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Full text of "Minutes of the Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York : Albany County sessions, 1778-1781"

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Vol. -^1 Frontispiece 

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Rough Draft of Minutes (an insert), with 
Emendations by Gansevoort 

(One-half reduced) 

MINUTES of the 

Commissioners for detecting 

and defeating Conspiracies 

Albany County Sessions, i 778-1 781 

Edited by Victor Hugo Paltsits, State Historian 
Volume II : 1780-1781 

Published by the State op New York, Albany, 1909 


Met Albany 3-^ January 1780 ^7^0 

John M Beeckman ) ( ^^^^^^ ^.^^^^^^ 
Isaac D Fonda J ( 

Isaac Lamb for whose Apprehension a Warrant [was] issued 
on the 31^* Ultimo having been Apprehended was brought 
before the Board on being Examined he says that in the year 
i777hewentto Burgoyne to which he was persuaded byMose 
Dormen and others that he after wards went to New York 
where he has remained since that Thomas Wiltsie is come 
with him from New York his Examination [128] is in the 
following Words (to wit) (see Examination on the File) 

Resolved that the said Isaac Lamb be committed and that 
a Mittimus be made for him — 


Met Albany c Tanuary 1780 ^^'So 

Present J"^" ^' 

Teremiah Van Renselaer ] ( nj 1 tt- 1 
:; > ■{ Mathew Visscher 

Isaac D ronda ) { 

Whereas it has appeared to this Board that Rudolfh 

Schoenmaker, Johan Jost Schoenmaker and a Negro Man 

Slave of the said Rudolfh Schoenmaker have been lately 

committed to the Custody of Anthony Van Veghten Esql 

high Sheriff of the County of Tryon by Virtue of a certain 

Instrument in Writing under the Hands of W" Petty Hendrick 

Herchemer and Peter Ballinger Esq" for Crimes supposed 

to be committed by the said Rudolfh Schoenmaker & Johan 

Jost Schoenmaker in the year 1777 & as the said Rudolfh 

Schoenmaker has lately for the same sopposed Crimes 

43 > 

432 State of New York 

1780 been bound by us in a Recognizance to appear at the next 
Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held in the County of 
Tryon and permitted in Consequence thereof to go at large 
& as it appears to us as well from the said Instrument m 
Writing as other Information that the supposed Crimes 
w[h]erewith the said Johan Jost Schoenmaker and the said 
Negro Man Slave are groundless — 

It is therefore resolved that an Order be made out to 
the said Anthony Van Veghten Esq^^ to discharge from his 
Custody the said Rudolph Schoonmaker, Johan Jost Schoen- 
maker and the said Negro Man Slave — 

Adjourned — 

,1780 Met Albany 14"' January 1780 

^^- ''■ Present ^ ^ 

John M Beekman ] ft r^ i? j 

ir 1 TT- 1 f ) Isaac D I'onda 

Mathew Vischer ) ( 

Philip Empey appeared before the Board and requested 
our Permission to go & visit his Family at Bowman's Kill — 

[129] Resolved that they [sic] said Philip Empey have 
permission Granted him for that purpose and that he return 
to the Place to which he is restricted by his Recognizance in 
one Forthnight from this Day — 

Isaac Lamb who was one the 3*^ Instant confined was 
brought before the Board resolved that he be discharged 
from his Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for 
his good Behaviour Appearing before us on the first Day of 
February next and also appearing before the Board when 
thereunto required 

Isaac Lamb on Recognizance in £1000 

David Sprague his Bail in £ 500 

John Cormichael also his Bail in £ 500 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 433 

Resolved that Alexander Squire enter into a Recognizance 1780 
for his good Behaviour & appearing on the first Day of 
February next or when required — 

Alexander Squire on Recognizance in £5000 

Gurdin Squire his Bail in ;^5000 — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 21^' January 1780 1780 

Present J-^- "• 

John M Beekman ) ( j^^^^ j^ p^^^^ 
Mathew Vischer ) (, 

Jacob Merkle of Tryon County confined for disaifection 
was brought before the Board resolved that be be Discharged 
from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance with a 
sufficient Surety for his future good Behaviour and appearing 
before any three of the Commissi? for Conspiracies when 
Called upon — 

Jacob Merkle of Tryon CountyFarmer in. ;^iooo 
John Breadfrick of Stonerabia in Tryon 

County Farmer his Bail in £ 500 

Adjourned — 

[130] Met Albany 26"* January 1780 1780 

Jan. 26. 


John M Beeckman ) j ^^^^^^ ^j^^j^^^ 
Isaac D Fonda ) ( 

The Board having received Information that William 
True of Kinderhook is a person whose going at Large may 
prove dangerous to the Safety of the State & that it is 
necessary he Should be Confined — 

It is therefore resolved that a Warrant be made out 

434 State of New York 

1780 directed to Lieu^ Reuben Murry to take to his Assistance 

Jan. 26. • ■ -n J r I. 

two Men & apprehend the said Wilham True and forth- 
with bring him before us — 


i'78o Met Albany 1=' February 1780 

Feb. I. Ti 


Jeremiah Van Renselaer | ( j^^^^ j^ ^^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Resolved that Andrew Squire who was taken Prisoner at 
Stoney Point be permitted to go at large in the District of 
Schaactikoke untill Called upon to be Exchanged on Enter- 
ing into a Recognizance to appear before the Commissary 
of Prisoners or any other Authority of this State when 
called upon — 

Andrew Squire on Recognizance in £^500 

Gurdin Squire his Bail in £500 

William True alias Comfort Carpenter for whose Appre- 
hension a Warrant was made out on the 26*'' Ultimo was 
brought before the Board Resolved that he be confined & 
that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

Resolved that Stephen Astin be discharged on entering 
into Recognizance for his Appearance at the Next Supreme 
Court of Judicature to be held at the City Hall in this City 
on the third Tuesday in April next and that in the same 
time be of Good Behaviour 

Stephen Astin on Recognizance in ;^iooo 

Isaac Shelden his bail in £ 500 

Hosea Hamilton also his Bail . .in £ 500 


Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 435 

[131] Met Albany 2'?^ February 1780 ^^780 


John M Beekman ] | j n F rl 

Jeremiah V. Renselaer ) 1 

Edward Finn who was some time ago Liberated from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance with D- 
George Smith as his Surety laid Before the board a Petition 
wherein he sets forth the Difficulties he Labours under from 
his being restricted to these & requesting Permission to 
go to Ballstown for the Purpose of Keeping a School, and 
the said George Smith appearing before us and requesting 
to be Discharged from the Recognizance by him entered 
into for the said Edward Finn — 

Resolved that the Said Edward Finn be informed that 
the Board will take the said Petition into Consideration 
and will give him an answer to the Same on the 5*'' Instant 

Also Resolved that Df George Smith be discharged from 
his Recognizance as Surety for the said Edward Finn — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 5*'' February 1780 jy^ 

Present Feb- S- 

John M Beekman | ( Mathew Visscher 

Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( 

Edward Finn who was ordered to attend the Board this 
Day to receive an answer to the Petition presented to us on 
the 2'^ Instant appeared agreeable to the said Order — 

Whereupon it is resolved that the said Edward Finn have 
Permission to go to Ballstown on his entering into a Recog- 
nizance to remain in the District of Ballstown until Called 
upon by us and not to Depart the said Limits without Leave 

436 State of New York 

1780 obtained for that Purpose from Col- James Gordon and to 
behave himself peaceably and as a good Subject of the 
State — 

Edward Finn Schoolmaster on Recognizance 
in . ;^500 


1780 [132] Met Albany 6^^ February 1780 

Feb. 6. 


John M Beekman ) ( , t>. t-> 1 

::, , ,,. , > { Isaac U I'onda 

Mathew Vissher ) ( 

Alexander Hubs appeared according to an order of this 
Board and being examined in the Respect to Benjamin 
Davis Andries Ten Eyck Junr & Christian Legrange saith 
as follows (to wit) (see Examination on the File) 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Examination that 
the s- Christian Legrange enter into a Recognizance with 
a Sufficient Surety for his Appearance at the next Supreme 
Court of Judicature to be held at the City Hall in this City 
on the Third Tuesday in April next & in the mean time 
be of the good Behaviour towards all and every the liege 
Subjects of this State 

Christian Legrange on Recognizance in ;^5oo 

Thomas Lottridge his Bail in ;^200 

Resolved that the above Mentioned Andries Ten Eyck 
Jun": enter into a Recognizance & that he be bound in every 
like Respect [as] Christian Legrange 

Andries Ten Eyck JunT On Recognizance in ;^500 
William Burnside his Bail in p^Zfo 


Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 437 

Met Albany f^ February 1780 ^^^80 


John M Beekman ) ( , tn i- j 
A/r 1 T7- 1 f ■) Isaac D I'onda 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Resolved that Isaac Lamb be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance to appear before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called 
upon or before any other Judicial Authority if required & 
do his Duty & be of the good Behaviour towards all the 
liege Subjects of this State for and during the Continuance 
of three Years 

Isaac Lamb on Recognizance in ;^6oo 

David Sprauge [sic] his Bail in ;C300 

Alexander Hubs also his Bail in ;^300 

Resolved that William True Alias Comfort Carpenter be 
discharged from Confinement on his entering into a Recog- 
nizance with Sufficient Sureties for his Appearance at the 
next Supreme Court of Judi- [133] cature to be held at the 
City Hall in this City on the third Tuesday in April next 
& not to Depart the Court without Leave and also for his 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required and for his good and 
peaceable Behaviour 

William True on Kinderhook District Physi- 
cian in £1000 

Elijah Hudson of Kings District his Bail in. £ 500 

Henry Bush of the same Place also his Bail 

in £ 500 

Jesse White of the same Place also Bail in. £ 500 


438 State of New York 

p'^78o Met Albany 8*'' February 1780 


John M Beeckman ) ( j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

The Board having been informed that Mathew Brown 
James Brown & James Brown Jun^ are able to give some 
very Material Information respecting the Conduct of John 
Dunbar at the time when General Burgoyne came down with 
his Army resolved that the said Mathew Brown James 
Brown & James Brown Jun^ be Severally cited forthwith 
to appear before this Board they may be examined as to 
the above 

The Board having also received Information that Gerrit 
Van Ness is able to prove that Lieu^ CoH Daniel B. Bradt 
did furnish some of the Enemy with Arms when Burgoyne 
came down with his Army 

It is therefore resolved that the said Gerrit Van Ness be 
cited forthwith to appear before this Board in Order that 
he may be examined as to the same 


1780 Met Albany o"' February 1780 

^^^■9' Present 

Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( ht i tt. , 
Isaac D Fonda \ { ^^*"^ ^'^^^^er 

As the Act of the Legislature of this State' by which the 
Powers vested in this Board will in a few days expire and 
as it is uncertain whether the said Act will be continued 
It is therefore Resolved that all such Persons who have been 
employed to perform Services by Order of this Board be 

• The reference is to the act of October i, 1779. By an act of March 13, 
1780, any two justices could enlarge deserters from the British. The com- 
missioners were revived by an act of June 14, 1780. See Appendix I: Laws. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 439 

notifyed to deliver in their Accounts that the[y] may be 1780 

[134] Resolved that the Secretary to this Board pay to 
Lieut: Thomas Ismay the sum of £gi ^ 19^ ^^6"* being the 
full Amount of the Pay and Subsistance Roll of the Party 
of Militia under the command of the said Thomas Ismay 

Resolved that the Secretary also pay to John Fonda JunF 
the sum of £']\ being for beef Provided by him for the use 
of the State Prisoners — ' 

Feb. 14. 


Met Albany 14"' February 1780 p/h^?^ 


John M Beekman ) ( j ta t? j 
ATI TT- 1 f \ isaac D I'onda 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Resolved that Robert Davis be discharged on entering 
into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour doing 
his Duty as a good & faithfull Subject of the State & 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies and remaining within the following Limits (to wit) 
West the Mill of CoK Veeder, South the Creek East and 
north the Hill — 

Robert Davis on Recognizance in ;^500 

Met Albany 22 April 1781 \sic for 1780] A^r^, 


John M Beeckman ) ( j t^ t? j 

J \ \ Isaac D. Tonda 

Mathew Vischer ) ( 

Resolved that Abraham Hoogteling be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recog^ for his good Be- 

•The original voucher is in Reuolxdionary Mamiscripts, vol. 40, p. 173, 
dated February 28, 1780, State Comptroller's office. 

Apr. 22. 

440 State of New York 

1780 haviour & appearance before any one of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when called upon until discharged by this 

Abraham Hoogteling of the West District of 
the Manor of Renselaerwyck Yeoman in. ;Cioo 

Joseph Salsbury of the same Place Yeoman 
his Bail in ;£^ioo 

1780 [125] Albany 28^ June 1780 

An Act having been passed by the Legislature of this 
State on the 14- Day of June 1780 entitled An Act to revive 
the Laws appointing Commissioners for detecting and de- 
feating Conspiracies in the words following (to wit)' 

Whereas the Act " for appointing Commissioners for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies and declaring their 
Powers " passed the fifth day of February 1778 and the Act 
" for encreasing the number of Commissioners for detecting 
and defeating Conspiracies within this State " passed the 
third day of April 1778 are expired And whereas there is 
good reason to apprehend that Emissaries from the Enemy 
are lurking in different parts of the State, and that the 
Disaffected Inhabitants are conspiring against the public 
peace and safety: by reason whereof it hath become Necessary 
to revive the Powers of the said Commissioners — 

Be it therefore enacted by the people of the State of 
New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is 
hereby enacted by the Authority of the same; that the said 
two Acts, & the Powers and authorities by them or either of 
them granted to the Commissioners appointed or to be 
appointed by Virtue of the said Acts, or any and every 
three of them, shall be and are hereby revived, and shall 

' Appendix I: Laws, June 14, 1780. 

0pp. Vol. 2, p. 440 

^ t 

fff/h^c^ wtit^^ ^Ct-lM^^x £^ '^tt^?n^^*^^^ L^o-^T^- Jt^ — //^^ — ^ 1 

fft^ V^^r^ C^*f ft^rvV*-'^-^'^*^-.^ 

- - I" Liffi 

Clean Copy of Minutes 
exhibiting Gansevoort's reappointment 

(One-half reduced) 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 441 

Continue and be in full force during the Continuance of the ^ ^78°„ 

. . June 28. 

present War with Great Britain. That each Commissioner 

shall be allowed for each day he shall be actually employed 
in the Execution of the said Office, the [136] sum of Fourteen 
Shillings of the Money to be issued agreeable to the Resolu- 
tions of Congress of the Eighteenth day of March last and 
that the Treasurer of this State shall out of any monies which 
may be in the Treasury, advance to the said Commissioners 
or any three of them such sum or sums as they shall from 
time to time require to defray the Expence of the Business 
hereby committed to them, not exceeding in the whole the sum 
of two thousand pounds of like Money aforesaid — 

I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Copy 
of the Original Law now lodged in the Secretary's Office of 
this State. Given at Kingston June 20^ 1780 — 
Robert Harpur Dep? Secr2 — 

In Consequence of which Act the following Members Met 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) I Mat: Visscher 

Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Jun- be appointed 
as Secretary to this Board and that his pay be the same as is 
allowed to the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners for 
Conspiracies sitting at Poughkeepsie — 

Ordered that Jacob Kidney be appointed as Door Keeper 
to this Board and that he have an Allowance for each Day 
he shall be actually employed in and about that Business the 
sum of 6/ per Day — 

Ordered that the Secretary lay before the Board as soon 
as conveniently may be an exact List of such Persons [137] 
as have been bound by Recognizance's from time to time 
by the Board of Commissioners for Conspiracies heretofore 

442 State of New York 

1780 acting Specifying the Days when they were discharged and 
the sums in which they have been respectively bound — 


1780 Met Albany 20- Tune 1780 

J"°^ '^- Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Mathew Visscher 

Major Jacob Schermerhorn appeared before the Board 
and informed that the cause of Commitment of Hendrick 
Kittle and Nicholas Van Valkenburgh is as follows (to wit) 

Hendrick Kittle for insulting the Court Martial appointed 
to try him for neglect of Militia Duty and for Saying he 
would not be tried by them — 

Nicholas Van Valkenburgh for drinking the Kings Health 
and damning every one that opposed the King's Laws — 

It is ordered that Jan Devoe Jun- who is Bail for the 
Appearance and good Behaviour of William Sanders be 
ordered to bring the said William Sanders before this Board 
on Saturday the first day of July next and that in Case 
of Failure the Recognizance entered into by the said Jan 
Devoe Jun- will be prosecuted — 

John Blackley having been confined by order of the 
Magistrates of this City for attempting to go off to the Enemy 
and it appearing to us that the Proof against him is not 
so clear as to render his Confinement any Longer necessary 
do therefore order that he be Liberated from his Confinement 
[138] on his entering into a Recognizance with sufficient 
Sureties for his appearance when called upon before the 
Board of Commissioners for Conspiracies or any Civil 
authority in this State & for his future good Behaviour 
during the Continuance of the present War with Great 
Britain — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 443 

John Blackley of the City of Albany Taylor "780 

on Recognizance m ;^2000 

Nicholas Halenbeeck of the City of Albany 
Carpenter his Bail in ;£'iooo 

Colin Gibson of the same place Taylor 

also his Bail in ;£^iooo 

The Board having received Information that Henry 
Simpson Living on the Schenectady Road is of a Suspicious 
Character and that as a Tavern Keeper it is Necessary he 
should be laid under Restrictions therefore ordered that a 
warrant be made out Directed to Jacob Kidney the Door 
Keeper to apprehend the said Henry Simpson and forthwith 
bring him before us — 

It is ordered that the Goaler lay before this Board a 
true List of all such Persons as are now in Confinement 
together with the cause of their Commitment and the Names 
of the Magistrates by whom committed — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 30^!? June 1780 — TmieP"o 


Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D Fonda ) ( John M. Beeckman 

Whereas from the Disturbances occasioned by the dis- 
affected Inhabitants of this County and from the [139] 
pressing Necessity at this Juncture of enforcing a due 
Observance to the Laws and punishing such as transgress 
against them and for the more speedy apprehension of such 
suspicious Persons as may be lurking about the Country 
it is thought necessary to have a Number of Men in differ- 
ent Parts of this County to carry into Execution such orders 
as may from time to time be issued by this Board and that 

444 State of New York 

1780 the Parties so to be employed be raised on the East and 
June 30. . . ' 1. . 

west side of the River and Lieu- Philip Staats of Col- Kil- 

lian Van Rensselaer's Regiment having been applied to in 

order to take the Command of one of the said Parties and 

he declaring his willingness to except [sic] the same — 

Be it therefore ordered that a warrant be made out Di- 
rected to the said Lieu- Philip Staats to engage to the Num- 
ber of about ten men who are to Provide themselves with 
a good Horse & proper Arms and Accoutrements and who 
are to be allowed the same Pay given to the Cavalry of the 
Army of the United States and to have an allowance made 
them for Horse hire and Subsistance — 

Jacob Kidney attended and informed that he had appre- 
hended Henry Simpson who being brought before the Board 
and examined and the Charge against him not appearing 
to be such as to merit a Commitment therefore resolved 
that he enter into a Recognizance with two Sureties him- 
self in ;^iooo and the Sureties each in ;^500 for his personal 
appearance before the Board or either of the Commission- 
ers when thereunto required to be of the good Behaviour 
do his duty as a good and faithful subject of the State ought 
to do and to give Information to the said Commissioners 
from time to time of all such [140] Matters and things 
which may come to his Knowledge and which may tend in 
any Manner to the Prejudice of the United State of America 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Henry Simpson of the City of Albany Inn- 
keeper on Recognizance in ;£^iooo 

Jesse Fairchild of the same Place Blacksmith 

his Bail in £ 500 

William Charles of the same Place also his 

Bail in £ 500 

July I. 


Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 445 

A Return being made according to order by the Secre- ^?8o 
tary of the different Persons who have been bound by 
Recognizance's ordered that Notice's be put up in different 
Parts of this County ordering such Persons to appear before 
this Board on the 20^ day of July next — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany i?* July 1780 ^1780 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fond 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Mathew Visscher 

Whereas a number of suspicious Persons are daily pass- 
ing through this County who on being apprehended & 
Questioned name Officers in the Militia under whose com- 
mand they pretend to be by which Means many Villians 
go unpunished to prevent which in future it is resolved that 
Letters be wrote to the different Colonels or Commanding 
Officers of General Ten Broeck's Brigade requesting them 
as soon as possible to furnish this Board with the Names 
of every Person of their Regiment and the Companies to 
which they Belong — 

[141] Jan Devoe Jun- according to order appeared be- 
fore the Board with William Sanders whom he requested 
Permission to Surrender in Discharge of himself — 

Resolved that the said William Sanders be committed 
and that a Mittimus be made out to the Coaler to take 
him into his Custody — And also Resolved that Jan Devoe 
Junior his Bail be Discharged from his Recognizance — 

Lidia Currey having been confined by order of the Magis- 
trates of this City for assisting in concealing & harbouring 
Persons from the Enemy was brought before the Board & 

Resolved that she be discharged from her Confinement 

446 State of New York 

T^^ on Gerrit Bradt of the Hellebergh entering into a Recog- 
nizance for her future good Behaviour and Appearance 
before this Board when required — 

Gerrit Bradt of the Hellebergh in the County 
of Albany Yeoman on Recognizance as 
Bail for Lidia Currey in ;^ioo 

Leonard Gansevoort Jun- Secretary to this Board Ex- 
hibited to us an Account for Paper purchased by him for 
the use of this Board amounting to £14.^ Continental Money 
ordered that the same [be] paid — 

Adjourned — 
jJ7^ ' Met Albany 3^ July 1780 


Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) \ Isaac D. Fonda 
John M. Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visscher 

The Goaler laid before the Board a paper whereby he 
was requested to take into his Care the Body of John Arm- 
strong of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck a Person Notoriously 
[142] disaffected to the American Cause and deliver him 
over to this Board — 

Whereupon it is ordered that a Mittimus be made out to 
the Goaler to take the said John Armstrong into his Custody 
and Closely confine him — 

Hendrick Appley having been committed to Goal by 
order of the Justices in this City on suspicion of his being 
privy to the secreting and harbouring a Party of the Enemy 
was brought before the Board and Enquiry being made 
into the Proofs in support of the same and the said Charge 
appearing in the Judgment of this [Board] unsupported but 
the said Hendrick Appley being a Disaffected Person — 
Therefore resolved that he be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into Recognizance for his future good 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 447 

Behaviour and appearance before any of the Commissioners ^78o 
for Conspiracies when called upon during the Continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain 

Hendrick Appley of the Hellebergh in the 
County of Albany Yeoman on Recog- 
nizance in £100 

Andries Ward of the same place Yeoman his 

Bail in £ 50 

John Waggoner of the same place Yeoman 
also his Bail in £ 50 

Simeon Griggs of Half Moon having attempted to go to 
Canada and join the Enemy and having been apprehended 
by order of the Magistrates of this City and by them suffered 
to return home at the request of Col- Van Schoonhoven to 
endeaviour to procure Bail for his future [143] good Conduct 
in Consequence thereof Alexander Griggs the Father of the 
said Simeon Griggs appeared before us and informed the 
Board that he was willing to enter into Recognizance for 
the said Simeon Griggs — 

Whereupon resolved that the said Alexander Griggs enter 
into a Recognizance for the future good Behaviour of his son 
Simeon Griggs and for his appearance when called upon 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies and 
for his remaining within the Limits of the District of Half 
Moon unless when called upon to do Militia duty which 
recognizance to be in full force during the Continuance of 
the present war with Great Britain — 

Alexander Griggs of the Half Moon District 
in the County of Albany Yeoman on Recog- 
nizance as Bail for Simeon Griggs in ;^200 

Evert Ostrander, John Frazer, and John Andrew having 
been apprehended on their way to Canada to join the Enemy 

448 State of New York 

1780 were brought before the Board and on being examined Con- 
fessing the Charge alledged against them and declaring an 
Intention of persisting in the like Conduct in future — 

It is therefore resolved that the said Evert Ostrander, 
John Andrew, and John Frazer be confined and that a 
Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take them into his 
Custody — 

Adjourned — 


.^1° Met Albany 4.^ July 1780 — 


Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( j D F H 

Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( 

John M. Beeckman 

[144] Information having been given to this Board that a 
certain James Mellderon has lately come to this place who 
appears to be of a suspicious Character. It is therefore 
ordered that Jacob Kidney be commanded to apprehend 
the said James Mellderon and bring him forthwith before us— 

Jacob Kidney appeared and informed that he had appre- 
hended the said James Mellderon — 

Whereupon resolved that he be brought before the Board 
on his Examination producing a Pass from a Justice of the 
Peace at Fredericksburgh it is Ordered that he be given in 
Charge to the Goaler till he shall give Surety for his pro- 
ducing to us proper Vouchers of his Character as a Friend to 
the American Cause — 

Graudus J. Cluet having been on his way to join the 
Enemy and having returned and Voluntarily surrendered 
himself and being brought before us by his Father Jacob 
Cluet and on being examined appearing candid and open in 
his Confession and making Promises of future good Conduct 
therefore resolved on account of his Youth and the Inter- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 449 

cession of the said Tacob Cluet his Father whose Atachmen 1780 
to the American Cause has been evinced on several Occasions 
that he be permitted to return home — 

Simeon Griggs for whom Alexander Griggs was on the 3- 
Instant bound by Recognizance appeared before the Board 
ordered that he enter into Recognizance for his future good 
Behaviour and for his appearance before [145] any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon and 
for his remaining within the District of the Half-Moon 
unless called upon to do Military duty during the Continu- 
ance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Simeon Griggs of the District of the Half 
Moon in the County of Albany Yeoman on 
Recognizance in ;^200 

Abraham Peltz having been apprehended & confined by 
Major Ezekiel Taylor on Suspicion of being privy to a 
Party of Men going off to the Enemy and the Proof appearing 
rather ill founded but the said Abraham Peltz being a dis- 
affected person it is therefore ordered that previous to his 
discharge be be bound by a Recognizance for his future good 
Behaviour and Appearance before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when called upon during the 
Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Abraham Peltz of New Town in the County 
of Albany Yeoman on Recognizance in £50 

Hendrick Peltz of Pougkeepsie in Dutchess 
County his Bail in ;^5o 

Duncan M^Dougall appearing before the Board and being 
willing to become surety for James Mellderon It is ordered 
that the said Duncan M": Dougall enter into a Recognizance 
for the said James Mellderon's transmitting to this Board 
a proper Certificate of his attachment to the American 

45© State of New York 

1780 Cause from four or more respectable Inhabitants of Dutchess 
County within One Month from this day — 

James Mellderon of Fredericksburough in 
the County of Dutchess Yeoman on Recog- 
nizance in ;^50 

[146] Duncan MfDougall of the City of Albany 

his Bail in ^50 

1780 Met Albany 5^^ July 1780 — 

J«iy S. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( j^^^^ j^ p^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

A Letter was laid before the Board from Col- Abraham 
Wemple at Schenectady informing us that he had some time 
ago committed to Goal a German formerly belonging to 
Burgoyne's Army from an Apprehension of his being an 
Enemy to the cause of America but that he having learned 
from various Circumstances that his suspicions were ill 
founded he therefore requests that he may be liberated from 
his Confinement — 

On Consideration of which Letter it appearing that the 
said German is a Prisoner of war and that he comes properly 
under the direction of the Military power Therefore ordered 
that he be delivered over to Colonel Goose Van Schaick the 
Commanding Officer in this Place — 

Adjourned — 
jyg^ Met Albany 6^ July 1780 

July 6. Present 

Tohn M. Beeckman ) { j r-k V 1 

ir 1 fT- 1 C 1 Isaac D. Fonda 

Mathew Visscher J ( 

It being suggested to the Board that Francis Rawworth 
lately an Inhabitant of Johnstown in Tryon County can give 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 451 

Information respecting the Conduct of Robert Adams at the y'?^ 
time Sir John [147] Johnson destroyed Caughnawago — 

Ordered therefore that the said Francis Rawworth be 
summoned to attend this Board immediately — 

The said Francis Rawworth appeared and on his Exami- 
nation says that he did not see M- Adams during the time Sir 
John Johnson was at Johnstown and that he has understood 
the said Robert Adams was taken Prisoner by a Party of Men 
and carried to Sir John — 

Marte Freligh having been heretofore bound by Recog- 
nizance for his good Behaviour and appearance before the 
Board of Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required and also for his appearance on the last day of every 
Month before any one of the said Commissioners and the 
said Marte Freligh this day appearing pursuant to notification 
& it appearing from the Information of John M. Beeckman 
Esq^ one of the Members of this Board that the said Marte 
Freligh has punctually appeared before him pursuant to the 
tenor of his said Recognizance — 

Resolved therefore that he be discharged as to that part 
of his Recognizance which requires his appearance on the 
last day of every month but that the Remainder of the said 
Recognizance shall stand & remain in full force and Virtue 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Resolved that Major Henry Van Veghten be and he is 
hereby requested and fully Authorized & empowered to 
stop every Person whom he may find travelling through 
this City and whom he may conceive [148] from their 
appearance and Conversation to be of suspicious Charac- 
ter's and on his detecting any such person make report to 
us of the same as soon as conveniently may be — 

Adjourned — 

452 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany 7^ July 1780 — 

J"'^^- Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visscher 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) I Isaac D. Fonda 

Received a letter from Math[e]w Adgate Esq- one of the 
Justices of the Peace of this County dated Kings District 
5'.^ day of July Instant wherein he informs us that having re- 
ceived Information that Daniel Green, Joseph Potter and 
David Darrov? were collecting a Number of Sheep in King's 
District with an intention of driving them to the westward 
and as there is the greatest reason to suppose from their 
disaifection to the American Cause that they mean to con- 
vey them to the Enemy or at least bring them so near the 
Frontiers that the enemy may with safety take them that 
therefore he had caused them to be apprehended & con- 
veyed to us by Ensign Jones and the said Daniel Green 
and Joseph Potter being brought before the Board and 
Examined & proving Satisfactorily to us that they had no 
intention of driving the said sheep to the Enemy were sev- 
erally discharged but David Darrow on his examination 
denying the Authority of this Board and all Civil Jurisdic- 
tion in this State and pretending that by his religious prin- 
ciples [149] he is restrained from taking up Arms in de- 
fence of the Country and that he does not intend to do any 
kind of Military duty whatsoever nor does not in any in- 
stance intend to abide by the Laws of this State, and John 
Hocknear of Nistageune and David Macham of New Leba- 
non appearing before us to Vindicate the cause and Justify 
the Principles of the said David Darrow and acknowledg- 
ing a Concurrence of Sentiment with him and declaring 
that it was their determined Resolution never to take up 
arms and to dissuade others from doing the same and as 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 453 

such principles at the present day are highly pernicious and ^7^ 
of destructive tendency to the Freedom & Independence of 
the United States of America — 

It is therefore resolved that the said David Darrow, John 
Hocknear and Joseph Macham stand severally committed 
& that a Mittimus be made out for them — 

Mf Jones informed that a certain Jonah Case an Inhabi- 
tant of Goshen in the County of Litchfield in the state of 
Connecticut who has been inimically disposed to the Ameri- 
can Cause from the Commencement of the War and was 
for his disaffection confined to his Farm has several times 
passed through his place on his way to Nistageune for the 
Purpose of associating with a set of people who call them- 
selves shaking Quakers and that a certain Zadock Wright 
a prisoner of war who has been by the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies liberated from Confinement and by Parole 
restricted to the Limits of Kings District also pretends to be 
of the denomination of people called shaking Quakers and 
that he dissuades people [150] from taking up Arms — 

It is ordered in Consequence of the said Information that 
a Letter be wrote to Mathew Adgate Esq- to have the said 
Jonah Case apprehended and brought before us — 

It is also ordered that the said Zadock Wright be cited 
forthwith to appear before this Board — 

Adjourned — 


Met Albany loi^ July 1780 — 1780 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher ) ( [Samuel Stringer] 

A Certificate signed by Robert Harpur Esq?^ Deputy Sec- 
retary of this State was laid before the Board whereby it 

454 State of New York 

1780 appears that Samuel Stringer Esq- was on the i^'' day of July 
Instant appointed by the Council of appointment as a Com- 
missioner for detecting and defeating Conspiracies within 
this State in Consequence of which Certificate the said 
Samuel Stringer took the Oath as prescribed in and by the 
["] Act for appointing Commissioner for enquiring into de- 
tecting & defeating all Conspiracies which may be formed 
in this State against the Liberties of America" and also 
took his seat at the Board as a Member — 

Edward Archer of this City appeared before the Board 
and informed that George Rodgers did Yesterday in his 
presence say that the French Fleet was come to carry off the 
Damned Rebel Officer Washington who was afraid he would 
he hanged and the Rebel Congress that the [151] Whigs 
were all a set of scoundrels and Rascals and that he was 
persuaded the British Troops would in a forthnight's time 
march through the City of Albany — 

Ordered that a Letter be wrote to John Ryley to request 
him to appear before this Board to give Information respect- 
ing Nicholas Van Valkenburgh now confined in Goal — 

The affidavit of John Coppernoll & John Vrooman re- 
specting Jacob J. Truax was laid before the Board from 
which it appears that the said Jacob J. Truax is a person 
greatly disaffected to the American Cause whose going at 
large may prove dangerous to the Safety and wellfare of 
this State — 

It is therefore resolved that a warrant be made out di- 
rected to Jacob Kidney to apprehend the said Jacob J- 
Truax and that the Goaler be ordered to receive him into 
his Custody and closely confine him — 

A Number of Negroes having been apprehended at the 
Half Moon on suspicion of their intending to burn & de- 
stroy that Settlement and they having been severally exam- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 455 

ined by us denyed the Charge alledged against them but y^'^^" 
acknowledged that they had an intention of going to Canada 
to which they were Induced by William Loucks a son in 
Law of Hans RoelifFse and a Hessian named Coonradt* liv- 
ing with William Waldron who told them that when they 
got to Canada they would be free and that the said Wil- 
liam Loucks and Coonradt told them they would go with 
them — 

I[n] Consequence of which Information it is ordered that 
a Letter be wrote to Colonel Van Schoonhoven^ at Half 
Moon requesting him without delay to [have] the said Wil- 
liam [152] Luycks and Coonradt apprehended and brought 
before us — 

Ordered also that a Letter be wrote to Hendrick Van 
Schoonhoven requesting him immediately to send down his 
Negro wench who has given Information concerning the 
above mentioned Negroes in Order that she may be 
examined — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany iii!? July 1780 — ^1780 


John M. Beeckman ) j g^^^^j g^^j^^^^ 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( 

In Consequence of the Information Yesterday given to 
this Board by Edward Archer respecting George Rodgers 

It is ordered that a warrant be made out Di[r]ect[ed] to 
Jacob Kidney as Constable to apprehend the said George 
Rodgers and that the Goaler be ordered to take into his 
Custody and closely confine him — 

Israh Sanford was brought before the Board by Major 

• Frederick Coonradt. ' 

' Colonel Jacobus Van Schoonhoven. 

July IX 

456 State of New York 

1780 Henry Van Veghten as a Person of a suspicious Character 
on examining him it appears that he is an inhabitant of the 
State of Massechusetts Bay and is also one of those persons 
who pretend that they are restrained by their religious prin- 
ciples to take up Arms in defence of the Country — 

Ordered that he be discharged but that he be informed 
that if he is again found in this County he will be closely 
Confined — 

James Patherton of Nestageune was also brought before 
the Board and on being questioned pretend- [153] ing 
that he is restrained by his Religious principles to take up 
Arms in defence of the State — 

Resolved that the said James Patherton have Permission 
to go and procure a sufficient surety for his future good 
Behaviour and doing his duty as a faithful subject of the 
state — 

Adjourned — 

,780 Met Albany 12^ July 1780 

J-^^"- Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( t tn t- 1 

•L , r. • \ \ Isaac D. Jronda 

bamuel btnnger ) ( 

A Letter from Lieui Col'- Henry Van Rensselaer dated 
11'-!! July Instant was laid before the Board containing the 
Charges alledged against Nicholas Kittle, John Armstrong, 
and Jacobus Moll, which Letter is in the words following 
(to wit) (see Letter on the file) 

Anthony Van Schaick Esq^ made application to the Board 
in favour of Thomas Andrew a prisoner now confined [in 
Goal and on examining into the nature of his crime (he 
having been confined by order of the Magistrates of this 
City) and finding the charge alledged against him not prop- 
erly supported — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 457 

Therefore resolved that the said Thomas Andrew be lib- ,^78o 

July 12. 
erated from Confinement on his entering into a Recogniz- 
ance with the said Anthony Van Schaick as his surety for 
his future good Behaviour & appearance before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto re- 
quired during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

[154] Thomas Andrew of Newtown in the 
County of Albany Yeoman on Recogni- 
zance in £200 

Anthony Van Schaiclc of the County of 

Albany Esql his Bail in £100 

It having been represented to this Board that Peter Cra- 
pole a prisoner now confined in Goal who was apprehended 
on his way to the Enemy has been destitute of provisions 
for some days and being unable on Account of his poverty 
to purchase any it is therefore resolved that the Goaler be 
requested to furnish the said Peter Crapole with provi- 
sions, for which the Board will allow him one shilling per 
day — 

Colonel Jacobus Van Schoonhoven having at the request 
of this Board sent us Frederick Coonradt ordered on 
examining him that he procure surety for his Good behaviour 
and appearance when called upon — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 13^^ July 1780 j^^°^ 


Mathew Visscher ) f Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j 1 John M. Beeckman 

Whereas it has been suggested to this Board that Jacob 
A. Lansing of this County who was confined by the Magis- 

458 State of New York 

1780 trates of this City for assisting & encouraging the subjects 
of this State to go over & join the enemy and Robert Adams 
of Johnstown in Tryon County intend to remove themselves 
by writs of Habeas Corpus before the Honorable Robert 
Yates Esq- [155] in order to their being bailed and as it 
is highly necessary at this time that they [the] said Jacob A. 
Lansing & Robert Adams should be continued in their 
present confinement — 

Therefore ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the 
Goaler to detain and keep them in his Custody untill dis- 
charged by any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 

The examination of Barnet Van Vranken and Flemin 
Highby taken by Coli Van Schoonhoven were laid before the 
board respecting the conduct of the inhabitants of Newtown 
ordered that the same be filed — 

Lieu- Colonel Henry K. Van Rensselaer informed the 
Board that he last night had sent to Goal William Hutton 
as a Person whose going at large might be dangerous to the 
safety of the State that the said William Hutton has made 
use of threats against the Court Martial appointed to try him 
for Neglect of duty and says he is determined not to take 
up arms in defence of the country — 

In Consequence of which information he was brought 
before the Board & examined and recommitted — 

Lieu- CoP Rensselaer also informed the Board that he 
has confined John Armstrong, Thomas Blewer, Andries 
StoU, Andries Weger, and Christian Crow, as dangerous 
and disaffected persons and prays that they may be continued 
in confinement — 

Ordered that he be informed that this Board will not 
liberate them untill they have given CoUonel Rensselaer 
a previous intimation of it — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 459 


Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda 

Met Albany 14^!? July 1780 

Jnly 14. 

( John M. Beeckman 
( Mathew Visscher 

Frederick Bonestel having been by the former Board of 
Commissioners for Conspiracies liberated from confinement 
on entering into a Recognizance for his Good behaviour and 
monthly appearance and the sum for which the said recog- 
nizance was taken being too small on account of the depre- 
ciation of the Continental Money — 

It is therefore ordered that the said Frederick Bonestel 
enter into a new recognizance with a sufficient surety for his 
future good behaviour and appearance before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the continuance of the Present war with Great Britain — 
Frederick Bonestel of the Manor of Rens- 
selaerwyck in the County of Albany Weaver 

on recognizance in ;£^ioo 

Anthony Abramse of the same place Yeoman 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 15^ July 1780 

John M. Beeckman 
Mathew Visscher 

( \l 

Samuel Stringer 
saac D. Fonda 

Christopher File having by the former Board of Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies been liberated from [157] con- 
finement on entering into a recognizance for his good be- 
haviour & appearance on the last day of every month and the 
sum for which the said recognizance was taken being insuffi- 
cient on account of the depreciation of the Continental money 

July IS. 

460 State of New York 

1780 and Melchart File the Father of the said Christopher File 
appearing this day before us and being desirous of becoming 
surety for his son — 

It is therefore ordered that the said Melchart File enter into 
a recognizance for the future good Behaviour of the said 
Christopher File and for his appearance before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Melchart File of Manor of Rensselaerwyck in 
the County of Albany Farmer as Bail for 
his son Christopher File in ;^ioo 

^hereas from the frequent complaints that have been 
exhibited to this Board respecting the conduct of a number 
of the Inhabitants of Newtown it is become necessary that 
some rigerous measure should be adopted to bring them to a 
sence of their duty and to confine such of them as are most 
dangerous and as it is probable that the Board will receive 
better information respecting their conduct by opening a 
Board a[t] New Town — 

It is therfore resolved that there be a meeting of the Board 
at Newtown and Stillwater on Tuesday next and that a 
Letter be wrote to Major Taylor informing him of the same & 
requesting his Attendence there at that time — 

Adjourned — 

1780 [158] Met Albany if^ July 1780 — 

J"'^^^- Present 

John M. Beeckrnan ) j Isaac D. Fond? 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Mathew Visscher 

John Meyer having been heretofore bound by a recog- 
nizance for his good behaviour and appearance when called 
and appearing this day according to Notification — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 461 

Ordered that he enter into a new recognizance for his ^^78o 

July 17. 
future good behaviour and appearance before any three of the 

Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon during 

the continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

John Meyer of East district of the Manor of 

Rensselaerwyck Labourer in :^ioo 

Jacob Springer of the same place his Bail in £100 

Amaziah Winstone of Kings district appeared before the 
Board and informed that by virtue of a warrant directed to 
him by Mathew Adgate Esq- (Justice of the peace he had 
apprehended Joel Pratt and Hezekiah Hammond whom he 
had ready to produce to the Board ordered that they be 
brought in and examined — 

Joel Pratt and Hezekiah Hammond being examined say 
they mean not to take up arms in defence of the Country 
whereupon ordered that they be confined and that a Mittimus 
be made out to the Goaler to take them into his custody — 

John Todd was brought before the Board and [159] ex- 
amined and then recommitted — 

Peter Crapole who was also examined and then recom- 
mitted — 

Resolved that a letter be wrote to Mathew Adgate Esq- 
suggesting to him a proper mode of conduct towards the 
people called shaking Quakers which letter is in the words 
following (to wit) (see copy letter on the file) 

Received a letter from Mathew Adgate Esq- Justice of the 
peace dated 14*'' day of July instant respecting Joel Pratt 
and Hezekiah Hammond which letter is in the words fol- 
lowing (to wit) (see letter on the file) 

Egbert Ostrander having been heretofore bound by 
recognizance and appearing this day according to notification 
to enter into a new recognizance — 

Ordered that he enter into the same for his future good 

462 State of New York 

1780 behaviour and appearance before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when called upon during the con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Egbert Ostrander of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Yeoman in ;£^ioo 

Jacob Ostrander of the same place Yeoman 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Nicholas Van Valkenburgh, Hendrick Kittle, and Jacobus 
Moll having been committed for disaffection to the American 
cause and they having severally promised to be of good 
behaviour in future — 

It is therefore resolved that they be severally discharged 
on entering into a Recognizance for their future good be- 
haviour and appearance before any three [160] of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the continuance of the present war with Great Britain and 
also for their appearance at the next supream Court of 
Judicature to be held at the City Hall in this City on the last 
[sic] in July instant (or wheresoever the said Court shall be 
held in the State of New York) and not depart the Court 
without Leave — 

Hendrick Kittle of Schodack Yeoman in ;^200 

Nicholas Van Valkenburgh of the same 

place Yeoman in ;£^200 

Jacobus A. Moll of D^ D2 ;£'20o 

Johannis Kittle of D- Bail in ;£^200 

Johannis J. MuUer of D? .... Bail in ;^200 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany iS'.*" July 1780 

July 18. Present 

Samuel Stringer \ i Mathew Visscher 

John M. Beeckman [ j Isaac D. Fonda 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 463 

James Robbins appearing before the Board according to '^So 
notification ordered that he appear as soon as possible with 
a sufficient person as his surety to enter into a recognizance — 
James Akins having been heretofore bound by recog- 
nizance and appearing this day according to order with 
Neil M':Neil as his surety — 

Ordered that he enter into a recognizance of anew for his 
future good behaviour and appearance before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there unto 
required during the continuance of the present war [161] 
with Great Britain — 

James Atkins of Pits Town in the County of 

Albany Yeoman in ;^ioo 

Neil M'rNeil of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Yeoman his Bail 
in £100 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 19* July 1 780 — j^l\ 


John M. Beeckman ) { Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher ) ( Samuel Stringer 

Martin Galer having been heretofore bound by recog- 
nizance and appearing this day according to notification to 
enter into a new recognizance — 

Resolved that he enter into the same for his future good 
behaviour and appearance before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the 
continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 
Martin Galer of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . ;^ioo 
John Shaver of the same place Farmer his Bail 
in £^00 

464 State of New York 

1780 Nicholas Michael having also been bound by recogniz- 

July 19. . , . , . . 

ance & appearing this day to enter into a new recognizance 

Ordered that he enter into the same for his future good 
Behaviour and appearance before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Nicholas Michael of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Innkeeper ;^loo 
Jurie Michael of the same place his Bail in. ;^ioo 

[162] Davis Michael also appearing to enter a new Re- 
cognizance — 

Ordered that he enter into the same for his future good 
Behaviour and appearance before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

David Michael of the East District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Labourer in ;^ioo 

Nicholas Michael of the same place Innkeeper 

his Bail in ;^I00 

Colin Gibson and Nicholas Halenbeeck who did on the 
29- day of June last become surety for the good behaviour 
and appearance of John Blackley came this day and sur- 
rendered the said John Blackley in discharge of the recog- 
nizance by them entered into and the said John Blackley 
being desirous of engaging as a soldier in the three months 

It is resolved that the said Colin Gibson and Nicholas 
Halenbeeck be accordingly discharged from their Recog- 
nizance and that the said John Blackley have leave to en- 
list as aforesaid — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 465 

Met Albany 2i5i Tuly 1780 ,780 

Present ^ J"'^^^- 

John M. Beeckman ) ( t • 1 tt ti 1 

■L , n ■ c \ eremiah Van Rensselaer 

bamuel btnnger ) ( 

Received a Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq- dated this 
day at Schenectady informing that a number of tories have 
been apprehended and brought to that [163] place and 
requesting a copy of the oath to be taken by the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies in order that Ryneir Mynderse & 
Abraham Outhout Esq- who have been lately appointed 
to that Office might be Qualified — 

Ordered in consequence of the said Letter that a copy of 
the oath be made out & transmitted to the said Hugh 
Mitchell and that the said Commissioners be requested from 
time to time to transmit to this Board such information as 
they may receive & that this Board will afford them every 
assistance in their Power towards carrying into Execution 
such plans as they may think expedient to adopt to promote 
the public good — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany zz^ July 1780— jjj^^^ 


John M. Beeckman j ( Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 
Isaac D Fonda \ j g^^^^j ^^^. 
Mathew Visscher ) \ 

Jacob Kidney the door Keeper appearing informed us 
that agreeable to the warrant of this Board he had appre- 
hended George Rodgers ordered that he be confined and 
hat a Mittimus be made out for him — 

John Nightingale having been apprehended by order of 
this Board as a disaffected person ordered that a mittimus 
be made out for him — 

466 State of New York 

1780 -phe Board of Commissioners who by a resolution of this 

July 22. ■' 

Board were to meet at Newtown or Stillwater having re- 
turned reported that the[y] had on the 19- Instant opened 
a Board at Stillwater which they had continued untill the 
[164] zo^> Instant and that they had on the first day of 
the said Meeting Sent for Major's Taylor and Dickerson 
to consult what Persons to send for to be examined and 
which to apprehend — That upon consultation they agreed 
to summons Elias Delong, Flemon Higby, Barent Van Der 
Werken, William Williams, Jotham Bemus, John Bemus, 
Richard Collins, and Moses Hunter and accordingly made 
out summons's and delivered them to Major Taylor that 
they made out a warrant to apprehend Jacob Heemstraet, 
John Rose and Nathaniel James directed to Lieui Joseph 
Cook and delivered to Major Taylor — 

That they examined the following persons (to wit) Moses 
Hunter, Jotham Bemus, Jaddiah Millard, William Williams, 
Peter Van Camp, Jacob Heemstraet, Flemon Higby, Marytie 
Scut, Barent Van Der Werken, Robert Todd, and Amos Moore 
and reduced their Examinations to writing and that they are in 
the following words (to wit) (see Examinations on the file) — 
That on the second day of said meeting being the 20^^ 
Instant they had bound the following Persons in Recog- 
nizance's for their good behaviour doing their duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the Continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

Stephen Hooper of New Town Farmer in.. . :^ioo 
Simon Van Camp of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in £100 

John Hooper of New Town Farmer in ;^ioo 

Francis Waggoner of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ^\oo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 467 

[165] Joseph Devall of NewTown Farmer in. ;^ioo t'^i'^^ 

Stephen Hooper of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

Joseph Conklin of New Town Farmer in. . . ;]f 100 
Dirck Heemstraet Jun- of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in „ £100 

James Conklin of New Town Farmer in £100 

Dirck Heemstraet of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in £100 

John A. Conklin of New Town Farmer in. . ;^ioo 
William Bartin of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Peter Van Campen of New Town Farmer in ;^ 100 
Hendrick Brevoort of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in £ 50 

Stephen Ladue of the same place Farmer also 

his Bail in ;^ 50 

John Vincent of New Town Farmer in ;^ioo 

Nicholas Teachout of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in. ;^ioo 

Amos Moore of New Town Farmer in £300 

William Williams Jun^ of New Town Farmer 

in ;^ioo 

Williams Williams of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in £100 

Ordered that a Letter' be wrote to his Excellency Gov- 
ernor Clinton inclosing him a copy of Peter Van Campen's 
Examination taken at Newtown which letter is in the fol- 
lowing words (to wit) (see draught Letter on the file) 

Adjourned — 

■' In George Clinton Papers, no. 3094, archives of New York State Library 

468 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany 23-^ July 1780 — 

July 23. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( n 1 c • 

T • 1 TT T^ , f i Samuel Stringer 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( 

Received a letter from Hugh Mitchell, Ryneir Mynderse, 
and Abraham Outhout Esq- Commissioners for Conspira- 
cies at Schenectady dated the 22- Instant wherein [166] 
they inform us that they send under Guard fourteen Persons 
some of whom they have had apprehended on their way to 
the enemy and others had forwarded and supplied them with 
provisions whose names are as follows Vizi Josep[h] Warner, 
Jacob Ball, John Ball, Peter Snyder, Christian Sea, Chris- 
topher Warner, Nicholas Sea, Andrew Loucks, Richard Scher- 
merhorn, Bartholemew Schermerhorn, Jacob Seybert, George 
Shamon, Frederick Wheeler, and John Broacham, which Let- 
ter is in the following words, (to wit) (see letter on the file) — 

Ordered that a Mittimus be made out for the above men- 
tioned Persons — 

Received also another letter from the said Commissioners 
dated at Schenectady 22- Instant wherein they inform us 
that they also send to us under Guard three other Persons 
who they have caused to be apprehend[ed] whose names are 
Jacob Man, William Loucks, and John Jost Warner which 
Letter is in the following words (to wit) (see letter on file) 

Ordered that a Mittimus be made out for them 

It having been suggested to this Board that James Lud- 
low who last Winter came from New York and is at present 
at Kinderhook by his conduct gives great reason to suspect 
that he is guilty of some evil Practice against the State 
therefore ordered that a Letter be wrote to Major Isaac 
Goes at Kinderhook requesting him immediately to send to 
this Board the said James Ludlow — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 469 

Met Albany 24^^? July 1780 J^so 

Present ^ ^^' 

[1671 Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( ^ 1 o • 

T • 1 T7 T> f \ Samuel Stringer 

J eremiah Van Rensselaer ) ' 

Whereas frequent complaints have been made by sundry 
of the well affected inhabitants of this County that John 
Partherton, William Lees, and Ann Standerren, by their 
conduct and conversation disturb the publick peace and 
are daily dissuading the friends to the American cause from 
taking up Arms in defence of their Liberties — 

Therefore ordered that a warrant be made out to Jacob 
Kidney forthwith to apprehend the said John Partherton, 
William Lees, and Ann Standerren and bring them before us 
and that he be authorized in case of any resistance to call 
to his assistance such a number of men as he may conceive 
necessary to carry the said warrant into Execution — 

The Board having received information that Thomas 
Wood Jun- who has been concerned in a number of rob- 
beries is lately come from New York and is now in and 
about his place of abode — 

Thereupon resolved that a letter be wrote to Capi Jacob 
De Freest' requesting him to collect a Party of Men and 
endeavour to apprehend the said Thomas Wood JunF — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 25^-^ July 1780 — j^^\°g. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

William Davis appeared before the Board and informed 
us that in conversation with Mathewis Van Valkenburgh 

• De Forest. 

470 State of New York 

1780 [168] the said Valkenburgh professed himself a subject to 
^ ^^' King George and that he intended to remain so and said 
that his cause was a just one — 

Ordered that the above information be reduced to writing 
and that the same be taken into consideration 

It having been suggested to the Board by Lieu- Col- Henry 
K Van Rensselaer that David Henry formerly an Officer in 
Cot Livingston's Regiment and now residing at the New City 
is able to give some very material Information concerning 
Abraham Ja: Lansing and some other disaffected Persons — 

It is therefore resolved that a Citation be made out for 
the said David Henry to appear forthwith before this Board 
and that the said Citation be sent to Capi Christopher Till- 
man at New City in order to its being served — 

Adjourned — 

j,Uy^6. Met Albany 26*^ July 1780 


John M Beeckman ) ( j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Strmger ) ( 

Jacob Kidney appeared before the Board and informed 
us that he had agreeable to the warrant issued to him on 
the 24**^ Instant apprehended John Partherton, William 
Lees, Ann Standerren and that he had also apprehended 
James Whiteacre, Calven Harlow, and Mary Parthington, 
whom he found in Company with them and it appearing 
that they have also been guilty of the like Practices with 
the above named Persons — 

[169] It is therefore resolved that they be severally interro- 
gated whether they are principled against taking up Arms 
in defence of the American cause and whether they have 
not endeavoured to influence other persons against taking up 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 471 

arms to which Questions they having severally answered in 
the affirmative resolved thereupon that they be committed 
and that a Mittimus be made out for them — 

Received a Letter' from his Excellency Governor Clinton 
dated Poughkeepsie the 24- Instant which Letter is in the 
following words (to wit) (see Letter on file) 

James Bramley appeared before the Board & informed 
us that he had been ordered by the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies at Schenectady to remove his family to this place 
and Surrender himself up to this Board and he in Conse- 
quence of the said order appearing this day and avowing his 
principles as a person disaffected to the American cause — 

Therefore ordered that the said James Bramley be informed 
that it is the determination of this Board that he procure by 
Friday nfext a Freeholder to become his Surety for his good 
Behaviour and appearance before us when called upon — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany zf^ July 1780 — 

Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda 

John M. Beeckman 

Jtily 26. 

July 27. 

David Henry agreeable to the Citation sent to Cap- 
Christopher Tillman this day appearing ordered [170] that 
he be examined as to the conduct of John Todd and John 
Gibson who are now confined in Goal — 

The said David Henry being Examined saith as follows 
(to wit) (see Examination on file) 

Ordered thereupon that the said David Henry be 
discharged — 

Adjourned — 
> In George Clinton Papers, no. 3094, archives of New York State Library 

472 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany 28^' July 1780 — 

J"'y^«- Present 

John M Beeckman ) ( ^ ^^^^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Hugh Mitchell Esq^ laid before the Board the examina- 
tions of the prisoners sent to Goal by the Schenectady Com- 
missioners ordered that the same be filed — 

A Letter was laid before the Board from Philip Pell 
Esq- Commissary of State Prisoners dated 30- June 1780 
respecting Henry Van Schaack, David Van Schaack, Lam- 
bert Burgert, Mathew Goes JunT, John D. Goes, and Dirck 
Gardinier which Letter is in the following words (to wit) 
(see letter on file) 

Ordered that the Subject of the above Letter be taken 
into Consideration — 

It having been suggested to this Board that Simon Viele 

of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck is able to give some very 

' material information respecting Peter Cohoon who was some 

time ago committed as a spy from the enemy Ordered 

therefore that he be sent for and examined — 

Simon Viele appearing agreeable to order [171] and being 
examined under oath saith as "follows (see Examination on 

Ordered that the said Simon Viele enter into a Recog- 
nizance to appear at the next supream Court of Judicature 
to be held at the City Hall in this City on the third Tues- 
day in October next (or wheresoever the said Court shall 
then be held) to testify to such Matters as he may know 
concerning Peter Cohoon and not to depart the Court with- 
out Leave — 

Simon Viele of the west District of Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^400 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 473 

It being the Opinion of this Board that the imprisonment ^7^°o 
of Peter Ten Broeck and WiUiam Bowen Prisoners of war 
(who have been heretofore released from confinement by a 
former Board of Commissioners for Conspiracies) will tend 
to expedite their Exchange — 

Therefore resolved that an Order be made out & sent to 
them to appear before us on Monday the 7— day of August 
next — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany zg^^ July 1780 — ^"78° 


John M. Beeckman ) j j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Samuel Baker residing in the East District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck being suspected of having a connection 
with some disaffected inhabitants of this County was ordered 
to appear before the Board on his appearing and being 
examined under Oath and declaring himself [172] innocent 
of the charge therefore ordered that he be discharged — 

Peter Seeger was sent for on information given to this 
Board that he is able to give some Material Evidence con- 
cerning Peter Cohoon who is now confined in Goal as a 
spy from the Enemy — 

Ordered that he be examined and that his Examination 
be reduced to writing which is in the words following (to 
wit) (See Examination on file) 

Ordered also that the said Peter Seeger enter into a Re- 
cognizance to appear at the next supream Court of Judicature 
to be held at the City Hall in this City on the third Tuesday 
in October next (or wheresoever the said Court shall be 
held) to give Evidence on the Part of the people of this 
State and not to depart the Court without leave — 

474 State of New York 

1780 Peter Seeger of the west District of the 

July 29. ° 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Labourer in. ;C400 — 



dv^o. _ M^' Albany 30?'' July 1780 — 


Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) j j D F H 

Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Information having been exhibited to this Board by Gerrit 
Heyer of this City that on Wednesday last three men came 
up the River in a Batteau one of whom he supposed to be 
Thomas Man the other the son of Patrick Ryan living on 
the Green Island both of which persons have been with the 
Enemy for some time past and there being a probability of 
the said persons being at the House of [173] the said Patrick 
Ryan — 

Therefore ordered that a Letter be wrote to Capi Christo- 
pher Tillman requesting him to take a Party of Men and 
endeavour to apprehend them — 

Lucas Moore of Saragtoga having about a Year since made 
his escape from the Goal in this City where he was confined 
for having been with the Enemy and being apprehended & 
brought before us on a suspicion of guiding a Party of 
Tories from Newtown who were on their way to join the 
Enemy and he professing himself a Prisoner of war there- 
fore ordered that he be confined and that a mittimus be 
made out to the Sheriff to take him into his Custody — 

Adjourned — 
1780 Met Albany 31?* July 1780 

July 31- Present 

Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( o 1 c • 

T T^ T- 1 c i bamuel Strmger 

Isaac D. Fonda ^ 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 475 

Agreeable to the request made by this Board to Major j^'^° 
Isaac Goes of Kinderhook on the 23*^ instant to send to us 
for Examination James Ludlow and the said James Lud- 
low appearing and being Examined and having satisfied 
the Board that the charges alledged against him are 
without Foundation it is therefore ordered that he be 
discharged — 

The Board proceeded to the consideration of an Affidavit 
of Susannah Parie ta^en before Johannis Van Deusen Esq', 
wherein the said Susannah Parie charges Angus M- Donald 
and Doctor Thompson of Livingston's Manor with having 
harboured British Officers from Canada on their [174] "way 
to New York and secreting persons who had been concerned 
in Robberies which affidavit was transmitted to the former 
Board of Commissioners for Conspiracies — 

Resolved on Consideration of the said Affidavit that 
Citations be made out for the said Doctor Thompson & 
Angus M'rDonald to appear before this Board on Monday 
the seventh day of August next and that the said Citations 
be inclosed in a Letter and sent to Johannis Van Dusen Esq' 
requesting him to have them served on the said McDonald 
and Doctor Thompson — 

Application was made to the Board by John Lansing 
Jun- Esq- in favour of Robert Adams of Johnstown now 
confined in Goal by an order of this Board requesting his 
liberation — 

Ordered that he be informed that the Board cannot in 
the present critical situation of Public affairs consent to his 
Enlargement — 

Isaac D. Fonda Esq- informed the Board that he has 
received information that Andrew Bowman, John F. Cluet, 
Hendrick Kerkner, Jacob Kerkner, and a certain man 
named Frederick a step son of Michael Huff all residing 

476 State of New York 

1780 in the West District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck are 
July 31. 

preparing to go Off and join the Enemy — 

Resolved in Consequence of the said Information that a 

warrant be made out directed to Cap- Ostrum Authorizing 

him forthwith to apprehend the said persons and bring 

them before us — 

Adjourned — 

aSb^i [^75^ ^^^ Albany i?' August 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) j q 1 Q ' 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( 

Richard Langley a Prisoner of war taken at Stoney 
point who was some time ago confined in Goal by Richard 
Esselstyne Esq- was brought before the Board and examined 
his Examination is in the following words (to wit) (see 
examination on file) 

The Board taking into consideration the Letter received 
from Philip Pell Esq- Commissary of state Prisoners on 
the 28- Ultimo do in consequence thereof — 

Resolve that an order be made out and sent to Henry 
Van Schaack, David Van Schaack, Lambert Burghert, 
Mathew Goes Jun- John D. Goes, and Dirck Gardinier to 
prepare and hold themselves in readiness to be removed to 
the Goal in Goshen in Orange County by the 15- day of this 
month where they are to remain as Prisoners untill exchanged 
for some of the inhabitants of this State at present in the 
power of the Enemy — 

Also resolved that an order be sent to Peter Ten Broeck 
who was liberated from his confinement by the former 
Board of Commissioners for Conspiracies to prepare him- 
self and be in readiness on the 15- day of this month 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 477 

to be removed to the Goal in Goshen in the County of .^78o 

^ Aug. I. 

