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History of Classical Philology 




Genera gustamus non biHiothecas excutinms. — QuiNTlLlAN 



I 892 



History df Classical Philology 





Genera £tistamus non bibliothecas excutimtu. — QUINTILIAN 






This Syllabus was originally prepared for a course of lectures 
on the history of classical philology, given at the Johns Hopkins 
University ; it is now published with the hope that, in the absence 
of a compendious manual such as I have in preparation, it may 
prove helpful to a wider circle of classical students. 

June i, 1892. A. G. 

A. General Introduction. 


1. 4 

HMAoyof, ypa/ifiartKdg, KpiriKog, 


II. Philology in Modern Times, 

■ 4 

III. Methods op Treatment, . 


History of Classical Philology. 


Greek Period, 

. 5 

I. Pre-Alexandrian, 


2. Alexandrian, 


3. The Stoics, 


4. School of Pergamum, 



Graeco-Roman Period, 


I. Post-Alexandrian, 

. 18 

List of extant Scholia, 

. 20 

Critical Signs, .... 


2. Roman Period, 



Middle Ages, 

■ 27 

I. Byzantian Period, 

• 27 

2. Middle Ages in W. Europe, 

. 30 

List of Oldest MSS, 



Revival of Learning in Italy, 


I. Greek Immigrants, 

■ 31 

2. Italian Humanists, 

• 32 

List of Editiones Principes, 



France, . 



The Netherlands, 

. . 38 

I. First Period, 


2. Second Period, . 


3. Third Period, 


4. Fourth Period, . 



England, . . . • 

• 42 



■ 43 

(A). Ante-Wolffian Period, . 

• 43 

(B). The New School, . 


I. Grammatico-critical School, 

. . . 46 

2. Historico-antiquarian School, 



A. General Introduction. 

I. a. ^dokoyoz — its original meaning and semasiological develop- 
First met with in Plato (<?. g. Theaet., p. 146 a ; Laches, p. 188 ; 

R^P-i P- 582 ; Leges, p. 641 e). 0pp. to lutroKoyos, ^pax<ikoyos. 
Lquivalent to iroKiXoyos, <pi\6ao^os. (j>iKoXoyia =7rai8e(a (jiovtriKry), 

Cf. Plato, Phaed. 61 a; Isoc. de Amid. 296: ivrpairiklav nai 

^CKoKoyiav ov /iiKpov fiyovvrai uvfi^aKecrdai p^pos, jrpds rrjv Tav \6ya>v 
Ttaibilav, etc. 

Alexandrian Period: Equivalent to <j>iKopa6fis, noXviarap (cf. 
Plut. Alex., c. 8). In this sense first applied to Eratosthenes, 
and among the Romans to Ateius Capita. Cf. Sueton. de 
gram., p. loS R. " Philologi appellationem assumpsisse vide- 
tur quia, sicut Eratosthenes qui primus hoc cognomen sibi 
vindicavit, multiplici variaque doctrina censebatur." 

Roman Period: (fiiXoXoyeiv — learned conversation. Cf. Cic. ad 
fam. XVI 21; Plut. Cato Min. 6; Ps. Plut. Vit. X Orat., p. 

844 D. (^iXdXo-yot Opp. to noXinkoi — Plut. Lyc. 42. Opp. to 
(j)iK6(ro^os — Vita Plotini, p. 116: <j>iKokoyos piv 6 Auyylvos, (piXo- 
<TO(f)os 8e pri&apSii. Opp. tO ajralSevTos — Stob. Floril. 428, 53. 

Philologus = vir studiosus, doctus — Cic. ad Att. XIII 12, 3; 
Plut. de aud. poet. 30 d. More closely all^^d to philologist 
in the modern sense in Seneca, Ep. 108, 29, quoted below. 

i>. rpa[i[iartx6<; {ypafifiarr/:^, sc. ^s;fv!j) — its original meaning and 
semasiological development. 
Conversant with ypappdra (Plato, Phil. 17; Crat, p. 341; Arist. 

Pol. VIII 3; Categ. 9). ypafi/iaTto-r^r = a teacher of ypap- 

para (Plato, Prot. 312; Legg. VII 812). 
Alexandrian Period: Clem. Alex. STpap. I, p. 309 : 'An-oXXd- 

Sapos ('AyToSoapor ?) d Kvpaios (unknown) irp&Tos rov KpiUKOv elatj- 
yrjcraro ToCvopa Ka\ ypappaniths Trpocrriyopevdrj, "Evioi Se EpaToaBhrj 

= Texv'j I'.iKpa, 

Tov Kvprjva.toi' cjjacnv e'jreiSij i^ehaKCv ovtos j3i(3Xia Svo ypafifuinica iiri- 
ypa^as. aiiop.a.(Tdrj bi ypajifmriKos, air vvv (S'J- Cent.) ovopA^op-ev, 
■npSiTos lipa^irjiavr]! (c. 3OO B. €.)• TpappanKi] aCC. tO Dionysius 
Thrax : 'EpneLpia i>s eVi TO irXeirTTOv Tav napa Troirjraiy re Kai (Tvyypa- 
cjievai Xeyoiiepav. StX subdivisions : 

1. Avdyvcoais evTpi^rjs Kara npoaadiav 

2. E^rjyrjins Kara TrmrjTiKovs rponovs 

3. TXaxra-mv <tai iaropiav Trpo^^'pos diroSocris 

4- ErvpoXoyias evpf(TK 

5- AvaKoyias iK\oyuTp.6s 

6. UplaLs ttoltjpAtcov — t dn KaX\ia'T6i' itTTi 1 / > \ / 

, ^ ^ , > '= T, paupa, Ei/TtAijr. 

iravToiv €V tt} r^xv^f ) 

Sext. Emp. adv. Gramm. I 4 (according to Apollonios Dys- 

Colos ?) TpappaTiKrj: I. rexvi'Kov ', 2. ItrTopiKov; 3. iSiairf- 
pov. a. e^rjytjTiKdp; b. KpiTiKov; C, StopdanKoi/. 

Roman Period: Sueton. de gramm., p.. 103 Rf. : "Appellatio 
grammaticorum Graeca consuetudine invaluit sed initio liUe- 
rati vocabantur. Cornelius quoque Nepos libello quo dis- 
tinguit litteratum ab erudito, litteratos vulgo quidem appellari 
ait eos qui diligenter aliquid et acute scienterque possint aut 
dicere aut scribere, ceterum proprie sic appeliandos poetarum 
interpretes qui a Graecis grammatici nominentur." Cic. de 
orat. 142,187: grammatica = poetarum pertractio, histori- 
arum cognitio, verborum interpretatio, pronuntiandi quidem 
sonus ; cp. also Orat. I 22; de div. In; Quint. I 4, II i, 4 
(grammatica = litteratura), and Sen. Ep. 88. 

c. Kpaabz. 

Among the Greeks: First found in Ps. Plat. Axioch. 366 E: 

oirorav Se els Trjv iTiTaenav d(j)iKr]rai ttoXKovs irovovs Siavrkfjcrav, TraiSa- 
•yffl'yol Ka\ ypappancrraX Ka\ TraiSorpijSai TVpavvovvres. ai/^opevov Se 
KpiTiKol, yeaperpai, raKTiKol, noX-ti nXrjdos ddTTTOT&v. KpirtKds as 

a synonym of ypafipariKos. TpappariKf] sometimes made 
subordinate to KpmKr). Cf. Schol. ad Dionys. Thr., p. 673, 

19 • imyeypaTTTai. yap to nap&v <Tvyypapp,a Kara pev Tivas nepl ypap- 
panKtjs, Kara 8e irepovs nepi KpiTtKijs TE;^vijr. KpiTiKT] 8e Xcyerai fj rexvij 

eK TOV KaXKiaTov pcpovs. Bekker^ Anecd. Gr,, p. 1140; to Trp6- 

Tepov KpiTiKfj eXeyiTO (sc. rj ypappaTlKrf) Kal oi Tavrr}!/ periovTfS KpiTiKol. 
Dio Chrys. 53 : oi p6vov 'Apia-rapxos Kal KpoTijs koI erepoi nXelovs 
tS)v va-Tipov ypappanK&v KXrjBevrav, vportpov 8e KpvnKmv. Sext. 
Emp. adv. Gramm., §248 : Taupio-xos ■yoCy o KpaTijTor (jKoiio-Tijf 
aamep ol aXXoi KpiTiKoi, viroTaua-av TJj KpiTiKrj ttjv ypappariKYji-, CtC. 

Among the Romans: Cic. ad fam. IX lo, i (quoted by Suet., 
p. hi): profert alter, opinor, duobus versiculis expensum 
Niciae ; alter Aristarchus hos oiSeXifet. Ego tamquam criticus 
antiquus iudicaturus sum, utrum sint tov ■nonyrov an napeix^e^- 
'Kriixivoi. Hor. Ep, II I, 51 : ut critici dicunt. Apparently- 
net found elsewhere in Latin, grammaticus being the word 
commonly used. For the distinction between the various 
termini, the locus classicus is found in Senec. Ep. 108, 29: 
Cum Ciceronis librum de republica prendit hinc philologus 
aliquis, hinc grammaticus, hinc philosophiae deditus alius 
alio curam suam mittit. Philosophus admiratur contra iusti- 
tiam dici tarn multa potuisse. Cum ad banc eandem lectio- 
n&m philologus accessit, hoc subnotat : duos Romanos reges 
esse, quorum alter patrem non habet, alter patrem : nam de 
Servii matre dubitatur, Anci pater nullus, Numae nepos 
dicitur. Praeterea notat eum, quem nos dictatorem dicimus 
et in historiis ita nominari legimus, apud antiques magistrum 
populi vocatum. Hodieque id exstat in auguralibus libris et 
testimonium est quod qui ab illo nominetur, magister equitum 
est. Aeque notat Romulum perisse sohs defectione, provo- 
cationem ad populum etiam a regibus fuisse ; id ita in ponti- 
ficalibus libris et alii putant et Fenestella. Eosdem libros 
cum grammaticus explicuit primum verba expressa, reapse 
dici a Cicerone id est re ipsa, in commentarium refert nee 
minus sepse id est se ipse, deinde transit ad ea quae consuetu- 
de saeculi mutavit tamquam ait Cicero . . ' ab ipsa cake . . revo- 
cati' banc quam nunc in circo cretam vocamus, calcem antiqui 
dicebant. Deinde Ennianos coUigit versus et in primis illos 
de Africano scriptos . . , Felicem deinde se putat quod 
invenerit unde visum sit Vergilio dicere, ' quem super ingens 
porta tenat caeli' — Ennium, hoc ait, Homero subripuisse, 
Ennio Vergilium, esse enim apud Cicerenem in his ipsis de 
republica libris hoc epigramma Enni. Modern literature on 
this subject : 

/. Classen, De grammaticae Graecae primordiis; Bonn, 1829. Lobeck, 
Phrynichus, p. 392 flF. K. Lehrs, De vocabulis ^iAo/'ioyof, ypa/ji/jaTue6c, 
KpiTiKoc (Appendix to Herodiani Scvipta Tria, Berlin, 1857). Grdfenhan, 
Gesch. der class. Philologie, I 336 ff.; Ill 4 ff. Stdnthal, Gesch. d. 
Sprachwissenschaft bei den Griecli. u. Rem. IP, p. 14 ff. Susemihl, 
Gesch. del- Alexand. Literat. I, p. 327 (see below). 


II. Philology in Modern Times : 

Its various definitions, subdivisions and its scope. 

In a narrower sense — Grammar, Lexicology, Textual Crit- 
icism, Hermeneutics, aesthetic or literary criticism (' Higher 
Criticism '). 

In a wider sense, it includes the study of ancient life in all 
its various, political, social and intellectual phases, as handed 
down to us in the literary, epigraphic and monumental docu- 
ments of Greece and Rome. 

J^r. Ast, Grundriss der Phil. 1808. A. Bockk, Encyclopaedie und Me- 
thodologie, etc., ed. by Klussmann; Leipzig, 1886. Fr. Ritschl, Opusc. 
V I ff. Fr. Haase, Ersch u. Gruber, III, sec. 23, pp. 374-422. H. Reich- 
ardt. Die Gliederung der Philologie; Tubingen, 1846. E. Huhner, Ency- 
clop., p. 3 £f. 

III. Methods of Treatment. 

1. The Synchronistic or Annalistic Method. 

a. History of a single period. E. g. the Alexandrian, the 

b. Philological history of a single author. E. g. Homeric 
criticism ; Aristotle, history of his works (Shute). 

c. History of an individual scholar and his influence (Biog- 
raphy and Bibliography). E: g. Monk, Life of Bentley ; 
O. Ribbeck, Ritschl, 'Ein.Beitrag zur Gesch. der class. 
Philologie'; D. Ruhnken, Elogium Hemsterhusii ; Wyt- 
tenbach, Elogium Ruhnkenii ; M. Pattison, Casaubon. 

2. The Eidographic Method. 

a. e. g. The science of Greek Grammar (Bernhardy, Steinthal). 

b. e. g. The history of Hermeneutics and Textual Criticism 
(Blass), Epigraphy (G. Hinrichs, E. Hiibner, Th. Momm- 

3. The Ethnographic or Geographic Method. 

a. History of a particular school, e. g. at Alexandria or in 
Pergamum (Parthey, Wegener). 

b. Philological history of a single nation, e. g. the Germans 
(Bursian), the Dutch (L. Muller). 

B. History of Classical Philology. 

General bibliography: /. A. Fabncius, Bibliotheca Graeca, ed. Harles ; 
12 voll., 1809. Id., Bibliotheca Latina, ed. Ernesti; 2 voll., 1774. E. 
Hiibner, Bibliographie der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft ; Berlin, 
iSSg'i. Urlichs, in I. Miiller's Handbuch, I i, pp. 126. 

The Greek Period (5 cent.-i46 B. C). 

Bibliography : Grafenhan, Gesch. der class. Philologie, 4 voll.; Bonn, 
1843-50. Lersch, Sprachphilosophie der Alten, 3 voll., 1841. Steinthal, 
Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft bei den Griechen u. R5mern, 2 vols.; 
Berlin, 1891^ E. Egger, Essai sur I'Histoire de la Critique chez les 
Grecs; Paris, i886^pp. 570. 

I. The Pre-Alexandrian Period, 5 cenl.-322 (f Aristotle). 

a. The alleged recension of Homer by Peisistratus. 

Cf. IVilamowitz, Homer. Untersuch.,. p. 235 ff. Flach, Peisistratus u. 
seine literarische Thatigkeit; Tubingen, 1885. Also Ritschl, Opusc. I, 
pp. 31-60, 123 ff., 160-67, 196 ff. 

b. The Sophists. 

Cf. W. 0. Friedel, De sophistarum studiis Homericis, Diss. Hallens. I, 
1873, p. 127 ff. Grafenhan, I, pp. 124-41. L. Spengel, ^vvayayr) TExvav, 
1828. Westermann, Griech. Beredsamkeit, 1832. Blass, Griech. Bered- 
samkeit. Vol. I. Cope, Aristotle's Rhetoric, Vol. I, Introduction. 

o. Gorgias of Leontini (arrived at Athens 427 B. C). 

Ilepi ovo/iaTav trvvBtcretos — laoKoKa nipicra 6fiotoTe\evTa. Oral 

instruction. A treatise on rhetoric falsely attributed to 
him by Dionysius, Diogenes Laertius and Quintilian. 
Cf. the literature cited above. 
^. Protagoras of Abdera (f 41 1 B. C). 

Uepi opdoinetas — P. the first to distinguish grammatical 
moods and genders. Cp. Aristoph. Clouds, vv. 659 ff. 
Cf. Classen, 1. t., p. 28; Lersch, 1. c, p. 18 ff.; Spengel, p. 52 ff., and 
the citations given above. 

y. Prodicus of Ceos (older contemporary of Socrates). 

Founder of synonymies. 
Cf. Spengel, 1. t., p. 46 ff.; Lersch, p. 15 ff.; Welcker, Rh. Mus. I, pp. 
1-39. 563-643 (=K1. Schr. II, pp. 393-541)- 

c. Literary Criticism in Attic Comedy. 
Cp. Egger, 1. c, pp. 37-89. 

d. Plato (427-347) as a philologist, 
(i) Grammar (Svona, prjiJ.a). 

(2) Etymology (esp. in the Cratylus). 

(3) Exegesis (Poem of Simonides in the Protagoras). 

(4) Aesthetic or Literary Criticism (esp. in the Republic). 

Cf. Steinthal, I^ pp. 41-152 (on the Cratylus). 

e. The official copy of the three dramatists. 

Cf. O. Korn, De publico Aesch., Soph., Eurip., fabularum exeniplari 
Lycurgo auctore confecto, Bonn, 1863; Wilamowitz, Hermes, XIV 151 ; 
Eurip. Heracl. I, p. 130. 

e. Aristotle of Stagira, 384-322. 

Dio ChrySOSt. LIII, p. 553 : 'Api(TTOTe\r]S, acj)' ov (f>aa-l T^v 
KpiTLKrjv re Kol ypafifiOriKfji' ap)(r]V Xa^elv. 

