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Full text of "Gazetteer and business directory of Schoharie County, N. Y. for 1872-3"

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Cornell University 

The original of tliis book is in 
tlie Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 


Schoharie Academy! 

g) *w « * « 

III©©®P0KAM© APaili, ISif, 

K. BREWSTER, Esq., Secretary. 

Rev. G-. A. LINTNER, D. D., President. 

Oren C. Sikes, A. B.j - - - Principal. 

For Local Notice, See Pnge 241. 


Barnerville, Schoharie Co., N. Y., 



(•nt Vollo* 


Chairs, Broom Handles, &c. 

We use the best of Timbci- in the manufactnvo of all our Goods, niul emnloy 
but first-class mechanics. Thankful for past favors, we respcci fully solicit a cont 
tion of the liberal patronage generally accorded to us. 





SCIi!l»H.!^\!l41 COJJiNfFIIr. IMkY. 

to accompaixy 

Srale '?''40 of 1 inch to the Mile . 

Weei, Parsons & Coiffl)an.y,It.X 

G R E E N E 

The Superiority of the Principles and Mechanism of this 
Machine, have earned for it its Eeputation as the 

Most Perfect ani Most BuraMe 'Hamster in tie WorM! 

Sizes and Prices to Suit all Classes of Farmers. 





165 Greenwich Street, Near Courtlandt, 

JHanafactory, - Ponghkeepsic, Iff. y. 

S>escriptive Circulars Forwarded by Mail. 











Permanent Office. S3 & 34 E. Washington St., Syracuse, N. Y. 

malevolence and the good BometimeB by miBteke. -Samdbl Johmboh. 







o- / 


Adriance, Piatt & Co 237 

Bamett, Simon A 841 

Boyce, J. H. <bSon: 343 

Barleigh, Emma Mrs 6 

Campbell.S.K 6 

Cobleekill Index 348 

Downs, K;C 34l 

Dnrand, Treat ,... 6 

Feeck, John 6 

Fox, L. T. 243 

Oale, J. & Sons 6 

Gross, Geo. H : 248 


Harder, Minard 241 

Kinesley, Dr „ 341 

Latnsm, H.C 248 

HcHencli&Co 23'? 

Middlebargh Gazette 6 

Schoharie Academy 241 

Schoharie Co. Democrat ; 237 

Schoharie Republican 243 

Schoharie Union 241 

Waldroh & Sieson 237 

Wldmann; Geo ^ 241 

Winter & Stafford ! ' 237 

Xbe Mlddlebareli Crazette, pub- 
lished by O. B. Ireland, Is a new applicant 
for public favor. It occupies a field where 
no other paper is pablisned, and judging 
from the papers we nave, we can commend 
it to the patronage of all. It is an Inde- 
pendentj^ paper, bound by no party or sect, 
and devoted to Literature, Agriculture, 
General Intelligence and Local interests. 
Success to this new .enterprise. See card 
on page 164. 

mrs. Emma Bnrlelgli, m. D., 

No. 68 Howard Street, Albany, N. T., ad- 
vertises on page 242. It seems eminently 
proper that ladles suffering from diseases 
peculiar to their own sex, should receive 
medical treatment from their own sex, and 
we are glad to learn that ladies of the best 
minds m our land, are giving attention to 
the study and practice ormedicinB. There 
is a wide field open before them and the 
pioneers are deserving of special credit for 
their perseverance against obstacles which 
few men would overcome, we commend 
all our readers who are afflicted with any of 
the diseases peculiar to females, to consult 
Mrs. B. either by letter or In person. 

Scbobarle Oonnty Asrlcnltaral 
irorks, located at Central Bridge, N. 
T., are largely engaged in the manufacture 
of Thresfilng Machines, Eailway Horse 
Powers, Wood Saws, Clover Hullers and a 

feat variety of other implements. Mr. S. 
, Campbell, the proprietor, gives Ms per- 
sonal attention to the worES, empfoys 
good workmen, uses good materials and 
turns out first-class work. See advertise- 
ment on page 148. 

Treat Darandjmannfoctorerof Hubs 
and Spokes, Schoharie, K. T., advertises 
on page 847. He Is the successor of the 

American Hub and Spoke Company, which 
was organized in 1859 and commenced ope- 
rations In 1860. The Company had a capi- 
tal of $100,000, and the cost of buildings 
and machinery was $22,000. The works 
were burned on 1865 and rebuilt the next 
year. In 1870 the Company was dissolved 
and Mr. Durand became the purchaser of 
property and has since carried on the bttsl- 
ness. It is run by steam and has a capacity 
for turning out about $30,000 worth of 
Hubs and Spokes annnaUy. Mr. Durand is 
a man worthy of public confidence and Is 
EucessfiiUy prosecuting the business. 

JTobn Feeck, mann&cturer of Car- 
riages of all kinds, Gobleskill, N. T.. ad- 
vertises on page 246. Mr. P. is the oldest 
Carriage manufacturer in this County. He 
is a native of Scholiarie, served an appren- 
ticeship with Austin £[nowles, a,nS for 
nearly forty years has been engaged In the 
business. It is hardly necessary to say 
that he thoroughly understands his busi- 
ness in all its branches and lias no superior 
in the County. He keeps a large stock on 
hand at his maimfactory, and has a Reposi- 
tory at Gallupvllle, where those in want of 
a good Carriage can hardly fail to find some- 
thuig to suit their taste and their purse. 
Let those Interested call and examine for 

J. Gale & Sons, manuttetniera of 
Horse Rakes, Bent FeUoes, Chairs, Broom 
Handles <SiC., Bamenrille, N. Y., advertise 
on page 2. This firm carry on a great va- 
riety of business, manufacturing Chairs ex- 
tensively and doing all kinds of Turning. 
They are good workmen, usegood timber 
and turn out good work. We comUiend 
them to the liberal patronage of all onr 
readers, believing that th^ are wortbr 
men. ' 



In presenting to the public the "Gazetteer and Business 
Directory of Schoharie County," the publisher desires to return 
his sincere thanks to all who have so kindly aided in obtaining 
the information it contains, and without whose aid it would 
have been impossible to cpUect it in the brief space of time in 
which it is e'ssential that all such works should be completed. 
Especially are our thanks due to the several Editors of the 
Schoharie Union and. Schoharie Bepublican, Soh.6h.axie; CohlesJeill 
Index, Cobleskill ; Schoharie County Democrat, Richmondville ; 
and the Middleburgh Gazette, Middleburgh; for the uniform 
kindness which has been evinced in calling attention to the 
author's efforts ; and to the following persons, viz., Wm. T. 
Broughton, Town Clerk, Summit ; Dr. Peter S. Swart, Almerin 
Gallup, John Morrison, County Clerk, Ghas. Holmes, County 
Judge, Rev. J. H. Heck, Schoharie ; John Van Voris, School 
Commissioner, Cobleskill ; Ambrose E. Hunting, School Com- 
missioner, Gallnpville ; and John F. Hazelton, Aest. Assessor 
Internal Revenue, Esperance, for essential aid in furnishing 
material for the work. Many others have kindly volunteered 
their assistance, to all of whom we return our sincere thanks. 

The following works have been consulted in its preparation : 
French's, Gordon's and Spafford's Gazetteers of the State of 
New York; "Documentary History of New York;" Lossing's 
" Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution ;" Simms' « History 
of Schoharie ;" Campbell's " Annals of Tryon County ;" Census 
Reports; Proceedings of Board of Supervisors; and many 


That errors have occurred in 8o great a number of names and 
dates as are here given is probable ; and that names hare been 
omitted which should have been inserted is quite certain. We 
can only say that we have exercised more than ordinary dili- 
gence and care in this difficult and complicated feature of book- 
making. Of such as feel aggrieved in consequence of errors or 
omission we beg pardon, and ask the indulgence of the reader 
in marking such as have been observed in the subsequent read- 
ing of the proofs, and which are found in the JErrata, following 
the Introduction. 

It was designed to give a brief history of all the church or- 
ganizations in the County, but owing, in some cases, to the neg- 
ligence of those who alone were able to give the necessary in- 
formation, and in others, to the inability of any o»e to do so, 
we have been obliged to omit many or indefinitely delay the 
completion of the work. 

We would suggest that our patrons observe and become 
familiar with the explanations at the commencement of the 

The Map of the County was engraved with great care by 
Weed, Parsons & Co., of Albany, and will, it is believed, prove 
a valuable acquisition to the work. 

The Advertisers represent some of the leading business men 
and firms of »this and other counties ; and we most cheerfully 
commend them all to the patronage of those under whose 
observation these pages may come. 

With thanks to our friends generally, we leave our work to 
secure the favor which earnest endeavor ever wins from a 
discriminating public. 





Tbe Territories.— The 41st Congress erected tbe District of Colombia into a 
Territory, nnder the name of "Territory of Columbia." 

Stamp Dntles.— The last (Congress passed an act, " That on and after the first day 
of October, 1870, the stamp tax imposed in Schedule B, on promissory notes for a less 
snm than one hundred dollars, and on receipts for any sum of money, or for the pay- 
ment of any debt, and the stamp tax imposed in Schedule C, on canned and preserved 
fish, be, and the same are hereby repealed. And no stamp shall be regnirea upon the 
transferor assignmentof a mortgage, where it or the instrument it secures has been 
once duly stamped." 

Postal Bates and Regnlatlons. — The postal arrangements with foreign 
countries are subject to such freanent changes, that, as given is this work, they should 
not be relied upon for any great length of time. The rates and reguUtlons for Domestic 
mail matter, however, can be relied upon at all times. 

nilddlebnrsb.— 3^ Toung Peopl»'$ Moral Aaioeiation, of Euntereland, was or- 
ganized in the summer of 1871, and now numbers 70 members. The Association publish- 
es a literary journal, called the Leiture Bour, which is edited by Alice Sweet. This 
society, we are informed, is in a very prosperous condition. 

Scbobarle.— The following was fhrnished to us by Almerin GaMhp, Esq., of 

"Old Stonb Fobt Csmbtebt, Sohohakib, N. Y.— The old stone Fort,Btand!ng on the 

f rounds of the Cemetery, and situate one mile north-east of the Schoharie County Court 
[ouse, on the hill near Fox's Creek, (of which yon have a splendid view f^om the rail 
road as you approach the village of Schoharie) was formerly the German High Dutch Be- 
formed church, and used for more than 70 years for Divine worship by that congregation. 
It was built in 1772, (one hundred years ago,) and during the Bevolution was used as a 
fort, and often times as a place of safety for the entire families of the early settlers for < 
miles around, of whom we may safely say there is none now living, *no not one,' bat the 
remains of many are now restmg in their graves in the adjoining Cemetery surrounding 
the old Fort, among which is that of Col. Peter Yroman, who commanded the Fort, and 
many of his brave companions in arms. In 1780 it was attacked by the Indians and 
Tories, under the command of Johnson and Brant, and the holes made by cannon ball 
are BtiU plainly to be seen. The old Fort is a substantial, well built building, and is still 
in a good state of preservation ; it is now owned and used by the State as an Arsenal, 
and la to be preserved as a relic of the Bevolution and in memory of the brave men who 
displayed their courage and patriotism in defending their country in the fearfhl 
Btrug^e for American Independence. It has lone been in contemplation to have the re- 
mains of David Williams, (one of the captors of Major Andre,)who died in this County, 
removed to the Old Stone Fort Cemetery, and a suitable monument erected to ms 
memory ; also that of Col. Yroman and others. The Old Stone Fort Cemetery was dnly 
incorporated as a Bnral Cemetery under the laws of the State in 1859, but the grounds 
were sadly neglected nntil 1868, when the inhabitants were aroused to a sense of their 
duty to the departed, a new board of trustees were elected, consisting of Doctor Feter 


S, Swart, Almerin Gallup, George Laeher, Daniel Larldn, Paul Deitz, James S. Water- 
bary. Napoleon Clark ana others, under wnose direction it was snrreyed and laid out 
into lots of 20 feet square, witb suitable carriage ways and walks, addittonsl lands pur- 
chased, and a large number of balsam, fir and other evergreen trees, set ont,wblch are now 
in a flourishing condition and will soon make it one of the most beantiihl Cemetery 
Bites in the country. A very large number of lots have been sold within the last four 
years, and many people, for seTcral miles round, are removing the remains from their 
private burial groonds to this Cemetery, which now contains a Vault, and soma of the 
finest and most costly monuments in the County." 

Bleiilielm.— EAGER, DBWITT C, (North Blenheim,) sapt. ot the poor and fiw- 
mer 100. 

Broome.— SEED, ELLIS S., (Broome Center,) farmer. 

Carlisle,— Taylor, Chas. W., (Carlisle,) poet master. 

OoUesldll.- *FEECK, JOHN, (Cobleskill,) carriage maker. 
Guernsey, James J., (Bast Cobleskill,) post master. 

OonesTllIe.— COnC!HMAN, PETEB, (Conesville,) supervisor, member of Assem- 
bly, post master, dairyman and fiirmer 100. ' 

Esperaace.- MBSSINGEB, STOBBS, (Esperance,) (Xeiiinger dt Bragee,) post 

Gllboa.— Zeh, Philip J., (GUboa,) coroner, physician and surgeon. 

BlcbmondTllle .—Snyder, Peter, (Blchmondville,) prop. Westover House, cor- 
ner Main and Summit. 
Westover House, (BlchmondvlUe,) corner Main and Summit, Peter Snyder, prop. 

Scbobarie.— Williams, James O., (Schoharie,) county treasurer and cashier Scho- 
harie Co. National Bank. 

Sharon.— Baker, Albert, (Sharon Springs,) district attorney. 




Almanac or Calendar for 20 years : 63 

Brilliant WhitewaBh B9 

BnBiuess Directory 138-S18 

Capacity of CisteruB or Wells 1 68 

CenBusSeport 288-SS9 

ChemicalBarometer 69 

County OfBcers 240 

Coorts in Schoharie Connty 210 

Dlsconnt and Fremlum 68 

Distance Table ; 244 

Errata 9-10 

Facts on Advertising 68 

French Decimal System of Weights and Measures 63-67 

Gazetteer of Connty ; ; .63-85 

Gazetteer of Towns **"^5X 

Government Land Measure .-■62 

How to geta Horse out of a Fire 69 

How to Judge a Horse 61 

How to Secure the Public Lands 47-48 

How to Succeed In Business 45-47 

Interest Table 57 

Law Maxims 48-62 

Leech Barometer 69 

Measnrement of Hay In the Mow or Stack :i '^ 

Postal Bates and Begulations, (see also Errata,) '^ 

Post Ofaces and Postmasters.. • -243 

Bules for Detecting Counterfeit or Spurious Bank Notes fr^ 

Stamp Duties, (see also Errata,) *^2 

Tables of Weights of Grain, Seeds, &c ;-68 

The States, their Settlement, &c 21-82 

The Territories, their Area, &c ^TJ 

To Measure Grain in a Bin 59 

U. 8. Internal Revenue Officers ■-■*40 

Valuable Becipes 60-61 



Blenheim 188 

Broome 142 

Carlisle 146 

Coble»kiU 163 

Conesvills 168 

Beperance 162 

Fmton 167 

Gilboa 172 


Jefferson 176 

Middlebuigh 181 

Sichmondville 188 

Schoharie 193 

Seward 201 

Sharon 206 

Summit 212 

Wright 216 






Schoharie Academy, Schoharie 2 

Aerlcaltnral Implements.' 

(See also Mowera and Heapers, Sake 

Campbell, S. E., Central Bridge 14B 

GrOBB, Geo. H., Ply Creek 164 

Harder, Uinard, Cobleskill , 

inside first cover 

Waldron & Sleeon, Breakabeen 316 

Bedstead IHannfs. 

McHonch & Co., Cobleskill 246 

Bent FelloeSk 

Gale, J. & Sons, Bamervllle 2 

Brackets, ITIonldlngs Etc. 

McHench & Co., OobleBkill 

Broom Handles. 

Gale, J. & Sons, Bamerville 

Cancer Doctor. 

KingBley, Dr., Borne 1 

Carriage makers. 

feeck, John, Coblealdll 345 

Winter & Stafford, Schoharie ISO 

Cbalr makers. 

Gale, J. & Sons, BamerriUe 

Cbnrn Potvers. 

Waldron & SiBBon, Breakabeen 

Cigar maker. 

Widmann, Geo., Schoharie 180 


Downs, B. C, Sharon Hprings 200 


Fox, L. T., Cobleflklll 164 

Hats, Caps and Furs. 
Boyce, J. H, & Son, Schoharie 148 

I Hotel. 


Latham Honse, Gallnpville 196 

Hnbs and Spokes. 

Dnrand, Treat, Schoharie 941 

Iron Founders and machinists. 

Waldron & SlSBon, Breakabeen . 246 

Iiumber Dealers. 

McHench & Co., Cobleskill 346 

Waldron & Sisson, Breaksbsen 246 

mason and Builder. 

Barnett, Simon A., Schoharie 345 

moivers and Reapers. 
Adriance, Piatt is Co., New York, mar- 
ginal lines and on Map 

Waldren A Siseon, Breakabeen 2^ 


Burleigh, Bmma Mrs., Albany 243 

Kingsley, Dr., Bome i 

Pianins mm. 

McHench & Co., Cobleskill 345 

Printing Offices. 

Gazette, Middleborsh i«4 

Index, Cobleskill ;'"200 

Bepnblican, Schoharie .'."iiig 

Schoharie Co. Democrat, BicIunondTiUe' 143 
Union, Schoharie jgo 

Bake manufs. 

Gale, J. & Sons, Barnerrille s 

Sash, Blinds and Doors. 

McHench & Co., Cobleskill 346 


McHench & Co., Cobleskill. . . 346 

Waldron & Sisson, Breakabeen. ..".!!!! ."346 

Sewing machines. 

Downs, B. C, Sharon Springs 80O 

Stone Dealers. 
Bamett, Simon A., Schoharie 345 




•AIiA.'MA.MiA. was settled near Hobile, in 1703, by the French ; was 
formed into a Territory by act of tJongress, approved March 3,1817, 
from, the eastern portion of the Territory of Mississippi ; framed a Con- 
stitution Augusta, 1819,- and, was admitted ,into the Unioh December 
14 of the same year. Area . 50,733 square miles, or 33,463,080 £|,cres. — 
Population in 1860, 964,201, of whom 435,080 were slaves. It is the chief 
cotton growing State of the Union. White male citizens who have re- 
sided one year in the State an,d three months in the covmty, are entitled 
to vote. Ati election for a Convention was held December 34, 1860, 
arid a majority of over 50,000 votes cast for secession ; the Cdnveiition 
met'JanViaiy 7, 1861, and on the 11th passed the ordinance of secession, by 
a vote.of 61 to 39, which was followed on the 31st by the resignation of 
its members of Congress. 

A^£^A^J\/'SAS was Arkansas Post in 1685, by the French, 
and was • part of the Louisiana purchase ceded by Prance to the United 
States, April 30, 1803. It was formed into a Territory by act of Cohgress, 
March 3, 1819, from the southern part Qf the Territory of Missouri ; its 
western boundary was settled May 26, 1834, and its southern. May 19, 
1838. Having adopted a' Constitution, a memorial was presented in 
Congress, March 1, 1836, and an act for its admission into the Union 
passed June 15 of the same year. Area 52,198 square miles, or 33,406,- 
720 acres. Iri 1860 its population was 4'pi,450, of whom 111,115 were 
slaves. It is an agricultural State, its staples being corn and cotton. — 
Citizenship and. residence la the State for six months, qualify voters in the 
county and district where they reside. January 16, 1861, its Legislature 
ordered a State Convention, which assembled, and on May 6, Voted to 
secede, 69 to 1. January 4, J864, a Convention assembled in Little 
Rock, which adopted a new Constitution, the principle feature of which 
consisted in a clause abolishing slavery. The Convention adjourned 
January 33. This body also inaugurated a Provisional Government, 
lie Constitution was submitted to the people, and 13,177 votes cast for it, 
to 336 against it. The State was re-organized under the plan contained 
in the Amnesty Proclamation of President Lincoln, in pursuance of 
which an election was held March 14, 1864. The vote required under the 
Proclamation was 5,405. About 16,000 votes were cast. 

B . 


CAZJF'OSJVIA was settled at Diego in 1768, by Sijaniards, and was 
part of the territory ceded to the United States by Mexico, by the treaty 
concluded at Guadaloupe Hidalgo, February 23, 1848. After several inef- 
fectual attempts to organize it as a Territory or admit it as a State, a 
law was passed by Congress for the latfer purpose, which was approved 
September 9, 1850. Area 188,981 square miles, or 120,947,784 acres. 
Population in 1860, 305,439. It is the most productive gold mining re- 
gion on the continent, and also abounds in many other minerals. — 
White male citizens of thq. United States, and thoSe of Mexico who may 
choose to comply with the provisions of the treaty of Queretaro, of May 30, 
1848, who have resided in the State six months and in the county or dis- 
trict thirty days, are entitled to vote. 

COJVjyBCnCUTyf&'S.^VCusA&'i Windsor, in 1633, by English Puri- 
tans from Massachusetts, and continued under the jurisdiction of thatProv- 
ince until April 23, 1662, when a separate charter was granted, which con- 
tinued in force until a ConstitutSoh wasformed, September 15, 1818. It was 
one of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States Con- 
stitution, January 9, 1788. Area 4,674 square miles, or 2,991,360 acres. 
Population in 1860, 460,147. It is one of the most densely populated 
and principal manufacturing Stjtes in the Union. Residence for six 
months, or military duty for a yerfr, or payment of State tax, or a free- 
hold of the yearly value of seven dollars, gives the right to vote. 

3)£!Zji. TKdSj^was settled at Wilhiin^on, early in 1638, by Swedes 
and Finns ; was granted to William Penn, m 1683, and continued under 
the government of Pennsylvania until the adoption of a Constitution, 
September 30, 1776 ; a new one was .formed June 13, 1793. It was one 
of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States Constitu- 
tion, December 7, 1787. Area 2,130 square tniles, or 1,356,800 acr^. — 
Population, in 1860, 113,316, of whom 1,798 were slaves. It is a grain and 
fruit growing State, with some extensive manufactories. Kesmencer. in 
the State one year, and ten days in the election district, with payment 
of a State or ^county tax assessed ten days prior to an election, gives the 
right to vote, except that citizens between twenty-one and twenty-two 
years of age need not have paid the tax. 

FLORIDA was settled at St. Augustine, in 1565, by Spaniards ; was 
formed fi-om part of the territory ceded by Spain to the United States 
by treaty of Febi-uary 33, 1819; an act to authorize the President to 
establish a temporary government was passed March 3, 1819; articles 
of surrender of East Floridal^ere ii-amed July 10, and of West Florida, 
July 17, 1831, and it was then taken possession of by General Jackson 
as Governor. An act for the establishment of a Territorial Govern- 
ment was passed March 30, 1833, and by act of March 3, 1833, East and 
West Florida were constituted one Territory. Acts to establish its 
boundary line between Georgia and Alabama were passed May 4 1836 
and Match 2, 1831. After several ineffectual attempts to organize it 
into two Territories, or into k State and Territory, an act for its admis- 
sion mto the Union was passed March 8, 1845. Area 59,268 square 
miles or 87,930,520 acres. Population, in 1860, 140,485 of whom 
61,748 were slaves. It is an agricultural State, tropical in its climate and 
products. Etery free white male citizen, who has resided in the State 
*'«:?.,.years and m the county six months, and has been enrolled in thP 
militia (unless exempt by law,) is quaUfied to vote ; but no soldier, seamlm 


or marine can vote unless qualified before enlistment. Its Legislature 
called a Convention, Decenlber 1, 1860, which met January 3, 1861, and 
passed a secession ordinance on the' 10th by a vote of 63 to 7. 

GMO^GIA was settled at Savannah, in 1733, by the English under 
General Oglethorpe. It was chartered June 9, 1733; formed a Con- 
stitution Februarys, 1777; a second in 1785 and a third May 80, 1798.— 
It was one of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States 
Constitution January 2,1788. Area 58,000 square miles, or' 37,130,000 
acres. Pofiulation, in 1860, 1,057,386, of whom 463,198 were slatees. It is 
a large cotton and rice growing State. Citizens of the State, six months 
resident of the county where voting, who have paid taxes tlie year pre- 
ceding the election, are entitled to vote. November 18, 1860, its Legis- 
lature ordered an election for a State Convention, iwhich assembled and 
passed a secession ordinance January 19, 1861, by a vote of 308 to 89, and 
on the 33d of th£ same month its members of Congress resigned. 

IIiZiIJVOIS was settled at Kaskaskia, in 1683, by the French, and 
formed part of the northwestern territory ceded by Virginia to the 
United States. An act for dividing the Indiana Territory and organizing 
the Territory of Illinois, was passed by Congress, February 3, 1809 ; and . 
an act to enable it to form a State Constitution, Government, &c., was 
passed April 18, 1818; a Constitution was framed August 26, and it was 
admitted into the Union December 33 of the same year. Area 64,405 
square miles, or 64,819,300 acres. Population, in 1860,1,711,951. It is the 
Chief " prairie" State, and the largpst grain growing and second largest 
cattle raising State in the Union. AH white male inhabitants, who have 
■resided in the State one year and election district sixty days, can vote in 
the district where actually residing. 

IJ^3)IA.JVA. was settled at Vincennes, in 1690, bjr the French, and 
formed part of the northwestern territory ceded by Virginia to the United 
States. It was organized into a Territory May 7, 1800, from which the 
Territory of Michigan was set off in 1805, and Illinois in 1809. An act 
was passed to empower it to form a State Constitution, Government, &c., 
April 19, 1816, and it was admitted into the Union December 11 of the 
same year. Area 33,809 square miles, or 31,637,760 acres. , Population, in 
1860, 1,350,438. It is an agricultural State,, chiefly devoted to grain grow- 
ing and cattle raising. A residence of one year in the State entitles males 
of 31 years of age to vote in the county of tiieir residence. 

JOTKA. was first settled at Burlington by emigrants from the Northern 
and Eastern States. It was part oi the region purchased from France ; 
was set off from the Territory of Wisconsin and organized as a separate 
Territory June 13, 1838; an act for its admission as a State was passed 
and approved March 3, 1845, to which the assent of its inhabitants was to 
be given to be announced by Proclamation of the President, and on De- 
cember 38, 1€46, another act for its admission was passed. Area 50,914 
square miles or 33,584,960 acres. Population, in 1860, 674,913. It is an 
agricultural State, resembling Illinois, and contains important lead mine's. 
■White male citizens of the United States, having resided in the State six 
months and county twenty days, are entitled to vote. 


JTAJVSsiS was formed out of'the original Louisiana purchase, and or- 
ganized into a Territory ijy act of Congress, MaySO 1854, and after several 
meffectual attempts was finally admitted into the Union m Janaaiy, lool- 
Area 78,418 square miles, or 50,187,530 acres. Population, m i860, 107,- 
306. It is an agricultural State, with a soil of rich and deep black loam, 
except the central, portion; which is partly a desert. The western portion 
is) a fine grazing country, well wooded. Residence in the State six months, 
and m the township or ward thirty days, confers the nght of suffrage on 
white male citizens. It also abounds in minerals. 

JS::EJ\r2'UCirT was settled in 1775, by Virginians ; formed into a 
Territory by act of the Virginia Legislature, December 18, 1789, and ad- 
mitted into the Union June 1, 1792, by Tirtue of an act of Congress pass- 
ed February 4, 1791. Area 37,680 square miles, or 34,115,200 acres.— 
Population in 1860, 1,155,684, of whom 325,483 were slaves. It is an agn- 
cultural State, raising more flax and hemp than any other. Loyalty, a 
lesidence of two years in the State and one in the county are the requu-e- 
ments to vote. " Any citizen of this State who shall enter the service of 
the so-called Confederate States, in either a civil or military capacity; or 
into the service of the so-called Provisional Government of Kentucky, in 
either a civil or military capacity ; or having heretofore entered such ser- 
vice of either the Confederate States or Provisional Government, shall 
'Continue in such service after this act takes effect, (March 11, 1862,) or 
shall take up or continue in arms against the military forces of the United 
States or State of Kentucky, or shall give voluntary aid and assistance to 
those in arms against said forces, shall be deemed to have expatriatad him- 
self, and shall no longer be a citizen, except by permission of the Legisla- 
ture by a general or special statute." 

ZOITJSIAJVA was settled at Iberville, in 1699, by the French, and 
comprised a part of the territory ceded by Prance to the United Slates, by 
treaty of Apnl 30, 1803, which purchase was erected into two Territories 
by act of Congress March 36, 1804, one called the Territory of Orleans, the 
other the District of Louisiana, afterwards changed to that of Missouri. — 
Congress, March 2, 1806, authorized the inhabitants of Orleans Territory 
to form a State Constitution and Government when their population 
should amount to 60,000 ; a Constitution was adopted January 22, 1813, 
and the State admitted into the Union April 8 of the same year, 
under the name of Louisiana. Area 41,355 square miles, or 36,403,200 
acres. Population in 1860, 708,002, of whom 331,726 were slaves. It is 
the chief sugar producing State of the Union. Two years' residence in 
the State and one in the parish are the qualifications of voters. Decem- 
ber 10, 1860, the Legislature ordered a State Convention to be held, which 
assembled and passed an ordinance of secession January 26, 1861, by a 
vote of 113 to 17. The people voted on the question, and on March 38 
the following was announced as the result : For, 20,448 ; against, 17,396 ; a 
majority of 3,153. The Coirventioli ratified the 'Confederate' Constitution 
March 11, 1861, by avote of 107 to 7, and refused to submit it to the peo- 
ple by 94 to 10. On the 11th day of January, 1864, Maj. Gen. Banks 
issued a Proclamation for an election of State ofiBcers and delegates to a 
Constitutional Convention, for the purpose of affecting a reconstruction of 
the State Government under the plan suggested in the Amnesty Proclama- 
tion of President Lincoln. The election was held on the 33d day of Feb- 
ruary, 1864. The officers thus elected were installed March 4. The total 
vote cast was 10,725. The vote requisite under the Proclamation was 
5,051. The Convention amended the Constitution so as to abolish slavery. 
The new .Constitution was adopted by the people by a vote of 6,886 for, to 
1,566 agiainst. 


McilJVS was settled at York, in 1633, by the English, and was for- 
merly under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. October 39, 1819, the in- 
habitants of the District of Maine framed a Constitution ; applied for ad-_ 
mission December 8, 1819. Congress passed an act March 3, 1830, and it 
was admitted as a State March 15, of the same year. Area 31,76,6 square 
miles, or 20,330,340 acres. Population, in 1860, 638,379. It ja largely en- 

faged in the lumber trade and ship building. Citizens of the United 
tates, except paupers and persons under guardianship, who have resided 
in the State for three months next preceding the election, are /entitled to 

MciL^TZ3LACS> was settled at St Mary, in 1634, by Irish Roman 
Catholics, having been chartered June 20, 1633. It was one of tl»e origin- 
al thirteen States ; formed a Constitution August 14, 1776, and ratified the 
Constitution of the United • States April 28, 1788. Area .11,124 square 
miles, or 7,119,360 acres. Population in 1860, 687,049, of whom 87,189 
were slaves. It is mainly an agricultural State, producing grain and to- 
bacco. A residence of one year in the State, and six months in the coun- 
ty, gives the right to vote to every white male citizen who takes the oath 
of alleriance prescribed in the Constitution. January 38', 1864, a bill pass- 
ed the Legislature submitting to the people the question of a Convention 
to revise fiie Constitution of the State. The popular vote on the question 
was as follows ; For Convention, 33,303 ; ag;ainst, 18,337. 'The Convention 
assembled^and adopted a Constitution abolishing slavery, which was sub-, 
mitted to and adopted by the people ; and in accordance with its provis- 
ions, on the 39th'of October, 1864, the Governor issued his Proclamation 
declaring the slaves in that State free from the 1st day of November. 

MASSACMUSBTTS was settled at Plymouth, November 3, 1630, 
by English Puritans, and Charters were granted March 4,. 1639, January 
13, 1630, August 20, 1736, and October 7, 1731. It was one of the original 
13 States; adopted a Constitution March 3, 1780, which was amended No- 
vember 3, 1830,' and ratified the Constitution of the United States Febru- 
ary 6, 1788. Area 7,800 square miles, or 4,998,000 acres. Population in 
1860, 1,331,066. It is a largely commercial, the chief manufacturing and 
most densely populated State in the Union. A resideijce of one year in 
the State, and payment of State or county tax, gives the right to vote to 
male citizens of 21 yea'rs and upward, except paupers and persons under 

MICHIGAJV y^m settled at Detroit in 1670, by the French, and was 
part of the territory ceded to the United States by Virginia. It was set 
off from the terntory of Indiana, and erected into a separate Territory 
January 11, 1805 ; an act to attach to it all the territory of the United 
States west of the Mississippi river, and north of the State of Missouri, 
was passed June 28, 1834. Wisconsin was organized from it April 30, 
1836. In June «f the same year an act was passed to provide for the ad- 
mission of the State of Michigan into the Union, and a Constitution baving 
been adopted, it was admitted January 26, 1837. Area 56,343 square 
miles, or 35,995,552 acres. Population in 1860, 749,113. It is a grain 
growing and cattle rearing State, with rich and extensive mines of copper 
and iron in the Northern Peninsula. A residence in the State of six 
months preceding the election, entitles white male citizens to vote. 


MIJVJ\rSSOTji. was settled about 1846, chiefly by emigrants from 
the Northern arid Western States. It was organized as a Territory by 
act of Congress approved March 3, 1849, and admitted into the Union 
February 26, 1857. Area 95,374 square mUes, or 60,975,536 acres. Pop- 
ulation in 1860, 173,133 whites, and about- 35,000 Indians, many of the 
tribes being of a warlike character. It is an agricultural State, chiefly 
devoted to Northern grains. The right to vote is extended to male per- 
sons of 21 years of age, of the following classes, if they have rerided in 
the United States one year, the State four months, and the election dis- 
trict ten days: 'White citizens of the United States, and those of foreign 
birth who liave declared their intention to become citizens ; persons of 
mixed white and Indian blood who have adopted the customs of civiliza- 
tion, and those of pure Indian blood who have been pronounced capable 
by any district court of the State. 

MISSISSI1"PI ^9S, settled at Natchez, in 1716, by the French, and 
was formed out of part of the territory ceded to the United States by 
South Carolina in 1*?87, and Georgia in 1803. It was organized as a Ter- 
ritory by act of Congress, April 7, 1789, and enlarged on the north March 
37, 1804, and on the south May 14, 1813. After several unsuccessful at- 
tempts to enter the Union, Congress finally passed an act March 1, 1817, 
enabling the people of the western part' of the Territory to form a State 
Constitution and Government, which being complied with August 15, it 
was admitted December 10 of the same year. Area 47,156 square miles, 
or 30,179,840 acres. Population in 1860, 791,305, of whom 436,631 were 
slaves. It is the second Cotton growing State of the Union. Citizens 
who have resided one yearin the State, and four months in the county, 
and having performed military duty or paid taxes, are entitled to vote. A 
Convention met January 7, 1861, and on the 9th passed an ordinance of 
secession by a vote of 84 to 15. 

.^^.S5<?^7-i^y was settled at Genevieve in 1763, by the French, and 
was part of the territory ceded by France by treaty of April 30, 1803. 
It was created under the name of the District of Louisiana, by an act 
approved March 26, 1804, and placed under the direction of the oflScers 
of the Indiana Territory, and was organized into a separate Territory June 
4, 1813, its name being changed to that of Missouri; and was divided 
March 3, 1819, the Territory of Arkansas being then created. An act au- 
thorizing it to form a State Constitution and Government was passed 
March 6, 1830, and it was admitted into the Union December 14, 1821. 
Area 67,380 square miles, or 43,133,300 acres. Population in 186oi 
1,182,013, of whom 114,931 were slaves. An act of gradual emancipation 
was passed July 1, 1863, by a vote of 51 to 30. On the 6th of January, 
1865, a Constitutional Convention assembled in St Louis, and on the 8th 
of April adopted a new Constitution, declaring the State free, prohibiting 
compensation for slaves, and adopting many other radical changes. On 
the 6th of June the Constitution was adopted by the people by a vote of 
43,670 to 41,808, and pursuant to a Proclamation issued on the 1st of Ju- 
ly, the Constitution went into efiect July 4, 1865. It is an agricultural 
and mining State. Citizens of the I^pfited States who have r^ded in the 
State one year, and county three months, are entitled to vote. By an act 
passed by the Legislature of 1868, voting by ballot was adopted, and the 
■mma wee system abolished. 


JV^SSijiSjS:.ii. was settled by emigrants from the Northern, and 
"Western States, and formed out of a part of the territory ceded by- 
France, April 30,. 1803. Attempts to organize it were made in 1844 and 
1848, but it was not accomplished until May 30, 1854. Area 75,955 square 
miles, or 44,796,160 acres. Population 28,841, besides a few roving tribes 
of Indians. A Convention adopted a State Constitution February 9, 1866, 
which was subnutted to the people on the 23d of June, and adopted by a 
vote of 3,938 for, to 3,838 against, and State officers were elected. A bill 
was passed by Congress, July 27th, admitting theiStatie, but the President 
withheld his signature. In February, 1867, Congress passed an act im- 
posing certfun conditions to admission, which were promptly acceipted, and 
the territory became a State. It is an agricultural region, its prairies af- 
fording boundless pasture lands. 

JVSVA.SA. was organized as a Territory March 2, 1861. Its name 
signifies snowy, and is derived from the Spanish word Mi««« (snow.) It 
comprises 81,589 square miles, or 52,184,960,acres, lying mostly within the 
Great Basin of the Pacific coast. Congress, at its Assion in 1864, passed 
an act which was approved March 21, to CDable the people of the Terri- ^ 
tory to form a Constitution and State Government, in pursuance of which ' 
a Government was organized and the Territory admitted as a State by 
Proclamation of the President, October 31, 1864. At the time of its or- 

fanization the Territory possessed a population of 6,857 white settlers, 
'he development bf her mineral resources was rapid and almost without 
parallel, and attracted a constant stream of immigration to the Territory. 
As the population has not been subject to the fluctuations from which 
other Territories have suffered, the growth of Nevada has been rapid and 
steady. At the general convention election of 1863, 10,934 votes were cast. 
During 1864 great accessions to the population were made. It is probably 
the richest State in the Union in respect to mineral resources. No region 
in the world is richer in argentiferous leads. It also contains an immense 
basin qf salt, five mile^ square. Quartz mills are a very important feature 
. ill mining operations. The State is barren for agricultural purposes, and 
is remarkably healthy. 

J\r:Eyr HjLM^SJ^I^E was settled at Dover, in 1623, by English 
Puritans, and continued under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts until 
September 18, 1679, when a separate charter was granted.' It was one 
of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States Constitution 
June 31, 1788; its State Constitution was framed January 5, 1776, and 
amended in 1784 and 1792. Area 9,380 square miles, or 5,939,200 acres. 
Population in 186i), 326,Q73. It is a grazing and manufacturing State. 
All male citizens, -except paupers, are allowed to vote. 

JV^yr J'^SS^Twas settled at Bergen, in 1634, by the Dutch and 
Danes ; was conquered by the Dutch in 1655, and submitted to the English 
in 1664, being held thereafter under the same grants as New York, until it 
was surrendered to the Crown in 1702. It was one of the original thirteen 
States, adopted a State Constitution July 3, 1776, and ratified the United 
States Constitutidn December 18, 1787. Area 8,320 square miles, or 5,- 
334,800 acres. Population in 1860, 672,035. It is a grain and fruit grow- 
ing region, its orchard and market products being relatively greater than 
those of any other State. A residence of 6ne year in the State gives the 
right to vote, except to paupers, &c. 


JV^V^ TO^JS" -weis settled at Manhattan, in 1614, by the Dutch; was 
ceded to the English by grants to the Duke of York, March 20, April 36, 
and June 24, 1664 ; was retaken by the Dutch in 1673, and surrendered 
again by them to the English, February 9, 1674. It was one of the orig- 
inal thirteen States ; ratified the United States Constitution July 26, 1788 ; 
framed a Constitution April 20, 1777, which was amended Octpber 27, 
1801, and November 10, 1831 ; a new one was adopted November 3, 
1846. Area 47,000 square miles, or 30,080,000 acres. Population in 
1865, 8,831,777. It is the most populous, wealthy and commercial of 
the States. "White male citizens of the United States, who have resided 
ia the State one year, in the county four months, and election district 
thirty days, are entitled to vote ; and all men of color who liave- resided 
in the State three years, and own and pay taxes on a freehold assessed 
at $350. 

JVOSTM CJiSOZIJVji. was settled at Albemarle, in 1650, by the 
English, and was chartered March 20, 1663. It was one of the original 
thirteen States, and ratified the Unit'ed States Constitution, November 31, 
1789 ; its State Constitution was adopted December 18, 1776^nd amended 
in 1835. Area, 50,704 square miles, or 32,450,560 acres. Population in 
1860, 992,622, of whom 331,059 were slaves. It is an agiiculturaj State, 
with some mines and extensive ^ine forqsts. Every freeman of 31 years 
of age, having resided onef'year in any county in the State, may vote for 
a member of the House of Commons, but must own fifty acres of land to 
vote for a Senator. A State Convention passed an ordinance of secession 
May 21, 1861. • An election for delegates to a State Convention took place 
September 21, 1865. The Convention assembled October 3. On the 3d of 
October it passed an ordinance forever prohibiting slavery. The Legisla- 
ture ratified the Cotistitutional amendment December 1. An election was 
held on the first Thursday of November, for Governor, Members of Con- 
gress and the Legislature. 

OMIO was settled at Marietta, in 1788, by emigrants from Vir^nia and 
New England; was ceded by Virginia to the United States October 30, 
1783 ; accepted by the latter March 1, 1784, and admitted into the Union 
April 3a, 1802. ^Area 39,964 square miles, or 35,576,960 acres. Popula- 
tion in 1860, 3,339,511. It is the most populous amd wealthy of the agri- 
cultural States, devoted principally to wool growing, grain and live 
stock. A male of 21 years of age, who has resided In the State one year, 
and has paid or been charged with a State or county tax, is eligible to 

O^SGOJV, although it had previously been seen by various naviga- 
tors, was first taken possession of by Capt. Robert Gray, who entered the 
mouth of Its principal river May 7, 1792, naming it after his vessel, the 
Columbia, of Boston. Exploring expeditions soon followed, and fur com- 
panies sent their trapjpersand traders into the region. In 1811 a trading 
post was established at the mouth of the Columbia river by the American 
vil^i'?'!^^*"^' '^^'^ ri.Ksa^^ it Astoria. For some time a Provisional Ter- 
thp ?™«^°ZSy?'?,®°* existed, but the boundary remained unsettled until 
Tt wn«^&? ^'■^''' ?"!^^ ™ A846, when the 49th parallel was adopted. 
MaTch 3 185^^n^'fr'2«l^' a, Territory AuCTSt 14^ 1848; was divided 
Wa<.w«tv;S '5'i,!^^ ^^}^ parallel, the northern portion being called 
Sn^^wL^^^*^^i°"'^^^'^0''^g'«»- November 9, 1857, a State Con- 
stitution was adopted, under whidi it was admitted February 14 1859 


about one-thkcl of it on the east being added to Washington Territory, 
its northern boundary following the Columbia river until its intersection 
with latitude 46° north. Area 103,606 square miles, or 65,667,840 
acres. Population in 1860, 58,465. It is an agricultural State, pos- 
sessed of a fertile soil, extensive pastures, genial climate, and is well 
wooded. Gold and other precious metals are found in considerable abun- 

T^JVJVSTL VAJVIA. was settled at Philadelphia, in 1681, by Eng- 
lish Quakers, and was chartered February 38 of the same year. It was 
one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the United States Constitution 
December 12, 1787 ; adopted a State Constitution September 38, 1776, and 
amended it September 2, 1790. Area 46,000 square miles, or 29,440,000 
acres. Population in 1860, 3,906,115. It is the second State in wealth 
and population, and the principal coa^ and iron mining region in the 
Union. itesiUence in the State one year, and ten days in the election 
district, with payment of a State, or county tax assessed ten days prior to 
an election, gives the vote;. except that citizens between 31 and 33 
years of age need not have paid the tax. 

^S01>B ISXiiJVS) was settled at Providence in 1636, by the Eng- 
lish from Massachusetts, under Roger Williams. It was under the juris- 
diction of Massachusetts until July 8, 1662, when a separate charter was 
granted, which continued in force until the formation of a Constitution in 
September, 1842. It was one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the 
United States Constitution May 29, 1790. Area 1,306 square miles, or 
835,840 acres. . Population in 1860, 174,620. It is largely engaged in 
manufactures. A freehold possession of $13 ; or, if in re^version, renting 
for $7, together with a residence of one year in the State and six months 
in the town ; or, if no freehold, then a residence of two years in the State 
and six months in the town, and payment of |1 tax or military service in- 
stead, are the qualifications of voters. 

SOZTTir CA'ROZIJVii. was settled at Port Royal, in 1670, by the 
English, and continued under the'charter of Carolina, or North Carolina, 
until they were .separated in 1729. It was one of the original thirteen 
States, ratifying the United States Constitution May 28, 1798 ; it framed a 
State Constitution March 26, 1776, which was amended March 19, 1778, 
and June 3, 1790. Area 29,885 square miles, or UB,806,400 acres. Population 
in 1860, 703,708, of whom 402,406 were slaves, an excess of 101,270 over 
the whites. \\ is the principal rice-growing State. Whites, Who have re- 
sided in the State two years and district six months, and have a freehold 
of fifty acres of land, or have paid a State tax, are entitled to vote. De- 
cember 17, 1860, a Convention assembled in Columbia, adjourned to 
Charleston, and on the 34th unanimously adopted an ordinance of seces- 
sion, which was followed the next day bjf a Declaration of Causes claimed 
to be suflScient to justify the act. An election for delegates to a State Con^ 
vention was held September 4, 1865. The Convention- assembled Sep- 
tember 13, and adjourned on th^ 38th. It repealed the ordinance of seces- 
sion, abolished slavery, equalized the representation of the Senate and 
taxation throughout the State, giving the election of Governor and Presi- 
dential electors to the people, ordered voting in the Legislature by wma 
wee, endorsed the Administration unanimously, and directed a commis- 
sion to submit a code to the Legislature for the protection of the colored 
population. The Legislature ratified the Constitutional Amendment No- 
vember 13, 1865. 

r£:JVJ\rBSSBE was settled at Fort Donelson, in 1756, by emigrants 
from Virginia and North Carolina ; was ceded to the United States oy 
North Carolina, December, 1789, conveyed by the Senators of that State 
February 35, 1790, and accepted by act of Congress April 3 of the same 
year; it adopted a OonstituUon Feb. 6, 1796, and was admitted into the 
Union the 1st of June following. Area 45,600 square miles, or 29,184:,0P0 
acres. Population in 1860, 1,109,601, of whom 275,179 were slaves. It 
is a mining and agricultural State, and is largely produptive of live stpck. 
Citizens of the United States who have resided six months in the county 
are entitled to vote. A military league was formed between the Governor, 
Isham G. Harris, and the rebel States.-May 7, 1861, ratified the same day 
by the Senate by a vote of 14 to 6, and a Declaration of Independence 
submitted to the people, the election to be held June 8, the result of which 
was .declared by the Governor, June 34, to be 104,913 for, and 47,338 
.against. This movement not being |pceptable to the people of East Ten- 
nessee, which had declared against separation by a vote of 33,933 to 14,780, 
they, in a Convention held at Greenvrlle, June 18-31, repudiated it. An- 
drew Johnson, Provisional Governor of the State, called a State Conven- 
tion to be held in Nashville the second Monday in ; January. Delegates 
were elected, the Convention met, declared slavery forever abolished, pro- 
hibited compensation to owners, of slaves, and abrogate^' the secession or- 
dinances. ■ These amendments of the Constitution were submitted to the 
people 33d of February, 1865, -yvith the following result: For ratification, 
33,197 ; rejection, 63. The United States Constitutional Amendment was 
ratified April 5, 1865. 

T£!X:ii.S was first settled at Bexar, in 1694, by Spaniards; formed a 
part of Mexico until 1886, when she revolted from that Republic and in- 
stituted a separate Government, under which she existed until admitted 
into the Union by a joint resolution approved March Ist, 1845, imposing 
certain conditions, which were accei)ted, and a Constitution formed July 
4 of the same year, and another joint resolution adopted by Congress, 
consummating the annexation, was approved December 29, 1845. Area 
287,504 square mUes, or 152,003,500 acres. Population in 1860, 604,215, of 
whom 182,566 were slaves. It is an agricultural region, principally devo- 
ted to grain, cotton and tropical fruits. Free white ms^e citizens of 31 
years of age, who have resided in the State one, year. and district six 
months are entitled to vote. A Convention assembled at Galveston Jan- 
^uary 38, 1861, and on February 1 passed an ordinance of secession, by a 
vote of 166 to 7, to be submitted to the people February 23, and on March 
4 they declared the State out of the Union, and Gov. Houston issued a 
Proclamation to that effect^ 

T^SHMOJVT was settled in 1724, by Englishmen from Connecticut, 
chiefly under grants from New Hampshire ; was formed from a part of 
the territory of New York, by act of its Legislature March 6, 1769 ; framed 
a Constitution December 25, 1777, and was admitted into the Union 
March 4, 1791, by virtue of an act of Congress passed February 18 of the 
same-year. Area 10,212 square miles, or 6,585,680 acres. Population in 
1860, 315,098. It is a grazing region, producing more wool, live stock, 
maple sugar, butter, cheese and hay, in proportion to its population, than 
any other State. Any citizen of the United States who has resided in the 
State one year, and will take the oath of allegiance, is entitled to vote. 

YIHGIJVIji. was settled at Jamestown, in 1607, by the English, and 
was chartered April 10, 1606, May 23, 1609, and March 12, 1618. It was 
one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the United States Constitution 
June 35, 1788 ; it framed a State Constitution July 5, 1776, which was 


• 1 — — .^ 

amended January i5, 1830. The State was divided in 1863. Present 
area 37,353 square miles. Population in 1860, 1,314,532, of whom 481,- 
410 were slaves. It is a large corn producing, and the chief tobacco grow- 
ing Statk Every white male citizen of the age of 31, years, who has been 
a resident of the State for one year, and of the county, city or town where 
he offers to vote for six months next preceding an election, and has paid 
all taxes assessed to him, after the adoption of the ConstitutioD, under the 
laws of the Commonwealth, after the re-organization of the county, city 
or town where he offers to vote, is qualified to vote for members of the 
General Assembly and all ofiScaers elective by the people. A Convention! 
sitting in Bichmond on the lYth of April, 1861, passed an ordinance of 
secession, by a vote of 88 to 55, which was submitted to the people at an 
election held May 33, the result of which was announced June 35 to be 
138,834 for, and 32^134 against. The State Government was re^organized 
by a Convention which met at Wheeling, May 11, 1861. Upon the divi- 
sion of the State in 1863, the seat of Government was removed to Alexao- 
dria. A State Qonstitutional Convention, March 10, 1864, adopted a sec- 
tion abolishing slavery. 

yVJSST TI^GIJVIA.—On the passage of the ordinance of se- 
cession by the Virginia Convention, a Convention of the western and. other 
loyal coimties of the State was held at Wheeling, which assembled May 
11, 1861, and on the 17th unanimously deposed the then State ofllcers and 
organized a Provisional Government. On the 36th of November, 1861, a 

, Convention representing the western counties assembled in Wheeling and 
framed a Constitutioh for West Virginia, which was suhmitted to the 
people on the 3d of May, 1862, and adopted by them by a nearly unani- 
mous vote. The division of the State' vsras sanctioned by the Legislature 
May 18, 1863, and ratified by Congress by an act approved December 31, 
1863, conditioned on the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution 
providing for the gradual abolition of slavery, which was done on the 34th 
of March, 1863, by a vote of the qualified electors of the proposed State, 
28,318 voting in favor of the amendment, and 573 against It.. In pursu- 
ance of the act of Congress, the President issued a Proclamation, April 
20, 1863, admitting the State sixty days from the date thereof, and on the 
20th of June the new State Government was formally inaugurated. Area 
24,000 square miles. Population in 1860, 350,599, of whom 12,754 were 

, slaves. It is a large com producing State, and abounds in coal and other 
minerals. The Alexandria Legislature adopted the United States Consti- 
tutional Amendment February 9, 1865. White male citizens, residents of 
the State one year and county thirty days, unless disqualified by rebellion, 
are entitled to vote. 

iriSCOJVSJJV -vrsA settled at Green Bay, in 1669, by the French ; 
was a part of the territory ceded by Virginia, and was set off from Mich- 
igan December 24, 1834, and was organized into a Territory April 30, 
1836. Iowa (Was set off from it June 12, 1838, and acts were passed at 
various times setting its boundaries. March 3, 1847, an act for its admis- 
sion into the Union was passed, to take effect oi the issuing of a Procla- 
mation by the President, and by act of May 29, 1848, it was admitted into 
the Union. Area 53,924 square miles, or. 34,511,360 acres. Population in 
1860, 775,881. It is an agricultural State, chiefly engaged ingrain raising 
and wool growing. Boli white and colored citizens of the United States, 
or white foreigners who have declared their intention to become citizens, 
are entitled to vote. Cblored citizens were admitted to the fraanchise, by a 
decision of the Supreme Court, rendered the 27th day of March, 1866, 
holding that, whereas an election was held in 1849, under the provisions 
of chapter 137, of that year, at which election 6,365 votes were cast in 


favor of the extension of the right of suffrage to colored men, and 4,075 
against such extension, therefore, the section of said law conferring such 
right had been constitutionally adopted and is the law of the land. 



jil^ciSJS'ji., our new territory, recently piurchased of Russia, compre- 
hends all the north-west coast on the Pacific, and the adjacent islands north 
of the parallel of 50 degrees 40 minutes north, and the portion -of the main- 
land west of the meridian (about 140° west) of Mount St. Elias. The area 
is computed at 481,276 square miles. The climate, although warmer than 
in the same latitude on the eastern coast, is too rigorous to admit of suc- 
cessflil agricultural operations, and the chief value of the country and ad- 
jacent seas is derived from their fisheries and hunting grounds. The south- 
ern and central portions are mountainous; the northern portion along the 
Arctic ocean is quite flat, nowhere rising more than fifteen or twenty feet 
above the sea. The population is estimated at about 80,000, mosfly Esqui- 
meaux. • 

A^IZOJVA. was organized by the Thirty-Seventh Congress, in the win- 
ter of 1863, out of the western half of New Mexico, the boundary between 
the two Territories being the 109th meridian (32dwest from Washington,) 
and includes the greater portions of the valleys of Colorado and Gila, 
which two rivers drain its entire surface, ^tith parts of Utah, New Mexico 
and Nevada, and yet convey, it is reported, a less volume of water to the 
sea than the Hudson at Albany. The fertile Messilla Valley was left with 
New Mexico. The Territory forms a block nearly square, and contains 
126,141 square miles, or 80,730,240 acres. Its white populationSs probably 
considerably less than 10,000. For agricultural purposes it is probably 
the most worthless on the Continent, owing to the absence of rains, but it 
is reputed to abound in silver mines. 

COZO^jIDO was organized March 2, 1861, from parts of Kansas, 
Nebraska and Utah, and is situated on each side of the Rocky Mountains, 
between latitude 37° and 41°, and longitude 25° and 32° west from Wash- 
ington. Area 104,500 square miles, or 66,880,000 acres. Population 50,- 
000, besides numerous tribes of Indians. By an enabling act passed March 
21, 1864, the people of the Territory were authorized to frame a State Con- 
stitution and organize a State Government, and a Convention accordingly 
met in 1885, and on the 12th of August adopted a Constitution, which was 
submitted to and the people September 5, and State officers 
elected November 14. A bill to admit the Territory as a State passed 
Congress, but was vetoed May 25, 1866. It is said to be a superior graz- 
ing and cattle producing region, with a healthy climate and rich soil. 
An extensive coal bed, and also gold, iron and other minerals abound. 


S>jiJP02'ji. was first settled by emyloyees of the Hudson Bay Com- 
pany, but is now being peopled by emigrants from theKorthern and Wes- 
tern states. It was set off from the western portion of Minnesota when 
that Territory became a State in 1857, and was organized March 2, 1861. 
Area 148,932 square miles, or 95,316,480 acres. Population SiSTG whites, 
and 3,361 Indians, besides the roving tribes. 

ISiAMO was organized by the Thirty-Seventh Congress, at its second 
session, in the winter of 1863. Its name means. 'Bead of the Mountains,' 
and it embraces the whole breadth of the Rocky Mountain region, and has 
within its bounds the head waters of nearly all the great rivers that flow 
down its either slope, but the greater portion lies east of the mountains. 
Its southern boundary is the 4ist, its northern the 46th parallel of latitude. 
It extends from the 104th meridian on the east to the 110th on the west 
Area 336,873 square miles, or 308,870,720 acres. For agricultural purposes 
it is comparatively worthless, but abounds in gold and other valuable 

M'OJVTAJVA. was settled by emigrants from the Northern and "West- 
em States. Organized in 18p4, with the following boundaries: Com- 
mencing at a point formed by the intersection of the 37° L. W. from Wash- 
ington with the 45" N. L. ; thence due west on said 45th degree to a point 
formed by its intersection with the 34th degree W. from Washington ; 
thence due south along said 34th degree of longitude to its intersection 
with the 44th degree and 30 minutes of N. L. ; thence due west along said 
44th degree and 30 minutes of N. L. to a point formed by its intersection 
with the crest of the Rocky MoimtMns ; th6nce following the crest of the 
Bocky Mountains northward till its intersection with the Bitter Root 
Mountains ; thence northward along the crest of said Bitter Root Moun- 
tains to its intersection with the 39th degree of loYigitude W. .from Wash- 
ington; thence along said 39th degree of longitude northward to the 
boundary line of the British possessions; thence eastward along said 
boundary to the 37th degree of longitude W. from Washington; thence 
southward along said 37th degree to the place of beginning. This makes 
it the northermost Territory next the States east of the Missouri Valley. It 
is a good mining and agricultural region. The total population is put 
down at 15,823. Large accessions have been made since the census wag 
taken. , 

J^£!W MJEXICO was formed from a part of the territory ceded to 
the United States by Mexico, by the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, Feb- 
ruary 2, 184S, and was oi'ganized into a Territory September 9, 1850. — 
Area 121,301 square miles, or 77,568,640 acres. Population 83,000, besides 
large tribes of warlike Indians. . The principal resource of the country is 
its minerals. 

U'TAJET-^SA settled by the Mormons, and was formed from a part of 
the territory ceded to the United States by Mexico, by the treaty of Guada- 
loupe Hidalgo, February 2, 1848, and was organized into a Territory, Sep- 
tember 9, 1850. Area, 106,382 square miles, or 68,084,480 acres. Popula- 
ton, 40,273, of whom 29 were slaves. Brine, sulphureous and chalybeate 
springs abound ; limestone, granite, sandstone and marble are found in 
large quantities; iron is abundant, and gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc 
have been found. Not one-fiftieth part of the soil is fit for tillage, but- on 
that which is, abundant crops of grain and considerable cotton are raised. 
A Convention was held at Great Salt Lake City, January 33, 1863, and a 
State Constitution formed, but it has not been acted on by Congress. 

yhAS^TJVGTO^yfss settled by emigrants from the Northern and 
Western States, and was organized into a Territory, March -3, 1853, from the 
horthern portion of Oregon, to which was added another portion from the 



eastern part when tlie latter Territory was admitted as a State, February 
14, 1859. Area 69,994 square miles, or 48,636,800 acres. Popujation 
11,168, besides numerous tribes of Indians. 

WTOMIJVG was organized in July 1868. It lies between th627tli and 
34th meridians of longitude west from Washington, and between the 
41st and 45th parallels of latitude. The Territory is rich in mineral wealth, 
having large quantities of iron, coal, gypsum and building stone, besides 
vast quantities of ^old, silver and copper. Salt springs of great value are 
found within, its limits. The western portion of the Territory, embraces 
what is generally known as the " Sweet Water Mines." The climate is 
healthy, and the Territory is rapidly filling up with an enterprising and 
hardy population. The act of Congress organizing the Territory, provides 
that " There shall t)e no denial of the elective franchise or any other right, 
on account of color- or race, and all persons shall be equal before the law." 



A ij » ,. ■ . Stamp'Dnty. 

Accidental mjunea to personB.tick- 
ets, or contracts for Insurance 
.fl,»P??st, exempt. 

Affldavits, exempt. 

Agreement or contract not other- 
wise specified : 
Tor every sheet or piece of paper 
upon which either of the same 
shall be written, «r - 

Agreement, renewal of,same stamp 
as original instmment. 

Appraisement of valne or damage, 
or for any other purpose : For 
each sheet of paper on which It 
is written, 

Assignment of a lease, same stamp 
as original, and additional 
stamp upon the valne or con- 
sideration of transfer, accord- 
ing to the rates of stamps on 
deeds. (See Conveyance.) 

Assignment of policy of insurance, 
same stamp as prlginal instru- 
ment. (See Insurance.) 

AsBimmeht of mortgage, same 
mortgage for the amount ra. 
nmining unpaid. (Bee Mortl 

Bail check, draft or order for anv 
sum of money drawn upon any 

. , ^ , Stamp Duty, 

bank, banker or trust compa- 
ny at sight or on demand, 3 

When drawnupon any other per- 
son or persons, companies or 
corporations, for any sum ex- 
ceeding tlO, at sight or on de- 
mand, g 
Bill of exchange, (inland,) draft or 
order for the payment of any 
sum of money not exceeding 
$100, otherwise than atsightor 
on demand, or any promissory 
note, or any memorandum, 
check, receipt, or other writ- 
ten or printed evidence of an 
amount of money to be paid on 
demand or at a time designa- 
ted : For a sum not exceedine 
$100, ^ 15 

And for every additional $100 or 
Iractlonal part thereof in ex- 
cess of $100, 5 
Bill of exchange, (foreign^ or let- 
ter of credit qrawn in, out pay- 
able out of, the United States : 
If drawn singly same rates of 
duty as inland DJDUs of exchange 
or promissory notes. 

If drawn in sets of three or more 
for every bill ol each set, where 
the sum made payable shall not 





1 00 


Stamp Duty. 

exceed ^100 or tbe equivalent 
thereof in any foreign* cnrrency % 

And for every additional $100, or 
fractional part thereof in excess 
of $100, 3 

Bill of lading or receipt (other than 
charter party) for any goods, 
merchandise, or effects to be 
exported from a port or place 
In the United States to any for- 
eign port or place, 

BiEof lading to any port in Brit- 
ish Norffi Amenca, exempt. 

Bill of lading, domestic or inland, exempt. 

BUI of sale Dy which any ship or 

vessel', or any part thereof,shall 

be conveyed to or vested in any 

other person or persons : 

When the consideration shall not 

exceed $500, 
Exceeding $500, and not exceed- 
ing %l,m. 
Exceeding $1,000, for every ad- 
ditlonar$500, or fractional part 

Bond for indemnifying any person 
for the payment of any sum ol 
money : When the money ulti- 
mately recoverable thereupon 
is $1,000 or less, 60 

When in excess of $1,000, for 
each $1,000 or fraction) 60 

Bond-administrator or guardian, 
vrhen the value of the estate 
and effects^' real and personal, 
does not exceed $liO0O) exempt. 

Exceeding $1,000, '1 00 

Bond for due execution or per- 
formance of duties of office, 

Bond, personal, for security for 
the payment of money. (See 

Bond of any desiadptasoni other than 
such as may, be> required in le- 
gal proceedings, or used in con- 
nection with mortgage deeds, 
and not otherwise charged in 
this schedule, 

Broker'snotes, (See Contract.) 

Certificates of measurement or 
weight of animals, wood, coal 
or hay, exempt. 

Cdttiflcates of measurement of oth- 
er articles, B> 

Certificates of stock in any incor- 
porated company, 

Certificates of profits, or any certi- 
ficate or memorandum showing 
an interest _ in the property 
or accumulations of any incor- 
porated company : If for a sum 
not less than $10 and not ex- 
ceeding $50, 
Exceeding $50 and not exceed- 
ing $1,000, 
Exceeding $1,000, for every ad- 
ditioniu $1,000 or fractional 
part thereof, 

Certificate. Any certUcate of dam- 
age or otherwise, andaU other 
certificates or documents is- 
sued by any port warden, ma- 

1 Oft 



Stamp Duty. 

rine surveyor, or other person 

acting as such, 35 

C@rtlflcate of deposit of any sum of 
money in any hank or trust 
company, or with any banker 
or person acting as such : If for 
a sum not exceeding $100, 3 

For a sum exceeding $100. 5 

Certificate of any other descrip- 
tion than those specified, ' 6 

Charter, renewal of, same stamp as 
an original instrument. 

Charter party for the charter of any 
ship or vessel, or steamer, oj 
any letter, memorandum, or 
other writing relating to the 
charter, or aA renewal or 
transfer thereoT: If the. res- 
tored tonnage of such ship, 
vessel, or steamer does not ex- 
ceed 150 tons, ' 1 00 
Exceeding 150 tons, and not ex- 
ceeding gOO tons, 3 00' 
Exceeding 300 tons, and not ex- 
ceeding 600 tons, 6 00 
Exceeding 600 tons, 10 00 

Check. Bank check, 3 

Contract. Broker's note, or mem- 
orandum of sale of any goods 
or merchandise, exchange, real 
estate, or property of any kind 
or description issued by brok- 
ers or persons acting as such : 
For each note or memorandum 
of sale, 10 

Bill or memorandum of the sale 
or contract for the sale of 
stocks, bdnds, gold or silver 
bnllion,coin, promissory notes, 
or other securities made by 
brokers, banks, or bankers, 
either for the benefit of others 
or on their own account : For 
, each hundred dollars, or frac- m 
tional part thereof, of the 
amount of such sale or con- 
tract, 1 
Bill or memorandum of the sale « 
or contract for the f^le of 
stocks, bonds, gold or silver 
' buUion,coin,promiBSorynotee, 
or other secuiitieB, not his or 
theit own properl^v made by 
any person, firm, or company 
not paying a special ttg as bro- 
ker, bank or banker : For each 
hundred dollars, or tl'actional 
part thereof, of the amount of 
snch sale or contract, 5 

Contract. (See Agreement.) 

Contract, renewalof, same stamp 
as origiiml instrument. 

Conveyance, deed, instrument or 
writing, whereby any lands, 
tenements, or tfther realty sold 
shall be granted, assigned, 
transferred, ;or otherwise con- 
veyed to or vested in the pur- 
chaser or purchasers, or any 
Other person or persons, by his, 
her or their direction, when the 
considerationor value does not 
exceed $600, ~ 50 



1 00 



1 00 

Stamp Dnfy 
When the conBideration exceeds 
$600, and does not exceed 
And for every additional $500, or 
fractional pairt thereof, in ex- 
0668 of $1,000, 

Conveyance. The' acknowledg- 
ment of a deed, or proof by a 
witness, exempt. 

Conveyance. Certificate of record 

of a deed, exempt. 

Credit, letter of. Same as foreign 
hill of exchange. 

Customhouse entry. (See En- ' 

Custom-house withdrawals. (See 
Entry.) • f 

Deed. (See Conveyance — Trust 
deed.) , 

Draft. Same as inland hUl of ex- 

Endorsement of any negotiable In- 

siruraent, exempt. 

Entry of any goods, wares or mer- 
chandise at any custom-honse, 
either forconsumption or ware- 
housing; Not exceeding $100 
in value, 
Exceeding $100, and not exceed- 
ing $500 in value, 
Exceeding $500 in value. 

Entry for the withdrawal of any 

foods or merchandise from 
ended warehouse, , 60 

Ganger's returns, exempt. 

Indorsement upon a stamped obli- 
gation in acknowledgment of' 
Its fulfillment, exempt. 

Insurance (life) policy ; When the 
amount insured shall not ex- 
I ceed $1,000, 

Exceeding $1,000, and not ex- 
ceeding $5,000, 
Exceeding $5,000, 
Insurance (marine, , inland, and 
fire,) policies, or renewal of the 
same : If the premium does not 
•> exceed $10, 

Exceeding $10, and not exceed- 
ing $30, •& 
Exceeding $50, 6( 
Insurance contracts or tickets 
against accidental iiyuries to 
persons, exempt, 
Lease, agreement, memorandum, 
or contract for the hire, use, or 
rent of any land, tenement, or 
portion thereof: Where the 
rent or rental value is $800 per 
annum or less. 
Where the rent or rental value 
exceeds the sum of $300 per 
annum, for each additional 
$aoo, or fractional part thereof 
in excess of $300, 
Legal documents : 
Writ, or other original process, 
py which any suit, either crim- 
inal or civil, is commenced in 
any court, either of law or equi- 


1 00 






Confession of judgment orcoe- 

•w°,7"' *v exempt. 

Writs or other process on ap- 

Stamp Duty, 
peals from justice courts or 
other courts of' Inferior jiiria- 
- diction to a court of record. exempt. 
Warrant of distress. exempt. 

Letters of administration. (See 

Probate of wiU.) 
Letters testamentary, when the 
value of the estate and effects, 
real and personal, does not ex- 
ceed $1,000, Exempt. 
Exceeding $1,000, 6 
Letters of credit. Same as bill of 

exchange, (foreign.) 
Manifest £or custom-house entry or 
clearance of the cargo of any 
ship^ vessel, pr steamer, for a 
foreign port ; 
If the registered tonnage of such 
ship, vessel, or steamer does 
nof exceed 30O tons. 
Exceeding 300 tons, and not ex- 
ceeding 600 tons. 
Exceeding 600 tone, 
[These provisions do not ap- 
ply to vessels or steamboats 

1 00 

6 00 

pljing between ports of the 
United States and British 

North America.] 

Measurers' returns. 

Memorandum of sale, or broker's 
note, (see Contract.) 

Mortgage of lands, estate, or pro- 
perty, real or personal, herita- 
ble or movable, whatsoever, a 
trust deed in the nature of a 
mortgags,or any personal bond 
'given as security for the pay- 
ment of any definite or cenam 
sum of money : exceeding $100, 
and not exceeding $500, 
Exceeding $600, anl not exceed- 
ing $1,000, 
Andlfor every additional $600, or 
fractional part thereof, in ex- 
cess of $1,000, 

Order for payment of money, if the 
amount is $10, or over. 

Passage ticket on any vessel from 
a port in the United States to a 
foreign port, not 'exceeding 
Exceeding $35, and not exceed- 


ing $50, 

AndTfor every additonal $60, or 
fractional part thereof, in ex- 
cess of $60, 
Passage tickets to ports in Brit- 
ish North America, 

Pawner's checks. 

Power of attorney for the sale or 
transfer of any stock, bonds or 
scrip, or Ibr the collection of 
any dividends or interest there- 

Power of attorney, or proxy, for 
voting at any election tor offi- 
cers of any incorporated com- 
pany or society, except reli- 
gions, charitable, ar literary 
societies, or public cemeteries. 

Power of attorney to receive or col- 
lect rent. 

Power of attorney to sell and con- 
vey real estate, or to rent or 

1 00 


1 00 

1 00 






Stamp Daty. 
lease the same, 1 00 

Power of attorney for any other 

purpose, 50 

Prooate of will, or letters of admin- 
istration; where the estate and 
effects for orin respect of which 
such probate or letters of ad- 
ministration applied for shall 
be sworn or declared not to ex- 
ceed the Talne of $1,000, exempti 
Exceeding $1,000, and not ex- 
ceeding $2,000, 1 00 
Exceeding $2,000, for every ad- 
ditional $1,000, or fractional 
part thereof, m excess of 
$2,000, 60 

FromisBoi? note. (See Bill of ex- 
change, inland.) 
Deposit note to mutnal insurance 
companies, when policy Is snh- 
, ject to duty, exempt. 

Kectewal of a note, sabject to the 
same duty as an original note. 

Protest of note, bill of exchange, 
acceptance, check, or draft, or 
any marine protest, 25 

Qoit-claim deed to be stamped as a 
conYcyance, except when giv- 
en as a release of a mortgage 
by the mortgagee to the mort- 
gagor, in which case it is ex- 
empt ; but if it contains cove- 
nants may be subject as an 
agreement or contract. 

Receipts for satisfaction of any 
mortgage or judgment or de- 
cree of any court, exempt. 

Receipts for any snm of money or 
debt due, or for a draft or oth- 
er instrument given for the 
payment of money ; exceeding 
$20, not being for satis&ction 
of any mortgage or judgment 
or decree of coart, 2 

(See Indorsement.) 

Receipts for the delivery of pro- 
perty, exempt. 

Renewal of agreement, contract or 
charter, by letter or. otherwise, 
same stamp, aa original instru- 

Sheriff's return on vfrit or other 

process, exempt. 

Trust deed, made to secure a debt, 
' to be stamped as a mortgage. 

Warehouse receipts, exempt. 

Warrant of attorney accompany- 
ing a bond or note, if the Dond 
or note is stamped, exempt. 

Weigher's returns, exempt. 

Omcial documents, instruments, 
and papers issued by officers 
of the United States Oovem- 
ment, exempt. 

Official instruments, documents, " 
and papers issned by the offi- 
cers ofany State, county,town, 
orother municipal corporation, 
in the exercise of nmctions 
strietly belonging to them in 
their ordinary governmental or 
municipal capacity, ' exempt. 

Papers necessary to be used for 

Stamp Duty, 
the collection f^om the United 
States Government of claims 
by soldiers, or their legal rep- 
resentatives, ' for pensions, 
iback pay, bounty, or for prop- 
erty lost in the service, exempt, 


In all cases where an adhesive stamp is 
used for denoting the stamp duty upon an 
instrument, the person using or affixing the 
same must write or imprint thereupon in 
ink the initials of bis name, and the date 
(the year, month, and day) on which the 
same Is attached or used. * Each stomp 
should be separately cancelled. Wheh 
stamps are printed upon checks. Sua., so 
that m fflling up the instrument, the fiice of 
the stamp is and must necessarily be writ- 
ten across, no other cancellation will be re- 

: All cancellation must be distinct and legi- 
ble, and except in the case of proprietary 
stamps from pnvate dies, no method of 
cancellation which differs from thi^t above 
described can be recognized as legal and 


A penalty of fifty (lollars is imposed upon 
every person who makes, signs, or issues, 
or who causes to be madq, signed, or issu- 
ed, any paper of any kind or description 
whatever, or who accepts, negotiates, or 
pays, or causes to be accepted, negotiated, 
or paid, any bill of exchange, draft, or or- 
der, or promissory note, for the payment of 
money, without the same being duly stamp- 
ed, or having thereupon an adhesive stamp 
for denoting the tax chargeable thereon, 
cancelled in the manner required by law, 
with intent to evade the provisions of the 
revenue act. 

A penalty of two hundred dollars is im- 
posed upon every person who pays, negJ^ 
tiates, or offers in payment, or receives or 
takes inpayment, any bill of exchange or 
order for the payment ofany sum of money 
drawn or purporting to be drawn in a for- 
eign country, but payable in the Unitei 
States, until the proper stomp has been af- 
fixed thereto. 

A penalty of fifty dollars is Imposed upon. 
every person who fraudulently makes use 
of an adhesive stamp to denote the dnt^ re- 
quired by the revenue act, vrithont efi'ectu- 
ally cancelling and obliterating the same in 
the manner required bylaw. 

Attention is particularly called to the fol- 
lowing extract from section 156, of the act 
of June 30, 1864, as amended by the act of 
July 13, 1866 : 

"If any person shall wilfhlly remove or 
cause to be removed, alter or cause to be al- 
tered, the cancelling or defacing marks on 
any adhesive stamp, with intent to use the 
same, or to cause tne use of the same, after 
it shall have been used once, or shall know- 
ingly or wilfoUy sell or buy such washed 
or restored stamps, or offer the same for 
sale, or give or expose the same to any per- 



son for nse, or knowingly use the same or 
prepare the same with intent for the far- 
ther nse thereof, or if any person shall 
knowingly and without lawful excuse (the 
proof whereof shall lie on the person accus- 
ed) have in his possession any washed," re- 
stored, or altered stamps, which have heen 
removed from any vellum, parchment, pa- 
per, instrument or writing ; then, and in 
every such case, every person so offending, 
and every person knowingly and wilfully 
•aiding, abetting, or assisting in committing 
any such offence as aforesaid, shall, on 'con- 
viction thereof, * * • be punished by 
a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, 
or by imprisonment and confinement to 
hard labor not exceeding five years, or both, 
at the. discretion of the court." 

■ It is not lawful to record any instrument, 
document, or paper required by law to be 
stamped, or any copy thereof, unless a 
stamp or stamps of the proper amonnt have 
been affixed and cancelled in the manner 
required by law ; and such instrument or 
copy and the record thereof are utterly null 
and void, and cannot be used or admitted as 
evidence in any court until the defect has 
been cured as provided in section 158. 

All willful violations of the law. should be 
reported to the United States District Attor- 
ney within and for the district where they 
are committed. 


Bevenne stamps may be used indiscrimi- 
nately upon any of the matters or things 
enumerated in Schedule B, except proprie- 
tary and playing card stamps, for which a 
special use has been provided. 

Postage stamps cannot be used in pay- 
ment of the duty chargeable on instm- 

The law does not designate which of the 
parties to an instrument shall furnish the 
necessary stamp, nor does the Commission- 
er of Internal Bevenue assume to determine 
that it shall be supplied by one party rather 
tffianby another : but If an instrument sub- 
ject to stamp duty is issued without having 
the necessary stamps affixed thereto, it can- 
not be recorded, or admitted, pr used in ev- 
idence, in any court, until a legal stamp or 
stamps, denoting the amonnt of tax, shall 
have been affixed as prescribed by law, and 
the person who thus issues it is liable to a 
penalty, if he omits the stamps with an in- 
tent to evade the provisions of the internal 
revenue act. 

The first act imposing a stamp tax upon 
certain specified instruments took effect, so 
far as said tax is concerned, October 1, 1862. 
The impression which seems to prevail to 
some extent, that no stamps are required 
upon any instruments issued in the States 
lately in insurrection, prior to the snrren- 
• der, or prior to the establishment of collec- 
tion districts there, is erroneous. 

Instruments issued in those States since 
October 1, 1862. are subject to the same tax- 
es as similar ones issued at the same time 
in the other States. . 

No stamp is necessary upon an Instrument 
executed pnor to October 1, 1862, to make 

it admissible in evidence, or to entitle it to 

Certificate! iif loan in which there shall 
appear any written or printed evidence of 
an amonnt of money to be paid on demand, 
or at a time designated, are subject to stamp 
duty as "promissory notes." 

when two or more persons join in the ex- 
ecution of an instrument, the stamp to which 
the instrument is liable under the law, may 
be affixed and cancelled by either of them ; 
*id "when more than one signatnreis affix- 
ed to the same paper, one or more stamps 
may be afiixed thereto, representing the 
whole amount of the stamp required for 
such signatures." 

No stamp is required on any warrant of 
attorney accompanying a bond or note, 
when such bond or note has affixed thereto 
the stamp or stamps denoting the duty re- 
quired; and, whenever any bond or note is 
secured by mortgage, but one stamp duty is 
required on such papers— siich stamp 4uty 
being the highest rate required for such in- 
struments, or either of them. In such case 
a note or memorandum of the value or de- 
nomination of the stamp affixed should be 
made upon the margin or in the acknowl- 
edgement of the instrument which is not 

Particular attention is called to the 
change in section 154, by striking out the 
words "or used ;" the exemption thereun- 
der is thus restricted to documents, &c. 
itsued by the officers therein named Also 
to the changes in sectiops 152 and 158, by 
inserting the words "and cancelled in the 
manner required by law." 

The acceptor or acceptors of any bill of 
exchange, or order for the payment of any 
sum of money, drawn or purporting to be 
drawn in any foreign country, bnt payable 
in the United States, most, before paying or 
accepting the same, place thereupon a 
stamp indicating the duty. 

It is only upon conveyances of realty joW 
that conveyance stamps are necessary: A 
deed of real estate made without valuable 
consideration need not be stamped as a 
conveyance ; bnt if it contains covenants, 
such, for instance, as a covenant to warrant 
and defend the title, it should be stamned 
as an agreement or contract. 

Whrai a deed purporting to be a convey 
anoe of realty sold, and stamned according- 
ly, IS inoperative, a deed of^confirmation, 
made simply to cure the defect, requires no 
stam^ In such case, the second deed 
should contain a recital of the facts, and 
^''■2"lS5'""' **'§ reasons for its execution. 

Partition deeds between tenants in com- 
mon, need not be stamped as conveyances 
inasmuch as there is no sale of realty, but 
merely a marking out, or a defining, of the 
boundaries of the part belonging 1o each: 
but where money or other valuaKe consii 
eratlon is paid by one co-tenant to another 
for equality of partition, there is a sale to 
the extent ofsnch consideration, and the 
conveyance: by the party receiving it. 
should be stamped accordingly. 

A conveyance ol lands sold for nnnaid 
t^es, issued since August 1, 1866, by the 
officers of any county, (own, or other mu- 



nicipal corooraUon in the discharge of their 
strictly official daties, Is exempt from 
stamp tax, 

A conveyance of realty sold, snbject to a 
mortgage, should he stamped according to 
the consideration, or the value gf the prop- 
erty ttnencmnierea. The consideration m 
such case Is to he found by adding the 
amount paid for the equity of redemption 
to the mortgage debt. The fact that one 
part of the consideration Is paid to tbe 
mortgagor and the other part to the mort- 
gagee does not change the liability ot the 

The stamp tas upon a mortgage is based 
upon the amonnt itls given to secure. The 
fact that the value of the property mortgag- 
ed is less than that amount, and that conse- 
quently the security is- only partial, does 
not change theliability of the instrument. 
When, therefore, a second mortgage is giv- 
en to secure the payment of a sum of mon- 
ey partially secured by a prior mortgage up-, 
on other property, or when two mortgages 
upon separate property are given at the 
same time to secure the payment of the 
same sum, each should be stamped as 
though it were the only one. 

A mortgage given to secure a surety firom 
loss, or given for any purpose whatever, 
other than as security for tne payment of a 
definite and certain sum of money, is taxa- 
able only as an agreement or contract. 

The stamp duty upon a lease, agreement, 
memorandum, or contract for the nire, use, 
or rent of any land, tenement, or portion 
thereof, is based upon the annual rent or 
rental value of the property leased, and the 
duty is the same whether the lease be for 
one y6ar, for a term of years, or for the 
fractional part of a year only. 

Upon every assignment or transfer of a 
mortgage, a stamp tax is required equal to 
that imposed upon a mortgage for the 
amonnt remaining unpaid ; this tax Js re- 
quired upon every such transfer in writing, 
whether there is a sa/e of the mortgage or 
not ; but no stamp Is necessary upon the 
endorsement of a negotiable instrument, 
even though the legal effect of such In dorse- 
ment is to transfer a mortgage by which 
the instrument is secured. 

An assignment of a lease wltliin the mean- 
ing and intent of Schedule B, is an assign- 
ment of the leaeeTiold, or of some portion 
thereof, by the lessee, or by some person 
claiming by, from, or under him ; such an 
assignment as subrogates the assignee to 
the rignta, or some portion of the rights, of 
tbe lessee, or of the person standing in nis 
place. A transfer by the lessor of his part 
of a lease, neither giving nor purporting 
to give a claim to the leasehold, or to any 
part thereof, but simply a right to the rents, 
&c., is snbject to stamp tax as a contract 
or agreement only. 

The stamp tax upon a Are Insurance 
policy is based upon the premium. 

Deposit notes taken by a mutual fire In- 
surance company, not as payment of pre- 
mium nor as evidence of indebtedness 
therefor, but to be used simply as a basis 
upon which to make rateable asBessments to 
meet the losses incurred by the oampany, 

should not he reckoned as premium in de- 
termining the amount of stamp taxes upon 

When a policy of Insurance properly 
stamped has been issuea and lost, no stamp 
is necessary upon another issued by the 
same company to the same party, covering 
the same property, time, &o., and designed 
simply to supply the loss. The second 
policy should recite the loss of the first. 

An Instrument which operates as ^he re- 
newal ofa policy of insurance, is subject to 
the same stamp tax as the policy. 

When a policy of insurance is issued for 
a certain time, whether it be for one year 
only or for a term of years, a receipt for 

Eremium, or any other instrument which 
as the legal effect to continue the contract 
and extend its operation beyond that time, re- 
quires the same amount of revenue stamps 
as the policy Itself; but such a receipt as 
Is usually given for the payment of the 
monthly, quarterly, or annual premium, is 
not a renewal within the meaning of the 
statute. The payment simply prevents the 
policy from expiring, by reason of non-per- , 
formance of its conaitions ; a receipt given 
for such a -payment requires a two-cent 
stamp, if the amount received exceeds 
twenty dollars, and a two-cent stamp only. 
When, however, the time of payment has 
passed, and a tender of the premium is not 
Bufiicient to bind the company, but a new 
policy or a new contract in some form, with 
the mutuality essential to every contract, 
becoines necessary between the insurer and 
the insured, the same amonnt of stamps 
should be used as that required upon the 
original policy. 

A permit issued by a life insurance com- 
pany changing the terms of a policy as to 
travel, residence, occupation, &c., shonld 
be stamped as a contractor agreement. 

A bill single or a bill obligatory, i. e., an 
instrument in the form ofa promissory 
note, uncter seal, is snbject to stamp duty 
as written or printed evidence of an amount 
of money to be paid on demand or aUa 
time designated, at the rate of five cems 
for each one hundred dollars or fractional 
part thereof. 

A waiver of protest, or of demand and 
notice, written upon negotiable paper and 
signed by tlie indorser, is an agreement, 
and requiMs a five-cent stamp. 

A stamp duty of twenty-flve cents is im- 
posed upon the "protest of every note, bill 
of exchange, check or draft," and upon 
every marine protest. If several notes, 
bills of exchange, drafts, &c., are protest- 
ed at the same time and all attached to one 
and the same certificate, stamps should be 
affixed to the amount of twenty-five cents 
for each note, bill, draft, &c., thus protest- 

When, as is generally the case, the cap- 
tion to a deposition contains other certifi- 
cates in addition to the jurat to the affida- 
vit of the deponent, such as a certificate 
that the parties were or were not notified, 
that thej did or did not appear, that they 
did or did not object, &e., it Is subject to 
a stamp duty of five cents. 

When am attested copy ofa writ or other 



process is nsedhya sheriff or other person 
m making personal service, or in attaching 
property, a flve-cent stamp should be affix- 
ed to the certificate of attestation. 

A marriage certificate issued by the offi- 
ciating clergyman or magistrate, to be re- 
tnmeoto aw officer of a State, county, city, 
town, or other municipal corporation, to 
constitute part of a public record, reguires 
no stamp; but if it is to be retained by 
the parties, a five-cent stamp should be af- 

The Btamp tax upon a bill of sale, by 
which any ship or vessel, or any part there- 
of, is conveyed to or vested in any other 
person or persons, is at the same rate as 
that imposed upon conveyances of realty 
sold ; a bill of sale of any other personal 
property should be stamped as a contract 
or agreement. 

An assignment of real or personal prop- 
erty, orofboth, for the benefit of creditors, 
should be stamped as an agreement or con- 

Written or printed assignments of agree- 
ments, bonds, notes not neg;otiable, and 
of all other instmm.^ts the assignments 
pf which are not particularly specified in 
the foregoing spheaQle, should be stamped 
as agreements. ' ' ' 

No stamp is necessary upon the registry 
of a judgment, even though the registry is 
such in Its legal effect as to create a lien 
which Operates as a mortgage upon the 
property Of the judgment debtor. 

When a "power of attorney or proxy for 
voting at any election for officers of any 
incorporated company or society, except 
religions, charitable, or literary societies, 
or public cemeteries," is signed by sever- 
al stockholders, owning separate and dis- 
tinct shares, it is, in its legal effect, the 
separate instrument of each, and requires 
stamps to the amount of ten cents for each 
and every signature; one or more stamps 
may be used representing the whole amount 

A notice from landlord to tenant t» 
quit poBsesridn of premises requires no 

A stamp tax is imposed upon every 
"manifest for custom-house entry or clear- 
ance of the cargo of any ship, vessel, or 
steamer for' a foreign port." The amount 
of this tax in each case depends upon the 
registered tonnage of the vessel. 

a a vessel clears in ballast and has no 
cargo whatever, no stamp is necessary; 
Witifshe has any, however small theamount 
—a stamp shomd be used. 

A bond to convey real estate requires 
stamps to the amount of twenty-five cents. 

The stamp duty upon the probate of a 
will, or upon letters of administration, is 
based upon the sworn or declared value of 
all the estate and effects, real, personal, 
and mixed, undiminished by the debts of 
the estate for or in respect of which such 
probate or letters are applied for. 

When the property belon^ng to the es- 
tate of a person deceased, lies under dif- 
ferent jurisdictions and it becomes neces- 
sary to take out letters in two or more 
places, the letters should be stamped ac- 
cording to the value of all the property, real, 
personal, and mixed, for or in respect of 
which the particular letters in each case 
are issued. 

Letters de bonit mm should be stamped 
according to the amount of property re- 
mainingto be administered npon thereun- 
der, regardless of the stamps upon the orig- 
inal letters. 

A mere copy of an instrumentis not sub- 
ject to stamp duty unless it is a certified 
one, in which case a five-cent stamp should 
be affixed to the certificate of the person 
attesting it : but when the instrument is 
executed and issued in duplicate, triplicate, 
&c., as in the case of a lease of two or more 
parts, each part has the same legal effect as 
the other, and each should be stamped as 
an original. 




LETTERS.— The law requires postage on 
all letters (indnding those to foreign conn- 
tries when prepaid), excepting those writ- 
ten to the President or Vice President, or 
members of Congress, or (on offtcial hnsl- 
ness) to the chiefs of the execntive depart- 
ments of the Oovemment, and the heads of 
hureanx and chief clerks, and others invest- 
ed with the franMng privilege, to he pre- 
paid hy stamps or stamped en\ielopes, pre- 
payment in money heing prohibited. 

All drop-letters must be prepaid. The 
rate of postage on drop-letters, at offices 
where free delivery by carrier is establish- 
ed, is two cents per half ounce or fraction 
of a half ounce; at offices where snch i^ee 
delivery Is not established the rate is one 

The single rate of postage on all domes- 
tic mail letters throughout the United 
States, is three cents per half onnce, with 
an additional rate of three cents for each 
additional half onnce or fraction of a half 
onnce. The ten cent (Pacific) rate is abol- 

Newspapbrb, bto.— Letter postage is to 
be charged on all handbills, circulars, or 
other printed matter which shall contain 
any manuscript writing whatever. 

Dagnerreotypeav when sent in the mail, 
are to be charged with letter postage by 

Photographs on cards, paper, and other 
flexible material, (not in cases), can be sent 
at the same rate as miscellaneous printed 
matter, viz., two cents for each four ounces 
or fraction thereof. 

Photograph Albums are chargeable with 
book postage— four cents for each four 
ounces or frSction. thereof. 

Nbwspapbb Postage.— Postage on daily 
papers to subscribers when prepaid qnar- 
ierly or yearly iuadvaUce, either at the 
mailing offlee or office of delivery, per 
quarter (three months), 36 cts. ; six times 
jer week, per quarter SO cts. ; for trl-week- 
.y, per quarter 15 cts. ; for semi-weekly, per 
quarter 10 cts. ; for weekly, per quarter 6 

Weekly newspapers (one copy only) sent 
by the publisher to actual subsciibers with- 
in the couB^ wheis printed and published, 


Postage per quarter (to be paid quarterly 
or yearly in advance) on newspapers and 
periodicals issued less frequently than once 
a week, sent to actnal subscribers' in any 
part of the United States: fdeml-monthly, 
not over 4 oz., 6 cts. ; over 4 oz. and not 
over 8 oz., 12 cts. ; over 8 oz. and not over 
12 oz., 18 cts. : monthly, not over4 oz., Sets : 
over 4 oz. and not over 8 oz., 6 cts. ; over 8 
oz. and not over 12 oz., 9 cts. ; qtiarterly, 
not over 4 oz., Icent; over4oz. and not 
over 8 oz., 2 cts. ; over 8 oz. and not over 
12 oz., 3 cts. 

Tbanbisnt Mattbb.— Books not over 4 
oz. in weight, to one address, 4 cts. ; over 4 
oz. and not over 8 oz., 8 cts. ; over 8 oz. and 
not over 12 oz., 12 cts. ; over 12 oz. and. not 
over 16 oz., 16 cts. 

CHrculaffi not exceeding three in number 
to one address, 2 cts. ; over 3 and not over 
6, 4 cts. ; over 6 and not over 9, 6 cts. ; over 
9 and not eveedlug 12, 8 cts. 

On miscellaneous mailable matter, (em- 
bracing all pamphlets, occasional publica- 
tions, fransient newspapers, hand-bills aAd 
posters, book manuscripts a^d proof-sheets, 
whether corrected or not, maps, prints, en- 
gravings, sheet music, blanks, flexible pat- 
terns, samples, and sample cards, phono- 
graphic paper, letter envelopes, postal en- 
velopes or wrappers, cards, paper, plam or 
ornamental, photographic representations 
of diSierent types, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, 
roots and scions,) the postage to be pre-paid 
by stamps, is on one pack&e, to one ad- 
dress, not over 4 oz. in weight, 2 cts. ; over 
4 oz. and not over 8 oz., 4 cts. ; over 8 oz. ' 
and not over 12 oz., 6 cts. ; over 12 oz. and 
not over 16 oz.', 8 cts. The weight of pack- 
ages of seeds, cuttings, roots and scions, 
to be franked, is Umited to thirty-two 

Any word or communication, whether by 
printing, wrlUng, marks or signs, upon the 
cover or wrapper of a newspaper, pamphlet, 
magazine, or other printed matter, other 
than the name or address of the person to 
whom it is to be sent, and the date when 
the subscription expires, subjects the pack- 
age to letter postage. 



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Additional Table of Foreign Postage. 

The * mdicatea tbat, unless the letter is re^stered, pre-payment is optional ; in all 
other caies it is required. § Pamphlets and Periodicals, ten cents per four ounces or 
fraction thereof, j: Pamphlets, Hagazines, &c., two cents per four ounces or fraction 

thereof. - , 



Argentine Bepuhlic, 23d each month from K. Y 


Australia, British Hail, via Southampton 

Bahamas; by direct steamer from New 1 ork 

Bogota, New Onuiada 

Bolivia. • 

Brazils, 23d each month fromNew York. .'. 

Buenos Ayres, 23d each month from New York /. 

Canada, any distance^ (if not prepaid, 10 cts.) , . . 

CentralAmeriea, Pacific Slope, yia Panama .' 

Chili, British Mail, via Panama .'. 

China^except Amoy, Canton, Fnchow, Hong Kong, Swatow). . . 

Costa Kica : 


Ecnador, British Mall, via Panama 

Great Bntain, (if not prepaid, 12 cts.) 


Havana.; ' ,. 

Honduras t. 

Hong Kong, Amoy, Canton, Fuchow, Swatow, via San Francisco 

Japan, via San Frimcisco. ■ . 

Mexico , : 

Montevideo, 23d each month from N, Y 

Nassau, N. Prov., by direct steamer from N. Y. 

T^G\p BmnflTFick ■•■•.. •p*-»-< 

Newfoundland, <15 c. if over 3,666 miles). '.'.'. '.'.'..'.'.'.'. 

New Granada, (except Aspinwall and Panama) 

Nicaragua, Pacific Slope, via Panama 

Nova Scotia ( 10 cts. per ;i oz. if unpaid) .-. 

Panama : . .^1 v '. 

Fern, British Mail, via Panama. . = 

Forto Blco, British Mail, via San Juan 

Prince Edward's Island 

Sandwich Islands, by mail to San Francisco 

Turk's Island 

tTmguay, by Am. pkt. 23d each month from N.Y. 

Vancouver's Island 

Yenezuela, British MaiLvia Aspinwall 

do by American Yen. packet 













































. 2 

























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The recent postal treaty with Great Britain provides that besides letters and newspa- 
pers, "book packets," and '■ packets of patterns and samples," may be sent. Such 
packets — 

1. Must contain no writing. 

2. Must be ftilly prepaid (!6 cents per4 ounces from the U. 6., or 3 pence sterling ftom 
Great Britain.) 

3: Must be open at the ends to allow inspection. 

Samples of merchandise must not be of Intrinsic value. 

Dutiable articles— books, music, At, sent from Great Britain to the United States, 
must, in addition to the postage, pay the regular duties, which are— On books and 
engravings, 25 per cent.; music and photographs, 20 per cent. 

Infallible Rules for Detecting Counterfeit or. 
Spurious Bank Notes. 

BiTLiE 1st.— Examine the Bbading of the 
letters in title of Bank called LATBSTrpitE, 
which in genuine notes presents an eVen, 
straight, light and silky appearance, gen- 
erally so flne and smooth as to appear to he 
all in one solid, pale body. In the connter- 
feit the lines are coarse and irregnlar, and 
in many of the longer lines breaks will be 
perceived, thns presenting a very inferior 
finish in comparison togennine work, 

2d.— Observe the dies, circles and ovals 
in the genuine ; they are composed of a 
network of lines, which, by crossing each 
other at certain angles, prodace an endless 
variety of figures ; sezthkokeobhtstaitp 
ATTACHED. The fine line alone is the 
unit which enables you to detect spurious 
work. In the counterfeit, the bbpbxsxntbd 
white lines are coarse, irregular, and cross 
each other in a confused, inegnlar manner, 
thns producing . blurred and imperfect 

8d,— Examine the form and features of 
all human figures on the note. In (he gen- 
nine, the texture of the skin is represented 
by fine dots and lines intermixed. In'the 
eyes, the pupil is distinctly visible, and the 
white dearly seen; the nose, month and 
chin, well formed, natural and expressive ; 
the lips are slightly pouting, and the chin 
well thrown out;, and the delicate shading 
of the neck perfectly harmonizes with the 
rest of the figure. Observe the fingers and 
toes ;. they should be clearly and accniatel^ 
defined. The hair of the head should show 
the fine strands and present a natural ap- 
pearance. The folds of the drapery of hu- 
man figures should lay natural and present 
a fine, finished appearance. In the counter- 
feit the female figure, does not bear the 
natural prominence in outlines; observe, 
the eyes and shading surrounding does not 
present the lifelike appearance It should. 
The fingers and toes are not properly and 
proportionately defined ; the hair does not 
Dear that soft and finished appearance as in 
the genuine. 

4th.— Examine the imprint or engraver's 
names in the evenness and shape of the 

flne letters. Counterfeits never bear the 
imprint perfect. This rule should be strict- 
ly obserred, as It Is infeUible in detecting 

5th. — ^In the genuine note the landscapes 
are well toiened ; trees and shrubs are 
neatly drawn; the lim1>s well proportioned, 
and the foliage presenting a fine natural 
appearance ; ^ear sky is formed of fine 
parallel lines, and when clonds or heavy 
skies appear, they cross each other, and 
bear a soft, smooth and natural appear- 
ance. ' The perspective, showing a view of 
the Burronnding; country, is always clear 
and distinct. The small figures in the 
iiackgronnd are always plainly seen, and 
their ontlines and general character re- 
cognized. Ships are well defined and the 
canvass has a clear texture ; railroad cars 
are very accurately delineated ; in examin- 
ing a train observe careftilly the car most 
distant. In the counterfeit the landscape 
is usually po6rly executed ; the leaves of 
trees poorly and unnaturally defined. — 
The lines representing still water are 
scratchy rather than parallel, the sky is 
represented generally in like manner, and 
where rolling clonds are to be aeen, the 
unnatural effect is obvious. Domestic 
animals are generally poorly executed, 
particularly the. head and limbs ; the eyes 
are seldom clearly defined. Ships are 
poorly drawn, the texture of the canvass 
coarse and inferior in style of workman- 
ship, thns giving an artificial appearance. 
Railroad cars are also poorly executed ; the 
car farthest Ji'om the eye is usually the 
most imperfect. The perspective is always 
imperfect, the figures in the background 
can sidldom be recognized. 

6th.— Bills altered f^om a smaller to a 
higher denomination, can readily be de- 
tected by a close observer, in consequence 
of the striking difference between the parts 
which have been extracted and the rest of 
the note. This difference is readily per- 
ceived in the lack of color, body and finish 
of the dye ; we have seen bills where the 
surrounding shading in altered dies was 



too dark, but from the back or flniBh of the 
white lines yon have a sure test. Again 
observe particularly the words " FlTe " or 
" Ten Dollars " as the case may be, denot- 
ing the denomination of' the note; the 
parallel outlines and shading (if any) are 
coarse and imperfect. Alterations are fre- 
quently made by pasting a greater denomi- 
nation oyer a smaller, out by holding the 
bill up to the light, the fraud will be per- 
ceived. Another method resorted to is to 
cut out the flanres in the dies as well as 
the words onedollar, or the words two or 
three as the case may be, and with a sharp 
eraser, scrape down the ends and also the 
edges of the pieces to be inserted ; when 
the pieces thus prepared are affixed they 
are hardly perceivable ; but by passing 
the note through the hand, so as to feel 
the die both with the finger and thumb 
at. the same time, the fraud will be de- 
tected by the stiflhess 0% the outer 
edges, " occasioned by the gum or method 
adopted" in afixing the parts. The letter 
S should always be examined, as in many 
alterations it is pasted or stamped at the 
end of the word " dollar ;" and even when 
stamped there, the carrying out of the out- 
lines for its shading will readily ^ow the 
fraud. Bills of broken banks are fremient- 
ly altered by extracting the name of bank, 
state and town; they may readily be de- 

tected by observing first the state, second 
the title or name of the bank, third the 
town or location. 

Qbnbral Ebharks in HBPEKBiroll TO 
CoDBTBRFBits. — The Paper on which they 
are printed is generally of a very inferior 
quality, with less body, finish and tough- 
ness than bank note paper has. The ink 
generally lacks the rich luster of the gen- 
nine ; the red letters and figures are gen- 
erally Imperfect, and the Ink does not pre- 
sent the Vermillion hue as it should. The 
printing is generally inferior, usually ex- 
hibiting specks of white in the most promi- 
nent letters. The date and filling up, and 
the President's and Cashier's names are 
generally written by the same person, 
although in many instances they present 
a different appearance. There are bills in 
circulation bearing either genuine dies or 
vignettes; but upon close examiijation 
you will be enabled to detect any spurious 
bill, whether counterfeit or altered, by the 
instructions here given, if persevered in for 
a short time. We beg to suggest, it time 
will admit, the learner shotud examine 
minutely every bill he receives. A pow- 
erfhl pocket magjiifying glass, which can 
be purchased fi)r from fflty cents to one dol- 
lar at any of the opticians, will greatly en- 
able yon to see and comprehend the differ- 
ence between genuine and spurious work. 


What will my readers ;^Te to know how 
to get rich? Sow, Iwul not vouch that 
the following rules will enable every per- 
son who may read them to acquire wealth ; 
but this I will answer for, that If ever a 
man does grow rich by honest means, and 
retains his wealth for any length of time, 
he must practice upon the pnnci^es laid 
down In the following essay.. The re- 
marks are not original with me, but I 
strongly commend uiem to the attention 
of every young man, at least aS' affbrding 
the true secret of success in attaining 
wealth. A single pemsal of such an essay 
at an Impressible moment, has sometimes 
a very wonderflil effect upon the disposi- 
tion and character. ., „ . .„ 

Fortune, they say, is a fickle dame— nill 
of her ft«aks and caprices; who blindly 
distributes her favors without the slightest 
discrimination. So inconstant, so \faver- 
Ing is she represented, tihat her most feith- 
fuF votaries can place no reliance on her 
promises. Disappointment, they tell us, 
18 the lot of those who make offermgsat 

her shrine. Now, all this is a vile slander 
upon the dear blind Udy. 

Although wealth often appears the result 
of mere accident, or a Ibrtunate concur- 
rence of favorable circumstances without 
any exertion of skill or foresight, yet any 
man of sound health and unimpaired mind 
may become wealthy, if he takes the prop- 
er steps. ' . . . 

Foremost in the list of requisites are 
honesty and strict integrity in every trans- 
action of life. Let a man have the reputa- 
tion of being &ir and upright Inhis deal- 
ings and he vriH possess the confidence of 
all vfho know him. Without these qualities 
every other merit vriU prove unavailing. 
Aekconceml^ a man, ^'Isheactiv»and 
capable?" Yes. "IndnBtrionB, temper- 
ate and regular in his habits f"— Oh yes. 
"Is he honest! Is he ■ tmstworthy f " 
Why, as to that, I am sorry to say that he 
is not to be trusted; he needs watching; 
he is a little tricky, and wUl take an undue 
advantage, if he can, "Then I will have 
nothing to do with him," will be the in- 



variaWe reply. Why, then, is honesty the 
best yolioy ? Becanse, wlthont It, yon will 
get a baa name, and everybody will shnn 

A character for knavery will prove an in- 
Burmountable obstacle to success in al- 
most every undertaking. It will be found 
that the straight line is, in business, as in 
geometry, the shortest. In a word, it Is 
almost impossible for a dishonest man to 
acquire wealth by a regular process of bus- 
iness, because he Is shunned as a depreda- 
tor upon society. 

Needy men are apt to deviate ttam the 
rule of integrity, under the plea that ne- 
cessity knows no law ; they might as well 
add that it knows no shame. The course 
is suicidal, and by destroying all confidence, 
ever keeps them immured in poverty, 
although they may possess j every other 
quality for success in the world. 

Punctuality, which is said to be the soul 
of business, is another important element 
in. the art of money getlimg. The man 
known to be scrupnloufly exact in the ful- 
fillment of his engagements, gains the 
confidence of all, and may command all 
the means he can nse with advantage; 
whereas, a man careless and regardless of 
his promises in money matters will have 
every purse closed against him. Therefore 
be prompt in your payments, 

Next, let us consider the advantages of 
a cautious circumspection in our inter- 
course with the world. Slowness of be- 
lief and a proper distrust are essential to 
success. The credulous and confiding are 
ever the dupes 'of knaves and impostors. 
Ask those who have lost their property 
how It happened, and you will find in 
most cases that it has been owing to mis- 

S laced confidence. One has lost by en- 
orsing, another b^ crediting, another 
by false representations ; all of which a 
little more foresight and a little more dis- 
trust would have prevented. In the af- 
fairs of this world men are not saved by 
faith, but by the want of it. 

Judge of men by what they do, not by 
what mey say. Believe in looks rather 
than words. Observe all their movements. 
Ascertain their motives and their ends. 
Notice what they say or do in their un- 
guarded moments, when un^er the influ- 
ence of excitement. The passions have 
been compared to tortures which force men 
to reveal their secrets. Before trusting a 
man, before putting it in his power to 
cause yon a loss, possess yourself, of every 
available * information relative to tilm. 
Learn his history, his habits, inclinations 
and propensities: Us reputation for honor, 
industry, ftugality andT punctuality; his 
prospects, resources, supports, advantages 
and tisadvantages ; bis intentions and mo- 
tives of action; who are his fl-iends and 
enemies, and what are his good or bad qual- 
ities. Youmajr learn a man'sgood qualities 
and advantages from his Mends^ts bad 
qualities and disadvantages bom. his ene- 
mies. Make due allowance for exaggeration 
in both. Finally, examine carefuuy before 
engaging; in anything, and act with energy 
afterwards. Have the hundred eyes of 

Argus beforehand, and the hundred hands 
of Briarins afterwards. • 

Order and system in the management of 
business mnst not be neglected. Nothing 
contributes more to dispatfch. Have a 
place for everything and everything in its 
place ; a time for everything, and everyr • 
thing in its time. Do first what jiresses 
most, and having determined what is to be 
done, and how it is to be done, lose no 
time in doing it. Without this method all 
is hurry and confhsion, little or nothing is 
accomplished, and business is attended to 
with neither pleasure nor profit. 

A polite, afi'able deportment is recom- 
mended. Agreeable manners contribute 
powerfully to a njan's success. Take two 
men, possessing pqual advantages in every 
other respect, bnt let one be gentlemanly, 
kind, obliging and conciliating in his man- 
ners; the other harsh, rude and disobliging; ' 
and the one will become rich, while the 
other will starve. ~ \ 

We are now consider a very important 
principle in the business of money-getting, 
namely — ^Industry — persevering, ihdefau- 

table attention to business. Persevering 
iligence is the Philosopher's stone, which 
tnrns everything to gold. Constant, regu- 
lar, habitual and systematic application to 
business, must in time, if properly directed, 
produce great results. It must lead to 
wealth, with the same certainty that pov- 
erty follows in the train of idleness and 
inattention. It has been trdly remarked 
that he who follows his amusements in- 
stead of his business, will, in a short time, 
have no bnsiness to follow. 

The art of money-saving is an important 
part of the art of money-getting. Without 
frugality no one can become rich ; with it, 
few would be poor. Those who consume 
as fast as they produce, are on the road to 
ruin. As most of the poverty we meet 
with grows ont of idleness and extrava- 
gance, so most large fortunes have been 
the result of habitufl industry and frugali- 
ty. -The practice of economy is as neces- 
sary in the expenditure of time as of 
money. They say if " we take care of the 
pence the pounds will, take care of them- 
selves." So, if we take care of the 
minutes, the days will take care of them- 

The acquisition of wealth demands as 
much self-denial, and as many sacrifices 
of present gratification, as the practice of 
virtue itself. Vice and poverty proceed, in 
some degree, from the same sources, 
namely— the disposition to sacrifice the 
future to the present ; the inability to fore- 
go a small present pleasure for great fliture 
advantages. Men fail of fortune in this 
world, as they foil of happiness in the 
world to come, simply because they are un- 
willing to deny themselves momentary en- 
joyments for the sake of permanent future 

Every large city ,is filled with persons. 
who, in order to support the appearance of 
wealth, constantly live beyond their in- 
come, and make up the deficiency by 
contracting debts which are never paid. 
Others, there are, the melee drones of so- 

clety, 'Who pass their days in idleness, and 
snhslst Taj pirating on the hives of the In- 
dastrions. Many who ran a short-Uved 
career of splendid heggary, could they be 
hnt persuaded to adopt a system of rigid 
economy for a few years, mieiht pass the 
remainder of their days In affluence. But 
no I They must keep up appearances, 
they must live like other folks. 

Their debts accumulate; their credit 
fails ; they are harassed by duns, and be- 
sieged by constables and sheriff. In this 
eztremity.'as a last resort, they submit to 
a shameml dependence, or engage in crim- 
inal practices which entail hopeless wretch- 
edness and Infamy on themselves and 

Stick to the business in which you are 
regularly einployed. Let speculators make 
thousands in a year or a day ; mind your 
own regular trade, never turning from it 
to the right hand or to the left, it you are 
a merchant, a professional man, or a me- 
chanic, never bay lots or stocks, unless 
you have surplus money which yon wish 
to invest. Your own business you under- 
stand as well as other men ; but other peo- 
Ele's busiujessyou do not understand. 
et your basiness be some one which is 
useful to the community. All such occu- 
pations possess the elements of profit In 

How to Secure the Public Lands, 



The following circular gives all necessary 
information as to the procedure necessary 
in purchasing and securing the public 
lands : 

Depaktment op the Iktbbioe; I 
Gbn'l Land Obtiob, July 19, 1865. ) 

Numerous questions having arisen as to 
the mode of procedure to purchase public 
lands, or acquue title to the same by bounty 
land locations, by pre-emptions or by home- 
stead, this circular is communicated for the 
information of all concerned. 

In order to acquire title to public lands 
the following steps must be taken : 

1. Application must be made to the Reg- 
ister of the.district land office in which the 
land desired may be situated. 

A list of all the land offices In the United 
States is ftimished by the Department, 
with the seats of the different offices, 
where it Is the duty of the Begister and 
Eeceiver to be in attendance, and give 

Sroper facilities and information to persons 
es&ous of obtaining lands. 
The minimum price of ordinary public 
lands Is fl,25 per acre. The even or re- 
served sections Billing within _ railroad 
grants are increased to double the minimum 
price, being $2,50 per acre. 

