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Cornell University Library 

Descriptive catalogue of the offlciai pu 

3 1924 024 675 393 .. .^ 
Indiana Historical Society PaiiHifflii^Miitiiiutiei^yrfi- 1 ,:-.< ^-, 4> -i-L ^^. 



Official Publications 


FROM 1800 TO 1880. 

Including References to the Laws Establishing the Various State Offices 
and Institutions, and an Index to the Official Reports. 



INDIANA Historical Society. 

Hon. W. H. English, President. 

Gbn. John Cobdrn, 1st Vice-President. 

Wm. W. Woollen, 2d Vioe-Pres. and Corresponding Sec. 

JudSE D. W. Howe, 3d Vice-President. 

W. DeM. Hoopbb, Treasurer. 

J. P. Ddnn, Jr., Recording Secretary. 

The Society has undertaken the publlofttlon of a number of pamphlets, of 
which the first five are now on sale : 

No. 1. Tbe La'ws and Courts of North-west and Indiana 
Territories. By Daniel Wait Howe. The Bowen-MerrlU Co. In- 
dianapolis. 1886. Price, 25 cents. 
No. 2. The Life and Services of Jolin B. nillon. By Gen. John 
Coburn and Judge Horace P. Blddle. The Bowen-Merrill Co. Indian- 
apolis. 1886. Price, 25 cents. 
No. S. Tlie Acquisition of Louisiana. By Judge Thomas M. Cooley. 

The Bowen-MerrlU Co. Indianapolis. 1887. Price, 25 cents: 
No. 4. Lougfliery's Defeat and Pisreon Roost massacre. 
By Charles Martindale. The Bowen-Merrill Co. Indianapolis. 1887. 
Price, 25 cents. 
No. 5. A Descriptive Catalogue of the OflScial Put>lications 
of the Territory and State of Indiana from iSoo 
to 1890. By Daniel Wait Howe. The Bowen-Merrill Co. Indian- 
apolis. 1890. Price, 60 cents. 
These pamphlets are printed and sold for the benefit Of the Indiana Historical 
Society. It is the purpose of the Society to publish, from time to time, other 
original papers, and to reprint rare and valuable doouments relating to the history 
of the State. With a view to the general circulation of its publications, they will 
be Issued in cheap form, the Brlce charged for them being for the purpose of de- 
fraying the expense of publication. 


A. C. Harris, 
J. R. Wilson, 
W. DeM. Hooper, 
J. P. Dunn, Jr., 

Eieoutlve Com. 







Indiana TBKRiTOEiAii Pubmcations — 

Journals of Territorial General Assembly 3 

Laws of Governor and Judges 3 

Laws of General Assembly 4 

Indiana State Publications — 

Consliiutional Convention Proceedings : 

Convention of 1816 5 

" " 1851 6 

Legislative Proceedings : 

House and Senate Journals 6 

Documentary Journals and Annual Beports 8 

Brevier Legislative Reports 18 

Session Laws 20 

Bevisions 22 

Beports of State Officers; 24 

Adjutant-General 26 

Agent of State 27 

Agrioullnre, State Board 29 

Attorney-General 30 

Auditor of State 30 

Banks: State Bank 32 

Bank of State 34 

Blind Institute '. 34 

Canal Fund Commissioners 36 

Centennial Commissioner i 36 

Charities, Board of State 37 

Colonization Board 37 

Commissary General 37 

Custodian of Public Buildings 37 

Deaf and Dumb Institution 37 

Equalization Board 39 

Feeble-Minded Youth , 40 

Fisheries Commissioner 41 


Fund Commissioners ^^ 

Geology and Natural Eesources 42 

Governor: Messages ■ 44 

Keprieves, etc 44 

Contingent Expenses, etc 45 

Health Board 45 

Horticultural Society 46 

Indianapolis, Agent of Stale for 47 

Insane Hospitals : Old Hospital 48 

Department for Women 49 

Additional Hospitals 50 

Insurance Commission 50 

" Commissioner 50 

Internal Improvement Board 50 

Kankakee Kiver Commissioners 54 

Librarian, State 54 

Live Stock Sanitary Commission 56 

Loan Commissioners 56 

Michigan Boad Commissioner 57 

Mine Inspector 57 

New Albany and Vincennes Turnpike Road 58 

Normal School 58 

Oil Inspector 59 

Prison, South....' 59 

" North 62 

Public Instruction : Superintendent of Common Schools 64 

" " Public Instruction 65 

Purdue University 66 

Quarter-Master General 67 

Beform School for Boys 67 

« " " Girls 68 

Secretary of State 69 

Sinking Fund 71 

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument 72 

" " " Orphans' Asylum 72 

State Debt Sinking Fund 73 

State House Commissioners : Old State House 74 

New " " 74 

Statistics, Bureau 76 

Swamp Land Becords, Clerk 77 

Three Per Cent. Fund, Agent 77 

Treasurer of State 77 


University, Indiana 79 

Vienna Exposition Commissioner 81 

Wabash and Erie Canal, Trustees 81 

Wabash River, Commissioner 83 

War Offices: Agent to Purchase Arms 84 

Allotment Commissioner 84 

Arsenal, State 84 

Draft Commissioner 84 

Finance Bureau 84 

Gettysburg Soldiers' National Cemetery 84 

Hospital Surgeons 84 

Legion, Indiana 84 

Military Agents 85 

" Auditing Committee 85 

Ordnance Officer 85 

Pay Agents 85 

Paymaster, State 85 

Sanitary Commission 85 

Special Agents to visit troops, etc 85 

List of reports now required to be published 85 

Supreme Court Beports 87 

Miscdlaneovs Reports 88 

Suggestions as to State Publications 91 

Cornell University 

The original of tliis book is in 
tlie Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 


There is not now, and never has been, any catalogue of 
the official publications of Indiana. Very few know what 
they are, or the contents of them. They might as well be 
in Hebrew so far as the general public is concerned. 

It is the object of this catalogue to tell what they are and, 
in a general way, what is in them. 

I presume that most persons look upon "official publica- 
tions" as belonging to that class of books which are charac- 
terized by James E-ussell Lowell as " Literature suited to 
desolate islands." I admit that they are not as fascinating 
as the latest novel, but I affirm that there is a great deal of 
valuable and interesting reading in them. The books enu- 
merated in this catalogue contain information which is in- 
dispensable to one who wishes to be familiar with the history 
of the State. They contain a great deal upon many topics of 
interest to the educator and the student. They show the 
record of Indiana from a beginning in the wilderness to the 
front rank of States — a record splendid in war and in peace. 

It is to be hoped that this and other publications of the 
Historical Society will entitle it to sonae favorable consid- 
eration from the public and the Legislature. A few of its 
members meet occasionally and do what they can to excite 
interest in the history of Indiana. Whatever they publish 
is at their own expense. We are obliged, therefore, to cul- 


tivate history as economically as the original publishers of 
the Edinburg Review, according to their motto, cultivated 

But we are doing the best we can to dig out the wealth 
of historic treasure that lies buried in old books and musty 
manuscripts, and, if we accomplish only a little, it will be 
that much gained for those who are interested in the study 
of Indiana history. 

Feb. SO, 1890. Daniel Wait Howe. 



Journals of Territoeial General Assembly. — The 
proceedings of the Territorial General Assembly were pub- 
lished in the Western Sun, a newspaper printed at Vincennes 
by Elihu Stout. No other printed copies are now known to 
be in existence, although it is supposed by the Hon. Will- 
iam H. English, Mr. Jacob P. Dunn, Jr., and others, who 
have carefully investigated the matter, that the proceedings 
wei'e separately printed and bound. Nor are any printed 
copies known to be in existence of any other territorial 
publication, except the laws. 

A record of rare historic value, the executive journal, 
kept by Gen. John Gibson, Secretary of the Indiana Terri- 
tory, remains unprinted to this day in the office of the Sec- 
retary of State. 

Laws of Governor and Judges. — On May 7, 1800, 
Congress passed an act for the organization of the Indiana 
Territory, to take effect from and after July 4th of that year. 
By that act the law-making power was vested in the Gover- 
nor and territorial judges, with certain restrictions, until the 
organization of a Territorial General Assembly. The only 
complete set of the laws adopted by the Governor and Judges, 
as originally printed, now certainly known to exist, is owned 
by Judge John H. Stotsenburg, of New Albany, Indiana. 
The laws of the Governor and Judges and of the first and 
second sessions of the first Territorial General Assembly 
were reprinted and published in one volume by Throop & 
Clark, Paoli, Ind., in 1886. 


The sessions of the Governor and Judges at which laws 
were adopted, were held as follows : 

First sessioL begun January 12, 1801. 
Second " " January 30, 1802. 

Third " " February 16, 1803. 

Fourth " " September 20, 1803. 

Laws of General Assembly. — There were five Terri- 
torial General Assemblies, at which laws were passed, of two 
sessions each. At the first session of the second General 
Assembly a revision, prepared by John Rice Jones and John 
Johnson, was adopted, and by an act passed at the same 
session all fi)rmer territorial laws in force at the beginning 
of the session, and not incorporated in the revision, were 
repealed. This is known as the "E.evi.sion of 1807." The 
only complete set of the laws of the General Assembly, 
as originally printed, certainly known to exist, is owned by 
Mr. William Farrell, of Paoli, Indiana. 

There was also published in 1816, as a private compila- 
tion, and not by authority of the General Assembly, a vol- 
ume entitled : " A Compend of the Acts of Indiana, from 
the year eighteen hundred and seven until that of eighteen 
hundred and fourteen, both inclusive. By General W. 
Johnston, of Vincennes. From the press of Elihu Stout, 
Vincennes." Pages, 128. 

The sessions of the General Assembly at which laws were 
enacted were held as follows: 

First . General Assembly, first session, began July 29, 1805. 

second " " Nov. 3, 1806. 

Second General Assembly, first session, begun Aug. 16, 1807. 

second " " Sept. 26, 1808. 

Third General Assembly, first session, begun Nov. 12, 1810. 

second " " Nov. 11, 1811. 

Fourth General Assembly, first session, begun Feb. 1, 1813. 

second " " Dec. 6, 1813. 

Fifth General Assembly, first session, begun Aug. 15, 1814. 

second " " Dec. 4, 1815. 



The State publications may be conveniently classified as 
follows : 

1. Proceedings of Constitutional Conventions. 

2. Legislative Proceedings, including — 

u. House and Senate Journals. 

b. Documentary Journals and Annual Reports. 

c. Brevier Legislative Eeports. 

3. Laws, including — 

a. Session Laws. 
h. Revisions. 

4. Reports of State Officers, etc. 

5. Supreme Court Reports. 

6. Miscellaneous. 

Peoceedings of Constitutional Conventions. — 
The first constitutional convention was convened at Corydon 
June 10, and adjourned June 29,1816. Its proceedings are 
contained in a journal. of one volume. 

The second constitutional convention convened at In- 
dianapolis October 1, 1850, and adjourned February 10, 
1851, the Constitution adopted providing that it should 
take effect on the first day of November, 1851, and that it 
should supersede that of 1816. Its proceedings are con- 
tained in a journal of one volume and two volumes of de- 

1816. Journal of the convention of the Indiana Territory begun and 
held at the town of Corydon, in the county of Harrison and Territory 
aforesaid, on the second Monday in June, being the tenth day thereof, 
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, and of 


the independence of the United States the fortieth. Louisville. 1816. 

1851. Journal of the coavenliou of the people of the State of Indiana 
to amend the Constitution, assembled at Indianapolis, October, 1850. In- 
dianapolis. 1851. 1 vol. 

Report of the debates and proceedings of the convention for the re- 
vision of the Constitution of the State of Indiana, 1850. Indianapolis. 

1850. 2 vols. 

Legislative Proceedings — House and Senate Journals. 
— These are the Journals of the two branches of the General 
Assembly, beginning with the first session. The Constitu- 
tion of 1816 provided for annual sessions of the General 
Assembly, the first to be held on the first Monday in No- 
vember of that year, and subsequently on the first Monday 
in December in each year, unless a different time should be 
fixed by law. They were so held, except in a few instances 
mentioned below, until after the adoption of the Constitution 
of 1851, which provided that a session of the General As- 
sembly should be held on the first Monday in December, 

1851, and that thereafter the sessions should be held " bien- 
nially, commencing on the Thursday next after the first Mon- 
day in January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and 
fifty-three, and on the same day of every second year there- 
after," unless a different day should be appointed by law, 
but giving the Governor the power, by proclamation, to call 
a " special session." Under the Constitution of 1851 various 
special sessions have been held, commencing at the dates 
mentioned below. These are sometimes designated as 
"called," but usually as "special" sessions. 

The House and Senate Journals contain, besides the pro- 
ceedings of the two legislative bodies, many documents of 
various kinds, such as messages of the Governor, reports, 
etc. In some instances the same document is printed in 
both the House and Senate Journals, and also in the Docu- 


mentary Journals and Annual Reports. These Journals are 
not regularly numbered, and are cited by the number of the 
session or year. The 42d session is styled the 43d, and the 
error in numbering has been continued in the subsequent 
sessions. The Journals prior to those for the 18th session 
(1833-4) are not indexed. 

The following is a complete list of the House and Senate 
Journals : 

No. OF Vols. 

No. OF Session. Yeab. Whf.n Begun. 


1 1816-17 Nov. 4, 1816 1 1 

2 1817-18 Dec. 1,1817 1 1 

?. 1818-19 Dec. 7, 1818 1 1 

4 1819-20 Dec. 6, 1819 1 1 

5 1820-21 Nov. 27,1820 1 1 

6 1821-22 Nov. 19,1821 1 1 

7 1822-23 Dec. 2, 1822 1 1 

8 1823-24 Dec. 1,1823 1 1 

9 1824-25 Jan. 10, 1825 1 1 

10 182.5-26 Dec. 5,1825 1 1 

11 1826-27 Dec. 4, 1826 1 1 

12 1827-28 Dec. 3,1827 1 1 

13 1828-29 Dec. 1, 1828 1 1 

14 1829-30 Dec. 7, 1829 1 1 

15 1830-31 Dec. 6, 1830 1 1 

16 1831-32 Dec. 5, 1831 1 1 

17 1832-33 Dec. 3, 18.32 1 1 

18 1833-34 Dec. 2, 1833 1 1 

19 1834-35 Dec. 1, 1834 1 1 

20 1835-36 Dec. 7,1835 1 1 

21 1836-37 Dec. 5, 1836 1 1 

22 1837-38 Dec. 4,1837 1 1 

23 1838-39 Dec. 3,1838 1 1 

24 1839-40 Dec. 2, 1839 1 1 

25 1840-41 Dec. 7, 1840 1 1 

26 1841-42 Dec. 6, 1841 1 1 

27 1842-43 Dec. 5,1842 1 1 

28 1843-44 Dee. 4, 1843 1 1 

29 1844-45 Dec. 2,1844 1 1 

30 184-5-46 Dec. 1, 1845 1 1 

31 1846-47 Dec. 7, 1846 1 1 

32 1847-48 Dec. 6,1847 1 1 

33 1848-49 Dec. 4, 1848 1 1 

34 1849-50 Dec. 3, 1849 1 1 

35 1850-51 Dec. 30, 1850 2 1 

36 Reg 1851-52 Dec. 1,1851 1 1 

37 Eeg 1853 Jan. 6,1853 1 1 

38 Reg 1855 Jan. 4,1855 1 1 


No. OP Vols, 

No. Oi' Session. Ybab. When Begun. ^^^^^ Smaie. 

39 Keg 1857 Jan. 8,1857 1 1 

Special 1858 Nov. 20, 1858 1 1 

40 Beg 1859 Jan. 6,1859 1 | 

41 Eel 1861 Jan. 10,1861 1 1 

Special 1861 April 24, 1861 1 j 

43Eeg 1863 Jan. 8,1863 1 1 

44 Reg 1865 Jan. 5,1865 1 | 

Called 1865 Nov. 13,1865 1 1 

45 Reg 1867 Jan. 10,1867 2 1 

46 Beg 1869 Jan. 7,1869 1 1 

Special 1869 April 8, 1869 1 1 

47 Reg 1871 Jan. 5,1871 1 1 

Special 1872 Nov. 13,1872 1 1 

48 Reg 1873 Jan. 9,1873 1 1 

49 Beg. and! 1875 Jan. 7,1875 2 i 

Special / " March 9, " 

50Beg. and") 1877 Jan. 4,1877 1 

Special / " March 6, " 

51Reg. and\ 1879 Jan. 9,1879 1 1 

Special J " Marchll, " 

52Eeg.and> 1881 Jan. 6,1881 1 1 

Special J " March 8, " 

53 Beg. 1883 Jan. 4,1883 ..-l 1 

54Beg.and\ 1885 Jan. 8,1885 1 1 

Special / " March 10, " 

55 Beg. 1887 Jan. 6,1887 1 1 

Total 62 60 

Documentary Journals and Annual Reports. — These were 
formerly variously entitled "Documents," "Senate and 
House Documents," " Documentary Journals," etc. Since 
the 27th session (1842-43), they have sometimes been 
labeled as " Documentary Journals," and sometimes as 
"Annual Reports." Documents and reports of the kind 
included in them were originally included in, and printed 
as part of, the House and Senate Journals. On December 
16, 1835, a resolution was adopted by the House of Repre- 
sentatives ordering the public printer to print one thousand 
copies of the journals of the -House and three hundred cop- 
ies of public documents in separate, volumes, and "that in 
this volume of documents shall be printed all reports made 


to this House in pursuance of any law or resolution of this 
House, in the order they are presented," etc., House Jour- 
nal 20th session (1835-36), p. 62-3. A further resolution 
was adopted ordering the printing of three hundred copies 
of all reports and other papers ordered to be printed for the 
use of the House and that the same should be bound with, 
and constitute part of, the journals of reports and documents 
before provided for. Id., p. 72. At the same session a res- 
olution was adopted directing the Secretary of State to 
index the journals and documents. Id., p. 142. This 
seems to have been the beginning of the binding of such 
reports and documents in Separate volumes. No law in re- 
gard to them was enacted until 1839, when an act was passed 
directing what documents should go into the " Documentary 
Journals," that they should be continuously paged and in- 
dexed, and how arranged, bound, etc. The act also pro- 
vided that " no document or report directed by this act, or 
may be directed by either branch of the General Assembly 
to be placed in the Documentary Journal, shall be journal- 
ized in the journal of the Senate or of the House." Laws 
1839, p. 46. 

Until the adoption of the Constitution of 1851, providing 
for biennial sessions of the General Assembly, the Docu- 
mentary Journals were printed yearly, and contained only 
the documents and reports submitted to the General As- 
sembly or to one of its branches. . By the Revised Statutes 
of 1852 (vol. 1, p. 436) the Secretary of State was required 
to prepare and deliver to the State Printer " a properly di- 
gested index * * * of the Documentary Journals," etc. 

The public printing act of April 13, 1885 (1885, p. 215), 
provides for the annual publication of 1600 copies of the 
Documentary Journals, but does not specify what reports or 
other documents shall be included in them. 

Many of the Documentary Journals and Annual Reports 


are put together very carelessly, not being continuously paged 
and indexed as originally piovided, the documents in several 
of them not being bound in numerical order, or not num- 
bered at all, several of the volumes being wrongly numbered 
or labeled, and in other ways very imperfectly gotten up. 

For many years the volumes have been made up by bind- 
ing together the documents contained in them with the 
original paging thereof, and without any indexes, but they 
have usually contained tables of contents. They are not 
regularly numbered, and are cited by the number of the 
session or year. 

