
son." — Preston's Unclaimed Money. 



IT not unfrequently happens that accounts classed as "bad debts" in the 
books of many of the trading firms most unexpectedly bring in assets 
to the intense gratification of the creditors. One of the earliest examples 
of this kind of good fortune is contained in the following Advertisement 
extracted from the London Gazette of 1666 : — 

" Whereas, Jeremiah Snow, late of Lombard-street, Goldsmith, now 
living in Broad Street, did owe divers persons. Anno 1652, £8,300 ; who 
at his desire did accept of £6,325 in full, and gave him discharges abso- 
lute (which was occasioned by the faihng of two French Merchants, who 
were at that time indebted to him £3,400, but never paid him a fifth part, 
as by the testimonials remaining with the Public Notary it may appear), 
since which time it has pleased God to bless fhis endeavours with some 
small estate : He, therefore, in gratitude and justice, invites them to 
receive the full remaihder of their principal money, excepting such as by 
his oath he shall affirm to have paid in part or in full. 

"And he declares this publication is not for vam glory (Eetribu- 
tion ia this kind being indispensable) nor to get more credit, but because 
his friends have adjudged it conveniently necessary that his Vindication 
might be as publick as then was the Scandal." 

Many a long-suffering creditor would doubtless be highly delighted to 
read a similar announcement to the above in the pages of some newspaper 
of the present day, and a perusal of this chapter will show that Unexpected 
Assets do often accrue for the benefit of creditors, or their representatives, 
long after all hope of twenty shillings in the pound' has vanished. 

In the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin a very remarkable case 
of the kind is given. Speaking of Mr. Denham, a Quaker friend of his, 
Franklin says : — 

" I must record one trait of this good man's character. He had 
formerly been in business at Bristol, but failed, in debt to a number of 
people, compounded, and went to America. There, by close application 
to business, as a merchant, he acquired a plentiful fortune in a few years. 
Returning to England in the ship with me, he invited his old creditors to 
an entertainment, at which he thanked them for the easy composition 
they had favoured him with, and, when they expected nothing but the 
treat, every man, at his first remove, found under his plate an order on a 
banker for the full amount of the unpaid remainder, with interest." 

This good Quaker's example is worthy of imitation, and many a 
bankrupt who has gone through the convenient process of whitewashmg, 



and prospered again, might take the hint with the prospect of a wonder- 
fully relieved conscience. . 

Here is another specimen of what may be called an Unexpected Asset 
Advertisement : — 

A fund is available for the following parties (or their representatives), who, in 

1825, resided as mentioned below, on application to .... & Co., Solicitors 

Dublin, or ... . Solicitors .... London: — 

Everington & Co., Ludgate Hill. 
Thomas Hamilton, St. Pancras Street. 
Vanilton & Carson, Prince's Street. 
Jane Clarke, Regent Street. 
Sarah Shirley, Salisbury Square. 

Watson & Co., Grutter Lane. 
Wm. Prazier, Norfolk Street, Strand. 
Thos. Caldwell, New Bridge Street, Black- 
friars. . 
J. & W. Hayward, Oxford Street, all in the 

John Thomas, Dover Street. City of London. 

The foregoing notice appeared thirty years after the persons named 
resided at the addresses given so that in all probability something worth 
looking after had unexpectedly accrued for them or their representatives. 
Another case of the same class as the above is the following : — 
" Lord Alvanley's Creditors. The following Debenture Creditor's of 
the late Lord Alvanley have omitted to receive their final dividends, 
namely : — 

[Here follows a long List of Creditors.] 

The sums payable may be obtained by the parties legally entitled by 
applying to ... . Solicitors. 

The case of Ashley v. Ashley, decided, in 1876, by the Court of Appeal 
in Chancery, may be safely described as a remarkable Unexpected Asset 
case. The facts were these : — In ]»748, a decree was made for the admin- 
istration of the personal estate of a testator then recently deceased, the 
decree directing that his personal estate should be applied in payment of 
his debts, funeral expenses; and legacies. In 1785, the cause came on to be 
heard on further directions and the Master having certified that the per- 
sonal estate was insufficient to pay the debts, it was ordered that the testa- 
tor's real estate should be sold, and the proceeds brought into Court. This 
having been done, and certain specialty creditors who were entitled to prior 
charges having been paid, the Master, in June, 1793, made another Report, 
and in July, 1793, an Order was made that the cash therein mentioned 
should (after payment of cost and certain specialty debts) be divided 
among the simple contract creditors in proportion to the amounts due to 
them, and it was referred to the Master to make the apportionment. The 
Master made a further Eeport, stating the sums which were to be paid, and 
the majority of the creditors took out of Court the sums thus apportioned, 
but some of these sums were never applied for and were left unclaimed in 
Court for a great number of years. In the year 1867, attention was 
directed to these unclaimed sums, and about the same time — more than one 
hundred, and twenty years after the testator's death — a considerable sum of 
money unexpectedly accrued to the estate. The Heir-at-Law of the testa- 
tor petitioned the Court, and an inquiry was directed to ascertain the per- 
sons who were entitled to the money in Court, both to the unclaimed sums 
and the newly accrued fund. Advertisements were issued, but only some of 
the creditors who had originally proved came forward. As to some of the 


apportioned sums which had remained in the Court unclaimed, no represent- 
atives of the persons to whom those sums had been originally apportioned 
came forward. The persons who did re-assert their claims asked also inter- 
est from August, from 1793, upon the unpaid balances of their debts, and 
contended that they were entitled to be paid out of the moneys in Court, 
the full amount of their debts with interest, and that those of the creditors 
who had not come forward again were to be treated as having abandoned 
their claims altogether. The Heir-at-Law and the Next of Kin of the tes- 
tator also asserted their claims. The Court, however, held that the appor- 
tioned sums which had been left unclaimed were the property of the persons 
to whom they had originally been ordered to be paid, or their representa- 
tives, and that, in the absence of an Act of Parliament, there was no juris- 
diction to order them to be paid out to any one else. Those sums must, 
therefore, remain in Court till some one came forward and showed a title 
to them. The newly accrued fund must, under the circumstances, be appor- 
tioned among all the persons who were originally found to ,be creditors. 
The Court also held that, — " the creditors whose debts carried interest were 
entitled to interest on the unpaid balances of their debts from August, 1792, 
with this exception, that those creditors who had left their money in Court 
could have no interest on the money so left. In this respect they must 
bear the consequences of their own neglect." 

The foregoing case proves that it is not only possible for assets to 
accrue unexpectedly to an estate, but that even after the lapse of so long 
a period as from 1748 to 1876 the representatives of creditors can claim to 
share such funds. 

In turning over old family papers, it is no uncommon thing for one to 
come across accounts of many year's standing, part payment only of which 
has been received, owing to the debtors having got into dif&culties which 
necessitated either the creditors taking a composition of a few shillings in 
the pound, or losing the whole. These bid accounts have long since been 
forgotten, the original creditors having died, and nothing more is done in 
the matter until the representatives of the deceased creditors receive a noti- 
fication from the Court of Chancery or the Court of Bankruptcy that a 
sum of money awaits distribution in the shape of Unexpected Assets. It 
occasionally happens that very large sums are thus distributed, as will be 
seen by the following Advertisement relating to the affairs of a firm of 
Bankers who executed a Trust Deed in 1803, and wliose creditors or their 
representatives were inquired for over sixty years after the execution of the 
said Trust Deed, namely, in 1864 : — 

"In Chancery — "Whereas, in or about the month of July, 1803, a Deed 

of Trust was executed by"Messrs bankers, for the benefit of such of 

the creditors of the partnership firm as should execute the said deed. 
And whereas, in pursuance of certain decrees or orders .... various 
creditors came in and proved their debts. And, whereas, various of the said 
creditors it is believed are dead, and it is not known who are now their legal 
personal representatives or the parties entitled to such debts. Now, pursu- 
ant to an Order .... the several persons and firms named in the schedule 
hereto named being creditors of the said firm at the date of the said Deed 
of Trust of 1803, and who duly executed such deed, and came in before 
the Master and proved their debts, or the legal personal representatives of 
any such creditors, and all other persons claiming to be entitled to such 
debts, are by their Solicitors .... to come in and establish their right to 
such debts." 



The Schedule contains the names and addresses of the original credit- 
ors (about 500) who signed the deed. The following were some of the 
largest creditors — the total amount due to creditors or their representatives 
was nearly £150,000 :— 

Names of Creditors. 

Thomas Dudley, Esq., deceased, rep- 
resentatives of 

Sir Jno. Kennaway, Bart., deceased, 
representatives of 

Roger Pocklington & Wm. Dickinson, 
late bankers, (co-partners), assignees 

(where known). 

Shutend, near Dudley 

Esoott, near Exeter 

Retford Bank 

Amount of 

£ s. d. 

10,138 10 

10,265 7 5 

18,913 15 11 

On the transfer of the East Indian Railway to the Government, in 
the year 1880, the " Surplus Assets " of the Company amounted to about 
£110,000, arising from unclaimed dividends, interest on investments there- 
of, etc. No list of the persons entitled to these Unexpected Assets was 
published, as in the Thames Tunnel Company case before referred to 
(page 108). The fund was distributed thus : £34,160 to the late Chair- 
man of the Company in commutation of his annuity ; £15,000 to the 
then Chairman for extraordinary services ; a portion thereof to the pro- 
prietors ; and a further portion towards charitable objects. 

In 1882, the representatives of the creditors of a gentleman who died 
in Suffolk as long ago as 1827 were inquired for. The amount to be dis- 
tributed was nearly £1,200. 

Advertisements for Creditors or their Eepresentatives are often over- 
looked by the persons interested, owing to the Advertisement not appear- 
ing among ISText of Kin notices. The following was inserted in a long 
string of Trustee Eelief Act Advertisements, but it contains remarkable • 
good news concerning Unexpected Assets : — 

"Joseph Lomas, Deceased. — Whereas, Joseph Lomas, late of . . . was 
... in the year 1831 .... carrying on the business of a cheese factor 
in partnership with .... And whereas, in or about the same year the 
said partners arranged with the creditors ... .by paying a composition 
upon the amount of the debts due from ihem. And whereas, the said Jo- 
seph Lomas died .... having by his will ma(fe certain provisions with 
respect to the payment of the balance of the ^debts so compounded for 
as aforesaid. Notice is hereby given, that all persons claiming to have 
been creditors of .the said partnership at the date of the said composition 
or the legal personal .representatives of such of them as may be dead, are 
hereby required to send particulars of their debts to . . . ." 

Two very remarkable cases of Unexpected Assets were chronicled in 
the year 1882. In one case the creditors of Mr. C. Newton,— ^the largest 
dry goods merchant in Sydney, a well-known exporter, — unexpectedly 
received the balance of their debts (5s. in the pound). Mr. Newton some 
twelve years before had been compelled to ask his creditors for time. This 
payment of 5s. in the pound is said to have absorbed £40,000. In recogni- 
tion of Mr. Newton's commercial honesty, his creditors presented him with 
a steam launch for fishing purposes ; they also presented Mrs. Newton 
with a diamond bracelet and a diamond ring. 


In the other case the creditors of a Mr. Archbald Winterbottom (who 
failed some fifteen years ago for £50,000, and paid a composition of lOs. 
in the pound) received the balance in full. It is said that this honorable 
transaction caused great excitement on the Bradford Exchange. 

The following is an extract from an Advertisement which appeared in 
1876 ; it proves that the representatives of creditors are sometimes inquired 
for nearly 150 years after a testator's decease : 

"Whereas, certain sums of Stock and Cash, of the value of £13,000 
or thereabouts, are now standing to the credit of an old suit in Chancery 
.... which sums are alleged to be payable to the Ceeditoes of Chakles 
PiTFiELD, formerly of Middlesex, who died in 1740, whose names are set 
out in the Eeport of Master Lane, bearing date August 9, 1793 .... 
And whereas certain of the said Creditors did not receive the amounts 
directed to be paid to them, and the said sums of Stock and Cash have 
in part arisen from the investment and accumulation of such amount, and 
have in other part arisen from portions of the residuary personal estate of 
the said Charles Pitfield, which have been received since the date of the 
said Order. Now, therefore, all persons claiming to be legally or benefi- 
cially entitled to or interested in the said funds .... are to send notice 
of their claims to ... . Solicitors. 

[Here follows List of Creditors with amount of debt in each case.J — 
Preston's Unclaimed Money. 

A romantic instance of restitution appeared in Chamber's Edinburgh 
Journal some fifty years ago. The narrative is headed, "Curious how 
things come about sometimes," and the following is a sumtnary of it: — 

There once resided within easy distance of a large town in the west of 
Scotland, a Mr. James Warrington, an extensive jeweler and watchmaker. 
His family consisted of himseB, his wife, two sons, and two daughters^ 
The name of the eldest son was Edward who was engaged to a young lady 
named Langdale, and their marriage was only delayed until the completion 
of certain business transactions. Matters, then, stood in this position with 
the family, when Warrington returned one morning from the shop in great 
agitation and excitement. "Jess," he said, addressing his wife, "we are 
ruined — utterly ruined. The shop has been broken into, and at least five 
thousand pounds' worth of plate and watches carried off. I have been 
with the police through all the most blackguard haunts of the city, but can 
discover no trace of either the thieves or the goods; The police say there 
is great doubt of any of the property ever being recovered." 

At the time this misfortune happened young Warrington was from 
home, and the intimation he had of it was from a newspaper paragraph, 
headed, "Extensive robbery of silver plate and watches" He hurried 
home ; found the family in great distress, and to his further grief dis- 
covered that the extent of the robbery had not been exaggerated. For 
many weeks the Warringtons indulged in the hopes that some clue would 
be found to the robbery. These hopes were never realized ; the robbery 
had been, as the police said, clean and cleverly done. No trace of the per- 
petrators, or any part of the property, was ever discovered. In the mean- 
time, Mr. Warrington had paid all his creditors and literally left himself 
almost without a sixpence. He might have urged the robbery as a plea for 
bankruptcy ; but he was too upright and too conscientious a man to even 
think of such a course, so he paid his debts to the uttermost farthing. The 
ruin which had overtaken the Warringtons postponed the proposed union 
between Edward and Miss Langdale, and Mr. Warrington struggled on for 


a few years in a small way of business, his son Edward assisting him, but 
they could not make a living out of it. In these circumstances both father and 
son eagerly embraced the offer of a relative to advance sufficient cash for 
the payment of their passage out to New South "Wales, and also £200 or so 
to enable them to start in the grazing line there. 

For several years after the Warringtons went to New South Wales 
they combated bravely with the difficulties most emigrants of limited means 
meet with, but fortune was still unkind, and after the lapse of ten years 
they found themselves again on the brink of ruin. During all this time Ed- 
ward and Miss Langdale kept up a correspondence, until on one eventful 
evening Miss Langdale was alarmed by the sudden and totally unexpected 
re-appearance of Edward Warrington with the joyous intelligence that he 
and all the family had returned in excellent health and spirits,' and with 
plenty of "gold in store." This happy termination to long years of anx- 
iety, was thus brought about: — A person named Kapsley located himself 
on a farm next to the one the Warringtons had taken. He was a sheep 
farmer, and had by successful speculations in wool and grain, acquired a 
great deal of money. He evinced great interest in the Warringtons, and 
seemed to take special note of any facts relating to the robbery which had 
been the cause of all their misfortunes. It oozed out that Eapsley was an 
emancipated convict, and the Warringtons consequently gave him the cold 
shoulder, but he would not take the hint that his soqjety was not wanted. 
At last this very undesirable neighbor requested a private interview with 
Mr. Warrington, which was granted. Prom the interview Mr. Warrington 
returned in a very excited state. It turned out that Eapsley was the iden- 
tical person who.had committed the memorable robbery, and that he was 
anxious to refund every farthing with interest. This he did by drafts on 
a Sydney bank for £7,500. On being thus strangely and unexpectedly put 
in possession of so large a sum, the Warringtons,decided to return to- their 
native land. This determination having been communicated to Eapsley, 
he insisted on defraying the expenses of the passage home. A further draft 
of £1,000 was added by the emancipated convict to the aforesaid £7,500, 
with many expressions of sincere sorrow for his crime. 

By a curious chance Mr. Warrington got both his old shop and his 
old house again ; and in a short time the former presented the same appear- 
ance which it had done a dozen years before. The marriage — postponed 
for so many years by reason of the robbery — took place immediately, and 
in a few years more the elder Warrington retired from business, being 
enabled by the restoration of his property, and subsequent successful busi- 
ness, to enjoy ease and tranquillity. 



WHEN any gold or silver, in coin, plate, bullyon hath been of ancient 
time hidden, wheresoever it be found, -whereof no person can prove 
any property, it doth belong to the King, or some Lord or other of the 
King's grant, or prescription. The reason wherefor it belongeth to the 
King is a rule of the common law ; that such goods whereof no person can 
claim property belong to the King, as Avrecks, strays, etc/— Such is 
Treasure Trove as defined by an old writer, and in ancient times the pun- 
ishment for concealing it was death ; it is now fine or imprisonment. 

If after the Crown has taken possession of any treasure the rightful 
owner can be traced, the treasure belongs to the owner and not to the 
Crown. In the olden time, when money was found in a church-yard, the 
silver went to the priest, the gold to the King. 

The right of the Crown to Treasure Trove is deemed by many people 
to be a somewhat arbitrary one, and finders of long-hidden treasures occa-, 
sionally try to dispose of them without notifying the "find" to the proper 

Some time since a laborer at Devizes, when moving the thatch from 
a barn, found thirteen old guineas and other curiosities, which had evi- 
dently been stowed away for many years. The finder in this case was 
honest, and handed over the money to the Lord of the Manor. 

The right of a Lord of the Manor to Treasure Trove found on his 
estate is strikingly exemplified by the following anecdote which appeared in 
Vanity Fair: — 

"A West-End jeweler endeavored to tempt a gentleman to purchase 
a piece of old-fashioned silver, by declaring that it had been found in a par- 
ticular field near a certain town. "Will you certify that in writing?" 
asked the gentleman. " Certainly, sir," replied the tradesman. " Do so, 
and I will take the flagon," returned the gentleman. The tradesman 
wrote out and handed to him the required certificate, whereupon the cus- 
tomer pocketed certificate and flagon together, remarking, " I am the Lord 
of that Manor. I am glad to receive my dues." 

In France, when money or valuables deemed Treasure Trove are dis- 
covered, one half of the value goes to the finder and the other half to the 
proprietor of the 'ground on which the "find" was made, as will be seen by 
the following case. The facts were these : — 

" In 1867 some repairs were going on at the Lycee. Henri IV., behind 
the Pantheon, and a workman discovered a large number of Eoman coins 
in a sewer. The contractor in whose employ the workman was, claimed his 



share ; but he was non-suited, and the Municipality paid the finder the 
handsome sum of 18,293 francs for his half of the treasure." 

There was a discussion in Parliament, in 1877, as to whether some 
very valuable securities, found in the Begum Motee during the Indian 
Mutiny by our soldiers, were to be treated as Prize Money or Treasure 
Trove. The captors claimed the same as Prize Money, but the Govern- 
ment decided that these securities must be treated as Treasure Trove, and 
25 per cent only of the value of the treasure was distributed among the 
finders. This seems to be the general rule in such cases, as far as can be 
gathered from the Parliamentary Eeturns on the subject. 

In the year 1818 a curious] Treasure Trove case was decided. The 
following is the short history of it : — The plaintiffs were the executors of 
a Mr. Noakes, deceased, and the defendant was a shopkeeper ; residing at 
Deal. It was an action of trover to recover certain property from the 
defendant, under circumstances very peculiar. A sale took place of the 
property of the plaintiff's at which the defendant attended. A chest of 
antique drawers was put up by the auctioneer and bought by the defendant 
for the sum of 4s. 3d. In the evening of the day of the sale the goods 
were removed, amongst them these old drawers. While the person em- 
ployed by the defendant to remove his purchase from the premises was 
taking away the drawers, a secret drawer fell out containing a bag full of 
guineas. The defendant was present at the time, and upon seeing what 
had occurred he asked the porter what he should do. The porter advised 
the defendant to say nothing about it, but required five guineas as hush- 
money. This the defendant positively refused, and observed that he 
would rather go to law about it than give the hush-money. The porter 
immediately made a disclosure, and a law-suit resulted. It was proven by 
the auctioneer that the drawers were sold, and that the defendant had con- 
fessed the guineas were there. It was also proven by a person at whose 
house the guineas were counted by the defendant, that the number of 
guineas amounted to between 100 and 130 in the whole. The defendant's 
counsel contended that the plaintiff could not succeed, as it could not be 
proven that the guineas were actually his property ; on the contrary, he 
contended that the Jury must consider the property not to have belonged 
t6 the deceased, but to his ancestors, or to some 'one unknown. The 
guineas might have been placed there by some one wholly unconnected 
with the deceased. The Judge, however, held that the property being 
found in the house was sufficient to prove that it was the property of the 
deceased, and the Jury immediately found for the plaintiff — damages one 
hundred and ten guineas. 

In 1882 no less than 307,000 francs in gold were discovered by a car- 
penter rolled up in wrappers of the Moniteur newspaper of the time of the 
Eevolution in the wall of a house at Dijon. The owner of the house 
claimed the money, but an adverse claim was set up by the descendants of 
the former owner. The Dijon tribunal decided in favor of the descend- 
ants, as memoranda on the wrappers proved the genuineness of their claim. 

Persons lucky enough to find valuables likely to be claimed as Treasure 
Trove would do well to consult a solicitor before disposing of them. — Pres- 
ton's Unclaimed Money. 



UNDER the law of England, no lapse of time will bar the claim of Next 
of Kin to a personal estate not specially bequeathed. This is a fact 
very important to be known in this country, masmuch as an almost univer- 
sal impression prevails amongst the people (not lawyers) that after the lapse 
of a certain time its recovery is forever barred, either by escheat or limita- 
tion. This is only true as to Eeal Estate, and the law of limitations as to 
that is pretty fully set out in our first chapter. It would seem a " sin of 
omission " however, were we to close this work without something on the 
subject of escheats. 

This word is derived from the Norman-French eschete from eschoeoir, 
to fall to (in the sense of a "wind-fall") ; Latin, cadere: Brett. 28a.; Litt. 
§683 ; Littre s. v. The first definition given to the word by our law 
writers is ; " lands falling by accident to the lord of whom they are holden 
(Co. Litt. 13a 93b) or to the Crown." It is derivM from the Feudal Rule : 
" that when an estate in fee simple comes to an end, the land reverts to the 
lord by whose ancestors, or predecessors the estate was originally created, 
(Wms. Real prop. 136), except in case of high treason, when the land 
always escheated to the Crown." (Co. Litt. 13a). At the present day in 
England, seignories in freehold land are of no practical value, and the 
evidence of them has generally been lost, so that where an escheat takes 
place, the land in almost all cases goes to the Crown, as the ultimate lord 
of all lands in England. (Wms. Real property 138 ; Co. Litt. la). 

In the United States, the State is vested with the rights of the feudal 
lord, and the land reverts to it, where there is no one competent to inherit 
after oflEice found, but the subject is, in almost all of the States, regulated 
by Statute, of which more anon. 

An escheat may happen in two ways under English law. (1) aut per 
defectum sanguinis, (for default of heirs), or (3) aid per. delictum tetientis, 
(for felony). The latter takes place where a person is outlawed for felony, 
upon which his blood is corrupted ; that is to say, he becomes incapable of 
holding land, or of inheriting it, and at common law, it therefore escheats 
to the lord. Formerly in England judgment of death for felony caused an 
escheat in the same manner as out-lawry, but this has been recently 
abolished, (Stat. 33 and 34 Vict. C. 33 ; see Attamder) as has also the rule 
that a person could not trace descent to land through an ancestor who has 
been attainted of treason or felony, so that the land escheated to the lord. 
(Stat. 3 and 4 Will. IV. C. 106 §10. 1 Steph. Com. 445.) 

Escheat is not properly a purchase in the technical sense of the word, 
for the land thus acquired by the lord descends as the seignory would have 



'descended, into the place of ■which it comes. (Burt Comp; 335 : Hargravis 
note to Co. Litt. 18 b). 

Escheat is minutely defined in 2 Bl. Com. 344. As to how it arises 
see 9 Mass.364, 368. As to title thereby see 1 Chit. Gen. Pr. 379. 

It seems the universal rule of civilized society, that when a disceased 
owner has left no heirs, his property should vest in the public, and be at 
the disposal of the Government. Code 10. 10. 1-10. ; Vin.Abr. 189 ; 1 Brown 
•Com. Law 250 ; 1 Swift Digest 156 ; 5 Binn 375 ; 3 Dane Abr. 140, §34 
Jones Land Off. Letters in Penn'a. 5, 6, 93 ; 27 Barb. 376 ; 9 Rich. Eq. 
440; 27 Penn'a, 36; 5 Cal. 373; 1 SmuU 355; 4 Zab. 566; 2 Swan 46; 
4Md. Ch. 167; 16 Ga. 31; 9 Heisk 85; 48 Tex. 567; 38 Gratt. 63; 47 
Md. 103 ; 86 Penn. 384 ; 63 Ind. 33. 

An action of ejectment commenced by writ of summons has taken 
the place of the ancient writ of escheat, against the person in possession, 
on the death of the tenant without heirs. 

Land of a copyhold tenure could not escheat to the Crown, but to the 
lord of the manor of which it was holden, (1 Chit. Gen. Prac. 380,) and 
the lord could only seize for want of an heir guousqm, that is until one 

The law of Escheats in the United States is different in the different 
States, mainly on the length of time required to bar an action for 
recovery by claimants after the property has passed by judgment to the 
State ; the longest time allowed in any of them is thirty years after the 
removal of disability. The State Laws are uniform in their application of 
the law topersonal as well as real property ; and herein they differ wholly 
from the English law ; and not only so, but it is an entire departure from 
the reason of the law, and in its practical working is often as great a de- 
parture from justice ; if not in direct violation of that provision in the 
•Constitution of the United States which says : "nor shall private property 
be taken for public use without just compensation." I apprehend much 
■of the law is yet to be made in this country on this subject. The Legisla- 
tures have had their say on it, but the courts are not yet done with it. 
Take, for example, the law of Connecticut, which is probably as liberal to 
the rights of Next of Kin as any of the States, if not the most so. Their 
Statute provides that : 

" When no owner of any estate can be found, it shall escheat to the 
State ; and Judges of Probate, in their respective districts shall appoint 
an administrator therein, and give notice to the State treasurer, who shall 
receive it from the administrator. The treasurer may manage or sell the 
property, and make a conveyance thereof. If subsequently the owner ap- 
pears, he shall be entitled to the property, or avails if it has been sold. 

When any personal estate of a deceased person shall remain unclaimed 
for five years after the settlement of his estate, in the hands of the admin- 
istrator or executor, and the person entitled to the same is unknown or 
■cannot be found, the Court of Probate, after a hearing, may order the 
same sold and avails paid to State treasurer, who shall refund it to the 
person entitled thereto if demanded within thirty years." 

Now as liberal as this law is, yet what right has a State to take 
private property, and fix a limit beyond which a rightful heir may 
not recover it? The law may be applied to real estate, perhaps, with 
some show of reason, where a remnant of the old feudal system is still 
Tecognized as existing, but the reason for it wholly fails in regard to personal 
property. It is not a reversion, because the State never had any interest in 



it. We hope no rightful heir will be deterred from seeking his remedy, not- 
withstanding the Statute of Limitations has barred it. The probabilities are 
he will not be forced to test the constitutionality of the law, for unless he 
has been guilty of some neglect in prosecuting his claim, the State will in 
almost every meritorious case pass a Special Act in his favor, which to our 
certain knowledge has been frequently done. 

^ .affijv /^ isa:^ *-X3a 



The following two extracts will give some idea of the enormous amount of money 
lying unclaimed in the Court of Chancery, in England i— 

(Prom The Times of 8th October, 1873.) 

"The Chanoeet Dividends. — Yesterday, the Chancery Pay Office, which last year was 
called 'the Accountant-General's Office,' was opened, and will continue open for the 
payment of the October dividends. The payment In cash to a certain amount, about i;50, 
was continued to the benefit of the recipients who had before the Chancery Funds Act of 1872 
was passed, after getting their cheques, to proceed to the Bank of England for the money. 
Now they are accommodated with cash in Chancery Lane. In the year ended the 31st of 
October last there was paid into Court at the Chancery Pay Office £19,574,422, aad 
£18,456,976 paid out. There were 51,628 cheques signed, and there were as many as 30,527 
accounts. On the various accounts the stock amounted to £60,422,116, cash £3,535,670, and 
the balance of cash at the Bank £1,111,729. The Consolidated Fund owed the suitors of th» 
Court on 1st of October last £2,423,340." 

(Prom The Times of 7th October, 1874.) 

" In Chanoeby. — The first account of the Paymaster-General under the Court of Chancery 
Funds Act of 1872 has been issued as a Parliamentary paper. It shows that on the 31st of 
August, 1873, the securities and money in the Court of Chancery belonging to suitors 
reached the value of £66,239,818, or perhaps we should say the nominal value, for the 
' securities ' are not put at their actual cash value, but are the amount of stock which has been 
brought into Court or purchased. There are also some few other securities expressed in 
foreign currencies. It is not stated why these are not included in the statement of amount, 
for they are as much'apart of the Paymaster-General's balance as any others. The 'cash'is 
not quite £4,000.000 sterling. Of this amount nearly £2,500,000 are due from the Con- 
solidated Fund, being the ' book debt ' due in cash from the Court of Chancery to the 
suitors. Nearly £600,000 had been placed ' upon deposit ' under the 14th section of the 
Act. The item of " securities " amounts to above £62,000,000 sterling, and is constituted 
chiefly of Government or Indian stock, but includes a multitude of other investments, such 
as railway stock or shares, dock and assurance companies' stock, colonial bonds, Brazilian 
and various South American bonds, Spanish bonds, St. Pancras Skinner's estate bonds, &o., 
all brought into Court for safe keeping during some strife or suit. There are also a large 
number of boxes and miscellaneous effects in the Bank of England, deposited there on behalf 
of the Court of Chancery — boxes containing securities, jewelry, title-deeds, a will, personal 
ornaments, plate, a portrait, diamond necklace, coronet, and earrings, and many other 
articles, each box being marked with the title of the cause or matter in which the contents 
are in dispute or under discussion. The account is made up to the 3l8t of August, as being 
a more convenient time than the last day of September, which has been heretofore the closing 
day of the Chancery year. The Comptroller and Auditor-General has had to report on the 
account, and he observes that the audit hitherto has, since the abandonment of the system of 
check before payment, been confined to an examination (with reference to the accounts of the 
suitors) of the certificates and draughts of the Assistant Paymaster- General, after they have 
been acted upon, and to the daily entry of all the transactions in the duplicate books 
(formerly kept at the Bank of England) pari passu with the entry of the same transactions in 
the books of the Paymaster-General. It is manifest that this limited audit does not fulfil 
the object contemplated by the Treasury in 1871 — viz., the establishment of 'a complete 
check on Chancery expenditure,' for that would involve the examination notf only of the 
documents prepared in the office of the Assistant Paymaster-General, but also of the orders 
of the Court, and of all the subsidiary authorizing documents, with the view of ascertaining 
that the intentions of the Court have been duly and faithfully carried into effect. It may 
serve to give some idea of the amount of work involved in keeping a check upon the 
Chancery books if we state that the number of causes and matters on the 31st of /.ugust,, 
1873, was 31,146, and 43,477 draughts were paid in the eleven months ending on that day. 
It may here be added that the amount of dormant and unclaimed money in official custody ia 
very large. Unclaimed dividends on the public ' Fimds ' have accumulated until the 
amount reached £991,711, in April, 1873, Cut at the beginning of the present year the 
amount had been reduced to £904,891. There is also a very large amount of unclaimed 
Army prize money, from which upwards of £600,000 has been expended on Chelsea Hospital 
pensions. The usual annual account of naval prize money has not yet, we believe, been 
issued this year. From these sources thousands of small suras are due to old soldiers and 
sailors, or their next of kin, and it should be known that these moneys are easily recoveiv 
able by the proper parties." 


FOE information concerning the following lists, we refer the reader to 
pages 6, 7, and 8 of this Manual. Additional lists will be inserted in 
«ach successive issue of the Manual, which will be revised and pubhshed 
once a year, and in the interim, supplemental lists will be issued ; so that 
names sent us for insertion will be promptly and extensively advertised. 
We repeat that no charge whatever is made for insertion of names of per- 
sons wanted, and we again urge all our correspondents, clients, and 
friends to send in any names they wish advertised. 

Any one, or more, entitled as Next of Kin to an unclaimed estate, can 
proceed to recover his or her share, or shares, independently of other 
claimants; but it is always preferable that all, or as many as possible, 
unite in the claim, as it greatly reduces the pro rata expenses. 

In regard to the amount of wealth represented by the names in the 
following lists, we can only repeat what we say on page 6 of this Manual, 
but may add that many of them do represent very large estates. We 
might enumerate by the hundred, but will only mention as samples 
of a large class, that of Helen Sheridan, in " List 13," where there is a 
million and a half pounds sterliny awaiting Next of Kin, and Leonard 
H. Smith, in "List 17," who, amongst other property, left $10,000 in U. 
S. Government Bonds, all of which is in the hands of the Public Admin- 
istrator, awaiting Next of Kin. 

It will be observed that the information respecting identity of persons 
vranted, as published in the following lists, is often very meagre. In 
some instances this is intentionally done, so that Heirs will be forced 
to seek further information through this Bureau. Otherwise they 
might ignore us in their investigation, and we would have no remunera- 
tion for our advertisement. It will be further noticed that the words, 
*' Heirs Wanted," appear to some names, and not to others. This has 
no special significance, as Heirs are wanted in all of them. 

Our business in the investigation of Old Estates, Unclaimed Money, 
etc., is not at all confined to the cases in which we publish names of per- 
sons wanted, but we will undertake any case that {presents reasonable 
grounds for hope of its recovery. In this connection we would remind our 
readers that many ninety-nine-year leases are now expiring, and occasion- 
ally one falls on lands covered by a large city or town. Any one hav- 
ing a suspicion that his ancestors may have left such reversionary interests, 
may, with little expense, have the facts ascertained through this Bureau. 

The undersigned Manager, in his sixteen years' experience as Manager 
of the Martindale Law Association, has made the acquaintance of the 
leading lawyers in every county in the United States and Canada ; and 
will be happy to give, as a reference to anyone desiring it, the name of 
some prominent man in his own neighborhood, to whom he can refer. 

Very respectfully, 

^ Gen't Manaffer. 

Unclaimed Monet, Lands and Estates Bureau. 
143 La Salle Street, Chicago. 




The following persons, if alive, or if dead, their representatives, nre entitled to property. All letter* 
mnst be addressed to J. B. MAKTINDAIB, lit La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois, 

and mnstcontain a statement of all facts on which the writer bases Ms or her claim. [See pages 6, 7 and 8 
of this Manual.] 

AIiLEN, THOUAS, formerly of TUehurat and Wallingford, In the County of Berks, England, who in 1793 emigratea to 

Springfield, in the Coxinty of Delaware, Pa., U.S.A., where he died about 1794, leaving five children : ABIZAH 

ANDERSON, JOHAN ADOLF (alias WIGHT), Mariner, of Tolo, in Sweden. 
ANDREWS, JOHN, formerly ol Diss, County Norfolk, England, Draper, then residing at N o. 34, Marahall-8treet,London- 

road, in the County of Surrey, afterwards of No. 1, Beulah Cottage, Clifton-street, Wandsworth-road, in the Count; 

of Surrey, who died at New York, U.S.A., 1847. 
ANDREWS, WILLlAM,'left England for America about 1830. 
ANSELL, SARAH (formerly SARAH FENN, Spinster), Widow of James Ansell, formerly of London, and after 

wards of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 
ASFDEN, MATTHIAS, of Fenn^lvania, in the United States of America. 
ASTON, JAMES, of Yorkshire, England, who went to America. 

ATKINSON, JAMES, and MARGARET, his Wife, who went to America about 1826 or 1830. 
ATKINSON,— ChUdren of WILLIAM and KATE ATKINSON, now or formerly of Illinois, a.S.A., but previously ol 

Douglas, Isle of Man, England, 
AULT, MISS JANE. (See Roberts or Robhison.) 

AVERY, SAINT JOHN, formerly of Reading, Berks, Eng., Trunkmaker, who was residing in N.Y. In or about the year 1823. 
BAGG3, LEVINE, formerly of Dubhn, Ireland ; supposed to be residing in Canada. 
BARTON, ALFRED, formerly of Osset, near Wakeneid^ Eng., afterwards of the City of N.Y. who in 1869 waa residing a' 

Chicago, State of Illinois, U.S.A., Medical Practitioner ; supposed to havediedat Chicago aforesaid, about 1869. 
BATES, or HOPKINS, ANNE. (See Anne Hopkins.) 

BAUMAn^HARLES, a German Swiss, late a Builder in London, at present in America. 
BAYLY, THOMAS, formerly of Co. Somerset, Eng., residing inl858 at Bushville, L.I., or elsewhere in America. 
BENNETT, JOHN, who left London m 1841, and sailed in the "Jolly Tar " for Galveston, Texas, U.S. A. 
BERRIDGE, THOMAS, of Lincoln, Eng., who emigrated to America in March, 1861, and is supposed to have gone to Cai. 
BEST,—. (SeeDr. HalL) 

BINNS, JAMES, who in 1863 lived at Toxteth<park, Liverpool, England, and was supposed to have emigrated to America 
BIRCHALL, THOMAS and WILLIAM, left Liverpool in 1845 for America. 

BIRKETT. (or BIRKKT,) JOHN, Brother of James, who emigrated with his family to America about 1S18. 
BLB AKEY, ROBERT, a native of England, who went to America. 
BODKIN, FRANCIS, left England for America about 1842. 

BOOTH, MARK, a Joiner and Carpenter, who married a servant of the Earl of Lonsdale, and afterwards went to While- 
haven, where his wife is supposed to have died, after which he emigrated to Canada. 
BOWN, JOHN, formerly of Notts, Eng., residing in 1862-3, at Petaluma, Chllano Valley, Sonoma Co., Cahfomia. 
BRADSHAW. JOSEPH, of Ballinacargy, Co. Weatmeath, Ireland, died in 1870. Next of kin are in America. 
BRADY, MARY ANN, Daughter of Dennis Brady, formerly of Louchbrickland, County Down Ireland, Blacksmith. 
BRAUWELL, GEO. &THOS., of Derbysh., Eng.; when last heard of, were living at Muckwonago,Waukesha,Co.Wis., U.S.A 
BRETT, BERNARD BALLARD, residing in New York, U.S. A. 
BREWER, HASTINGS and WILLIAM, of New York City, U.S.A. 
BRIDGES, WILLIAM, late of WUtshire, England, who left England In May, 1841, and was last heard of in 1861, when his 

addresBwas, "Care of Mr. Stewart, North Beach, San Francisco, California." . 
BROOKE, WILLIAM, a gentleman of propeity, in the County of Antrim, Ireland, and of Exeter, England, who emigi'ated> 

to Ameiica in 1858, and has not since been heard of 
BROUGH, WILLIAM PARKINSON, a native of Lincolnshire, who left England for the U.S.A. about 1843. 
BROWN, or COPLEY, or THOMPSON, MARY GRIEVE, who lived in Grub-street and Gutter-lane. London Enghrnd, 

audit is supposed went to North America about 1766. 
REOWN, GEORGE, who went to America in 1862. ^ 

BCRDON, WILLIAM, Mercer, who in 1765 went from Great Torrington, in the County of Devon, England, to New 

York, U.S. A., as a factor, and lived there for some time with a Mrs. Johnscourt, in the Meal-market. 
BUBROUGH, ROBERT, Son of Richard, who was a Carver, and lived in the Parish of St. Mary's, Rotherhithe, Surrey, 

England, and in 1731 went to Cheynes, Buckinghamshire, and thence. It is supposed, to some part of America. 
CAMERON, ALEXANDER, eldest Son of the deceased Duncan Cameron, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Paisley, Scotland ; 

he was a Sailor, and was last heard from about 1860, when he was at New Orleans, U.S. A. 
CARDY, MARY, otherwise ELLICOT, who went to America in 1830. 
CARR, GEORGE, who left H.M.'s Ship " BasUisk," at Picton, Nova Scotia, in June, 1863. 
CASSIDY, GEORGE HENRY, formerly of the County of Wexford, Ireland, afterwards of New Orleans, U.S. A. 
CATER, ABRAHAM, Miller, and THOMAS CATER, Butcher, of the County of Suffolk, England, who left 

England for America in September, 1833. Thomas Cater was in New Orleans in May, 1839. 
CATER, CHAa, Miller, of Co. Suffolk, who left Eng. for America in Jan., 1833. He afterwards wrote ftom Detroit. 
CAWSTON, SEDGELY HENRY, who in 1865 was in the Canadian (Windsor) Volunteers, afterwards Travelling ARent 

for a Toronto Bookseller, subsequently employed at a Bookstall on the Vermont Central Railroad, and was last heard 

of from Boston, U.S.A. 
CAYTON, JAMBS, who left Manchester, England, about 1828, for Philadelphia, Pa., C.S.A. 
CHAD WICK, JAMES, of Frankford, in Philadelphia, U.S.A. „ 

CHALMERS, ROBERT KEMP, a native of Scotland, who left Liverpool for New York under the name of Wilson, was 

afterwards heard of at Baltimore, Manchester, Miss., and finally at New Orleans, where he was known under the 

name of Thomas Wilson, otherwise Alexander Paul. 
CLAY, REGINALD GKAHAM MUSGRAVB (otherwise REGINALD GRAHAM), who was residing m 1848 and. 

1849 in Boardstown, Cass Co., Illinois, U.S.A., and thence proceeded to California. 
COLHOUN, HUGH, who died In Pennsylvania: he had a brother, Fitzsimona Colhoun. 
COLLENS, ELIZA. (See Eli2a Pearce.) 
COLLYER, JOSEPH, Linendraper, of London, 1692-3. 

COMBER, W. G., wholeft the Isle of Wight, England, In 1869, and is supposed to be in America. 
COOPER, GEORGE, formerly of Preston, Lancashire, Bngiaad ; last heaid of in San Francisco, California, In 1866. 
COPLEY, •therwiso THOMPSON, otherwise BROWN, MAKY GRIEVE. (See Brown, Mary.) 
COSTELLO, KATE, bom about 1838, who was brought up by John Quane, of Townland Clautrian, Parish of Artlachy, 

County Limerick, Ireland, and when last heard of, was going to Amenca. 
COUPLAND, WALTER, bom In 1816, at Seedley, near Manchester, England ; when last heard from, in 1844, was on 

board the " Tarquin," an American ship, trading between the United States and Stance. 
CRAMPTON, SARAH. (See Sarah Turner.) 

CRICHTON, ANDREW, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, residing in America. 
CRONE, MARY, Wife of Joseph Crone, of New London, Henry Co.Llowa, U.S.A. 

CROSSLEY, CHARLES, of Now Jersey, America, Executor to the Will of John Crossley, of Hargreaves, Co. Lan., En^ 
CONNING, SUSAN, Annuerly of Sallysteckard, County Down, Ireland, who want t* Amerin, in 1823. 



DALE, WILLIAM DUNCAN, who sailed from Liverpool, England, in the barque, " Pei-ihshire," In 1840, and waa Inat 

heard of about 1843, in Boston, U.S.A. 
DAKDO, JOSEPH, who in 1830 or 1831 married Ellen Sterling, or Sheriff, and was divorced from her in New York j 
afterwards married in Philadelphia, one Jane Clark, and after her death, one Sarah Clark ; thereafter, in Pliila- 
delphla, he married one Harriet Catherine Williams. 
DAVID^N, W ILLIAM, of Lanarkshire. Scotland, lately residing at Heber City, Wasatch Co., Utah, U.S. A- 
DAVIS, JOSIAH, Merchant, of London, 1692-3. 
DAWSON. RICHARD, formerly of Yorkshire, England, last heard of in 1862 or 1883, In the employ of Pratt. Ropes, and 

Co., the Meriden Cutlery Company, West Menden, Conn., U.S.A. 
DEATH, JOHN, Son of Thomas, who is supposed to have left England for America, with his children, about the year 

1790, and to have died on his pass^e out. 
DEBNAM, MART ANN, and JOHN DEBNAM, her Husband, formerly of Warminster, Wilts, Eng. Address of the former, 

in 1858, was 4, King-street, Staten Island, N.Y. Address of the latter, in 1857, was Newburg, P.O., N.Y, 
DELANNOY, PETER, Gentleman, of London, 1692-3. „ 

DERINZY. WM, RICHARDS, formerly of Clobernon Hall, Co. Wexford, Ireland, thenof Frederieksburgh,Va.,U.S.A^ 

and lastly supposed to have resided about the years 1846 and 1847 in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. 
DOBSON, HANNAH. (See Hannah Kebly.) 

DOBSON, WM., Son of Robert, who married Margaret Leefe, of Thomton-le-Clay, and emigrated to America 
DONOVAN, DENIS and JAMES, Son of Margaret Donovan, or Tobln, who are stated to have gone to Wales in the 

years 1824 and 1832 respectively, and to have subsequently gone to America. _ 

DOOLET, PATRICK, late of Gorey, in the County of Wexford, Ireland, who left Ireland about the year 1846 for ShelkU 

County, United States, America, and has not since been heard of. 
DOUGLAS, GEORGE, of Lancashire, England, who was residing in New York, XJ.S.A., in 1846. 
DOWLAND, JOHN, formerly a Captain in the 67th Regiment, who died inl86«. 

DUFRENE, THOMAS W.,f ormerly of Brussels, lately residme corner of Tenth and Chesnst Streets, Phtla., Fa., n.S.A. 
ELDER, J AMES, a native of Scotland, who left England for America about the year 1851. 
ELLICOT, MARY. (See Mary Cardy.) 
ELLIS, THOMAS, a native of the United States, and belonging to the schooner "Albitta;* who was drowned at th« 

wreck of the *' Coll-Castle," at the Feejee Islands. 
FAIRBAIRN, ROBERT KINNEBD RGH, of Edinburgh, Scotland, who was for serae time resident in Canada West 
FENN, SARAH. (See Sarah Ansell.) 

FERRIS, CHARLES, formerly of Kent. Eng., sailed for New York, U.S.A., aboi^t 1836. with his brother, James. 
FETHERSTON, THOMAS and MARY, residing in New York, U.S. A,, in 1854. 
FINLEY, ARCHER, of London, England, who went to America. 
FLINT, LEONARD, formerly of Yorkshire, who left England b/the ship "Silas Blcbards," for New York, U.S.A., to 

1840 ; he iiitended to proceed to Newark, in the State of Ohio, U.S.A. 
FOOT, FREDERICK DOLTER, and his Brother, BERKLEY FOOT, who left Ireland in 1859, viO. Galway, for the D.8.A. 
FOWKS, PETER, Gentleman, of London, 16^-3. 
FBAMPTON, SARAH. (See Sarah Turner.) 
FREEMAN, JOHN, who was engaged, about 1844, as a Journeyman Baker in the employ of the Nantyglo Iron Company, 

and then at Sirhowey Blaenavon, Ebhu-vale, Tredegar, and is supposed soon afterwards to have gone to Amerii-a. 

PYFB, or FYFFE, ROBERT, Sister of {mairied), who went from S&tland to North America, many yeara ago. 
GARLAND, JOSEPH, Mariner, formerly of Dundee, Scotland, left Liverpool in 1803, on board of the "Earl Wycomb," 
for Pieton, Nierth America. In 1804 he shipped as Seaman, at Fortamsuth, N.H., on board an American vessel 
trading with the West Indies, and has not since been hesu'd uC 
QASKARTH, JAMES, of New Orieans, U.S.A. 
GIBBONS, WILLIAM., Mariner, joined the ship " Free Trader," at Glasgow, in 1852, whence he sailed for Singapore and 

Penang in February of that year. He left said vessel at Singapore, and sailed for New Orleans or San Francisco. 
GIBSON, JOHN, of Llanelly, Co. Carmarthen, Wales, left England many years since, and proceeded to California, and 

has not been beard of since i860, when lie was residing at Angel's Camp, Calaveras County, Alta, California. 
GIDDINGS, JAMES, formerly of Cambiidgesnire, England, who emigrated to America s«me years ago. 
QIFFORD.ITATHANIEL, Gentleman, of London, 1692-3. 
GILLART, FELIX, Son of Fehx Gillart, who was last heard of in Oatober, 1778, when he was engaged as a Seaman on 

board the merchant ship, " Union Iiorse," then lying in New York, U.S.A. 
GOOD; ROBERT CHARLES HARRY, formerly of the City of Bristol, England^ his last address waa Fost-offloa^ 

CemhUL Williamson County, Texas, U.S.A. 
OOUGH, SOPHIA HENRIETTA, residing in the United States of Anwrica. 
GRAUNIS, WHITE, & CO., doing business in New York in 1833. 
GREENE, ALFRED SMITHSON, of the City of Not York, U.S.A. 
OREENHILL, JOSEPH, PASCHALL. and DAVID, bom in Virginia, U.S.A., between 1720 and 1730. Father's name, 

Kischall GreenhilL who died in Virginia about 1730. 
GUY, MARY, born in London, England, in or about the year 1760 ; her representatives are supposed to be in America. 
HABERMEYER, JACOB FRIEDRICH, of Stralsund.Goldsmith, who was bom in 1782, went to sea in 1799, and was 

kuit heard of in 1803, when he was in Philadelphia, Fa. 
HACKING, ROBERT, formerly of Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, England, Warehouseman, who sailed from 
Engird for the Cape of Good Hope in the year 1836, and afterwards sailed lor, and arrived ab, Salem, in the United 
States, in March or April, 1837, whence he sailed to the East and West Indies ; about the end of 1838 he left Salem 
for some place unknown, and has not since been beard of. 
BALL, DR., and his Wife, who was a daughter of Rev. Dr. Best, an Irish Clergyman. Dr. and Mrs. Hall went to Charles 

ton. South Carolina ; his children by his first wife are supposed to be somewhere in Canada. 
HALL, ROBERT (Brother of Joseph Hall, late of Carlisle, Cumberland, England), who emigrated from Arkengarthdalo, 

in the County of York, England, to Canada, about the year 1838. 
HALPIN. or H ALPINE (formeriy ORD), Mrs. MARY ; or. if dead, har Children. 
HARGREAVES, WILLIAM, formerly of (Jalgato, near Lancaster, England, who waa last heard from at Waynesvlll^ 

Ohio, U.S.A., in September, 1850. 
HARRIS, THOMAS, formerly a Clerk in the General Post Office, London, England, one *f the children of William 
Harris, of Hackn^, County of Middlesex, and Elizabeth Mary Harris, his Wife; sailed from Portsmouth, 
England, for New York, per the " PMladelphia," in December, 1836. 
HARRISON, JOHN, residingin 1773 In Monmouth County, New Jersey: U.S.A. 

HARRISON, JOHl^ late of Hurstonftald, Co. Cumberland, England, Banner j Heirs4t-Law supposed to be in America. 
HARTUNG, OTTO LOUIS, of Schellingstett. by Coelada, Pmssia, arrived in America in 1860, loft New York in 1854. 
HAUKNALL, CHARLESi_Bookbmder, of Phlla^ IX.S. A., was in LondoiK England, in the beginning ef the century. 
HAY, or RATCLIFFE, or PHILLIPS, ELIZABETH, who went from Glasgow to New York, U.S.A., in 1835 ; said be to 

of unBOundmind;flheiBsaidtohavebeen the Wife of James Hay, of 133, William-street. 
HAYWARD, JAMES, of Poole, County of Dorset, England, Mariner, sailed from Cork for Newfoundland in 1832. 
HEATH, GEORGE (Son of Robert and Letitia Heath), who emigrated to Jamaica- in or about 1812 and waa in 1822 Ilk 

South Carolina, engaged as Sailor in the Packet trade between Charleston and Baltimo»«, U.S. A. 
BENTIE, JOHN, who lived many years in South Carolina, U.S.A,, and died in that province about 1770. 
nERR, CHRISTIAN, formeriy of Lancaster Co., Pa, U.1S.A. 

HILL, DAVID, Mariner, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, deceased, who was married In Boston, U.S. A., some consider- 
able time prior to May, 1853. His Children wanted. 
BILL, ESTHER. (See Mrs. Esther Paskett.) 
HINDENBUR&, FRIEDERICH JOHANN WILHELM, a native of Prussia, who went to America about the jear 1M& 

SPECIAL LIST No. 1. 137 

g8^i^Js"'oJ°Bl?fe¥ 'S^lT^T^'^S'^^T^'^'i^^i'itllUX^s,'^^'^^ an innl^eerer near London. 
^^^^JtllfTm'f^'m'Zl'mBl^T^^^^moX^r., Thom«>a, WlUlam, and Elizabeth.) 

r^Sra^SSi^- fenorZ?V^..^^^r&'?.fe-,«^^ .e ™ a Kop. 

if S€SS»^otU-E?^l^S?rn^°^^^^^^^^^^^ the .ea..S05= waea. .ew Bmn. 
jS«?Te.''s'oZ1f fcjZr o'flf^oS; Wiltshire. England, who went to America In 1811. 


'^"SSMt^iitSrstateofVlririnla, tf.S.A., Merchant, where he died In 1814. 

I-E^^l^^¥^So?ifcWSrSS.trM^r^=b°L?^^^^^^^ ^on.L„erpool ta the ehte 

^^i^?Suf^ fSuMpwl, ullfiS jS>f "sVfhS a.Tlved safely at Philadelphia, and Is beUeveS t. ha™ eaileS 

^™t5^'d S™'SI! Ld wMlast heari of &om Sacramento TaUey. Calitorma, In March, 1803. 

ElSife^SSH»^"^?-5«5.".^.U wh. eml^ated to America ahont 18.. 

"^ and ™ at a Sailors' Home, Boston. US A. to 1383. 

MoLTmB, WILLIAM, Saddler, in Ohio. U^Hja. •M-„«[nnnrR.FT or LLOTD. who, with their father John andthelt 


MALTMAlf.OAVmaMtiTeofFlfMUi^, SMtlajdj^bomlnlTO^^^ thereafter he wasm NewBruns- 

l?5l^*^SlSs?£t&f?orhtata1itlfdf?L''pu"^a^ Itiaunderstoodthatho 


of in A Lonis, Mlsaouri, P 18M. 
wmrF.THWAlTE, JOSEPH, Merchant, of London. 1692-3. 
g^DDLMScHjL'oWB, «8.Wto Ameri««^^^ 

ffiJ'J:lfesB°o^^^°^^OSEPH° BLlz'l ANN. THOMAS, and MART. reBldlng in America. 
MOBMsS". SiiB 1864. to the StatTof lUinoto. n.S.A. 


ScookCounty, in the United States of America. it a A, in 1843 and was last heard of in 1849. 



ODffiTDOROTffi^ We of wllliam Odle residing to the U.S.A. 

OBD, MARY. (See Halpine, Mrs. Mary.) TTn-imd for America between the years 1830 and 1836. 

|il^^^'&'^'^^^^?^i?I^°M?^'aS^?/^of^!iCl^S hlJ Nephews and Nieces are sop 



PAUL, MOSES, aliat JOHN, alias MONTGOMERY, who left Coleralne, Xreland, in 1S54, and was residing In Joue^ 

1864, in Hoopa Valley, Humboldt County, Califoi-nia, U.S.A. 
PEACOCK. "ELIZA ANN, who left England for America in 1844, with her &ther, Charles Peacock, and who resided 

for some time at Bhoae Islaiid, near New York, U.&A. 
PEAE, SIR JAMES, or Belrs, In Newfoundland. 

FEARCE, ELIZA (formerly ELIZA COLLENS), of Maidstone, England ; supposed t* be In America. 
PIERCY, WHYLEY, of Leicesterahire, England, who was last heard of at West Troy, Albany County, New Torl^ 

' U.S. A., some years ago. If dead, his Child or Children. 
PINFOLD, WILLIAM LEWIS (otherwise WILLIAM LEWIS), who left England about the year 1820 for America, 

and carried on business until 1838 as Looking-glass Maker, at Philadelphia^ Pa., U.S. A. 
POUNDS, JAMBS, ROBERT WALKER, and JOHN, Sons of James Pounds, formerly of 6, Parker-st„ Phila., U.S.A. 
PRESTLAND, DANIEL, a native of Biggleawade, County Bedford, England, a Carpenter by trade, who left London,. 

England, in 1854, and was last heard of from Chicago and New Orleans, m March, 1S56. 
PRICE, EDWARD THORETON GOULD, and ELIZABETH, his Wife, who sailed from Antwerp for Baltimore, 

U.S.A. in the brig " Emily," in April, 1830. 
PULLAR, ANDREW, of Dimdee, Scotland, landed In New York, May, 1847. Three months thereafter, he sailed for 

Norfolk, and has not been heard of since. He was then about 35 years of age, and both deaf and dumb. 
PULTENEY, CHARLES SPEKE, formerly of the County of Dorset, England. Surgeon, who left England for America 

about 1780. Children of, wanted. 
RATCLIFFE. or HAY, or PHILLIPS, ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth Hay.) 

READING, HENRY HUCKER, of Somersetshire, Eng. ; when last heard from, he was living In Oakland County, U.S.A- 
REINHARD, EBERHARD, formerly of Handschuchsheim and then of Heidelberg, in Germany, who in 1849 came to 

London with the intention of proceedingto America. 
RELFE, CHARLES OSBORNE, of London, England. In 1867 he was employed by T. S. WiswaJl, Nassau-street, N.T. 
REMINGTON, THOMA S , wno sailed ftom London in the brig " Ocean," in October, 1846, and waa last heard of at 

Charleston, U.S,A., in 1847, when he was on board the schooner *' Medium," bound for Keywest. 
EENTON, THOMAS LAIDLAW, a native of Scotland, who has not been heard of since 1843, m which year he left New 

Orleans for Texas, U.S.A. 
ROBERTS, BENJAMIN, now or late of New York City^ U.S. A. 
ROBERTS, or RO.BINSON, married a Miss Jane Ault, with whom he emigrated from England to Canada, in 1819 ; is said 

to have had the fitting up of the Huron Hotel, (Jooderich, C. W. He iiad two Sons, George and Reuben. 
ROBERTSON, JOHN STARK, residing in Virginia, U.S.A., inI779. 
ROBINSON, William, formerly of Hertfordshire, who left England about 1855, and when last heard of, was holding 

an appointment on the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, at Toronto. 
RO WTE, JOHN. His representatives are in America ; he was bom in London, about the year 1760, 
RUDDICK, MARY MARGARET, residing, in 1865, at Montreal, Canada. 
RUSSELL, MARY, Spinster, who died in Ireland, mtestate. Nextvf kin are In America. 
RUSSELL, ROBERT, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, who emigrated to America In 1832. 
6AKGEANT, GEORGE WILKINSON, of London, England, Chemist who left England for America, many year* 

ago ; supposed to reside in Ohio or California, U.S,A. 
SCARTH, HENRY, deceased. His Heir-at-Law and Next of Kin are supposed to be in America. 
6CHICKLER, JOHN, Farmer, formerly of Puslinch, Canada, who left Canada about 1862, and was last heard from near 

the Niagara Falls Suspension-bridge. 
SEABY, RICHARD, Son of Nathaniel Seaby, of Ashwell, Co. Bedford, England, now residing In America 
SHAKESHAFT, CHARLES ; Representatives ot wanted. 

SHARP, ROBERT CLUBLEY, and ELIZA ANNIE.his Wife, residhig, about 1871, at Harrietsville, Ontario, Canada. 
SHEPHERD, MARY, Widow, late of the Cotmty of Lincoln, England, out now living in the State of Ohio, U.S.A. 
SHEPPARD, WILLIAM, Goldsmith, of London, 1692-3. 
SHEPPARD, ELIZABETH ; Representatives o^ wanted. She had a sister named Dorothy, who married John Hatfield^ 

abom the year 1760. 
8HIPP0RE, ELIZABETH ; Representatives of, wanted. She had a sister named Dorothy, who married John Hatfleld, 

about the year 1750, 
SIMS, otherwise DAVIES or DAVIS, JULIANA ELIZA; supposed to be residing at Utah, Salt Lake City, in America,. 
SINCLAIR, ALEXANDER (Son of Wood Sinclair, Cooper in Leith, Scotland), resided in St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. 
SMITH, ELIZA (Maiden name, ELLIS), of Leicestei-shire, England; her next of kin in Phila. or New Orleans, U.S.A. 
SMITH, GEORGE, Hotel-keeper, London, who died 1843, at the age of 82 years. 

SPEECHLEY, JOHN, fonnerly of Woodston, Himtingdonshire, England, whose address in 1859 was P.O., N.T 
SPOFFORD and TILLOTTSON, doing business in New York in 1833. 

SPRAKE, STEPHEN BAKER, formerly of Dorset, Eng., who was at the Star Hotel, N.T. City, U.S.A., in Sept.. 18681 
STANBRiDGE, FREDERICK, formerly of London, who left England- for New York, in May, 1832. 
STUNR, ELIZABETH, Sister of Joseph SymsL 

STONE, JOHN, residing in Long Island, New York, previous to 1790. 
SWENSON, NILS, a nativeof Sweden ; supposed to be living in New York, U.S.A. 
TAYLOR, JOSEPH, formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland, last heai-d of in New Zealand, In 1862: he was then about to 

proceed to the diggings in British Coliftnbia. 
THOMAS, DANIEL, resldingjn 1864, In Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. A. 
THOMPSON, or COPLEY, or^ROWN, MARY GRIEVE. (See Brown. Mary.) 
TOBlAS,MARIA,of 114, Walnut-street, Cincinnati, U.S.A- 
TOBIN. ilARGARET. (See Denis and James Donovan.) 
TOPHAM, THOMAS, late of No. 7, Albert-square, Commercial-road East, London, England, who sailed fSrom London aa 

an Able Seaman in the " Mary Bradford,^' Captain Thompson, in November, 1858, and wrote to say he had arrived at 

New York, but has not since been heard of. 
TURLEY, BRIDGET, Daughter of Hugh Turley, of Ireland, formerly a Soap and Candle Maker. In 1852 she was hvhu! 

with a Mr. Ayers, Jeweller, Madison-street, N. Y. ^ 

TURNER, SARAH (prFRAMPTON, orCRAMPTON), of New Romney, Kent, England, afterwards of America. 
VAN DER HEYDEN, HENRIK, who lived at Luneberg. in Nova Scotia, and died there in 1761 
VEVERS, WILLIAM, of Yorkshire, Eng., a Painter and Grainer ; was residing in 1862, 18C3, at New Rochelle N T 
WADEY, HENRY and JOHN, of Co. Sussex, England, but now residing in America. ' * ' 

WAITE, JAMES, late of Everton, near Livei-pool, England, Builder, now residing in America. 
WARD, WILLIAM, Son of Mai7 Ward, who was in Apnl, 1777, impressed into H.M.'s Navy and sailed for New York In 

North America, on board a transport called the "Jenny," and is supposed to have entered into a regiment called 
the Queen*s Wood Rangers, and to have died in the course of the year 1777. 
WEBB, RICHARD, who left Woolwich, England, in 1850 or 1861, for America, and was last heariof&om California, n S.A. 
WESS(5nS and FIRASK, doing business in N.Y. in 1833. ^ ^^auiorma, u.a,A. 

WEST, EDWARD, Gentleman, of London. 1692-3. 
WHIT EHOUSE, HEN RY, ef New York, in the U.S. A- 
WIGHT, — . (See Johan Adolf Anderaon.j 

WILLIAMS, HENRY, or WILLELMS, HENDRICK, of Amsterdam, Holland ; supposed to be In America. 
WILLIAMS, THOMAS, formerly of the County of Oxford, England, who left Engkindin the year 1826 and went to tesidft 

at Parkman, or some ether place near Painswell, Geauga, County Ohio, U.S.A., and has not since been heard of 
WILLOUGHBY, EDWIN, of HuU, Eng., sailed for America in the ^' Albion," in June, 1855. In 1850 he was in NO and 
St. LouiB ; aBd up te 1858 was at Ceiineil Bluffs, Iowa, U.S.A. He waa last heard of in Son Fraoeiseo, in 186ft. ' ^^ 



The following persoDB, if alive, or if dead, their representatives, are entitled to property. All 
letters must be addressed to J. B. MABTINDAXE, 14% La Salle Street, Chicago, IlUnoIs, 

and must contain a statement of all facts on which the writer's claim is based. [See pages 6, 7 and 
8 of this Manual.] 

AOONO, BENRT, who died in the United States. 

ALLEN, JOHN, of BromsgroTe, WorceBtorshlre, Enrland ; went to America with hla son John, about 1770 ; h« 

resided sometlma at Mr. wells', Painter, New York, and was afterwards a Preacher In the Eastern part of 

Uassachusetta Bav. 
AKDaEWSjWILLIAH, died In America In 18S0. 
ANNINO, WILLIAM, Son of James, formerly of Axminster, Devon, England, who baa been many yeara In the 

United Stotes. 
AFTHORP, Mn., the Wife of Colonel Apthorp, of Boston, U.S., who was travelling In England Ir Aug., 1809. 
ARCHOE, CHARLES, who died In the United States. 

ARMITAOE, JAMES, Son of John, and now or late of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, North America. 
ATKINSON, THOMAS, who left Liverpool for New York in 1829, and was last heard of in Toronto, 1830. 
ATKINSON, THOMAS, a Gardener; native of Newcastle-on-Tyne; is supposed to have gone to the United 

States in the early part of this century. 
ATRILL, EDWABD, who emigrated to Canada about 1851. 
BAIRD, Mary, who Uved In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1843, and who bad a sister named Ann Brison, living 

In New Jersey. 
BALLENY, WILLIAM, now or lately in Philadelphia, U.S.A. 
EALMONT, WILLIAM, formerly a Solicitor, in County Somerset, England ; supposed to have left England fbr 

America in 1848. 
BARWISE, JOHN, Son of William Earwise, formerly of Tamriggmoor, Wlgton, Cumberland, England, who 

sailed, in 1831, trom Liverpool as mate in the Terra Nova to Newfoundland ; and in 1832 embarked at St, 

John's, Newfoundland, In the schooner Osprey, for Cape Sydney, Breton. 
BASAN, SARAH, and Three Children, llvhig in America 1820—30. 
BECKER, CHARLES, late of No. 33a, Princes-street, Leicester-square, in the County of Middlesex, London, 

England, Bootmaker, and supposed in 1869 to be residing in America. 
BELIN, PETER, who resided at Charlestown and elsewhere m North America, and was afterwards of Knightl* 

bridge, Middlesex, England ; subsequently of Birmingham, Warwickshire, England ; he died at sea, on hla 

^toSouthCarolmalnN ■■ ' 

_^ ---^ — 1 North America. 

BETHnNE, N. and J^ and Co., Montreal. 

BOLUS, MARY ANN, Daughter of EUzataeth Bolus, and Niece of James Turner, formerly of New York, 

BOBRETT, BALET, formerly of Stradbrook, County of Suifolk, England, and residing hi Hancock County, ta> 

America, in the year 1801. 
BREAK.WELL, ISRAEL, who left London for the United States about the year 1816. 
BRIDGES, DAVID, son of John Bridges, who left England for North America some years since. 
CAMERON, NEIL, sometime residing in Hunt County, Texas, U.S.A. 
CARMAN, WILLIAM L.^^ deceased; Heirs at 
CBADWICK, ELIZABETH, formerly of GUdatt's-gardena, Liverpool, afterwards of Manchester, England, but 

now in America. 
CHAFFERS, JAMES, late of Liverpool, In the county of Lancaster, England, Master Mariner, who resided for 

some time in the City of New York, U.S.A. , and is said to have married a person who kept a tavern there ; 

It Is believed be died in New York about 1800. , 

CHARLWOOD, JOHN, formerly of Staines, Middlesex, England, Engineer, and Ann hia Wife (formerly Ann 

Evans), late of Fleet-street, London, England, who emigi-ated to the United States of America In 1819, and 

resided In Philadelphia, Penn., U.S. 
CHURTON, William; sisters at, who were married to William Thompson, and Beddtogton. William 

Chnrton died in North CaroUna, about 1780. • 

CLARK, GEORGE OUKRY, a Captain in E.M. 47th Regiment, in 1862 stationed at Montreal, In Canada ; and 

NORMAN LEITH HAY CLARK, In 1862 a Midshipman in H.M.S. Nile, on the North American 

CLARK, WILLIAM, a Subject of the Government of the United States of America, deceased In the East Indiea 

in 1846. 
CLARKE, EDWARD AUGUSTUS, Son of Edward Goodman Clai'ke, of London, England, supposed to havo 

died in America about the year 1815. 
CLAYTON, THOMAS, who died in the United States. 
CLEVELAND, MATTHEW, who left America for London many years ago. 
CONNOR, JOHN, a native of Moyad, hi the County of Down. Ireland, who left that country In 1867, with th« 

intention of going to California, and has not since been heard ot. 
COOPETL ROSE, who resided In New York City, about 1855. 
COUNCELLOR, THOMAS, Son of William Councellor, of Pixley Hall, In the County of Durham, England, who 

went to America about 1766, 
CBAIG, JOHN (Husband of the late Mn. Helen Jamleson or Craig) formerly Ironmonger, In Forfar, latterly 

residlnj^ In Cupar, Fife, who is supposed to have left the countrv about 1860 for America. 
CRIDDLE. THOMAS, a Baker by trade, formerly of Richmond, Suney, England, and residing in America In 1870. 
CROFTS, THOMAS, of Barking, County of iSssez, England, who went to North America, probably to Phlla- 

delphia, about the year 1770. 
DAY, or WOO D, MARY, Daughter of Dr. Wood, of Annapolis,^ and wife of Mr. Day, of Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
DEAN, JOHN, late of Hognaston, In the County of Derby, England, Johier, who In May, 1770, left his fiunOr 

With the intention, it is aupposed, of going to America. 



DE C0T7TY, ESTHER. See Elizabeth HarrlAoo. 

DB TURK, Abraham, U.S.A. 

DE WITT, JAN, who In 1704 went from Amsterdam to New York. 

DIAMOND, ELIZABETH, Daughter of Thomas Diamond, of Falmouth, England, wb» went to Kow Tork. 

about 1776. 
DILLY, ANN, formerly of Fovant, Wilts, England, who was last heard of about 1830, when she was leaving Lireiw 
. pool aa companion or servant to a lady going to the United States of America. She had previously made 

several voyages to and from America as Stewardess to a ship. 
DONOVAN, DENNIS and JAMES, who went to America, after 1832. They were Sons of Margaret Donovan, 

otherwise Tobin. 
DOOL, WILLAM, formerly of the 43rd British Regiment, bom at Thorpe, Coimty of Essex, England, and who 

was a prisoner at Winchester, in America, about the year 1783. 
DOWDELL. JOHN, supposed to be a native of Belfast, Ireland, died in a British Colony In 1^0. Be left ft 

Niece in the united States. 
DUDDING, JOHN HICKS, who in 1794 left the house of his Father, John Dudding, at East Cott^fewfrth, In the 

Countv of York, England, for America, and afterwards resided at No. 28, Liberty-street, New York, D.S, 
DUNKINSON, FERDINAND HENRY, who formerly resided at Islington, London, England, and was in tJxo 

employ of Messrs. Smith, 'stacioneis, of Queen'Streot, Cheapside; he some time since occupied ahouse «t 
- Niagara. 
EDMOM DS, EDGAR BARNWELL, last heard of In Canada. 
ELLANDER, DANIEL, native of Sweden, left Eneland for some of the British Colonies In America, about th» 

year 1768. 
EPHRAIM, PAUL, otherwise called WILLIAM WOOD, an American, formerly of Calcutta, which place ha 

left in an American Ship previous to 1849. 
ERMATINGER, F. W., Montreal. 
EVANS, ANN. See John and Ann Chariwood. 
EVES. ^VILLIAM, who died in Philadelphia, t7.S.A., In 1827. He was the Son of James Evea, Builder, London. 

FARNHAM, B. MORRIS, Notary, late of No. 7, Warren-street, New York City. 
fERGUSON, JOHN, House Fainter, formerly of Downpatrick. County Down, Ireland, and residing in America 

in 1870. 
FISHER, S. W., Philadelphia. 

FITZHARRIS, ANDKEW, of Whitewater Valley, Ohio, U.S.. Drayman. 
FITZHARRIS, PATPJCK, of Whitewater Valley, Ohio, D.S., Gardener 
FRANKS, JOHN, foi-merly of Quebec, and afterwai s of Mo:^treal, in Canada, where ho carried on bnslneu u 

a Merchant, and died at Quebec In 1794. 
FRODD, CHARLES, of London, went to America about the year 1770. 
GANEST, HERMAN who died hi the United States. 
GARRETT, GEORQE, In 1748, being then 18 years of age, left Gravesend, England, for Charlestown, fa South 

GILBERT, ANN, who married Watson Atkinson, an American, In the early part of the present centnn; 
GODFREY, MARY. See Thomas and Mary Taylor. 
GOUGH, HENRY THOMAS, Steter of, supposed to be residing in New York, n.S.A. 

GRAVE, , of Quebec In the early part of the present century, a legatee under the will ef Gabriel Clarmont. 

OEEGORY, or McGREGOR, JOHN, went to America, and was last beard of in 1784, when he was at MontraaL 

or elsewhere, in Canada. 
GRIEVE, JAMES, formerly of Dundee, Scotland, supposed to be residing In the United States of America. 
GRIFFITHS, MARY. See Mary l-umer. 
GRUSSY, BARBARA, who died in the United States. 

his Wife ; alt of Boston, New England, in 1747. 
BANCOCK, ROBERT, a native of Box, Wiltshire, England, was In 1810 residing In Fue-street, Portland, Malne^ 

with a person named John Christie. It was reported tttat he aftenvaids became a Com and Cattle DeiUeb 

He left England in 1805. being then 19 years of age. 
HARRINGTON, WILLIAM, who died in the United States. 
HARRISON, ELIZABETH, and DENISE HARRISON, Widows, residing In New York City, In the early part of 

£ resent century. Sisters of Esther de Coutf, Widow of Peter de Gouty, late of New York City, 
ISON, JOHN, lateofHm-stonfield,inth. Gouut^of Cumberland, England, Faimer; hisHeir-at-Law la 

supposed to be in America. 
HEARnE. CHARLES HENRY, Seaman, orHonry Robinson ; supposed to havo been trading fromHoston, U^S** 

about the year 1855. 
HEATH, THOMAS, a Baker by trade, went to America about the year 1776. 
HELDER, MRS. EMMA, who was married to — Holder, Harness and Saddle Maker, In Reading, Fa., in or 

about the year 1868. 
BENLEY, MARY, Daughter of William Hei^ley, late of Hallsham, Sussex, England, Bricklayer ; she is supposed 

to have gone to America about the year 1793, with a Cimily of the name of JOHNSON, and to have Uvod 

afterwaids at Montreal. 
HERMAN, GEORGE, FREDERICK, and ADILI A, living in America 
BILL, MARGARET. JANE, CATHERINE, DELIA, Daughters of Michael Hill and Uaiy Borks^ tsom 

Ballenbar, County Sligo, Ireland. 
HOGAN, JOHN, late of Ballyhamlet, County Waterford, Ireland, deceased. 
HOFTON, SIDNEY, a native of Newport, Monmouth County, England, who baa been travelling In the United 

States of America since about 1850. 
HOWELL, J. WILLIAM, an American Citizen, deceased in Australia. 
HUGHES, RICE, of the County of Anglcsea, England, a Carpenter by trade ; went to Philadelphia about th» 

year 1770. 
HUTCHISON, JOHN, a native of the County of Lanark, in Scotland ; waa a Sergeant in the 28Ui Regiment, 

which left Ireland for America, in May^757. 
HUTH.or HERTZ, RICHARD, a native of Pinissia. 
INNES, or INNIS. James Innes, Attorney-General of Virginia In 1771. Dr. Robert Innes, of Olouceit», 

Virginia. Judge Haixis Innes, of Frankfort, Kentucky. 
JAKES, HEN JAMIN, Son of Jonn James, of St. Austell, County of Cornwall, England, emigrated with hla 

WU'e, whose maiden name was Ursula Newman, in 1796, to America, "where be earned on the trade u* 

Woolcomber, in Frankfort, in the County of Philadelphia. 
JEFFREYS, REUBEN and ELIZABETH, late of Leicester, England, and residing In the United Statea of 

AmericafiQ 1870. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 2. 131 

KKNNT, or SANDERS, MART, Wlfo of Thomas Sanden, late of Stone, StaSbrdsblre, England, who emigrated 

to Amoriea about 1844, and resided In Toronto. 
KING, RICHARD, who went to America In 1832. . „ , j . .,„ j. j .^ ,. 

KNOwLEB, RICHARD SfiE DERICK, who was last seen to England In 1851 ; and u mpposed to have emt 

LAWES MARIA, Sister of Charlotte Wllby, and supposed to be residing in the United States of America. 
LEAFIi, wILLIAIC, to 1789 carried on the buslneis of a Shoemaker in Now York City, He was a natlre of 

London, England, where his name was Lahiffe. , , ^ „ «. , ™^ 

IBAR JEMIMA ELENORA, living in February, 1807, in Leonard-street, No«f Tork City. 
liBEKE, FRANK, of Maryland, In America, about the year 1820. 
LENAN or LEMAN, GEORGE, who died in the United States of America. 

LIDOIARD and STORy, Halifiix, Nova Scotia. „,„ „j,.j. .. ^ -^ -^ ^ 

LINTON, MUBDOCK D., whose family resided to Toronto, Upper Canada j he died on a voyage from New Toft 

LTTHGOW, mjQH, who WM brought np to the Sea, and resided at Halifax and Philadelphia, and other parta of 

NorthAmerica. „ .. ,. ^ , t , j 

MoBEATH, DAVID, Son of Elizabeth McBeath, Limerick, Ireland. 

MoCARTT, CALLA6HAN, who died in the United States. ,,j,. . -j, 

MoDONotfOH, PATRICK, formerly of Mountjoy, in the Comity of Tyrone, Ireland, who went to reside is 

GharlestoXL to America, in or about the year 1840. 
McGregor, or GREGORY, JOHN. See John Gregory. ., . ^ . .,, rr .. j o... 

MoLAT, or siPEIRS, MRS. HELEN, Wife of James McLay, supposed to bo to the United States. 
MACCOLLA, JOHN, formerlypf Nova Scotia. 

MACOUArTorMACOWAT, WALTER and AGNES, went to America in 1818. ._ „ ^v 

MANSEl£ SARAH, maiden name JONES, married William Mansell, and waa supposed to be to North 

America to the early part of this century. ^i..,,.* _,xai. 

UAHVELL, JESSE, a native of the County of Surrey, England, who went to America about, orprevlousto,tB9 

MArIhALl!' THOMAS, a native of England, who went to New York to 1791, carried on a cotton manuaototj 

there to 1792, and resided in Philadelphia in 1796. 
MASON JOHN, a SurKOon, went to the United States to 1805. , , „^ ^ , . _ 

MAWSON, PEsblVAL, wlJo left Liverpool, England, for the United States of America some veara ago 

MvrmiWl-SST' EDMUND formerly oi: No. 6, South-square, Gray"s-inn, Middlesex, England ; afterwards 

?e^ldlng2cLSngllnitilth™ teU of NOT ^^ and at'Nlagara, to Upper Canada; and to 184i 

reeidini at Lisraird, in tho parish of Wallasey, Cheshire, England. 
S^as^ffia»M»SerfySri^^^^^^^ 1800-1802, at Captain WOll.-.. comer of 

MOOBE!DAVID"son°Sjle?Mrsfwfowirbornta Edinburgh, became a Sailor, and originally sailed 
fromOreenock, Scotland: it la understood he is now, or was lately in California, U.S. r.TT»*mnia 

MORGAN CHANDOlS, who died at St. Nicholas, in Philadelphia, about 1760, and his Son CHANUOIS 
MORGAN, who died at Jamaica, near New York, about 1768. . »»u .onn 

NA=H WILLIAM of the County of Kent, England, who went to Ameiica about the year 1820. 

