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The Gaspey -Otto-SaQer Method has become my sole property by 
right of purchase. These books are continually revised. All rights, 
especially those of adaptation and translation into any language, are 
reserved. Imitations and copies are forbidden by law. Any informatiou 
as to infringement of my rights always thankfully received. 

London, Paris, Rome, St. Petersburgh, Heidelberg. J'uHus Groos, 



This Portuguese Grammar is an adaptation of my 
"Neue Portugiesische Konversations-Grammatik," issued 
in 1910 by the same publisher, Julius Groos, of Heidel- 
berg, who, in consideration of the extremely favourable 
reception that work met with in German-speaking and 
Portuguese -speaking countries, commissioned me to 
compile a Portuguese Grammar for English use. This 
work I undertook the more readily, as the close rela- 
tionship existing between Great Britain and her Portu- 
guese ally, the increasing commercial intercourse between 
the two nations, and the evergrowing needs of tourists, 
demand further means of linguistic correspondence. 

In this Grammar, as well as in that employed as 
a model, I have tried to overcome one of the greatest 
difficulties of the Portuguese language — i.e., the pro- 
nunciation — by adopting the phonetical system of the 
Association phonetiqiie internationale. It was carefully 
applied to the Portuguese language by Sr. Goncjalves 
Viana, who also kindly revised the chapter on Pro- 
nunciation in this grammar. 

As for the orthography — the difficulty of which is 
next in importance to the phonetical one, as hitherto 
the Portuguese have apparently considered this as a 
problem to be solved individually — I have employed 
that given in the "N6vo DiccionArio da Lingua portu- 
gu6sa," by Candido de FigueirSdo, member of the Aca- 
demy of Sciences in Lisbon, which tends to simplify 
the writing and to facilitate the pronunciation of Por- 

IV Preface. 

In compiling the Exercises I have felt the desira- 
bility of furnishing objective material— so far as this 
is compatible with the grammatical Rules to be worked 
out — in the form of imaginative pictures. Further, I 
have aimed at making the student acquainted not only 
with the language, but with the countries where Por- 
tuguese is spoken — vi^., Portugal and Brazil — by giving 
a geographical, historical, and cultural view of them. 

Wishing to make use, so far as is possible, of 
original Portuguese in the Reading Exercises, and this 
of the purest and most popular kind, I was fortunate 
enough to fall in with what proved to be a real mine 
of legitimate linguistic gold, both in subject and in the 
form in which it is presented. The student will notice 
that the greater part of the Reading lessons is taken 
from Trindade Coelho, a modern Portuguese writer 
who is acknowledged to be the most accomplished in 
popular language, whose literary excellence has been 
recognised, and whose tragic destiny has called forth 
expression of sympathetic sorrow wherever he has been 
known. I have profited by this great pedagogue's 
three "Livros de Leitura," described as "wonderful 
reading-books for public instruction" by Dr. Carolina 
Michaelis de Vasconcellos, the learned woman, respected 
by all Romanists, hitherto holding a professorship in 
the University of Lisbon. 

These three books have been appreciatively referred 
to by the Portuguese school-inspector, Senhor Brito 
Moreno, in the Givilisagao Popular, a highly respected 
pedagogical review, as "the very best of their kind to be 
found in Portugal, as they combine an extreme clearness 
with a lively and characteristic performance, uniting an 
amiable simplicity to an honest conviction"^ and, we 
may perhaps be allowed to add, a sincere devotion for 
the subject to the utmost consideration for the reader. 

Preface. V 

I am gratified at finding that Portuguese and Bra- 
zilian critics declare my selection of reading material 
to be the most meritorious feature of my "Neue Por- 
tugiesische Konversations-Grammatik" (which contains 
substantially the same exercises as the present work), 
while German critics highly appreciate the advantage 
of being introduced through this medium to the Por- 
tuguese countries and customs as to a home worthy of 
our fullest sympathy and esteem. 

I beg to express here my sincerest thanks to Mr. 
W. G. Priest, of London, for his assistance in revising 
the English portion of the work. Should any student 
of Portuguese, in using this Grammar, meet with errors 
or defects, I shall be grateful if he or she will com- 
municate with me, in order that I may be able to 
rectify the same in future editions. 

Pinneberg (Holstein), October 1911. 

Louise Ey. 


Eemarks on the Kecent Reform of 
Portuguese Orthography. 

While this Grammar was in course of preparation 
— when, in fact, nearly the whole of the work had been 
printed — the Portuguese Government officially adopted 
the Reform of Orthography recommended by a Com- 
mission of members of the Academia das Sciencias. In 
order, however, to avoid, the confusion that would re- 
sult from the universal application of so drastic an 
alteration in spelling, its operation is for the present 
limited to the "Diario do Governo" and official docu- 
ments, the schools being accorded a period of three 
years in which to accustom themselves to the change. 

It has, therefore, not been considered advisable to 
alter the orthography of this Grammar, more particularly 
as all Portuguese literature is, of course, still written 
in the style of spelling hitherto employed. At the 
same time, it is obviously desirable that students of 
the Portuguese language should acquaint themselves 
with and prepare for the new method; accordingly, in 
the Vocabulary at the end of the book, the letters ex- 
cluded by the Reform have been indicated by paren- 
theses, which system especially tends to establish a 
concordance between the orthography and the phonetical 

The principal alterations are: the avoidance of 
doubled consonants where only one is pronounced [hi, 
ff, gg, II, mm, nn, pp, W— now &, f, g, I, etc.); the 
omission of the li in its combinations of th or ch (= h, 
this sound being substituted by c or qu, e.g., patriarca, 
quimica), also its omission from the interior of words 

Remark on the Recent Reform of Portuguese Orthography. YII 

(e.g., proibir, coerente), even in those which conserve 
the initial Ti — justified by etymology — when compounded 
with a prefix. Thus the new orthography will be : haver, 
hoje, homem, honra, but: ontem, desumano, desonra, etc. 
Instead of ph, f will be written : fotografo. 

It is obvious, of course, that the doubled ss and rr 
cannot be reduced to single s and r, as the pronun- 
ciation would thereby be altered. Also the mm and nn 
are conserved when the first m or n is nasal (e.g., em- 
moldurar, ennervar). 

For the accentuation, we have to distinguish., as 
hitherto, by a graphical accent the tonical vowel of 
those words which for want of some characteristic mark 
might be confounded; e.g., sede, sede; gosto, m., gosto, v. 
Also those words ending by the generally atonic syllable 
-em, -ens are marked by a ' when this syllable is 
tonical; e.g., contem contains (cf. contem they count), 
porem however (cf. porem of por), armasem, armazens 

As the Reform admits —though it does not pres- 
cribe — the vowels e and o to be written e and 6 wherever 
they have the close pronunciation, it has been thought 
convenient for the student, to accentuate them where 
any doubt might arise, it being understood that the 
tonical endings -oso and -or are always -oso and -or, 
the latter presenting the following exceptions^: major, 
suor, onelhor, peor, maior, menor, where the o is pro- 
nounced 0, similar to the English a in "all." 

These being the chief alterations, the remainder, 
of a slighter nature, will be presented in a future 

^ In sdror the ending -or is also or, but it is not tonical. 

L. E. 



First Part. 

Pronunciation. ^^s®- 

§ 1. The Sounds of the Portuguese .... 1 

§ 2. Types 1 

§ 3. Auxiliary Signs of the Portuguese Alphabet 2 

§ 4. Stress and Duration 3 

§ 5. Vowels 3 

§ 6. Diphthongs 6 

§ 7. Nasal Vowels and Diphthongs .... 8 

§ 8. Triphthongs 8 

§ 9. Consonants 9 

§ 10. Compound, Doubled and Mute Letters . 11 
§ 11. Summary of the Phonetic Signs in their 

Relation to the Port. Alphabet ... 12 

§ 12. Accentuation ... 13 

§ 13. Syllabication . . U 

§ 14. Homonyms 15 

§ 15. Homographs 16 

§ 16. Abbreviations 17 

§ 17. Punctuation 18 

1st Lesson. The Gender of the Noun and the Article 20 — 24 

Na Escola. 

2nd » The Plural of Substantives .... 24—30 

3ra » The Address 30—36 

4th » The Auxiliary Verb ser and the Adjective 36—40 

5tli » The Auxiliary Verb estar 40 — 46 


Qfh » The Auxiliary Verb haver .... 46 — 52 

Os verbos auxiliares. 

7th s Employment and Concord of Tenses . 52—59 

Index. IX 

gth Lesson. Exercises on the Auxiliary Verbs . . 59 — 64 
Quintal e drvores. 
Jardim e flores. 

gth » The Partitive Article 64—68 

lOtt" » The Complements and the most Frequent 

Prepositions 68—72 

Numa loja. 
11*11 » The Attributive Adjective in Gender and 

Number 72—78 

A visita. 
12tii » The Position of the Attributive Ad- 
jective 78-83 

A hahitagao. 
IStii » Comparison of the Adjective .... 83—88 

A trovoada. 
14th » The Absolute Comparative and Super- 
lative 88—93 

15tli » The Numerals: I. Cardinal Numbers . 93—99 

A ligdo d' arithmitica. 
IBtli !> The Numerals: 11. Ordinal Numbers . 99—106 

syatema decimal ou mitrico. 
17tli » The Numerals: III. Multiplicative Num- 
bers 106—111 

Prohlemas de muUiplicaeao. 
18tl» » Regular Verbs: First Conjugation. 