The following is a complete descriptive catalogue of the 
Documentary Journals and Annual Reports, beginning with 
the first volume (1835-6) to the volumes for 1888 inclusive, 
indicating also whether the reports contained in them were 
submitted to the Governor or to the General Assembly, and, 
if to the latter, at what session : 

1835-6. 20th Session. Dec. 7, 1835.— Title on back, "Reports of 1835- 

6." No title page. 

Volume as printed contains no index nor table of contents, and is not 
continuously paged. Contains reports submitted to Twentieth General 
Assembly. A few of the documents are marked " Senate," but most of 
them"H. E." 1vol. 

1836-7. 21sT Session. Dec. 5, 1836. — Title on back, " Documents of 

1836-37." No title page. 

Volume as printed contains no index nor table of contents, and is not 
continuously paged. Contains reports, all marked " H. K.," submitted 
to Twenty-first General Assembly. 1 vol. 

1837-8. 22d Session. Dec. 4, 1837.— Title on back, "Documents, 


Title page, " Documents of the House of Representatives at the 
Twenty-second Session of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, 
begun and held at the Town of Indianapolis December 4, 1837." Vol- 
ume as printed contains no index nor table of contents, and is not con- 
tinuously paged. Contains reports and documents submitted to Twenty- 
second General Assembly, all marked " H. R.," except the last, which 


is a " report of a Geological Reconnoisance,'' etc., addressed "To the 

Honorable the I:egislature of Indiana." 1 vol. 

1838-9. 23d Sessiok. Dec. 3, 1838.— Title on back, " Documents, 1838- 

9." No title page. 

Continuously paged, with index. Contains Governor's message and 

documents, continuously numbered, marked " Doc. No. , House of 

Bepresentatives," submitted to Twenty-third General Assembly. 1 vol. 
1839-40. 24th Session. Dec. 2, 1839.— Title on back, " Sen. & House 

Documents, 1839-40." 

In two parts, bound in one volume. Part 1st entitled, " Documents 
of the Senate of Indiana, Twenty-fouith Session." Part 2d entitled, 
" Beports made to the House of Bepresentatives at the Twenty-fourth 
Session," etc. Each part continuously paged, with separate index. 1 vol. 
1840-41. 25th Session. Dec. 7, 1840.— Title on back, " House and 

Senate Documents, 1840-41." 

In two parts, bound in one volume, without title pages, but each part 
is continuously paged, and has separate table of contents. Contains doc- 
uments and reports submitted to Twenty-fifth General Assembly. 1 vol. 
1841-2. 26th Session. Deo. 6, 1841.— Title on back, "Senate and 

House Documents, 1841-2." 

In two parts, bound in one volume. Title page of part 1st: " Doc- 
uments of the Senate at Twenty-sixth Session," etc. Title page of part 
2d: " Documents of the House of Representatives," etc. Each part is 
continuously paged, and has separate table of contents. The documents 
are also continuously numbered. 1 vol. 
1842-3. 27th Session. Dec. 5, 1842.— Title on back, "Senate and 

House Documents, 1842-43:" 

In two parts, bound in one volume. Part 1st entitled : "Documents 
of the Senate at the Twenty-Seventh Session," etc. Part 2d entitled: 
"Documents of the House of Bepresentatives," etc. Each partis contin- 
uously paged and has table of separate contents. 1 vol. 
1843-4. 28th Session. Dec. 4, 1843. — Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal 1843-4:" 

In two parts, bound in one volume. Part 1st entitled, "Documents 
of the House of Representatives at the Twenty-Eighth Session," etc. 
Part 2d entitled, " Documents of the Senate," etc. Each part is contin- 
uously paged and has separate table of contents. 1 vol. 
1844-5. 29th Session. Dec. 2, 1844.— Title onl back, " Documentary 

Journal, 1844-45 : " 

In two parts, numbered "Part First" and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled " Documents of the Twenty-Ninth Session," 


etc. Each part is continuously paged and has separate table of con- 
tents. 1 vol. 
1845-6. 30th Session. Dec. 1, 1845.— Title on back, "Documentary 

Journal, 1845-46 : " 

In two parts, numbered "Part First" and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled " Documents of the General Assembly of the 
State of Indiana at the Tvrenty -Ninth {Ihirtieth) Session," etc. Each part 
is continuously paged and has separate table of contents. 1 vol. 
1846-7. 31sT Session. Dec. 7, 1846.— Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, 1846-47 : " 

In two parts, numbered " Part First " and " Part Second," bound 
in one volume, each entitled "Documents of the Gensral Assembly of 
Indiana at the Thirtieth (thirty-first). Seasiov, etc." Each part is continu- 
ously paged and has separate table of contents. 1 vol. 
1847-8. 32d Session. Dec. 6, 1847.— Title on back, "Documentary 

Journal, 1847-48 : " 

In two parts, numbered " Part First " and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled " Documents of the General Assembly of In- 
diana at the Thirty-First {tUrty-secand) Session, comn;encing December 
3, (6) 1847." Each part is continuously paged and has separate table of 
contents, vol. 1. 
1848-9. 33d Session. Dec. 4, 1848.— Title on back, "Documentary 

Journal, Indiana, 1848 : " 

Id two parts, numbered "Part First" and "Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled "Documents of the General Assembly of In- 
diana at the Thirty-Third Session," etc. Each part is continuously 
paged and has separate table of contents. 1 vol. 

1849-50. 34th Session. Dec. 3, 1849.— Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, 1849-50:" 

In two parts, bound in one volume. Each part is continuously paged- 
" Part 1 " is entitled " Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana 
at the Thirty-Third (thirty-fourth) Session." " Part First " and has table 
of contents. " Part Second " is not numbered, has no title page nor table 
of contents. 1 vol. 

1850-1. 35th Session. Dec. 30, 1850.— Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, 1850-1:" 

In two parts, numbered " Part First " and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled " Documents of the General Assembly of In- 
diana at the Thirty-fifth Session," etc. Each part is continuously paged 
and has separate table of contents. 1 vol. 


1851-2. 36th Session. Dec. 1, 1851.— Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, 1851-2:" 

In two parts, numbered " Part First " and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled " Documents of the General Assembly of In- 
diana at the Thirty-sixth Session," etc. The documents in Part First be- 
fore page 73 are not continuously paged. Pa'rt Second is continuously 
paged. Each part has separate table of contents. 1 vol. 
1852-3. 37th Session. Jan. 6, 1853.— Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, 1852-53 : " 

In two parts, numbered " Part First " and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled " Documents of the General Assemby of Indi- 
ana at the Thirty-seventh Session," etc. Each part is continuously paged 
and has separate index. 

1853. GovEBNOB. — Title on back, " Documentary Journal, Indiana, 

1854." No title page : 

Is uot continuously paged, and, as printed, has no index nor table of 
contents. Contains report submitted to Governor for year 1853. 1 vol. 
1854-5. 38th Session. Jan. 4, 1855.— Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, Session 1855 ; " 

In two purts, numbered " Part First " and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, continuously paged and indexed. Each part is entitled 
" Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana at the Thirty-eighth 
Session," etc. 1 vol. 

1855. GovEENOE. — Title on back, " Documentary Journal, 1855-6 : " 

In two parts, numbered " Part First" and " Part Second," bound in one 
volume. Each part is entitled, " Keports of the Officers of the State of 
Indiana to the Governor, required by law to be made to him in the ab- 
sence of the General Assembly for the year ending Nov. (Oct.) 31, 1855." 
Each part is continuously paged and has separate index. 1 vol. 

1856-7. 39th Session. Jan. 8, 1857. 

In two parts, bound separately. Part First entitled on the back, 
" Documentary Journal, Part 1, 1857 ; Part Second entitled on back, 
"Documentary Journal, Part 2, 1857." Title pageof each, "Documents 
of the General Assembly of Indiana at the Thirty-ninth Session," etc. 
Each part is continuously paged and indexed. 2 vols. 

1857. Govbrnob. — Title on back, " Documentary Journal, 1857." 

In two parts, numbered " Part First " and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled, " Reports of the Officers of State of the State 
of Indiana, to the Governor, for Year 1857." Each part is continuously 
paged and has separate index. 1 vol. 


1858-9. 40th Session. Jan. 6, 1859.— Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, 1858-9." 

In two parts, numbered " Part 1 " and " Part 2," bound in one volume, 
each entitled " Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana, at the 
Fortieth Session," etc. Each part is continuously paged and has sep- 
arate index. 1 vol. 

1859. GovBENOE. — Title on back, " Documentary Journal, 1859-60." 

In two parts, numbered " Part First " and " Part Second," bound in 
one volume, each entitled, "Keports of the Officers of the State of Indi- 
ana, to the Governor, for the Years 1859 and 1860." Contains reports for 
1859, but none for 1860. Each part is continuously paged and has sep- 
arate index. 1 vol. 

1860-1. 41ST Session. Jan. 10, 1861 .—Title on back, " Documentary 
Journal, 1861." 

In two parts, numbered " Part 1 " and " Part 2," bound in one volume 
each entitled, " Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana at the 
Forty-first Session," etc. Each part is continuously paged and has sep- 
arate index. 1 vol. 

1861. GOVEENOR AND SPECIAL SESSION. ApRiL 24, 1861. — Title on 
back, "Documentary Journal. To the Governor, 1861." 
Title page, "Reports of the Officers of the State of Indiana, to the 

Governor, for the Years 1860 and 1861." Contains, also, messages of 

Governor Morton to the General Assembly at its extra session, April 24, 

1861. Continuously paged and indexed. 1 vol. 

1862-3. 42d Session. Jan. 8th, 1863.— Part 1. Title on back, "Doc- 
umentary Journal, 1862." 

Title page, "Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana at the 
Forty-third { Forty-second) session, begun on the tenth {eighth) day of ' 
January, 1863." Continuously paged and indexed. There is an error 
in paging (see p. 160). The index omits report of State Librarian on 
page 145. 1 vol. 

1862-3. Continued. Part 2, vol. 1.— Title on back, "Documentary 

Journal, Part 2, vol. 1, 1863." 

Title page, " Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana, at the 
Forty-Second Eegular Session," etc. Continuously paged and indexed. 

1862-3. CoNTiNnED. Part 2, vol 2.— Title on back, "Documentary 

Journal, Part 2, vol. 2, 1863." 

Title page, "Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana at the 
Forty-second Regular Session," etc. This volume is continuously paged. 


beginning with page 899, in continuation of paging of vol. 1, the last 

page of which is 898 ; has index. 1 vol. 

1862-3. Continued. Pari 2, vol. 3. — Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, Part 2, vol. 3, 1863." 

Title page, " Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana at the 
Forty-second Regular Session," etc. This volume is continuously paged, 
beginning with page 1,33.5, in continuation of paging of vol. 2, the last 
page of which is 1,334; contains only the report of Indiana Arsenal. 1 
1863. Governor. —Title on back, "Documentary Journal, 1863." 

Title page, " Reports of the OfBcere of State of the State of Indiana to 
the Governor for the year 1863." Is continuously paged and indexed. 1 

1 864-5. 43d Session. Jan. 5, 1865. Part 1.— Title on back, " Docu- 
mentary Journal, 1864." 

Title page, " Documents and Annual Reports of Officers and Public 
Institutions of the State of Indiana to the Legislature for the year 1864." 
Continuously paged and indexed. The index is entitled, "Index, Part 
1, vol. 1." i vol. 
1864-5. Continued. Part 2. — Title on back, "Documentary Journal, 

Part 2, 1865." 

Title page, " Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana at the 
forty -third regular session begun on the 5th day of January, A. D. 1865, 
Part 2." Continuously paged, with table of contents. There is an error 
in paging after page 200. 1 vol. 
1865-6. Governor. Special Session. Nov. 13, 1865. 44th Session. 

Jan. 10, 1867.— Title on back, "Documentary Journal, Part 1, 1866." 

Title page, " Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana at the 
forty-third regular session, begun on the 5th of January, A. D. 1865." 
Is continuously paged and has table of contents referring to documents 
by number, but not by pages. It contains no documents submitted to 
the forty-third session, but contains reports of State officers to the Gov- 
ernor for year 1865, the message of Gov. Morton to special session, be- 
gun November 13, 1865, and also fourteenth annual (third biennial) 
report of Superintendent of Public Instruction, dated December 31, 1866 
for years ending August 81, 1865, and August 31, 1866, submitted to 
forty-fourth (designated in next volume as forty-fifth) regular session, and 
which should have been bound in next volume (1866-7). 1 vol. 
1866-7. 45th Session. Jan. 10, 1867.— Title on back, " Documentary 

Journal, Part 1, 1867." 

Title page, " Documents of the General Assembly of Indiana at the 


forty-fifth regular session, begun on the 10th day of January, A. D. 
1867." Is not continuously paged. Has table of contents referring to 
documents by numbers. The documents are designated as belonging to 
" Part II." The session was, in fact, the foriy-famlh session, but the error 
in numbering is continued in subsequent volumes. 1 vol. 

1867-8. Governor. 46th Session. Jan. 7, 1869.— Title on back, 

" Documentary Journal, Part 1, 1867-68." 

Title page, " Documentary Journal of the General Assembly of the 
State of Indiana. Part 1 for 1867-1868." It is not continuously paged af- 
ter page 280, and, as printed, has no index nor table of contents. It 
contains some reports of State officers to Governor for year 1867 ; also 
the following, which were probably submitted to the Forty-sixth regular 
session, beginning January 7, 1869, and which should have been bound 
as " Part 1 " for 1868-9, viz: 

Document No. 7, pt. 1, Twentieth Annual Eeport Hospital for Insane, 
for the year 1868. 

Document No. 8, pt. 1, Annual Report of State Prison South, for 1868. 

Document No. 9, pt. 1, Annual Eeport Trustee Wabash and iirie Canal 
for 1867-8. 

Sixteenth Annual (fourth biennial) Report of Superintendent of 
Public Instruction, for 1867, 1868. 

All the documents in the volume are designated ias belonging to " Part 
1," but are not bound in numerical order ; two have same number, and 
one has no number. 1 vol. 

1868-9. 46th Session. Jan, 7, 1869. Special Session. April 8, 
1869.— Title on back, " Documentary Journal, 1869." 
Title page, "Documentary Journal of the General Assembly of the 
State of Indiana. Part II for 1869." It is not continuously paged, and 
as printed has no index nor table of contents. Contains report of State 
officers for 1868, submitted to Forty -sixth Session, begun January 7, 1869 ; 
also, a committee report submitted to Special Session begun April 8, 
1869, and a collection of school laws and opinions, issued by the Super- 
intendent of Public Instruction, dated June 1, 1869. Some of the docu- 
ments are designated as belonging to " Part I," one to " Part II," and 
some are not designated as belonging to either, and have no number. 
It seems that the documents in this and preceding volume were designed 
to be bound in parts designated as Part I and Part II, for 1868-9, but 
have been improperly arranged. 1 vol. 

1869. GovEENOB.— Title on back, "Annual Reports, Indiana, 1868. No 
title page. 
Not continuously paged, and as printed has no index nor table of con- 


tents. Contains reports of State officers to Governor for year 1869. 1 vol. 
1870-1. 47th Session. Jan. 5, 1871. 

In two volumes, respectively entitled on the back, " Docnmentary 
Journal," " Vol. 1," " Vol. 2," " 1870-1." Title page of each volume, 
" Documentary Journal of the General Assembly of the State of Indi- 
ana.'' Neither volume is continuously paged, and neither as printed has 
any index or table of contents. They contain documents and reports 
submitted to Forty-seventh Session, begun January 5, 1871. 2 vols. 

1871. GovEENOK. — Title on back, "Documentary Journal, 1871." 

Title page, " Documentary Journal of the General Assembly of the 
State of Indiana for 1871." Not continuously paged, and as printed has 
no index nor table of contents. It contains no documents nor reports 
submitted to the General Assembly, but only reports of State officers to 
Governor for year 1871. These are bound up indiscriminately without 
regard to numerical order. They are all designated as belonging to 
" Part I." There does not seem to be any " Part II." 
1872-3. 48th Session. Jan. 9, 1873. Special Session. Nov. 13, 
1872.— Title on back, "Documentary Journal, 1872-73." No title 

Not continuously paged. As printed, has no index nor table of con- 
tents. Contains reports and documents to Governor and Forty-eighth 
Session ; also, message of Governor Baker to Special Session begun No- 
vember 18, 1872. ] vol. 

1873. Governor. — Title on back, "Annual Keports of Indiana, 1873." 
Title page, "Annual Reports of the Officers of State of the State of 
Indiana, and of the Trustees and Superintendents of the several Benev- 
olent, Reformatory and Educational Institutions thereof, required by 
law to be made to the Governor, for the year ending December 31, 1873." 
Not continuously paged, and has no index, but the preface indicates the 
contents. 1 vol. 
1874-5. 49th Session. Jan. 7, 1875. 

In two volumes, entitled on back, " Documentary Journal, Indiana." 
" Part I, 1874-5." " Part II, 1874-5." Title page of each volume, 
"Legislative Documents, Including Message of the Governor and the 
Annual Reports of 1874 Transmitted therewith to the General Assembly 
of the State of Indiana in Forty-ninth Regular Session, begun January 
7, 1875." Neither volume is continuously paged, but each has a separate 
index referring to documents by numbers. 2 vols. 
1875. GovBRNOK. — Title on back, "Annual Reports, Indiana, 1875." 
Title page similar to that of 1873. Contains reports of State officers 



to Governor for 1875. Not continuously paged, and has no index, but 
preface indicates contents. 1 vol. 
1876-7. 50th Session. Jan. 4, 1877. 

In two volumes, entitled on back, " Documentary Journal, Indiana." 
" Part I, 1876-7." " Part II, 1876-7." Title page of each, "Annual Re- 
ports of 1876 submitted to the General Assembly of the State of Indiana 
in Fiftieth Regular Session," etc. Neither volume is continuously 
paired, but each has index referring to documents by numbers. 2 vols. 
1877. GovEENOR.— Title on back, "Annual Reports Indiana, 1877." 

Title page similar to that of 1873. Is not continuously paged. No 

index, but preface indicates contents. 1 vol. 
1878-9. 51ST Session. Jan. 9, 1879. — In two volumes, entitled on back 

"Documentary Journal, Indiana," "Part I, 1878-9;" "Part II, 


Title page of each volume, "Annual Reports of 1878 Submitted to 
the General Assembly of the State of Indiana in Fifty-first Regular Ses- 
sion," etc. Not continuously paged. Bach volume has index referring 
to documents by numbers. 2 vols. 

The volumes subsequeut to 1878-9 to 1888, inclusive, contain annual 
and biennial reports for each year. They are not continuously paged, 
but each has index referring to documents by numbers. They are all 
entitled on back, "Annual Reports of Indiana," except volumes for 1886 
and 1888, which are entitled " Documentary Journal." 

1879. GoVEENOE. — Parts 1 and 2. 2 vols. 

1880. 52d Session. Jan. 6, 1881.— Parts 1 and 2, 2 vols. 

1881. GovBENOE.— Part 1, no Part 2. 1 vol. 

1882. 53d Session. Jan. 4, 1883.— 1 vol. 

1883. GOVEKNOB. — 1 vol. 

1884. Contains reports " Required by law to be made to the Governor," 
for year ending October 31, 1884, but were those by him submitted 
to the Fifty-fourth Session, January 8, 1885. 1 vol. 

1885. GovEENOB. — Erroneously marked as " 1886." 1vol. 

1886. Contains reports " Required by law to be made to the Governor," 
• for year ending October 31, 1885, but were those by him submitted to 

Fifty-flfth Session, January 6, 1887. 1 vol. 

1887. Governor. — 1 vol. 

1888. 56th Session. Jan. 10, 1889.— Parts 1 and 2. 2 vols. 

