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DARWIN, AND AFTER DARWIN. An Exposition of the 
Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian 

1. THE DarwiniANn THEORY. With portrait of Darwin. 

460 pages, 125 illustrations. Cloth, $2.00, 

2. Post-DaRWINIAN Questions. Edited by Prof. C. 
Lloyd Morgan. With portrait of G. J. Romanes. 
338 pages. Cloth, $1.50. 

SIOLOGICAL SELECTION. Edited by Prof. C. Lloyd 
Morgan. With portrait of Mr. J. T. Gulick. 18: 
pages. Cloth, $1.00. 

All three volumes together, $4.00 net. 

Weismann. 236 pages. Cloth, $1.00. 

THOUGHTS ON RELIGION. Edited by Charles Gore, M.A., 
Canon of Westminster. Third Edition. 184 pages. Cloth, 
gilt top, $1.25. 








Honorary Fellow a Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge 




vi Preface. 

and xxiii), and in four letters to Mature (vol. xli. 
Pp. 536; vol. xlii. pp. 28 and 369; and vol. xtliv. 
P- 29). 

I have tothank Mr. Francis Galton, D.C.L., F.R.S. 
and Mr. F. Howard Collins for valuable assistance 
generously rendered for the sake of one whom all 
who knew him held dear. For he was, if I may 
echo the words of Huxley, “a friend endeared to 
me, as to so many others, by his kindly nature, and 
justly valued by all his colleagues for his powers 
of investigation and his zeal for the advancement of 

C. LLovp MorGAN. 
BRISTOL, May 1897. 


ISOLATION. 6 © «© © «© © © «© « JI 
ISOLATION (continued) . . . ° ° e « 28 


GENERAL CONCLUSIONS . . ° . . . - 144 


viii Contents. 

EVER ACTING ALONE o ° . . . . 157 

NOTE-BOOKS . ‘ 3 ; . 3 3 : 169 





THIS treatise will now draw to a close by considering 
what, in my opinion, is one of the most important 
principles that are concerned in the process of organic 
evolution—namely, Isolation. I say in sy opinion 
such is the case, because, although the importance of 
isolation is more or less recognized by every naturalist, 
I know of only one other who has perceived all that 
the principle involves. This naturalist is the Rev. J. 
Gulick, and to his essays on the subject I attribute 
a higher value than ‘o any other work in the field of 
Darwinian thought since the date of Darwin’s death}. 
For it is now my matured conviction that a new point 
of departure has here been taken in the philosophy of 
Darwinism, and one which opens up new territories 
for scientific exploration of an endlessly wide and 
varied character. Indeed I believe, with Mr. Gulick, 

* It will be remembered that I regard Weismann’s theory of heredity, 
with all its deductive consequences, as still seb judice. 


2 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

that in the principle of Isolation we have a principle 
so fundamental and so universal, that even the great 
principle of Natural Selection lies less deep, and 
pervades a region of smaller extent. Equalled only) 
in its importance by the two basal principles of 
Heredity and Variation, this principle of Isolation 
constitutes the third pillar of a tripod on which is 
reared the whole superstructure of organic evolution. 

By isolation I mean simply the prevention of inter- 
crossing between a separated section of a species or 
kind and the rest of that species or kind. Whether 
such a separation be due to geographical barriers, to 
migration, or to any other state of matters leading 
to exclusive breeding within the separated group, 
I shall indifferently employ the term isolation for the 
purpose of designating what in all cases is the same 
result—namely, a prevention of intercrossing between 
A and B, where A is the separated portion and B the 
rest of the species or kind. 

The importance of isolation as against dissimilar 
forms has always been fully appreciated by breeders, 
fanciers, horticulturists, &c., who are therefore most 
careful to prevent their pedigree productions from 
intercrossing with any other stock. Isolation is indeed, 
as Darwin has observed, “the corner-stone of the 
breeder’s art.” And similarly with plants and animals 
in a state of nature: unless intercrossing with allied 
(i.e. dissimilar) forms is prevented, the principle of 
heredity is bound to work for uniformity, by blend- 
ing the dissimilar types in one: only when there is 
exclusive breeding of similarly modified forms can the 
principle of heredity work in the direction of change 
—d.e. of evolution. 

Isolation. 3 

Now, the forms of isolation—or the conditions 
which may lead to exclusive breeding—are manifold. 
One of the most important, as well as the most obvious, 
is geographical isolation; and no one questions that | 
this has been an important factor in the process of | 
evolution, although opinions still vary greatly as to 
the degree of its importance in this respect. At one 
end of the series we may place the opinion of Mr. 
Wallace, who denies that any of what may be termed 
the evolutionary effect of geographical isolation is due 
to “influence exerted by isolation per se.” This effect, 
he says, is to be ascribed exclusively to the fact that 
a geographically isolated portion of a species must 
always encounter a change of environment, and there- 
fore a new set of conditions necessitating a new set of 
adaptations at the hands of natural selection!. At 
the other end of the series we must place the opinion 
of Moritz Wagner, who many years ago published 
a masterly essay *, the object of which was to prove 
that, in the absence of geographical isolation (including 
migration), natural selection would be powerless to 
effect any change of specific type. For, he argued, 
the initial variations on which the action of this 
principle depends would otherwise be inevitably 
swamped by free intercrossing. Wagner adduced 
a large number of interesting facts in support of this 
opinion; but although he thus succeeded in en- 
forcing the truth that geographical isolation is an 
important aid to organic evolution, he failed to establish 
his conclusion that it is an indispensable condition. 

1 Darwinism, p. 150. 
27he Darwinian Theory, and the Law of Migration (Eng. Trans., 
Stanford, London, 1873). x 
B 2 

4 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

Nevertheless he may have been right—and, as I shall 
presently show, I believe he was right—in his funda- 
mental premiss, that in the presence of free inter- 
crossing natural selection would be powerless to effect 
divergent evolution. Where he went wrong was in 
not perceiving that geographical isolation is not the 
only form of isolation. Had it occurred to him that 
there may be other forms quite as effectual for the 
prevention of free intercrossing, his essay could hardly 
have failed to mark an epoch in the history of Dar- 
winism. But, on account of this oversight, he really 
weakened his main contention, namely, that in the 
presence of free intercrossing natural selection must 
be powerless to effect divergent evolution. This main 
contention Iam now about to re-argue. At present, 
therefore, we have only to observe that Wagner did it 
much more harm than good by neglecting to perceive 
that free intercrossing may be prevented in many other 
ways besides by migration, and by the intervention of 
geographical barriers. 

In order that we may set out with clearer views 
upon this matter, I will make one or two preliminary 
remarks on the more general facts of isolation as these 
are found to occur in nature. 

In the first place, it is obvious that isolation 
admits of degrees: it may be either total or partial ; 
and, if partial, may occur in numberless grades of 
efficiency. This is so manifest that I need not wait 
to give illustrations. But now, in the second place, 
there is another general fact appertaining to isolation 
which is not so manifest, and a clear appreciation 
of which is so essential to any adequate considera- 
tion of the subject, that I believe the reason why 

Isolation. 5 

evolutionists have hitherto failed to perceive the full 
importance of isolation, is because they have failed 
to perceive the distinction which has now to be pointed 
out. The distinction is, that isolation may be either 
discriminate or indiscriminate. If it be discriminate, 
the isolation has reference to the resemblance of the 
separated individuals to one another; if it be indis- 
criminate, it has no such reference. For example, if 
a shepherd divides a flock of sheep without regard to 
their characters, he is isolating one section from the 
other indiscriminately ; but if he places all the white 
sheep in one field, and all the black sheep in another 
field, he is isolating one section from the other 
discriminately. Or, if geological subsidence divides 
a species into two parts, the isolation will be indis- 
criminate ; but if the separation be due to one of 
the sections developing, for example, a change of 
instinct determining migration to another area, or 
occupation of a different habitat cn the same area, 
then the isolation will be discriminate, so far as the 
resemblance of instinct is concerned. 

With the exception of Mr. Gulick, I cannot find 
that any other writer has hitherto stated this 
supremely important distinction between isolation as 
discriminate and indiscriminate. But he has fully 
as well as independently stated it, and shown in 
a masterly way its far-reaching consequences. Indis- 
criminate isolation he calls Separate Breeding, while 

discriminate isolation he calls Segregate Breeding. — 

For the sake, however, of securing more descriptive 
terms, I will coin the words Apogamy and Homogamy. 
Apogamy, of course, answers to indiscriminate isola- 
tion, or separate breeding. Homogamy, on the other 

6 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

hand, answers to discriminate isolation, or segregate 
breeding: only individuals belonging to the same 
variety or kind are allowed to propagate. Isolation, 
then, is a genus, of which Apogamy and Homogamy 
are species 1. 

Now, in order to appreciate the unsurpassed im- 
portance of isolation as one of the three basal 
principles of organic evolution, let us begin by 
considering the discriminate species of it, or Homo- 

To state the case in the most general terms, we 
may say that if the other two basal principles are 
given in heredity and variability, the whole theory 
of organic evolution becomes neither more nor less 
than a theory of homogamy—that is, a theory of 
the causes which lead to discriminate isolation, or 
the breeding of like with like to the exclusion of 
unlike. For the more we believe in heredity and 
variability as basal principles of organic evolution, 
the stronger must become our persuasion that dis- 
criminate breeding leads to divergence of type, while 
indiscriminate breeding leads to uniformity. This, 
in fact, is securely based on what we know from the 
experience supplied by artificial selection, which con- 

1 I may here most conveniently define the senses in which all the 
following terms will be used throughout the present discussion :— Species 
of isolation are, as above stated, homogamy and apogamy, or isolation 
as discriminate and indiscriminate. orms of isolation are modes of 
isolation, such as the geographical, the sexual, the instinctive, or any 
other of the numerous means whereby isolation of either species may be 
secured. Cases of isolation are the instances in which any of the forms 
of isolation may be at work: thus, if a group of # intergenerants be 
segregated into five groups, a, 4, c, d, ¢, then, before the segregation there 
would have been one case of isolation, but after the segregation there 
would be five such cases. 

Isolation. 7 

sists in the intentional mating of like with like to the 
exclusion of unlike. 

The point, then, which in the first instance must be 
firmly fastened in our minds is this :—so long as there 
is free intercrossing, heredity cancels variability, and 
makes in favour of fixity of type. Only when as- 
sisted by some form of discriminate isolation, which 
determines the exclusive breeding of like with like, 
can heredity make in favour of change of type, or 
lead to what we understand by organic evolution. 

Now the forms of discriminate isolation, or homo- 
gamy, are very numerous. When, for example, any 
section of a species adopts somewhat different habits 
of life, or occupies a somewhat different station in 
the economy of nature, homogamy arises within that 
section. There are forms of homogamy on which 
Darwin has laid great stress, as we shall presently 
find. Again, when for these or any other reasons a 
section of a species becomes in any small degree 
modified as to form or colour, if the species happens 
to be one where any psychological preference in 
pairing can be exercised—as is very generally the 
case among the higher animals—exclusive breeding 
is apt to ensue as a result of such preference ; for 
there is abundant evidence to show that, both in birds 
and mammals, sexual selection is usually opposed to 
the intercrossing of dissimilar varieties. Once more, 
in the case of plants, intercrossing of dissimilar 
varieties may be prevented by any slight difference in 
their seasons of flowering, of topographical stations. 
or even, in the case of flowers which depend on 
insects for their fertilization, by differences in the 
instincts and preferences of their visitors. 

8 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

But, without at present going into detail with 
regard to these different forms of discriminate isolation, 
there are still two others, both of which are of much 
greater importance than any that I have hitherto 
named. Indeed, these two forms are of such im- 
measurable importance, that were it not for their 
virtually ubiquitous operation, the process of organic 
evolution could never have begun, nor, having begun, 

The first of these two forms is sexual incompati- 
bility—either partial or absolute—between different 
taxonomic groups. If all hares and rabbits, for 
example, were as fertile with one another as they 
are within their own respective species, there can be 
no doubt that sooner or later, and on common areas, 
the two types would fuse into one. And similarly, 
if the bar of sterility could be thrown down as 
between all the species of a genus, or all the genera of 
a family, xot otherwise prevented from intercrossing, 
in time all such species, or all such genera, would 
become blended into a single type. As a matter 
of fact, complete fertility, both of first crosses and 
of their resulting hybrids, is rare, even as between 
species of the same genus ; while as between genera 
of the same family complete fertility does not appear 
ever to occur; and, of course, the same applies to 
all the higher taxonomic divisions. On the other 
hand, some degree of infertility is not unusual as 
between different varieties of the same species; and, 
wherever this is the case, it must clearly aid the further 
differentiation of those varieties. It will be my 
endeavour to show that in this latter connexion 
sexual incompatibility must be held to have taken 

Isolation. 9 

an immensely important part in the differentiation 
of varieties into species. But meanwhile we have 
only to observe that wherever such incompatibility is 
concerned, it is to be regarded as an isolating agency 
of the very first importance. And as it is of a 
character purely physiological, I have assigned to it 
the name Physiological Isolation ; while for the par- 
ticular case where this general principle is concerned 
in the origination of specific types, I have reserved 
the name Physiological Selection. 

The other most important form of discriminate | 
isolation to which I have alluded is Natural Selection. | 
To some evolutionists it has seemed paradoxical 
thus to regard natural selection as a form of isola- 
tion; but a little thought will suffice to show that 
such is really the most accurate way of regarding it. 
For, as Mr. Gulick says, ‘“ Natural selection is the 
exclusive breeding of those better adapted to the en- 
vironment: ... it is a process in which the fittest are 
prevented from crossing with the less fitted, by the 
exclusion of the less fitted.” Therefore it is, strictly 
and accurately, a mode of isolation. where the 
isolation has reference to adaptation, and is secured 
in the most effectual of possible ways—i.e. by the 
destruction of all individuals whose intercrossing would 
interfere with the isolation. Indeed, the very term 
“natural selection” shows that the principle is tacitly 
understood to be one of isolation, because this name 
was assigned to the principle by Darwin for the 
express purpose of marking the analogy that obtains 
between it and the intentional isolation which is 
practised by breeders, fanciers, and horticulturists. 
The only difference between “natural selection” and 

10 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

“ artificial selection” consists in this—that under the 
former process the excluded individuals must neces- 
sarily perish, while under the latter they need not do 
so. But clearly this difference is accidental: it is in 
no way essential to the process considered as a process 
of discriminate isolation. For, as far as homogamous 
breeding is concerned, it can matter nothing whether 
the exclusion of the dissimilar individuals is effected 
by separation or by death. 

Natural selection, then, is thus unquestionably 
a form of isolation of the discriminate kind; and 
therefore, notwithstanding its unique importance in 
certain respects, considered as a principle of organic 
evolution it is less fundamental—and also less ex- 
tensive—than the principle of isolation in general. In 
other words, it is but a part of a much larger whole. 
It is but a particular form of a general principle, 
which, as just shown, presents many other forms, not 
only of the discriminate, but likewise of the indiscri- 
minate kind. Or, reverting to the terminology of 
logic, it is a sub-species of the species Homogamy, 
which in its turn is but a constituent part of the 
genus Isolation. 

So much then for homogamy, or isolation of the 
discriminate order. Passing on now to apogamy, or 
isolation of the indiscriminate kind, we may well be 
disposed, at first sight, to conclude that this kind of 
isolation can count for nothing in the process of evo- 
lution. For if the fundamental importance of isola- 
tion in the production of organic forms be due to its 
segregation of like with like, does it not follow 
that any form of isolation which is indiscriminate 
must fail to supply the very condition on which all 

Tsolation. 11 

the forms of discriminate isolation depend for their 
efficacy in the causing of organic evolution? Or, to 
return to our concrete example, is it not self-evident 
that the farmer who separated his stock into two 
or more parts indiscriminately, would not effect any 
more change in his stock than if he had left them 
all to breed together ? 

Well, although at first sight this seems self-evident, 

it is in fact untrue. For, unless the individuals which 
are indiscriminately isolated happen to be a very 
large number, sooner or later their progeny will come 
to differ from that of the parent type, or unisolated 

portion of the previous stock. And, of course, as. 
soon as this change of type begins, the isolation 
ceases to be indiscriminate: the previous apogamy | 

has been converted into homogamy, with the usual 

result of causing a divergence of type. The reason 
why progeny of an indiscriminately isolated section 
of an originally uniform stock—e.g. of a species—will 
eventually deviate from the original type is, to quote 
Mr. Gulick, as follows :—“ No two portions of a species 
possess exactly the same average character, and, 
therefore, the initial differences are for ever reacting 
on the environment and on each other in such a way 
as to ensure increasing divergence as long as the 
individuals of the two groups are kept from inter- 
generating!’ Or, as I stated this principle in my 
essay on Physiological Selection, published but a short 
time before Mr. Gulick’s invaluable contributions to 
these topics :— 

As a matter of fact, we find that no one individual ‘‘is like 

1 Divergent Evolution through Cumulative Segregation (Zool. Journal, 
Linn. Soc., vol. xx. pp. 189-274). 

12 Darwin, and afier Darwin. 

another all in all”; which is another way of saying that a 

specific type may be regarded as the average mean of all its in- 
dividual variations, any considerable departure from this average 
being, however, checked by intercrossing. . . . Consequently, if 
from any cause a section of a species is prevented from inter- 
crossing with the rest of its species, we might expect that new 
varieties should arise within that section, and that in time these 
varieties should pass into new species. And this is just what 
we do find’. 

The name which I gave to this cause of specific 
change was Independent Variability, or variability in 
the absence of overwhelming intercrossing. But it 
now appears to me that this cause is really identi- 
cal with that which was previously enunciated by 
Delbceuf. Again, in his important essay on The 
Influence of Isolation, Weismann concludes, on the 
basis of a large accumulation of facts, that the con- 
stancy of any given specific type “does not arise 
suddenly, but gradually, and is established by the 
promiscuous intercrossing of all individuals.’ From 
which, he says, it follows, that this constancy must 
cease so soon as the condition which maintains it 
ceases—i.e. so soon as intercrossing (Panmixia) 
between all individuals ceases, or so soon as a portion 
of a species is isolated from its parent stock. To 
this principle he assigns the name of Amixia. But 
Weismann’s Amixia differs from my Independent 
Variability in several important particulars; and 
on this account I have designedly abstained from 

1The passage proceeds to show that in view of this consideration we 
have a strong additional reason for rejecting the a@ przor¢ dogma that all 
specific characters must necessarily be useful characters. For it is evident 
that any divergence of specific character which is brought about in this 
way need not present any utilitarian significance—although, of course, 
natural selection will ensure that it shall never be deleterious. 

Isolation. 13 

adopting his term. Here it is enough to remark 
that it answers to the generic term Isolation, with- 
out reference to the kimd of isolation as discriminate 
or indiscriminate, homogamous or apogamous. On 
the other hand, my Independent Variability is merely 
a re-statement of the so-called “Law of Delbceuf,” 
which, in his own words, is as follows :— 

One point, however, is definitely attained. It is that the 
proposition, which further back we designated paradoxical, 
is rigorously true. A constant cause of variation, however 
insignificant it may be, changes the uniformity [of type] 
little by little, and diversifies it ad znjinitum. From the homo- 
geneous, left to itself, only the homogeneous can proceed ; but 
if there be a slight disturbance [“léger ferment”] in the 
homogeneous, the homogeneity will be invaded at a single 
point, differentiation will penetrate the whole, and, after 
a time—it may be an infinite time—the differentiation will 
have disintegrated it altogether. 

In other words, the “Law,” which Delbceuf has 
formulated on mathematical grounds, and with express 
reference to the. question of segregate breeding, 
proves that, no matter how infinitesimally small the 
difference may be between the average qualities of 
an isolated section of a species compared with the 
average qualities of the rest of that species, if the 
isolation continues sufficiently long, differentiation of 
specific type is necessarily bound to ensue. But, to 
make this mathematical law biologically complete, it 
ought to be added that the time required for the 
change of type to supervene (supposing apogamy to 
be the only agent of change) will be governed by the 
range of individual variability which the species in 
question presents. A highly stable species (such as 
the Goose) might require an immensely long time for 

14 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

apogamy alone to produce any change of type in an 
isolated portion of the species, while a highly variable 
species (such as the Ruff) would rapidly change in 
any portion that might be indiscriminately isolated. 
It was in order to recognize this additional and very 
important factor that I chose the name Independent 
Variability whereby to designate the diversifying 
influence of merely indiscriminate isolation, or apo- 
gamy. Later on Mr. Gulick published his elaborate 
papers upon the divergence of type under all kinds of 
isolation; and retained my term Independent, but 
changed Variability into Generation. I point this 
out merely for the sake of remarking that his In- 
dependent Generation is exactly the same principle 
as my Independent Variability, and Delbceuf’s Mathe- 
matical Law. 

Now, while I fully agree with Mons. Giard where 
he says, in the introductory lecture of his course on 
The Factors of Evolution, that sufficient attention 
has not been hitherto given by naturalists to this 
important factor of organic evolution (apogamy), 
I think I have shown that among those naturalists 
who have considered it there is a sufficient amount of 
agreement. Per contra, I have to note the opinion 
of Mr. Wallace, who steadily maintains the impossi- 
bility of any cause other than natural selection (i.e. 
one of the forms of homogamy) having been concerned 
in the evolution of species. But at present it is enough 
to remark that even Professor Ray Lankester—whose 
leanings of late years have been to the side of ultra- 
Darwinism, and who is therefore disposed to agree 

* Revue Scientifique, Nov. 23, 1889. 

Isolation. 15 

with Mr. Wallace wherever this is logically possible— 
even Professor Ray Lankester observes :— 

Mr. Wallace does not, in my judgement, give sufficient 
grounds for rejecting the proposition which he indicates as 
the main point of Mr. Gulick’s valuable essay on Divergent 
Evolution through Cumulative Segregation. Mr. Gulick’s 
ideais that . . . . notwo portions of a species possess exactly the 
same average character, and the initial differences will, if the 
individuals of the two groups are kept from intercrossing, 
assert themselves continuously by heredity in such a way as 
to ensure an increasing divergence of the forms belonging to 
the two groups, amounting to what is recognized as specific 
distinction. Mr. Gulick’s idea is simply the recognition of 
a permanence or persistency in heredity, which, caeterts 
paribus, gives a twist or direction to the variations of the 
descendants of one individual as compared with the descendants 
of another}, 

Now we have seen that “Mr. Gulick’s idea,” 
although independently conceived by him, had been 
several times propounded before; and it is partly 
implicated in more than one passage of the Origzx 
of Species, where free intercrossing, or the absence of 
isolation, is alluded to as maintaining the constancy 
of a specific type 3, Moreover, it is still more fully 
recognized in the last edition of the Varzation of 
Animals and Plants, where a paragraph is added for 
the purpose of sanctioning the principle in the 
imperfect form that it was stated by Weismann * 
Nevertheless, to Mr. Gulick belongs the credit, not 
only of having been the first to conceive (though the 
last to publish) the “idea” in question, and of having 
stated it with greater fullness than anybody else; but 

1 Nature, Oct. 10, 1889, p. 568. 27 e9. p. 81. 
2 See Chapter xxiii. vol. ii, p. 262. (Edition of 1883.) 

16 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

still more of having verified its importance as a factor 
of organic evolution. 

For, in point of fact, Mr. Gulick was led to his 
recognition of the principle in question, not by any 
deductive reasoning from general principles, but by 
his own particular and detailed observations of the 
land mollusca of the Sandwich Islands. Here there 
are an immense number of varieties belonging to 
several genera; but every variety is restricted, not 
merely to the same island, but actually to the same 
valley. Moreover, on tracing this fauna from valley 
to valley, it is apparent that a slight variation in the 
occupants of valley 2 as compared with those of the 
adjacent valley 1, becomes more pronounced in the 
next—valley 3, still more so in 4, &c., &c. Thus it 
was possible,as Mr. Gulick says, roughly to estimate 
the amount of divergence between the occupants of 
any two given valleys by measuring the number of 
miles between them. 

As already stated, I have myself examined his 
wonderful collection of shells, together with a topo- 
graphical map of the district; and therefore I am in 
a position to testify to the great value of Mr. Gulick’s 
wotk in this connexion, as in that of the utility 
question previously considered. The variations, which 
affect scores of species, and themselves eventually run 
into fully specific distinctions, are all more or less 
finely graduated as they pass from one isolated 
region to the next; and they have reference to 
changes of form and colour, which in no one case 
presents any appearance of utility. Therefore—and 
especially in view of the fact that, as far as he could 
ascertain, the environment in the different valleys was 

Isolation. 17 

essentially the same—no one who examines this 
collection can wonder that Mr. Gulick attributes the 
results which he has observed to the influence of 
apogamy alone, without any reference to utility or 
natural selection. 

To this solid array of remarkable facts Mr. Wallace 
has nothing further to oppose than his customary 
appeal to the argument from ignorance, grounded on 
the usual assumption that no principle other than 
natural selection caz be responsible for even the 
minutest changes of form or colour. For my own 
part, I must confess that I have never been so deeply 
impressed by the dominating influence of the @ priorz 
method as I was on reading Mr. Wallace's criticism 
of Mr. Gulick’s paper, after having seen the material 
on which this paper is founded. To argue that every 
one of some twenty contiguous valleys in the area of 
the same small island must necessarily present such 
differences of environment that all the shells in each 
are differently modified thereby, while in no one out 
of the hundreds of cases of modification in minute 
respects of form and colour can any human being 
suggest an adaptive reason therefor—to argue thus 
is merely to affirm an intrinsically improbable dogma 
in the presence of a great and consistent array of 
opposing facts. 

I have laid special stress on this particular case of 
the Sandwich Islands’ mollusca, because the fifteen 
years of labour which Mr. Gulick has devoted to their 
exhaustive working out have yielded results more 
complete and suggestive than any which so far have 
been forthcoming with regard to the effects of isolation 
in divergent evolution. But, if space permitted, it 

III. é Cc 

18 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

would be easy to present abundance of additional facts 
from other sources, all bearing to the same conclusion 
—namely, that as a matter of direct observation, no 
less than of general reasoning, any unprejudiced mind 
will concede to the principle of indiscriminate isolation 
an important share in the origination of organic types. 
For as indiscriminate isolation is thus seen sooner or 
later to become discriminate, and as we have already 
seen that discriminate isolation is a necessary condition 
to all or any modification, we can only conclude that 
isolation in both its kinds takes rank with heredity 
and variability as one of the three basal principles 
of organic evolution. 

Having got thus far in the way of generalities, we 
must next observe sundry further matters of com- 
parative detail. 

1. In any case of indiscriminate isolation, or 
apogamy, the larger the bulk of the isolated section 
the more nearly must its average qualities resemble 
those of its parent stock; and, therefore, the less 
divergence of character will ensue in a given time 
from this cause alone. For instance, if one-fourth of 
a large species were to be separated from the other 
three-fourths (say, by subsidence causing a discon- 
tinuity of area), it would continue the specific characters 
unchanged for an indefinitely long time, so far as 
the influence of such an indiscriminate isolation is 
concerned. But, on the other hand, if only half a 
dozen individuals were to be thus separated from 
the rest of their species, a comparatively short time 
would be needed for their descendants to undergo 
some varietal modification at the hands of apogamy. 

Isolation. 19 

For, in this case, the chances would be infinitely 
against the average characters of the original half- 
dozen individuals exactly coinciding with those of 
all the rest of their species. 

2. In any case of homogamy, however, it is 
immaterial what proportional number of individuals 
are isolated in the first instance. For the isolation is 
here discriminate, or effected by the initial difference 
of the average qualities themselves—a difference, 
therefore, which presupposes divergence as having 
already commenced, and equally bound to proceed 
whether the number of intergenerants be large or 

It may here be remarked that, in his essay on 
the Jijfluence of Isolation, Professor Weismann fails 
to distinguish between the two kinds of isolation. 
This essay deals only with one of the many different 
forms of isolation—the geographical—and is therefore 
throughout concerned with a consideration of diversity 
as arising from apogamy alone. But in dealing with 
this side of the matter Weismann anticipated both 
Gulick and myself in pointing out the law of inverse 
proportion, which I have stated in the preceding 
paragraph in what appears to me its strictly accurate 

3. Segregate Breeding, or homogamy, which arises 
under any of the many forms of discriminate isolation, 
must always tend to be cumulative. For, again to 
quote Mr. Gulick, who has constituted this fact the 
most prominent as it is the most original feature 
of his essay, “In the first place, every new form of 
Segregation! that now appears depends on, and is 

1 This term may here be taken as equivalent to Isolation. 

20 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

superimposed upon, forms of Segregation that have 
been previously induced; for when Negative Segre- 
gation arises [i.e. isolation due to mutual sterility], 
and the varieties of a species become less and less 
fertile with one another, the complete infertility that 
has existed between them and some other species 
does not disappear, nor does the Positive Segregation 
cease [i.e. any other form of isolation previously 
existing]. . . . In the second place, whenever 
Segregation is directly produced by some quality of 
the organism, variations that possess the endowment 
in a superior degree will have a larger share in pro- 
ducing the segregated forms of the next generation, 
and accordingly the segregative endowment of the 
next generation will be greater than that of the 
present generation; and so with each successive 
generation the segregation will become increasingly 
complete.’ And to this it may be added, in the 
third place, that where the segregation (isolation) is 
due to the external conditions of life under which 
the organism is placed, or where it is due to natural 
selection simultaneously operating in divergent lines 
of evolution, the same remarks apply. Hence it 
follows that discriminate isolation is, in all its forms, 

4. The next point to be noted is, that the cumu- 
lative divergence of type thus induced can take 
place only in as many different lines as there are 
different cases of isolation. This is a point which 
Mr. Gulick has not expressly noticed; but it is one 
that ought to be clearly recognized. Seeing that 
isolation secures the breeding of similar forms by 
exclusion (immediate or eventual) of those which are 

Isolation. 21 

dissimilar, and that only in as far as it does this 
can it be a factor in organic evolution, it follows that 
the resulting segregation, even though cumulative, 
can only lead to divergence of organic types in as 
many directions as there are cases of isolation. For 
any one group of intergenerants only serzal trans- 
formation is possible, even though the transformation 
be cumulative through successive generations in the 
single line of change. But there is always a probability 
that during the course of such serzal transformation 
im time, some other case of isolation may supervene, 
so as to divide the previously isolated group of inter- 
generants into two or more further isolated groups. 
Then, of course, opportunity will be furnished for 
divergent transformation in space—and this in as 
many different lines as there are now different 
homogamous groups. 