Orange — 

Doctor George Smith of this City being charged with 
forwarding Peter Cohoon a spy from the Enemy through the 
Country and the said Peter Cohoon having under Oath [176] 
charged him therewith — 

It is therefore ordered that Jacob Kidney be ordered 
forthwith to apprehend the said George Smith and convey 
him to the Goal in this City and that the Goaler be ordered to 
take him into his Custody and closely confine him — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 2- August 1780 — 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) \ Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher ) ( Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

A Letter from Philip Pell Esq^ Commissary of state 
Prisoners was laid before the Board dated Poughkeepsie 
27*'' Ultimo wherein he request's us to cause Henry Van 
Schaack, David Van Schaack, Cornelius Van Schaack, 
Lambert Burghart, John D. Goes, Mathew Goes Jun- 
Dirck Gardineir, !& Jacob Legrange, to be sent down to 
Fishkill under the care of an Officer of the levies which 
letter is in the following words (to wit) (see letter on 
file) — 

Ordered in consequence of the said letter that the resolu- 
tions of this Board of Yesterday with respect to Henry 
Van Schaack, David Van Schaack, Lambert Burghart, 
John D. Goes, Mathew Goes Jun- and Dirck Gardineir be 
rescinded and that they be severally ordered to appear before 
us on Saturday the fifth instant — 

Also resolved that the resolution of Yesterday with respect 

478 State of New York 

1780 to Peter Ten Broeck be and is hereby rescinded and that 
the said Peter Ten Broeck be ordered to appear before 
this Board on Monday the 7**^ day of August Instant — 

[177] Resolved that an Order be sent to Major Zadock 
Wright (a Prisoner of war who was confined by th s Board to 
Kings District) to appear before us on Saturday the 5*-^ 
Instant in order that he may be removed to Fishkill to be 
there delivered over to Philip Pell Esq""- Commissary of 
State Prisoners to be exchanged — 

Resolved also that an order be sent to Martin Crum of 
Claverack who refused to take the oath tendered agreeable to 
an act of the Legislature of this State to persons of Neutral 
and Equivocal characters to appear before this Board on 
monday the 7- instant in order that he may be removed to 
Fishkill to be there delivered over to the Commissary of 
State Prisoners — 

Andries Stoll who was some time ago committed to Goal 
as a dangerous and disaffected person was brought before 
the Board and we having certain information that his wife 
is in a very distressed situation without the benefit of any 
aid or assistance and expecting shortly to be brought to bed 
the Board do therefore on Consideration thereof resolve 
that the said Andries Stoll be released from his confinement 
on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient surety 
for his appearance when called upon by any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies and for his good Behaviour 
and doing his duty as a good and faithful! subject of the 
State during the continuance of the present war with Great 

Andries Stoll of the East District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Blacksmith in ;^ioo 

Abram Robison of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 479 

It having appeared to the Board that Alexander Outhout ^7^ 
who was confined by the Magistrates of this [178] City 
for attempting to go off and join the Enemy was persuaded 
thereto by Doctor Johnson and others and that no danger 
is to be apprehended from him on account of his Youth & 
inexperience; therefore ordered that he be released on 
Alexander Bulson entering into a recognizance for the said 
Alexander Outhout's appearing before this Board when 
called upon & for his good behaviour and doing his duty 
as a good and faithful subject of the State during the con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain and also for 
his appearance at the next Supream Court of Judicature 
to be held at the City Hall in this City on the third Tues- 
day in October next and not to depart the Court without 
Leave — 

Alexander Bulson of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck on Recognizance 
as Bail for Alexander Outhout in ;^ioo 

The Board having received information that Doctor George 
Smith who was Yesterday confined by order of this Board 
is dangerously ill and that a continuance of his present 
confinement may endanger his life — 

It is therefore ordered that he be discharged on his entering 
into a Recognizance with a sufficient surety for his appear- 
ance before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required and for his good Behaviour untill 
discharged by this Board — ■ 

George Smith of the City of Albany Phy- 
sician in ;^IOO 

Patrick Smith of the same place Merchant 

his Bail in ;ClOO 

, Adjourned — 

480 State of New York 

^1780 [j^g] Met Albany 3^ August 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher ) ( Samuel Stringer 

John Ryley appeared before the Board and informed that 
he had apprehended Jacob Smith and Jacob Dymont for 
SteaHng two Horses from Frederick Barringar, that in his 
way to said Barringar's he was overtaken by Marcus Dymont 
who offered him a sum of money to let the said Jacob Smith 
and Jacob Dymont make their Escape and that afterwards 
the said Jacob Smith & Jacob Dymont struck him the said 
John Ryley on the head and by that means made their escape 
in which they were assisted by the said Marcus Dymont 
and the said Marcus Dymont being a Person disaffected 
to the American Cause Thereupon resolved that a warrant 
be made out directed to Philip Herwig commanding him 
with the assistance of six men to apprehend the said Jacob 
Smith, Jacob Dymont, and Marcus Dymont and bring them 
before us — 

The said John Ryley was Examined as to Nicholas Van 
Valkenburgh which Examination is in the following words 
(to wit) (see examination on file) 

It appearing probable to this Board from the intimacy 
of Samuel Kitcham with Doctor Johnson that the said 
Kitcham was knowing to the said Johnsons intention of 
going off to the Enemy it is therefore ordered that he be 
Examined under oath — 

The said Samuel Kitcham being Examined and declaring 
himself ignorant of the said Doctor Johnson's [180] inten- 
tions thereupon ordered that he be discharged — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 481 

Met Albany 4*^ August 1780 — ^^78o 


John M. Beeckman ) ( c, i o • 

i ^ ^ , y i Samuel btrmger 

Isaac D. Fonda ) ( ^ 

Samuel Stringer Esq- one of the Members of this Board 
informed that he had caused to be apprehended & brought 
before him a certain John Ryley as being a Suspicious 
person that he had examined him and on finding by his own 
Confession that he is a Prisoner of war had committed him to 
Goal Resolve[d] that the above procedure be approved of 
and that a mittimus be made out for the said John Ryley — 

Christopher Warner one of the prisoners sent down by the 
Schenectady Commissioners was brought before the Board 
and examined — 

Resolved that he be hberated from his confinement on 
Hendrick Warner of the Bever Dam entering into a recogni- 
zance for the good behaviour and personal appearance of the 
said Christopher Warner before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies and for doing his duty as a good 
and faithfuU subject of this State during the continuance of 
the present War with Great Britain — 

Hendrick Warner of the Bever Dam in the 
County of Albany Farmer on Recogni- 
zance as Bail for Christopher Warner in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

[181] Met Albany 5'-^ August 1780 ^1780 


John M. Beeckman J ( j^^^^ p. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher V ^ Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 
Samuel Stringer ; \ 

482 State of New York 

Au|f°- Resolved that an order be made out and directed to John 
Decker Robison & Bastian Beam of Livingston's Manor 
v?ho became surety for the appearance of John Smith 
before this Board vp^hen called upon to deliver up to this 
board the said John Smith on or before the sixteenth 
day of August Instant and that they be informed that 
unless this order is complied vs^ith their recognizance will 
be prosecuted — 

Major Zadock Wright appeared before the Board agree- 
able to the order of the 2- Instant — 

Resolved that the said Zadock Wright enter into a Parole 
to proceed to Fishkill and on the 15- Instant Surrender him- 
self a Prisoner at that place to Philip Pell Esq- Commissary 
of State Prisoners which parole is In the following words 
(to wit) (see Parole on file) — 

Henry Van Schaack, David Van Schaack and Mathew 
Goes Jun- who on the z^ instant was cited to appear before 
us appeared this day according to order — 

It is resolved that they respectively enter into a Parole 
to repair to Fishkill and on the i^' [or i6"']' day of September 
next surrender themselves prisoner's at that place to Philip 
Pell Esq!^ Commissary of State Prisoners which parole is in 
the following words (to wit) (see Parole on file) 

Resolved that Jacobus Ostrander be liberated from [182] 
confinement on his entering into a Recognizance with suf- 
ficient sureties for his future good Behaviour for his appear- 
ance before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required and doing his duty as a faithful 
subject of the state during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain 

Jacobus Ostrander of Newtown in the County 
of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

• Date altered and ambiguous. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 483 

Abraham D.ouw of the City of Albany Gentle- 1780 

man his Bail in £ 50 ^^' ^' 

Abraham Bogart of the same place Cord- 
wainer also his Bail in £ 50 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 8^? August 1780 — '780 

Present ^"«- «• 

John M. Beeckman \ f ^ i o • 

T • 1 T7 r. I ( 1 i>amuei btrmger 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer >- -( j n F rl 

Mathew Visscher ) ( 

A Letter from Doctor George Smith dated the 7- instant 
was laid before the Board wherein he request's to be sent to 
New York or exchanged which letter is in the following 
words (to wit) (see letter on file) 

Ordered that he be informed that the subject of his 
Letter will be taken into Consideration at some future day — 

It having been represented to this Board that James 
Halstead of Nistageuna is a Person who is disaffected to the 
American cause and that he has harboured and secreted 
persons going over to the Enemy — 

Therefore resolved that a warrant be made out directed to 
John Tillman to apprehend the Said James [183] Halstead 
and forthwith bring him before us — 

Resolved that John Ostrander be liberated from Confine- 
ment on his entering into a recognizance for his future good 
behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon during 
the continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 
John Ostrander of Newtown in the County 

of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Jacob Heemstraet of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;£^ioo 

484 State of New York 

1780 It having been represented to this Board that it will be 

necessary for Henry Van Schaack, David Van Schaack and 
Mathew Goes Jun- to be down at Fishkill at an earlier day 
than is specified by their Parole therefore resolved that they 
be ordered to be at Fishkill on the 20''' instant — 

The Board having received information that there is at 
present at Newtown a Person who is industriously circulating 
reports through the Country tending to injure the American 
cause which Person is a son in Law to John Concklin — 

Resolved that Major Ezekiel Taylor be requested to have 
him apprehended forthwith and sent to us — 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 9^ August 1780 — 

"^' ^' Present 

John M. Beeckman \ ( Mathew Visscher 

Samuel Stringer > < Hugh Mitchell 

Isaac D. Fonda J (. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

[184] Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Philip Pell Esq": 
Commissary of State Prisoners respecting Henry Van Schaack, 
David Van Schaack, and other prisoners of war which Letter 
is in the following words (to wit) (see letter on file) 

Richard Schermerhorn of Schenectady who was confined 
by the Commissioners of that place for being concerned with 
a party that intended to go oflF and join the enemy was brought 
before the Board and on his Examination appearing candid 
and open in his answers to the Questions proposed to him — 

Therefore resolved that he be liberated from confinement 
on his entering into a recognizance with a sufficient surety 
for his good behaviour doing his duty when required and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when called for during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 485 

Richard Schermerhorn of Schenectady La- 1780 

, . ^ - Aug. 9. 

Dourer in x>5oo 

Jacob Schermerhorn of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in ii^Soo 

Resolved that Christian Sea he liberated from Confinement 
on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient surety 
for his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies wrhen 
thereunto required during the continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

Christian Sea of the Bever Dam in the County 
of Albany Farmer on recognizance in £100 

William Dietz of the Hellebergh in the County 

aforesaid Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

[185] John Tillman appeared before the Board and 
informed us that he had apprehended James Halstead 
agreeable to our warrant issued on the lo- instant and that 
he had him ready to produce to us, whereupon resolved that 
the said James Halstead be examined his Examination is in 
the following words (to wit) (See Examination on file) — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 10^ August 1780 Aug.^o. 


John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) \ Mathew Visscher 

Resolved that Christian Cray be liberated from his con- 
finement on entering into a recognizance with a surety 
for his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

486 State of New York 

1780 Christian Cray of the East District of the 

Mano[r] of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. . . £100 
Archilaus Lynd of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

Bartholemew Schermerhorn of Schenectady who was 
confined by order of the Commissioners for Conspiracies at 
Schenectady was brought before the Board and Hugh 
Mitchell Esq- one of the said Commissioners being of 
opinion that the said Bartholemew Schermerhorn may with 
safety be liberated from Confinement — 

Therefore resolved that he be discharged on entering 
into a recognizance with a sufficient surety for his good 
behavi-[i86]our doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
' unto required during the Continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

Bartholemew Schermerhorn of Schenectady 
Farmer in £s°° 

Ryer Schermerhorn of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^500 

Frederick Weller of the District of Schenectady having 
also been confined by the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
at Schenectady was brought before the Board ordered 
that he be discharged on entering into a recognizance with 
a sufficient surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required during the continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain 

Frederick Weller of the District of Sche- 
nectady Labourer in £200 

Johannis Weller of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^200 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 487 
Resolved that John Broachim be liberated from confine- . ^780 

. ... Aiig. 10. 

ment on entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient surety 

for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 

any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 

thereunto required during the continuance of the present war 

with Great Britain — 

John Broachim of the District of Schenectady 

Farmer in ;^200 

Ryer Schermerhorn of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^20o 

Johannis Weller of the same place Farmer 

also his Bail in ;C200 

Adjourned — 

[187] Met Albany 11*^ August 1780 — A^g.^i. 


John M. Beeckman ) j g^^^^, g^^j^^^^ 

Jeremiah Van Rei '- — 

Mathew Visscher 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer J- i j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 

Abraham Jacob Lansing appeared before this Board 
according to our order resolved that he enter into a recog- 
nizance for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appear- 
ing before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Abraham Jacob Lansing of Lansingburgh 
in the County of Albany Farmer in ..... . ;^500 

Jacob Van Derheyden of the East District 
of the Manor of Rensselaenvyck his Bail 

in ^500 

Di Joseph Young appeared before the Board and informed 
us that he had received information from James Marr of 

488 State of New York 

1780 this City that a certain Peter Seeger who is now in Town 
Aug. II. "^ . 

has mentioned some circumstances respecting the attack of 

the enemy at Schohary from which he is led to suppose 
-that the said Peter Seeger has connection with the Enemy — 
Therefore ordered that Jacob Kidney immediately appre- 
hend the said Peter Seeger and bring him before us — 

Peter Seeger being brought before us and examined as 
to the above informed us in what manner he had received 
his information and the same being satisfactory ordered 
that he be discharged — 

Resolved that Samuel Stringer Esq^ be requested to propose 
John Tillman Jun- to raise and take the command of [188] a 
Ranger Company to be under the direction of this Board — 
William Pemberton who is charged with harbouring and 
forwarding through the country Peter Cohoon a spy from 
the Enemy appeared before the Board according to our 
order and as the proof in support of the above charge is not 
so full as to render his confinement necessary — 

Therefore ordered that he enter into a Recognizance with 
sufficient sureties for his good Behaviour doing his duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 
William Pemberton of the City of Albany 

Marriner in £soo 

William Charles of the same place Butcher 

his Bail in ;^250 

Wheeler Douglass of the same place Inn- 
keeper also his Bail in ;^250 

Resolved that George Shannon be liberated from confine- 
ment on entering into a recognizance with a sufficient surety 
for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 489 

called upon during the continuance of the present war with . ^^^^ 
Great Britain — 

George Shannon of the District of Schenec- 
tady Farmer in ;^200 

Johannis Shoemaker of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;£^200 

John Nightingale who was confined for making use of 
expressions tending to injure the American cause and being 
of a suspicious character was brought before the Board and 
it appearing that his Family are greatly distressed by the 
[189] means of his confinement — 

Therefore ordered that the said John Nigh[t]ingale be 
liberated from his confinement on entering into a recog- 
nizance with a sufficient surety for his appearance before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called 
upon for his good behaviour doing his duty and remaining 
within the following Limits (to wit) to the north from his 
house to the Schenectady Rnad to the west to Veeder's 
Mill's to the south to the Norman's Creek and to the East 
to Hudson's River during the continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain unless called upon to do Militia duty — 

John Nightingale of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Yeoman in ;^ioo 

Joshua Bloore of the City of Albany Merchant 
his Bail in £^0° 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 12^*^ August 1780 ^^780^^ 


John M. Beeckman ^ ( M^thg^ Visscher 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer V -I g^^^^j Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) I 

490 State of New York 

1780 Resolved that Jacob Sybert be discharged from his con- 

"*■■ '^" finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing when called upon 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
during the continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Jacob Sybert of the west District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Labourer in ;^ioo 

Peter RadlifF of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Peter Snyder be liberated from Con- [190] 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Peter Snyder of the west District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Labourer in ;^ioo 

Hendrick Snyder of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

The Board having received certain information that 
William True for whose appearance Col'. Abraham Van 
Alstyne became surety is gone off to the Enemy — 

Resolved that an order be made out to Col- Van Alstyne 
to deliver up the said William True or pay the Amount of 
the recognizance by him entered into for the said William 
True — 

Resolved that John Boyd who is surety for William 
M^':Auley deliver up the said M-Auley in fourteen days from 
this day — 

The Board having received information that John Rodliff 
and Arent RodlifF for whom Rykert RodlifF became surety 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 491 

have refused to do Militia duty whereby they have forfeited j.^"^^ 
their Recognizance's therefore resolved that the said Rykert 
RodlifF their Bail appear before this Board on Wednesday 
next to shew cause why the said Recognizance's should not 
be put in Suit — 

It having been suggested to us that George Keneir of this 
City is able to give information respecting several persons 
that have lately gone off and joined the Enemy and the 
said George Keneir being sent for appeared was examined 
& then discharged — 

[191] Resolved that Doctor George Smith and Joshua 
Bloore be ordered to deliver up to this Board on or before 
the 19- day of August instant Ebenezer Knap, Elisha Marsh, 
Nicholas Schuyler, Nathan Lull & Joseph Lull for whose 
appearance when called upon the said George Smith and 
Joshua Bloore have become surety — 

Resolved also that Joshua Bloore be ordered to deliver 
up to this Board on or before the 19''' day of August instant 
Barnabas Loughley for whose appearance the said Joshua 
Bloore is surety — 

Resolved that James Caldwell deliver up to this Board 
on or before the 19- day of August instant Duncan MfCon- 
nelly and John Maginness for whose appearance before us 
when called upon he has become surety — 

Also further resolved that Lewis Fotie deliver up Henry 
J. Mesick on or before the 19- day of August instant agree- 
able to the Tenor of his Recognizance — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 13^? August 1780 1780 

Present ^"e- '3- 

John M. Beeckman ) ( g^^^^j g^^j^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

492 State of New York 

1780 Andries Bronck and [blank] Wells appeared before the 

Board and informed us that being out on a scout by order 
of CoP. Van Bergen towards Beesink they had taken Prisoner 
a certain John Sheerman whom they suspected to be a spy 
from the Enemy and one of those Tories who have some 
time ago infested that part of the Country with continual 
Robberies and the said John Sheerman being brought in 
and examined says that he comes from Fishkill and was 
when he was apprehended [192] on his way to his Family 
who live near Schenectady Ordered that he be committed 
and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

Adjourned , 

^780 Met Albany 14^ August 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) ( ^ 1 o • 

^ > < Samuel btnnger 

Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Andries Loucks one of the Prisoners now confined in 
Goal by the Schenectady Commissioners was brought 
before the Board and Examined ordered that he be 
recommitted — 

Resolved that Johan Jost Warner be liberated from con- 
finement on his entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour and appearing before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when called upon during the con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain and also for 
his appearance at the next supream Court of Judicature to 
be held on the third Tuesday in October next at the City 
Hall in this City (or wheresoever the said Court shall then 
be held) and not depart the Court without leave — 

Johan Jost Warner of Schohary Farmer in. . ;^ioo 
Christian Weaver of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in £100 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 493 

Resolved that the said Johan Jost Warner enter into a . ^'^ 
recognizance for the appearance of his wife Margaret Warner 
at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held on the 
third Tuesday in October next at the City Hall in this City 
(or wheresoever the said Court shall then be held) and not 
to depart the Court without leave — 

Johan Jost Warner of Schohary Farmer on 
Recog^ as Bail for his wife Margaret 
Warner in ;^200 


[193] Met Albany 15^ August 1780 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) f Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher j ( Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Robert Adams be discharged from confine- 
ment on his entering into a recognizance with sufficient 
sureties for his future good Behaviour doing his duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when called upon during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Robert Adams of Johnstown in Tryon County 

Merchant in ;^200 

Thomas Shipboy of the City of Albany 

Merchant his Bail in ;^ioo 

James Caldwell of the same place also his 

Bail in £^00 

Resolved that Leonard Weger be liberated from confini- 
ment on entering into a recognizance with a surety for his 
future good behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies wheneve[r] 

494 State of New York 

1780 called upon during the continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Leonard Weger of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

Jurie Francisko of Cooksborough in the 
County of Albany Farmer his Bail in. . . . ;^loo 

The Board having received information that Christopher 
Hutt of the Bever Dam who is now in this City is by his 
conduct and conversation daily endeavouring to injure the 
American cause therefore resolved that he be immediately 
apprehended by the door Keeper & confined & that a 
Mittimus be made out for him — 

Adjourned — 

1780 [ig^] Met Albany 16^ August 1780 


John M Beeckman ) f j^,,, q. ponda 
bamuel btrmger ) (. 

Resolved that an order be made out directed to Arent 
N. Van Patten who became Bail for the appearance of 
Johannis Staring of Tryon County to deliver up to this Board 
the said Johannis Staring on or before the 26- day of August 
instant — 

Rykert RodlifF being on the 12- instant cited to appear 
before the Board to shew cause why the Recognizance 
entered into by the said Rykert Rodliff for his sons Arent 
Rodliff and John Rodliff should not be put in suit as they 
the said Arent and John Rodliff refused to do Militia duty 
and the said Rykert Rodliff appearing and denying the 
charge alledged against his sons therefore resolved that the 
said Arent Rodliff & John Rodliff appear before this Board 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 495 

on Friday the 18- day of August instant in order that they . ^^80 
may be examined as to the same — 

James Halstead having on his examination informed the 
Board that a certain Samuel Kid or Tid living with John 
Duncan near Schenectady is able to give some very Material 
information respecting Letters received by the said John 
Duncan from the Enemy — 

Resolved that a letter be wrote to Capi Hendrick Ostrum to 
have the said Samuel Kid apprehended and brought before us 
as soon as possible that he may be Examined as to the above — 

Adjourned — 

[195] Met Albany if-^ August 1780 1780 


John M. Beeckman ] f t t\ t? j 

■L , r. • f 1 Isaac D. J^onda 

Samuel Stringer ) (. 

Resolved that Joachim Van Slyck of Claverack who 
became surety for the appearance of Bartholemew Van 
Valkenburgh before this Board when called upon deliver up 
the said Bartholemew Van Valkenburgh on or before the 
23- day of August instant — 

Lewis Fotie agreeable to the order of the 12 instant 
appeared before the Board with Henry J. Mesick — 

Resolved that the said Henry J. Mesick enter into a 
recognizance of anew for his good Behaviour doing his duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required during the continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

Henry J. Mesick of the District of Claverack 

Farmer in £5°° 

Lewis Fotie of the City of Albany Baker 
his Bail in £5°° 

49^ State of New York 

1780 Resolved that Jacob M. Vosburgh of Claverack District 

Aug. 17. . 

who became surety for Dirck Vosburgh's appearance before 
this Board when called upon deliver up the said Dirck 
Vosburgh on or before the 23- day of August instant — 

Resolved that Peter Van Valkenburgh of Claverack 
District who became surety for Hendrick Skinkle's appear- 
ance before this Board when called upon deliver up the 
said Hendrick Skinkle on or before the 23- day of August 
instant — 

The Board being of opinion that John Kluck of this 
City is a dangerous and disaffected person and that his 
going at large may prove of dangerous consequences to the 
safety [196] of the State therefore resolved that Jacob Kidney 
be ordered forthwith to apprehend the said John Kluck 
and confine them — 

There being reason to suspect that John MjDole, Colin 
Farguson & Peter Muir of this City are knowing and 
accessary to several persons going off to the enemy there- 
fore resolved that they be immediately sent for — 

John McDonald, Colin Farguson, & Peter Muir appearing 
were examined on oath and returning Satisfactory Answers 
to the Questions proposed they were discharged — 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 18^ August 1780 

Aug. 18. Present 

John M. Beeckman | | Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j | Mathew Visscher 

Rykert Radliff agreeable to the order of the 16^' instant 
appeared before the Board with his sons Arent RadliiF and 
John Radliff. 

Resolved that the above mentioned John Radliff enter 
into a Recognizance with a sufficient surety for his good 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 497 

behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three A^^**g 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

John Radliff of the west District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Labourer in £200 

Rykert Radliff of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^200 

The above mentioned Arent Radliff being under age 
resolved that his Father Rykert Radliff enter into [197] a 
Recognizance for him the same in every respect with that 
entered into by his Brother John Radliff — 

Rykert Radliff of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer on 
Recognizance as Bail for his son Arent 
Radliff in ;^200 

Resolved that Jacob Halenbeeck Jun^ of Klinkenbergh 
be ordered forthwith to appear before the Board with a 
sufficient surety to enter into a Recognizance of anew — 

Resolved that Philip Cook, Peter Livingston Jun- , Wil- 
helmas Dillenbeeck, and Jacob Fraligh be ordered to appear 
before this Board on the 24- day of August instant agreeable 
to the Tenor of their several Recognizance's — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 19^^ August 1780 AJg-^is. 


John M. Beeckman ) | g^^^^j g^^j^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher j I 

Resolved that a letter be wrote to Hugh Mitchell Esq-' one 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies at Schenectady 

498 State of New York 

Aue^ requesting him to send down to this Board William Bowen a 
Prisoner of war in order to his being sent down to the Com- 
missary of state Prisoners for the purpose of an Exchange — 
Bartholemewis Van Valkenburgh appearing according to 
order to enter into a new Recognizance resolved that he be 
bound for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Bartholemewis Van Valkenburgh of the Dis- 
trict of Kinderhook Farmer in ;C200 

[198] Joachim Van Slyck of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;^200 

Information having been exhibited to this Board from 
which they are of opinion that Isaac Ostrander of the Helle- 
bergh is a dangerous and disaffected person and that by his 
conversation he endeavours dally to Injure the American 
cause and he having been cited to appear before us appearing 
this Day — 

Resolved that he be confined and that a Mittimus be 
made out for him — 

Dirck Vosburgh of the District of Claverack having 
been ordered to appear before us to enter into a recognizance 
of anew and appearing this day agreeable to order — 

Resolved that he be bound for his good Behaviour doing 
his duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Dirck Vosburgh of the District of Claverack 
Farmer In ;^200 

Resolved that a citation be made out directed to Doctor 
Thompson and Angus M'rDonald of the Manor of Living- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 499 

ston to appear before this Board on the 24- day of August ^78o 
instant to answer the charges alledged against them in an 
Affidavit of Susannah Parie taken before Johannis Van 
Deusen Esq- and that Cap- Robison of Claverack District 
be requested to deliver the said citation to any Constable of 
Livingston's Manor to have the same served — 

John Decker Robison of Claverack District appeared before 
the Board with John Smith for whose appearance before 
us when called uppon he some time since became surety — 

[199] Resolved that the said John Smith enter into a 
Recognizance of anew for his good behaviour doing his duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required during the continu- 
ance of the present war with Great Britain and also for his 
remaining within the Limits of Livingston's Manor unless 
he shall be called upon to do Militia duty or obtain permis- 
sion from this Board to leave the same and for his appear- 
ing before us on the 14- day of October next — 

John Smith of Livingston's Manor Labourer 

in ;^iooo 

John Decker Robison of Claverack District 

his Bail in ;^iooo 

Resolved that Thomas Weger be liberated from confine- 
ment on Samuel Kitcham's entering into a recognizance for 
his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies whenever there- 
unto required during the continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

Samuel Kitchim of Lansingburgh Farmer on 
Recognizance as Bail for Thomas Weeger 
in £^°o 

Adjourned — 

500 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany 22'i^ August 1780 

"g- 2 . Present 

John M. Beeckman ] j Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda j I Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that William Loucks be liberated from Con- 
finement on his entering into a Recognizance with a suffi- 
cient surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the continuance of 
the [200] present war with Great Britain — 

William Loucks of Schohary Farmer in £100 

Peter Borst of the same place Farmer his Bail 

in ;^ioo 

Resolved that a letter be wrote to Lieui Col- Henry K. 
Van Rensselaer requesting him to furnish this Board with 
a List of the Names of the Persons who are able to prove 
the charges alledged against Thomas Blewer now confined 
in Goal 


1780 Met Albany 23^ August 1780 

^"8- ^3- Present 

John M Beeckman | { j^^^^ j^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stnnger ) ( 

Mathew Van Valkenburgh having heretofore been bound 
by a Recognizance and having been cited to appear before 
this Board to enter into a Recognizance of a new and appear- 
ing agreeable to Order — 

Resolved that he enter into the same with a sufficient 
surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 501 

wheneve[r] thereunto required during the continuance of the 1780 

present war with Great Britain 

Mathew Van Valkenburgh of the East Dis- 
trict of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 
Blacksmith in ;^ioo 

Hendrick Skinkle of Claverack District 
Blacksmith his Bail in ;^ioo 

Hendrick Skinkle of Claverack having also been cited to 
appear before this Board to enter into Recognizance of 
anew and appearing agreeable to Order — 

[201] Resolved that he enter into a recognizance with a 
sufficient surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

Hendrick Skinkle of Claverack District 
Blacksmith in ;^ioo 

Mathew Van Valkenburgh of the East Dis- 
trict of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 
Blacksmith his Bail in £100 

Information being exhibited to this Board that there is 
at present in this City a certain person who calls himself 
James Van Zant who there is the greatest reason to suspect 
is an Emissary from the Enemy — 

Whereupon resolved that the said Person be sent for & 
examined on his Examination he says he is last Come from 
Newport that he left Long Island about three Years ago 
that his Father has a farm there and that he was led by 
curiosity to see Albany and on his producing a proper Pass 
resolved that he be discharged — 

Adjourned — 

Aug. 23. 

502 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany 24- August 1780 

Aug. 24. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) f Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher I 1 Samuel Stringer 

Jacob Man confined by the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies at Schenectady was brought before the Board and 
as no direct proof has as yet been exhibited against him 
and he offering a good surety for his future good conduct — 
Therefore resolved that he enter into a recognizance for 
his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the [202] Commissioners for Conspiracies 
whenever thereunto required during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Jacob Man of Schohary Farmer in £200 

William Man of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in i^200 

Philip Cook appearing before the Board according to 
order to enter into a Recognizance of anew — 

Resolved that he [be] bound for his good behaviour doing 
his duty & appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 
Philip Cook of the west District of the Manor 

of Rensselaerwyck Taylor in ;^ioo 

Wilhelmas Dillenbagh of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in £^100 

Wilhelmas Dillenbagh appearing before the Board to 
enter into Recognizance of anew — 

Resolved that he enter into the same for his good behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies '503 

Wilhelmas Dillenbagh of the west District of 1780 

the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. . £^100 

Philip Cook of the same place Taylor his 
Bail in . £100 

On reading a Petition of Doctor George Smith setting 
forth his situation as to Health and circumstances and 
praying leave to go to Canada with his Family — 

Resolved that D- George Smith be informed that this 
Board are well acquainted with his State of health & have 
therefore no objections to his going to Canada but that it 
is not [203] in the power of this Board to grant him the 
Permission required and that an application of this nature 
ought to be made to his Excellency Governor Clinton — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 25*'' August 1780 — 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) { g^^^^j g^^j^^^^ 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( 

A Certificate was laid before the Board signed by Nathan 
Pearce & several others of the Principal inhabitants of 
Fredericksborough in Dutchess County setting forth that 
D- James Muldrum is a friend to the American Cause 
and that he has behaved himself well for several years 
past — 

Resolved in Consequence of the said Certificate that Dun- 
can M?.Dougall who became Bail for the said Dr James 
Muldrum be discharged from the recognizance by him 
entered into for the said James Muldrum — 

Resolved that citations be made out for John CuppernuU 
and John J. Vrooman of Tryon County to appear before 
Hugh Mitchell Esqi at Schenectady on the sixth day of 

Aug. 25. 

504 State of New York 

1780 September next to enter into Recognizance's for their appear- 
ance at the next supream Court and that the said citations 
be inclosed in a letter to the said Hugh Mitchell to be for- 
warded to them — 

Angus McDonald agreeable to the order of this Board of 
the 19- instant appeared this day before us — 

Resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus be 
made out for him — 

Adjourned — 

A^.^6. [^°4] Met Albany 26^? August 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher j ( Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Ann Standerren and Mary Partherton (who 
were some time ago confined for endeavouring to persuade 
the subjects not to take up arms in defence of the American 
cause) be sent down to the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
at Poughkeepsie for the purpose of their being removed 
within the Enemies Lines And that a letter with respect 
to them be wrote to the said Commissioners — 

The board having taken into consideration the applica- 
tion of Jacob A. Lansing to be liberated from confinement 
whereupon resolved that he be discharged from his said 
Confinement on his taking an Oath that he will not directly 
or indirectly by word or deed give or cause to be given any 
aid comfort or intelligence to any of the enemies or opposers 
of the united States of America and that he will make known 
to the Commissioners for Conspiracies all conspiracies that 
may be formed in this State against the liberties of America 
and of all treasonable actings or doings that may come to 
his Knowledge and entering into a recognizance with suffi- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 505 

cient sureties for his good Behaviour doing his duty and .^^So 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

Jacob A. Lansing of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . ;^50o 

[205] Abraham Ja : Lansing of Lansingburgh 
Farmer his Bail in ;^250 

William Liverse of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer also 
his Bail in ;^250 

John Sherman was brought before the Board and Exam- 
ined who says he deserted from the Batteau Service at Fish 
Kill resolved that the Quarter Master General be requested 
to send him down to Fish Kill — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 28^' August 1780 aJJ.^s. 


John M. Beeckman ) f Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher ) | Isaac D. Fonda 

John Nightingale who was on the ii- instant released 
from confinement on entering into a Recognizance with 
Joshua Bloore as his surety appeared this day before the 
Board and requested that Abraham Veeder of the Norma[n]s 
Creek may be accepted as his Bail in the stead of the said 
Joshua Bloore — 

Whereupon Resolved that the said Joshua Bloore be 
discharged from his recognizance and that the said Abraham 
Veeder enter into a recognizance for the said John Nightin- 
gale's conforming to the Terms of the recognizance by him 
entered into on the said 1 1^ day of August instant — 

5o6 State of New York 

1780 Abraham Veeder of the Nonna[n]s Cieek 

Farmer as Bail for John Nigh[t]ingale in ;£^ioo 

William Bowen a prisoner of war on Parole having been 
cited to appear before the Board appeared this day according 
to order 

Resolved that he enter into Parole to proceed to Fish- 
[206] Kill and by the fourth day of September next there 
deliver himself up as a prisoner of war to Philip Pell Esq- 
Commissary of state Prisoners which Parole is in the following 
words (to wit) (see Parole on file) 

Robert Davis having been cited to appear before this 
Board appeared resolved that he enter into a recognizance 
of anew for his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

Robert Davis of the Normans Kill School- 
master in ;^ioo 

Volkert Veeder of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Whereas Dirck Gardineir, Lambert Burghart and John D. 
Goes of Kinderhook have been cited to appear before this 
Board at a certain day now past and have neglected to appear 
whereby they have severally broken their Parole 

Therefore resolved that a warrant be made out directed to 
John Tillman forthwith to apprehend and bring them 
before us — 

Martin Crom of Claverack District having also been cited 
to appear before this Board and not appearing agreeable to 
our order therefore resolved that the said John Tillman also 
apprehend the said Martin Crom and bring him before us — 

Received a letter from Mathew Adgate Esq- dated King 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 507 

District 27- instant inclosing several Examinations respecting ^^^q 
Major Zadock Wright which Letter and examinations are in 
the following words (to wit) (see letter and examinations on 
file) — 

[207] Received another Letter from Mathew Adgate Esq?' 
dated 27- instant informing that he sends to us under 
Guard Samuel Johnson who is going about the Country & 
dissuading people from taking up Arms in defence of the 
American cause which Letter is in the following words 
(to wit) (see Letter on file) — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 29^ August 1780 Aug.^g. 


John M. Beeckman ] j Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda j 1 Samuel Stringer 

The Board having taken into consideration the Application 
of Jacob J. Truax to be liberated from confinement do 
thereupon resolve that he be discharged on his taking an 
Oath not to aid comfort or assist the enemies of the United 
States and to make known all Plots & conspiracies against this 
or any other of the United States of America & on his entering 
into a recognizance for his good behaviour doing his duty & 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners of Con- 
spiracies whenever thereunto required during the Continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

Jacob J. Truax of the City of Albany Inn- 
keeper in £^5°° 

Isaac Truax of the same place Innkeeper 

his Bail in ^^25° 

Johannis Wyngartof the same place Yeoman 
also his Bail in £250 

5o8 State of New York 

1780 Joseph Hawkins, Thomas Yarns, William Ball and William 

Alls. 20» J k ' ' 

GrifFen having been apprehended by Order of Albert Baker, 
John Moss & Noah Pain Esq- three of the Justices of [208] the 
peace for the County of Charlotte were brought before the 
Board under Guard and it appearing from the charges trans- 
mitted by the said Justices that the said prisoners are dangerous 
& disaffected Persons and that they have been with the enemy — 

It is therefore resolved that they be committed and a 
mittimus be made out for them — 

Deborah Baker was brought before the board by Col- 
Henry K. Van Rensselaer as an evidence against Thomas 
Blewer and the said Deborah Baker being examined saith as 
follows (to wit) (see examination on file) 

Adjourned — 

. 1780 Met August qo^? August 1780 

^"^•^°- Present 

John M Beeckman ) | ^^^j^^^ ^j^^^^^^ 
Samuel Stnnger J ( 

An Act* for the Legislature of this State entitled " An Act* 
for the Removal of the Families of Persons who have joined 
the enemy passed i?'. day of July 1780 was laid before the 
Board and as it is highly Necessary the said Act should be 
put into immediate Execution and as there are not a sufficient 
number of printed Copies for the different districts therefore 
ordered that the secretary to this Board make copies of the 
said Act for every district in this County and that the same 
be forthwith transmitted to the Justices of the said district 
in order that no delay may be occasioned in the Execution of 
the same — 

Adjourned — 

' Appendix I- Laws, July i, 1780. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 509 

[209] Met Albany 31?^ August 1780 ^78o 


John M. Beeckman ] ( a*^ 1 tt- i 
^ , ri • C \ Mathew Visscher 

bamuel Stringer J { 

John Boyd Jun- appearing before the Board according 
to order for the purpose of entering into a recognizance 
of anew — 

Resolved that he enter into the same with a sufficient 
surety for his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

John Boyd Jun- of Balltown Millwright in. £100 
John Holmes of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in i^ioo 

Adjourned — 


Met Albany i^* September 1780 1780 

Sept. I.. 

John M. Beeckman ) f Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda j ( Samuel Stringer 

Received a letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq"^ dated the 
20^ August last respecting John CuppernuU and John J. 
Vrooman which is in the following words (to wit) (see letter 
on file) 

Agreeable to an order of this Board the following Persons 
appeared to enter into new recognizance's (to wit) Coenrad 
Clapper, David Finger, Martinus Schuck, Johannis Muller, 
Andries Rees, Andries Rees Jun- Johannis Tatter, Solomon 
Schutt, Nicholas Wheeler, Broer Witbeeck, Fite Miller, 
Johannis Shaver, Jacob Hoofman, William Schuck, 

5IO State of New York 

1780 Albartus Siemon, [210] Tohannis Siemon, Jurie Lemon, & 
Sept* z. , 

John Concklin — 

Resolved that they enter into the same and that they 
be severally bound for their good Behaviour doing their 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 
Coenradt Clapper of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer in ;^ioo 

David Finger of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in £100 

David Finger of Livingston's Manor Farmer 
in ;^ioo 

Coenradt Clapper of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^loo 

Martinus Schuck of Livingston's Manor 

Labourer in. ;^ioo 

Johannis MuUer of the same place his Bail in. ^100 

Andries Rees JunF of Livingston's Manor 

Labourer in £100 

Andries Rees of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Andries Rees of Livingstons Manor Farmer 

in ;^ioo 

Andries Rees Jun- of the same place La- 
bourer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Johannis Tater of Livingston's Manor 
Farmer in ;^ioo 

Solomon Schutt of the same place Labourer 

his Bail in £100 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 511 

Solomon Schutt of Livingston's Manor e^?** 

. «= Sept. I. 

Labourer in ;^ioo 

Johannis Tater of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

Nicholas Wheeler of Livingston's Manor 

Farriier in ;^ioo 

Broer Witbeeck of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

Broer Witbeeck of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer in ;^ioo 

Nicholas Wheeler of the same place his 

Bail in £100 

Fite Miller of Livingstons Farmer in ;^ioo 

Johannis Shaver of the same place his Bail in ;^ioo 

Johannis Shaver of Livingston's Manor 

Labourer in ;^ioo 

Fite Miller of the same place Farmer his Bail in ;^i 00 

[211] Jacob Hoofman of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer in ;^ioo 

William Schuck of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

William Schuck of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer in ;^ioo 

Jacob Hoofman of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^loo 

Albertus Siemon of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer in ;^ioo 

Johannis Siemon of the same place Farmer 

, his Bail in £100 

512 State of New York 

■1780 Tohannis Siemon of Livineston's Manor 

Sept. I. -' . ^ 

r'armer in £100 

Albertus Siemon of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

John Concklin of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer in ;£^ioo 

Jurie Lemon of Livingston's Manor La- 
bourer in ;^ioo 

Coenradt Cline of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer Bail for Peter Lampman in £^100 

John Tillman appeared before the Board and informed us 
that he had agreeable to the warrant directed to him appre- 
hended Lambert Burghart of the District of Kinderhook 
and Martin Crom of Claverack District — 

Lambert Burghart being brought before us says that he is 
very willing to comply with any order of this Board respect- 
ing him but that he is at present in no situation to travel 
to Fish Kill being indisposed occasioned by the Yaws which 
he has had upon him for a year past and as we have been 
Certified as to the truth of the same — 

Therefore resolved that the said Lambert Burghart enter 
into a parole to remain at his place of abode in Kinderhook 
District untill called upon by any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies or the Commissary of State Prisoners — 

Resolved that Martin Crom appear before the Board to 
morrow Morning — 

[212] The Board taking into consideration the applica- 
tion of John Bratt to be liberated from Confinement — 

Resolved on account of his age & infirmeties that he be 
released on his taking an oath not to comfort aid or assist 
any of the enemies of the United States and to make known 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 513 

to us all persons coming from the enemy who secrete them- 1780 
selves in the woods and also on his entering into a recog- ^ ' ^' 
nizance with a sufficient surety for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

John Bratt of the Hellebergh Farmer in. . . . £100 
John Willson of Kinderhook Farmer his 

Bail in ;£^iod 

Barent Van Alen of the City of Albany Mar- 

riner also his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 2^ September 1780 1780 

Present ^P'- ^• 

John M. Beeckman ) f Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j ( Mathew Visscher 

Martin Crom who was ordered to appear before the Board 
appeared and laid before us a Certificate signed by a num- 
ber of Militia Officers and other of the principal and well 
affiscted inhabitants of Claverack District Certifying that the 
said Martin Crom has always since the present war con- 
ducted himself as a peaceable subject of the State and has 
done his duty faithfully when called upon And the said 
Martin Crom also laying before us two Letters [213] directed 
to this Board the one from Major John M^Kinstrey & the 
other from Joseph Clarke both dated 31- August last in 
which said letters the said Major M^Kinstrey and Josep[h] 
Clarke recommend to us the said Martin Crom as a faithfuU 
and leige subject of the State which Letters are in the follow- 
ing words (to wit) (see letters on the file) 

Resolved on consideration of the above Certificate and 

514 State of New York 

1780 letters that Martin Crom return to his place of abode in 
^ ■ ^' Claverack District and there remain till called upon by this 
Board — 

Jacob Halenbeeck Jun- appeared before the Board accord- 
ing to order to enter into recognizance of anew — 

Resolved that he enter into the same with a sufficient 
surety for his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
required during the continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Jacob Halenbeeck Jun- of Cooksakie District 

Farmer in ;^ioo 

Adam Hilton of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 4- September 1780 

S«P*- ^ Present 

John M. Beeckman ) f _ tn t- , 

,, , TT- 1 i i Isaac D. l*onda 

Mathew Visscher ) [ 

The Board having received information that John Cobham 
is frequently going to the Northward & there being great 
reason to suspect that he keeps up a correspond anc[e] with the 
enemy — Therefore resolved that the said John Cobham 
[214] be ordered forthwith to appear before this Board — 

John Cobham appearing informed the Board that there are 
several persons at Fort Edward & Saragtoga who are in- 
debted to him in large sums of money and that he has been 
endeavouring to collect the same and producing to the Board 
several notes of hand for Money due to him thereupon re- 
solved that the said John Cobham be discharged and that he 
be cautioned against leaving this City in future without a Pass 
from this Board — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 515 

Hazelton Spencer an Ensign in Sir John Johnsons Corps 1780 
having been apprehended at Danby in the County of Char- 
lotte was brought before the Board and examined resolved 
that he be committed — 

Resolved that Isaac Ostrander be Hberated from his 
Confinement on entering into a recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto re- 
quired during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Isaac Ostrander of the Hellebergh Farmer in.. ;£^ioo 
John Waley of the west District of the Manor 

of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Capi Isaac Van Valkenburgh appeared before the Board 
and informed us that he and William Klauw had became 
surety before the Commissioners for Conspiracies at Poug- 
keepsie for John J. Van Valkenburgh and Mathew M":Cagge 
who lately came from New York that they the said John J. 
Van Valkenburgh and Mathew M'rCagge should in ten days 
[215] surrender themselves as prisoners to this Board and pro- 
ducing a Certificate of the same from the said Commissioners — 
And the said John J. Van Valkenburgh being examin[e]d 
saith as follows (to wit) (see Examination on file) — 

Resolved that the said John J. Van Valkenburgh be per- 
mitted to go to Kinderhook on his entering into a recog- 
nizance for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

John J. Van Valkenburgh of Kinderhook 

Labourer in £500 

Jurry Van Valkenburgh of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;^5oo 

5i6 State of New York 

1780 ^isQ resolved that Mathew M^Cagge be discharged on 

Peter L. Van Alen of Kinderhook entering into a Recog- 
nizance for the said Mathew M'rCagge's good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Peter L. Van Alen of Kinderhook Weaver as 
Bail for Mathew M^ Cagge in £500 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 5- September 1780 

Sept. 5. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) j ^ ta t- 1 

;; , o • (1 Isaac D. I'onda 

bamuel btringer J ( 

Lieutenant Thomas Ismay appeared before the Board and 
informed us that Benjamin Van Etten and his son John Van 
Etten of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck refuse to do [216] any 
Militia duty and say they will not take up Arms against the 
King that William Hooghtaling of the same place said he was 
a Kings man and that he would have nothing to do with the 
Rebels and that Adrian Bradt is greatly disaffected and that 
the Persons who are able to prove the above charges are 
Simeon Viele and Philip Radliff — 

Resolved in consequence of the above information that 
citations be made out and sent to the said Simeon Viele and 
PhiHp RadlifF commanding their appearance before us at the 
City Hall on the 7^ instant — 

The board being also informed that Ensign Ephraim 
Hudson is able to give information against several disaffected 
Persons resolved that a letter be wrote to the said Ephraim 
Hudson requesting his appearance before us as soon as 
possible — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 5 1 7 

Resolved that a citation be sent to M- Catharine Burling- 1780 
ham to appear before us on the 7- instant to give informa- 
tion respecting the conduct of several of the inhabitants of 
New Scotland — 

John Broachim who was on the 10- August last liberated 
from Confinement appeared before the Board with David 
Kittle as his surety — 

Resolved that Ryer Schermerhorn and Johannis Weller 
his former Bails be and they are hereby discharged and that 
the said John Broachim enter into recognizance anew with the 
said David Kittle as his surety for his good Behaviour doing 
his duty & appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required [217] during the 
continuance of the present was with Great Britain — 

John Broachim of the District of Schenectady 
Farmer in ;^200 

David Kittle of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in £'200 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 6^^ September 1780 se't*6 


Tohn M. Beeckman ) f n 1 c^ • 

-' Tx 1^ 1 r 1 isamuel btnnger 

Isaac D. Fonda ) ( 

John Johnson of the State of Connecticut appeared before 
the Board and laid before us a letter from CoU William B. 
Whiting of Kings District wherein the said Col- Whiting 
request's that Samuel Johnson who was the other day con- 
fined by Mathew Adgate Esq- for dissuading the inhabitants 
of this State to take up Arms in defence of the Country may 
be delivered over to the said John Johnson his Brother as he 
beleives from the former character of the said Samuel John- 

51 8 State of New York 

1780 son that he is at present Insane And that the said John 
Johnson producing also a letter from the said Mathew Adgate 
Esq' to this Board advising compliance with the above 
request — 

Resolved in consequence of the above Letters that the said 
Samuel Johnson be delivered over to the said John Johnson 
and that he be cautioned against coming in this State whilst 
he persists in inculcating such dangerous and destructive 
Principles — 

Resolved that the Secretary pay to Jesse Fairchilds' the 
sum of ;^ 1 62 — 16 Continental Money on account — 
/ Hendrick Merkle appeared before the Board according 
to our order to enter into anew Recognizance — 

[218] Resolved that he enter into the same for his good 
behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto re- 
quired during the continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Hendrick Merkle of Tryon County Farmer in. ;^ioo 
John Roff of the City of Albany Merchant 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Se'ptV Met Albany f^ September 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher j ( Samuel Stringer 

Siemon Viele appeared before the Board according to our 
order of the 5*> instant and was examined his examination 
is in the words following (to wit) (see examination on file) 

•He signed his name "Pairchild". See note under date of September 
12, 1780. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 519 

Catharine BuUingham and Philip Radhff being also on a^'^f'^ 
the 5''' instant cited to appear before the Board appeared 
and were examined their Examination's are as follows (to 
wit) (see examinations on file) 

John Armstrong who was some time since confined by Col? 
Henry K. Van Rensselaer was brought before the Board — 

Resolved that (agreeable to the request of the said Col 
Rensselaer) the said John Armstrong be liberated from con- 
finement on his entering into a recognizance for his future 
good behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies [219] when 
thereunto required during the continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

John Armstrong of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Weaver in ;^ioo 

John E. Lansing of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 8^ September 1780 Sept. 8. 


John M. Beeckman \ f Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher j I Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Jacob Ball Jun^ of the Bever Dam be dis- 
charged from confinement on entering into a recognizance 
for his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

Jacob Ball Jun-' of the Bever Dam Farmer in ;^ioo 
Peter Man Jun^ of Schohary Farmer his Bail 
in £^00 

520 State of New York 

1780 Resolved also that John Ball Jun- be discharged from 

confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
behaviour doing his duty & appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon dur- 
ing the continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

John Ball Jun? of the Bever Dam Labourer in £'100 
William Man of Schohary Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Se^^^i [^^°] Met Albany II- September 1780 


John M. Beeckman } | Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D Fonda j ( Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that George Rodgers be discharged from con- 
finement on entering into a recognizance with a sufficient 
surety for his good behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when called upon during the continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

George Rodgers of the City of Albany Weaver 
in ;^ioo 

Henry Van Wie of the same place Carpenter 
his Bail in ;^I00 

Resolved that Mathias Rose, William Rodgers, John Stiles, 
Robert Brisben, and John MfDole be severally cited to ap- 
pear before this Board on the 24- day of September instant 
with sufficient sureties to enter into new recognizance's 

A Letter directed to this Board from Capi Isaac Van 
Valkenburgh dated the 9— instant was laid before us wherein 
he requests a Certificate of John Van Valkenburgh's having 
entered into a recognizance before us for his good behaviour 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 521 

and appearance before us when called upon in order that Sent^i 
the said Isaac Van Valkenburgh may by producing the said 
certificate be enabled to get the Effects taken from him when 
he came from New York and which were detained by a 
Justice of the peace residing at Crompon in Dutchess 
County — 

Resolved that in compliance with the above request a 
certificate be made out and transmitted to the [221] said 
Capi Van Valkenburgh — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 12- September 1780 Sept. 12. 


John M Beeckman | ( g^^^^j g^^j^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Resolved that Christopher Hutt be liberated from con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto re- 
quired during the continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Christopher Hutt of the west District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

William Monk of the Hellebergh Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that the Secretary pay to Jesse Fairchild the 
sum of 282;^ 16' on account of services performed for this 
Board — » 

Adjourned — 

' The item ordered paid, on September 6, amounting to ^162 „ i6s., 
and the above amount, making together the sum of ^445 » 12s., were 
paid together. The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 
40, p. 172, State Comptroller's Office. 

522 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany 13'.'' September 1780 


John M. Beeckman ] ( _, , r. • 

^/r 1 TT- I r i i^amuel btnnger 

Mathew Visscher j (. ^ 

Thomas Blewer having been committed to Goal by Col- 
Henry K. Van Rensselaer was brought before the Board 

Resolved that he be liberated from Confinement on en- 
tering into a recognizance with a sufficient surety for his 
good behaviour doing his duty & appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required during the Continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

[222] Thomas Blewer of the East District of 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in . ;^ioo 

David Groesbeeck of the City of Albany 
Cordwainer his Bail in ;{!^ioo 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany I5'> September 1780 — 

sept. 15. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) f _ , n • 

Isaac D.Fonda \ | Samuel Strmger 

William Klaw of KUne Kill appeared before the Board 
and informed us that there is at present at Kinderhook a 
certain woman who has lately been to New York that from 
every circumstance there is the greatest reason to suppose 
that she has been sent there by certain Tories at Kinder- 
hook for the purpose of obtaining intelligence and it being 
highly necessary that this Matter should be enquired into 
and properly investigated — 

Therefore Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Major Isaac 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 523 

Goes requesting him to have the said woman apprehended g^^J®" 
and brought before him and to examine her as to the Names 
of the persons who sent her to New York and to send 
the said persons together with the said woman forthwith 
to us — 

A Certificate dated 13''' instant signed by John L. Bronk 
and Philip Conine Esq- was laid before the Board wherein 
the[y] set forth that aggreeable to a Law of this State En- 
titled an Act for the removal of the Families " of persons - 
who have joined the Enemy" they have warned the follow- 
ing persons to remove out of this State or to such parts of 
it as [223] are within the power of the enemy within 
twenty days from the date of the said Certificate Viz- Rachel 
Halenbeeck the wife of Casper P. Halenbeeck, Maria Jan- 
sen the wife of Johannis Jansen, Margaret RIemer the wife 
of Johannis Riemer, Maria Eckler the wife of William Eck- 
leer, Engeltie Schram the wife of Frederick Schram and 
Cornelia Danials the wife of Dirck Danials, ordered that 
the said Certificate be filed — 

A Certificate dated 9- September signed by Samuel Van 
Veghten Esq"^ one of the Justices of the peace for the County 
of Albany was laid before the Board wherein he sets forth 
that agreeable to the last mentioned act of the Legislature 
he has warned the following persons to remove out of this 
State or to such parts of it as are in the power of the enemy 
Viz- Catharine Dies the wife of Jacob Dies, Eva Dies the 
wife of Mathew Dies, Mary Van Garde the wife of Benja- 
min Van Garde, Elizabeth Lampman the wife of Wilhelmas 
Lampman, Gertruyd Dewitt the wife of Evert Dewitt, Jake- 
myntie Williams the wife of Frederick Williams, Jane Pick- 
sen the wife of John Picksen and Jane Straight the wife of 
Thomas Straight — 

Adjourned — 

524 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany 16^? September 1780 

Sept. 16. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) { Mathew Visscher 

James Parks who came from the enemy last spring hav- 
ing been apprehended was brought before the Board on 
being Examined he saith as follows (to wit) (see Exami- 
nation on file) 

[224] Resolved that the said James Parks be confined and 
that a mittimus be made out for him — 

Johan Jurie Fought appearing according to our order to 
enter into anew recognizance — 

Resolved that he enter into the same for his good behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Johan Jurie Fought of Lonenburgh in the 
District of Coxsakie Farmer in ;^ioo 

Sylvester Salsbury of the County of Albany 
Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that an order be made out directed to Amos 
Lucas forthwith to deliver up to this Board William Tyler 
for whose appearance when called upon he became surety — 

Resolved that citations be sent to John Wans, William 
Jackson, Andrian Bradt, Benjamin Van Etten, and William 
Hdoghteling to appear before this Board on the 19^ day of 
September instant — 

Also Resolved that a citation be sent to D- Thompson of 
Livi[n]gston's Manor to appear before this Board on or be- 
fore the first day of October next — 

The board having received information that Major Zadock 
Wright is at present with his Family in Cumberland County — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 525 

Resolved that a letter be wrote to Moses Wright (who ^78o 
, , , ,. & V Sept. 16. 

entered into a bond to dehver up the said Zadock Wright 

[225] when called upon) forthwith to bring before the Board 

the said Zadock Wright — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany i85^ September 1780 1780 i 

Present ^P*' ^8- 

John M. Beeckman ] ( _ , ^ • 

XT 1 17-1 r i bamuel Stringer 

Mathew Visscher ) ( ^ 

Agreeable to the citation sent to Doctor Thompson on 
the 16- instant he appeared resolved that the said D- 
Thompson be committed and that a Mittimus be made out 
to the Goaler to take him into his custody and closely confine 
him — 

Cornelia Danials appeared before the Board and informed 
us that her Husband Dirck Danials had about four years ago 
gone off to the Enemy and that agreeable to a late Law John 
L. Bronk & Philip Conine Esq- two of the [Justices] of the 
Peace for this County had ordered her to leave this State or 
remove to such parts of it as are in the Power of the enemy 
And the said Cornelia Danials laying before the Board a 
Recommendation from the said Justices setting forth that she 
has always behaved herself in an unexceptionable Manner 
and recommending it to the Board to grant her a Permit to 
remain at her Habitation — 

Resolved in Consequence of the said recommendation that 
a Permit be granted her accordingly — 

John Stiles having been ordered to appear before the Board 
to enter into a new Recognizance appeared pursuant to the 
said Order — 

Resolved that he enter into the same with a sufficient 

526 State of New York 

1780 surety for his good behaviour doing his duty and [226] 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when called upon during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

John Stiles of Palmertown in the County of 
Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

James Eldrige of Saragtoga in the County 
aforesaid Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Seth Perry appeared before the Board and informed us 
that James Starks, Ephraim Knowlton & Philip Philips are 
endeavouring daily to instil into the minds of weak and 
ignorant people a persuasion that it is contrary to Scripture 
to take up Arms in defence of the Country and are otherwise 
by their conduct and conversation giving Offence to the 
friends of the American cause — 

It is therefore resolved that the said James Starks, Ephraim 
Knowlton, and Philip Philips be cited to appear before this 
Board on Wednesday the 27- day of September instant 
to answer the above complaint and that the said Seth Perry 
be ordered to produce Witnesses in support of the said charge 
on that day — 

Adjourned — 
1780 • Met Albany 19^ September 1780 

Sept. 19. 


John M. Beeckman ) j j n f rl 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) | 

Adrian Bradt, Benjamin Van Etten and William Jackson, 
having been cited to appear before this Board appeared — 

Resolved on consideration of the charges alledged against 
them respectively that they be committed and that a [227] 
mittimus be made out directed to the Goaler to take them into 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 527 

his custody and safely keep them untill discharged by any ^^^o 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies — 

James Starke having been accused by Seth Perry and others 
with being a person disaffected to the American cause ap- 
peared before the board and requested that he might be per- 
mitted to bring Evidences before us to invalidate the said 
Charge whereupon resolved that the secretary to this Board 
furnish the said James Starke with citations for such persons 
as the said James Starke may think necessary to produce to 
disprove the said Charge — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 20^ September 1780 Septf^. 


John M. Beeckman ) | Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher ) (. Isaac D. Fonda 

John M'rDole having been heretofore bound by recog- 
nizance appeared this day according to the order of this 
Board Resolved that he enter into Recognizance of anew with 
a sufficient surety for his future good behaviour doing his 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when called upon during the continuance of 
the present war with Great Britain — 

John M^Dole of Saragtoga in the County of 
Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

John Mahoney of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in £100 

Daniel B. Bradt Esq- Supervisor for the District of Hosick 
in this County Certified to the Board that he had agreeable 
to the Law for the Removal of Families of Persons who have 
[228] gone off and joined the Enemy warned the following 
Weomen to depart the State or remove to such parts of it as 

528 State of New York 

1780 are in the power of the enemy in twenty days from the time of 
such Notification (to wit) Rebecca Ruyter, Sarah Cammeron, 
Catharina Best, Elizabeth Ruyter, Hannah Simpson, EHzabeth 
Letcher, AriantieWies, Maria Young & Susannah Lantman — ■ 

A Certificate signed by Daniel B. Bradt, John Randell, 
and a Number of other Persons residing in Hosick District 
was laid before the Board wherein they set forth that Su- 
sannah Lantman and Maria Young whose Husbands are 
gone to the enemy and who have been lately notified to leave 
the State are desirous of remaining at their Habitations — 

Resolved on considering the subject of the said Certificate 
that this Board can in nowise agree to grant Permits to the said 
Susannah Lantman & Maria Young for the above Purpose — 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 21- September 1780 

S«Pt- "• Present 

John M. Beeckman ) i Isaac D. Fonda 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j { Samuel Stringer 

The Board having received information that William 
Shanklin formerly an inhabitant of Cherry Valley and noW 
residing in the East District of the Manor of Rensselaer- 
wyck is a person who has always professed Principles Inimical 
to the American cause and who has at the destruction of 
Cherry Valley by the Indians assisted the Enemy in plunder- 
ing and robbing the well affected [229] Inhabitants and the 
same having been attested to by John Willson and James 
Scott also formerly residing at Cherry Valley — 

It is therefore resolved that the said William Shanklin be 
forthwith apprehended and confined and that a warrant be 
made out for that Purpose — 

A Letter directed to this [Board] dated 19- instant from 
Johannis Lawyer and WilHam Dietz Esq- two of the Justices 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 529 

of the Peace of this County was read setting forth that Sarah ^78o 
Zimmer of Schohary has agreeable to the Law for the Re- 
moval of the Families of persons who have gone over to the 
Enemy been warned to leave the State or remove to Such 
parts of it as are in the Power of the enemy and she is desirous 
of remaining at Home and having always conducted herself 
in an unexceptionable manner they request that Permission 
may be granted her for that Purpose — 

Resolved that the subject of the above Letter be taken 
into Consideration till to morrow — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany az'i^ September 1780 Sept.^2. 


John M. Beeckman \ j Mathew Visscher 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j \ Samuel Stringer 

Noah Pain Esq-"" one of the Justices of the peace for the 
County of Charlotte appeared before the Board and laid 
before us several Examinations taken by him respecting 
Thomas Yarns and others now here confined in Goal which 
Examination's are in the following words (to wit) (see exam- 
inations on file) — 

[230] The Board taking into consideration the Letter 
received from Johannis Lawyer and William Dietz Esq- re- 
specting Sarah Zimmer do resolve that a Permit be granted 
to the said Sarah Zimmer to remain at her Habitation — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 23^ September 1780 ^^1780 


John M. Beeckman [ | Mathew Visscher 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer J I Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Benjamin Van Etten be discharged from 


State of New York 

1780 Confinement on entering into a recognizance for his future 
good Behaviour, doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required during the continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

Benjamin Van Etten of the West District of 

the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. . :£^ioo 
Jacob Roseboom of the City of Albany Gen- 
tleman his Bail in ;^ioo 

Also resolved that Adrian Bradt be discharged from con- 
finement on entering into a recognizance with a sufficient 
surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Adrian Bradt of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;£^ioo 

John RadliflF of the City of Albany Carpenter 

his Bail in ;^50 

Rykert Van Sante of the same place Car- 
penter also his Bail in ;^50 

[231] Resolved that William Jackson be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a recognizance with a suffi- 
cient surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty and ap- 
pearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

William Jackson of New Scotland in the west 
District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 
Farmer in £^100 

Mathew Watson of the City of Albany Mer- 
chant his Bail in ;^ioo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 531 

Df Thompson made application to the Board to be lib- „ ^'^o 
erated from confinement on account of the Illness of his 
wife and the distressed Situation of his Family and he pro- 
ducing an Affidavit of Jacob Power as to the truth of the 
above — 

Resolved on the consideration thereof that the said 
Thomas Thompson be discharged from his confinement on 
entering into a recognizance with sufficient sureties for his 
appearance at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be 
held at the City Hall in this City on the third Tuesday in 
October next to answer to such charges as shall then and 
there be alledged against [him] and not to depart the Court 
without Leave and for his good behaviour in the mean 
time — 

Thomas Thompson of the Manor of Living- 
ston Physician in ;^500 

Coenradt Rosman of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £250 

John Shuts of the same place Farmer also 
his Bail in £250 

Adjourned — 

[232] Met Albany 24^? September 1780 Septf^4. 


John M. Beeckman ) f Mathew Visscher 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j 1 Samuel Stringer 

A Letter was laid before the Board dated the 23"* Instant 
signed by Seth Perry, Samuel Hill and other well affected 
persons setting forth that Numbers of the Torys in New 
Bethlehem in the Manor of Rensselaerwyck are collecting 
in the night time and that there is great reason to suppose 
unless timely prevented they may injure some of the friends to 

532 State of New York 

Sept^4 ^^^ American cause and requesting that a warrant may be 
granted for the Apprehension of the said persons — 

On taking the subject of the above letter into considera- 
tion It is resolved that a w^arrant be made out directed to 
Seth Perry to apprehend all such disaffected persons as are 
above complained of and forthv?ith bring them before us — 

Adjourned — 

gg^'^8°g Met Albany 25^ September 1780 


Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
John M. Beeckman j 1 Samuel Stringer 

The Board having received information that Cap* Isaac 
Lansing is able to give some material information against 
James Legrange of this City it is therefore ordered that the 
said Isaac Lansing be requested to attend this Board imme- 
diately — 

Robert Brisben having been heretofore bound by [233] 
Recognizance appeared before us according to our order to 
enter into Recognizance of anew — 

Resolved that he enter into the same with a sufficient 
surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appear- 
ing before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Robert Brisben of Saragtoga Farmer in ;^ioo 

Jonathan Pettit of the City of Albany Cord- 
wainer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Isaac Lansing appearing according to our order was 
examined and his Examination is in the following words 
(to wit) (see examination on the file) — 

Resolved in consequence of the said Examination as the 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 533 

said James Legrange is under the age of Twenty one Years ^7So 
that he procure some person to become surety for his future 
good Behaviour — 

Arie Legrange appearing before the Board and being 
willing to become surety for James Legrange It is re- 
solved that he enter into a recognizance for the said James 
Legrange's future good behaviour doing his duty and ap- 
pearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when called upon during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Arie Legrange of the City of Albany Merchant 
as Bail for his son James Legrange in. . . . £^100 

Resolved that Philip Herwig be requested immediately 
to furnish this Board with the Crime of John M'rDorn & 
that he perticularly ascertain the time when the same was 
committed — 

[234] John Tunnicliff appeared before the Board and 
requested Permission for himself and John Rawbottom to 
go to Tryon County for the purpose of seeing his Farm — 

Resolved that Permission for that purpose be granted 
them on Joshua Bloore entering into a Recognizance for their 
returning within a reasonable Time to this place and behaving 
themselves during their Absence in a becoming Manner — 

Joshua Bloore of the City of Albany Merchant 
as surety for John Tunnicliff & John Raw- 
bottom in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 26^ September 1780 se't^26 


John M. Beeckman ) | Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer [ I Mathew Visscher 

534 State of New York 

1780 Lieutenant Ephraim Hudson having been cited to appear 

before the Board in order to his being examined with re- 
spect to sundry persons living at New Scotland appeared 
and being examined says — 

That William Jackson is a person of weight & Influence 
in the part where he lives that he is certain that the Ex- 
presses from the Enemy which pass up & down the Country 
lodge at his House, that John Burnsides is a Tory and that 
the Party that robbed Lieui Leonard went from Burnsides 
House — (See Examination on file) — 

John Herrington and Ephraim Knowlton having been 
apprehended in consequence of a warrant issued on the 
24- instant was brought before the Board — 

[235] Resolved that they be confined and that a Mittimus 
be made out to the Goaler to take them into his Custody — 

Adjourned — 

Sept.^7. Met Albany 27^ September 1780 — 


John M. Beeckman ] j Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 
Samuel Stringer j (. Mathew Visscher 

The Board proceeded to the Examination of the Charge 
of disaffection to the American cause Exhibited by Seth 
Perry against James Starks, Ephraim Knowlton & Philip 
Philips and in support of the said charge the following per- 
sons were examined as witnesses (to wit) Benjamin Valen- 
tine, M- Skinner, Sarah Barnum, Mary Knowlton, Samuel 
Hill, M- Beagle, Elizabeth Barnum, Jabez Landers and 
John Lawrence their Examinations are as follows (to wit) 
(see Examinations of file) 

In order to invalidate the charge above alledged the said 
James Starks requested that the following persons might 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 535 

be examined (to wit) Isaac Lawrence, Richard Lawrence, 1780 
Mine Lawrence, William Barnum, Jacob Herrington, Lena ^^ ' ^^' 
Herrington, Robert Patrick, Nathaniel Culver, John Salsbury, 
Dirck Sluyter, & Henry Salsbury which Examination's are in 
the following words (to wit) (See examination's on the File) 

Resolved that the consideration of the above Examina- 
tions be postponed till to Morrow Morning — 

Resolved that a letter be wrote to his Excellency Gov- 
ernor Clinton inclosing a copy of the Letter received from 
[236] John D. Goes which Letter is in the following words 
(to wit) (See Letter on the file)* 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 28^ September 1780 Se'l^s 


John M. Beeckman ) j Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 
Samuel Stringer J ( Mathew Visscher 

As no Particular charge has yet been exhibited against 
John Herrington therefore resolved that he be discharged 
from Confinement — 

The Board having resumed the consideration of the 
Examinations Yesterday taken and the charge of disaffection 
against James Starke appearing to be well founded it is 
resolved that he enter into Recognizance with sufficient 
sureties to remain within the Limits of Kings District and 
not depart the same without leave obtained for that pur- 
pose from any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
(unless it be to do Militia duty) and for his good Behaviour 
and appearance before any of the said Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when called upon during the continuance of 
the present war with Great Britain — 

'In George Clinton Papers, no. 3242, and the letter of Goes, no. 3194, 
archives of New York State Library. 