NEwSt SUS^AH, WM thVWife of a'Bulfier in Philadelphia, about the year 1800. She was the Widow of 
Jolin Newby, of London, England, who died about the year 1780. 



%S rSSiUSX iloomlbSy, Middleseii, b'ut lata of Boulonge-sur-Mer, France. She wa. tho 

PHIlifpfotliSJSsfSli Nlw4!?to^M5^^bT^^^ 40 years of age. He ha, not been heard of 

PLA-F? OEOItGE Of Mossloy, near Ashton, Lancashire, Eneland, who went to America about 1840. 
TOOLEVrEDWAHD, the Yomger, formerly of CratSeld, in file County of Sussex, England, resided at Palmyra, 

PuS[^, jS*&ffc™«l?ofHll2sx, Nova Scotia, but afterwards of John-street, Porttand-place. Middlesex. 
(lUniN?M?&^E.?isE, was residing to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to I860. She la supposed to have been staes 
i^#I?S'Mfi'i''n?{f?e "of^l'co'JS l^tSde a IWlor. supposed to have gone to America about the 
ISiiTsllnOMls tteS^ThrShtol Ma^tao Owner), who about the beginning of 1863 left Wetherby. 

RORKF^ELlfKS SDinsSr aSitwoSEnglaSrS^^^^^^ . „ ^ , 

ROWfif 'J0HN?WiElia& SNYTAXL, and jXcOB, who emigrated flrom Devonshire. Engtand, to Boston, to 

Almerica, about 1760. _„ . „ „ . 

SALMON' yOHNBARKB™tf'tVfcSSSty Of Norfolk, England, who .«Id»l at Balttoiore, to Amertca. with 

Elizabeth his Wife, in the early part of the present century. 

iS^lS^lTi orH»1h'°6X5r''cSilf:'^..hire, to Scotland, went to Charlertown. South O»olto.. 
SCRAOO&wiLLIAM. to 1764 supposed to bo rwldjng to Nova ScoHa. 
il^Sfe^^ &ii,feo1if/i^S^SS.>tar Prinj^^^ Toronto, Canada. 

SIMS0™jSies" Accountant, 43, Exchange Place, New York, United SUtea. 


SIKCLAIR, ALEXANDER, formerly resident at St. Louis, Missouri, United States of AineneA. He was the Sos 

• of Wood Sinclair, of Lelth, Scotland. 
SMITH, JOSKPH, ROBERT, and WILLIAlI, S6ns of Jonah Smith, formerly of Strowl, Gloucestershire, 

England ; thmr left England many years ago, and are supposed to Have gone to North America. A letter 

was receired from William, date Quttlvlty, November 9, 1789. 
SMITH, WILLIAM, formerly of Shadwell, County of Middlesex, England ; went to Boston, In America, In 1176. 
SPElRSt MRS. HELEN. See Mrs. Helen MoLay. 
SPENCE or STEPHENS, ELIZABETH (Wife of Jacob Spence), of the FoBt-offlcc, Muskoko Falls, Ontario, 

Canada. _ 

STARR, JOSEPH, and REBECCA his Wife, formerly of Papplewlck, near Nottingham, Eneland, who now or 

lately resided in the United States of America. 
STEPHENS. ELIZABETH. See Elizabeth Spence. 
S'l'eSVENS, JAMBS DAY, bom at Hlndon, County of Wilts, England, late of Crab Orohard Springs, Lincoln 

County, Kentuclcy, United States of America. 
6TI5VENS, JEROME, or his Heirs. _ 

STEVENS, WILLIAM NEIGHBOUR, bom about 1808, who was a Silk Throwster at Congleton, near WoWer- 

bampton, England, and a Draper at Hackney ; about 1810 he arrived in New York, United States, with 

three cblldren, Esther, Eliza, and Ebenezer. 
8T0CKWELL, JAMES, formerly of Boston, U.S., and late of Madras, and an Officer In the Service of the late 

Nabob of Arcot. He is supposed to have been bom In Ireland, married Jane Crossley, of Boston, and died 

about 1700. , 

SYMONDS, JOHN, formerly of Penzance, Cornwall, England, Millwright, who sailed from Liverpool, in 183S, 

TAYLOR,THOMAS, formerly of Brookland, In the County of Kent, England, Baker, and afterwards of249, Adam- 
street, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., and MARY his Wife, whose maiden name was Godfrey, with their 

Children, Thomas, Godfrey, and Frances. 
TAYLOR, WILLIAM, Son of James Taylor, ttelieved to reside in Nova Scotia, or some other part of North 


THOMAS, JENKIN, GEORGE THOMAS, and ROBERT THOMAS, Brothers Of the late Arthur Thomas; 

supposed to be in Canada. 
THOMPSON, WILLIAM, of California, In North America. 
TOWERS, JOHN, who visited America in 1839. 
TOWNSEND, JOSHUA, of Oyster Bay, Long Island, who was pressed In London, England, in 177S, and put on 

board the " Conquestadore," 
TURNER, JAMES. See Thomas Tyas. 

TURNER, JONAS, who in 1783 lived in the family of Joshua Fisher and Sons, In Philadelphia, America. 
TURNER, MARY, maiden name Griffiths, who went to America in the early part of this century. She waa a 

native of the County of Shropshire. Her Husband's name was George Turner. 
TYAS, THOMAS, about the commencement of the present century left England for the United States of 

America, where he assumed the name of James Turner. 
WALKER, GERVASE, of Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, who went to Canada in 1802. When last heard of 

was at or near Toronto. 
WATSON, WILLIAM MICHEL, who landed at New York in 1808. 

WATTS^OHN, bom at Upton-on.Sevem, Oloucertershire, England, who died in New York, U.S. A., in 1841. 
WEBB, HENRY, at the age of 16, sailed from England in the year 1776, as an apprentice, in the ship "Artemiss^" 

for some part of North America ; he ran away, and entered the " Revenge^ or " Vengeance " privateer. In 

March, 1780, he was at Savannah, but has not since been heard of 

WELLS, DANIEL JAMES, HARRIET ELLEN, and CECILIA, formerly of Wlsborough-green, Fetwortb, 

Sussex, England, who went to Maryland, U.S., about 1860. 

WEST, FRANCIS ARCHER, who is believed to have emigrated to America In 1869, and was last beard of In 

July in the same year as the battle of Richmond. 
WEST, William ARTHUR, who is believed to be employed as a Ship Surgeon in vessels trading between 

England and America. 
WHITE.IROBERT, Commissary of H.M. Stores at Pensacola, U.S.A. 
WHITESMITH, \nLLIAM WATSON, who left Eneland for New York about the year 1862. 
WILLIAMS, MARY, Wife of Benjamin Williams, who, in the year 1811 resided at Mount Jolie, near Frankford, 

Philadelphia, North America, the Daughter of James Pierrepont, of Boston, In the County of Lincoln, 

WILSON, BENJAMIN, Philadelphia. 
WOOD, MARY. See Mary Day, 
WOOD, WILLIAM. See Paul Ephtsim 

formerly of Newton Moor, near Hyde, Chestaire, England ; they left England about 1(40, and went to 

reside at Louisville, Kentucky, in North America. 
WOOTTON, HERBERT, lelt Liverpool, for Baltimore, in America, abore the year 17S3L 



The following persons, if living, or if deacf, their representatives, are entitled to property. All letters 
must be addressed to J. B. MAKTrNDAMi, 143 La Salle Street, Chicago, TlUnols, and must 
contain all facts on which the writer's claim is based. [See pages 6, 7 and 8 of this Manual.] 

AOOE, JOHN JAMBS BAILET, left England for America, la supposed to haw enlisted there under an assumed name, 

and subsequently became a Sergeant in the 29th United States Infantry. 
ADAMSON. JAMES, formerly of Montreal, and of Edlnbnrgh,|Sootland ; when last hoard of, he was to Chicago. 

ALVAKEZ SILVER SMELTING COMPANY, Creditors o/ , ^, „„„„„,„„ 


Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter Robertson), residing in America. . „ ... ^ .. rr o « 

ABDREWS, THOMAS WILLS, Widow and three Children of, residing In North Carolina, U.S.A. 
AULICKR. THEODORE, deceased in America. . . ^ ... ■„..« .. ... 

BADCOcS WILLIAM KINGSLEY, formerly of England, went to Australia, in or about the year X858, whence. It is 

BARToSl'^GE'ORQB,"tormer'S'™°Manche8ter, England, was at the Thames Gold Fielile, near Auckland, New Zealand, 

to April, 1870, and is supposed to have gone from there to San Francisco. 
BATES WILLIAM JAMES, formerly of London, England, now residing in Canada. _. .. ,^ v. j. 

^TN?DM Sir ANDREW, Baronet, Sheriff tor iViltsluie, England in 1S02. His daughiir, Mary, is married (hushand'i 

name unknown), has sons, and in 1807-8 was residing m the United States. 
BBLLONL JOHANNUS MATHIAS, and MARIA, natives oj Holland. 
BB!ROER,PIETER, a native of Holland. ^„.,^ 

BETTONEY, ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth Mathews.) 

BL ASDELL, or BLAISDELL, — , who left Scotland for America about 1770. 

BLEASE, JOHN, now or formerly of 63, Newark Avenue, Jersey City, H.J., U.S.A. 

B0E1JE,PETR0NELLA,* native of Holland. ^ . ,. . . .. 

BOND Sir ALL ANSON, deceased. Representatives supposed to be in America. 

BONE ROBERT.anativeof England, residingatClaremont, New Hampshire. . «.^ 

BRAKEFIELD, ALEXANDER, formerly of Headcom, Co. Kent, dealer, who left England for America In Ootoher, 

BRAND, EDMUND CAMERON, supposed to be in America. 

BROWN. MARIA MANGIN, Widow, deceased. Her next of Kin are supposed to be in America. , _,. „ . , 

BRYAN. oTbrIEN, JOHN, and P^TER LINGUEST, cf Poplar, Co. Middlesei, England, residing at St. Raphael, 

BRYANT°J?)liN°JOSBPn, formerly of Whltesboro, Oneida Co., N.Y., Surveyor. 

BYRNE iAMBS of Ardinary, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. His children emigrated between the years 1830 and 1836. 

CAFFRfcY, Mra. JANE, no* or formerly residing in Albany, America. 

CAMERON JANE, and her issue, supposed to be in Amend. ..„.,. . ^ . . ^ 

CAMPBELL JAMfes and CHES'^BR Children or relatives of, supposed to be in California, or elsewhere in America. 

CAMROUX.JACQUEZ. a native of Holland. , , .,. ,.., 

CARLEY, WILLIAM JOHN, who left England for Canada in the year 1867. 

CTAMBE^LMN,' J^EfcHABL^"oEORQB, formerly of Chels«^ Co MiMesex, Grocer left B^^^^ tb. 

year 1833 and In 1834 was residing in New York, in the name, it is believed, of FREDERICK SrOKES. 
GHATFIELD 'RICHARD EDWIN, now or late of Virginia City, Nevada, U.S.A. 



and'four children— viz., William, Charles, Edmund, and Hannah Cooper. 
CORR, HENRY, of Durham, Roscommon, Ireland. 

CUMMINGS, Miss MARY ANN, residing In America. „iji„»i_ a^—i- 

CYPRIAN JOSEPH and FRANCIS, natives of Bavaria, supposed to be residing in America. 
DALL^ ALEXANDER, WitLIAM, and ISABELLA, the latter marriea Duncan McKerroa AU nativei of 

Scotland. Their descendants now reside In North Carolina, U.S.A. 
DAVIDSON, Mrs. MARION. (See Mrs. Marion Stalker.) 

DAVIS MARY ANN. Daughter of James Davis, a native of Scotland. ,...,. .... , _. .. 

DAl^, MARY AN^N2'i>™eriy of London, left England for Boston, Mass., In or about the y«K M66. la suppoMd U 

DEAN^ SAMUEL, of London, England j two Sons of, supposed to be in America. 

Da BUisSONET, CHARLES, a native of Holland. ,.._,_ . „„,j„. 

D« CALATRAVA, ANTOINE, or his Heirs, supposed to be In America. 

Da GROOT, MARIA, a native of Holland. 

Ol HARDIN,^ JACOBUS, a native of Holland. 

Da PAANU, JOOST, a native of Holland. 

Da RAPPBRT,ESAJ AS a native of Holland. 

DERMER, CHARLES, residing at Halifax in 1867. 

Da WYN, ANNA CHRISTINA, a native of Holland. 

BoUN, llcWAElf^^fierlT "r&ll^te^^^^ Tyrone, Ireland, went to Am.ric to 1867, and resided to Onclnnan, 

Onto, in 1880. He was bom about the year 1830. 
DONNELLY. PATRICK and FRANCIS, brothers, natives of Ireland. ^ , ,. ,o.. j « j ^a^ 

DONOHOE, CORNELIUS formerly of if enagh, Ireland, who went to America in the year 1846, and afterwards resided 

DONOHOf! MARY aSn, forae'r'ly of Nenagh, Ireland, who went to America to the year 1864, and afterwards resided 

at or n«ai the City of Jersey. She has not been heard of. since 1861, _ _ . .i. •, „ . » -..j 

DEEW.JtlEOr' who railed from Cork, Ireland, on August 6th, 1867, for Boston, U.S.A., thence 24 miles to see a friend 

DUNLOP.ROBStTL of Maylleld, Co. Norfolk, Ont., Canada, Doctor of Medicine. 
ECCLES DAVID, of Yorkshire, England, last heard of at Monterey, California. 

lmt^6R°cARlSKiaElESJ^''vo^^AaER, tc., residing at Antwerp, Belgtom, about the year 1760. B« 

EYRE'^Sr%YREs'TL'fzABETH°?a^g"hter°of SAMUEL BYRE, or BYRES, formerly of Stockport, England, U 
^'eHeve^tJ&Smfrtlrf atout 1847 to some person whose iame is unknown. Tfie said huaUcf left h,ngland 

rA.R'Sir^«i5f 'i^tt^rfZ^en^^TmLl^)!''^^rf&TAlRBAim fom.„l, .f Edtohur*. 


FOSTER, Mrs. HARRIET P., formerlv of Birmli^bam, England, aupposed to bo llrinr In Chicago. 

FOX, JONATHAN, formerlv of Yorkshire, left England for New rork In 1862, per *^ Great Eastern " Sbeamahip, sad 

afterwards enlisted In the fith U.S. Artillery. 
FREAK, PHILI P, a native of Ireland, late of Duchess Co.. N.S., U.EL A 
FRENCH, PATRICK, HENRY, ARTHUR, WILLIAM, JOSEPH, and THOMAS, formerly of Co. Roacommon, Ireland, 

afterwards of New York. 
FRYE, DARBY, who in or about the year 1750 owned property on or near to Boston Bay, Mass., U.S. A, called " Dail^ 
Castle," and afterwards changed to " Castle Huntley. 
•■GALLOWAY, ROBERT, formerly of the U.S. Navy, afterwards an Apothecary InN.Y. City. 
GAWLEY, JOSIAS, late of Templepatrick, Co. Antrim, Ireland, Farmer. His next of Kin are in America. 
' GILCHRIST, WILLIAM WEIR, next of Kin, supposed to be in America. 
^GODERICH, HENRY, WILLIAM, and JOHN. (SeeB. M. Anderson.) 
'^GRACIE, GEORGE, late of Shelbume, NovaScotfa. 

' GRIFFIN, EMILY, formerly of Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. A, which city she left about the year 1852. 
'GROMETT, THOMAS, late of Denver, Co. Norfolk, England, who left Southampton for New York in October, 1808, In 
the Steamship " Siberia," and is supposed to have resided for some time in Suffolk Co., and Brooklyn, L.L» utd 
afterwards to have gone upthe country. 
HAACK, MARIA, a native of Holland, supposed to be In America. 

HAMILTON, EDWARD DEAN FREEMAN, who left Adelaide, Anstralla, In the year 1850, for San Francisco, 0.8.A, 
HAMMOND, ANDREW, formerly of Co. Donegal, Ireland, at present in America. 

HARDCASTLE, JOSEPH, and ELIZABETH, his wife, residing many vears ago near Charleston, S. Co., U.S. A 
HARKNESS, MlBS ELLEN, a native of Belfast, Ireland, residing in America. 
HARRINGTON, HENP Y, a native of AberdeenshlreLScotland ; now In America. 
HAZLEWOOD, WILLIAM, Carpenter, formerly of Howick, Ont., Canada. 
HOBBES, ALf^RED (son of Mrs. ROSALIE BERANGER, widow of THOMAS HOBBES), last heard of in the ywr 

1862, when he was In California, with wife and children. 
HODGESj MARY ANN, of Co, Hereford, England, who went to the United States In or about the year 1860l 
HOOFS,' JANE. (See Jane Clarke.) 

HOWES, ROBERT CHARLES (Cook), residing In America. 

HO WES W. T., late of Hillsborough, Ireland , who was last seen in Toronto, Canada, In October, 1872. 
HUNTER, FREDERICK, formerly a Master in the British Navy, who left the Port of Cardiff, in Wales, In the year 

186G, with the intention of entering the American Navy. 
HUNTER, JOHN, residing In or near Schenectady, New York; also MARY HUNTER, wife of John MlUard, supposed 

to reside in Genesee Co., New York. 

HURLEY, WILLIAM, who left London, England, In 1856, and Is supposed to be in America. 

IRVIN. WILLIAM, who patented 5,000 acres of land In Virginia, U.S. A, in 1797. 

JACKSON, JOHN, formerly of Kersley, Warwicksiiire, England, who in the year 1863 was at Toronto, Canada. 

JEAKINS, or JENKSON, BURFORD, left Battle, Co. Sussex, England, In July, 1810, and arrived at No. 27, Prlnoo* 

street, New York, in September, 1840. His Children wanted. 
JELFS, GEORGE WATKINS, formerly of Birmmgham, England; when last heard of, in March, 1870, he was la 

Patterson, N. J^ U.S.A 
JENKSON, BURFORD. (See Jeaklns.) 

JONES, MARY ANN, daughter of William and Maria Jones, formerly of Bath, England, now residing In America 
JONES, Mrs. ANN, formerly of Scotland, but now residina in America. 

KELLY, THOMAS, son of John and Harriet Kelly, formerly of Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. 
KERMS, MICHAEL, a native of Dunsrim, Co. Monagban, Ireland, went to the U.S. A in or about the year 1863. 
LAMBRKCHTS, SARA AUDA , a native of Holland, residing m America. 

LANE, ROBERT CRISPIN, relaMona of, on the side of his mother, Elizabeth, daughter of James Strong, of Co. Devon, 
England, and Elizabeth, hlb wife, formerly Elizabeth Luscombe, daughter of JohnLuscombe, and Sarah Pridean^ 
Doth of Co. Devon, England. 
LINGUESr, PETER. (See John Bryan, or Brien.) 

LIVESEY, THOMAS, who left London, England, for America, 6th April, 1851. 

LIVINGS, ALFRED, bom at Windsor, England, about 1820, in the year 1814 resided at Chicago, U.S.A. 
LLOYD, Mrs. ANNA (See McSheffrey.) 
LLOYD, JOSEPH, in the year 1853 sailed In the ship *' Northumberland" for Australia. He is supposed to have gone t« 

America afterwards. 
LLOTB. THOMAS, formerly of Fincastle, Botetourt, Co. Virginia, U.S.A., afterwards of Versailles, Woodford, Co. 

Kentucky, prerioxis to theyear 1812. 
LONDON, ROBERT, son of William and Ann London, who went to America. He was bom in London, EnghuuL 

about the year 1770. 
LONGHURST, CORNELIA (See Cornelia Morgan.) 
LUSCOMBE, Family of. (See Robert Crispin Lane.) , 
McGOVERN, FELIX, deceased in America. 
MoKERROLL, DUNCAN. (See " Dallas.") 

MoKETTRICK, PETER, bom in Scotland, 1803, last heard of In New York In 1830. 
McMILLAM, MALCOLM CAMERON, Builder and Contractor ; in 1864, residing in Toronto, Canada. 
MoSHBFFRBY, Dr. DANIEL, and his Sister, Mrs. Anna Lloyd, Widow of Dr. Lloyd, formeriy of Londonderry, Ireland. 
MAGEE. Miss ISABELL, formerly of Dramkirk, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, who left for America In 1846 or 1847. 
UAGUIRE, GEORGE, of Philadelphia, owning property In Texas, and who was lately at Memphis, and at Hot 

Springs, Arkansas. 
MAHOOD, SARAH, daughter of James Mahood,n)f Lisdonan, Co. Cavan, Ireland. 
MATFIBLD, ERICK. Representatives supposed to be in America. 
MATHEWS, ELIZABETH, otfaei-wise Elizabeth Bettoney, of Oadby, near Leicester, England. Living tB 

1869, at 17, Washington-street, New York City : or, tf dead, her Husband, Joseph Mathews, or their Children. 
UEECER, ANDREW, who went to Canada with the late Chief Justice Scott, about the year 1801. Heirs wanted. 
MILLARD, MARY. (See John Hunter.) 

MILLER, — , a native of Scotland, residing In Patterson, N. J., In 1870. 
MILLER, JAMES (son of George Miller, of Dundee, Scotland), now residing in America, 
MILNE, Mrs. HELEN. (See Mi-s. Helen Faii-bairn.) 

MIl'CHELL, WILLIAM, son of Thomas Mltcliell, of Stone Call, Co. Sligo, Ireland. 
MORGAN, CORNELIA (maiden name, LONGHUKST), wife of David Morgan, formerly of Bristol, England, noir rt- 

siding in America. 
MORGAN, WILLIAM ROBERT, formerly of Bavensdale, Co. Klldare, Ireland, afterwarcU uf Windsor, Canada West. 
MUSGRAVE, BENJAMIN, formerly of Leeds, England, at present in America. 
JIESBITT, WILLIAM, late of the U.S. Navy Steamship " Piscataqua." 
ORMSBY, HANNAH (widow of Edward Ormsby, formerly of Caatledargan, Co. Sligo, Ireland, and afterwards of Call* 

foraia), supposed to be in New York City. 
OWEN, TOMMY, or THOMAS CONRAD OWEN, son of Thomas Frederick Owen, who died at New Orleans, U.8Jh4 

In Jvne, 1858. 
PACKER. HEN RY JOHN, formerly of Ramsgate, Co. Kent, England, who was In New York In January, 1871. 
FALMEBm JAMES, and MARIA, his sister, natives of England, residing in America. 
PAXMAN, ROSETTA and REBECCA residing in Illinois in the year 18C5. 
PHILLIPS, ISAAC, boro at Easton, Mass.. in 1766. Said to have died at Mobille, Ala.. In ISW. 
rONNAJE^ WlLHELMn Ti fimnschwelK, who served in tba Union Army in 1864. 

SPECIAL BIST No. 3. 135 

POOLE, THOMAS, fomurly of Co. Elldare, Irelmd ; his next of Eln are In Amerioa. 

FRIDEAUX, Family of. (See Robert Crispin Lane.) 

PTLB, ELI, of Delawaie, Co. Pa., a.S.A. 

PTNCHONlHENRY G., lesidingin California in 1868. 

RALPH, HENRY 1., Master of tue barque " LanercOBt,"* who sailed In said ship flrom Baltimore, U.S. A., Feb. 13, 187S. 

BAMSKRAMER, UANIEL, a native of Holland. 

EbElLLY, EDWARD B., who sewed in C.B. of 2rd Division U.S. Infantry, Army of the Potomac, in 1803 and 1864, and 

who resided at Benson MiUs, Virginia, and in December, 1869, at Greenville, Washington Co., Miss., U.S.A, 
KBILLY. MARGARET, last heard of in January 1863, atOloucester, N.J., U.S.A. 
BENNER, CARL. (See Max Sternberg.) 

REYNOLDS, THOMAS SMART, and JOSHUA, who left Wellington, Shropshire, England, fbr America in 1850. 
RICHOER, GUlLLBAMB, a native of Holland. 
BIDOWAY, WILLIAM, Glass-blower, formerly of Fenton, Staffordshire, England, who went to America about th* 

year 1883, and resided in Jersey City. 
BTJBBENS, BONDEWIJN, a native of Holland. 
BUBRIDGE, JOHN, who emigrated to America before 1780. 
SHAW. JOHN COX, formerly of Bristol, England, now residing in America. 
SHEPHERD, WILLIAM, formerly of No. 9, Liverpool-street, City, London, a Glover by trade, who left England tor 

America in or about the year 1847. • 
6HEFPARD, WILLIAM EDWARD, lett England for America in 1839, was living in New Orleans in September of that 

vear, at which time his son, William Henry Sheppard, was an Import Clef k in the N.O. Custom House. 
BHERRARD, EDWARD, son of Edward Sherrard ; mother's maiden name, Elizabeth Stone. 
SLATER, GEORGE, a Morocco Dresser, a native of England, in 1830 residing in New York-, and afterwards In Ohio. 
SMIT.DERK, a native of Holland. , . 

SMITH, WILLIAM, formerly of Ballaysaygart, Co. Waterford, Ireland, now in America. 
SI^,EER, MRS. MARION (maiden name, DAVIDSON), formerly of Scotland, afterwards residing at North Aigyh^ 

Washington Go^ N. Y. , and Rev. Duncan Stallser, her husband. 
8TARREMAN, PlETrtO, a native of Holland. 

STERNBERG, WAY , also called Carl Renner, formerly of Breslau, Prussia, now in America. 
STOKES, FREDERICK. (See J. G. G. Chamberlain.) 
STOKES, JOHN (husband of Eliza Stokes), residing in America. 
STRONG, Family oL (See Robert Crispin Lane.) 
8TR00F, HENRICH, from Cologne, on the Rhine, residing in America. 
STUYS, MARIA and CuRNELIA, natives of Holland. 
SUAVE, ANDRIES, a native of Holland. 

SUTHERLAND, BOSETTA (maiden name, PAXMAN). residing in Illinois in or about the year 1865. 
6TM, ELIZABETH, of Drumboy, In the parish of Glassford, Lanarkshire, Scotland ; is supposed to have emigrated ta 

America about the year 1847. „ „ ,^^,. 

SYUS, JOSEPH, who died in England about the year 1750. His Representatives are supposed to be in America, 
TARBETT, ROBERT, a Farmer near New York City ; a native of Kirkoolm Parish, in Wigtonslilre, Scotland. 
TAYLOR, M. E, who in May, 1862, or 1863, left England with her husband, and son Albert. When last heard of was fa 

San Francisco, Callforaia. . . „ 

lATLOR, THOMAiS, deceased, whose heirS are interested in lands in Georgia. 
lEEKMAN, WILLEM and WILHELMINA, natives of Holland. 
TEFFER, SAMUEL, a native of England, went to America many years ago, and was last heard of at Camden, WUoox 

Co., Alabama, U.S.A. 
THOMSON, ANDREW, formerly of Selkirk, Scotland, a Baker by trade, went to America about 1860, and was last 
heard of at Delaware, Canada, in 1861. _ . .. , , 

TOWLE, ALLAN, of Lincolnshire, England. Nephews and Nieces residing in America. 

TYLEY, CHARLES, of Shropshire, England, a Joiner by trade, residing, 26th January, 1870, at 188, Second-street, 
Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. 

VAN, BEBM. CORNBLIS, a native of Holland. 

VAN HBYDE. JACOB, a native of Holland. , „,.... ^ .^ 

VON, HAENLEIN, CARL FRIEDRICH, a native of Prussia, who was in Lower Canada In the year 1850; when Uut 
heard of, in the year 1853, he was in hospital in Baltimore. 

VTSB, RICHARD, late of Luton, Co. Bedford, England, Straw Hat Manufacturer. Creditors wanted. 

WAKEFIELD, JOHN DAVIES, lett England in the ship " Charles Richard," In 1849, deserted her at New York, Slst 
May, 1850, and afterwards resided in Mulberry-street, New York. 

WARN, JOHN WILLIAM, formerly of Poplar, Co. Middlesex, England, now In America. 

WEBSTER, JOSHUA DALMER, formerly of Anglesea, Wales. When last heard of he was In the vicinity of Chicago. 

WEIK, JAMBS, of Glasgow, Scotland. His children are supposed to be in America. 

WELHAM, JOSEPH, Carpenter by trade, formerly of Co. Suffolk, England ; when last heard at. In 1864, was at 
Pembroke, Canada West, and he then intended going to Gold Mines 70 miles below Quebec. 

WB8TLEY, KOBEKT, who left Liverpool for New York about the year 1861. „,,„„.. . 

WHITE. EDWARD, formerly of Weymouth, Dorsetshire, England ; left Swansea, Wales, for New York to or about 1861. 

WHITEHEAD. JOHN, a native of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, supposed to be in America. ,. .._ 

WHITTLE, JOHN, lett England for Qaebeo in April, 1865; was in Boston, Mass., from October, 1865, until March, 1867, 
and his last letter was dated New York, 29th April, 1870, whm he stated that he was 111. 

WBYTE, JOHN, bom at Greenloanlng, Scotland, about the year 1811, some time a Farm Servant at Muthill, and 
Stratheam," Scotland, thereafter in Delaware, U.S.A., and when laat heard of was a Sailor on a steamboat trading 

between New Orleans and CincinnatL 

WILKIE, JAMES, formerly Ordnance Store-keeper, Kingston, Canada. .„„„„„_,_ ^, . „ ., ^ _ . 

WILKINSON, JOHN, and JANET, his wife (whose maiden name was JANET DALLAS), natives of Scotland. Thalr 

_ descendants are now residing in Canada. . „ ._ „ „ „ ., ^ . «.... ,. *,.**«. 

WILLIAMS, GEORGE BANGLBY, of the Chief Engineer's Oflce, Alleghany Valley Railroad, at Rttsbmg, Pa., U.S.A. 

WILSON, ARCHIBALD, of Co. Armagh, Ireland, now residing in America. 

WOODS, JOSEPH SHARRAD, left London, England, for New York, U.S.A., 1840. 

WOODWARD, BOXEN, Relatives of, supposed to be in California, or elsewhere in America. ,..„,.,_„,. 

WRIGHT, SAMUEL, Shoemaker, Philaaelphla, who removed from Walnut-street to Vine-street, ta 1838 ; his wife'* 

_ maiden name was Mary Park. _ , . _ „ . , ._-. 

T0UNO,PBTEB, a native of Scotland, who went to Pennsylvania, U.S.A., in 1784. „,..,.,„ 

TULE, or YOOL, MOSES, who left Greenock, Scotland, for America, about the year 1820; was residing in Philadelphia. 
Pa., la or about the year 1840. 



The following perBone, if living, or if dead, their representatives, are entitled to propertr. 
All letters must he addressed to J. K. Itl ARI'INDAM:, I4S l.a SaUv Street, «'biGH«ro, 

llllnolH, and must contain a statement of all facts on which the writer's claim is based. [Sm 
pages 6, 7 and 8 of this Manual.] 

ABBOTT, ALFRliD, JAMES, and EDWARD, aU 01 New York. 

ABUOTT, CLARA HODGES, of Auburn, New York. 

ADAMS, ANN, late of Lexington, Middlesex County, Mass., TT.S.A. „„..„,» 

ADAMS, JOSEPH, Son of Captain Joseph Adams, late of New York aty, bom SeptemMr 18, 1836. Helafl 

New York in June, 1856, and was lost heard from by lettei- written by mm, dated Cora Mora lalar.aa, Deow 

23, 1868. 
ADAMS, JOSEPH, late of Boxbury, Norfolk, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
ADIE, JAMES MITCHELL, ofEnola, Canada West. 

AFFOURTIT, PETER L., late of Company A, 17th Regiment New York Volunteer*. 
^.TTOHESON, JOHN, residingin Orange, County ofEssex, New Jersey, O.S.A;^ 
AiTKEN, WILLIAM KEaR, Carpenter, from Berwiok-on-Tweed, Scotland. When last heard of; w«a lodging 

In St. Philip-street, New Orleans, U.S.A. 
AKERS, JA.MES, formerly of London, England, died in the West Indies, 1821. 
ALLEN, BELLE, who left home in 1844, was married in 1849 to Jacob van Dusen in Troy, and shortly aftw 

wards came to New York City. 
ALLEN, HENRY, lately a soldier in Company E, 47th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. 
ALLEN, THOMAS, died in America, 1794. 

ALLHYNE, HENRY, bom 1800, who was married in Bristol, England, and west to America. 
ANDERSON, ALFRED, of New York, U.S. A., 1832. 
ANDEliSON, JAMES, Invomess-shlre, Scotland ; he is supposed to liave gone to London, England, New York, or 

Montreal: he wants the left arm from the shoulder, wears a dark wig, and has a halt. 
ANDREWS, GEORGE ERRICKER, Son of William Anderson, formerly of Ksher, Surrey, and now of Cheltenham, 

England : he was last heard of at San Francisco. 
ANOELO. JOHN N., late of Boston, Sultblk County, Mass., U.S. A. 
ANTHOINE, PIERRE, bom in Chateauxroux, Hautes Alpes, Prance, supposed to have died Id New Jerwy, 

U.S., about 1846. 
APPLETON, THOMAS, formerly of Northallerton, York, England ; went to America. 
ASTILL, FRAN &, formerly of Leicester, England; went to Ameiiua in 1848. 
ASTOR, JOHN JACOB, formerly of New York. Heirs of. 
ATKINS, CHARLES, who, about 1836, left England for America, and about imt was lieard of rt Quebeo, la 

ATKINS, MAJOR Rf T VRD, who died in Califomla. 

ATKINSON, ANN, \V ..o of Watson Atkinson, an American, and ""ster of Mrs. Roystoa 
ATKINSON, JAMES, Son of Robert and Margaret Atkinson, of Lmcohishire, England ; went to America. 
AVERILL, THOMAS, late of Burlington, Middlesex, Massachusetts, U.S.A.;now residing in Now Boston, N«w 

Hampshire : insane. 
AYRES, GEORGE, Son of Sarah Ayres, formerly of Poekskill, New York. 
BACON, RICHARIX who was Clerk on the Great Western Railway, Burmingham, England, and v ho left that 

place in May, 1867. 
Baker, JAMES, formerly of Lymington, Hants, England ; went to America. 
BAKER, SAMUEL, a Seaman on board the barque " Glen,** in 1861. 
BALDWIN, JAMES F., late of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
BARKER, THOMAS, late of Ledyard, in the State of New York, America, who. In or about 1838, left Whltbr, 

Yorkshire, England, for New York. 
BATES, FANNY, late of Cohasset, Norfolk, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
BATES, JAMES, late of Ulcombe, Kent, England ; went to U.S. A. about 1847. 
BATES, JOSEPH, of Canada West. 
BAUM, HARRIET, formerly of Chester, Delaware County, Pa., U.S.A. ; supposed to have left New York (br 

the South In 1861 or 1862. 
BEANLAND, WILLIAM, Son of Jona£ Beanland, ofBowlhig, near Bradford, Yorkshire, England. 
BEATl'lE, GEORGE, the Younger, formerly of Southwark, iu the Comity of Slurrey, England, but lata Ot 

New York, U.S.A. ; it is believed that he died in New York in 1830. 
BELCHER, WILLIAM S., late of Stougnton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
BELIN, PETER, of London and America, died 1786. 
BBLLEW, FRANK TEMPLE, of New York, in America. 
BENNETT, MARTIN, went to Montreal in 1844. 

BENSEIAW, ANN, who left England with Mrs. John A. Weir, March 14, 1848. 
BENSON. MR., of Falmouth, Cornwall, England, and afterwards of Glasgow, Scotland. 
BENTLEY, ED WA RD, Son of Edward, of Runwell, Essex, England ; went to Philadelphia, America 
BENTLBY, THOMAS, of America, 1783 

BERNARD, HEWITT, one of the Godchildren of Henry Parker, late of Jamaica, West Indies. 
BERNEY, THOMAS, Victualler, formerly of No. 1, Black BaU-row, Dublin. 
BETEUNE, HUGH, formerly of London, England, Merchant ; supposed to have died in America. 
BETEUNE, N, and .r and Co., of Montreal, Canada. 
BICKELL, THOM.V . and JANE NEWCOMBE, residbig in Depeyster, St. Lawrence County, New York, U.aA., 

and other Children of Mary Bickell (otherwise Williams, otherwise Rockev). 
BISHOP, JOHN CROOK, formerly of Bushey, Eerts, England : went to New York in 1831. 
BISHOP, ROBERT (sometimes called Stephen Robert, or Robert Stephen Bishop), -formerly of Salpertoo. or 

Sanj9rton, Gloucestershire, England, Shoemaker, who left l^ngland about 1846, for America, and waa lll% 

heard of (in 1846) at Hamilton, Canada West. 
BHACK, SAMU EL, resided at or near to Columbia river, Canada, and died there m 1841: 
BLACKALL, CHARLES, formerly of Wallingford, Berks, h-ngland ; went to -America in 183). 

SPECIAL LIST No. 4. 187 

BLACKBURN, BOBBRT, formerly of Glasgow, Sootland, Son of William Blackburn, vho is supposed to liaTe 

sailed from Liveipool on the 13th of March. IS28, for Newfoundland, 
BLACKBALL, JAMES, formerly of Hampstoad, near London, England ; enlisted, and went to America. 
BLATFORD, Ma. and MRS. WILLIAM, came to U.S.A. about 1849, from Dee County, Ireland. 
BLAZEBY, WILLIAM, formerly of Norwich, Encland, who emigrated to America about 1830, resided in Kew 

Orleans in 1835, and was killed at San Antonia, a Volunteer in the Texan Army. 
BLOOD, ADAH, late of Dunstable, Middlesex County., U.S.A. 
BLOOD, EDWABID W., late of Holliston, Middlesex County, Mass.. n.S.A. 
BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT, of New York, 1833. 
BOGLE, ROGER, late of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., U.S.A. 
BOLNEV, ANN, supposed to be in Un ted States, Daughter of John and Mary Bolnejp. 
BOLUS, MARY ANN, Niece of James Turner, of New York, Gunsmith. 
BON NELL, MRS., supposed to be in America 
BOOTH, SAMUEL, died in America. 

BOOTH, WILLIAM HENRY, late of Leeds, England, Clothdresser ; went to America in 1861 
BORM AN, AMB ROSE, formerly of Ockham, Surrey, England j went to America in 1830. 
BOTCHFRBY, ESTHliR, of Canada, in British North Aii.orica, Widow of Morton Botcherby. 
BOURKJl, JOHN, formeriy of Liverpool ; went to America about 18q3. 
BOWIE, WASHINGION, George Town, U.S., 1816. 
BRADBROOK, MR., formerly of 4, Bowery, New York. 
BRADFORD, LOU ISA, Daughter of Sai-ah Cooper ; she is supposed to Lave left England with the Slormoas for 

Salt Lake, some years since. 
BRADLEY (otherwise HALLIDAY), CHARLOTTE, late of New York, Daughter of Henry Bradley, of Blr. 

mmgbam. England. 
BRADLEY, THOMAS H.. died in Amcrto.1, 1820. 

BRAMMBR, EDWARD, formerly of Croydon, Saddler, who went to America, 1846. 
BRAY, PHILIP, bom at Winchelsea, Sussex, England ; went to New York and Bulfalo in 1841. 
BREIDING, HENRY, born in Ei-mschweid, Witzenhausen, Kuhrnessen, who came to U.S.A. In 186L 
BREMAR, HENRY, died in America. 

BREWSTER, WILLIAM, of the firm of Brewster, Tildersley, and Co., of Chicago, HI., or Virginia Brewster, 
BRISSINOTON, JOHN, lately died at Newborn, Nortli Carolina, U.S.A. 
BROMHEAD, BENJAMIN, in Vnginia, 1771. 
BROOKE, EDWARD 4}0ULD, left England for America about the end of October, 1867, and supposed to hftw 

died there. 
BROOKS, JAMES, late of Oxford : supposed that his grandchildren are in America. 
BROWN, ALEXANDER, late of Twenty-fourth, U.S., C.T. 

BROWN, OEORGB THOMAS, Son of Christopher and Ann Brown; went to Boston, U.&A. 
BROWN, JAMBS, i»te of New Orieans, U.S.A. 
BROWN, MARGARET, late of New York City. 
BROWN, MARY ANN, Wile of Stewart Brown, of New York. 
BROWN, RICHARD, Woolcomber, who left Harberton, Devon, England, In April, 1836, was in Albany In May, 

1836, and last heard from in Rapid, Louisiana, in July, 1841. 
BROWN, SIMON, late of Dorchester, Norfolk, H assaohasetts, U.S.A. 

BROWN, WILLIAM, lato of Richmond, Virginia, Merchant, died 1811. _ 

BROWNE, THOMAS, formerly of Roscommon, Ireland ; last heard of In 1856, In Cherry-street, New Yotk. B* 

la a sailor, and sometimes sails under the name of Thomas Blake. 
BRYANT, CHARLES, late of Skowhegan, Somerset County, Maine, D.S.A 
BUCHAN, WILLIAM F. B., Doctor of Medicine ; wont to Canada in 1834. 

BUCKIiEY, JAMBS, Son of Abraham, deceased, of WhiWeld, Lancashire, England ; supposed t J he abroad. 
BUDD, CHARLES, of Cherrv-street, New York, U.S.A., Shoemaker, who went to Amenca in 1836. 
BDNN, THOMAS, of Rupert's Land, North America. „ , „ ^ .^ 

BUNTING, MARY, Wife of Edward Bunting, and Daughter of Elizabeth Steward, of Wereham, Norfolk 

England, who emigrated to America some time since. 
BUUDELL, EMMA, dwd in New York, 1862. 

BURKE, THOMAS and PATRICK, Sons ot Elizabeth Burke, of Dublin, Ireland. 
BUBNAP, LYDIA, late of Holliston, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 
BURNS, ROBERT, of Belfast, Ireland ; then in the employ of the British Consul in New York. 
BURNS, ROBERT, Son uf Robert Bums, of Newtownards, Down, Ireland. He went to New York In 1836, ana 

soon afterwards went on a whale-flshlng voyage to the Northern Seas, and has not been heard of smjo 1843. 
BUBRELL, WILLIAM, of North Lapham, Noriblk, England ; Heir-at-Law of; s'.ipposed to be a descendant of 

Stephen Burrell, who went to America many years ago. ^ . „_, , „ 

BYRNE, MARY (formerly CONNOLLY), Widow of Edmund Bymo. She had thi-ea Daughters living In New 

York, U.S.A. , named Anne, Margaret, and Elizabeth. 
BYRNES, CHRISTOPHER, late of Framingham, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A 
CAHILL, JOHN, of DumMes-shire, Scotland, who landed in New York, U,i3.A., In the year 1638. 

CAIN, MARY, last heard from in Yorkville. , 

OAMERON, JOHN GEORGE, a Mulatto, who sailed from Liverpool for America about 1809 or 1819. 
OAMMEYER, WILLIAM, in 1816 a Morehanc at Chili, South America. . ™. . ^, .„. 

Campbell, JAMES, lata of the city of Now York, a native of Ireland, Dealer in Photographic Albam% 

CAMPBELL, MARY, late of Montserratt, West Indies. 
CAMPBELL. MR., of New York. U.S.A. 

CANNING, WILLIAM, Son of Athaliah Canning: went to^New Orleans in 1841. 
OANOCHAN, MARGARET, of Baltimore. „„. .^ , ,„,. 

CAREY, ALICE, of Roscommon, Ireland; lived In Walker-street, New York City, U.S.A., about 1847. 
CARPENTER, DR. NATHANIEL, late of Virginia, U.S. ; died in 1778. 

CARLTON.ENOCH, late of Boston, Suffolk Countj\ Mass., U.S.A. .„ , o, .... t^ v. • 

CARBON, JOHN H., bom in Washington County, New York, died in Liverpool, England, In 1868 ; Daughter of, 

supposed to be married and livim^ in Virginia, U.S.A 
CARTWftlGHT, MATTHEW, of Philadelphia. „ , , » ^ ,„ v . ^. 

CHADWICK, ELIZABETH, formorlj of GUdart's-gardena, Liverpool, England, afterwards of Manchester, but 

now residing in America. . .. ^ „, ,j .v, -r>i7,T.nT«T. 

CHAMBERS, CAIHARINE, late of Bedford, England ; relatives in America wanted (Maiden Name, PBPPIN). 
CHAMPION. ALEXANDER London, England ; said to have lived some time in Baltimore, n.S. , , , „, 

CBARLF-S, RICHARD, ROBERT, and WILLIAM, all now in America, Sons of Richard Chai'les. of Uublia. 



CHESSO (or CHASBl EUGENE J., who, when last hoard from, about 1853, was living at Spring Garden, Phil. 

adelphia, CJ.S.A. 
CHIENNE, MARGARET, living In PUiladelphia about 1830. 
CLAPP, BENJAMIN, late of Dorchester, Norfolk County, Mass., U.S.A. 
CLARK, ANNA. (See Winton, Anna.) 
CLARK, JULLA, died In New York. 

CLARE, MARY, died in America. . , ,_ » 

OLARK, THOMAS, formerly of Mosevale, Warwick, England ; enlisted and sent to America about 1770. 
CLAUSSADBnOFF, MRS., a native of Keel, Propstei, Pretz, Germany, who arrived in New York in 1840, and 

afterwards removed to Philadelphia. „ ...„«. 

CLIFFORD, MARGARET, of County Limerick, who left Ireland In August, 1860, for New York, 17.S.A. 
CLOTJGH, JOHN, of Runcorn, Cheshire, England, Son of Thomas and Margaret Clough ; went to Boston 

CLOWERSJJOHN M., and JOHANNA, his Wif-. who sailed firom Rotterdam, 14th June, 1866, for New York, In 

the " Leila." 
CLTNE, WILLIAM, Son of the late James Clyne, i.. ther Merchant, Abeidcen, Scotland. 
COBSpN, GEORGE, of California. „ , ^ ^ „„ ,„™ 

COCK, GEORGE:, formerly of Plymouth, England, Grocer ; went to New York about 1860 or 1860. 
COLEMAN, SARAH, Widow (formerly SARAH STICKNEY), of Newbury, Mass., U.S.A. „. „ ^ 

COLLINGTON, NATHANIEL, who was formerly a Butcher at Mobile, and married in New York s Miss Combf, 

or Tombs, of Exeter, England, in 1845. 
COLLINS, J. W., who formerlv worked forH. Seymour & Co. 
COISON, GEOEtQE, late of California. 

COLT, SARAH (formerly LYMAN), who died eitl-er In the U.S. or New Brunswick. 
CONANT, PETER, late of Charlestown, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. ^ 

CONNOR, JAMBS H., died in America. „ ^ ^ . . 

COOKE, or COOK, SAMUEL, late of New York, a Builder, who owned property in East Chester In 1826. 
COOPER, GEOBGIE, of California, 1856. 

COOPER, JOHN, formerly of Misterton, Notts, England j went to America in 1820. 
COOPER, MRS. JOHN, Widow of the late Dr. John Cooper, late of Washtenaw County, Michigan, U.S.A. 
COOPER, LOUISA. (See Bradford, Louisa.) _ „ _ , . „ 

CORNELIA, JOHN B., JAMES CORNELIA, and MARY, Wife of Heniy Thomas, the Beirs-at-Law of Petoi 

Cornelia, formerly of New York. 
CORNER, JAMES, bom at Wick, Scotland ; went to Amorlca. 

CORNWALL, ANNE. Daughter of Mrs. ,Tulia Cornwall, formerly of Sackville-street, Diiblin. 
CORRI, PHILIP ANTONY, Musical Composer and Teacher, who left this country for America. 
COURTER, JOHN'S., a Mason by trade ; was known in 1867 to be in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 
OOWELL, SARAH, Wife of Edward (Maiden Name, SARAH WILSON , who emigi-ated to America about 1700. 
COWLING, EDWARD, who formerly resided at or near Holywell-monnt, Shoreditch, England, and left this 

country for America in or about the year 1839. 
COX, MRS. ANN (formerly ANN WHITRCHURGH, Spinster) ; leit England in 1842 In the "Britannia" ste- tee 

from Liverpool, for Boston or Halifax, North America (under assumed name of Mrs. Clarke). 
COX. PREDERIO, late ofTiverlon, Devon, England. 

CRABTREE, JAM:ES, Son of John and Grace Crabtree, of Huddersfleld, England ; went to America in 1830. 
CRAIG, JOHN B., died in America. 

CRANE, PEYTON, and NATHANIEL, who removed from Virginia many years ago. 
CRAWFORD, CHARLES, a Seaman j sailed to West Indies in 1816. 
CREW, ROBERT, Son of John Crew, a Quaker, who died in America. 
CRISP, WILLIAM, of North America. 
CRISS, WALTER, died in America. 
CROOK, ROBERT, was in U.S.A. in 1842. 

CROSS, HORATIO, formerly a Customs Guard in the West indies. 

CROWLEY, JAMES, late of Templemore, County Tippeiary, Ireland, who emigrated to America about 1860. 
CROXTON, PRISCILLA, who removed from Virginia many years ago. 

CRUICKSHANK, WILLIAM, formerly of East Smithfleld, London, England ; went to America. 
CRUMBLEHOLME, QEOROE, formerly of Slaidbum, Yorkshire, England, late of New York, U.S.A. 
CUDLIP, THEODOSIA HODGSON , Wife of Otty Cudlip, of St. John's, New Brunswick. 
CUMMING, JAMES, lived at or near Brompton m 1838, and subsequently removed to Montreal, Canada. 
CURRAN, JOHN, who Is supposed to have emigmted to Canada about 1822, and to have died there about 1850. 
CUR REN, MICHAEL, formerly of Belf^t, Ireland, who went to America. 
CURRIE, JOHN, was In Newport, Rhode Island, U.S., in 1843 
CUTTER, RUTH, late of Cambridge, Middlesex County, Mass., U.B.A. 
DAILEY, WILLIAM, died in America, 1812. 

DAILY, R. H., was in Europe in 1855, and now understood to be in business in Virginia, U.S.A. 
DANFORD, JACOB, of Quebec, 1800. 
DARLING, HANNAH. (See Robinson, Hannah.) 

DAVIDSON, ALEXANDER and JOHN, Sons of Mungo Davidson, who died in America, 1774. 
DAVIDSOl^ MUNGO, Master of a Trading Vessel, died about 1774, leaving a Widow, who is believed to hava 

kept a store in Philadelphia, after his decease. 
DAVIBS, THOMAS (otherwise JOHN THOMAS), formerly of Wrexham, England, Omnibus Proprietor, gub- 

sequently of the 18th Regiment of Missouri Volunteers, North America. 
DAVIES, or DAVIS, THOM.iS, Son of Mary Davies, or Davis, formerly of Reading, Berks, England; emigrated 

to America, a few years ago, and was employed in a Cotton Mill at North Attlebone Falls, Massachusetts. 
DAVIS, MARGARET, a native of Leitrim, Ireland, who sailed from Dublin in August, 1854, for New York. 
DAVIS, SARAH SDSANNAH (afterwards GRAHAM), died in America in 1822. 
DAWSON, ROBINSON JAMBS, a native of Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.A.; went to the East Indies. 
DEACON, ISABELLA, Wife of Thomas Deacon, of Kingston, Canada, Storekeeper, about 1830. 
DE BONNE, PIERRE AMABLE, formerly one of the Judges of the Court of King's Bench at Quebec, Lower 

Canada ; died at Quebec in 1816. 

DE COURCY, HENRY LOUIS ARMAND POTIER, late of New York, native of Franco, Merchant, deceased. 
DEE, CATHARINE., late of New York City, native of Ireland, Domestic. 
DEERY, JOHN, sepposed to reside on Long^Island. 
DE LANCEY, SUSAN, late of the Plough Hotel, Cheltenham, in the County of Gloucester, England, who died 

in 1866. 
DELATER (or DELATRE), ERNEST, late of New York ; went to Sandwich Islands. 
DENT, JOHN, bom at Richmond, York, England ; went to America about 1806. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 4. 139 

DEERBVAN, PATRICK, • native of County Qalway, Portumna, Ireliuidi supposed to be living tn tho City of 

New York. 
BEVINNY. JOHN, a follower of the United States Army, tn the Mexican War; British subject. 
DEYKLL, THOMAS, died in America. 
DIMBLEBY, SARAH (afterwards MBS. SARAH WORSDELL), of Hull, iJngland ; sailed for U.S. A a few years 

DIXON, GEORGE, a Seafiirlng man. In the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company ; believed to have a brother, 

a Tailor, iu Liverpool, England. 
DO ANE, BENJAMIN F., who was bom at Springfield, Massachusetts, about 1818; he left New Bedford, as 
Carpenter, in the Whaling ship ** Eagle,*' m 1840, and was discharged in Chili ; he had a half-brother named 
Strang, also of Springfield, who Is supposed to have died about 1856. 
DO BBS, WILLIAM LEMON, Currier : went to America In 1844. 

DOHERTY, BRIDGET (now MRS. THOMPSON) ; when last heard ftom, about 1863, waa In New York, U.S. A. 
DOHERTY, JOHN, lata of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., U.S. A. 
DOLBEARE, THOMAS, of Boston, America. 
DORMER, BET. JAM.ES, resided in South Carolina, U.S.A. 
DOWLINQ, JOHN, bom In Ireland, died in Philadelphia, 1859. 

DOWNHAM, JOSEPH, Fanner, formerly of Basingstoke, Hants, England ; went to Canada, 1823. 
DOYLE, ANN, Widow, of America. 
DBAFER, JAMES, formerly of Manchester. 

DUCKtTT, WILLIAM, and S ABAH, his Wife, formerly of Tatcham, Berks, England ; late of Baltimore, U.S. A 
DUFF, JAMES, of New York, America, 17i)0 
DUFFY, MARGARET (supposed to have married a man named Doherty), a native of Ireland ; when last heard 

ftom she was living in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. 
DUGAS, JOSEPH ANTON, of Russia, who is reported to reside somewhere In America. 
DUKE, CAPTAIN CHARLES, of Quebec, 1800. 
DUKE, ROBERT, formerly of Colchester, England, then of America. 

DUNN, JAMES, went to Montreal, Canada, in or about the year 1812 j died there about 1837, leaving children- 
Thomas, Prlscilla, John, Dorothy, Amu 
DUNN, JOHN, Seaman, sometime residing at Charleston, North America. 
DUNN, JOHN, Miller, formerly of Etal Mills, Noi-thumberland, England ; went to Montreal, Canada, in or 

about the year 1812 ; died previously to 1S34. 
DUNN, DWEN, of King's County, Ireland, who went to America about 1847. 
DURSTON, GEORGE, of Artichoke-row, Mile*end, London, England, who left England f r New Orleans about 

1843, and was living there in 1847. 

DUVAL, DAVID, of London and America. 

EAMES, AARON E., late of Hopkinton, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 

EATON, WILLIAM, and his Sister, ALICE, of Waterfoid, Ireland, which they left about 1844, and when last 
heard from, in 1859, were in Boston, Mass., U.S.A. 

BCCLBS, THOMAS and ANN, of New York. 

EDGE, GEORGE J., who, when last heard of, was In the United States of America. 

EDMESTON, MARGARET (Maiden Name, JONES). (See Prevost, WUliam.) 

EDMONDS, EDGAR BARNWELL ; last heard of in Canada. 

EGAN, ELLEN, who, in 1861, lived in Orange-lane, Boston, U.S.A 

ELGEB, THOMAS, late of 99, White Lloii-street, Islington, England; supposed afterwards of America. 

ELKIN, FRANCIS, bom at Hanbury, Siafford, England, Engineer ; wont to Canada. 

EMERSON, CAROLINE L., late of North Beading, Middlesex County, Mass., n.S.A 

ENDRES, ERNST, of Obemdorf, Wurtemburg, Germany. 

EBHOBN, LOUISA, Daughter of Mr. ANDREW MACFARLANE ; supposed to have gone to California a few 
years ago. 

EBMATINGEB, P. W., of Montreal, Canada. 

BBSKINE, SAMUEL MoMlOHAN, Seaman, formerly of Kirkcudbright, Scotland ; went to South America. 

EVANS, JAMES, died in America. 

EVERETT, JOSEPH C, late of Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 

FAYLE, WILLIAM, formerly of Mount Mellick, Queen's County, Ireland, who arrived in America in 1851 ; when 
last heard from in 1853, he resided near Hudson City, N ew York. 

FEBNY, MICHAEL, formerly Shopkeeper InShrule, County Mayo, Ireland. 

FENTON, JOHN, formerly of Wllhamsbiu'gh, Virginia, U.S. 

FEN TON, JOHN, died in America, 1799. 

FERDINAND. MADAME, late of Havana „ , , „ 

FERGUSON, HENRY, a native of America ; found dead near the Tower, London, England, about 1840. 

FERRIS, BENJAMIN C, formerly of No. 20, Chambei-s-street, New York, Counsellor-at-Law, who left New 
York about the 20th June, 1855. 

FLANDER, JOHN, late of the City of New York. ^_ , „ , , ,. 

FICKELL, JOSEPH (otherwise JOSEPH LLOYD), who left Liverpool, England, In 1849, bound to New York, 
thence to New Orleans, U.S.A „ . ^ , , j . ^,. „, ^ .,« 

FIELD, GEORGE C who died, on his retum to New York, of wounds received in the Riot of Panama. 

FILES, STEPHEN, Assignee of William Thompson, Savannah, .Georgia, U.S.A 

FILZINGBB, HElNRICli J OSEPH, firom Dioburg, Hesse-Dai-mstadt, Germany, who was last heard of at Sacra- 
mento, California, Jime II, 1854. , ,.. , ■ . ,oo„ 

FINLAY, WILLIAM, bom in Yorkshire, England; went to America In 1820. , , ^ 

FINLEY J ANE, MARGARET or ANN, formerly of M'Caskey Pansh, County LondondeiTy, Ireland. 

FINN, DAN lEL, Teamster, U.S. , Quartermas(6rt Department, War with Mexico. 

FISHER, JAMES C, of Philadelphia, U.S.A. 

FISHEB,S.W., of Philadelphia, U.S.A ., „ ^ ,, ..,,,., 

FITZGERALD, MRS. PATRICK, fl-om ReceaiL County Limerick, Ireland. 

FLAOG.CHARLESA,, late of Winthrop, Suffolk County, Mass., U.S.A. 

FLANAGAN, MICHAEL, VlctuaUer, formerly of No. 1, Black Hall-row, Dublin. 

FLEMING, JANE, Wife of Laurence Cunningham Fleming, of Ottawa, Canada. 

FLETCHER, BETSEY, Tvho removed ftom Virginia many yeai-s ago. 

FLETCHER^ LINCOLN, who was left with a nuise about 1666. 

FONTAINE, CHARLES, died in America. ^ , . ,„,. 

FOORD, JOHN, native of Scotland, who lived In New York lnl83o. „». , .„,. 

FOBMA^N, WILLIAM, Brother of John Forman. of Stepney ; was at Boston, U.S.A., In 1348. 

FOBRESl^ER, JOSEPH JAMESON YOUNG. (See Young, Joseph Jameson.) 

FOSOATB, EMMA MARGARET, Wife of William Fosgate, of Auburn, New York. 

|-<»QAT£i mar: A REBECCA, Wife of Blanchaid losgate; of Auburn, New York- 


rOWKE, FETSR, late of TygwTs, Walei, which be iB supposed to have left for Feims;lTaiila or New Jersej, 

about 1660. ' . " 

FOWLER, JOSEPH, died in America. 

FOWLEES, JAUES (otherwise bBYMOUR), former); of Canada, 
FOriiE, JAKES, w !nt to America. 
FRANKLIN, HENRT, of Canada, 18S1. 

FRASER, JOHN, Schoolmaster, of Bruce County. Canada West. 

FKICNCH, ANN BRAYNE, Wife of George French, M.D., of Fredericksburg, Virginia, U.S.; living about 1787. 
FRENCH, JAMES, formerly of Limehouse, England, then of Nova Scotia, 

MARIE THBRBSB, and CHARLOTTE (married to — Pen-y) ; aU living in New Yorli in 1836. 
FURLONG, PATRICE, a native of St. John's. New Brunswick, Seaman on board brig " Alice Franklin.' 
OAHAOAN, JAMES, of the West Indies in 1708. 

GALE, JAMES, a Sailmaker and Seaman, a native of Scotland, who was seen in Charleston, S.C, in 18S&. 

Catharine Galligan, late of Lissogarton, County Monaghan, Ireland), who emigrated to New York, U,S.A., 

in 1846, 
GANCE, MRS, ANN ELIZA, who about 1839 resided in tho City of New York, U.S,A. 
GARDENER, THOMAS, formerly of Tadmorton, Oxford, England ; enlisted is Her Majesty's service ; 

supposea to be in America. 
GABMBS (otherwise HARNES), JOHN, native of Hanover, died at New York lately. 
OARTSIDB, JAMBS, Son of Jonah, of Oldham, Lancashire, England, Hatter, deceased ; a few years a£0 went 

to America. 
OARTSIDB, SARAH, who was married in America to William Yeaton. 
GARVEY, LUCAS, late of the West Indies, died in 1814. 

GASH, MARY and JANE, Daughters of John and Ellen Gash, of Cork, Ireland. 
GATES, ELIZABETH, late of Brighton, England, Daughter of Henry Gates, late of Charleston, VM.ii. 
GEARY, WILLIAM, formerly of Nuneaton, Warwick, England ; went to Boston, U.S. A. 
6BER, GEORGE W., late of New York, deceased. 
GIBSON, — , related to Kichai-d Twcde. 
GIBSON, NICHOLAS, of North America, 

GILBODY, PBTER. a Soldier of the 62nd Regiment; supposed to have gone v> Amenoa. 
GILL, FREDBRICE JAMES, late of Axminster, Devon, England : supposed to be in America. 
GILL. JAMBS HENRY, of Barbadoes, West Indies. 
6ILLBTT, THOMAS W,, formerly of New Haven, 
OlLLlGAir, or GALLA6AN, JOHN, a native of Ireland, Citizen of New York City, U.S. A. ; supposed to bava 

died in New Orleans. 
GILLOOLY, THOMAS, who lived in Liverpool, and came over to America about 1830 or 1834. 
GIBAUD, CHARLES, Cook, went to New York in 1844. 
GLANHAM, CHARLES J ON ES, lirom London, England ; last heard of; in 1860, at Brian Island, near Yarmoutb, 

Nova Scotia. 
GLASGOW, MAJOR GEORGE, of Quebec. 1800. 

GLASIBR, JOHN, late of Barlings, Lincolnshire, England, who went to America in 1834. 
GLEADOWjROBBRT, formerly of Hull, England, afterwards of New York City : last heard of in July, 1853. 
GODDBN, WILLIAM (otherwise LEGGETT), Master Mariner, formerly of Dover, Kent; many years ago 

emigrated to Rochester, Massachusetts, U,S., and died there about 1808, 
QOLDBOROUGH.ROBER'T and SAKAH, of America, 1770— 1800, . 
GOOD, MRS, JANE (Maiden Name RIORDAN), a native of Macroom, County Cork, Ireland, whose address in 

1867 Was Cosumnes River, Sacramento, California, 
GOODAIiL, SDSAN, residing in some part of North America ; Daughter of Alexander Goodall, Dairyman, late 

of Wright's Houses, Edinburgh, Scotland, 
GOODBVB, WILLIAM OODBOLD, bom at Waltham, Essex, England, a Cooper; married Ann Leafe; went 

to America, 
GORDON, ALEXANDER, late of Tobago and Barbadoes, died in 1811, 
GORDON, ELEANOR ELIZA, formerly of the West Indies, then of Scotland. 
GORDON, JAMBS, of N.Y., America, 1790. 
GORDON, JOHN and ANN, Children of Mrs. Ann Gordon, or Battams ; foi-merly lived at Earl's Barton, 

Northamptonstiire, England. 
GOUGH. HE^fBY THOMAS, late of 16, Cowiey-street, Westminster, Gentleman, deceased. His sister lived at 

OOURLAY, EMILY. (SeeWhyte.) 

GOWANS, HENRY, now or lately in America. 

GRADDON, ANGELICA, Wife of John Graddon, of Quebec, Merchant. 

GRAHAM, SARAH SUSANNAH, Wife of John GiiOiam, formerly of London, England, late of America 

GRANT, ROBERT, of New York, 1790. 

GRATE, CHARLES, supposed from Pennsylvania ; died in Toronto General Hospital, Toionto, Canada. 

GRAY, DAVID FINLY, Son of Thomas Gray, of St. Croix, West Indies. 

GRAY, PATRICK, of Natick, Middlesex Coimty, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 

GREEN, DAVID JOHN, and JOHN HARRISON, Children of Robert Green, who died in America, prior to 1811. 

6REENW00D, ANN ELIZABETH, Daughter of William and Elizabeth Flatten, bom in County of Norfolk, 

England, m 1793. Married — . Greenwood, a Silk Weaver, and went to America about 1842. 
OBEER, THOMAS, Seaman, a native of Scotland, died in New York, 1862. 
GREGORY, THOMAS, in 1824 kept an Academy at Hanwell, Middlesex, England, and, it is believed, lett this 

country for America. 
OBENFEL, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GEORGE ST. LEGEB, supposed to have been In the service ot the 

Confederate States of America. 
GREY, MBS., formerly Miss Cocks. 
GRIFFITHS, HENRY C, of America, 1864. 

GROAT, or GROTH, JAM:BS PELH AM, late of New York, native of England, Post Captain, B. N., deceased. 
GBUBB, THOMAS, formerly of Forchester, Hants, England ; went to America. 
GUEST. BOBERT, formerly of Madeley, in the Cotmty of Salop, England, but since then of Charles County. 

Maryland, U.S.A. 
GUIR Y. JEROME W,,who sailed from Queenstown in 1868, by steamship " City of Antwerp," 
GUNNIS, ELIZABETH, formerly of Spilsby, Lincohishire, England, but late of New York, U.S. 
OUTER, JAMES, of St, Bartholomew, W,I, 
GWINNETT, BUTTON, formerly of Staffordshire, England, Grocer, but lately ofNorth America. Children at 

SPECIAL LIST No. 4. 141 

HACKETT, CHARLES, of Philadelphia. 

HAGDE, THOMAS, JOlp, and L0(jy,Childran of Elizabeth Hague, late of St.Thoirias-by-Launo68ton,Comw»lL 

England : last heard of as residing In the State of Ohio, Amerioa. ~>"u>ti»ii, 

HALE, WILLIAM, Civil Engineer, who, it is supposed, left Englandfor America about 1863 
HALFORD, JOSEPH (Sou of Joseph Halford, late of Cbombe-hUl, near Tewkesbury, Giouoestershlre. Enirliindl 

born at TTtah, California. ' ' "b"™"!! 

HALPIN, DENNIS, and WIFE: information wanted of. 

HAMBEIDGE, RICHARD STEPHEN, Professor of Music, formerly of London, England : now in America. 
HAMILTON, ELLEN, of Coalrain, County Derry, Ireland, who. when last heard of, resided in New York, n 8 A_ 
HAMILTON, MRS. MATHEW wIlLIASI, late of St. Nevis, West Indies. <" maew lorjl, U.S.A. 

HAMMAND, MISS OTTOEIAHA, Daughter of Maigaret and Edward Hammond ; she is a native of Elton 

Wales, and came to New York at the age of five years, and was adopted by a family named Garthwrijzht In 

Ctaneville, N.J., U.S.A. ^ 

HAMMOND, JOHN, died in America. 
HAMMOND, ROBERT, formerly resident at Mr. Oreaves', Green Dragoncourt, St. Andrew's-hlU, London 

England ; left for Montreal, Canada, about 1856. * 

HANSON, MARY JANB,who lived in New York about 1849 or 1860. 
HARDESTY, THOMAS and ELLEN, who left England in 1654 for America ; when last heard trom, were In 

Canada West. 
HARDMAN, JOHN, who went to Americas Son of John Hardman, of London and Manchester, England. 
HARE, BARZILLAI (otherwise ROBBARTS), bom at Ipswich, Suffolk, England, late of Pennsvlvania. USA. 
HARMS, MRS. MARY, who left Ireland for America about 1828. J "^ •"•'». 

HARRINGTON.TIMOTHY, who was last heard from, in 1863, when residing in Berks County, Pennsylvania. 

Also JOHN and MARIAHARRINGTON, who, when tast heard from, resided in PhlladelpUa, Pa., TJ S A.: 

all Children of John Harrington, of iSvansvUIe, Indiana. 
HARRIOTT, JOHN EDWARD, of Red River, in the Hudson's Bay Company's Teixitories, North America. 
HARRIS, FORBES, of Blairlogie, Stirling, Scotland : went to the West Indies in 1818. 
HARRIS THOMAS, who went to New York in 1836, Son of William and Mary Elizabeth Harris, of London. 
HARRISON, ALFRED W.,flx)m Wolverhampton. England ; heard from lastinl84S, from Cincinnati, Ohio. USA. 
HARRISON, JANE, Philadelpnia. ....=. 

HARRISON, JOHN, formerly of Kingston-on.Thames, England, late of Long Island, America. 
HARRISON, MARY JANE, who lived in New York, U.S., about 1849 or 1850. 
HARRISON, THOMAS FISHER, foiTQerly of Lynn, Norfolk, England j went to America. 
HART, CHARLES, formerly of Stafford. England ; went to the U.S., and resided at Baltimore. 
HART, FREDERICK WILLARD, fonnerly of London; was married at Liverpool, England, and went to New 

Orleans, D.S. 
HARTLEY, AQUILA, who was, when last heard of. In New York, U.S.A. , 

HARTWELL, CHAULES, was a Carpenter ; last heard of at Brooklyn, near New York. 
HARVEY, JOHN, Baker, who was bom in England about 1765 ; moved to Detroit, Michigan, about 1796, and to 

Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A., in 1816, where he died in 1825. He maiTied a Miss Wilson, who died in 1822 
HARTEY, MARIA YORK, Daughter of John Harvey ; she came from England to Jeffersonville, Indiana, 

n.S.A^ In 1823, and died there in 1826 or 1827. She was married to Edwin Reeder in 1826. 
HATCHING, ROBERT, formerly of Manchesterj^ England : was at Salem, 0.S.A., in 1838. 
HAWKINS, AI^NE, Spinster, afterwards DAME ANNE PEARL, of Newfoundland. 
HAY, HUGH, of Belleville, Now Jersey, North America, and SUSANNA, Ms Wife (formerly SUSANNA 

NELSON, Spinster), a Husbandman. 
HEALY, MARY, of Cheragh, Cork, Ireland; when last beard from she was living with Mr. Gold, Paterson, New 

Jersey, U.S.A. 
HEARNE, FRANCIS, Who died in some part of America before 1860. 
HEDGE, CAPTAIN, of New York. 

HEIS, CHARLES, who came to America from Amstei-dam, Holland, about 1864. 
HELM, -n. went from Germany to America in 1806. 
HELM, WILLIAM, died in America. 

HEMMING, GEORGE, formerly of Newbury, Berks,England ; left fbr U.S. in 1841. 
HENDERSON, FRANCES ELEANOR, Daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Laurens, of South Carolina, U.S. A. 
HENDERSON, ROBERT, bom in Louisiana ; he died in the City of New Orleans. 
HENLEY, EDWARD, of Americi, 1760-80. 

HENNESY, JOHN, who was last heard of as working at the Union Mills, Fluvanna County, Virginia, U.S.A. 
HENNEY, JOHN and WILLIAM ; last heard of at the Sailoi-s' Home, New Yorlc, June, 1867 ; Seamen In the 

Mercuant Service. 
HENSHAW, ANN, went to America. 

HEN WOOD, SAMUEL, of Charleston, America: the Nie<» of, wanted. 
HERBERT, JOHN RICHARDSON, late of St. Nevis, West Indies. 
HERBERT, JOSEPH, who. In 1789, emigrated trom Nantes, France, to St. Bartholomew'!, West Indies, where 

he died about 1837, leaving a son, William Herbert, in the United States of America. 
HERMAN. LEOPOLD, late of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
HEYWARD, FRANCIS, formerly of Manchester, England, late of New Orleans, U.S. A. 
HIEQLO, LOUISE VICTORINB. (See Roger, Louise Victorine.) ' 
HILL, ELI, late of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
HILL, ELIZA, Widow of Hon. Thomas Hill, of Montserratt, West Indies. 
HIRST, THOMAS, supposed to have resided In the United States of America since 1821, and to have died in 

1831 in the State of Pennsylvania. 
HITCHCOCK, WILLIAM GEORGE, in 1820 was a Waterman at Woolwich, Kent, England, but shortly after- 
wards left this country to settle in the United States, and is supposed to have died there. 
HODGEMAN, ELIZABETH : having relatives inNow York. 
HOFFMAN, FERDINAND, from Biimswiok, Germany ; when last heard from, in 1364, he lived in U4(, Ninth 

Avenue, N.Y. _ _ 

HOLCOMBE, MARY ELIZABETH, late of Jamaica; she married Edward Pearson. 
HOLLAND, ELIZABETH, Daughter of William Holland, of James River, Virginia. 
HOLLIHAN, WILLIAM, late of Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, U.S. A. 
HOLLO WAY, SAMUEL; went to America ill 1773; entered the United States Army. 
HOLMAN, JOHN, formerly of South Carolina, U.S. ; Brother of Samuel Holmao. 
HOLMES, ELIZABETH. (See Murphy, Elizabeth.) 
HOLMES, THOMAS, of Montreal, Canada. 

HOMER, HANNAH MARIA, formerly of Dudley, Woroestershlie, England. 
HORLDON, GEORGE, of Canada. 
HORN, WILLIAM, late of Watertown, Middlesex County, Masa., U.S. A. 


HORNBY, JOHN ; died lo America. 

HORTON, CARLTON S., who resided some years a{;o at Madeira, and is reported to tiave died in the United 

States after tils return there. ^ 

HOneHTON, THOMAS WATKINSON, Seamau; Uut heard of at Baltimore, (7.S.A. 
HOUNSHAM, A. : died in America, 1863. 
HOUSTON, ROBERT, late of Buenos Ayres. 
HOWARD, ISAAC; weut to America from Essex, England. 
HOWELL, THOMAS, foi-merly Fish Factor at BlUmgsgate Market, London, England ; supposed to be In 

HOWISON, ARCHIBALD, bom at Falkirk, Scotland ; went to AmeHca in 1827. 
HOXSEY, THOMAS D., some time of Patterson, County of Passaic, New Jersey, U.S.A- 
HUDS WELL, JOHN, Brother to Joshua Hudswell, of Wakefield, England : went to America. 
HUFFMASTER, SUSAU, late of Medford, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 
HUGHES, JONATHAN, of Castleblaney, County Monaghan, Ireland. 

EUMPHRl!:7S, ISAAC, an American citizen, who died intestate in one of tho British Coloulek 
HUNTER, CAPTAIN JOHN, of Virginia; Sisters of. 

HU rtST, GEOROE, formerly of Kineston-upon-Hull, England j went to New York in X850. 
HUTCHINSON, EDWARD, late of Leith, Scotland; went to Amarica In 1833. 
HUTCHINSON, SARAH (formerly SARAH PENROSE), who in 1814, at Kingston-upon-HulI, England, Inter. 

married with James Ferreman Hutchinson, and afterwards went to America, where she is supposed to faaT» 

died in 1839. 
HUTTON, MRS. MAROERET, late of Montreal, North America. 
IT.F. TT, tflLLIAM, eldest Son of William Ilett, of West Meom Southampton, England, Excise Officer ; 1>om in 

1767, In the parish of Tainton Dean, Somerset, England ; he afterwards lived with his fother at West Meon. 

When a lad, he left home and went to sea, and rose to be a Captain in the U.S.N. ; last heard of in 1802 or 

INFIELD, JOHN, formerly of England, then of Montreal, Canada. 
INGRAHAM, SARAH, Wife of Timothy (Maiden Name, SARAH COWELL). 
INNES, ROBERT D., of Canada. 

IRONMONGER, DAVID, lonnerly of Barton, Stafford, England : last heard of at Pittsburgh, U.aA., In 1846. 
JACKSON, JAMES (otherwise BAKER), formerly of Poplar, Middlesex, England, Mariner; last heard of lit 

New York. * 

JACKSON, JOHN, died in America. 

JACKSON, THOMAS (otherwise WILLIAM), late of New York City, Seaman, native of Nova Scotia. 
JACOBS, JAMES MADISON, of Greenville, South Carolina, who, when last heard oi; was in Selma, Alabama, 

JAMES, ESTHER. (Sea Jones, Esther.) 

JAMES, HERBERT JARRETT, a Master In Chancery, of Jamaica, Weit Indies ; late of Clifton, Bristol, Knglanrt, 
JAMES, MARY, died in America, 1793. 
JAMES, RICHARD, died in America. 
JAMES, THOMAS. (See Provost, William.1 
JAMIESON, JAMES, died in America. 
JAMIESON. JOHN, died in America. 

JARRETT, JOHN, formerly of Abergavenny, Monmouth^ales ; went to West Indies. 
JENKINS, SUSANNAH, late of Cowbridge. Glamorgan, Wales, Widow: Grandchildren In America wanted 
JENKINS, THOMAsTof America, 1861. 
JENNENS, BOBBRT; Certificate of Baptism of: 
JOHNSON, ADAM, died in America. 

JOHNSON, JOHN, an Englishman, late Surgeon on board t>* U.S. ship " Itasao.* 
JOHNSON, PETER, late of New York, a native of Finlavit. Seaman, deceased. 
JOHNSON, WILLIAM, of Canada, British North America. 
JONES, BENJAMIN, of Philadelpliia, America. 

JONES, CHARLES, fate of Williamsburg, Virginia, but last of Guildford, Surrey, England. 
JONES, ESTHER, Daughter of Mai-y J ones, of Peulan Farm, Carmarthen, England , she is believed to luiv» 

married a Mr. James, aBlacksmitb of i'yllwydd, Carmarthenshire, and to have left England many years ago 

for America. 
JONES, JOHN, a Mariner, who was at St. John's, New Brunswick, in 1836. 
Jones, JOHN (otherwise JOHN S. JONES), Gardener, formerly of Deubifh, Wales, afterwarda auppoaeft 

to be residing at Wilmington, Delaware, America. 
JONES, LEWIS BRISSINOTON, Ute of North Carolina, U.aA. 
JONES, MARGARET. (See Frevost, William.) 

JONES, PAUL, CHEVALIER, Admiral and Commodore In the American Navy ; died 1792. 
JONES, SOPHIA, now or lately of Castleton, Rutland County, Vermont, U.S.A., Widow of Lewis Fhrry Josa^ 

formerly of Bangor; in the County of Carnarvon, Wales, out afterwat'ds of Castleton aforesaid. 
JONES, THOMAS CLIFFE, formerly of London, Merchant ; went to America in 1847. 
JONES, WILLIAM ROBERT, who left Bradford, Wilts, England, for America, about 1811. 
JOSLIN, MRS. CAROLINE, late of Salt Fleet, Stoney-creek, Canada. 
JOYNT, HENRY ROBEUT, who in 1867 and 1868 was a Cotton-Planter in BamweU District, South OaroUna, 

U.S.A^ he left Liverpool in April, 1868, for New York, and has not since been heard of in England. 
KAHLER, EMIL, horn Ahrensboek, Holstein, who left Neustadt in May, 1869; was In Washington In Aunitk. 