Brevier Legislative Reports. — These are condensed reports 
of the debates aad proceedings of the General Assembly of 
the State of Indiana. They are variously entitled upon the 
backs of them, but upon the title pages are designated as 


" Brevier Legislative Reports," except volume 1, which is 
entitled " The Legislative Sentinel." They were begun in 
1858 by W. H. and A. E. Drapier, and continued by W. H. 
Drapier. None of the volumes were published by author- 
ity of the State, but they are of a semi-official character 
from the fact that the reporters were during all, or most of 
the time, the official stenographers of the General Assem- 
bly, and contracts were made with them from time to time 
by the House and Senate for the purchase of some of the 

The following is a complete list of these reports : 

Vol. Session. Year. Vols. 

] Special 1858 1 

2 Regular 1859 1 


4 Regular 1861 1 

5 Special 1861 1 

6 Regular 1863 r-.l 

7 Regular 1865 1 

8 Special 1865 1 

9 Regular 1867 1 

10 Regular 1869 1 

11 Special 1869 1 

12 Regular 1871 1 

18 Special 1872 1 

14 Regular 1873 1 



. and 1879. 


19 1 Regular 

I and 1881 1 

20 j Special. 

21 Regular 1883 1 

22) Regular 

and 1885 1 

23 J Special. 

24 Regular 1887 1 

* Is said by Mr. Drapier, the reporter, to have been printed, but never 
published nor bound, and to contain only some 14 or 15 pages. 

t Was never published. It was intended to include regular and special 
sessions of 1875. 

t Was never published. It was intended to include regular and special 
sessions of 1877. 


Laws — Session Laws. — As the sessions under the Con- 
stitution of 1816 usually began in December, the greater 
part of the laws of the session would not be enacted until 
the January following, and so the laws are usually designated 
as of the year following the date of the commencement of 
the session. Thus, the laws adopted at the first session, be- 
gun in November, 1816, are cited as " Laws 1817." 

Before the adoption of the Constitution of 1851, which 
greatly curtailed special legislation, there were many laws 
of private or local character. Those of 1818, 1824 and 1831 
were bound separately, and were designated as " Special 
Acts." Those for the 20th session (1835-6) and for subse- 
quent years, to and including those for the 36th session 
(1851-2), were also bound separately, and were designated 
as " Local Laws," except those for the 36th session, which 
were designated as " Special and Local Acts." The class- 
ification of the general and special laws was not very ac- 
curate, and many laws of a general character are to be found 
bound in the special and local laws. 

Besides the general and special laws there were several 
militia laws bound in separate volumes, as were those of 
1824 and 1831. In the special acts of 1818, p. 117, it was 
expressly provided " That nothing herein contained shall be 
so construed as to authorize the public printers to print an 
act passed at the present session, entitled 'An act to regulate 
the militia.' " But in a table of " Errata of the act regu- 
lating the militia," contained in the laws of 1819, p. 151, it 
appears that the act referred to was printed, but by what 
authority does not appear. 

After 1851 the special and local laws and the militia laws 
were not bound separately from the general laws. 

The laws passed at the various special sessions held since 
the adoption of the Constitution of 1851 are bound sepa- 
rately except those for the years, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881 and 


1885, which are bound in the volumes containing the laws 
of the regular sessions of those years, the volumes for 1879, 
1881 and 1885 being continuously paged. 

The 44th session, by a misprint, is designated in the 
laws of that year as the 45th, and the error in numbering 
has been continued in the laws of the subsequent sessions. 

The following is a complete list of the session laws, show- 
ing, also, how they are designated : 

No. OP Session. How Designated. 

1 Laws 1817 

2 " 1818 

" Special Acts " 

3 Laws 1819 

4 " 1820 

5 " 1821 

6 " 1822 

7 " 1823 

8 Militia " 1824 

" Special Acts " 

9 Laws 1825 

10 " 1826 

11 " 1827 

12 " 1828 

13 " 1829 

14 " 1830 

15 Militia '■ 1831 

" Special Acts " 

16 Laws 1832 

17 " 1833 

18 " 1834 

19 " 1835 

" Local " 

20 " 1836 

" Local " 

21 " 1837 

" \ Local " 

22 Laws included in K. S. 1838 

23 Laws 1839 

" Local " 

24 " 1840 

" Local " 

25 " 1841 

" Local " 

26 " 1842 

" Local " " 

27 " 1843 

" Local " 


No. OP Session. How Designated. 

28 Laws 1844 

" Local " " 

29 " 1845 

" Local " 

30 " 1846 

" Local " " 

31 " 1847 

" Local " 

32 " 1848 

" Local " 

33 " 1849 

" Local " " 

34 " 1850 

" Local " 

35 " 1851 

" Local " 

36 Keg Special and Local Acts 1852 

37 " Laws 1853 

38 " " 1855 

39 " " 1857 

Called, Nov. 20, 1858 Laws Special Session 1858 

40 Reg Laws 1859 

41 " Laws Regular Session 1861 

Special, April 24, 1861 " Special " " 

42 Reg Laws 1863 

43 " Laws Regular Session 1865 

Called, Nov. 13, 1865 " Special " " 

45 Reg Laws 1867 

46 " , Laws Regular Session 1869 

Special, April 8,1869 ^ '■ Special " " 

47 Reg Laws 1871 

Special, Nov. 13, 1872 Laws Special Session 1872 

48 Reg Laws 1873 

49 " Laws Regular Session 1875 

Special, March 9, 1875 " Special " " 

50 Reg Laws Regular Session 1877 

Special, March 6, 1877 " Special " " 

^^ SpTciai; Mrrchll"r879}^°"°'^ i" ^ ^"^ ^^''^ 18^9 

^^ Sial,"March"8;"l88i l^"""-! *" 1 ^o' " l^^l 

53 Reg " 1883 

Special, March"l0,"l885|^°°°'* '° ^ ^°1 " 1885 

55 Reg " 1887 

56 " " 1889 

Revisions. — The laws of 1818 are sometimes improperly 
called the " Revision of 1818." They contain only the acts 


passed at the second session and a reprint of a portion of 
those passed at the first session. 

1824. This is entitled, " The Revised Laws of Indiana, adopted and 
enacted by the General Assembly at their eighth session, etc. Arranged 
and published by authority of the General Assembly." Corydon, Ind- 
1824. 1 vol. 

1831. Entitled " The Eevised Laws of Indiana, in which are com- 
prised all such acts of a general nature as are in force in said State ; 
adopted and enacted by the General Assembly at their fifteenth session, 
etc. Arranged and published by authority of the General Assembly." 
Indianapolis. 1831. 1 vol. 

1838. Entitled " The Eevised Statutes of the State of Indiana, adopted 
and enacted by the General Assembly at their twenty-second session, etc. 
Arranged, compiled and published by authority of the General Assem- 
bly." Indianapolis. 1838. 1 vol. 

The revisers are not named in the revisions of 1824, 1831 and 1838. 

1843. Entitled "The Eevised Statutes of the State of Indiana, passed 
at the twenty-seventh session of the General Assembly, etc. Printed and 
published according to law." The revisers were Sam. Bigger and Geo. 
H. Dunn. Indianapolis. 1843. 1 vol. 

1852. Entitled " The Eevised Statutes of the State of Indiana, passed 
at the thirty-sixth session of the General Assembly, etc. Printed and 
published according to law." James S. Hester prepared the annotations 
and superintended the arrangement and printing. An edition in the 
German language was also printed by authority of the State. Indian- 
apolis. 1852. 2 vols. 

1881. Entitled " By authority of the General Assembly. The Ee- 
vised Statutes of Indiana, etc. Collated and annotated by James S. 
Frazer, John H. Stotsenburg and David Turpie, commissioners." This 
revision, though authorized by the General Assembly to be made, was 
not formally adopted and approved by it. Chicago, 111. 1881. 1 vol. 


The following editions of the revisions and statutes were 
published as private compilations : 

Gavin & Hord. Indianapolis. 1862. 2 vols. 

Gavin & Hord. " 1863. (3d vol.) 1 vol. 

Davis (Supp. to Gavin & Hord). Indpls. 1870. 1 vol. 

Davis (2d ed.). Indianapolis. 1876. 2 vols. 

Downey. (Supp. to 1881.) Cincinnati. 1883. 1 vol. 

E. B. Myers & Co. This is a reprint of the official 
edition of the Revision of 1881 (evidently from the 
same plates), with subsequent laws, and with annota- 
tions. Chicago, Illinois. 1888. 2 vols. 

Elliott. (Supp. to 1881.) Indianapolis. 1889. 1 vol. 

Reports of State Officers, etc. — Since the organiza- 
tion of the State most of the State oiEcers, boards, etc., have 
been required to make reports. Many of the offices and 
boards heretofore existing have been discontinued and new 
ones are created at nearly every session of the Legislature. 

Prior to the Constitution of 1851, when there were an- 
nual sessions of the Legislature, most of these reports were 
required to be made directly to the Legislature, or to the 
Governor, to be by him submitted to the Legislature. Since 
the adoption of the Constitution of 1851 some of the re- 
ports have been required to be made to the Governor and 
some to the Legislature. Some are required to be made for 
a period ending with the end of a given year and some for 
a period ending with the end of the State fiscal year, which 
is October 31. Most of them, since 1877, end with the 
fiscal year. 

Some of these reports were never printed at all. Some 
were printed as part of the House and Senate Journals. 
Some were printed in pamphlet form only, and of those so 
printed some have been bound in the Documentary Jour- 
nals and Annual Reports. Those printed in pamphlet, and not 
so preserved, have, for the most part, entirely disappeared. 


Some of the reports never were included in the Document- 
ary Journals and Annual Eeports, but have been published 
and bound separately in substantial binding. 

In the exercise of its visitorial power over corporations 
the General Assembly has frequently required reports to be 
made to it, or to the Governor, from various corporations, 
such as colleges and railroad companies, and many of these 
have been printed and are contained in the House and Sen- 
ate Journals and in the Documentary Journals and Annual 
Reports. These are not included in the following cata- 
logue, which embraces only the reports of State officers and 

During the period wheu the State was engaged in its ex- 
tensive scheme of internal improvement, there were also 
many boards, commissioners, agents, etc., of works, some of 
which were of a local character, who were required to make 
reports to the General Assembly or to the Governor. Only 
such of these as are contained in the Documentary Journals 
and Annual Reports are included in the following catalogue. 

No reference is made in the following catalogue to the 
volumes and pages of the House and Senate Journals. An 
index making such references would involve more labor 
and expense than would be profitable in a private compila- 
tion But references are made by volume and page to the 
reports contained in the Documentary Journals and Annual 
Reports. Only the regular reports are so indexed, not those 
made in answer to calls by the General Assembly, or by 
one of its branches, for information upon some special 

No attempt has been made to cite all the statutes relating 
to the offices embraced in the catalogue. The statutes are 
cited only to show, in a general way, the nature of the 
office, its beginning and end, if it has ceased to exist, the 


character of the reports required, and to whom and when 
they are to be made. 

Adjutant General. — The office of Adjutant General was 
created by the Constitution of 1816 (art. 7, sec. 7) and 
continued by the Constitution of ] 851 (art. 12, sec. 2). The 
duties of the office were defined by act January 3, 1817 
(1817, p. 179, sec. 10), and by the militia law of January 20, 
1824, the latter law (sec. 65) requiring him to report to the 
Governor, as commander-in-chief, annually on December 
1. The act May 3, 1861 (Spl. Sess. 1861, p. 3), required 
him to report to the next General Assembly in regard to 
appropriations made by that act. The act April 13, 1885, 
(1885, p. 215) required him to maiie biennial reports. By 
section 32 of act March 8, 1889 (1889, p. 325), he was re- 
quired to make annual reports to the Governor, within one 
month after October 31, of expenses, proceedings, etc., of the 
militia. Various i-eports Ave found in the House and Sen- 
ate Journals prior to the commencement of the Documentary 
Journals. There are included in the Documentary Jour- 
nals and Annual Reports the following: 


Period Embraoku. 

Doc. J. AND A. R. 


to Nov. 80, 1844 

1844-5, P. 2, p. 43 


Annual for year 1845 

1845-6, P. 2, p. 35 



1846-7, P. 2, p. 5 



1847-8, P. 2, p. 289 



1848-9, P. 2, p. 299 








Special, April 15, 1852 

1851-2, P. 1, p. 353 


Omitted, but rules and regulations 


1853, Doc. No. — 


No date 

1854-5, P. 2, p. 531 




No date 

1856-7, P. 1, p. 393 












Period Embraced. Doc. J. and A. R. 

From April 15, 1861 to Dec. 31, 1862 1862-3, P. 2, vol. 1, 

p. 329 
From Jan. 1,1863 to Nov. 12,1864 1864-5, P. 2, p. 473 

From April 1, to Dec. 31,1870 1870-1,P.2, Doc. 

No. — 
Two years ending Dec. 31,1872 1872-3, Doc. No. 

One year 


" 1873 1873, Doc. No. 6 
" 1874 1874-5, P. 1, Doc. 

No. 3 

" 1876 1876-7, P. l,Doc. 

No. 11 
" 1878 1878-9, P. l,Doc. 

No. 10 
" 1880 1880, P. 1, Doc. 

No. 4 

The following have been published and bound separately ; 

1865 (Nov. 12, 1864 to Nov. 13, 1865) pamphlet, 1 vol. 

1866 (Nov. 13, 1865 to Jan. 26, 1867) " 1 
1881-2 cloth, 1 
1883-4 " 1 
1885-6 " 1 
1887-8 " 1 

Besides the annual and biennial reports there is a " Re- 
port of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana" in 
eight volumes, containing a military history of Indiana 
during the rebellion (1861-1865). It is an invaluable col- 
lection of historica,l facts and statistics and an enduring 
monument to the memory of the compiler, the late Adju- 
tant General Wm. H. H. Terrell, Indianapolis, 1865-9. 
8 vols. 

Agent of State. — The office of Agent of State was created 
by section 68 of act January 28, 1842 (1842, p. 3). (See 
Internal Improvement.) His duties were defined by that 


act and by the act January 31, 1842 (1842, p. 22), by which 
he was required to report his proceedings to the next Gen- 
eral Assembly. By act June 17, 1852 (1 R. S. 1852, p. 97), 
the election of a " State Agent" by the General Assembly 
was provided for, and he was required to report biennially to 
that body. An act looking to the discontinuance of the 
office was passed December 21, 1865 (Spl. S. 1865, p. 48). 
By act December 13, 1872 (Spl. S. 1872, p. 27), the office 
was discontinued after February 10, 1873, and books, etc., 
transferred to Auditor of State, the officer before known as 
State Agent being succeeded by an agent appointed by, and 
serving during pleasure of, the Governor, Secretary, Aud- 
itor and Treasurer of State. 

The following regular reports are included in the Docu- 
mentary Journals and Annual Reports : 

Yeab. Doc. J. and A. B. 

1842 1842-3, P. 1, p. 3. 

1843 1843-4, P. 2, p. 1. 

1844 1844-5, P. 1, p. 83. 

1845 1845-6, P. 1, p. 97. 

1846 1846-7, P. 1, p. 109. 

1847 1847-8, P. 1, p. 103. 

1848 1848-9, P. 1, p. 5. 

1849 1849-50, P. 2, p. 149. 

1850 1850-1, P. 2, p. 57. 

1851 1851-2, P. 2, p. 1. 

1852 1852-3, P. 2, p. 1. 

1853 1853, Doc. No. — . 

1854 1854-5, P. 1, p. 341. 

1855 1855, P. 1, p. 1. 

1856 1856-7, P. 1, p. 3. 

1857 1857, P. 1, p. 3. 

1358 1858-9, P. 1, p. 197. 

1859 1859, P. 1, p. 1. 

1860 1860-1, P. 1, p. 309. 

1861 1861, p. 41. 

1862 1862-3, P. 2, v. 1, p. 177. 

1863 1863, p. 33. 

1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 301. 

1865-6 1866-7, Doc. No. 5. 

1867-8 1868-9, Doc. No. 4. 

1869-70 1870-1, P. 1, Doc. No. — . 

3 871-2 1872-3, Doc. No. — . 


Agriculture, State Board. — By act February 14, 1851 
(1851, p. 6), the " Indiana State Board of Agriculture " was 
incorporated and required to make annual reports to the 
General Assembly. It was continued by act February 17, 
1852 (1 R. S. 1852, p. 98), and the board required to report 
also its annual receipts and expenditures. Volume 19 con- 
tains a general index of volumes 1 to 19, inclusive. 

The following financial reports are included in the Doc- 
umentary Journals and Annual Reports : 

Year. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1874 1874-5, P. 1, Doc. No. 12 

1876 1876-7, P. 1, Doc. No. 15 

1878 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 12 

1880 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 10 

None of the regular reports are included in the Docu- 
mentary Journals and Annual Reports, but have been pub- 
lished separately, beginning with volume 1 for the year 
1851, which is wrongly labeled " 1852." The following is 
a complete list of them : 

Vol. Year. 



1 1851 


(24 Ann.) 


2 1852 





3 1853 





4 1854-5 





5 1856 





6 1857 





7 1858 





8 1859-60 





9 1862-7 





10 1868 





11 1869 





12 1870 





13 1871 





14 1872 





15 (23 Ann.) 1873 






Attorney General. — The office of Attorney General was first 
established by act December 31, 1821 (1821, p. 72). Acts 
defining his duties, but not requiring any reports, were 
passed February 21, 1855 (1855, p. 16), and June 3, 1861 
(Spl. Sess. 1861, p. 14). The act March 10, 1873 (1873, p. 
18), required him to give opinions in certain cases, and to 
keep a record thereof and an account of moneys collected, 
in a " substantially bound book," and to report to the Sec- 
retary of State annually on November 1, all fines and for- 
feitures, but no other report was required. The public 
printing act of 1886 requires biennial reports. 

The following reports are included in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Reports, those for the years 1873, 
1874, 1883-4, 1885-6, containing official opinions of the 
Attorney General for those years : 

Year. Doc. J. and A. B. 

1873 1873, Doc. No. 4. 

1874 :i874-5,P. l,Doc. No. 9. 

1875 1875, Doc. No. 13. 

1875-6 1876-7,P. l,Doc. No. 8. 

1877-8 Omitted. 

1879-80 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 4. 

1881-2 Omitted. 

1883-4 1884, Doc. No. 6. 

1885-6 1886, Doc. No. 5. 

1887-8 1888, Doc. No. 5. 

The report for 1881-2, containing official opinions for 
those years, was published in pamphlet form. 

Auditor of State. — The office of State Auditor was created 
by the Constitution of 1816 (art. 4, sec. 24), and was con- 
tinued under name of Auditor of State by Constitution of 
1851 (art. 6, sec. 1). The act December 11, 1816 (1817, p. 
143), defined the duties of the "Auditor of Public Accounts," 
and required him to make annual reports to the General 


Assembly during the first week of their session and as often 
as required. The act January 25, 1841 (1841, p. 124), re- 
quired him to report annually to the Governor by Novem- 
ber ,1. By 1 E. S. 1862, p. 147, he was required to make 
biennial reports to the General Assembly, but the act Feb- 
ruary 3, 1853 (1853, p. 120), again required annual reports 
to the Governor on October 31. Since 1839 his reports are 
for years ending October 31. Those prior to the commence- 
ment of the Documentary Journals are contained in the 
House and Senate Journals. Abstracts of these are gen- 
erally published at the end of the Session Laws. The fol- 
lowing are included in the Documentary Journals and An- 
nual Reports: 

Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1835 1835-6, Doc. No. — . 

1836 (Sen. J. 1836-7, p. 84), Omitted. 

1837 1837-8, Doc. No.—. 

1838 1838-9, p. 172. 

1839 Omitted. 

1840 1840-1, P. 1, p. 29. 