(i) Edition of Homer (rj dwA tov vdpBr^Kos ; cf. Plut. Alex. 8 : 
Strabo, XIII 594; Schol. Iliad. 21, 252; Schol. Theocr. 

I 34 — Upo^\fip.ara (?). 

(2) Grammar, Style, r/z^/(7;'«V (Poet. c. 24 ff.; Rhet.,bk. III). 

(3) Aesthetic criticism (Poetics, HepX ttoi^^tSiv). 

(4) AtSao-KaXiai, C. I. G. I 349 sqq.) C. I. A. I 971-77. 

Ranke, Vita Aristophanis (in Thiersch, Plutus, 1830), p. 83 ff.; Richter, 
Arist. Wasps, Introd.; U. Kohler, Mittheil. d. Athen. Instit. Ill (1878), 
p. 112 f., 1 29 ff. 

f. The Peripatetic School. 

a. Heracleides Ponticus, pupil of Plato and Aristotle. 

Cf. Grafenhan, II, p. 63; Unger, Rh. Mus. 38, p. 481 ff.; L. Cohn, 
Comment. Reiffersch., Breslau, 1884. 

/3. Theophrastus of Eresos, 372-287/6. 

(1) IIf/)i KtafiaSias (Athen. 261 d}. 

(2) Hep I Xf|emt (Dionys. Hal. de Lys. c. 14). 

Cf. //. Usener, De Dionysii Hal. imitatione reliquiae, Bonn, 1889. 

(3) ne/)t p-irpav, irspl (ro\oLKt(rp.S>v, probably" parts of (2). 
Cf. the catalogue of his writings given by Diog. Laert. 
(from Hermippos) V 42-50. 

y. Aristoxenus 6 jxovaiKos, of Tarentum. 

Ilepl TpayaboTToiasv (esp. on Soph.), irepX rpayiKfjs op^ri- 
crewf , 'Siipp.iKTa iTrofiVTJfiaTa nepl fiov(7iKfis, nepl peKoTvouas — Bi'oi 

(philosophers and tragedians). Cf. W. L. Mahne, Dia- 
tribe de A., 1793, pp. 220. 

8. Dicaearchus, 347-287. 

'Ynodea-eis rav BipmiSov Koi 2o(j>oK.\eovs ii.C6asv (hypothesis 

to Eur. Medea still extant). 

Iiepi liova-iKOiv dyai/av (Schol. Arist. Ran. 1 335; Vesp. 1290). 

Cf. F. Osann, Beitr. zur griech. u. rom. Litteraturgesch. II, 1839, p. i ff.; 
Pauly, R. E. II 996 ff. 

^. Praxiphanes of Rhodes or Mytilene, floruit c. 300. 

^TLpSyros ypa/i/iaTiKo's '; vid. Clem. Alex. cited above. Teacher 
of Aratus and Callimachus. 

\Vorks ; nepl jrotTjrai', itipi i(TTopias, Trepl troirifidTcov. 
L. Preller, De Praxiphane (Ausgewahlte Aufsatze, Berlin, 1864); Suse- 
mihl, I, p. 144 ff,; Wilamowitz, Hermes, XII, p. 326 ff.; R. Hirzel, 
Hermes, XIII, p. 46 ff. 

A. Antigonos of Carysios, born c. 295. 

(i) Lives oi contemporary philosophers. 

(2) Lives of Greek sculptors and painters. 

Cf. Wilamowitz, Antigonos von Carystos (Philol. Unters. IV, pp. 356) ; 
Susetnihl, I, pp. 468-75, 519-23; II 675. 

. The Alexandrian Period, 322 (or 305)-i43 (t Aristar- 

Chief work : F. Susemihl, Gesch. d. griech. Literal, in der Alexand. 
Zeit, 2 vols., 1892, pp. 907, 771. 

General characteristics of the period. The great Library and Museum . 
Cf. Couat, pp. 1-50; Susemihl, I, p. 335 ff.; Parthey, Das Alexandrin. 
Museum, Berlin, 1838; Ritschl, Opusc. I, pp. 1-70, 123-72, 197-237; 
Bernhardy, Gesch. d. griech. Literat. I^, pp. 509-43, II 699 ff.; Wilamo- 
witz, Euripides' Heracles, I, p. 121 ff. 

a. Philetas of Cos, 339-289/5. 

"Atokto ("ATOKTot yXao-o-ai, vXaaaaC). The first attempt at a 

Homeric lexicon. Cf. Aristarchus, llpos ^iXijtSv. 
On Philetas as a poet, vide Couat, La Poesie Alexandrine, Paris, 1882, 
p. 68 ff.; Susemihl, I, p. 174 ff. 

b. Zenodotus of Ephesus, c. 325-c. 260. 

Pupil of Philetas. First librarian of Alexandria, 
(i) Collection of the works of the epic and lyric poets. Cf. 
Schol. Plautinum ; Ritschl, Opusc. 1. c. 

(2) rXSo-o-at 'Ofiripiiial (Schol. Od. 3, 444; Schol. ApoU. 
Rhod. II 1005). 

(3) A id jD 5 0)0- IS (or Uhaais) 'O/xijpou, the first scientific edi- 
tion of the Iliad and the Odyssee. Published shortly 
before 274 B. C. 

On his critical method, cf. F. A. Wolff, Proleg. c. 43 ; Sengebmch, Diss. 
Horn. I, p. 21 fF.; Diintzer, De Zenodoti studiis Homericis, Gottingen, 
1848; Homer, Ueber die Homerrecension des Zenodot (Milnchner Acad. 
I, CI, XVII, pp. 639-722 (1B85); Susemihl, I, pp. 327-35. 

c. Alexander Aetolus, floruit c. 285 B. C. 

Collection of the Greek tragic poets in the Alexand. Library. 
Cf. RitschI, 1. c, pp. 2-4, 199 f. On his poetry : Meineke, Anal. Alex, 
p. 215 ff-; Susemihl, I, pp. 187-90; Couat, p. 105 ff. 

d. Lycophron of Chalets, c. 285 B. C. 

(i) Collection of the comic poets in the Alexand. Library. 
Cf. RitschI, 1. 1;. 

(2) liepl KM/napSiay in at least II books. The oldest work 
of its kind. 

Cf. IC Strecker, De Lycophrone Euphronio Eratosthene comicorum 
interpretibus, Greifswald, 1884 (with collection of fragments); Susemihl, 
I, p. 274. 426. 

e. Callimachus of Cyrene, c. 310-c. 240. 

Second librarian of Alexandria. Meya ^i^Xiov, fieya kokov. 

Chief work : HivuKes tS>i/ iv naa-rj naiSfla SiaXa/ii/'ai'- 

Tav Kal &v a-vveypayj^ap, 120 books. On the classifica- 
tion and contents of this catalogue : 

Cf. 0. Schneider, Callimachea, II, pp. 297-322 ; Wachsmuth, Philol. 
XVI 653 ff.; Grafenhan, II 182 ff.; Susemihl, I 337 f. On C. as a poet cf. 
Couat, pp. 1 1 1-284; Susemihl, I 347-73. 

f. Eratosthenes of Cyrene, c. 276-196. 

'o ^iKoKoyoi, the first to assume that name. Cf. Sueton. 1. c. 
Third librarian of Alexandria. One of the most versa- 
tile and learned scholars of all times. (6 •nimaSkos, V,r\ta, 

cf. SuidaS S. v. 'EpaToa-6evT]S.) 

(i) rea>ypa<piKd, 3 books. The first scientific treatment 
of the subject. Cf. Berger, Gesch. der wissenschaftl. 
Erdkunde bei den Griech. Ill 57-112, Lpz. 1891. 

(2) nepi xp°''°yp'^4'^""'- Cf. Diels, Rh. Mus. 31, p. i ff.; 
Niese, Hermes, XXIII 92 ff. 

(3) 'oXviimoviKai. C£ Bernhardy, Eratosthenica, p. 247 flf. 

(4) iiepi Tijs apxai-as KB/imSi'as, in at least 12 books. "A 
philological masterpiece." 

Cf. Strecker, 1. c; Wilamowitz, Hermes, XXI 597 f.; Bernhardy, 1. c, 
p. 203-37, and Susemihl, I 409-28. 

g. Aristophanes of Byzantium, c. 257-c. 180. 

Librarian, successor of Eratosthenes or Apollonius Rhodius. 
The greatest philologist of antiquity. 

(i) Invention (?) of accents, punctuation (ace. to Arcadius, 
p. 186 ff.). 

Cf. Nauck, p. 12 fF.; Wilamowitz, 1. c, 127 f.; Susemihl, I 432, goi ; Use- 
ner ap. eundem, II 672. 

(2) KpiTiKo. trrifieia. Cf. Nauck, pp. 15-18. On the Sym- 
bols themselves see below. 

(3) Editions with critical signs to — 

a. Homer (Ai6pda<ns 'Ofirjpov). Cf. Wolff, Proleg. c. 44 ; 
Nauck, 1. c, 25-58. Close of the Odyssee, 23, 296. 
On his method of criticism see Wilamowitz below. 

0. Hesiod, Theogony .(cf. Schol. Theog. 68). 

y. Alcaeus, Anacreon, Pindar and perhaps Simonides 

(Dionys. de comp. verb. 26). 
S. Euripides (Schol. Or. 714, 1287; Hipp. 172). Cf. 

Nauck, p. 62 f. 
e. Aristophanes (Schol. Av. 1342; Thesm. 162, 917; 

Ran. 152 f ; Nub. 958). Cf. Nauck, pp. 18, 63-66. 
x). Menander (?). Cf his saying : " S Me'vavSpe Koi /3ie, 

iTOT€po5 ap vfiav TTorepov airepifirjaaTO , 

(4) 'Ynodecreis to Soph. Eur. Arist. and perhaps Aesch. 
(probably prefixed to his editions). Contents : Argu- 
ment of the play, its sources, didascalia, aesthetic judg- 
ment. The following extant fragments of iirodiaeis are 
probably ultimately based upon those of Aristophanes : 

Aeschylus: Persae, Sept. adv. Theb., Agam., Eumen., 

Sophocles: Oed. Col., Philoct., Aiax, Oed. Rex 

Euripides: Hecuba, Orest., Phoen., Medea, Hyppol., 
Alcest., Androm., Troad. [Rhesosi, Ion, Iphig. Taur., 
Bacch., Heracleid., Helena, Hercul. Fur., Cyclops (none 
extant to Suppl., Iph. Aul., Electra). 

Aristophanes: Acharn. I, U (metrical); Equit. I, 11, 
III (met.) ; Nub. I, II, III, IV (met.), V, VI, VII <VIII, 
IX, X>; Vesp. I, II (met.); Pax, I, II, III, IV (met.); 
Aves, I, II, III, IV (met.); Lysist. I, II (met.); Ranae, 

1, II (met.), <III, IV>; Eccl. I, II (met.); Pint. I, II, 
III, IV, [V], VI (met). 

Cf. jP. W. Schneidemn, De hypothesibus tragoed. Graec. Aristoph. 
Byz. vindicandis (Abh. der Gbtt. Gesell. der Wiss., Vol. IV, 1853-55); 
Nauck, 1. c, p. 255 ff.; Trendelenburg, Grammat. Graec, de arte trag. iudi- 
ciorum reliquiae, Bonn, 1867. 


(5) napdXX7;\oi MevdvSpov te xal dip Si c eK\e\jffp, 

(6) liept ■n-poa-mnav (perhaps the ultimate source of Pollux, 
IV 133-54). Cf. Najuk, p. 275 ff. ; J?okde, De I. P. . . 
fontibus, Lpz. 1870. 

(7) iLapoifiiai (jL(TpiKa\ and nutrpoi) in 6 books. Cf. Nauck, 
p. 235-42 ; Leutsch, Philol. Ill 566. 

(8) Hepi dvaXoyias, Nauck, p. 264 ff. 

(9) Xiepl Tfjs dxvvp-evrjs o-KtiToXT/r, a treatise on a passage 
in Archilochus (fragm. 89, 2). Nauck, p. 273 ff. 

(10) Ae^ets — Ilepl tS>v VTTOTTTCVopivait fxr] €lp^a'Bai Tols TraXaioLSj 
77ep\ ovopaiTias rjXiKiaiu, Trept avyyevtKcov opop-draiif — Attikol Xe^etp, 

AaKaviKoX y\a><T<raL. The first Scientific work on lexicog- 
raphy. About 100 fragments preserved. 

Cf. Nauck, I. u., p. 69-iqo ; Rh. Mus. VI 322-51 ; Frssenitis, De U^tuv 
Avistophanearum et Suetoniarum excerptis Byzantinis, Wiesbaden, 1875 ; 
L. Cohn, Jahrb. f. Philol. Suppl. XII 283-374. 

(11) IIpos irivaKas KaXXi/aa^ou. Of this Supplement tO 

the great catalogue of Callimachus, the extant distribu- 
tion of the Platonic Dialogues into trilogies (Diog. Laert. 
Ill 61 f ) formed probably a part. 

(12) Kdvov^i or lists of 'best authors.' Cf. Quint. X i, 
54: "Apollonius in ordinem a grammaticis datum non 
venit quia Aristarchus atque Aristophanes neminem sui 
temporis in ordinem redegerunt"; vid. also X i, 59 and 
I 4. 3- 

For extant ancient lists cf. Usener, Dionysii Halic. librorura de imi- 
tatione reliquiae, Bonn, 1889. On the probable character and contents 
of these canones, cf. Ranke, Vita Aristoph., p. 104 ff.; Steffen, De canone 
qui dicitur Aristophanis et Aristarchi, Lpz. 1876; Brzoska, De canone 
decern oratorum, Breslau, 1883; P. Hartmann, De canone decern orato- 
rum, Gottingen, i8gi, and Smemihl, I 445, 484; II 674 f., 694-97. 

On Aristophanes of Byzantium in general cf. A. N'auck, Aristophanis 
Byzantii Fragmenta, Halle, 1848, pp. 338; Smemihl, I 428-48; Wilamo- 
witz, Eur. Heracles, I 137-53. 

h. Aristarchus of Samothrace, 217/5-145/ 3. 

'OpjIpiKos, o KpiTiKoe irdm apiaros ypaiip,anK6s (Schoh Honi. B 

316) 6 dpfjp (Herodianus in Schol. B 153) pAvTis (Athen. 
XIV 634). 800 vnop,vf)p.aTa. Difference betw. vtrop.vtip.aTa 
and <Tvyypdp.paTa. The latter more highly esteemed than 
the former. Cf. Didymus (Schol. B iii): d yap ra a-vy- 

ypappara t&v vjropvrjpdTiov irpoTaTrofxev. 

(i) Edition of Homer. Two editions. Cf. Lehrs, p. 23; 
Ludwig, I 17 ff. Cp. Schol. K 397: Ammonius, the 


successor of Aristarchus, the author of a treatise "Uepl 

Tov fifj yeyovfvai nXfiovas (sc. rmv Bio) eKdocTfis Trjs 'AptiTTap)(eiov 

(2) 'SvyypdfifiaTa — Ilfpi 'iXidSos Koi 'OSva-aetas (Schol. I 349), 
Ilpoj *iXi/rSi/ (Schol. A 524, B III), IIpo? Kapavov (Schol. 
A 97, B 798, Q 1 10), Upof TO Sivetvos rrapdSo^ov (Schol. M 

435 and Susemihl, II 149 f.), nepl tov vavaradpov with a 
map or Stdypappa (k 53, M 258, o 449, a 166, 807). 

On his critical method cf. Wolff, Proleg., p. 226 ff.; Lehrs, De Aristarchi 
studiis Homericis, Konigsberg, 1882' (1833'); Sengebmch, Diss. Horn. I 
24 ff.; Ludwig, Aristarch's Homerische Textkritik nach den Fragmenten 
des Didyraus, 2 vols., Lpz. 1885; Wilamowitz, Homer. Unters., p. 383 
ff.; Eurip. Heracles, I 154; Susemihl, I 451-63; Jebb, Homer, Glasgow, 
1887, p. 92 ff. 

(3) "YTro/ii/ijfjuTa 'commentaries' and fuSdcretr 'editions' 
with 'critical signs' to — 

a. Hesiod. 

Cf. Flach, Jahrb. f. Phil. 109 (1874), p. 815 ff.; 115 (1877), p. 433 ff.; 
WaescAkeyTls Aristarchi studiis Hesiodiis (Acta Sem. Lips. 1874); Schu- 
mann, Opusc. II 510 ff.; Ill 47 ff. 

(3. Commentary to Archilochus (Clem. Strom. I 326 D). 

y. Edition of Alcaeus (Hephaest., p. 136) and perhaps 

of Anacreon, certainly a commentary on this poet 

(Athen. XV 671 £, f'^riyoipevos). 