That this must be so is further evident, if we 
reflect that the evolutionary power of isolation 
depends, not only on the preventing of intercross- 
ing between the isolated portion of a species and 
the rest of that species, but also upon the permitting 
of intercrossing between all individuals of the isolated 
portion, whereby the peculiar average of qualities which 
they as awhole present may be allowed to assert itself 
in their progeny—or, if the isolation has been from the 
first discriminate, whereby the resulting homogamy 
may thus be allowed to assert itself, Hence any 
one case of either species of isolation, discriminate or 
indiscriminate, can only give rise to what Mr. Gulick 
has aptly called “monotypic evolution,” or a chain- 
like series of types arising successively in time, as 
distinguished from what he has called “ polytypic 

22 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

evolution,” or an arborescent multiplication of types 
arising simultaneously in space. 

For example, let us again take the geographical 
form of isolation. Where a single small intergenerant 
group of individuals is separated from the rest of 
its species—say, on an oceanic island—smonotypic 
evolution may take place through a continuous and 
cumulative course of independent variation in a 
single line of change: all the zwdividuals composing 
any one given generation will closely resemble one 
another, although the “fe may be progressively 
altering through a long series of generations. But if 
the original species had had two small colonies 
separated from itself (one on each of two different 
islands, so giving rise to two cases of isolation), then 
polytypic evolution would have ensued to the extent 
of there having been two different lines of evolu- 
tion going on simultaneously (one upon each of 
the two islands concerned). Similarly, of course, if 
there had been three or four such colonies, there 
would have been three or four divergent lines of 
evolution, and so on. 

5. In the cases of isolation just supposed there 
is only one form of isolation; and it is thus shown 
that under one form of isolation there may be as 
many lines of divergence as there are separate cases 
of such isolation, But now suppose that there are 
two or more forms of isolation-—for instance, that 
on the same oceanic island the original colony has 
begun to segregate into secondary groups under 
the influence of natural selection, sexual selection, 
physiological selection, or any of the other forms 
of isolation—then there will be as many lines of 

Isolation. 23 

divergent evolution going on at the same time (and 
here on the same area) as there are forms of isolation 
affecting the oceanic colony. And this because each 
of the forms of isolation has given rise to a different 
case of isolation. 

Now, inasmuch as different forms of isolation, when 
thus superadded one to another, constitute different 
cases of isolation, we may lay down the following 
general law as applying to all the forms of isola- 
tion—namely, The number of possible directions in \ 
which divergent evolution can occur, is never greater | 
than, though it may be equal to, the number of cases 
of efficient isolation —or the number of efficiently 
separated groups of intergenerants. 

6. We have now to consider with some care the 
particular and highly important form of isolation 
that is presented by natural selection. For while 
this form of isolation resembles all the other forms 
of the discriminate kind in that it secures homo- 
gamy, there are two points in which it differs from 
all of them, and one point in which it differs from 
most of them. 

Natural selection differs from a// the other known 
forms of isolation (whether discriminate or indis- 
criminate) in that it has exclusive reference to 
adaptations on the one hand, and, on the other hand, 
necessitates not only the elimination, but the de- 
struction of the excluded individuals. Again, natural 
selection differs from most of the other forms of 
isolation in that, unless assisted by some other 
form, it can never lead to polytypic, but only 
to monotypic evolution. The first two points of 
difference are here immaterial; but the last is one 

24 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

of the highest importance, as we shall immediately 

In nearly all the other forms of isolation, polytypic 
or divergent evolution may arise under the influence 
of that form alone, or without the necessary co- 
operation of any other form. This we have already 
seen, for example, in regard to geographical isolation, 
under which- there may be as many different lines 
of transmutation going on simultaneously as there 
are different cases of isolation—say, in so many 
different oceanic islands. Again, in regard to physio- 
logical isolation the same remark obviously applies ; 
for it is evident that even upon the same geographical 
area there may be as many different lines of trans- 
mutation going on simultaneously as there are cases 
of this form of isolation. The bar of mutual sterility, 
whenever and wherever it occurs, must always render - 
polytypic evolution possible. And so it is with almost 
all the other forms of isolation: that is to say, one 
Jorm does not necessarily require the assistance of | 
another form in order to create an additional case 
of isolation. But it is a peculiarity of natural selec- ; 
tion, considered as a form of isolation, that it does. 
necessarily require the assistance of some other form. 
before it can give rise to an additional case of isola- | 
tion; and therefore before it can give rise to any; 
divergence of character in ramifying lines, as distin-/ 
guished from transformation of characters in a single 
line. Or, in other words, natural selection, when act: 
ing alone, can never induce polytypic evolution, but 
only monotypic. 

That this important conclusion is a necessary 
deduction from the theory of natural selection itself, 

Isolation. 25 

a very few words will be enough to show. For, 
according to the theory, survival of the fittest is 
a form of isolation which acts through utility, by 
destroying all the individuals whom it fails to isolate. 
Hence it follows that survival of the fittest is a form 
of isolation which, if acting alone, cannot possibly 
effect divergent evolution. For, in the first place, 
there is nothing in this form of isolation to ensure 
that the fitter individuals should fail to interbreed 
with the less fit which are able to survive; and, in 
the second place, in all cases where the less fit are 
not sufficiently fit to be suffered to breed, they are 
exterminated—i.e. not permitted to form a distinct 
variety of their own. If it be said that survival of 
the fittest may develop simultaneously two or more 
lines of wseful change, the answer is that it can 
only do this if each of the developing varieties is 
isolated from the others by some additional form 
of isolation; for, if not, there can be no commence- 
ment of utilitarian divergence, since whatever number 
of utilitarian changes may be in course of simul- 
taneous development, they must in this case be all 
blended together in a single line of specific trans- 
mutation. Nay, even if specific divergence has 
actually been commenced by natural selection when 
associated with some other form of homogamy, if 
the latter should afterwards be withdrawn, natural 
selection would then be unable to maintain even so 
much divergence of character as may already have 
been attained: free intercrossing between the two 
collateral, and no longer isolated branches, would 
ensure their eventual blending into a common stock. 
Therefore, I repeat, natural selection, when acting 

26 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

alone, can never induce polytypic evolution, but 
only monotypic. 

Now I regret to say that here, for the first and 
only time throughout the whole course of the 
present treatise, I find mysclf in seeming opposition 
to the views of Darwin. For it was the decidedly 
expressed opinion of Darwin that natural selection 
zs competent to effect polytypic, or divergent, evo- 
lution. Nevertheless, I believe that the opposition 
is to a large extent only apparent, or due merely to 
the fact that Darwin did not explicitly state certain 
considerations which throughout his discussion on 
“divergence of character’ are seemingly implied. 
But, be this as it may, I have not even appeared 
to desert his leadership on a matter of such high im- 
portance without having duly considered the question. 
in all its bearings, and to the utmost limit of my 
ability. Moreover, about two years after the publica- 
tion of my first paper! upon the subject, Mr. Gulick 
followed, at somewhat greater length, in the same line 
of dissent. Like all the rest of his-work, this is so 
severely logical in statement, as well as profoundly 
thought out in substance, that I do not see how it 
is possible for any one to read impartially what he 
has written, and then continue to hold that natural 
selection, if unassisted by any other form of isola- 
tion, can possibly effect divergence of character— 
or polytypic as distinguished from monotypic evo- 
lution . 

I may here quote from Mr. Gulick’s paper three 
propositions, serving to state three large and general 

1 Zool. Journal Lin. Soc., vol. xix, pp. 337-411. 
2 Tbid., vol. xx. pp. 202-212, 

Isolation. 27 

bodies of observable fact, which severally and collec- 
tively go to verify, with an overwhelming mass of 
evidence, the conclusion previously reached on grounds 
of general reasoning. 

The facts of geographical distribution seem to me to justify 
the following statements :— 

(1) A species exposed to different conditions in the different 
parts of the area over which it is distributed, is not repre- 
sented by divergent forms when free interbreeding exists 
between the inhabitants of the different districts. In other 
words, Diversity of Natural Selection without Separation does 
not produce divergent evolution. 

(2) We find many cases in which areas, corresponding in 
the character of the environment, but separated from each 
other by important barriers, are the homes of divergent forms 
of the same or allied species. 

(3) In cases where the separation has been long continued, 
and the external conditions are the most diverse in points 
that involve diversity of adaptation, there we find the most 
decided divergences in the organic forms. That is, where 
Separation and Divergent Selection have long acted, the 
results are found to be the greatest. 

The rst and 3rd of these propositions will probably be 
disputed by few, if by any. The proof of the 2nd is 
found wherever a set of closely allied organisms is so 
distributed over a territory that each species and variety 
occupies its own narrow district, within which it is shut by 
barriers that restrain its distribution, while each species of 
the environing types is distributed over the whole territory. 
The distribution of terrestrial molluscs on the Sandwich 
Islands presents a great body of facts of this kind. 


ISOLATION (continued), 

I WILL now recapitulate the main doctrines which 
have been set forth in the foregoing chapter, and then 
proceed to consider the objections which have been 
advanced against them. 

It must be remembered that by isolation I mean 
exactly what Mr. Gulick does by “Segregation,” 
and approximately what Professor Weismann does 
by “ Amixia”—i.e. the prevention of intercrossing. 

Isolation occurs in very many forms besides the 
geographical, as will be more fully shown at the end 
of this chapter; and in all its forms it admits of 

It also occurs in two very different species or 
kinds—namely, discriminate and indiscriminate. These 
I have called respectively Homogamy and Apogamy. 
This all-important distinction has been clearly recog- 
nized by Mr. Gulick, as a result of his own thought 
and observation, independently of anything that I have 
published upon the subject. 

In view of this distinction Isolation takes rank with 
Heredity and Variability as one of the most funda- 
mental principles of organic evolution, For, if these 

Isolation. 29 

other two principles be granted, the whole theory 
of descent resolves itself into an inquiry touching the 
causes, forms, and degrees of Homogamy. 

Save in cases where very large populations are 
concerned, apogamy must sooner or later give rise 
per se to homogamy, owing to the Law of Delbceuf, 
which is the principle that I have called Indepen- 
dent Variability, and Gulick has called Independent 
Generation. But of course this does not hinder that 
under apogamy various other causes of homogamy 
are likely to arise—in particular natural selection. 

That natural selection differs from most of the other 
forms of isolation in not being capable of causing 
divergent or polytypic evolution must at once become 
evident, if we remember that the only way in which 
isolation of any form can cause such evolution is by 
partitioning a given group of intergenerants into two 
or more groups, each of which is able to survive as 
thus separated from the other, and so to carry on the 
evolution in divergent lines. But the distinguishing 
peculiarity of natural selection, considered as a form 
of isolation, is that it effects the isolation dy killing 
off all the individuals which it fails to isolate: con- 
sequently, this form of isolation differs from other 
forms in prohibiting the possibility of any ramification 
of a single group of intergenerants into two or more 
groups, for the purpose of carrying on the evolution 
in divergent lines. Therefore, under this form of 
isolation alone, evolution must proceed, palm-like, in 
a single line of growth. So to speak, the successive 
generations continuously ascend to higher things on 
the steps supplied by their own “dead selves”; but 
in doing so they must climb a single ladder, no 

30 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

rung of which can be allowed to bifurcate in the 
presence of the uniformity secured for that generation 
by the free intercrossing of the most fit. Even 
though beneficial variations may arise in two or more 
directions simultaneously, and all be simultaneously 
selected by survival of the fittest, the effect of free 
intercrossing (in the absence of any other form of 
isolation) will be to fuse all these beneficial variations 
into one common type, and so to end in monotypic 
evolution as before. In order to secure polytypic 
evolution, intercrossing between the different bene- 
ficial variants which may arise must be prevented ; 
and there is nothing to prevent such intercrossing in 
the process of natural selection per se. In order that 
the original group of intergenerants should be divided 
and sub-divided into two or more groups of inter- 
generants, some additional form of isolation must 
necessarily supervene — when, of course, polytypic 
evolution will result. And,as Mr. Gulick has shown, 
the conclusion thus established by deductive reason- 
ing is verified inductively by the facts of geographical 

How, then, are we to account for the fact that 
Darwin attributed to natural selection the power to 
cause divergence of character? The answer is suffi- 
ciently simple. He does so by tacitly invokiv7 the aid 
of some other form of homogamy tn every case. If we 
carelully read pp. 86-7 of the Origin of Species, where 
this subject is under consideration, we shall find that 
in every one of the arguments and illustrations which 
are adduced to prove the power cf natural selection to 
efiect “ divergence of characier,” he either pre-supposes 
or actually names some other form of homogamy us 

Isolation. 31 

the originating cause of the diversity that is afterwards 
presented to natural selection for further intensification. 
To give only one example. At the starting-point of 
the whole discussion the priority of such other forms 
of homogamy is assumed in the following words :— 

But how, it may be asked, can any analogous principle 
{to that of diversity caused by artificial selection] apply in 
nature? I believe it can and does apply most efficiently 
(though it was a long time before I saw how), from the 
simple circumstance that the more diversified the descendants 
from any one species become in structure, constitution, and 
habits, by so much will they be better enabled to seize on 
many and widely diversified places in the polity of nature, 
and so be enabled to increase in numbers. 

Now, without question, so soon as_ segregate 
breeding in two or more lines of homogamy has been 
in any sufficient degree determined by some “ change 
of structure, constitution, or habits,’ natural selection 
will forthwith proceed to increase the divergence in 
as many different lines as there are thus yielded dis- 
criminately isolated sections of the species. And this 
fact it must have been that Darwin really had before 
his mind when he argued that diversification of char- 
acter is caused by natural selection, through the benefit 
gained by the diversified forms being thus “ enabled 
to increase in number.” Nevertheless he does not ex- 
pressly state the essential point, that although diversi- 
fication of character, when once bezun, is thus promoted 
by natural selection, which forthwith proceeds to cul- 
tivate each of the resulting branches, yet diversifica- 
tion of character can never be originated by natural 
selection. The change of “structure,” of “constitution,” 
of “ habits,” of “ station,” of geographical area, of reci- 

32 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

procal fertility, and so on—this change, whatever it 
may have been, must clearly have been antecedent to 
any operation of natural selection through the benefit 
which arose from the change. Therefore the change 
must in all cases have been due, in the first instance, 
to some other form of isolation than the superadded 
form which afterwards arose from superior fitness 
in the possession of superior benefit—although, so 
long as the prior form of isolation endured, or con- 
tinued to furnish the necessary condition to the co- 
operation of survival of the fittest, survival of the 
fittest would have continued to increase the divergence 
of character in as many ramifying lines as there were 
thus given to its action separate cases of isolation 
by other means. 

In short, as divergence of character mustin all cases 
be due to a prevention of intercrossing, and as in the 
process of natural selection there is, ex hypothest, 
nothing to prevent the intercrossing until the diver- 
gence has already arisen, to suppose that natural 
selection alone can have caused the divergence, is to 
suppose that natural selection can have caused the 
conditions of its own activity, which is absurd. 

Seeing, then, that even in cases where any “ benefit ” 
arises from divergence of character, such benefit can 
arise only after the divergence has already commenced, 
and seeing that on this as on other accounts previously 
mentioned it is plainly impossible to attribute the 
origin of such divergence to natural selection, we find 
that natural selection must be in all cases assisted 
by some other form of isolation, if it is to be con- 
cerned in polytypic as distinguished from monotypic 
evolution. But this does not hinder that, when it 

Tsolation. 33 

is so assisted, natural selection may become—and, 
I believe, does become—the most efficient of all 
the forms of isolation in promoting divergence of 
character. For, in the first place, of all the forms 
of isolation natural selection is probably the most | 
energetic in promoting monotypic evolution; so that | 
under the influence of such isolation monotypic 
evolution probably advances more rapidly than 
it does under any other form of isolation. In the 
second place, when polytypic evolution has been 
begun by any of these other forms of isolation, and 
natural selection then sets to work on each of the 
resulting branches, although natural selection is thus 
engaged in as many different acts of monotypic evolu- 
tion as there are thus separate cases supplied to it by 
these other forms of isolation, the joint result of all 
these different acts is to hurry on the polytypic 
evolution which was originally started by the other 
forms of isolation. So to speak, natural selection is 
the forcing heat, acting simultaneously on each of the 
separate branches which has been induced to sprout 
by other means; and in thus rapidly advancing the 
growth of all the branches, it is still entitled to be 
regarded as the most important sivg/e cause of diver- 
sification in organic nature, although we must hence- 
forth cease to regard it as in any instance the 
originating cause—or even so much as the sustaining 

So much by way of summary and recapitulation. 
I will now briefly consider the only objections 
which, so far as I can see, admit of being brought 
against the foregoing doctrine of Isolation as held 
by Mr. Gulick and myself. These possible objections 


34 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

are but two in number—although but one of them 
has been hitherto adduced. This, therefore, I will 
take first. 

Mr. Wallace, with his customary desire to show 
that natural selection is everywhere of itself capable 
of causing organic evolution, seeks to minimize the 
swamping effects of free intercrossing, and the conse- 
quent importance of other forms of isolation. His 
argument is as follows. 

Alluding to the researches of Mr. J. A. Allen, 
and others, on the amount of variation presented 
by individuals of a species in a state of nature, 
Mr. Wallace shows that, as regards any given part of 
the animal under consideration, there is always to 
be found a considerable range of individual variation 
round the average mean which goes to constitute the 
specific character of the type. Thus, for example, 
Mr. Allen says of American birds, “that a varia- 
tion of from fifteen to twenty per cent. in general size, 
and an equal degree of variation in the relative size 
of different parts, may be ordinarily expected among 
specimens from the same species and sex, taken at 
the same locality, while in some cases the variation 
is even greater than this.” Now, Mr. Wallace is under 
the impression that these facts obviate the difficulty 
which arises from the presence of free intercrossing— 
the difficulty, that is, against the theory of natural 
selection when natural selection is supposed to have 
been the exclusive means of modification. For, as 
he says, “if less size of body would be beneficial, 
then, as half the variations in size are above and 
half below the mean or existing standard of the 
species, there would be ample beneficial variations” ; 

Isolation. 35 

and similarly with regard to longer or shorter legs, 
wings, tails, &c., darker or lighter colour, and so on 
through all the parts of any given organism. 

Well, although I have no wish at all to disparage 
the biological value of these actual measurements 
of the range of individual variation, I must point 
out that they are without any value at all in the 
connexion which Mr. Wallace adduces them. We 
did not require these measurements to tell us the 
broad and patent fact that ‘no being on this earthly 
ball is like another all in all” —or, in less Tenny- 
sonian words, that as regards every specific structure 
there is a certain amount of individual variability 
round an average mean. Indeed. in my own paper 
on Physiological Selection—against which Mr. Wal- 
lace is here specially arguing—I expressly said, as 
previously remarked, “that a specific type may 
be regarded as the average mean of all individual 
vartations.’ The fact of such individual variability 
round a specific mean has always been well known 
to anatomists ; it constitutes one of the basal pillars 
of the whole Darwinian theory; and is besides a 
matter of universal recognition as regards human 
stature, features, and so forth. The value of Mr. 
Allen’s work consists in accurately measuring the 
amount or range of individual variation; but the 
question of its amount or range is without relevancy 
in the present connexion. For the desirability of 
isolation as an aid to natural selection even where 
monotypic evolution is concerned, does not arise 
with any reference to the amount or range of variation: 
it arises with reference to the xumber of variations 
which are—or are not—similar and simultaneous. If 


36 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

there be a sufficient number which are both similar 
and simultaneous, the desirability of any co-operating 
form of isolation is correspondingly removed, because 
natural selection may then have sufficient material 
wherewith to overcome the adverse influence of free 
intercrossing, and so of itself to produce monotypic 
evolution. Now, variations may be numerous, similar, 
and simultaneous, either on account of some common 
cause acting on many individuals at the same time, 
or on account of the structures in question being 
more or less variable round a specific mean. In 
the latter case—which is the only case that Mr. 
Allen’s measurements have to do with—the law of 
averages will of course determine that half the whole 
number of variations in any given structure, in any 
given generation, will be above the mean line. But, 
equally of course, no one has ever denied that where, 
for either of these reasons, natural selection is pro- 
vided with sufficient material, it is correspondingly 
capable of improving the specific type without 
the assistance of any other form of homogamy; 
so to speak, they protect themselves by their very 
numbers, and their superiority over others leads to 
their survival and accumulation. But what is the 
result? Zhe result can only be monotypic evolution. 
| No matter how great the number, or how great the 
range, of variations round an average specific mean, 
out of such material natural selection can never 
produce folytypic evolution: it may change the type 
to any extent during successive generations, and 
in a single line of change; but it cannot branch 
the type, unless some other form of homogamy 
intervenes. Therefore, when Mr. Wallace adduces 

Tsolationt. 37 

the well-known fact that all structures vary more 
or less round a specific mean as proof that natural 
selection need not be incommoded by free inter- 
crossing, but can of itself produce all the known 
phenomena of specific evolution, he fails to perceive 
that his argument refers only to one aspect of such 
evolution (viz. the transformation of species in time), 
and does not apply to the aspect with which alone 
my paper on Physiological Selection was concerned 
(viz. the multiplication of species in space). 

The same thing may be shown in this way. It is 
perfectly obvious that where the improvement of type 
in a linear series is concerned (monotypic evolution), 
free intercrossing, far from being a hindrance to the 
process, zs the very means by which the process ts 
accomplished. Improvement here ascends by suc- 
cessive steps, in successive generations, simply because 
of the general intercrossing of the generally most fit. 
with the result that the species, as a whole, gradually 
becomes transformed into another species, as a whole. 
Therefore, it would be mere fatuity in any one to 
adduce free intercrossing as a “difficulty” against 
natural selection alone being competent to produce 
evolution of this kind. But where the kind of 
evolution is that whereby the species is differentiated 
—where it is required, for instance, to produce different 
structures in different portions of the species, such as 
the commencement of a fighting spur on the wing of 
a duck, or zovel characters of any sort in different 
groups of the species—free intercrossing is no longer 
a condition to, but an absolute preventive of, the 
process; and, therefore, unless checked as between 
each portion of the species by some form of homo- 

38 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

gamy other than natural selection, it must effectually 
inhibit any segregation of specific types. or divergence 
of character. 

Hence it is that, while no Darwinian has ever 
questioned the power of unaided selection to cause 
improvement of character in successive generations, in 
common now with not a few other Darwinians I have 
emphatically denied so much as the abstract possi- 
bility of selection alone causing a azvergence of char- 
acter in two or more simultaneous lines of change. 

And, although these opposite views cannot be 
reconciled, I am under the impression that they do 
admit of being explained. For I take them to 
indicate a continued failure to perceive the all-im- 
portant distinction between evolution as monotypic 
and polytypic. Unless one has fully grasped this 
distinction, and constantly holds it in mind, he is 
not in a position to understand the “ difficulty ” in 
question; nor can he avoid playing fast and loose 
with natural selection as possibly the sole cause of 
evolution, and as necessarily requiring the co-operation 
of some other cause. But if he once clearly perceives 
that “evolution” is a logical genus, of which the mono- 
typic and the polytypic forms are species, he will 
immediately escape from his confusion, and find that 
while the monotypic form may be caused by natural 
selection alone the polytypic form can never be 
so caused. 

The second difficulty which I have to mention as at 
first sight attaching to the views of Mr. Gulick and 
myself on the subject of Isolation is, that in an iso- 
lated section of a species Mr. Francis Galton’s law of 

Isolation. 39 

regression in the average character of offspring to 
the typical character of the group through reversion 
or atavism (Natural Inheritance, p. 97) must have 
the effect of neutralizing the segregative influence of 
mere apogamy. That such, however, cannot be the 
case has been well shown by Mr. Gulick in his paper 
on Intensive Segregation. Without at all disputing 
the validity of Mr. Galton’s law, he proves that “it can 
hold in full force only where there is free crossing, 
otherwise no divergent race could ever be formed by 
any amount of selection and independent breeding!.” 
This is so self-evident that I need not quote his demon- 
stration of the point. 

In conclusion, then, and having regard to the 
principle of isolation as a whole, or in all the many and 
varied forms in which this principle obtains, I trust that 
I have redeemed the promise with which I set out— 
viz. to show that in relation to the theory of descent 
this principle is of an importance second to no other, 
not even excepting heredity, variability, and the 
struggle for existence. This has now been fully 
shown, inasmuch as we have clearly seen that the im- 
portance of the struggle for existence, and consequent 
survival of the fittest, arises just because survival 
of the fittest is a form, and a very stringent form, of 
isolation ; while, as regards both heredity and vari- 
ability, we are now in a position to see that the more 
fully we recognize their supreme importance as 
principles concerned in organic evolution, the more 
must we also recognize that any rational theory of 
such evolution becomes, in the last resort, a theory 

1 Zool. Journal Lin. Soc., vol. xxiii. p. 313. 

40 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

of the different modes in which efficient isolation can 
be secured. For, in whatever degree the process of 
organic evolution has been dependent upon heredity 
with variability, in that degree must it also have been 
dependent upon the means of securing homogamy, 
whereby alone the force of heredity can be made to 
expend itself in the innumerable directions of pro- 
gressive change, instead of continually neutralizing the 
force of variability by promiscuous intercrossing. 


So far we have been concerned with the principle 
of Isolation in general. We have now to consider 
that form of isolation which arises in consequence of 
mutual infertility between the members of any group 
of organisms and those of all other similarly isolated 
groups occupying simultaneously the same area. 

Against the view that natural selection is a sufficient 
‘explanation of the origin of species, there are two 
‘fatal difficulties: one, the contrast between natural 
species and domesticated varieties in respect of cross- 
sterility; the other, the fact that natural selection 
cannot possibly give rise to polytypic as distinguished 
from monotypic evolution. Now it is my belief that 
the theory of physiological selection fully meets both 
these difficulties. Indeed I hold this to be undeniable 
in a formal or logical sense: the only question is as 

to the evidence which can be adduced for the theory 

/ in a practical or biological sense. Therefore in this 

chapter, where the theory has first of all to be stated, 
I shall restrict the exposition as much as possible 
to the former, leaving for subsequent consideration the 
biological side. 

42 Darwin, and after Darwin 

The following is a brief outline sketch of this 

Of all parts of those variable objects which we 
call organisms, the most variable is the reproductive 
system; and the variations may carry with them func- 
tional changes, which may be either in the direction 
of increased or of diminished fertility. Consequently 
variations in the way of greater or less fertility fre- 
quently take place, both in plants and animals; and 
probably, if we had adequate means of observing this 
point, we should find that there is no one variation 
more common. But of course where infertility arises 
—whether as a result of changed conditions of life, or, 
as we say, spontaneously—it immediately becomes 
extinguished, seeing that the individuals which it 
affects are less able (if able at all) to propagate and 
to hand on the variation. If, however, the variant, 
while showing some degree of infertility with the parent 
form, continues to be as fertile as before when mated 
with similar variants, under these circumstances there 
is no reason why such differential fertility should not 
be perpetuated. 

Stated in another form this suggestion enables us 
to regard many, if not most, species as the records of 
variationsin the reproductive systems of their ancestors. 
When variations of a non-useful kind occur in any 
of the other systems or parts of organisms, they are, 
as a rule, immediately extinguished by intercrossing. 
But whenever they arise in the reproductive system 
in the way here suggested, they tend to be preserved 
as new natural varieties, or incipient species. At 
first the difference would only be in respect of the 

* See Mineteenth Century, January, 1887, pp. 61, 62. 

Phystological Selection. 43 

reproductive systems; but eventually, on account of 
independent variation, other differences would super- 
vene, and the variety would take rank as a true 

Now we must remember that physiological isola- 
tion is not like those other forms of isolation (e.g. 
geographical) which depend for their occurrence on 
accidents of the environment, and which may therefore 
take place suddenly in a full degree of complete- 
ness throughout a large section of a species. Physio- 
logical isolation depends upon distinctive characters 
belonging to organisms themselves; and it would 
be opposed to the whole theory of descent with 
progressive modification to imagine that absolute 
sterility usually arises in a single generation between 
two sections of a perfectly fertile species. Therefore 
evolutionists must believe that in most, if not in all 
cases—could we trace the history, say of any two 
species, which having sprung from a single parent 
stock on a common area, are now absolutely sterile 
with one another- we should find that this mutual 
sterility had been itself a product of gradual evolution. 
Starting from complete fertility within the limits of a 
single parent species, the infertility between derivative 
or divergent Bpecies, at whatever stage in their evolution 
this began to occur, must usually at first have been well- 
nigh imperceptible, and thenceforth have proceeded 
to increasé stage by stage. 

But, if it be true that physiological isolation between 
genetically allied groups must usually itself have been 
the product of a gradual evolution; and if, when 
fully evolved, it constitutes a condition of the first 
importance to any further differentiation of these 

44 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

groups (by preventing fusion again into one group, 
more or less resembling the original parent form), do 
we not perceive at least a strong probability that 
in the lower stages of its evolution such mutual in- 
fertility must have acted as a segregating influence 
between the diverging types, in a degree proportional 
to its own development? The importance of mutual 
sterility as a condition to- divergent evolution is not 
denied, when this sterility ts already present in an 
absolute degree; and we have just seen that, before 
it can have attained to this absolute degree, 7¢ must 
presumably, and as a rule, itself have been the subject 
of a gradual development. Does it not therefore 
become, on merely antecedent grounds, in a high 
degree probable, that from the moment of its in- 
ception this isolating agency must have played the 
part of a segregating cause, in a degree propor- 
tional to that of its completeness as a physiological 
character ? 

Whoever answers this question in the affirmative 
will have gone most of the way towards accepting, on 
merely antecedent grounds, the theory of physiological 
selection. And therefore it is that I have begun this 
statement of the theory by introducing it upon these 
grounds, thereby hoping to show how extremely simple 
—how almost self-evident—is the theory which it will 
now be my endeavour to substantiate. I may here 
add that the theory was foreshadowed by Mr. Belt 
in 1874', clearly enunciated in its main features by 
Mr. Catchpool in 1884%, and very fully thought out 
by Mr. Gulick during a period of about fifteen years, 

1 Nicaragua, p. 204. 
® Nature, vol. xxxi. p. 4. 

Physiological Selectzon. 45 

although he did not publish until a year after the 
appearance of my own paper in 18861. 

I must next proceed to state some of the leading 
features of physiological selection in further detail. 

It has already been shown that Darwin clearly 
perceived that the very general occurrence of some 
degree of infertility between allied species cannot 
possibly be attributed to the adzrect agency of natural 
selection. His explanation was that the slight struc- 
tural modifications entailed by the transformation oi 
one specific type into another, so react upon the 
highly delicate reproductive system of the changing 
type as to render it in some degree infertile with 
its parent type. Now the theory of physiological 
selection begins by traversing this view. It does 
not, however, deny that in some cases the morpho- 
logical may be the prior change; but it strenuously 
denies that this must be so in afl cases. Indeed, 
according to my statement in 1886, the theory inclines 
to the view that, as @ rule, the physiological change 
is prior, At the same time, the theory, as I have 
always stated it, maintains that it is immaterial whether, 
“in the majority of instances,” the physiological change 
has been prior to the morphological, or vice versa ; 
since in either case the physiological change will 
equally make for divergence of character. 