1869. -o ■► 

KANE, HANNAH, who lived with a &mily in Fourteenth.street about 1858. 
KAY, JAMES, Son of David ; went to America in 1833 ; supposed to be in the West. 
KEEOAN, WILLIAM, of Killagown, County Wexford, who left Ireland about 186S, and wiota to liJsflunllT 

from New York, 
KEITH. JAMES^te of Ban^ Scotland, Merchant. His relatives were of South Carolina. 
KELLY, HORACE, who was in the Southern States of America Just before the War ; auppoaed to have been. 

from Massachusetts. 
KENDALL. FRANCIS, died in America, 1820. 

KENEDY, PATRICK, f^om Kilglass, Mayo, Ireland. He waa last heard of as residing in Washington. U.& 
KENNEDY, MARGARET, hite of the City of Now York. 
KENNELY (or CANEELY), MAD RICE, JAMES, and ELLEN, Children of Michael and Mary, who formerly 

resided in Haliihx, Nova Scotia. 
KENNY, THOMAS, Son of Bryan Kenny, of Keel, Ardagh, County Longford, Irehuid. He went to America- 

in 1842 or 1843, and waa Issb heard ITom in Illinois, U S.A., about 1862. 
KENYON, CHARLES, Son of Esther Kenyon, of Manchester, England. It is supposed he weut to *i«aH«« 
EEUTON, JOHN and SARAH; went to America, 1848. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 4. 143 

KBW, WILLIAM, formerly in the employ of Cubltt's, Baildere, London, England ; went toAmerlcainlSW. 

KEYS, ALEXANDER, died In America. 

KEYS, WILLIAM DAVID, native of Canada, late Private in lOth Regiment New York Volunteers, deceased. 

KING, JOHN formerly of Vii-ginia, late of Liverpool, England, Marmer. 

KINGSLEY, JOHN, formerly of Henlon, Beds, England ; wont to U.S.A. in 183L 


EINLOCK, ADINE a&d OEOROINA, Children of John Kinlock, who left England about 1329 for America. 

KIKBY, JOHN, late of Sudbury, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 

KIRBY, MR., who, with his family, lelt Yorkshire about 183!), to settle at or near Savannah, in America. 

KIB.BY, WILLIAM, went to Jamaica in 1814, a Servant in the 6th West India Regiment. 

KNOWLES, THOMAS, Seaman, formerly of Liverpool, England, late of Charleston, n.S.A. 

KOLME and MAXWELL, of Chai'lestoa, America, 1816. 

KOPPEL, MATTHIAS, late of the City of New York, a native of Hungary, Cabinet Maker, deceased. 

KUNDIG, EDWARD, from Ba£le, Switzerland ; who is supposed to have jomed Walkei-'s expedition to Kioaragua 

in 1856, and has not been heai'd of since. 
EUNZ, ROUOLF, born in Basle, Switzerland, September 1, 1806. 
KYZER, SAMUEL, left Amsterdam (Netherlands) tor U.S.A. about 1830 'vrl832; last heard of at Little Rock 

liABlFFE, CATHARINE, Wife of William Lahiffe, formerly of London. Knglanrt, Shoemaker, then of New 

LAMA, JOHN, late of Sudbury, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 
I>AMB,MRS. AMELIA, formerly of Montreal, late of Edinbmgh, Scotland. 
LAMB, W. D., from South Shields, England. 
LAUGBLIN, ELIZA A., died in America. 
LAW, SAMUEL, lats of Philadelphia, U.S. 
LAWRENCE, JOHN, fonuerly of Buckland, Oloster, England, late of Norfolk, Virginia, U.S., where he died in 

IiAWRENCE, THOMAS, late of Philadelphia, Schoolmaster ; died at Mount Holly, New Jersey. 
JiEACH, CHARLES, Tailor, Son of Mi-s. Mary Leach, foi-merly of the Old Kent-road, London, England ; went 

to America. 
LEADAM, JOHN WILLIAM, formerly of Loughborough, Leicestershire, England, Surgeon; sailed in 1863 ftom 

Liverpool, New York, in the ship "George Washington." 

LEAKE, JOHN 6., formerly of Durham, England, late of New York, (T.S. 
LEE, EDWARD C, late of City of New York, Mariner : a native of Portland, Maine, a<"-«ased. 
LEE, ELLEN : when last heard ITom she resided in Williamsburg. U.S.A. 
LEE, THOMAS, died in America. 

LEOGETT, WILLI^JI (otherwise GODDENK Master Mariner, formerly of Dover, Kent ; many years ago emi- 
grated to Rochester, Massa':husetts, U.S., and died there about 1808. 
LEIGH, WILLIAM, Manner, who went to South America in 1849, and was last heard of in 1860. 
LEMAN, ABRAHAM, of America. 

LEVUE, DAVID, Son of the late Alexander and Clarissa Levy, of Lonaon, England. 
LEWIS, JOHN, born in Shi-qpshire, England ; went to the Brazils, a Sailor. 
LIDDIARD and STORY, of Ealiiax, Nova Scotia. 
LITCHFIELD, F.IilZA, Daughter of John Litchfield, Esq., of Mansfield, Notts, England; both living in New York 

in 1807. 
LIVICK, J., left San Francisco, California. n.S., in 1858, to visit some relations in Norwich, England. 

LrVINQSTON, JAMES (otherwise JOHN OSMUND), borh at Livingston, Hants, England; now in America. 
LLOYD, WILLIAM s went from Stafford, England, to Salt Lake City, America, m 1850. 
LOCKEY, GEORGE, former^ of London, England, afterwards of South Carolina, Merchants 
LONG, MICHAEL, who left Cork, Ireland, for Quebec in the year 1816. 
LOWTH, PRISCIIAjA, Daughter of Nathan and Sophia Lowth, formerly of Lincolnshire, England ; now Uvlnjt 

in America. 

LUCAS, F. J., who left England in 1859 or 1860, on board the ** Arizona," for New Orleans, America. 
LYMAN, DANIEL, a Major in the Army, formerly of New Brunswick, late of London, England. 

, County Limerick, Ireland. 

^,„, , , , Ireland, about 1857. 

McADAM, MARION, Daughter of Agnes MoAdam (formerly MoMURIRll!:), who died at Chatham, Lowai 

Canada, North America, in 1839. 
MoAFEE, ANN, who died at the Bellevue Hospital in I8S9. 
MoANNALLY, FRANCIS (otherwise FRANCIS IRWINE) and JOHN, Ibrmerly of Dungannon. County ol 

Tyrone, Ireland, Sons of Francis MoAnnally. 
MoAUQHTRY. THOMAS, of BelleviUe, New Jersey, North America, Farmer, and ELIZABETH HANNAH. 

his Wife (formerly ELIZABETH HANNAH NELSON, Spinster). 

CHAMBERS), resident la soma part of Amerioa ; and THOMAS MoCANjn, resident in Vancouver** 


McCARTY, MRS., of Billin Temple, Black. Rook, Cork, Ireland. 

MoCLURE. MARTHA (See Reed, Martha.) __ „ „ . ^ . _^ „ „ ^ , , ^ v .... 

McCONNELL, MARGARET, Daughter of the late James McConnell, John-streat, Belfiist, Ireland, who sallad 

trom that country for Quebec in May, 1838. ...j^ ,. ,.^ . „ ,, 

MoCUE. MARY, of Goa, Gotmty Fermanagh, Ireland ; when last heard from she was hving in Brooklyn or New 

York, U.S.A. 
MoOURDY, JOHN, late of San Francisco, California, Gentleman. ,,^,,,j,. 
MsDERMOTT, JAMES, Son of Francis, of Edgworchstown, Coimty Longford, Ireland, later or Coventry. 

England ;vras to Brooklyn. New York, U.S.A, in 1853. .,,.„.,. _.. . , . _. „ , 

MsDERMOTT, MARY, Wife of — McDermott, of Femandiana, in the Southern States of Amenoa (formerly 

MARY O'CONNELL). . , „ , „ 

MoDONALD, MARIA, formerly of Ireland, late of New York, a Servant. 
McHLDEKRY, RORERT ; last heard of in the Southern States of America. 

MoBLMAlL, PETER, formerly Surgeon in Glasgow, Scotland. „„.,,_,. ..... 

MACFABLANE, LOUISA, Daughter of Mr. Andrew Macfiurlane, Wife of Mr. Erhom, supposed to han goa 

to California, some years ago. 


MAQtTIRE, RICHARD, of Ktlleagh, County Cork, Ireland. 

MoOHAW, JOHN, late of Brooklyn, deceased. 

McQLEN. MISS MARTHA, of London. 

MoQONNELL, PATRICK, late of the City of Kew York, a native of Ireland, deceased. 

MAOQRUDER, GBORaE, Columbia, 1818. 

MoHALLEE, JOHN C, late of the City of New York, Tailor, and late of the loth Regiment National ZouaTes, 

N 7 S V d6C63S6Cl 

MACINTOSH,' JOHN, formerly otInTemeas, Scotland , went to America with a Mr. Anderson, as a Millwright. 
UoINTTRE, ISABELLA, Daughter of Daniel Mclntyre, Dumbartonshire, Scotland ; supposed to hare gone 

to AJnerica in 1829. 
MoIVER, ALEXANDER, Son of Alexander Mclver, of Georgia, U.S. 
MoIVBR, ANN, Daughter of Donald Mclver, of North Carolina, tJ.S. 
MoIVER, JOHN, formerly of Stornaway, Scotland, who died at New Tork, TT.S. 
McEAY. WILLIAM P., late of South Reading, County Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 

in 1861. 
McKEDDY, MAJOR, foi-merly of London, England, now in New York, U.S.A. 
McKtSNZIE, ANGUS, died in America, 1867. 
MACKIN, MARY ELIZABETH, Daughter of Michael Mackin, of St. Croix, W.I. ; when last heard ot, she was 

living in the fiimily of Hugh Smith, of New York. 
MoEINNEY, MRS. MARY, who kept a Store at 223, Hudson-street, New York, U.S. A., in 1842 and 1814. 

MoMULLEN, THOMAS, formerly of Ludlow, Salop, Shropshire, England ; went to Newfoundland. 
MoMURTRIE, DAVID, formerly of Ayrshire, in Scotland, and who died in New York, U.S.A., in 1860. 
MACNAIR, JAMES, Hatter, left Glasgow for America about the year 1828. 
McSWEENEY, TIMOTHY, of Ardnageehy, Banty, County Cork, Ireland, who lauded in New York In 1866 

when Isst heard of, was in Amsterdam, Montgomery County, New York. 
lIoWILLIAMS, DOROTHEA BRAYNE, Wife of William Mo Williams, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, U.S. ; living 

about 1787. 
MAHAN, JAMES, late of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., U.S.A. 
MALLOUGH. JEREMIA H, late of New York, U.S. A.; he died in 182& 
MANES, WILLIAM, died in America. 
MANN, COLONEL G.. of Quebec, 1800. 

MANWARINO, JACOB, formerly^of Baltimore, U.S.A., Sugar Baker. 
MARSH, JOHN P., died in New Tork, 1828. 
UARSHALL, JOSEPH, who left Nottingham, England, for America about 1862 ; he was residing fbr some yean 

at Clnclnnatl^as a Butcher, but in .Januaty, 1869, was Engine-Driver in O. and M.R. Railroad, Indiana, U.S. 
MARTIN, JOSEPH, Mariner, of Liverpool, England ; sailed to America in 1848, 
MARTIN, ROBERT ANTHONY, formerly of Ireland ; was in Lmiisiana, n.S.A., in 1837. 
MARTIN, THOMAS, JOHN, MARY ELIZABETH, and ROBERT, who emigrated to the United States of 

America. Thomas, in 1864, was in the employment of Messrs. Campbell and Jones, Denver City, Colorado 

Territory, U.S.A 
MARTIN, WILLIAM WALLACE, of Belfast, who came to America in 1836. 
MASON, WILLIAM, in 1868 about fifty years of ago, who left England for America, when a young man ; his 

parents resided at Friskney, Lincolnshire, England. 
MATHER, THOMAS, supposed to be in Louisiana, U.S.A. 

MATHIESON, JAMES L., formerly of ThornhiU, Dumfries, Scotland ; went to America in 1860. 
MATTHEWS, ROBERT, Sou of Edward and Ann Matthews, of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England; now 

of Johnson's County, Cedar River, Iowa Territory, U.S.A. 
UAXWELL, JOHN, a native of Scotland, late of the City of New York, Bookbinder, and Private in 79th Regi- 
ment N.Y.S.V., deceased. 
MAYO (or MAYHO), JANE, late of Canada j married James Robinson about 1830 to I83S ; died about 1850. 
MAZE, THOMAS, and his ChUdren, HENRY, JOHN, and MATILDA, formerly of Lisbum, Ireland; eml- 

grated to U.S.A, about 1834 ; last heard of as residmg near the Black Lake, Ohio, U.S. A 
UEANLEY, BENJAMIN and RICHARD. Benjamin left this country about 1838, and information was Ts 

ceived of his being in America. Richard went to sea about 1817, and about 1839 information was received 

of his being a Hawker in America. 
HESSITER, THOMAS, late of Rio Grande, Brazil, Merchant. 

MIDDLETON, MRS„ late of Blackheath-park, Kent, England ; supposed to be In the United States. 
HILL, NICHOLAS P., Son of William Mill, formerly of London-wall, in the City of London, Silversmith ; but 

heard of August,1868, flrom on board the U.S. fri^te " Roanoke." 
MILli, NICHOLAS PHENE, who left Oberlahnstein, Germany in 1853, for America, and afterwards sailed In 

the ship " Roanoke" for Boston, U.S.A, as a Sergeant of Marines, and left that service in June, 1860. 
IDljL, WILLIAM, Son of William Mill, formerly of London-wall, England, Silversmith; who sailed firom 

Portsmouth about December, 1851, in the ship " Victoria " for New York. 
KILLER, NATHAN, Son of James Miller, of Edinburgh, Scotland, Glover : resided In Michigan, U.S.A. 
MILLER, WILLIAM and PHILIP, went flrom Edinburgh, Scotland, to Philadelphia in 1841. 
MILLETT, JAMES, THOMAS, and MATHEW, Sons of James MUlett, of St. Johnstown, Comity lippeiary, 

MILLETT, JOHN, died in America. 
UILLIEEN, JOHN, Son of James Milliken, Farmer at Shortley, Crawfordjohn, Scotland, who, It iB understood, 

went to America many years ago. 
MILLS, GEORGE, Nephew of Elizabeth Lewis, of Richmond, England ; went to America, 
MITCHELL, MRS. ELIZABETH (Bom Seton), of Edinburgh, Scotland ; who lived In Boston, U.S., about 

1848; or her Son JOHN MITCHELL, who lived for some time in Watertown, Mass., U.S.A. 
MITCHELL, FRANCIS, of Lewes, England, at one time in the employment of Mr. John B. Johnson, of North- 
ford, Connecticut ; last heard of in 1863, as Blscksmlth, at Einderhook, Columbia Co., State of New York. 
MITCHELL, JOHN, of Newfoundland. 
MOFFATT, THOMAS, late of New York, U.S., Gentleman, and formerly of Soswell-street, Old-street-road, 

MiddleseXiEngiand ; died 1819. 
MOLLOY, CATHERINE, now MBS. RILEY, of Dublin. She went to New York about 1867. 
MONROE, MRS. ELIZABETH L., late of Cayuga County, New York, U.S.A. 
MOONEY, WILLIAM, formerly of Ireland ; last heard ot at Newark, N.J. ; supposed to have gone t* 

MOORE, NANCY, late of HoUUton, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 
MOKAN, JOHN, a Private in the 69th Regiment New York Volunteers, late of the City of New Tork. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 4. 145 

MORAN, SAMUEL, bom at, Weybrldge. Surrey, Engliind ; went to America, and died in Jamaica. 

MORGAN, EDWARD, bom in Ludlow, Shropshire, TSngland ; went to Boston, U.S.A. 

MORQAN, JAMES, Son of John Morgan, London, England, and Mary, bis Wife: married la 1834, at 

Ebensbury, Cambria County, U.S.A., to Matilda C. Seely ; last heard of in Detroit. Michigan, n.S.A.. in 

1848 or 1849. 
MORGAN, MART. (Sao Polon, Mary.) 
MOBQAN, WILLIAM SHIELDS, lato of Kingston, Jamaica. 
MORGAN, WILLIAM, of Philadelphia, U.S.A. 

MOliRlS, CHARLOTTE, formerly of London, England, late of Kew Toi*. 
MORRIS, ELIZABETH, Wife of Oliver Morris, formerly of England, late of Philadelphia, V.B. 
MORRISON, HOWARD, in California. . 

MORSK IRA, late of Roxbury.Countyof Middlesex, Massachusetts, America, deceased. 
MOTLE, WILLIAM, WALTBB, and, HENRY, Brothers, bom at Wendron, Cornwall, England; supposed to 

have gone to America. 
MULLER, GEORGE, a native of Germany, who arrived in New York from Bremen, In January, 18S3. 
MUIiLINS, MARY ANN, otherwise SILLERY, who formerly resided at Thornton, near Finglas, County 

Dublin, Ireland, and who leit Dublin for America m J855. 
MULLIS, WILLIAM, who was formerly in service at Eisenham-hall, Essex, England, and in 1859 left for the 

United States, in 1860 he was in service in New York, and subsequently in the service of Lieutenant Kane, 

of Newport, Rhode Island, U.S.A., and is reported to have died from the effects of a railwayaccident in 1863. 
HURPHY, ELIZABETH, formerly ELIZABETH HOLMES ; who sailed bom OlascoW to Boston, on board 

the " Clayboume," about 1855, and is supposed to be now in America. 
MURPHY, HANNAH L.. lato of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., U.S. A 
MURPHY, JOHN, late of Quebec, Canada East, and native of Fermoy. County Cork, Ireland. 
UURFHY MARY, of Kilkenny. Ireland ; when last beard of (about 1866) she lived with a &mlly named Roblaon, 

at 166, Walker-street, New York, 

UURPHY, PATRICK, bom in Ireland, came to London, England, and died in America. 

MURPHY, THOMAS, Shoemaker, late of Hamilton, umada West, who emigrated to America firom County 

Coric, Ireland, about 1832. 
Murray; Robert ARTHUR (alios rose), deceased, formerly of Halifax, Nova Scotia ; he sailed from 

London in October, 1867, in the ship "Tamar," for Auckland, New Zealand, where he died in 1868, 
MUSSELL, MARIA ialias MoDOUALD), formerly of Ireland, late of New York. 
MYERS, ARTHUR, formerly of Botherhithe, London, England ; went to America. 
MYERS, JOHN, of Liverpool, England; sailed for New York in the ship "Toronto," In 1839 ; resided afterward! 

in New York and New Orleans. 
MTLARD, MILLERD, or MILLAR, JOHN; Buppoaed to have been InCalifomia in 1860. It Is understood 

tliat he has a Brother in New York. 
NBAL, JOSHUA, of North America, 1816. 
NELSON, JANE ISABELLA, SARAH, and ELEANOR, all of BeUeviUe, New Jersey, North America, 

NELSON, J. THOMAS, late of the aty of New York, Sailor, a native of Virginia. 
nelson; SAMUEL, of BeUeviUe, New Jersey, North America, Joiner. 
. NEVILLE, WILLIAM, formerly of York, England, then of West New Jersey, America; Grandchildren 0( 

NEWSHAM, ISABELLA, formerly of Bishops Cam, in North America. 
NICHOLSON, THOMAS, formerly of Walthamstow, Essex, England ; went to Can»da. 
NILMAN, WILLIAM M., of America, 1843. 

NOBLE, JOHN, Housewright, late of Maiden, Middlesex County, Mass., n.S.A. 
NOBLE, NOA^ who went to America some vears ago. 

OAKLAND FURNACE ESTATE, Greenup County, Kentucky, U.S.A. ; Owners of, wanted. 
OAKLEY, JANE, Daughter of John and Margaret Oakley, formerly of Hoxton, England; left Plymouth with 

her Mother in 1834, for HaUfax, Nova Scotia. 
O^RIEN, FRANCIS, died in America. 
CCONNELL, JAMES, House Carpenter, late of OaUoway-road, Waterford, Ireland, who resided, about 186S, 

in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
CCONNELL, MARY, Wife of — McDermott, of Femandiana, in the Southern States of America. 
OT)YER, WILLIAM, GEORGE, and RICHARD, born in France ; went to America in 1813, 
CKEEFFB, THOMAS, now or lately residing in the United States of North America. 
OT iAW LEB, MAJOR JOHN, formerly of London, England; died in South America 

OLSBN, O. CHRISTIAN, late of Boston, SufToUt County, Mass., U.S.A 
OMMANNY, JOHN, Son of William Ommanny, of Portsea, England; went abroad in 1768. 
0*NEIL, PATRICK, who in April, 1858, Uved at 131, Chrystie-street, New York, and died from w^ontlB received 

in the Riot ofPanama, In that year. 
miEILL, JOHN, of Bandon, Cork, Ireland ; last heanl of In September, 1866, at Paw Paw Tunnel, Bloomberry 

Furnace, Hampshire County, Virginia, U.8.Ai 
ORD, DENNIS, (^e Shea, Dennis.) 

CSULLIVAN, or CLARK. JULIA, late of New York, native of Ireland, Lodging-houae Keeper. 
OWEN, JOHN, Son of Samuel ; bom in London in 1682, was in America in 1736. 
PAGE, ALFRED, who left Englandfor America in 1837. 
FARK, WILLIAM ENGLISH, formerly of Cailisle, in the County of Cumberland, Labourer, but now supposed 

to be residing in America. 

PAEKHURST. LEONARD, late of Hopkinton, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S. A. 

PARKINSON, GEORGE, born in 1827 ; went to U.S. A in 1854. 

PARRY. WILLIAM, formerly of Auglesea, Wales ; supposed to have gone to America. 

PATCHETT, HENRY, and SARAH, his Wife ; left England for America. 

PATERSON , NATHANIEL H. , Son of George Fateraon, of Edinburgh, Scotland, some time Seaman in American 

PATTEN, MATILDA, Nnrae, late of the aty of New York. 
PATTERSON, JOHN, formerly Storekeeper at the Dockyard, Jamaica. 

Paul, ANDREW, Son of James Paul, of Linlithgow, Scotland. , , ^ „ , ., 

PAUL, EPHRAM (otherwise WILLIAM WOODL an American, formerly of Calcutta : was in London, England, 



FAWSON, WILLIAM JOHN, Mariner ; supposed to be now in South America. 

PEACE, ALFRED, formerly of Toronto, Canada. 

PEACOCK, ELIZABETH ROSE (otherwise ELIZABETH ROSE) ; In U.S.A. about 1348. , 

PEARL, DAME ANNE, formerly of Nevrloundland, late of London, England: Widow. 

PEARSON, MART ELIZABETH ; married Edward Pearson in^lSi^ in Jamaica. 

PECK, THOMAS, JOHN, ANN, Sons and Daughter of J. Peck ; late of Boston, U.S.A. 

PEEK, MARTHA and K ATB i had a Brother, Frederlel!, of New York. 

PEMBERTON, BENJAMIN, bomat Walsall, Staffordshire, England, in 1806, who left England for Waynesboro*, 

Georgia. U.S.A.. in 1840. 
PENROSE, WILLIAM, who is supposed to have sailed from Kingston- upon-Hull, England, for America In 1^16 ( 

and to have died at New York in 1827. 
FEFFIN, JOSEPH, formerly of Clipstone, Northamptonshire, England, who Is believed to havo removed to 

Charleston, South Carolina, America. 
PERCIVAU CHARLES PIERRE LOUIS, and RACHEL, his Wife ; he was bom near Paris, France, in 1784, 

and is believed to have died at No. 39, Market-street, Providence, State of Rhode Island, in 183C, 
PBRNELL, JOB,-formerly of Trowbridge, Wilts, England ; went to the U.S. in X843. 
PEROT. ELLISTON and JOHN, of Philadelphia, U.S.A. 
PERRY. MRS. AMELIA formerly of Montreal, late of Edinburgh, Scotland. 
PETERKTN, ALEXANDER, Baker, formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland; of New York in 1861. 
PHILLIPS, MARY, formerly of Nova Scotia, late of London, England, Daughter of John Phillips, of NoT» 

PICKBO0RN, JAMES, died in America. 

PINDBR, GEORGE, Son of George Henry Pinder, late of Shanghae. 
PITCAIRN, ROBERT and MARTHA, formerly or nowof Poughkeepsie, n.S.A. 
PLACE, DANIEL, late a Private in the 67th Foot. 

POION, MARY (Maiden Name, MARY MORGAN), Widow of John Polon. 
POND, MOSES, late of HoUiston, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S. A. 
POSTLE, HENRY, formerly of St. Bride's, London, England, Carpenter; he went to America shoi-tly after hJa 

marriage in 1835. and was in the Timber trade at St. Louis, in America, in 1842. 
POWELL, DELIA, late of the City of New York. 
POWELL, JOHN, Son of Thomas Powell, formerly of Peter-street, Dublin who went to America in 1833, and 

waa working as a Saddler at Newark, and other places in the State of York, in 1836. 
POWERS, WILLIAM who left Montreal, in Canada, 1862 ; and bis Sisters, CATHARINE and ELLEN, who are 

in New York, U.S. A., natives of County Waterford, Ireland. 
PRBDIGER, J. RUDOLPH. Batavia, U.S.A., 1810. 
PRENDBRGAST, JAMES LAWRENCE, of Enniscorthy, County Wexford, Ireland, who went to New York, 

and lived in Brooklyn, U.S., in 1842. 
PRESSLAND, DANIEL, Carpenter, late of Biggleswade, Bedfordshire^ England, who was In New Orleans, 

March. 18SS. 
PRESTON, SARAH, died in America, 1806. 
PBEVOST, WILLIAM, Son of William Provost, of London, England, who left London, England, for Cincinnati, 

U.S., where, in November, 1825, he married Margaret Jones. He died in March, 1826, leaving Thomas 

James, of Cincinnati, as his executor. His Widow married Robert Edmeston. 
PRICE, WILLIAM ANDREW, bom about 1724 or 1726. 
FBIDE, ROBERT. The Party or Parties who advertised, about 1867. for papers supposed to have been lost at 

the time of the death of Robert Pride, of Pleasantville, at Stanford, Connecticut, U.S., on the 27tb 

November, 1846. 
PUTUAN. JAMES, formerly ofHallfaz, Nova Scotia; at the time of bis death redding at 9^ John-street, For^ 

land-place, MiddleseXj England. 
QDANCB, ROGER NOYBS, formerly of Landulph, Cornwall, England ; last seen in New York. 
QUIN, THOMAS, formerly a Merchant Tailor, of Dublin, Ireland who went to America about 182QL 
QUINN, BARNEY, Carpentei-, residing in New York, U.S.A., in 1851. 
QUINN, ISABELLA, who formerly lived with Mr. Cliarles Goodyear, la Ne^rhaven, Conn. ; supposed to be 

now living in New York, U.S. 
RADCLIFFE, JOHN, was in business in New York about the year 1808. 
BADFORD, JOHN, formerly of Belper, Derbyshire, England, which he left about 1818; he waa last heard of la 

1824, as living at Beaver Creek, near St. FrancisviUe, near New Orleans, U.S. A. 
RAMSEY, OEOROE, late of Buenos Ayres. 
&AS1MI, JOSEPH, bom in London, in 1813 ; left that city, in 1831 or 1832, tot New York ; lie «■■ a Dancer at » 

Theatre in New York. 
RAWLINS, JOSEPH, died in America, 1784. 
RAY, SAMUEL, late of Newton, Middlesex, Mass., D.S.A. 
READ, EZEKIEL ; who went to America. 
BEADE, JOSEPH. He was a native of Spalding, Llnoolnshlie, England, and, when upwards of forbr rean old, 

went to America. 
BEDHEAD, JOHN, of London, Canada West. 
REECE (or RACE), ANN (formerly SCORAH), Daughter of William Scorah, of AldsleT, Yorkshire, n^ngi^n^ i 

went to Canada about 1800. 
BEED, STEPHEN, late of Cambridge, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 
REEKS, SARAH, late of the City of New York, Widow, deceased. 
REEVE, ISAAC, late of Ellington, Hants, England ; supposed to have gone to Amerlcik 

RBID. MARGARET (formerly MILLER), Wife of John Reid, of Freehold, New Jersey, America. 
BICHARDSON, JOHN THOMAS (Son of John Richardson, formerly of 14, Great Gsorge-streen Barmondiei', 

England. Gentleman), formerly Schoolmaster at Demerara, West Indlen 
BICHARDSON, PHILIP, late of the State of Kentucky, n.S.A. 
BICHARDSON, WILLIAM, died in America, 1824. 

,. lOfEave] 

, _- - - -- — - -- _- .0 Australia. 

BIDLEY, MATTHEW, died in America, 1805. 

BIELT, PATRICK, Contractor on the Delaware and Hudson canal ; Daughter o( who tesldecl In Sixth ATenw 
about 1840. 

BIQOS, JOHN, of Newi7 ; when last beard oi; In 1868, he was in San Francisco, Callfomla, 

SPECIAL LIST No. 4. 147 

RILBT, MRS. (MaidonNamo, CATHERINBMOLLOYl.anativoofDublin; she wont to Now York about 1S67. 

RIDRDAN. MRS. JANE. (Seo Good, Mrs. Jane.) »""«>. 

KOBBARTS, JOHN, late of Now Britain, Pennsylranla, TJ.S.A. ; bom at Ipswich, Suffolk, England. 


ROBERTS, EDMOND, Son of Wolston Roberta, of Derby, England ; wont to America in 18,56. 

ROBERTS. JOHN, fonnorly of Scot Willouehby, then of Stamford, Lincolnshire England, and aftorwarda ol 

Pike Town, AUeghanny County, State of Now York, North Amorioa ; ho sailed from Liverpool, England, In 

June, 1842, and wrote home In April, 1813. 
ROBERTS. JOSEPH R., who loft Llvei-pool, England. In the '• aty of Baltimore," iu August, 1861, and whoso 

last addre&s was Post-office, Now York City, America. 
ROBERTSON, JAMES and JOHN, died in America. 
ROBERTSON, WILLIASI, formerly of Annapolis, Nova Scotia. 
ROBIN.-ON, HANNAH, Daughter of John Darling, Ecclesfteld, York, Bnuland ; she loft England about 1827, 

and mai'riod a Storekeeper, named Robinson, in New York. 
ROBINSON, JANE. (Seo Mayo, Jane.) 
ROBINSON, WILLIAM, of East Ayton, Yorkshire, England, who emigrated to Canada about 1830 ; w«a ai)- 

Srentlced to a Joiner in Montreal, and aftorwarda removed to Toronto. 
ISON, WILLIAM, late of Liverpool, Lancaster, England (Son of Richard Robinson, of Carlisle, England, 

Weaver), who left Liverpool about 1850, and went to reside at New York ; when last heard of, he was 

trading in coals on the Pennsylvania Canal. 
R0CKEY,THOMAS ; supposed to reside In Plymouth, nilnola, U.S.A.; and PHILIP ROCKEY, residing, when 

la-st heard of, in New York, U.S.A. 
ROGERS, ANN, now or late of Council Bluffe, In the U.S.A.; Widow. 
ROGERS. WILLIAM, Mariner ; who left England for South America in 1839. 
ROQERSON, MARY ANN. who left Manchester, England, for America lu 1819. 
RONNBBERO. GABRIEL HEIBERG, bom in Norway, in 1831. 
ROONBY, MARY ANN; a resident of Now York. 

ROOT, THOMAS, formerly of Leytonstone, Essex, England, who emigrated to California about 1I5& 
ROSE, ELIZABETH (otherwise ELIZABETH ROSE PEACOCK), in U.S.A., about 1818. 
ROSE, JOHN ROBERT^ formerly of Inverness, Scotland, late of Ouadaloupo, West Indies. 
ROSS. CHARLES WILLIAM, Merchant, of Quebec. 

ROSS, JAMES M., who left San Francisco. California, in June, 1863, for Noyo Mills. 
ROSS, RODERICK, of Arthabasca, in the Hudson's Bay Gompany.'B Territories, North America* 
ROSS, WILLIAM C., of Queboo. 
ROTH VOSS, ADOLFH, Farmer, late of Konlgsberg, East Prussia, Europe ; when last board of. In 1857, he was in 

Troy, Madison County. Illinois, U.S. A. 
ROWLEY, WILLIAM (Irishman). 
ROWLEY, WILLIAM, loft England for India in 1700. with his brcither John, but Bottled in Washington County, 

Pa., U.S.A. 
ROYLB WILLIAM, of WiUiamsbureh, Virginia, U.S.A. 
RUFF, MR., who married aMiss Burton, supposed to be in America. 
RUSSELL, JAMES BACKHOUSE, of Utah and California, Son of Hannah Russell, late of Wistow, near Selb^, 

Yorkshire. England. 
RUSSELL, REBECCA, late of West Cambridge Middlesex County, Mass., n.S.A. 
RYLAND. WILLIAM HERMAN, of Quebec, (Canada. 

SANDIESON, WILLIAM, JAMES, HELEN, and JANE ; supposed to bo In America. 
SANSFIELD, GEORGE, late of Newbury, Lancashire, England ; wont to America about 1835. 
8ARGEANT, AMfr.r.TA, Daughter of George Wilkinson Sargoant, who, many years ago, left Englaud for 

SAVAGE. HENRY, Painter, who tn 1853 resided In 197, Buffalo-street, Rochester, Now York. 

SCARDEGLI, PIETRO. a native of Leghorn, Tuscany, Italy. 

SCHLESIN6ER. ALBERT HENRY Shol-t-hand Writer, left England for New York In 1860. 

8CH0FIELD, THOMAS, late of Ashtou-under-Lyne, Lancaster England, Pork Butcher, who loft England for 

U.S. in January, 1818. 
SCHOVELL, NOAL, of New York. 
SCORAH, ANN (or REECE or RACE), Daughter of William Scorah, of ArdSley, Yorkshire, England ; went 

to Canada about 1800. 
SCOTT. JAMES, went to America about 1838. 

SCOVELIi, NOAH, formerly of Now York, late of London, England; Ship Agent, 
SEWELL GEORGE. Mariner; sailed for Philadelphia in 1822. 
SEYMOUR, FREDERICK 2., late of Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 

SEYMOUR, JAMES, otherwise FOWLKBS : In 1813 he was connected with the Star Printing Office, Toronta 
SEYMOUR, THOMAS, Seaman, formerly of Tilbury, aiouooster,£ngland; went to America. 
SHAW, EZRA, late of Now York. U.S.A. 

SHAW, THOMAS, who in 1783 was of Virginia, U.S. j afterwards of Londoa 
SHAW, WILLIAM, who left New York in October, 1826, and held property at Lake George. 
SHAW, WILLIAM and AKDREW, Sons of Andrew Shaw, of Montreal, Canada. Andrew was last heard of In 

London, on board the ship ** Wagoola," ftom Calcutta. 
SHEA, DENNIS Jlate ORD), Seaman, on the United States steamer " Kennebec," n.S,]lh 
SHIELD, BENEDICT, formerly of London, Fmgland ; wont to Baltimore, U.S.A. 
SHIR. HENRY and DANIEL; last heard of in Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, n.S.A. 
SHUBBKICK. RICHARD, formerly of Charleston, South Carolina, In North America. 
BIDBRBOTHAM, JOHN, died at Havana, 1851. 
SILLERY, MARY ANNE. (See MulUus, Mary -Anne.) 

SIMMONS, THOMAS, formerly of Covenham, Lincoln, England, late of BurtonvIUe, U.S.A. 
SIMPSON, HANNAH, Wife of James Simpson, fonnorly of England, but afterwards of Fairllold County, Ohlok 

U.S.A., who died in 1832 (Maiden Name, HOGARTH). 
SIMPSON, ROBERT, formerly of West Auckland, Durham. Enprland, Butcher. 
SIMPSON, WILLIAM, formerly of Crall, Scotland ; went to West Indies iu 1788. 

SIMPSON, WILLIAM Gjj died in America. . , ^. „ , .. „__ 

SINGLETON. ELIZABETH, Daughter of William and Ann Singleton, formerly of Lincolnshire, England ; iiilBg 

m America. 
SKYRMB. AMOS JONES, who left the City of Hereford, England, In 1830, for America ; age then about a, 
SMIT, HENRY EDWARD, from Stoi'khohm. 


SMITH, DOROTHT and NELSON, of Newark, in America. 

SMITH, EDGAR P., or GILBERT H., formerly residing at Tarrytown. New York, C.S.&. 

SMITH, ED,, Farrier, Bath, England, Son of late John Smith, al£o of Bath, England. 

SMITH, GEORGE formerly of Lontlon, Linendraper ; went to America In 1823. 

SMITH, JAMES, formerly of Leith and London j went to New Orleans, U.S.A. 

SMITH, JAMES, WILLIAM, and MATTHEW, natives of Paisley, Scotland : last heard from In the fall of 1860. 

SMITH, JOSEPH, ROBERT, and WILLIAM, Sons of Jonah Smith, of Stroud, Gloucester, England; they 

went to America many years ago. 
SMITH, LEWIS a., late of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., V.S.A., 

SMITH, SAMUEL, fonnerlr of Bedford. England : be went to America, and passed by the name of Lyon. 
SMITH, MRS. SARAH, Wife of Bey. Robert Smith, formerly of Charleston, South Carolina, U.S. A. 
SNOW, SARAH S. S., hite of Brighton, Countv of Middlesex. State of Massachusetts, America, deceased. 
SOUTHERN, WILLIAM, Cabinet-maker, who left Liverpool for the United States in 1819, and went to reside at 

New Jersey, and was last heard of in 1850 at Cohoes, Albany County, U.S.A. 
80WABD, EDMUND, of Kentucky. America, 1810. 
SPEIR, ELIZABETH M., late of Honesdale, Penn., U.S.A 
8FENCE, ABRAHAM, who left Albany, N.Y., about 1864, for New Orleans; it is supposed he died In New 

Orleans, or vicinity. 
SPENCER, ELIZABETH, formerly of London, late of America. 
SPENCER, JOHN, Master Mariner, who died iii Jamaica In 1826. 
8P0KBSFIELD, FERNALD D., late of ReadinR, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S. A, 
SFROULE, ANN. about 30 years of age, of Clover-hill, Tecumseth. America. 
STAOHWELLj WILLIAM, of Philadelphia ; Nephew of William Stachwell, of London, England. 
STANBRIDGE, FREDERICK, of Cambridge-street, Hackney^'oad, Middlesex, England ; proceeded to New 7ork 

in 1832, where he was last heard of. 
STANBS, RICHARD, who left England for Canada In April, 1860 ; a Saddler. 
STARLING, MATTHEW, bom in Norfolk, England, settled in America. 

STEDWELL, CHARLES, a Tailor, who in 1866 resided at 253, Court-street, South Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A 
STEFFENBURQ, BBRNHARD, bom in 1833, near Fahlun. Sweden, who went to California in 1851. 
STEINBERG, HEINRICH GUST A V, who landed at New York in April, 1868 ; a native of Riga, Russia. 
STBNTON, HARRIETT. United States. 

STEPHENS, SUSANNA, late of Boston. Suffolk County. Mass., U.S. A 

STEPHENS, WILLIAM and JOHN, bom in Lothbury, London, England ^ons of John Stephens, of Jamaica. 
STETSON, LEMUEL, late of Newton, County Middlesex, Maiisachusotts, U.S. 
STEVENS, EDMUND PIPER, formerly of London, was bom in 1793 ; was heard of In New York In 1841 ; 

supposed to have gone to California in 1848. 
STEVENS, MARTHA, Widow, of Boston, who died in 1786. 
STEVENSON, WILLIAM, of Philadelphia, U.S.A 
STEWARD, MARY, Daughter of Elizabeth, and Wife of Edward Bunting, late of, Noifolk, England ; 

emigrated to America some time since. f 

STEWART, JOHN, left Scotland as a Seaman in 1866 ; supposed to be in America. 
STEWART, ROBERT, Baker, formerly of Scotland; went to America in 1855. 
STEWART, THOMAS, formerly of Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland ; he went to U.S. about 1800. 
STICKNEY, ENOCH, Master Mariner, formerly of Newbury Foit, Mass., U.S. A., late of London, England. 
STINSON, HARRIET, Widow, In the U.S. 

STIRRIDGE, JANE : supposed to have gone to America about 1812. 
STOCK, WILLIAM HENRY, formerly of Bristol, England j went to Canada to 1845. 
STONE, ABIGAIL, late of Cambridge, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S. A 
STRATHDEE, OEOaSE, who left Irvme, Ayrshire, Scotland, in November, 1864, fbr Canada, by steamer "New 

York," or a sailing vesseL 
STREETER, BARZIOA, who kept a FindingStors in 1826, at 109. Chatham^street, and afterwards was of tha 

Firm, Streeter and Co., Shoe Dealers, 82, Pearl-street, New York. 
STUART, JAMES P., native of Ireland, late of New York ; Cotton Factor. 
STUART, FRICILLA, Widow of James P., late of New York, deceased. 
SUMNER, MISS, who in 1860-61 was residing in Quebec, Canada East. 
SWAN, BONNER, who was bom in Northumberland, England about 1796, and served In the Navy for a time, 

but afterwaixis Joined the Merchant Service, and is supposed to have gone to North America. 
SWAN, TIMOTHY, late of West Cambridge, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S. A 
SWEENEY, EDWARD, and Ills Daughter MARY, from Boyle, Comity Roscommon, Ireland ; some years ago 

they lived in Greenwich-street, New York City. 
SYMONDS, JOHN, fonnerlyof Penzance, Cornwall, England; ha went to New York to 1835. 
TALLY, ELLEN and MARY, natives of Emmely, Canada West ; when last heard from they were living to 

Rochester, New York, U.S. A, about 1866. 
TANDY, CHARLES, Son of Thomas Frederick and Sarah, bom In Greek-street, Dublin, about 1801 ; was 

educated as an Architect, and enlisted in the Grenadier Guards, from which he pm-chased his discharge 

about 1819 ; last heard of at 17. Summerville-street, Birkenhead, to the house of a pel-son named Hubgood, 

in latter end of 1849 : supposed to have emigrated to Australia or America. 
TANNER, THOMAS and MARY, who left Newbury, Berkshire, England, for America, to 1851. 
TATE, GEORGE, whose Parents went from Weston, to England, about 1847, and at one time lived at 18 Avenue, 

New York. 
TAYLOR, JOHN, formerly of Bromwlch, Stafford, England ; went to America with &mlly to 1843. 
TBDCASTLE, JOHN, formerly of Langholm, Scotland. 

THATCHER, CHARLES, late of the City of New York, a native of New Hampshire, Seaman , deceased. 
THOMAS, THOMAS CHARLES, a Carpenter, aged about 33 ; be left England to May, 1857. 
THOMPSON, WILLIAM, Savannah, Georgia. 
THOMSON, ALEXANDER GREIG, Son of Major James Thomson, of Stonehaven, Eincardtoe, Scotland ; 

resided to Philadelphia, U.S,, where it is supposed he died. 
THOMSON, JOSEPH and JAMES: left the vicinity of London, England, about 1802, and up to 1840 carried on 

the business of Bakers in New York, U.S.A. 
THOMSON, ROBERT, Brassfounder, Son of the late Robert Thomson, of Stockwell-street, Glasgow, Scotland, 

who sailed to the " Tulsco," team the Clyde to SanFrancisco, to 1858, and was last heard of to San Francisoo, 

In 1865 or 1866. 
THORNTON, THOMAS, who left England about 1662, and died to New England, U.S.A, In 1700-1. 
THORPE, WILLIAM, Son of John Thorpe, of Eltham, Kent, England, Farmer ; went to America, 
TINDALL, MRS. (Christian Name probably ANN, and an Englishwoman) ; she kept school to New York to 1823. 
TIN KLER, JOHN, formerly of Grantham Lincoto, England ; went to New York to 1834, 
nBBILL, MIBIAlI,.late of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., U.S.A 

SPECIAL LIST No. 4. 149 

TIHDALE, JOHH, died In America. 1805. 

TO INTON , JOHN, former^ of Klrton, Lincoln, bngliuid ; went to America. 

TOMLINS, ELEANOR HBNWOOD, late of Charleston, America. 

TONEY, JAMES, who, about 1850, was Travelling Agent for some House In the Nerthern States, U.S.A. 

TOBR. John, surgeon, formerly of Lancashire and Dorset, England ; went to America many years ago. 

TORRENTE, GIACOMO. native of Italy, late of New York. 

TOWNLEY. REV. WILLIAM. Vicar of Orpington, Essex. England. 

TOWNSEND, WILLIAM, Son of Joseph, formerly of Chaileston, Soutb Carolina, n.S.A. 

TRACEY, JOHN, Seaman, late of Bosten. Suffolk Coimty, Mass., U.S.A. 

T&AFP, FRANZ, of Oggeraheim, Oermany. 

TRENHOLME, OEOKOE ALFRED, of Cbarleston.South Carolina. (7.S.A. 

TRULL, THOMAS D. M.,late of Watertown, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 

TUFTS, EUNICE, late of Newton, Middlesex County, Mass., D.S.A. 

•PUOHY, THOMAS PATRICK, late of Limerick ; he was in Middleboro', Mass., inl8S5,and In 1850 in Geneva, 

Ontario County, New York. D S.A. 
TURNER, CHARLES HARTLEY, of Kedliston, Derbyshire, England ; in the Ameiioan Navy about 1851. 
TURNER, ROBERT, formerly of Sunderland, England; went to America in 1809 
TURNER, THOMAS, of Epplng, Essex, England, a Leather.dresser ; went to America In 1800, and was In 

Philadelphia in 1807. ,. , , ,_ ,, ^ 

TUTE, HENRY, Son of Sarah Tute, who left England many years ago, and went to Mexico, or elsewhere abroad. 
TWISS,LYDIA ANN, late of Chelsea. Suffolk County, Mass., U.S. A. „ , ^, ^^ 

VAN DUSEN, BELLE (Maiden Name, ALLEN ), mai-ried in 1819 to Jacob Van Dusen, in Troy; she had left home in 

1844. and soon after her marriage came to New Yorlt City. 
VAN WAJIT. ABRAHAM, and JULIA ANN, his Wife ; resident In New York about 1825. 
VECTOR, CHARLES, left England for America in 1804. . ^ 

VERREN or WARREN, GENERAL JOHN GABRIEL, bom in Switzerland ; went to America many years ago. 
VILLARS, ALPHONSB, of Evillard, Canton Berne, Switzeriand. 
VOSMUS. ORIN D., formerly Engineer, of Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. 
WADDUP, ANN, Daughter of William and Hannah Turner ; went to America, 
WADE, JOHN, late of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., U.S.A. 
WAITS, JOHN, late of Antigua, then of Ameiica. 

WALCOTT, ELISH A, late Krm of Northropp, Abbe and Co. , Montreal, Canada, Mil. 
WALES, FREEBORN G.. late of Hopklnton, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S A. 
WALKER, FRANK, of North Carolina, U.S. A. 

WALLACE, JAMES,formerlyofLondon, England, now in New York, U.S.A. 
WALLACE, THOMAS, who waa apprenticed to a Copper in Forfar, Scotland, in 1784, afterwards was Pursers 

Steward on board H.M.S. " L'Oiseau" in 1794; he subsequently left the Navy, and went, as is believed, to the 

Tj g 4 
WALLEY, HENRY and MARY, Children of Ann WaUey ; went to Maryland, Ameiica. ... 

WALSH RIcSlARD, Sou of the late Andrew Walsh, of Dublin, Ireland, Tanner ; about 1839 he was working at 

the Docks, or as a Journeyman Tanner, in Liverpool ; supposed to have gone to New York,and subsequeutly 

to Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A. 
WALSH. RODDY, formerly of Boyle, County Roscommon, Ireland. „ „ ^ „ „ _ , . . ,j ^ , 
WARWICK, JOHN, who came to New York, about 1834, fiom near Redford, Notts, England, and resided In 

Sixth Avenue. „ „ „. „ „ , 

WATERS, CHARLES, a native of Ireland, and citizen of New York City, (J.S.A 

WATKINS, ELIJAH.formeriy of Monmonth, Wales ; went to America in 1854 ^ , „ , . _ ., . _, „.,.,,„ 
WATKINS, JOHN GEORGE ROBSON, Musician In the 8th or King's Regiment of Foot, who died at Quebec 

in or about October. 
WATSON, DaDLEY, of Newmarket, America, 1815. 

WATSON, WILLIAM, CAPTAIN, died in America. „ ^,. . _. „ „„ 

WEBB, WILLIAM, formerly of Compton Martin, Somerset, England ; went to North America some yeai sago. 
WEBSTER. GEORGE, late of Cayuga, in the County of Haldimand, Outsirio, Canaaa, who died In 1806. 
•WECKLEY THOMAS, bom at Mailing, Kent, England ; went to South Carolina or some other pan of America. 
WELCH, JAMES, formerly of Dublin, Ireland, Cabinet-maker; went to the United States. 
WELLINGTON, JEDUTHAN, late of West Cambridge, Middlesex County, Mass., U.S.A. 
WESTLAKB, MRS. ANNA. „ „^„,, ,, ,rTc 

WESTMORELAND JAMBS, formeriy Head Waiterat Bath Hotel, Long Island, U.S. r.i„„i„„,,i 

WETHERILL, GEORGE, formerly of Yorkshire, England ; went to America in 1841 ; late of Cincinnati, 

WBTHERiui, 'RICHARD, formerly of Yorkshire, England ; late of Genter'svill, Rook Port, Connecticut, U.S. A 
WHALEY,.MABY, formeriy of Braton, Williamsburg, Virrinia; afterwards of London, England ; Widow. 
WHITAKfeR, Gb6rGB, of Neuse River, North Carolina ; Nephew of Charles Whitaker, of Dm-ham, England. 
WHITBROOK, ANN, and CHARLES, Engineer ; went to America. 

wilTE- SInRy! lXo°f1?ew°st?ei\iSwe\ England , be was at Fayette, Jefferson County, Mississippi, In 

1852, and in Texas, Anderson County, in the commencement of 1853. 
WHSiJPlg^kARrTloMPSONlta^^^^^ late of Huntington. Long Island ; supposed to be 

WHITE, WIlJSkMf "torn at Windsor, England, about 1839 ; formerly employed in W. H. Smith and Son'. 
WHITECHURCH?A?fN^lpSr, afterwards MRS. ANN COX; left England In 1842 in the'' Britennia-stcamer, 

ftom Liverpool, for Boston or Halifax, North America, under assumed name ol Mrs. Clarke. 
WHIMLAW, iSlVIi), of Musselburgh, Scotland, Sailor ; last seen at New Orleans in 1860; intended to go t» 

WHTTROw" RICHARD or MARY ANNE. Richard was a Farrier at Ely, England ; in 1837 he was at Pough- 


^fiSfr-" ^ulElyf^r^cSoagSi:?.*^^ 

WHYTE, JOHN, of Toronto. 
WIGAN, FREDERICK, foi-meriy of Melboum*. 
WILDEY, THOMAS : died in America. 
WILKIE, — ; married Janet Lothian in 178«. 


WILKS, REBECCA, Wife of Ooorge Wllks : In U.S.A. In 1848. 

WILLIAMS, JOHN HITCHCOCK, late of Manchester, England, and at present suppoaed to be in IndlanapoIi% 

Indiana, U.S.A. : Fancy Box Manufacturer. 
WILLIAMS, JOSEPH, who left England in 1828, and went to reside at Farkman, near Painswell, OeangaCotlntJt 

State of Ohio, North America ; he is believed to be still residing In some part of America. 
WILLIAMS, VINE, formerly of London, England; went to Canada in 1808. 
WILLSTEED, WILLIAM H. H., of Southsea, England, who left Liverpool for America in 1867. 
WILSON, BENJAMIN, of Philadelphia, U.S.A. 
WILSON, CHARLES .JOHN, formerly of Charles-street, Hatton-garden, London, England, who went over to the 

United States about 1868 or 1859, with Elizabeth, his Wife (formerly Elizabeth Woodward), and who Is 

supposed to have resided some time at New York, U.S.A. 
WILSON, .lOHN, formerly of Leeds, York, England : late of Philadelphia, U.S.A. 
WILSON, JOHN, formerly of Little York, now called Toronto, in Canada. 

WILSON, JOHN, and MARY, his Wife, formerly of South Cave, Yorkshire, England; went to America. 
WILSON, THOMAS, Stone-cutter, or his Wife StJSAN, who came to America from Ireland, about 1850, andllved 

In Avenue A, near Twelfth-street, New York. Also JOHN MATHEWS or MRS. MITCHELL. 
WINN. ELIZABETH, bom at Warwick ; went to America. 

WINTER, SAMCTEL, left England in 1780, and carried on business as a Shipwright In Virginia, U.S. 
WINTON, ANNA (otherwise CLARK), late of the City of New York, Seamstress; a native of Albany, New York, 

WITTINGHAM, RICHARD, left London, England, in 1847, for America. 

WOLLEY, CHARLES S., late of Charlestown, County of Middlesex, State of Massachusetts, America ; Cook ; 

WOOD, CLEMENT, Son of Margaret and Carey Wood ; left England for Florida, U.S., In 1785. 

WOOD, OEORQE, who left England about the year 1800, and was last beard of by a letter from Domeiara. 

WOOD, JUDITH, Daughter of Dr Wood, of Annapolis ; she married John Phillips, of Nova Scotia. 

WOOD, MARY ANN : who went from London to America in March, 1861. 

WOOD 'SAMUEL and BENJAMIN, of Long Island, U.S. A. 

WOODROW, PHILIP, who sailed from Southampton, Dec. 3, 1851, In the ship " Hermon," for New York ; then 

14year8 old. 
WOODWARD, OEORGE ROBERT; QrandchUdren of; late of Leather-lane, Holbom, England; Turner;died 

WOOLWARD, — , formerly of West Indies. 
WORSDELL, MRS. SARAH (formerly MISS DIMBLEBY, of Hull, England, and afterwards Wife of Mr. 

William Worsdell), who with her husband sailed for the U.S.A. a few years ago. 
WORTHlJAMES, formerly of Reading, Berks, England ; went to New York in 1841. 
WOUNDY, JAMES, formerly of Newburyport, England, lata of New York. 
WRIOHT, DAVID SCOTT, Son of Hugh Scott Wright, in Cupar, Fife ; went to Charleston, South Carolina, about 

WRIGHT, JAMES. Seainan, fonnerly of Paisley, Scotland ; then of America. 
WYBUBN, DR. ROBERT, formerly of Dublin ; who practised in New York about 1857. 
WYCKOFF, P. R., of Mobile, Alabama, U.S.A. 
WYNDHAM, J, C, formerly of Bristol. England, Bookseller, but who has since resided In New Orleans, and 

Texas U.S. 
, YEATON SARAH, Wife of William Yeaton, Mate of an American Ship (formerly SARAH OARTSIDE). 
YOUNG, JAMES, Mariner, Son of Archibald Young, Watch-maker, Dundee, Scotland ; he was last heard of in 

California about 1849. 
YOUNG, JOSEPH, lateof24th U.S. C.T. 

Stirling, Scotland ; presently residing at Indiana, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 
YOU NG, THOMAS T. , ol^North America. 
_ YUILL, JOHN, a native of Glasgow, Scotland ; supposed to be in the United States. 



.\. 1.1 .:4-.^» •h.naaa Viio nlaim TSpp T^ncrPR fi 7 nnfl K of thlB MaDUal.l 


wUcli tie writer baees his claim. [See pages 6, 7 and 8 of this Manual.] 

WHIGU me wriusi uaoco uiB t-ittiiii. L"^^ t'"'S^^ "> f ""— " 

ADAM WILLIAM, of Montrose, Scotland, who went to Amorirai prertom to 1871 
BAnT VlLLlAM. a ntttive of Scotland, who went to America prertoiM to 1869. 
£-?;4ll,"mSo^Ti.WT A nnji ofOo. Essex. England, who went to America about 1836. 
[JND, of Bristol, England, who went to America previous *^ 
England, who went to America previous to 1862. 
ho left Ens'and for America about the year 1835. 

GEORGE, of Edinburgh, Scotland, who went to America 

BOWDLiR'FBBDEHfcK WATKINS, who left Liverpool, England, for America, 
SOWNES otherwise JOHN RADCLIFi", who left England for America about 1828. 
BRADT OWEN, of Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland, who went to America previous to 18J 
BROOKferLETli'lA: of Marpite, England, wtowent to America to 1859. 
25si;^S'«^% itirSTTnTme ^ti^J^i^a who w<mt to America orevlous to ISSr. 




HT nnMli'TF.LT* 'jOHN who left England for America about the year 1835. 


BOWDLBR, FaEDEHICK WATKINS, who left Liverpool, England, for America, In 1839. 

SOWNES otherwise JOHN RADCLIFi", who left England for America about 1828._, 

BRADT OWEN, of Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland, who went to America previous to 

BROOKferLETli'lA,_of Marpite, England, wtowent to America previous to 185 

BURROUGHS, M^UDITt, of Ireland, who went to America previous to 1867 

CAFFRAT. JAMES, who lefji England for America prevlouB to 1850. 

^ARkVaNDRBW, a nattvi of Scotland, who went to America previous to 18«. 
Kt f^onhttN m£s MARY of Perthshire, Scot and, who went to America previous to 1869. 
«ff T TOSBbRT of Blankney fiScolnsWe, England, who went to America previous to 186T. 
SSJiilSi?' 5SSJi°i^'\ SiJ- 'Af wXVTno kaath. Iriland. who went to America previous to 

rnf T IWR BBRT of Blankney, Lincolnshire, England, who went to America previous to locr- 
COON#^'JOHN kSd MABrTif Navan. Co. keaEh, Ireland, who went to America previous to 1864. 
DALTOl/. WILLIAM, who left Ireland for America previous to 1870. 
Tl^NHAsi THoiu^ a native of Scotland, who went to Amenca previous to 1867. 
BFxON7j6HNai^M'ABY, of Westmoreland, England, who went to Anaenca previous to 1856. 
. DOBSOk, Mrs. FRANCIS, if Ireland, who went to America previous to 1867. 
DODGSON, JOHN, who left England previous to 1864. „„,rf„,„ .„ isw 


S^?0°rj6rE^pS''a^A'^iS'SE^.'o^e^^^^^ ">" -' ^ ^""^ 

FLA-^ELL^HENRT. a native of England, who went to America P>f 't™' '» 1?5,»;8B8 



HAWLE* ma. MART A., whose husband wasB Broker in New York in 1844. 
Savpo rimJiq nf rni-k Ireland who went to America previous to 1868. 
HBLT,\ AR Y A-imf Sr^ngtaWS^rSi^^^^^^^^ in Amerija previous to 1868. 
HILL. MART ANN, residing inPhiladelphla, U.S.A., preyiousto 1866. 
HORliBY, JANS, who left England for America prev: 

irevious to 1870. 

HORNBY. JANS, who left England for America previous lo loiu. 

nnfjWFV MARlkTof Drayton, England, who went to America previous to 1806. 

JOI?NSo\ JOaCr^idl™^^^^ 

JONES. TlioMAS toTEP^ who left New York for New Orleans ra 1852 

5cAT JAMES a native of Scotland, who went to Amenca pieviovLs to 1859. 

Ifm'p WlLLiAM of Criefl, Perthshire, Scotland, who went to America previous to 184T. 

ilnnhor^KEHWlira FRANCES, of Ireland, Kho went to America preyious to 185g, 

lloWa WILLiAm of Co. Su™y,' England, who went to America previous to 1855. 

LOWE. WliLIAM, who left England for America previous to 1869. 

LUDLkM, GBORcfE. of teicestir, England, who went to Amenca previous to 1855. 

IDDWIG, or DAVIBS, LETITIA, residing in Amenca previous to 1870. 


MuSVgS^GEO^AgE GARnS HUskB,Wp'^^^^^ in New York m 1834. 

NASH joak of Ireland, residing in Amenca previous to 1859. 
OWNijEU-lfeLLENTa nattve oflreland, resiSing in Amenca previous to 1869. 
^^^i ^Vf]iA!0^™ai?otlS^rSng in America previous to 1850. 
PAKMlIDOfe JOHN or DA^IlTwbo left England for America previous to 1853. 



WH1Tw6rtH, jambs, a stone Mason, oj ™,^°?^Sli^."S o^ Mills, Maryland, previous to 18M. 

WIOQLESWOliTH. JOSN. »' y?'''^S^rft,.™|'Ad X went tS America previous to 1806. 


Wo8d!^W6^BD. •'^«™ »f Engla^nJ^ Who went to Amenca previous to 1800. jbI 



The following persoDB (or heirs) are entitled to property. All letters must be addressed to 
J. B. MABTINDAl.1:, 1*9 1,0, Salle Street, Chicago, nUnols, and mnst contain all facts 
on which writer's claim ia based. [See pages 6, 7 and 8 of this Manual.] 

ABBOns, MART. (See UN. Mary McEewim.) 

ADAMS, EDWARD, nephew of Captain George Adama, at present In Canada. 

AINSLE7, HARRIET, and JOHJl, her sou, who left England for America is 1868, and redded at Clurrf 

Street, New York. 
AITKEK, JOHN and W H.T.TAM , of Scotland, supposed to be in America. 
AZED, THOMAS LORD, native of Hali&x, England, recently residing in Washington, n.S.A. 
AKERLaf, MRS. (See James Peacock.) 

ALBBECHT, OEOROE, a Farmer, native of Saxon;, last heard of in New Tork in 1849. 
ALEXANDER, CAPTAIN JOHN RICHARD, formerly a Commander in the British Navy. 
ALLAN, DATID, formerlv of South Fredericksburg, Ont., Canada. 

ALLWRIQUT. JAMES WILLIAM, otherwise J. W. BBNTLEY ; left Liverpool for America in 1863. 
ANDERSON, MARaARET (Maiden name, BEAM), residmg <n Canada West in 1843. 
ANDERSON, PETER, son of James Anderson, of Glasgow, Scotland, was taken while an infant by liis mothw 

to America, about the year 1842. 
ANDERSON, ROBERT, of Killymore, Co. Down, Ireland, last heard of at 204, Magnolia Street, N.O., S.A. 
ANDERSON, WILLIAM, formerly of Elgin, Scotland, who went to America many years ago. 
ANDERSON, WILLIAM, foi-morly of Virginia, living In 1792. 
ARCHER, WILLIAM. (See James Bruce Street.) 

ARMSTRONO.ROBISRT Pliunber, Edinburgh, Scotland, in or about the year 1795. 
ARNOLD, SARAH, Co. Kent. England. Her daughter went to America about 1845. 

ARTHURS, , a native of England, became a Mormon, and was last heard of in Utah, U.S. A. 

ASKEW, MICHAEL, of Derbyshire, i^^ngland, in 1867 residing at Drummondville, Unt , Canada. 

ATKINSON, JOHN, formerly of Mullenown, Co. Down, Ireland, supposed to be in America^ 

ATRES, MISS EMILY, formerly of Co. Somerset, England, now residing in Ameiica. 

BACON, MATHEW DO WLINO, formerly of Ireland. His Next of Kin are residing in America. 

BAILEY, JAMES, formerly a Jeweller in Sacramento City, CaL, who left tbere in 1860 for Troy, N.T> 

BAILEY, NATHANIEL ANDREW, now or lately residing at Stratford, Canada. 

BAILEY, JACOB R., in 1837, a Clothier, at 197, Cherry Street, New York. 

BAILY, DANIEL, of Golcar, near Huddeisfleld, Eng^ad, residing in Canada. 

BAKER, RICHARD BELL, formerly of London, Bnglana, now residing in America, or elsewhere abioad. 

BAKEIL WILLIAM, and BENJAMIN FERUAND TERRAND, Merchants, Philadelphia, U.S.A., in ISlt. 

BALDERSTON, MARY. (See Mary Mackenzie.) 

BALLANTYNE, WILLIAM, whose mother was Elizabeth, daughter of John Forrest, of St. Mungo's, Dumttla» 

shire, Scotland, and who went to America many years ago. 
BANKS, DANIEL, of Bootle, near Liverpool, England, residing in America. 
BARBER, HOLT, a Seaman, in 1868, on board American ship, '* Queen of the East,** at Callao. 
BARKER, WILLIAM, son of Edward Barker, residing, in 1881, at Carlisle, U.S. A 

BARNES, ELIZABETH (Maiden name, BHESCHARD), wife of Gilbert Barnes, Butcher, now in America. 
BATEMAN, MARY and PATRICK, formerly of Co. Cork, Ireland, who went to the U.S.A. about 1810. 
BAUER, JOHAN N, a Shoemaker, left Bavaria about 1845. Supposed to be residing in America. 
BAXTER, COSLEPT, formerly of Lurgan, Ireland, who went to America in 1867. , 

BAXTER, JOHN, formerly of Forres, Scotland, now residing in Canada 

BEAM, MARY, who, about 1779. married, in New Jersey, a McGee, or McKee, and removed to So. Carolina. 
BEARD, JOHN, of Boughton, Monchelsea, Kent, who left Eugland for America ia 1867. 
BEDDOWS, WILLIAM, of Co. Stafford, England, and afterwards of Dawson Siation, Fayette Co., Fa., A. 
BENTLEY, J. W. (Bee James William Allwrigbt.) 

BENTLEY. SARAH (Maiden name, BEAM), residing in Canada West in 1866. 
BEROH, JOHANNES ANDRIES, who left Amsterdam for New York, and entered the U.S. Military Service m 

1861. Last heard Srom hi New York, 21st April, 1865. 
BERGIN, WILLIAM, who left Manchester, England, about 1845 ; was living in Ohio about 1860. 
BEVERIDGE, Family of, or Representatives, residing in America. 
BEWSHEiC JOHN OLIVANT and WILLIAM, residing in America. 

BIGGAM, HUGH, Seaman, born about 1825; left Drumore, VVlgtonshire, Scotland, in 1868, for New x orK. 
BIN DER Miss LORANE, residing in Toronto, o<- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 
BINNY, JOHN, a native of Forfar, Scotland, now residing in America. 
BIEKETT, JOHN, a Hatter, formerly of Co. Westmoreland, England, who went to the U.S. A. in 1818, sup> 

posed to have settled In Philalelpnia, and afterwards to have lived at Martinsberg, MlolL, U.S.A., and ta 

liave died there in November, 18;j3. 
BLACK, JOHN, a Painter, formerly of Glasgow. Scotland, now residing in America. 
BLAKE, MRS. HELEN, (Maiden name, SHERIDAN) married, hi 1819, to General Robert OrjUey Blake, 
BLATCH, WILL 1 AM, and CH RISTOPHER, residing in America. 

SLIMLINE, JOSEPH, of Reckendorf Bavaria, went to America In 1837, and lived at Portsmouth, Va., U.S.A. 
BODWELL. HERBERT JAMES LOvBLL. now or lately residing at Framlngbam, Ma^., U.S.A. 
BOLD, JOHN, formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland; of BOLD and FARNWOKTEI, Paperhaugers, 1081, Foltoa 

Avenue, or of 1046, Atlantic Avenue, both in Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A, his last known addi'ess. 
BOLKEN, WILLIAM, of Oldenburg, Germany, residing in America. 
BOKJ BSSON, CARL FREDRIK, of Akers, Sodei-manland, Sweden, now residing in America, 
BOYD, HUGH, JAMES, JOHN, and THOMAS, residing in America. 
BUYLE EDWARD, born in Ireland in 1830, who went to America many years ago. 
BOYLE, Family of, formerly of Co. Donegal, Ireland, residing in America. 
BRADBURNE, SAMUEL T., Children of, last heard of at Springfield, Mass., U.S.A 
BRADFORD, ALEXANDER, formerly of Deptford, England, now re.sidingin America. 
BRADY, Misa MARY. Her mother married Mr. Fleming, Grocer, New Tt^i-k City. 
BRAMMER, EDWABD. formerly of Croydon, Co. S.^ rey, who left En^'land lur America 



BRBUAR. Dr. HEHRT, pnTloiu to 1838 In business In Charleston, V.S.h. 

BRBNNAN, THOMAS, who left Backensack, Sew Jersey, In May, 1876 lor CttUfornUL 

BRESCHaAd. AGLAI! rose, ELIZABET a, JEANNE LOUISE, and JOHN LEWIS, residing In Amert«. 

BRIESE FAMILY, originally from Germany, who emigrated to America. 

GGS, EDWARD, S Bourn, Co. Lincoln, England, who went to America several years ago. 
MBLB, CHARLES, bom at Dunkerton, Co. Somerset, England, now residing In America. ,. , „, 

>nAKD. THOMAS W., a native of the Island of Guernsey, England : was at St. Louis, in November, 1873 1 
aftenrarda at Lebanon, Laclede Co., and Pacifto City, J'ranklm Co., Mo. ; and in June, 1876, at Hard Timee 

BRIESE FAMILY, originally from Germany, who emigrated to America. 
BRIGOS, EDWARD, S Bourn, Co. Lincoln, England, who went to America several years ago. 
I!RIMBLE,CHARLES, bom at Dunkerton, Co. Somerset, England, now residing in America. 
BROUAIW, THOMAS W., a native of the Island of Guernsey, England : was at St. Louis, in Novemoer, l 

aftenrards at Lebanon, Laclede Co. , and Pacifto City, Franklm Co., Mo. ; and in June, 1876, at Hard T 

Landing, Tensas Parish, La., 'J. S.A. 
BROWN, HENRY (or FREDERICK PLBWS), a Coaohman, redding in Canada. .„.,.,„ 

BROWN. LOUISA JAN K, daughter of Thomas Boak Brown, of London, England, residing In Amenoa. 
BROWNfe, or CODY. CATHERINE, formerly of Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, now residing m Amerlca.__ 
BROWNK ROBERT W., left Dublin, Ireland, about 1864, was on ooard the U.S. gunboat Wasp aooui una. 
BROWnS THOMAS BLAKENEY, formerly of Dublin, Ireland, now residing in America. 
BEDCE, JAMBS, a native oJ Scotland, now residing in America. 

BDCmfey, PATilICK COADY, otherwise Patrick COADYj relatives residing in America. 
BUBBERldK, THOMAS, of Co. Surrey or Co. Middlesex, England ; formeily In the Rifle Brigade, last heard ol 

tn Upper Canada about the year 1850. 
BURBRIOUE, JAMBS, a native of England, residing In America. , » „.j™ 

BDRUGE, FREDERICK, late of New Kent Road, London, England, now residing in America. 
BURK,lCi.RY, of Co. Claie, Ireland, residing in America. „ , „ _, , tt o a 
BURkItT. OE&RQE, jambs, and JOHN, of Hazel Green, Grant Co., Wisconsin, U.S. A. nr™*,..., 

BURNHAil JoSbU EToS. in 1869 a Steward or Purser of a steamer plying between Quebeo and Montreal 
BURWrnSAMUBL ROWSTo'n (X?^^ formerly of &reat Grimsby. 1)0. Lincoln, who left 

Engluid for America many vears ago. 
BIITTBEPIELD, CAPTAIN JOHN, of Bermuda, In 1734. ^ , , . ,., ,_ .„.j„ 

BYERS, jambs; formerly of Mannah Cross, CoTFermanagh, Ireland, now residing in America. 


^^ftl^Mli&^iSi)^:^Sf^i^'^''^eH^X'in^^^. Dubucue, Iowa, U.S.A.. In 1854. 

8iS:S.°5Iil?"SS!reS'SSiS*5ia'iWS^ Cork. Ireland, who went to the n.8.A. about im 
CAMERON. JOHN, of Finch, County Stormont, Canada. ,.,„„„„, ,„, «,„ y„,.i, in igio 

CAMPBELi, ARCHIBALD, a Ship's Steward, who saUed frorj Liverpool for New York m IBU. 
CARMICHABL, W., Furrier, who emigrated to New York m August, 1871. 

c A RRIQANTaorfAS late Of N ew Brunswick, who went to PhUadolphia m May, 1876. , ..„ .„ ^ , .„, 

CARR^tHoM^ gIoRgI. JOHNJ^others, who went from I"'^? to America between 1840 and 18«a 

OABSOA, ELIZA iIaBIA, bom about 1814, who married ^Oakey, of New Yoik. 

g^f,Mlli'^S?LgSl!lA hW"e.1S?i?^» "a^^^ -'dlngln Mas^husetU, U.S.A. 

ChImbIbI MARYTShe^e 3 ULiTriLBY, otherwise Mrs DEXlW, re^dmg m America. 
CHAPMA^or SMITH, ANN HINDS, Representatives of, residtog in ^erica. 

§iil?IS^°Mf,^iSf^o?^Sl'c^&'"^Sfd\rnSL?;^"ol^^^^ about the year 1864, residing a. 

OHBS^T]^t'HARRT™^tt™^'ir^Wr°, England now "sldtng In Can«^^ ^^ „ Tennessee, U.S.A. 



oIr&^M™ b'liZABETH Stolden naie, LBWESj.'fciiildren of ; supposed to be In America. 


CLEMENCE, HENRY A., foi-merly of Co. Cornwall, who, at ttoee years 01 age, lere lungiana »iui m. 

about the year 1830, and afterwards Uved at Albany, N.Y., U.S.A. 
CODY, fSX oi; formeriy of Co. KUkemiy, Ireland, now "fi^°8 '?J^°'*'=»- 

residing in C^iada. 

COUmToHN.i^ttve of Yorkshire England, who went to America m 1842. 

m%B THO&S KI^k/oBT, S™ otUeland ; relatives residing in America. 



DAIiAS,FamBy of. residing In Amsnc^ . . ^ residing in New Orleans between 1843 and 1853. 

DAI.BY/cHARlEMonnerlyof MMherag^^ ISASiLLArJANB, AONr.S; Childrenof residmski Americt 


OAT, HARRIET, formerly of I.eedB, Yorkshire, who left England for America in Septembfcr, 1874 

DEXTER, Mra. (Sea Mary Chambers.) 

D BBLE, CHARLES, formerly of Mhier's Forit, Callfomla, U.S.A. 

DICKSON, FLORY, a native of Scotland, formerly residing at White Cottage, Ohio, IT.S.A. 

DOMETT, CAPTAIN GEORGE, R.N,, who left England for Boston, Ameiica, m 1827. 

•DONCODRT, M. JO-fEPH, the Sons of, residing in Long Island, near IS.Y , U.S.A. 

DON E, Family of, residing in America. 

DONNELLY, PATRICK, son of MARTHA and EDWARD, late of Co. Kildare, Ireland, Carpenter. 

BORIAN, B&GH, JAMES, and DAVID, residing in America 

gORMAN, MATTHEW, of Co. Rutland, left England for America in 1852, and lired In Brie Co., N.T., U.&.A. 

DOUGLAS, BRYCB KERE (Currier), who left Scotland for America about the year 1866, 

DOUGLAS, ROBERT, a native ..f Perthshire, Scotland, afterwards of the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N.T., 0.S.A. 

DOYLE. Mrs. MARIA CATHERINE, formerly of the city of Dublin, Ireland. 

*UFFIELU, WILLIAM MUNRO, formerly of Bury Samt Edmunds, Suttolk, and of Torquay, Devon, who left 

England for Canada between 1866 and 1869. 
DUFFY, ANTHONY, formerly of Dublm, Ireland, who emigrated to Canada in 1862. 
DUNN, ROBERT WORLBY, at present residing in Canada. 
DUNNING, GEORGE, of County Heitford, England, went to Canada in 1869, and wa£ employed by Mr. Beatj, 

Farmer, Eglinton. near Toronto. 

DWTERj ELIZABETH (formerly MOONEY, Maidec name LAWLORj, residing in Canada. 

DYER, ELIZABETH, JANE, and WILLIAM, supposed to be in the tl.S.A. 

EDEN, or EDENSON, of Dover, England. His son supposed to be in California, U.S. A. 

EDWARDS, ALEXANDER, of Nassau, in the Bahamae, the Daughter of, residing in the Southern States, U.B A. 

EDWARDS, ALICE BUXTON. (See Alice Buxton Robinson.) 

EDWARDS, GEORGE, a native of Woodstock, England, who landed at Quebec, Canada, about 1828 or 1833. 

ELLIOTT, or WARNER, MARY ANN, or her Representatives. 

ELLISON, MARGARET, wife of John Ellison, of Wigan, Lancashire, England; went to America, 1866. 

FARRAR. RICH&RD, supposed to be a Lieutenant in the American Navj. 

FERRAND, BENJAMIN t'ERRAND, and WILLLAM BAKER, of Philadelphia, U.S.A., Merchants, In 1814 

FINCH, HENRY, in 1S36.7 residing in New York. 

mNN, MARY. (See John Kinnilly. ) 

JISHER, DANIEL PARKER, of Tealby. Lincolnshire, England, now residing in America. 

FITZGERALD, JAMES, of Co. Dublin, Ireland, bom in !8a2, residing in New York in ISilB. 

FITZGERALD, WILLIAM, formerly of Glin, Co. Limerick, who left Ireland for New YorH in 1864. 

FLANNIGANj Miss MARY. (See Mrs. Mary Mehern.) 

FLETCHER, R. HENRY, who was in the employ of BudlongBros., 88, W. LakeSt., Chicago, Ills., U.S.A^in I8r«. 

FORD, ARTHCR BEEVOR, Surgeon, who left England in 1854 for America, and resided at Butblo ; St. PailL 

Minnesota ; and New York city, where he was last heard of in 1859. 
FOWLER, WILLIAM, Plumber, formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland, now residing in America. 
ERASER, THOMAS, a native of Scotland, In the year 1835 residing in Floi-ida, U.S.A. 
FRBEAEi, WILLIAM, formerly on the Commissaiiat Corps, who left England for Canada in 18SL 
FRENCH, JOHN, formerly of Liverpool, England. 

FREYMARK FAMILY, originally of Germany, who emigrated to America. 
FRUER, R. P., late of 210, Ontario Street, Toronto, Canaaa. 

■6AUAC1AN, MICHAEL and JAMES, residing at New Orleans, U.S.A., about the year 18611. 
UAMMON, LOUISA. (See Louisa Hyde.) 
■GARDINER. (See Peter Young.) 

GARDNER, GEORGE, formerly of London, left England for America in 1866. 
GARNER, JAMBS G., residing in New York City in 1875. 

■GATH, WILLIAM, formerly of Bradford, Yorlcshire, supposed to have gone to America. 
GAVAGAN, MARY JANE, late of Kingstown, Ireland, now residing in America. 
GAY, FREDERICK A., in 1849, in business at 316, Broadway, New York City. 
■GAYLaY, JOSEPH and ABRAHAM, residing in New York about the year 1837. 
GIBBONS, JOHN, formerly of Ireland, now residing in the United States of America. 
GILL, THOMAS PEANOlfe, residing in New York, U.S.A. 

GORTLIN, MARGARET, who left Ireland in 1862, with James Lawrence, and settled in Canada. 
•GOULARD, PROFESSOR, (a Painter) of Now York City. 
GRAFTON, Mrs. GEORGE. (See Mrs. Maty MpKewan.) 

GRASSBN^BRNARD, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland, wJio went to America about 1870. 
GRAY, JOHN, of Co. Donegal, Ireland, went to America in 1836. His nephew supposed to reside in Canada. 
-GREEN, JAMiES, of Wilmington, North Carolina, U.S.A., Farmer, 1803. 
'GREENHAM, CHARLOTTE, who went to Amenca in 1845, again in 1859, and remained there. 
GRIEVE, CHARLES and NINIAN, formerly of Hexham, Noi'thumberland, England, now residing in Canada, 
GRIFFIN, CHJIISTINE (Maiden name, BEAM), residing in Canada previously to the year 1868. 
■GRIFFITH, FABDERICK, formerly of London, England, supposed to be now in Canada. 