S. Pindar (edition and commentary). Peine, De Aris- 
tarcho Pindari interprete (Diss. lenen. II 253-327) ; 
Horn, De Aristarchi studiis Pindaricis, Greifswald, 
1883; Susemihl, I 460 ff.; Lehrs, Pindarscholien, Lpz. 

f. Commentary to Aeschylus, at all events to the AuxoCp- 

yos (Schol. Theocr. X 18). Ion, at least to the 'O/i^dAi; 

(Athen. XIV 634 c). 
i. Commentaries to Sophocles (cf. M. Schmidt, Didymi 

fragmenta, Lpz. 1854, p. 262). Aristophanes (O. 

Gerhard, De Aristarcho Aristophanis interprete, Bonn, 

1850 ; Schneider, De Aristophanis schol. font, p. 86 f.). 

(4) A.'s contributions to grammar. The first to distin- 
guish eight parts of speech. Cf. Quint. I 4, 20 ; Scho- 
mann, Redetheile, p. 12; Steinthal, 1. c. 

Plato — I. 'ivopa and 2. pij/ua ; cf Classen, 1. c, pp. 43- 


Aristotle (and Theodectes) — i. oi/o^a, 2. prjfia, 3. apBpov 
'article,' 4. awSeo-^dr 'conjunction,' ibid., p. 55 ff. Ac- 
cording to Dionysius, De comp. verb. 2 (= Quint. I 4), 
the article was not as yet recognized by these as a sepa- 
rate part of speech, but see Classen,- p. 59 f. 

Stoics (Chrysippus) — i. oVo/io, 2. Trpoa-rjyopia 'appellatio,' 
'proper names,' 3. prjfia, 4. a-vv8e(Tti6s, 5. npBpov 'article 
and pronoun,' 6. fieo-orriTa {iravbeKTrji) 'adverb' added by 

Aristarchus — i. ovo/io, 2. py]p.a, 3. avTavvpia 'pronoun,' 
4. impprifia 'adverb,' 5. ixeroxn 'participle,' 6. apSpov, 7. 

a-vvdeaiios, 8. irp6de<ns 'preposition." 

Cf. Classen; Lersch; Steinthal, vol. II; Schomann, 
11. cc; J?. Schmidt, Stoicorum grammatica, Halle, 1839; 
Th. Rumpel, Casuslehre, Halle, 1845, pp. 1-70. 
(5) Analogia (Aristarchus and his school) vs. Anomalia 
(Crates and the Stoics). Cf. Lersch; Steinthal, I 357- 
74; II 71-159. 
i. Hermippos 6 Y^ahX^axuai, of Smyrna. 

Btot Trept Tav € v TratSei'a Xaju^dyrwv. 

Of this voluminous work : Trepl rav vofioBerav, mpX bovkav, nepX 

Tav eTrra <ro<j)av, irepX Xlvdayopov, nepl Apia-ToreXovs , nepi Topyiov, 

TTcpl IfTOKparovs, irepl 'icroKparovs )ia6r}Tav, nep'i iv&o^av avbpav 

larpav, irepX fidyav, nepl Tuiv airo (^iKoootplas els Tvpavvibas kcli 

Smaarelas fie^forijicdra)!/ — generally cited as separate books, 
formed only so many subdivisions. One of the chief 
sources of Diogenes Laertius, and of PlutarcKs Lycur- 
gus, Solon, Demosthenes, and indirectly, through the 
medium of Caecilius, of Pseudo-Plutarch, Vitae X ora- 
torum. Cf. Susemihl, I 492-95. 
k. Apollodorus of Athens (pupil of Aristarchus), flor. c. 150. 

" 'ATToXXoSiipfi) irtpi naaav icrropiap dudpl deiva' (Ps. Heracl. 

Alleg. Homer. 7). 

(i) XpovLKa in comic trimeters, from the fall of Troy, 
(ii84)-i44 B. C. 2d. edition, to about 119 (death of 
Boethos the Academic mentioned). The inexhaustible 

' The ancients, accustomed to see in Homer the fountain of all wisdom, sup- 
posed these ei^/i( parts of speech to have been well known to him, citing in 
proof of this the following lines : 

Iliad, I 185: avTog lav Ii7[,i,air)v6e rb abv yepag bifip' ev Ei6y(. 

Iliad, XXII 59: Trpof di /is tov iliiaTt/vov in <ppoveovT' tXeijaov. 


storehouse of chronological information throughout 
antiquity. Calculation of the dx/iiy. Cf. Diets, Rh. Mus. 
31 (1876), pp. 1-54; also G. F. Unger, Philol., 40 
(1882), pp. 602-51. 

(2) UepX TOV veav KaraXoyov, 12 books. An exhaustive 

commentary to the Homeric Catalogue of the Ships. 
Cf. Niese, Apollodor's Commentar zum Schiffscataloge 
als Quelle Strabo's, Rhein. Mus. 32 (1877), pp. 267-307. 

(3) Ilepi 2ai(j)povos, 4 books. 

(4) On EpicharmuSy 10 books. 

(5) Ilept Tav Adrjvriaiv eTaipav. 

(6) Ilepi irvfioXoyiSiv. 

(7) Uepi demv, 24 books. A work of stupendous erudi- 
tion, freely and extensively pirated by later writers. Cf. 
Muensel, De ApoUodori Trepl 6iS>v libris, Bonn, 1883. 

On A. in general cf. Susemihl, II 33-44; Pauly, R. E., I 
/. The first Manuat of Myifiotogy, written between 100-50 
B. C, the source oi Diodorus, Hyginus, Pseudo-Apoltodori 
Bibliotheca, Proctus. 

Cf. Bethe, Quaestiones Diodoreae mythographae, GOttingen, 1887, and 
Hermes, 26 (l8gi), pp. 593-634 ; Susemihl, II 45-52. 

m. Ammonius, pupil and successor of Aristarchus. 

(1) Ilepi TOV fifj yeyovivai nXeiopas (SC. Tav Sio) inboaeis Trjs ' KpuT- 

Tapxeiov SiopB&a-ms. See above under Aristarchus. 

(2) Ilepi Tav vTto nXoLTavos fieTevrjvfyiievaiv i^ 'Oprjpov. 

(3) Upos ' A.dr)voKKea uvyypafiiia. 

(4) Commentary to Pindar. 

(5) Ka/jupSovnevoi. 

(6) Ilfpl tS)V Adrjvrjaiv iTaiptSav. 

(7) Ilfpi TrpocraStas or Ilfpi 'ATTiKrjs irpoat^dias. 

Cf. Slaa, De Avistarchi discipulis, Jena, 1883; A. Jioemer, Die Werke 
der Aristarcheer im Cod. Ven. A, Munch. Acad. II, p. 241 ff. (1875); 
La Roche, Horn. Textkritik, pp. 68-78. 

n. Dionysius Thrax of Alexandria, born c. 166 B. C. 
(i) Tex"'! ypap^p-aTinrj, the first attempt of its kind and 
the standard work on the subject for more than 1500 

Cf. Uhlig's edition, with exhaustive Prolegomena, Lpz. 
On the numerous commentators, among whom C/we- 


roboscus (6. cent.), Stephanos (7. cent.), Heliodorus, Me- 
lampus, Moschopulos are the most noteworthy. 

Cf. Hoerschelmann, De Dionysii Thracis interpretibus veteribus I, Lpz. 
1874, and especially Hilgard, Heidelberg Gymn. Progr., Lpz. 1880. 

(2) Commentaries to the Iliad zwi Odyssee. (28 fragm.). 
Following Aristarchus, D. regarded Homer as an 


(3) Commentaries to Hesiod's Works and Days. 

(4) Jlpos KparriTa. 

(5) ne|)t Troa-oTTJTiOV, 

(6) A work on Rhetoric. 

(7) MeXeTQi. 

Cf. Mor. Schmidt, Philol. VII 360-B2, VIII 234-53, 510-20; Susemihl, 
II 168-75, 687 f. 

o. Didymus Chalcenteros of Alexandria, c. 65 B. C.-c. 10 A. D. 
Said to have written 3500-4000 books. XaXKt'vTcpof 
(Amm. Marcell. 22, 16, 16). Cf. Quint. I 8, 19, Didymo, 
quo nemo plura scripsit, accidisse compertum est, ut cum 
historiae cuidam tamquam vanae repugnaret, ipsius pro- 
ferretur liber qui eam continebat. Athen. IV 139: (caXei 

Se TovTov ArjuTjTpios 6 Tpoi^rjvios ^t^\ioXd6av Sia to ttX^Sos 
S>v enSeScoKe a-vy-ypa/xfidTav ' e<TTi yap rpicrp^iXju npAs rots jrevra- 

Koaiots. Macrob. Sat. V i8, 9: grammaticorum facile 
eruditissimus. 22, 10 : grammaticorum omnium . . . in- 
structissimus. Masterly discussion and estimate of D.'s 
work by Wilamowiiz, Eur. Heracl. I 157-68. 

Cl) Lexicographical. 

(1) Ai£(jidopiiia Xc^is. 

(2) 'hnopovp-evrj Xf'^ir, 7 books. 

(3) T^poTTlKr] Xc'|is. 

(4) Ha/iiKTi Xf^if. I The chief source of all the lexico- 

(5) TpayiKTj Xe|is. J graphical erudition of the ancients 

preserved in lexica, scholia, Athe- 
naeus, Hesychius, Photius, etc. 
(_6) Lexicon to Hippocrates (?). 

(II) Didymus as editor of texts and as commentator. 

(1) Ilepi TTji 'Apia-Tapxov SiopBaxreas. (Text and 

commentary to the Homeric poems.) See above. 

(2) Commentary to Hesiod; cf Schmidt, p. 299 f. 

(3) C. to Pindar; id., pp. 214-40. 


(4) C. to the Epinikia of Bacchylides. 

(5) C. to Aeschylus, Sophocles, Etiripides (in part). The 
extant vitae are in all essential details Didymean. 
Prejudicial and partial criticism of Soph, to the dispar- 
agement of Euripides. 

(6) C. to Ion and perhaps to Achaeos ; cf. Schmidt, pp. 


(7) C. to Craiinus and Eupolis; Schmidt, pp. 307-9. 

(8) C. to Aristophanes; Schmidt, pp. 246-61; Schnei- 
der, De fontibus A. schol., pp. 59-63. [Aristophanes 
of Byz. — Didymus — Symmachus — extant scholia.] 

(9~) C. to Menander and to Phrynichus (Kronos) ; 
Schmidt, p. 306 ff. 

(10) Editions and Commentaries to Aniiphon, Isaeus, 
Hypereides, Aeschines and Demosthenes — Schmidt, 
pp. 310-19 — Isocrates (?), Deinarchus (?). 

(11) Edition of Thucydides. The extant life by Mar- 
cellinus (esp. §1-45) was almost entirely taken from 
Didymus' introduction, Cf. Susemihl, II 203 f., note 


(12) 'PjjTopiKa viroiiviiiiara, in at least 10 books ; 
Schmidt, p. 321. Exegetical parerga to the Attic 

(13) XlfpX Tov SeKareCerai; Schmidt, p. 317 f. 

(III) Grammatical works : 

(i) ne/3i iraBav (on inflections) ; Schmidt, p. 343 ff. 

(2) Ilepi opBoypatjilas. 

(3) Ilepl T^r irapa Pajjiatois avoKoyias, Doubtful. 

(IV) Historical, antiquarian, literary treatises : 
fi) Se'ci; IdTopla; cf. Schmidt, pp: 356-63. 

(2) De morte Aeneae ; j 

(3) De patria Homeri ; Vcf. Schmidt, pp. 384-6. 

(4) On Anacreon and Sappho ; ) 

Cf. Seneca, Ep. 88, 37 ; quatuor milia librorum Di- 
dymus grammaticus scripsit ... in his libris de patria 
Homeri quaeritur, in his de Aeneae morte (matre, 
MSS) vera, in his libidinosior Anacreon an ebriosior 
vixerit, in his an Sappho publica fuerit. 

(5) llept noirjTav; Schmidt, pp. 386-96. 

(6) Hpor "lava avTe^riyrjcreis. (A long extract On the 


musical instruments used in lyric poetry preserved by 
Allien. XIV 634 f.) Perhaps a part of (5). 

(7) nepi Tav a^oi/av t5>v SdXojvoy avTiypa^-q irpAs 
'Ao-KXi;ffia87)v(P]ut. Sol. l). 

(8) Against Cicero's de Republica, 6 books. Cf. Amm. 
Marcell. XXII 16, 16, and Suidas s. v. TpaymWoi. 

(9) Ilepi irapoijiimp. 

(10) 071 the city of Kabassos and on Attic denies (doubt- 
ful). Perhaps portions of his commentaries to the 
Iliad (13, 363) or to the comic poets or to the Attic 

Cf. Mor. Schmidt, Didyrai Chalcenteri gramraatici Alexandrini frag- 
menta, Lpz. 1854; Ludwig, 1. c; Susemihl, II 195-210, 688 f. 

p. Tryphon of Alexandria, son of Ammonius. 

A specialist on Greek grammar. A confused list of 
his numerous works given by Suidas, the titles of others 
cited by Apollonius Dyscolos, Herodianus, Athenaeus. 

(1) Ilepi n'Xeoj/aiT^oC, irepl p^Tpcov, irepi Tpoirav, Tiepi ir^jjjxaTav. 

(2) On the dialects of Greece, on the dialect of Homer and 
the lyric poets. 

(3) ncpl 'Kttlktjs trpoaa&las, nepi ovopMO'twv, nepl 6pdoypa(pias nal 
Tmv iv avTJj ^rfrovfiivav (=itS problems), Trepl ''EWr^vicrp.ov (on 
idiomatic speech), nepX dpxalas ai^ayvixreas (on Style). 

(4) Ilepl 7rvevp.dT(ov, irepl r^y eV /novotruXXa/Sotj dvaXoylas, irepi ttjs 
iv kKI<x((Ilv (declensions) dvoKoylas, irepi apBpcov, ircpi avravv- 

fitSiv (pronouns), nepl npoa-amav (persons), Trepi p,eToxris (par- 
ticiple), nepX npo6ltT€a>v (prepositions), nepl crvvdea-pav, Trepl 
empptip.a.Tii>v (adverbs), Trepl prj/idTaiv eyxXiTKcSj' (mOOds), 7r«p( 
prjpdTtov dvoKoytas ^apvTovcov, ircpl ovopdrav trvyKpniKav (com- 
parison of adjectives), Trepl iraBav \i^ea>v (inflections). 

(5) ^utSv i(TTopla, Trepl ^cdwv. 

Cf. A. V. Velsen, Tryphonis grammatici Alexandrini fragmenta, Berlin, 
1854; Siisemihl, II 210-13, 689. 

q. Theon of Alexandria, i. cent. A. D. 

"The Didymus of the Alexandrian poets." 
(i) Commentaries to Lycophron, Theocritos, Callimachus' 
AiTia, Apollonius Rhodius, Nicandros. 

(2) Commentary to the Odyssee and perhaps to Pindar. 

(3) A e'l I y KapiKTj. 

(4) Ac'^tf TpayiKTj (doubtful, but probable). 

Cf. Giese, De Theone grammatico eiusque reliquiis, Miinster, Diss., 
1867; Wilamowiiz, Eur. Heracl. I 156 ; Susemihl, II 216 ff. 


3- The Stoics as Philologians. 

Allegorical exegesis of Homer. Contributions to the Sci- 
ence of Grammar. 

Cf. Grdfenkan, 1. c, I 440 ff., 505 ff., 11 23, III 236: R. Schmidt, De 
Stoicorum grammatica, Halle, 1839; Steinthal, 1. c; Strieker, De Stoico- 
rum studiis rhetoricis, Bresl. Abh. I 2 (1886). 

4. Crates of Mallos (flor. i68 B. C.) and the School of 
A follower of the Stoics. Passionate opponent of Aristar- 

chus and his school (^Suidas S. v. 'Apiardpxov : koI Kpai-ijri nS 
ypafi/jLaTiKW jrXfiara Stij/iiXXijo-aro). Bibaculus ap. Sueton. de 

gramm. 11. En. iecur Cratetis. Advocate of avajiaXiavs. 
avaXoyia. Cf. the bibliography under Aristarchus and below. 
Introduced philological studies into Rome ; cf. Sueton., 1. c, 
p. 100. 

(i) Critical commentary to the Iliad and Odyssee (^AiopdanKo), 
with an introduction on the life of Homer. 

(2) 'OprjpiKal. Allegorical commentary. 

(3) Commentary to Hesiod, Works and Days. 

(4) Commentary to Euripides (Schol. Orest. 1226, 1686; 
Phoen. 211 ; Rhesus, 5, 524 f.; cf. Wilamowitz, Anal. Eu- 
rip., p. 157), to Aristophanes (Schol. Equit. 631, 793, 693 ; 
Vesp. 352, 884 ; Ran. 294). Cf. Consbruch, Zu den Trac- 
taten n-epl Kwiiablas in Comment, in honor. Studemundi, 
Strassburg, 1889; Susemihl, H 11, note 54. 

(5) nepi 'Attik^j biaXiKTov, in at least 5 books. 