Lands once offered at public sale, and not 
afterwards kept out of market by reserva- 
tion, or otherwise, so as to prevent ftee 
competition, may be entered or located. 

•2. By the applicant filing with the Eegis- 
ter his written application describing the 

tract, with its area ; the Register will then 
certify to the receiver whether the land is 
vacant, with Its price; and when found to 
be so, the applicant must pay that price 
per acre, or may locate the same with land 
warrant; and thereafter the Eeceiver will 
give him a " duplicate receipt," which he 
IS required to surrender previous to the 
delivery to him of the patent, which may 
be had either by application for it to the 
Begister or to the General Land Office. 

3. If the tract has not been offered at 
public sale it is not liable to ordinary pri- 
vate entry, bat may be secured by a party 
legally qualifled, upon his compliance with 
the requirements of the pre-emption laws 
of 4th September, 1841, and 3d March, 1843; 
and after such party shall have made ac- 
tuEll settlement for such a length of time 
as will show he designs it for Ms perma- 
nent home, and Is acting in good faith, 
building a house and residing therein, he 
may proceed to the district land office, es- 
tablish . his pre-emption claim according to 
law, by proving his actual residence and 
cultivation, and showing that he is other- 
wise within the purview of these acts. — 
Then he can enter the land at $1,25, either 
In cash or with bounty land warrant, unless 
the premises should be $3,50 acre lands. 
In that case the whole purchase-money can 
be paid in cash, or one-half in cash, the 
residue with a bounty land warrant. 

4. But if parties legally qualifled desire 
to obtain title under the Homestead Act 
of 20th May, 1862, they can do so on com- 


LAW MA:xiMa. 

plying with the Department Circular, dated 
aOlli October, 1868. 

6. The law coi^tnes Homestead entries 
to surveyed lairds; and although, in cer- 
tain States and Territories notedin the sub- 
joined list, pre-emptors may go on land be- 
fore surrey, yet they can onfy establish their 
claim after return of sorre^y, but must file 
their pre-eniption declaration within three 
months after receipt of ofScial plat, at the 
local land-ofSce where the settlement was 
made before survey. Where, however, it 
was made-after survey, the claimant mast 
file within three months after date of set- 
tlement; and where actual residence and 
cultivation have been long enough to show 

that the claimant has made the land his 
permanent home, he can establish his 
claim and pay for the ^ame at any time 
before the date of the public sale of lands 
within the range in which his settlement 
may fall. 

6. All unoffered suryi^ed lands not ac- 
quired under pre-emption, homestead^ ot 
otherwise, under express legal sanction, 
must be offered at public sale under the 
President's Proclamation, and struck off to 
the highest bidder, as required by act of 
April §4, 1880. 

Commissioner Oeneral Land Office. 


1. A promise of a debtor to give " satls- 
ftctory security" for the payment of a por- 
tion of his debt, is a sumcient considera- 
tion for a release of the residue by his 

8. Administrators are liable to account 
for interest on funds in their hands, al- 
though no profit shall have been made 
upon them, unless the exigencies of the 
estate rendered it prudent that they should 
hold the funds ^us uninvested. 

3. Any person who voluntarily becomes 
an agent for another, and in that capacity 
obtains information to which as a stranger 
he could have had no access, is boimd in 
subsequent dealing with his principal, as 
purchaser of the property that formed the 
subject of Ms agency, to eonuminicate such 

4. When a house is rendered untenanta- 
ble in consequence of improvements made 
on the aajpmlng lot, the owner of srich 
cannot recover aami^<eB, because it is pre- 
sumed that he had laowledge of the ap- 
proaching danger in time to protect him- 
self iS:om it. 

B. When a merchant ship is abandoned 
by order of the master, for the purpose of 
savmg life, and a port of the crew subse- 
quently meet the vessel so, abandoned and 
bring her safe into port, they will be enti- 
tled to salvage. 

8. A person who has been led to sell 
goods by means of (Use pretenses, cannot 
recover them ftom one who has purchased 
them in good faith ftom the fraudulent 

7. An agreement by the holder of a note 
to give the principal debtor time for pay- 
ment, without depriving himself of the 
right to sue, does not discharge the surety. 

8. A seller of goods who accepts, at the 
time of sale, the note of a third party, not 
endorsed by the buyer, in payment, can- 
not in case' the note is not paid, hold the 
buyer responsible for the value of the 

9. A day-book copied from a "blotter" 
in which charges ai-e first made, will not 
be received in evidence as a book of origi- 
nal entries. 

10. Comihon carriers are not liable fcr 
extraordinary results of negligence that 
could not have been foreseen by ordinary 
skill and foresight. 

11. A bidder at a Sheriff's sale may re- 
tract his bid at any time before the prop- 
erty is knotted down to him, whatever 
may be the conditions of the sale. 

IS. Acknowledgment of debt to i. stran- 
ger does not premde the operation of the 

13. The fhilts and grass on the J&rm 
orjgardeu of an Intestate descend to the 

14. Agents are solely liable to their prin- 

IB. A deposit of money in bank by a hus- 
band, in the name of his wife; survives to 



16. Money paid on Sunday contracts may 
be recovered. 

17. A debtor may give preference to one 
creditor over another, unlees fraud or special 
legislation can be proved. 

18. A court cannot give judgment for a 
larger sum than that speclflea in the ver- 

19. Imbecility on the part of either 
husband or wife, invalidates the mar- 
riage. / 

20. An action for malicious prosecution 
will lie^ though nothing farther was done 
than suing out warrants. 

81. An agreement not to continue the 
practice of a profession or business in any 
specified town, if the party so agreeing has 
received a consideration for the same, is 

32. When A consigns goods to B to sell 
on commission, and B delivers them to C, 
in payment of his own antecedent debts, A 
can recover their value. 

23. A finder of property is compelled to 
make diligent inquiry for the owner tjiere- 
of, and to restore the same. If, on finding 
such property, he attempts to conceal such 
fact, he may be prosecuted for larceny. 

24. A private person may obtain an in- 
junction to prevent a public mischief by 
which he is affected in common with others, 

25. Any person interested may obtain to 
injunction to restrain the State oramunici- 
p^ corporation from maintaining a nuisance 
on its mnds. 

26. A discharge under the insolvent laws 
of one State wul not discharge the insol- 
vent from a contract made wiui a citizen of 
another State. 

27. To prosecute a party with anjr other 
motive than to bring him to justice, is 
malicious prosecution, and accionable as 

28. Ministers of 'the gospel, residing in 
any incorporated town, are not exempt 
frdm jury, military, or fire service. 

29. When a person contracts to build a 
house, and ' Is prevented by sickness from 
finishing it, he can recover for the part per- 
formed, if such part is beneficial to the 
other party, 

30. In a suit for enticing awa^ a man's 
wife, actual proof of the marriage is not ne- 
cessary. Cohabitation, reputation, and the 
admission of marriage by the parties, are 

31. Permanent erections and fixtures, 
made by a mortgagor after the execution of 
the mortgage upon land conveyed by it, be- 
come a part of the mortgaged premises. 

32. When a marriage is denied, and plain- 
tiff has given sufficient evidence to estab- 
lish it, the defendant cannot examine the 
wife to disprove the marriage. 

33. The amount of an express debt can- 
not be enlarged by application. 

34. Contracts for advertisements in Sun- 
day newspapers cannot be enforced. 

SS. A seller of goods, chattels, or other 

Eroperty, commits no Itend, in law, when 
e neglects to tell the purchaser of any 
flaws, defects, or unsounaness in the same. 

36. The opinions of witnesses, as to the 
value of a dog that has been killed, are not 
admissible in evidence. The value of the 
animal is to be decided by the jury. 

37. If any person puts a fence on or plows 
the land of another, he is liable for trespass 
whether the owner has sustained injury or 

38. If a person, who is unable from ill- 
ness to sign his will, has his hand guided 
in making his mark, the signature is valid. 

39. When land trespassed upon is occu- 
pied by a tenant, he alone can bring the 

40. To. say of a person, "Ifhe does not 
come and make terms with me, I will make 
a bankrupt of him and ruin him," or any 
such threatening language, is actionable, 
without proof of special damage. 

41. In an action for slander, the party 
making the complaint must prove the words 
allegeiy other words of like meaning will 
not suffice. • 

42. In a suit of damages for seduction, 
proof of premancy, and the birth of a child, 
is not essential. It is sufficient if the ill- 
ness of the girl, whereby she was unable to 
labor, was produced by shame for the seduc- 
tion ; and this is such a loss of service as 
will sustain the action. 

43. Addressing to a wife a letter contain- 
ing matter defamatory to the character of 
her husband is a publication, and renders 
the writer amenable to damages. 

44. A parent cannot sustain an action for 
any wrong done to a child, unless he has in- 
curred some direct pecuniary injury there- 
from in consecLuence of some loss of ser- 
vice or expenses necessarily consequent 

46. A master is responsible for an injury 
resulting from the negligence of his ser- 

accident happens in a place to whiSi his 
master's business does not call him ; but if 
the journey of a servant be solelyfor a pur- 
pose of his own, and undertaken without 
the knowledge and consent of his master, 
the latter is not responsible. 

46. An emigrant depot is not a nuisance 

47. A railroad track through the streets is 
not a nuisance in law. 



48. If an agreement upon which a party 
relies he oral only, it must he proved by 
evidence. But if the contract he reduced 
to writing, it proves itself; and'now no 
evidence whatever is receivable for the 
0011)096 of varying the contract or aifecting 
Its obligations. The reasons are obvious. 
The law prefers written to oral evidence, 
from its greater precision and certainty, 
and because It is less open to fraud. And 
where parties have closed a negotiation 
and reduced the result to writing, it is pre- 
sumed that they have written all they in- 
tended to agree to, and therefore, that what 
Is omitted was finally rejected by them.— 

49. Delivery of a husband's goods by a 
wife to her adulterer, he having knowledge 
that she has taken them without her hus- 
band's authority, is sufficient to sustain an 
indictment for larceny against the adul- 

50. The fact that the insui-er was not in- 
formed of the existence of impending liti- 
gation, affecting the premises insured, at 
the time the insurance was effected, does 
not vitiate the policy. 

51. The liability of an Innkeeper is not 
confined to personal baggage, hut extends 
to all the property of the guest that he con- 
sents to receive. 

52. When a minor executes a contract, 
and pays money, or delivers property on the 
same, lie cannot afterwards disalHrm such 
contract and recover the money, or prop- 
erty, unless he restores to the other party 
the consideration received from him for 
such money or property. 

68. When a person has, by legal inquisi- 
tion been found an habitual drunkard, he 
cannot, even in his sober intervals, make 
contracts to hind himself or his property, , 
until the inquisition is removed. 

54. Any person dealing with the repre- 
sentative of a deceased person, is presumed, 
in law, to he fully apprized of the extent of 
such representative's authority 'to act in 
behalf of such estate. 

65. In an action against a railroad com- 
pany, by a passenger, to recover damages 
for injuries sustained, on the road. It is npt 
compulsory upon the plaintiff to prove ac- 
tual negligence in the defendants ; hut it 
is obligatory on tbe part of the latter to 
prove that the injury was not owing to any 
hiult or negligence of theirs. 

66. A guest Is a competent witness, in an 
action between himself and an inn-keeper, 
to prove the character and value of lost 
personal baggage. Money in a trunk, not 
exceeding the amount reasonably required 
by the traveler to defray the expenses of 
the joumsy which he has undertaken, is a 
part of his baggage ; and in case of its loss, 
while at any inn,lhe plaintiff may prove its 
amount by his own testimony. 

67. The deed of a minor Is not absolutely 
void. The court is authorized- to judge, 
fl-om the instrument, whether It is void or 
not, according to its terms being favorable 
or unfavorable to the interests of the minor. 

68. A married woman can neither sue nor 
be sued on any contract made by her dur- 
ing her marriage, icxcept in an action relat- 
ing to her individual property. The action 
must be commenced either by or against 
her husband. It is only when an action 
is brought on a contract made by her be- 
fore her marriage, that sheis to be joined 
as a co-plaintiff or defendant, with her hns- 

69. AnV contract made with a person ju- 
dicially declared a Innatic is void. 

60. Money paid voluntarite- in any trans- 
action, with a knowledge of the facts, can- 
not he rejcovered. 

61. In all cases of specia. contract for 'ser- 
vices, except in the case of a minor, the 
plaintiff can recover only the amoant stip- 
ulated in the contract. 

6a. A wife is a competent witness with 
her husband, to prove the contents of a lost 
trunk, or when a party. 

63. A wife cannot be convicted of receiv- 
ing stolen goods when she received them 
of ner hnsband. 

64. Insurance against fire, by lightning or 
otherwise, does not cover loss by lightnmg 
when there is no combustion. 

66. Failure to prove plea of justification, 
in a case of slander, aggravates the offence. 

66. It is the agreement of the parties to 
sell by sample that constitutes a sale by j 
sample, not the mere exhibition of a speci- 
men of the goods. 

67. An agent is liable to his principals 
for loss caused by his misstatements, tho' 

68. Makers of promissory notes given in 
advance for premiums on policies of insur- 
ance, thereafter to be taken, are liable there- 

69. An agreement to pay for procuring an 
appointment to office is void. 

70. An attorney may plead the statute of 
limitations, ^en sued by a client for mon- 
ey which he has collected and Mled to pay 

71. Testimony given by a deceased wit- 
ness on first trial, isnot required to be re- 
peated verbatim on the second. 

72. A person entitling himself to a reward 
offered for lost property, has a lien upon the 

Sroperty for the reward : but only when a 
efinite reward is offered. 

78. Confession by a prisoner must be vol- 
untarily made,to constitute evidence against 

74. The defendant in a snit must be serv- 
ed with process; but service of such pro- 
cess upon his wife, even in his absence from 
the State, is not, in the absence of statuto- 
ry provisions, sufficient. 



75. The measnre of damages In trespass 
for cutting timber, is its valae as a chattel 
on the land where it was felled, and not the 
market price of the lumher manufactured. 

76. To support an indictment for mali- 
cious mischief in killing an animal, mal- 
ice towards its owner must be shown, not 
merely passion excited against the animal 

77. No action can be maintained against 
a sheriff for omitting to account for money 
obtained hpon an execution within a reas- 
onable time. He has till the return day to 
render such account. 

78. An interest in the profits of an enter- 
prise, as profits, renders the party hold- 
irib it a partner in the enterprise, and 
makes him presumptively liable to share 
any loss. 

79. Males can marry at fourteen, and fe- 
males at twelve years of age. 

80. All cattle found at large upon any pub- 
lic road, can be driven by any person to the 
public pound. 

81. Any dog chasing, barking, or other- 
~(vise threatening a passer-by in any street, 

lane, road, or other public thoroughfare, 
'may be lawfully killed for the same: 

82. A written promise for the payment 
of such amount as may come into the hands 
of the promisor, is held to be an instru- 
ment in writing for the payment of money. 

.83. The declaration of an agent is not ad- 
missible to establish the act of^ency.— 
But when other proper evidence is given, 
tending to establish the fact of agency, it 
is not error to admit the declarations of the 
agent, accompanying acts, though tend- 
ing to show the capacity in which he act- 
eoT When evidence is competent in one 
respect and incompetent in another, it is 
the duly of the court to admit it, and con- 
trol its effects by suitable instructions to 
the jury. 

84. The court has a general power to re- 
move or Suspend an attorney for such im- 
moral conduct as rendered him unworthy 
of confidence in his official capacity. 

85. Bankruptcy is pleadable in bar to all 
actions and in aU courts, and this bar may 
be avoided whenever it is interposed, by 
showing fraud in the procurement of the 
discharge, or a violation of any of the pro- 
visions of the bankrupt act. 

. 86. An instmment in the form of a deed, 
but limited to take effect at the termination 
of the grantor's natural life, is held to be a 
deed, not a will. 

87. A sal? will not be set aside as fraud- 
ulent, simply because the buyer was at the 
time unable to make the payment agreed 
upon, and knew his inability, and did not 
intend to pay. 

88. No man is under an obligation to 
make known his circumstances when he is 
buying goods. 

89. Contracting parties are bound to dis- 
close material flu:ts known to each, but of 
which either supposes the other to be igno- 
rant, only when they stand in some special 
relation of trust and confidence in relation 
to the subject matter of the contract. But 
neither will be protected if he does any- 
thing, however slight, to mislead or deceive 
the other. 

90. A contract negotiated by mail is 
fordied when notice of acceptance of the of- 
fer is duly deposited in the post-ofSce, pro- 
perly addressed. This rule applies, although 
the party making the offer expressly re- 
quires that if it IS accepted, speedy notice 
of acceptance shall be given him. 

91. The date of an Instmment is so far a 
material part of it, that an alteration of 
the date by the holder after execution, 
makes the Instrument void. 

92. A corporation niay maintain an action 
for libel, for words published of them and 
relating to its trade or business, by which 
it has incurred special damages. 

93. It is unprofessional for a lawyer who 
has abandoned his case without trying it, 
a term or two before trial, to claim a fee 
conditional upon the success of his client, 
although his client was snccessftal. 

94. Although a party obtaining damages 
for- injuries received through the default of 
another, was himself guilty of negligence, 
yet that will not defeat his recovery, unlesff 
his negligence contributed to cause the in- 

95. A person may contract to labor foran- 
other during life, in consideration of receiv- 
ing his support ; but his creditors have the 
rJMt to inquire into the intention with 
which such arrangement is made, and it will 
be set aside if entered into to deprive them 
of his future earnings. 

96. A grantor may by express terms ex- 
clude the bed of a river, or a highway, 
mentioned as boundary; but if without 
language of exclusion a line is described as 
' alongP or ' upon,' or as ' running to ' the 
highway or river, or as *by,' or ' running to 
the bank of the river; these expressions 
carry the grante^to the center of the high- 
way or river. 

97. The court will take pains to construe 
the words used in a deed m such a way as 
to effect the intention of the parties, how- 
ever unskillftilly the Instrument may be 
drawn. But a conrt of law cannot exchaflge 
an intelligible word plainly employed in a 
deed for another, however evident it may 
be that the word used was used by mistake 
for another. 

98. One who has lost his memory and 
understanding is entitled to legal protec- 
tion, whether such loss is occasioned by 
Ms own misconduct or by an act of Provi- 



99. When a wife leaves her huaband vol- 
nntarily, It must be stiown, In order to 
make him liable for neceBsaries fhmiBhed 
to her, that she could not stay with safety. 
Personal violence, either threatened or in- 
flicted, will be Bumcient cause for such sep- 

100. Necessaries of dresB flimished to a 
discarded wife must correspond with the 
pecuniary circamstances of "the husband, 
and be such articles as the wife, if prudent, 
would expect, and the husband shoold 
furnish, if the parties lived harmoniouBly 

101. A fngitive from justice from one of the 
United States to another, may be arrested 
and detained in order to his surrender by 
authority of the latter, without a previous 
demand for his surrender by the executive 
of the State whence he fled. 

102. A watch will not pass •under a be- 
quest of "wearing apparel," nor of 
' household flirniture and articles for fami- 
ly use." 

103. Money paid for the purpose of set- 
tling or compounding a pro'secution for a 
supposed felony, cannot be recovered back 
by a party paying it. 

104. An innkeeper is liable for the death 
of an animal in his possession, but may free 
himself from liability by showing that the 
death was not occasioned by ne^gence on 
his part. 

105. Notice to the agent of a company is 
notice to the company. 

106. An employer is not liable to one of 
»his employes for an injury sustained by the 

latter in consequence of the neglect of oth- 
ers of his employeB engaged in the same 
general businesB. 

107. Where a purchaser at a Sheriff's sale 
has bid the full price, of property under 
the erroneous belief that the sue would di- 
vest the property of all Hens, It is the duty 
of the court to give relief by setting aside 
the Bale. 

108. When notice of protest la properly 
sent by mail, it may be sent by the mail of 
the day of the dishonor ; if not, it must be 
mailed for the mail of the next day ; ex- 
cept that if there ia none, or it closes at an 
unseasonably early hour', then notice must 
he mailed in season for the next possible 

109. Apowder-house located in a populous 
part of a city, and containing large quanti- 
ties of gunpowder, is a nuisance. 

110. "When the seller of goods accepts at 
the time of the sale, the note of a third per- 
son, unindorsed by the purchaser, In' pay- 
ment, the presumption is that the pay- 
ment was intended to be absolute : and 
though the note should be dishonored, the 
purchaser will not be liable for the value of 
the goods. 

111. A man charged with crime before a 
committing magistrate, but discharged on 
his own recognizance, is not privileged 
from arrest on civil procesa while returning 
from the magistrate's office. 

113. When one has been induced to sell 
goods by means of false pretences, he can- 
not recover them from one who has bona 
fide purchased and obtained posseBSion of 
them from the fraudulent vendor. 

113. If the circumstances attendant upon 
a sale and delivery of personal property are 
such as usually and naturally accompany 
Buch a transaction, it cannot be declared a 
legal fraud upon creditors. 

114. A stamp impressed upon an instru- 
ment by way of seal, is good as a seal, if it 
creates a durable impression in the texture 
of the paper. 

116. If a party bound to make a payment 
use due diligence to make a tender, but 
through the payee's absence from home is 
unable to find him or any agent authorized 
to take payment for him, no forfeiture will 
be Incurred through his failure to make a 

GoTernment Land IKeasnre. 

A township, 36 sections, each a mUe 

A section, 640 acrea. 

A quarter section, half a mile square, 
160 acres. 

An eighth section, half a mile long, north 
and south, and a quarter of a mile wide, 80 

A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile 
square, 40 acres. 

The sections are numbered from one to 
thirty-six, commencing at the northeast 
conjpr, thua : 






n w 

n e 
s e 































The sections are all divided in quarters, 
which are named by the cardinal points, 
as in section one. The quarters are divi- 
ded in the same way. The description of 
a 40 acre lot would read : The south half 
of the west half of the aouthweet quarter 
of section 1 m townahip 24, north of range 
7 west, or as the case might be ; and some- 
times will fall short, and sometimes overrun 
the number of acres it ia suppoaed to con- 



As Antliomel 1)7 Act of Congress-AspM M7 28, 1866. 


In every system of Weights and MeasnTes 
it Is necessary to have what are called 
"Standards," as the pound, yard, gallon, 
&c., to be divided and multiplied into 
smaller and largerparts and denominations. 
The definition and construction of these 
Standards involve philosophical and scien- 
tific principles of a somewhat abstruse 
character, and are made and procured by 
the legislative department of the govern- 
ment, ^he nominal Standards in the new 
system are the Mstsb, the Abb, the Liteb, 
andtheGKAu. The only r«a/ Standard, the 
one by which all the other standards are 
measured, and from which the system de- 
rives its name of " Metric," Is the Mbtbb. 

Is used for all measures of length, distance, 
breadth, depth, heighth, &c., and was in- 
tended to be, and is very nearly, one ten- 
millionth of the distance on the earth's 
surface ftom the equator to the pole. It Is 
about 39^ Inches, or 3 feet, 3 inches and 
3 eighths, and is to be substituted for the 

Is a Burfiice whose side is ten Meters, and 
is equal to 100 square Meters or about 4 
square rods. 

Is the unit for measuring solids and capa- 
city, and is equal to the contents of a cube 
whose edge is one-tenth of a meter. It is 
about equal to 1 quart, and is a standard in 
cubic, dry and liquid measures. 

^~ A cubic Meter (or Kilollter) is called 
a stere, and is also nsedas a standard in cer- 
tain cubic measures. 


Is the TTnit of weight, and is the weight of 
a cube of pure water, each edge of the cube 
being one one-hundredth of a Meter. It is 
about equal to 15X grains. It is intended 
as the Standard In aU weights, and with its 
divisions and multiples, to supersede the 
use of what are now called Avoirdupois, 
Apothecaries and Troy Weights. 

Each of the foregoing Standards is divi- 
ded decimally, and larger units are also 
formed by multipleB of 10, 100, &c The 
successive subordinate parts are designa- 
ted by the prefixes ,Deci, Centi andMiUi; 
the successive multiples by Deka, Hecto, 
EiloandHyria; each having its own nu- 
merical signification, as willoe more clear- 
ly seen in the tables hereinafter given. 

The terms used may, at first sight, have 
a formidable appearance, seem difficult to 
pronounce, and to retain in memoiy, and to 
be, therefore, objectionable ; but with a lit- 
tle attention and use, the apprehended dif- 
ficulty will be found more apparent than 
real, as has been abundantly proved by es- ■ 
perience. The importance, also, of con- 
formity iu the use of commercial terms, on 
the part of the United States, with the 
practice of the many nations la which the 
system, with its premnt mnmnelature, has 
already been adopted, must greatly over- 
balance the comparatively slight objection 
alluded to. 


4 farthing make 1 penny. 
12 pence " 1 Bhillmg. 
20 HhilUngB " 1 pound. 




10 millB make 1 cent. 
10 cents " 1 dime. 
lOdimes " 1 dollar. , 

10 millimeteiB make 1 centimeter. 

10 centimeters 

10 decimeters 

10 meters 

10 dekameters 

10 hectometers 

10 kilometers 





100 square millimeters make * 1 

100 square centimeters " 1 

100 square decimeters " 1 

100 centareS " 1 

100 ares " 1 

square centimeter, 
square decimeter, 
square meter or obktaiie. 



^" The denominations less than the Are, including the Meter, are used in specifying 
the contents of surfaces of small extent ; the terms Centare, Are and Hectare, in expres- 
sing qnantities of land surveyed or measured. 

The above table may, however, be continued beyond the Meter, thus : 

100 square meters make 

100 square dekameters '^ 

100 square hectometers " 

100 square kilometers " 

1 square dekameter. 
1 square hectometer. 
1 square kilometer. 
1 square myriameter. 


I'(yr Solids. 

1000 cubic millimeters make 

1000 cubic centimeters 

1000 cubic decimeters 

lOOO .cubic meters 

1000 cubic dekameters 

1000 cubic hectometers 

1000 cubic kilometers 

1 cubic centimeter. 

1 cinbic decimeter or liter. 

1 cubic meter or stere. 
I' ciiblc dekameter. 

1 cubic hectometer. 

1 cubic kilometer. 

1 cubic myriameter. 

Fm Dry and liquid Measures. 
10 milliliters make 1 centiliter. 

10 centiliters 

10 deciliters 

10 litefs 

10 dekaliters 

10 hectoliters 

10 kiloliters 




CI^ALiTiiH, the standard of Measures of Capacity, usually in a cylindrical form is 
XhSnSSt'onf^fT' "*'''' °""*''°"'»°^*''P'''<^'™««^«»«-''»^ 
andHnSe"'"' "' ®™™' '* * '^^^'^ ^^^'^ and isused as » unit in measuring firewood 

' 10 decisteres make 1 stere. 

10 steres " i dekaatere. 


10 milligrams 

10 centigrams 

10 decigrams 

10 grams 

10 dekagrams 

10 hectograms 

10 kilograms 

10 myriagrams 

10 quintSs 








millier or tonneau. 





Meter, i 

































































Acts and Resolutions of Congress. 

PUBLIC— No. 183. 

AN ACT to authorize the use of the metric 
system of weights and measnrea. 

Be it enaetedby the Senate and Haute tf 
B^resentativee<yrthe IMted States qf Ameri- 
ca in Congress asgemMed, That ttctm and af- 
ter the passage of this act, it shall he law- 
ful throughout the United States of Amed- 
ca to employ the weights and qieasnres of 
the metric system : and no contract or deal- 
ing, or pleading in any court, shaU<<ffe 
deemed invalid oi liable to objection, be- 

cause the weights ormeasnres expressed or 
reftned to therein are weights or measures 
of the mtitrid'^yBtem. 

Sue. S. Ana be it fwrther enacted, That 
the tables in the schedule hereto annexed, 
shall be reco^lzed In the construction of 
contracts, and in all legal proceedings, as 
establishing, in terms of the weights and 
measures now in use in the United States, 
the equivalents of the weights and meas- 
ures expressed therein in terms of the me- 
tric system ; tjnd said tables maybe lawful- 
ly used for computing, determining and ex- 
pressing, in customary weights and meas- 
ures, the Wei^ts and measures of the metric 


Metkio Denohinatioiis AHS Yaluxb. 

E<iniVAi,BNTS IN Dbnominatioiis in Usb. 

Myriametre, . . . 

10,000 metres. 

6.2137 miles. 

1,000 metres,' 

T).6ai87 mile, or 2,280 feet and 10 inches. 

Hectometre, . . . 

100 metres, ■ 

S28f«et and one Inch. 

Dekametre, .... 

10 metres, 

393.1: inches. 


1 metre, 

39.87 inches. 


l-lOth of a metre. 

8.937 inches. 

Centimetre, ... 

. . 1-lOOth of a metre. 

0.393'; Inch. 

Uillimetre, . 

.. 1-lOOOthofametre, 

0.0394 i;nch. 


Metbio Denominationb and YAiiinis. 

Hectare, 10,000 square metres, 

Are, 100 square metres, 

Centare 1 square metre, 

S<tTnrAi.ENTS in Denominations in Use. 

2.471 acres. 

119.6 square ^ards. 

1.650 square inches. 





00 to cr^ SS g ^ 

£ S a i'§5.§ 



ill -- 






Hbtsio DmroHiSATioiia and Yaluxs. 



No. of 

Weight of what quantity of 
water at mazlmum density. 

ATOlrdnpolB weight. 

MUller or tonneaa,. 













, 10 litres, 

2204.6 pounds. 
220.46 pounds. 

22.046 pounds. 
2.2046 pounds. 
3..5274 ounces. 

KilograTUf or kilo, .... 



Gram, ;.v><- 


1 cable centimetre, 

.1 of a cubic centimetre 

lo cubic millimetres, 

1S.482 grains. 
0.6482 grain. 

Centigram,. •• 

0.1548 grain. 


1 cubic millimetre, 

0.0164 grain. 


At Seven periOeat. In Dollars and Cents, fl-om $1 to 910,000. 



7 days. 


1 mo. 

8 mos. 

6 mos. 

12 moB. 


$ C. 


$ C. 

« C. 

t C. 

$ C. 

$ C. 

t C. 






01 Ji 












CO ' 









00 j^ 








































01 V 





















1 40 







1 05 

2 10 







1 40 

2 80 







1 76 

3 60 














8 50 


14 00 






6 26 

10 60 

21 00 





8 33X 


14 00 

28 00 




1 46 

8 91K 

8 76 

17 50 

35 00 



1 36 

2 92 

6 83}^ 

17 50 

35 00 

70 00 



2 72V 



36 00 

70 00 

140 00 

'' 8000 


4 08X 

8 75 

17 50 

62 60 

105 00 

210 00 




11 67 


70 00 

140 00 

280 00 



,6 80>tf 

14 58 

29 UH 

87 50 

175 00 

350 00 



13 61 

29 17 

68 83 

175 00 

350 00 

700 00 



Dlscoi/nt and Premlnm. 

When a person buys an article for tl.OOr- 
20 per cent ofE, (or discount,) and sellB It 
again for $1,00, he makes a profit of 36 per 
cent, on his investment. Thug : He pays 
80 cents and sells for $1,00— a giun of SO 
cents, or 35 per cent of 80 cents. And for 
any transacnon where the sale or purchase 
of gold, silver, or currency is concerned, 
the following rules will apply in all cases. 

Rule 1st.— To find premnim when dis- 
count is given: MMtlply 100 by rate of 
discount and dividoby lOu, less rate of dis- 

EuiB 2d.— To find discount when pre- 
mium is given. Multiply the rate of interest 
by 100, and divide by 100, plus the rate of 

Suppose A has $140' in currency, which 
he wishes to exchange for gold, when gold 
is 27 per cent, premium, ho* much gold 
should he receive 1 In this case the pre- 
mium is given, consequently we must find 
the discount on A's currency and subtract 
it from the $140, as per rule 2d, showing 
the discount to be a tnfle more than 21 per 
cent, and that he should receive $110.60 in 

B pr ct. Dis. allows t6K }r ct. Pre. or profit 
10" " " +11 " " 

15" " " m)( 

20" " " 25 

25" " " ZZH 

30" " " •48 

40" " " 69K 

50" " " 100 

l^~ A dagger (+) denotes the profits to 
be a fi-action more than specified. A (•) 
denotes profits to be a fraction less th^n 

Table of TTelghta of Grain, 
Seeds, tec. 


Barley weighs 48 lb. per bushel. 

Beans ^' 62 " " 

Buckwheat" 48 

CloverSeed 60 

Com weighs B8 

Flaxseed* « 6B 

Oats " jg 

Peas " ..60 

Potatoes " 60 

Kye " B6 

Timothy Seed 44 

Wheat i....60 

•Flax Seed by cust'm weighs 56 lb. per bush. 

Pacts on Advertising. 

The advertisements in an ordinary num- 
ber of the London Times exceed 2,500. The 
annual advertising bills of one London firm 
are. said to amount to $200,000; and three 
others are mentioned who each annually 
expend for the purpose $60,000. The ex- 
pense for advertising the eight editions of 
the "Bncyclopoedla Britannia" is said to 
have been $16,000. 

In large cities nothing is more common 
than to see large business establishments, 
which seem to nave an immense advantage 
over all competitors, by the wealth, expe- 
rience, and prestige tney have acquired, 
drop graduauy out of pnblic view, and be 
succeeded by flmu pf a smaller capital, 
more energy, and more determined to have 
the fact that they sell such and. such com- 
modities known from one end of the land to 
the other. In other words, the establish- 
ments advertise ; the old die of dignity.— 
The former are ravenous to pass out of ob- 
scurity into publicity; the latter believe 
that ttieir publicity is so obvious that it 
cannot be obscured. The first understand 
that they must thrust themselves upon 
public attention, or be disregarded; the 
second, having once obtained public atten- 
tion, suppose they have arrested it perma- 
nently; while, in fact, nothing is more char- 
acteristic of the world than the ease with 
which It forgets, 

Stephen Girqrd, than whom no shrewder 
business man ever lived, need to say : I 
have always considered advertisins liber- 
ally and long to be the great medium of 
success in business, and the prelude to 
wealth. And I have made it an invariable 
rule too, to advertise in the dullest times 
as well as the busiest ; long experience 
having taught me that ^oney thus spent is 
well laid out ; as by keeping my business 
continually before the public it has secured 
me many sales that I would otherwise have 

Capacity of Cisterns or ITens. 

Tabular view of the number of gallons 
contained in the clear, between the brick 
work for each ten inches of depth: < 



2 feeteq 

uaK 19 





4 ' 




5 ' 








7 " 




8 ' 


















IB ' 

' 1101 


' 1SB8 


' 8059 




Brilliant IVbiteirasb. 

Many have heard of the brilliant Btncco 
whitewash on the east end of the Presi- 
dent's (lonse at Washington. The fbUow- 
ing is a recipe for It ; it is gleaned flrom the 
National Intelligencer, with some addi- 
tional improTements learned by experi- 
ments : Take half a bnshel of nice nn- 
slacked lime, slack it with boiling water, 
cover it during the process to keep in the 
steam. Strain the liquid through a fine 
sieve or strainer, and add to it a peck of 
salt, previously well dissolved in warm wa- 
ter ; three pounds of ground rice, boiled to 
a ttun paste, and stiired in boiling hot ; half 
a pound of powdered Spanish whiting, and 
a pound of clean glue, which has been pre- 
viously dissolved by soaking it well, and 
then hanging it over a slow Are, in a small 
kettle within a large one filled with water, 
Add five gallons ofhot water to the mixture, 
stir it well, and let it stand a few days cov- 
ered from the dirt. 

It should be put on right hot; for this 
purpose it can be kept m a kettle on a 
portable fhmace. It is said that about a 
pint of this mixture will cover a square 
yard upon the ontside of a house if proper- 
ly applied. Brushes more or less small mav 
be used according to the neatness of the job 
required. It answers as well as oU paint 
for wood, brick or stone, and is cheaper. 
It retains its brilliancy for many years. 
There is nothing of the kind that will 
compare with it, either for inside or outside 

Coloring matter may be put in and mad^ 
of any shade you like. Spanish brown 
stirred in will make red pinl^ more or less 
deep according to the quantity. A delicate 
tinge of this is very pretty, for inside walls. 
Finelypulverized common clay, well mixed 
with Spanish brown, makes a reddish stone 
color. Yellow-ochre stirred in makes yel- 
low wash, but chrome goes further, and 
makes a color generally esteemed prettier. 
In all these cases the darkness of the shades 
ofcoorse is determined by the quantity of 
coloring used. It is difficult to make rules, 
because tastes are different. It would be 
best to \iv experiments on a shingle and let 
it dry. We have been told that green must 
not be mixed with lime. ,The lime de- 
stroys the color, and the color has an effect 
on tne whitewash, which makes it crack 
and peel. When walls have been badly 
smoked, and you wish to have them a clean 
white, it is well to squeeze Indigo plenti- 
fully through a bag into the water yon use, 
before it is stirred in the whole mixture. 
If a larger quantity than five gallons be 
wanted, the same proportion should be ob-' 
served. • 

TSLoxv to get a Horse but of a 

The great difficulty of getting horses from 
a stable where surrounding buildings are in 
a state of conflagation, is well known.— 
The plan of covering their eyes with a blan- 
ket will not always succeed. 

A gentleman whose horses have been in 
great peril from such i^use, having tried 

in vain to save them, hit upon the expedi- 
ent of having them harnessed as though go- 
ing to their, usual work, when, to his aston- 
IsEment, they were led from the stable 
without difficulty. 

Tbe Chemical Barometer. 

Take a long narrow bottle, such as an old- 
fashioned Eau-de-Cologne bottle, and put 
into it two and a half drachms of camphor, 
and eleven drachms of spirits of wine: 
when the camphor is dissolved, which it 
win readily do by slight agitation, add the 
following mixture: Take water, nine 
drachms : nitrate . of potash (saltpetre) 
thirl7-eight grains; and muriate of am- 
monia (sal ammoniac) thirty-eight grains. 
Dissolve these salts in the water pnor to 
mixing with the camphorated sjint ; then 
shake the whole well together. Cork the 
bottle well, and wax the top, but after- 
wards make a very small aperture in the 
cork with a red-hot needle. The bottle may 
then be hung up, or placed in any stationa- 
ry position. By observing the different 
appearances which the materials assume, 
as the weather changes, it becomes an ex- 
cellent prognostioator of a coming storm or 
ofa sunny sky. 

Iieech Barometer. 

Take an eight onnce phial, and put in it 
three gills ofwater,andplacelnita healthy 
leech, changing the water in summer once 
a week, and in winter once in a fortnight, 
and it will most accurate^' prognosticate 
the weather. If the weanfer is to he fine, 
the leech lies motionless at the bottom of 
the glass and coiled together in a spiral 
form ; if rain may be expected, it will creep 
up to the top of its lod^gs and remain 
there till the weather is settled; if we are 
to have wind, it will move through its habi- 
tation with amazing swiltness, and seldom 
goes to rest till it begins to blow hard ; if a 
remarkable storm or thunder and rain is to 
succeed, it will lodge for some days before 
almost GOntinufi^y out of the water, and 
discover great uneasiness in violent throes 
and convulsive-like motions : in frost as in 
dear summer-like weather it lies constantly 
at the bottom; and in snow as in rainy 
weather it pitches its dwelling In the very 
mouth of the phial. The top should be cov- 
ered over with a piece of muBlin. ^ 

To Mkascbb QBAm rs A Bra.— Find the 
number of cubic feet, from which deduct 
onA-Mth. The remainder is the number of 
bushels— allowing, however, one bushel 
extra to every ^SA. Thus in a remainder of 
324 there would be 225 bushels. In a re- 
mainder of 448 there would be 460 bushels, 




> [The following recipee are Tonched for by 
several who have tried them and proven 
their virtues. Many of them have been sold 
singly for more than the price of this 
book.— Fob.] 


Bins Boira asd apATor.— 8 oz. each of 
Spanish flies and Venice turpentine; 1 oz. 
each of aqua ammonia and euphorbium : ii 
oz. red precipitate ; }i oz. corrosive subli- 
mate ; IJf lbs. lard. When thoroughly pul- 
verized and mixed, heat cartftally so as not 
to burn, and pour off free from sediment . 

Forrmg-bone, mb in thoroughly, after 
removing hair, once in 48 hours. For spav- 
in, once in 24 hours. Cleanse and press 
out the matter on each application. 

PoUi-Bvn,.— #im arable V oz; common 
potash Xoz; extracti of belladonna }i&x. 
Put the gum in just enough water to dis- 
solve it. Pulverize the potash and mix 
with the dissolved gum, and then put in the 
extract of belladonna,and it will bel-eady for 
use. Use with a syringe after having 
cleansed with soap suds, and repeat once 
in two days till a cure is affected. 

SoocBB. — Powdered tormentil root, giv- 
en iu milk, from S to 5 times daily till cured. 

Gbbabe-Hbbl AMD SoBATcass.— Sweet 
oil 6 ozs^ borax % ozs.; sugar of lead 2 ozs. 
Wash off with dish water, and, after it is 
dry, apply the mixture twice a day. 

Chouo ih Horbbs.— To Jf pt. of warm 
water add 1 oz. laudanum and 3 ozs. spirits 
of turpentine, and repeat the dose in about 
% of an hour, adding }i oz. powdered aloes, 
if not relieved. 

BoTS.— Three doses. Ist. 3 qts milk and 
1 of molaases. 2d. 15 minutes after, 2 qts. 
warm sage tea. 8d. After the expiration 
of 80 ^ninutes, sufficient lard to pt^sic— 
Never fails. 


Pilbs^Pbbi'botlt Cubbd.— Take flour of 
sulphnrl oz., rosin 3 ozs,, pulverize and mix 
well together. (Color with carmine or 
cochineal, if you like.) 2JoM— What will 
lie on a five cent piece, night and morning, 
washing the parte freely m cold water once 
or twice a day. This is a remedy of great 
value. - ' 

The cure will be materially hastened by 
taking a table-spoon of sulphur in a half 
pint of milk, daUy, nntil the cure is affected. 

SuBB CnBB poB CoBirs, Warts !aijd 
CHn.BTiATWB.— Take of nitric and mnriatic 
acids, blue vitriol and salts of tartar, 1 oz. 
eaclf. Add the blue vitriol, pulverized, to 
either of the acids; add the salts of tartar 
in the same way ; when done foaming, add 
the other acid, and In a few days it will be 
ready for use. For chilblains and corns 
apply it very lightly with a swab, and re- 
peat in a day or two until cured. For warts, 
once a week, until they disappear. 

Hooji-An, IN Sheep.— Mix 3 ozs. each of 
butter of antimony an<} mnriatic acid with 
1 oz. of pulverized white vitriol, and apply 
once or twice a wee"k to the bottom of the 
foot. . 

CoMMoif Ehbttmatism.- Kerosene oil 2 
ozs.; neats-foot oil 1 oz.; oil of organum }i 
oz. Shake when used, and rub and heat in 
twice daily. 

Vbrt Fine Soap, Qoioklt and Chbap- 
I.T Made.— Fourteen pounds of bar soap 
in a half a boiler of hot water ; cut up fine ; 
add three pounds of sal-soda made flue; 
one ounce of pulverized rosin ; stir it often 
till all is dissolved ; Just as you take it off 
the fire, put in two table-spoonfuls of spirits 
of turpentine and one of ammonia ; pour it 
in a barrel, and fill up with cold soft water ; 
let it stand three or four days before using. 
It IS an excellent soap for washing clothes, 
extracting the dirt readily, and not fading 
colored articles. 



, Water Prooi" fob Lsathxr. — ^Take lin- 
seed oil 1 pint; yellow wax and wWte tur- 
pentine each a ozB. Burgnndy pitch 1 oz., 
melt and color with lampblack. 

To Zbbp Ctdsr SwiiiT.— Put into each 
barrel, immediately after making, a lb. 
ground mustard, 3 oz. salt and 3 oz. pulver- 
ized chalk. Stir them in a little cider, pour 
them into the barrel, and shake up well. 

AoTTB Ctnoj.— Procure IJjf table-spoons of 
fresh mandrake root juice, (by pounding) 
and mix with the same quantity of molas- 
ses, and take in three equal doses, 2 hours 
a part, the whole to be taken 1 hour before 
the chill comes on. Take a swallow of 
some good bitters before meals, for a conple 
of weeks after the chills are broken, and Uie 
cure 'will be permanent. 

CtjKB poB Salt Hhbum or Soubtt.— 
Take of the pokeweed, anytime in sum- 
mer ; pound it ; press out the juice ; strain 
it into a pewter dish; set it in the sun till it 
becomes a salve — ^then put it i^to an earth- 
en mug: add to it fresh wdfer and bees^ 
wax Bufncient to make an ointment of com- 
mon consistency ; simmer the whole' over 
a Are till thoroughly mixed. When cold, 
mb the part affected. The patient will al- 
most immediately experience Its good ef- 
fects, and the most obstinate cases will be 
cured in three or four months. Tested. — 
The juice of the ripe berries may be pre- 
pa red in the same way. 


To lime whitewash, add for a fastener, sul- 
phate of zinc, and shade with any color yon 
choose, as yellow ochre, Venetian red, etc. 
It ontlasts oil paint. 

FxLOHB.— Stir 1 oz. of Venice turpentine, 
with a tea-spoonftal of water, till it looks 
like candied honey, and apply by spreading 
upon cloth and wrapping around the finger. 
If not too long delayed will cure in 6 hours. 

A poke root poultice is also said to be a 
sure remedy. 

Wateb-Pboof Blackius ans Habness 
Polish. — Take two and a half ounces gum 
shellac and half a pint of alcohol, and set 
in a warm place until dissolved ; tti^n add 
two and a half ounces Venice turpentine 
to neutralize the alcohol ; add a tablespoon- 
fhl of lampblack. Apply vrith a fine sponge. 
It will give a good {)onsii over oil or grease. 

MosQtnTos. — To get rid of these tormen- 
tors, take a few hot coals on a shovel, or a 
chafing dish, and burn upon them some 
brown sugar in your bed-rooms and parlors, 
and you effectually banish or destroy every 
mosquito for the night. 

Cheap Outbids Paint.— Take two parts 
(in bulk) of water lime ground fine, one part 
(in bulk) ofwhite lead ground in oil. Mis 
them thoroughly, by afflins best boiled lin- 
seed oil, enough to prepare a to pass through 
a paint mill, after which temper with oil 
tin it can be applied with a common paint 
brnsh. Make any color to suit. It will last 
three times as long as lead paint, and cost 
not one-fourth as much. It is Supebiob. 

Cube fob a Couoh.- A strong decoction 
of the leaves of the pine, sweetened with 
loaf sugar. Take a wme-glass warm on go- 
ing to hed, and half an hour before eating 
three times a day. The above is sold as a 
cough syrup, and is doing wonderful cures, 
and it is sold at a great profit to the manu- 

B.O-W to Jndge a Borae. 

A correspondent, contrary to old maxims, 
undertakes to judge the character of ahorse 
by outward appearances, and offers the fol- 
lowing suggestions, the result of his close 
observation and long expen^ce; 

If the color be light sorrell, or chestnut, 
his feet, legs and fiice white, these are 
marks of kindness. If he is broad and fhll 
between the eyes, he may be depended on 
as a horse of good sense, and capable of be- 
ing trained to anything. 

As respects such horses, the more kindly 
you treat them the better you will be treat- 
ed in return. Nor will a horse of this de- 
scription stand a whip, if well fed. 

If you want a safe horse, avoid one that 
is dish-faced. He ma^ be so far gentle as 
not to scare ; but he will have too much go- 
ahead in him to be safe with everybody. 

Ifyouwantafool, but a horse of great 
bottom, get a deep bay, with not a white 
hair about him. U his lace is a little dish- 
ed, so much the worse. Let no man ride 
such a horse that is not an adept in riding 
— they are always tricky and unsafe. 

If you want one that will never give out, 
never buy a large, overgrown one. 

A black horse cannot stand heat, nor a 
white one cold. 

If you want a gentle horse, get one with 
more or less white about the head; the 
more the better. Many persons suppose 
the parti-colored horses belonging to the 
circuses, shows, &c., are selected for their 
oddity. But the selections thus made are 
on account of their great docility and gen- 

measarement of Hay In tbe 
'Slow or Stack.— It is often desirable, 
where conveniences for weighing are not at 
hand, to purchase and sell hay by measure- 
ment. It is evident that no fixed rule will 
answer in all cases, as it would require 
more cubic feet at the top of a mow than at 
the bottom. The general rule adopted by 
those who have tested it, is that a cube, 
each Bld« of which shall measure eight feet, 
of mlid Timothy hay , as taken from mow or 
bottom of Btack will weigh a ton. The 
rule may be varied for upper part of mow 
or stack according to pressure. 


1 , ' 

Almanac or Calendar for 20 Years. 


















1876 • 


































Tues. ^ 







Sat. ^ 




























• • 











• ■ 








Jan. and Oct. 
























Jf'eb., Mar., 

















Sept. & Dec. 








April & July. 








BxPLANATios.-rl'Jaa % Tear »nd obserre the Letter above It; then look for the 
Month, and In a line wlOi It And the Letter of the Tear; above the Letter And the Day ; 
and the figures on the left, tu the same line, lue the days of the s«me name In the month. 

Leap Tears have two tetters; the fliat Is need till the end pf Pebruary, the second 
during the remainder of the year. 


— / ■ L 


THUS COITJYTY was formed froiii Albany and Ot- 
sego, April 6, 1795. A small part of Greene County was annex- 
ed in 1836. The session laws of 1801 define the boundaries of 
the County and of the six towns included in it at that time as 
follows: y > 

" The County of Schoharie shall contain all that part of the 
State bounded easterly by the County of Albany, northerly by 

Eart of the south bounds of the County of Montgomery, as 
ereafter described, westerly by a line beginning at the south- 
west corner of a tract of land formerly granted to John Lyne 
and running thence the following courses and distances as 
marked by order of the Surveyor General; south twenty-one 
degrees and forty-eight minutes west, two hundred and nine- 
teen chains, to the place where Joshua Tucker formerly resided ; 
thence south seven degrees and forty-eight minutes west, one 
hundred and ninety-three chains to the eastermost line of a 
tract of land known by the name of Belvidere Patent ; thence 
south nine degrees east, six hundred and ninety-five chains to a 
certain hill known by the name of Grosvenor's Hill ;. thence 
with a direct line from the northwest corner of Stroughburgh 
Patent ; thence with a direct line to the most northerly corner 
of Harpersfield on the Charlotte or Adegataugie Branch of the 
Susquehanna River; thence south-easterly along the north 
bounds of Harpersfield to Lake Utsarantho, and southerly by 
a line formerly run from the head of Kaaters Creek where the 
same issues out of the southerly side or end of a certain lake or 
pond lying in the blue mountains to the said Lake Utsayantho, 
and by part of the north bounds of the County of Greene." 

It is an interior county, lying south-east of the center of the 
State, is centrally distant 35 miles from Albany and contains 

Schoharie is a name of Indian origin, and signifleB " driftwood." To-wos-a<^u>-fu>r was 
the Indian orthographr, and it has been spelled varioaaly according to the person writing 
it; as Shoary, SKohary, iShuelton/, Sehohon &c. At a place a sboit distance above Hid- 
dlebnrgh, the Linekill and Little Schoharie enter the Hchoharle Creek fW>ni opposite 
sides, and here drift-wood is said to have accamnlated to such ab extent as to form a 
niitnral bridge, whidi contained a large amount of timber when the place was first 
settled by white men ; hence the name. 


675 square miles. The surface is an upland, broken by moun- 
tains in the south, and by hills in the center and north. A 
northerly spur of the Catskill Mountains lies along the south 
border, the highest summits of ■«rhich are 3,000 feet above tide. 
From these, irregular spurs extend northward, occupying the 
greater part of the County. Many of the summits along the 
east and west borders are from. 800 to 1000 feet above the val- 
leys, and about 8,000 feet above tide. The hills in the north 
are generally rounded and arable to the summits, but in the 
center and south, the declivities are steep and in many cases 
precipitous. The high ridge along the east border and extend- 
ing into Albany County is known as the Helderbergh Moun- 
tains. The hills derive their general outline from the underly- 
ing rocks. The extreme north part of the County is terraced 
like the limestone region further west. Towards the south the 
hills are steeper, and in the shaly region they are broken by 
deep and irregular ravines. In many places the hills bordering 
upon the streams are 1000 feet high, and in some places very 

Schoharie Creek flows north-east through the County, a little 
east of the center. It receives as tributaries from the east, Fox, 
Little Schoharie or Stony, and Keysers Creeks, and PlattenkiH 
and Manorkill. From the west it receives Cripple Bush, Cobles- 
kill, Line, Panther, "West and Minekill Creeks. West and Punch- 
kill flow into the Oobleskill. Charlotte River, a branch of the 
Susquehanna, takes its rise in the west part, and Catskill Creek 
in the south-east part, having its source in a swamp called the 
Vlaie. Utsyantha and Summit lakes are two imall bodies of 
water ; the former being 1,900 feet and the latter 2,150 feet above 
tide. ^ 

The rocks in the County, commencing upon the north bor- 
der and appearing successively towards the south, are those be- 
longing to the Hudson Eiver group, Clinton group, Onondaga 
salt group, Helderbergh series, Hamilton group, Portage and 
Chemung group, and the Catskill group. Among the limestones 
are numerous caves, in which are found minerals particularly 
interesting to mineralogists. Among the most interesting are 
stalactites of pure white, translucent and solid, sulphate of 
barytes, calcite, satin spar, tufa, bog ore, black oxide of mangan- 
ese, sulphate and carbonate of strontia, fluor spar, carbonate of 
iron and arragonite. Fossils in great variety, and peculiar to 
the respective formations, are found in the County. Drift is 
found Scattered over the County to a limited extent, and water- 
linie IS also found. The soils are principally derived from the 
disintegration of the underlying rocks. In the north the soil 
IS a productive clay loam, and m the center and south it is a 


clay and sandy loam, the latter predominaffcing on the south 
hills. The alluvial flats along Schoharie Creek are very fertile. 
Agriculture forms the chief occupation of the inhabitants. 
Spring grains are largely produced, hops are cultivated in the 
west part, and broomcorn on the Schoharie flats. Dairying is 
carried on extensively, especially in the south part. Manufac- 
turing is quite limited and confined to such as is customary in 
an agricultural region. 

The County Seat la located in the village of Schoharie. The 
Court House, which for many years had served the people of the 
County, was burned January 17, 1870. A new one has since 
been erecfeed on the old site, much better adapted to the wants 
of the County. It is built of dressed limestone, is 54 by 57 feet 
in size, and three stories high. The first floor contains the 
rooms appropriated to the County Clerk and the Surrogate, and 
a large kitchen where cooking is done for the prisoners confined 
in the Jail. The second floor is occupied by the Sherifi" and 
his family. The Supervisors also have a room on the same floor. 
The third floor is appropriated to the Court and Jury rooms, 
a gallery over the latter affording additional room. The space 
appropriated to the Court and Bar is elevated a little above the 
general level of the room, and is inclosed by a black walnut 
railing. The building cost only about $20,000, but could not 
be replaced for a much larger sum. The building is considered 
fire proof, the cornices, domes and pinnacles being galvanized 
iron. It is said to have cost less than any other'building* of the 
same size and character in the State. It was built at the ex- 
pense of the Town and County of Schoharie jointly. 

The Jail is a substantial stone building in the rear of the 
Court House. 

The first courts were held in a wagon-house of Johannis 
Ingold, and prisoners were at first sent to the Albany Jail. The 
fii;st meeting of the Judges, Justices and Supervisors, .was held 
December 16,. 1795, and it was decided to locate the County 
buildings two miles west of the present site, but the location 
was changed before the buildings were erected. The first build- 
ings were erected soon after and were burned in 1847. The first 
Court House was erected under the direction of Joost Borst, 
Jr., Jacob Lawyer, Peter Sayder, John H. Shafer and William 
Phrall, Commissioners. Abraham A. Post of Ontario, Alex- 
ander H. Buel of Herkimer, and William Duerof Oswego, were 
appointed to locate the present site. The, first Countj oflQcers 
were William Beekman, First Judge ; who was re-appomted and 
held the office until 1838; Joachim G. Staats, Clerk; Saadb 
Lawyer .Tr., Sheriff; and Stephen A. Becker, Surrogate. 


The Poor House is located upon a farm of 62 acres in the town 
of Middleburgh. The building is two stories with a basement. 
The main part is 35 by 26 feet, and the wing 90 by 26 feet. 
The average number of paupers during the past year has been 
about eighty. 

The Albany and Susquehanna Railroad is located along the 
valley of the Cobleskill, extending through the towns of Esper- 
ance, Schoharie, Cobleskill and Eichmondville. The elevation 
of this road where it enters the County on the east, is 700 feet 
above tide; at Schoharie Creek it is.550feet: at Cobleskill, 900 
feet; at Eichmondville, 1,175 feet, and at thie west line of the 
County, 1,470 feet. The Schoharie Valley and the MMdleburgh 
tfc Schoharie Railroads connect with the A. & S. E. E. atOentral 
Bridge, and extend to Middleburgh, via Schoharie Court House. 
The A. & S. E. E. is now operated by the Delaware & Hudson 
Canal Company, under a lease. 2%e Sharon dk Cherry Valley 
Railroad extendi^ from Cobleskill, along the valley of Westkill, 
through the towns of SeWard and Sharon, to Cherry Valley in 
Otsego County. 

The principal turnpikes in the County in early times were 
the Great Western, built in 1802 and extendii^ to Cherry Val- 
ley, and the Charlotte River Turnpike, built in 1809. The lattes 
formed the great thoi^oughfare to the settlements in Delaware 
County and adjacent regions. Like many other counties, Scho- 
harie partook of the plank road mania, but abandoned it after 
a sacrifice of nearly all the capital invested. 

Previous to the settlement of the County by the whites, a 
number of Indians belonging to the Mohawks, Mohicans, Dela- 
wares, Tuscaroras and Oneidas, uniting togetlier, formed the 
Schoharie tribe and took up their abode along the valley of 
Sch6harie Creek. The Mohicans settled near the mouth of 
the Little Schoharie, in the present town of Middleburgh, while 
the largest settlement of the others was in the present town of 
Fulton. Their principal Chief wag ICariffhoAdonlee, who had 
been a prisoner of the French in Canada, and had married a 
Mohawk woman. This tribe was subordinate to the Six 

"Besides the village of the Mohegans ialready located, the 
bChohane tribe had several others ; one of which was on the 
farni formerly owned l^ Alexander Vrooman, on the west side 
ot the nver. Nearly opposite that, on the other side of the 
river, they had another; and a distance of several miles farther 
up the valley, on the farm of the late Peter P. Snyder, a third. 
At each of the two former tliey had a small castle; and at the 
latter, where they dwelt for many, years after the two nortljiern 


Tillages were abandoned, they had a burying ground. Those 
villages were all within four miles of the present site of the 
Court House. Within the recollection of some now living, 
twenty-one wigwams were yet standing upon the Snyder farm; 
and a few old apple trees still to be seen there, are supposed to 
have been planted by the natives. Near this orchard maay 
burials are said to have been made at their place of sepulture ; 
nor, indeed were the manes of nature's children without com- 
panions, to share the potage taken along at their death ; as a 
portion of the consecrated ground was set apart for the defunct 
slaves of the early Germans. ' 

" The fifth and most important village of the tribe, where 
dwelt Karighondontee and his principal chiefs, was in Vroo- 
man's land ; where they had a strong castle and a place of buriaL 
This castle was built by John Becker, who received from 
Sir William Johnson, as agent for the British government, 
eighty pounds for its erection. It was built at the commence- 
ment of the French war, and constructed of hewn timber. 
The Indians held some four hundred acres of land around it, 
which they leased for several years. Contiguous to this castle, 
along both sides of the river, could have been counted at one 
time seventy huts; and relics of savage ingenuity are now often 
plowed up near its site. An angle of la;nd,, occasioned by a bend 
in the river, on which this castle stood, was called the Wilder. 
Hook, by the Dutch who settled near it, and signified the 
Indian's Corner." — -Simm'a Hist. Schoharie-, 

The number of warriors of the Schoharie tribe has been va- 
riously estimated at from 300 to 600. Their coat of arms was a 
turtle and snake; and they^ placed figures of these animals on 
deeds and writings as an evidence of faith. Whenever land 
was deeded, th^ trees marking the boundaries bore the charac- 
teristic emblem of the tribe. During the wars between the 
British and Erenchj the Indians adhered to the British. A 
band of about 20O remained in the valley, at peace with the 
settlers until the Eevolution, when yielding to the temptinz 
offers of the British, they took up arms against their old neigh- 
bors. Previous to this a pestilence had swept off the greater 
part of the tribe, though the Whites were not affected by ii 

The first white settlement in this County was made in 1711, 
by German Palatinates. They came over the previous year under 
the patronage of Queen Anne of England, and settled at the 
East and West Gamps on the Hudson. On arriving in the val- 
ley of the Schoharie Creek they settled in several villages, or 
dorfs, as they were called) under the direction of seven men who 
had previously been their captains or commissaries. 


" Weiser's dorf, (so called after Conrad Weiser the founder,) 
was the southern village and occupied part of the present site of 
the village of Middleburgh. This 'dorf contained some forty 
dwellings. They were small rude huts, built of logs and earth, 
and covered with bark, grass &c. They were built on both sides 
of the street, which ran nearly east and west, and may have been 
called Weiser street Hai-tman's dorf was the next settlement 
down the river, and was about two miles noWh of Weiser's dorf. 
This was the only one of the settlements called after the Chris- 
tian name of its founder or patroon, his name having been 
Hartman Winteker. This flekken (if the larg'est village in 
seven merited the name,) is said to have contained sixty-five 
dwellings, similar in construction to those spoken of in the 
dorf above. The Germans, (as is the custom of their descend- 
ants,) built their ovens detached from their dwellings; and 
thirteen are said to have answered all the good houseswives of 
Hartman's dorf, the purposes of baking.^ * * * The next 
village north, was in the vicinity of the Court House, and was 
called Brunnen or Bruna dorf,which signified the town of springs. 
There are several springs in this vicininy, and a living one 
which issues from beneath the rooks a little distance south-east 
from the court house, supplies most of the villagers with excel- 
lent water. The prindpal or most infinential man among the 
first settlers at this place was John Lawyer. Some of his de- 
scendants, as also those of some of the Shsefifers and Ingolds, who 
were among the first settlers, still reside near the location of 
their ancestors. The next settlement was in the vicinity of the 
present residence of Dr, 0. H. Van Dyck, about a mile north 
of Bruna dorf, and consisted of Johannes George Smidt, (or 
Smith in English,) with a few followers of the people, for whoni 
he had acted as commissioner at the Camps. Smith is said to 
have had the best house in Smith's dorf, which was thatched 
with straw. ******* pox'a dorf was next to 
Smith's, north, and took its name from William Fox, its leading 
man. He settled about a mile from Smith, in the vicinity of 
Fox's creek, so called after him. The Shyders, Beckers, ZiB|- 
. mars, Balls and Weidmans, now residing along and near that 
stream, are regular descendants of the first settlers. Elias Gar- 
lock, with a few faithful followers, who. doubtless adhered to 
him on account of his great wisdom, which remains to be 
shown, located about two miles farther down the river, near the 
present residence of Jacob Vrooman. This was called Garlocks 
dorf. The Dietzes^ Manns and Sternbergs were timong the first 
settlers at Garlocks dorf, whose descendants still occupy the 

f rounds. The last and most northerly settlement was called 
Lueiskern's dorf, after John Peter Kneiskern, its leading man. 


It was two or three miles from the last mentioned settlement, 
and was made along the east side of the river, opposite the mouth 
of Oobel's kill. The Kneiskerns, Stubrachs, Enderses, Sidneys, 
Berghs, and Houoks, residing in that vicinity, are descendants 
of the original settlers." — Simms Hist. Schoharie. 

The whole number who settled in the County during the 
year 1711, is supposed to be from 600 to 700. The first settlers 
came from Albany on foot, with no vehicle of any kind, and 
not even a horse, but carried all their goods in packs on Ijheir 
backs. Within one week after their arrival, four children were 
born, whose names were Catharine Mattice, Elizabeth Lawyer, 
WilhelmuB Bouck and Johannes Earhart. They left Albany on 
Thursday, sleeping in the open air at night, with fires to keep 
off the wolves. On Saturday they reached, the present site of 
Knoxville, and through some cause that tradition has failed to 
transmit, they had a free fight, from which circumstance the 
place was called by the settlers Fegt Berg or Fighting Hill. As 
no serious injury resulted from this contest, they resumed their 
march, and on Sunday arrived at a toall creek which forms 
part of the boundary between Schoharie and Wright. Here 
they performed their weekly ablution and " while waishing, the 
lice were swimming down the brook, which is called Lousekill 
to this day." As there were no grist mills, the settlers resorted to 
the Stump Mortar or went to Schenectady, carrying their grists 
upon their backs, and in the same manner was the first Skipple 
of wheat brought to the County in the berry, by Lambert 
Sternberg, -who planted it on a piece of ground on the opposite 
side of the river from Garloclcs dorf, where thete had been an 
Indian castle. It was hoed in the spring like a patch of corn, 
and at harvest the one Skipple produced eighty-three. The want 
of horses and cattle was a serious impediment to the progress 
of the early settlements. The first horse was purchased in 
Schenectady by nine individuals of Weiser's dorf. Soon after 
the German" settlement was commenced, the Dutch began a set- 
tlement at Vrooman's Land, on the west side of the river, two 
or three miles above Weisers dorf. Adam Vrooman of Schenec- 
tady, obtained a patent of 1,100 acres, more or less, August 36, 
1714. The tract was afterwards found to contain 1,400 acres. It 
embraced the flats along the creek in the present town of Ful- 
ton, except Wilder Hook, where there was an Indian castle and 
settlement. Mr Vrooman had previously obtained an Indian 
title to the laud, but in 1726 he obtained a new title of the In- 
dians, giving all the land previously conveyed, with the sen- 
tence, " let there be as much as. there will, more or less, for we 
are no surveyors." It was executed with the ensign of the Mo- 
hawk nation, the turtle, wolf and bear. 


The Germans and Dutch did not live-on the most friendly 
termis, the foriner opposing very strongly the settlement of the 
Dutch in Vrooman's land, as shown by the following letter to 
Governor Hunter : . 

"May it Please your Excellency As in duty bound by my Last 
to you I give your Excy an aoct How the ^^alintines threatened 
In a Bebelious manner If I should build or manure the Land 
at Schore that your Excllcy was Pleased to Grant me a Pattent 
for and In Please your Excellency I have manured a great part 
of the Laud and sowed considerable grain thereon they still 
drove their horses on it by night. I then hired my sons to go 
wjth me and build me a bouse I was their and was , making a 
stone house 23 feet Squar and had so high so that I lay'd the 
Beames for the Chambers I; having at the same time an Indian 
house about 200 yards off for myself worktnen and negroe to 
sleep in, but on the 4:th day of tiis Instant in. ye night follow- 
ing they had a Gontryvance to tie bells about horses necks and 
drive them to and fro In which time they pulled my house 
stones and all to the Ground the next day 1 spok with some of 
them and theyused such Bebelious Expressions that was never 
heard off ; but they told me before now they had done all ; they 
would Eun among the Indians John Gonradus Wiser has been 
a Leader of. all factions^ for he has had his son sometime to live 
among them Indians, and now he is turned their Interpreter so 
that this Wiser and hiS son ialk with tiie Indians very often and 
have made treates for them and have been busy to buy Land at 
many places which is contrary to your Excelleneys Proclama- 
tion, and has made the Indians drunk to that degree to go and 
mark of Land with them ; and I am no wayes secure of my 
Life their for after I came away they went and pulled my son 
off of the wagon and beat him and said they would kill him or 
his father or any body dse that came their so that my son was 
forced to come away ; likewise they say they care for nobody 
John Gonradus Wiser and 2 or 3 more has made their escape by 
way of Boston and, have saidlthey will go for England but has 
left his son which is their Interpreter to the Indians and every 
day tells the Indians many Lyes wh«reby much mischiefe may 
ensue more than we now think off and is much to be feared ; 
for the time I have been their I have made a diligent scrutiny 
■into all their actions but I dont find a Great many concerned 
with this Wiser and his son in their disobedient unlawfuU and 
Bebelious Proceedings I am well informed who.are their Chiefs; 
for those that are g;ood Subjects among them and will not joyn 
with them are afraid th^ others will Bum their houses down 
by their threatening words Ajid please you I could Enlarge 
much more of their misdemeanors but for fear of troubling yr 


Excellency top much I shall beg your Excellenoypardon att 
this time and ever Eemain your ExcelleneyB most Hubble and 
Obedient Servant to Command. 
8chenectad|^Jdy^the 9th day 1715. | ^^^ Vrooman." 

The Palatinates located upon the land without any title ex- 
cept the word of Queen Anne that they should have their land 
free. They had not long been in possesion before Nicholas 
Bayard, an agent of the British G-overnment, appeated and of- 
fered to give to every householder a deed in the name of his 
Sovereign, of his land, if he would make known the boundaries. 
The settlers were very ignorant, and fearing that the design was 
to bring them under tyrannic landholders, resolved to kill Bay- 
krd and thus establish more firmly the itidependenoe which 
they had for several years enjoyed. Bayard had put up at the 
house of John George Smith, of Smith's dorf, and early next 
morning the settlers assembled,. armed with guns and pitcqforks, 
surrounded 'the house and demanded Bayard, and on Smith's 
refusing to surrender him, the house was besieged; sixty balls 
were fired by the assailants through the roof, and the siege kept 
up until the failing ahimunition and the darkness admonished 
them to desist. Bayard left in the night and went to Schenec- 
tady, whence he sent word that to all who shoul4 appear there 
with a single ear of corn, acknowledge him as the royal agent 
and name the bounds of their land, a free deed should be given. 
As no one called on him he went to Albany and disposed of the 
land to Myndert Schuyler, Peter Van Brugh,Eobert Livingston 
Jr., John Schuyler and William Wileman, to whom a patent 
was given and executed Nov. 3, 1714, in the first year of the 
reign of George L, by Robert Hunter, Governor of the Province. 
This patent began on the northern line of the Vrooman Patent, 
on the west side of the river, and the little Sohohariekill on the 
east, extending north nearly to the south boundary of Mont- 
gomery County, taking in a strip on both sides of the river. 
The intention was to take in all of the flats, but this was npt 
effected, though some curves were made. Lewis Morris and An- 
drus GoeyikanB, who were employed to survey and divide the 
land, finding that a large piece of the fiat at the mouth of the 
' Cobleskill was not taken in, made haste to secure it, as also 
. the flats along Pox's Creek. Finding it difficult to divide their 
land, these patents sometimes running into each oth6r> and 
sometimes leaving a gore, the five first purchasers »greed to 
make joint stock ,with their surveyors, and were afterwards 
known as the Seven Partners. Patents and deeds granted sub- 
sequently, for lands lying a^djacent to those of the Seven Part- 
ners, were sometimes bounded in such a manner as to infringe 


on their lands, and gave rise t9 much' litigation. Suits for parti- ' 
tion T^re brought in the Courts in 1819—25—26—28 and '29, 
when they were finally adjusted. 

After the Seven Partners received- their title to the Schoharie 
flats, they called on the German settlers to purchase, take leases 
or quit them altogether, but they stubbornly refused, still rely- 
ing on the word of Queen Anne. Mild measures having failed, 
the partners appealed to the strong arm of the law. A sheriff 
from Albany, named Adams, was sent to apprehend some of the 
boldest of the trespassers and frighten others into a compro- 
mise. Adams stopped at Weiser's dorf, and attempted to arrest 
a man, when a mob immediately collected, Adams was knocked 
. down, dragged through the mud and finally rode upon a rail 
throiagh most of the settlements, suffering as he went such iii- 
dignities as the excited rabble saw fit to heap u|Jt)n him. For 
some time after this outrage the settlers of Schoharie were very 
cautious about visiting Albany ; at first sending their wives 
for salt and such other necessaries as could not be obtained else- 
where, the men not daring to appear there except on Sunday, 
and were careful to leave the same night. At, length suspicion 
having been allayed, several of the Schoharie citizens ventured 
to Albany for salt, when they were arrested and committed to 
jail. The most notorious of the' party, among whom were Con- 
rad Weiser, Jr., were placed in the dungeon. Great was the 
consternation when the news of this outrage reached Schoharie, 
and a meeting of the citizens was called, when it was decided 
to draw up a petition setting forth their grievances and delegate 
;three of their number to lay it before the King. This peti- 
tion was entrusted to Conrad Weiser, Casselman and 

one other. The parties imprisoned at Albany were compelled 
to sign a statement of their .treatment of Bayard and Adams 
before they were released, and they agreed also to take leases and 
pay the rent or purchase their lands. Weiser and his comrades 
proceeded to England and shortly after presented their petition, 
but were horror stricken to find a statement of their treatment 
of Bayard and Adams already in the hands of the King. Their 
guilt was manifest and they were immediately imprisoned in 
the Tower. After a time they were released and permitted to 
return home. Many o£the settlers concluded to purchase their 
lands, but Weiser and sixty families removed to Berks County, 
Pa. Some removed to German Flats and others to Stone Arabia. 

Petef Vrooman, son of the patentee of "Vrooman's Land, 
commenced improvements soon after the purchase, and settled 
there. During the first summer he employed several hands, 
planted corn, fenced some of his land and in the fall returned 
to Schenectady to spend the winter, leaving a hired man, 


named Truax, and two colored persons named Morter and his 
wife Mary, to take care bf his property. Not long after Vroo- 
man's departure, Truax was murdered in his room. Morter 
and Mary were tried and convicted of the crime, though Mary 
persisted in declaring her innocence. They were burned alive 

■ at Albany, after which nothing more was known for several 
years. A man named Moore, who lived at dorf at the 
time of the murder, afterwauds went to Pennsylvania, and on 
his dying bed confessed that he and Morter were the mur- 

. derers,* Mary being entirely ignorant of the whole affair. The 
second season after bhe murder, Peter Vrooman returned and 
established a permanent residpnce. Several other Dutch 
families settled there about the same time. ■ • 

Simeon Laraway erected the first grist mill in the County. 
Bolting cloths were first introduced about 1760 by Henry 
Weaver. The settlers procured their shoes at Albany or East 
Camp until near the time of the Eevolution, and one pair was 
the yearly allowance for each member of the family. Travel- 
ing cobblers went from house to house repairing such as needed. 
The first cider made in the County was by Lawrence School- 
craft. It was made by pounding the apples in a mortar, similar 
to those used for corn, the pumice was then placed in a 
large Indian basket, previously suspended to a tree, and weights 
placed in the basket, the' juice being caught by a spout made 
of two planks fastened together at the edges. The first cider 
press ever used in the County was made by a man named 
Brown, who removed from West Camp. He was a wheelwright 
and the first one of the trade to prosecute the business in the 
County. John Mattice Young taught the first German school 
ever taught in America, at the Camps, about 1740. Schools 
were taught in Schoharie shortly after ; a man named Spease 
taught the first, and Keller the second. English instruction 
was introduced about 1760, and in some instaace^ the English, 
German and Dutch languages were all taught by the same 
teacher. The implements of husbandry were of the riidest 
kind, tlieir rakes being made with teeth on both sides, and 
their hay forks were crotched sticks. Their wagons were with- 
out tires until 1760. 

Ia 1763 slaves were introduced into the County from New 
England, females being worth about $150 each, and males a lit- 
tle more. A duty was imposed upon slaves imported from 
'another Colony. Under the Colonial Government, persons were 
not obliged to fence their lands along the " Kin^ Highway," 
as public roads were called, but where the line fenbe between 
two neighbors crossed them, gates were erected. As this was a 

. great annoyance to travders, the law was afterwards changed. 


requiring a permit, signed by several of his Majesty's Justices of 
the Peace, before such obstructions could -be placed across the 
road. These gates were continued to some extent until after the 
Revolutionary War. Among the peculiarities of the early set- 
tlers vre select the following description from Simm's History : 

" Few dishes were formerly seen upon the tables of the Scho- 
harie people. It was no uncommon sight to see a family of 
eight or ten persons seated at an old fashioned round tabl^^^ 
■which was turned up in every dwelling when not in use — each 
with a, spoon eating from a single dish of supawn. Every mem- 
ber had a cavity in the pudding filled with milk, from which he 
or she was allowed freely to scoop. On eating through into 
each other's divisions, a quickened motion of the spoon ensued, 
if trouble did not. If bowls were not then found indispensable 
in a large family, for eating a supper of supawn and milk, 
neither were plates in eating a hearty dinner. Each member of 
the family; — seated at the round table, the quality and neatness 
of which no cloth concealed — was given a large slice of bread 
upon which they ate their meat and potatoes ; after which the 
time serving plate was broken up, thrust into a dish to receive a 
coat of dope (gravy) an(J soon devoured. Bread was then sliced 
by one of the heads of the family, and dealt out around the 
table as a whist player would deal his cards. Eice and milk 
was like supawn, also eaten from one dish, after receiving the 
liberal scrapings of a cake of maple sugar. Happy days were 
those when the good hotise-wife had few howls or plates to 
wash, and little envy about the quality or number of those pos- 
sessed by her neighbors." 

Pleasure carriages were unknown, and a single horse often 
carried upon his back a man and woman at the same time. 

The Germans and Dutch of the County remained distinct 
for a long time, very few intermarriages occuring between them. 
The Dutch were generally wealthier than the more hardy and 
laborious Germans, and preferred to contract marriages with 
their own class in the older Dutch settlements. They often 
kept slaves, while the Germans seldom had further assistance 
than such as their own households afforded. Gradually the 
barrier became obliterated and hereditary distinctions in socie- 
ty have disappeared. 

When the stormy period of the Eevolution commenced, a few 
of the people espoused the cause of the British, but the ma.- 
jority were ardent patriots. In many instances members of the 
same family were arrayed against each other, and the struggle 
assumed all the horrors of a civil war, aggravated by Indian 
barbarities. A council of safety was chosen in 1774, of which 
Johannes Ball was chairman until the close of the war. It 


consisted of six members, but we have no means of determin- 
ing who were the first, though the following persons 
are believed to have been members at some time during the 
war : Joseph Borst, Joseph Becker, Peter Becker, Col. Peter 
Vrooman, Lieut. Odl. Peter Zielie, Peter Swart, William Zim- 
mer, William Dietz, Samuel 'Yrooman, Nicholas Sternberg, 
Adam Vrooman, George Warner and Jacob Zimmer. Ool. 
Vrooman did most of the writing for the board. At an early 
period of the difficulties, an effort was made by the settlers to 
induce the Indians to remain neutral. A mee^ting was held for 
that purpose, at the old council ground in Middleburgh. It is 
said that Brant and several other Mohawk chiefs were present, 
and a Mrs. Richtmyer acted as interpreter. The Indians agreed 
to remain neutral or join the Americans, but they were two 
fond of war to remain inactive, and yielded to the induce- 
ments offered by the agents of the British Government. Mr. 
Ball, the chairman of the oomniitee, had two sons, Peter and 
Mattice, who engaged with their father in their country's cause, 
while two other sons espoused the cause of the British. A 
regiment of militia was organized for the ." Schoharie and 
Duanesbnrgh districts,'.' as the 15th Regiment of N. Y. Militia, 
and commissions were issued to its officers, Oct. 20, 1775. It 
consisted of only three companies. A small company was af- 
terwards organized at Cobles'kill under Capt. Christian Brown 
and Lieut. Jacob Borst. At a meeting of the New York State 
Committee of Safety, at Fishkill, Oct. J, 1776, a resolution was 
passed appointing persons in each County " to purchase at the 
cheapest rate in their several counties, all the coarse woolen 
cloth, Hnsey woolsey, blankets, woolen hqSe, mittens, coarse 
linen, felt hats, and shoes fitting for soldiers, and that they 
have the linen made into shirts.' 

Among the relics of Eevolutionary times is the following 
paper : 

" Schoharie, July 7th, 1777, in Committee Chamber first Resolved that 
all the persons between the ages of sixteen and flfty years, from the dwel- 
ling house of (Jhristiaa Shaftier and to north-ward in Schoharie, are to 
bring their arms and accoutrements when they come to the meeting at 
either of the two churches in Pnuntain Town and Fox's Town, on Suiiday 
or any other day when kept ; and if any of them shall neglect in bringing 
their arms and accoutrements to either of the churches, shall forfeit and 
pay the sum of (Aree iihWing», New York Currency, into the hands of Jo- 
hannes Ball, for the use of paying the cost for the districl* of Schoharie; or 
if any person shall not pay the said suip as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for 
,Mr. Johannes Ball to give a warrant directed to a sergeant or cbrppral,, 
*aud levy thb same on the offender's goods and chattels, and also the cost 

" And the persons inhabiting from the dwelling of Baltus KrySler to the 
said Dhristian Bhafifer, are to bring their arms &c. to the cdiurch at Weiser's 


Town, as they are ordered to in Foxes Town ; and if neglected to pay the 
same to Johannes Becker, and be put in execution by him as ordered by 
Mr. Ball aforesaid. 

" And persons southward ftom Baltus Krjrslers are to be armed when 
they come to any meetings that may be kept in Brakabeen, and if neglect- 
ed, to pay the fines to Mr. William Zimmer, and to be put by him in exe- 
cution as before mentioned, and for the use as aforesaid. 

"N. B. Their resolve in Pountann T6wn Church is to be paid to Mr. 
Johannes Lawyer, and to be put by him in execution as within mentioned, 
and for the use as aforesaid; and George Warner is appointed to see that 
the inhabitants of Cobleskill bring their arms when they come to meeting 
there, and put this resolve in execution as within mentioned, and for the 
use aforesaid. 

" Secondly, Resolved that four watches are to be kept in Schoharie every 
night from this time constant : the first to be kept at the dwelling house of 
Capt. George Mann, and under his command, and in his absence the next 
in command ; the inhabitants from Christian Shaffer's dwelling house and 
to northward are to be under Capt. Mann's command for the watch to con- 
sist of eight men. The second is to be kept at the dwelling house of Mr. 
HeHdrick P. Becker, and under the command of Capt. George Eichtmyer, 
and in his absence the next officer in command ; the inhabitants from 
Hendrick Tansen's house and so northward to Christian Shafier's are un- 
der the command Of this second watch, and to consist of «& men. The 
tlfird is to be kept at the dwelling house of Mr. Johannes Feak, and under 
the command of Lieut Martynus Van Slyck, and in his absence the next 
officer in command ; the inhabitants from Baltus Krysler's dwelling house 
and so northward to Hendrick Tansen's are under the command of this 
third watch, and to consist of «& men. And the fourth is to be kept by 
the inhabitants from Baltus Krysler's and so southward at the dwelling 
house of Mr. Hendrick Hager under the command of Capt. Jacob Hager, 
in his absence the next officer in command ; and this watch is to consist of 
«& m^n. Every person or persons neglecting to serve on such or either of 
such watches aforementioned, shall for evf ry neglect pay and forfeit the 
sum of twelve sMUings for the use of the district of Schoharie." 

In 1777 a company of volunteers under Capt. Hager pro- 
ceeded to Loonenburg, now Athens, to arrest Col. James Huet- 
son, who was enlisting Tories. After a search of thirteen days; 
during a part of which time they made a levy upon his poultry 
yard, they arrested him and about twenty others, whom thgy 
delivered to the military department at Albany. Col. Huetson 
was afterwards hanged. In August of this year a company of 
Tories under Capt. McDonald were defeated by Col. John Har- 
per. Capt. George Mann, one of the Tories, secreted himself 
in the vicinity until December, when he surrendered himself 
to the military authority and was sent to Albany for trial. 
Owing to the influence' of his Whig neighbors, his trial was 
put off until the close of the war, when he was set at liberty , 
and returned to his family and the possession of his property, 
which was not confiscated. Some persons in the Schoharie 
settlements accepted of kingly protection from McDonald, 
when the prospects of the Colonies were the most gloomy, but 


after his defeat and hasty flight, they managed to return home 
and became the supporters of the federal compact. The fol- 
lowing letter was written by Ool. Harper to the Committee of 
Safety : 

" Schoharie, August 28, 1777. 

" Gentlemen— Since we put CaptMcDonald and his army to flight, I pro- 
ceeded with some volunteers to Harpersfleld where we met many that had 
been forced by McDonald, and some of them much abused. Many others 
were in the woods who were volunteers, and as we could not get hands on 
these that were active in tiie matter, I gave orders to all to make their ap- 
pearance when called on, at Schoharie, in order to give satisfaction to the 
authority for what they have done ; and if tiiey do not, that they are to be 
proclaimed traitors to the United States cf America; which they readily, 
agreed to, and farther declare that they will use their best endeavors to 
bring in those that have been the cause of the present disturbance. I 
would, therefore, beg the honorable Council of Safety, that they would ap- 
point proper persons to try these people, as there wUl, be many that can 
witness to the proceedings of our enemy, and are not in ability to go 

" From your most obedient, humble servant, 
John Hakper, Colo. 

" P. S. The people here are so confused that they do not fcnow how to 
proceed. I therefore would beg the favor of your honorable body to ap- 
point such men as are strangers m these parts. 

" To the honorable, ithe council of safety, at Kingston," 

In the fall of the same year, the following advertisement was 
published : 

" Adwrtis&nent. — This is to give notice to all persons, that the Commit- 
tee of Schoharie have Besohed that nobody shall sell anything to disaffect- 
ed persons, and especially to such persons as buy and send it to the Scotch 
settlements [on the Charlotte and Susquehanna rivers;] and if any person 
does it, we shall seize it. ^ 

By oraer of the Committee, 

JoHAmrss Ball, Ch'n. 
" Schoharie, Nov. 24th, 1777." 

A fort was erected near Middleburgh in the fall of 1777, by 
citizens and soldiers, the former drawing the timber and the 
latter assisting in putting it in its proper place. It was known 
during the Eevolution as the Middle Fort. It consisted of an 
inclosure by pickets of about three quarters of an acre of 
ground, with block-houses in the north-east and south-west 
corners, where cannon were mounted. The principal entrance 
was on the south side, and on each side of the gate were bar- 
racks for the soldiers. The pickets were about a foot in diame- 
ter and ten feet high, with loop holes ffom which to fire on in- 
vaders. Along the east and west sides were huts in which the 
citizens deposited their most valuable eflects and tookrefuge in 
times of danger. 

The Upper Fort was about five miles further up and on the 
opposite side of the river. It was commenced the same fall as 


the Middle Fort, and completed the next summer. It consist- 
ed of an inclosure like the preceeding, picketed on one side, 
and on the others were breastworks, eight or ten feet high, com- 
posed of earth and timber, and wide enough on the top for a 
wagon to be drawn. A ditch surrounded the fort thus con- 
structed. Military barracks and huts for citizens were within 
the inclosure, as well as block-houses and sentry-boxes. 

The Lower Fort was erected about tl^e same time and was 
situated about a mile north of the Court House. The old 
stone church, still standing in the cemetery, was inclosed with 
about half an acre of ground, by strong pickets. Block houses 
were erected in the north-east and south-west corners, mount- 
ing small cannon. Along the west side of the inclosure were 
huts of rough boards for the -protection of the families living in 
the vicinity, and "here they deposited their most valuable effects 
and fled for protection in timeof danger. 

The Middle Fort was the headquarters during the war, and 
usually the residence of the principal commandant of all three. 

A battle was fought at Cobleskill, on the first of June 1778, 
between- the Americans under Capt. Patrick, and the Tories 
and Indians, under Brant. The enemy is said to have number- 
ed 350, While the Americans were less than fifty, twenty- 
two of whom were killedy including Gapt. Patrick. All of the 
houses in the settlement except one, were plundered and burnt 
after the engagement, ten in all, with about the same number 
of barns and outbuildings. 

• In July, Lieut.-Ool. Wm. Butler, with three companies of 
riflemen from Morgan's Corps, and the 4th Pennsylvania Regi- 
ment, was, placed m command of the Middle Fort. Among 
these were some of the most distinguished marksmen of the 
war, including Lieut. Thomas Boyd, Timpthy Murphy, David 
Elerson, William Leek, Wm. Lloyd, Sergt. John Wilber, Joseph 
Evans, Philip Hpever, Elijah Efendricks, John Garsaway and 
Derrick Haggidorn. Early in October 1777, Col. Butler pro- 
ceeded with troops under iis command to Unadilla and Oqua- 
go, Indian towns on the Susquehanna, which he destroyed, with 
large quantities of prpvisions. . The troops suffered greatly in 
this expedition, being obliged to carry their provisions on their 
backs, and frequently to ford creeks and rivers, and at night 
lie down without covering or the means of keeping their arms 
dry. The expedition was absent sixteen days. A regiment of 
New York SDate troops, under Col. Dubois, went into winter 
quarters at Schoharie in the fall of 1778. Adjutant Dodge, 
Major Eosencrans, Capt. Stewart and Ensign Johnson were 
quartered in the kitchen of the chairman of the Committee of 


On the 9tlj of August, 1778, a p^rty of ^eventy-three In- 
dians and five Tories, commanded by Brant, invaded Vroo- 
mansland, near the Upper Fort, killing five and taking thirty 
prisoners. They burnt nine dwellings and the barns and bar- 
racks stored with grain, ai^d took away ninety good horses. 

In the latter part of September 1780, Sir John Johnson left 
Niagara with a force of five hundred British and Tories, and 
proceeded to the Susqmehanna, wh'ere he was joined by Brant 
with several hundred Indians, for the purpose of invading the 
valleys of the Schoharie and Mohawk. They proceeded up 
Charlotte Eiver, thence to Panther Creek, and down that stream 
near its mouth, where they encamped on the evening of October 
16th. It was the intention of Jonnson to resume his march so 
early in the morning as to pass the Upper Fort unobserved and 
make an attack on the Middle Fort, surprise and capture it, 
which would cause the surrender of the other two which were 
more f(?ebly garrisoned. The troops were not set in motion as 
early as intended, and while crossing the river near the Upper 
Fort, they were discovered and the alarm gun fired. The Fort 
■yas in command of Capt. Jacob Hager, with about one hun- 
dred men. He sent a party to the river, who captured an In- 
dian who lagged behind big fellows. The Middle Fort was un- 
der the command of Major Woolsey, a Continental officer, who 
proved himself utterly unworthy of the trust committed to him. 
The Fort was garrisoned by about 350 troops, among whom 
were Col. Vrooman, Lieut. Col. Zielie, and Major Thomas Ecker 
of the same regiment. The firing of the alarm guns was the 
signal for the enemy to apply the incendiary torch. Most of 
the inhabitants were at the forts where they usually lodged. A 
party of volunte'ers were sent out and had a slight skirmish 
with the advance of the enemy near Middleburgh. The wind 
was blowing so that these men left their hats at the Fort and 
tied handkerchiefs over their heads. Johnson had a small mor- 
tar and a six-pounder brass cannon, with which he commenced 
the bombardment of the Fort, the small arms at the same time 
keeping up a continuous fire. The firing continued for some 
time, when it suddenly ceased and a white flag was seen to leave 
the ranks of the enemy and advance towards the Fort. Major 
Woolsey gave orders that the flag should be received, but Tim- 
othy Murphy and David Elerson, for whose scalps an extra price 
bad been offered, determined that before the flag should enter 
the Fort one or the other of them would shoot Wfiolsey. As 
the flag drew near, Murphy fired upon it, with no intention of 
killing its beaf er, but to warn him not to approach nearer. The 
flag was immediately returned. Woolsey was absent when the 
flag was fired upon, but immediately returned with pistol in 


hand and inquired who dared to disobey his orders. Murphy 
replied that he fired on the flag. - Major Woolsey then threat- 
ened him with instant death if he repeated the act. Murphy 
declared that sooner than see the flag enter the Fort, he 
would send a bullet through the heart of the Major. 
Murphy was sustained by the other officers of the Fort, 
who were desirous of seeing it defended at all hazards-. 
The Major walked a'n'ay and as the flag appeared, Murphy 
again flred upon it. A third time an effort was made to get a 
flag of truce into the Fort, and a third time was the bearer 
warned by a shot from Mnrph/s rifle, to return. Major Wool- 
sey gave up the command to Col. Vrooman and sought safety 
among the women and children. The firing was continued un- 
der the command of Col. Vrooman, the officers taking guns 
and fighting with the soldiers. The ^rrison was too weak to 
allow a successful sortie against the enemy, but several parties 
were sent out during the day to harass the enemy, and, if 
possible, save a large barn of John Becker, which stood almostHn 
the direction of Johnson's position, and was surrounded with 
numerous stacks of hay and grain. The enemy remained*, 
about the Forfc until all the property in the vicinity was de- 
stroyed, and about 3 o'clock in the afterlloon moved down the 
valley. Less than half a dozen of the garrison were injured 
during the siege. The loss of the besiegers is not known, 
though it must have been much greater than that of the beseig- 
ed. Major Becker was in command of the Lower Fort with 
about 150 men. Ample time was given to make everything in 
the Lower Fort ready for defense. Several barrels of water 
were provided to extinguish the fire, should the church in 
which were the women and children be set on fire. In the 
tower, under the command of Ensign Jacob Lawyer, Jr., fifteen 
or twenty good marksmen were stationed, and a number of 
women stood at the pickets with pitchforks, spears &c., ready 
to repel an attack. Several shots from the enemy were lodged 
in the tower of the church. On the 18th a small force was col- 
lected to pursue the enemy and doubtless tended to restrict the 
field of their operations somewhat. It is said that 134 build- 
ings were burned in Schoharie County during the war, a large 
part of which were during this expedition. The citizens were 
living in good frame houses and had large barns well filled with 
grain. Schoharie had not only supplied her own citizens and 
soldiers, but had furnished large quantities of grain for the 
troops at other stations. Such was the destruction, that the 
most rigid ecomony would scarcely enable them to subsist on 
what remained, until the next year's harvest. Added to the 
great loss of gram, dwellings, stock &c., was the great deprecia- 


tion of the paper money of the country, large amounts of whicli 
were in the possession of some of the farmers, having been tak- 
en in exchange for the products of their farms. Fifty or sixty 
dollars in currency, in 1780, "woiild command no more than 
one dollar in specie. An officer once paid seventy dollars for a 
single mug of J{ip. 

In 1781 block houses were erected at Kneiskern's and Hart- 
man's dorf, and at Cobleskill. The last was erected by Capt. 
Dubois, of Oatskill, and called Port Dubois. It inclosed about 
half ati acre of land, with pickets and a ditch, filled with water 
from a brook. July 10th an engagement took place about two 
miles east of Sharon Springs^ between' a party of Tories and 
Indians under Doxtader and Col. Willett. Though the force of 
the enemy was greatly superior to that of Willett, they were 
defeated, and a Targe amount of plunder taken the day before at 
Currytown, was recovered. Some of the prisoners taken by the 
enemy on the previous day, were killed, to prevent their falling 
into the hands of their friends. The loss of the Americans 
was five killed and eight wounded. The loss of the enemy was 
supposed to be about fifty. Most of the cattle driven away 
from Currytown were abandoned by their captors and found 
their way back to their former pastures. Several persons in 
Middleburgh were surprised and taken prisoners while in the 
harvest field. 

Christian Myndert, who resided in Sharon, removed in the 
summer of 1781 to Fort Dubois, to escape the savages, leaving 
several.hogs in the field and a quantity of peas growing on the 
ground, in the latter part of October, Myndert, accompa|nied' 
by Lieut., Jacob Borst, of Cobleskill, Wm. Kneiskem and Jacob 
Kerker, proceeded to his former dwelling to secure his peas, 
shut up his hogs and secure some other property. While 
endeavoring to secure the hogs, six Indians, commanded by 
Walradt, a Tory, from the Mohawk Valley, secreted themselves 
in Mynderf 8 barn. The day was cold and stormy, and after 
securing the property, Lieut.. Borst and his companions re- 
paired to the house to. warm tiiemselves, setting their guns in 
one corner while they gathered around the fire. While thus 
engaged, the Indians suddenly burst in upon them and made 
them prisoners before they had time to seize their guns. The 
prisoners were bound and started for Canada. They encamped 
the first night at New Dorlach, but such was the vigilance of 
the enemy that there was no chance of escape. They suffered 
greatly on their march, being compelled to run the gauntlet at 
the Indian settlements, at which they suffered severely. Lieiit. 
Borst died soon after arriving at Niagara. Kneiskern, who 
was imprisoned on an island in the St. Lawrence, succeeded one 


night in making his escape with several other prisoners. They 
dug ont beneath the pickets which inclosed their prison, and 
made a raft on which to float down the river. One of the 
prisoners, fearing the raft would not sustain all of the party, 
swam several miles to where they effected a landing on the 
American shore. After suffering incredible hardships in the 
forest, living on birch bark, roots (fee, they arrived safe 'among 
their friends, where their wants were supplied until they reach- 
ed their homes. 

About the 1st of Novemberj 1781, a party of Tories and In- 
dians under Brant and Capt. Adam Crysler, a former resident 
of the vicinity, entered Vroomansland near the Upper Fort. Mr. 
Isaac Vrooman was murdered and scalped near the house of his 
son, who escaped to the Fort and gave the alarm- A small party 
was dispatched in pursuit, and at " Bouck's Island " had a slight 
skirmish in which Derick Haggidorn was mortally wounded. 
The eneiny were concealed, and their 'number was unknown; 
the party returned to the Fort. Col. Vrooman then dispatched 
Capt. Hager, with fifteen or twenty Schoharie rangers and 
a company of troops under Capt. Hale^ the command being 
given to Hager. With two or three days rations they moved 
up the river, and the next morning, near Lake Utsyantha, they 
encountered the enemy, numbering about sixty or seventy In- 
dians and Tories. At the first fire, Hale and his men, with a 
single exception, retreated, leaving Hager with less than twenty 
men to resist a force three times that of his own. Capt. Hager 
and Murphy ran to intercept Hale, and, placing themselves in 
front, threatened to run him through if he did not halt. They 
retraced their steps, but the enemy retreated, and though pur- 
sued for some distance^ they were unable to bring theni , again 
into action. 

July 29th, ^82, Adam Crysler, his brother William and 
another Tory named Peter Erkert, with twenty-two Indians, 
appeared in the valley of Pox's Creek, murdered several and 
laid siege to the house of Major Becker," which was defended by 
the -in mates with such spirit that after several hours siege they 
^ departed. As soon as information of the attack was conveyed 
to the Fort, Capt, Brown sent out a party which arrived soon 
after Crysler had left. One of the enemy killed was found to be 
Erkert, a cooper who had made flour barrels for Major Becker 
bcrfore the war. He was not dead when found, and on being re- 
cognized by the Major, was iiccused of ingratitude. The Tory 
appeared penitent and said he did not care which succeeded, 
King or Congress. Few counties suffered more from hostile ; 
incursions during the Eevolutiondry war than Schoharie. 


After the war many of the Tories returned to Schoharie, 
some of whom boasted of their evil deeds. The climate, how- 
ever, did not agree with them and they soon disappeared. Some 
of the Schoharie Indians ^Iso returned, but were looked upon 
with as much distrust as the Tories. 

In 1845 and 1846 this County partook somewhat of the anti- 
rent excitement, in common with surrounding counties, though 
no actual violence occurred within its limits. 

The State Gazetteer, published in 1860, says: "Within the 
last ten years, a mania for building large seminaries, far beyond 
the wants of the jeople, has spread through the County. The 
speculation has proved a tuinous one, and the entire amount of 
capital invested in the enterprises has been sunk, (^f nine acad- 
emies built in this County, three have been burned, three are 
' to let ' and three are still open." 

The first newspaper published in the Gounty was 

The American Herald, commenced at Schoharie in June 1809, 
by Derick Van Veghten. In 1813 the name was changed to , 

The Schoharie Herald, and soon after it was discontinned. 

The True American was commenced at Schoharie in Decem- 
ber 1809, by Thomas M. Tillman. It was discontinued in 1813 
or 1813. ^ • 

The Schoharie Budget was commenced iii June 181? by Derick 
Van Veghten. Iii 1820 it w^^ changed to 

THE SOHOHAEIE EEPUBLIOAN. It soon after passed 
into the hands of Peter Keyser. It was afterwards published by 
Lemuel Cuthbert, A. A. Keyser, Wm. H. Underwood, Wm. Hi Gal- 
lup, P. D. Lawyer arid Rossiter, su'ccessively, for several years, 
J. p. Hall then became theipublisher and contibued until May 
1860, when be was succeeded by J. G. Campbell, who published 
it until- August 1861, when it passed into the hands of A. B. 
P. Pond. In April 1865, Sleight & Hunt became the publish- 
ers and continued until January 1, 1869, when Mr. Sleight 
sold his interest to his partner, A. A. Hunt, who has continued 
the publication to the present time. 

The Observer was commenced at Schoharie in October 1818. 
In 1819 it passed into the hinds of Solomon Baker, and in 
1820 to Baker & Fish, and in 1822 Baker became the sole pro- 
prietor anc^ soon after discontii.ued its publication. 

The Evangelical Luminary w&s commenced at Schoharie, Jan- 
uary 1, 1824, by George A. Lintrier arid L. Cilthbert. It was 
published about a year. 

The Lutheran Magazine was commended in February 1827, 
by the Western Conference of Lutheran Ministers. It was 


published for several years as a monthly, and printed by L. 

The Schoharie Free Press was commenced February 9, 1830, 
by Duncan McDonald. In 1833 it was removed to Esperance 
and the name changed to 

The Haperance Sentinel and S<^hoharie . and Montgomery Re- 
porter, It was discontinued in 1835 or 1836. 

The Qem was published a short time in 1837. 

The Schoharie Patriot was started February 13, 1838, by Peter 
Mix. It was subsequently published by S. H. ,Mix. In 1863 
it passed into the hands of Henry E. Abel and the name 
changed to the 

SCHOHAEIE UNION. In 1867 it passed into the hands 
' of Charles C. Kromer, the present proprietor. 

The Star was commenced in April 1838 by S. H. Mix, then a 
school boy. 

The Sun was commenced as an opposition paper in May 

1838, by D. L. Underwood, another lad of the same a/ge. These 
papers were about three by four inches, but were enliarged in 

1839. They both ceased to shed their light in a short time. 

The Huge Paw was a campaign paper, published from August 
12 to November 11, 1840, by William H.. Gallup. - 

The Eelderbergh Advocate wasL commenced in 1841 by Wm. 
H. Gallup. In 1843 its name was changed to 

The Guardian of the Soil, after which it was published one 

The Americam Christian was commenced at Leesville, January 
7, 1847, by J. D. Lawyer. It was d^continued soon after. 

The Schoharie Cowaty Sentinel was commenced at Cobleskill 
Jan. 32, 1852, by Hiram C. Page. It was published a short 
time by Charles Cleveland and by Wadhams and Kniskern, and 
was soon after purchased by J. B. Hall, who merged it with the 
Schoharie Republican. 

The Charlotteville Journal was commenced at Charlotteville in 
1854 by Furman & Brown. In 1855 John Brown became the 
sole proprietor and removed it to Cobleskill and changed the 
name to 

The Cobleskill Journal. It was published only a short time. 

The Oasis was published semi-monthly, by the students of the 
Academy, a short time in 1855. 

The Schoharie Jeffer^onian was commenced at Cobleskill in 
1859, by Mathew Freeman, and was continued until 1862. 


THE COBLESKILL IND:^X \jas started in October 1865, 
by W. H. Weeks, the present- proprietor. 

November 5, 1870, at Richmondville, by J. L. Multer, pub- 
lisher, and J. J. & J. L. Multer, editors. 

THE MIDDLfiBURGH GAZETTE was started Oct. 11, 
1871, at Middlebnrgh, by 0. B. Ireland, the present publisher. 

The Schoharie Oounty Agricultural Society and Stock Growers' 
Association have a fine Pair Ground of fifteen acres, situated a 
short distance south-west of the Court House. It contains sev- 
eral buildings, is well fenced and has a half mile track. The 
annual Fairs are generally successful and the Society ia in a 
flourishing conidit^n. 

We have not as full statistics of the ^art taken by this County 
in the suppression of the great Rebellion, as is desirable. Im- 
mediately after the first proclamation of the President, Captain 
Hiram A. Blodget, of Co. D, Fortieth Regiment,. N. Y. M., 
procured enlistment papers from the Adjutant General, and en- 
listed 28 men belonging to his company, but as the number was 
not sufficient to form a company, six of thfe men went to Al- 
bany and enlisted, and the remainder enlisted in the Seventy- 
Sixth Regiment, one company of which was chiefly raised in 
Schoharie County. One company of the Third N". i. Cavalry 
was raised in this and Otsego tlounties through the 'efforts of S. 
H. Mix, who became Lieut. Col. of the Regiment. Many of the 
citizens enlisted in the various regiments raised in this part of 
the State, but we have no means of determining the number. 



3LENMMIM, named from the Blenhejm Patent, apart 
of which lies in the north part of the town, was formed ftom 
Schoharie, March 17, 1797., Jefferson was taken of in 1803, and 
a part of Grilboa in 18^8. It is an interior town, lying south- 
west of the center of the County. The surface is a hilly up- 
land, broken by the deep ravines of the streams. Schohatt'e 
Creek flows north through the east part, receiving Westkill 
and several smaller streams from the west. These streams of- 
ten rise very rapidbr, sometimes doing great damage. They are 
bordered by steep hills, rising to a hight of 300 to 500 feet. A 
wide fiat extends along the Scoharie, equal in fertility to any 
land in the County. The soil is chiefly a clayey loam. Wheat 
is raised to some extent, and hops and broom corb are quite ex- 
tensively raised. 

North Blenheim, (p. v.), known also as Patchin Hollow, is 
situated on the west bank of Schoharie Creek, at the 
mouth of the Westkill. It is divided into two parts by a steep 
hill that approaches so near the creek as to leave little room for 
more than a road. It contains two churches, viz., Methodist 
and Eeformed ; two school houses, two hotels, two stores, two 
wagon shops, two blacksmith shops,^a harness shop, a shoema- 
ker shop, a tailor shop, a paint shop, a grist mill, two saw mills 
and about fifty dwellings. There is a fine water power that is 
not all improved. It is on the line of the Middleburgh and 
Gilboa, stage. A steam sash and blind factory is near. 

\ Eminence, (p. v.) on the west border, partly in Summit and 
Jefferson, contains two churches, Methodist and Eeformed; 
a hotel, two stores, a wagon shop, a blacksmith shop, a shoe shop, 
a milliner and dressmaker shop, and about twenty dwellings. 
Minekill Falls is a post oflice. 

__^ Blenheim Sill, Cole Hollow and Burnt Hill are local names of 


On the west side of Schoharie Creek, opposite the residence of 
Daniel Hager, was formerly an Indian burying ground. Two 
Indian setflements were formerly in this town. 

The first settlements were made by Dutch and Palatinates, 
\previous to 1761, but many of them were driven out during the 
Kevolution. Among the early settlers were Gen. Freegift Pat- 
chin, Lawrence Mattice, Henry Eflfner, Henry and Jacob Hager, 
Lamberj; Sternberg, Wm. Freeck, Isaac Smith, Banks More- 
house and George Martin. Most of the settlers who came in 
after the war, were from New England. Hendrick Mattice, 
who erected the first mill on the Westkill, became a loyalist 
and went to Canada. 

Many of the early settlers were soldiers of the Eevolution. 
Daniel Hager and Philip Bartholomew were captains in the war 
of 1813. The former is still living, though stjU feeling the 
eflfects of wounds received at Sacketts Harbor and at Plattsburg. 
He is a grandson of Jacob Hager, who was a captain during the 
Revolution, and was with the army that captured Bnrgoyne. 
In 1777, when McDonald and his party invaded this County, 
he reached the river above Breakabeen on Sunday, August 10, 
and marched up and down the road stationing guards. Capt. 
Jacob H'ager's , father, then about- seventy years of age, was 
anxious to give notice to the patriots below at the stone house, 
afterwards surrounded by pickets and known as the Upper Fort, 
but most of his neighbors had given in their adherence to the 
Boyal authorities and he started to do the errand himself, a 
distaqce of nine miles. Leaving'home about sundown, he had 
proceeded but a short distance when he was met by an emis- 
sary of royalty, who asked where he was going, his business &c. 
Pretending to have some business with a blacksmith a short 
distance below, he was told that the man he wished to see was 
in a house near by. Having made arrangements for his black- 
smithing, he was allowed to return home. Having proceeded 
on his way until out of sight of tlffe Tory sentinel, he turned 
from the road, went down the bank of the river, which he ford- 
ed, and .at length reached the stone house, making known to the 
patriots the near approach of the enemy. He met his son, 
Capt. Hager, who had just returned from the Northern Army. 
Capt. H. and Henry Becker were immediately sent to Albany 
for assistance. 

In the afternoon of the same day, Col. John Harper arrived 
to consult with 6ol. Vrooman and others as to the best course 
to be pursued in the emergency. As the Tories were expected 
to pass down through the valley, it was necessary to be as ex- 
peditious as possible in obtaining aid, and Col. Harper volun- 
teered to go to Albany on horseback, and procee'ded as far as 


the taTern of John I. Lawyer, near Schoharie Court House, 
and put up, as it was not deemed safe to travel in the,night. 
^he same night there was quite a gathering of Indians and 
Tories at the "Brick House," about a mile distant. After 
Harper had retired, a jiarty from the Brick House called and 
wished to see Col. H. and haye him accompany them to their 
place of rendezvous. Lawyer tried in vain to dissuade them 
from disturbing his guest. Harper, hearing the disturbance, 
stepped to the door and with pistols in hand threatened to 
shoot the first man who should step over the threshold. 
Thinking that discretion was the better part of valor, they 
retired, and Harper locked his door and was not further dis- 
turbed. The next morning he started on his journey, armed 
with sword and pistols, and was followed by two Indians armed 
with knives and tomahawks. Passing over a knoll or turn in 
the road which hid him from their view, he dismounted, drew 
his sword from the scabbard and, holding a pistol in each hand, 
awaited the approach of the savages. Biding rapidly, they 
were brought to a sudden halt within pistol shot of Harper, 
who exclaimed, " Slop you villains, face about and he off, this 
instant, or these bullets shall whistle through your hearts." They 
turned about and followed at a respectful distance' after thia.' 
Col. Harper proceeded to Albany and returned with a small 
company of cavalry, giving great joy to the patriots along the 
valley. After a slight skirmish, in which Lieut. David Wirt 
was killed, the enemy retreated up the valley and departed for 
Niagara. It is said that more than twenty citizens from Vroo- 
mans Land and vicinity went with them. 

On the 2d of April 1780, a scout of fourteen men, command- 
ed by Lieut. Alexander Harper, was sent from the Schoharie 
Forts, by Col. Vrooman, to the vicinity of Harpersfield, to keep 
an eye on the conduct of certain suspected persons, and if pos- 
sible make a quantity of maple sugar. Here they were sur- 
prised by a party of Indiats and Tories under Capt. Brant, and 
hurried off to Canada. The surprise was so complete that the 
Americans did not fire a gun. The ostensible object of this 
expedition was to invade the Schoharie settlements, but being 
assured by Lieut. Hanjerj that three hundred continental troops 
had recently arrived there. Brant wry reluctantly gave up the 
expedition, and the settlements were undisturbed until October 
of the- same year. This statement was received with some 
doubt, but he persisted in his assertion though it was utterly 
false. This is regarded as one of those falsehoods which are 
allowable m times of war. Freegift Patchin was one of the cap- 
tured party. The snow was very deep and the prisoners found 
it difficult to keep np with the Indians, who wore snow shoes. 