1 Zool. Journal, Lin. Soc., vol. xix. pp. 337-411 (1886); and for 
Mr. Gulick’s papers, z¢d., vol. xx. pp. 189-274 (1887), vol. xxiii. 
pp. 312-380 (1889). Mr. Gulick has recently drawn my attention, in 
a private letter, to the fact that as early as 1872 a paper of his was 
read at the British Association, bearing the title Diversity of Evolution 
under one set of External Conditions, and that here the principle of 
physiological segregation is stated. Although it does not appear that 

Mr. Gulick then appreciated the great importance of this principle, it 
entitles him to claim priority, 

46 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

To show this clearly the best way will be to consider 
the two cases separately, taking first that in which 
the physiological change has priority. In this case 
our theory regards any morphological changes which 
afterwards supervene as due to the independent varia- 
bility which will sooner or later arise under the 
physiological isolation thus secured. But to what- 
ever causes the subsequent morphological changes 
may be due, the point to notice is that they are, as 
a general rule, consequent upon the physiological 
change. For in whatever degree such infertility arises 
between two sections of a species occupying the same 
area, in that degree is their interbreeding prevented, 
and, therefore, opportunity is given for a subsequent 
divergence of type, whether by the influence of inde- 
pendent variability alone, or also by that of natural 
selection, as now acting more or less independently 
on each of the partially separated groups. In short, 
all that was said in the foregoing chapters with respect 
to isolation in general, here applies to physiological 
isolation in particular; and by supposing such isola- 
tion to have been the prior change, we can as well un- 
derstand the subsequent appearance of morphological 
divergence on continuous areas, as in other forms 
of isolation we can understand such divergence on 
discontinuous areas, seeing that even a moderate 
degree of cross-infertility may be as effectual for 
purposes of isolation as a high mountain-chain, or 
a thousand miles of ocean. 

Here, then, are two sharply-defined theories to 
explain the very general fact of there being some 
greater or less degree of cross-infertility between allied 
species. The older, and hitherto current theory, 

Phystological Selection, 47 

supposes the cross-infertility to be but an accident 
of specific divergence, which, therefore, has nothing 
to do with causing the divergence. The newer theory, 
on the other hand, supposes the cross-infertility to 
have often been a necessary condition to the diverg- 
ence having begun at all. Let us now consider which 
theory has most evidence in its favour. 

First of all we have to notice the very general 
occurrence of the fact in question. For when we 
include the infertility of hybrids, as well as first 
crosses, the occurrence of some degree of infertility 
between allied species is so usual that Mr. Wallace 
recommends experiments to ascertain whether careful 
observation might not prove, even of species which 
hybridize, “that such species, when crossed with their 
near allies, do always produce offspring which are 
more or less sterile zzter se1.” This seems going too 
far, but nevertheless it is the testimony of a highly 
competent naturalist to the very general occurrence of 
an association between the morphological differentia- 
tion of species and the fact of a physiological isolation. 
Now I regard it as little short of self-evident that this 
general association between mutual infertility and 
innumerable secondary, or relatively variable mor- 
phological distinctions, is due to the former having 
been an original and a necessary condition to the 
occurrence of the latter, in cases where intercrossing 
has not been otherwise prevented. 

The importance of physiological isolation, whev 
once fully developed, cannot be denied, for it is evident 
that if such isolation could be suddenly destroyed 
between two allied species occupying a common area, 

1 Darwinism, p. 169. 

48 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

they would sooner or later become fused into a 
common type—supposing, of course, no other form 
of isolation to be present. The necessity then for 
this physiological form of isolation in maintaining 
a specific differentiation which has been already at- 
tained cannot be disputed. Yet it has been regarded 
as “ Darwinian heresy” to suggest that it can have 
been of any important service during the process of 
attainment, or while the specific differentiation is 
being advanced, and this notwithstanding that the 
physiological change must presumably have developed 
pari passu with the morphological, and notwithstand- 
ing that in countless cases the former is associated 
with every conceivable variety of the latter. 

Again, why should the physiological change be 
thus associated with every conceivable variety of 
morphological change? Throughout the length and 
breadth of both vegetable and animal kingdoms we 
find this association, in the great majority of cases, 
where new species arise. Therefore, on the supposi- 
tion that in all such cases the physiological change 
has been adventitiously induced by the morpho- 
logical changes, we have to face an apparently unan- 
swerable question—Why should the reproductive 
mechanism of all organic beings have been thus 
arranged, as it were, to change in immediate response 
to the very slightest alteration in the complex har- 
mony of “somatic” processes, which now more than 
ever is recognized as exercising so comparatively 
little influence on the hereditary endowments of this 
mechanism? Consider the difference between a worm 
and the bird that is eating it, an oak-tree and the 
gall-insect that is piercing it: are we to suppose that 

Physiological Selection. 49 

in all cases, no matter how greatly the types differ, 
they must agree in this, that when any parts of 
these complex structures change, ever so slightly, 
the reproductive system is almost certain to be 
adventitiously affected, yet always thus affected in 
the same peculiar way? 

If it be answered that the reproductive system is 
known to be very sensitive to slight changes in the 
external conditions of life, the answer proves too 
much. For though this is true, yet our opponents 
must acknowledge that the reproductive system is 
not so sensitive, 7 this particular respect, as their 
interpretation of the origin of specific infertility 
requires. The proof of this point is overwhelming, 
for there is the evidence from the entire range of our 
domesticated productions, both vegetable and animal. 
Here the amount of structural change, which has been 
slowly accumulated by artificial selection, is often 
much greater in amount. and incomparably more 
rapid, than that which has been induced between 
allied species by natural selection; and yet there is 
scarcely any indication of the reproductive system 
having been affected in the particular way that our 
opponents’ theory requires. There are many in- 
stances of its having been affected in sundry other 
ways (chiefly, however, without any accompanying 
morphological change) ; but among all the thousands 
of our more or less enormously modified artificial 
types, there is scarcely one instance of such a peculiar 
sexual relation between the modified descendants of 
a common type as so usually obtains between allied 
species in nature. Yet in all other respects evolu- 

tionists are bound to believe that the process of 
Il. iE 

50 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

modification has been in both cases strictly analogous 
Why then this conspicuous difference with respect to 
the reproductive system? 

The answer is simple. It has never been the object 
of breeders or of horticulturists to select variations 
in the direction of cross-infertility, for the swamping 
effects of intercrossing are much more easily and 
rapidly prevented by artificial isolation. Consequently, 
although they have been able to modify natural types 
in so many directions and in such high degrees with 
regard to morphology, there has been no accompanying 
physiological modification of the kind required. But 
in nature there is no such thing as artificial, i.e. in- 
tentional, isolation. Consequently, on common areas 
it must usually happen that those changes of mor- 
phology which are associated with cross-infertility 
are the only ones which can arise. Hence the very 
remarkable contrast between our domesticated varie- 
ties and natural species with regard to cross-infertility 
is just what the present theory would expect, or, 
indeed, require. But on any other theory it has 
hitherto remained inexplicable. 

In particular, the contrast in question has consti- 
tuted one of the main difficulties with which the theory 
of natural selection has hitherto had to contend, not 
only in the popular mind, but also in the judgement 
of naturalists, including the joint-authors of the theory 
themselves. Thus Darwin says -— 

The fertility of varieties is, with reference to my theory, 
of equal importance with the sterility of species, for it seems 
to make a broad and clear distinction between varieties and 

1 Origin of Species, p. 236. 

Physiological Selection. 51 
And Mr. Wallace says :— 

One of the greatest, or perhaps we may say the greatest, of 
all the difficulties in the way of accepting the theory of natural 
selection as a complete explanation of the origin of species, has 
been the remarkable difference between varieties and species in 
respect of fertility when crossed}, 

Now, in view of this conspicuous contrast, Darwin 
suggested that species in a state of nature “ will have 
been exposed during long periods of time to more 
uniform conditions than have domesticated varieties, 
and [that] this may well make a wide difference in the 
result.” Now we have to remember that species, living 
and extinct, are numbered by millions, and represent 
every variety of type, constitution, and habits; is 
it probable, then, that this one peculiarity of the 
reproductive system should be due, in so many cases, 
to some merely incidental effect produced on that 
system by uniform conditions of lifer Again, ex 
hypothesi, at the time when a variety is first forming, 
the influence exercised by uniform conditions of life 
(whatever in different cases this may happen to be) 
cannot be present as regards that variety : yet this is 
just the time when its infertility with the parent (or 
allied) form is most likely to have arisen; for it is 
just then that the nascent variety would otherwise 
have been most liable to extinction by free inter- 
crossing—even supposing that in the presence of such 
intercrossing the variety could ever have come into 
existence at all. 

Mr. Wallace meets the difficulty by arguing that 
sterility between allied species may have been brought 
about by the direct influence of natural selection. 

1 Darwinism, p. 152. 
E 2 

52 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

But, as previously remarked, this view is expressly 
opposed to that of Darwin, who held that Wallace’s 
contention is erroneous. 

It will be seen, then, that both Darwin, and Wallace, 

_ fully recognize the necessity of finding some explana- 

tion of the infertility of allied species, over and above 
the mere reaction of morphological differentiation on 
the physiology of the reproductive system, and they 
both agree in suggesting additional causes, though 
they entirely disagree as to what these causes are. 
Now, the theory of physiological selection likewise 
suggests an additional cause—or, rather, a new ex- 
planation—and one which is surely the most probable. 
For what is to be explained? The very general 
association of a certain physiological peculiarity with 
that amount of morphological change which dis- 
tinguishes species from species, of whatever kind the 
change may be, and in whatever family of the animal 
or vegetable kingdom it may occur. Well, the theory 
of physiological selection explains this very general 
association by the simple supposition that, at least 
in a large number of cases, it was the physiological 
peculiarity which first of all led to the morphological 
divergence, by interposing the bar of sterility between 
two sections of a previously uniform species; and by 
thus isolating the two sections one from another, 
started each upon a subsequently independent course 
of divergent evolution. 

Or, to put it in another way, if the occurrence of 
this physiological peculiarity has been often the only 
possible means of isolating two sections of a species 
occupying a common area, and thus giving rise to 
a divergence of specific type (as obviously must have 

Physiological Selection. 53 

been the case wherever there was an absence of any 
other form of isolation), it is nothing less than a 
necessary consequence that many allied species should 
now present the physiological peculiarity in question. 
Thus the association between the physiological pecu- 
liarity and the morphological divergence is explained 
by the simple hypothesis, that the former has acted 
as a necessary condition to the occurrence of the 
latter. In the absence of other forms of isolation, 
the morphological divergence could not have taken 
place at all, had not the physiological peculiarity 
arisen; and hence it is that we now meet with so 
many cases where such divergence is associated with 
this peculiarity. 

So far we have been considering the physiological 
change as historically the prior one. Here, at first 
sight, it may seem that the segregative power of 
physiological selection must end; for it may well 
seem impossible that the physiological change can 
ever be necessary for the divergence of morphological 
varieties into true species in cases where it has of 
been the prior change, but has only set in after mor- 
phological changes have proceeded far enough to have 
already constituted definite varieties. A little thought, 
however, will show that physiological selection is quite 
as potent a condition to the differentiation of species 
when it occurs after varietal divergence has begun, as 
it is when it occurs before the divergence—and hence 
that it really makes no difference to the theory of 
physiological selection whether, in particular cases, the 
cross-infertility arises before or after any structural or 
other modifications with which it is associated. 

54 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

For the theory does not assert that all varieties 

_ have been due to physiological selection. There are 

doubtless many other causes of the origin of varieties 
besides cross-infertility with parent forms; but, as 
a general rule, it does not appear that they are by 
themselves capable of carrying divergence beyond 
a merely varietal stage. In order to carry divergence 
to the stage of producing sfecies, it appears to be 

. a general condition that, sooner or later, cross-infertility 

should arise—seeing that, when varieties do succeed 
in becoming species, we almost invariably find that, 
as a matter of fact, cross-infertility has arisen. Hence, 
if cross-infertility has thus usually been a necessary 
condition to a varietal divergence becoming specific, 
it can make no material difference when the incipient 
infertility arose. 

It may be asked. however, whether I suppose that, 
when the physiological change is subsequent, it is 
directly caused by change of structure, size, colour, &c., 
or that it arises, so to speak, accidentally, from other 
causes which may have affected the sexual system in 
the required way. To this question I may briefly 
reply, that, looking to the absence of any influence 
exercised on the reproductive systems of our domesti- 
cated plants and animals by the great and varied 
changes which so many of these forms present, it 
would seem that among natural varieties such closely 
analogous changes are presumably not the usual causes 
of the physiological change, even where the latter are 
subsequent to the former. Nevertheless, I do not 
deny that in some of these cases changes of structure, 
size, colour, &c., may be the causes of the physiological 
change by reacting on the sexual system in the re- 

Phystological Selection. 55 

quired way. But in such cases free intercrossing will 
have prevented the perpetuation of any morphological 
changes, save those which have the power of so re- 
acting on the reproductive system as to produce the 
physiological change, and thus to protect themselves 
against the full and adverse power of free intercrossing. 
We know that slight or initial changes of structure, 
colour, &c., frequently occur as varieties, and yet that 
on common areas very few of these varieties become 
distinct species: free intercrossing prevents any such 
further divergence of character. But if in the course 
of many such abortive attempts, as it were, to produce 
a new species, nature happens to hit upon a structural 
or a colour variation which is capable of reacting on 
the sexual system in the particular way required, then 
this variation will be enabled to protect itself against 
free intercrossing in proportion to its own development. 
Or, in other words, the more it develops as a morpho- 
logical change, the more will it increase the physio- 
logical change; while the more the physiological 
change is thus increased, the more will it in turn 
promote the morphological. By such action and 
reaction the development of each furthers the develop- 
ment of the other, till from an almost imperceptible 
variety, apparently quite fertile with its parent form, 
there arises a distinct species absolutely sterile with 
its parent form. In such cases, therefore, it is still 
the physiological conditions which have selected the 
particular morphological changes capable of so react- 
ing on the reproductive system as to produce cross- 
infertility, and thus to protect themselves against the 
destructive power of free intercrossing. So to speak, 
free intercrossing is always on the watch to level 

56 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

down any changes which natural selection, or any 
other cause of varietal divergence, may attempt to 
produce; and therefore, in order to produce—or to 
increase—such divergence in the absence of any other 
form of isolation, natural selection must hit upon such 
changes of structure, form, or colour, as are so cor- 
related with the reproductive system as to create the 
physiological isolation that is required. 

To show how the principle of selective fertility 
may be combined with what apparently is the most 
improbable form of isolation for this purpose—the 
geographical—I quote the following suggestion made 
by Professor Lloyd Morgan in his Animal Life and 
Intelligence :— 

Suppose two divergent local varieties were to arise in 
adjacent areas, and were subsequently (by stress of competition 
or by geographical changes) driven together into a single 
area. ... If their unions be fertile, the isolation will be an- 
nulled by intercrossing—the two varieties will form one mean or 
average variety. But if the unions be infertile, the isolation 
will be preserved, and the two varieties will continue separate. 
Suppose now, and the supposition is by no means an improb- 
able one, that this has taken place again and again in the 
evolution of species; then it is clear that those varietal forms 
which had continued to be fertile together would be swamped 
by intercrossing ;_ while those varietal forms which had become 
infertile would remain isolated. Hence, in the long run, iso- 
lated forms occupying a common area would be infertile. 

(p. 107.) 

If then cross-sterility may thus arise even in associ- 
ation with geographical isolation, may it not also 
arise in its absence? And may it not thus give rise 
to the differentiation of varieties on account of this 
physiological isolation alone? 

Physiological Selection. 57 

Only two further points need be mentioned to 
make this statement of physiological selection as 
complete as the present 7éswumé of its main principles 

The first is, that, as Mr. Wallace remarks, “ every 
species has come into existence coincident both in 
space and time with a pre-existing and closely allied 
species.” I regard this as important evidence that 
physiological selection is one of the natural causes 
concerned. For the general fact implied is that every 
species has come into existence on an area occupied 
by its parent type, and therefore under circumstances 
which render it imperative that intercrossing with that 
type should be prevented. In the case of monotypic 
evolution by natural selection alone, intercrossing 
with the parent type is prevented through the gradual 
extinction of that type by successive generations of 
the developing type. But in the case of polytypic 
evolution, intercrossing with the parent type can 
only be prevented by some form of isolation other 
than natural selection; and here it is evident that 
cross-infertility with the parent type must be as 
efficient to that end as any other form of isolation 
that can be imagined. Consequently we might 
almost have expected beforehand, that in a large 
proportional number of cases cross-infertility should 
have been the means employed. And the fact that 
this is actually the case so far corroborates the only 
theory which is able to explain it. 

The second point is this. 

It appears to be comparatively rare for any cause 
of specific divergence to prove effectual on common 
areas, unless it sooner or later becomes associated with 

58 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

some degree of cross-infertility. But through this 
association, the segregating influence of both the 
causes concerned is, as Mr. Gulick has shown, greatly 
increased. For instance, if the segregating influence 
of some degree of cross-infertility be associated with 
that of any other form of isolation, then, not only 
will the two segregating influences be added, but 
multiplied together, And thus, by their mutual 
action and reaction, divergent evolution is promoted 
at a rapidly increasing rate. 

I will now summarize the main points of the theory 
of physiological isolation in a categorical form. 

1. If no other form of isolation be present, specific 
divergence can only take place when some degree of 
cross-infertility has previously arisen between two or 
more sections of a species. 

2. When such cross-infertility has arisen it may 
cause specific divergence, either (2) by allowing in- 
dependent variability in each of the physiologically 
isolated groups ; (4) by becoming associated with any 
other cause of differentiation already operating; or 
(c) by both these means combined. 

3. As some degree of cross-infertility generally 
obtains between allied species, we are justified in 
concluding that this has been the most frequent 
—or, at any rate, the most effective—kind of isola- 
tion where the origin of species is concerned; and 
therefore the kind with which, in the case of 
species-formation, natural selection, or any other 
cause of specific divergence, has been most usually 

4. Where varietal divergence has begun in the 

Phystological Selection. 59 

absence of cross-infertility, such divergence seems, as 
a general rule, to have been incapable of attaining to a 
specific value. 

5. Therefore, in the vast majority of such cases, it 
must have been those varietal changes of structure, 
size, colour, &c., which happened to have afterwards 
been assisted by the reproductive change that were 
on this account selected as successful candidates for 
specific differentiation. 

6. It follows, that it makes no difference to the 
general theory of physiological selection in what pro- 
portion of cases the physiological change has been 
the initial change; for, whether prior or subsequent 
‘to the varietal changes with which it becomes associ- 
ated, its presence has been equally important as a 
condition to specific divergence. 

7. When physiological isolation becomes associated 
with natural selection, or any other form of homogamy, 
the segregative power of both is augmented. More- 
over, so great is the augmentation that even very 
moderate degrees of physiological isolation—them- 
selves capable of effecting little or nothing—become 
very powerful when associated with moderate degrees 
of any other kind of homogamy, and vice versa. 

8. The theory of physiological selection effec- 
tually explains the divergent evolution of specific 
types and the cross-infertility of such types when 

To prevent, if possible, the continuance of certain 
misunderstandings with regard to my original state- 
ment of the new theory, let me here disclaim some 
views which have been assigned to me. They are: 

60 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

1. That the theory of physiological selection is 
opposed to the theory of natural select’ »n. Far from 
this being so, it is—at all events in my own opinion—a 
very important aid to it, in preventing free intercross- 
ing on a common area, and thus allowing divergent 
evolution to occur within that area. 

2. That, in advancing the theory of physiological 
selection as “an additional suggestion on the origin 
of species,’ I wish to represent it as being the 
originating cause of a// species. What I hold is, that 
all species must have owed their origin to zsolation, in 
some form or other ; but that as physiological selection 
is only one among many other forms of isolation (in- 
cluding natural selection), and as it can only act on 
common areas, a large number of species must have 
been formed without its aid. 

3. That I imagine physiological varieties always 
to arise ‘sporadically,’ or as merely individual 
“sports” of the reproductive system. On the con- 
trary, I expressly stated that this is zo¢ the way in 
which I suppose the “ physiological variation” to 
arise, when giving origin to a new species; but that 
it arises, whenever it is effectual, as a “ collective 
variation” affecting a number of individuals simul- 
taneously, and therefore characterizing “a whole race, 
or strain.” 

4. That I suppose physiological selection always to 
actalone. This I have never supposed. The essential 
point is, not that the physiological isolation is un- 
associated with other forms of isolation, but that 
unless associated with some degree of physiological 
isolation, no one of the other forms is capable of 
originating species on common areas with any approach 

Physiological Selection. 61 

to frequency. This proposition is the essence of 
the new theory, and I take it to be proved, not only 
by general deductive reasoning which shows that 
it must be so, but also by the fact of an otherwisc 
inexplicable association between specific divergence 
on common areas and some more or less considerable 
degree of mutual infertility. 


I WILL now give an outline sketch of the evidences 
in favour of the theory which has been set forth in 
the preceding chapter, stating first what is the nature 
of the verification which it requires. 

The theory is deduced from a highly general 
association between distinctive specific characters 
of azy kind and a relatively constant specific 
character of a particular kind — namely, sexual 
exclusiveness. For it is from this highly general 
association that the theory infers that this relatively 
constant specific character has been at least one of 
the needful conditions to the development of the 
other specific characters with which it is found 
associated. Hence the necessary verification must 
begin by showing the strength of the theory on these 
merely deductive, or antecedent, grounds. It may 
then proceed to show how far the facts of organic 
nature corroborate the theory in other and inde- 
pendent ways. 

First, let it be carefully observed that here we have 
to do only with the fact of selective fertility, and with 
its consequences as supposed by the theory: we have 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 63 

nothing to do either with its causes or its degrees. 
Not with its causes, because in this respect the 
theory of physiological selection is in just the same 
position as that of natural selection: it is enough for 
both if the needful variations are provided, without 
its being incumbent on either to explain the causes 
which produce them. Not with its degrees, because, 
in the first place, it can only be those degrees of 
variation which in particular cases are supposed 
adequate to induce specific divergence, that fall 
within the scope of the theory; and because, in the 
second place, degrees which are adequate only to 
induce—or to assist in inducing- -varzetal divergence, 
must always tend to increase, or pass into higher 

Antecedent Standing of the Theory. 

The antecedent standing or logical basis of the | 

theory has already been in large measure displayed — 

in the preceding chapter; for it was impossible to 
state the theory without thereby showing in how 
considerable a degree it is self-evident. A_ brief 
recapitulation is therefore all that is here necessary. 
It has been shown that divergent or polytypic 
evolution on common areas is inexplicable by natural 
selection alone. Hence the question arises: What 
form of isolation has, under such circumstances, 
rendered possible divergent evolution? In answer 
to this question the theory of physiological selection 
suggests that variations in the reproductive function 
occur in such a way as to isolate more or less 
perfectly from each other different sections of a 
species. While cross-fertility remains unimpaired 

64 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

among the members of each section, there is more or 
less cross-infertility when members of either section 
mate with those of the other. Thus a physiological 
barrier is interposed between the two sections; and 
any divergences of structure, colouring, or instinct 
arising in the members of either section will not in 
any way be affected by such divergences as arise 
among the members of the other. 

In support of this suggestion, it has been shown in 
the preceding chapter that the very general association 
of cross-infertility with specific differentiation points 
Most strongly to the inference that the former has 
usually been an indispensable condition to the 
occurrence of the latter. It cannot be denied that 
in many cases the specific distinction is now main- 
tained by means of that sexual isolation which cross- 
infertility confers: it is therefore probable that such 
isolation has been instrumental in securing its initial 

This probability is strengthened by the observed 
fact that the general association in question is 
conspicuously absent in the case of domesticated 
varieties, notwithstanding that their multitudinous 
and diverse varietal characters usually equal, and 
frequently surpass, specific characters in their degrees 
of divergence. 

Since, then, it would seem to be impossible for 
divergent evolution on common areas to take place 
in the absence of some mode of isolation; since 
cross-infertility appears to be the only possible mode 
under the given circumstances; and since among 
domesticated varieties, where isolation is otherwise 
secured by artificial means, cross-infertility is usually 

Evidences of Phystological Selection. 65 

absent, the logical foundations of the theory of 
physiological selection would seem to be securely laid. 

We may therefore pass to more special lines of 

Evidence from Geographical Distribution. 

Darwin has adduced very good evidence to show 
that large areas, notwithstanding the disadvantages 
which (on his theory) must arise from free inter- 
crossing, are what he terms better manufactories of 
species than smaller areas, such as oceanic islands. 
On the other hand, as a matter of fact, oceanic 
islands are comparatively rich in peculiar species. 
These two statements, however, are not incompatible. 
Smaller areas are, as a rule, rich in peculiar species 
relatively to the number of their inhabitants; but 
it does not follow that they are rich in species as 
contrasted with larger areas containing very many 
more inhabitants. Therefore, the rules are, that 
large areas turn out an absolutely greater number 
of specific types than small areas; although, relatively 
to the number of individuals or amount of population, 
the small areas turn out a larger number of species 
than the large areas. 

Now, these two complementary rules admit of 
being explained as Darwin explains them. Small 
and isolated areas are rich in species relatively to 
the amount of population, because, as we have before 
seen, this population has been permitted to develop 
an independent history of its own, shielded from 
intercrossing with parent forms, and from competition 
with exotic forms; while, at the same time, the 
homogamy thus secured, combined with change of 


66 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

environment, will give natural selection an improved 
chance of finding new points of departure for its 
operation. On the other hand, large and continuous 
areas are favourable to the production of numerous 
species, first, because they contain a large population, 
thus favouring the occurrence of numerous variations ; 
and, secondly, because the large area furnishes 
a diversity of conditions in its different parts, as to 
food, climate, attitude, &c, and thus so many 
different opportunities for the occurrence of sundry 
forms of homogamy. Now, it is obvious that of all 
these sundry forms of homogamy, physiological 
selection must have what may be termed a first-rate 
opportunity of assisting in the manufacture of species 
on large areas. For not only is it upon large and 
continuous areas that the antagonistic effects of 
intercrossing are most pronounced (and, therefore, 
that the influence of physiological selection must be 
most useful in the work of species-making); but here 
also the diversity in the external conditions of life, 
which the large area supplies to different parts of 
the extensive population, cannot fail to furnish physio- 
logical selection with a greater abundance of that 
particular variation in the reproductive system on 
which its action depends. Again, and of still more 
importance, on large areas there are a greater number 
of species already differentiated from one another 
as such; thus a greater number of already sexually 
differentiated forms are presented for further differen- 
tiation at the hands of physiological selection. For 
all these reasons, therefore, we might have expected, 
upon the new theory, that large and continuous areas 
would be good manufactories of species. 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 67 

Again, Darwin has shown that not only large 
areas, but likewise “dominant” genera within those 
areas, are rich in species. By dominant genera he 
meant those which are represented by numerous 
individuals, as compared with other genera inhabiting 
the same area. This general rule he explains by the 
consideration that the qualities which first led to the 
form being dominant must have been useful; that 
these would be transmitted to the otherwise varying 
offspring ; and, therefore, that when these offspring 
had varied sufficiently to become new species, they 
would still enjoy their ancestral advantages in the 
struggle for existence. And this, doubtless, is in part 
a true explanation; but I also think that the reason 
why dominant genera are rich in species, is chiefly 
because they everywhere present a great number of 
individuals exposed to relatively great differences in 
their conditions of life: or, in other words, that they 
furnish the best raw material for the manufacture of 
species by physiological selection, as explained in 
the last paragraph. For, if the fact of dominant 
genera being rich in species is to be explained only 
by natural selection, it appears to me that the useful 
qualities which have already led to the dominance 
of the ancestral type ought rather to have proved 
inimical to its splitting up into a number of sub- 
ordinate types. If already so far “in harmony with 
its environment” as to have become for this reason 
dominant, one would suppose that there is all the 
more reason for its not undergoing change by the 
process of natural selection. Or, at least, I do not 
see why the fact of its being in an unusual degree 
of harmony with its environment should in itself 

68 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

constitute any unusual reason for its modification by 
survival of the fittest. On the other hand, as just 
observed, I do very plainly see why such a reason 
is furnished for the modifying influence of physio- 
logical selection. 

Let us next turn to another of Darwin’s general 
rules with reference to distribution. He took a great 
deal of trouble to collect evidence of the two following 
facts, namely, (1) that “species of the larger genera 
in each country vary more frequently than the species 
of the smaller genera”; and (2) that “ many of the 
species included within the larger genera resemble 
varieties in being very closely, but unequally, related 
to each other, and in having restricted ranges1.” 
By larger genera he means genera containing many 
species; and he accounts for these general facts by 
the principle, “that where many species of a genus 
have been formed, on an average many are still 
forming.” But ow forming? If we say by natural 
selection alone, we should expect to find the multi- 
tudinous species differing from one another in respect 
of features presenting well-marked adaptive meanings ; 
yet this is precisely what we do not find. For 
Darwin’s argument here is that “in large genera the 
amount of difference between the species is often 
exceedingly small, so that in this respect the species 
of the larger genera resemble varieties more than do 
the species of the smaller genera.” Therefore the 
argument, while undoubtedly a very forcible one in 
favour of the fact of evolution, appears to me scarcely 
consistent with the view of this evolution being due 
solely to natural selection. On the other hand, the 

| Origin of Species, pp. 44, 45+ 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 69 

argument tells strongly (though unconsciously) in 
favour of physiological selection. For the larger a 
genus, or the greater the number of its species, the 
greater must be the opportunity for the occurrence 
of that particular kind of variation on which the 
principle of physiological selection depends. The 
species of a genus may be regarded as so many 
varieties which have already been separated from one 
another physiologically ; therefore each of them may 
now constitute a new starting-point for a further and 
similar separation—particularly as, in virtue of their 
previous segregation, many are now exposed to 
different conditions of life. Thus, it seems to me, 
we can well understand why it is that genera already 
rich in species tend to grow richer ; while such is not 
the case in so great a degree with genera that are 
poor in species. Moreover, we can well understand 
that, multiplication of species being as a rule, and in 
the first instance, determined by changes in the repro- 
ductive system, wherever a large number of new 
species are being turned out, the secondary differences 
between them should be “ often exceedingly small ”— 
a general correlation which, so far as I can see, we 
are not able to understand on the theory of natural 

The two subsidiary facts, that very closely allied 
species have restricted ranges, and that dominant 
species are rich in varieties, both seem to tell more 
in favour of physiological than of natural selection. 
For “very closely allied species” is but another name 
for species which scarcely differ from one another 
at all except in their reproductive systems; and, 
therefore, the more restricted their ranges, the more 

70 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

certainly would they have become fused by inter- 
crossing with one another, had it not been for the 
barrier of sterility imposed by the primary distinc- 
tion. Or rather, I should say, had it not been 
for the original occurrence of this barrier, these now 
closely-allied species could never have become species. 
Again, that dominant species should be rich in varie- 
ties is what might have been expected; for the 
greater the number of individuals in a species, the 
greater is the chance of variations taking place in 
all parts of the organic type, and particularly in the 
reproductive system, seeing that this system is the 
most sensitive to small changes in the conditions 
of ‘life, and that the greater the number of indi- 
viduals composing a specific type, the more certainty 
there is of some of them encountering such 
changes. Hence, the richness of dominant species 
in varieties is, I believe, mainly due to the greater 
opportunity which such species afford of some degree 
of cross-infertility arising between their constituent 

Here is another general fact, also first noticed by 
Darwin, and one which he experiences some difficulty 
in explaining on the theory of natural selection. He 

In travelling from north to south over a continent, we generally 
meet at successive intervals with closely-allied or representative 
species, evidently filling the same place in the economy of the 
land. These representative species often meet and interlock, 
and as one becomes rarer and rarer, the other becomes more and 
more frequent, till the one replaces the other. But if we com- 
pare these species where they intermingle, they are generally as 

absolutely distinct from each other in every detail of structure as 
are specimens taken from the metropolis of each... . In the 

Evidences of Physiological Selectton. 71 

intermediate region, having intermediate conditions of life, why 
do we not now find closely-linking intermediate varieties? This 
difficulty for a long time quite confounded me. But I think it 
can in large part be explained ?. 