Cf. Wegener, De aula Attalica, 1836 (antiquated); Wachsmuth, De 
Cratete Mallota, Lpz. i860, with fragments ; id., Philol. XVI 166; Rhein. 
Mus. 46, pp. 552-56; Liibbert, Rhein. Mus. XI 428-43 ; Hillscher, Jahrb. 
f. Philol. Suppl. N. F. XVIII ; Susemihl, II 4-12, 703 ; Introd. to vol. II, 
p. iv f ; A. Come, Berl. Acad. Sitzungsber. 1884, p. 1259 if. 

b. Demetrius Magnes (contemporary of Cicero). 

(1) Ilfpi (rvvavvfiav TrdXecov. 

(2) IIcpi tZv <rvv<ovvfia)v TTonqT&v re <a\ <Tvyypa<j)eav. 

Chapter on Deinarchus preserved by Dionys. Halic. de 
Deinarch. One of the chief sources of Diogenes Laertius, 

Cf. Nietzsche, Rhein. Mus. 23, pp. 63Z-53; 24, pp. 181-228; Scheurleer, 
De D. M., Leiden, 1858; Maass, Philol. Unters. Ill (1880), pp. 23-47; 
Sttsemihl, I 507 f. 


II. The Graeco-Roman Period. 
I. The Post-Alexandrian Period. 

a. Dionysius of Halicarnassus (flor. end of i. cent. B. C); 
(i) Epistula ad Ammaeum I. 

(2) De compositione verborum. 

(3) De oratoribus antiquis (Lysias, Isocrates, Isaeus, De- 

(4) Epistula ad Pompeium. 

(5) De Thucydide. 

(6) Ad Ammaeum II. 

(7) De Dinarcho. 

(8) Ars rhetorica. 

(9) Veterum censura (irtpi /ii/iijo-Ews, bk. II). 

Cf. Fr. Blass, De D. H. scriptis rhetoricis, Bonn, 1863 ; Rossler, De D. 
H. scriptis rhetor., Lpz. 1873; H. Usener, De H. de imitatione reliquiae, 
Bonn, i88g ; E. Egger, 1. u. pp. 396-406. 

b. Caecilius Calactinus (Friend of Dionysius). 

(1) Ilepi row ;!^apa(CT^pos Ta>v SeKa pr/ropav. 

Chief source of Ps. Plut. Vitae X orat. On the canon of 
the ten orators, see under Aristophanes. 

(2) Comparison between Demosth. and Aesch., Demosth. 
and Cicero. 

(3) nepl vyjfovs (cf Ps. Longinus, nep\ i!^o«s i). 

(4) 'E/tXoyij Xe'^eav Kara aroix^lov yKaKKipprniotrvvrj), 

On Dionysius and Caecilius, tlie most noteworthy representatives of 
literary criticism in antiquity, cf. F. Blass, Gesch. der griech. Beredsam- 
keit von Alexander bis auf Augustus, Berlin, 1865, pp. 169-221. 

c. Aiovv<riov fj Aoyyivov Uepl vyjfovs (probably composed in the 
I cent. A. D.). 

Cf. jBuc/ienau, De scriptore libri Hcpl ii'fovi, Marb. 1849; Mariins, De 
libello Ilcpl vipovi, Bonn, 1877; Egger, 1. u. pp. 426-39, "Aesthetic Criti- 

d. Apollonios Dyscolos, 6 t^xvikos (2 cent. A. D.). 

Founder of scientific syntax. " 2wTa|ts avayKaioTa-rq 

jrpos i^jjyriiTiv tS>v iroiiy^aTMi/." " Maximus auctor artis 
grammaticae " Priscian. 

(i) 'Ovop-aTiKov (declension). 

(2) '?j)p.aTiK6v (conjugation). 

(3) IIcpi avTavvfiias "\ 

(4) Hepl fTrippriiiaTav > extant 

(5) Ilepi avvhiiTfuov J 

li^pf) rov X6yov. 


(6) Tlepl (rvvrd^eas, 4 bks., extant. 

Cf. Gra/enAan, III 109 fF ; L. Lange, Das System der Syntax des A. D., 
GOttingen, 1852; E. Egger, A. D., Essai sur I'histoire des theories gram- 
maticales dans I'antiquite, Paris, 1854, pp. 354 ; Steinthal, II pp. 220-345 ; 
Opera ed. R. Schneider et G. Uhlig, Corp. Gramm. Graec. I i (1878). 

e. Aelius Herodianus (son of A. D.). 
The greatest grammarian of antiquity. 

(1) KadoXiK^ npoa-aSia, 21 bks. 
a. Bk. I— 19 — npoacohiai, roVoi. 

/3. Bk. 20 — ;(p(Ji/oi (' quantity ')• 

y. Bk. 21 — On accents, enclitics, diastole, synaloephe. 
Excerpts preserved by Theodosios and Arcadius. 

(2) IIc/ji 6p6oypa<j)las, Trepl na6S>v, ircpl ovop,&Tav, irepX Kkiaeas 
ovopArtov, Trepl prjpaTav, jrepi (Tv^vyimv ('conjugations'), Trcpi 

^ap^apurpov, trtpX povo<TvWa^a>v. Origmals all lost ; con- 
tents known through excerpts in later grammarians. 

(3) iifpl povfipovs Xi^eas (on peculiar, anomalous gram- 
matical forms). Extant. 

Cf. Aug. Lentz, Herodiani technici reliquiae, 2 vols., Lpz. 1870 
(pp. ccxxviii-|-564, vi^-^-I264, with indexes); Lehrs, Herodiani scripta 
tria, Kenigsberg, 1848; Pauly, R. S., Ill 1236-40; E. Hiller, Jahrb. f. 
Philol. (1871) pp. 505-32, 603-29, Quaest. Herodianae, Bonn, 1866. 

/, Epitomators, Lexicographers. 

u. luba, king of Mauretania, "iitavrav laTopiKoraTos ^aa-iXeav," 

Plut. Sertor. c. 9. Author of the deoTpiK^ iaropia, one 
of the indirect sources of Pollux. 
Cf. HAoiie, De Pollucis fontibus, Lpz. 1870; Bapp, Lpz. Stud. VIIX 

3. Pamphilus, Ilepi yXaaaav ^roi Xe^eav (Afiptiu/). 95 bks. 

Epitomized by Vestinus and by Diogenianos in 5 bks. 
y. Herennios Philon of Byblos (61-141 A. D.). 

(1) Ilcpt KTTja-eas Koi exXoy^s fii^\la>v, 12 bks. 

(2) Ilepi TToXeuv KaX oils eKdcrrri avTav f'vdo^ovs ^vty- 

Kcvjin 30 bks. A famous compilation most extensively 
used by later grammarians, esp. Hesychios and 
Stephanus Byzantius. 
Cf. Daui, Jahrb. f. Phil. Suppl. XI 437 ff. 

8. HephaesUon (older contemporary of Athenaeus). 

Athen. XV p. 673 e ; 'AajSmi/ hi nap ipov 6 itinTiv KKoirijV 
ovuhiC<'>v 'H^aioTiO)i> e'^iSion'oi^craro Triv \ioiV- 


Chief work: nepi iiirpav. 48 bks. (lost). His own 
epitome ('Eyx^'P'Stoc fep' nirpav) in I bk. became the 
standard school-book throughout later antiquity and the 
Middle Ages. 

Edited by Westphal (Script, metric, vol. I, Teubner). Cf. the same, 
Metrik der Griechen vol. I, introduction. 

e. Aelius Dionysius and Pausanias, 'AmKia-Tai. 

Cf. Rindfieisch, De P. et D. lexicis rhetoricis, KOnigsberg, 1866. 

f. Valerius Harpocration (2 cent.}. 

Ae^eti T©r deKa priTo ptap. 
Edited by Dindorf, Oxford, 1853, 3 vols. Cf. Boysen, De Har- 
pocratiae fontibus, Kiel, 1876. 

1). Julius Pollux (rioXuSfUKi/O of Naucratis. 

'Ovop-aa-TiKoi/ in lo bks. ed. Dindorf, 5 vols. 1824. 
Cf. Phode, 1. c. 
6. Cassius Longinus (1270-275). 

'Bi^Xtodrjur) cp^vxos (cai TfeptjruToCc fiovoftov,' EunapiOS. 
' ^iXoXoyos p.€V 6 Aoyyivos, <j)i.\6(TOCJ>os Be prfiap,S>s' PorphyriUS. 
Pupil of Plotinus, teacher of Porphyrius. 6 KpmKos (Sui- 
das s. V. <^p6vTa)v). 
(i) $1X0X0701 ojiiXlaL at least 21 bks.; fragm. 

(2) 'hTTiKoiv Xe|c<Bi/ eKSoaeis, I 

(3) 'Airoprjpara 'OprjpiKa, UpoPXrjpAira 'Op,r)pov kol \i<TUS, \ lost. 
et <^iXdo"o0off Ofirjpos. J 

(4) Rhetoric (d^ \oyov) discovered by Ruhnken 
amid the Rhetoric of Apsines ; cf Walz Rhet. Graec. 
IX p. xxiii ff. 

(5) [ilfpi v\jrovs] falsely ascribed to Longinus ; cf. above. 

Cf. Z>. Ruhnken, De vita et scriptis Longini, 1776; E. Egger, pp. 

List of the Most Important Extant Scholia. 

Cf. E. Hilbner, Encyclopaedic, pp. 37-40". 

, Homer, 
Subscriptio in the cod. Ven. A: UapaKUTai ra 'Apia-TovUov 

ar/fieia KoX AiSu/iiou Trepl Apicrrapxciov Siopdao'eas, nva 
8e /cat fK T^s iXtaS^f IT poaioblas 'Hpahiavov /cat e'/c rSm 

Ni/cai/opor irepX trTiyp.tjs. " Viermanner Scholien,'' cf. 

Cf. Ludwig, 1. c, Friedlander, Aristonicus; id. Nicanor; Fabricius, 
Bibl. Gr. I pp. 440-56 (index auctorum). 


2. Aristophanes. 

Subscriptio to the Clouds and Wasps : KeKaXwrai sk tou 

'H\io8i>pov, irapayeypairrai ix tov ^aeivov Koi 2v li/jidx^ov xal 

aXXo)i/ Tiv5)V< 

Cf. 0. Schneider, De Veterum in Arist. scholionim fontibus, 1838 ; 
Wilamowitz. Eur. Hercul. I 179-88 ; Fabricius II, pp. 392-404 (index 

3. Apollonius Rhodius. 

Subscriptio in the Cod. Mediceus : TlapaKurai to. ax6\ia ix t&v 

AovKiWov T appaiov Koi ^ocjiOKXiovs Kal Qeatvos. 

Cf. IVeichert, ApoUon. Rhod. p. 400 ff. ; Bernhardy, Griech. Literal. II 

1 p. 370 ff. ; Susemihl, I 662, II 46, 686. 

4. Pindar. Cf. K. Lehrs, Die Pindarscholien, Lpz. 1863; 
Fabricius 11 81-4. 

5. Aeschylus. J. Richter, De Aesch. Soph. Eur. interpretibus 
Graecis, Berlin, 1839. 

6. Sophocles. Bernhardy, 1. c. II 2, p. 378 ff. 

7. Euripides. Bernhardy, 1. c. II 2, p. 498 if. ; ed. E. Schwartz, 

2 vols. 1 89 1. 

8. Theocritos. Ed. Ahrens. 

9. Lycophron. (I. Tzetzes.) 

10. Plato. L. Cohn, J. J. Suppl. 13, 773. Th. Mettauer, De 
Platonis scholiorum fontibus, Zurich, 1880 (pp. 122). 

11. Aristotle. Commentaries of -Alexander of Aphrodisias, 
Simplicius, Philoponus. 

Critical Signs (se/iera, notae). 

Cf. Reifferscheid, Suetonii Reliquiae, pp. 137-44. 

"OjScXoy ( — ). — 'jrpof to vi6a km dderovpeva. Legendary origin of 
name, 1. c. p. 138. 

AurX^ anfpKTTiKos Kadapd (>~). — ' TrapaKetrai: I. npos rijv Sma^ 
flpriiievijv Xf'^tv ; 2. Trpos rrjv Toil TroirjTov trvvTjBeiav (inconsistency) ; 
3. TTpos Toi/s \eyovTas, firj etvai tov avrov ttoitjtov ikidda Kal OSvatreiav 
(;^<»pifocTes) ; 4- "■fir Tas t&v naKaiav iaropias', 5- npos ray t5>v veav 
c'vSoxds '1 6. irpos ttjv Attik^k crvvTa^iv ; J. itpos Trjv iroXvcrrifiov \i^ui. 

' Usus est ea in multis Aristarchus, nunc ea quae praeter con- 
suetudinem tam vitae nostrae quam ipsius poetae apud eum 
invenirentur adnotans, nunc proprias ipsius figuras, interdum 
ea in quibus copiosus est rursus quae semel apud eum poneren- 
tur. Similiter in nostris auctoribus Probus.' ' Primus Leogoras 


Syracusanus apposuit Homericis versibus ad separationem 
Olympi a caelo.' 

AittX^ Trepii(TTiyi>,fiir] (>-5-). — ' irpos ras ypa<j>as ras ZrjvoSoTetovs Kai 
KpdrijTOS KoL airov ' P^puTTapxov Kcu ras SiopBaxreis aiiToii. 

'Pi.<TTepi(TKOs Kad' iavTov (^). — ' irpos Toiis avToiis OTi'p^our ot Ketvrai iv 
aXXois pepecriv rrjs iroirjaeas, (cat opBas e^ovres (jycpovrai, (Trj/iaLvav ort oSroi 

Koi aWaxov dptjvTM.' ' Aristophanes apponebat illis locis quibus 
sensus deesset, Aristarchus autem ad eos [versus] qui hoc puta 
loco [recte] positi erant, cum aliis scilicet non recte ponerentur, 
item Probus et antiqui nostri.' Cf. however schol. 771. 

AaTcpi(TKOs ixer o^eXoO {y^ — ). — ' evBa elal fi€v Ta eTrrj tov ttoitjtov 

oir (caXSr Se Keivrai, aXX iv aXXa).' ' Propria est nota Aristarchi, 
utebatur autem ea in his versibus qui non suo loco positi sunt, 
item Probus et antiqui' nostri.' Cf. e. g. A 195. 
'AvTiVjy/iia (£))■ — ' npos tovs evrjXKayixepovs roirovs kol ovvaSovras.' 

' Ponebatur ad eos versus quorum ordo permutandus erat.' 

AvTLaiyp,a 7r€ pieariypevov (^ f) • ). — * orav 8vo &(n didvoiai ro avrb 
miiiaii/ovaai, (ravToKoytt) , tov ttoiijtoC yiypa(f)0TOS dp<f)uTe'pas, oViBf Trjv 
iripav eXjjrat,' aiyiia — Aristoph. <TTiyp.j) — Aristarch. Cf. B I92. 
Kepavviov (T ) — Rare. — ' hijkol TroXX&r ^rjTrjcrfis npos TaU Trpodpripcpais. 

' Ponitur quotiens multi versus improbantur ne per singulos 

Ancient authorities : Aristonicus (see above), Diogenianos (?) Trepi tov 
iv Tolg ^ipUoi.Q atiixeiuv (Suid.), Diog. Laert. Ill 65, Suetonius = Isidorus, 
Origg. I 21 ff,, de notis scripturarum. See below. Anecd. Roman 
Osann, Anecd. Venetum. ed. Villoi.son, Anecd. Paris, ed. Cramer (all col- 
lected in Reifferscheid I. c). 

Modern treatises : Grdfenhan II 92 f. ; Sengebusch, Horn. Diss. I p. 22 ff. ; 
Nauck, Aristoph. Byzant. p. 17 ff. ; Ludwig, I 20 ff. ; Susemihl, I p. 432 ff. ; 
and H. Schroder, De notatione critica a veteribus grammaticis in poetis 
scaenicis adhibita, Bonn, 1863. 

2. Roman Period. 

Bibliography : Suetonius, de grammat. et rhetor. ; W, H. D. Suringar, 
Historia Critica scholiastarum Latinorum, 3 vols., Leyden, 1835 ; Grd- 
fenhan, II p. 261 ff. IV ; Teuffel-Schwabe, R5m. Literal. 2 vols. l8qo' 
<T. S.> § 41 ; H. Nettleship, Journ, of Phil. XV p. 189 ff. 

a. L. Accius (170-c. 86). 

Didascalica (cf. Aristotle's AiSaaKaXiat)- A history of 
Greek and Roman poetry, with special reference to the 
drama. Written chiefly in Sotadean verse. Cf. T. S. 
§134, 7, and 94, 2. G. Ribbeck, Rom. Dichtkunst, 
I 267. 


b. L. Aelius Praeconinus Stilo (flor. c. loo B. C.)- 

'Y\it. first Roman philologian, teacher of Cicero and Varro. 
Cic. Brut. 205 : eruditissimus et Graecis litteris et 
Latinis antiquitatisque nostrae et in inventis rebus et in 
actis scriptorumque veterum litterate peritus, quam 
scientiam Varro noster acceptam ab illo. Varro ap. 
Gell. N. A., I 18, 2: litteris ornatissimus memoria nostra, 
id. X 21, 2 doctissimus eorum temporum. 