Brant was taken ill with fever and ague and compelled to lie by 
every other day, rendering the journey more endurable to the 
captors. After journeying about two weeks and arriving in a 
warmer latitude, a rattlesnake was found, and a soup made, a 
free jise of which effected a cure of Captain Brant. About 
fifteen miles from the place of capture, they obtained three 
bushels of corn, which was afterwards equally divided among 
the whole party. ^ The division was made by counting the ker- 

While in the vicinity of Tioga Point, the prisoners came near 
being sacrificed to gratify a savage disposition for revenge, even 
upon innocent parties. It appears that on their way down the 
Chemung, Brant detached ten of his warriors to Minisink, for 
plunder and prisoners. The object of the expedition was ac- 
complished and they were returning with their prisoners, when 
one night the latter fell upon their captors, killing nine and 
severely wounding the . tenth, who alone escaped to tell the 
news. The wounded Indian interfered, telling the excited 
multitude that the prisoners, just arrived, had nothing to do 
with the affair anf that it would be unjust to wreak their 
vengeance on innocent men. The party suffered greatly irom 
hunger. Near the present site of Elmira, they found the car- 
cass of a horse frozen in the snow, and despoiling the wolves 
of their meat, the party feasted i^on it. Arriving near Niag- 
ara, they passed the gauntlet, no one except Patchin being 
seriously injured. The prisoners, except Harper, were finally 
lodged in prison at Ohamblee, where they remained in irons 
for two years, suffering for the necessaries of life. Preegift 
Patchin became go reduced as to be unable to rise from the 
floor without assistance. The physician in charge totally neg- 
lected his duties. At length he was succeeded by a man with 
a humane heart, who on his first visit ordered the shackles re- 
moved from the prisoners, and their condition rendered more 
tolerable. At the close of the war the prisoners were released 
and arrived in Schoharie about three years after their capture. 

General Patchin' settled in this town in 1798, built a mill 
and gave his name to the village. The first inn was kept by 
H. Bffner, and the first store by Tobias Cuyler, in 1803. The 
first tannery was built in 1825 by Jones & L9,throp. Jacob 
Sutherland, afterwards a Judge of the Supreme Court of this 
State, was formerly a resident of this toi^n. Walter Butler 
formerly owned a large tract, including the flats in this town, 
and the hill portion was owned by John Lansing, Jr. It is 
said that Lansing gave a shilling ah acre for his land, a large 
portion of which was leased to the occupants until the anti- 
rent excitement. Mr. Daniel Hager assisted in surveying this 


patent about 1809. The first lease given by Judge Lansing, was 
Stephe^ Mayhem, an Irishman. , After the anti-rent excite- 
ment broke out, Mayhem purchased his land for two dollars an 
acre. ■ > . 

The citizens of this town partook of the excitement which 
prevailed in other localities, and meetings were held at which 
the anti-rent advocates appeared in the dress of Indians, and 
personal violence was threatened. Sheriffs Brown and Bouck 
were at one time' stopping at a hotel in North Blenheim, and 
while quietly seated in conversation, the room was suddenly 
filled with men disguised as Indians. The Sheriffs were over- 
powered and taken to Baldwin's Hights with the intention of 
giving them a coat of tar and feathers, but better counsels pre-, 
vailed and the plan was abandoned. If the anti-renters were 
lawless, the legal authorities were sometimes scarcely less so, 
the posse of the Sheriff sometimes taking unwarrantable 
liberties in searching premises and in the pretended exercise of 
their duty. 

At the close of tlje Revolution, some of the Tories from this 
town returned, to the great disgust of patriotic citizens. 
Among these was one named Beacraft, who .boasted of his 
deeds of barbarity until they could no longer be endured. 
He jvas taken by about a dozen whigs, stripped, bound and 
punished with fifty lashes with*hickory withes, the executioner 
telling him at every ten strokes, for what crime they were in- 
flicted. He was then released and disappeared forever from 
this town. 

The Methodist Church of North Blenheim was organized 
about 1801 by Eevs. Heman and Nathan Bangs, with about 20 
members. About the year 1828 a house of worship was erected ; 
it will seat 500 and is valued at $2,500. The parsonage is 
valued at $1,000. Kev. Wm. W. Taylor is the present pastor. 

The Methodist Church of Blenheim Hill, erected a house of 
worship in 1854, at an expense of $1,500, and capable of seat- 
ing 300. The present membership is 60 and the pastor is Rev. 
Wm. W. Taylor. ^ 

The Methodist Church of Eminence has a membership of 271 ; 
their house of worship will seat 600, and is valued at $1,200; 
the^arsonage -is Valued at $1,000. Rev. Geo. W. Martin is the 
pastor. , 

The Reformed Church of North Blenheim was organized in 
1852, by Rev. Jacob Van Woert, the first pastor, with 31 mem- 
bers. Their house of worship was erected in 1853 and cost 
originally $2,100. The present value of church and lot is 


$3,000, and that of the parsonage $1,700 ; their house of wor- 
ship will seat 300 ; their membership is 34. 

The population of the town in 1870 was 1,437, and its area 
25,966 acres. 

The number of school districts is 12, employing 23 teachers. 
The number of children of school age is 481 ; the average at- 
tendance, 165 ; the aimount expended for teachers' wages during 
the year ending September 30, 1871, was 42,488.33 ; other ex- 
penses, $575,31. 

BMOOME, named in honor of Lieut. Governor John 
Broome, was formed March 17, 1797, as Bristol. Its name was 
changed April 6, 1808. A part of Conesville was taken off in 
1836, a part of Gilboa in 1848, and parts of Middleburgh wel-e 
annexed Feb. 9, and October 5, 1849. It lies upon the east bor- 
der of the County, south of the center. The surface is a hilly 
upland, broken by the deep ravines of the streams. The high- 
est summits are from 350 to 500 feet above the valleys. Oats- 
kill Oreek takes its rise in the north part, and several branches 
of the Schoharie Creek drain the north and west portions. The 
soil is a gravelly and clayey loam. 

Livingstonvillf, (p. v.) in the east part, south of the teenter, 
contains two churches, a store, a hotel, a grocery, two black- 
smith shops, a wagon shop, a shoe shop and about twenty dwel- 

Franklinton, (p. v.) in the east part, contains a church, a store, 
a sash and blind shop, a wagon shop, two blacksmith shops and 
about a dozen dwellings. 

Smithton is a hamlet on^he south border. 

The first settlements were made before the Revolution. 
Among the early settlers, some of whom came in after the close 
of the Revolution, were Derick Van Dyck, John Robbins, a half- 
breed namfid Guillem, Allen Leet, Joshua and Asa Bushnell, 
George and Hezekiah Watson, Ebenezer Wickham, George Burt- 
wick, Timothy Kelsey, John Gillet and Ezra Chapman, all of 
whom came in previous to 1796. The first birth in the town, so 
far as known, was that of Francis Kelsey, in April 1794 ; the 
first death was that of Ezra Chapman, August 1794. In 1794, 
Griswold, Garden & Wells began the erection of a saw mill, and 
the next season a grist mill. 

David Elerson, distinguished among the riflemen of the Re- 
volution, settled in this town in 1793. Previous to the Revo- 
lution he was engaged in the Indian wars of Virginia, during 
which he received a bultet through his left shoulder. He was 


in the battle of Monmouth, under Col. Morgan. Col. M. hung 
upon I the rear of the retreating army for some distance. Arriv- 
ing near Middletown, Elerson, Murphy, Wilbur and Tnffts, all 
of whom were afterwards on duty in Schoharie, obtained per- 
mission to leaye the ranks and pursue the enemy to Raritan 
Bay. At length Elerson became separated from his compan- 
ions and found himself in sight of his foes. The army had ef- 
fected a landing on* Staten Island, under the cof er of the fleet 
in the bay, leaving nothing on the Middletown shore but some 
horses, wagons and a phaeton, supposed to belong to Sir Henry 
Clinton. This property was guarded by only two sentinels,one 
of whom stood on the beach near the water. Elerson ap- 
proached unperceived within a few_ yards of them, one ofiwhom 
WS.S a mounted trooper, and leveling his rifle ordered tnem to 
surrender. The soldier on foot was so surprised that he drop- 
ped his gun into the water, wetting the powder. The dragoon 
attempted to swim his horse to the island, but the tide was too 
strong and he was compelled to return. In the mean time 
Elerson ordered the other man to harness a pair of good horses 
to the carriage. By this time the dragoon had returned and, 
drawing a pistol on Elerson, the latter sent a bullet from his 
trusty rifle through the heart of his foe. This called the at- 
tention of the enemy, who immediately directed their artillery 
towards £he point. Elerson reloaded his rifle, and j nst as the sec- 
ond ball struck near him, leaped into the carriage and compelled 
his prisoner to drive him to the American camp. Elerson sold 
his horses and carriage for $187.50, and sent the money to his 
father in Virginia. Elerson died in 1838 or '39. 

David 'Willialns, one of the captors of Major Andre, removed 
to this town in 1805 and settled near Jjivingstonville, on a farm 
previously owned by Gen. Shay, the leader of what has since 
been known in the "history of Massachusetts, as Shay's Eebell- 
ion. John Paulding and Isaac Van Wart were the other two 
who captured Andre. As a reward for their services. Congress 
gave each an annual i)ension of $200, in specie, and a silver med- 
al, inscribed on one side "^Fidelity," and on the other " Vincit 
Amor Patriaa." In addition to this, each of the captors was 
allowed the privilege of locating any confiscated lands in West- 
chester County, to the value of $1,250 or receive the same sum 
in cash. In the fall of 1830, the corporation of the city of New 
York sent an invitation to Mr. WilUams to be present at the 
celebration of the French Eevolution. Mr. Williams and 
three other soldiers of the Eevolution were drawn in a carriage 
at the head of the procession. He visited the public schools 
and other places of interest, and at one of the schools a silver 
cup was presented to him, and at another, a silver headed cane. 


The Mayor also presented to him an elegant horse, harness and 
carriage. He died Augusts, 1831, aged 77. JfteTvas buried 
with military honors at LiTingstonTille, August |4, in the pre- 
sence of a large concourse who had assembled to pay the last 
trib.ute of respect to the distinguished patriot. 

The Presbyterian Church of Livingstonville was organized in 
1777, with seven members. Their house of worship was erect- 
ed in 1831. The present membership is 30. 

The Methodist Chwrch of Franklinton was organized in 1828, 
by C. S. Duncan, the first pastor, with three members. Their 
house of worship was erected in 1845 ; it will seat 300 and cost 
$1,000. The present talue of church property is $2,000 ; the 
present membership is 115, and the pastor is Kev. J. Cowen. 

The Christian Church of Smithton was organized by Est. 
Mr. Eoberts, and a house of worship was erected in 1859 at a 
cost of $600 and capable of seating 200. The present value of 
church property is about $1,000 ; the membership is 40, and 
the pastor is Rev. Leonard Thorn'. 

The New School Baptist Church, located in the north-east 
part of the town, erected a house of worship in 1844 at a cost 
of $600, and capable of seating 250. The present membership 
is 40, and the pastor is Rev. Leonard Smith. 

The Union Church was erected in 1864, in the north-east 
part of the town. It is occupied by different denominations. 
It will seat 250 and is valued at $2,000. * 

The pqpulation in 1870 was 1,836, and its area 26,998 acres. 

The whole number of school districts is 18, employing 34 
teachers. The number of diildren of school age is 642 ; the 
average attendance, 236 ; the amount expended for teachers' 
wages during the year ending Septeriiber SO, 1871, was $3,313.35 ; 
other expenses, $325.68. 

CASXilSLE was formed from Cobleskill and Sharon, 
March 31, 1807. It is a central ^town upon the north border of 
the County. The surface consists principally of an immense 
ridge, lying between the valleys -of the Mohawk and Cobleskill, 
the summit of which is 800 to lOOOfeet above the former stream. 
This ridge descends to the north bya series of terraces, formed 
hj the aifTerent gedlogieal strata, and t^e south by gradual 
slopes, following the general dip of the rocks. A conical eleva- 
tion near the south line, early known as Owaeresoiiere, is one of 
the highest points in the County, and may be seen from Hamil' 
ton County, fifty miles distant. The streams are small brooks. 
The soil is chiefly a clay loam. Hops are extensively cultivat- 


ed. Several caves are found in the limestone regions in various 
parts of tHe town. The principal of these are known as Young's 
and Selkirk's Oaves. Hekv Carlisle village is a small cavern, in 
which it is Apposed the. Indians found shejter during the Re- 
volution. Fibrous sulphate of barytes, , fibrous carbonate of 
lime and arragonite, are found near Grovenor's Corners. ■ 

Carlisle (p. Q.) is situated in the north part of the town, on 
the Western Turnpike, an^ contains a church, a hotel, two 
stores, a foundry, a tannei-y, two blacksmith shops, a carriage 
shop, two shoe shops and 28 dwellings. Grove Seminary was 
built in a beautiful grovSi' a little south of the center of the vil- 
lage, in 1853, at a cost of 124,500. It was finally closed and re- 
moved in 1865. Mr. John Van Liew was the first principal, and 
Mr. J. P. Lansing the last one. There is a good public school 
in the village, under the direction of Mr. A. S. Griffin. The 
district propose soon to erect a neW school house, commensu- 
rate with the wants of the school, at a cost of $2,000. 

Argusville, (p. v.) in the north-west part of the town, ai^d 
named from the Alhany Argus, the principal paper taken there, 
lies partly in Sharon, and Contains two .churches, two stores, 
a hotel, a tin. shop, two shoe shops, two carriage shops, two 
blacksmith shops, a saw mill, a school house, 38 dwellings and 
175 inhabitants. 

Grovenor's Corners, (p. v.) in the south-east part of the town, 
contains a church, a store, a blacksmith shop, two shoe 'shops^ 
an insurance ofSce, an undertaker's shop, a school house and a 
dozen dwellings. It was named in honor of Moses Grovenor 
and two sons, who were the first settlers in this place. 

Carlisle Center, (p. v.) in the south part of the town, two and 
a half miles from Grovenor's Corners, contains a store, a harness 
shop, a shoe shop, a carriage shop, a school house and half a 
dozen dwellings. The post office was established here in 1871. 

Near this place is a cave, the entrance to which is on ^a lot 
owned by Ira Young, whose father, John Young, discovered it, 
by having a horse fall into an opening in the surface above it. 
The cave has been' explored to a distance of about three miles. 
A few years since, while a party were engaged in making explo- 
rations in the cave, Mr. A. B. McFail, while ascending by means 
of a rope, fell and was injured so that he died in about five 
hours, since which no further explorations have taken place. 

Little Tori, on the turnpike in the west part of the town, con- 
tains a church, a district school, a hotel and a half dozen dwel- 


This town embraces portions of New Dorlach, Becker, Liv- 
ingston's, Van Rensselaer's, Machin's and the Stone , Heap 

The ^rst settlement was made in 1760, in the south-west part 
of the townj'by Andrew Loucks, Conradt Engle/Philip Hooker , 
and Peter Young. These families came froib Rhinebeck. 
Among the other early settlers were John 0, McNeill, Wm. 
Caldwell, John Sweetman, Aaron Howard, Tennis Van Camp, 
Mathias Cass and Lodowyck Primer. Judge Brown,' author of 
'History of Schoharie,' was an early settler of this town and the 
first justice of the peace. Benjamin Johnson was the first 
constable. The first grist mill was erected by John Brown, in 
the north-east part of the town, about a mile and a half from 
Grovenor's Corners. It was nick-named " Samp Mortar." The 
first saw mill was erected at what is now Becker's Corners, by 
Thomas Kinyon. The first school house was erected at Gro- 
venor's Corners. There is only one grist mill in the town ; 
this is located near Argusville and is owned by Schermerhorn 
& Dey. 

The Presbyterian Church was organized in the town, by Dr. 
Simon Hosack, in 1803 or '4. The number of members at its 
organization was 23. The first house of worship was erected in 
1813; the present house was erected in 1848; it will seat*500. 
The pr^ent value of church property is $2,500. Rev. A. H. 
Seeley, the present pastor, has served the people acceptably for 
'about twelve years. 

The Methodist Church have an organization at (Jrovenor's 
Corners, with a membership of 94; Rev. E. Baker isthepastpr. 
The society worship in the Union Church at this place, which 
has a seating capacity of 30Q and is valued at $1,000. 

The Baptist Church of Grovenor's Corners was organized in 
1865 by Parley Grovenor, the first pastor, with a membership 
of 30. They worship in the I7m(w OAwrcA. The present number 
of members is 27. Rev. D. Collins is the pastor. 

The Lutheran Church of Little York was organized in 1851, 
by Rev. Marcps Eling, the first pastor, with 19 members. A 
house of worship was erected the same year at a cost of $1000 
and seating 250. The first trustees were Peter Brown, Blias 
Page and Martin Tillapaugh. The present membership is 100 ; 
the pastor is Rev. Marcus Klihg. 

The Lutheran Church of Argusville was organized Feb. 12, 
1837, ^y ^^' ^- Wieting, the first pastor, with 28 members. 
The first house of worship was erected in 1838 ; the present 
house in 1855 ; it will seat 300 and is valued at $2,000; the 
present membership is 190. 


The Universalist Chvrch of ArgUBville was organized by 
Kev. J. D. Hicks, the first pastor, with 27 members. Their 
house of worship was erected in 1852 ; it will seat 500 and is 
Talned at $1,200. Kev. Wm. H. Waggoner is the present pas- 

The population of the town in 1870 was 1,731, and its area 
20,855 acres. 

There are 12 schoal districts, employing 12 male and 5 female 
teachers. The nupiber of children of school age is 644; the 
number attending school, 525 ; the average attendance, 261 ; 
the val^e of school .houses and sites, $5,390, and the whole 
amount expended for school purposes for the last year was 

COBLMSKILL, named in honor of Co'bel, who 

built a mill at Gentral Bridge at an early period, was formed 
from Schoharie, March 17, 1797. The line of Sharon was- 
changed March 15, 1799. A part of Carlisle was taken off in 
1807, a part of Summit in 1819, and Richmondville in 1845. 
It is an interior town, lying north of the center of the County. 
The surface is principally a hilly upland, broken by the deep 
valley of Cobleskill, which flows east through the center. The 
highest points on the north and south borders, are from 600 to 
900 feet above the valley. ' The soil upon the hills is a sandy 
loam, and in the valley an alluvium, 

Cohleskill, (p. v.) incorporated April 3, 1868, is in the west 
part, pleasantly situated on the creek of the same name, and 
is k station on the Albany & Susquehanna E. E., forty-five 
miles from Albany. The Sharon & Cherry Valley E. R. con- 
nects this place with Sharon Springs and Cherry Valley in 
Otsego Co. It is well laid out, the streets are nicely shaded 
with trees, and the principal sidewalks well flagged. It already 
contains some fine business blocka, with more in prospect, 
many neat' and comfortable, and some elegant residences. It 
contains three churches, a fine brick school-house, a bank, four 
hotels, a newspaper prin.tiBg ofBce, tiie Empire Agricultural 
Works, a steam planii^ mill, eask and blind manufactory, &c., 
two wagon shops, a grist mill, two saw mills, two marble shops, 
a large number of stores and mechanic shops of various kinds, 
and about 1,800 inhabitants. 

The Empire Agricultural Works of Minard Harder, located 
in this village, were established in 1859 by E. & M. Harder. 
Like most great enterprises its beginnings were small and only 
a small number of machines were sold the first year, but the 
business has constantly increased until they give employment 


to about twenty-five hands and sell about $50,000 worth annually. 
Mr. Minard Haider, one of /the original proprietors, is now the 
sole owner of these works and is mannfiacturing some of the 
best threshing machines. in the country, as well as other im- 
plements. At the great National Implement Trial at Auburn, 
N. Y., in July 1866, a gold, medal was awarded to Messrs. Har- 
der for the best Combined Thresher and Cleaner. The Com- 
mittee, in speaking qt the Endless Chain Horse Powers made 
by Mr. Harder, say, that ",It works more equably, more smooth- 
ly and wifti less waste of power than any machines that we 
have ever met with. * * * The construction of this ma- 
chine is such as to produce a suflBcieht speed for threshing, by 
a very slow and easy movement of the hoijpes," while the me- 
chanical execution of this power is deserving of the highest 
commendation. The best of materials and the best workman- 
ship are combined in all machines coming from Mr. Harder's 
establishment. The Combined Thresher and Cleaner has sev- 
eral new features, rendering it suplerior to any other in use. 
Mr. Harder is about to erect new works commensurate with the 
increasing demand for his machines. 

Lawyersville, (p. v.) named in honor of Lawrence Lawyer, 
one of the first settlers of the town, is situated about two mills 
north-west of Cobleskill, and contains two churches, a school 
house, two saw mills, a blacksmith shop, a shoe shop and about 
twenty dwellings. 

Barnerville, (p. v.) about three miles east of Cobleskill, con- 
tains a union church, a store, two blacksmith shops, a carding 
and cloth dressing mill, a grist mill, a carriage shop, a wagon 
shop, a manufactory of horse and hand rakes, bent felloes, 
chairs, broom handles and general turning, and about forty 

Hasi Cobleskill, (p. v.) in the east part of the town, contains 
a church, a store, a gi'odery, a wagon shop, a blacksmith shop, 
a hotel and about a dozen dwellings. 

ITowe's Cave, (p. o.) itt the east part of the town, is a station 
on the A. & S. R. U. and contains a store, a large liotel, a stdne 
quarry and a manufactory of lime and cement. 

The Howe's . Cave Lime and Cement Company manufacture 
lime and-cement, and carry on the business of quarrying and 
cutting stone for all purposes. 

The place received its name from Lester Howe, who first ex- 
plored the remarkable Cave whose entrance is at this place. 
The Cave contains several large rooms connected by narrow 
passages, some of whiqli require considerable stooping to pass 


through. A body of water occupies one portion of the Cave 
and must be crossed by a boat Stalactites and other mineral 
formations are found here. The Cave extends for several miles 
and is visited by large numbers every summer. 

CohlesUll Center (Mineral Springs p. o.) is a hamlet, a little 
south-west of the center. 

The first settlement was jnade about f?50, along the flats bor- 
dering' on the creek. Among the early settlers were families 
named Shafer, Bouck, Warner, Lawyer, Frimire, Bsrst, Brown, 
from Schoharie, and George Fester, from Pennsylvania, all of 
whom were of German origin. Capt. James Dana, from Con- 
necticut, and John Redington, were early settlers at Lawyers- 
ville. Capt. Dana -v^s at the battle of Bunker Hill. On locating 
at Lawyersville he erected a good log house in which he resided 
during the remainder of his life. Be received a commission of 
General from Gov. Lewis, on the organization of a brigade of 
infantry, being the first man in the County who held that oflSce. 

The first land grants were made about 1730. During the Re- 
volution most of the inhabitants were ardent supporters of the 
Colonists, and as a consequence were exposed to the incursions 
•f Indians and Tories. At the outbreak of hostilities, there 
were twenty families located on the rich flats of the Cobleskill, 
within a distance of three miles. As they were all Whigs, they 
organized a militia company for their own defense. Christian 
Brown Being Captain, and Jacob Borst, Lieutenant. In June 
1778 a-battle was fought in this town between Tories and In- 
dians under Brant, and provincial troops and militia under Cap- 
tains Patrick and Brown. The Americans were drawn into an 
ambuscade and defeated. Captain Patrick was killed. The 
settlers in the vicinity, hearing- the firing, fled to the forest for 
refuge, or towards the Fort at Schoharie, ten miles distant. 
Three of Patrick's and two of Brown's men took refuge in a 
house from which they fired upon the Indians. The latter 
stopped to dislodge them, thus giving the fleeing ones an oppor- 
tunity to escape. The house was set on fire and three of the 
soldiers were buried in the ruins, the other two were killed. 
The whole nuniber killed in the engagement was twenty-two, 
more than half of the Americans engaged being either killed or 
wounded. The enemy consisted of about 350, under the com- 
mand of Joseph Brant. The loss of the enemy was Supposed to 
equal if it did not exceed that of the Americans. Ten houses were 
burned on this occasion, and about the same number of barns. 
Jonas Belknap, one of the soldiers engaged in this battle, was 
wounded in the hip and carried from the field by Lawrence 
Lawyer. He then crept into a hollow log where he remained 


until the next day, when he hacked out, and Beating himself 
upon a fence near hy, saw two Indisins apj^roaching witii their 
plunder. Unperceived by them he let himself down into a 
bunch of briars. The Indians halted near him and the dogs 
placed their feet upon the fence and growled. Taking a drink 
from a bottle, they then went on their way, to the great relief 
of Belknap. He then found his way to a house which had been 
deserted so hastily that food was left upon the table. Haying 
satisfied the cravings of his appetite, he lay down to rest. In. 
the afternoon he was conveyed to Schoharie Fort and properly 
cared for. 

The day before the battle of Cobleskill, Lieut. Borst, his broth- 
er Joseph and a man named Freemire were on a scout several 
miles up the creek. The latter was some distance ffom his com- 
panions when two Indians sprang suddenly upon them with a 
savage yell, intended to intimidate them., A friendly salutation 
ensued, when Han Yerry, one of the Indians, approached 
Joseph Borst, seized^his gun in a playful manner, threw open 
the pan,* and, with a sudden jerk, spilled the priming, saying, 
" It is good if this be gone." Borst, seeing that the object of 
the Indian was to disarm him, droj^ed his own gun and siezing 
that of the Indian, wrenched the flint from the lock, saying " It 
is good if this is served so." The Indian dropped his gun and 
clinched Borst. While the struggle was going on, the other 
Indian approached the Lieutenant, ordering him to surrender. 
Instead of doing so he instantly shot him. Han Yerry freed 
himself from the grasp of Borst and fled, leaving his gun. 

Captain Christian Brown, one of the early settlers of this 
town, erected a grist mill and a saw mill, previous to the Eev- 
olution, on a creek which flows into the Cobleskill near Barner- 
ville. These mills were not burned during the war, becauge a 
Tory named Sommer owned land near, and expected that 
Brown's place would be confiscated to the British Government 
a^d that he would then be able to obtain it. At the time the 
lower part of Cobleskill was plundered. Captain Brown hurried 
his family into the woods to protect them, and then returned 
to his house to secure some of his eflfects. While there, he saw 
from a window, a party of Indians approaching, and as he 
could not escape without being seen, he concealed himself, and 
after the Indians had pliindered it, he sought hirfan^ly and 
fled to a place of greater safety. While Brown was absent a 
wedding took place at his house. The parties were Brown's 
hired man and servant girl. The soldiers in the vicinity were 
invited guests, and all were abundantly served with pork and 
sour-crout, the best the house afforded. Brown's mills were 
erected on a stream a few rods from a deep pool from which the 


water issued. Some years after a saw mill was erected in Car- 
lisle op a stream which sank into the ground and disappeared 
near the mill. After this mill went into operation, sawdust 
appeared in the pool near Brown's mill, some ^hree miles dis- 

The first Town Meeting of Cohleskill was held at the house 
of Lambert Lawyer in 1797, at which John H. Sharer was 
chosen. Supervisor; Jstcob L Cuyler, Clerk; David Zfca, David 
Schuyler, John Eedington, Mathew Young, Henry Shaver, 
Assessors; George Wright, George Warner, Ephraim Young, 
CI)mmi8sionerS of Highways ; Jacob Bouck, Wm. Brown, Col- 
lectors ; Peter Shaver, Christian Brown, Overseers of the Poor; 
David Schuyler, Sylvester N"ash, John Punk, Commissioners of 
Schools. At this meeting the town, voted to pay Fence Viewers 
six shillings a day when engaged in the performance of the 
duties of the office. In 1800 the Board of Excise licensed the 
following persons : "Lambert Lawyer, Peter Bouck, William 
Snyder, Nicholas Bouse, Jacob Newton, Nicholas Smith, Wm. 
Baker,, Caleb Lamb and Lambert Shaver, who appeqf to be of 
good moral character and are of sufficient abilities each to keep 
a public Inn or Tavern, and that each of them has accom- 
modations to entertain travelers, and that it appears to the said 
Board that it is necessary for the accommodation of travelers 
that a tavern be kept at their several places of abode in the 
said town of Cobleskill." In 1802 the town voted that " Hogs 
Eun yoked, any person letting his hogs run and not yoked, if 
doing damage through a lawfnll fence as aforesaid, shall be 
fined fifty cents per head over and above all damages, to be re- 
covered by an action of Dt by the Complainer." In 1803 they 
declared " % feet long a lawful! yoak." The same year they 
resolved that "a Stocks be built at the house of Lambert 
Lawyer at the expense of the town, unanimously carried." In 
1806 voted a " Bounty on killing wolves 15 Dollars besides the 
usual Bounty allowed by law, and that no person shall be 
allowed the above bounty which is not an inhabitant of this 
town." In 1830 "Voted that the Paupers of the town of 
Cobleskill shall annually be sold at auction on the first Tues- 
day in May, where the licenses will be granted to retailers of 
strong and spirituous liquors." 

The first church organization in town was ZiorCs Lutheran 
Church, in the village of Cobleskill, in Sept. 1794, by Eev. P. H. 
Quitman, D. D., the first pastor, and consisted of 35 members. 
A house of worship was erected the same year, and still stands 
as a monument of the liberality and christian zeal of the found- 
ers. It is said to have been built by thirteen families from 
Germany. The present house of worship was erected in 1868. 


It is a fine brick edifice and cost $31,000. It will seat 800. 
Tlie present value of the church property is $37,000. The pres- 
ent membership is 175, and the present pastor is Rev. A. P. 

St. PauVs R. C. Church wiis organized in 1870 by Rev. T. W. 
Reilly, with 75 members. A house of worship was erected the 
same year seating 275 and costing $8,000. The 'present mem- 
bership is 135, and the present pastor is Rev. P. Phillips. 

Ilie Beformed Church of Lawyersvillehas a membership of 65. 
The house of worship, erected in 1850, will seat 300. ^e 
present value of church property is $5,000, and the present 
pastor is Rev. J. H. Van Woert. 

The Reformed Church of East Oobleskill was organized in 

1847. Rev. Wells was the first pastor. Their house of 

worship was erected in 1847 ; Rev. Mr. Van Woert is the pastor. 

The Union Church of Barnerville was organized in 1843 and a 
house of worship erected the same year. The membership is 
30, ihe value of the church property is $1,500 and the pastor is 
Rev. Mr. Riobinson. 

The population of the town in 1870 was 3,845 ; and its area 
17,938 acres. .. 

The number of school districts is 9, employing 9 maile and 12 
female teachers. The number of children of school age is 9^7 ; 
the number attending school, 691 ; the average attendance, 351 ; 
the value of school hduses and sites, $30,700; the amount ex- 
pend^ for school purposes during the year ending September 
30, 1871, $7,139.02. 

CONJESVILLE, named in honor of Rev. Jonathan Cone, 
of Greene Co., was formed from Broome and Durham, (Greene 
Co.,) March 3, 1836. It is the south-east corner town of the 
County. The surface is generally a hilly upland, mountainous 
along the east border. The highest summits are from 1,600 to 
2,000 feet above the valleys. Schoharie Creek forms a small 
portion of the west boundary, and Manorkill flows west 
through the town a little south of the center. Near the mouth 
of Manorkill is a cascade of sixty feet. The valleys of these 
streams are bordered by high and often precipitous hills. 

Conesville, (p. v.) known as Ston,e Bridge, contains a church, 
a store, a hotel, a blacksmith shop, a shoe shop, a saw mill, and 
about a dozen dwellings. 

West Conesville, (p. v.) known as StryhersvilU, contains a 
Methodist church, a store, a boot and shoe shop, a milliner 
shop, two cooper shops and about a dozen dweUiJ^s. 


Manorkill (p, v.) contains a Methodist • church, a store, a 
blacksmith shop and half a dozSn houses. 

The town was named in honor of Eev. Jonathan Cone, of 
Durham, Greene Co. It was included in a tract granted to ITry 
Eichtmeyer and others. May 6, 1754, and known as Dise's Ma- 
nor. Tracts granted to Daniel Crane, Samuel Stringer, Walter 
McFarlane, John Eichtmeyer, Christian Patrie and others, 
were partly in this town. 

The first settlement was made by Ury Eichtmeyer in 1764. 
Ms. E. was joint owner of several pateijits with John Disc and 
others. During the Eevolution the settlers fled for safety to 
the Upper Fort. Peter Eichtmeyer was twice taken prisoner 
by the Indians under the Tory, Jones. An old lady named 
Eichtmeyer, who had been confined to bed for a long time, was 
in an upper room of the houses at the Fort when Johnson made 
an attack upon it. A shell exploded and fragments fell upon 
the roof of the house, so frightening Mrs. E. that she sprang 
from her bed and went below, but survived only a short time. 
After the war, Philip Krinple, Conrad Patrie, John Shew, Barent 
Stryker, Stephen Scovill, James Allerton, and Hubbard and 
Judah Luring, came into town. The last two were from Con- 
necticut. The first death was that of Ury Eichtmeyer, August 
14, 1769. Thomas Canfield taught a school in 1794. Peter 
Eichtmeyer kept the first inn, in 1784. Barent Stryker built 
the first mill above the Falls of Manorkill.' 

The population in 1870 was 1,314, and the area 31,459 acres. 

There are 12 school districts in the town, employi^ig 34 
teachers. The number of children of school age is 446 ; the 
average attendance, 167 ; the amount expended for teachers' 
wages during the year ending Sept. 30, 1871, was $2,101.96 ; 
other expenses, $304.91. 

MSPMRANCB, named from its principal village, was 
formed from Schoharie, April 4, 1846. A small part was re- 
annexed to Schoharie in 1850. It is the east town on the north 
border of the County. The surface consists of two ridges, ex- 
tending east and west across the town, separated by the valley 
of Schoharie Creek. The highest parts are 600 to 800 feet 
above the valley. The soil is chiefly a clayey loam. 

Hsperance, (p. v.) incorporated April 31, 1833, is situated on 
Schoharie Creek, on the east border of the town, and contains 
two dhurches, viz., Methodist and Presbyterian ; two hotels, 
four dry goods and grocery stores, a drug store, a hardware 
store, a jewelry store, a flour and feed store, a grist mill, a saw 
mill, a planing mill, a foundry, a plow manufactory, a machine 


shop, a harness shop, a wagon and sleigh shop, two tailor shops, 
two shoe shops, a paint shop, a school house and about 350 
inhabitants. It is about a mile and a half from the nearest 
station on the Albany & Susquehanna B. E. 

Shansville, (p. v.) in the west part of the town, contains two 
churches, a school, three storeB, two hotels, a grist mill, two 
saw mills, a wagon shop, a tin shop, a tailor shop, a hardware 
store, two blacksmith shop|, a harness shop, two milliner and 
dressmaker shops, 43 dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants. 
The place was named in honor of John B. Sloan, an early set- 

The first settlement was made by Palatinates in 1711. 
Kneisherns Dorf was located opposite the mouth of the Oobles- 
kill, and was one of the first settlements in the County. 
'Amongthe settlers were John Peter Kneiskern, and families 
named Stubrach, Enders, Sidney, Bergh, Houck and others. 
The town comprises the whole of Jacob Henry Ten Eyok's 
Patent, surveyed in August 1761 ; a part of the Schoharie Pat- 
ent and a part of Sawyer & Zimmer's Second Allotment, with a 
part of the Stone Heap Patent. The last was granted to John 
Bowen and others, Sept. 15, 1770, and took its name from a 
large stone heap near Sl'oansville, and by the side of the Indian 
path leading from Fort Hunter to Schoharie. The Indians 
never failed to add a stone to the heap as they passed, and it 
had become very, large at the time of the first settlement by the 
Whites. Tradition safSi^ that two Mohawk hunters had a quar- 
rel at thil place, resttltingia the death of one of them, and that 
the heap was erected to perpetuate the memory of the event. A 
custom of the nationirequired everywarrior, in passing, to add 
a stone. It was four rods longy between one and two wide, and 
ten to fifteen' feet high. It was removed and laid into a wall 
some years ago. The route of. Sir John Johnson from Scho- 
harie' to the Mohawk in October 1780 was along this path. 
John Brown, J. B. Sloan and a man named Larkin, from Bhode 
Island, were early settler? at and near Sloansville. The site of 
the village of Esperance was purchased in 1800 by Gen. William 
North, laid out into lots and named from a French word signi- 
fying Hope. John Burt kept the first hotel at this place, where 
the Phoenix House now stands. Haynes&Isham built the first 
grist mill in Bsperance village, in 1868; The first town meet- 
ing was held May 19, 1846. 

The First Presbyterian Church of Esperance was organized ini 
1823 by Eev. Luke Lyons/ the first pastor. Their house of 
Worship was erected in 1824. It will seat 340, and the value 


of the church property is $5,000. . The present membership is 
37 ; the pastor is Ker. A. H, Seeley. 

The Baptist Church of Sloansville was organized by Rev. E. 
Herrick, the first pastor, with 57 members. The first honse of 
worship was erected in 1812; the present house in 1842) it 
cost $1,200 and will seat 250. • The preseijit value of the 
church property is $2,000 ; flie membersliip is 128, and the 
pastor is Eev. D. B. Collins. 

The Methodist Ohureh oi Esperance was organissed in 1828 by 
Eey. Joseph Ames, the first pastor, with fire members. In 
1836 the first house of worship was erected, and the present 
house in 1868. It will seat 450 and cost $7,000. The present 
membership is 150 ; the ralne of church property ia $10,000, 
and the |jastor is Eev. William Eyan, 

The population of the town in 18-70 was 1,277, and its area, 
9,395 acres. 

The number of school districts 10 7, employing 14 teachers. 
The number oif children of school age i» 504 ; itne average at- 
tendance, 191 ; the, amount expended for teachera* wages, dur- 
ing the year endiiig.Sept. 30, 1871, was $2,133.06 : other expen- 
.■«es, $349.49. " ' 

FULTON -vsiS, ifoctoed from Middlebnrgb, April 15, 1828. 
St s& the central town da the County. The surface is a hilly 
Uplaiid, broken by the raarines of the streams. Schoharie Creek . 
flawfl north through the -east party receiving Pamther Creek froiif 
the west The highesfcaftmsiits are 1000 feet abwe the valleys. 
The Jaills above the creek are coQi<ial and often preeipitous^ but 
fuicther west they assume <& grounded form and arf bounded by 
moace ^adual slopes. The ^aiJ is a gravelly and dayey loam. 

Breahdteen, (p. v.) on Sehohme Creek, contains <?ir& churches,^ 
a school feouse, two hotels, two stores, a grist mill, two saw 
mills, a itannery, two carriaige ebaps, three blacksmith shops, a 
foundry ;asd about twenty-five dweHings. 

Fmltorthmik, (p. T.) near the east lifle, contains a chareh, a 
store, a, grist mm, a sawmill, a blaekenaith shop, a^loye manu- 
factory giving employment to abou't .tea hands,' and abont a 
dozen .dwellings. 

Wesilhtiton (p. jr.) contq,in8 a ^ehardj^a sawmill, a grist 
mill and about a dozen dwellings. 
^ Wktsomiiile and Peter«burffh.a,re hamlets. 

This ftewa .embraces the whole of .several patents, and parts of 
others, .the jjcincipal of which are Michael Byome's of 18,000 


, acres, granted Dec. 14, 1767; John Butler's of. about 8,000 acres; 
'^ Wm. Bouek's of 1,250 acres, east of the creek, granted May 8, 
1755, and another west of the creek of about the same size ; 
Edward Clark's of 100 acres ; Vrooman's Land, granted to 
Adam Vrooman, August 26th, 1714 ; Wm, Wood's .patent of 
2000 acres, granted July 13, 1770 ; Hendrick Hagei-'s of 900 
acres, Dec. 1, 1768 ; part of John Butler's of 100 acres, and of 
Isaac Levy's tract of 4,333 acres, surveyed in July 1770. 

The first settlements were made by Dutch and Palatinates 
about 1711. Among the early settlers were Peter Vrooman, son 
of the patentee, Cornelius and Bartholomew Vrooman, Nicho- 
las Feeck, Adam Brown, Tennis Vrooman, Michael Brown, 

Krissler, Prere Becker and Stephen Young, in the west part; 
and Wm. Bouck and his sons Johannes P., Christian and Wil- 
liam, Nicholas York and Henry Hager, in the east part. 

The Tipper Fort, so called during the Eevolution, stood in this 
town, at Pultc»nham. , It was on flie west side of the river near 
the village. "One side of this enclosure waspicketedin,whileon 
its other sides a breastwork was thrown up of timbers and earth, 
some eight or ten ffeet high, and sufficiently thick to admit of 
drawing a wagon upon its top, with short pickets set in the out- 
side timbers of the breastwork, A ditch surrounded the part 
thus constructed. Military barracks and small log huts were 
erected within the inclosure, to accommodate the soldiers and 
citizens. Block-houses aiid sentry-boxes were built in the north- 
west and south-east corners, each mounting a small cannon to 
guard its sides." 

Like other settlements in the Schoharie valley, this town suf- 
fered from the incursions of Tories and Indians. Many citizens 
were killed or taken captive, and buildings and other property 
were plundered and destroyed. Desolation followed in the path 
of th^ savages or more savage Tories. 

In July 1870, Mr. William Bouck leftthe Upper Port to go to' 
his residence, some two miles distant, to secure, his crops, tak- 
ing with him a female slave iiamed Nancy Lattimore, and her 
three children. In the evening while making preparations for 
retiring, four Indians, one of whom was kn«wn as Seth's Henry, 
entered the. house and made them prisoners. Dick, the young- 
est of the slaves, about eight years old, concealed. himself be- 
hind the door, but when he saw all the others about to leave, he 
made a noise to attract the attention of the Indians, as he was 
afraid to be left alone, and was consequently taken along. His 
captor carried him on his back Several ihiles to the place after- 
wards occupied by Gen. Patchin, where they encamped for the 
night. Expecting to be pursued, the Indians resumed their 
march before daylight, and encamped the following night at 


1 . ' 

Harpersfield. Here a Tory named Eose furnished them with 
corn bread and other provisiana for their journey. Soon after 
leaving the house of Eo6)e, they were discovered by a scout of 
four men, who were fired upon by the Indians, and one of them 
was seriously wounded. Not knowing the number of the foe, 
the scout left their wounded comrade witji Eose and started 
for the Fort. On their way, they me); a party of about twenty, 
under command of Lieutenant Bphraim Vrooman and Joseph 
Harper, who had been sent by Capt. !5ager in pursuit of the 
captorsof Mr. Bouck. Joining these, the whole party renewed 
the pursuit and soon had the satisfaction of recapturing the 
prisoners, though the Indians escaped. 

In August 1780, Captain Eager sent out a scout from the 
Upper Fort, to reconnoiter in the west part of this town, with 
instructions not to fire if theysaw any of the enemy and were 
not themselves discovered. While seated upon a fallen tree, 
eating their breakfast, they, saw a white man painted as an In- 
dian, within some fifty yards of them. He was so good a mark 
thatone of the party shot him dead. A small stream of water 
near was called, from this circumstance, Bead Manh Creek. 
The eneniy immediately appeared in hot pursuit. Leek, who 
had shot the man, started for the Fort, while Hoever and 
Winne, his companions, were driven into the woods in an 
opposite direction. Leek reached the Fort, but not enough in 
advance of his pursuers to have a seasonable alarm given to 
warn the citizens of the impending danger. The enemy con- 
sisted of seventy-three Indians and five Tories, commanded by 
Brant. Captain Hager had gone to his farm to draw in hay. 
Captain Tunis Vrooman had gone to his farm to secure wheat, 
taking with him his family. Lieut. Ephraim Vrooman had 
gone to his farm also, leaving the Fort under the command of 
Lieut. William Harper, with less than a dozen men. Captain 
yrooman's family consisted of a wife, four sons and two slaves. 
He felt a presentiment that some terrible event was to happen, 
and was on a constant lookout for the enemy. While unload- 
ing the second load of wheat, he disdovered the enemy 
approaching. He was tomahawked, scalped, and had his 
throat cut by a Schoharie Indian named John. His 
wife was washing near the honse and was tomahawked. The 
buildings were plundered and set on fire, and the three old- 
est boys, with the slaves, made prisoners. Peter, the youngest 
boy, concealed himself in the bushes^ but his place of conceal- 
ment was pointed out by one of the blacks, and he too was 
taken, had his throat cut, was scalped, and his body hung across 
the fence, by the infamous Tory, Beacraft. From this place 
Seth's Henry led several of the enemy to the house of Lieut. 


Vrooman. On hearing the alarm, he' ran to the house, caught 
his infant and fled to the cornfield, followed by his wife and one 
daughter. They were concealed a short distance from each 
othecand might have escaped had not Mrs. V. called to her hus- 
band, thus directing the attention of the savages to their place 
of retreat. She was immediately shot and scalped by Seth's 
Henry, while Beacraft killed her daughter with a Stone and 
scalped her. Another Indian attacked the Lieutenant with a 
spear, which was several times warded off, the infant in his arms 
smiling at the encounter, causing the savage to relent and make 
him a prisoner. Several others were taken prisoners. ■ Adam 
A. Vrooman fled to the Fort, pursued by the Indians until he 
arrived within its protection. When asked how he escaped, he 
replied, " I pulled foot." He was afterwards called Ptttt Foot 
Vrooman. Thirty persons in all were taken prisoners and five 
were killed. Abraham Vrooman was in "Vrooman's Land" 
with a large wagon, and when the alarm was given, drove 
down through the valley, picking up several of the citizens. 
Arriving at the residence of Jud^e Swart, he called to 
Mrs. Swart, who seized her infant, jumped into the wagon 
and started, just as the Indians with tomahawk in hand arrived 
at her dwelling. Vrooman had a powerful team and did not 
stop to open the gates that obstructed the highway, but forced 
them open by driving against them. The enemy burnt nine 
dwellings with the barns and barracks of grain, and took away 
ninety ,good horses. 'Large pieces of meat were cut from the 
cattle and hogs killed, and carried away to supply them on 
their journey. Among the plunder was a fine stallion belong- 
ing to Judge Swart.. The Indians being afraid of him, young 
Tunis Vrooman took him in charge and rode him to Canada. 
This saved him from the gauntlet and much other ill treatment 
The enemy proceeded up the river to a grist mill owned by the 
Tory, Adam Crysler, took what flour it contained and set the 
mill on fire that it might not serve the rebels any longer. The 
burial of the dead took place the next day, on the farm of 
John Peeck, near the Upper Fort. Before reaching Harpers- 
field, Brant allowed all of the women, except Mrs. Simon Vroo- 
man and several of the children, to return to their homes. The 
other prisoners suffered the usual hardships from hunger,, 
fatigue and the gauntlet, after arriving at the Indian settlements. 
Most of them were afterwards exchanged and returned to Scho- 

The Lutheran Church of Breakabeen was organized in 1^43, by 
Rev. James Sefler, the first pastor, with 40 members. Their 
house of worship was erected in 1844 and will seat 300. The 


present membership is 75 ; the pastor is Key. I. S. Porter, and 
the value of church property is about $6,000. 

The following account of the first tea party in the County, 
given by one of the Vrooman families in Vrooman's Land, is 
taken from Simm's History : 

"When the enlivener was announced as ready the party 
gathered about a round table, upon which stood not a morsel 
of anything to eat, except a liberal lump of maple sugar, 
placed beside each cup. As the India beverage entered the 
cups from a kettle in which it had been boiled as one would 
boil potatoes, great was the curiosity to know how it might 
taste; but it was soon satisfied in most of the guests who 
sipped and did nothing but sip, at a beverage that would have 
borne an egg. No milk was used in the tea at Vrooman's. 
Miss Loucks, who did not like sugar, ashamed to have the rest 
of the party think she. had not used hers, slipped it into a 
side pocket and carried it home. The ancient Dutch custom 
always placed a lump of sugar beside each cup, and did not 
allow it to -dissolve until it entered the mouth, when a frequent 
nibble snflBoed. In doing the honors of a table twenty-five 
years ago, the question — Will you bite 'or stir ? — was asked each 

The population of the town in 1870 was 2,700, and the area 

There are 17 school districts, employing 19 male and 14 
female teachers. The number of' children of school age is 
1,010 ; the number attending school, 809 ; the average attend- 
ance, 34? ; the value of school houses and sites, $6,905 ; the 
amount expended for school purposes during the year ending 
September 30, 1871, was $4,665.47. . ° •' 

OILBOA was formed from Blenheim and Broome, March 
16, 1848. It is the central town upon the south border of the 
County. The surface is a mountainous upland, broken by deep 
ravines. Schoharie Creek flows north through the center, re- 
ceiving Plattenkill from the east, and Minekill from the west. 
The streams are bordered by steep hillsides rising from 3000 to 
3000 feet above tide. The soil is a gravelly and clayey loam. 

Gilhoa, (p. 0.) on the Schoharie Creek, contains two churches, 
viz., Methodist and Presbyterian, a hotel, a store, a school house, 
a milliner shop, two blacksmith shops, two harness shops, a 
wagon shop, a paint shop, a cabinet shop, a tailor shop, two 
watchmakers, a boot and shoe shop and 24 dwellings . A daily 
line of stages connects this place with the Kondout & Oswego 
Eailroad and with the Middlebnrgh & Schoharie Railroad. 


• ( 

Broome Center (p. o.) contains a store, a hotel, a blacksmith 
and carriage shop, and about half a dozen houses. 

Minekill Falls is a post office. 

West Gilboa is a hamlet. 

South Gilboa (p. v.) contains about twenty dwellings. 

Mae&ies Corners is a hamlet of half a dozen houses. 

The settlement of this town was commenced in 1764, by 
Matthew and Jacob Dise. They joined the British during the 
Eevolution and fled to Canada. Among the early settlers after 
the war were Eichard Stanley, Joseph Desilva, Benopi Frazer, 
Cornelius Lane, John Brea^ter, Isaac Van Port, Daniel Con- 
over and Jacob Homer, all from New England. Ruloff Voor-, 
hees kept the first inn, in 1785 ; John Dise built the first mills, 
in 1764> and Jonah Soper, the first tannery, in 1800. The 
town embraces a part of the Blenheim Patent, with parts of 

grants to Ury Rightmeyer, David Buffington-and Scott, 

and a part of the "State Lands." The last, named tracts com- 
prised the lands escheated to the State by failure of titles and 
the confiscated estates of Tories. 

The Reformed Church of Gilboa was organized about 1800. 
During its early history it had several different names, but was 
known especially as the " The Manor Church." The early 
records of the Ohftrch not being accessible, we are unable to 
give particulars of its early history. Eev. Cornelius D. Scher- 
merhorn was the first pastor, his ministry .beginning about 
1803. The first house of worship was erected soon after 1800, 
and stood in the town of Conesville, about three miles east of 
.the present site. About the year 1836, the church edifice was 
removed from its original site and rebuilt where it now stands, 
at which time the Church received its present name. The 
present number of members is 120 ; the pastor is Eev. Wm. S. 
Moore, and the value pf church property is $4,000. 

The Flat Creek Baptist Church, in North Gilboa^ was organized 
January 2, 1831, by Rev. John Ormsbee with thirteen members. 
Mr. Ormsbee was the first pastor, and the first house of worship 
was erected in 1843. The present house was eredted in 1865, at 
a cost of $3,30O, with a seating ca^ci^ of 300. The present 
membership is 135 ; the pastor is Rev. J. B. Yanhoesen, and the 
value of church property is $3,500. 

A violent freshet occurred in this town and all along the 
Schoharie Valley a few years since, doing a great deal of damage. 

The population of the town in 1870 was 2,222, and its area, 
36,538 acres. 


' 1 

The number of school districts is .19, employing 33 teachers. 
The number of children of school age is 750;; the average at-, 
tendance, 297 ; the amount expended for teachers' wages during 
the year ending September 30, 1-871, was $4,255.60; other ex- 
penses, 1360.46. 

JEFFEB80N was formed from Blenheim, February 12, 
1803. A part of Summit was taken off in 1819. It is on the 
south line of the County, near the south-west corner. The sur- 
face is a hilly uplalid, the principal summits being about 1,000 
feet above the valleys and 2,000 above tide. Mine Hill, in the 
south part, is estimated to be 3,200 feet above tid«. A high ridge 
extending through the town near the center, forms the water- 
shed between Ddawa,re and Mohawk Rivers. Uts^antha Lake 
is a small sheet of water on the south line. It is 1,800 feet 
above tide; it is often mentioned in old documents and was an 
angle in the bounds of Albany County in Coloniial times. It is 
the source of the west branch of the Delaware. < 

Jefferson, (p. o.) situated near the center, contains two 
churches, viz., Methodist and Presbyterian, a hotel, six stores, a 
printing office, two dental oflSces, two blacksmith shops, a 
wagon shop, two shoe shops, a cabin»3t shop and undertaker, 
a harness shop, a tailor shop, two milliner shops and 43 dwell- 

Morseville is a hamlet in the north part. 

South Jefferson (p. o.) is a hamlet in the south part 

Westkill, in the nort-east part, contains about a dozen dwel- 

The first settlements were made in different parts of the town 
in 1794. , Amos and Caleb Northrop settled in the east part; 
Samuel and Noah Judson settled near Utsyamtha Lake ; Henry 
Shelmerdine and James McKenzie, in the north-east part, on 
Westkill ; Stephen Marvin, Erastus Judd and Aaron Jones 
settled near the village. Most of these settlers were from New 
England. The first marriage was that of Marvin Judd and 
Lois Gibbs, in August 1800, and the first death was that of 
Elsie Judd, in June 1799. Heman Hickok taught the first 
school, in 1799. Canfield Coe kept the first inn, m 1794, and 
Rodman Lewis the first store, in 1800. Stephen Judd built the 
first saw mill, in 1796, and Heman Hickok the first grist mill, 
in 1799. The first tannery was built by Eli Jones, in 1810. 

A battle occurred near Lake Utsyantha, on the border of 
this town, between a party of Rangers under Captain Hager, 
with a company of eastern troops under Captain Hale, on one 


( '■ — . — : 

side, and a party of Tories and Indians under Brant. Owing 
to the cowardly cond.uct of Gaptain Hale, the enemy were 
allowed to escape. The raid of the enemy was made at this 
time, Not. 1781, partly for the purpose of carrying to Canada 
the family of Captain Adam Crysler, a notorious Tory, whose 
family had remained near the Upper Port until this time. 
They had doubtless hoped that the rebellion would be put 
down and that th^ would still have the privilege of living in 
peace under the reign of King George. The night previous to 
the battle, the Americans encamped without building a fire, 
not deeming it prudent to do so, while so near an enemy of 
whose numbers they were ignorant They suffered consider- 
ably from the cold during the night, and th&.next day, Johan 
Jost Dietz and Peter Vrooman were left at the place of en- 
campment, in charge of a keg of rum and a quantity of pro- 
visions, to await the return of the troops. The rum was faith- 
fully guarded, by taking a large quantity of it into their own 

Mrs. Polly Dyer, now aged 91 years, moved into this town in 
1803. Mrs. Eeuben Merchant came in from Watertown, Conn., 
in 1803. 

The Methodist Church of West Jefferson was organized in 
1800 with about a dozen members. Thie first pastors were 
Zenas Covel and Daniel Ireland, circuit preachers. The first 
house of worship was erected in 1817. It was warmed by 
means of a .potaB4 kettle, inverted and elevated a little by ma- 
sonry, and having an aperture in the top for a stovepipe. The 
present hoiise of worship was erected in 1850. it will seat 300, 
and its present value is $2^,000. The present membership is 
80, and the pastor is Eev. Wm. D. Fero. 

The Methodist Church of Jefferson village was organized in 1819 
with thirteen members. Arnold Scofield and N. Eice were the 
first pastors. The first house of wotship was erected in 1844 ; 
the present house in 1869, at a cost of $3,500 and with a seating 
capacity of 300. The present value of the church property is 
$6,000; the number of members is 135, and the pastor ii* Eev. 
Wm. D, Fero. 

The Westkill Methodist Church was organized about the year 
1816 with eight or ten members. Eev. Arnold Scofield was the 
first pastor; their house of worship was erected in 1854 ; it will 
seat 250 and is valued at $1,500. The present membership is 
31, and the pastor is Eev. G. Woodworth. 

The Morseville Methodist Church was organized about 1833 by 
Eev. flarvey Brown, the first pastor. A house of worship was 


erected in 1834, capable of se&tiflg 300 and costing $1,100. 
The present membership is 75, and the pastor is Kev. G. Wood- 

The First Presbyterian Church of JefFdrson was organized June 
28, 1809, by Eey .Stephfen Fenn, Wm. Buel and "Wm. Salisbury, 
with about 20 members. Eer. W. Salisbury was the pastor; 
The first house of worship was burned in 1834, and the present 
house was erected in 1836 at a cost of about $4,000 and having a 
seating capacity of about 240. The present membership is 65, 
and the value of the church property is about $6,000. ■ - 

The pQpulation of the town in 1870 was 1,713, and its area 
23,110 ac^es. 

The number of school districts is 16, ^employing 11 male and 
16 female teachers. ' The number of children of school age is 
494; the number a,ttending school, 431; the average attend- 
ance, 200 ; the value of school houses and sites, $4,680 ; the 
amount expended for school purposes during the year ending 
September 30, 1871, was $2,992.58. 

MlDTiLJEBTJJRGM was formed from Schoharie, March 
•1797, as Middletown. The name was changed in 1801. A part 
was re-annexed to Schoharie, March j26, 1798. Pulton was 
taken oflf in 1828, and parts were attfieked, to Broome in 1849, 
It is the central town on the east border of the County. The 
surface is a hilly upland, divided into two ridges by the valley 
of Schoharie Creek, which extends north and south through 
the town. The|highest summits are from 600 to 800 feet above' 
the valley^ A hill opposite Middleburgh village was called by 
the Indians On-can-ge-na, meaning " Mountain of Snakes." A 
mountain just above Middleburgh, on the west side, was called 
0-nis-ta-gra-wa ; the one next west was called To-wole-nou-ra, or 
" Spring Hill," and one south-east of Middleburgh, Mo-he-gou-. 
ter. Schoharie Creek receives Little Schoharie Creek from the 
east, and Linekill from the west. The hills bordering upon 
the streams are generally steep and sometimes precipitous. 
The soil is a clayey loam upon the hills and a sandy loam in 
the valleys. Hops and broom-corn are extensively cultivated.. 

Middleburgh, (p. T.) situated on the east bank of the Scho- 
harie Creek, about a mile south of the center of the town, 
contains five churches, viz., Methodist, Reformed, Lutherauj 
Episcopal and True Dutch ; three hotels, a carpenter and 
builder establishment, a wagon shop,' two blacksmith shops, 
two foundries, a saw mill, ; a tannery, a number of stores, 
groceries, mechanic shops, &b., and about 800 inhabitants. It 
is the terminus of the Middleburgh & Schoharie Railroad, 
connecting with the Albany & Susquehanna at Centi-al Bridge. 


Mill Valley ia about three^fourths of a mile west of Middle- 
burgh, and contaiua a tanmerj, a broom factory and about a 
dozen dwellings. 

The Mill Valley' Sole Leather Tannery at this place, owned by 
Loring, Andrews & Co., turns out about 15,000 sides of leather 
annually and gites employment to about a dozen men. 

The Schoharie Mills are located two and a half miles north of 
the village and contain five runs of stones for flour and feed, 
and have a grinding capacity of 800 bushels per day. A saw 
mill and plaster naill adjoining, belong to the same proprietor, 
James W. Davis. ^ 

The Custom Mill of Miller Borst is about a mile north of the 
village, and contains four runs of stones for flour and feed, and 
a capacity for grinding 400 bushels per day. 

The Paper Mill of J. M. Scribner was estsjblished in 1849 and 
contains three 250 pound engines, and one 54 inch cylinder ma- 
chin.e, and mianufactnres about |l,800 pounds of straw wrapping 
paper a day. It is located about a mile north of Middleburgh 

Hunters' Land, (p. T.) situated in the south-east part of the 
town, on Hunters Land Creek, five miles from Middleburgh, 
contains a Methodist church, a public hall, a school, a grist 
and flouring mill, a saw mill, four stores, four blacksmith 
shops, a wagon shop,, a cabinet shop, a cooper shop and about 
200 inhabitontSk : • > . 

The Young People's Moral Aseocidtioh of Suntersland, organ- 
ized June 3, 1873, has for its object the advancement of the 
cause of temperance, and intellectual and moral improvement. 
The society is iii a prosperous condition and has about sixty 

Lodge No. 963, /. 0. of G. T., was organized March 20, 1870, 
and has a membership of about 52. 

The Htmters Land Flouring Mill, of David Dings, has four 
runs of stones with a capacity for grinding about one thousand 
bushels per day. The motive power is water, having a fall of 
35 feet and a wheel 28 feet in diameter. 

The first settlements were made by Palatines in 1711. Weis- 
ers Doif, one of the first established in the County, was located 
on a part of the present site of the village of Middleburgh. It 
contained about forty dwellings, small rude huts, built of logs 
and earth , and edvered with bark or grass. Hartman's Dorf was 


also in this towni about two miles north of Weiser's. Hart- 
man's Dorf was the largest of the seven Tillages in this County 
founded by the Palatines. It is said to have contained sixty- 
live dwellings, similar in construction tp those of Weiser's Dorf. 
The first horse owned by the settlers was purchased at Schenec- 
tady by nine residents of this dorf. From Simm's "History of 
Schoharie," we quote the following account of a foot race, which 
■doubtless created as great an interest as a horse race does in 
these days : 

"In the summer of 1713 or '14: & Stump was given by the In- 
dians to their German neighbors at Weiser's Dorf, to run a foot 
race, offering to stake on the issue, a lot of dressed deer-skins 
against some article the Germans possessed, possibly their old 
mare. The challenge was accepted, and a son of Conrad Weiser 
was selected, to run against a little dark Indian called the most 
agile on foot of all the tribe. On a beautiful dm the parties 
assembled at Weiser's Dorf to witness the race. llie race-course 
was above the village, and on either side the Germans and In- 
dians took stations to encourage their favorites. About 
individual bets on the occasion I have nothing to say. The 
couple started a distance of half a mile or more from the goal, 
at a given signal, and onward they dashed with the fleetness of 
antelopes, amid' the shouts and huzzas of the spectators. The 
race was to terminate just beyond the most southern dwelling 
of Weiser's Dorf. They ran with nearly equal- speed until their 
arrival at the dwelling mentioned, sometimes fortune inclining 
to the white, and sometimes to the red skin ; when an unex- 

Eected event decided the contest in favor of the German. They 
ad to run very close to the building, and Weiser, being on the 
outside as they approached it side by side, sprang with all his 
might against his competitor. The sudden impetus forced the 
Indian against thebuilding, and he rebounded and fell half dead 
upon the ground. Weiser then easily won the race, amid the 
loud triumphant shouts of his counteymen." 

Though the Indians were greatly enraged at first, they were 
appeased on Weiser's expressing himself very sorry that it hap- 
pened, arid declaring that it was unavoidable. 

It was at Weiser's Dorf that the people assembled under 
commandjof Madeline Zeh and administered summary punish- 
ment upon the Sheriff Adams fop daring to enforce the law 
against the inhabitants of that village> as stated Jn the County 
[history. Finding they could not enjoy their lands rent free, 
Weiser and some of his neighbors removed to Pennsylvania. 


This town comprises parts of Schoharie Patent, Lawyer's and 
Zimmer's 1st Allotment, together with the patents of Thomas 
Eckerson, Becker & Eckerson, Thomas and Cornelius Eokerson, 
Clark, Depeyster, Vrooman, John Butler, Bouck, Lawrence 
Lawyer, Nichol*9 Mattice and the Vlaie Patent. 

The. Vrooman family were remarkable for their strength. 
There were four brothers, sons of Peter Vrooman, named 
Cornelius, Samuel, Peter and Isaac. They erected the first 
saw mill in the County^ on the Little Schoharie. It is said 
that two of them could carry a good' sized log on the cu'riage. 
At a hill called the Long Berg, on the Albany road, Cornelius 
Vrooman was accustomed to carry one or two bags of wheat 
on his shoulders, to favor his horsC; when going to Albany 
with a load of wheat. Samuel Vrooman is said to hare carried 
at one time twelve skipples of wheat and a harrow with iron 
teeth, from his father's house to the field, a shori distance off. 
A qhallenge of speed and strength between the inhabitants of 
the Mohawk and Schoharie Valleys took place at Schoharie. 
A sleigh was placed on bare ground, and with twelve heavy 
men in it, Cornelius Vi^pom^n, by the end of the tongue, drew 
it one and a half feet. Cornelius Eonda,, the Mohawk bully, 
attempted in vain to start it. Adam Crysler ran a,fp9t race 
with a man named Doxstader, from the Mohawk Valley, and 
easily won the race. 

- At the beginning of the French war, a treaty with the 
Indians was held in the present town of Mjddleburgh, It was 
numerously attended. Queter, an Oquago chief, who spoke in 
the interest of the French, alluding to their union, laid an 
iron wedge upon a fallen tree saying, "We are like that, strong 
and cannot be broken." Mrs. Josias Swart is said to have 
acted as interpreter upon the occasion. Takinga guinea from 
her pocket, she placed it upon the wedge, saying, "We are like 
that, which is equally strong and can outlive your symbol ; ibr 
if both be buried in the ground, the rust will destroy yours, 
wbile ours will come out as strong and bright as ever," It is 
supposed that Sir William Johnson was present on this occa- 
sion, as there were chiefs assembled from seiveral diflferent 
tribes. After the conquest of Canada, a jubilee was held on 
the same ground, at which a barrel of rnnl was drank. A 
bonfire was also built by piling pine knots around a dry tree. 
On this occasion Judge Bi^Own was present andwrestled with a 
young Indian whom he threw. His cries on getting up, 
brought his mother into the arena, who struck Brown on the 
head with a pine knot, knocking him down and nearly taking 
his life. 


This was a promiiieiiirj»oint during the Revolution, the Mid- 
dle Fort being erected near the present site of the village. The 
siege by Sir John Johnson is described in tbe general history of 
the County. Most of the riflemen whose headquarters were at 
the forts in this County, were em^oyedas scouts, some of them 
being out most of the time. They were called Rangers and 
their duties were both fatiguing and hazardous. A scout was 
sent out from the Middle Fort and returned the evening before 
the attack of Sir John Johnson, having been absent thirteen 
days, visiting during their absence, Punchkill, Cherry Valley, 
Sharon, Uinadilla, Susquehanna, Delhi, Minisink and Cairo. 
At the close of the war, prosperity returned to this valley, and 
the arts of peace have had full sway. 

The following advertisement appeared in The True American 
in 1811. As a sample of hotel advertising in "ye olden time," 
it is worth preserving : 

" MiDDLKBUBGH, May 8th, 1811. 
" The virtuous citizens of the Town of Middleburgh, and others whose 
business jnay call them from labor, or travel, to Rest and Refreshment; 
are hereby respectfully informed that the subscriber, in behalf of his son 
WrLLiAM A. Watkins has opened a 

in this village, for the accommodation of such, who wish for a peaceful re- 
treat. The patronage of gentlemen of this description is ardently solicit- 
ed ; and every endeavor shall be used to obtain the good will of that class 
of qitizens whose distinguishing characteristic is justice, honor and 

" By their humble servant, 

" Bbnnd to the Port of Vernon's Virtnons tip. 
Fray lend me a band to launch mj gallant ship. 

" N. B.— Tayloring and Mantua making neatly executed at the above 

In another advertisement, Peter.A. Becker, of Middleburgh, 
gives notice that « on account of considerable diflaculty having 
occurred in legal and other transactions, in consequence of his 
being of the same name with Peter A. Becker, senior; he will 
in future be known and distingushed as Peter A. L. Becker." 

The Beformed Church of Middleburgh was organized in 1732 
by Rev. George M. Weiss, *nd the first house of worship was 
erected in 1837. This house was burned during the Revolu- 
tion, and the present house was erected in 1786. The house 
will seat 350, and the value of the church property is $10,000. 
The membership is 140, and the pastor is Rev. Sanford W. 


The Methodist Chwch was organized in 1832 by Rev. John 
Wate, ■with nine members. The first pastor was Eev. Henry 
Earnes.' Their house of worship was -erecteii in 1833 ; it will 
seat 300 and cost originally about $1,000. The present mem- 
bership is 135, and the pastor is Rev. James B. Wood. The 
preseirt value of church property is about $3,000. They pro- 
pose to build a church worth $15,000, soon. 

The Methodist Ohwreh of Hunters Land was organized by Eev. 
Henry Stead and Rev. D. Ensign. The first house of worship 
was erected in 1837, at accost of $500. The present house was 
erected in 1863 at a cost of $3,500, and its present value is 
estimated at $4,000. It will seat about 400, The present 
membership is 70, and the pastor is Rev. James B. Wood. 

SU Marie's Chttrch (Evangelical Lutheran) was organized May 
17, 1834, by Dr. G. A. Lintner, of Schoharie, with about 50 
members. The first house of worship was dedicated Oct. 30, 
1834. It was burned April 1, 1855, and rebuilt the jiext year. 
After extensive repairs and improvements, the present house 
was re-dedicated Oct. 5, 1870. It will seat about 400 and'fs 
valued at $15^000, This Church is an oSf-shoot of the one at 
Schoharie, witt which it was formerly connected. The pres- 
ent membership is 103, and the pastor is Rev. 0. F. Sprecher. 

The population of the town in 1870 was 3,171, and its area, 
35,850 acres. - 

The number of school districts is 14, employing 36 teachers. 
The number of children of school age is 1,018 ; the average 
attendance, 315 ; the amount expended for teachers' wages dur- 
ing the year ending September 30, 1871, was $3,513.90 ; other 
expenses, $376.91. 

MICHMONDVILLB was formed from Oobleskill, 
April 11, 1845. It lies upon the west border of the County, 
near the center. The surfece is a hilly upland, separated into 
two distinct parts by the valley of the Cobleskill, which ex- 
tends east and west through near the center. The highest 
summits are from 500 to, 700 feet above the valley. The soil 
is a clayey loam for the most part. Hops are extensively 

Bichmondville, (p. v.) situated on the Albany and Susque- 
hanna Railroad, near the center of the town,' contains three 
churches, three hotels, about half a dozen stores, a paper mill 
for making straw wrapping paper, a foundry an4 machine 
shop, a wool carding and cloth dressing mill, a saw mill, two 
grist mills, various mechanic shops and about 700 inhabitants. 


The Tillage also contains a union sphool and a printing ofiBce 
from wM3i is issued the Sekoharie County Democrat. 

Warnerville, (p. v.) in the east part of the towli, contains 
two churches, three stores, two hotels, a wagon shop, two black- 
smith shops, a tannery, two shoemakers, a grist mill, seyeral 
other shops, a semina,fy and about 450 inhabitants. 

West Eichmondvitle j[p. 0.) is a hamlet, containing a church, 
a store and a blacksmith shop. 

The Paper Mill of Westover & Foster, at EichmondTille, is 
run by a 55 horse power engine, employs 1^ hands and manu- 
factures about 400 tons of paper annually. 

The first settlement was made before the J^volution, by 
George Warnei^ and his sons Nicholas, Geoi^e and Daniel, from 
Schoharie. George Mann, John and Henfy Shafer, Andrew 
Michael, Elijah Hadsell, John Lick a,nd Johii Dingman, 
settled soon after the Revolution* The first school.was taught 

by a man named Skinsky. The first inn was kept by 

Bohall, The first store was kept by George Skillmans. The 
first saw mill was erected by a company, of settlers, and the 
first grist mill by David Lawyer, on the Cobleskffl. 

The town is comprised in the Skinner aid portions of the 
Frankljn, John F. Bouck and B. Glazier's Pa;tents. Bouck's 
Patent of 3,600 acres was granted March 19, 1754, and Gla- 
zier's of 3,000 acres, July 38, 1772. 

The Methodist Church at Bichmondville was organized in 
1830 by John Bangs, the first pastor, with 30 members. The 
first house of woratip was erected in 1836 ; the present house 
in 1866. It will seat 700 and cost $4,000. The pastor is Eev. 
M. P. Bell; the number of members is 80, and the value of 
church property is $6,500. A flourishing Sunday school is 
connected with the Church, under the superintendence of 
Peter Lansing. 

The Methodist Church at Warnerville was Organized in 1840 
by Rev. A. E. Danolds. Their house of worship was erected 
in 1848 at a cost of $1,000 and with a seating capacity of 300. 
The present pastor is Rev. M. P. Beir; the number of members 
is 35 ; and the value of church property is $3,000. 

The Methodist Church at West Richmondville erected a house 
of worship in 1865. It will seat 150 and cost $3,600. The pres- 
ent membership is 80, and the pastor is Rev. Martin Bell. 

The Lutheran Church at Richmondville was organized in 1830 
by John Selmser, the first pastor, with ten members. The first 
house of worship was erected in 1833 ; the present house in 
1857. It will seat 600 and cost $3,500. The present member- 


ship is 195,' and the Talue of church property is $5,000. A 
flourishing sabbath school is connected with this Church, 
under the superiitendency of James Harroway. 

The Christian Church at Warnerville was organized in 1846 
by John Spoor and Jbhn Koss. John Cook was the first pastor, 
and the number of members at its organization was 11. The 
first house of -w^otffhip was erected in 1846 and repaired in 
1870. It will seat 300 and is valued at $3,000. The number of 
members is 130, and the pastor is Kev. Allen Hayward. . 

The Baptist Church at Richmondville was organized in 1838 
with 26 members. The present house of worship was erected 
in 1843 ; it will seat 350. The present membership is 47 ; the 
value of the church property is $3,000, and the pastor is Eev. 
D. Corwin. 

The population of the town in 1870 was 2,307, and its area 
19,683 acres. 

The number of school districts in the tbwn is 12, employing 
12 male and 14 female teachers. The number of children of 
school age is 772 ; the number attending school, 771 ; the 
average attendance, 320 ; the value of school houses and sites is 
$9,405 ; and the amount expended for school purposes during 
the year ending September 30,1871, was $4,642.05. 

SCHOHABIE was formed as a district, March 24, 1772, 
and as a town, March 7, 1788. Sharon, Cobleskill, Middle- 
burgh and Blenheim, were taken off in 1797, and Esperance 
and Wright in 1846. A part of Middl^bu^h was re-annexed 
in 1798, and a part of Esperance in 1850. fi lies in th^e north- 
east part of the County, its north-east corner bordering on 
Schenectady County. The surface is a hilly upland, broken 
by the deep valleys of the streams. The declivities of the 
hills are generally gradual slopes, and their summits are from 
400 to 500 feet above the valleys. The Albany & Susquehanna 
R. R, upon the north line of the town, is 550 feet above tide. 
Schoharie Creek flows north through near the center, receiving 
Pox Creek from the east, and. Cobleskill from "the west In 
the limestone region in this town are numerous caverns. Ball's 
Cave, or Gebhard's Cave, is about four miles east of the Court 
House and was flrst explored in 1831. It descends about one, 
hundred feet below the surface. A stream of water, with small 
cascades, flows through it, that must be crossed by a boat. 
When first explored it abounded in stalactites. I^ehiaway's 
Cave, two miles south-east of the Court House, was explored 
in 1836 by John Gebhard and John Bonny. It was found in- 
ferior in size and interest to Gebha:rd'8. A few fine ^eciibens 


of colored rhombohedral spar were found in it.- The soil upon 
the hills is a clayey loam^ and in the Talleys a grayelly loam 
and alluTium. Bops and broom corn are extensively cultivated. 
Schoharie, (p, v.) the County Seat, is pleasantly situatfed in 
the valley of Schoharie Creek, a little . gouth of the center pf 
the town. It contains besides the County buildings, four 
churches, viz., Lutheran, lleformed, Metnodist and Zion 
Methodist ; an academy, a bank, two newspaper offices, three ho- 
tels, a hub and spoke factory, a carriage factory, a number of 
storSs and mechanic shops of various kinds, and about 1600 
inhabitants. It is connected with the A. & S. E. K. at Central 
Bridge by the Schoharie Valley B. B., and with Middleburgh 
also by railroad. The principal street is well shaded by trees 
and bordered by good flagstone walks. There are several fine 
business blocks and two large hotels which present fronts and 
iaternal arrangements which would be creditable to a much 
larger town. Waterbury & Sons have a brick yard, making half 
a million bricks annually and located a mile north-e^t of the 
Court House. 

The Schoharie Academy, located in this village, Was incorpora- 
ted by the Legislature, April 28, 1837, and by theEegents, Feb. 
5. 1839. The course of study is extensive, affording young 
ladies and geiitlemen all the facilities of a first-class academy. 
The apparatus and library are sufficient for the necessities of the 
students. Under its present management it bids fair to return 
to its former standing among the institutions of the State. 

Central Bridge, (p. v.) in the north part of the town, near the 
junction of the Schoharie Creek and Cobleskill, is a station on 
the A. & S. E. E. and the junction of the Schoharie Valley E. E. 
The old village of Central Bridge, on the south side ot the 
Cobleskill, about half a mile from the station, contains two 
churches, a hotel, a store, a harness shop, a blacksmith shop, a 
wagon shop, two grist mills, two saw mills, a machine shop and 
about twenty houses. At the station the building* are nearly 
all new, and quite a number in process of construction, and 
consist of two hotels,five stores, severai mechanic shops of various 
kinds, and abouktwenty dwelliligs. 

The Lutheran Cemetery is located on high grounds near the 
village of Schoharie and commands a fine view of the, surround- 
ing scenery. There are some fine monuments, and portions of • 
the ground indicate good taste in its arrangement. The old 
parsonage of the Lutheran .Church is still standing upon the 

The Old Stone Fort Oemefery takes its. name from the stone 
church which was inclosed by pickets during the Eevolution 



and is still standing in the inclosure. This association was in- 
corporated about ten years ago, but little was done to improve 
the grounds; About three years ago a new Board of Trustees 
was appointed, and under the the management of the President, 
Dr. Peter S. Swart, and Mr. Almerin Gallup, the Secretary and 
Treasurer, the grounds are undergoing great improvement and 
the place bids fair to become one .of the most attractive points 
in this beautiful valley. The grounds embrace about seven 
acres, including the old cemetery, where rest the ashes of the 
actors in the Eevolutionary struggle. 

The first settlement was made in 1711 by a colony of Ger- 
man Palatinates who had previoudy settled on the Hudson. 
Bruna Dorf was near the present site- of the Court House. 
The name is said to signify the "Town of Springs." John 
Lawyer was the principal man in this settlement. About a 
mile north of this was Smith's Dorf. Fox's Dorf . was the 
next, and rjeceived its name from William Fox. It was in the 
vicinity of Fox's Creek, which still bears his name. Garlock's 
Dorf was the next on the north. Kneiskern's Dorf was on the 
east side of Schoharie Creek, opposite the mouth of Cobleskill. 
The descendants of many of the first settlers still reside in the 
County. The town includes parts of the Schoharie, Morris & 
Coeyman's, Lawyer & Bergh's, and the 2d Allotment of Lawyer 
& Zimmer's Patents. The first grist mill in the County was 
erected by Simeon ]^ara,way, on a small stream that flows into 
Fox Creek about a niiile above its mouth. A man named Cobel 
afterwards erected a mill on a small creek that flows into the 
Schoharie just below the bridge, about a mile from the Court 
House, and another near the mouth of the creek that still 
bears his name. Bolting cloths were not introduced until 
about 1760, by Henry "Weaver. 

When Johnson made his raid into the valley in October 
1780, the Lower Fort, including the old stone church, was gar- 
risoned by about 150 or 200 men under the command of Major 
Becker. Hearing the firing at the forts up the valley. Major 
Becker dispatched Jacob Van Dyck, Anthony Brantner and 
Barney Cadugney, on the morning of October 17, to learn its 
cause. They proceeded up towards the Middle Fort until they 
were met by the advance of the enemy and were pursued by 
seven Indians led by one who was known in those times as 
Seth's Henry. They were fired upon and one of the scouts 
was wounded by a splinter torn from the fence by a shot. 
When the firing ceased at the Middle Fort for the flag of truce 
to advance. Major Becker sent out another scout, consisting of 
George Snyder, Jacob Bnders, John Van Wart and John Hutt, 
to nscertain whether the Fort was captured. The second scout 


met the first and joined it in the flight. They were hotly pur- 
sued and were obhged to separate, Enders and Snyder taking 
refuge behind a rock just as a volley of bullets spent their 
force upon it. They however arrived at the Eort in safety. 
Van Wart stopped at a house for a lunoli and was surprised 
and killed. John Ingold with all his family was in the Fort, 
except his stepfather, A^nthony Witner, who refused to leave the 
house. He had with him an old gun with which to defend 
himself. The house was burned and in the ruins were found 
the remains of two skeletons, that of Witner being identified 
. by the silver knee-buckles. Ample time had been given to get 
everything in readiness for the defense of the Lower Port. 
Several barrds of water were in readiness in case the church 
should be set onflre. The magazine, which was well supplied,^ 
was under the pulpit and in charge of Dr. George Werth, who 
acted as surgeon. In the tower of the church, under the com- 
mand of Ensign Jacob Lawyer, Jr., some fifteen or twenty good 
marksmen were stationed. A number of women stood at the 
pickets with spears, pitchforks and other implements, with 
which to greet the enemy. The enemy approached the Fort 
about four o'clock in the afternoon and were saluted with a 
discharge of grape and canister from a small cannon. This 
was called by Col. Johnson, the " grass-hopper." As many of 
the enemy were seen to fall when it was discharged, it was sup- 
posed to have done good execution, but they had only drop- 
ped down to escape the shot. When fired upon, the regulars 
under Johnson passed across the flats, west of the Fort, and 
crossed Fox Creek below the old saw mill. The Indians under 
Brant passed to the east and crossed the creek, a few only re- 
maining to burn the buildings. The wood work of Tunis 
Swart's tavern, the walls of which are still . standing, was 
burned. The house now owned by Mrs. Deitz, a short distance 
south-east of the Fort, was built before the Eevolution. An 
Indian was seen approaching the house with a fire-brand, when 
several rifles were discharged at him from the tower, causing 
him to take refuge behind a tree to escape from view. Five 
balls- struck the faee, and the Indian made no further attempt 
to burn, the house. Several shots from a small cannon carried 
by the enemy, were fired ^t the church, and two bajls lodged in 
the roof. The hole made by one of them in the cornice is still 
to be seen. An Indian who was concealed behind a tree on the 
bank of the creek, lodged three balls in the tower of the 
church, but upon the shot being returned from the tower, he 
decamped in haste. A dwelling and grist mill, standing near 
the Fort, were set on fire, but were extinguished after the 
enemy left. 



< i ■■ 

The stone church, just mentioned, was erected in 1773, it is 
still standing and the walls remain as they were erected. It 
was sold to the State a few years ago for an armory, and a new 
roof put on and some change made in the interior. The names 
of many of the contributors to its erection were cut upon the 
walls and are still legible. The following are among them : 
Dennis Swait, 1772, Johannes Lawyer, Esq., Archibald Oamell, 
Geo. Eiohtmeyer, Christian Richtmeyer, Maria Elizabeth Werth, 
Peter Schneider, B. M. 1773. Johannes Ball, Harma,nes Sit- 
tenich, Wm. Dietz, B. M., Johannes Dietz, Johannes Enders, 
Jacob Enders, Jr., Peter Enders, Jacob Enders, Jacob Bar- 
tholomew, Philip Schuyler, Jacob Schneyder, Nicholas Rickard, 
John Eekerson, favor of the ground 1772 ; Lorrens Sohulecraft, 
Peter Ball, Josiah Clark, Christian Lawyer, Gertruy Swart, 
Johannes Schuyler, V. D. M., Anna Schuyler, Anna Viellie, 
Christina Cambell, John Domnick, Wilem Edes, Johannes 
Becker, Jacob Zimmer, Adam Zimmer, Geo. Becker, Willem 
Brown, Josias Swart, Johannes Rickert, Marc's Rickert, Henrioh 
Werth, Johannes Werth, Wilhelm Hammer, Bafthollomeus 
Vroman, Bartho's Swart Rev. Johannes Schuyler, V. D. M., 
was the pastor at the time the church was built, and Philip 
Schuyler was the builder. There are indications that certain 
names have been erased, and tradition says that the price for 
carving the names of those not contributors to its erection was 
a gallon of rum, and some whose names were cut upon the 
stones, failed to fulfill their part of the contract, and their 
names were erased. Upon a small headstone in the cemetery 
is the following inscription : " In memory of Col. Peter Vro- 
man who departed this life Dec. %% 1793, aged 57 years, 9 
months and 9 days." He had command of the Schoharie forts 
most of the time after their erection. 

The first town meeting of which any records can be found, 
was held at the house of Johannis Ingold, the first Tuesday in 
April 1797, and continued by adjournment till Wednesday. 
Henry Becker was chosen Town Clerk ; Jacob Beecker, Jacob 
Kniskern, P. Swart, Casper Rouse, Henricus Shafer, Assessors; 
David Sternb^rgh, Peter Swart, Johh Enders, Commissioners 
of Highways; Wm. Mlhn, Collector; George TifiknVj Jacob 
Gebhard, James Brown, Commissioners of schools ; Henricus 
Shafer, Henry Weaver, Overseers of Poor; Johannes J. Lawyer, 
Pound Master ; Richard Green, Jacob Smith, Wm. Schoolcraft, 
Constables ; Marcus Shafer, Jacob Sidnigh, Peter !6all, Petet 
Enders, Fence "Viewers. Pence Viewers were voted six shil- 
lings a day each, when in the performance of their duties. Tha 
next year their pay Ivas slightly reduced, as they were 
voted " five shillings and eleven pence half penny, for each day 


* : 

he shall be employed in the duties of his ofiBce." In 1804, 
"' Kesolved that Every Crow Killed six Cents if Braugh to the 
Town Clark and the Town Clark Cuts of the head and gives a 
Certificate." Here is another of the same sort : " Eleven Dol- 
lars Bounty for killing Wolves in this Town by the Casting 
Vote at Town Meeting." In 1808, " Eesolved that no hogs or 
cattle shall run at large in the winter season when slays are a 
going under a penalty of twenty-five cents for each offence to 
be recovered by any person who will sue for the same, one moie- 
ty to the prosecution and the other moiety to the overseers of 
poor of said town." 

St. Paula Church (Evangelical Lutheran) was the first organ- 
ized in the town. The precise time is not known, but it is sup- 
posed to have been soon after the settlement. Eev. Peter 
. Nicholas Sommer, the first pastor, a native of Hamburgh, Ger- 
many, received a call from the Congregation on the 7th of Sept, 
1743, while yet a candidate for the ministry. He arrived at 
Schoharie May 25, 1,743, and on the 30th of the same month 
preached his introductory sermon and entered upon the per- 
formance of pastoral , duties. The first vestry meeting of 
which there is any record, was held June 8, 1743, at which 
were the following ofiBcers : Abraham Berg, elder; Henry 
Schaeffer and Peter Loewenstein, deacons. It was re- 
solved to commence the erection of a parsonage as a place of 
residence for the minister and ^place of worship for the con- 
gregation. On the 3d of July 1743 the Sacrament of the 
Lord's Supper was administered to 100 communicants, and on 
the 13th of September of the same year, the^r services were held 
for the first time in the new parsonage. The corner stone of 
the first church edifice was laid May 10, 1750, and it was dedi- 
cated on Whitsuntide, May 6th, 1751. It was a stone structure, 
located on the present cemetery grounds. Mr. Sommer continu- 
ed as pastor until the close of the year 1780. He was succeeded 
by Kev. Anthonjr Theodore Braun, who was followed by'Kev. 
Frederick H. Quitman, in the second year of whose ministry, 
1796, the present house of worship was erected. It is a sub- 
stantial brick structure, seating abouti600. It has been twice 
remodeled, and with suitable repairs will serve the congregation 
for many years. Ten settled pastors,, including the present in- 
cumbent, Eej. J. H. Heck, have ministered to this congrega- 
tion since i«s organization. After becoming the mother of 
several churches in the County, this Church has a recorded 
membership of about 300 communicants. The original cost of 
the present church edifice was about $5,000, exclusive of con- 
tributions of materials and labor. The present value of the 
church and parsonage is about $30,000. Some of the stones in 


. ' ^ ' 

the first church edifice were used in the foundation of the pres- 
ent structurej some of the names originsllly cut upon them, 
still remaining legible. Among the more prominent is the 
following, " Johannes Lawyer, Diaoonus & conditor Hujus Bc- 
clesise Fund, D. 14, May 1750, consum 1751." Other names, 
Jacob Friederich Lawyer, Job's. Schuyler, V. D. M., Johannes 
Lawyer Jr., Johannes Kniskern, Ludwic Kickert, Henrich 
Schaffer, Jost Borst, Margaretta Ingolt, Elisabeth Lawyer and 
Philip Berg. 

The Reformed Church was organized about 1728, but the early 
records have been burned. The old stone church was erected 
in 1773 ; Eev. Johannes Schuyler .was for many years the pastor. 
The J)resent edifice was erected in 1844 ; it cost $5,500 and 'will 
seat 350. The present membership is 122, and the value of the 
church property is about $10,000. 

The Methodist Church was -organized in 1840 by Eev. Mr. 
Poor, with twelve members. Their house of worship was 
erected in 1842 ; it will seat 300 and cost $4,000, The present 
value of church and parsonage is $5,000. The membership 
numbers 110, and the pastor is Bev. 0. Mott. 

The African M. E. Zion's Church was organized in 1857 by 
Eev. E. T. Easter, with twelve members. The .present mem- 
bership is 32. They worship in a house rented for the purpose. 
Eev. Zachariah Tyler is the pastor. 

Prom copies of Schoharie newspapers of an early date, we 
give a few advertisements. In The True American, 1811, is the 


" A stout able bodied Negro Man, capable of doing any kind of Farmers- 
Work, he is about 30 years of age and is sold for want of employ. For 
farther particulars inquire of the printer. Schoharie, Jan. 1811." 

In October of the same year, Jabez W. Throop advertised 
Fall and Winter Goods, Groceries, &c., " All of which will be 
sold as cheap as can be purchased in the city of Albany, for 
Cash, Produce or Ashes." 

Thomas Penfield advertised "Saddle, Harness, Oa;p and Hol- 
ster Making, &c." ^ 

" Webster's Spelling Book for sale at this oflBce." 

Benjamin Miles advertised " Groceries and Leather from his 
own manufactory." 

Chester Lasell wanted two apprentices at the Hatting busi- 

" Proposals for'publishing by subscription a New and Com- 
plete Pocket Gazetteer." 

A Paper Mill at Esperance was advertised, and a lengthy ex- 
hortation was given to save the Bags. 


The publisher of the American Herald advertiged "A Treatise 
on Magic, or the intercourse between Spirits and men, with 
annotations by Frederick Henry Quitman." 

In 1818, Nicholas Feeek informed the public that he was 
still carrying on the business of " Tayloring in the Village of 
Schoharie, a few rods south of the Court Hoiise." 

The population of the town in 1870 was 8,207, and its area 
15,§30 acres. 

The number of school districts in the town is 12, employing 
23 teachers. The number of children of school age is 1,090 ; 
the arerage attendance, 297; the "amount expended for teachers' 
wages during the year ending Sept. 30, 1871, was $2,4:67.51 ; 
colored school, $192.78 ; other expenses, $211.03. 

SEW AMD, named in honor of Wm. H, Seward, was 
formed from Sharon", Feb. 11, 1840. It lies on the west border 
of the County, north of the center. The surface is a hilly and 
broken upland, the highest summits being from 300 to 500 
feet above the yalleys. Westkill, ttie principal staream, flows 
south-east through near the center. The soil is a clayey loam. 
Hops and other products are raised to considerable extent. 
Dairying is also carried on. Bound Head Hill, half a mile 
south-east of Seward Valley, is about 500 feet high. Frdm its 
summit is a fine view of the surrounding countryv 

Hyndaville, (p. v.) in the south part, is a station on the Sharon 
& Cherry Valley R. R., and contains a Methodist church, three 
stores, two blacksmith shops, two wagon shops, an undertaker 
shop, three hotels, a grist and flouring mill, two saw mills, a 
harness shop, a tin shop, a cooper shop, a milliner store and 
about 200 inhabitants. 

The Flouring Mill 6f John 0. McOhesney contains four runs 
of stones and has a capacity for grinding 300 bushels daily. It 
Was erected in 1850 by G. Miller and Tobias "Warner. The saw 
mill of Mr. McChesney was erected in 1866 by Wm. Snyder, 
and has a capacity for sawing 5,000 feet daily. 

Seward, (p. v.) known as Seward Vallev, in the west part of 
the town, contains two churches, viz., Methodist and Baptist; 
a store, a,hotel, three blacksmith shops, a wagon shop, a caoinet 
shop, a shoe shop, a cooper shop, a foundry, a brick yard and 
about 200 inhabitants. 

Seward Station is about a mile north-east of th© valley, on the 
railroad, and contains a hotel, a store, a grist mill, a saw mill 
and about a doaen hous€|s. The store and hotel were erected 
by Clark B. Griggs in 1870, and under bis enterprising man- 


agement, the place bids fair to become an important business 
point . 

Seward Grist Mill was erected between 1790 and 1800. It 
contains three runs of stones and has a capacity for grinding 
150 bushels daily. H. A. Warner is the present proprietor. 
_ Seward Valley Cheese Factory was erected in 1867 by an asso- 
ciation of eight men- It is located near the station and has a 
capacity for the milk of 500 cows. Gilbert iVance is the 
president of the association, James Hagadorn, secretary, and 
Austin France, treasurer. 

Seward Cornet Band was organized in 1868 with fourteen 

QardnervilU, in the north part, a mile and a half from the 
station, contains a Lutheran church, a store, a school house, 
two blacksmith shops, a saw millj a cheese faetoryj a cider mill 
and about 75 inhabitants. 

TTie Saw Mill at this place was built in 1863 by M. Letts and 
has a capacity for sawing 3,000 feet daily. 

QardnervilU Cheese Factory was erected by an association of 
twenty men. It cost $3,000 and has a capacity for using the 
milk of 400 cows. 

Clove is situated about a mile west of Hyndsville, and con- 
tains a brewery, a cooper shop, a school house and about a 
• dozen dwellings. , 

Seward Center Cheese Factory was erected in 1867 and makes, 
about 60,000 ponnds of pheese annually, It is located near 
Hyndsville. Bt. Sexton, L. M. Diefendorf and J. Patrie are 
the ofElcers of the association. 

Janesville, situated about half a mile north-west of Hyndsville, 
contains a Methodist church, a saw mill, several mechanic 
shops and aboRt twenty dwellings. 

The first settlement of the town was made in 1754 by a col- 
ony of Germans. Their settlement was known as Nep DoT^htchu 
The first settlers were Sebastian France, Michael Merokley,, 
Henry Hynds and Ernest Fritz. Among the other early set- 
tlers were Caleb Crospot, Wm. Ernest Spornhyer, Conrad 
Brown,' William Bipsomah, Henry France, Henry HaneSj 
Geronimus Chrysler, and John, Peter and Martin Sommer, 
sons of Kev. P. N. Sommer, the first pastor of the Lutheran 
Church in Schoharie. The first Genman school was taught 
by a man named Phaughwer; the first inn was kept by Thomas 
Almy, and the first store by Wm. E. Spornhyer. Wm. Hynda 
built the first saw mill, and Henry Hanes the first grist mill. 
The first child born in the town was Christopher France. 


When the Eetolutionary War broke out, three brothersj' 
named Wm., John; and Philip Crysler, who lived in New Dor- 
lach, were Tories, and went to Canada m 1777. Philip Crysler, 
whose family remained at New Dorlach, was desirous of re^^ 
moving to Canada, and for that purpose had a party assigned 
to him in 1780, just'before Johnson's invasion of Schoharie. 
The party, consisting of eighteen Indians and three Tories, first 
.made their appearance at the house of Michael Merckley. They 
captured his two daughters, a son and two other boys, the 
rest of the family being absent from home at the time. When 
Mr. Merckley returned home, he saw tlie Indians, and while 
dismounting from his horse, was shot dead and scalped. Miss 
Catharine Merckley, a niece of the one just mentioned, was 
also shot and scalped. Bastian Prance, on hearing the firing, 
took his gun and started for the Schoharie Port. One of his 
children was killed and several were taken prisoners. Those 
who escaped, concealed themselves in the woods until the enemy 
were gone and it was considered safe to come from their con- 
cealment. The descendants of Mr. Prance are now quite nu- 
merous in this town. 

Christopher Prance, who was at the Schoharie Port at the 
time of this attack, was afterwards taken prisoner by the In- 
dians and escaped on the second day of his captivity, by running, 
being one of the swiftest runners of the country. He was pur- 
sued in his flight, and coming to a stream with high banks and' 
a deep swift current, he seized a pole and placing one end in 
the water, leaped across, tb the great astonishment of his pur- 
surers, who gave up the chase. At another time his feet saved 
him from cfipture by an unarmed band of Indians. 

Jacob Prance served during the war and was one of the most 
daring and effective actors in this County. 

During the same season, previous to the events already nar- 
rated, a party consisting of seven Indians, a 8q,uaw, and Adam 
Crysler, a Tory, arrived in the settlement and put up at the 
house of Michael Merckley. Their, object was to capture Bas- 
tian Prance, but he being absent, it was suggested that the fam- 
ily of Wm.Hynds would serve as a substitute. The next day, 
while at dinner, the family of Hynds, consisting of himself, 
wife and seven children, were surprised and taken prisoners. 
Pour horses were taken ; the plunder was placed upon the 
backs of three of them, and upon the fourth Mrs. Hynds and 
several Of her small children were placed. The party were 
three weeks in going to Niagara. On passing Indian villages 
they were much abused by squaws and children. Mrs. Hynds 
and four of the children died while in captivity. After suffer- 
ing the hardships of their captivity for two years and a half, 


Mr. Hynds and two of his remaining children returned home, 
with nearly three hundred other prisoners. One daughter 
remained in Canada nearly three years longer. 

The Lutheran Church of Gardnerville was organized in 1837 
by Rev. P. Wieting, the first pastor. The first house of wor- 
ship was erected in 1849 at a cost of $3,000. The present 
house was erected in 1861 ; it will seat 500 and is valued at 
$5,000. The present membership is 285. The first pastor con- 
tinued with this Church until his death. Rev. P. H. Turner 
was his successor, and after serving the Church for a little more 
than two years, he died suddenly, leaving the Church without 
a pastor. 

The population of the town in 1870 wa,8 1,766, and the area, 
,19,701 acres. 

The number of school districts is 12, employing 7 male and 
12 female teachers. The number of children of school age is 
596 ; the number attending school, 484 ; the average attend- 
ance, 217^ the value of school houses and sites, $4,750, and the 
amount expended for school purposes during the year ending 
Sept. 30, 1871, was $3,450.92.* 

8HAItOJ!f, named from Sharon, Connecticut, was formed 
from Schoharie, March 17, 1797, as Borlaxh. Its name was 
lubsequently changed. Seward wastaken off in 1840. It is 
the north-west corner town of the County. The surface is a 
rolling and hilly upland. The highest summits in jhe. south- 
west corner are about 500 feet above the valleys. Westkill is 
the principal stream and flows south thtough the west part. 
The soil is a gravelly loam. Hops are raised to a considerable 
extent. The underlying limestone contains numerous caves. 

Sharon Springs, (p. v.) located a little north-west of the 
center of the town, is noted for its sulphur and chalybeate 
springs, which have a high reputation for the cure of cutaneous 
diseases. The hotel accommodations are increasing annually 
to meet the demands of the visiting community. The im- 
provements, added to the natural attractions 6f the place, 
render it unsurpassed in the number of its visitors, except by 
Saratoga. The Sharon & Cherry Valley Railroad passes within 
half a mile of the village, affording all needed facilities for 
transportation. It contains two churches, nine hotels, several 
stores and mechanic shops, and about 1,000 inhabitants. The 
springs are so strongly impregnated with sulphur that chips, 
leaves and pebbles, exposed to the action of the water for a short 
time, become coated with a thin whitish coat of sulphur. A 
short distance below the springs is a fine cascade. The view 


from the Pavilion is one of the finest in this region. It stands 
npon the summit of a hill, that oterlooks a landscape of rare 

Bqekville, about a third of a mile from Sharon Springs,^ con- 
tains two churches, two hotels, a store, a blacksmith shop^ two 
wagon shops, and about thirty dwellings. It is situated 
between the railroad station and tile Springs. 

Sharon Hill, (Sharon p. o.) situated about three miles from 
the Springs, contains a church, a school house, a hotel, a store, 
a blacksmith shop, an iron foundry and about 25 dwellings. 

Leesville, (p. v.) in the west part of the town, on the Sharon 
and Cherry Valley Eailroad, conjains two/ churches, a wagon 
shop, a blacksmith shop, a carpenter shop and about thirty 

dwellings. ' 

Sharon Oenter, (p. t.) about two miles east of RookTille,, con- 
tains a hotel, a blacksmith shop,.a wagon shop, a ch^se factory 
and about a dozen dwellings. 

Engellville, in the south-west part, contains a grist mill, a 
blacksinith shop and ten dwellings. 

Beekman^g Corners is a hamlet. 

Col. Calvin Kich, from New England,, is said to have been the 
first settler in this town. He was afterwards at Sack^ts Harbor 
as Colonel of drafted militia in Gen. Eichard Dodge's brigade. 
Calvin Pike, William Vanderwarker, Conrad Fritbhe, Abraham 
and John Mereness, John Malick and Peter Courment, were 
early settler? and; were obliged to flee to Schoharie or Fort 
Hunter for safety during the war. "William Beekman kept the 
first store; John Hutt built the first saW mill, and Omeo La- 
grange the first grist mill. The first tannery was built by 
Frederick & Crouck, and the first clothing works by John Hutt. 
The town conprises part qf Frederick Young's Patent of 20- 
000 acres, granted September 25, 1761 ; a tract of 8,000 acres, 
granted to Bradt and Livingston ; a tract of 7,000 acres, grant- 
ed to Johannes Lawyer, Jr., Jacob Borst and others, August 14, 
1761, and a, spiall part of the New Dorlach Patent. The first 
owners of Kew Dorlach latent were Michael and Johannes 
Jost, Jacob B. Borst, Johan Braun, Wm. BaucU, Michael Helt- 
zinger, Henrick Hanes, Johannes Shaflfer, Johannes and Jacob 
Lawyer, Christian Zeh, Mathias Beftumann, Lambert Sternberg, 
■I^^^ J^eyser and Pfeter Nicholas Sommer. The patent pro- 
vided that any differences that might arise were to be settled by 
arbitration. "' 


On the 9tli of SviHj 1781, a party of Tories and Indians, com- 
poaedjnostly of Indians, under the command of a Tory named 
Doxtader, entered a small settlement in the present -town of 
Boot, known as Ourrytovn, plundered and burnt all the build- 
ings except one which belonged to a Tory, murdered some of 
the inhabitants, and taking others prisoners^ departed. They 
encamped that night about two miles east of Sharon Springs, on 
the north side of the present line of the Western Tttrupike. 
The enemy numbered about 500, and encamped on the highest 
grounds in a cedar swamp. A party numbering about 260, 
under command of Col. Willett, started in puiBuit and arrived 
in the yicihity of their camp about daylight. A little south of 
the road is a ridge of land, and just beyond this, a little valley. 
By a circuitous route, Col. Willett reached JIhis- Ibw land, haviii^ 
i^e ridge between him and the enemy, and drew up his men in 
a crescent. He then sent a few of his men over the ridge to 
fire on the enemy and retreat, hoping by that means to draw 
the enemy .within his power ana thua defeat them, though 
their number was nfearly double that bf his own. The plan 
succeeded admintbly. The enemy, immediately snatching thdr 
weapons, pursued the attaeking party until within easy range 
of the main force, when a hotly contested battle took place. 
Both parties fought in Indian style, from beljind stumps and 
trees, continuing the combat for about two hours, when the 
enemy retreated, hotly pursued by Col. Willett, who jouted 
them so completely that most of the camp equipage and the 
plunder taken the day before fell into his hands. The enemy, 
not wishing to be fetardedin their flight by prisoners, murdered 
and scalped most of them, that they ihight not lose everything. 
Jacob bievendorf, who was then a lad, while attempting to 
escape, was knocked down and scalped. He recovered, lived to 
a good old age and becaihe one of the wealthiest fiirmers in the 
town of Boot In this engagement Col. Willett lost five men 
killed and eiiriltt woundted, two mortally. Atnoog ihe latter 
was Captain Bob'ert McKean, who died me next day. He was a 
brave and meritorious ofiBcer. The loss of the enemy was very 
severe, probably amounting to near fifty. One of their wounded 
was carried on a blanket, between two polea, to the Genesee 
Valley, where he died. Most ot the cattle, being abandoned by 
their captors, fbtindthei!r Way back to ther former pastures. A 
few other depre&tioiiti) were committed by small parties of 
savages Who retutti^ to the settlements. 

The first church organized in the town was Saint John's 
EimngeUtitl Lutheran, about 1776, by Bev. Petel: N. Sommer. 
Bev. Henry A. Moeller was the first settled pastor. The present 


mem'berghip is 92; ,the, pastor is Bey., N. g^lock, and the raluei 
of churcli property, is $11,000. 

The Reformed Church of Sharon was organized July 31, 1795. 
Eev. Nicholas Jones was the pastor in 1821, since which eight 
inini'sters have been settled over the society. The present 
pastor is Rev. Thomas L. Shafer ; the number of members is 
80. Their church idifibe was erected at an early day and was 
repaired in 1850. 

The Lutheran Church of Leesville was organized in 1854. 
Eev. J. p. Lawyer was the first pastor. Their house of worship 
was erected the same yeai^ at a cost of 12,000 and with a seat- \ 
ing capacity of 300. The present membership ig 70, and the 
pastor is Eev. 0. Diefendorfl 

The TJniveHdlist Church of Argusville was organized in- 1852 
by Rev. J. D. Hicks, the first pastor. Their house of worship 
was erected in 1852. The number of members ?,t the organ- 
ization was 20; the present, membership is 30; the value of 
the chnrch property is $1,400; the present pastor is Eev. W. 
H. Waggotier. 

The Baptist Church of Leesville has a membership of about 
100. Eev. E. Jewett is the pastor. 

The population of the town in 1870 was 2,646, and its area 
is 24,175 acres. 

The number of school districts is 16, employing 10 male and 
18 female teachers. The .number of children of school age is 
809 ; the number attending school, 624 ; the average attend- 
ance, 305 ; the value of school house and sites is $10,035, and 
the amoun* expended for school purposes during the year end- 
ing September 30, 1871, was $5,110.54. 

, SUMMIT was formed from Jefferson and Cobleskill, 
April 13, 1819. It is the sout^-west corner town of the County, , 
lying principally on the west border. The surface is a broken'" 
'and hilly upland. The central ridge forms a portion of the 
watershed between the Susquehanna and Mohawk Eiverg, the 
highest summits being from 2,000 to 2,300 feet above tide. 
Chartotte Eiver, the principal stream, flows south-wegt, through 
the west part. The soil is a gravelly and clayey loam. Most of 
the land is arable and the people are engaged in dairying and 
hop raising. Qther products are raised for home consumption. \i 
Near the village of Summit is a beautiful lake, about half a 
mile in length. It is supplied entirely bj. springs, and covers' 
about seventy-five acres. ; . 


Summit, (j^ V.) situated on the high ridge near the center of 
the town, contains two churches, viz., Methodist and Baptist; 
two hotels, three stores, two cooper shops, a wagon and under- 
taker shop, two boot and shoe shops, a milliner shop, a grist mill, 
a school house and thirty-two dwellings. 

Lutheranville, in the west part, contains a Lutheran church 
and half a dozen dwellings. It has been called Tar Hollow, 
from the circumstance that during the anti-rent troubles, the 
Sheriff was treated to a coat of tar and feathers. >7 

Chavlotteville, (p. v.) in the south-west part of the town, on 
the Charlotte River, contains a Methodist church, a seminary, 
a district school, a hotel, three stores, two blacksmith shops, a 
cabinet and undertaker shop, a wagon shop, a grist mill, two 
saw mills, two shoe shops, a tin shop, a harness shop and thirty- 
two dwellings. A woolen mill was burned about a year ago. 
Since the construction of the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad, 
Oharlotteville has been less flourishing than formerly. 

The New York Conference Seminary and Collegiate Institute, 
located at this place, was established in 1851. Rev. Alonzo Flack 
was the first principal. The building was burned in 1867, and 
the present structure, formerly used as a hotel, was purchased 
and fitted up for the school. The course of study embraces all 
the branches usually taught in flrsf-class academies. Rev. 
Solomon Sias is the present principal, assisted by six associates. 

Uminenee, (p. v.) in the south-east corner, is partly in this 

Beards Hollow, in the north-east part, contains a Lutheran 
church and about a dozen dwellings. 

The first settlement was made by Frederick Prosper, from 
Dutchess County, in 1794. Among the, early settlers were 
Clement Davis, Samuel Allen, Martin Van Buren, Morris Kiff, 
Robert and Abraham Van Dnser, A. M . Frydenburgh, Joseph 
L. Barnet, Amos Baldwin, Jonathan Hughes, Baltus Prosper 
and James BrowU, many of whom were from New England. 
The first birth was that of — , — Frydenburgh, and the first 
marriage that of Clement Davis and Lovina Allen, in 1797. 
Daniel Harris taught the first school, in 1798. Benjamin 
Rider kept the first inn, James Burns the first store, and ~. — 
Van Buren erected the first saw mill. The town comprised a 
part of the Strasburgh, Charlotte River, Stephen Skinner and 
Walter Franklin Patents. 


The first town meeting was held on the first Tuesday in 
March 1820, at the house of Martin Huffman. Among the 
resolutions passed were the following : 

"Besohed, That hogs shall not be free commoners unless yoked tod 
ringed." > 

Sheep were not allowed to be " free commoners," and rams 
were forfeited if allowed to run at large between the 1st day of 
September, and the 1st day of December. A bounty of five 
dollars was voted for every grown wolf killed in the town by a 
resident of the town. In 1832, twenty dollars were raised for 
the support of the poor. In 1826, the town appears to have 
placed a high estimate upon the services of sbhool inspectors, 
allowing them the enormous sum of twenty-five cents a day for 
their services. 

There are seven churches in the town. 

The Lutheran Church of Summit was organized in 1823 by 
George Lentner, the first pastor, with twelve members. The 
first house of worship was erected in 1826 ; the present house 
in 1858. It will seat 350 and is valued at $3,000. The present 
membership is 160, and the pastor is Eev. Samuel Brucei 

The Lutheran Church of Beards Hollow was organized May 
6, 1865, by David Dox, George Lape and others. The member- 
ship at its organization was fourteen. Their house of worship 
was erected in 1863 by the Lutherans and Baptists. It was 
sold by order of the Court, for debt, and was purchased by the 
Lutheran society. It will seat 300 and is valued at $3,000. 
The present membership is 50, and the pastor Rev. Samuel 
Bruce. ' 

The First Baptist Church of Summit was organized by Levi 
Lincoln, Seth Pancher, John Ripley, N"6ah Beeman, Melicent 
Chickering, Jacob Payne, Lucy Payne, Erastus Allen, Gideon 
Wilcox, David Ryder, Samuel Stilwell and Levi Robbins. The 
first pastor was Rev. Julius Beeman, and the first house of 
worship was erected in 1830. The present membership is 115, 
and the pastor is Rev. Wm. Hallock. 

The Second JBaptist Church of Summit was organized in 1839 
with about 20 members. Their house of worship was erected 
in 1840 ; it will seat 350 and is valued at about $1,000. The 
first pastor was Rev. Ingraham Powers ; the present pa,stor is 
Rev. William M. Hallock. The present membership is 51. 

The Reformed Church of Eminence was organized about 1831, 
and their house of worship was erected about the same time. 
It was repaired and the Church was reorganized Jan. 30, 1855, 


under the pastoral care of Rev. W. G. E. Lee. Their house of 
worship will seat 300 and is valued at about 12,500. There are 
about a dozen faiembers. 