A. Simple Tenses 111—120 

Ao deitar-se e levantar-se. 
igtli » Regular Verbs: First Conjugation. B. Com- 
pound Tenses 120—128 


The Tower of Belem. 
20*11 » Pronominal or Reflective Verbs . . .128-137 
Alimentagao. Solicitagao d'um emprego. 
The Foot and the Sand. The Egg 
and the Nut. 
21st ,) Paradigm of the Regular Conjugations . 137—146 

The Studious Pupil and the Lazy. 

X Index. 

22^1 Lesson. Phonetical and Orthographical Peculia- 
rities of Otherwise Regular Verbs . . 146 — 154 
algodao. As pelles. 
The Seamstress. The Tailor. 
23rd „ Exercises on the Full Verbs .... 154—160 

As batatas. As frutas; a lavra; a 
sementeira; a grade; a monda 
Conselhos duma mde etc. 
24*11 s On the Pronouns: Personal Pronouns . 161^168 

espinheiro maldoso. cao e a 
vacca. The Faithful Dogs. 
25th » On the Pronouns: Demonstrative and 

Possessive Pronouns 168 — 174 

A vlbora e a cobra. mocko. 
26tb » On the Pronouns: Interrogative and Re- 
lative Pronouns 174 — 181 

Wum album. 
27tli - On the Pronouns: Indefinite Pronouns 182—186 

lido e a raposa. The Nut. 

28tii » The Irregular Verbs 186—194 

cdbrito e o lobo. 
29th » The Irregular Verbs (continued) . . . 195—201 

Annuncios. Building. 
30th „ The Irregular Verbs of the Third Con- 
jugation 201—209 

Carta. Bequerimentos. 
31=^' ' Impersonal and Defective Verbs . . . 209—216 

Muu tempo. Anniincios. Correio. 
32nd ,, Verbs with a Double Participle . . . 216 — 221 

33rd ,) The Adverbs 221 228 

Os Pessegos. Soneto. 

34th » The Conjunctions 228 236 

A andorinha. 

35* i> Interjections 236 239 

No theatro. Na rua. 

Index. XI 

Second Part. 
First DMslon: Flection. 

1st Lesson. The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns 240—246 

Gaule, troneo ou haste. 
2iia » The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns 

(continued) 246—255 

Voges d'animaes. 
B^3. » The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns: 

Compound Nouns 255 — 261 

A Lusitdnia. 
4tli » Formation of the Plural of the Nouns . 261—266 

5tli J Formation of the Plural of the Nouns 

(continued) 266—270 

Tomada de Santarem. 
6tli » Use of the Article 271—278 

Portugal continental e insular. 
7th ,> Use of the Article (continued) . . . 278—284 

Portugal ultramarino. 
8tli i> Omission of the Article 284—291 

Joao I. 

Second Division: Syntax. 

gth Lesson. Congruence 291—296 

Joao I (continued). 
lOth » Intransitive and Transitive Verbs. Com- 

plements without Preposition . . . 296—301 
Tomada de Santarem. 
lltli » The Complement preceded by de and a 301—307 

A preposigao i-det. 
12tli » Eemarks on the Prepositions . . . 308—318 

A emigragao portuguesa. 
13th , Prepositions (continued): How to Ex- 

press Certain English Prepositions . 313—320 
14th s Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts 

of Speech; Possessive Pronouns . . 321 — 324 
Carta ao Sr. G. P. 

XII Index. 

15tli Lesson. Syntactic Peculiarities of Personal Pro- 
nouns 324 — 328 

Trecho de v-Guerreiro e Mongei>. 
16"! » Syntactic Peculiarities of Personal Pro- 
nouns (continued) 328 — 332 

Dia no campo. 
A Cigarra e a formiga. 
ITth » Syntactic Peculiarities of Demonstrative, 

Relative and Indefinite Pronouns . . 382 — 336 
The Whistle. 

trahalho physico e mental. 
18'1> » Syntactic Peculiarities of Adjectives and 

Participles ... • 336—341 

terremoto de Lisboa. 
19th „ The Gerund and the Periphrastical Con- 
jugation ... 341 — 346 


20tii » Tenses of the Indicative 346—354 

Extract from Pwtuguese History. 

21st „ The Subjunctive Mood 354—360 

Passeio & Bivieira portuguesa. 
22na ,, The Subjunctive Mood (continued) . . 360-364 

Dom Jodo de Castro. 
23r<i I. The Subjunctive Mood: Future Tense . 364—368 

Consiglieri Pedroso e o accordo luso- 
24tii „ The Infinitive: I. General Use . . . 368 — 371 

Eodrigues de Freitas. 
2Stii » II. Use of the Personal and the Im- 

personal Forms of the Infinitive. 

III. The Independent Infinitive . . 372 374 

rato. Uao e a lebre. 
26tii » IV. The Dependent Infinitive (without 

preposition) 374_37q 

On Education of Children. 
A 'iignorancia'^ do povo portugues. 
27tti » IV. The Dependent Infinitive (with pre- 
ceding de) 879—382 

Letter to a Friend. 
A respiragdo. 

Index. Xni 

28tii Lesson. IV. The Dependent Infinitive (with pre- 
ceding a) . ■ 382—388 

Women as SUkworni-breeders. 
A Mulher portuguha como serici- 

29th , Construction 888-390 

Preparation of Olive-oil. 

Supplement 391—405 

English-Portuguese Vocabulary 406—420 

Portuguese-English Vocahulary 421—457 

— ^- 



Page 5, Bemark II, instead of border, read: bordar. 
» 8, 1. 7 from below, instead of pvu, read : pvu. 

» 11, 1. 3 from above, instead of [u^'tivjius] , read: [us'bvjiuj] . 
» 17, § 16 is to be added: V'iS<^= Vossa Senhoria. 
» 40, 1. 6tii, instead of Coimbra is, read: Coimbra was. 
» 61, 1. 3rd from belo-w, inst. of tanto, read: tanta. 
» 63, Falavras, inst. of irraki'etii, read: irrfky'etu. 
» 66, Palawas, inst. of levantar to get up, etc. 
a mesa to rise, etc. 
read: levantar a mesa to rise etc. 
» 98, 1. 3^3 from the end of the Exercise, inst. of As Por- 
tugal . . ■ has, read : As Portugal had. 
» 98, 1. Btli of 39, inst. of so many hundreds, read : so many 

tens, the next so many hundreds. 
» 98, 1. 15tii of 39, inst. of § 106, read § 105. 
» 110, 1. 5th of 43, inst. of Twice five times five, read: Twice 

the fivefold of five. 
» 110, 1. 7*1' of 43, inst. of men where, read: men were. 
» 185, title of 48, inst. of Alimentago, read: Alimentagao. 
From the page 226 until the end of the 1st part the exercises 

87 — 95 are to have the numbers of 92 — 100. 
Page 290, 1. 8, inst. of saltisfying, read: satisfying. 
» 290, N" 22, title, inst. of Jao, read: Joao. 
» 353, 1. 3ra, inst. of 1583, read: 1383. 


First Part. 


§ 1. The Sounds of the Portuguese. 

The Portuguese orthography corresponds only im- 
perfectly to the pronunciation. And there are signs 
(as the til, the cedilla, the accents) and sounds (as the 
nasal vowels, the Ih, the nh), which do not exist in the 
English language. To give an idea of the Portuguese 
pronunciation next to accuracy, we have had to recur to 
a phonetic transcription and adopted that of the Asso- 
ciation phonetique internationale. In order to be easily 
distinguished from the remaining text, the phonetic 
signs are invariably put in parenthesis. Each of these 
signs represents always the same sound, and each sound 
is always given by the same figure. If you want to 
acquire the most possible correctness in speaking the 
Portuguese idiom, please to pay a careful attention to 
the phonetics. Whenever you have an opportunity, let 
the sounds be pronounced to you by a native of Lisbon, 
the pronunciation of the Portuguese capital being the 
one adopted for this grammar. 

Be careful also in distinguishing voiced sounds 
from dumb ones, in vowels as well as in consonants. 

§ 2. Types. 

The Portuguese letters are equal to the English, 
but their denomination is different for the most part. 
The vowels and also some of the consonants have 
several different values. In the alphabetic list here- 
after we give their alphabetic value which mostly cor- 
responds to their names: 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 1 

2 Pronunciation. 

Character. Name. Character. Name. 

a a (like a in bar) p pe (as in pay) 

h be (as in lay) q ke (llke the first syllable 

i . '" , -^ in leali) 


^ { • \ 1^ kail) 

Se [1> S in say) ^. (er)re (as in ere or re . 

rf de ( » in day) followed by a con- 

T ) • ' \ sonant) 

e e ^ai » atr) g (es)se (ute in English) 

f (ef)fe (as in English) ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ 

q ge (as in gentle, but of tailor) 

without the initial d) ^ ^ jj^g ^g) 

/, agd (dumb) ^ ^^ ^^^ i„ ,,i„) 

i_ (ee m deep) .^ ^^ dobrado 

^' ii (as in js'ff, but without (the English m> 

■; '^^ *°*"^.' * , ^ chis (= shisb, like 

K J£a (the a as in Oar) \^ 

I (el)le (as in English) . *f)- . 