GRIFFITHS, JANE, married, 1792. William Willlanis ; or their Children, Mary Ann and Jane, bom 1796- 1800. 
GUNN, FRANCIS and ANTIIONY, formerly of Castlemariyr, Co. Cork, who left Ireland for America some 

years ago, and were last heard of keeping store in San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 
<Jn^CIIARLES^formerly of Birmingham, England, residing in Boston, D.S.A., in 1873. 
HAEfFFEL Y, eDWARD, a native of Alsace, heretofore of Bolton, Mulhausen and Lowell 
HALE, ROBERT DAViD, an Ehglishman, residing in America. 
■ HALL, ROBERT, bom 1817; left England on board the South Sea Whaler, "Brixton;" was In Chili 1840. 
HAMMOND, ANDREW, formerly of Co. Donegal, Ireland, now residing in America. 
HAND, MATHBW, who left Dubun, Ireland, ior America about the year 1846. 
HANDLE Y, JOHN and DANIEL, who lett Ireland for America in the years 1867 and 1869. 
HANLON, Mrs. WILHELMINA THOMASON (formerly HOYSTED), late of Ireland, now In America. 
BANNA, FRANCIS, Stone Cutter, formerly of Belltot, Ireland : went to America about 1864. 
HARE, JANE, daughter of Charles Hare, who died at St. John's, N ew Brunswick, Canada, about 1857. 
Harper, jane, sometime LEVERING, then married to Robert Hanham-Collyer, in Philadelphia, in 1838. 
HARRISCSN, MARY G., formerly of Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. 

HARRISON, Miss LUCY ANN, who graduaied in the Convent in Montreal, Canada, in 1846-7. 
HARRISON, HENRY\ son o** William and Frances Harrison, who went to sea in 1830. 
HARTLEY, JAMES C. L., formerly of Belfast, lielan i, now residing in America. 
HAVLIN, DANIEL, late of " Gourock Rope Woik mipany, V Scotland, now residing in America. 
HE NRY, ELIZA, RICHARD, aid CHARLOTTE, who, about the year 1828, left England.for Ohio, LI .S. A. 
HAWORTH, JOHN, bom about 1813, left Blackburn, Lancashire, about 1834 ; supposed to have gone to America. 
HAWTHORNTHW AITE, JOHN, formerly of LanoBshlre, who sailed flrom England for New York in 1841. 
Hay, JOHN RADCLIFP, believed to be residing in Canada. 

Hayes. T. W., who left Plympton. Devonshire, iingland, in July, 1874 supposed to be in America. 
BAZZARD, NANCY and ROBERT, childien of George and Cynthia Hizzard, who were sold as slaves IB 

Virginia many years ago ; also, HENRY WILLIAMS, furraoiiy of Cincinnati, Ohio. U.S.A. 
HEDGES, THOMAS CREriSALL, late of the " Quarries," Gur;;ai, i'.nglano, now residing in Amenca. 
BEIRONS, CHARLES, Sailor, who left London in 1866, in a luoichant vessel, for New Orleans, U.S.A. 
HEIRONS, JOHN, who left London for New York in 1856, and thence to San Francisco. 
HENNESSEY, JOHN, Copper-plate Printer, who lett London for New York in 1870. 

HENN f.sSY, J.AMES, of Co. Cork. Ireland, in 1806 had a Fancy Goods business at 169, Spring St., N.T. Cltr. 
HENRY, Miss MARIAB. (See Mrs. Mariah Love.) 

SPECIAL LIST No. 6. 155 

HEWETSON, /AMES, BRIDGET MARIA, HONORA, and MARGARET', foimeily of Brookljn, N.T., tT.8.A. 
HICKLINQ, SAMUEL, a Chairmakir, and his sistor, MAKY ANN HICKLING, left England for New YorS 
about the year 1832, and afterwards lived at Warren, Pa , U.S. A In 1835, Samuel went to Pittsburg. In 
1836, Mary Ann went to Clair, Mich.; In 1837, she was Chambermaid at an Hotel in Detroit ; in 1838 and 1839, 
she was Stewardess on board the steamer *' Columbus, ' on Lake Huron, 
HITCHCOCK, THOMAS TANNER, formerly of London, England, now residing In America. 
HOBSON^OHNtfoi-meriy of Stockport, England ; afterwards in 40th Regiment N.J. Volunteers. 
HOCKLEY, RICHARD, left London in 1832 for Canada, was at Norwich, Conn., U.S.A., in 1848. 
BOFMANN, FERDINAND, born at Mohren, FollW!, Bohemia: by ti-ade a Locksmith, now in America. 
HOGAN, CATHARINE. (See Mrs. Catharine Byrne.) 
HOLME, THOMAS CROSS, residing in America. 

HOPKINS, ROBERT, Junior, formeriy of Threadneedle Street, London, England, now residing in Canada, 
HORN K JAMES, native of Scotland, a Sailor, supposed to have left London for New Orleans in 186T. 
HORTON, JERRY, who was in Ireland In 1861-2, now residing m America. 
HOWICK, FRANCES, who, in 1871, lived in Hamilton, Ont., Canada. 
HOYSTED. (See Mra. Wilhelmina Thomason Hanlon.) 

HUDSON, WILLIAM PRIDDEN, in 1874 residing at 61, New Street, New York City. 
HUGHES, Miss JANE, formerly of Glynceirog, North Wales, now residing in America. 
HULL, Miss. (See Mrs. Schofleld.) 

HUTCHINSON, JOSEPH, native of Corby, Lincolnshire, England, now residing in Amenca. 
HUME, WILLIAM, Engineer, a native of Scotland, Residing m Philadelphia, u:s.A., about 1869. 
HYDE, LOUISA (Maiden name, GAMMON), widow of John Hyde, formefly of Co. Kent, England, recently 

residing in the Township of Hindoo, Co. Victoria, Can.ida. 
HYNES, JOSEPH, who left Ireland for America about the year 1850. 

IRVING, GEORGE, of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, residmg In Gilpin Co., Colorado Ter.,U.S.A., In 1870. 
IRVINE, AVILLIAMi a Seaman, now or re lently living in Canada. 

JACKScJn, ROBERT WILLIAM, of Armagh, IreUmd, residing in Alabama, U.S.A., In 1869. 
JACKSON, JOHN STAMER, went to Australia in 1864, now residing In America. 
JACKSON, JOHN, bom in London, England, in 1808, residing in Arizona Territory, U.S.A., in 1870. 
JAMIESON, JOHN, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, bom in 1793, who went to Canada early this century. 

JARDINE, JAMES, formerly of Beatook, Dumfrlesshu-e, who left Scotland for Canada in 1863. 
JESSOP, TOM, who left Lincolnshire, England, for America in 1860. j „ «• tt = • 

JOHNSON, Mrs. ELIZABETH, (wife of Lysle W. Johnson,) recently living on Staten Island, ^f.y.. U.S.A. 
JOHNSTON, JAMES, of Cork, or Bandon. Ireland, formerly in the employ of Hudson's Bay Company. 
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, of County Dublin, Ireland, Nephews and Nieces of, residing in America. 
JONES, THOMAS LONG, formerly of Llaaelly, Wales, now residiug in America. 

JONES. (See Peter Young.) . ,_,, , . ,, . , » 

JONES, JOHN, a native of Bunbury, Co. Chester, England ; went to America In 1816, was last heard of U 

LowoU, Mass., U.S.A., in 1829. ^ , _, „,^ 

/ONES, WILLIAM, formerly of Nautyglo, Wales ; afterwards, in 1868-9, in London and Shrewsbury. 
JONES, RICHARD, Esq., ?ate of Eogland, now residing in Canada, 
/ONES, RICHARD, late of Ballarat, Australia ; his widow supposed to be in Amerira. 
JONES, JOHN, of Tynllwyn, Pariah of Llannor, near Pwllheli, Wales; residiug m New Orleans In 184S. 
JOHNSTON, or MoWILLIAMS, AGNES, a native of Paisley, Scotland, residing in Ainerica. 

KAY, JOSEPH, a native of Lancashire, England, lately residing in New York State. 

KAY, ALEXANDER RUSSELL, residing at Glencoe, Elfrid, Mlddlesei, Ont., Canada. 

KEEN, WILLIAM, formorly of Devonshire, England, now residing in America. 

KELLY, THOMAS WORVALLO, formerly of London, England. 

KEMP, HENRY R., who was a Banker in Pit Hole City, Pa., U.S.A., in 1866. 

KENNEDY, ROBERT V. : in 1866, residing in Minnesoia, U.S.A. ™.., j , ,,■ tt o a i„ iiEa 

KENNY, ANN, formerly ANN NOLAN, who left Carnokfergus, Ireland, for Philadelphia, U.S.A., In 1868. 

KERR, .TAMES, a Painter, formerly of Glasgow, who left Scotland for Amerii^ about 18o5 u j. j . .o.. 

KBReC WILLiAm, JAMES, JOHN, and DANIEL, sons of WiUiam Kerr, of Lon-^on, Englanu, who diedinlSM. 

KERNAHEN. WILLIAM, who left Belfast. Ireland, in 1831, for New York ; supp led to have gone to Canada. 

KEYS, WILLIAM SAMUEL, JOHN CHARLES, and LESLIE, residing in Ohio in I860. 

KILLEN, JAMES, of Belfast, Ireland. In 1858, he was in Providence, Rhode Island, U.b.A. 

KILLORN, ANNE, residing in the United SUtes of America. 

KINO HENRY, twel\e years in the U.S. Marine Service, who died in the year 1873, aged about 36. 

KING JOSEPH HENRY THOMAS, late of England, now residing in America. 

KING, HENRY, an Englishman i in 1850. residiug in Minnesota, ITS.A, , ,„ . . 

KINOROSS, WILLIAM, a native of Stiriing, Scotland, » member of a Musical Company in America. 

KINNILLY or KILLBALLY, JOHN, enlisted into 68th Regiment, at Caatlebar, Irelana, in 1817 i marrHO, l> 
Tipperarv, Mary Finn. In 1828 they were at Quebec, &.nada, with the Regiment. 

KITCHEN, AlICE (Maiden name, BEAM;, residing in Canada West in 1848. 

KNIGHT *riLLLAM and JOHN, of Co. Sussex, England, who went to Amenca many years ag^ 

KNOWLBS, THOMAS, formerly of Co. Lincoln, England, who went to the U.S.A. about the year mm. 

LAWLOR, ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth Dwyer.) ™ , j ,. »t it , i., laea 

LAWBENbB, CHARLES (otherwise GEORGE C. LUCAS), who left England for New York in 1863 

LEADM TTiR, JEAN ; married WUson, and died at Richmond, out., Canada, about the year 184a. 

LEAR, THOMAS, eldest Son o£ residing in America. 

LEWES, ELIZABETH. (See Mrs. EUzabeth Clare.) 

liBWIS, J. D., late of NewYork City, Merchant, deceased. Representatives wanted. 

LEWIS, GRIFFITH, who went to California in 1860 ; was at Elko, Nevada, U.S. A., in 1869. 

lewis; JOSEPH L.; bom in Jamaica, W.I., in 1791, .son of Lemuel Lewis, of Portland, Conn., U.S.A. 

LEVERING, JANE. (See Jane Harper.) 

LINTOTT, JOHN, of Co. Sussex, England, who went to Amenca many years ago. 

LIPPMAN or HENRICHSON, SAMUEL, a native of Germany, afterwards of New Jersey, U.&.A. 

LITTLBWOOD, JANE, wife of George Littlewood, residing in America. 

L0NDRI60N, DANIEL and JOHN, supposed to be in America. u • »., ,o«a 

tONEGBTAN, WullAM, fonnerly of (Jlonmel, who left Ireland for Amenca about the year 1844. 

LONG. JOHN, of Kingstown, Ireland, last heard of in San Francisco., Cal.,U.S A. „,ici!» 

LOVE Mrs. iJaRIAH, fonnerly HEN RY ; was in Philadelphia m,1856, and went to New York in 1858 or 186fc 

LOW, THOMAS HOOD, and HENRY, brothers, residing in America. 

LOW, JAMES, and WILLIAM D., residing in Canada. 

i;g^il' ?lte |'6mSltfSanWr8i4, was trading between New York and New Orleans 

LUNUlfe, GEOAgB, formerlT of Scotland. In 1837, a Plumber and Painterln New York, C.S.A. 

LOTWYCHE, JANE. (See Mrs. Jane Taylor. 1 • „.„.h= 

LYONS, Mrs. ELIZABETH, now or lately residing in Toronto, Canate. 

LYON, W. W., Owner of 1,600 acres of land InLavaoca Co., Texas, U.b.A. 

McCAiv AL^ANDER, a native ofSootland, who went to Canada in March, 1876. , .u. ™.,. iai« 

McCoSiACK ARTHUR formeriy of Bailietorough. Co. Oavan, left Ireland tor Canada about the year 1816. 

McCORMKK:'ADREW,^fWgtoVire, Scotland" went to Amcn^^^^ 

mIS^omrfkosK ANN formerly of Ireland, who went to Toronto, Canada, about 1850. 

mSviLLe! HTJGH wKted in the U.S.' ot America, in Decei,iber,-1873. He left Ireland about 1864. 

MoGEE, or McKEEj MARY. (See Mary Beam.) . .,.„*„„!„, ,h„„n8si 

MoINltEE, JOHN', from the North of Ireland, who emigrated to Amenca about 1861. 

SoISAAC, yOHN, it Paisley, Scotland, or his two daughters, residing m America. 


MoIMKES, DUNCAir, s natlTe of Scotland, In I86S residing at Cambridgeport, Haas., U.S.4> 

HoEATE, ELIZA. Splnfiter, deceased in America. Representatives wanted. 

MACKENZIE, LIART (Maiden name, BALDEBSTONl, vldow of Wiuiam Maclcenzie, fonnerl; a Blacksmith, 

in Glasgow, Scotland, She left Scotland many yeara ago for America. 
MoKENZlE, JOHN, formerly of Ross-shire, Scotland, late of Kingston, Canada. 
UoKEWAN, His. llARY (formerly ABBOTT), some time since residing at Watertown, JeSersou Co., >ew 

York, tr.S.A., mider the name of Mrs. GEORGE ORAPTON. 
MACKINNON, DONALD, recently residing at Kansas City, Mo., tr.S.A. 
MoLEAN, THOMAS, a native of ScotUnd, residing in New Brunswick about 1836. 
MoMARTIN, PETER, formerlv ol MUwaukee, U.S.A. 
McFHERSON, or WHITEHEAD, Mrs. ELIZABETH, wife of Dr. Nathan or Nathaniel a Whitehead, 

formerly of Norfolk, Va.,U.S.A. / 

MoWILLlAMS, or JOHNSTON, AGNES, a native of Paisley, Scotland, residing in America. 
MAOEE, CHARLES, formerly of Co. Cavan, Ireland, Mariner, residing in Boston, U.S.A., in 1864. 
MALCOLM. H. F„ formerly a Clerk in Toronto, Canada. 

MALLIBAND, WILLIAM, of Leicestershire, England, now residing in America. 
UALONE, PATRICK: In June, 1805, he was a Sergeant in Company H., Indiana Volunteer Regiment, Smt 

Brlrade, 1st Division, 23rd Army Corps, U.S.A. 
KALONET, ELLEN and MARGARET, late of London, England : went to the U.S.A. about the year 1866. 
MANN, ROBERT J.^ a Dealer In Woollens, residing In NewTork City, In 1886. 
MANSON, CHARLES LEWIS, residing in New Ofleans, La., U.S. A., m the year 1834. 
MARTIN, GEORGE, who lefl: England for New Tork about the year 1851, with his brother, Lewis Martin. 
MARTIN, JOHN, formerly ol Eorferahire, Scotland, last heard of in Florida, U.S.A., in 1842. 
MARSHALL, ISAAC, of Berkshire, England, who wont to America about 1856. 
MARSHALL, Mrs, MARGARET ; in 1873, living at Mr. McArthur's, Grocer, Market St., Philadelphia. 
MASON, JOSEPH, foi-merly of Manchester, England, in 1871, residing at Galveston, 0.S.A. 
MASON. JAMES, formerly of London, England, a Fainter, now residing in the U.S.A. 
MATTHEWS, Miss N. E.: In 1862, residing in 14th Street, New Tork City. 
HAUGHAN, JOHN, of Newcastle, England, now residing in Ameiica. 
MEAD, WILKINSON, who left England for America about 1861. 
MEAR. SAMUEL, of Co. Somerset, England,Can}enter. at present In America. 
MEHERN, Mrs. MARY, formerly Miss MARY FLANNIOAN, now residing in America. 
MERGER, ANDREW, a native of Co. Sussex, England, residing In Toronto, Canada, previously to 1871. 
MERSON, PHILIP, who left Toronto, Canada, for the United States In 1871. 
MERRILL, CATHERINE (Maiden name, BEAM), formerly of Co. Lincoln, Canada West. 
METZGER, THIEBAUD, former v Governor of Breda, and Lleutenan^Oeneral of the Dutch Cavalry. 
MILLIKEN.JOHN, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland, now residing in America. 
MILLER, THOMAS,! eft Belbst, Ireland, for America, about 1825. 

MILLER, JUSTUS D., in 1847 at 327, East Broadway, New York City, in Dry Goods and Lime kusiness. 
MITCHELL, JOHN, Bom in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1827; was employed by Luther Bent, Cabmet Maker, 

Watertown, Mass., U.S., until October, 1847. 
MOLLOY, JOHN, formerly of Derrlnboy, King's Co., Ireland. 
MOONE^ ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth Dwyer.) 

M00RE,WILL1AM, formerly of Co. Dublin. Ireland, now residing in America. 
MOOREEAD, JAMES ANDREW of Co. Monaghau ; left Ireland for America In 1845, settled In Cincinnati, 

Ohio, which place he left in 1860 for Califomia. 
MORGAN, PHILIP JOHN, formerly of Newport, England : went to America In 1864. Lived in Rochester, N.¥. 
MORRISON^AHDREW, House Carpenter, a native of Tillicoultry, who left Scotland for Canada in 1827. 
MORTON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, residing at 171, Thompson Street (Dessau Place), New York. 
MO GGBRIDGB, EDWARD JAMES, who left England for America about 1866. 

MUIR, THOMAS, formerly of Cumberland, England ; served In 66th Regiment, N. Y.V., up to Oct., 186& 
MULDOON, JAMES, now or lately of Quindaro, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, O.S.A. 
MUNRO, ANN. (See WUllam Chalmeii.) 

MURNEY, JOHN and HENRY, brothers, natives of Ireland, went to America about 1843. 
MUBPHY, or CODY, BRIDGET, formerly of Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, now residing In America. 
MURRAY, JOHN, son of James Murray, who left Co. Huron, Canada, for the U.S. A. about 184i. 
NADIN, THOMAS, formerly of Nottingham, England, now residing in America. 
NAGLE FAMILY, late of Limerick, who left Ireland for America about the year 1861 or 1862. 
NBEDH AM, CHARLES BRITTAIN, who left England for America In 1864. 
KOLAN,ANN. (See Ann Kenny.) 

NOLAN, MARY, of Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow, Ireland. Her married niece went to America years ago 
NOLAN, MICHAEL, of Co. Wexfoid, Ireland, who emigrated to New York in 1852. 
NOLAN, JAMES, of Dublin, Ireland ; in 1861 resided at Rocky Mount, and De Kalb, Miss., U.S. A. 

OAKEY, . (See Eliza Maria Caraon.) 

O'BRIEN, MICHAEL, of Co. Clare, who left Ireland for America about the year 1816. 

OTJBLL, CONSTANCE, or SCANLAN, and son, WID.IAM THOMAS O'DELL, residing In America. 

O'DWTER, SAMUEL WILLIAM, RICHARD, and GEORGE FIRMIN, who left England about the year 182S, 

or ARRELL, JOSEPH, a native of Tralee, Ireland, now residing in America. 

OLIVANT, THOMAS CATTERALL, residing in America in 1800. 

OPPENHEIMER, MORITZ, formerly of Germany, now residing in America. 

URMISTON, JOHN ANDREW, a native of Roxburghshire, Scotland ; in 1860, Second Mate of the " Kent.' 

O'SULLITAN, JOHN FRANCUS, bom at Cork, Ireland, then of Liverpool, Eng., afterwards of New Ywk 

OWEN, DAVID, cf Glasgow, Scotland, born 1826, a Sailor : was in New York in 1856. 

PARRY, EMMA 1 her Parents, THOMAS and MARY ANNE PARRY, left England for America in 1832. 

rARSONS, Mrs. ELIZA, late of Toronco, Canada. 

PATRICK, GEORGE, of Stepney, Middlesex, England, who settled InNew York in or about the year 1810. 

PEACOCK, JAMES, a native of Scotland, killed by explosion on board steamship "Black Warrior," at Sew 

York. In 1856. His widow Is said to have married a Mr. Akerlay. 
PEACOF, WILLIAM, formerly of Liverpool, England, Fruiterer. 

FELISSIER, MUe. MARIE ROSE CLARISSE, of Point St. Esprit (Gard), supposed to be residing in America. 
PENTON, AUGUSTUS, formerly Lieut, in H.M. eSid Regiment, who left India for the U.S.A. or Canadaln 186L. 
PERRY, FREDERICK, late a Seaman in H.M.S. " Bellerophon," supposed to be in America. 
PIETZKER, CHRISTIAN LUDWIO RUDOLPH, in 1858, went as a Seaman In a merchant ship to AcMrioa 

Last heard ot in New York City, in the year 1862. 
PIKE, HENRY, formerly of Chesterfield, England, now residing in America. 
PImTJAMES, otherwise PATRICK MALONE. (See Patrick Malone.) 

PLASKETT, WILLIAM, in 1860 resided in Toronto, Canada, and last heard of in Pennsylvania. 
PLEWS, FREDERICK (or HENRY BROWN), a Coachman, residing in Canada. 
PLUMER, Family of^ formerly of Co. Dorset, England, now residing in America. 
PLUMTREE, SAMUEL ROWSTON. (See Samuel Rowston Burton.) 
PLUNKETT, HENRY EDWARD, of Ireland ; was in Wisconsin, U.S.A., in 1876. 
POOLE, ALICE BUXTON. (See Alice Buxton Robinson.) 
POWELL, JOHN, a native of Scotland, now residing in America. 

FOYNTON, JAMES, and sister, JANE ELIZABETH, of Co. Lincoln, England, now la AmerlM. 
PROTHEROE FAMIILY, late of South Wales, at present in America. 

RAYSON, CHARLES, ANNE, ELIZABETH, and MERCY BOYNE, now redding in Amerlaa. 
REID, ROBERT NISH, of Ontario, Canada. 

REILLY. or 0'Ri::iLLY, JAMES, late of Co. Meath, Ireland, residing in New York Cl*y. 
aiOBY, JOHN PETER, of West Smethwick, near Birmingham, l!,ngland. now In America. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 6. 167 

RILEY, JULIA. (See Mmf Ctaamben.) 

BITCHIB, WILLIAM A, formerly residing at Holly, Mich., U.S.A 

ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, of London, England, went Co America In 1845. Last address. Cooper and Holt'L 

Merchants, Hamilton, Canada. ^ 

ROBINSON, JAMES, bom In 1812, at Llfford, Ireland, went to Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A., In 1832. 
ROBINSON, HENRY, late of Co. Antrim, Ireland, deceased. His Next of Kin are residing In America, 
ROBISSON, ABRAHAM, late of Burnley, Lancashire, England, now residing In America. 
ROBINSON. ALICE BUXTON, afterward EDWARDS, afterward POOLE ; last address, 333, 6th Avenue, K.T. 
ROBERTS, JAMES, foiteerly of HoUoway. Co. Middlesex, England, now residing In America. 
BOUER, CORNELIS OERARDUS, a native of Amsterdam, Holland, who left the Island of Ouracoa fo 

California in 1849 ; last heard of at Chagres, 24th October, 1848. 
ROMANS, ISABEL. (See Isabel Stewart.) 
ROPER. HENRY, bom In America about the year 1798. 
ROSS, WILLIAM and Miss ELIZA, residing in America. 
ROWE, Dr. J. L , residhig in America. 

RYAN. MICHAEL and PATRICK, of County Cork, left Ireland for America about 1820. 
SALTERS, NICHOLAS, SOLOMON, and FRANCIS, New York, U.S.A., Merchants, In 1817. 
SABaEANT, ROBERT ALEXANDER, a Sailor, bom 1846, landed at New York about December, 186L 
SAWYER, MARY. (See Mrs. Mary Watson.) 

SAWYER. WILLIAM, formerly of Ireland. Children supposed to be residing in America. 
SCANL AN, CONSTANCE. (See Constance O'DeU.) 

SCHAAF, LEWIS, enlisted in Brooklyn, N.Y., 1862 ; re-enlisted in regular (U.S.) Army, 1366 ; discharged, 187*. 
SCHOFIELD, Mrs. (Maiden name^HIlLL), formerly of Loughborough, England, now residing in America. 
SCHOFIELD, TIMOTHY, late of Hampshire, England, Platelayer, now residing in Canada. 
8CHRADER, CHARLES FRANCIS DAVI^ formerly of Westphalia, now resimng in America. 
SCLATER, JAMES, now or lately of South Brooklyn, U.S. A. 
SCOTT, JOHN, of Co. Kent, who left England for New York, U.S.A., In May, 1878. 
SEATH, or SEAD, JAMES, formerly of Stirlingshire, Scotland, laat heard of in Upper Canada. 
SELMES, JOHN, late of England, at present living in America. 

SEWELL, HENRY, formerly of Bradford, Yorkshire, England, now residing in America. 
SHAdP, EDWARD P., formerly of Woodstock, Ont., Canada. 
SHEEHY, THOMAS, MARIA, and ELLEN, resldhie in America. 

SHERIDAN, HELEN, bom about 1800. (See Mro. Helen Blake.) ^ 

SHEBLOCKl I^mlly ot residing in America. 

SINCLAIR, JOHN, Sallmaker, formerly of Olasgow, Scotland, now residing in America. 
SKIFFINOTON, Family of, residing (n America. 

SKILLMAN. WILLIAM, supposed to reside in St. Louis, Missouri, or San Francisco, California, U.S. A. 
SLATER, PYTHIAS, of Oldham. Lancashire, England, living in Troy, N.Y., U.S.A, In November, 1875. 
SMITH, SUSAN (Maiden name, BEAM), residlngm Canada V7est in 1819. 

SMITH, JOHN, a Miller, a native of Yorkshh^^England, residing at Three Rivers, Canada, about 1860. 
SMITH, GEORGE W^ lately Section-Man on Whitby and Fort Perry Railway, Canac a 
SPEECHLEY. JOHI^ formerly of Co. Huntingdon, England, residing in New York m 1869. 
SPEIGHT, CHARLES S., of ti'eland, afterwards of Liverpool, England ; children now residing in America. 
STAFFORD, MOSES, formerly of County Wexford, who left Ireland for America about 1868. 
STEARN, ARTHUR, formerly of London, England, lately residing in Toronto, Canada. 
STEELS. PETE EL formerly of London, Ontario, Canada. 

STEVENSON, HUGH, who left Glasgow, Scotland, for Canada, about the year 1842. 
STEVENSON, JAMES, of Co. Down, Ireland, now residing in America. 
STEWART, PATRICK^ formerly of Aberdeen, Scotland, went to Ameirca in 1860, served in the 79th N.Y.V., and 

afterwards in the e7th N.Y. V., (Tom which he deserted in 1862. 
STEWART, ISABELLformerly of Scotland, and who married Archibald Romans. 

STEWART, PATRICE, formerly Tea Grocer and Spirit Dealer In Aberdeen, Scotland, now residing in America. 
STILES, Miss ANN, residing in New Jork City about 1835. 
STIRTON, Family of, formerly of London, England, now residing in America. 
STOFFORTH, WILLIAM, of Lancaefaire, England, in 1847; worked for a Farmer named Simon CondliCT, neat 

Albany City, U.3.A.. and afterwards went to Michigan. 
STRATTON, JOHN,^Maohinliit, of Perthshire, Scotland; in Febrnary 1877, residing in Elizabeth, N.J. , U.S.A 
STREET, JAMES BRUCE, native of St. John, New Brunswick ; enlisted as William Archer in Northern Army, 

served in the U .S. Cavahy, last beard of in 1866 at Washington. 
STRONG. (See Peter Young.) 

STUBBS, ROBERT BAYNES, who left England for America about the year 1832. 
SUGDEN, LADRA ANN. (See Collinger.r . _ . „ . 

SWALE, JOHN LAMBERT, Ibrmerly of Yorkshire, England, and Captain in a British Cavalry Regiment. 
SWARBRECK, AMELIA MARTHA, who was residmg in Chicago, U.S.A., about 1869. 
SWORNE, LYDIA, native of England, last heard of at Spring Valley, Rockland Co., New York. 

TAAFFE, ANNE. (See Wabh.) 

TAYLOR, Mrs. JANE (Maiden name, LUTWTCHB), of Birmingham, England; went to America in 1809 

withher husband, who was a Methodist Minister. 
TAYLOR, JOHN, formerly of Yorkshire, England. 

TEVINI, JOSEPH, (Giuseppe,) a native ofTrieste, now residing in America. ,^, _,„„_. ^ , „„. 
THOMAS, Mra FRANCES MARY, wife of Philip Thomas, in the year 1820, of Ibberville Parish, La., U.aA. 
THOMPSON, SAMUEL COULTHARD, last heard of at Phihidelphia, D.S.A. 

THOMTSON, WILLIAM ABRAHAM, left England in Mai'ch, 1871 ; supposed to be residing in Canada. 
TINDALL. HENRY, formerly of Scarboro', England, afterwards of Rand Bau Harbour, Ont., Canada. 
TOBICIS, WILLIAM, formerly of Bufialo,N.Y.,U.S.A. _^. . „ „^ ^ c,j=- 

TRENCH, JOHN, formerly of Liverpool, Co. Lancaster, and also of Liscard, Co. Chester England, Porter. 
TROJAHN FAMILY, originally from Germany, who emigrated to America. 
TUCKER, HENRY, formorlv of Co. Somerset, England, now residing in America. 
TUCKER, JOHN W.j In 1876, residhig in Newry, Ont., Canada. 
TUCKFIELD, JOSEPH, formerly of Comwall, England, now of CaUtbnlia, Miner. 

TUPPER, JAMES. otNova Scotia, Merchant, about the year 1830. -,,.., ,=,:. v 

TURLEY, BRIDGET, otherwise MARGARET, daughter of Hugh Turley, a native of Ireland. Is 1861, aha 

Uvai as Nursemaid with Mr. Ayres, Jeweller, Madison Street, New York. 
TURN BULL, DALRYMPLE, a native of Scotland, residing at OUver Gulf, Cal., U.S. A. 
OPTON. Ja3iBS THORLEY, formerly of County Chester, England, supposed to be in America. 
VAN DB VEIiDE, DON PEDRO CLEMENTE, a native of Holland, now residing in Ameiica. 
VAN ■ ""' ■■" ~ " "" " — ' — °' — * "^ ""'" 

WACHTBiANTjOHN'oiBDRfcHrwho deserted'hls'sHp, ""jotann (Jottfriedlieume," lii England, In 18W 
WALKINSHAW, ANDREW CROMBIE, left Scotland hi 1860 for Toronto. Canada. 
WALSH FRANCB, JOHN, and VALENTINE, sons of Anne Walsh (Maiden name, TAAFFB), who withher 
husband. Dr. Jehn Walsh, resided in Brooklyn, N.Y., hi 1842. ^ ,^„ „, v ..o,,: 

WALLACE, William, who left UnllthgowaMre, Scotland, about 1836 ;tast heard of at New OrlMns about 1846 
WARDROF, WILLIAl^ formerly of Glalgow, Scotland, aiterwarda of Khigaton, Jamaica, which he left in 1848 


WATSOirMre; MARY, ^orwlae SAWYER, formerly of Ireland. Her chUdren are now in America. 

WATSON', JAMES F. ; In 1839. residing in New York City. . „ . ,, ,.„ 

WEBB. THOMAS, lata of Hnde, Co. York, England, went to Chicago, Ilia., D.S., Ui 1864. 


Vr^T)ER,JoaAN^ EARL EDWARD, a native of Silesia ; was In Milwaukee, U.S.A., In AprU, USa. 

WKGNEB FAMILY, who emigrated from (ieitoany to America. 

WBLDRICK, JOSEPH, late of Wolton, now residing In America. 

WEST, GEOROE, who left England for America in 1865. 

WHEELER, THOMAS, JOSEPH, and WILLIAM, formerly of County Oxford, England, now In AineTl<i% 

WHITE, DAVlu, m 1872 residing in Queen Street West, Toronto, Canada. 

WHITEHEAD, Mra. ELIZABETH. (See Mrs. EUzabeth McPhorson.) 

WIBSE FAMlLr, late of Germany, now residing in America. 

WIGHTMAN, Family of, residing in America. 

WILKIE. A Family of this name emigi-ated fl-om Germany to America. 

WILKIE, GEOKQE, formerly of Edmburgh, Scotland, who went to the United States of America. 

WILLIAMS, JAMES, of Portsmouth, England, last heard of at 55, Allen Street. New Tork. 

WILLIAMS, HENRr and THOMAS, of Loudon, Kngland, brothers, who went to America many years aeo. 

WILLIAMS, JOHN and THOMAS, formerly of Brecon, Wales, sons <.f John Williams, Turner, who died to 

New York in 1854. John went to California, and Thomas to New Orleaoa. 
WILLIAMS, JANE. (See Jane Griffiths.) 
WILLIAMS, HENRY. (See NancT and Robert Hazzard.) 

WILSON, EDWARD, formerly of Yorkshire, who left England for America In 1866. 
WILSON, WILLIAM, a native of Eiigland, and late of No. 26, Vine Street, Boston, U.S. A. 
WILSON, JOHN, of Ajdrossan and Glasgow, Scotland, now residing in America. 
WILSON, JEAN, (See Jean Leadbetter.) , 

WILSON, GEORGE PORTER, of Croydon, County Surrey, who left England for America in 1S6S. 
WINTER, AUGUST WILHQLM, a native of Prussia, who went to America in 1860, and entered the U.S. Arm?. 
WINTER, JOHN FRANCIS; was in New York in 1835, and in Hai-tford, Conn., In 1851. 
WIICHLEY, WILLIAM HENRY, who left Ireland in June, 1872, and was atterwarda employed by a Scotch 

Kentleman in America. Has lost the thumb off his left hand. 
WOOD, ANN, WILLIAM, and ROBERT, who left Canada for the United States about 184». William and 

Robert supposed to have enlisted in U.S. Army. 
WOOD, MARY ANN, formerly of Westcote, Co. Oxford, England, now residing in Amerioa. ' 
WOLCOTT, NORTHROP, and ABBE, Merchants, of Montreal, Canada, in 1810. 
WOOLEY, RACHEL. (See Samuel Church.) 
WOOLLBY, JANE. (See Jane Cheffery.) 

WRIGGLES WORTH, JAMES, foi-merly of Ipswich, England, supposed to be at present in Amenea. 
YOUNG, JAMES, an Engineer, formerly of Glasgow. Scotland, now in Ameiica. 
YOUNG, MARY, recently residing in Ont., Canada, or her Repi-esentatives. 
' YOnNQ, PETER, went to America about 1770, and died in 1784. By his wife (Maiden lame, ELBANOR 

BEST) he had several children. Of the daughters, Eleanor married WILLIAM JON KS, and Rebecc» 

married, Si-st, JOSEPH STRONG, and, seconcUy, PETER GARDINER. Representatives wanted. 
rULE, JOHN, a Seaman, native of Scotland, supposed to be in America. 



Thefollowingpersons, if living, or if dead, their representatives, are entitled to property. Al' 
letters must be addressed to J. B. MAKTINDALE, 148 La SaJle Street, Clileago, Illinois. 

and must contain a statement of all facts on which the writer bases his or her claim. FSee paees 6 
7 and 8 of this Manual.] ^ i—s™ u, 

ADIE, JOHttt of Aberdeenshire, Scotland : went first to Canada : afterwards to the TT s A Ahnnt iMn 

APLik, JOhJj ORLBBAR, who left Englind for America iallM '™- 

ARCHER, GEORGE CHARLES, supposed to be resldlDR in Canada. 

ARBNDS, FREUBRICK, who in 1860 resided In Hnntuville, Randolph Co , Mo USA 

ARPP, SAMUEL, otherwise EARP, who left England for America about the year 1830 

ASHLEY, FAMILY of, residing in America. 

ADLD, JOHN MURRAY, Junior, residing in America. 

ilT^AJ^'^lw'J^'v'*'*"', ^°i 5?- ':\!^H 8treet,^ew Yorls City. In 1861 Captain of Co. A. 102nd Eegt. H.Y.V 

BAILKY, LEWIS, formerly of Northamptonsbire. who left England for America ibout 1864 

BAILLY, CHARLES PR4.NCIS, Representatives of, supposed to be in Canada 

BAKER, JAMES, son of Thomas and Ann, a Sailor, who left Cardiff, England, in 1860 in a sailinir vesseL 

BAKEWELL. CAROLINE ANNIE. (See Mrs. 0. 1 Jordan.) uKi»"ii, m loou, m a sailing vessel. 

HARNETT, DRUMMOND TOWNSEND, last heard of in the Nortb.west Territory. British America 

BARTON, ANNA, now or recently residing in Canada. 

BAYLOR, REBECCA, who loft Ireland lor N ew York in or about the year 1810. 

BEMISH, WILLIAM, formerly of Co. Surrey, Eng.: last heard of in Brooklyn. N T in 1872 

BENJAMINE, ABRAHAM. (See Abraham MicbileL) ■■.i.,mioii. 

BENSON, P. M., bom early in the present century, formerly of Co. Cork, Ireland, afterwards of the FrovioiiB. 

of Quebec, and last heard of in Kingston, Out., Canada. 
BEST, JOHN, whose descendants reside in Red River, or Province of Manitoba Canada 
BIRCH, ARTHUR WILLIAM SWINBURN, Manner, now residing in America 
BLAKE, PATRICK, formerly of County Waterford, Ireland j now residing ul America. 
B0QARDU8, ANEKA JANS, Heirs of, residing in America. 
BOLD, JOHN, of St. fl elen's, Lancashire, who left England for America in 1854. 
BONTHRON, Mrs. CHRISTINA ANN. (See Mrs. Christina Ann JoUy.) 
BOYLE, WILLIAM HENRY, formerly of Dublin, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
BRADBURY. ELIZA (Maiden name, PLATT), who left Staleybridge, Lancashire, for America In 1864. 
BRADLEY, JOHN. (See John Wilbrongh.) ' n ■ . .ojuonco m low. 

BRISK E, LOmS, a native of Posen, Prussia ; now residing in America. 

BROOKE, JOSEPH, who left Eng. about the year 1868, and was afterwards heard of in Ontario Co.. N.Y. U S.A. 
BROOKS, EDWARD, late of Detroit, Mich., [J.S.A " «. iov-o.,i,.i., u.aa. 

t Saint Ousten, Montreal, Canada. 
^uv^j»-t»i, *a-a*j:i, nriii^ i*»c,* wiuii jjxia. x- .iii a ucucii, lu v.uabum xauu&c Strcct, Now Orleans, La , in 1862. 
BOGGY, THOMAS PRICE (otherwise THOMAS PRICE), who left England for America in 1870; and hi 187* 

was at Fulton, Callaway Co., Mo., U.S.A 
BURKE, WALTER, son of Sarah or Sally Burke (Maiden name, HBALY), residing m America. 
BUSH, or BQSCH-FRANK, a Conductor and Mail Agent, formerly of Washington City, n.S.A. 
BUSH, GEORGE, Engineer, of London, England, who emigrated to America. 
BUTTLMl, FAMILY of, residing in Canada. 

BYLES, SARAB, Spioster, of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, about 1806. 
CAIN, or EAIN, PiSTER, PATRICK, OWEN, and BRIDGET, formerly of Co. Roscommon, Ireland; aftei-ward* 

of Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A Peter Cain afterwards kept an hotel in St. Paul, Minnesota, I7.S.A 
CALDWELL, NATHAN, a Carpenter, of Columbus, Ohio, about the year 18,16. 
CAMERON, B ELLA. (See Bella McLellan. ) 

CAMERON, CH A RL ES, bom about the year 1810 ; supposed to be residing in Canada. 
CAMPBELL, CHARLES, son of George: last heard of at San Francisco, Cal., Cr.S.A 

NATHANIEL CARPENTER, who died to Virginia, U.S.A, in 1778. 
CARROLL. PATRICK and ANN, who left Oldcaatle, Co. Meath, Ireland, for New York In 1840. 
CARTER, WILLIAM, Judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court, Newfoundland, about 1810. 
CARUTHERS, ELIZABETH, or her son, FINICE, &om 1820 to 1840, residing either m Tenn., Ky., Inda., fill- 

or Mo., a.S.A. ^^ 

CAKY, JOHANNA (See Johanna Lynch.) • 

CARY, MARY. (See Mary Murphy.) 

CHALDER, GEORGE (JAMES SMITH), late of Manchester, England, now residing in America. 
CHALMERS, ALEXANDER, formerly a Merchant in New York City. 

CHEESMAN, EDWARD, foimerly of Margate, England, who saUed for Boston, U.S.A, in 1860. 
CHRISTISON, Mr., formerly of Toronto, Canada, Boot and Shoe Maker. 
C H RIST Y, THOMAS, formerly of County Mayo, Ireland ; now residing in Canada. 
CHURCH, WILLIAM, bom at St. Catherine's, Ont., Canada, in 1839. 

CH ITRCHILL, H EN RY, an, who left England for America. Was at Omaha, Neb., in 1870. 
CLARK, Mrs. ISABELLA - last heard of in Euzaoeth, N.J., U.S. A 

CLEMENTSON, ZACHARIaH, who, when last heard of, was living in Jfew York City, U.S. A. 
COBB, EDWARD, of Co. Kent, Labourer who left England, in 1830, for America, and resided iu Second StrMl^ 

near Fourth Avenue, in Now York, in 1847. 
COLI.INS, LEONARD, a native of England, now residing In America. 
CONKLIN, JAMES, residing in New York City in 1868. 

CONWAY, ELIZA, who lived at ii6. West 4gtli Street, New York City, until May, 1877, 
CONWELL, EUGENE A; supposed to be in America. 
COOK, ANN, bom in Bristol, jSngland^in 1820 ; now residing in America. 
COPE. JOHN, left Liverpool, England, for New York in 1870; was an inmate of Ward's Island Hospital ; aln 

lived fora time at No. 164, WUIiam Street, N. Y. City. 
CORBKTT, ALEXANDER, who lelt Glasgow, Scotland, for America hi 1861. 
COWLEY FAMILY, of England, residing in America. 

CRAWFORD, or BRYAN, MARGARET, of Ayr, Scotland ; afterwards at Saint Ousten, Montreal, Canada. 
CROAKE, JOHN, LAWRENCE, BRIDGET, and MARGARET, formerly of Co. Kiliieuny, Ireland ) went to 

Lower Canada about 1840. 
CROFI, JOSEPH, fotmwljr of Eni^and;. last heard of in Cinohmati, Ohio, U.aA. 


GRUPLEY, ED WAR D, a native of England, lant heard of In Canada in tS58. 


OCLHANEj FAMILY of, residing in America. 

OdNNINaH AM, JOHN, a native of Fifeshlre, Scotland ; went to America about 18132 ; and when last heard of 

was a Foundrv-worker in Ogdensburg, N.X., U.S.A. 
ODTLER, JANlf, widow, of Montreal, Que., Canada, about ISIS. 
DA CUSTA, SARAH M&NDES, born 1744 ; Rcpreaentatives in America. 
DALEY. EDWARD, a native of Portland, Conn. ; was in Columbus, Ohio, In 1877. 
DAN lELL, JENKIN. Family now resident in the Province of Manitoba, Canada. 
DARDS, EMM A, a native of England ; now residing in America. 
DARROW, CHARLES W„ leaiding <n America. 

DAWSON, HENRf WHITEHEAD, who left England in 1866, and resided in Toronto, Canada. 
DAWSON, JAMES DANIEL and WILLIAM, residing in America. 
DEAN, JOHN NEWBERRY, of Leicestershire, who left England for America in 1868. 
DECAEN, ADOLPHB, who left New York for Mobile in the year 1831. 
DERRIVAN, THOMAS, of Co. Oalway. Ireland ; and in 1831 of West Roxburgh, Mass, U.S,^ 
DEVANBY, MICHAEL, ot Sligo, Ireland; left Brooklyn for Ohio in 1869. 
DILLON, JAMES, anativeof Ireland ; last he.ard of in San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A. 
DZNQLE, JAMES, formerly of Devonshire, England ; now residing in Canada. 
DONALD. Mrs. ALICE, formerly residing at New Rochelle, N. Y., U.S.A. 
DONNELLY, SOPHIA. (See Mrs. Francis Hogan.) 
DOOLBY. JAMES, who in 1836 was residing in the State of Ohio, U.S. A. 
DOWNING, PATRICK, of County Waterford, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
DOYLE, ELLEN and MICHAEL. Michael was in America in 1862 ; Ellen married Bernard Loughrey, of New 

York: their daughter, Ellen Lo^ighrey, when last heard from, was in Galveston, Texas, U.S.A. 
DOYLE, JOHN, formerly of Ireland ; afterwards of Toronto, Canada. 

DOYLE, MARTIN L., late of Oo. Wexford, Ireland ; in 1867, was in Kilboume, Van Buren Co., Iowa, U.S.A. 
DRAYTON, Mrs. EEKRI, residing in America. 

DURANT, FREDERICK, a native of England, now or lately of Empire City, Nevada, U.S. A. 
DUTILH, FAMILY of, residing in America. 

DWYER, JOHN, of Co;'Tipperary, left Ireland for America about 1867. In 1874 was at St. Louis, Cal., U.S.A. 
EAGLE, ALEXANDER, who lived in New Orleans, La., U.S.A., about 1862. 
BARP, SAMUEL, otherwise ARPP, who left England for America about 1831). 
EBENHOECH, CHARLES and FRANZ NICOLAUS. of WUrzhurg; since 1867 in America. 
EBERT, JOHN T., LOUISA H., and GEORGE W., residing in St. Paul, Minn., in 1867. 
BBSWORTH, RICHARD NATHANIEL, formerly of London, Bug. ; last heard of In Salt Lake City, U.S.A. 
EDWARDS, DAVID BUSH, formerly of Cambridge, England ; now residing in America. 
ELDER, Captain CHARLES, late of the Royal Navy; Representatives of, in America. 
ELLIOTT, JEREMIAH, last heard of at King, County York, Canada. 

BLL1S,ALFRED, Wine Merchant, late of Co. Dorset; left EnglandforCanada, and thence to New York, U.S..^ 
ELSWORTH, THOMAS, Jun., in 1861 of Ohio, or State of New York. 
EMU OTT. CHRISTOPHER, residin^ in New York City in 1869. 
EVERETT, HARRY, late of Guelph, Ont , Canada. 

F AHEY, or FAHEE, PATRICK, two Sisters of, residing in Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
FARR, Representatives of, now residing in America. 

FENNELL, JAMES, a Comedian, residing in New York. U.S.A., about 1810. 
FENTON, WILLIAM, formerly of Co. Stafford, Bngland; was at Jefferson, Iowa, U.S., In 185T. 
FINOLAY, WILLIAM, of Morayshire, Scotland, now residing in America. 
FINLEY, CHARLES ALDBN, formerly of Almira. or Coushant, Lake Erie, U.S. A, 
FUCHER, KATHARINA, afterwards FLBISCHBACH, residing in New York. 
FITZGERALD, ROSANNAH. (See Rosannah Murpliy j 

FLEISCHBAOB, KATHARINA (Maiden name, FISUHBB), now residing in New York. 
FLITCROFT, FAMILY, residing in America. 

FLOWERS, HEN RY, a native ot Co. Somerset, England ; now residing in America. 
FOLD, MARY ANN, formerly of Longford, Ireland, afterwards of New York. 
FOSTER, JOHN, formerly of Fontefhict, Bngland ; who went to the United States in the year 185J. 
FOXWELL, EDWARD CHARLES, who sailed for New York in 1871, and was at Cleveland, Ohio, in 187^ 
FRAZBR, CATHERINE. (See Catherine Paterson.) 

FREEMAN, MARY (Maiden name, NEWL AN), residing in America in 1860. 
FRY, JAMES, formerly of Southampton, England, Mariner, who sailed for America in 1848. 
GAGE, ALFREID, a native of England, supposed to be in Canada. 
OARDENER, J., formerly of Birmingham, who left England for America In 1849. 
GASKIN, GEORGE, residing in America. 

GILES, EDWARD, who died in 1842 ; his Heirs, or Next of Kin, residing In America. 
OILMORE, SMITH, residing in Montreal, Que., Canada, about 1833. 
GILTNBR, JOHN FRANCIS, formerly of Northumberland Co., Pa.. U.S.A. 
QLENNON, MARY, formerly of Oo. Roscommon, Ireland : was at Keyport, N.J., U.S.A., lu 1865. 
OOBLB^MARY (Maiden name, PENFOLD), who left Engluidfor Salt Lake City, U.S.A., many years tm. 
GOODITAN, WILLIAM, a native of New York, U.S.A. . -v j -ow 

GOODRICH, EDWARD, a native of England ; last heard of in Yorkvilie, Ont., Canada. 
GORDON, Mrs., formerly of Bromley, Kent, England; afterwards, in 1877, of Chicago, U.S. A. 
GORDON WILLIAM, formerly of Upper Canaoa; afterwards of Montana, U.S.A. 
GRAHAM, Miss CECILIA, in 1868 acting under the name of FLORENCE, at tile Arch Street Theatn, 

Philadelphia, U.S.A. ^ 

aitAIIAM, LOUISE, who Uved In New Orleans in the winter of 1860-1. 
GRANT, James FORBES, formerly of .England ; now residing in Canada 
GRANTJHARGARET, widow, of County Kerry. Ireland, in 1860. 
GRBATHBAD, FRANCIS TIDDY, and MARY, his wife, residing in America. 
GREEN, JAMES, formerly of Liverpool, who left England for America in 1810. 
GREY, IDA (otherwise IDA SCHAkR), residing in America. 
GRIEVE, ROBERT, who left Scotland for New York in the year 1861. 
GRIFFIN, MICHAEL, PATRICK, FRANK, THOMAS, and MARY, who eft Co. Clare, Ireland, about the 

year 1860, and afterwards resided in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., U.S.A. 
GRIFFITHS, GEOROB, left England for America in 1870, and was in California. F.S. A, in 1873, 
GROVBNBERRY, FAMILY of, residing in America. ~~, , ,^ 

GRUNDY, ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth Houghey.) 
GUNTER, FANNY, afterwards HAASB, residing in Baltimore, U.S.A. 
EAASB, FANNY (Maiden name, GUNTER), residing in Baltimore, U.S.A. 
EADDOX, Mrs. JANE, residing in Canada. 

HALPIN, JAMES, formerly of County Dublin, Ireland ; now residing In America. 
HAMMERS, BERNARD, a native of Germany, residing in St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A, in 187S. 
HAMMOCK, CHARLES DAVID, who left England for America, in 1861. 
HAMMOND, WILLIAM DAVID, late of WardsviUe, Ont., Canada. 
HANLON, THOMAS A., residing in Pittsburg, U.S.A., in December, 1874. 

HARDCASTLB, PEARSON, late of Brighouse, Co. York, England, Plumber and Glazier, residing In Amerlofc 
HARDING, JAMES HEN RY, in 1843 of Ipswich, Co. Suflolk, England ; afterwai«s of America. 
BAttMS, CARL JACOB HERMAN, a native of Germany, now residing in the U.S.A. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 7. 161 

HARRISON, THOMAS, recently residing Id Boston, Mass., U.S.A. 

H ARROP, FAMILr of, residing in America. 

HARVEY, WILLIAM, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland; supposed to reside in America, 

H.Vrr, RICHARD, of Uontrenl, Canada, about 1814. . 

EAWKii: R, CHARLES, formerly of Co. Stafford, England, now residing in Canada. 

Hates, FRGDMRICK, formerly of Co. Dorset, England ; last heard of in 1867, wlien ho was residing at 103, 

Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. A. 
HE AL7, SARAH or SALLT. (See Walter Burke. ) 
HEATH, HENRT, Sen^ formerly of Coimty Essex, England, who emigrated to Canada many years ago, and 

resided in or near Cfuelph, Ont 
HEATH, HENRT JORDAN, son of Robert Heath, now residing in America. 
BEATH, THOMAS, formerly of Birmingham, England, now residing in America. 
HENDERSON, or STEWART, JAM S, of Hlasgow, Scotland; was at Kingston, Canada, in 1876. 
HENTSCHEL, MATHILDA ULRIKA (Maiden name, LlNDliVIST) ; residing m America. 
HERRING, JAMES, a native of Wales ; lett England in the 90th Regiment for St. John, N.B. ; last beard of a* 

Portland, Maine, U.S.A. 
HOQAN, Mrs. FRANCES, widow of MICHAEL, and her Children, WILLIAM, HARRIET (or STTLES), and 

SOPHIA (or DONNELLT) : residing in America. 
ROLLINGS, JOSEPH, supposed to be residing in Canada. 

HOLMES, WILLIAM COUftT, fonneriy of Croydon, England ; now residing in America. 
HOPE, THOMAS, formerly of Co. Durhar.^, England, Shoemaker, and JANE, his wife, now residing in America. 
HOPKINS, BRIDGET. (See Dominiok Lynch.) 

HOPKINS, RICHARD, and ANN, his wife (Maiden name, ANN LOTAL) ; Representatives of, in America. 
HOPKINS, RICHARD, of Whitecnapel, London, England, in 1779. Representatives of, In America. 
HOSENBURG, ANDREW, formerly a Seaman on board the South Sea Whaling Ship "Kent ; " and afterwards 

of New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 
HOUGHET, ELIZABETH (Maiden name, GRUNDT), formerly of Gloucestershire, Eng.inowresidtoglnAmeilca. 
HOUGHTON, WILLIAM, a native of England ; born about 1844, now residing in America. 
HUDSON, JAMES, residing at Red River, Canada. 

HDGER, BENJAMIN and ISAAC, of South Carolina, U.S.A., about 1767. 
HUGHES, ANN (Maiden name, OWEN), wife of Richard Hughes, Collier, residing in the ^.S.A 
HUGHES, EDWARD, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, about 1806. 
HUNTER, JOHN, an Iron.moulder, formerly of Kilmarnock, Scotland, who went to New Tork In 1860; was 

atterwarda an Engineer in the *' Keai-sage," 
HTDE, Mrs. LOUISA, a widow, formerly of Maidstone, England; afterwards of Peterson, and Gull River 

l^nada West : she was last heard of in the backwoods of America, 1865-60. 
ISAAC ISAAC, of Quirpoon, Newfoundland, Planter, about 1811. 
JACESON, ROBERT WILLIAM, formerly of Alabama ; then of New Jersey ; and afterwards of South Walpole 

Norfolk Co.. Maaa„ U.S.A. „ , „ „ . 

JACKSON, Mrs. SAMUEL, formerly of Centreville, Passaic Co., N. J., U.S.A. , j , , 

JACKSON, WILLIAM, a native of ShefQeld, England; served as a Soldier in the U.S. Army; last heard of at 

Atlanta, in 1869. 

■ n hnm in Talflflnnia. Ont . CslTiad.l. m 1859. 

Tampico, Mexico, in 1846. 
and at New Orleans in 1847. 
Ml^tiu£un. \jj\.B,\juj.^^ s:i .tvi..ii.iAjM, iuiiuciij wi j.,uuuuu, uu^wiuu , u,.u,.i .. ».«u of Statoh Isiaud, N.Y., U.S. A. 
RAIN FAMILT of (See Cain Family.! 

KEANB JAMES, and ELIZABETH ALICE KEANE, his wife, formerly of Ireland, now residing in America. 
Ki^EFE,' ALICE. (See Alice Lane.) 

KBEFE, MART. (See Mary Power.) ^ , , ^ ... . . 

KEBGAJI, JULIA, formerly of Wexford, Ireland, now residing in America. 
KELLY, HONORA, who, when last heard from, was In San Prano^co, Cal., U.S.A 
KELLY LAWRENCE, formerly of Dublin, Ireland; afterwards of America. 
KENT. ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth Newnham.) 

KIDD^LL, CHARLES, of South Carolina, U.S A., about 1816. ,.,»,, ^, „ „,, „„ 

KlLPATRf CK JOHN, and ROSE, his wife (Maiden name, MAGRATH), who left Ireland for New York in 1871. 

LaCT JAMES, formerly of 1028, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., XJ S.A. 

LAMBERT HENRT. lately residing at No. 70, Broadway, New York City. 

LAMONT NORMAN, Royal Engineers, residmg in Montreal and Quebec, from 1846 to 1849. 

L ^NB, ALICE, otherwUe KEEFE, of Ca Waterford, Ireland, now residing in America. 

t!a'k ham GEORGE and^HENlftY, Brothers, who left England for America In 1338 and 1837, respectively. 
LKPEBUI^E.or LEFEBVRB,MARY S OSANNB, residing in America. 


EmAa, residing in America. , , , . ,, »,oio 

liEIOHTON. JANE, who left Northampton, England, for America about 1858. 

LKNNOX JOHN, son of ALE3CANDER and MARY LENNOX, who went to A merica many years ago. 
LEONARD, J AMfes. in 1864 residing in the township of King, Co. Yorlt, Ont., Canada. 
LBONARdI JOHN, residing in Canada. Was in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1868. 

£1 wTs'^mL^CoSbKia, wZ™ ft vYilat, Ga., during the War, and left there for California. 

LEWIS,' EZRA, ABNER. and FLORA, Children of, residtag in America. 

LINDOVISTTMATHILDA ULRIKA. (See HentscheL) ^ ^ . „ ^ , „„ 

LITHBRiSStD, JAMES, Seaman, who left Liverpool for Quebec, Canada, in 1863. 

LOUOHREY, ELLEN. (See Doyle FamUy.) 

LOTAL, FAMILY of. residing in America. 

LTJMLEY, MATTHEW, a native of Yorkshii 


IiYNCH, JOHANNA (Maiden name, GARY), luiiuoi.j ui "rf" "-.—", ^-~ — , 

MoAFBfe HENRY, formerly of Co. Antrim, Ireland, now residing in America. 

MoARDlii. FAMILT of, formerly of Ireland, now residing in America. 

M'BEATH? J AMES, a Saddler, who left Scotland for America about the year 1838. 

M'CARRok HUod, a native of County Donegal, Ireland, now resicUng In America. 

MoOANN, ROBERT, Boot-closer, who left Edinburgh, Scotland, for New York in 1861. 

MA^WAN. GBOROE WILLLAU, formerly of Ecflnburgh, Scotland ; now residing in Canada. 

JmoN^D EDWARD, last hear J of in Beverley, Mass. ; supposed to have 1 eft there for Portland, Me., U.S. A. 

MoUONALd' or Mcdonough, GEORGE, formerly of Manchester, England, now rMdmg in America. 

MACDONOOfH, FELICIA, HAkRIET, ani RACHEL, Spinsters, of Boston, llass., U.S.A., about 1817. 

MoDONOUGH, GEORGE. (See George McDonald.) ,,..,„ ■■,„=« 

McDOWBLx^ {yALTER, from Pennsylvania who purchased land in Missouri in 18^. 

MoGLINN, BLIZABBtA, who left Ireland for Providence, R.I., U.S A about 1868. 

MoQHE B.V Y, PETER, who left It eland for New York, U.S. A. , in the year 1 846 

MoIHtVrB SUSAN, formerly of County Tyrone, Ireland ; afterwards of Brooklyn, N.T., U.aA. 

MoKENNA,' Mrs. JOHN, formerly of Boston, Mass., U.S A ,j. , r, j 

Mni A li aS) IN MICHAEL, formerly of Mayo, Ireland : afterwards residing in Canada. 

wSt Bi T AN BftLLATiSSraidrcAMERON 'who left fcoss shire, ScotlauJ, in 1832, for Cape Broton, America. 

mSlbLLAm", JESSIEja^rwSROBERTSoif , who left Ross-Shire, Scotland, in 1832, for Capo Breton, America. 


MoLKOD, NORM AN, Trea A Kant, rasfding ta Ontario. Canada, 

MoN EIUE, JOHN and JAMES, formerly of Co. Louth, Ireland ; now residing In America. 

MACONOCHIE, DDOALD. formerly of Argyleshlre, Seotlaiid ; now voaldlng In America. 

AloWILLIAMS, MARGARET, late of Wylla Stieet, Pittsburg, Pa . U.S.A 

MAC ART r, JOSEPH OSCAR, a natiye of Santiago de Cuba, supposed to be residing in the U.S. A. 

MACflIN, FAMILY of ISAAC and WILLIAM MACHIN resided in Indianapolis, I7.S.A., in 1883; lat. 

JOSEPH MACHIN, in Jersev uitv, U.S.A., in 1868. 
MA6RATH, ROSE. (See John Kilpatrick.i 

MARONEY, or SBTWRIGHT, Mrs , when fast heard of was in Brooklyn, N.T., ir.S.A. 
MARTIN, James, formerly of Worcestershire, England j residing in New York in 1860. 
Mather, JohN, late captain of the 14th Hussars, British Army, now residing in Ameilca. 
MATTHEW, JAMES, Ironmonger, late of London, Eugland ; then of BrockTlUe, Ont, Canada. 
MAXBy, Rev. MICHAEL, formerly of Co. Waterfoid, Ireland. 
MEECH, Mies HELEN A., nowresiding in America. 
MEIELE FAMILY, of Scotland, uow residing in America. 
MICHAEL, ABRAHAM, othei-wisa ABRAHAM BEN JAMINE, who left England about the year 1848, and la 

1872 was at La Fas, Mexico. 
MIDnLEY, AMOS, formerly of New Tork, and Cleveland, Ohio. 

MINAH AN, ANN, left England for America about 1850 ; resided In Water Street, New York, In 1868 ; after- 
wards in Illinois, U.S,A. 
MINCHIN, Mrs., and her Son, who Ipft Ireland for NlW York in 1852. 

MITCHELL, JOHN, late of Co. Westmeath, Ireland; went to America, 1827, and was in Penn., U.S., iil862. 
MONAHAN, Mrs , of County Me^o, Ireland ; Children of, residing in America. 
MONIGHAN, JOHN, formerly of Newcaatle-on-TynOLEngland, now residing in America. 
MOORE, ADAM, and ANN, his wife (Maiden name, WOOLISCROFTI, formerly of Co. Stafford, Eng., residing 

at Cleveland, U.S.A., m 1639. 
MOORE, JAMES, formerly of Arhany, Co. Dublin, Ireland, now lesiding in America. 
MOORE, Mrs. MARY MAWM AN, residing in London, Ontario. Canada, in 1853. 
MOOReHOUSE, Mrs. CORNELIUS B. (Maiden name, QUICE) ; now residing in America 
MORONY FAMILY, of Co. Clare, Ireland; last heard of in Salem, Ind., V.i.A. 
MORRISON, MALCOLM, a native of Scotland : afterwards residing in Chicago, U.S. A, 
MORTON, CATHARINE CECILIA, formerly of Boston, Mas!,., U.d:A. 

MULLEN S, MARGARET, of Carrick-onSour, Ireland; wasUving at Shoemakers' Hotel, New York City, in 186> 
MDLQUBBN, FAMILY of, residing in America. 

MURPHY, JOHN C, and his wife, SARAH B. MURPHY, who lived in New York in 1836. 
MURPHY, MARY (Maiden name, CARYI.formerlyofUnper Street, Boston, Mass., D.S.A. 
MURPHY, PETER, late of WyUe Street, Pittsburg, Pa., ITS. A. 

MURPHY, ROSANN AH, formerlj FITZGE RALU, married in Ireland. 1866; last heardof in Chicago. His., U.S. A. 
MURRAY, ANDREW, formerly of Coupar Angus, Scotland, now residing in America. 
MURRAY, ANN ELIZA, widow (Maiden name, WKTEERELL), late of England, afterwards of Hamilton, and 

Guelph, Ont., Canada, then of Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A, and last heardof in St. Joseph Co., Mich. 
MURRY, JOHN, formerly of Co. Klldai'e, Ireland, now residing in America. 

MYLIUS, JOHANN GOTTLIEB AUGUST, a MUler, born in Germany, 1832 ; now residing in America. 
NAYLOR, JOSEPH, a native of England ; in 1 866, was a Machine Tool Maker in New York City, U.S.A. 
NEED, EDGAR, now resident in North America. 
NEILSON. FAMILY of, residing in Ontario, Cauadlk 
NEWLAN, MARY. (See Mary Freeman.) 
NEWMAN, PRANK A., residing in New York m the year 1843. 
NEWN HAM, RICHARD, and 1<,L1ZAB£TH, his wife, supposed to reside In America. 
NEWTON, JANET, last seen at Montreal, Canada, about 1837, when three years old. 
NEY, JOHN, residing in America. 

NUSSEY, JOHN El /WARD VARLBY; residing in America. 

CBRI EN, M AROARBT and PHILIP, who left Kesipare, Ireland, for Canada, in 186tL 
OCK ER. JOHANN OEORG, who left Heehingen. Germany, for America in 1849. 
OLl VEY, WILLIAM, who left England for New York In 1862, and resided at Elmira. 
ORCHARD, JOSEPH (Baker), and ANN, Ills wife, residing in New York City in 1790. 
O^TOOLE, RICHARD (otherwise DICK), a Carpenter by tiade, now residing in America. 
OTT, LUOWIG, son of Katharine, formerly of England, uow residing in America. 
OWEN, ANN, who married Richard Hughes, a Collier, now residing in America. 

OWEN, JOHN, THOMAS and WILLIAM, Masons by trade, formeriy residing in Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. 
PALMER, II. W^ who owned some Califomian Securities in the year 1864. 

PAEDEW, WILLIAM HEN RY HEAD, who left Plymouth, England, for America about the year 1849. 
PARR, JOHN, of Nova Scotia, Canada, about 1800. 
FATERSON, CATHERINE (or FRAZER), a native of Inverness, who left Scotland for America about XStH, 

and was last heard of in Philadelphia, U.S. A. 
FATTISON, ROBERT, of Ireland, late of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, British Army ; now residing in America. 
FENFOLU, MARY. (See Mary Uoble.) 

PERCY, GEORGE WASHINGTON, apatlTe of County Kilkenny. Ireland: now residing in America. 
PERKINS, JOSEPHINE, of Philadelphia, widow of JAMES ROBERT SULLIVAN, who died in Italy in 1878. 
FICKMAN, HENRY, a native of England, uow residing in America. 
FIX, Mrs. ANNIE (Maiden name. LANGTON), who left England for America in 1863. 
FLATT, ELIZA. (See Eliza Bradbury. ) 

POWER, MARY,otberwiseKEEFE, formerly of Co. Waterford, Ireland; now residing in America. 
PRENTICE, JOHN TABOR, who left Englaud for America previous to the year 1841. 
PRICE, THOMAS. (See Thomas Price Buggy.) 
QUICK, Miss. (See Mrs. C. H. Moorehouse.) 

Marble Cutter, all residing in New York City in 1859. 
QUINN, ANDREW, who sailed from Londonderry, Ireland, for New York In 1873. 

BEODISH, SAMUEL STRINGER, formerly of Cheshire, who left England for Queenstown, U.&A., In 1867. 
BBDFIELt), SIDNEY, who left New York in the winter of 1871. 

BEES, WILLIAM, late of Aberdwr, Tregaron, Wales, who left England for America a few years ago. 
BEID, or ELLIOTT, JEREMIAH, last heard of at King, County York, Canada, 

REYNOLDS, JOHN WILLIAM, Gold Miner, between 1866 and 1861 resided on Yuba River, San Francisco. 
BICH, OBADIAB, who Is supposed to be living in the U.S.A. . 

BICHARDS, JOHN F., who purchased lands in Missnuri in 1869. C 
KINK, CHARLES, alias HaVeRLE, residing in America. 
BOACH, Mr., formerly residing in Newark, D.S.A. 
ROBERTSON, JESSIE. (See Jessie McLellan.) 

ROBERTSON, PETER, an Engineer, of Glasgow, Scotland ; worked In some K.T. Maehine Shop about 187fb 
BOBINSON, MARGARET. (See Margaret Taylerson.) 

BOBINSO S' . THOMAS LITTL E, formerly of Sllgo, Ireland : afterwards of Brock Street, Torostq, Canada. 
BUSCHQAUPT, FRIEDRICB MORITZ, of Moravia, Isst heard of at 762, Eighth Avenus, New York City. 
BUSSELL, JOHN, married in Scotland in 1873, and afterwards went to New York. 
RYAN, FRANK A., recently residing in New York City. 

SALTIilKIO, or SALTEKO, ALBINO, formerly of London, England : residing In Ohio, U.SbA., ia UMk 
BAUNDEKS, HORACIS, in 1869 residing in llls.,Inda., orOhlo,U.S.A. 
SCHABR. IDA (formerly IDA GREY) residing is America. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 7. 163 

SCHMIDT, GEORGE CARL CHRISTIAN, » nativo'of Bavaria, now residing In Amerlos. 
SCHWAB. CASPPEB, of New York. D.S A., Sugar Baker, about 1812. „ „, „- » 

SCOrr, WILLIAM.a Farmer, of Wigtonshire,iscoSand : last beard of at GreenvUle, Washington Co., Mlm., U.B.A 
SE rWMGHT, Mrs (Maiden name, MAKONET), when last heard of was in Brookljn, N.Y., aS.A. 
SH KRIDAN, Miss HELBN, born about 1790-1800. Representatives of. In America. 
SI BB AID. Ji >HN, residing in Canada. 
SKIFHNGTON, FAMILY of, now residing in America. 

SM ALLEY, RICHARD, and ANNIE, his wife, of Girard, Erie Co., Fa., U.S.A. 
SMITH, CHARLES, last heard of at New Orleans, La., U.S.A., in 1846. 
SMITH, or QOIN, ELLEN. (See Quin Famllr ) 
SMITH, JAMBS. (See George Chalder. J 

SMITH, JOHN, formerly of limdergarth, Scotland : aupposed to be residing in Canada. 
SMITH, RUpb^UT, Gasfltter, late of Liverpool, England; now residini; in America. 
SMITR, THUMAS, foi'merly of Kennington, London, England ; now residing in America. 
SMITH, THOMAS, who left England for America On the 8th of June, 1869. 
SM YTH, JOHN, son of Patrlek, formerly of County Donegal, Ireland ; now residing In America. 
STEAD, JOHN, Architect and Engineer, now residing in America. 
STEWART, ALEXANDER, a Jeweller, late of Richmond, Que, Canada. 

STEWART, or HENDERSON, JAMES, of Glasgow, Scotland, who was at Kingston, Canada, in 187B. 
STRATBN, SARAH, wife of Charles Straten, ofSew York, (r.S.A., Merchant, about 1799. 
STRONG, WILLIAM, of New York, U.S. A., Merchant, about 1790. 
STYLES, HARRIET. (See Mrs. Frances Hogan.) 
SULLIVAN iJ AMES ROBBRf. (See Josephine Perkins.) 

SWBEBEY, EDMOND, formerly of Dublin, Ireland ; now residing in America. . „ ,., 

TAYLERSON. MARGARET, who left England for America in the year 1784 with Robert Robinson. 
TAYLOR, ELIHU, in 1842 of Detroit, or vicinity of New Vork. 
TAYLOR, JOHN GABRIEL, of Halifk>i. Berth America, about 180a 

TAYLOR, JOSBFH, a native of Co. Surrey, England j supposed to be residing In America , , . ,_ 
THEVENIN, MICHAEL, Wax Bleacher, of Hammersmith, England, 18U0 ; Representatives of, in Amerlefc 
THOMAS, CAROLINE R., who iB supposed to be residing in the U.S. A. 
THURSTON, ADA CLARA, Uving in Philadelphia, U.S.X, in the year 1856. 
TIBBETTS, WILLIAM^ M.D., who left Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1845, for America. 
TODD FAMILY, of England, nowresiding in America. „ _ . 

TRIPP, BENNET L., in 1836 supposed to have been residing in New York State, U.S.A. 
TURNER, GEORGE, a Labourer, who left Yorkshire, England, for Canada, in 1873. 
TURPIN, JOHN, formerly of Cork, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

UPTON.JAMEST., formerly ofEngland, now residing in America. , ,.,, 

VALENTIN, STIEGLITZ, who landed in New York, per steamer " WlBconsln," In November, 1873. 
VON KfflNIG, OSWALD EDUARD TRAUQOTT, who, up to the year 1836, was an Officer in the 30th Boy». 
Prussian Recent of Infantry, at Luxemburg; afterwards Professor ofLanguages at the Midway l-emal* 
Academy in Virginia, U.S. A, whence he disappeared in the year 1853. ^ ^t ^r .«*- 

WALKER, Mrs. DAVID, formerly of Brechin, Scothtnd, residing in 1867 at No. 284, Grand Street, N. Y. City. 
WALKER, WILLIAM, a Butcher, who left Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1833, for Toronto, Canada. 
WALlA HUGH, a native of Canada West, now residing in the United States. 
WALSHiMIcnABL, formerly of Aityflinn, County Limeriok, Ireland ; now redding in America. 
WARD, WILLIAM, residing at 130, Cherry Street, New York City, U.8.A. 
WEBB, Miss CLARISSA J IJLIA, bom about 1827, now residing ji Ameriok 
WEBBEP., KATE, formerly of Northumberland Co., Pa., n.S.i 
WELLS. Mrs. AFFRA, residing at St. Joneph, Michigan, U.S.A. 
WEST, WILLIAM, formerly of Sheffield, Co. Lennox, Out., Canada. 

WETHERBLL, ANN ELIZA (See Ann Eliza Murray.) . ^ ^ ,^„ ,, „ , 

WHITE, PATRICK, son of JOHN, bom in 1830, in Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland ; last heard of at Newark, N.J. 
WHITSITr, RICHARD, formerly of Dublin, Ireland; now roaiding in Amerlua. -j j , n „ 

WILBROPGH, JOHN (ojios JOHN BRADLEY), left England for America about 1834, and resided at Qieenj. 
borff, Ala., U.S.A., same year ; then went to Demopolis, and next to Slobile, where he was employed 
in the building of the Cathedral. He left Mobile, Ala., m 1852, for California. 
WILKES, Miss U.ARY, residing in New York City, in 1875. 

WILSON FAMILY, formerly of Yorkshire, England, now residing in America. ._„„,, , . ... 
WILSON, WILLIAM, of Co. Fife, afterwards of Edinburgh, Stocking Maker ; left Scotland tor America aboul 
1849. Hiadaughter, Margaret, married a Shoemaker, and went to re'iide in New York. rr o a 

WISEMAN, ROBIiRT and DORA, of Co. Cork, Ireland. In 1860 resided in Piermont, Rockland Co., N.Y., U.S. A. 
WOODS, GEORGE, last heard of in Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. 

WOOLISCROFT, ANN. (See Adam Moore.) „. .„ _ . 

WRIGHT, JOSEPH, In 1857 (!antMn of a vosaol trading between the West Indies and New York. 
WRIGHT, THOMAS BLOXSOM, formerly of England, now residing in America. 

YOUELL, FAMILY ot formerly of England now residing in America. , „ . ', ,.,, , ,t.. 

YOUNG, SARAH, Buppased to be the sister or daughter of William or John Young, who tn 1861 wereintho 

Marble business m Second Avenue ; and later in Houston Street, New York City, U.S.A. 
YOUNGER, ALEXANDER, recently residing in London, Ont., Canada. 



The following persons, if living, or if dead, their representatives, are entitled to property. 
All letters mast be addressed to J. B, SIARTINDAE.E, 142 l,aNall<> Street, €blC'-K». 
IIIinolN.. The writer must give all facte on which his claim is based. [See pages 6, 7 and 8 of 
this Manual.] 

ABBOTT, MART, last heard of at Danbury, Conn., tJ.S.A 

ADAM, CHARLES, a native of Scotland; now residing in America. 

ADAMS, EMMA, formerly of St Thomas, Out., Canada ; residing in New Vork City In 1851, 

Adams, JAMES, Iron-Moulder, a native of England; now reoidiug in America. 

ADAMS, THOMAS and ROBEKT, late of 34, South Park Street, Toronto, Canada. 

AHLERS, B RNST, a native of Domitz, in Germany ; now residing in America. 

AJLEORN, JAMES FRANTZ, now or recently residing in the CS.A. 

ALLINOHAM, ANN, lelt Dublin, Ireland, for America in 1854, and was last heard of at New Orleans, Ia, 


ANDERSON, OEOKGE, ALEX^DEK, and MARGARET, afterwai'ds STUART, brotkcis and sUter ; nt* 

residing in America. • 

ANTRAM, CHARLES WILLIAM WOODROW, residing in New York City, U.S.A, hi 18f2. 
AKHSTBONO, Mrs. JANB, Widow; last heard of in Callfomia, U.&A. 
ARNIES, SHELBY h^ now residing in America. 

ATKINSON, OEORGEi^was in Canada in 1788 ; afterwards married and settled in East Maine, 0.S.A. 
BAILEY, ASHI<:R or ASHAL, who left England for the U.S. A. some years ago. 
BAILET, LEWIN, late of Watford, Hei*tfoidshire, England ; now residing m America. 
BALLANCB, ISAAC, who left England for America in 1871. 
BAN NAN, Mrs. ELIZA, now or formerly residing in Toronto, Canada. 
BAREE, ARTHUR, emigrated to the U.S.A., and last heard of in 1809. 
BARNES, Mrs. MARY, formerly of Kingston, Ont. ; last heard of in Toronto, Canada, in 1875. 
BARNES, WALTER O., last heard of in the D.S.A., in June, 1879. 
BARNCM, JAMES E., las heai-d of in Steward Co., Oa., Q.S.A 
BARNUU; NOAH K^ and CYNTHIA, last heai-d of in Brooklyn, N.Y., 0.S.A 
BARTON, CASPER W., residing in Albany, or Troy. N.Y., U.S.A., in 1842. 
BAVIN, JOHN, formerly of Co. Cambridge, England; residing in New rork aty. U.S.A., In ISTfc 
BAKTER, THOMAS, late of Lincolnsbh'e, Farmer, who left England fur America about 1852. 
BEACH, HENRY In 1869 residing in the State of Michigan, U.S.A 
BEARD, or PEARD, Mrs. H. (naiden name, MoDONALD) j now residing in Canada. 
BEEBEE, or BEEBE, LUTHER, residing hi the State of Michigan, U.S.A., in 1842. 

BENTON, SIMON ENOCH, and his sister, ELIZABETH HANNAH, wife of PETER MARTIN, in Amerlo 
BERRY, OSWALD PHILIP ; left England for America in 1869 ; hist heai'd of at Helena, Montana, U.S. A 
BBZINE, WILLIAM S.,now or recently residing at Amsterdam, N.Y., U.S.A. 
BINGHAM, DELIA ANN. Maiden name, EAKL) j residing hi America. 

BLAIR, AONES (Maiden name, McEENNELL)'; formerly of Scotland; now residing in America, 
BOCEELMAN, LOUISA P^ anative of Co. Limenck, Ireland; now residing in America. 
BOLD, JOHN, formerly of Lancashire, who left England for America about 1856. 
BOLEN, ANN. (See John and Ann McCauley, or McCuUa.) 
BOON, GEORGE, who, in 1849, resided in Ontario, Canada. 