536 State of New York 

^780 James Starke of Kings District Labourer in. . . ;£^loo 

Nathaniel Culver of the same place Esq- his 

Bail in £ 50 

John Salsbury of the same place Farmer 

also his Bail in £ 50 

Adjourned — 

Oct. 2. Met Albany 2^ October 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) | j^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

[237] Samuel Perry of Palmerton having been cited to 
appear before the Board to enter into a new Recognizance 
appeared for that purpose with a sufficient surety resolved 
that he enter into the same for his good behaviour doing his 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when called upon during the continuance of 
the present war with Great Britain — 

Samuel Perry of Palmertown in the District 

of Saragtoga Farmer in ;^ioo 

Rowland Perry of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

John Perry having also been cited to appear before the 
Board to enter into a new Recognizance appearing resolved 
that he enter into the same for his good behaviour doing his 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when called upon during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

John Perry of Palmertown in Saragtoga 

District Farmer in £100 

Rowland Perry of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 537 

Met Albany 3-^ October 1780 1780 

Present 0«=*- 3- 

John M. Beeckman ) j Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher j \ Isaac D. Fonda 

Mathias Rose having been cited to appear before this 
Board to enter into a new Recognizance appeared for that 
Purpose with a sufficient surety — 

Resolved that he enter into the same for his good be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
[238] Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Mathias Rose of Saragtoga District Labourer 

in £100 

Freeman Barligh of the same [place] Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 4^5? October 1780 J'JjSo 


John M. Beeckman ) j Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 
Samuel Stringer j \ Mathew Visscher 

A Petition of Ephraim Knowlton was laid before the Board 
whereby he request's to be released from Confinement and 
the same being taken into Consideration — 

Resolved that he be released accordingly on entering 
into a recognizance for his good behaviour doing his duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when called upon during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain and also for his appearance 
at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held on the 
third Tuesday in October Instant at the City Hall in this 

538 State of New York 

1780 Q[fy Cqi. wheresoever the said Court shall then be held in 
Oct. 4. -^ ^ 

the State of New York) and not depart the Court without 
Leave — 

Ephraim Knowlton of the East District of 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in . . ;i^ioo 

Thomas Knowlton of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Robert Patrick of the same place Farmer also 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

1780 |-22g] Met Albany 5^^? October 1780 


Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( _ • 1 tt t. t 

t, in- 11 eremiah Van Rensselaer 

bamuei IStrmger ) ( ■' 

It appearing from the Examination of James Halstead that 
James Drummond of Nistageune has harboured and secreted 
Emissaries from the Enemy and has from the Commencement 
of the present Contest been esteemed as a person disaffected 
to the American cause — 

It is therefore resolved that a citation be made out directed 
to the said James Drummond to appear before this Board on 
Saturday the seventh day of October instant to answer the 
above complaint — 

It having been suggested to us that Philip Van Rensselaer 
EsqT has received a Letter from CoU Richard Varick (who 
was Aid De Camp to General Arnold at the time he went off 
to New York) which contains Expressions which would tend 
to discover some of the persons concerned with Arnold in 
his Villianous Plot — 

It is therefore resolved that the said Philip Van Rens- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 539 

selaer be requested to attend this Board with the said Letter 
as soon as conveniently may be — 

John TunniclifF to whom a pass was granted by this Board 
to go to Tryon County appeared and requested that Joshua 
Bloore who became surety for his Return to this City might be 
discharged from the Recognizance entered into for him resolved 
that the said Joshua Bloore be discharged accordingly — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 6^ October 1780 


John M. Beeckman 
Samuel Stringer 

Isaac D. Fonda 

The Board having received information that Hans Peter 
Snyder living on Fishkill at Saragtoga has and still keeps up 
a Correspondence with the enemy and harbours persons pass- 
ing through the Country who are coming from the enemy — 

It is therefore resolved that a warrant be made out for the 
immediate apprehension of the said Hans Peter Snyder and 
that the said warrant be inclosed in a Letter to CoU Cor- 
nelius Van Veghten and that he be requested to have the 
same served — 

Abraham Hooghteling who was some time ago confined for 
having been with Brant and his Party and who broke Goal 
having been again apprehended was brought before the Board 
resolved that he be committed — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 7^^ October 1780 



John M. Beeckman 

Mathew Visscher 

] ( Isaa[c] D. Fonda 
j 1 Samuel Stringer 

Oct. s. 

Oct. 6. 

Oct. 7. 

540 State of New York 

1780 Nicholas Lake having been heretofore cited to appear 

before the Board appeared before us this day to enter into 
a new Recognizance resolved that he enter into the same 
writh a sufficient surety and that he be bound for his good 
Behaviour, doing his duty, and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies w^henever called [241] 
upon during the continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Nicholas Lake of Cinkaick in the County of 

Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Abraham Schuyler of the City of Albany 
Merchant his Bail in ;^ioo 

A Return signed by John Younglove Esq- was laid before 
us wherein he specifies that he has agreeable to An Act of 
the Legislature for the Removal of the Families of Persons 
who have joined [the] enemy ordered the following persons to 
depart this State or remove to such parts of it as are in the 
power of the Enemy, (to wit) Elizabeth Hogle the wife of 
John Hogle, Jane Hogle wife of Francis Hogle and three 
Children of Simeon Covell ordered that the said return be 
filed — 

Elizabeth Hogle one of the weomen named in the above 
return made by John Younglove Esq- appeared before the 
Board and requested Permission to remain at her Habitation 
assigning as a reason that her Husband was killed at the 
Battle of Bennington and the same being certified to us by 
sundry well affected inhabitants of this County and that the 
said Elizabeth Hogle has since the going away of her Husband 
behaved herself in a becoming manner — 

It is therefore resolved that a permit be granted to the said 
Elizabeth Hogle for the above purpose — 

Resolved that Henry Van Corlaer who was heretofore 
bound in a recognizance for his good Behaviour and appear- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 541 

ance before this Board when called be cited to appear forth- ^78o 
with with a suffi- [242] cient surety to enter into Recognizance 
of anew — 

A Return signed by John Bebee EsqT one of the Justices 
of the peace for this County was laid before the Board 
wherein he specifies that agreeable to an Act of the Legisla- 
ture of this State entitled an Act for the Removal of the 
Families of Persons who have joined the enemy he has warned 
the following persons to depart this State or remove to such 
parts of it as are in the power of the Enemy, (to wit) Jerusha 
Ingram wife of Benjamin Ingram Jun- , Mary Mf Carry wife 
of Duncan M? Carry, Lucretia Woodward wife of David 
Woodward & Abigail Woodward wife of Josiah Woodward - 

Lucretia Woodward and Jerush[a] Ingraham two of the 
women named in the above return appeared before the Board 
and requested Permission to remain at their Habitations and 
produced to the Board Certificates from sundry of the well 
affected Inhabitants of this County of their good Character 
and that their remaining in the Country will not be detri- 
mental to the Freedom & independence of this and the 
United States in consequence of which Certificates and 
recommendations — 

It is resolved that a permit be granted to the said Lu- 
cretia Woodward and Jerusha Ingraham — 

John TunniclifF appeared before the Board and requested 
Permission to go to Tryon County in Search of some Horses 
and other Effects that were unjustly taken from him and 
converted to the Private use of several Individuals in the 
said County — 

Resolved that agreeable to the said request [243] the 
said John TunniclifF have Permission granted him to go to 
Tryon County in search of the said Horses and Effects — 

Captain Jarvis Mudge appeared before the Board & re- 

542 State of New York 

1780 quested that his son in Law David Darrow now here con- 
fined in Goal may be liberated from his confinement on 
account of the Illness of his wife — 

Resolved in consequence of the said Application that the 
said David Darrow have Permission to go and see his wife 
on his entering into a Recognizance for his Surrendering 
himself up to this Board as a prisoner on or before the 28- 
Instant and for his good and peaceable Behaviour during 
that time — 

David Darrow of New Lebanon Kings Dis- 
trict Farmer in £100 

Jarvis Mudge of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^loo 

Adjourned — 

Jc^t^L Met Albany 8*5? October 1780 


John M. Beeckman ] C _ , ^ • 

iir 1 TT- 1 r i oamuei Stringer 

Mathew Visscher ) (. " 

John Drummond having been adjudged a person of a 
Suspicious Character and dangerous to the safety of the 
State and being [sic] in consequence thereof been ordered 
to appear before this Board and he appearing this day and 
being charged with the above and denying the same but at 
the same time professing his principles in Favour of the 
Crown of Great Britain and declaring his intention of not 
taking up Arms in Defence of the American Cause — 

Therefore resolved that he be committed and that a Mit- 
timus be made out for him — 

[244] Cornelius Viele appeared and requested that the 
above mentioned John Drummond might on account of the 
distressed situation of his Family be permitted to go Home 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 543 

for a few days and the said Cornelius Viele being an ap- 
proved friend to the Country — 

Therefore resolved that his Request be complied v^ith 
and that the said John Drummond have Permission to re- 
turn home and surrendering himself as a Prisoner to this 
Board on or before the ii- instant and in the mean time 
be of the good Behaviour — 

John Drummond of Nistageune in the County 
of Albany Farmer in £100 

Cornelius Viele of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in £100 

Oct. 8. 



John M. Beeckman [ | Samuel Stringer 

Met Albany g^ October 1780 

1 1 

Isaac D. Fonda 

Mathevp Visscher 

Isabel Clark of Cooksborough appeared before the Board 
and laid before us a Certificate signed by Lieu- Jacob Halen- 
beeck and a number of other well affected Inhabitants of 
this County setting forth that the said Isabel Clark has 
received an order from a Justice of the Peace to depart 
the State or remove to such parts of it as are in the Power 
of the Enemy in consequence of her Husband's having gone 
off to the Enemy and they further Certify that the said Isabel 
Clark has always behaved herself in a peaceable and quiet Man- 
ner and that they do not conceive that her [245] remaining in 
the Country will in any wise prove dangerous or detrimental to 
the Freedom and Independance of this and the United States — 

It is therefore resolved that a Permit be made out for the 
said Isabel Clark to remain at her Habitation unmolested — 

Adjourned — 

Oct. 9. 

544 State of New York 

„i78o Met Albany lo^^ October 1780 

Oct. 10. T. •' ' 


John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher ) ( Samuel Stringer 

Peter Smith of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck appeared 
before the Board and informed us that he had received in 
Payment from Melchert File three fifty Dollar Bills Conti- 
nental Money which on- being inspected were found coun- 
terfeit and it appearing probable to this Board that the said 
Counterfeit money is circulated through the State by some 
of the disaffected Inhabitants with a view of embarrassing 
the public Operations and it being highly necessary that an 
Enquiry should be made into the same therefore resolved in 
Consequence of the said Information that the said Peter Smith 
be bound in a Recognizance to appear at the next Supream 
Court to be held on the third Tuesday in October Instant 
to give Evidence with Respect to the said Counterfeit Bills — 

Peter Smith of the East District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

Philip Coenradt having also received Counterfeit Bills 
from the said Melchert File — 

Resolved that he also enter into a Recognizance [246] 
to appear at the next Supream Court to give Evidence 
against the said Melchert File — 

Philip Coenradt of the East District of 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

Resolved in Consequence of the above information of 
Peter Smith and Philip Coenradt that Melchert File be 
ordered to attend this Board on Tuesday the 17- Day of 
October Instant — 

The Board having received Information that Ryneir 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 545 

Vischer of this City has received in Payment Counterfeit 1780 
Continental Money and he having been sent tor and appear- 
ing with the said Money and informed us he had received 
the same from Isacher Childs — 

Isacher Childs being sent for and examined with Respect 
to the said Counterfeit Money says that he received the 
same from a certain Johnson — 

Johnson being sent for and not being able to inform us 
where he received the same resolved that he be informed 
that this Board do insist on knowing where and from whom 
he received the same — 

Application was made to this Board for a Permit to M^ 
Edgar to go to Canada — 

Resolved that M£i Edgar be informed that this Board are 
not authorized to grant Permits for that purpose — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany iiii? October 1780— 00^11 


John M. Beeckman ) j j^^^^ ^ p^^j^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

[247] Application was made to the Board by Major 
Reed for a Permit for Doctor George Smith to go With his 
Family to Canada — 

Resolved that Major Reed be informed that this Board 
are not vested with a power to grant Permits of that nature 
but that we have no Objections to Dr Smith's going provided 
he can obtain his Excellency the Governor's Permission — ' 

> The Albany board advised Dr. Smith or Smyth, in a letter of this date 
that it had no objection to his obtaining a pass to Canada, provided it was 
allowed by Colonel W. Malcolm, commanding the northern department, and 
Malcolm actually gave the pass on the 13th The minutes of October 17 
and 18 show that the board vitiated this pass and put Smith under a recog- 
nizance and baU, limiting him " to remain within the Limits of his dwelling 

546 State of New York 

1780 ^ Petition signed by Wilhelmas Van Antwerp Esq?' Jus- 

tice of the peace and a number of other well affected Inhabit- 
ants of Nistageune was laid before the Board, setting 
forth that Margaret MfCulpin in Consequence of her Hus- 
band's having gone off to the Enemy has been ordered to 
depart this State or remove to such Parts of it as are in the 
Power of the Enemy and praying (on Account of the unex- 
ceptionable Character of the said Margaret M-Culpin) 
that she may be permitted to remain at he[r] Habitation 
unmolested — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Petition that a 
Permit be granted to the said Margaret MfCulpin for the 
purpose above mentioned — 

Abraham Hoogteling at present in Confinement was 
ordered to be brought before the Board and examined & 
then recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 14^? October 1780 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( _ , r. • 

i _^ „ , l i bamuel btnnger 

Isaac D. Fonda ) ( " 

John Kluck having been confined for being disaffected 
to the American cause and deemed dangerous to the [248] 
safety of the safety^ [state] was brought before the Board 
and we judging his Confinement to have been sufiiciently 
long and he offering good Bail for his future good 
Conduct — 

House and Yard and not to depart the same ". On October 26; Smith 
appealed to Governor Clinton, stated his plight and averred that the change 
of base must have been inspired by some private enemy of his in the board. — 
George Clinton Papers, nos. 3263, 331 1, archives of New York State Library. 
• Error in the original manuscript. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 547 

Therefore resolved that he be liberated from Confine- ^^^^o 

Oct. 14. 
ment on his entering into Recognizance for his good 

Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies v?hen called upon dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

John Kluck of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 
Potter in ;^ioo 

John Horn of the same place Butcher his 
Bail in ;;^ioo 

Cap' John Decker Robison having been ordered to 
deliver up John Smith to this Board agreeable to the Tenor 
of his Recognizance appeared with the said John Smith 
resolved that as the said Smith is indicted for a Robbery 
committed at Frederick Berringer's that he be committed 
in order that he may be tried — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 15^ October 1780 Oct. 15. 


John M. Beeckman ) j j^^^^ j^ ^^^^^ 

Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Whereas this Board has received Information that CoR 
Malcolm the Commanding Officer in this place has' granted 
Permission to Dr. George Smith with his Family and M"^.' 
Edgar to go to Canada and the present time being adjudged 
very improper by this Board to permit the said persons to go 
on account of the Enemy's being on the Frontiers — 

It is therefore resolved that it be recommended to [249] 
Col' Malcolm to detain the said Doctor Smith and M^ 
Edgar untill their going can be no way Prejudicial — 

Adjourned — 

548 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany i6i^ October 1780 

Oct. 16. n 


John M. Beeckman ) f Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher ) ( Isaac D. Fonda — 

Resolved that Susannah Parie, John Barney and Nancy 
Thompson who this Board has been informed are able to 
prove several charges alledged against Angus M^ Donald and 
D^ Thomas Thompson be severally cited to appear before us 
forthwith that they may be examined — 

John Van Valkenburgh who lately left the Enemy at New 
York and who is at present an Kinderhook being able to 
give some very material information respecting sundry 
inhabitants of this County now with the Enemy whereby the 
Grand Jury will be able to proceed against them agreeable 
to the Confiscation Law it is therefore resolved that he be 
cited to appear at the next Supream Court to be held on the 
third Tuesday in October instant — 

Christian Smith of the East District of the Manor of 
Rensselaerwyck being able to prove that John Smith was 
concerned in the Robbery committed on Frederick Berringer 
it is therefore resolved that he be cited also to appear at the 
next Supream Court — 

The Board having received information from Catharine 
Budingham that Alexander Keerklaer of New Scotland 
has harboured and concealed Joseph Bettis an Emissary 
from the [250] Enemy resolved in Consequence of the 
said Information that the said Alexander Kerklaer be 
ordered forthwith to appear before us to answer the above 
charge — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 549 

Met Albany 17^ October 1780. 1780 

Present °''- "^• 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Mathew Vlsscher 
Samuel Stringer ) \ Isaac D. Fonda 

A Letter from Doctor George Smith was laid before the 
Board wherein he informs us that he has thought proper to 
remove from this place to Fort Edward and the said Doctor 
Smith having received express orders from this Board on no 
pretence to leave the City — ^ 

It is therefore resolved that a warrant be made out directed 
to John Tillman Jun^ for the Apprehension of the said D^ 
Smith and his son Terence Smith — 

Israel Smith of Brattleborough in the County of Cumber- 
land laid before the Board a Letter from CoU Eleazer Patter- 
son directed to his Excellency Governor Clinton by whom 
the said Letter was referred to this Board which Letter is 
in the words following (to wit) (See letter on File) 

It appearing from the Contents of the above Letter and 
also from the Information of the said Israel Smith that 
Timothy Church, Comfort Joy and Jonathan Mills Church 
have held a Correspondence and kept up an Intercourse 
with a certain Oliver Church now an Officer In the British 
Army — 

It is therefore resolved that a warrant be made out for the 
immediate apprehension of the said Timothy [251] Church, 
Comfort Joy and Jonathan Mills Church and that the said 
warrant be inclosed In a Letter to Col- Paterson — 

Resolved also that a citation be made out to Lieutenant 
Joathan Church to appear before the Board forthwith In 
order that he may be examined as to the above — 

Adjourned — 

' Cf. the note under October nth 

550 State of New York 

^1780 Met Albany i8i^ October 1780 

Oct. 18. n -^ ' 


John M. Beeckman | ( Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer , j ( Isaac D. Fonda 

CoK Henry K. Van Rensselaer appeared before the Board 
and informed that Nicholas Williams of the Eas[t] District 
of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck has lately entertained in his 
house his son who was on his way from New York to Canada 
as an Express — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that 
a warrant be made out for the Apprehension of the said 
Nicholas Williams and that Coll Rensselaer be requested 
to procure a person to serve the same — 

There being the greatest reason to suspect from D- 
Smith's present conduct that he is endeavoring to mislead the 
minds of weak and ignorant People it is therefore resolved 
that he be sent for — 

Doctor Smith appearing and being examined resolved 
in order to prevent such Conduct in future that he enter 
into Recognizance to remain within the Limits of his dwelling 
House and Yard and not depart the same and that he do not 
hold any Correspondence either by word or Deed upon [252] 
Political Matters with any Person or Persons inimical to the 
American cause which may tend to the Prejudice of this or the 
United States of America, and appear before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon that he 
shall remain under these Restrictions during the continuance of 
the presentwarwith Great Britain unless sooner discharged — 
George Smith of the City of Albany Physician 

in £300 

Thomas Reed of the same place Gentleman 
his Bail in ;£^300 


Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 551 

Met Albany ig^' October 1780 „i78o 

T, ^ ^ ' Oct. 19. 


John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer j I. Isaac D. Fonda 

The Board having received information that the Reverend 
Samuel Swertfeger does frequently go to the Hellebergh under 
a Pretence of preaching the Gospel but in fact to inculcate 
Doctrines tending to disafFect the minds of well disposed 
Persons and he being at present in this City it is therefore 
resolved that he be sent for — 

The said Samuel Swertfeger appearing it is resolved that 
he enter into Recognizance with a sufficient surety for his 
good behaviour and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required & that 
he do not depart the Limits of the District in which he at 
present resides unless it be to preach the Gospel to the 
different Congregations in whose Employ he at present is 
and that he do riot mislead the minds of his Heerors by in- 
culcating Principles inconsistant with the Freedom and 
Independ- [253] ance of this and the United States — 

Samuel Swertfeger of the East District of 

the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Clerk ;^ioo 

William Zoble of the City of Albany Tobaco- 

nist his Bail in ;^ioo 

A Letter from Major Dickison at Stillwater dated the 
18^ Instant was laid before the Board wherein he informs 
us that he has apprehended and sends to us under Guard a 
certain Person who calls himself John M?Mullin who he sus- 
pects to be a spy from the Enemy, and the said John Mf- 
MuUin being brought before the Board and examined there- 
upon resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus be 
made out for him — 

552 State of New York 

1780 The above mentioned John M^MuIlin having in the Course 

Oct. 19. .... ■ 

of his Examination mentioned the Names of sevef al Persons 

at whose houses he vi^as secreted and harboured on his way 

into the Country and among others Patrick Ryan of the Green 

Island in the Manor of Rensselaerwyck therefore resolved 

that a warrant be made out for the immediate apprehension 

of the said Patrick Ryan. 

Resolved that a Letter be wrote to General Schuyler at 

Saragtoga informing him of the Purport of MfMullins 

Examination — 

Adjourned — 

q11^„ Met Albany 20^ October 1780 


John M. Beeckman ] j Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer j | Isaac D. Fonda 

Patrick Ryan for whose apprehension a warrant [254] 
was Yesterday made out was brought before the Board on 
being examined he denies having seen John Mf Mullen at his 
house — 

Whereupon ordered that the said John M? Mullen be 
brought before us — 

The said John M? Mullen being interrogated as to the 
charge by him alledged against the said Patrick Ryan con- 
fesses that the said Patrick Ryan was not at Home during the 
time he was in his house whereupon resolved that the said 
Patrick Ryan be discharged and that the said M? Mullen be 
recommitted — 

The Board having received information that a certain 
James Ayres at present in this City is endeavouring at this 
Time to dissuade Persons who are on their way to repel the 
Incursions of the Enemy to throw down their Arms which 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 553 

Isaac D. Fonda 

dangerous and distructive Principles having a Tendency to 
subvert the Constitution of the State and the said James 
Ayres being adjudged in the Opinion of this Board dangerous 
to the safety and wellfare of the State 

Therefore resolved that he be apprehended forthwith and 
confined — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 21^ October 1780 

John M. Beeckman ] 
Samuel Stringer ) 

The Board having received information that there is at 
present in this City, a certain Person whose conduct and 
Conversation renders him very suspicious therefore [255] 
resolved that Jacob Kidney the Door Keeper be ordered to 
bring the said Person forthwith before the Board. 

Jacob Kidney having agreeable to order apprehended the 
above mentioned person and brought him before us On 
being examined he says that his Names [sic] is James Small 
and that he is resident in Cambridge District resolved 
that he be confined untill he produces a Certificate of his 
Character — 

Thomas Bourn a Deserter from Burgoyne's Army and 
William Allen of New Concord in Kings District having 
been apprehended as appearing to be of Suspicious Char- 
acters and being examined and giving a satisfactory 
Account of themselves therefore resolved that they be 
discharged — 

Received a Letter from Peter Cantine Esqt wherein he 
informs us that he sends under Guard Hendrick Blunt, 
Hendrick Bonistel, and Petrus Bonistel who are Persons 
that are disaffected to the American Cause and whose going 

Oct. 20. 

Oct. 21. 

554 State of New York 

1780 at large at this time may be dangerous to the State resolved 
in consequence of the above Letter that they be severally 
confined and that a Mittimus be made out for them — 

Adjourned — 
1780 Met Albany 22- October 1780 — 

Oct. 22a -r^ 

i resent 

John M Beeckman | j j^^^^j^j^ y^^ Rensselaer 

Samuel Strmger V j j^^^, d. ponda 

Mathew Visscher J { 

A Letter from the Honorable Major General [256] 
Schuyler was laid before the Board wherein he informs us 
that he sends under Guard Hans Peter Snyder and James 
Brisben Inhabitants of Saragtoga District for Harbouring 
concealing and forwarding into the Country Spy's sent from 
the Enemy, and also James Van Driesen who has come 
from the Enemy in the Character of a Spy. resolved that 
they be severally committed and that a Mittimus for that 
purpose be made out — 

Thomas Griffiths and Robert Reynolds two of Sir John 
Johnson's party were brought before the Board on being 
Examined they say they are Deserters from the Enemy 
resolved that they be detained untill the Board are better 
satisfied as to their Characters — 

Adjourned — 

j^go Met Albany 23"? October 1780 

Oct. 23. Present 

John M. Beeckman ] f „ , n • 

,, , XT- 1 1 1 oamuel Strmger 

Mathew Visscher ) (. " 

A Letter from the Reverend Valentine Rath burn respect- 
ing a Number of Persons from New Lebanon at present 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 555 

confined in Goal was laid before the Board which Letter 1780 

Oct. 23. 
is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on file) re- 
solved that the Consideration thereof be postponed till a 
future day — 

Thomas Griffiths and Robert Reynolds who were Yes- 
terday examined were again brought before the Board and 
examined, their Examination's are in the words following 
(to wit) (see Examinations on file) 

James Van Driesen was Also brought before the [257] 
Board and examined, his Examination is in the words fol- 
lowing (to wit) (see Examination on file) 

Hans Peter Snyder was also brought before the Board 
and examined and then ordered to be recommitted 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 24^'' October 1780 ^^7^ 


Tohn M. Beeckman ] ( ^ t-» i? j 
;; , n • (1 Isaac D. I'onda 

Samuel Strmger ) ( 

A Negro Man having been sent to Goal by General 
Schuyler who was apprehended on his way to the Enemy 
was this day at the request of his Master brought before 
the Board and being examined says he was persuaded to go 
off by a certain Man Whose name is Shepherd who is one of 
the people called Shaking Quakers — 

Resolved that the said Negro Man be discharged — 
Cap^ Jacob Van Aernam appeared before the Board and 
informed us that he had apprehended at the Hellebergh a 
certain Jacob Schell formerly an Inhabitant of that place 
but at present a Soldier in Sir John Johnson's Regiment and 
the said Jacob Schell being examined says that he received 
Directions from Sir John at the time he left him to inform 

556 State of New York 

1780 the inhabitants of the Country that those who did not take 
Oct. 24. •' . . 

up Arms would not be molested in their Persons or Property 
by the Kings Troops — resolved that he be committed and 
that a Mittimus be made out for him 

Adjourned — 
11^- [258] Met Albany 25^-^ October 1780 

Oct. 25. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( , t-v t- 1 

■i , r. • f 1 Isaac D. J:<onda 

Samuel btringer ) (. 

Samuel Stringer 

At the request of Col? Paine the Board having met pro- 
ceeded to the Examination of John Mf Mullen his Exami- 
nation is in the following words (to wit) (see his Examination 
on File) ordered that he be recommitted — 

Jacob Schell and James Van Driesen were also brought 
before the Board and examined and ordered to be 
recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

olt%. Met Albany 27^ October 1780 


John M. Beeckman ] ( Samuel Stringer 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Christian Frihart belonging to Sir John Johnson's Party 
was brought before the Board and being examined says as 
follows (to wit) (see Examination on file) 

Benjamin Benton also belonging to Sir John's Corps 
having been taken Prisoner and brought before the Board 
was also examined his examination is in the words following 
(to wit) (see Examination on File) — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 557 

Met Albany zS^^ October 1780 ^^So, 


John M. Beeckman ) j 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

[259] Zepheniah Batchelor Esqf appeared before the 
Board with Peter Jost an Inhabitant of Johnstown in Tryon 
County who he informed us had gone to Sir John at the 
Destruction of Caughnawaga and the said Peter Jost being 
examined denies the above Charge and Offers to swear 
that he was taken a Prisoner and says he is able to prove 
the same by several creditable Persons and it appearing to us 
from sundry Circumstances that what has been alledged by 
the said Peter Jost is true 

Therefore resolved that he be discharged — 
Major Newkerk of Tryon County appeared before the 
Board and informed us that among the Prisoners who are 
ordered down to Fishkill there is a certain [blank] who has 
always behaved himself as a peaceable subject of this 
State & has been reputed a Friend to the American Cause 
that he was last spring taken Prisoner by the Enemy and 
joined Sir John for no other Purpose than that he might 
have an Oppertunity of making his Escape, resolved there- 
fore that Col? Malcolm be requested to detain him — 


Met Albany ap-*" October 1780 178a 


John M. Beeckman ) ( g^^^^j g^^.^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

A Letter was laid before the Board from the HonH! 
Major General Schuyler wherein he informs us that he sends 
to us under Guard two Prisoners named William Vrooman 

Oct. 29. 

55S State of New York 

1780 and Henry Tinkey — That the said Wilham Vrooman has 
aided comforted and assisted a certain James Van [260] 
Driesen a spy from the Enemy and that the said Henry 
Tinkey has harboured and assisted John M? Mullen also a 
spy from the Enemy — 

Resolved that they be severally committed and that a 
Mittimus be made out for them — 

In the above mentioned Letter of General Schuyler 
mention is also made of a Number of Tory woemen v?ho are 
at present at Saragtoga and who are desirous of going to 
Canada resolved that his Excellency the Governor be in- 
formed of the same by one of the Members of this Board and 
that the necessity of their departure be pointed to him — 

qJ7^^ Met Albany 30^ October 1780 


John M. Beeckman [ j Isaac D. Fonda 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Samuel Stringer 

A Letter from Col- Macolm dated at Schenectady was laid 
before the Board wherein he informs that he sends to us 
under Guard two prisoners named Isaac Aerse and Adam 
Hoofer who were of Sir John Johnson's Party at the time of 
his destroying the Settlement of Schohary — resolved that 
they be Examined — 

The said Isaac Aerse and Adam Hoofer being examined 
say as follows — (See their Examination on file) — ordered 
that they be confined and that a Mittimus be made out for 
them — 

Cap? Blackley appeared before the Board and informed 
us that agreeable to a warrant from this Board [261] (trans- 
mitted to Col'- Patterson on the 17?'' Instant) he had appre- 
hended Cap? Timothy Church and Jonathan Mills Church 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 559 

resolved that they be [brought] before [the] Board and ^7^ 
severally Examined — 

Capi Timothy Church and Jonathan Mills Church 
being examined say as follows (see their Examinations on 
File) — 

Lieui Jonathan Church who was cited to appear this Day 
before us as a Witness against the said Timothy Church & 
Jonathan Mills Church appeared and was examined (see his 
Examination on file) — 

Resolved on Consideration of the above Examinations 
that Jonathan Mills Church be discharged and that Timothy 
Church be discharged on entering into a Recognizance for 
his Appearance before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when called upon and for his good Behaviour 
and doing his duty during the continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

Timothy Church of Brattleborough in the 
County of Cumberland Farmer in ;^300 

Benjamin Butterfield of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;^200 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 31^ October 1780 — 1780 

Present "^ ' ^*' 

John M. Beeckman ) ^ „ 1 n • 

X • I IT T. 1 ( ) oamuel btnneer 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( 

Resolved that David Fairchilds be liberated from his 
present Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required [262] during the continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

560 State of New York 

Q^^So , David Fairchilds of Ballstown in the County 

of Albany Farmer in £100 

Mathew Fairchilds of the s.ame place Taylor 
his Bail in £100 

John Leslie a Deserter from Sir John Johnson's Party 
appeared before us and being examined and requesting Per- 
mission to go to his Excellency the Governor resolved that 
he have the same granted him — 


Nov. 6. -n 


^i^78o_ ^ Met Albany 6^! November 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) ( , t^ t- 1 

T • 1 TT T. 1 f 1 Isaac D. J:<onda 

eremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

Hugh MPManus of Tryon County Constable appeared 
before the Board with Albert Van Der Werken as a Prisoner 
which said Van Der Werken he informs us he had appre- 
hended by order of Zepheniah Batchelor EsqJ and some of 
the other Justices of Tryon County and the said Albert Van 
Der Werken being examined says that he last Spring went off 
to Canada with Robert Snail that afterwards repenting of 
what he had done he returned with an Intention of throwing 
himself upon the Mercy of the Country — 

Resolved that the said Albert Van Der Werken be ordered 
to attend this Board to Morrow Morning and that he be 
informed in the mean time his case will be taken into Con- 
sideration — 

William Hoofer being brought before the Board [263] was 
examined and then ordered to be recommitted — 

Zepheniah Batchelor Esq- laid before the Board a return 
of a Number of woemen whose Husbands are gone off to the 
Enemy and who he has warned agreeable to the Act of the 
Legislature of this State for the Removal of the Families 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 561 

of Persons who have gone over to and joined the Enemy 1780 
Ordered that the said return be filed — 

A Letter from the Commissioners for Conspiracies at 
Poughkeepsie dated the 3^ Instant was laid before the Board 
wherein the[y] inform us that they send to us a certain 
WiUiam Laird an Inhabitant of Tryon County who says he 
was taken Prisoner last spring by the Enemy and that he has 
in Sir John's late Expedition made his escape from them 
resolved that he be ordered to attend this Board to Morrow 
Morning — 

A Letter from Doctor George Smith' was laid before the 
Board wherein he sets forth the distressed Situation of his 
Family by means of his being confined to his house and the 
same being taken into Consideration resolved that he enter 
into a Recognizance to remain within the Limits of this City 
untill this Board shall think proper to discharge him from 
these Restrictions and that he shall not hold Correspondence 
upon Political Matters during that Time which may in any 
manner be prejudicial to the United States — 

George Smith of the City of Albany, Phy- 
sician in ;£^500 

Thomas Reed of the same Place Esq^ his 

Bail in £500 


[264] Met Albany 7^ November 1780 ^^J^ 


John M. Beeckman ) ( j n F r1 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( 

Albert Van Der Werken who was Yesterday before the 
Board and was ordered to attend again this day appeared 

» See note under date of October nth. 

562 State of New York 

1780 agreeable to order and prayed that Peter Sietz and Mf Can- 
non who have been Prisoners in Canada and were lately ex- 
changed might be examined and the said Persons being 
Examined say while they were in Canada they saw Albert 
Van Der Werken there and that he acted as a Bar Keeper 
in a Tavern and they could not learn that he had taken up 
Arms in the Enemies service — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above information that 
the said Albert Van Der Werken be permitted to go at large 
on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when called upon during the 
continuance of the present war with Great Britain — - 

Albert Van Der Werken of Johns Town in 
Tryon County Farmer in ;C200 

Jacob Van Der Werken of the Sant Vlacte in 
the County of Tryon Farmer his Bail .... ;^200 

Johan Jost Warner having been bound for his Appear- 
ance at the Supream Court held in this City on the third 
Tuesday in October last and there having been no Grand 
Jury in that time — 

Therefore resolved that the said Johan Jost Warner enter 
[265] into Recognizance of anew for his Appearance at the 
next Supream Court to be held at the City Hall in this City 
on the third Tuesday in January next and not depart the 
Court without Leave — 

Johan Jost Warner of Schohary Farmer in. . £100 

Resolved that the said Johan Jost Warner also enter into 
a Recognizance for the appearance of his wife Margaret 
Warner at the next Supream Court — 

Johan Jost Warner Bail for his wife Margaret 
Warner in £'50 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 563 

William Laird appearing agreeable to the Order of 1780 
Yesterday resolved that he enter into Recognizance for his 
Appearance before Zepheniah Batchelor Esq- of Tryon 
County with a sufficient surety to enter into Recognizance 
for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called 
upon during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

William Laird of Kingsborough in Tryon 
County Farmer in £100 

Jacob Van Der Werken of the Sant Vlacte in 
Tryon County Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 8^ November 1780 1780 

Present ^°'- 8. 

John M. Beeckman ) j j^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( 

William Loucks appeared before the Board agreeable to 
our order and being examined says as follows (to wit) (see 
Examination on File) 

Information having been received from M- [266] Camp- 
bell who lately was exchanged and came from Canada that 
John Docksteder of Tryon County did last Spring take into 
his House a wounded Soldier of Sir John Johnson's Party 
and that he did after the said Soldier was recovered for 
some time keep him in his House in woman's Cloath's 
untill he made his Escape to Canada — It is in Consequence 
thereof resolved that a warrant be made out for the said 
John Dockstader and transmitted to Zepheniah Batchelor 
Esq- to have the same served as soon as pbssible — 

Adjourned — 

564 State of New York 

jj^T^o Met Albany 9^ November 1780 — 


Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( t ta t? j 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer [ \ '''^' °- ^^"'^^ 

Resolved that William Shanklin be liberated from Con- 
finement on his entering into a Recognizance v^ith a suffi- 
cient surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the Continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

William Shanklin of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Labourer in. . . £100 
Andrew Shanklin of the City of Albany La- 
bourer Bail in ;^loo 

Col'. Anthony Van Bergen appeared before the Board and 
informed us that a Number of disaffected Persons have of 
late associated back of Cooksakie under a Pretence of 
Religious worship but that he is well persuaded from the 
Political Chara[c]ters of the said persons and other Circum- 
stances [267] that such meetings are only held to Deliberate 
upon such Matters as may tend to injure the American Cause 
to prevent which in future 

It is resolved that a warrant be made out and delivered 
to Col' Van Bergen for the Apprehension of the persons 
above described and that he be requested to have the same 
served as soon as possible — 

Abraham Hooghteling was brought before us and exam- 
ined on his Examination he says that a Number of persons 
have been lately enlisted by Jacob Halenbeeck at Niscuthaw 
and places adjacent and that their Intention is early in the 
spring to Join the Enemy which Examination is in the 
words following (to wit) (See Examination on file) 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 565 

Met Albany 10*^ November 1780 „^7^ 

T, ■' ' Nov. 10. 


John M. Beeckman "\ f . -r^, t^ 1 

T . , ^^ _, , ( \ Isaac D bonds. 

eremiah Van Rensselaer v -< -, . • 

ir ^ TT- 1 ( ) Samuel Stnnger 

Mathew Visscher ) { " 

The Board taking into Consideration the Examination of 
Abraham Hooghteling who was examined Yesterday Re- 
solved in Consequence thereof that the Hon— Brigadier 
Geni Ten Broeck be requested to order a party of the Cook- 
sakie Militia now in this City to go and apprehend all such 
Persons as are mentioned in the Examination of the said 
Abraham Hooghteling — 

General Ten Broeck having appointed Lieu- Rykert Van 
Den Bergh with a Party of CoP Van Bergens Regiment to 
go and apprehend the said Persons — Resolved that Instruc- 
tions be made for him which Instructions are in the words 
following (to wit) (See instructions on File) 

[268] It appearing also from Hoogteling's Examination 
that a Number of Persons in Livingston's Manor are con- 
cerned in the Enlistment mentioned in the said Examina- 
tion therefore resolved that General Ten Broeck be also 
requested to detach a Party of that Quarter for the Appre- 
hension of all such Persons and that Instructions be made 
out to the Officer who is to command the said party which 
Instructions are in the following words (to wit) (see Copy 
Instructions on File) 

The Board having received information that John Walty- 
mier who frequently passes thro the Country as an Express 
from the enemy crosses Hudsons River at Hendrick Claws 
who lives near the Kinderhook Landing an[d] that said 
Claw harbours Waltymier It is therefore resolved that a 
Letter be wrote to Col'- Abraham Van Alstyne requesting 

566 State of New York 

1780 him to have the said Hendrick Clauw apprehended and 
Nov. 10. 

brought before us — 

Lieu- Rykert Van Den Bergh having in Consequence of 
our warrant apprehended Jacob Halenbeeck Jun- and he 
being brought before the Board and examined resolved 
that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for 
him — 

Resolved that General Ten Broeck be requested to detach 
a Party of Col' Van Ness's Regiment to go to Coyemans 
and there to take Charge of and bring to Goal such Prison- 
ers as may be delivered over to him by Lieu- Van Den 
Bergh — 

Alexander Bryant of the Half Moon [269] was brought 
before us by Col' Schoonhoven in order that he might be 
examined as to sundry disaffected Persons and the said 
Bryant being examined his Examination is as follows (to 
wit) (see Examination on File) 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 11*'' November 1780 

^°^- "• Present 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Abraham Hoogteling was ordered to be brought 
before the Board & being again Examined ordered that 
he be recommitted — 

Cap* Cornelius Hogeboom appeared before the Board and 
informed that he had agreeable to the Directions received 
from us proceeded to Coyemans where he had received of 
Lieu5 Van Den Bergh the following persons as Prisoners 
(to wit) John Witbeeck, Nicholas Huyck, Johannis Huyck 
Jun-, Peter Huyck, David Van Dyck, William Hoogteling, 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 567 

Johannis Witbeeck, Henry Huyck, Joachim Collyer, John jj^'^*' 
Schram, John Ver Plank, Peter Finehout, and William 
Plato — resolved that they be severally committed and that 
a Mittimus be made out for them — 

William Plato one of the persons above mentioned was 
ordered to be brought before us for Examination on being 
Examined he says as follows (to wit) (See his Examination 
on File) — 

It appearing from the Examination of James Van Driesen 
that Archibald M?Neal and Ezekiel Ensign of [270] 
Saragtoga Jo[t]ham Bemus of Stillwater and some others 
have carried on a Correspondence with the Enemy and 
have aided comforted and assisted Parties going to and 
coming from the enemy It is resolved in Consequence 
of the said Information that a warrant be made out for the 
immediate apprehension of the said Persons and that the 
same be forthwith transmitted to General Schuyler now at 
Saragtoga — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 12^ November 1780 lygo 

Present ^°'- "• 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher ) 1 Isaac D. Fonda 

Lieu^ Van Den Bergh appeared before the Board and 
informed us that he had agreeable to our warrant appre- 
hended John Coenly, Lowrence Deal and Beriah Kelly and 
they being severally produced and Examined resolved that 
they be committed and that a Mittimus be made out directed 
to the Goaler to take them into his Custody and detain 
them until discharged by an order of this Board — 


568 State of New York 

1780 Met Albany i^^ November 1780 

"-•^3. Present 

Teremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( _ tn t- 1 

t , ^ . c ^ Isaac U. ronda 

Samuel btnnger ) ( 

Samuel Stringer 

Captain Bleecker of Col? Gansevoort's Regiment appeared 
before the Board and informed us that he had agreeable to 
a warrant of this Board delivered to him by Gen- Schuyler 
apprehended Archibald M?Neal, Ezekiel Ensign [271] 
Jotham Bemus and Joseph Carr and they being severally 
brought in & Examined resolved that they be committed and 
that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take them into 
his Custody and safely keep until discharged by this Board. 

Lowrence Deal and John Coenly who were Yesterday 
confined were ordered to be brought before the Board and 
examined their Examinations are as follows (to wit) (see 
Examination on file) ordered that they be recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

jj^^jSo Met Albany 14^ November 1780 


Mathew Visscher ) j Samuel Stringer 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Peter Finehout was brought before the Board and exam- 
ined his Examination is as follows (to wit) (see Examination 
on File) 

The Board having been informed that Hoogteling and 
Lena Hoogteling residing at Aquatuck will be able to give 
Information respecting the Persons apprehended in that 
Quarter and who are at present in Confinement therefore 
resolved that they be severally cited to appear before us to 
Morrow Morning at 10 OClock — 

Cap* Coenradt Klyne appeared before the Board & 

Minutes of Commissioners "for Conspiracies 569 

informed that agreeable to an order of this Board he had 
apprehended Henry Smith Jun- , Henry Bonestel, James 
MfCoy, John Harvey, John Bunt, John Snoeck, Thomas 
Whiting, John Hoogteling and Henry Hoogteling and they 
being brought before the Board and examined ordered that 
they be committed and that [272] a Mittimus be made out 
for them — ' 

A Letter from Col- Peter Livingston was laid before the 
Board dated the li- Instant wherein he informs us that 
he sends an Examination of Anna Proper respecting James 
M^Coy which Examination is as follows (to wit) (see 
Examination on File) — 

A Letter from Col- Henry J. Van Rensselaer was laid 
before the Board dated 16*'' Instant respecting John Harvey 
who was lately apprehended and brought to Goal by Cap- 
Coenradt Klyne in which Letter he informs us that the said 
Harvey is a very dangerous Person ordered that the said 
Letter be filed — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 15^? November 1780 

Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda 

Nov. 14. 

Samuel Stringer 

Hov. 15. 

Resolved that William Lees be liberated from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his Appearance 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required doing his duty & be of the good 
Behaviour for and during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

' Captain Cline, Kline or Klyne, was paid £g „ o „ 2d. in " hard money " 
for this service. The original voucher is in RevoMionary Manuscripts, 
vol. 40, p. 162, State Comptroller's office. 

570 State of New York 

1780 William Lees of Nistdgeune in the County of 

Albany Blacksmith in ;^ioo 

Jesse Fairchild of the City of Albany Black- 
smith his Bail in ;^ioo 

The Board having received information that [273] Joseph 
Stalker of the East District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 
is knowing to several Villianies committed by persons living 
at New Scotland such as harbouring spies from the Enemy 
&- resolved that the said Joseph Stalker be cited to appear 
before us on Friday next in Order to his being Examined 
as to the above 

Resolved that Johannis Huyck be liberated from Con- 
finement on his entering into a recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required for and during the Continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

Johannis Huyck of Hackatough in the County 

of Albany Labourer in ;£^ioo 

Gerrit Van Wie of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Cordwainer his 

Bail in £100 

Resolved that Jacob Halenbeeck Jun^ be liberated from 
Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance for his 
remaining within the Limits of the Dwelling house and 
Yard of Samuel Pruyn situate within the third Ward of 
this City until discharged from the said Restrictions by this 
Board or any other three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies and for his good Behaviour during that Time — 
Jacob Halenbeeck Jun^ of Klinkenbergh in 

the County of Albany Farmer in i^Soo 

Jacob Halenbeeck of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £500 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 571 

Resolved that James Whitacre be discharged from Con- jj^J^^^ 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
[274] Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required for and during the Continuance of the present 
War with Great Britain — 

James Whitacre of Nistageune in the County 

of Albany Labourer in ;^ioo 

Williams Lees of the same place Blacksmith 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany i65i November 1780 1780 


Nov. 16. 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) \ John M. Beeckman 
Samuel Stringer ) { Mathew Visscher 

Resolved that John Hocknel be discharged from Confine- 
ment on his entering into a Recognizance for his good Behav- 
iour, doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required for 
and during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

John Hocknel of the West District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;£^ioo 

Peter Scharp of the City of Albany Carpenter 

his Bail in ;£^ioo 

CoU Abraham Van Alstyne having agreeable to a Request 
of this Board of the 10^ Instant caused Hendrick Clauw 
to be apprehended and brought before us and the said Clauw 
being examined and it appearing probable to this Board 
from his Examination and other [275] Circumstances that 
he is innocent of the Crime laid to his Charge but as the said 
Hendrick Clauw is reputed a disaffected Person — 

572 State of New York 

^780 Therefore resolved that previous to his being discharged 

he enter into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing 
his duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required for and during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain and 
for his procuring a good sufficient Bail on or before the 25- 
day of November Instant — 

Hendrick Clauw of the District of Kinder- 
hook in the County of Albany Carpenter in £100 
James Van Driesen was brought before the Board & 
examined and ordered to be recommitted — 

Resolved that Joseph Hawkins be liberated from Confine- 
ment on his entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required for 
and during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain and for his remaining within the Limits of this City 
and not departing the same (unless it be to do Militia or other 
Military Duty) without the Consent and Approbation of this 
Board — 

Joseph Hawkins of Kingsbury in the County 

of Charlotte Yeoman in ;^loo 

William Shepherd of the City of Albany 
Cutler his Bail in ;^loo 

Adjourned — 

Hov. 17. [276] Met Albany ly^ November 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) f Samuel Stringer 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j \ Mathew Visscher 

Resolved that John Bont be discharged from Confinement on 
his entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 573 

doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 1780 

missionexs for Conspiracies when thereunto required for and 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain. 

John Bont of Claverack District Weaver in . . ;^ioo 
John Decker Robison of the same place 

Carpenter his Bail in £^0 

Elisha Talmidge of the same place Black- 
smith also his Bail in :^50 

Resolved that Peter I. Miller be discharged from Con- 
finement on his entering into a Recognizance for his future 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required for and during the continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain. 

Peter I. Miller of Claverack District Wheel- 
wright in ;^ioo 

John Decker Robison of the same place 

Carpenter his Bail in £ 50 

Elisha Talmidge of the same place Black- 
smith also his Bail in £ 50 

Resolved that Joel Piatt be discharged from Confinement 
on his entering into a Recognizance for his future [277] 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required for and during the continuance of the Present war 
[with] Great Britain. 

Joel Pratt of New Lebanon in the Count} 

of Albany Farmer in £100 

Ase Stower of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Joseph Meacham be discharged from Con- 
finement on his entering into a Recognizance for his future 

Nov. 17. 


574 State of New York 

1780 good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before a 

three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereu^..^ 
required during the continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Joseph Meacham of New Lebanon in the 
County of Albany Farmer in ;£^ioo 

Isaac Garnsey of Half Moon District Farmer 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Hezekiah Hammond be discharged from 
Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance for his 
future good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain 

Hezekiah Hammond of the State of Masse- 
chusets Bay Farmer in i^ioo 

Isaac Garnsey of Half Moon District Farmer 
his Bail in £ S° 

Ase Stower of New Lebanon in the County 
of Albany Farmer also his his Bail in. . . . ;^ 50 

M- Mills wife of Abel Mills appeared before the Board 
agreeable to order and was examined her examination is as 
follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) — 

[278] A Letter from Samuel Ten Broeck Esq- of Living- 
ston's Manor was laid before the Board by Harmanus Rose 
Constable with an Examination respecting Thomas M? Feal 
who said Harmanus Rose informed us he had apprehended 
and had in his Custody and the" said Thomas MP Feal being 
Examined resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus 
be made out for him — 

Johannis Shaver Esq- and Cap£ John Decker Robison 
appeared before the Board and informed us that Peter Bean 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 575 

is a dangerous and disaffected person and that he endeavours uoy. j» 
by his Conversation to intimidate weak & ignorant persons 
and that John Bartle is also a dangerous and disaffected 
person in Consequence of which Information 

Resolved that Major Samuel Ten Broeck of Livingston's 
Manor be requested to have the said Peter Bean and John 
Bartle apprehended and forthwith sent to us. 


•Met Albany 18*^ November 1780 hov.^8. 


John M. Beeckman \ ( Mathew Visscher 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j I Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Calvin Harlow be discharged from Confine- 
ment on his entering into a Recognizance for his future good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the Present war with Great 
Britain — 

Calvin Harlow of New Lebanon in the 

County of Albany Farmer in £100 

Joseph Meacham of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^loo 

[279] Resolved that Hans Sneack be discharged from Con- 
finement on his entering into a Recognizance for his future 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain. 

Hans Sneack of Claverack District Farmer in . £ 1 00 
John Decker Robison of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

576 State of New York 

1780 Resolved that John Harvey be discharged from Confine- 

Wov. 18. -^ . . ^ . p , . J D 

ment on his entering into a recognizance for his good JtJe- 

haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto re- 
quired during the continuance of the present war with Great 

John Harvey of Claverack District Farmer in ;^ioo 
Jacob F. Shaver of Livingstons Manor Esq- 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved Beriah Kelly be discharged from Confinement 
on his entering into a Recognizance for his future good 
behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain. 

Beriah Kelly of Norwich in the State of 
Connecticut in ;^ioo 

Ezra Cleveland of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 


Nov. 20 


^780^ [280] Met Albany 20*'' November 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) f f, , o • 

t. , TT- 1 r 1 Samuel Stringer 

Mathew Visscher ) (. ° 

Resolved That Thomas Ayres be discharged from confine- 
ment on his entering into a Recognizance for his future good 
behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereinto \sic\ 
required during the continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 577 

Thomas Ayres of New Lebanon in the County ^78o 

. Nov. 20. 

of Albany Labourer in ;^ioo 

Peter Ayres of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

The Board having from sundry Circilmstances the greatest 
reason to think that the Information of Abraham Hoogteling 
was entirely false and as several persons have been confined 
on account of the same therefore resolved that the said 
persons be discharged from Confinement, but as all of them 
have from the Commencement of the present Contest been 
disaffected to the American Cause it is ordered that previous 
to their discharge they severally enter into a Recognizance 
for their good Behaviour doing their duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain. 

Johannis L Witbeeck of Niscuthaw Farmer in ;£'ioo 

Cornelius Van Der Zee of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Johannis L. Witbeeck of Acquatough in the 

County of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

[281] Isaac Witbeeck of Cooksakie Farmer 

his Bail in :^ioo 

Nicholas Huyck of Acquatough Farmer in. . ;^ioo 
Cornelius Huyck of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his Bail 
in ^100 

John Ver Plank of Hacketock Farmer in.. . ;^ioo 
Cornelius Huyck of the west district of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his 
Bail in ;f 100 

578 State of New York 

1780 Hendrick Huyck of the west District of the 

Nov. ao. A yr r -n • /- 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . £100 
Hendrick Van Sante of Ni[s]cuthaw Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

David Van Dyck of Niscuthaw Farmer in. . £^100 
Eli Arnold of the City of Albany Cooper his 

Bail in ;Cioo 

Wouter Witbeeck of Manettenhook Farmer 

in £100 

Peter W. Hilton of the City of Albany Cooper 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Joachim Collier of Cooksakie Farmer in. . . ;£^ioo 
Isaac Witbeeck of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Isaac Huyck of Hacketock Farmer in ;^ioo 

Isaac Witbeck of Cooksakie Farmer his Bail 

in ;^loo 

Cornelius Huyck of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his 
Bail in £100 

Resolved that Lowrence Deal, John Garret and John 
Coenly severally enter into a recognizance for their future 
good behaviour doing their duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required during the Continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain & also for their appearance at the next 
Supreme Court of Judicature to be held for the State of New 
York at the City Hall in this City on the third Tuesday in 
January next (or wheresoever the [282] said Court shall 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 579 

then be held in the State aforesaid) and not depart the ^7^ 
Court without Leave. 

Lowrance Deal of Cooksakie Farmer in . . . . ;^ioo 
Cornelius Conine of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

John Garret of Cooksakie District Farmer 
in £100 

Richard Bronck of the same place EsqF his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

John Coenly of Cooksakie District Farmer 

in. ;^ioo 

Cornelius Conine of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

It being suggested to the Board that Simeon Garret who 
lives upon the Farm formerly occupied by John Waltymier 
has frequent Intercourse with the said Waltymier and 
harbours him when on his way through the Country 
resolved in Consequence of the said Information that the 
said Simeon Garret be cited to appear before this Board 


Met Albany 21?^ November 1780 No^^^ 


Tohn M. Beeckman ] ( o i c^ ■ 

T • 1 T7 T^ r 1 'Samuel btnnger 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( 

Df George Smith appeared before the Board & informed 
us that from an Expectation of going to Canada he has 
disposed of all his EiFects and that he is greatly reduced in 
his Circumstances and finds it impossible to maintain his 
family in this City and being desirous of removing to the 

580 State of New York 

1780 Farm at present occupied by John JoUey situate in the west 
District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck resolved that he 
have Permission granted him for that Purpose on his enter- 
ing into a Recognizance for his remaining within the Limits 
of the said Farm and not [283] leaving the same without 
Leave previously obtained for that purpose from this Board 
and that he shall not during his residence at the said [farm] 
correspond with or in any Manner whatsoever give any 
Intelligence to the Enemies of this or the United States and 
for his good Behaviour during the said time and for his 
appearance when called upon. 

George Smith of the City of Albany Physi- 
cian in ;^ioo 

Patrick Smith of the same place Merchant 

his Bail in ;£^ioo 

Resolved that William Bartow, Jacob Halenbeeck, Jun"", 
Peter Finehout, Ebenezer Stanton, Nathan Stanton, Arnold 
Skoelfield, Peter Huyck, and William Hoogteling, be 
severally discharged from Confinement on entering into 
Recognizance for their good Behaviour doing their duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when called upon during the Continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

William Bartow of Cooksakie District La- 
bourer in ;^ioo 

Myndert Van Schaick of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Jacob Halenbeeck Jun?: of Klinkenbergh 
Farmer in ;^ioo 

Samuel Pruyn of the City of Albany Yeo- 
man his Bail in ;£^ioo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 581 

Peter Finehout of Acquatough Labourer in. . £100 »78o 

Daniel G. Van Antwerp of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in £100 

Ebenezer Stanton of Cooksakie District 
Farmer in ;^ioo 

Daniel G. Van Antwerp of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Nathan Stanton of Cooksakie District Farmer 

in £100 

Daniel G. Van Antwerp of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in ;£^ioo 

[284] Arnold Skolfield of the west District of 

the Manor of Rensselaerwyck in £100 

Wilhelmas Row of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

Peter Huyck of Auckquetuck Farmer in. . . ;^ioo 
Michael Klink of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

William Hoogteling of Niscuthaw Farmer in . ;^ioo 
Michael Klink of Auckquetough Farmer his 

Bail in £100 

Resolved that Philip Philips be discharged on his entering 
into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required during the continu- 
ance of the present war with Great Britain 

Philip Philips of the Eas[t] District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Weaver in £100 

Thomas Knowlton of the same plac[e] Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 


582 State of New York 

„i'r8o Met Albany 22^^ November 1780 — 

Nov. 22. ■' ' 


Jeremiah Van Rensselaer | | g^^^^j g^inger 
John M. Beeckman j (. 

A Certificate was laid before the Board signed by CoU 
Killian Van Rensselaer and sundry other Ofiicers certifying 
that the said John Low who is at present in Confinement has 
ever evinced a warm Attachment to the American Cause and 
has been ready on every Occasion to do his duty in the Militia 

Resolved in Consequence of the same that the said [285] 
John Low be discharged on entering into a Recognizance 
for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
called upon during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain. 

John Low of the East District of the Manor 

of Rensselaerwyck Yeoman in ;£^ioo 

Nicholas Low of the same place Gentleman 

his Bail in £100 

Whereas James Bramley and Peter Livingstone of the 
Hellebergh have been severally cited to appear before this 
Board and refused and neglected to do the same it is there- 
fore resolved that a warrant be made out directed to Cap* 
Jacob Van Aernam authorizing him to apprehend the said 
James Bramley and Peter Livingstone and forthwith bring 
them before us at the City Hall in this City — 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 23? November 1780 — 

Nov. 23. 


John M. Beeckman ] ( c, 1 c • 

T • 1 T7 T» r 1 bamuel btrmger 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( 

Minutes of Commissioners foir Conspiracies 583 

Resolved that Johannis Huyck be discharged from Con- -.^^^** 

finement on his entering into a Recognizance for his future 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of [the] Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required during the Continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

Johannis Huyck of Acquatough in the County 
of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

[286] Peter Van Wie of the West District of 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Andries Loucks be discharged from Con- 
finement on Frederick Cranse entering into a Recognizance 
for the good Behaviour of the said Andries Loucks & for 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Frederick Cranse of the Hellebergh Farmer 
as Bail for Andries Loucks in £^100 

Resolved that Johan Jost Warner be discharged on 
entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 
Johan Jost Warner of Schohary in the County 

of Albany Labourer in £100 

Philippus Warner of the Bever Dam Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Nicholas Sea be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his future good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 

Nov. 23. 

584 State of New York 

Hov^23 "^^quired during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Nicholas Sea of Schohary Farmer in ;^ioo 

Philippus Warner of the Bever Dam Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

A Letter from the Commissioners for Conspiracies at 
Poughkeepsie was laid before the Board wherein they [287] 
inform that they send to us a certain John Davis of Tryon 
County whom they have caused to be apprehended on sus- 
picion of his having stolen two Horses — 

Resolved that the said John Davis be committed until 
an inquiry can be made into the Crime wherewith he stands 
Charged — 

Adjourned — 

Kov. 24. Met Albany 24*^ November 1780 — 


John M. Beeckman } j Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer j (. Isaac D. Fonda 

John Bartle agreeable to an order of this Board of the 7*-^ 
Instant appeared and the crime as alledged against him 
being read to him and he denying the same resolved that the 
said John Bartle have Permission granted him to appear 
again on the 4*^ day of December next and bring with him 
such Evidences as he may think Proper to invalidate the 
said Charge 

Also Resolved that Cap- Robison be informed of the 
Proceedings respecting John Bartle and that he be requested 
also to attend on that day — 

Hugh M°Manus appeared before the Board and informed 
that agreeable to our order he had apprehended John 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 585 

Docksteder and the said Docksteder being Examined and it 
appearing that he is not the person who it was intended 
Should be apprehended therefore resolved that he be dis- 
charged — 

Resolved that Hendrick Bonistel be discharged from 
Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance for his 
good Behaviour doing his duty [288] and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

Hendrick Bonistel of Claverack District 

Labourer in ;^ioo 

John Blunt of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 25^ November 1780 

Isaac D. Fonda 

Samuel Stringe: 

John M. Beeckman ] f 

r j 1 

Nov. 24. 

Nov. 25. 

Simeon Garret appeared before the Board this day 
agreeable to our order and being Examined as to his Con- 
nection with John Waltymier he says as follows (see his 
Examination on file) — 

Resolved that the said Simeon Garret be discharged on 
his entering into Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when called upon during the Con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain and for his 
procuring a sufficient Bail by the 2"?? day of December next — 

Simeon Garret of Cooksakie District Farmer 



586 State of New York 

1780 James Bramley having been apprehended by Capi Jacob 

Van Aernam and brought before the Board resolved that he 
be confined and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler 
commanding him to detain and keep in close Confinement 
the said James Bramley until discharged by an order of this 
Board — 


Nolfle. [289] Met Albany 26*^ November 1780 — 

John M. Beeckman ) ( -r • i_ t7 t> 1 

;; , n • f 1 Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

Samuel Strmger ) ( 

James Hamilton appeared before the Board and informed 
us that having agreeable to directions received from Captain 
Jacob Van Aernam apprehended James Bramley and being 
on his way to this City with said Bramley in order to bring 
him before the Board, David Gibson did assault him the 
said James Hamilton and endeavoured to rescue the said 
Bramley — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that a 
warrant be made out for the immediate apprehension of the 
said David Gibson and that the said warrant be directed to 
the said James Hamilton and that he be authorized in case 
any Resistance should be made by the said Gibson or any 
other Person to call to his assistance such a Number of Per- 
sons as he may think proper to carry the above warrant into 
Execution — 

j,^78o^ Met Albany 27^ November 1780 


Mathew Visscher ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
John M. Beeckman J i Samuel Stringer 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 587 

James Bramley who was on the 25- Instant confined was j^J^So 
brought before the Board and examined ordered that he be 
recommitted — 

David Gibson who was agreeable to a warrant issued 
Yesterday apprehended and confined was also brought 
before the Board and examined and it appearing from 
sundry Circum-[29o]stances that the said David Gibson has 
been uniformly attached to the American Cause and has on 
every Occasion done his duty and a[c]knowledged his Error 
in attempting to rescue James Bramley therefore resolved 
that the said David Gibson be discharged and cautioned 
against such conduct in future — 

The Board having received Information that Peter Waley 
of the Hellebergh is a disaffected Person and that he conceals 
himself in the woods to Escape doing Militia and other duty 
and he being at present at Home — resolved that a warrant 
be made out directed to Richard Hilton to apprehend the 
said Peter Waley and forthwith bring him before us — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany aS*"" November 1780 — 1780 

„ Nov. 28, 


John M. Beeckman | C g^^^^j ^^^-^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) (. 