During the war of the Rebellion, 82 persons from this town 
enlisted in the service of their country, eight of whom deserted. 
Milo M. Dibble enlisted in the naval service. 

The population of the town in 1870 was 1,632, and its area, 
19,067 acres. 

The number of school districts is 18, employing 13 male and 
21 female teachers. The number of children of school age is 
648; the number attending school, 540; the average attend- 
ance, 250 ; the value of school houses and sites, $7,680 ; the 
amount expended for school purposes for the year ending Sept. 
30, 1871, was $5,330.04. 

WRIGHT, named in honor of Governor Silas Wright, 
was formed from Schoharie, April 4, 1846. It lies in the north 
part, on the east border of ^he County. The surface is a hilly 
upland. The highest summits along the south line are from 600 
to 800 feet above the valleys. Fox Creek is the principal stream 
and flows in a north-westerly course through the center. The 
soil is a clay and gravelly loam. 

6allupville,{Tp. v.) near the center of the town, contains three 
churches, a saw mill, a grist mill, a tannery, a hotel, three stores, 
several mechanic shops and about 40 dwellings. 

Shutters Comers, (p. v.) in the west part, on Fox Creek, con- 
tains a store, a hotel, a saw mill, a grist mill and about a dozen 

Waldenvitte, in the south-east part, is a hamlet containing a 
store and a glove factory. 

The first settlement was made by Jacob Zimmer, near Gallup- 
ville, previous to the Revolution. Johannes Becker settled 
about two miles from Gallupville, on the creek. He had five 
sons living with him or near him during the Revolution. 
Frederick Denning, John Nashold, Frederick Seller, Christo- 
pher Shoefelt, John Hilsley and a man named Shaffer, were 
other early settlers. Jacob Zimmer kept the first inn, John 
and Henry Becker, the first store. Jacab Zimmer built the 
first grist mill, and Zimmer, Becker and Shaffer, the first saw 

On the morning of JuTy 36th, 1782, a band of Tories and 
Indians under Caplain Adam Orysler, made their appearance 


in the valley of Fox Creek. They first proceeded to the house 
of Jacob Zimmer, who, with his son Peter, was absent. They 
murdered and scalped Jacob, Jr., set fire to the house and barn 
after taking what plunder they could carry, and proceeded 
towards Becker's. Soon after leaving the house, they met 
Peter Zimmer, whom they made prisoner, and killed and 
scalped a Hessian who had deserted from the British. Major 
Joseph Becker lived in a stone house on the bank of the creek; 
his three brothers Jacob, John and William were in the field, 
Jacob and William hoeing, and John cutting brush at a short 
distance from them. The two former discovered the Indians 
and started for the house, pursued by the enemy. Though 
they did not succeed in that, they eluded the Indians and thus 
escaped death or captivity. They were not fired upon, doubtless 
through fear of alarming the Major, whom they hoped to cap- 
ture. The enemy were discovered in time for those near the 
house to take refuge in it and secure the doors and windows. 
The inmates of the house, when the siege commenced, con- 
sisted of Major Becker, John Hutts and George Shell, besides 
several women and children. The windows werfe protected by 
thick plank, except the upper portion. Each was stationed at 
a window to fife upon the enemy as chance might be offered, 
the Indians meantime, by their shots, rendering it extremely 
hazardous for any one to approach in sight. After continuing 
the attack for some time, the Indians attempted to set fire to 
the house, the only conibustible portiom of which was the roof 
and a wooden spout extending from the eaves to within three 
or four feet of the ground. Placing a wheelbarrow loaded with 
combustibles under the spout, they set it on fire. As the 
flames began^ to ascend towards the roof, Major Becker suc- 
ceeded in removing some shingles near . the eaves, and through 
the aperture thus made extinguished the fire. The Indians 
continued to renew their efforts until the spout was burned 
beyond their reach, when they gave it up. While a part of the 
enemy was firing at the windows. Shell discovered one skulking 
along the bank of the creek with a fire brand with which to 
set the mill on fire. Watching his opportunity, he sent a 
bullet through him. After several hours the siege was raised. 
The firing was not heard at the Lower Fort, though only three 
miles distant, but was heard at the Middle Fort, twice that 
distance. Though the news of the attack was carried to the 
Fort by some who fled from the immediate vicinity, and a 
party started out. under Lieut. Snyder, they did not arrive 
until the enemy had left. Johu Snyder was captured by OryS- 
ler's party, and the next day, in the town of Oobleskill, George 
Warner, Jr„ was captured. The party than started for the 


• ^ ^^ 

:Susquehanna, thence to Niagara. The second day after leaving 
Cobleskill they were obliged to subsist on horse flesh, without 
bread or seasoning of any kind. On the way they were sup- 
plied with deer, wolf, rattlesnake and hen-hawk, but without 
bread or salt. The Indians seldom harmed a rattlesnake unless 
it was killed for food. The prisoners suffered the usual hard- 
ships and were compelled to run the gaumtlet on arriving at 
the Indian villages. 

The Lutheran Church of Gallupville was organized in 1852 

by Eev. Swackhammer, the first pastor, with 25 members. 

Their house of worship was erected in 185.3 at a cost Of $3,000, 
and having a capacity to seat 300. The present membership is 
175 ; the pastor is Eev. Henry Keller, and the value of the 
church property is $7,000. 

The population of the town in 1870 was 1,525, and its area, 
17,875 acres. 

The number of school districts in the town is 10, employing 
30 teachers. The number of children of school age is 544 ; the 
average attendance, 201; the amount expended for teachers' 
wages during the year ending Sept. 30, 1871, was $2,503.86 ; 
other expenses, $357.39. 






Directory Is arranged aefolIowB: 1. Name of Individual or flria. S. Post offl,pe ad- 
dress in parenthesis. 8. Business or occupation. '^ 

A Star (*) placed before a name, indicates an advertiser in this work. For such ad- 
vertisement see Index. 

Figures placed after the occupation of/(i™t«r«, indicate the number of acres of land 
owned or leased by the parties. 

Names set in CAPITALS indicate subscribers to this work. 

The word Street is implied as regards directory for the rillages. 

For addittoas and corrections see Errata, following tbe Intro- 


(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Akeley, John S., (Bminence,) eclectic phy- 
sician and surgeon. 

Allen, John W., (North Blenheim.) farmer 

Atchlnson, IchabodW., (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 118. 

Badgley, Ambrose, (North Blenheim,) far 
mer ISO. 

Badgley, Hannah, (North Blenheim.) far- 
mer \SH- 

Badgley, Stephen Q., (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 280. 

BAILHY, DAVID L., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Baldwin, Aaron, (North Blenheim,) saw 
mill, assessor and farmer 800. 

Baldwin, James B., (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 190. 

BALDWIN, JAMES W., (North Blen- 
hPim,) farmer leases of James B. Bald^ 
win, 100. ' ^ 

Banks, David W., (North Blenheim,) for- 
mer leases of Napoleon Berry, 100. 

Barton, Wm., (North Blenheim,) farmer 
leases from Catharine Cole, 88. 

Becker, Frederick, (North Blenheim,) con- 
stable and mason. 

Beller, John, (Eminence,) farmer 112K- 

Benjamin, Henry, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 160. 

Berry, Margaret Mrs., (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 85. 

Brezee, Henry H., (North Blenheim,) ter- 
mer 76. 

heim,) ( Vrooman db BueHngham.) 

Buckingham, George B., (North Blen- 
heim,) carpenter and cabinet maker. 

Buckingham, Tracy, (North Blenheim,) 
chair and bedstead maker. 

BUENBTTJ, EBSKINB D., (Eminence,) 
flirmer 86. 

Burnett, James, (Eminence,) farmer 112. 

Burnett, Spencer, (Eminence,) farmer 62. 

BtTBNBTT, WESLEY A., (Eminence,) 
farmer 112. 

Case, Calvin, (North Blenheim,) farmer 40. 

Chadderdon, Adaline Mrs., (North Blen- 
heim,) farmer 40. 

Champlin, Geo. H., (Jefferson,) farmer 96. 



Champlin, QUea S., (Norih Blenheim,) far- 
mer 383. 

Champlin, 3. Fenj, (North Blenheim,) 
' jnetice of the peace and farmer 137JI^. 

Champlin, William P., (Mlnekill Falls,) 
farmer 14. 

Clark, Benjamin, (North Blenheim,) far- 

Clark, John A., (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Clark, Stephen, (North Blenheim,) fanner 

COLE, BENJAMIN, (North Blenheim,) 

farmer 102j^. 
Cornel!, Daniel, (Eminence,) farmer 110. 
Cornell, JeBBe M., (Eminence,) farmer JOO, 
CartiBB, Orln B., (Eminence,) farmer 50. 
Decker, George W., (North Blenheim,) 

Decker, James W., (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 67. 
Decker, John, (Jefferson,) fiirmer 120. 
Decker, John H., (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Delaney, James, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Delaney, Jeremiah, (Jefferson,) (with 

(JUichael,) farmer 313^. 
Delaney, Michael, (Jefferson,) {wiiA 

Jeremiah,) farmer 2133i. 
DeSilva, Ira, (North Blenheim,) resident. 
Dibble, James B., (Eminence,) saw mill 

and farmer 16. 
Dudley, Wm. J., (North Blenheim,) cooper 

and Ikrmer 2. '' 

Ellerson, Lewis, (North Blenheim,) wagon 

maker. • 

EMPIRE irfoUSB, (North Blenheim,} Thos. 
H. James, prop. 

English, John D., (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 62}i and leases 32. 

Felter, Freeman S., (Eminence,) farmer 210. 

Fennin, William, (Mlnekill I|allB,) farmer 

FERGUSON, ATTBEI, (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 24. 

FergQBon, Lorenzo, (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 60. 

Finch, William, (North Blenheim,) farmer 
leases 30. ^ 

Fink, George, tl^orth Blenheim,) gate 
keeper, Blenheim Bridge. 

Fink, Joseph M., (North Blenheim,) cooper 
and farmer 16. 

Fink, William, (North Blenheim,) retired 

Fnllington, Ephraim, (West Fnlton,) far- 
mer lis. 

Gibblan, William, (North Blenheim,) for- 
mer 75. 

GRANBT, WM. M., (North Blenheim,) 
coooer and farmer 460. 

GRANT, JOHN B., (North Blenheim,) at- 
torney and coanselor at law, and notary 

Gray, Talman, (Eminence,) farmer 68. 

GRIFFIN, J. H., (North Blenheim.) life 
insurance agent and Justice of the 

HAGER, DANIEL, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 260. 

HAGER, DEWITT C, (North Blenheim,) 
farmer iOO. 

HAGER, FREDERICK, (North Blenheim,) 
(with Martin V. B. and Maurice (?.,) 
farmer 150. 

HAGER, JOHN, (North Blenheim,) (Bweet 
dk Hager.) 

Hager, Martin V. B., (North Blenheim,) 
depnty sheriff, loan commissioner and 
(with Frederick and Maurice O.,) far- 
mer 160. 

Hager, Manrice G., (North Blenheim,) 
(with Frederick and Martin 7. B.,) 
farmer 160. 

Ham, David, (North Blenheim,) &rmer 224. 

Hannay, Isaac, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Hannay, Jacob, (Eminence,) farmer 113. 

Hanney, Ambrose, (Eminence,) farmer 100. 

Harris, George W., (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer leases ftrom Albert Loncks, 160. 

ence,) alio, physician and surgeon. 

HAVERLT BROS., (North Blenheim,) (7m 
and Seneca,) grist mill, two saw mills 
and farmers 172ij. 

Haverly Bros. & Co., (North Blenheim.) 
(Ira and Heneca Haverly and Martin L. 
Woolford,) 160 acres timber land. 

HATERLT, IRA, (North Blenheim,) 
(Haverly Bros.,) (Haverly Bros. 4b Co.) 

HAVERLY, SENECA, (North Blenheim,) 
(Haverly Bros.,) (Haverly Bros, dt Co.) 

HellicoB, Frederick, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 20. 

Hellicos, James, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

HENNESS, ELLAS, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 20. 

Hennls, Jacob, (Eminence,) farmer 110. 

Hitchcock, Stephen T., (North Blenheim,) 
farmer leases 375. 

HoUenbeck, Hiram, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 80. 

Hollenbeck, Marcias, (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 60. 

Hubert, Moses, (North Blenheim,) wagon 

heim,) blacksmith. 
Ingraham, Leander H., (North Blenheim,) 

JAMEU, THOMAS H., (North Blenheim,) 
prop, of Empire House. 

Jndd, Peter M., (Eminence,) farmer 66. 

Jump, Foster, (North Blenheim.) shingle 

Jump, William, (North BlenheinI,) farmer 
76. '• 

Eenyon, Hezekiah, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 800. ' 

Kenyon, Maxson, (North Blenheim,) cigar 
maker and farmer 43. 

Eeyser, Barney, (North Blenheim,) (with 
Jacob,) farmer 200. 

KEYSER, HENRY, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer leases 170. 

Eeyser, Jacob, (North Blenheim,) (with 
Barney,) farmer 200. 

KEYSER, JAMES M., (North Blenheim,) 
liirmer 61. 

Kingsley, David, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

KING8LEY, EDWIN, (North Blenheim,) 
supervisor and farmer 80. 



Kling, Nicholas H., (North Blenheim,) far- 

, meriOP. 

Blenheim,) farmer 135., ; 
KniBliern Bros., (North Blenheim,) (Sw/ae 

and Hamilton,} farmers 120. , 
Kniskbin, Hamilton, (North Blenheim,) 

(Kniekem Broi.,) cooper and farmer 

Kniekern, Hiram, (North Blenheim,) far- 

, mer leases from Jacob Shafer, 135. 

Kniskern, Bnftas, (North Blenheim,) (Knis- 
kem Bros.) 

Kniskern, Wm.j (North Blenheim,) cooper 
and tarmer 190. 

LLOYD, WILLIAM H., (North Blenheim,) 
millwright and carpenter. 

Loncks, Abram, (North Blenheini,) bark 

Loncks, Alfred, (North Blenheim,) resi- 

Loncks, Dennis C, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 80. 

Loyd, John B., (North Blenheim,) mill- 
wright and carpenter^ 

MANN, JACKSON, (North Blenheim,) 

Martin, Alvln C, (Sonth Jefferson,) dealer 
in pnmps &G. 

MAETIN, T'REEGIFT P., (North Blen- 
heim,) shoemaker, justice of the peace 
and farmer 40. 

Martin, Jotrn B., (North Blenheim,) farmer 

MAKTIN, WM. a., (North Blenheim,) 
town clerk and blacksmith. 

Mattice, Abram, (Minekill Falls,) farmer 

heim,) farmer 75. 

Mattice, Christopher, (Minekill Falls,) 
postmaster and farmer WO. 

MATTICE, GEORGE, (North Blenheim,) 
prop, of Blenheim Honse. 

Mattice, Harmon S., (Minekill Falls,) tai- 
mer 140. 

Mattice, John, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Mattice, John H., (North Blenheim,) cooper 
and farmer 75. 

Mattice, Martin, (Minekill Falls,) farmer 


Mattice, Mervin, (Minekill Falls.) former 

Mattice, PetferV., (Minekill Falls,) farmer 

Mayham, James, (Jefferson,) farmeirl06. 
McKey, Samuel, (North Blenheim,) farmer 


helm,) carriage and sleigh painting. 
MOREHOUSE, C. J., (North Blenheim,) 

Morehouse, Lorenzo, (North Blenheim,) 


heiin,) resident. 
Mnckey, Jeremiah, (North Blenheim,) far 

Muckey, John, (Eminence,) former leases 

of Hiram Boylngton. 
Nelson, Stephen, (North Blenheim,) farmer 


OAKLET, WILLIAM C, (Eminence,) far- 
mer 67. 

PARSLOW, ALONZO, (North Blenheim,) 
general merchant and postmaster. 

PARSLOW, HENRY, (North Blenheim,) 

Payne, Albertns, (Eminence,) former S6. 

Feaslee, Isaac, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Peaslee, Joseph C, (Jefferson,) farmer 270. 

Peaslee, Nathan S., (N6rth Blenheim,) far- 
mer 200. 

Peaslee, Thomas S., (North Blenheim,) 
dairyman and former 290. 

Perry, Johu, (North Blenheim,) fanner 60Ji. 

Perry, Stephen L., (North Blenheim,) coop- 
er and former 5}i. 

Perry, Volney D., (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 157. 

Pierce, Alexis, (North Blenheim,) former 
leases of Mrs. Betsey Pierce, 230. 

Pierce, John B., (North Blenheim,) com- 
missioner of highwaj's and farmer 17. 

Pindar, Daniel W., (Eminence,) farmer 27. 

Pitcher, Joseph L., (Eminence,) farmer 

Ploss, Austin, (Eminence,) farmer 56. 

Floss, Senry E., (Eminence,) former 60. 

Ploss, Henry W,, (Eminence,) farmer 110. 

Ploss, Henry W., (Eminence,) farmer '&>. 

Porn, James K., (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Eaynor, Calvin, (Jefferson,) farmer S6. 

Reed, Elliot D., (North Blenheim,) farmer 
112«. , 

Reed, John H., (North Blenheim,) carpen- 
ter and former 64. 

RICHMOND, MEL VIN, (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 100. 

Roe, Avery, (North Blenheim,) farmer leas- 
es 160. 

heim,) shoemaker and former leases of 
William Sltzer. 260: 

SHADDUCK, WMt H., (North Blenheim,) 
farm laborer, 

Shafer, Edmund, (tTorth Blenheim,) car- 

SHAFER, GEOEQE H., (Nortb Blenheim,) 
saw mill and farmer 200. 

SHAFER, HAEEISON, (North Blenheim,) 
fariner 80. 

Shafer, Huldah Mrs., (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 12. 

Shafer, Jacob L., (North Blenheim,) for- 
mer 300. 

Shafer, Joseph, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

SHAFER, LANA A. Mbb., (North Blen- 
heim.) farmer 1. 

Shafer, Wellington, (North Blenheim,) for- 
mer 266. 

8HAVEB, ALEXANDER, (North Blen- 
heim.) speculator. 

SHAVER, GEORGE W., (North Blen- 
heimj cooper and former 169. 

Shaver, Bichard L., (North Blenheim,) for- 
mer 98, 

Shelmandine, Bli B., (North Blenheim,) 
former 112». 

Shew, Jacob, (North Blenheim,) farmer. 

Shroh, Davalt, (North Blenheim,) former 



Staroh, Hemy, (North BleDhelm,) farmer 

Shroh, Valentine, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 80. 

Simmons, Feleg, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 67. 

Snyder, Peter, (North Blenheim,) grocer- 
ies, leather &c, 

SNYDER, WILLIAM H., (North Blen- 
heim,) farmer 306. 

Souer, George, (North Blenheim,) cabinet 
maker, undertaker and farmer 110. 

Spring, Edmund, (North Blenheim,) for- 
mer 93. 

SPEING, OLNET J., (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 366. 

Blenheim,) eash and blind mannf. and 

Stevene, Asa, (North Blenheim,) farmer 
leaees from Wm. M. Granby, 1T6. 

Stewart, Charles A., (.Jefferson,) farmer 160. 

Styles, William, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

SWEET, CHARLES, (North Blenheim,) 
merchant tailor, 

SWEET & HAGER, (North Blenheim,) 
(Silas Sweet and John Hagtr^ general 
merchants and dealers in dry goods, 
gt'oceries, hardware, drugs, paints, oil 

SWEET, SILAS, (North Blenheim,) (Swtet 
& Eager.) 

Taylor, wm. W. Re*., (North Blenheim,) 
M. E. clergyman. 

Thomas, Hiram, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Turk, William, (Mineklll Palls,) farmer 

Ifi&S^B 10(1 

TAJ* DEtrsEN, LORENZO, (Eminence,) 

Veley, Eliza A. Mrs., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Veley, Robert, (Eminence,) farmer 57. 

Vorce, Sol, (North Blenheim,) cooper. 

VROMAN, JOHN B., (MlhiklU Falls,) fir- 
mer 24S. 

VBOMAN, JOSIAH H., M. D., (North 
Bleabelm,) alio, physician. 

Blenheim,) (Byron 0. Vrooman and 
&arry Bmklng/i,am,)eatiiagea,ne. sleigh 

VROOMAN, BYRON 0.,(North Blenheim,) 
( Vrooman cE BrtcUngham.) 

Warner, Hiram,. (Eminence,) farmer 117. 

Weaver, Valentine, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 72. 

WEST PRANK, fNorth Blenheim,) miller. 

West, James, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

WHITE, DANIEL, (North Blenheim,) 
shoemaker and fariqer 1. 

Widomen, David, (Eminence,) carpenter 
, and blacksmith. 

Widomen, Edward, (Eminence,) carriage 
ironer. x 

WIDOMEN, MAHLON, (Eminence,) wag- 
on maker and carriage painter. 

Williams, David, (North Blenheim,) cooper. 

WILSON, AVERY, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 100. 

WILSON, STEWARD, (North Blenheim,) 
farmer 94. 

Winne, Cornelins, (Eminence,) farmer 160. 

Wlnne, Francis, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Winne, John C, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Winne, Jonathan, (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 80. 

WINNEY, STEPHEN B., (North Blen- 
heimO farmer 200. 

WOOD, JOHN, (South Jefferson,) farmer 

Wood, William, (Eminence,) justice of the 

SitLne, drover and farmer 88. 
DS, DAVID H., (Eminence,) firmer 

Woolford, Martin L., (North Blenheim,) 

(Baverly Bros. c6 Co.) • 
Yansbnv Garrett, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

YOUNGS, JOHN M., (North Blenheim,) 

Uumer g5t 
Zeh, Nancy Mrs., (North Blenheim,) firmer 




(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Akaley, OBcar, (Broome Center,) farmer 

A£ELT, AMELIA M. Uias, (Broome 

Almy, Arnold T.,(Frankllnton,) farmer 117. 
ABMLIN, DANIEL, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

Armline:, Jobn S., (Frankllnton,) brmer 98 

and, in Fulton, 163. 
Baranger, William, (Pranklinton,) farmer 3. 
Barkman, William, (Franklinton,) fiirmer 

Bartlett, Isaac, (LivingstonTille,) farmer 90. 
Bates, Angnetine, (Potter'a Hollow, Albany 

Co.,) former 60. 
Bates, Besolved, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 

Co,,) blacksmith. 
Bell, Ithamer, (Liringstonville,) farmer 144. 
Bellinger, Helmas, (Frankllnton,) farmer 

Benjamin, Edwin, (LivingstonviUe,) farmer 


Beqjamin, George, (Frankllnton,) farmer 

Benjamin, Jacob L., (LiTingstonTille,) far- 
mer 71. 

Benjamin, Fhilo, (Franklinton,) farmer 60. 

Benjamin, Soswell, (LivingstonviUe,) grist 
and saw mills, and farmer 5. 

Benjamine, Eliznr, (Livingstonville,) far- 
mer 180. 

Benjamine, Ira, (LivingstonviUe,) (withOr- 
ren Somberger,) saw mill and farmer 

Benjamine, Lewis, (LivingstonviUe,) far- 
mer 40. 

Benjamine, Melvin, (LivingstonviUe,) saw 
mill and shingle machine, and farmer 

Benjamine, Ogden, (LivingstonvUle,) far- 
mer 6. 

Benjamine, Zina, (Franklinton,) {with Kel- 
ton WooMeck,) farmer 185. 

Benn,< Sherman, (LivingstonviUe,) (Senn & 

Benn & West, (LIvingBtonville,) (.Sherman 
Ben^ and Aimer Weet^) grocers. 

Best, Frederick, (Broome Center,) firmer 
140 and, in Conesville, lUO. 

Best, Frederick, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 117. 

Bevens, Dennis, (Broome Center,) farmer 

BickneU, Moses, (LivingstonviUe,) farmer 

Books, Robert E., (Franklinton,) farmer 66. 
B0R8T, WILLIAM, (Livingstonville,) grist 

mill and farmer 40. 
Borthwick, Alexander, (LivingstonviUe,) 

farmer 180. 

BOKTHWICK, GEORGE J., (Livingston- 
viUe,) farmer 78. 

Borthwick, Hiram S., (Livingstonville,) 
fanner 184. 

BORTHWICK, JAMES, (Livingstonville,) 
farmer 150. 

Borthwick, Robert, (Livingstonville,) for- 
mer 118. 

Land,) farmer 94. 

BOUCK, HAMILTON, (LivingstonviUe,) 

BRAYMAN, BENJAMIN, (Livingston- 
viUe,) farmer 137. 

Brayman, Franklin, (LivingstonviUe,) far- 
mer 135. ^ 

BRAYMAN, WILLIAM H., (Livingston- 
viUe,) firmer 106. 

Brezee, Abram, (Franklinton,) sash, bUnds 
and doors. 

Brezee, Amos, (Franklinton,) miUwright. 

BREZEE, CHARLES, (LivingstonviUe,) 
boot and shoe maker. 

Brezee, Jacob, (Franklinton,) farmer 5. 

Brezee, Jacob, (FrankUnton,) (with Orrin,) 
fitrmer 117. 

BREZEE, JACOB O., (Middlebnrgh,) far- 
mer 160. 

BREZEE, JEREMIAH, (Franklinton,) far- 
mer 90. 

BREZEE, LEVI W., (Franklinton,) farmer 

BREZEE, MARCUS, (Franklinton,) brmer 

Brezee, Orrin, (Franklinton,) farmer 160 

and (with Jacob,) 117. 
Brezee, Richard, (FrankUntou,) farmer 60. 
Brezee, William, (Livingstonville,) prop, of 

LivingstonvUle House. 
BRIGGS, JAMES M., (FrankUnton,) la- 
Brigs, Andrew, (Franklinton,) farmer 100. 
Brooks, John H., (LivingstonvUle,) farmer 

Brnzce, Rensselaer, (Franklinton,) wagon 

Cain, Daniel, (Livingstonville,) farmer 103. 
Cain, Ensebia, (Broome Center,) farmer 78. 
Cain, Jacob, (Livingstonville,) farmer 70. 
Cain, William M., (Broome Center,) farmer 

CampbeU, Adeline Mrs., (Hnnter's Land,) 

CARPENTER, DAVID, (Franklinton,) 

saw mill and farmer 81V. 

farmer 98 and, in Middleburgh, 163. 
Chapman, Henry, (Livingstonville,) farmer 



CHICHESTEB, ALLEN, (Prankllnton,) 
works Mrs. S. Tamers arm. 

Center,) farmer 100. 

Chichester, Renuelaer, (Frankllnton,) far- 
mer 103. 

Chichester, William, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co.,) brmer 6SX. 

(3hnrch, Lncias, (LiTln'jstonville,) (.toith 
H. Layman,) former 600. 

Chnrcb, Lacius H., (LiTingstonTille,) saw 
mill and farmer 800. 

Clark, John, (LlvingstonTllle,) farmer 13S. 

Cleveland, John C, (Frankllnton,) shoe- 
maker and farmer 78. 

Conklin, Samuel, (Hunter's Land,) farmer 

Connor, James F., (Frankllnton,) farmer 

Cook, John, (Potter's Hollow, Albany Co.,) 
farmer 78. 

COOK, JOSIAH T., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,)flarmer ISO. 

Coons, Albert, (Frankllnton,) farmer 110. 

Coons, Philip, (Frankllnton,) farmer 16|^. 

Coons, William, (Frankllnton,) farmer 114. 

Couchman, Savld, (LiTingstonTille,) for- 
mer 75. 

Couchman, Hiram, (LiTingstonTille,) nn- 
dertakerand farmer 4. 

Couchman, James, (LiTingstonTille,) 
(with WUliam.) farmer 160. 

Couchman, William, (LiTingstonTille,) 
(with James,) former 16U. 

Cowen, John BeT., (Frankllnton,) pastor 
of Methodist Church. 

Debbie, Daniel, (Broome Center,) farmer 

Decker, Cornelius, (LiTingstonTille,) far- 
mer 200. 

Decker, Cornelias I., (LiTingstonTille,) for- 
mer 170. 

Decker, Dorathy Mrs., (LiTingstonTille,) 
farmer 40. 

Decker, Leri, (LiTingstonTille,) former 11. 

Decker, Philip, (Broome Center,) former 

Decker, Sally Ann Mrs. (LiTingstonTille,) 
farmer 13. 

DEMONET, JOHN C, (Broome Center,) 
farmer leases lOS. 

Denison, Edward, (LiTingstonTille,) car- 
riage maker. 

Dorman, Charles A., (Frankllnton,) farmer 

Dorman, Daniel B., (Breakabeen,) farmer 

Duncan, Daniel D., (Frankllnton,) farmer 

Duncan, Joel J., (Frankllnton,) farmer 87. 

Duncan, William L., (Broome Center,) foi> 
mer 104. 

Dutton, Albert U., (Hunter's Land,) (loUh 

\ George A.,) farmer 1U6. 

DUTTON, ELIAS W., (LiTingstonTille,) 
farmer 105. 

Dutton, George A., (Hunter's Land,) (,with 
Albert M.,) former 106. 

Datton, Marcus S., (LiTingstonTille,) far- 
mer 160. 

Earl, George, (Frankllnton,) former 216. 

Earl, William, (FranklintoUj) farmer 136. 

Earls, John, (Frankllnton,) former 68. 

Ecker, Ambrose, (Broome Center,) (viith 
Lorenzo,) farmer 88. 

Ecker, Lorenzo, (Broome Center,) (with 
Ambrose,) farmer 86. 

Edwards, Alexander, (LiTingstonTille,) far- 
mer 100. 

Ellis, George A., (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 87. 

ELLIS, JOHN J., (LiTingstonTille,) farmer 

Ellis, Lewis, (Potter's Hollow, Albany Co.,) 
farmer M. ' 

ELLIS, BASSELAS, (LiTingstonTille,) for- 
mer 124. 

Engle, Joseph, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.O farmer 104. 

Felter, Peter, (LiTingstonTille,) farmer 60. 

Franklin, Benjamin, (Franklin,) farmers. 

Franklin, Mathew, (Frankllnton,) former 

Gates, DaTid, (Frankllnton,) farmer 100. 

GATES, LEWIS, (Frankllnton,) former 
130 and, in Fulton, 160. 

Goodfellow, Ira, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 119. 

(jtoodfellow. Origin, (Broome Center,) far- 
mer leases IW). 

Goodfellow, Polley Mrs., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) farmer 2. 

Goodfellow, William W., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co,) farmer 16. 

Graham, Andrew, (Frankllnton,) shoe 

Gridley, John, (Hunter's Land,) former 160. 

Hagadone, Charles C, (LiTingstonTille,) 
former 100. 

HAQADONE, CHAHLE9 D., (LiTingston- 
Tille,) former leases 113. 

Hagadorn, Stephen, (LiTingstonTille,) far- 
mer 195. 

HAGADORNE, LTrciUS,(Potter'B Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) farm laborer. 

Hollenbeck, Jacob, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co.,) farmer 160. 

HASKIN, HENRY, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co.,) farmer 120. 

Haekins, John, (Broome Center,) farmer 95. 

Haskins, Joseph, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) former 130. 

HASEINS, O., (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) (with Joshua Stilbert,) former 126. 

Haskins, Obadiah, (LiTingstonTille,) far- 
mer 176. 

Haskins, Titus, (Potter'B Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 101. 

HAZELTON& LEONARD, (Franklinton,) 
(Lttdus HazeUon and Bobert O. Leon- 
ard,) blacksmiths. 

HAZELTON, LUCItTS, (Franklinton) (Ha- 
zeUon <£ Leonard,) farmer 11. 

HESS, DEDBICE, (LiTingstonTille,) far- 
mer 100. 

HESS, MARTIN, (LiTingstonTille,) works 
W. C. Williams' farm. 

Hogadorn, Peter C, (LiTingstonTille,) far- 
mer 120. 

Hollenback, Maria Mrs., (LiTingstonTille,) 
farmer 3. 

Hollenbeck, Esther Mrs., (Franklinton,) 
former 160. 

Hollenbeck, Ira, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 68 and, in BensselaerTille, 



Hollenbeck, John, (Franklinton,) farmer 

Hollcnbeck, Martlnas M., (Franklinton,) 

farmer, in Falton, 150. 
Hollenbeck, Mary Ann N. Mrs., (Potter's 

Hollow, Albany Co.,) farmer 6>if. 
Hon^btall, Jotin H., (Franklinton,) ilirmer 

Honghtalin) Harman, (Franklinton,) farmer 


Houghtaling, David, (Franklinton,) farmer 

Honghtaling, Henry, (Franklinton,) farmer 

Hulbert, Alflred, (Broome Center,) farmer 
160 and, in Gilboa, 65. 

Hnlbert, A. McKendree, (Broome Center,) 
farmer 76. 

Hnlbert, Chauncey, (Broome Center.) 

Hulbert, Herechel, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany County,) farmer 25. 

HULBEHT, JOSHUA 8., (Potter's Hol- 
low, Albany Co,,) {with 0. HaeHns,) 
farmer 186. 

Hulbert, Norton, (Broome Center,) farmer 

HU8B, JOSIAH M., (Livingstbnville,) car- 
penter and joiner, and Armer 126. 

Hutcbings, Streeter, (Middleburgh,) far- 
mer 197. 

JACKSON, QEOEGB, (Livingstonville,) 
alio, pbysician. 

Jackson, Ira, (Franklinton,) farmer 60. 

Jackson, James, (Broome Center,) farmer 

Johnson, Jahoiachfm, (Franklinton,) far- 
mer 60. . , 

KELSBT, ANSEL W.j (Livingstonville,) 
farmer 160. 

stonville,) grain cradle maker and far- 
mer 86. 

Einney, John, (LivingBtonvllle,) farmer 

KLINE, JOHN, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) blacksmith and farmer 118. 

Kniffen, Ansel, (Franklinton,) farmer 136. 

Kniffen, Leander, (Franklinton,) farmer 

Kniffen, Alfred/, (Franklinton,) fanner 100. 

Knowles, Beynolds, estate of, (Potter's 
Hollow, Albany Co.,) 100 acres. 

KRUM, DAVID, (Franklinton,) farmer 200. 

Krum, Martin, (Franklinton,) farmer 100. 

Lamont, Major, (Franklinton,) farmer 96. 

Lawton, John, (Franklinton,) firmer 100. 

Layman, James C, (Livingstonville,) far- 
mer 200. 

Layman, M.,(Living8tonville,) [wUhljuciiu 
Ohiirch,) farmer 50O. 

Layman, Wells, (Franklinton,) farmer 101. 

LBONAKD, ROBERT C, (Franklinton,) 
iBazelton Jb Leonard,) farmer 120. 

Loomls, Andrew, (Franklinton,) farmer 

Losee, Myroii A., (LivingBtonvllle,) general 
merchant and postmaster, 

Lounsbnry, Edward D., (LivlngBtonvillei) 
farmer 106. 

LOTD, DAVID W,, (FfBnkliiiton,) farmer 

Loyd, Lewis, (Franklinton,) farmer 103. 

Loyd, William L.j (Franklinton,) farmer 
leases 100. 

Mace, Charles S., (Livingstdnville,) farmer 

Mace, Daniel, (Broome Center,) farmer 75 
Mace, Henry H., (Livingstonville,) farmer 

Mace, Hiram L., (Livingstonville,) farmer 

Mace, Joseph A„ (Potter's Hollow, Albany 

Co;,) farmer 104, 
Mace, Joseph B., (Livingstonville,) farmer 

Mace, Lewis, (Livlnftstonvllle,) farmer 130 
Mace, Orlando^., (Livingstonville,) farmef 

Mace, William L., (Livingstonville,) farmer 

Mattice, John H., (Livingstonville,) lawyer 

and shoemaker. 
MILLER, JACOB B., (Franklinton,) far- 
mer 85. 
MOORB, JOHN, (Livingstonville,) farmer 

Moore, Richard, (Franklinton,) farmer 

Mulberrj, Joseph, (Livingstonville,) lirmer 

Nasholds, Albert, (Hunter's Land,) farmer 

NICKER80N, CTRUS, (Broome Center,) 
fiirmer 132. 

Nickerson, David, estate of, (Potter's Hol- 
low, Albany Co.,) 100 acres. 

Nickerson, Pelleck, (Broome Center,) far- 
mer IJf . 

Palmer, Cornell, (Hnnter's Land,) farmer 

Palmer, Harriet Mrs. (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co.,) farmer 80. 

Phelps, Newton, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 127X. 

Pickles, James, (Franklinton,) farmer 100; 

Porter, Daniel, (Breakabeen,) farmer 116. 

Potts, John, (Broome Center,) farmer 73, 

POWEI,L, ELIPHALBT, (Livingstonville,) 
farther 87, 

Powell, Lewis M., (Livingstonville,) far- 
mer 50, 

Prior, David, (Potter's Hollow, Albany Co,) 
farmer 25. 

Beckmyre, Peter W., (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co.,) Ibrmer 2<{^. 

Reed, Daniel, (Broome Center,) (with Seo.,) 
farmer 118. 

Reed, Ellis S., (Broome Center,) farmer. 

Reed, Geoige, (Broome Center,) farmerllS, 

Reed, Joseph, (Broome Center,) farmer 140, 

Richman, Joseph H,, (Broome Center,) 

RICHMOND, JOSEPH H., (Livingston- 
ville,) carpenter and joiner. 

RICHTMYER, JOHN W., (Potter's Hol- 
low, Albany Co.,) boot and shoe maker, 

Riphenburg, Cornelins, (Livingstonville,) 
(wtt/i James,) farmer 100, 

Blphenburg, James,(Livingstonville,) (with 
Cornelius,) farmer 100. 

BIPHENBORQ, NOBMAN, (Franklinton,) 
former 100. 

Blphenburgh, Georee,(Llvingstonville,) far- 
mer 76, 

BIVENBURQ, WB8LBT, (Livingston- 
ville,) farmer lOO, 

Rivenbureh, Nelson, (Franklinton,) far- 
mer 140, 



Eivenbnrgh, William E., (Prankllnton,) 
farmer 95. 

KOE, WITSIL, (Hanter'a Land,) farmer 

Bogers, William, (Franklinton,) ffiAth Cor- 
nelius Van Tassel,) farmer 197. 

Row, Arti-mue, (Prankllnton,) farmer 100. 

Bi)we, Jonae, (Franklinton,) farmer 93. 

RUGG, GEORGE S., (U'ranklinton,) far- 
mer 135. 

BaBS'ell, Aaron D., (Franklinton,) farmer 

EusKell, Henry D., (Franklinton,) farmer 

EnsBull, Ira, (Franklinton,) carpenter and 
farmer 8. 

Eussell, Philip, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) wagon maker and farmer 81. 

RUSSELL, REUBEN, (Potter's Hollow, 

Albany Co.,) farmer 120. 
EUSSELL, TIMOTHY P., (Franklinton,) 

blacksmith and farmer 60. 
East, Hopsion, (Franklinton,) farmer 100. 
Rust, Nelson, (Franklinton,) (Bust <t Sit- 
ter.) . 
EuBt, Pnlaaki, (Franklinton,) farm«Pl4iO. 
Rasl.& Sitzer, (Franklinton,) iSelson Bust 
and Elmore Sitzer,) general megBhants. 
Rnst, Stephen W., (Franklinton,)Tarmer 

Saddlemyre, Elizabeth Mrs., (Frankhn- 

ton,) farmer 14. 
Saddlemyre, Hiram, (Franklinton,) farmer 

SCUTT, ABRAM, (LlTlngstonTllle,) (Seutt 

it Traver.) 
SCUTT, AMBROSE, (LiTingstonville,) far- 
mer 125. 
SCUTT, ELI, (LivingstonTille,) farmer 200. 
Scutt, Eliza A. Mrs., (LivingstonTille,) far- 
mer 110. 
SCUTT, 6S0RGB, (Broome Center,) saw 

mill and farmer 95. 
Scutt, Hiram, (Franklinton,) farmer 140. 
Scntt, Martin, (Franklinton,) farmer 100. 
Scutt, Merriman, (Hunter's Land,) farmer 

SCUTT, RICHARD R., (L'-Vingstonvllle,) 

Scutt, Seymour, (LiTingetonTille,) farmer 

SCUTT & TRAVER, (LivingstonTille,) 
(Abram Scutt and Jacob Iraver,) saw 
mill and farmers 150. 
SCUTT, WILLIAM, (LivlngBtonTille,) for- 
mer 123. 
SEUOLT, PEANKUN, (LiTlngstonTille,) 

alio, phyiiician. 
Shepard, LoTina Mrs. (LiTmgstonTille,) 

farmer 147. 
Sitzer, Elmore, (Prankllnton,) (Bust db 

Mtzer,) post master. 
Sitzer, Frederick, (Franklinton,) farmer 96. 
SMITH, ALEXANDER M., (Franklinion,) 

farmer leases of William Decker, 46. 
SMITH, BENJAMIN, (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany CO.,) blacksmith and farmer 76. 
Smith, Charity Mrs., (Broome Center,) far- 

mi-T26. „ „ 

Smith, Hiram L., (Potter's Hollow, Albany 

Co.,) general merchant. 
Snyder, Charity Mrs., (LivingstonTille,) far- 
mer 63. 

Sornberger, Orren, (LlTingstonvine,) (with 

If a Beryamine,) saw mill and farmer 

Somborger, Alexander, (Franklinton,) 

SORNBORGER, GEORGE, (Franklinton,) 

farmer leases of Levi W.Brezee, 56. 
Somborger, Henry, (Franklinton,) farmer 

Sornborger, Seymour, (Prankllnton,) 

. blacksmith and farmer 8'. 

farmer 126. 
SPATEHOLTS ABRAM, (Broome Center,) 
farmer 25. 

Spateholts, Elizabeth J. Mrs., (Broome 
Center,) farmer 25. 

Spencer, Amos, (P.otter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 160. 

Spencer, William W., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) farmer 85. 

Spoore, James, (Franklinton,) former 60. 

Steadman, Henry, (LivingstonvlUe,) mason 
and farmer 28. 

Steadman, Samuel, (LiTlngstonTille,) ma- 
son and farmer 30. 

Stewart, William H., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) former ISO. 

Stewart, William H., (LivingstonTille,) 

Stickle, Andrew, (Franklinton,) (with Cm-- 
neliui,) farmer 116. 

Stickle, Andrew, (LiTingstouTllle,) farmer 
leases 125. 

Stickle, Cornelias, (Franklinton,) (with 
Andrew,) farmer 115. 

STICKLE, WILLIAM, (LiTlngstonTille,) 
farmer 165. 

Stickles, Fhilo, (LiTingstonville,) farmer 
119. ^ 

Taylor, Alexander, (Hunter's Land,) farmer 

Taylor, Avery, (Hunter's Land,) farmer 124. 

Taytor, Cornelia Mrs., (LlTiagstonville,) 
former 100. 

Teter, CalTln D., (LiTingstonville,) former 

Teter, Luther, (Llvingstonvtlle,) farmer 30, 

Thorington, Ezra C, (Livingstonville,) far- 
mer 60. 

Thorington, Jacob H., (LivingstonvlUe,) 
shoe maker. 

Thorington, JerusliaMrs. (LivingstonvlUe,) 
milliner and dress maker. 

Thorno, Samuel, (LivingBtonville,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 2. 

Tille,) farmer 60. 

TIFFANY, CLARK, (LivingstonTille,) far- 
mer leases 160. 

iTlnklepaughi^ABa, (Franklinton,) farmer 

iTinklepangh, David, (Franklinton,) farmer 

! )91- 

Traver, Henry, (Franklinton,) former 36. 

iTRA VER, JACOB, (Livingstonville,) (Scutt 

<J Traver^ 
TRAVER, THBADORE, (Franklinton,) 

farm laborer. 
iTryon, Stepheii, (Franklinton,) farmer 39 

and, in Middleburgh, 50. 
Turner, Amos, (Franklinton,) former 170. 
Turner, Anstin, (Livingstonville,) farmer 




Tamer, Harry, (Hnnter's Land,) farmer 

Tnrner, OliTe Mrs., (Hunter's Land,) far- 
mer 1T3. 

Turner, Selinda MrB.,(Franklinton;) farmer 

Yanaletyne, Jobn B., (Franklinton,) farmer 
100 and. In Middleburgh, 85. 

Van Tassel, Cornelins,(FrankliDton,) (wUh 
William Bogere,) farmer 197. 

(Frankllnton,) farmer 306. 

Vanghn, John E., (Franklinton,) farmer 

Vanghn, Wesley, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 60. 

Walt, Daniel, (Franklinton,) farmer 97. 

Walker, Abram A., (Broome Center,) far- 
mer 90. 

Waters, Catharine Mrs., (Broome Center,) 
farmer ll>i. 

West, Abner, (LiTingstonTille,) {Benn d 

WHIT BECK, ABRAM, (Franklinton,) far- 
mer 180. 

Whttbeck, Levi, (LiTlngstonville,) farmer 

WI6HTMAN, ELIA8 A.. (Livingston- 
ville.) insurance agent, j6iner and fai^ [ 
, mer 90. ' 

Wilbur, Reed, (Franklinton,) farmer 99. 
Williams, Coonrod, (Franklinton,) farmer 

WILLIAMS, MARTIN, (Franklinton,) far- 
mer 15, , 

Williams, William C, (LiTingetonvUle,) 
farmer 140. 

WILSET, REUBEN, (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) grist, saw and shingle 
mills, and farmer 3. 

Wilsey, Wilkereon, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co.,) farmer 113 and, in Cones- 
ville, 93. 

Wilsey, Eleanor Mrs., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co,,) farmer 110. 

Wood, Hamilton, (LiTingstonrille,) car- 

Wood, Jared L., (Franklinton,) farmer 96. 

WOOD, ORVILLB B., (Livingston-rille,) 
farmer 153. 

WOOD, OSIAS, (Franklinton,) &rm labor- 

Wood. Thomas, (Breakabeen,) fanner 340. 

Woodheck, Kellon, (Franklintonj) (with 
■ Zina Ber^amine,) farmer 185. 

Wright? Hiram H., (Livingstonyille,) car^ 
penter and farmer 18. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, Wm., (Carlisle,) farmer 37. 

Alkinbnrg, John, (Carlisle,) farmer, 

Almy, Alfred B., (Carlisle,) farmer 100. 

Alpaugh,Ben]amin,(ArgnBiille,) hop raiser, 
dairyman and farmer 176. 

ALPAUQH, DAVID. (Carlisle,) carpenter. 

Alpaugh, Philip, (Grovenor's Corners,) saw 
mill and farmer. 

ANDERSON, LEWIS, (Charleston Four 
Comers, Montgomery Co.,) former. 

Andrns & Carter, (Grorenor's Comers,) 
{3fotes B. Andrui and John B. Carter,) 

Andrps, Moses B., (Grorenor's Comers,) 
(Andrut dk Cart^er.) 

Angle, David, (Carlisle,) farmW 37. 

ANGLE, JOHN H„ (Carlisle,) merchant, 
farmer l)j and (with Peter A.,) 13)j. 

Angle, Peter A., (Carlisle,) town clerk and 
{with jQhn H.,) farmer ISjf . 

Baker, Erl Rev. ((jrovenor's Corners,) pas- 
tor M. E. Ohnrph. 

Bassett, HenrVC, (Sloaiisville,),nirmer 18. 

BECKER, CHAS. G., (Carlisle Center,) 
farmer SO. 

Becker, Charles W., (Carlisle,) Ibrmer leas- 
es of W. Decker, ISO. 

BECKER, GEO. W,, (Grorenor's Comers,) 
farmer leasee of P. B., 10. 

Becker, John J., (Carlisle Center,) farmer 

Becker, Josiah, (Carlisle,) farmer 91. 
Becker, Philip B., (Qrovenor's Comers,) 

farmer 97. ' 

Becker, William, (Carlisle,) hop raiser and 

farmer 150. 
Bellinger, Douw F., (Carlisle,) farmer 94. 

BELLINGER, H ABVET, (Carlisle,) farmer 

Bellinger, Wm. H., (Carlisle.) farmer leases 
of Jacob Moke, S. 

Benson, Abram, (Grorenor's Corners,) 

Benson, Milton, (Carlisle,) carpenter and 
owns 3. 

BERiJH, WM. D., (Sharon,) hop raiser and 
farmer 166, 

Bett, Thomas, (Grorenor's Corners,) far- 
mer 1. 

BLANCHER, WM., (Carlisle,) carpenter 
and joiner. 

BORST, HENRY, (Carlisle,) teacher. In- 
spector of elections and owns 6. 

Borst, John, (Grorenor's Corners,) carpen- 
ter and owns 4. 

Borst, Philip, (Qrotencr'« Corners,) far- 
mer leases 10. 



Bont, Thonias N., (QrOTenor'e Cornere,) 

farmer 97. 
Bonghton, James, (Carlisle,) farmer IX, 
Bowdista, Asa, (SloaDSTine,) farmer 60. 
Bowers, John, (ArgasvlUe,) farmer. 

BBADLBT, JOHN P., (Carlisle,) carpenter 
and joiner, and ownr 3. 

BHADLBT, NEWMAN, (Carlisle.) 
Bradt, Andrew, (QroTenor's Corners,) 

fanner 160. 
Bradt, J. W,, (Carlisle Center,) merchant 

and farmer 1. 
Brand, John C.> (Sloansville,) farmer. 
Brandenstene, Jacob, (Sharon,) farmer S6. 
Brate, Wm., (GroTenor's Corners,) farmer 

leases IIO. 
BRISTOL, LEVI, (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Brown, Abram A., (Carlisle,) dairyman and 

farmer 95. 
Brown, Austin, (Coblesklll,) farmer. 
BROWN, C. S. Jr., (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Brown, D. S., (Carlisle,) farmer 318. 
Brown, Harrison, (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Brown, Henry H.,(Carlisle,) hop raiser and 

farmer ISO. 
BROWN, JACOB, (Sharon,) hop raiser and 

farmer 120. 
Brown, Jacob H., (Carlisle,) farmer 64. 
Brown, John, (Carlisle,) former. 
Brown, John B., (Carlisle,) specalator and 

farmer, owns 84. 
Brown, John J., (Carlisle,) (with Abram 

B. JSarker,) hop raiser and fanner I'iXH- 
Brown, John T., (Carlisle,) farmer leases 

Brown, Joseph, (Carlisle,) farmer 2. 
Brown, Peter, (Carlisle,) hop raiser and 

farmer 62Jji . 
Browu, Severenns. (Carlisle,) flirmer 186.' 
Brown, S. Jr., (Coblesklll,) hop raiser, 

dairyman and farmer 1S8. 
Brown, 8. W., (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Brown, Wm. 8., (Carlisle,) hop raiser and 

farmer 93. 
Brown, W. 8., (Carlisle,) (with JotepA 

Folic,) owns «aw mill and 11. 
Brnmley, John, (Sloansville,) farmer. 
Burch, Adam, (QroTenor's Corners,) far- 
mer 6^. 
Burch, Henry, (Sloansville,) farmer IT. 
Burch, James B., (Qrovenor's Corners,) 

farmer leases 96. 
Burch, Jeremiah, (Orovenor's Comers,) 

farmer 96. 
Bnrhans, Daniel, (Carlisle Center.) shoe 

maker, justice of the peace and owns 

Barhana, Qeo, B., (Carlisle Center,) farmer 

Burfaans, Geo. & Co., (Carlisle Center,) 

(Martin Burhans,) harness makers. 
Bnrhans, John, (Carlisle Center,) farmer 

Bnrhans, Martin, (Carlisle Center,) (George 

Burhant & Co.) 
Bums, Jacob, (Grovenor's Comers,) farmer 
Bumstyne, Abram, (Carlisle,) farmer leases 

Calkins, Alex., (Grovenor's Comers,) tailor 
Campbell, Geo., (Sloansville,) farmer. 
CARBY, MART ANN Mbs., (Sloansville,) 
y (with heiri,) farmer SBO. 
CABBY, WM. J., (Sloansville,) farmer 1S3. 

CARR, JOSBPH E., (Sloansville,) farmer 

Carr, Lydia Mrs., (Sloansville,) (with heirs.) 
farmer 112, 

Carr, M. S., (Sloansville,) farmer leases 

Carter, John B., (Grovenor's Comers,} 
(Andrui <t Carter,) post master, 

Cass, Nelson, (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Cass, Perry, (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Cass, Wm., (Carlisle,) farmer 180. 

Chambers, Charles, (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Chambers, Henry, (Carlisle,) farmer 100. 

Chambers, Mary Mrs., (Sloansville,) farmer 

Chambers, Richard, (Charleston Four Cor- 
ners, Montgomery Co.,) farmer 78 and 
leases ot A. Dean, ISO. 

Chambers, Richard L., (Sloansville,) far- 

Chisllett, Wm., (Grovenor's Corners,) far- 
mer leases. 

CLARK, WM. H., (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Clemens, Edwin, (Carlisle,) shoemaker, fiir- 
mer 1 and leases l}i. 

Clement, John 8., (Argasville,) retired 
merchant and farmer. 

Clements, Eliza Miss, (Argusvllle,) dress- 

Colclongh, Wm., (Carlisle,) farmer 95. 

Collins, Gilbert, (Carlisle,) shoemaker. 

Collins, Samuel S., (Argusvllle,) glove, 
mitten and robe manuf,, and for tan- 

Conrad, Adam, (Argusvllle,) hop raiser, 
dairyman and farmer 821. 

Conrad, Peter H., (Argasville,) farmer. 

Conrad, Philip, (Argusville,) farmer. 

Coons, David H., (Sloansville,) ftrmer leas- 
es 3. 

Copp, John, (Argusvllle,) blacksmith. 

Craig, Wm., (Carlisle,) farmer 150. 

Cramer, Frederick B., (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Cramer, Richard, (Carlisle,) farmer 31. 

Cramer, Susan Mrs., (Carlisle,) owns 60. 

Crocker, Beriah, (Sloansville,) retired far- 

Crocker, G. C, (Sloansville,) farmer, 

Crocker, George, (Sloansville,) farmer 86. 

Crocker, Lewis G., (Sloansville,) farmer 81. 

Crosby, Peter W., (Cai^Usle,) fitrmer leases 
of a. Crosby, 108. 

Crosby, Seth, (Carlisle,) farmer 108. 

Cnck, Abram, (Lawyerville,) retired farmer. 

Davenport, Orvllle O., (Sloansville,) farmer 
leases 160. 

Davenport, Wni., (parlisle,) (ttrmer. 

Dewey, Edward, (Grovenor's Corners,) far- 
mer 83. 

Dewey, Geo., (Grovenor's Comers,) former 

DBY, BENJAMIN, (ArgnsvlUe,) (S^er.- 
nurhom eft Dey.) 

Dibble, Firman, (Sloansville,) fanner 50. 

Dibble, Harrison, (Sloansville,) farmer 80. 

Dillenback, Joseph, (Carlisle Center,) (Dil- 
lieniaek it Son.) 

Dillenback & Son, (Carlisle Center,) 
(Joseph and Warner,) farmers lOS. 

Dillenback, Warner, (Carlisle Center,) (Sil- 
Itnback dk fSonA 

Dingman, John W., (Sbaron,) former. 

Dingman, Michael, (Carlisle,) former. 

Doty, Anderson, (SloansvUla,) farmer 96. 




Hats, Caps and Furs, Straw Goods, 



Schoharie County Agricultural Works, 

N. K. CAMPBEIili, - Proprietor. 

The subscriber is now manufacturinff at his Affricultural 
m>rXss, CJSJVTHAZ SHIDGB, JV. T., all kinds of 

iRailway Sorse fowers. Two and Three Morse Powers, 

Sroofn Com Scrapers, Combined Threshers d: Clean- 

■ ers. Threshers & Separators, Wood Saws, Clover 

JBuUers, Sc, &c. 

The Schoharie County Democrat! 



Richmondville, Schoharie Cotinty, N. Y. 

TermB.— One dollar and twenty-flve cents per year, and aixty-flve cents for eii 
months, strictly In aivarux. Eate^ ot Advertising : 
One Si^aare 1 week ..,.$0 60 


" " 8 " 1 00 

" " 4 " 1 26 

One Square 3 mos 8 00 

" . 6 " 4 00 

" " 9 " 6 00 

" " IS " 6 00 

Easiness Cards, $8.00 per year. 

yi Column 8 months $ 8 00 

" " 6 " laoo 

" " 12 '• 20 00 

X Column 3 " 13 00 

" " 6 " 20 00 

" " 18 " 80 00 

1 Column 3 " 20 00 

" " 6 " 3000 

13 " 6000 

Twelve lines of solid Nonpareil or their equivalent in space, constitute a square, 
The DEMOCRAT was established Ifovember 5th, ISTO ; is located on the line of the 
A, & S. R. B., and is surrounded by an Enterprising farming commanity. 

The Schenevus Monitor! 


Schenevus, - Olsego County, J^. T., 
BY J. J. & J. li. BiUIiTER. 

Terms and Bates of Advertising same as DEMOCRAT. 



Doty, William J., (SloansTille,) firmer, 
Dow, Qiiorge L., (Carjltle,) farmer 7, leases 

of P. Ostrandert 3S, and of S. Ottman, 

DriBtle, Julm H., (Lawyersville,) carpenter 

and school teacher, own« 1. 
DU8ENBURY, G. V. B., (Carlisle,) over- 
seer of the poor, hop raiser and farmer 
. , SSk 
I>welly,.Q. B., (Carlisle,) iron foander and 

owns 3. 
Ensign, Fredericfi:, (Carlisle) iron monlder. 
Bates, Cieorge B., (Sloan^ille,) farmer 1S6. 
Falliuo, Alvm, (Oarlisle,) former luO. 
Vero, uaac, (Carlisle^) blacksmith and 

owns S. 
Ficbter, Esther Miss, (Carlisle,) farmer ISO. 
Flayler, Daniel D., (Qroyehor's Corners.) 

farmer 101). 
Folic, Joseph, (Carlisle,) carpenter and 

{with W. S. Brotsn,) owns saw mill and 

Fonk, Philip, (Carlisle Center,) carpenter 

and owns 2. 
FOX, BENJAMIN P., (Carlisle,) farmer 

FOX, FRANK C, (Carlisle,) hotel prop., 

jostlce of the peace, hop tfSsei and 

owno S6. ' ^ 

Fox. George H., (Oadiale,) farmer 75. 
Fox, Jiimes, (Carlisle,) farmer 100. 
Fox, John, (CarUsle,) retired hoiel prop. 
Frederic, Peter, (Sharon.) dairyman and 

filrmer leases of B^ W. Brawn, 228. 
Freeman, Caroline Mrs., (Sloansville,) fsr- 

I mer 30. 
French, James W., (ArgasTille,) farmer. 
French, NaAcy, (Argq^Tille,) (wUh Aeirt,) 

owns 10. 1 

French, Peter, (ArgasTille,) painter. 
FOok, Peter, (uarliste,) larmer. 
' ' wMtinier.. James D.,' (SloanavilleJ &rmer 

. lis. 

.Gardner, George, (Qrovenec's Comers,) 

. (Oariaer A Son.) 
Gardner, Jonathan E., (Grovenor's Cor- 
ners,) (fiantntr <fi Son.) 
Gardner & Son, (Grovenor's Comers,) 

QIDLEY, EDWABD B., (Carlisle,) mason 
' ' and Ihrmer 1. 
Gordon, Alvin I., <4rgnsvilte,) farmer 178. 
Gordon, Daniel, (iCarliele,) former 110. 
Gordon, It«ac B., (Carlisle,) former 96^ 
Gordon, John, (AijeasTUIs,) hop rajonnd 

formeirUO. ' fSf 

Gordon, John A., (ArgnsvUle,) dfti^man 

and farmer 110. ,> 

Gordon, John B., (Carlisle Center,) farmer 

Gordon, John P., (S1oansTiIlp,> former 104. 
Gordon, Josepli, (Otirlial? Cei^er,) retired 

forineiri. , a*/ ■■ - 

Gordon, Jo8ia&,(Oarnri6,ltnTmer 78. 
Gordon, Hairy J. Hiss,^|feasville,>teacher. 
Gordon, Peter, (Carlis^P^former leases of 

Wmi Craig, 140. T- 
Gordtin, Peter, (Carlisleo former lOO. 
Gordon,, RlchmoDd'7.,<carlisle,) farmer. ' 
Gordon, Robert, (Carlialed retired farmer. 
Gordon, Satah ICis., (ratrlisle GeoMt,) 

(«><M A<^«,)'(hrmevT.V . 

Grantierv Ai !<., (JtrgOMlllei) speoDiator and 

former 1I5> ' 


gnsTille.) tailoress. 
Qrantier, Henry B., (Carlisle,) former leasea 

Sl><. • 
GREEN, ABNKR, (Charleston Ponr Cor- 
ners, Montaomery Co.,) former. 
GRIFFITH, ORRIN M., (Sharon,) hop 
raiser and farmer 75. 
(GroTenor, Amasa, (Grovenor's Corners,) 

town collector and farmer 93. 
Grovenor Bros., (Grovenor's Corners,) 

(,0km and Judeoa,^ farmer 150. 
Grovenor, Calvin, (Carlisle,) former 5. 
Grovenor, Chas., (Grovenor's Corners,) 

(Orovenor BrOs^ 
Grovenor, C*anncyj , (Grovenor's Corners,) 

farmer 183. 
Qibvenor, Geo., (Grovenor's Corners J far- > 
- \ m«r 160. ' 

Grovenor, Geo. Jr., (Grovenor's Corners,) 

farmer, 80. 
Grovenor, Jadsoh, (Grovenor's Comers,) 

{Grovenor Bros.) 
Grovenor, Nelson,.. (Qroveoor's Corners,) 

former leases of G. Grovenor, 160. 
Grovenor, Niram, (Grovenor's Corners,) 

former 160. 
Grovenor, Washington I., (Groyenor's 

Corners,) teacher. 
QtrPPIN, A.. S., (Carlisle,) teacher. 

Gnffln Bros., ((}rovenor',s Comers,) (JffiyaA 
and IfeiBell,} formers 213. 

GUFFIN, CTRtrS, (Grovenor's Comers,) 
attofney and connselor at law. - 

Gnffln, Elijah, (Grovenor's Comers,) {0^f- 

Gamp, Jonatt^n, (Grovenor's Comers.) 
farmer 420. ' 

Gaffin, Ne*ell, CWrovenor's Comers,) {Ckif- 
jln Bros.^) mnsic teacher. 

Onnn, Lydia Ursi-, (Carlisle,) dressmaker 
and tailores^. 

GnrnSey, JJavldsMiawyerBvillCj) farmer. 

Hallenbeck, C. M. Ilrs., (Carlisle,) resi- 
dent. ' - 

HALLENBBCK, GILBERT, (Carlisle,) far- 

Hansen, Kichoilas, - (Carlisle,) millwright 
. and owns 67. 

Hayes, Wm. H., (Grovenor's Comers,) 
fanner 50. 

Hemstreet, G. W., (Carlisle,) former leases 
of Peter, 1S6. 

flEMSTRBET, PETER, (Carlisle,) fa> 

mer 125. 
Herrick, John, (Carlisle,) former 11. 
HBRRICE, 3. S., (ArgnsvUle,) physician, 

owns 6. 
Hicks, Abram, (Sloansville,^ farmer !9. 
Hicks, Chss., (SloansvUle,) former. 
H1clci», Joseplii, (Sloansville,) farmer 41. 
HIggins, John W., (Grovenbr's Cowers,) 
. ft)mRr Sland leaseg of W. E. Hay% 50. 
Hisgins, Thomas, (Carlisle,) former 94^. 
Hilter, Richard, (Carlisle Centes,) former 
^ .106. , , 
Hilsinger, Adam, (Sharon,) hop raiser and 

formw, ^ . 

HIIiSlNGEB. EDWIlr (Carli^a,). brmer. 
Hilsi^eriJacob E!.,TCa«teleiK»niier 28. 
iHIj^smcUEB, JOe^ P.« (S^ron,) former. 
HUnngen Wm.,t^liar<«i,) £0^1. raiser and 

former 180. , , 



m it 

HODQB, ORVILLB, (ArgUBvillo) , 

Ramsey^) postmaster and farmer . . 
HODGE & RAUSEY, (Argusville,) {.OrvUle 

Bodge fmd JRamtey,) general 

Hollattd, John, (Carlisle,) /armer 10. 
Honse, J. C. Mrs., (Argasrille,) milliner 

and drssB maker. 
Honse, Peter D., (ArgasvUle.) liquor aj;< *%. 
Howard, Ezra, (Carlisle Center,) masuu. 
Hoyt, Alvin, (Carlisle,) carpenter, hop rais- 
er and farmer 12>j. 
Huested, J. T., (ArjSDSville.) carpenter. 
Balsaver, John, (Argusville,) nop raiser 

and farmer 138. 
Hnmmel. Jesse, (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Hurst, Wm. H., (Sloan sville,) farmer^. 
Hutton, George, (Argnsrille,) farmer^O. 
Hyney, Josian, (Argusville,) farmer 70. 
Hyney, Korman, (Argusville,) farmer. 
Hyney, Setb, (Argusville,) farmer. 
Hyney, Stephen, (Argusville,) hop raiser 

and farmer 131. 
Johnson, Chas:, (Qrovenor's Corners,) far- 

lAer 40. 
Earker, Ahram B., (Carlisle,) {with John J. 

Brouin^) hop raiser and farmer 131^. 
Earker, David, (Lawyersville,) dairyman, 

hop raiser and farmer 143. 
EAREJIR, FRANKUN M., (Lawyersville,) 

Earker, J. H., tCarlisle,) hop raiser, far- 
mer •;)( and leases of P. Brown, 60. . 
Earker, John P., (Carlisle,) farmer 60. 
Karker, Joseph, (Lawyersville,) farmer. 
Earker, Philip P., (Carlisle,) farmer leases 

Earker, Sifroit H., (Carlisle,) teacher, 
Earker, Solomon, (Lawyersville,) shoema- 
ker, bop raiser and farmer 6. 
Earker, Solomon D., (Lawyersville,) far- 
Eilts, Beiijaniln, (Sharon,) farmer 100. 
Eilts, Jacob L., (Sharon,) farmer. 
Eilts, James W., (Sloansvillo,), farmer 

leases of J. Dudley, 80. 
■ Elite, John, (Sharon,) farmer. 
EILTS, WM., (Sharon,) farmer 100. 
ELING, ABRAHAM, (Carlisle,) tanner 

and currier, and owns 3. 
Elisg, Ahram C, (Carlisle,) teamster and 

Eline, Mary A. Mrs., (Argusville,) (tBith 

Imri,) ftirmer 100. 
Eling, Stephen, (Argusvilie,) farmer leases 

Enlskern, Abrnm A., (Carlisle,) commis- 
sioner of highways and flarmer 106. 

Edskern, Andrew, (Carlisle Center,) far- 
mer 93, ' 

Enlskern, David, (Carlisle,) farmer, 

Enlskern, Edwin A, (Carlisle Center,) far- 

Enlskern, George, (Carlisle,) hop raiser 
and farmer 100, 

Enlskern, Jacob H., (Carlisle,) farmer 148. 

Enlskern, Japob L„. (Carlisle,) hop raiser, 
farmer 10 and leases 160, ' 

Enlskern, James, (Carlisle,) farmer, 

Eniskem, Peter, (Carlisle,) farmer 160, 

Lane, H, Mrs,, (Argusville,) owns 3, 
Lane, Louisa Miss, (ArgnsTlUe,) tailoress. 
Larktn Bros, (Sloansvllle,) ( WUUam and 
Walttr,) farmers lease of P. G., 140. 

LAHEIN, DAVID, (Grovenor's Comers ) 
farmer owns 172 and occupies 63. 

Larkin, Henry W., (Grovenor's Corners ) 
retired farmer. 

Larkin, John Q., (Sloansvllle,) farmer 60 

Larkin, Walter, (Sloansvllle,) (ior/Kn 

Larkin, W. H., (Grovenor's Corners.) ilir- 
mer 116. " 

Larkin, Wm.,.(RloansTille,) (LarkinBroi > 

LAWYER, A. H., (Carlisle,) assessor, hop 
^iser and farmer 95. 

Lawyer, Monroe, (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Lawyer, Sosthenes, ((Jarlisle,) hop raiser 
and farmer 189, 

Lettis, Oscar, (Argusville,) fartner. 

Littell, Wm., (Sloansvllle,) farmer 4. 

Little, John C., (Carlisle,) hop raiser and 
farmer 148^, 

Lord, James M., (Grovenor's Corners,) car- 
penter and owns 3. 

Lord, John L,, ((Grovenor's Comers,) car- 
penter and owns 11. 

Loucks, Amenzo, (Grovenor's Corners,) 

Loucks, Andrew, (Grovenor's Corners.) 
farmer 90. 

Loucks, Peter, (Carlisle Center,) farmer 9B 

LYCKEE, HENRY C, (ArgnsvUle,) dairy; 
man and farmer 241 . 

Mallck, Hannah Mrs.,(ArgnBville,) resident 

Malony, John, (Carlisle,) produce dealer 
and owns 6.' 

Marble, George, (Carlisle Center,) firmer 
leases 76. 

McDonald, Ira, (Grovenor''B Corners,) far- 
mer 63. , 

MoMASTER & O'CONNBLL; (Grovenor's ■ 
Corners,) ( Theodore McMaeter and Jat- 
miah (f Connelly blacksmiths. 

MoMASTER, THEODORE, (Grovenor's 
Corners,) {UeMaster A 0' Connell.) im- 
mer 1. ' 

MoMILLEN, JAMES,(Grovenor'B Comers,) 

farmer luO. 
McNear, Jacob M., (Carlisle,) tin peddler. 
McNeil, Alex., (Carlisle Center,) termer 

McNeil, Julia A. Mrs., (Sloansvllle,) owns 

McNeil, Menzo, (SloansTiUe,) farmer leases 

of Mrs. McNeil, 75. 
McNeill, Merrltt, (Carlisle,) farmer 112. i 
MerenesB, Levi, (Carlisle,) hrmerlOO. 
Mereness, Norman, (Carlisle,) painter, 
MESSENGER, WM„(Qroveuor% Corners,) 

Mickel, Adam, (LawysrBVllIe,) farmer, 
Mickel, Adam H,, (Carlisle,) carpenter and 

owns 13, 
Mickel, Catharine, (Lawyersville,) (trttt 

Aeirs,) farmer 82, 
Miller, Adamj(Carlisle,)/farmer 3. 
Moak, Henry'OgSharon,) retired firmer S. 
Montanye, Bdflfflid D., (Carlisle,) owns saw 

mill and MBer 167. 
Montanye, George J., (Carlisle,) firmer. 
Moore, J, v., (OobiesklU,) hop raiser 

and firmer leases of Mrs, A. 0. 



Morris, David H., (Carlisle,) farmer 3. 
Mosher, Chancy B,, (Carlisle,) farmer 85, 
Mowers, B, M.' (Carlisle,) Ihrmer 14. 
Munk, Sally A. Mrs,, (Carlisle,) owns Sa 



Myers, Abram, (Groyenor's Cornera,) 
{ Jfyers Bros.) 

Myers Bros., (Qrovenor's Corners,) 
{Atiram and Piter,) farmers 87. 

Myers, John W., (Carlisle,) blacksmith, 

Myers, Peter, (^Irovenor's Ooruors,) (My- 
ers Broi.) 

Myers, Tobias, (Grovenor's Corners,) shoe- 
maker and ownsl. 

O'Brine, Luther, (HloansTUle,) farmer. 

Coiii&ta,) (MeliasUr & O' Omnai.) 

O'Hara, Bdward, (Sloansvllle,) farmer. 

Ollman.'-Abram.XCarliBle,) farmer. 

Osterhout, George G., (CobleskiU,) hop 
raiser and farmer leases of A. Oster- 
hout, 96. 

Osterhout, Irving, (LawyersvillB,) fariner. 

Osterhout, Jacob A., (Lawyersville,) hop 
raiser and farmer S35. ' 

Osterhout, James, (Lawyersville,) hop rais- 
er and farmer 136. 

Ostrander, Addison, (Carlisle Center,J far- 

Ostraader, Melvin, (Carlisle Center,) for- 

OstniDder, Michael, (Grovenor's Corners,) 
farmer 118. ' 

Ostrander, Peter, (Carlisle Center,) farmer 

Ostrander, Wellington, (Carlisle Center,) 

Ottmau, Abram, (Carlisle,) farmer 40. 

Ottman, David, (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Ottman, G. Q., (Carlisle,) constable. 

Ottman, Henry I., (Carlisle,) farmer 165. 

Ottman, Jacob A. (ArgUsville,) carpenter 
and joiner, and owns 1. 

Otiman, James, (Carlisle,) farmer 100. 

OTf MAN, PBTJSa W., (Oarliste,) farmer. 

Ottman, Stephen, (Carlisle.) farmer SU9. 

Patrie, John J., (Carlisle,) farmer 148. 

PATEIE, WM. H., (Carlisle,) fartaer. 

PKTTKY8, RICHARD, (SJoansville,) for- 
mer 1«0. 

Phelps, Milton J(3arliBle,) farmer 75. 

PHILLIPS, JOHN. (Carlisle,) farmer 135. 

Pitcher, Aaron, (Afgusville,) farmer. 

Platner, Wm. E.,(Coblesklll,) farmer leases 
of 8./ Brown, \iC 

Potter, Edward L., (Sloansville,) former 

Prell, Mathias, (Lawyersville,) farmer Tl. 

ProBscr, Benjamin H., (Carlisle,) hop raiser 
and farmer 100. 

Prosser, Charles J., (Carlisle.) farmer. 

Pruyn, Abram P., (Argusville,) (toMA 
Bmry,) hotel prop. 

Pruyii, Henry, (Aigusvllle,) hotel prop, 
and owns 19. 

QUICK., JOHN, (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Eace, John, (Sharon,) farmer 82. 

Itice, Peter, (Sharon,) farmer S«. 

RAMSEY, — i',r (ArgosvUle,) (Bodge A 

Helyea, Andre** (dSrlisle Center,) farmer 

'iXSt. ' 

Relyea, Francis, (CarUsle,) farmer. 
Eelyea, Geo. A., (Carlisle,) farmer leases of 

Thoa. A. Skinner, HO. . „ 
Belyea, John H., (Grovenor's Corners,) 

farmer 70. ■^ .. 

Belyea, Peter D., (Sloansville,; carpenter 

and farmer S^. 

Relyea, Richard, (Sloansville,) carpenter, 
Relyea, Samuel, (Carlisle^ farmer. 
Relyea, Simon, (Grovenor's Comers,) un- 
dertaker. ■ ^ ' -^ > 
RICE, STEPHEN, (CarliBle,J carpenter. 
Ridge, James, (Lawyersville,) farmer li. 
Roberts, Charles D., (Carlisle,) farmer 49; 
Roberts, Jesse, '(Carlisle,) farmer 105. 
Roberts, Thomas, (Carlisle,) farmer leases 

of J. Roberts, 106. 
Roberts, William, (Carlisle.) Ihrmer. 
ROBINS, EIJSHA, (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Robinson, David, (Carlisle Center,) farmer. 
Robinson, John, (Carlisle,)' farmer leases 

EobiuBon, John W., (Grovenor's Comers,) 

R^kfeller, George, (Grovenor's Comers,) 

Rockfeller, Hiram, (Carlisle,) farmer 100. 
Rockwell, E. N., (Sloansville,) farmer JOO. 
ROCKWELL, WM. S., (Sloansville,) far- 
BOSCOE, JOBN M., (Carlisle,) Bnpervieor, 

justice of the peaee and fariner 90. 
ROSCOE, R. J., (Carlisle,) phyiiician, no- 
tary public, civil engineer and owns 3. 
Roscoe, Wra., (Uarliele,) farmer 75. 
Rose, Schuyler, (Carlisle.) farmer 10. 
RO WB, JOHN H., (Carlisle,) carriage 

Ruggles, Josephine Miss, (Argnsvllle,) 

Runkle, Peter, (Carlisle,) former 167. 
Russell, James B., (Carlisle Center,) far- 
mer ISO. 
RUSSELL, WM. H., (SloanevlUe,) mason 

and owns 6. ' 
Ryan, Anna C. Mrs., (Cobleskill,) {with 

heirs,) farmer 60. 
Bafford, Albert, (Carlisle Center,) farmer 

leases 1. 
Safford, Andrew, (Grovenor's Comers,) 

butcher and farmer 2. 
Safford, Joseph, (Carlisle,) farmer 536. 
'SiiSbrd, Jo^h, (Cairlisle,) farmer leasee of 

Joseph, a73. 
■Safford, ll%i«h, (Grovenor's Comers,) far- 
mer 1. 
Salisbury, H. E., (ArguBville,) teacher. 
Sanfbrd, Geo. P., (Carlisle Center,) carpen- 
ter and o#ns S)i. 
Uthn' H.'Schermerhom and Btnjamin 
veil,) grlBt and saw mills, and own 5. 

vllle,) (ScAeTTOW-Aom Jk Dey,) 
SCOTT, ISAAC P., (Grovenor's Comers,) 

• physician. 
Seeiy, Michael, (Carlisle,) farmer 60. 
Severson, Geo. H., (Grovenor's Comers,) 

shoe maker and farmer 1. 
Shafer, Henry, (Cobleskill,) farmer. 
SHANE, JOHN, (CarllBie,) hop raiser, 

owns saw inill and farmer 148. 
Shank, Joseph H., (Carlisle,) former leases 

Shaul, George, (Carlisle,) former 60>^. 
Shaver/ Sophia Mrs., (Argneville,) resident. 
Slingerland, Tompkins, (Carlisle,) shoe 

maker and owns 3^. 
Smith, A«a, (Carlisle,) forraer 194)j. 
SMITH, CLARK, (GtooTenor's Corners,) 



SMITQ, EZBA, (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Smith, Joba H., (ArgusvlUe,) carpenter. 
Snyder, Abram, (Carlisle Center,) (Unyder 

Broi.) 1 

Snyder, BeAJamln, (Carlisle Center,) tor- 

Snyder, Benjamin T., (Carlisle Center,) 

carpenter and farmer St. 
Snyd£r Bros., (Carlisle Center,) {Abram 

and Bmmetti) farmers lease ^i. 
Snyder, Emmett, (Carlisle Center,) (Snvckr 

SN.YDER, GEO. B., (Carlisle,) hop raiser 

and farmer 100. 
Snyder, Geo. H., (Carlisle Center,} carriitge 

maker and owns S. 
Snyder, John W., (Carlisle,) carpenter .and 

owns in. 
Spencer, Jobn S., (Sloa^srille,) teacher 

and tormer leases of J. Lawton, 6U. 
Spore, James H., (Carlisle,) shoemakecand 

former IBX. 
Spore, L, Julias, ^Carlisle,) farmer. 
Sprong, Alfred, (Carlisle,) farmer 1. 
Staley, Henry J., (Carlisle,) assessor and 

farrier 6l. 
STALET, JOHI^ C, (Carlisle,) farmer 36 

and leases 8S. 
Staley, Oliver, (Carlisle,) {armer 95. 
STAM, JOHN H., ^Areusrille,) farmer. 
Stiles, Esra, (Carlisle Ceutec,) farmer. 
Stiles, John B., (Carlisle Center,) farmer 

leases 106. 
Stiles, Levi, (Grovenor's Corpera,) farmer. 
Stiles, Robert H., (Sloausville,) farmer. 
SWARTHOUT, JAl^lES, (ArgnsTille,) 

shoemaker and jnstice of the peace. 
Sweatman, Daniel C, (ArgusTille,) carriage 

maker and owns 6. 
Sweet, Ezra, (Groveuor's Corners,) stock 

dealer and farmer 1. 
Sweet, John, (Sloansville,) (krmer 1S5. 
Sweet, John S., (Sloausville,) speculator 

and owns T. 
Sweet, Nelson, (Grovenor's Corners,) 

speculator and farmer 86. 
8WEETMAN, HENRY, (Carlisle,) assessor 

and farmer 80. 
Taylor, Luther S., (A^l^nsville,) dairyman 

and farmer leases oiH. C. Lycker, 160. 
TEEPLE, EDWARD, (Sloansville,) carpen- 
ter and joiner, and owns 1. 
Teeple, Jacob H., (Sloansville,) saw mill 

and farmer 12. 
Terbnsh, B. B., (Carlisle,) mason and tor- 

TETER, LEM AN. (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Thrall, Wm., (Carlisle,) patent right agent 

and owns L 
TiUapaugh, George, (Carlisle,) farmer. 
Tillapangh, Henir, (Carlisle Center,)former. 
Tillapaiigh, Jacob, (Carlisle,) farmer SHi. 
Tillapangh, John, (Carlisle,) fiarm/er T. 
Tiliapaiigh, Stephen Amenso, (Cadisle,) 

Titlapaagh, Vfm., (Carlisle Center,) farmer 

TURBTISB, FRANCIS B., (Carlisle,) ter- 
nilman, Charles A., (Qairlisle,) farmer 36^. 
Ullman, Jeremiah, (Carlisle,) farmer. 
ITIlman, ("eter, (C»rUsle,} tormer 60. 
Underhill, Darius, (G^ovenor's Comers,) 

farmer 4. 

Underhill, Irving, (Groyenor's Corners,) 

hay presser. 
tftman, Peter C, (Carlisle,) cooper, owns 

Van Alstyne, John L., (Argnsvllle,) . dairy- 
man, bop raiser and farmer 146, 

Van Alstyne, Lymas W., (Argusville,) far- 
mer leases 146. 

Vanderwerken, Amet, (Carlisle,) plough 

VANDEBWEfiSaN, GEO. G., (Carlisle ) 
hop raiser and farAer 96. 

Van Klrh, Gertrude Mrs., (Carlisle,) owns 

Van Valkenburg, Johp .J,, (Carlisle,) hop 
raiser and fnrmer 7S. 

■VAN WOBMEB, ISAAC, (Grovenor's 
Corners.) faifmer 1. 

■Van.Zandt, Sally Mrs,, (Carlisle Center,) 
'. (Miith Aeim.) ntmuir Iji. 

WAKBMAN, HOBAiSJ!l,(l,awyersTille,) far- 
mer 111. 

Wakeman, Seth B., (LawyersvilJe,) farmer 
leases 111. 

Walby, Wm. (Carlisle,) farmer 90, 

WAL^y, WM. A., (Carlisle,) farmer. 

Washburn, Ellen Mrs., (Carlisle,) farmer 

Weaver, Benjamin 1"., (Argusville,) black' 
smith, owns i. 

Weaver, Charles H., (Argusville,) blaek' 

Welsh, Tho(.,, (Carlisle Center,) fSrmer a. 

Wessel, SilaaB.,. (Carlisle,) hotel prop, and 
owns 4. 

Wine, Alexander H., (Lawyersvllle,) far- 
mer 2^. . 

Young, Andrew, (Lawyersvllle,) (with 
Demoathenet,) farmer 98. 

YOUNG, ANDREV?^J., (Grovenor's 'Cor- 
ners,) carpenter and joiner. 

Young, Bewj., (Carlisle Center,) farmer 142. 

Young, BosLwick B,, .^Grovenor's Cor- 
ners.) carpenter. 

Young, Charles, (Sloansville,) fenher. 

Young, Demosthenes, (lawyersvllle,) (uiUk 
Andrea,) farmer 98. 

Young, Dinah Mrs., (Carlisle Center,) (ulUh 
Imrs,) farmer 50. 

Young, Gideon, (Grovenor's Corners,) in- 
surance agent. 

Young, G. S., (Sloansville,) carpenter.. 

Young, Ira, (Carlisle Center,) fnrmer 214. 

Yonng, Jacob, (Sloansville,) farmer 65. 

Young, Jacob H„ (Lawyersvllle,) tormer. 

Young, John H., (Carlisle Center,) farmer 
leases 214. 

Yonqg, Nelson 8., (Grovenor's Comers,) 

Young, Nicholas, (Lawyersvllle,) farmer 

Young, Blchsrd.jrLawyersville,) farmer. 

Young, Robert W., (Lawyersville,) carpen- 
ter and farmer. 

Yonng, Samuel J., (Carlisle Center,) far- 
mer 100. ' 

YOUNG, SILAS K., (Grovenor's Comers,) 
farmer. ., 

XSSSK' Thomas, (Lawyersvllle,) tormer. 

YOUNG, WM. 8., (Carlisle Center,) far- 
mer 1(18. ^ 

J2"S6?' Oonmd, (Argusville,) farmer. 

ZEUE, DAVID, (Sharon,) blacksmith, con- 
stable, hop raiser aiid farmer 84. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abbott, Asa, (Coblesklll,) former 66; 
ALIJSN, FETBB A., (Iiawyereville,) pby- 

BiciAD. I ,, 

ANQIfB, JACOP, (CobleeklU,) sheriff and 

An^e;, Ua^na, XtoWTersTille,) brmer. 
Anile, Wm., (LawyerBvUle,) farmer 200. 
EARNER & BSO., (CtAleBkiU,) Olwtin 

L. find CAe><«rJ &rmer IIS. 
BAENEI^ CEtB^TEIt, (CableBldll,KSamer 

Bamet, David, H., (Mineral Springs,) com- 
' miesloner of higbways and farmer ISO. 
BA^ER, MARXQSt L., (Cobleskill,) 
i' (Bamer <t Bra.) 
Baruer, Wm. M., (Vlneral Sprlnes,) jdBtice 

of the peace, i&rmer 13S and, in Middlc- 

hntgh, 26. • ■ 

BAUMES, JOHN, (Carlisle,) farmer llTJtf. 
£EAVEB, JOHN, (Mineral BprlngB,) far- 
mer 13S. 
Becker, Chas. T., (Cobleskill,) fisrmer 100. 
BECKER,, HARiI(HSr, (Coblesjiill,) saw 

BECKER, JAMES, XCobleskill,) saw mill 

and farmer 160, 
Seckpr, F. L, (CoblesklU,) {Btcker &, ScKer- 

, purhaim.) 
Becker & Bchermerhoro, (Cobleskill,) (i>. 

/. Becker and F. D. Sehamernora,) 

prorisiunst, eiockecf, glasBware &c. 
Bellinger, Geo. VT., (Cobleskill,) pboto- 

BBLUNGER, WM., (Cobleskill,) Ibre- 

man in Empire Anlcaltnial Woiks. 
BENDER, JAY B., (Cobleskill,) flrst-dass 

house and sign painter, grainer and 

paper hanger. 
BENSON, ALMON, (Carlisle,) fanner 60. 
J^EBGH, CBAS., (Howe's Care.) farmer 67. 
Bice, Abram, (Cobleskill,) fiirmer leases,of 

S. Burton, 160. 
Bice, John E., (East Cobleskill,) farmer 60. 
Bice, Levi, (Bast CobieBkilU farmer 68. 
Birchard, Joseph, (Mineral Springs,) for- 
BITTNER, LBO, (Cobleskill,) cnstom boot 

and shoe maker. 
Blair, Robert S., (Coble^UU.) carpenter 

and builder. 
Blodgett & Dwell/, (CaUeskill,) (/Onto S. 

BlodgeU and Pierce /h<i<%,) props. 

Blodgett Boiue, 
Blodgett, James S., (CJobleskill.) (BlodgeU 

BLtIM, t'REbBiaCK, (Cobleskill,) marble 

Boorn, ClaVdaer, ^Iiiei'&l ^Cprings,) black- 

Borst, Abram B., (Cobleskill,) ijndertaker. 

Borst, David, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Borst, James B., (East Cobleskill,) farmer. 

Borst, James N., (Cobleskill,) carriage 

Borst, Jeremiah, (CobleBkill,) harness, 
trunks &e. 

Borst, Joslah, (CobleBkill,) cabinet maker 
and undertai^er. 

Borst, Marcus, (Lawyersville,) retired far- 
mer 110. 

Bprst, Bebepca Mi^^-, (Ea^t Cobleskill,) 
iwii/i heirs,) farnier 33. 

Borst, jSilas ,W., (Pob|e«kiU,) carriage 

BOUCK, CHRISTIAN 8., (Mineral 
Springs,) grain cradle mannf; and 
wagon maker. 

Bouck, Tobias, (CoWeskill,) farmer 150. 

Boyee, Sidney, (Lawyersville,) farmer 28. 

B»dt, Win., (Carlirte,") farmer 117. 

Brandenstein, ' ChrislopUer, (Cobleskill,) 
saloqn keeper and shoemaker. 

Bronk, Wm. H., (Warnerville,) farmer 73. 

'BBOWN, DAVID M., (Cobleskill,) black- 

Brown, John J. M., (C\)b1eskill,) telegraph 

Brown, Peter W., (Bamerville,)' shoemak- 

kill.) bouse painter, decorator and 

Brownell, Frank, (Cobleskill,) painter. 

BtRvhard, Alman2a,(Cobleskiir,} carpenter. 

Bnrbans, Joseph C, (CobleBkill,) former 1. 

Bnrhans, Mstnew, (Cobleskill,) {Burkant 
<fe ;9A(>/'<sr,>post master. 

Bnrhans & Bfaafer, (Gotdeskin,) (Mathew 
Burtuna and Gea. A. SMifer,) dealers 
in groceries and provisions, and grain 

Burner, J, J., (Howe's Cave,) former 110. 

Barton, Wm> C.^ (Cobleskill,) farmer 140. 

CADT, IBDWARD, (Cobleskill,) *photo- 
grapher, Conoyer Block, up stairs, 

CALKINS, SELBA, (Cobleskill,) carriage 

Carpenter, Geo. H., (Cobleskill,) carriage 

GARY, JOHN S., (Howe's Cave,) mechanic- 
' al pnginaer, practical millwright and 

former 26. 
CA8FBB BROS., (East Cobleskill,) (John 

and JPeter,) formers 200. 

OASPER, CEdRGE, (Howe's Cave,) 
clover, raw ai)d planing mills, and far- 
rier 30. 



CASPBR, JOHN, (East OobleBklll,) (Cas- 
per Bros.) R. H. commlfBloner. 

CASPBR, PETER, (B»8t CobleskiU,) (Cas- 
per Bros.) , . 

ChamberB, David, (Coblesklll,) farmer. 

SpringB,) farmer 204 and leaees 65. 

Cleveland, Hiram, (Mineral Springs,) far- 
m6r 99 ^ 

*COBLEsklLL INDEX, (CobleBkill,) Wm. 
H. Weeks, prop.' 

Cobarn, Chap., (CobleskiU,) farmer. 

Cobnrn. Peter.. , (CobleskiU,) ftirmer. 

COBDRN, SARAH J. M&s., (CobleBkill,) 
(with, heirs.) termer 180. 

COHN, MORRIS, (CobleBkill,) dry goods 
and clothing. 

Cole, Peter, (LawyerBTillei) farmer \5H- 

Collins Bros., (Barnerville,) (James M. and 
\ Martin i.,) farinerBlOO. 

Collins, James M., (Barnerville,) (Collins 

Collins, Martin L., (Barnerville,) (Collins 
■ Bros.) > 

Conn; Wm., (CobleskiU.) farmer 100. 

Connell, Michael, (LawyersviUe,) black- 

Conove^, Joel, (Coblbskill,) speculator and 
real estate dealer. 

Cook, Jary, (Grovenor's Corners,) termer 
; leases SO. 

Coons, Jacob. (Mineral Springs,) farmer. 

Cornwell, Robert, (Cobleskill,) meat mar- 

Courier, Chas., (CobleskiU,) prest. First 
Nationnl Bank of Cobleskill. 

Conrter, Stanton, (CobleskiU,) cashier 
First National Bank of Cobleekill. 

CROSS, JAMBS, (BarnervlUe.) farmer 81, 

CROSS, LEMUEL, (CobleskiU,) aUo. phy- 
slciao and ouirgeon. 

DANA, GILBERT W., (LawyersviUe,) 
town assessor and termer 18%. 

Dana, Harley T., (Coblesktll,) station agent. 

Dante, Wm. E., (Howe's Cave,) sution 
agent. i ' 

Demon t, John, (East Cobleskill,) farmer 

Deyo, M. A. Mrs., (Mineral Springs,) (with. 
Aeir*,) farmer 20B. 

Dibble, Archibald, (CobleskUl,) termer 193. 

Dickinson, John J., (CobleskiU,) town 
clerk and cleak of Surrogate Court. 

Diefendorf, Jacob H., (Cobleskill,) dry 
goods, ready made clothing, bdots, 
shoes &c. 

Diefendorf, Judspn, (CobleskiU,) boots and 

DIEFENDORF, PETER, (LawyersviUe,) 
temier 70. 

DiefendOtr, Rensselaer, (Lawyereville,) 
farmer 40. 

di'iigx and medicines, paints and oils. 

Dornet, Thos., (Cobleskill,) agent for Ro- 
bert F. Todd, flour and feed, 

DOW, DANIBLJ., (LawyersviUe,) carpen- 
ter and joiner, 

Dow, D. J.. (Cobleiklll.) (DoV) d) Weslfall.) 

Dow & Westtell, (Cobleskill,) (D. J. Dow 
and D. D. C. WtetfaJU.) groceries, 
crockery, drnse nnd medlcineK. 

DUMOND, JOHN Jr., (Bast Cobleskill,) 
farmer SO. * 

Dwelly & Osterhout, (Cobleskill,) (Pierce 
Dwell]/ and Chaumiy Osterhout,) bil- 
liard saloon. 

Dwelly, Pierce, (CobleBkill,) (DweUy <t 
OeterJumt,) (Blodgett tt Dwelly.) 

Earl, Wm. Rev., (Mineral Springs,) paBtor 
M. E. Church. 

ECKBRSON, DANIEL, (CobleskiU,) ter- 

BCKERSON, WM. N., (Howe's Cave,) 
grist mill. 

Bgleston, John, (Mineral Springs,) consta- 

ELDREDGE, D0LPHD8 S., (Howe's 
Cave,) prop. Howe's Cave House. 

(CobleskiU,) Mlnard Harder, prop., 
mannf. horsepowers, combined thresh- 
ers and cleaners, threshers, separators, 
fanning mills, Wood Saws, seed sowers 
and planters; &c. 

ESMAY, A. H., (Coblo»kUl,) clerk with J. 
H. Diefendorf. 

Bwings, John, (Cobleskill,) tailor. 

Fanning, Edward, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 

Farquher, Wm., (Cobleskill,) cabinet 
maker and undertaker. 

Feecif, Chas., (Cobleskill,) carriage paint- 

FEECE, JOHN, (CobleskiU,) (Feeck <t 

FEECK, PETER, (CobleskUl,) (Feeok dk 

FEECK & SON, (CobleskiU,) (JoAn and 
Peter,) carriage makers. 

Fero, David I., (East CobleskiU,) tarriage 

Fingue, Wm., (Warnerville,) farmer 159. 

First National Bank of Cobleskill. (Cobles- 
kill,) Chas. Conrter, prest. ; J. R. Her- 
rlck, vice-prest. ; Stanton Courier, 

Fowland, Henry, (Warnerville,) farmer 160. 

•FOX, LUTHER T., (CobleskUl,) dentist. 

France Bros., (Mineral Springs,) (Francis 
and Lester,) farmers 85. 

France Bros. (Mineral Springs,) (Marvin S. 
and Luther,) farmers lease 111. 

FRANCE, D. DbWITT, (CobleskiU,) Are in- 
surance agent. 

France, Francis, (Mineral Springs,) 
, (France Bros.) 

France, Frederick A., (Cobleskill,) dry 
goods and clothing. 

France, Freeman, (Barnerville,) farmer Vi, 

France, Harriet Mrs., (Cobleskill,) (with 
heirs,) farmer 80. 

France, Harvey, (Mineral Springs,) mechan- 
ic and termer 8. 

FRANCE, JOSEPH A., (CobleskiU,) dtat- 

France, Lester, (Mineral Springe,) (France 

France, Luther, (Mineral Springs,) (France 

France, Marvin B., (Mineral Springs,) 

(France Bros.)] 
France, P. Mrs., (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Prance, Wm. N., (Mineral flpringa,) farmer 




TKASIBR, DAVID, (Cobleskill,) alio. 

physician ai)d sargeon, corouer and 

trait grower IS. 
Fuller, Barnabas U., (CobleBkill,) farmer 

FULLER, JAMES E., (CobleBkill,) {iHOi 

B. M.,) farmer. 
Fank, Geo., (Carlisle,) farmer leases of J. 

Becker, 60. 
Gale, Annie Miss, (Qbbleskill.) milliner. 
UALE, GILBERT, (fiairnervUls,) iJ. Oale 

dt Saru.) ' 

*GALE, J. <t SONS, (Bamerville,) lOiliert 

and RUty^) manafs. horse rakes, hand 

rakes, bent felloes, chairs, broom 

handles &c. 
GALE, RILEY, (Bamerrille,) (.A <JaU A 

Gale, Roger H., (Cobleskill,) millinery. 
Galvin, John, (Wamerville,) farmer60. 
GATES, ADHLBBRT, (Barnerville,) school 

Gates, Ambrose, (Barnerville,) school 

- Gemsey, Chester, (Barnerville,) farmer 113. 
Gearasey, L. Mrs.! (East Cobleskill,) resi- 
GIBBS, ANSON B., (Mineral Springs,) 

post master and wagon maker. - 
Glazier, David, (Lawyersville,) carpenter. ' 
GORDON, ABRaM, (Barnerville,) handy 

GUERNSEY, GEO. W., (East Cobleskill,) 

teacher and farmer 120. 
Gnffln, Mary Mrs., (Carlisle,) (with, heirs,) 

farmer 124. 
Garley, Peter W., (Wamerville,) house 

Gnrnsey, Nelson Mrs., (Barnerville,) (with 

Aar>,)farmer US. 
Hadeell, Wm., (Cobleskill,) farmer leases 

Hager. Geo. H., (Cobleskill,) farmer 95. 
Hale, Wm., (Mineral Sj^ings,) millwright 

and farmer 11. 

farmer 100. 
Hamilton, Andrew, (Cobleskill,) farmer 

HAMILTON, CHAS., (Cobleskill,) Clfur- 

phy (t Hamilton.) 
HAMUN, JOHN G. Rbv., (Cobleskill,) 

pastor Christian Chacch. 
HARDER, ALONZO W., (Cobleskill,) 

(Harder <{ Hete.) 
HARDER & HESS, (Cobleskill,) (Alonzo 
W. Harder and Lmit Bees,) groceries, 

crockery, glassware, drugs and medi- 
•HARDER, MDSARD, (Cobleskill,) prop. 

Empire Agricultural Works, manuf. 

horse powers, combined threshers and 

cleaners, threshers, separators, fanning 

mills, wood saws, seed sowers and 

planters, &c. 
Harrison, Mathew, (Barnerville,) black- 
Harrison, Wm., (East Cobleskill,) black- 
Bawes, Wm., (Cobleskill,) farmer 100. 
liayes, James, (Howe's Cave.) farmer 94. 
Hayes, James H., (Howe's Cave,) farmer 7. 
Hays, Alex., (Howe's Cave,) farmer 78. 
Hays, John, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 97. 

Hays, Thos., (Howe's Cave,) farmer. 
Hays, Wm., (Howe's Cave,) retired. 
Head, John, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 70. 
Heckel, PanI, (Cobleskill,) baker and con- 
Herrick, J. R., (Cobleskill,) vice-president 

First National Bank of Cobleskill. 
Herron, Alex., (Barnerville,) millwriffht. 
HESS, LOUIS, (Cobleskill,) (Harder <t 

Hill, John K., (Lawyersville,) farmer 30. 
Hiller, Walter C, (Cobleskill,) carpenter, 
mite Bros., (Mineral Springs,) (Christian 

and Henry,) farmers 116. 
Hilts, C. Mrs., (Mineral Springs,) farmer 6. 
Hilts, Christian, (Mineral Springs,) (Hitlt 

Hilts, David, (Mineral Springs,) bntcher. . 
Hilts, Geo., (Cobleskill,) farmer 77. . 
Hilts, Gideon, (Cobleskill,) (Skqfer dt 

Hilts, Henry, (Mineral Springs,) (Hilts 

Hilts, Jacob H., (Cobleskill,) farmer 39. 
HOGAN, JOSHUA, (Carlisle,) farmer ICO. 
HOGAN, MARVIN, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 

2 and leases 40. 
Hogan, Thos. C.i (Carlisle,) retired farmer. 
Hogan, Miss, (Grovenor's Corners,) 

farmer 40. 
HOLMES, CHAS., (Cobleskill,) attorney 

and counselor at law, solicitor in bank- 

rnptcyand county judge and surrogate. 
Holmes, James, (Mineral Springs,) prop. 

Mineral Springs Hotel. 
HOOS, PETER, (Barnerville,) cooper. 
Hoos, Wm., (Cobleskill,) farmer. 
HOWE'S CAVE HOUSE, (Howe's Cave,) 

Dolphns S. Eldredge, prop. 
Hutton Bros., (Cobleskill,) (Hm. and Jacob , 

E.,) farmers 108. 
iHutton, Dauiel, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

HUTTON, JACOB H.*, (Cobleskill,) (Hutlon 

HUTTON, WM., (Cobleskill,) (HuUm 

INGALLS, LEWIS, (Howe's Cave,) fore- 
man stone cutting department Howe's 

Cave Lime & Cement Co. 
Isdale, Sanford, (Cobleskill,) saw mill and 

farmer 50. 
Jackson, John A., (Mineral Springs,) far- 
mer 133. 
Jnmp, A. P., (Cobleskill,) (Kennedy <£ 

Karker, Peter, (Cobleskill,) farmer 100, 
Earker, Wm. O., (Cobleskill,) farmer 5. 
Kennedy. Josiah, (Cobleskill,) (Kennedy <t 

Kennedy & Jump, (Cobleskill,) (Josiah 

Kennedy and A. P. Jump,) carriage 

KERKER, ADAM V., (Cobleskill,) farmer 

Kilmer, Augnstus, (Barnerville,) farmer 

Kilmer, John Jr., (Howe's Cave,) retired 

King, Frederick, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

King, Hiram', (Mineral Springs,) carpenter. 
King, Isaac R., (Mineral Springs,) farmer 
leases 9S. 



King, John, (Mineral Springs,) slioeniaker. 

liing, Madison, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Kling, Jacob C, (Oobleekill,) farmer IJf. 

KJine, Marcas Rev., (Law jerevllle,) pastor 
fatheran Cbnrcb. 

Eromeri Curtis, (Mineral Springs,) black- 
smith and farmer 20. 

Kromer, Joseph, (Bamerville,) former 106. 

Kromer, Joseph, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Knrr, John,JCoblepkilI,) farmer 8«. . 

LAMONT, WM. C, (Cobleskill,) attorney 
and counselor at law. 

Langley, Nancy J. Mrs., (Mineral Springs,) 

Larkin, David C, (Cobleskill,) farmer. 

Larkin, JJavid K., (Cobleskill,) farmer 84. 

Larkin, John, (Cobleskill,) farmer. 

Larkin, Solomon, (Lawyersville.) farmer. 

LAUDBB, DAVID A., (CpbleskiU,) farmer 

Lawyer, Augustas, (Cobleskill,) farmer 130 

and, in town of Seward, 116. 
Lawyer, Augustus F., (CoMfeakiU,) retired 

physi cian, ' 

LAWYER, DAVID, (Cobleskill.) farmer 

and (wi(h Peter,) prop, saw mill. 
Lawyer, James W., (Cobleskill,) groceries 

and provisions. 
LAWYER. PETER, (Cobleskill,) com- 
missioner of highways, prop, saw mill 

and farmer 180. 
Lawyer, S. B., (Mineral Springs,) overseer 

of the poor and farmer 107. 
Lawyer, T., (Cobleskill,) justice of the 

Lee, Wm. H., (Cobleskill,) hair dresser. 
Letts, John, (Cobleskill,) carpenter. 
Letts, Lorenzo D., (Cobleskill,) stoves and 

Linster, James, (Cobleskill,) farmer 80. 
Lipe, Lavina Misa, (Cobleskill,) milliner. 
Luden, A. P. Rev., (Cobleskill,) pastor 

ZIon Lutheran Church. 
MART'IN, FREDBEiCK, (Lawyersville,) 

Maxwell, Wm. H., (Cobleskill,) painter. 
MoHENCH, ALEX., (Cobleskill,) (Jfc- 

HencA tf Co.) 
*MoHENCH & CO., (Cobleekill.) Ulex. 

and Wm, 3. McHench,) manafs. sash, 

blinds, doors and bedsteads. 
MoHENCH, WM. H., (Cobleskill,) (^c- 

Bench & Co.) 
MOORE, OHAS. M., (Cobleskill,) carpen 

Moore, David, (Cobleskill,) carpenter. 
Moore, Jonas V., (Cobleskill,; manaf. 

washing machines, Shutt^s Comers. 
Mowers, Peter, (Barnerville,) farmer 10. 
MURPHY & HAMILTON, (Cobleskill,) 

(John Murjihy and Chas. Samilton,) 

hardware, tinware &c. 
MURPHY, JOHN, (Cobleskill,) (Xtirphy 

S Hamilton.) 
Murphy, P^ter, (Cobleskill,) mason. 
Myers, Alonzo, (Barnerville,) farmer, 
Myers, Peter, (Barnerville ) farmer 100. 
Myres, Hamilton, (Howe's OaVa,) farmer 

NBTHAWAT, CLINTON, (Cobleskill,) 

li(}uor, dealer, ai;ent for the Meadow 

King Mower and farmer 104. 

Netbaway, Geo. P., (Mineral Springs,) far- 
mer leaoes of C. Nethaway, 1(8. 

Nobles, Miles, (Mineral Springs,) tarma 

Osterhont, Cbanncy, (Cobleskill,) {pweily 
dk Osterhout.) 

Ostcrhont, Esther Mrs., (CobleBkill,) (witA 
heirs.) farmer 84. 

Osterhont, John L., (Cobleskill,) express 
• agent. 

Ottman , Barney, (Lawyersville,) fhrmer 100. 

OTTMAN & BRO., (Cobleskill,) (John H. 
and Mittard €,,) custom grist mill. 

OTTMAN JOHN H., (Cobleskill,) (Ott- 
man & Bro.) 

OTTMAN, MILLARD C., (Cobleskill,) 
( Ottman <£ Bro.) 

Overpangta, John B., (Cobleskill,) lumber 
mannf. and dealer. 

Owen, Theodore, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 

Parmelee, Qeo., (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Patrick, Silas, (Barnerville,) saw and clover 
mills, and farmer 10, 

PEESO, FRANCIS, (Cobleskill,) wagon 

PHILLIiPS, P. Rev., (Cobleskill,) pastor 
St. Paul's Church. 

Pierce, Carlisle, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

PINDER, J. S., (Cobleskill,) attorney at 
law, office in brick block. 

Prell, John, (Cobleskill,) pedler, 

Purcell, Bdmond, (Cobleslsill,) bltickfainith 
and saloon keeper. 

Purcell, Richard, (Cobleskill,) salDon. ' 

Quackenbush, Atwood B., (BarnervUle,) 
(QuaekenbuehBros.,) farmer 130. 

Quackenbush Bros., (Barnerville,) (Atvodd 
B. and Frederick,) custom gnst mill. 

Quackenbueh, Frederick, (Cobleskill,) far- 
mer 50. • 

Qnackenbnsh, Frederick, (Barnerville,) 
( Quackenbueh Bros.) 

Reckmyer, David C, (Grovenor's Corners,) 
farmer 100. 

Rheln, Chas., (Cobleskill,) farmer 69. 

RICHTMYER, ABRAM, (Howe's Cave,) 
farmer 184. 

venor's Comers.) 

kill.) fariAer llOX. 

kill.) farmer 96V. 

RICHTiUYBR, JACOB, (CobleskUl,) Air- 
mer 60 and leases 96. 

Cave,) farmer 126. 

RIOHTHYBR, J08IAH, (Carlisle,) farmer 

Ricbtmyer, Philip, (Cobleskill,) wagon 
maker and farmer SO. 

Rlchtmyer, Wm. C, (Cobleskill,) retired 
farmer 96. 

RICHTMYER, WM. M., (Cobleskill,) com- 
missioner of highways and farmer 110. 

RICKAED, CONRAD, (Howe's Cave,) tt.r- 

Richard, Ellas, (Howe's Cave,} cabinet 
maker, ^ 

Rickard, Geo,, (Howe's Cave,) carpenter. 



BICKARD, IRA, (Howe's CaveO carpenter 
Bud builder. 

Rickard, Samuel, (Howe's Cave,) ftrmer 

Rlckmyer, Ales., (Oarlisle,) DtrmeT 100. 

BILEY, AZARIAH B., (Barnerville,) poet 
cbaster, carding and cloth dressing, and 
farmer 65. 

Roberts, Asaph, (Ckibleekill,) farmer 100. 

Robinson, Harman, (Mineral Springs.) fat- 
men 260. 

Robinson, R. H. Rev., (Coblesklll,) pastor 
M. B. Chnrch. 

ROCKKFBLLER, HENRY B., (Coblesklll,) 
{BocktfeUtr A Son.) 

kill.) iSookefellar ds Sm) 

ROCKEFELLER & SOljI. (Cobleskill,) 
(,Benry E. and Uargon i>.) formers 1S6. 

Rock^llow, Jacob H., (Bamerrille,) speca- 
lafor and farmer 130. 

kill,) student at law. 

Rose, Anson, (Cobleskill,) milk dealer and 
• ROSE, ELI, (Howe's Cave,) secretary and 
chief manager of the Howe's Cave 
Lime and Cement Co., manaf. of lime, 
cement, bnilding stone, curb stone, 
bases, monnments, water table plat- 
forms &c. 

HOWE, HIRAM, (Barnerrille,) merchant, 
notary public and asst. post master. 

RYDER, CHAS., (BarnerTUle,) superviBor 
and farmer 150. 

Sagendorff, Benjamin, (Howe's Cave,) far- 
mer 44. 

Sagendorff, Harmon, (Barnerville,) farmer 

Sanford, Daniel S., (Mineral Springs,) fiu:-' 
mer 26. 

Saringar, Sanford O., (Cobleskill,) butcher. 

Schermerhorn, F. D., (Cobleskill,) (Becker 
6k Sch^rmerJtom,} \ 

Scott, Jacob H., (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Shafer.Daniel G., (Cobleskill,) (ahoferiSs 

Shafer, David G., (Mineral Springs,) ftirmer 

Shafer, Geo. A., (Cobleskill,) (Burhatu tt 

Shafer, Geo. H., (Mineral Springs,) saw 
mill and farmer 100. 

Shafer, Henry, J., (Mineral Springs,) fttr- 
mer 174. 

Shiifer & Hilts, (Cobleskill,) (.Daniet 0. 
Shafer and Gideon MUt,) saw mill and 
\ farmers 161. 

Shafer, Isaac Q., (Cobleskill,) patent cham 
dealer and farmer 32. 

Shafer, Jacob Q., (Mineral Springs,) saw 
mill and farmer 76. 

Shafer, Madison L., (Cobleskill,) farmer 

Shafer, Nelson. (Coblesklll,)(5i(a/<r it &m.) 

Shafer, Ftiter J., (Mineral Springs;) tanner 

Shafer & Son, (Coblesklll,) (.Wm. and SO- 
son.) jewelers. 

Shafer, Wm., (CobleskiU,) (Shafer <t Son.) 

Shafer, Wm. M., (Mineral Springs,) farmer. 

Shank, David, (Mineral Springs,) fkrmer 

Shapk, Peter P., (Barnerville,) (Wetsel dk 

Shank, Sebastian, (Cobleskill,) retired far- 

SHAVER, CHAS. H., (Cobleskill,) hard- 
ware, tinware, stoves, paints, oils &c. 

Shenlon, Rebecca Mrs., (Mineral Springs,) 
farmer 3. 

Shnltes, John H., (East Cobleskill,) fbrmer 
88. - 

SHUTTS, ABRAM, (Lawyersville,) former 

Shntts, Henry, (Cobleskill,) retired. 

Siterly, Lansing, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

SLINGERLAND, I. & J., (Howe's Cave,) 
ftilner 114. 