1841 1841-2, P. 2, p. 21. 

1842 1842-3, P. 2, p. 41. 

1843 1843-4, P. 1, p. 51. 

1844 1844-5, P. 1, p. 1. 

1845 1845-6, P. 1, p. 1. 

1846 1846-7, P. 1, p. 1. 

1847 1847-8, P. 1, p. 23. 

1848 1848-9, P. 1, p. 117. 

1849 1849-EO, P. 1, p. 17. 

1850 1850-1, P. 1, p. 1. 

1851 1851-2, P. 1, p. 49. 

18.52 1852-3, P. 1, p. 49. 

1853 1853, Doc. No. — . 

1854 1854-5, P. 1, p. 1. 

1855 1855, P. 1, p. 265. 

1856 1856-7, P. 1, p. 119. 

1857 1857, P. 1, p. 109. 

1858 1858-9, P. 1, p. 1. 


Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1859. 1859, P. 1, P- 65. 

I860 ' 1860-1, P. 1, p. 1. 

1861 1861, p. 187. 

1862 1862-3, P. 1, p. 257. . ^ 

1863 1863, p. 101. 

1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 405. 

1865 1865-6, p. 143. 

1866 1866-7, Doc. No. 3. 

1867 1867-8, p. 121. 

1868 1868-9, Doc. No. 3. 

1869 1869, Doc. No. — . 

1870 1870-1, Doc. No. — . 

1871 1871, Doc. No. 8. 

1872 1872-3, Doc. No. — . 

1873 1873, Doc. No. 2. 

1874 1874-5, Doc. No. 7. 

1875 1875, Doc. No. 2. 

1876 1876-7, P. 1, Doc. No. 6. 

1877 1877, Doc. No. 2. 

1878 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 6. 

1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 2. 

1880 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 2. 

1881 1881, Doc. No. 2. 

1882 1882, Doc. No. 2. 

1883 1883, Doc. No. 2. 

1884 1884, Doc. No. 4. 

1885 1885, Doc. No. 1. 

1886 1886, Doc. No. 3. 

1887 1887, Doc. No. 2. 

1888 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 4. 

Bank, State. — The bank of Vincennes was made a " State 
Bank " by act January 1, 1817 (1817, p. 185), and required 
to make a statement of its condition and that of its branches 
to the Governor and General Assembly " if required." Re- 
ports are contained in the House and Senate Journals. There 
was trouble and litigation between the State and this bank, 
and an act establishing a " State Bank of Indiana " and 
branches was passed January 28, 1834 (1834, p. 12), pro- 


viding that it should continue until January 1, 1859. The 
act provided that the president and four directors should be 
elected by the General Assembly, and that the board of di- 
rectors should report annually to the General Assembly the 
condition of the bank and its branches. It also created a 
sinking fund. (See this title.) By act February 6, 1837 
(1837, p. 3), one-half of the surplus revenue received from 
the United States pursuant to the act of Congress, passed 
June 23, 1836, was to be applied to subscriptions by the 
State to the capital stock of the branches of the State Bank. 
By act January 10, 1849 (1849, p. 18), it was provided that 
no more additional branches should be established under the 
act after the year 1851. The act February 3, 1853 (1853, 
p. 120), required the board to report annually to the Gov- 
ernor on October 31. 

By act March 3, 1855 (1855, p. 229), there was established 
a new institution, styled the " Bank of the State of Indiana," 
and branches, and the board of directors was required to re- 
port to the General Assembly at each session the condition 
of the bank and its branches. The act January 19, 1865 
(Reg. Sess. 1865, p. 98), provided for winding up the 

The reports of the old State Bank of Indiana prior to 
the commencement of the Documentary Journals are con- 
tained in the House and Senate Journals. The following 
reports of the State Bank and of the Bank of the State are 
contained in the Documentary Journals and Annual Re- 
ports : 

Reports of State Bank — 

Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1835 1835-6, Docs. Nos. . 

1836 1836-7, Doc. No. — . 

1837 1837-8, Docs. Nos. . 

1838 1838-9, p. 56. 



Year. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1839 1839-40, P. 2, pp. 79, 117. 

1840 1840-1, P. 1, pp. 405, 413. 

1841 1841-2, P. 1, p. 97. 

1842 1842-3, P. 2, pp. 163, 299. 

1843 1843-4, P. 1, pp. 275, 341. 

1844 1844-5, P. 1, pp. 109, 163. 

1845 1845-6, P 1, pp. 107, 155. 

1846 1846-7, P. 1, pp. 125, 263. 

1847 1847-8, P. 1, pp. 159, 231. 

1848 1848-9, P. 1, p. 261. 

1849 1849-50, P. 1, p. 117. 

1850 1850-1, P. 1, p. 273. 

1851 1851-2, P. 1, p. 203. 

1852 1852-3, P. 1, p. 229. 

1853 1853, Doc. No. — . 

1854 1854-5, P. l,p 429; P. 2, p. 791 

1855 1855, P. 1, p. 217. 

1856 1856-7, P. 1, p. 261. 

1857 1857, P. 2, p. 341. 

1858 1858-9, P. 1, p. 365. 

Bank of State — 

1856 1856-7, P. 1, p 411. 

1857 Omitted. 

1858 1858-9, P. 1, p. 357. 

1859 1859, P. 1, p. 347. 

1860 1860-1, P. 2, p. 507. 

1861 Omitted. 

1862 1862-3, P. 1, p. 485. 

1863 Omitted. 

1864 1864r-5, P. 2, p. 201. 

Blind Institute.— By act January 19, 1846 (1846, p. 66), 
trustees were appointed to provide for maintenance and ed- 
ucation of blind of this State in the institutions at Columbus, 
Ohio, and Louisville, Ky. The board made a report dated 
December 7, 1846 (Doc. J. 1846-7, P. 2, p. 25). A further 
report as to the Indiana blind in Ohio and Kentucky institu- 
tions was made December 11,1847 (Doc. J. 1847-8, P. 2, p. 
343). By act January 27, 1847 (1847, p. 41), provision was 


made for establishment at Indianapolis of an institution to be 
known as the " Indiana Institute for the Education of the 
Blind," and created a board of trustees which was required 
to report annually to the General Assembly. This provision 
was continued in act February 13, 1851 (1851, p. 140), but 
by 1 R. S. 1852, p. 161, the board was required to report to 
the Legislature biennially. By act February 3, 1853 (1853, 
p. 120), the board was required to report to the Governor 
annually on October 31. This provision has not been changed 
by subsequent legislation. The following reports are con- 
tained in the Documentary Journals and Annual Reports, 
and are regularly numbered : 

No. Yeab. Doc. J. and A. K. 

1 1847 1847-8, P. 2,p. 89. 

2 1848 1848-9, P. 2, p. 33. 

3 1849 1849-50, P. 2, p. 1. 

4 1850 1850-1, P. 2j p. 1. 

5 1851 1851-2, P. 2, p. 231. 

6 1852 1852-3, P. 2, p. 105. 

7 1853 1853, Doc. No. —. 

8 1854 1854-5, P. 2, p. 729. 

9 1855 1855, P. 2, p. 161. 

10 1856 1856-7, P. 2, p. 57. 

11 1857 1857, P. 2, p. 1. 

12 1858 1858-9, P. 2, p. 45. 

13 1859 1859, P. 2, p. 49. 

14 1860 1860-1, P. 2, p. 1. 

15 1861 1861, p. 137. 

16 1862 1862-3, P. 1, p. 169. 

17 1863 1863, p. 1. 

18 1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 717. 

19 1865 1865-6, p. 71. 

20 1866 1866-7, Doc. No. 7. 

21 1867 1867-8, p. 65. 

22 1868 1868-9, Doc. No. 6. 

23 1869 1869, Doc. No. — . 

24 1870 1870-1, P. 1, Doc. No. — . 

25 1871 1871, Doc. No. 2. 


No. Year. Doc. J. and A. E. 

26 1872 1872-3, Doc. No. — . 

27 1873 1873, Doc. No. 14. 

28 1874 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 8. 

29 1875 1875, Doc. No. 10. 

30 1876 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 9, 

31 1877 1877, Doc. No. 9. 

32 1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 8. 

33 1879 1879, P. 1, Doc. No. 1. 

34 1880 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 8. 

35 1881 1881, Doc. No. 11. 

36 1882 1882, Doc. No. 9. 

37 1883 1883, Doc. No. 10. 

38 1884 1884, Doc. No. 12. 

39 1885 1885, Doc. No. 6. 

40 1886 1886, Doc. No. 11. 

41 1887 1887, Doc. No. 5. 

42 1888 1888, P. 2, Doc. No. 3. 

Canal Fund Commissioners. — The Canal Fund and Canal 
Fund Commissioners were part of the legislation for the con- 
struction of the Wabash and Erie Canal. (See this title.) 
Addiiional duties were imposed upon the commi>sioners by 
the Internal Improvement Act. (See this title.) By act Feb- 
ruary 6, 1837 (1837, p. 66), it was provided that the Board of 
Canal Fund Commissioners should thereafter be designated 
as " Fund Commissioners of Indiana." (See this title.) The 
reports of the Canal Fund Commissioners are contained in 
the House and Senate Journals prior to the commencement 
of the Documentary Journals. . There are contained in the 
latter the following : 

Year. Doc. J. 

1835 1835-6, Doc. No. — 

1836 1836-7, Doe. No. — 

Centennial Commissioner. — Mr. E. T. Cox, State Geologist, 
was appointed by Governor Hendricks to represent Indiana 
at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876. His 
report is contained in Doc. J. 1876-7, P. 1, Doc. No. 13. 


Charities, Board of State. — A " Board of State Charities " 
was establislied by act February 28, 1889 (1889, p. 51), and 
required to make and print annual reports for use of Legis- 
lature; None have yet been printed. 

Colonization, Board. — A State Board of Colonization was 
established by 1 R. S. 1852, p. 222, but no report was re- 
quired. Reports were made, however, some in response to 
legislative resolutions. The following reports are contained 
in the Documentary Journals. 

Date. Doc. J. 

February 21, 1852. To H. E 1851-2, P. 2, p. 463. 

January 29,1853. "S 1852-3, P. 2, p. 393. 

May 29,1854. "Gov 1853, Doc. No. —. 

1855. " H. K 1854-5, P. 2, p. 1047. 

January 15,1857. " G. A 1856-7, P. 2, p. 329. 

1859. " " 1858-9, P. 2, p. 157. 

December 30, 1860. " " 1860-1, P. 2, p. 145. 

March 8, 1864 .1863, p. 489. 

Commissary General. — The office of Commissary General 
was created by Constitution of 1851 (art. 12, sec. 2), and 
duties defined by acts May 31 and June 3, 1861 (Spl. Sess., 
1861, pp. 85, 87), but no reports were required. One re- 
port, from May 29, 1861, to November 2, 1861, is contained 
in Doc. J. 1862-3, P. 2, v. 1, p. 801. 

Custodian of Public Buildings. — The office of " Custodian 
of Public Buildings" was created by act March 5, 1889 
(1889, p. 114), requiring reports to Governor on the last 
days of March, June and September, and annually on De- 
cember 31 ; also biennially to Legislature. No reports have 
yet been published. 

Deaf and Dumb Institution. — A report in favor of estab- 
lishing an institution for the education of deaf mutes was 


made to the House of Eepresentatives January 31, 1838. 
(Doc. J. 1838-9, p. 657.) The act February 13, 1843 
(1843, p. 75), provided for raising funds for erection of a 
"Deaf and Dumb Asylum." The act January 15, 1844 
(1844, p. 36), provided for establishment of a temporary 
asylum at Indianapolis, and created a board of " Trustees of 
Indiana Asylum for Educating the Deaf and Dumb," requir- 
ing them to report to next General Assembly. By act Janu- 
ary 19, 1846 (1846, p. 19), the asylum was permanently lo- 
cated in Marion county and the trustees were required to 
report annually to the General Assembly. Biennial reports 
were required by 1 E. S. 1852, p. 243, §19, but act February, 
5, 1853 (1853, p. 120), required reports to be made annu- 
ally to Governor on October 31. The provision as to re- 
ports has not been changed by subsequent legislation. By 
act March 6, 1879 (Reg. Sess. 1879, p. 4), the institution is 
called the " Institution for the 'Education of the Deaf and 
Dumb." The reports are all included in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Reports and are regularly numbered. 

No. Yeab. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1 1844 1844-5. P. 1, p. 134. 

2 1845 1845-6, P. 2, p. 85. 

3 184o 1846-7, P. 2, p. 95. 

4 1847 1847-8, P. 2, p. 5. 

5 1848 1848-9, P. 1, p. 201. 

6 1849 1849-50, P. 2, p. 35. 

7 1850 1850-1, P. 2, p. 217. 

8 1851 1851-2, P. 2, p. 163. 

9 1852 1852-3, P. 2, p. 197. 

10 1853 1853, Doc. No. — . 

11 1854 1854-5, P. 2, p. 565. 

12 1855 1855, P. 2, p. 1. 

13 1856 1856-7, P. 2, p. 1. 

14 1857 1857, P. 2, p. 47. 

16 1858 1858-9, P. 2, p. 1. 

16 1859 1859, P. 2, p. 1. 

17 1860 1860-1, P. 2, p. 65. 


No. Year. Doc. J. and A. E. 

18 1861 1861, p. 1. 

19 1862 1862-3, P. 1, p. 409. 

20 1863 1863, p. 277. 

21 1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 565. 

22 1865 1865-6, p. 27. 

23 1866 1866-7, Doc. No. 6. 

24 1867 1867-8, p. 17. 

25 1868 1868-9, Doc. No. 5. 

26 1869 1869, Doc. No. —. 

27 1870 1870-1, P. 1, Doc. No. — . 

28 1871 1871, Doc: No. 3. 

29 1872 1872-3, Doc. No. — . 

30 1873.., 1873, Doc. No. 13. 

31 1874: 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 7. 

32 1875 1875, Doc. No. 9. 

33 1876 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 8. 

34 1877 1877, Doc. No. 8. 

35 1878..... 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 7. 

36 1879 1879, P. 1, Doe. No. 2. 

37 1880 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 9. 

38 1881 1881, Doc. No. 10. 

39 1882 1882, Doc. No. 8. 

40 1883 1883, Doc. No. 9. 

41 1884 1884, Doc. No. 11. 

42 1885 1885, Doc. No. 5. 

43 1886 1886, Doc. No. 10. 

44 1887 , 1887, Doc. No. 6. 

45 1888 1888, P. 2, Doc. No. 2. 

Equalization Board. — A State Board of Equalization was 
created by section 15, act February 12, 1841 (1841, p. 3), 
but was abolished by act January 13, 1842 (1842, p. 126). 
Provision for a State board was made by section 8, act May 
28, 1852 (1 R. S. 1852, p. 273), and in several subsequent 
acts, but no report was required until the tax law of Decem- 
ber 21, 1872 (Spl. Sess. 1872, p. 57), by the 284th section of 
which the Governor and other State officers named were con- 
stituted a " State Board of Equalization," and required to 
meet in the year 1873 and annually thereafter. Prior to 


this time, and after the act of December 21, 1858, State 
boards had met only once in every five years. The act also 
provided that a report of their proceedings should be pub- 
lished annually in pamphlet form (sec. 296). By sec. 133 
of tax law, March 29, 1881 (1881, p. 611), the board was 
required to meet on third Monday in June each year, an an- 
nual report of its proceedings to be published (sec. 145). 
The reports from 1873 to 1888, inclusive, are contained in 
the annual reports of the Auditor of State, except the report 
for 1886, which seems to be published separately, and is 
found in Doc. J. 1886, Doc. No. 4. The reports prior to 
1873are contained in the Documentary Journals and Annual 
Reports, as follows : 

Year. Doc. J. and A. B. 

1852 1852-3, P. ], p. 193. 

1859 1859, P. 1, p. 239. 

1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 424. 

1869 (Auditor's Eeport) 1869, Doc. No.—. 

Feeble-Minded Youth.— The act March 15, 1879 (1879, p. 
76), established an "Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children," 
to be located at the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, near Knights- 
town, abolished the oflBce of trustees of the latter as a sepa- 
rate board, provided that one board of trustees should act 
for both, and required the board to report annually to the 
General Assembly on October 31. Subsequent acts were 
passed, not changing provision as to reports. The act 
March 7, 1887 (1887, p. 46), established the institution as a 
separate one, to be located near Ft. Wayne, under the name 
of the " Indiana School for Feeble-Minded Youth," and 
required the board of trustees to make annual reports on 
October 31, and that they should be filed in the oflBce of 
Secretary of State and should be printed. The reports made 
by the board to the year 1886, inclusive, embrace the affairs 


of both the Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children and the 
Soldiers' Orphans' Home. They are regularly numbered 
and included in the Documentary Journals and Annual Re- 

No. Year. Doc. J. and A. K. 

1 1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 10. 

2 1880 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 10. 

3 1881 1881, Doc. No. 12. 

4 1882 1882, Doc. No. 10. 

5 1883 1883, Doc. No. 11. 

6 1884 1884, Doc. No. 13. 

7 1885 1885, Doc. No. 7. 

8 1886 1886, Doc. No. 12. 

9 1887 1887, Doc. No. 11. 

10 1888 1888, P. 2, Doc. No. 4. 

Fisheries Commissioner. — The act March 26, 1881 (1881, 
p. 516), created the office of " Commissioner of Fisheries," 
and required him to report to the next General Assembly 
succeeding his appointment. None of the reports are in- 
cluded in the Documentary Journals and Annual Reports 
prior to the one for 1888. One by Calvin Fletcher, called 
the " First Annual," containing 103 pages, was published by 
the State in 1883 in pamphlet form. Another, by Enos B. 
Reed, was published in the Indianapolis People, January 
22, 1887. 

1888 Doc. J. 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 9. 

Fund Commissioners. — This office was a continuation of 
that of Canal Fund Commissioners. (See this title.). Former 
laws were repealed, and one fund commissioner provided for 
by act February 13, 1841 (1841, p. 214), and he was required 
to make annual reports to the Treasurer of State and to Gov- 
ernor and General Assembly when required. The office 
was abolished by the act January 28, 1842, repealing the in- 


ternal improvemeDt act. (See this title.) The following 
reports are included in the Documentary Journals : 

Yeak. Doc. J. 

1837 1837-8 (2 Docs.) Nob. — . 

1838 1838-9, p. 516. 

1839 1839-40, p. 1( after p. 126). 

1840 1840-1, P. 1, p. 202; P. 2, p. 53. 

1841 1841-2, P 1, p. 1. 

Geology and Natural Resources. — By act February 6, 1837 
(1837, p. 108), the Governor was authorized to appoint a 
•■' Geologist for the State of Indiana," to make a survey and 
report to the Legislature. The act was to expire with the 
year 1838, unless re-enacted by the next Legislature. It 
was not so re-enacted at the next session, but a similar act 
was passed February 18, 1839 (1839, p. 54). Another geo- 
logical survey was directed by act March 5, 1859 (1859, p. 
112), to be made under the supervision of the State Board 
of Agriculture. 

The act March 5, 1369 (Reg. Sess. 1869, p. 22), cre- 
ated a "Department of Geology and Natural Science," in 
connection with, and under the control of, the State Board 
of Agriculture, and required the State Geologist to make 
annual reports to that board, but provided that 2500 copies 
of his report should be printed and bound separately. 

By act March 29, 1879 (1879, p. 193), the departments of 
geology and statistics were combined under the name of the 
" Indiana Bureau of Statistics and Geology," and annual 
reports were required to be made to the Governor. 

By act April 14, 1881 (1881, p. 523), a separate "De- 
partment of Geology and Natural History " was established, 
to be under the charge of the " State Geologist," who was 
required to make annual reports to the Governor. 