Richard Hilton appeared before the Board and informed 
us that agreeable to our warrant he had apprehended Peter 
Waley and he being brought before us and examined re- 
solved that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out 
for him — 

John Ab: Pearson appeared before the Board for the 
Purpose of entering into a Recognizance as Bail for Simeon 
Garret resolved that he enter into the same for the good 
Behaviour of the said Simeon Garret and for his doing his 

588 State of New York 

1780 duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

[291] John Ab. Pearson of Niscuthaw in the 
County of Albany Farmer as Bail for 
Simeon Garret in £100 

Adjourned — 
1780 Met Albany 29^^ November 1780 — 

Rot. 29, 


John M. Beeckman ] j Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer j \ Mathew Visscher 

Resolved that Thomas Purchase be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Thomas Purchase of New-town in the County 
of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Jacob Ostrander of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

Anna Proper of Livingston's Manor having been directed 
by Col! Peter Livingston to appear before this Board to be 
examined with Respect to the Conduct of sundry disaffected 
persons of Livingston's Manor appeared and was Examined 
which Examination is as follows (to wit) (see Examina- 
tion on File) 

A Letter from CoU Peter Livingston respecting Anna 
Proper was laid before the Board and the same being read 
was ordered to be filed — 

A Letter from Col? Henry J. Van Rensselaer dated the 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 589 

i6'^ Instant respecting John Harvey a Prisoner now in _^7*' 
Confinement was laid before the Board and the sa me being 
[292] read was ordered to be filed — 

A Letter from the Board of Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies at Poughkeepsie dated the 24- Instant respecting 
Ann Standerren was also laid before the Board and the same 
being read was ordered to be filed — 

Resolved that Jacob I. Truax be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain and also for his appearance at the next Supream 
Court of Judicature to be held for the State of New York 
at the City Hall in the City of Albany on the third Tuesday 
in January next (or wheresoever the said Court shall then 
be held in the State Aforesaid) and not depart the Court 
without Leave — 

Jacob I. Truax of the City of Albany Inn- 
keeper in ;^ioo 

Isaac I. Truax of the County of Albany Inn- 
keeper his Bail in £^0 

John W. Truax of D°. . . .D°. . . .D°. . . .in. . £50 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany ^o^- November 1780 — lyf^ 

Wot. 30. 

John M. Beeckman ) | j^^^^ ^ p^^j^ 

Samuel Stringer ) (. 

The Board proceeded to the Consideration of the Charge 
alledged against Robert Caldwell whereupon it is resolved 
that he be discharged on his entering into a Recognizance 

590 State of New York 

1780 with a sufficient surety for his good Behaviour doing his 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
[293] for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the 
Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Robert Caldwell of Schacktikook in the 
County of Albany Weaver in £100 

Robert Todd of the Half Moon District in 
the County of Albany Weaver his Bail in . . ;^ 50 

Dirck Scouting of the same place Farmer 

also his Bail in £^0 

Adjourned — 


1780 Met Albany 2"?'? December 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) f i\t u \t- i. 
■L , n • r ) Mathew Visscher 

Samuel Strmger ) (. 

Samuel Stringer 

A Letter from Ebenezer Russell Esq^^dated White Creek 
the 18- November last was laid before the Board wherein 
he sets forth the distressed Situation of the Family of Samuel 
Burns now a Prisoner confined in the Goal in this City and 
requesting that the said Burns may be admitted to Bail if 
is can be done consistently with the safety of the State 
which Letter being read ordered that the same be filed and 
that the Consideration thereof be postponed till a future Day — 

A Letter from Major Richard Esselstyne of Claverack 
was also laid before the Board wherein he requests that 
Henry Hoogteling an Inhabitant of Claverack District may 
be liberated from Confinement and offering to become 
surety for the said Hoogtehng which Letter being read 
ordered that the same be filed and taken into Consideration 
on Monday next — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 591 

[294] Met Albany 4*^ December 1780 — ^^^ 


John M. Beeckman ) ( t,t 1 tt- 1 
i, , „ . c \ Mathew Visscher 

Samuel btrmger ) ( 

It having been suggested to the Board that WiUiam Tyler 
is gone to Canada and has Joined the enemy and Amos 
Lucas having became \sic\ surety for the Appearance of the 
said William Tyler \?hen called upon resolved in Conse- 
quence of the said Information that an order be made 
out and sent to the said Amos Lucas forthwith to deliver 
him up to this Board or to pay the Recognizance 
Money — 

The Board having been informed that from the Asser- 
tions of some Persons at present with the Enemy there is 
good Reason to suppose that William Laird at present resid- 
ing at Johnstown who some time ago entered into a Recog- 
nizance before us to appear when called upon is at present 
enlisting Men for the service of the enemy with whom he 
intends to join them as soon as they make a descent into the 
Country — resolved in Consequence of the said Information 
that the said William Laird be cited to appear forthwith 
before this Board & that the Citation for the said Laird be 
inclosed in a Letter to Zepheniah Batchelar 'E.stf- and that 
he be requested to have the same served — 

The Board then proceeded to the Consideration of the 
Letter of Major Esselstyne delivered to this Board on the 
2- Instant resolved in Consequence of the said Letter that 
Henry Hoogteling be discharged from Confinement on his 
entering into a Bond conditioned for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and [295] appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 

592 State of New York 

1780 during the Continuance of the Present War with Great 
Britain — 

Henry Hoogteling of Claverack in the County 

of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Resolved that the above mentioned Bond be transmitted 
to Major Esselstyne in order that he may sign the same as 
Surety for Henry Hoogteling. 

Thomas Yarns was brought before the Board and exam- 
ined and then ordered to be Recommitted — 

Resolved upon the Application of William Lees, That Ann 
Standerren (who was some time ago sent to Poughkeepsie 
on Account of her Influence in bringing over Persons to the 
Persuasion professed by the People called Shaking Quakers 
the said Persuasion having a Tendency to alienate the 
minds of the People from their Allegiance tq the State by 
inculcating an Opinion of the Unlawfulness of taking up 
Arms in defence of the American Cause) and it appearing 
that many of the Persons of the said Persuasion have been 
reformed and that no further Evil is to be apprehended 
from her Influence or Example therefore resolved that the 
said Ann Standerren have Permission to return to Nistageune 
on the said William Lees and James Whitakre entering into 
a Bond conditioned for the said Ann Standerren's appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required for her good Behaviour and not 
saying or consenting to any Matters or Things inconsistant 
with the Peace and safety of this and the United States 

William Lees of NIstageuna in the County of 
Albany Blacksmith as Bail for Ann 
Standerren in £100 

James Whitacre of the same place Yeoman 

also her Bail in £100 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 593 

[296] Met Albany 5^ December 1780 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) f ^ t>, t- • 
c 1 c • (1 Isaac D. Fonda 

bamuel btnnger ) (. 

Nicholas Sea appearing before the Board requests that 
Christian Weaver may be accepted as his Surety instead of 
Philip Warner whereupon resolved that the said Christian 
Weaver be accepted accordingly and that he enter into a 
Recognizance for the good Behaviour of the said Nicholas 
Sea and for his doing his Duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain 

Christian Weaver of Schohary in the County 
of Albany Farmer as Bail for Nicholas 
Sea in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 6^ December 1780 1780 

Present ^^<=- ^' 

John M. Beeckman ) J Samuel Stringer 

Isaac D. Fonda ; ( Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

The Board conceiving it necessary that Jacob I. Truax 
of this City should be prosecuted agreeable to Law for his 
Conduct in adhering to the Enemy and as the Witnesses 
against him who are John Cuppernull and John I. Vrooman 
of Tryon County have neglected to attend the Supreme 
Court altho they have been requested so to do — 

It is therefore resolved that a Letter be wrote to Zepheniah 
Batchelar Esq- Justice of the Peace of the County of [297] 
Tryon requesting him to cite the said John Cuppernull and 
John I. Vrooman before him and take their Recognizance 

594 State of New York 

1780 for their Appearance at the next Supream Court to be held 
on the third Tuesday in January next to give Evidence 
against the said Jacob I. Truax 

Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Col? Van Schonhoven 
of the Half Moon requesting him to order Alexander Bryant 
to appear before this Board for the Purpose of being exam- 
ined as to sundry Transactions of the Disaffected in Half 
Moon District — 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 7^ December 1780 

^«'=- 7- Present 

John M Beeckman | j j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

An Anonimous Letter directed to the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies was laid before the Board setting forth that 
John Cobham is a Dangerous Person and that his going to 
the Northward gives great Reason to suspect that he Conveys 
Intelligence to the Enemy resolved in Consequence of the 
above Letter that the said John Cobham be ordered on no 
Pretence whatever to leave this City unless he shall pre- 
viously obtain Permission from this Board for that Purpose — 
Resolved that Peter Werley be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required for and 
during the Continuance of the Present war with Great Britain 
Peter Werley of the Hellebergh in the County 

of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

[298] William Monk of the same Place 

Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Andries Ward of the same Place 

Farmer also his Bail in £100 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 595 

It appearing from the Examination of James Van Driesen ^78o 
that Archibald M'^Neal of the Scotch Patent and his son 
Alec M?Neal have aided and assisted the Party (with which 
he the said Van Driesen was going to the Enemy) in making 
their Escape to Canada resolved in Consequence thereof 
that a warrant be made out for the immediate apprehension 
of the said Archibald M'rNeil and Alec Ms Neal and that 
the same be inclosed in a Letter to General Schuyler at 
Saragtoga and that he be requested to have it served — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 11^ December 1781 [sic for 1780] — 1780 


John M. Beeckman ] ( j t\ t? j 

■i , n • r ) Isaac JJ. I'onda 

Samuel Strmger ) t 

John Hoogteling being brought before the Board and his 
Examination taken and it appearing that the Charges as 
alledged against the said John Hoogteling are not of suffi- 
cient weight to render his Confinement any longer necessary 
therefore resolved that he be discharged — 

James Oynes being brought before the Board and his 
Examination taken ordered that he be recommitted — 

James Brisbin being also ordered to be brought before 1- 
the Board was examined ordered that he be Recommitted — 

William Griffen being also brought before the Board was 
examined ordered that he be recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

[299] Met Albany 12^ December 1780 ^7^ 


John M. Beeckman ] j ^^^^^ yj^^^j^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

59^ State of New York 

1780 A Letter from Ebenezer Clark and Alexander M^Nit 
JJec. 12. 

Esq- two of the Commissioners for Conspiracies for the 
County of Charlotte dated New Perth 2- Instant was laid 
before the Board setting forth that they inclose a Petition 
signed by sundry of the Inhabitants of Kingsbury in Favour 
of Thomas Yarns, William Griffin and William Bell who 
are at present in Confinement resolved that the said Peti- 
tion be taken into Consideration at some future Day — 

A Letter from Dirck Swart Esq!: directed to this Board 
and dated 12- November last was laid before us by Mf 
Visscher wherein he informs us that a Petition has lately 
been set on Foot and signed by a Number of Persons in 
Favour of Jotham Bemus who is at Present confined in 
Goal and requesting when the said Petition is laid before 
the Board to be informed of it as he is desirous of disproving 
a Part at least of the said Petition ordered that the said 
Letter be filed. 

A Letter from Lieutenant CoU Weisenfelt dated at Fort 
Schuyler inclosing a Copy of an Examination of an Indian 
who came from the enemy was laid before the Board and as 
the said Examination contains Information which should be 
communicated to General Clinton therefore resolved that 
MJ Beeckman wait upon him with the same — 

Adjourned — 

Dec. i3< 

1780 [300] Met Albany 13^^ December 1780 


John M Beeckman | f j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stnnger j ( 

The Board having taken into Consideration the Petition 
presented on the 12- Instant in Favour of William GrifFen 
and others resolved in Consequence thereof that the said 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 597 

William Griffen be liberated from Confinement on entering j.^"^^ 
into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his Duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Continu- 
ance of the present war [with] Great Britain — 

William Griffen of the County of Charlotte 

Farmer in ;£^ioo 

William High of the same Place Farmer his 
Bail in ;Cioo 

Joseph Hawkins appeared before the Board and requested 
Permission to go to Charlotte County and remove from thence 
his Family and Effects and the same being agreed to by his 
Bail William Shepherd resolved that he have Permission 
granted him accordingly — 

The Board being desirous of reexamining Alexander 
Bryant and he being ordered to appear and now attending 
agreeable to our Order resolved that he be examined — 

The said Alexander Bryant being examined and his Ex- 
amination being reduced to writing is as follows (to wit) 
(see Examination on File) — 

Adjourned — 

[301] Met Albany 14L'' December 1780 i7&o 


John M. Beeckman ) ( ^^^^^^ ^.^^^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Resolved that James Bramley be discharged from Con- 
finement on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient 
surety for his good Behaviour doing his Duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the Continuance of the 
Present war with Great Britain — 

598 State of New York 

^^1780 James Bramley of the Hellebergh in the 

County of Albany Innkeeper in ;^ioo 

David Kittle of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

A Petition signed by a Number of the well affected In- 
habitants of Saragtoga District was laid before the Board 
setting forth that Jotham Bemus of Stillwater since his 
liberation from Confinement has acted in every Respect as a 
friend to the American Cause that he has chearfully con- 
tributed all his Power towards supplying the Army and has 
in every Respect manifested a Disposition to support the 
Independance of the United States which said Petition 
being read ordered that the same be filed — 

Ordered that the Secretary inform Dirck Swart Esq- 
that the above Petition was presented to this Board and 
requesting him as soon as possible to come down for the 
Purpose mentioned in his Letter of the 12~ Instant — 

Adjourned — 

1780 [^02] Met Albany i6!i^ December 1780 


John M. Beeckman ] { t / • i_ \t n 1 

-; , o • ■ (1 Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

Samuel Strmger ) (. 

Resolved that William Vrooman be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies whenever thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the Present war with 
Great Britain — 

William Vrooman of Saragtoga District 
Farmer in £100 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 599 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Esq- i[n]formed the Board that p^'^^'g 
he had received of Gerard Bancker Esq- Treasurer of this 
State the sum of One hundred Dollars of the New Emission 
for the purpose of defraying the Necessary Expenditures 
of this Board — 

Resolved that out of the above money the Secretary pay 
to Stephen Bell ;^io ^^ 5 on Account 


Met Albany 18^ December 1780 ^^^80 

„ ■' ' Dec. 18. 


John M Beeckman 1 f ^^^^^^^ yj^^^j^^^ 
Samuel Strmger ) (. 

Resolved that Henry Smith be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies whenever thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain 

[303] Henry Smith of the Manor of Liv- 
ingston Farmer in ;^ioo 

Teunis Smith of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 21- December 1780 De/^ 


Samuel Stringer ) | ^^^^^^ yj^^^j^^^ 

John M. Beeckman ) ( 

A Letter from Major Rosekrans at Saragtoga was laid 
before the Board wherein he informs that he sends to us 
under Guard Archibald M?Neal of the Scotch Patent who 

6oo State of New York 

1780^ agreeable to our Request he had caused to be apprehended, 
and the said Archibald M?Neal being brought before the 
Board & examined and it appearing from his Examination 
that he is guilty of the Crime wherewith he stands charged 
therefore resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus 
be made out for him — 

Adjourned — 

_,^78o Met Albany ztJ^ December 1780 


John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

James Brisben requesting to be brought before the Board 
and being brought accordingly requested that he might be 
liberated from Confinement on his procuring sufficient Bail 
for his good Behaviour in future Resolved on Consideration 
of the above Request that he be informed that the Board 
will liberate him on his procuring a surety for his remaining 
within the Limits of the City of Albany until discharged 
by this Board — 

[304] Joseph Carr also requesting to be liberated from 
Confinement resolved that he be informed that the Board 
will liberate him on his entering into a similar Recognizance 
with the above mentioned James Brisben — 

Jotham Bemus at present in Confinement requesting of the 
Board to be admitted to the Liberty of the Goal resolved 
that it be granted him on his procuring a sufficient Bail 
for his remaining a true and faithfull Prisoner in the City 
Hall of the said City — 

William M'rLaughlin of the City of Albany 
Innkeeper as Bail for Jotham Bemus in. . ;^ioo 

The Board being informed that John Cobham, John Stiles 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 60 1 

and the Man living at a Place called the Half way House -.^^So 
in Jessup's Patent are concerned in forwarding Intelligence 
to Canada resolved in Consequence of the said Information 
that CoU Gansevoort be requested to have them apprehended 
& forthwith sent to us — 

A Letter frcyn CoK Peter R. Livingston was laid before 
the Board inclosing an examination of Jacob Kline of the 
Manor of Livingston's from which Examination it appears 
that Wilhelmas Turner, Coenradt Turner, and James Turner 
being disaflFected Persons and intending to create Confusion 
and Disturbance so as to embarrass the Government of this 
State have opposed the said Jacob Kline in collecting the 
Taxes assessed on the Inhabitants of the District and are 
daily by every means in their Power endeavouring to disturb 
the Publick Peace ordered that the same be filed — 

Adjourned — 

[305] Met Albany 23^ December 1780 — 1780 

Bee. 23. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer j ( Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

A Letter from Lieui CoU Henry J. Van Rensselaer dated 
at Claverack was laid before the Board in which Letter he 
informs that Thomas Whiting at present in Confinement has 
always sustained the Character of a harmless inoffensive 
Man and that he does not conceive that his being liberated 
from Confinement will any way endanger the Safety of the 
State — which Letter being taken into Consideration 

Thereupon resolved that the said Thomas Whiting be dis- 
charged on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behav- 
iour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present war [with] Great Britain — 

6o2 State of New York '_ 

1780 Thomas Whiting of Claverack District 

Dec, 23. . ° 

Labourer in £50 

A Letter from Major Esselstyne was laid before the Board 
wherein he informs that he has at present in his Possession 
the Arms and Ammunition belonging to those Persons who 
have been apprehended on the Information of Abraham 
Hoogteling & the said Information appearing to be altogether 
false therefore resolved that Major Esselstyne be ordered to 
deliver up the said Arms and Ammunition to the Persons 
respectively from whom they have been taken — 

Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Brigadier General 
Rensselaer to request him to transmit to this Board a List 
of such Persons of his Brigade who have been Delinquent in 
doing Militia [306] Duty in order that such of them who have 
entered into Recognizance before this Board may be prose- 
cuted upon the same 

Resolved that Alexander M^Key be ordered to deliver up 
to this Board on or before the S'** day of January next Hugh 
Rose, Alexander Carsan and Walter Trumble for whose 
appearance and good Behaviour he has become Surety — 

Resolved that James Beatty be ordered to deliver up to 
this Board on or before the S^^ day of January next John 
Parks for whose Appearance before us when called upon he 
became Surety — 

William McLaughlin who Yesterday became surety for 
Jotham Bemus's remaining a true and faithfuU Prisoner 
within the City Hall of this City appeared before the Board & 
informed that he was unwilling any longer to remain Bail for 
the said Jotham Bemus and John Horn of the Manor of 
Rensselaerwyck offering to become surety for the said 
Jotham Bemus resolved that the said John Horn accord- 
ingly enter into a Recognizance for the said Jotham Bemus's 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 603 

remaining a P/isoner within the City Hall in this City and 1780 
for his good Behaviour during that Time — 

John Horn of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 

Butcher as Bail for Jotham Bemus in ... . ;^ioo 
Jacob Truax of this City having forfeited his Recognizance 
appeared this day and paid the sum of Two hundred and 
forty four Dollars. of the Money emitted pursuant to a Reso- 
lution of Congress of the 18- of March last Resolved that 
the same be delivered over into the Hands of the Secretary to 
be made use of in defraying the Expenditures of this Board — 
[307] Resolved in Consequence of the application of 
Archibald M?Neil and Ezekiel Ensign that they be severally 
liberated from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance 
for their remaining within the following Limits (to wit) 
the House and Yard of Patrick Smith situate in the first 
ward of the City of Albany and that they do not hold any 
Correspondence either by word or deed upon Political matters 
with any Person or Persons which may in any Manner tend 
to be prejudicial to the Measures pursued or which may be 
pursued by the United States of America or either of them for 
the Maintainance of Liberty & Independance of the said 
United States and that they shall appear before any three of 
the Commissioners appointed for detecting and defeating all 
Conspiracies that may be formed in this State against the 
Liberties of America whenever they shall be thereunto 
required and that they shall remain under these Restrictions 
untill discharged or otherwise ordered — 

Archibald M?.Niel of Saragtoga in the County 

of Albany Merchant in £500 

Robert M?.Clallen of the City of Albany 

Merchant also his Bail in ^^250 

Thomas Shipboy of the same place Merchant 

also his Bail in ;^250 

6o4 State of New York 

1780 Ezekiel Ensign of Saragtoga Innkeeper in . . . ^£^500 

John RofF of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 

Merchant his Bail in £^5° 

James Caldwell of the City of Albany Mer- 
chant also his Bail in £250 

Captain Cline of Livingston's Manor appearing before 
[308] the Board informed us that agreeable to orders re- 
ceived from CoU Peter Livingston he had apprehended 
Wilhelmas Turner, James Turner and Coenradt Turner 
resolved that the Charges as alledged against them be 
taken into Consideration until Monday Morning next and 
that the said Wilhelmas Turner, James Turner and Coen- 
radt Turner enter into a Recognizance each of them to 
remain within the Limits of this City and to appear before 
this Board on Monday the 25- day of December Instant at 
ten of the Clock in the Forenoon and in the mean time to 
be of the good Behaviour — 

Wilhelmas Turner of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer in £100 

James Turner of D° .... D° in ;^ioo 

Coenradt Turner of D° . . . . D° in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

-J780 Met Albany 25^^ December 1780 

uec. 25. 1^ 


Samuel Stringer ) | John M. Beeckman 
Mathew Visscher j ( Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 

Resolved that John Stalker be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behav- 
iour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 605 

John Stalker of Claverack District Labourer t^^^®° 

•> . Dec. 25. 

in ;^lOO 

Ambrose Stalker of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

The Board taking into Consideration the Charges as 
alledged against Wilhelmas Turner, James Turner & Coen- 
radt Turner and the[y] appearing this Day agreeable to the 
[309] Tenor of the Recognizance entered into by them on 
the 23- Instant resolved that they have Permission to re- 
turn Home on their severally entering into a Recognizance 
for their good Behaviour doing their Duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the Continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain and also for their appear- 
ance at the next supreme Court of Judicature to be held 
for the State of New York at the City Hall in this City on 
the third Tuesday in January next (or wheresoever the said 
Court shall then be held in the state aforesaid) and not to 
depart the Court without Leave — 

Wilhelmas Turner of the Manor of Living- 
ston Farmer in ;^ioo 

Coenradt Cline of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

James Turner of the Manor of Livingston 

Farmer in £100 

Coenradt Cline of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Coenradt Turner of the Manor of Living- 
ston Farmer in ;Cioo 

Coenradt Cline of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in £100 

6o6 State of New York 

1780 Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Peter Livingston Esq^ 

to request him to bind over Johannis Van Deusen and 
Wheater Hicks to appear at the next Supreme Court as 
Witnesses against the aforementioned Turners and also 
that he bind over all such Persons as are able to prove the 
Charges alledged against them — And that he also be 
desired to have a certain John Moore w^ho is at present at 
Livingston's Manor apprehend[ed] and forthwith sent to us — 

The Board having received Information that Peter Bean 
of Livingston's Manor has lately declared himself as an 
Enemy to the American Cause and dissuaded Persons from 
[310] enlisting in the Continental Service and Richard 
Warn of the same place being a disaffected and dangerous 
Person — 

Resolved therefore that a warrant be made out directed 
to Cap? Coenradt Cline forthwith to apprehend and bring 
before us the said Peter Bean & Richard Warn — 

Adjourned — 

1780 Met Albany 27- December 1780 

'''''■ '-'• Present 

John M. Beeckman ) \ ^ 1 c • 

^T 1 TT- 1 r ) 'jamuei btnnger 

Mathew Visscher J (. 

The Board being informed that Adam Killmer who is at 
present Confined in Goal is entirely destitute of Provisions 
and other Necessaries and not having it in his Power to pro- 
cure any on Account of his Poverty — 

It is therefore resolved that he be liberated from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance with a Sufficient 
Surety for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appear- 
ing before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
whenever thereunto required during the Continuance of the 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 607 

present war with Great Britain and also for his Appearance j)*^^°„ 
at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held for the 
State of New York at the City Hall in this City on the third 
Tuesday In January next (or wheresoever the said Court 
shall then be held In the State aforesaid) and not to depart 
the Court without Leave — 

Adam KlUmer of Livingston's Manor In the 

County of Albany Blacksmith In ;^ioo 

Gideon Wolcot of the same place Blacksmith 

his Ball In £100 

Adjourned — 

[311] Met Albany 28^? December 1780 1780 


Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ]^ j John M. Beeckman 
Samuel Stringer j (. Mathew VIsscher 

James Brisben having made Application to the Board to 
be released from Confinement and his request being taken 
into Consideration thereupon resolved that the said James 
Brisben be liberated from Confinement on entering Into a 
Recognizance for his good Behaviour and Appearance be- 
fore any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
called upon and also for his remaining within the Limits 
of this City and not departing the same without Leave ob- 
tained for that Purpose from any three of the said Commis- 
sioners or unless it be to do Militia Duty — 

James Brisben of Saragtoga District Farmer 

in ;^ioo 

Peter Scharp of the City of Albany Carpenter 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

6o8 State of New York 

Del^. M^^ Albany 29^1? December 1780 


John M. Beeckman 1 f t t>. t- j 

^ 1 c • { J Isaac D. tonaz 

tvt'","^ ^""^f'^ ( 1 Teremiah Van Rensselaer 
Mathew Visscher ) [ '' 

Joseph Carr of Stillwater having petitioned the Board to 
be released from Confinement and the Prayer of the said 
Petition being taken into Consideration resolved there- 
upon that he be discharged from Confinement on entering 
into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour and appear- 
ance before any three of the Commissioners for Conspira- 
cies and for his remaining [312] within the Limits of the City 
of Albany and not departing the same unless he shall have 
leave previously obtained from any three of the said Com- 
missioners or unless it be to do Militia duty — 

Joseph Carr of Stillwater in the County of 
Albany Farmer in ;Cioo 

Alexander Baldwin of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Henry Tinkey be also discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour and appearance before any three of the Commission- 
ers for Conspiracies when thereunto required and also for his 
remaining within the Limits of this City and not departing 
the same without Leave previously obtained for that Purpose 
from any three of the said Commissioners or unless it be to 
do Militia Duty — 

Henry Tinkey of the Scotch Patent in the 
County of Charlotte Farmer in £^100 

Albert Van Derwerken of Saragtoga in the 

County of Albany his Bail in ;Cioo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 609 

On Application of Jotham Bemus resolved that he also tj'^*^„ 
be liberated from Confinement on entering into a Recog- 
nizance conditioned for his good Behaviour appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required and for his remaining within the Limits of the 
City of Albany and that Part of the Manor of Rensselaer- 
wyck which lies to the South of the North end of Steenbergh 
and not further East and West in the last mentioned [313] 
Place than the River to the East and the Foot of the Hill 
to the West & not departing the said Limits and Bounds 
unless with Leave previously obtained for that Purpose from 
any three of the said Commissioners or when called upon to 
do Militia Duty — 

Jotham Bemus of Still Water in the County 
of Albany Farmer in j^ioo 

Reuben Wright of the same Place Farmer his 
Bail in £100 

Job Wright of the same place Farmer also his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 2- January 1781 — 1781 

Present * , * 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) | g^^^^j g^^j 
Mathew Visscher ) (. 

A Letter from George White Esq^ dated the i^* Instant was 
laid before the Board inclosing an Examination of Bernard 
Carpenter from which said Examination it appears that 
Abner Darling of Pitts Town is a dangerous and disaffected 
Person for which Reason the said George White EsqJ having 
had him apprehended and sent to us, and that the said Abner 
Darling being brought before the Board and examined 

6io State of New York 

1781 resolved that the said Abner Darling be permitted to return 
Home on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the 
Continuance of the present war with Great Britain and 
remaining within the Limits of Pitts Town & not departing 
the same without Leave obtained from any three of the said 
Commissioners or unless it be to do Militia Duty — 

Abner Darling of Pitts Town Farmer in ;^ioo 

Moses James of King's District Farmer his 
Bail in ;^loo 

[314] Resolved that George Hicks be discharged on enter- 
ing into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his 
Duty & appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies whenever thereunto required during the Con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain and remaining 
within the Limits of King's District and not departing the 
same without leave obtained from any three of the said Com- 
missioners or unless it be to do Militia duty — 

George Hicks of New-town Farmer in ;^ioo 

John Herrington of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his Bail 

in £50 

Jabez Landers of the same Place also his Bail 
in ;^50 

A Petition of Archibald M'rNeal and Ezekiel Ensign was 
presented to the Board praying for Permission to go to their 
Families at Saragtoga resolved on taking the Prayer of the 
said Petition into Consideration that they be informed that 
the Board cannot grant their Request. 


Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 6i i 

Met Albany 3^ January 1781 ^78i 


John M. Beeckman ) f , r-. t- j 
;; , o ■ r 1 Isaac D. tonda 

bamuel btringer ) (. 

A Letter from Alexander Webster and Ebenezer Clark 
EsqS of Charlotte County was laid before the Board in which 
they request that James Gillis who Is at present in Confine- 
ment may be Hberated on Bail as the said GiUis has always 
behaved himself in an Inoffensive Manner and the same 
being taken into Consideration Resolved that the Board 
cannot [315] at this Time Hberate him — 

Application being also made by Archibald M'rNeal of the 
Scotch Patent to be admitted to Bail resolved that he be 
informed that the Board cannot at this Time liberate him — 

Samuel Stringer Esql informed the Board that he had 
received information that Peter Ball of the Bever Dam is at 
present at and about his Home and that he is come into the 
Country for the Purpose of Enlisting Men for the Enemy 
resolved that it be recommended to the said Samuel Stringer 
to obtain the fullest Information he possibly can as to the 
above and that in the mean while the Board will devise 
Measures to have him apprehended — 


Met Albany S^^ January 1781 jan. 5. 


John M. Beeckman ) f Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer j (. 

Application being made by D^ George Smith for Permission 
to come to this City for the purpose of setling his private 
Business and Patrick Smith his Bail agreeing to the same 
resolved that he have Permission granted him for the space 
of six Days, and the said Dr. Smith requesting also Permission 

6i2 State of New York 

1781 to visit a Patient at Col! Gerrit Van Denbergh's resolved 
Jan. 5. • u u 

also that Permission be granted him for that Purpose with the 

Consent & approbation of his said Bail — 

Robert Adems requesting Permission of the Board to go to 
Johnstovsm for the Purpose of setling his Business and 
Thomas Shipboy Bail for the said Robert Adems consenting 
to the same resolved that the said Robert Adems have Per- 
mission [316] granted him accordingly till the ij- day of 
January Instant — 

A Letter from Hugh Mitchell, Abraham Outhout and 
Ryneir Mynderse EsqS Commissioners for Conspiracies at 
Schenectady dated the 2- Instant was laid before the Board 
wherein they inform us that Archibald M^Kellop and Wil- 
liam Rodgers who are under Recognizance to this Board 
refuse to do any Militia Duty when called upon and are 
adjudged by them to be dangerous Persons — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Letter that the said 
Archibald M^Kellop and William Rodgers be ordered forth- 
with to appear before this Board. 

A Certificate signed by Richard Esselstyne and Lowrence 
Fonda Esq2 two of the Justices of the Peace for the County 
of Albany was laid before the Board in which they certify that 
agreeable to the Act of the Legislature entitled " An Act for 
the Removal of the Families of Persons who have Joined the 
Enemy" they have warned the following Women to depart the 
State or remove to such Parts of it as are in the Power of the 
enemy within twenty days from the Time of the Notice given 
to them — (to wit) Elsie Elizabeth Finkel, Margaret Finkle, 
Margaret Seman, Catharine Seman, Maria Stever, Eva 
Houser, Christina Benneway, Maria Reepenberger, Gertruy 
Wear, Anna Charter, Sintie Coventry, Bata Scharp, Mar- 
garet Shufelt, Cornelia Gardineir, & Maria Herpst, and the 
said Richard Esselstyne and Lowrence Fonda certifying that 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 613 

the said Elsie Elizabeth Finkle, Margaret Finkle, Margaret 1781 
Seman, Catharine Seman, Maria Stever Eva Houser and 
Christina Benneway have always behaved themselves in an 
unexceptionable Manner and that they do [317] not think 
their remaining at their Habitations will endanger the safety 
of the State ordered that the said Certificate be filed — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 8*^ January 1781 1781 

T-», 8. 


John M Beeckman ] ] ^^^^^^ ^.^^^^^^ 
Samuel Strmger ) ( 

John Parks of the Breakabeen having been represented to 
this Board as a disaffected Person and it being deemed neces- 
sary on Account of his Residence on the Frontiers of this State 
that he should be laid under Restrictions and having ordered 
the said John Parks to appear for that Purpose and he appear- 
ing this day agreeable to our order resolved that he enter into 
a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the Continuance 01 
the Present war with Great Britain — 

John Parks of the Breakabeen in the County 
of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

James Beatty of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in £100 

The Board being informed that there is at present in this 
City a certain Daniel M'vLoud who is possessed of a Pass 
signed by Philip Pell Esq- Commissary of Prisoners of this 
State under which Pass the said Daniel M'rLooed has during 
the whole of last Summer screened himself from Militia Duty 
resolved in Consequence of the said Information that Jacob 

6i4 State of New York 

^8i^ Kidney be ordered to bring the said Daniel M^Looed forth- 
with before the Board — 

Jacob Kidney appearing with Daniel M.'^Looed agreeable to 
order and the said Pass being produced and it appearing that 
the same was given upwards of a Year ago therefore resolved 
tatthe [318] said Pass be taken from the said Daniel M^Looed 
and delivered to the said Philip Pell Esq^ and it appearing 
necessary to this Board from the Principles professed by the 
said Daniel M^Looed that he should be restricted in his Con- 
duct therefore ordered that he appear before this Board on the 
12- Instant with a good sufficient surety for his future good 
Behaviour doing his duty and Appearance when called upon. 

jygj Met Albany 9*^? January 1781 

Jan. 9. Present 

John M. Beeckman) { Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Walter Trumble of Corey's Bush having been represented 
to this Board as a disaffected person and it being deemed 
necessary on account of his Residence on the Frontiers that 
he should be laid under Restrictions and having ordered the 
said Walter Trumble to appear for that Purpose & he ap- 
pearing this day agreeable to our order resolved that he 
enter into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain : — 

Walter Trumble of Corey's Bush in the 

County of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Alexander M?Key of Jericho in the County 
of Albany Weaver his Bail in £100 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 615 

[319] Met Albany 10*^^ January 1781 jan^'^io 


Tohn M. Beeckman ] f t ta t- j 

z, , o • [ \ J-saac L). ronda 

Samuel Stringer ; ( 

Robert M'rClallen and Thomas Shipboy who some Time 
since became surety for Archibald M^Neal appeared before 
the Board and requested that the said Archibald M'jNeal 
might have Permission to go to Saragtoga and likewise that 
Ezekiel Ensign might have a similar Indulgance 

And we having considered the said Request and judging 
from the present Situation of affairs that their going Home 
at this Time may be attended with dangerous Consequences 
to the State therefore resolved that they be informed that 
their Request cannot be complied with. 

It appearing to the Board from the Examination of Jot- 
ham Bemus that his wife M— Bemus is knowing to many 
enimical Transactions of Angus McDonald of Livingston's 
Manor resolved therefore that an order be made out and 
sent to M— Bemus to appear forthwith before this Board in 
order that she may be examined as to the above — 

It being suggested to the Board that Abraham VoUwyder 
and Andries Tollhamer of Nistageune are dangerous & dis- 
affected Persons who by their Conduct and Conversation 
daily give Offence to the Friends of the American Cause 
resolved therefore that the said Abraham Vollwider and 
Andries Tollhamer appear before the Board forthwith, with 
Each a sufficient surety to enter into Recognizance for their 
future good Behaviour & appearance before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon — 

Adiourned — 

6i6 State of New York 

T^^^i2 ^^^°^ Met Albany 12^ January 1 781 


John M Beeckman | | ^^^^^^ yj^^^^^, 
Samuel Stringer j ( 

Daniel M^Loed appearing agreeable to an order of this 
Board with William Fuller as his Surety resolved that he 
enter into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Daniel M'rLoed of the City of Albany La- 
bourer in ;^loo 

William Fuller of the same place Joiner his 

Bail in ;^I00 

On Application of Jotham Bemus for Permission to go 
to Stillwater to settle his Business (to which his Bails Job 
Wright and Reuben Wright consenting) resolved that Per- 
mission be granted him accordingly and that he have Time 
given him for fourteen Days for that Purpose - — 

Archibald M'rKellop having on the 5— Instant been cited 
to appear before the Board in Consequence of a Letter re- 
ceived from the Commissioners of Conspiracies at Schenec- 
tady and he appearing this day and being examined as to 
Information received respecting him and utterly denying 
the same and being willing to give Surety for his future 
good Conduct resolved that he enter into Recognizance 
for his appearance before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required and for his 
doing his duty & being of the good Behaviour for and 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 617 

[321] Archibald M^Kellop of Schenectady jkL^^L 

Farmer in £100 

Charles Martin of the same Place Merchant 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany la*"^ January 1781 Jan^^i6. 


John M. Beeckman | ( ^^^^^ ^.^^^^^^^ 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) (. 

Application being made to the Board for Permission for 
Archibald M^Neal and Ezekiel Ensign to go to Saragtoga 
for the Purpose of arranging their Family affairs and their 
Bails severally consenting thereto resolved that they have 
Permission granted them accordingly for fourteen Days 
from this Day at the Expiration of which Time they are 
again to repair to this Place — 

Lourence Deal, John Garret and John Coenly appeared 
before the Board and requested to be discharged from that 
Part of their Recognizance requiring their Appearance at 
the next Supream Court and they engaging to make known 
to the Board whenever John Waltymier shall again come 
in that Part of the Country in which they reside and their 
Request being taken into Consideration resolved that they 
be discharged accordingly — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany i;?*" January 1781 J^^ly. 


John M. Beeckman ) j j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

6i8 State of New York 

1781 Resolved that Hans Peter Snyder be discharged from 

J^^- ^7- ... 1 ■ ^ 

Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 

Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 

of the Com-[322]missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 

required during the Continuance of the present War with 

Great Britain And to remain within the Limits of the 

District of Livingston's Manor — 

Hans Peter Snyder of Saragtoga Farmer in . . £100 
Jacob Powers of Livingston's Manor Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

Peter Bean of Livingston's Manor having been appre- 
hended on the Information of Johannis Shaver Esq^ for 
drinking the King's Health and for dissuading Persons from 
entering into the nine Month's Service, was brought before 
the Board resolved that he enter into Recognizance for his 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required during the Continuance of the present War 
with Great Britain — And also for his appearance at the 
next Supream Court of Judicature to be held for the State 
of New York at the City Hall in the City of Albany on the 
third Tuesday in January Instant (or wheresoever the said 
Court shall then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer 
unto all such Matters and Things as shall be then and there 
exhibited against him And not to depart the Court without 

Peter Bean of Livingston's Manor Farmer in ;^ioo 
Coenradt Cline of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ^100 

Resolved that the Secretary pay to Cap^ Coenradt Cline 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 619 

the sum of £q „ o .. 2 on account of Services Performed in _ ^78i 

. . Jan. 17. 

apprehending and bringing to Goal John Snoeck Henry 

Hoogtehng and others — • 
Adjourned — 

[323] Met Albany 18?" January 1781 — j^t^is. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( i\/r i_ it- 1. 
•i T>, T- 1 c \ Mathew Visscher 

Isaac u. l<onda ) ( 

Joseph Carr who was by Recognizance bound to remain 
within the Limits of this City appeared before the Board 
and requested Permission to go to Stillwater to see his 
Family And his Bail Alexander Baldwin consenting thereto 
resolved that he have Permission granted him accordingly 
for fourteen Days — 

Henry Tinkey being also bound by Recognizance to re- 
main within the Limits of this City appeared before the 
Board & requested to Go to his Family at the Scotch Patent 
and his Bail Albert Van Der Werken consenting to the 
same resolved that he have leave granted him accordingly 
for Fourteen Days — 

A Petition signed by Elbert Willet Thomas Hun and a 
Number of other respectable and well affected Inhabitants 
of this City was laid before the Board setting forth that 
Jane Moffit whose Husband is at present with the Enemy 
has been warned agreeable to an Act of the Legislature of 
this State for the Removal of the Families of Persons who 
have joined the Enemy been warned to depart the State or 
remove to such Parts of it as are at present in the Power 
of the Enemy, that notwithstanding the Political Sentiments 

' The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 162, 
State Comptroller's office. 

620 State of New York 

1781 of her Husband the said Jane MofEt has always been es- 
teemed a Friend to the American Cause and that they do 
not conceive that her remaining within the State will tend 
in any Manner whatsoever to the Prejudice of the Freedom 
or Independance of this or the United States and the said 
Petition being [324] taken into Consideration resolved 
that in Consequence thereof that a Permit be granted to 
the said Jane Moffit to remain at her Habitation — 

Adjourned — 

j^lo. Met Albany 26^^ January 1781 


John M Beeckman | ( g^^^^j g^jnger 
Mathew Visscher J ( 

Elsie Elizabeth Finkle, Margaret Finkle, Margaret Se- 
man, Catharine Seman, Maria Stever, Eva Houser and 
Christina Benneyway whose Husbands are at present with 
the enemy having been warned by Richard Esselstyne and 
Lourence Fonda Esq2 to depart the State or remove to 
such Parts of it as are in the Power of the Enemy agreeable 
to an Act of the Legislature of this State entitled "An Act 
for the Removal of the Families of Persons who have joined 
the Enemy" and the said Justices having recommended 
the said women above named as Persons of inoffensive 
Characters who they do not in any Manner conceive dan- 
gerous to the Safety of the State and the said above men- 
tioned Women having petitioned this Board for Permits to 
remain at their Habitations resolved in Consequence of the 
Recommendation of the said Justices that Permits be 
granted them accordingly — 

It being represented to the Board by the Goaler that James 
Gillis at present confined in Goal is very 111 and that a Con- 
tinuance of his Confinement may endanger his Life therefore 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 621 

resolved that he be permitted to go to the House of the Widow ^78i 
M^Neal in this City and their remain until he is recovered 
of his [325] Indisposition on Neal Shaw's entering into a 
Recognizance that the said James Gillis during his Con- 
tinuance at the House of the said Ms M'Neil shall be of the 
good Behaviour — 

Neal Shaw of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 

Innkeeper Bail for James Gillis in £100 

James Brisben who was by Recognizance bound to remain 
within the Limits of this City appeared before the Board and 
requested Permission to go to Saragtoga to see his Family 
and his Bail Peter Sharp consenting thereto resolved that he 
have Permission granted him accordingly until the 15- day 
of February next 

Archibald^IlNeil of the Scotch Patent having p[e]titioned 
the Board to be released from Confinement and the prayer of 
the said Petition being taken into Consideration resolved there- 
upon that he be discharged on entering into a Recognizance 
for his good Behaviour and appearance before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies & for his remaining within the 
Limits of the City of Albany and not departing the same 
unless he shall have leave previously obtained from any three 
of the said Commissioners or unless it be to do Militia Duty — 
Archibald M?Neil of the Scotch Patent in the 

County of Charlotte Farmer in ;^ioo 

Evans Umphrey of Tomhenick in the County 
of Albany Farmer his Bail in ;;Cioo 

Adjourned — • 

Met Albany 26*'' January 1781 janfk 


John M. Beeckman ) j Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher ) 1 Reyneir Mynderse 

622 State of New York 

lan^le t^^^^ Resolved that Gilbert Miller be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the Present War vsrith Great 
Britain — 

Gilbert Miller of Ballstown Farmer in ;^ioo 

Joseph Bettis of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in £100 

Resolved that William Bettis be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies v?hen thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

William Bettis of Ballstown Farmer in £100 

Teunis Van Vleek of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^iop 

Resolved that Samuel Burns be discharged from Confine- 
ment on his entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Samuel Burns of New-town Farmer in £100 

William Bradshaw of Half Moon D'strict 

Farmer his Bail in £50 

John Flinn of the same place Farmer also his 

Bail in ;^50 

John Murray having been ordered to appear before this 
Board to enter into Recognizance of a new appearing this 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 623 

Day agreeable to the said Order resolved that he be bound ^ ^'^^^g 
for his good Behaviour doing his Duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto [327] required during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

John Murray of Breakabeen Farmer in ;6^ioo 

Hugh Alexander of the Manor of Rensselaer- 
wyck Blacksmith his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 2f- January 1781 jan^ 27. 


Samuel Stringer ] ( Isaac D. Fonda 

John M. Beeckman j ( Mathew Visscher 

Angus McDonald of Livingston's Manor petitioned the 
Board to be released from Confinement resolved that he be 
informed that he cannot as yet be liberated — 

Application was made to the Board by James Gillis for 
Permission to go to the place of his abode at the Scotch 
Patent for the Purpose of removing his Family and Effects 
in the Interior Parts of the Country and his Bail consenting 
to the same resolved that he have Permission granted him 
accordingly and that he remove by the first Day of March 
next — 

William Hutton petitioned the Board to be released from 
Confinement on Bail and as the said William Hutton has been 
a long Time in Confinement therefore resolved that he be 
informed that the Board will liberate him provided he can 
procure a sufficient surety for his future good Behaviour 
and appearance when called upon — 

Adjourned — 

624 State of New York 

1781 [328] Met Albany zg^ January 1781 


John M. Beeckman ) f Isaac D. Fonda 
Mathew Visscher ) | Samuel Stringer 

Hannah Bemus wife of Jotham Bemus having been or- 
dered to appear before the Board appeared this day agreeable 
to the said order and being interrogated as to Angus Mc- 
Donald of Livingston's Manor carrying on an Intercourse 
with the Enemy and harbouring British Officers who were 
passing through the Country as Expresses and she refusing 
to answer to the same and there being great Reason to suppose 
that she is acquainted with the above Circumstances — 

Therefore resolved that she be committed until she gives 
Satisfactory Answers to the same and that a Mittimus be 
made out for her — 

Henry Wiesner Esq- laid before the Board a Petition of Joshua 
H. Smith at present confined to the Goal of Orange County by 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies at Pougkeepsie which Peti- 
tion is in the following words (to wit) (see Petition on File) — 

Resolved that Mr Wiesner be informed that this Board 
will not interfere with the Business of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies above mentioned — 

Resolved that William Hutton be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour & appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Con- 
[329] tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 
William Hutton of Lansingburgh Cord- 

wainer in ;£^ioo 

John Watt of New Scotland in the County 
of Albany Farmer his Bail in £100 


Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 625 

Met Albany 30^ January 1781 1781 

Present •^^' ^°' 

John M. Beeckman ) ( r. 1 o • 

T rN T- 1 c i oamuel btnnger 

Isaac D. Fonda j ( ^ 

Application was made to the Board by Archibald MiNeil 
to go to the place of his Abode at the Scotch Patent for the 
purpose of removing his Family and effects in the Interior 
Parts of the Country and his Bail consenting to the same 
resolved that he have Permission granted him accordingly 
& that he remove by the first day of March next 


Met Albany 31?* January 1781 t/«*^. 


John M. Beeckman } ( Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda j [ Samuel Stringer 

Jan. 31. 

Resolved that Garrit Van Der Pool be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour & appearing before any three of the Commission- 
ers for Conspiracies when thereunto required [during] the 
Continuance of the Present war with Great Britain — 

Garrit Van Der Pool of the East District of 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in... £100 

William Seaton of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in £100 

Adjourned — 

[330] Met Albany If* February 1 78 1 Feb.^. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( ^^^j^^^ ^.^^^^^^ 
Isaac D. Fonda ) (. 

626 State of New York 

^1781 It appearing to the Board that Peter Ten Broeck is Ex- 

changed and under Parole to go to New York — Ordered 
that the Bond of the said Peter Ten Broeck and Wessel Ten 
Broeck his Bail be given up to John Ten Broeck of the Great 
Imboght Brother to the said Peter Ten Bro[e]ck — 

jySi Met Albany 2^ February 1781 

Feb. 2. Present 

Isaac D. Fonda | j g^^^^j g^^j^g^, 
John M. Beeckman J (. 

Archibald Campbell having been ordered to appear before 
this Board to enter into Recognizance of anew & he appear- 
ing this Day agreeable to the said order resolved that he be 
bound for his good Behaviour doing his duty & appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the Continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Archibald Campbell of the District of Cam- 
bridge in the County of Albany Farmer in . ;^ioo 

William Reed of New Perth in Charlotte 

County Miller his Bail in £100 


1781 [331] Met Albany 3"? February 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) I Mathew Visscher 

Resolved that Angus McDonald be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 627 

required during the Continuance of the present war with ^781 
Great Britain — 

Angus M'jDonald of Livingston's Manor 
Farmer in ;^i5o 

Abraham Vossburgh of Claverack Farmer his 
Bail in ;^i50 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 5*.'' February 1 781 — ' ^^^81 


John M Beeckman | | j^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ 
Samuel Stnnger ) (, 

Resolved that Thomas Yarns be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain 

Thomas Yarns of Kingsbury in Charlotte 
County Farmer in £100 

Rowland Perry of Palmertown in the County 
of Albany Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

As the above mentioned Thomas Yarns live[s] upon the 
Frontiers and has it in his Power to aid and Comfort the 
Enemy resolved that he be ordered to remove into the 
Interior Parts of this State by the first day of May next — 

Adjourned — 

[332] Met Albany 6^^ February 1781 1781 


John M. Beeckman ) f j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

628 State of New York 

Feb*6 Melchart Van Deusen Esq^ of Tryon County appeared 
before the Board and informed us that he has received 
Information that z, certain Albert Van Der Werken is able to 
prove that Major Jellis Fonda was knowing to Robert Snell 
who lived with the said Jellis Fonda going to the Enemy 
last spring 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that 
Albert Van Der Werken be cited to appear immediately 
before this Board in order to his being examined as to the 
same — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany j^^ February 1781 

^*''-'^- Present 

John M. Beeckman ) f t t-» t? j 

J , „ . f ■{ Isaac D. Fonda 

Samuel Stnnger J ( 

Albert Van Der Werken appeared agreeable to the Order 
of Yesterday and was examined as to the Information 
against Major Jellis Fonda, on his Examination he says 
that he was informed by Robert Snell that Major Fonda 
was privy to his going off but does not from his own Knowl- 
edge [know] whether it be true — 

The said Albert Van Der Werken also says that a certain 
Peter Boon of Tryon County is able to give some very mate- 
rial Information respecting sundry disaffected Persons [333] 
of that Place resolved that the said Peter Boon be ordered 
immediately to attend this Board in order that he may be 
examined as to the same — 

The Board received Information that William Laird who 
came from the Enemy under a Pretence of his deserting 
from them is come with an Intention of enlisting Men for 
the Service of the enemy It is therefore resolved that James 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 629 

Crosset and Benjamin Crosset who are Bail for the Appear- ^78i 
ance of the said William Laird be ordered forthwith to de- 
liver him up to this Board — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 8?'' February 1781 1781 

Present ^*''- *' 

John M. Beeckman ) ( ^ 1 o ■ 

Isaac D.Fonda } | Samuel Strmger 

Resolved that James M':Koy (a Deserter from the British 
Army at present in Confinement on a Complaint of Dis- 
affection) be discharged from Confinement on his entering 
into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the Continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain 

James M'rKoy of Livingston's Manor Tay- 
lor in £100 

Christopher Hagedorn of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany g^^ February 1781 Febfg. 


Isaac D. Fonda ) ( 1 o • 

T 1 AC T^ 1 r 1 isamuel Strmger 

John M. Beeckman ) ( 

[334] Coll Abraham Veeder appeared before the Board 
and informed us that he had received Information that a cer- 
tain Coenradt Coon has been lately sworn for the King in the 
House of Thomas Bebee by an Emissary from the Enemy — 

Resolved that the said Thomas Bebee be cited forthwith to 
appear before this Board to give Information as to the above 

Adjourned — 

630 State of New York 

pJ78i Met Albany 13?'' February 1781 


Samuel Stringer | j 1^33^ D. Fonda . 

John M. Beeckman J ( 

It appearing to the Board from the Information of Walter 
Quackenbush that Harmen Haver of Livingstons Manor 
did lately in Conversation with Garret Quackenbush call 
him the said Walter Quackenbush and the said Garret 
Quackenbush damned Rebels and the said Harmen Haver 
sustains the Character of a disaffected Person therefore 
resolved that a warrant be made out to bring the said Har- 
men Haver forthwith before this Board — 

Thomas Bebee who was on the 9- Instant cited to appear 
before the Board appeared and being Examined as to the 
Information given by Col! Veeder confesses that Coenradt 
Coon was sworn for the King at his House but that it was 
contrary to his inclination and that he would have opposed 
the same if he had had it in his Power and it appearing that 
Col! Veeder received the Information [335] from the said 
Thomas Bebee and that the said Bebee is well affected to 
the American Cause therefore resolved that he be discharged 

Adjourned — 
1781 Met Albany 15^ February 1781 

John M. Beeckman ) f y t> t- 1 
i^ , IT. , r \ Isaac D. Fonda 

Mathew Visscher J ( 

Ezekiel Ensign made application to the Board for Per- 
mission to go to his place of abode at Saragtoga and his 
request being taken into Consideration resolved that the 
same be granted on his taking an Oath that he will not 
dire[c]tly or indirectly give aid or Comfort or Intelligence 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 631 

to the Enemies of the United States of America and that he ^^781 

Feb. 15. 

will make known to the Commissioners for Conspiracies all 
treasonable actings & doings attempted against the same 
whenever it shall come to his knowledge during the Contin- 
uance of the present War with Great Britain — And the 
said Ezekiel Ensign having taken the said Oath resolved 
with the Consent of his Bail that he have Leave to remain 
at his place of abode at Saragtoga — 

Archibald McNeil made application to go & see his 
Family at Saragtoga ordered with consent of his Bail that 
he have leave granted him until Monday next — 

William Robins having been ordered to appear before 
this Board to enter into Recognizance of anew and he ap- 
pearing this day agreeable to the said order resolved that 
[336] he be bound for his good Behaviour doing his Duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Contin- 
uance of the present War with Great Britain — 

William Robins of the Towoiship of Argyle 
in the County of Charlotte Farmer in. . . . £100 

Edward Savage of White Creek in the County 

of Charlotte Esq- his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

■ Met Albany i6i^ February 1781 1781 


Tohn M. Beeckman ] ( (, 1 c^ • 

T TA T- . r 1 bamuel btnnger 

Isaac D. ronda ) (. 

George Tellford having been ordered to appear before 
this Board to enter into Recognizance of anew and appearing 
this Day agreeable to the said Order resolved that he be 
bound for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 

Feb. z6. 

632 State of New York 

Feb*i6 ^^^" thereunto required during the Continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain 

George Tellford of the District of Cambridge 

in the County of Albany Farmer in £100 

Moses Martin of White Creek in the County 

of Charlotte Esq: his Bail in ;^ioo 

William Blake having been ordered to appear before this 
Board to enter into Recognizance of anew appearing this 
day agreeable to the said Order resolved that he be bound 
for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
[337] ^ny three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the Present War 
with Great Britain 

William Blake of the District of Cambridge in 

the County of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Moses Martin of White Creek in the County 
of Charlotte Esqt his Bail in £100 

^781 Met Albany i;"* February 1781 


Tohn M. Beeckman ] f ^ 1 o • 

i T^ T- 1 f S oamuel btnnger 

Isaac D. Fonda j ( ^ 

Resolved that Thomas M^Feal be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his Duty & appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain 
Thomas M^Feal of Livingston's Manor La- 
bourer in ;^ioo 

Abraham Bloodgood of the City of Albany 

Innkeeper his Bail in ;£^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 633 

Met Albany ig*."? February 1781 ^^&i 


John M. Beeckman ) ( o i <? • 

T T^ T- , r ■{ oamuel btringer 

Isaac D. Fonda j ( ^ 

Resolved that William Bell be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any thre[e] of the 
[338] Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto re- 
quired during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

William Bell of Fort Edward in the County 
of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Duncan Shaw of Charlotte County Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

As the above mentioned William Bell lives upon the 
Frontiers and has it in his Power to aid and Comfort the 
Enemy resolved that he be ordered to remove into the 
Interior Parts of this State by the first Day of April next — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 20^ February 1781 1781 


John M. Beeckman ] i ■, t\ v j 

■i , r. • f 1 Isaac u. ronda 

Samuel Strmger ) (. 

An Affidavit of Zachariah Holsapple taken before Samuel 
Ten Broeck Esq- of Livingston's Manor was laid before the 
Board whereby it appears that Teunis Smith of Livingston's 
has lately harboured and concealed two British Officers who 
were enlisting Men for the Enemies Service resolved in 
Consequence of the said Affidavit that a warrant be made 
out for the apprehension of the said Teunis Smith and that 

634 State of New York 

„i78i Citations be sent to Simon Rockefeller & Johannis Miller 

Feb. 20. . • I ^rr- 1 ■ 1 tr r 

who were knowing to the said Officers being at the House 01 

the said Teunis Smith and that the said warrant and Citations 

be sent to the said Samuel Ten Broeck Esq^ for the purpose 

of having them served — 

Adjourned — 

Feb^li. [339] Met Albany 2i5i February 1 78 1. 


MathewVisscher) ( 13,^^ D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

William Bradshaw and John Flinn who did on the 26?'' day 
of January last become surety for Samuel Burns appeared 
before the Board and requested Permission to deliver up the 
said Samuel Burns in discharge of themselves, resolved that 
the said William Bradshaw and John Flinn be accordingly 
discharged and that the said Samuel Burns be committed and 
that a Mittimus be made out for him. 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 22- February 178 1 

Feb. 22. Present 

Samuel Stringer \ | j^,,, q. p^^j^ 
Mathew Visscher J ( 

Joel Abbot informed the Board that a certain Jacob 
Timmerman has harboured and secreted Emissaries from the 
Enemy and has assisted Persons who were on their way to 
Canada and the Examination of the said Joel Abbot being 
taken as to the same is in the words following (to wit) (see 
Examination on File) resolved in Consequence of the said 
Examination that a warrant be made out for the said Jacob 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 635 

It also appearing to the Board from the said Examination 1781 
of Joel Abbot that the wife of William Nelling Jun- was 
privy to Timmerman secreting Persons from the enemy 
therefore resolved that a warrant be also made out to appre- 
hend her. — 

[340] Resolved that John Todd be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain. — 

John Todd of White Creek in the County of 
Charlotte Carpenter in ;^ioo 

Isaac Little of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;£^ioo 

Robert Gitty of the same place Farmer also 

his Bail in ;^lOO 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 23^ February 1781 ^^^^^ 


Samuel Stringer ) | j^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Resolved that John WykofF be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the 
Continuance of the present war with Great Britain 

John WykofF of Nistageuna Labourer in ;£^ioo 

David Maxwell of Ballstown Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Zachariah Holsapple whose Examination taken before 

636 State of New York 

1781 Samuel Ten Broeck Esq' was laid before the Board on the 
21- Instant was brought before us and being Examined and 
his Examination being reduced to writing is in the words 
following (to wit) (see Examination on File) 

Adjourned. — 

¥ih%. [34''] ^^^ Albany zf^ February 1781 


John M Beeckman ) f j^^^^ j^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Strmger J ( 

His Excellency Governor Clinton having requested by 
Letter that James Van Driesen may be liberated from Con- 
finement and the Board taking the said Request into Con- 
sideration do thereupon resolve that the said James Van 
Driesen be accordingly discharged. — 

Lieut* Col? Henry K. Van Rensselaer appeared before the 
Board and informed that there has lately been a Meeting of a 
Number of disaffected Persons in the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck at the House of James Lister at 
which Meeting was publicly read by Jabez Spencer a Procli- 
mation of Sir Henry Clinton Commander in cheif of the 
British Forces in America which Conduct being in open 
Violation of the Laws of this State and destructive of the 
Peace and good Government of the same and having a Ten- 
dency to Alienate the Minds of Friends of the American 
Cause — 

Therefore resolved that a warrant be made out for the 
immediate Apprehension of the said Jabez Spencer together 
with all such other disaffected Persons as were present at the 
said Meeting and that the said warrant be delivered to Cap* 
Robert Woodward for the Purpose of having the same 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 637 

Resolved that John May and John J. Van Valkenburgh -^'Si 
who were present at the above mentioned Meeting be cited 
to appear before this Board to Morrow Morning in Order 
that they may be examined as to the same. 


[342] Met Albany 28*'' February 1 781 ^ ^78^ 


John M. Beeckman ) f Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda j 1 Samuel Stringer 

John May having been cited to appear before the Board 
this Day appeared agreeable to Order & being examined as 
to the Meeting at James Lister's at which Sir Henry Clinton's 
Proclamation was read he saith as follows (to wit) (see his 
Examination on File). — 

In Consequence of the above Examination resolved that 
a warrant be made out directed to the said John May for the 
immediate Apprehension of Silas Wood and William Bruce, 
and that the said John May be directed to search the Houses 
of the said Silas Wood and William Bruce for treasonable 
Papers, and that he bring the Bodies with the said Papers 
forthwith before us. — 

Alexander Cone having been apprehended by Capi Ichabod 
Turner for being concerned in dispersing Sir Henry Clinton's 
Proclamation and being brought before the Board and 
Examined resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus 
be made out for him — 

Adjourned. — 

Met Albany i^* March 1781.— „i78i 

-, J ■ I Mar. 3. 


John M. Beeckman I f , t-. t^ 1 
■L 1 c ■ f 1 Isaac D. Fonda 

Samuel btrmger ) {. 