Smith, A. Mrs., (Cobleskill,) milliner. 

SMITH, A. «., (Cobleskill,) prop. Smith's 
National Hotel, livery attached. 

Snyder, Adam, (Lawyersville,) Mechanic 
and former 11, 

Snyder,' Menzo, (East Cobleskill,) merchant 
and mail carrier. 

Son, Thos., (Cobleskill,) retired farmer. 

Stiles, Lawrence, (Grovenor's Corners,) 
carpenter and former SO. 

Stilson, Abel G., (Cobleskill,) tnrner and 
foreman for Mnrphy & Hamilton. 

Stilton, Lansing, (Cobleskill,) insurance 

flwart, Martin L., (Howe's Cave,) former. 

SWART, PETER, (Coblesklll,) justice of 
of the peace, civil engineer and sur- 
veyor, prop, lime works ana fanner 62. 

Swart, Shaver, (Howe's Cave,) fonner. 

Swart, Tunis, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 106 
and, in Middlebnrgh, 40. 

SWIFT, JARVIS, (Clobleskill,) proprietor 
United States Hotel. 

Tator, Hitam, (Barnerville,) fumer. 

Tator, John H., (Miners Springs,) former 

TATOR, PETER, (Barnerville,) farmer 120. 

Tator, Peter J., (Mineral Springs,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 26. 

Thatcher, Sanford J., (Cobleskill,) boots, 
shoes, leather and findings. 

Tilapangh, Daniel, (Barnerville,) former 

Tilpangh, B., (East Cobleskill,) farmer 130. 

Tingue, Peter, (Cobleskill,) farmer 170. 

Tinkler, Daniel, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Todd, Robert F., (Cobleskill,) flour and 

feed, Thos. Doruet, agent. 
Towiisend, John M., (Cobleskill,) fire, life 

and accident insamnce agent. 
Turk, Paul, (Cobleskill,) mason and former 


Jarvis Swift, prop, 
VAN DRESER HENRY N., (Grovenor's 

Comers,) farmer 166. 
Yan Dreser, John I., (Cobleskill,) retired 

VAN DRESER, J. W. & H., (Cobleskill,) 

dairymen, dealers in thorongh-bred 

stock and farmers 200. 
Van Patten, A., (Cobleskill,) hotel and 

Van Schaick, John, (Cobleskill.) lawyer. 

Uesklll,) house painter. 



Van Valkenbargh, Chaa. S., (Coblesbill,) 

bouse painter. 
Van Valkenbargh,) Hiram, (Mineral 

Springe,) former leasee 80. 

ki)l,) carpenter and joiner. 
Van Vorls, John, fCobleskill,) echool com- 

mitsloner, ^ Diet. 

ville,.) farmer S80. 

Cave,) merchant, post master and coal 

Van Wagenen, James, (Cobleskill,) saw- 
mill and farmer 35. 
VANWIE, BBNJ., (Cobleskill,) marble 

Van Woert, J. H. Bev., (LaWyersville,) pas- 
tor Beformed Church. 
Vanderpool, Peter, (Howe's Care,) farmer 

Vroman, Thos., (Cobleskill,) gardener, 

grape grower and farmer 30. 
WAKEMAN, AI.ONZO, (LawyersTlUe,) 

(Walceman Bros.,) vosi voAitet. 
WAKEMAN BROS., (Lawyeraville,) {4lon- 

zo and SoraUo,) props, saw mill and 

WAKEMAN, HORATIO, (LawyersTille,) 

(.Wakeman Bros.) 
Walker, Calvin, (Barnerville,) farmer 50. 
WALKER, GEO. C, (Cobleskill,) farmer 

WALKER, JAMES, (Howe's Cav^e,) mason 

and farmer lOK. 
walker; JOHN J., (Cobleskm,)farmer 80. 

Warner, James A., (Warnerville,) farmer 

Webster, Ales. M,, (Cobleskill,) farmer 

♦WEEKS, WM. H., (Cobleskill,) publisher 
of Index. 

WERNER, PHILIP P., (Bamervilie,) phy- 
sician and stirgeon, and farmer 110. 

Weetfall, D. D. C., (Cobleskill,) (Vow A 
^ Westfatt.) 

WetsBl, Jacob, (Barnerville,) {WtUel d 

Wetsel & Shank, (Barnerville,) (Jacob 
Wettel and IPeler P. Shank,) farmers 31S. 

Wieting, Augustus F., (CobleBkill,) farmer 

Wieting, John C, (Cobleskill,) farmer 140. 

WILBER. JAMES H., (Cobleskill,) clerk 
with P. A. France. 

Williams, Marvin, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 

Willsey, Henry I., (East Cobleskill.) grocer. 

Willsey, Isaac L., (East Cobleskili,) shoe- 

Winters, Jefferson, (Barnerville,) farmer 
leases 180. 

WOLFORD, DOW, (Barnerville,) carpenter" 
and farmer 100. 

Worth, Herman, (Carlisle,) fiirmer leases 

Wright, John, (Cobleskill,) cooper. 

YOUNij, DAVID D., (Barnerville,) carpen- 
ter and joiner. , 

Young, John G., (Cobleskill,) retired far- 
mer 8. 

Young, W. H., (Cobleskill,) lawyer. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, Rnfus, (West Conesville,) farmer 
leases 100. 

Allen, James, (Conesville,) farmer 168. 

Bandow, John H., (Conesville,) retired 

Barlow, Galleta, (Brbome Center,) dairy- 
man and farmer 62. 

Barlow, John S., (Broome Center,) former 

Barrett, Michael, (West Conesville,) dairy- 
man and farmer 800. 

Hollow, Albany Co.,) carpenter, turner 
and farmer 60, 

Bartholomew, Solomon J., (Potter's Hol- 
low, Albany Co.,) carpenter and farmer 

Hartley, David, (Conesville,) dairyman and 

farmer ISO. 
Bartley, Loreta Mrs.. (Conesville,) talloress. 
BAR'fLEY, SIMEON, (Conesville.) former 


BAS8BTT, DANIEL, (Wfist Conesville,) 
millwright and Joiner. 

Bates, Gideoni (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) miller and farmer 66. ^ 

Benham, John T., (West Couesville,) phy- 
sician and surgeon. 

Beers, Ebenezet H., (Conesville,) dairy- 
man and farmer 170. 

Bishop, Manin, (Mattorklll,) ^uiith Jama 
Weed.) farmer 16. 

dairyman and farmer 118. 

BLOODGOOD, GEORGE H., (Conesville,) 
carpenter, dairyman and farioer iHH. 

BRAINERD, JASON P., (ManorkUl,) 
dairyman and former 100. 

dairyman, carpenter and former 30U. 

Brand, Allen, (Conesville,) dairyman and 
. former SOU. 

BRANDOW, CORNELIUS S., (Conesville,) 
dairyman and farmer 866. 

Brandow, Mathew H., (Conesville,) dairy- 
man and former 100. 

Brandow, Romeyn, (Conesville,) school 



Brink, Charlee, (ConesTllIe,) farmer 35. 

BRINK, DELBVAN. (ConeByiUeJ dalT- 
nuiii and farmer 100. 

BBIHK, JOHN H., (CaneerUle,) dairyman 
and farmer 96. 

Brown, Albert, (West ConeBvlIle,) blaclc- 

Brown, Albert K, (Hanorkill,) photo- 

Brown, Artemas, (West Coneeville,) (ArU- 
mas Brown db Son,) miUwrlgbt and far- 
mer 8. 

Brown, Artemae & Son, (West ConeavlUe,) 
(Lewie W..) gristmill. 

Brown, Lewis W., (Uilboa,) (.Artemas 
Brown Jk Son.) 

Brown, Wellington, (Manorkill,) town 
clerk and shoemaker. 

EUBHANS, WILLIAM W., (Manorkill,) 
(Hnmphrey & Surhans,) deputy post- 

Co.,) farmer 100. 

CAMUEIR, JOHNL., (ConesTille,) weaver 
and farmer 40. 

Carpenter, Smith S., (Manorkill,) farmer 

Case, Allen, (Conesville,) dairyman and far- 
mer 110. , 

Case, Betfey Mrs., (Conesville,) farmer 100. 

CASE, ELISHA, (Conesville,) prop, of saw- 
mill and former^. 

Case, ElishaG., (ConesTille,) ftirmer 144. 

Case, George, (Conesville,) blackstnitb, 
caMage maker, gunsmlUi and farmer 

Case, Joel, (Cone8v,llle,) dairyman and far- 
mer 140.' 

Case, William, (Conesville,) flirmer 109. 

Case, WiWton, (Manorkill,) dairyman and 
farmer 127. 
' CASTON, GEOBOE, (Manorkill,) farmer 

Chichester, William E., (Manorkill,) Hirmer 

Clark, David S., (Manorkill,) hrmer US. 

Cole, Loren P. Rev., (Oilbos,) clergyman 
and farmer 270. 

Cole, Luman. (Conesville,) blacksmith. 

Angeline C. Layman, prop. 

Cook, Albert, (West Conesville,) farmer 

CORNELL, JOHN T., (West Conesville,) 
merchant and carpenter. 

Conchman, Edward, (Manorkill,) dairyman 
and farmer leases of Jane Steele, 260. 

C0UC:HMAN, peter, (Conesville,) super- 
visor, member of assembly, dairyman 
and farmer 100. 

Craue, Erwin B., (Manorkill,) blacksmith 
and wagon maker, 

CROUCH, MARTHA Mrs., (West Cones- 
ville,) dairy and farmer ISO. 

Davis, Uriah, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 60., 

Pecker, loaac, (Conesville,) hatter and far- 
mer 100. 

Dewell, Cyms R., (Conesville,) farmer 133. 

Dewell, Cyrus W., (Conesville.) justice of 
the peace, dairyman and farmer 106. 

DkWITT, JOHN C, (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) dairyman, fruit raiser, 
sheep breeder and farmer 288. 

Dibble, Mahaley Mrs., (Conesville,) farmer 

Dingman, John H., (Manorkill,) assessor 
and farmer leases of George Simpson, 

Dingman, Joseph, (Manorkill,) fartner 100. 

Disbrow, Asanel. (Conesville,) dairyman 
and farmer }30. 

ELLIOTT, DAVID S., (Manorkill,) farmer 

Fanning, Benjamin, (ConesvlHe,) physi- 
cian and shrgeon. - 

Fox, David, (Hanorkill,) farmer 132. 

Fox, Giles, (Manorkill,) farmer 80. 

Frayer, Calvin J., (Manorkill,) farmer 100. 

Frayef, Malinda, (Manorkill,) farmer 56. 

Fredenbnrg, Hiram, (Conesville,) farmer. 

Freese, Roswell, (Manorkill,) farmer 200. 

Frost, Ambrose, cPotter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) former 78. 

Faller, Hezekiah, (Manorkill,) blacksmith 
and farmer 44. 

Fullington, Jennie Miss, (Broome Center,) 
tertaerSS. ' 

Gaylord, George, (Manorkill,) dairyman 
and farmer 126. 

GAYLORD, JOHN W., (Manorkill,) dairy- 
man and farmer 165. 

GATLORD, WOODFORD, (Manorkill,) 
overseer of the poor, dairyman and|far- 

GOODFBLLOW, G. T., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany QoJ farmer 70. 

Hollow, Albany Co.,) school teacher 
and farmer. 

Hollow, Albany Co.,) carpenter, dairy- 
man and farmer 100. 

Ooodfellow, John, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
' bany Co.,) farmer 100. 

Goodfellow, Sylvester P., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) farmer 64. 

Gordon, George, i(Manorkill,) mason and 
farmer 7. 

Gorse, John W, Rev., (Manorkill,) pastor 
<M. E. Chnrcb. 

iGRAHAM, JOHN, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany CouutyJ firmer 105. 

Gnstln, P. A., (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co.,) dairyman and farmer 100. 

HAMMOND, ELISHA, (Manorkill,) dairy- 
man and firmer 160. 

Hammond, Elisha Jr., (Manorkill,) school 

Haner, Isaac, (PrattsviUe, Greene Co.) far- 
mer 234. 

Harrington, Orlando, (Conesville,) farmer 

Hasklns, PhiUp, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co..) farmer 11. ^ 

Conesville,) marketman. 

HatOeld, William, (West Conesville,) con- 
stable and marketman. 

Hawver, James, (Conesville,) saw mill, 
dairyman and farmer 147. 

Hawver, William W., (Manorkill,) dairy- 
man and farmer 183. 

Hendricks, Winslow, (Manorkill,) dairy- 
man and farmer 200. 

Hinman, .Nelson, (Manorkill,) dairyman 
and farmer 148. 



Hitchcock, David 8., (ManorkiJU fanner 


notary public, prop, of saw mill, car- 

f enter, dairyman and farmer 270. 
LBNBBCK, TRUMAN, (Potter's Hol- 

,low, Albany Co.,) dairyman and flumer 

Howard, Jamea, (Manorkill,) carpenter and 

farmer 90. 
Howard, Sabrina, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
, Co,,) farmer 44. 
Hubbard, Betsey Mrs., (ManorklU,) farmer 

Hnbbard, Coland. (Preston Hollow, Albany 

Co.,) farmer leasee 100. 
HUBBARD, DaNAN., (Conesville,) wagon 

HUBBARD, ENOS, (Manorkill,) dairyman 

and farmer S23. 
Hnbbard, Orin, (Manorkill,) carpenter and 

farmer T5. 
Hulbert, Seymour B., (West Conesville,) 

Hnlbnrt, Renben H., (Manorkill,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 90. 
HUMPHREY & BUEHAN8, (Manorkill,) 

{Ira D. Humphrey and WiOiam W. 

Burhans^) general merchants. 
HUMPHREY, IRA D., (HanioildU,) 

qBumpkrey dt Burhane,) former 166, 
Hnnt, John, (Manorkill,) farmer 120. 
Hnntei;, William, (Conesville,) farmer 300. 
Jordan, Thomife, (Manprkill,) dairyman and 

farmer 80. 
KINGSLBY, HENONI A., (Conesville.) 

dealer in live stock, insnrance agent 

and temer llSi 

Conesville,) dairy and farmer 16T. 
EADU, CORNBLIUd, (ConesvlHe,) dairy- 
man and farmer 137. 
LAMOURE, GEORGE S., (Gilboa,) dairy- 
man and farmer SOT. 
LAMPHERE, JOHN, {Conesville,) boot 

and shoe maker, 

LAYMAN, ANGBLINB C*, (Conesville,) 
prop, of Conesville House. 

Layman, Hiram, (Conesvitle,) farmer 50. 

Layman, Peter A., (Conesville,) dairyman 
and former 95. 

Layman, Peter M., (Maqorklll,) grist and 
saw mills, and farmer 6. 

Lewis, Benjamin, (Manorkill,) dairyman 
and farmer 106. 

Lown, David Q., (Broome Center,) farmer 

Makely, Maria, (ManorkillO farmer 185. 

Makely, Peter, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 
Co,,) former 90, 

Mattice, Homera Mrs., (Manorkill,) dairy 
and former 440.. 

MATTICB, ISAA<;, (Manorkill,) dairyman 
and farmer 120. 

MAYMB, ISAAC P., (Conesville,) termer 

McGavjr^ John W„ (Conesville,) former 207. 

MILLER, DANIEL H., (Conesville,) as- 
sistant postmaster and general mer- 

Miller, Harmon, (Conesville,) dairyman 
and farmer 260. 

Miller, William, (Conesville,) former 180. 

Morse, John A., (West Conesville,) (Joseph 
MtrMdi Am,) carpenter, 

Morse, Joseph & Son, (West Conesville,) 
(John A.,) dairymen and formers 240. 

Myers, John H., (West Conesville,) dairy- 
man and farmer 112. 

G'BRYON, DENNIS R„ (Manorkill,) dairy- 
man and farmer 180, 

PARES, AMAZON, (ConesMle,) carpen- 
ter, dairyman and fanner 136. 

Patrie, Alexander W., (West Conesville,) 
assessor, dairyman and farmer 140. 

Patrie, C. Eimbe'r, (Conesville,) dairyman 
and former 100. * 

Patrie, Dolly Mrs*, (Conesville,) farmer 

Patrie, Polly, (Conesville,) former 60. 

Pi»He, 'Winslow P., (Conesville,) school 

Phelps, Orson, (Manorkill,) carpenter and 

ps, Rolla, (Conesville,) carpenteraud 
farmer 250. 

PHELPS, WALLACE, (Manorkill,) carpen- 
ter, wagon maker, constable aud col- 


RICHARDS, GEORGE, (Manorkill,) far- 
mer im,. 

Richmond, Almeron M., (West Conesville,) 

Bicbjnond, A. M. Mrs., (West Conesville,) 
dressmaking and tailoring. 

Richmond, dyna B., (Couecville,) con- 
stable, f 

Richmond, Daniel, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co,,) farmer 226. ' 

Richmond, Edward, (Conesville,) dairyman 
and farmer 168. 

Richmond, Stephen B., (West Conesville,) 
justice of the peace and boqt and shoe 

kill,) justice of the p6ace and farmer. 

Richtmyer, Cornelia Mrs., CConesvill,e,) 
farmer 8U. 

Richtmyer estate, heirs of, (Manorkill,) 
(Abram, EAviard, Mary E., E. HeUn, 
Mrs. MrvlUa;> farmers 780. 

RICHTMYER, JACOB R., (Conesville,) 
former 45. 

BICHTMYER, MADISON, (Conesville,) 
dalrymian and former 110. 

Richtmyer, WlUiain, (Conesville,) farmer 
160. ' i ' 

Richtmyer, William E,, (Conesville,) for- 
mer 160. 

RIDER, ISAAC, (pAnesville,) farmer 96. 

Rikard, George, (Manorkill,) dairyman and 
former 220. 

Rivenburgh, Jaqes, (Manorkill,) dairyman 
and farmer 160. 

Rogers, Henry T., (Manorkill,) farmer 100. 

HOSE, WESLEY, (Conesville,) dairymafi 
and farmer 77. 

RO»S, BUPBANIA Mbs,, (Manorkill,) 
dairy and farmer 150, 

Sanford, Sylvester, (Conesville,) cooper and 
herb doctor. 

Sanlsbury, Charles, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co,,) former leases of Mrs, H. ' 
Sanlsbury, 1S9. 

Sanlsbury, Hannah Mrs., (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) farmer 129. 



Scbemerhorn, Peter 8., (Potter's Hollow, 

Albany Co.,} blacksmith, dairyman and 

farmer \t&. 

ville,) farmer 106. 
ScoTill, Clinton, (ManorklU,) live stock 

dealer, dairyman ahd farmer 140, 

SCOVtLL, ELIJAH, (Manorkill,) black- 
smith, dairyman and farmer 300. 

SCOVILL, EUGEKB, (Sarham, Greene 
Co.,) farmer. 

SCOVILL, SOLOMON W., (Manorkilf,) 
apiarian and farmer. 

Scovule, Cyrus, (Manorkill,) dairyman and 
farmer ISO. 

Scoville, Joseph. (Manorkin.l (tanner BO. . 

SUOVILLB, JOSbPH C, (Manorkili,) far- 
mer 13. 

Scoville, Sylvester, (Darham, Greene Co.,) 
dairyman and farmer 130. 

Scoville, Theresa Mrs., (Durham, Greene 
Co.,) farmer 180. 

Scntt, John, (Potter's Hollow, Albany Co.,) 
firmer 16. _ 

Sellick, Lydia E., (west Conesville,) gen- 
' eral merchant. 

Shoemaker, Abram, (ConesvUleJ carpenter 
and(tei<A Wlrferttsni) lease* saw mill. 

Shoemaker, Wideman, (ConesTille,) (witlt 
Abramd leases saw mill. 

ville,) carpenter. _ 
SMALL, WILLIAM, (West ConesTille,) 

Smith, Ananias, (Manorkill,) dalifman and 

farmer 386. > 

Smith, David, (Conesville,) (Srmer IS. 
SMITH, JACOB, (Mandl^kill,) Jkrmer 121. 
Smith. John A., (Oak Bill, Greene Co.,) 

farmer ISO. ... 

Smith, Rhodes, (Manorkill,) dairyman and 

farmer 133. 
Smith, William, (Conesville,) farmer 100. 
Suow, Stephen, (Potter's Hollow, Albany 

Co.,) farmer 60. 
Snyder, Eliza A. Mrs., (West Conesville,) 

dairyman and Hrmer 96. 
SNYDER, GEORGE A., (Conesville,) 

school teacher, deputy sheriff and far- 

Snyder,' Jeremiah J., (Conesville,) black- 
smith, wagon maker and farmer 88. 

Snyder, Peter, ((>)nesville,) dairyman and 
farmer 70. _ „ .„ , j , 

Snyder, William, (Wast Conesville,) dairy- 
man and farmer 128. 

Sonles, Agnes, (Manorkill,) farmer 60. 

Steele, Jane, (Manorkill,) dairy and far- 
mer 360. 

STEVENS, LEVI P., (Gllboa,) farmer 175. 

Stfyker, George W., (West Conesville,) far- 
mer 109. 

Stryker, Peter M., (Gilboa,) farmer 100. 

SUTTON, A. NBTTLETON, (Manorkill,) 
dairyman and farmer 360. 

Talardy, Ovando, (Oak Hill, Greene Co.,) 
farmer 30<l. 

Thomas, A. Sidney, (West Conesville,) in- 
surance agent. 

Thomas, Erasmus D,, (WeBt%Conesville,) 
dairyman and fttrmer 168. 

Thompson, Abram, (Manorkill,) former 

Thompson, Darius, (Manorkill,) farmer 60. 

THORP, DOUGLASS B., (Manorkill,) live 
stock dealer, daityman and farmer 430. 

Thorp, Eugene, (Manorkill,) farmer 80. 

Tompkins, Deborah Mrs,, (Conesville,) far- 
mer 60. 

Travis, Caleb, (Conesville,) dairyman and 
farmer 340 

TRAVIS, JOHN 8., (Conesville,) ftirmer. 

Tuttle, James L., (Conesville,) farmer 74. 

Tattle, William, (ConeevlUej) dairyman and 
farmer 70. 

Van Dyke, George, (Conesville,) dealer in 
live stock and fanner 350. 

VAN LOAN, JACOB, (West Conesville,) 
dairyman and farmer 95. 

VAN LOAN, HANSOM,(Conesvllle,) dairy- 
man and Airmer 843. 

kill.) dairy and f^rtner 193. 

VOSBURGH, JOHN H., (West Conesville,) 
cooper and ehoemak^. 

Wade, fieri, (Manorkill,) saw mill, dairy- 
man and farmer 149. 

Wade, Marcus, (Manorkill,) peddler. 

Walker, John, (West Oonesville,) post 
master and clothier, 

Weed, James, (Manorkill,) {wUh Manin 
Buhop,) farmer 75. 

Weed, PhllemAn, (Manorkill,) dairyman 
and fanner 100. 

Weed, Sillick, (Conesville,) assessor, dairy- 
man and farmer 100. 

WILBUR, CLARK, (Manorkill,) veterin- 
ary surgeon, dairyman and former 86. 

WINAN8, PETER, (Potter's Hollow, 
Albany Co.,) justice of the peace and 
former 180. 

Wright, Burton C, (Manorkill,) farmer 


YOUNG, DAVID, (Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co.,) dairyman and farmer 147. 

Young. John W,, (Manorkill,) dairyman 
and farmer lUO. 

Young, Nathan M., (Manorkill,) carpenter 
and farmer 96. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Aecr, Clark C, (Bsperaoce.) retired ftirmer. 

ALBRIGHT, WILSON, (Bsperance,) far- 
mer. . , , 

Arner. Daniel, (Central Bridge,) cooper and 
ownB 11. 

AVBKt, JOHN. (Sloanevllle,) ftirmer 16. 

Baker, (Danoy>, (SloausvlUe,) farmer leasee 

Baker, Michael, (SloanBTille,) (brmer. 

Ball, John, (Sloaii»Tille,) fkirnier BO. 

Ball, MalTina Mise, (BloanavUle,) {foith 
Mrt. Haney E. Qaihei) farmer 89Ji. 

Ball, Margaret Mlu, 'iBloanevllle,) \witji 
Mrt, Marmah f. vanltiutn,) farmer 

Ball, Wm., (Esperance.) nirmer. 

Barrup, Oeorge, (Boperance,) farmer owns 


Barrup, Harvey, (SloanaTille.) firmer, 

Barrup, Wm-, (BlouiBTille,) farmer S. 

Barton, Wm., (SloilnBville,) farmer. 

Baeeett, Francis, (Sloansvllle,) farmer SO, 

Bassett, Henry, (Cesttal Bridge,) specula- 

BasBett,. Blram. (SloansviUe,) Ibrmer 46 
and leases CO. 

Bassler,!Ben]amliiB., (BloansvlUe,) ftirmer 

BatBler, Joslah, (Esperance,) hrmer 81. 

Baumes, Charles, (Bsperanoe.) farmer 134. 

Baumee, Oeorge, (Esperauce,) farmer 80. 

Baumes, George, (Orovunor's Corners,) ftir- 
mer 100. 

Baumes, Jacob, (SroTenor'e Corners,) far- 
mer 84. ■ 

Baumea, StepheD,(EBpernnce,) ftirmer 10S)j. 

Beardsley, S. F., (Esperance,) tailor, owns 
160. I ' 

Becker, John P., (SloansVUIe,) retired far- 

BEOKES, WM. H., (Esperanne,) dry goode 
and croceries. 

BBNT^LEY, HORACE, (Central Bridge,) 
farmer. ' 

BBNTON. ALVA, (BsperaBCe.^ farmer. 

liest. Mary MIbb, (SloaiiBVlUe,) milliner. 

BETTS, THOMAS. ;EspefBnce.) ftirmer. 

Bloiiis, Lewis P., (Slonintvllle,) farmer 78. 

Bloud, Charles, (Sloansvllle,) mechanic and 
owns 1. 

Boyco, D. R., (SloansTllle,) physician and 

Bradley, KItas, (Central Bridge,) carriage 
matter and farmer len»ei> 48. 

Bradt, Jobn,'(l:)loans-vlllu,) agent for E. J. 
Larrabeo & Co., Albany, and ownr I. 

Braman, John, (Central Bridge,) farmer 

f M.,(Bsperance,j farmer 30. 
r M. Jr., psparlnob,) farmer. 

Braman, Thomas, (Central Bridge,) farmer. 

Brand, Hiram, (Hloansvllle,) farmer OS. 

Brand, Milton, (Esperance,) farmer leases 

BRAZEE, AVERT, (Bsperanoe,) (^MssHn- 
ger A Brwuu.) 

BrIggB, G, B., (Esperanco,) druggist. 

BKIUGH, HIDNRIT, (BluanBTllle,; masou. 

Briges, Jacob, (SluansvlUe,) farmer 1. 

Bri|,');s, Peter, (aloanevllle,) farmer. 

BrlggB, Ruth A. Miss, (SloonevUle,) mil- 
liner. , 

Brown, Andrew K., (8JoBnB*Ule,) ftirmer 1. 

BROWN, HBNRY, (CentrolBrldge,) car- 
penter and joiner, 

Brown, Heury M., "" 

Brown.HenryM. J , , , „ 

Brown, Joseph I., (SloansTllle,) farmer iOS. 

Brown, Paul; (Eeperance,) dentist. 

BROWN, WM., (Bnpofauce,) farmer 4a. 

Bmmley, Edward H., (SloanaTilie,) cabinet 
maKer, owns 3. 

Bramly, A., (BsperanceO Aonr, grain and 
' feed store, and assessor. 

Brumly, O. L., (Sloansvllle.) book agient. 

Brumly, Duane, (Sloansvllle,) miller and 
owns 3, 

Brumly, Edwin R., (Bsperance,) black- 

Brumly, T. R.,(Sloan«vllIe,) retired ftirmer. 

BUCKBEB, JOSEPB,(Bsperance,) seaman, 
owna \X- 

Btirnap, Ixnac O., (Sloansvllle.) farmer 160. 

Burrnp, Robert, (Esperance,) farmer. 

Campbell, Brastus, (Espemce,; farmer. . 

Carney, Joseph, (BloanavUle,) (tnUA Samvtl 
IfruyT.) Iarmer63j<. 


Chapman, Lionel, (Eeperance,) farmrr 38. 

Chllson, Mr»., (Esperance,) ecamMruns. 

Clark, B. P. Prof.. (SluansvlUe,) teacher. 

Clark, Sarah A. Miss, (Sloanfvnie,) ullor- 

Olaik; W«lter A., (SloatasTlIle.) shoemaker. 

Clark, Win., (Sloansvllle,) shoe maker and 
owns i}f(, 

Clark, Wm. N., (Sloansvllle,) ftirmer. 

Clayton, Jonathan, (Esperance,) tin ped- 

Clemens, George, (Sloansvllle,) farmer. 

Clemens, James E.. (Sloansvllle,) farmer. 

Clemens, John H., (Sloausville,) ftirmer. 

Clemens, Mary C. Mrs., (Sioansvilie,) tall- 
ores*. » 

Cleveland, G., (Esperance,) retired farmer 
and carpenter. 

CLUTE, JAMES, (Sloansvllle,) ftirmer. 

CLUTE, JOHN P., (Sloansvllle,) farmers. 



Cole. Blrsm, (Etperance,) msson. 

CoDOTer, Alva, (Bapennce,) former 108. 

ConoTer, Jacob, (Eeperance,) farmer 49. 

Conover, John B., (wperance,) teamster. 

CouoTer, Wm. H., (£!>peraiice,) farmer 100. 

Coons, Elijah, (Central Bridee.) farmer. 

Coons, Henry A., (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Coons, Wm. J., (Centfal Bridge,) carpen- 
ter. • 

Cornell, Wm., (Central Bridge,) flirmer. 

Cornish, Emerson D., (Sloansvllle,) Armer. 

Cornish, Harvey, (SloansTille,) school 
teacher and farmer 73. 

Crandal, Edward, (SloansTiUe,) farmer 66. 

CRANDAL, JAHE8 H., (Bloansville,) dry 
goods, groceries and hardware, saper- 
visor and farmer 6. 

Crandall, Clark, (SloansTille,) fanner 10. 

Crandall, F. B., (SloaiisTille,) retire^ hat 

Crandall, Nathan, (81oansTille,) retired 

Crocker, 8. B., (Sloansvllle,) fiirmerlB. 

Cromwell, Adan^, (Esperance,) retired llu- 

Cromwell, Fhebe J. Mrs., (Esperance,) 

Cnrrie, Thotnas,XEsperance,) farmer 105. 

Dalrymple, John, (Esperance,) farmer. 

DaTesport, John, (Sloansvllle,) carpenter 
and owns 10. 

DAVEITPORT, J. A., (SloansTille,) car- 
penter and joiner, and photographer. 

De £a Vergne, John, (Esperance,) coal 

DeHoit, James, (Esperance,) retired far- 

De Mutt, James H., (Esperance,) farmer ST. 

De Hott, Wm., (Beperauce,) moulder. 

Dennison, Edwin, (Esperance.) farmer 80. 

Deuel, John L.. (Esperance,) retired tanner 
and cnrrier. 

Dewey, Abiisail M. Mrs., (Central Bridge,) 
farmer T6. 

Dewcy, Franklin, (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Dewey, Ira A., (Central Bridge,) (toith 
Soiamon C„) farmer leases 76. 

Dewey, Jernrae, (Sluausville,) assessor and 
farmer VT. 

Dewey, Solomon C, (Central Bridge,) 
\ivilh Ira A .,) farmer leases 76. 

Deyo, M. E. Mrs,, (Esperance,) dressmaker. 

Dietz, Albert, (Esperance,) farmer. 76. 

Dletz, Isaac H., (Hloansvilla,) farmer 107. 

Dixon, Bliaa I(rs., (Sloansvllle,) farmer 8. 

Dockstader, Jacob S., (Sloansvllle,) prop, 
of Eagle House. 

Donaldson, J. H., (Esperance,), lawyer. 

Dorn, Alexander J., (Orovenor'a Corners,) 

Dom, John, (Sloansvllle,) fltnner 40 and 
leases 140. 

Dom, Robert S., (Sloansvllle,) farmer. 

Dom, Wm. E., (Sloansvllle,) overseer of 
the poor and fanner 176. 

Dnnbar, Henry, (SIbansville,) farmer SW. 

Dwelly, Daniel, (Sloansville,) farmer 76. 

Dwelly, Ilwin, (Sloaasville,) carriage 

Dwelly, Jerome, (Sloansvllle,) commission- 
er of A. 'AS. A. R. snd fanner 136. 

Dwelly, John H., (Sjoansvllle,) wagon 
maker, blacksmith and farmer 30. 

DWELLY, OSCAR, (Sloansvllle,) black- 

Baton, H. R. Miss, (Esperance,) milliner. 

Bgleston, George, VEsperanoe,] (iknner. 

Egleston, Qeorge W., (Central Bridge,) far- 
mer 8. 

BndersJJavid, (Central Bridge,) IfMhWm. 
A. Hogan,)-1t,Tmet leases 3(i0. 

ENDER8, DAVID, (Sloansvllle,) commis- 
sioner of A. & S. R. B. anH owns 35. 

Enders, John, (Central Bridge,) farmer 150. 

Enders, Page, (Sloansville,) Tarmer. 

finders, Peter, (Sloansville^) farmer 388. 

Enders, Peter I., (Central Bridge,) retired 
former 300. 

ance,) Wm. Stahley, prop. 

Estes, Francis H., (Esperance,) batcher. 

Falrchild, A. L., (Esperance,) former 93. 

Felker, Thomas, (Central Bridge,) farmer. 

Fethers, D. Li, (Esperance,) prop, of Union 

Fisher, Jacob, (Central Bridge,) farmer 140. 

Foster, Spencer, (Sloansville,) farmer 5. 

Frayer, Samuel, (Sloansville,) {with Joteph 
Varneu,) famier ttiff. 

Fnller, T. E., (Sloansville,) carpenter and 
farmer &6Jf. ( ' 

Qage, Benjamin F., (Esperance,) (,Oage & 

Gage, Lewie, (Esperance,) (,Ottge db Son,) 

Gage & Son, (Esperance,) (Lttrtt and Ben- 
jamin F.,) soda water and sarsaparilla 

Qaige, Nancy E. Mrs., (Sloansville,) (with 
JUiaMalvina Bail,) tutmvt 39X. 

GALLUP, DANIEL R., (SloansTille,) 
(SchMykr <t GaUup^ postmaster. 

Gardiner, Daniel D., ^Central Bridge,) far- 
mer 180. 

Gardiner, Robert C, (Central Bridge.) far- 

Gardiner, Thomas, ((Jentral Bridge,) farmer 

Gipe, Frederick, (SloansTille,) farmer. 

(^oraon, ,Bzekiel, (Sloansville,) former 
leases Its. , 

.Gordon. E. P. Mrs.,(BBperanceJ resident. 

GORDON, JOSiEPH,. (SloansTille,) former. 

Gordon, Joseph H., (Sloanarille,) dairy- 
man and farmer 145. 

Gordon, Peter C:, (SloansTille,) carpenter 
and owns 3. 

GREEN, RICHARD, (Cehtral Bridge,) far- 
Oriswold. Peter, (Central Bridge,) former. 
Uager, Jacob N., (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Banes & Isbam, (Esperance.) {WUliam 

nana an<f Affird H. jMum,) grist 

Hanes, William, (Esperance,) (Hatui it 

HAFPB & CARR, (Esperance,) (Frideriek 
If. Bappt and Aliat Cairr,) cabinet 

makers and undertakers. 
HAPPB, FREDERICK W., (Bsperance,) 

(Bappe <t Carr.) i 

Hare, Daniel D,, (Esperance,) p<;ddler. 
Hare, Jamea, (Esperance,) masab. 



It^ 3)evotes attention to every department of 3)entistry. 

leeth extracted without pain by the use of Mtrous 
Oxide Gas, i 


(Succesaor to E. 'W. Badger,) 


Horse Powers, Threshers I Cleaners, 

Fanning Mills, Churns, Circular Saws. 

1^° Sepairinff ^one in the Sest Manner. 
FliY CREEK, - Otsego County, N. Y. 

The llicldlebnr^h Gazelle, 

An Independent Journal, 

S>evoted to Ziterature, Agriculture, General In- 
telligence and Zocai Interests. 

Published Saturday Mornings 


Editor and Proprietoi:. 



Hate, Wm. D„ (BBperanee,) ftrmer. 

BaBRIS, ALONZO, (Sloaasville,) former. 

Harris, L. U., (Eeperance,) physician and 
owns 66. 

HAVERLT, PAUL, (Cenfral Bridge,) far^ 
mer 135. 

Hawes, Isaac, (Espetance,) farmer 108. 

HaweB, Bicbard, (Ksperauce,) farmer 53. 

Hazelton. John F., (B^perance,) lawyer 
aud U. S. assistant aasesBor of internal 

Bead, Glnatban, (Eeperance,) shoema,ker. 

Bemp8ted, Nelson, (Espet-ance,) tailor. 

HemsLreet, Jesse A., (Esperance,) farmer. 

Hem street, John R. Mrs., (Esperance,) far- 
mer 96. 

Herrick, Clara Mrs.,(Elsperance,) milliner. 

HEERICK, JONATHAN, (Esperance,) 
' mason. 

Bitchman, Jacob, (Central Bridge,) ftirmer 

Boag, David, (81oanaville,) retired farmer. 
Houg, Geo. W., (Sloanevilie,) farmer. 
Hoagv John I., (Sloausville,) farmer 183. 
HOGAN, ISAAC, (Central Bridge,) carpen- 
ter aud owns 1. ' 
HO&AN, ISAAC, Jb., (Central Bridge,) 

carpenter and joiner, and owns 6. 
HOGAN, JOHN, (SloansvUle,) farmer. 
Bogan, Wm. A., (Central Bridge,) {with 

Damd Enders,) farmer leases aob. 
Houck, Jacob H., (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Bnuter, John, (Esperance,) ezpresaman. 
Isham, AlfVed H., (Esperance,) (Banes <& 

imam,) -jDstice of the peace. 
Jaques, Aagnstas H., (Central Bridge,) 

JONES, CLARENCE, (Esperance,) farmer. 
Jones, Hiram, (Esperance,) carpenter and 

farmer 114. 
JONES, NELSON D., (Esperance,) farmer 

leases 186. 
Jones, Robert, (Central Bridge,) farmer 

leases 100. 
Jones, Thomas, (Central Bridge,) farmer. 
Kaaper, Isaac, (Sloansville,) farmer 90. 
Easper, John B., (Sloan sville,) farmer. 
Kelijr, John, (Esperance,) physician and 

surgeon, and owns 64. 
Kelly, John M. S., (Esperance,) farmer 

leases 64. ,-' 
Keongh, John, (Esperance,) farmer 100. 
EILHER, MARTIN L., (Sloansville,) 

assessor and fanner 110. 
Knight, John C, (Grovehor's Comers,) far- 
mer leases 116. 
Knight, Joseph, (Sloansville,) farmer 77. 
KNIGHT, S. A., (Sloansville,) {with Oscar 

O. iVcwton,) farmer leases TT. 
Larkiq, Abel, (Grovenor's Corners,) farmer 

Larkin, Israel, (Sloansville,) retired farmer 

7. ; . , 
Larkin, Jehial, (Sloansville,) farmer 17. 
Larkin, Phineas G., (Sloansville,) farmer 

Lawyer, Henrietta Miss, (Central Bridge,) 

Leake, L. A., (Esperance,) dentist. 
Leonard, L. I., (^perance,) physician and 

Lettis, Wm., (Slqansyilla,) fiinner. 
Liddel, John, (Esperance,) retired farmer. 

Lownsberry, Charles, (Sloansville,) carpen- 1 
ter and fhrmer 58. ■' «■ | 

Man, Jacob N., (Central Bridge,) carpenter 

Mandell, Henry, (Esperance,) retired me- 
chanic and merchant. 

MANTLE, THOMAS H„ (Esperance,) far- 

Jlarl^el, Henry, .(Central Bridge,) farmer 

MARKEL, PETER, (Central Bridge,) far- 

Markel, Wra. J., (Central Bridge,) foreman 
of S. V. R. R. and owns 4. 

MoAuley, John P., (Esperance,) farmer 100. 

MoCARTT, GJIORGB, (Esperance.) har- 
ness maker. 

McCarty, George W., (Esperance,) harness 

McCarty, James, (Esperance,) mason; 

Mclntoah, Alexander, (Esperance,) (Mcin- 
tosh & TurnbUtt.) '» 

Mcintosh, Hiram, (Sloknsville,) hotel prop, 
and farmer ^. 

Mcintosh & Tnmbull, (Esperance,) (.Alex- 
ander Mcintosh and George TumbuB,) 
dry goods, boots and shoes. 

McKee, A. H., (Sloansville,) hardware and 

McMaster, H., (Sloansville,) saw and feed 
mills, and farmer 40. 

McMaster, J, B., (Sloansville,) justice of 
the peace and farmer 10. 

McMaster, Robert, (Sloansville,) retired 
firmer 10. 

McMaster, Wm., (Sloansville,) farmer 108. 

Mead, Jehiel, (Esperance,) retired fahner. \ 

Mericle, Henry, (Esperance,) fermer 70. 

MESSINGER & BRAZ2E, (Esperance,) 
(Starrs Messinger and Avery Brazes,) 
watchmakers and jewelers. 

MESSINGER, STORRS, (Esperance,) (Mes- 
singer <& Bragee.) 

Miller, James, (Esperance,) paper and saw 
mills, and &rmer 140. 

Miller, Nicholas, (Esperance,) former. 

MILLER, SAMUEL, (Central Bridge,) far- 
Montanye, Cyrns, (Esperance,) farmer 215. 
Montayne, Edward S., (Esperance,) bntcher 

and owns 10. 
MONTANYE, GEORGE N.,' (Sloansville,) 

Montanye, George Y., (Sloansville,) farmer 

Montanye, Hiram, (Esperance,) farmer. 
Montanye, Hiram L., (Sloansville,) farmer 

MONTANYE, JOHN 0., (Esperance,) prop. 

of Phoenix House. t 

Montanye, John T., (Esperance,) former 66. 
Montanye, Xewis A., (Esperance,) farmer 

Montanye, Walter, (Sloansville,) farmer. 
Montanye, Wm. C, (Esperance,) farmer 66. 
Moore, Geo. G., (Sloansville,) farmer. 
Moore, Geo. W., (Sloansville,) former 50. 
Moore, Lonisa Mrs., (Esperance,) residei^. 
Mosher, D. Z., (Sloansville,) justice of the 

peace and farmer 100. 
Mott, BethueLXEsperance,) farmer. 
Myers, Henry, (Sloansville,) farmer 165. 
Myers, James H., (Sloansville,) farmer. 
Myers, Peter W., (Sloansville,) larmet. 

Q at 




NEWTON, DAVID F., (Qrovenor'e Coif- 

nere,) maion. 
Newton, Oscar O., (Sloaasville,) (with S,. 

A. Knight,) farmer leaies T7. 
North, John B., (SloanaTille,) farmer 13. 
NORWOOD, DAVID, (Esperance,) phyri- 

Nostrant, Lewis, (SIoantTUle,) farmer leas' 

es 104, 
OUinger, John, (Esperance,) shoemaker. 
FangDum, Peter, (Esperance,) farmer 63. 
Fern, George, (Sloansvitle,) Armer 140. 
Fern, Feter, (SloansTille,) fkrmer. 
Petre, Albert, (Central Bridge,) blacksmith. 
Pettyes, Charles, (SloansTilTe,) farmer 61. 
Phelps, John A., (Sloansville,) farmer 137, 
Phelps, Lemnel, (Central Bridge,) carriage 

maker andpainter, owns S. 
PHILIPS, NEWTON, (Esperance,) mason. 

FHCENIX HOUSE, (Esperance,) John O. 
Montanye, prop. 

Qnackenbusb, Geo. 9., (Esperance,) farmer. 

Qnackenbush, John, (Esperance,) wheel- 
wright and former 80. 

Qaick, Dewit C, (SloansTlIle,) carriage 
maker and constable. 

Heed, James H.,^8perance,) carpenter. 

Riggs, John C, (Esperance,) paint shop. 

Rockwell, Angus A., (Esperance,) farmer 
and teacher. 

Rqdtwell, Hsrctet Mrs., (Esperance,) far- 

RocKwell, Rufiis, (Esperance,) farmer 110. 

Rockwell, Ursula Miss, (Esperance,) dress 

ROCKWEX.L, WM. A., (Esperance,) car- 
penter and joiner, and school teacher. 

Root, Jotin M., (Esperance,) grocer. 

Root, Orlando, (Esperance,) machinist. 

Root, Wm. P., (Esperance,) millwright 
and farmer 60. 

Rowley, Joel A., (Esperance.) farmer 4S. 

RYAN, SETH, (tSIoansville,> farmer. 

SCHUYLER & GALLUP, (SloansTille,) 
Ufohn L. Schuyltr and Daniel B. Gail- 
tap,) dealers in dry goods, drugs and 

Schuyler, Garret L., (Esperance,) farmer 

SCHUYLER, JOHN L., (Sloansville,) 
(8tkuaAtr & Qattup.) 

SCOTT, ISAAC v., (SloansTille,) carpea- 

Seeley, A. H. Rev., (Esperance,) pastor of 
Presbyterian Church. 

SeTerson, John, (Sloansville,) farmer?. 

Severson, Peter, (Sloansville.) fanner IDS, 

Sharp, Joel, (Esperance,) (Timbt ASharpJ) 

Sherburne, Henry, (Esperance,) physician, 

Sherwood, Samuel, (Esperance,) black- 

Shout, J. M., (SloansTille,) harness maker 
and commissioner of highways, owns 


Shout, Schuyler B., (SloansTille,) painter 
and harness inaker. 

SHOUT, WH. F., (Central Bridge,) fttrmer 

Silvemale, Conrad, (Esperance,) former 80. 

Simpklns, A, B., (Esperance,) wagon mak- 

Slngerland, Charles A., (Sloansville,) black- 

Slingerland, Aaron, (Sloansville, (wilh 
Severenut,) former 213. 

Slingerland, SeTerenus, (Sloansville, (uiM 
AaronA farmer 213. 

Slingerland, S. S., (SloaDsTllle,)' black- 
smith and owns 2. 

SMITH, LEWIS, (SloansTille,) farmer. 

Smith, Thomas, (Central Bridge,rownB 14. 

Springer, Catharine Mrs., (Central Bridge,) 

Springer, Jeremiah, (Central Bridge,) far- 

Stahley, Emlle, (Esperance,) marble cutler. 

STAHLEY, Wm., (Esperance,) prop. Es- 
perance Marble Works. 

Stevens, Mark W., (SloansTille,) U. S, claim 
agent and farmer 7. 

Stienmits, Aaron, (Central Bridge,) broom 
maker and former 2. 

Slratton, Charles, (Sloansville,) former. 

Stratton, Dorcas Mrs., (SloansTille,) former 

Suitor, Wm., (Sloansville,) farmer 63^. 

Sutherland, Henry, (Sloansville,) former 

SWEET, CHARLES, (SloansTille,) farmer. 

Talbot, John G,, (SloansTille,) patent right 

Taylor, George, (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Taylor, Jefferson, (Central Bridge,) farmer, 

TIPPLE, CHARLES B., (Sloansville,) fa^ 

Teeple, Edward J., (Sloansville,) farmer IS6. 

Teeple, E. Mrs., (Sloansville.) former 3X. 

Teeple, Geo, M., (Sloansville,) physician, 
coroner and owns 6. 

Teeple, Henry, (Sloansville,) farmer 150. 

Teeple, S. C, (Sloansville,) general mer- 

Topping, R. M., (Esperance,) retired mer- 
chant, owns IX. 

Tower, John, (Esperance,) former. 

Tower, John, Jr. (Esperance,) painter. 

Tranor, Terrance, (Central Bridge,) mason 
and former 9. 

Tubbs, George L., (Esperance,) {Tubbi A 

Tubbs, Jesse A., (Esperance,) former 79. 
Tubbs & Sharp, (Esperance,) (Qeorgt L. 

Ttibbt and Joel Sharp,) tin, etoves and 

Turnbnll, George, (Esperance,) {Uclnttith 

Tuttle, Sally Mrs., (Esperance,) resident. 
Valiant, Peter^Bsperance,) former 45. 
Van Derveer, Fitch, (Sloansville,) former 

Van Dusen, Hannah B. Mrs., (Sloansville)) 

(wiCA Mfm Itaqaret Ball,) former 48. 
Van Natta, Wm., (Esperance,) farmer 80. 
Van Veetttan, Aimes, (Esperance,) grocer. 
Van Vechten,. Margaret Mrs., (Esperance,) 

Van Wie, Smrgtf, (Esperance,) blacksmith 

and owns 99. 
VanBBndt, Feter, (Grorenor's Corners,) 

former 98. 
Vnnck, Charles H., (Bepefonce,) farmer. 
Vunck, Henry F., (Esperance,) farmer leas- 
es 96. 
Vnnk, Daniel, (BloueviUe,) carpenter and 

former 4. 



Wager, P. B.. (Central Bridge,) engineer In 
Bteam mill, carpenter and owni 10. 

WATERS. LTUAN, (Sloansvtlle.) farmer. 

WenCworth, George L., (Central Bridge,) 
fttrmer 41. , 

Wereley, Wesley, (Sloanerllle,) carpenter 
and owns 1. - 

Weet&Il, Abram, (Bsperance,) prop, of 
reelaarant and soda water manuf. 

Weetftill, Abram, (SloanarlUe,) retired for- 
mer. ' 

Brldgej former. 

Weetbll, Henry B., (SloauBTllle,) mason 

Westwall, Wm., (Sloansvllle,) mason and 
town clerk. 

WBTHERFORD, SIMON, (Esperance,) 

former 4. 
Wbeaton, Reuben T., (Bspeiance,) former. 
Wilbur, Nathaniel B., (Central Bridge,) 

WILLIAMS, EUAS, (Grovenor'a Corners,) 

Wllllnms, Bnstas, (Bspemnce,) former 80. 

Willsey, Cynthia Mrs., (Sloansville,) dresi 

Winnie, Wm. H., (Esperance,) former. 
Woolson, Emma W. Miss, (Esperance,) 
' dressmaker. ' ' 

Woolson, Roswell, (Esperance,) prop, of . 

foundry, planing mill, 

and plougn manuf. 

machine shop 
*W., (Esperance,) retired 

Wooster, Wm 

WRIGHT, BENJAMIN, (Sloansville,) far- 
mer 7. 

Wright, Bros., (Esperance,) [Thomai and 
2r<nry,) general merchants. 

Wright, Henry, (EsperanceJ ( WHgM Bros.) 

Wright, Richard, (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Wrigbt, Samne! R.,<Oei^al Bridge,) former 

Wright, Sylvester, (Esperance,) black- 
Wri^jt, Thomas, (Esperance,) {Wright 

Yonng, Harrison,(Qrovenor's Comers,) for- 
mer lift. 
Zeh, Paul, (Esperance,) farmer Ma. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abram, William N., (West Fulton,) carpen- 
ter and former GO. 

Abrams, Miller, (West Fulton,) former 
leases of D. Joslln, Sfl. 

Adams, Ambrose W., (Fultonham,) former 

Akeley, Martin, (West Fulton,) former. 

Aker, David, (Mineral Springs,) former 100. 

Aker, John S., (Coblesklll,) former 245. 

Akerson, Hiram, (Breakabeen,) farmer SO. 

Akley, Edgar, (West Folion,) post master. 

Armlln, Philip, (Breakabeen,) former 60. 

ARMLING, TUNIS, (Breakabeen,) former 

». — - 

Armling, William, (Breakabeen,) former 

Ash, Betsey E. Mrs., (West Fulton,) former 

Avury, Jobn, (Fultonham,) former 55. 
Baker, William, (Fultonham,) grist and saw 

mills, and former 100. 
Barkraan, John, (Fultohham,) former ISO. 
Barnard, Oanle', (Mlddleburgh,)shg« maker 

and former 4S. 
Becker, Dennis, (Breakabeen,).carpenter. 

BECKER, JACOB J., (West Fnlton,) foi^ 

mer 8(1. 
BECKER, WILLIAM G., (Futtaahun,) br^ 

BERGU, ALBERT, (Breakabeen,) former 

100 and (tsUA imAiNylwt,) prop, of 

saw mill. 

Bergh, BeiOamin, (Breakabeen,) farmer 

Bergh, Sophia Mrs., (Breakabeen,) former. 
BERGH, WASHINGTON, (Breakabeen,) 

former SOO and (tvlM ABHft,) prop, of 

sa# mill. 
Best, Charles S., (Fultonham,) postmaster 

and shoemaker. 
Best, Jacob, (Fultonham,) former SO. 
Best, William, (Fultonham,) shoemaker 

and farmer 8. 
Bice, £«a D., (FultonhamJ shoemaker. 
Bice, Mlnerd R.,. (West Fnlton,) school 

teacher and former 70. 
Bircbotd, Ellas, (Coblesklll,) former 49. 
Bishop, Catherine, (Mlddlaburgh,) Ihrmer 

Borst, Chas.,(Mlddlebnrgh,) former. ^ 

BORST, CHARLES H., (Breakabeen,) 
town clerk. 

Bouck, Anna M., (Fultonham,) former 160. 

BOUCK, CHARLES, (Fultonham,) flumer 
4110. ' 

Bonck, Daniel, (Breakabeen,) farmer 100. 

Bouck, George H., (BreakobeenO former 

Bonck, George P., (Middlebnrgh,) former 

BOCCK, JEREMIAH, (Breakabeen,) black- 

trady, James, (West Fulton,) former ISO. 

Braman, James B., (Coblesklll,) former 

Bnnn, Kdwaid H., (Weet Fulton,) farmer 


BUBQBT, CATT, (BrcakabeenJ prop, of 

BtrnGBT, CHAHLKS S., (Faltonham,) 

hotel prop., blacksmith and cooper. 
Burget, George W., (Fultonham,) cooper. 
Bniget, Peter, (Fnltonham,) cooper and 

Burget, WilliamB., (Breakaheen,) apiarian, 

cabinet maker, tailor, tiuBinlth and 

Campbell, Fnrman M., (Breakabeen,) far- 

mer 160. 
Campbell, George C, (Mineral Springe,) 

school teacher and farmer S)3. 
Campbell, Hiram, (Fnltonham,) farmer 70. 
Campbell, Milto^~ (Breakabeen,) farmer 

leases 13U. • 
Chapman, Jacob, (Breakabeen,) farmer 130. 
Chapman, Jacob, (Pnltouham.) farmer. 
Chapman, Mosee, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Chapman, Spencer, (Fnltonham,) farmer. 
Cbane, George W., (West Fulton,) former 

Chase, John, (Cobleskill,) farmer 100. 
Chase, Joseph, (West Fulton,) cooper and 

farmer 30. 
Clapper, Itaymond, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Clapper, Bichard, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Clark, Isaac, (West Fulton.) farmer 97. 
CLARK, JAMES, (West Fulton,) prop, of 

West Fhlton House. 
CoUtas, Jacob, (Franklinton,) local preach- 
er, carpenter and farmer 66. 
Comstock, Chas. H., (Summit,) farmer 40. 
Conaro, Humphrey, (Snmmlt,) farmer 208. 
Conine, Berick, (Fnltonham,) farmer 120. 
Cook, Charles, (Eminence,) farmer lUO. 
Cook, Truman L., (Eminence,) carpenter 

and farmer 86. 
Coon, Harman, (Summit,) farmer. 
Cornell, Maria, (Bmiuence,) tailoress. - 
Cornell, Smith, (West Fulton,) farmer Il6. ' 
Cornell, Warren, (Mineral Springsi) furmer 

Crapser, Philip, (Summit,) ftirmer 60. 
Crnry, Horace B., (Fnltonham,) farmer. 
Crawford, Joseph, (West Fulton.) farmer 

Cowen, James, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer IGO. 
Ooweu, William, (West Fulton,) former 

6iJ. . 
Dawley,, George, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Dawley, Johnt(Weat Fulton,) dairyman and 

farmer 306. 
Dearstine, Andrew, (Breakabeen,) black- 
DEAR8TTNB, DAVIBO., (West Fulton,) 

cooper and farmer leases of B. B. Ash, 

Dearatyne, Lydla L. Mrs., (West Fulton,) 

firmer 66. 
Decker, Charles, (Breakabeen,) farmer 200. 
Denuy^ Horace, (lEminence,) carpenter and 

prop, of saw miUi, 
Dibble, Ambrose, (West Pulton-,) farmer 

leases of Samuel Kelly, 78. ' < 
Dibble, Bartholomew F., (West Fulton.) 

farmer 100. 

Dibble, Benjamin, (Bummit.) farmer 84. 

Dibble, Charles, (Summit,) farmer 140. 

Dibble, David, (West Fulton,) farmer 75. 

Dibble, MenKo, (Summit,) faimereo. 

Dibble, Mir.zo, (West Fulton,) farmer 50. 

DOTY, WILLIAM, (Breakabeen,) farmer 

Dudley^ Addison, (Breakabeen,) shoe 

Dudley, Daniel L., (Breakabeen,) shoe 

Dudley, George S., (North* Blenheim,) 

Edmonson, James, (Fnltonham,) school 
teacher. • 

Sills, Daniel, (Fnltonham,) former 60. 

EMPIE, LUTHER, (Breakabeen,) (.faAn J^, 
Zeli ds Co.) 

Faneher, Harrey W., (West Pulton,) far- 
mer 150. 

FEECK, JACOB, Jr., (Fnltonham,) far- 
mer 160. 

Peeck, Jacob J., (Fnltonham,) blacksmith 
and farmer 306. 

FELLOWS, M. B., (West Fulton,) general 

Finch, John, (Fnltonham,) saw mill and 
farmer 160. 

FINEQAN, MICHAEL, (West Fulton,) 

Poland, Jonas, (Breakabeen.) carpenter. 

Poland, Martin L., (Breakabeen,) carpen- 
ter, blacksmith and farmer 95. 

Folick, John H., (Mineral Springs,) cooper 
and farmer 103. 

Foster, Edward, (West Pulton,) farmer 90. 

POSTER, THOMAS G., (Fnltonham,) 

^ general merchant, ^love and mitten 
manuf., deputy postmaster and farmer 

Prance, David, (Mineral Springs.) farmer 
100. i- s ,/ 

Prayer, Adam, (Breakabeen,) farmer 100. 
i'reemyer, John, (Breakabeen,) farmer 100, 
Freemyer, William, (Breakabeen.) former 

FuUington, Angeline Mrs., (West Pulton,) 

farmer 60. 
Gardner, Bichard, (West Fulton,) former 

Gates, Abram, (Breakabeen,) singing teach- 
er and former 114. • 

Gates, Edmond, (Breakabeen,) former 176. 

Gates, Horatio, (Breakabeen,) apiarian and 
farmer 10. / 

Gates, Stephen, (Breokabeen,) farmer 80. 

Getter, David, (Fnltonham,) blacksmith. 

GETTER, HABVEY, (Fnltonham,) black- 

GETTER, HENBY, (Fnlionham.) 

Gifford, James F., (Summit,! fiirmec leases 
of Chas. Myer, ISO. 

Gifford, Paul, (Weet Pulton,) farmer 67. 

Gifford, Simon, (Breakabeen,) farmer 71. 

Gorse, DaVid, (WeKt P'lltOu,) farmer 113. 

Gray, John, (Summit,) farmer 94. 

Gray, William, (Summit,) farmer 70. 

Hadsel, Peter, (West Pulton,) farmer 180. 

Hager, Daniel J., (Breakabeen,) shoe 

Ham, Alonzo, (Breakabeen.) carpenter and 

Ham, Jeremiah, (WestPulton,) farmer 160. 

Ham, Stephen, (West Fulton,) farmer. 

Ham. Valentine, (Breal>a1)eeii,) cooper and 

farmer leasee of J. J. Shnltie, £. 
HANES, ABRAHAM, (Pultouham,) farmer 

Hanes, Charlee B., (Fnltonham,) carpenter 

and cooper. 
Hanes, George L., (Fnltonham,) firmer 200. 
Hanes, Jacoo H., (Fultonlism,) carpenter 

and farmer 95. 
Hanei!, Peter, (Fnltonham,) jnatice of the 

peace, shoemaker and farmer 40. 
Bfannay, Hamilton F., (West Fulton,) tu-' 

mer 80. 
Harder, Alfred, (West Fnlton,) fiirmer 800. 
Harris, Laking, (West Fnlton.) farmer 126. 
Harris, Wellington, (Mineral Springs,) fiir- 

mer 78. 
Haynes, George W.,(Middlel)nreh,) farmer. 
Hayues, JohnX., (MlddleburghO termer BO. 
HAYNES, PETBE S., (Middlebnrgh,) 

. broom manaf. and farmer 140. ^ 

Hemstreet, Adam, (West Fnlton,) saw mill 

and firmer 25. 
Henniss, Abram, (West Fulton,) firmer 

Henniss, John, (West Fnlton.) firmer 200. 
Hess, Benjamin, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Hess, Caleb, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 48. 
Hillsinger, Abram, (West Fulton,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 120. 
HILTS, GBOEGB, (Breakabeen,) firmer. 
Hilts. Gideon D., (Breakabeen,) firmer 500. 
HILTS, JAY, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

Hitchman, Josiah, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

Hoffman, Henry, (Breakabeen,) cooper. 
Hogan, Oliver, (Breakabeen,) farmer 159. 
Hollenheck, William, (West Fulton,) fa> 

mer 65. 
Holiday, Albert B., (Fnltonham or West 

Fnlton,) farmer 78. 
HoUlday, Harvey H., (Fnltonham,) firmer 

leases oi Bartholomew Becker, 9$. 
Hblliday, Henry, (Fnltonham,) IfliBber 

dealer, prop, of savr mill and. farmer 

Holliday, William E., (Fnltonham,) firmer 

HOLM*:S, JOHN. (West Fulton,) farmer 2. 

cai-penter and farmer 167. 
Hotaling, Jacob, (West Fulton,) farmer 75. 
Hussong, Leopold, (Breakabeen,) carriage 

Ingraham. Eli, (West Fnlton,) shoemaker. 
Ingram, Michael, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Ingram, Knesel, (West Fulton,) shoemaker 

and farmer 30. 
Jackson, Andrew, (West Fulton,) saw mill 

and farmer 116. _^ 
Johns, Robert, (West Fnlton,) firmer 70. 
Jones, Aianson, (Fnltonham.) mason. 
Jones, BmelineMrs,, flPnltonbam,) carpet 

weaver and farmer SS. 
Jones, Kenben, (Eminence^ fermerTl. 
Jones, Stephen S., (West Fulton,) ifirmer 

Joslin, Daniel, (West Pulton,) firmer 130. 
Joslin, Lucius, (West Fulton,) farmer 80. 
Kane, A. B., (Mineral Springs,) farmer 115. 
Keyser, Abram, (Breakabeen,) farmer 100. 

Keyser, Jacob, (Breakabeen,) saw mill and 

farmer 300. 
Keyser, Peter W., Oreakabeen,) cooper 

and firmer. 
King, Abram J., (West Pulton,) carpenter 

and farmer 200. 
King, Philip, (Mineral Sprlngs,)cooper and 

termer 50. 
Kling, Christopher, (West Fulton,) grist 

KUng, John N., (Ftiltbnham,) miller, prop. 

of sawonill and farmer 43. 
KLING, MABTIN L.^ (Breakabeen,) black- 
Kneskern, Harrison, (Breakabeen,) cooper 

and farmer 60. 
Lament, Stuart, (West Fnlton,) saw mill. 

LAWYEK, GEORGE M., fPultonham,) 

LAWYER, PHILIP B., (Fnltonham,) as- 
sessor and farmer 120. 

Lawyer, Valentine M., (Fnltonham,) phy- 
sician and surgeon, and farmer 140, 

Lee, Richard, (West Fnlton,) farmer 76. 

Le»allBy, Amasa, (West Fnlton,) farmer 50. 

Llving^on, Hiram, (W^st Fulton,)- farmer 

London, Stephen, fPultonham,) farmer 146. 

Loveiand, Andrew, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Loveiand, Isaac, (West Pultoiu) farmer 83. 

Loveiand, Thomas C, (West Fulion,) far- 

Mabey,, Georgei (West Fnlton,) farmer. 

Manchester, llaniel., (Fnltonham,) firmer 
85. • 

MANN, JOHN B., (Middlebnrgh,) school 
teacher and firmer. 

Mann, John H., (Middleburgh,) civil en- 
gineer and farmer 24. 

Mann, Josiah, (Fultouham,) horse dealer 
and firmer 176. 

Markbam, C, (Breakabeen,) school teacher 
and firmer. 

Mattice, Adam L., (Mtddleburgh,) farmer 

Mattice, Freeman S., (Fnltonham,) peddler 
and farmer 14. 

MATTICE, HENRY W., (Middlebnrgh,) 
broome manuf. and former 150. 

Mattice, James H., (Fnltonham,) farmer 55. 

Mittice, Lawrence, (Fulton,) farmer. 

McGlothlen, Thomas, (West Fnlton,) far- 
mer 67. 

McNeil, John, (West Fulton,) farmer 390. 

McNeil, Walter, (West Pulton,) farmer 134. 

Mickle, David, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Mickle, George A., (Middlebnrgh,) firmer 

Mickle, Henry J., (Summit,) saw mill and 
termer 120. 

MILLER, .lOHN B.,(Breakabeen,) tannery. 

Miller, Robert, (West Fulton,) farmer 100. 

MITCHELL, WM. H., (Fnltonhim^*ses- 
sor and farmdr 180. 

Morey, John W., (West Fnlton,) farmer 45. 

Murey, Stephen A., (West Fulton,) shoe 
maker and farmer 71). 

Murphy, Peter, (Fnltonham,) farmer. 

Myer, Chas., (Summit,) cooiper and firmer 

Myers, Henry, (Summit,) termer 80. 



Myere, Henry P., (West Pnlton,) fiumer 

Myere, Hiram, (West Folton,) farmer 79. 

Myers, Jeremiah, (Summit,) fiirmer 40. 

Myers, Jobn, (West Falton,) (wWi Peter 
M.,) farmer 13. 

Myers, Peter K., (West Pulton,) (wWA 
John,) farmer 18. 

Myers, Peter W., (West Fulton,) fanner 

Myers, Samuel E., (Summit,) farmer 60. 

Myers, William, (Summit,) deader in lire 
stock and fiirmer 86. 

Neer, Aloozo, (West Fulton,) saw mill. 

Neer, Geo. 3d, (West Fulton,) farmer 4B. 

Nobles, Silas, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 120. 

PaLgburn, Georee, (West Fulton,) farmer 

(Partridge <S Eosecrane,) deputy post 

ton,) {Adelbert Partridge and Frederick 
W. Roaeerane.) dry goo^s, ready made 
clothing and hardware. 

PATRICK, JESSE, (West Fulton,) physi- 
cian and farmer 60. 

PATTERSON, BPHRAIM. (Breakabeen,) 

' Drop, of Patterson House. 

PATTERSOlSr HOUSE, (Breakabeen,) 
Ephraim Patterson, prop. 

Pechtie^ohn, (Breakabeen,) farmer. 

Perry, W. Russel, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Fhaneuff, Delia Ann Mrs., (West Fulton,) 

PHANEIJFF, FRANK, (West Fulton,) 
carriage maker and farmer 90, 

Phillips, Joseph, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Pollock, Jesse W., (Mineral Springs,) far- 
mer 200. 

Porter, Asbury G., (Breakabeen,) cooper. 

Porter, B., (Breakabeen,) farmer leases. 

Porter, Ira S. Rev., (Breakabeun,) pastor 
St. Mathew Evangelical Lutheran 

Preston, Isaac, (Breakabeen,) shoemaker. 

Prout, John G., (Fultnnham,) farmeries. 

Reese, John, (West Fulton,) shoemaker 
and fiirmer 106. 

Reib, Henry, (Pultonham,) farmer 100. 

Reynolds, Eliphalet U., (West Fhlton,) 
farmer 100. 

Reynolds, John, (West Fulton,) farmer 116. 

Rickart, John, (Middleburgh,) former 160. 

Rider, Smith, (Summit,) farmer 70. 

Roe, Henry, (West Fulton,) farmer 60. 

RONEY, GEORGE W., (Fultouham,) car- 
penter, cabinet maker, wagon maker 
and millwright. 

Roney, John M., (Faltonham,) wagon 
maker and farmer 165. 

FultoUj) (Partridge <J Roseerane.) 

Rossman, Benjamin, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Rossman, George, (West Fulton,) Jastlce 

01 the peace and farmer ISU. 
Rossman, John, (West Fulton,) physician 

and surgeon. 
Rossman, Reuben, (Summit.) farmer 180. 
Rossman, William, (West Fulton,) farmer 


Russell, Polly Mrs., (Breakabeen,) farmer 

BITSSELL, ABRAM, (Franklinton,) far- 
mer 19. 

live stoci, dealer and farmer. 

Schermerhom, Cornelius, (West Fulton,) 
farmer 106. 

ton,) prop, of saw mill and store, as- 
sistant post master and farmer 196. 

PCHOM, WALTER, (Fnltonham,) cooper. 

Shafer, Friend W., (Breakabeen,) post mas- 
ter, physician and surgeon, and general 

Shafer, F. W. Mre.,(Breakabeen.) millinery. 

Shafer, Pasco, (West Fulton,) farmer 68. 

Shafer, Sylvester, (Mineral Springs,) car- ^ 
penter and farmer 140. 

Sharer, William H., (Breakabeen,) farmer 

Sbaler, John H. W., (West Fulton,) school 
teacher and farmer 80. 

Shaver, Abram, (West Fulton,) farmer 93. 

SBaver, Adam C, (West Fulton,} farmer 

SHAVER, ANDREW, (West Fulton,) far- 
mer 80. 

Shaver, Jane, (West Fulton,) farmer 106. 

Sholtis, John J., (Breakabeen,) saw mill 
and farmer 376. 

SHUFELT, GEORQB H., (Breakabeen,) 
carriage maker and undertaker. 

SiUimau, David M. Rev., (West Fulton,) 
clergyman and farmer 80. 

Simmons, John, (West Fulton.) farmer 134. 

Simmont, Peter H., (West Fulton,) farmer 

Simpkins, Alft'ed, (West Fulton,) mrmer. 

SISSON, RANSOM B., (Breakabeen,) 
( Waldron db Sleson.) 

Sitzer, John, (West Fulton,) farmer 109. 

Blout, Robert, (West Fulton,) farmer. 

Smith, Abram, (West Fulton,} blacksmith 
and farmer 63. 

SMITH, CHARLES, (West Fulton,) black- 
smith and farmer. 

Smith, Ezra, (Mineral Springs,) carpenter 
and farmer 108. 

Smith, Philip, (Summit,) farmer 100. 

Spalding, William, (Summit,) farmer 184. 

Spaulding, Charles, (West Fulton,} farmer 

Spaulding, George W., (West Fulton,) far- 
mer 133. 

Spaulding, Hiram, (West Falton,) farmer 

Spaulding, Samuel, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Spaulding, Orgln M., (WestFulton,) school 
teacher and farmer 60. 

SPENCER, NIRAM, (West Fulton,) gen- 
eral merchant. 

Spencer, Norman, (OobleskilU farmer 135. 

Spickerman, George, (West Fulton,) far- 
mer 170. 
Spickerman, Orson, (West Fulton,) Justice 

of the peace and school teacher. 
Springsted, John, <West Fultou^} farmer 

Springeted, Mason, (West Fulton,) farmer 

Springsted, Uriah, (West Fulton,) farmer 




Uparbeck, David, (Fnltonham,) carpenter, 

cooper and liirmer. 
Stanton, Aretas, (Breakabeen,) former 8S. 
Stanton, Robert, (Mineral Springs,) farmer 

Steyer, Henry, (Breakabeen,) fiirmer 60. 
Stewart, Klcbard, (Fultonham,) saw mill 

and tanner 340. 
Stewart,, Robert, (Fnltonbam,) eaeh and 

blind foctory and farmer 30. 
Strobeck, John A., (Mineral Springe,) far- 
mer 86. 
Swart, William J., (West Fulton,) fiirmer 

Sweet, Philo B., (Eminence,) painter and 

farmer 170. 
Tanner, Smltb, (Breakabeen,) fiirmer 600. 

TELLER, WILUAM E., (Fultonliam,) 

Thegart, Alexander, (West Falton,) farmer 

Thompson, Lowrand, (West Fulton,) fiir- 
mer 7. 
TRAVIS, GILBERT,(Breakabeen,) carriage 

mannf. and owne Patterson House. 
Trip, Squire, (West Fulton,) farmer 96. 
TURK, COOPER, (West Pulton,) wagon 

maker, blacksmith and farmer 66. 
Valwider, Abraham, (Fultonham,) farmer 

Van Auken, James, (West Fulton,) farmer. 
Van Bnren, John H., (West Fulton,) farmer 

Van Voris, Benjamin, (Summit,) farmer 60. 
Van Voris, George, (West Fulton,) shoe 

maker and farmer 160. 
Van Vorris, J. Piatt, (Fultonham,) mason, 

carpenter and farmer 66. 
Vanghan, Isaac, (Brealcabeen,) wagon 

Vanshan, Sarah M.,(Breakabeen,) millinery. 
Vroman, Bartholomew H., (Middleburgh,) 

Vroman, Benjamin, (Fultonham,) school 

Vroman, David J., (Middleburgh,) carpen- 
ter, supervisor and fiirmer 43. 
Vroman, Ephraim, (Fultonham,) farmer 

Vroman, Ephraim B., (Fnltonbam,) farmer 

Vroman, Barman J., (Fnltonbam,) farmer. 
Vroman, Henry D., (Middleburgh,) farmer 

Vroman, John H., (Middleburgh,) fiirmer 

Wagoner, Henry, (West Fulton,) carpenter 

and farmer 306. 

Walnright, Maria, (Franklinton,) farmer 

WALDRON, EDWIN, (Breakabeen,) ( Wal- 
dron A SlMon,) machinist and moulder. 

Waldron, John, (Breakabeen,) moulder and 

*WALDRON & SISSON, (Breakabeen,) 
(.Edwin Waldron and Santom £'. 8is- 
eond props, of iron foundry >ud saw 
mill, manufs. of platform churn powers. 

Warner, Abraham, (Middleburgh,) ftirmer 

Warner, Geo,, (Fulton,) firmer. 

Watson, Benjamin, (West Fulton,) former 

WATSON, CHARLES, (Fultonham,) gen- 
eral merchant, cooper and notary pub- 

Wayman, George, (West Fulton,) wagon 
maker and carpenter. 

WKIDMAN, RALPH, (Fultonham,) wagon 
malcer, cooper and carpenter. 

Wentworth, Erastus, (Mineral Springs,) 
harness and shoemaker, and farmer 

Wentworth, Sherman, (Fultonham,) shoe 

West, Evean Mrs., (Breakabeen,) former 

West Fulton House, (West Fulton,) James 
Clark, prop. 

White, John F., (Breakabeen,) former 200. 

White, Wllber, (West Fulton,) mall con- 
tractor and farmer 35. 

WILBBR, ABRAHAM, (Breakabeen,) ma- 
chinist and moulder. 

Wilday, David, (West Fulton,) farmer 160. 

Wood, Jacob H., (Breakabeen,) former 135. 

Wood, ThomaS, (Fultonham,) farmer 176. 

Wood, Thomas, (Fultonham,) farmer 40. 

WORMBR, JOHN Jr., (Breakabeen,) com- 
mission dealer in butter, hops &c., 
and farmer 150. 

Youngs, Peter, (West Fulton,) farmer 96. 

ZEE, JACOB W., (Breakabeen,) grist mill 
and farmer 38. 

ZEH, JOHN J., (Breakabeen,) (.Jotm J. 
ZehS Cl[>.,) justice of the peace, miller 
and tinsmith. 

ZEH. JOHN J. & CO., (Breakabeen,) 
(Luther Empit,) dry goods, groceries, 
tinware, hardware, yankee notions He. 

ZEH, MARCUS, (Breakabeen,) poor mas- 
ter and former 400. 

Zeb, Pkilip, (Breakabeen,) farmer 176. 

Zimmer, Peter, (Fultonham,) former 136. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Allen, BeTBOlds E., (Sontb Gilboa,) farmer 

Baker, Alvin L., (Gilboa,) carpenter. 

Baker, GrandmB, (Gilboa,) farmer 118. 

BAEBH, ISAAC, (Gilboa,) carpenter and 
farmer 108. 

BAKER, SUEL C, (GllboaJ farmer. 

Baker, Wm., (Soath Jcsffersen,) farmer 160. 

Baldwin, Andrew G., (Gilboa,) {Layman & 
Baldwin,) jaetice of the peace and far- 
mer 2^36,. 

Baldwin, Wm. B., (Gilboaj) lawyer. 

BAI*EY, DAVID, (Sonth Jefferson,) fanner 

Baley, Thos., (Gilboa,) mason, 

Bartholomew, Lewis, (North, Blenheim,) 
farmer lag. 

Bartley, Albert, (Gilboa,) farmer 125. 

Becker, Gideon, (Breakabeen,) farmer 200. 

BECEBE, WINFIELD H., (South Gilboa,) 
carpenter and farmer 50. 

Benjamin, Ebenezer, (South Qilboa,) far- 
mer 85. 

Benjamin, Hlram^ (South Gilboa,) farmer 

Benjamin, John H., (South Gilboa,) armer 

Betts, Hiram P.. (Gilboa,) carpeuter. 

Bliss, Harvey M.,(Jersey City, N. J.,) cattle 
broker, commission dealer and farmer 

Brewster, Horace H., , (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.,) dairyman and farmer 203. 

Brewster, Sylvester G., (Stamford, Dela- 
ware Co.,) ikrmer 220. 

Brink, Wm,, (Gilboa,) farmer 101. 

Brink, Zachariah, (Gilboa,) farmer 22. 

Brown, David A., (North Blenheim,) far- 
mer 275. 

Brown, Hiram W., (Gilboa,) dairyman and 
farmer 244. 

Brown, Waldron E., (Gilboa,) mininery, 
dress making, yankee notions &o.. 
Miss A die Brown In charge. 

Brown, Wm., (Gilboa,) farmer 30. 

Brown, Wm., (South Gilboa,) farmer 74. 

Brownell, Jeremiah, (Gilboa,) farmer 165. 

Buckbee, John W., (Gilboa,) confectioner 
and fihoe maker. 

Bncklngpiam & Face, (Gilboa,) (Jderritt 
BiiOcingham and Geo. W. Face.) blaok- 

Bnckingham, Merritt, (Gilboa,) (BvAsking- 
ham & Face.) 

Bull, Nelson F,, (Gilboa,) lumber dealer and 
farmer 60. 

Case, Daniel, (Gilboa,) farmer 159. 

Case, Grlffln, (Broome Center,) farmer 76. 

Case, Lester, (Gilboa,) farmer 100. 

Ohamplin, JoIid, (South Gilboa,) farmerlOO. 

Chichester, David T., (Broome Ceuter,) for- 
mer 85^ 

Chichester, James, (Broome Center.) school 
teacher and farmer 98. 

Chichester, Joseph, (Broome Center,) far- 
mer 113. 

Chiolfester, Theron, (Broome C«nter,) far- 
mer 80. 

Choate, Gardner T;, (South Gilboa,) post 
master and farmer 20. 

Clapper, George, (Broome Center,) farmer 

Clapper, Peter H., (Gilboa,) farmer 107. 

Clapper, Philip, (Broome Center,) farmer 

Clapper, Sylvester, (Gilboa,) farmer 200. 

Clark, Alfred, (South Gilboa,) firmer 50. 

Clark, Cyrus, (Gilboa,) agent for Grover & 
Baker Sewing Machine andl^rm^rfiO. 

Clark, John H., (South Gilboa.) tBXmex4S. 

Colby, Thomas,(MoreBville, Delaware Co.,} 
■ assessor and farmer 266. 

COLE, BAENAKD, (Gilboa,) dairyman and 
farmer 160. 

Cole, Daniel B., (Gilboa,) farmer 140. 

Cole, Olive Mrs., (Gilbpa,) farmer 200. 

CONEOW, JOHN, (South Gilboa,) fermer 

CONEOW, EOBBET W., (South Gilboa.) 

Conrow, Stephen, (South Gilboa.) farmer 
240. I 

Cook, Geo. B., (Broome Centej:,) farmer 

Cook. Geo. T., (South Gilboa.) farmer 100. 

Cook, Eeuben B., (Broome Center,) con- 

Coonley, Daniel H., (Broome Center,) 
cooper, earpenter, mason and farmer 

COONLBT, JOHN, (Breakabeen,) farmer 

Coonley, John E., (Broome Center,) farmer 

COONS, DAVID, (Broome Center,) dairy-' 

man and farmer 168. 
COONS, ELISHA, ffireakabeen,) farmer 85. 
Coons, John B., (Broome Center,) farmer 

Coons, Bufus, (Breakabeen,) physician, 

surgeon and farmer. 

COENBLL, EZBKIEL, (South Jefferson,) 

dairyman and farmer 266. 
Cornell, Henry, (South Jefferson,) farmer. 
Cornell, John, (South Jefferson,) physician. 




COKNELL, SIMON, (Sonth Jeffereon,) ter- 
mer BO. 

Craft, Win., fQilboa,) fermer 80. 

CEONK, HAEHISON, (Qilboa,) dairyman 
and fiirmer 88. 

Cronk, Isaac, (Qilboa,) ferjner 110. 

Cronk, Lawrence J., (GUboa,)'fermerl8B, 

Croawell, Kellogg, (Qilboa,) termer 200. • 

Crowell, Cheney A., (South Jefltereon,) 
Jqstice of the peace and termer Ul.| 

CnrtJs, Ben3. Pm (Sontli Jeffereon,) termer 

Cartis, Jacob K, (Sonth Jefferaon,) former 
1150. _ 

Darling, John S., (Qilboa,) termer 116. 

Darling, Solomon, (Stomitord, Delaware 
Co..) termer 60. 

DliGESB, ABRAM, (Qilboa,) termer 200. 

DECKER, B'AVID, (Broome Center,) phy- 
sician, carpenter and termer 43. 

DECKER, -GEO., (South Jefferson,) dairy- 
^man and termer 196. 

Decker, Jacob, (South Jefferson,) carpen- 
ter, dairyman and farmer 366. 

DkSILVA, HIRAM, (Qilboa,) saw mill and 
termer 100. " 

DEWEH,, WM. H., (Qilboa,) tenner 85. 

Dies, John, (Qilboa,) termer 158. 

Durham, Freeman, (North Bl'enheim,) ter- 
mer 80. 

Kllarson, Daniel, (Qilboa,) dairymaiTand 
termer 120. 

Ellarson, Delos, (Qilboa,) termer 166. 

EUarson, Geo. W., (Qilboa,) clothier and 

Ellareod, Rnfns D., (Qilboa,) former 48. 

Elierson, David f., (North Blenheim.) tei^ 
mer 160. 

ELLIS, JAMES P., (Qilboa,) carriag* 
maker and machinist. 

Ellison, Ransom, (Qilboa,) termer 100. 

Face, (3eo. W., (Qilboa,) (BueMnoAom it 
i^QM,) repairer of mowing machines. 

FACE, WM. H., (Broome Center,) black- 

Fancher, OrlandO) (Breababeen,) termer 48. 

Felter, Lateyette, (Broome Center,) termer 
leases of Thos. Lawton, SO. 

Fenuen, Andrew, (Gllboa.) termer liOO. 

Folnebee, Thaddens, (South Qilboa,> car- 
penter and farmer 40. 

Fox, Marques De Lateyette, (Qilboa,) ter- 
mer 37. 

Fraser, Comelins, (Gilbcte,) termer 200. 

Fraser, Jesse, (Qilboa,) tailor. 

PRASIER, JOHN, (Qilboa,) termer 100. 

Frazee, Edmund C., (South Gllboa,) termer- 

Frazee, Marcus, (Qilboa,) (£razar<2 <t iVo- 

Prazeer, Da«ld, (Qilboa,) dairyman and ter- 
mer 100. 

Fredenburg, Chas., (Gilboa,) (fi'idmbarg 
AEyer,y insurance agent. 

FREDENBURQj ISAAC M., (Qilboa,) far- 
mer 92. _.,^ 

(SAofer A Fredenburg,) town clerk. 

Fredenburg & Ryer, (Qilboa,) (CAfls. .W^ 
deniurg and Jabiert B.. Syer,) general 

FRISBIB, DAVID K„ (Qilboa,) harness 
dealer and carriage trimmer. 

Frisbie, Wm. M., (Moresvflle, Delaware 
Co.,) termer ;6iQ. 

Qardtier, Chas. C, (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.,) termer ISO. 

Garrett, Michael T., (Qilboa,) carpenter 
and termer 160. 

Gavett, Ira, (North Blenheim,) termer lOB. 

Gifford, Leonard B., (Qilboa,) farmer 240. 

GILBOA HOTEL, (Qilboa,) Chas. H. Stry- 
ker, prop. 

Goff, Robert, (North Blenheim,) termer 165. 

Qdrdon, John H., (Broome Center,) former 

Gordon, Seth, (Broome Center,) farmer 91. 

Gordon, Wm., (Broome Center,) termer 160. 

Govern, Hugh,(SonthGilboa,) dairyman and 
farmer &0. 

Govern, Michael, (South Gilboaj) farmer 

Grant, Wm., (Qilboa,) blacksmith and far- 
mer 26. 

Gray, Michael, (South Qilboa,) tenner 200. 

Grimn, Allan, (Qilboa.) farmer 80. 

Griffin, Daniel B., (Qilboa,) farmer 90. 

Griffin, Elisha, (Oilboa,) termer 13. 

Griffin, Horace A., (Qilboa,) justice of the 
peace, carpenter and termer 164. 

Grimn, John, XMoresvillfe, Delaware Co.,) 
farmer 60. 

Hagadone, Edward, (Broome Center,) ter- 
mer 1228. 

Hagadone, Justus, (Broome Center,) farmer 

ter,) (F. (ft A. Hoffodom.) 

HAGADOBN, FRANK, (Broome Center,) 
(F. db A. HagadBm,)i collector and de- 

Snty post master. 
ADORN, F. <& A., (Broome Center,) 
(Frank Olid Addison,) dry goods, gro- 
ceries, hardware &c. 

HAQADORN, LEVI, (Broome Center,) 
veterinary surgeon. 

Hager, Erskine, (Mlnekill Falls,) farmer 

Hall, Wm. D., (Broome (Jeater,) prop. 
Broome Center Hotel. I 

BaUoek, Qeo.,(Broome Center,) larmer 160. 

Hallock, John, (Broome Center,) farmer 

Haner, (3eo. H., (Qilboa,) farmer 94. 

HANEB, OZIAS M., (QUboa,) former IBB. 

Harringtotf, Wm. H., (Qilboa,) termor 170. 

Harris, James, (Gilboa,) termer 25.. 

Harris, Richard, (Gilboa,) termer 190. 

Hastings, Rachel, (South Jefferson,) termer 

HASTINGS, WM. B. C, (Sonth Jeffbrson,) 
assessor and termer 72. 

HAY, DANIEL, (Gilboa,) foreman DeSilvas 
& Wood's saw mill. 

Haynes, Osmar, (Stamlbrd, Delaware Co.,) 

' termer 1()B. 

Hazard & Frazee, (Qilboa,) (Jatnes M. Haz- 
ard and MarmtFrasiee,) general mer- 

Hazard, James M., (Qilboa,) (.Hazard A 

i Frazee,\ druggist. 

Hendrick, JohnrfGilboa,) farmer IIB. 

'Hicks, Samnel, (Broome Center,) farmer 

j 207. 

Hildreth, Geo. H., (Gllboa,) watchmaker. 

HILDRETH, LUMAN, (Qilboa,) (Wamar 

I (ft Mldreih,) house painter. 



Hitchcock, Darias, (Oilboa,) carpenter and 

Hitchcock, JSanice P., (Gllboa,) milllnerjr 
and dreeemakine. 

HOAOLAND, ALEX., (Oilboa,) farmer 140. 

Hoagland, James, (Gilboa,) carpenter. 

Hoagland, Nathan B., (Sonth Gilboa,) far- 
mer sis. 

Hollenbeck, Hary A. Mrs., (Broome Cen- 
ter,) ftrmer 1S8. 

HORBT, JANE, (North Blenheim,) farmer 

ter,) former 60. 

Hubbell, B. Deleran, (Jefferson,) farmer 

Halbert, David, (Broome Center,) farmer 

Hnlbert, Geo. H., (Broome Center,) former 

Hunt, Abraham, (Sonth Oilboa,) farmer 

Ives, Wm. J. Rev., (Broome Center,) 

Jackson, David, (Broom* Center,) former 

Jackson, John I., (Gilboa,) lawyer and 
farmer 30. 

Jackson, Oscar, (Ot\Xtioa,,)(StrycJeer 4k Jack- 

JOHNSON, BDGAB, (Sonth. Jefferson,) 
dairyman and former 281. 

Johnson; Francis, (Gilboa,) former SOO. 

Jamp, Adelbert R., (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.,) farmer 116. 

Kingsley, Chancellor S., (Gilboa,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 75. 

Kingsley, David E., (Gilboa,) former 80. 

Kingsley, Elisha A., (Gilboa,) farmer UO. 

Kingsley, Henry, (Gilboa,) general mer- 
chant, notary public and iarmerlOO. 

Kingsley, Jonathan, (Gilboa,) farmer 185. 

Kingsley, Philip, (Gilboa,) produce sales- 

Kingsley ^Wm., (Gilboa,) farmer 90. 

LaS&rty, Wm., (Gilboa,) dairyman and for- 
mer 370. 

Latham, Comelins, (Sonth Jefferson,) far- 
mer 64 and leases of J, L. Wood, 6. 

Lawrence, Horace D., (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.,) carpenter. 

Lawrence, John W., (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.,) carpenter and former 14S. 

Lawrence, Luman W., (South Jefferson,) 
foi|mer 136. 

Layman & Baldwin, (Gilboa,) (fT. S. Lay- 
man and Andrew O. Baldwin,) farmers 

Layman, Peter E., (Gilboa,) tanner and far- 
mer 160. 

Layman, W. 8., (Scoharie,) (Layman <t 

Lee, Eleanor, (Broome Canter,) farmer SOS. 

Leonard, Dnncan M., (Broome Center,) 
physician And surgeon, post master and 
farmer 800. 

Lewis, Anson S., (Gilboa,) farmer 800. 

Lewis, Geo., (Gilboa,) farmer 90. 

Losee, Boswell, (Gilboa,) sexton Baptist 

Lpudon^ohn, (Gilboa,) farmer 16. 

Lynch, Homer, (Stamford, Delaware Co..) 
farmer 100. ' 

Habey, Stephen, (Sonth Gilboa,) former 

Habey, Wm., (South Gilboa,) former 111. 
Mace, Chas., (Broome Center,) farmer 85. 
Hackey, Albert, (Broome Center,) fariner 

Mackey, Daniel, (Gilboa,) farmer 180. 
Mackey, Edgar, (Gilboa.) farmer 133. 
Mackey, James G., (Gilboa,) former 160. 

MACKEY, OBADIAB K., (Ollboa,)1^rmer 
100 and leases of David Kingsley, 30. 

Mackey, Solomon D., (Gilboa,) dairyman 
and farmer 120. 

Maham, Cornelius, (South Qilboa,) dairy- 
man and farmer 280. 

Maham, James A., (Sonth Gilboa,) former 

MAHAM, LORENZO, (South Gilboa,) car- 
penter. . 

Muihall, Daniel, (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 
farmer 109. 

Marshall, Wm., (Stanifprd, Delaware Co.,) 
(with DaiUelS farifilr 109. 

MARTIN, VALENTINE,(South Jefferson,) 
farmer TO. 

Mattice, David B>, (Breakabeen,) farmer 

Mattice, Esther, (Gilboa,) former 65. 

Mattice, Jacob H., (Breakabeen,) dairyman 
and former 580. 

Mattice, Jacob M., (Breakabeen,) farmer 70. 

MATTICE, JERRY, (Gilboa,) former 60. 

Mattice, John H., (Gilboa,) farmer 100. 

Mattice, Martin P., (Gilboa,) former. 

MATTICE, PAUL, (North Blenheim,) for- 
mer 66. 

Mayham, Bei^. S., (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.,) grist and saw mills, and farmer 

Mayham, Chas. H., (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.,) farmer 160. 

MAYHAN, JOHN S., (South GUboa,) deal- 
er in dry goods, groceries and general 
merchandise, deputy post master and 
notary public. 

McCabe, Keron C, (South Gilboa,) former 

McCabe, Thoa., (Sonth Gilboa,) farmer 175. 

McCLAURY, LAWSON, (Sonth Jefferson,) 
prop, saw mill, dairyman and farmer 

McHench, Eliza, (Breakabeen,) farmer 115. 

McBench, Wiilard, (Broome Center,) black- 
smith an^ farmer 130. 

McKtlUp, John, (MoresTllle, Delaware 
Co.,) cooper and farmer 160. 

McMahon, Mlcluel, (South Gilboa,) former 

McMahon, Peter, (Sonth Gilboa,) farmer 

Meehen, Peter, (South Gilboa,) farmer 100. 

MOORE, HOBATIO, (Broome Center,) for- 
mer 106. 

MOOBE, LBANDEB P., (Broome Center,) 
ftirmer 166. 

More, Liberty P., (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.j) former 168. 

More, Wm. C, (Btoome Center,) former 

More, Wm, S. Bev., (GUboa,) pastor Re- 
formed Church. 

MOBBISON, JAMES K.,.(8outh Jefferson,) 
boot and shoe maker. 



Uorss, Barton O., (^ilboa,) (Mora, Sad 
A Co.) 

Horse, Reed & Co., (Qilboa,) (Burton O. 
Morse and Luman Retd.) prope. Oilbom 
Cotton Milla. 

Oakley, Hiram T,, (Soath GUboa,) former 

O'Brien, John, (Qilboa.) farmer 160. 

O'Brien, Lt-wi» 8., (Gilboa,) farmer 135. 

Palmer, Gilbert, (Qilboa,) carpenter. 

Pari^ons, Anrllla,(Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 
farmer 130. 

Parsone, David W., (Stamford, Delaware 
Co..) dairyman and farmer 260. 

Perry, Lyman, (Mtnekill Falla,) farmer 76. 

PHELPS, CHESTER, (Qilboa,) saw mUl 
and fanner ST. 

Polen, Dennis, (Gilboa,) Dkrmer 60. 

Poppino, David M., (Stamford, Delaware 
V Co.,) farmer S40. 

Potter, William C, (Qilboa,) cbair maker, 
carriage and honse painter. 

Ranshelback, Cbas. F., (Qilboa,) jeweler. 

Reed, Lyman, (Qilboa,) (Marm, Seed <£ (^.,) 
general merchant, prop, grist mill, 
sapervisor and farmer 160. 

Richtmyer,Abraham N.,(Qilboa,) farmer 77. 

Richtmyer, Frank & Bro.,(QilbDa,) farmers 

Richtmyer, John W^ (Qilboa,) farmer 160. 

Richtmyer, Peter W., (Qilboa,) apiarian 
and farmer leases 100. 

Richtmyer, Willis, (Qilboa.) farmer 113. 

RIFENBURQH, JACOB, (Qilboa,) cooper 
and farmer 114. 

Robinson, Chas. H., (Gilboa,) carpenter 
and painter. 

ROBINSON, EMORY 8. (Qilboa,) carpen- 
ter, prop, saw mill and planing ma- 

RobinKon, John D., (Broome Center,) far- 
mer 78. 

Robinson, Jastas, (Broome Center,) for- 
mer 7S. 

Roe, Jeuck P., (Broome Center,) black- 

Rogers, Patrick, (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 
larmer 100. 

Rose, Wm. H., (Qilboa,) former leases of B. 
W. Stryker.lSO. 

BTTLIFFSON, PETEB S., (Soath Qilboa,) 
farmer 140. 

Ryer, Albert B., (Qilboa,) (FredenJiwg <t 

ford, Elii 

Safifbrd, ^Blizabeth Mrs., (Broonft Center,) 
larmer 185. 

Safford, Moses, (Broome Center,) carpen- 
ter aud farmer 130. 

Sanford, Vernor A., (Gilboa,) cooper. 

Sax, Maryett, (Qilboa,) farmer 56. 

Schemerhorn, Abtuham, (Gilboa.) poor 
master and farmer S74. 

Selleck, Ern B., (Broome Center,) for- 
mer 300. 

Selleck, Wm. H., (Broome Center,) as- 
sessor and farmer 88. 

SHAFER, PETER, (Broome Center,) car- 
penter, dairyman and farmer 148. 

Sharer, Wm. D., (South Jefferson,) former 

(Ueo. C. Skater and Meander Freden- 
burg,) hardware, house fnmishing 
goods and agricultural implements. 

SHALE R, 6EO. C, (Qilboa,) (StwOtr & 
Fredenburg,) insurance agent. 

Shew, John H., (Gilboa,) dairyman and far- 
mer StO. 

Shultes, Peter I., (Breakabeen,) former 157. 

Simons, Chauncey W., (South Qilboa,) 
tailor and farmer 20. 

Simonson, Roxana, (South Gilboa,) mil- 

SITZGR, CHAS. D. Rkt., (Qilboa,) clergy- 
man and farmer 140. 

Slater, Delila A., (Broome (Center,) farmer 

Smith, A. Emeline, (Broome Olenter,) for- 
mer 140. 

Smith, Job, (Broome Center,) carpenter 
and former leases 111. 

Smith, Michael, (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 
farmer K. 

Smith, Tobias, (Broome tJenter,) former 

Smith, Wm. R., (Gilboa,) farmer 63. 

Snyder, John B., (Gilboa,) farmer 96. 

Southard, Smith, (Gilboa,) farmer 210. 

Sowles, Chas., (South Qilboa,) farmer SO. 

Sowles, Eraetns A., (South Gilboa,) former 

SOWLES, ORIN, (South Gilboa,) ax han- 
dle manuf. 

SPENCER, MARCUS D., (Gilboa,) boots 
and shoes. 

SPRAGUE, JPHN K., (Qilboa,) farmer 30. 

Stanard, Mary A., (Breakabeen,) farmer 65. 

Stevens, Calvin, (South Gilboa,) farmer 180. 

Stevens, Ozias, (Gilboa,) farmer 200. 

Stevens, Wm., (Minekill Falls,) farmer. 

Stillwell, Daniel, (Qilboa,) former 1601- 

STILLWELL, LORENZO, (M<>resville, 
Delaware Co.,) farmer 7. i 

Stilwell, Simeon, (Qilboa,) farmer 65. 

Street, Warren P., (Qilboa,) cabinet maker 
and undertaker. 

Strycker, Isaac, (Oahoa,) (Slryeker <£ Jaet- 
ton,) farmer 77. 

Strycker & Jackson, (Qilboa,) (leaae 
Striker and Oecar Jaekeon,) brick 

Stryker, Abram, (Gilboa,) farmer 105. 

Stryker, Alonzo,(Gilboa,) (Z<2i« <t Strgker,) 
post master. 

Stryker, Barent W., (Gilboa,) former 600. 

STRYKER, CHAS. H., (Gilboa,) prop. 
Uilboa Hotel, blacksmith and former 

Stryker, Harmon, (Gilboa.) farmer 95. 
Stryker, Oliver, (Gilboa,) live stock de , 
STRYKER, WARREN P., (GUboa,) bil- 

liard, ice cream and lunch room, and 
news depot. 
Thorn, Ann E., (North Blenheim,) former 

Thorn, Reuben, (Gilboa,) farmer 51; 
Tlbbita, Henry, (Broome Center,) former 

TIBBITS, JAMBS H., (Broome Center,) 

wagon maker. 
Titus, Oliver B., (South Jefferson,) former 

Travell, Bevilo, (Gilboa,) former 110. 
Van Dyke, David, (Stamford, Delaware 

Co.,) dairyman and farmer 150. 
Van 'Dyke, Hiram, (Broome Center,) former 




Van Valkenbnrg, John L.,(Stamford, Dela- 

wan Co.,) farmer 200. 
Van Wis, Henry, (Broome Center^) black- 

van Wie, Lorenzo, (Broome Center,) black- 

Vroman, Comelins 8., (South Jefferson,) 

carpenter and farmer 100. 
Vroman, John B., (Minekill Falls,) farmer. 
Vroman, William, (Sonth Jefferson,) farmer 


WALLACJE, GEOHaB A., (Gllhoa,) justice 

of the peace and farmer 310. . ^ 

- Wallace, Henry, (Sonth Gilboa,)Tarmer 118. 

WAENER & HILDRKTH, (Gilboa,) (Jfito 

C. Warner and iMrnan Mldteth,) har- 

nesp makers. 
WAENEK, MILO C, (Qilboa,) (Warner & 

EUdreth.) . 

WELCH, ABRAHAM, (Sonth Jefferson,) 
farmer 100. 

WEST, AAEON, (Broome Centw,) carpen- 
ter and mannf. of bee hives. 

West, David, (Breakabeen,) farmer 83. 

West, David & Son, (Breakabeen,) (Noah 
D.,) apiarians and farmers 80. 

West, Noah D., (Breakabeen,) (David West 
■ tt Son.) ' 

West, Wm. H.,(Broome Center,) fiirmer 126. 

WHITE, WM. H., (Broome Center,) grocer 
and boot and shoo maker. 

Wilbur, Seneca 01, (Broome Center,) fanner 

Wilbur, Vincent E., (Broome Center,) far- 
mer 8Si \ 

Wilcox. Elt; (Gflboa.) farmer 60. 

WOOD; HBNRT, (Sonth Jefferson,) dairy- 
man, prop, saw mill and farmer 250. 

WOOD, MILO, (South Jefferson,) dairy- 
man and farmer ^30. 

Woqds, Jacob, (Broome Center,) farmer 

Wyckoff, Daniel, (North Blenheim,) ftirmer. 

Wyckoff, Geo., (Qilboa,) dairyman and far- 
mer 188. 

Wyckoff, Nathan B., (Gilboa.) farmer 99. 

Tanson, Abram, (Sonth Jefferson,) farmer 
leases of Cornelius Latham, Si. 

Teomans, Charlotte Mrs.,' (Broome Center,) 
farmer 25. 

Teomans, Harvey & Son, (Qilboa,) (Hcrrad 
j4.,) fkrmers 130. 

Teomans, Horace A., (Gilboa,) (Harvey 
Yeomans <£ Son.l 

ZEH, JEBEMIAH, (Breakabeen,) dairy- 
man and farmer 197. 

Zeh, Philip J., -(Qilboa,) physician and 

Zelie, David, (Gilboa,) (ZdU & Stryker,) 
deputy postmaster. 

Zelie & Stryker, (Gilboa,) (David Zelie and 
Aloneo Sinker,) general merchants and 
boot and shoe. maonjTs. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, Samuel, (Jefferson,) farmer SO. 

All, Fascoe, (Summit,) farmer 65. 

All, Peter F., (Jefferson,) farmer 145. 

Allen, Avery H., (North Harpersfleld, Dela- 
ware Co,) farmer 190; 

Allen, Ezra, (Suminit,) Itirmer 100. 
■ Allen, Joseph A., (North Harpersfleld, Del- 
aware Co.,) farmer 97. 

Armstrong, Alfred, (Jefferson,) farmer 70. 

Armstrong, George, (Jeflbrson,) farmer 140. 

Armstrong^ jBcob, (Jefferson,) farmer 76. 

Atchinson, Aaron L., (Jefferson,) farmer 

ATCHINSON, WILLIAM D., (Jefferson,) 
farmer 87 and leases of W. S., 163. 

ATCHINSON, WILLIAM S., (Jeffbrson.) 
farmer 167. 

AVERT, BBEIAH H., (Jefferson,) general 
merchant and post masieF. 

AVEEV, HBZEfClAH, (Jefferson,) gen- 
eral merchant and farmer 18. 

BAIKD, ALBEET, (Jefferson,) («ii«A Slam 
(7.,) firmer 282. 

Baird, Charles E., (Jefferson,) farmer 146. 

BAIED,ELAM C, (Jousrson,) drover and 
(wU/i Albert,) farmer 232. 

BAISD, GEORGE W., (Jefferson,) farmer 
70. 1 

BAKER, DARITJS, (Jefferson,) farmer 82. 

BALET, OBSIN C, (South Jefferson,) far- 
' mer 126. 

Barnum, Joseph, (North Harpersfleld, 
Delaware Co.,) fhrmer 120. 

Barrett, Amblroge, (Jefferson,) mason and 
farmer 23. 

Barrett, Lewis A..I, (Jefferson,) farmer 8. 

Barrett, Ornando, (Jefferson,) cooper. 

BBACHi, BENNET H., (Sonth Jefferson,) 
farmer 140. 

Bear, Willism R., (Jefferson,) farmer 11. 

Beard, Moses W., (Jefferson,) farmer 95. 

Beggs, Levi, (Sonth Jefferson,) fanner leas- 
es of estate of Wm. Beggs, 174. 

Bell, John, (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) far- 
mer 188. 

BogarduB, Peter H., (Jefferson,) saw mill, 
carpenter and farmer 110. 

Hoggs, George A., (Jefferson,) farmer leases 

Bradley, Jeremiah, (Oharlotteville,) (with 
William,) saw mill and fttrmer 160. 

Bradley, William, (Cbarlotteville,) (uii(A 

' Jtremiah,) ea# mill and farmer 150. 
Brady, Peter, (Soutb Jefferson,) cooper and 

farmer 105i 
Brockway, Charles A., (Eminence,) farmer 

BRUOB, fUSTCTB 0>, (Jeffereon,) farmer 

Back, David H., (North Harperefleld, Dela- 
ware Co.,) farmer IM). 

Buck, Truman, (Jeffereon,) farmer leases of 
Jiidd estate, ISl). 

Bnruet, Ambrose, (Jefferson,) farmer 10., 

Burnet, OeorKe-H., (Jefferson,) drover and 
farmer 80. 

BU-BMQTT, BBEWBB, (Jefferson,) farmer 

Bnrnutt,' Thomas, (Eminence,) groceries 
and notions. 

Burton, Wm. H.,(Korth Harpersfleld, Dela- 
ware Co.,) farmer tO. 

CANNII<'F, ADDISON,(JeffetBOD,) prop, of 
Jefferson Hotel> 

Carrintfton, Channcey L., (North Harpers- 
field, Delaware Co.,) farmer 186. 

CARKINGTON, J. B., (Jefferson,) justice 
of the peace, dealer in stoves, tin and 

Carter, Obas. H., (Jefferson,) frnit tree 

Chandler, Horace, (North Harpersfleld, 
Delaware Co,,) farmer leases 30. 

Clapper, Reuben, (Cbarlutteville,) farmer 6. 

Clapper, William, (Cbarlotteville,) farmer 
1»8. . 

CLARK, A. W. Dr., (Jeflierson,) dentist, 
job printer and farmer 9. 

CLAKK, BENJAMIN, (Jefferson,) farmer 

Clark, John U., (Jefferson,) collector and 
farmer IdO. 

Clark, William J., (Jefferson.) farmer BO. 

CONKLIN, CHAtTNCEY M., (Jefferson,) 
farmer 117. 

Coniierty, John, (Jefferson,) farmer 140. 

Ceniierty, PHtrick, (Jefferson.) farmer 10. 

CONROW, RUFUs R„ (Jefferson,) farmer 

Cook, Elijah, (Cbarlotteville,) farmer 116. 

CORNELL, JOHN W,, (Eminence,) wagon 
maker and blacksmith. 

Cornell, Maria Mrs,, (Eminence,) tailoress. 

Crart, Reuben, (Jefflaivou,) farmer 179. 

Daufortli, Elijah, (Jefferson,) flirmer84. 

Duufortb, George, (Jefferson,) farmer SOO. 

Daufiirtb, Sylvauns M., (Jefferson,) farmer 
120. . 

DAKT, EZRA, (Jefferson,) farmer 8S. 

Dart, Hiram H., (Jefferson,) farmer 8i>f. 

Dart, John, (Jeilrersoii,) farmer f>. 

Dayton, H. O., (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 
farmer 150. 

Decker, Peter, (Jefferson,) farmer S. 

Denny, Ambrose D., (CharlotleWlle,Jfarmer 

Denny, Jeremiah, (Jefferson,) assessor and 
farmer 130. 

DEWEY, J. .M., (Jefferson,) prop, of bil- 
liard saloon and farmer 343. 

Deyo, Pardee, (Jefferson,) farmer leases 

Dibble, Riley, (Jefferson,) shoemaker. 

Dikeman, Silas W., (CharlottevlUe,) fur- 
nace and machine shop. 

Disbrow, Alden, (Jefferson,) farmer 34. 

Disbrow, Beardsley B., (North ^arpers^ 
field, Delaware Co.,) wagon Aker and 
farmer SO, ' • 

Disbrow, Smith, (North Harpersfleld, Del- 
aware Co.,) farmer 167. 

Dyer, Calvin, (Jefferson,) farmer SO. 

DYER JUSTIN, (Jefferson,) inspector of 
elections and farmer 57. 

DYER, SEYMOUR, (Jefferson,) farmer 138. 

Dyer, Sovereign,(Summit,) farmer leases of 
Wmthrop Dyer and, 84. 

DYER, WINTHRQP, (Jefferson,) farmer 

DYER, WINTHROP Skb, (Jefferson,) far- 
mer 174. 

DYKEMAN, GEO. A., (Jefferson,) farmer 
134. " 

Dykeman, Harmon, (North Harpersfleld, 
Delaware Co.,) farmer leases 1*0. 

Dykeman, Michael, (Jefferson,) shoemaker 
and farmer 20. 

Dykeman, Peter, (Jefferson,) carpenter *nd 
farmer 10. 

Effner, L. D., (Jefferson,) farmer 105. 

Eggleston, Harriot Mrs., (Jefferson,) far- 
mer 27. 

Eggleston, Heman, (Jefferson,) farmer 100. 

Eggleston, Lemuel, (Jefferson,) farmer 79. 

Evens, Adin J., (Cbarlotteville,) carpenter 
and stone mason. 

Evens, John M., (Charlotteville,) wall layer 
and farmer 4. 

Pelter, Catharine Mrs., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Fero, William D. Rev., (Jeffefson,) pastor 
of M. E. Church. 

Ferris, Henry, (North Harpersfleld, Dela- 
ware Co.,) farmer IflO. 

Pinigan, Michael, (Jefferson,) fanner 105. 

FINNIGAN, BARNEY, (Jefferson,) farmer 
136. , 

FRANKLIN, L. E. Mns., (South Jefferson,) 
postmistress and farmer 114. 

FRANKLIN, SOLOMON. (Stamford, Dela- 
ware Co.,) fanner 106. 

Puller, G. W., (North Harpersfleld, Dela- 
ware Co.,) farmer 129. 

FULLER, JOSEPH D., (Jefferson,) farmer 

GALLT, JAMES, (Jefferson,) blacksmith. / 
Gallup, Amos, (Jefferson,) farmer 120. 
GALLUP, ELAM, (Summit,) farmer 160. 
Gallup, Eiekiel, (Jefferson,) farmiir 11. 
GALLUP, JOHN B.,(Jeflferson,) farmer 180. 
Gallup, Silas, (Jefferson,) speculator and 

farmer 170. 
GarduSr, Washington, (Jefferson,) farmer 

Gibbs, C. A., (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 

justice of the peace, collector and lar- 

mer 75. 
Gibbs, John W., (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 

farmer 75. 
Gilbert, Ephraim, (Jefferson,) farmer 65. 
Goodenongh, Esther Mrs., (Cbarlotteville,) 

faruier 60. 
GRANT, JEREMIAH,(SQmmit.)farmer 100. 
Gmnt, John H., (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 

constable sud farmer 77. 
Green, Samuel Mrs., (Jefferson,) farmer 30. 
Gregory, Isaac, (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 

lariuer 131. 