By act February 26, 1889 (1889, p. 44), all former laws 
relating to this department were repealed, the offices of 
Mine Inspector and Oil Inspector abolished, and a new de- 
partment created, styled the " Department of Geology and 
Natural Eesources," consisting of four divisions: 

1. Geology and Natural Sciences. 

2. Mines and Mining. 

3. Mineral Oils. 

4. Natural Gas. 

The head of the department was styled " Director," and 
he was authorized to appoint chiefs of divisions, to report 
to him, and he to report annually to the Governor, submit- 
ting also the reports of the chiefs of divisions, 8000 copies 
of the reports to be printed. 

Under the acts 1837 and 1839 David Dale Owen, the 
State Geologist, made two reports, one for year 1837 and 
one for 1838. The first is contained in Documentary Jour- 
nal 1837-8, and also in Documentary Journal 1838-9, p. 
260, and in Documentary Journal 1852-3, P. 1, p. 153. The 
one for 1838 is contained in Documentary Journal 1838-9, 
p. 204 Both were reprinted in 1859, and bound in one vol- 
ume as parts first and second. He also made a report for 
1859-60, published separately in a volume of 368 pages, a 
condensation of which is contained in Documentary Jour- 
nal 1860-1, P. 2, p. 161. A short report to the Governor 
by E. T. Cox, dated December 11, 1874, is contained in 
Documentary Journal 1874^6, P. 1, Doc. No. 11. The 
foregoing are all that are contained in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Reports. There is also in the report 
of the State Board of Agriculture for 1853, p. 299, a report 
of a "Geological Survey of the State of Indiana," by R. T. 
Brown, "Geological Agent" of the board. Besides those 

3,4 1871-2," 

5 1873, " 

6 1874, " 

7 1875, 


above mentioned, the following have been published in sepa- 
rate volumes: 

No. Year. Vols. 

1 1869, with maps separately bound 1 

2 1870, " " 1 

separately bound 1 

in pocket 1 

" " 1 

" " 1 

8,9, 10 1876-7-8, with maps in pocket 1 

1879-80, included in 2d Annual Report of Department 
of Statistics and Geology. 

11 1881 1 

12 1882 1 

13 1883, with maps 1 

14 1884, " " 1 

15 1885-6 1 

Tables of contents of the foregoing from vol. 1 to vol. 13, inclusive, 
are contained in the catalogue of the Indianapolis Public Library for 
1885, pp. 366-7. 

Governor — Messages, Etc. — The messages, proclamations 
and inaugural addresses of the Governors are contained in 
the House and Senate Journals, and some of them in the 
Documentary Journals and Annual Reports. 

Reprieves, Commutations and Pardons. — By the Constitu- 
tion of 1851 (Art. 5, §17), the Governor is required to 
report to the General Assembly at its next meeting each 
case of reprieve, commutation or pardon granted. There 
are contained in the Documentary Journals and Annual Re- 
ports the following reports of this kind : 

Years. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1853-4 18-54-5, P. 1, p. 486. 

1855-6 1856-7, P. 1, p. 312. 

1857-8 1858-9, P. 2, p. 184. 

1858-9 1860-1, P. 1, p. 373. 

1861-2 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, pp. 1017, 1033. 


Years. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1863-4 ]864r-5, P. 2, p. 365. 

1865-6 Omitted. 

1867-8 " 

1869-70 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No. —. 

1871-2 Omitted. 

1878-4 1874-5, P. 1, Doc. No. 2. 

187.5-6 1876-7, P. 1, Doc. No. 4. 

1877-8 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 4. 

1879-80 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 1. 

1881-2 1884, Doc. No. 1. 

1883-4 " Doc. No. 2. 

1885-6 1886,'Doc. No. 1. 

1887-8 , 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 2. 

Contingent Expenses, etc. — Appropriations have been 
made from time to time to the Governor for contingent and 
oflSee expenses, for which he has been sometimes required to 
report by the acts making the appropriations or by legislative 
resolution. The foflowing reports of this kind are con- 
tained in the Documentary Journals and Annual Reports : 

Date. Doc. J. and A. E. 

January 20, 1863 1862-3, P. 2, v. 1, p. 33. 

January 8, 1879 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 2. 

January 10, 1881 1880, P. 1, Doe. No. 6. 

Health Board.— By section 3 of the act of March 29, 1879 
(1879, p. 193), creating the department of Statistics and 
Geology, it was made the duty of the Chief of the Bureau 
to collect statistical information and details relating to 
" social and sanitary condition, vital statistics, marriages and 
deaths." In discharge of this duty the Chief of the Bureau 
of Statistics and Geology has included in his reports, vol. 
1, p. 456, and vol. 2, p. 322, the first and second annual re- 
ports of the Indiana State Health Commission, which was 
not, however, as its name would imply, a State institution. 

A " State Board of Health " was created by the act March 
7, 1881 (1881, p. 37), which required reports to the Gov- 


ernor prior to November 15 of the proceedings for the year 
ending on the preceding October 31. The provision as to 
reports has not been changed by subsequent legislation. 
None of the reports are contained in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Reports, but they have been published 
regularly in separate volumes from No. 1 (1882) to No. T 
(1888), in all, 7 vols. 

Hortioultural Society. — The act March 10, 1875 (Reg. 
Sess. 1875, p. 81), provided for the incorporation of a " State 
Horticultural Society," and the making of Annual Reports 
" to the Governor to be by him presented to the next Gen- 
eral Assembly.'' The regular reports of this society begins, 
however, with the one for the year 1862, and most of the 
volumes prior to the act of 1875 were printed by the society 
at its own expense, although some of them purport to have 
been printed by the State Printer. By the public printing 
act of 1885 the reports are required to be printed bienni- 
ally, but they have nevertheless continued to be printed 
annually up to and including the one for the year 1887. 
Financial reports of the society are contained in the follow- 
lowing Documentary Journals and Annual Reports: 

Years. Doc. J. and A. K. 

3876 1876-7, V. ], Doc. No. 16. 

1878 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 13. 

1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 7. 

1880 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 11. 

1881 1881, Doc. No. 15. 

The only regular reports contained in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Reports are two : 

10 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No. — . 

11 1871, Doc. No. 9 (last in vol.). 

All the regular reports from No. 1 (1862), to No. 27 (1887), in all 
27 volumes, have been separately printed and bound. 

No. 28 (for 1888) is bound with the Agricultural Report for 1888, 
beginning at page 534. 


Indianapolis, Agent of State for. — By act January 6, 
1821 (1821, p. 44), commissioners were appointed to lay 
off town, etc., for the " permanent seat of government," 
the town to be " called and known by the name of Indian- 
apolis." The act also provided for election by General 
Assembly of an agent to attend to sale of lots, etc. By act 
January 16, 1844 (1844, p. 103), the books, etc., were trans- 
ferred to the Auditor of State. See also 1 R. S. 1851, p. 
150. Several reports made by this agent are contained in 
the House and Senate Journals. The following are in- 
cluded in the Documentary Journals : 

Deo. 1, 1835 1835-6, Doc. No. — . 

Dec. 29, 1840 1840-1, P. 1, p. 493. 

Insane Hospitals. — The annual report of the Board ot 
Trustees for 1852 (Doc. J. 1852-3, P. 2, p. 153) contains a 
history of the original hospital and the prior legislation in 
relation to it. 

A joint resolution was adopted February 13, 1843 (Loc. 
L. 1843, p. 188), requesting the Governor to communicate 
information with a view to establishing a " lunatic asylum." 
An act to raise funds for erecting such asylum was passed 
January 15, 1844 (1844, p. 50), and on January 13, 1845 
(1845, p. 58), commissioners were appointed to select and 
purchase a site. The commissioners having selected a site 
near Indianapolis, they were authorized to erect buildings 
for an institution named the " Indiana Hospital for the In- 
sane," and were required to report annually to the General 
Assembly. Act January 19, 1846 (1846, p. 116). The act 
February 15, 1848 (1848, p. 83), provided for election of 
commissioners, who were required to make annual reports 
to the General Assembly. By act February 3, 1853 (1853, 
p. 120), the commissioners were required to report annually 


on October 31 to the Governor. This provision as to re- 
ports has remained unchanged by subsequent legislation. 

The act March 11,1875 (Reg.Sess. 1875, p. 84), provided 
a Provisional Board of Commissioners to superintend erec- 
tion of a new building, to be designated, when completed, 
the " Indiana Hospital for the Insane, Department for 
Women," the old buildings to be known thereafter as "Indi- 
ana Hospital for the Insane, Department for Men." 

The act March 7, 1883 (1883, p. 164), provided for the 
construction of three additional hospitals and for the gov- 
ernment of the same by boards of commissioners under the 
same general regulations governing the. old hospital. By 
act March 1, 1889 (1889, p. 68), separate boards of trustees 
were provided for each of the additional hospitals, one ot 
which is located near Logansport and known as the " North- 
ern Indiana Hospital for the Insane,'' one near Richmond, 
and one near Evansville, and were required to make bien- 
nial reports covering the two years ending October 31, and 
to submit the same to the Governor on or before December 1 
preceding each regular session of the General Assembly. 

The reports of the old hospital are all included in the 
Documentary Journals and Annual Reports, but are errone- 
ously numbered. 

Reports of Old Hospital. — 

Year. No. Doc. J. and A.. B. 

18J5 1 1845-6, P. 2, p. 173. 

1846 2 1846-7, P. 2, p. 53. 

1847 3 1847-8, P. 2, p. 53. 

1848 4 1848-9, P. 2, p. 1. 

1849 5 1849-50, P. 2. p. 85. 

1850 6 1850-1, P. 1, p. 233. 

1851 ... (7) 1851-2, P. 2, p. 115. 

1852 ... (8) 1852-3, P. 2, p. 153. 

1853 ... (9) 1853, Doc. No. —. 

1854 ... (10) 1854-5, P. 2, p. 653. 


Yeak. No. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1855 ... (11) 1855, P. 2, p. 41. 

1856 ... (12) 1856-7, P. 2, p. 85. 

1857 ... (13) 1857, P. 2, p. 105. 

1858 ... (14) 1858-9, P. 2, p. 77. 

1359 11 (15) 1859, P. 2, p. 73. 

1860 12 (16) 1860-1, P. 2, p. 25. 

1861 ... (17) 1861, p. 101. 

1862 14 (18) 1862-3, P. 1, p. 217. 

1863 15 (19) 1863, p. 317. 

1864 16 (20) 1864-5, p. 369. 

1865 17 (21) 1865-6, p. 111. 

1866 18 (22) 1866-7, Doc. No. 2. 

1867 19 (23) 1867-8, Doc. No. 7, p. 251. 

1868 20 (24) " " 

1869 21 (25) 1869, Doc. No. —. 

1870 22 (26) 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No.—. 

1871 23 (27) 1871, Doc. No. 4. 

1872 24 (28) 1872-3, Doc. No. —. 

1873 25 (29) 1873, Doc. No. 12. 

1874 26 (30) .1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 6. 

1875 27 (31) 1875, Doc. No. 11. 

1876 ... (32) 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 6. 

1877 ... (33) 1877, Doc. No. 10. 

1878 30 (34) 1878-9, P. 2,Doc. No. 5. 

1879 31 (35) 1879, P. 1, Doc. No. 3. 

1880 32 (36) 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 6. 

1881 33 (37) 1881, Doc. No. 9. 

1882 34 (38) 1882, Doc. No. 7. 

1883 35 (39) 1883, Doc. No. 8. 

1884 36 (40) 1884, Doc. No. 10. 

1885 37 (41) 1885, Doc. No. 4. 

1886 38 (42) 1886, Doc. No. 9. 

1887 39 (43) 1887, Doc. No. 4. 

1888 40 (44) 1888, P. 2, Doc. No. 1. 

Reports of Provisional Board, Department for Women. — 

July 1, 1876 1875, Doc. No. 12. 

Dec. 31, 1876 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 7. 

Oct. 31,1878 (from March 20,1875) 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 6. 



Report of Superintendent of Construction, Department for 
Women. — 
Dec. 1, 1880 (for 1879-80) 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 7. 

Reports of Additional Hospitals. — A report by the Com- 
missioners, in pamphlet form (126 pages), was made in 1886, 
but was not included in the Documentary Journal for that 
year. It covers a period from organization of board, April 
11, 1883, to December 7, 1886. 

Insurance Commission. — Pursuant to a concurrent reso- 
lution (Laws 1879, p. 261), a commission was constituted to 
codify the insurance laws and report a bill to the next Gen- 
eral Assembly. The commission made a report to the next 
session, which is not contained in the House, Senate, or 
Documentary Journals of 1881, but which was printed in 
pamphlet form. The report covers 25 pages, and the ac- 
companying bill 36 pages. 

Insurance Commissioner. — Mr. John A. Finch was ap- 
pointed by Gov. Hendricks as a Special Commissioner in 
1875, and also in 1876 to attend the National Convention of 
Insurance Commissioners held in those years. His report, 
dated January 1, 1877, is found in Documentary Journal 
1876-7, P. 1, Doc. No. 14. 

Interned Improvement; Board, etc. — One of the conditions 
of the congressional enabling act (April 19, 1816), for the 
organization of the State of Indiana out of the Indiana 
Territory was, that '■' 5 per cent, of the net proceeds of the 
lands lying within the said territory * * * shall be 
reserved for making public roads and canals, of which 
three-fifths shall be applied to those objects within the said 
State, under the direction of the Legislature thereof, etc." 
This condition was accepted by the Constitutional Conven- 


tion of 1816, and, in anticipation of the receipts of the 3 
per cent, fund, the State early began the work of internal 

In 1821 the sum of $100,000, " of the fund commonly 
called the 3 per cent, fund," was appropriated for the con- 
struction of certain " State roads," therein named ; various 
commissioners were appointed to supervise the works and 
the office of "Agent of the 3 per cent, fund " was created. 
(Laws 1822, p. 152.) In 1824 an appropriation out of the 
3 per cent, fund was made for the improvement of the 
navigation of the Wabash river. (Spl. Acts 1824, p. 82.) 
In 1828 the construction of the Wabash and Miami (after- 
wards called the Wabash and Erie) Canal, was authorized. 
(Laws 1828, p. 10.) In 1829 further legislation was had 
respecting the State roads and the duties of the Agent of 
the 3 per cent fund, who was required to report annually 
to the Legislature. (Laws 1829, p. 98.) In 1830 the New 
Albany and Vincennes Turnpike Road was incorporated 
and the State Treasurer authorized to subscribe for 100 
shares of stock for the State. (Laws 1830, p. 60 ) In 
1831 a commissioner was appointed for the construction 
of a portion of the Michigan road. (Spl. Acts 1831, p. 

There was a prospect of getting some more money from 
the United States government, arising out of the anticipated 
division of the surplus revenue, which was afterwards made 
(1836), and various other acts were passed for the construc- 
tion of canals, railroads, and other public works, and the 
creation of the offices of Canal Commissioners, etc., and 
finally, in 1836, by act January 27 (1836, p. 6) a vast gen- 
eral scheme of internal improvement was hatched. This act, 
commonly known as the " Internal Improvement Act," 
provides for the construction, or for surveys and estimates 


with a view to the construction of the following public 
works : 

1. White Water Canal, and a connection between it and 
the Central Canal by canal, if practicable, if not, by railroad. 

2. Central Canal. 

3. An extension of the Wabash and Erie Canal from the 
mouth of the Tippecanoe River toTerre Haute, and thence 
to connect with the Central Canal. 

4. A railroad from Madison, by way of Indianapolis, to 

5. A McAdamized turnpike road from New Albany to 

6. A railroad, if practicable, if not a McAdamized road, 
from Jefferson ville, by way of New Albany and Salem, to 

7. The removal of obstructions to navigation of the 
Wabash River, between its mouth and Vincennes. 

8. The Erie and Michigan Canal or Railroad. 

The board was authorized to put under contract and con- 
struct that part of the Wabash and Erie Canal lying be- 
tween the Tippecanoe River and the Ohio line. Provision 
was also made for the issue of State bonds to aid in the con- 
struction of the Lawrenceburg and Indianapolis Railroad. 

The act provided for the appointment of six persons, who, 
together with the three existing Canal Commissioners, were 
to constitute a "Board of Internal Improvement." The 
act also created a " fund for internal improvement," and im- 
posed additional duties upon the Canal Fund Commis- 
sioners. The board was required to report annually to the 
Legislature, and, also, when required, to the Governor. By 
an amendatory act, passed February 6, 1837 (1837, p. 66), 
it was provided that the board of Canal Fund Commis- 
sioners (afterwards reduced to one commissioner) should be 
designated as the " Fund Commissioners of Indiana." Sur- 


veys were directed for the purpose of extending the Erie 
and Michigan Canal and constructing the East Fork Canal 
(Laws 1837, pp. 73, 74), and various other public works 
were begun or contemplated. In 1839, by act February 8 
(1839, p. 3) the number of members of the Board of Internal 
Improvement was reduced to three, and the board was au- 
thorized to take charge of all the public works of the State. 
The act also created the ofiBce of '' Chief Engineer " of the 

The whole system soon broke down, and by act January 
28, 1842 (1842, p. 3), the Board of Internal Improvement 
and the offices of Fund Commissioner and Chief Engineer 
were abolished (sec. 65). 

The repealing act provided for continuing the construc- 
tion, by private corporations, of several of the works already 
begun, and for a commissioner to take charge of the Wabash 
and Erie Canal east of Lafayette (provision having before 
been made for the completion of the canal west of that 
place), and the Erie and Michigan Canal, and to perform 
all the duties in relation thereto before required of the 
Board of Internal Improvement. State Agents were also 
appointed for the Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, the 
Whitewater Canal and the New Albany and Vincennes 
road. The act (sec. 68) also created the ofBce of " Agent of 
the State," to whom was transferred the various duties be- 
fore imposed upon the Fund Commissioner. 

The State being now deeply in debt, in order to set- 
tle with its creditors and complete the Wabash and Erie 
Canal to Evansville, the acts of January 19, 1846 (1846, p. 
3), and January 27, 1847 (1847, p. 3), were passed, the first 
of which, commonly known as the " Butler bill," providing 
for the funded. debt of the State, a "Board of Tru.stees of 
the Wabash and Erie Canal," and its completion to Evans- 


The propositions of Charles Buller, Esq., the representa- 
tive of the bondholders, upon which the Butler bill was 
based, and various messages, reports and other documents 
in relation thereto, will be found in the Documentary Jour- 
nal of the 30th session (1845-6). In these documents, and 
in those contained in the Documentary Journals for subse- 
quent years, particularly in the reports of the Auditor of 
State, will also be found much information as to the expend- 
itures upon and receipts from the various public works and 
the final disposition of them by the State. 

Many reports are found in the House, Senate and Docu- 
mentary Journals made by the different Boards, Commis- 
sioners, Superintendents, Engineers, etc., appointed in 
pursuance of the acts above mentioned, and also divers re- 
ports made by them and by the Board of Internal Improve- 
ment in response to resolutions of the House or Senate or 
calls by the Governor. The regular annual reports of the 
Board of Internal Improvement were six in number, and 
were as follows : 

Date. Doc. J. 

Dec. 17,1836 1836-7, Doc. No. — . 

Dec. 15, 1837 1837-8, Doc. No. — . 

Dec. 21, 1838 1838-9, p. 102. 

1839 1839-40, P. 1, p. 11. 

Nov. 30, 1840 1840-1, P. 2, p. 3. 

Dec. 6,1841 1841-2, P. 1, p. 53. 

Kankakee River Gommissioners. — The " Board of Com- 
missioners for the removal of the limestone ledge in the 
Kankakee river" was created by act March 7, 1889 (1889, 
p. 291), requiring the board to report annually to the Gov- 
ernor. No reports have yet been published. 