> ' I ,..„,, vN V 1 greeo (as m English) 

m (em)me (as in English) ^ ^6 8"^ 

>„„\„„ , , Ze (as in English). 

)i (en)ne ( • » ■ ) 

6 (like ow in law) 

Bemark. The letter 7c is to be found in very few Por- 
tuguese words, as kysto cyst; else (as also w) only in foreign 

§ 3. Auxiliary Signs of the Portuguese Alphabet. 

1. The accents, which mark not only the tonical 
accentuation, but also the colouring of a vowel, are 
well to be distinguished from the French accents. 

(a) The acute accent (') may be put upon any 
vowel, conferring to it, besides the tonical accen- 
tuation, an open, ringing sound: md, si, alii, fara, 

(b) The circumflex C^) gives to the (tonical) vowel 
a dim and closed sound : chamdmos, sede, corte (cf. : 
chamdmos, sede, corte). 

(c) The grave accent (') is not obligatory. Where- 
ever it is to be found (upon a, e or o), it denotes 
the open sound of an unaccented syllable (pddeiro, 
fregues, patetice, sbmente). 

2. The cedilla (>,) is placed under the letter c (g)^ 
to which it gives the articulation of s before the vowels 
a, 0, u, where else the c would be pronounced like h: 
loiiqa, moQO, agude (cf.: louca, moca, acudir). 

stress and Duration. — Vowels. 3 

3. The til (~) is a sign peculiar only to the Castilian 
and the Portuguese languages. But being in the former 
employed upon a consonant (a), it is found in the latter 
only upon vowels and diphthongs, conferring nasality 
to them: la, mde, pao, pde (poij, mui. On the u it ia 
to be met with only in (the equally antiquated) mui 
and muito (actually written only muito) ; it has altogether 
disappeared from upon the i, being supplied by follow- 
ing n or m: insua for tsua, sim for si etc. 

4. The apostrophe (') indicates that some vowel (e 
or a, rarely an o) has been dropped: d'elle (de elle); 
Sant' Anna (Santa Anna); Nun' Alvares (Nuno Alva/res). 
Formerly also the m of com was sometimes dropped. 
(N.B. — Actually the contraction of the elided words end- 
ing in e is preferred to the apostrophe: delle, duma, 
nesse, etc.) 

5. The hyphen (-) unites two words to one idea: 
agua-ardente brandy, mal-afortunado unhappy, bem-casado 
well married, recem-chegado new-comer. N.B. — These 
words may be written in one [aguardente, etc.). 

Bemark. As for the (') employed in this grammar for 
the prosodical accent, see § 4. 

§ 4. Stress and Duration. 

In the phonetics we indicate the prosodical accent 
by an acute (') placed lefore the tonical syllable. 

The vowels are of a middle length when having 
the tonical accent; they are shorter before the accented 
syllable and shorter still after it. 

§ 5. Vowels. 

A has three chief sounds: 

1. [a,] an open sound resembling the English far, 
father, but with the throat less open and the tongue 
less down: md [ma.], chave ['favdj, caso ['hazuj. 

2. [a] a sound like the English a followed by tv: 
awe, saw. In Portuguese it is always followed by i or 
u of the same syllable: md [mai], mau [mau]. 

3. [v] a -close sound like a in hag or about. It is 
tonical only before a nasal consonant: pan(n)o ['pvnu]. 

4 Pronunciation. 

lama ['hmv], maiiha [ 'mvjin] and in para ['p'er'e] and 
cada [livdv] ; otherwise generally unaccented; ex.: Jima 
['limv], JEuropa feu 'ropv], bafcr [b's 'terj. 

Memark. The e in the tonical diphthong ei, and when 
followed by a prepalatal sound (x, ch, j, Ih, nh) has the same 
sound: fecJw f'fefu], lei [Ivi], igreja [i'grn^v], espelho [tf- 
'pvlm], tenho [tvjiu] ; it is equally indicated by [v]. 

M in accented syllables has two different sounds: 

1. [e] an open sound like ai in air or a in hare, 
often indicated by an accent, as fe [fe] faith, se [se] 
cathedral; preh, prelo ['prelu] printing-press, sede, sede 
[sedd] seat. 

2. [e] a close sound (like ea in the EngUsh words 
great, break); this sound may be indicated by the circum- 
flex, as aldea [ai'deej, rede f'rred'gj, s&de [' se&d] ; comer 
[Jcii'merJ, perder [par'derj. 

3. [yj it is found short in unaccented open syllables 
and before r in an unaccented syllable, if not final: 
resoar, designar, perdido, like the e in matter; but in 
ether ['tttr], cadaver [las 'Saver], pi. cadaveres [Jcv- 
'Savdrdf] the e is quite distinct, similar to very, but 
more open. It is nearly inaudible between voiceless 
consonants (repetir [rrap(9)'tirj) and at the end of a 
word, as lofe [lotgj, molde ['moidd], parte [' purtd] ; while 
at the beginning of a word it sounds like a short i 
(= ce, phonetically i), as edade [i 'dads], emenda [i 'mendvj, 
eleger [ih'ger]; and still shorter [i] in the terminal 
syllable es (fazes ['fazif], deveres [di'verif]) and before 
cli (^ sli) and the initial st, sq, sp: espago [tf'pasuj, 
estranlio ['if'trejm], esquadra fif'JcwaffryJ, fechar [ff/arj. 

Remark. When in the middle of a word the e is fol- 
lowed by a or o, it is pronounced also like a short i : theatre 
[ti'atru], deante [di'vnta], peor [pf'or], thedlogo [tt'olttgu], 
theoria [iiu'rivj. Also the conjunction e and is pronounced i, 
when followed by a word beginning with a vowel. 

4. see A, Remark. 
I [i, i] sounds: 

1. when long, like the English ee in been: riso 
f'rrizu], estima ['if'tini'e], sentir [sen'tir] ; 

2. short, it corresponds to the English i in gin, 
gild: hilro ['biirrul, viu f'viuj, mrgula ['virgulv]. 

Vowels. 5 

3. Before another vowel and not having the tonical 
accent, it is very short and sounds nearly like the 
English y: ocio ['osiu] (but: macio [me'siu]), inercia 
[i'nersiv] (but: vertia [vsr'ti'B]), rdio f'rraiuj (but: 
.s«m fsv'ivj); meia f'mmvj. 

N.B. — In those words containing two or more i-syl- 
lables the last of which is stressed, only this one is pro- 
nounced i (=-- ee) while the preceding are pronounced 
like voiceless e [o] : dividido [dsvd' cfi&u] ; selicula [sa- 
'likulvj, divino [dd'vinu]. — This rule has various 

O in accented syllables has two different sounds: 

1 . [o] (6, o) : an open sound like the o in nor, God, 
short. When tonical it is a little longer and more 
ringing than in unaccented syllables: cor fkorj, avb 
['e'vo], for a [fore]; adoptar ['b do' tar]. 

2. [o] (6, 0, ou): a close sound as in lode, stone: 
cor [kor], avo [v'vo], lobo f'lotiu], grou [gro]; solfar 
[sot' fur], colma^a [koi'mas'B]. 

'Remark I. In northern Portugal the diphthong ou is 
pronouneed o-u, so that there is a diiferenoe between ouqo 
I'ousu] I hear, and osso ['osuj bone, while these words are 
similar in Lisbon as well as in Brazil. 

Bemark II. Before an I of the same accented or unac- 
cented syllable, the o is generally close : solto f'soitu], cSlga 
['koigv] ; voltear [voUi'ar] (exc: volta [vaitv], volte ['voUaJ 
etc.). In open syllables and before r or s of the same syl- 
lable, the unaccented o is pronounced u (= oo): barco f'barku], 
moroso [mu 'rozu], border [bur 'dar], costura [kuftur'e]. 

Remark HI. The definite article of the masculine 
gender o, pi. os, always being unaccented, is pronounced u 
(=r 00 is foot), us [uf]; same pronunciation as for the con- 
tractions of the article: dos, nos [duf, nuf], etc. N.B.: nos 
('= em os) is not to be confounded with the objective pronoun 
nos (us), which corresponds to the subjective pronoun nds 
[nojj we (cf. also v6s [vof] you and vos [vufj to you, you). 


1. [u] (u, u) sounds like oo in root, when ac- 
cented: tu [tu], luva ['liive]. 

6 Pronunciation. 

2. (u, o) : It sounds like oo in foot when unaccented : 
do [duj, disputar [d^fpu'tarj, lodo ['locfuj. 

N.B. — Nearly every unaccented o, if not nasal, is 
pronounced u (cf. 0, Remark II.). 