BOURNE, or BYRNE, MART, who, hi 1835, married Kayo.hi New York, U.S. A 

BOUVERAT, CLAIRE CELESriNB LOUISE, now or Ulte of Fort Wayne, Inda., U.S.A. 

BRAHAM, JOSEPHINE. (See Josenhine Wilson.) " 

BREMAR, FRANCIS, who died at Charleston, B.C., U.S. A, in 1808. 

BRENNAN, JOHN, THOMAS, or NICHOLAS, brotheis ; left Co. Eildare, Ireland for America, about 1830. 

BRIDQBMAN, HENRY ST. JOHN, and FRANCES, his wife (Maiden name, DEWAR); now hi America. 

BKITTAIN, SARAH, formerly HaWEER, now or late of Peshtigo, Oconto Co., Wis., U.3.A 

BROWN, DAVID. (See David Brown Huggins.) 

BULLINGER, ANN. (See John and Ann McCauley, or MoOuIla.) 

BU RDICE, SARAH, a native of England ; supposed to be rcBidmg in America. 

BURGIS, ROBERT GREGORY, last heard of as a Captain on a voyage from America to AustraUa 

BURKE, ANDREW, last heard of in Washington, D.C., U.S.A 

BURR, Mrs. JANBjformerly Mrs. JOHN STOREY), now or recently of West Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. 

BURRBLL, FRANCES J., residing hi New York City about the year 1869. 

BUTCHER, PHILIP, formerly of Co. Essex, England ; now residing in America. 

BUTCHER, WILLIAM, of Noi-folk, England; now residing hi Canada. 

BUTLER, Mrs. ELIZABETH (Maiden name, WALL), now or hite of 693, Ash Av., San Francisco, Cal . U.S A. 

butler; EAT K. (SCO Kate Donnelly). 

BYRNE, jAMliis, formerly of County (^ork; left Ireland for America about 1864, and served in the Southern 

Army during the late War. 
BYRNE, MARY. (See Mai y Bourne.l 

CADLEY. ROSE ABIGAL and MARY ANN, sisters, who left England for America about I860 
CALLAHAN. PATRICE, formerly of Lynn, Mass., U.S.A. 
CAMP, THOMAS HENRY, who left England for America about the year 1861. 
CAMPBELL, HUGH JOHN, now or late of New York. U.S. A ' 
CAMPBELL, JOHN, Joiner; left Scotland for Montreal, Canada, In 1889; then went to Lorimore MIdili 

last heard of in Iowa, U.S. A ' """^ ■ 

CAMPBELL, PATRICE, who resided in Schoharie Co., N.T., in 1876 ; afterwards of Ashland Mass U S.A. 
CAMPBELL, ROBERTJaMES CAULFIELD, lata of ChariottovUle, Va., U.S A Crldttors i.a;.«d. 

CaRR family, formerly of Ireland ; now residing in America^ 
CARBON, Miss ELIZ.V MARIA, otherwise ELLIOTT, of Charleston, S.C., U.S A In 1838 
CARTER, TIFFIN, or T U RTON, ELIZABETH, who loft England for America aiout 1830. 
CASE, SARAH, last heard of at Bridgeport;, Com., U.S. A. ..^oiiu. aoout loau. 

CASSlDY, aUGH, who left Co. Donegal, Irehmd, for New York, U.S.A., about 1850 
CBBALLOS, Dr. DOMINGO, residing in New York City in 18761 
CHAMBERS, Dr. E. M., who was in Oak Harbor, Ohio, tj.S.A., in 1874 or 1875 
CHAMBERS, GEOR'iJi, Liquor Dealer, foimerty of New York, aS.A. CredUon l 
CHAMBERS THOMAS W., formeriy residing lu Barnwell Co., So. Ca., U.S ' 
CB£V£BS, THOMAS BBBTRAND, supposed to he residing In Amerioa. 


SPECIAL LIST No. 8. 165 

S?I??A?» Dr. ». H. H., now orlate of Brldgotovm, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canada. 
CLARK. Mra, late of Dollor, on the third oonuosslon of Markham. Ontario Canada. 
Sf'^g^i^Tl^^S^rS^V^^'^^7- 1? 1S?1 '«ldinsat piSrke-rSwTS'^^o, Pittsburgh, Pa, tJ.SA. 

CORN, MlasWINIFRaD._ JSee Mrs QljTin.) 

., " wloh, Kngiana; Who went to N.J., or N.Y., U.S.A., In 1823. 
oerset, Englai^ ; now residlnR in America. 

COUYNS, MARGARET, a naiWe of Ireland; now residing in America. 

£9S£y^'/-*-JSl^>'*''^-^- *'"'"' 1864 on a Whaling voyage, from New London, or Hew Bedford, U.S. A. 

^MnrA-T „.„„^ ._... ,„. ,,_...,.,. , , ,^ 'ulyl873,rosidingat Riverside, ChafS>Oo.,Colo.,U.S.A. 

v., U.S.A. Brotlier of, wanted, 

_----—-.--—-——, .-^_, , _ -apposed to reside 111 Canada. 

CORBISHLB Y, H KNRT, a native of England ; last heard of In New York City, U.S.A. 

CORNWELL, liARY AN'n L. F. (See Mary L. Lee.) " 

COS.MAN, THOMAS, of Co. Cork, Ireland, now residing In America. 

COTTLE. Miss. (See Robert Law.) ' 

COULSON, JOHN, and MARY, his wife, residing In Toronto, or olsowhere in Canada, about IMQl 

COWAN, EDWIN R., formerly of Brookline, Masi., t'.S.A. 

COWIE,Mrs. M. F., formerly ofWest2Ist Street, New fork City, n.S.A. 

CRANE, STEPHEN, who entered land In Minnesota, U.S.A., In 1S5S. 

CRAWFORD, B ANN AH, now or lately residing in Ontario, Canada. 

CR KAN, DANIEL. (See Daniel CuiTan.) 

CROESE, EDUARD FELIX OERAUD, a native of Holland, now residing in America. 

CULLINY, or MORRISON, Mrs. ANNE, formerly of Co. Clare, Ireland : now residing In AmeriOk 

CUMMINGS, FRAN KLIN, residing in New York, U.S. A., In 1842. 

OUMMINOS, THOMAS F., who left Co. Carlow, Ireland, for America, 1815 to 1S3I). 

WRRAN, DANIEL, was living In Jekalet, Foi-t Gamble, California, Lf.S. A, in 1863. 

CURTIS, GEORGE, last heaid of at Walsingham Centre, Pleasant Hill Post, Co. Norfolk, Ont., Canada, 

OALTON, PATRICK, and his sister ELIZABETH, of Co. Kilkenny, Ireland: lastheaid of In St. Louis. U S.A. 

DALY, MARY, formerly MARY KBBNAN, residing in America. 

DAVIS, ABAQAIL F., and her daughter, MARTHA L. DAVIS, of New York, or Brooklyn, U.S.A., in 1867. 

DA 7IS, Mrs EMMA (Maiden name JJRAPER) ; left England for America In 18S2, and resided at Dr. Robinson's, 

Bldfoid, near Cleveland, Ohio, D.S.A 
DAVIS, PHILIP JOHN, and BKN JAMIN LEE DAVIS, brothers ; left England for America in 1871 and 1874. 
DAWSON, ROBERT, of Scotland, went to America about 1865, afterwards heard of In Pa. and Ohio. 
DAWSON. ROBblRT, who left Scotland about 1855, and afteinvards resided in Pennsylvania and Ohio, U.S.A. 
DEAL, WILLIAM and FKIiuERlCK, now residing in Canada. 
DEAN, JOHN NEWBERRY, of Leicestershire, who left England for America In 186S. 
UEDEKAM, CARSTEN, °&ow residing in America. 
OERU CHE, JAMES, last heard of In Thomaston, Conn., U.S,A, 
DEWAR, Mrs. FRANCES. (See Hem? St. John Bridgeman.) 
DEWAR, Mrs. MARGARET. (See Hugh Dickson.) 

DICKSON, HUGH, and MARGARET, his wife (Maiden name, DEWAR), of Standon, Que., Canada. 
DILLON, MICHAEL, who served as Engineer in the U.S. Navy, 1863-4. 

DOLAN, JOHN, Stonemason, of England, who went to N. r., U.S A., and was last heard of there about I860. 
DONAHUE, JOHN, of New York, or Pennsylvania, U.S.A., in 1864, and was employed about Railways. 
DONNELLY, ARrHUR, residing in New York about the year 1868. 

DONNELLY, KATE, who left New York In 1865, and afterwai-ds resided In Nevada City, CaL, U.S. A. 
DONNELLY, MARY, supposed to be residing in either Brooklyn, or New York, U.S.A. 
DONOVAN, MARGARET, now or lately residing in Ontario, Canada. 
DOWDELL, FAMILY of, natives of Ireland ; now residing in America. 

DOWNING, DAVID and ROGER, formerly of Castletown, Berehaven, Ireland ; now residing In America. . 
DRAKE, JKREMIAH J., residing in New York City, U.S.A., in 1815. 
DRAPER, EMMA. (See Mrs. Emma Davis.) 
DRAPER, RUFUS, now or formerly of New York, U.S.A. 
DUNCAN, MARY, afterwards SYMINOfON, last heard of In Canada, in 1868. 
DUNLOP, MARY JANE, supposed to reside in or near Toronto, Canada. 

D UNN ji, THOMAS, formerly Lieutenant and Adjutant 56th Regiment ; now residing in America. 
DWYER, JOHN and MATTHEW, natives of Lattln, Co. Tlppeiary. John left Ireland for America about 

1866, and when last heard of was at St. Louis, U.S.A. Matthew enlisted in the British Army, served in 

India, and now residing in America. 
DWYER, JOHN and MICHAEL, of Co. Tlpperary, Ireland; last heard of in BrockviUe, Ont., Canada. 
EARL, CHARLES, formerly of Brooklyn, U.S.A, ; and his sister, DELIA ANN EARL, afterwards BINOQAU. 
EBSWORTH, RICHA RD NATHANIEL, formerly of London, Eng. ; last heard of In Salt Lake City, U.S.A. 
EDEN, WALTER REUBEN, a native of Co. Sussex, England ; supposed to be in America. 
EDWARDS, JOHN, by trade a Wire-Klrawer, formerly ufCo. Monniuuth, Kogiand; now residing in An^erica. 
EGAN, EDMOND, formerly of Co. Clare, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
EISIfNBERO, FAMILY lO. residing in America. 

ELKINTON, bUSANNAH, formerly of Co. Lincoln, Eng.; now residing in Amencm 
SXLIOTT, ELIZA MARIA. (See Miss EUza Maria Carson.) 
ELMES, THOMAS. (See Galbreath and Elnies.) 

ELSOM, GEORGE FREUERICK, residing In New York, U.S.A., or Montreal, Canada, in 1870. 
ENNOS, CHARLES JAMES, who lett England m 1860. 

EVANS, JAMES, ELIZABETH, and ANNE, brother and sisters, formerly of Wales, now residing in America. 
BVaNTURELLE, FRANCOIS, of Quebec, Canada, in 1841. 

FARRELL, GASPARC Id EMILY, iate of Lublm, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
TAVELL, or FAVIELL, ff ILLIAM, who left England for America n I860, and afterwards resided at Clarksburg, 

Mich. ; Toledo, Ohio: Rome, N.Y.; U.S.A ; Moncton, N.B. ; Lake Superior; Toronto; and Montreal. 
FENDT, HEINRICH and RUDOLPH, natives of Bavaria, now resldmg in America. 
FENNER, AUGUSTA GOODWIN, who left England for America about 1861). 

FIHLBY, ABCBER I'HOMAS, of Alexandria, va. : Norfolk, Va. j BuBalo, N.Y. ; and elsewhere in America. 
FITZPATRICK. PATRICK B., who in 1870 resided at White Pine, Nevada, U.S, A. 
FONTANNES, Mrs. JULES, now residing to America. 
FOOT, FAMILY ot, residing in America. 

FOOTB, JOHN, Grocer, at 204, Front Street, New York City, U.S.A., from 1841 to 1849. 
FORREST, FRANCIS, a Shoemaker, and ELLEN, his wife ; who lived in Troy, N,y., U.S.A., about 184a 
FORSYTH, WILLIAM, of Halifax, N.S., Canada, Merchant, In 1702. 
FORT, JAMES GILL, formerly of London, England; now residing in America. 

J7\/|^X« i' t% ■■* *^t£-% \xXJJJJt lUALXicLaj va jjvmm\^- — , „- , 

FOSTER, GEORGE PEARCE, now or late of jiUenviUe, U.S.A. 
FOSTER, MARY, formerly of Co. Lincol 

j:\jo±i!ia. joAAi, luruioriY wi *^v. Lincoln, Eng.; Heirs of, now residing in America. 

FOWLER, ABBOTT, EPHRAIM, and MARTHA, residing in America. 

FRY, ALEXANDER, supposed to bo residing in Ontario, Canada.- 

FULLEN, HENRY A., formerly Justice of Westchester Co., U.S.A. 

GABOURIB, FAMILY of, residing in Ontario, Canada. 

OAIR, JOHN, Brass Worker; now residing in America. 

GALBREATH, DAVID (See Galbreath and Klines.) ,. . .. ,.•» 

GALBREATH and ELMES, in business at 234. Pearl Street, New York City, aS.A.. in or about the year WOO. 

GAMARRA, JOSE MIOi when last heard ot was residing in Chicago, Ills., U.S.A. 


OAIKJIA, WILLIAM R.rre8ldliig In Sew York, U.S. A., in 18W. _ „„ . 

OARDIN i'.R, Mr., fonnerlv of the Rhode Inland Biuding Machine Co., Providence, R.I., U.8.A> 

OARHICK, P£RCIVAL EOER'i'ON, In 1SS9 residing in Scott Township, Inda., U.S.A. 

OBRMAN, JOBN H., who left Leavenworth, Kansas, U.8. A., In 1877, for Salt Lake aty. 

QESERICK, H., who formerly lived at 116, Ludlow Streot, Kew York City, O.S. A. 

GIANNI, JOSEFB, formerly of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England; now residing In America 

GIBBONS, THOMAS, Builder, residing In New York, tTS. A., in 1865. 

OILBISRT, THOMAS, who left England for New Ysrk, U.S.A., about the year 1809. 

GILES, FAMILY of; formerly of England ; now realding in America. 

OIRIQ, FRANCIS, a native of France ; last heard of in Iowa, U. S. A., In October, 1879. 

OLOYER, THOMAS and WILLIAM, formerly of Co. Leicester, Eng : now residmg in America. 

GLYNN, Mrs. WINIFRED, (Maiden name, COEN), formerly of Co. Galway, Ireland ; now residing In Amertem 

GOLDSCHMIDT, SOLOMON, and JOSEPH, his brother, both residing In America. 

GOOD ALL, ANN. (See Ann AllinehamJ 

GOODFELLOW, JAMES HENRY, emigrated to America ; last heard of Ik-om Quebec, Canada, In 1861 

GOOLD, SARAH. (See Sarah Staites.) 

GRAHAM, JOHK, of Perthshire, who left Scotland for the U.S.A. about 1838. 

GRANT. WILLIAM PETER. Relatives of, residing in America. 

GRANGER, PRESTON, residing in America. 

GREAVES. EDWARD, who left Manchester, England, in 18S8 : now supposed to be In America. 

GEHXENN, or HAQAN, BRIDGET, a native of Ireland ; residing In Albany, N.Y., U.S.A., in 1865. 

GRIEGSON, MARY ANN, late of Manchester, or Bolton, Lancashire, Eng. ; afterwards lesiding in AmerlM, 

GRIFFIN, ORAMEL, residing. In 1837, in Albany Co., N.Y., U.S.A. 

GROVE, SARAH, who left Stourbridge, Worcestershire, England, for America about 1840. 

OROZART, or TAYLOR, JANET, a native of Scotland, who went to America in or about 1830. 

GUYOT, BARTOLOME, who left France for America, many years ago. 

HACKETT, Mrs. MARY, who formerly lived at the British Legation, Washington, D.C., U.S. A. 

HAGAN, BRIDGET. (See Bridget Geelenn.) 

HAMBURGER, WILHELM, formerly of H'rankfort-on the-Maine, Germany ; now residing in Ameilob 

HAMILTON, JAMES, now or lately residing In Wallaueburg, Ont., Canada^ 

HAMILTON. JOHN JAMBS, who left Hamilton, Ont., Canada, for the U.S.A. in 1873. 

HANSDOITER, BENGLA, wife of the Carpent^ HOLMSTROM. Relations of. In America. 

HANSON, AMOS, formerly of Maine, U.SA. 

HARPER, JOHN C, formerly of England, now residing in America. 

HARPER, MARY, formerly of Selkirk, Scotland, at present residing in America 

HARRIS, JAMES M., who served as Engineer in the U.S. Navy, 18S3-4. 

HART, JAMBS, residing in New York, U.S.A., in 1841. 

BASSELMANN, LOUIS, a native of Fiiissia ; residing In America In 1850. 

HAWKER, SARAH. (See Sarah Brittala ) 

HAYS, Mr., now or recently residing in Harlem, N. Y., U.S.A. 

BIAZZARD, NANCY and ROBERT, who were sold as Slaves in Virginia many years ago. 

HEALY, HYLARD, formerly of Johnstown, Ireland ; who went to Canada many years ago. 

HEDGE, or HEDGES, THOMAS, of Birmingham, England ; last heard of in 1866, from Newark, N. J., U.S..A, 

HENCHEY, JOHN WILLIAM, residing In America. 

EERBISRT, THOMAS, formerly of Co. Clare, Ireland : now residing in America. 

HEWITT, PHILIP, formerly of Qosfleld, Co. Esse.\, Ont., Canada, Blacksmith ; and afterwards of Toronto. 

BILBERG, MARIA JOSEPBIN A, a native of Amsterdam, Holland, who went to Philadelphia, U.S.A., In 1861. 

HILL, JOSIaH, of Georgia, U.S. A., who formerly travelled with a gentleman n Europe. 

HILL, SAMUEL, residing in 1837 in Orleans Co., N.Y., U.SA. 

HOGAN, RICHARD J., Sail-maker, late residence, 249, Johnson Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.SA. 

HOGG, Alexander, now or late of Baltimore, C.S.A. 

HOLBROOK, GRIFFIN, now or latelv residing in America. 

HOLEHAN, James, formerly of Co. Kilkenny, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

HOLMES, JAMBS, Tailor, left London, Eng,, for Boston, in 1780 ; afterwards of Richfield, N. Y., U.S. A. 

HOLMSTROM, BENGLA. (See Bengia Ransdotter.) 

HORTON, ARTHUR TROBRIDGE, in November, 1878, Watchman at Pier 22, N.Y. Kty, U.S. A. 

HOUGH, JOHN, formerly of Liverpool, England; now residing in America. 

HOWARD, Mrs. JAN K (Maiden name, McL AU(}HLIN), late of Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 

HUBUNER, CARL RITTER VON, a native of Bohemia now residing in America. 

HUFF, JOHN, who served as Engineer in the U.S. Navy, 1883 4. 

EUOOINS, DAVID BROWN (otherwise DAVID BROWN), ol Warwickshire, Eng. ; now residing in U.S.A. 

HUGHES, MARY, formerly MARY UeTON, of Camberwell, Co. Su rey, Eng.,ln 1S64. ChMrm of, in Amirlea. 

HUNT, CYRUS and LINCOLN, residing in New York, or elsewhere in America. 

BUNT, JOHN FARR, a Sailor, a native of England; last heard of in 1893. 

HYDE, JOHN, formerly of England : residing at Oyster Bay, or Cold Spring, L.I., N.Y., U.S. A., about 1874. 


JAMESON FAMILY, formerly of Liverpool, England ; now residmg in America. 

JANSBN, EDWARD, formerly of Hamburgh, (^rmany, now residing' in America. 

JOHNSON, ANTHONY, who left England fortheO.S.A. about 1847; EDVVAllD JOHNSON, for Canada io 

1844: HENRY JOHNSON, for the C.S.A. In 1864; JAMES JOHNSON, for Canada In 1839; and 

WILLIAM JOHNSON, for the U.S.A. in 1849. 
JOHNSON, or WARREN, MARIA, residing in Canada in 1830 
JOHNSIONE, ROBERT, who left Ireland for America about 1778. 
KAHN, JULIUS, now or lately Clerk in a Fur Store, New York City, U.S. A. 
KAYE, MARY. (See Mary Bourne.) 

KBARNS, JOHN STEELE, Druggist ; In 1848, of No. 1, Mott St. ; then 8th Av. and 34th St. , N.Y. City, U.S. A. 
EEATINQE, Mrs. JULIA. (Maiden name, WALL), now or late of 38th St., and 6th Av., BrooklynN.Y., U.S.4. 
EBBNAN, MARY. (See Mary Daly.) 

KELLY, Mr. P. O'CONNOR, formerly of Co. Roscommon, who left Ireland for America about lSo^,. 
KELSO, FAMILY of. residing in America. 

KENNEDY, JAMES, left Scotland for Canada, 1873 ; supposed to have gone to Michigan, U.S. A., about 187A. 
KENNY, JOHN, anatlve of Ireland ; now residing in Amurica 
KERR, JAMES, formerly with Arnold. Constable, and Co., New York City, U.S.A. 

KINO, SARAH ELIZABETH and GEORGE SRBLlERICK, who left England for New York, U.S,A., in 1848L 
KNAPP. FAMILY of, residing in Ameilca. 

KNIGHTS, JO HN. formei'ly of Bungay, Co. Suffolk, who left England in 1820 for parts abroad. 
KOEHNEN, BARBARA, formerly of Dayton, Ohio, n.S.A. 

ERUEGER, THEODORE AUGUSTUS, a native of Hanover, Fitissia ; now residing in America 
LAMOND, PATRICK, who left Aberdeen, S<'otland, for America about 1830. 

LAMONT, NORMAN, of R.E. Department, Montreal, Canada, In 1849; and In 1853 of the 51 li Infy., CT.S.A. 
LAROY, JAM lis ; when last heard of, was residing in New York (Dity, U.S.A. 
LARKIN, WILLIAM HENRY, now residing in America. 
LARBOw. ARCHILLES L., in 1837 residing in the State of Michigan, U.S.A. 
LAW, ROBERT (who man'led Miss Cottle), lormerly of Dublin, Ireland; now residing in Amortl^ 
LEACH, DAVID, a native of England ; last heai-d of in Jersey City, N. J., U.S. A. 
LEE, MARY, formerly of London, England, afterwards residing in New York, U.S. A. 
LEE, MARY L., formerly of New York City, afterwards of San Fi-ancisco, Cal., U.S,A. 
IiEFBVRE, or MARTIN, EUGENIE, last neai'd of in Cincinnati, Ohio, n.S.A. 

LEGETTE, Mrs. E C., now or late of Franklin Co., Miss., U.S.A. 

IiEdO, crLETTIOO, WILLIAM MARK and JANE, now residing in America. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 8. 167 

LEONARD, WILIilAU. Printer, Tosidins In Ontario, Canada. 

LEVI, UELISSA JANE. (See Molisaa Jane CoUins.) 

LESCILET, or LASHLE7, FAMILY, fornieil; of England ; now residing In America. 

LKSUEB, E. C, formerly of Broadwav. near seth Street, New Tork Gltv, U.S.A. 


IiEVEQDE, or IiEVlQUE, ISRAEL MYRLETTO, foimerly of Hull, Yorkshire, England; afterwards of New 

York City, U.S.A. ; and last heard of In Toronto, Caaada, In 1876. 
LINDE R, FRANZ, a native of WUrzburg, Uormanv ; now residing in America. 
LITTLE FAMILY, formerly of Co. Dumfries, Scotland ; now residing in America. 
LITTLE, JOSEF B; when last heard of, he was a Seaman on board the ship ** Morning Light." 
LITTELL, SARAH, now or late of Dehi»aro, Ohio, U.S.A. 
LOEWENFELD, VICTOR, ftom Frague, Bohemia ; now residing in America. 
LOGiHLEN, JOHN O., who was in 1863 Amanuensis for the late General Walbrldge. 
LOVE, SAM UKlt, now or lately residing at Cleveland, U.S.A. 

LUBY, MI'S. KATE, last heard of at York ATenue, New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y., U.S.A., in 1871 
LDCEY, JOHANNA, residing in New Hampshire, or Masfiaehusetts, U.S.A. 

LUNDHOLM, Mrs. ANNE (Maiden name, O'BRIEN), a native of Irel-ind ; now residing in America. 
LUPTON, RICnARD, a Butcher, formerly of Lancaster, Eng.; now residing in America. 
LYNSKA, PHILLIP, who left Youngstown, Ohio, In 1874, for Cheyenne, Wyo. Ter., U.S.A. 
UoARDLE, FAMILY of, residlngln America, 
MaAULlFFE,HANORA. (See Hanora Mooney.) 

HoBKIDE, HUGH, son of Daniel and Bridget, of Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; was in Albany, N.Y., in 1845. 
MoCANN, LUCY, supposed to be residing in Ontario. Oinada, 
UoCAULE Y, ANN, who left Philadelphia, Fa., for Ohio, U.S. A., about 1854, and Is reported to hare married ■ 

German, named Bolen, or Buuinger. 
lIoCADLEY, JOHN, formerly of Co. Tyrone, Ireland, who left Philadelphia for Ohio, about the year ISM 

UoCORMIC, Mrs. M v., of Franklin Co., Miss., U.S. A. 

UoCORMlCE, JAMES STEELE, now or late of Nevada Co., America. 

UoCOY and HBRWIG, formerly Produce DelRers, of New York, U.S.A. 

UoOULLA, ANN and JOHN. (See Ann and John McCauley. ) 

MoDONALD, Miss MARY. (See Mrs. H. Be.ard orPeacd.) 

HoDOUGAL, Lady, of England. Representatives in Americx 

UoDOUOAL, MARY ANN, now or late of Boston, Mass., U.S.A. 

MoEACHKAN, ARCHIBALD, killed in the U.S. Civil War j M^idow of. wanted. 

MoBAOHRAN, JESSIE, COLLIN, and ARCHIBALD, residing at Bulfalo, N.Y., in 1831. 

MoECHRAN, COLIN, last heard of from California, U S.A., about 1870. 

MoENTYRE, ANN, a native of Co. Louth, Ireland ; afterwards residing in America. 

MoGARY, ROBERT or JAMBS, who lived, in 1847, at No. 80, Maiden Lane, New York, U.S.A. 

UoGOWN, KATE, who fonnerly lived with Mrs. Mowe, West 22nd Street, New York City, U.S,A. 

MoINTlBE, WILLIAM, Carpenter, residing In New York City about 1855. 

UoKENNELL, AGNES and JANET, natives of Scotland; nowresidim; in America. 

UoEENZIE, ELIZABETH, in 1879 residing in Stamford Township, Ont., Canada. 

MoKEY FAMILY- formerly of Co. Down, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

MoLAUGHLAN, JEAN and MARY, sisters, residing in America. 

McLaughlin, MICHAEL, formerly of Mayo, Ireland ; aftei-wards residing in Canada. 

UcLENNAN, BELLA and JESSIE, who left Scotland in 1832 for Cape Breton, America. 

McMAHON, LOUIS EDWARD, now or late of Toronto, Canada, 

McMillan, JOHN and JAMES, natives of Iffigtonshire, Scotland ; now residing in America. 

UoNAB, or MoNAL, CHARLES EDWARD, in 1873 Chief OiBcer of the " Eureka," of New York, a.S.A. 

MoN AMARA, PATRICK, of Cork, Ireland, in 1S38 ; afterwai-ds went to America. 

HoNEAL, ISAAC, Children of, residing in America. 

MACUEHlCHARLES, who left Renfrewshire, Scotland, for America about 1840. 

MAIRIN, FERN AND, formerly of Angers, France ; now residing in America. 

MANSER, DANIEL, when last heard of, was residing in Baker City, Oregon, U.S.A. 

MARQUIS, HUGH and BBNEST,now residing in America. „ „ 

MARSH, ROBERT, formerly of Yorkshire, Eng.; last heai-d of at Saciamento, Cal., U.S.A. - , — - . 

MARSH, WILLIAM, fomkBriy of Yorksliire, Eng.; last hoard of at KeysviUe, Kern River, Tulare Co., Cal., U.a.A. 

MARSZALB, FREUKRIUK BEAULERC, a native of England ; now residing in Canada. 

MARTIN. ANTOINB ; when last heard of was residing in Cincinnati, Ohio, n.3.A. 

MARTIN, CHARLES STEPHEN, from 1851 to 1861 in the " Black Cross " Line of American Clipper Ships. 

MARTIN, ELIZABETH HANNAH. (See Simon Enoch Benton ) 

MARTIN, Mrs. JOHN, widow, who resided in New York, U.S.A., In 1876. .,.„.» 

MARTIN, MICHAEL, a native of Co. Mayo, Ireland ; when last heard oC, In 1868, was working on tne Bait, nui 

Ohio R.B., at Mount Savage, or Wheeling, Va., U S.A, 
UATHESON, CAMPBBLL, formerly of London, England ; now residing in America. 
MAUOHAN, FAMILY of, now or lately residing at No. 74, Wellington Place, Toronto, Canada. 
MEGRAU, BERNARD, of Co. Down ; left Ireland for New York many years ago. 
MBRRIAM, WILLIAM C, in 1867 residing in the U.S.A. 
MEURS, AlfTONIE or TONY, who left Holland for America In 1848. 
MEYER, FRIEDUICH LOUIS, a native ot Saxony ; who went to America in 1848. 

MILLER, CAPTAIN THOMAS, of New England in 1723. ...=. ,M^no. 

JIILLETT. MICHAEL, who left Afton, Iowa, in 1878, for Ottumwa ; afterwai'ds of St. Louis, Mo., U.S. A. 
MINAHAN, ANNE, who left Ireland for New York, U.S.A., about 1848, with her Mother, Margaret Drlscol. 
MOCKLAR, JOHN, who left Boston, Mass., U.S.A., in 1878, and when last heard of was in Nevada. 
MON ARAN, Mrs., formerly of Co. Mayo, Ireland ; or Children ; supposed to be residing in America. 
MONNBT, CHARLES, a native of Switzerland; last heard of at Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. . 

MOONEY, HANORA (Maiden name, MoAULIFFE), of Co. Cork ; who left Ireland for Amenca in 1861 
MORAN, JOHN C, formeriy of Co. Wicklow, Ireland ; last heard of in America in 1878. „ =, • 

MORQENSTBRN, OU8, bom about 1850 ; when last heird of, was residing in Greenville, Miss., U-S.A. 
MORIN, or MOIRIN, FERNAND, formerly of Angers, France ; last heard of in America, about 1876. 
MORRIN, ELIZABETH and MARY ANN. residing in Ontario, Canada. 

MORRIS. Mrs. JOHN or JANE, formerly of St. Asaph, Wales, who left England for America about 1870. 
MORRISON, ANNE. (See Mrs. Anno CulUny.) , , , ^ ,j. , . j 

MORRISSY, MICHAEL, formerly of Co. Waterford, Ireland; now residing in America. 

MOSLEY, ; when last heard of he was a Seaman on board the ship " Morning Light. 

MOSrER,BLIZABETH,whoresldedatPreston, Ontario, Canada, about 1870. 
MULHUAN, MARY, formerly of County Monaghan ; left Ireland for America In 1862. 
MULVIHILL, PATRICK, son of Thomas, of Co. Kerry, Ireland ; last heard of in America about 1868. 
MULLIN, MICHAEL, who left Baldensville, N. Y., about 1870, supposed for Memphis, Tenn., U.S.A. 
MULROONEY SARAH, SIMON, and THOMAS, residing in Ontario, Canada; or Wisconsin, U.S.A. 
MURDOCH. EDWARD, now or lately with Dun, Barlow, and Co., America. 
MURE. Mr. C. S., now or formerly of 88, Water Street, New York City, U.S^. 

MURGATROYd',' JOHN, formerly of lAancheater, or Bolton, Lancashire, Eng. ; afterwards of America. 
sun.«|^^-'g"^ij.^j^^^ . ^^^ layette Co., Fa., about 1804 ; was last heardfrom at St. Paul, Minn., U.B.i 
murphy' JOHN, blacksmith, last heard of in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., U.S.A. 


MUSGRA'^B, FaJiILY of, residing in America. , >, , j, j ■ ,otc 

NEIL orO'NEIL CflARiES, oolom-ed, a Seaman, foimeriy of Nova Scotia; was in Newfoundland in 1876. 

NUR^E, HENRY, a native of England; last heard of in New York in 1867. 

O'BRIEN, ANNE, (bee Mrs. Anne Lundholm.) .j. . . .. 

U'BRIEnI TIMOTHY, CORNELIUS, and BRIBN, brothers, residing in America. „ , rr o . 

O'BRIEN WILUAmI ot Co. Cork, left Ireland for Ameii^ in 1862, and was in 1870 in Mono Co., Cal,, a.a.A. 


OTOONNBni, Hannah, formerly of Co. Kerry, Ireland! last heard of in jew Tork City, U.S.A., In 18T» 

O'C0NNBR,PATRICK, now or late of the U.S. Ai-my. 

0L)D7, THOMAS, a native of England ; residing in America in iser.. 

O'DONNELL, EMILY, JAMES, JOHN, MICHAEL, and FATUICK, residing in America. 

ODONOHDE. THERBSB, now or lately residing in Ontario, Canada. 

OELKRICH, JOHANN CHRISTIAN, of Meoklenbnrg-Schwerin ; was residing in New York City in 184S. 

OLIVER, JAMBS FALKLAND, Maimer, serving as Carpenter'a Mate in the C.S. Steamer "Saco," 18i!7— 186B. 

O'LOQHLBN, JOHN. (See John O. Loghlen.l 

O'MARA, MICHAEL (otherwise MICHAEL POWER), who left Ireland for Galveston, Texas, tJ.S.A., In 1870. 

O'NEIL, CHARLES. (See Charles Nell.) 

0*NE1L, JAMES H., formerly of Oswego, N, T. ; served on board the " Wlnckoski," U.S. Navy, and was dis. 

charged at Portsmouth, N.H., 8th February, 1868. 
CNBILL, SA RAH ANN, now or late of Ontario, Canada. 

O'NEILL, THOMAS and MARGARET, formerly of Portivlingtop, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
O'NEILL, TlMOTHr, now or late of Lexington, Mass., U.S.A. 

OSBORNE, ED WIN . a native of Dublin, by trade a Carpenter : at one time an Hotel Keeper In N.T., U.S. A. 
O'SH ANAHAN, JOHN, now or formerly of Penetanguishene, Ont.. Canada. 

PACK, STEPHEN OLIVE, formerly of Carbonear, Newfoundland ; afterwards residing in the U.S.A. 
PARKE, JOHN STOREY, formerly of Co. Leitrlm, Ireland i afterwards of Newbllss, Ont., Canada. 
PATBRSON, THOMAS V., residing in New York, or elsewhere in Ameilca. 
PAUL, THOMAS HAIO, last heird of at Frostbnrgh, Maryland, U.S.A. 
PEARD, Mrs. H. (See Mrs. H. Beard.) 

PEARSON, MARVIN B., in 1837 residing in Erie Co., N.Y., U.S.A. 
PEI6BR, Monsieur Oe, an Engineer ; now residing in America. 

PEIRCB, Miss JOSEPHINE, daughter of the late Mr. Joseph H. Pelrce, now residing In America. 
FENFOLD, JOHN C17LLEN, late of the R. H. Artillery, England ; last heard of in America in ISSa. 
PERRIER, VICTOR, Hotel or Restaurant Waiter, residing in America. 
PERRIN, ALFRED, formerly of Co. Surrey, who left England for America in 1868. 
PBTBRKIN, JOHN, a native of Scotland, residing in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., n.S.A., inl86S. 
PETERSON, JOHN, a Seaman ; last heard of on board an American Merchant Ship. 

PFEIPFBR. OTTA MAR, formerly of Albany, N.Y., afterwards of 23rd St., near 10th Ave., N.Y. City, U.S.A. 
PHELPS, Mrs. ROZBTTE HENRIQUBS, now or late of Toronto, Canada. 

PHILLIPB, ALFRtD, a Frenchman ; in 1871 residing at 106, Waverley Place, New York City, Cr.S.A. 
PHILLIPS, £R1 DGBT, now or lately residing in Ontario, Canada. 
PIERCE, Mrs. N. E.; when last heard of was residing in Chicago, U.S.A. 
PILE, HENRY THOMAS, of Big Stream, Yates Co., N.Y., U.S. A. 
PINNIQER, LYDIA, formerly of Wiltshire. England ; now residing in America. 
PLACE, REUBEN, in 1837 residing in the State of Michigan, U.S.A. 

PORTER, JAMES, a Tailor, left Aoerdeensliire, Scotland, for Canada, in 1852 ; was at Uuelph, Ont., in 1864, 
PORTER, JAMES W., now or late of Kiribault, Minn U.S. A. 

POTTER, DANIEL, a native of England : was residing in New York, U.S.A., in 1873. 
POUZETTB, MART, noti' or late of Ontario, Canada. 

POWELL, JOHN, was working as a Saddler in Newark and elsewhere in N.Y. State, U.S.A., in 1836. 
POWER, MICHAEL. (See Michael O'Mai-a.) 

POWER, WILLIAM, son of MicfaaeliWho emigrated flrom Ireland to America in 1859. 
POWER, WILLIAM, formerly of Co. Waterford, Ireland, who left Bombay tor Boston, U.S.A., in 1879. 
PROCTER FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 
PUTNAM, AMOS P., formerly ol Salem, Mass., U SA. 
RAMBO, CHRISTIAN, who left Altona, Oermanr, for America, in 1864. 
RANNIB, SOPHIA, Spinster, of Halifax, N.3., Canada, in 179'i. 

RBARDON, JAMES, in 1849 at Mount Holly, Vermont, and afterwards resided in the State of Maine, U.S.A. 
REID, ROBERT NISH, supposed to be residing in Ontario, Canada. 

REILLY, EDWARD, left Co. Meath, Ireland, about 1810 ; when last heard of, wasnear Milwaukee, Wia, U.S.A. 
RBILLT, EDWARD ; was in Co. B., 2nd Division. U.S. Infanti?, in 1864 : in 1869, at Greenville, Miss., U.S. A. 
REILLY, MARGARET, who was residing, in 1863, at Gloucester, N.J., USA. 

REYNOLDS, JAMBS, who left Co. Longford, Ireland, for America, about 1 835 ; last heard of in Ontario, Can:vdit. 
RHODES, EMMA, formerly of Wakefield, England; last heard of at 150, Nassau Street, New York City, U.S. A. 
RICARD, Mr., formerly of Tottenham, Co. Middlesex, Eng.; now residing in America. 
RICE, ANDREW, who left Liverpool, England, for America in 1852. 

RICE, BERNARD, of Co. Armagh, left Ireland for America in 1857, and resided in Albany, N.Y., U.S.A. 
RICHA RDSON , JOHN PIRIE, formerly of Co. Glamorgan, England ; afterwards of San Francisco, CaL , U.S. A. 
KIDO WAY, JAMES, formerly of London, England ; in 1861. Cook in the ship "Eucles." 
RILEY, CORNELIUS, formerly of Herefordshire, Bug.: now residing in Ameri.:a. 
ROBERTS, Mis. BESSIE, who resided in Hamilton and Toronto, Canada, In 1857-8. 
ROBERTS, GBORGB H., now residing in America. 
ROBERTS, JANE. (See Mrs. John or Jane Moi-ris.) 

ROBSON, EDWARD, now residing in the U.S.A., whose brother formerly lived in Uruguay, South America. 
ROBSON EDWARD, a native of Dumfries, Scotland : was a Diaper's Assistant in New York about 1843 ; after. 

wards of Quebec and Montreal, then of Montevideo ; now residing in the U.S.A. 
ROCHFORT, PHILIP, of Melksham. England ; last heard of in 1855. supposed to have gone to America. 
RODRIGUEZ, JACINTO, formeriv of Puerto Principe, Cuba ; now residing in America. 
ROGERS, HARRY, a native of England ; was in Stockton, Gal., O.S. A., in 1854. 
ROGERS, JOHN, formerly of Co. Pembroke, Wales; afterwards emigrated to America. 
ROGERS, WILLIAM, Stevedore ; when last heard of was residing in America. 
ROONEY, BRIDGET, formerly of Co. Roscommon, who left Ireland for America in 1868. 
ROSSI, GEORGIO. (See Moriz Schonerer.) 

ROTTEN, BENJAMIN, formerly of Co. Gloucester, Eng ; last heard of in Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A., in 1797'. 
ROTTEN, BENJAMIN, left Woodchester about 1794 ; last heard of from Philadelphia, U.S.A. 
RUSSELL, FRANK and MARY, formeriv of Co. Cork, Ireland ; Children of, residing in Amerli^k 
RUSSELL, Miss MARION, foi-merly of Glasgow, Scotland ; now residing in America. 
RYAN, MICHAEL, formerly of Galway, Ireland ; resiling in Minnesota,U.S. A., about 1856. 
SAFE, James, formerly of Texas, U.S.A. OraUtors of wanted. 

SANDS, or SANDYS, JAMES, who left Liverpool, England, for New York, U.S.A., in 1872. 
SCHEURICH, ANN C, last heard of in New York Cltv in 1837. 

SCHMIDT, CATHARINE DORATHEA, when last heai'd of, about 1865, was residing in Cleveland, Ohio, T3.S.\. 
SCHONERER, MORIZ {alias Oeorgio Rossi), Mariner ; and ADOLF SCHONERER, both natives of Austria. 
BCHWARZ, EDWARD ROBERT, a native of Prassia, who emigrated to America in or about the > ear 1S5U 
SCOTT, aNNIE, formerly of Newry, who left Ireland for America about 1863. 
SCOTT FAMILY, formerly of Co. Dumlnes, Scotland ; now residing in America. 
BCUTT, WILLIAM, formerly of Annan, Scotland ; now residing in America, 
BCUDAMORE FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 
SBILBR, CAROLINE, now residing in Ameiica. 

BBLBY, WILLIAM, a native of Norfolk, Enttland ; now residing in Ameiica. 
BRAREMAN, JOHN, a native of England; last heard of in the U.S.A., in 1856. 
SHARP, MARGARET, now or late of St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. - 
8HBLT0N, GEORGE, fbrmerly of Bucklngbamshlre, Eng. ; now residing in America. 
BBERIDAN, Miss HELEN, borr a'lout 1790—1800. Representatives of. in America. 
BHIPM AN, RICHARD EOOLKS TON, formerly of Yorkshire, Eng. ; now residing in AmerieK 
BHUNK. JEREMIAH, and Family ; kiU.ed by American Indiana about the year 1836. 
BILK, EDWARD. Albany Factory, Canada, iu 18-;8. 

SPEOIAL LIST No. 8. 16& 

SIM, JOHN, a Baker; was in Hamilton, Ont, Canada, In 1862; afterwards of Dakota. " ■= ' -hence It !• 

supposed he went to California. 
SIMEON. JOHN EDWARD, residing In New York aty. TJ.aA., In 1874. 
SIMONDS, HBNRT CARBOURN, formevlv of Boston, Eng.; now residing In Ametloa. 
SKINNER, TIMOTHr P., residing. In 1842, In Herkimer Co., N. Y., U.S.AT 
SKIPPER, JOHN, formerly of London, Eng.; now residing In America. 
SMITH, DANIEL D., Law Clerk, residing In New York Olty, U S. A., In 1866. 

SMITH, ROBERT, a Farmer, supposed to be living at St. Peter's Creek, Troy, or Empire, Kansas. '' a A. 
SMITHjUZZIEL P., formerly of Chicago, Ills., afterwards of New York. D.S.A, 

SMITHWICK, GEOROB PERCEVAL, last heard of at 12, Front Street, Upper Wharf, 3l»«r.*ulo, Tenn., O.aA^ 
SNYDER, WILLIAM H., now residing in America. 

SPAULDING, JOHN B., Merchant or Agent ; residing in Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A., In 1868. 
SPINK, EDWARD, a native of Yorkshire, who left Kngland for America in 1867. 
SFRAOQE, ISAAC, In 1836 resldingln Steuben Co., N.Y., n S.A. 

STAITES, SARAH (Maiden name, GOOLD) ; about 1860 residing at 4, High Street, Washington, U,S.A. 
STANTON, EDWARD, who left Co. Roscommon, Ireland, for America about 1840. 
STEBBINS, MARY L. F. ( See Mai? L. Lee.) 
STEIN, GEORGE, now or late of Texas, U.S.A. 

STEIN, JAMBS, now orlateof Peoria; or of McDonoughCo., Ills.. U.S. A. 
STERN, BERNHART, Merchant ; residing In New York, U.S. A., In 1809. 
STEVENS, Miss, the daughter of James H. Stevens, late of Houston, Texas, U.S. A. 
STEWART, ALEXANDER, formerly of Co. Antrim, Ireland ; Next of Kin In America. 

STEWART, WILLIAM and ELIZAB ETH (or BESSIE), of Co. Armagh ; left Ireland for N.Y. some years slnc*L 
BTILLMAN, FRANCES, now or late of Bridgeport, Conn., U.8.A. 
STILLWELL, Dr., supposed to reside in Amenoa 
BTONRR, PHILIP, Relatives of, residing In America. 
STOREY, Mrs. JOHN. (See Mrs. Jane Burr.) 
BTORM. FAMILY of. residing In America. 
STUART, MARGARET. (See Mivgaret Anderaon.) 
STURTEVANT, KM MA, now or late of Bridgeport, Conn.. U.S.A. 

SULLIVAN, DENNIS, son of TIMOTHY ;ln 1853 living in Kentucky, and was afterwards In HlnsdsIe,N.Y., U.S. A. 
SULLIVAN, GILRS and WILLIAM, brothers, formerly of Co. Kerry. Ireland ; now residing in America. 
SULLIVAN, RICHARD, left Arllngron, for St. Louis, Mo., about 1 873, last heard of was InCuicago, Ills., U.S.A. 
bDNSHINE, Dr., living at 316, South Fifth Street, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A., in 1875. 
SYMINGTON, MAR^ (See Mary Duncan.) 

TAPNER, ELIZABETH, who left England for Canada In or about the year 1864. 
TARRANT, HENRY FREDERICK, who lett England for San Francisco in 1865. 
TAYLOR, JANET. (See Janet Grozart.) 

TAYLOR, JOSEPH, a native of England ; now resldingln America. 
TAYLOR, WILLIAM. Tailor, residing in Burlington, Ont., Canada, in July, 1879. 
TEETER, Reverend Mr.; last heard of in Cannington, Ont., Canada. 
THERRY, JOHN, in 1871 residing in Bradford Township, McKean Co., Pa . U.S. A 
THOMPSON, EDWARD, House Cai'penter, formerly of Edlnbm-gh, Scotland. His last address, in 1866, wu 

Mr. Harper, Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y., U.S. A. 
TIFFIN, or TURTON, ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth Carter.) 
TINKH AM, FRANK J., formerly of Boston, Mass., U.S.A. 
TOMKINS, JAMES N., residing in Americ l 

TOWER, G. B, N., in 1865, an Engineer in the U.S. S.B. *■ Canandalgua** 
TKBADWELL, Mrs. MARY, re«idlng in New York in 1877. 

TUNBRIDGE, JOHN, who left England about 1850, and was last heard of in Mexico. 
TURNBULL FAMILY, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland ; now residing in Amoi'ica 
TURNER, WILLIAM, a native of Scotland, sailed from Glasgow, in the ship "lona," In 1641. 
TURTON, or TIFFIN, ELI Z ABBTH. (See Elizabeth Carter.) 
TYTLER, WILLIAM, residing in the State of New York, U.S.A., in 1831. 
UPTON, MARY. (See Mary Hughes ) 

VON HUBENBR. CARL RITTER. (See Hubener, C. R. von.) 
VOWLES, HENRY, a native of Somersetshire, England ; now residing in America 
WALDING, FAMILY of, formerly of Co. Northampton, England, now resldingln America. 
WALKER, AMOS and HENRY, brothers, formerly of England ; now residing in America. 
WALL, ELIZABETH. (See Mrs. Elizabeth Butler.) 
WALL, JULIA. (See Mrs. Julia Keatinge.) 
WALLIS, SARAH ANNE. Next of Kin of, residing in America. 
WALSH, PATRICK, of Connecticut, U.S.A., Carpenter ; or his children 
WALSH, PETER, of Dublin, Tanner, who left Ireland for the U.S.A. about 1835. 
WALSH, RICHARD, formerly of Ilublin, who left Ireland for America in or about the year 183S. 
WALTON, SARAH, now or foimerlv residing in East 05th Street, near Madison Avenue, N.Y. City, U.S.A. 
WARD, DIXON, formerly of Mancliester, Engljvnd ; now residing in Ontai-io, Canada 
WARNOCK, WILLIAM and HUGH; leto Ireland for America in 1840, and when last heard of were in MontreM 

and Buffalo, respectively. 
WARaEN, MARIA. (See Maria Johnson.) 

WATERBURY, DAVID, formerly a Clerk in Philadelphia Navy Yard, U.S.A. 
WEEKS, BENJAMIN F.. formerly of Boston. Masa, U.S.A. 

WELSH. Mrs. CATHERINE, Widow, formerly of Co. Clare, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
WENKE, GEORGE, CaMnet.maker, a native of Prussia ; resided in Philadelphia, Fd., U.S.A., about 1870. 
WHELAN, Mrs. ALICE, who left Boston, Ma5s , in 1861, for California, U.S.A 
WHITE, WILl .1 AM 6„ late of Windsor, England ; last heard of in Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S. A. 
WHITBHOUSE, JAMES, Engineer formerly of England ; now residing in America. 
WHITFIELD, JOHN, formerly of Newry, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
WHYTB, JOHN, now or late of Hamilton, Ont., Onada. 

WILKB FAMILY, formerly of Germany ; now residing in America. „ „ . 

WILSON .CHARLES FRANCIS, or FRANCIS CHARLES, of England ; last heard of in N.Y. (3ity, U.S.A. 
WILSON, JOHN, Plasterer, formerly of Wemyss Bay, Scotland : now residing in America. ,, „ . 

WILSON, JOSEPHINE, formerly JOSEPHINE BRAHAM, of London ; lait heard of at Boston, Mass.. USA. 
WILSON, Rev. THOMAS, a native of Lancashire, England, when last heard of, he hadjoined the Federal Armjv 

It is believed the 14th Infantiy, then quartered at Fort Trumhill. New London, Conn., U.S.A. 
WILSON, WILLIAM HENRY, Actor or Minstrel, formerly of Pennsylvania, U.S.A 
WILSON, WILLIAM and HENRY, late of Yorkshire.who left England for America about 1854. 
WINTER, THOMAS BASSALL, test heard of in Halifax, Nova Scolia, Canada. „„ „o. 

W1SBMAN,R0BERT and DORA, of Co. Cork, Ireland : in 1800, of Plermont, Rockland Co., N.Y., U.S.A^ 
WOODCOCK, AGNES, now or lately residing in Ontario, Canada. 

WRIGHT, ISAAC, a Shipperduring 1812. Representatives in America. ' ,„ „ „ ^ 

WYA TT, J. HARRY, late of the U.S. Navy ; wai Secretai? to the late Commodore W. D. Porter. 
TEARNSHAW, THOMAS, of Manchester, or Bolton, Lancahlre, Eng.; afterwards residing in America. 
YOUNG, ROBERT, of Manchester, or Bolton, Lancashire, Eng. ; afterwards residing in America. 



The following pereone, If living, or if dead, their repreaentatives, are entitled to property. 
Address J. B. MABTINSAIiE, 14? la Salle Street, Chicago. [See pages 6, 7 and 8 of 
this Manual.] 

■UiLEN FAMILY, supposed lata of Scotland; now residing In America. 
ANDaEWS, ALFRB15 Q-AUAOE, who lea Bagland for Ameriua la tA76. 
APFLEaARTH, WILLIAM, and RUIBECUA (maiden name MoPHJilRSOK), last heard of at Fiainsber( 

Itf arnwfl Co CSiI tJ H A- 

ARMSTKONa, ^AM'dEL T., formerly in bnslnesa at Mo. 181, Broadway, New Torlc City, IT.3.A. 

BACSHOCTSB FAMILY, now residing in America. 

BALDWIN, MATILDA, afterwards DIMMOOE, last heard of in San Francisoo, U.S.A. 

BaLDWIIT, XHOMAS and WILLIAM, brothers, last heard of at St. John's, Newfoundland. 

BARRETT, DANIEL, lately residing in N.Y., U.8.A. 

BAttrLETT,JANE (maiden name DRBW), a native of Wiltshire, Eagla<i<l, who went to America in 1856. 

BECELEY, WILLlAU, and SAHa.H, formerly of Co. Middlesex, who left England for N.Y., many years aga 

^ELL, JOHN, ANNE, and MARY ANNE, formerly of England, now residing in America. 

BERESFORD, Captain (see Robert Gregory Buigial. 

BERTRAM. JANET (maiden name MoLAROYI, and JOSEPH THOMAS, last heard of at Ottawa, Canada. 

BEST, NANCY and JOSEPH, now residing in America. 

BOYD, JOHN, a Baker, formerly of Belfast, Ireland ; now residing in America 

-BRIDLE, LOaiSA, who went to Chicago, (;.S.A., In 1869, ana there married one Alfred Oeorge. 

BROWN, MARY (maiden name MoLAROYi, and HORACE T., last heard of in Ottawa, Canada. 

BRYAN, HENRY, formerly of La Hogue ; supposed to be residing In America. 

BRYAN, JOHN and WILLIAM, residing in Someraet Co., N. J., a.S.A., about 1810. 

BDLLEN, THOMAS, who left Co. Lancaster, Ung., for New York, D.S.A , about 1860. 

BUR(}lS, ROBERT OREOORY (otherwise CAPIAIN BERBSrORDI, last heard of in America about 18% 

BURRITT, HENRY OSUOODE, late of Ottawa, Canada. Creditors wanted. 

■BURSLEM, JANE(maiden name Doust), married Carter, in Fhllad., Pa , 17.S.A., pienous to the year 1881. 

OAMPBELL. Dr. CHARLES JAMES, of Co. York, Eng., and Co. Ayr, Scotland. Heirs of, in America. 

OANTIN, LOUIS (see Louis Marcuet de Uugy). 

OARLIIf^ JAMBS R., formerly employed on Central Park, New York aty, U.S. A. 

OARMICHAEL. BBrSY, now or late of Brooke, Co. Lambton, Ont., Canada. 

CARTER, JANE (see Jane Bnrslem). 

CASRY, JERRY, or MICHAEL, formerly of Go. Cork, Ireland ; now residlngin America. 

COCK FAMILY, residing in America. 

OOLMAN, JOHN JEAnE (otherwise THOMAS ROWLAN OS), and his wife JANE (Maiden name, TROOD), 

formerly of Co. Somerset, Eng.; now residing in America. 
OONKLINO, JAMES, residing in New York City, about the year 1800. 
■OONNEL, MARY, BRlDaEE CATHERINE, and DAN, who left Otica, N.Y., for Now York City in or about 

1863, and afterwards went to California, U.S. A. 
CONWAY, JAMBS, Saddler, formerly of Co. Mayo, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
■COTTON, EDWARD W., bom in England about 1820, and who atterwards went to America. 
COULSON, MARY, and JOHN, formerly of Yorkshire, England ; and who afterwards went to America. 
-CULOAN, Mn. ANN or NANCY (Maiden name, ROONBYl, of Co. Leitrim, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
DARK, ANN. (See Mrs. Ann Mc(3agie.) 
DAWSON, Mn. ISABELLA (Maiden name, DOHERTY), formerly of Co. Londonderry, Ireland; and her 

husband, JAMES DAWSON ; now residing in America. 
OAT, EDWARD, who lea England for America about 1847. 
'DB CUGY, LOUIS MARCUET, formerly of the Canton of Friebonrg, Switzerland, and who lired at Thorn, 

Prussia, In 1874. under the name of Louis Cantin. 
DEDEKAM, CARSTEN HBNRICK, a native of Norway, and who In 1877, was serving under the name of 
_ Robert Stewart, on board the U.S.S. "Trenton." 
OELEYAN, JAMBS, last heard of in Canada. 

VENHAM, or McLARDY, Mrs. CHARLOTTE, lately residing at aos. Union St., St. John's, N.B., Canada. 
DB PEIOBR, Monsieur, an Engineer, now residing in America. 
OICEINSON FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 
DIMMOCE, MATILDA (see Matilda Bai'lwln;. 
DOHERTY, ISABELLA (See Mrs. Isabella Dawsoa) 
DONAHUE, Mrs. MARGARET. (See Walsh Family I 

DONOllHUE, JOHN, who lea Edinbuigh, Scotland, for New York or Pennsylvania, U.S.A., about year HM. 
DOUST, JANE (see Jane Buisleml. 

gRAriON, Mrs. HANNAH I Maiden name. 0MAN3) ; now residing in Am erica. 
BEW, JAITE (See Jane Bartlett.) 
DUFFY, ANN. {Sea Mrs. Joe Parol. 
OUNCH FAMILY, residing In America. 

BARLE, EDWARD O., residing in New York, or elsewhere. In America. 

BBSWORTH, RICHARD NA'TUANIEL, a Printer, a native of London, England. Family of. In America. 
EDE, GBOROB. formerly of Co. Surrey, who left England for America about 1850. 
ENNETT FAMILY, formerly of Ireland; residing in America. 
EDWARDS FAMILY, residing in America. 

FELLOWS, CHARLES VriLLIAM, residing in Staten Island, N.Y., U.S.A., in 1854 
FERGUSON, ALFRBO, (otherwise GBORGB WEST), who lea England for America about 1805. 
ULLINGHAM, ROBERT, Saddler, formerly of Co. Middlesex, Euglaud. Orsdi<or> (;/ In America. 
FIT JHETT FAMILY, residing in America. 

FLEMING, GEORGE, formerly of Co. Dublin, Ireland, now residing in America. 
SENT FAMILY, residing in America. _, 

QEORGE, LOUISA (see Louisa Bridle). 

OOODSON, WILLIAM, who in 1806 resided with J. Cooper, South Bergen, Bergen Av., N.J., U.3.A. 
SRANT, BARBARA, a native of Scotland, last heard of in San Francisco, U.S.A., In 187a. 
ORANT FAMILY, fbrmerly of Scotland; now residing in America. 
BRANT, Mrs ROBERT, (Maiden name SINCLAIR) ; residing in America. 
GREEN, JAMES, who left England for America in or about the year 1810 
GREENWOOD, BRIAN, late of Yorltshire. England, last lieaiil of In London, Out., Canada. 
HADUOW, or WRIGHT, Mrs DOROTHEA who left England for New York, U.S.A., in 1343. 
BAILE, CHARLES AUSTIN, who lea iingland for America in 1873. 
Ball, henry TAYLOR, who tea England for America In 1873. 

'HAMMOND, ALEXANDER, formerly of Ireland, supposed to have gone to the United States, and died thai* 
HARTY. or mason, MARY ANN, residingin Montgomery, Ala, U.S.A., in or about the year 18^1 
HEEL. ESTHER. (See Mrs. Esther Stanton.) 

HENDERSON, Mr. H., formerly of New York, last heard of In Montreal, Canada. 
HOCHHEIMER, Professor JOSEPH MICHAEL, now residing in America. 
EOOGH, MICHAjSL, formerly of Co. Clare, who lea Ireland for America in 1853. 
"UNT, CYRUS and LINCOLN, residing in New York or elsewhere in America. 
^UNT, FITOH K- now or late of Texas, U.S.A. 

BUNT, JOHN FARR, Seaman, a native of England, last heard of in September. 1868. Now In Amerl«E 


SPECIAL LIST No. 9. 171 

JENKINS, MART W., daughter ofFroaols John Jenkins, who left Gnirland for America many years ajEu. 

King's Co., Ireland, who went to America many years ago. 


EBNNEALIiT, EDWARD, residing In Canada, 1820 to 1831). 

KINa, JOHN, residing in LowTllle, N.Y., U.S. A., in or about the year 1883. 

KNAPP FAMILT, Ibrmerly of England, now residing in America. 

IiAWTON FAMILr, residing in Amerloa. 

LBDEBBR, OEOROE, who fell Oermany A>r America in or prevloua to 1879. 

LEDOER, JOHN, SARAH, and HBNaT, foi-merly of England, nov residing In America. 

LEIOHTON, ROBERT, a Blacksmith residing In New Tork City, about 1832. 

LEONARD, WILLIAM, ormerly of Dublin, Ireland, now residing in America. 

liBVI. ANTONIO, formerly of Castel S. Pletro, Tlclno ; supposed to be residing in Califomta, U.S.A. 

UTTLE, JOSEPH, MARGARET, and JANE, formerly of Ireland ;then of Moriah, Essex Co., N.T., U.&A. 

liOTO, SAMCEIj p., residing In New Fork City, in or about the year 1810. 

MGCAGIIE, Mr& ANN. (Maiden name, DARK), a native of Scotland ; now residing in America. 

MoCANNA, PATRICK, formerly ofCo. Longford, who lelt Ireland for America in 1869. 

UcCAROOW, WILLIAM, M D„ now*rlat« of Caledonia, Ont., Canada. 

MACFARLANE. ANDREW, Joiner, formerly of Scotland ;irhcn last heard of was at Allentown, Pa., U.S,A. 

MoCENTT, or RILEY, JANET, formerly of Cork, who left Ireland for Amerlea some veara ago. 

HoLARDY, ADAM, a natlre of Scotland, last heard of in Oregon, D.S.A. 

HcLAROY, Miss ANN B, a Teacher, now or late of Ottawa, Out., Canada. 

McLARDY, Mrs. CHARLOTTE (see Mrs. Charlotte Denham). 

McLARDY, ELIZABETH (see Elizabeth Stirling). 

McLARDY, HEN RY RANKINB, now or late of Oreenback, near Woodstock, N.B., Canada. 

McLARDY, JANET (see Janet Bertram.) 

McLARDY, JOHN, a Baker, now or late of Delanco, Burlington Co., N.J., U.S. A. 

McLARDY, MART (see Mrs. Mary Brown). 

MoLARDY, THOMAS, now or late of Victoria, British Columbia 

McPHERSON, GEORGE, now or recently with Messrs. H. B. Giaflin and Co., New Tork City. 

McPHBRSON, REBECCA (see Mrs. Rebecca Applegarthj. 

MoPHERSON, ROBBRT M, now or late If Collingwood, Co. Slmcoe, Ont., Canada. 

MAN DALL, NICHOLAS, formerly of Lancashire, who left Gngland for America m December, 1871. 

MARSHALL. HBNRT A., who married Alice Jones, in Albany, N.Y. Cr.S.A., about 1876. 

MASON, MARY ANN (see Mary Ann Barty). 

aiAXWBLL, JOHN M., residing in New York City, U.S.A., about 1832. 

MAYNARD, Mrs. MART, now residing in America. . „ , .. . . .... 

MILLER, THOMAS MASON RBBD, formerly of Newcastleon-Tyne, who left England for America in lUL 

MONCK, CHARLES STEPHENS, last heard of in 1872, at Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A. 

MORRIS, MACK, now or recently residing in California, U.S.A. 

MUNDBN, HBNRY. now or late of Brigus, Newfoundland. 

MURPHY, ANNA, last heard of at Indianapolis, Ind , D AA., about 1871. 

MURPHY. EDWARD, formerly of Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, and afterwards of Olndnnatl, Ohio, U.S.A. 

MURRAY, ALEXANDER, and Co., of No. 81, New Street, New York City, in 1842. 

NORTON, Mrs JULIA V., residing in America. 

NURSE, HBNRT, formerly of Co Suffolk, England, now residing In America. 

O'BRIEN, JAMBS, and ROBERT WILLIAM, who left England in 1869, for Newark, US.A 

ffCONNELL, PETER, of Co. Limerick, Ireland; when last heard of in 1878, wasat Milwaukee, Wia., TSAA. 

ODDY. THOMAS, formerly of Yorkshire, who left England for America about 1866. 

OMANS, HANNAH. (See Mrs. Hannah Drayton.) 

©"NBILL. PATRICK E., formerly of Co. Donegal, Ireland, now residing in America. 

PARKER, CHARLES T., residing in America. „ _ „ „ . 

PARO, Mrs. JOB, formerly of Montreal, Que., Canada ; afterwards of N.Y., U.S.A. 

PARSLOW, WILLIAM FRANK, or LOCT, now or recently residing in America. 

PAYNE, (30RNELIUS W., residing in America. 

PBIGBB, DB (see Monsieur De Pelger). . ^ . _, . _, .,..,» 

PIOKELMANN, ULRICH, formerly of Enchenbach, Germany, who went to America in or prenoua to 1S7& 

nRNBR, JOH. HEINR., formerly of ffelher, Oermany, who went to America in nr previous to 1870. 

POETTICHBR, HERMAN, now or late of 117, North 6th Street, Wllllanwburgh, N. Y., U.S.A. 

POSEY, JAMBS, last heard of in New Orleans, La.. U.S. A: 

EAMMBLSBBRG, CHARLES, late 4gent in the U.S.A. for the Stettin line. 

BAPBR, FELIX VINCENT, who left England for America in or about the year 1871. 

REYNOLDS, ROBBBT,a natlveofIreland;allerwardsofBastFlamboro', Ont., Canada. „ - , 

BIELY, FRANCIS, of Co. Meath, Ireland. In 1673, waaa Partner in brickmaklng, near Terrell, Tesas, n.S,4i 

EILBT, JANET (see Janet McKenty). „ .. » r, = . 

BILET, WILLIAM, Gunsmith, now or late of 68, New Block Street, , Connecticut, U.S.A. 

ROGERS HABRT, formerly of Co. Pembroke, Wales, England, was at Stockton, CaL, n.S.A., In 186*. 

ROONEY, ANN or NANCY. (See Mrs. Ann or Nancy Culgan.) 

BOW, ANNA and JOHN, formerly of Co. Herts, Eng. ; now residing in America. 

ROWLANDS, THOMAS. (See John Jeane Colman.) 

RYAN, ELLEN, formerly of Co. Sligo, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

SACKBTT, SAMUEL, residing in New Tork City, in or about the year 1810. 

SARGEN'T, THOMAS BLBNNEBHASSET, Surgeon, residing In New York City, U.S. A., to 1873. 

8AUTER, CHRISTIAN ALBRECHT, of Hersbruck, Oermany, who went to America in or previous to lfl» 

SOANLAN, DANIEL, residing at Brandon, Vermont, U.S.A., in or about 1809. . ^ j. 

SHBBHAlJ, MARIA, who left Liverpool, England, about the year 186i), for Montreal, or Toronto Canada 

8H0RTT, Family ot formerly of Co. Tyrone, Ireland, now residing in America. 

SINCLAIR, BARBARA. (See Mrs Robert Grant.) 

SINCLAIR FAMILY, formerly of Scotland, now residing in America. 

SMITH, Mrs. ELLEN. (Soe Walsh Family. j „.,..,.,. j ,, xr „ y„v it a a in i«7« 

SMITH, JOHN and MARGARET, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland ; last heard of in New Tork, U.S. A., In 187*. 

SMITH. WHITFIELD, Veterinary Surgeon, who left Llverpi.ol, England, for America about 18i)5. 

80UTEB. JOSEPH, a native of Forfarshire, Scotland, reai.iing near CooEstown, Ontano, Canada, about 1858. 

STANTON, Mrs. ESTHER, formerly of England j last heard of at St. George's, Co. Brant, Ont., Canada 

STEWARI:, CHARLES, a native of Scotland, now residing in Amei-ica. 

^^\§!l:^lS^^&?^l^^^C^f'il^t^^^ MORION STIRLING, now or late» 
maker, of Windsor, N.S., Canada. ^^, , . 

SUOCH, JOSEPH, a native of Italy, nowjesiding in America. ,rf„,„,„ia7/> 

SUSS CHRISTIAN, formerly of Guntersreith, Germany, who w Jnt to America in or previous to 187a 
BUTdLIFFE,JAMKS, residing in Canada, or the U.S.A. „ , r, = « ,c.o- 

TOLWOKTHT, GEORGE WIELIAM, who left England for New Tork, U.S.A., l86o. 
TROOD, JANE. (See John Jeane Colman.) , , , „ , ,, , . „ 

UBBBRROThT AMANDA, residing in Philadelphia, Pa., or elsewhere to An.enca. 

W^H l'AMTLY^o4er\y'^f fiTyn^^^^^ who left Ireland for America about 1847. 

^il?A^^AffiirL'D''b°'fSriyi?s:'S . , , 

WARM& MA^B^i (iaiden name Johnson), formeHy of King's Co., Ireland, now reading In America. 
WBlG-|T''T!^*O^TS^tl,^nd h«*^'feLd,J0HN WRIGHT or . vc^stle-on-Tyne, Eng., uowuiAmeri. 



The following persons (or their heirs) are entitled to property. Address J. B. MARTIN 
DAI.E, 14!i lia Salle Street, CUcago, Illinois, stating all facts on which claim is based 
[See pages 6, 7 and 6 of this Manual.] 

ACFOKD. RO BERT OWEN, formerly of London, England ; now residing in America. 

ACEEBUAN, DAVID R., last heard of la f hiladelpbia, O.S.A. 

AHERN, JOHN, a native of EiUorKi'ii, Co. Kerry, Ireland ; last heard of at Fouglikeepsle, K.T., TJ.BJL 

ALC'OKN, JAMES FRANK, now residing in America. 

ALLCUCE, SAUUEL, supposed to hare gone la 1891, to Salt Lake City, Utah, (7.8.A., along with hu mother. 

ALSON, WILLIAM, hi the U.S. Navy, 1865. 

ANDREAB, FRANCISCA VON (Maiden name, SEWIGH) ; next of kin of, hi Amenoa. 

ARCHIDALD, Mrs. ALICE (Maiden name, TAYLOR) ; recently residmg at Egmond Villa, Ont., Canada. 

ATKINSON, MILTON B., residingln America. 

ADTRAM, CHARLES WILLIAM WOODROW, in 1872, Clerk in Small-Pox Hospital, N.T. City, a.S.A. 

BAILHACHE, CLBMBNT NICOLLE, last heard of at Salem, Mass., V.S.A., in 1804. 

BAKER, BARRY, Boatswam'a Mate, U.S. Navy, 1866. 

BALDWIN, FRANKLIN, formerly of Co. Cork, Ireland; now residing in America. 

BALL, aUILDFORU, a Seaman in the U.S. Navy, 1863.6. 

BALL, L. C„ formerly of Ohio, In 1864 Assistant Master's Mate, U.S. Navy. 

BALLANCB, IS AAC, formerly of Co. Antrim, Ireland. Went to Ameiica about ISTo. 

BALUAIN, JAMBS H., last heard of at 86, OourciLe Street, New York Citv, U. s. A. 

BAMBER, MARGARET. (Maiden name, WILKINSON), who left tinglaud for Amciicaprevious to the year 18SS, 

BARBER, WILLIAM, formerly of Liverpool, Eogland; residing in Ameiica in 1805. 

BARBOUR,. JAUES, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1862 

BARLOW, JAME;j ALFRED, who was Uving with Mr. Grundy, or Mr. Spinks, of Faterson, M.J., U.S.A. 

BARNES, ROBERT JOHN ; lant heard of at Kingston, Ont., Canada. 

Barnes, SAMUEL WILLIAM ; last heard of at Stamford, Oat., Canada. 

BATh.S, N. D., First Assistant Engineer, U.S. Navy, 18B3 

BaDTISTA, JUAN, a native of Cuba ; now residing in America. 

BEAUFORT, FRANCIS, a Gunner in the U.S. Navy, 1862 3. 

BEEM FAMILY, residihjg in Houghton, Canada, about 1855. 

BENSON FAMILY, formerly of Co. Cork, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

BILLBROW, ROBERT, Qr. Gr., U.S. Navy, 1865. 

BLACKWKLL, JOHN, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1861. 

BLAIN or BLAINE, WILLIAM, Coai-heaver, U.S. Navy, 18634. 

BLAIR ROBERr BROWNJ5, formerly of Berwickshire, Scotland; now residing In Amerlo^ 

BODINE, ELLA, now or lately resiuing in Brookl>n, N.Y., U.S.A 

BOOTLE and JOHNSON, of New Providence, 1826. 

BORLAND, DAVID, in 1873, residing in the Co. of Bruce, Ont., Canada. 

BOYD, JOHN J.^reslding in America. „„„ 

BRA JBRAKE, WILLLAM, OrdluMV SeamTn. U.S. Navy, 1863. 

BRADHHAW, iaaiLY. (See Mrs. EmUv CopelanJ 

BRAINARD, PHILIP, last heard of at Holyoke, Mass., U.S.A. 

BRASUAMP, Mrs. MARY (Maiden name, aHERI UAN). married In New Jersey, U.S., in 186IL 

BRISKE LOUIS, who left Prussia for America in or about the year 1870. 

BRISTOL, MILES A., who resided hi Miss , U.S.A., ITom 1846 to 1865. 

BROCKENBERGBR, H., a Seaman in the U.S. Navy, 1863.6. 

BRODRICK FAMILY, residing In America 

BROWN, MARY ANN. (See Mary A^n Wilson.) 

BROWN, PETER, Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

BRUNT WILLIAM, left Prankliu Ca, N.Y., about 1827 for N.J., U.S.A. His parents were from Ireland. 

BRYSoir, HUGH, in 1878. was at Samish, Whatcom Co., Wash. Terr., and afterwardi went to Callforula, U.S. A 

BUCKLEY, JOHN, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

BtTRKB ANNE, BRIDGET, and MARGARET, formerly of Co. Galway, Ireland; now residing in America. 

BDRKE ARTHUR; emigrated to the Dnited States, and last heard of m 1869. 

BURKE* MARY, daughter of John, who left Ireland for America about 1840. 

BURNS.'mICHAEL, in the U.S. Navy, 1865. 

BURROUGHS, JOHN HEGEMAN, now or formerly of Queen's Co., N.Y , U.S.A. 

BURTON CHARLOTTE (Maiden name, ELLIS), now or formerly of Palmyra, Wis., U.S. A- 

CADDIl^ RICHARD, was la Ciacinnati in 1832 ; afterwards joined the Wcslejans, and went South. 

CAMBRlDGBiS.D., Officer's Steward, U.S Navy 1863. . ^. „ , 

CAMERON, CHRISTIN A C, now or recently residing at Samia, Ont , Canada. 

CAMPBELL, LEWIS, last heard of on the fl-ontier or Texas, U.S. A. 

CAPPS MraEMMAlMaidenname, GOODWIN); Representatives of, residing in America. 

CARftdLL PATRICK and ANN, bom near Oldcastle, Irelaad ; went to New York, U.S.A., iu 1818. 

CARTER. 6SQAR, formerly with Mr. Fayer, in Buffalo, N . Y., and said to have served in the U.S. Army. 

CARTER, WILLIAM, bom iu Philadelphia., U.S.A., about 1820. His mother's given name was Jane. 

CARTWRIGHT FAMILY, Representatives of, residing in America. 

CARTWRIGHT, W. and BENJAMIN, now residing in America. 

CASalDY ROSANNA (See Mrs. Rosanna McCallum, or McCullum.) 

CATHCAftT FAMILY, formerly of Ireland ; now residing iu America. 

CAVIE EDWARD F., formerly of England ; now residing in America. 

CHALMERS 4LISON, in 1861, of Hdinburgh, ScotUind; now residing hi Amerloi 

CHAMBERLAIN, NA'THAN, late of Co. Leeds, Ont., Canada. 

OHAPPEL. DEODOTUS, a Seaman in the U.S. Navy, 1863-5. 

CHARLBS. JOHN JARVIS, who left Liverpool, Eng., for America to 1831. 

CHAUVEiCt JUAiN LUIS, supposed to have residec, in Texas, U.S.A. 

rfilsHOLM JANE, formerly UEDDBS, who left Dumfriesshire, Scotland, for Canada, about 18681 

CLARK S. i.. Third Assistant Bngmeer in the U.S. Navy, iu LS63. 

rl^ARKk GEORGE BOOTH, who loft Mr. Duckett, with a Farmer going to Owen Sound, Canad*. 

ri EMENT.S THOMAS, who left England for California about the year 1830. 

CO JlUY FaAiLY, formerly of Co. Kilkeuny, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

coLcLOOGH FAMILY, residing in America. 

COLE ISaS, now or formerly oTPhiladolphia, Pa., U.S.A. 

rnr.R LEONARD. (See Leonard Stanley.) 

COLlIns ISABELLA, formerly of Scotland ; lately livmg iu Houston and White Streets, N.T. City, O.a A 

COLLINS'. LEMUEL, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1861. 

eoNLON or DICK, JAMES, a Sailor, who went to about 1676 
rn\ WAY PATRICK, formerly of Ailsttalia ; now supposed to reside in America. 
CuOK EDWARD H,aSaddler, residing InNew York City, U.S.A., about 1864. 
COOK. HENRY. Boatswain's Mate, U.S. Navy, 1804. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 10. 173 

COPELAM, Kn. EMILT (Maiden turns, BaA.DSHA.WI ; no* residing In AmertoL 

CORCORAN, PAT, a Seaman In tUB U.Ef. Navy, 18S3.6. 

COYLE, BRIDQET, a native of Co. Longford, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

CRAIO, JOSHUA JOHN, formely of Dublin, Ireland ; Children of , re«idiug in Ameriofc 

CBOOE FAMILT. formerlv of England ; now residing in America. 

CROWELIEN, ROWLAN D, who fii 1859 was a Merchant in Now Tort atv, n.S. A. 

CROWELIi, A. F., Third Assistantl Engineer, in the U.S. Navv, 1802-3. ' 

CUMBERLAND, HENRY JAHBS, formerl; of England ; now residing in America. 

CUMMINS, JAMES, a native of England -, now residing in Michigan, U S.A. 

OUNNINOHAM, WILLIAM ALLAN , recently residing in Toronto, Caiiaxi a. 

OURRELL, WILLIAM, formerly of BeUtist, Ireland ; lately residing in VTest 16th Street, N.Y. City, 0.8 ^ 

DALE, DANIEL, formerly of Hampshire, England : afterwards a Farmer, near Louisville, Kans., U.S,A. 

DALTON, THOMAS, Seaman, U.S . Navy, 1861. 

DAROAN, MICHAEL C, who left Dublin, Ireland, for America In 1862. 

DART, THOMAS, formerly of Devonshire, who left England for America about ISM. 

DAVIDSON, J R., Thh:d Assistant Rngineer in the U.S. Navy, ISM 

DAVIES, or DAY18, JULIANA ELIZA (otherwise SIMS), last heard of at Salt J^a' City, Utah, U.S.A. 

DAVIS, John, formerly of Co. Donegal, Ireland; now residing in America. 

DECKER, E. A., a Pilot, U.S. Navy, In 1803. 

DELVERT, HANNAH, who formerly radioed at No. 393, Second Street, South Boston, U.S.A. 

DICE, or CONLON, JAMES, a Sailor, who went to America about 1870. 

DILLON, JOSEPH K., who in 1896 Ties in business in Washington Street Market, N. 7., U.S.A. 

DILLON. NICHOLAS, formerly of New York, Third Assistant Engineer, U.S. Navy, 186,<-4. 

DINSMA3I, DANIEL. Seaman, U.S. Navy. 1862. 

DONNELL, JOHN O., Landsman, U.S. Il^avy, 1802. 