638 State of New York 

Ma^.\ Application was made to the Board by James Gillis for 
Permission to go to his Place of Abode at the Scotch [343] 
Patent and his Bail Neal Shaw consenting to the same 
resolved that he have Permission accordingly until the first 
Day of April next. — 

Application was also made to the Board by Archibald 
M^Neal for Permission to go to his Place of Abode at the 
Scotch Patent to which his surety Evans Humphrey con- 
senting resolved that he have Permission accordingly until 
the first day of April next — 

Major Jacob Schermerhorn appeared before the Board 
with Yutlope Chrencher & Hendrick Schermerhorn who he 
informed us are able to give Information concerning a 
Number of disaffected Inhabitants at Schodack and the said 
Yutlope Chrencher and Hendrick Schermerhorn being 
examined say as follows (to wit) (see their Examination on 
File) — 

Resolved that in Consequence of the above Examinations 
of Yutlope Chrencher and Hendrick Schermerhorn that a 
warrant be made out directed to Cap- Nicholas Staats for 
the immediate Apprehension of Martin Egbertse and 
Johannis Kittle — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 2^ March 1781 
jygi Present 

^"■^ '■ John M. Beeckman ) | Mathew Visscher 

Samuel Stringer ) \ Isaac D. Fonda 

Lieu- David Hustead appeared before the Board and 
informed that agreeable to our warrant he had apprehended 
John Cone and David Ni[c]hols for dispersing about the 
Country Sir Henry Clinton's Proclamation and that he had 
also apprehended James Lister, Thomas Hicks and Henry 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 639 

[344] Filkens who were present at the reading of one of the ^78i 
said Proclamations at the House of the said James Lister 
and they being severally brought before the Board and 
Examined resolved that John Cone and David Nichols be 
confined and that James Lister, Thomas Hicks, and Henry 
Filkins be ordered to appear before the Board to Morrow 
Morning — 

Gersham Odell one of the Constable's of Hosick District 
appeared before the Board and informed that he had appre- 
hended Jacob Timmerman against whom a warrant was 
issued by this Board upon the Information of Joel Abbot & 
the said Jacob Timmerman being brought before us and 
examined ordered that he be committed and that a Mittimus 
be made out for him — 

A Letter from Abraham Fonda Esq- and Col- Abraham 
Wemple dated as Schenectady was laid before the Board 
wherein they inform that they send to us under Guard John 
Mekelmay, John Curry & George Scott who have harboured 
and secreted two Men who were on their way to the 
Enemy resolved that they be Confined and that a Mittimus 
be made out for them. — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 3'? March 1781 j^^^^^ 


John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer J \ Isaac D. Fonda 

Resolved that Abraham Robison who is Surety for Andries 
Stoll be ordered forthwith to deliver up the said Andries 

[345] Lieui David Hustead appearing before the Board 
was examined his Examination is as follows (to wit) (see 
Examination on File) 

640 State of New York 

J^^ Cap- Henry Dencker appearing before the Board agree- 

able to order was examined his Examination is as follows 
(to wit) (see Examination on File) 

Cap* Nicholas Staats appeared before the Board & 
informed that he had apprehended agreeable to our warrant 
John J. Van Valkenburgh, John Kittle, Jacobus Moll, Peter 
Wyngart, Andries Wessels, Martin Egbertse and Peter Van 
Valkenburgh and they being brought before us and exam^ 
ined resolved that Martin Egbertse Peter Wyngaert, Jacobus 
Moll, John Kittle and John J. Van Valkenburgh be com- 
mitted and that a Mittimus be made out for them. — 

It appearing to the Board from a Recommendation of 
sundry well affected Inhabitants that John J. Van Valken- 
burgh has during the present Contest behaved himself in a 
peaceable and inoffensive Manner yet as he is reputed to be 
disaffected to the American Cause therefore resolved that 
previous to his Discharge he enter into a Recognizance for 
his future good Behaviour doing his Duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required for and during the Continuance 
of the present War with Great Britain. — 

John J. Van Valkenburgh of Schodack in the 
County of Albany Farmer in £200 

Andries Wessels apprehended by Cap* Staats being recom- 
mended to the Board as a Peaceable Person yet as he is also 
[346] reputed to be disaffected to the American Cause there- 
fore resolved that previous to his Discharge he enter into a 
Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his Duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the Continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

Andries Wessels of Schodack in the County of 
Albany Labourer in ;^ioo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 641 

Samuel Hill of the west District of the Manor of Rens- ,p^^ 
selaerwyck having been present at James Listers when Sir 
Henry Clinton's Proclamation was there read & being 
Examined and it appearing from the Recommendation of 
Cap- Woodward that the said Samuel Hill has always 
behaved himself as a Zealous Friend to the American Cause 
therefore resolved that he be discharged 

The above mentioned Samuel Hill mentioning to the 
Board his willingness to apprehend Jabez Spencer resolved 
that a warrant for that Purpose be made out and delivered 
to him. — 

Thomas Hicks, James Lister, and Henry Filkins appearing 
before the Board agreeable to the Order of Yesterday were 
again examined and as it does not appear that they were 
concerned in or promoted the reading the Proclamation 
before mentioned but as they sustain the Characters of 
being disaffected to the American Cause therefore resolved 
that they procure Sureties for their future good Behaviour — 

James Lister appearing with Israel Thomas as surety [347] 
resolved that he enter into Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his Duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — ; 
James Lister of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

Israel Thomas of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Thomas Hicks and Henry Filkins being unable to procure 
Bail other than for their Appearance with sufficient sureties 
at some future day resolved that they severally enter into 
a Recognizance for their Appearance on Tuesday next with 
sufficient sureties to become bound with them for their 
future good Conduct and Appearance when called upon. — 

642 State of New York 

1781 Thomas Hicks of the East District of the 

Mar. 3. 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

David Hustead of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in £100 

Robert Woodward of the same place Farmer 

also his Bail in ;^ioo 

Henry Filkins of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. .. . ;^ioo 

David Hustead of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Robert Woodward of the same place Farmer 
also his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned. — 

J781 Met Albany 5'-^! March 1781 

'^'■'- Present ^ 

John M Beeckman | f j^^^^ p. Fonda 
Samuel Strmger ) (, 

Abraham Bloodgood appeared before the Board with 
Thomas M^Feal for whom he some Time since entered 
[348] Recognizance and surrendered the said Thomas 
M^Feal resolved that the said Abraham Bloodgood be 
accordingly discharged from the said Recognizance and 
that the said Thomas M'rFeal stand committed till he procure 
another sufficient surety — 

John M^Fall appearing before the Board and offering to 
become surety for the above mentioned Thomas M-Feal 
resolved that the said Thomas M*FaIl be discharged on 
entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing 
his Duty and appearing before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the 
Continuance of the present War with Great Britain. — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 643 

Thomas M'rFeal of the Manor of Livingston 1781 

in the County of Albany Labourer in .... . ;^ioo 

John M^Fall of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in £100 

The Board having received Information that William 
Laird is at Johnstown and that there is the greatest Reason 
to think that he intends soon to go to Canada therefore 
resolved that a warrant be made out and directed to any 
Constable of Tryon County for the immediate Apprehen- 
sion of the said William Laird. — 

Thomas Hicks who was on the third Instant bound for 
his Appearance before this Board with a sufficient surety 
appeared resolved that he enter into a Recognizance for 
his good Behaviour, doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain. — 

Thomas Hicks of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in.... ;Cioo 

[349] David Hustead of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Henry Filkins who was also on the third Instant bound 
for his Appearance before this Board with a sufficient 
surety appeared resolved that he enter into a Recognizance 
for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain. — 

Henry Filkins of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in £100 

Abraham Filkins of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

644 State of New York 

1781 Teunis Smith of Livingston's Manor having by Virtue 

of a warrant from this Board been apprehended by Jacob 
Powers Constable was brought before the Board and being 
interrogated as to his harbouring two British Officers, he 
denied the same and it appearing from the Recommendation 
of his Officers that he has always behaved himself well and 
there being great Reason to think that the Charge as alledged 
against him by Zachariah Holsapple is untrue therefore 
resolved that he be discharged. — 

Johannis Smith of Livingston's Manor being also 
examined on the Information of Zachariah Holsapple as to 
the Officers said to have been at the House of Teunis 
Smith above mentioned and it appearing that he is alto- 
gether unacquainted with the same therefore resolved that 
he be discharged. — 

Bowles Arnold having been present at the Meeting at 
James Lister's where Sir Henry Clinton's Proclamation was 
read appeared agreeable to our order and being Examined as 
[350] to the same resolved that he be committed and that 
a Mittimus be made out for him. — 

Lieu- Cot Henry K. Van Rensselaer appeared before the 
Board and informed us that a few days since he issued his 
warrant agreeable to Law for the Apprehension of Andries 
StoU and Harpert Witbeeck who had been fined by a Court 
Martial for Neglect of Militia Duty which Fine they refused 
to pay that the said Andries Stoll & Harpert Witbeeck had 
been apprehended by Serjeant Elijah Adams and that after 
being so apprehended a Number of disaffected Persons 
(to wit) Robert Mackesny, Samuel Mackesny, John Mac- 
kesny, Walter Mackesny, John Barham, Peter Kimmell, 
Lowrence Snyder, Jacob Fraligh, Sander Bulson, Christopher 
File, Jacob Kerncross, Coenradt Heydorn, John Melius, 
Abraham Van Aernam, Andries Colekamer & others did 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 645 

forceably rescue the said Andries StoU and Harpert Wit- »78i 
beeck from the said Elijah Adams resolved in Consequence 
of the above information that a warrant be made out for 
the immediate apprehension of the said Persons above 
mentioned & all others concerned in the said Rescue. — 


Met Albany 6^ March 1781 j^^\ 


John M Beeckman ) f j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer J (. 

John Cone and David Nichols who a few days ago were 
confined for dispersing Sir Henry Clinton's Proclamations 
about the Country were brought before the Board and 
severally examined resolved that they be recommitted. — 

[351] Hezekiah Van Orden Esql appeared before the 
Board and requested that George Burk a Deserter from 
the British Army might be discharged from Confinement 
& that he the said Hezekiah Van Orden would take the said 
George Burk in his Care resolved that he be discharged 
accordingly. — 

John Scott who was confined at the Request of Abra- 
ham Fonda Esq- and Col' Abraham Wemple for har- 
bouring two Men who were on their way to the Enemy was 
brought before the Board and examined resolved that he 
be recommitted. — 

Cap- Robert Woodward appeared before the Board and 
informed that Nicholas Miller, John Miller, and John J. 
Miller were present at the Meeting at James Lister's where 
a Proclamation of Sir Henry Clinton was read; & that the 
said Nicholas Miller, John Miller and John J. Miller 
appeared to be warmly engaged in promoting the reading the 
said Proclamation wherefore it is resolved that a warrant be 

646 State of New York 

^781 made out directed to Cap^ Nicholas Staats for their immediate 
Mar. 6. . *■ 

Adjourned. — 

^lf,\. Met Albany 7*" March 1781 


John M. Beeckman \ ( nr ■, tt- 1 
■i , n • Mathew Visscher 

bamuel htrmger V -; , • 1 tr t> 1 

^ ^ ° Teremiah Van Rensselaer 

Isaac D. Fonda ; (. ■' 

His Excellency Governor Clinton having in Consequence of 
the Information received by this Board from Lieu^ Col- 
Henry K. Van Rensselaer on the 5^ Instant ordered a Party 
of [352] Coll Cuyler's Regiment to apprehend all those who 
were concerned in rescueing Andries StoU and Harpert 
Lansing from the Custody of Elijah Adams and they having 
apprehended a Number of disaffected Persons concerned 
in the said Rescue and the said Persons being by order of his 
Excellency the Governor brought before the Board and 
severally Examined their Names are as follows (to wit) 
Samuel Swertfeger, Melchert File, Jacob Weeger Jun^, 
John Weeger, Christopher File, Christopher Shaver Robert 
Machesny, Walter Machesny, Abraham Roberts, John 
Smith, Harper Lansing, Coenradt Heydorn, Coenradt 
Colehamer, John Klint, Andries Stoll Samuel Machesny, 
Jacob Fraligh and Isaac Hop resolved that they be severally 
committed and that a Mittimus be made out for them. — 

The Board having received Information that a certain 
Person supposed to be a spy from the Enemy has been at the 
House of Lieu- Cleveland and the said Cleveland being 
ordered to appear before us and he appearing on being 
examined says that he does not recollect having seen any 
such Person at his House resolved that it be recommended 
to him to be Extremely vigilant in learning the Characters 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 647 

of such Persons as he entertains in his House and from Time i78t 

M&r. 7. 
to Time give Information to this Board of all such Persons 

of whom he may be suspicious. — 

William Rowke being apprehended and brought before 

the Board as a suspicious Person on being examined says 

that he is enlisted during the war for a class resolved 

that he be delivered over to Lieui Snow. — 


[353] Met Albany 8*i? March 1781 ^^\ 


John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda j \ Hugh Mitchell 

The Board having received Information that at the house 
of Dirck Van Der Wilgen at the Hellebergh there has lately 
been a Meeting of a Number of disaffected Persons at 
which said Meeting among others were present Peter Seeger 
and Gerrit Seeger resolved in Consequence of the said 
Information that the Said Dirck Van Der Wilgen Gerrit 
Seeger and Peter Seeger be cited to appear before the Board 
to give Information as to the above Meeting — 

John Curry, John Mekelmay and John Scott having made 
application to the Board to be liberated from Confinement 
on Bail and the same being taken into Consideration resolved 
that they be severally liberated accordingly on entering into 
Recognizance to appear within ten Days from the Date hereof 
with each of them a sufficient surety before the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies at Schenectady and that before the said 
Commissioners they severally enter into a Recognizance for 
their good Behaviour doing their duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

648 State of New York 

Bi^^ 8 John Curry of Ballstown in the County of 

Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

John Mekelmay of the same Place Farmer in. £100 

John Scott of the same place Farmer in £100 

Adjourned. — 


Mar. 9. [354] Met Albany 9^ March 1781 — 


John M Beeckman | ( j^^^^ jj p^^j^ 
Samuel Stnnger ) ( 

Robert Simmons late a Capi in the Enemies Service being 
at present in this City and it being conceived necessary that 
he should be examined and he being sent for and appearing 
was examined his Examination is as follows (to wit) 
(see Examination on File) 

Resolved that Melchert File be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Melchert File of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . ;^ioo 

Isaac Van Aernam of the City of Albany 
Hatter his Bail in ;£^ioo 

Resolved that Nicholas Miller be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his Duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 649 

Nicholas Miller of the East District of the 1781 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Innkeeper in. . ;^ioo 

John Ja. Miller of the same place Taylor 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that John J. Miller be discharged from [355] con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behav- 
iour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain. — 

John J. Miller of the East District in the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . ;^ioo 

Nicholas Staats of the same Place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that John Andrew be discharged from confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain. — 

John Andrew of New-town in the County 
of Albany Labourer in ;6^ioo 

Coenradt Nestly of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

The Board being informed that Samuel Inglis of the west 
District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck was present at the 
Reading of Sir Henry Clinton's Proclamation at the House of 
James Lister resolved in Consequence thereof that the said 
Samuel Inglis be cited to appear before this Board forthwith 
to answer to the same. — 

Resolved that Lieu- David Hustead and David Sprague be 
cited to appear forthwith before the Board in order that they 
may be examined as to the Meeting at James Lister's. — 

Derick Van Der Welgen, Peter Seeger & Gerrit Seeger 

650 State of New York 

1781 having been cited to appear before the Board for the Pur- 
pose of being Examined respecting a Meeting of a Number 
of [356] disaffected Persons at the Hellebergh at which they 
were present and they appearing agreeable to the said 
order were severally examined and say as follows (to wit) 
(see their Examination on File) 


„o Met Albany 10^ March 1781 — 

1781 -' ' 

Mar. 10. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 

Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j I Samuel Stringer 

James Brisben appeared before the Board and requested 
Permission to go to his Place of Abode at Saragtoga and 
remain some time with his Family which Request of the 
said James Brisben being taken into Consideration resolved 
that he have Leave granted him accordingly until the first 
day of April next. — 

Henry Tinkey also restricted by Recognizance to the 
Limits of this City appeared before the Board and requested 
to go to his Place of Abode at the Scotch Patent resolved 
on considering the same that he also have Leave granted 
until the first day of April Next. — 

Resolved that Nicholas MuUer enter into a Recognizance 
for his appearance at the next Supream Court of Judicature 
held for the State of New York at the City Hall in this City 
on the third Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said 
Court shall then be held in the State aforesaid) and not to 
depart the Court without Leave. — 

Nicholas MuUer of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Innkeeper in. . ;£'loo 

[357] Jerone Van Valkenburgh of Schodack 
Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 651 

Resolved that John J. Miller enter into a Recognizance „^78i 
for his appearance at the next Supream Court of Judicature 
held for the State of New York at the City Hall in the City 
of Albany on the third Tuesday in April next (or whereso- 
ever the said Court shall then be held in the State afore- 
said) and not to depart the Court without Leave. — 

John J. Miller of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . £100 

Jerone Van Valkenburgh of Schodack Farm- 
er his Bail in £100 

Samuel Swertfeger having been confined for being con- 
cerned in the late Meeting of the disaffected on the Hosick 
Road and it appearing that the charge is not well founded 
therefore resolved that he be discharged. — 


Met Albany 12*.^ March 1781 ^1781 

„ •' ' Mar. 12. 


John M. Beeckman \ j Mathew Visscher 
Samuel Stringer j ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Resolved that John Klint be discharged from Confinement 
on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his Duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the Present War with Great Britain — 

John Klint of the East District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Schoolmaster in ;^ioo 

John Leonard of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his Bail 
in ;^loo 

[358] Resolved that Martin Egbertse be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 

652 State of New York 

1781 Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the Present war with 
Great Britain. — 

Martin Egbertse of Schodack Innkeeper in. . ;^ioo 
Jacob Schermerhorn of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in ;£^ioo 

Resolved that John Jerone Van Valkenburgh be dis- 
charged from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance 
for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the Present 
war with Great Britain. — 

John Jerone Van Valkenburgh of Schodack 
Farmer in ;^400 

Jacob Schermerhorn of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;£^400 

Resolved that Bowles Arnold be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behav- 
iour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain. — 

Bowles Arnold of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. . . . ;^ioo 

Reuben Rowley of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

It appearing evident to this Board from the Examination 
of Jonas Odell that Augustus Jeram is a dangerous and 
disaffected Person and that his going at large unless under 
Restrictions may be attended with evil [359] Consequences 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 653 

to the Safety of the State It is therefore resolved that a „^''^^ 
warrant be made out directed to John May for the immediate 
Apprehension of the said Augustus Jeram. — 

Adjourned. — 

Met Albany iji^ March 1781 1781 

Present Mar. 13. 

John M. Beeckman \ j Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda 3 ( Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Seth Rowley be cited to appear forthwith 
before the Board for the Purpose of being examined as to 
sundry Persons concerned in distributing about the Country 
Sir Henry Clinton's Proclamation. — 

Henry Simpson of the west District of the Manor of 
Rensselaerwyck appeared before the Board & informed us 
that a few days ago Evert Jansen came to his House in a 
Sleigh and had with him Joseph Bettis and that the said 
Jansen & Bettis after remaining there sometime went 
away together resolved in Consequence of the above Infor- 
mation that the said Evert Jansen be immediately appre- 
hended and brought before us. — 

Jacob Kidney appearing informed the Board that he had 
agreeable to order apprehended Evert Jansen & the said 
Evert Jansen being Examined and unwillingly [sic] to answer 
candidly to the Questions proposed to him therefore resolved 
that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for 
him. — 

Lieutenant Nicholas Bower appeared before the Board 
and informed us that agreeable to the Directions of [360] 
Samuel Ten Broeck Esq- he had brought up from Liv- 
ingston's Manor a Prisoner who calls himself William 
Hartley who the said Samuel Ten Broeck had caused to be 
apprehended as a Suspicious Person and the said William 

654 State of New York 

1781 Hartley being brought before the Board & examined re- 
solved that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made 
out for him. — 

Resolved that David Nichols be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies v^^hen thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the Present w^ar v?ith 
Great Britain. — 

David Nichols of Stephen-tovpn in the County 
of Albany Farmer in. ;Cioo 

Ichabod Turner of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;Cloo 

Resolved that Jacob Freligh be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies w^hen thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the Present war with Great Britain. — 

Jacob Freligh of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Labourer in. . . ;^ioo 

Martin Freligh of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

Adjourned — 
1781 [361] Met Albany 14*.'' March 1 78 1. — 

Mar. 14. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( j • u 1/ t* 1 . 
T T\ T? A L J i^^^^^^" *^" Rensselaer 

■ ( ) Mathew Visscher 

Samuel Stnnger ; I 

It appearing from the Examination of Henry Simpson 
that Joseph Bettis has been harboured by One Thomas who 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 655 

lives in the west District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck jg^"^^^ 
on a Farm formerly belonging to Abraham Boom resolved 
in Consequence of the same that a warrant be made out 
directed to Jacob Hilton forthwith to apprehend & bring 
before us the said Thomas. — 

Jacobus Moll who was the other Day confined being 
brought before the Board and he acknowledging his Fault 
and promising to amend his Conduct in future therefore 
resolved that he be discharged from Confinement — 

William Hartley who was Confined on Suspicion of his 
being a spy from the Enemy was brought before the Board 
and examined and then ordered to be recommitted. — 

Resolved that Alamander Cone be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present War with 
Great Britain. — 

Alamander Cone of Stephen Town in the 

County of Albany Joiner in ;^ioo 

Ichabod Cone of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

[362] His Excellency Governor Clinton having requested 
the Board to examine William Hartley in his Presence and 
his Excellency now attending for that Purpose the said 
William Hartley was brought before the Board and being 
Examined says as follows (to wit) (see Examination on 

It appearing from the above Examination that Ryneir 
Vischer of this City is concerned with other disaffected 
Persons in endeavouring by enlisting Men for the enemy 
to subvert the Liberty and Independance of this State and 
as the said Ryneir Visher sustains the Character of dis- 

656 State of New York 

1781 affection therefore resolved that a warrant be made out 
Mar. 14. 

and directed to Jacob Kidney for the immediate appre- 
hension of the said Ryneir Vischer — 

Adjourned — 

mS%- Met Albany 15* March 1781 


John M Beeckman ) { j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
bamuel Stnnger ) ( 

Lieu- Jacob Snyder of Schohary appeared before the Board 
and informed us that by order of CoU Peter Vrooman he 
had apprehended Hendrick Kneiskern Jun- and Jacob 
Saltsbergh who last Fall assisted Sir John Johnson in 
destroying Schohary and the said Hendrick Kneiskern Jun-*^ 
and Jacob Saltsbergh being examined resolved that they be 
committed and that a Mittimus be made out for them — 

Resolved that the Examination of Lieu- [363] Jacob 
Snyder with Respect to the Conduct of sundry disaffected 
Persons at the Bever Dam be taken which is in the words 
following (to wit) (see Examination on File) 

Sander Bulson having been apprehended with those 
Persons concerned in the Rescue of Harpert Lansing and 
Andries StoU and Lieu- Col- Henry Van Rensselaer having 
certified to the Board that the Conduct of the said Sander 
Bulson had always been inoffensive & that he has done his 
duty in the Militia therefore resolved that he be discharged 
from Confinement. — 

Resolved that James Bruce of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck be cited forthwith to appear 
before this Board with a sufficient surety to enter into 
Recognizance of anew. — 

Samuel Inglis having been present at the Meeting at 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 657 

Tames Lister's at which was read a Proclamation of Sir „^78r 

... Mar. IS- 

Henry Clinton having been cited to appear before the Board 

appeared resolved that he enter into a Recognizance for his 

appearance At the Court of Oyer and Terminer at present 

held in the City Hall of this City then and there to answer 

such Matters as shall be alledged against him and not to 

depart the Court without Leave. — 

Samuel Inglis of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Cooper in ;£^ioo 

Abraham Van Aernam who was apprehended for assisting 
in the Rescue of Lansing and StoU requesting to be discharged 
from Confinement and his [364] Conduct notwithstanding 
his Political Principles having always been unexceptionable 
(expect' in the present Instance) therefore resolved that he 
be discharged. — 

Adjourned. — 

Met Albany 16?'' March 1781 
Present Mlr?i6. 

John M Beeckman ) j j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stnnger ) ( 

William Hartley being again brought before the Board and 
examined says that Nathaniel Cotton of Cooksakie is con- 
cerned in enlisting Men for the Service of the enemy and that 
the said Cotton furnished him with a Pass to travel through 
the Country in order that he the said William Hartley might 
be able the better to carry on his Practices against the State. — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that a 
warrant be made out directed to John Tillman Jun^ forth- 
with to apprehend & bring before us the said Nathaniel 
Cotton. — 

' So in the original for " except." 

658 State of New York 

1781 Resolved that Johannis Kittle be discharged from Con- 

finement on entering into Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Johannis Kittle of Schodack in the County 

of Albany Farmer in £200 

Philip Schermerhorn of the same place Cord 

wainer his Bail in ;^ioo 

[365] Jacob J. Van Valkenburgh of the same 

place Cordwainer also his Bail in ;Cioo 

William Hartley having also informed the Board that 
Samuel Baker of the East District of the Manor of Rens- 
selaerwyck has in his Possession Commissions from New 
York which he is to deliver to such Persons as are willing 
to enlist Men for the Service of the Enemy and that he has 
also with him Proclamations of Sir Henry Clinton which he 
disperses about the Country and Cap- Nicholas Staats 
having been requested to apprehend the said Samuel Baker 
and bring him before the Board this day appear'd with him 
and the said Samuel Baker being examined Resolved that 
he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for 
him. — 

It being suggested to the Board that M- Visscher (Mother 
of Ryneir Visher who was a few days ago confined) is on 
Account of the confinement of her said son reduced to a 
State of Indigence and want as she with her Family depend 
solely upon him for their Support. — 

Resolved therefore that the said Ryneir Vischer be liberated 
from Confinement on entering into Recognizance for his 
good Behaviour doing his duty & appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 659 

required during the Continuance of the present war with jj^'^^^ 
Great Britain. — 

Ryneir Vischer of the City of Albany Silver 
Smith in ;^ioo 

Teunis Visscher of the same place Yeoman 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Peter Wyngaert be discharged from [366] 
Confinement on entering into Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great 
Britain — 

Peter Wyngaert of Schodack in the County 

of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Jacob J. Van Valkenburgh of D? Cord- 

wainer his Bail in £ 50 

Philip Schermerhorn of D° D- also his 

Bail in £ 50 

Adjourned. — 

Met Albany 17*^ March 1781 — mI?.*i7. 

John M. Beeckman ] f Mathew Visscher 
Isaac D. Fonda J 1 Samuel Stringer 

Jacob Saltsbergh of Schohaiy who was the other day 
confined was brought before the Board for examination and 
having been examined was ordered to be Recommitted — 

Resolved that Jacob Weeger Jun- be discharged from 
Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto re- 
quired for and during the Continuance of the present war 

66o State of New York 

1781 with Great Britain and also for his Appearance at the next 
Mar. 17. , '^'^ 

Supream Court of Judicature to be held for the State of New 
York at the City Hall in the City of Albany on the third 
Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said Court shall 
then be held [367] in the State aforesaid) to answer to such 
Matters as shall be alledged against him and not depart 
the Court without Leave. — 

Thomas Weeger Jun- of the East District of 

the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. . ;^ioo 

Thomas Weeger of Tomhenick in the County 
of Albany Farmer his Bail in £100 

Resolved that John Cone be discharged from Confinement 
on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

John Cone of Stephen Town Farmer in. . . . ;£^ioo 
Benjamin Sacket of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Johannis Weeger be discharged from 
Confinement on his entering into Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain. — 

Johannis Weeger of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . ;^ioo 

Coenradt Heyner of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;Cioo 

John May appeared before the Board with Jasper .Crandel 
and Stephen Wilcocks who he informed us he had appre- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 66i 

hended by order of Daniel Hull EsqJ Justice of the Peace & „^^** 
the said John May at the same time laid before the Board 
sundry Examinations taken by the said Daniel Hull respect- 
ing the [368] Conduct of the said Jasper Crandell and 
Stephen Wilcocks which Examinations being read and it 
appearing therefrom that the said Crandell and Wilcocks 
are disaffected and dangerous Persons therefore resolved 
that they be committed and a Mittimus made out for 
them — 

Adam Pabst heretofore bound by Recognizance being 
ordered to appear before this Board with a sufficient Surety 
to enter Recognizance of a new appeared resolved that 
he be bound for his good Behaviour doing his duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies when thereunto required during the Continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain. — 

Adam Pabst of the Hellebergh in the County 

of Albany Farmer in : £100 

Andries Ward Jun- of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 


Met Albany 18?'' March 1781 jo^fls. 


John M Beeckman ] f j^^^^ j^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer 3 ( 

Daniel Hewson who last Year went to Canada from this 
City and joined the Enemy and who lately surrendered him- 
self at Fort Schuyler being brought to his Excellency Gov- 
ernor Clinton and he referring the said Daniel Hewson to 
this Board for Examination & the said Daniel Hewson 
being examined says as follows (to wit) (see his Examina- 
tion on File) 

662 State of New York 

1781 Ordered that a Mittimus be made out for the said Daniel 

Mar. 18. 

Hewson — 

[369] Nathaniel Cotton having been apprehended by 
James Green by order of this Board upon the Information of 
William Hartley resolved that the said James Green 
attend with the said Nathaniel Cotton before this Board to 
Morrow Morning. — 

Adjourned — 

^^7Si Met Albany 19*^ March 1781 


Jf " M Beeckman ) j j^^^^ j^ p^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Nathaniel Cotton who was Yesterday brought before the 
Board by James Green being again produced was examined 
as to the Charges alledged against him by William Hartley 
which he utterly denying and producing to this Board a 
Recommendation of his uniform Attachment to the Ameri- 
can Cause signed by Leonard Bronck Esq^ of Cooksakie in 
whose House the said Nathaniel Cotton has for two Years 
past resided resolved on Considering of the Above Recom- 
mendation that the said Nathaniel Cotton be discharged. — 

Daniel Hewston who was Yesterday confined being 
brought before the Board was again examined ordered 
that he be recommitted. — 

lygi Met Albany 2oi!! March 1781 

Mar. 20. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) j j^^^^ j^ p^^^^ 
Mathew Visscher ) ( 

Resolved that Hendrick Kittle be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his [370] appear- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 663 

ance on the third Tuesday in April next at the Supream j^^^l^^ 
Court of Judicature to be held for the State of New Yqrk 
at the City Hall in this City (or wheresoever the said Court 
shall then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer to such 
Matters as shall then and there be alledged against him and 
not to depart the Court without Leave — 

Hendrick Kittle of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. . . . ;^ioo 
Jacob J. Van Valkenburgh of the same place 

Cordwainer his Bail in £100 

Resolved that Nicholas Shaver be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the Present war with 
Great Britain — 

Nicholas Shaver of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. . . . ;^ioo 
John Tillman of the City of Albany Inn- 
keeper his Bail in £^50 

Resolved that Isaac Hops be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his Appearance 
at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held for the 
State of New York at the City Hall in this City on the third 
Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said Court shall 
then be held in the State aforesaid) and not to depart the 
Court without Leave — 

Isaac Hops of the East District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

[371] BarentHeynerof the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

Adjourned — 

664 State of New York 

1781 Met Albany 21^ March 1781 

Mar. 21. r> ^ 


John M. Beeckman ) ( t ta t? j 

-; , r. • f ) Isaac D. londa 

Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Resolved that Jacob Timmerman Alias Jacob Carpenter 
be discharged from Confinement on entering into a Recog- 
nizance for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appear- 
ing before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the Continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain 

Jacob Timmerman alias dictus Jacob Car- 
penter of Hoosick District in the County of 
Albany Farmer in £100 

Abraham Bovee of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £ 50 

Johannis Daet Jun^ of the same place Farmer 
also his Bail in ;^ 50 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 225? March 1781 

M"- "• Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Mathew Visscher ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Daniel Hewston being again ordered to be brought before 
the Board and being further examined ordered that he be 
recommitted. — 

Resolved that John Smith be discharged from [372] Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance to appear at the 
next Supream Court of Judicature to be held for the State 
of New York at the City Hall in this City on the third 
Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said Court shall 
then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer to such Matters 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 665 

as shall be alledged against him and not to depart the Court „^7** 
without Leave and in the Mean time be of the good Be- 
haviour — 

John Smith of the East District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

John Freer of the same place Weaver his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

William Hartley being ordered to be brought before the 
Board for further Examination was accordingly brought 
and examined ordered that he be recommitted — 

It appearing from the Examination of William Hartley 
that John Van Deusen of Great Barrington living near 
Monument Mountain is possessed of Commissions and Proc- 
lamations which he has received from the Enemy at New 
York — 

Resolved in Consequence of the said Information that 
a Letter be wrote to Timothy Edwards Esq- at Stock- 
bridge requesting him to have the House of the said John 
Van Deusen searched which Letter is in the following words 
(to wit) (here take in Letter) 

Mar. 23, 


Met Albany 23^ March 1781 m-?*L 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Mathew Visscher 

[373] Resolved that Abraham Roberts be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his appear- 
ance at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held 
for the State of New York at the City Hall in this City on the 
third Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said Court 
shall then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer to such 

666 State of New York 

1781 Matters as shall be alledged against him and not to depart 
the Court without Leave. — 

Abraham Roberts of the East District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . ;^ioo 

William Van Den Bergh of the City of Albany 
Labourer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Isaac Vosburgh of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Labourer also 
his Bail in £^100 

Resolved that Coenradt Colehamer be discharged from 
Confinement on Stephenus Colehamer and Paul Snyder's 
entering into Recognizance for the Appearance of the said 
Coenradt Colehamer at the next Supream Court of Judica- 
ture to be held for the State of New York at the City Hall in 
this City on the third Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever 
the said Court shall then be held in the State aforesaid) to 
answer to such Matters as shall be alledged against him 
and not to depart the Court without Leave — 

Stephenus Colehamer of the East District of 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer 
Bail for Coenradt Colehamer in ;^ioo 

Paul Snyder of the same place Farmer also 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

[374] Resolved that Coenradt Heydorn be discharged 
from Confinement on entering into Recognizance for his 
Appearance at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be 
held for the State of New York at the City Hall in this City 
on the third Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said 
Court shall then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer to 
such Matters as shall be alledged against him and not to 
depart the Court without Leave — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 667 

Coenradt Heydorn of the East District of the i?*^ 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . £100 

Petrus Heydorn of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 24^ March 1781 „i78i 


John M. Beeckman ) ( t T-k t- j 
-; , r. • f ) Isaac u. l*onda 

bamuel btrmger ) ( 

Resolved that Stephen Wilcocks be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behav- 
iour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain. — 
Stephen Wilcocks of Little Hosick in the 

County of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Ephraim Jackson of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Joseph Crandell be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before [375] any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required during the Continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain. — 

Jasper Crandell of Little Hosick in the 

County of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Thomas Crandell of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in i^ioo 

Resolved that Daniel Hewson Jun- be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 

668 State of New York 

1781 of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Daniel Hewson Jun- of the City of Albany 
Cordwainer in ;£^ioo 

Casper Cogh of Stonearabia in Tryon County 
Farmer his Bail in ;^ 50 

John Hoogkerk of Albany Taylor also his 
Bail in £ 50 

jj^8i^ Met Albany 26^ March 1781 


John M. Beeckman ) ■ ( t t-« tt* j 

;L , n • 1 ) isaac u. ronda 

Samuel Stnnger ) ( 

A Certificate signed by John M'jKesson Esq- Clerk of 
the Supream Court was laid before the Board certifying 
that Christopher File (who was confined for being concerned 
in the Rescue of Harpert Lansing and Andries StoU) has 
given sureties to the Court for his good Behaviour in future 
for twelve Kalander Months & as the said Christopher File 
stands Committed by Virtue of a Mittimus of this Board 
resolved that the said Mittimus be withdrawn and that the 
said Christopher File be discharged from Confinement — 

[376] Resolved that Isaac Aarse be discharged from Con- 
finement on Abraham Bloodgood of the City of Albany 
entering into a Recognizance for the said Isaac Aarse's 
being of the good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the Continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Abraham Bloodgood of the City of Albany 
Innkeeper as Bail for Isaac Aarse in ;^I00 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 669 

Resolved that Andries StoU be discharged from Confine- ..^'Si 

. . Mar. 20. 

ment on his entering into a Recognizance for his Appearance 
at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held for the 
State of New York at the City Hall in this City on the third 
Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said Court shall 
then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer to such Matters 
as shall be alledged against him and not depart the Court 
without Leave 

Andries StoU of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Blacksmith In. . ;^ioo 

Henry Dencker of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 


Met Albany 27^ March 1781 1781 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( [Stewart Dean] 

A Letter from the Hon— Brigadier General James 
Clinton was laid before the Board wherein he informs us 
that there is at present in Goal a Prisoner of war named 
John Palmer to whose liberation from Confinement he has 
no [377] Objection provided the said John Palmer procure 
Bail to this Board for his appearance before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon until 
exchanged or otherwise discharged from his Recognizance 
and Volkert A. Douw being willing to become surety for the 
said John Palmer resolved that he accordingly enter into 
Recognizance for the appearance of the said John Palmer 
as above mentioned — 

Volkert A. Douw of the City of Albany as 
Bail for John Palmer in £100 

A Certificate signed by Robert Harper Esq^ Clerk of the 

670 State of New York 

1781 Council of Appointment was laid before the Board whereby 
it appears that Stewart Dean Esq- was on the 26— day of 
March Instant appointed by the HonMi the Council of 
Appointment a Commissioner for Conspiracies for this 
County in the Stead of Mathew Visscher and Jeremiah Van 
Rensselaer Esq2 who have resigned in Consequence of which 
said Certificate the said Stewart Dean took the Oath of 
Office as prescribed in and by an Act of the Legislature of this 
State entitled " An Act for appointing Commissioners for 
Conspiracies and declaring their Powers " and took his Seat 
at the Board accordingly — 

Cap- Ichabod Turner appeared before the Board and 
informed us that he had apprehended Seth Rowley an 
Inhabitant of Stephen Town for having been present at the 
Meeting at James Lister's and for being one of the Chief 
Promoters in having Sir Henry Clinton's Proclamation 
read at the said Meeting resolved in Consequence of the said 
Meeting that the said Seth Rowley be confined and that a 
Mittimus be made out for him — 

Adjourned. — 

1781 [378] Met Albany 28^?? March 1781 


John M^Beeckman ) j j^^^^ j^ p^^^^ 
Stewart Dean ) ( 

John Cobham having been ordered by this Board not to 
leave this City without our Permission and appearing this 
Day before us requested the Liberty of going to Fort Miller 
for the Purpose of settling his private Business resolved 
in Consequence of the said Application that a Permit be 
granted him accordingly — 

Col'- Veeder appeared before the Board and informed us 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 67 1 

that Philip Cough of the Hellebergh lately went down the yJ'^^^o 
Country under a Pretence of going to Philadelphia but that 
it appears from many concurring Circumstances that he has 
been at New York and that the said Philip Cough took with 
him from the Hellebergh a woman whose Husband is gone 
off to the Enemy and who is supposed to be at New York 
resolved in Consequence of the said Information that the 
said Philip Cough be cited forthwith to appear before this 
Board to answer to the above Charge. — 

Nicholas Cluet having been cited to appear before the 
Board appearing was examined as to the Conduct of some 
disaffected Persons living on the Nistageune Road — 

A Letter from Jacob Ford Esq!' of Kings District was laid 
before the Board inclosing sundry Examinations respecting 
the Conduct of Ambrose Vincent, John Mandigo and Stokes 
Potter which Letter and examinations are in the words 
following (to wit) (See Letter and Examinations on File) 

[379] resolved that the Consideration of the above Letter 
and Examinations be postponed untill to Morrow. — 


Met Albany 29^ March 1781 1781 

Present ^*'- '9- 

John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stewart Dean 

Resolved that Harpert Lansing be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his Appearance 
at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held for the 
State of New York at the City Hall in the City of Albany on 
the third Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said 
Court shall then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer 
to such Matters as shall be alledged against him and not to 
depart the Court without Leave. — 

672 State of New York 

1781 Harpert Lansing of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . ;^ioo 
Jacob Vischer of Cooksborough in the 

County of Albany Farmer his Bail in ... . £^100 

The Board taking into Consideration the Letter and 
Examinations Yesterday received from Jacob Ford EsqJ do 
resolve on Consideration thereof that a vs^arrant be made 
out for the Apprehension of Ambrose Vincent, John Mandigo 
and Stokes Potter — 

Resolved that the above warrant be transmitted to the 
said Jacob Ford and that a Letter be v^rote requesting him 
to have the same served as soon as possible and that he 
bind over the Witnesses against the said Ambrose Vincent, 
John Mandigo [380] and Stokes Potter to appear at the next 
Supream Court — 

Adjourned — 
,1781 Met Albany ^o^ March 1781 

Mar. 30- r> 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Stewart Dean 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Samuel Stringer 

Philip Cough who was on the 28- Instant cited to appear 
before this Board appearing was examined and it appearing 
from his Examination that the Charges as alledged against 
him by Col- Veeder are groundless therefore resolved that he 
be discharged — 

Peter Livingston of the Hellebergh having forfeited 
the Recognizance by him entered into before this Board 
therefore resolved that he be cited to appear with all Con- 
venient speed to show cause why the same should not be 
prosecuted — 

The Recognizance of Philip Empey, Johannis Staring, 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 673 

Nicholas Ault, Peter Fikes and Adam Shaver having become jj^'^*^^ 
forfeited to the State by their going to and Joining the enemy 
resolved therefore that the Secretary to this Board make 
out the said Recognizance in order that the Bails may be 
prosecuted on the same by the Attorney General — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 31^ March 1781 uuflt. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stevsrart Dean 

Resolved that Seth Rowley be discharged from [381] 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his appear- 
ance at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held for 
the State of New York at the City Hall in the City of Albany 
on the third Tuesday in April next (or wheresoever the said 
Court shall then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer 
to such Matters as shall be alledged against him and not to 
depart the Court without Leave — 

Seth Rowley of Stephen Town in the County 

of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Amos Miner of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;Cioo 

The Board having received Information from Cap- John 
Van Wie that the two sons of Hezekiah Schoenmaker are 
mising and that there is Reason to suspect they are gone to the 
Enemy in order to determine which it is resolved that a 
Citation be made out for the said Hezekiah Schoenmaker to 
appear before this Board forthwith in order that he may be 
examined as to the same — 

Adjourned — 

674 State of New York 

^^781^ Met Albany 2^ April 1781 


John M. Beeckman ) ( ^^ ^ r» 
-; , t, . c i Stewart Dean 

Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Archibald McNeil of the Scotch Patent appeared before 
the Board and informed us that agreeable to the Tenor of 
his Recognizance he appeared to wait the further Order of this 
Board — resolved that the said Archibald M-Neil remove 
with his Family into the interior Part of this State by the 
I-* day of May next and that he be informed [382] that 
unless he complies with this order his Recognizance will be 
prosecuted — 

Neal Shaw appeared before the Board and laid before us a 
Letter from James Gillis for whom he is surety in which 
Letter the said Gillis prays that his non Appearance on this 
day may not be construed as a Forfe[i]ture of his Recog- 
nizance as he is unable to come on Account of his being 
indisposed — 

Resolved that the same James Gillis be also ordered by 
the first day of May next to remove with his Family into the 
Interior parts of this State — 

Henry Tinkey appeared before the Board and laid before 
us a Request of his Bail that he might be indulged with 
Permission to remain some time longer at home — 

Resolved that the said Henry Tinkey by the first day 
of May next also remove his Effects and Family into the 
Interior Parts of this State — 

^81 Met Albany 3^ April 1781 

^^' ^' Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 675 

The Board having received Information that Df George ^78i 
Smith is at present in this City and as he has received no 
Permission from this Board for that Purpose therefore 
resolved that Jacob Kidney the Door Keeper be ordered to 
bring the said D- Smith forthwith before us. — 

[383] D- Smith being brought before the Board says in 
Justification of his Conduct that he was ordered to Town 
by Gen- Clinton for the Purpose of preparing himself to go 
to Canada in order to his being exchanged and the same 
being deemed Satisfactory resolved that he be discharged 
and Permission be granted him to remain in Town for 
eight days to settle his Business — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany S- April 1781 Apn 5. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda i ( Stewart Dean 

Resolved that John Hodkison be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour and appearing before any three of the Commis- 
ioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required and 
remaining within the Limits of the City of Albany until 
exchanged or otherwise discharged by this Board — 

John Hodkison of the City of Albany La- 
bourer in ;Cioo 

Rykert Bovee of Maple Town in the County 
of Albany Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Captain Benjamin Du Bois appeared before the Board 
and informed the Board that Samuel Van Buskerk, Luke 
Dewitt and the wife of Johan Jurie Fought are dangerous 
and disaffected Persons whose going at Large may be danger- 
ous to the State. — 

676 State of New York 

1781 Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that 

2L warrant be made out for them and That Cap- Du Bois 
be requested to have the same served — 

[384] James Brisben wrho wras by Recognizance bound to 
remain v(rithin the Limits of this City appeared before the 
Board and requested Permission to go to Saragtoga to see 
his Family and his Bail Peter Sharp consenting thereto 
resolved that he have Permission granted him accordingly 
untill the first day of May next — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 6^? April 1781 

Apr. 6. Present 

Samuel Stringer ) ( j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Stewart Dean ) ( 

John Kerner appeared before the Board and informed 
us that Frederick Shaver of the East District & the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck by his Conduct & Conversation 
daily gives Offence to the well affected Subjects of the 
State — 

Wherefore resolved that a warrant be made out for the 
Apprehension of the said Frederick Shaver and that the 
said warrant be directed to the said John Kerner in order 
that he may serve the same — 

A Letter from his Excellency Governor Clinton to the 
Honorable Brigadier General James Clinton was laid before 
the Board by Samuel Stringer Esq- wherein the Governor in- 
informs that he has received Information that there are a 
number of Persons who last Fall came from the Enemy at 
the Hellebergh and Places Adjacent and recommending it 
to General Clinton to detach Parties from Kats Kill, Cook- 
sakie, Schohary and from this place for the purpose [385] 
of apprehending all such persons resolved in Consequence 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 677 

of the said Letter that the HonMs Brigadier Geni Gansevoort ^"^^^ 
be sent for in order to consult wtih him as to the Steps neces- 
sary to be taken in carrying the above plan into Execution — 

Adjourned lySr 

Met Albany f^ April 1781 ^P'^-7- 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Frederick Shaver having been apprehended was brought 
before the Board and being examined and it appearing to 
us necessary that the said Frederick Shaver be laid under 
a Recognizance therefore resolved that previous to his Dis- 
charge he enter into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required — 

Frederick Shaver of the East District of Rens- 

selaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

John Kerner of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in £100 

Resolved agreeable to the plan Yesterday adopted by 
General Gansevoort that a Letter be wrote to Major Scher- 
merhorn requesting him with a Party of Men to go to Coye- 
mans in order to apprehend such as are endeavouring to 
escape to the East side of the River — 


Met Albany 10*-^ April 1781 lygi 

Present Apr. 10. 

John M. Beeckman) j Stewart Dean 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( 

[386] William Dewitt appeared before the Board & 
brought before us a certain person who he had apprehended 

678 State of New York 

1781 on Suspicion of his being a spy from the Enemy who being 
examined says his Name is Abel Bacon and he being unable 
to give a Satisfactory Account of himself therefore resolved 
that he be confined and that the Goaler be directed to keep 
him in Custody untill he shall be discharged by an order 
of this Board — 

Adjourned — 

Apr!^Ji. Met Albany ii^? April 1781 


John M Beeckman ) j g^^^^^^ j^^^^ 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( 

M- Fonda informed the Board that he had received Infor- 
mation that Philip Lansing who last Spring joined the 
Enemy is come from Canada and is supposed to be on his 
way to New York with dispatches. — 

Resolved that it be recommended to M- Fonda to obtain 
the fullest Information of this Matter and endeavour if 
possible to have the said Philip Lansing apprehended — 

A Letter from Captain Ichabod Turner was laid before 
the Board Informing us that Seth Rowley who was by us 
bound for his Appearance at the next Supream Court has 
inlisted in the nine months Service and recommending it to 
us to discharge the said Seth Rowley from that Part of his 
Recognizance requiring his Appearance at Court and we 
having considered the Contents of the said Letter do resolve 
that the said Seth Rowley be discharged accordingly — 

[387] Joseph Hawkins appeared before the Board and 
requested from us Permission to go and look for a Farm 
on which he might remove his Family resolved that he have 
leave granted him accordingly. — 

Adjourned. — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 679 

Met Albany 12^ April 1781 ^i78i_^ 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stewart Dean 

Robert Kenneday appeared before the Board and laid 
before us a Letter from Col^ Anthony Van Bergen wherein 
he informs us that he sends to us under Guard a person 
who he has had apprehended on Suspicion and the said 
person being brought before us and examined says his 
Name is Jonathan OBrian and that he is a deserter from 
Col'- James Livingston's Regiment resolved that he be 
confined and that Col^ Livingston be informed thereof. — 

The Board having received Information that Hezekiah 
Schoenmaker and Henry Schoenmaker have left there 
places of abode some time ago in order to avoid doing 
Militia Duty and paying their Rates and are now Secreted 
about Cooksakie resolved in Consequence of the said Infor- 
mation that a warrant be made out & directed to Robert 
Kenneday of Cooksakie to apprehend the said Hezekiah 
Schoenmaker and Henry Schoenmaker and forthwith bring 
them before us at the City Hall in this City. — 

Adjourned — 

[388] Met Albany 13^ April 1781 ' 


Apr. 13, 


John M. Beeckman ) j Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Brigadier General James Clinton laid before the Board 
a letter received by him from Teunis Van Wagenen at Cats 
Kill dated 12- Instant in which he informs him that agree- 
able to his Directions he had proceeded to the Westward 
with a Party of Men and has apprehended Jurry Hoofman, 

68o State of New York 

1781 Frederick Lobus, Frederick Schraader and Tohannis Vro- 
Apr. 13. -^ 

bert who say they were taken prisoners at the Surrender of 
Burgoyne, John Carrigill and James Davidson Deserters 
from the Continental Army and Peter Laraway and Luke 
Dewitt Inhabitants of this County and they being severally 
brought before us and examined resolved that they be com- 
mitted except John Carrigill who producing a Furlough 
from Capi Jansen of Col- Van Schaick's Regiment was dis- 
charged ordered that a Mittimus be made out for them — 

Samuel Stringer Esq- laid before the Board an Extract of a 
Letter from the Honorable Major General Heath setting forth 
that two Men have lately leftNew York with Dispatches for Can- 
ada and containing a Description of their Persons and Dress. — 

Resolved in Consequence of the same that Letters be 
wrote to Col' Abraham Wempell at Schenectady, Major 
Ezekiel Taylor at Stillwater and to the Commanding Officer 
at Saragtoga informing them of the same and requesting them 
to use every possible Means to apprehend those Persons. — 

[389] Abel Bacon who was on the 10^ Instant confined 
on Suspicion of his being a spy from the Enemy was brought 
before the Board and it appearing to us from sundry Cir- 
cumstances that the said Bacon is no other than one of those 
infatuated People denominated Shaking Quakers and that 
he was on his way to Nistageune therefore resolved that the 
said Abel Bacon be discharged and be ordered not to frequent 
those parts in future on any Pretence whatever unless he is 
furnished with proper Credentials of his attachment to the 
American Cause. — 

Adjourned. — 

1781 Met Albany 14^ April 1781 

Apr. 14. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) \ Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 68 1 

The Board having received Information that there is at . ^^^^ 
present in Town a person who passes by the Name of Henry 
Thiell who is endeavouring to depreciate the Money emitted 
agreeable to a Resolution of Congress of the i8- day of 
March 1 780 by exchanging three pounds of the said Money 
for one Pound in Specie and it appearing from other Cir- 
cumstances and also from the Examinations of John Lansing 
Jun- Esq- , John H. Wendell Esqi and James Dennison that 
the said Henry Thiell is a Suspicious person therefore re- 
solved that he be sent for and examined — 

The above mentioned Henry Thiell appearing & being 
examined says he is lately from Philadelphia and that he 
came to this place to settle his private Business — 

Resolved on Considering the above that the said Henry 
[390] Thiell enter into a Recognizance to appear before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called 
upon and that he do not depart beyond the Limits of this 
City without Leave previously obtained from this Board — 

Henry Thiell of Philadelphia in the State 

of Pensylvania Blacksmith in ;^500 

Hugh Dennison of the City of Albany Inn- 
holder his Bail in ;^500 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 15^5; April 1781 ^^781 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Stewart Dean 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Samuel Stringer 

Lieu5 CoU Barent Staats appeared before the Board 
and informed us that there is at present at the House of 
James Watson living on the Road to Coyemans a Person who 
appears very Suspicious who has been there four or five days 
that he supposes the said person is a Spy from the Enemy — 

682 State of New York 

1781 Resolved in Consequence of the said Information that 

Lieui Coenrad Gansevoort be requested to take three or four 
Men of Col? Cuyler's Regiment and endeavour to apprehend 
the said Person 

Adjourned — 

^^781^ Met Albany 16^ April 1781 — 

^"^* ^ ' [Present] 

John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stewart Dean 

Lieu5 Gansevoort who at the Request of this Board went 
with a Party of Men to apprehend the Person Yesterday 
described by Col- Staats appearing informed us that having 
[391] last Night apprehended the said Person and brought 
him to Town for the Purpose of confining him the said 
Person had made his Escape — 

Resolved thereupon that a Letter be wrote to Capi Van 
Wie to request him With a Party of his Company to en- 
deavour if possible to apprehend him — 

A Letter from Zepheniah Batchelor Esq' was laid before 
the Board dated the 14- Instant wherein he informs us that 
William Laird and Df Tice are still in the Neighbourhood 
of Johnstown and recommending it to have them apprehended 
and we having good Reason to think that they intend to go 
and join the Enemy this Spring resolved therefore that a War- 
rant be made out for the Apprehension of the said William 
Laird and Df Tice & that the same be forwarded to the 
said Zepheniah Batchelor in order that it may be served — 

Mathew Visscher Esq^ laid before the Board a Letter from 
William Whiting Esq- dated at Great Barrington the 5 -Instant 
which is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 683 

Met Albany 17^ April 1781 — ^^S* 

Present ^'' 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Stewart Dean 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 

Major Reed laid before the Board a Letter from the 
Honorable Brigadier General James Clinton wherein the 
General requests that Df George Smith may have Liberty 
to remove with his Family and Effects to the New City 
and that he be under the same Restrictions he is now under 
until he is exchanged resolved that the same be taken into 
Consideration — 

[392] Serjeant Soal appeared before the Board & informed 
us that he had apprehended Thomas Gleason the Person who 
Yesterday made his Escape from Lieu- Gansevoort and the 
said Thomas Gleason being brought in and examined resolved 
that he be confined and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

It appearing from the Examination of the above mentioned 
Gleason and from sundry other Circumstances that James 
Watson who was confined for harbouring the said Gleason 
was no way concerned or privy to any Part of the Conduct 
of the said Gleason but as the said James Watson has always 
sustained the Character of a disaffected Person therefore 
resolved that previous to his Discharge he enter into Recogni- 
zance for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required for and during the Continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

James Watson of the west District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Innkeeper in . . . ;£'ioo 

Volkert A. Douw of the City of Albany Gentle- 
man his Bail in ;6^ioo 

Adjourned — 

684 State of New York 

^1781 Met Albany 18!? ApriJ 1781 

Apr. x8* Ti 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Two Affidavits of Carrel Nier and Jacob Nier taken 
before the said Johannis Van Deusen Esq- were laid before 
the Board which Affidavits set forth that they the said Carrel 
Neir and Jacob Neir having apprehended Harmen [393] 
Haver by virtue of a warrant from this Board and being on 
their way With him to Albany that Hendrick Platner and 
Jacob Platner of Claverack did advise the said Harmen 
Haver to make his Escape and that they called the said 
Haver out of the House in order the better to enable him to do 
it resolved in Consequence of the said Affidavits that an 
Order be made out to the said Hendrick and Jacob Platner 
forthwith to deliver up to this Board the said Harmen Haver — 

Resolved that Hendrick Knieskern be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon 
for and during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain 

Hendrick Knieskern of Schohary in the 
County of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

William Knieskern of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

A Letter from Johannis Van Dusen and Lowrence Fonda 
Esq- Justices of the Peace dated at Claverack the i^t^ 
Instant was laid before the Board wherein they inform us that 
they send to us the Examinations of several disaffected 
Persons and two Men as Prisoners named Teunis Reipen- 
bergh and Jacob M. Hoogteling who they suspect have been 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 685 

concerned in the Robbery committed on Cap- Casparus .^'^^'g. 
Conyne resolved that the said Teunis Reipenbergh & Jacob 
M. Hoogteling be confined and that a Mittimus be made out 
for them — 

Resolved that James Watson Jun- be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behav- 
iour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the [394] 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon during the 
Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

James Watson Jun^ of the West District of 

the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Labourer in. ;^ioo 

Barent I. Staats of the same place Esq^ 

his Bail in £100 


Met Albany 19*^? April 1781 — Apr!%. 

Isaac D. Fonda J ( Stewart Dean 

John M. Beeckman ) j Samuel Stringer 

Jacob Saltsbergh who last Fall came with Sir John 
Johnson and was at the destruction of Schohary was brought 
before the Board and Examined his examination is as follows 
(to wit) (see Examination on File) ordered that he be 
recommitted — 

Samuel Stringer Esq^ laid before the Board an Examina- 
tion of George Boarck taken by Hezekiah Van Orden Esq^ 
from which it appears that Abraham Person Jun" and 
Abraham Dewit intend to go off and join the Enemy when- 
ever a fit Oppertunity shall present resolved in Consequence 
of the same that a Letter be wrote to Lieui Teunis Van 
Wagenon at Cats Kill to request him to have the said Abra- 
ham Person Jun^ and Abraham DeWit apprehended and 
forthwith sent to us — 

686 State of New York 

1781 Information having been received that a certain John Cole 

Apr. 19. ° • 1 T' 

is lately come from New York and is at present m the East 

Camp resolved in Consequence of the said Information 

that a Letter be wrote to Cap- Tiel Rockefeller requesting 

him [395] to apprehend the said John Cole and forthwith 

bring him before us 

Resolved that a Letter be wrote to William Whiting Esq^ 

at Great Harrington inclosing a Description of a certain 

William Scott who frequently goes to New York and returns 

with false Continental Money and requesting him to have 

the said William Scot apprehended which Letter is in the 

words following (to wit) (see Copy Letter on File) — 

jygj Met Albany 20^? April 1781 

Apr. 20. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stewart Dean 

Benjamin Randell and Stephen Randell appeared before 
the Board and informed us that Jacob Best of Hosick has 
harboured and secreted in his House John Ruyter formerly 
an Inhabitant of Hosick who at the Time he was so secreted 
by the said Jacob Best was a Captain in the British Service 
which Charge they say can be plainly and Satisfactorily 
proved by Peter Crandell and Hugh Baily — 

And the said Benjamin Randell and Stephen Randell 
further inform that John Babcock Joseph Allport and 
Dennis Dun are disaffected Persons and that they have 
drank the Kings Health and that Jacob Lantman also is a 
dangerous and disaffected Person who in the Year 1777 
when General Burgoyne came down did assist in murdering 
some men who had been driving Cattle to General Gates's 
Army and that Stephen Card has advised many Persons to 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 687 

accept of Sir Henry Clinton's Proclamations telling them it ^78i 
contained Offers of [396] Peace and that it would be the last 
Time that any would be made and that Elisha Runnels & 
Thomas Stephens were present when the said Stephen Card 
made use of those Expressions — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that 
a Warrant be made out for the immediate apprehension of the 
said John Babcock, Dennis Dun, Stephen Card andjacob 
Lantman and that the same be directed to Jacob Kidney 
Constable — 

Thomas Gleason who was the other day committed to Goal 
requested to be brought before the Board in order to give 
some Information respecting William Hartley & he being 
brought in and Examined says that a certain Man of the 
Name of Butler has brought a Letter to the said Hartley & 
that the said Hartley was to write an answer which said 
Butler was to call for — Ordered that the said Thomas 
Gleason be recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 2i5£ April 1781 Apr.^^j. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Jacob Kidney appeared before the Board & informed us 
that he had apprehended Jacob Lantman, John Babcock, 
Dennis Dun and Stephen Card and they being severally 
examined and denying the Charge alledged against them 
and offering to disprove the same resolved therefore that 
they be severally bound by Recognizance to appear before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies [397] at 
the City Hall in this [City] on Wednesday next and that in the 
mean Time they be of the good Behaviour — 

688 State of New York 

1781 Jacob Lantman of Hosick in the County of 

Apr. 21 

Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Michael Lantman of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

John Babcock of Hosick in the County of 
Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Michael Lantman of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;Cioo 

Dennis Dun of Hosick in the County of 

Albany Farmer in £^100 

Johannis Duet of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;£^loo 

Stephen Card of Hosick in the County of 

Albany Farmer in £100 

Daniel Kyneir of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved in Consequence of the Information Yesterday 
given by Benjamin Randell and Stephen Randell that a 
warrant be made out for the Apprehension of Jacob Best 
and Joseph Allport of Hosick District and that the same be 
delivered to the said Benjamin Randell in Order to have it 
served — 

Samuel Stringer Esq- informed the Board that he had 
advanced to Peter Seeger Eight New Emission Dollars for 
the Purpose of apprehending Joseph Bettis ordered that he be 
credited for the same — * 

Resolved that Peter Crandell, Hugh Baily, John Ryley, 
Oliver Bartley, Elisha Reynolds, Thomas Stephens, and 

• Included in Stringer's sworn statement, October 21, 1784, in Revoluiionary 
Mamiscripts, vol. 40, p. 160, vStale Comptroller's oflSce. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 689 

Samuel Shaw be cited to appear before this Board on Wednes- i78i 
day next in order to support the Charges before us exhibited 
by Benjamin Randell and Stephen Randell against the said 
Jacob Lantman, John Babcock, Dennis Dun, Stephen 
Card, Jacob Best and Joseph Allport — 

Thomas Butler of Hosick District having been [398] 
apprehended on the Information Yesterday given to this 
Board by Thomas Gleason and being Examined as to the 
same positively denies the Charge but as there is great 
Reason to imagin from the Character of disaffection hitherto 
sustained by the said Thomas Butler that w^hat has been 
alledged against him is true therefore resolved that he be 
confined and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

Harmen Haver v?ho the Board were on' the 18- Instant 
Informed had made his Escape from the Guard who had 
apprehended him appeared this day and surrendered him- 
self up to us and produced Certificates of several of the 
Officers of the Regiment to which he belongs of his having 
behaved himself as a peaceable and quiet Inhabitant & 
that he has ever done his duty as a good Subject of the 
State resolved in Consequence of the said Recommenda- 
tions that the said Harmen Haver be discharged until the 
further order of this Board — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 23'? April 1781 — ^^78i 


John M. Beeckman ] | Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j I Stewart Dean 

Cap* Benjamin Du Bois appeared before the Board and 
informed us that he had agreeable to our warrant appre- 
hended Luke De Wit and the said Luke De Wit being pro- 

690 State of New York 

1781 duced and examined acknowledges that he drank King 

Apr. 33- r- , XT uu 

Cjeorge s riealth 

Resolved that he be Confined and that a Mittimus be 
made out for him — 

[399] A Number of Germans who belonged to Gen'- 
Burgoyne's Army having been apprehended on account of 
their Inimical Conduct and Conversation & being brought 
before the Board and examined resolved that they be com- 
mitted until the further Order of this Board — 

A^%. Met Albany z^^ April 1781 


John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer 3 ( Stewart Dean 

The German Prisoners who were examined on the 23^ 
Instant being again Brought before the Board & it appear- 
ing that some of them are Deserters and that others are 
Prisoners of War resolved therefore that it be recommended 
to the Honorable Brigadier General James Clinton that he 
discharge such of the said Germans as are Deserters and 
that he discharge also such of the said Prisoners of War as 
are recommended by Persons who are well Attached to the 
American Cause — 

Adjourned — 

jygi Met Albany 26^ April 1781 — 

Apr. 26. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) f Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer J ( Stewart Dean 

Peter Crandell appeared before the Board agreeable to our 
order of the 21?* Instant and being examined under oath 
says that Jacob Lantman last Summer when ordered out 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 691 

with a Party of Militia to apprehend some Persons [400] ^781 

who were come from Canada said that he would not go 
after such Persons and that he did not look upon them as 
Enemies. Resolved In Consequence of the said Examina- 
tion, that the said Jacob Lantman, be bound by Recog- 
nizance, for his good Behaviour, doing his duty, and ap- 
pearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies, when called upon during the Continuance of the 
present war with Great Britain — 

Jacob Lantman of Hosick in the Cou[n]ty of 
Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Michael Lantman of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Cap* Joshua Babcock appeared before the Board and 
informed us that agreeable to our warrant he had appre- 
hended Jacob Best and the said Jacob Best being brought 
before us and examined and it appearing from his Exami- 
nation that the charge alledged against him is well founded 
therefore resolved that the said Jacob Best enter into a 
Recognizance for his good behaviour and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain and also for his appearance at the 
Supream Court of Judicature now held at the City Hall in 
this City to answer to such Matters as shall then and there 
be alledged against him and not depart the Court without 
Leave — 

Jacob Best of Little Hosick in the County of 
Albany Farmer in £100 

Isaac Vosburgh of the west district of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Buck Maker his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Apr. 26. 

692 State of New York 

1781 [401] John Babcock appeared before the Board & being 

Apr. 26. 

examined as to the Charge alledged against him of drinking 
the King's Health utterly denied the same and requested 
that Jacob Best might be examined under Oath as to the 
Truth of his Assertions and the said Jacob Best being 
Examined says that he was present when John Allport 
drank the king's Health in Babcock's presence and that the 
said John Babcock instead of joining with the said Allport 
reprimanded him for doing it resolved that the said John 
Babcock attend at this Board to Morrow Morning — 

Cap- John Ryley having been ordered to appear before 
this Board to give Information respecting John Babcock 
& others appeared and being examined says that last New 
Years day he was at the House of the said Babcock and 
that the said Babcock together with Dennis Dun, Jacob 
Best, and John Allport did in his Hearing drink the king's 
Health resolved that the said John Ryley be directed to 
attend the Grand Jury in Order to give them the above 
Information — 

Thomas Butler who was the other day confined on the 
Information of Thomas Gleason was brought before the 
Board and nothing further appearing against him therefore 
resolved that he be discharged on entering into a Recog- 
nizance with sufficient Sureties for his good Behaviour doing 
his duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required for and during 
the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Thomas Butler of Hosick in the County of 
Albany Innkeeper in £100 

Joshua Babcock of the same place Cord- 
wainer his Bail in £100 

John Randell of the same place Farmer also 
his Bail in £100 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 693 

[402] Stephen Card appeared before the Board and laid . ^^*^g 
before us sundry Certificates of his Attachment to the 
American Cause Resolved in Consequence of the said 
Certificates that the said Stephen Card be discharged. 