His explanation is that, “as the neutral territory 
between two representative species is generally narrow 
in comparison with the territory proper to each, 

. and as varieties do not essentially differ from 
species, the same rule will probably apply to both ; and, 
therefore, if we take a varying species inhabiting 
a very large area, we shall have to adapt two varieties 
to two large areas, and a third variety to a narrow 
intermediate zone.’ It is hence argued that this 
third or intermediate variety, on account of its existing 
in lesser numbers, will probably be soon overrun and 
exterminated by the larger populations on either side 
of it. But how is it possible “to adapt two varieties 
to two large areas, and a third [transitional] variety 
to a narrow intermediate zone,” in the face of free 
intercrossing on a continuous area? Let A, B, and 
C represent the three areasin question. According to 

A B Cc 

the argument, variety A passes first into variety B, 
and then into variety C, while variety B eventually 
becomes exterminated by the inroads both from 
A and C. But how can all this have taken place 
with nothing to prevent intercrossing throughout the 
entire area A, B, C? I confess that to me it seems this 
argument can only hold on the supposition that the 
analogy between varieties and species extends to the 

1 Origin of Species, ed. 6, pp- 134, 138- 

72 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

reproductive system; or, in a sense more absolute 
than the argument has in view, that “varieties do 
not essentially differ from the species” which they 
afterwards form, but from the first show some 
degree of infertility towards one another. And, if so, 
we have of course to do with the principles of physio- 
logical selection. 

That in all such cases of species-distribution these 
principles have played an important part in the 
species-formation, appears to be rendered further 
probable from the suddenness of transition on the 
area occupied by contiguous species, as well as from 
the completeness of it--i.e. the absence of connecting 
forms. For these facts combine to testify that the 
transition was originally due to that particular change 
in the reproductive systems of the forms concerned, 
which still enables those forms to “ interlock” without 
intercrossing. On the other hand, neither of these 
facts appears to me compatible with the theory of 
species-formation by natural selection alone, 

But this leads us to another general fact, also 
mentioned by Darwin, and well recognized by all 
naturalists, namely, that closely allied species, or 
species differing from one another in trivial details, 
usually occupy contiguous areas; or, conversely stated, 
that contiguity of geographical position is favourable 
to the appearance of species closely allied to one 
another. Now, the large body of facts to which 
I here allude, but need not at present specify, appear 
to me to constitute one of the strongest of all my 
arguments in favour of physiological selection. Take, 
for instance, a large continental area, and follow across 
it a chain of species, each link of which differs from 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 73 

those on either side of it by the minute and trivial 
distinctions of a secondary kind, but all the links 
of which differ from one another in respect of the 
primary distinction, so that no one member of the 
series is perfectly fertile with any other member. Can 
it be supposed that in every case this constant 
primary distinction has been superinduced by the 
secondary distinctions, distributed as they are over 
different parts of all these kindred organisms, and 
yet nowhere presenting any but a trifling amount of 
morphological change ? 

For my own part, I cannot believe — any more 
than Darwin could believe—that all these numerous, 
diverse, and trivial changes have always had the 
accidental effect of inducing the same peculiar change 
in the reproductive system, and so producing it with- 
out any reference to the process of specific divergence. 
Nor can I believe, as Darwin incidentally and pro- 
visionally suggested, that prolonged exposure to 
uniform conditions of life have so generally induced 
an equally meaningless result. I can only believe 
that all the closely allied species inhabiting our 
supposed continent, and differing from one another 
in so many and such divers points of small detail, are 
merely so many records of the fact that selective 
fertility has arisen among their ancestry, and has 
thus given as many opportunities for the occurrence 
of morphological differentiations as it has furnished 
cases of efficient isolation. Of course, I do not deny 
that many, or probably most, of these trivial morpho- 
logical differentiations have been produced by natural 
selection on account of their utility: I merely deny 
that they could have been so produced on this 

74 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

common area, but for the sexual isolation with which 
every distinct set of them is now found to be asso- 

Evidence from Topographical Distribution of 

By topographical distribution I mean the distri- 
bution of organisms with reference to comparatively 
small areas, as distinguished from larger regions with 
reference to which the term geographical distribution 
is appropriate. 

It will be at once apparent that a study of the 
topographical distribution of organic types is of even 
more importance for us than a study of their geogra- 
phical distribution. For while the former study is 
conducted, as it were, with a low power of our 
observing microscope, the latter is conducted with 
a high power. The larger facts of geographical 
distribution yield, indeed, all the general characters 
which we might expect them to yield, on the theory 
that divergence of specific types on common areas 
has been in chief part determined by physiological 
conditions. But for the purpose of testing this 
theory in a still more exacting manner, it is of the 
first importance to consider the more detailed facts 
of topographical distribution, since we here come to 
closer quarters with the problem of specific differen- 
tiation. Therefore, as we have already considered 
this problem under the most general points of view, 
we will now consider it under more special points 
of view. 

It is self-evident. as we have seen in the preceding 

Evidences of Physiolegical Selection. 75 

section, that the greater the number of individuals 
of the same species on a given area, the less must 
be the power of natural selection to split that species 
into two or more allied types; because, the more 
crowded the population, the greater must be the 
uniformitarian effect of free intercrossing. This ob- 
vious fact has been insisted upon by several previous 
writers on Darwinism; and the only reason why it 
has not been recognized by all naturalists is, that so 
few of them have observed the all-important dis- 
tinction between monotypic and polytypic evolution. 
The denser the population, and therefore the greater 
the intercrossing and the severer the struggle for 
existence within the species, the better will it be 
for transmutation of the species by natural selection ; 
but the worse it will be for differentiation of the 
species by this form of homogamy. On the other 
hand, if physiological selection be entertained as 
a form of homogamy, the denser the population, the 
better opportunity it will have of differentiating the 
species, first, because a greater number of individuals 
will be present in which the physiological change 
may arise, and. secondly, because, if it does arise, the 
severity of the struggle for existence will then give 
natural selection a better chance of acting rapidly 
and effectually on each of the isolated sections. 
Hence, where the question is whether selective 
fertility has played any large or general part in the 
differentiation of specific types, the best criterion we 
can apply is to ascertain whether it is a general 
rule that closely allied species occur in intimate 
association, so that their individual members con- 
stitute, as it were, a single population, or, on the 

76 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

other hand, whether they occur rather on different 
sides of physical barriers. If they occur intimately 
associated, the form of homogamy to which their 
differentiation was due must have presumably been 
the physiological form; whereas, if they are proved 
to be correlated with physical barriers, the form of 
homogamy which was concerned in their differen- 
tiation must presumably have been the geographical 

Now, at first this consideration was a trouble to 
me, because Moritz Wagner had strenuously argued 
—and supported his argument by a considerable 
wealth of illustration—that allied species are always 
found correlated with physical barriers or discon- 
tinuous areas. Weismann’s answer, indeed, had 
shown that Wagner's statement was much too general : 
nevertheless, I was disappointed to find that so 
much could be said in favour of the geographical 
(or topographical) form of isolation where closely 
allied species are concerned. Subsequently, however. 
I read the writings of Nageli on this subject, and 
in them I find a very different state of matters 

Seeing as clearly as Wagner that it is impossible 
under any circumstances for natural selection to 
cause specific differentiation unless assisted by some 
other forms of homogamy, but committing the same 
oversight as Wagner and Weismann in supposing 
that the only other form of homogamy in nature is 
geographical isolation, Nageli, with great force of 
reasoning, and by many examples, founded his argu- 
ment against the theory of natural selection on the 
ground that in the vegetable kingdom closely allied 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 77 

species are most frequently found in intimate asso- 
ciation with one another, not, that is to say, in any 
way isolated by means of physical barriers. This 
argument is everywhere logically intact; and, as he 
sustains it by a large knowledge of topographical 
botany, his indictment against natural selection as 
a cause of specific differentiation appeared to be 
insurmountable. And, in point of fact, it was in- 
surmountable; so that the whole problem of the 
origin of species by differentiation on common areas 
has hitherto been left in utter obscurity. Nor is there 
now any escape from this obscurity, unless we enter- 
tain the “supplementary factor” of selective fertility. 
And, apparently, the only reason why this has not 
been universally recognized, is because Darwinians 
have hitherto failed to perceive the greatness of the 
distinction between the differentiation and the ¢rans- 
mutation of species; and hence have habitually met 
such overwhelming difficulties as Nageli presented by 
an illogical confounding of these two totally distinct 

But if the idea of selective fertility had ever 
occurred to Nageli as a form of segregation which 
gives rise to specific differentiation, I can have no 
doubt that so astute and logical a thinker would 
have perceived that his whole indictment against 
natural selection was answered. For it is incredible 
that he should not have perceived how this physio- 
logical form of homogamy (supposing it to arise before 
or during, and not after the specific differentiation) 
would perform exactly the same function on a con- 
tinuous area, as he allowed that “isolation” does on 
a discontinuous one. 

78 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

However, be this as it may, there cannot be any 
question touching the immense value of his facts and 
arguments as evidence in favour of physiological 
selection — albeit this evidence was given uncon- 
sciously, or, as it were, prophetically. Therefore 
I will here quote a few examples of both, from his 
paper Du Développement des Especes Sociales? 

After stating the theory of natural selection, he 
says that if the theory is (of itself) a true explanation 
of the origin (or divergence) of specific forms, it 
ought to follow that 

two closely allied forms, derived the one from the other, 
would necessarily occupy two different geographical areas [or 
topographical stations], since otherwise they would soon become 
blended. Until they had already become sufficiently consolidated 
as distinct species to render mutual intercrossing highly impro- 
bable, they could not be intermingled without disadvantage 
[to differentiation]. Had Darwin endeavoured to support his 
hypothesis by facts, he would, at least in the vegetable kingdom, 
have found little to favour his cause. I can cite many hundreds 
of cases, in which species in every stage of development have 
been found closely mingling with one another, and not in any 
way isolated. Therefore, I do not think that one can rightly 
speak of natural selection in the Darwinian sense in the 
vegetable kingdom; and, in my estimation, there is a great 
difference between the formation of species by nature and the 
production of stock by a breeder. . . . (p. 212). 

Of the two kinds of distribution (i. e. growing apart and 
growing together), Synoicy (or growing together) is by far 
the most usual in nature. I reckon that out of a hundred 
allied vegetable forms, at least ninety-five would be found to be 
synoical (p. 219). 

This is a most important point. That so enormous 

' Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles (seneve), vol. liti. (1875), 
pp. 211-236. 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 79 

a proportion of vegetable species should have origi- 
nated in intimate association with their parent or 
sister types, is clearly unintelligible on the theory of 
natural selection alone; there obviously mast be some 
other form of homogamy which, whether or not in 
all places associated with natural selection, is the 
primary condition to the differentiation. Such, 
I hold with Nageli, is a logical necessity ; and this 
whether or not I am right in believing the other 
form of homogamy in question to be selective fertility. 
But I go further and say, Surely there can be no 
rational question that this other form of homogamy 
must have been, at any rate as a highly general rule, 
the one which I have assigned. For how is it that 
in these ninety-five per cent. of cases, where vegetable 
species are growing intimately associated with their 
nearest allies, there is no hybridizing, or blending 
and relapsing to the original undifferentiated types? 
We know well the answer. These are fully differen- 
tiated species, and, as such, are protected from mutual 
intercrossing by the barrier of mutual sterility. But 
now, if this bar is thus necessary for preserving the 
specific distinctions when they have been fully 
developed, much more must it have been so to admit 
of their development; or, otherwise stated, since we 
know that this barrier is associated with “synoical” 
species, and since we clearly perceive that were it 
withdrawn these species would soon cease to exist, 
can we reasonably doubt that their existence (or 
origin) is due to the previous erection of this 
barrier? If synoical species were comparatively 
rare, the validity of such reasoning might be open 
to question; or, even if we should not doubt it in 

80 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

such cases, at any rate we might well doubt the 
importance or extent of selective fertility as a factor 
in the origination of species. But the value of 
Nageli’s writings on the present subject consists in 
showing that synoical species constitute so over- 
whelming a majority of the vegetable kingdom, that 
here, at all events, it appears impossible to rate too 
highly the importance of the principle I have called 
physiological selection, 



Evidence from Topographical Distribution of 

IN the last section we have considered the topo- 
graphical distribution of closely allied species. I now 
propose to go still further into matters of detail, by 
considering the case of natural varieties. And here 
we come upon a branch of our inquiry where we may 
well expect to meet with the most crucial tests of 
our theory. For if it should appear that these nascent 
species more or less resemble fully developed species 
in presenting the feature of cross-infertility, the theory 
would be verified in the most direct and conclusive 
manner possible. These nascent species may be 
called embryo species, which are actually in course 
of differentiation from their parent-type; and there- 
fore, if they do not exhibit the feature in relation 
to that type which the present theory infers to be 
necessary for the purposes of differentiation, the 
theory must be abandoned. On the other hand, if 
they do exhibit this feature, it is just the feature 
which the theory predicted as one that would be 
found highly characteristic of such embryo types. 

ee G 

82 Darwin, and after Darwin, 

Contrariwise, the theory of natural selection can have 
no reason to form any such anticipation ; or rather 
its anticipation would necessarily require to be the 
exact opposite. For, according to this theory, the 
cross-infertility of allied species is due, either to 
correlation with morphological changes which are 
being produced by the selection, or else, as Darwin 
supposed, to “ prolonged exposure to uniform con- 
ditions of life” ; and thus, in either case, the sterility 
variation ought to be, as a general rule at all events, 
subsequent to the specific differentiation, and, ac- 
cording to Darwin’s view, Jong subsequent. Thus 
we ought not to find that the physiological change 
is ever, on any large or general scale, the initial 
change; nor ought we to find that it is, on any 
such scale, even so much as a contemporary change : 
there ought, in fact, to be no constant or habitual 
association between divergence of embryo-types and 
the concurrence of cross-infertility. 

Now, it will be my endeavour to prove that 
there is an extraordinarily general association between 
varietal divergence and cross-infertility, wherever 
common areas are concerned; and in as far as this 
can be proved, I take it that the evidence will make 
wholly in favour of physiological selection as the 
prime condition to specific divergence, while at the 
same time they will make no less wholly, azd quite 
independently, against natural selection as the unaided 
cause of such divergence. 

I shall begin with some further quotations from 

Species may be synoical at all stages of relationship. We 
come across varieties, scarcely distinguishable from one another, 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 83 

growing in the same locality (as, for example, the C7zrstum 
heterophyllum, with smooth or jagged leaves, the Hveracium 
sylvaticum, with or without caulinary leaves); again, we meet 
other varieties more accentuated (as the A. hoppeanum, with 
under ligules of white or red, the Campanula, with white or lilac 
flowers, &c.), other varieties even more marked, which might 
almost be elevated to the rank of species (Hieracium alpinum, 
with hairs and glands, and the new form H. holadenium, which 
has only glands, Campanula rotundifolia with smooth and hairy 
leaves), or forms still more distinct, up to well-defined species. 
I could enumerate endless examples at all stages. 

It will be seen that in my definition of synoicy I do not mean 
to assert that @// allied forms are invariably found together, but 
that they are much more often seen in groups than singly. 
Take, for instance, nine forms closely related (4 to J). A, E, H 
will be found side by side at one point, B, D at another, C, F 
at a third, &c. These facts are plainly opposed to the theory of 
isolation and amixia, and make, on the contrary, in favour of the 
social development of species (/oc. cét., p. 221). 

Not to multiply quotations to the same general effect, 
I will supply but one other, referring to a particular 

At one spot (Rothwand) much exposed to the sun, and 
difficult of access, I remarked two closely allied forms, so nearly 
related to H. vil/osum that this would seem to be an interme- 
diary form between the two. One of these (1. uéllostssimum) 
is distinguished by its tongue and thick pubescence, its tolerably 
large capitula, and by the lengthened and separated scales of 
the involucrum; the other, on the contrary (H. elongatum), is 
less pubescent, has smaller capitula, and more compact scales 
on the involucrum than AH. villoswm. Both are finally distin- 
guishable from the type by their longer stalks, which are more 
decidedly aphyllous, and by their later flowering. At the spot 
where I found them the two forms were closely intermingled, 
and each was represented by a considerable number of plants. 
I did not find them anywhere else on the mountain, nor could 
I find at the spot where these were growing a single specimen 
of the true H. villosum, nor a single hybrid from these two. 


84 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

I concluded that these two new forms had, by joining their 
forces, expelled the A. vz//osum from its primitive abode, but 
had not succeeded in displacing one another. As to their origin, 
they had evidently developed in two different directions from 
a common point of departure, namely A. vzllosum. They had 
succeeded, not only in separating themselves from the original 
form, but also in preventing any intermediary form from inter- 
posing. I thought myself therefore justified in considering this 
as a case of varieties which have come into existence subsequently 
to the Glacial epoch. The morphological characteristics of the 
three forms are sufficiently distinct for them to be designated as 
species by a good many writers. They are better defined than 
some of MM. Frolich and Fries’ weaker species, and as well 
defined as some of MM. Koch and Grisebach’s (p. 222). 

Now it is clear, without comment, that all this is 
exactly as it ought to be, if allied species have been 
differentiated on common areas by selective fertility. 
For if, as Nageli elsewhere says, “one meets forms 
in nature associated with one another, and severally 
distinguished by every possible degree of differen- 
tiation,” not only as Nageli adds, does this general 
fact lead to the inference that species are (usually) 
developed when plants grow intimately associated 
together; but as certainly it leads to the further 
inference that such development must be due to 
a prior development of cross-infertility between the 
diverging varietal forms, cross-infertility which is 
therefore afterwards so characteristic of the allied 
species, when these are found, in their fully dif- 
ferentiated condition, still occupying the same area 
in large and intimately mingled populations. 

To my mind there could not be any interence more 
strongly grounded than this, because, with the one 
exception of the physiological form, no other form 
of homogamy can be conceived which shall accouni 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 85 

for the origin and permanence of these synoical 
varieties, in all degrees of differentiation up to well- 
defined synoical species. Least of all, as we have 
seen, can natural selection alone have had anything 
to do with such a state of matters; while, as we have 
likewise seen, in all its details it is exactly the state 
of matters which the theory of physiological selection 

Nevertheless, although this inference is so strongly 
grounded, we ought to remember that it is only an 
inference. In order fully to verify the theory of 
physiological selection, we ought to prove by experi- 
ment the fact of cross-infertility between these synoical 
varieties, as we learn that it afterwards obtains between 
synoical species. It is to be regretted that the theory 
of physiological selection did not occur to the mind 
of Nageli, because he would then, no doubt, have 
ascertained this by actual experiment. As it is, the 
great value of his observations goes no further than 
establishing a strong presumption, that it must be 
selective fertility which causes the progressive dif- 
ferentiation of synoical varieties; and also that, if 
so, this mast be the principal factor in the differentia- 
tion of vegetable species, seeing that some ninety-five 
per cent. are of synoical origin. 

Evidence from Experimental Research. 

My paper on Physiological Selection pointed out that 
the whole theory would have to stand or fall with the 
experimental proof of the presence or the absence of 
cross-infertility between varieties of the same species 
growing on common areas. From the facts and 
considerations which we have hitherto been dealing 

86 Darwin, and after Darwin, 

with, it did indeed appear to me that there was the 
strongest conceivable ground for inferring that cross- 
infertility between such varieties would be found by 
experiment to be a phenomenon of highly gene- 
ral occurrence—amply sufficient ground to prove 
that allied species on common areas for the most part 
owed their origin to this character of mutual sterility, 
and not vice versa as previously supposed. At that 
time I was not aware that any experiments had been 
made in this direction. Soon after the paper was 
published, however, my attention was directed to a 
laborious research which had been directed to this 
very point, and carried on for more than thirty years, 
by M. Jordan!. This had not attracted the general 
notice which it undoubtedly deserved; and I have 
since ascertained that even Darwin began to look 
into it only a few months before his death. 

Having devoted his life to closely observing in 
divers stations multitudes of different species of plants 
—annuals and perennials, bulbous and aquatic, trees 
and shrubs—M. Jordan has been able to satisfy him- 
self, and the French school of botanists to which this 
line of observation has given rise, that in most cases 
(or “nearly everywhere”), when a Linnean species 
is indigenous to a country and is there of common 
occurrence, this species within that district is repre- 
sented by more or less numerous and perfectly constant 
varieties. These varieties are constituted by such 
minute differences of morphological character that 

1 Remarques sur le fait de Pexistence en société ATéat sauvage des 
especes végétales affines et sur d'autres faits relatifs a la question de 
Vespece, par Alexis Jordan; lues au congrés de l’Association Francaise 
pour lAvancement des Sciences, 2me session, Lyon, séance de 28 Aofit, 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 87 

their very existence eluded the observation of botanists, 
until M. Jordan began to search specially for them as 
the special objects of his scrutiny. Moreover, these 
varieties of a Linnean species occupy common areas, 
and there grow in intimate association with one 
another, or as M. Jordan says, “ péle-méle.” So far, 
be it noticed, Jordan was proceeding on exactly the 
same lines as Nageli; only he carried his observa- 
tions over a still wider range of species on the one 
hand, and into a still minuter search for varieties 
on the other. But the all-important point for us is, 
that he further proceeded to test by experiment the 
physiological relations between these morphological 
varieties ; and found, in many hundreds of cases, 
that they not only came true to seed (i. e. are hereditary 
and not merely climatic), but likewise cross-sterile 
inter se. For these reasons, M. Jordan, who is 
opposed to the theory of evolution, regards all such 
varieties as separately created species; and the 
inspiring motive of his prolonged investigations has 
been a desire to multiply these proofs of creative 
energy.- But it clearly makes no difference, so far 
as evolutionists are concerned with them, whether 
all this multitude of sexually isolated forms be de- 
nominated species or varieties. 

The points which are of importance to evolu- 
tionists—and of the first order of importance in the 
present connexion--may be briefly summarized as 
follows :— 

(1) The research embraces large numbers of species, 
belonging to very numerous and very varied orders 
of plants; (2) in the majority of cases—although not 
all—indigenous species which are of common occur- 

88 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

rence present constant varieties ; (3) these varieties, 
nevertheless, may be morphologically so slight as to 
be almost imperceptible; (4) they occupy common 
areas and grow in intimate association; (5) although 
many of them have undergone so small an amount 
of morphological change, they have undergone a sur- 
prising amount of physiological change; for (6) not 
only do very many of these varieties come true to 
seed ; but, (7) when they do, they are always more or 
less cross-infertile zter se. 

Now, it is self-evident that every one of these seven 
points is exactly what the theory of physiological 
selection requires, while there is not one of them 
which it does not require. For if the theory be 
sound, we should expect to find large numbers of 
species belonging to numerous and varied orders 
of plants presenting constant varieties on common 
areas; we should expect this to be a highly general, 
though not a universal, rule; and we should expect 
it to apply only to species which are indigenous. More- 
over, we should expect these varieties, although but 
slightly differentiated morphologically, to present a 
great differentiation physiologically—and this in the 
special direction of selective fertility, combined, of 
course, with heredity. 

On the other hand, as I have said, this catalogue 
of evidences leaves nothing to be supplied. It gives 
us all the facts—and no more than all the facts— 
which my paper on Physiological Selection anticipated 
as the eventual result of a prolonged experimental 
research. And if I have to regret my ignorance of 
these facts when that paper was published, at any 
rate it now furnishes the best proof that my anticipa- 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 89 

tions were not guided by the results of a verification 
which had already been supplied. These anticipations 
were deduced exclusively from the theory itself, as 
representing what ought to be the case if the theory 
were true; and, I must confess, if I had then been 
told that they had already been realized—that it 
had actually been found to be a general rule that 
endemic species present constant and hereditary 
varieties, intimately commingled on common areas, 
morphologically almost indistinguishable, but physio- 
logically isolated by selective fertility—I should 
have felt that the theory had been verified in 
advance. For there are only two alternatives: 
either these things are due to physiological selection, 
or else they are due—as M. Jordan himself believes 
—to special creation. Which is equivalent to say- 
ing that, for evolutionists, the facts must be held 
to verify the former theory in as complete a manner 
as it is logically possible for the theory to be 

Evidence from Prepotency. 

We have now to consider the bearing of what is 
called “ prepotency” on the theory of physiological 

Speaking of the vast number of species of Com- 
positae, Darwin says :— 

There can be no doubt that if the pollen of all these species 
could be simultaneously or successively placed on the stigma of 
any one species, this one would elect with unerring certainty its 
own pollen. This elective capacity is all the more wonderful, as 
it must have been acquired since the many species of this great 
group of piants branched off from a common progenitor. 

go Darwin, and after Darwin. 

Darwin is here speaking of elective affinity in 
its fully developed form, as absolute cross-sterility 
between fully differentiated species. But we meet 
with all lower degrees of cross-infertility—sometimes 
between “incipient species,’ or permanent varieties, 
and at other times between closely allied species. 
It is then known as “prepotency”’ of the pollen 
belonging to the same variety or species over the 
pollen of the other variety or species, when both sets 
of pollen are applied to the same stigma. Although 
in the absence of the prepotent pollen the less potent 
will fertilize the seed, yet, such is the appetency for 
the more appropriate pollen, that even if this be 
applied to the stigma some considerable time after 
the other, it will outstrip or overcome the other in 
fertilizing the ovules, and therefore produce the 
same result on the next generation as if it had been 
applied to the mother plant without any admixture 
of the less potent pollen, although in some cases such 
incipient degrees of cross-infertility are further shown 
by the number or quality of the seeds being fewer 
or inferior. 

Now, in different varieties and in different allied 
species, all degrees of such prepotency have been 
noticed by many observers, from the faintest per- 
ceptible amount up to complete impotency of the 
alien pollen—when, of course, there is absolute 
sterility between the two varieties or allied species. 
The inference is obvious. In this graduated scale 
of prepotency—beginning with an experimentally 
almost imperceptible amount of sexual differentia- 
tion between two varieties, and ending in an absolute 
partitioning of two allied species—we have the only 

Evidences of Physiological Seleciion. 91 

remaining fact that is required to complete the case 
in favour of the present theory. We are here brought 
back to the very earliest stages of physiological differ- 
entiation or to the stages which lie behind Jordan’s 
“ Physiological Species”; and therefore, when taken 
in conjunction with his results, the phenomena o: 
prepotency may be said to give us the complete and 
final demonstration of one continuous development, 
which, beginning in an almost imperceptible amount 
of cross-infertility, ends in absolute cross-sterility. 
The “elective capacity” to which Darwin alludes as 
having been “acquired” by all the species of Com- 
positae since they “branched off from a common 
progenitor,” is thus seen among innumerable other 
species actually in process of acquisition; and so 
we can perfectly well understand, what is otherwise 
unintelligible, that closely allied species of plants 
occur, in ninety-five per cent. of cases, intimately asso- 
ciated on common areas, while exhibiting towards one 
another the character of mutual sterility. 

But more than this. The importance of the wide- 
spread phenomena of prepotency to the theory of 
physiological selection does not consist merely in 
thus supplying the last link in the chain of evidence 
touching the origin of species by selective fertility, 
or “elective capacity.” These phenomena are of 
further importance as showing how in plants, at all 
events, physiological selection appears to be frequently 
capable of differentiating specific types without the 
necessary assistance of any other form of homogamy. 
In my original statement of the theory, I was careful 
to insist upon the great value, as differentiating agents, 
of even small degrees of other forms of homogamy 

92 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

when co-operating with physiological selection. But 
I also stated my belief that in many cases selective 
fertility is presumably of itself capable of splitting 
a specific type; and the reason why I still believe 
this is, that I do not otherwise understand these pheno- 
mena of prepotency. I cannot believe that in all the 
innumerable cases where they arise, they have been 
super-induced by some prior morphological changes 
going on in some other part of the organism, or by 
“prolonged exposure to uniform conditions of life,” 
on the part of two wellnigh identical forms which 
have arisen intimately commingled in exactly the 
same environment, and under the operation of a pre- 
viously universal intercrossing. Even if such a thing 
could be imagined as happening occasionally, I feel 
it difficult to imagine that it can happen habitually, 
and yet this view must be held by those who would 
attribute prepotency to natural selection. 

It must never be forgotten that the relatively 
enormous changes as to size, structure, habit, &c., 
which are presented by our domesticated plants as 
results of artificial selection, do not entail the physio- 
logical character of cross-sterility in any degree, 
save possibly in some small number of cases. Although 
in wild species any correspondingly small percentage 
of cases (where natural selection happens to hit upon 
parts of the organism modifications of which produce 
the physiological change by way of correlation) would 
doubtless be the ones to survive on common areas, 
still it is surely incredible that such an accidental 
association between natural selection and _ cross- 
infertility is so habitually the means of specific 
differentiation as the facts of prepotency (together 

Evidences of Physiological Seleciion. 93 

with the observations of Jordan and Nigeli) would 
necessarily demand. 