Remark. The u after a q and before a or o, is pro- 
nounced like the English w: qual [kvai]. It is the same 
when at the end of a word, and after a voiceless consonant 
the u meets with an o or a: vdcuo ['vakwuj. The u after 
a g and before an e or i is mute. (Exc. : arguir [vrgu 'irj and 
derived words, unguento [ugu'entuj, sanguento, etc., and some 
others.) See also § 10, end. 

§ 6. Diphthongs. 

A. Falling Diphthongs. 

Such diphthongs where the weight rests more upon 
the first vowel than upon the second, are called falling 
diphthongs. Their second vowel is either i or u. 

1. Feeble /-sound. 

at (ai)^; Ex.: pa,} (pai or pae) father, like pie. 

el (ei); » rrtij (reis) Portuguese copper-coins; 

like a in rare, ai in fair. 

VI (ai, ei); » rrvif (reis) kings; a sound between 

fair and way; almost identical 
with the a of the diphthongised 
a in late of the South of Eng- 

oi (6i, oi, oe); » mif (roes) lists; like oi in moist, 

at (oi, oi): » bo} (boi) ox; same sound but with 

a close 0. 
» otru (oiro or ouro)^ gold ; same sound 
but with a close o. 

u} (ui); » fu} (fui) I was, I went; like in ruin. 

^ Here and in other places hereafter the phonetic sounds 
are put in the first place, while the ortographical examples are 
put in parenthesis. 

' The diphthong oi, not being terminal, may — but for few 
exceptions — be supplied by ou (cf. § 5, 0, Remark I.). In northern 
Portugal the ow-sound is preferred, while the south pronounces 
oi or 0. 

a sound between 
pouch andpaMse, 
similar to the 
German Haus 


2. Feeble M-sound. 

cm (au or ao); Ex.: pau (pau) 

» mau (mau 
or mao) 

m (eu or eo); » seu (ceu or ceo) sky, the £ like 

ai in a«V (cf. § 5, E 1). 

ew (eu, eu or eo^; » breu (breu) tar, same sound 

with a close e (cf. § 5, E 2). 

iu (ill or io); » viu (viu) he saw, in accor- 

dance with the pronuncia- 
tion of the simple vowels. 

or ou (ou); » do(u)ru (Douro)^ Douro, river 

in Portugal. 

B. Rising Diphthongs. 

1. Feeble i-sonnd. 

Such diphthongs where the weight rests upon the 
second vowel, are called rising. 
ia, (ia or ea); Ex.: dt'^nu (diario) diary 1 ^f 8 5 i 3 

vt'affu (veado) hart | 'g^^^ '„^ j 
u (ie or ie); » dYdv (dieta) diet I 

p (io); » m'l'oluf (miolos) brains | 

'10 (io) ; » ml 'olu (miolo) crumbs I cf. § 5, o 

III (iu or eu); » mi'ucfu (miudo or meudo) ( and m. 
small ) 

2. Feeble w-sonud. 

Ma (Ma or oa); Ex.: mu'ar (muar) mule- . . in compound 

» su'ar (suar) to sweat. 

» suar (soar) to sound. 
ua (ua); » dual (dual) dual. 

UE (ue or oe); ii su'eto (sueto) hohday. 

» mu 'iSn (moeda) coin. 
ue (ue or oe): » ru'er (roer) to gnaw. 

» pu'erm (po'ema) poem. 

' Nowadays written and pronounced only Douro (not Doiro). 
Nor can the diphthong ou be supplied by oi in the following words : 
ou or, ousar dare, ousadia, ousado; outorgar, ouvir, ouvido, outuhro, 
ouco, eouve, mouco, louco, and their derivatives, and never in a 
verbal form — e.g. — comprou. 

'- Pronunciation. 

ui (ui or oi); Ex.: fu'ijtu (fuiuJio) woodpecker. 
» mu'ijiu (moinho) mill. 

§ 7. Nasal Vowels and Diphthongs. 

The nasal sound of a vowel is either indicated by 
the til (s. § 3, 3) or by placing m or u behind it. The 
nasality of the vowel, especially when making part of 
a diphthong, is not attainable without considerable 
practice. It is not so pure and ringing as in French, 
but rather squeezed. We shall try to approach the 
sound by means of exainples, as much as possible. 

1. S (-a, an-, am-), vn before d or t, ^m before 6 
or p, is "the nasalised v (see § 5, 3), almost alike to that 
of pang: 'Irind, 'santo, lampada. 

2. e (en-, em-), en before d or t, em before h and 
p, alike to that in length: 'tenro, 'lento, bem'posto, 'sendo, 
I'm' bora. 

3. I {i)u, in; em-, en- as unaccented initial sounds): 
alike to that in ring: fim, fins, findo, limpo. 

4. 5 (om, on) alike to that in song, wron.g: som, 

5. u (um, iin), alike to the German jung: um, atum. 

6. Nasal diphthongs with terminal feeble i or u. 

VI (ai, de, em) ; Ex. : mv} (mai or mS,e) 1 like the a in 

mother > pang, followed 

» hvi (bem) well J by an i. 
01 (oi, de); » po}(p3i or poe) j ^j^^ ^^^ ^ -^ 

-. , r- ^ - - ?- , ,u song, followed 

oiei (oenij; » poi^i (poem) they I v, 

put J 

til (ui); » mui (mid, mui) very (see § 3, 3) 

VII (do, am); » pvu (pao) bread 

» 'Jcomprvu (compram) they buy. 

§ 8. Triphthongs. 

There are in Portuguese numerous triphthongs 
which consist of a falling diphthong with preceding 
feeble i or u. These latter vowels are never nasal, 
even in nasal triphthongs. 

Consonants. 9 

Ex.: leais fh'atfj, plural of leal [li'afj true; fieis 
[ft'dfj, plural of fiel faithful; fieis [fi'i^ffj from fiar to 
spin; miau [mjauj the mewing of the cat; poeira [pit- 
'ezrej dust; ledo [li'vu] lion, leoes [U'o}/] lions. 

§ 9. Consonants. 

1. Those Portuguese consonants which in their 
denomination and pronunciation differ from the English, 
have already been mentioned (§ 2). F, k, m, n, p, t, v, 
IV are generally pronounced as in English. 

2. As for the voiced consonants, they are very 
carefully to be distinguished from the voiceless. Espe- 
cially the 6 and the d which, standing between vowels 
or between a vowel and an r, or being doubled, are 
very soft (as, e.g., those letters in the English words 
nob, lad), the 6 approaching the v, and the c^ the voiced 
English th in though; we indicate these letters so: 6, ff. 
Ex.: reboar [rrgtu'ar, nearly like rrdvu'ar]; aibade 
[v'tafy], addigdo [■eH's'eu]. The b is mute when ter- 
minal: Jacob [313 'Ico]. 

3. The same as for the g, which sounds like the g 
in give before a, 0, u and consonants; and like g [fj 
in gentle (but without the initial d) before e, i, y (or 
rather like the in azure): the terminal g [g] is soft 
as in English (hug). If the g is to keep its g(ive)-so\xn^ 
before e, i, y, a dumb u is put between the two letters 
(cf. § 5, TJ, Remark). Ex.: garfo ['garfu] fork, gume 
['gumd] blade, gUria ['glorin] glory, Gog [gog] ; gelo 
f'geluj ice, gi2 [gifj chalk; guerra fgerrej war; guiar 
[gj'arj to guide. 

4. The j has the pronunciation of the g before e, 
i, y (the in asure or the .v in pleasure) and is equally 
represented by [gj : jd [ga,] already, jejum [3d' 311] 
fasting, joelho [gw'efi/u,] knee. 

5. The initial I sounds like the English; when ter- 
minal, it corresponds to the Engli^h^- falar [fv'lar] 
to speak; mal [mai] bad. '^"'^ 

6. I united to a following h (Ih) forms a sound 
which corresponds to the Castilian II and may be com- 
pared to the I and y in the combined English words 
will you, — e.g.: filho. It is figured by [fi]. 

10 Pronunciation. 

7. A similar union forms the h with the n (nh) 
figured by [ji] and pronounced like the Castilian n 
in nino or the French gn in ligne: linha ['lijiv] line, 
manha [mv'jiv] morning.^ 

8. As for the r, it must not be confounded with 
the English vocal r (in far, further). Good Portuguese 
speakers trill all r's, whether initial, medial, or terminal. 
Only there is a difference in the energy employed with 
the strongly rolled initial or doubled r and the weaker 
r that is found after a consonant (not being *, n or s) 
between vowels or at the end of a syllable. We re- 
present the former by rr and the latter by r. Ex.: 
preto ['pretiij black; bravo f'bravu] brave; caro f'karuj 
dear; flor [florj flower; perto f'pertuj near; rei frretj 
king; carro f'kurruj carriage; bilro f'biirruj bobbin; 
honra ['orr'e] honour; Israel [igrre'el]. 

N.B. — In some words the initial r is followed by a 
mute h: rheuma ['rreumv] xh.&\xvo.B.iisxn; Rlieno ['rrenu] 

9. S is pronounced like English s in such, silver, 
[s] 1. at the beginning of a word and when 

doubled. Ex.: servir [sar'vir] to serve; massa ['mas'e]. 