(i) Commentaries to Carmina Saliorum, of. Suringar 
I 26. f. 

(2) Interpretation of the XII tables. Suringar I p^ 

39 ff. 

(3) Edition of Plautus with critical signs. 

Gell. N. A., Ill 3, 12 : L. Aelius XXV (comoe- 
dias) eius (Plauti) esse solas existimavit; Quint. 
X I, 99, " Licet Varro Musas, Aeli Stilonis sen- 
tentia, Plautino dicat sermone locuturas fuisse, si 
Latine loqui vellent." Cf. Ritsckl, Parerga 91 ff., 
126 f., 238, 366. 

(4) Contributions to etymology and grammar. 

Cf. T. S. § 148, I. F. Mentz, De L. Aelio Stilone, Diss. lenens. IV i. 

c. M. Tullius Cicero, 106-43. 

(i) Literary or aesthetic criticism. 

Cf. Ch. Causeret, Sur la langue de la rhetorique et de la critique litte- 
raire en Cic, Paris, 1887 ; /. Kubik, De Cic. poetarum lat. studiis, Diss. 
Vindob. I 237 ff. 

(2) Edition of Lucretius. 

Cf. Munro, Lucretius, vol. II p. 2 if. ; T. S. § 203, 2. 

d. C. lulius Caesar, 100-44. 

De analogia (Suet. Caes. c. 56). 

Cf. F, Schlitte, De C. lulio Caesare grammatico, Halle, 1865. 

e. M. Terentius Varro Reatinus, 116-27. 

'Vir Romanorum eruditissimus' (Quint. X 1,95). ' Vir 
doctissimus undicumque Varro, qui tam multa legit 
ut aliquid ei scribere vacasse miremur, tam multa scrip- 
sit (620 bks.) quam vix quemquam legere potuisse cre- 
damus' (Augustin. Civ. Dei. 6, 2). Plut. Rom. 12 avbpa 

'fafiaiav e'v laropia |8i|3XiaK<»TaToi/. Esp. Cic. Ac ad. pOSt. 
Cf. Ritschl, Die Schriftstellerei des Varro, Opusc. Ill 419-505, Parerga, 
p. 70 ff.; T. S. §166 f. 


(i) Antiquitatum libri XL I. 

(3) Annaliutn libri III — De vita populi Romani (cp. Di- 
caearchos Bios 'EXXdSos) ; De gente populi Romani, in 4 
bks. (43 B. C.) ; de familiis Troianis ; Aetia (cp. Airm 
of Callimachus) ; rerum urbanarum libri III ; Tribuum 

(3) De bibliothecis libri III ; de proprietate scriptorum ; 
de poetis ; de poematis ; de lectionibus ; de compositione 
saturarum ; de originibus scaenicis ; de scaenicis actioni- 
bus ; de actis scaenicis (Didascalica) ; de personis 
(masks) ; de descriptionibus ; quaestiones Plautinae; 
de comoediis Plautinis. 

(4) Disciplinarum libri IX (Artes liberales : i. gram- 
matica ; 2. dialectica ; 3. rhetorica ; 4. geometria ; 
5. arithmetica ; 6. astrologia ; 7. musica ; 8. medicina ; 
9. architectura). 

(5). De Lingua Latina, XXV Ibb. (V-X extant). 
V-XXV, dedicated to Cicero, hence published before 43 
B.C. Contents: Bk. I (introd.), bk. II-VII (etymology), 
VIII-XVI (inflection, analogy and anomaly), XVII- 
XXV (syntax). 

Cf. O. Spengel's edition, 1885, Berlin. 

(6). De sermone Latino libb. V ; de similitudine verborum 
libb. Ill (analogy); de utilitate sermonis; Tupi xapaKTfjpav 
(? = descriptiones); de antiquitate litterarum ; de origine 
linguae latinae. 

Cf. Wilmanns, de M.-T. V. libris grammaticis, Berlin, 1S64. 

/. Ateius Praetextatus Philologus (f c. 29 B. C.) Cf. Suet. 

de gramm., 10 T. S., §21 1. 
g. Noted philologists and grammarians of the Em.pire. 

First Century. 

1. Asconius Pedianus, Commentator of Cicero's speeches. 

Cf. T. S., §295 ; Madwig, de Q. Ascon. Ped. ... in Cic. oratt. commen- 
tariis, Kopenhagen, 1828. 

2. Fenestella (t 19 A. D.); ' diligentissimus scriptor,' Lac- 
tantius. Annates in at least 22 bks. A repository of 
information for later writers. 

Fragments ap. H. Peter, Fragm. histor. 272 ; T. S., §259. 


3- M. l(alerius Flaccus (floruit lo B. C.) 
a. De verborum significaiu. Second half preserved in a 
mutilated epitome oiFestus, who in turn was epitomized 
by Paulus. Inexhaustible fountain of information on 
Roman antiquities and archaic Latin. 

Edited by E. Thewrewk, 1891. 

/3. Fasti, partly preserved (C. I. L. I 295). Used by 

Cf. H. Winther, De fastis V. F. ab Ovidio adhibitis, Berlin, 1885. 
Cf. T. S., §261 ; Hiibner, Grundr. der lat. Lit., §83 (1878') ; H. NettU- 
ship. Lectures and Essays, 201 ff. 

4. M. Valerius Probus Beryiius (flor. 80 A. D.) 

The greatest Roman philologist. 'Nee Probura timeto' 

(Mart. 3, 2, 12). 
(i). Editions with critical signs (cf. Suetonii reliq., p. 

138 R). 

a. Fzy^z7(Suringar, II,p. 8ff.; Kiibler, De P. comment. 

Verg., Berl. 1881). 
^. Horace, Lucretius, Terence. 
(2). De notis singularibus, ed. Mommsen, Gram. Lat. 
IV 271. 

Cf. I. Steub, De Probis grammaticis, Jena, 1871 ; T. S., §300 f. 

5. C. Plinius Secundus, the Elder, 23-79. 

(i). Libri dubii sermonis (cf. Pliny, Ep. Ill 5, i). 
(2). Viz grammatica (Pliny, N. H., praef 28). 

6. Fabius Quintilianus of Calagurris in Spain, c. 35-95. 

Literary criticism, esp. in bk. X of the Institutio Ora- 
toria. Pupil of Remmius Palaemon (T. S., §282) and 
teacher oi Pliny the Younger and Cornelius Tacitus (cf. 
Liebert, de doctrina Taciti, Wiirzburg, 1868, p. 4 ff.). _ 

7. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, 75-160. 

Cf. Suidas s. v. f{iayKvXkoq. Cf. Reifferscheid, Suetoni reliquiae praeter 
Caesares, Lpz. i860 (fragments, pp. 3-360; quaest. Suetonianae, pp. 363- 
538; indexes, pp. 54I-65). 

(i). De viris illustribus (de poetis, de oratoribus, de 
historicis, de philosophis, de grammaticis et rhetoribus). 

(2). Uepi Tav iv Toli ^i^Xlois arjii^lav fii^Xiov a (Suidas) = dc 

notis (cf. above). 
(3). Pratum (de anno Romanorum, Reiff., pp. 149-92 ; 
de naturis rerum, pp. 193-265 ; de genere vestium, pp. 


266—72 ; TTepi 8v(T(j>rjfuov Xc^eiav rjroi ^Xatrcfirjfu&v Koi troBiv 
eKaarr] (cf. Etym. Magnum. S. V. 'ApxoXtrrapos and Eust. 

ad Iliad. II 234, VIII 488). Verborum differentiae, 
pp. 274-96. 

(4). Ludicra historia (n-epl tSiv nap' °E\\i/cri iraihiSiv), pp. 


(5). De lusibus puerorum. 
(6). De institutione officiorum. 

(7). riepi TYjs KiKcpavos TroXireias ', dvTiKeyei 8e TW AiSuiuo (sCC 

Second Century. 
Aemilius Asper (T. S., §482, 3), Flavius Caper (T. S., 
§343, 3), Q. Terentius Scaurus (T. S., §352, i), Arrun- 
tius Celsus (T. S., §357, 3), lulius Romanus (T. S., 
§379> i). ^- Gellius, Noctes Atticae (T. S., §365). 
Third Century. 

Censorinus, de die natali (T. S., §379). 
Fourth Century. 

1 . Nonius Marcellus, Compendiosa Doctrina (T. S. 404'). 

2. Charisius and Diomedes (T. S., §419). 

3. Marius Victorinus (T. S., §408, i). 

4. Aelius Donatus (floruit c. 350). 
(i). Grammatica. 

(2). Commentary to Terence. 

(3). Commentary to Virgil. Cf. Grafenhan, IV 107 
ff.; Suringar, I 78-86, II 31-59 ; T. S., §409, 3 f. 

5. Maurus Servius Honoratus. 

Commentary to Virgil. Cf. Suringar, II 59-92 ; T. S., 

Fifth Century. 

1. Macrobius, Saturnalia. T. S., §444. 

2. Isidorus. T. S., §496. 

3. Priscian of Caesarea. 

Institutiones grammaticae, 18 bks. The most im- 
portant and exhaustive work on Latin grammar made 
by the Romans. An inexhaustible fountain of infor- 
mation for grammatical theories of earlier writers, 
especially Greek, now lost. The standard work on 
the subject throughout the Middle Ages. About 1000 
MSS known. 

Cf. T. S., §481, and Encyclop. Britan. s. v. 


III. The Middle Ages. 
I. The Byzantian Period. 

JC. Krumbacher, Grundriss der byzantinischen Literatur (I. MuUer's 
Handbuch der class. Alterthumswissenschaft, vol. IX, i), Characteristic 
of the period, pp. 214-17; Wilamowitz, Eur. Heracles, I 193-219. 

a. Hesychios of Alexandria. 

Lexicon (rXSo-o-at). Based upon the rtepiepyoTre'i'ijrer of Dio- 

b. Hesychios Illustris of Miletus (6. cent.) 

OfoftaToAoyos ^ ■niva^ tSsv iv TraiSela oco/iaffrwv. (Only preserved 

in excerpts.) (Chief sources: Aelius Dionysius' Mouo-ikij 
ia-Topia, and Herennios Philon.) Cf Kr., p. no ff. 

c. Photios, c. 820-c. 891. 

(i). Bi^Xio6riKTi or Mvpid^i^Xov (written before 857). 
Contains the excerpts and criticisms of 280 books read 
by the author while ambassador to Assyria. 

(2). Ac'^emv avvaytayr) (based on Harpocration, Diogeni- 
anos, 'AttikSiv ovo/iaTav \6yoi of Aelius Dionysius, Pausan- 
ias' Af^t/toK Kara cTTotp^eioc, Platonic lexicon of Timaeus, and 
Boethos, Homeric lexica of Apion, Heliodorus and 

Cf. Kr., pp. 223-33 ; Fabricius, Bibl. Gr. X 678-775. 

d. Constantinos Porphyrogennetos, em peror (g 1 2-59, resp. 945). 
Encyclopaedia of History, arranged according to subject- 
matter (^. g. Uepi TLpea^eiSiV, irspl eiri^ovXau Kara ^atriKetov yeyov- 
vtffiv, irepi aTpaTr]yr)p.a.Tav, Ttepl Srj/jiriyopiSiv), with the Original 

chapters of earlier historians bearing upon the respective 
subjects. Cf. Kr., pp. 59-69. 

e. Suidas. 

Lexicon (compiled not later than 976 A. D. First cited 
by Eustathius). A colossal monument of erudition, not- 
withstanding many instances of gross carelessness. The 
sources of Suidas have as yet been determined with only 
partial accuracy, but he seems to have derived, though 
generally only at second hand, the bulk of his material 
from the following : 

a. Lexica: Harpocration, Aelius Dionysius, Pausanias, 
Helladios, Eudemos, rXSo-o-ai to Herodotus, and above 
all, Hesychios (cf. Suidas s. v. 'ou iTnTop-fj- 4<m tovto t6 
^ifiXiov'), Lexica to Euripides, Menander, Callimachus. 


j3. Scholia and Commentaries to ; Aristop/tanes (in amove 
complete form than the extant scholia"), Sophocles 
(Oed. Col., Oed. Tyr., Aiax), Homer (similar to those 
of the Venetus B), Thucydides, Philoponus and Alex- 
ander of Aphrodisias to Aristotle. 

■y. Histories: Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon's Ana- 
basis, Polybius, Josephus, Arrian, Aelian (probably 
from Constantinos' Encyclopaedia), Lucian. 

S. Literary and Biographical material: Hesychios (see 
above), Athenaeus (bks. I and II in their unepitomized 
form). Whether the colossal work of Philon of Byblos 
(see above) was known to Suidas at first hand is very 
doubtful. Strabo is completely ignored. 

Cf. Fabricius, Bibliotheca Graeca, VI 389-595; G, Bernlmrdy, S>v\Az.i 
Lexicon, I, Prolegomena, pp. 25-95 ; Kr., pp. 261-67. 

f. Johannes Tzetzes, c. iiio-c. 1185. 

(i). Bi^Xos la-Topiav (Chiliades), in 12,674 poHtical verses. 
(2). Allegories to the Iliad and Odyssee, 10,000 verses. 

*0 Ofiyjpo9 6 navaot^oSj rj Od\a(T(Ta tmv Xoywv. HomeriC myth- 
ology interpreted allegorically after the manner of 

(3). Commentary to the Iliad. 

(4). Carmina Iliaca (Antehomerica, Homerica, Postho- 
m erica). 

(5). Scholia to Hesiod's Works and Days, and the Shield 
of Heracles. 

(6). Scholia to Aristophanes' Plutos, Clouds, Frogs, and 
arguments to the Knights and Birds. 

Cf. Ritschl (Keil), Opusc. I 1-172, 197-237. 

(7). Scholia to Lycophron's Alexandra. 

Invaluable as the only extant key to the understanding 

of this enigmatical poem. 
(8). Scholia to the Halieutica of Oppian, and the Theriaca 

and Alexipharmaca of Nicandros. 
(9). Epitome of the Rhetoric of Hermogenes. 

(10). Ilepi Toav €V Tols (Trl)(OLS fierpatv dirdvTtov, (7Ti;^ot nepl diacjiopas 

iToirjTcov, tapSot rexyiKOi nepi Katpcodtas, Trepl TpayiK^s irotrjaetds. 
Cf. Kr., pp. 245-43. 

g. Eustathios, Archbishop of Thessalonice (floruit 1175). 
(i). Commentary to the Iliad and Odyssee. 

Invaluable repository of ancient learning. 


Principal sources : Homeric scholia, Athenaeus, Strabo, 
Stephanus of Byzantium, Aristophanes of Byzantium, 
Heraclides of Miletos, and two works by Suetonius 
(written in Greek) ; Aelios Dionysius, Pausanias, and 
rhetorical lexica, Suidas and the Etymologicum Magnum. 
(2). Paraphrase and scholia to Dionysius Periegetes, 
(3). Commentary to Pindar (only a valuable preface pre- 

Cf. Kr., pp. 242-47; Fabricius, 1. c, I 457-501. 

h. Maximus Planudes, 1260-1310. 

(l). XLepi ypa/iiianKrjs, mpi arvvrd^eas. 

(2). Scholia to Theocritos and Hermogenes, 

(3). Sviiayayij exXcyflo-a airo &ia<^opav |3i(3Xi<bv, containing ex- 
cerpts, e. g., from Plato, Aristotle, Strabo, Pausanias, 
Dio Cassius. 

(4). Anthologia Planudea. 

The Anthologia Palatina was not discovered till 1607 
by Salmasius. Grotius' celebrated translation is based 
upon the Planudean collection. 

(5). Translations from. Latin into Greek, 
a. Caesar, De bello Gallico. 
0. Cicero, Somnium Scipionis. 
y. Disticha Catonis. 
8. Ovid, Metamorphoses. 

e. Ovid, Heroides. On the basis of a very valuable MS 
now lost. 

Cf. A. G. in Calvary's Bed. Stud. VIII 3, pp. 90 (1888). 

f. Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae (his master- 

Cf. M. Treu, Comment, to Planudis Epistulae, Breslau, i8go; A. G. in 
Proc. Am. Philol. Assoc. XX, p. 6 ff.; Kr., p. 248 f. 

i. Manuel Moschopulos (pupil of Planudes). 

a. 'EpcaTriiJ.aTa ypafinaTiKo.. Of vast pedagogical influence 
toward the spread of Greek studies in the Renaissance. 
The famous grammar of Melanchthon is essentially a 
reproduction of the 'Epar^naTa. Cf. L. Voltz, Jahrb. f 
Phil., 139 (1889), p. 579 ff. 


i8. Scholia to the Iliad, bks. I and II. Hesiod, Pindar's 

Olymp. Odes, Euripides, Theocritos. 
Cf. K. Hartfelder, Philipp Melanchthon, Berl. 1889, p. 225 ; M. Treu, 
1. c, pp. 208-12 ; Kr., p. 251 f. 

k. Thomas Magister (contemporary oil). 