Librarian, State. — A State Library was established by act 
February 11, 1825 (1825, p. 47), and Secretary of State 


made ex- officio State Librarian and required to make an- 
nual reports to the General Assembly. The act of Febru- 
ary 2, 1841 (1841, p. 114), provided for election of Libra- 
rian by Legislature. Various duties in addition to care of 
the State Library have been imposed upon the Librarian 
by difiFerent statutes. See Laws, 1841, p. 114; Laws 1889, 
p. 58. 

The provision for Annual Reports to the Legislature was 
retained until the sessions became biennial, when the Li- 
brarian was required to report to it biennially. 1 R. S. 
1852, p. 348. This has continued to be the law. The re- 
ports of the Librarian prior to the commencement of the 
Documentary Journals are contained in House and Senate 
Journals, and a few are contained in the latter which are 
omitted from the former, as noted below. 

There are contained in the Documentary Journals and 
Annual Reports the following: 

Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1835 1835-6, Doc. No. —. 

1836 (S. J. 1836-7, p. 28) Omitted. 

1837 1837-8, Doc. No. —. 

1838 1838-9, p. 27. 


1840 Omitted. 

1841 1841-2, P. 2, p. 13. 

1842 (S. J. 1841-2, p. 461) Omitted. 

1843 " 

1844 (S. J. 1844-5, p. 48) " 

1845 1845-6, P. 2, p. 9. 

1846 1846-7, P. 2, p. 143. 

1847 1847-8,P. 2, p. 279. 

1848 1848-9,P. 2, p. 303. 

1849 1849-50,P. 2, p. 235. 

1850 1850-1, P. 2, p. 269. 

1851 1851-2, P.2, p. 155. 

1852 1852-3, P. 2, p. 381. 

1853 Omitted. 


Yeah. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1854 1854-5, P. 2, p. 955. 

1855-6 1856-7, P. 2, p. 173. 

1857 to 1860 Omitted. 

1861-2 1862-3, P.l, p. 145. 

1863 to 1872 Omitted. 

1873-4 1874-5,P.l,Doc.No.lO. 

1875-6 1876-7,P.l,Doc.No.9. 

1877-8 (2 Annuals) 1878-9,P.l, Doc.No.9. 

1879-80 (2 Annuals) 1880, P.l, Doc. No. 16. 

* Report made but not printed. See report of Philip Sweetzer of House 
Committee, contained in Doc. J. 1840-1, P. 1, p. 527. 

The biennial reports for the following years have been 
omitted from the Documentary Journals and Annual Re- 
ports, but have been printed separately in pamphlet form : 


Live Stock Sanitary Commission. — The " State Live Stock 
Sanitary Commission " was created by act March 9, 1889 
(1889, p. 380), and commission required to make annual 
reports to Governor, to be by him submitted to next regular 
or called session of the General Assembly. No reports 
have yet been published. 

Loan Commissioners. — A " Board of Loan Commission- 
ers " was created to meet the expenses incident to the rebel- 
lion by act May 13, 1861 (Spl. Sess. 1861, p. 16). The 
act required the board to make quarterly reports to the 
Auditor of State, but a report was also made to the Gov- 
ernor, reporting the proceedings of the commissioners from 
date of organization to date of report (January 9, 1863). 
The report is contained in Doc. J. 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, p. 993. 


Michigan Road Commissioner. — See Internal Improve- 
ment, etc. Several acts have been passed relating to the 
Michigan road and from time to time commissioners have 
been appointed whose duties related either to what were 
called the " Michigan road lands " or to the construction of 
the road or some part of it. See Spl. Acts, 1831, p. 119; 
Loc. L. 1836, p. 348. By the last act it was provided that 
after February 20, 1837, the office of Commissioner of the 
Michigan Road should be abolished, but by subsequent acts 
it was continued for specified purposes for a few years after 
that time. By act January 15, 1844 (1844, p. 103), the 
books, etc., of the office were transferred to the Auditor of 
State. See, also, 1 E. S. 1852, p. 150. The following re- 
ports of commissioners are contained in the Documentary 
Journals : 

Year. Doc. J. 

1836 1836-7, Doc. No. — . 

1837 1837-8, Doc. No. — . 

1838 1838-9, p. 649. 

1839 1839-40, p. 131. 

Mine Inspector.— The act March 8, 1879 (1879, p. 19), 
created the office of " Mine Inspector," and required annual 
reports to the Governor. It was abolished by act February 
26, 1889. See Geology, etc. 

The following reports are contained in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Reports : 

No. Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1 1879-80 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 7. 

2 1881 1881, Doc. No. 13. 

1882 Omitted. 

3 (4) 1883 1883, Doc. No. 12. 

4 (5) 1884 1884, Doc. No. 14. 

6 1885 1885, Doc. No. 8. 

7 1886 1886, Doc. No. 13. 

9(1 Bien.) 1887-8 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 7. 


New Albany and Vincennes Turnpike Road. — See Internal 
Improvement. The company for the construction of this 
road was incorporated by act January 29, 1830 (1830, p. 
60), and the State Treasurer authorized to subscribe 100 
shares for the State. It is one of the public works included 
in the Internal Improvement act. By act February 22, 
1840 (Loc. L. 1840, p. 148), it was taken out of the con- 
trol of the Board of Internal Improvement and put in 
charge of superintendents, who were required to make an- 
nual reports to the Board of Internal Improvement or Treas- 
urer of State on or before October 1 in each year. A sub- 
sequent act required reports to Auditor of State (1845, p. 
57). The following reports are included in the Document- 
ary Journals : 

Year. Doc. J. 

1845 1845-6, P. 2, p. 77. 

1846 1846-7, P. 2, p. 85. 

1847 1847-8, P. 2, p. 323. 

1848 1848-9, P. 2, p. 290. 

1849 1849-50, P. 2, p. 231. 

1850 1850-1, P. l,p. 193. 

Normal School— The act December 20, 1865 (Spl. Sess. 
1865, p. 140), authorized establishment of the " Indiana 
State Normal School," and required Board of Trustees to 
report biennially to Legislature, and to Governor on or be- 
fore first Monday in January when Legislature is not in 
session. The public printing act of 1885 requires biennial 
reports only. There is some confusion in the numbering 
of the reports. In the one for 1875 the President states 
that it is the "sixth annual since its organization." After 
that, with two exceptions, the reports are regularly num- 
bered. The following are contained in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Keports : 


No. Year. Doc. J. akd A. R. 

1870 ]870-l,P. 2, DocNc— . 

1871 Omitted. 

1872 1872-3, Doc. No. — . 

1873-4 1874^5, P. 2, Doc. No. 3. 

6 1875 1875, Doc. No. 5. 

7 1876 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 3. 

8 1877 1877, Doc. No. 5. 

9 1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 3. 

(10) 1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 9. 

11 1880 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 14. 

12 1881 1881, Doc. No. 7. 

13 1882 1882, Doc. No. 6. 

14 1883 1883, Doc. No. 7. 

15 1884 1884, Doc. No. 9. 

16 1885 1885, Doc. No. 3. 

(1 Bien.) 1886 1886, Doc. No. 8. 

(2 " ) 1887-8 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 12. 

Oil Inspector. — The office of " State Inspector of Oils " 
was created by act March 31, 1879 (1879, p. 162), requiring 
him to make annual reports to Governor on second Monday 
in January. The office was abolished by act February 26, 
1889 (1889, p. 44). See Geology, etc. The following re- 
ports are contained in the Documentary Journals and An- 
nual Reports : 

Year. Doc. J. and A. K 

1880 (From June 6, 1879, to Dec. 31, 1880)..1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 8. 

1881 (From June 13, 1881, to Dec. 31, 1881)..1881, Doc. No. 14. 

1882 1882, Doc. No. 11. 

1883 Omitted. 

1884 1884, Doc. No. 15. 

1885 1885, Doc. No. 9. 

1886 1886, Doo. No. 14. 

1887 Omitted. 

1888 '. 1888,P.l, Doc. No. 8. 

Prison South. — The Southern Prison at Jeffersonville was 


located by act January 9, 1821 (1821, p. 24), which created 
a " Board of Managers," provided for the appointment of 
an agent to superintend the prison, and required him to 
report annually to the General Assembly. The act Febru- 
ary 17, 1838 (R. S. 1838, p. 572), authorized the Governor 
to appoint a Superintendent and a Visitor, who were to 
report respectively to the Secretary of State and to the Gov- 

The erection of a new Slate prison at the same place was 
authorized by act January 31, 1842 (1842, p. 98). An act 
passed January 16, 1846 (Loc. L., 1846, p. 35), provided 
for election by Legislature of a Warden, he to report an- 
nually to the Legislature, and the appointment by the Gov- 
ernor of a Chaplain. By act May 27, 1852 (1 E. S 1852, p. 
391), it was provided that the officers should consist of the 
lessee, warden, chaplain and physician, the warden to re- 
port to the General Assembly at each session. By two acts 
passed March 3, 1855 (1855, pp. 195, 197), the government 
of the prison was vested in three Directors, they to elect the 
warden. The first act also provided for the appointment 
of a " Moral Instructor," and abolished the office of Visitor. 
The last act required the Directors to report annually to the 
Governor in December. Former laws were repealed, and 
a general law passed February 5, 1857 (1857, p. 103), but 
provision as to Directors' reports remained unchanged. 

After the act of 1859, providing for the Northern Prison, 
the old prison was known as the " Prison South." 

Reports of Visitors, Superintendents, etc., of Old State 
Prison. — The separate reports of the Visitors, etc., of the Old 
State Prison, prior to the commencement of the Document- 
ary Journals, are found in the House and Senate Journals. 
There are contained in the Documentary Journals the fol- 
lowing : 


Date. Doc. J. 

1838 (Supts.) 1838-9, p. 530. 

1839 " 1839-40, P. 2, p. 1.54. 

1840 (Visitor) 1839-40, P. 1, p. 135. 

1841 (Sapts.) 1841-2, P. 2, p. 503. 

1842 (Visitor) 1842-3, P. 1, p. 79. 

1843 (Vis. and Supt.) 1843-4, P. 1, p. 291. 

1844 " " 1844-5, P. 2, pp. 51, 59. 

1845 " " 1845-6, P. 2, pp. 19, 27, 279. 

1846 (Visitor) 1846-7, P. 2, p. 135. 

1848 " 1848-9, P. 2, p. 105. 

1850 " 1850-1, P. 1, p. 209. 

1854 (Vis. and Chaplain) 1854-5, P. 1, pp. 509, 515. 

Reports of Wardens, Directors, etc. — The reports of the 
Wardens, Directors, etc., begin with the one for 1846, and 
generally include reports of the chaplains and physicians. 
The numbering of the reports got into confusion and was 
abandoned after 1864. From 1856 to 1876 the reports are 
for the years ending December 15 ; after that for years ending 
October 31. The following are contained in the Document- 
ary Journals and Annual Reports : 

Old State Prison- 
No. Year. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1 1846 1846-7, P. 2, p. 37. 

2 1847 .....1847-8, P. 2, p. 115. 

3 1848 1848-9, P. 2, p. 69. 

4 1849 1849-50, P. 2, p. 181. 

5 1850 1850-1, P. 1, p. 159. 

6. 1851 1851-2, P. 2, p. 271. 

7 1852 1852-3, P. I, p. 273. 

8 1853 1853, Doc. No. — . 

8 (9) 1854 1854-5, P. 2, p. 969. 

... (10) 1855 1855, P. 2, p. 201. 

... (11) 1856 1856-7, P. 2, p. 205. 

... (12) 1857 1857, P. 2, p. 221. 

12 (13) 1858 18-58-9, P. 2, p. 189. 

13 (14) 1859 1859, P. 2, p. 113. 


Prison South — 
No. Year. Doc. J. and A. K. 

14 (15) 1860 1860-1, P. 2, p. 245. 

15 (16) 1861 1861, p. 519. 

16 (17) 1862 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, p. 933. 

17 (18) 1863 1863, p. 349. 

18 (19) 1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 793. 

Year. Doc. J. and A. K. 

1865 to 1867 Omitted. 

1868 1867-8, Doc. No. 8. 

" Supplement 1868-9, Doc. No.—. 

1869 1869, Doc. No. — . 

1870 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No. —. 

1871 1871, Doc. No. 6. 

1872 1872-3, Doc. No.—. 

1873 1873, Doc. No. 8. 

1874 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 10. 

1875 1875, Doc. No. 18. 

1876 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 14. 

1877 1877, Doc. No. 15. 

1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 13. 

1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 13. 

1880 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 3. 

1881 1881, Doc. No. 18. 

1882 1882, Doc. No. 14. 

1883 1883, Doc. No. 15. 

1884 1884, Doc. No. 18. 

1885 1885, Doc. No. 12. 

1886 1886, Doc. No. 17. 

1887 1887, Doc. No. 8. 

1888 1888, P. 2, Doc. No. 7. 

Prison North.— The act March 5, 1859 (1859, p. 135) j pro- 
vided for erection of the Prison North, and made the laws 
in relation to Old State Prison applicable to the new one. 
The reports are for the years ending December 15 to 1876, 
inclusive; after that they are for years ending October 31. 
After 1864 they are not numbered. The following are con- 
tained in the Documentary Journals and Annual Reports : 


No. Year. Doc. J. and A. K. 

1 I860 1860-1, P. 2, p. 439. 

2 1861 1861, p. 399. 

3 1862 1862-3, P. 2, v.l, p. 49. 

4 1863 1863, p. 401. 

5 1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 605. 

Yeab. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1865 to 1868 Omitted. 

1869.; 1869, Doc. No. — . 

1870 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No. — . 

1871 1871, Doc. No. 5. 

1872 1872-3, Doc. No. —. 

1873 1873, Doc. No. 9. 

1874 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 11. 

1875 1875, Doc. No. 17. 

1876 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 13. 

1877 1877, Doc. No. 14. 

1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 12. 

1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 14. 

1880 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 2. 

1881 1881, Doc. No. 19. 

1882 1882, Doc. No. 15. 

1883 1883, Doc. No. 16. 

1884 1884, Doc. No. 19. 

1885 1885, Doc. No. 13. 

1886 1886, Doc. No. 18. 

1887 1887, Doc. No. 7. 

1888 1888, P. 2, Doc. No. 8. 

Public Instruction, Superintendent. — Reports in favor of 
appointing a superintendent of common schools were made 
to the House of Representatives at the sessions of 1838-9 
(Doc. J. 1838-9, p. 587) and 1840-1 (Doc. J. 1840-1, P. 1, 
p. 513). By R. S. 1843, p. 324, the office of "Superinten- 
dent of Common Schools " was created and the Treasurer of 
State was required to perform the duties of a part of the 


duties of his ofiBce, and to make annual reports to the Gen- 
eral Assembly. 

The Constitution of 1851 (art. 8, sec. 8) provided for the 
election of a "State Superintendent of Public Instruction," 
and various laws have since been enacted defining his duties. 
By 1 R. S. 1852, pp. 448-9, he was required to make annual 
reports tp the General Assembly when in session, when not, 
to the Governor. By sections 127, 128, act March 11, 1861 
(Reg. Sess. 1861,p. 68) he was required to make biennial re- 
ports to General Assembly when in regular session, and in 
years when not, to make brief reports in January to the 
Governor. The public printing act of 1885 provides for 
the publication of the biennial reports only. 

The reports of the Treasurer of State as ex-offioio Super- 
intendent of Common Schools were regularly made and are 
included in the Documentary Journals, except the one for 
1848. This was made to the House (House J. 1848-9, p. 
47), but was not printed in either the House or Document- 
ary Journal for that year. 

The reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction 
are contained in the Documentary Journals and Annual 
Reports except as indicated below. The 3d and subsequent 
biennial reports are for the years ending August 31. 

Reports of Superintendent of Common Schools. — 

Yeab. Doc. J. 

1843 1843-4, P. 1, p. 325. 

1844 1844-5, P. 1, p. 77. 

1845 1845-6, P. 2, p.lOl. 

1846 1846-7, P. 2, p.ll9. 

1847 1847-8, P. 2, p. 349. 

1848 Omitted. 

1849 1849-50, P. 2, p. 243. 

1850 1850-1, P. 1, p. 225. 

1851 1851-2, P. 1, p. 1. 


Reports of Superintendent of Public Instruction. — 

No. BiENNiAi.. Year. Doc J. and A. K. 

1 - 1852 1852-3, P. 2, p. 245. 

2 ... 1853 1853, Doc. No. —. 

3 ... 1854 1854-5, P. 2, P. 817. 

4 ... 1855 1855, P. 2, p. 233. 

5 ... 1856 1856-7, P. 1, p. 435. 

6 ... 1857 1857, P. 1, p. 293. 

7 ... 1858 1858-9, P. 2, p. 287. 

8 ... 1859 1859, P. 2, p. 193. 

9 ... 1860 18B0-1, P. 2, p. 317. 

10 ... 1861 1862-3, P. 2, V. 1, p. 149. 

11 1 1861-2 1862-3, P. 1, p. 1. 

12 ... 1863 1863, p. 457. 

13 2 1863-4 1864-5, P. 1, p. 29. 

14 3 1865-6 1865-6, p. 281. 

(15) ... 1867 1867-8, p. 243. 

16 4 1867-8 1867-8, Doc. No. —. 

(17) ... 1869 1869, Doc. No. —. 

18 5 1869-70 1870-1, P. 1, Doc. No. —. 

19 ... 1871 Omitted. 

20 6 1871-2 1872-3, Doc. No. —. 

(21) ... 1873 1873, Doc. No. 5. 

22 7 1873-4 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 1. 

23 ... 1875 1875, Doc. No. 4. 

24 8 1875-6 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 1. 

25 ... 1877 1877, Doc. No. 4. 

26 9 1877-8 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 1. 

27 ... 1879 , 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 4. 

28 10 1879-80 Omitted. 

29 ... 1881 1881, Doc. No. 4. 

30 11 1881-2 Omitted. 

31 .. 1883 1883, Doc. No. 4. 

The following biennial reports, not contained in the 

Documentary Journals and Annual Reports, have been 

published separately. 

No. Biennial. Year. 

28 10 1879-80. 

30 11 1881-2. 

32 12 1883-4. 
34 13 1885-6. 
36 14 1887-8. 



Purdue University. — By act March 6, 1865 (Reg. Sess. 
1865, p. 106), the State accepted the provisions of the act 
of Congress, passed July 2, 1862, donating lands for agri- 
cultural and mechanical colleges, and created a board of 
" Trustees of the Indiana Agricultural College." A further 
act was passed May 6, 1869 (Spl. Sess. 1869, p. 24), accept- 
ing donation made by John Purdue, locating the institu- 
tion in Tippecanoe county under the name of ''Purdue 
University " and changing the name of old board of trus- 
tees of the Agricultural College to " Trustees of Purdue 
University." John Purdue was given visitorial powers 
and authorized to report to Genei'al Assembly at any ses- 
sion thereof. 

A history of the institution is given in the report of the 
secretary for 1874. 

By the public printing act of 1885 the reports are to be 
published biennially, the catalogues annually. The number- 
ing of the reports begins with the one for the year 1874, 
the institution not having been formally opened until Sep- 
tember of that year. The following are contained in the 
Documentary Journals and Annual Reports : 

No. Yeak. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1870 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No. — . 

(1) 1874 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 4. 

1875 (Treasurer's Eep.) 1875, Doc. No. 7. 

2 1875-6 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 4. 

(3) 1877 1877, Doc. No. 7. 

4 1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 4. 

5 1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 8. 

6 1880 1880, P. ], Doc. No. 15. 

7 1881 1881, Doc. No. 6. 