Moreover, this view of the matter is still iurther 
corroborated by certain other facts and considerations. 
For example, the phenomena of prepotency (whether 
as between varieties or between closely allied species) 
are found to occur when the two forms occupy a 
common area, i.e. are growing intermingled with 
one another. Therefore, but for this physiological 
differentiation, there could be absolutely nothing to 
prevent free intercrossing. Yet the fact that hybrids 
are so comparatively rare in a state of nature—a fact 
which Sir Joseph Hooker has pointed out to me as 
otherwise inexplicable —proves the efficacy of even 
a low degree of such differentiation in preventing 
the physiologically-differentiated forms from inter- 
crossing. Even in cases where there is no difficulty 
in producing artificial hybrids or mongrels between 
species or varieties growing on common areas, it is 
perfectly astonishing what an extremely small per- 
centage of the hybrid or mongrel forms are found to 
occur in nature. And there can be no question that 
this is due to the very efficient manner in which 
prepotency does its work—efficient, I mean, from 
the point of view of the new theory; for upon any 
other theory prepotency is a meaningless pheno- 
menon, which, notwithstanding its frequent occur- 
rence, plays no part whatever in the process of organic 

I attach considerable importance to the phenomena 
of prepotency in view of the contrast which is pre- 
sented between plants and animals in the relation of 
their species to physical barriers. For animals— 

94 Darwin, and after Darwin, 

and especially the higher animals—appear to depend 
for their specific differentiations upon such barriers 
much more than in the case with plants. This is no 
more than we should expect ; for, in accordance with 
our theory, selective fertility is not so likely to work 
alone in the case of the higher animals which mate 
together, as in plants which are fertilized through the 
agency of wind or insects. In the former case there 
is no opportunity given for the first rise of cross- 
infertility, in the form of prepotency ; and even where 
selective fertility has gained a footing in other ways, 
the chances against the suitable mating of “ physio- 
logical complements” must be much greater than it 
is in the latter case. Hence, among the higher animals, 
selective fertility ought much more frequently to be 
found in association with other forms of homogamy 
than it is among plants. And this is exactly what 
we find. Thus it seems to me that this contrast 
between the comparative absence and presence of 
physical barriers, where allied species of plants and of 
higher animals are respectively concerned, is entitled 
to be taken as a further corroboration of our theory. 
For while it displays exactly such a general corre- 
lation as this theory would expect, the correlation is 
one which cannot possibly be explained on any other 
theory. It is just where physiological selection can 
be seen to have the best opportunity of acting (viz. 
in the vegetable kingdom) that we find the most 
unequivocal evidence of its action; while, on the 
other hand, it is just where it can be seen to have 
the least opportunity of asserting itself (viz. among 
the higher animals) that we find it most associated 
with, and therefore assisted by, other forms of homo- 

Evidences of Physiological Selection. 95 

gamy, i.e. not only geographical isolation, but also 
by sexual preference in pairing, and the several 
other forms of homogamy, which Mr. Gulick has 
shown to arise in different places as the result of 

Evidence from Special Cases. 

Hitherto I have been considering, from the most 
general point of view, the most widespread facts 
and broadest principles which serve to substantiate 
the theory of physiological selection. I now pass 
to the consideration of one of those special cases in 
which the theory appears to have been successfully 

Professor Le Conte has adduced the fossil snails 
of Steinheim as serving to corroborate the theory of 
physiological selection ! 

The facts are these. The snail population of this 
lake remain for a long time uniform and unchanged. 
Then a small percentage of individuals suddenly began 
to vary as regards the form of their shells, and this in 
two or three directions at the same time, each affected 
individual, however, only presenting one of the varia- 
tions. But after all these variations had begun to 
affect a proportionally large number of individuals, 
some individuals occur in which two or more of the 
variations are blended together, evidently. as Weis- 
mann says, by intercrossing of the varieties so blended. 
Later still, both the separate varieties and their 
blended progeny became more and more numerous, 
and eventually a single blended type, comprising 
in itself all the initial varieties, supplanted the 

1 Tvolution and its Relations to Religious Thought, &c. pp. 236-7. 

96 Darwin, and after Darwin, 

parent form. Then another long period of stability 
ensued until another eruption of new variations took 
place; and these variations, after having affected 
a greater and greater number of individuals, eventu- 
ally blended together by intercrossing and sup- 
planted their parent form. So the process went on, 
comparatively short periods of variation alternating 
with comparatively long periods of stability, the 
variations, moreover, always occurring suddenly in 
crops, then multiplying, blending together, and in 
their finally blended type eventually supplanting their 
parent form. 

Now, the remarkable fact here is that whenever the 
variations arose, they only intercrossed between them- 
selves, they did not intercross with their parent form ; 
for, if they had, not only could they never have 
survived (having been at first so few in number and 
there having been no geographical barriers in the 
small lake), but we should have found evidence of 
the fact in the half-bred progeny. Moreover, natural 
selection can have had nothing to do with the process, 
because not only are the variations in the form of the 
shells of no imaginable use in themselves; but it 
would be preposterous to suppose that at each of these 
“variation periods” several different variations should 
always have occurred simultaneously, all of which were 
of some hidden use, although no one of them ever 
occurred during any of the prolonged periods of 
stability. How, then, are we to explain the fact that 
the individuals composi..g each crop of varieties, while 
able to breed among themselves, never crossed with 
their parent form? These varieties, each time that 
they arose, were intimately commingled with their 

Evidences of Phystological Selection. 97 

parent form, and would certainly have been re- 
absorbed into it had intercrossing in that direction 
been possible. With Professor Le Conte, therefore, 
I conclude that there is only one conceivable answer 
to this question. Each crop of varieties must have 
been protected from intercrossing with their parent 

They must have been the result of a variation, which 
rendered the affected individuals sterile with their 
parent form, whilst leaving them fertile amongst them- 
selves. The progeny of these individuals would then 
have dispersed through the lake, physiologically isolated 
from the parent population, and especially prone to 
develop secondary variations as a direct result of the 
primary variation. Thus, as we might expect. two or 
three variations arose simultaneously, as expressions 
of so many different lines of family descent from the 
original or physiological variety ; these were every- 
where prevented from intercrossing with their parent 
form, yet capable of blending whenever they or their 
ever-increasing progeny happened to meet. Thus, 
without going into further details, we are able by 
the theory of physiological selection to give an ex- 
planation of all these facts, which otherwise remain 

In view of the evidence which has now been pre- 
sented, I will now ask five questions which must be 
suitably answered by critics of the theory of physio- 
logical selection. 

1. Can you doubt that the hitherto insoluble pro- 
blem of inter-specific sterility would be solved, sup- 
posing cross-infertility were proved to arise before or 

III. Hf 

98 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

during the process of specific differentiation, instead 
of after that process had been fully completed ? 

2. Can you doubt, after duly considering the cir- 
cumstances under which allied species of plants have 
been differentiated—viz. in ninety-five per cent. of 
cases intimately commingled on common areas, and 
therefore under identical environments— that cross- 
infertility mst have arisen before or during the 
specific differentiation ? 

3. Can you doubt, after duly considering the facts 
of prepotency on the one hand and those of Jordan’s 
physiological varieties on the other, that cross-infer- 
tility does arise before or during the specific differen- 
tiation ? 

4. If you cannot express a doubt upon any of these 
points, can you explain why you refuse to accept the 
theory of the origin of species by means of physio- 
logical selection, together with the explanation which 
this theory affords of the continued cross-fertility of 
domesticated varieties ? 

5. Supposing this theory to be true, can you con- 
ceive of any other classes of facts which, either 
quantitatively or qualitatively. could more directly or 
more effectually prove its truth than those which have 
now been adduced ? 

On these five heads I entertain no doubt. I am 
convinced that the theory of physiological selection is 
the only one that can explain the facts of inter-specific 
sterility on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the 
contrast which these facts display to the unimpaired 
fertility of our domesticated varieties. 

In conclusion, it seems dcsirable once more to insist 
that there is no antagonism or rivalry between the 

Luidences of Physiological Selection. 99 

theories of natural and of physiological selection. For 
which purpose I will quote the final paragraph of my 
original paper. 

So much, then, for the resemblances and the differences 
between the two theories. It only remains to add that the two 
are complementary. I have already shown some of the respects 
in which the newer theory comes to the assistance of the older, 
and this in the places where the older has stood most in need of 
assistance. In particular, 1 have shown that segregation of the 
fit entirely relieves survival of the fittest from the difficulty under 
which it has hitherto laboured of explaining why it is that sterility 
is so constantly found between species. while so rarely found 
between varieties which differ from one another even more than 
many species ; why so many features of specific distinction are 
useless to the species presenting them; and why it is that 
incipient varieties are not obliterated by intercrossing with parent 
forms. Again, we have seen that physiological selection, by 
preventing such intercrossing, enables natural selection to 
promote diversity of character, and thus to evolve species in 
ramifying branches instead of in linear series—a work which I 
cannot see how natural selection could possibly perform unless 
thus aided by physiological selection. Moreover, we have seen 
that although natural selection alone could not induce sterility 
between allied types, yet when this sterility is given by physio- 
logical selection, the forms which present it would be favoured in 
the struggle for existence ; and thus again the two principles are 
found playing, as it were, into each other’s hands. And here, as 
elsewhere, I believe that the co-operation enables the two prin- 
ciples to effect very much more in the way of species-making 
than either of them could effect if working separately. On the 
one hand, without the assistance of physiological selection, 
natural selection would, I believe, be all but overcome by the 
adverse influences of free intercrossing—influences all the more 
potent under the very conditions which are required for the 
multiplication of species by divergence of character. On the 
other hand, without natural selection, physiological selection 
would be powerless to create any differences of specific type, 
other than those of mutual sterility and trivial details of structure, 

lI 2 

100 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

form, and colour—differences wholly without meaning from a 
utilitarian point of view. But in their combination these two 
principles appear to me able to accomplish what neither can 
accomplish alone—namely, a full and satisfactory explanation of 
the origin of species. 



THis historical sketch must begin with a considera- 
tion of Darwin’s opinions on the subject ; but as these 
were considerably modified from time to time during 
a period of thirty years by the publications of other 
naturalists, it will be impossible to avoid cross- 
references as between his writings and theirs. It 
may also be observed that the Life and Letters of 
Charles Darwin was not published until the year 
1887, so that the various opinions which I shall 
quote from the letters, and which show some con- 
siderable approximation in his later years to the 
views which have been put forward by Mr. Gulick 
and myself, were not before us at the time when our 
papers were read. 

The earliest allusion that I can find to geographical 
isolation in the writings of Darwin occurs in a 
correspondence with Sir Joseph Hooker, as far back 
as 1844. He there says :— 

I cannot give my reasons in detail; but the most general 
conclusion which the geographical distribution of all organic 

102 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

beings appears to me to indicate is, that isolation is the chief 
concomitant or cause of the appearance of mew forms (I well 
know there are some staring exceptions) '. 

And again :— 

With respect to original creation or production of new forms, 
I have said that isolation appears the chief element?. 

Next, in the earlier editions of the Origin of Species 
this view is abandoned, and in its stead we meet 
with the opinion that geographical isolation lends 
a certain amount of assistance to natural selection, 
by preventing free intercrossing. But here we must 
note two things. First, the distinction between mono- 
typic and polytypic evolution is not defined. Secondly, 
the levelling effect of free intercrossing in nature, and 
hence its antagonism to divergence of character by 
natural selection, is not sufficiently recognized ; while, 
on the other hand, and in consequence of this, the 
importance of isolation as a factor of evolution is 
underrated—not only in its geographical, but likewise 
in all its other forms. 

Taking these two points separately, the only 
passages in Darwin’s writings, so far at least as I 
can find, in which any distinction is drawn between 
evolution as monotypic and polytypic, are those in 
which he deals with a somewhat analogous distinction 
between artificial selection as intentional and un- 
conscious. He says, for example :— 

In the case of methodical selection, a breeder selects for some 
definite object, and if the individuals be allowed freely to inter- 

cross, his work will completely fail. But when many men, 
without intending to alter the breed, have a nearly common 

| Life and Letters, vol. ii. p. 28, 2 Joid. 

Opinions on Isolation. 103 

standard of perfection, and all try to procure and breed from the 
best animals, improvement surely but slowly follows from this 
unconscious process of selection, notwithstanding that there is no 
separation of selected individuals, Thus it will be under nature !. 

Here we have what may perhaps be regarded asa 
glimmering of the distinction between monotypic and 
polytypic evolution. But that it is only a glimmering 
is proved by the immediately ensuing sentences, which 
apply this analogy of unconscious selection. zo¢ to the 
case of monotypic, dz to that of polytypic evolution. 
So likewise, in the succeeding discussion on “divergence 
of character,” the analogy is again resorted to for the 
purpose of showing how polytypic evolution may occur 
in nature. 

Thus far, then, it may be said that we have scarcely 
so much as a glimmering of the distinction between 
monotypic and polytypic evolution ; and as the same 
discussion (with but a few verbal alterations) runs 
through all the editions of the Origin, it may well be 
asked why I should have alluded to such passages in 
the present connexion. Well, I have done so because 
it is apparent that, during the last years of his life, the 
distinction between selection as “methodical” and 
“unconscious” enabled Darwin much more clearly to 
perceive that between evolution as monotypic and 
polytypic. Thus in 1868 he wrote to Moritz Wagner 
(who, as we shall presently see, entirely failed to 
distinguish between monotypic and polytypic evolu- 
tion), expressing his belief— 

That in many large areas all the individuals of the same 

species have been slowly modified, in the same manner, for 
instance, as the English racehorse has been improved, that is, 

! Origin of Species, p. 80, 6th ed. (1872). 

104 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

by the continued selection of the fleetest individuals, without 
any separation. But I admit that by this process two or 
more new species could hardly be formed within the same limited 

Again, in 1876 he wrote another letter to Wagner, 
in which the following passage occurs :— 

I believe that all the individuals of a species can be slowly 
modified within the same district, in nearly the same manner as 
man effects by what I have called the process of unconscious 
selection. Ido not believe that one species will give birth to 
two or more new species as long as they are mingled together 
within the same district ®. 

Two years later he wrote to Professor Semper :— 

There are two different classes of cases, it appears to me, 
viz. those in which species becomes slowly modified in the 
same country, and those cases in which a species splits into two, 
or three, or more new species ; and, in the latter case, I should 
think nearly perfect separation would greatly aid in their 
“ specification,” to coin a new word’, 

Now, these passages show a very much clearer 
perception of the all-important distinction between 
monotypic and polytypic evolution than any which 
occur in the Origiz of Species; and they likewise 
show that he was led to this perception through what 
he supposed to be a somewhat analogous distinction 
between “unconscious” and “ methodical” selection 
by man. The analogy, I need hardly say, is radically 
unsound ; and it isa curious result of its unsoundness 
that, whereas in the Origin of Species it is adduced 
to illustrate the process of polytypic evolution, as 
previously remarked, in the letters above quoted we 

1 Life and Letters, vol. iii. p. 158. 
* Tbid. p. 159. 8 bid. p. 160, 

Opinions on Isolation. 105 

find it adduced to illustrate the process of monotypic 
evolution. But the fact of this analogy being unsound 
does not affect the validity of the distinction between 
monotypic and polytypic evolution to which it led 
Darwin, in his later years, so clearly to express! 

Turning next to the second point which we have to 
notice, it is easy to show that in the earlier editions 
of his works Darwin did not sufficiently recognize 
the levelling effects of free intercrossing, and conse- 
quently failed to perceive the importance of isolation 
(in any of its forms) as a factor of organic evolution. 
This may be most briefly shown by quoting his own 
more matured opinion upon the subject. Thus, with 
reference to the swamping effects of intercrossing, he 
wrote to Mr. Wallace in 1867 as follows :— 

I must have expressed myself atrociously : I meant to say 
exactly the reverse of what you have understood. F. Jenkin 
argued in the Worth British Review against single variations 
being perpetuated, and has convinced me, though not in quite 
so broad a manner as here put. I always thought individual 
differences more important; but I was blind, and thought that 
single variations might be preserved much oftener than I now 
see is possible or probable. I mentioned this in my former 

1 The analogy is radically unsound because unconscious selection 
differs from methodical selection only in the degree of ‘‘ separation” 
which it effects. These two forms of selection do not necessarily differ 
from one another in regard to the zzmber of characters which are being 
simultaneously diversified ; for while it may be the object of methodical 
selection to breed for modification of a single character alone, it may, 
on the other hand, be the result of unconscious selection to diversify an 
originally uniform stock, as Darwin himself observes with regard to 
horse-breeding. The real distinction between monotypic and polytypic 
evolution is, not at all with reference to the degree of isolation (i.e. 
amount of “separation”’), but to the szmber of cases in which any 
efficient degree of it occurs (i, e. whether in but a single case, or in two 
or more cases). 

106 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

note merely because I believed that you had come toa similar 
conclusion, and I like much to be in accord with you. I believe 
I was mainly deceived by single variations offering such simple 
illustrations, as when man selects [i.e. isolates] *. 

Again, somewhere about the same time, he wrote 
to Moritz Wagner :— 

Although I saw the effects of isolation in the case of islands 
and mountain-ranges, and knew of a few instances of rivers, 
yet the greater number of your facts were quite unknown to me. 
I now see that, from the want of knowledge, I did not make 
nearly sufficient use of the views which you advocate*. 

Now it would be easy to show the justice of these 
self-criticisms by quoting longer passages from earlier 
editions of the Origin of Species; but as this, in view 
of the above passages, is unnecessary, we may next 
pass on to another point. 

The greatest oversight that Wagner made in his 
otherwise valuable essays on geographical isolation, 
was in not perceiving that geographical isolation is only 
one among a number of other forms of isolation; 
and, therefore, that although it is perfectly true, as 
he insisted, that polytypic evolution cannot be effected 
by natural selection alone, it is very far from true, 
as he further insisted, that geographical isolation is 
the only means whereby natural selection can be 
assisted in this matter. Hence it is that, when 
Darwin said he had not himself “made nearly 
sufficient use” of geographical isolation as a factor 
of specific divergence, he quite reasonably added that 
he could not go so far as Wagner did in regarding 
such isolation as a condition, szze gua non, to diver- 
gent evolution in all cases. Nevertheless, he adds 

| Life and Letters, vol. iii. pp. 157-8. ? Ibid. pp. 157-8. 

Opinions on Isolation. 107 

the important words, “I almost wish I could believe 
in its importance to the same extent with you; for 
you well show, in a manner which never occurred to 
me, that it removes many difficulties and objections.” 
These words are important, because they show that 
Darwin had come to feel the force of the “ difficulties 
and objections” with regard to divergent evolution 
being possible by means of natural selection alone, 
and how readily they could be removed by assuming 
the assistance of isolation. Hence, it is much to be 
deplored that Wagner presented a single kind of 
isolation (geographical) as equivalent to the principle 
of isolation in general. For he thus failed to present 
the complete—and, therefore, the true—philosophy 
of the subject to Darwin’s mind; and in this, as 
in certain other respects which I shall notice later 
on, served rather to confuse than to elucidate the 
matter as a whole. 

To sum up. Although in his later years, as shown 
by his correspondence, Darwin came to recognize 
more fully the swamping effects of free intercrossing, 
and the consequent importance of “separation” for 
the prevention of these effects, and although in this 
connexion he likewise came more clearly to dis- 
tinguish between the ‘two cases” of monotypic 
and polytypic evolution, it is evident that he never 
worked out any of these matters—* thinking it pru- 
dent,” as he wrote with reference to them in 1878, 
“now I am growing old, to work at easier subjects 1.” 
Therefore he never clearly saw, on the one hand, 
that free intercrossing, far from constituting a “ diffi- 
culty” to monotypic evolution by natural selection, 

1 Life and Letters, vol. iii. p. 161. 

108 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

is the very means whereby natural selection is in 
this case enabled to operate; or, on the other 
hand, that, in the case of polytypic evolution, the 
“difficulty ’ in question is so absolute as to render 
such evolution, by natural selection alone, absolutely 
impossible. Hence, although in one sentence of the 
Origin of Species he mentions three forms of isolation 
(besides the geographical form) as serving in some 
cases to assist natural selection in causing ‘ diver- 
gence of character” (i. e. polytypic evolution), on 
account of not perceiving how great and how sharp 
is the distinction between the two kinds or “cases” 
of evolution, he never realized that, where “two or 
more new species” are in course of differentiation, 
some form of isolation other than natural selection 
must necessarily be present, whether or not natural 
selection be likewise so. The nearest approach which 
he ever made to perceiving this necessity was in one 
of his letters to Wagner above quoted, where, after 
again appealing to the erroneous analogy between 
monotypic evolution and “unconscious selection,” he 
says:—‘“ But I admit that by this process (ie. un- 
conscious selection) two or more new species could 
hardly be formed within the same limited area: some 
degree of separation, if not indispensable, would be 
highly advantageous; and here your facts and views 
will be of great value.” But even in this passage the 
context shows that by “separation” he is thinking 
exclusively of geographical separation, which he rightly 
enough concludes (as against Wagner) need certainly 

1 Page 81. The three forms of isolation mentioned are, “ from 

haunting different stations, from breeding at slightly different seasons, or 
from the individuals of each variety preferring to pair together.” 

Opinions on Isolatzon. 109 

not be “indispensable.” Had he gone a step further, 
he must have seen that separation, zz some form 
or another, ts “ indispensable” to polytypic evolution. 
Instead of taking this further step, however, two years 
later he wrote to Semper as follows :— 

I went as far as I could, perhaps too far, in agreement with 
Wagner [i.e. in the last edition of the Origin of Spectes]; since 
that time I have seen no reason to change my mind ; but then 

I must add that my attention has been absorbed on other 
subjects 1. 

And he seems to have ended by still failing to 
perceive that the explanation which he gives of 
“divergence of character” in the Origin of Species, 
can only hold on the unexpressed assumption that 
free intercrossing is in some way prevented at the 
commencement, and throughout the development, of 
each diverging type. 

Lastly, we have to consider Darwin’s opinion touching 
the important principle of “Independent Variability.” 
This, it will be remembered, is the principle which 
ensures that when a portion (not too large) of a 
species is prevented from interbreeding with the rest 
of the species, sooner or later a divergence of type 
will result, owing to the fact that the average qualities 
of the separated portion at the time of its separation 
cannot have been exactly the same as the average 
qualities of the specific type as a whole. Thus the 
state of Amixia, being a state of what Mr. Gulick 
calls Independent Generation, will of itself—i.e. even 
if unassisted by natural selection—induce divergence 
of type, in a ratio that has been mathematically 
calculated by Delbceuf. 

1 Life and Letters, vol, iii. p. 159. 

110 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

Darwin wrote thus to Professor Weismann in 
1872 :— 

I have now read your essay with very great interest. Your 
view of the origin of local races through ‘‘ Amixia ” is altogether 
new to me, and seems to throw an important light on an obscure 
question }, 

And in the last edition of the Variation of Animals 
and Plants he adds the following paragraph :— 

This view may throw some light on the fact that the domestic 
animals which formerly inhabited the several districts in Great 
Britain, and the half-wild cattle lately kept in several British 
parks, differed slightly from one another; for these animals were 
prevented from wandering over the whole country and inter- 
crossing, but would have crossed freely within each district or 

Now, although I allow that Darwin never attri- 
buted to this principle of Amixia, or Independent 
Variability, anything like the degree of importance 
to which, in the opinion of Delbceuf, Gulick, Giard, 
and myself, it is entitled, the above passage appears 
to show that, as soon as the “view” was clearly 
“suggested” to his mind, he was so far from being 
unfavourably disposed towards it, that he added 
a paragraph to the last edition of his Vardation for 
the express purpose of countenancing it. Never- 
theless, later on the matter appears to have entirely 
escaped his memory ; for in 1878 he wrote to Semper, 
that he did “not see at all more clearly than I did 
before, from the numerous cases which he [Wagner] 
has brought forward, how and why it is that a long 
izolated form should almost always become slightly 
modified *.” I think this shows entire forgetfulness 

1 Life and Letters, vol. iii. p. 155. * Variation, &c., vol. ii, p. 262. 
8 Life and Letters, vol. iii. p. 161. 

Opinions on Isolation, III 

of the principle in question, because, if the latter is 
good for explaining the zzitial divergence of type as 
between separated stocks of “domesticated animals,” 
much more must it be competent to explain the 
Further divergence of type which is “almost always” 
observable in the case of “a long isolated form” 
under nature. The very essence of the principle 
being that, when divergence of type has once begun, 
this divergence must aso facto proceed at an ever-ac- 
celerating pace, it is manifestly inconsistent to entertain 
the principle as explaining the first commencement of 
divergence, and then to ignore it as explaining the 
further progress of divergence. Hence, I can only 
conclude that Darwin had forgotten this principle 
altogether when he wrote his letter to Semper in 1878 
—owing, no doubt, as he says in the sentence which 
immediately follows, to his having “not attended 
much of late years to such questions.” 

So much, then, for Darwin’s opinions. Next in 
order of time we must consider Moritz Wagner's 
essays on what he called the “Law of Migration!.” 
The merit of these essays was, first, the firm ex- 
pression of opinion upon the swamping effects of free 
intercrossing ; and, second, the production of a large 
body of facts showing the importance of geographical 
isolation in the prevention of these effects, and in 
the consequent differentiation of specific types. On 
the other hand, the defect of these essays was, first, 
not distinguishing between evolution as monotypic 
and polytypic ; and, second, not perceiving that geo- 

1 Die Darwin’ sche Theorie und das Migrationsgesets (1868): Ueber 
den Linfluss der geographischen Isolirung, &cc. (1870). 

II2 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

graphical isolation is only one among a number of 
other forms of isolation. From these two radical 
oversights—which, however, were shared by all other 
writers of the time, with the partial exception of 
Darwin himself, as previously shown—there arose the 
following and most lamentable errors. 

Over and over again Moritz Wagner insists, as con- 
stituting the fundamental doctrine of his attempted 
reform of Darwinism, that evolution by natural 
selection is impossible, unless natural selection be 
assisted by geographical isolation, in order to prevent 
the swamping effects of intercrossing 1. Now, if instead 
of “evolution” he had said “divergence of type,” 
and if instead of “geographical isolation” he had 
said “prevention of intercrossing,’ he would have 
enunciated the general doctrine which it has been the 
joint endeavour of Mr. Gulick and myself to set forth. 
But by not perceiving that “evolution” is of two 
radically different kinds—polytypic and monotypic— 
he entirely failed to perceive that, while for one of its 
kinds the prevention of intercrossing is an absolute 
necessity, for the other of its kinds the permission of 
intercrossing is a necessity no less absolute. And, 
again, in missing the fact that geographical isolation 

* For instance, speaking of common, or continuous areas, he says :— 
“In this case a constant variety, or new species, cannot be produced, 
because the free crossing of a new variety with the old unaltered stock 
will always cause it to revert to the original type; in other words, will 
destroy the new form. The formation of a real variety, which Darwin, 
as we know, regards as the commencement of a new species, will only 
succeed when a few individuals, having crossed the barrier of their 
habitat, are able to separate themselves for a long time from the old 
stock.” And the last sentence, given as a summary of his whole 
doctrine, is—“ The geographical isolation of the form, a necessary 
consequence of migration, is the caus« of its typical character,” 

Opinions on Isolation. 113 

is but one of the many ways whereby intercrossing 
may be prevented, he failed to perceive that, even 
as regards the case of polytypic evolution, he greatly 
erred in representing this one form of isolation as 
being universally a necessary condition to the process. 
The necessary condition to this process is, indeed, the 
prevention of intercrossing dy some means or another ; 
but his unfortunate insistence on geographical separa- 
tion as the only possible means to this end—especially 
when coupled with his no less unfortunate disregard 
of monotypic evolution—caused him to hinder rather 
than to advance a generalization which he had only 
grasped in part. And this generalization is, as now 
so repeatedly stated, that while the form of isolation 
which we know as natural selection depends for its 
action upon the intercrossing of all the individuals 
which it isolates (i.e. selects), when acting alone 
it can produce only monotypic evolution; but that 
when it is supplemented by any of the other 
numerous forms of isolation, it is furnished with 
the necessary condition to producing polytypic 
evolution—and this in as many lines of divergent 
change as there may be cases of this efficient 

Nevertheless, while we must lament these short- 
comings on the part of Wagner, we ought to re- 
member that he rendered important services in the 
way of calling attention to the swamping effects of 
free intercrossing, and, still more, in that of showing 
the high importance of geographical isolation as a 
factor of organic evolution. Therefore, although in an 
elaborate criticism of his views Weismann was easily 
able to dispose of his generalizations in the imperiect 

a 1 

I14 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

form that they presented, I do not think it was just in 
Weismann to remark, “ if Wagner had confined himself 
to the statement that geographical isolation materi- 
ally assists the process of natural selection, and 
thus also promotes the origination of new species, he 
would have met with little or no opposition ; but then, 
of course, in saying this much, he would not have 
been saying anything new.” No doubt, as I have 
just shown, he ough thus (as well as in other and 
still more important respects not perceived by Prof. 
Weismann) to have limited his statement; but, had 
he done so, it does not follow that he would not have 
been saying anything new. For, in point of fact, in 
as far as he said what was true, he did say a great 
deal that was also new. Thus, most of what he said 
of the principle of separation (apogamy) was as new 
as it was true, although, as we have seen, he said it 
to very little purpose on account of his identifying 
this principle as a whole with that of but one of its 
forms. Again, notwithstanding this great error, or 
oversight, he certainly showed of the particular form 
in question—viz. geographical isolation—that it was 
of considerably sore importance than had previously 
been acknowledged. And this was so far a valuable 
contribution to the general theory of descent. 

Prof. Weismann’s essay, to which allusion has just 
been made?, was, however, in all respects a great 
advance upon those of Wagner. It was not only 
more comprehensive in its view of the whole subject 
of geographical isolation, but likewise much more 
adequate in its general treatment thereof. Its prin- 

1 Ueber den Einfluss der [solirung auf die Artbildung (1872). 

Opinions on Isolation. 115 

cipal defects, in my judgement, were, first, the in- 
ordinately speculative character of some of its parts, 
and, second, the restriction of its analysis to but one 
form of isolation—a defect which it shares with the 
essays of Wagner, and in quite as high a degree. 
Furthermore, although this essay had the great merit 
of enunciating the principle of Amixia, it did so in 
a very inefficient manner. For not only was this 
principle adduced with exclusive reference to g¢o- 
graphical isolation, but even in regard to this one 
kind of isolation it was presented in a highly in- 
consistent manner, as I will now endeavour to show. 

Weismann was led to perceive the principle in 
question by the consideration that new specific char- 
acters, when they first appear, do not all appear 
together in the same individuals: they appear one 
in one individual, another in another, a third in a 
third, &c.; and it is only in the course of succes- 
sive generations that they all become blended in 
the same individuals by free intercrossing. Hence, the 
eventually emerging constant or specific type is the 
resultant of all the transitory or varietal types, when 
these have been fused together by intercrossing. 
From which Weismann deduces what he considers 
a general law--namely, that “the constancy of a 
specific type does not arise suddenly, but gradually; 
and it is established by the promiscuous crossing 
of all individuals!” From which again it follows, 
that this constancy must cease so soon as the condition 
which maintains it ceases—i. e. so soon as free inter- 
crossing is prevented by the geographical isolation 
of a portion of the species from its parent stock. 