GRIFFIN, JOHN B.. (Stamford, Delaware 
Coj Innibarman and Farmer 193. 

Oueanfler, Isaac, (Jefferson,) farmer 160. 

Haines, Oiaancjr, (Jtifferson,) farmer 6. 

HAINES, STEPHEN Jb., (Soatli Jeffer- 
son,) former 183. 

Hammond, Daniel F., (Jefferson,) tailor. 

Hammond, Nancy Miss, (Jefferson,) dress 
maker and milliner, 

HAVENS, CHARLES H., (Jefferson,) (urlM 
B. J. Taylor.) 

HAVENS. R. O., (Jefferson,) physician and 

Henness, Peter, (Jefferson,) farmer 3. 

Hicks, David C, (Jefferson,) farmer 58. 

Hicks, Eber M„ (Jefferson,) farmer 30, 

Hicks, EberM. Jr., (Jefferson.) farmer 110. 

Hicks, Levi, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 141. 

Bnbbard, Benjamin, (Jefferson,) farmer 1. 

Hnbbard, Darius, (Jefferson,) farmer IT. 

HUBBARD, ELEAZER, (Jefferson,) farmer 

Hubbard, J, D., (Jefferson,) general mer- 

Hubbard, James H., (Jefferson,) harness 
and shoe maker. 

Hubbard, Oscar C, (Jefferson,) farmer 
leases of J. M. DeWey, 180. 

Hnbbard, William M., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Hnbbell, Charles B., (Jefferson,) (Charlet 
B. Rubbeads Co.,) town clerk. 

Hubbell, Charles B. & Co., (Jefferson,) 
(Jacob B. Hubbell,) manufs. and dealers 
in nirniture, looking glasses &c., and 
.Hubbell, Hiram P.. (Jefferson,) drugs, med- 
icines, groceries, confectionery, paints, 
oils &c. 

Hubbell, Jacob R., (Jefferson,) (Charla B. 
ffubbtU db Co.) 

Hurlbert, Bli B., (Jefferson,) farmer 98. 

Hurlburt, Heman, (Jefferson,) farmer 383. 

JEFFERSON HOTEL,(J^er8on,) Addison 
Canniff, prop. 

Johnson, Francis Nathaniel, (Charlotte- 
ville,) farmer 100. 

Johnson, Julia Ann Ura., (Charlotteville,) 
farmer IfO, 

Johnson, William W., (Charlotteville,) 
shingle maker and farmer 64. 

Jones, Ellsha Jr., (Jefferson.) litmet 66. 

Jones, Elisha Sen., (South Jefferson,) far- 
mer 60. 

Jones, Horace, (Jefferson,) farmer 130. 

Jones & Taylor, (Jefferson,) (MUllam 8. 
Jones and Walton a, Taylor,) general 

Jones, William S., (Jefferson,) (Jonu A 
Taylor,) farmer 36. 

Judd, Anthony, (Jefferson,) farmer 80. 

JUDD, JIZRA, (Eminence,) farmer 41. 

Judd, Qeorge, (Jefferson.) (hrmer360i 

Kennedy, William, (Stamford, Delaware 
Co.,) assessor and (hrmcr 130. 

King, Charles, (Eminence,) Atrmer S3. 

Lamb, William J. Urs., (J«ff«rson,) mil- 

Lee, Charles, (Jefferson.) farmer leasee 37. 

Lee, Patrick, (South Jefferson,) Airmer 188. 

Lewis, Jeremiah D,, (Jefferson,) brmer 

Lewis, Samnel, (Jefferxon,) hrmer S. 


LINES. MARCUS, (Jefferson,) carpenter 

and Ibrmer 10. 
Lines, Rozanna Mies, (Jefferson,) milliner. 
Lovett, Noble Rev., (Jc-fferson,) cleieyman 

and farmer 40. 
Luther, John, (Jefferson,) firmer 10. 
MAHAM, CHARLES, (Jefferson,) fiumer 

Mann A Co., (Jefferson.) INathan Mann 

and Joteph Slanleu,) wagon makers, 

Jirops. of 'saw andf planing mills, and 
iirmers 6. 
Mann, Nathan, (Jeffierson,) (ifann <t Go.) 
Martin, Clarissa Mrs., (South Jefferson,) 

farmer 160. 
MATTICB, QEURGE, (Jefferson,) farmer 

Matties, Levi. (Jefferson,) commissioner 

of highways, prop, of saw mill and tat: 

mer 6U. • 
l^aynard, Henry N., (Stamford, Delaware 

Co.,) farmer 3SS. 
McMinn, Charles T., (Jeffei?son,) merchant 

tailor and fttrmerS. 

MoNAMEE, PATRICK, (Jefferson,) farmer 

MEED, DAVID, (Jeflisrson,) farmer 100. 

Meed, Eli, (Jeffterson,.! fisrmer. 

Meed, Sally Mrs., (ilefferson,) farmer 100. 

MERCHANT. CHARLES W., (Jefferson,) 
tiarmer 130. 

Merchant, Davis, (Jefferson,) farmer lOS. 

MERCHANT, JAMES H., (Jefferson,) 
traveling agent and farmer 1. 

Merchant, John S., (Jefferson,) farmer 163. 

Merchant, Joseph, (Jefferson,) farmer 138. 

MERCHANT, TIEUBEN, (Jefferson,) fa^ 
' mer 25. 

MERRILL, EBBNBZEB P., (Jefferson,) 
Hirmer 67. 

Merrill, Eber C, (Jefferson,) cooper, con- 
stable and farmer 86. 

MILLER, HORACE A., (Eminence,) far- 
mer 176. 

Minor, Channcey, (Jefllerson,) flirmerSOO. 

Minor, George B., (Jefferson,) farmer 188. 

Minor, John, (Jefferson,) Airmer lOa 

Morg^Bobert W.w (Snmmlt,) farmer 183. 

MORE, S. I., (Jefferson,) Airmer 300. 

Mozlcy, Amos, (Jeffleraon,) cooper and 
farrter 101. 

Mozley, Ezekiel Q., (Jefferson,) farmer ISO. 

Mozley, Horace, (Jefliinon,) cooper and 
farmir 78. 

Mozley, Joseph, (Jefferson,) cooper. 

NICHOLS. E. J., (Jefferson,) Airmer 130. 
Nichols, George H., (North Harpersfleid, 

Delaware Co.,) hrmer .175. 
Nichols. Hiram, (North tiarpersfleld, Dela- 
ware Co.,) Ainner 110. 
NIehols, Horace, (Jefferson,) farmer 330. 
.Noland, Mary Mrs., (Jefferson,) farmed 103. 
Northrup, Charles, (Jefferson,) farmer 140. 
Udell, benjamin S., (North HarperKfluld, 

Delaware Co.,) cooper and br ner 77. 
PALMER, DAVID 8,. (SDuimit,) farmer 

Parsons, Abel, (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) 

farmer '330. 
Parsons, Norman A., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Patchin, Benjamin, (North Harpersfleld, 

Delaware Co.,) nrmer leases 130. 



Fatcbln, <!:aleb O., Jr., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Fatchin, Caleb G. Sen.,(Jefferaoii,) farmer 

Fatcbin, Heman C, (North Harpersfleldi 

Delaware Co.,) farmer 70. 
Fatcbln, WadeWorth, (Jefferson,) farmer. 
Faterson, John, (Sonth Jeffer«o>,) farmer 

FATNE, JOHN, (Jeflferson,) (iirmer3(X). ' 
Peok, Amos E., (Jefferson,) farmer %ii(. 
P£CK, NBWTON Q., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Fhtncle, Levi Q.; (Jefiferson,) blacksmith, 

cooper and farmer SO. 
Pickett, Aaron, (Jefferson,) (wlfA Jtuptr,) 

saw mill and former 86. 
Pickett, Daniel,(CbarlotteTllle,) farmer ISO. 
Pickett, Jasper, (Jefferson,) (With Aaron,) 

■an mill and (termer 85. 
Pindar, Abraham A., (Eminence,) farmer 

Finder, John S., (Jefferson,) farmer 105. 
Proper, Anson, (JelTersou,) blacksmith. 
Proper, Minard, (Eminence,) farmer 97. 
PROPER, WILLIAM L,, (Jefferson,) fkr- 

Reed, David T., (Jefferson,) farmer 105. 
Reed. Henry B. Mrs,, (Charlottevllle,) (hr- 

Reed. William S., (Jefferson,) former 46. 
REYNOLDS, BENJAMIN, ' (Jefferson,) 

boot and shoe maker. 
Rhoades, Andrew, (Jefferson,) farmer leas' 

Rider, Jacob H., (Jefferson,) fhrmer S47. 
Robbins, George J., (Jefferson,) saw and 

grist mills, mechanic and farmer S5. 
Robinson, William J., (Sonth Jefferson,) 

carpenter and former lOO. 
Roe, Jubn. (Charlottevllle,) farmer 17. 
Rowe, AngustttsJ., (Snmmit,) miller and 

farmer 3. 
Roland, Obadlah, (Jafferson,) stage driver 

and farmer 50. 
Rnland, Orrln. (Jefferson,) farmer 100. 
8AOER, GARRET, (Jeffer«on,> farmer 107. 
Sager, Jacob, (Jefferson,) farmer 40. 
Sager, Mary Anu Mrs., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Sanlsbnry, Experience Miss, (Snmmit,) 

farmer 40. 
Bchermerhurn, William, (Jefferson,) farmer 

ScovlU, Henry. (Jefferson,) farmer SO. 
Scbvill, Wesley, (Jefferson,) former leases 

of M. 8. Wilcox, SIW. 
Scrom, PetKr, (Jefferson,) blacksmith and 

farmer SO. 
Shelmadlue, Fernando, (Jefferson,) (Iiaae 

Shelmadine, Isaac ti Son, (Jefferson,) (Fer- 
nando,) shoe mnkers and farmers 10. 
Shelmadine. Lewis, (Jefferson,) former 14. 

former 166. 
SImklns, George H.,(Jeffersob.) farmer 183. 
Simons, William W., (Sumford, Dela- 
ware Co.,) farmer 186. 
Smith, Benjamin B., (Jefferson,) farmer TO. 
Smith. Charles T., (Sonth Jefferson,) farmer 

Smith, Charles W., (Jefferson,) former 86. 
SMITH, JOHN, (Jefferson,) farmer 140. 

Smith, Patrick H., (Jefltorson.) farmef 100. 
Spore, Edgar, (Snmmit,) farmer 60. 
Spore, John, (Snmmit.) farmer 105. 
Stanley, Joseph, (Jefferson,) (Mann A Co.) 
Stanley, Wither E.,(Jefferson,) blacksmith. 
Stanley, William R., (Jefferion,) black- 

emith and farmer 16. 
STARKINS, BARNBT, (Jefferson,) farmer 

STBPHBNS, ALONZO, (Jefferson,) farmer 

STBVBNS, AARON, (Jefferson,; farmer 

Stevens, Williams, rJeffersoo,) cooper. 
Stewart, BllJah, (Sooth Jefferson,) (with 

John,) former SOO. 
Stewart, John, (Sonth Jefferson,) (with 

EHjah,) farmer SiiO. 
Taber, Peleg S., (Charlottevllle,) farmer 

Taylor, H. J., (Jefferson,) farmer360. 
Taylor, Watson S., (Jefferson,) (Jones A 

Thomas, Daniel R., (Jefferson,) carpenter 

and former 10. 
Thorn, Avery, (Sonth Jefferson,) farmer 

Tinklepangh, Abraham, (Summit,) farmer 

Tolet, .Asa, (Jefferson.) former 9S. 
Tolten, Silas W., (Jefferson,) former 48. 
Treadwell, BliKa Mrs., (Jefferson,) farmer 

Tmax, Charles, (Charlottevllle,) shingle 

maker and former 33. 
Tmaz, Edward, (Charlottevllle.) constable, 

collector, can>enter and former 35. 
TRUAX, ISAAC, (Charlottevllle,) Justice 

of the peace and farmer 1)6. 
Tnttle, Benjamin O., (Jefferson,) farmer 60. 
Twitchell, Kara, (Jefferson,) (Ira TwitehtU 

A Son.) 
Twitchell, Ira & Son, (Jefferson,) (Ezra,) 

general merchauta. 
TYLER, STEPHEN J., (Jefferson,) super- 
visor and former leases of Aaron Tyler 
estate, 93. 
Van Benren, George H., (Charlottevllle,) 

shoemaker and farmer 40. » 
Van Benren, Hannah Mrs., (OharioCteviiie,) 

farmer 50. 
Van Benren, Harmon, (North Barpersfleld, 

Delaware Co..) farovr 10. 
Van Benren, Jacob, (North Harpersfleld, 

Delaware Co.,) farmer 6. 
Van Benren, William, (Charlottevllle,) far- 
mer 60. 
Van Densen, Peter, (Jeffiersoo,) former 60. 
Van Dyke, Stephen C, (Stamford, Dela- 
ware Co.,) farmer IKO. 
Van Hoaen, Carlos, <Jefferson,) farmer 236. 
Vangbh, Heman, (Summit,) former 376. 
VanghB, Hiram B., (Summit,) former347. 
Vaughn. Ira, (Summit.) farmer 106. 
Veley, Peter, (Sonth Jefferson,) farmer 137. 
Vorbes, Benn, (Summit,) formerllS. 
VRO.UAN, ALBERT L., (Jeffereon,) former 

Vroinan, C. A., (Jefferson,) former 85. 
Wagoner, Levi, (Jefferson,) shoemaker and 
farmer 14i), 

I Warner, Adlu, (Charlottevllle,) blacksmith 
and farmer 8. 
Warner, BU, (Charlottevllle,) former 134. 




D^° Orders thankf^ily received and- promptly 


I I ■■■■ ■■111— ^M^M^^— — t^liiMW WIBIMiiM^— aft^P^^I^^— — ^■^M^M^— — W 

ElijTABLlSIIED.... «... 1842* 


Carriage; Light Wagon and Sleigh 


iiepairinff^ Done to Order, with JVeatness and Dispatch, 


^ Established ^838. 



2 he Republican Organ of Schoharie County. 


A.LL KIJ\r>id OF 


Done at this Office. 

Address :— Schoharie Uhion^ Schohariet M Y* 



Warner, Jobn M., (North Harpersfleld, 
Delaware Co.,) former 130. 

Warner, Powley, iCharlotteyille,) farmer 

Wayman, Darias, (CharlottevUle,) larmer 

Wayman, Leonard, (CharlottevUle,) for- 
mer 95. 

WATMAN, LEVI G., (Charlottevllle,) for- 
mer 57. 

Weidman, Nicholas, (Summit,) former 94. 

Welton, Ezra, (Charlottevllle,) cooper and 
, former 8. 

West, Abraham, (Bonth Worcester, Otsego 
Co.,) fof mer 115. 

Whitbeck, Jacob H.. (Charlotteville,) for- 
mer 115. 

White, Alfred S., (Jefferson,) cooper and 
former 1,15. 

WILCOX, M. S., (JeiTerson,) attorney, in- 
surance agent and former 323. 

WILDER, AUSTIN J., (Jefferson,) car- 
penter and former 2. 
Wilson, George S., (Jefferson,) former 82. 
Wiltsie, (George, (Summit,) shoemaker. 

Wood, A. A., (Jefferson,) phyeicinn and 

Woodheck, John H., (Jefferson,) former 80. 

Yager, Jolm, (Charlottevllle,) former leases 
of Mrs. jnlia Ann Johnson, 100. 

YOUNG, EDWARD, (Jefferson,) carpenter 

and farmer 40. 
Young, Lqcy A. Mrs., (Jefferson,) former 


Zeh, Lewis, (Stamford, Delaware Co.,) far- 
mer 185. 

(Post OfS.ce Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Acker, Nelson, (Middleburgh,) farmer 70. 

Aker, Alexander, (Bast Cobleskill,) farmer 
83 and leases of Daniel Eckerson, 107. 

Aker, David, (East Cobleskill,) farmer 48. 

Aker, Madison Mrs., (East Cobleskill,) for- 
mer 8>tf . 

Albro, Benjamin, (Middlebnrgh,) former 76. 

Albro, Wm. B„ (Hnntersland,) hop raiser 
and farmer 36. 

ALBRO, WILLIAM H., (Middleburgh,) 
(EtmU a Albro.) 

Alger, Jacob, (Middleburgh,) carpenter and 
farmer 23. 

ALGER, JEbSB H., (Middleburgh,) saw 
mill and former 270. 

Alger, Miner, (Middleburgh,) farmer 70. 

Allen, John, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) far- 
mer 105. 

Alverson, Joseph, (Huntersland,) market 

ANDREWS, LORINQ, (Middleburgh,) 
(Loring " Andrews & Co.y) hide and 
leather dealers. New York. 

ANDREWS, LORINQ & Co., (Middle- 
burgh,) {.Jolm Kerr,) props, of Mill 
Valley Tannery. 

Atohinson, B. D., (Middleburgh,) prop, of 
Atchinson House, and Middleburgh and 
Oak Hill stage. Main. 

Aucconpaugh, Jacob, (Middlebnrgh,)farmer 

Babcock, Daniel, (Gallnpville,) farmer 60. 

Babcock, Walter, (Gallupville,) former 250. 

Badgley, Jerome B., (Middleburgh,) drugs, 
medicines, paints, oils, groceries, fancy 
goods &c., Main. 

Barber, Aaron, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 
(Willi Qeorge,) former 80 and leases 
from Ira and Sen'eda Havely, 138. 

Barber, George, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 
{wiOi Aaron,,) farmer SO and leases 
from Peter Havely, 160. 

Barber, James, (Middleburgh,) former 50. 

Barber, Josiah, (Berne, Albany Co.,) for- 
mer SO. 

BARBER, LUCIUS, (Middleburgh,) former 

BARKMAN, DANIEL, (Hnntersland,) jus- 
tice of the peace and farmer 343. 

Bamer, Hiram, (East Cobleskill,) hop raiser 
and former 92. 

Barton, Washington, (Middleburgh,) for- 
mer 71. 

Bassler, David, (Mlddlehuigh,) general mer- 
chant and former 211, Main. 

Bassler, Jacob, (East Cobleskill,) (toner 

Bassler, John J., (Huntersland,) farmer 
leases from David, 311. 

Bassler, Sylvester, (Huntersland,) farmer 

Becker, Abraham, (Middleburgh,) farmer 

BECKER, ALBERT, (Hnntersland,) hop 
raiser, school teacher and former 66. 

bnrgh,) civil engineer and surveyor, 
andformer 400, Clauverway. 

Becker, David^Mlddleburgh,) farmer 324, 
residence Wateri 

BECKER, ' GEORGE W., (Huntersland,) 
farmer 84. 

Becker, Hamilton, (Middleburgh,) gro- 
ceries, prqviaions, flour and feed. Main. 

Becker, Jdnn, (Middleburgh,) hop raiser 
and farmer 100. 

Becker, John, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 
former 94. 



Becker, Joseph, (Mlddlebnrgh,) (MaUery dt 

Becker, Julia A. MisB, (Middlebargh,) dress 

maker and milliner. Main. 
BECKER, PAUL, (Middlebargh,) farmer 

Becker, Peter, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer leases 

from David H. Hyde, ItO. 
Becker, Storm S., (Schoharie,) farmer 164. 
Becker, Wm. F., (Schoharie,) occupies B.S. 

Becker's farm. 
BKEKMAN, DUHTEA, (Middlebnrgh.) 
(with. Ntcholm,) hop raiser and farmer 
BEEKMAK, NICHOLAS, (Middlebnrgh,) 
^uoUk vuryea^) hop raiser and farmer 
Seller, Wm. H , (Qallapville,) hop raiser 

and farmer S30. 
Bellinger, James H., (Middlebnrgh.) 
Bellinger, John, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

leases of Marcus, 200. 
Bellinger, John M., (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

BELLINGER, JOHN P.,(Middleburgh,) re- 
tired merchant and grape raiser 6. 
Bellinger, Marcus, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

Bellinger, Marcus Jr., (Middleburgh,) far- 
mer leases of Marcus, 196. 
Bellinger, Marcus I., (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

BELLINOER, WILLIAM, (Middleburgh,) 

farmer 883. 
Best, Charles J., (Middlebargh,) farmerllS. 
BISHOP, AMBERSON,, (Middleburgh,) 
prop, of lime kiln and saw mlU, gro- 
cer and farmer 136. 
Bizby, Asa, (Middleburgh,) farmer. 
BLODOETT, HIRAM A., (Middlebnrgh,) 
postmaster, dealer in stationery, blank 
books, papers &c., agent for Elias 
Howe Sewmg Machine, and fruit raiser 
1, Main. 
BL0D(3ETT, JOHN C, (Middleburgh,) 
prop, of upper leather tannery, and 
shoemaker, OlauTerway. 
BOBST, BENJAMIN B., (East Cobleskill,) 

hop raiser and farmer 136. 
Borst, Qeorge E., (Middleburgh,) harness 

maker and carriage trimmer^ Main. 
Borst, Jacob J., (Middleburgh,) farmer. 
Borst, James, (Schoharie,) farmer leases 

Borst, James C, (Middlebargh,) billiard 

saloon. Main. 
BORST, JEHIEL, (East Cobbleskill,) far- 
mer 60 and leases of Beqj. B., 126. 
Borst, John, (Gallupville,) farmer 6. 
Borst, Martin L;, (Middlebnrgh,) superin- 
tendent of the County Poor House and 
farmer 260. 
Borst, Michael, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 26. 
BORST, MILTON, (Middleburgh,) prop, of 

custom mill and farmer 3. 
BORST, PETER H., (Middleburgh,) farmer 

Borst,' Peter Menzo, (East Cobleskill,) far- 
mer 100. 
B6rs»; Fhiltp, (Schoharie,) farmer 114i 
Borst, William B., (Middleburgh,) general 

merchant,' Main. 
Bortbwick, Bdniley, (Middlebargh,) former 

Bortle,John, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 809. 
BOUCK, ALEXANDER, (Middleburgh,) 

carpenter and builder, scroll sawing 

ana turning. Water. 
Bouck, CorneuuB, (Middleburgh,) farmer 

Bouck, David D., (Middlebnrgh,) fanner 

Bouck, George L., (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

Bouck, Jacob T., (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 15. 
Boack, John M., (Middleburgh,) farmer 

110, Main. 
Bouck, Joseph T., (Middlebargh,) former 

Bouck, Peter L., (Schoharie,) farmer 180. 

BOUCK, THOMAS I., (Middleburgh,) for- 
mer 47. 

BOUCK, THOMAS W., (Middleburgh,) 
blacksmith and farmer 108 ; three miles 
south from village. ^ 

Boyce, Almira Miss, (Middleburgh,) dress- 
maker. Main. 

BOYCE, .TAMES I., (Middleburgh,) car- 
riage ironing and general blacksmith- 
Ing, Main. 

Bradt, Jacob, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 
farmer 126. 

Brazea, Jebiel, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 236. 

BREWER, RICHARD, (Huntersland,) car- 

Brown, H. R. & Z. J., (Middleburgh,) mar- 
ble works, Rail Road Avenue. 

Busbnel, Ransom, (Middleburgh,) farmer 
leases from James Qrldley, 76. 

CAIN, GEORGE, (East Cobleskill,) farmer 

Cameron, Aaron, (Huntersland,) farmer 80. 

Cameron, Polly Mrs., (Huntersland,) far- 
mer 30. 

Cameron, Potter, (Middleburgh,) farmer 

Carter, Hiram P., (East Cobleskill,) lumber 
manuf. and farmer 334. 

Cartwright, Robert, (Huntersland,) farmer 

Case, C. A., (Middleburgh,) watch maker 
and jeweler. Main. 

Cass, Paul, (Huntersland,) former 230. 

CHASE, JOHN W., (Middleburgh,) {QU- 
bert dh Chase.) 

Cherrytree, Orpha Mrs., (Middleburgh,) 
leases hop yard 4. 

Chronics, William, (Middleburgh,) farmer 

Clow, Nicholas D., (East Cobleskill,) far- 
mer 110. 

CONKLIN, ABSALOM, (Huntersland,) 
farmer 98. 

Cook, Erastus, (Middleburgh,) hop raiser 

and farmer 18, Clanverway. 
COOK, P. M., (Middlebnrgh,) prop, of 
livery and summer boaraing house, 
and deputy sheriff. Main. 
Cook, John, (Huntersland,) fitrmer 108. 
Cook, Peleg, (Huntersland,) farmer 174. 
Cook, Thomas, (Middleburgh,) former 10, 

Cooper, Martin P., (Middleburgh,) farmer 

Cornell, Chauncey R., (Huntei^land,) hop 

raiser and farmer 64. 
Cornell, 6. W., (Middleburgh,) painter, 




Cornwell, Brsklne, (Middleburgli,) hoaae 

painter and farmer WH. 
Crim, Caroline Mra., (Huntereland,) farmer 

Crippen, Orvllle, (Hnntersland,) general 
merchant, slioemaker and poetmaster. 

Cronby, Betey, (Hantersland.) farmers. 

Crosby, Charles, (Middleburgh,) former 

Crosby, Hiram, (Hnntersland,) carpenter. 

Crosby, Stephen C, (Middleburgh,) firmer 

Cnrtis, Abram, (Middleburgh,) farmer 100. 

Curtis, Orville,) (Middleburgh,) farmer BO. 

DANFORTH, ELLIOT, (Middleburgh,) 
attorney and counselor at law. 

Danfbrth, George E., (Middleburgh,) far- 
mer 1048, Water. 

Dan forth, GeorgaL., (Middleburgh,) (P. a. 
<£ O. L. Danfortk,) insurance agent. 

Danfbrth, Peter 8., (Middleburgh,) (P. 3. 
<£ G. L. Danfortk,) treasurer Middle- 
burgh & Schoharie Bl R. Co. and fiir^ 
mer 154. 

Danforth, P. S. & G. L., (Middleburgh,) 
lawyers. Water. 

Danfonh.Volney, (Middleburgh,) physician 
and farmer 360. 

DAVIS, JAMBS W., (Schoharie,) prop, of 
the Schoharie Custom and Flouring 
Mill, Plaster Mill and Saw Mill. 

Davis, John T., (Schoharie,) miller, Scho- 
harie Mills. 

Decker, Aaron, (Hnntersland,) stone quarry 
and farmer 160. 

Deck«r, David, (Middlebbrgh,) tiirmer 100. 

Decker, Theodore, (Middleburgh,) fiirmer 
leases of Henry J. Loncks, 50. 

Denieon, Daniel O., (Hnntersland,) hop 
raiser and fiirmer 35. 

DeNoyelles, Peter, (Bast Cobleskill,) ta- 
mer 30. 

Deuel, Isaac, (Middleburgh,) farmer 14. 

Dexter, Hedstrom, (Midoleburgh,) carpen- 

Dexter, Henry, (Hnntersland,) farmer ISO. v 

DEXTER, JAMES, (Middleburgh,) dealer 
in flag stone, hay, straw, flour and feed, 
grape grower and farmer S2. 

Dexter, Joanna Mrs., (Middleburgh,) mil- 
liner. Main. 

DICKINSON, JACOB, (Hnntersland,) car- 
riage manufacturer and farmer 38. 

DINGS DAVID, (Hnntersland,) prop, of 
the Hnntersland Custom and Flouring 
Mill, Temperance Hotel and dealer in 
groosries and provisions. 

DINGS, LDMAN, (Hnntersland,) (with 
Jotmk Drum,) farmer leases from Peleg 
Cook, 174. ,„ „ 

Dings, Peter, (Hnntersland,) miller, Hnn- 
tersland Mill. _ , ^ , J , 

DINQS TRUMAN, (Hnntersland,) dealer 
in drags, medicines, paints, oils, va> 

Dodge, Daniel b., (Middleburgh.) president 
of Middleburgh and Schoharie K. R., 
residence Main. , , ^ „ 

Dodge & Prance, (Middleburgh,) (Georg4 
Dodge and Austin France,) general 
merchants. Main. . , ,- . . 

Dodge, George, (Middleburgh,) (Ood?« * 

Drum, Joseph, (Hnntersland,) {with Luman 
Lings,) rarmer leases (torn Peleg Cook, 

Dunn. Michael, (Middlebnrgh,) (Jf. Dutm 
<£ Son.) 

Dnnn, M. & Son, (Middleburgh,) {Michael 
and WUliam,) clothiers. Main. 

Dnnn, William, (Middleburgh,) (M. Dunn 
A Son.) 

Durfee, Ain-ed, (Hnntersland,) farmer leas- 
es from Benjamin, 117. 

Durfee,. Benjamin, (Hnntersland,) farmer 

Durfee, Lorenio, (Qallupville,) farmer 80, 

Durfee, Stephen Van Rensselaer, 'H'tfntiers- 
land,) farmer lUO. 

Durfee, Wilbur, (Gallupville,) firmer 112. 

Durham, Daniel D., (Middleburgh,) farmer 
6. , 

Earls, Charles, (Middleburgh,) (.tk^ <t 

Earls & Frisbie, (Middlebnrgh,)'{C%ar2M 
Earlee and O. JV. Friebie,) general 
merchants, ' 

Barls, Henry, (Middlebnrgh,) retired far- 

Barls, William, (Middleburgh,) prop, of 
lime kiln, dealer in groceries and lum- 
ber, and farmer 80. 

Eckerson, Alexander, (Middlebnrgh,) far- 
mer 30. 

Eckerson, Thomas T., (Middlebnrgh,) tur- 

Edwards, Thomas, (Middleburgh,) mason 
and farmer 16. 

Eflber, Joseph J., (Middlebnrgh,) carriage 
and sign painter. Rail Road Avenue. 

Effner, Thomas, (Middlebnrgh,) blacksmith. 

Efber, Elijah, (Middlebnrgh^ house painter. 

EFNBR, THOMPSON, (MiddleT)nrgh,) 
blacksmith. Railroad Avenue, 

BUswohh, Joseph, (Hnntersland,) cabinet 
maker and undertaker. 

ENGLE & ALBRO, (Middlebargh,) (WU- 
liam H. Bngle and WiUiam H. Albro,) 
attorneys and bounselors at law. Main. 

Bngle, George W., (Middlebnrgh,) hop 
raiser and farmer leases ftom Wm. 
Borst, 140. 

Engle, Jacob L., (Middlebnrgh,) (,J, NevUU 
dt Vo.) 

Engle, Thomas G., (Middlebnrgh,) firmer 

BNGLE, WILLIAM H., (Middleburgh.) 
(Engle <t AVtro,) deputy collector in- 
ternal revenue. 

Folick, S., (Middleburgh,) cooper. 

Fonda, John, (Middlebtliigh,) farmer 1. 

Fox, John, (Middlebnrgn,) farmer leaees 

Fox, Lewis, (Mid^ebnrgh,) paper manaf. 
at Baldwinsville. Onondaga Co., and 
farmer 2, residence Main. 

France, Austin, (Middleburgh,) (Dodge <t 

FREEMIRE, ROBERT, (Middleburgh,) hop 

burgh,) prop, of Freemyer House, Main. 

Freemyer, John, (Middleburgh,) fiirmer 
leases 100. 

Prisbie, G. N., (Middlebnrgh,) (JRirb <£ 
FriMe,) (W. O. Lmentbery <t Co.,) 
harness, tmnka Ac, Main. 



Fritis, Christian, (Hnntersland,) farmer 10. 
Gale, Roger, (Huntersland,) phyeician and 

farmer*. , . „ 

GALLUP, EZRA, (Mlddleburgh,) U. <t S. 

GALLUP, JOB, (Middlebnrgli,) iJ, &E. 

GALLUP, J. & B., (Mlddleburgh,) (Job onA 

iiro,) coopers and farmers 18fl, 
GBKNSBT, JSZKA, (Bast Coblesklll,) hop 

raiser and farmer 180. 
GEENSEY, JAMBs J., (Bast Coblesklll,) 

hop raiser and farmer 140. 
GERNtSBY, JOHN, (Bast Cobjeskill,) far- 
mer ISO. 

burgb,) justice of the peace and school 

teacher, Main, 
GILBERT & CiiASB, (Middlebnrgh.) (La 

Fayette Gilbert and John W. -Chase,) 

props, of Gilberts JToundty. 
GILBERT, LA FAYETTE, (Middlebnrgh,) 

(Gilbert <fc Chase.) 
Golden, Alvin, (Huntersland,) cooper. 
Qorse, Sarina Mrs., (Mlddleburgh,) dress 

maker and milliner. Main. 
Gridley, James, (Mlddleburgh,) farmer 7B. 
Grldley, James W., (Mlddleburgh,) farmer 

Hagadorn, Alaneon,. (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

Hall, James R.L(Hnntersland,) shoemaker. 
Halleubeck, Harrison, (Middbhurghj) 

Hallenbeck, Samuel W., (Middlebnrgh,) 

carpenter and farmer 6, Main. 
Haues, Freeman, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 4 

and leases of Mrs. B. Raddik, 340. 
HAVBLY, DANIEL, (West Berne, Albany 

Co.,) hop raiser, saw mill and farmer 
* . 150. 

Hawver, Henry, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 184 
Hays, Charles, (East Coblesklll,) farmer 
^^leases of Nelson Bice, 119. 
HAYS, DAVID, (Middlebnrgh,) broom 

manaf. and ' farmer 166, residence 

Heason, George, (Huntersland,) farmer 19. 
Held, Ernest, (Mlddleburgh,) barber. Main. 
Herron, Peter, (Bast Cobleskill,) hop raiser 

and farmer SO. 
Herron, Tunis, (East Coblesklll,) farmer 

20. ., 

HESS, DANIEL D„ (Middlebnrgh,) (Ssss 

• <fc Lerov,) farmer 9. 
HESS & LEROY,, (Middlebnrgh,) (Darnel 

D. Hess and Joltii B. Leroy,) groceries, 

provisions, boots, shoes mc. Main. 
Hilsley, Elery, (Gallupville,) (with Joteph,y 

hop raiser and farmer leases 200. 
Hilsley, George, (Gallupyille,) farmer 90. 
Hilsley, Jeremiah, (Mlddleburgh,) faj-mer 

HILSLEY, JOHN JACOB, (Qallnprllle,) 

prop, of saw mill and farmer j 

Hilsley, Joseph, (Gallupville,) (with Elery,) 
hop raiser and farmer leases iiOO. 

Hilsley, William, (Mlddleburgh,) farmer 

HINMAN, B. FRANK, (Mlddleburgh,) 
agent B. R. & Z. J. Brown's marble 
works. Rail Road Avenue. 

Hoa^, M. R., (Middleburgh,) general mer- 
chant. Main, 

Hooghkirk, James, (East Cobleskill,) hop 
raiser and farmer 210. 

Howe, James, (Mlddleburgh.) farmer 110. 

Hubbell, Alvab, (Mlddleburgh,) fiirmer 4. 

HUMPHEEY, PHILIP, (MSdleburgh,) jus- 
tice of the peace and fruit raiser. Main. 

HYDB, DAVID R., (Middleburgh,) farmef 
220, residence Water, 

Hyde, Ralph, (Middleburgh,) flour and feed. 

•IRELAND, O. B., (Mlddleburgh,) pub- 
lisher Middleburgh Gazette. 

Jones, G. G. Bev., (luiddleburgh,) rector of 
Episcopal Chnrch. 

Eelsey, Jonas, (Middlebnrgh,) bop raiser 
and farmer 200: 

Kelsef , William G., (Middleburgh,^ hop 
raiser and fariner 300. 

Kennedy, Jacob, (Huntersland,) farmer 80. 

Kennedy, William, (Middleburgh,) carpen- 
ter and builder. Main. 

KEHE JOHN, (Mlddleburgh,) ^Loring An- 
drews ^& Co.) 

Kilmer, John, (Middlebnrgh,) fbrmer. 

Kinney, John, (Middlebnrgh,') broom 

KNIFFEN, JOHN B., (Middlebnrgh,) hop 
raiser and farmer 103. 

Kniskern, B. B., (Middlebnrgh,) resident, 

Laman, George, (Huntersland,) farmer 
leases farm ft'om George Tibbets. 

LAMPMAN, JOHN P., (Bast Cobleskill,) 
hop raiser and farmer IBO. 

Lape,. Myron, (Middlebnrgh,) (with Harris 
Long,) butcber. 

Laraway, Henry," (Mlddleburgh,) farmer. 

Laraway, Nancy Mrs., (Huntersland,) far- 
mer 26. 

Lawton, Benjamin, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 
leases t^om Daniel Barkman, 77. 

Lawton, Peter, (Middlebnrgh,) fcrmer 120. 

Lawton, Wm., (Huntersland,) farmer 206. 

LAWYER, ANDREW, (Middlebnrgh,) 
blacksmith and farmer 30, Mill Valley. 

Lawyer, David, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 25. 

LAWYEB, JAMES, M. D., (Middleburgh,) 
physician and surgeon. Main. 

Lawyer, Willim H., (Middlebui'gh,) farmer 

Leman, George, (Middleburgh,) farmer 

LEEOY, JOHN H., (Middlebnrgh,) (Bess 

& Leroy.) 
Lewis, Benjamin F., (Middleburgh.) farmer 

leases nomMrs. I^orotha Mattice, 176, 
Livingston, Benjamin, (East Coblesklll,) 

larmer 168)i. 
Livingston, James, (Schoharie,) (with 

Peter,) farmer lOS. 
Livingston, Peter, (Schoharie,) (with 

James,) farmer 106. 
Long, Harris, (Middlebargti,) (with Myron 

Lape^ butchtg:. 
Loncks, Henry J., (Schoharie,) farmer 50. 
Loncks, Jeremiah, (Schoharie,) farmer leas- 
es 180. 
Loncks, iJohn P., (Mlddleburgh,) farmer. 
Loucks, Thomas, (Schoharie^ farmer 40. 
Lownsbery, W. Q. & Co., (Mlddleburgh^) 

(Vfillard O. Lownsbery and 0. N. 

Fiisbie,) dealers In stoves, tin and 

glsss ware. Main. 
Lownsbery, willard Q., (Mlddleburgh,) 

(W. G. Lownsbery <£ Co.) 



Hacomljer, Archibald, (Middlebargb,) far- 

MACOMBKR, RESOLVED, (Hnntereland,) 
hop ral&er and farmer yu. 

Macambe'r, Amasa, (Middlebargb,) leaseB 

Mallery & Becker, (Hiddlebnrgh,) [JolmB. 
Uailary and JOMph Becker.) groceries, 
provigtioQB, floar, feed &c.. Main. 

Mallery, Jobu H., (Middlebargb,) (Mallery 
dk Becker.) 

Mancheater, Henry, (Middlebargb,) former 

Manchester, Joseph, (Middlebargb,) for- 

Maun, Lysander, (Mlddlebargh,) farmer 

Manning, Qeorge, (Middlebargb,) hop rais- 
er and former WO. 

Manning, H. L., (Middlebnirgta,) former 160. 

MAjraXNG, NATHANIEL, (Middlebargb,) 

farmer 50, residence Water. 
MARSBLUS, H. M., (Middlebargb,) manaf. 

of boots and shoes. Main. 
Hattice, Catharine Mrs., (Middlebargb,) 

farmer 36. 
Mattice, Jacob N., (Middlebargb,) former 

Mattice, Joseph, (Middlebargb,) hop raiser, 

broom mannf. and former 200. 
Meeker, John, (Hnntersland,) former 1. 
Messier, Charles, (Hnntersland,) (wiVi 

George,) forjner 185. 
Messier, George, (Hnntersland,) (with 

Charles,) farmer 126. 

bu^gb,^ 0. B. Ireland, pahlisher. 

Middlebargb & Schoharie B. R. Co., (Mid- 
dlebargb,) D. D. Dodge, prest; J. 
Neville, secy ; Peter S. Danftjrtb, treas. 

bargb,) Loring Andrews & Co., props. 

Miller, Ann Eliza Mrs., (Middlebargb,) for- 
mer 1. 

Morenue, Abram, (Middlebargb,) former. 

Nasholds, John J., (Huntersland,) farmer 

Neville, Jacob, (Middlebargb,) (J. Neville 
<& Co.) secretary Middlebargb & Scho- 
harie R. R. Co. 

Neville, J. & Co., (Middlebuigh,) (Jacob 
NevUle and Jacob L. Sngle,) general 
merchants. Water. 

Noxon, Richard P., (Middlebargb,) con- 
stable and frait raiser. 

Palmer, Henry W., (Middlebargb,) farmer. 

Parslow, Adam, (Mlddlebargh,) former 1. 

Patrick, Jeremiah, (Bast Cobleskill,) for- 
mer 1, 

PAYNE, PALMER J., (Middlebargb,) hop 
raiser and farmer 146. 

Persons, Lawrence, naiddlebareb,) prop. 
Bulls Head HoteI,Main, and former 660. 

Peterson, Jacob, (Middlebargb,) mason and 

Pierson, Oscar, (Mlddlebargh,) billiard sa- 
loon. Main. „„■,■,, v i. \ 
Pindar, Edward, estate of, (Middlebargb,) 

PINDAE.'hKNBY v., (Middlebargb,) hop 
raiser and farmer leases of David 
Becker, 300. 

Pindar, Peter M., (Middlebargb,) former. 

Pinder, H. V., (Middlebargb,) former leases 

Pitcher, Benjamin, (Middlebargb,) farmer 

Plngh, B., heirs of, (Middlebargb,) formers 

Possoo, George, (Middlebargb,) farmer 
leases from Henry Possod, 114. 

POSSON, LEWIS W., (Hantersland.) con- 
tractor and bnilder, and farmer 95. 

Posson, Peter W., (Hantersland,) farmer 

Palman, Charles, (Hantersland,) hop raiser 
and farmer 26. 

Radliffe, Hiram, (East Cobleskill,) farmer 
. 67. 

Rescae, Mrs., (Middlebargb,) farmer 


Rlcard, James, (Hantersland,) carpenter. 

Ricbtmyer, Almon, (Middlebnrgh,) (with 
George,) farmer 120. 

Ricbtmyer, Barney W., (Mlddlebargh,) far- 
mer 17. 

Ricbtmyer, George, (Mlddlebargh,) (with 
Almon,) farmer 120. 

Ricbtmyer, Philip, (Middlebargb,) farmer 

Rickard, Albert, (Middlebargb,) former 135. 

Rickard, Ellas, (Middlebargb,) farmer 76X. 

Rickard, George, (Mlddlebargh,) farmer 

IfiASfiB of Irft. fi^ 

Rickard, Ira, (Middiebargh,) farmer 148. , 
Rickard, Jeremiali, (Middlebargb,) farmer 

RICKARD, MADISON, (Middlebargb,) hop 
raiser and former 176. 

Rickard, MaigaretMrs., (Mlddlebargh,) far- 
mer 200. 

Rickard, Peter, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 200. 

RICKART, JOHN W., (Hantersland,) car- 
penter and joiner, and farmer 1%. 

Riphenbnrgb, Henry, (Mlddlebargh,) far- 
mer 2. 

Rlveobargh, John, (Mlddlebargh,) shoe 
maker and former leases of Mrs. C. 

Robinson, Henry, (Hantersland,) farmer 

Rockefeller, Georee, (Middlebargb,) car- 
penter and bander, prop, of saw, plan- 
ing and feed mills, and former 55. 

Roe, ^anford W. Rev., (Middlebargb,) 
pastor of Middiebargh Reformed 

Roe, Wm., (Middiebargh,) farmer 8. 

RORICK, WILLIAM H., (Middlebnrgh,) 
hop raiser and former 29. 


bargh,) ageot for the Singer Sewing 
Macnine, bop raiser and former 4. 
RYDER, BDTUS, (Hantersland,) flarmer 


Ryder, Samael, (Hantersland,) former 114. 
Saddlemier, George, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

Sanford, Lyman Hon., (Middlebnrgh,) (San- 
ford & Thome.) 
Sanrord & Thome, (Middlebnrgh,) (Bon. 

Lyman Sanford and Wm. hi. Thome,) 

lawyers. Main. 
Soott, Hillip, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer. 
Scott, Wells & Co., (Mlddlebargh,) bine 

stone dealers. 



Scrlbner, John M.. (Midaiebnrgh,) mannf. 

of Btraw wrapping paper, prop, of 

Btone yard and farmer 170. 
Scrom, John, (Middleburgh,) farmer 3. 
Scutt, Anthony, (Middleburgh,) farmer 90. 
Scutt, Henry, (Middlebnrgh.) jaetice of the 

peace and farmer 60. 
Scntt, Henry Jr., (Middlebnrgh,) eaw and 

cld^r mills, and farmer 807. 
Scntt, Philo, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 830. 
Shafer, John, (Bast Cobleekill,) farmer 

leases of Benj. Livingston, 104. 
Shaw, Wm., (Huntersland,) chair maker. 

Shaw, , (Middlebnrgh,) farmer. 

Sheldon, Carr, (Middleburgh,) carpenter. 

SHELDON, CHARLES, (Middlebnrgh,), Stiner, John I., (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 

wagon maker and farmer 1, one mile 

east from village. 
Shnfelt, Edwin, (mintersland,) blacksmith 

and farmer 4. 
SHtTPELT, JOHNC.i (Hnntersland,) far- 


Shufelt, Maryette, (.Hnntersland,) milliner. 

Sidney, Joseph, (Schoharie,) {with Peter,) 
farmer 95. 

Sidney, Peter, (Schoharie,) {with Joseph,) 
farmer 96. 

Simklns, George, (Middleburgh,) (with 
i/oAn,) saw mill and farmer 196. 

Simkins, John, (Middlebnrgh,) (with Oeo.,) 
saw mill and fanner 196. 

SITZBK, WILLIAM M , (Middlebnrgh,) 
farmer S60 in North Blenheim, and 
leases, estate of Freeman Stanton, 260. 

SMITH, AMOS M., (Middlebnrgh,) car- 
riagemHuuf., Main. 

Smith, Hiram, (Middleblirgh,) blacksmith. 

Smith, John, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 
farmer 17. 

Snyder, Adam, (Hnntersland,) blacksmith 
and farmer 30. 

Snyder, Adam Jr., (Hnntersland,) black- 
smith and farmer 31. 

Snyder, Albert, (Middlebnrgh,) oyster sa- 
loon. Main. 

Snyder, Angnstus, (Middlebnrgh,) boatman 
and farmer 1. 

Snyder, Daniel D., (Hnntersland,) farmer 

Snyder', Kliza Mrs., (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

Snyder, Hadley, (Middlebnrgh,) dentist. 

Snyder, Hannah Mrs., (Middlebnrgh,) mil- 
liner. Main. 
Snyder, John L., (East Cobleskill,) hop 

raiser and farmer 66. 
Snyder, Nicholas, (East Cobleskill,) farmer 

leases of Marshall N. DeNoyelles, 130. 
Snyder, William N., (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

Soner, John, (Middlebnrgh,) cabinetmaker 

and undertaker, Water. 
Spaitholc, James, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 

leases ft'om L. Persons, 100. 
Spanlding, Mary Mrs., (Middlebnrgh,) far- 

bnrgh,) keeper of Oonnty Poor House 
and veterinary surgeon, 

Spickerman, Edward, (Middleburgh,) far- 
mer 60. 

Sprecher, C. Spencer Bev,, (Middlebnrgh,) 
pastor of Lutheran Church, 

'Staler, Eliza, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer i: 

Stalker, Jonathan, (Oallnpville,) farmer 68. 

Stanton, Abram L,, (Middlebnrgh,) apiarian 
and farmer 4. 

Stanton, Freeman, estate of, (Middlebnrgh,) 
350 acres. 

Stanton, John L., (Middlebnrgh,) station 
agent. A, M, 17, Express agent and far- 
mer 11. 

Starr, Jesee H.,' (Hnntersland,) farmer 15. 

Starr, John A., (Middlebnrgh,) bntcher. 

Starr, John W., (Middlebingh,) farmer 90. 

Starr, Zadoc B., (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 100, 

Stevenson, Henry J., (Middieburgli,) watch 
maker and jeweler. Rail Road Av^aue. 

farmer 48, 

SWART, PETER Z„ (Middleburgh,) super- 
visor and farmer 150, 

Sweet, Alice Miss, (Hnntersland,) music 

Sweet, John E,, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer 70 
and leases from Jesse H. Alger, 140. 

SWEET, SILAS, (Hnntersland,) farmer 

Taylor, Peter, (Middlebnrgh,) fermer 110. 

Teeter, Jane, (Middleburgh,) farmer l^.' 

Thome, William B., (Mrddleburgh,) (San- 
ford <fe yAornSj) notary public. 

Tibbets, George W., (Middlebnrgh,) far- 
mer lOU. 

burgh,) (iV, <& W. TompMm,) (Tomp- 
kins d Travers.) 

TOMPKINS, N, & W„ (Middlebnrgh,) 
(NaOianiel and WiUiam P.,) props, of 
Tompkins Furnace. 

TOMPKINS & TRAVBH8, (Middleburgh,) 
(Xalhaniel and WiUiam P. Tompkms, 
and James Travere,) mannfs. ot lum- 

bnrgh,) (N. <£ W. Tompkins,) (Tomp- 
kins <& Iravers.) 

Traver, Rebecca Miss, (Hnntersland,) 
tailoress and dressmaker, 

TRAVBRS, JAMBS, (Middlebnrgh,) 
( Tompkins db Travers.) 

Travers, Martha C. Mrs., (Middleburgh,) 
millinery and fancy goods, Main, 

Tryon, Amoa, (Middleburgh,) farmer 3, 

Tryon, John, (Middleburgh,) farmer 840, 

TiTon, Stephen, (Hnntersland,) farmer 80, 

TURNER, MORGAN, (Hnntersland,) 
dealer in dry goods, groceries,, provi- 
sions, hardware &c„ mannf,, of ooota 
and shoes, and farmerOUf, 

burgh,) farmer 268, 

Upman, John, (Middleburgh J farmer 7. 
Van Aaken.Bdward, (Mldalebnrgh,) farmer 

Van Buren, Daniel H„ (Middleburgh,) hop 
raiser and farmer 114, 

Van Derhoof, John, (Middleburgh,) farmer 

Van Gaasbeck, Dr,, heirs of, (Middle- 
bnrgh,) farmers 16. . 

Van Wngenen, Barent, (East Cobleskill,) 
farmer 130. 

Vroman, Abram L,, (Middleburgh,) carpen- 
ter and farra'er 5, Clauverway. 

Vroman, Adam, (Middleburgh,) (iMh 
Jacob,) farmer 136. 



VROM AN, DOW P., (Middlebnigh.) broom 

corn and hop raiser, and farmer 60. 
YEOMAN, HARMAN A., (Mlddlebnrgh,) 

hop raiser and former 37}<i , GlanTerway. 
Vroman, Jacob, (Mlddleburgh,) (wuh 

Adam,) former 1S6. 
Yrooman, Ubbie MisB, (Mlddlebnrgh,) 

Wager, Francis, (Hantersland,) former 116. 
Warner, John, (Ulddlebargh,) former 

Warner, Noah, (Mlddlebnrgh,) former BO. 
WATSON, CHAUNCEY, (Middleburgh,) 

retired merchant and former 131, Main. 
Wells, H. D., (Mlddlebnrgh,) {Scott, WelU 

<t Co.,) physician and sargeon. 
Wells, Linus S., (Middlebargn,) physician 

and sargeon, and former 10. 
Welle, S. B., estate of, (Middleburgh,) 65 

Wereley,Wm.,(Hantei8land,) town asaesBOT 

and former 100. 
WEST, ABBAM, (Hantersland,) horse 

shoeing and general blacksmithlng, and 

West, Jeremiah, (Middleburgh,) carpenter 

and former 6. 
West, Nicholas, (Hantersland,) former 135. 
West, Oscar, (Hnntersland,) stone quarry. 
WHEELER, JOHN D., (Middleburgh,) 

physician aud Burgeon, and farmer 3, 

Kail Road Avenue. 
White, Charles A., (Middleburgh,) boots, 

shoes, hats, caps and clothing. Main. 
Wiedman, Abraham, (Middleburgh,) farmer 

2B. ■ 
Wiedman, Noah; (Hnntersland,) farmer a. , 
Wiedman, Jacob, (Mlddlebnrgh,) saw mill 

and farmer lOO. 
Wiedman, Joseph, (Middleburgh,) carpen- 
Wiedman, Paul, (Mlddlebnrgh,) farmer 4. 
Wiedman, Walter, (GaUupvUle,) farmer 10. 
Wiley, Elizabeth Mrs., (Bast Oobleskill,) 

farmer 4. 
Williams, Osea, (Middleburgh,) farmer. 

WILLMAN, CHRISTIAN, (Hnntersland,) 

former 69. 
Willman, Conrad, (West Berne, Albany 

Co.,) fbmer 107. 
Willman, Jacob, ^Hnntersland,) former 120. 
WlUsey, Levins H., (Hnntersland,) farmer 

Wllsey, Peter, (Middleburgh,) farmer 13. 
Wilson, James, (Middleburgh,) grocer and 

farmer 3, 
Wilson, Oscar, (Mlddlebnrgh,) hop raiser 

and farmer 148. 
Wlnans, Edward, (Middleburgh,) farms 

Egbert Winans estate, 50. 
WmfiGAR, ELIAKIM, (Middlebais;h,) 

farmer 280. 
Winbright, Jonas, (Middleburgh,) former. 
Wood, Allen, (Middleburgh,) carpenter and 

farmer 17. 
Wood, James B. Rev., (Middleburgh,) paB- 

tor of M. E. Churcn, Main. 
Wood, L., (Middleburgh.) fanner leases 100. 
Wood, Philip, (Schoharie,) former 130. 
Wood, Robert, (Middleburgh.) farmer 140. 
WORMER, JACOB H., (MBdleburgh,) for- 
mer 113. 
WORMER, PETER, (Middleburgh,) apiari- 
an, prm). of saw mill and farmer 250. 
WORRICe:, CHARLES, (Hantersland,) 

stone cutter. 

WORRICK, SASnrEL,(HunterBland,) prop. 

of saw mill and farmer 3. 
Wright, Kichard J., (Gallapvllle,) former 

Yanson, David, (Mlddlebnrgh,) farmer 200. 
Yonmans, Abel, (Hnntersland,) farmer 30. 
Youmans, A.ubroBe, (Middleburgh,) farmer 

Youmans , Joh n, (Middlebnrgh,) farmer. 
ZEH, DAVTD, (Middleburgh,) hop raiser 

and farmer 175. 
Zimmer, Abraham, (Hnntbrsland,) hop 

raiser and former 115. 
Zimmer, Peter, (Middleburgh,) farmer 4. 
Zimmer, Wesley J., (West Berne, Albany 

Co.,) hop raiser and farmer 100. 



(Post OfSce Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Alemore, Amoe, (Bichmondville,) carpen- 

Alemore, Leonard, (BichmondTille,) farmer 

ALLEN, CHESTER, (Wamerville,) car- 

Allen, David, (West Elohmondvllle,) far- 
mer 18. 

AMERICAN HOTEL, (Warnerville,) 
Vannees Q. Vantyle, prop. 

Ames, Martin. (Bichmondyilfe,) farmer 9. 

ATKINS, J. E., (ElohmondTille,) carpen- 
ter and farmer. 101. 

Babcock, John, (Eichmondville,) farmer 56. 

Babcoc^, John J., (Bichmoudville,) farmer 

BABCOCK, NATHAN, (Wamerville,) in- 
spector of elections. 

Babcock, Bobert Q., (Bichmondville,) cider 

Bailey, Asa, (Bichmondville,) farmer leases 

Bailey, Ezra, (Bichmondville,) farmer 306. 

Bailey, Harvey, (Bichinbhaville,) farmer 

Baldwin, Daniel D., (Richmondvllle,) fiar- 
mer 120. 

Barkman, Andrew, (Cobleskill,) shoe- 

Bates, Wm., (West Bichmondville,) farmer 

Becker, Maria Mrs., (Bichmondville,) far- 
mer 89. 

Becker, Peter, (Bichmondville,) farmer 67. 

Becker, Peter W., (Bichmondville,) hard- 
ware, Bailroad. 

Becker, Wm., (Bichmondville,) farmer 8. 

Benjamin, Henry, (Bichmondville,) stone 

BENJAMINB, HIRAM, (Bichmondville,) 
paper maker and stone mason. 

Bice, David, (Bichmondville,) farmer 16. 

Birck, John C, (Bichmondville,) black- 

Boiss, S. W., (Wamerville,) physician. 

Boom, L. G., (Bichmondville,) mauaf. of 
clothes dryers. 

Borst, Hiram, (WarnervlUe,) farmer leases 
of Mrs. Snyder, 60. 

BOETHWICK, C. J., (Wamerville,) in- 
surance agent. 

Botts, Lucy B. Mrs., (Bichmondville,) far- 
mer 16. 

Bradley, James H., (Bichmondville,) ma- 

BEADLEY, MILO N., (Bichmondville,) 
woolen manuf. and farmer 20. 

Breszer, L., (Bichmondville,) (Breaker Sia- 

Breszer, Loyina, (Bichmondville,) [Breszer 

Breszer, Sisters, (Eichmondville,) (L. and 
liomna,) milliners and dressmakers, 

Brewster; Alexander, (Wamerville,) fir- 
mer 95. 

Briggs, Richard, (Cobleskill,) shoe maker 
-and famer 41. 

Brooker, Edward K., (Bichmondville,) far- 
mer 120. 

Brooker, Henry S., (Bichmondville,) farmer 
leases llO. ^ 

Brooker, Jndson, (Bichmondville,) farmer 

Brooker, Lester, (Bichmondville,) farmer 

Brbqker; Sylvester, (West Bichmondville,) 
farmer 80: 

Brookes, Wm., (Bichmondville,) farmer 

BUECHAED, LOBBNZO D., (Wamerville,) 

BTJBNBSON, JAMES N., (Eichmondville,) 
assessor and harness Inanuf. 

Butler, Harry, (Eichmondville,) farmer 70. 

Butler, Samuel, ' CEast Worcester, Otsego 
Co.,) farmer 230. 

Campaign, Samuel, (West Eichmondville,) 
farmer 18. 

Canfleld, S. P., (Eichmondville,) mannf. 
portable clothes dryers. 

Carl, Moses H., (West Eiolmiondville,) far- 
mer 28. 

Chary, Augustus, (Cobleskill,) machinist. 

Chase, Edward A., (Bichmondville,) car- 

Chase, Jacob M., (Bichmondville,) carpen- 

CHASE, JABED, M. D., (WarnerviUo,) 
physician and farmer 48. 

CHASE, MANLET S., (Wamerville,) mer- 
chanl;, leases flax mill. 

Chase, Steward 8., (Eichmondville,) car- 

CLEVELAND, P. H., (EichmondyUle.) 
general insurance agent. 

CLUTB, E. W., (West Fulton,) blacksmith 
and farmer 86. 

Cole jaarmon, (Bichmondville,) painter. 

COOK, HBNBT C, (Eichmondville,) dis- 
trict attorney and counselor at law. 

Cornell, Stephen, (Eiohmondville,) farmer 

Crans, Henir, (Warnerville,) wagon maker. 

Crapser, Esther Mrs., (Eichmondville,) far- 
mer 70. 

CEAP8EE, WALLACE, (Eichmondville,) 
farmer 100. 



Cross, PMHp W., (RiclimondTllle,) at- 
torney, Bailroad. 

DAULY, JOHN, (Bast Worcester, Otsego 
Co.,) farmer leasee of John Ostrom, 80. 

Davidson, Naham P., (BldunondvUle,) far- 
mer 48. 

Decker, James S., (BichmondTille,) car- 

DE6RAFF, WM. W., (Eichmondvllle,) 
paper maker, 

DELAMAETYR, 8. M. K., (Cobleskill,) 
stone mason. 

Dennis, John, (BlehmondTilleJ farmer 80. 

Dibble, David, (lUchmondvllle,) HirmerllS. 

Dibble, James W., (BichmondTilte.) ta- 

Doz, David, (Richmondville,) saw "iin and 
farmer %. 

DOX, GIIiBBRT M., (Ricbmondville,) jus- 
tice of the peace and farmer 130. 

Dox, Lather M., (Richmondville,) con- 
stable and fkrmer 62. 

Dnnning, J. A., (Richmondville,) station- 
agent. ' 

DUKNING, W. H., (Richmondville,) tele- 
graph operator. 

DYBR, OBORGB W., (Richmondville,) 
attorney and counselor at law. 

EUPIRE HOUSE, (Richmondville,) H. H. 
Sheldon, prop. 

Engles, Geo. H., (West Richmondville,) 
firmer 86. 

Felter, Mathevr, (Richmondville,) former 

Fingne, Wm., (Warnerville,) former 130. 

Folen, P. O., (Cobleskill,) farmer 12S. 

Foster, J. M., CIU(ihmondTiUe,) (WesUmer 
& Foster^ P^^'* mill. 

Foster, Wm., (West Richmondville,) for- 
mer 80. 

Fox, Jeremiah, (Richmondville.) farmer 

FOX, J. A., (Richmondville,) farmer 75. 

FOX, THOMAS B., (RichmondviUe,) 
groceries and fruits. Railroad. 

Fraaier, A. D., (Riclunondville,) (Jf. Fro- 
Aer dk Co.) 

Frasier, Gteo., (Richmondville,) asseesor 
and former 50. 

Frasier, U. & Co., fltichmondville,) (A. D. 
FraAer and if. Bogeboon,) general 
merchants, Main. 

FRASIER, IRA, (RlchmondTllle,)inspectoT 
of elections and farmer 63. 

Frasier, Jotm P., (Richmdndville,) farmer 

FULLER, EZRA, (Richmondville,) former 
68. , 

Puller, Leroy, (Richmondville,) former 95. 

Fuller, Levi M., (Bichmondiille,) former 

FULLER, £AMU£L C, (Richmondville,) 

farmer 94. 
Fuller, Stephen, (Warnerville,) former 100. 
GILE, WARREN, (Richmondville,) saloon 

Glazier, Abram M., (Bichmondville,) car- 

S enter, 
on, Chas., W., (Richmondville,) for- 
mer 116. 
GORDON, JULIUa B., (RichmondviUe,) 

farmer 116. 
Green, John, (Bichmondville,) lumberman! 
and former 29. 

Green, Thomas J., (Richmondville,) farmer 

Green, Zacoheus, (West Richmondville,) 
carpenter and farmer 10. 

Griggs, Cyrenns L., (Richmondville,) pro- 
duce broker. 

Groat, Cornelius, (Richmondville,) farmer 

Groat, O. y.,(Richmondville,) former leases 

Groatt Wm, H., (Richmondville,) farmer 

Groosbeck, J. H., (Warnerville,) carpenter. 

QURLBY, JOHN B., (Warnerville,) mason 
and farmer 11. 

HADSELL, BLUAH, (Cobleskill,) farm 

Hallock, Wm. M., (Richmondville,) former 
leases of Wm. B. Allen, 106. 

HARD, J. F., (Richmondville,) farmer 91. 

HARMON, CHARLE% H., (Richmond- 
ville,) farmer 40. 

Harrington, Wm. B., (West Richmond- 
ville,) farmer 76. 

HABEOWAY, JAMES, (Bichmondville,) 
eupeivisor, express agent, produce 
dealer and farmer 170. 

Helsenger, Peter, (West Richmondville,) 
i^mer 72. 

Helsinger, James, (West Richmondville,) 

Helsinger, Luther, (Richmondville,) Jobber. 

Hicks, Reuben W., (Bichmondville,) 

HILSmQBB, WM., (Richmondville,) black- 

HOGABBOME, R. A., (Richmondville,) 
teacher and carpenter. 

HOGBBOOM, HENBY, (Bichmondville,) 

Hogeboon, N., (Richmondville,) (ff. B^a- 
sier <& Co.) 

HOLMES, HABVET, (Bichmondville,) 
farmer SOO. 

HOLMBS, WM. J., (Cobleskill,) commis- 
sioner of highways and former 160. 

Hornbeck, Nicholas I., (Bichmondville,) 

Hoysadt, H. J., (Richmondville,) paper 

Hughes, Elisha, (Bichmondville,) carpenter. 

HOTTON, JOHN, (Cobleskill,) former 150. 

Hynds, Sanford, (Bichmondville,) tinner 
and carpenter* 

ISHAM, HENRY, (West Richmondville,) 
farm laborer. 

Isham, Jirah, (Bichmondville,) former 23. 

JACKSON, DAVID, (Richmondville,) for- 
mer 118. 

JACKSON, HENRY, (Warnerville,) former 
leases of Wm. J. Tingue, 876. 

Jackson, Jevfett, (Warnerville,) farmer 115. 

JACKSON, JOHN, (WamervUle,) farmer 

Jaycox, James H., (Richmondville,) former 
leases 80 and (with, Warrm iZ.,) 50. 

JAYOOX, WARREN, (Richmondville,) far- 
mer leases of Nicholas Joyce, 70. 

Jaycox, Warren B., (Bichmondville,) {with 
James B.) former 50. 

JOHNSON, JAMES, (Richmondville,) liar^ 
mer 81. 

Johnson, John, (Bichmondville,) farmer 



Joslin, D. B., (ElchmondTille,) lumbenuan 
and farmer 63. 

JOBLTN, S. E., (Ricbmondville,) sales- 

EUtB, Conrad, (Rlchmondville,) farmer 100. 

King, Ezra, (Cobleskill,) farmer 10. 

KING, K. H., (Bichmondville,) prop. Weet- 
over House, corner Main and Summit. 

Kinnicutt, James B., (BiclimottdTiDe,) far- 
mer 40. 

ELING, FBASrciS, (Cobleskill,) farmer 

Eyser, Jacob, (WarnerTllle,) shoe maker. 

Lamonte & Loveland, (Bichmondville,) 
( Wm, T. LamonU and Freeman Love- 
land,) general merchants and farmers 

Lamonte, Wm. T., (Bichmondville,) (La- 
monte <£ Lmeland.) 

Lapoe, Michael, (Bichmondville,) farmer 

Late, Wm., (Eichmondvillo,) farmer 60. 

LATHAM, WM., (Bichmondville,) paper 

Lawyer, John B., (Bichi&ondTllle,) mer- 
chant tailor. Main. 

Lawyer, Peter, (Bichmondville,) notary 

Levalley, Francis C, (Wamervllle,) black- 

Lewis, J. D., (Bichmondville,) surgeon 
dentist, agent for Singer Sewing Ma- 
chine and life insurance agent. 

Lewis, Leonard C, (Bichmondville,) mer- 

Livingston, H., (Bichmondville,) tailor. 

Loveland, Freeman, (Bichmondville,) {La- 
monte <£ Lmeland.) 

LOWBLL, EBUBEN, (West Kichmond- 
vllle,) farmer aoo. 

MANK, CHABLES E., (Bichmondville,) 

Mann, Daniel G., (Bichmondville,) painter. 

Mann, Daniel L., (Warnerville,) farmer 190. 

MANN, DAVID, (Bichmondville,) miller. 

MANN, EGBBET, (Bichmondville,) flour 
and feed agent. 

Mann, Frances, (Bichmondville,) farmer 60. 

MANN, GEO. H., (BichmondvlUe,) turner 
and farmer 62. 

MANN, GEO. L., (Warnerville,) farmer 

Mann, Henry, (Warnerville,) farmer 60. 

MANN, ISAAC, (Bichmondville,) bakery, 
surveyor and notary public. 

Mann, Marcus, (Bichmondville,) carpenter. 

MANN, PBTEE H., (Bichmondville,) saw 
mill and farmer 380. 

MANN, PETEB S., (Womerville,) fire and 
life insurance agent for reliable com- 
panies at the lowest rates, Justice and 
farmer 160. 

Mann, Sylvester, (Warnerville,) merchant, 
postmaster and farmer 160. 

MANN, SYLVESTER N.,' (Warnervlllo,) 
farmer 98. 

Mann, Tobias, (BichmondTille,) B. B. com- 
missioner and farmer 130. 

villeO firmer 160. 

MASTERS, HENEY, (Bichmondville,) 
wagon maker, painter, prop, of plan- 
ing mill and turning shop, 

MATTICE, GEO. P.,(#arnei-vUle,)maaon. 

ville,) farmer 180. 

Mead, Eliza Mrs^(Cob1esk!ll,) farmer 180. 

Meade, Benry, (West Richmondville,) far- 
mer 36. 

Mlckle, Alexander, (Warnerville,) Itirmer 

Mickle,' Henry, (Cobleskill,) (with Nehon,) 
tarmer 100. 

Mickle, Mathew, (Cobleskill,) farmer 60. 

Mickle, Nelson, (Cobleskill,) (totM Henry,) 
farmer 100. 

Mickle, Tobias. CWarnerville,) farmer 148. 

MOOBB, JOHN E., (Bichmondville,) far- 
mer 61. 

MOORB, SAMUEL B., (Richmondville,) 
farmer 80. 

Moot, Fred., (Warnerville,) farmer 330. 

Moot, N., (Bichmondville,) ikrmer, 

MOOT, NICHOLAS, (Wamervllle,) farmer 

MORGAN, ALANSON, (Biohmondville,) 
farmer leases of P. Morgan, 136. 

MORGAN, JOHN R., (Bichmondville,) 
farmer 103. - . 

•MULTBB, J. J. & J. L., (BrchmondTtlle,) 
publishers of Sehoharie Oawnbji mnw- 
erat, office corner Main and Summit. 

Munn, J. L., (Biehmondville,) harness 
maker and carriage trimmer, also town 

Myres, Daniel W., (HyndsvlUe,) farmer 80. 

NBLLIS, JOSHUA, (BichmondvUle,) far- 
mer 61. 

Ockempaw, Wm., (Bichmondville,) black- 
smith and farmer 14. 

Olendorf, Alfred M., (Bichmondville,) mill- 
wright and farmer 160, 

Ostrani, John, (Bichmondville,) farmer 186. 

OSTBANDER, JACOB H., (Cobleskill,) 
farmer 140. 

Oatrander, Solomon J., (Cobleskill,) far- 
mer 97, 

Ostrom,< Joshua T., (Bichmondville,) far- 
mer 71. 

Ottman,. David, (Warnerville,) shoemaker. 

Ouchampaugh, Frederick, (Cobleskill,) fir- 
mer leases of Chas. H. Foland, 57. 

Palmatler, Philo, (Richmondville,) paper 

PALMATIEB, SILAS, ((Bichmondville,) 
wagon and carriage manuf. 

Palmer, B. H., (Bichmondville,) (J. 0. 
Smitk <& Ooh 

Palmer, James, (West Bichmondville,) jus- 
tice of the peace. 

Patrick, Jared, (Cobleeklll,) farmer 143. 

PAUL, ALEXANDER, (Bichmondville,) 
cigar manilf. 

Perry, Henry N., (Bichmondville,) carpen- 

PHILLIPS,iDANIEL, (BichmondvlUe,) far- 
mer 340, 

PITCHEEiJ, W,, (BichmondvillB,) livery, 

F0S80N, HENRY, (WarnervUle,) tarmer 

Potter, Charles, (Richmondville,) prop, 
Bailroad Hotel, 

Pnllen, Moses W., (BichmondTille,) mason 
and farmer 13, 

Quell, Alexander, (Bichmondville,) farmer 

BADLIFF, ALONZO, (OobleskUl,) saw 
mill and farmer 147. 

Eadliff, Wm., (WamervlUe,) farmer T. 
Kansmau, Aaetiu,. (West Bichmondrllle,) 

fanner 20. 
Bector, Michael, (BichmondviUe.) farmer 


BEBD, B. A., (BichmondviUe,) engineer in 
paper mill. 

Befenbnrg, Jeremiah, (BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer 32. 

Beigbtmyer, Wm. C, (BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer leases 7S. 

Beightmyre, Adam, (West BichmondviUe,) 
farmer !00. 

Eider, John, (fiichmondville,) farmer IIS. 

Blder, N. J., (BichmondviUe,) baggage 

Bider, Bubert, (Biclimondville,) farmer 

Eider, Uriah, (WamervUle,) farmer lOS, 

Bightmyer, Adam, (BichmondviUe,) farmer 
leases of John Wayman, 187. 

ville.) farmer 75. 

vUle,) farmer 100. 

EIGHTMTBB, PETEB, (BichmondviUe,) 
farmer 190. 

KITTON, ADDISON, (BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer U6M. 

Bohinsoh, Luther M., (OobleBkill,) farmer 

Eobinaon, Uilno, (BichmondvUle,) farmer 
leases 200. 

Bobinsoti, Wm. M., (BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer 200, ■ 

Eoch, Wm., (WamervUle,) paiqter. 

Bockefeller, Wm., (BichmondviUe,) dealer 
in hides and pelts, and farmer 98. 

Eockfeller, Geo., (West BichmondviUe,) 
shoe maker. 

Boll, Christopher, (CobleskUl,) farmer 100. 

Eosman, George C, (BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer 109. 

Bngles, Earman, (BichmondviUe,) farmer 

BUSSBLL, STEPHEN, (Richmondville,) 
blacksmith bnd hop dealer. 

EYDEE, SILAS W., (BichmondviUe,) har- 
ness maker. 

SaUsbury, Joshua, (BichmondvUle,) sash 
and bliud manuf. 

Salsbury, John, (HyildsviUe,) farmer 114. 

Satterlee, A., (BichmondviUe,) photo- 

ohabie county DBMOCBAT, 
(BichmondviUe,) J. J. & J. L. Multer, 
publishers, corner Main and Summit. 

6CH00LCRAFT, WM. M., (Hyndsvilie,) 
farmer 1S6. 

SHAPER, BPHEAIM, (Warnerville,) stu- 

Shafer, Ezra, (WamervUle,) farmer 90. 

Shafer, George W., (EiohmoudvUle,) farmer 

Shafer, Gideon N., (BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer 87. 

Shafer, Jerome, (Warnerville,) carpenter. 

SHAPBB, JOHN, (BichmondviUe,) miller. 

Bhafer, John B., (WamervUle,) carpenter 
and farmer 30. 

8HAFHE, MEEWIN, (BichmondviUe,) 
IWetsel d Shafer.) 

8HAPEE, T. L., (Richmondville,) watch- 
maker and jeweler. 
Shaver, David H., (WamervUle,) miller and 

Shaver, Henry A., (WamervUle,) (with 

Jacob,) farmer 84, 
Shaver, Jacob, (WamervUle,) (with Henry 

A.J farmer 84. 
SHELDON, H. M., (BichmondviUe,) prop. 

of Empire Bouse. ; 
SHOEMAKER, JACOB, (BichmondviUe,) 

, cabinet maker and undertaker. 

BichmondviUe,) farmer 96. 
Shntt:ir, Hiram, (CobleskUl,) farmer 100. 
Simmons, B.,(West Richmondville,) farmer 

^ 82. 
Slater, Brastas W., (BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer 6. 
SLATEB, JOHN B., (BichmondvUle,) far- 
Sliter, John, (CobleskUl,) farmer 105. 
Smith, Asa B., (West BichmondvUle,) post 
master, blacksmith, grocer and farmer 
' .21. 
Smith, D. H., (BichmondvUle,) hardware. 
SMITH, D. M. Bbv., (WarnervUle,) prin- 
cipal and prop, of Dean College. 
SMITH, ELISHA, (BichmondviUe,) farmer 

Smith, Gilbert, (BichmondviUe,) farmer 45. 
Smith, Henry, (BichmondvUle,) farmer 61. 
Smith, John A., (West BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer leases 100^ 
Smith, J. C. & Co., (BichmondviUe,) (B. 

H. Palmer,) hoots and shoes. Main. 
Smith, Joseph W., (West BichmondviUe,) 

farmer 100. 
Smith, Samuel, (West BichmondviUe,) far- 
mer 86. 
SMITH, SOLOMON, (West Richmond- 
ville,) farmer 110. 
SMITH, WM., (BichmondvUle,) dealer in 

stock and farmer 250. 
Snyder, E. L., (BichmondvUle,) prop, of 

paper mill, attorney and surveyor. 
Snyder, Wm., (Warnerville,) carpenter. 
SPENCEE, AMBBOSB, (West Fulton,) 

farmer 186. 
STEVENS, AMBBOSB B., (Bichmond- 
viUe,) foreman in iron works. 
STOEY, BBIGG8, (BichmondvUle,) clerk 

in Weetover Hoase. 
Strauss, Samuel, (BichmondvUle,) dry 

goods and clothing, Bailroad. 
SULLIVAN, WM. H., (BichmondvUle,) 

Sutphen, Michael, (BichmondvUle,) far- 
mer 110. 
SWAIN, JOHN I., (BichmondvUle,) far- 
mer 78. 
TBBEL, PHILIP, (BichmondviUe,) farmer 

leases of Nicholas Dennis, 70. 
Terrel, Stephen, (West BichmondviUe,) 

farmer leasee of Wm. Smith, 225. 
Thayer, George, (BichmondviUe,) carpen- 
Tlngue, William J., (Wamerville,) farmer 

TYGABT, CHABLES, (Warnerville,) mil- 
Tygart. Jacob, (Warnerville,) farmer 15. 




SHAFER," PETfeE' M., (WamerviUe,) Van A^len, John, (West BichmondviUe,) 
assessor and farmer 110. ' cooper and farmer 86. 

Van AlBtyne, Fayette B., (Kichmondville,) 

Van Aistyne, John L., (Bichmondville,) 
physician and surgeon. 

Van Aistyne, Sylvester M., (Bichmond- 
Tille,) physician and surgeon, Kailroad. 

VANAUKBN, 8TDNBT, (Cobleskill,) far- 

Vanaulter, John H., (Cobleskill,) fai-mer 96. 

Van Dusen, Charles, (Bichmondville,) 
paper maker. 

VANNATTEN, PBTBB, (Cobleskill,) far- 
mer 140. < , 

Van Patten, Nicholas H., (Richmond- 
ville,) farmer leases 116. 

VANTYLE, VANNBSS 6., (Warnervill^,) 
keeper of American Hotel. 

Vin^hn, Hermon W., (WarneivUle,) mer 
' Slant and hotel keepe^, 

Veley, James, (West RichmondvilleJ far- 
mer 130. 

Waldorf, Benben N., (Warnervllle,) car- 

Waldorf, Robert G., (Richmondville,) 
cooper ancl carpent]er. 

Waldrof, M. B., (BiohmondWUe,) barber 
and grocer. 

Walker, John A., (Cobleskill,) farmer leas- 
es of Wm. Hoose, 320. 

WALKEE, JOHN C, (West Pulton,) (wJiA 
M. D.,) farmer ISO. 

WALKER M. D., (West Fulton,) (.with 
John (/.,) farmer 130. 

Walker, Wm. H., iWest Fulton,) farmer 
126. ' 

Warner, Daniel E., (Cobleskill,) farmer 75. 

Warner, Geo. M., (Warnerville,) farmer 

Warner, Jacob D., (Warnerville,) (If. Jb O. 
D. Warner,) farmer 165. 

WAENBR, JAMBS A., (Warnerville,) for- 
mer 107. 

Warner, Marcus, (Warnerville,) (Jf. ti J. J>. 
Warner,) farmer 100. 

Warner, M. & J. D., (Warnerville,) (Mar- 
cus and Jacob D.,) props, of flax mill. 

Wayman, Benjamin, (Warnerville,) farmer 

Wayman, John M., (Richmondville,) {with 

Talman,) farmer leases 179. 
Wayman, Talmah, (Richmondville,) (with 

Jo/m M.,) farmer leases l79. 
Webber. Henry, (Warnerville,) turner. 
WBLLEB, JOHN, (BichmondvIUe,) miller 

and farmer 20. 
WELLER, ADAM, (EichmondvlUe,) car- 
penter and farmerldO. 
Westover, Enos, (Blohmondville,) farmer 

WESTOVBE HOUSE, (Eiehmondville,) 

corner Main and Summit, E. H. King, 

TOVBE, JOHN, (Richmondville,) 
{Foster <* Westover,) farmer 250. 
WETSEL, SCHUYLER, (Richmondville.) 
(Wetseld Shafer.) I 

WETSEL & SHAPEE, (Bichmondville,) 
(SOmyler Wetsel and Mervin Bhafer^ 
butchers and props, of meat market. 

Wharton, Edward V., (Richmondville,) far- 

WHITE, ALFHfiQ, (West Richmondville.) 
farmer lOO. 

White,,Alvin, (W*t Richmondville,) far- 
mer 75. 

White, Christiana Mrs., (Cobleskill,) farmer 

WINTERS, WILLIAM A.,(Bichmondville,) 
harness maker. 

WITBECK, GEORGE H., (Bichmond- 
ville,) postmaster. Main, 

WITBECE, J. H., (Richmondville,) drug- 
gist and apothecary, inspector of elec- 
tions. Main. 

Wood, Darius, (Rlohmondville,) machinist. 

Wood, H., (Richmondville,) ftarnace and 
machine shop. 

Yanson, Charles W., (Richmondville,) far- 
mer 125. 

Zeh, Alonzo, (Richmoudvllle,) farmer 58. 

ZBH, DAVID, (Eiehmondville,) carpenter 
and farmer 6. 

Zeh, Thomas H. Jr., (Richmondville,) iua- 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ANGLE, JACOB. (Schoharie,) sheriff. 

Arnold, Bartle,(Schohaf ie.) laiiJA JoAn.) fir- 
mer 37. 

Arnold, John, (Schoharie,) (with BarUe.) 
foi'mer ST. 

Badgley, George B., (Schoharie,) dry goods, 

boots and shoes, paper haDgines &c. 

. Main. ' 

BAILEY, CHAELH8, (Schoharie,) specula- 
tor, prodnce dealer and farmer 130. 

Bailey, Coruelins L., (Schohai-ie,) (Bowleu 
<z Bailey.) 

Bailey, Httlsey, (Schoharie,) farmer 100. 

Bailey, Washington, (Schoharie,) farmer 

Barmer, George N.,(Ceijtral Bridge.) farmer 

BARNETT, CHAS. St., (Schoharie,) mason 

oveiseer in S. A. Barnett's Stone ouarrv. 
♦BARNETT, SIMON A., (Schoharie J stone 

contractor, masqn and master me- 
chanic, resideiKje Main. 
Barton, Josiah, (Schoharie,) former leases 

ofT. Barton, 168. 
Barton, Wm. H., (Schoharie,) farmer 92. 
Bussler, Herman, (Central BtidKe.) shoe 

Becker, Abram, (Central Bridge,) grist and 

saw mills. 
BE(3KEK, DAVID S., (SchoharieJ stone, 

lime and cement. Prospect. 
BBCKKE, FRANCIS, (Central Bridge,) 

prop, of grist and saw mills. 
Becker, John A., (Esperance,) farmer 78. 
Beecher, Caroline Mrs., (Schoharie,) farmer 

Beekman, D. A., (Schoharie,) hop cultivator 

and farmer 8. 
BBLLKR, HANNAH Mrs., (Schoharie,) 

administratrix of the estate of the late 

Andrew Seller. 
Bellinger, Alexahder, (Bast CohleskiU,) tuf 

mer 116. 
Beneditt, Hiram, (Scholiarie,) general mer- 
chant. Main. 
Bennett, Nathan, (Central Bridge,) hotel 

' proprietor. 
Bergh, David, (Schoharie,) retired farmer 

Bergh, Margaret Mrs., (Schoharie,) farmer 

BERGH, PETER S., (Schoharie,) former 

BEST, GEORGE, (Central Bridge,) specu- 
lator and anctioneer. 

Bice, Joshua, (East bpBleskill,) farmer 109. 

Blanchard, Riley, (Quaker Street, Schenec- 
tady Co.,) school teacher. 

Bonjbeck, John, (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Borst, Jeremiah, (Schoharie,) farmer 96. 

Borst, John, (Schoharie,) farmer 300. 

Borst, John Jr., (-Schoharie,) farmer leases 
of John Borst. 

BORST, JOSEPH, (Schoharie,) express, 
mail and freight agent. . ' 

Bprst, Martin B., (Bast (foblesklU.) butch- 

Borst, Peter, (Schoharie,) (0;/i«er <& Borat.) 

Borst, Peter, (Schoharie,) miller and far- 

Borst, Peter S. & Co., (Central Bridge,) 
liarneBS makers. 

BORST, THOMAS B., (Schoharie,) (mera 
<& Borst.) 

Bonck, David D., (Schoharie,) (SchoharU 
Valley Machine Co.) 

Bouck, David I., (Schoharie,) commissioner 
of highways and farmer IBO. 

Bouck, George A., (Schoharie,) farmer 146. 

Bouck, James A., (Schoharie.) cashier 
Schoharie County National Bank and 
loan commissioner. 

Bowles, Wm., (Central Bridge,) carpenter. 

BOTCE, B. ^., (Schoharie,) {J. Esmle 
as Son.) 

BOTCB, JACOB H., (Schoharie,) (J. B. 

*BOTCE, J. H. & SON, (Schoharie,) 
iJaaa H. and E. W.,) dealers in hats, 
caps and fhrs, and a general assort- 
ment of gents' furnishing goods. Main. 

Boyington, Oliver, (Schoharie,) farmer 75. 

BBBWSTEH, RALPH, (Schoharie.) at- 
torney at law and notary public, Main. 

Brewster, Wm. J., (Schoharie.) farmer 38. 

BHIG6S, JOHN M., (Schoharie,) fruit cul- 
tivator 1^ ; also shirt manuf. and dealer 
in gents' fhmishing goods, 55 South 
Peari St., Albany. 

Briggs, Samuel, /Schoharie,) farmer 19. 

BEOWN, ALBERT & SON, (Schoharie,) 
(Henry A.,) clothing. Main. 

BEOWN, HBNET A., (Schoharie,) iAHert 
Brown fS) Son.) 

BROWN, H. B, & Z. J., (Schoharie,) 
props, steam marble works and manu- 
facturers of tombstones and monn- 
menta. Main. 

Brown, Jacob P., (Central Bridge,) farmer 

BROWN, Z. J., (Schoharie,) (B. B. ds Z. J. 

BKOWNELL, E. & SON, (Shutter's Cor- 
ners,) (ifarihall,) tanners and curriers, 
and farmers luO. 



BEO WNELL, MAHSHALL,(8hntter's Cor- 
ners,) (A'. BrowneU & Son.) 

Brnster. Nattian, (Schoharie,) farmer 6. 

BUBTON. LYMAN, (Schoharie,) Bpecnla- 
tor and farmer ITO. 

Burton, Theodore, (Shutter's Comers,) far- 
mer 300. 

Burton, Thomas, (Schoharie,) farmer 1. 

Burton, Wm., (Schoharie,) retired farmer. 

Butts, Norris, (Central Bridge,) cradle 

Cadj, John H., (Schoharie,) farmer leases 
of Frederick Bowley, 92. 

Bridge,) prop. Schoharie Co. Agricul- 
tural Shop, manufacturer of threshing 
machines, clover hullers, Ti'ood saws 
and broom-corn scrapers. 

farmer 16. 
Carpenter. Wm. H., (Central Bridge,) far- 
mer 100. 
CARTER, JOHN J., (Schoharie,) farmer 

Cary, John E., (Schoharie,) {Seho/iarle Vol- 

ley Machine Co.) , 

Casady, John, (Schoharie,) firmer 5. / 
CASE, BA VIO E., (Schoharie,) undertaker 
and manufacturer and dealer in fhml- 
ture. Main. 
Casey, Minor. (Central Bridge,) speculator 

and. farmer 12. 
cutter with Miers & Borst, tailors, and 
prop, of first class ice cream saloon, 
summer arrangement. Main, 
CLARK, NAPOLEON, (Schohariet) farmer 

CLARK, PETER S., (Schoharie,) {Clark 
i & Shannon.) 
CLARK & SHANNON, (Schoharie,) (Peter 
S. Clark and P. J^erson Shannon^ dry 
goods, groceries and proTisions, Main 
corner of Shannon. 
Clemons, H. H., (Central Bridge,) wagon 

and sleigh maker. 
Conch. Charles, (Schoharie,) farmer leases 

of Miss Maria Couch, SOO. 
Couch, Maria Mlas, (Schoharie,) farmerSOO. 
Cramer, George P., (Central Bridge,) black- 
Cramer, H. W., (Central Bridge,) black- 
Danby, C. E. Mrs., (Schoharie,) drees mak- 
er, Mainr 
Deitz, Lucy A., (Schoharie,) (with heirs,) 

farmer 1. 
DEITZ, PETER D., (Schoharie,) mason. 
DeNoyelles, M. N.,(achoharie,) (DeNoyellet 

dk Parrolt.) 
DeNoyelles & Parrott, (Schohaiie,) (JT N. 
DeNoyelles and Alfred Parrott,) drugs, 
medicines and hardware. Main. 
Dietz, C. Mrs. , (Schoharie,) refused to give 

Dietz, Jacob, (Central Bridge,) farmer 185. 
Dietz, Jacob H., (Schoharie,) farmer 60. 
DIETZ, JOHN, (Schoharie,) firmer 120. 
Dieiz, Paul, (Schoharie,) retired mason. 
Dietz, Peter, Jr., (Schoharie,) fhrmer90. 
Dietz, Philip, (Central Bridge,) rail reading. 
Dietz, Wm. A. Mrs., (Schoharie,) (with 
) Mrs,) farmer 66. • 

DIETZ, WM. L.,(Sohobarle,) broom manu- 
facturer and farmer 109. 
DONNELLEY, JAMES B.,(Central Bridge,) 

patent right dealer. 
DREISBACH, JACOB L., (Schoharie,) far- 

Drum, John, (Howe's Cave,) farmer leases 

of P. Livingston, 188. 
•DTJRAND, TREAT. (Schoharie.) prop, of 
the celebrated hub and spoke liictory, 
saw and planing mills. 
Eckerson, Henry, (Schoharie,) carpenter. 
Enders, Alex, v., (Schoharie,) farmer 8if 
ENDER8, JACOB, (Central fridge,) justice 

of the peace and farmer ISd. 
Enders, Peter W., (Schoharie,) mason. 
PAIN, PATRICK, (Schoharie,) farmer 30. 
FAIRCHILD, LYMAN B., (Esperance,) 

farmer 86. 
Farley, John, (Schoharie,), merchant tailor. 

Farquher, Arthur H., (Schoharie,) cabinet 

FERRIS, DAVID H., (Schoharie,) under 
sheriff aad jailor. 

FERRIS, PAEVEY W., (Schoharie.) (P. 
IT. Ferris a Son.) 

FEEEIS, PBTBE W., (Schoharie,) (P. W. 
Ferris <fe Son.) 

FEEEIS, P. W. in SON, (Schoharie,) (Peter 
W. and Barvey W.,) dealers in grocer- 
ies, liquors and coal. Main. 

Ferris, Walter, (Schoharie,) harness maker 
and sealer of weights and measures. 

FISHER, ALBERT L., (Central Bridge,) 
dealer in hardware, manufacturer of 
tinware and postmaster. 

FRKDENDALL, PHILIP, (Schoharie,) re- 
tired farmer. 

GALLUP, ALMEHIN, (Schoharie,) at- 
torney and counselor at law, west side 

Gardner, Emma Ulss, (Schoharie,) dress- 

Gardner, John, (Schoharie,) firmer 8. 

Gardner, John J., (Schoharie,) painter. 

GARDNER, P. G., (Schoharie,) inventor 
<»f mining machinery, office 320 Seventh 
Avenue corner 28th St.V New York, and 
owns TOO acres. ' 

GARN8EY, IRAjJSChoharie,) farmer 173. 

GEBHAED, EDWARD, (Schoharie,) a^ 
torney at law, ofHce 120 Broadway, 
New York City, summer residence, 

Gebhard, John Jr., (Schoharie,) geologist 
and notary public, Ilain. 

GEBHAED, JOHN Q. Jb., (Schoharie,) 
retired farmer 100. \ 

Gebhard, Wm. D., (Schoharie,) treasurer 
Schoharie Valley R. R. 

Germond, Lanrell, (Schoharie,) farmer 68. 

Germond, Orrin, (Schoharie,) farmer 160. 

Qernsey, Mathew, (Howe's Cave,) school 
teacher and farmer 1.10. 

Getter, Wm., (Central Bridge,) farmer 90. 

GEOESBfiCK, RICHARD, (Schoharie,) 
cigar maker, Bridge. 

Grover, Philip, (Schoharie,) fruit cultivator 
and works farm of Daniel B. Briggs, 
of Herkimer Co. 

Guernsey, Hiram, (East Coblesktll,) hop 

caltivator and farmer 120, 
Hager, Adam D., (Schoharie,) farmer 28. 



HAGER, MABTIN, (Schohule,) general 

snperintendent Ibr 8. A. Barnett. 
Hallenbeck, NicholaB, (Schob^He,) farmer 

HALLENBECK, Wh., (Central Bridge,) 
hotel prop., general merchant and far- 
mer 100. i 
HALLETT, HIBAM D., (Central Bridge,) 

(PalmaRer db HaOttt.) 
HA8KINS, SMITH W., (Central Bridge,) 
justice of tbe peace and farmer 117. , 
HaTefly, Philip D„ (Scbobarie,) farmer IBl. 
HAYB, ARTUUB, (Schoharie,) (Bayi 

tiros.) _ 

HATS BROS., (Schoharie,) (Wm. and 

Arllmr,) fiirmere 110. 
HATS, WM., (Schoharie.) (Hays Bros.) 
HeBly> Geoi^ D., (Schoharie,) billiard 

flaloon and restaurant, Main. 
BECK, J. H. Bbt., (Schoharie,) pastor of 
St. PaolV Evangelical Lutheran Church. 
Herren, Charles, (Central Bridge,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 60. 
Heas, A., (Schoharie,) shoemaker. 
HINMAN KB08., (Schoharie,) (.yathan 
P. and Chamuxy W.,) lawyers, office 
inShufelt Block. 
HINMAN, CHAUNCBT W., (Schoharie,) 

(fflnnutn Bros.) _ 

HINMAN, NATHAN P., (Schoharie,) {Bin- 
man Bros.) 
Hitchman, Charlea, (Schoharie,) {O. d D. 

A.. HUelunttn^ stone cutter. 
Hitchman, C. & D. A., (Schoharie,) poultry 

dealers. Spring. 
HITCHMAN, D. A., (Schoharie,) «7. <« i>. 

A. HitcKman,) printer. 
BOQAN, JACOB, (Schoharie,) farnlar 86. 
Hogen, Pat., (Central Bridge.) carpenter. 
HOBTON, JAMES, (Schoharie,) prop. 

Mansion House. 
Honck, David, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 85.. 
Bunck, John, (Central Bridge,) farmer 80. 
Howe, Lester, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 20. 
•HUNT, A. A., (Scbobarie,) editor and 
proprietor Sch/oUarie Bsjmblican, Main. 
Hunt, Hirami (Central' Bridge,) mason. 
Hnnt. Mansfield, (Central Bridge,) carpen- 
Hunter, Josiah M., (Central Bridge,) far- 
mer 4. 
JENKINS, D. W., (Central Bridge,) gen- 
eral ticket and express agent, and tele- 
graph operator. 
JOHNSON, CHARLES, (Schoharie,) far- 
mer 1S4. 
Eagen, Michael, (Schoharie,) cooper. 
KETCH AM, JOHN D., (Schoharie,) far- 

"""■ 8*. „. 

•VEILMEB BROS, (Schoharie.) (Thomas J. 
and ai/tvtstsr A.,) physiclana and sur- 
geons, office at Parrott House. 

Kilmer, Daniel A., (Howe's Cave,) farmer 

KILMER, 8TLVBSTKR A., (Schoharie,) 
(KUmer Bros.) „„ 

KILMER, THOMAS J., (Schoharie,) (Xtf- 

Kinney, R., (HchoharieJ carpenter. 

Enapp, Fred A., (Central Bridge,) tele- 

graph operator, 
liflte ~ ■ 

Kniaem, Calvin, (Schoharie,) farmer 
leases 188. 

Kniskern, Charlee,(Scbobarle,) shoemaker, 
. Main. 

BpQWer, Daniel, (Scbobarie,) dentist, 

♦KROMER, CHARLES C, (Schoharie,) 
editor and ,prop. adioharU Union, 

KBOMER, LAMBERT, (Schoharie,) cus- 
tom shoemaker. 

Erum, Franklin, (Schoharie,) president 
Schoharie County National Bank, 

EBIfM^ BOBART, (Scbobarie,) {Mayham 

A Kru/m.) 
EBUM, WM. B., (Scbobarie,) insurance 

agent, auctioneer and constable. 
Lamoran, Charles, (Scbobarie,) carpenter. 
Lamoran, Stephen, (Schoharie,) farmer 

LAMOBEATT, JOHN, (Schoharie,) farmer. 
LABKm, JOHN W., (Central Bridge,) 

enpervleor and former 180. 
Laseli, C. C, (Scbobarie,) grocer, Main. 
Lather, George, (Schoharie,) retired farmer 
Lawrence, Henry. (Scbohane,) farmer Z}i. 
Lawyer, Elijah, (Schoharie,) Bailroad com- 

mivsioner A. & S. R. R., and farmer 

Lawyer, JacobjJSchoharie,) farmer IH. 
Lawyer, John W., (Scbobarie,) farmer 90. 
Lawyer, Nancy, (Schoharie,) (witA luirs,) 

farmer 4. 
Layman, Wm. S., (Schoharie,) physician 

and surgeon. Prospect. 

LEAKE, THOMAS W., (Central Bridge,) 

Sbyslcian and surgeon, 
nun, John F., (Central Bridge,) fiirmer 

Linden, Chnles, (Shutter's Comers,) far- 
mer 32. 

Lintner, George Rev., D. D., (Schoharie,) 
retired Lutheran pastor. 

LIVINGSTON, JAMES, (Schoharie,) far- 
mer 70. 

Livingston, John W., (Schoharie,) retired 
' farmer 163. 

Xiivingston, P., (Howe's Cave.) firmer 186. 

ttoncks-i Andrew J.,^ (Schoharie,) farmer 
leases of Lyman Burton, 170. 

Mabar, John, (Schoharie,) Itirmer 9. 

MALLON, B. P., (Schoharie,) school 

MANN, GILES Q., (Schoharie,) farmer 119. 
MAItN, JACOB G., (Schoharie,) jnstice of 

the peace and farmer 140. 
MANNjPBTEB J.,(Schobarie,) former 130. 
Mann, Wm., (Schoharie,) former 368. 
MANSION HOUSE, (Schoharie,) James 

Horton,prop. . , , 

Marsh, Jacob,(Schobarie,) boots and shoes. 

MARTIN, PETER, (Schoharie,) fleb and 

oyster dealer. 
Martin, Peter, (Schoharie,) saloon. Main. 

MAXWELL, JOHN L.,(8ohoh8ria,) homeo- 
pathic physician and snrgeon. Main. 

MAYHaM & KRUM, (Schoharie,) (SUphtn 
L Mayham and Sobart JSi'um,) attor- 
neys and counselors at law. Main. 

MATUAM, STEPHEN L., (Schoharie,) 
(JtoMham db Krvm.) 

McDonald, Elon, (Central Bridge,) carpen- 



LathaM H®w 


HENRY G. LATHAM, - Proprietor. 

2 his favorite and wett knonfn Mouse is welt fur- 
nished, and.tfas never better adapted to 
accommodate the public. 

Good Livery Connected with the House. 


X:STABIiI8IIED A. D . , 1819. 

The Schoharie Eepuhlican! 

$2.00 Per Annum, in Advance. 

PVom Four to Fire Times the Usual Circulation of. Country 

Sest Advertisinff Medium in this Section of the Stale. 

Book, Railroad and Mercantile 

Of all kinds, {Tlain or in Colors,) printed in the very best 
style. J\rew Tyjie and netv Tower Tresses throughout. 

The best of Taper and Inks used. Orders promptly filled 
by Mail or Fxpress. Terms Cash. 



MEAD, JOHN H., (Central Bridge,) dealer 
in dry goods and groceries, and in- 
spector of elections. 

MBLICE, PHILIP J., (Schoharie,) house 
and carriage painter. Bridge. 

Michaels, Wm. L., (Schoharie,) farmer 160. 

MIHE3 & BORST, (SchoharieJ {Jacob F. 
Mere and Thomas B. Bontd mer- 
chant tailors and dry goods dealers, 

MIERS, JACOB T., (Schoharie,) (MiertA 

MILLER, FRANCIS, (Central Bridge,) far- 
mer 159. 

MILLER, MICHAEL H., (Central Bridge,) 
baggage master. 

Mires, Henry, (Schoharie,) firmer 68. 

MORRISON, JOHN, (Schoharie,) county 
clerk, (office in Court House,) nursery- 
man and farmer 100. 

Mott, O. Rev., (Schoharie,) pastor M. E. 

MOWERS, JACOB, (Howe's Caye,) mer- 
chant and farmer 90. 

Mowers, James, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 
leases 6S. 

Murphy, Wm. B., (Schoharie,) conductor 
Mlddlebnrsh &. Schoharie R, R. 

Nellis, Jacob, (Schoharie,) physician, dent- 
ist and jeweler, Hliin. 

Nellis, Theodore W., (Schoharie,) dentist. 

NETHAWAT BROS., (Schoharie,) (2S»r, 
John Jr.. Bobert and Wm.,) farmers 

Nethaway, David, (Schoharie,) farmer. 

NKTHAWAY, EZBR, (Schoharie,) (.V«<Ao- 
way Bros.) 

Nethaway, George,' (Schoharie,) fhrmer. 

NETHAWAT, HABVET, (Schoharie,) 
shoemaker, Main. 

NBTHAWaT, JOHN Jb., (Schoharie,) 
{NMaway Sroe.) 

Nethaway, Nelson, (Schoharie,) firmer 856. 

NETHAWAT, ROBERT, (Schoharie,) 
(Nethaway Bros.) 

NETHAWAT. WM., (Schoharie,) (JToifto- 
way Bros.) 

NISKiiRN, JOHN, (Central Bridge,) ter- 
mer leases. 

Noson, Jacob M., (Schoharie,) blacksmith. 

O'Donnell, John, (Central Bridge,) firmer 

Oliver, Abram, (Schoharie,) farm laborer. 

OUiver & Borst, (Schoharie,) (FiUr OUlver 
and Peter Bortt^ fanners 65. 

OUlver, Peter, (Schoharie,) (OUiver <* 

Osterhont, Abram, (Schoharie,) firmer 94. 

Osterhont, Peter, (Schoharie,) farmer 88. 

Osterhont, Peter, (Schoharie,) retired mer- 
chant. ^ 

Palmatier, Cornelius, (Central Bridge,) fiir- 
mer IS. 

Bridge,) (.Perry Palmatier and Mram 
2). JBaOett,) farmers lease of C. Palma- 
tier, 18. 

PALMATIER, PERRT, (Central Bridge,) 
(.Palmatier d HaUett.) 

Palmatier, Peter I., (Howe's Cave,) farmer 

Pangburn, Lucas, (Schoharie,) mason. 

Parrott, Alfted, (Schoharie,) (DeNbyellee di 

PAHROTT HOUSE, (Schoharie,) Sidney & 

Parrott, props.. Main. 
PARHOTT,WM., (Schoharie,) farmer 136. 
PARROTT, WM. Jr., (Schoharie,) (mdneg 

ds Parrott.) 
Patrick, Jacob H., (Central Bridge,) firmer 

Patrick, John, (Howe's Cave,) firmer 110. 
RICH, CHARLES, (Central Bridge,) hotel 

Rich, E. M. Mra, (Schoharie,) (leiOi heirs,) 

farmer 86. 
Rickard, Alexander, (Schoh,arie,) (Schoharie 

Vattey Machine Co.) 
Rickard Bros., (Schoharie,). (Leonard and 

Charles,) lirmers 12 and lease of Peter 

Rickard, 48. 
Rickard, Charles, (Schoharie,) (Richard 

Rickard, Ellas A., (Schoharie,) wagon 

Rickard, George D., (Schoharie,) (Schoharie 

VauiyJUcmine Oo.) 
EICEARD, JACOB, (Schoharie,) firmer 

RICKARD, JOHN, (Schoharie,) farmer 130. 
Rickard, Leonard, (Schoharie,) (Bickard 

Rickard, Nicholas, (Schoharie,) &rmer 100. 
Rickard, Philip, (Schoharie,) farmer 100. 
RICEARD, REBECCA Mbs., (Schoharie,) 

RICKARD, STBPHEN,(Schoharie,) firmer. 
Roarick, Abram, (Schoharie.) shoe maker. 
Roarick, David D., (Schohariej) shoemaker. 

dealer in clover and timothy seed, and 

firmer 116. 

Cave,) speculator and firmer 140. 
ROSEKRANS, JACOB H., (Schoharie,) 

head miller in Stephens' miU. 
Rows, John J., (Central Bridge,) merchant. 
Rowe.Mnlford, (Schoharie,) larmer 68. ' 
ROWLET & BAILBT, (Schoharie,) (Juliits 

Bowley and Cornelius L. Bailey,) attor- 
neys at law. Main. 
ROWLET, JULIUS, (Schoharie,) (Bowley 

it Bailey.) 
Safer, Charles, (Schoharie,) painter. 
SAPFORD, HIRAM, (Schoharie,) foreman 

in the hub and gpoke factory. 
SchaefferBros., (Schoharie,) (CmsHanH. 

and James^ meat market. Main. 
Schaefifer, Christian H., (Schoharie,) 

(Schaifer Bros.) 
Schaeffer, Daniel, (Sohoharie,) farmer 50. 
Schaeffer, Gideon, (Schoharle,>Jirmer 76. 
Schaeffer, Jacob H., (Schoharie,) firmer 

Schaeffer, James, (Schoharie,) (Schaeffer 

Schaeffer, Marcus, (Schoharie,) firmer 140. 
SCHAEFFER, MARTQ} L., (Schoharie,) 

firmer 160. „ , ^ , , 


Oren C. Sikes, principal, 
Schoharie County. National Bank, (Scho- 
harie,) Franklin Emm, president; 

James A. Bouck, cashier. _ 

SCHOHARIE HOTEL, (Schohane,) Fran- 
cisco Wood, prop. 


harie ) A A. Hunt, eflltor and piop. 
*SCHOHABiB UNIoil, (SchoHarie,) Chas. 

Scl.S;a^eTaT,ey''L&e of F * A. M Ko 
^yl??d»'ea"SM. "ctar 

Carv and Damd D. Bauclc.) , 

Schoolofaft Hiram, (Schoharie,) resident 
SCOTT, DAEIUS'i., (Scholiarle,) hair 

flreeeer office in Wopd'S Hotel. 
SoottrnaTid G-, (B»8t Cobleskill,) farmer 

Scott!' James H., (Central Bridge,) farmer 

SCKIBNKJi, MTEON B., (Schoharie,) far- 

ScromTchriBtopher, (Howe's Cave,) far- 
mer leases of Panl Carter, 104. 

SH^BB. AUSTIN, (.S«'^»''f„tU'«l«Sraph 
ooerator Schoharie ValleyB. K., con- 
neetine with the Western Union. 

Shafer, Join F., (Schoharie,) justice of the 
peace and surveyor, Main. ,„,„.„ 

Shank, Gilbert, (Central Bridge,) farmer 

SHANNON, P. JBFFBESON, (Schoharie,) 

( Clark <& Shannon/) „ , ^ • > , .1. 
SHEELOCK, JAMBS B., (Schoharie,) clock 

and watch maker. Main, 
SHMELTZ, HENRi, (Central Bridge,) 

merchant tailor. „ . . . . j„„i_, 
SHUffBLT, WM. W., (Schohane,) dealer 

fc millinery _an^_ fancy^A°oa%, »°a 

Tro^ 'of thipublic MirsiTatelt Block, 

SID^T^A PAEBOTT, (Schoharie,) ( Wm. 

B. mdnm and Wm. Farrotl Jr.,) props. 

Parrott House, Main. ^ 
Sidnev, Wm., (Schohane,) farmer 98. 
siDNEYV Wil. H., (Schoharie,) {Sidney & 

♦SIKES^'oEBN C, (Schoharie,) principal 

Schoharie Academy. , , , 

Sllngland, Jacob, (Central Bridge,) former- 

SMITh!*BBAdLbT S., (Schoharie,) gro- 
ceries, provisions and crockery, also 
prop, nnrsew. Main. „,,_.. _ 

SmAb: JESSE W., (Schoharie,) gro- 
ceries, provisions and crockery. Main. 

Snyder, John, (Howe's Cave,) farmer 80. 

Spabeholts>seph, (Schohare) farmer 87. 

Spaulding, Wm., (Schoharie,) blacksmith, 
near old fort. , . , . , , 

Spaolding, Wm. Jr., (Schohane,) blaok- 

BPAWN, ZINA, (Schoharie,) meat market, 
STAFFORD, ROBERT N., (Schoharie,) 
StanSdr, F. A., (Howe's Cave,) shoe- 

STEPHBN8, SAMUEL B., (Schoharie,) 
prop, grist, saw and turning mills. 

Sternberg, James, (Schoharie,) former a. 

SternbergL, John, (Schoharie.) termer ITO. 

Sternbergh; Martin L., (Schoharie,) firmer 
leases of John, 170. . „ , , , ^ 

St»rnbnrgh, Peter, (Central Bridge,) lar- 
mer 200. 

Sternburgh, Wm., (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Stever, John, (Central Bridge,) ilierchant. 
Stever, John, (Schoharie,) butcher and far- 

STMIVBB, ABEAM, (Central Bridge,) 
pbor master and farmer 180. 

Sutherland, Michael, (Schoharie,) commis- 
sioner of the S. V. E. B, vai farmer 

SWABT, JOHN I., (Schobarie,) physician 
and surgeon, and trustee of village cor- 
poration, offlice and bouse on Grand, 

SWABT, PBTEB,(Schoharie,) farmer 180. 

S"WABT, PETBE S., (Schoharie,) alio, 
physician and surgeon. Main. 

Sweet, John, (Schoharie,) harfless maker 
and town clerk. 

Taylor, Abner, (Schoharie,) farmer 23. 

TAYLOR, JOSEPH W., (Schoharie,) mer- 
chant and postmaster. Main. 

Terpening, David, (Schoharie,) farmer. 

TERPENING, QEOBGB,(Schoharie,) town 
assessor and farmer 192. 

Terpenine, Perry^ (Schoharie,) farmer. 

Throop, C. M.,(8choharie,) (Throop & San.) 

Throop, O. B., (Schoharie,) (Throop dt 

Throop '& Son, (Schoharie,) (0. B. and 0. 
XL.) drugs, hardware and notions. 

Tine, Michael, (Schoharie,) farmer 8. 

Tygart, Daniel. (Central Bridge,) miller. 

TyLbE, ZACHARIAH Ebv., (Sc^iohane,) 
pastor of the A. M. B. Zion Church. 

Tynan, Thomas, (Schoharie,) farmer 6. 

Tynyl, Abraham, (Schoharie,) farmer 64. 

UnderhlU, Beiijamin, (Howe's Cave,) black- 

UNDKRHILL, FEED, (Schoharie,) farm 

Van Alstyne, James E., (Central Bridge,) 
Inspector of elections and farmer 103. 

VBDDBR, SIMON S., (Central Bridge,) 
hotel prop. , . 

VROMAN, CHARLES, (Schoharie,) fir- 
mer 100. , , , 

Vroman, Cornelius, (Schoharie,) farmer 
leases of Mrs. 0. Deitz, 160. 

Vroman, David B.. (Schoharie,) former 60. 

VEOMAN, JACOB, (Schoharie,) president 
of the S. v. H. E. and of the Howe's 
Cave Association, and farmer 867. 

VEOMAN, LUCIAN, (Schoharie,) superin- 
tendent, freight and express agent, 
Schoharie VaUey E. E. , ^ ^,„. , 

WAGONER, WM. H., (Schoharie,) billiard 
saloon and restaurant. Main. 

Warner, Daniel, (Schoharie,) farmer 17J<. 

Warner, Henry, (Shoharie,) firmer 88. 

Warner, Jacob, (Schoharie,) formers. 

Warner* Jessie, (Schoharie,) farmer 110. 