DONOVAN, JOHN, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1863, 

DONOVAN, ROBERT, bom about 1847 ; was residing In Arizona Terr., U.S.A., in 1879. 

DORAN, ALEXANDER, supposed to be residing in Canada. 

DOWDALL, or MURRAY, ALICE, residing in Leavenworth City, Eas, U.S.A., about 1370k 

DOWDaLL. or LEE, MARY, residing in Leavenworth City, Kas. U.S.A., about 1870. 

DOWNES FAMILY, formerly of England ; now residing in America. 

DOWNES, HENRYiLandsman, U.S. Navy, 1882. 

DOWNING FAMILY, formerly of Co. CorK, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

DOYLE, JOHN, Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1S02. 

DRISCOLL, PAT, Coal-heaver, U.S. Navy, 186L 

DROUOHAN, ROSA, formerly of Co. Fermanagh, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

DRUMMONO, TERRANCE, who left Glasgow, Scotland, for America, about 1S66. 

DUMEH ASE, HEIN RICH EDWARD, a Sailor on the " Rhine ; " sailed fi:om Havre, France, for N.T , 1861 

DUNLOP, JAMES, Merchant, of Montreal. Canada. 

DUVEBUIER DB LA VALBTTB, JEANB., of New York, U.S.A.,in 1810. 

DWYER, JOHN, formerly of Co. Tipperary, Ireland ; afterwaids of New York, or St. Louis, U.S.A 

EAGER, PAT, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1803. 

EDWARDS, JAMES MOLYNEUX, an Engineer; formerly of New Jersey, 1T.S.A. 

ELLIS, CHARLOTTE. (See Charlotte Burton.) 

ELLIS, SARAH, formerly of Co. Kent, who left England for America some years ago. 

ELLVBRTON, CATHEKINB. (See James, William, and Catherine Fitzgerald.) 

KLVERT, CATHERINE (Mainen name, FITZGERALD), formerlv of Co. Wexford, now residing in America. 

ENGLISH, CHARLES ALFRED, formerly of the 6th U.S. Infantry. 

EREXSOL. or ERfilCSON, MAKY JAN E, now or formerly of Palmyra, Wis., U.S. A. 

FALLON FAMILY, foi-merly of Co. Oalway, Ireland; resluing in New York City about 1167. 

FARRELL, Mrs. HAN N AH, who resided at 310, East 27th Street, and in 31st St., New York, U.S. A., in 1877. 

FATHOM, JAMES, last heard of in Philadelphia, Fa., U.S.A., in 1806. 

FEARBNSIDE, WILLIAM, formerly of Yorkshire and Hampshire, Eng. ; afterwards of Philadelphia, U.S.A. 

FEIX, SEBASTXEN, Landsman, U.S. Navy, lSOl-6. 

FERGUSON, CATHERINE (or KATE), ISABELLA (or BELL), who left Scotland for Canada vith thelt 

fiither, between 1820 and 1830. 
FINDLAY, MARGARET and WILLIAM, last heard of at Cohoes, N.Y , U.S.A. 
FINNIE, JOHN and DAVID, brothers, formerly of Scotland, now residing in Amerita. 
FITZGERALD, JAMES, WILLIAM, ana CATHERINE, natives of Co. Wexford, Ireland, now residing la 

America. James emigrated about 1847, and when last heard of, was in Cleveland, U.S.A. Catherlnt 

married Patrick BUverton, a Blacksmith. 
FLEMING, SAMUEL, of Peebles, Scotland, and recently iworking as a Stone-cutter in New York, U.&A. 
FLEMMING, GEORGE, in 1873 was employed in the Daily Ximea Office, Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A. 
FLBTCHISR, HENRY, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 
FLING, MARTIN, a llsherman, of Noirfoundiand, in 1818. 
FLOWERS, QEOKGE THOMAS, now residing in America. 
FOLEY, KATE, formerly of Co. Leitrim, Ireland ; now residing In America. 
FORREST, JOHN, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1863. > 

FORSBY, SAMUEL, a Fishei-man, of Fortune Bay, Newfoundland, in 1814. 
PRAMPTON, ROBERT, Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 

FRANCIS, FREDERICK WILLIAM, wholett Sydney, N.S. W., for London, 1808 ; now reatdlng la Amerloft. 
FRANKLIN, JANE. (See Jane Robinson.) 
FRBY, MARY, residing in New Jersey, or elsewhere in America. 
GARLAND, FRANK, a Seaman in the U.& Navy, 1862-6. 
GEDDES, JANE. (See Jane Chisholm.) 
GIFFoRD, WILLIAM, a Seaman in the IIS. Navv, 1863-6. 

GILDERSLEB VB, Mrs. HETTY (Maiden name, WARD) ; now residing In America. 
GILLESPIE, GEORGE, a native of Scotland j supposed to be residing in America. 
GILLILAND, ELLEN, who with her husband left Ireland for America in 18^12. 
GOODWIN, EMMA. (See Mrs. Emma Capps.) 
GORDON, WILLIAM, C.A.G., U.S. Navy, 1863. 

OOTTEL, RICHARD, formerly of Xwndon, England ; now residing in America. 

GRAHAM JAMBS, who left Edinbur^ Scotland, for America, about 1840, with his wife and childxVD. 
GRAHAM, JOHN PILOT, formerly ofEngland ; now residing in America. 

GRANT, MICHAEL, formerly of Co. Kerry, Ireland ; afterwards of Boston Highlands, Mass., U.S.A. 
GRAPER, FRED , Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1861-6. . „ ^ 
GRAY, GIBSON, last heard of at Fonthlll, Co. Wolland, Ont., Canada. 

GREEN JAMBS, in 1839 residing in New York, U.S. A., and who married Aune MoLellan, of that city. 
green', THOMAS, of Green's Pond, Newfoundland, Planter. 
GUSTAVE, CONHAD, aSeamanin the U.S. Navy, 1863-6. 
BAGAN, JAMES, Assistant Master's Mate, U.S. Navy, 1861. 
HALE, GEORGE, or JOHN B., Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1802. 
HANSON, HENRY, Onlinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

Second AasistaDt Enelneer in the TJ.iB. Nai ^ . 

, about 1 


HAWTHORNE, JOHK BRADFORD, now residing in Amario*. 

HATDBN, WILLIAM H, First ClaasBoy, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

HATES, GEORGE, Seaman, U.S. Na\ry, 1883. 

HAYBS, JOHN, residing in Henry street. New Torli, U.S.A., mtbe summer of 1S80. 

HEALY, AUSTIN and SARAH, cliildren of James ; who left Co. Mayo, Ireland, for Amerim cbeat ISM 

BEALT, FATUICE, wlio left Co. Kerry. Ireland, about 1862, for Xenia, Ohio, U.S.A. 

HEATH, JULIA W. (formerly DOWNKS), now residing in America. 

HEBBLETHW AITE, MARE, last heard of at CleTelaud, Ohio, U.S.A. 

HEN RT, MARY. (See Maty Parker. ( 

HERNANDEZ, ANDRES V, anative of Cuba; now residing in America. 

HERRON, JOHN, last heard of at March, Ont., Canada. 

HIOHETT, Mrs. (Maiden name MOORE), formerly of Co. Warwick, England : now residmg in Amerlu, 

HIL L, ELIZABETH (otherwise JAQUES), formerly of Co. Rutland, England : now residing in America. 

B.1LLIARD, JOHN, who left Ireland for America, with his aunt, m 1860. 

HITCHCOCK, FHOSBE (Maiden name, OAKLEY), last heard of at Yonkers, N.T., U.S.A. 

HODGSON FAMILY, formerly of Co. Cumberland, England: now residing in America. 

HOLME. THOMAS CROSS, formerly of England : now residing in America. 

HORNFIELD. SAMUEL, a Seaman in the U.S. Navy, 1863-6. 

HOWARD, COUNEL1U.S, a native of Co. Cork, Ireland ; wan in St. Paul, Minn., n.S.A., in 1880: 

HOWELL, EDWARD C, Quartermaster in the U.S. Navy, 1862. 

BUFF, JOHN, Second Assistant En^neer in the U.S. Navy, 1863. 

HUGHES. RACHEL and HANNAH, sisteta, natives of England ; now residing in America. 

HYDE, EMMA and ANNB, daughter of John Hyde, who. in 18u6, kept the Tontine ColTee House, N.f., U.3. A. 

HYNES, Miss MARIA, who left Ireland for America about 1862. 

JACKSON, THOMAS, formerly of Lincolnslure, England ; now residing in America. 

JACOBS, JOHN, C.F C , U.S. Navy, 1863. 

JAQUES. ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth HilL) 

JONES, GRIFFITH (or GRIFFITH LEWIS), of Elko, Nevada, O.S A., in 1869. 

KANE. JOHANNA, formerly of MaysviUe, Ky„ residing in Keokuk, Iowa, U.S.A., about 1868. 

KEATING, WILLIAM J., a.Seaman In the VTM. Navy, 1863-5 

KEITH, JULIA W. (formerly DOWNES), now residing in America 

KKfiTiY. THOMAS, of Co. Waterford, Ireland: now residing in Ameiiva. 

Kelly; WILLIAM, a Tinsmith, a native of Manchester, England ; afterwards of Boston, U.S.A. 

EENAH. GEORGE and ANNE, residing in America. 

KENEALT, JOHN, formerly of New York, Third Assistant Engineer U.S. Navy, 1861-1865. 

KENEHAN, JOHN, and his sister, ROSE, formerly of King's Co.. Ireland; now residing in America. 

KENNEALEY. MICHAEL, last heard of in Boston, Mass., U.S.A. 

KENNEALY, JOHN, who was at Quebec, Omada, In 1828. with his Regunent, the 63th British Infantrr. 

KERFOOT FAMILY, formerly of Ireland ; now residing in America. 

KINNEY, JAMES, in 1850 residing in Bye, Westchester Co., N. Y., U.8.A. 

KLEIN, PETER, formerly of Arnsburg, Prussia ; now residing in America. 

KNOX, MARY, formerly of Co. Londonderry, Ireland ; now residing in AmericM. 

KOOP FAMILY, formerly of Germany ; now residing in America. 

KOTESSY, JOHN, a native of HungtuT, now residing in Amenca. 

KUHL, HUGH, formerly of England ; was Acting Ensign in the U.S. Navy, 1863-C 

LACKNEB, GEORGE, a native of Austria, who went to America some years ago. 

LAFOY, or LAFARGE, PEBICHA A. ; Relatives of, residing in America. 


I.AWDEY, CHARLES ALEXANDER, tormerly of Halii^ N.S., Canada. 

LEARY, jbHN, of Philadelphia, Pa^ U.S.A. in 1837. 

XECOMFTE, JULIUS, i%sidlDgin Houston, Texas, U.S.A., between 1855 and 18ea 

XEE. MARY. (See Mary Dowdall.) 

LEIGH, JOHN E., formelly of Lancashire ; who left England for America about 1871. 

LEVER, JOHN, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 

LEVERMORE FAMILY; Representatives of, supposed to be residing in America. 

LEVERTON, WILLIAM, formerly of Nottinghamshire, who left Kngland for America some years agOb 

ULLEY, ELIZABETH and JOSHUA ; last heai-d of at Toronto, Clmton Co., Iowa, D.S.A. 

LINO, JOHN A., Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 

LITTLEWOOD, JANE, formerly of England ; now residing In America. 

LOMBARD, GASToN LOUIS, a native of Angers, France, now residing In America. 

LOWE, WlIiLIAMandCHARLES, natives of Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, En^.and; now residing in America. 

LYNCH, MARY, born about 1862; was in Cincinnati Hospital in 1872. 

LYNSKEY, BRIDGET, wife of Dominick, who left Ireland for America about 1810. 

MoADAMSlS. H., formerly of New York, Assistant Master's Mate, U.S. Navy, 1861-1866. 

MoAN D KEW, HAN NA, formerly of Co. Sllgo : now residing in Boston, Mass., or elsewhere in America. 

MACAULEY, JOHN, MICHAEL, and PATRICK, natives of Co. Leitrim, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

UoBAIN, Reverend JAMES AFFLECK FRASER, and bis wife, MARY M. (Maiden name, QUIN); now or 
recently residing at Chatham, N.B., Canada. 

McCABE, JOHN, Coal-heaver, U.S. Navy, 1882. 

MoCALLIJM, or McCCLLOM, Mrs. ROSANNA (Maiden name, CASSIDY), with her three children. lesiding 
in New York aiy, U.S.A., in 1865. 

MoGARTHY, ANN (Maiden name,TWIGG). It is believed that her husband, George McCarthy, with several «l 
their children, emigrated to America. 

McCarthy family, formerlj of London, England; now residing in America* 

UoCONNELL, JAMES, Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 

MoCDLLUM, ROSANNA. (See Mrs Rosanna McC^tlum.) 

MoDON ALD, HUGH, Second Class Fireman in the U.S. Navy, 1862-4.' 

MoDONOGH, Miss HARRIETT, of Boston, Mass, U.S.A., in 1816. 

UoDOWELL, ROBERT, who owned land in Texas, U.S.A.,.about 185ft 

MoHUGH, PATRICK, who left Dublin, Ireland, for America in 1837. 

MoINTYRE, JOHN, formerly of Co. Londonderry, Ireland ; last heard of in Illinois, U.BL A* 

MoLELLAN, ANNE. (See James Green.) 

MoLEOD, FRAN CIS, formerly of New York; in 1881, a Boatawain in the U.S. Navy. 

MoLOUGHLlN, ELEANOR, who left Springhill, Ireland, for America about the year 186S. 

MoMALLEN, NEWTON, last heard of in 1846, in Texas, U.S.A. 

MoNAMARA, Miss ELLIE, formerly of Ca Limerick, Ireland : noT residing in Amenca. 

MoNAMARA, MICHAEL, Second Class Fireman, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

MoNELLY, JOHN, a Seaman in the U.S. Navy, 1883-5. 

MADuISON, BRIDGET (otherwise WRENCH) ; Children of, residhigin America. 

MAGINNE3S, ALEXANDER, and NOBLE, formerly of Co. Aimagh, Ireland; now residing In Ameiloa. 

MAISEY, J0i3, who left England In 1866. Was at Cass River, Watrosville, TuscoU Co., Mich., U.S.A.. In UNl 

MARCKWALU, ALEXANDER, who left Prussia fer the U.S.A. in 1808. 

UAULE, THOMAS, residing in Pearl Street, New York, U.S.A., in 18Q8> 

MAY, CHARLES, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1803. 

MAY JOHN, formerly of ii^ngland ; now residing in America. 

MENDORG A. EMANUEL, Gunner's Mate, U.S. Navy, 186f>, 

UILLER, JTH., Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1861. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 10. 175- 

MILIiEie, THOMAS Moll., Itannerly of Massachusetts ; in IS66, an Ensign In tbg IT.S. Vtsrj. 

MINOT, LOUISA, formerly of Jamaica : drowned off the coast of Texas, U.S.A.» in 1852. 

MOLLNAN, LADISLAUS, a native of Hungary ; supposed to reside in America. 

MONTAOpfciJOHN.iultes, ttPUot (proVsiblyRiyer) inthen.S. Navy. , „ „ „=. 

MON YH A^, HENRY, a native of Co. lamerlok, Ireland i in 18(i8 was at Baavor Springs, Snyder Co., Pfc, U,S.A.. 

M0ORE,^iss. (See Mrs Highett.) 

MOORS, aTTFUS. la£t heard of at Oroton, Mass., U.S.A. 

MO R&AN, THOMAS, of Shoe Cove, Kowtoundland, in 1811. 

MORRIS, THOMAS, a Bricklayer, who left Liverpool, England, for' America about 1870. „-. , ,... 

MORTON, WILLIAM, and MARY, his wife (Maiden name, ROCHBLLE); lett S.O., for Te«ia,D.S.A., In 1831k 

MnLLEN, JOS., Private, Marines, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

MtTRFHY, CORNELl Hi, a Seaman in the U.S. Navy, 1863.6. 

MDRRAT, ALIOB. (See Alice Dowdall.l 

NEILO, JOSEPH, now or recently residing at Dresden, Ohio, U.S. A. 

NETHERSOLE, GEO ROE F., formerly of Dover, England ; now residing In America. 

NICHOLAS, QBOBGE. Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

NICHOLSON, MICHAEL, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1862. „ , „_.__. 

SORRiS, Mrs. PHALON, formerly of San Fi-ancisco ; afterwards of Pulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S. A. 

NORTON, MARY, formerly of Co. Galway, Ireland ; residing in Brcjoklyn and Aew York, n.S.A.,ln ISBa,. 

NUTTER, RUFUS, a Seaman in the U.S. Navy, 1862-S. 

OAKES,SARAH, JAMES, and WILLIAM; last heard of in Toronto, Canada. „„™„„ 

OAKLEY, ISAAC, residing In Westchester Co., N.Y., U.S. A., about 1797 ; and his daughter FHWUJt, 

CB RIEN, AON BS, who resided in 1870 in the City of Albany, N. Y., U.S.A. 

O'BRIEN. JAMES, a Contractor on the Erie R.R., U.S.A., in 1841. 

O'BRIEN, JULIA, formerly residing at 303, Second Street, South Boston, U.S.A. 

O'BRIEN, MICHAEL, Second Class Fireman, U.S. Navy, 1862. „ , ™^ tt = . 

O'CONNOR. J. K., who in 1876 was In a Law OfBoe, at No. 120, Broadway, New York City, U.S.A. 

O'DONNELL, JOHN, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 

OHLSBN, CHARLES, a Searuan in the D.S. Navy, 1882.6. 

CMEALBY, JOHN, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

CNBAL, PAT, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1862, , ... „^ .. .„ .»• ,. tt o . 

CNBIL, BRIDGET and DANIEL ; when last of; were residing In the State of New York, U.S. A. 

O-NEIL orO'NEILL, ROSA, who came from Canada to New York City, U.S.A., albw yeare ago. 

OVATT.JAMES, a Seamanln the U.S. Navy, 1863-6. 

OWBNSON, JOHN, Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1863. 

PAC cIY, JOSEPH, who ) eft England for America in or about the year 1865.„TraA 

PARKER, MARy" (Maiden name, HENRY), formerly of Albany, N.Y.; last heard of in N.Y. City, U.B.A.. 

PARSONS, GEORGE, a native of England ; was at Sodoriis, Champaign Co., Ills., U.S. A., In 18»"- 

PARSONS, JOHN H., a native of England; was at SUver Star Hotel, Corrine, Utah, U.S. A., la UIl. 

PARSONS, NICHOLAS, a native of England ; now residing in America. 

PATTISON, JOHN, last heard of at Houston, Texas. U.i.A. 

PEARSE, HENRY, now or lately residing at Whits Water, Wis., U.S.A. 

PEASB. or HARBOLDSON, MOLLIE, residing in America. 

FERKIN THOMAS, formerly of Leeds, Yorkshire, England ; now residing is Amerua. 

PETERKIN, DAVID, now orlatoly of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., U.S.A. 

PETERS, JOHN, a Seaman in the U.S. Navy, 1863-6. ■ 

PHELAN, LEILA TATEM, residing in the U, S.A. in 1868. 

PIERCE, Franklin, Gunner's Mate, U.S. Navy, 1863 -o. t „,, it q . .iv„,t irm 

PLCMMBR,EDWARD,formerlyofLondon,Eng.;rosidinj;ln New York raty,US.A.,aBoutl8ra. 

PODMORE, RICHARD LATHAM, formerly ofCo. Stafl&rd, England. When last heard of, in 1862, was ««> 

New Orleans, La., U.S.A. 
POST, DANIBL, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 186L „ , ^ . ., , .„.j„ 

PRICE, EDMUND ARTHUR, late of Co. Surrey, England; now residing in America. 

OUIN ANDREW, who sailed for America in September, 1873. „^*. ^^^^j- 

Suin' CHARLES WILLIS, and the Rev. JoltN CHAS. QtllN, last heard of at Port Dover, Ont.. Canada. 
Suin! MARY M. (See Reverend J. A. F. MoBain.) 

OUINN EDWARD and BRIDGET ; now residing in America. , , , ^ 

RANSON MARY, Of London, Bng., in or about the year 1790. Keprasentatives of; in America. 
RBADY, THOMAS A., Seaman, UTS. Navy, 1861. 

^?D^-&S#^fore'Sy&lie''o7thrilp "Preston;" and left 'or New Orleans US A. ^ 1871. 
REID Somas smith, formerly of London, Eng. In 1882, a Reporter or Sketcher for a New York Paper. 
RBNiON, ROBERT PEjfN, who left Dublin, Ireland, for New York, D.b^A., in i8»9. „ „^ . „ . „ „ . 
REYNOLfas ANNIE, of Ireland, bom about 1850, and lived in 18.58, m Albany, N.Y.. or Newark. N. J, O.S.A.. 
RLACH FAMILY, now or formerly residing in New Orleans. La., U.S.A. 
RIOBT ROBER'f EDWIN, formerly of the Bahamas; now residing in Ameru* 
RILEY; SYLVESTER, Second ClassTlreman, C.S, Navy, 1882.4. 
BILBY! THOMAS F., a Printer, residing in New York City,U.S.A., in 1863. 
ROBINSON, or FRANKLIN, JANE (coloured) ; now residing m America. 

ROCHBLLE, MARY. (See William and Mary Morton.) 

RODER, F BANCIS, a native of Hungary ; now supposed to reside in America. 

R0URKB,JAME8, Second Class Fireman, U.S. Navy, 1864. w— -ir™v it B a 

ROWLAND. HENilY, formerly of Holland ; supposed tn be residing in Brooklyn, or New York, U.B.A. 
RUNNALL&. HENRY, formerly of Penzan.;e, Uorawall, England ; now residing in America. 
BUSSMjrGK)RGE Mid THOMaS, natives of Co. Durham^ who left England for Canada about the year 181i. 
RYANWILLIAM, a native of Ireland, who went to Texas, n.S.A., 1830-1840. 

iifl^^^fil^'knllvV^SSt tTfir&™-<«« of I-ndon. Eng^^ 
SUHBAlJ. CHARLES, Second Class Fuoman, U.S. Navy. 1862-4. 
SOHULT^, henry, fcrmerly of Lelth, Sootand; now residing in Amerira. 
SCOTT. HEN RY M., formerly of Ohio ; Assistant MasteiJ Mate, U.S. Na^, in 1861. 
SEAMAN WlLLL^k H.. formerly residing at No. 466, Broadwajv N.Y. (Mj, V.S.A. 
SEWIGH, FBANOISCA. (See Francisca von Andreae.) 
SHAFER, JOHN H., in 1869 residing in Lancaster, Pa., C8.A. 
SHEPARD.JAMES, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1862, ,. , . ..j_ 

SHBRMaS, HELEk, bomtbout 1800. Family supposed to reside to Amerlea. 
SHERIDAN. MARY. (See Mrs. Mary Brasuamp i 

SHERWOOD. NANCY ANN, now or lately iesi5ing In Bangor, Maine, n.S.A. 
SHE VLLIN, BERNARD, a native of Co. Down, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
BHIBSTON, WILLIAM, Coxswain, C.S Navy, 1881. 

ik'^^/l^LJlli^N'IfLllN^'hoV^'G^^^^^^^^^ Ic^tlSSftir^i^-erlca. in 183L 

life iTAS:Y^AXor4fi is A emigi^d to America many year. ^ 

SIMS, JULIANA iLlZA. (See ioliana EUzaDavles. or Davis.) 

Im^LU A{.DAEwTiAMEs'!XllS-Scotland for Canada about the year mi. 


BMITH, CHARLES UERBEiaT, lata of Cambrldgmtalrs, England ; last hmni of In Toronto, Canada. 

SMITH, DANIEL, First Cla.-« Boy, U.S. Navy. 1883. 

SMITH, DAVID, JONATM AN, and JOSEPH, who left London, England, for America about the year lS3ft 

SMITH, JAMES, Boatswain in the U.S. Navy, In 1SS3. 

SMITH, JAMES (otherwise Irlth Jim Smith), last heard of In Texas, D.8.A. 

SMITH, JOHN, a Miller, formerly of Olrvaa, Ayrshire, Scotland ; now residing In Canada. 

BMITH, JOHN, a native of Scotland; lately residing in Sullivan Street, Toronto, Canada. 

SMITH, JOHN (Jack Smith), formerly residing in Oswego, N.Y., n.S.A. 

8M1TB, THOMAS, who left England for America about 1836; and was living at Mill River, Berkshire C* 

Mass., n.S.A., about 1866, 
8MITHBR, I'REO. N.J in 1863, Assistant Master's Mace in the U.S. Navy. 

SOMERS, SOMEBSalLIi, or SUMMERSOILL, OEORQE, who left England for America about 1842. 
80MBRS, SOMBRSGILL, or SUMMERSGILL, SARAH, who left Eog. for Cincinatti, U.S. A., about 1830. 
SOMMEL, PH. R., Upholsterer, formerly of Wuerzburg, Oermany; now residing in America. 
SPINNEY, C. W., Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1861. 

SPOFFOltD, LYDIA P., now or recently residhig at Manchester, N.H., U.S.A. 

STANLEY, LEONARD (otherwise uOLG), formeily of Texas ; and In the Western States of America in 1876^ 
8TEE0E, OEORQE, a Midshipman in the O.S. Navy, J 861. 
STEEL, QEOUOE, son of Daniel, who left England for Canada, in 1873. 
STEPHENS, EDWIN, Seaman, O.a Navy, 1863. 

8TKATHM0RE, AONES M. D. (afterwards THOMSON), last heard of In Toronto, .Canada. 
STRUBB, FBITZ, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1861-6. 
STOLTZ, ROBERT U., supposed to be residing In the U.S.A. 
STYLES, WILLIAM HAIL, and EMILY, his wife ; now residing In America. 
SOLLIVAN, ELLEN, and JAMBS, her brother; he was formerly In the Navy, and was last heard of ah 

Waterburr Cona, U.S.A., in August, 1880. 
SUMMERSaiLL, SARAH and OEOUOE. (See Sarah and Oeorge Somers, or SomersgilL) 
TANNER, JAMES, a Seaman in the U.S Navv, 186<i-6. 
TAYLOR, ALICE (See Mrs. Alice Archibald.) 

TAYLOR, HAN'NAIl, MARY, and THOMAS : recently residing at No. 16, West Market Sq., Toronto, Canada. 
TAYLOR, JOHN. Second Class Fireman, U.S. Navy, 1863. 
TAYLOR, WILLIAM, residing in HamUton. Ont., Canada, in November. 1880. 
TAYLOR, WILLIAM, recent^ residing at No. 16, Mutter Street, Toronto, Caiada. 
TEMPLE, OKOROE, who left England for America, about 1860; was at Cheyenne, Wyo. Ter., In 1870; and la 

1874, resided in or near Baltimore, U.S.A. 
THOMPSON, JOHN, who left Olasgow, Scotland, for Toronto, Cauada, in 1845. 
THOMPSON, SUSAN, residing in New Jersey, or elsewhere in America. 
THOMPSON,! WILLIAM H., ohlp's Cook. U.S. Navy, 1862. 
THOMSON, AONES M. D. (See Agnes M. D. Strathmore.) 

TOMLINSON, 8AMDEL, formerly of New York ; in 1863. Third Assistant Engineer, U.S. Navj, 
TOWNSEND, Mr., a Baker, formerly of London, England ; now residing in Amenca. 
TRENCH FAMILY^ now residing In America. 

TREUTLER, FRIEDRICH W. A., formerly of Breslau. Germany, now residing in America. 
TURNER, THOMAS, C.F.O., U.S. Navy, 1862. 

TWIGO,ANN. (See Ann McCarthy.) '> 

VANPELL, C. L., now residing in America 

VAUGHAN, ANN, formerly of Co. Monmouth, England ; now residing in America. 

VENNELL. THOMAS, late of Co. Kent, Eng. ; residing at Pittsburgh, or Fittston, Fa., U.S.A., about ltl& 
VON ANDREAE. FRANGISCA (Maiden name, SEWIUH) : next of kin of, in America. 
WADE, ROBERT, late of Co. Waterfoid, Ireland; now residing In America. 
WALQARMUTH, ROBERT, a Seaman In the O.S. Navy, 1863-6. 

WALLEY, CHARLES HENRY, who left Yorkshire, England, for New York, U.S.A., about 18«. 
WARD, Mrs. or Miss FANNY, now residing in America. 
WAREBAM, JOS., Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1861. 

WARKEN, MICHAEL, formerly of Culmore, Ireland ; now residing In America. 
WASHINGTON, BBNJ. F., Offlcert Steward, U.S. Navy, 1862. 
WATSON, GUY, Landsman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 
WEBli, THOMAS, now or late of Chicago, lUa, U.S.A. 
WEBSTER, H. C, Acting Master, U.S. Navy, 1861. 
WEBSTER, H. C. C, of Massachusetts, a Mate in the (T.S. Navy, In 186L 
WEST, James and Mary ANN, residing In America. 
WHEATON, D. H„ an Officer In the U.S. Navy. 1861-1865. 

WHITE, WILLIAM ALEXANDEil, residing in East Broadway, N.Y., U.aA., In W7T. 
WBITEHILL FAMILf, formerly of England ; now residing In America. 
WHITING, CATHERINE R , now residing in America. 

WHITTLESEY, WILLIAM, who left Co. Cambridge, England, for America about isga. 
WILCOXEN. JOHN S., Third Assistant Engineer, C.S. Navv, 1861-1866. 
WILKINSON, MARGARET. (See Margaret Bamber.) 

WILLIAMS, HENRY H. and JOSEPHINE, now or formerly of Potersburgh, N. Y., U.S. A. 
WILLIAMS, Mrs. EMMA (Maiden name, WARD) ; now residing in America. 
WlLLSuN, MARGERY, supposed to be residing in Canada. 
WILSON, CHARLES, Master-at-Arms in the U.S. Navy, 18624. 
WILSON, CHARLES, Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 
WILSON, Mrs. MARY ANN, formerly widow of ELISHA V. BROWN. The latter left Virginia In 1858, and 

maiTiedin Missouri or Kansas; started for Callibmla, U.S. A., and died on the way, leaving his wife and 

one child. His widow afterwards married a poison named Wilson. 
WOOD, HENRY, In 1864, Third Assistant Englneerln the U.S. Navy. 
WOODWORTH, ALFRED, Seaman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 
WRAGO, WILLIAM, of Charleston, S.C., U.S.A , about 1810. 

WRENCH (otherwise MADDISON), BRIDGET ; Children of; now residing in America. 
WRIGHT, FANNY (Maiden name, SANDERS) ; and HENRY, her son, who letl N.C. for Texas about 1830. 
YOUNG, F. J., Surgeon's Steward m the U.S. Navy, 1863-4. 
YOUNG, GEORGE, Second Class Fireman, U.S. Navy, 1862. 



The following persons (or their heirs) are entitled to property. Address J. B. MABTIN- 
DAIiE, 148 lia Salle Street, Chicago, stating all facts on which claim is based. [See pages 6, 
7 and 8 of this Manual.] u f s , 

ABBOTT, OLIVER, othervrise OLIVER GOLDSMITH ABBOTT, ■> natire of Ireland, who enlisted hi tb* 

British Army about 1840, and afterwards went to America. 
ALEXANDER, MATTHEW and ANN (afterwards SMITH) ; residing in America. 
ALUME, JOSE MARIA, supposed to be living in tlie U.S.A. 

ANDERSON, ROBERT J.; when last heard of, resided at 169, West 38th Street, New York aty, n.S.A. 
ANDERSON, WILLIAM, a Bootmaker, who left Co. Sligo, Ireland, lor America, about 1808. 
ARMSTRONG, MARlf. (See Mary P. Horn.] 

ARMSTRONG, ROBERT, a native of Scotland : last heard of at Kingston, Canada, about 1846. 
ARNOLD, Mra MARIA, i! AMILT of, now or foi-merly of Coburg, Out. , Canada. 
ARNOTT, DAVIO, a Sailor, who lett Scotland for abroad in the year 1852. 
ATKINSON, CATHERINE (Maiden name, WILLIAMS), who left London for New York, about 1830 ; and 

when last heard of was m Pennsylvania, U.S. A 
BALDERSTONE, THOMAS, residing at Chatham, Ont., Canada, in 1849. 
BARASFORD, ROSALIE. (See RosaUe Osier. ) 
BARKER, WENDELL R., Seamiin, a native of Boston, Mass.. U.S. A 
BARNBii SAMUEL WILLIAM, last heard of in Buffelo N.T., U.S.A., in 1878. 
BEAMONT, JAMES, in 1869, of Westminster Bridge Road, London, Eng. ; now residing in America 
BEARDSLEr, WILLIAM, late of Derbyshire, Eng. j a Cooper, then a Soldier; now m the U.S.A. 
BEATTr, Mr. W. R., formerly of Elizabethport, N. J., who left New York tor Toronto, in November, 1881. 
BEIRNE, ROGER and JOSEPH, formerly of Ireland j now residing In America. 
BELLEW, PETER, a Labourer, last heard of at Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 
BENNETT, JANB. (See Jane Martin.) 

BENNETT, Mrs. J., who was at Monaco and Paris in 1878, and returned to N.Y. in 'November of that year. 
BERESFORD, ROSALIE. (See RosaUe Osier.) 

BIRCH, JAMES, who left England for New York,' U.S.A. about the year 1863. 
BIRCH, MARY ANN TARNEY VALLOR, who left England for Canada in or about the year 1864. 
BLOOMFIELD FAMILY, formerlv of Co. Ebsez, England;now residinKin America. 
BOND, ISLIZA HARVEY, afterwards RICKARBY, uow or formerly residing in New Orleans, La., U.S.A. 
BOND, HENRY, formerly of Liverpool, England ; afterwards residing in the U.S.A. 
BONNELL, ANN, wife of William BonneU, Merchant, in Nova Scotia m 1819. 
BOUTON^r BOUTEN, BEBtCOA (formerly Mrs. DIMON), now residing m America. 
BRADLEY, JAMES, formerly of London, who left England many years ago for St. John, N.B., Canada. 
BRADLEY, THOMAS,formerly of London, who many years ago left England for St. John, N.B., Canada. 
BRENNAN, PATRICK, JOHN, and THOMAS, formerly of Co. Roscommon, left Ireland about 1360, tor 

America, and were afterwards at Chapel Hill, Ferry Co., Ohio, U.S. A 
BBIEN FAMILY, residing in America. 

BRITTON, SAMUEL C now or recently residing In Jersey City, T7.S.A. 
BROWN, DAVID, a native of Scotland, who emigrated to America about the year 1846. 
BROWN, Mrs. MAGGIE, (Maiden name, HELPIN) ; now or formerly residing in Washington, D.O., n.S.A 
BROWN, Captain THOMAS MITCHEL i Widow and Children supposed to reside in America. 
BUCBAN, ALEXANDER, a Blacksmith, who left Scotland for New Providence, W.I., about the year 1840L 
BULGER, KATIE, who formerly worked m East roth Street, New York City, U.S.A 
BURGESS, ANNE. (See Mrs. John T. Davis.) 

BUBKE, THOMAS, formerly of New York City, who was afterwards in CaHfomia, IT.S.A., about the yearlSM. 
BURLE, THEODORE, a native of France, now residing in America. 
BURNS, OWEN, formerly of East llth Street, New York City, U.S A. 
BURNS, Mrs. ROSE, last heard of in New York City, U.S.A. in 1866. 
BURT, RICHARD, a native of Staffoi-dshlre, who left Eng. mv America In 1810. 
BYRNES, JOSEPH, a Zinc-worker ; was in Virginia City, Nevada, U.S.A., in 1878. 
CAIRNS, or CEARLNS, FAMILY, formerly of Ireland ; now residing in America. 
CAMPBELL, GEORGE, formerly of Hiclimond, Va., U.S.A, Tobacco Merchant. Credttora wanted, 
OAMPBELl^ JAMES, a native of Scotland, now or lately residing in New York, U.S. A. 
CARR, MARY, Relatives of ; supposed to be residing in America. 
SARR, Rev. Mr,, a Clergyman in Toronto, Canada, in or previous to the year 1860. 
3ABRAHER, or CARAHER, FRANCIS, owning real estate in 18th Ward, N.Y. City, hi 1869. 
HARRINGTON, MICHAEL, and ANN, Pofferioom Weavers, who left England for America about 18B0. 
3ARROLL, DANI EL WILLIAM ; in 1874 was in a French Merchant's house in Bogota, Columbia, S. A. 
■JARTER, JOHN ; was at Decatur, lU., in 1869 ; and last heaid of at Beyworth, Hi., U.S.A. 
^ASKE Y, JOHN, formerly of Co. Antrim, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
CEARINS. (See Cau-ns FamUyO > 

CEARPENTIER, ANTHONY LE, who left the Island of Jersey, for Illinois, U.S. A., in or about the year 1868, 
CHEVALIER, P. v., now or formerly residing in the U.S.A. 

CLARK, THOMAS, son of John and Sarah, who left England for America about 1826. 
CLARKE, WILLIAM, a native of Co. Monaghan, Ireland ; in 1863 he was at Thunder Bay, and afterwardt 

at Bruce Mines, Canada. 
CLIFTON, THOM.A S, who left Hali&ix, England, for America In or about the year 183L 
COCKMAN, THOMAS, formerly of Co. Surrey, England; last heard of in Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A 
COGSWELL FAMILY, formerly of England ; new residing in America. 
COLLERAN, MARTIN, formerly of Co. Clare, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

CONDELL, or OUSLBY, EMILIA; ChUdren of, now residing in America. , ^ , „ ,„ „_ , ,.„ 
CONQREVB. FREDERICK WILLIAM, supposed to have left Liverpool, England, £br Halifax, N.S., in 1801, 
COOPER, ELIZABETH. (See Elizabeth Smith.) , ^ .j, , . _, 

COREAN, J, E. DE, who left Havre, France, for Havannah, in 1876 ; supposed to be residing in America, 
CORK. MARY. (See Mary fllckey.) ^, ^ 

COUSIN, JEAN, who left Fiance for America about the close of last century. 
COVINGTON, JOHN T., laat heard of at No. 107, West 24th Street, New York aty, U.S.A., hi ISW. 

^1^-,TT. .T#-.rn..,^T' ..TIT T T . (r CI 1 . 1...A*., nP .. f T miloiana fT S & ohmit. t.lin year 1866. 

".B., Canada. 

CRAIG, THOMAS GEORGE, now or recently residing at Sherman, Grayson Co., Texas, U.S. A. 

CROFT, ESTHER FRANCES, formerly of Co. Kent, England ; now residing in America. 

CROSSLAND, JAMES, who left England for Nova Scotia in December, 1881. 

CUMMINS FAMILY, tormerlyof Gloucestershire, England J noiv residing In America. „_. 

DAVENPORT, THOMAS, late of Co. Londonderry, Irfland ; about 1860, residmg m Lexington, Ala., U.B.A, 

DAVIS, CHARLESA., now or recently residing in New York City, U.S.A. ^ , r..» tt o . 

DAVIS Ss JOHN f.. (Maiden name, ANNE BURGESS) ; when last heard of; was in New York City, U.S. A. 

DAVIS", MARYT^ughteir^fCAROLIlJE and CHARLES liAVIS, residing m N ew York, or elsewhere to Amorlcfc 

DEARioVE, jbHN, now or formerly of K. Co., loth Reghnent, U.S. Infantry. 

DE COREAN, J. E. (See Corean, J. E. De.) . 

DE HAEBNK EMlLE, Banker, of Brussels, Belgium j now residhig in America. 

DE £^ESS¥ LEON iuGE, a native of France ; supposed to be residing in Dakota, Wyo. Ter., n.S.A. 

DE MORA FAMILY ; when last heard of, were residing in America. ^^ 


BICKBBSON, or DICKINSOK, ESTnBR. (See Esther Hand.) 

DIMON, Mrs. (See Mi s. Rebecun BoutonJ . . _ 

DINGWALL, ALEXANDER and JANET, who left Scotland for America about 1853, and when last heard el 

were at Detroit, Mich. U.S.A. p 

OOLAN FAMILY, residiog in America, 

DONOHOO, or OUSLKY, AKNB : Children of. residing in America. 
DONOR. JOHN, late of Co. Limerick, who left Irelaud lor New York, U.S.A., in 18B9. 
DRUGAN.' JOHN, formerly of Dublin, Ireland ; now real jlng In America. 
BUBSBBRY, WILLIAM, of Lancashire, who left England in 1877; supposed to be in America. 
DCTNANT FAMILY, formerly of Switzerland, now residing in America. 
DUNN, Mr. M. A.; supposed to be residing in America. 

DURAN, DON JOSK JUAN and DON JOSE JOAQUIN, residing in America. 

DUXFIELD, JOS 8PH J., formerly of Sunderland, wlio left England for New York in or about the year 1870. 
DWYEil, FRANCES GRADE HELEN, and SUSANNAH KAl'HLlSEN, formerly of Ireland ; now in Ameiioh 
DWYBR, JOHN MATTHEW, Heirs of, residing in America. 
DYKES, ANDREW, formerly of Yorkshire, England ; now residing in America. 
EAGER, MARIA, now or formerly of Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. 
EBBERN, THOMAS, who left England for America about 1867. 

EDWARDS, WILLIAM JAMBS, foi-merly of Co. Donegall, who left Ireland for Canada some years aga 
ELPHINSTONE FAMILY, formerly of Scotland, now residing in America. 
EMERSON, THOMAS R.., formerly of Co. Down, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
PANCOURT, HENRY ROBEKT AUSTIN ; in 1867 a Ward room Steward on the U S.S. " WinoosW 
FARNBS, JOSEPH, formerly of Co. Middlesex, England, now residing in America. 

FARRELL, PHILIP HORLOCa, a Carpenter, formerly of Co. Doi-set, Eng., residing in the U.S. A. about 187i. 
FASHOfflTZ, FARENZBACH, a native of Riissia, residing in the U.S.A. about the year 1846. 
FERGUSON, JAMES, now or formerly residing in the U.S.A. 

FIR BANK, RALPH, a native of Newport, Mon., Engj^ was at Chicago, Ills.. U.S.A., in June, 1880. 
FISCHER, JULIUS, a native of Wurtemberg ; was at Hays City, Kansas, U.S.A., in 1874. 
FiSHEK, CHRISTOPHER, who left London, England, for America about the year 1850. 
FIT2HARRIS, DENIS, Coachmaker, a native of Ireland ; in 1875, residing in New York City, U.S.A. 
FONT AN A, GIOVANNI B., supposed to have left Birmingham, England, for America in 1861. 
FORBES, JOHN C, who was In vVashington, D.C., U.S. A., in 1865. 
FKASBR, JAMES THOMAS, supposed to be residing in America. 

QABREAD, JOHN, who in lSf>6 was a Seaman on board the whaling barque " C. Coming" 
BAY, ROBERT and EUZA (Maiden name, STEWART), of Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Unildrenof, In America. 
GILBERT, THOMAS, who left England for New York, U.S. A., in or about the year ISlu. 
GILL, FELIX, now or formerly of Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. 

BILLBTT, WILLIAM, who went to America about 1849, and was last heard of in California. 
OLOYN, WILLIAfiA, who, it is supposed, left England for Axerica about the year 1865. 
QOEPPERLB, Mrs. MARY, resicflng in New York City, U.S.A., in 1868. 
GOGGIN, MICHAEL, formerly of Co. Limerick, Ireland : now residing in America. 
OOMAUX, VICTORINE, (Maiden name, MAHIAS) ; Children of, lesiding in America. 
OOOOE, EMILY and SARAH ANN, residing in Amonca. 

BOURLAY, WILLIAM K. a native of England j in 1870, residing at Columbus, Inda. . U.S.A. 
GRANT, JOSEPH, formerly of Co. Kerry, Ireland, afterwards of Boston Highlands, Mass., U.S.^ 
BREBN, HENRY, formerly of Co. Lincoln, who left England for America in the year 186i 
GREENE, CHARLES A., a Seaman, and formerly Mate of the ship " Qam£COCky 
GRIFFITHS, DA VI D, who was last heard of at Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A., in 1872. 
GRIFFITHS, JOSEPH, who in 1832 was residing in Mexico. 
GRIMES, JOHN, now or formerly of 3)5, East 77lih Street, New York City, U.S. A. 
EAERNE, EMILE DB. (See De Uaerne, Emile.j 

HAND, ESTHER, (afterwards DICKBRSON or DICKINSON) ; supposed to be residing in New Jersey, U.S. A. 
BAND, FAMILY of, residing in America. 
HAND, JOSEPH W., supposed to be residing m the U.S.A. 

HANSEN, GUSTAV and ELISE, formerly of the province of DUsseldorf j now residing In America. 
BARKIN, MICHAEL, in 1872 was trading between Chicago, III., and Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. 

HARRIS, JANE, (Maiden name, JEAVONSJ ; formerly of England, now residing in America. 

HARRIS, Mrs. (Maiden name, MAMNICE WALLACE); now or recently residing at Washington, D.Ci U.S.A. 

HARTINGER FAMILY, who left Europe for America in oraboutthe year 1855. 

HARTMAN FAMILY, formerly of England ; now residing in Ameiica. 

HARWOOD, RACHEL, residing in Baltimore, Md., U.S.A., in or previous to 1852. 

HAWKINS, RICHARD W. M., wa£ atMineral Ridge, Ohio, in 1877; and afterwards at Jackson, Mich., U.S.A. 

HBLPIN, MAGGIE. (See Mrs. Maggie Brown.) 

HENDRIX, MRS. I. J., supposed lo be residing in the United States. 

HERBERT, Miss EMMA, (whose father was a Sergeant in the British Aimy) ; now residing in Americtk 

HBUVELDOF FAMILY, supposed to be residing in New Orleans, La., or elsewhere in the U.S,A. 

HICKBY, MARY, (Maiden name, CORKl, formerly of England ; now residing in Amei-ica. 

HICKS, JOHN H., now or late of Laramie, Wyoming Ter., U.S.A. 

HILLS, GEORGE WILLIAM, formerly of Banff, Scotland; now residing in America. 

HOARE, THOMAS, who left England for America in 1861. 

HOQBBOOM, HENRY JAMBS, now or formerly of Albany, N.Y., U.S.A. 

HOLOATB, JOHN, now or recently residing in Hamilton, Ont., Canada. 

HOLLINS, WILLIAM, formerly of Nottinghamshire, England, afterwards of Canada. 

HOLT, JAKE. (See Jane Upton.) 

HONE, JAMBS, formerly of Co. Oxford, Blacksmith, who left England for America in 1858. 

HORN, MARY PATERSON, (Maiden name, ARMSTRONG), now or formerly residmg in Ontario, Canada. 

HORSFALL, JOHN TOMLIN, who left England for the U.S. A. in 1858. 

HORSLEY, GEORGE, when lasfheard of was residing at Princeville, Peoria Co., lUs^ U.S.A. 

HOWELL, WILLIAM, late of So. Brooklyn, N.Y.; last heard of at Big Springs, Howard Co., Texas, U.S.A. 

HUMBERT, LIZZIE, now or recently reslaing at Far RockawiJ, N. Y., tf.S A. 

BUTTON, WILLIAM, a Seaman; a native of Scotland, sailed fi-om Shields, Eng., fortbe Braiils, about 1848. 

HYDE, ARTHUR LEMAN, a native of England, supposed to have enlisted in the U.S. Army, previous to 1866. 

HYDE, JOSEPH, fonnerly of England; now residing In America. 

HYDE, LOUISA, late of Peterson, Gull River, County Victoria, Ont., Canada. 

IBBOTSON, MARY, formerly of Yorkshire, who left England for America In 1848. 

IMPLETON, THOMAS, supposed to be residing in America. 

JACKSON, ALEXANDER H., now or late otLivision Avenue, BroolElyn, E.D., N.T., U.S.A. 

JACKSON, JAMES, fonnerly of Broad Street, London ; Children of, residing in America. 

JACKSON, WM. WATSON, of Eng. ; last heard of, keeping a Bar-room, at San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. 

JANSEN, J OHANNES, a native of Holland : afterwards residing at 14, Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., XT.S. At 

JARDINE, JAMES, a pative of Scotland, who emigrated to Canada in 1853. 

JBAVONS, JANE. (See Jane Harris.) 

JBPSON, SARAH A., and LOUISA A., residing in Ameilca In 1855. 

JESSOP, TOM, formerly of Lincolnshire, England, who emigrated to America in 18S0. 

JOHNSTON, ANN , (formerly MulNTIREj, late of Londonderry, Ireland ; now residiiig In America. 

JOHNSTON, ROBERT, Seaman, of Lerwick, Shetland, who left London for Quebec about June, 1867. 

JONES, ABNER W., supposed to bo residing in America. 

JONES, ELIZ4BETH ANN, HONOR, and ROBERT S., who left ComwaU^Eng., for America In 18M. 

JONBS, EVAN and ELIZABETH (Maiden name, LANIOAN), formerl; of Wales; 1^ 1823, living at Tall«r 
Town, Cherokee Co., N.C., U.S.A. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 11. 179 

TONES, HA NTT AH, formerly of Amerlcft, who, wheD last heard of, was in Rome, Italy. 

TONES, HENRT, formerly of Cornwall, England ; now residing in America. 

rOSBS, THBOPHILUS JOHN, of Cornwall, formerly a Waster in the Royal Navy, residing In America. 

70UANNB, VICTOR ARMAND.of France, when last heard of was residing at Deverseth, Colo., D.S.A. 

KEAMEr JOHN and MATHEW, formerly of Co. Corlc, Ireltnd ; now residing in America. 

EEANE, THoyAS C. L., when last heard of was residing in Ohio, O.S.A. 

CEOOH, FRANCIS, formerly of Dublin, Ireland : now residing in America. 

KEYES,HEMAN, residing In Ontario Co., N.Y. TJ.S. A., in 18S6. 

KING, FIFE ELLETSON, FAMILY of, supposed to be residing in Amerloa. 

EINO, HUGO WALTONj formerly of Co. Cumberland, Eng. , supposed to reside in America. 

EIRKBRIDE, FRANK H., last heard of in Philadelphia, Pa., U S.A., in 1865. 

LA BE^E. ^ee Leon Jnge I)e La Besse.) 

LAKEMAN, RICHARD, residing in Brooklyn, or elsewhere in America. 

LAUONT, NORMAN, a native of Scotland ; formerly of the Royal Engineers, was in Quebec in 1818, in Montrea. 

in 1849, and by letter dated " New York, 20th October, 1849," he resigned his commission. 
LAKE, JOHN . a T&lor, who left London for America about the year 1854. 
LANIGAN, ELIZABETH. (See Evan and Elizabeth Jones.) 
LEARY, JOHN and PATRICK, sons of James Leary ; now residing in America. 
LE CHARPENTIER, ANTHONY. (See Charpentier, Anthony Le.) 
LE MOULT, E. P., formerly of Hambmjg: was in Buf&lo, N.Y., U.S. A., in the fall of 1872. 
LEONARD, JOHN, or his son, EDWARD; formerly residing in Hester Street, New York aty, ir.S.A. 
LEWIS, ROBERT WAQSTAFF, supposed to be residing in America. 

LIDDELL, JOHN W., a Joiner, a native of Durham, England j supposed to have gone to America in 187t 
LOGANTpaTRICK and MAGGIE, residing in Pennsylvania, or elsewhere in America 
LORY, ELIZABETH L., formerly of uo. Cornwall, England ; supposed to be residing in the U.S. A. 
LOWDON, JOSEPHINE WILSO^N, Heirs of j residingln America. 
LOWNDES, SELBY, formerly of England ; now residing In America. 
LYMAN. EDWARD, residing in America. 

MACARTNEY FAMILY, formerly of Great Britain, now residing in America.. 
MACAULEY, JAMES BENJAMIN, Relatives of, residing in America. 

MoBBATH. MARY. (See John and Mary Scott). . .. .„, , o 

McBETB, FINLAY and DONALD, formerly of Scotland j when last hoard at, in 1867, Finlay was in Saa 

Francisco., Cal., and Donald in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. , „ ~ . 

McCartney, THOMAS, of Ireland, a Bootmaker ; who when last heard of was in Pennsylvania, U.S. A. 
McClelland. Robert, a native of Scotland; afterwards of Philadelphia and New Jersey, O.S.A. 
McCREADY, THOMAS STUART, formerly ol Co. Londonderw, Ireland; now residing in America. 
MACDONALD, JAMES, a nntive of Aberdeen, Scotland ; residing in America about 1846. 
McBACHRAN, ARCHIBALD : whenlast heard of In 1868, was going to Peace River, Canada. 
MoENANCY, ROBERT, WILLIAM, and MARGARET, formerly of Ireland ; now residing in America. 
MACFARLANE, ANDREW, Joiner, a native of Scotland ; was residing at Allento?m, Pa., U.S.A., In 1861. 
MoB'ARLANE, SARAH, who left Scotland for America about 1870. 
McGIVEN, DONALD, now or recently residing at St. Augustine, Fla., U.S.A. 
McGLONE, BARTHOLOMEW, residing in Toronto, Canada, or elsewhere in America. 
McGOWAN, HUGH, formerly of Ireland, now residing in America. 
McINTIRE, ANN. (See Ann Johnston.) „ „ „ , ,„. x, = . 

McKENN A, JAMES, now or formerly residing In Bast 11th Street, New York City, U.S.A. 
MACKLIN, or MURPHY, SUSaN (Maiden name, OUSLEY) ; Children of, residing in America. 
McMillan family, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland; now residing in America. 
MoQDAlD, CATHARINE and JOHU, now or recently residing in Brooklyn, U.S.A. 
lldlXJUK, JOHN, a native of Scotland, who went to America in or about the year 1862. 
MaGEE, CHARLES ROBERT, formerly of Co. Armagh, Ireland ; now residing in America 
MAHIAS, VICTORINB. (See Victorine Gomaux.) ,. „ „ , „» ttoai ,0... 

MARTIN, JAMES, Blacksmith, formerly of Greenock ; left Scotland for New York or Boston, U.S. A., In I87». 
MARriN, JANE, (Maiden name, BENNETT), formerly of Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
MARTIN, MARY ANN (Maiden name, WALKER), formerly of Co. Lincoln, England ; now residing in Amerio* 
MARTIN, SUSANNAH, (afterwards ELKINGTON), of Co. Lincoln, Eng.; now residing InAmenca. 
MATTRAS, SAMCEL, a native of Holland, residing in New Orleans, La., U.B.A, about the year 1866. 
MAXWELL. WILLIAM B., formerly of Nassau, N.P., Bahamas ; afterwards residing m America. 
MAY, NATHANIEL, supposed to have left England for America in the year 1869. 
MELVIN, JAMES, a naflve of Scotland; last heard of at St. Fergus, Ont., Canada. „ = . 

MENDENS, JOSEPH, formerly of Philadelphia; now residing in New York, or ban Francisco, U.S.A. 
MESTER, ERNST LOUIS A, formerly of Hamburg, who left Germany for America m 1860. 
MICKLEWOOD, PHILIP H., a native of England, now residing in America. 

MITCHELL, JOSEPH, of Co. Monaghan, Ireland : residing at Fall River, Mass., U.S. A. about 1874. 
MOODY, RUTH BRFORD, formerly in the Saw Mill business in America. 
MOORE, HENRY, in 1861, of Co. C, 11th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, U.S.A. 
MORA. (See De Mora Family.) ,,, . . . 

MORGAN, FRANCIS H., formerly of Co. Somerset, Eng.; now residing m America. 
MORGAN, Dr. J. T.j formerly of Wales; now residing in Ajneiioa. -j- .,„ «„.,.(... 

MORRISON, JAMES, a Sailor, of SootlandiSun of Charles Morrison ; supposed to be residmg m America. 
MORTON, l3r., and AjUTH, (Maiden name, WiLLIAMS), of Cheshire, who left Eugland for Americain 186a. 
MOULTjE. P. LE. (SeeLeMoult,E. P.) .„ „ „ c . ■ ,oto 

MURPHY, Miss CATHERINE, residing at Richland Station, N.Y., n.S.A., In 1876. 
MURPHY, SUSaC (See Susan MackL'n.) ,^ ^,„,„ 

NEILSON, JAMSS and MICHAEL, who left Scotland for Amenca about 1840. 
NICOLAJS JOSEPH, residing in the U.S.A., or Canada. .^ , . 

NOLAN, ROGER, a native of Longford, Ireland; afterwards residing In Amenca. 
OBERIjEY FAMILY, residing in America. 

O'DWYER, JANE, when lastTiaard of, was residing in Louisville, Ky., U.S.A. 

ODWYER, WILLIAM, GEORGE, and RICHARD, bom in France, and who went to America in 1818. 

OL WANT, THOMAS CATTERALL, who, m or about the year 1800, left England for America. 

ONDEBBEBK, JEAN BAPTISTS, residing in New York City, U^.A., in 1878. 

O'SHEA, MARY, a native of Co. Kerry, Ireland ; last heard of in Boston, Mass., U.S.A. „ _ ,, ,„ , o,» 

OSLER, ROSALIE, who married a Mr. BARaSfORD, or BERESFORD; was m New York, U.S.A., in 185ft 

OUSLBY FAMIL'K residing in America. , „„. , . ^ ,„.„ 

PASSAPAE, MARY, residing in Baltimore, Md. , U.S.A., in or previous to 1862. 

PATCHETT, HENRY, who left England for New York about 1848. 

PATCHING, or PATCHIN, GEOBGB, formerl- "'"^" a„«„ u.r,„ 

PEARL, FRANK, a native of OnondMa Count: 

PELLATr, ALFRED HOPE, formerly of Engl 

PEMBROKE, STEPHEN, (coloured); in I85U1 

PERTOJS FAMILY, fonnerly of England; now residmg in Amenca. 0.1,1™™. rr a 4 f,. IRIW 

PFEIL, JOHANN and CAROLINE WlLflELMINE, who left Germany for Baltimrae, U^.A., in 1838. 

PHILl'iPS, JOHN, who Is supposed to have left London, England, for America, n November, 1876. 

/PITCHER, ROBERT, formerly of Co. Norfolk, who left England for America about 1870. 

POKTEOUS FAMILY, foi-merly of Scotland ; now residing in America. A™,rioa to 184S. 

PORTER, THOMAS, b'eoondMate of the Schooner " ^me*»,»who saUed from London, Eng., lor America in IB4>. 

POSS, Mrs. PAULINE, residing in St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.. in 1864. 

PRIN GLE, WILLIAM and THOMAS, who left Scotland for Amenca abont 1842. 

PRISEMAif, ROBERT, formerly of London, England ; WM in Sacramento City, Cal, U.S.A., in 1860. 


REDMOND FAMILT, of Co. TipperarT, Inland ; now residing In Ajienca. 

REEVES, FRANCIS formerly of Co, Kent, England : last heard of at CfflKigo, Ills., tr.S.A., In 1858, 

BEILLT, THOMAS T., now or formerly residing In Ifew York City, U.S.A. 

RICHARDSON, EDWIN, last heard of at Chatham, CheiterCo., Pa., O.S.A., In 187(1. 

RICHARDSON, Mrs. ELIZABETH, formerly of Old Street, London, Eng.j now residing in Amerlo* 

RICKARBT, ELIZA H. (See Eliza H. Bond.) _ 

BISHTON, JOHN, now or late of Dougherty's Station, Cal., U.S.A. 

ROACH, JOHN, formerly of Limericlc, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

ROBB FAMILY, formerly of Scotland; now residing in America. 

ROQAN, PATRICK and ANNIE, formerly <,f Co. Down. Ireland; afterwards of New York, n.S.A. 

ROPER, WILLIAM K, residing in San Praneisco, U.S.A., in 1853. 

ROSENFELDER, LTTDWIO, Cabinet Maker, living in San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A., between 1363 and 1870, 

ROUND, JOHN. JSee John Round Slyfield.) 

ROnQnlER, JULES, last heard of at Indianapolis, Inda., U.S. A. 

RUBY FAMILY, formerly of Ireland ; afterwards settled in America. 

RULE, JAMES, a native of Scotland; in or about 18G0, a Seaman on the Peruvian Frigate, " Antazone^^ 

RUSH, JOHN, now or formerly residing in East 11th Street, New York City, U.S.A. 

RUSSELL, ADAM, formerly of Edinburgh, who left Scotland for America in or about 1850. 

RUSSELL, SELINA ORACE, supposed to be residing in the U.S.A. 

SALTMARSH, NATHANIEL R., who left England for N ew York in January, 1881. 

SAMPSON. WILLIAM, Provision Merchant, who lett Glasgow, Scotland, for Canada, in 1879. 

SARSON, FREDERICK, formerlv of Leicestershire, Eng. ; now residing m America. 

SAUNTER, MICHAEL and PAUL, last heard of in New Durham, Co. Bergen, N.J.. U.S.A. 

SCOTT, JOHN and MARY. (Maiden name, McBEATH), left Scotland for Boston, Mass , U.S.A. , in 1841. 

SCULLEN, JAMBS or PATRICK, who was in the N.Y. City Police about 1866. 

SEEGEN, SALOMON, formerly of London, Eng.; supposed to be residing in New York, or elsewhere in America. 

SEERY, BRlD(}ET, late of Westmeath, Ireland ; then of 992, Paciflc Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A. 

SHAW, HECTOR, a native of Scotland ; residing, in 1876, In Jersey City, N. J., n.S.A. 

SHKLDON, M. L., now or formerly residing in the U.S. A« 

SHERIDAN FAMILY, formerly of Queen's Co., Ireland, now residing in America 

SHERIDAN, HELEN, bom about 1800 ; family supposed to be resldmg in America. 

SHINTON.THOMAS. last heard of at Paterson, KJ., U.S.A., in October, 1873. 

SIMEON, JOHN EDWARD, who left England for New York U.S.A., in 1874. 

SIMPSON, LEVI, an Engineer or Joiner, who left England for America about 1871. 

SKINNER, PATRICK, a Mariner, a native of Scotland, supposed to be residing in America. 

SLATER, ROBERT, of Oiaagow, Scotland ; when last heard of. was engaged as Mate on a dteamer. 

SLYFIELD, JOHN ROUND, (otherwise JOHN ROUND), of Peterboro', Ont., Canada, about 187«, 

SMITH, ANN. (See Matthew and Ann Alexander.) 

SMITH, ELIZA, wife of John Smith, who left Eng., for Salt Lake City, U.S. A., In 1858. 

SMITH, ELIZABETH, (Maiden name, COOPER), last heard of at New Orleans, La., U.S.A. 

SMITH, GERALD, formerly of Co. Louth, Ireland, who emigrated to America in 1880. 

SMITH, HAZIEL, supposed to be residing in America. 

SMITH, THOMAS JAMES, formerly of Co. Kent, who left England for British Columbia, in the year 186lt 

SFAR^, ROBERT ADAMS, formerly of Co. Somerset, Eng. ; now residing in America, 

SPREULL FAMILY, formerly of Scotland : now residing in America. 

STACKHOUSE, THOMAS, who left New Orleans for California, between 1S5D and 1856. 

8TANGER, FREDE RICK ; last heard of in America, m January, 1881, 

STEVENS, JOHN WILLIAM, who left London, Eng,, for America m 1810. 

STBWAR'T, ELIZA. (See Robei-t and Eliza Qay,) 

SULLIVAN, JOHN T., now or formerly residing in the U.S.A. 

SUTLIFF, Mrs. ELIZA, residing in New York, U.S.A., in 1863. 

SWEENEY, JOHN, formerly of Co. Cork, Ireland ; now or lately residing in Co. Perth, Ont., Canada. 

TACON, RICHARD E., formerly of Wiltshire, Eng, ; now residing in America, 

TAYLOR, JANET, a native of Co, Stirling, Scotland, who went to America about 1830. 

TAYLOR, JOSEPH and WILLIAM, of Queen's Co., Ireland, who arrived at New York, U,S,A., in 1848. 

THOMPSON, ALEXR. , a Sailor, of Scotland, in 1802, when on a voyag'. from Hong Kong to New York. 

THOMPSON, MARY ANN, now or late of Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. 

THOMSON, EDWARD, Carpenter, a native of Scotland; was at Stapleton, Richmond Co., N.Y., in 1856. 

THORNTON, DAVID, a Carpenter, who left Scotland for America about 1872. 

TONOE, Mrs. ANN, now or formerly residing at Paticaster Falls, Md., U.S.A. 

UPTON, JANE (otherwise HOLT), who left DubUn, Ireland, for America about the year 1862. 

VALLIS, JOHN, formerlyof London, Eng.; now residing in America. 

VANDEVYVER, JOSEPH and JEANNE, Children of Joseph Vandevyver j now residing in America. 

WALKER, HORATIO, who deserted firom the 15th British Regiment of Foot, at Halifax, N.S., Canada, in ISU, 

WALKER, MARY ANN. (See Mary Ann Martin.) 

WALLACE, MAMNICE. (See Mrs. Harris.) 

WATT, JANE, formerly of Co. Tyione, Ireland. Representatives of, residing In America. 

WE BSTER, JOHN, of England ; now or recently residing at Bowmanvllle, Ont. , or elsewhere in Canada. 

WEHLI, BENEDICT and JACOB, formerly of Bohemia, now residing in America. 

WEISS, FRIEDRICB, who left Germany for Baltimore, U.S.A., in 1838. 

WELTER FAMILY, supposed to be residing in America. 

WHEATLEY, JOSEiPH, formerly of Co. Gloucester, Eng.; last heard of in New York, U.S.A., in December, 18S«, 

WHELAN, THOMAS, who emigrated to America about 1861, and was last beard of at Concord. 

WHITFIELD, WILLIAM, late of Co. Dublin, Ireland; now residing inAmerica. 

WILD, WILLIAM, iormerly of Yorkshire, Eng. ; now residing in America. 

WILKINS, CALDWELL R., formerly employed by Hamilton and Easter, in Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. 

WILLBY, KATE MARGARET, formerly of Lambeth, Count; Surrey, Eng.; now residing in America 

WILLIAMS, ANN. (See Dr. and Ann Morton.) 

WILLIAMS, CATHERINE. (See Catherine Atkinson.) 

WILLIAMS, EDWAKD, whose Mother was bom at Mushing, L,I„ N,Y,, U.S.A. 

WILLIAMS, PHILIP, formerlv of Glamorgan, Wales ; Children of; residmg m America. 

WILLIAMS, SAMUEL and LEVI, supposed to be residing in the U.S.A. 

WILSON, William, late a seaman on the " Clyde" of Glasgow, Scotland ; now supposed to be in America. 

WINGERTZ, SENOR SORUBABEL, supposed to be residing in America. 

WISE, HENRY, formerly of Eng. ; last heard of at Albany, Delaware Co., Inda., U.S. A. 

WOLF, LIZZIE, supposed to be residing in America. 

WOOD, JAMES ; Relatives of, residing in America. 

WRIGHT, HENRY, (right Name, ADAM BIACH), residing in America under the farmer name. 

ZAUGBR, MATTHIAS, of Wurtemburg, now or lately working on a Railroad at Paterson, N.J„ U.S A. 

ZIMLICE, Mr8.HEINBICE,residlng&iMemphis,Tenn., U.S,A.,inl864, 



The following persons (or heirs) are entitled to property. Address J. B. MARTIN- 
BAIiEi 143 La balle iStreet, Ctalcncco, Illinois. [See pages 6, 7 audS of this Manual.] 

Brig" Qmeral Armstrong,*' at Fayal, in 1814. Captain, Owners, Officers, and Crew ot 

ABERDEEN, Miss ELIZABETH, deceased abroad m or about thejear 1823. 

ADAM, ELIZABETH, deceased abroad In or about the year 1868. 

ADAMS, CATHERINE (maiden name SLOANB). deceased in or about tlio year 1849. 

AMERlf^ALPBED, who in 187S was at Van Dylte'a Hotel, Catherine Slip, TSo-x Yorli aty, T7.S.A. 

ANDREW, Misa .lANE, deceased abroad in or about the year 1811. 

ANDREW, Misa JANE (daughter of PETER ANDREW), deceased in or about the year 1838. 

ANN, Mrs. MART, deceased abroad in or about the year 1808. 

AFPIiETON, CHARLES E., when last heard of was at Hyde Park, or Lobo. near Loudon, Out., Canada. 

ASSINDER, CHARLES, a natiye of Eng., Architect and Surveyor, supposed to reside in America. 

BABER, HENRT EDWARD, deceased abroad in or about the year 1834. 

BAILEY, ESTHER, afterwards HEYFRON. when last heard of was residing in CaUforuia, U.S.A. 

BARLOW, A., deceased abroad in or about the year 1834. 

BARNES, WILLIAM HUDSON, who died in 1864. Widow of, supposed to be in America. 

HARTLEY FAMILY, formerly of England ; now residing in America. 

BARTLBYiWILLIAM T., when last heard of was residing in LouisviUe, Ky., U.S.A. 

BARTON, WILLIAM, a native of Lancashire, Kng., who went to Ameiica about 1821. 

BEATTIE, ISABELLA, formerly ot Belfast, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

BENN FAMILY, foimerly of England; now residing in America, or elsewhere abroad. 

BEROIN, PATRICK, now or recently residing in New Yorli City, U.S.A. 

BEST. FREDERICK JAMES, who left England in the year 1866. supposed for America. 

BIGGS, ELIZA, Relatives supposed to reside in the U.S.A., or Canada. 

SIRD, MARTHA, Representatives of, supposed to reside in America, or elsewhere abroad. 

BONBL, LUCY, deceased abroad in or about the year 1808. 

BREEN, JAMES, deceased abroad in or about the year 1839. 

BREEN, JOHN, a Merchant, deceased abroad in or about the year 1843. 

BREMAR, AN NA, deceased in or about the year 1800. Representatives ol, supposed to be in America. 

BROWN, Misa ELLI^N, deceaaed abroad in or about the year 1866. 

BROWN, Misa HENRI BTTA, deceased abroad in or about the year 1838. 

BROWN, JAMES. (See James CabiU.) 

BROWN, THOMAS, late of Co. York, England; next of kin believed to be living in America, oi Canada. 

BROWN, WILLIAM H., and FRANCIS S., brothers, now or late of New York (5ity, U.S.A. 

BUCKINGHAM, J., deceased abroad in or about the year 1823. 

BUCKLEY, CHARLES A., residing in New York Citv, U.S.A., in 1859. 

BUNNING, JOSEPH, a Carpenter and Builder, residing in Boston, U.S.A., previous to the year 1877. 

BURRELL, ANN (oaughter of WILLIAM BORRELL, who died abroad in or about the jeai i841.| 

BUXTON, EDWARD, who left England for Prince Edward Island, Canada, in 1819. 

BYAR, WILLIAM THOMAS, who died abroad in or about the year 1854. 

CAHILL, BERNARD or BRYAN, when last heard ot was residing in New York City, U.S.A. 

CAHILL, JAMES, otherwise BROWN, who left Ireland for America in or about the year 1867. 

CAHILL, MARY. (See Mary Sillery.) 

CAIN, MICHAEL: Representatives ot supposed t,o be in the U.S.A., or Canada. 

CALDWELL, Major-Oeneral ALEXANDER, deceased abroad in or about the year 1863. 

CAMERON, ANN (Maiden name LONDON ), widow of ALEX CAMERON, deceased about the year 182». 

CAMPBELL, JAMES, deceased abroad in or about the year 1851. 

CAHPAU, BAZIL, deceased in or about the year 1813. 

CARTER. JOHN, a native of Scotland, now residing in .America. 

CASTELLAN, CECILE MARIE, who died in or about the year 1836. 

CAVAYE, WILLIAM, a native of Scotland, supposed to be residing in America. 

CHAMBERS, AURIOL THOMAS, deceased abroad in or about the year 1823. 

CHAMBERS, CHRISTOPHER and REUBEN, deceased abroad. 

CHAMBERS, ELIZABETH, deceased abroad in or about the year 1870. 

CHAMBERS, SARAH J., now or recently residing in New York City, or elsewhere In the U.S.A. 

CHEUIER FAMILY, natives of France, now residing in America. 

CHIBNE, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1837. ,„,.,,, ^, „ „„. 

CHRISTOPHER, Mrs. ELIZABETH, now or recently residing in Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. 

CHURCHILL, JAMES, when last heard of was residing in North 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa, U.S. A. 

CLARE FAMILY, formerly of Co. Carlow, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

CLARK, HBNRTF., now or recently residing in Charleston, S.C., U.S.A. 

CLARK, B AIiPH, a Merchant, in 1873, of 44, East 9th Street, New York City, U.S.A. 

COLLINS, Sergeant DENNIS, deceased abroad in or about the year 1842. ~ , „„ . v, . ,.«. 

CON NOR, or O'CONNOR, PATRICK, of Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; who left for New York, U.S. A., about 1861. 

CONWAY, SUSANNA, widow of W. T. Conway, of Boston. Relatives of, in America. 

CORSIB, JAMES, who left Scarboro', Ont., Canada, for Michigan, U.S.A., m September, 1881. 

COUPLANDj^ AGNES. (See Charles and Agnes Whitbrook.) 

CRANAGE FAMILY, supposed to reside in America. ..r , z^-. tt o a 

CROFTS, CHARLES FeSdeRICK, now, or recently residing m New York City.U.S A 

CROKER, ROBERT, formerly of Co. Down, Ireland, who emigratedto America about I860 

CROOK, ilARIA, late of Co. Surrey, England : Relatives of, supposed to reside m the United btatea 

CUMMINGS, MARGARET, deceased abroad in or about the year 1816. 

CDRELL, WILLIAM, now oi late of New York, D.S.A. 

DA COSTA. ANTONIO, deceased abroad in or about the year 1861. 

DALLAS, Llout..Colonei PETER, deceased abroad in or about the year 1806. 

DALY, J(}hN, late ot Co. Middlesex, England ; next ot kin of, supposed to be In America. 

DAVIES, ELlZA, deceased abroad m or aoout the year 1865. 

DAVIES. GBORGIS, formerly of London, deceased m or about the year 1841. 

DAWSON. JOSHUA, of Otley, Yorkshire, Seaman, now residing m America. 

DAWSONIjUSTIS, formerly of Yorkshire, Eng; now residing in America. 

DAY, iSiti, formerly with ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & CO., and A. T. STEWARI & CO., or ft. I. Uty, U.B.A. 

DBANErBuKE, deceased abroad in or about the year 1866. 

DEARDBN FAMILY, residing in America, or elsewhere abroad, 

DE MONTMORENCY, Miss. (See Montmorency, Miss De.) 

DE SOUZA, Surgeon FRANCIS, deceased abroad in orabont the year 1828. 

DICKSONTcaptain JOSEPH, deceased abroad in or about the year 180<. 

DIXON, jbHfi, when last heard ol in 1845, was in the Bermuda Islands. W.L 

DODDS, MARY, daughter of James, formerly of Eng ; n„w residing in America. 

DODSWORTH, faENliy THOMAS, deceased abroao in °ra'>°""''V,^ ,!!?'iii-i 

DONNELY, Captain FRANCIS SQUIRE, deceased abroad m or about the year 18o4. 

DONOHOlf, PATRICK, formerly of Kingstown, Ireland ; now residing m America. 

BomFY ^/mJ-J&H^L^MKRBSA, brothers and sister, residing in New York, U.S. A., in 18W 

DOUGLAS RAM'h, a natl™ Sco cvibertond, who Mt Eng. for America in or about the Jjar 1821. 

DOUGL^" THOMAS, » Mtive of Enu.; who. abiut th« year 1817, went as a Sailor to the West liidio. 



DOTLEj ANNE, tormerlj of Ireland, and who in Buppoied to have emigrated to America. 

DOTLB, DENSiS, I'ssiding in Ne* Xoi-k Oty, U.S.A., in or about the year 1825. 

DOTLE,MARO&RET and SUSANNAH, aleters, residing in Nev York, D.S A., in or about Che jeu MSI. 

DUMONT, Mrs. WILLIAM, now or formerly of New York City, U.S.A. 

DUNBAR, Mis. MAROAR IST, formerly of London, who died In ombout the year 1814. 

DUNDAS, JAUES OWEN, late Dealer in Dry Oooda. New York City. OrecUtatt of. 

DUNLOP, Captain JOHN, decea-sed abroad in or about the year 1800. 

EALES, THOMAS ELLIOT, deceased abroad In or about the year I8S3. 

EAMONSON, ELIZABETH MARY, of Co. Middlesex, England; next of kin, supposed te be In Americm. 

ELLIOTT, OLIVER O.G., formerly of Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S. A. 

ELLIS, Mrs. LOUISA, now, or late of No. 160, East 39th Street. Now York City, U.S. A. 

ENNId, JOHN CHARLES, deceased abroad in or about the year 1822. 

EVANS, JOHN, a natire of Abergele, Wales, last heard of in Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A., in May, ISTL 

EVANS. MART, deceased abroad in or about the rear 1841. 

EVANS, Lieutenant WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about the year 1807. 

EWBANE, THOMAS, late Commissioner of Patents, U.S.A. 

FA WCBTT, JOHN and JONATHAN, who left England for America previous to 1852. 

FAY, JULIA. (See .lulia and Patrick Muldoon.) 

FEENEY, JOHN, formerly of Co. Sligo, Ireland, a Sailor, residing in New Orleans, U.S.A., In 1871. 

FELL, Mrs. SARAH, deceased in or about the vear 1813. 

FEIfN, Captain CHARLES, deceased abroad in or about the year 1817. 

FERNANDES, Mrs. ANN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1810. 

FERRIERRA, FRANCIS, deceased abroad in or about the year 1874. 

FLATHER, JOHN E., who left England in 1807; he was in Angel Island, Cal., in September, 1870: andis 

Salem, Oregon. Q.S.A., in December, 1871. 
FOGARTY, ANDREW, deceased abroad m or about the year 1832. 
FOGARTY, JOHN, formerly of Co. Waterford, Ireland; now resldmg m America. 
FORD. ARTHUR BEEVOR, formerly of Staffordshire, Eng.; now residing in AmeriOb 
FORRBSTiCaptain JAMES, deceased abroad In or about the year 1836. 
FOSTER, WILLIAM H., residing in New York aty, U.S.A , in 1875. 
FRANCIS, CHRISTINA, deceased abroad in or about the year 1861. 
FRANKLIN, ARTHUR, deceased in or about the Tear 1839. 
FRASER, SIMEON, deceased abroad in or about the year 1830. 
FUSSELL FAMILY, residing in America. 

GEED, CHARLES, a Mariner, deceased abroad in or about the year 1865. 
GIBSON, Mrs. ANN. deceased abroad in or about the year 1826. 
GIBSON, WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about the year 1808. 
GITTENS, ELIZABETH, deceased abroad in or about the Tear 1866. 
GOARD. James, deceased abroad in or about the year 1835. 

GOOUCH, RICHARD and JOHN, left Ireland for America in 1862, and were enpaged in the late ClTil War. 
GRAHAM, THOMAS, formerly of Fifeshire, Scotland, enlisted in the 79th Hi.!hlanders ; wa« then in the Royal 

Canadian Rifles; and afterwards Keeper of the Masonic Hall, Toronto, Canada. 
GRAVE. HENRIUUS WILHELMUS. now residing in America.. 
GRAY, SINLEY, deceased abroad in or about the year 1876. 

GREGORY, WILLIAM HENRY, formerly of Co. Chester, England ; now residing in America 
GRIFFIN, Miss SOPHIA, deceased in or about the year 1843. 