1 Loc. cit., p. 43. 

116 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

Now, to begin with, this statement of the principle 
in question is not a good statement of it. There was 
no need, while stating the doctrine that separation 
induces differentiation, to found the doctrine on any 
such highly speculative basis. In point of fact, there 
is no real evidence that specific types do attain 
their constancy in the way supposed; nor, for the 
purposes of the doctrine in question, is it necessary 
that there should be. For this doctrine does not 
need to show how the constancy has been attained ; 
it only has to show that the constancy is maintained 
by free intercrossing, with the result that when free 
intercrossing is dy any means prevented, divergence 
of character ensues. In short, the correct way of 
stating the principle is that which has been adopted 
by Delboeuf and Gulick—namely, the average char- 
acters of a separated portion of a species are not 
likely to be the same as those of the whole species ; 
with the result that divergence of type will be set 
up in the separated portion by intercrossing within 
that portion. Or the principle may be presented 
as I presented it under the designation of “ Inde- 
pendent Variability” —namely, “a specific type may 
be regarded as the average mean of all individual 
variations, any considerable departure from this 
average mean being, however, checked by inter- 
crossing,” with the result that when intercrossing 
is prevented between a portion of a species and 
the rest of the species, ‘this population is permitted 
to develop an independent history of its own, shielded 
from intercrossing with its parent form 1.” 

Not only, however, is Weismann’s principle of 

1 Phystological Seleciton, pp. 348, 389. 

Opinions on Isolation. 117 

“Amixia” thus very differently stated from that 
of my “Independent Variability” (apogamy), or 
Gulick’s “Independent Generation”; but, apparently 
owing to this difference of statement, the principle 
itself is not the same. In particular, while Weismann 
holds with us that when new characters arise in 
virtue of the mere prevention of intercrossing with 
parent forms these new characters will be of non- 
utilitarian kind?, he appears to think that divergence 
of character under such circumstances is not likely to 
go on to a specific value. Now, it is of importance 
to observe why he arrives at this conclusion, which is 
not only so different from that of Delbceuf, Gulick, 
and myself, but apparently so inconsistent with his 
own recognition of the diversifying effect of “Amixia” 
as regards the formation of permanent varieties. For, 
as we have already seen while considering Darwin’s 
views on this same principle of “ Amixia,” it is highly 
inconsistent to recognize its diversifying effect up to 
the stage of constituting fixed varieties, and then not 
to recognize that, so much divergence of character 
having been already secured by the isolation alone, 
much more must further divergence continue. and 
continue at an ever accelerating pace—as Delbceuf 
and Gulick have so well shown. What, then, is the 
explanation of this apparent inconsistency on Weis- 
mann’s part? The explanation evidently is that, 
owing to his erroneous statement of the principle, he 
misses the real essence of it. For, in the first place, 
he does not perceive that this essence consists in an 
initial difference of average characters on the part of 
the isolated colony as compared with the rest of their 

1 Loc. ctt., p. 54. 

118 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

species. On the contrary, he loses himself in a maze 
of speculation about all species having had what he 
calls “ variation-periods,” or eruptions of general varia- 
bility alternating with periods of repose—both being 
as unaccountable in respect of their causation as they 
are hypothetical in respect of their occurrence. From 
these speculations he concludes, that isolation of a 
portion of a species will then only lead to divergence 
of character when the isolation happens to coincide 
with a “variation-period” on the part of the species 
as a whole, and that the divergence will cease so 
soon as the “variation-period ” ceases. Again, in the 
second place as previously remarked, equally with 
Wagner whom he is criticizing, he fails to perceive 
that geographical isolation is not the only kind of 
isolation, or the only possible means to the prevention 
of free intercrossing. And the result of this oversight 
is, that he thinks amixia can act but comparatively 
seldom upon sufficiently small populations to become 
a factor of much importance in the differentiation of 
species. Lastly, in the third place, owing to his 
favourite hypothesis that all species pass through 
a “variation-period,” he eventually concludes that the 
total amount of divergence of type producible by 
isolation alone (even in a small population) can never 
be greater than that between the extremes of varia- 
tion which occur within the whole species at the date 
of its partition (p. 75). In other words, the possibility 
of change due to amixia alone is taken to be limited 
by the range of deviation from the general specific 
average, as manifested by different individual varia- 
tions, before the species was divided. Thus the 
doctrine of amixia fails to recognize the law of 

Opinions on Isolation. 119 

Delbceuf, or the cumulative nature of divergence of 
type when once such divergence begins in a separated 
section. Therefore, in this all-important—and, indeed, 
essential—respect, amixia differs entirely from the 
principle which has been severally stated by Delbceuf, 
Gulick, and myself. 

Upon the whole, then, we must say that although 
Professor Weismann was the first to recognize the 
diversifying influence of merely indiscriminate isolation 
per se (apogamy), he did so only in part. He failed 
to distinguish the true essence of the principle, and by 
overlaying it with a mass of hypothetical speculation, 
concealed even more of it than he revealed. 

The general theory of Isolation, as independently 
worked out by Mr. Gulick and myself, has already 
been so fully explained, that it will here be sufficient 
merely to enumerate its more distinguishing features. 
These are, first, drawing the sharpest possible line 
between evolution as monotypic and _ polytypic; 
second, showing that while for the former the peculiar 
kind of isolation which is presented by natural 
selection suffices of itself to transform a specific type, 
in order to work for the latter, or to branch a specific 
type, natural selection must necessarily be assisted by 
some other kind of isolation; third, that even in the 
absence of natural selection, other kinds of isolation 
may be sufficient to effect specific divergence through 
independent generation alone; fourth, that, neverthe- 
less, natural selection, where present, will always 
accelerate the process of divergence; fifth, that 
monotypic evolution by natural selection depends 
upon the presence of intercrossing, quite as much as 

120 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

polytypic evolution (whether with or without natural 
selection) depends upon the adsence of it; sixth, that, 
having regard to the process of evolution throughout 
all taxonomic divisions of organic nature, we must 
deem the physiological form of isolation as the most 
important, with the exception only of natural 

The only difference between Mr. Gulick’s essays 
and my own is, that, on the one hand, he has 
analyzed much more fully than I have the various 
forms of isolation; while, on the other hand, I have 
considered much more fully than he has the particular 
form of physiological isolation which so frequently 
obtains between allied species. This particular form 
of physiological isolation I have called “ physiological 
selection,’ and claim for it so large a share in the 
differentiation of specific types as to find in it a 
satisfactory explanation of the contrast between 
natural species and artificial varieties in respect of 
cross- infertility. 

Mr. Wallace, in his Darwinism, has done good 
service by enabling all other naturalists clearly to 
perceive how natural selection alone produces mono- 
typic evolution—namely, through the free intercross- 
ing of all individuals which have not been eliminated by 
the isolating process of natural selection itself. For 
he very lucidly shows how the law of averages must 
always ensure that in respect of any given specific 
character, half the individuals living at the same time 
and place will present the character above, and half 
below its mean in the population as a whole. Con- 
sequently, if it should ever be of advantage to a species 

Opinions on Isolation. 121 

that this character should undergo either increase or 
decrease of its average size, form, colour, &c., there 
will always be, in each succeeding generation, a suffi- 
cient number of individuals—i.e. half of the whole— 
which present variations in the required direction, 
and which will therefore furnish natural selection 
with abundant material for its action, without the 
need of any other form of isolation. It is to be 
regretted, however, that while thus so clearly pre- 
senting the fact that free intercrossing is the very 
means whereby natural selection is enabled to effect 
monotypic evolution, he fails to perceive that such 
intercrossing must always and necessarily render it 
impossible for natural selection to effect polytypic 
evolution. A little thought mivht have shown him 
that the very proof which he gives of the necessity 
of intercrossing where the ‘¢ransmutation of species 
is concerned, furnishes, measure for measure, as good 
a proof of the necessity of its absence where the muldt- 
plication of species is concerned. In justice to him, 
however, it may be added, that this distinction be- 
tween evolution as monotypic and polytypic (with 
the important consequence just mentioned) still con- 
tinues to be ignored also by other well-known evo- 
lutionists of the ‘ ultra-Darwinian ” school. Professor 
Meldola, for example, has more recently said that in 
his opinion the “difficulty from intercrossing ” has been 
in large part—if not altogether—removed by Mr. 
Wallace's proof that natural selection alone is capable 
of effecting [monotypic] evolution ; while he regards 
the distinction between monotypic and polytypic 


evolution as mere “verbiage! 

1 Nature, vol. xliii. p. 410, and vol. xliv. p. 29. 

122 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

It is in relation to my presentment of the im- 
possibility of natural selection alone causing poly- 
typic evolution, that Mr. Wallace has been at the 
pains to show how the permission of intercrossing 
(panmixia) is necessary for natural selection in its 
work of causing monotypic evolution. And not only 
has he thus failed to perceive that the “ difficulty” 
which intercrossing raises against the view of natural 
selection being of itself capable of causing polytypic 
evolution in no way applies to the case of monotypic; 
but as regards this “ difficulty,’ where it does apply, 
he says:— 

Professor G. J. Romanes has adduced it as one of the 

difficulties which can alone be overcome by his theory of physio- 
logical selection '. 

This, however, is a misapprehension. I have by 
no means represented that the difficulty in question 
can alone be overcome by this theory. What I have 
represented is, that it can be overcome by any of the 
numerous forms of isolation which I named, and 
of which physiological selection is but one. And 
although, where common areas are concerned, I believe 
that the physiological form of isolation is the most 
important form, this is a very different thing from 
entertaining the supposition which Mr. Wallace here 
assigns to me. 

I may take this opportunity of correcting a some- 
what similar misunderstanding which has been more 
recently published by Professor W. A. Herdman, of 
Liverpool ; and as the case which he gives is one of 

. Darwinism, p. 143. 

Opinions on Isolation. 123 

considerable interest in itself, I will quote his remarks 
in extenso. In his Opening Address to the Liverpool 
Biological Society, Professor Herdman said :— 

Some of you will doubtless remember that in last year’s 
address, while discussing Dr. Romanes’ theory of physiological 
selection, | quoted Professor Flemming Jenkin’s imaginary case 
of a white man wrecked upon an island inhabited by negroes, 
given as an illustration of the supposed swamping effect by 
free intercrossing of a marked variety with the parent species. 
I then went on to say in criticism of the result at which Jenkin 
arrived, viz. that the characteristics of the white man would be 
stamped out by intercrossing with the black :— 

“Two influences have, I think, been ignored, viz. atavism, 
or reversion to ancestral characters, and the tendency of the 
members of a variety to breed with one another. Keeping to 
the case described above, I should imagine that the numbers of 
intelligent young mulattoes produced in the second, third, fourth, 
and few succeeding generations would to a large extent inter- 
marry, the result of which would be that a more or less white 
aristocracy would be formed on the island, including the king 
and all the chief people, the most intelligent men and the bravest 
warriors. Then atavism might produce every now and then 
a much whiter individual—a reversal to the characteristics of 
the ancestral European—who, by being highly thought of in 
the whitish aristocracy, would have considerable influence 
on the colour and other characteristics of the next generation. 
Now such a white aristocracy would be in precisely the same 
circumstances as a fa ourable variety competing with its parent 
species,” &c. 

You may imagine then my pleasure when, a few months after 
writing the above, I accidentally found, in a letter ' written by the 
celebrated African traveller Dr. David Livingstone to Lord 
Granville, and dated “‘ Unyanyembe, July Ist, 1872,” the follow- 
ing passage :— 

‘“ About five generations ago, a white man came to the high- 
lands of Basafigo, which are in a line east of the watershed. 

+ In Appendix to H. M.Stanley’s How J found Livingstone, and ed. 
London, 1872, p. 715. 

124 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

He had six attendants, who all died, and eventually their head- 
man, called Charura, was elected chief by the Basafigo. In 
the third generation he had sixty able-bodied spearmen as lineal 
descendants. This implies an equal number of the other sex. 
They are very light in colour, and easily known, as no one is 
allowed to wear coral beads such as Charura brought except the 
royal family. A book he brought was lost only lately. The 
interest of the case lies in its connexion with Mr. Darwin's 
celebrated theory on the ‘ origin of species,’ for it shows that an 
improved variety, as we whites modestly call ourselves, is not so 
liable to be swamped by numbers as some have thought.” 

Here we have a perfect fulfilment of what I last year, in 
ignorance of this observation of Livingstone’s, predicted as being 
likely to occur in such a case. We have the whitish aristocracy 
in a dominant condition, and evidently in a fair way to spread 
their characteristics over a larger area and give rise to a marked 
variety, and it had clearly struck Livingstone fourteen years 
before the theory of physiological selection had been heard of, 
just as it must strike us now, as an instance telling strongly 
against the “swamping ” argument as used by Flemming Jenkin 
and Romanes. 

Here we have a curious example of one writer 
supporting the statements of another, while appear- 
ing to be under the impression that he is controvert- 
ing those statements. Both Professor Herdman’s 
imaginary case, and its realization in Livingstone’s 
account, go to show “the tendency of the members 
of a variety to breed with one another.” This is 
what I have called “psychological selection,” and, 
far from “ignoring” it, I have always laid stress 
upon it as an obviously important form of isolation 
or prevention of free intercrossing. But it is a form 
of isolation which can only occur in the higher animals, 
and, therefore, the whole of Professor Herdman’s 
criticism is merely a restatement of my own views 
as already published in the paper which he is 

Opinions on Isolation. 125 

criticizing. For all that his argument goes to prove 
is, first, the necessity for some form of isolation if 
the overwhelming effects of intercrossing are to be 
obviated ; and, secondly, the manifest consequence 
that where the psychological form is unavailable (as 
in many of the lower animals and in all plants), 
some other form must be present if divergent evolu- — 
tion is taking place on a common area. 

Seeing that so much misunderstanding has been 
shown with reference to my views on “the swamp- 
ing effects of intercrossing,” and seeing also that 
this misunderstanding extends quite as much to Mr. 
Gulick’s views as to my own, I will here supply 
brief extracts from both our original papers, for the 
double purpose of showing our complete agreement, 
and of leaving it to be judged whether we can 
fairly be held responsible for the misunderstanding 
in question. After having supplied these quotations, 
I will conclude this historical sketch by considering 
what Mr. Wallace has said in reply to the views 
therein presented. I will transcribe but a single 
passage from our papers, beginning with my own. 

Any theory of the origin of species in the way of descent must 
be prepared with an answer to the question, Why have species 
multiplied? How is it that, in the course of evolution, species 
have not simply become transmuted in linear series instead of 
ramifying into branches? This question Mr. Darwin seeks to 
answer “from the simple circumstance that the more diversified 
the descendants from any one species becomes in structure, 
constitution, and habits, by so much will they be better enabled 
to seize on many and widely diversified places in the economy 
of nature, and so be enabled to increase in numbers.” And he 
proceeds to illustrate this principle by means of a diagram, 

126 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

showing the hypothetical divergence of character undergone by 
the descendants of seven species. Thus, he attributes divergence 
of character exclusively to the influence of natural selection. 
Now, this argument appears to me unassailable in all save 
one particular; but this is a most important particular: the 
argument wholly ignores the fact of intercrossing with parent 
forms. Granting to the argument that intercrossing with parent 
forms is prohibited, and nothing can be more satisfactory. The 
argument, however, sets out with showing that it is in limited 
areas, or in areas already overstocked with the specific form in 
question, that the advantages to be derived from diversification 
will be most pronounced. It is where they “jostle each other 
most closely” that natural selection will set a premium upon 
any members of the species which may depart from the common 
type. Now, inasmuch as this jostling or overcrowding of 
individuals is a needful condition to the agency of natural 
selection in the way of diversifying character, must we not feel 
that the general difficulty from intercrossing previously con- 
sidered is here presented in a special and aggravated form ? 
At all events, I know that, after having duly and impartially 
considered the matter, to me it does appear that unless the 
swamping effects of intercrossing with the parent form on an 
overcrowded area is in some way prevented to begin with, 
natural selection could never have any material supplied by 
which to go on with. Let it be observed that I regard Mr. 
Darwin’s argument as perfectly sound where it treats of the 
divergence of sfecées, and of their further divergence into genera ; 
for in these cases the physiological barrier is known to be 
already present. But in applying the argument to explain 
the divergence of individuals into varieties, it seems to me that 
here, more than anywhere else, Mr. Darwin has strangely lost 
sight of the formidable difficulty in question; for in this 
particular case so formidable does the difficulty seem to me, 
that I cannot believe that natural selection alone could produce 
any divergence of specific character, so Jong as all the in- 
dividuals on an overcrowded area occupy that area together. 
Yet, if any of them quit that area, and so escape from the 
unifying influence of free intercrossing, these individuals also 
escape from the conditions which Mr. Darwin names as those 

Opinions on Isolation. 127 

that are needed by natural selection in order to produce diver- 
gence. Therefore, it appears to me that, under the circum- 
stances supposed, natural selection alone could not produce 
divergence ; the most it could do would be to change the whole 
specific type in some one direction, and thus induce trans- 
mutation of species in a linear series, each succeeding member 
of which might supplant its parent form. But in order to 
secure diversity, multiplication, or ramification of species, 
it appears to me obvious that the primary condition required is 
that of preventing intercrossing with parent forms at the origin 
of each branch, whether the prevention be from the first 
absolute, or only partial. 

Now for Mr. Gulick, a portion of whose more 
lengthy discussion of the subject, however, is all that 
I need quote. 

Having found that the evolution of the fitted is secured through 
the prevention of crossing between the better fitted and the less 
fitted, can we believe that the evolution of a special race, 
regularly transmitting a special kind of fitness, can be realized 
without any prevention of crossing with other races that have 
no power to transmit that special kind of fitness? Can we 
suppose that any advantage, derived from new powers that 
prevent severe competition with kindred, can be permanently 
transmitted through succeeding generations to one small section 
of the species while there is free crossing equally distributed 
between all the families of the species? Is it not apparent that 
the terms of this supposition are inconsistent with the funda- 
mental laws of heredity? Does not inheritance follow the lines 
of consanguinity ; and when consanguinity is widely diffused, 
can inheritance be closely limited? When there is free crossing 
between the families of one species, will not any peculiarity 
that appears in one family either be neutralized by crosses 
with families possessing the opposite quality, or, being preserved 
by natural selection, while the opposite quality is gradually 
excluded, will not the new quality gradually extend to all the 
branches of the species ; so that, in this way or in that, increas- 
ing divergence of form will be prevented ? 

128 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

If the advantage of freedom from competition in any given 
variation depends on the possession, in some degree, of new 
adaptations to unappropriated resources, there must be some 
cause that favours the breeding together of those thus specially 
endowed, and interferes in some degree with their crossing 
with other variations, or, failing this, the special advantage will 
in succeeding generations be lost. As some degree of Inde- 
pendent Generation is necessary for the continuance of the 
advantage, it is evident that the same condition is necessary 
for the accumulation through Natural Selection of the powers 
on which the advantage depends. The advantage of divergence 
of character cannot be retained by those that fail to retain the 
divergent character; and divergent character cannot be retained 
by those that are constantly crossing with other kinds; and the 
prevention of free crossing between those that are equally 
successful is in no way secured by Natura Selection. 

So much, then, as expressive of Mr. Gulick’s 
opinion upon this subject. To exactly the same 
effect Professor Lloyd Morgan has recently published 
his judgement upon it thus :— 

That perfectly free intercrossing, between any or all of the 
individuals of a given group of animals, is, so long as the 
characters of the parents are blended in the offspring, fatal to 
divergence of character, is undeniable. Through the elimination 
of less favourable variations, the swiftness, strength, and 
cunning of a race may be gradually improved. But no form of 
elimination can possibly differentiate the group into swift, 
strong, and cunning varieties, distinct from each other, so long 
as all three varieties freely interbreed, and the characters of 
the parents blend in the offspring. Elimination may and does 
give rise to progress in any given group, as a group; it does 
not and cannot give rise to differentiation and divergence, so 
long as interbreeding with consequent interblending of characters 
be freely permitted. Whence it inevitably follows, as a matter 
of simple logic, that where divergence has occurred, inter- 
crossing and interbreeding must in some way have been 
lessened or prevented. Thus a new factor is introduced, that 

Opinions on Isolation. 129 

of zsolation or segregation. And there is no questioning the 
fact that it is of great importance. Its importance, indeed, can 
only be denied by denying the swamping effects of intercrossing, 
and such denial implies the tacit assumption that interbreeding 
and interblending are held in check by some form of segregation. 
The isolation explicitly denied is implicitly assumed ?. 

Similarly, and still more recently, Professor 
Le Conte writes :— 

It is evident, then, as Romanes claims, that natural selection 
alone tends to monotypic evolution. Isolation of some sort 
seems necessary to Jolytyfic evolution. The tree of evolution 
under the influence of natural selection alone grows palm-like 
from its terminal bud. Isolation was necessary to the starting 
of lateral buds, and thus for the profuse ramification which is its 
most conspicuous character 2. 

In order to complete this historical review, it only 
remains to consider Mr. Wallace’s utterances upon the 

It is needless to say that he stoutly resists the 
view of Weismann, Delbceuf, Gulick, and myself, that 
specific divergence can ever be due—or, as I under- 
stand him, even so much as assisted—by this prin- 
ciple of indiscriminate isolation (apogamy). It will be 
remembered, however, that Mr. Gulick has adduced 
certain general principles and certain special facts 
of geographical distribution, in order to prove that 
apogamy eventually leads to divergence of character, 
provided that the isolated section of the species does 
not contain any very large number of individuals. 
Now, Mr. Wallace, without making any reference to 
this argument of Mr. Gulick, simply states the reverse 
~—namely, that, as a matter of fact, indiscriminate 

1 Animal Life and Intelligence, pp. 98, 99 (1890-1891). 
8 The Factors of Evolution (1891). 
irl. K 

130 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

isolation is not found to be associated with diverg- 
ence of character. For, he says, “there is an entire 
absence of change, where, if this were a vera causa, 
we should expect to find itt.” But the only case 
which he gives is that of Ireland. 

This, he says, furnishes “an excellent test case, for 
we know that it [Ireland] has been separated from 
Britain since the end of the glacial epoch: .. . yet 
hardly one of its mammals, reptiles, or land molluscs 
has undergone the slightest change?.” Here, how- 
ever, Mr. Wallace shows that he has failed to under- 
stand “the views of those who, like Mr. Gulick, 
believe isolation itself to be a cause of modification 
of species”; for it belongs to the very essence of these 
views that the efficiency of indiscriminate isolation as 
a “vera causa” of organic evolution varies inversely 
with the number of individuals (i.e. the size of the 
species-section) exposed to its influence. Therefore, 
far from being “an excellent test case,” the case 
of Ireland is unsatisfactory. If we are in search of 
excellent test cases, in the sense intended by Mr. 
Wallace, we ought not to choose a large island, 
which from the time of its isolation must have con- 
tained large bulks of each of the geographically 
separated species concerned: we ought to choose 
cases where as small a number as possible of the 
representatives of each species were in the first 
instance concerned. And, when we do this, the 
answer yielded by any really “excellent test case” is 
unequivocal. ‘ 

No better test case of this kind has ever been 
furnished than that of Mr. Gulick’s land-shells, 

' Darwinism, p. 151. * [bid. 

Opinions on Isolation, 131 

which Mr. Wallace is specially considering in the 
part of his book where the sentence above quoted 
occurs. How, then, does he meet this case? He 
meets it by assuming that in all the numerous 
adjacent valleys of a small island there must be 
as many differences of environment, each of which 
is competent to induce slight varietal changes on 
the part of its occupants by way of natural selection, 
although in no one case can the utility of these 
slight changes be surmised. Now, against this ex- 
planation there are three overwhelming considerations. 
In the first place, it is purely gratuitous, or offered 
merely in order to save the hypothesis that there 
can be no other cause of even the most trivial change 
in species than that which is furnished by natural 
selection. In the second place, as Mr. Gulick writes 
to me in a private letter, “if the divergence of 
Sandwich Island land molluscs is wholly due to 
exposure to different environments, as Mr. Wallace 
argues on pages 147-150, then there must be com- 
pletely occult influences in the environment that 
vary progressively with each successive mile. This 
is so violent an assumption that it throws doubt 
on any theory that requires such support.” In the 
third place, the assumption that the changes in 
question must have been due to natural selection, 
is wholly incompatible with the facts of isolation 
elsewhere—namely, in those cases where (as in that 
of Ireland) a large section of species, instead of 
a small section, has been indiscriminately isolated. 
Mr. Wallace, as we have seen, inadvertently alludes 
to these “many other cases of isolation ” as evidence 
against apogamy being per se a cause of specific 
kK 2 

132 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

change. But although, for the reason above stated, 
they are without relevancy in this respect, they 
appear to me fatal to the explanation which he gives 
of specific changes under apogamy where only small 
sections of species are concerned. For example, can 
it be rationally maintained that there are more 
differences of environment between every two of 
the many contiguous valleys of a small island, 
such as Mr. Gulick describes, than there are in 
the incomparably larger area of the whole of 
Ireland? But, if not, and if natural selection is 
able to work such “ occult” wonders in each succes- 
sive mile on the Sandwich Islands, why has it so 
entirely lost this magic power in the case of Ireland 
—or in the “many other cases of isolation” to 
which Mr. Wallace refers? On his theory there 
is no coherent answer to be given to this question, 
while on our theory the answer is given in the 
very terms of the theory itself. The facts are 
plainly just what the theory requires that they 
should be; and therefore, if they were not as they 
are, the theory would be deprived of that confirma- 
tion which it now derives from them. 

Thus, in truth, though in an opposite way, the 
case of Ireland is, as Mr. Wallace says, “an excel- 
lent test case,’ when once the theory of apogamy 
as a “veracausa” of specific change is understood ; 
and the effect of applying the test is fully to corro- 
borate this theory, while at the same time it as 
fully negatives the other. For the consideration 
whereby Mr. Wallace seeks to explain the inactivity 
of natural selection in the case of Ireland is not 
“coherent.” What he says is, “ That changes have 

Opinions on Isolation. 133 

not occurred through natural selection, is perhaps 
due to the less severe struggle for existence, owing 
to the smaller number of competing species!.’ But 
even with regard to molluscs alone, there is a greatly 
larger number of species in Ireland than occurs in 
any one valley of the Sandwich Islands; while if we 
have regard to all the other classes of animal life, 
comparison entirely fails. 

Much more to the point are certain cases which 
were adduced long ago by Weismann in his essay 
previously considered. Nevertheless, although this 
essay was published as far back as 1872, and, 
although it expressly deals with the question of 
divergence of character through the mere prevention of 
intercrossing (Amixia), Mr. Wallace nowhere alludes 
to these cases per contra, which are so much more 
weighty than his own “test case” of Ireland. Of 
such are four species of butterflies, belonging to three 
genera”, which are identical in the polar regions and 
in the Alps, notwithstanding that the sparse Alpine 
populations have been presumably separated from 
their parent stocks since the glacial period; or of 
certain species of fresh water crustaceans (Ajzws), the 
representatives of which are compelled habitually to 
form small isolated colonies in widely separated 
ponds, and nevertheless exhibit no divergence of 
character, although apogamy has probably lasted for 
centuries, These cases are unquestionably of a very 
cogent nature, and appear of themselves to prove 
that apogamy alone is not invariably capable of 

1 Loe. cit., p. 151. 
“ Namely, Lycaena donzelit, L. pheretes, Argynnis pales, Erebia 

134 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

inducing divergence—at any rate, so rapidly as we 
might expect. There appears, however, to be 
another factor, the presence or absence of which 
makes a great difference. This, as stated in the text, 
is the degree in which a specific type is stable or 
unstable—liable or not liable to vary. Thus, for 
example, the Goose is what Darwin calls an “ inflex- 
ible” type as compared with most other domesticated 
birds. Therefore, if a lot of geese were to be indis- 
criminately isolated from the rest of their species, the 
probability is that in a given time their descendants 
would not have diverged from the parent type to such 
an extent as would a similar lot of ducks under 
similar circumstances: the more stable specific type 
would require a longer time to change under the 
influence of apogamy alone. Now, the butterflies 
and crustaceans quoted by Weismann may be of a 
highly stable type, presenting but a small range 
of individual variability; and, if so, they would 
naturally require a long time to exhibit any change 
of type under the influence of apogamy alone. But, 
be this as it may, Weismann himself adduces these 
cases merely for the sake of showing that there are 
cases which seem to tell against the general prin- 
ciple of modification as due to apogamy alone—i.e. 
the general principle which, under the name amixia, 
he is engaged in defending. And the conclusion 
at which he himself arrives is, that while it would 
be wrong to affirm that apogamy must in all 
cases produce divergence, we are amply justified 
in affirming that in many cases it may have done 
so; while there is good evidence to prove that in 
not a few cases it kas done so, and therefore 

Opinions on Isolation. 135 

should be accepted as one of the factors of organic 
evolution }, 

My view from the very first has been that variations 
in the way of cross-infertility are of frequent occur- 
rence (how, indeed, can they be otherwise, looking 
to the complex conditions that have to be satisfied 
in every case of full fertility?); and, therefore, 
however many of such variations are destined to die 
out, whenever one arises, “ under suitable conditions,” 
“it must inevitably tend to be preserved as a new 
natural variety, or incipient species.” Among the 
higher animals—which are “comparatively few in 
number ”—I think it probable that some slight change 
of form, colour, habit, &c., must be usually needed 
either to “superinduce,” or, which is quite a dif- 
ferent thing, to cozzcide with the physiological change. 
But in the case of plants and the lower inverte- 
brata, I see no reason for any frequent concomitance 
of this kind ; and therefore believe the physiological 

1 Since the above was written, I have heard of some cases which seem 
to present greater difficulties to our theory than those above quoted, 
These refer to some of the numerous species of land mollusca which 
inhabit the isolated rocks near Madeira (Dezertas). My informant is 
Dr. Grabham, who has himself investigated the matter, and reports 
as follows :— 

“Tt is no uncommon thing to meet with examples of the same species, 
sub-fossil, recent, and living upon one spot, and presenting no variation 
in the long record of descent.” Then, after naming these examples, he 
adds, “ All seem to vary immediately on attaining new ground, assuming 
many aspects in different districts.” 