Warner, John, (Schoharie,) former 140. 

Warner, JohnH., (Central Bridge,) farmer 

Warner, J. J., (Schoharie,) retired former 

Wimer, Peter S., (Central Bridge,) mill- 

Warner, S., (Sohohariej) farmer 40. 

Warren, Wm. J., (Howe's Cave,) hay 

WAS'lflBUET, DANIEL, (Schoharie,) 
(Waimbury A Sont.) 



WATEEBURT, JAMES, (Schoharie,) 

(Waterbury A Simt.) 
WATBRBUKY, JAMES S., (Schoharie,) 

( WaUrbury 4b Soiu.) 
WATHKBUKT & SONS, (Schoharie.) 

(James S., Jfamet and Danitl,) hricE 

mannfactarers, lumber dealers, props. 

of saw mill and &rmers 139. 
harie,) farmer 18. 
Weaver, Christian C, (Central Bridge,) 

shoemaker and toll gate keeper. 
Weaver, Jacob H., (Schoharie,) fiirmer 93. 
West, Catharine Mrs., (Schoharie,) (wit/t 

Aein,) farmer 100. 
West, Isaac, (Schoharie,) farmer 100. 
West, Peter Bt., (Schoharie,) farmer. 

Cave,) fbrmer 113. 
WBTSEL, WM., (Howe's Cave,) former 

WHITE, DAVID C, (Central Bridge,) 

♦WIDMANN, GEORGE, (Schoharie,) cigar 

mauafactnrer. Main. 
Wilber, Alanson, (Central Bridge,) con- 
stable and farmer 35. 
Wilber. Cornelias, (Schoharie,) fermer 60. 
Wilber, Gtideon, (Schoharie,) farmer 134. 
Wilber, John, (Central Bridge,) farmer T6. 
WILBER, JOSEPH, (Schoharie,) farmer 

ISO. , 

Wilber, Thomas, (Schoharie,) ftirmer 160. 
Wilbnr, T. J., (Schoharie,) blacksmith. 

Wilkius, David, (Schoharie,) farmer 16. 
Williams, James O., (Central Bridge,) 

com.ty treasarer, ofice at Schoharie 

Court BoDse. 

WILLSET, JOHN D., (Bast Coblesklll,) 
farmer 106. 

WTLSEY, JOHN, (Schoharie,) firmer 1J<. 

Wilsey, Joseph, (Schoharie,)atoveB and tin- 
ware, Main, 

Wilsey, Wm., (Schoharie,) &rmei 104. 

•WINTER & STAFFORD, (Schoharie,) 
( TVm. Winter and Boiert N. SUffford,) 
carriage and sleigh mannfs., coiner 
Main and Prospect. 

WINTER, WM., (Schoharie,) OWnter A 

WITBHCK, PELET, (Schoharie,) farmer 
leases of Halsey Bailey, 80. 

WOOD, FRANCISCO, (Schoharie.) prop. 

Schoharie Hotel, livery attached. Main. 
Woodcock, Geo. H., (Central Bridge,) 

blacksmith and wagon maker. 

WOOLFORD, HENRY H., (East Cobles- 
kill,) carpenter and builder. 

Woolford, Jacob W., (Schoharie,) carpenter 
and builder. 

Wright, Justus, (Schoharie,) farmer 103 
and leases of P. O. Gardner, 400. 

YOUNG, MOSES, (Central Bridge,) custom 
boot and shoe manufacturer. 

YOUNG, PETER, (Schoharie,) firmer 180. 
Young, Wm. H., (Schoharie,) farmer 66. 
Youngs, Smith, (Schoharie,) farmer 300. 

ZEH,,STBPHBN W., (Schoharie,) farmer 

Zimmer, George, (Gallnpville,) farmer. 
Zimmer, Isaac, (GallnpviUe,) former 100. 
Zimmer, Lovina Miss, (Central Bridge,) 

Zimmer, Peter, (Central Bridge,) farmer 







R-E A.r> Y-M: AI>E 

Gents' Furnishing Goods, 

Trunks, Traveling Sags, Mats, 

Caps, &c. 




?to 0«H®iHll Imiex I 

An Independent Family Newspaper. 

W. H. Weeks, - Proprietor. 

Published ISvepy Wednesday-^ 

At Cobleskill, N. Y. 

Ternis.-$1.25 Per Anmirn, in Advance. 

Executed Cheaply, JVeatly and with 3Hspatch. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses:) 

ABRAMS, OEOBGE B.,, (SeTvard,) saw 

mill, mason and fanner 100. 
Allen, Sebastian, (Hyndsville,) farmer 34. 
Aney, John, (Soath Valley, Otsego Co.,) 

farmer 455. 
ANTIZ, STEPHEN H., (HyndsviUe,) far- 
mer 80^ 

BAKER, CTETJS, (Hyndsville,) prop, of 

Marcley Hotel. 
Barker, James, (Lawyersville,) farmer 2. 
BATES, DELBVAN, Beiq. CfKIf., (West 

Ricnmondville,} farmer 100. 
Bellinger, David D., (Sharon,) farmer 30. 

mannf. of wagons and sleighs, and un- 
Bellinger, Isaac, (Hyndsville,) carpenter 

and builder. 
BELLINGER, JEHIEL, (Hyndsville,) car- 
penter and builder. 
Bellinger, Jeremiah, (Sharon,) carpenter 

and farmer 6. 
Bellinger, John H., (Sharon,) farmer 66. 
Bellinger, John M., (Sharon,) carpenter 

ana builder. 
BELLINGER, J08IAH, (Sharon,) fanner. 
Bellinger, Marcus, (Sharon,) liirmer 66. 
Bellinger, William J., (Sharon,) farmer 40. 
Betts, Samuel, (Lawyersville,) agent for 

Collins' Patent Hop Yard and farmer 

BIVENS, JOHN J., (Seward,) butcher. 
Borst, Emmett, (Hyndsville,) farmer 116. 
Borst, Isaac, (Hyndsville,) section foreman 

C. V. Branch. 
Borst, Joseph, (HyndsviUe,) farmer 80. 
Borst, Martin, (Seward,) farmer 160. 
BORST, WIIilAM B., (Seward,) farmer 

Bouck, Joel, (Seward,) farmer 98. 
BRAZIE, DANIEL, (Seward,) brick manuf., 

mannf. Morgan Harrow and ikrmer 34. 
Broocker, RussSl, (Hradsville,) cooper. 
Brooker, Russell, (HyndsTille,) farmer 

l«ses of Mrs. Jiane Smitii, 85. 
Brown, David, (HyndsviUe,) cabinetmaker 

and farmer 26. ' 
BROWN, JAMES, (Lawyersville,) {.with 

Addixm Slater,} fifirmer leases 136. 
Brown, John, (Lawyersville,) farmer i)^. 
Brown, John, (Hyndsvilla,) carpenter and 

Brown, John J., (Hyndsville,) firmer 150. 
BROWN, PETER M.,fflyndsviUe,) manuf. 

of wagons and sleighs, and house pamt- 

BEOWN, WILLIAM, (HyndsviUe,) firmer 

for David. 

BrowneU, Benjamin rranklin,(Hynd8ville,) 
painter and grainer. 

BrowneU, Cornelius B., (HyndsviUe,) paint- 

. er and grainer. , 

BrowneU, JameA F., (HyndsvUlo,) black- 
smith and Gonstablei, 

(HyndsviUe,) manuf. of spring bed bot- 

Brownlee, James, (LawyersyUle,) book 
keeper and firmer 103<. 

3RUCE, ELBBBT O., (Bhrndsville,) physi- 
cian and agent for Wheeler & WUson 
Sewing Machine. 

Cady, Amenzo, (West RlchmondvlUe,) far- 
mer leases St)i. 

,CalkinB, Henry, (Seward,) blacksmith. 

tCalMns, Henry B., (HyndsvUIe,) wagon 

Calkins, James Q., (Hyndsville,) wagon 

CALKINS, LORENZO D., (LawyersviUe,) 
farmer 193. 

;CaIkins', Luther, (Seward,) blacksmith. 

ICaryl, Catherine, (HyndsviUe,) farmer 8. 

Chamberlain, Edward, (Sewardj) butcher 
and firmer. 

Chase, Daniel, (HyndsviUe,) miUer for 
Jolm C. McChesney. 

CJhase, Harvey fl., (Seward,) boots and 

Chase, Menzo W., (Seward,) shoemaker. 

Clum, Simon V., (Seward,) fanner leases 
of John H. Klock, 120. 

Cobs, Hiram, (Hyndsville,) (wita Fetor,) far- 
mer 184. 

Coss, Oscar, (HyndsvillB,) fanner. 

Coss, Peter, (HyndsviUe,) (with Biram,) 
farmer 184. 

Crippin, Levi. (Seward,) farmer. 

Crocker, Philander T., (Hyndsville,) car- 
penter and bnUder. 

CBOMMIE, NORMAN, (Seward,) carpen- 
ter and builder. 

CROSS, AUGUSTUS H. F., (Sharon,) far- 

Cross, Peter S., (Sharon,) hay raiser and 
farmer 100. _ „ „^ 

Cross, Solomon P., (South Valley, Otsego 
Co,,) firmer leases of John Aney, 161. 

Dana, Christopher O., (HyndsviUe,) farmer 

Davenport, Abram, (Sharon,) farmer 73. 

Davenport, Jacob, (Sharon,) carpenter and 
builder. , , , 

DAVENPORT, LEVI W., (Sharon,) black- 
smith and farmer 11. 

Davenport, WUliam, (Sharon,) farmer 89. 



Defandoif, George, (Seward,) fiirmer 4. ' 

ae;eiit for M^rchante Life Inraranoe 

Co., New York, agent for Brown's 

Marble Works, Schoharie, and fanner 

Denman, William, (Seward,) farmer leaseB 

of Mrs. A. PosBon, IVt. 
Devenpeck, Alonzo, (Seward,) carpenter, 

bnilder and farmer 60. 
Dewire, John, (Seward,) farmer 9. 
Dickinson, Charles, (Seward,) physician 

and farmer 30. 
Diefendorf, Oliver M., (Seward,) farmer 


justice of the peace, justice of sessions 

and cooper. Wi 
Drumm, Andrew, (HyndsTlUe,) {with Dan- 
id Wetsel,) farmer 80. 
DTJHCKEL, (JBOEGE S., (HyndsTllle,) 

farmer leases of Wm. J.,,9i30. 
Danckel, Jeremiah, (Byndsville,) farmer 

806. ' ■ '■ 

Dunckel, Lucius, (Hyndsville,) farmer for 

J. Dunckel. 
Dunckel, William J., (HyndsvUleO hop 

dealer and farmer 333. 
Bldredge, Monroe, (Seward,) agent for 

Climax Plow and farmer 100. 
BLDEEDQB, EOBEKT, M. D., (Sharon,) 

physician and farmer '9S. ' 

Bldredge, Eobert A., (Sharon,) farmer leas- 
es of Eobert, 95. 
Blwood, David, (Hyndsville,) farmer 186. 
BMPIB, BBNJAMlN, (Sharon,) farmer 850. 
Empie. George H., (Sharon,) school teacher 

and farmer. 
Bmpie, James W., (Seward,) teacher and 

BMPIB, JOHN G., (Hyndsville,) singing 

teacher and farmer 100. 
Empie, Eeuben L., (Sharon-,) farmer leases 

of Benjamin, 100. 
EMPIE, SOLOMON, (Seward,) farmer 104. 
Bngell, John H., (Hyndsville,) farmer leases 

of Adam Young, 180. 
Engles, Daniel, (Lawyersville,) farmer 60. 
BsOiay, John, (Seward,) farmer 125, 
ESMAY, MOSES P., (Seward,) saw mill 

and farmer 190. 
PAKE, HENEY L., (Hyndsville,) general 

produce dealer and farmer 17B. 
Palk, Abram, (Lawyersville,) farmer 114. 
Falk, George H., (Hyndeville,) hop raiser 

and farmer 99. 
Fanning, Bergamin, (Hyndsville,) farmer 

Flint, Eansom C, (Hrodsville,) farmer 187. 
FEAATS, ANDEEW, (Seward,) farmer 

leases of N. Fraate, 90. 
France, Abram, (Sewatd,) fiirmer 124. 
France, Anson, (Seward,) farmer leases of 

Lawrence, 100. 
France, Angustus, (Seward,) farmer 118. 
FEANCB, AUSTIN, (Seward,) farmer IBO. 
FEANOB, CHAELES W., (Seward,) far- 
France, Daniel, (Hyndsville,) farmer 4. 
France, David L., (Seward,) farmer 187. 
France, George S.. (Hyndsville,) farmer 116. 
France, Gilbert 6., (Seward,) coal agent 

for Delaiyare and Hudson Canal Co. 

and farmer 140. 

FRANCE, JOHN, (Seward,) (with Davicf 

L.,) farmer. 
France, John H., (Hyndsville,) farmer 15 

and leases of Peter, 116. 
France, Lawrence, (Seward,) farmer 100. 
FEANCB, MBNZO, (Seward,) (MiiADoBid 

£.,) farmer. 
France, Selins, (Seward,) farmer 22. 
France, Steward, (Seward,) farmer. 

FEANCB. WILLARD M., (Seward,) far- 
mer {with Abram,.) 
France, William G., (Seward,) farmer 68 

and leases of Joseph, 76. 
FrattB, Peter R., (Seward.) farmer 100. 
Frawts, Nicholas, (Seward,) farmer 85. 
Frederick, Cyrus M., (Sharon,) carpenter 

and farmer. 
FEBDBEICK, HENEY, (Sharon,) hop 

raiser and farmer 100. 
Frederick, Peter A., (Sharon,) farmer 108. 
Fredrick, Michael G., (Sharon,) farmer 87. 
Fries, Mary Mrs., (Hyndsville,) retired far- 
Gardner, Robert, (Seward,) farmer SO. 
Garlock, Andrew, (Seward,) farmer 110. 
GRIGGS, CLARK B., (Seward,) {Clark B. 

. Oriagt dbSan,) postmaster. 
6EIGGS, CLARK B. & SON, (Seward,) 

(JTaratn,) de^alers in dry goods and 

GRIGGS, MARVIN, (Seward,) {Clark 3. 

Origgi Jk Son.) 
Guernsey, Daniel, (Hyndsville,) farmer 4. 
HAGADORN, JAMES, (Seward,) farmer 

Halenbeck, Abram, (Hyndsville,) stone 

mason and farmer 40. 
HANES. WILSCJN, (Seward,) jewelry and 

watches. ... , 

Handy, George W., (Hyndsville,) farmer 

leases of Kirtland, 138. 
HANDY, JOHN C, (Hyndsville,) farmer 

HANDY, JOHN H„ (HyndsviUe,) farmer." 
H&ndy, Kirtland, (HyndBville,) farmer 138. 

HANDY, RICHARD, (Hyndsville,) firm 

Hanes, David H., (Seward,) farmer 90. 
Hanes, Jacob, (Seward,) saw mill and far- 
mer 129. 
Hardy, Moses F., (Seward,) wagon maker. 
Harroway, Peter, (Rlchmondvflle,) farmer 

HILTON, PETER, (HyndsTllIe,) farmer 

HILTON, PHILIP P., (Hyndsville.) post- 
master and dealer in dry goods and 

Bines, Alouzo R., (HyndsviUe,) carpenter 

and builder. 
Hoffman, Barnabas, (Seward,) saw and 

cider mills and fiirmer 18. 
Hoffman, Martin, (Seward,) cider mannf. 

and farmer 85. 
Hoffman, Nicho>laa, (Seward,) shoemaker 

and farmer av. 
Houck, Jacob) (West Richmondville,) Ita- 

mer leases 210. 
Bouok, William, (West Richmondville,) 

farmer 160. 
Hungerford, Daniel H., (Sharon,) apiarian, 

carpenter and builder. 
Hynds, Albert, (Hyndsville,) carpenter. 



HyndB, Anson 3,, (Hyndsville,) painter and 

Hynds, Angnstns, (HyndsvUle,) farmer. 
HYNDS, DAVID, (Hyndaville,) coal agent 

for the Delaware and Hadson Canal 

Co., and farmer ISO. 
Hyndo, Gilbert O., (HyndBville,) jastice of 

the peace and farmer 31, 

HTNpS, HOBAOE, (Hyudsville,) farmer 

for J. Hynds. 
Hynda, James, (Hyndsvllle,) blacksmith. 
HYNDS, JEDEDIAH, (Hyndsville,) farmer 

Hynds, John, (Hyndsville,) farmer 313. 
Hynds, Joseph U., (Hyndsville,) carpenter 

and former 33. 
Hynds, Peter, (Hyndsville,) prop, of Hynds- 
ville Hotel. 

JOHNSON, HBNET H., (Hyndsville,) 
agent for Delaware and Hudson Canal 
Cto., A. & S. B. R. Department. 

Johnson, Holt, (Lavvyersville,) farmer. 

JONES, GEORGE, (West Bichmondville,) 
farmer 208. 

Karker, Aaron, (Sharon,) former 118. 

Earker, Charles, (Sharon,) cooper and far- 
mer 3. 

KAEKBR, HARMON S., (CobleskUl,) 
cooper and former lOS. 

Earker, leaac^ (Sharon,) former 114. 

Earker, Nicholas, (Seward,) farmer. 

Eilpoyle, Thomas, (Lawyersville,) tanner 
and cnrrier. 

KILTS, CALVIN, (Hyndsville,) black- 

Kilts, Peter, (Sharon,) carpenter and build- 
er, and farmer leases of y^hristian Zea, 

EIMMET, DAVID, (Cobleskill,) farmer. 

Klmmey, Peter D., (Cobleskill,) hop raiser 
and farmer 135. 

Kling, Peter, (Seward,) farmer 9. 

Eseeskern, Andrew J., (Seward,) farmer. 

Eneeskern, Jacob, (Seward,) farmer 90. 

Erieeskern, Mathew, (Seward,) farmer 25. 

carpenter and bnilder, and farmer. 

farmer 135. 

Kneeskern, William J., (Seward,) farmer 

Eromer, Charles, (Sharon,) farmer. 

Eromer, Harrison, (Sharon,) machinist. 

KROMEB, WILLIAM H., (Sharon,) miU- 
wri?ht, carpenter and farmer 124. 

Lane, Cnarles, (Seward,) farmer leases of 
Levi Tlce. 

Lane, Isaac, (Seward,) prop. Seward Valley 

LAWYER, JACOB, (HyndsvUle,) general 

Letts, George, (Hyndsville,) farmer 116. 

LETTS, HIBAM, (HyndsviUe,) farmer 80. 

Letts, Lnther, (Lawyersville,) farmer. 

LETTS, MARTIN, (Seward,) prop, of saw 
mill, carpenter and builder. 

Letts, Orlando, (Bichmondville,) shoe- 

LIFE, ALFRED, (Seward,) farmer 100. 
Livingston, Chancelor, (Seward.) farmer 

leases of Abram SteriSbere, 170. 
LIVINGSTON., GEORGE, (Sharon,) far- 

Livingston, Peter, (Sharon,) hop raiser and 
farmer 100. 

LOBY, JOHN, (Eljndsville,) beer manuf. 
and farmer 46. 

LOBY, MAETIN, (Hyndsville,) general 

LOUCKS, HENBY, (Sharon,) justice of 
the peace and fanner 160. 

Loucks, John M., (Sharon,) former 16. 

LOYD, HENBY B.^ (Hyndsville,) under- 
taker and fumitnre manuf. 

Lndington, John, (Hyndsville,) cooper. 

MABCLEY, DAVID, (Hyndsville,) farmer 

Marcley, David, (Hyndsville,) former 10. 

ville,) farmer leases of Harvey M., 80. 

ville,) physician. 

Marcley, Harvey M., (Hyndsville,) farmer 

MARCLEY HOTEL, (Hyndsville,) Cyrus 

MABCLEY, IRVING, (Hyndsville,) fanner 
leases of Michael, 120. 

Marcley, John, (Hyndsville,) farmer 72. 

MABCLEY, JOHN C, (Seward,) black- 

Marcley, Michael, (Hyndsville,) farmer 120. 

Marcley, Tobias, (Hyndsville,) farmer. 

MARCLEY, WILLIAM Jl, (Hyndsville,) 
farmer 185. 

Markel, William M., (Hyndsville,) farmer 

Markle, George M., (Seward,) carpenter 
and farmer %}i. 

McChesney, John C, (Hyndsville,) prop. 
Hyndsville Flonr and Feed Mill, saw 
mill and farmer 10. 

McMan^ames, (Seward,) farmer 40. 

Merril, William, (Seward,) cheese manuf. 

MerrlnesB, Uriah, (Seward,) saw mill, car- 
penter and farmer 8. 

MOAK, DAVID A., (Hyndsville,) shoe- 

Afoak, Francis, (West Richmondville,) 
(with William H.,) farmer 215. 

Moak, John, (West MchmondvUie,) farmer 

Moak, William H., (West Richmondville,) 
(with Frances,) farmer 216. 

Morgan, Harvey, (Hyndsville,) carpenter 
and prop, of flax mill. 

MORGAJJ, JOEL, (Hyndsville,) farmer M. 

MOSHER, EDGAR, (Hyndsvnie,) (with 
Martin F.,) farmer 130. 

MOSHER, MARTIN F., (HyndBville,)(«ii(A 
Fldgar,) former 130. 

Mosher, Milton, (Hyndsville,) farmer. 

Munzo, Spencer, (Cobleskill,) former for 
Isaac Ottman. 

MYER. HENRY A., M. D., (Seward,) phy- 
sician and snrgeon. 

MYERS, CHARLES M., (HyndsvUle,) far- 

MYERS, JOHN A., (Hyndsville,) farmer 

Myers, William, (Hyndsville,) farmer 68. 

NevUle, George, (Seward,) hop raiser and 
farmer 142. 

OLIVER, FREDERICK W., (Hyndsville,) 
hop raiser and farmer 170. 

Oliver, John, (Hyndsville,) farmer leases 
of A. Lawer, 116. 



Oliver, Paul, (Lawyersville,) farmer 8. 

OSTEEHOUT, ABEAM, (CobleskUl,) ae- 
seBBor and farmer 286. 

Osterliout, David H., (OobleBkill,) farmer 
leases of Abram Oeterhout, 189. 

OSTHANDBE, JOHN P., (Seward,) far- 
mer 1S5. 

Ostrom, George L., (West Blchmondville,) 
farmer 110. 

Ottman, Abraham, (LawjrerBTllle,) firmer 

OTTMAN, DAVID, (Sharon,) farmer. 
Ottman, Hannah Mrs., (Sharon,) farmer 

1«. ■ 
Ottman, Isaac, (CobleskUl,) hop raiser and 

farmer 218. 
Ottman, Joseph, (Lawyersville,) farmer 

Ottman, Luther, (Sharon,) hop grower and 

farmer 81. 
Passage, George B., (Seward,) prop, of 

Seward Hotel. 
Patrick, John F., (Seward,) farmer leases 

of John Weaton, 110. 
Petrie, John, (HyndsvilleQ farmer 3S0. 
Petrle, Sanford, (HyndsvlUe,) farmer. 
PIEECB, ANSON, (HyndsvlUe,) farmer 

leases of Ch^topher C. Dana, llo. 
PIEECB, ELIAB, (Lawyersvllle,) {with 

Sason B Shafer,) farmer 161. 
POGTJB, EOBERT, (Seward,) carpenter 

and bnilder, and eawyer. 
Potts, Charles, (Seward,) farmer 4. 
Powers, Ingraham Eev., (Seward,) pastor 

of Baptist Church. 
Pnlver, Peter, (Lawyersville,) farmer leases 

of Peter Youngs, 118. 
Eelyea, Charles, (Seward,) hop raiser and 

farmer B}i. 
Rich, George, (HyndsvlUe,) prop, of Elch's 

Eindfleld, AnguBtus, (HyndBville,) shoe- 
Eowley, A, W., (Hyndsville,) farmer. 
Eowley, Edward, (Seward,) farmer aOO. 
Eowley, Edwin, (Seward,) carpenter and 

EPWLET, HIEAM S., (Seward,) agent for 

Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., at A, 

& S. B. E. depot. 
EOWLEY, NELSON Q., (Seward,) veter- 
inary surgeon, blacksmith and farmer 

Eyne, James, (Seward,) firmer. 
Salisbury, John Jr., (Seward,) farmer leas- 
es of John W., 14T. 

SALSBEEGH, ALLEN, (Hyndsville,) (with 
TFi«iamO farmer 115. 

(loith Allen.) former 115. <: 

Salsbury, David, (Sewardj) termer 80. 

Sands, William J. Eev., (Hyndsville,) pas- 
tor of M. B. Church. 

SANEOED, JOHN G., (Hyndsville,) far- 
mer 121. 

Saxton, Austin, (Hyndsville,) leader Sew- 
ard Cornet Band. 

SBWAED OOENET BAND, (Hyndsville,) 
Austin H. Sexton, leader ; B. O. Bruce, 
H. B. Loyd, Geo. S. Gardiner, J. Q. 
Calkins, L. D. Marelfly, J. Lawyer, H. 
Bellinger, C. Sexton, S. Petrie, H. 
Calkins, C. Loyd, J. Sexton, A. Lory. 

SEXTON, AUSTIN H., (Hyndsville,) far- 
mer leases of Hiram, 186. 
SEXTON, CHESTEE, (Hyndsville,) 

Btock dealer and farmer 4. 
Sexton, Hiram, (Hyndsville,) farmer 176. 
SEXTON, JASON, (Hyndsville,) farmer 

SHAPBE, DAVID, (Hyndsville,) harness 

maker and agent for H. H. Babcock & 

Son'B well pumps. 
Shafer, Elmond, (Eichmondville,) (with 

Jacob B.,) farmerl32. 
Shafer, Jacob H., (Eichmondville,) (with 

Elmond,) farmer 182. 
SHAPBE, KA80N B., (Lawyeryille,) (with 

Ellas Pierce,) farmer 161. 
Shafer, Margaret Mrs., (Hyndsville,) far- 
mer 205. 
SHAPEE, SBWAED, (Hyndsville,) (wUh 

Stewart,) farmer 205. 
SHAPEE, STEWAET, (Hyndsville,) (with 

Seward,) farmer 205. 
Shumway, Ebenezer, (West Eichmond- 
ville,) siw mill and farmer IB. 
SIG8BY, JOHN D., (Hyndsville,) school 

Simmons, Chester, (Sharon,) apiarian and 

SLATEE, ADDISON, (Lawyersville,) bt- 

mer leases 126. 
Smith, Abram, (Hyndsville,) shoemaker 

and farmeit 16. 
SMITH, ANDEEW, (Seward,) blacksmith. 
Smith, BraetoB, (Hyndsville,) farmer 75. 
Smith, Jane Mrs., (Hyndsville.) farmer 86. 
Smith/- ThaddeuB, (West Eichmondville,) 

fiCrmer 80. 
Snyder, Gilbert W., (West Eichmondville,) 

Snyder, Henry, (Hyndsville,) farmer 82. 
SNYDER, MARTIN, (West Eichmond- 

ville,Vfarmer 78. 
Snyder, William A,, (Hyndsville,) farmer 

93 and leases of Henry Snyder, 88. 
Sommer, Hiram, (Seward.) farmer 100. 
Sommers, Barnabas, (Sharon,) farmer i 

and leases of Mrs. Eliza Zea, 106, 
Sommers, Henry, (Sharon,) farmer 20. 
Sommers, Jacob A., (Sharon,) carpenter 

and shoemaker. 
Sommers, John W^ (Sharon,) farmer 100. 
Sommers, John w. Jr., (Lawyersville,) 

farmer leases of J. Ottman, 118. 
SOUTHWOETH, HARLEM, (Hyndsville,) 

painter and school teacber.i 
ville,) boot and shoe maker, dealer in 
_grocerles andpatent medicines. 
STBI4NBEEG, ABRAHAM, (Seward,) flir- 

mer 172. 
Sternberg, John H., (Seward,) farmer 76. 
Stevens, Daniel D., (Hyndsville,) carpenter 

land builder. 
Stever, David; (West Richmondville,) car- 
penter and builder. 
Strall, Henry, (Seward,) firmer 91. 
8TEAIL, ISAAC A., (Sewaid,) carpenter 

and builder. 
Strall, John, (Seward,) eaw mill and farmer 

Strall, Mathew, (Seward,) farmer 100. 
Slrail, William, (Seward,) fanner 75. 
Strobeck, George W., (Seward,) farmer 




Strobeck, Hiram, (LawyerBville,) stock 
dealer and &rmer. 

STEOBBCK, JBKKMIAH, (S»ward,) ter- 
mer IBO. 

STROBBCK, JOHN M., (HjndsvUle,) fer- 
mer 106. 

Strobeck, Nicholas, (HyndavUIe,) former 

Strobeck, Paul, (Lavfyersville,) farmer 1TB. 

STROBECK, PAUL Jr., (LairyerBville,) 

Strobeck, Peter W., (Hyndsvllle,) farmer 

Strobeck, Philip W.,(LawyerB7llle,) farmer 

Tanner, Job, (West Bichmondyille,) farmer 


Tice, Le-vl, (Seward,) dealer In stock and 
farmer 13. 

TILISON, WILLIAMS., (Hyndsvlllo,) far- 
mer. . 

TILLAPAUGH, ABBAU, (Se-ward,) farmer 

Traber, Henry A., (Seward,) miller. 

Traber, Jacob, (Seward,) farmer 66. 

Traber, Peter, (Seward,yilarmer 176. 

Treedmyre, Frederick, (HyiidsvillB,) firmer 

Vanderwarker, David, (Seward,) farmer 95. 

yanderwarker, David H., (Seward,) farmer 

VANSLTKB, JOHN A., Reward,) firmer. 

Vanslyke, SvlTannB G., (Seward,) carpen- 
ter and bnilder. 

Vrooman, William, (Seward,) farmer 70. 

Walrad, Robert G., (Seward,) general mer- 
chant and agent for Buckeye Mower 
and Reaper. 

Warner, Abram, (Hyndsville,) farmer 60. 

WARNER, ABKAMH., (HyndsTille,) gen- 
eral pamter and engraTer. 

WARNER, CHARLES, (Cpblesldll,) far- 
mer 150. 

WARNER, HABMAN, (Seward,) manaf. 
of plows, cnltivators &c., and painter. 

Warner, Tobias, (ByndsTille,) farmer 80. 

WARRNER, HENRY A., (Seward,) snper- 
Tisor, prop, of Seward Grist Mill and 
farmer 3. 

Weaton, John, (Seward,) farmer 110. 

Weller, Robert, (HyndsTille,) carpenter 

and builder. 
WENDELL, HENRY, (Hyndsville,) fresco 

painter, grainer and teacher of music. 

WE8TGUBBR, ABRAM, (HyndsTille,) 

general mason, 


agent for Backeye Mower and Reaper, 

and firmer 86. 
Wetsel, J)aniel, (Hyndsville,) (with Andrew 

Vmmm,) farmer 80. 
White, Peter, (West EiohmondTille,) far- 
mer 160. 
Whyland, Leonard, (Hyndsville,) saw mill 

and farmer S50. 
WUber, James H.v (Hyndsville,) general 

merchant and town clerk. 
WINB6AED, ABRAHAM, (HyndsviUe,) 

farmer 160. 

ville,) farmer 107. 
Winegard, George, (Hyndsville,)farmer280. 
WINB(iARD, HEZEKIAH, (West Rich- • 

mondville,) former. 
Winegard, Peter, (West Bichmondville,) 

' farmer 290. 
WINEGARD, mCHARD, (Hyndsville,) 

WOODIN, ANSON B., (Hyndsville,) far- 
mer leases of Leonard Whyland, S50. 
Wormuth, George, (Seward,) tanner and 

carrier, and farmer 6. 
Wright,. D. L., (Hyndsville,) carpenter and 
Guilder and liMiA Bl^ah.) farmer 51. 
■ht, Elijah, (Hyndsville,) (with D. i.,) 

warmer 51. 
Young, Adam, (Hyndsville,) saw mill and 

farmer 130. 
Yonng, Henry, (Lawyersville,) farmer 100. 
Young, Jeremiah P., (Hyndsville,) former 4. 
Young," Menzo, (Seward,) farmer for J. 

YOUNG, SYLVBSTEB, (HyndsvUle,) far- 
YOUNGS, PETER, (LavTyersVille,) farmer 

118. ,1. 
Zea, John, (Seward,) former 84 and leases 

of Zea & Youngs, 100. 
Zea,' Joseph, (Seward,) farmer 62X- 
Zei, Joseph, (Sharon,) farmer 104. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

AcherBon, David, (Sbaron Springa,) resi- 

AL6BB, ALANSON, (Ames, Kbntgomery 
Co. ,) apiarian, dairyman and farmer 94. 

ALPATJGH, ALVIN, (Sharon Springs,) 
apiarian, hop grower, dairyman and 
farmer leases of Joseph Jones, 146. 
- American Hotel, (Sharon Springs,) D. 
Wood, prop. 

Amarey, Seth, (ArgasVille,) secretary Ar- 
gueville Cheese^actory. 

Anderson, Isaac L,, (Sharon Springs,) hair 

Angelo, David, (Leesville,) farmer. 

Angle, Adam, (Sharon Springs,) miller. 

Angle, Peter J., (Sharon Springs,) shoe 
maker and apiarian. 

ANTHONY, JAMES M., (Sharon Center,) 
post master, merchant and town clerk. 

ANTHONY, JOHN, (Sharon Center^) hjop 
raiser, dairyman, prop, stallion foi^ 
Victory, of Cassius M. Olay ana Mes- 
senger descent, and farmer 149. 

ArguBville Cheese Tactory, (ArgnavUle,) 
HeuryC.Lycker, president; SethAms- 
rey, secretary ; Hodge, treasurer. 

Arnold, Joseph, (Sharon Center,) bop 
grower and farmer46. 

Azing, Jacob, (Ames, Montgomery Co.,) 
farmer leases 64. > . . 

Baker, Chas., (Leesville,) hop grower and 
farmer 60. 

BAEEB, CHAS. D., (I^eesvllle,) postmas- 

Baker, Merritt, (Sharon Springs,) school 

Ball, Qeo. F,, (Sharon,) farmer 1 and leases 

Ball, Peter M., (Sharon.) farmer 99. 

Bangs, H. J., (Sharon Springs,) prop. Con- 
gress Hall. 

Banta, Jacob J., (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower and farmer 93. 

Bar, Bobert, (Sharon Springs,) constable. 

Baxter, Adam A., (Sharon,) nop grower 
and farmer 75. 

Baxter, John D.,..(Sharon Springs,) farmer 

Baxter, Lawrence V., (Sharon Springs,) 
hop grower, dairyman and farmer 90. 

Baxter, Matthias, (Seward,) farmer 106. 

BAXTBB, BICHAED H.,(Sharon Springs,) 
hop grower and farmer 78. 

Baxter, Tunis, (Sharon Springs,) hop grow- 
er and &rmer 80. 

Becker, David, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

Becker, John M., (Sharon Springs,) under- 
taker. ' 

BeCkker, Garrett, (Sharon Springs,) asses- 
sor, dairyman and farmer 185. 

Beckker, John D., (Sharon.) former 100. 

Beckker, Jnlius, (Sharon,) hop grower and 
farmer leases 100. 

Beckker, Newell, (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower and farmer leases 120. 

Beckker, Philip, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

Beckker, Philip P.,' (Sharon Springs,) resi- 

, Springs.) general merchant and farmer 

BEEKMA^, WM. H., (Sharon Springs,) 

Beley, Dow, (Sewartl,) former. 

ter,) farmer 106. 

Bellinger, Peter H., (Sharon,) hop grower 
and former IdO, 

BENSON, STEPHEN H., (Argusville,) ma- 

Bergh, Seneca, (Sharon,) farmer 132. 

Best, Ann, (Sharon Springs,) {with Julia,) 
farmer 115. 

Best, Irvin, (Sharon Springe,) farmer 100. 

Best, John N., (Sharon Springs,) hop grow- 
er and farmer 30. 

Best, Julia, (Sharon Springs,) (with Ann,) 
farmer 116. 

BiUinger, Henry J., (Sharon,) hop grower 
and farmer 99. 

B0E8T, CLAYTON, (Seward,) hop grower, 
dairyman and farmer 226. 

Borst, David Henry, (Sharon,) farmer. 

Borst, Geo., (Seward,) hop grower and for- 
mer 100. 

Borst, John H., (Sharon,) dairyman and 
farmer lOSJi. 

Borst, Peter D., (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower and fiirmer 100. 

Borst, Peter G., (Sharon,) hop raiser and 
former 160. 

Borst, Steven, (Seward,) hop grower and 
former 100. 

Bowmakker, Geo., (Sharon Center,) hop 
grower, dairyman and farmer lii9. 

Bradley, James H., (Sharon Springs,) resi- 

farm laborer. 

Brandensun, Henry, (Sharon,) farmer leas- 
ee of Wm, Helsinger, 40. 

Brewster, John G„ (Sharon Springs,) har- 
ness maker. 

Brown, Adam, (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

Brown, Daniel, (Sharon Sprfiigs,) farmer 
leases 110. 



Brown, Peter, (Sharon Springs,) hop grow- 
er and farmer 110. ( 

Brown, Robert W., (Sharon,)pofstniaBter, 
merchant, bop grower and farmer. 

Banmart, Romart, (Sharon Springs,) far- 

Burst, Clayton, (Seward,) hop grower and 
farmer 800. 

BattoD, Chas. H., (Ames, Montgomery Co.,) 
former 68. 

Cain, Albert, (ArgOsTille,) firmer. 

CAIN, JAMES A., (ArgnsviUe,) hop grower 
and farmer 60. 

Carkker, Jacob, (Leesville,) farmer. 

Cawlley, Patrick, (Sharon Springs,) resi- 

Chiokhans, Chas. T., (Sharon Springs,) dai- 
ryman and farmer 160. . 

Christman, Jacob, (Argue^ille,) carpenter. 

Cipily, John J., (Sharon Center,) hop grow- 
er and farmer. 

Clifton, Chas., (Sharon Springs,) resident 

Cling, Geo. W., (Ames, Montgomery Co.,) 
dainman apd farmer ICO. 

Cling, James, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 92. 

Cling, John L.,(8haron Springs,) farmer 71. 

Cling, Nathan, (Sharon Springs,) dairyman 
and farmer 105. 

Cliug, Nelson, (Ames, Montgomery Co.,) 
{with Norman,) dairyman and farmer 

Cling, Norman, (Ames, Montgomery Co.,) 
{with Nelson.) dairyman and farmer 50. 

Collins, Alex., (ArgnsvUle,) hop grower and 
farmer 16)i. 

Collins, James, (ArgnsvUle,) hop grower 
and firmer 183. 

Collins, Peter J., (Sharon,) hop grower and 
farmer 104. 

Collins, Benben, (Sharon Center,) hop 
grower and farmed 117; 

CoUms, Wm., (Sharon Center,) dairyman 
and farmer 72. 
'Congress Hall, (Sharon Springs,) H. J. 
Bangs, prop. > ■ 

Cook, Peter E., (Ames, Montgomery Co.,) 
blacksmith and farmet' 48. 

Coons, , (Sharon Springs,) (Jackson <& 


Conntryman, Lovina, (Leesville,) resident. 

Craig, Chas. H., (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

CEAIG, HENRX J., (Sharon Center,) hop 
grower and dealer, and farmer 67. 

Crocker, Chas. H., (Sharon,) harness maker 
and painter. 

CROSBY, MENZO,(Center Valley J farmer. 

Cross, Rachel, (Leesville,) resident. 

Crounse, Henry, (Sharon Center,) firmer 

Crounse, John, (ArgnsvUle,) tanner. 

Crounse, Wellington, (Sharon Center,) far- 
mer 48. 

Curry, Patrick, (Sharon Springs,) resident, 

Darrow, Russell, (Sharon,) carpenter. 

DELANT, EDWARD, (LeesvUle,) black- 

Dellenger, Conrad, (Sharon,) firmer 11. 

Devenport, Cyrus, (Sharon,) carpenter. 

DEZBNDURP, B. F.,(Sharon Springs,) far- 
mer 110. I 

DIEFENDORP, C. Bbt,, (LeesvUle,) pas- 
tor Lutheran Gbnrch, i I 

Dillenbeck, John, (Seward,) hop raiser, 

dairyman and farmer 116. 
Dingman, Lansing, (Sharon Springs,) hop 

grower, dairymanand farmer 124. 
Dockitacter, Epnralm, (Sharon Springs,) 

firmer 175. 
DOCKSTADBR, ADAM A„ (Siiaron Cen- 
ter,) justice of the peace, bop grower, 

dairyman and firmer 204, 
Dockstader, Alvin H,, (Sharon Springs,) 

hop grower and former 19. 
Dockstater, Geo., (Sharon Springs,) hop 

grower and farmer 96. 
DocKstator, Jacob A., (Sharon Springs,) 

Donbnrg, Wm., (Sharon Center,) farmer. 

*DOWNS, RICHARD C, (Sharon Springs,) 
merchant tailor ana agent for Elias 
Howe Jr., Sewing Machine.; 

Doztader, Jacob, (ArgnsvUle,) former 57. 

Doztater, Jacob H., (ArgnsvUle,) farmer 

Doztator, Geo., (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

Drake, Albert, (LeesvUle,) farmer 95. 

Drum, Jacob, (Ames, Montgomery Co.,) 
former 60. 

DUNCKEL, JOSIAH, (Sharon Springs,) 
saw and clover mUls, hop grower and 
farmer 120. 

Eckler, Moses, (Sharon Center,} farmer. 

Eigen, Frederick, (Sharon Springs,) mer- 
chant and saloon keeper. 

Eldredge, Barnabas, (Leesville,) resident. 

Eldredge, Clinton, (Sharon Springs,) far- 
mer 105. 

ELDREDGE, NELSON, (Sharon Center,) 
hop grower an^ former 105. 

Eldredge, Yanness, (Sharon,) minister, hop 
grower and farmer 150. 

Eldredge, Ward, (Sharon Springs,) saloon. 

Eldridge, Henry A., (Sharon,) assessor, 
hop grower and former 110. 

Eldridge, James P., (Sharon Springs,) grist 
mill and farmer 85. 

Eldridge, Olcott, (Seward,) farmer leases 

Eldridge, Sewarfl, (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower and farmer 118. 

Elegan, Thos., (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

Empie, Abraham, (Sharon Center,) (zoit/i, 
John M.,) hop raiser, dairyman and 
former 122. 

Empie, Abram A., (Sharon,) hop raiser and 
farmer 55. 

EMPIE, DEWITT C, (Sharon,) farmer. 


Empie, Garret L., (ArgnsvUle,) fanner 83. 

Empie, Gideon, (Sharon,) hop grower and 
farmer 127. „ , , .^, 

Empie, John E., (Sharon Center,) (with 
Abraham,) hop raiser, dairyman and 
farmer 122. , , . 

Empie, John I., (Sharon Center,) dairy- 
man and farmer 116. 

Empie, Leander, (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower and farmer 130. 

Empie, Myron D., (Sharon,) hop grower, 
dairyman and former 102, 

Empie, Myron V., (Sharon,) bop grower, 
dairyman and former 108. 

Empie, Theo., (Sharon,) farmer leases 96. 

Emppy, Peter, (Sharon,) hop grower and 
former 106. 



Bngell, Moses, ^Sharon Springs,) grist 

mill and farmer 180. 
Jingle, Alfred, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

leases 102. 
Engle, Peter J., (Sharon Springs,) firmer 

Bngle, Philip, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 102. 

Bpie, John, (Sharon,) farmer 100: 

IM.CK, JOHN^, (Sharoh Center,) Durmer 
leases from John Antliony, 16(). 

Pace, Josiah, (Sharon Springs,) dairyman 
and farmer leases 1601 

PBEO, WM. I., (Sharon Center,) hotel 

PETHEBS, CHAS: B., (Sharon Springs,) 
prop. Petherp Hotel. | 

Plick, Jacob, (Sharon Springs,) prop. Park 

Poland, Darwin, (Sharon Center,) hop 
grower and farmer leases of David 
Pritcher, 160. 

Poland, Henry, (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower and farmer 84. 

Poland, Henry H., (LeesvUle,) firmer 88; 

Pdland, Philip, (Sharon Springs,) • farmer 
IWH. ^ • , 

Poiland, Geo., (Sharon Springs,) hop grbw- 
er and farmer 117. 

Ponda, Andrew, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 
30. ' 

Ponda, Andrew, (Sharon Springs,) dairy- 
man and farmer 200. 

Ponda, Geo., (Sharon,) hop grower and far- 
mer 11. 

Ponda, S. P., (Sharon Springs,) physician 
and surgeon. 

Pox, Augusta Mr^., (Sharon Springs,) mil- 
liner and dress maker. 

Pox, Chas. Pj^(ArgaBTU)e,) tailor. 

Pox, Geo. W., (Sharon,), prop. Bagle 

Pox, Jesse, (Sejward,) former 140. 

Praats, David, (Sharon Springs,) hop grow- 
er and farmer 136. 

Praats, David Jr., (Shslron Center,) farmer 

PRAATS, PBTEE B., (Seward,) wagon 

Pradenburgh, Bei^., (Sharon Springs,) resi- 
dent. . 

Prance, Menz6,' (Sharon Springs,) marble 

Pratts, Gilbert, (Seward,) resident. 

Prauts, David S.„ (Sharon Springs,) farmer. 

Prauts, Henry, (Sharon Springs,) hop grow- 
er and farmer 130. 

Prederick, L., (Sharon,) farmer 15. 

Preust, Philip, (Sharon Springs,) stone 

Pritchell, David, (Sharon Center,) farmer 

Pritcher, Peter G., (Sharon Springs,) board- 
inghoQse and farmer 110. 

Prost, David, (Sharott Springs,) Uirmer 81. 

Prost, Wm„ (Seward,) farmer 1. 

Gamer, L. W., (Seward,) hop grower and 
farmer 10. 

GABDINIBB, JACOB B., (Argusville,) for- 

Gardner, John H., (Sharon Springs,) prop. 
Pavilion Hotel. & "v v 

Garisnier, Martin i:, (Argusville,) saw mill, 
cheese box manuf. and farmer 109. 

Qiell, Jonas, (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

Gilbert, Norman, (Argusville,) farmer 134. 

Graft, Elizabeth, (Sharon Center,) farmer 

GBANTBBE, GILBBET, (Sharon Center,) 
stock dealer, hop grower and fanner 90. 

Qranteer, Orvllle, (Sharon Center,) farmer . 

Gray, Geo., (Sharon Center,) shoemaker 
and farmer. 

Green, John, (Sharon Springs,) physician. 

Hagadorn, Menzo, (Sharon Springs,) hop 

. grower and former 85. 

Hagan, Mathew J., (Sharon Springs,) resi- 

Hagen, Michael B., (Leesville,) section 
foreman C. v. R. R. 

Hall, Jdmes, (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

Hamell, Hiram, (Sharon Center,) hop grow- 
er and farmer leases 28. 

Hamprercht, Albert, (Sharon Springs,) re- 

Hamriok, , (Sharon Springs,) farmer 


Handy, Nathaniel, (Leesville,) farmer 10. 

Haner, Abram, (Leesville,) carpenter and 

HANEB, HENET, (Sharon Springs,) gar- 
dener and farmer 29. 
Haner, Wm., (Sharon Springs,) resident. 
Hanson, Mathew, (Sharon Springs,) hop 

grower and farmer 130. 
Hanson, Peter, (Argusville,) shoemaker. 
Harper, Geo, (Sharon Springs.) farmer. 
Harper, James W., (Sharon Springs,) agent 

Home Pire Insurance Co. and denutv 

•Harper & Salisbury^ (Sharon Springs,) 

Hayner, Henry, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

leases of John Moak, 10. 
Hill, John D.,,(Sliaron,) far: er 110. 
Hiller, Almiran, (Sharon Springs,) team- 

. ster. , :, 

Hiller, AZariah, (Sharon Center,) hopgrow- 

er and former leases of Prederick, 100. 
Hiller, Eiyah, (Sharon Center,) (with Geo.,) 

farmer 110. 
Hiller, Prederick, (Shron Center,) com- 
missioner of highways, hop grower 

and termer 100, 
Hiller, Geo., (Sharon Center,) (with Elijah.) 

former 110., 
Hiller, Jacob, (Sharon,) farmer 81. 
Hiller, Jphn D., <Sharon Center,) farmer 

Hiller, Eansom, (Sharon Center,) hop 

grower and farmer IB. 
Hilton, Philip, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

leases 66. 
Hitchman, Millard, (Sharon Springs,) stage 


H0A6, JAMBS Nl, (Sharon Springs,) 

Hoal, John B., (Sharon Springs,) dry goods, 
clothing <Sio. 

•Hoal & Klinkhart, (Sharon Springs,) hard- 

Hodge, , (Argusville,) treasurer Ar- 
gusville Cheese Factory. 

Homnan, Jacob H., (Sharon,) shoemaker, 
hop raiser and farmer 7. 

Hoffman, Lawrence, (Sharon Springs,) car- 



HONE, GAEEETT, (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower, dairyman and farmer 166. ' 

Hopper, John, (Shardn Springs,) resident. 

Homing, Peter, (Sharon Center,) hop grow- 
er and former SOO. 

Horton, Avery, (Sharon Springs,) fermer 

Hotaling, Bobert, (ShaTon Center,) hop 
grower and farmer 33. 

goaghtalllng, Jane Ann, (Sharon Springs,) 
Itirmer 110. 

HonghtailliDg, Isaac, (Sharon Center,) 

Hoaghtallng, David, (Sharon Springs,) saw 
mill, hop grower, dairyman and farmer 

Hnhbs & Hereness, (Sharon Springs,) 

props. Mansion Hooise. 
Hnghtailling, Jacob, (Aigasvllle,) horse 
dealer and farmer. 

Hamell, Hiram, (Sharon Center,) hop 
grower and farmer 35. 

Humphrey, D. L., (Sharon Springs,) physi- 
cian and snrgeon. 

Hurst^Joiin, (LeesvUle,) wagon maker. 

Hott, WUliam, (Sharon Spnnga,) express 
agent D. & H. Canal Co. 

HDTTON, ABEAM, (Aifenevllle,) dairyman 
and fiirmer 300. 

Hnttou, Timothy, (Sharon,) farmer 75. 

Hyner, John L., (Aigasville,) hop grower 
and farmer 70. 

Hyney, James S., (Sharon Center,) farmer 

Hyney, John H., (ArgnsviUe,) hop grower 
and farmer ICO. 

Hyney, John L., (ArgusvUle,) farmer 70. 

Hyney, Richard, (Sharon SpJings,) hop 
grower and fiirmer 80. 

Hyney, Spencer, (Sharon Springs,) Inspec- 
tor of elections. 

Inggall, Mary Ann, (Sharon Center,) resi- 

Jacksou & Coons, (Sharon Springs,) law- 

Jackson, George, (Sharon Springe,) wagon 

Jackson, I^wis H., (Sharon Springs,) post 

Jardlndeer, Wm. I.,(Aignsville,) farmer 60. 

Jarindeer, Isaac, (Argasville,) farmer 50. 

JEWETT,B. Ebv., (Leesvllle,) pastor Bap- 
tist Church. 

Jones, Benjamin, (Sharon Springs,) firmer 
800. . . 

Jones, Benjamin, (Sliaron Springs,) apiari- 
an, hop grower, dairyman and farmer 

JONES, GEO., (Sharon Springs,) farmer 
leases 300 

Jordon, Daniel, (Ames, Montgomery Co.,) 
dairyman and farmer 100. 

Kelley, David, (Sharon Springs,) hop grow- 
er and former 34. 

KILMEE, JAMES M., (Sharon Spnn|p,) 
commission merchant, New York. 

KILTS, CONRAD, (ArgnBviile,) farmer 110. 

mits, David A., (Sharon Springs,) hop 

Kilts, Wm., (Sharon Center,) resident. 
Klssker, Steven, (Sharon Center,) black- 
Kltts, Daniel, (Sharon,) hop grower and 

former 108. 
Kitts, Geo., (Sharon,) stock miser and far- 
mer 85. 
Eitts, Joshaa, (Sharon,) farmer 80. 
Kitts, Wesley H., (Sharon Center,) dairy- 
man and farmer 130. 
Kling, Gideon, (Seward,) justice of the 

Kliitoiart, , (Sharon Springs,) {Eoal & 

Kniskern, Steven, (Sharon Center,) resi- 
Lagrange, Christopher, (Sharon Springs,) 

farmer 7. 
Lagrange, Christopher, (Sharon Springs,) 

farmer 16. 
LANE, E. E. & Co., (Sharon Springs,) gro- 
Larue, N. M., (Sharon Springs,) boarding 

house and farmer 31. 
Leak, John H., (Sharon Center,) carpenter. 
LEAKE, JOHN W., (Sharon Center,) prop. 

Sharon Center Hotel. 
Legrang'e, Leonard, (Sharon Springs,) far- 
mer 130. 
LEHMAN, ALEX., (Sharon,) apiarian. 
Lehman, Alfred H., (Sharon Center,) hop 

grower and farmer leases 93. 
Lehman, Benj., (Sharon Center,) farmer 

LEHMAN, CLAYTON Q.,(9haron Center,) 

dairyman and fartner 100. 
LEHMAN, HIBAM B., (Sharon Center,) 
master mason and farmer leases of John, 
Lehman, John, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

Lehman, Leander, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

Lehman, Peter, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 
■ 100. 

Lehman, Steven, (Sharon Center,) (with 
Sylvester,) hop raiser, dairyman and 
farmer 335. 
Lehinan, Sylvester, (Sharon Center,) sec'y 
Sharon Center Cheese Factory, and 
(wUh Steven,)Tuip raiser, dairyman and 
former 335. 
Lieber, Leander, (Sharon Springs,) res- 
Lingard, Edward, (Sharon Springs,) butch- 
er and farmer 7. 
Link, Anstin; (BBesville,) former 136. 
Livingston, Catharine A., (Ames, Mont- 
gomery Co.,) (with Stieeea\) faimei SO. 
Livingston, John, (Sharon Springs,) car- 

Livingston, Bebecca, (Ames, Montgomery 

Co.,) (with Catharine A.,) former 30. 
LOUCKS, DANIEL, (Sharon,) hop grower 

and farmer leases of Judith, 124. 
Loucks, Isaac, (Sharon,) retired firmer. 
Loncks, Norman, (Sharon Center,) resident. 
LOUCKS, NOEMAN, (Seward,) farm 


OTowpr and farmer 8 " Low, Peter JSharon Sprtnes,) former 94, 

KILTS LYSANDBB. ' (ArgusvUle,) ho^ Low, Peter F,, (ShMon Springs,) hop grow- 

iTTAwpr and firmer 48 r er'and farmer 40.- 

KIL^S^PETEB A., (ArgusviUe,) farmer Low, Wm., (Sharon Springs,) hop grower 


and farmer 105. 



Lycker, Henry Ci, (Argnsvllle,) preet. 
Argnsville Cheese Factory. 

Lyman, Clinton, (Sharon Springs,) farmer. 

Lyons, Geo., (Sharon Springs,; porter for 
the Payilion,' 

Lype.John Jr., (SewarS,) hop raiser, dairy- 
man and farmer 136. 
, Malett, Daniel P. Mrs., (Sharon Springs,) 
dairy and farmer 160. 

Malett, D. P. P., (Sharon .Sprines,) hop 
grower, dairyman and bnner 98. 

MALLET, ISAAC B., (Sharon Springs,) 
warehouse, civil engineer, surveyor 
and land broker. 

Kallet, Boswell, (Sharon Bpiinga,) tele- 
graph operator. 

Mallet, Wm. M„ (Sharon Springs,) tele- 

Eraph operator. 
LETT, DANIEL 8., (Leeeeville.) 

Mansion Bouse, (Sharon Springs,) Hubbs 
& Mereness, props, 

MABKLB, A. Miss, (Seward.) 

Markle, Henry B., (Seward,) fanner leases 

Marshall, Anthony Mrs., (Sharon Springs,) 
basket maker. 

Marshal!, Emmet, (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower and farmer 120. 

MarahalLLewis, (Sharon Springs,) farmer. 

McDuel, Wm., (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

McGlothlin, Wm., (Sharon Springs,) resi- 

McNeill, HBNBY, (Sharon,) hotel keep- 
. er, hop dealer and farmer 100. 

Menenese, Wm,, (Leesville,) resident. 

Mereness, Abram, . (Sharon Center,) {vAth 
OUberi A.,) hop raiser, dairyman and 
farmer 136, 

Mereness, Abram, Jr., (Seward,) farmer 
leases of Abram, 106. 

Mereness, Gilbert A., (Sharon Center,) (witA 
Airam,) hop raiser, dairyman and ter- 
mer 136, 

Mereness, James, (Sharon Center,) car- 

Mereness, John, (Seward,) farmer leases 
of Abram, 9, 

Mereness, John A., (Sharon Center,) hop 
grower and farmer 74. 

Mereness, Martin, (Sharon Center,) hop 
grower and farmer 91. 

Mereness, Mathias, (Sharon Center,) far- 
mer 35^. 

Mereness, Norman, (Sharon- Springs,) 
school teacher and farmer. 

Mereness, Steven,. ^S^aron Springs,) far- 
mer S, 

Mereness, Steven J., (Sharon Center,) car- 

Mereness, , (Sharon Springs,) (,R<Ms <£ 

J^€f 671088 ) 

MEBREBNESS, ABRAM A,,(Seward,)hop 

grower and farmer 236. 
MerreennisB, Edwin, (Sharon SpringB,)far- 

Mcrrenees, Peter, (Seward,) farmer 8>j. 
Miers, Henry, (ArgasviUe,) blacksmith. 
Miller, Peter, (Sharon Springs,) carpenter 

and farmer 10. 
Minne, Cherrick, (Sharon Springs,) farmer. 
Moak, Jacob M., (Seward,) farmer 48. 
Moak, John H„(Sharon Springs,) carpenter 

and farmer 86. 
MOAK, NICHOLAS D., (Seward,) resident. 

Moke, John H., (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

Monroe, JohnD., (Stiaron Springs,) black- 

Montanye, Geo. 8., (Argusville,) saw mill. 

MOOK, A. MKBy (Seward.) 

Moren, James Mrs., (Sharon,) resident. 

Morrell, Wm. Mrs., (Ames, Montgomery 
Co.,) dairy and farmer 210. 

Near, David, (Sharop Springs,) collector. 

Near, Helen, (Sharon Springs,) farmer 10;^. 

Nefevre, Sifroit, (Sharon Center,) hop 
grower and farmer, 

Nevill, John, (Argnsvllle,) landholder and 
farmer 8. 

Nevill, John, (Argnsville,) hop raiser, dai- 
ryman and farmer 134. 

Neville, Granteer, (Argaeville,) hop grower 
and farmer 133. 

Neville, John, (Argnsvllle,) hop grower and 
farmer 133. 

NOBLES, J^MES H., (Sharon Springs,) 

O'Cambreck, Albert, (Sharon Springs,) re- 

OTTMAN, ^IBREMIAH, (Sharon Springs,) 

Ottman, Mathew, (Leesville,) farmer 33. 

Ongh, Daniel, (Buel, Montgomery Co.,) far- 
mer leases of Benjamin Jones, 140. 

Paris, Christian, (Argnsville,) shoe maker. 

Paris, Geo., (Argnsvllle,) shoe maker, tan- 
ner and farmer 20. 

Park House, (Sharon Springs,) Jacob Flick, 

Parkhln, Calvin, (Argnsville,) farmer 60. 

Parmele, John L., (Sharon Springs,) black- 

Parsons, Angnstns,(Sharon Center,) Justice 
of the peace, hop grower, dairyman and 
farmer 140. 

Pavilion Hotel, (Sharon Springs,) John B. 
Gardner, prop. 

Pettit, Fanny,(Sharon Center,) farmer 28>f. 

PINDAB, JOHN, (Seward,) hop raiser, 
dairyman and farmer 106. 

Pitcher, Almira, (Sharon Center,) farmer 

Plank, Adam, (Sharon Springs,) hop grow- 
er and farmer 200, 

Plank, John, (Sharon Springe,) hop grower 
and farmer 170. 

Plank, thaddeuB, (Sharon,) saw and feed 

Plank, Wesley, (Sharon Center,) hop grow- 
er and fanner 100. 

Powers, Zenas C, (Seward,) cabinet maker, 
painter, hop grower and farmer 8. 

Tramer, John, (Sharon,) retired physician. 

PRELL, MICHAEL, (Sharon.) resident. 

Prockter, Luke, (Seward,) blacksmith. 

PEUIN, HENRY & SON, (Argusville,) 
hotel keepers. 

Parsall, Thos., (Sharon,) blacksmith and 
firmer 38. 

Quackenbush, Nicholas, (Shiiron Center,) 
former leases ISO. 

Bamsey, Robert V. S., (Argusville,) dairy- 
man and farmer 126, 

Ramsey, Seth, (ArgnsvlUe,) merchant. 

Relyea, David H., (Sharon,) blacksmith. 

Relyea, Wm.. (Seward,) hop lainer, dairy- 
man and farmer 108, 

Ressegiell, John H., (Sharon,) retired. 



Reeeegieu, Ephraim, (LeesTlUe,) hop grow- 
er and former 63. 

SeBBegien, Geo, F.^ (Ars:aBVille,) farmei^65. 

Kichey, Elisha, (Sharon,) resident. 

BobUson, Wm., (Sharon Center,) carpen- 

ROSE, CAMPER, (Center Yaller,) farmer 

RosBom, Wm., (Sharon Springs,) farmer 85. 

RD8S, PHTflB, (Sharon Center,) finherSO. 

SALISHURT, WARREN F., (Argoaville,) 
tin mannf. 

Salisbury, , (Sliaron Springs,) fflarptr 


Samsati, H., (Sharon Springs,) shoe maker. 

Scram, Eliza, (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

Scram, Sarah, (Sharon Springs,) resident. 

Seammer, Dayid, (Seward,) nop raiser and 
farmer 40. 

Seeley, Maggie B., (Leesville,) teacher 
school No. S. 

Sharon Center Cheese Factory, (Sharon 
Center,) Qarrett Yorhe^^s, president; 
Sylvester Lehman, secretary. 

Sharp, Joseph A., (Sliaron,) hop grower and 
farmer IM. 

Sharp, Peter Q., (Sharon Springs,) former 

SHAUL, IRVING, (LeesTllle,) cabinet 

SHAUL, SIMON, Oeeeville,) farmer 119. 
Shaol, Solomon, (BockTille,) hotel keeper 

and former. 
Shaver, John, (Sharon Springs,) carpenter. 
Shears, Henry, (Argusville,) mason. 
Sheas, Jacob, (Sharon Springs,) gnnsmith. 
Shibtey, Henty M., (Argnsville,) farmer 64. 
Shoemaker, Adam, (Sharon CenterJ resi- 
SimmouB, Ales., (Sharon Center,) farmer 

Simmons, Anthony, (Sharon Springs,) hop 

grower and farmer l4Si(. 
Simmons, John, (Sharon Springs,) farmer. 
Slingerland, Henry, (Sharon,) farmer 160. 
Smith. Abram B., (Sharon Center,) cheese 

f Smith, John P., (.Argnsville,) dairyman and 
I farmer 100. 
SMITH, LORENZO, (Sharon Spring .. 

prop, lime kiln, hop grower and farmer 

Smith, Thee, (Sharon Springs,) daii^man 

and farmer 110. 
Snyder, D., (Leesville.) physician. 
SNYDER, GEO, W., (Sharon Springs,) hop 

grower and farmer 168. 
. BnjSer, Henry, (Sharon SpringB,) mason. 
Sbyder, John H., (Leesville,) farmer 9T. 
BUMMER, MARTIN J., (Seward,) former 

leases 30. 
Sommer, mcholas, (Seward,) former 139, 
Bommers, Eliza, (Sharon Center,) hop 

grower and former iS)i. 
Sommers, John I., (Sharon Center,) hop 

grower and former 100. 
Bommers, Nelson, (Sharon Center,) hop 

grower and former 31. 
Staler, A. B., (Sharon Springs,) (u><M John 

if. J dairyman and former 160. 
Staley, James 8., (Sharon Springs,) ^airy. 

man and former 90. 
Staler, John H., (Sharon Springs,) (wiM A. 

3.,) dairyman and fkrmer 160. 

Staley, Valentine, (Sharon Sprines.) dairy- 
man and farmer 1,260. ' ^ " ' 

Staley, Wm. H., (Leesville,) farmer 117. 

Steenbargh, Chancery, (Sharon SpringB.) 
farmer leases 370. 

Sterling, Chas. E., (Argnsville,) hop "row- 
er, dairyman and former 113. 

Stevens, Edward H., (Sharon Springs,) 
apiarian, dairyman and farmer 150. 

St cht, John, (Sharon Springs,) saloon. 

Bticht, Martin, (Sharon Springs,) buots and 

Statt, RobertjJSharon Springs,) mason. 

Stratton, N. W., (Sharon Springs,) Buper- 
viBor and prop, boarding honse. 

Summers, John, heirs of, (Sharon Springs,) 
hop raisers and farmers 102. 

Summers, Nicholas, (Seward,) hop grower 
and former 100. 

Swift, Lansing J., (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

Swift, Waahington, (Sharon Springs,) mer- 

Taylor John 8., (ArgnsvilleJ hop raiser, 
dairyman and farmer 85. 

Taylor, Lather, (ArgnsvlOe,) former 13. 

TEHERS, JOHN, (Argnsville,) carpenter! 
I, Maria, (Argnsville,) resident. 

Tehers, ,..,6„=.„„„ .,,„„„„^. 

Thompson, Isaac, (Sharon SpringB,) resi- 

Ulman, Jacob, (Center Valley,) hop grower 
and former 100. 

Utman, Jeremiah, (Sharon Springs,) hop 
grower and farmer leases 94. 

Valkenburgh, Wm. M., (Sharon Springs,) 
meat market. 

Vanalstine, Catherine, (Sharon Center.) 
former 130. 

VANALSTINE, DAVID, (Sharon,) api- 

mer 96. 

Vanderwarker, Jacob, (Seward,) hop grow- 
er and former leases of John D. Ste- 
vens, 94. 

Van Schaick, Lepperd, (Sharon Springs,) 
hop grower and fanner 160. 

Van Schick, Joseph H., (Sharon,) dairyman 
and farmer S68. 

Van Slyke, David, (Sharon,) former 103. 

Vau Slyke, John, (Sharon,) hop grower and 
farmer 96, 


VaQvalkenburgh, Joseph P., (Sharon Cen- 
ter,) bop grower and farmer 91. 

Vanvolkenbuigh, Cort, (Sharon Springs,) 
farmer 136X. 

Van Volkenbnrgh, Elizabeth M., (Sharon,) 
farmer 19. 

Van Volkenbnrgh, John J., (Sharon,) hop 
grower and farmer 136, 

Vanvolkenbnrgh, Joseph, (Sharon Center,) 
hop grower and farmer 100. 

Vanvolkenbureh, Peter, (Sharon,) resident. 

Van Vort, Adams, (Sharon,) shoemaker. 

Vau Wie, Geo., (Sharon,) blacksmith. 

Voorhees, Garret, (Sharon Center,) former. 

Vorhes, Geo,, (Sharon,) farmer 70. 

Vorhees, Garret, (Sharon Center,) prest. 
Sharon Cente' Cheese Factory. 

Voebnrgh, John 8., (Sharon,) merchant, 
Sharon Hollow. 



Vroman, Jacob, (BharoD Springs,) farmer. 

Vroman, Low, (Sharon Center,; hop grow- 
er and farmer 160. 

Vroman, Nelson, (Sharon Center,) bop 
grower and farmer 100. 

Vroman, Wm., (Sharon Center,) farmer. 

Vrooman, Barney, (Sharon Springs,) far- 

Vrooman, Daniel, (Sharon Springs,) far- 
mer 200 and leases 800. 

Vrooman, David H., (Seward,) bop raiser, 
dairj^man and farmer 192. 

Vrooman, Lois, (Sharon Center,) hop grow- 
er and dealer, and, farmer 152. 

Vrooman, Peter L., (Sliaron Center,) for- 
mer 21. 

Vrooman, Solomon, (Sharon Springs,) api- 
arian and farmer 6. 
Vrooman, Wmi, (Sharon Center,) farmer 

Vngh, Daniel, (Buel, Montgomery Co.,) hop 
grower and farmer 134. 

WACHSLEK, MATHIAS, (Argnsville,) 
wagon maker. 

Walraph, Leonard J., (Ames, Montgomery 

Co.,) farmer 62. 
Ward, John L, (Sharon,) resident. 
Ward, Joseph,(sbaron Springs,) farmer 115; 
Ward, Joshna, (Sharon springs,) farmer 46. 

Webster, Geo., (Sharon Springs,) farmer 

WentWortb, Henry,(Sbaron Springs,) coach 

Wessel; tsaac, (Argnsville,) farmer 122, 
WHITBECE, JACOB Jb. ,(Sbaron Springs,) 

carpenter and joiner. 
WILLIAMS, MAETDt, (Sharon Springs,) 

farmer leases V\S}4. 
Willse, S. J., (Argnsville,) fiifmer 60. 
Willsie, Sqalre 3., (ArgbsVille,) former 66. 
Wilson, Nelson, (Sharon Center,) carpenter 

and inspector of elections. 
Wlnne, Marvin B,, (Sharon Springs,) bop 

f rower and farmer 96. 
eck, Matbias, (Sharon Springs,) paint- 

Wood, Alonzo, (Sharon Springs,) stage 

Wood, A. A., (Sharon Springs,) farmer 106. 

Wood, D., (Sharon Springs,) prop. Ameri- 
can Hotel. 

Wormnth, Jerome, (Seward.) tanner, har- 
ness maker and farmer 11. 

Wormnth, Joseph, (Sharon Springs,) shoe 
' maker. 

Wormnth, Wm., (Sharon Springs,) harness 
maker and farmer 16. 

Worthy, Louisa Mrs., (Sharon Springs,) re- 

Zea, John, (Seward,) resident. 


(Post Office Addresses ill Parenthesee.) 

Adams, W. M. H., (CbarlotteviUe,) miller, 
sawyer and farmer 30. 

Albert, John, (Charlotteville,) carpenter 
and farmer 26. 

Allen, David D., (Summit,) mason and far- 
mer 3. 

Allen, Brastns, (Charlotteville,) farmer 60. 

Allen, Jeremiah, (Summit,) farmer 186. 

Allen, Eiley M. ttev., (Charlotteville,) pas- 
tor of Christian Charch'and farmer 90. 

Allen, Wm. B., (Summit,) farmer 821. 

Baker, Howland, (Charlotteville,) farmer 

Baker, John, (Cbarlottei411e,} fimner66. 

Baldwin, Annie Mrs., (Charlotteville,) fir- 
mer 140. 

BALDWIN, DANIEL W., (Summit,) far- 
mer 146., 

Barger, Henry, (Summit,) farmer 123. 

BAftaHR, JAMES, (Summit,) (Brown dk 

BARGBKi JOHNSON, (Summit,) assessor, 
saw" nlill and farmer 84. 

Bamer, George, (Charlotteville,) cabinet 
maker and farmer 2. 

Bamer, John Jost Jr., (Charlotteville,) 
farmer 10. 

Baum, Elizabeth Mrs., (Summit,) millinery. « 

Beard, .Tacob L., (Eminence,) justice of W; 
peace and farmer 192. •% 

Becker, John, (Eichmondville,) farmer \}i, 

Becker, Levi, (Bichmondville,) farmer leas- 
es of Mrs. Gordon, 100. 

BedelKEeuben, (Charlotteville,) fanner 4. 

farmer 146. 

Bonghton, Harvey, (Summit,) cooper and 

BOUQHTON, HAEHT V., (Charlotteville,) 
prop, of saw mill, cider mill and ma- 
chine shop, and firmer 38. 

Bonghton, Miles H., (Summit,) cooper and 
former 8. 

Bonghton, Sejinonr Jr., (Charlotteville,) 

Bonghton, wm. T., (Summit,) cooper, car- 
penter and tovm clerk. 

Boynton, Levi. (Eminence,) farmer lOB. 

BRAZIE, ABIJAH, (Summit,) farmer 75. 

Brazie, John W., (Charlotteville,) farmer 

Brazie, Bebecca Miss, (Summit,) (wtt% Mitt 
Tina Ann,) former 47. 

Brazie, Talmage, (Summit,) farmer 6. 

Brazie, Tina— Ann Miss, (Sammlt^,) (laitA 
Mies Rebteca.) fttrmer 47. 

BROWN .SiBAKGfflE, (Summit,) (Jam« B. 
Brown and Jama Bargtr^ dealers in 
-stoves, tin and wooden ware, crockery, 
paints, oils, iron, flonr, meal &c. 

Brown, David, (Summit,) (MarriKin <£ 
Brown.) — 

BROWN, JAMES H., (Summit,) (,Brmn <8 
Barger,) speculator in farm produce 
and farmer 2fi. 

Bruce, Bli, (East Worcester, Otsego Co.,) 
ftirmer 83. 

BnlBon, Ichabod, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 

BURROWS, JAMES L., (Eminence,) gen- 
eral merchant and post master. 

ville,) George Kejser, prop. 

Cleveland, H. A., (Eminence,) farmer SO. 

Coe, Curtis, (Oharlotteville,) sestou and 
farmer 3. 

CoUington, Lucas, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 

Colliton, David 18t, (Summit,) farmer 100. 

CoUiton, David 8d, (Summit,) fiirmer 105. 

Colliton, Jeremiah, (Summit,) farmer 165. 

COMSTOCK, MARTIN F.,(Charlotteville,) 
commissioner of highways and farmer 

Conaro, David L., (Summit,) farmer 23. 

Conaro, Peter, (Summit,) farmer 138. 

Cook, 'George D., (Oharlotteville,) shoe 

COOK, JAMBS D., (CharlDttevlUe,) black- 
smith and farmer 50 

Coo'k, John, (Summit,) farmer 40. 

Coon, David, (Eminence,) farmer 6!!. 

Coons, Henry E., (Summit,) farmer 45. 

Coons, Wm., (Summit,) farmer 80. 

Cornell, Woolsey, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 

Crapser, Henry, (Summit,) carpenter, saw 
mill and farmer 60. 

Crapser, Morgan, (Summit,) farmer 75. 

Crapser, Nelson, (Summit,) toll gate keep- 

Crapser, Wallace, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 

Cromer, Abraham, (Richmondville,) fiirmer 
leases of Henry Butler, 170. 

CROWE, CHARLES, (Summit,) grist mill 
and farmer 46. 

CROWE. DAVID, (Summit,) farmer 100. 

Crowe, George, (Summit,) former 100. 

CROWE, JOHN, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 

Danley, Peter, (Summit,) farmer 183. 

Dayton, James S., (Oharlotteville,) former 

DeLong, John H., (Summit,) former 63. 

Denny, Nathaniel, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 

Dibble, George, (8ummit,)-farmer 118. 

Dibble, John, (Summit,) former 63. 

Dibble, Joseph, (Summit,) farmer 190. 

Dingman, Jonn A.. (Summit,) teamster . 

DINGMAN, WALTER, (Summit,) wagon 
maker, undertaker and farmer 2. 

Dox, Abraham, (Richmondville,) farmer 55. 

Dox, Qeorffe H., (Richmondville,) farmer 
leases of Abraham, 66. 

Dykeman, Martin, (Summit,) blacksmith. 

BIdredge, Samuel T., (Richmondville,) for- 
mer 1. 

Evans, Piatt E., (Summit,) tailor. 

Fancher, Hiram 8., (Oharlotteville,) farmer 
leases of estate of Mrs. Fancher, 100 

Ferguson, G. H., (Summit,) painter, justice 
of the peace and justice of sessions. 

Ferguson,Thomaa H., (Summit,) painter, 
postmaster and farmer 30. 

Fern, Joseph W., (Summit,) miller. 

Pinch & Co., (Oharlotteville,) butchers. 

Foster, Theodore, (East Worcester, Otseeo 
Co.,) farmer 148. 

Fox, Charles, (Summit,) former 196. 

Fox, Henry, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 240. 

FOX, WM., (East Worcester, Otsego 

Co.,) farmer 843. 
FULLER, ROBERT S., (Richmondville,) 

farmer 88. 
Galge, Benjamin, (Oharlotteville,) former 

220. ' 

GALLUP, BEDENT B., (Summit,) former 

Gardner, Henry, (Snmmit,)farmer 166. 
Gardner, Robert, (Eminence,) farmer 50. 
Gobs, John A., (Summit,) farmer 71. 
Gray, Patrick, (Summit,) farmer 96. 
Griggs, Elizabeth Miss, (Summit,) tailoress. 
Ham, James J., (Eminence,) larmer 79. , 
HAM, WM., (Eminence,) farmer 210. 
Haner, Martin, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 80. 
Hannay, Franklin, (Eminence,) farmer 70. 
Hannis, Wm., (Richmondville,) farmer 180. 
Hard, Harmon, (Oharlotteville,) blacksmith 
and farmer 6. 

farmer 149. 

Harder, Wm. L., (Eminence,) farmer 58. 

Hartwell, Farrend, (Oharlotteville,) tanner 
and farmei? 97. 

Hartwell, Miles, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 90. 

HAVENS, CHARLES W., (Summit,) phy- 
sician and farmer 110, 

Haynor, Ezra, (Oharlotteville,) farmer 66. 

Herron, Henry, (Oharlotteville,) sawyer, 
carpentei* and farmer 3. 

Hicks, Henry, (Summit,) carpenter and far- 
mer 140. 

Hicks, Peter R., (Charlottevllle,) former 34. 

Hildreth, Charles E., (Oharlotteville,) har- 
ness maker, 

Hodgson, Samuel, (Richmondville,) farmer 

Hodgson, Wm., (Richmondville,) farmer 

Hughes, Ansil H., (Summit,) farmer 60. 

Jackson, David C, (Oharlotteville,) former 

Johnson, Ain:ed W., (Oharlotteville,) car- 
penter and farmer 3. 

Johnson, James C, (Oharlotteville,) former 

JUMP, A. 7.,(Snjamit,)(Kainedy £ Jump,) 
carriage and sleigh manufocturer, and 
justice of the peace. 

JUMP, JOSEPH B., (Oharlotteville,) gen- 
eral merchant. 

KEYSER, GEORGE,(Charl'otteville,) prop, 
of Oharlotteville Hotel. 

Kingsl^, Cyrus L., (Eminence,) former 93. 

Lake, Samuel J., (Summit,) general mer- 
chant and farmer Si. 

•IiAMONT, WILLIAM.CCharlottevllle,) pre- 
sident of New York Conference Semi- 
nary and Collegiate Institute, dealer In 
, woolen goods and drags, physician, 
snpervdsor, prop, mill property and far^ 
Lamonte, George, (Snmmiti) farmer 60. 
la, Monte, Maria E. Mrs., (Charlotteville,) 

farmer 3. 
Lape, Azaene Mrs,,. (Sammit,)<rarmer S37. 
Lape, George, (BichmondTUIe,) farmer 168. 
J^pe, Harmon, (Sammit,) farmer 96. i 

Lape, Josiah, CSttmmitj) fermer 880. 
LAPE, S., (CnarlQtteviUe,) postmaster and 

general merchalit. 
LAKE, THOMAS, (East Worcester, Otsego 

Co.,) farmer 173. 
Leliman, Isaac, (Summit,) general merchant 

and peddlei:. 
LBVALLET, JOHN, (Summit,) railroad 

c'ommiBsioner and farmer 180. 
Lincoln, Delilah Mrs., (Charlotterille,) far- 
mer 6. 
Lincoln, Mary Ann Mrs., (Charlotteville,) 

farmer 14. ' 

Lyon, Luman T., (Snmmit,) farmer leases 

of Amasa Dingman, 100. 
LYON, WILLIAM K., (Summit,) farmer 

Martin, Qeorge W. Bev., (Eminence,) pas- 
tor M. B. Church. 
Mattice, Frederick W., (Eminence,) flarmer 

McMullen, John, (Charlotteville,) farmer 

Mead, Michael,' (Summit,) cooper, saw mill 

and farmer 25. 
MEEK, JOaS K., (Summit,) farmer 101. 
Micliel, Henry, (East Worcester, Otsego 
Co.,) firmer leases of Smith 06rnell, 66. 
Mickel, William, (Charlotteville,) fittmer 33. 
Mitchell, Harmon, (Charlotteville,) firmer 

Mitchell, HiraOT,(Charlotteville,) farmer 41. 
Mitchell, John, (Summit,) (/. MUcMl& 

Mitchell, John, (Summit,) farmer 185. 
Mitchell, J. & Sons, ($nmmit,)' (John, 

Siepken and Silas,) farmers 78. 
Mitchell, Milton, (Obailotteville,) fanner 

Mitchell, Silas, (Summit,) (J. Mtdtell 4b 
. .Sotu.) 
Mitcliell, Stephen, (Summit,) (J. Mitchell <£ 

Mitchell, Walker, (Charlotteville,) farmer 

MOOT, DANIEL M., (Richmondville,) fir- 
mer 190. 
More, Lyman E., (Charlotteville,) firmer 

Morrison & Brown, (Summit,) (Sartnon 
Morrimm and David Sroilin,) black- 
Morrison, Harmon, (Summit,) (Jforrlmn <£ 

Multer, Joseph, (Charlotteville,) lumber- 
man and rarmer 166. 
Multer, Joseph &., (Charlotteville,) farmer 

leases of Philip, 160. 

Multer, Philip, (Charlotteville,) firmer 160. 

Near, Milton, (Charlotteville,) stat'e driver. 

Neer, George O., (Charlotteville,) dealer in 

groceries and drags, and farmer 2. 

Neer, Sftmuel, (S;immit,) farmer 206. 

New York Conference Heminary and 
Collegiate Institute, (Charlotteville,) 
Rev. Solomon Sias, principal. 

Noxon, Lawyer Mrs,, (Eminence,) farmer 

Odell, Daniel, (Summit,) cooper and school 

OdSll, Isaac L., (Summit,) cooper. 

Odell, William S., (Charlotteville,) cooper. 

Oliver, Ambrose, (Charlotteville,) farmer 

Oliver, Betsey Mrs., (Charlotteville,) farmer 

OSBOEN, EDWIN H., (East Worcester, 
Otsego Co,,) collector and farmer 274. 

Ostrander, Margaret Mrs., (Summit,) far- 
mer 58. 

Palmer, George, (Summit,) farmer leases of 
John G. Bidet', 106. 

Palmer, Henry, (Summit,) farmer SO. 

Palmer, John, (Summit,) farmer 360. 

PAYNE, CHAELES C, (Summit,) firmer 

Payne, George, (Charlotteville,) farmer 100. 
Proper, Jane A. Mrs,, (Eminence,) farmer 

Proper, Bensselaer, (Summit,) farmer 112. 
Bider, David, (Summit,) firmer 70. 
Eider, David L., (Charlotteville,) justice of 

the peace and farmer 8. 
Bider, Isaac T., (Summit,) farmer 116. 
Eider, John G., (Summit,) farmer 106. 
Eider, Myron, (Charlotteville,) firmer 146. 
Eider, BoherC, (Summit,) proprietor of 

Union House and firmer 11. 
Bies, Matbias, (Summit,) farmer 74. • 
Eifenbark, Aaron, (Summit,) farmer 405. 
Bifenbark, Bbenezer, (Summit,) tin peddler 

and farmer 2. 
Eifenbark, Hiram, (Snmmit.) carpenter and 

farmer leases of Aaron, 76. 
Ejtton, Delo8B„(Bicbmondville,) farmer 118, 
BOBINSON, JAMES, (Summit,) proprie- 
tor of Snmmit House. 


farmer 76. 
Bossman, Oharles, (Summit,) (with Claitto- 

pher,) farmer. 
Bossman, CliriBtol>hai, (Summit,) farmer 

Bossman, Nathaniel, (Summit,) (iMh 

Christopher,) farmer. 
Budd, James, (Sapunit,) (Sawyer <& Sudd.) 
Salisbury, Peter, (Charlottevillejfarmer 36. 
Salisbury, Bobert, (Charlotteville,) firmer 

Saulsbary, Hannah Mrs., (Summit,) farmer 

Saulsbury, Samuel, (Summit,) farmer leases 
of Amasa Dingman, 40. 

Sawver, Ebenezer Mrs., (Charlottsvlll^,) 
farmf r 66. 

Sawyer, John F., (Summit,) (Sawyer S 
Stufd,) deputy aherlff and farmer 16. 

Sawyer <& Budd, (Summit,) (John F. Saw- 
yer and Jamee JSuddA blacksmiths. 

mit,) assessor and firmer 180. 

Schermerhorn, Hiram, (Summit,) farmer 

Seharg, Frederick, (Snmtnlt,) cabinet mak- 



Seley, Amos B., (Charlotteville,) brmer 

Shawlck, Rajmond, (Charlotteville,) far- 
mer 40. 

Shelmedine, Charles, (Eminence,) farmer 

8IAS, SOLOMON Hbt., (CharlottevlUe,) 
principal of New Xork Conference 
SemiDary and Collegiate Institute. 

Simmons, George, (CharlottevlUe,) physi- 

SimonsoD, James, (Sammit,) ftirmer leases 
of Wm. Allen. 

Sisson, Arnold, (East Worcester, Otsego 
Co.,) farmer 69. 

Smith, -Henry, (Charlotteville,) v7agon 

Smith, Kebecca Mrs., (RichmondTllle,) far- 
mer 80. 

Snook, Frederick, (Charlotteville,) firmer 

Snook, Isaac, (Charlotteville,) farmer 63. 

Snook, J. A., (Charlotteville,) (with, Levi 
31.,) farmer 137. 

SNOOK, JOHN J., (Charlotteville,) farmer 

Snook, Levi H., (CharlottevilleO (toi«A J. 
A.,) farmer 187. 

Bpanlding, David L., (Summit.) physician. 

Spanldlng, Sidney C.,(Siamniit,) shoemaker. 

8PKNCKE, DAVID Q., (Charlotteville,) 
cabinet maker and undertaker. 

Spencer, William A., (CharlottevlUe,) raU- 
road commissinnersnd brmer 84. 

Bperbeck, Francis, (Summit,) farmer leases 
of Eli TerneU, 100. 

Sperbeck, Hiram,(Summit,) (leMft John If.,) 

Sperbeck, John M., (Snnunit,) farmer 12B. 

Sperbeck, Peter, (Charlotteviile,) (tirmer 32. 

Sperbeck, Samuel, (Summit,) farmer 90. 

Sperbeck, Wm., (Sumjult,) firmer 79. 

Stevens, Enos M., (Charlotteville,) fanner 

Stickel, E. N., (Summit.) farmer 100. 

flTlLWELL, StrsraEN, (Charlotteville,) 
overseer of the poor and farmer' 130. 

StilweU, WUUam 8., (CharlotteviUe,) far- 
mer 303. . „ ^ 

SUMMIT HOUSE, (Summit,) James RoD- 
inson, prop. 

Taber, Charles B., (Charlotteville,) liu- 

Tanner, Joshua, (Summit,) farmer 76. 

TKEPENING, JAMES W., (Summit,) fir- 
mer S13. „ 

Terpenning, Cornelius S., (East Worces- 
ter, Otsego Co.,) flirmeir 73. . 

Terpenning, Ttachel Miss, (Summit,) fir- 
mer 91. 

Terrell, David, (Summit,) farmer 60. 

Terrell, Seneca J., (Richmondville,) nirmer 
leases of Samuel Hodgson, 84. 

TerreU, Wm., (Snnunit,) farmer SB. 

TiUson, Christopher Mrs., (Summit,) fir- 
mer 107. J 

Tinkelpaugh, Alex., (Summit,) cooper and 

Tinkelpangh, jacoli, (Summit,) farmer 100. 

Tmkelpangh, Jacob H., (Sumndt,) farmer 

mit,) farmer 106. 

Tinkelpaugh, Jeremiah, (Summit,) firmer 

Toles, Ira, (Charlotteville,) firmer 109. 
Toles, Seabury B., (CharlottevUle,) farmer 

Tmax, Sylvester, (Charlotteville,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 3. 
Turk, Thomas H., (Charlotteville,) farmer 

YanBenran, James, (Charlotteville,) fir- 
mer 100. 
Van Benfan, Jeremiah, (Ciiarlotteville,) 

firmer 47}f . 
Van Beuran, Peter H., (Charlotteville,) far- 
mer 148. 
TanBeuren, Tobias P., (Summit,) .farmer 

Van Hosen, Levi T., (CharlottevlUe,) point- 
Van Patten, Frederick, (East Worcester, 

' OtsegoCo.,) firmer ISO. 
Van Tnyl, Draper, (Summit,) assessor and 

farmer 130. 
Van Tnyl, Garret, (Snmmit,) farmer 30. 
Van Tnyl, Jacob D., (Smr-mit,) firmer 70; 
Van Tnyl, Joel D., (Summit,) farmer 130. 
Van Voorhis, Levi, (Richmondville,) far- 

WAGONER, JOHN, (Summit,) firmer 98. 
Warner, George H., (CharlottevUle,) firmer 

WARNER, HIRAM, (CharlottevlUe,) far- 
mer 309. 
Warner, Jobn, (Summit,) farmer 40. 
WATMAN, DAVID, (Summit,) farmer 

leases of Jacob, 113. 
Wayman, David, Sen., (CharlotteviUe^ fir- 
mer 115. 
Wayman, Hiram, (Charlotteville,) firmer 

Wayman, Jacob, (Charlotteville,) firmer 

Wayman, Richard, (Charlotteville,) farmer 

Wharton, Edward J., (Summit,) firmer 

Wharton, George, (Summit,) firmer 180. 
WHARTON, HIRAM, (Summit,) (»itt 

S^KTt,) fiirmer 200. 
WHARTON, JAMES, (Summit,) firmer 

Wharton, James E., (Summit,) shoemaker. 
Wharton, John, (Bast Worcester, Otsego 
Co.,) commissioner of highways and 
farmer 98. 
Wharton, John B., (Summit,) firmer 360. 
WHARTON, ROBERT, (Summit,) (wiUi 

Biram,) farmer 200. 
WHARTON, SANFORD, (Summit,) far- 
mer 125. 
WHARTON, WILLIAM, (Summit,) firmer 

Wheeler, Edward Mrs., (Summit,) farmer 

WILCOX, BARNEY P., (Charlotteville,) 

farmer 90. 
WUday, Clark, (Summit,) farmer 130. 
WITBECK, LORENZO, (BichmondvUla,) 

saw mill and firmer 280. 
Woodworth, George Rev., (Summit,) pas- 
tor M. B. Church. 
Tansen, Jeremiah, (Richmondville,) firmer 

Zeh, HamUton, (Summit,) farmer S. 



(Post Ofl&ce Addresses in ParenthesegJ 

Abboot, Wm., (Qallupville.) farmer 55. 

Adams, Andrew J., (West Berne, Albany 
Co.,) farmer 200. 

Armstrong, Ch^s., (GallnpTille,) farmer 100< 

Armstrong, Elmina, (Gfallttpvllle,) {with 
mary OheeebrO,) farmer 64. 

Ancbampaogh, James, (OallupTiUe,) farmer 

Anchampangb, Levi, (GallnpTille,) farmer 

BAKKB, DANIEL C. , (GallnpTille,) gener- 
al mereUant and inspector of elections. 

Baker, Lyman, (QallapTille,) post master, 
cabinet maker and undertaker. 

Barber, Isaac T. , (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 
farmer 86. 

Barnn6t, Jobn, (Quaker Street, Schenecta- 
dy Co.,) farmetlOO. , 

Barton, John W., (Quaker Street, Schenec- 
tady Co.,) farmer 130. 

BABTON,^W]H.. B., (GallnpTille,) custom 
boot and shoe maker, and life insurance 

Bateholts, Ira, (Shutter's Comers,) farmer 
126. , ^ 

Bateholts, Jobn, (GallnpTille,) carriage 
ironer and,farmer6. , 

BAT8H0LTS, ! DAVID P., (GaUnpTille,) 
faru^er 200. 

Becker, Alrah, (GallnpTille,) prop, stage 
route bom GallnpTille to Ejchohane, 

Becker, Austin, (GallnpTille,) retired far- 
mer. " 

Becker, Daniel, (GallnpTille,) fiirmer 80. 

Becker, DaTid, (GaUnpTille,) farmer 20. 

BECKER, DAVID «., (GallnpTille,) far- 
mer lOD. 

Becker, DaTid R., (GallnpTille,) (with 6. 
K) farmer 200. 

Becker, G. E., (GaltapTiHe.) (wtO, David 
B.,) farmer 200. : , 

Becker, Geo. E., XGallnpTille,) farmer 130. 

Becker, Ira, (GallnbTille,) farmer 290. 

Becker, Jacob, (GallnpTille,) farmer 100. 

Becker, John J., (OallupTllle,) farmer 65. 

Becker, tliles, <Gallupvillc,) dairyman and 
farmer 189. 

Becker, Miner, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 
hop grower and fiirmer to. 

Becker,.Pan) W., (Oallnpville,) farmer. 

Belenger, Geo,, (Galluprille,), farmer 126. 

Belle'r, Wnl. B., (GallnpTille,) (armer2.S0. 

Blanchard, Ell, (Quaker Street, Schenec- 
tady Co.,) farmer 911. 

BoUee, Ada, (GaUnpTille,) cafpenter. 

BORST, DAVID H., (Gallupville,) farmer 

Bonck, Cornelius J., (Shutter's Comers,) 

custom mill and farmer 24. 
Bradley, Elias R., (Central Bridge,) wagon 

maker andi carpenter. 
Brewster, Allen, (GallupTille,) wool carder 

and farmer 25, 
Brumghjm, Solomon, (Shutter's Comers,) 

prop. Shutter's Corners Hotel. 
CAMPBELL, JAMES, (QallupTille,) tin' 

Carter, Wm. A., (GallnbTille,) farmer S9. 
Chesebro, Ambrose, (QallnpTille,) assessor 

and fa^er 110. 
Chesebro, Mary, (GallnpTtlle,) {viith Et- 

n^ina Armstrong,) (Sirmer 64. 
Chesebro, Shernlab, (GallupviUe,) farmer 

Chesebro, Wm. F., (GallupviUe,) farmer 

Clow, John, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 

mason and farmer 27. 
Conley, Patrick, (Shutter's Comers,) far- 
mer 16. 
COOK, DAVID H.J (Shutter's Corners,) 

carriage smith. 
COONS, JOHN S., (Shutterls Corners,) 

general merchant and asst. postmaster. 
COOPER, GEORGE H., (QallupTUle,) far- 
mar 84. 
DaTidson, Samuel, (GallupviUe,) farmer 

Bearing, EUas, (GaUnpTille,) farmer 168. 
Dearing, Henry, (GaUapyUle,) hop grower 

and farmer 14S. 
Decker, John, (GallnpriUe,) shoe maker. 
DbLONG, ANTHOHrr,(Shtttter'B Comers,) 

farmer 100. 

DENISON, MINOR, (QallnpTiUe,) farmer 

leases, of Qeorga Spateholts, 40. 
Deuel, Morgan L., (GallnpTiUe,) carpenter 

and farmer 8. 
DEVOE, AMOS, (GaUnpTille,) farmer. 
OeToe, Hiram, (Quaker Street, Schenectady 

Co.O farmer 4. 
Devoe, Jacob L. (GallnpvUle,) farmer 163. 
DOIIJUIO, BAEL r., (GaUnpTille,) dentist. 
Dominic, John J.,. (GallnpTiUe,) carriage 

maker and jqstice of the peace. 
Dominic, Widman, (Gft^npTille.) 

♦FEECK, JOHN, (QaJliftiTille,) carriage 
mannf. at; CobleskiU. 

FELLOWS, ANDREW, (GallnpTUle,) car- 
penter. . 

FITCH, JOHN H., (GaUupviUe,) physician 
and surgeon. 

Frink, Gean & Co-, (GallnpTiUe,) (Jaliez 
Fiink,) farmers 200. 



Frink, Jabez, (QallnpTills,) (Omn Frinh A 

GAIUE, JOEL S., (GallapTille,) carriage 

flALLDP, JAMES, (OallnpTille,) cooper, 
farmer 100 and leasee of Job and Ezra, 

Gallnp, Samnel H., rGallapTllle,) former 18. 

GIBBS, AMASA, (GallpBTlUe,) painter. 

Qibba, Lncius, (Gallupviue,) cement mannf. 

Griffith, Stephen, (GallnpvilIeO farmer 94. 

Harrison, John H., (Central Bridge,) car- 
riage trimmer and bameeB maker, 

Haverley, Theodore, (GaUapville,) Darmer 

Haverly, Jacob, (GallapTille,) fttrmei: 300. 

Herri'-k, Sarah M., (Gallnpville,) fermer 95. 

Hill, Daniel B., (GallnpTitle,) millwright. 

Hill, Henry, (GallnpTiUe,) ftrmer 80. 

Bill, Hiram, (GallupTllle,) batcher and far- 
mer 35. 

Hill, John B., (GallapTille,) termer ISl. 

Hilts, DaTid, (GallapTille,) farmer 126. 

Hilts, Ezra, JGallapTille,) former 100. 

Hilts, John I., (GallapTille,) farmer 40. 

Hlnmin, Chas. A„ (GallnpTille,) harness 

HOTALING, JOHN, (GallnpTille,) physi- 
cian and sargeon. 

Botaling, Sarah Ann Mrs., (GallnpTille,) 
farmer SOD. 

Hnnting, Ambrose H., (GallnpTille,) school 
commissioner and farmer 146. 

Hnnting, Ira, (GallapTille,) former 190. 

Hnnting, John B., (GallapTille,) (Bunting 
& Wetdman,) 

HantingA Weidman, (■GallnpTille,) (John 
B. Bunting and Seuben L. Weid/nan,) 
merchants and dealers in jewelry. 

Jenkins, Wm. A., (Qaaker Street, Schenec- 
tady Co.,) farmer 68. 

Jones, John, (GallapTille,) farmer 120. 

Jones, Orlando, (GallapTille,) farmer 130. 

Keller, Henry KeT., (GallnpTille,) pastor 
Lutheran Church. 

Eelley, Wm., (GallnpTille,) farmer 12. 

Eelsch, Jacob, (GaJlapTille,) (Ifertelis <£ 

KENHBDT, WM. J., (GallapTille,) farmer 
leases of I. Zeah, 65. 

Keyser, Christian, (Shatter's Corners,) 
shoemaker and former 7. 

Eimmey, Samael, (Quaker Street, Schen- 
ectady Co.,) farmer 140. 

Lampson, Mathew, (GallapTille,) tannery. 

LASHBK, JEEEMIAH, (GallapTille,) 

•LATHAM, HENRY C, (GallnpTille,) 
prop. Latham Hotel and former 68X. 

Larery, Daniel, (West Berne, Schenectady 
Co.,) former 1. „ 

LEWIS, AMBKOSB 8., (Shutter's Cor- 
ners,) school teacher. 

Lewis, John J., (QallopTllle,) former95. 

Lewis, Morgan H., (Quaker Street, Schen- 
ectady Co.) former 118. 

Lncey, James L., (GallapTille,) former 100. 

Lagh, Jacob H., (GallapTille,) former 87. 

Martin, Peter, (GallupTiile,) fartoer iqp. 

Mattice, James, (QallupTille,) saw mill and 
farmer 85. „ , . 

McDonald, Benj., (GallapTille,) carpenter 
and farmer 6. 

MoLBAN, ARCHIBALD & SON, (Shutter's 
Corners,) coopers, 

Merryhew, Altsmont, (GallnpTille,) shoe- 

Merselis & Kelsch, (GallupTiHe,) (Sanford 
Merttlls and Jacob Selsioh,') geneiaX mer- 

Merselis, Sanford, (GallnpTille,) (Merielia 
<4 Keleeh.) r » v 

MILLER, DANIEL E., (Shatter's Comers,) 
justice of the peace and former 160. 

MIt.LER, JACOB H., (Shutter's Comers,) 
carpenter and joiner. 

MILLER, LUTHER, (GallnpTille,) farmer 

NOEMAN, JOHN, (Shutter's Corners,) far- 
mer 92. 

Orelup, Frederick, (Shatter's Comers,) far- 
mer S. 

Ostrander, CaMn, (GallapTille,) former 166. 

Ostrander, Wm., (Qnaker Street, Schenec- 
tady Co.,) former 90i 

PACKARD, SAMOEL S., (GallnpTille,) 
blacksmith and farmer 60. , 

Parson, Catharine Miss, ((jtallapTille,) dress 

Parsons, Chester, (GallapTille,) farmer 
leases of Isaac Schoolcraft, 60, 

PICKIT, JAMBS, (Shatter's Corners,) far- 
mer 75. 

Plank, J. &.Son, (GallnpTille,) (Oliver F.,) 
general merchants. 

Plank, OliTer F., (GallnpTille,) (J. jnank & 

PosBon, Chester, (GallupTllle,) farmer 100. 

PosBon, Hufus, (GallupTllle,) farmer 100. 

PoBson, Wesley, (GallupTille,) former 100. 

REINHART, ANTHONY, (GallnpTille,) 
carpenter and joiner, 

RICKARD; GEO. D., (GallnpTille,) hop 

f rower and farmer 600. 
ter. Stickle, (Qaaker Street, Schenec- 
" tady (Jo.,) retired farmer. 
Righter, Wm. H., (Quaker Street, Schen- 
ectady Co.,) farmer 136. 
Rikard, DaTid H., (GallnpTille,) farmer 

Rollings, Isaac, (GallapTille,) farmer 61. 

Tille,) aesessor and former 98. 

Rosekratis, Henry D., (GallnpTille,) for- 
mer 107. 

Saddlemyre, Ira, (GallnpTille,) farmer 156. 

Samnel, Herman M. L., (Shutter's Cor- 

^ ners,) speculator and farmer 12. 

Schell, Allen, (GallnpTille,) farmer 18. 

Schoolcraft, Gideon, (GallnpTille,) farmer 

Schoolcraft, John H,, (GallnpTille,) former 

Schoomaker, Julian, (GallnpTille,) former 

Schrafer, George, (West Beme, Albany 
Co.,) butcher and farmer 3. 

Settle, Hiram, (GallnpTille,) farmer 107. 

Settle, John H., (GallnpTille,) farmer 3. 

Settle. Joseph, (GallnpTille,) former 86. 

Shell, Daniel, (GallnpTille,) former 120. 

Shell, Isaac, (GallnpTille.) farmer 160. 

Shell, Sanford, (GallnpTille,) former 87, 

Shultes, Isaac, (Shutter's Comers,) post 

Siples, Wm., (GallupTille,) farmer 3. 



Smeaton, Jobn, (Qpaker Street, Scheuecta- 
dy Co.,) farmer 'tj. 

Snyder, Jacob M.,<GallnpvU1e,) shoe maker. 

Snydef, Jacbb M., (Shatter's Comers,) for- 
mer S, 

SNYDER, PETER L., (OaUnpTiUe,) black- 

SpateholtB, Baniel B., (QallnpTiUe,) farmer 

SPATBHOLTS, JOHN W., (QallapTille,) 
carriage smith. 

SpatholtB, JohiiI.,(QallupTil!ej)'farmer 143. 

Stephens, lit, (GalmpvUle,)faniier 1. * 

Stevens, Steward, (Qiiater Street, Schen- 
ectady Co.,) farmer 100. 

Swan, Minor, (Gallupville,) former 130. 

Tibbsts, Elizabeth, (Sallapville,) farmer 

Tredmire, Wm., (SallnpTilte,) farmet 96. 

Tripp, Snsan Hiss, (Oallnpville,) milliner. 

Vanayckj_New'ell, (Qallapvlll?,) former 100. 

Vedder, Edwin Bev., (Gallnp-nlle,) pastor 
Reformed Churtih. 

Walden, SylyannS G*., (West Berne, Albany 
Co.,^ painter and former. 

WBBB,LrNTrS, (West Berne, Albany Co.,) 
glove mannf. at Waldenville, 

Webb, Stephen, (QallnpvUle,) farme* 17. 

Weidman, Peter, (Gallupville,) retired me- 
chanic and farmer «. 

Weidman, Reuben L„ (Gallupville,) {Bunt- 
ing eft Weidman.) 

Welch, Zelah, (Gallupville,) farmer t%. 

Wideman, Adam I., (Gallupville,) farmer 

Wllber, Perry Mrs., (Gallupville,) farmer 

Willbnr, Michael, (Quaker Street, Schenec- 
tady Co. ,) farmer 90. 

Williamson, James, (Quaker Street, Schen 
ectady Co.,) farmer 93. 

WilllamBon, Lucas, (Gallupville,) farmer 

Wolford, Alchey Mrs., (West Berne, Al- 
bany Co.,) hop grower and former 60. 

WOLFORD, ELISHA, (GallupviUe,) car- 
penter and joiner. 

WOOD, EDWIN D., (Gallupville,) carriage 

Wood, Oliver B., (Gallupville,) former 166. 

Wright, Henry Rev., (Qallapville,) pastor 
M. B. Church. 

Zeh, Alfred, (Gallupville,) custom grist 
mill. ' 

Zeh, Ellas, (QallnpvUle,) saw mill and for- 
mer i)i. 

ZEH, IRA, (Gallnpville,) physician and 
surgeon*, and supervisor. 

Zeh, Peter J., (OaUapvllle,) farmer 196. 

fimer, Paul, (Gallupville,) former 80. 
imnier, David H', (Gallupville,) farmer 4. 
Zimmer, Emiline, (Gallupville,) farmer 5. 
Zimmer, Gideon, (Gallupville,) farmer 130. 
Zimmer, Hjumah A., (GallapvilleO farmer 
■>. 87. 
Zimmer, Isaac Jr., (Gallupville,) former 

Zimme?, Jacob A., (Gallupville,) former 

Zimmer, Jacob L„ (Gallnpville,) farmer 

leases 161. 
Zimmer, Jacob M., (Gallupville,) assessor 

and former leases 310. 
Zimmer,, Jacob N., (Gallupville,) farmer 80. 

fimmer, John A., (Gajjupville,) farmer 118. 
Immer, John G., (Qallupville,) farmer SIO. 
Zimmer, Minor P., (Gallupville,) former 

Zimmer, Peter F., (Gallupville,) hardware. 
Zimmer, Seneca, (Gallupville,) farmer M9, 
Zimmer, Wm. I., (Gallupville,) farmer 387. 



Sch,oliarie Co. Classified Business" Directory. 

Tbe Towns are alphabetically arraoged at tbe end of tbe line, nnder the businesB 
clasBifications. The post office address of each iudivldnal or firm follows immediately 
after tbe name. Where no post office is ^en after the name, it signifles that the name 
of the post office and town is the same. The names of farmers are omitted in this list, 
as they can readily be foand in the general list, by noting the fignres at the end of the 
lines, which indicate the number of acres owned or leased by each. 

Academies Etc. 

DEAN COLLEGE, Eev. D. M. Smith, 
principal and proprietor, WamerviUe, 


Sikes, principal, Schoharie 

TUTE, Bev. Solomon Slas, principal, 
Charlotteville, Sammit 

Agents, Claim. 
Stevens, Mark W., SloansTtUe, Bsperanoe 

Agents, Xixpress. 
Osterhont, John L., Cobleskill 

Btanton,John L., (A. M. TJ.J Middlebargh 
SARROW AY, JAMES, - Blchmondvllle 
BOEST. JOSEPH,, Schoharie 

JENKINS, D. W., Central Bridge 

Batt, Wm., (D. & H. Canal Co.,) Sharon 
Springs, Sharon 

Agents, Insurance. 

GRDTIN, J. H. , (life,) North Blenheim, 

WIGHTMAN, ELIAS A., Livingston- 

Tille, Broome 

Yonng, Gideon, Grovenor's Corners, 

PRANCE, D. DEWITT, (fire,) Coblesklll 
Stllson, Lansing, *^ 

Townsend, John M., (fire, life and ac- 
cidental,) " 
KINGSLEY, BBNONI A., Oonesville 
Thomas, A. Sidney, West ConesviHe, " 
Predenburg, Chas., Qilhoa 

WILCOX, M. S., Jefiferson 

Danforth, Geo. L., MWdJehnrgh 

BEETHWICK, C. P., Warnerville, 

CLEVELAND, P. H., (general,) i ' 
Lewis, J. D., (life,) _ 

MANN, PETER S., (fire and life,)War- 

nerviile, , . 

KRUM, WM. B., Schoharie 

DEPANDOEP, LEVI M., (Merchants 
Life,) HyndsTille, Seward 

Harper, James W., (Home Eire,) 

Sharon Springs, Sharon 

BAETON, WM. B., Oife.) GallnpTille, 


Agents, Patent. 

Thrall, Wm., Carlisle 

Talbot, John Q., Sloansville, Esperance 
Bridge, Schoharie 

Agents, Railroad. 

Dana,HarleyT., Cobleskill 

Dante, Wm, B., Howe's Cave, " 

Stanton, John L., Middlebargh 

DnnnlDg, J. A.. Elchmondville 

BOEST, JOSKPH, (freight,) Schoharie 
JENKINS, D. W., (ficket,) Central 

Bridge, • • " 

VEOMAN, LUCIAN, (snpt., fl-elght 

and express, Schoharie Valley E. R.J " 
JOHNSON, HENRY H., HyndsvlllS, 

EOWLEY, HIEAM S., (Delaware & 

Hadeon Canal Co.,) " 

Agents, Real Estate. 

Conover, Joel, CobleaklU 

MALBT, ISAAC B., Sharon Springs, 


Agents, Seirlng macblnes. 

Clark, Cyrne, (Grover & Baker,) Gilboa 

BOSBKEANS, ALBEET G.,, {Singer,) " 
Lewis, J. D., ,^ EiohmOTdTiUB 

BEUCK, ELBERT O., (Wheeler* Wil- 
son,) Hyndsville, Seward 
♦DOWNS, EICHAED C, (Blias Howe 

Jr.,) Sharon Springs, ShMOn 

Agrlcnltaral Implements. 

cradles,) LJvingBtanTillo, Broome 

Vanderwerken, Amos, (ploughs,) Carlisle 
BOUCK, CHRISTIAN S„ (grain^ra- 

dies,) Mineral Springs, Coblesklll 


Mlnard Harder, prop., " 



•GALE, J. & SONS, (horse and hand 
rakes,) Baraerville, Cobleskill 

NETHAWAT, CLINTON, (agent for 
Meadow King Mower, '' 

WoolBon, Eoswell, (ploughs,) Esperanoe 

*WALDEON & SIS80N, (platform 
ohnrn powers.) Breakabeen, Pulton 


Butts, Norris, (grain cradles,) Central 
Bridge, Schoharie 

Bridge, " 

Eldredge, Monroe, (Climax Plow,) Seward 

Walrad, Eobert G., (Buckeye Mowers 
and Eeapers,) " 

WAENEE, HAEMAN, (plows and cnl- 
tivators,) " 

WETHEEWAX, GEO., (Buckeye Mow- 
ers aid Eeapers,) Lawyersville, " 


BEST, GEO., Central Bridge, Shoharie 
KEUM, WM. B., 

Ax Handle Manuf. 
SOWLES, OEIN, South Gilboa, GUboa 

Bakers and Confectioners. 
Heckel, Panl, Cobleskill 

MANN, CHAS. E., BlchmondTllle 



Pirst National Bank of Cobleskill, 

Schoharie County National Bank( Schoharie 


Lee, Wm. H., Cobleskill 

Help, Ernest Hiddleburgh 

Waldrof, M. B.. EichmondviUe 

SCOTT, DAElUS B., Schoharie 

AndeAou, Isaac L., Sharon Springs, Sharon 

Basket ITIaker. 

Marshall, Anthony Mrs., Sharon 
Springs, Sharon 

Bee Hives. 
WEST, AAEON, Broome Center, Gilboa 

Bent Felloes. 