HACKETT, BESSIE, afterwards MoLOOGHLIN, residing in New York City, U.S.A., in or previous to 1862 
HAILEY, or HAYLEY. Sergeant THOMAS JORDAN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1819. 
HALL, MARGARET, afterwards MITCUELL, of Scotland ; when last heard of was in Fbiladeliihia, U.S.A. 
HARRIS,SELINA, ftinnerly of Co. Surrey, England; next of hin of, supposed to be in America. 
HART, JULIDS, now or recently residing in New York City, U.S.A. 
HARTSHORN, RICHARD H., who In 1813 resided in Brooklyn, or New York, U.S.A. 
HAYLEY, or HAILBY, Sergeant THOMAS JORDAN, deceased abroad in or about the year H' 9. 
HELLYER, ALBE RT G., formerly of Co. Middlesex. England ; tiow residing in America. 
HERNAGE, JAMES W., a native of England, who in August, 1881, was at the Rocky Moimtaius, U.S.A. 
HEYFRON FAMILY, supnosed to reside in California, or elsewhere in the U.S.A. 
HOLT, JULIA, wife of E. W. HOLT, residing in New York City, or elsewhere in America. 
HOPKINSON, ELIZABETH, deceased abroad in or about the year 1868. 
HOWES, CATHERINE. (See Mra. Catherine Yamold.) 

HOWARD, or ONGLRY, SARAH, residing in New York or elsewhere in America. 
HUBBARD, CHARLES J., who left London, Bog., for New York in or about May, 1880. 
HUGHES, JOHN, formerly of London, England ; now residing in America. 
HULSE FAMfLY, of England, who emigrated to America. 

HUTTON, JOHN, of Scotland, a Mariner, who leir. the " XjOboramv^" at Boston, U.S.A., in December, 1866. 
HYLANl), Mrs. EMILY, formerly of Ireland ; now residing in Amei-ica 

INCE, GEORGE BARTON, formerly of Lancashire, Eng., who went to America about the year 1830. 
JBNKINSON, WILLIAM, formerly of Yorkshire, Eng., afterwards residing in the U.S.A. 
JOHNSTON, Captain JOHN MoMAHON, dece.ised a'lroad In or about the year 1847. 
JONES, ANTHC)NY O., Wig-maker, residing in Rlvingtonstreet, New York City, in 1888. 
JONES, Lieutenant GEORGE, deceased abroad in or about the year 1807. 
KAIN, or KANE, MICHAEL. (See Michiel Cain.) 
KAUNTZB, JULIA, deceased abroad in or about the year 1849. 

KAVANAH, RUDOLPH, who left England in 1863, and is now supposed to be in America. 
KELLOGG, Rev. R. J., now or formerly residing at New Mllford, Fa., U.'^.A. 
KENNBALLY, JOHN, bom in Co. Tipperary, Ireland, about 1775 ; married 1810 ; enlisted in the British Army 

in 1817, and was in Canada between 1825 and 1835. 
KENNEDY, JAMBS BE ATTIE, who loft Ireland for America about 1871. 
KENNEDY, SARAH, deceased abroad in or about the year 1872. 

KERH, JAMES, a native of Co. Forfar, Scotland; supposed to be In the Western States of America. 
KB YSER, MICHAEL; Representatives of, residing m America. 
KILGOU K, P., deceased abroad in or about the year 1829. 
KIBTLAND, FREDERICS., now or late of New York. U.S.A. 
KLUG FAMILY, residing in New York City, or elsewhere in America. 
KNOWLES, Lieutenant JOHN JAMES, deceased abroad in or about the year 1850. 
KNOX, GEORGE MoLEOD, deceased abroad in or about the year 1827. 
KUREZYN, GEORGE L.. residing In New York City, or elsewhere in America. 
LACON, Dr. HENRY R., Representatives of, believed to reside in America. 
LAMB, Dr. JAMES, deceased abroad in or about the year 18.12, 
liANGLEY FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America 
LASTOR, C. EDWARDS, residing in Americ*. 

LAW, JAMES SYLVIUS, at present presumed to be in the West Indies, or America 
LEACH, WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about the year 1805 
LEAHY, DAVID, who, in 1866. resided in Mott Street. New York City, U.S.A. 
LBFEVRE, JEAN BAPTISTB NICOLAS, a native of France ; now residing in Amerioa. 
LEGRAND, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about th« year 18u3. 
LEVIN, COLIN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1870. 
LEWIS, Lieutenant-Colonel CHARLES, deceased abroa I in or about the year 1853. 
LINDSAY, CATHERINE, deceased abroad In or about the year 1854. 
LINDSAY, CATHERINE JEMIMA, deceased abroad in or ab^ut the year 1853. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 13. 183 


uui!j¥Yi!,uuir*, xtujjwi^o, auftciveoiuo. rembrolte, vvales, asailor, aupposed t( 

LOOKINGTON, Mrs. CHRISTIANA, deceased abroad In or about the lear 1858. 

LONDON, ANN. (See Ann Cameron. ) 

LOWING, ARCHIBALD, deceased wbroad. Representatives wanted. 

iOTD. THOMAS KIRKMAN, deeeaaed abroad In or about the year 1858. 

JiUDLOW, JANE MARIA, late of lo. Middlesex, England j next of kin supposed to be In the West Indlet. 

LYNCH, Mrs. ROSE, deceased abrot.d in or about the year 1849 

BoCARTNEY, WILLIAM, a native of Liverpool, who left England for New York, U.S.A., about 1842. 

tfoCLUKR, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1831. 

McCULEuM, BERNARD, Junior, deceased abroad in or about the year 1859. 

MoDONALD, ALEXANDER, who left Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1856, for America, or elsewhere abroad. 

UcDOCJOALL, MURDOCH, aSeaman, late of Orange County, America, 

M'ENNIENY, DAVID, a native of Co. Tipperary, Ireland, residing at Montreal, Canada, in 1860. 

MoQOUGH, SAMUEL, deceased abroad in or about the yuar 1842. 

MoQRATH, STEPHEN, » native of Ireland ; residing In New Tork City, or elsewhere in America. 

MoGREQO&ALEXANDER, lately residing at Mr. Wiliiam Callan's, Clark Street, Waterbury, Conn., (1.8. A. 

MeOUIRE, WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about the year 1822. 

MACKENZIE, HENRY, deceased abroad in or about the year 1842. 

UoEERNON FAMILY, formerly of Ireland, now residing In America, 

MACKEY, ELIAS C, residing at Oil City, Pa., 0.S. A., about 1870. 

MoKINNON, LEAH, deceased abroad in orabout the year 1861. 

MoLEOD, CRAWFORD, doceasid abroad in or about the year 1841. 

MoLODQHLIN, BESSIE. (See Bessie Hackett) 

UoljUEEN, KENNETH, deceased abroad in or about the year 1811. 

MACE, JAMES, deceased abroad. Repre.<^entativeK wanted, 

MAONESS, RICHARD, deceased abroad in or about the year 1857. 

MAINWARING,BOLTON, deceased abroad In orabout the year 1817. 

MARTIN, PRANCES, of Co. Middlesex, Eng. ; Representatives (Jf, residing in Canada, or elsewhere In America, 

MARTIN, PETER J., formerly emploved as a Boo1:-keeper, in New York Uity, 0.S, a. 

UARTIN, Sergeant THOMAS, deceased abroad in or about the year 18u8. 

MASSEY,Mi^, formerly of Dublin, Ireland: supposed, at present, to be in America, 

MATHER, JAMES, deceased abroad in or about the year 1844. 

UAXWELL, CHARLOTTE, deceased atvoad in or about the year 1825. 

UECHAM, Captain 0. H., deceased abroad In cr about the year 1866. 

KEIKLEJOHN, EDWARD, Master Mariner, deceased abroad la or about the year 1811. 

UBNOE PAMILY\ formerly of the Kingdom of Hanover, and who emigrated to America. 

MEULH, M^or THOMAS, deceased abroad in or about the year 1805. 

MEYERS, JOHN LEYDEN, now or late of MoKillop, Huron County, America. 

MILLER, ROBERT, a native of Glasgow, who left Scotland in 1850, and is supposed to reside in America. 


MONTMORENCY, Miss DE, formerly of Dublin, Ireland; at present in New York City, or elsewhere In Amerlefc 

MOODIE, A., deceased abroad in or about the vear 1871. 

MOORE, Captain THOMAS PALMER, deceased abroad in or about the year 1849. 

MOOAT, NANCY, deceased abroad la or about the year 1819. 

MULDOON, PATRICK, and his sister, JDLIA (afterwards I'AY), now residing in America. 

MIINR0,N1C0L, deceased abroad in or about the yeiir 1869. 

MURRAY, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the yCHr 1874. 
HTERS Mrs. ROSE MARY, deceased abroad in or about the year 1826. 
MYLES, SAMUEL, deceased abroad in or about the year 1818. 

NEAL, GEORGE WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about the year 1855. 

NEAL, JAMES, formerly of Leicestetshire ; who left England for America In or about the year 1849. 

NBLSON, or NEILSON, Captain CHARLES, late of the "Jam M. Brainard," of New London, U.S.A. 

NEVIL, ROBERT, late of Belftst, Ireland ; and, in 1870, residing at 16, Suffolk Street, New York City, U.8,A. 

NEW ALL, G. By residing in New York City, or elsewhere in America. 

NICHOLS, or NICOLS, EDMUND, residing in the United States of America, or Canada. 

NICOLL. JAMES, deceased abroad In or about the year 1857. 

NISBET, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the jear 1838. 

NOLAN, THOMAS, late of Co. Oalway, Ireland, deceased. Relatives of, residing in America. 

OVRIEN, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about tho year 1850. 

WBHIEN, PATRICK, formerly or Co. Sligo, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

O'OALLAGHAN, MARY, last heard of in Toronto. Canada. 

O'CLAKE, MICEARL, formerly of Wicklow, Ireland. Rcpiesentatlves of, residing in Amerloa. 

O'CONNOR, PATRICK. (See Patrick Connor. ) 

0T3WYBR, MICHEL, formerly of Co. Limerick, Ireland ; now residing in America. 

ONGLEY FAMILY; Representatives of, residing in America. 

ORD, WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER, deceased abroad in or about the year 1815. 

O'REILLY, HUGH, deceased abroad in or about the year 1826. 

ORR, ROBERT, deceased abroad in or about tho year 1858. 

OSGOOD, J, W., who was m businesa in New York Citv, U.S.A., In or about the year 1859. 

PANTON, AHNE, deceased abroad in or about the year 1826. 

PASHOS, F.A., deceased abroad in or about the year 1845. 

PATTON, ROBERT, deceased abroad in or about the year 1816. 

PAUL, EUGENE. (See Eugene Von Poll.) 

PEN ROSE, JAMES, deceased abroad in or about the year '824. 

PICKERING, Or. WILLIAM, in 1832 residing in Boston, Mass, U.S.A. 

POLL, EUGENE. (See Eugene Von Foil.) 

POLLARD, JOHN HENRY, deceased abroad In or about the year 1805. 

POPE, ALIHED, a native of Co. Sussex, Eng.; supposed to be residing in America. 

PORTER, GEORGE DAVIS, formerly of strabane, Ireland, now residing in America. 

PaOSSBR, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1851. 

PDTTOCK, M™. MARIAN, supposed to be residing m New York Cl'y, or elsewhere In Amorlc«. 

QUIN, JAMES STANLEY, deceased abroad in or about the year 1827. 

REYMOND, FRANCES, deceased abroad in or about the year 1828. 

ftlCKETTS, WILLIAM HAMILTON, deceased abroad in or about tho year 1852. 

RIORDON, THOMAS, deceased abroad In or about the year 1816. 

RITCHIE, JOHN, who left Fifeshlre, Scotland, about 1872, and aervod on tho " Bid Sea," about a year. 

ROBERTSON, ROBERT, deceased abroad in or about the year ISfiO. 

ROBINSON, THOMAS, a Private Soldier, deceased abroad in or about tho year 1827. 

ROBINSON, WILLIAM, a Mariner, deceased abroad in or ab -ut the year 1806. 

BODRIGUES, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1863. 

RODRIGUES, ROQUE, deceased abroad in or about the year 1868. 

ROGERS. Lieutenant HENRY, deceased abroad. Representatlv. s wanted. 

ROWLES, MICHAEL THOMAS T., a native of Ireland, now residing in America. 

R0WLIN03T0FF, Captain, deceased aoroad. 

RUSSELL, THOMAS, decejLsed abroad in or about the year 1804. 

RYLAND, CHARLOTTE HARRIET CROFT, residing in Now York City, or elsewhere In Amerlofc 

ST. GEORGE, Commandoi WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about tho year 1812. 

8ABIMB FAMILY, reeldlnj in New York City, or oliowhore in America. 


8CH0PP, EDWARD, formeriy of Newburg, now roniding In Broolclyn, S.J., D.S.A. 

SCGTT, Mrs. HANNAH, deceased abroad in or about the year 1812. • 

8C0'rT, TITUS, deceased abroad. Representatives ivantod. 

SGRIBA, AtJOOSTUS M., who in 1866 resided in New York aty, D.S.A. 

SRATON, ROBERT H^ formerly of England, now supposed to reside in Canada. 

SEMPLE, AIjEXANDER, a native of Scotland; last heard of at Mobile, U.S.A., in or about the year 1S58. 

SHANLET, Mrs. ELIZA, in 1878 resided and Uught School at 686, De Kalb Ave., Broolclyn, N.Y., n.8. A. 

SHBPPARD, ANN, (Maiden name, WARD), a native of England. Next of kin of, presumed to be in Canada. 

SHERIDAN, HELEN, bom about 1800; family supposed to be residing in America. 

SHUBL. Mrs. MARGARET (Maiden name, MoENANCY), formerly of Ireland ; now residing in America. 

SIBLEY, JAMES, an Engineer, deceased abroad in or about the year 18iO. 

SILLEBY, MARY, otherwise CAHILL, last heard of in Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. 

SIZMUR, WILLIAM, formerly an Apprentice on board the ship '* BrUish, Empire." 

SLATTER, Captain JOSEPH, deceased abroad in or about the year 18J8. 

SLEVINjFAMILY of, formerly of Ireland, now residing in America. 

SLOAN, HORATIO, formerly of Co Antrim, Ireland, now residing in New York City, U.S./ 

SLOANE. CATHERINE. (See Catherine Adams.) 

BMITH, GEOKOE, formerly of Lunehonse, Co. Middlesex, England. 

SMITHWICK, GEORGE P., formerly of Co. Tyrone, Ireland ; now residing In AmeriM. 

SOMERS. JAMES and RICHARD, who left London, Eng., for America In 1862. 

SOUTH, CECILE MARIE, deceased in or about the year 1835. 

80UZA, Surgeon FRANCIS DK (See De Souza, Surgeon Francis.) 

BFENCER, Major ROBERT, deceased abroad in or about tbe year 1858. 

SrACKFOLE, Lieutenant THOMAS, dnceased abroad m or about the year 18311. 

BTAPFORD, Mrs. HARRIET, deceased abroad in or about theyeiVr 1853. 

STANTON, BENJAMIN S., who in 1867 resided in Minnesota, U.S.A. 

STEELE, Dr. GODERl'.Y, who left London, Eng., for America In 1878. 

STEVENS, ROBERT, decea.wd abroad. Representatives winted. 

STEWART, CHARLfcS, deceased abroad in or about the year 1835. 

STEWART, CHARLOTTE, deceased abroad. / Representatives of wanted. 

STEWART, liEORGE N., now or formerly of New York City, U.S. A. 

STOCKWBLL, CATHERINE, residing In New York Oltv, or elsewhere in America. 

STROHSCHEIN, CHRISTOFH HKKMANN, a native of Germany, now residing i'l America . 

STUNT, THOMAS WILLIAM, a Mariner, deceased abroad la or about the year 1824. 

SULLIVAN, TIMOTHY, formerly of South Wales, deceased in or about tlie year 1873. 

8WARR1S. Mrs. AUGUSTINE, deceased abroad in or about tho year I8'I8. 

SWEENEY, CHARLES WARD, formerly of London, deceased in or about the year 1876. 

SWEENEY, Miss MARIA, deceased in or about the year 1 812. Representatives of wanted. 

BYME, WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about the year 1842. 

TALLEMACH, Captain WILLIAM, deceased abroad In or about the year 1818. 

TART FAMILY, residing in the United States of America, or the West Indies. 

TAYLOR, WILLIAM, of Leeds and Manchester, Eng.; was at San Fi-anclsco,. Cal., U.S. A., la March, 188» 

THOMPSON, CHARLES ALEXANDER, deceased abroad In or about ihe year 1875. 

THOMPSON, Mrs. VIRGINIA WILKINSON FOSTER, residing in New York City, or elsewhere In Amerlott. 

TOMLINSON. Mrs. JANK, deceased abroad in or about the year 1 843. 

TOUSEY, GEORGE, decessed abroad. Representatives of, supposed to be In America. 

TRUFITT, JOHN, a Seaman, who loft London for America In 1860. 

TURNER, DAVID, who, when last heard of, was residing at La Paz, Lower California. 

VALLB, BARTHOLOMEW, deceased abroad in or about the year 1830. 

VANZETTE, Captain GEORGE LEWIS, deceased abroad In or about the year 1834. 

VARLEY FAMILY, foiTnerly of Worcestershire, England ; supposed to have emigmted to Canada. 

VAUGHAN, JOHN and ARTHUR, now or recently residing in New York City, or elsewhere in America. 

VICKERS, THOMAS AUGUSTUS, deceased abroad in or about the year 1828. 

VON POLL, or PAUL, EUGENE j was in =an Francisco in 1868 ; and in Yankton and Chicago in 1875, 

VOSS. ANNA, who left Bremen, Germany, for America, about 1854. 

WADDBLL, OEORGE, deceased abroad in or about the year 1840. 

WALKER, or ONQLBY, CHRISTINA, residing in New York or elsewhere in America. 

WALLER, Mrs. SOPHIA MARGARET, deceased abroad in or about the year 1860. 

WARD, ANN. (See 4nn Sheppard.) 

WARD, HETTY; (afterwaKla Mrs. GILDBRSLEEVE) ; now residing in America. 

WATERS, JAMES A., in 187", at No. 134 Bowery, and In 1877 with Holyoke BoneCo., N.Y. City, U.S.A. 

WATKINS, Mra ANN, late of uo Brecon, Wales, Representatives of, residing in America. 

WEAR, Major DANIEL, deceased abr^'ad. Representatives wantea. 

WEBB, JOHN, a Solicitor, deceased abroad in or about the year 1802. 

WELTON. JOHN, late cf Co. Middlesex, England. His next of kin supposed to reside in tho U.S.A., or Canada 

WHEATALL, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1807. 

WHITALL, JAMES D. W., who in 1835 resided in New York City, U.S.A. 

WHITBROOK, CHARLES and AONBS (Maiden name, COUFLAND) ;th6 former late an Engineer in Dunkirk 

N.Y., and Susquehanna, Pa., U.S.A. ; and the latter at one time resided in Windsor. Ont.. Canada after! 

wardainDetroit, Mlch.,andBuflivlo, N.Y., D.S.A, ' 

WHITE, JOHN, a Mariner, deceased abroad in or about the year 1807. 
WHITE, THOMAS ROWAT, deceased abroad in or about the year 186?. 
WIORINS, Lieutenant CHARLES HENRY, deceased abroad m or about the year 1828. 
WILKINSON, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the year 1831. 
WILLIAMS, Captain JAMES HENRY, deceased abroad in or about the year 1833. 
WILLIAMSON, Lieutenant J., deceased abroad. Representatives wanted. 
WOODWARD, H ERBERT, deceased abroad. Representatives of wanted. 

America many years ago. 
WYNNE, NATHAJUEL, formerly of Co. Cork, Ireland, now residing in America. 
YARNOLD.Mrs. (^therlne, (Maiden name, HOWES), deceased in or about the year 1859. 
YATES, HENRY, formerly of Yorkshire, deceased In ur about the year 1878. 
YEOMANS, JOSEPH FROUD^ deceased in or about the year l8i6. 
YOUNG, Mrs. ANN, deceased m or about the year 1841. 
YOUNG, Captain JAM b;s, deceased abroad in or about the year 1806. 
YULE, ANDREW, deceased abroad in or about the year 1851, 



The following persons (or heirs) are entitled to property. Address J. B. MARTIN- 
I>A£.E, 148 I.i^feialle Street, Chicago, Illinois, stating all facts on which claim is based 
[See pages 6, 7 and 8 of this Manual.] 

ABBET, SAKAH, bom about 1820 ; daughter o( Thomas Abbey, supposed to be ooaneoted with the Law Th» 

family resided m or near Exeter, England. 
ALDERMAN, LOOISA, (formerly MAYHEW), who left England for Amerlja about the year 1837 
ALLAN, WILLIAOI K,, bom about 1815. Supposed to have gone to America. 

ALLEN, ANDREW, a Tinsmith, who died abroad in the year 1834. Relatives of, supposed to be in Canada 
ANTON, GEORGE J., a native of Scotland, residing in New York or elsewhere in America. 
ASKIN FAMILY, formerlT of England, supposed to reside in America. 
ARNOLD, Mrs. ELlZAbETH. (See Sarah Gray.) 
ASTE FAMILY, supposed to be residing in America. 

BAKER, WILLIAM, of Hoxton, Co Middlesex, Eng., in 1780. Representatives oi, supposed to be in Amoilca. 
BARLOW, ANN, in 1731 residing at Tumham Green, County Middlesex, England. 
BARNES, CATHERINE (afterwards PARDDE or PBUDDE) who went to America in 1840. 
BARNES, Mrs. MAKY, formerly of Co. M iddiesez, Englaud ; deceased in or about the year 1842. Next of l:m 

supposed to be in Canada. 
BARNSLEY, Miss ELIZABETH, deceased abroad in or about the year 1832. 

BARR.ACLO UGH, W. P., formerly of London, who is supposed to have left England for America in 1886 
BARTH, GBORGK formerly a Landowner, In Islip, L.j:, N.Y„ U.S.A. 

BASTIEN, MARCELIN, a naUve of France, a Balier by trade, Bupp.)sed to be in America since 1881. 
BATTEN. J_^ deceased abroad. Representatives of, supoosed to oe m America. 
BATTEN, WILLIAM, in 1780 residing in Uoxton, Co. Middlesex, England. 
BAYLBT, WILLIAM T., a Painter, living In New York City, U.S.A., previous to 1863. 
BEARD, PRUDENCE, deceased in or about the year 1878. 
BEATON, EAOGAR, deceased abroad in or about the year 1863. 
BEATSON, GEORGE), deceased abroad in or about the year 1864. 
BEAUCHAMF^ PHILIP, hist heard of ITom Rio de Janeiro about 1830. 

BEDFORD, EI>WAKD, deceased in or about the year 1860. Next of kin supposed to be in America. 
BEEBY, SARAH, of London, Eng.. about 1871). Representatives of, residing in America. 
BELL, WILLIAM, whose wife was last heard of as a Dressmaker in Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. 
BELLINGHAM, JOHN, deceased abroad in or about the vear 1845. 
BENNBT, CAPI'AIN WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about the year 1813. 
BENNETT,SARAH. of London, Eng., about 1877. RepreseniaUves of, supposed to be in America. 
BENTON, WILLIAM, deceased abroad in or about the year 1877. 
BERG, BERNHARD, formerly oi Bavaria ; now residing in America. 
BERMINGHAM, WALTER, of London, Bug., in or about the year 1740. 
BBTBCAM, Miss MARY, deceased abroad in or about the year 1869. 
BBZINE, WILLIAM S., now or recently residing at Amsterdam, S.Y.t U.S.A. 
BEZZBNBERGBK., WILHELM, supposed to be residing in the United States, or Canada. 
BIBWELL, JOHN, of Telverton, Co. i«l ortiiampton, Eng., in 1855. Reoresentatives of, in America. 
BIGGS, ELIZABETH, or her brother, ALFRED SAWYER, supposed to have emigrated about 184*. 
BIRD, JAMES, residmg In New York, U.S.A., in 1863. He was the son of Thomas KawUns Bird. 
BIRD, WILLIAM, JAMES, or JOHN, sons of Joseph Mrd ; left England about 1836 
BIRDSALL FAMILY, now or recently residing in America. 
BLUNDELL, Mrs. A. J. M., deceased abroad in or about the yeai' 1826. 
BOL.UERO, CAPIAIN CHARLES, deceased abroad in or about the year 1843. 
BOLTON, MARY : when last heard of, about 184U, was residing in Co. Kent, England. 
BRADSHAW, JOHN, in 1775 of Greenwich, Co. Kent, England. 
BRADY, WILLIAM, of London, Eng., in or about the year 1770. 
BRAIN, JOHN C, now or recently of Clilcago, Ills., U.S.A. 

BRAME (orBRAHAM) FAMILY, formerly of England, supposed to be In America. 
BRAZIER, ELLEN, deceased abroad. Relatives oi; supposed to be in America. 
BREISACHER, ANNA MARIA, residing in New York, or elsewhere In America. 
BRIDGE, THOMAS, late of Wigan, England ; wis in 1866 at Salt Lake, Dtah, Cl.aA. 
BROOKS, SALLY, (afterwards wife ol HUGH WILLIAMSON), hving in or about the year 1780. 
BROOMAN FAMILY, supposed to be residing in America 
BROWN, MARY ANN, deceased in or about the yeai- 1878. 
BROWN, THOMAS, late of Hull, Yorkshire, Englana. 

BURLAND, JAMES A., formerly of Bristol, England, who went abroad about the year 1853. 
BUEIKB, ALEXANDER, son of Ricliard Burke, formerly of Co. Cork, Ireland ; now residing in America. 
BURKE, PATRICK, deceased abroad in or about the year 1870. 

BURTON, ELIZABETH JANE, deceased abroad. Next of kin supposed to be in America. 
BUTLER, MARY ANN, deceased in or about the year 1880. 
BYRNE, Mrs. ELIZABETH. (See Cromein-Cromeon.) 
CAESAR, CHARLES, who in 1714 was Treasurer to the British Navy. 

CAMPBELL, WILLIAM THOMSON, formerly of Aberdeen, Scotland; was in Van Dieman's Land, In IStSl 
CARROLL, MARGARET. (See Uugidos, Alpbonse.) 
CARTER FAMILY, formerly of Enciand, now residing in America. 
CARY, THOMAS, formerly of London, England, now supposed to be residing in Ameiiea. 
CAYQILL, WILLIAM H., last heard of in Memphis, Tenn., U.S.A., in 1879. 
CHAMBERLA YN£, FRANCES, alive about 17i!0. Next of kin of. supposed to be in America. 
CHEW, JAMES, formerly of Swindon, England, now residing in New York, or elsewhere in Amcilea.. 
CILIBKS FAMILY, supposed to be residing in America. 
CLARE, AMY, (Maiden name, WARNER), last heard of in Iowa, U.S.A 
CLARK, THOMAS, son of John and Sarah Clark, who left Eng. for America about 182.5. 
CLARKE, SAMUEL, of London, l£ng., in 1720. Next of kin supposed to be in America. 
CLAUWIiiRS FAMILY, foimerly of Noord-Biabant, Holland, last heard of in New York, U.S. A 
COLLINS, GEORGE, deceased abroad in or about the year 1823. 

CONGER. Mr., a Fresco-painter, now or recently residing in East 5th Street, New York City, U.S.A 
CONNELL, JOHN, deceased abroad In or about the year 1807. 
CONNOR, HENRY, deceased abroad in or about the year 1826. 
CONYERS, Miss ELIZABETH, deceased in or about the year 1871. 
COOPER, EDWARD, deceased abroad in or about the year 1830. 
COOPER, ELIZABETH. (See Ehzaoeth Smith.) 
COPE, DANIEL RICHARDS, of Battersea, Co. Suney, England, in 1882. 
CORNISH, F., deceased abroad. Relatives of, supposed to be in America. 
COR'i' FREDERIC, deceased abroad In or about the year 1835. 
COTTELL, Mrs. ANN, deceased in or about the year 1873. 
COTTRELL, THOMAS, deceased abroad in or about tlie year 1836. 
COTTRELL, THOMAS, deceased abroad in or about the year 1823. 
COXALL, WALTEft. of Hertfordshire, Eng,, who emigrated in 18114. 
CRAIG, THOMAS GEORGB, who in 1880 resided at, Texas, U.S.A. ,g. 


'CRICHLOW, HENKy. deoeaserl abroadl n or about the year 1867. 

'CRICHTON, JAMRS, deceased abrOad In or about the year 1838. 

<3B0F1\ JOHN* JAMSS, a native of England; supposed to be realdinff In America. 

CkOMEIN-CROMEGN'. The Children, who are supposed to be in Amerioa, of Joseph Cromein, who married 

early in this century ; and whose brother Lawrence had, ic is believed, the foUotring children, viz.: Mrs. 

Elizabeth Byrne, Mrs. Ann Smith, John and Joseph Cromein. 
CROMPTON FAMILY", formerly of rorkshire, Eng.. now rebiding in the TT.S A., or Canwda. 
CROMPTON, WILLIAM, of London, Rng,, about 1722. Next of kin supposed to be In Amerioa. 
CROSWELLBR I'AMILT, formerly of England, nowresiding in Ameiica. 
CDMMINGti, MART, who when last heard of was residing at itUzabeth, N-J., TJ.S.A. 
•CURLE, NATHANIEL, alive about 1730. Representatives of, residing in America. 
-CURTIS, Mrs. FRANCES, deceased about 1722. She had a son OEOR&E, who went to America. 
•CUSSENS, ANN, afterwards wife of William Woods. 
DAL7 FAMILY, formerly of London, Eng., now residing in America. 

DA SILVA, EVE, bom in Batavia about 1826. Representatives of, supposed to be in Amerioa 
DAVIES, HENRY JOHN, formerly of London, Eng.; now residing in America. 
OAYIES, JOSIAH, Merchant, London, Eng., i602. Descendants of, supposed to be in America. 
DA VIES, WILLIAM, a Labourer, in 188J residing near Abergavenny, wales. Representatives ot, supposed to 

be residing in America. 
•DEAIi, WILLIAM and HENRY, residing in New York, or elsewhere in America. 
DEARDEN FAMlLYMbrmerly of England, supposed to be in America. 
DE BKETTON, LUDWICK. and his wife ELIZA, formerly residing in St. Sitts, W.L, which Island they left in 

1873 for America. 
DE LA PENH A, LOITIS, a native of Holland, deceased 1881. Representatives of, residing In America. 
OEMING, LORENZO, late a Seaman on the U.S. Naval Vessel " Vermont." 

JDESTANDEAU, PETER, of London, Eng., about I7d0. Descendants of, supposed to be in America. 
DBSVAUX. STEPHEN, of London, Eng., about 1730. Descendants of, supposed to be in Ameiica, 
DEVON, CAPTAIN RICHARD, living about 1722. Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
DICK, JAMES WILLIAM, a Marine Engineer, formerly of Birkenhead, England, now lesiding in 

DILLON, JAMES, formevly of Manchester, Eng.; was at Salt Lake City. U.S.A., in 1872. 
I>IX, THOMAjS, living in 1723. Descendants of, supposed to be in America. 
DOLAN, THOMAS, whose parents now or formerly residedin Dutchess Co., N.Y., U.S.A. 
DONALD, SAMUEL, who left Perthshire, Scotland, for Ajnerica, in or about the year 1866. 
DOUG-LAS. JAMES, (son of George Douglas), a native of Scotland, who went abroafl previous to 1863. 
DOWLAND, CAPTAIN JOHN, formerly a Captain in the 67th British Regiment. He was alive in 1859. 
DUNCAN, JOHN, a native of London, who left England to go abroad in the year 1843. 
DUNKHASE, HEINRICK EDWARU, a Sailor, supposed to be residing in America. 
DURHAM, JOHN, of London, Eng., in 1760. Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
DWYER FRANCES GRACE H., and SUSANNAH K., formerlv oi' Ireland, now residing in America. 
EATON, PETER, living in Co. Chester, England, in I860. Nephews and nieces of, supposed to be in Amerl 
EBBERN. THOMAS, who left England for America about the year 1857. 

ELDR.IDGE, THOMAS, of London, , in 1767. Descendants of, supposed to be in America. 
ELMS, JULIA EMMA, daughter of John Elms, bom about 18i8. 

ESCHAUZIER, JAMES JOHN VAN DER, TUNK, a native of Holland, fupposed to re^de in America 
EVANCE, REBECCA, of London, Eng., In 1760. Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
GVERINGTON, JAMES, a SaUor, formerly of London, who left England for America in 1873. 
CALE, JOHN, who in 1856 was residing in California, U.S.A. 
FANSHAW, LETITIA, residing in New York, or elsewhere in America. 

FaWCETT, JOHN aod JONATHAN, (sons of Betty Fawcett) who went to America previous to 1852. 
flliAHERTY, BERNEY, a Mariner In 1780. Representatives of,, supposed to be in America. 
Fleming, MARIA, formerly of Co. FermanaRh, Ireland, was in 1879 residing at Tremont, N.Y., U.S.A. 
FOOLEWAIT, FRANCIS, a Gardener, residing in or near New York, U.S.A., about 1830. 
FOKD FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in Ameiica. 

FORTUNE, JOaN, late Quartermaster 61st Regiment, British Army, who died in 1813. 

GALLAGHER, BRIDGET, left Co. Sligo, Ireland, for America in 1872, last heard of in Orange, N.Y., U.S.A. 
"OAUNT, CATHERINE, of London in 1733- Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
GAVIN. JOHN, a native of Scotland; last heard of in 1879 at Poughkeepaie, N.Y., U. -..V. 
■GEELENN, or HAGAN, BRIDGET, a native of Ireland, residing at Albany, N.Y., U.S. A , in 1865. 
GENT, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Ship CapUin, in 1874 of Scepney, Co. Middlesex, England. 
GEORGE, DANIEL G., late a Seaman on the U.S. Naval Vessel, '*Chickopee." 
GIBBINS, GEORGE, deceased abroad. Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
GILCHRIST FAMILY of, formerly of England, now residing iu America. 
GLEASON, JULIA. (See Mrs. Jiilia Vine.) 
Q OLDIE, PETER, a native of Scotland, who left Glasgow for New York in 1874, and was in Brooklyn, New 

York, in January, 1877. 
•GOOD, ELIZABETH, formerly of London, now residing In America, 
GORHAM, JOHN, of Lonion, Eng., in 1760. Descendants of, supposed to be in America. 
GRAY, JOHN^f London, Eng., in 188L His representatives supposed to be in America. 
QRAST, SARAH, widow of Samuel Gray. The latter died in Clerkenwell, London, Eng., in 1791, ana naa a 

brother, Francis Abercromby Gray, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold. Descendants of, suppo^td to 

be in America. 
-GREEN FAMILY, residing in Georgia, or elsewhere in America. 

■GREEVES, PETER, a SurgeonLliving in 1770. Representatives of, supposed to be residing in America. 
GRUBE FAMILY, formerly of Hamburg, now residing in America. 

43UINET, BRIDGET, left Co. Sligo, Ireland, for America in 1872, last heard of in Orange, N.J^ U.S.A, 
■GUTHRIE FAMILY, formerly ef Scotland, now supposfd to be in America. 
Haines, MARY, now or recently residing in New York, U.S.A. 
fiALEY, iS AA fr son of Thomas and Betty Haley, who went to America in 1839. 
HALFPENNY FAMILY, formerly of England, now ra-iding in Ameiica. 
-HAMILTON, WILLIAM:, late of MaryhiU, Glasgow, Scotland ; now residing in America. 
HAMMOND, MARTIN, deceased abroad in or about the year 18u8. 
HANDASYDE, GEORGE, deceased abroad iu or about the year 1841. 
HARDING, MAJOR RICHARD, deceased abroad in or about the year 1821. 
"Harding, WILLIAM, formerly of Canada, afterwards of Nbw South Wales, Australia. 
HARRISON, LIEUTENANT G. L.. deceased abroad in or about the year 1820. 
Hart, WILLIARI, late of MaryhllL Glasgow, Scotland j now r siding in America. 
HARTLEY FAMILY, formerly of Lancashire, England, now supposud to be in Ameriofc 
HAWSINS, CHARLES, deceasei abroad in or about the year lsi3. 
HAY, Miss HELEN, deceased abi-oad in or about the year 18'<!8. 

HEFTY, HELEN and EDWARD, residing in New York City, or elsewhere In America. 
•UENCHMAN, ROBERT, deceased abroad In or about the ) ear 1844. 
HENEF, Miss M AR7, deceased in or about the year 1846. 
HBWETr, GEORGE, deceased abroad in or about the year 1857. 

HICKaY, DANIEL, who emigrated to America in 1865, and was residing In New York City in 1881 
HICKS, HENRY, a Carpenter, who left England for New York City, D.S.A., in or about the year 1877 
HIGGINS, MICHAEL REGAN, a native of the West Indies ; now supposed to reside in America 
filGGlNS. SAMUEL, late Fireman on U.S'S. '• Pi-inceion.'' 
aiLBERS, THOMAS HERMANN, last heard of in Brooklyn, New York, U.S,A., about 1858. 

SPECIAL LIST. No. 13. 187 

mSsn^^Ff iSii?v- SS1» 'i'^'^?°f ■ "i'™ '" '"*■ RspresMitatlTes of, supposed to reside In Am <». 
SiSSSS S't^ir^' formerly of England, now supposed to be in America. 
STjiffJ" E4-?SI'?i,'?5SS'i^°',?''8land, now residing in America. 

SfiniPTV^irn^iS ■^^^'^?^'','"g'''i''?^■, RtP™™'*""^ »'• snpposed to be in America. 
■SSS?-i'jA**J?,^'J'^ir'"' ^^^ Calcutta, E.l., for New York, U.S.A., in 1858. 
SSfliW^r.^^'^y^S S'SSi^j'' ""'S-,''''"™^'^''"' ^°e- an* aft"™"^ of Canada. 
HOLME, Miss MARaARET, deceased in or about the year 1873. 
HOOD, JAMES A, a Jeweller, now or recently of Providence U.S A 

§S^feS&r4*'|i'r,w?S n°?' "i"! Middlesei, Eng., in 1780. Representatives of, supposed to be In America. 
S9SSIS"S!,??JT4,'''R/-'..'*?o Seaman on V.h. Naval Vessel, '■Chiokopee.'' 

'S?S-^^?!j'ioy«?o""'"''S^° °?l'?o SnSANNAHl of Herefordshire, Eng., supposed to be in America. 
IMPLETON, THOMAS, son of Sarah Impleton j supposed to bo in America. 
JSII^?^S'?Xt,?A^J^2!,'°S"!'''?; of Forfarshire, Scotland, now residing in America. 

isS.'iS^, .-.iP,^!,"' ™'o ^od, Co. Middlesex, Bug., in 1741. Representatives of, supposed to be inAmerioa. ' 
IRWIH FAMILY formerly of London, Eng. , now residing in Amenca. 
JACK FAMILY, formerly of Scotland; now residing in America. 
JAMES. WILLIAM, deceased abroad. Next of kin of, supposed to be in America. 
JENKINS, EDWARD B., and C, C. B., living in Texas, D.s!a., in 1860. 
.JENKINS, THOMAS, son of Thomas Jenkins, of Golden Square, London, Coal Merchant, and who in the year 

1788 was apprenticed to Archibald Hamilton, Printer and Stationer, of London, En«. 
JBPSON, SARAH Ay and LOUISE ABBOTT JBPSON, wife of Titus Jepson, in America in 1865. 
€95SI9S> J'^SSl?''-^' '•''"« '^ or about the year 1878. Next of kin of, supposed to be In Amsrioa. 
JOHNSON, SAMUEL, of Bristol, Eng., about 1720. Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
JOHNSON, WILLIAM W., in 1841, a Clothier, at 86, Cedar Street, New York City, U.S.A. 
JONES, H. S. Wy late of Cardenas, Cuba, W.I.. now residing in America. 
JONES, MARTHA, formerly of Co. Hereford, Eng., living In 1880. 
KEARNS. WILLIAM, a Farmer, who emigrated ftom Ireland, and died abroad in 1856. 
KEMP, THOMASjOf London, Eng., in 1733. Representatives of, supposed to be in America, 
KING, ROBERT H., late Seaman on U.S. Naval Vessel, " Vei-mont.^ 
KIRE^Mrs. C. L., now or formerly of Boston, Mass., U.S. A. 

KNOwLES, WILLIAM, deceased abroad. Next of kin of, supposed to be in America. 
LAM B, PETER, of London, Eng., in 1723. Representatives of, supposed to be iu America. 
LANDER FAMILY, formerly of England, suppossd to be in America. 
LANG, CATHERINE, vesidmg in Wolviston, Co. Durham, England, in 1881. 

LANGLEY, JANE, daughter of William LangleT, of Liverpool, Eng., who married and went to America 1840. 
LA PEN HA, LODIS D£, a native of Holland, deceased in 1881. Representatives of, supposed to be in America 
LBVERT FAMILY, now or recently residing in Mobile, U.S.A. 
IjEWIS, JANE, formerly of the City of Chester, England. 

LICHIGARAY FAMILY, f mnerly of England, supposed to be now in America. 
LOANE, GEORGE W., n«w or late of Baltimore, U S.A. 
LORY FAMILY, formerly of England, supposed to be residing in America. 
M'CLELLAND, Mrs. MARIA, now or formerly residing in East li'4th wtreet. New York City, n.S.A. 
MoDOUGALL, AUGUSTUS, formerly of Co. Surrey, "ng , livl. g in 1878. 
UoELWEB FAMILY, formerly of Ireland, now residing in Orleans Co., New York U.S.A. 
McGUIRE, CAPTAIN JOHN, now or formerly of Butler COi, Pa., U.S.A. 
Mackenzie, DUNCAN; formerly of Islington, Co. Middlesex, Eng., living in 1877. 
M KIMM, JAMES EDWARD, formerly of the Roval Engineers, British Army, now residing in America. 
M'LAREN, MATTHEW TUllNBULL, a native of Scotland, who emigrated in 1859. 
M-'LEAN, DUNCAN, formerly of Glasgov/, Scotland, now residing in America. 
MoMAHON, MICHAEL, formerlv of Co. Kildare, Ireland, now residing in America. 
MADDOX, GEORGE, formerly of Worcestershire, who left England in 1878, it is supposed for America. 
MANNINGS FAMILY, formerly of Lonaon, Eng., now resiamg in America. 
MARNEWICK FAMILY, supposed to be residing in America. 

MATTRAS3, SAMUEL, who, m or about the year 1865, was in business at New Orleans, La., U.S.A. 
MAY, J AMES, bom in Dublin, Ireland, about 1820. Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
MAYjWILLIAM and GEORGE, of London, Eng., in 1730. Represenratives of, supposed to be in America. 
MAYHEW, LOUISA. (See Louisa Alderman.) 

MEARES, GASTON, who in 1861 was in the Cotton business in New York City, U.S.A. 
JIELVIL, Mr. W. E., who in January, 1882, lived in East limh Street, New York City, U S.A 
METCALFE, EDWARD, of London, Eng., a Merchant in 1722. Representatives of, supposed to bo m America. 
MILLER, PAUL, of Whitechapel, London, Eng., in 1760. Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
MITCHELL, EDWARD, formerly of Co. Galway, Ireland, now residing in America. 
MONAHAN, THOMAS LEWIS, a Midshipman, who left Ireland to go abroad in 1866. 
MOORE, CARLOTA ELIZABEPH, deccHsed. Heir-at-law and next of kin supposed to reside In America. 
MOORE, CHARLES. CHRISTOPHER, JAMES, and BRIDGET, brothers and sister, residing in Oanadi. 
M0UNT\r0Y, GEORGE and JAMES, who left England many years ago, it is supposed for America 
MOUSSERONE, JOHN, supposed to reside In the New England .States, U.S A. 

MUNDY. MARlAj formerly of Oxfordshire. England, now residing in New York or elsewhere in America. 
MURRAY, WILLIAM, who left Co. Cork, Ireland, about April, 1872, for Portland, Maine, U.S. A 
MURRELL, DINAH, living in 1840. Representatives of, supposed to be iu America; 
NAUGHTON, MARY, of Co. Galway, Ireland, residing in Brooklyn and New York, U.S.A. in 1868. 
NEATE, S., of Wiltshire, Eng., in 1850. Next of kin of, supposed to be in America. 
XTEEDHAM FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 
KOAD FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in Amenca. 

NORTJE, J. P., and J. S., deceased abroad. Represesentatives of, supposed to be in America. 
OWEN, GRACE, alive in 1775. Representatives of, be in America. 
PAGE, HENRY, son of Margaret and Henry, who left the West Inuies in 1871, in barque " Conllow" to 

England, and who is believed to be now in America. 
PARDU E, or PERDUE, CATHERINE (See Catherine Barnes ) 
PARLEY, JOHN S., deceased abroad- RepreseiiLitives of, supposed to be in America. 
PARROT, WILLIAM S- CreMtors «/, residing in America. 

PARRY, THOMAS, formerly of Lancashire, who left England for Canada in or about the year 1830. 
PATTERSON, Mr. D. W., residing in New York, or elsewhere in America. 
PKAKCE, WILLIAM PIKE, of Co. Devon, England. Next-of-kin in America. 

PENHA, LOUIS DE LA, a native of Holland, deceasea in 1881. Keprosentatives of, in America. 
PHILLIPS, BENJAMIN, and SARAH his wife, foi-merly of Pembrokeshire. Next-of-kin in America. 
PIGOTT FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in A menca. • 

PITKIN FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 
POND, Mr. W. H., residing in New Yoik City, or elicwhere in America. 
PEF.VOST, WILLlAm PETER, and THOMAS, sons of William Prevost, ot St. John's, Southwark, Counti 

Surrey, Eng., in 1764. 
RADCLYFFE, WILLIAM, of London, England, 1826. Next-of fcta in America. 
RAND FAMILY, formerly of England, now re^iding in America. 

RAVENEL. EDWARD, supposed to have emigrated to America in or after the year 1744. 
BEED FAMILY, formerly ot England, now residing in America. 

REEVES, JOHN PASSMOBE, and PETER FABSMORB, formerly of England, now residing, in America. 
RISELY, MARY, widow of Henry John Risely, of Isieworth, Middleste, ±.ng , in 1758. 
ROBINSON, ANN, bom about 1706, Bister of Dorinda Robiuson. 
EOBINSON, FANNY, of St. John's, Wapping, Co. Middlesex, Eng., born about 1786. 


UOQEBS, BENRT^on of Jane Rogers, of Wales. He was last beard fl-om in Stockton, CaL, U.S.A., In 18SS. 
ROGERS, PATRICK, whu left Ireland many years ago, and settled In Upper Canada. 

ROHFRITSCH, CHARLES FRANCIS, a native of France, bom about 1848. Supposed to bate goneto America^ 
ROSSELL PAMILT, formerly of Liverpool, England, now rehiding in America. 
ROWLLS FAMILY, tormerly of England^ now residing in America. 
SADLER, ELIZA, alive in 1876. Her next of kin supposed to be in America, 
SAV BRT, THOMAS, serving in tbe British Navyin or about the year 1716. 

Sawyer, Alfred, or his sister, Elizabeth JJIOGS, supposed to have emigrated about 1844. 
SCOTT, Mrs. ACKES, formerly residing comer of Marcy and Flushing Avenues, Brooklyn, N.Y., C7.S.A. 
SCOTT, FRANCIS, deceased abroad in or about tbe year 1878. Next of kin residing in America. 
SCOTT, JOHN, of Glasgow, Scotland ; was in Hawesville, Ey., 1860, and afterwards went to New Orleani. 
SCOTT, JOHN BRODIE, a Sailor, a native of Glasgow, who left Scotland on a foreign ?oyage in August, 1862. 
SCRIVENER. JOHN, of London. Eng. , in 1760. Kepresentativea of, supposed to be in America. 
, SEATON, ANNIE. (See Annie TeUefsen.) 
SHELLEY FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 
SHERIDAN, HELEN, bom about 1800. Representatives of; supposed to be in America. 
SHERIDAN, MARY and MARGARET, who left IreUnd for America in tbe year 1848. 
SHERMAN, £Z fa,KIEL, living in 1722. Representatives oil residing in America. 
SHORE, Miss. (See Mrs. Alexander Thomson.) 

SHOWER, BARTHOLOMEW, Barrister-at-Iaw, In 1730. Descendants ot supposed to be in America 
SHDTILEWORTH, THOMAS, alive in 1724. He afterwards left England for America. 
SILVA, EVE DA. JSee Eve Da Silva.) 

SIMMONS FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 

SIMMONS, GEORGE, Surgeon's Steward on boai'd the " Winipec," at Annapolis, in March, 1866. 
SLEATH, CAROLINE L., deceased abrcod. Next of kin of, supposed to be in America. 
iJMITH, ANN, widow of John Smith, of A'eiv Orleans, La., as.A., in 1860. 
SMITH, Mrs. ANN. (See Cromein-Cromeen.) 

SMITH, ELIZA, wife of John Smith, who left England for Salt Lake City, U.S. A, in 1868. 
SMITH, ELIZABETH, of New Orleans, La., U.S.A. a sister of JONATHAN COOPER. 
SMITH, JAMBS, now or late of 274, Grand Street, New Haven, Conn., U.S.A. 

SMITH, WILLIAM, formerly of Wivenhoe, Co. Essex, who left England in 1863, It is supposed for America. 
SMYTHE, QEOROIS, an Engineer, now or late of No. 2,420, Braddock Street, Philadelphia, Fa., U.S.A. 
SPENCER, WILLIAM ROBERT, who left Eng. for the U.S.A. m or about the year 1871. 
SFITT FAMILY, formerly of Hamburg, now residing in America. 

STARK, ARCHIBALD, a Liquor Dealer, residing in New York City, U.S.A., previous to 1863. 
STEM, or STERN, Mr. O. H. P., formerly of Richmond, Va., then of N ew York City, U.S. A 
STEWART, DAVID, MARY, and HANNAH, natives of Co. Donegal, residing in Mew York, U.S.A., la 1873. 
STRONG, PELEG, or PERISAN, now or formerly of Northampton, Mass , D.S.A. 
SYMONS, CAROLINE, in 1880 residing in Co. Devon, Eng. Relatives of, supposed to bo in America. 
TALLMAN, FRANK, now or recently residing in New York City, D.S.A. 
TATE, J OHN, of Bristol, Eng , in 1 722. Representatives of, residing in America. 

TAYLOR, ALFRED P„ a native of Eng., at one time in tbe British Army; now supposed to reside in America. 
TAYLOR, GEORGE, of Co. Monmouth, Wales, living in 1879. Next of kin of, residing in America. 
TAYLOR, MARGARET, formerly of Co. Bmce, Ont., Canada, afterwards of Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. 
TEDD, EDWARD, living in 1764. Descendants o^ supposed to be in America. 
TELLBFSEN, ANNIE, (bom SEATON or (VILSON), of Co. SmTey, Eng., married in 1861, and now supposed 

to reside in America. 
THIENE, COUNTESS of, deceased. Heir-at-law and next of kin of, supposed to reside in America. 
THOMPSON, ANN, of Islington, Co. Middlesex, Eng., in 1722. Representatives supposed to reside in America 
THOMSON, Mrs. ALEXANDICR, (Maiden name, SHORE), who lefi, London, England, for New York, in 1864. 
THORNTON, PETER, a Stonemason, formerly of Yorkshire, England, residing in the U.S. A. in 1835. 
THOROWGOOD FAMILY,formerly ol London, Eng^now residing in America. 
TOLWORTHY, GEORGE W„ a Bricklaver, who left England for New York in March, 1866. 
TUNECLIFF, RICHARD, a Tailor, of Hammersmith, Co. Middlesex, Eng., in 1816. 
TUNNY FAMILY, formerly of Ireland, now residing in America. 

UNGIDOS, ALPHONSB, or his wife MARGARET, formerly CARROLL, who in 1870 were of London, Eng. 
UPTON, WILLIAM, a Tailor, of 35, Dean Street, Oxford Street, London, Eng., in 1870. 
VANfilzEN, Mrs., residing in New York, or elsewhere in America. 

VBINRICH, SAMPSON, now or recently residing in N.Y. Citv, ur elsewhere in America. 
VINE, Mrs. JULIA, (Maiden name, GLEASON), residing in oi near Albany, N.Y., U.S.A., in 1840. 
WALTERS, R., deceased abroad. Next of kin of, supposed to be in America. 
WARNER, AMY. (See Amy Clark. ) 

WASTPBLD, SARAH, living in 1768. Descendants of, supposed to be in America. 
WATSON, GEORGE, a Blacksmith, a native of Scotland, residing at Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A., in 1868. 
WATSON, WILHABI, fomierly of Edinburgh, who left Scotland for America in i8B7. 
WELLS FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 

WELSH, EDWARD GEORGE, of London, Eng., livine in 1878. Neit of kin supposed to be in America. 
WELTON, PEGGY, widow of John Welton, of Chatham Row, Bath, Eng., m 1812. 
WHITE, JOHN, a Gardener, formerly of Co. Dubhn, Ireland, now residing in America. 
WILKS, HENRY, formerly a Seaman on the U.S. Naval Vessel, " Vermont." 
WILLIAMSON, HUGH, of London, Eng., in 1780. Dehcenaants of, supposed to be in America. 
WILLIAMSON, SALLY. (See Sally Brooks.) 

WILLS, THOMAS and SARAH, deceased abroad. Next of kin of, supposed to be in America. 
WILSON, ANNIE. (See Annie Tellefeen.) 

WILSON, RICHARD, formerly of Co. Norfolk, who left England for Canada many years ago. 
WiNDMUELLER. MORRIS, a Furrier, formerly of Berlin, now residing in America. 
WIRE, WILLIAM HENRY, formerly of England,' now residingin New York, or elsewhere in America. 
WOODCOCK, EDWARD and BETTY, residing in London, Eng., about 1702. 
WOODS, ANN. (See AnnCussens.) 

WRIGHT, LEONORA B., who left England many years ago, it is supposed, for America. 
WROTH, HENRY, of Guildford, Co. Surrey, Eng., m I72ii. Representatives of, living in America. 
YEO, THOMAS, formerly of London, Eng., afterwards of Barbadoes, W.I , Attorney-at-Law, 177 1. 
YOUNG, CHARLES WILLIAM, late of Ringwood, Hnmpshu-e, Enn., now residing in America. 
YOCJNG, WILLIAM, a native ot England, who in 1849 was trading in skins at New Orloans, La., U.S. A. 



The following pereons. if living, or if dead, their representatives, are entitled to property. 
Address J. B, MTAKTINDALE, 14^ La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois, giving all facts 
on which claim is based. [See pages 6, 7 and 8 of this Manual.] 

AITON, SINCLAIR, who left Scotland for America about the year 1839. 

ASHFORD FAMILY, formerly of England, now rBsiding in America, 

ATTU FAMILY, foi-merly of England, supposed to liavu emigi-aced to America. 

BAILEY, WILLIAM T., a Painter by trade, now or recently residing in New York City, U.S.A. 

BARRY, GEORGE R., formerly of Liverpool, England, now residing In America. 

BlRlK MARTHA, living in 1876, Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 

BIRKS, WILLIAM, formerly of Co. Lmcoln, England, but at present in the U.S. A. or Canada. 

BRENN AN, MICtlAEL J., a native oi Ireland. Representatives of, residing in America, 

BURKE,HENRY, formerly of Co. Dublin, Ireland, supposed to have emigrated to America. 

CARROLL, CATHERINE, formerly of Dublin, Ireland. Her next-of-kin supposed to be In America. 

CH U RCHlLLj CATHERINE, HEN RY, and JAM ES, supposed to be residing in America. 

COWLEY, HENRY, formerly of Co. Kent, England ; went abroad some years ago. 

DOC GLAS, JAMES (son of George Douglas), a native of Scotland, who went abroad previous to 1863. 

DOUGLAS, DR. ROBERT (otherwise R. MIDDLEMORB) ; was at Baltimore and Reading, U.S.A., In 188a 

EDGAR, Miss HENRIETTA MoD. (See Mrs. Daniel H. Wright.) 

EVANS, THOMAd, who left Scotland for America in 1862. 

FARRBLL, CAPTAIN THOMAS, who left Co. Galvsav Ireland, for America, in 1846. 

FERGOSON, ROBERT, a native of Kcotland ; last heard of in New York, In 1848. 

FERGUSON, WILLIAM, who left Scotland for Ameiica in or previous to the year 1828. 

FLANAGAN, ANN, formerly of Lancashire, England, now residing in America, 

FOX, CHARLES, residing In New York, Philadelphia, or elsewhere in America. 

GILCHRIST, JAMES A., now or formerly Seaman in the ship ** Horatio Harris," of Boston, U.S.A. 

GODDARD, SAMUEL, of Birmingham and London, England, In 1862, and who afterwavda went to AmericiL 

GORMAN, GEORGE and THOMAS, formerly of Co. Kildaie, who left Ireland for America about 1849. 

GROVER FAMILY, supposed to be residing in N ew York or Baltimore, U.S. A. 

HALEY, TIMOTHY, Boot-tree Finisher, residing in Philadelphia, U.S.A., in 1872. 

HALLIGAN, EDWARD J., employed on Elevated Railroad, New York City, In 1879. 

HAMILTO:^ GEORGE, late of Co. Essex, Canada; next-of-kin wanted. 

HATHERLEY FAMILY, formerly of Co. Norfolk, England, supposed to be residing in America. 

BOOME, Mr. T. F,, Organ Builder, now or formerly of Toronto, Canada. 

JAMES, CATHERINE, HENRY, and JAMES, supposed to be residing in America. 

JOHN SON lJOHN, formerly of Yorkshire, England, now residiug In America. He had a sister, Eleanor. 

EENDRlck FAMILY, formerly of England, now rcbiding in America. 

ERAUSE. CARL, Ci^r-maker, a native of Dresden. Saxony ; supposed to be in America. 

LASKEY FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 

LYNDWART, FAMILY of. residing in the United States or Canada. 

MACEIE, J. GOULDEN, formerly of Co. Kent, England : now residing in America. 

MoLACHLAN, WILLIAM. (See W. fl. W. Reed.) 

M'LAREN, JANET, of Stirlingshire, Scotland, two ol *rnose children went to Cincinnati, U.S.A., yeari ago. 

MoLEAN, JOHN, who emigrated from Nairn, Scotland, to Canada, In or about the year 1843. 

UoLELLAN, WILLIAM, supposed to be residing in America. 

tfoREYNOLDS, JOHN W., who, when last heard of, about 1869, waa In Philadelphia, U.S.A. 

MANLIE, JOHN and ANNA, supposed to be residing in America. 

MATTHEWS, JAMES, formerly of Salmouth, England, who went to Canada about 1843. 

MIDDLEMORE,B. (See Dr. Robert Douglas.) 

MILLER, JOHN, Tinsmith and Horse Dealer, a native of Ross-shire, who left Scotland for Carada about 1835. 

MONAHAN, PETER, THOMAS, and WILLIAM, formerly of Ireland, residing in America. 

MUNNS FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 

MURRAY, THOMAS, Bricklayer, a native of Scotland, residing In Texas, U.S.A., in 1849. 

NEWBERRY, SARAH, residing m New York or elsewhere In America. 

NORTH FAMILY, now or formerly of Massachusetts or Connecticut, U.S.A. 

NUTT if'AMlLY, formerly of England, now residing in America. ^ . .,. -vr -<r ™ i,-u4*.«- 

O'FLYNN, Mr. J. T. ; left Birmingham, England, in 1857, and was afterwards employed in the N. Y. Exhibition. 

CGORMAN, GEORGE and THOMAS, of Co. Klldare, who left Ireland for America about )849. 

0*GRADY, CATHERINE, formerly of Dublin, Ireland, Her next-of-kin supposed to be in America. 

PHILLIPS, THOMAS, a Butcher, formerly of Ruabon, Wales, who went abroad in 1853. 

PORTEOUS Family, formerly of Scotland, now residing in America. 

RAMSHAY, JOHN, and ELIZABETH, his Wife, Uving in 1861. Next-of kin supposed to be m America. 

REED W H. W., who, in December, 1870, engaged in the name of WILLIAM MoLACHLAN as Cook on tti« 

•^Agnea," which «ien left London for Chma, and arrived at Singapore in April, 1871. 
RELAY. GEORGE W., residing in New York, Philadelphia, or elsewhere in America. ,. ^ , „„„ 

RIPPLEE GEORGE, formerly of Liverpool, England, who went to New Brunswick, Canada, about 1826. 
RO BERTSON, JAMBS and AjUN S., formerly of Scotland, now residing in the United States or Canada. 
ROSE, BARNABAS, residing, in 1859, at Otter, Fulton, Co. Ills., U.S.A. 
RUSSELL, JOHN, a Compositor, who left England for New York about 1853. 
SANGSTER, JOHN, a native of Scotland, who was supposed to have gone abroad about 1870. 
SHERIDAN, HELEN, bom about 1800. Representatives of, supposed to be in America. 
SILK WILLIAM THOMAS, living in 1879. Next-of-kin supposed to be In America. 
SMITH. WILLIAM, late a Seaman on the U.S. Naval Vessel. " Chickopee.** 
STANTON ROBE BT and ALEXANDER, formerly of Ireland ; went abroad many years ago. 
STEVENS, GEORGE, who left England for America about 1879. ^xt^itj- ,- tj ttqa 

STEVENK)N. JOHN, a native of Scotland, now or recently of the Grand Hotel, Indiapolis, Inda., U.S.A. 
THIES A. wiLLIAH, who, in 1874, kept a Shop at 416. Seventh Street, Leavenworth, Kansas, U.S.A. 
THOmAs SARAiatafterwkrds Wife Sf BBNjAMlrf PHILLIPS), of Pembrokeshire, who went abroad. 
TROTTE^ MARGARET, now or recently residing In New York City, U.S.A. 
UMPHELBY FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America. 

WABDELL or WADDBL. FAMILY, formerly of Scotland, now residing In Amenca. „ «. ™. tt a . 

WAKEFlEi^ ^IeS A?, ofLondon,^England ; when^aat teard of, was at No. 3, W. TMrd St., N. Y. City. U.S. A. 

San Francisco, CaL, U.S.A., In 1863. 

wfllswf U^'ELSiETH7SdSn'^^Tw'0^"DwlRSr?o;^e?iJ'^' England , went to America la 1866, 

md'was last heard of at 43; Coles Street, Newark Avenue, Jersey City, U.S.A. 
^i^S^T^'^'s'^'^^i: (lLtl°EDGARrre^W"i}ew York. PMladelpbia. or elsewhere in America. 
WRIGHTSON.'JOHN, now or late at Delamater Ironworks, U.S.A. 
ZCTBER, FaMlY of, formerly of England, now residing In America. 



The following persons, if alive, or if dead, their representatives, are entitled to property. Air 
letters must he addressed to J. B. MARTIN DAIiE, 142 liH Salle Street, Chicagro,. 

Illinois, and must contain a statement of all facts on the writer's claim is hased. [See 
pages 6, 7 and 8 of this Manual ] 

ADAMS, HABEIET, (maiden name, MOOEE), wife of HBNKY V. ADAMS, vpho went to Alnerica 
after 1836. 

AMES, MES. E., who, when last heard of, was residing in 402, Fourth Avenue, N. T., TJ. S. A. 


ANDERSON, JOHN and MARY, late in the employ of MART V. CAMPBELL, late of Bucks County, 
Pa. USA 

ANSCHUTZ, LEOPOLD, formerly of Budapest, who arrived in N. T., from Hamburg, in August, 1883. 

ATMAR, GEORGE W., and ELIZA, married about 1830, in or near Boston, Mass., U. S. A. 

BARCLAY, DACRE BRUCE, supposed to be residing in America or elsewhere abroad. 

BARRET, or BARRETT, CLAUDE, (mother's maiden name, ISABEL CLARK), supposed to have 
gone abroad. 

BEAMANE, THOMAS WILLIAM, of Lancashire, England, now residing in America or elsewhere 

BEAN, JOHN W., bom at York, 'about 1813, and who landed in Jamaica, W. I., January 15, 1828. 

BENNETT, BENJAMIN T., formerly of Haggerston, London, England ; living in 1848. 

BENWELL FAMILY, formerly of England, now residing in America.' 

BERRY, ANNE, formerly of Oxfordshire,, deceased in 1818. Next of Kin wanted. 

BLYTH, THOMAS H., born in or about the year 1828, and who afterwards went abroad. 

BREWER, JOHN GEORGE, formerly of Hampshire, saddler. His representatives are supposed to 
be abroad. 

BRIDGE, ROBERT E., formerly of Essex, who left England for abroad in 1853. 

BROADBBNT, THOMAS, a carpenter, bom at Bradford, Yorkshire, 1860, and who left England about. 

BRUCE, WILLIAM HENRY, supposed to be residing in America or elsewhere abroad. 

BUCHANAN, JOHN A., who, when last heard of, was in Savannah, Ga., U. S. A. 

BUCKLAND, ROBERT, late of Co., Surrey, who is supposed to have left England for America. 

BURLAND, JAMES ANTHONY, formerly of England, who emigrated to America or elsewhere. 

BUTLER, JOHN HENRY, late of Lincolnshire, England, last heard of from Caldera, Chili, in March,, 

CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, (M. D.), of Bedale, Yorkshire, who died in 18?7: Representatives of in. 

CAPPER, MABEL, formerly of England, who is supposed to have gone abroad. 

CARDEN, WILLIAM, formerly of Armagh and Dublin, Ireland. Descendants wanted. 

CASTLE, SUSAN, (maiden name, DICKINSON), who left England many years ago for some foreign, 


CLAEBT, ELEANOR, (maiden name, MATIGNON), who, in 1800, resided in London, Englaad. Next 
of Kin wanted. 

CLARK, MISS CHAHLOTTB, in 1876 living at No. 64, George Street, Euston Square, London, Eng- 

CLARK, EDWARD, formerly in th« 7th Hussars, and who is supposed to have left England for 

COLLINS, ELIZABETH, of Shropshire, England, living in 1878. Next of Kin wanted. 

COLLYER, O. HENRY, a jeweler, formerly of Co., Somerset, supposed'to have left England for 

COMPTON, SUSANNA, late of Co., Sussex, England. Next of Kin wanted. 

CONKEY, JAMBS, a shoemaker, supposed to be residing in Canada, or elsewhere in America. 

COOK, GRACE (maiden name, PAYNE or PAINE). Grandchildren of wanted. 

COOMBB FAMILY, formerly of Co. Somerset, supposed to have left England for America, or else- 
where abroad. 

COEBETT, PATRICK, in 1835 of Marylebone, London, and who is supposed to have gone abroad. 

CORK, ELEANOR, of London, who married CHRISTOPHER WINKLER, about 1790. Represent- 
atives wanted. 

COURTLAND, NORA, who, about the year 1866, was engaged in business in New York. 

CREAMER, GEORGE H.,now or formerly of Queen's County, N. Y., U. S. A. 

CROMELIBN, MRS. SARAH, residing in N. Y., or elsewhere in America. 

CULLBN, ME., a compositor, formerly of London, England, now residing in N. T., or elsewhere in 

DAVIES, HENRY, formerly of Camberwell, England, living in 1872. Representatives of residing 
abroad. ' 

DAWE, THOMAS and JOHN, formerly of Co. Louth, Ireland, now residing in America. 

DICKINSON, MARY, of Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England, living in 1870. Representatives resid- 
ing abroad. 


SPECIAL LIST No. 15. 191 


DIXON, ELIZA, (maiden name, ANDERSON), now orformerly of Blackheath, near Hamilton, Ontario. 
Canada. . t 

DOLLING, SAEAH, (maiden name, PAYNE or PAINE). Grandchildren of wanted. 
EDEN FAMILY, formerly of Co. Sussex, England, now residing in America or elsewhere abroad. 
SSSI'^S3^°S' "^^ ^■' * carpenter, now or formerly residing at 145, West Houston Street. N. Y., U. S. A. 

FURLONG, CAPTAIN GEORGE H., living in 1845. Representatives of, residing in America, or else- 
where abroad. 
GAMLEN FAMILY, supposed to reside in America, or elsewhere abroad. 
GIBBS, JOHN, late of Co. Dorset ; supposed to have left England for America, or elsewhere' 

GIBSON, ROBERT, of Yorkshire, England, living in 1838. Representatives supposed to be residlne 

QOTT, JOHN and WILLIAM, deceased. Children of, supposed to reside'in Canada or elsewherei 

in America. 
GOURLAY, SAMUEL, sailor, a native of Scotland ; last heard of at Honolulu and San Francisco. 
GRIFFIN, WILLIAM and GEORGE, formerly of England : supposed to have gone to America. 

GUY, CHARLES, formerly of Binnineham, who left England for Boston, U. S. A., May 1, 1873. 
HARRIS, JANE, (maiden name, MATIGNON). wife of JOHN HARRIS, residing in London, England; 

about 1880. She had a sister named ELEANOR. Representatives of both wanted. 
HATHORN, VANS, late of Scotland, deceased. Bepresentatives of, are supposed to reside abroad. 
HAYTER, HENRY, JAMES S., and THOMAS S., supposed to have left England for abroad. 
HAYWAED, RICHARD WILLIAM, in 1878 a private m the 36th Company, TKoyal Marines, H. M. S. 

HEATLEY, JAMES EDWARD, who when last heard of was residing in Ontario, Canada. 
HENDERSON, Mrs. EMILY, or JULIA, now or formerly residing in Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A. 
HISSINK, or HESSINK, HENRY, of Holland : last heard of in 1879, at 171, East 79th Street, N. T.. 

U. S. A. 
HODGES, CLIFFOEDIER ELIZABETH, residing, in 1875, near Boston, Mass., U. S. A. Next of 

Kin wanted. 
HOLLIER, SYDNEY, late of Co. Surrey, England. Representatives of wanted. 
HOLT, THOMAS, a master mariner, bom at Chatham, Kent, England, about 1807. His Next of 

Kin wanted. 
HOWKINSON, JAMES, living In 1846. Representatives of supposed to be residing in America or else- 
where abroad. 
HUNT, HARVEY, formerly of Hampshire, Miller. His representatives are supposed to be residing 

in America. , 
JANNISON, MARY (maiden name, FOESTER), formerly of England, who emigrated to America, and 

is supposed to have died there. 
JOHNSON, MARIA L., a nurse in the employment of MARY V. CAMPBELL ; late of Bucks, 

County.Pa.,U. S. A. 
KEARNON, MARY, ELIZA, and PETER, (children of ANNE KEARNON,) residing in America. 
KINDER, JOHN, living in 1833. His Next of Kin are supposed to have gone abroad^ 
KNIGHT, GEORGE B., formerly of Islington, Co., Middlesex, England. His Next of Kin wanted. 
LANE, ANN, of Yorkshire, England, living in 1876. Her representatives are supposed to be living 

LATOUR, General PETER AUGUSTUS, living in 1841 ; or, if dead, his representatives wanted. 
LENGILINEY, ALCIDE URBAIN, who, in 1868, left France for Pa., U. S. A. 

LIEBEET, JOHN F., formerly of Co., Kent, supposed to have gone to America, or elsewhere abroad. 
LITTLE FAMILY, formerly of Scotland, supposed to have gone to America or elsewhere abroad. 
LIVESAY, Mrs. ANNIE (maiden name, READE,) formerly of Ireland, supposed to have gone to 

LOWE, FAMILY of, formerly of England, now residing abroad. 

LYNS, Mrs. MATILDA L., formerly of Bethnal Green, London, England ; living in 1865. Repre- 
sentatives wanted. 
LYONS, ELIZABETH ; in 1835, of Marylebone, London, and who is supposed to have gone abroad. 
M'LAUGHLIN, WILLIAM, a carriage blacksmith by trade ; years ago, a resident of Bridgeport, 

Conn., U. S. A. 
McNEEL, or TURNER, Mrs. MATILDA, living in 1876, widow of HENRY TURNER, Representa- 

tives wanted. 
MARSHALL, ANNE ELIZA, and JOHN, (children of JANE MARSHALL), residing in America or 

elsewhere abroad. 
MARTIN, WILLIAM, (otherwise CASTLE), of Guildford, Co. Surrey, England. Representatives! 

MATHER, JAMBS, of Berwickshire, Scotland, living in 1867. His representatives are residing abroad, 
MATIGNON, ELEANOR and JANE, who, between 1790 and 1810, resided at Woolwich, Co. Kent, 

and London, England. Next of Kin wanted, 
MAXWELL, JOHN and WILLIAM, natives of Scotland, who went abroad and have not been heard' 

of since 1863. 
MILES, LUCY, formerly of Co., Surrey, England, living in 1880. Representatives of are supposed to- 

reside abroad. 
MOORE, GEORG:^ henry, son of GEORGE MOORE, of Plymouth, England, who went to America 

after lg.%. 
MORE, EDMUND M., of London, England, living in 1873. His Next of Kin are supposed to reside 

NEWDICK, MARY (maiden name, FORSTER), who married JOHN JANNISON and went to. 

NEWMAN, DINAH JANE, of London, England, 1877. Next of Kin wanted. 
PARKER, Mrs. MARY ANN, formerly of Oxfordshire, England. Her legal personal representatives. 

wanted. _. 

PAVELIN, GEORGE, of Co. Essex, but who is supposed to have left England for America or else- 
where abroad. 


PATNB or PAINE ; JAMES, THOMAS, GEACE, MAEY, and SABAH. Eepreaentatives of wanted. 
PEAESON, MAEY, (maiden name, GEOWCOTT), last heard of at East Brady, Clarion County, Pa., 

U.S. A 
PEIECE, ALBBKT, wlio left England for America or elsewhere abroad adout 1866. 
PESfN, A , sailor, who, about 1857, married Kate Savage, a barmaid at Liverpool, and had two children. 
PONSPOED, MAEY, (maiden name, PAYNE or PAINE). Grandchildren wanted. 

EETTSOHLAY, Mrs. CHAELOTTE W. P., (maiden name, EABE), supposed to have gone to America. 
EICE, JOHN, formerly of Belfast, Ireland, last heard of in Pa., about 1867. 

EINSKY, VINCENT, formerly a student in St. Petersburg, Eussia. Supposed to have gone to 
^ America 

RITCHIE FAMILY, formerly of Scotland, supposed to have gone to America or elsewhere abroad. 
EOBGEES, JOHN, formerly of Barusley, Yorkshire, England, at present residing in America. 
EOEBtrCK, JOHN HENKY, formerly of Leeds, England, and who was in Ark., U. S. A., in 1871. 
KOSS, ALEXANDEE, late of Dumfries, who left Scotland for New York in 1869, and in February, 

1871, was residing at South Colton Street, Lawrence County, N. Y., XT. S. A. 
HUDDICK FAMILY, formerly of Ireland, supposed to have gone to America or elsewhere abroad. 
EYDEE, Mrs., who in 1877 resided at 332, West Twenty-third Street, New York City, XJ. S. A. 
ST. AUBYN, GEENVILLE, (otherwise SULLIVAN), living in 1872. Next of Kin supposed to be re- 
siding abroad. 

SHAEP FAMILY, formerly of Scotland, supposed to have gone to America or elsewhere abroad;. 
SHAEP, EOBEET (Son of EOBBET SHAEP). Children of are supposed to have gone abroad. 
SHAY, MAEGAEET, formerly of Ireland, at present residing in America or elsewhere abroad. 
SINCLAIE, WILLIAM formerly of Caithness-shire, Scotland. Eepresentatives of residing in America, 
8KIPP, AETHUE HENEY, formerly of Gloucestershire, England, now residing abroad. 
SLATEE, JOHN, of Northamptonshire, 1867, supposed to have gone to America or elsewhere abroad. 
SMAUL HAEOLD, supposed to reside in the- United States of America or Canada. 
SMITH, JOHN, son of JOHN EOBEET SMITH, formerly of Hampshire, supposed to have gone 

STEVENS, HUGH, formerly of New York City, afterwards of Danbury, or Bridgeport, Conn., U. S. A. 
STTYDAM, Anna and PHEBE, now or formerly residing in New York City, U. S. A. 
TAIT, ELIZABETH, formerly, of Midlothian, who left Scotland for New York about June, 1858. 
TAYLOE, CHAELBS, formerly of Bradford, Yotkshire, afterwards of Poplar, London, England, who 

went abroad in or previous to the year 1865. 
TAYLOE, WILLIAM E. (M.D.), formerly of Co. Sussex, England, living in 1874. 
THOEOWGOOD, ALICIA, JAMES, and MAEIA JEMIMA, of London, England, 1836, or Next of Kin. 
TEACEY, THOMAS (colored), formerly in the employ of MAEY V. CiOklPBELL, late of Bucks 

County, Pa., U. S. A. 
WALTEES, JAMES (colored), formerly in the employ of MAEY V. CAMPBELL, late of Bucks 

County, Pa., U. S. A. 
WALTEES, THOMAS, ship-captain, living in 1878. Next of Kin wanted. 
WAEEBN, JOSEPH and JAMBS, of Tredegar, Co. Monmouth, supposed to have left England for 

WATSON, BEOOK, (son of JOHN WATSON), who is believed to have left England for America or 

WAUGH, Miss ALISON, a native of Scotland, who, it is believed, is residing in America or else- 
where abroad. 


WBLLSTED. THOMAS P., formerly of London, supposed to have left England for America in 1881. 

WILKINSON, ANDEEW, formerly of Boston, afterwards of Providence, U. S. A., or representatives 

WILLIAMS, JOSHUA, surgeon, late of Hampshire, England. Next of Kin wanted. 

WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, chemist, of Eeading, England. Next of Kin residing abroad. 


WOOD, CHAELBY and BETSY, supposed to be residing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

WOOLGAE, WILLIAM and ELEANOE or ELLEN WEIGHT, his wife, who, about 1790, resided in 
the East end of London, England. 

WOEMB FAMILY, f ormerlyof England, now residing abroad. 

WEIGHT, Mrs. DANIEL H., (late ED6AE), residmg in New York, Philadelphia, or elsewhere in 

WEIGHT, FEEDBEICK, born in 1841, formerly of Detroit, Mich., U. S. A., a tailor. 

WEIGHT, MAEY, residing in London, England, about 1850. Eepresentatives of supposed to be in 

WEIGHT, WILLIAM, son of THOMAS WEIGHT, left England for America in 1858, and was a 

Wheelwright in Chicago, 111., U. S. A. 
WEIGHTSON, JOHN, now or late at Delamater Iron Works, U.S.A. 
ZILLAED, WILLIAM, deceased. His representatives are supposed to be residing in Canada. 
ZUBEE. FAMILY of, formerly of England, now residing in America. 



The following pereons, if living, or if dead, their representatives are entitled to property. All let- 
ters must be addressed to J. Q. MARTIN DAI<E, 148 lisSalle Ntreet,Chlcn«o, llUnots, 

and must state all facts on which the writer's claim is based. [See pages 6, 7, and 8 of this Manual.] 

ABBOTT, OLIVEK, otherwise OLIVER GOLDSMITH ABBOTT, enlisted in British Army about 1840. 

ADAMS, HARRIET, wife of HENRY V. ADAMS, formerly MOORE, Spinster. 

ALDER, ALFRED, supposed to have left England for New York about 1873. 

ALDER, WILLIAM, supposed to have gone to New York in 1873. 

ALEXANDER, — ! — . resided in Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, London, in 1871. He is supposed 

to have gone to America. 
ALTON, SINCLAIR, of Edinburgh, left Scotland for America 1838. 
ALLEN, WILLIAM K., born about 1815, supposed to have gone to America. 
ALLCOCE, SAMUEL, supposed to have gone^ m 1861, with his mother to Salt Lake City, Utah, and is 

supposed to be now residing in Nevada Territory, 
ARCHIBALD, ALICE, sometime resident at Esmond Villa, Ontario, Canada. 
ASSINDER, CHARLES, formerly of Birmingham, architect and surveyor, supposed to be in 

BAKER and FERRAND. Philadelphia, 1816 

BALDERSTONE, THOMAS, Chatham, West Canada, 1849 

BALLANCE, ISAAC, emigrated from Ireland in 1875, and supposed to be in North America. 