2. after a consonant and before a vowel. Ex.: 
cansar [Wsur], arsenal [vrsg'nai], observar [obsar'var]. 
Exc: obsequio and derivatives, where it sounds soft: 
[oba 'zehtuj. 

[e] like s in the English words loose, rose, when 
between two vowels: luso ['luzu] , rosa ['rrosv]. 
Exc: after a prefix: resentir [rrgsen'tir, presdgio [prs- 

[g] before a voiced consonant: rasgo ['rraggu], 
lesmo ['lesmv]. 

[f] At the end of a word before a pause, and be- 
fore the consonants p, t, c, q, it sounds like English sh : 
esperar [tfpa'rar], estd [if'taj, escapa [}f"ka,pv], esquerdo 

1 In some words, as anhelo, inhibir, inhalar, inherente, in- 
Ji6spito inhdbil, enharmdnieo, and others, where the n is part of a 
prefix nh is pronounced like n; the h is mute. 

Compound, Doubled and Mute Letters. 11 

Bemark. The terminal [f] is changed into [e] when followed 
by a vowel; Ex.: as aves [vz'wif]; and it' followed by a 
voiced consonant, it is changed into [g] : os banhos fug 'bejiusj, 
as rosas [vg 'rrozvf]. 

10. X has various sounds. It is pronounced: 

(a) [f] (= sJi) at the beginning of a word: xadres 
[f^'Sref], xarope ffe'ropaj; generally in the middle of 
the words: feixe ['f^ffij ; sexto f'seiftu] ; 

(b) [ksj (= English x) in some words fixo f'fiJcsuJ, 
sexo ['seksu] ; 

(c) [s] in some words as auxilio fan 'sihuj, proximo 
[' prostmu] ; 

(d) [z] in some words as : exame [i 'syms], exercicio 
fizgr'sismj ; 

(e) [kfj (very rare): borax ['horehf]: 

(f) The prefix ex . ., when followed by a consonant, 
is pronounced either [ffj or f^'i/J: expor [('B)}fporJ, ex- 
pensas f('B)ffpesvf]. 

11. .^ is pronounced like [sj in English zeal at 
the beginning or in the middle of a word: selo f'zeluj; 
faser [fis'zer] ; and like [f] at the end of a word: pes 
[pef], juiz [gu'ifj (cf. 9, Remark). 

Bemark. In Brazil the terminal s and z are pronounced s. 

§ 10. Compound, Doubled and Mute Letters. 

1. The Ih, nh and rh have already been mentioned 
in § 9. 

2. The h is still found in union with t (th), where it 
is mute (iheatro [U 'a,tru]), and with p (ph), where it 
forms the sound f: apht(h)as ['aftv] thrush, photographo 
[fo 'togrefuj. 

3. Fh is mute before th: pMhisica ['tizik'e]. 

4. With the c (ch) it forms two sounds: 

(a) [/]: chave f'favdj, encher [I'fer], chilro [fiirru]. 

(b) [IcJ in words of Greek origin: chronica fhromk^J, 
mdchina f'ma.Jcin'Bj, monarcha [mu nurlce] . 

5. The c is found compound also to t and a second 
c, (ct, cc), where it is often mute : actual fatu 'aij, ac- 



cento ['e'sentu]; pacto ['paktu], friccao [frik'seiij. It is 
also mute after an initial s (sc): sceptro f'setriij, sciencia 

. 6. The p is often mute before s and t (ps,pt): psalmo 
f'saimuj, adoptar [vSo'tar], prompto [prontu] ; ph is 
mute before th: phthisica [ fisfhi'J (cf. 3). 

Bemark. The vowels e and o, even when unaccented, 
are open before the mute consonants c and p : director [dire- 
tor], excepgao [(v)ifss'sSuJ ; while a is open before ct and pt 
and in a few words before cc: activo [a,'tivu], aptidao [apti- 
'dguj; accao [a'sSu], fracgdo [fra(k)'svuj. 

7. Doubled consonants are generally pronounced like 
one (cf § 9, 2, S and 9): apparelho [ape'rv/iuj, matto 
f'matu], pe)ina fpenvj, commissao [Tiuml'sBu], fallar 
[fe 'lar]. Yet when, of two m'& or «'s, one belongs to a 
prefix, it is pronounced with a nasal sound : emmalhar 
[imv'ficirj; ennorelar [inu'vdlar]. 

N.B. — m is mute before n: gymnasia [gi'nazm], con- 
demnar [liondd' nar] , somno ['sonuj. 

8. As for the gu and qu see § 5, u. Remark and 
§ 9, 3. In qu the u is mute before e or i: queda 
fJce&vJ^ quinMo [M'/iSuJ. Exc: frequents [frd'hiventd], 
tranquillo [trv'lttvilu] and derivatives, and also in some 
scientific words. Before a and o it is sometimes mute: 
quator^c [kvtorsd], qiiotizar [Jcuti'sar or hw'uti' zur] . 

§ 11. Summary of the Phonetic Signs in their 
Relation to the Portuguese Alphabet. 

a, a, V 
h, b 
d, & 
£, e, 3 
9^ 9 

i, I, i 
Ic ' 



see § 5 
^> § 9 
^> § 9 
■" § 5 
> § 9 
g(a)> g(u), g(r), 
etc. (see § 9) 
see § 5 
§ 9 
§ 9.^ 
§ 9 
m, mm 
n, nn 


: nh 


see § 5 


P> PP 


-r-, -r 


r-, rh-, -rr- 


S-, -ss-, (-)sc-, c(e), 

c(i), 9, -X 


-X-, -cs- 


Z-, -S-, -X- 


g(e), g(i); .], -s, -z 


X-, ch- ; -s, -z 


t-, -tt-, th-; -ct, -pt- 


see § 5 

Accentuation. 13 

V : V-, -V- N.B. 1: 

Jew : qu(a); qu(e), qu(i) -r signifies terminal r, 

(rare) -r- » medial sound, 

e, e, I, r- » initial » . 
0, M : see § 7 N.B. 2: A letter in pa- 

/ : after a vowel, stret- renthesis indicates that the 

ches it one preceding has the pro- 

' : before a syllable, nunciation of the phoneti- 
means the toni- cal sign only in this corn- 
eal accent. bination. 

§ 12. Accentuation. 

1. Words of two or more syllables, ending by 
a, e, 0, have the stress generally on the penultimate 
syllable: lama, 'vinte, cas'tello, anted' pado. 

N.B. — Another vowel (i, u ov o), preceding those 
vowels, does not form a diphthong, and is to be con- 
sidered an independent syllable: 'lia, harmo'nia, 'crua, 
'tua, ma'goa, 'hroa. 

2. Words ending in a consonant, a nasal vowel 
or diphthong, or in i or u, generally bear the stress 
on the last syllable; so, for instance, all the infinitives 
(cha'mar, vender, influ'ir); pa'pel, nacio'nal, ir'ma, ir- 
'mao, ale'm&o, java'li, ba'hu. Principal exc. : the ad- 
jectives ending in -vel (a'mavel, indefi'nivel) and some 
in -il Cfacil). 

N.B. — The s forming the plural of the nouns and 
adjectives, or the termination of a verb, does not affect 
the accentuation ('mesa, 'mesas; 'alto, 'altos; sa'bias), 
even when by the flection the last syllable is changed 
into two: ta'ful, pi. ta'fues, in'gles, in'gleses; difficil, 

3. Words with stress on the ante-penultimate syl- 
lable are rarer and generally marked by a graphic ac- 
cent: nitido, fotografo, comprdvamos; they are called 
esdruxulas [%s 'SrufvlvfJ. 

4. A word consisting of many syllables frequentlj^ 
has a secondary stress (marked thus: ^) on a syllable 
preceding the tonical, yet never upon one following 
it. To this group belong (a) the adverbs formed of the 

14 Pronunciation. 

adjectives by adding the termination -mente [altlva mente 
haughtily) ; (b) the diminutives and augmentatives with 
the intercalated letter -s-: cadeira'zinha small chair, 
from cadeira; Tibmemsa' rrao big man (from 'homem). In 
such words it is the originally accented syllable which 
has the secondary accent. 

5. Atonic pronouns of only one syllable are added 
to the verbs, melting together with them: sahe-lo (or 
sabel-o), vcr-nos, dar-lhe. 

§ 13. Syllabication. 

1. Any vowel, whether accented or unaccented, 
even nasal, may terminate a syllable. 

2. Of the consonants, only the following ones may 
do so: I, m, n, r, s, 2. More rarely and only in scienti- 
fic terms: p, c, h, b, g. 

(Even here we meet words separated thus : corru-pfao, aprom- 
ptar, au-gmentar, te-chnica, pra-gmatica, etc.) 

3. Ih, nh must not be separated. They are found 
only in the middle of a word and belong always to 
the following vowel: mi-nha, ve-lho. An only apparent 
exception form words from the Greek, as phil-harmonica, 
and from the Latin, as in-hibir, an-helar, in-hospito, in- 
habil, etc., where in- is a prefix (see p. 10, fopt-note). 