Unquestionably these statements support, in a very absolute manner, 
Mr. Wallace’s opinion, while making directly against my own. It is 
but fair, however, to add that the cases are not numerous (some half- 
dozen at the most, and all within the limits of a single genus), and that, 
even in the opinion of my informant himself, the facts have not hitherto 
been sufficiently investigated for any decisive judgement to be formed 
upon them. 

136 Darwin, and after Darwii. 

change to be, “as a general rule,” the primordial 
change. At the same time, I have always been 
careful to insist that this opinion had nothing to do 
with ‘‘the essence of physiological selection’; seeing 
that “it was of no consequence” to the theory in 
what proportional number of cases the cross-sterility 
had begun er se, had been superinduced by morpho- 
logical changes, or only enabled to survive by 
happening to coincide with any other form of 
homogamy. In short, “the essence of physiological 
selection” consists in a// cases of the diversifying effect 
of cross-infertility, whensoever and howsoever it may 
happen in particular cases to have been caused. 

Thus I emphatically reaffirm that “from the first 
I have always maintained that it makes no essen- 
tial difference to the theory 7 what proportional 
number of cases they [the physiological variations] 
have arisen ‘alone in an otherwise undifferentiated 
species’”; therefore, “even if I am wrong in sup- 
posing that physiological selection can ever act 
alone, the principle of physiological selection, as I 
have stated it, is not thereby affected. And this 
principle is, as Mr. Wallace has re-stated it, ‘that 
some amount of infertility characterizes the distinct 
varieties which are in process of differentiation into 
species’ —infertility whose absence, ‘to obviate the 
effects of intercrossing, may be one of the wszal 
causes of their failure to become developed into 
distinct species.’” 

These last sentences are quoted from the corre- 
spondence in Vazure!, and to them Mr. Wallace replied 
by saying, “if this is not an absolute change of front, 

* Vol. xliii. p. 127. 

Opinions on Isolation. 137 

words have no meaning”; that “if this is ‘the whole 
essence of physiological selection, then physiological 
selection is but a re-statement and amplification of 
Darwin’s views”; that such a “change of front” is 
incompatible, not only with my term “ physiological 
selection,” but also with my having “ acknowledged 
that Mr. Catchpool had ‘very clearly put forward the 
theory of physiological selection’”; and much more 
to the same effect. 

Now, to begin with, it is due to Mr. Catchpool to 
state that his only publication upon this subject is 
much too brief to justify Mr. Wallace’s inference, that 
he supposes variations in the way of cross-infertility 
always to arise “ alone in an otherwise undifferentiated 
species.” What Mr. Catchpool’s opinion on this 
point may be, I have no knowledge ; but, whatever it 
is, he was unquestionably the first writer who “clearly 
stated the leading principles” of physiological selec- 
tion, and this fact I am very glad to have “acknow- 
ledged.” In my correspondence with Mr. Wallace, 
however, I not only named Mr. Catchpool: I also 
named—and much more prominently—Mr. Gulick. 
For even if I were to grant (which I am far indeed 
from doing) that there was any want of clearness in 
my own paper touching the point in question, I have 
now repeatedly shown that it is simply impossible 
for any reader of Mr. Gulick’s papers to misunder- 
stand fis views with regard to it. Accordingly, 
I replied to Mr. Wallace in Nature by saying :— 

Not only have I thus from the first fully recognized the 
sundry other causes of specific change with which the physio- 
logical variations may be associated ; but Mr. Gulick has gone 
into this side of our common theory much more fully, and 

138 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

elaborately calculated out the high ratio in which the differ- 
entiating agency of any of these other causes must be increased 
when assisted by—i.e. associated with—even a moderate degree 
of the selective fertility, and vice versa. Therefore, it is simply 
impossible for Mr. Wallace to show that “our theory” differs 
from his in this respect. Yet it is the only respect in which his 
reply alleges any difference. (Vol. xliii. p. 127.) 

I think it is to be regretted that, in his answer to 
this, Mr. Wallace alludes only to Mr. Catchpool, and 
entirely ignores Mr. Gulick—whose elaborate calcula- 
tions above alluded to were communicated to the 
Linnaean Society by Mr. Wallace himself in’ 1887. 

The time has now come to prove, by means of 
quotations, that I have from the first represented 
the “principle,” or “essence,” of physiological selec- 
tion to consist in selective fertility furnishing a need- 
ful condition to specific differentiation, in at least 
a large proportional number of allied species which 
afterwards present the reciprocal character of cross- 
sterility ; that I have never represented variations 
in the way of this selective fertility as necessarily 
constituting the initial variations, or as always arising 
“alone, in an otherwise undifferentiated species”; 
and that, although I have uniformly given it as my 
opinion that these variations do zz some cases thus 
arise (especially among plants and lower invertebrata), 
I have as uniformly stated “that it makes no differ- 
ence to the theory in what proportional number of 
cases they have done so ””—or even if, as Mr. Wallace 
supposes, they have never done so in any case at all}. 

1 This refers to what I understand Mr. Wallace to say in the Wature 
correspondence is the supposition on which his own theory of the origin 
of species by cross-infertility is founded. But in the original statement 
of that theory itself, it is everywhere ‘supposed ” that when species are 

Opinions on Isolation. 139 

These statements (all of which are contradictory 
of the only points of difference alleged) have already 
been published in my article in the Monist of 
October, 1890. And although Mr. Wallace, in his 
reply to that article, ignores my references to the 
“original paper,” it is scarcely necessary to quote the 
actual words of the paper itself, since the reader who 
is further interested in this controversy can readily 
refer to it in the Fournal of the Linnaean Society 
(vol. xix. pp. 337-411). 

Having arrived at these results with regard to the 
theory of Isolation in general and of Physiological 
Isolation in particular, I arrive also at the end of this 
work. And if, while dealing with the post-Darwinian 
period, I have imparted to any general reader the 
impression that there is still a great diversity of 
expert opinion; I must ask him to note that points 
with reference to which disagreement still exists 
are but very subordinate to those with regard to 
which complete agreement now prevails. The noise 
of wrangling disputations which has so filled the 
camp of evolutionists since the death of their 
captain, is apt to hide from the outside world the 
solid unanimity that prevails with regard to all 
the larger and more fundamental questions, which 
were similarly the subjects of warfare in the past 
generation. Indeed, if we take a fair and general 

originated by cross-infertility, the é#étial change zs the physiological 
change. In his original statement of that theory, therefore, he literally 
went further than I had gone in my “original paper,” with reference to 
supposing the physiological change to be the initial change. I do not 
doubt that this is due to some oversight of expression; but it is curious 
that, having made it, he should still continue his endeavour to fix exactly 
the same oversight upon me. 

140 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

view of the whole history of Darwinism, what must 
strike us as the really significant fact is the astonish- 
ing unanimity which has been so rapidly attained 
with regard to matters of such immeasurable impor- 
tance. It is now but little more than thirty years 
since the publication of the Origin of Species; and 
in that period not only have all naturalists unequi- 
vocally embraced the doctrine of descent considered 
as a fact; but, in one degree or another, they have 
all as unequivocally embraced the theory of natural 
selection considered as a method. The only points 
with regard to which any difference of opinion still 
exist, have reference to the precise causation of that 
mighty stream of events which, under the name of 
organic evolution, we have now all learnt to accept as 
scientifically demonstrated. But it belongs to the 
very nature of scientific demonstration that, where 
matters of great intricacy as well as of high generality 
are concerned, the process of demonstration must be 
gradual, even if it be not always slow. It is only by 
the labours of many minds working in many directions 
that, in such cases, truth admits of being eventually 
displayed. Line upon line, precept upon precept, 
here a little and there a little—such is the course of 
a scientific revelation; and the larger the subject- 
matter, the more subtle and the more complex the 
causes, the greater must be the room for individual 
differences in our reading of the book of Nature. 
Now, if all this be true, must we not feel that in the 
matter of organic evolution the measure of agreement 
which has been attained is out of all proportion to 
the differences which still remain—differences which, 
although of importance in themselves, are insignificant 

Opinions on Isolation. 141 

when compared with those which once divided the 
opinions of not a few still living men? And if we are 
bound to feel this, are we not bound further to feel 
that the very intensity of our disputations over these 
residual matters of comparative detail, is really the 
best earnest that can be given of the determination 
of our quest—determination which, like that of our 
fathers, cannot fail to be speedily rewarded by the 
discovery of truth? 

Nevertheless, so long as this noise of conflict is 
in the Senate, we cannot wonder if the people are 
perplexed. Therefore, in conclusion, I may ask it to 
be remembered exactly what are the questions—and 
the only questions—which still divide the parties. 

Having unanimously agreed that organic evolution 
is a fact and that natural selection is a cause, or 
a factor in the process, the primary question in debate 
is whether natural selection is the only cause, or 
whether it has been assisted by the co-operation of 
other causes. The school of Weismann maintain that 
it is the only cause; and therefore deem it worse 
than useless to search for further causes. With this 
doctrine Wallace in effect agrees, excepting as regards 
the particular case of the human mind. The school 
of Darwin, on the other hand—to which I myself 
claim to belong—believe that natural selection has 
been to a considerable extent supplemented by other 
factors; and, therefore, although we further believe 
that it has been the “main” factor, we agree with 
Darwin himself in strongly reprobating all attempts 
to bar a priori the progress of scientific investigation 
touching what, if any, these other factors may be. 
Lastly, there are several more or less struggling 

142 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

schools, chiefly composed of individual members who 
agree with each other only to the extent of holding 
that the causal agency of natural selection is not so 
great as Darwin supposed. The Duke of Argyll, 
Mr. Mivart, and Mr. Geddes may be named in this 
connexion; together with the self-styled neo- 
Lamarckians, who seek to magnify the Lamarckian 
principles at the expense of the distinctively Dar- 

This primary difference of opinion leads deductively 
to certain secondary differences. For if a man starts 
with the premiss that natural selection must neces- 
sarily be the “exclusive” cause of organic evolution, 
he is likely to draw conclusions which another man 
would not draw who starts with the premiss that 
natural selection is but the “main” cause. Of these 
subordinate differences the most important are those 
which relate to the possible transmission of acquired 
characters, to the necessary (or only general) utility 
of specific characters, and to the problem touching the 
inter-sterility of allied species. But we may well 
hope that before another ten years shall have passed, 
even these still outstanding questions will have been 
finally settled; and thus that within the limits of an 
ordinary lifetime the theory of organic evolution will 
have been founded and completed in all its parts, to 
stand for ever in the world of men as at once the 
greatest achievement in the history of science, and the 
most splendid monument of the nineteenth century. 

In the later chapters of the foregoing treatise I have 
sought to indicate certain matters of general principle, 
which many years of study specially devoted to this 
great movement of contemporary thought have led 

Opinions on Isolation, 143 

me to regard as almost certainly sound in themselves, 
and no less certainly requisite as complements of the 
Darwinian theory. I will now conclude by briefly 
summarizing these matters of general principle in the 
form of twelve sequent propositions. And, in doing 
so, I may ask it to be noticed that the system which 
these propositions serve to express may now claim, 
at the least, to be a strictly logical system. For the 
fact that, not merely in its main outlines, but likewise 
in its details, it has been independently constructed 
by Mr. Gulick, proves at any rate this much; seeing 
that, where matters of such intricacy are concerned, 
nothing but accurate reasoning from a common 
foundation of data could possibly have yielded so 
exact an agreement. The only difference between us 
is, that Mr. Gulick has gone into much further detail 
than I have ever attempted in the way of classifying 
the many and varied forms of isolation ; while I have 
laid more special stress upon the physiological form, 
and found in it what appears to me a satisfactory 
solution of “the greatest of all the difficulties in the 
way of accepting the theory of natural selection as 
a complete explanation of the origin of species ”— 
namely, “the remarkable difference between varieties 
and species when crossed.” 




General Conclusions. 145 






146 Darwin, and after Darwin. 





General Conclusions. 147 






Mr. Guticr’s Criticism or Mr. Watracr’s Virws on 
PuysioLocicaL SELECTION. 

Imave received from Mr. Gulick the results of his 
consideration of Mr. Wallace’s criticism. As these results 
closely resemble those which I have myself reached, and 
as they were independently worked out on the other side of 
the globe, I deem it desirable to publish them here for the 
sake of comparison. 

In his covering letter Mr. Gulick writes :— 

Mr. Wallace has most certainly adopted the fundamental prin- 
ciples of our theory, and in an arbitrary way attempted to claim 
the results produced by these principles as the effects of natural 
selection. He takes our principles, which in the previous 
chapter he has combated ; but he makes such disjointed use of 
them that I am not willing to recognize his statement as an 
intelligible exposition of our theory. ... I have endeavoured te 
indicate at what points Mr. Wallace has deserted his own prin- 
ciples, and at what points he has failed to make the best use of 
ours. To bring out these points distinctly has been no easy 
task; but if you regard this paper on Zhe Preservation and Ac- 
cumulation of Cross-infertility as giving any help in elucidating 
the true principles, and in showing Mr. Wallace’s position in 
regard to them, I shall be satisfied. Please make any use of it 
that may seem desirable, and then forward it to Protessor 

152 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

The following is a general summary of Mr. Gulick’s 
results :— 

Mr. Wallace’s criticism of the theory of Physiological Selec- 
tion is unsatisfactory ; (1) because he has accepted the funda- 
mental principle of that theory on pages 173-9, in that he 
maintains that without the cross-infertility the incipient species 
there considered would be swamped; (2) because he assumes 
that physiological selection pertains simply to the infertility 
of first crosses, and has nothing to do with the infertility of 
mongrels and hybrids; (3) because he assumes that infertility 
between first crosses is of rare occurrence between species of 
the same genus, ignor ng the fact that in many species of plants 
the pollen of the species is pre-potent on the stigma of the same 
species when it has to compete with the pollen of other species 
of the same genus; (4) because he not only ignores Mr. Romanes’ 
statement that cross-infertility often affects “a whole race or 
strain,” but he gratuitously assumes that the theory of Physio- 
logical Selection excludes this “racial incompatibility” (which 
Mr. Romanes maintains is the more probable form), and bases his 
computation on the assumption that the cross-infertility is not 
associated with any other form of segregation; (5) because he 
claims to show that “all infertility not correlated with some 
useful variation has a constant tendency to effect its own 
elimination,” while his computation only shows that, if the cross- 
infertility is not associated with some form of fosdtive segre- 
gation, it will disappear!; and (6) because he does not observe 
that the positive segregation may be secured by the very form of 
the physiological incompatibility. . . . Without here entering 
into any computation, it is evident that, e.g. the prepotency of 
pollen of each kind with its own kind, if only very slight, will 
prevent cross-fertilization as effectually as a moderate degree of 
instinctive preference in the case of an animal. 

1“ Positive segregation” is Mr. Gulick’s term for forms of homo- 
gamy other than that which is due to selective fertility. Of these other, 
or “ positive” forms, natural selection is one; but as it is far from 
being the only one, the criticism points out that utility is not the 
only conserving principle with which selective fertility may be asso- 

Appendix A. 153 

The paper likewise indicates a point which, in studying 
Mr. Wallace’s theory, I have missed. It will be remem- 
bered that the only apparent difference between his theory 
and mine has been shown to consist in this—that while 
I was satisfied to state, in a general way, that natural selec- 
tion is probably able to increase a selective fertility which 
has already been begun by other causes, Mr. Wallace 
has sought to exhibit more in detail the precise conditions 
under which it can do so. Now, Mr. Gulick shows that 
the particular conditions which Mr. Wallace describes, even 
if they do serve to promote an increase of cross-infertility, 
are conditions which preclude the possibility of natural selec- 
tion coming into play at all. So that if, under these parti- 
cular conditions, a further increase of cross-infertility does 
take place, it does not take place in virtue of natural selection. 
To me it appears that this criticism is sound; and, if so, 
it disposes of even the one very subordinate addition to 
our theory which Mr. Wallace “claims” as the most 
“distinctive” part of his. 

The following is the criticism in question :— 

On pages 173-186 Mr. Wallace maintains that ‘ Natural 
selection is, in some probable cases at all events, able to 
accumulate variations in infertility between incipient species” 
(p. 174); but his reasoning does not seem to me conclusive. 
Even if we grant that the increase of this character [cross- 
infertility] occurs by the steps which he describes, z¢ zs not 
a@ process of accumulation by natural selection. In order to bea 
means of cumulative modification of varieties, races, or species, 
selection, whether artificial or adaptational [i.e. natural], must 
preserve certain forms of an intergenerating stock, to the 
exclusion of other forms of the same stock. Progressive 
change in the size of the occupants of a poultry-yard may be 
secured by raising only bantams the first, only common fowls 
the second, and only Shanghai fowls the third year; but this 
js not the form of selection that has produced the different 
races of fowls. So in nature, rats may drive out and supplant 

154 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

mice ; but this kind of selection modifies neither rats nor mice. 
On the other hand, if certain variations of mice prevail over 
others, through their superior success in escaping their pur- 
suers, then modification begins. Now, turning to page 175, we 
find that, in the illustrative case introduced by Mr. Wallace, 
the commencement of infertility between the incipient species 
is in the relations to each other of two portions of a species 
that are locally segregated from the rest of the species, and 
partially segregated from each other by different modes of 
life. These two local varieties, being by the terms of his 
supposition better adapted to the environment than the freely 
interbreeding forms in other parts of the general area, increase 
till they supplant these original forms. Then, in some limited 
portion of the general area, there arise two still more divergent 
forms, with greater mutual infertility, and with increased adap- 
tation to the environment, enabling them to prevail throughout 
the whole area. The process here described, if it takes place, 
is not modification by natural selection. 

On the other hand, it zs modification by physiological 
selection. For, among the several other forms of isolation 
which are called into requisition, the physiological (i.e. 
ever accumulating cross-infertility) is supposed to play an 
important part. That the modification is not modification 
by natural selection may perhaps be rendered more 
apparent by observing, that in as far as any other mode 
of isolation is involved or supposed, so far is the posszdle 
agency of natural selection eliminated as between the two 
or more otherwise tsolated sections of a species; and yet it is 
modes of isolation other than that furnished by natural selec- 
tion (i.e. perishing of the less fit), that Mr. Wallace here 
supposes to have been concerned—including, as I have 
before shown, the physiological form, to which, indeed, he 
really assigns most importance of all. Or, as Mr. Gulick 
states the matter in his independent criticism :— 

In the supposed case pictured by Mr. Wallace, the principle 
by which the two segregating forms are kept from crossing, 

A ppendix A. 155 

and so are eventually preserved as permanently distinct forms, 
is no other than that which Mr. Romanes and myself have 
discussed under the terms Physiological Selection and Segregate 
Fecundity. Not only is Mr. Wallace’s exposition of the diverg- 
ence and the continuance of the same in accord with these 
principles which he has elsewhere rejected, but his whole 
exposition is at variance with his own principle, which, in the 
previous chapter, he vigorously maintains in opposition to my 
statement that many varieties and species of Sandwich Island 
land molluscs have arisen, while exposed to the same environment, 
in the isolated groves of the successive valleys of the same 
mountain range. If he adhered to his own theory, “the greater 
infertility between the two forms in one portion of the area” 
would be attributed to a difference between the environment pre- 
sented in that portion and that presented in the other portions; 
and the difficulty would be to consistently show how this 
greater infertility could continue unabated when the varieties 
thus characterized spread beyond the environment on which 
the character depends. But, without power to continue, the 
process which he describes would not take place. Therefore, in 
order to solve the problem of the origin and cucrease of 
infertility between species, he tacitly gives up his own theory, 
and adopts not only the theory of Physiological Selection but 
that of Intensive Segregation! through Isolation, though he 
still insists on calling the process natural selection; for on 
page 183 he says, “No form of infertility or sterility between 
the individuals of a species can be increased by natural selec- 
tion unless correlated with some useful variation, while all 
infertility not so correlated has a constant tendency to effect 
its own elimination.” Even this claim he seems to unwittingly 
abandon when on page 184 he says: “The moment it [a 
species] becomes separated either by geographical or selective 
isolation, or by diversity of station or of habits, then, while 
each portion must be kept fertile z#ter se, there is nothing 
to prevent infertility arising between the two separated 

1 By Intensive Segregation Mr. Gulick means what I have called Inde- 
pendent Variability. 

156 Darwin, and afler Darwin. 

The criticism proceeds to show yet further inconsistencies 
and self-contradictions in Mr. Wallace’s treatment of this 
subject; but it now seems needless to continue. Nor, 
indeed, should I have quoted this much but for the sake 
of so fully justifying my own criticism by showing the 
endorsement which it has received from a completely in- 
dependent examination. 


Aw Examination sy Mr. Fiercuer Movrton or Mr. 

We have seen that the only important point of difference 
between Mr. Wallace’s more recent views and my own on 
the problem of inter-specific sterility, has reference to the 
question whether variations in the way of cross-infertility can 
ever arise and act “alone, in an otherwise undifferentiated 
species,” or whether they can ever so arise and act. It 
is Mr. Wallace’s opinion that, even if they ever do arise 
alone, at all events they can never act in differentiating a 
specific type, seeing that the chances against their suitable 
mating must be so great: only if they be from the first 
associated with some other form of homogamy, which will 
have the effect of determining their suitable mating, does 
he think that they can act in the way supposed by our 
theory of “selective fertility” ’. On the other hand, as 

1 His sentence, ‘all fertility not correlated with some useful variation 
has a constant tendency to effect its own elimination,” still further 
restricts the possible action of physiological selection to cases where at 
least one of the other forms of homogamy with which it is associated is 
natural selection. Or, in other words, itis represented that physiological 
selection must always be associated with natural selection, even if it be 
likewise associated with any other form of exclusive breeding. But as 
this further limitation appears to me self-evidently unjustifiable (seeing 

158 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

previously and frequently stated, I have so strong a belief 
in the segregating power of physiological selection, or 
selective fertility, that I do not think it is necessary for 
this principle to be a/ways associated with some other form 
of homogamy. From the first, indeed, I have laid great 
stress (as, also, has Mr. Gulick) on the re-enforcing influence 
which association with any other form of homogamy must 
exercise upon the physiological form, and vice versa; but 
I have also said that, in my opinion, the physiological form 
may in many cases be able to act entirely alone, or without 
assistance derived from any other source. The question 
here is, as we have already so fully seen, a question of but 
secondary importance ; since, whether or not the physio- 
logical form of homogamy ever acts alone, even Mr. Wallace 
now allows, or rather argues, that it acts in combination — 
and this so habitually, as well as with so much effect, that it 
constitutes a usual condition to the origination of species. 
Nevertheless, although the only relevancy of his numerical 
computation of chances—whereby he thinks that he over- 
turns my theory 2% fofo—is such relevancy as it bears to this 
question of secondary importance, I have thought it desirable 
to refer the question, together with Mr. Wallace’s views upon 
it, to the consideration of a trained mathematician. 

As this “subordinate question” depends entirely on 
numerical computations involving the doctrine of chances, 
I should first of all like to remark, that in reference to 
biological problems of the kind now before us, I do not 
myself attach much importance to a merely mathematical 
analysis. The conditions which such problems involve are 
so varied and complex, that it is impossible to be sure about 
the validity of the da/a upon which a mathematical analysis is 
that utility is not the only possible means of securing effective isolation) 
There neglect it, and take the wider ground marked out above. It is 

needless to say that this is giving Mr. Wallace every possible advantage, 
by not holding him to his still narrower ground, 

Appendix B. 159 

founded. Nevertheless, for the sake of meeting these 
criticisms upon their own ground, I will endeavour to show 
that, even as mathematical calculations, they are quite un- 
trustworthy. And, in order to do this effectually, I will quote 
the results of a much more competent, as well as a much more 
thorough, inquiry. I applied to Mr. Moulton for this 
purpose, not only because he is one of the ablest mathe- 
maticians of my acquaintance ; but also because his interest 
in biology, and his knowledge of Darwinian literature, 
render him well fitted to appreciate exactly, and in all their 
bearings, the questions which were submitted to his con- 
sideration. I need only add that his examination was 
completely independent, and in no way influenced by me. 
Having previously read my paper on Physzological Selection, 
Mr. Gulick’s paper on Divergent Evolution, and Mr. Wallace’s 
book on Darwinism, he was in possession of all the materials ; 
and I merely requested the favour of his opinion upon the 
whole case from a mathematical point of view. The 
following is his reply; and I give it 2 extenso, because it 
serves to place in another light some of the general considera- 
tions which it has already been my endeavour to present’, 

After some introductory remarks on Mr. Wallace’s 
“adoption of the theory of physiological selection pure 
and simple,” and “the pure caricature of it which he 
puts forward as” mine, the letter proceeds thus :— 

The reason why it is so easy to attack your theory is that 
it is so easy to confuse the survival of an zwd¢védual with the 

* In our Nature correspondence of 1890-1891, Mr. Wallace remarked : 
“If Dr. Romanes will carefully work out numerically (as I have 
attempted to do) a few cases showing the preservative and accumulative 
agency of pure physiological selection within an otherwise undifferentiated 
species, he will do more for his theory than volumes of general disquisi- 
tion or any number of assertions that it does possess this power.” 
Several months before this was written I had already in my hands 
Mr. Moulton’s letter, with its accompanying calculations. 

160 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

survival of a peculiarity of type. No one has ever said that 
an tnaividual is assisted by the possession of selective fer- 
tility: that is a matter which cannot affect his chance of 4. 
Nor has any one said that the possession of selective fertility 
in an individual will of ztse/f increase the chance of his having 
progeny that will survive, and in turn become the progenitors 
of others that will survive. Taken by itself, the fact that an 
individual is capable of fertility with some only of the oppo- 
site sex lessens the chance of his having progeny. Whether 
or not he is more or less favourably situated than his coz- 
Jreres for the battle of life must be decided by the ¢otal sum 
of his peculiarities; and the question whether or not this 
selective fertility will be a hindrance must be decided by 
considerations depending on the other peculiarities associated 
with it. 

But when we come to consider the survival or permanence 
of a ¢yZe or peculiarity, the case is quite different. It then 
becomes not only a favourable circumstance, but, in my opinion, 
almost a necessary condition, that the peculiarity should be 
associated with selective fertility}. 

Take the case of the Jews. I don’t think that intermarriage 
with other nations would lessen their fertility, or diminish the 
number of their progeny ; nor is there any reason to think that 
this progeny would be unequal to the struggle for existence. 
But no one doubts that the abandonment of their voluntary 
isolation (which operates so far as this is concerned as a selec- 
tive fertility), would lead to the disappearance of the familiar 
Jewish type. All the world would get some of it ; but as a whole 
it would be “swamped.” 

Now although no doubt Wallace would admit all this, he 
fails to give it the weight it ought to have. In discussing the 
question of its operation he considers too exclusively the case 
of the individual. 

Of course, a type can only be perpetuated through the medium 
of individuals, and all that his argument amounts to is, that 

1 As, for example, in the case of sexuality in general. It is not to 
the advantage of such individual male Arthropoda as perish after the 
performance of the sexual act that they should perform it; but its per- 
formance is necessary for the perpetuation of their species.—G. J. R. 

Appendix B. 161 

selective fertility would be so fatal to individuals that o type 
which presents it could be formed or perpetuated—a conclu- 
sion which is not only absurd in itself, but contradicted by 
his own subsequent adoption of your theory. Besides, apart 
from calculations (with which I will deal when I write next), 
such reasoning brings its own refutation. Selective fertility is 
not in the same category as some of the other influences to 
which an important share has been ascribed in the formation 
of the existing types. J¢ exists as a recognized phenomenon. 
Hence all these numerical proofs that it would lead to extinc- 
tion, because it is so disadvantageous to the possessor, prove 
too much. They would show that the degree of selective 
fertility which so frequently characterizes species is a most 
onerous gift; and that, were it not present, there would be 
a vastly increased chance of fertility, which would render the 
races fitter and lead to their increased survival. Why then 
has it not been got rid of? 

The two answers which no doubt would be given seem to 
me to support rather than to make against your theory. In 
the first place, Wallace might say that this infertility is an 
advantage because it keeps pure a type which is specially 
fitted to its surroundings, as shown by its continued existence. 
But if this be so, and it is necessary to protect the developed 
type, how much more necessary to protect the zxcépien¢ type! 
In the second place, he might say that this selective fertility 
is not so disadvantageous when the species has been formed, 
because the individual can choose his mate from his like; 
whereas, when it is beginning to be formed, he must mate 
blindly, or without what you call “ psychological selection.” 
But this seems to me to be wholly inapplicable to at least half 
the animal, and to all the vegetable kingdom. Moreover, with re- 
gardto the other half of the animal kingdom, it merely raises the 
question,— How soon will such an incipient type recognize itself ? 
Seeing it is probable that many families [broods] will belong to 
the same [incipient] type, I should not be surprised if it were 
found that this sexual recognition and preference sets in very 

But this leads me to the question of your letter. I under- 
stand you to want me to examine and criticize the attempted 


162 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

numerical arguments against or for your theory. Now it seems 
to me that it will be best to take, in the first instance, the 
vegetable kingdom, and with regard to it I cannot see how 
there can be any numerical argument against the theory. For 
we often have species side by side with others nearly allied, 
but much more numerous. The condition of these is precisely 
analogous to that of your incipient species. They are exposed 
to fertilization from, say, ten times as numerous individuals of 
the allied species. They reject this in favour of that from the 
relatively few individuals of their own. Yet the two species 
are in competition. I could go through the numerical argu- 
ments of your assailant word for word, applying them to 
such a case as this, and they would triumphantly show that 
the specific fertility of the rarer kind would lead to its certain 
extinction. Yet we know that this is not so. 

Indeed, the too triumphant character of the logic used against 
you seems to me to be capable of being turned to your use. 
If cross-infertility is so intensely disadvantageous to the indi- 
viduals presenting it, it cannot have been chat which made 
these individuals and their progeny survive. It is therefore 
a burden which they have carried. But we find that it is 
more or less present in all the closely allied types that occur 
on common areas: therefore it must be a necessary feature 
in the formation of such types; for it cannot be an accident 
that it is present in so many. In other words, it must be 
the price which the individual and his progeny pay for their 
formation into a type. And this is your theory pure and 

The more I consider the matter, the more I feel that it is 
impossible to decide as to the sufficiency of selective fertility 
to explain the formation of species, if we consider merely the 
effect it would have on the number of individuals, as con- 
trasted with what it would be if no such peculiarity had de- 
veloped itself. Indeed, I may say that on pondering over 
the matter I have come to the conclusion, that mere fertility 
is probably a comparatively unimportant factor in the preser- 
vation of the species, after a certain sufficient degree of fertility 
is attained. I do not wish to be misunderstood. Toa certain 
point fertility is not only advantageous but necessary, in 

Appendix B. 163 

order to secure survival of the type; but I feel that little 
reliance can be placed on calculations based on the numerical 
co-efficient of fertility (i. e. the ratio of the number of offspring 
to the number of parents) in determining the relative chance of 

Take, for instance, the oak tree. It produces thousands of 
acorns, almost the whole of which die without producing any 
progeny. Have we any reason to believe that if the number 
of acoms borne by oak trees were diminished, even so much 
as to one-tenth, the race of oaks would perish? It may 
of course be said that, if all other things are equal, the pro- 
babilities of survival must be increased by increased fertility 
of this kind; but I feel convinced that when numerical fertility 
has attained to a high point in circumstances in which 
actual increase of the race cannot take place to any substan- 
tial extent, the numerical value of this fertility sinks down 
into a factor of the second or third order of importance—that 
is to say, into the position of a factor whose effects are only to 
be considered when we have duly allowed for the full effects 
of all the main factors. Until we have done that, we gain 
little or nothing in the way of accuracy of conclusion by taking 
into consideration the minor factors. It may be very well to 
neglect the effect of the attraction of Jupiter in our early re- 
searches on the motion of the Moon; and our doing so will 
not prevent the results being approximate and having consider- 
able value, because we are retaining the two main factors that 
establish the motion, viz. the effects of the Earth and the Sun. 
But if we exclude the effect of one of these main factors, our 
results would be worthless; and it would not be rendered sub- 
stantially less so by the fact that we had taken Jupiter into 
account in arriving at them. 