Met Albany zf> April 1781 — ^^^Sr 

Present ^' ^'^' 

John M. Beeckman ) \ Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer j ( Stewart Dean 

John Babcock appeared before the Board agreeable to 
our order of Yesterday resolved that the said John Bab- 
cock enter into a Recognizance for his Appearance at the 
Supream Court of Judicature at present held in the City 
Hall of this City then and there to answer to such Matters 
as shall be alledged against him and not to depart the Court 
without leave -^ 

John Babcock of Hosick in the County of 

Albany Innkeeper in ;£^ioo 

Joshua Babcock of the same place Cord- 

wainer his Bail in ;£^ioo 

Dennis Dun also appearing agreeable to our order 
resolved that he enter into a Recognizance for his Appear- 
ance at the Supream Court of Judicature at present held 
at the City Hall in this City to answer to such Matters a[s] 
shall be then and there alledged against him and not to 
depart the Court without Leave — 

Dennis Dun of Hosick in the County of 

Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Michael Lantman of the same place Farmer 

his Bail in ;^loo 

The Board having received Information that John An- 
drew of Newtown has this Morning acknowledged [403] 

694 State of New York 

1781 himself a King's Man resolved in consequence of the said 

Apr. 27. 

Information that the said John Andrew be forthwith appre- 
hended by Jacob Kidney and brought before us — 

Thomas Butler who was Yesterday liberated from Con- 
finement appeared before the Board and produced two 
Certificates the one signed by the Selectmen and several 
Militia Officers of the Township of Worthington in the 
County of Hampshire in the Commonwealth of Massa- 
chuset's Bay setting forth that the said Thomas Butler has 
from the Commencement of the present Contest behaved 
himself as a Zealous and firm Friend to the American 
Cause, the other signed by several Militia Officers & other 
well affected Inhabitants of the District of Hosick and the 
same being read and taken into Consideration resolved in 
Consequence thereof that the said Thomas Butler be and 
he is hereby discharged from the Recognizance entered into 
by him before this Board on the 26''' Instant — 

Jacob Kidney appeared with John Andrew whom agree- 
able to our order he had apprehended resolved that the said 
John Andrew be committed and that a Mittimus be made 
out for him — 

Samuel Stringer Esq^ informed the Board that he has 
received Information that Simeon Smith of Pits Town Inn- 
keeper entertains disaffected Persons; drink's King George's 
health and speaks disrespectfully of the Authority of this 
State, resolved in Consequence of the said Information that a 
warrant be made out directed to Lieutenant Jonathan Brown 
forthwith to apprehend and bring before us the said Simeon 
Smith — 

Resolved that a Citation be sent to Jonathan Brown [404] 
William M?Coy and Mary Sawyer to appear before the 
Board forthwith to prove the Charges above alledged against 
the said Simeon Smith. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 695 

Lieu- Jacob Plainer and Hendrick Platner appeared before .^^'^ 
the Board and being questioned as to their advising Harmen 
Haver to make his Escape from the Guard who had him in 
Custody the said John Platner acknowledges he did Advise 
Harmen Haver to go home and obtain a Certificate from his 
Officers of his Conduct and then deliver himself up to the 
Commissioners at Albany and the said Jacob Platner having 
always sustained an Irreproachable Character and Hendrick 
Platner appearing no way concerned In the affair therefore 
resolved that the said Jacob Platner and Hendrick Platner be 


Met Albany 30*> April 1781 — 1781 

Present ^^'- ^" 

John M. Beeckman ) ( g^^^^^^ j^ean 
Samuel Strmger j (. 

Berljah Tyler appeared before the Board and produced 
a Letter signed by Stephen Salisbury and William Dawes 
dated at Worcester in the State of Massachusetts Bay on the 
25 Instant setting forth that Thomas Glason who was by 
Our order apprehended and confined is of an infamous 
Character and that he has lately enlisted for three Years to 
serve In the Continental Army ordered that the same be filed — 

Resolved In Consequence of the above Letter that an Order 
be sent to James Watson to deliver up to Berljah Tyler the 
Horse of the said Thomas Gleason by us Committed to his 
Care [405] on the said Tyler's paying the Charges accrued 
In keeping said Horse — 

Resolved that Jacob Saltsbergh be discharged from Con- 
finement on his entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 

696 State of New York 

1781 required during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Jacob Saltsbergh of the Bever Dam in the 
County of Albany Farmer in £100 

Jacob Cuyler of the City of Albany Mer- 
chant his Bail in ;^ioo 

Whereas there are several Families remaining settled on 
the North side of Hudsons River in and about Jessup's 
Patent, who are all disaffected; and this Board conceiving 
it highly improper they should be let to remain there — 

Have resolved, that it is necessary, for the Safety of those 
Frontiers, that all the said Families be ordered forthwith to 
remove from thence with all their Effects down into the 
Interior parts of the Country, without delay; and that all 
Boats, Canoes, or other Conveniences, for the purpose of 
Crossing the River, and which can be found on either side 
of the same, be destroyed, and that all the Males of 16 Years 
old and upwards, be ordered to appear before this Board on 
or before the 20— day of May next at their peril — 

And whereas this Board has received Information that 
there are a Number of Tory Women (whose Husbands have 
joined the Enemy) residing, and going from parts below to 
reside, above Saragtoga which this Board from Manifest 
Reasons disapprove of; therefore Resolved, that the said 
Women be all brought down below Saragtoga and ordered 
there to Remain as they will answer they [sic] Contrary at 
their Peril; until they shall receive [406] further Instructions 
from this Board or from some other proper Authority — 

Resolved that Brigadier General Clinton be requested by 
this Board, to issue an Order to the Officer commanding at 
Saragtoga to have the above necessary Resolves executed; 
and that a List of all such Persons as may be removed and 
brought down as aforesaid be handed to this Board, with any 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 697 

Information that may be collected and thought worthy of .^'^^^ 
their Attention towards the wellfare of the State — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany I =.* May 1 78 1— ^78^^ 


John M. Beeckman ] f Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j ( Stewart Dean 

A Letter from the Commissioners for Conspiracies dated 
at Schenectady the 26— April last was laid before the 
Board which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (See 
Letter on File) — 

Andries Cogh, Andries Wolters, George Pattshold and 
Johan Hendrick Zachariah Bause, German Prisoners of war 
having been apprehended by order of General Clinton and 
confined and the General being of Opinion that they may be 
serviceable to the Country should they be admitted to Bail 
resolved therefore that they be bound in Recognizance with 
sufficient sureties for their good Behaviour and appearance 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain — 

[407] Andries Cogh of the Hellebergh in the 

County of Albany in ;^ioo 

Jacob Zimmer of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in £100 

Andries Walters late of the Hellebergh in :^ioo 

Jacob Zimmer of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

George Paatshold late of the Hellebergh in. . ;^ioo 
Jacob Zimmer of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

698 State of New York 

1781 Johan Hendrick Zachariah Bause late of 

the Hellebergh in ;^ioo 

Johannis Casselman of the Bever Dam 
Farmer his Bail in ;£^ioo 

Adjourned — 
1781 Met Albany 2- May 1781 

^*y ^- Present 

John M. Beeckman ) f Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j j Stewart Dean 

General Clinton having recommended it to the Board to 
discharge Christian Hartwick a German Prisoner of war on 
Bail resolved in Consequence of the said Recommendation 
that the said Christian Hartwick be discharged on his entering 
into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour and appearing 
before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

Christian Hartwick late of the Hellebergh 
Farmer in ;^ioo 

Peter Cook of the City of Albany Merchant 
his Bail in ;£^ioo 

M- Welsh whose Husband is at present with the Enemy 
appeared before the Board and requested a Permit to go to 
Canada resolved that the Secretary to this Board certify to 
General Clinton that we have no Objection to M.— Welsh's 
going with the first Flag to her Husband — 

Hugh M?Manus Constable of Tryon County [408] appeared 
before the Board and informed us that agreeable to our war- 
rant he had apprehended D' John Tice and the said Df Tice 
being produced and examined resolved that the said Hugh 
MfManus take him again into his Charge and have him 
ready to produce to this Board when called upon — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 699 

Luke DeWit was brought before the Board and examined ^78i 
Ordered that he be recommitted — 

General Clinton having certified to this Board his Desire 
that William GifFert a German Prisoner of war should be 
admitted to Bail resolved that he be bound for his good 
Behaviour and appearance before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies for and during the Continuance of 
the present war with Great Britain — 

William Giffert late of the Hellebergh 

Farmer in ;^ioo 

John Tillman SenT of the Manor of Rens- 
selaerwyck Innkeeper his Bail in £100 

Peter Larawa being brought before the Board and ex- 
amined ordered that he be recommitted — 

D' John Tice being again brought before the Board and 
examined on Consideration of the Charge alledged against the 
said Df Tice resolved that he enter into Recognizance with 
Sufficient surety for his remaining within the Limits of this 
City and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when called upon until discharged from the 
said Recognizance by the said Commissioners — 

John Tice of the State of Pensylvania Prac- 
ti[ci]oner of Physick in ;^ioo 

John Tillman of the Manor of Rensselaer- 
wyck Innkeeper his Bail in ;^ioo 

May 3. 

[409] Met Albany 3^ May 1781 J78i 


John M. Beeckman ) J Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) (. Stewart Dean 

The Board having received Information that Joseph 
Bettis keeps at present at the Hellebergh and other places 

700 State of New York 

^'^ in that Neighbourhood and is collecting a party of Men to 
go off to the Enemy — 

Resolved in Consequence of the said Information that 
Application be made to General [James Clinton] for a Party 
of the Levies and to General Gansevoort for a Party of 
Militia to go and apprehend the said Joseph Bettis v?ith his 
Party and also resolved that Abraham Outhout Esq^^ one of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies residing at Schenectady 
at present in Towm be sent for and made Acquainted with the 
above Information and that he be also informed that this 
Board conceive it necessary that a Party of Men should be 
sent from Schenectady for the purpose of falling upon the 
Rear of those Settlements — 

Information being exhibited to this Board that a certain 
John Wasbrook is at present on the East side of the River 
that he is a Stranger and of a suspicious Character therefore 
resolved that a Warrant be made out directed to Jacob Van 
Alstyne authorizing him forthwith to apprehend and bring 
before us the said John Wasbrook — 

A Letter from Teunis Van Wagenen dated Cats Kill the 
2^ Instant was laid before the Board informing that he sends 
to us under Guard a certain Samuel Davidson who he had 
caused to be apprehended as a dangerous Person and the said 
Davidson being produced and Examined and it ap- [410] 
pearing from his Examination that he is a Deserter from the 
Line of the Pensylvania Army therefore resolved that he be 
sent to General Clinton to be disposed as he may think proper — 

Adjourned — 
Ifay 4. Met Albany 4^ May 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) | Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j i Stewart Dean 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 701 

Resolved in Consequence of the plan Yesterday concluded i^Si 
upon for the Apprehension of Joseph Bettis with his Party 
that a Letter be wrote to CoU Anthony Van Bergen at Cook- 
sakie to detach a Party of Men to Peesink for the purpose of 
scouring the woods in that Quarter in Order that if Bettis 
should endeavour to make his Escape that way that he may be 
apprehended — 

James Watson Jun- who on the 18- day of April last 
entered into a Recognizance before this Board appeared 
before us this day and informed us that he intends to go and 
reside at Springfield in the State of Massachusetts Bay for the 
Purpose of lear[n]ing the Tanners Trade and requested to 
be discharged from his said Recognizance and the said Appli- 
cation being taken into Consideration resolved thereupon 
that the said James Watson Jun- be and he is hereby dis- 
charged from the said Recognizance — 

Lieui Jonathan Brown appeared before the Board and 
informed us that agreeable to our warrant he had appre- 
hended Simeon Smith and that he had also agreeable to our 
Directions summoned William MjCoy as an Evidence against 
the said Simeon Smith ordered that the said William M^Coy 
be examined — 

[41 1] William M?Coy being Examined under Oath saith 
as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) — 

Simeon Smith being brought before the Board and the 
Charges above alledged against him being read to him and he 
possitively denying the same and offering to prove himself 
Innocent of the Crime alledged against him wherefore 
resolved that the said Simeon Smith have Permission to return 
Home on his entering into Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present war with Great Britain 

702 State of New York 

^781 and also for his appearing at the next Supream Court of 
Judicature to be held for the State of New York at the City 
Hall in this City on the last Tuesday in July next (or where- 
soever the said Court shall then be held in the State afore- 
said) to answer to such Matters as shall then and there be 
alledged against him and not to depart the Court without 
Leave — 

Simeon Smith of Pitts Town in the County 

of Albany Innkeeper in ;^ioo 

Archibald Campbell of the City of Albany 
Merchant his Bail in ;^ioo 

Jonathan Brown and Seth Stalker being severally called 
before the Board and Examined as to the Political Conduct of 
Simeon Smith their Examinations are as follows (to wit) 
(see Examinations on File) — 

Mathew Visscher Esq- appeared before the Board and 
informed us that he had received Information that a Number 
of Negroes at Nistageune and the Bought intend shortly to 
go off to Canada with Joseph Bettis resolved in Consequence 
of the said Information that a Letter be wrote to Captain 
Hendrick Ostram to have the following Negroes appre- 
hended (to wit) Jack the Negro Man of [412] Wilhelmas Van 
Antwerp Esq- , Pomp the Negroe of Naning Vischer, Jack the 
Negroe of Bastian Cregier, and Jack the Negroe [of] Mar- 
tinus Cregier, and that he keep them separately and bring 
them before us at the City Hall in this City — 

Resolved also that a Letter be wrote to Captain Levinus 
Lansing to apprehend and bring before us the Negroe of 
Cornelius Van Den Bergh named Sans, and the Negro of 
Johannis Lansing named Tom and they also be brought 
down separately — 

A Party of Levies and of the Militia being how ready for 
the Purpose of executing the Plan for Apprehending Joseph 

May 5> 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 703 

Bettis with his Party resolved that Instructions be made out ,J78i 

. . . May 4. 

for the Officer commanding the said Party which Instruc- 
tions are in the following words (to wit) (see Draft Instruc- 
tions on File) — 

A Letter from Major Popham Aid De Camp to Brigadier 
General James Clinton was laid before the Board setting 
forth that the General is willing that Hazelton Spencer should 
be liberated from Confinement and have the Liberty of the 
Town and be subject to such Restrictions as this Board may 
think proper resolved that the Subject of the above Letter be 
taken into Consideration untill to Morrow Morning — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 5*!? May 1781 — ^7^\ 


John M. Beeckman ] j Stewart Dean 
Isaac D. Fonda j I Samuel Stringer 

The Board having taken Into Consideration the Letter 
Yesterday received from Major Popham respecting Hazelton 
Spencer and Conceiving that there can be no Impropriety in 
[413] liberating the said Hazelton Spencer from Confinement 
therefore resolved that he be liberated accordingly on enter- 
ing Into a Bond with a sufficient surety for his remaining 
within the following Limits in the City of Albany, (to wit) to 
the North to the Bridge at General Ten Broeck's to the west 
to the Fort and to the south to the House at present occupied 
by Thomas Lansing and for his not holding any Correspond- 
ence by word or deed upon Political Matters with any Person 
or Persons who hold Principles Inimical to the Measures 
pursued by the Congress of the United States of America 
and that he shall appear before the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies or either of them when required — 

704 State of New York 

1781 Hazelton Spencer in ;^500 

Abraham Ja: Lansing of the East District of 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his 
Bail in £500 

Cap£ Hendrick Ostrom appeared before the Board and 
informed that agreeable to our Request he had apprehended 
the Negroes mentioned in our Letter of Yesterday and the said 
Negroes being severally brought before the Board and Exam- 
ined and confessing their Intention of going off with Joseph 
Bettis and Jack the Negroe of Wilhelmas Van Antwerp and 
Pomp the Negroe of Naning Visscher appearing to be princi- 
pally concerned in the above Schem[e] therefore resolved that 
they be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for them — 

Henry Simpson appeared before the Board and Informed 
that the Party of Men who Yesterday went in Search of Joseph 
Bettis had apprehended a Certain Daniel Sherwood and that 
he had become Surety to the Officer commanding the said 
Party to deliver up the said Sherwood to this Board and 
that the said Daniel [414] Sherwood being Examined and pro- 
ducing Vouchers of his having been enlisted last Summer in 
the Nine Months Service and of his Attachment to the 
American Cause therefore resolved that he be discharged — 

Harmanus Cuyler of Cooksakie laid before the Board a 
Letter from Teunis Van Wagenon dated Cats Kill 4*'' In- 
stant wherein he informs us that he sends to us Wessel Van 
Dyck as a Prisoner on Account of his being concerned in 
carrying Off David Abeel and his son and that he will send 
up the Proof against him as soon as possible which Letter 
being read ordered that the same be filed — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Letter that the said 
Wessel Van Dyck be confined and that a Mittimus be made 
out for him — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 705 

Met Albany 7*!? May 1781 — ,JV8i 

Present ^^^^ 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j ( Stewart Dean 

A Letter from Capi Cornelius J. Jansen dated at Saragtoga 
the 6- Instant was laid before the Board setting forth that 
one of his Scouts had apprehended at Jessup's Patent a 
certain Stephen Fairchilds and the said Fairchilds being 
Examined and not being able to give a satisfactory Account 
of himself resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus 
be made out for him — 

A Letter was also laid before the Board from Teunis Van 
Wagenen dated atCatts Kill the 6- Instant wherein [415] he 
informs us that he sends to us under Guard Abraham Dewitt 
and Abraham Person Jun- who have been apprehended 
agreeable to a warrant issued by this Board and that he also 
sends John Person who is a dangerous and disaffected Person 
resolved that they be severally examined & that a Mittimus 
be made out for them — 

Pomp the Negro Man of Naning Vischer being at the Re- 
quest of his Master again brought before the Board and Exam- 
ined and it appearing that he is possessed of no other Informa- 
tion than what he has already mentioned therefore resolved that 
at the Request of his said Master that he be discharged — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany S*"* May 1781 — 1781 

Present ^^ ^ 

John M. Beeckman ] ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j 1 Stewart Dean — 

Jack the Negro Man of Wilhelmas Van Antwerp being 
again brought before the Board was examined and it appear- 

7o6 State of New York 

1781 ing that his former Examination contains all the Information 
May 8. ''. . . . . . . 

which he is able to give and he offering to give Information of 

Joseph Bettis or any other Person that may in future ask him 
to go to Canada resolved therefore that he be discharged 
from Confinement — 

Peter Larawa was brought before the Board for the Pur- 
pose of being examined and the said Larawa appearing un- 
willing to give a Candid Confession with Respect to the 
Conduct of the disaffected Inhabitants at Peesink therefore 
resolved that he be recommitted 

Adjourned — 

^y g, [416] Met Albany 9*!? May 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman | j Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ] \ Stewart Dean 

Information was exhibited to the Board that a certain 
David Waters an Inhabitant of this City has offered to Ex- 
change the Money lately emitted by the Authority of Con- 
gress for Hard Money at the Rate of three for one and it 
appearing highly probable that the said David Waters does 
it with no other View than to depreciate the Money as he 
has been always esteemed a disaffected Person it is therefore 
resolved that a warrant be made out directed to Jacob Kid- 
ney forthwith to apprehend and bring before us the said 
David Waters resolved also that John Shepherd and Henry 
Hart be cited forthwith to appear before this Board to prove 
the Charges as above alledged against the said Waters — 

Jacob Kidney appeared and informed that agreeable to 
our Order he had apprehended David Waters and the said 
Waters being produced and acknowledging the same and at 
the same Time confessing also that he did say that if the 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 707 

Commissioners should confine him for his Conduct that he ^J/'Si 

May 9. 
would after being released go to the Enemy at New York 

resolved therefore that he be confined and that a Mittimus 

be made out for him — 

John Shepherd and Henry Hart appearing and being 
severally examined say as follows (to wit) (see their Ex- 
aminations on File) 

The Board being also informed by William Dewit that 
Mf Fomfried the French Merchant has also asked more in 
New Money for his Tea than the Current Exchange re- 
solved that he be sent for to answer the above — 

[417] MT Fomfried appearing and being made acquainted 
with the above Charge and he positively denying the same 
resolved that he be discharged and cautioned against de- 
preciating the New Money at his Peril — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 12*^ May 1781 — 1781 

Present ^"^ "• 

John M. Beeckman ) ( g^^^^j 5,^ 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( 

Hugh MfManus Constable for Tryon County appeared 
before the Board and informed us that agreeable to a war- 
rant issued by this Board for William Laird he had appre- 
hended the said Laird & the said Laird being Examined 
and it appearing from his own Examination and also from 
a Letter to this Board from Zepheniah Batchelor Esq^ that 
the said William Laird in [sic] enlisted in the Nine Month's 
Service and he offering faithfully to do his duty in future 
resolved therefore that the same be taken into Consideration 
untill this Afternoon — 

The Board being informed that there is at present in 

7o8 State of New York 

1781 Town a certain Isaac Larawa an Inhabitant of the Helle- 
bergh who may if examined give some Material Informa- 
tion respecting several Persons in that Quarter it is there- 
fore resolved that Jacob Kidney be ordered to have the said 
Isaac Larawa before the Board this Afternoon — 

Lieutenant Seth Perry appeared before the Board and 
informed us that he had apprehended a Man on Suspicion 
and the said Person being produced and Examined says 
that his Name is Christian Smith that he is a Soldier in 
the Continental Army [418] in CoH Van Schaick's Regi- 
ment that he deserted about two Month's ago at Livingston's 
Manor to which he was advised by a certain Smith an In- 
habitant of that place that whilst at Livingston's Manor he 
was advised by Jurie Wheeler to go to New York and then 
enlist in the Enemies Service and the said Examination 
being committed to writing ordered that the said Christian 
Smith be delivered over to Major John Graham — 

The Board having taken in Consideration the Case of 
William Laird resolved that he be discharged with paying 
to the Constable the Costs accrued by his Apprehension — 

Jacob Kidney agreeable to order attending with Isaac 
Larawa and the said Larawa being examined resolved that 
he be discharged — 

A Certificate signed by sundry of the well affected Inhabi- 
tants of Arlington in the County of Charlotte was laid be- 
fore the Board from which it appears that Stephen Fair- 
childs who was the other day taken at Jessup's Patent and 
sent down by Czp- Jansen has from the Commencement of 
the present Contest been esteemed a Friend to the American 
Cause resolved in Consequence of the said Certificate that 
the said Stephen Fairchilds be discharged on entering into 
a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour doing his 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 709 


for Conspiracies when called upon during the Continuance 1781 
of the present war with Great Britain — 

Stephen Fairchilds of Arlington in the County 
of Charlotte Farmer in ;^ioo 

Joseph Hall of the City of Albany Silversmith 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

It appearing from sundry Circumstances [419] that 
George Sittamon of the Hellebergh is a disaffected Person 
and that he entertains Persons who to screen themselves 
from Justice are lurking in the Country it is therefore Re- 
solved that an Order be sent to the said George Sittamon 
forthwith to appear before this Board with a good sufficient 
Bail to enter into Recognizance for his good Behaviour and 
appearance when called upon and that the same be delivered 
him by Isaac Larawa — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 14?'' May 1781 — 1781 

Present '"^^ ^^ 

John M. Beeckman ) j Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda f ( Stewart Dean 

A Recommendation in Favor of Marcy French wife of 
Charity French who is at present with the Enemy signed 
by Isaac Sawyer, Benjamin Hicks, and other Zealous Friends 
to the American Cause was laid before the Board setting 
forth that the said Mar[c]y French has by John p Bleecker 
Esq^ been warned agreeable to the Directions of an "Act 
entitled "An Act for the Removal of the Families of Per- 
sons who have joined the Enemy" to depart this State or 
remove to such parts of it as are in the Power of the Enemy 
and recommending the said Marcy French as a person of 
an unexceptional Character and that they do not think that 

7IO State of New York 

1781 her remaining at her present Habitation will not in any way 
injure the Liberties and Independance of this and the 
United States resolved in Consequence of the said Recom- 
mendation that a Permit be granted to the said Marcy 
French for the Purpose above Mentioned — 

[420] David King having been apprehend[ed] as a Per- 
son of a Suspicious Character was brought before the Board 
and examined and it appearing that he is a Deserter from 
Col- Van Schaick's Regiment of Continental Forces re- 
solved thereupon that he be delivered over to Major John 
Graham — 

Adjourned — 

Mey^is. Met Albany 15^!? May 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) 1 Stewart Dean 

Information having been given to this Board that there 
are at present in the East District of the Manor of Rensselar- 
wyck two German Prisoners of war named Andries Her- 
nockle, and Christopher Whiting who daily by their Con- 
duct and Conversation give Offence to the Friends of the 
American Cause therefore resolved that a Letter be wrote 
to Cap- Jacob De Forest requesting him forthwith to appre- 
hend and bring before us the said Andries Hernockle & 
Christopher Whiting — 

Francis Utt formerly an Inhabitant of Tryon County 
appeared before the Board agreeable to our Order and 
being examined as to the Character and Conduct of Dt John 
Tice says that Tice last Fall informed him that Sir John 
would come down and advised the said Francis Utt to take 
Protection under him and at the same Time also informed 
him that he knew a great Deal but could not divulge it 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 7 1 1 

because he was sworn — Resolved In Consequence of the 1781 
said Information that the said John Tice be committed and 
that a Letter be wrote to Major Graham to. request him 
[421] when he goes down with the Prisoners of war to West 
Point to take with him also the said Tice and from thence 
send him by the first Party that goes to Philadelphia to his 
Family and caution him not again to be Seen in this State 
during the present Contest. 

William Wederwax having been apprehended & confined 
on Suspicion of his being concerned in the Robberies lately 
Committed at Claverack and it appearing that the Sus- 
picion was ill founded and he being a Continental Soldier 
belonging to Coll: Van Schaick's Reg- therefore Resolved 
that he be delivered over to Major Graham — 

Peter Davis having been confined for stealing two Pub- 
lick Horses and having taken a Bounty from a Class and 
therewith paid for the Horses resolved that he also be de- 
livered oyer to Major Graham — 

Thomas Orton and Gideon Orton appeared before the 
Board and informed that they had agreeable to the Reso- 
lutions of this Board been removed with their Families 
from Jessups Patent and that being hurried away they had 
been obliged to leave great Part of their Effects behind and 
requested Permission for themselves and the other Persons 
whose Families were removed to go and fetch the Remain- 
der of their EflFects resolved that they have Permission 
granted them accordingly and that in ten days they all of 
them appear before this Board — 

On Application of John Hodkison resolved that he have 
Permission granted him to go and work at TunnicIifPs Farm 
with Anthony Waine and that he every Evening make his 
Appearance before one of the Members of this Board 

Adjourned — 

7 1 2 State of New York 

1781 [^22] Met Albany 16*'' May 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) { Isaac D. Fonda 
Stewart Dean 3 I Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Constant King be liberated from Confine- 
ment on entering into Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the 
Continuance of the present war with Great Britain and also 
for his appearing at the next Supream Court of Judicature 
to be held for the State of New York at the City Hall in the 
City of Albany on the last Tuesday in July next (or whereso- 
ever the said Court shall then be held in the State aforesaid) 
and not to depart the Court without Leave — 

Constant King of White Creek in the County 
of Albany Cordwainer in ;Cioo 

John Fisher of Cambridge in the County 
aforesaid Millwright in £100 

Archibald M?Neal appearing before the Board agreeable to 
our Order and he requesting Permission to remain on his 
Farm in the Scotch Patent and the said Request being taken 
into Consideration Resolved thereupon that if the said 
Archibald MfNeal take the Oath of Allegiance to this State 
that Permission will be granted him Accordingly — 

The Board having tendered the Oath of Allegiance to 
Archibald M?Neal and he refusing to take the same and 
declaring at the same Time his Intention of Not taking up 
Arms in Defence of the American Cause therefore resolved 
that he be confined & that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

[423] Duncan M?Arthur also of the Scotch Patent being 
questioned as to his Political Principles and declaring his 
Intention of not taking up Arms in defence of the Country and 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 7 1 3 

acknowledging at the same time that he was sworn for the 1781 
King when Burgoyne came down therefore resolved that he 
also be confined and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

LieuS Col'- Henry K. Van Rensselaer appeared before the 
Board and informed us that Thomas Blewer who is at present 
under a Recognizance to this Board has refused to do his duty 
and has made use of Expressions which Evidently denotes his 
disaffection to the American Cause it is therefore Resolved 
that he be ordered to attend this Board on Saturday the 19- 
day of May Instant — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany i;'" May 1781 — uifi?. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 

Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

On Application of John T. Fisher resolved that Abraham 
Person Junior be liberated from Confinement on his entering 
into a Recognizance with the said John T. Vischer his Surety 
for his Remaining within the Limits of the City of Albany and 
not departing the same Unless he previously obtains Per- 
mission from this Board and that he be of the good Be- 
haviour until discharged by this Board — 

Abraham Person Jun^ of the Groote Imboght 

District in the County of Albany Farmer in. ;^ioo 
John T. Fischer of the City of Albany Yeo- 
man his Bail in £100 

Resolved that Major Graham who takes with [424] him 
to west point a Number of Continental Prisoners be re- 
quested also to take with him Thomas Gleason and deliver 
him to some OflRcer of the Line of the Troops of the Massa- 
chu[set]ts Bay — 
Adjourned — 

714 State of New York 

1781 Met Albany 18^ May 1781 — 

*^ ' ' Present 

Tohn M. Beeckman ] f _ t^ t- j 
•I , n • C \ Isaac D. Fonda 

bamuel btringer ) (. 

Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Samuel Baker be liberated from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required for and dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 

Samuel Baker of the East District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Weaver in ;£^ioo 

Henry K. Van Rensselaer of the same place 
Esq' his Bail in ;^ioo 

The Board being informed that William Jackson of New 
Scotland and his wife are able to give some very material 
Information respecting sundry Transactions in that Quarter 
it is therefore resolved that the said William Jackson and 
his wife be ordered forthwith to attend this Board — 

1781 Met Albany 22^ May 1781 — 

^y ^'- Present 

John M. Beeckman ) j Stewart Dean ' 
Samuel Stringer j (, Isaac D. Fonda 

William Jackson of New Scotland having been cited [425] 
together with his wife to appear before the Board appeared 
and the said M" Jackson being Examined under Oath says 
that she was informed by a man on the Road near Slinger- 
landt's Mill that there was a Party of the Militia coming to 
New Scotland that the Man was an utter Stranger to her 
having never seen him before ordered that she appear again 
before the Board this Afternoon — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 715 

It appearing from the Description given by M- Jackson i78x 

of the Man who met her on the Road and who informed her 
of the MiHtia coming to New Scotland that the said Person is 
a Servant Man at present in the Service of Major Reed there- 
fore Resolved that Jacob Kidney be ordered to bring the said 
Person forthwith before the Board — 

James Parke a Prisoner of War at present in Confine- 
ment made Application to the Board to be released from 
Confinement in Order that he may have it in his Power to 
provide for the Subsistanance [sic] of a wife and four helpless 
Children who are destitute of the Common Necessaries of 
Life and the said Request being taken into Consideration 
resolved thereupon that the said James Parke be released 
accordingly on William M?Loughlins entering into a Recog- 
nizance for his remaining within the Limits of the City of 
Albany and surrendering himself every evening a Prisoner to 
the Goaler of the City and County for the Time being and 
also for his appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required and for his good 
Behaviour during that Time — 

William MfLoughlin of the City of Albany 
Innkeeper as Bail for James Parke in. ... [ ] 

George Scharp of the East District of the Manor of Rensse- 
[426] laerwyck appeared before the Board and informed us 
that at the Request of Cap- Jacob De Forest he had taken 
into his Charge Christopher Witting and that he has him here 
ready to produce to the Board. — 

The said Christopher Witting being produced and ex- 
amined as to the Charge alledged against him which he 
utterly denying and it appearing however necessary that he . 
should be laid under Restrictions therefore resolved that he be 
bound by Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his duty 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 

May 22. 

7i6 State of New York 

1781 Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Con- 
tinuance of the present war with Great Britain — 

Christopher Witting of the East District of 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck School Mas- 
ter in £^100 

George Scharp of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Jacob Kidney appearing with Major Ried's Servant 
Man who being Examined says the Evening on which it 
was supposed he gave Intelligence of the Militia going 
to New Scotland he was by Major Ried sent to Town 
which he offering to swear resolved therefore that he be 
discharged — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 24}^ May 1781 — 

"^y^^ Present 

John M Beeckman ) { g^^^^^^ j^^^^ 
Samuel Strmger j (. 

Andries Hernockle appeared before the Board and in- 
formed us that being apprized of the orders sent by us to 
Cap- Jacob De Forest to apprehend him he had voluntarily 
come to surrender himself to us and the said Andries Her- 
nockle being made [427] acquainted with the Crime alledged 
against him denied the same The Board however Conceiving 
it necessary that the said Hernockle should be laid under 
Restrictions — Therefore resolved that the said Andries 
Hernockle enter into Recognizance with a sufficient surety 
for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required for and during the Continuance of the present 
War with Great Britain — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 717 

Andries Hernockle of the East District of 1781 

the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Fanner in. . £100 ^ ^*' 

Johan George Warner of the same Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 


Met Albany zs*'^ May 1781 — ^78i 

May 25. 

T T>, T- 1 r \ John M. Beeckman 
Isaac D. tonda J t 

Lambert Starnbergh, Hendrick Haynes Jun-, Dirck Miller, 
and John Schuyler having been apprehended and sent to us 
as Prisoners in Consequence of the Information exhibited 
against them by Rachel Youngs, Jacob Knieskern and 
Christina Enders and being severally Examined as to the 
Charges alledged against them — resolved that the same be 
taken into Consideration until to Morrow and that the said 
Lambert Starnbergh, Hendrick Haynes Jun- Dirck Miller & 
John Schuyler enter into a Recognizance for their Appearance 
before this Board to Morrow at ten of the Clock in the Fore- 
noon and that they be of the good Behaviour during that Time 

Lambert Starnbergh of Schoharie Labourer 

in ' £100 

Archibald Campbell of the City of Albany 

Merchant his Bail in ;^ioo 

[428] Hendrick Haynes Jun- of Thurlough 

Labourer In ;^ioo 

Hendrick Haynes Sen' of the same place 

Farmer his Bail in £^100 

Dirck Miller of Duanesburgh Farmer in ... . £100 
Archibald Campbell of the City of Albany 
Merchant his Bail in ;^ioo 

7i8 State of New York 

1781 John Schuylerof Schoharie Farmer in ;^ioo 

Peter Man Jun- of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in. ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

^Ifl^ Met Albany 26*" May 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ] ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j { Stewart Dean 

The Board having resumed the Consideration of the 
Charges alledged against Lambert Starnbergh, Hendrick 
Haynes Jun-, Dirck Miller, and John Schuyler and judg- 
ing the same not of sufficient weight to justify their Im- 
prisonment but at the same Time conceiving it necessary 
that they should be bound by Recognizance for their future 
good Conduct therefore resolved that they be severally 
bound accordingly for their good Behaviour doing their 
duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies whenever thereunto required during the 
Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 

John Schuyler of Schohary Farmer in ;£^ioo 

Peter Man of the same place Farmer his Bail 

in £100 

Dirck Miller of Duanesburgh Farmer in. . . ;^ioo 
Nicholas Starnbergh of Schohary Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Lambert Starnbergh of Schohary Farmer in. £100 
Nicholas Starnbergh of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in £100 

Resolved also that the said Lambert Starnbergh and [429] 
Dirck Miller take the following Oath (to wit) "That they 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 719 

will behave as true and faithful Subjects of the State of „^78i 

-' May 20. 

New York and endeavor to support it as a True and Inde- 
pendant State, and that they will make known to this Board 
of Commissioners for detecting all Conspiracies that may 
be formed In this State any Plots or any thing that may come 
to their knowledge that is inimical or unfriendly to this or 
any of the United States of America or the aiding, or assist- 
ing, or the Secreting, harbouring, or Comforting any of 
their Enemies by any one or any of the disaffected who 
may be going off to them " — 

Resolved that as Hendrick Haynes Jun^ is already under 
Recognizance for his good Conduct and appearance when 
called upon that he therefore be discharged — 

The Board being informed that the Conduct of Duncan 
M?Arthur notwithstanding his Character as a disaffected 
Person has always been enexceptionable therefore resolved 
that he be discharged from Confinement and permitted to 
go and reside at his former place of abode in the Township 
of Argyle in Charlotte County — 

Resolved that Archibald M?Neal be discharged from Con- 
finement on his Entering Into Recognizance with a suffi- 
cient surety for his remaining within the Limits of the City 
of Albany and appearing before this Board on Monday 
next — 

Archibald M^Neal of the Township of Argyle 

in the County of Charlotte Farmer in ;^ioo 

Evens Umphrey of Schatlkook District 
Farmer his Bail in £100 

Resolved that Wessel Van Dyck be discharged on enter- 
ing into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 

720 State of New York 

^^^^^ [4^0] Wessel Van Dyck of Cater's Kill in the 

May 26. '-^•^ ■" ■' . 

County of Albany Farmer in Aioo 

David Van Dyck of Niscuthaw in the County 

aforesaid Farmer his Bail in £100 

Resolved that Abraham Person Jun?^ be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his future 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required during the Continuance of the present war 
with Great Britain — 

Abraham Person Jun- of the Great Imbought 

Farmer in ;^ioo 

John T. Visscher of the City of Albany Yeo- 
man his Bail in £^100 

Adjourned — 

„i78i Met Albany aS!^*" May 1781 — 

''*^»«' Present ^ ' 

John M. Beeckman ) f c ta 

;; , f, . r 1 Stewart Dean 

Samuel Stnnger ) ( 

Whereas this Board from sundry concurring Circum- 
stances has great reason to think that Doctor George Smith 
and his son Terence Smith are Persons whose going at large 
at this Time may prove detrimental to the Safety of the 
State therefore resolved that Jacob Kidney be ordered to 
apprehend the said George Smith and Terence Smith and 
bring them forthwith before us — 

Resolved that Abraham Dewit be discharged from Con- 
finement on Zachariah Snyder of the Great Imboght Dis- 
trict entering into Recognizance for the good Behaviour of 
the ^aid Abraham De Witt for his doing his duty and ap- 
pearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 721 

spiracies when thereunto required during the Continuance ■^j*'^^- 
[431] of the present War with Great Britain — 
Zachariah Snyder of the Great Imboght Dis- 
trict in the County of Albany Farmer as 
Bail for Abraham De Witt in ;^ioo 

William Swain of the County of Charlotte having en- 
tered into Bond for his appearance before this Board ap- 
peared and being Examined confesses that he did enter- 
tain in his House a certain Samuel Wallace who told him 
that he intended to go to the Enemy and that he did at 
another time also entertain in his House two Men who said 
they were going to the Enemy resolved that the said 
William Swain be confined and that a Mittimus be made 
out for him — 

Jacob Kidney appeared before the Board and informed 
us that he has apprehended Terence Smith but that Doctor 
Smith was not to be found whereupon resolved that the 
said Terence Smith be confined and that a Mittimus be 
made out for him — 

As those Persons who were removed from Jessup's Patent 
and who had our Permission to return and bring from 
thence the Remainder of their Effects within ten day's 
which is now past and as none of the said Persons have 
yet made their Appearance before us agreeable to order 
therefore resolved that a Letter be wrote to Col- Cornelius 
Van Dyck requesting him forthwith to send down to us all 
the said Persons — 

Archibald MfNeal appearing before the Board agreeable 
to the Recognizance entered into by him last Saturday and 
having considered the Case of the said Archibald M?Neal 
Resolved thereupon that he enter into a Recognizance with 
a sufficient surety for his good Behaviour and remaining 
[432] within the following Limits (to wit) to the North as far 

722 State of New York 

1781 as the Patroon's Mill's in the Manor of Rensselaerwyck and 
^^ ' to the East and South and West the Limits of the City of 

Albany — 

Archibald M?Neal of the Scotch Patent in 
the County of Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

Evans Umphrey of Schatikoke in the Cou[n]ty 
of Albany Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that David Waters be discharged from Con- 
finement on Martin G. Van Bergan's and Myndert Roose- 
boom's entering into a Recognizance for the good Behaviour 
of the said David Waters for his doing his duty and appear- 
ing before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies 
when thereunto required during the Continuance of the 
present War with Great Britain — 

Martin G. Van Bergan of the City of Albany 
Yeoman as Bail for David Waters in. . . . ;^ioo 

Myndert Rooseboom of the same place 

Merchant also his Bail in ;^I00 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany Z(f^ May 1781 — 

^"^ "'• Present 

Tohn M. Beeckman ) f ,, ta 

-; , n • (1 Stewart Dean 

Samuel Strmger ) (. 

A Letter from Robert Harper Esq?^ one of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies at Poughkeepsie dated 25?'' In- 
stant was laid before the Board wherein he informs us that 
he incloses two Letters the one from Brigadier General 
Waterbury dated at Stanford the 8— Instant to the Com- 
[433] missioners at Westchester County the other from the 
said Commissioners dated at Cortlandt's Manor the 17- 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 723 

Instant to the Commissioners for Conspiracies at Pough- „^^^^ 
keepsie from which Letters it appears that Jeremiah Smith 
and Henry Skinkle have been apprehended at Stanford on 
Suspicion of their having been to New York and sent to the 
said Commissioners at Poughkeepsie who as they are In- 
habitants of this County have by a Recognizance condi- 
tioned in the sum of One thousand Pounds with George 
Smith of Claverack as their Surety bound them for their 
Personal Appearance before this Board on this day and 
the said Jeremiah Smith and Henry Skinkle appearing this 
Day agreeable to the Tenor of the said Recognizance and 
being severally examined and it appearing evident from 
their Examinations that they have been to New York to 
the Enemy therefore resolved that they be committed and 
that a Mittimus be made out for them — 

The Examinations of the said Jeremiah Smith and Henry 
Skinkle being reduced to Writing are as follows (to wit) 
(see Examination on File) 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 30^^ May 1781 — mll^o. 


John M. Beeckman ) f Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) I Stewart Dean 

Information being Given to the Board that one of the sons 
of Rykert RadlifF is gone off to the Enemy resolved in Con- 
sequence of the said Information that the said Rykert Rad- 
lifF (who entered into Recognizance for the Personal Appear- 
[434] ance of his two sons John RadlifF and Arent RadlifF 
forthwith) deliver them up to this Board — 

MT Warner of King's District appeared before this Board 
and informed us that at the Request of Col- Whiting he 
waited upon us in Order to inform the Board that a Number 

724 State of New York 

1781 of the People called Shaking Quakers had lately purchased 
Arms & Ammunition which was supposed to be done by 
them with a View to assist the Enemy should they come into 
the Country resolved in Consequence of the said Information 
that a Letter be wrote to Col- Whiting requesting him to collect 
every Piece of Evidence concerning the above Transactions 
and such Persons against whom he can Obtain Proof to send 
us togetherwith the Evidence against each particular Person — 

The Honorable Brigadier General Clinton having sug- 
gested to the Board the necessity of having the disaffected 
Inhabitants residing at Rallstown removed from thence with 
their Families and Effects — resolved thereupon that a 
Letter be wrote to the Commissioners for Conspiracies at 
Schenectady requesting them as soon as possible to have all 
the Disaffected of Ballstown removed to the Interior Parts of 
this Country — 

There being an absolute Necessity that the Families of 
those Persons who have gone off to the Enemy should be 
removed within the Enemies Lines and the Legislature hav- 
ing at their last Sitting passed a Law for their Removal which 
said Law has not as yet been published therefore resolved that a 
Letter be wrote to the Secretary of State requesting him by the 
first Conveyance to send tour a certified Copy of the said Act — 

Resolved that Lukas Dewitt be discharged from [435] 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his Duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the Present War with Great 
Britain and America — 

Lukas Dewitt of the Great Imbought Far- 
mer in ;^ioo 

Jacobus Perse of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^ioo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 725 

Resolved that John C. Person be discharged from Con- 1781 

finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Be- 
haviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required 
during the Continuance of the present War between Great 
Britain and America — 

John C. Person of the Great Imbought Dis- 
trict Farmer in ;^ioo 

Jacob Van Olinda of the Manor of Rens- 
selaerwyck Farmer his Bail in £100 

Resolved that Peter Larawa be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 

Peter Larawa of Ulster County Farmer. . .in. ;^ioo 
Peter West of the same place Farmer his Bail in. ;^ioo 

Resolved that Lukas DeWitt Jun- be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain And also for his appearance at the next 
Court of General [436] Sessions of the Peace to be held for 
the City and County of Albany at the City Hall in said 
City on the first Tuesday in June next to answer unto all 
such Matters and things as [sjhall be then and there alledged 
against him and not to depart the said Court without Leave — 

Lukas Dewitt Jun^ of Coocksakie District 
Farmer in ;^ioo 

Zachariah Snyder of Great Imbought District 

Farmer his Bail in £100 

May 30. 

7S6 State of New York 

1781 Resolved that Teunis Reipenbergh be discharged from Con- 

finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behav- 
iour doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 
Teunis Reipenbergh of Livingston's Manor 

Farmer in ;^300 

Hendrick Reipenbergh of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;^300 

Stephen Bell appeared before the Board and informed 
us that in his way from Hosick to this place he met Df 
Smith, Abraham Ja: Lansing, Levines Lansing, Thomas 
Lambson and some other Persons and that Df Smith 
requested him in a particular Manner to avoid mentioning 
that he had seen him at that Place and it appearing probable 
that the said D? Smith will pass through Bennington on his 
way to Canada Therefore Resolved that a Letter be wrote 
to Joseph Fay Esq- at Bennington requesting him to have 
the said D^ Smith apprehended if possible which Letter is in 
the following words (to wit) (see Copy Letter on File) 

Ordered that the said Letter be dispatched to Bennington 
by Express — 

[437] Samuel Stringer Esq- advanced to the Express Eight 
Dollars of the New Emission to defray his Expences on 
the Road — ' 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 31^ May 1781 — 

May 31. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda j ( Stewart Dean 

'Included in Stringer's sworn statement, October 21, 1784, in Revolu- 
tionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 160, State Comptroller's ofiBce. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 727 

James Brisben appeared before the Board and laid before i78i 
, May ^1. 

us a Certificate signed by Cap^ Hezekiah Dunham and a 

Number of Persons Friends to the American Cause certifying 
that the said James Brisben has since the surrender of Gen- 
eral Burgoyne behaved himself well in every Respect and 
that they are willing that he should be permitted to remain 
at his Place of Abode at Saragtoga, and Peter Scharp who 
is Bail for the said James Brisben agreeing to the same and 
the said Certificate being taken into Consideration resolved 
thereupon that Permission be granted him accordingly 

Information being given to the Board that Robert Fuller- 
ton of Nistageune did converse with Philip Ryley Jun^ on 
the very day when said Ryley went off to the Enemy and 
there being great Reason to suspect that the said Robert 
Fullerton was privy to the said Ryley's going off and to his 
Intention of taking off with him two young Men by the 
Name of Devoe — 

It is therefore resolved that Jacob Kidney be ordered to 
bring the said Robert Fullerton forthwith before the Board — 

Jacob Kidney appearing informed that he had Robert 
Fullerton ready to produce to the Board and the said Fuller- 
ton [438] being called in and Examined under Oath con- 
fesses that he did converse with PhiHp Ryley the day he went 
off but did not know of his Intention whereupon resolved 
that the said Robert Fullerton be discharged — 

Barney Cadogan of Schohary one of the Persons com- 
plained of in the Affidavit's laid before this Board by William 
Dietz Esq- appeared before the Board and laid before us 
sundry Recommendations from the Officers of the Militia 
Regiment commanded by Col'- Peter Vrooman which said 
Recommendations being taken into Consideration there- 
upon resolved that they [sic] said Barney Cadogan be 
discharged — 

728 State of New York 

1781 Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Col- Vrooman to inform 

toAJ 31. 

him that Hendrick Hoff and another Personiifrom the Enemy 
have lately been seen at the Hellebergh and to request him 
to detach a Party to apprehend them — 

Adjourned — 

j^l\ Met Albany i=* June 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) f Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer J ( Stev?art Dean 

Rykert RadlifF who was ordered to deliver up to this 
Board his two sons John RadlifF and Arent RadlifF appeared 
and informed us that his sons are not gone ofF to the Enemy 
and as a proof of the same requested that Lieui Moses 
Hudson might be Examined on that subject and it appear- 
ing by the Information of the said Lieui Hudson that the said 
John RadlifF and Arent RadlifF are at present at Home there- 
fore resolved that the said Rykert RadlifF be discharged — 

[439] The Honorable Brigadier General James Clinton 
having thought proper on the Application of this Board to 
detain in this City a Party of the Levies to be under the 
Direction of this Board and Ensign Philip Herwig being 
appointed to take the Charge and command of the said 
Men resolved that Instructions be made out for the said 
Ensign Herwig which Instructions are as follows (to wit) 
(see Copy Instructions on File) — 

A Letter from Joseph Fay Esq- of this day's date in 
Answer to the Letter sent him by Express on the 30^!? of 
May last was laid before the Board wherein he Informs 
that D; Smith is at Bennington where he has surrendered 
himself as a Prisoner which Letter is as follows (to wit) 
(see Letter on File) — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 729 

Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Joseph Fay Esq- in ^781 
answer to the above Letter which is in the words following 
(to wit) (see draught Letter on File) — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 2^ June 1781 — 1781 

Present J*^ ^^ 

John M. Beeckman ) J Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) I Stewart Dean 

A Letter from CoU Anthony Van Bergen of Cooksakie of 
this day's Date was laid before the Board wherein he informs 
that he sends to us a Man who he has caused to be appre- 
hended who calls himself John Walker and the said John 
Walker being brought before the Board and Examined and 
not being able to give a Satisfactory Account of himself 
therefore resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus 
be made out for him — 

[440] William Dewitt appeared before the Board and 
informed us that being on his way from Philadelphia to 
this Place he was this day on the Kinderhook Road about 
eight Miles from this City taken a Prisoner by Hans Wall- 
timyer who after detaining him some Time and asking him 
a Number of Questions gave him his Liberty Resolved that 
the above Information be immediately communicated to 
General Clinton and General Gansevoort in order that some 
Plan may be fallen upon to apprehend the said Waltimyer — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 3'? June 1781 — 1781 

Present ^^ '■ 

John M. Beeckman \ f Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) I Stewart Dean 

730 State of New York 

1781 Philip Herwig having been ordered with his Party of 

Men to apprehend Abraham Ja: Lansing, Levines Lansing 
& Thomas Lambson who were charged with conveying away 
Doctor George Smith and having apprehended the said 
Persons agreeable to order and they being brought before 
the Board and Examined and it appearing from their 
Examinations that their Meeting with Df Smith was merely 
Accidental and that they were no way concerned in his 
Escape therefore resolved that they be discharged — 

Resolved that Ensign Herwig with his Party of Men go 
to Cap- Woodward's on the Kinderhook Road and their 
remain untill they are joined by William Dewit who will 
direct them to the Place where he [441] was made prisoner 
by Waltimyer who they will endeavour to apprehend — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 4^ June 1781 — 

June 4. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) f Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda f [ Stewart Dean 

Col'- Killian Van Rensselaer appeared before the Board 
and informed us that he has received undoubted Informa- 
tion that Walltimyer is yet on the East side of the River 
and that he thinks he may be apprehended in Case proper 
Exertions be made for that Purpose — Resolved that it 
be recommended to Col- Rensselaer to order the Militia at 
Schodack to keep a guard along the shore at that Place to 
prevent Waltimyer's crossing the River — 

The Reverend Samuel Swertfeger appeared before the 
Board and requested Permission to go to Dutchess County 
for the Purpose of looking for a Place to remove his Family 
to; which request being taken into Consideration — Re- 
solved that he have Permission Accordingly — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 731 

Simeon Garret appeared before the Board & informed 
that he has this morning been taken Prisoner by Hans 
Waltimyer who after detaining him some Time in the 
woods discharged him — 

Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that 
General Schuyler and General Gansevoort be sent for to 
consult him on the most Effectual way to have the said 
Walltimyer apprehended — 

Adjourned — 

June 4. 

[442] Met Albany 5*'' June 1781 — 

June s. 

John M. Beeckman ) | Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer j 1 Stewart Dean 

Adam Beam of the New City having been cited to appear 
before this Board for having conveyed Df Smith in a Waggon 
to Bennington and appearing this day agreeable to order 
and being examined and it appearing from his Examina- 
tion that he was altogether unacquainted with Df Smith's 
Character and Situation therefore resolved that he be 
discharged — 

It appearing to this Board from the Examination of Simeon 
Garret that Walltimyer has slept several Nights in the Barn 
of John Ver Plank of Coyeman's Patent and there being 
reason to suppose that the Information respecting the said 
John Ver Planck is true from his Character of Disaffection 
and the said John Ver Planck being at present in this place — 
Therefore resolved that Jacob Kidney be ordered to bring 
him forthwith before the Board — 

Jacob Kidney appearing with John Ver Planck and he 
being Examined with Respect to Walltimyer's sleeping in his 
Barn and he being ready to swear that he never knew of said 

732 State of New York 

1781 Walltimyer being there which Assertion being deemed 
satisfactory to the Board therefore resolved that he be dis- 
charged — 


1781 [^^3] Met Albany 6^? June 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) j Stewart Dean 
Samuel Stringer ) I Isaac D. Fonda 

Jeremiah Smith and Hendrick Skinkle who were some 
Time ago committed being brought before the Board were 
again Examined and being unwilling to make answers to the 
Questions proposed to them therefore resolved that they be 
recommitted — 

It appearing to this Board that Peter Huyck has for- 
feited the Recognizance by him entered into before this 
Board ordered therefore that the Secretary make out the 
said Recognizance and transmit the same to the Attorney 
General in Order to its being prosecuted — 

Nathaniel Cotton of Cooksakie being a material Witness 
against William Hartley who was some Time since confined 
as a spy from the Enemy and as the said William Hartley is 
to receive his Tryal by a Court Martial therefore Resolved 
that the said Nathaniel Cotton be cited to appear forthwith 
before this Board — 

John Walker who was on the 2— Instant apprehended 
on Suspicion by order of CoU Van Bergen was brought before 
the Board and being Examined says that he is a Continental 
Soldier belonging to the Massachusets Line and that he has 
deserted from West Point resolved that the said John Walker 
be delivered over to CoU Van Schaick whose Regiment is 
now on their way to West Point — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 733 

A Letter from Joseph Fay EsqT dated at Bennington j^'^^\ 
on the 3f Instant was laid before the Board which Letter 
is in the following words (to wit) (see Letter on File) — 

Adjourned — 


John M 
Isaac D. 

Met Albany g^ June 1781 

Beeckman ) 
Fonda [ 

j Samuel Stringer 
1 Stewart Dean 

William Parker, John Wait, Isabel Parker, Jane Wait, 
and James Parker Inhabitants of Tryon County having 
been apprehended for harbouring and supplying Parties 
from the Enemy with Provisions and being brought before 
the Board and it appearing from their Examinations that 
they have received Letters from the enemy therefore resolved 
that William Parker and John Wait be committed and that 
Isabel Parker, Jane Wait and James Parker have Permission 
to return to their Places of Abode to fetch from thence their 
Families and Effects — 

Resolved that a Mittimus be m[a]de out for William Parker 
and John Wait — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 13^^ June 1781 

John M. Beeckman \^ 
Samuel Stringer j 

Isaac D. Fonda 

June 9. 

June 13. 

Hugh Mitchell and Abraham Outhout Esq- Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies from Schenectady informed the 
Board that there are a Number of Persons at the Hellebergh 
who have harboured Walltimyer and Bettis and that there Is 

734 State of New York 

1781 a Necessity at this Time of removing from thence such 
Persons and the other disaffected Inhabitants in that Quarter 
and this Board being convinced of the Necessity of such a 
[445] measure especially as the Enemy are daily expected 
upon the Frontiers — 

Therefore Resolved that it be recommended to the said 
Hugh Mitchell and Abraham Outhout to send a Party of men 
from Schenectady to apprehend some of those who are most 
notoriously disaffected in that Quarter and this Board will 
also send a Party that way to apprehend Joseph Bettis who is 
reported is still there — 

Resolved that Col- Anthony Van Bergen be requested to 
send a party of his Regiment to Peesink and places Adjacent 
to apprehend all suspected Persons in that Quarter — 

The Board having received Information from CoU Van 
Bergen that Robert Tripp being looked upon as a dangerous 
Person therefore Resolved that a warrant be made out for 
him and delivered to Col- Van Bergen to have the same 
served — 

The Board having received Information that a certain 
Scott who is at present at New York has a Quantity of Wheat 
stored at Moore's at Kat's Kill and as the same ought to 
be seized for the use of the Publick therefore resolved that 
a Letter be wrote to Hezekiah Van Orden Esq- requesting 
him to make Enquiry concerning the said Wheat and have 
the same seized for the Public Use agreeable to Law which 
Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Copy Letter on 

A Letter from Teunis Van Wagenen dated at Kat's Kill 
dated the 26- Ultimo was laid before the Board which 
Letter is in the following words (to wit) (see Letter on 
File) — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 735 

[446] Met Albany 14*^? Tune 1781 — , 1781 


Tohn M. Beeckman ] f c, 1 r> • 

i y < bamuel btringer 

Isaac D. i'onda ) ( 

As there are a Number of disaffected Persons in the Regi- 
ment at present commanded by Major Ezekiel Taylor some of 
whom as they live upon the Frontiers it is necessary should be 
removed therefore resolved that Major Taylor be requested to 
furnish this Board as soon as possible with a List of his Regi- 
ment together with the Political Character of Each Man — 

Capi John Grote appeared before the Board with Edward 
M^Gurkey who he informed us he had apprehended for 
endeavouring to enlist him the said John Grote for the Service 
of the King of Great Britain And producing a Guinea de- 
livered him by the said Edward M°Gurkey as a Bounty and 
the said M^Gurkey being Examined confessing that he has 
taken an Oath to be true to the King resolved that he be 
confined and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

It being represented tO' the Board that Robert Bohannah 
of Nistageune is a dangerous and disaffected Person and there 
being Reason to suspect that he harbours persons from the 
Enemy It is therefore resolved that a warrant be made out 
directed to Philip Herwig to apprehend the said Robert 
Bohannah and that Nicholas Van Vranken of Nistageune be 
requested to assist the said PhiHp Herwig in the Execution 
of the above Warrant — 

Adjourned — 

[447] Met Albany 15*-^ June 1781 — ^^tSi^^ 


John M. Beeckman ) ^ , t-. t? j 

■' . > ) Isaac JJ. I'onda 

Samuel Strmger ) ( 

736 State of New York 

June 15. Cap- John Grote appearing before the Board for the 
Purpose of being Examined with Respect to Edward 
M^Gurkey was examined accordingly and his Examination is 
in the words following (to wit) (see Examination on File) — 
John Oliver, Jacob Daniels, Francis Winne and Eli 
Arnold having been present at the Time that Edward 
M?Gurkey attempted to Enlist John Grote and having been 
Ordered to appear before the Board to be Examined concern- 
ing the same and attending for that Purpose were severally 
examined and their examinations are as follows (to wit) 
(see Examination on File) — 

Adjourned — 

j^e^i6. Met Albany i6i5! June 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( , ^ _, , 

■i , n • ( ) Isaac D, lionda 

Samuel btrmger ) ( 

Robert Bohannah for whose Apprehension a warrant was 
on the 14- Instant made out being brought before the Board 
by Philip Herwig and the Charges as alledged against him 
being read to him, he utterly denied the same and as a proff 
of his Innocence offered to take up and bring before this 
Board all Persons who he finds travelling through that 
Part of the Country where he resides and the Board being of 
Opinion that by discharging the said Robert Bohannah they 
may receive such Information from him respecting [448] Joe 
Bettis and others as may enable the Board to have them 
apprehended therefore resolved that he be discharged — 

Robert Brisben of Saragtoga having entered into Recogni- 
zance before this Board and having since gone off to Canada 
and joined the Enemy and Jonathan Pettit his Bail being 
called upon to pay the Recognizance Money and appearing 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 737 

for that Purpose resolved that the same amounting to 237 ^ ^'^^^g 
Dollars of the Money Emitted pursuant to a Resolution of 
the 18— of March be received and delivered over into the 
Hands of the Secretary to this Board — 

Resolved that the List received from Major Ezekiel 
Taylor of the Regiment under his Command be transmitted to 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies at Schenectady — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 18?'' Tune 1781 — , 1781 

„ J J I juae 18. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( „ 1 c • 

Isaac D.Fonda \ j Samuel Strmger 

The Honorable Brigadier General James Clinton having 
requested the Board to take the Examinations of William 
Empie and Randell Hewit who were taken Prisoners by a 
Party of Oneyda Indians near Crown Point and they being 
brought before the Board and examined say as follows (to wit) 
(see their Examinations on File) — 

Resolved that they be recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

[449] Met Albany 19*!? June 1781 — jiil 19. 


John M. Beeckman ) j g^^^^j g^^j^^^^ 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( 

The Board having taken into Consideration the Complaint 
exhibited to us by a Number of the approved Friends to the 
American Cause residing at the Hellebergh and places 
adjoining and being of Opinion from the frequent Parties 
from the enemy who are harboured in that Quarter by the 

738 State of New York 

1781 disaffected; that such as are reputed dangerous Persons should 
be removed from that part of the Country and the Board 
having been furnished vpith List's of the names of the Persons 
belonging to the Companies of Capi Van Aernam, Cap- 
Luke, Capi Grote, and Cap- Slingerlandt and w^ith the 
character of Each particular Person. 

Resolved that the said List's be delivered to the Officer 
commanding the Party detached by General Clinton at the 
request of this Board to carry the above into Execution. 

Isaac Sheldon Constable appeared before the Board 
& informed that he had apprehended two Persons at Stephen 
Town who appeared to be of suspicious Characters and the 
said Persons being brought in and Examined say their Names 
are John Cane and Jesse Adams and not giving a satisfactory 
Account of themselves resolved that they be committed 
and that a Mittimus be made out for them. 

Col- Van Bergen having at the Request of this Board 
caused Robert Trip to be apprehended for harbouring 
Walltimyer and the said Robert Trip being brought before 
the Board and Examined his Examination is in the words 
following (to wit) (see Examinations on File) — 

Adjourned — 

T ^e^li ^45°] M^^ Albany 2i5i June 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( t ta t- 1 

;; , o • C i isaac U. i'onda 

Samuel Stringer ) ( 

William Epie who was on the 18- Instant committed 
was ordered to be brought before the Board and being again 
Examined his Examination is in the following words (to wit) 
(see Examination on File) 

Randell Hewitt who was also on the 18- Instant committed 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 739 

was ordered to be brought before the Board & being Ex- _ ^78i 
.... . . June 21. 

amined his examination is in words following (to wit) (see 
his Examination on File) 


Met Albany 26*J? June 1781 — jiil*26. 


Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( t t^ t- 1 

•; , n • f 1 isaac U. i'onda 

Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Jacob Barger appeared before the Board and informed 
us that he had apprehended a certain John Anderson who 
appears to him to be of a suspicious Character and the said 
John Anderson being brought in and Examined and not 
giving a satisfactory account of himself therefore resolved 
that he be committed and that a mittimus be made out for 
Him — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 28*!3 June 1781 — j^^ls. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) \ Stewart Dean 

Ephraim Hopping appeared before the Board and [451] 
informs that he is lately deserted from Canada where he 
has been some Time as a Prisoner and produced a Pass of 
Thomas Chittendon Esq^ to come to this Place and he being 
desirous of going to his Excellency Governor Clinton at 
Poughkeepsie resolved that a pass for that purpose be given 
him — 

Peter Seeger having been ordered to appear before the 
Board appeared and was Examined — 

Major John Graham having with a Party of Men been 

740 State of New York 

1781 detached to the Hellebergh in order to apprehend Joe Bettis 
and other Emissaries from the enemy in that Quarter and 
having apprehended Jellis Legrange for harbouring the said 
Bettis and having also apprehended a certain John Low on 
suspicion and the said Jellis Legrange and John Low being 
Examined resolved as nothing appears against the said John 
Low that he be discharged and that Jellis Legrange be 
committed and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

Cornelius Van Sice being ordered to appear before the 
Board and being Examined says that the above mentioned 
Jellis Legrange brought him to Joe Bettis to Enlist which 
Examination is as follows (see Examination on File) — 

Adjourned — 

^ ^781 Met Albany 20- Tune 1781 — 

Jtme 29. Ti J y J I 


John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stewart Dean 

The Examination's of John Bardine and Ebenezer French 
taken by William Schuyler, William Harper and David 
M:Master EsqS Justices of the Peace for the County of Tryon 
[452] were laid before the Board and it appearing from the 
said Examinations that Isaac Lawson who the said Justices 
have caused to be apprehended and sent to us is a Dangerous 
and disaffected Person therefore resolved that he be com- 
mitted and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 30*'' June 1781 — 

June 30. p^gggj^j 

John M. Beeckman ) ( t -r» t? j 

-;, , n • I 1 Isaac U. J^onda 

Samuel Strmger ) ( 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 741 

Resolved that Robert Trip be discharged from Confine- , ^78x 

. . . June 30. 

ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 

doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present v^ar v?ith Great Britain and 
also for his appearance at the next supream Court of Judica- 
ture to be held for the State of New York on the last Tuesday 
in July next at the City Hall in the City of Albany (or 
whosoever the said Court shall then be held in the State 
aforesaid) then and there to answer unto such things as 
shall be there alledged against him and not depart the Court 
without Leave — 

Robert Trip of Acquatough in the County 
of Albany Farmer in £100 

Gideon Trip of King's District in the County 

aforesaid Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

[453] Met Albany ^i^ June [sic for July i] 1781 — ^7^'^^^ 


John M. Beeckman ) j j^^^^ ^ p^^^^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Simon Relea, Daniel Relea, David Relea, George Sidnam, 
John Van Alstyne, Teunis Van Alstyne, Roeliff Seeger, and 
Evert Johnson having been apprehended by Major Graham 
for harbouring Joseph Bettis and other Emissaries from the 
Enemy and they being brought before the Board and 
Examined and the Charges against them appearing to be 
well founded therefore resolved that they be committed and 
that a Mittimus be made out for them — 

Adjourned — 

742 State of New York 

1781 Met Albany 5*!? July 1781 — 

^^ ^" Present 

John M. Beeckman / ( o 1 o ■ 

J \ ] Samuel Stringer 

Isaac L). x*onda ) ( 

A Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esqf one of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies at Schenectady was laid before the 
Board setting forth that Petrus Wermer who is at present 
in Confinement has by the Commissioners at Schenectady 
been bound by Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing 
his duty and appearance when called upon and Requesting 
that the said Petrus Wermer may be liberated unless some 
material Charges can be alledged against him and the s- 
request being taken into Consideration and as no perticular 
Charges have yet been alledged against him the said Petrus 
Wermer therefore resolved that he be discharged — 

Adjourned — 

ji? 6. [454] Met Albany 6"? 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( t t-v t? j 

•; , f, • (1 Isaac U. Jbonda 

Samuel btrmger ) ( 

Peter Van Slyck residing near Cooksakie appearing before 
the Board informs us that a Party of Robbers headed by a 
certain Joseph Smith (formerly a servant of Walltimyer) did 
on the first Instant enter his House and steel a Number of 
Articles of him and that in attempting to make his Escape 
they fired at him and wounded him in the Arm and that they 
took Prisoner at his House Peter Clauw who has since made 
his Escape from them and is this day come to Town and the 
said Peter Clauw appearing before the Board & being exam- 
ined says as follows (to wit) (see his examination on File) 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 743 

Met Albany 7*^ July 1781 — 1781 

Present J^^^" 

Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( c, 1 r. ■ 

T T-. T- 1 c i bamuel btrmger 

Isaac D. Fonda ) ( ^ 

Col? Veeder appeared before the Board and requested 
the liberation of Coenradt Coen from Confinement as the 
said Coenradt Coen has always discovered a Willingness to 
do his duty when required and the said request being taken 
into Consideration resolved in Consequence thereof that the 
said Coenradt Coen be discharged from Confinement and 
cautioned against associating with disaffected Persons in 
Future — 

[455] Resolved that Peter Relea be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present war with 
Great Britain — 

Peter Relea of the west District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ;^ioo 

Martin Sybert of the same place Farmer his 

Bail in ;^I00 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 8^^ July 1781 — j^i^^i^^ 

Samuel Stringer 





Isaac D. 


John Loe appeared before the Board and requested 
Permission to go and reside at Christian S ant's at the Bever 
Dam resolved that Permission be granted him accordingly 
on the said Christian Sant's entering into a Recognizance 

744 State of New York 

1781 for the good Behaviour of the said John Loe and for his 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 

Christian Sant of the Bever Dam in the 
County of Albany Farmer as Bail for 
John Loe in ;^ioo 

The Honorable Brigadier General James Clinton having 
signified to this Board his Approbation of Randell Hewit 
a Prisoner of war being liberated from Confinement upon 
giving Security to this Board to appear when called upon 
resolved therefore that he be liberated accordingly on 
Ephraim Hewit his Father [456] entering into a Recog- 
nizance for his remaining within the Limits of the Farm at 
present in Possession of the said Ephraim Hewit at Keyad- 
eroseras and appearing before any three of the Commis- 
sioners for Conspiracies when called upon and for his good 
Behaviour until he shall be Exchanged or otherwise di[s]posed 
of — 

Ephraim Hewit of Keyaderoseras Patent in 
the County of Albany Farmer Bail for 
Randell Hewit in ;£^ioo 

A Letter from Col- Van Bergen dated at Cooksakie the 
4^5? Instant was laid before the Board inclosing the Exam- 
inations of Teunis Hoogteling, Peter Finehout, William 
Davis, and Israel Kelsey concerning the Robbery com- 
mitted at Peter Van Slyck's which Letter and Examina- 
tions are as follows (to wit) (see Examinations & Letter 
on File) — 

It appearing to this Board from the Examination of Peter 
Clauw that the Party who robbed Van Sluyck stopped at 
the House of Adrian Bradt at Niscuthaw and that Joe 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 745 

Smith one of the said Party conversed for some time in J'!^^ 

. . July 8. 

private with the said Adrian Bradt and as the said Adrian 

Bradt has not given any Information concer[n]ing the said 

Party therefore resolved that he be ordered to appear before 

this Board to Morrow Morning — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany io*> July 1781 — 1781 

Present J-^^ ^°- 

Tohn M. Beeckman ) f , t-. tr j 

;; , n • 11 Isaac D. I'onda 

Samuel Strmger ) (. 

It appearing from the Examination of Peter [457] Clauw 
that Adrian Bradt Jun^ (son of Adrian Bradt) was at Home 
when the party who robbed Peter Van Slyck was at his 
Father's House and that he conversed with them and the 
said Adrian Bradt Jun^ having been apprehended by Jacob 
Kidney and brought before the Board and being examined 
as to the same resolved that he enter into a Recognizance for 
his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the present 
war with Great Britain. 

Andrian Bradt Jun[ of Niscuthaw In the 

County of Albany Farmer In £100 

Peter S. Seeger of the same place Farmer his 

Ball In ;^ioo 

Adrian Bradt having been cited to appear before the 
Board appeared and was Examined and the said Adrian 
Bradt appearing to be much indisposed and as his being 
confined at this Time may endanger his Life therefore 
resolved that he enter into Recognizance with sufficient 
sureties for his remaining within the Limits of this City 

746 State of New York 

j^gj untill discharged by this Board and for his good Behaviour 
July 10. ijj tj^g mean Time — 

Adrian Bradt of Niscuthaw in the County of 

Albany Farmer in ;^ioo 

James Van Zandt of the City of Albany Car- 
penter his Bail in ;^ioo 

John Van Nist of the Normans Kill in the 
County of Albany Farmer also his Bail in . ;^ioo 
Frederick Miller (son in Law of Adrian Bradt) having 
been cited to appear before the Board and being examined 
with Respect to the Party who robbed Van Slyck and who 
were at the said Adrian Bradt's and it appearing that he had 
no Conver- [458] sation with the said Party, yet on Account 
of his Connection with the said Adrian Bradt, It is resolved 
that he enter into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies when thereunto required until discharged by 
this Board. 

Frederick Miller of Niscuthaw in the County 

of Albany Cordwainer in ;^ioo 

John N. Smith of the same place Wheel- 
wright his Bail In £100 

Lieu- David Hustead Appeared before the Board with 
Lucius Palmer, Gideon Palmer, Isaac Palmer, Simon 
Chesley and Comfort Marks who he had apprehended on 
account of their intending to go to Canada & they being 
severally examined resolved that they be confined — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany ii*> July 1781 — 

J">^"- Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( , _, „ , 

^ in- (1 isaac u. ronda 

bamuel btrmger j ( 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 747 

Lucius Palmer, Gideon Palmer, Isaac Palmer, Simon ^'^^^^ 
Chesley and Comfort Marks who were Yesterday confined 
being again brought before the Board and Examined as to 
their Intention of going to the Enemy at Canada — Resolved 
on Account of the youth and Inexperience of the said Lucius 
Palmer, George Palmer, Isaac Palmer, Simon Chesley and 
Comfort Marks and their Candid Acknowledgement's that 
they be discharged on their taking the following Oath, (to 
wit) — 

I do swear upon the holy Evangelists of Almighty god 
that I will be true to the State of New York and [459] will 
Conduct myself as a good and faithful subject of the said 
State ought to do; that and I will not aid, comfort, council 
with, or Assist in any way whatever any of the Enemies of 
the said State of New York or the United States of America 
and that I will immediately make known any Plots that may 
be intended against any of the said United States and 
discover that may come to my knowledge any of their 
Enemies whenever I [k]now there are any lurking about 
in the Country to any Officer or to the Board of Commis- 
sioners — So help me God — 

Adjourned — 


Met Albany 16'.^ July 1 781 — July 16. 


John M. Beeckman ) f j^^^^ j^ p^^j^ 
Samuel Stringer ) ( 

Jacobus Van Sante appearing before the Board requested 
to deliver up in Discharge of himself Adrian Bradt. resolved 
that the said Jacobus Van Sante be discharged from the 
Recognizance by him entered into for the said Adrian Bradt 
and that the said Adrian Bradt be confined and a Mittimus 
be made out for him — 

748 State of New York 

T ^1^**6 Elizabeth Burrows having been Ordered to appear before 
the Board and appearing and being examined as to Joe Smith 
and his Party and she positively denying her having seen the 
said Smith or any of his Party resolved that she be discharged — 
Gerrit Seeger having also been cited to appear before 
the Board and appearing and being Examined his Examina- 
tion is as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) — 

Adjourned — 

JiUy^Jp. [460] Met Albany 19'^ July 1781 — 


Tohn M. Beeckman ) f c- i c • 

T T~. T- 1 r "i Samuel Stnnger 

Isaac D. tonda ) ( 

Adrian Bradt Jun-, Evert Sixbey, Jacobus Van Valken- 
burgh, Alexander Conning and Ann Conning his wife and 
Richard Kerknaer having been apprehended for harbouring 
and supplying with Provisions the Party who robbed Peter 
Van Slyck and being brought before the Board and severally 
examined resolved that they be committed and that a Mitti- 
mus be made out for them — 

Adjourned — 

j„5y^2o. Met Albany 20^ July 1781 — 


Tohn M. Beeckman ] ( n 1 o • 

T T^ T- , r i Samuel Stnnger 

Isaac D. Fonda j [ ^ 

Lucas Taylor being charged with being privy to the 
harbouring of the Party who robbed Van Slyck being brought 
before the Board and Examined resolved that he enter into a 
Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing his duty and 
appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- 
spiracies during the Continuance of the present war with 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 749 

Great Britain and for his Appearance at the next Supream 1781 

Court of Judicature to be held for the State of New York 
at the City Hall in this City on the last Tuesday in July 
Instant (or wheresoever the said Court shall then beheld in the 
State aforesaid) to answer to such Matters as shall bealledged 
against him and not to depart the Court without Leave — 
Lucas Taylor of the West District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck in £100 

[461] Gerrit Van Wie of the same place 
Farmer his Bail in ;^ioo 

Staats Bradt who was also charged with being privy 
to the harbouring Joe Smith and the rest of the Party who 
robbed Peter Van Slyck being brought before the Board 
resolved that he enter into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three of 
the Commissioners for Conspiracies during the Continuance 
of the present war with Great Britain and for his Appearance 
at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held for the 
State of New York at the City Hall in this City on the last 
Tuesday in July next (or wheresoever the said Court shall 
then be held in the State aforesaid) to answer to such Matters 
as shall be alledged against him and not to depart the Court 
without Leave — 

Staats Bradt of the West District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in ... . ;£^ioo 

Gerrit Van Wie of the same place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Jacob France of Thurlough, charged by William Summer 
with having assisted in the destruction of Currey Town being 
brought before the Board and Examined resolved that he be 
committed and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 


July 20. 

750 State of New York 

^ 1781 Met Albany 21?* Tuly 1781 — 

July 21. J J J I 


Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( o 1 o^ • 

J \ \ Samuel Stringer 

Isaac D. tonda ) (, 

Resolved that a letter be wrote to Hugh Mitchell Esq^ 
at Schenectady requesting him to take Cornelius Van 
Sice's Recognizance for his appearance at the next supream 
Court and transmit the same to this Board — 

[462] A Letter from Zepheniah Batchelder Esq^ Justice of 
the Peace of Tryon County was laid before the Board wherein 
he informs that John Cuppernul who formerly resided at 
Stonearabia is removed to Schohary, and the said John Cup- 
pernul being a material Witness against Jacob J. Truax — 

Resolyed in Consequence of the said Letter that a Letter 
be wrote to Peter Vrooman Esq- at Schohary requesting him 
to take the said John Cuppernull's Recognizance for his 
appearance at the next supream Court and transmit the same 
to this Board to be handed to the Court — 

Evert Jansen being committed on a charge of having 
harboured Joseph Bettis was brought before the Board and 
Examined Ordered that he be recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 23? Tuly 1781 — 

J"^y^3- [Present] 

John M. Beeckman ) { „ 1 r> • 

T T-. T- , \ \ bamuel btnnger 

Isaac D. Fonda j ( ^ 

Jacob France of Thurlough who was committed on the 
20^ Instant being brought before the Board and Examined 
saith as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) — 
Ordered that he be recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 751 

Met Albany 24^ Tuly 1781 — 1781 

Present / ^ J J' / ju,y ,^. 

John M. Beeckman ) ( t t-. t? j 
i , r. • r ■{ Isaac D. I'onda 

bamuel btringer ) (. 

William summer of Thurlough having been sent to 
Goal by Col- Willet on Account of his having assisted the 
[463] Enemy in the Destruction of Currey Town being 
brought before the Board and Examined saith as follows 
(see Examination on File) — Ordered that he be recom- 
mitted — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany as?'' July 1781 - j^y% 


Tohn M. Beeckman ] f o 1 c^ • 

i ^ „ , Y ■{ bamuel btrmger 

Isaac D. Fonda ) [ ^ 

Resolved that Anne Conning be liberated from Confine- 
ment on James Jolley's entering into a Recognizance for her 
Appearance at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be 
held for the State of New York at the City Hall in the City 
of Albany on the last Tuesday in July Instant (or whereso- 
ever the said Court shall then be held in the State aforesaid) 
to answer to such Matters as shall be alledged against her 
and not to depart the Court without leave — 
James Jolly of the West District of the Manor 
of Rensselaerwyck Farmer as Bail for 

Anne Conning in ;^ioo 

Henry Haines, Coenradt Brown, Frederick Merkle, 
Michael Merkle, Christian Merkle, Mathias Merkle, Ann 
Frets, Henry Haines Jun?:, Christopher Redick, Henry 
Frandts, Coenradt Hopper, Jacobus Hopper, George Walker, 
John Summer, Christian Minor, Michael Frederick, Johannis 

752 State of New York 

1781 Coenradt, Christian Ottman, Jacob Haines, David CofFman, 
and George Cross having been apprehended by order of 
Col- Willett on the Charge alledged against him [them] 
by William Summer of their having Assisted the Enemy 
in the Destruction of Currey Town and they being sent 
down to this Board resolved that they be confined and that a 
Mittimus be made out for them — 

[464] It appearing from the Examination of William 
Summer that William Petrie Esq- of Tryon County will be 
wanted as a witness at the ensuing Supream Court against 
the above mentioned Persons from Thurlough therefore 
resolved that a Letter be wrote to him requesting his Attend- 
ance at that Time — 

Resolved that a Letter be also wrote to David Lewis 
requesting his attendance at the next Supream Court as a 
witness against the above mentioned from Thurlough — 

Adjourned — 

Jnlyle. Met Albany 26*.'' July 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ] ( j t^ i? j 

;; , n • r 1 isaac D. l*onda 

Samuel Strmger ) (. 

Haze[l]ton Spencer who was some time ago with the 
approbation of General Clinton liberated from Confinement 
and restricted to the Limits of this City appeared before the 
Board and laid before us a further Approbation of General 
Clinton to permit the said Hazelton Spencer to go and reside 
at the New City and the same having been taken into Con- 
sideration and Abraham Jacob Lansing who is surety for the 
said Hazelton Spencer consenting to the same therefore 
resolved that the said Hazelton Spencer have leave accordingly 
and that he be ordered to make his appearance before this 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 753 

Board once every Week during the time he remains at the 1781 
New City as aforesaid. 

William Somer being brought before the Board was again 
Examined and ordered to be recommitted 


Met Albany zf^ July 1781 — 

Isaac D. Fonda 


John M. Beeckman ) 
Samuel Stringer ) 

Christina Hooper formerly of Thurlough in Tryon County 
having been cited to appear before the Board and she appear- 
ing this day agreeable to the said Order and being Examined 
as to the Thurlough Inhabitants saith as follows (to wit) 
(see Examination on File) — 

Coenradt Brown, Christian Ottman, and Jacob Haines 
Jun- being brought before the Board were Examined and 
Ordered to be recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 28^ July 1781 — 

John M. Beeckman 
Samuel Stringer 

A Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esqf dated 27- Instant was 
laid before the Board informing that he sends down under 
Guard John Ward who was apprehended near Ballstown 
and was supposed to be on his way to Canada — 

And the said John Ward being brought before the Board 
and examined and it appearing that he is a Deserter from 
the Enemy and has hitherto conducted himself well there- 
fore resolved that he be discharged — 

July 27. 

Isaac D. Fonda 

July 28. 

754 State of New York 

17S1 Archibald M?Neal appeared before the Board and re- 

quested Permission to go to his Place of abode at the Scotch 
Patent to which his Bail Evans Umphrey consenting resolved 
that he [466] have Permission accordingly until the first day 
of September next — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 30?'' July 1781 — 

July 30. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) { n 1 o • 

T T>. T- 1 c i Samuel Strmger 

Isaac D. jbonda ) ( 

A Letter from Flores Bancker Esq- dated 29- Instant 
was laid before the Board setting forth that a Number of 
disaflPected Persons have lately been removed from the 
Western Frontiers to the East side of the River who he has 
great Reason to beleive from sundry Circumstances are 
meditating some Scheme against the wellfare of the State 
and requesting directions what steps it will be necessary to 
take with the above Persons — 

And the subject of the above Letter being taken into 
Consideration — Resolved that it be recommended to the 
said Flores Bancker to make every possible discovery with 
Respect to the above Matter and transmit the same without 
delay to this Board — 

It appearing from the Examination of William Summer 
that Christopher France formerly an Inhabitant of Thurlough 
who at present resides at Nistageune was in the Year 1778 
on his way to join Gen- Si Ledger when he had invested 
Fort Schuyler and that he last Fall also went to Schohary 
to assist Sir John Johnson in the destruction of Schohary 
resolved therefore that a warrant be made [467] out directed 
to Jacob Kidney to apprehend the said Christopher France 
and forthwith bring him before the Board — 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 755 

The Board having received Information that Arthur Hewit ^ ^78i 
. . . J'liy 3°- 

of Pits Town is able to give some very material Information 

respecting Simeon Smith therefore resolved that the said 

Arthur Hewit be cited to appear before this Board in Order 

that he may be examined as to the Conduct of the said 

Simeon Smith — 

Jellis Legrange requesting to be brought before the Board 
informed us that Joseph Bettis with some others are lately 
come from Canada and that there is a Prospect in case a 
Party of Men should be sent out that the said Bettis might 
be apprehended — 

Resolved that in Consequence of the said Information 
that application be immediately made for a Party of Con- 
tinental Troops to go in search of the said Joseph Bettis and 
that the said Party be directed to go to the House of the 
said Jellis Legrange and one Flager where they will strictly 
search for them — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 3 if July 1781 J^j%t. 


John M. Beeckman ] j ^ t\ t? a 

■j, in- 11 Isaac u. l*onda 

Samuel Stnnger J (. 

Jellis Legrange again requesting to be brought before the 
Board & being brought accordingly says that Hans Walty- 
mier is lately also come from Canada that he has brought 
Dispatches for some Persons in this City and that he Yester- 
day was In Town with them [468] resolved that it be recom- 
mended to the said Jellis Legrange to make what further 
discoveries he Is able and that this Board will In that Case 
use their Influence with the Supream Court to procure his 
liberation from Confinement — 

Christian Legrange appeared before the Board and In- 

756 State of New York 

1781 formed that Toe Bettis has this day been at his House and 
July 31. ... . 

that the said Bettis informed the said Christian Legrange's 

wife that he is this night to be at the House of one Fagler 

whose son went to Canada some Time since with the said 

Joe Bettis in Consequence of which Information resolved 

that the Honorable Brigadier Gen- James Clinton be 

requested to order out a Party of CoU Cortlandt's Regiment 

to apprehend the said Joe Bettis 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 2^ August 1781 — 

^"S- 2. Present 

Tohn M. Beeckman ] f . t^ t- 1 

;; , n . 11 Isaac D. lionda 

bamuel btrmger J (. 

Resolved that Hendrick Haines of Thurlough be dis- 
charged from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance 
for his good Behaviour and appearance before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present War with 
Great Britain — 

Hendrick Haines of Thurlough in the County 
of Tryon Farmer in ;^ioo 

John RofF of the City of Albany Merchant 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Adjourned — 

1781 [469] Met Albany 4'^ August 1781 — 

Aug. 4- 


Tohn M. Beeckman ) ( . t^ t- , 

p , c • 11 Isaac D. Fonda 

bamuei btrmger J (. 

Resolved that Rykert Kerknaer be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 757 

doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- ^781 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 

Rykert Kernaer of the West District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in £100 

Francis Rosseau of the same Place Farmer 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Michael Bruce enter into a Recognizance 
for his good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required during the Continuance of the present 
War with Great Britain — 

Michael Bruce of the West District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in.... ;^ioo 

Joshua Bloore of the City of Albany Mer- 
chant his Bail in ;^ioo 


Met Albany 6^^ August 1781 — a^''\ 


Aug. 6. 

John M. Beeckman } { ^ , r. • 

i ^ „ , y < bamuel Strmeer 

Isaac D. Fonda ) (. ^ 

Edward M^Gurkey confined on the Complaint of Cap^ 
John Groote for endeavoring to enlist the said John Groot[e] 
[470] for the service of the enemy was brought before the 
Board and as no Indictment has been found against him — 
Therefore resolved that he be discharged from Confinement — 


Met Albany y*?? August 1781 ^^J^^^ 


John M. Beeckman ] f ^ 1 c • 

:; x^ T- , r i bamuei btrmger 

Isaac D. Fonda j [ ^ 

758 State of New York 

1781 Resolved that Jacobus Van Valkenburgh be discharged 

from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present War with 
Great Britain — 

Jacobus Van Valkenburgh of the West Dis- 
trict of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 
Farmer in ;^ioo 

John Oliver of the same place Farmer his 
Bail in :i^ioo 

Christian Merkle of Thurlough at present in Confinement 
being very 111 and as a Continuance in his present Situation 
may endanger his Life — Therefore resolved that he have 
Permission to go to the House of Christian Earing in this 
City untill he is recovered of his Indisposition — 

Adjourned — 

^781 Met Albany 8*> August 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ] f Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer j { Stewart Dean 

An Attempt having last Night been made by [471] Hans 
Waltimier with a Party of Men to carry off General Schuyler 
and it appearing probable that he will endeavour to Escape 
by the way of the Nistageune Road — 

It is therefore Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Col- 
Philip Schuyler requesting him to detach Cap- Levinis 
Lansing's Company to go to the Wothoyct* and there remain 
until to Morrow Morning and that he dispose of the Re- 

• Evidently written corruptly for Uytkyck, a hill on the old road to 
Niskayuna; also written at times as Kyck-uyt, and in English as Outlook. 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 759 

mainder of his Men in such a Way as he may judge best /''^^o 
to intercept the said Waltimier and his Party — 

Resolved also that a Letter be wrote to Col- John H. 
Beeckman at Schodack to order out a Party of his Regiment 
to Guard the shore from the Kinderhook Dock to Schodack 
in Case Waltimier may Attempt to Cross the River 

It being represented to the Board that James Dunneway 
of this City has been svi^orn by a Party of Men in the 
Woods — Resolved in Consequence of the said Information 
that the said James Dunneway be sent for and Examined — 
James Dunneway appearing and being Examined says 
that a few days ago he was in the Woods about five or Six 
Miles from Town where he was taken Prisoner by three 
Men who swore him to Secrecy and that he has not since 
that Time seen them again ordered that he be discharged — 
Jellis Legrange at present in Confinement having informed 
the Board that Waltimier has been in Town with Letters 
from Canada and that he has received his Information 
from William Empie & Terence [472] Smith who are also 
in Confinement wherefore resolved that the said William 
Empie and Terence Smith be brought before the Board 
and examined as to the same — 

William Empie and Terence Smith being examined refuse 
to give any satisfactory Answers to the Questions proposed 
to them therefore resolved that they be recommitted — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 9^ August 1781 ^1781 


John M. Beeckman ) f Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer j 1 Stewart Dean 

It appearing to this Board highly probable from sundry 
Circumstances that Major Reed (who at present lives in 

760 State of New York 

1781 the House formerly occupied by John TunnicIifF) was privy 
Aug. 9. fQ j.j,g Attempt made by Hans Waltimier to take General 
Schuyler and as it is suspected that the said Major Read car- 
ries on a Correspondence with several Persons in Canada — 
It is therefore resolved that application be made to General 
Clinton for a Party of Men to go and apprehend him and 
that My Fonda one of the Members of this Board go with 
the said Party for the Purpose of searching his House for 
treasonable Papers — 

The Board having great Reason to think that Hans 
Waltimier who a few days ago was in Town with Letters 
from Canada has been at the House of Ivy Chambers in 
this City and it being the Opinion of this Board that by 
searching the House of the said Ivy Chambers [473] Papers 
might be found which have come from Canada therefore 
resolved that Mt Stringer & Mf Dean go to the House of 
the said Ivy Chambers and make search for such Papers — 
It appearing to this Board from the Information received 
by Isaac D. Fonda Esq- One of the Members of this Board 
that two Young Men living on the Nistageune Road have 
joined Walitmier's Party and assisted in attempting to take 
General Schuyler therefore resolved that a Warrant be made 
out for their immediate apprehension — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany lo^? Augt 1 78 1 — 

Aug. 10. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( _, , n • 

:; ^ „ , r i Samuel Stringer 

Isaac D. Fonda ) ( ^ 

James Milligan having come to this place from Saragtoga, 
and General Schuyler intimating to this Board that the said 
James Milligan is come with a bad design and requesting to 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 761 

have him examined and he being apprehended and brought ^78i 
before this Board and being examined and not answering 
satisfactorily to the Questions proposed to him and there 
being Reasons to suspect that he is a Spy therefore resolved 
that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for 
him — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 11^ August 1781 — Au|fii. 


John M. Beeckman ] ( „ 1 o • 

T T-. T- 1 c i Samuel Strmger 

Isaac D. Fonda j ( ^ 

It being suggested to the Board that Michael Merkle at 
present in Confinement is sick and that a [474] Continuance 
in his present Confinement may endanger his life therefore 
resolved that he be liberated on his entering into a Recogni- 
zance with a sufficient surety for his remaining within the 
House and Yard of Christian Earing situate in the third 
Ward of this City until he is recovered of his Sickness and in 
the mean Time be of the good Behaviour and appear before 
any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when 
thereunto required — 

Michael Merkle of Thurlough in the County 

of Tryon Farmer in ;^ioo 

Christian Earing of the City of Albany Mer- 
chant his Bail in £100 

Lieu- John Leonard appeared before the Board and 
informed there has been a Party of armed Men at his House 
last Night who came with an Intention to carry him off and 
that they have much abused his Wife and there being a 
Prospect of apprehending them in Case a Party of Men 
could be procured to go with the said Lieu- Leonard there- 

762 State of New York 

1781 fQj-g resolved that application be made for a Party of Men 
to Gen- Clinton to endeavour to [ajpprehend the said Per- 
sons — 

Adjourned — 

Aug. 12. Met Albany I2*> August 1781 — 


Tohn M. Beeckman ) f j t-. t? j 

-; , c • f 1 isaac U. ronda 

Samuel Stnnger ) { 

Lieu- John Leonard who Yesterday went [475] out with 
a Party [of] Men having apprehended Thomas Brown for 
harbouring Joseph Bettis and the said Thomas Brown 
being brought before the Board and examined resolved that 
he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for him 

Adjourned — 

^J|^J^^ Met Albany 13*^ August 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stewart Dean 

A Letter from Col- M^Instrey the Commanding officer at 
Saragtoga was laid before the Board wherein he informs that 
he sends down to us under Guard a certain Moses Harris 
Junf who he has caused to be apprehended on suspicion of 
his purchasing Provisions for the supply of the Enemy and 
he being brought before the Board and examined and we 
being of Opinion that the said Harris is not a Person of so 
dangerous a Character as represented by Coli M^Instrey 
therefore resolved that he be discharged on his procuring 
Bail for his future good Behaviour — 

An Indian Woman living with M" Gibbon's in this City 
having reported that she saw in the Woods a dead Man who 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 763 

appeared to be murdered and his Worship the Mayor' of this ^78i 
City having gone out to View the Dead Body and not being 
able to find the same and we being of Opinion that M- 
Gibbons her Mistress whose Husband is gone off to the 
Enemy has caused the said Indian Woman to raise the said 
report with a [476] View to draw the Mayor out of the City 
in order to his being carried off by Persons prepared for 
that Purpose therefore resolved that the said Indian Woman 
be apprehended and that the said Ms Gibbons be ordered 
immediately to appear before this Board — 

The above mentioned Indian Woman being apprehended 
and examined acknowledges that there was a Party of Men 
in the Woods who told her to go to the Mayor and inform 
him that there was a Man murdered in the Woods resolved 
that she be committed — 

M- Gibbons appearing and being examined denies that 
she knew any Thing of the Report propogated by her Wench 
resolved that she be discharged for the present an[d] ordered 
to attend again to Morrow Morning — 

M- HajTwood being also supposed to be concerned in the 
above Scheme to have the Mayor taken Prisoner being sent 
for and examined and she denying the charge ordered that 
she attend again to Morrow Morning — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 14^ August 1781 — i7»i 

Present *"S. 14. 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Stewart Dean ) \ Isaac D. Fonda 

A Letter from Hugh Mitchell and Abraham Outhout EsqS 
Commissioners for Conspi- [477] racies at Schenectady was 

•Abraham Ten Broeck was mayor of Albany at this time. He had 
been appointed by Governor Clinton in April, 1779. 

764 State of New Yorlc 

1781 laid before the Board wherein they inform that they send 
Aug. 14. •' , 

down to us Daniel Taylor a Person notoriously disaffected 

to the American Cause who is a Brother in Law of Joseph 
Bettis and has known of the said Bettis being in the Country 
without giving any Information concerning the same and 
the said Daniel Taylor being Examined resolved that he be 
committed and that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

Frederick Crants appearing before the Board informed 
us that he would become Bail for Christian Merkle and 
Michael Merkle who were liberated from Confinement on 
Account of their being Sick resolved that Christian Earing be 
discharged from the Recognizance by him entered into for the 
said Michael Merkle and Christian Merkle and that the said 
Frederick Crants accordingly enter into a Recognizance 
for the said Christian Merkle and Michael Merkle remaining 
within the Limits of his the said Frederick Crants's Farm 
and that the said Christian Merkle & Michael Merkle will 
surrender themselves as Prisoners to this Board when they 
shall have recovered their Health and for their good Be- 
haviour during that Time — 

Frederick Crants of the West District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer as Bail 
for Christian Merkle and Michael Merkle 
in £^100 

Adjourned — 

. ^^^Jg [478] Met Albany 16^ August 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringier ) ( Stewart Dean 

Cap- Holtham Dunham & Lieu- Benonie Grant having 
had Conferences in the Woods with David Jones and other 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 765 

Persons from Canada and having been detected in the san^e ^78i 
and to avoid Punishment made their Escape with a[n] Inten- 
tion to go to Canada and having been apprehended and 
sent down by Col- M^Kinstrey in order to be confined and 
the said Holtham Dunham being brought before the Board 
and examined says as follows (to wit) (see Examination on 

Resolved that a Mittimus be made out for them and that 
the examination of Benoni Grant be postponed until to 
Morrow Morning — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 17^ August 1781 — 1781 

Present ^"«- ^7- 

John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer j ( Stewart Dean 

Benonie Grant who was Yesterday committed to Goal 
being brought before the Board was Examined his Examina- 
tion is as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) 

Resolved that Copies of the Examination's of Holtham 
Dunham and Benoni Grant be made out and transmitted to 
his Excellency Governor Clinton — 

[479] It appearing highly probable to this Board from 
the Information of Cap- Gerrit Groesbeeck & William Hunn 
that Thomas Reed who at present resides on the Farm of 
John TunniclifF near this City knew of the Party that 
attempted to take General Schuyler Prisoner being in the 
Woods and was acquainted with their Intentions and the 
said Thomas Reed from his Intimacy and Connections with 
Df George Smith and other disaffected Persons to the Ameri- 
can Cause giving great Reason to this Board to suspect that 
he is concerned in a Scheme prejudicial to the Publick good — 

766 State of New York 

1781 Therefore resolved that a Warrant be made out directed 

to Jacob Kidney to apprehend and bring before us said 
Thomas Reed — 

Adjourned — 

aJ&*i8. Met Albany 18^ August 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stewart Dean 

Thomas Reed having been apprehended by Jacob Kidney 
agreeable to the Warrant of this Board and being examined 
resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made 
out for him — 

Cap- Robert Woodward appeared before the Board and 
informed us that he had apprehended a Man who calls 
himself Benoni Robins Forrister who he suspects to be a 
British Officer passing through the Country as a Spy and 
the said Benoni Robins Forrister being examined and not 
being possessed of any Vouchers relative [480] to his Attach- 
ment to the American Cause and being unable to give a 
satisfactory account of himself therefore resolved that he be 
committed until he shall produce a Certificate of his Char- 
acter and ordered that a Mittimus be made out for him — 

Adjourned — 

1781 Met Albany 21?^ August 1781 — 

Aug. 21. Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer ) ( Stewart Dean 

It appearing from the Examination of Cap5 Holtham 
Dunham and Benoni Grant that a certain Rodgers who 
lives at Fiddle Town near Saragtoga has supplied David 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 767 

Tones with his Party who had come from Canada and were , 1781 

. Aug. 2I> 

secreted in the Woods for the Purpose of taking Major 
M^Kinstrey the Commanding Officer at Saragtoga Prisoner 
therefore resolved that a Letter be wrote to Major M^KInstrey 
requesting him to have the said Rogers apprehended and 
sent down to this Board as soon as possible — 

Lieu- Moses Hudson appeared before the Board and 
informed us that a Young Man of the Name of Fagler who 
was last Year seduced by Joe Bettis to go to Canada has 
returned and has sent in word that he is desirous of sur- 
rendering himself up provided he is not confined — Re- 
solved that Lieu- Hudson be informed that if the said 
Fagler [give] himself up to this Board and will make a full 
and [481] ample Confession of such Matters as he is ac- 
quainted with that in such Case the said Fagler will be 
discharged on giving surety for his future good Conduct — 

Adjourned — 

Met Albany 22^ August 1781 — ai^. m. 


John M. Beeckmann ) ( „ 1 <-. • 

T T^ T- 1 f ) oamuel btrmeer 

Isaac D. Fonda ) i ^ 

The Board being informed that James Clay is returned 
from Canada and that he lurks about the House of Henry 
Haywood his Father in Law on Jan Fonda's Land in the 
Vicinity of this City and Lieu- Jacob Winney having offered 
to apprehend the said James Clay therefore resolved that 
a Warrant be made out directed to Lieu- Winney & that 
he be thereby authorized to search the House of the said 
Henry Haywood and all other suspicious Houses in that 
Neighbourhood — 

Resolved that Moses Harris JunF be discharged from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 

768 State of New York 

1781 Behaviour doing his Duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present War with 
Great Britain — 

Moses Harris JunT late of Dutchess County 
Labourer in ;^ioo 

Dirck Swart of Stillwater in the County of 
Albany EsqT his Bail in ;£^ioo 

Cap- William Hun having been requested to appear 
before the Board to be examined with Respect [482] to 
Thomas Reed at present in Confinement appeared his 
examination being taken is in the words following (to wit) 
(see Examination on File) 

Adjourned — 

^^l^^ Met Albany 23^ Aug* 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) i ^ t~v 

T T-w T- 1 r i Stewart Dean 

Isaac D. I'onda ) ( 

A Letter was laid before the Board by Edward Chin EsqT 
from Thomas Reed setting forth that his wife has been 
brought to Bed and that she is exceedingly 111 and request- 
ing to be released from Confinement for a few Days which 
application being seconded by the said Edward Chin resolved 
that for the Reason above assigned the said Thomas Reed 
be liberated on entering into a Recognizance to appear on 
Monday the 27^ Day of August Instant at the City Hall 
in this City before any three of the Commissioners for 
Conspiracies and for his good Behaviour in the mean Time — 

Thomas Reed of the West District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Yeoman in . . . ;C500 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 769 

Philip Van Rensselaer of the City of Albany 
EsqT his Bail in ;^250 

Edward Chin of the same place Esq' also 
his Bail in £250 

Adjourned — 

Aug. 23. 

[483] Met Albany 24*.'' August 1781 — 


John M Beeckman 
Samuel Stringer 

I 1 

Isaac D. Fonda 

Aug. 24. 

The Board having received Information that among 
those Persons who took John J? Bleecker Esq- and who are 
at present Prisoners at Bennington there are some who are 
Inhabitants of this State and as Justice demands that they 
should be punished agreeable to Law — 

Therefore resolved that a Letter be wrote to his Excellency 
Thomas Chittendon Esq- at Arlington requesting him to 
cause the said Persons to be delivered over to the Civil 
Authority of this State which Letter is in the Words follow- 
ing (to wit) (see Copy Letter on File) 


Met Albany 25^ August 1781 — 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda 
Samuel Stringer j ( Stewart Dean 

Daniel Taylor being at his own request brought before 
the Board was examined and ordered to be recommitted 

The Board having received Information that Archibald 
M°Neal who by his Recognizance was restricted to the 
Limits of this City has exceeded the Bounds prescribed to 
him in the said Recognizance therefore resolved that his 


Aug. 25. 

770 State of New York 

. 1781 Bails Thomas Shipboy and Robert M^CIallen be ordered 
forthwith to deliver up to this Board [484] the said Archi- 
bald M^Neal — 

Adjourned — 

Av^\>7. Met Albany 27^ August 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Thomas Reed appeared before the Board agreeable to the 
Tenor of the Recognizance entered into by him on the 23? 
Instant and requested of the Board Permission to remain 
with his Family some Days longer on Account of the Illness 
of his wife resolved on taking the same into Consideration 
that Permission be granted him accordingly on his entering 
into a Recognizance to appear on Monday the 3- day of 
September next at the City Hall before any three of the 
Commissioners for Conspiracies to be of good Behaviour 
during that time & not to aid, Comfort, Assist, Entertain, 
harbour or hold any Correspondence either by word or 
deed upon Political Matters with any Person or Persons 
inimical to the Liberties of Independance of this or the 
United States of America and that he do not depart the 
Limits & Bounds of the Farm he at present resides on 
untill he comes to make his Appearance as aforesaid — 

Thomas Reed of the West District of the 
Manor of Rensselaerwyck Gentleman in . . ;^500 

Leonard Gansevoort of the City of Albany 
Esq^ his Bail in ;^250 

Cornelius Cuyler of the same place Esq^ 
also his Bail in £^S'^ 

[485] Resolved that Adrian Bradt Jun£ be discharged 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 771 

from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his » ^'^*^„ 
good Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any 
three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when there- 
unto required during the Continuance of the present War 
with Great Britain — 

Adrian Bradt Junf of the West District of 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer in. ;^ioo 

John Devoe of the same Place Farmer his 

Bail in ;Cioo 

Resolved that Henry Haines Jun' be discharged from 
Confinement on Henry Haines entering into a Recognizance 
for the good Behaviour of the said Henry Haines Jun^ for 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the said 
Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required dur- 
ing the continuance of the Present War with Great Britain — 

Henry Haines late of Thurlough in Tryon 
County Farmer as Bail for his son Henry 

Haines JunT in £400 

Resolved that John Sommer be discharged from Con- 
finement on Jacob Lawyer entering into a Recognizance 
for the good Behaviour of the said John Sommer & for his 
doing his Duty & appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the Present War with Great Britain — 

Jacob Lawyer of the City of Albany on Rec- 
ognizance as Bail for John Sommer in. . . ;^200 

Archibald M?Neal being brought before the [486] Board 
by his Bail agreeable to the order of this Board of the 25''' 
Instant and being interrogated as to his exceeding the 
Bounds prescribed by his Recognizance and it appearing 
to have been done ignorantly and with no bad design there- 
fore resolved that he be discharged — 

772 State of New York 

1781 A Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq^ dated at Schenectady 

the 14- Instant inclosing a Copy of an Examination of 
Daniel Taylor now in Confinement was laid before the 
Board which Letter and Examination are in the following 
words (to wit) (see Letter and Examination on File) 


1781 Met Albany zS^ August 1781 — 

Aug. 2 . Present 

John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Resolved that Christian Miner be discharged from Con- 
finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his Duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the Present War with 
Great Britain — 

Christian Miner of New Rhraebeeck in 
Tryon County Farmer in ;^ioo 

Jacob Bleecker Jun^ of the City of Albany 
his Bail in ;^ioo 

Resolved that Frederick Merkle be discharged [487] from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto 
required during the Continuance of the present War with 
Great Britain 

Frederick Merkle late of Thurlough in the 
County of Tryon Farmer in ;^ioo 

Stephen Frederick of the West District in 
the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer his 
Bail in ;^ioo 

Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 773 

Resolved that William Baker who is surety for James a^^*^« 
Bruce be ordered forthwith to deliver up the said James 
Bruce as the Board are of Opinion that he ought to be bound 
in a New Recognizance — 


Met Albany 2()^> August 1781 — Atw^aj. 


John M. Beeckman ) ( Samuel Stringer 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Stewart Dean 

Resolved that Earnest Fretz be discharged from Confine- 
ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour 
doing his duty and appearing before any three of the Com- 
missioners of Conspiracies when thereunto required during 
the Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 
Earnest Fretz late of Thurlough in the County 

of Tryon Farmer In ;^ioo 

Christopher RofF of the West District of the 

Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer In ;£^ioo 

[488] Frederick Crans who was surety for Christopher 
Merkle until he should be recovered of his Illness appeared 
before the Board and surrendered the said Christian Merkle 
and as Frederick Merkle Is willing to become Ball for the 
said Christian Merkle and as there are no material Charges 
against him therefore resolved that he be discharged on the 
said Frederick Merkle's entering Into a Recognizance for 
the good Behaviour of the said Christian Merkle for doing 
his duty and appearing before any three of the Commissioners 
for Conspiracies when thereunto required during the Con- 
tinuance of the present War with Great Britain. 
Frederick Merkle late of Thurlough In the 
County of Tryon Farmer as Bail for Chris- 
tian Merkle In £100 

774 State of New York 

1781 The Board having received Information from which they 

are induced to think that the Persons living on a Place 
formerly in the Possession of [blank] Gumming at Kat's 
Kill are endeavouring by every Means to injure the Amer- 
ican Cause and as their Situation is such that they have 
it in their Power to afford Assistance to Parties coming from 
the Enemy therefore resolved that a Letter be wrote to Col- 
Du Bois at Kat's Kill requesting him to cause them to be 
removed as soon as possible — 

Adjourned — 

j^^^lo. M^t Albany 36^ August 1781 — 


John M. Beeckman ) j Stewart Dean 
Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Samuel Stringer 

Resolved that Coonradt Brown be discharged [489] from 
Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his good 
Behaviour doing his duty and appearing before any three 
of the Commissioners for Conspiracies for and during the 
Continuance of the present War with Great Britain — 

Coenradt Brown of Thurlough in Tryon 
County Farmer in ;^ioo 

Johannis Rykert of Schoharie in the County 
of Albany Farmer his Bail in £100 


' The extant minutes end here abruptly. On August 30, 1781, the Albany 
commissioners wrote to Governor Clinton about certain exchanges of pris- 
oners, to which he wrote a reply on September 7th. Other correspondence 
between this board and the governor is extant, of a date later than the existing 
minutes. For examples, see George Clinton Papers, nos. 3948, 3976, 
3986, 3987, 4005, 4010, 4023, 4024, in archives of New York State Lib- 





An Act appointing Commissioners for detecting and defeating 
Conspiracies, and declaring their Powers. Passed the 
5th of February, 1778.' 

'\X7'HEREAS the late Convention did appoint a Board of 
Commissioners, for the Purpose of enquiring into, 
detecting and defeating all Conspiracies, which might be 
formed in this State, against the Liberties of America. 

And whereas, by Reason of the present Invasion of this 
State, and of the Disaffection of sundry of the Inhabitants of 
the same, it will be expedient to continue the said Board ; 
which Experience hath shewn to be of great Use and Impor- 
tance. To the End therefore, that the State and the Peace 
of the same, may be effectually guarded and secured, against 
the wicked Machinations and Designs of the Foreign and 
Domestic Foes thereof. 

Be it enacted by the People of the State of New- York, 
represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted 
by the Authority of the same. That the Governor, Lieutenant 
Governor, or President of the Senate, who, for the Time 
being, shall administer the Government of this State, be, 
and he hereby is authorised and empowered, from Time to 
Time, to appoint, by Commission, by and with the Advice 

» First session (1777-8), chap. 3. — Laws of New York; Poughkeepsie: 
John Holt, 1782, pp. 6-7. 

778 State of New York 

and Consent of the Council of Appointment, so many Per- 
sons, not exceeding ten, as he shali think proper, to be Com- 
missioners for the Purposes aforesaid^ And that the said 
Commissioners, or any three of them, be, and they hereby are 
authorised and empowered, to do and perform the several 
Acts, Matters and Things herein after mentioned, viz. That 
the said Commissioners, or any three of them, shall be, 
and they hereby are authorised and empowrered, to send for 
Persons and Papers, and administer Oaths; and to apprehend 
and confine, or cause to be apprehended and confined, in 
such Manner, and under such Restrictions and Limitations, 
as to them shall appear necessary, for the public Safety, all 
Persons, whose going at large, shall, in the Judgment of the 
said Commissioners, or any three of them, appear dangerous 
to the Safety of this State. To take Bonds and Recogni- 
zances, from Time to Time, to the People of this State, for 
the good Behaviour, safe Custody, or Appearance of such 
of the said Persons, and of all others, now confined for the 
like Cause, as they may think proper, in such Sums, and 
upon such Conditions, as unto them shall appear expedient; 
and the said Bonds and Recognizances, if forfeited, to prose- 
cute or to cancel and release, upon such Terms and Condi- 
tions; and to discharge from Confinement, any of the said 
Persons absolutely, and without any Terms or Conditions, 
as they may think proper. And also, from Time to Time, 
to make such Provision, for the safe Custody, and comfort- 
able Subsistance of all Persons, who may from Time to 
Time be so confined as aforesaid, in such Manner as they 
may think proper. Provided always. That by Reason or 
Colour of any Thing herein contained, the said Commis- 
sioners, or any of them, shall not be empowered to inflict 
any corporal Punishment, upon any or either of the said 
Persons confined as aforesaid. 

Appendix I : Laws 779 

II. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, 
That no Judge or Magistrate, shall bail any of the Persons, 
who may be confined by Authority of the said Commissioners; 
and that no Court shall deliver any of the Gaols, within this 
State, of any Person or Persons, so confined as aforesaid, 
unless such Persons, shall have been indicted, and tried 
for the Offence or Offences, for which he or she, shall have 
been respectively committed. 

III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That each and every of the said Commissioners, before they 
shall respectively take upon them, the Exercise of the said 
Office, do, before one or more of the said Commissioners, 
who are hereby empowered to administer the same, take the 
following Oath, viz. 

" I, A.B. one of the Commissioners, according to the Form 
and Effect of an Act, entitled, An Act for appointing Com- 
missioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies, and 
declaring their Power, appointed, do, in the Presence of 
Almighty God, most solemnly promise and swear, that I 
will, to the best of my Knowledge and Ability, faithfully 
execute and perform, for the Benefit and Advantage of the 
People of the State o( New-York, all and singular the Powers 
and Authorities, by Force and Virtue of the said Act, unto 
me given. So help me God.["] 

IV. And for as much as the Execution of the said several 
Trusts, Duties and Powers, will be attended with consider- 
able Expence; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the said Commissioners, be, and they hereby are, 
authorised and empowered, from Time to Time, to draw from 
the public Treasury of this State, all and every such Sum and 
Sums of Money, as they shall think proper. Provided 
always. That the said Commissioners, shall render a just and 
true Account of the Expenditure of the several Sums of 

ySo State of New York 

Money by them so drawn as aforesaid; and that the said 
several Sums, shall not, in the Whole, exceed the sum of 
Five Thousand Pounds. 

V. And it be further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the said Commissioners shall keep regular Minutes of all 
their Proceedings, in Order that the same may be submitted, 
if required, to the Consideration of the Senate or Assembly, or 
to such Person or Persons, as shall be, for that Purpose 
appointed; and that each and every of the said Commis- 
sioners do receive, for every Day, in which he shall be actually 
employed in the Business aforesaid, the Sum of Twenty Shil- 
lings, for his Trouble and Expence, in attending upon the same. 

VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That this Act shall continue in Force, until the first Day of 
November, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven 
Hundred and Seventy-Eight, and no longer. 

An Act to enable the Person administering the Government of 
this State for the Time being, to remove certain disaffected 
and dangerous Persons and Families. Passed the 1st of 
April, 1778.' 

TAJHEREAS divers disaffected and dangerous Persons 

and Families, reside at or near the several Posts 

and Passes within this State; and there is great Reason to 

believe, that they communicate Intelligence to the Enemy; 

I. Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of 
New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is 
hereby enacted by \i\he Authority of the same. That it shall 
and may be lawful, to and for the Person administering the 

'First session (1777-8), chap. 27. — Ljiws of New York: Poughkeepsie: 
John Holt, 1782, pp. 25-26. 

This act is printed as collateral to and explanatory of procedure rela- 
tive to inimical persons. 

Appendix I : Laws 78 1 

Government of this State for the Time being, from Time to 
Time, as Occasion may require, and whenever he shall judge 
it necessary, for the public Safety, to cause all such dangerous 
disaffected Persons and Families, as now are, or hereafter 
shall happen to be resident at or near any Post, Pass or 
Encampment, within this State, to be removed to such other 
Place or Places within the same, as he shall deem expedient. 
II. And whereas the Removal of the Persons or Families 
aforesaid, may prove very prejudicial to them; It is further 
enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That the Person admin- 
istering the Government of this State, for the Time being, 
shall certify the Names of such Persons so removed, and a 
Description of the Houses and Farms, from which they shall 
be removed respectively, to the Commissioners of Seques- 
tration of the County, to which such Persons shall be re- 
moved; who are hereby required to put them in Possession, 
on moderate Rents, of such sequestered Farms or Houses, 
in the said County as may be then, or thereafter vacant; 
having Respect to the Value of the Farms or Houses, from 
which such Persons may have been removed; Provided, 
nevertheless. That no Person or Persons, that shall be re- 
moved by Virtue of this Act, shall, by such Removal, gain a 
Settlement in the District he, she or they may be removed to; 
so as to charge such District with their Maintenance. 

An Act for increasing the Number of Commissioners, for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies wtthtn this State. 
Passed the 3d oi April, lyjS.^ 

"\A7'HEREAS by an Act, entitled, "An Act appointing 
Commissioners for detecting and defeating Con- 
spiracies, and declaring their Powers," made and passed by 
iFirst session (1777-8), chap. 31. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie: 
John Holt, 1782, pp. 30-31. 

782 State of New York 

the Legislature of this State, the fifth Day of February last 
past; it is enacted, that the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, 
or President of the Senate, who for the Time being, shall 
administer the Government of this State, be, and he is thereby 
authorised and empowered, from Time to Time, to appoint 
by Commission, by and with the Advice and Consent of the 
Council of Appointment, so many Persons, not exceeding 
ten, as he shall think proper, to be Commissioners for the Pur- 
poses therein mentioned; And further. That the said Com- 
missioners, or any three of them shall be, and thereby are 
empowered and authorised to do and perform the several 
Acts, Matters and Things, therein after mentioned: For 
increasing the Number of the said Commissioners, 

L Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of 
New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is 
hereby enacted by the Authority of the same. That the Person 
administering the Government of this State, for the Time 
being, be, and he is hereby farther authorised and empowered 
from Time to Time, to appoint in the Manner in and by the 
said Act mentioned, any farther or greater Number of 
Commissioners, not exceeding twenty, to be Commissioners, 
with the like Trust Powers and Authorities, and under the 
same Restrictions, Qualifications, Provisoes, Pay and Con- 
tinuance, as are mentioned in the said in part recited Act. 

IL And it IS further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the said Commissioners, or any three of them, shall be, 
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to do and 
perform the several Acts, Matters and Things, mentioned in 
the said in part recited Act: Any Thing in the said Act con- 
tained, to the Contrary thereof, in any Wise notwithstanding. 

Provided always. That as many Quorums of three of the 
said Commissioners, as the whole Number of thirty will 
admit of, shall and may exercise the Powers and Authorities, 

Appendix I : Laws 783 

so reposed in them as aforesaid, at one and the same Time; 
any Thing in this or the above recited Law, to the Contrary 
hereof, in any Wise notwithstanding. 

An Act more effectually to prevent the Mischiefs, arising from 
the Influence and Example of Persons of equivocal and 
suspected Characters, in this State. Passed the 30th of 
June, I778.» 

"VAT" HERE AS certain of the Inhabitants of this State, 
have, during the Course of the present cruel War, 
waged by the King and Pariiament of Great-Britain, against 
the People of these States, affected to maintain a Neutrality, 
which Acre is Reason to suspect was in many Instances, 
dictated by a Poverty of Spirit, and an undue Attachment to 
Property. And whereas divers of the said Persons, some of 
whom, advocated the American Cause till it became serious, 
have notwithstanding the Forebearance of their Countrymen, 
and contrary to the Faith pledged by their Paroles, ungrate- 
fully and insidiously from Time to Time, by artful Misrep- 
resentations, and a subtle Dissemination of Doctrines, Fears 
and Apprehensions false in themselves, and injurious to the 
American Cause, seduced certain weak minded Persons from 
the Duties they owed their Country: And whereas the wel- 
fare of this State, loudly demands that some decisive Meas- 
ures be taken with Respect to the said Persons; and it being 
repugnant to Justice as well as good Policy, that Men should 
be permitted to shelter themselves under a Government, 
which they not only refused to assist in rearing, but which, 
some of them daily endeavor to undermine and subvert; 
And whereas, such few of the said Persons, as may have been 

•First session (1777-8), chap. 47. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie : 
John Holt, 1782, pp. 43-44. 

784 State of New York 

led to take a neutral Part by conscientious Doubts and 
Scruples, have had more than sufficient Time to consider 
and determine the same; 

I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New- York, 
represented in Senate and Assemhly, and it is hereby enacted 
by the Authority of the same. That the Commissioners ap- 
pointed for inquiring into, detecting and defeating all Con- 
spiracies, which may be formed in this State, against the 
Liberties of America; or any three of them be, and they 
hereby are authorised and strictly charged and required, to 
cause all such Persons, of neutral and equivocal Characters 
in this State, whom they shall think have influence sufficient 
to do Mischief in it, to come before them, and to administer to 
the said persons respectively, the following Oath, or if of the 
People called Quakers, Affirmation, viz. 

"I, A.B. do solemnly, and without any mental Reserva- 
tion or Equivocation whatever, swear and call God to Wit- 
ness; or if of the People called Quakers, affirm, that I do 
believe and acknowledge, the State of New-York, to be of 
Right, a Free and Independent State. And that no Au- 
thority or Power, can of Right, be exercised in or over the said 
State, but what is, or shall be granted by or derived from the 
People thereof And further. That as a good Subject of the 
said Free and Independent State of New York, I will to the 
best of my Knowledge and Ability, faithfully do my Duty; 
and as I shall keep or disregard this Oath. So help and deal 
with me Almighty God." 

II. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That if on the said Oath or Affirmation, being so tendered, 
the said Person or Persons shall refuse to take the same, the 
said Commissioners do forthwith remove the said Person or 
Persons so refusing, to any Place within the Enemy's Lines, 
and by Writing under their Hands and Seals, certify the Names 

Appendix I : Laws 785 

of such Person or Persons, to the Secretary of this State, who 
is hereby required to Record and File the said Certificates. 

III. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That if any of the said Neutrals, shall abscond or absent 
himself with an apparent View to avoid the Force of this Act, 
the said Commissioners shall by Notice, published in one 
or more of the News-Papers of this State, demand of the 
said Person or Persons, so absconding or absenting, to ap- 
pear before them, at such Place in this State, and at such 
Time, not exceeding twenty one Days from the Time of such 
Publication, as they shall assign. And further. That Default in 
such Appearance, shall be adjudged to amount to and is hereby 
declared to be a Refusal to take the said Oath or Aifirmation. 

IV. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That if any of the Persons removed to Places within the 
Enemy's Lines by the said Commissioners, in pursuance of 
this Act, or who having as aforesaid, absconded or absented, 
shall not on Notice as aforesaid appear before the said Com- 
missioners, and take the Oath or Affirmation aforesaid, shall 
thereafter be found in any Part of this State; such Person 
or Persons so found, shall on Conviction thereof, be ad- 
judged guilty of Misprison of Treason. 

And to the End, That this State may be in some Measure 
compensated for the Injuries it has sustained, by the evil 
Example or Practices of the said Neutrals, and that others 
may be detered on similar Occasions, from acting a Part 
so unmanly and ignominious; 

V. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That 
all Lands held in this State, on the twenty-sixth Day of 
June Instant, in Fee Simple or Fee Tail, or which may 
hereafter be acquired by, or devised, granted, or descend 
to any of the Persons who shall refuse to take the aforesaid 
Oath or Affirmation, when called upon by the said Com- 

786 State of New York 

missioners, shall forever thereafter, be charged With double 
Taxes, in whosoever Hands the said Lands may hereafter be. 

VI. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the said Commissioners, previous to the Removal of 
the said several Persons within the Enemy's Lines, shall 
from Time to Time, notify the Person administering the 
Government of this State for the Time being, of the several 
Persons so to be removed, who is hereby authorised to de- 
tain and confine, such of the said persons as he shall think 
proper, for the Purpose of exchanging them for any of the 
Subjects of this State, in the Power of the Enemy. 

VIL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the Person administering the Government of this State 
for the Time being, be, and he is hereby required to do his 
best Endeavours, that this Act be fully and speedily carried 
into Execution, and all Magistrates, Sheriffs and Constables, 
are required to be aiding therein. 

An Act for continuing the Powers of the Commissioners, for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies. Passed the 29th of 
October, 1778.' 

"X^HEREAS the Act of the Legislature of this State, for 
appointing Commissioners for detecting and defeat- 
ing Conspiracies, and declaring their Powers; and the Act 
for increasing the Number of Commissioners for detecting 
and defeating Conspiracies, within this State, will expire on 
the first Day oi November next; 

Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of New- 
York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby 

'Second session (1778-9), chap. 3. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie : 
John Holt, 1782, pp. 44-45. 

Appendix I ; Laws 787 

enacted by the Authority of the same., That the said two sev- 
eral Acts, and the Powers and Authorities by them or 
either of them, granted to the saiid Commissioners, or' any, 
and every three of them, and a Power to the said Commis- 
sioners, or any three of them, to remove within the Enemy's 
Lines, all such Persons who in pursuance of the "Act more 
effectually to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the Influence 
and Example of Persons, of equivocal and suspected Char- 
acters in this State" have already appeared before the said 
Commissioners, or any three of them, and have not taken 
the Oath in the said Act contained; shall be and are hereby 
continued until twenty Days after the next Meeting of the 
Legislature, and a Quorum of both Houses shall be con- 
vened to proceed on Business. And the Treasurer of this 
State, shall be, and he is hereby authorised and required 
to pay to the said Commissioners, or any three of them, 
such farther Sum or Sums, as they shall from Time to Time 
require, to defray the Expence. of the Business committed 
to them, so as the Amount of such farther Sum or Sums, 
shall not in the whole, exceed the Sum of Three Thousand 

An Act to amend an Act, entitled. An Act more effectually to 
prevent the Mischiefs arising from the Influence and Ex- 
ample of Persons of equivocal and suspected Characters in 
this State, and for continuing the Powers of the Commis- 
sioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies. Passed 
the 17th oi February, 1779.^ 

"\X7"HEREAS by the Terms of the said Law, the Com- 
missioners therein mentioned, are required on Re- 

• Misprinted " ur " in Holt's edition. 

'Second session (1778-9), chap. 10. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie : 
John Holt, 1782, p. 49. 

788 State of New York 

fusal of any Person or Persons, to take the Oath or Affirma- 
tion therein prescribed, forthwith to remove the said Person 
or Persons so refusing, to any Place within the Enemy's 

And whereas sound Policy and common Charity require, 
that every Person so refusing, should be admitted to take 
the said Oath or Affirmation, if he or she shall, notwith- 
standing such Refusal, voluntarily offer to take the same, 
before the Commencement of his or her actual Removal; 

I. Be It therefore enacted by the People of the State of 
New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is 
hereby enacted by the Authority of the same. That every 
Person who has already refused, or shall hereafter refuse 
to take the said Oath or Affirmation, and shall, before the 
actual Commencement of his or her Removal as aforesaid, 
voluntarily offer to take the said Oath or Affirmation, before 
any three of the said Commissioners, shall be admitted to 
take the same, and on taking thereof, shall be, and hereby 
is declared to be fully and wholly absolved from the Penal- 
ties of the said Law, such former Refusal, or any Thing in 
the said Law, to the Contrary in any Wise notwithstanding. 
Provided always. That nothing herein contained, shall ex- 
tend or apply to the Cases of those who by Virtue of the 
said Law, now are or shall hereafter be detained and con- 
fined, by the Person administering the Government of this 
State for the Time being, for the Purpose of Exchanging 
them for any of the Subjects of this State, in the Power of 
the Enemy. 

IL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That all and singular the Powers and Authorities, vested in 
the said Commissioners, are hereby continued until twenty 
Days after the next Meeting of the Legislature, and a 
Quorum of both Houses shall be convened on Business, in 

Appendix I : Laws 789 

like Manner as the same are continued in and by an Act, 
entitled, "An Act for continuing the Powers of the Commis- 
sioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies" passed the 
29th Day of October last: And the Treasurer of this State 
shall be, and he is hereby authorised and required, to pay 
to the said Commissioners, or any three of them, such fur- 
ther Sum or Sums, as they shall from Time to Time require, 
to defray the Expence of the Business committed to them, 
so as the Amount of such further Sum or Sums, shall not 
in the Whole, exceed the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds. 

An Act for reviving the Powers of the Commissioners for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies, and for other Pur- 
poses therein mentioned. Passed the ist oi October, ijyg^ 

"\A/'HEREAS the Act of the Legislature of this State, 
entitled, "An Act for appointing Commissioners, for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies, and declaring their 
Powers;" and the Act entitled, "An Act for increasing the 
Number of Commissioners for detecting and defeating Con- 
spiracies, within this State," did expire in twenty Days after 
the present Meeting of the Legislature, and a Quorum of 
both Houses convened to proceed on Business; 

L Be it enacted by the People of the State of New- York, 
represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted 
by the Authority of the same. That the said two Acts, and 
the Powers and Authorities by them or either of them 
granted, to the said Commissioners, or any and every three 
of them, shall be and are hereby revived, and shall continue 
and be in full Force until twenty Days after the first Day 
of the next Meeting of a Quorum of the Legislature, and 

•Third session (1779-80), chap. 7. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie : 
John Holt, 1782, p. 75. 

790 State of New York 

the Treasurer of this State is hereby authorised and 
required, out of such Monies as may be in the Treasury, 
to pay to the said Commissioners, or any three of them, 
such further Sum or Sums, as they shall from Time to 
Time require, to defray the Expence of the Business 
committed to them, so as the Amount of such Sum or Sums, 
shall not in the whole, exceed the sum of Four Thousand 

And whereas the said Commissioners, or some Quorum 
or Quorums of them, may have done and performed divers 
Acts, Matters and Things, in and respecting their several 
and respective Offices and Places, since the Expiration of 
the said Laws, and by Reason thereof, the Legality and 
Validity of the said Acts, Matters and Things, may be 
drawn into Question; 

n. Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That all and singular the said Acts, Matters and Things, shall 
be as good, valid and effectual in the Law, to all Intents, 
Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, as if the said Laws 
had not expired by their own respective Limitations, but had 
been in full Force and Effect, at and immediately before the 
passing of this Law; any Thing in the said Laws or either of 
them to the Contrary hereof, in any Wise notwithstanding. 

And whereas in and by the said two recited Acts, no Pro- 
vision is made to enable the Council of Appointment, from 
Time to Time, to remove any one or more of the said 
Commissioners, and appoint other or others in his or their 

in. Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That the 
said Power and Authority of Removal and Appointment, is 
and are hereby fully vested in the said Council, to be exercised 
by them, from Time to Time, in their Discretion, to all In- 
tents, Constructions and Purposes in the Law whatsoever. 