(l). 'ExXoyi) avo\i.a.Ta>v koX f)i\\i6.T<s>v hmnav. 

(2). Scholia to Aesch., Soph., Eurip., to three comedies of 

Cf. Fr. Ritschl, Thomae Magistri ecloga, Halle, 1832, with exhaustive 
Prolegomena ; Kr., p. 253 f. 

/. Demetrius Triklinios (beginning of 14. cent.) 

The foremost text critic among Byzantian philologians. 
Notable contributions to Greek versification. 

Cf. Wilamowitz, Eur. Heracl. I 194 f.; Hermes, 25, pp. 161-70. 

(i). Scholia to Pindar, and two metrical dissertations, and 
one of the extant paraphrases to Pindar (Lehrs, Pindar- 
scholien, p. 78). 

(2). Text edition, with scholia to Sophocles. 

(3). Scholia to five plays ol Aeschylos (except Choephoroe 
and Supplices). Preserved in Triklinios' own hand- 

(4). Scholia to Hesiod, Aristophanes and Theocritos. Cf. 
Kr., p. 256 ff. 

2. The Middle Ages in W. Europe. 
Copying of MSS in monasteries. 

Cf. A. H. L. Heeren, Gesch. des Stud, der class. Literat. seit d. Wieder- 
aufleben d. Wissensch., vol. I, Introduct., pp. 1-308; W. Wattenbach, 
Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, 1875'^ ; Anleit. z. grtech. Palaeographie, 1 877^* ; 
Anleit. z. lat. Palaeog. 1886*; Th. Birt, Das atitike Buchwesen, Berlin, 
1882 ; A. Eberi, AUgem. Gesch. der Liter, des Mittelalters, 3 vols., 1887* ; 
Bernhardy, I*, p. 716 ff.; E. Hlibner, Encyclop., pp. 56-64. 

List of Some of the Oldest Classical MSS. 

, Greek. 

a. Fragments of Euripides'' Antiope and Plato's Phaedo, 250 
B. C. (Flinder's Petrie Papyri, ed. Mahaffy, Dublin Acad. 
1890.) The oldest specimens of a classical text known. 

b. A few lines of the XI. Iliad (ante-Aristarchean and non- 
Zenodotean), 240 B. C. Most of the following dates are only 

> 5'-6. cent. 


c. Louvre fragments of Euripides, 2. cent. B. C. 

d. Alcman, 2.-1. cent. B. C. 

e. Iliad fragments (Banks, Harris), 2. cent. B. C. 

f. Papyri from Herculaneum, 79 A. D. (Epicurus, Pbilodemos, 

Sr- Aristotle, '(i.6rivaia>v noXireia, } , _ 

r rr 7 j^- • z • > I'-2. Cent. A. D. 

n. Herodas, Mimiambi. J 

i. Four speeches oi Hypereides, 150 A. D. 
k. Berlin fragm. of the Melanippe of Euripides, 3.-4. cent. 
/. Papyrus fragm. oi Isocrates, 4. cent. 
m. Cod. Ambrosianus of the Iliad, 
n. Cod. Vaticanus of Cassius Dio. 
o. Euripides' Phaeton and Menander, fragm. 
p. Fragm. oi Arist. Birds. 
2. Latin. 

a. Fragm. of Seneca, i. cent. 

b. Seven oldest MSS of Virgil, 3.-5. cent. 

c. Fragm. oiSallusVs Historiae, 3.-4. cent. 

d. Codex Bembinus of Terence, 4.-5. cent. 

e. Codex Sessorianus oi Pliny, N. H. 23-25, 5. cent. 

f. Codex Puteaneus of Livy, 6.-7. cent. 

g. Palimpsesti. 

a. luvenal and Persius, fragm. in cod. Vatic, 3.-4. cent. 

;3. Codex Veronensis and cod. Vaticanus of Livy. 

y. Lucan (Vienna, Naples, Rome), 4. cent. 

8. Cicero's De republica, 4.-5. cent. 

€. Cicero's Speeches in Verrem, fragm. in cod. Vatic, 5. cent. 

(,. Plautus (cod. Ambrosianus), 5.-6. cent. 

17. Gellius and Seneca, fragm., 5.-6. cent. 

d. Fronto, fragm., 4.-6. cent. 

I. Livy, fragm. (Vienna), 5. cent. 

Cf. "E. Hiibner, Encyclop., pp. 45-54. 

IV. The Revival of Learning in Italy. 

Cf. G. Voigt, Die Wiederbelebung des class. Alterthums, 2 vols., Berlin, 
1881^; y. A, Symondsj Renaissance in Italy (vol. II. The Revival of 
Learning), 1877; I. Burkhardt,T)\e. Cultur der Renaissance in Italien, 
1885^; D. Comparetti, Virgilio nel medio evo, 2 vols., Livorno, 1872 ; F. 
A. Eckstein, Nomenclator philologorum, Lpz. 1871, pp. 656 : W. POkel, 
Philolog. Schriftstellerlexicon, Lpz. 1882. 

(A). Greek Immigrants. 

Cf. H. Hodius, De Graecis illustr. linguae Graecae litterarutnque hu- 
maniorum instauratoribus, London, 1742; Bernhardy, 1* 730 ff. 


(i). Manuel Chrysoloras, 1350-1415. 

In Florence in 1396, thereafter in Pavia, Venice, Rome. 
Died in Germany. Niccoli, Bruni, Marsuppini, Traversari 
among his pupils. 

a. 'EpaTfiiiara t^s 'EXXijcik^j. 

d. Verbatim translation of Plato's Republic. 
Cf. Voigt, I 225-35 ; Symonds, p. 108 ff. 
(2). Georgios Gemisthios Plethon, 1355-1452. 

Famous Platonist. Voigt, II 119-22; Symonds, pp. 
(3). Bessarion, 1403-72. 

Pupil of Plethon. Famous library of 800 MSS bequeathed 
to Venice (the foundation of the St. Marcus Library). 
Translator oi Arist. Metaphysics, Xenophon's Memorabilia. 

For a list of his works cf. Fabricius, X. In general : Voigt, II 124-33 ; 
Symonds, p. 247 ff.; H. Vast, Le Cardinal Bessarion, Paris, 1879. 

(4). Theodorus Gaza, c. 1400-c. 1478. 

a. Tpa/jiiiaTLKri iluayayi]. 

b. Celebrated translations of: Aristotle, Theophrastus, de 
plantis," Aelian, Dionysius, De compositione verborum. 
Cicero, Cato and Laelius into Greek. 

Cf. Hody, pp. 55-101 ; Voigt, II, p. 145 ff.; L. Stein, Archiv f. Gesch. 
der Philosophie, 11 3, pp. 426-58. 

(5). Demetrius Chalcondylas, 1428-1510. 

a. Edition of Homer (ed. pr. 1488), Isocrates, Suidas. 

b, 'EfxoTrjuaTa. 

Cf. Hody, pp. 211-26 ; Voigt, I 442. 

(6). Constantinos Lascaris (f after 1500). 

a. 'Epar^fiaTa (Milan, 1476. First Greek book ever printed). 

Cf. Voigt, I 371, II 148 ; A. F. Villemain, Lascaris, Paris, 1825 (Engl, 
transl. 1875, London). 

(B). Italian Humanists. 

(i). Francesco Petrarca, 1304-74. 
Discoverer of Cicero's Letters. 

Cf. Voigt, I, pp. 12-159; Symonds, pp. 69-87 ; Th. Campbell, Life and 
Times of Petrarca, 1845^; G. Korting, P. Leben u. Werke, Lpz. 1878. 

(2). Giovanni Boccaccio, 1313-75. 

a. Genealogia deorum gentilium. 

b. De casibus illustrium virorum. 


c. De Claris mulieribus. 

d. De montibus, silvis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus. 

Cf. G. Koerting, B.'s Leben u. Werke, pp. 742, Lpz. 1880 ; Voigt, I, pp. 
165-86; Symonds, pp. 87-97, 133. 

(3). Colutius Salutatus (Coluccio de Piero de Salutati), 1330- 
Cf. Voigt, I 194-214, II 192, 486 ; Symonds, p. 103 ff. 

(4). Leonardo Bruni (Aretinus), 1369-1444. 
Celebrated translations of Aristotle, Demosthenes, Plutarch. 
Cf. Voigt, I 309 ff., II 165 ff. 

(5). Francesco Poggio Bracciolini, 1 380-1459. 

Discoverer of MSS of Cicero (seven orations), Asconius 
Pedianus' Commentary to Cicero's speeches, Plautus (XII 
new comedies), a complete Quiniilian, Ammianus Marcel- 
linus, Aratea, Silius, Manilius, Columella, Frontinus, Nonius, 
Probus, Petronius, parts of Lucretius, Valerius Flaccus, 
Priscian, Vitruvius, Statins' Silvae [ Tacitus, Dial., Germ., 
Suet, de gramm.J. 
Cf. Voigt, I 237-62, II 7, 75, 254 ff., 329 ff.; Symonds, p. 134 ff., 230-46 ; 

Henzen in C. I. L. VI i (on P.'s contributions to epigraphy). 

(6). Victorinus da Feltre, 1379-1447. 
Celebrated pedagogue. 
Cf. Voigt, I 537 ff.; Symonds, pp. 289-97. 

(7). Kyriacus of Ancona, 1391-c. 1450. 

" I go to awake the dead." Famous collector of inscrip- 
tions in Greece and Italy. 
Cf. Voigt, I 271-88 ; C. I. L. Ill, p. xxii, 129 ff.; E. Huhner, Rom. Epi- 

graphik (=: I. Muller's Handbuch, vol. I, p. 475 ff.) ; Symonds, p. 155 ff. 

(8). Giovanni Aurispa, c. 1370-1459. 

Famous collector of Greek MSS. Reached Venice in 
1423, with 238 vols., containing mostly classical authors 
purchased in Constantinople. Among his priceless treas- 
ures were the celebrated codex Laurentianus (seven plays 
of Soph., six of Aesch.; Apollonius, Argonautica), of the 
X. cent., now in Florence; the entire Demosthenes, and 
Plato, Xenophon, Diodorus, Strabo, Arrian, Lucian, Dio 
Cf. Voigt, I 262 ff., 560 ff., II 348. 


(9). Francesco Filel/o {Vh\\t\v^\is), 1398-1481. 

Itinerant professor; collector of MSS. Translator of 

Cf. Voigt, I 351-69 ; Symonds, pp. 267-89. 

(10). Laurentius Valla (Lorenzo della Valle), 1407-57. 

a. Elegantiae Latini sermonis, 1444. 59. edit, in 1536. 
Still useful. 

b. Translations : Herodotus, Thucydides, Homer. 

c. Edition of Qumtilian, printed 1494. 

Cf. /. Vahlm, Lorenzo Valla, Vienna, 1870; Voigt, I 464-80, II 181 f.; 
Symonds, pp. 258-65. 

(11). Marsilius Ficinus (Marsiglio Ficino), 1433-99. ' 

Famous translation oi Plato. 

Cf. Creuzer, Opusc. II 5, pp. 10-21 ; Voigt, II 123, 326 ; Symonds, p. 
324 ff. 

(12). Angelus Politianus (Angiolo de' Ambrosini of Monte 
Puliciano), 1454-98. 

Praefationes to Homer, Quintilian, Statins' Silvae, Sue- 
tonius, Praelectio in Persium. Translation of Callimachus, 
Herodianos and Epictetus. 
Cf. Heeren, 1. v,., II 247-69; Voigt, I 371, II 199; Symonds, pp. 345-55. 

(13). Petrus Viciorius (Pietro Vettori), 1499-1584. 

The greatest philologist and critic of the Italian Renais- 

a. Edition of Cicero, with commentary. 

b. Edition of Sophocles, with comment, and the scholia, 
1547. The Electra published for the first time in 1545. 
Aeschylus, 1557. 

c. Edition, commentary and translation of Aristotle 
(Ethics, Rhetoric, Poetics, de partibus animalium, 

d. Xenophon's Memorabilia. 

e. Terence ; Sallust ; Varro, de re rustica. 

f. Demetrius [Phalereus] de elocutione, Dionysius, 
Isaeus, Dinarchus, Hipparchus in Arati et Eudoxi 
Phaenomena, Clemens Alexandrinus, Porphyrins de 

g. Variae lectiones, 38 bks. 

Cf. Bandini, Petri Victorii vita, Florence, 1758; Fy. Creuzer, 1. c, pp. 
21-36; H. Kammel, Jahn's Jahrb. 95, p. 545 ff.; 96, p. 325 ff., 421 ff. 


A List of the More Important Editiones Principes of 
Classical Authors. 

Cf. Chr. Saxe, Onomasticon, 2 vols., 1775-90; /. /. Brunei, Manuel de 
Libraire, etc., 8 vols., 1880; F. A. Schweiger, Handbuch d. class. Biblio- 
graphie, 2 vols., 1830-34; S. F. G. Hoffmann, Lex. Bibliographicnm, 3 
vols, (only Greek authors), 1832; L.Hain, Repertorium bibliographicum, 
ab arte typographia inventa usque ad a. MD, 4 vols., Paris and Stuttgart, 

I. Greek. 

1481. Theocritos (Id. I-XVIII), together with Hesiod, Works 

and Days. 
1488. Homer (ed. Chalcondylas). Valla's Latin transl. of the 

Iliad printed as early as 1474. 

1495. Hesiod, Opera omnia (Aldus). 
1495-98. Aristotle (Aldus). 

1496. Euripides' Med., Hypp., Ale, Androm. (I. Lascaris), 

Apollonius (Lascaris), Lucian (in Florence). 

1498. Aristophanes (excl. Lys. and Thesm.); Opera omnia. 

Basle, 1532. 

1499. Aratus (in: Astronomi vett. ap. Aldum). 

1500. Callimachus' Hymns (Lascaris). 

1502. Herodotus, Thucydides, Sophocles (Aldi). 

1503. Euripides' Opera (excl. Electra, edit, by Victorius, 1545, 

from Cod. Laurent. 32, 2). 

15 1 3. Plato, Oratt. Att. [Hyperides, papyrus discovered 1847]. 

Pindar (together with Callim., Dionys., Perierg., Ly- 
cophron) (Aldus). 

1514. Athenaeus (Aldus). 

1516. Xenophon (excl. Agesil., Apologia, Ti6poi, ap. lunta), 

Opera omnia, 1525, ap. Aldum ; Strabo (transl. printed 

in Rome, 1470), Pausanias. 
1518. Aeschylus (Aldus). 
1530. Polybius (ap. Vincent. Opsopocus, i. e. Koch). Latin 

transl. by Nic. Perrotto (bks. I-V), printed 1473. 
1533. Diogenes Laertius (Froben, Basle). 
1539. Diodorus (libb. 16-20). Latin transl. (libb. I-V) by 

Poggio, 1472. 
1544. losephus (Basle). 
1548. Cassius Dio (R. Stephanus). 
1551. Appian. 
1572. Plutarch (H. Stephanus). Latin transl. by Campanus, 



. Latin. 
1465. Cicero, de officiis. First printed edition of a classical 
author. Cf. art. ' Typography ' in Encycl. Brit. Lac- 
tantius (Rome). 

1469. Caesar, Virgil, Livy, Lucan, Apuleius, Geljius (Rome). 

1470. Persius, luvenal. Martial, Quintilian, Suetonius (Rome). 

Tacitus, luvenal, Sallust, Horace (Venice). Terence 

147 1. Ovid (Rome, Bonn), Nepos (Venice). 

1472. Plautus (G. Merula), Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Sta- 

tius (Venice). 

1473. Lucretius (Brixiae). 

1474. Valerius Flaccus (Bonn). 

1475. Seneca (Prose Works), Sallust (first volume issued in 


1484. Seneca (Tragedies) at Ferrara. 

1485. Pliny the Younger (Venice). 
1498. Cicero, Opera omnia. 

1520. Veil. Paterculus (Beatus Rhenanus, Basle). Only one 
MS in existence. 

'. France. 

Cf. E. Egger, L'Hellfenisme en France, 2 vols. i86g. 

(i) Robert Etienne (Stephanus), 1503-69. 

Learned printer of classical authors, e. g. Horace, Diony- 
sius Halic. Dio Cassius. Thesaurus linguae Latinae, 

(2) Henri Etienne, son of Robert, 1528-98. 

For a list of the extremely numerous editions of this 
famous printer cf. L. Feugfere, Essai sur la vie et les 
ouvrages de H. E., Paris, 1853. Cp. also Pokel, 1. c. sub 

Thesaurus graecae linguae, 5 vols., 1572; re-edited by 
Dindorf, 1865. Still the most complete lexicon of 
Greek published. 
Cf. Egger, 1. u. p. 198 ff. 

(3) Adrien Turnebous (Turnebus), 1512-65. 

Celebrated critic. Editor e. g. Aesch. Soph., Arist. 
Ethics, Theophrastus, Philo., Cicero, de legg. Commen- 
taries to Varro, de ling. Lat., and Horace, Adversaria, 30 
bks. Cf. Pokel s. v. 