4. Not to be separated are the diphthongs and the 
nasal syllables am, an, em, en, im, in, om, on, um, un. 
Vowels not forming diphthongs may be separated : ma- 

5. A syllable may begin by one of the following 
groups of consonants: pr-, br-, fr-, vr-, tr-, dr-, cr-, 
gr-, cl-, gl-, pi-, hi-, fl- [r or I with another preceding 
consonant), and sc- (this only in foreign words). 

N.B.— There may also be read syllabications hke: 
corru-pgdo, pra-gmatica, aprom-ptar,e\e. (see 2), but as they 
contradict the rules 1 and 5, given by the most learned 
Portuguese phonetician, Mr. Gon^alves Viana, they are 
not to be imitated. 

6. The consonantal combinations of st-, sp-, sph-, 
spl-, spr- and sc- are found only in scientific or in 
foreign words: sparadrapo, sphinx or sphince (pop.: 



esphinge); splenica, stylita, sciencia. (In genuine Portu- 
guese or nationalised words they are always preceded 
by e, spoken like a fugitive i, which with the following 
s forms a syllable: espargo ['tf pa-rgu] , estado, estilo, es- 
casso, esplendor, espraiar) These groups cannot be se- 

7. As for the consonantal gemination, the con- 
sonants are distributed on two syllables: fer-renho, in- 
nato, im-maculadOj ap-parente, as-sistir, pel-les, ah-bade, 
at-testar, dif-ficuldade. 

§ 14. Homonyms. 

Hornophonos [o'mofimuf]. 

There are a number of homonymical words in 

Portuguese — that is, words of equal sound and different 


Here some examples: 

accento ['e'sentu] accent 

apregar feprg'sarj to ap- 

area [' uria] area 

atestar [vtif'tarj to fill up 
to the top 

hucho f'bufuj craw, maw 

caga ['kas^J hunting, game 

cegar [sd'gar] to blind, to 

cella ['SSI's] cell 

celleiro [solwu] granary 

cem [se] hundred 

cerrar [sd'rrar] to shut 

chamma f'/emv] flame 

concebo [Ico'setuJ I under- 
stand, I conceive 

concelho [Tco's^du] council 

condega [kdn'des^J willow- 

eonsigo [Jco'siguJ I obtain 

descripgao [difkri'svuj de- 

douto f'dotuj learned 

assento seat 
apressar to hurry 

aria air 
attestar to attest 

buxo box-tree 
cassa muslin 
segar to mow 

sella saddle 
selleiro saddler 
sem without 
serrar to saw 
chama he calls, call 
com sebo with tallow 

conselho counsel 
condessa countess 

conisigo with(in) himself 
discrigao discretion 

dou-to I give it you 



ega ['esvj bier, cenotaph 

hera feirnj ivy 

maga ['masi^J mace 

pago ['pasu] palace 

pello ['peluj hair 

pena ['pen's] punishment, 

perdigao [prdi 'sen] perdi- 

perfeito [pr'f'situl perfect 

rugo ['rrusu] gvey 

seio f'sviu] bosom 

valle [vai] valley 

essa that (one) 
era was 
massa paste 
passo step 
pelo = por 0. 
penna pen 

predicgao prediction 

prefeito prefect 
russo Russian 
sei-o I know it 
vale post-office order. 

§ 15. Homographs. 

Momographos [o 'mografuf]. 

A. Examples of Homographs with the same sound, 
but different meaning. 

a vista ['v'tfta] view, sight vista {pp. f. of ver to see) 

dado ['dadu] die 
o <;onto ["kontu] story 
a conta f'Jcontv] bill 
'I ram f'Jcarv] face 
a ferida [fd'riidv] wound 

a conqulsta [kd'Uftv] con- 
a saTiida [sv'i-.Sv] issue 

a alta ['aitii] Y&ismg; halt 
« halm, ["baip] decrease; 

furlough; lower part of 

the town (of Lisbon) 
a aherta [v'tertv] opening, 

aceito [v's'Bitu] I accept 
preciso [pra'siizu] I want 
como f'komu] I cat 
entre ['entrd] imper. of 

entrar to enter 

dado given 

conto I count 

conta he (she) counts 

cao-a (adj. f.) dear 

ferida (pp. f. of ferir) 

conquista (pp. f. of con- 
• querir) conquered 
sahida (pp. f. of sahir) 

gone out 
alta (adj. f.) high 
haixa (adj. f.) low 

aherta (pp. f.) open 

aceito accepted 
preciso wanted 
como as, like 
entre between, among. 



B. Examples of Homographs with Different 
Pronunciation and Meaning. 

da [da,:] give(s) 

regia [rn 'ji»7 imp. of reger 

to reign 
seria [ss'ri^] cond. of ser 

to be 
governo [gu'vernuj govern- 
publico f'publiku] public 
contrario ('kon'trarmj con- 
analise [e'naUggJ analysis 
domino fdomin'oj domino 
continuo [hOn'tinuu] con- 
concerto ['Jco'sertuJ concert 
gosto ['goftuj taste 
Jiistoria [if'tonv] history 

presente [prd'zentd] present 

da [dv] = de a of the 
regia ['rreigw] adj. f. king- 
ly, royal 
seria ['seiriv] adj. f. serious 

governo [gu'vernu] I govern 

publico [pu'tiliku] I publish 
contrario [kontre 'riuj I con- 
analise fvn'e'li-sgj ! analysal 
domino [du'miinu] I lord 
continuo [honti 'nuu] I con- 
concerto [ho'sertu] I mend 
gosto [goftu] I like 
historia fiftu'rivj he writes 

presente [pra 'sentaj he 

§ 16. Abbreviations. 

Abreviaturas [■B^raviv'turv/J. 

ya j^^a __ Yossa Excel- 
lencia Your 

= Vossa Merce 
Your mercy, 

= Fosse(abbr. of 
F° M^) 

= senhor Mister, 

= senhora Mis- 
tress, Mrs. 

= Dom, Donna 

= Santa 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 

ya J^e. 



D., D« 


S'o, S. = Santo, Sao 

dicf^° = dignissimo 

most worthy 

Ul""', iW^°' = illustrissimo, 
-a most il- 

ex"'", ex""^ = excellentissi- 
mo, -a most 

Dr. = Doutor Doctor 

P. E. F. ^por especial 
favor by es- 
pecial fa- 


(addressing an 
inclosed letter) 



S. E. C. = sua ex""" casa, gr^", gr'^" 

(addressing a letter) Jjgre 

m*° = muito much, 

very p. ex. 

_jjj(e -= -mente (see 

§ 12, 4) V. g. 

aW = attentoiespect- 

ful(ly) a s. 

ven'"', v°'' = venerador 

venerator i. e 

^^do —. criado servant 

adm"^ = admirador ad- j>" 


= grata, gratis- 
simo thank- 

= por exemplo 
for instance 

= verbigratiaior 

:= a saber name- 
ly, viz. 

= isto e that is 
(to say) 

= para for, to. 

§ 17. Punctuation. 

Fonctuafdo [pdntm'seuj. 

1. The signs of punctuation are the same as in 
English; they are called as follows: 


aspas or virgula do- 
brada notes of quo- 
tation ; 

parenthese, -sis paren- 
thesis ; 
hyphen or risca de uniao 
* asterisco asterisk. 
' apostrophe apostrophe. 

. panto (final) full stop; 

, virgula comma; 

; panto e virgula semicolon; 

: dais pantos colon; 

? panto de interrogagcto note 
of interrogation; 

! panto de admiragao note 
of exclamation; 

— • risca or travessao dash 

. . . reticencias points of 
suspension or reti- 
cence ; 

2. On the whole, the rules of punctuation do not 
differ from the English. Before the conjunctions e- 
(and) and ou (or), the comma is generally not em- 
ployed; also not before a relative sentence. On the= 
other hand, elucidating adjectives and, frequently, ad- 
verbs are separated by commas from their noun's or 
verbs. When e or ou do not only add a particle but 
introduce an independent phrase, they are also pre- 
ceded by a comma. 

Punctuation. 19 

Examples of Fortugruese Punctuation: 

Com bom veuto, a canSa cacilheira atrayessa o Tejo mais de- 
presBa do que os vapores. 

Para o sen 8er7i9o, ou para a rebocar em calma, a fragata 
tetn uma lancha que leva a reboque. 

catraio e a mais pequena das embarca9oe8 que fazem ser- 
vifo no Tejo, e emprega-se ordinariamente no trausporte de passa- 
geiros, e ds vezes na pesca ao candeio. — bote-fragata 6 uma 
fragata pequena, que em geral transporta carga mais leve. 

Onde honver pesedas, o pardal presume logo, como o rato, 
que ha comida, e 4 ahi que elle est^ bem, para comer sem grande 

A cobra, por^m, e inoffensiva . . . 

A este respeito, contem-se coieas muito interessantes . . . 

(Trindade Coelho.) 

Eu, porem, observei-lhe que, sendo ess' outro artigo, na ver- 
dade, notavel, elle, a men juizo, estava inoomplexo, e, insufficiente, 
nao esgotava o assumpto. (Bruno.) 




First Lesson. Ligao primeira. 

The Gender of the Noun and the Article. 

genero dos substantivos e o artigo. 