8 1882 1882, Doc. No. 5. 

9 1883 1883, Doc. No.6. 

10 1884 1884, Doc. No. 8. 

12 (IB.) 1885-6 1886, Doc. No. 7. 

14 (2 "■) 1887-8 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 11. 


Quarter- Master General. — The office of Quarter-Master 
General was created by Constitution of 1816 (art. 7, sec. 7), 
and continued by Constitution of 1851 (art. 12, sec. 2). His 
duties have been defined in the various militia laws. See 
also acts May 31 and June 3, 1861 (Spl. Sess. 1861, pp. 
85, 87). 

The following reports are contained in the Documentary 
Journals and Aijnual Reports : 

Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1844 1844-5, P. 2, p. 35. 

]845 .■ 1845-6, P. 2, p. 43. 

1846 1846-7, P. 2, p. 17. 

1847 , 1847-8, P. 2, p. 319. 

1848-1849 Omitted. 

1850 1850-1, P. 2, p. 277. 

1851-1857 Omitted. 

1858 1858-9, P. 2, p. 261. 

1859-1860 Omitted. 

1861 (April 29, 1861, to May 1, 1862) 1862-3, P. 2, v. 1, p. 649. 

1862 (May 30 to October 13, 1862) 1862-3, P. 2, v. 1, p. 681. 

1863 : Omitted. 

1864 1864-5, P. 2, p. 201. 

1865-73 Omitted. 

1874 1874-5, P. 1, Doc. No. 4. 

1875 Omitted. 

1876 1876-7, P.], Doc. No. 12. 

1877-1878 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 11. 

1879-1880 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 5. 

Reform School for Boys. — Provision was made by Con- 
stitution of 1851 (art. 9, sec. 2) for a house of refuge for 
juvenile offenders, but no law was enacted until the act 
March 8, 1867 (1867, p. 137), which provided for estab- 
lishment of the " House of Refuge for Juvenile Offenders," 
requiring the Board of Control to report to Governor an- 
nually on or before January 1. By act February 23, 1883 ■ 
(1883, p. 19), the name was changed to "Indiana Reform 


School for Boys,'' and the government vested in a Board of 
Control, which was required to make annual reports to the 
Governor on October 31. 

The reports are regularly numbered and after the year 
1876 are for years ending October 31. They are all, except 
the 2d and 6th, contained in the Documentary Journals and 
Annual Reports. 

Reports of House of Refuge. — 

No. Year. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1 1867 1867-8, Doc. No. 4. 

(2) 1868 Omitted. • 

3 1869 1869, Doc. No. — . 

(4) 1870 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No. — . 

5 1871 1871, Doc. No. 7. 

(6) 1872 Omitted. 

7 187.S 1873, Doc. No. 11. 

8 1874 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 12 

9 1875 1875, Doc. No. 16. 

10 1876 : 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 12. 

11 1877 1877, Doc. No. 13. 

12 1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 11. 

13 1879 1879, P. 2, Doc, No. 12. 

14 1880 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 5. 

15 1881 1881, Doe. No. 17. 

16 1882 1882, Doc. No. 13. 

Reports of Reform School for Boys. — 

No. Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

17 1883 1883, Doc. No. 14. 

18 1884 1884, Doc. No. 17. 

19 1885 1885, Doc. No. 11. 

20 1886 1886, Doe. No. 16. 

21 1887 1887, Doe. No. 9. 

22 1888 1888, P. 2, Doc. No. 6. 

Reform School for Girls, etc. — The "Indiana Reformatory 
Institution for Women and Girls " was established by act 
May 13, 1869 (Spl. Sess. 1869, p. 61), and government 


vested in a Board of Managers which was required to report 
annually to the Governor on or before January 1. The act 
also required Governor to appoint a Board of Visitors, to 
make at least two visitations a year, and report to him. By 
act March 9, 1889 (1889, p. 322), the name was changed to 
" Keform School for Girls and Women's Prison." The re- 
ports subsequent to 1876 are for years ending October 31. 
They are all contained in the Documentary Journals and 
Annual Reports, and are regularly numbered. 

No. Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

(1) 1870 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No. — , 

2 1871-2-3 .- 1873, Doc. No. 10. 

3 1874 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 13. 

4 1875.. 1875, Doc. No. 14. 

5 1876 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 11. 

6 1877 1877, Doc. No. 11. 

7 1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 10. 

8 1879 1879,P. 2, Doc. 11. 

9 1880 1880, P. 2, Doc. No. 4. 

10 1881 1881, Doc. No. 16. 

11 1882 1882, Doc. No. 12. 

12 1883 1883, Doc. No. 13. 

13 1884 1884, Doc. No. 16. 

14 1885 1885, Doc. No. 10. 

15 1886 1886, Doc. No. 1-5. 

16 1887 1887, Doc. No. 10. 

17 1888 1888, P. 2, Doc. No. 

Secretary of State. — The ofiSce of Secretary of State was 
created by Constitution of 1816 (art. 4, sec. 21), and con- 
tinued by Constitution of 1851 (art. 6, sec. 1). By Consti- 
tution of 1816 he was to make reports to either house of the 
General Assembly "when required." The act January 25, 
1841 (1841, p. 1 24), required him to make annual reports to 
Governor by Nov. 1. By act May 20, 1852 (1 R. S. 1852, 
p. 435), he was required to report " relative to the official 
acts and proceedings of the Governor " to either house of 


the General Assembly " when required by such house," and 
also to the Governor whenever required, " upon any subject 
relating to the duties of his office." The act February 3, 
1853 (1853, p. 120), required him to report annually to the 
Governor on October 31. The public printing act of 1885 
requires biennial reports. The reports are not numbered. 
Several are found in the House and Senate Journals. The 
following are contained in the Documentary Journals and 
Annual Reports : 

Year. Doc. J. and A. B. 

1835 1835-6, Dog. No. — . 

1838 1838-9, p. 25. 

1839 1839-40, P. 2, p. 77. 

1840 1840-1, P. 1, p. 475. 

1841 1841-2, P. 2, p. 2. 

1842 1842-3, P. 2, p. 1. 

1843 1843-4, P.], p. 9. 

1844 1844-5, P. 1, p. 81. 

1845 1845-6, P. ],p. 81. 

1846 1846-7, P. 1, p. 77. 

1847 1847-8, P. 1, p. 151. 

1848 1848-9,P. l,p. 113. 

1849 1849-50, P. 1, p. 77. 

1850 1850-1, P. 1, p. 151. 

1851 1851-2, P. 1, p. 194. 

1852 Omitted. 

1853 1853, Doc. No.—. 

1854 ; •. 1854-5, P. 2, p. 1157. 

1855 .' 1855, P. 1, p. 257. 

1856 1856-7, P. 1, p. 395. 

1857 ' 1857, P 2, p.289. 

1858-1859..... Omitted. 

1860 1860-1, P. 2, p. 497. 

1861-1870 Omitted. 

1871 1871, Doc. No. 10. 

1872 Omitted. 

1873 1873, Doc. No. 1. 

1874 .' 1874-5, P. 1, Doc. No. 6. 

1875 1875, Doc. No. 1. 


Yeae. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1876 1876-7, P. 1, Doc. No. 5. 

1877 1877, Doc. No. 1. 

1878 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 5. 

1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 1. 

1880 1880, P. l,Doc. No. 1. 

1881 1881, Doc. No. 1. 

, 1882 1882, Doc. No. 1. 

1883 1883, Doc. No. 1. 

1884 1884, Doc. No. 3. 

1885-6, 1 Bien 1886, Doc. No. 2. 

1887-8, '2 " 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 3. 

Sinking Fund. — A history of this fund is found in the re- 
port of the Auditor of State for 1870, p. 75. 

The act January 28, 1834 (1834, p. 12), establishing a 
State Bank, also created a Sinking Fund, and provided that 
the president and directors on the part of the State should 
constitute a Board of Commissioners of such fund, and re- 
quired the board to make annual reports to the Legislature. 
(Sees. 113 to 121.) Various supplemental acts were after- 
wards passed. 

The act March 1, 1859 (1859, p. 186), provided for dis- 
tribution of fund, and that after that the office should cease. 
It was finally abolished from and after January 20, 1867, 
by act December 21,1865 (Spl. Sess. 1865, p. 48), and books, 
etc., transferred to Auditor of State. See, also, act March 
11, 1867 (1867, p. 21) ; post: State Debt Sinking Fund. 

The reports prior to 1835 are contained in the House and 
Senate Journals. The following are contained in the Doc- 
umentary Journals and Annual Reports. 

YbAK. DoO. J. AND A. E. 

1835 ■ 1835-6, Doc. No. — . 

1836 ■ Omitted. 

1837 ■ 1837-8, Doc. No. — . 

1838 1838-9, p. 31. 

1839 1839-40, P. 2, p. 239. 


Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1840 1840-1, P. 1, p. 213. 

1841 1841-2, P. 1, p. 85. 

1842 1842-3, P. 1, p. 63. 

1843 1843-4, P. 2, p. 27. 

1844 1844-5, P. 1, p. 121. 

1845 1845-6, P. 1, p. 119. 

1846 1846-7, P. 1, p. 113. 

1847 1847-8, P. 1, p. 169. 

1848 -....1848-9, P. 1, p. 273. 

1849 1849-50, P. 1, p. 125. 

1850 Omitted. 

1851 1851-2, P. 1, p. 215. 

1852 .1852-3, P. 1, p. 241. 

1853 1853, Doc. No.—. 

1854 1854-5, P. 1, p. 547. 

1855 1855, P. 1, p. 249. 

1856 1856-7, P. 1, p. 379. 

1857 1857, P. 1, p. 285. 

1858 Omitted. 

1859 1859, P. 2, p. 185. 

1860 1860-1, P. 2, p. 193. 

1861 1861, p. 357. 

1862 1862-3, P. 1, p. 445. 

1863 1863, p. 269. 

1864 1864r-5, P. 2, p. 1. 

1865 1865-6, p. 135. 

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. — A " State Soldiers' and 
Sailors' Monument" was provided for by act March 3, 
1887 (1887, p. 301), which created a Board of Commission- 
ers to superintend the work. The act required the com- 
missioners to report quarterly to the Governor, and the secre- 
tary to make annual reports to the Governor, to be by him 
transmitted to the Legislature. The following reports have 
been printed and separately bound : 

1 Bien June 28, 1887, to Dec. 31, 1888 1 vol. 

Soldiers' and Sailor's' Orphan Asylum. — This institution. 


generally known and commonly designated in the reports 
as the " Soldiers' Orphans' Home," was established as the 
" Indiana Soldiers' and Seamen's Home " by act March 11, 
1867 (1867, p. 190), which required the Board of Trustees 
to file a report annually on February 1 in office of Secretary 
of State. By act May 14, 1869 (Spl. Sess. 1869, p. 119), 
the trustees were required to report to General Assembly 
on October 31. 

By the act March 15, 1879 (1879, p. 76), one board. of 
trustees was created for this institution and that for Feeble- 
Minded Children (see this title). After that time the reports 
of the two were combined, until act February 15, 1887 
(1887, p. 16), by which the institution was reorganized as a 
• separate institution under the name of the " Indiana Sol- 
diers' and Sailors' Orphan Asylum," and the Board of Trus- 
tees was required to make annual reports on October 31. 
The act required the reports to be filed in the office of the 
Secretary of State and to be printed. 

The following are contained in the Documentary Jour- 
nals and Annual Reports : 

No. Year. Doc. J. and A. K. 

March 30, 1869 (Supp. Kep.) 1868-9, Doc. No. — . 

4 ... 1870 1870-1, P. 2, No. —. 

5 ... 1871 1871, Doe. No. 11. 

6 ... 1872 1872-3, Doc. No. —. 

(7) 1873 1873, Doc. No. 15. 

... (8) 1874 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 9. 

(9) 1875 1875, Doc. No. 15. 

9 (10) 1876 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 10. 

... (11) 1877 1877, Doc. No. 12. 

11 (12) 1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 9. 

9 (21) 1887 1887, Doc. No. —. 

State Debt Sinking Fund.— By act June 18, 1852 (1 R. S. 
1852, p. 408), provision was made for a " State Debt Sink- 
ing Fund," and the Auditor, Treasurer and Agent of State 


were constituted a "State Debt Sinking Fund Commis- 
sion," and required to make annual reports to the General 
Assembly at each session. It seems that the matters relating 
to this fund are included ia the separate reports of the va- 
rious officers composing the commission, there being only 
one report of the commission in the Documentary Journals 
and Annual Reports. This is dated January 7, 1865, and 
is found in Documentary Journal 1864-5, P. 1, p. 709. 

By act December 21, 1865 (Spl. Sess. 1865, p. 48), the 
State Debt Sinking Fund and the Sinking Fund proper 
were consolidated under the former name and put in charge 
of the Auditor, Treasurer and Agent of State, subject to ex- 
amination by legislative committees or by the Governor or 
any person appointed by him for that purpose, reports of 
examinations made by persons appointed by the Governor to 
be made to him and by him submitted to Legislature, if in 
session, if not, to the next session. 

Former acts authorizing assessment and collection of 
State Debt Sinking Fund taxes were repealed by act Febru- 
ary 22, 1871 (1871, p. 6), and by act December 13, 1872 
(Spl. Sess. 1872, p. 27), the fund was discontinued as a sep- 
arate fund and merged in the general fund, and the commis- 
sion abolished after Feb. 1, 1873. 

State House Commissioners. — Old State House. — Provision 
for the commencement of a State House at Indianapolis was 
made by act February 10, 1831 (Spl. Acts 1831, p. 153). 
By act February 2, 1832 (1832, p. 96), commissioners 
were appointed to superintend the erection of it, who were 
to report annually to the Legislature. The building was 
so far completed as to be occupied in winter of 1836. 

Such of the reports of the commissioners as were printed 
are contained in the House and Senate Journals. 

New State House.— By act March 14, 1877 (1877, p. 68), 


provision was made for construction of another State House, 
and a " Board of State House Commissioners " was created, 
which was required to report quarterly to the Governor. 
The public printing act of 1885 required the reports to be 
published annually. 

The State House having been completed the board was 
abolished by act March 9, 1889 (1889, p. 284). 

A full history of the proceedings of the board from the 
date of its organization is contained in the report of Decem- 
ber 31, 1878, and in the final report. 

Besides the regular reports the board also published a 
pamphlet, containing the proceedings, addresses, etc., en- 
titled "Proceedings of the Laying of the Corner Stone of 
the ISTew Capitol of Indiana, on the 28th day of September, 
1880, at the City of Indianapolis," 36 pp. Indianapolis, 

Some of the quarterly reports were not printed. The 
following is a complete list of such as were printed, all of 
them being in pamphlet form. Only those indicated below 
are contained in the Documentary Journals and Annual 
Reports : 

No. Period. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1 Quarter ending Oct. 1, 1877. 

3 " " March 31, 1878. 

4 " " June 30, 1878. 

5 " ■' Sept. 30, 1878. 

6 From date of organization to 

December 31, 1878. 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 8. 

7 Quarter ending March 31, 1879. 

8 " " June 30, 1879. 

9 " " Sept. 30,1879. 

(10) Year ending Dec, 31,1879. 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 5. 

11 Quarter ending March 31, 1880. 
14 From January 1, 1879, to De- 
cember 31, 1880. 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 12. 


The following are for years ending Dec. 31 : 















46 Final report containing synopsis of proceedings from com- 
mencement, May 24, 1877, to completion of building, Octo- 
ber 2, 1888. 

Statistics Bureau. — This was established by act March 
29, 1879 (1879, p. 193), creating a departmentto be known 
as the " Indiana Bureau of Statistics and Geology," 
requiring the chief of the department to make annual re- 
ports to the Governor. By act March 5, 1883 (1883, p. 
104), it was made a separate department under name of 
" Indiana Bureau of Statistics." Biennial reports were re- 
quired by the public printing act of 1885, and also by act 
March 9, 1889 (1889, p. 335), requiring reports to be made 
to the Legislature, 

Financial reports are contained in the Documentary Jour- 
nals and Annual Reports. 

Year. Doc. J. and A. K. 

1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 6. 

1880 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 9. 

The regular reports are not included in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Reports. They are for the following 

years : 

No. Year. 

5 1883 

6 1884 

7 (1 Bien.) 1885-6 

8 (2 " ) 1887-8 












Swamp Land Records, Clerk of. — By joint resolution 
March 6, 1865 (Reg. Sess., 1865, p. 133), the Governor was 
authorized to appoint a suitable person to revise and correct 
the tract and sale books of the swamp lands. No reports 
were required, but the following are contained in the Doc- 
mentary Journals and Annual Reports : 

Date. Doc. J. and A. K. 

Dec. 18, 1874 1874-5, P. 1, Doc. No. 5. 

Dec. 20, 1870 1876-7, P. 1, Doc. No.lO. 

Three Per Cent. Fund, Agent of. — See Internal Improve- 
ment. The office was abolished and duties transferred to 
Treasurer of State by act January 26, 1835 (1835, p. 75). 
By act May 20, 1852 (1 R. S. 1852, p. 304), it was pro- 
vided that the Treasurer of State should draw the Three 
Per Cent. Fund thereafter due and that he and the Auditor 
of State should include a statement thereof in their Annual 
Reports. What remained of the fund was ordered to be 
distributed to the counties by act April 8, 1881 (1881, p. 
700). The reports are contained in the House and Senate 

Treasurer of State. — The office of Treasurer of State was 
created by Constitution of 1816 (art. 4, sec. 24), and con- 
tinued by Constitution of 1851 (art. 6, sec. 1). His du- 
ties were defined by act December 11, 1816 (1817, p. 143), 
which required him to report annually to the General As- 
sembly during first week of session. The act January 25, 
1841 (1841, p. 124), required annual reports to the Gov- 
ernor by November 1. The act May 20, 1852 (1 R. S. 
1852, p. 497), required biennial reports to the General As- 
sembly, but the law was again changed .so as to require 
annual reports to Governor on October 31, by act February 
3, 1853 (1853, p. 120). 


The reports prior to 1835 are contained in House and 
Senate Journals. The following are contained in the Doc- 
umentary Journals and Annual Eeports. They are not 
numbered : 

Year. Doc. J. and A. B. 

1835 1835-6, Doc. No. — . 

1836 ]836-7,Doc. No. — . 

1837 1837-8, Doc. No. — . 

1838 1838-9, P. 1, p. 35. 

1839 1839-40, P. 2, p. 45. 

1840 1840-1, P. 1-, p. 69. 

1841 : 1841-2, P. 2, p. 49. 

1842 1842-3, P.2, p. 3. 

1843 1843-4, P. 1, p. 11. 

1844 ■ 1844-5, P. 1, p. 57. 

1845 1845-6, P. 1, p. 65. 

1846 1846-7, P. 1, p. 57. 

1847 ; 1847-8, P. 1, p. 1. 

1848 > • 1848-9, P. 1, p. 97. 

1849 1849-EO, P. 1, p. 5. 

1850 1850-1, P. 1, p. 135. 

1851 1851-2, P. 1, p. 33. 

1852 1852-3, P. 1, p. 1. 

1853 ^..Omitted. 

1854 ..1854r-5, P. 1, p. 329. 

1855 1855, P. 1, p. 441. 

1856 1856-7, P. 1, p. 101. 

1857 1857, P. 1, p. 101. 

1858 Omitted. 

1859 " 

1860 1860-1, P. 1, p. 193. 

1861-2 1862-3, P. 2, V. 1, p. 169. 

1863 1863, p. 465. 

1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 849. 

1865 1865-6, p. 99. 

1866 1866-7, Doc. No. 4. 

1867 1867-8, Doc. No. 1. 

1868 1868-9, Doc. No. 2. 