(4) Denis Lambin (Dionysius Lambinus), 1520-72. 

Famous commentator and critic of Horace, Cicero, Lu- 
cretius, Plautus, Nepos. 
Cf. Orelli, Onomasticon Ciceronis, vol. I, Appendix, pp. 478-91. 

(5) Marcus Antonius Muretus, 1526-85. 

Renowned Latin stylist and critic. 

Editions and commentaries to Terence, Catullus, Tibul- 

lus, Properiius, Seneca; Cicero, Philippics. Variae 


Cf. Opera omnia, ed. D. Ruhnken, 4 vols. 1789 (Life in vol. IV, pp. 518- 
82), and C. Dejob, M. A. Muret, Paris, 1881 (IV pp. 496). 

On Scaliger, see below. 

(6) Isaac Casaubon (Casaubonus), 1559-1614. 

Next to Scaliger the greatest noXvlarap of his time. 

a. De Saiyrica Graeca poesi et Romanorum satira, 1605 
(ed. Rambach, Halle, 1774). 

b. Editions and commentaries : 

a. Theophrastus, Characters. 1592. 

/3. Athenaeus, 1598. 1840^ (incorporated into Schweig- 

hauser's edition), 
•y. Persius, 1605. 1833'. 
8. Suetonius, 1595. 161 1' (cf. F. A. Wolflf's edition). 

e. Polybius, 1609. (Especially noteworthy for its introduc- 
tion on Greek historiography.") 

f. Apuleius, Strabon, Polyaenos (ed. pr.) Histor. Aug. 
Script., Aristophanes. 

ij. Exegetical and critical contributions to Dionysius Halic, 
Pliny the Younger, Theocritos, Diogenes Laertius. 

Cf. Mark Pattison, Isaac Casaubon, Oxford, 1892* (ed. Nettleship). 
On Salmasius, see below. 

(7) Charles du Fresne sieur du Cange, 1610-88. 

a. Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis, 

b. Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Graecitatis, 

c. Edition of Byzantian Historians, 1680. 

Cf. Hardouin, Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de du Cange, Paris, 1849. 

(8) Bemhard de Monffaucon, 1655-1741. 

Cf. E. de Broglie, La society de I'abbaye de Saint-Germain, etc., 1891, 
2 vols. 


a. Palaeographia Graeca, 1708 f. 

b. L'antiquit6 expliqude et representee en figures, 10 vols, 
fol. (1719), Suppl. 5 vols. fol. (1724). I757^ 

VI. The Netherlands. 

Cf, L. Mailer, Gesch. der class. Philologie in den Niederlanden, Lpz. 
1869 (pp. 249). 

Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1465-1536. 

Cf. R. B. Drummond, E., his Life and Character, 2 vols., London, 1873 ; 
L. Feug^re, Erasme, Paris, 1874; A. R. Pennington, Life and Character 
of E., London, 1875 ; Pokel, 1. c. p. 71 f.; Adagiorum Chiliades (1506). 

1. First Period, 1530-75. 

(i; Adriaan de Jonghe {Hadrianus Junius'), 15 11-75. 

Plutarch, Symp., Martial, Nonius Marcellus, Animad- 
versiones, 6 bks. — nomenclator octilinguis. 

(2) Jacob de Crusque (Cruquius), 11584. 

Editor ol Horace with scholia, 1578. 

(3) Wilhelm Canter, 1541-75. 

Editions of Aesch., Soph., Eur., Aristides, Stobaeus. 
Transl. of Lycophron's Alexander (in Scaliger's edition). 

2. Second Period, 1575-1650. 

Foundation of the University of Leiden, 1575; Utrecht, 
1636. Cf. L. Miiller, p. 5 ff. Characteristic of the period, 
(i) Justus Lipsius, 1547-1606. 

1567 in Rome, 1572 Professor in Jena, 1576 in Lowen, 
i^yc) in Leiden, 1592 in Lowen. 

a. Tacitus, 1574'. Epoch-making masterpiece. 

b. Velleius Paterculus, 1591. Cf. Ruhnken, Opusc. II, 

P- 541- 

c. Seneca Philosophus, 1605. 

d. Valerius Maximus. 

Cf. A. de Reiffenberg, De J. L. vita et scriptis commentarius, Brussels, 
1823 ; L. Miiller, pp. 24-29, 33-35. 

(2) Joseph Justus Scaliger, 1540-1609. 

One of the greatest scholars of all times. Wyttenbach, 
Praef ad Plut. Moralia ' Unus forte Joseph Scaliger, quem 
ex omnibus qui post renatas Literas fuerunt, omni Anti- 
quitatis scientia consumatissimum fuisse constat, non mul- 
tum ab hac perfectione abfuit.' Born in France. Called 
to Leiden in 1593. 


a. Coniectanea to Varro, De L. L., 1.565. 

b. Catalecta Virgilii et aliorum poetarum veterum, 1572. 

c. Festus, 1575. 

d. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, 1577. 

e. Manilius, 1579. 

/. De emendatione temporum, 1583. 

g. Thesaurus temporum, 1606. 

h. Twenty- four Indexes to Gruter's Thesaurus 
iNSCRiPT. Latin., 1601. 

i. De re nummaria, 1616 ; Opuscula, 1610 ; De arte critica, 

Cf. J. Bemays, J. J. Scaliger, Berlin, 1855 (pp. 319) ; List of works, 
1. c. p. 267-305 ; L. Mailer, pp. 35, 222-7 ! ^- Pattison, The Lives of the 
two Scaligers, London, 1856; Ruhnkenius, Elog. Hemsterhusii Opusc. I 

(3) Gerhard Johannes Vossius, 1577-1649. 
1615 in Leiden, 1622 in Amsterdam. 

a. Grammatica Latina (1607), Aristarchus (1635), de vitiis 
sermonis (i64o),'Etymologicum (1660). 

b. Ars rhetorum, de arte poetica (1647). 

c. De historicis Graecis, 1634 (1833 ed. Westermann). 

d. De historicis Latinis, ibz-f. 
Cf. L. Muller, p. 39 f. ; Pskel, s. v. 

(4) Daniel Heinsius, 1581-1639. 

Editor of Hesiod, Theocritos, Terence, Virgil, Horace, 
Ovid, Seneca, Silius. Cf. L. Muller, p. 38 f 

(5) Claude de Saumaise {Salmasius), 1588-1653. 

Professor in Leiden, 1631. At the court of Christina of 
Sweden, 1650. Opponent ojf' Milton. Discoverer of Ke- 
phalas' Anthologia, 1606. 

" Non homini sed scientiae deest quod nescivit Salma- 
sius." — Balzac. 

a. Hist. Aug. Scriptt. 1620 ; Florus, 1609 ; Tertullian. 

b. Plinianae exercitatt. in Solinum, 1629. 

c. De lingua hellenistica, 1643. 

d. De usuris, de mutuo, de annis climactericis. 
e De re militari Romanorum, 1657. 

Cf. Saxe, Onomast. IV 188 ff. ; F. Creuzer, 1. u. pp. 65-75 ; L. MUller, 
p. 41- 

(6) Hugo Grotius, 1583-1645. 

a. Famous transl. of the Anlhol. Planudea, 1645. 


b. De iure belli et pads, 1625". 

c. Editions of: Mart. Capella, Lucan's Pharsalia, Silius 

Cf. Creuzer, I. c. p. 80 ff. ; L. Miiller, p. 38 ; Pokel. ». v. 

. Third Period, 1650-1750. 
(i) Joh. Friedrich Gronov, 1611-1671. 

Editor of: Sallust, Seneca the elder, Plinius, Tacitus, 
Gellius, Justinus, Plautus, Phaedrus, Statius, Martial. 
Cf. L. Miiller, pp. 42-44. 

(2) Jacob Gronov, 1645-1716, son of (i). 

a. Editor of: Herodotus, Polybius, Cicero, Ammianus. 

b. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Graecarum, 13 vols., 1702. 

(3) Nicolaus Heinsius (son of Daniel H.), 1620-81. 
Editions and commentaries of: Virgil, Ovid, Valerius 

Flaccus, Silius, Claudianus, Prudentius, Petronius, 
Velleius, Curtius, Tacitus. Cf. L. Miiller, pp. 51-54. 

(4) Joh. Georg Graevius, 1623-1703. 

Editor of: Cicero, Opera omnia, Hesiod, Callimachus, 
Justinus, Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Florus. The- 
saurus antiquitatum Romanorum, 12 vols., 1699. Cf. 
L. Miiller, p. 44 f. 

(5) Ezechiel Spanheim, 1629-17 10. 

Born in Geneva, died in London. Educated in Eeiden. 

a. Famous and still useful commentary to the Hymns of 
Callimachus, ed. Ernesti, 1761, in 2 vols. 

b. Dissertatio de usu et praestaniia numismatum antiquo- 
rum, 1664, 1706'. 

Cf. D. Ruhnken, Opusc. II 5q6 f. 

(6) Peter Burmann 'Cs\^ €i6.tx , 1668-1741. 

Editor of: Petronius, Velleius, Quintilian, Suetonius, 
Aristophanes, Phaedrus, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus. 
Cf. L. Miiller, pp. 45, f. 54-59 ; Saxe, Onomast. V pp. 466-77. 

(7) Peter Burmann [Secundus], nephew of (6), 1714-78. 
Editor of: Virgil, Propertius, Claudianus, Poetae Mi- 

nores, Anthologia Latina. 

Cf. T. C. Harles, Vitae Philologorura nostra aetate clarissimorum, vol. 
I, pp. 93-167. 

(8) Tiberius Hemsterhuis (Hemsterhusius), 1685-1766. 

Prof, in Franeker 1717, in Leiden 1740. 


Edition of Pollux, Lucian and Aristoph. Pluios. 
Cf. D. Ruhnken, Elogium H. (= Opusc. I 238 ff.) ; L. Muller, pp. 74-82. 

\. Fourth Period, 1750 to the present, 
(i) Ludwig Caspar Valckenaer, 1750-85. 

Prof, in Franeker, 1741 ; in Leiden, 1766. 

a. Editions of: Homer, Iliad with scholia, 1747. 
EuRiPiDis Phoenissae, 1755 (1824*, Lpz. 2 vols.). 
Euripidis Hippol. acced. Diatribe in Eur. perdit. 

FABB. RELL. I768 (1823, Lpz. 2 vols.). 

Theocritos, Bion and Moschus, 1781. Poetae bucolici 

at didactici ed. ill. 1781. 
CalHmachiira.%m&r)Xs., ed. Luzac, 1799. 

b. Diatribe de Aristobulo ed. Luzac, 1806. 

F. Ursinus, Vergilius coUatione gcriptt. Graec. illustr. ed. 
Valck, 1747. 
Cf. Wyttenbach, Opusc. I 796; L. Muller, p. 82 f. 

(2) David Ruhneken (Rhunkenius), 1723-98. 
Prof, at Leiden. 

a. Timaei lexicon vocum Platonicarum, 1754 (1833'). 

b. Oratio de doctore umbratico, Leiden, 1761. 

c. Historia criiica oratorum Graecorum, 1768 (Lpz. 1841). 

d. (P. J. Schardam) De vita et scriptis Longini. 

e. Velleius, Homeric Hymns to Demeter and Dionysos. 
f. Dictata in Terentium, in Ovidii Heroidas, in Suetonium. 
Cf. D. Wytteniach,'V\is. D. Ruhnkenii, ed. Bergmann, 1824; L. Muller, 

pp. 84-8, 101-3. 

(3) Daniel Wyttenbach, 1 746-1 820. 

a. Plutarchi Moralia (Text, Animadversiones, index, 
14 vols. ; Commentary unfinished), 1795-1820. Plato's 

b. Philomathia, 3 vols., 1817. Bibliotheca Critica, 1779- 
1809. Vita Ruhnkenii, 1790, pp. 295. 

Cf. L. Muller, pp. 91-6. 

(4) Peter Hofmann-Peerlkamp, 1786-1865. 

Editions of: Tacitus' Agricola, Horace, Odes (1834), 
Satires (1845) and Ars Poetica (1863), Virgil, Aeneid 
(1863). Propertius, 1865. Cf. L. Muller, p. no f. 

(5) C. Gabriel Cobet, 1813-88. 
Prof, in Leiden. 


a. Oratio de arte interpretandi, 1847. 

b. Diogenes Laertius, Paris, 1850. 

c. Novae Lectiones, 2 vols. Variae Lectiones, 2 vols. 

Cf. J. J. Hartmann, Biogr. Jahrbuch (Calvary), XII p. 53 ff- (1889). 

VII. England. 

Burney's Pleiad : Bentley, [Dawes,] Markland, Taylor, [Toup, 
Tyrwhitt,J Porson. 
(i) Richard Bentley, 1662-1742. 

1676 in Cambridge, 1689 in Oxford, 1694 in London, 
1700 Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. 

a. Epistola ad Millium, 1691. 

b. Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, etc., 
1690 (ed. W. Wagner, 1874). Immortal masterpiece. 

c. Horace, 1711. 1869 (ed. Zangemeister). 'Epoch- 
making masterpiece.' 

d. Discovery of the Digamma in Homer (Collins on Free- 
thinking, 1713, ed. of Milton, 1732). 

e. Terence (Famous introduction on Latin versification), 
with Phaedrus, Publilius Syrus, 1726. 

/. Collection of the fragments of Callimachus, 1693. 

g. Manilius (1739); Emendations to Menander and Phile- 
mon (1710). 

Cf. /. H. Monk, Life of R. B., 2 vols. i833« (I pp. 428, II 466) ; F. A. 
Wolff, Literar. Analecten I i-g5, II 493-9 (= Klein. Schrift. II 1030, 
io8g ff.) ; R. C. Jebb, R. B. (Engl. Men of Letters), Lond. 1882 (pp. 224) : 
0. Mahly, R. B., i868 (pp. 179). Bernays, Philol. Mus. VIII 1-24. 

(2) Jeremiah Markland, 1 693-1 776. 

Editor of Euripides, Maximus Tyrius, Statins Silvae. 
Remarks on the Epistles of Cicero to Brutus, 1745. 

Cf. Wolff, Analecten, II 370-gi. 

(3) John Taylor, 1703-66. 

Editorof Zj)/jza5, 1739; Aeschines, 1769; several orations 
of Demosthenes. 
Cf. Wolff, 1. ^. 1 500 ff. 

(4) Richard Porson, 1759-1808. 

Next to Bentley, England's greatest text critic. Prof, in 
Cambridge, 1792 ; Librarian of the London Institu- 
tion, 1805. 
a. Aeschylus, 1795, 2 vols. 


b. EuRiP. Hecuba, 1797, withsuppl. to the famous preface 
on Greek versification [Canon Porsonianum], 1808. 

c. Eurip. Orest. 1798; Phoen. 1799; Medea, 1801. 

d. Critical contributions to Homer, Herodotus, Xenophon, 
Aristoph., Pausanias, Suidas (of. Tracts and Miscella- 
neous Criticism of R. P., ed. by Kidd, 1815). 

Cf. /. S. Watson, Life of R. P., 1861 ; F. A. Wolff, Anal. II 284-9 \ 
G. Hermann, Opusc. VI 92 ff. 

(5) Peter Elmsley, 17 13-1825. 

Editions of: Thucydides, Eurip., Ale, Androm., Elect, 
Med., Heracl., Bacch., Aristoph., Acharn., with com- 
ment., 1809. Soph., O. T., O. C. 

(6) William Martin Leake, 1777-1869. 
Celebrated traveler and archaeologist. 

a. Topography of Athens and the demi. 

b. Travels in Northern Greece, 1841, 4 vols. 

c. Travels in the Morea, 1830, 2 vols. 

Cf. E. Curtius, Alterthum u. Gegenwart, p. 305 ff. 

(7) Thomas Gaisford, 1 779-1 855. 

Edition of: Hephaestion, Prodi Chrestom., Suidas, 3 
vols., Scriptt. lat. rei metricae, Paroemiogr. Graec, 
Etymol. Magn., Siobaeus, Eusebius, 6 vols. 

(8) George Grote, 1794-187 1. 

a. Greek History, 12 vols., 1856. 

b. Plato and the other companions of Socrates, 1865. 

c. Aristotle (unfinished), 1871. 

(9) Hugh Andrew Johnstone Munro, 1819-85. 

a. Lucretius (text, comment., transl.), 3 vols., 1873. 

b. Lucil. Aetna, text and comment., 1867. 

c. Horace, 1869. 

d. Criticisms and Elucidations of Catullus, 1878. 
Cf. J. D. Duff, Biogr. Jahrb. VII p. iii ff. 

VIII. Germany. 

Chief work : C. Bursian, Geschichte der class. Philologie von den 
Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart, Munich, 1883 (VIII pp. 1271); Hiibner, 
1. c. pp. 99-121. 

(..4) Ante-Wolffian Period. 

(i) Roclef Huysman {^Rudolphus Agricola), 1442/3-85. 


Famous pedagogue. The first to introduce the system- 
atic study of the classics into Germany. Translation 
of Ps. Plato, Axiochus, several treatises of Lucian, 
Commentary to Seneca Rhetor. 