§ 18. There are only two genders in Portuguese: 
the masculine and the feminine; there is no neuter. 
Those nouns which designate beings of mascuhne sex 
(e.g., homem man, cavallo horse), are naturally also of 
the masculine gender; while those which indicate beings 
of feminine sex (e.g., mulher woman, egua mare), are 
naturally of feminine gender. Neuter nouns are con- 
ventionally ranged either amidst the masculine or the 
feminine ones. Examples: mesa table, feminine; pais 
country, pardal sparrow, masculine. 

§ 19. The Portuguese language distinguishes the 
gender, not only by the pronoun, but by the very 
article; by: 

(a) the definite article (o the^ for the masculine 
singular; a the^ for the feminine singular), when there 
is a definite person or thing spoken of amidst others 
of the same kind; 

(b) the indefinite article (urn a(n) for the mascu- 
hne, mna a(n) for the feminine), when we speak of an 
indefinite person or thing among others of the same 
kind (see 2°'^ Lesson). Ex.: o homem the man; urn 
homem a man ; a mulher the woman ; uma mulher a 

jRemarh. Before rei king there was generally used the 
definite article el (of Spanish origin), when a reigning Por- 
tuguese King was spoken of: El-Mei Bom Mamiel II. 

§ 20. To signify the mascuhne sex (and gender) 
and the feminine, the Portuguese language has various 

^ The definite article the is consequently employed for the 
two genders and even for the two numhers: o os, a as. 

The Gender of the Noun and the Article. 


(a) a different word (for persons nearly always): 
homem, mulher; frade monk, freira nun; cavallo, egua; 
touro bull, boi ox, vacca cow. 

(b) a different termination — e.g., pombo, pomba 
pigeon; mestre, mestra teacher; leitor, leitora reader. 

§ 21. In the latter case the feminine^ is obtained 
by the following rules: 

1. Those nouns ending in -o (not being the second 
vowel of a diphthong) change the -o into -a, ex. : fUho, 
filha child (= son and daughter); tio uncle tia aunt; 
pombo, pomba. 

Excep. — diacono deacon, fern.: diaconisa deaconess. 

2. Those ending in -So change the -So into -6a: 
leao lion, leoa lioness, abegOo head manservant, abegoa 
head maid-servant. 

The chief exceptions to this rule are: barao baron, 
baronesa; ddadao citizen, cidada; irmao brother, irmd; 
ladrdo thief, ladra; suUao sultan, sultana; valentdo boaster, 

3. Those ending in -or (or) and -es {eg) add an a 
for the feminine: senhor sir, senhora; leitor reader, leitora; 
lavrador peasant, lavradora; ingles English, inglesa. 

The chief exceptions are: actor actor, actriz; em- 
baixador ambassador, embaixatriz; imperador emperor, 
imperatriz; prior prior, prior esa. 

Words. PalaTras. 

Isto ['iftuP this(nexttothe 

esse, essa 



that (one) 

isso ['isuj that (next to the 



ed [ka], aqui 

here (next to the 

aquillo [v'hilu] that (next to a 



third person) 

aid [vi] 

there (next to 

este[eft3], esta' this (one) 

the accosted) 

^ Also of the adjectives. 

2 Isto, isso, aquillo are pronouns and consequently employed 
independently (e.g. — Que e isto? Isto i uma penna What is this? 
This is a pen), while este, esse, aquelle are adjectives and employed 
only with a noun clearly expressed or imagined Cesta penna e 
aquella. — There is the same difference between este, esse, aquelle, 
as between isto, isso, aquillo. 


Lesson 1. 

ali [<e'lij, Id [la,], 
e A7> 

estd [tf'taj 

eis [slfj'^ 
eis aqui 

[vizv 'kij 
eis ahi [vyzs'i], 

ali or acdld 
que [kd, before 

a Towel ki] 
que e [ki'ej ? 
quern i [kvi's]? 
onde i [ondi- 

onde estd 

onde fica 

fond^'fikej ? 
tern [teij 
pae or pai 


[u 'meftn] 

[u ''prufi- 


a mestra 
a professora 

lioro [u 'livruj 
tecto [u'tetu] 

there (next to a 
third person) 

is (mostly an- 
swering to 
what? or 

is (mostly an- 
swering to 

here is, this is 

there is 

which, what (a) 

what is? 
who is? 

where is? 

has (he, she, it) 
the father 

the teacher 

the (female) 
teacher or 
the book 
the ceiling 

chao [u'fSu] 
banco [u'bskuj 
gis [u'sif] 
o muro 


[utm 'IvfruJ 
quadra preto 

[u 'kwatru- 

lapis [u'lapif] 


[tike 'dernuj 

[uma 'ninuj 
alumno [uv- 

lugar [ulu- 

a mdi or mde 

[v 'mvij 
o rei [u'rrei], 

El-rei [el- 

a rainha 

[v 'rrviye] 
a escola 

a penna 

[v 'penvj 
a tinta [v 'tintv] 
a cadeira [vke- 

a caneta [vkv- 


the ground 
the bench 
the chalk 
the wall 

the inkstand 

the blackboard 

the lead-pencil 
the map 

the copy-book 

the boy 

the pupil, 

the place 

the mother 

the king 

the queen 

the school 

the pen 

the ink 
the chair 

the penholder 

^ E, estd e fica mean is, but they are very clearly to be 
distinguished: E marks a quality inherent to a person or an object 
(ex.: pae e um homem, i bom [good]), or the place of a person 
or thing that it cannot or not easily be removed from (ex.: a es- 
cola i aqui). Estd marks a passing or casual quality (ex. : o pae 
estd doente [ill]); or the staying of somebody or something on a 
spot that he (or it) can be easily removed from (ex.: o livro estd 
na mesa ; a mesa estd na aula. Fica is employed to designate the 
place appointed to something (rarely to somebody), ex.: o porta 
fica perto (near) da janella. Sometimes you may doubt whether 
to employ fica or estd or even estd or e ; there are cases where you 
may indifferently employ the one or the other. (See 5^'^ Lesson.) 

^ Eis aqui or simply eis; also aqui i or (less correctly) 
estd (cf. ')■ 

The Gender of the Noun and the Article. 23 

a parede [spe- 

the wall 


the door 


a janella [vge- 

the window 

a cidade fesi- 

the town 



a aula [v'aulej 

the school- 

a lousa fe'lozvj 

the slate 

room, the 

a rua [rrwe] 

the street 


a esponja [-etf- 

the sponge 

a escola /»«/- 

the school 

'posij ^ 


a mesa [ mezv] 

the tahle 

sim, nao 

yes, no 

•a menina 

the girl 

e, ou 

and, or 

a alumna 

the sohool-girl, 

tambem [tvni- 

too, also. 

the pupil 


€»i [vi, tj in, on, at, contracted with the following article or de- 
monstrative pronoun into no, na, n'um, n'uma, n'isto, n'isso, 
n'este, etc. (or num, nisto, etc.). 

de [da] of, from, contracted with the following article or demon- 
strative pronoun into do, da, d'um, d'uma, d'isto, d'isso, d'este, 
etc. (or dum, deste, etc.), is equivalent to our genitive form. 

« [v] at, to, contr. with the following def. article or aquelle into 
ao, a, aquelle, dquella, etc., is equivalent to our dative. 

1. Exercicio. Leitnra e versa o. 

Na escola. 
Aqui 6^ a escola. Onde fica^ {or €) a aula? Eis aqui^ a 
aula. Onde esta^ o professor? professor esta na cadeira. 
Onde e (or fica) o lugar do alumno ? lugar do alumno ou 
da alumna 6 (or fica) ali no banco. Quem tem o giz? mestre 
tern o giz e a esponja. Que e isto? Isso 6^ o quadro preto. Que 
4 isso? Isto 6 mappa. E que e aquillo? Aquillo 6 o tecto. 

2. Exercise. 

Where is the window? The window is in the wall. 
Has the reader the book ? The book is on the table. There 
is a lead-pencil on the ground. Where is the copy-book of 
the school-boy? The copy-book is on the chair of the teacher. 
Who is that man ? That man is the head man-servant of the 
baron. Has the daughter of the baroness a governess? Yes, 
and the friend of the girl has also a governess. Where is 
the inkstand? The inkstand is on the table. The pen- 
holder too is on the table. Who is there? The father of 
the boy is there. Who is at (a) the door of the school-room? 
The pupil of the teacher is at the door. Is here the place 
of the boy? Yes, here on the bench. 

ConTersation. ConrersaQao. 

Quem 6 esse menino? E (He is) um alumno da aula. 

E quem 6 o professor d'esta E um cidadao d'esta cidade. 

> See note » of p. 22. 
2 See note ^ of p. 22. 

24 Lesson 2. 

Que rua e esta? Esta 6 a rua do Abe. 

Onde e (or fica) a eacola? A escola 6 (or fica) aqui. 