Appendix I : Laws 791 

An Act to authorise any two Justices of the Peace, to enlarge 
Persons who shall desert from the Enemy, and for other 
Purposes therein mentioned. Passed March 13th, 1780.* 

I. 7^E it enacted by [the] People of the State of New-York, 
represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is 
hereby enacted by the Authority of the same. That whenever 
any Person, who shall have come from within the Lines of the 
Enemy, shall be confined in the common Gaol of any County 
within this State; it shall and may be lawful, for any two 
Justices of the Peace of such County, to enlarge the Person so 
confined, upon his or her entering into Recognizance to the 
People of this State, either with or without Surety; and in 
such Sum or Sums as the said Justices, in their Discretion, 
shall deem proper: The Condition of which Recognizance 
shall be, that he or she will appear at the next Court of 
Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, to be held in 
and for such County; or that he or she shall reside at the 
Place, and within the Bounds within this State, to be assigned 
by the said two Justices; or that he or she shall be of good 
Behaviour, during the present War. And the said Justices 
may in their Discretion, insert one or more of the foregoing 
Conditions in such Recognizance. Provided, That such 
Justices shall not, by Virtue of this Act, enlarge any Person 
who shall be in Custody, by Virtue of a Warrant under the 
Hand and Seal of any Judge of the Supreme Court; nor any 
Person whose going at large will, in the Opinion of such Jus- 
tices, be dangerous to the State. And provided also. That 
nothing in this Act contained, shall be construed to excuse 
any Person, so enlarged on Recognizance, from doing Duty 
in the Militia of this State; nor shall his Absence from the 
Place assigned by such Justices, for his Residence while on 

•Third session (1779-80), chap. 58. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie : 
John Holt, 1782, p. 127. 


State of New York 

Command in the Militia, be deemed a Breach of such Recog- 

II. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That whenever any Person shall desert from the Army of the 
Enemy, or come over from within their Lines, and shall vol- 
untarily surrender himself or herself to a Justice of the 
Peace, it shall and may be lawful for such Justice to call to 
his Assistance one other Justice of the same County, and to 
bind the Person so surrendering himself or herself, in Recog- 
nizance, and deal with him in all Respects as is before di- 
rected for Persons in actual Custody; which Recognizance 
shall be subject to the Provisoes mentioned in the preceding 
Clause. Provided, That nothing in this Act contained, shall 
be construed to prevent any Person from being apprehended 
and dealt with according to Law, for any Offence com- 
mitted after such Person shall have left the Enemy's 

Whereas the several Laws, relating to the Commissioners 
for enquiring into, detecting and defeating all Conspiracies 
which may be formed in this State, against the liberties of 
America, are now expired; 

And whereas there are several Persons now confined by 
Order of the said Commissioners, and several Persons are 
bound by Recognizance, taken before the said Commis- 
sioners: To the End therefore, that Provision may be made 
in the Premises; 

III. Be tt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That 
it shall be lawful for any three Persons who were such Com- 
missioners, in their Discretion, to discharge the several Per- 
sons so in actual Confinement, without Bail, or upon the said 
Persons respectively entering into Recognizance, with or 
without Surety, for their respective Appearance at any Court 
of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, to be held 

Appendix I : Laws 793 

in and for any County within this State; and to discharge 
any Recognizances heretofore taken before the said Com- 
missioners, except such Recognizances as may have been 
taken for the Appearance of any Person or Persons, at any 
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery; 
and that the Powers of the said Commissioners shall be 
revived, and hereby are continued for the several Purposes 
aforesaid accordingly. 

IV. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That this Act shall continue in Force, until thirty Days after 
the rising of the Legislature, at their next Meeting. 

An Act to revive the Laws appointing Commissioners for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies. Passed June 14th, 

'IJIT'HEREAS the Act "for appointing Commissioners for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies, and declaring 
their Powers," passed the fifth Day of February, 1778; and 
the Act "for increasing the Number of Commissioners for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies within this State," 
passed the third Day oi April, 1778, are expired; 

And whereas there is great Reason to apprehend that 
Emissaries from the Enemy are lurking in different Parts of 
the State, and that the disaffected Inhabitants are conspiring 
against the public Peace and Safety: By Reason whereof, it 
hath become necessary to revive the Powers of the said Com- 

Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of New- 
York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby 

•Third session (1779-80), chap. 62. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie: 
John Holt, 1782, p. 131. 

794 State of New York 

enacted by the Authority of the same. That the said two Acts 
and the Powers and Authorities by them or either of them 
granted to the Commissioners appointed or to be appointed 
by Virtue of the said Acts, or any and every three of them 
shall be, and are hereby revived, and shall continue and 
be in full Force during the Continuance of the present War 
with Great-Britain. That each Commissioner shall be 
allowed for each Day he shall be actually employed in the 
Execution of the said Office, the Sum of Fourteen Shillings 
of the Money to be issued, agreeable to the Resolutions of 
Congress, of the eighteenth Day of March last; and that the 
Treasurer of this State shall, out of any Monies which may be 
in the Treasury, advance to the said Commissioners, or any 
three of them, such Sum or Sums, as they shall from Time to 
Time require, to defray the Expence of the Business hereby 
committed to them, not exceeding in the Whole, the Sum of 
Two Thousand Pounds of like Money aforesaid. 

An Act for the Removal of the Families of Persons who have 
joined the Enemy. Passed the ist oi July, 1780.* 

V^THEREAS many and great Mischiefs do arise, by per- 
mitting the Families of Persons who have joined the 
Enemy, to remain at their respective Habitations, inasmuch 
as such Persons frequently come out in a private Manner, to 
gain Intelligence and commit Robberies, Thefts and Mur- 
ders, upon the good People of this State, and are concealed 
and comforted by their respective Families; 

I. Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of 
New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is 

■Third session (1779-80), chap. 76. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie: 
John Holt, 1782, pp. 143-144. 

Appendix I : Laws 795 

hereby enacted by the Authority of the same. That the Justices 
of the Peace, resident in each Ward, Town, Manor, Precinct 
and District, within this State, shall notify the Wives of all 
such Persons, as aforesaid, that they depart this State within 
twenty Days after such Notice, or repair to such Parts of it as 
are within the Power of the Enemy; and at their Discretion 
to take with them all or any of their Children, not above the 
Age of twelve Years: That for the Want of a Justice of the 
Peace in any Ward, Town, Manor, Precinct or District, the 
Supervisor, and for Want of a Supervisor, the Commis- 
sioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies, shall cause 
such Notice to be given, as aforesaid. 

II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That in Case any of the Persons aforesaid, shall, after the Space 
of twenty Days after such Notice, be found in any Part of this 
State; they shall and are hereby declared to be out of the 
Protection of the Laws of this State; and shall be liable 
to be proceeded against as Enemies of this and the United 
States : 

Provided nevertheless. That this Law shall not extend to 
affect such of the said Persons as shall procure Permits to 
remain at their respective Habitations, from under the Hands 
and Seals of any three of the Commissioners for detecting and 
defeating Conspiracies, within this State. 

III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the several Justices of the Peace, or Supervisor as afore- 
said, shall, immediately after Notice shall be given to the 
several Persons aforesaid, to depart this State, give Infor- 
mation to some one Board of Commissioners as aforesaid, 
of all such Persons as aforesaid, together with the Characters 
of the said Persons respectively; and the said Commissioners 
are hereby authorised to give Permits as aforesaid, to any of 
the said Persons, which they may esteem of good Character, 

796 State of New York 

and not dangerous to the Liberties and Independence of this^ 
and the United States. 

An Act to accommodate the Inhabitants of the Frontiers with 
Habitations, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 
Passed March 22d, 1781.^ 

I. DE it enacted by the People of the State of New- York, 
represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby 
enacted by the. Authority of the same. That it shall be lawful 
to and for the Person administering the Government of 
this State for the Time being, or such Person or Persons as 
he shall authorise for the Purpose, in their Discretion, and 
by Licence under their Hands respectively, upon an Appli- 
cation on Behalf of any Number of Families, not less than 
three, to permit the said several Families on whose Behalf 
such Application shall be made, to possess and occupy to 
and for their Use, such unoccupied Houses, Farms, Lands 
or Tenements, lying on the Frontiers of, this State, as the 
Person or Persons granting such Licence, shall appoint and 
deem most convenient, for the Purpose of accommodating 
the Families on whose Behalf such Application shall be 
made; and that the said several Families shall, by Virtue 
of such Licence, be authorised to take Possession of, occupy, 
and improve such Houses, Farms, Lands or Tenements, as 
shall be specified in the said Licence; and that it shall in 
like Manner, be lawful for the Person administering the 
Government for the Time being, or such other Person as 
shall grant any such Licence, whenever they shall respec- 
tively deem the Necessity which induced the Granting 
thereof to cease, to revoke any or every such Licence; and 

» Fourth session (1780-81), chap. 35. — Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie : 
John Holt, 1782, pp. 180-181. 

Appendix i : Laws 797 

that each and every Person, in whose favour such Licence 
shall be granted, who shall not within twenty Days after such 
Revocation, remove from the said Houses, Farms, Lands 
or Tenements, which he or she was so permitted to possess, 
occupy and improve, shall be deemed as Trespassers from 
the Beginning, and as such, shall be liable to an Action, at 
the Suit of the Person in whose Possession such Flouses, 
or Farms, Lands or Tenements were, before the granting 
such Licence, his or her Heirs and Assigns; and that each 
and every Person in whose Favour such Licence shall be 
granted, who shall hold over, after the Revocation of such 
Licence, shall and may be proceeded against upon the 
Statutes of forcible Entry and Detainer, by the Person in 
Possession of such Houses, Farms, Lands or Tenements, 
immediately before the granting of such Licence, his or her 
Heirs or Assigns: And further That it shall be lawful for 
the Person administering the Government, to cause any 
Houses or other Buildings, on the Frontiers of this State, 
to be fortified, and to be taken and held as Posts or Fort- 
resses, for such Time and in such Manner, as he shall deem 
necessary and expedient. 

Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be 
construed to prevent the Person so in Possession, before 
the granting of the Licence, from possessing, occupying and 
improving an equal and proportional Part of such Houses, 
Farms, Lands or Tenements, with the several Families in 
whose Favour such Licence shall be granted: And pro- 
vided also. That if any Person in whose favour such Licence 
shall be granted, shall commit any unnecessary Waste or 
Destruction in such Houses, Farms, Lands or Tenements, 
they shall severally and respectively, with respect to such 
Waste, be deemed as Trespassers, and as such shall be sub- 
ject to an Action, at the Suit of the Person so in Possession 

798 State of New York 

as aforesaid, immediately before the granting of the Licence, 
his or her Heirs or Assigns. 

And whereas certain disaffected Subjects, who reside on 
the Frontiers of this State, privately maintain, comfort, and 
aid the Enemy, in their Incursions on the said Frontiers, 
and the public Safety requires that they should be com- 
pelled to remove from their respective Habitations, to the 
interior Parts of the State; 

n. Be it therefore further enacted by the Authority afore- 
said. That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the Person 
administering the Government of this State for the Time 
being, or the Brigadier, or commanding Officer of the Bri- 
gade of Militia; or where the Militia is not formed into a 
Brigade, a Majority of the Field-Officers of the Regiment 
within which such disaffected Persons shall reside, to cause 
all such Persons and Families, as he or they shall deem 
dangerous and disaffected, and as now are, or hereafter 
shall be resident and inhabiting on the said Frontiers, to 
be removed from their respective Habitations, to the inte- 
rior Parts of the State. 

And whereas it may be necessary to remove or destroy 
the Stock, Grain, or Forage, in many Parts of the Frontiers, 
in order to prevent the same from falling into the Hands of> 
or from being applied to the Comfort and Subsistence of the 

HI. Be it therefore further enacted by the Authority afore- 
said. That it shall be lawful for the Person administering 
the Government for the Time being, from Time to Time, 
in his Discretion, to order and direct all or any Part of the 
Stock, Grain, or Forage, at any Place or Places on the 
Frontiers, to be removed to such other Places as he shall 
direct; and in Case such Stock, Grain or Forage, cannot 
conveniently be removed, or if the Person possessing the 

Appendix I : Laws 799 

same, shall refuse to remove such Stock, Grain or Forage, 
then to order and direct the same to be destroyed. 

IV. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, 
That it shall be lawful for the Commissioners for defeating 
and detecting Conspiracies, and each of them, or such 
other Person or Persons as shall be authorised for the Pur- 
pose by the Person administering the Government, for to 
notify the Wives of all Persons who have voluntarily gone 
over to and joined, or shall hereafter voluntarily go over to 
and join the Enemy, to depart this State in like Manner as 
the Justices of the Peace and Supervisors, in the respective 
Wards, Towns, Manors, Districts or Precincts, are author- 
ised in and by the Act, entitled, "An Act for the Removal of 
the Families of Persons who have joined the Enemy." And 
further. That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners, 
and each of them, and each of the said several Persons so 
to be authorised as aforesaid, to take and sell all the Goods 
and Chattels in the Possession of the Wives of Persons who 
have voluntarily gone over to and joined, or shall hereafter 
go over to and join the Enemy, and to apply the Monies 
arising therefrom, to defraying the Expence of removing 
such Wives, and such of their respective Children as are 
not above twelve Years of Age, within the Lines of the 
Enemy — And that the said Commissioners and other Per- 
sons, who shall take and sell any such Goods and Chattels 
as aforesaid, shall account for the Expenditure of the said 
Monies with the Auditor-General of this State. 

8oo State of New York 

An Act to repeal an Act, entitled, "An Act to revive the Laws 
appointing Commissioners for detecting and defeating Con- 
spiracies, and to give certain Powers to Magistrates and 
Courts, in Cases therein mentioned. Passed 27th March, 

I. IDE it enacted by the People of the State of New- 

York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and 
it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the same. That the 
Act, entitled, "An Act to revive the Laws appointing Com- 
missioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies," shall 
be, and the same is hereby repealed[.] 

II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the Commissioners aforesaid shall, forthwith after the 
passing of this Act, deliver the Recognizances by them 
taken, and not forfeited, to the Clerk of the Court of Gen- 
eral Sessions of the Peace of the County in which the same 
were taken; and the Person or Persons bound by such 
Recognizances, shall be subject to the Directions of, and be 
compelled to appear before the said Sessions, in like Man- 
ner as they were respectively required by Law to subject 
themselves to the Direction of, and were compellable to ap- 
pear by the said Recognizances before such Commissioners, 
and such Recognizances shall to all Intents and Purposes 
have the like Effect, and be estreated or discharged in the 
same Manner as if the same had been entered into before 
such Court of Sessions, 

III. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the said Commissioners shall, as soon as may be, 
deliver all such Recognizances, as may have become for- 
feited to the People of this State, to the Clerk of the Su- 

' Sixth session (1782-83), chap. 51.— Laws of New York: Poughkeepsie: 
John Holt, 1783, pp. 298-299. 

Appendix I : Laws 80 1 

preme Court; to the End that Prosecutions may be insti- 
tuted for Recovery of the same. 

IV. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the said Commissioners shall exhibit their Accounts to 
the Auditor, on or before the first Monday of August next, 
that the same may be ascertained and settled; and it is 
hereby made the Duty of the Auditor to report to the Legis- 
lature, at their next Meeting after the said first Monday in 
August, the Amount of such Accounts respectively. 

V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That the said Commissioners shall, on or before the first 
Day of May next, make Return to a Justice of the Peace 
of the County in which such Commissioners reside, of the 
Names of the Persons by them committed, and the Causes 
of such Committment, that the said Justice may take Order 
thereon in due Form of Lav? — That no Person committed 
by the said Commissioners, shall be discharged before the 
first day of May next. 

VL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. 
That it shall and may be lavsrful, to and for any Justice of 
the Peace vpithin this State, to cause to be arrested and 
brought before him, any Person who shall come within his 
Jurisdiction, out of any Place in the Power of the Enemy, 
and to require sufficient Security for the Appearance of the 
Offender at the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace 
to be held for the County where such Offender shall be 
apprehended; and for his good Behaviour in the mean Time; 
and for the Want of such Security, to commit such Offender 
to the common Gaol, there to remain until he shall find 
such Security, or until the next General Sessions of the 
Peace where the Recognizance or Mittimus, as the Case 
may be, shall be returned, and which Recognizance or Mit- 
timus shall respectively set forth, that the Offender, bound 

8o2 State of New York 

over or committed, had without lawful Authority come 
within the Jurisdiction of such Justice, out of a Place within 
the Power of the Enemy; and thereupon it shall and may 
be lawful, to and for the Court of General Sessions of the 
Peace to commit such Offender to the common Gaol, there 
to remain until the then next Court of Oyer and Terminer 
and General Gaol Delivery in the County, to answer unto 
all such Matters and Things as shall then and there be ob- 
jected against such Offender (unless he shall be sooner 
thence discharged by due Course of Law) or the said Court 
of General Sessions of the Peace may take Surety accord- 
ing to their Discretion, for the Appearance of the Offender at 
such Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol De- 
livery, as aforesaid, then and there to answer in Manner 
aforesaid; or the said Court of General Sessions of the 
Peace may take Surety only for the good Behaviour of the 
Offender, or may permit him to go at large without Surety, 
as the said Court in their Discretion shall judge fit: 

Provided always. That nothing in this Act contained, shall 
be construed in any Wise to restrain the Supreme Court of 
Judicature of this State, or any of the Justices of the said 
Court, from dealing with such Offender according to the 
Law, for any Crime of which such Offender may be accused 
or indicted before the said Court, or with which such 
Offender may be charged before any Justice of the said 

0pp. Vol. 2, p. 803 

y^.^.«,/?;^^^<.;,„_ J^- C7^^^.,^,..,.^^iy....^^ -^r. 


Certified Pay- Bill of Leonard Gansevoort, Jr. as Secretary to the 
Albany Board, 1778-1783 

(One-half reduced) 



This appendix is devoted to transcripts of the financial 
accounts of the entire body of commissioners for detecting 
and defeating conspiracies. It is the result of a careful page 
for page examination of manuscript records of the State 
Auditor and State Treasurer, now in the archives of the 
New York State Library. The Audited Accounts are by far 
the most important, because they are engrossed entries copied 
from the statements, bills or receipts which received approval 
from the State Auditor, and preserve full data. The Day 
Book and Accounts of the State Treasurer give the record of 
actual payment, but in much briefer form. Liquidation of 
these claims was not completed during the period of the war — 
hence the examination had to be prosecuted through subse- 
quent years. Taken together, these records are believed to 
show, substantially, a complete account of the expenses of the 
commissioners in the seven counties in which they operated 
as a State body. It has not been deemed of value to print the 
co-ordinate bookkeeping records of these two State officers, 
from ledgers and journals. A conspectus of extant records 

follows : 

State Auditor. 

Audited Accounts, A and B, two folio volumes. 

Book "A" contains the audits from May 22, 1782 to 
March 17, 1786. Book "B" contains those from March 18, 
1786 to October 31, 1794. The dates are dates of audit of 
claims which begin as early as May, 1775. 



State of New York 

Journal, two folio volumes. 
Vol. i: June 17, 1775 to December, 1785. 
Vol. 2: January, 1786 to January, 1794. 

State Treasurer 

Day Book, folio. — Vol. 2: April i, 1778 to September 
20, 1784. 

Accounts, three composite folio volumes. 
Vol. i: May 31, 1775 to December 31, 1780. 
Vol. 2: January 4, 178 1 to December 31, 1785. 
Vol. 3: January 3, 1786 to January 10, 1797. 

Journal, two folio volumes. 
Vol. i: May 31, 1775 to October 2, 1782. 
Vol. 2: September 18, 1778 to September 20, 1784. 

Ledger (bound with "Auditor's Journal") covers from May 
31, 1775 to December 31, 1782. 

The original receipts or other vouchers, mounted in a 
ponderous volume, are in the office of the State Comptroller, 
in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40. They are somewhat 
in a disarranged state, and many of them have suffered ma- 
terial mutilation by being cut down. By this unjustifiable 
process many indorsements and voucher numbers, relative 
to entries in the volumes of Audited Accounts, have been 
lost, whilst others are destroyed by the process of mounting 

Audited State of New York To the Secretary 
^"^^^ [Robert Harpur] 
(NYSL) To 230 days as Comf of Conspiracy @ 14 / . 
By Cash 

i6i— „ — 

4 // 8 — 

Audited 18*'' July 1783 


Appendix II : Financial Accounts 




A : 24 




A ; 24 


The State of New York D"^ in Acco* with Henry 
Williams as Commissioner for defeating Con- 
spiracies — 
For my Services for the days on which I was 
actually employ'd as Commissioner for de- 
feating & detecting Conspiracies between 6' 
Sept"^ 1780 & r^^ Jan^ 1783 being 247 days 
at 14/ allow'd by Act 14'^ June 1780 

247 days @ 14/ 172 /, 18 - 

1783 Jan^ 14. 8**^ Febr20*'' & 26* March 

4 days @ 14/ 2 a 16 - 



A : 29-30 


Audited 18*** July 1783 

State of New York to Gilbert Livingston 1 

To my Services for the days on which I was 

actually employ'd a3 Comf for detecting & 

defeating Cunspiracies between 23"^ Aug* 

1780 & the 6^^ day of Jan^ 1783 being 237 

days @ 14/ «^ day 165 „ 18 - 

Dec'' 2 By Cash rece'd 2 „ 16 - 

Audited 18**" July 1783 




State of New Ycrk to Brinton Paine, Joseph 
M'^Cracken, Pelatiah Fitch SenT & Alex'' 
M°Nutt Commissioners for detecting & de- 
feating Conspiracies 
1781, April 12. Brinton Paine, Two Daysl 
attending & One Days travel at 14/ ^ > 

day J 2 . 

Joseph M'^Cracken Two Days ditto i 

Alexf M'^Nutt Two Days ditto i 

May 22. Brinton Paine, Jof M'^Cracken &| 
Alex'' M°Nutt One Day each & Paine One |- 
day travel J 


r 8 // 



State of New York 

Audited Aug 29. The same Two days each, except ) 
Accounts . . „ „ , ^ ,r 

Brrnton Paine One Day only ©14/1 

A : 29-30 



A: 36 


Sept'' 6. The same The same 

To an Express from White Creek to Saratoga . . 

8. To ditto 

ID. To ditto to Little White Creek 

1 5. To sending Two Expresses to Benning-l 
ton from White Creek & there waiting One >■ 
Day extraordinary J 

1782, May 8, 9, 10. M'^Cracken, M'^Nutt & 
Fitch 3 days each 

17. The same One Day each 

1783, Feb^ 28. Fitch & M^Nutt, One Day each 
To a Clerk 12 Days @ 14/ 

Decf 31. M'^Cracken, M'^Nutt & Fitch i day 

To Sundries paid for Expence of Prisoners . . 

To Money paid to Persons for private Intel- ) 
ligence J 

Audited 4*'' Feb^ 1784 

3* 10 
3// 10 

6 ,, 6 , 

2// 2, 
I /, 18 . 

5* — '/ - 

State of New York to Ebenezer Purdy, Israel 
Honeywell, Joseph Strang, Nathan Rock- 
well & Philip Leek for incidental Expences 
& services done as Comf^ of Conspiracies in 
West Chester County D' 

1 78 1, Jan^. To Cash paid Expences of a Guard Continental 
to cany Peter Ferris to Poughkeepsie Goal. ..£125 ^ 12 „ — 

Febr'^. To d° to carry 3 dangerous Persons ) 

to Poughkeepsie Goal \ 120^ — a — 

March. Tod to carry a dangerous Man to d° . . 32 ;, — „ — 

April. To d° p** for carrying Abraham Whit- ) 

more a disaffected Man to ditto C 80 « — « — 

May. To d° paid a Guard of 3 Men to carry ) 

Smith & Skenkly to Goal ) 256 « — „ — 

Continental .£613 ,, 12 „ — • 


Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


Audited Exchange at 40 for i is Specie 15 „ 6 „ 

Accounts J -N 

A ; 36 June- To Cash p a Guard for their Expence 

(HYSL) to carry sundry dangerous Persons to > 

Poughkeepsie Goal J 8 ,; 8 ;, - 

To d° p'^ Jesse Brush Expence of Guard tol 
attend the Commiss'^ during the time of >• 
their sitting J 2 „ 12 „ - 

To d° One Quire of Paper 3 „- 

To d° Andrew Brown to go below the Lines ) 

after a dangerous Person ) 3 /, 4 » - 

To John Drake for the Expence of a Guard ) 

to take Care of Prisoners ) 3 /; 6 „ 

To Cash for Expense of a Man to go to Pough 
keepsie to the Governor 

34//I2// 3 

To ssdaysWagesforEbenTPurdyat 14/ 38/, lo^, 

51 .... d° ... . Israel Honeywell 35 * '4 ;/ 

16 d° Joseph Strang 11 „ 4/, — 

27 d° Nathan Rockwell 23 // 18 „ 

5 d° Philip Leak 3» lO// — 

147 " 8 , 
1784, Jan'' 29. By Cash reced of Treasurer by 

Ebenezer Purdy 20 ,/ — , 

Audited March 19"^" 1784 — 

Audited State of New York to Alex"" Webster EbenT 

A : 40 

Clark, Alex'' M^Nutt & John M=Clung 
Commiss" of Conspiracy in the County of 
Charlotte for incidental Expences & Services 
1778, May 2. To Cash p"^ Continental 
J. Doty ^ Vouch' £3ii 4«— • • 

30. Tod° Josh^Conkey. 3,, 4//— ■• 

June 7. Tod° Beach i „ 12 ;, — . . 




State of New York 

Audited Aug^ 5. To. ...d° p'' Alex'^ 

Accounts .,.,,,., I t- 

A: 40 Inniitt [jic] 9*i2« — S.. 3,/ 5* o 

(KYSL) To.... d° Eben'' Clark i/, 4«— J 

18. To d° p^ Reuben Turner — 16 —] 

21. To d° Gershom |- . . 19 « 5J 

Woodward 2. „\(i „ — J 

Sept'' I. To d° p"^ Robert 

Armstrong 5,, i„ — 

2. To d°....Wmiani Lyll.. — 18 — 
Dec"" 2 To d° p*^ Robert Gilly — 12 — 

Tod° ....d°&Wason. ... 3*4* — 

To d° Alex'' Simpson 4;;i6^ — 

1779, Jan'' 5. To d° p"* John 

Armstrong — 16 — 

8. To d° James Henderson 2 » 8^6 

9. To d° John Hursdon — 8 — 

To d° Alex'' Turner 1 « 4 — 

April 21. To d° p"^ John 

Hunsdon 7 // 18 » 2 

July 16. To d° p"^ Edward 

Savage 4 * 16 „ 6 

To d° p^ Robert Stewart in hard Money .... 
To loi days Service as Com" by Alex'' 'Web- 
ster on the first Act passed 5"' Feb'' 
1778 @ 20/ Cont! is 12/6 Specie; all 
before the 27*'' March 1783 when the 

Act was repeald 

To 90 days service by Ebenezer Clark @ 1 2/6 56 „ 5 — 

Toi32daysd°byAlex''M'=Nutt..i2/6 82 „ 10 — 

Toi38days d° by John M'^CIung 12/6 86 „ 5 — 

I // 9 // 9 

I „ 7 " li 


13// 8 

6„ 2-1 

6/, 12 ;, — 

63 // T // 6 

306 „ 15 // I 


1778, June 3. By cash from Matthew Fisher' 
at 265 Contf to 100 hard 150 18 lo-l 

Audited April 13^" 1784 




' The correct form of the name is the Dutch equivalent Visscher. 

Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


A: 108 

State of New York to Andrew Rynex D'' 

To attending the Commissioners of Conspiracy as Con-"] 
stable in the District of Schenectady in the Year 1781 
Nme Days at 6/ fi day J 

Audited 12*^ October 1784 

State of New York to Reynier Mynderse 


Accounts For attending as Commissioner of Conspiracy in the Years 

• " 1780, 1781 & 1782 Eighty Days at 14/ ^ day 

Audited 12**^ October 1784 


Audited State of New York to Hugh Mitchell D'^ 

Acco iiTi J! s 
A : 108 ^°'^ attending as Commissioner of Conspiracy In the Years 

(HYSL) 1780, 1781 & 1 782 Ninety Five Days @ 14/ 

Audited 12*'* October 1784 

A : 112 

State of New York to Abraham Oothout D' 

For attending as Commissioner of Conspiracy in the Years 

1780, 1781 & 1782 86 days @ 14/ fS day 

To Necessaries provided for a Party of Men under the Com 

mand of Major Wemple as ^ Bill 

Audited October 18* 1784 


















A: 147 

The State of New York in Account Current whit [sic] the Commissioners for 
detecting and defeating Conspiracies.' 

Vouchers for money paid DT 

N? I Isaiah Butler 

„ 2 Rutger Bleecker 

„ 3 Justida van Hoesen' 

u 4 Commissioners of Charlotte County 

„ 5 Jonathan Beacraft 

• The original statement in the handwriting of Leonard Gansevoort, Jr., 
is in RevohUionary MSS., vol. 40, p. 159, in the office of the State Comptroller, 
and is more accurate as to names. Serious errors are here pointed out in 
. ' Justice Van Hoesen. 










State of New York 

A: 147 

6 Peter Bont 

7 Burger Blauw' 

8 Jacob Wiltse 

9 Joseph Gilford 

10 Jacob van Valkenburgh 

11 Isaac Shelden 

12 Cornelius C MuUer 

13 Cloude van Deusen 

14 Richard Bronck 

15 Cornelius van Deusen 

16 Leonard Gansevoort Junior . 

17 Cornelius Humfrey 

19 Christopher Hawk 

18 Cornelius Humfrey 

20 John Smith 

21 Leonard Gansevoort Junior. 

22 Wilhdmus Haines 

23 Isaac A. Fonda 

24 John Seton 

25 Cornelius Humfrey 

26 John Smith 

27 Mathew Aerson 

28 John Ryley 

29 John Sloss 

30 James Knowles 

31 Cornelius Groesbeeck 

32 Samuel Lauden^ 

33 Cornelius Humfrey 

34 Daniel Kettle 

35 Christopher Hawk 

36 Clyne and Robinson' 

37 Jacob Klyne* 

38 John Ryley 

39 Samuel Shaw 

40 John Vischer 


























































































' Burger Clauw. 

' Samuel Loudon, the printer. 

> Robison. 

« Kline. 

Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


Audited ^° 
A : 147 " 
(KYSL) ,, 

41 Samuel Loadman 

42 Stephen Bell 

43 Isaac Bogert 

44 David van Rensselaer 

45 Peter Gunsalis , 

46 Cornelius C: vanden Bergh 

47 John Lansing Junior 

48 Leonard Gansevoord Junior 

49 Ab*? Lansing & Ab? vanden Berg. 

50 Alexander Anderson 

51 Isaac Goes 

52 Stephen Bell 

53 John H: Beeckman 

54 Cornelius Humfrey 

55 Hugh Mitchell 

56 Myndert Wemple' 

57 Robert Smith 

58 Wessei ■■'n Schaick 

59 Volkert Dawson 

60 Stephen Bell 

61 John Smith 

62 Jeremiah van Rensselaar 

63 Col: Porters' 

64 Cornelius C: Miller 

65 Stephen Viele 

66 Christopher P: Yates 

67 Stephen Bell 

68 Denis M: Carty 

69 William Colbrath' 

70 Peter Magee 

71 Jonathan Sever 

72 Philip Conine 

73 Stephen Hoyt« 

74 Samuel T : ten Broeck' 

1 Myndert A. Wemple. 

' Porter. 

» Colbreath. 

•Hoit or Hayt. 

' Samuel I. Ten Broeck 






























State of New York 

A; 147 


Nf 75 Edward Archer 

„ 76 Mathew Vischer 

„ 77 David Gibson 

;, 78 Cloude van Deusen & Peter Bent. . 

I, 79 Commissioners of Charlotte county. 

,, 80 Hugh M^Adam 

« 81 John C Lansing' 

II 82 Jeremiah Fonda 

„ 83 William Harrison 

„ 84 John M? Coy 

u 85 John Ja Beeckman 

„ 86 Henry Shaver 

;, 87 Bethuel Washburn 

u 88 Cornelius Cuyler 

„ 89 Jesse Fairchilds'i 

t, 90 Ezra Buel 

u 91 Bethuel Washburn 

„ 92 Jacob Slingerland' 

„ 93 Peter Seeger 

u 94 Jeremiah van Rensselaar 

„ 95 John 5 Lansing 

u 96 Petrus Wynkoop 

„ 97 Bethuel Washburn 

/, 98 Bethuel Washburn 

„ 99 Richard Ysdstyn* 

„ 100 Bethuel Washburn 

/, loi Bethuel Waschburn 

„ 102 Isaac D: Fonda 

„ 103 John Fonda Junior 

,, 104 Thomas Ismay 

„ 105 Daniel Dickinson* 

,/ 106 Leonard Gansevoort Junior 

„ 107 Amaziach Winchester" 

„ 108 Jacob Gaul 

u 109 Bethuel Waschburn' 

/, 1 10 Mathew Vischer 







































■ John 5 Lansing. 
2 Fairchild. 
' Slingerlandt. 
' Esselstyne. 

» Dickison. 

« Amaziah Winchester 

' Washburn. 

Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


Audited N? Ill Jesse FairchUds' 

Accounts „ , „ „ 

A : 147 * ''^ Stephen Bell. ... 

113 Jacob Kidney 

114 Jacob Kidney 

115 Leonard Gansevoort Junior. 



















1778 Money received C 
28 April To cash received from G: Bancker EsqT Treas- 
urer of the State of New York 

12 August To cash from dito 


15 Jann To ditto „ d? in Sundry Payments 

31 May To ditto ditto 

21 Oct: To ditto ditto 

Balance due commiss" carried to Specie account. 





















J: V: Renssdaar 1 

Math: Visscher >• late Commiss" 

John M' BeeckmanJ 

To Ball pT contra bro* forward £6. 16. i reduced in Specie is . . 
N? 1 1 1 To a Ballance on an Account of Jesse Fairchild . . . 

^112 To,, ditto „ « d? „ Stephen Bell 

,, 54 To „ ditto „ „ d? „ Cornelius Humfrey 

„ 16 To an Ace: of James M?Master 

,, I To am^ of Stephen Bell's acct ^ Voucher .... 
„ 2 To d? „ Jesse Hainhild^ 

To d? Jacob Kidney 

To d? Robert Hassin' 

To d? Peter Bronk 

To Robbert Kennedy 

To John D: Clute 

8 Coenraad Klyne. 



































' Fairchild. 

> The auditor's record is incorrect, as the name should be Fairchild. 

» Harper. 


State of New York 

Audited ]sj? 
A ; 147 /' 
(NYSL) ,, 

9 John Fortfuydt 

10 Thomas Cole 

1 1 Robert Kennedy 

1 2 Jac : Caldwell 

13 Stuwart Deane' 

14 John Vissher 

15 David Gibson 

17 Goose van Schaick 

1 8 David Fonda 

20 Am* of Isaac D Fondas acct as Commissioner 

21 do ,, S: Stringer d? d? 

22 d? „ John M: Beeckman d? 

d? „ Mathew Vissher' d? 

Isaac D: Fonda 

Am* of Jerem: Van Rensselaar acct as Commiss'.. . 

;, „ h- Gansevoort Junior as Clerk 

d? to diff^ people 




16 Dec: 

17 Sept. 
19 Nov. 

16 Jaim 
II Maart 



By cash from the Treasury . 



« d? „ d? 

« d? ,, d? 

from forfeited Recognizances from T: Truax' . . . . 
„ P. Trimhout' . 

P: Empie^ 

„ 1. CoUayer" . . . 
due the Commissioners 










































































. — 








' Stewart Dean. 
* Visscher. 
' Jacob Truax. 

< Peter Finehout. 
' Philip Empie. 
« Isaac Collayer. 

Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


Audited Df 
Accounts „ „ „ r « 
A : 147 T° Ball, p"^ Contra 

(NYSL) To am* of Petrus Wynkoops ace. 

" d? HughMitchel 

Balance due the Comtnissioners . . 
Audited 19 November 1784. 












Audited State of New York DT to Joseph Gasharie Corn? E. Wynkoop & Corn 
Accounts Schoonmaker Commissioners of Conspiracies 
(HYS^ '^° Jos^P'i Gasharie as f* Acco' N° i . 

To Corn! E. Wynkoop ^ d° 2. 

To Corn^ Schoonmaker ^ d° 3. 

July 31 To Cash p*^ Cap* Bogardus as ' 

Feby 8 To Cash p"^ Corn^ Bickw. . f 
26 To d° paid Martin Snyder. . f 
June 8 To d° paid Augustus Jay. . ^ 

f» Rec^ 


DecT By Cash rece'd of the Treasurer 

Audited ii**" April lySs — 

10 // 

6// — 


2// — 


16 a 


~« — 




15// — 


s„ — 


19// — 

40 // 

— ./ — 

Audited g^^^.^ „£ -^^^ York to Egbert Benson DT 

A : 208 To my Service as a Commissioner for Conspi- 

(HYSL) pjgg fjojQ tjje 5^^ Feb^ 1778 to the time of 
my resigning the said Office 400 Days @ 20/ 
^ day pursuant to the Act of the Legisla- 
ture of 5*'^ Feb" 1778 £400// — - 

Deduct for depreciation at 160 for 100 is | 

equal to 12 / 6 ^ day V 150 // — / 


250 — 

Audited ii*"" April 1785- 


State of New York 

A : 210 

State of New York to Robert Harpur 

For my Services as a Commissioner for Conspi- 


racies from is"^" July 1778 to 4'^" Jan^ 1780 
pursuant to the Act of the Legislature of 5*** 

Feb^ 1778 — 370 days ©20/ 370 „ — „■ 

Deduct for Depreciation at 160 for 100 138 /, 15 „ - 

Audited 12**^ April 1785 — 

Audited State of New York D'' to Cornelius E. Wynkoop 

Accounts pQj. ,Q Jays Service as a Commissioner for de- 
A : 213 "^ ^ 

(NYSL) tecting and defeating Conspiracies from the 

17* April 1778 to 26* Aug* 1780 at Pough- 

keepsie @ 20 / ^ day 50 „ — ,. 

For 3 days service as ditto at Kingston @ 20/. 2 „ — , 

53 // // 
Deduct Depreciation at 160 for 100 19 « 17 * 6 

Audited 14"^ April 1785 — 

Audited State of New York DT to Cornelius Schoonmaker 
A : 213 '^° ^° Days Service from 4"* July 1778 to is'** 
(BYSL) Sept*" 1779 as a Commissioner of Conspira- 
cies @ 20/ sP day 60 „ — „ — 

To 39 Days ditto from 6**^ Sepf 1780 to26*''] 

March 1783 as above @ 14/ ^ day >• 27 „ 6 „ — 

87// 6// — 
By Depreciation deducted on ^60 at 160 for 

lOO ; 22 „ 10 /, 

Audited 14"" April 1785 — 





Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


A: 215 

State of New York D' to Israel Thompson Esq*^ 
late one of the Commiss'^ of Conspiracies 

For 22 days Attendance (as Commissioner by 
Virtue of an Act of the Legislature passed 
jth pg^y 1778) between the g*** April & 25*'' 
June 1778 @ 20/ 

To 3 days travelling to & from Pougkepsie 
@ 20/ 

3 // // 

By Depreciation on ^25 — „ - 
Audited 19*'' April 1785 — 

25 « — /' — 
160 for 100. 9 /; 7 // 6 

Audited State of New York DT to Com^® of Conspiracies 
Accounts To Tennis Tappen Secretary to the Commiss"! 
(HYSL) ^'^ Amo*. of his Acco* of incidental Charges > 500 „ 
and his Pay as Secretary to the Board. . . J 


March il By Cash return'd by Isaac Bloom 
for One Barrel Pork spoil'd — purchas'd 
for the Use of the Prisoners £18 „ — „ — 
Cont! reduc'd to Specie at 1000 for 100 . . . 

OctobT By Cash rece'd from Sun- 
dry Tory Prisoners to defray 
their Expences Viz* 

21 „ 12 u 9 
2 » 8 „ — 


William Tud... 
William Ealigh. 
William Brown. 
Nicholas Stickle 
William Wood.. 
Simon Low .... 

2 /» 8 „ — 
5 // 18 „ — 
2//I5// 4 
2 „ 16 // — 

Cont'. Curry 37 « 18 « i 
£37 /; 18 /, I Conti reduced to Spe- 
cie @ 2032 for 100 

Audited ig**" April 1785 

■ i« 17* 3 


3«i3« 3 



State of New York 

A : 216 

State of New York DT to Com" of Conspiracies 
for Dutchess County by Virtue of an Act of 
the Legislature passed 5' Feb'^ 1778 — 

To Zephaniah Piatt, between 6"^ April 1778 & 
i'' Jan'' 1780 — 90 days @ 20/ f* day) 
^90 — „ — reduc'd at 160 for 100 j 

To Thomas Moffat between 10' June 1778 & | 
27' of same Month 15 days @ 20/. . . . 
£15 — „ — reduc'd at 160 for 100 

To Joseph Strang between 22 June 1778 &^ 

i'^' April 1779 — 13 days @ 20/ 

£\Z — /, — reduc'd at 160 for 100 

To Peter Cantine JunT between 15*'' Nov''] 
1 779 & 20* of same Month — 6 days @ 20/ 
£,(> — ,/ — reduc'd at 160 for 100 

Audited ig"' April 1785 


A : 284-5 

56// 5//- 

9 // 1 II 6 

3// 15// — 

State of New York Xf to Joseph Strang One of 
the Commissioners for detecting & defeating 
Conspiracies in Dutchess County 


To my Services as CommissT from 19"" March 

to May 5**^ 1777 both days included 15 

To ditto from 23"^ June to 4"* July 1778 7 

To ditto from 13'^ Aug* to 4**^ Sept'^ 1778 18 

To ditto 14*'' & IS*** Sepf 1778 looking about 

to carry some Persons to be sent off 2 

To my Services as Commiss'' t^* & 2^ Oct'' 
1778 attending the Commiss" at Poug- 

kepsie & preparing to send Persons off 2 

To ditto from i^* to 10"' Nov'' 1778 notify- 
ing such Persons as were directed to go 
within the Enemies Lines & sending them 
off 4i 

48J days 


48J days @ 20 ^ day reduc'd at 160 100 30 » 6 ,, 3 

Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


Audited i^^g 

Accounts ^ -y 

A : 284-S Sept 4 To Cash paid John Haynes ] 

(NYSL) for 16 days riding in Service >• 26 ;, — „ — 

of Commissioners J 

To ditto p Samuel Lyon for noti-T 

fying Evidences & other Ser- 

To ditto paid for Paper & Quills. . 

3 // // 

I // 1 // 4 

30 /, I // 4 
£30 // 1 // 4 reduc'd at 400 for 100 is Specie — 

7 // 10 // 4 



April 19 By an Acco* audited this day for . 
Audited 19*'' October 1785 — r 

37 * 16 /, 7 

, 2 ,, 6 



Audited state of New York D"" to Ebenezer Purdy 

A: 316 

as One of the Commiss" for detecting 

To Cash paid for hire of Guards & their 

Expences while in Service 

Audited 25*'' February 1786 




State of New York to Charles R. Webster 
1783 Dr. 

April 14 To inserting in the New York 
Gazetteer an Act entitled an Act to repeal 
an Act entitled An Act to revive the Laws 
appointing Commissioners for detecting & 
defeating Conspiracies & to give certain 
powers to Magistrates & Courts therein 
mention'd passed the 27*'' March 1783 making 
in the said paper 4^ squares at 8/ ^ square. . . 

Audited 25*'' August 1786 


State of New York 

B : 127 

B : 190 

State of New York to Josiah Ingersol 

To Certain services performed for the State 
at the Request of Zephaniah Piatt and 
Egbert Benson late Commissioners for 
Conspiracies &'^ in transporting Certain 
quantities of Beef and having the same 
Smooked to prevent it from Spoiling in 
the year 1779 

Sworn to by Egbert Benson 

Aud 22 Nov' 1787 


The Commissioners for Conspiracies &" 

To Robert Hoffman 
To 3 Barrell of Superfine Flour 130 each 

at 30/ ^ hundred 
To 3 Barril @ 2/6 each 

Sworn to by Stephen Hendrickson and 

Robert Hoffman 
Audited June 30*^ 1789. 


7 17 6 
7 6 

£ S. 5 — 

Day Book, V0I.2 — April, 1778 to September, 1784 
(Archives of New York State Library) 

April 28*'' 1778 




Jeremiah V: Rensselaer, Isaac D. Fonda &? the 

Commiss" of Conspiracy in Albany ap- 

pointed by virtue of the late Law. Df 

To Cash 1933 



July I?* 1778 

Sundry Accounts C To Cash viz* 

Zephaniah Piatt &? the Commissioners of 

Conspiracy at Poughkepsie last 

app'^ 2002 





- « ^ 


c a 


„-^ L^ _ 

.«i a- 

^ > f» 




N 'a f I"' 

t r '-■' i 


l.V ri. s I,- 



Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


July 12*?* 1778 
Jeremiah V Renselaer &? the Comm''.^ of 

Conspiracy at Albany DF to Cash 2037 

August 28**^ 1778 
Zephaniah Piatt &9 Commissioners of Con- 
spiracy C To Cash 2038 

September 25*'' 1778 
Sundry Accounts C To Cash viz^ 
Zepheniah Piatt &? Comm" of Conspiracy 2067 

November 8, 1778 
Sundry Accoimts D*^ To Cash viz? 
Zephaniah Piatt &? Commissioners of 

Consp^ in part of the ^3000 Credit 
by a Law passed the [blank] 2084 

January i?* 1779 , 

Sundry Accounts D'' To Cash viz* 
Zephaniah Piatt &? the CommT^ of 

Consp7 at Poughkepsie 2098 

January 1^* 1779 
Sundry Accounts D^ To Cash viz* 

Egbert Benson &? Com^ Conspiracy 2104 

January 15'.'' 1779 
Jeremiah V Rensselaer &? The Albany ComT= 
Conspiracy ^ 

To Rooseboom Bancker & White for so much 
J M'^Kesson received from them & 

paid you £5°^ « " 

To Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer of the 
Co. of Albany for my Draft on 
L Gansevoort 5°° u " 






for the above two Sums See their Order & 
J M'^Kessons Receipt 

May 31?* 1779 
Jeremiah V Rensselaer &? D' 

To Cash 2247 



State of New York 

June 3° 1779 
Zephaniah Piatt &? DT (May 29*'') 
To Cash Advanced to them a[s] ComtnT^ of 
Conspiracy 2258 

October 15*^ 1779 
Sundry Accounts DT To Cash viz? 
Zeph*? Piatt &? on Acco* 

October 21^.' 1779 
Jeremiah V. Rensselaer &? 



Comm" of Conspiracy of the County of 
Albany 2281 

November 18*'' 1779 
Sundry Accounts C To Cash viz* 

Zephaniah Piatt &? CommT^ of Conspiracy 2368 

September 23? 1780 
Sundry Acco'.= Df To Cash viz^ 
Zeph^ Piatt &? CommT^ of Conspiracy the 
Ballance of an Account this day settled 2S03A. 


January 29'.'^ 1781 

Cash DT To Zephaniah Piatt &? a repaym' of 
£2000. which they had not Credited in their 
Account Audited & Settled at Poughkeepsie 

To State of N Y ref of ditto the forfeited 
Recognizance of Peter Storm 

of ditto. . . .D°. . . .of Ja? Hammond jun'' 

June 12"^ 1781 
Jeremiah V. Rensselaer & Co Comm" of Con- 
spiracy D^ 
To Cash paid them the le*** December last 
^ 41 ,, N E. at 40. the then Exchange 2611 




■ Visscher. 

Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


September 17*** 1781 
Sundry Accounts BT To Cash viz^ 
Jeremiah V Rensselaer &9 Commissioners of 

Conspiracy in Albany £160 

N. E 2783 ;£i6o 

November 19'*^ 1781 

Joseph Gasherie Cornelius Schoonmaker and 
Cornelius E Wynkoop Comm" of Conspiracy DT 
To Cash 2809 £40 u~-„ — 

Jeremiah V. Rensselaer &? Comm" of Con- 
spiracy 2812 76 a — ,1 — 

January 16. 1782 
Jeremiah V Rensselaer & Co. 

To Cash £73 ,, 14 tf — N E • 


March ii*> 1782 
Jeremiah V Rensselaer & Co D'' 

To Cash paid Leonard Gansevoort junT 
f* their Order £350 N Emission 2831 

January 29 1784 
Sundry Accounts C To Cash viz* 
Honeywell, Purdy & Rockwl CommT^ 
Conspy for W: Chester £20 „ — ..— 2984 

February 20*'' 1784 
State of New York DT To Cash 
p? Ab. DePeyster Clerk of Comm" 


£50 — 
May 5*> 1784 


State of New York D"^ To Sundry Accounts 
To Alexander Webster, Ebenezer Clark, 
Alexander M^Nitt and John M^Clung 
Commissioners of Consp^ in Charlotte 
County for Amount of their Acco*^ of 

Contingencies say Ball 3027 

£ 155* i6«2i 






1 1685 



State of New York 

May 24*'' 1784 
Zephaniah Piatt &? the CommissT^ of Con- 
spiracy at Poughkeepsie Df To Cash p? 
R Harpur one of the Members of that 
Board 3165 £100 

May 24"" 1784 
State of New York DT To Sundry Accounts viz!^ 
To Zephaniah Piatt &? for the pay of Robert 
Harpur a Member of the Board of Comm" 
of Conspiracy 3165 £ 156 /; 12 „ — 

September 3? 1784 
Sundry Acco*^ D' To Cash viz* 
Zep^ Piatt &? p? R. Harp'' 
3336 £56 12 — 












Accounts — May, 1775 to January, 1797 

(Archives of New York State Library) 


Sep* 23 
April 28 

July I 

July 12 
Aug' 12 


By Cash from Egbert Benson &F Commr^ of 

To Cash p? Jeremiah V. Rensselaer, Isaac 
D Fonda &? Commissioners for detecting 
Conspiracies 1933 

To Cash p"? Zephaniah Piatt &? the new 
App? Commissioners of Conspiracy, 
diff* Paym*^ 2002 

To d? p!^ Serg* David Mills pay of a party 
to apprehend disaffected persons 2023 

To d? p? Jeremiah V. Rensselaer &? the 
Comm" of Conspiracy in Albany on 
Account 2037 

To d? p? Piatt &? the CommT^ of Con- 
spiracy at Poughkepsie on Acco* 2038 





















Appendix II : Financial Accounts 


SeptT 25 

Nov. 8 


Jan^ I 

May 31 



Octob'' 15 





















March 11 

To d? p? Zephaniah Piatt &? the CommissT^ 
of Conspiracy at Poughkepsie on 
Acco* 2067 

To Cash p? Zephaniah Piatt &? the last 
Appointed Commissioners of Conspiracy 
in part of the £3000 CT by a Late 
Law 2084 

Paid Zephaniah Piatt &? the Commissf^ 

of Conspiracy at Poughkeepsie on Acco* 2098 
Paid Egbert Benson &? Comm" of Con- 



Paid Jeremiah V Rensselaer fic"^ Comm" 
Consp^ at Albany 2247 

Paid Zep? Piatt &"? Comm"^ Conspiracy on 
Acco* 2258 

Paid Zep!" Piatt &? Comm" Conspiracy 2279 

Paid Jeremiah V Rensselaer &? 

Com. Conspy 2281 

Paid Zeph?* Piatt &? Commrs Seq" [sic] 2368 

Paid Zephaniah Piatt &? Comm" Consp^ A2503 

Paid Jeremiah V. Rensselaer &? 

Com. Consp7 261 1 

Paid Jer^ V. Rensselaer &? Commissioners 

of Conspiracy £160 2783 

Paid Gasherie Schoonmaker & Wynkoop 

CommT^ Conspiracy .£40 2809 

Paid Jer: V. Rensselaer &Com.Cons: £76 2812 

From Zep?" Piatt &9 Com. Consp^ ' 

From d? for Sundry Forfeited Recognizances 

Paid Jer: V Rensselaer & Com: 

Consp: NE;£73*i4— ^823 

Paid Jer: V Rensselaer &.? Com: Cons: 

N E ;^350 «83i 

» This item is out of order in the original. 












26250! — 


State of New York 


Jan7 29 

Feb? 20 
May 5 
May 24 

Sep* 3 
October 11 

Nov. 20 

April 12 


May 7 
October 21 
Decemf 20 

To Honeywell, Purdy & Rock- 
well, Commiss Consp. W. 
Chester 2984 

To D? Ab: Depeyster, Qk of 
Commiss: Cons. £50 „ — „ — 2989 

To Webster, Clark &9 in part 
(Commiss: Conspiracy) 3027 

To Zepheniah Piatt &? Com- 
missi Consp. at Poughkeep- 
sie pr R. Harpur, a memT of 
that board 3165 

To Zephaniah Piatt &? p? 
R. Harpur Conspiracies 3336 

Paid Gilbert Livingston, Com- 
missf of Conspir'' 3377 

Paid Rynier Mynderse ComT 
Conspir^ for SchenX 3378 

Paid Andrew Renex Ditto 3379 

Paid Hugh Mitchell Ditto 3380 

Paid Jeremiah V. Renselaer &C? 
Com? Conspir?' 3449 

Paid Rynier Mynderse &C? 
Com? Consp^ 3454 

Paid Egbert Benson &C? 
Com? Consp?' 3670 

Paid Robert Harpur D? 3671 

Paid Zepheniah Piatt &? Com- 
miss: Consp7 3684 

Paid Gasherie, Schoonmaker & 
Wynkoop, the Ballance of 
their Account C. C. 3688 

Paid Zeph? Piatt &C? ComT^ 
Conspiracy 3718 

Paid Joseph Strang, a ComT of 
Consp^ 3908 

Paid Joseph Strang, a CommissT 
of Conspiracy 3974 



































Appendix II : Financial Accounts 



Janua* 23? 

NovemT 24 


Paid Peter Cantine, late CommissT 
Conspi, 4021 

Paid Egbert Benson for so much 
Adv? by him as Commissioner 
of Conspiracy 5158 

November ig**" Paid Thomas Moilat, as a Com- 
missioner of Conspiracy 7053 

January 14 Paid Thomas Moffat a Ball":* due 

to Moffat, Wissner & Cooper, 
Comniiss" of Conspiracy for 
Orange 7085 






The People of the State of New York by the Grace j^^^ „„„ 
of God free and Independant To William Wills, Soverinas 4o : 156 
Cock, and James M°Masters of the County of Tryon, John (compt) 
M Beekman Jeremiah V. Rensselaer, Isaac Fonda, Matthew 
Vischer Hugh Mitchel Cornelius Humfrey, John M':Clung 
and Peter Wynkoop of the County of Albany, Cornelius C 
Wynkoop, Cornelius C Schoonmaker, and Peter Cantlne 1778 
(Son of Matthew Cantine Esquire) of the County of Ulster, 
Israel Honeywell Jonathan G. Tomkins and Joseph Strang 
of the County of West Chester, Zephaniah Piatt, Egbert 
Benson and Israel Thompson of the County of Dutchess, 
Henry Wisner, Thomas Moffat and Gilbert Cuyper, of the 
County of Orange, and Alexander Webster, Alexander 
M^Nitt, and Ebenezer Clark of the County of Charlotte 
Esquires Greeting, Know ye that pursuant to two certain 
Acts of the Legislature of our Said State the one entitled: 
" An Act to appoint Commissioners for detecting and defeat- 
ing Conspiracies and declaring their powers," and the other 
entitled, "An Act for encreasing the Number of Commis- 
sioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies within this 
State." We have appointed constituted and assigned, and by 

these presents do appoint constitute and assign you the said 


830 State of New York 

William Wills Soverinas Cock, James M'=Masters, John M 
Beekman, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Isaac Fonda, Matthew 
Vischer, Hugh Mitchell, Cornelius Humfrey, John M^Clung, 
Peter Wynkoop, Cornelius C Wynkoop Cornelius C Schoon- 
maker, Peter Cantine, Israel Honeywell, Jonathan G. Tom- 
kins, Joseph Strang, Zephaniah Piatt, Egbert Benson, Israel 
Thompson, Henry Wisner, Thomas MofFat, Gilbert Cuyper, 
Alexander Webster, Alexander M?Nitt and Ebenezer Clark 
Commissioners for enquiring into detecting and defeating all 
Conspiracies which may be formed in this State against the 
Liberties of America, with full power and Authority to you 
and any and every three of you to do and perform the several 
Acts Matters and Things in the said two several Acts men- 
tioned, which by you or any three of you as Commissioners as 
aforesaid may be lawfully done and performed. In Tes- 
timony whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made 
Patent and the Great Seal of our said State to be hereunto 
affixed. Witness our trusty and well beloved George Clin- 
ton Esquire Governor of our said State, General and Com- 
mander in Chief of all the Militia and Admiral of the Navy 
of the same the fourth Day of April in the Year of our Lord 
one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight. 

Geo: Clinton 
By His Excellency's Command, 
Jn? Morin Scott Secretary 

A true Copy, Examined by me, 
Teunis Tappan Sec? 


or sea 

App* of Commissioners of 
Conspiracy 4*^ April 1778. 

Appendix III : Miscellanea 831 


I do solemnly swear and declare in 

the presence of Almighty God that I ought not and do not 
acknowledge any Allegiance to the King of Great Brittain, 
his Heirs or Successors or any power or Authority of the 
Parliament of the said Kingdom of Great Brittain, and that I 
will bear true faith and Allegiance to the State of New York 
as a free and Independant State, and that I will in all things 
to the best of my knowledge and Ability dp my Duty as a 
good Subject of the said State ought to do, So help me God, 

Ebenezar Allen Joseph Greenman 

Adam Vrooman Benjamin Greenman ju^ 

Daniel Chase Mindert Van Hoesan 

his Jeremije mullr 

Jonathan X Chase his 

Mark William X Bartel 

James X Lake Mark 

Daniel Mosher his 

[Signatures]lshme\ Reynolds Mathewis X Pool 

his Mark 

John X Van Hining his 

Mark Tobias X Salsbury 

Charles Near Mark 

his John Cobham^ 

Nicholas X Boss 
Jacob X Finehout 
Peter X Finehout 

•From the manuscript minutes, vol i, pp. 240-243. 
'These signatures were attached to the oath at various times in 1778 
and 1779. 

832 State of New York 

I do hereby solemnly without any mental Reser- 
vation or Equivocation whatsoever swear and declare and 
call God to witness that I renounce and Adjure all Allegi- 
ance to the King of Great Britain and that I will bear true 
Faith and Allegiance to the State of New York as a free 
and Independant State, and that I will in all Things to the 
best of my Knowledge and Ability do my Duty as a good 
and faithful Subject of the said State ought to do — so help 
me God — 

Sworn 12?'' Aug* 1782I Arch? McNeil 

before me at Albany/ [Signatures] 

Samj Stringer Justice. 

The above Oath administred by 
me to Abner Darling the io'> Abner Darling 
Day of October 1782. [Signatures] 

John M: Beeckman Justice 

I do solemnly and without any mental Reser- 
vation or equivocation whatsoever Swear and call God to 
Witness that I beleive & acknowledge the State of New 
York to be of Right a free and Independent State and that 
no authority or power can of right be exercised in or over 
the said State but what is or shall be granted by or derived 
from the People thereof and further that as a good Subject 
of the said free and Independant State of New York I will 
to the best of my knowledge and Ability faithfully do my 
duty, and as I shall keep or disregard this Oath so help and 
deal with me Almighty God. 

John Visger Duncan MacDougall 

Volckert Van Veghten Corn^ Van Schelluyne 

[Signatures] R* Bleecker 

Appendix III : Miscellanea 83;^ 

[Signatures] Rob* Clench 

John Glen 
Hendrick Frey 
John Duncan 
Barnet Stilwell 
Peter W. Yates 
Henry Ten Eyck 
Gysbert Fonda 
Corn? Glen 
Daniel Campbell 
James EUice 

I Leonard Gansevoort JunT Clerk to the Commissioners 
of the County of Albany appointed for detecting & defeat- 
ing all Conspiracies which may be formed in this State 
against the Liberties of America do most solemnly swear 
in the Presence of Almighty God, that I will keep secret all 
such Matters as shall be given me in Charge by the said 
Commissioners and that I shall remain under such Injunc- 
tion till discharged therefrom by the said Commissioners — 

Leon"^ Gansevoort Jun" 


To Tohn Morin Scott EsqT Secretary of the State of Hew York 
TVT X7 1 Col. MSS. 

JNew York — loi : 149 

We John M. Beekman, Mathew Visscher and Isaac D. ''^^^^> 
Fonda Esq" Commissioners appointed for enquiring into 1778 
detecting and defeating all Conspiracies which may be ®P " ' 
formed in this State against the Liberties of America agree- 
able to the Directions of an Act of the Legislature of the State 
of New York entitled "an Act more eflfectually to prevent the 

1 The entire oath is in Gansevoort's handwriting, and was subscribed to 
by him on April 24, 1778. For facsimile see Vol. I, p. 292. 

834 State of New York 

Mischiefs arising from the Influence and Example of Persons 
of equivocal and suspected Characters in this State" do 
hereby certify that in Pursuance of the said Act we have 
caused the following Persons to come before us viz.* David 
Van Schaack of the District of Kinderhook on the Thirtieth 
Day of August last, Nicholas Stevens of the Township of 
Schonectady on the Fifteenth Day of August last, Henry Van 
Schaack of the District of Kinderhook on the Seventeenth 
Day of August last, and Lambert Burghart of the District 
of Kinderhook on the twenty first Day of August last Alex- 
ander Campbell of the Township of Schonectady on the 
Seventh Day of September Instant and Martin Crom of 
Claverack District on the Fourteenth Day of September 
Instant and offered to administer to them respectively the 
Oath therein mentioned which the said David Van Schaack, 
Nicholas Stevens, Henry Van Schaack Lambert Burghart, 
Alexander Campbell and Martin Crom severally refused to 
take As Witness our Hands and seals this twenty second 
Day of September in the Year One thousand seven hundred 
and seventy eight 

John M: Beeckman [Seal] 
Mat: Visscher [Seal] 

Isaac D Fonda [Seal]' 

00^ Ms's. List of the Names of Persons who have refused to take the 
*o2 : 30 Oath prescribed by a Law of this State to be taken by Persons 
of neutral and equivocal Characters and who have in Con- 
1783 sequence thereof been removed within the Enemy's Lines 
or detained by his Excellency the Governor for Exchange. 
Richard Cartwright Richard Minifee 

Peter Vosburgh John Stevenson 

Lowrence Goes Absolom Woodworth 

> The body of this document is in the handwriting of Leonard Ganse- 
voort, Jr., and is signed by the Commissioners. 

Appendix III : Miscellanea 835 

Harmen Pruyn John Gumming 

William Rea Isaac Man 

Barent Van Der Pool John Kortz Jun^ 
Andries Huyck Alexander White 

Benjamin Baker i/Dirck Gardinier 

Henry Van Dyck Mathew Goes JunT 

James Dole i/John D. Goes 

Marte Van Buren John Van Alen 

David Van Schaack Henry Van Schaack 

Nicholas Stevens i/ Lambert Burghart 

John Thurman Alexander Campbell 

Peter Van Schaack i/Martin Crom 

Andries Ten Eyck 
Those marked (v') were to have been sent down with the 
Van Schaack's but secreted themselves and could not then be 
found and are now at their respective Homes — they with 
the Van Schaacks &c had been reserved for Exchange by the 

Stewart Dean "I Commissi? 

Albany 8 Feb?'. 1783 John M. Beeckmanj- for 

Samj Stringer J Conspiracies* 

Endorsed: Return of 

the Persons 
banished by 
by Commiss" 
at Albany 

May it please your Excellency. Uew York 

Having been a Prisoner on Parole to the Commissioners of ^lljfll' 
Conspiracy for these two years past, & confined to the Town (NYSL) 

of Schenectady, not being allowed to reside on my Farm, — 1781 
■' Mar. 30. 

» The body of this document is in the handwriting of Leonard Ganse- 
voort, Jr., and is signed by the Commissioners. 

836 State of New York 

my Property not protected; — These, with other Reasons, 
induce me to wish for Permission to remove to Canada with 
my Family. — I have therefor[e] presumed to apply to your 
Excellency for Permission to be exchanged for some Citizen 
of this State now a Prisoner in Canada, and that I may be 
allowed to go under the Protection of the first public Flagg. — 
I will do myself the Honor to wait personally upon your Ex- 
cellency at any Hour that may be convenient. — An Answer 
from your Excellency will much oblige, 
Your most obedient 

& very humble serv- 
His Excellency John Stuart. 

Governor Clinton. 

Albany March 30*'' 1781 

I hereby signify my Consent and Approbation to the Ex- 
change of John Stuart agreable to his above Request. 
Given at Albany this 30''' March 1781 

Geo: Clinton 
Addressed: Endorsed: 

To John Stuart permitted to be 

His Excellency exchanged by the Gov- 

Governor Clinton ernor 

Albany March 30*'? 178 1 

filed in the Secretary's Of- 
fice the 30*^ day of March 
1781 — 

See Analytical Index 
Vol. III. 