Cf. Bursian, p. loi f. 

(2) Johannes Reuchlin, 1455-1522. 

a. Vocabularius breviloquus, synopsis grammaticae 

b. Translation of the Batrachomyomachia. 

c. Editions of: Xenophon, Apol. Agesil. Hiero ; Aeschinis 
et Demosthenis oratt. adversariae. 

Cf. L. Geiger, R., sein Leben a. seine Werke, Berl. 1871 ; Bursian, pp. 

(3) Joachim Kammermeister {Camerarius), 1500-74. 

a. Editions of: Speeches of Demosth., Sophocles, with 
commentary (1534, 1556), Quintilian, with comment. 
(1534), Cicero, 4 vols, fol., 1540, Herodotus, Thucydides, 
Plautus (1552), Theocrltos, Aristotle's Ethics, Theo- 
phrastos, historia rei nummariae. 

Cf. Ritschl, Opusc. II gg ff., Ill 67 ff. (On liis edition of Plautus) ; 
Bursian, pp. 1 85-90. Full list of works in Pokel, s. v. p. 39 f. 

(4) Johann Albert Fabricius, 1668-1736. 

a. Bibliotheca Graeca, 14 vols., 1728 (ed. Harles, 1809, 12 
vols., index, 1838). A monumental and still indispensable 
storehouse of information. 

b. Bibliotheca Latina, 1697 (ed. Ernesti, iT]^). 

c. Bibliotheca Lat. med. et infim. aetatis, 1746, 6 vols. 

d. Sextus Empiricus, 17 18. 

Cf. H. S. vita et scriptis F. Hamburg, 1737 ; Creuzer, pp. 
201-5 ; Bursian, pp. 360-4; Pokel, s. v. 

(5) Johann Matthias Gcsner, 1691-1761. 

Editions of : Scriptores rei rusiicae, Horace, Quintilian, 
Pliny the Younger, Claudianus. Thesaurus Linguae 
Latinae, 2 vols, fol., 1749. Transl. of Lucian. 

Cf. Bursian, pp. 387-93; F. Paulsen, Gesch. d. gelehrt. Unterrichts in 
Deutschl., Lpz. 1885, pp. 427-40. 

(6) Johann August Ernesti, 1707-81. 

Editions of: Xenophon, Memorab., Arist. Clouds, Ho- 
mer, Callimachus Polybius, Tacitus, Sueton., Cicero, 


1739. i774j 5 vols., with clavis Ciceroniana (Halle, 
1832'). Famous teacher and Latin stylist. 

Cf. Bursian, pp. 400-4 ; Allg. deutsche Biogr. VI 235-42. 

(7) Joh. Jacob Reiske, 1716-74. 

a. Edition of Constantinos Porphyrogennetos, de cerimo- 
niis aulae Byzantinae, 2 vols., 1754. 

b. Editions of: Theocritos, 2 vols., 1766 ; Oratt. Graeci, 
12 vols., 1775. 

(c) Editions of: Plutarch, 12 vols.; Dionysius Halic, 6 
vols. ; Maximos Tyrios, 2 vols. ; Dion. Chrysostomos, 2 
vols. ; Libanios, 4 vols, (all printed after R.'s death). 

d. Translation of: Speeches in Thucyd., Speeches of 
Deni. and Aesch, 5 vols. 

e. Animadversiones ad audores Graecos, 5 vols., 1766. 

Cf. Autobiography, Lpz. 1783 ; Bursian, pp. 407-16. 

(8) Johann Joachim Winckelmann, 1717-68. 

Founder of the science of Archaeology. 

Die Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums, 1764. 

Cf. K. Jusii, W., sein Leben, seine Werke und seine Zeitgenossen, 3 
vols., Lpz., 1872 (pp. xii + 525, 398, pp. vi + 440) ; Bursian, pp. 426-36. 

(9) Joseph Hilarius Eckhel, 1737-98. 

Founder of the science of Numismatics. 

Dodrina nummorum veierum, 8 vols., 1798. 1841'. 

Cf. Bursian, pp. 496-99. 

(10) Christian Gottlob Heyne, 1729-1812. 

Editions of: Tibullus, 1755; Epictetus, 1756; Virgil,/^ 
vols., 1775 ; Pindar, [Ps.] Apollodori Bibliotheca, 2 
vols., 1782, 1802''; Iliad, 8 vols., 1802 ; Opusc. Aca- 
demica, 6 vols., 1785-1812. 

Cf. A. H. L. Heeren, Chr. G. Heyne, GOttingen, 1813 (XXII, pp. 522) ; 
Bursian, pp. 476-500. 

{E) The New School. 

Friedrich August Wolff, 1759 (200 years after Casaubonus) 

a. Prolegomena to Homer, 1795. Cp. R. Volckmann, 
Geschichte u. Kritik der W.'s Prolegg., Lpz. 1874. 

b. Demosthenis Leptinea (valuable introduction), 1790. 


c. Plato's Symposium, Hesiod, Theogony; Cicero, Tusc. 
Disp., Orations (Post red. in senatu, ad Quirites, de 
domo sua, de haruspicum responsis, pro Marcello — 
regarded as spurious by W.), Aristoph. Clouds, Casau- 
bonus' Suetonius. 

d. Encyclopaedic der Philologie ed. Stockmann, Lpz. 1831. 

e. Kleine Schriften, 2 vols. (pp. 1200), Ed. G. Bernhardy, 

Cf. W. KOrte, Leben u. Studien F. A. W.'s des Philologen, 2 vols., 
Essen, 1833 (pp. 363, 314); Bursian, pp. 517-48. 

I. Grammatico-critical School. 
On Criticism and Hermeneuiics : 

F. Schleiermacher , Works, III 3, p. 344 ff. ; Hermeneutik u. Kritik, 
Works, I pt. VII, 1838 (pp. xviii -j- 390) ; G. Hermann, de officio inter- 
pretis, Opusc. V, p. 405 ff., VII 97 ff. ; A. Boeckh, Opusc. I 100 ff, V 
248 ff., VII 262 ff., Eneyclopaedie, etc., der phil. Wissensch., pp. 79- 
263; H. 5fla//^, Epistola Critica; C. G. Cobet, Oratio de arle inter- 
pretandi, Leiden, 1847 (pp. 163); J. N. Madvig, Advers. Critica, I 
(1871) pp. 8-184; E. Tournier, Exercises critiques, Paris, 1875 (PP- 175)! 
Fr.Blass, Hermeneutik u. Kritik (Iwan Miiller's Handbuch) I (1886), pp. 

(i) Gottfried Hermann, 1772-1848. 

a. Editions of: Aeschylus, Soph., Eurip. (Hecuba, Here, 
fur. Suppl. Bacchae, Alcestis, lori), Arist. Clouds, Plau- 
tus' Trinummus, Aristotle's Poetics, Homeric Hymns, 
Lexicon of Photios, Bion and Moschus. 

b. Elementa doctrinae metricae, 18 16. 

c. .^o»«frzV treatises, 1832, 1840. C/M.yc., 8 vols., 1827-39. 
vol. VIH, 1876. 

Cf. O. Jahn, Biogr. Aufsatze, Lpz. 1849 (pp. 91-132) ; Bursian, p. 575 ff., 
pp. 666-86. 

(2) Christian August Loheck, 1781-1860. 

a. Sophocles, Aiax, 1809. 

b. Aglaophamus, 2 vols., 1829. 

c. Paralipomena grammaticae Graecae, 2 vols., 1837. 
Cf. Bursian, p. 572 ff., 711-713. 

(3) August Immanuel Bekker, 1785-1881. 

a. Text Editions of: Plato, Attic Orators, Aristotle, Sextus 
Empiricus,Thucydides,Theognis, Aristophanes, Photios, 
Suidas, Scholia to the Iliad, Cassius Dio, Harpocration, 


Corpus scriptt. Byzantinorutn, 24 vols., Homer (with 
digamma in the text), etc., etc. 

Cf. Bursian, pp. 658-63; Pokel, a. v. 

(4) Karl Lachmann, 1793-1831. 

a. Propertius (1816), Catullus, Prop., TibulL, 1829, Teren- 
tianus Maurus. 

b. Betrachtungen uber Homer's Ilias (mit Zusatzen 
von M. Haupt), 1837, 1841. ' Epoch-making.' 

c. Lucretius, with critical commentary. ' Immortal mas- 

d. Lucilius (ed. Vahlen), Babrios. 

Cf. M. Hertz, K. L., Berlin, 1851 (pp. x -|- 255, xliii) ; Bursian, pp. 789- 

(5) August Meineke, 1790-1870. 

a. Editor of; 5yr«^(7, Athenaeus,Callimachus,^rM/^^a«(?j, 
Fragmenta Comicorum (with History of Greek 
Comedy), 5 vols., 1841 ; Theocritos, Horace (application 
of the four-line strophe). 

b. Analecta Alexandrina, 1843. 

Cf. F. Ranlce, A. M., Ein Lebensbild, Lpz. 1871 ; Bursian, pp. 764-9. 

(6) Karl Wilhelm. Dindorf, 1802-71. 

a. Editor of : Aristophanes, /*i3^/ae jfifMzVz^ram, Demos- 
thenes, 9 vols., 1846-51, Stephanus Byzantius, Aris- 
tides, Themistios, Lucian, Herodotus, Josephus, Clemens 
Alexandrinus, 4 vols., Eusebius, 4 vols. 

b. Scholia to Odyssee, 1856 ; scholia to Iliad, 4 vols., 1877. 

c. Lexicon Aeschyleum, Lex. Sophocleum. New edition 
of Slephanus' Greek Thesaurus, Metra Aesch., Soph., 
Eur., Aristoph. 

Cf. Biogr. Jahrb. VI, 1883, p. 112 ff. ; Bursian, pp. 861-70. 

(7) Karl Lehrs, 1802-78. 

a. De Aristarchi studiis Homericis, 1833 (1882', pp. 


b. Horace, 1869. Transl. of Plato's Phaedrus and Sympo- 


c. Die Pindarscholien, Lpz. 1873. 

Cf. E. Kammer, Biogr. Jahrb. (1879), pp. 15-28 ; Bursian, pp. 718-24. 

(8) Friedrich Ritschl, 1806-76. 

a. Plautus ( Trinummus, with famous Prolegg.), Bacchi- 
des, Parerga to Plautus and Terence {Fabulae Varro- 
nianae, etc.), Opusc. vol. II (pp. 782), vol. Ill, 1-300. 


b. On the literary activity of Varro. Opusc. Ill, pp. 419- 


c. Aeschylus, Septem, 1853. 

d. Priscae latinitatis monumenta epigraphica, 1862. 
Opusc. vol. V. 

e. On Alexandrian library, Stichometry, etc. Opusc. vol. I. 
Cf. L. Muller, F. R., Berlin, 1877 ; 0. Ribbeck, F. W. R., Ein Beitrag 

z. Gesch. der Philologie, 2 vols., Lpz. 1 881 (pp. vii + 348> viii + 59l); 
Bursian, pp. 812—40. 

(9) Johann Nicolaus Madvig, 1804-86. 

a. De Asconii Pediani comment. 1826. 

b. Cicero, de finibus, 1839, 1876°. 

c. Emendationes Livianae, i860, I877^ 

d. Livy, ed. Madvig and Ussing, 1866, I879^ 4 vols. 

e. Latin Grammar, 1843'. Greek Syntax^ 1847. 

f. Opusc. Acad. I887^ Adversaria Crilica, 2 vols., 1873. 

g. Die Verfassung u. Verwaltung des rom. Staates. 

Complete list of his works in Wochenschr. f. class. Philol. IV (1887) 
p. 285. Cf. Heiberg, Biogr. Jahrb. IX (1886) pp. 202-21. 

Historical-anfiquarian School. 
Bibliography : 

Greek and Roman Literature, Grammar, Poetics, etc. (Hilbner, Encycl. 
pp. 140-75), Religion (pp. 175-84), Greek and Roman Antiquities and 
History (pp. 184-215, 359-88), Geography (pp. 215-85), Chronology (pp. 
286-90), Archaeology (pp. 290-342), Metrology and Numismatics (pp. 342- 
51), Epigraphy (pp. 351-59). Cp. also Sal. Reinach, Manuel de philologie 
classique, vol. II, Appendice, Paris, 1884 (pp. 310). 

(i) Barthold Georg Niebuhr, 1776-1831. 

a. Roman History, 3 vols., 1811'. 

b. Lectures on Roman History, 3 vols. (Engl. 1843, Germ. 

c. Lectures on Ancient History, 3 vols., 1851. 

d. Edition ol Fronto, 1816, Fragmm. of Cicero's Speeches. 

e. Kleine Schriften, 2 vols., 1828. 

Cf. S. IVinkworth, The Life and Letters of B. G. N., 3 vols., Lond. 1852 ; 
Bursian, pp. 647-63; F. Eyssenhardt, B. G. N., Gotha, 1886. 

(2) August BoECKH, 1785-1867. 

a. De Graecae tragoediae principibus, 1 806. 

b. Edition of Pindar, 4 vols., 1811-22. 

c. Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum, 4 vols. 

d. Public Economy of Athens, 12 vols., 1817', i886'. 


e. Philolaos, 1818. 

f. Metrologische Untersuchungen, 1838; Manetho u. die 
Hundsternperiode, 1845; Zur Gesch. der Mondcyclen, 
1856; Opuscula, 7 vols., 1874. 

g. Encyclopaedie u. Methodqlogie der Philol. ed. Kluss- 
mann, 1886' (pp. 884). 

Cf. E. von Leutsch, Philol. Anz. XVI (1886) p. 224 ff. ; Bursian.pp. 687- 

(3) Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker, 1784-1868. 

a. Die Aeschyleische Trilogie Prometheus, 1824. 

b. Theognis, 1826. 

c. Der Epische Cyclus, 2 vols., 1849 (1882'). 

d. Die Griech. Tragoedien, 3 vols. (pp. 1614), 1841. 

e. Alte I>enkmaler, 5 vols., 1849-64. 

f. Griech. Gotterlehre, 3 vols., 1863. 

g. Kleine Schriften, 6 vols, (on Sappho, Prodicus, etc.). 
Cf. Reinh. K^kule, F. G. W.'s Leben, Lpz. i88o (pp. 591) ; Bursian, pp. 


(4) Karl Otlfried Muller, 1797-1840. 

a. Die Dprier, 1824; Die Etrusker, 1828 (1878"). 

b. Archaeologie der Kunst, 1830(1878*). 

c. Aeschylus Eumeniden, 1833. 

d. Varro, de lingua Latina, 1833. 

e. Festus, 1839. 

f. History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, Lond. 
1840, 3 vols. (1876' in 3 vols., ed. E. Heitz). 

Cf. Bursian, pp. 1007-9 > ^- Hillebrand, in the French transl. of {d), 
vol. I, pp. xvii-ccclxxx, Paris, 1865. 

(5) Franz Boff, 1791-1867. 

Founder of the science of comparative philology. 
Cf. B. DelbrUck, Einl. in das Sprachstudium, Lpz. 1880 ; Lefman, F. B., 

(6) Gottfried Bernhardy, 1800-75. 

a. Eratosthenica, 1822; Dionys. Perieg., 1828; Wissensch. 
Syntax, 1829; Suidas, 2 vols., 1834-57. 

b. Griech. Liter aturgeschichte, 2 vols., 1836-45 (1880). 

c. Romische Literaturgesch., 2 vols., 1830 (1872'). 
Cf. R. Vokkmann, G. B., Halle, 1887 (pp. 160); Bursian, p. 776. 

(7) O.fahn, 1813-69. 

a. Edition and commentary of Persius, 1843; fuvenal. 


1851 ; Cic. Orator, 1851 ; Florus, 1852 ; Livii Periochae, 
1853; Soph. Electra, 1861' (r872''>; Plata, Symposium, 
1864 (1876'); Ps. Longinus Hept ufour, 1867 (1887'). 

b. Pausaniae descriptio arcis Aiken.,, i860 (1880'). 

c. Numerous treatises on archaeology and literature (e. g., 
On the subscriptions in Latin MSS. ' Ueber den Aber- 
glauben des bosen Blicks '). 

Cf. Bursian, pp. 1070-80. 

(8) Theodor Mommsen, 1817 — . 

a. Rom. Mum'wesen,\Z^o; Roman History, Vols. I-1 1 1', 
V (transl. by Dickson); Rotnische Chronologic, 1859; 
Rom. Forschimgen, 2 vols., Rom. Staatsrecht, 3 vols, 
(pp. 708, 1171, 1336), 1888'. 

b. Corpus inscriptionum LATiN-AKtnw, Vol. I, III, VIII, 

c. Monumentum Ancyranum., 1865'. 

d. Zur Lebensgesch. des jiingeren Plinius, Hermes III, pp. 
31-139, etc., etc. 

For a full list of his worlts up to 1887 cf. C. Zangemeister, Theodor 
Mommsen als Schriftstelller, Heidelberg, 1887 fpp. 60).