BAMBBR, MARGARET, married in America, 1830, RICHARD BAMBE^R. 

BARCLAY, JAMES, son of the REV. GEORGE iBARCLAY, a sailor in merchant service, sailed for 

New Orleans, on board the " Herald," 1878. 
BARKER, WENDELL R., a native of Boston, mariner. 
BARTON, WILLIAM, went to America in 1821 

BEARDSLEY, WILLIAM, a cooper, who enlisted some years ago in the 82nd Foot, and is now sup- 
posed to be living in America. 
BEATTIE, ISABELLA, spr., formerly of Belfast, Ireland, but supposed to be now in the United States 

of America. 
BECKLEY, WILLIAM, a whitesmith, and SARAH his sister, left England many years ago for New 

BEIRNB, ROGER and JOSEPH, residing in the United States of America 
BBLLEW, PETER, Washington, Penn., laborer 
BEST, JOHN, descendants now supposed to be residing in Red River, or Province of Manitoba, 

BEWICK, SPARK, formerly of Newcastle-on-Tyne, chemist, last heard of at Thorold, Ontario, as 

employed on a farm. 
BIRCH, JAMES, son of THOMAS RAWLINS BIRCH, left England for New York about 1863. 
BIRD, EDWARD, brother of JOSEPH BIRD, of Bethnal Green, London, went to Canada 1831. 
BLOOMPIELD, DANIEL, of Colchester, children of in America 
BOLENA, OWEN, son of PATRICK and WINIFRED BOLBNA; emigrated from Ireland, in 1847 , for 

Canada, which country he left m 1860 for the United States of America 
BONNELL, ANN, wife of WM. BONNELL, Nova Scotia, merchant, 1819. 
BRADLEY THOMAS (or JAMES), emigrated many years since to St. John's, New Brunswick. His 

sister married a Mr. Hone. 
BREALEY, HENRY JOHN, brother of THOMAS STORER BREALEY, Toronto, Canada, 1841. 
BREMAR.— Information wanted respecting the parentage of HENBTi BREMAR, f ormerlyia dentist 

in Charleston, S. C, where he died in 1835. He Tiad two brothers, JOHN and FRANK, who 

predeceased him and died without issue, and an uncle who is stated to have been married three 

times. His Next of Kin will hear of considerable property. 
BRIDLE, LOUISA, married, Chicago, believed, ALFRED GEORGE. 

BRISKB, LOUIS, born 1832, formerly a merchant at Posen, Prussia: left that city, 1868, for America. 
BROWN, DAVID, grandson of DAVID BROWN, of Linlithgow, left Great Britain in 1845. 
BROWN, THOMAS MITCHELL, captain, a native of Scotland; his widow and children are supposed 

to be in America. 
BUCHANAN, JOHN AMBROSE, last heard of in Savannah, Ga. 
BULGER, KATIE, recently worked at No. 22 East 70th-street, New York. 

BURKE, ANN, BRIDGET and MARGARET, formerly of Licklea. Co. Galway, but now in America. 
BURLE, THEODORE, born in France, and now residing in America. 

BURT, RICHARD, of Smethwick, Staffordshire, left England in 1810. Descendants of. 
CADDICK, RICHARD; he was in Cincinnati in 1832, and is supposed to have joined the Wesleyans and 

to have' settled in the Southern States. 

DR. NATHANIEL CARPENTER, late of King and Queen's County. Va. 


CARK, , a clergyman in Toronto, Canada; descendants of . The Rev, CAEB had a 

brother named ROBERT CARR, a surgeon in Australia. 
CARRINGTON, MICHAEL and ANN, power-loom weavers, left England for America about 1850. 
CARROLL, DANIEL WILLIAM, was m a French merchant's house in Bogota, Columbia, in 1874. 
CARROLL, MICHAEL, left Pawtucket, R. I., 1878; last heard of in New Orleans, La. 
CARTER, WILLIAM, son of JANE CARTER, formerly DOaST, spinster, who, it is supposed, mar- 
ried, in Philadelphia, Mb. CARTER. The said WILLIAM CARTER was in England about the 

y»ar 1834, and is stated to have retumed to America shortly afterwards. 
C AVATB, WILLIAM, plumber and gas-fitter, left Edinbuigh about 1863 
■CEARINS, or CAIRNS, JOHN, born In Ireland, son of JOHN CEARINS, or Caima. Nephews and 

nieces of 
•CHAPBLLE, PIERREtTEROME, or LOUIS, bom in 3France about 1810; was formerly cook on board 

American vessels, and left New Tork about 1858 for Connecticut. 
CHURCHILL, HENRY and CATHARINE, left England for America 1841, and died at or near Key 

West, Monroe, Fla., 1857. 
CHURCHILL, JAMES; last known address is Snd Frame House, North 7th-8treet, Philadelphia. 
■CLARK, ROSNT ROBERT, residing in America. 
CLARK, THOMAS, son of JOHN and SARAH CLARK, who emigrated from England, and is supposed 

to have gone to America about 1826. 
CLEMENTS/THOMAS, supposed to have left England for California about 1830 
CRAIG, ROBERT, sometime divinity student in Scotland, and afterwards in New York, but 

whose present address is unknown. 
CRAIG, THOMAS GEORGE, Sherman, Greyson Co.. Texas, 1880. 

CRAMPTON, SARAH, wife of WILLIAM CRAMPTON, of New Romney; emigrated to America 
CRISPIN, GEORGE WILLIAM, died at New Orleans 1866. 
CROFT, ESTHER FRANCES, supposed to be residing in America. 

CROKER, ROBERT, sometime of County Down; went to America with his family about 1852. 
CURELL, WILLIAM, formerly of Belfast, and lately of New York. 
DAVENPORT, THOMAS, believed to have settled at Lexington, Comity Lauderdale, Ala., and to have 

died there about 1853. 
DAVIS, MARY, daughter of CHARLES DAVIS and C. B. DAVIS (nee SWAIM) 
DAWSON, JOSHUA, Otley, Yorkshire, seaman, supposed to be in America 

DAWSON, ROBERT, son of THOMAS, left Scotland about 1855, and resided for some time in Penn- 
sylvania and Ohio. 
DINGWALL, ALEXANDER, and JANET his wife, left Perthshire, Scotland, about 1853; when last 

heard of they were residing in Detroit, Mich. 
DIXON, THOMAS, born in 1781, and died 1822. He was son of Captain DIXON and SARAH 

DIXON, of New York. 
DODDS, MARY, daughter of JAMES and JANE DODDS, formerly of England, and afterwards of 

DOLAN, ELIZABETH, children of, who emigrated to America many years since 
DOMETT, GEORGE, captain H. M:. Royal Navy, left England for Boston, 1837 
DONALD, SAMUEL, born at Perth, left Scotland about 1866. 
DONOR, JOHN, left Co. Limerick, and last heard of from New Tork, 1869, 
DORY, CHARLOTTE, who, with her husband, JOSEPH DORY, left England for Canada, 1839 
DOUGLAS, JAMES, son of GEORGE DOUGLAS, bom 1809, left Scotland in 1863. 
DOUGLAS, RALPH, left England about 1831 for America. He had a brother THOMAS, who was a sailor. 
D.OUST, JANE, supposed to have married in Philadelphia, prior to 1821, CARTER, and to have 

had a son, WILLIAM CARTER. 
DUESBURY, WILLIAM, Bulimba, Queensland, architect, 1877, and supposed to be now in America. 
DUMPORA, D., bom in Canada, and who afterwards resided in the U. S. A. 
DUNKHASB, HEINRICK EDWARD, a sailor, supposed to be in America. 
DUXFIBLD, JOSEPH JAME8, sailed from Liverpool to New York about 1869 

merly of Dublin. 

DWYER, JOHN, formerly of Ireland, and lately of New York or St Louis. 

BBBERN, THOMAS, went to America about 1856 

EDB, GEORGE, who about 1850 resided at Bwell, in Surrey, where he carried on business as a maltster 

and brewer, and then, it is supposed, emigrated to America. 
EDEN, WALTER REUBEN, Santiago, Cuba, 1373. 
ELLIS, SARAH, spr., sometime of St. Paul's Cray, Co. Kent, who left England some years since for 

EMERSON, THOMAS E., a native of Ireland, supposed to be residing m Amerios. 
BVERINGTON, JAMES, supposed to have sailed from Hull as a seaman about 1873. 
FANCOURT, HENRY ROBERT AUSTIN, a steward on U. S. steamer VHmosM, 1867 
FARNES, JOSEPH, born about 1843, and supposed to be In America. 
PAWCETT, JOHN and JONATHAN, sons of BETTY PAWCETT, deceased, went to America prior to 

PENNER, AUGUSTINE GOODWIN, went to America, 1850. 

PEEGUSSON, SARAH, Lower Baggott Street, Dublin, deceased "Relatione in America 

FEEEAND and BAKER, Chestnut-street, Philadelphia, 1815. 

FIELD, JOHN, mother's maiden name SARAH JEFFCOAT, bom in London,and emigrated to Amer- 
ica about 1843. 

FLANAGAN, or WELCH, ANN, formerly of the County of Lancaster, but now in the United States of 
America. , . ^ ^^ ■ „ „ , 

FLEMING, SAMUEL, who a few years ago was workmg as a stonecutter m New York. 

FLING, MARTIN. New Poundland, Fisherman, 1818. 

FONTANA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. In 1861 he was residing at Birmingham. Supposed to have 
gone to America. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 16. 195 

S2??SS;^-'^*'^^I'' I'ortine Bay, Newfoundland, fisherman, 1814. 
WBnl5^?n7ir®^^Al,V'^''^ °' WILLIAM FKAMPTON. New Eomney. Went to America. 

Mi h ALFEED, went to America in 1865. Wlien last lieard of lie was residing at Ionia, 

GEE,'GBOfiGE, and his children, ANN, SARAH, JOHN, and CHARLES, last heard of from Milwau- 
kee, Wis., 1849. 

S?t9SS.% ^i2HJ?A'„"** BRIDLE, married in Chicago, it is believed, ALFRED GEORGE. 

GILBERT, THOMAS, son of JOHN GILBERT, went to New Yorlc about 1810. 

GODDARD, SAMUEL, married in 1854, and resided in Birmingham until 1862, from whence he is sup- 
posed to have removed to London, where he was in the employment of stable-keepers. 


GOODALL, MARIAN, Detroit, Co. Wayne, Mich. 

GOTT, JOHN and WILLIAM, children of JANE GOTT. 

GOURLAY. SAMUEL, a sailor, son of Mr, GOURL AY of Scotland, last heard of in San Francisco. 

GRANT, BARBARA, who is stated to have resided in San Francisco previous to 1879. 

GRANT, JOSEPH, formerly of Co. Kerry, Ireland, and afterwards of Boston Highlands, Mass., 1863. 

GREEN, HENRY, left England in 1862 for America. 

GREEN, JAMES, Wilmington, Carolina, farmer, 1803. 

GREEN, THOMAS, Greenes Pond, Newfoundland, planter. 

QRIPPITHS, DAVID, Pittsburg, Ohio, 1872. 

GRIFFITHS, JOSEPH, Mexico, 1832 

GRIMES, JOHN, formerly of 335 East 77th St., New York. 

GUER, GEORGE, formerly of Bradshaw St., Old Kent Road, London, Coke Contractor. Left England 
in 1869, and is supposed to have gone to America. 

HALEY, ISAAC, son of THOMAS and BETTY HALEY, went to America in 1839. 

HALL, HENRY TAYLOR, left England, 1873, for America. 

HAMPTON, WILLIAM, in 1872 residing at Colesberg, Kopje Diamond Fields, South Africa, supposed 
to be now in America. 

HANSEN, GUSTAV and ELISE. of Dusseldorf , supposed to be in America. 

HARRIS, JANE, daughter of JOSHUA JEAVONS, residing in America. 

HARTY, MARY ANN, who was known by the name of MARY ANN MASON, late of the city of 
Monteomery, Ala., where she died in 1851. 

HASTINGS, BETSEY ANN, a native of Ireland, went to U. S. A. 

HAWKINS, RICHARD WYNDHAM MONTONNIER, who, in 1877, resided at Mineral Ridge, Trum- 
bull, Ohio, and afterwards at Jackson, Mich. 


HEAP. MARY, EMMA, and LAVINIA, daughters of SAMUEL HEAP, 1861. 

HELLYER, ALBERT GEORGE, left England for South America, and is supposed to have died at 
Lagnna de los Padres, near Buenos Ayres, about 1875. 

HELLYER, HENRY NEALE. formerly of London, went to South America, and is supposed to have 
died in Bnenos Ayres, 1871. 

HENNESSEY, DANIEL, left Ballyraget, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, 1852; when last heard of, in 1863, he 
had a farm of his own, four miles from Louisville, Ky. 

HEREON, JOHN, March, Canada, Gentleman, deceased. 


HEYFEON, MATTHEW, who, with his wife and children, emigrated, in 1840, from Dublin to Aus- 
tralia, and afterwards to California. 

HICKS, JOHN H., late of Laramie City, Albany, Wyoming. 

HILBERS, THOMAS HERMANN, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1858. 

HOARE, THOMAS, left England in 1S61. 

HOCKLY, GEORGE CLEGHORN, born at Calcutta, 1845, went to New York 1858. 

HODGES, CLIFFORDIER ELIZABETH, Weston, near Boston, Mass., widow, deceased. Next of 
Kin supposed to be in U. S. A 

HOLLINS. WILLIAM, formerly of Co. Notts, England, and afterwards of Canada. Children of. 

HOLME, THOS. CROSS, and JANE his sister, left England some years ago for America. 

HONE, JAMES, a blacksmith, left Hamnton-in-Arden, Co., Warwick, about 1857, for America. 

HORSFALL j;OHN TOMLIN, emigrated to the United States, America, in 1858. 

HOESLEY, JFRANCIS, the younger, of Tulare County, Cal. 

HORSLEY, GEORGE, of Princeville, Peoria County, 111. 

HORSLEY, JOHN, of Franklin County, Ind., United States, America. 


HUDSON, JAMES, Red River, Canada. 

HUGHES, WILLIAM, formerly of Kent, England, and afterwards of Tuscola, Mich. 

HUTTON, JOHN, mate on the Lamboramua of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, left his ship in Boston 1866. 

BUTTON, WILLIAM, born at Leith, Scotland, 9th November, 1816, a seaman, sailed from Shields 

in 1847 on a voyage to the Brazils, South America. 

HYDE, ARTHUR LEMAN, emigrated in 1852. Sailed from Talcahuano, Chili in 1863, in the whaling- 
ship Atkins Adams, to New Bedford, Mass., and he is believed to have enlisted from that place 

in the American Army of the North, and to have died in that service before 1865. 

HYDE, LOUISA, late of Peterson, Gull River, Co^ Victoria, Ontario. 

IMPLBTON, THOMAS, son of MRS. SARAH IMPLETON, supposed to be now in America. 

INCE, GEORGE B., supposed to have gone to America in 1830. 

ISAAC, ISAAC, Quirpoon, Newfoundland, planter, 1811. 

JACKSON, BRYCE DOWNIE, sometime of Scotland, emigrated about 1856. 

JACKSON, JAMBS. Broad-street, London, children of in America. 

JACKSON, WILLIAM, left England in 1856, and in 1862 was known as " Corporal WM. WATSON 
JACKSON, of Company B, 7th Infantry, Madison Barracks, Sackett's Harbor, JefEersou Co , N. 
Y." In 1863 he was a wardmaster in the United States General Hospital, Pa., and had been 
wounded in battle. When last heard from, in 1866, he was keeping a bar-room, at San Antonio, 
Bexar County, Texas, and letters were addressed to him care of m5. Lockwoods, Forage Master, 
San Antonio. It is supposed that he was in Chicago in 1881. 

JAMES, HENRY and CATHERINE, left England for America in 1841, and died at or near Key West, 
Monroe County, Fla., 1857. 

JANNISON, JOHN, and MARY, his wife, formerly MARY NEUDICK. 


JAKDINE, JAMBS, formerly a farmer at Beattook, near Moffatt, left Scotland for C anada in Decern 

ter, 1853. 

JEAVONS, JANE, spr., afterwards wife of HARRIS, residing in America. 

JENKINS, MARY W., daughter of FRANCIS JOHN JENKINS, wlio assumed tlie name of CHARLES 

WILLIAM EBLLOWS. and died at Staten Island, N. Y., in 1854. 
JEPSON, SARAH A., and LOUISA ABBOTT JEPSON, wife of TITUS JEPSON, residing in America 


left Ireland many years since for North America and Canada. 
JOHNSON, GEORGE, son of GEORGE JAMES JOHNSON, left England in 1873. 
JOHNSON, JOHN, brother of MRS. ELEANOR BURRELL, of the Co.. Yorks, went to America. 
JOHNSTON, ROBERT, of Lerwick, Scotland, seaman, left London for Quebec 1867. 
JONES, ABNER W., or his heirs. 
JORDAN, PKEDEEICK, residing in 1874 with hia brother, WALTER JORDAN, at Toronto, Canada, 

, which city he left in the same year for the U. S. A. 

KEANE, JOHN and MATTHEW, natives of Ireland, and in 1873 residing in America. 
KBRFOOT, THOMAS, formerly of Dublin, Ireland, died 1809, descendants of a brother or sister, 

supposed to be in America 
KERNAGHAN, KERNOCHAN.or CUNNINGHAM, BRIDGET, born in 1839, went to New Orleans, 

in 1858. 
KIDDBLL, CHARLES, South Carolina, gentleman, 1815. 
KING, FYPE ELLETSON, Next of Kin supposed to be in America. 
KNOX, MARY, daughter of PRANK KNOX, residing in America. 
LACKNER, GEORGE, formerly of Austria, emigrated to America. 
LAMONT, NORMAN, left Scotland for Canada m 1846 ; he held an appointment in Royal Engineers 

in Montreal, in 1849, which appointment he resigned ; when last heard of, in that year, he 

was at N. Y. 
LANE, JOHN, London, tailor, left England about 1854. 

LANQLEY, JANE, daughter of WILLIAM, married and emigrated to America about 1840. 
LAWDER, EMMA or LOUISA, left England for Toronto. 
LEARY, JOHN, Philadelphia, 1837. 

LEARY, JOHN and PATRICK, children of JAMES LEARY, otherwise McDONNELL. 
LB OHARPENTIBR, ANTOINE, left Jersey in 1869 with his family, for Illinois. 
LEIGH, JOHN EDWARD, left England for America about 1861. 
LEONARD, JOHN, or his son EDWARD, formerly residing in Hester-street, N. Y. 
LEVERTON, WILLIAM, son of JOHN LEVBRTON, of Lincoln, went to America several years ago. 
LEWIS, ROBERT WAGSTAFF, supposed to have left Cape Town for America. 
LIDDELL, JOHN WENTWORTH, a joiner by trade, but latterly a building clerk of works; last 

heard of from Dover, in 1872. 
LITTLEWOOD, JANE, wife of GEORGE LITTLEWOOD, formerly HOLME, spr., sometime of Flint, 

left England for America some years ago. 
LLEWELLYN, THOMAS, formerly of Ambleston, Co. Pembroke, sailor, supposed to be in America. 
LODGE. MATTHEW, of Dorchester, Mass. 

LOMBARD, GASTON-LOUIS, born in Prance 1855, emigrated from Spain to America. 
LORY, ELIZABETH LYNE, spr., emigrated to North America in 1849, and supposed to have died in 

LYMAN, EDWARD, of the United States. 
MACAULBY, JAMES BENJAMIN, relations of in America, 
MoBEIDB, MARIA, wife of ROBERT McBRIDE, Hamilton, Canada. 
McCALLUM, EOSANNA, wife of JAMBS MoCALLUM. N. Y., 1863. 
MCCARTHY, GEORGE, a coachmaker. and ANN his wife, children of in America. 
MoLAWS, WILLIAM, born in 1832; went in 1850 to Salt Lake City. Utah. He sailed about 1855 from 

San Francisco for Los Augelos, Cal., on board the " Sea Serpent," which was wrecked on her 

MoCREADY, THOMAS STUART, a native of Ireland. 
MACDONALD, JAMES, son of WILLIAM MUIRHBAD MACDONALD, supposed to have died in 

America about 1846. 
MACDONOGH, HARRIET, Boston, spr., 1816. 

MACDOWAT, WALTER, of Glasgow, merchant, went to America 1808. 
McQLONB, BARTHOLOMEW, last heard of from Toronto, Canada. 
McGOWAN, HUGH, born in Ireland. 

MoINTYRE, JOHN, late of Illinois. America, formerly of Co. Londonderry, book-keeper. 
MoIVER, ANN, daughter of DONALD McIVBR, of North Carolina, 1824. 
McLACHLAN, WILLIAM, whose real name is Reed, left London, 1870, as a cook on the Agnes. 

McLEAn, DONALD, born in Nova Scotia, and died recently in Montana Territory. Heirs of 

'McTURK, JOHN, left Great Brita in in 1862, and supposed to be now in America. 
MADDOX .- GEORGE, formerly of Park Farm, Bewdley, afterwards employed at Walker's Brewery, 

Warrington; left home 1878; supposed to be in America. 
ilAQBB, CHARLES ROBERT, formerly of Blackwatertown, J Ireland, went to America some years 

since. 4 

MARCKWALD, ALEXANDER, formerly of Berlin, emigrated to the United States in 1868. 
MARTIN, JANE, widow, daughter of late Rev. BENNETT, of Dungannon, Ireland, supposed to 

be residing in America. 
MAY, NATHANIEL, late of Bristol, left England in 1869 for America, it is supposed. 
MAY, WILLIAM and FREDERICK, nephews of Mrs. HOMER, supposed to be in America. 
MEYER, GUSTAV THEOPHIL, bom in North Germany, relatives now in America. 
MILLI6AN, PETER, last heard of about 1840, when he was a hawker with a two-horse wagon in the 

U. S. A. He was often about Mobile, Ala., and Charleston, S. C. 
MINAHAN, ANN, daughter of DANIEL and MARGARET, left Ireland 1850 with her mother and 

stepfather, JOSEPH DEI8C0LL, for America, and last heard of in 1858, when She was residing 

in Water-street, New York. 
MINOT, LOUISA, formerly residing In Jamaica, but who was drowned off the coast of Texas in 1852. 
MITCHELL, JOSEPH, Monaghan.Ireland, but late of Fall River, Bristol, Mass., gent. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 16. 197 

MITCHELL, EVK, JOHN and THOMAS supposed to have gone to America. 

^9JJS^'5S^v?^*^S STEPHENS, formerly of Pittsburgh, Pa , but has not been heard of since 1872. 

MOORE, GEORGE HENRY, son of GBOBGE MOORE of Plymouth, went to America. 

MOORE, HARRIET or ADAMS, daughter of GEORGE MOORE, living in America. 

MORGAN, FRANCIS HENRY, formerly of Co. Somerset, who some years ago went to America. 

MORGAN, THOMAS, Shoe Cove, Newfoundland, gent., 1811. 

MORRIS, THOMAS, bricklayer, left Waterloo, Liverpool, In 1870, for the United States. 

MURPHY, ANNA, left Indianapolis about 1871 for the Bast. Her mother married, after the death of 

her father, one James McNeills. 
MURPHY, CATHERINE, Richland Station. New York, spr., 1876. 

NEILD, JOSEPH, formerly of Dresden, Ohio. Children of 

NEILSON, JAMBS and MICHAEL, left Scotland about 1814, and went, it is believed, to America. 

ODDY, THOMAS, left England about 1865, and is supposed to have gone to America. 

O'DWYER, JANE, Louisville, Ky. 

O'NBIL, DANIEL and BRIDGET, son and daughter of DANIEL O'NEIL, last heard of from New 

PACEY, JOSEPH, left England for the United States about 1863. If dead, a reward tor evidence of 

bia death. 
PARRY, THOMAS, son of JOSEPH PARRY, of Liverpool, emigrated to Canada about 1830. 
PATCHING, GEORGE, son of GEORGE and MARY ANN PATCHING, supposed to be in America. 
PAYNE, JOHN, who married SARAH CHOAT BURLBIGH, and went abroad. 
PAGDBN, HENRY, born 1825, emigrated to America in 1853. 
PATERKIN, ALEXANDER, a baker in New York, 1851. 
PPBILL, JOHANN, left Stuttgart, Germany, with his wife, CAROLINE WILHELMINE PFEILL, 

for Baltimore, Md., 1838. 
PLUMMER, EDWARD, left London many years ago for the United States. In 1862, he is supposed to 

have kept an eating-house in New York. 
PODMORE, RICHARD LATHAM, New Orleans, La., 1852. 

POINTIN, THOMAS, HINKLBY, sailed from Liverpool to America in ship Barreda Brothers 1862. 
PORTEOUS JANE, spr., representatives of in America. 
POTTER, DANIEL, son of KE lECOA POTTER, was in New York In March, 1873, and intended 

proceeding to the Par West. 
POWELL, JOHN, born about 1803, went to America in 1803, and was working as a saddler at Newark 

and other places In the State of New York in 1836. 
PRATT, JAMES and ROBERT, sons of JAMES PRATT, of Oxford, deceased, now resident in Amer- 
ica. Children of. 
PRINGLE, THOMAS and WILLIAM, sons of GEORGE PRINGLE, left Scotland about 1840 for the 

gold diggings in California. 
PRISEMAN ROBERT, left England in 1860, and was last heard of from Sacramento, California, 

In 1869. 
QUIN, ANDREW, who arrived in Quebec by the steamship Caspian in 1873. 

SHAY, all residing in North America 1861. 
EEBD, HENRY WILLIAM WEBBER, otherwise WILLIAM MoLACHLAN, left London 1870 as a 

cook on the "Agnes." 
REEVES FRANCIS, formerly of Hawkhurst, Kent, England, last heard of at Chicago in 1868. 
REID, THOMAS SMITH, formerly of Camden Town, London, but in February, 1862, a reporter or 

sketcher for New York Illustrated News. 
EEILLY, EDWARD, or EDWARD B., served in Company B, 2nd Divlslo^, U. S. Infantry, Army of 

the Potomac, 1863-64, and who resided at Benson Mills, State of Virginia, and afterwards at 

Greenville, Washington Co., State of Mississippi. 
REILLY, MARGARET, spr.. In 1863 resided at Gloucester, State of New Jersey. 
REYNOLDS, ANNIE, born about 1851, supposed to have removed to ;Bo8ton from' Albany or 

EIACH, ADAM, alias HENRY WRIGHT, supposed tp be in United States. 
RICHARDSON, EDWIN, left England about 1870; last heard of at Chatham Chester County, 

RICHARDSON. MRS. ELIZABETH, formerly of London, now in America. 
EISHTON, JOHN, Dougherty's Station, Alameda, California. 

RITCHIE, JOHN, left Cupar, Scotland, about 1872. and who served on board the Red Sea. 
ROBINS, WILLIAM, brother of GEORGE FRANK ROBINS, formerly of Lye, parish of Oldswin- 

ford. County Worcester, supposed to be now in America. 
RODGBES, JOHN, born at Barnsiey Yorks. Went to America. 
ROCHFORT, PHILIP, son of GUSTAVIS ROCHFORD, Commander E. N., supposed to be in North 

EOGAN, ANNIE, wife of PATRICK EOGAN, formerly of Ireland, late of New York. 
EOGERS, HARRY, son of JOHN and JANE ROGERS, who, about 1850, went to California, and in 

lffi4 was living at Stockton, in California. 
HOHPRITSCH, CHARLES FRANCOIS, born in France about 1848, supposed to be now in America. 

He was formerly a hair-dresser. 
SOsE BARNABAS, of Otto, Pulton County, Illinois, 1859. 

ROTTEN, BENJAMIN, Gloucester, clothworker, last heard of about 1797 from Philadelphia. 
BOUGHAN, BEIDGET, daughter of John Eoughan, left Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland, 

about 1854. 
BOUGUIEE, JULES, formerly of Indianapolis, Ind. 
RULE, JAMES, bom in 1)837, a seaman in H. M. S. Indefatigable, 1857, and afterwards in Peruvian 

frigate Amazones but has not been heard of since'1863. 
EUS8ELL, ADAM, brother of JAMES BEOWN JOHNSTON RUSSELL, left Scotland for America, 

SALTMAE8H, NATHANIAL EICHARD, left Liverpool for New York in ship Gamholm, 1881. 
8ANQSTER, JOHN, formerly employed at Stanley Railway Station, Perth, Scotland, which place he 

left in 1870. 
SCHWAB. CASPER, New York, sugar-baker, 1811. 
SCOTT, JOHN BRODIE, left Scotland in 1862, and supposed to be now in America. 


SCOTT, MARGARET, born MCINTOSH, wife of A. SCOTT, formerly a bread and biecnit maker in 

Edinbnrg, supposed to be residing in America. 
SCOTT; MARY, formerly McBEATH, wife of JOHN SCOTT, a blacksmith, who both emigrated to 

Boston, 1841. 
SCULLEN, JAMES or PATRICK; between 1855 and 1857 was in New York Police Force. 
SE EGEN, SOLOMON, London, merchant, but who, in 1855, was in New York. 
SBMPLE, ALEXANDER, emigrated to Nova Scotia in 1848, and last heard of at Mobile, Ala., 1852. 
SHAW, HECTOR, born in Scotland about 1836; last heard of in 1876, when he directed his letters to 

be addressed care of EDWD. BARRY, Newark-avenue, Jersey City. 
SHERIDAN, HELEN, born about 1800. Her Next of Kin are entitled to considerable property. 
SHERIDAN, MARGARET, of Stradbally, Queen's County, Ireland, now deceased. Next of Kin eup- 

" posed to be in America. 
SHERIDAN, MARY and MARGARET, left Ireland for America 1848. 
SHERWOOD, NANCY ANN, Bangor, County Penobscot, Maine, widow. 
SILK, EDWARD. Albany Factory,Budson Bay, 1830. 
SIM, JOHN, left Hamilton, Canada, in 1858, with GEORGE WRIGHT, a baker, and afterwards heard 

of in Dakota. It was rumored that he was seen in California. 
SIM, WILLIAM NEILSON, bom in 1810, left Glasgow for America in 1831. 

SIMPSON, LEVI, formerly of Linceln, England. Believed to have emigrated to America about 1871. 
SINCLAIR, WILLIAM, Fishcurer, Willowbankwich, Scotland. His Next of Kin supposed to be la 

SLATER, ROBERT, born in 1843, son of R. SLATER, shipsmith, Glasgow, when last heard of, in. 

1866, he was engaged as a mate on a si earner. 
SMITH, ANN. widow of JOHN SMITH, New Orleans, La., 1860. 
SMITH, DAVID and JONATHAN, brothers of THOMAS SMITH, who left London for America. 

about 1836. 
SMITH, ELIZA, wife of JOHN SMITH, left England for Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1858. 
SMITH, ELIZABETH, formerly COOPER, widow of NATHANLAL SMITH, New Orleans, La., 1860. 
SMITH, JOHN, of Edinburg, and MARGARET, of Glasgow, son and daughter of JOHN SMITH ;. 

they were in New York in 1872. 
SMITH, THOMAS JAMES, formerly a clerk in the Bank of England, and who, about 1864, left Eng- 
land for British Columbia. 
SMITHWICK, GEORGE PERCEVAL, left Nashville, Tenn., and when last heard from in 1863, he 

was in the State of Kentucky. 
SOMERS, or SOMERSGILL, or SUMMERSGILL, SARAH, wentto Cincinnati about 1830 Children of 
SOMBRSGILL, or SUMMERSGILL, or SOMERS, GEORGE, left England for America about 1842. 
SPENCER, WILLIAM ROBERT, went to U. S. A. about 1871. 
STACKHOUSE. THOMAS, left New Orleans for California between 1850 and 1855, 
STEEL, GEORGE, son of DANIEL and CATHERINE STEEL, left England for Canada in 1873. 
STRATEN, SARAH, wife of CHARLES STRATEN, New York, merchant, 1800. 
STRONG, WILLIAM, New York, merchant, 1783. 

TAYLOR, HANNAH, MARY and THOMAS, children of HANNAH TAYLOR, sometime resident at 

26 West Market-square, Toronto, Canada. 
THAIN, JOHN, a sailor on board the " Othello" bound for St. Johns, Newfoundland, in 1859. He was 

in the hospital at St. Johns and afterwards shipped on a Colonial vessel. 
THIES, ANTON WILLIAM, 415, 7th-street, Leavenworth, Kan., 1874. 
THOMPSON, ALEXANDER, a native of Lochgilphead, Argyleshire, last heard of when on a voyage- 

from Hong Kong to New York about 1862. 
THOMPSON, MARY ANN, formerly in Locust-street, Philadelphia, Penn., housekeeaer. 
THORNTON, PATRICK, left Ireland for America 1845. 
THORNTON, PETER, stonemason, a native of Yorkshire, left England for the U. S. A., where he 

married about the year 1885. 
TIFFIN, ELIZABETH, wife of WILLIAM JABEZ TIFFIN, went to New Orleans, about 1832, with 

JOSEPH TURTON, of New York. 
TODD, SARAH, Northampton, Mass., widow, deceased. Children of living in 1853. 
TOLL, HENRY, a mariner, last heard of from New Bedford, near Boston, Mass., 1840. 
TOWNSEND, KATE, otherwise KERNAGHAN or CUNNINGHAM, born 1839, went to New Orleans, 

La., in 1858. 
TRENCH, JOHN, late of Liverpool, died 1875. Next of Kin of 
TUPPBR, JAMES, Nova Scotia, timber merchant, 1830. 

TWELL, JOSEPH, brother of GEORGE ALEXANDER TWELL, Chicago, 1869 
TYTLKR, WILLIAM, gent.. New York. 1832. 
UNGIDOS, ALPHOUSE, subposed to be residing in South America. 

UPTON, JANE, formerly of Dublin, supposed to have gone to America in 1862, or her children. 
VAUGHAN, ARTHUR and JOHN, grand-nephews of ARTHUR VAUGHAN, of Ireland. 
WALKER, CHRISTINA, formerly ONGLEY, spr.. New York. 

WALLBY, CHARLES HENRY, born 1853, sailed to New York in 1865 in ship MUcado. 
WARREN, MARIA, left Ireland many years since for North America or Canada. 
WARREN, MICHAEL, son of DENNIS WARREN : last heard of from Cold Spring, New York. 
WAUGH, GEORGE, sailed from England, 1855. in the Nazarene. for South America. He afterwards 

worked for Messrs. Death & Star, of San Francisco, and is believed to have died about 1863. 
WBHLI, BENEDICT and JACOB, natives of Austria; supposed to be in America. 
WEISS, FREDERICK, a native of Germany, emigrated to Baltimore, Maryland, 1838. 
WELCH, ANN, alias FLANAGAN, formerly of the county of Lancaster, but now in the United States 

of America. 
WESTON, REUBEN, son of CHARLES WESTON. Residing, it is believed, in America. 
WESTBURRY, THOMAS, formerly of Stratford-on-Avon. Went to America about 1850. 
WETHERELL, NATHANIEL THOMAS, late of Easton, Pa. , but who left England for Canada, 1877. 
WHELAN, THOMAS, son of DARBY WHELAN, emigrated about 1851. last heard of at Concord. 
WHEELER, JOSEPH, bom 1811, son of JOHN and ELIZABETH WHEELER, left England for New 

York in 1830. 
WHITTLESEY, WILLIAM, left London about 1868 for America; last heard of from Brooklyn. 
WILD, WILLIAM, son of SARAH WILD, of Leeds, England. 

SPECIAL LIST No. 16. 199 

WILKINS, CALDWELL R., when last heard of was employed by Mesere. Hamilton & Easter, Balti- 
WILLIAMS, EDWARD, whose mother was born at Plashing, Long Island, New York. 
WILLIAMS, UKRY ANNE and JANE, daughters of WILLIAM and JANE WILLIAMS, born about 

1800, children oi, supposed to be in America. 

WILSON, Rev. THOMAS, left England in 1856. He joined the Federal Army, it is believed the 14th 

Infantry, then quartered at Fort Trumhill, New London, Con., and has not since been heard of. 
WILSON, WILLIAM, formerly a seaman on board the Clyde, of Glasgow, last heard of .^Ih 1829; or 

bis brother JAMES, formerly a surgeon in the Hon. East India Company's service, last heard of 

in 1823. 
WISE, HENRY, (from Somersetshire, England), Albany, Delaware, Ind. 
WRAGG, WILLIAM, Charleston, South Carolina, gent., deceased, 1810. 

left England for America in 1858. 
WEIGHT, FREDERICK, born in 1841, formerly of Detroit, Mich., tailor. 
WRIGHT, HENRY, correct name ADAM RIACH, supposed to be in the United States. 
WRIGHT, WILLIAM, son of THOMAS WRIGHT, left England for America, 1858; when last heard 

of he was a wheelwright in Chicago, 111. 
ZAUGER, MATTHIA, a native of Wurtemburg; whenlast heard from he was working on a railroad 

at Pateison, N. J. 



The following persons if living, or if dead, their representatives are entitled to moperty. Ad- 
dress aU communications to J. B. MARTIN DAI.B, 148 ta Salle St., Chicago, HI., gmng all 

facts on which claim is based. (See pages 6, 7 and 8 of this Manual). 

JlHART, POLLY, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. ^ „ . 

ALCOTT, ALIZA, last heard of at Taylorville, Ohio. Supposed to have served in the Mexican war 

ALDBIDQB, WILLIAM, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

ALLAED, JOHN B., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

ANDBRSON, SAMUEL, last heard of at Jasper, Tenn. Served in Mexican War. 

ANDERSON, CHRISTIAN L., late of Carroll County, Ind. 

ARCHER, WM.i last heard of at Louisville, Ky. Served in Mexican war. 

ARMOR, EDWARD, or SARAH, or RUTH, supposed to reside in Chicago, but letters addressed to 
them are returned to the writer. Their address wanted in reference to interest they have in prop- 

ARNSON, HODSA, (for Hersh Arneon) died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

ATKINSON, MILTON B. Supposed to be in America if living. Heirs wanted. 

BACON, WILLIAM, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

BAKER, JAMES, died in Idaho Territory in 1877. Heirs wanted. 

BANOE, PETER, last heard of at St. Lonis, Mo. Served in Mexican war. 

BARNARDj^ JOHN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

BEARD, FRANCIS, late of Bedford County, Pa. 

BECKER, AUGUST, died in New York about 1881. Heirs wanted. 

BEHRENS, FRED., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. , 

BELL, JAMBS Q., deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

BBNTLBT, THOMAS, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

BERRY, ISAAC, died in the State of Maine about 1868. Heirs wanted. 

BETTS, Cor BETZ), BARBARA, (nurse) died iu New York. Heirs wanted. 

BINDER, JOHN S., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

BIXTON, ISAAC, late of Fairfield County, Conn. \ 

BOBNICK, JOSEPH, last heard of at St. Louis, Mo. ' Served iu the U. S. Army. 

BONDEY, JAMBS I., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted, | 

BOND, MARY P,, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

BOROUGH, EBANBZBR, lateof Cambria County, Pa. 

BOTTOMLBY, THBOPHILUS, (book-keeper), died in New York, 1883. Heirs wanted. 

BOUQNOIR, NICHOLAS, deceased, died m a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

BOYD, BEATRICE, (nurse) died in New York, 1882. Heirs wanted. 

BRADSHAW, WILLIAM, bachelor, came from England to America about 1850. Settled in Missouri, 
Heirs wanted. 


BROWN, PHILANDER, last heard of at Santa Fe, N. Mexico. Belonged to the U. S. Army at one 

BUCKHOLLY, GEORGE, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

BUCKLEY, MICHAEL, deceased, (person No. 16, lost on the steamer " Stonewall "). Heirs wanted. 

BUCHER, CASPER, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

BURKE, JOHANNA, (dressmaker) died In New York. 1882. 

BURGESS. WM. J. (manager) died in New York, 1883. 

BURR, THOS, J., last heard of at Chicago, 111. Served in U. S. Army. 

BUSH, G. B . deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

BURNSIDB. J. D., was killed at Gaylesville, Ala., in March 1883. Address of his widow or children 

CALVERT, LEONARD,. deceased, died in a Western State, Heirs wanted. 

CAMPBELL, JOHN, last heard of at St. Louis, Mo., about 1860. 

CAMPBELL, LEWIS, died somewhere on the frontier of Texas. Heirs wanted. 

CAMPBELL, RUSSELL, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

CARLISLE, WILLIAM, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

CARPENTER, CALVIN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

CARR, FRANCIS, deceased, died m a Western State. Heirs wanted, 

CASEY, ANNIE, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

CASEY, HUGH, (policeman) died in New York, 1883. Heirs wanted. 

CASTLE, HBNRir, last heard of at Indianapolis, Ind. Served in U. S. Army in War^ot 1812, or Mexi- 
can war. 

CHALFANT, P. G.. deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

CHAMBERS, ABU AH A., left Blue Earth County, Minn., in 1856, and went oft trapping, never return- 
ed. Wife and children returned to Iowa. Heirs wanted. 

CHAVBET, JUAN LUIS, supposed to be in America if living. Heirs wanted. 

CHAPMAN, DAVID, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

CHILDRESS, B., deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

CfiRISMAN, GABRIEL, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 


SPECIAL LIST No. 17. 201 

CHRtItA'?? ^Avh?S*w ^^ ^^^ '" 5 ''^^1*5?' S'»'« «'"<=« 1870. Heirs wanted. 

OT ARK^^^i^\°?Jijy^yi.^w™''ST°!S,'^°f'°°*"' O'^'o- " d«»<J. 1"'''8 wanted. 

^'''^''n^oifabontTsel). <'S'^^L^f?o'^'S^o''^^^>' '"'°^"*' "' ^"-"^ HATCHER, who died in lUi- 

Sra ™f • ^^SS^^'^S'^^^J ^^^ '° " W^eetem State. Heirs wanted. 

SRviJ^^JSMSi, •«5' lieard of at LouisvUle, Ky. Served in U. S. Army. 

SRn?SS' THOMAS W., late of Allegheny City, Pa. Went West about 1860. Heirs wanted- 

Snn«T r?" ?i<l'fcv*!,''™'"^'^?'' '° "'^J- S- ^'^^ '° ">« ^a' "f 1812, or Mexican war. Heirs wanted. 

pRSwPv S^5?»'T^I?f?l?^vte^?° ^°; *^ '"^' ™ *''« Steamer " Stonewall." Heirs wanted, 

^RJJk^ w^'-^HA^^^Pi ELLiN, newsdealer), died in New York, 1883. Heirs wanted. 

Sx25\S-fS^.^^P'^> deceased, died m a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

CORCORAN, THOS. C, last heard of at St. Louis, Mo. 

CORVING, JAMES, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

CRANEY, RICHARD, last heard of at St. Louis, Mo. 

CROOK, RICHARD, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

DARDEN, or BURDEN, ROBERT J., a lawyer who formerly lived in Aberdeen, Miss. If living his 

address wanted. If dead, the place of his death. 
DATIS, JAMES H., last heard of at St. Louis, Mo., about 1860. 
^■^y^i.' LUCroS H., came to Minnesota from Fall River, Mass., in 1857. Last heard of at Galveston. 

Tex. Heirs wanted. 
DAVIS, THOS. J., was a soldier in 1812 or Mexican war. 
DE HAM , C. L., late of Kingston, Tenn., was a Civil Engineer on some R. R,, in Ky., lived a while in 

LomsviUe, Ky. His family were from Pittsburg, Pa. 
DELICHAUX, PRBD. A., supposed to have lived at St. Louis, Mo., several years ago. 
DEVINE, RICHARD, died in Idaho, Ter., 1877. Heirs wanted. 
DICK, AUGUST, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
BICKiERMAN, ALLEN, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
DICKINSON, ADAM, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
DIXON, ENNIS, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
DOBSON, ROBERT, died inlowa in 1859. Heirs wanted. He was from the South. His brothers and 


(married to DEAM), and JEMIMA (married to WINN). The family is supposed to 

have got scattered during the late war. 
DOLAN, JOHN, died in Kansas between 1870 and 1880. Heirs wanted. 
DOLL, PETER, late of San Francisco, Oal. 

DONOVAN, MICHAEL, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
DOYLE, JOSIAH, late of Palmyra, Mo. 
DUDLEY, WM., late of New Albany, Ind. 

DUNCAN, WILLIAM, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
DUNGAN; JOHN, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
DURNS, MICHAEL, residence not known. Once owned land in Nebraska. 
ELLIOTT, CHARLES, (alias WILLIAM,) deceased, died in the West. Heirs wanted. 
ELLIOTT, W. D., deceased, died in about 1876. Heirs wanted. 
ELMS, RICHARD, deceased, died about 1880. Heirs wanted. 
ENHNEST, EDWARD, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
BRLS, JACOB, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted, 
ESLINGER, CHRISTIAN, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
EUELL, JOHN E., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
FERRIS, ANTONIE, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
FITCH, ARTHUR T., was in the banking business in New York City in 1876. Supposed to have 

fone to Europe, 
IMMONS, BERNARD, deceased, died in the West about 1870. Heirs wanted. 


PLUNER, NICHOLAS, deceased, died in the West. Heirs wanted. 

FOGG, JAS. B., late of Buffalo, N. Y. ' 

FOSTER, RUSSBL B. (clerk) died in New York in 1883. Heirs wanted. 

FRIEZARD, PHILLIP, late of Jacksonville, Ohio. 

PULTON, GEORGE, last heard of at Stockton, Cal., was once a soldier. 

PURER, HARVIBR, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

6ALLAHER, JAMES, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

GALLIHAN, JAMES I., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

GAZA WAY, PETER, about 1790 leased for 99 years certain real estate supposed to he in or near Lon. 
don, England, andlie and his two sons (NICJHOLAS and THOMAS) emigrated to America. 
The heirs in America can easily trace their heirship, if they can only find the record of the lease. 

fiERHEART, ISAAC, late of Jasper County, Mo., died leaving six children. JOHN went to Califor- 
nia, and died. Address of the others wanted. 

GIBSON, THOMAS, bom in England. Owned land in Kansas some years ago. Has a brother in 
Chicago, 111. Heirs wanted. 

<3IPP0RD, HENRY, last heard of at Brownsville, Tex. Was once a soldier. 

GILBERT, THEO., last heard of at Sante Fe, N. Mexico. Was once a soldier. 

GITLEY, JAMES S., last heard of at St. Louis, Mo. Was once a soldier. 

GLASSCOCK, SAMUEL W., deceased. Heirs wanted. 

GLEASON, DANIEL, deceased, died in the West. Heirs wanted. 

OOODYEAR, MARY, owtaed land in Missouri in 1847. Heirs wanted. 

GRANT, JOHN, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

GREBE, PRBD, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

GRIMSLEY, LIZZIE B., deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

GROVE, E. R., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

GUGENET, CELESTIE, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs w anted. 

HAAGGE. JOHN, from Hamburg, Germany, died in Idaho Territory, 1877. Heirs wanted. 

HALE, WILLIAM, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

HAMILTON, MARION N., residence not known. Once owned land in Nebraska. 

HAND, CHAS. S.. last known place of residence was San Francisco, Cal. 

HANKE, WILLIAM, (cabinet-maker), died in New York, 1882. Heirs wanted, 

HARDEN, GEORGE, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 


HABDIN, SABAH, deceased, died in Miesonri. Eeire wanted. 

HAEB, ABTHUE, last heard of in 1864 in Texas, near the line of Indian Territory. 

HARZEBNDT, WILLIAM, (tanner), died in New York, 1882- Heirs wanted. 

HARPER, MART, late of Taylorville, Ohio. Heirs wanted. 

HARTMAN, F. K., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

HARRIS, WM. A., late of Columbia, 8. C. His heirs offer a liberal reward for information as to loca- 
tion of a large tract of land owned by him on the Brazos Biver in Texas. 

HATCHER, WILLIAM, died in Illinois about 1860. EBBECCA CLARK, (wife of EDWIN CLAEK), 
wanted as an heir. 

HATS, SIMON, supposed to have served in War of 1812, or Mexican war. Heirs wanted. 

HASSE or HOPE, WM., last heard of at St. Louis. Mo. Was U. S. volunteer in Mexican war, or in 

HAYS, ELLEN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

HEITEL, H., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

HELT, JOHANN,HEBMANN, (cigar-maker), died in New Tork, 1881. Heirs wanted. 

HENDEBSON, THOMAS, emigrated from Ireland to Americaabout 1838. Supposed to have settled at 
New Orleans, La. His children were JOHN, BOBEBT, LAWBENCE, JANE and MAET. 

HENITZ, FBITZ, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

HBINEICHS, CATHAEINB, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

HBNET, S. H., late of Cincinnati, Ohio. Was once a soldier. 

HEPBURN, ARABELLA E., (from Nice, France), died in New York, 1883. Heirs wanted. 

HERBERT, WM., late of St. Louis, Mo. Was once a soldier. 

HERTZOY, PETEE, late of Dayton, Ohio. Was once a soldier. 

HILLIARD, JOHN, (bachelor) came to America about 1850 from Ireland, with an aunt; had an uncle 

in Ireland. Heirs wanted. 
HILLIMAN, WILLIAM P. Heirs wanted. 
HOCK, JACOB F., late of Sacramento, Ca'. Heirs wanted. 

HOOK, 6E0BGB B., place of residence not known. Once owned land in Nebraska. 
HOOPBE, HENBT, owned land in Nebraska in 1877. Heirs wanted. 
HOUVBT, DESIEB L., (cook), died in New Tork, 1883. Heirs wanted. 
HUGHES, OWEN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
HUGHES. ANN. (day laborer), died in New Tork, 1883. Heirs wanted. 
HUMPHEBT, JAMES, deceased, (colored) died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
JOHNSON, WM., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
JOHNSTONE, JOHN A., (sea captain), died in New York in 1883. 
JONES, EDWIN B., served in Mexican war. Heirs wanted. 

JONES, FINLBT, late of (near) Aberdeen, Miss. Supposed to have left land and money at his death, 
^^ which his heirs would like to find. 

JUBLO, JOHN, late of New Orleans, La. Served in.U. S. Army. 
KEANE, THOS. J. (student), died in New York, 1882. Heirs wanted. 
KEIPHOLD, CHAELKS, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
KELLEY, S. H., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
KENNEDY, A. E., late of Sarpy County, Neb. 
KENT, C. W., a painter who left Tennessee for Canada about 1859. 
KILBUBN, ISAAC N., (watchman), died in New York, 1882. Heirs wanted. 
KIEKPATEICK, CHABLES, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
KISKEE, PEED. , deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
KOENIG, H. A., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
KOUEDGE, AUGUSTUS, residence not known. Once owned land in Nebraska. 
KULL, WM., diedin New York, 1883. Heirs wanted. 
KUNG, JOHN GEOBGE. late of Coloma, Cal. Heirs wanted. 
LANCEMENT, JEEOME, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
LANGENBUEG, KABL, late of Dusseldorf, Ehemisb, Prussia. Supposed to be now living in America 

under an assumed name. 
LANHAM, SABAH M, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
LANIE. JOSEPH or CHABLES, (cook) died in New York in 1882. Heirs wanted. 
LANKENAU, HENBT, (bartender), died in New Tork, 1883. Heirs wanted. 
LECOMPT, JULIUS, lived in the early days of the Republic of Texas at Houston, Texas. Heirs 

LEDIGH, CsiRISTIAN. late of Hamilton, Ohio. Was once a soldier. 

LEE, P. H., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

LEMON^ JAMES, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

LOCKWOOD, ISAAC, late of San Jose, Cal. Was once a soldier in U. S. A. 

LOGAN, THEODORE, late of Philadelphia, Pa. Served in the U. S. A. 

LONDON, JOHN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

LOVELACE, BAETON D., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

McCALEB, JOHN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

McCAEDLE, BEBNABD, late of Franklin, Texas. Served in the U. S. A. 

MoCAIT, JOSEPH C, late of Douglas County, Neb. 

MoCAEEW, NATHAN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

McCLAEE, ELIZABETH, deceased, died, in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

McCLOSKET, HENBT, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

Mcdonough, Elizabeth, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. ■ 

McGALLIABD, WM., late of Logan County, 111. 

McGLOTHLIN, PATBICK, late of Vancouver, Oregon. Was once a U. S. soldier. 

McHALE, M. S., died in Idaho Territory, 1881. Heirs wanted. 

McKENNA, ELIZABETH, died in New York, 1883. 

MoKENNA, FEANCIS, owned land in Nebraska in 1875. Heirs wanted. 

McMALLAN, NEWTON, last heard of in 1845 in Harrison County, Texas. 

MoMILLEN, ELIZABETH, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

Mcmullen, JOHN, late of St. Louis, Mo. Served in U. S. A. 

McNALLEY, JOHN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

MAHER, JAMBS, deceased, died about 1870. Heirs wanted. 

MAHOOD, ALLAN E. (boatman), died in New York, 1881. Hei^s wanted. 


MALOWNET, STEPHEN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

MANN, HAMAN, late of Nash or Edgecombe County, N. C, left there many years ago. Wife's 

maiden name was TEMPT DEW. Heirs wanted. 
MARCUS, ADAM, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MARCHISE, CHARLES, (cook), from Switzerland, died In New York, 1883. 
MARKS, JOHN and EDWAED, left Ireland for America in 1856. When last heard of were residing 

In Brooklyn, N. Y. 
MARTIN, GEO. W., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MARTIN, HENRY H., place of residence not known. Once owned land in Nebraska. 
MAUS, CONRAD, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MAUS, BARBARA, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MAYBERRY, PRANK, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MADDERS, CATHARINE, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MELLON, .JOHN, late of Savannah, Ga. Was once a soldier. 
MELTON, PETER C, late of Camden, Ala. 
MALKER, JOHN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MEINBCKE, PEEDERICK. (tailor), died in New York, 1883. 
MERRICK, ARLINGTON, late of Brownsville, Texas. Was once a U. S. soldier. 
MEYMAL, MARRIAETTB, (dress-maker), died in New York, 1883. 
MEYERS, CHRISTINA, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MILLER, JAMES H., died in the State of Maine about 1871. Heirs wanted. 
MILLER, P. B., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MILLER, WM. H., late of Louisville, Ky. Was once a soldier. 
MOCK, JACOB H., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MORGAN, JAMES, late of St. Joseph, Mo. Was once a soldier. 
MOLTER, GEORGE, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted, 
MORLEY, RICHARD, lived in Mason County, Michigan in 1865. Heirs wanted. 
MONTGOMERY, MARK D., late of San Antonio, Texas. Served inMexican war. 
MONTGOMERY, JOHN, late of Georgetown, Ky. Served in U. S. A. 
MOONEY, ANNIE, died in New York in 1881 or 1882. Heirs wanted, 
MOORE, JOHN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MOORE, SAMUEL, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MORIATTO, ALEXANDER, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MOTERS, ANNIE D., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MUELLER, v., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MULLEN, PATRICK, late of Houston, Texas. Was once a soldier. 
MULLINS, CHARLES, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MURPHY, THOMAS, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MURTA, HENRY, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
MYERS, GEORGE, late of Warsaw, Mo. Heirs wanted. 
NEEDEBHOPP, WILHELMINA, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
NEELEY, THOMAS, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
NELSON, JOSEPH B., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
NEWMAN, ALBERT, (teacher) died in New York in 1883. 
NICHOLL, PRANCIS, died in New York 1882. Heirs wanted. 
NOETZER, WM., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
NOWAK, J., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
O'CONNOR, ELLEN, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
O'CONNOR, JOHANNA, (washerwoman) died in New York 1883. 
OLFSTAG, JACOB A., late of Caloma. Cal. Heirs wanted. 
O'NEIL, JAMBS H., late of Laramie, Wyoming Ter. 

O'TOOLE, MICHAEL, deceased, person No. BO lost Steamer " Stonewall". Heirs wanted. 
OWENS, JOHN B., deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
PAULING, JOHN R., late of Marion, Ala. Heirs wanted. 
PEPPERMAN, JOHN, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
PEARSON, ROBERT H., (from California,) died in New York 1882. Heirs wanted. 
PEAQUESTB, GEORGE, died in the State of Maine about 1879. Heirs wanted. 
PECHET, LOUIS, (French) died in Idaho Ter., 1877. Heirs wanted. 
PHILLIPS, JAMES, late of Troy, Ohio. 

PICON, BAPTISTE, deceased died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
POWELL, LAZARUS J., removed from Pitt or Green Co., N. C, many years ago, to one of the. 

Northern cities, and died, leaving a large estate. His heirs would pay liberally for information. 

leading to the finding of his estate. . 

PEATHER, WALTER G., born in Clark Co., Ind., in 1820. Heirs wanted. 
PRICE, CATHERINE, (cook) died in New York 1882. Heirs wanted. 
PRICE, WILLIAM, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
PROBOUGH, JOHN U., late of Howard Co., Ind. 
REID, ANNA, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted 
EBNOX, RUPUS, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

EBVETT, CHAS., late of Franklin, Mo. ,. , . „ „ , .„„„ _. ^ , 

EITTERBUSCH llOHANN F., (watchmaker, German,) died in New York 1882. Heirs wanted. 
EO ARK, JOHN,' deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
ROBERTS, JAMES, owned land in Minnesota in 1858. Heirs wanted. 
EOBET, NICHOLAS, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
ROHR, WM., deceased, died in a Western State Heirs wanted. „., . ..,, 

ROCKENBEODT ELIZABETH, (day laborer) died in New York 1883. Heirs wanted. 
ROGERS, MARY A., deceased, died m a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
ROY SoiPHIA, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
RUSSBL, JOHN, (printer) died in New York 1883. Heirs wanted. . ^.^, 
ST ANGIB MONSIEUR, deceased, (French) died m Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
SAUBRIER, LORENTZ, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
SCHINDE, !pRANCIS. deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
SCHNELL, JACOB, died in Minnesota about 1878 or 1879. 
SECHLAR, W. H., late of Cambria Co., Pa 
SCHOROCK, LUDWICK, late of Somerset Co., Pa. 


SCHULTZ, JOHN, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

SCHWARTZ, JOHN, (German) died in Idaho Ter., 1884. Heirs wanted. 

BCHWIGEBT, NICHOLAS, late of Kane Co., III. 

SCHWEND^OATHBEINE, late of Madison, Ind. Heirs wanted. 

SCOTT, OLIVEH, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

SCOTT, THEODORE, late of Mobile, Ind. Heirs wanted. 

SCOGGIN, WM., late of Tillabindi, Miss. Heirs wanted. 

SCROYEE, JACOB, deceased, died In a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

SEYMOUR, CHAS., late of Dona Ana. Tex. 

SHALE, HENRY, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

SHAFER, JOHN H., in 1859 was in Lancaster, Pa, 

SHERIDAN, HELEN, born about 1800. Married in Scotland about 1818. No children. Next of Kin 

supposed to be in America. Estate very large. Heirs wanted. 
SHERMAN, HENRY, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
SHOEMAKER. GEO., deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
SHOTT, LOUIS, late of St. Louis, Mo. Heirs wanted. 
SHRIB VB, JOHN N., late of San Antonio, Tex. Heirs wanted. 
SUHMAN, FEEDEICK, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
SIMMS, ELISHA, deceased, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
SMITH, PETEE, (baker) died in New York 1882. Heirs wanted. 
SMITH, WILLIAM, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

SMITH, JOHN (JACK), mother's maiden name MCCARTHY, lived in Oswego, N. Y. Heirs wanted. 
SMITH, WILLIAM, owned land in Nebraska in 1870. Supposed to be dead. Heirs wanted. 
SMITH, AGNES, married to one SMITH. Maiden name THOMSON, resides somewhere in 

SMITH, LEONARD H., died suddenly in a Western State in 1881. Supposed to have once lived in 

Canada, engaged in the potash business there. Had relatives in Toronto— is supposed to have 

had a wife from whom he was separated. Had a nephew on the Pacific Coast. He was a miser, 

and left a large amount of money. Heirs wanted. 
SMITH, GEORGE C, died in the State of Maine about 1879. Heirs wanted. 
SNYDER, MARGARET. late of Cincinnati, Ohio. Heirs wanted 
SPAULDING, ANDREW J., late of Plattsburg, Mo. Heirs wanted. 
STANLEY or COLE, LEONARD, formerly of Texas. Heirs wanted. 
STECK, DOEETHEA, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
STEPHENSON, THAD. W., late of Circleville, Ohio. Heirs wanted. 
STEINKEMPEE, E., died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 

STOE^S, CLAYTON, place of residence not known. He was a soldier in the Mexican or War of 1812. 
STYLES, LEWIS, late of New York, N. Y. Was a soldier in some war of U. S. 
SUNERRIET, (or SUMERSIBT,) GEORGE L, a German, was in the army of the late Civil War 

from the State of Maine. Died about 1869. Heirs wanted. 
THIBS, ANTON WILLIAM, married Oct. 19th. 1857, at St. Peters, Derby, England, to JANE 

STEVENS. Last heard of April, 1874, at 415 Seventh St., Leavenworth, Kans. 
THOMPSON, HUGH, (restaurant keeper) died in New York 1882. Heirs wanted. 
THOMSON, ALEXANDER, died in Illinois lately— brothers and sisters in Scotland wanted as heirs. 

Their names are: ISABELLA (married to PETER WADDELL,) AGNES (married to 

Smith,) MARY, (married to PETKR MARSHAL,) and JOHN THOMSON. 
THOMAS, PEYTON, died in Missouri. Heirs wanted. 
TOWNSEND, KATE, alias KATE KARNAGAN, died in New Orleans, La., in 1883. Came from 

Liverpool, England, in August, 1858. Supposed to have relations in Liverpool. Her whole estate 

which is very large, is claimed by one SYKES, who claims to have been married to her. 
TOUBY, THOS. H., died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
TURNER, ALLEN C, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
TIENAN, CHAS P., died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
TEUELOVE, SAMUEL, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
TWELVETEEE, JOSEPH, died in a Western State, Heirs wanted. 
UNKNOWN MAN, (No. 9), lost on the Steamer " Stonewall." 
USHEE, JOSEPH, died in a Western State. 

VANDEEVALLE, S. H., died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
VAN BECHMAN, feed., died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
VERDANEL, WM., residence not known. Once owned land in Nebraska. 
WADDELL, ISABELLA, (wife of PETER WADDELL), maiden name THOMSON. Residence some 

where in Scotland. 
WALKER, H. R., died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
WALLACE, TYE, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

WALSH, (or CONWAY) ELLEN, (newsdealeri, died in New York, 1883. Heirs wanted. 
WAVERS, ELIZABETH, died in a Western State. 

WELDO, WATSON, residence not known. Once owned land in Nebraska. 
WENDOEF^HARLES, late of Madison County, New York. Supposed to have gone West in 1859 or 

1860. Heirs wanted. 
WHEATON, THEODORE D., died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
WHITE, MILTON, publisher of a monthly paper in Chicago up to time of the great fire j went to Call 

fornia. Last heard from in New Mexico. 
WHITE, CASPER, late of Peoria, 111. Was once a soldier. Heirs wanted. 
WHITEHOUSE, BENJ., late of Stockton, Cal. 
WHITLEY, Wla. P., late of Jefferson City, Mo. 

"WEIR, , (first name not known) died in Kansas, between 1870 and 1880. 

WILLIS, JAMES, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

WILSON, EDWARD, late of Covington, Ky. 

WILSON, MRS. MARY ANN, Wanted to find the heirs of ELISHA V. BROWN, who left Virginia 

in 1858 or 1859; married either m Missouri or Kansas, went to California and died on the trip 

leaving one child. Hie widow afterwards married a man by the name of WILSON. The last 

heard of MES. WILSON, she resided with her child either in Missouri or Kansas. 
WILDHABER, JACOB, (or JUSTICE), carpenter, died in New York, 1883. Heirs wanted. 
WILLIAMS, HENRY, late of Pensacola, Fla. 



WILLIAMS, EOBEET, removed from Pitt County, N. C, to Kentucky many years ago. Hisheira. 

wotild pay a liberal reward for information as to the whereaboate of the estate left oy bim. 
WILLIAMS, WM., died in a Western State. Heirswanted. 
WILLIAMSON, JAEVIS, deceased, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
WINCKELMAN, JOHN, died in the State of Maine about 1867. Heirs wanted. 
WOLF, JOHN, died in tbe State of Maine in 1864, leaving property. Heirs wanted. 
WORSTEE, PEESLEY, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 
TETTEE, JOSEPH, died in a Western State. Heirs wanted. 

Tbe following list, received too late to incorporate in one of our regular lists, represents persona 
wbo own land in a certain Western State, wbicb has, since 1873, been sold tor taxes. It could still be 
recovered if the place of residence of the owners could be found. We will undertake its recovary on 
very reasonable terms. 

Address, J. B. ]VlJlRTI!irDAI.E, 142 La Salle St., Chicago.. 

Burgham. John A., Besidencc unknown. 
Carter, Alexander, " " 

Charles, Martin M!., " " 

Charles, John D., " " 

Corpeney, F. J., " " 

Bonnell, James D., of Texas. 
Edwards. L. B., Eesidence unknown. 
Emery, Louis, " " 

Fartar, D. W., " " 

Fee, O. P. S., ' 

Poye, Christian, " " 

Gray, Eobert, " " 

Gregory, Henry, of Dlinois. 
Griswold, Cyrus, Eesidence unknown 
Hackney, James S., '• " 

Halpane, S. P., " " 

Hamilton, Vincent, " " 

Hamlin, J. F., " " 

Hanley, John M., " 

Harpor, John, and 

Geo. Johnson, 
Howell, Sarah, of Dlinois. 
Jenkins, Geo. W., Eesidence unknown. 
Johnson. Geo., and 

John Harpor, " 

Johnson, Jacob, 
Kisler, C. B , 
Klenhaus, Peter, 
Lester, P. Smith, 
Manship, Henry, 
Mathis, Fred, 
Millican, O. W., 
MUlican, Wesley, 
McBride, John M., 
Eead, Solomon, 
Eobbinson, James, 
Smith, Eliza J., 
Snyder, Abraham, 
Stewart, James, 
Stewart, Susanna, 
Steel, Geo. W., 
Thompson, Jeff, 
Vickery, Thomas, 
Waite, John M., 
Welch, Geo. S., (heirs of) 
Weir Phoebe, 
Williams, Geo W., 
Wright, Wm., H., 

Eesidence unknown, 



Under 3 & 4 Wm. IT., c. 106 s 22 & 2S Car. II., c. 10 ; 29 Car. II,, c. 30, and 1 Jao. IL, o. 17. 

Customs of London and York and other places are novtr abolished so far as they affect 
personal property of persons dying affcfflr 31st Dec., 1856 (19 & 20 Vic, c. 94) ; bnt the customs 
of Gavelkind "and Borough English still affect recU property in certain localities, the former 
principally in County Kent. 

The following is a short Table showing how Property is distributed in cases where the owner 
dies entitled in his own right, without having made a will or settlement ; the fourth column also 
shows what persons would be entitled to letters of administration entitling them to the right of 
receiving and distributing the personal estate. 

N.B. — In each instance it is supposed there are no nearer relations than those named. 

// a person die leating 
ynte and no relations 

yfite and father • 

"Wife and mother 

Wife, father, broihen, and 

^nrife. mother, brothers, and 
slaterfl, whether by whole 
or half-blood 

Vfite, mother, nephews, and 
nieces (cbUdrea of deceased 

Wife, brothers, and sisters 

"Wifb, sons, and daughteia 
(Note C.) 

Wife and daughter {Nota G) . 
Wife and daughters {iHote C) . 

Wife and grandchildren (sons 
of deceased son) 

Husband (where there has 
been Issue bom alive capable 
of Inheriting the realty) 

Husband (whf re there has not 
been issue born alive capa- 
ble of inheriting the realty) 

Husbaudt sons, and daughters 

Husband and child (son or 
daughter) , 

Husband and daughters . 

Husband and grardcliildren 
(daughters of deceased son 
or daughter) 

Sons & daughters', whether by 
one or more wife or wives, & 
whether or not poathmuous 

One child, either son or 

Daughters • • • ' > 

ZAND —Heal Property 

{except leasekolde) would 


One-third to wife for life, 
rest to the Crown if the 
deceased had the legal es- 
tate (copyholds to the 
liord of tne Manor) 
(Note A.) 

One-third to wife for life, 
rest to father if the de- 
ceased had acquired the 
fre by purchase and not 
by descent (Note A,) 

Ooe-third to wife for life, 
rest to mother in default 
of any heJra on father's 
aide (Note A.) 

One-third to wife for life, 
rest to father if the de- 
ceased had acquired the 
fee by purchase and not 
by descent (Note A.) 

One-third to wife for life. 
Tear to eldest brother (by 
whole blood (Note A.) 

One-third to wife forlife, rest 
to nephew (eldest son of 
brother) or ideces (daugh- 
ters of deceased brother 
If he left no son iNote A.) 

One-third to wife for life, 
rest to eldest biother 
(Note A.) 

One-third to wife for life, 
rest to eldest son (Note A.) 

One-third to wife for life, 
rest 10 daughter (Note A.) 

One-ihird to wife for life, 
rest equally between 
daughters (Note A.) 

Qne-tbird to wife for life, 
reat to eldest grandchild 
(Note A.) 

All for life, afterwards to 
heir-at-law {Note 3.) 

To heir -at -law 

Alt to husband for life. aft(«r- 
wards toeIdesl8on(Jro^e^.) 

All to husband for life, after- 
wards to child (Note B.) 

All to husband forlife. atter- 
wnrda to daughters equally 
(Note B.) 

All to htuband for life, after- 
ward^ to grandchildren 
equally {Note £.) 

All to eldest son 

MONEY.— Personal Pro- 
perty (includiriff teaseholds) 
would be divided. 

Half to wife, rest to the 


EquallT {Keiltoay V. Keiltoo!/, 
2 P. Wma., 3i40 

Equally between wife and 

Pereone entitled t9 

Half to wife, reat equally 
divided between mother, 
brothers and sisters 


Half to wife, one fourth to 
mother, rest between 
nephews and nieces (Stan- 
ley v. Stanley, lAtk.) 


Half to wife, reat equally to 
brothers and bisters 


One-third to wife, rest 
equally amungst sons and 


One third to ^ife, rest to 


One third to wife, rest 
equally between daugh- 


One-third to wife, rest 
equaUy between grand- 


An {Note S.) .... 


AU to husband (Note B.) . 


AU to husband (JVoie J.) . 


AU to husband {Note B.) 


AU to husband (Note X.) ' 


All to husband (Note E.J 


qually divided (Walli* v. 
Hodaon, 2 Atk.. U7.J 

AU . . 

EquaUy divided 


EquaUy divided • • 

Either son or daughter, or 
any number not excfeding 
three of either or both. 

Either or any number o( 
them not exceeding threci 



^aptrson dieUavitti; 

flAdebt) son and grandchild 
son or daughter of younger 


(Younger) s»n and grandchild 
bon or daughter of eldest 

Eldest son, sons and daugh- 
ters, and grandchildren 

Daughters and grandchild (son 
or daughter of deceased 

Daughters and granddaugh- 
ters (children of deceased 


Dauzhtera and grandchildren 
sons and daughters of de- 
ceased daughter) 

Grandchildren, sons and 
daughters of two sons and 

Grandchildren (daughters of 
a s&n, and sons of a djingh- 

ter) * 

Grandchildren (sons and 
daughters of. a daughter, 
and daughters of another 

Deceased son's widow* and 
child (Bridge v. Abbott, 

Grandchild and great-grand- 
child, elder branch 

Father and mother and bro- 

the s and sister 

Mother and brothers and 

Uother and sister 

Mother only . . . . 

Sisters, and nephews, and 
nieces (children of deceased 

Sisters, and nieces (children of 
deceased brother 

Bisters, and nephews, and 
nieces (children of dceased 

Bisters, and nieces (children of 
deceased sister 

Brother or fister of whole 
blood, and brother or sister 
of half 'blood on father's side, 
and brother or sister of half- 
blood on mother's side 

Brother or sister of the half- 
blood on father's side, & dis- 
tant cousin on father's side. 

Brother or sister of half blood 
on mother's side, and distant 
cousin on father's side 

Brother-* and sisters, and 
grandfather or granduiother 

Nephews and nieces by de- 
ceased brother, and nephew 
and nieces by deceased 

Niece by deceased brother, and 
nephews and nieces by de- 
ceased sister 

ZAND.—Reta Propertv 

(txcept leastholdtj would 

All to eldest son 

All to grandchUd 

MONEr—Ferional Pro- 
perty {including Iteueholdt) 
would be divided. 

Equally divided . 

Equally divided 

Tentmi entitled to 

younger son. 

All to eldest son 

All to gruLdohild 

All to granddaughters , 

Equally between daughters 
and eldest son of deceased 

All to grandson, eldest son of 
eldest son 

Equally divided (but grand- 
children only take de- 
cfased parent's share 
equally between them) 

Equally . 

All to granddaughters 

Half to eldest son of one 
daughter, and half equally 
between daughters m 
other daughter 

All to child . . AU to child 

Equally (but granddaughters 
only take their fiither's 
share between them) 

Equally (but grandchildren 
only take their parent's 
share equally between 

Equally {per capita, i.e. in 
their own right.) {WtOsh v. 
Walsh, \£q. Gas. Abr.,2i9 
pi. 1—8, C Free. Chan. 74.) 

ually per capita 

Equally per capita . 

Great grandchild . 

All to father 

All to eldest brother 

AU to sister .... 

All (in defEiult of any heirs 
on father's side) 

All to nephew, eldest son of 
deceased brother 

All to nieces equally 

Equally between sisters and 
nephew, eldest son of de 
ceased sister 

Equally, but nieces take 
per ttirpee 

All to brother or sister of 
whole blood 

Equally . 

All to father 

Equally . 

Equally . 

To any son or daughter, or 
any number not exceeding 
three of either or both. 

To any dingh'er, or any 
number of them not ex- 
ceeding three. 

To any daughter, or any 
number of them not ex- 
ceeding three. 

To any daughter, or any 
number of them not ex- 
ceeding ttiree. 

To aTiy grandchild, or any 
number of them not ex- 
ceeding three. 

To auT grandchild, or any 
numoer of them not ex- 
ceeding three. 

To anv grandchild, or any 
number of them not eX' 
ceeding three. 



To one or more of the sis- 
ters, not exceeding three. 

Equally, but nephews and 
nieces take per ttirpes 
{*.». their deceased pareut's 

Equally, but nieces take 
per stirpes 

Equally, but nephews and 
nieces take per stirpes 

Equally, but nieces take 
per stirpes 

Equally - Either or both. 

To one or more of the sis- 
ters, not exceeding thr e. 

To one or more of the sis- 
KTB, not exceeding three. 

To one or more of the sis- 
ters, not exceeding three. 

All to hair-brotber or sister All to half-brother or sister 

All to distant cousin on All to half-brother or sister 
father's side 

All to eldest brother 

Equally between brothers 
and sisters {Evelyn v. 
Evelyn, 3 AtJt. 762) 

AU to eldest nephew (son Equally per capita (i.e. 
of deceased brother) shared equally without 

reference to the number 
of each family) 

All to niece (daughter of Equally per capita . . 
deceased brother) 

Nieces by deceased brother, AU to nieces (danghters of BquaWy per capita . 

and nephews and nieces by ceceased brother) 
deceased sister 

Nephews and nieces by one Half toeldestnephewbyone Squa3iy per capita * 

deceased sister and nieces by deceased sister, and half 

*'*T^>fr deceased sister eoulilly between nieces by 
other deceased sister 

Brother or sister of half- 

Brother or slater of half- 

To one or more of brothers 
and sisters, not exceeding 

To either of the nephews or 
nieces, or any number of 
one or both, not exceeding 

To either of the nephews or 
nieces, or any number o( 
one or both, not exceeding 

To either of the nephews or 
nieces, or anj number of 
one or both, not exceeding 

To either of the nephews or 
nieces, or any number or 
one or both, not exceeding 
three. ' 



LAHD.—JSleta Property 

(ixcept leaseholdij would 

MONJB Y.—Perionat pro- 

perty ( includmif leaaenoldtj 
wouid be divided. 

Nephew fFettv. Fett, 1 Salk. 

or mother AU to father's father or Equally /Jlfoor v. Badham, To either or bath. 

father or 

jy a person die leaving 

i'iephew (son of deceased 
■isier) and great ■ ulece, 
eranddaughter of deteased 

Niece (brother or sister's All to great nephew, eldest AU to niece, brother's or 
onughter) ana great nephew brotuer's graudson sinter's daughter 

(eldesc oroiher'o grandsonj , 

ifather'B father, 
and mother's 

Grandfather, great-grand- 
father, uncle and aunt on 
father'B Bide, and Kraad- 
father, uncle, aud aunt, on 
mother's side 

Grandfather on mother's side, 
and uncle or aunt on 
father's aide 

Grand nother, uncle, or aunt 
(all on saute side) 

Grandmother on faChpr's side, 
-and uncle or aunt on 
mother's side 

Great-grandfather, uncles and 
aunts on father's side 

Ftreona entitled tt 


All to* gran dfather, 
father's side 

All to uncle or aunt 

All to uncle or aunt 

All to grandmother 

All to e dest uncle 

cited in Blackborough v. 
Davis, F. Wma. 53) 

Equally between two grand- 

All to grandfather . 

All TO grandmother (Ment- 
ney v. Fetty, Free. Chan., 

All to grandmother fMent- 
ney V. Fetty Free. Chan. 

Equally per capita (Lloyd 
V. Tench,Z Ves.Sen., 216.) 

To either or both groH* 




Equally between nieces^ Equally per cirptio 
oaUKhters uf brother 

Uncles and aunts on mother's 
side, and nephews (sons nt 
dececised sister) and niecfs 
(daughters of a deceased 

Uncles and aunts on father's 
side, and uncles and aunts on 
mother's side 

Aunts on father's side, and All equally to aunts on Equally among them 
uncles or aunts on mother's father's side 

All to eldest 
father's side 

uncle on Equally among hem 

Uncle on mother's side, and 
cousin (son of another uncle 
on father's side) 

No relations 

The eldest son of the de- 
ceased father's eldest 
hrother {or according to 
heirship, as the case may 

All to cousin , . 

Equally per capita . 

All to uncle 

To either or any nuptber 
not exceeding three of 
either or both. 

To either or any number 
not exceeding three ofr 
either or both. 

To either or any number 
not exceeding three of 
either or both. 

To either or any number 
D'tt exceeding three of 
either or both. 

To either or any number' 
not exceeding three vi 
either or both. 

To the CrowD, or to a credl*- 
tor, should he apply. 

. All to the Crown (copyholds All to the Crown . 
would go to the JLord of 
the Manor) 

Note A.— The wife is only entitled to thetiiird of the gross rental of thereat estate for life as her dower, but in most cases 
this is barred, rather as a matter of form by lawyers, than for any other reason, and she then takes no interest in the real 

Note £.~ThiB only applies to real estate in possession ; the husband would take no benefit flrom his wife's rerersionary 
interests in real estate. 

Note £?.— Children who have had advances from the/af/101' in the lifetime are to bring them inti account. 

Note JD.— The abuve table to successions to real property does^otextend to the decease of any person dying before 1st Jan- 
uary, 1834, nor to Gavelkind lands in Kent and other places, nor to land held subject to Borough English custom, nor to 
Copyholds, nor to Estates Tail. 

Note E.— The husb ind is entitled by canon law right and not under the Statute of Distributions. He would, therefore, he- 
excluded from taking any share of his wife's effects if given by any deed or will to " her next of kin " at her decease.-* 
MUne V. Gilbert, L. J. vol. 23, N. S. uhy. 828.