You must not imagine, however, that I think it wholly profit- 
less to see whether there would be any substantial effect on 
numerical fertility were se/ective fertility to manifest itself. But 
if we want to derive any assistance from calculation, it must 
be by applying it with a good deal more precision and definite- 
ness than anything that Wallace shows. And, in the first 
place, it is useless to confuse the vegetable and animal kingdoms, 
In the former you have union unaffected by choice; in the latter, 


164 Darwin, and ajter Darwin. 

so far at all events as the higher animals are concerned, you 
have “ psychological selection.” In order to give you a speci- 
men of what can safely be done by calculation if you take 
a problem of sufficient definiteness, I have chosen the case of 
a flowering plant in which a certain proportion of the race 
have developed the peculiarity of being sterile with the re- 
mainder, while retaining the normal fertility of the race in 
unions among themselves. In order to give the greatest ad- 
vantage to your critics, I have assumed that such flowers as 
possess the peculiarity are not self-fertilizable ; for it is clear that 
if we suppose that they are self-fertilizable, the fertility need 
be very slightly affected. 

As I have excluded self-fertilization, it is necessary, if we are 
to get any trustworthy results, that one should consider the 
mode in which fertilization will be produced. I have taken 
the case of fertilization by insects, and have assumed that each 
flower is visited a certain number of times by insects during 
the period when fertilization is possible; and, further, that the 
insects which visit it have on the average visited a certain 
number of flowers of the same species before they came there. 
Of course nothing but observation can fix these latter numbers ; 
but I should not be surprised at finding that they are of 
considerable magnitude’, In order to make the results a little 

‘In this anticipation Mr. Moulton is right. The well-known botanist, 
Mr. Bennett, read a most interesting paper on the subject before the 
British Association in 1881. His results have since been corroborated 
by other observers. In particular, Mr. R. M. Christy has recorded the 
movements of 76 insects while visiting at least 2,400 flowers. (Hxtomo- 
logist, July 1883, and Zool. Journal Lin. Soc., August 1883.) The 
following is an analysis of his results. In the case of butterflies, in 
twelve observations on nearly as many species, there are recorded 
altogether 99 visits to fifteen species of flowers; and of these gg visits 94 
were constant to the same species, leaving only § visits to any other, 
or second species. In the case of the hive-bee, there were 8 individuals 
observed : these visited altogether 258 flowers, and a// the visits paid by 
the same individual were paid to the same species in each of the eight 
cases. Lastly, as regards humble-bees, there were altogether observed 
55 individuals belonging to four species. These paid allogether 1751 
visits to 94 species of flowers. Of these 1751 visits, 1605 were paid to 
one species, 131 to two species, 16 to three, 6 to four, and 1 to five. 

Appendix B. 165, 

more intelligible, I have grouped them under the numbers which 
represent the average number of flowers that an insect visits 
in a journey. This is a little more than twice as great as the 
number which represents the number of flowers he has on the 
average visited before coming to the individual whose fertility 
we are considering. 

I send you the formula and the calculation on which it is 
based in an Appendix; but as I know you have a holy horror 
of algebraical formulae, I give you here a few numerical 

The cases I have worked out are those in which the number 
of insects visiting each flower is 5, or 10, or 15; and I have 
also taken 5, 10, and 15, to represent the number of flowers 
which an insect visits each journey. This makes nine cases 
in all; and I have applied these to two instances—viz. one 
in which one-fifth of the whole race have developed cross- 
infertility, and the other in which one-tenth only have done so. 
Taking first the instance where one-fifth have developed the 
peculiarity, I find that if on the average five insects visit 
a flower, and each insect on the average visits five flowers on 
a journey, the fertility is diminished by about one-tenth. If, 
however, the average number of flowers the insect visits is ten, 
the reduction of fertility is less than one per cent. And it 
becomes inappreciable if the average number is fifteen. If on 
the average ten insects visit each flower, then, if each insect 
visits on the average five flowers on a journey, the reduction 
of fertility is a little over one per cent.; but if it visits ten or 
fifteen the reduction is inappreciable. If fifteen insects visit the 
flower on an average, then, if these insects on the average visit 

Adding all these results together, we find that 75 insects (butterflies 
and bees) visited 117 species of flowers: of these visits, 1957 were 
constant to one species of flower; 136 were paid also to a second 
species, 16 also to a third, 6 also to a fourth, and 1 also to a fifth. Or, 
otherwise stated, while 1957 were absolutely constant, from such absolute 
constancy there were only 159 deviations. Moreover, if we eliminate 
three individual humble-bees, which paid nearly an equal number of visits 
to two species (and, therefore, would have ministered to the work of 
physiological selection almost as well as the others), the 159 deviations 
become reduced to 72, or about four per cent. of the whole.—G. J. R. 

166 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

five or more flowers on a journey, the reduction of fertility 
is inappreciable. 

By the term inappreciable I mean that it is not substan- 
tially greater than one-tenth of one per cent.—i.e. not more 
than one-thousandth. 

Of course, if the proportion of individuals acquiring the 
peculiarity is less, the effect on the fertility under the above 
hypothesis will be greater; and it will not be counteracted so 
fully unless the number of insect visits is larger, or unless the 
insects visit more flowers on a journey. Thus if only one-tenth 
of the race have developed the peculiarity, then, if each flower 
is visited on the average by five insects who visit five flowers 
on each trip, the fertility will be reduced about one-third. 
If, however, the insects visit on the average ten flowers per 
trip, it will be only diminished about one-tenth ; and if they 
visit fifteen on each trip, it will be only diminished about 
one-fortieth. If in the same case we suppose that each 
flower receives ten insect visits, then, if the insects visit on an 
average five flowers per trip, the fertility will be diminished 
about one-eighth. If they visit ten on a trip, it will be dimi- 
nished about one-hundredth, and the diminution is inappreciable 
if they visit fifteen on a trip. Similarly, if a flower receives 
fifteen insect visits, the diminution is about one-twenty-fifth, 
if insects visit on the average five flowers on a trip; and is 
inappreciable if they visit ten or fifteen. 

These figures will show you that it is exceedingly possible 
that a peculiarity like this, the effect of which at first sight 
would seem to be so prejudicial to fertility, may in fact have 
little or no influence upon it; and if you set against this the 
overwhelming importance of such a peculiarity in segregating 
the type so as to give it a chance of becoming a fixed species, 
you will, I think, feel that your hypothesis has nothing to 
fear from a numerical examination. 

I have not examined the case of fertilization by other means; 
nor have I examined the case of fertilization in animals, where 
psychological selection can come in. To obtain any useful 
results, one would have to consider very carefully the circum- 
stances of each case; and at present, at all events, I do not 
think it would be useful to do so. Nor have I attempted to 

Appendix B. 167 

show the converse of the problem-—viz. the effect of swamping 
where cross-fertilization is possible. I shall be very glad to 
examine any one of these cases if you want me to do SO; 
but I should prefer to leave it until I hear from you again. 
If you contrast the results that I have given above with 
those given on pages 181 to 183 of Wallace’s book, you will 
see the enormous difference. His calculations can only apply 
to the animal kingdom in those cases in which there is only 
a union between one individual of each sex ; and before you 
can deal with the question of such animals, you will have to 
take into consideration many elements besides that of mere 
fertility, if you wish to get any tolerably accurate result}. 

The above analysis leaves nothing to be added by me. 
But, in conclusion, I may once more repeat that the particular 
point with which it is concerned is a point of very subor- 
dinate importance. For even if Mr. Wallace’s computation 
of chances had been found by Mr. Moulton to have been an 
adequate computation—and, therefore, even if it had been 
thus proved that physiological homogamy must always be 
associated with some other form of homogamy in order to 
produce specific divergence—still the importance of selective 
fertility as a factor of organic evolution would not have 
been at all diminished. For such a result would merely 
have shown that, not only “in many cases” (as I originally 
said), but actually in all cases, the selective fertility which 
I hold to have been so generally concerned in the differentia- 
tion of species has required for this purpose the co-operation 
of some among the numerous other forms of homogamy. 
But inasmuch as, by hypothesis, no one of these other or 
co-operating factors would of itself have been capable of 
effecting specific divergence in any of the cases where its 
association with selective fertility is concerned, the mathe- 

1 Here follows the Appendix presenting the calculations on which the 
above results are founded; but it seems unnecessary to reproduce it 
on the present occasion.—G. J. R. 

168 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

matical proof that such an association is a/ways—and not 
merely ofZen—necessary, would not have materially affected 
the theory of the origin of species by means of physiological 
selection. We have now seen, however, that a competent 
mathematical treatment proves the exact opposite; and, there- 
fore, that Mr. Wallace’s criticism fails even as regards the 
very subordinate point in question. 



Bearing of Weismannism on Physiological Selection—lt 
in view of other considerations I could fully accept Professor 
Weismann’s theory of heredity, it would appear to me in no 
small measure to strengthen my own theory of physiological 
selection. For Weismann’s theory supposes that all changes 
of specific type must have their origin in variations of a 
continuous germ-plasm. But she more the origin of species ts 
referred direcily to variations arising in the sexual elements, 
the greater ws the play given to the principles of phystological 
selection ; while, on the other hand, the less standing-ground 
is furnished to the theory that cross-infertility between allied 
species is due to “external conditions of life,” “prolonged 
exposure to uniform change of conditions,” “structural 
modifications re-acting on the sexual functions”; or, in 
short, that “somatogenetic” changes of any kind can of 
themselves induce the “blastogenetic” change of cross- 
infertility between progeny of the same parental stock. 

Cross-infertility and Diversity of Life—Observe that one 
great consequence of duly recognizing the importance of inter- 
crossing is indefinitely to raise our estimate of the part played 
by the principle of cross-infertility in diversifying organic 
nature, For whenever in any line of descent the bar of 

1 Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism, Eng. trans. p. 139. 

170 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

sterility arises, there the condition is given for a new crop of 
departures (species of a genus) ; and when genera are formed 
by the occurrence of this bar, there natural selection and all 
other equilibrating causes are supplied with new material for 
carrying on adaptational changes in new directions. Thus, 
owing to cross-infertility, all these causes are enabled to 
work out numberless adaptations in many directions (i.e. 
lines of descent) simultaneously. 

Cross-infertility and Stability —The importance of sterility 
as a diagnostic feature is obvious if we consider that more 
than any other feature it serves to give s/adzity to the type; 
and unless a type is stable or constant, it cannot be ranked 
as a species. That Darwin himself attributes the highest 
importance to this feature as diagnostic, see Forms of Flowers, 

pp. 58, 64. 

Cross-infertility and Specific Differentiation. — In their 
elaborate work on the many species of the genus Hieracium, 
Nageli and Peter are led to the general conclusion that the 
best defined species are always those which display absolute 
sterility zfer se; while the species which present most 
difficulty to the systematist are always those which most 
easily hybridize. Moreover, they find, as another general 
rule applicable to the whole genus, that there is a constant 
correlation between inability to hybridize and absence of 
intermediate varieties, and, conversely, between ability to 
hybridize and the presence of such varieties. 

Cross-tnfer tility in Domesticated Cattle.—Mr.J.W.Crompton, 
who has had a large experience as a professional cattle- 
breeder, writes to me (March 2, 1887)— 

“That form of barrenness, very common in some districts, 
which makes heifers become what are called ‘bullers ’— that 
is, irregularly in ‘season,’ wild, and failing to conceive—is 
certainly produced by excess of iron in their drinking-water, 
and I suspect also by a deficiency of potash in the soil.” 

Appendix C, 171 

He also informs me that pure white beasts of either sex 
are so well known by experienced breeders to be comparatively 
infertile together, that they are never used for breeding 
purposes, so that “in some parts of the country, where a 
tendency to sterility had become so confirmed in the white 
race that they utterly died out,” only the coloured breeds are 
now to be found. He goes on to say that if “a lot of white 
heifers were put to a lot of white bulls, I think you would 
probably get a fertile breed of pure white cattle. . . . I think, 
in short, that domestication has produced just what your 
theory suggests, a new variety inclined to prove sterile with 
its parent stock.” 

Commenting on the origin of domesticated cattle, Professor 
Oscar Schmidt remarks (Doctrine of Descent, p. 139)— 

“ Riitimeyer’s minute researches on domestic cattle have shown 
that, in Europe at least, three well-defined species of the diluvial 
period have contributed to their formation—Sos primigenius, 
longifrons, and frontosus. These species once lived geogra- 
phically separate, but contemporaneously ; and they and their 
specific peculiarites have perished, to rise again in our domestic 
races. These races breed together with unqualified fertility. 
In the form of skull and horns they recall one or other of the 
extinct species; but collectively they constitute a new main species. 
That from their various breeds, the three or any one of the 
aboriginal species would ever emerge in a state of pristine 
purity, would be an utterly ludicrous assertion.” 

Now, seeing that these “ aboriginal species,” although living 
“contemporaneously,” were “geographically separate,” we 
can well understand that their divergence of type from a 
common ancestor did not require, as a condition to their 
divergence, that any cross-sterility should have arisen between 
them. The geographical isolation was enough to secure 
immunity from mutual intercrossing, and therefore, as our 
present theory would have expected as probable, morpho- 
logical divergence occurred without any corresponding physio- 

172 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

logical divergence, as must almost certainly have been the 
case if such polytypic evolution had occurred on a common 
area. Indeed, one of the two lines of experimental verifica- 
tion of our theory consists in selecting cases where nearly 
allied species are separated by geographical barriers, and 
proving that, in such cases, there is no cross-sterility. 

Fertility of Domesticated Varietres—Some writers have 
sought to explain the contrast between domesticated varieties 
and natural species in respect of fertility when crossed, by 
the consideration that it is only those natural species which 
have proved themselves so far flexible as to continue fertile 
under changed conditions of life that can have ever allowed 
themselves to become domesticated. But although this 
condition may well serve to explain the unimpaired fertility 
under domestication of such species as for this very reason have 
ever become domesticated, I fail to see how it explains the 
further and altogether different fact, that this fertility continues 
unimpaired between all the newly differentiated morphological 
types which have been derived from the original specific type. 
It is one thing that this type should continue fertile after 
domestication: it is quite another thing that fertility should 
continue as between all its modified descendants, even 
although the amount of modification may extend much 
further than that which usually obtains between different 
natural species. 

Testing for Cross-infertihty among varieties growing on 
the same area is a much more crucial line of verification than 
testing for unimpaired fertility between allied species which 
occupy different areas, because while in the former case we 
are dealing with “incipient species” with a view to ascertain- 
ing whether the divergence which they have already undergone 
is accompanied by physiological isolation, in the latter case 
we can never be sure that two allied species, which are now 
widely disconnected geographically, have always been so 

Appendix C. 173 

disconnected. They may both have originated on the same 
area; or one may have diverged from the other before it 
migrated from that area ; or even if, when it migrated, it was 
unchanged, and if in its new home it afterwards split into two 
species by physiological selection, the newer species would 
probably prove infertile, not only with its parent type, but 
also with its grand-parent in any other part of the world. 

Seebohm on Isolation.—Seebohm is so strongly influenced 
by the difficulty from “ the swamping effects of free intercross- 
ing,” that he is driven by it to adopt Asa Gray’s hypothesis 
of variations as teleological. Indeed, he goes as far as 
Wagner, for he maintains that in no case can there be 
divergence or multiplication of species without isolation. 
He makes the important statement that “the more the 
geographical distribution of birds is studied, the more doubtful 
it seems to be that any species of bird has ever been differen- 
tiated without the aid of geographical isolation” (Charadriidae, 
p. 17). If this is true, it makes in favour of physiological 
selection by showing the paramount importance of the 
swamping effects of intercrossing, and consequent impor- 
tance of isolation. But it makes against physiological 
selection by showing that the geographical form of isolation 
is sufficient to explain all the cases of specific differentiation 
in birds. But I must remember that the latter point rests 
largely on negative inference, and that birds, owing to 
their highly locomotive habits, are the class of animals where 
physiological selection is likely to be most handicapped. 

Herbert on Hybridization.—Herbert tells us that when he 
first astonished the Horticultural Society by laying before them 
the results of his experiments on hybridization, his brother 
botanists took serious alarm. For it appeared to them that 
this “intermixture of species would confuse the labours 
of botanists, and force them to work their way through 
a wilderness of uncertainty.” Therefore he was bluntly told 

174 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

by several of these gentlemen, “I do not thank you for your 
mules.” Now, although naturalists have travelled far and 
learnt much since those days, it appears to me that a modern 
evolutionist might still turn to the horticulturist with the same 
words. For assuredly he has no reason to thank the 
horticulturist for his mules, until he has found a satisfactory 
answer to the question why it is that natural species differ so 
profoundly as regards their capacity for hybridizing. 

Advance on Herbert's Position —lf it be said that all my 
work amounts to showing what Herbert said long ago—viz. 
that the only true or natural distinction between organic types 
is the sexual distinction—I answer that my work does much 
more than this. For it shows that the principle of sterility 
is the main condition to the differentiation, not merely of 
species and genera, but also to the evolution of adaptations 
everywhere, in higher as well as in lower taxonomic divisions. 
Moreover, even though naturalists were everywhere to consent 
to abandon specific designations, and, as Herbert advises, to 
“entrench themselves behind genera,” there would still re- 
main the facts of what are now called specific differences (of 
the secondary or morphological kind), and by whatever name 
these are called, they alike demand explanation at the hands 
of the evolutionist. 

fritz Miller on Cross-infertility.—Fritz Miiller writes, 
“Every plant requires, for the production of the strongest 
possible and most prolific progeny, a certain amount of 
difference between male and female elements which unite. 
Fertility is diminished as well when this degree is too low 
(in relatives too closely allied) as when it is too high (in 
those too little related).” Then he adds, as a general rule, 
“Species which are wholly sterile with pollen of the same 
stock, and even with pollen of nearly allied stocks, will 
generally be fertilized very readily by the pollen of another 
species. The self-sterile species of the genus Abutilon, 

Appendix C. 175 

which are, on the other hand, so much inclined to hybri- 
dization, afford a good example of this theory, which appears 
to be confirmed also by Lobelia, Passiflora, and Oncidium” 
(American Naturalist, vol. viii, pp. 223-4, 1874). 

Different groups of plants exhibit remarkable differences in 
the capability of their constituent species to hybridize —In so 
far as these differences have reference only to first crosses, 
they have no bearing either for or against my theory. Only 
in so far as the differences extend to the production of fertile 
hybrids does any question arise for me. First of all, therefore, 
I must ascertain whether (or how far) there is any correlation 
between groups whose species manifest aptitude to form first 
crosses, and groups where first crosses manifest aptitude 
to produce fertile hybrids. Next, whatever the result of this 
inquiry should be, if I find that certain natural groups of 
plants exhibit comparatively well-marked tendencies to form 
fertile hybrids, the question will arise, Are these tendencies 
correlated with paucity of species? If they are, the fact 
would make strongly in favour of physiological selection. 
For the fact would mean that in these natural groups, owing 
to “the nature of the organisms” included under them, less 
opportunity is given to physiological selection in its work of 
differentiating specific types than is given by other natural 
groups where the nature of the organism renders them more 
prone to mutual sterility. But in prosecuting this branch 
of verification, I must remember to allow for possibilities of 
differential degrees of geographical isolation in the different 
groups compared. 

On this subject Focke writes me as follows:—“In a 
natural group (family, order, genus) showing considerable 
variability in the structure of the flower, we may expect 
to find [or do find] a greater number of mules than in 
a group whose species are only distinguished by differ- 
ences in the shape of the leaves, or in growth, &c. I do not 

146 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

know, however, which in this connexion of things is the 
cause and which the effect. A useful ancestral structure of 
the flower may be conserved by an otherwise varying pro- 
geny, on condition that the progress of diversity be not 
disturbed by frequent intercrossings. [Therefore, if this 
condition be satisfied, the structure of the flower in different 
members of the group will continue constant: here the cause 
of constancy in the flower (however much variability there 
may be in the leaves, &c.) is its original zzadzizty to hybri- 
dize.] On the other hand, in species or groups ready to 
hybridize [or capable of hybridizing], the fixation of a new 
specific type will require some change in the structure of the 
flower, and a change considerable enough to alter the con- 
ditions of fertilization. [Here the reason of the zzconstancy 
of the flower in different members of the group is the 
original apffude of their ancestral forms to hybridize.| 
Perhaps there is something in this suggestion, but certainly 
there are other efficient physiological relations, which are 
at present unknown. Your theory of physiological selection 
may serve to explain many difficult facts.” 

The Importance of Prepotency.—A. Kerner shows by means 
of his own observations on sundry species of plants which 
hybridize in the wild state, that they do so very much more 
frequently if both, or even if only one of the parent forms be 
rare in the neighbourhood. This fact can only be explained 
by supposing that, even in species most prone to hybridizing 
under Nature, there is some degree of prepotency of pollen 
of the same species over that of the other species; so that 
where both species are common, it is correspondingly rare 
that the foreign pollen gets a chance. But if there were no 
prepotency, the two species would blend; and this Kerner 
supposes must actually take place wherever two previously 
separated species, thus physiologically circumstanced, happen 
to be brought together. (Kerner’s paper is published in 

Appendix C. 177 

Ocster, Bot. Zettschrift, XX1, 1871, where he alludes to 
sundry other papers of his own advocating similar views.) 

The relation of these observations to Jordan’s espéces affines 
is obvious. We have only to suppose that some such slight 
and constant difference characterizes the sexual elements of 
these allied varieties as demonstrably characterizes their 
morphology, and we can understand how pollen-prepotency 
would keep the forms distinct—such forms, therefore, being 
so many records of such prepotency. 

Both from Kerner’s work, and still more from that of 
Jordan and Nageli, I conclude that (at all events in plants) 
prepotency is the way in which physiological selection 
chiefly acts. That is to say, sudden and extreme variations in 
the way of sexual incompatibility are probably rare, as com- 
pared with some degree of prepotency. According as this 
degree is small or great so will be the amount of the 
corresponding separation. This view would show that in 
plants the principle of physiological selection is one of 
immensely widespread influence, causing (on the same 
areas) more or less permanent varieties much below specific 
rank. And when we remember on how delicate a balance 
of physiological conditions complete correspondency of pollen 
to ovules depends, we may be prepared to expect that the 
phenomenon of prepotency is not of uncommon occurrence. 

Self-fertilization and Vartability—lIt occurred to Count 
Berg Sagnitz that, if physiological selection is a true 
principle in nature, vegetable species in which self- 
fertilization obtains ought to be more rich in constant. 
varieties than are species in which cross-fertilization rules. 
For, although even in the latter case physiological isolation 
May occasionally arise, it cannot be of such habitual or 
constant occurrence as it must be in the former case. 
Acting on this idea, Count Berg Sagnitz applied himself to 
ascertain whether there is any general correlation between the 


178 Darwin, and after Darwin. 

habit of self-fertilization and the fact of high variability ; and 
he says that in all the cases which he has hitherto investi- 
gated, the correlation in question is unmistakable. 

Additional Hypothesis concerning Physiological Selection.— 
In reciprocal crosses A x JB is often more fertile than 
Bx A. If hybrid AB is more fertile with A, and hybrid 
BA with B, than vice versa, there would be given a good 
analogy on which to found the following hypothesis. 

Let A and & be two intergenerating groups in which 
segregate fecundity is first beginning. Of the hybrids, AB 
will be more fertile with A, and BA with ZB, than vice versa. 
The interbreeding of AB with A will eventually modify 
sexual characters of A by assimilating it to those of AB, 
while the interbreeding of BA with B will similarly modify 
sexual characters of B by assimilating it to those of BA. 
Consequently, A will become more and more infertile with 
B, while B becomes more and more infertile with 4. Fewer 
and fewer hybrids will thus be produced till mutual sterility 
is complete. 

To sustain this hypothesis it would be needful to prove 
experimentally, (1) that hybrid forms AB are more fertile 
with A than with B, while hybrid forms 2A are more fertile 
with B than with A [or, it may be possible that the opposite 
relations would be found to obtain, viz. that AZ would be 
more fertile with B, and BA with A]; (2) that, if so, 
effect of intercrossing AZ with A is to make progeny more 
fertile with A than with 2, while effect of intercrossing BA 
with B is to make progeny more fertile with 2 than with A. 

Such experiments had best be tried with species where 
there is already known to be a difference of fertility between 
reciprocal crosses (e.g. Matthiola annua and M. glabra, see 
Origin of Species, p. 244). 




ALLEN, Mr. J. A., on variation 
under nature, 34. 

Amixia, 12-28, 110-115, 

Apogamy, 5, 6, 10, 18, 28. 


BELT, on physiologic.) selection, 

BERG SAGNITZ, Count, on self- 
fertilization and variability, 177. 
Breeding, separate and segregate, 

Butterflies of polar regions and 
Alps, 133. 

CATCHPOOL, Mr., on physiological 
selection, 44, 137. 

Cross-infertility, 46; and varietal 
divergence, 82; and diversily of 
life, 169; and stability, 170; 
and specific differentiation, 170; 
in domesticated cattle, 170; 
testing for, 172; Fritz Miiller on, 


Darwin, Charles, on isolation, 
2, 106; on diversity under 
nature, 31; on the fertility of 
varieties, 50; on the origin of 
cross-infertility, 51; on distri- 
bution, 68; on prepotency, 89 ; 
on geographical isolation, 101, 
108; on methodical selection, 

Io2; on modification in large 
areas, 103; on the swamping 
effects of intercrossing, 105; on 
independent variability, 109 ; on 
domestic animals, 110. 

DELBeUF, law of independent 
variability, 13. 

Differentiation under natural se- 
lection, 37. 

Diversity of life and cross-infer- 
tility, 169. 

Domesticated cattle and cross- 
infertility, 170, 172. 


Evidences of physiological selec- 
tion, 62. 

Evolution, monotypic and poly- 
typic, 21, 75, 102, 107, 112, 

Experimental research in physio- 
logical selection, 85. 


Fertility of domesticated varieties, 

Focke, Herr, on hybridization, 
175. ; 


GALTon, Mr. Francis, law of 
regression, 39. 

General conclusions, 144. 

Geographical — distribution 
physiological selection, 65. 

GIARD, M,, on apogamy, | 4. 

GRABHAM, Dr., on mollusca of 
Madeira, 135. 



Gutick, Rev. J., on natural 
selection as a mode of isolation, 
9; on divergence, II ; on segre- 
gate breeding, 19; on geogia- 
phical distribution, 27; on the 
prevention of intercrossing, 127 ; 
on Mr. Wallace’s criticisms, 151. 


HERBERT, on hybridization, 173 ; 
advance on his position, 174. 
HERpMAN, Prof., on physiological 
isolation, 123. 

Historical sketch of opinions on 
isolation, 101. 

Homogamy, 5,6; forms of, 7, 19, 


Hybridization, HERBERT on, 173; 
in plants, 175. 

Hypothesis, additional, concerning 
physiological selection, 178. 


Independent variability, 12-29. 

Isolation, defined, 2; forms of, 
3, 6; geographical, 3; discri- 
minate and indiscriminate, 5; 
physiological, 9, 41, 58; its 
Importance, 39; sketch of 
opinions on, rol; general con- 
clusions, 144; SEEBOHM on, 173. 

Jorpan, M., on cross sterile 
varicties of plants, 86; his re- 
searches summarized, 87. 


KERNER, Prof. A., on prepotency, 


LANKESTER, Prof. Ray, on di- 
vergent evolution, 13. 

Lr Contre, Prof., on fossil snails 
of Steinheim, 95; on isolation, 

Livinestong, Dr. David, quoted, 



MELDOLA, Prof., on difficulty 
from intercrossing, 121. 

Misunderstandings of 
logical selection, 59. 

Monotypic evolution, see Evolu- 

Morean, Prof. Lloyd, on steri- 
lity, 56; on isolation, 128. 

MouLton, Mr. Fletcher, an 
examination of Mr, Wallace’s 
calculations on physiological 
selection, 157. 

MULLER, Fritz, on cross-infertility, 




NAGELI, on isolation, 76; on 
synoicy, 78, 82. 

Natural selection, a form of dis- 
criminate isolation, 9, Io, 23; 
leads to monotypic evolution, 
24-29 ; difficulties of, 41, 51. 


Panmixia, 12. 

Physiological selection, 9, 41; 
summarized, 58; misunderstand- 
ings of, 59; evidences of, 81- 
119; and Weismannism, 169; 
additional hypothesis, 178. 

Polytypic evolution, see Evolution. 

Prepotency, 89; importance of, 


ScHMIDT, Prof. Oscar, on do- 
mesticated cattle, 171. 

SEEBOHM on isolation, 173. 

Segregation, 28. 

Selection, physiological, see Physi- 
ological selection. 

Self-fertilization and variability, 


Snails of Sandwich Islands, 16, 
130; fossil of Steinheim, 95. 
Specific differentiation and cross- 

infertility, 170. 
Stability and cross-infertility, 170. 
Synoicy, 78. 



Topographical distribution and 
physiological selection, 74; of 
varieties, 81. 

Transformation, serial and di- 
vergent, 21, 121. 


Variability and _ self-fertilization, 

Variation in birds, 34. 

Varieties, topographical distribu- 
tion of, 81. 



WAGNER, Maritz, 3; on geo- 
graphical isolation, 76; quoted, 
103; law of migration, 11T. 

Wattace, Mr. A. R., 3, 173 
quoted, 34, 47, 51, 57, 130-1305 
criticized by Gulick, 152. 

WEISMANN, Prof., on geographical 
isolation, 76, 114-118. 

Weismannism and physiological 
selection, 169. 




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