1869 1869, Doc. No. ^. 

1870 1870-1, P. 1, Doc. No. — . 


Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1871 1871, Doc. No. 1. 

1872 1872-3, Doc. No. — . 

1873 1873, Doc. No. 3. 

1874; 1874-5, P. 1, Doc. No. 8. 

1875 1875, Doc. No. 3. 

1876 1876-7, P. 1, Doc. No. 7. 

1877 1877, Doc. No. 3. 

1878 1878-9, P. 1, Doc. No. 7. 

1879 1879, P. 2, Doc. No. 3. 

1880 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 3. 

1881 1881, Doc. No. 3. 

1882 1882, Doc. No. 3. 

1883 1883, Doc. No. 3. 

5884 1884, Doc. No. 5. 

1885 1885, Doc. No. 2. 

1886 .1886, Doc. No. 19. 

1887 1887, Doc. No. 1. 

1888 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 6. 

University, Indiana. — This iDstitutioD was first incorpo- 
rated as the "State Seminary" by act January 20, 1820 
(1820, p. 82), and trustees were appointed to locate it at 
Bloomington and report to next session. The act January 
26, 1827 (1827, p. 99), created a Board of Visitors and 
required them to make annual reports to General Assembly. 
The Seminary was .superseded by the " Indiana College," 
established by act January 24, 1828 (1828, p. 115), which 
created a Board of Trustees and Visitors and required the 
treasurer to report annually to the Governor, to be by him 
submitted to the General Assembly, a statement of the re- 
ceipts and expenditures. The act to "Indiana 
University" passed February 15, 1838 (Local L., 1838, p. 
294), required treasurer to report annually to Governor a 
statement of receipts and expenditures, to be by him laid 
before the General Assembly. By act January 15, 1848 
(1848, p. 47), the trustees were required to make annual 
reports to General Assembly. By act June 17, 1862 (1 R. 


S. 1852, p. 504), a "University Fund" was created, and the 
institution was " formally recognized as the University of 
the State " under the name of the " Indiana University,'' 
and a Board of Trustees was created which was required to 
make annual reports to General Assembly, and also a Board 
of Visitors, which was required to report annually to the 

Various laws have been enacted providing funds and 
making appropriations for the support of the University, 
and a permanent endowment fund was provided by act 
March 3, 1883 (1883, p. 82). 

By the public printing act of 1885, the reports are to be 
published biennially, the catalogues annually. The reports 
prior to 1835 are contained in the House and Senate Jour- 
nals.' The following are contained in the Documentary 
Journals and Annual Reports : 

Year. " Doc. J. and A. B. 

1848 1848-9, P. 2, p. 274. 

1849 1849-50, P. 2, p. 133. 

1850 Omitted. 

1851 1851-2, P. 1, p. 271. 

" (Supplemental) " " p. 337. 

1852 1852-3, P. 1, p. 309. 

1853 Omitted. 

1854 " 

" (Supplemental) ..'. 1854-5, P. 2, p. 777. 

1855 Omitted. 

1856 " 

" (Supplemental) 1856-7, P. 2, p. 345. 

1857-1872 Omitted 

1873-4 (Financial) 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 2. 

1875 ". 1875, Doc. No. 6. 

1876 (Financial) 1876-7, P. 2, Doc. No. 2. 

1877 (Financial) 1877, Doc. No. 6. 

1878 1878-9, P. 2, Doc. No. 2. 

1879-80 (Financial) 1880, P. 1, Doc. No. 13. 

1881 " 1881, Doc. No. 5. 

1882 " 1882, Doc. No. 4. 


Years. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1883 1883, Doc. No. 5. 

1884 ; 1884, Doc. No. 7. 

1885 Omitted. 

1886 (Financial) 1886, Doc. No. 6. 

1887-8 " .■ 1888, P. 1, Doc. No. 10. 

Vienna Exposition Commissioner. — Pursuant to act March 
4, 1873 (1873, p. 223), E. T. Cox, State Geologist, was ap- 
pointed by Governor Hendricks a Commissioner to repre- 
sent Indiana at tiie Vienna Exposition. His report is con- 
tained in Indiana Geological Report for year 1873, p. 5. 
See, also. Doc. J. 1874-5, P. 1, Doc. No. 11. 

Wabash and Erie Canal. — See Internal Improvement. 
An act for construction of " Wabash and Miami Canal," 
passed January 5, 1828 (1828, p. 10), accepting the grant 
of land for that purpose made by act of Congress March 2, 
1827. It created a board of commissioners, which was re- 
quired to report annually to the General Assembly. In sub- 
sequent acts the commissioners are sometimes referred to 
simply as the " Canal Commissioners,^' and they so designate 
themselves in some of their reports. By subsequent acts 
January 23, 1829 (1829, p. 13), January 28, 1830 (1830, p. 
13), the name was changed to " Wabash and Erie Canal," 
and additional provisions made for its construction. By act 
January 9, 1832 (1832, p. 3), the fund provided was called 
the " CanaLFund," and a board of " Commissioners of the. 
Canal Fund" was created, a separate and distinct board 
from the board of " Canal Commissioners," and required to 
report annually to the General Assembly. By the act Jan- 
uary 31, 1833 (1833, p. 48), the duties of the board of Canal 
Commissioners were further defined. 

By the Internal Improvement act the construction of the 
canal was transferred to the Board of Internal Improve- 


ment,-and when that board was abolished by the act of 1842 
the canal was put in charge of commissioners. Afterwards, 
by the Butler bill, January 19, 1846 (1846, p. 3), the canal 
was transferred to a Board of Trustees, which was required 
to report annually to the General Assembly. 

The reports in reference to the canal prior to 1835 are 
by the various commissioners, superintendents, etc., and are 
contained in the House and Senate Journals. From 1836 
to 1842 the reports in reference to it are included in the 
reports of the Board of Internal Improvement contained 
in the Documentary Journals. The reports of the Board 
of Trustees begin with the one for 1847, and are contained 
in the Documentary Journals and Annual Reports. 

Year. Doc. J. and A. B. 

1835 1835-6, Doc. No. — . 

" Supplemental " Doc. No. — . 

1843 (Div. east of Lafayette) 1843-4, P. 2, p. 19. 

" ( " west " ) " " p.35. 

1844 (" west " ) 1844-5, P. 2, p. 13. 

" ( " east " ) « " p. 69. 

1845 1845-6, P. 2, p. 111. 

1846 1846-7, P. 1, p. 134. 

1847 1847-8, P. 2, p. 191. 

" (Superintendent) " " p. 329. 

1848 1848-9, P.2, p. 113. 

1849 1849-50, P. 2, p. 251. 

1850 1850-1, P. 2, p. 137. 

1851 1851-2, P. 1, p. 223. 

1852 1852-3, P. 2, p. 325. 

1853 1853, Doc. !No.— . 

1854 1854-5, P. 2, p. 905. 

1855 1855, P. 2, p. 105. 

1856 18-56-7, P. 2, p. 273. 

1857 1857, P. 2, p. 169. 

1858 1858-9, P. 1, p. 277. 

1859 1859, P. 1, p. 289. 

I860 ; 1860-1, P. 1, p. 267. 

1861 1861, p. 375. 


Year. Doc. J. and A. E. 

1862 1862-3, P. 1, p. 453. 

1863 1863, p. 473. 

1864 1864-5, P. 2, p. 181. 

1865-6 Omitted. 

1867-8 1867-8, Doc. No. 9. 

1869-70 1870-1, P. 2, Doc. No.— . 

1871 1871, Doc. No. 12. 

1872 Omitted.* 

1873 1873, Doc. No. 16. 

1874 (Styled 28th Annual) 1874-5, P. 2, Doc. No. 14. 

* See report of Ways and Means Committee, 1872-3, Doc. No. — . 

The report for 1874 contains a statement of the total 
receipts and disbursements from July 1, 1847 to December 
1, 1874. 

Wabash River. — See Internal Improvement Board. By 
act January 22, 1822 (1822, p. 46), commissioners were 
appointed to investigate relative to improvement of the 
Wabash river at the grand rapids and report to the Gov- 
ernor and he to General Assembly. By act January 31, 
1824 (Spl. Acts 1824, p. 82), a portion of the Three Per 
Cent. Fund was set apart for improving the navigation of 
the river and a commissioner appointed and required to re- 
port annually to the General Assembly. By act February 
2, 1832 (1832, p. 275), the fund was directed to be paid 
over to the Wabash and Erie Canal Fund Commissioners. 

A further act for the improvement of the navigation of 
the river was passed February 1, 1834 (1834, p. 346), and 
the commissioners required to report annually. Subse- 
quently the Board of Internal Improvement took charge 
of the matter. The following reports made under the act 
last cited are in the Documentary Journals : 


Year. Doc. J. and A. R. 

1835..- 1835-6, Doc. No. — . 

1836 Omitted. 

1837 1837-8, Doc. No. —. 

War Offices. — During the rebellion period a number of 
offices, mostly of a military character, were created by the 
General Assembly or by Gov. Morton, all of which ceased 
during or soon after the close of the rebellion. They are 
here grouped together under the above title. The follow- 
ing is a list of such reports of them as are contained in the 
Documentary Journals and Annual Reports: 

Agent of State to Purchase Arms. — 

Aug. 1, 1862 (Eobert Dale Owen) 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, p. 909. 

Allotment Commissioner. — 

Dec. 7, 1863 1864-5, P. 2, p. 607. 

Arsenal, State. — 

(No date) 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, p. 901. 

May 3, 1861 to December 31, 1862 " P. 2, v. 3, p. 1339. 

Draft Commissioner. — 

Dec. 26, 1862 1862-3, P. 2, v. 1, p. 697. 

Finance Bureau. — 

May 1,1864 1864-5, P. 1, p. 1. 

Gettysburg Soldiers' National Cemetery. — 

1863-4 1864-5, P. 2, p. 571. 

Hospital Surgeons. — 

Jan. 6,1863 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, p. 985. 

Legion, Indiana.— See act May 11, 1861. (Spl. Sess. 1861, 
p. 52.) 

Report of officers 1862-3, P. 2, v. 1, pp. 729, 777. 

Reports of operations in 1863-4 1864-5, P. 2, p. 369, 


Military Agents. — 

December, 1864 1864-5, P. 2, p. 289. 

Military Auditing Committee. — See acts May 31, 1861 (Spl. 
Sess. 1861, p. 3) ; March 6, 1865 (Reg. Sess. 1865, p. 37), 
sec. 61. 
1861-2-3-4 1864-5, P. 2, p. 25. 

Ordnance Officer. — 

December 15, 1864 1864-5,P. 2, p. 507. 

Pay Agents. — 

December 31, 1862 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, p. 1013. 

Paymaster, State. — See acts June 1, 1861 (Spl. Sess. 1861, 
p. 73) ; March 11, 1867 (1867, p. 3), sec. 23. 

December 31,1862 : 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, p. 1025- 

December 23, 1864 1864-5, P. 2, p. 515. 

Sanitary Commission. — 

January 2, 1865 1864-5, P. 2, p. 69. 

Special Agents to Visit Troops, etc. — 

1863-4 1862-3, P. 2, v. 2, p. 1041. 

List of Reports Now Required to be Printed. — The 
following is a list of the reports required to be printed by 
the public printing act of April 13, 1886 (1885, p. 215), 
and subsequent acts, showing how often reports are to be 
printed and how many copies of each and the law govern- 
ing the same : 

Office. When Pub. No. Copies. Law. 

Adjutant-General. .i Annual and Bien 600. ....1885, p. 215. 

Agricultural Board " 5,000 " 

Attorney-General Biennial 2,000 " " 

Auditor State Annual 2,200 " " 

Blind Institute " 2,000 " 

Charities, Board " 1889, p. 51. 


Office. When Pdb. No. Copies. Law. 

Deaf and Dumb Inst...., Annual 2,000 1885, p. 215. 

Equalization Board " 2,000 " " 

Feeble-Minded* Youth " 2,000 1889, p. 129. 

Geology, etc.. Department... " 8,000 " p. 44. 

Governor (Eeprieves, etc.). ..Biennial 1,000 1885, p. 215. 

Health Board Annual 3,000 " '' 

Horticultural Society Biennial 500 " " 

Insane Hospital Annual 2,000 " " 

Librarian, State Biennial 400 " " 

Mine Inspector Annual 8,000 1889, p. 44. 

Normal School, Eeports .. ..Biennial 2,000 1885, p. 215. 

" " Catalogues.Annual 5,000 " " 

Oil Inspector Annual 8,000 1889, p. 44. 

Prison, North " 2,000 1885, p. 215. 

" South " 2,000 " 

Public Instruction, Supt Biennial 10,000 " " 

Purdue University, Eeports. " 2,000 " 

" Catalogues..Annual 5,000 " 

Reform School for Boys " 2,000 " " 

" " " Girls " 2,000 " " 

Secretary of State Biennial 2,100 " " 

Soldiers' and Sailors' Or- 
phans' Home Annual 2,000 1887, p. 16. 

Statistics, Bureau Biennial 5,000 1889, p. 335. 

Treasurer State Annual 2,000 1885, p. 215. 

University, Indiana, Beports.Biennial 2,000 " " 

" " Catalogues-Annual 5,000 " " 

No special provision is made for printing the reports of 
the following officers and institutions : 
Commissary General. 
Custodian of Public Buildings. 
Fisheries Commissioner. 
Insane Hospitals, Additional. 
Kankakee River Commissioner. 
Live Stock Sanitary Commissioner. 
Quarter-Master General. 
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commissioners. 


SuPEEME CouBT REPORTS. — The number of Judges by 
the Constitution of 1816 was limited to three; by the Con- 
stitution of 1851 to not less than three nor more than five. 
The court was composed of three Judges until 1853, when 
by the R. S. 1852 the number was increased to four, and 
this number was in 1872 increased to five. 

The Chief Justice is designated by the Judges themselves, 
and it is generally so arranged by them that each of the 
Judges is in turn Chief Justice during a portion of his term, 
which is six years under the present Constitution. 

The act April 14, 1881 (1881, p. 92), authorized the 
Judges to appoint five commissioners, who were to hold 
their oflBce two years and aid the Supreme Judges in clear- 
ing the docket. By act March 3, 1883 (1883, p. 77), the 
term of the commissioners was continued for two years 
longer, but was not afterwards extended. Their opinions 
are contained in the reports of the opinions of the Supreme 

The first reports were those by Isaac Blackford, one of 
the Judges, in eight volumes, the first of which was pub- 
lished in 1830, and contained the decisions of the Supreme 
Court from May term, 1817, to May term, 1826, inclusive. 
The last volume contains the decisions from May term, 1846, 
to May term, 1847, inclusive. A second edition has been 
published with annotations by Edwin A. Davis, the first 
volume containing several opinions omitted from the reports 
of Judge Blackford. Blackford's reports have always main- 
tained' a high standing and are said by Chancellor Kent to 
be "replete with extensive and accurate law learning." (2 
Kent, p. 176, note b.) 

Blackford's reports are followed by the "Indiana" re- 
ports, the first volume containing the cases from May term, 
1847, to November term, 1849, inclusive. This volume 
was published in 1852, and was the first published under 


the Constitution of 1851. The "Indiana" reports now 
number 120 volumes. 

Under the Constitution of 1816 no provision was made 
for publishing the reports, and those of Judge Blackford 
were published as a private enterprise, aided, however, by 
subscriptions on behalf of the State. The Constitution of 
1851 provided for publication of the reports by the State, 
and theR. S. 1852 (vol. 1, p. 431), authorized the election 
by the people of a Reporter of the Supreme Court, whose 
term is four years. 

Blackford's reports are cited by the name of the re- 
porter ; the subsequent reports as " Indiana " reports. 

There is a volume entitled " Smith's Indiana Reports," 
containing reports of decisions from May term, 1848, to 
close of November term, 1849. This was not a publication 
authorized by the State. The decisions, with a few excep- 
tions, are contained in the regular reports. 

The following is a complete list of the regular reports, 
with the names of the reporters. 

Blackford. 1817 to 1847 8 

Indiana Beports by — 

Carter 1847-1851 1- 2 Inri 2 

Porter 1851-1856 3- 7 " 5 

Tanner 1856-1860 8- 14 " 7 

Harrison. ....1860-1861 15- 17 " 3 

Kerr 1862-1864 18-22 " 5 

Harrison 1864-1868 23- 29 " 7 

Black -..1868-1876 30- 53 " 24 

Martin 1876-1880 54-70 " 17 

Dice 1880-1884 71-99 " 29 

Kern 1884-1888 100-116 " 17 

Griffitlis 1888- 117-120 4 

Miscellaneous. — Many publications have been author- 
ized by the General Assembly, or by one or the other of its 


branches, which are not included in any of the classifica- 
tions here made. It would now be impossible to accurately 
enumerate them except by a careful examination of the 
House and Senate Journals and the printing acts. Many of 
them were in pamphlet form, and, no copies having been 
preserved in the House or Senate Journals, or in the Docu- 
mentary Journals and Annual Eeports, they have entirely 
disappeared. Others were bound in substantial form, and 
have been preserved. Some of them are included in the 
following list : 

Bank Frauds. — There is a volume entitled on the back 
" Bank Frauds," and on the title page, " Journal of the 
Bank Investigating Committee, a Select Committee of the 
Indiana Senate, 1857," containing .the journal and report 
of the committee, appointed January 17, 1857 (Sen. J. 1857, 
p. 120). The reports of the committee were never submit- 
ted directly to the General Assembly, which adjourned be- 
fore the final adjournment of the committee on June 30, 
1857, but were printed and distributed pursuant to the res- 
olution of the Senate, adopted March 6,1857 (Sen. J. 1857, 
p. 707-710). The reports are not included in either the 
Senate or Documentary Journal for 1857. 1 vol. 

Report of Committee of the House of Representatives on the 
management and affairs of the Indiana Hospital for the In- 
sane. (Submitted at 55th Sess., 1887.) 1 vol. 

Proceedings of the Special Senate Committee on the condi- 
tion and conduct of the Benevolent Institutions of the State. 
(Submitted at 55th Sess., 1887.) 1 vol. 

Notice to Bidders proposing to bid for purchase of Indi- 
ana School Fund Refunding Bonds; containing information 
as to laws, etc. I vol. 



Report of Joint Gommittee on investigation of the affairs 
of the Indiana Hospital for Insane, at Indianapolis. (Sub- 
mitted at 56th Sess., 1889.) 1 vol. 

A Manual of the Election Law of Indiana. — (Prepared by 
J. P. Dunn, Jr., State Librarian, pursuant to Senate resolu- 
tion of March 11, 1889.) 1 vol. 



First. Many of the laws, House, Senate, and Document- 
ary Journals are not in the State Library, nor in any of the 
State offices, and are extremely rare and should be reprinted. 

Second. A complete catalogue should be made of all the 
publications authorized by the State since its organization. 

Third. A general index should be made to all the reports 
and other documents contained in the House, Senate and 
Documentary Journals. 

Fourth. Provision should be made for curtailing in future 
the official reports and requiring them to be condensed 
within reasonable limits. Many of them heretofore pub- 
lished are filled with a lot of stuff of no interest or profit 
whatever to the State or to the general public. 

Fifth. A provision should be made similar to that in the 
Laws 1853, p. 20, for the annual deposit by the Public 
Printer in the State Library of a number, say 200 or more, 
of sets labeled " Indiana Public Documents," each set to 
consist of as many volumes as may be required, substantially 
bound, containing all the State publications of the preced- 
ing year, with general tables of contents. This would pre- 
serve in permanent form all such State publications as have 
heretofore been printed in pamphlet, and would not prevent 
the binding in separate volumes of such reports as it might be 
deemed advantageous to so bind and distribute.