6ALB, J. & SONS, Bamerrille, Cobleskill 

Billiard Booms. 

{See Saloons and Meatauranta.) 


Decker, Geo. W., North Bledhelm, 


Blenheim. " 

MAETIN.WM.A./North Blenheim, " 

Wldomen, David, Eminence, " 

Widomen, Edward, (carriage Ironing,) 
Eminence, *^ 

Bates, Eesolved, Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co., Broome 

Bouck, Hamllton,llvingstonTille, ■ 

ton, ' 

KLINE", JOHN, Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co., . ' 

EU8SKLL, TIMOTHY P., Pranklln- 
ton, < 

SMITH, BENJAMIN, Potter's Hollow, 

Albany Co., Broome 

Somborger, Alex., Pranklinton, " 

Sornborger, Seymour, Pranklinton, " 
Stewart, Wm. H., LivingstonTille, " 
Copp, John, Argusville, Carlisle 

Pero, Isaac, " 


nor's Corners, " 

Myers, John W., " 

Eockleller, Geo., Grovenor's Comers, " 
Wearer, Benj. P., Argusville, " 

Weaver, Chas. H., Argusville, " 

ZELlE, DAVID, Sharon, " 

Boorn, Gardner, Mineral Springs, ' 

Carpenterj Geo. H., (carrage ironer,) " 
COENBLL, MICHAEL, Lawyersville, " 
Harrison, Mathew, Barnerville, " 

Harrison, Wm., East Cobleskill, " 

Kromer,<;urtis, Mineral Springs, " 

Purcell, Edmond, " 

Brown, Albert, West Conesville, Conesville 
Case, Geo., " 

Cole, Lnman, " 

Crane, Erwin B., Manorkill, " 

Pnller, Hezeklah, Manorkill, " 

Schemerhorn, Peter S., Potter's Hol- 
low, Albany Co., " 
SCOVILL, ELIJAH, Manorkill, 
Snyder, Jeremiah J.^ , " 
Brumley, Edwin E., Enperance 
Dwelley, John H., Sloansville, " 
DWELLET, OSCAE, Sloansville, " 
Petre, Albert^ Central Bridge, " 
Sherwood, Samuel, " 
Singerland, Chas. A. , Sloansville, " 
Slingerland, S. S., Sloansville, " 
Van Wle, Geo., " 
Wright, Sylvester, " 
BOtfCK, JEEEMIAH, Breakabeen, Palton- 
BURQET, CHAS. S., Pnltonham, . " 
Bnrget, Wm. B.,Breakf^been, " 
Dearstine, Andrew, Breakabeen, " 
Feeck, Jacob J., Pnltonham, " 
PINEQAN, MICHAEL, West Fulton " 
Poland, Martin L., Breakabeen, " 
Getter, David, Fultonham, " 
GETTBE, HAEVET, Pnltonham, 
KLING, MAETIN L., Breakabeen, 
Smith, Abram, West Fulton, " 
SMITH, CHAS., West Fulton, " 
TUEK, COOPEE, West Fulton, " 
Buckingham & Pace, Gilboa 
FACE, WM. H., Broome Center, 
Grant, Wm., " 
McHench, Wtlllard, Broome Center, " 
Roe, Jenck P., Broome Center, " 
Van Wle, Henry, Broome Center, " 
Van Wle, Lorenzo, Broome Center, " 
COENBLL, JOHN W., Bmluence^Jefferson 

Phiucle, Levi Q., " 

Proper, Anson, " 

Scrom, Peter, ** 

Stanley, Wilher E., " 

Stanley, Wm. B., " 

Warner, Adin, CharlottevUle, " 

BOUCK, THOS. W., Middlebnrgh 


Kffher, Thos., " 




LAWYER, ANDHBW, Middleburgh 

Sbnfelt, Edwin, Huutereland, " 

Smith, Hiram, " 

Snyder, Adam, HnnterBland, " 

Snyder, Adam Jr.. Huutereland, " 

WE«T, ABBAM, Huntersland, 
Bircli, John 0., Kichmondyille 

CLUTK, B. W., West Fulton, " 


fiornbeck, Nicholaa I., " 

Levalley, Francis C, Wamerrllle, " , 

Ockempaw, Wm„ " 


Smith, Asa B., Weet RichmondTille, " 
Cramer, George P., Central Bridge, 

Cramer, Harlow W., Central Bridge, 
Nozon, Jacob M., 
Spaulding, Wm., 
Spanlding, Wm. Jr., 
underhili, Benl., Howe's Cave, 
WHITE, DAVID C, Central Bridge, 
Wilbur, T. J. 

Woodcock, Geo. H., Central Bridge, 
Bronnell, James F., ByndsviUe, Seward 
Calklna, Henry, 
Calkins, Lather, 

Hynds, James, Hyndeville, 
Cook, Peter B., Ames, Montgomery 

Co., Sharon 

DxLANT, EDWARD, Leesville, 
Harper & SallBbnry, Sharon Springs, 
Houghtailling, Isaac, Sharon Center, 
Kiseker, SteTen,Sbaron Center, 
Miers, Henry, Argusville, 
Monroe, John D., Sharon Springs, 
Parmele, John L., Sharon Springs, 
Prookter, Luke, Seward, 
Pursall, ThOB., 
Belyea, David H., 
Van Wie, Geo., 
COOK, JAMES D.,CharlottevUle, Summit 
Dykeman, Martin, 
Hard, Harmon, CnarlotteTille, 
Morrison & Brown, 
Sawyer & Rndd, / 
COOK, DAVID H., (carriage Ironing,) 

Shatter's Corners, Wright 

GAIOB, JOEL S., (carriage ironing,) 

GallupTllle, " 

LASHPEE, JEBBMIAH, GaTlupvllle, " 
PACKARD, SAMUEL S., GallupvlUe, " 
SNYDER, PETER L., GallupTllle, " 
BPATEHOLTS, JOHN W., (carriage 

ironing,) Gallupyille, " 

Boardine Honsea, 

(See Botelt and Boarding Bouaei.) 

Books and Stationery. 

(See alto Newt Booms.) 

BLODQBTT,HIRAMA., Middleburgh 

Boots and Sboea. 

(See alto General MercAanti.) 


North Blenheim, Blenh 

E0SBKRAN3, TH08. H., (custom,) 

North Blenheim, Blenheim 

WHITE, DANIEL, (custom,) North 

Blenheim, " 

BRBZBE, CHA8., (custom,) Living- 

BtonTlUe, Broome 

Cleveland, John 0., (castom,) Frank- 

linton, " 

Graham, Andrew, (custom,) Franklin- 
ton, " 
Mattice, John H., (custom,) Living- 

stonvllle, • " 

RICHTMTER, JOHN W., (custom,) 

Potl6r!B Hollow, Albany Co., " 

Thorington, Jacob H., (custom,) Liv- 

ingstonville, " 

Burhans, t)anlel, (castom,) Carlisle 

Center, Carlisle 

Clemens, Edwin, (custom,) " 

Collins, Gilbert, (custom,) " 

Karker, Solomon, (custom,) Lawyers- 

ville, " 

Myers, Tobias, (custom,) Grovenor's 

Corners. " 

SeverBon, Geo. H., (custom,) Grove- 
nor's Corners, " 
Slingerland, 'Twnpkins, (custom,) " 
Spore, James H., (custom,) " 
SWARTHOUT, JAMBS, (custom,) Ar- 
gusville, . " 

BITTNBE, LEO, (custom,) CobleBkiU 

Brandenstein^hristopher,(cnBtom,) " 
Brown, Peter W., (custom,) Barnerville, " 
Diefendorf, JacobE., ' " 

Diefendorf, Jadson, " 

King, John, (custom,) Mineral Springs, " 
MABTIN, ■ FREDERICK, (custom,) 

Lawyersville, " 

Thatcher, Sanford J., " 

Willsey, Isaac L., (custom,) B. Cobles- 
kill, " 
Brown, Wellington, (custom,) Manor- 

kilK ConesviUe 

LAMPHERB, JOHN, (custom,) " 

Richmond, Almeron M., (CBStom,)WeBt 

Conesville, " 

Richmond, Stephen B., West Cones- 
ville, " 
VOSBtTRGH, JOHNH., West Cones- 
ville ** 
Clark, "Walter A., (custom,) Sloansville, 

Clark, Wm., (custom,) Sloansville, " 
Head, Blnatbah, (custom,) " 

Mcintosh & Turnbull, 
Ollinger, John, (custom,) > " 

Barnard, DanieL (custom,) Middle- 
burgh, Fulton 
Best, Chas. S., (custom,) Fultonham, " 
Best, Wm.. (custom,) Fultonham, " 
Bice, Ezra D.. (custom,) Fultonham, " 
Dudley, Addison, (custom,) Breaka-^^ 

Dadley, Daniel L., (custom,) Breaka- ^^ 

Eager, Daniel J., (custom,) Breaka- ^^ 
teen, , _^,. , ,, 

Hanes, Peter, (custom,) Fultonham, 
Ineraham, Eli, (.custom,) West Fnlton, " 
Ingram, Russel, (caBtom,)West Fulton, " 
Morey, Stephen A., (custom,) WeBt^_ 

Preston, Isaac, (custom,) Breakabeen, " 
Reese, John, (custom,) West Fulton, " 



Yan Vorle, Geo., (cuBtom,) West Ful- 
ton, Pnlton 
Wentworeh, ErastQS, (cnstom,) Mineral 

Springft, " 

Wentworth, Sherman, (custom,) Ful- 

tonbam, - '' 

Buckbee, John W., (cuBtom,) Gilboa 

MOBRISiQN, JAMES K., (Custom,) 

South Je^erBon, " 


WHITE, WM. H., Broome Center, " 
Zelie & atryker, " 

Dibble, Riley, (custom,) Jefferson 

Dykeman, Michael,, (cuBtom,) " 

Hubbard, James H., (custom,) " 

EETNQLD8, BBNJ., (custom.) 
Shelmadlhe, Isaac & Son, (Custotii,) " 
Van BeUren, Geo. H., (cuBtom,) Char- 

lotteville, " 

Wagoner, Levi, (custom,) " 

Wittsle, Geo., (custom,) Summit, " 

BLODGETT, JOHN C, (custom,) 

Crippen, Orville, (custom,) Hunters- 
land, " 
Ball, James B.> (cuatom,) Huntersland, " 

MARSBliTJS, H. M., " 

Hiveliburgh, Johil, (custom,) " 

TURNER, MORGAN, Huntersland, " 
White, Chas. A., " 

Barkinan, Andrew, (cuBtom,) Ooble- 

skill, RichraoudTille 

Briggs, Richard, (custom,) Cobleskill, " 
Kyser, Jacob, Warnerville, " 

Ottman, David, (custom,) Warnerville, " 
Roclifelier, Geo., (custom,; West Rich- 

mondville " 

Smith, J. C. & Co., ." 

Badgley, Geo. B., Schoharie, 

Bassler, Herman, (custom,) Central 

Bridge. " 

Hess, Albenes, (custom,) " 

Kniskern, Chas,, (custom,) ** 

KROMEB, LAMBERT, (custom,) " 

Marsh, Jacob, " 

NBTHAWAY, HARVEY, (custom,) " 
Roarick, Abram, (custom,) ^^ 

Roarick, David B.„ (custom,) " 

Standhardt, F. A., (custom,) Howe's 

Cave, - _ " 

Weaver, Christian C, (custom,) Cen- 
tral Bridget, > " 
TOtJNG, M0SE3, (custom,) Central 

Bridge, " 

Chase, Harvey H., Seward 

Chase, Menzo W., (custom,) " 

Hoffman, Nicholas, (custom,) " 

LettB, Orlando, (custom,) Bldbmond': 

ville, " 

MOAK, DAVID A., (custom,) HyndB- 

ville, >' 

Rindfleld, AuguBtua, (custom,) Hynds- 

vlUe, " 

Smith, Abram, (custom,) Hyndsvillej " 
Sommer,jac((b A., (castpita,) Shardn, " 
tom,) HyndflvlllB , . " 
Angle, Feter J.t (cufltomi) Sharon 

Springs, Sharon 

Gray, G«oiiz«y (custom,) Sharon Cen- 
ter, " 
Hanaqn, Peter, (custom,) ArguBVlUe, " 
Hoffman, Jacob H., (custom,) '^ 

Paris, ChriBtian, (custom,) ArgnsTille, 

Paris, Geo., (custom,) ArgnsTllle, " 

Samson, H., (custom,; Sharon Spnnga, " 
Sticbt, Martin, Sharon Springs, " 

Van Vort, Adams, (cueiom,) " 

Wormuth, Joseph, (custom,) Sharon 

Springs, " 

Cook, (3Feorge D.^ (custom,) Charlotte- 

ville. Summit 

Spaulding, Sidney C, (custom,) " 

Wharton, James K., (custom,) " 

BARTON, WM. B., (custom,) Gallup- 
: vUle, Wright 

Decker^ John, QallupyiUe, 
Eeyser, Christian, (custom,) Shutter's 

(jorners,. " 

Merryhew, Altamont, Gallupville, " 

Snyder, Jacob M., Gallupville, " 

Brass Founders. 

\8ee Iran and Braes Fowidera and Ma- 



Lost, John, HyndsvlUe, - Seward 

Brick man ufticturers. 
Strycker ,& JackBon, Gilboa 


Broom Handles. 
"GALE, J. & SONS, Barnerville, 

Broom makers. 
Stlenmlts, Aaron, Cehtral Bridge, 

BATNES, PETER 8., Middtebnrgh, Fulton 
MATTICB, Henry W., MlddleBurgh, " 
HAV^S, DAVID, Mtddlteburgh 

Kinney, J6hh, ''^ 

Mattlce, Joseph, " 

DIETZ, WM. L.J Schoharie 


{Sei Carpenters and Builders, Masons and 



{See Meat Markets and Butchers.) 

Carding mills. 

BILEY, AiZARIAB B., Barnerville, 

Brewster, Allen, Gallupville, Wright 

Carpenters and Builders. 

{Hee also Masons and Builders.) 
Buckingham, Geo. E., North Blenheim, 

LLOYD, WM. H., North Blenheim, " 
Loyd, John B., North Blenheim, " 

iMorehonse, Lorenzo, North Bl«nhelm, " 
Beed, John H., North Blenheim, " 

Shafer,'EdmQ:nd, North Blenheim, " 

Blenheim, " 

Wldotoen, David, Eminence, " 

HUSE, JOSL&H M., LlvlngBtonvlUe, 

Blchma^, Joseph H., Broome Ciisnter, 

BICHMOND, JOSEPH H., Livingston- "" 
ville, " 



BnBBell, Ira, Frankllnton, Broome 

TI)orne, Samnel, LivingBtonville, " 


Tille, " 

Wood, Hamilton, Llvingstonville, " 

Wright, Hiram H., LiTingBtonvUIe, " 
BenBon, Milton, Carlisle 

Borst, John, Groyenor's Corners, " 

Bristle, John H., LawyerBVille, " 

Folic, JoBeph, " 

Fowk, Philip, OarllBle Center, " 

Hojt, AlTin, " 

-Huested, J. T., Argneville, " 

Lord, James M., Grovenor's CoraerB, " 
Lord, John L., Grovenor^s Corners, " 
Mickel, Adam H., ~ " 

Ottman, Jacob A., Argasville, " 

Belyea, Peter D., Sloansville, "■ 

Eelyea, Richard, SloansviMe, " 

Sanford, Geo. P., Carlisle Center, " 

Smith, John H., Ar^sviUe, " 

Snyder, Benj. T., Carllele Center, " 

Snyder, John W., " 

TEEPLE, EDWARD, Sloansville, " 

YOUNG, ANDREW J., Grovenor's 

Corners, " 

Tonng, BoBtwick K., Grovenor's Cor- 
ners, '* 
Tonng, G. S., SlDaneville, " 
Tonng, NelsoaS., Grovenor's Corners, " 
Toane^ Robert W., Lavryersvllle, " 
Blair, Robert S., CoMesklU 
Burchard, Almanza, " 
DOW, DANIEL J., Lawyersville, " 
Glazier, David, Lawyersville, " 
Hiller, Walter C, " 
King, Hiram; Mineral Springs, " 
Letts, John, " 

Moore, David, " 

Rickard, Geo., Howe's Cave, " 

RICKARD, IRA, Howe's Cave, " 

Siiles. Lawsence, Grovenor's Corners, ^^ 
Tator, Peter J., Mineral Springs, " 

WOLFORD, DOW, Barnervilie, " 

TOUNG. DAVID D.. Barnervilie, " 

ter's Hollow, Albany Co., ConesviUe 
Bartholomew, Solomon J., Potter's 

fiollow, Albany Co.,_ " 

BASSBTT, DANIEL, West Cohesville, " 

CORNELL, JOHN T., West Cbucsville," 

Hollow, Albany Co., " 

Howard, Jamea, Manorkill, " 

Hubbard, Orin, Manorkill, " 

Halbnrt, Reaben A., Manorkill, " 

Morse, Jobii A., West ConesviUe, " 


Phelps, Orson, Manorkill, " 

Phelps, Rolla, " 

PHELPS, WALLACE, Manorkill, 

TonDg. Nathan M., Manorkill, " 

ALBRIGHT, WILSON, Sloansville, 

BROWN, HENRY, Central Bridge, •' 

Cleveland, Q., Bsperanoe 

Coons, Wm. J., Central Bridge, " 

Davenport, John, SloaQBVille, " 
DAVENPORT, J. A., Sloansville, 

Fuller, T. E., Sloansville, " 

IGordon, Peter C, Sloansville, " 

Hogan, Isaac, Central Bridge, " 

HOGAN, ISAAC, Jb., Central Bridge, " 

Jones, Hiram, " 

Lownsberry, Chas., Sloansville, " 

Man, Jacob N., Central Bridge, " 

Reed, James H., " 

SCOTT, ISAAC v., Sloansville, " 

Vuuk, Daniel, Sloansville, " 

Wager, P. B., Central Bridge, " 

Wereley, Wesley, Sloansville, " 
Abram, Wm. N., West Pnlton, Fulton 

Becker, Dennis, Breakabeen, " 

Burget, Peter, Fultonham, " 

Collins, Jacob, Franklinton, " 

Cook, Truman L., Eminence, " 

CORNELL, JOHN W., Eminence, " 

Deney, Horace, Eminence, " 

Poland, Jonas, Breakabeen, " 
Poland, Martin L., Breakabeen, 

Ham, Alonzo, Breakabeen, '^ 

Hanes, Chas. H., Faltonhatn, " 

Hanes, Jacob H., Fultonham,-^ " 

Hillsiaeer, Abram, West Fulton, " 

HOLMES, MANSFIELD, Pnltonham, " 

King, Abram J., West Fulton, " 
RONET, GEO. W., Fultonham, 

Shafer, Sylvester, Mineral Springs, " 

Smith, Ezra, Mineral Springs, " 

SpUrbeck, David. Fultonham, " 

Van Vorris, J. Piatt, Fultonham, " 

Vroman, David J., Mlddleburgh, " 

Wagoner, Henry, West Fulton, " 

Wayman, Geo., West Pulton, " 

Weidman, Ralph, Fultonham, " 
Baker, Alvin L., Gilboa 
BECKER, WINPIELD H., Sonth Gil- ^_ 


Belts, Hiram P., " 
CONROW, ROBERT W., Sonth Gil- ^^ 

Cobniey, Daniel H., Broome Center, 

DECKER, DAVID, Broome Center, " 

Decker, Jacob, Sonth Jefferson, " 

Polnsbee, Thaddens, Sonth.Gilboa, " 

Garrett, Michael T., " 
Grifflri, Horace A., 
Hitchcock, Darius, 
Holland, James, 
Hirigsley, Chancellor S., 
Lawrence, Horace D., Stamford, Dela- _ 

ware Co., 
Lawrence, John W., Stamford, Dela-^^ 

ware Co., ■ /, 

MAHAM, LORENZO, South Gilboa, '| 

Paliner, Gilbert, '' 
Robinson, Chas. H., 
SaSora, Moses, Broome Center, 
SHAFER, PETER, Broome Center, 

Smith, Job, Broome Center, " 
Vroman, Corneliu* S., Sonth JeiTerson," 
WBST, AARON, Broome Center, 
Bogardns, Peter H., Jefferson 
Dyfeman, Peter, 
Evens, Adin J., CharlottavUle, 



Robinson, Wm. J,, South Jefferson, 


Thomas, Daniel E., " 

Truax, Edward, CharlotteviUe, " 

Aleer, Jacoh, Middlebnrgh 


BREWER, RICHARD, Hantersland, " 

Crosby, Hiram, Huntersland, " 

Dexter, Hedstrom, " 

HaTlenbec^, Samuel W., " 

Kennedy, Wm., " 
POSSON, LBWIS W., Hrihterslaild, 

Rickard, James, Hantersland, " 

RICK ART, JOHN W., Hantersland, " 

Rocketeller, Geo., " 

Sheldon, Carr, " 

Vroman, Abram L., *' 

Weidman, Joseph, " 

West, Jeremiah, " 

Wood, Allen, . " 

Alemore, Amos, Richmondvllle 

ALLEN, CHESTER, WamervlUe, " 

aTkins J E *' 
B0RCHARi3, LORENZO D., Wamer- 

ville, " 

Chase, Edward A., " 

Chase, Jacob M., " 

Chase, Steward »., " 

Decker, James B., " 

Glazier, Abram M., " 

Green, Zachens, West Richmondvllle, " 

Groosbeck, J. H., Wamerville, " 


Hughes, Blisha, " 

Hynds.Sandford, " 

Mann, Marcus, '* 

Perry, Henry N,, *' 

Shaffer, Jerome, Warnerrille, " 

Shafer, John R., Wamerville " 

Snyder, Wm., Wamerville " 

Thayer, Geo., " 

Waldorf, Reuben N., Wamerville, " 

Waldorf, Robert G., " 


Bowles, Wm., Central Bridge, Schoharie 
Bckerson, Henry, " 
Herren, Chas., Central Bridge, " 
Hogen, Patt., Central Bridge, ** 
Hunt, Mansfield, Central lAldge, " 
Kinney, R., , " 
Lamorau, Chas., *' 
McDonald, Elon, Central Bridge, " 
WOOLPORD, HENRY H.,Ea6t Cobles- 
kill, " 
Woolford, Jacob w;, ■ • " 
Bellinger, Isaac, HyndsTille, Seward 
Bellinger, Jeremiah, Sharon, " 
Bellinger, John M., Shaion, . " 
Brown, John, Hyndeville, " i 
Crocker, Philander T., HyndBvUle, " 
Davenport, Jacob, Sharon, " 
Devenpeck, Alonzo, " 
Frederick, Cyrus M^ Sharon, " 
Bines, Alonzo R., HyndBville, " 
Huhgerford, Daniel H., Sharon, " 
Hynds, Albert, Hyndsville, " 
Hynds, Joseph Af., Hyndsville, " 
Kilts, Peter, Sharon, " 

KRONER, WM. H., Sharon, Seward 


Markle, Geo. M., " , 

MerrehesB, Uriah, *' 

Morgan, Harvey. HyndSTlUe, " 


Rowley, Edwin, " 

Sommers, Jacob A., Sharon, " 

Stevens, Daniel D., Hyndsville, " 

Stever, David, West Richmondville, " 
Vansyke, Sylvanns G., " 

Weller, Robert, Hyndsville, " 

Wright, D. L., Hyndsville, " 

Chnstman, Jacob, Argusville, Sharon 

Darrow, Russell, 

Devenport, Cyrus, " 

Haner, Abram, Leesville, " 

HoShian, Lawrence, Sharon Springs, " 
LEAKE, JOHN W., Sharon Center, 
Livingston, John, Sharon Springs, " 
Mareness, James, Sharon Center, " 

Mereness, Steveil J., Aharon Center, " 
Miller, Peter, Sharon Springs, " 

Moak, John H., Sharon Springs, " 

Robinson, Wm., Sharon Center, " 

Shafer, John, Sharon Springs, " 

TEHBRS, JOHN, Argusville, '• 


Springs, " 

Wilson, Nelson, Sharon Center, " 

Albert, John, CharlotteviUe, Summit 

Boughlon, Wm. T., " 

Cropser, Henry, -- " 

Herron, Henry, CharlotteviUe, " 

Hicks, Henry, " 

Johnson, Alfred W., CharlotteviUe, " 
Rifenbark, Hiram, " 

Truax, Sylvester, CharlotteviUe, " 

BoUes, Ada, Gallnpville, Wright 

Bradley, Ellas B., Central Bridge, *' 

Deuel, Morgan L., Gallnpville, " 

Fellers, Andrew, Gallnpville, , •' 

McDonald, Benj.. GaUnpville, " 

MILLER, JACOB H., Shatter's Cor- 
ners, «' 
HBINHAET, ANTHONY, Gallnpville, " 
WOLFORD, BLISHA, Qallupville, " 

Carpet freaver. 

Jones, Emeline Mrs., Fultocham, Fulton 

Carriage, 'Wagon and Slelgb 


Bllerson, Lewis, (wagons,) North Blea- 

heim, j Blenheim 

Hubert, Moses, (wagons,) North Blen- 
heim, " 

Blenheim. " 

WIDOMEN, MAHLON, (wagons,) 

Eminence, " 

Bruzee, Rensselaer, (wagons,) Frank- 

liuton, Broome 

Denison, Edward, Llvlngstonville, " 
Russell, Philip,- (wagons,) Potter's Hol- 
low, Albany Co., " 
ROWE. JOHN Hy Carlisle 
Snyder, Geo. H., Carlisle Center, " 
Sweatman, Daniel C, Argusville, " 
BOUCK, CHRISTIAN 8., (wagons,) 

Mineral Springe, CoblesklU 



Fero, David I., East Cobleskill, CoblesklU 
GIBBS, ANSON B., {wagons,) Mineral 

Springs, " 

Kennedy & Jniflp, 

PBESO, FBANCI3, (wagons,) " 

Richtmyer, Philip, (wagons,) " 

Case, Geo., Conesvllle 

Crane, Brwln B., (wasone',) Mauorklll, " 
HOBBARD, DANA (wagons,) " 

PHELPS, WALLAOB, (wagons,) Man- 

orkill, ' " ■ 

Snyder, Jeremiah J., (wagons,) " 

Bradley, Ellas, Central Bndge, Btperance 
Dwelly, Edwin, SloansTllle, " 

Dwelly, John H., SloansVlIlo, " 

Phelps, Lemuel, Central Bridge, " 

Qaackenbush, John, " 

Quick, Dewit C, SloansTllIe, " 

Simpkina, A. B., (wagons and sleighs,) " 
CORNELL, JOHN W., (wagons,) Bm- 

inence, Fulton 

Husaong, Leopold, Breakabeen, " 

PHANEllFP, FRANK, West Fnlton, " 
RONBT, GEO. W., (wagons,) Fnlton- _ 

ham, " 

Honey, JohnM., (wagons,) Fnltonham, " 
SH0FELTj GEO. H., Breanabeen, " 
TRAVIS, GILBERT, Breakabeen, " 
TDRK, COOPER, (wagons,) West Fnl- ^ 

ton, " 

Vaaghan, Isaac, (wagons,) Breakabeen," 
Wayman, Geo., (wagons and sleighs,) 

WestFalton, _ , " 

WEIDMAN, RALPH, <wagona,) Fal- 



TIBBITS, JAMB8 M., (wagons,) 

Broome Center, . " 

CORNELL, JOHN W., (Wagons,) Emi- 
nence, Jefferson 
Disbrow, Beardsley B. , (wagons,) North 
s Harpersield, Delaware Co., 
Mann & Co., (wagons knd sleighs,) " 
DICKINSON, JACOB, Hniitersland, 

«! 1 Middleburgh 

SHELDON, CHA9., (wagons,) ... " 

SMITH, AMOS M., _ ' 

Craua, Henry, (wagons,) Warngrvlllo, 

MASTERS, HBNRT, (wagons,) 
Clemens, H; H., (wagons and sleighs,) 

Central Bridge, Schoharie 

Rickard, Ellas A., (wagons,) „ .^ ^ , 
♦WINTER & STAFFORD, Schoharie 

Woodcock, Geo. H., (Wagons,) Central 

BELLINQER, HENRT, (wagons and 

sleighs,) HyndsTille, fieward 

BROWN, PETER M., (wagons and ^ 

sleighs,) HyndsviUe, ,,.,., 

Calkins, Henry B., (wagons and sleighs,) _ 

HyndsviUe, . , , v v 

Calkins, James Q.,(w8gons and sleighs,) 

Byndsville, • ^ , . ^ w. 

Hardy, Moses F., (wsgonrand sleighs,) 
FRAATS, PETER R., (wagons,) Sew- 
' ard, Sharon 

Hurst, John, (wagons,) Leesvllle, " 

Jackson, George, (wagons,) Sharon ^^ 

'Sprin£;B, _ , ' 

WACHSLBR, MATHIAS, (wagons,) ^_ , 


DINGM-AN, WALTER, (wagons,) Summit 
JUMP, A. P., 

Smith, Henry, (wagons,) Charlottevllle, " 
Bradley, Elias B., (wagons,) Central 

Bridge, Wright 

Dominic, John J,, Gallupvllle, " 

Carriage Trlmmei**. 

Borst, James N., Cobleskill 

Borst, Silas W., " 


Borst, Geo. B., Middleburgh 

Munn, J. L., Richmondville 

Harrison, John H., CJentral Bridge, Wright 
WOOD, EDWIN D., Gallapville, T' , 

Cattle and Horse Dealers. 

Wood, Wm., Eminence, Blenheim 

Sweet, Ezra, Grovenor's Corners, Carlisle 
VANDRESER, I. W. & H., Cobleskill 

KING8LET, BENONI A., Conesville 

Scovill, Clinton, Manorkill. " 

THORP, DOUGLASS B., Manorkill " 
Van Dyke, Geo., " 

Mann, Josiah, (horses,) Fnltonham, Fulton 
Myers, W-m., Snmmit, " 

burgh, " 
Stryker, OKver, Gilboa 
Bafrd, Elam C, Jefferson 
Burnet, Geo. H., " 
SMITH, WM., Richmondville 
SEXTON, CHESTER, HyndsviUe, Seward 
Strobeck, Hiram, Lawyersville, " 
Tice, Levi, " 

Center, Sharon 

Hughtalling, Jacob, (horses,) Argue- 
vUle, Sharon 

{Set Lime, Plaster and Cement.) 

Cheese Box JHanafacturer. 

Gardinier, Martin I., Argnsville, Sharon 

Cheese IHanafiicturers. 

Merril, Wm., Seward 

Areusville Cheese Factory, Argnsville, 

Sharon Center Cheese Factory, Sharon _ 
Center, " 

China, Crocfcery and GlaB8\rare. 

(See also General Merchants.) 
Becker <Sb ' Schermerhorn, Cobleskill 

Dow & WestfsU. 

HARDER & HESS, „.,„,. ^ 

Lownsbery, W. G. & Co., Middleburgh 
SMITH, BRADLEY S., Schoharie 



Chnrn Sealer. 

Shafor, Isaac Q. , Cobleskill 

Cider niUls. 




Scntt, Henry, Jr., 
Babcock, Robert Q., 
Hoffman, Barnabas, 
Hoffman, Martin, 

BOUGHTON, HARRY V.. Charlotte- 
.yllle" Summit 



CItH Kmslaeers and Surveyors. 

E08C0B, R. J., „ ??''¥),« 

SWa'RT, PETEK, eoWeskill 

Mann, John H., Mlddlebnre;h, Fulton 

MANN. Isaac, ■°""'- — '"''"'■ 

Snyuer, E. L., 
Shafer, John F, 


MALBT, ISAAC B., Shtopn Spriners, 
Claim Agents. 

iSee Agents Claim.) 

Taylor, Wm. W.j (M. E.,) North Blen- 
heim, Blenheim' 
Cowou, John, (M. B.;)Fvanklintan,Broome: 
Baker, Eri, (M. B.,) Grovenor'B Cor- , ' 
nere Carlisle 
Earl, W'm., (M. B.,) Mineral Springs, 

HAMLIN JOHN G., (Christian,) 
Kling, Marcus, (LnUie»an,) Lawyers- ^^ 

ville, * i 

Ludei). A. P., {Zlon Lutheran,) 
PHILIPS, P., (St. Paul's,) " 

Eobinsan.R. H.,(M. B.,) " 

Van Woert, J. H., (Reformed,) Law- ^^ , 

Goree, John W., (M. B.,) ManorkiU, 

Soeley, A, H; K?v., (P'esb.j) Boperancej 
Porter, Ira S., (St. MathBw's Evangeli- 
cal Luthuran,) Breakaheen, Fulton; 
More, Wm. S., (Reformed,) Gilboa. 
Fero, Wm. D., (M. B.,) JefFersom 
Jones, G. G., (Epls.,) Middleljurghj 
Roe, SanfordW., (Reformed,) ''^ ! 
Sprecher, C. Spencer, (Lutheran,) " ■ 
Wood, James B., (M. E.,) " ' 
HECK, J. H., (St. Panl's Evangelical 

Lutheran,) Schoharioi 

Lintner, Geo., D. D., (retired Luther- I 
an,). J " i 

Mott,'0,, (M. E.,) " I 

TYLER, ZACHAEIAH, (M. B. ZloB,) " ] 
Powers, Ingraham, (Baptist,) Sewardi 
Sands, Wm. J., (M. E.,) Hyndsville; ". | 
Dielendotf, C, (Lutheran,) Leesville, 

JEWETT, E., Leesville, / 
Allen, Kiley M., (Christian,) Charlottc- 

ville, Sumpiit 

Martin, Geo. W., (M. B.,) Eminence, " 
Woodwonh Geo., (M. B.:) " 

Keller, Henry, (Lutherae,) Qallupvlllo, 

Vedder. Edwin. (Reformed,) Qa|)up»lUe, " 
Wrlglit, Henry, (MiE„) QaHuBvillH, " 

Clotl>«8 Urjrers. 
Boom, L. G., RiohmondvtIlQ 

Camfleia, S. P., 

Clothiers and Tailors. 
SWEET, (IHAS., North Blenheim, 

' Blenheim 

Calkins, Alex., (Cnetom,) Grovenor's 

Corners, Carlisle 

, (custom,) ArgUBVille, " 

Guun, Lydia Mrs., (custom,) " , 

Lane, Louisa Mrs., (custom,) Argae- 
viUe, " 

COHN, MOEEIS,-(read^made,) CobleBklll 
Diefendorf, Jacob H.„ (readj made,) " 
Bwlngs, John, (custom,) " 

France, Frederick A., (ready made,) " 
Bartley, Loretta Mrs., (oastom,) OonesvlUe 
Edchmond, A. W. Mrs., (custom,) West 

Goneftville, " 

Walker, 3,vkv, West Oonesville, " 

Beardsley, G, F., (costom,) Bsperance 

Clbrk, gacah A, Mls^t (CDstom,), Sloans- 
villa, " 
Clemens, Mary 0, Mrs., (custom,) 

Sloansville.. " 

Cromwell, Phebe J. Mrs., (custom,) " 
Hempsted, Nelson, (cnstom.) " 

Laiwyer, Hj^niriettaMisB, (custom,) Cen- 
tral Bridge, ' " 
Burget, Wm. B'^ (cnstoni,) Breakaheen, 

Cornell, Maria, (casiom,) Eminence, " 
Bllarson, Geo. W., Gilboa 

Eraser, Jesse, (custom,) *^ 

Simons, Chaancey W., (custom,) South 

Gilboa, " 

Cornell, Maria Mrs., (custom,) Emi- 

Hammond, Baniel F., (custom,) " 

MeMinn, Chas. X, " 

Dunn. M, & Son, Middlebnrgb 

Traver, Eebecca Miss, (custom,) Unn- 

tersland, " 

White, Chas. A., , - " 

Lawyer, John E., Eicbmondville 

Livingston, CiCeastam,) 
Strauss, Samuel, *^ 

BBOWN, ALBERT & SON, Schoharie 

Firiey, John, " 


8HMELTZ, HElfEY, Central Bridge, " 


Springs, Sharon 

Hoal, John By Sharqn Springs, " 

Exans, Platt E., (cnstom, ) Stimmit 

Griggs, Elizabeth Mi£S, (custom,) " 

Clover Mills. 

CASPER, GBO., Howe's Cave, 

' Cobleskill 
Patrick, Silas, Barnerville, " 

DtTNCKEL, JQSIAU, Sharon Springs, 


Coal Dealers. 


Cave, ^ Cobleskill 

DeLa Vergne, Jalm, Eaperance 

PEEHIS, p; m. * SON, Sohohario 

France, Gilbert Q., (Delaware & HndJ 

son Canvl Gq^) . , Seward 

HVNDS, DAVID, (agent Delaware & 
HadsouiOsnal/C(i.,0 Hyndsville, " 

Confectlonerr and 'Toys. 

iSee also Bakers and Coiiftdienen,) 

Buckbee, John W., Gilboa 


Dudley, Wm, J., North Blenheim, Blenheim 
Fink, Joseph M., North Blenheim, " 
GRaNBY, WM.M.,N«irth Blenheim, " 
Enlskern, Hamilton, North Blenheim, " 
Eniskern, Wm., North Blenheim, " 

MANN, JAGESUN, North Blenheim, " 
Mattice, John H., North Blenheim, " 



Ferry, Stephen L,, North Blenheim, 

SHAVER, GEO. W., North Blenheim, " 
Vorce, Sol, North Blenheim, " 

WilJlams, David, North Blenheim, " 
TJtDian Peter C, Carlisle 

BOOS, PBTKE, Barnervaia, CobleBklll 
Wright, John, Oobleskill, " 

HalBert, Seymour E., West Coneavllle, 

Sanford, Sylyeater, " 

StlALL, WM., West Conefvllle, " 

VOSBURQH, JOHN H., West Cones- 

ville, " 

Arner, Daniel, Central Bridge, Ssperance 
BUROBr,CHASS.,Fnltoinh^m, Fulton 
Burget, &eo. W„ fultguham, " 

Bnrget, Peter, Fiidtonbam, " 

ChSkBe, Joseph, Wext Fulton, " 

Dudley, Geo. 8., North Blenheim, " 

Folick, John H., Mineral Springs, " 

Bam, AlonEO, Breakabeen, " 

Ham, Valentine, Breakabeen, " 

Hanee, Chas, fi., Fnltpnham, '' 

Hpffman, Henry, Breakabeen, ' ' 

Eeyser. Peter W., Breakabeen, " 

■King! Philip, Mineral Springs, " 

Eneskern, HarHson, Breakabeen, " 
Myer, Chas., Summit, " 

Porter, Asbury G.. Breakabeen, " 

8CR0M, WALTER, Fultonham, '» 

Spnrbeck, David, Fultonhom, " 

TELLER, WM. E., Fultonham, " 

WATSON, CHAS., Fultonham, " 

WEIDMAN, RALPH, Fultonham, ' " 
Coonley, Daniel H., Broome Center, Ollboa 
McKillip, John, MoresvUle, Delaware 

Sanl'ord, V. A., 
Barrett, Ornaudo, Jefferson 

Brady, Peter, South Jefferson, " 

Merrill, KberOi, 

Moxley, Amos, " 

Hoxley, Horace, " 

Moxley, Joseph, 
Odell, Beiiij. S., 
Delaware Co., 
Phlncle, I-eyl G., " 

Stevens, Wm., ' " 

Welton, Ezra, Ch<irlottei411e, " 

White, Alfred S., " 

FoUck, 8., Utddlebargh 

GALLUP.J. &E., " 

Golden, Alvln, Huntersland, " 

Van Allen, John, WesfBicbmondville, 

Van AlBtyne, Fayette B., " 

Waldorf. Robert Q., " 

Eagen, Michael, Schoharie 

Broocker, Russell, Bynd^llle, Seward 
Earker, Chao., Sharon, " 

EAREER, HARMON S., CobleaklU, " 
LOST. MARTIN, Hyndsvi He, " 

Lndlngton, John, Hyndsville, " 

Baner, Abrara, LeesvUle, Sharon 

Boaghton, Harvey, Summit 

Boughton, lilies H., " 

Bottghton, Wm. T., " 

Heed, Michael, " 

Odell, Daniel, " 

Odell, Isaac L., 


S., North Harpersfleld, 







Ode)l„ Wm. S., Charlotteville, 
Tlnkelpaugh, Alex., •' 

GALLtJP,1rAMES, Gallupville, Wright 
ter's Corners, " 

Cotton ranis. 

Moras, Reed &, Co., Gilboa 


(See China, Cnekery and Glass Ware, also 
General Merchanti.) 
Brown, Paul, 
Leake, L. A., 
CLARE, A. W. Db., 
Wood, A. A., 
Snydfjr, Hadley, 
Lewis, J. D., 
Euower, Daniel, 
Nellis, Jacob, 
Nellia, Theodore W., " 

DOMINIC, EARL F., GallupTllle, Wright 

Doors, SasU and Blinds. 

Blenheim, Blenheim 

Brezee, Abram, Frankllnton, Broome 

•MoHENCH & CO., Cobleskill' 

Stewart, Robert, Fultonhani, Fulton 

Salisbury, Joshua, Rlchmondville 

Dress and Cloak Makers. 

Thorlngton, Jernsha Mrs., Llringston- 

ville, Broome 

Clements, Eliza Miss, ArgnsTllle, Carlisle 
Gnnn, Lydla Mrs., " 

House, J. C. Mr8.,ArgnBVill», " 

Ruggles, iloeephlnb Miss, Argnaville, " 
Richmond, A. W., Mrs., West Cones- 
Tille, ConesTllle 

Chllson, Mrs., (seamstress,) 

Deyoi M. E. Mrs., " 

Rockwell, Ursula Miss, " 

Willaey, Cynthia Mrs., Sloansville, " 
Wooleon, Emma W., Uiss, " 

Phaneuff, Delia Ann Mrs., West Ful- 
ton, " 
Brown, Waldron B,, 
Hitchcock,' Euniee P., 
Hammond, Nancy Mlsa, 
Becker, Julia A. Miss, 
boyce, Almira Miss, 
Qorss, Sariu^ Mrs., ^iuui.c 
Traver, Rebecca Miss, Hnntereland, 
Vrooman, Llbbi« Misa, 
Bresl^er Sisters. RIchmondTille 
Daiiby, C. $. Mrs,, Schoharie 
Gardner, Emma Mies, " 
Fux, Augusta Mrs,, Sharon SprlQgs, Sharon 
Posson, CathaHne' Mies, GallqpTille, 







Dow & Westfall, 


Bri|p;a, G. B., Esperance 

Hazard, James H., Gilboa 

HabbeU, Hiram P> Jefferson 



Bddsley, Jerome B., 

PINQS, TRUMAN, Hanteraland, 


WITBBCK, J. H., Kichmondville 

De Noyelles & P^rrott, Schoharie 

Throop & Son, " 

LA MONT, Wk, Chariottevllle, Samm't 
Neer, Geo. 0.,Cbarlutteville, " 

Dry Goods. 

(Bee alio Oeneral Mtrchants.) 

COHN, MORRIS, CobleBkill 

Diefbndorf, Jacob H., " 

Fraiice, Frederick A., " 

Mcintosh & TurnbuU, Enperance 

StrausB, Samnel, Ricbmoudville 

Badgley, Geo. B., - Schoharie 
Hoal, John B., Sharon Sprlnga, Sharon 

Eatlnn Koaiie*. 

(iSw Saloons and Beataurante.) 

EJcpresB Affents. 

(See Agents, Eiyiress.) 

Fish and Of ster Dealers. 

MARTIN, PKTBR, Schoharie 

Flax mtils. 

CHASE, MANLET S., Warnerrille, ' 

Warner, M. & J., Wamerville, " 

Morgan, Harvey, Hyndaville, Seward 

Flour, Feed and Grain. 

(See also WUyuring Mills, Produce Dealers 

and Oenerai Merchants.) 
BurhanB & Shafer, (grain,) CobleBkill 

Todd, Robert F., (ThoB. Domet, agent,) " 
Brnmley, A., Esperance 

Becker, HatnlUon, ' Mlddl6bui^gh 


Hyde, Ralph, " 

Mallery & Beeker, < " 

Rockefeller, Geo., " 

MANN, EGBERT, HichmondviUe 

Plank. Thaddeus, Sharon Springs, Sharon 
BROWN &, BAR6ER, Summit 

Flonrlnc mills. 

(See also Pbyur, Feed and Crate.) 

HAVERLT BROS., (grist,) North 

Blenheim, Blenheim 

Benjamin, Roswell, '(grist,) LiTiiigaton- 

Vflle, • ■ ■ Bi^oome 

BORST, WM., (grist,) LlvlpgBtonTille, " 
WILSET,' REUBEN, (grist,) Potter's 

Hollow, Albany Co., " 

Schermerhorn &l)ey,(grist,)ArgasTine, 

' Carlisle 

BCKER80N, WM. N., (grist,) Howe's 

Cave, CobleBkill 

OTTMAN & BRO., (grist,) 
QtiackenbushBroB.,(grlBt,) Barhervllle, " 
BroWn, Artemas & Son, (grist,) West 

Couesville,. . , Conesville 

Layman, Peter M., (grist,) Manorkill, " 
HuneB & Isham, (grlBt.) Bsperance 

McMaster, H., (feed,) Sloapsvllle, " 

Baker, Wm., (grist,) Fnltonham, Falton 
Kliug, Christopher, (grist,) West Fal- 

tou " 

ZBH, JACOB W., (grist,) Breakabeen, " 

Mayham, Benj. S., (grist,) Staitaford, 

Jlelaware Co., Gjlboa 

Reed, Lnman, (grist,) " 

Bobbins, Geo. J., (grist,) Jefferson 

BORST, Milton, (grist.) Mlddleburgh 
flouring mill, David Dings, 
prop., Hnntersland, ** 

ING MILLS, James W. Davis, prop., 
Schoharie, " 

Becker, Abfam, (grist,) CentralBridge, 

_ ' _ Schoharie 

BECKEIJ, FRANCIS, (grist,) Central 

Bridge, " 

STEPHENa, SAMUEL B., (grist,) " 
HyndBville Flour and Peed Mill, John 

C. MoChesney.prop., Hyndsville, Seward 

Warmer, prop. *' 

Eldridge, James P., (grist,) Sharon 

Springe, , Sharon 

Bngell. MoBe8,ferist,)Sharon Springs, ■' 
CROWE, CHAS;, tolst,) Summit 

Bonck, CornellUB j:, (grist,) Shutter's 

Corners, Wright 

Zeh, Alfred, (grist,) Qallapville, " 

Farniture Dealers. 

Backingham, Geo. E., North Blenheim, 

Backingham, Tracy, (chairs and bed- 
steads,) North Blenheim, " 
Soner, Geo., North Blenhehn, " 
Borst, Josiah, CobleskiU 
Parqnher, Wm., " 
•GALE, J. & SONS, (chairs,) Barner- 

ville, " 

♦McHBNCH & CO., (bedsteads,) 
Rickard, Ellas, Howe's Cave, " 

Brnmley, Edward B., Sloansville, 

! Esperance 


Burget, Wm. B., Breakabeen-, Falton 

RONET, GEORGE W., Fnltonham, " 
Potter, Wm. C, (chairs,) (Jilboa 

Street, Warren P., " 

Hnbbell, Chas. B.. Si Co., Jefferson 

Ellsworth, JoB„ Hnntersland, Middlebargh 
Shaw, Wm., (chairs,) Hnntersland, 
Soner, John, " 

SHOEMAKER, JACOB, Blchmondvllle 
CASE, DAVID E. , Schoharie 

Farquher, Arthur H., " 

Brown, David, HyndBviUa, Seward 

ING, (spring bed bottoms,) Hynds- 
ville, " 

LOTD, HENRY B., Hyndaville, 
Powers, Zenas C, Seward, Sharon 

SHAUL, IRVING, Leesvllle, 
Earner, Geo., CharlottevlUe, Sammit 

Seharg, Frederick, " 

SPENCER, DAVID G., Charlotteville, " 
Baker, Lyman, Gsllnpvllle, Wright 

Gibbs, Luclaa, Gallupville, 
(Sea Bats, Gaps and Furs.) 
General Mercbants. 
(W/io keep a general assortment qf Dry 

Goods, Oroceries, Hardware lie.) 
heim, Blenheim 

SWEET & HAQKR, North Blenheim, 

LoBee, Myron A., LivingstonTille, Broome 
Rast & SitKer, Franklinton, " 

Smith, Hiram L., Potter's Hollow, Al- 
bany Co., " 
Andrua & Carter, Qrovenor'B Corners, 

ANGLE, JOHN H., , " 

Bradt, J. W., Carlisle Center, 
HODGE & RAMSEY, Argneville, " 

EOWE, HIRAM, BamerviUe, CobleskiU 
Snyder, Menzo, Bast Coblesklll. " 



CORNELL, JOHN T., West Cones- 

ville Conesville 

Selliok, Lydla B., West Conesville, " 
BECKER, WM. H., Esperance 

CRANDAL, JAMES H., Sloansville, " 
Teeple, S. C, Sloansville, "^ 

Wright Bros., ^ ,^ 

FELLOWS, M. B., West Fulton, Fnlton 
FOSTER. THOS. Q.,Faltonham, " 



Shafer, Friend W., Breakaheen, " 

SPENCER, NtRAM, West Fnlton, 

WATSON, CHA8., Fnltonham, 

ZBH, JOHN J. & CO., Breakaheen, " 

Fredenbnrg & Ryer, . Gilboa 

HAGADORN, F. & A., Broome Center, || 

Haiard & Fralsee, _^ 

Kinesley, Henry, 

MATO Aif , .JOHN 8., South Gilboa, |; 

Reed, Lnman, ' 

Zelie & Stryker. 



Hnbbard, J. D., 

Jones & Taylor, 

TwitchoU, Ira & Son, 

Bassier, David, 

Borst, Wm. B., , , 

Crippen, Orville, Huntersland, 

Dodge & France, 

Baris & Frisbie, 



Hoag, M. R., 

Nevflle, J. & Co., „ , , . .. 

TURNER, MORGAN, Huntersland, 
CHASE, MANLEY S., Warnerville, 


Frasier, H. & Co., || 

Lamonte & LoVeland, „ 

Lewis, Leonard C„ 
Mann, Sylvester, Warnerville, 
Vanghn, Hermon W., Warnerville, . 

Benedict, Hiram, Schoharie 

CLARK & SHANNON, _ ' , „ , , „ 
HALLBNBECK, WM., Central Bridge, 
MEAD, JOHN H„ Central Bridge, 
MOWERS, JACOB, Howe's Cave, 
Rowe. John J., Central Bridge, 
Stever, John, Central Bridge, 

HILTON, PHILIP P., Hyndsvllle, 

Walrad, Roberto., Seward 

Wilber, James H.. Hyndsville, " 

ANTHONY, JAMBS, M., Sharon Cen- 
ter, Sharon 

Bro«vn,Robert W., " 

Eigen, Frederick, Sharon Springa, " 
Ramsey, Seth, ArgnsVille, " 

Swift, Washington, Sharon Springs, " 
Vosburgh, John S., " 

BURROWS, JAMES L., Eminence, 

JUMP, JOSEPH B., CharlottevlUe, " 
Lake, Samuel J., " 

LAPE, S.^Charlotteville, " 

Lehmen, Isaac,. " 

BAKER, DANIEL C, Gallnpville, Wright 
COONS, JOHN H., Shutter's Corners, " 
Hnnting & Weidman, Gallupville, " 

Merselis & Kelsch, GallupvUle, " 

Plank, J. & Son, GallapviUe, " 

Gents* FUrnUblne Goods. 

(See also OeneralMerclmnte.) 
»BOYCE, J. H. & SON, Schoharie 

Briggs, John M., " 

GIi(88 Ware. 

(See China, Crockery and Olam Wan.) 

Glove nanan> 

Collins, Samuel S., ArgnsviUe, Cariisle 

Foster, thos. a., fnitonhaoii Fniton 

Grain Dealers. 

(Sea tlour. Feed and Orain.) 
Groceries and Provisions. 

(See<^o Qeneral Merchants.) 

Snyder, Peter, North Blenheim, Blenheim 
Benn & West, Llvingstonville, Broome 
Becker & Schermerhorn, Coblesklll 

Bnrhans & Shafer, " 

Dow & Westfall, " 


Lawyer, James W., 
Willsey, Henry I., Bast Coblesklll, 
Root, John M., Esperance 

Van Vechten, James, „.„" 

WHITE, WM. H.. Broome Center, Gilboa 
Burnett, Thos.. Eminence, Jefferson 

Hubbell, Hiram P^. " 

- MiddlebniEh 

BadgleyiJerome B., 

Becker. Hamilton, 


DINGS. DAVID, Huntersland, " 

Earls, Wm., _ 


Mallery & Becker, || 

FOX tIhOS. b';, Richmondville 

Smith, Asa B. , 'west Richmondville, ' ' 
Waldrof, M. By , „,.,., 

FERRIS, P. W. & SON, Schoharie 

LaselKCC, ;; 


viUe, Seward 

Lane, B. B. & Co., Sharon Springs, Sharon 
Neer, Geo. G., CharlottevlUe, Summit 





Case, Geo., Coneeville 

Shears, Jacob, Sharon Springs, Sharon 
Hardvrare, Stoves and Tlutvare. 

(See also General MercMnts.) 
Letts, Lorenzo D., (stoves and tin- 
ware,) Cobleskill 
McKee, A. H., Sloansvilie, 
Tttbbs & Sharp, 
Burget, Wm. B., (tinware,) Breakabeen, 

ZEH, JOHN J., (tinware,) 

CAKEINGTON, J. B., Jefferson 

Lownsbery, W. Q. & Co., Midaiehurgh 
Becker, Peter W., EichmondTille 

Hynds, Sandford, (tinware,) " 

Smith, D. H., " 

DeNoyellBB & Parrott, Schoharie 

FISHBE, ALBEET L., Central Bridge, " 
Throop & Son, " 

Wilsey, Joseph, 

Hoal & Klinkhart, Sharon Springs, Sharon 
SALISBUET;, WAEEBN F., (tinware,) 

Argnsvllle, " 

BEOWN & BAEGEE, , Sammlt 

Taber, Chas. P., (tinware,) Cbarlotte- 

Tille, „ " 

CAMPBELL,' JAMES, (tinware,) Gal- 

lupville, Wright 

Zimmer, Peter F., Gallnpvillp, " 

HarnesB, Trunks Etc. 
Ingraham, Leandor H., North Blen- 

Eeim, Blenheim 

Bnrbans, Geo. & Co., Carlisle Center, 

Borst, Jeremiah, Cobleskill 

MoCABTT, GEO,, Baperance 

McCarty,'6eo. W., " 

Shont, J. M., Sloansvilie, ' " 

Shout, Schuyler B., Sloansvilie, " 

Wentworth, Erastus, Mineral Springs, 

Hubbard, James H., 
Borst, Geo. B., 
Frlsbie, G. N„ 
Mann. J. L., 

WINTEE8, WM. A., " 

Borst, Peter S. & Co., Central Bridge, 

Ferris, Walter, " 

Sweet, John, " 

BHAFEE, DAVID, HyndsyJIlo, Seward 
Brewster, John G., Sharon Springs, Sharon 
Crocker, Chas. H., " 

Wormiith, Jerome, Seward, " 

Worlnnth, Wm., Sharon Springs, " 

Hildreth, Chas. B., Cbarlott^yUle, Summit 
Harrison, John H., Central Briag?, Wright 
Binmin, Chas. A., GaJlnpviUe, " ' 

Hats, Gaps and Furs. 
{See alio General Merchanti.) 
Decker, Isaac, (custom,) Conesrl^le 

White, Ghas. A., ....... 





Hides and Skins. 

{See Leather and Findings.) 

(Horse Dealers.) 

(See Cattle and Horse Dealers.) 

Hotels and Hoarding Hanses. 

Blenheim House,George Mattice, prop.. 

North Blenheim, Blenheim 

EMPIEB HOUSE, Thos. H. James, 

_prop.. North Blenheim, " 

Livingstonville Hopse, Wm. Bregee, 

prop„ Livingstonville, Broome 

FOX, FEANK C, ' Carlisle 

Pruyn, Abram P., Argusville, " 

Prnyn, Henry, Argusville, " 

.Wessel, Silas E., " 

Blodgett House, Blodgett & Dwelly, 

props. Cobleskill 


Bldiedge,prop^ Howe's Cave, " 

Mineral bpnngs Hotel, James Holmes, 

prop., Mineral Springs, " 



Swift, prop., " 

Van Fatten A ** 


Layman, prop., Conesvllle 

Eagle House, Jacob S. Dockstader, 

prop., Sloansvilie, Bsperance 

Mcintosh, Hiram, Sloansvilie, " 

PHffiNIX HOUSE, John O. Montanye, 

prop., " 

Union House, D. L. Fethers, prop., " 
BUE6BT,CATTMes,, Breakabeen, Fulton 
BUEQET, CHAS. S., Fiiltonham, " 

PATTflESON HOUSE, Bphraim Pat- 
terson, prop., Breakabeen, " 

prop.. West Fulton, " 

Broome Center Hotel, Wm. D. Hall, 

prop., Broome Center, Gilboa 

GILBOA HOTEL, Clias. H. Stryker, 

jipp^HlksON HOTEL, Addison Can- 

niff, prop., Jefferson 

Atchinsou House, E. D. Atchinsou, 

trop., Middlebuigh 

Bull's \Head Hotel, Lawrence Persons, 

prop., ' " 

cook;, F.M.Jsummer boarding,)^ " 
HINGS, DAVID, (temperance,) Hunt- 

ersland, " 


Freemyer, prop., " 


tyleLprop., WarnervlUe, ElchmondvUIe 
EMPIBE HOUSE, H. H; Sheldon, 

prop., " 

Eallroad Hotel, Chas. Potter, prop., " 
Vaughn, Hermon W., Warnetville, " 
WestoVer House, Peter Snyder, prop., " 
Bennett, Nathan, Central Bridge, Schoharie 
HALLENBECK, WM., Ceotrd Bridge, 

MANSION HOUSE, James Horton, 

■prop., " 

PABEOTT HOUSE, Sidney and Par- 

rott, props., " 

RICH, CHAS., CentnH Bridge, 

Wood, prop., " 



VEDDEK, SIMON S., Central Bridge, 

BAKHK,CTKUa,HynaB7iUe, Seward 
HyndBTille Hotel, Peter HyndB, prop,, 

HyndBville, " 

Kich, Geo., HyndBVlHe, " 

Seward Hotel, Geo. B. Faiaage, prop., " 
Seward Valley Hotel, Isaac Lane, prop., " 
American Hotel, D. Wood, prop., 

Sliaron Springs, Sliarou 

CongreBs Hall, H. J. Bangs, prop., ^^ 

Sharon Springs, 
FEATHERS HOTEL, Chas. B. Feath- 
ers, prop., Sharon Springs, " 
FEBO, WTtt. I., Sharon Center, " 
Fritcher, Peter J., (boarding honse,) 

Sliaron Springs, 
Larne, N. M., (boarding house,) Sharon 

Springs, " 

Mansion Honse, HnbbB & Mereness, 

props , Sharon Springs, " 


Park Honse, Jacob Flick, prop., Shar-^^ 

on Springs, „ ■„ ^ 

PavlHon Hotel, John H. Gardner, 

prop., Sharon Springs, " 

PKUm, HBNKT & SOS, ArgusviUe, " 

Leake, prop., Sharon Center, " 

Shanl, Solomon. Sharon Springs, " 

Stratton, N. W., Sharon Springs, 

Keyser, prop . , Charlottevllle, Summit 
SUMMIT HOUSE, James Robinson, ^^ 

Union Honse, Robert Elder, prop., 
♦LATHAM, HKITRT C, Galinpville, 

Shutter's Corners Hotel, Solomon 

Bnimghlm, prop., Shntter'B Corners, 

Hubs and Spokes. 

•DURAND. TREAT, Schoharie 

Insurance Aeents, 

(See Agents, Insurance.) 
Iron Ponndera and nacblnlsts, 

Dwelly, G. B., Carlisle 

Root, Orlando. Esperance 

WooIsoD, Roswell, " 

•WALDRON & SiSSON, Breakabeen, 

ELLIS, JAMBS P., Gilboa 

Dikeman, Silas W.. Charlottevllle, Jefferson 
GILBERT & CHAS^ Middlebnrgh 

TOMPKINS, N. & W., , '.'„ 

Bradley, James H., RichmondviUe 

Chary, Angnstns, Cobleskill, " 

Wood, Darins, 

Wood, H., „ ' 

Kramer, Harrison, Sharon, Seward 


BENSON, STEVEN H., Aigneville, Sharon 
Fox, Geo. W., , " 

BOUGHTON, HABRT V., Chariotte- 
ville, Bummit 


(.See WatcheeandJemelry.) 

Justices or tbe Peace. 

Chamolin.J. Perry, North Blenheim, 


GRIFFIN, J. H., N. Blenheim, Blenheim 
heim, " 
Wood, Wm., Eminence, " 
Burhans, Daniel, Carlisle Center, Carlisle 
FOX, PRANK C., '« 
SWARTHOUT, JAMBS, Arensville, " 
Barner, Wm. M., Mineral Springs, 

Lawyer, T., -a 


Dewell, Cyms W., Conesyille 

Richmond, Stephen B., West Cones- 

ville. " 


WINANS, PETER, Potter's Hollow, 

Albany Co., " 

Isham, Alfred H., Esperance 

McMaster, J. B., Sloansville, " 

Mosher, D. Z., SloansTille, " 

Hanes, Peter, FultODham, Falton 

Rossman, Geo., West Fnlton, " 

Spickerman, Orson, West Fnltoa, '• 
ZEH, JOHN J., Breakabeen, " 

Baldwin, Andrew G., Gilboa 

Crowell, Cheney A., South Jeffereon, •' 
Griffin, Horace A., " 


CARRINGTON, J. B., Jefferson 

GibbB, C. A., Stamford, Delaware Co., " 
TRUAX, ISAAC, Charlotteville, " 

BARKMAN, DANIEL, Hnntersland, 


Scntt, Henry, " 

DOX, GILBERT M., RichmondTlUe 

MANN, PETER 8., Warnerviile, 
Palmer, James, West RichmondviUe, " 
Zeh.ThoB. H. Jr., 
ENDERS, JACCiB, Central Bridge, 

HASKINS, SMITH W., Central Bridge, ■' 
Shafer, John P., " 

Hynds, Gilbert G., Hyndsvllle, '• 

LOUCKS, HENRY, Sharon, " 

Dockstader, Adam. Sharon Center, Sharon 
Kling, Gideon, Seward, " 

Parsons, Angnstus, Sharon Center, " 
Beard, Jacob L., Eminence, Summit 

Ferguson, G. H., " 

JOTP, A. P., 

Rider, David L., Charlotteville, " , 

Dominic, John J., Galinpville, Wright 

MILLER, DANIEL B., Shutter's Cor^ 
nerfl, " 

Grant, John B., North Blenheim, Blsuhelm 
Mattice, John H., LivingBtonville, Broome 
GUFFIN, CYRUS, Grovenor's Cor- 
ners, Carlisle 
HOLMES, CHAS., Cobleskil] 
PINDER, J. 8,, '• 
'Van Schaick, Johu, " 
Tonne, W. H_ _ " 
Donaldson, J. M., Bspeiftnce 
Hazelton, John F., , " 



Baldwin, Wm, B., Gllboa 

JacksoD, Jolin 1., ** 

WILCOX, M. S., Jefferson 

DANFORTH, BLLIOT, Mlddlebnrgh 

Danforth,P. 8. &G. L., '"^ 


Sanford & Thome, " 

COOK, HBNET C., Eiohmondvllle 

Cross, Philip W., " 


Snyder, B. L., " 







Baker, Albert, Sharon Springs, Sharon 

Jackson & Coons, Sharon Springs, *' 

Iieatber and FlndlnKS. 

{See also Tanners and Cmriers.) j 
Snyder, Peter, North Blenheim, Blenheim' 
Thatcher, Sanford J„ Cobleekill 

Bockefeller, Wm., (hides and pelti.) 

lilme Plaster and Cement. 


CO., Howe's Care, CobleskiU 

DAVIS, JAMES W., Schoharie, 


BECKEB, DAVID S., Schoharie 

SMITH, LOBENZO, Sharon Springs, 

I^Iqnor Dealers. 

FBBBIS, P. W. & SON, Schoharie 

Livery, Bxcbange and Board- 

Ine Stables. 

COOK, F. M.v Middlebnrgh 

PITCHBE, J. W., Eichmondville 

Iiamber Dealers. 

(See also Saw Mills.) 
Oi erpangh, John H., CobleskiU 

tolliday, Heniy, Fnllonham, Fulton 

Bull, Nelson F., Oilboa 

GBIFFIN, JOHN B., Stamford, Dela- 
ware Co., Jefferson 
Carter, Hiram P., East Ciobleskill, 

Earls, Wm., "^ 


Green, John, Bichmondville 

Joslin, D. R., >' 


Matter, Joseph, CharlotteTille, Summit 
(See Iron Founders and MachMtte.) 

marble IVorlxs. 



■ Wm. Stahley, prop. Esperance 

BROWN, H. B. & Z J^ MiddJeburgh 

BROWN H. E. &, Z. J., Schoharie 

DEFANDOEF, LEVI M., HyndsvlUe, . 


masons and Builders. 

•(Bte also Carpenters and Builders.) 
Becker, -Frederick, North Blenheim, 

Steadman, Henry, LiTingstonyllle, Broome 
Steadman, Samael,jLiTingstonTills, , " 
GIDLBY, BBWARD B., Carlisle 

Howard, Ezra, Carlisle Center, " 

BUSBELL, yfUL. H., BloansTlLe, " 

Terbush, E. B., " 

Murphy, PeteT, CobleskiU 

Turk, Paul, 

Walker, James, Howe's Cave, " 

Gordon, George, Manorkill, Conesville 
BBIGGS, HENBT, Sloanevllle, Esperance 
Cole, Hiram, " 

Hare, James, *' 

McCarty, James, " 

NEWTON, DAVID F., Qroyenor's Cor- 
ners, " 
Tauor, Terrance, Central Bridge, " 
Westfall, Henry B., SloansviUe, 
WestwaU, Wm., Slpansrille, " 
Jones, Alanson, Fuitonham, Fnllon 
Van Vorris, J, Piatt, Fuitonham, " 
Baley, Thomas, Gilboa 
Coonley, Daniel H., Broome Center, " 
Barrett, Ambrose, Jefferson 
Evens, Adin J,, Charlotteville, " 
Edwards, Thomas, Middlebnrgh 
Peterson, Jacob, '• 
Benjamin, Henry, (stone,) Eichmondville 
BENJAMIN, HIBAM, (stone,) 
DELAM.\BTYB, S. M. K., (stone,) 

Coblesklll, . ' ^ "» 

GUBLEY, JOHN B., WarnervlUe, 
Hicks. Beuben W,, " 

MATTICE, GEO. P., Warnerville, 
PhUen, Moses W., " 

BABNETT, CHA8. M., Schoharie 

Deiiz, Peter D;, " 

Enders, Peter W., " 

Hunt, Hiramj Central Bridge, " 

Pangbarn, Lucius, " 

ABR&M8, GEO. B., Seward 

Halenbeck, Abram, (stone,) Hyndsville, " 
LAWYER, JACOB. HyndevUle, " 

WESTGUBEH, ABEAM, Hyndaville " 
LEHMAN, HIBAM, Sharon Center, Sharon 
Shears, Henry, 'Argnsville, " 

Snyder, Henry, Sharon Springs, " 

Stott, Eobert, Sharon Springs. " 

Allen, David D., Summit 

Clow, John, West Berne, Albany Co., 

meat markets and Bntcbers. 
Safford, Andrew, Grovenor'a Comers, 

Comwell, Eobert, CobleskiU 

Hilta, David, Mineral Springs, " 

Saringar, Sanford Q., " 

'Estes, Fraicis H., ' Esperance 

Montayne, Edward 8., 
Wilbur, Nathaniel B., Central Bridge, " 
: Lape, Myron, Middlebu rgh 

Long, Harris, >^ 

Starr, John A,, " 

WBT8BL & SBAFBE, BlohmondTills 
' Borst, Martin B., K CobleskiU, Schoharie 



Schaeffer Bros., v Schoharie 

SPAWN, ZmA, " 

Stfiver, John, , " 

BIVBNS, JOHN J., Seward 

Chamberlain, Bdward, " 

Liogard, Edward, Sharon Springs, Sharon 
Valkenburgh, Wm. M., Sharon Springs," 
I'inch & Co., CharlotteTille, Summit 

Hill, Hiram, GallnpTillej ' Wright 

Schrafer, Geo., West Berne, Albany (^o. " 

milliners and inilllnery Goods. 

(.See also Generai Mercltants.) 
Thorington, Jerasha Mrs., Llvingston- 

ville, Broome 

Eoase, J. C. Mrs., Argosville, Carlisle 
Gale, Annie Miss, Cobleskill 

Gale, Roger H., " 

Lipe, Lavina Miss, " 

Smith, A. Mrs., " 

Best, Mary Miss, SloansTlUe, Esperance 
Briggs, Buth A. Miss, SloansTille, " 

Eaton, H. B. Miss, " 

Herrick, Clara Mrs., " 

Shafer, F. W. Mrs., Breakaheen, Falton 
Vanghan, Sarah M.,Breakabeen, " 

Brown, Waldron E., Gilboa 

Hitchcock, Eunice P., " 

Simonson, Boxana, Soath Gilboa, " 
Hammond, Kancy miss, Jefferson 

Lamb, Wm. J. Mrs., " 

Lines, Boxanna Miss, '* 

Becker, Jnlia A. Miss, Middlebargh 

Dexter, Joanna Mrs., " 

Oorse, Barina Mrs., " 

Shnfelt, Maryette, Hnntereland, " 

Snyder, Hannah Mrs., • " 

Travers, Martha C. Mrs., " 

Breszer Sisters. Bichmondville 

SHUPELT, WM. W., Schoharie 

Zimmer, Lovina Miss, Central Bridge, " 
Fox, Aagueta Mrs., Sharon Spria^, 

Banm, Elizabeth Mrs., Summit 

Tripp, Susan Miss, GallapTille, Wright 


LLOTD, WM. H., North Blenheim, 

Loyd, John B., North Blenheim, ' 

Brezee, Amos, Frankllnton, Broome 

Hanson, Nicholas, Carlls'e 

CAET, JOHN S., Howe's Cave, Cobleskill 
Henon, Alex., Barnerville, " 

BASSETT, DANIEL, West Conesvillev 

Brown, Artemas, West ConeB7ille, ' 
Eoot^Wm. P., Esperance 

EONET, GEO. W., Pultonham, , Fulton 
Hitchcock, Darius, Gilboa 

Olendorf, Alfred M., Bichmondville 

Warner, Peter S.^Central Bridge, Schoharie 
KKOMER,WM.H., Sharon, Seward 

Hill, Daniel B., Gallnpville, Wright 

JHasle Teacbers. 
Qnffln, Newell, Qrovenor'a Corners, 

' Carlisle 

Gates, Abram, (vocal,) Breakabeen, Pulton 
Sweet, Alice Miss, Hnntersland, 

EMPIB, JOHN G., (vocal,) Hyndsville, 

WENDELL, EtENET, Hyndsville, " 

Neivs Dealers. 

(See also Books and Stationery.) 


Notaries Pnbllc. 

GEANT, JOHN B., North Blenheim, 
^„„„„™ „ . Blenheim 

EOSCOH, B. J., Carlisle 

EOWB, HIBAM:, Barnerville, Cobleskill 
WATSON, OHAS., Faltonham, Pulton 
Kingsley, Henry, Gilboa 

MTAYHAN, JOHN S;, South Gilboa, " 
Thome, Wm. E., Middlehurgh 

Lawyer, Peter, Bichmondville 



Oebhard, John Jr., " 


MoLAWBT, ALEX., (carriage and 

sle igh.) North Blenheim, Blenheim 

WIDOMBN, MAHLON, (carriage,) Em- 
inence, '* 
French, Peter, Argusville, Carlisle 
Mereness, Norman, " 
BENDEE, JAY B., (house and sign,) 

BEOWNELL, COENBLmS B.,(house,) " 
Brownell, Prank, " 

CALKINS, SELBA, (carriage,) " 

Peek, Chas., (carriage,) " 

Gurley, Peter W., (house,) Warnerville, " 
Maxwell, H. H., " 


(honse.) " 

Van Valkenbnrgh, Chas. S., (honse,) " 
Phelps, Lemuel, Central Bridge, Esperance 
Biggs, John C, " 

Shout, Schuyler B., Sloansville, " 

Tower, John Jr., " 

COENBLL, JOHN W., Eminence, Pulton 
Sweet, Fhilo B., Eminence, " 

Hildreth, Loman, (house,) Gilboa 

Potter, Wm. C, (carriage and house,) " 
Bobinson, Chas. H., " 

Cornell, G. w., Middlebnrgh 

Corhwell, Erskine, (honse,) " 

Effiier, Joseph J., (carriage and sign,) " 
Efner, Elijah, (house,) " 

Cole, HarmoD„ Bichmondville 

Mann, Daniel G., " 


EOtk, Wm., Warnerville, " 

Shaver, David H., WarnerviUe, " 

Gardner, John J., Schoharie 

MBLICK, PHILIP J., (honse and car- 
riage,) " 
Safer.Chas.. " 
BROWN, PETER M., (house,) Hynds- 
ville, Seward 
Brownell, Benj. Franklin, Hyndsville, " 
Brownell, Cornelius B., Hyndsville, " 
Hvnds, Anson J., Hyndsville, " 
ville, " 
WaRNBE, ABBAM H., Hyndsville, " 
WENDELL, HENEY,(freBco and grain- 
ing,) Hyndsville, " 
CroSier, Chas. H., Sharon 
Powers, Zenas C, Seward, " 



Wltbeck, Mathiae, Sharon Springs, Sharon 
Bonghton, Seymonr, Jr., (carriage,) 

Charlottoville, Sammlt 

Peigneon, G. H., " 

Ferguson, Tbos. H., " 

Van Hosen, Levi Y., CharlotteTille, " 
OIBBS, AMASA, Gallupvllle, WrigUt 

Walden, Sylvanns G., (West Beme, Al- 
bany Co.,) " 
Paints and Oils. 
{See also Druggists and General Merchants.) 
Paper Hangings, WliaAow 
Sbades Etc. 
(See also GenercU Merchants.) 
Badgley, Geo. B., Schoharie 

Paper IHannGiictnrers. 
Miller, James, E&perance 

Scribner, John M., (straw wrapping,) 

Snyder, E. L., Bicl^mondTille 

Westover & Foster, " 

Patent Agents. 

(See Agents, Patent. ) 

Patent Hop Tards. 

Belts, Samuel, Lawyersville, Seward 


Bellineer, Goo. W., Cobleskill 

Brown, Albert N., Manorkill, ConesTlUe 
DAVENPORT, J. A., Sloansville, 

Satterlee, A., RichmondTille 

Taylor, I. A., Arguaville, Sharon 

Physicians and Surgeons. 

Akeley, John S., (eclectic,) Eminence, 

HAVENS, JEKESHAH D., (alio.,) Em- 
inence, " 
VEOMAN, JOSIAH H., (alio.,) North 

Blenheim, ** 

JACKSON, GEO., (alio.,) Livingston- 

ville, Bi'oome 

8EB0LT, FRANKLIN, (alio. ,) Livlngs- 

tonville, " 

HERRIlK, J. S., Arga«Tille, Carlisle 


SCOTT, ISAAC F., Gravenor's Cor- 
ners, *• 
ALLEN, PETEE A., Lawyersville, 

CROSS, LEMUEL, (alio.,) " 

• FRASIBR, DAVID, (alio.,) " 

Langley, Nancy J. Mrs., Mineral 

Springs, " 

Lawyer, Augustus F., (retired,) " 

WERNER, PHILIP P., Barnefvllle, " 
Benham, John T., West Coneaville, 
„ . Conesville 

Fanning, Benj., " 

Sanforcf Sylvester, (herb,) " 

Boyce, D. R., Sloansville, Esperance 

Haris, L. M., " 

Kelly, John, " 

Leonard, L. I., , " 


Bherbnrne, Henry, " 

Teeple, Geo. M., Sloansville, Esperance 
Lawyer, Valentine M,, Fultouham, Fulton 
PATRICK, JESSE, West Fulton, " 
RoBsman, John, West Fnlton, " 

Shafer, Friend W., Breakabeen, " 

Coons, Enftis, Breakabeen, Gilboa 

Cornell, John, Sooth Jefferaon, " 

DECKER. DAVID, Broome Center 
Leonard, Duncan M., Broome Center, " 

HAVENS, R. G., Jefferson 

Wood, A. A.. " 

Danforth, Vblney, Middlebnrgh 

Gale, Roger. Hnnterbland, ''^ 


Wells, H. D., " 

Wellf", Linus S., " 

Boiss, B. W., Warnerville, Eichmondville 
CHASE, JARED, Warnerville, " 

Van Alstyne, John L., " 

Van Alstyne, Sylvester M., " 

KILMER BROS., Scho'jarie 

Layman, Wm. S., " 

LEAKE, TH08. W., Central Bridge, " 
MAXWELL, JOHN L., (homeo.) 
Nellis. Jacob, " 

SWART, PETER S., (alio.) 
BRUCE, ELBERT CHyndsville, Seward 
Dickinson, Chas., " 


MAECLEY, FEBDEEICK, Hyndsville, " 
DockBtator, Jacob A., Sharon Springs, 

Fonda, S. F., Sharon Springs, " 

Green, John, Sharon Springs, " 

Humphrey, D. L., Sharon Springs " 

Pram er, John, (retired,) " 

Snyder, J. D., Leesville, " 

HAVENS, CHAS. W., Summit 

LAMONT, WM., Charlotteville, 
Simmons, Geo., Charlotteville, " 

Spaulding. David L., " 

FITCH, JOHN H., Gallapvllle, Wright 
HOTALING, JOHN, Gallapville, " 

ZEH, IRA, Gallupville, 

Planing nilUs. 

CASPER, GEO., Howe's Cave, 

WoolBon, Roswell, Esperance 


Maun & Co., Jefferson 

Rockefeller, Geo,, Middleburgb 

MASTERS, HENRY, Elchmondvilla 



Plaster Id II Is. 

(See Lime, Pliciler and Cement.) 

PoDltry Dealers. 

Hitcbman, C. <Sb D. A., Schoharie 

Printing Offices. 


Weeks, publisher, CobleBkill 

CLARK, A. W. D»., (job.) Jefterson 


Ireland, publisher, Middlebnrgh 

' &3.I1. Mnlter, publishers, Richmondvills 


Hnnt, prop., Schoharie 

mer, prop. " 

Produce Dealers. 
Halony, John, CarliBle 

WORMBB, JOHN Jk., (butter and 

hopsO Breakabeen, Falton 

DEXTBB, JAMBS, (hay and straw,) 

Qrigga, Cvreniaa L,, Biehmondville 


Dunckel, Wm. J., (hopa,) Hyndsville, 

PAKE, HBNET L. . Hyndaville, " 

MoNEILL, HBNRY, (hops,) Sharon 

BROWN, JAMES H., Summit 

Pntup Dealers. 

Martin, Alvin 0., South Jefferaon, 


SHAFER, DAVID, Hyndaville, Seward 

Real Estate. 

(See Agents, Meal Estate.) 

Robe mannf. 

Collina, Samuel S., Arguaville, Carliale 

Saloons and Restaurants. 

Prandenatein, Chrlatopher, Cobleakill 
Dwelly & Oaterhout, (billiards,) " 

Pnrcell, Bdmond, " 

Purcell, Richard, 
Weptfall, Abram, 

ice cream and lunch,) 
DEWET, J. M., (billlarda,) 
Borat, James C, (billiards,) 
Pierson, Oscar, (billiards,) 
Snyder, Albert, (oyatera,) " 

6ILE, WARREN, Richmondville 

OHAMBBRIilN, GEO., (ice cream,) . 
Healy, Geo. D., (billiards and restaur- 
ant,) " 
Martin, Peter, " 
WAGONER, WM. H., (billiards and 

restaurant,) " 

Eigen, Frederick, Sharon Springs, Sharon 
Eldredge, Ward, Sharon Springs, " 

Hoag, Jamea N., Sharon Springs, " 

Lieber, Leander, Sharon Springs, " 

Sticht, John, Sharon Springy " 

Saiv mils. 
(See, also Lmniber J)ealeri.) 
Baldwin, Aaron, North Blenheim,, 

Dibble, James E.. Eminence, " 

HAVERLT BEOS, North Blenheim, 






SHAFEE, GEO. H., North Blenheim, 
Benjamin, Melvin, Livingetonville, 

•" Broome 

Benjamin, Eoawell, Livingatonville, ' 
Benjamin & Somborger, Livingston-^ 

ville, . 

CARPENTER, DAVID, Franklinton, 
Church, Luclua H., Livingatonville, 
SCUTT, GEO., Broome Center, ' 

SCUTT & TRAVER, Livingatonville, 
WILSEY, RBUBBN, Potter's Hollow, _ 

Albany Co., 

Alpangh, Philip, Qrovenor's Corners, 

Brown, W. 8., 

Folic, Joseph, " 

Moatanye, Edward D., " 

Schermerhorn & Dey, Argnaville, " 


Teeple, Jacob H.. Sloanaville, " 

BBCKEE, HARMON, Cobleakill 


Casper, Geo., Howe'a Cave, " 

ladale, Sanford, ' " 


Patrick, Silas, Barnerville, " 

Shafer, Geo. H., Mineral Springs, " 

Shafer & Hilts, " 

Shafer, Jacob G., Mineral Springs, " 
Van Wagenen, James, " 

WAKEMAN BROS., Lawyeraville, " 
CASE, ELISHA, Conesville 

Hawver, James, " 


Layman, Peter M,, Manorkill, '* 

MAN, Coneaville 
Wade, Berl, Manorkill, " 
McMaeter, H., Sloanaville, Eaperance 
Miller, Jamea, „ ," 
Baiter, Wm.,Pultonham, Fnlton 
TON, BreakabeeDj " 
Deney, Horace, Eminence, 
Finch, John, Fultonham, " 
Hemstreet, Adam, West Fnlton, " 
HolUday, Henry, Fultonham, " 
Jackson, Andrew, West Fulton, " 
Keyaer, Jacob, Breakabeen, 
Kling, John N., Fultonham, 
Lamont^Stnart, Weat Fnlton, " 
MicWe,Henry J., Summit, 
Neer, Alonzo, West Fnlton, „ , 

ton, I 

ShnltiS, John J., Breakabeen, " 

Stewart, Richard, Fnltonham, 
•WALDRON & SISSON, Breakabeen, 

Mayham, Benj. S., Stamford, Deleware ^^ 

Mcciaury, Lawson, South Jefferson, " 

Wood, Henry, South Jefferson, 
Boeardns, Peter H., Jefferson 

Bradley, J. & W., Ch^rlotteville, || 

Mann & Co., „ 

Mattice, Levi, 

Pickett, A. & J., „ 

Robbins, Geo. J., „, jj,, v „t 

Alger, Jesse H., Mlddlebumh 


DAVIS, JAMES W., Schoharie, 
Havely, Daniel, West Berne, Albany ^^ 

HILSLEY, JOHN JACOB, Gallupville, ''^ 

Rockefeller, Geo., „ 

Scult, Henry Jr., ,, 

Simklns, John and George, ^^ 
Weidman, Jacob, 

WORMBR, PETER. „ , , ^, „ 

WORRICK, SAMUEL, Huntersland, " 
Dox David, Richmondville 

RADLIFF, ALONZO, Cobleskill, 



Becker, Abram, Central Bridge, Schoharie 
BECKER, FRANCIS, Central Bridge, " 
ABR AMS, GEORGE B. , Seward 

Hanea, Jacob, " 

Hofftaan, Barnabas, " 


McChesney, John 0., Hyndsyille, " 

Merrenees, Uriah, " 

Shnmvray, Ebenezer, West Richmond- 

■ville, " 

Strall, John, " 

Whyland, Leonard, Hyndsville, " 

Tonng, Adam, Hyndsville, " 

DUNCKBL, JOSIAH, Sharon Springe, 

Gardinier, Martin I., ArgnsvIIIe, " 

Houghtaling, David, Sharbn Springe, " 
Montanye, Geo. S., Argaaville, " 

Plank, ThaddeuB, Sharon Springe, " 


BOUGHTON, HARRY V., Charlotte- 

Tille, " 

Cropaer, Henry, " 

Meed, Michael, " 

WITBECK, LORENZO, Richmondville," 
Mattice, Jamee, Gallupvillei Wright 

Zeh, Eliae, Gallupville, " 

Seed Dealers. 

ROCKErBLLBR, PETER, (cjover and 

timothy,) Howe's Cave, Schoharie 

SeTO'tog machines. 

(5«e Agents, Sewing Machines.) 

Sblrt makers. 

Erigge, John M., Schoharie 

Shingle mannfig. 
Jump, Foster, North Blenheim, Blenheim 
Benjamin, Melvln, Livingetonville, Broome 
WILSET, REUBEN, Potter'e Hollow, 

Albany Co., " 

Johneon, Wm. W., CharlotteTl,lle, 

Traax, Chas., Charlotteville, ", 


(See Boots arid Shoes.) 

Small Beer Manufacturers. 

Gage & Son, (sod^ water and earsapar- 

Ilia,) Esperance 

Weetfoll, Abram, (eoda water,) " 

Stage Proprietors. 

Atchinson, S. D., (Middlebnrgh and 

Oak Hill,) . Middlebnrgh 

Hitchman, Willard, Sharon Springs, 

Becker, Alvah, (Gallnpville and Scho- 
harie,) Gallupville, Wright 
Stone Dealers. 

CO., (building, curb, bases, monu- 
ments &c.,) Howe's Cave, Cobleskill 
Decker, Aaron, Huntorelaud, Middlebnrgh 
DEXTER, JAMES, (flag,) " 

Scott, Welle & Co., (blue stone,) " 

Scribner, John M., " 

West, Oscar, " 

*BARNETT, SIMON A., Schoharie 


Freust, Philip, Sharon Springe, Sharon 


(Ske Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.) 

Tanners and Curriers. 

(See also Leather and Findings.) 

Colline, Samnel S., (fur,) Argusville, 

MILLER, JOHN B., Breakabeen, Fnltou 
Layman, Peter B., Gilboa' 

ANDREWS, LORING & CO., Middleburgh 
BLODGBTT, JOHN C, (upper leather,)'' 
BROWNELL, E. & SoSf, Shutter's 

Comers, Schoharie 

Kllfoyle, Thos., Lawyersville, Seward 
Wormuth, Geo., " 

Crounse, John, Argusville, Sharon 

Paris, Geo., Argusville, " 

Wormnth, Jerome, Seward, " ' 

Hartwell, Fiiirrend, Charlotteville, Summit 
Lampson, Matthew, Gallupville, Wright 

Telegraph Operators. ' 

Brown, John J. M., Cobleskill 

DUNNING, W. H., Richmondville 

JENKINS, D.W.,Central Bridge, Schoharie 
Knapp, Fred. A., Central Bridge, " 

Hampreroht, Albert,(D. & H.lCanal Co.) 

Sharon Springe, Sharon 

Mallet, Eosweir, Sharon Springs, " 

Millet, Wm. M., Sharon Springs, " 


(See Hardware, Stones and Tinware.) 

Tobacco and Cigars. 

Kenyon, Maxson, North Blenheim, 

_ Blenheim 

PAUL, ALEX., Richmondville 




(See Confectionery and Toys.) 

(See Harness and Trunks.) 
(See Wood Turners.) 
Souer, Geo., North Blenheim, Blenheim 
Couchman, Hiram, Livingstonvllle.Broome 
Relyea, Simon, Grovenor's Corners, 
„ . .. _ Carlisle 

Borst, Abram B.j Cobleskill 

Borst, Josiah, " 

Farquher, Wm., " 

HAPPE & OAHR, Esperance 

SHUFELT, GEO. H., Breakabeen, Fulton 
Street, Warren P., Gilboa 

Hnbbell, Chas, B. & Co., Jefferson 

Ellsworth, Joseph, Huntereland, 

Souer, John, '^^ 

SHOEMAKER, JACOB, Richmondville 
CASE, DAVID B„ Schoharie 

BELLINGER, HENRY, Hyndeville, 




LOTD, HENET B., HyndBvills, Sewsrd 
Becker, John M., Sharon Surinss, Sharon 

8PKNCEE, DAVID G., Charlottevllle, " 
Baker, Lymao, Qallnpville, Wright 

Veterinary Sareeons. 
WILBUR, CLARK, Manorkill, ConesTille 
HAQADOEN, LEVI, Broome Center, 


'Wasblns nacUneB. 
Moore, Jonas V., CoWesklll 

"Watcbes and Jeirelry. 
Shafer & Son, Cobleekill 


Hildreth, Geo. H., Oilboa 

RanBbelback, Chas. F., " 

Case, C. A., Mlddlebnrgh 

Stevenson, Henry J., " 

SHAPER, T. L., Rlchmondville 

NelllB, Jacob, Schoharie 


Hnntlng &, Weidman, GallnpTlUe, Wright 

H^ood Turners. 

ter's Hollow, Albany Co., ConeBTille 
BOrrCK, ALEX., Middlebargh 

MANN, GEO. H., BlchmondTlUe 

Webber, Henry, Wamerrille, " 


TPooden 'Ware Dealers. 

{See also General Merehante.) 


'Woolen mills. 

BRADLEY, MILO N., Rlchmondville 

LAMONT, WM., CharlotteviUe, Summit 

Xbe Bnckeye IHoivlng and 
Reaping macblnes— When the great 
U. S. Triarof Mowers and Reapers washeld 
at Syracuse in 1857, this admirable machine, 
which had just been brought oat, surprised 
everybody by Its novelty and many excel- 
lencies, and won the highest awards. At 
that time the valuable patents under which 
It was built were secured for several States 
by the enterprising firm which now con- 
tlnaes its manufacture, Adriance, Piatt & 
Co. At the second great trial of Mowers 
and Reapers^ made by the N. Y. State Agri- 
cnltnral Society in 1866, the Buckeye again 
carried off the highest honors, showing 
that in the years Interrenlng it had not 

tone baclrward in the race for superiority. 
Ivery new suggestion is thoroughh^ 
weighed, improvementt only are adopted. 
The verdict of the people Is nearly as unani- 
mous as that of the learned and practical 
committees who made these awards, for its 
sales far exceed those of any other ma- 
chine in the sections supplied by Adriance, 
Piatt & Co. In fact they tncrease so fast, 
that the demand is almost ^ways in ex- 
cess of the supply. The Self-Raking At- 
tachment on the Bnckeye Machine has met 
with a success corresponding to that of the 
Mower, and has surpassed all others in the 
perfection of its operation. One great 
secret of the success of Adriance, Piatt & 
Co., as manufacturers, has been In the con- 
scientious manner in which they have 
built their machines, and the great dnra- 
blllty of the Buckeye machine has been 
largely due to the excellence of the mate- 
rial used and the mechanical perfection of 
the workmanship. See advertisement on 

rrtae Scbobarie County Demo- 
crat, published at Rlchmondville, N. Y., 
meets a want long felt, for a reliable local 
paper, one devoted to the Interests of this 
part of the County. We commend It to the 

Satronaee of the community generally, 
[r. Multer, the proprietor, is an enterpris- 
ing young man, who Is bound to make the 
enterprise a saccess. See card on page 148. 

'Waldron Sc SIsson, Breakabeen, N. 
Y., advertise a Platform Chum Power, 
manufactured by them, a good cut of which 
may be fonnd on page 246. It is represent- 
ed, by those who have used it, as superior 
to any other in use, for durability, simpli- 
city of construction and ease of adjustment. 
It IS BO arranged that any desirable pitch 
can be given to the platform, thereby in- 
creaBing or decreasing the speed at pleas- 
ure. It is just the thing for those using 
dogs or sheep In chnming. ' It took the flr^t 
premium at the last two State Fairs. Messrs 
W. & S. also mann&cture and deal in Plows , 
Castings, Hop Presses, Mowers and Reap- 
ers, Hay FreBses, Hay Tedders, Hay Rakes, 
Straw Cutters, Threshers and Separators 
&c. Connected with thetr establiBhment 
1b a Lumber 'Yard, where all kinds of Pine 
and Hemlock Lumber may be procured, or 
they will saw it for you to order. 

'Winter A StaflTord, Carriage man- 
ufacturers, Schoharie, N. Y., publish an ad- 
vertisement on page 180, from which their 
friends and customers, whose name la 
legion, will learn, that they are still sup- 
plying the demand for Carriages, Light 
Wagons and Sleighs, suited to the wants of 
theft customers. They attend to repairing 
in all its branches. For thirty years this 
establishment has been growing in favor 
with the people, and still merits and re- 
ceives a liberal patronage. 

Tbe Pboenlx Saab and Blind 
'Works of McHench & Co., Cobleskill, 
are advertised on page S46. The proprie- 
tors of this establishmeot keep constantly 
on band all the usual sizes of Doors, Sash, 
Blinds &e., and make to order any style or 
size, and on reasonable terms. They also 
make Bedsteads, Brackets, Mouldings &c., 
and do all kinds of Planing, Matching and 
Sawing. Their Lumber Yard is well stock- 
ed with all desirable kinds : and cnstomers 
will find it for their advantage to call on 
HcHench & Co. before purchasing else- 




Census Returns for 1870, 1865 and 1860, showing 
the Increase and Decrease in the last decade. 






Bate per 
cent, in- 
creaBe or 

Broome . . . 


Gilboa. . . . 
Jefferson . . 


Seward ,. .. 













5 + * 




11 + 


8 + 



2 + 


9 + 


15 + 

11 + 


33339 33353 34469 


3 + 

*As it is not convenient to give the decimal expressing the 
exact rate per cent., when the remaining fraction is less than 
one-half, we have made use of the + sign to indicate that the 
true rate per cent, is greater than that expressed, and when 
the remaining fraction is greater than one-half, one has been 
added to the integer, and the — sign used to indicate that the 
true rate per cent, is less than the number by which it is 

CBifana bepoet. 


Agricultural SlaHslics from Census of f865. 















s . 


















n o 


fi , 
















Brbome.. :..... 




























































































































' 3898 























































In addition to the above extracts we give the following totaU for the County, as per 
returns for the several heads mentioned : 

Cash Value of Farms, 1865, $12,229,436 ; qf Stock, 1865, $1,997,131 ; of TooU and Imple- 
m«nte, 1865, $523,649; Acres Plowed, 1865,66,^9%; ToTUOfBay,lS6i,i9,W3)i; Winter 
Bye, bnsh. harvested In 1864, 76,114>f ; Barley, bushels harvested in 1864, 19,169J< ; Flax, 
acres sown in 1865, 474; Pounda of Lint, 1864, 38,033 ; Honey, pounds collected in 1864, 
85,165 ; Working Oxen, nnmher in 1865, 726 ; Neat Cattle, number killed for beef, in 1864, 
2,997; 5win«, nnmher of pigs in 1866, 9,607; one year old and over, 1865, 7,365 ; slangh- 
tered in 1864,9,383; pounds of pork made in 1864, 1,939,506; Wo<a, pounds shorn in 
1865, 148,590 ; Sheep, number of lambs raised, 1865, 27,319 ; number killed by dogs, 1864, 
837 ; Poultry, value owned, 1865, $29,908.86 ; value of eggs sold, 1864, $20,396.81 ; Fertiliz- 
ers, value bought, 1864, $6,231.84 ; Domestic Manufactures, 1864, yards of (hlled cloth, 
10,996; yards of linen, 29,190Jtf ; yards ef flannel, 17,289%; yards of cotton and mixed 
goods, 975X ; Apples, number of trees in fruit, 1864, 177,161 ; barrels of cider, 1864, 






Frazier, David Cobleskill 

Havens, R. Grant '....Jefferson 

Teeple, Geo. M Sloansville 

Zeh, Philip J Qlllioa 

Connty Clerk. ^ 

Morrison, John Schoharie 

Connty Jndge and Surrogate. 

Holmes, Chas Cobleskill 

Connty Treasurer. 

Williams, J. O Central Bridge 

District Attorney. 

Baker, Albert Sharon Springe 

JustlQes of Sessions. 

Diefendorf, Sylvester Seward 

Pergnson, Geo. H Sammit 

lioan Commissioners. 

Bonck, James A^ Schoharie 

Eager, M. V. B North Blenheim 

member of Assembly. 


Conchman, Peter Conesville 

Scbool Commissioners. 

Hunting, A. H Gallnpville 

VanVoriB, John Cobleskill 


Angle, Jacob Cobleekill 


PerrlB, David H Schoharie 

Deputt SHKBim. 

Hagar, M. Van B North Blenheim 

Harper, James W Stiaron Springs 

Sawyer, John F Summit 

Snyder, Geo. A Conesville 

Superintendent of tbe Poor. 

Eager, DeWitt C North Blenheim 




Fourth Monday of Pebrnary 

Third Monday of April 

Third Monday of OctoDer 

Chab. Eoluxb, CoimTT Jdbse. 

Second Monday of February 

Fourth Monday of September 


Third Monday of . . . ; May 

Fourth Monday of .' AugviBt 

First Monday of December 

U. S. Internal Revenue Officers in Schoharie 
County, 14th District, N. Y. 



JohnF. Hazelton Eeperance 

Wm. E. Engle Middlebnrgh 


Tbe Schobarle Vnlon, pablUhed 
at Uctiobarie, N. Y., is one of the oldest 
new«paperB In the Conuty. Under the 
management of C. C. Kromer, the present 
proprietor, it ie meeting the demands of its 

Eatrons and winning its way to many 
omes, where its weekly visits are dnly ap- 
preciated. AH kinds of Job Work is neatly 
done at the same office. To those who 
wish a reliable Bspnblican paper, we say 
enbscribe for tbe Onion. See card on page 

Scbobarle Academr.— This insti- 
tntion, now ably conducted by Prof. Oren 
C. Sikes, as Principal, assisted by tbe most 
competent ability that can be procured, af- 
fords valuable educational advantages, not 
only to the surrounding country, but to 
those elsewhere who may desire to attend 
such a school. Its location, in the village 
of Schoharie, N. Y., can scarcely be sur- 
passed by any other in the State. Its ease 
of access, it being thtrty-flve miles from 
Albany, on the Susquehanna Railroad ; its 
quiet retirement, at a convenient distance 
from the city ; its situation, in the midst of 
the beautiful Schoharie Valley, so widely 
noted for its fine mountain scenery and ex- 
tremely healthfhl climate, and also for Its 
surpassing advantages of minerals and fos- 
sils for the study of Geology, render it pre- 
eminently a desirable place for such a 
school. There is an English Department, 
including the primary as well as the higher 
branches of study, and a Classical Depart- 
ment, embracmg the usual cdurse of prepa- 
ration for College. Modern Languages, 
Music and other ornamental branches, are 
provided for, the most thorough instructors 
being etnployed. All is constantly under 
the direct supervision of the Principal, and 
no effort wilf be spared to render this in- 
stitution fully equal to the best schools of 
its class, securing to all its pupils a thorough 
education, as far as they may go, through a 
careful discipline of the mind, aiming 
rather at the full development of the rea- 
soning faculties, than a mere cultivation of 
the memory. See advertisement on page 


Simon A. Barnett, Stone Contract- 
or and Master Mason, Main Street, Scho- 
harie, N. Y., publishes a card on page 24B, 
We cheerfully commend Mr. Barnett to the 
favorable consideration of all who require 
the services of a flrst-class Maeou and 
Builder. Building Stone furnished to or- 
der. Those proposing to build will do well 
to consult Mr. Barnett before making con- 

Empire AKricnltaral TTorka, 

Mlnard Harder, proprietor, Cobleekill, N. 
Y., are advertised Inside first cover. Mr. 
Harder manufactures the celebrated Gold 
Medal Threshing Machine, a cut of which 
may be seen in the advertisement. This 
Machine was awarded a Gold Medal, at the 
great National Implement Trial, at Auburn, 
in July 1886, and wherever introduced, is 
becoming more and more popular. Indeed 
so fast does the demand for tneee Machines 
increase, that although 25 hands are now 
employed In their construction, turning out 
about $50,000 worth annually, their facili- 
ties are entirely inadequate to supply the 
demand, and Mr. Harder is about to erect 
new works to facilitate their construction. 
Harder's Premium Railway Horse Power, 
which also received a Gold Medal at the 
National Implement Trial, mentioned 
above,' and received the highest commenda- 
tion by the Committee, are manufactured 
here. Mr. Harder also manufactures Fan- 
ning Mills, Wood Saws, Seed Sowers and 
Planters. Write to him for a Catalogue. 

Dr. KIngalsy, of Some, justly cele- 
brated for the many cures be has efiVcted of 
that most distressing disease, Cancer, pub- 
lishes a notice on page 1. He Is prepared 
to treat all scrofulous diseases, and others 
of long standing, and assnres his patients 
that they will not be charged a heavy bill 
and dismissed without receiving any bene- 
fit. Persons who cannot conveniently call 
upon him in person, can address him by 
letter, and will receive prompt atteniion. 
Dr. E. is a graduate, with an experience of 
over fourteen years in the practice of medi- 
cine. Let the afflicted give him a call . 

B. C* noivns. Merchant Tailor and 
Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing, Gents' 
Furnishing Goods &c., Sharon Springs, N. 
Y., publishes an appropriately illustrated 
advertisement on page 200. We take great 
pleasure in calling the attention oC our 
readers to the clothing establishment of 
Mr. Downs, where they can find all styles, 
prices and sizes of Clothing to suit the 
wants of all. Gents' Furnishing Goods, 
Trunks, Traveling Bags i&c, may also be 
found here in great variety. Mr. Downs is 
also agent for the celebrated Ellas Howe, jr.. 
Sewing Machine. 

Geotge Wldmann, Cigar manufac- 
turer, Main Street, Schoharie, N. Y., is a 
eractical Cigar maker, keeps a number of 
ands in his employ and makes first-class 
Cigars, as his numerous patrons are ready 
to testify. He will fill all orders at short 
notice. Bis card appears on page 18U. 



'SO iJt A. x>»i ie: IS . 


From a lonff praMice and intimate acqnaintance witli the diseases andpecQllflrities of 
herTex bSKs that she can, in almost any case relieve the stlffenng and renore 
health All maladies of the UTERUS, (iVoiopoM, Leucorrhea, Vko'ation, £c.,) yie d 
readily to Cfcrono Xhermal Memediea. llntire PROLAPSUS has been cured in 
three weeks, and in an aged snhject. LBUCOREHEA, the general and inBldnous 
destroyer of women's strength and beauty, is invariably overcome by our treatment, 
to all diseases of woman, from whatever cause and the longest standing, we have the 

™Tliere*'S%o°mncrconnected with this subject of woman's health, that all women 
should consult a physician, herself a woman and conversant with all the improvements 
aSd discoveries o! science. The nreservation of woman's beauty should be an object 
of scientific care, and is one of which American women are ven; ignorant. Mrs. BUH- 
LEIGH, while in Europe, made herself familiar with the habits and customs of dls- 
tineuislied women In France and elsewhere. . , „ ^,, _ . , . 

Mbs BURLEIGH removes all obstructions to the Monthiy Courets at one interview. 
An elesant and strictly private home for those desiring Board and.Nnremg. Ladies ait- 
tended in confinement or provided with medical care and nursing in Mrs. B.'s house. 

Painful Menstruation is relieved in all cases. Catarrh, so often pronounced incurable, 
and Bronchitis, Spinal Diseases and Neuralgia, are entirely overcome by Chrono Ther- 
mal treatment after years of Ineffectual trial of the ordinary practice. Ladies suffer no 
min in severe labors under ottr care. Mrs. Burleigh spent four years in France in the 
study of Midwifery, and the various modes of treating female diseases, m which the 

■^MK?BUKLKI&H'can be consulted by letter, but all letters must contain one dollar to 
insure'attentlon. Address, Ur. £mma Burleigh, 6il Howard Street, 
Albany, N. If. 

Oriinion of the Press.— Mss. BtntLEioB is a lady of the finest intellectual powers 
and very uncommon literary attainments, and, as she has had very great advantages In 
the study and practice of medicine, both in this country and Europe, we cannot doubt 
that she is a skillful physician. She is one of the most acoompUshed of the daughters 
of Virginia.— [Sdiior LoMaVilte Journal. 

The CoblesiUlll Index, W. H, 

Weeks, proprietor, was esubllshed In 
1865. It IB an Independent Family Paper, 
and worthy of the patronage so liberally ac- 
corded to it. The Job Department is fitted 
up with every facility for doing neat and 
tasty work. We commend the Index to 
the favorable notice of the citizens of 
Schoharie County. See their card on page 

George H. OroBS, manufacturer of 
Horse Powers, Threshers and Cleaners, 
Fanning Mills &o.. Fly Creek, Otsego Co.. 
N y., advertises on page 164. Mr. Gross 
is the successor of E. W. Badger, havim; 
purchased the works In August 1871. He 
IS a practical mechanic, thoroughly under- 
stands his btlsiness and Is thoroughly pre- 
pared to render all work satisfactory. Her 
pairing in all its branches, promptly at- 
tended to. We commend Mr. Gross to the 
favorable attention of all our readers. 

Dr. li. T. Fox, Dentist, Main Street, 
Coblesklll,N. T.. is prepared to perform all 
operations in the muchanical or surgical 
department of Dentistry, In the best man- 
ner. Dr. Fox keeps posted In regard to all 
the improvements in his profession, and 
treats his patients after the most approved 
methods. His success in extracting teeth 
while the patient Is under the influence of 
Nitrous Oxide Gas, commends him to the 
attention of all who have teeth to be ex- 
tracted. Hie card appears on page 164. 

liathamHoaae, Gallnpyllle, N. T., 
under the proprietorship of Henry Q. Lat- 
ham, is meeting the wants of this com- 
munity In such a manner as to convince all 
its patrons that Mr. L. can "keep a hotel." 
The house is well furnished, the beds are 
clean, and the ta))le is furnished with every- 
thing needed to satisfy the demands of all 
reasonable customers. A good Livery is 
connected with the house. See advertise- 
ment on page 196, 

J. H« Boyce dc Son, dealers In Hats, 
Caps, Furs &c.. Main Street, Schoharie. N. 
T., publish a card on page 148. This is an 
old and well established house, known to 
the residents of Schoharie, for the last 
twenty-five years, as a place where good 
goods can be obtained at Ihir prices. To 
uiose unacquainted with the proprietors, 
we take pleasure In saying that they are 
reliable, tair-dealiog men, and worthy of the 
extensive patronage which they receive. 

The Schoharie Republican, ad- 
vertised on page 196, is the oldest news- 
paper In the County. For more than fifty 
years its weekly visits have been hailed 
with joy by the Inmates of many families. 
Its summary of local and general news, and 
Its selections of mlecellaneons matter, to- 
gether with editorials upon current topics, 
render It admirably adapted to general cir- 
culation In the County. The Job Depart- 
ment Is well fitted up for all kinds of print- 
ing, which is neatly executed. 


Post Offices and Post Masters in Schoharie 



ArgusTille Carlisle Oryille Hodge 

BarDerville OobleskiU Azariah B. Blley 

Breakabeen Ftilton S'riend W. Shafer 

Broome Center Oilboa SancanM. Leonard 

CarlisleSt- Xarllsle Chas. W. Taylor 

Carlisle Center Carlisle. 

Central Bridge Schoharie... Albert L. Fisher 

CharlottevUle Snmmit S. Lape 

Cobleskill Cobleakill Mathew Barhans 

ConesvUle Conosville Peter Couchman 

East Cobleskill Cobleskill James J. Gaernsey 

Eminence Summit James L. Borrrows 

Esperance Esparance Storrs^Uessinger 

Franklinton Bioome Elmore Sitzcr 

faltonham Fulton Chas. S. Best 

Gallupville Wright Lyman Baker 

Oilboa .....Gilboa Alonzo Stryker 

Grovenor's Corners Carlisle JohnB! Carter 

Howe's Cave Cobleskill .* Jacob I". Van Wagenen 

Huntersiand '.Middleburgh OrviUe Crxppen 

HyndsTille Seward Pbilip F. Hilton 

Jefferson Jefferson BeriahH. Avery 

Lawyersville CAbleskill Alonzo Wakeman 

LeesTille Sharon Chas. D. Baker 

LivingetonTille ; .Broome HyronA. Losee 

Manorkill Conesville OrsonPhelps 

Middlebureh Hiddleburgh .Biram A. Blodgett 

Minekill skWt Blenheim Christopher Mattice 

Mineral Springs Cobleskill Anson B. Gibbs 

North Blenheim Blenheim Alonzo Farslow 

Bichmondville Richmoudville George H. Witbeck 

Schoharie Schoharie , Joseph W.Taylor 

Seward.-. Seward Clark B. Griggs 

Sharon Sharon Bobert W. Brown 

Sharon Center Sharon J. M. Anthony 

tiharou Springs Sharon Lewis H. Jackson 

Shutter's Corners i Wright Isaac Shnltes 

Sloansville Eaperance Daniel E Gallup 

South Gilboa Gilboa, Gardner F. Choate 

South Jefferson Jefferson Hrs. L. E. Franklin 

Summit Snmmit Thos. H. Ferguson 

Warnerville Richmondville Sylvester Mann 

West Conesville Conesville ^. John Walker 

West Fulton Folton , Edgar Akiey 

West Bichmondville Bichmondville AsaB. Smith 




pjuAag I; 


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: ; . :ho® •§ 

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^@mm w 

For the Mannfactnre of all kinds of Vehicles, 


Of the latePt improved styles, and will manufacture this season 200 Carriages. He will 

at all times keep a large stock of finished work on hand. He has also opened a 


Gallupville, Opposite t?ie Z/otham JZouse, 

Where a good supply of finished work will be kept constantly on hand for sale. 

Residents of Schoharie and adjoining Counties, wishing anything in this line, will 
find it to their advantage to call either at the manufactory at Cobleskill, or the Reposit- 
ory at Gallnpville, and examine his work and learn prices. 

All work sold on the most reasonable terms, for Cash or approved credit. 








^ms^tm^ $t0w«t 


Cornell University Library 
F 127 .S3C53 

Gazetteer and business directory ot Scho 

1924 025 959 580 



8clioharie County, ST. Y. 

The Best and most Durable Power in use. It took the First Premium at the two last 
State Pairs. It is so arranged as to give it any pitch or rate of speed required. 

Mantifacturers of all Kind^ of improved Ploivs; , Also Harries' Paitent Hop 
Preiis; All kinds of CASTINGS kept on hand and made to order. Agent for Mowing 
and Heaping Machines, Hay Presses, Hay Tedders, Hay Hakes, Straw Cutters, Grain 
Threshers and Separators, Sic. Fine and Hemlock Lnmher of all kinds for sale in large 
quantities, and all kinds of Lumber sawed to order. n. waldrok. b. e. sissoh. 


xz GEi i^ I :x: 

iiii & euii wiii 



Wc are constantly manufacturing and keep on hand 

Sash, Blinds and Doors, 

Of the usual sizes, all of which will be sold at as low prices as 
can be purchased elsewhere of the same quality. 


Made to order, at short notice, and upon reasonable terms. 

Maiinracturing: Bedsteads made a Specialty. 

All kinds of Custom Planing, Matching, Jointing and Sawing done when called for, 
and at usual prices^ Lumber, Lath and Shingles constantly on hand. 





Grand Gorv>'' 



\> /Central ^JS^^.'L. \ ^ -r-v., c ^ / \ 

.^■'^^?*>»«it>'^i^ -r-t s*t5, , Hill/ V— — • ; 

• V. / ' - - JSouthGilb oa r 

tamford \ 

Grand Goree 

_C o !J_