Tern menino um lapiz? Sim, eis um lapiz e uma ca- 


(0 professor apontara para os objectos de que fala ou pegarfi, 
nelles, emquanto dirigir as seguintes ou semelhantes perguntas ao 
alumno) : 

P. Que 6 isto? E. Isso e a m6sa. Isso 6 o giz. Isso 6 o 

quadro preto, etc. 
F. Que 6 isso? B. Isto 6 o livro. Isto e a penna. Isto 

6 a cangta, etc. 
P. Que e aquillo? B. Aquillo 6 o tecto, a porta, a janella, 
o mappa, a parede, etc. 
(Tbe same exercise to be continued for all objects already 

Second Lesson. Licjao segunda. 

The Plural of Substantives.^ 

A formagdo do plural nos substantivos. 

§ 22. All nouns ending in a vowel or diphthong 
(except -So) or in -n form the plural by adding -s, thus: 
banco the bench os bancos the benches 

a janella the window as janellas the windows 

pae (or pat) the father os paes the fathers, the parents 

a mde (or mai) the mother as maes the mothers 
dia' the day os dias the days 

q irma [vir'mvj the sister as irmas the sisters 

dolmen [' udoimen] the harrow os dolmens the barrows. 

§ 23. Nouns ending in -m change this letter into 
-n before taking the -s of the plural: 
homem [u'omvi] the man os homens the men 
ojardim [ujvr'di] the garden os jardins the gardens 
som [u'soj the sound os sons the sounds 

um [u] a, one uns some, any. 

§ 24. Nouns terminating in -ao distinguish two 
chief classes: 

^ The rules given for the formatiou of the plural of the 
noun are applied also to the adjective. 

^ Those words ending in a are generally of the feminine 
gender, but there are exceptions— e.g., dia, gramma, monareha 
dilemma, patriarcha, clima (climate), drama, thema, and others 
derived from the Greek. 

The Plural of Substantives. 


(a) those where this termination is not accented 
take simply an s: 

orfao or orphao ['orfiu] os orfaos the orphans 

the orphan 
a bengao['bes^uJ^ the blessing as bengaos the blessings. 

(b) those where this termination is accented may 
be divided into three subdivisions: 

(a) such as change -ao into -aos (rare) 
(P) » » » -ao » -aes (rarer still) 
(t) » » » -ao » -5es. 
(a) To the first class belong the following sub- 
stantives : 

irmao the brother 

OS irmaos the brothers, the 

OS cidadaos the citizens 
OS chrisiaos the Christians 

OS cortesaos the courtiers 

OS villaos the peasants, villains 

OS chaos the gi-ounds 
as maos the hands. 

cidadao the citizen 

christao [krif'ivu] the 

eortesao [kurtd'svu] the cour- 

villdo fvi'lvu] the peasant, 

chao f/vuj the ground 

a mao [mvu] the hand 

(P) To the second class belong the following: 
cm [Mu] the dog os cues [hvij] the dogs 

o poo [p'su] the bread, the os piies [pnij] the loaves 

alemao [vlg'mvu] the Ger- 
capitao [Itvpi'tvu] the cap- 
escrivao fifkri'vnu] the clerk 
of the court 

OS alemaes fvh'm'stfj the Ger- 

OS capitaes [kvpi'tnif] the 

OS escrivaes [ifkri'vvif] the 
clerks of the court. 

(t) Most substantives ending in -s,o (among these 
all abstract nouns ending in -ao) form their plural by 
changing -do in -oes, as: 
coragao [Icurv'sSuJthe heart, 

OS coragdes [kurv'soifj 
lido the lion, os liSes 
cangdo the song, os cangdes 
meldo the melon, os meloes 

aldedo the peasant, os aldeoes^ 
a acgdo the action, as acgdes 
a divisuo the division, as di- 

a ligao the lesson, as ligdes. 

* hengao may also be accented on its termination. 

^ aldeao [aid} 'vu] may form the plural in aldeaos or aldeoes. 


Lesson 2. 

§ 25. Nouns (and adjectives) ending in -r or -s or 
-z add -es in tiie plural, as: 
mar [max] the sea, os a pas ^ fpafj peace, 

mares [m^rifj 
mis fm^fj the month, meses 
rapag [rre'pafj the boy, 

o portugues [purtu'gwJJ the 

Portuguese, Portugueses 

N.B. — Many words may be written with an -s or a 
-e, as : mes or mez, lapis (pencil) or lapis, ingles or ingles, 
etc.; but nowadays the -s is preferred to the -z. 

§ 26. Words (nouns and adjectives) ending in ac- 
cented -al, -ol, -ul, change the letter -I into -es: 

animal [vni'matj the ani- os animaes [vni'maifj 

a flor fflor] flower, floras 
a mulher [mu 'Her] woman, 

mulheres women. 
superior [supdri'or] superior 

(sub. and adj.). 

OS soes ['soif] 
OS tafues [iv'fuiJJ 
geraes fga'raif] 
[v 'zwifj. 


sol [sot] the sun 
taful [tv'ful] the gambler 
geral /ja 'ral] general 
azul [v'zui] blue 

Exception. — mal the evil; o consul ['Wsut] the consul; 
a cal [kai] form their plural by adding -es: os males, os con- 
sules, as calcs. real [rri'ai] the ree (unit of the Por- 
tuguese coin), forms the plural os reis [nz'rrEjJ]. 

§ 27. Nouns ending in -el or unaccented -il change 
these letters into -eis. N.B. — If the termination -el 
— which is always pronounced [eij — is accented, -eis is 
pronounced [itfj; if not accented, it is [eifj. 
papel [pv'pel] the paper papeis [pv'peij] 

tonnel [tu 'netj the barrel 
tunnel ['luneij the tunnel 
agradavel [vgre'davei] agree- 
reptil ['rreptil] reptile 
fdcil I'fasii] easy 
difjficil [dg'fisii] difficult 
iextil ['tvtftii] textile 

tonneis [iu'neifj 
tunnels ['tunvij], 
agradavcis [vgrv 'davvij] 


fdceis ['fasv}j] 

difficeis [ds fisnif] 


^ Textil (with the accent on the first syllable) has the scien- 
tifical plural-form: texteif:, and the popular form: textis. Reptil 
(scientifioal form ['rrcptii], popular form: frrep'tii]) forms the 
plural iar^tis [mp'Uf], instead of replis ['rreptif], as would be 

The Plural of Substantives. 27 

Exception.— mel honey, forms meles; o fel gall, bill, 
has DO plural. 

§ 28. Nouns (and adjectives) ending in accented 
-il change the letter -I into -s, as: 

funil [fu'niij the fannel funis [fu'nifj 

burril [bu'rrii] the chisel burris 
civil [ss'vii] civil (adj.) civis.'^ 

§ 29. Nouns ending in -s preceded by an un- 
accented vowel or falling diphthong, do not change in 
the plural: o(s) alferes [ai'ferif] lieutenant(s) ; o{s) lapis 
['lupif] pencil(s); simples simple. 

Exception. — o cdlis ['kahf] cnp, calyx, glass, pi. calls or 
calices; deus ['deu/J god, deuses [deuzfj]. 

§ 30. Some substantives are only used in the 
plural, as: 

as ealgas ['kalsvf] the trousers os generos ['genaruj] the vie- 
as ceroulas [s9 'rolvfj the dra- tuals 

wers as fontes ['fonUj] the temples 

as tenazes [ta'nas'tj] the tongs as castas [hoftvf] the back 

OS arredores [arra'donj] the os dculos ['okuluf] the spec- 
environs tacles. 

Rule. — As already mentioned, the adjective follows 
the same rules as the noun, as for the feminine and 
plural forms; so it agrees with the word qualified by it, 
in gender and number, as: 

homem e alto the man is tall 
a torre e alta the spire is high 
as torres .sao altas the spires are high. 

§ 31. Present Tense (Fresente) of ter to have. 

Eu tenho [eu'tvyo] I have tenho (eu)? have I? 

tu tens [tu'tvif] thou hast tens (tu)? hast thou? 

elle tern [eb'tei] he has tern (elle)? has he? 

ella tern [elv'tvi] she has tem (ella)? has she? 

nos temos [nof'temuj] we temos (nds) ? have we ? 


v6s tendes fvof'tend}/] you tendes (v6s)? have you? 


dies teem [elif'tviei] they teem(elles)?h3,Yeth6j? (masc.) 

(masc.) have 

ellas teem [elvftviei] they teem (ellas) ? have they (fern.). 

(fern.) have 


Lesson 2. 

Eu nao tenho I have not, etc. 
Nao tenho eu? have I not? etc. 

Rule. — The negative nUo is put before the verb. 

Bemarh. — The conjunctive personal pronoun may be 
omitted. Yet it must be employed: 1. when it has the em- 
phasis— e.g., eu (e que) tenho; 2. to avoid a misunderstand- 
ing; 3. when necessary to the harmony of the phrase. — In 
the interrogative form it is put after the verb, but may also 
stand before it. 

N.B.— As for you have, etc., see the following 


Men, minha my 

I'meu, mijiv] 
seu, sua ['seu, his, her, its, 

suv] your 

dois,duas['do}f, two 

quanta [kwvntu] , how much? 

quanta ? 
quantos, quantas how many ? 
tres [tref] three 

quatrof'hwatru] four 
cinco ['stku] five 
pe, [u'ps] the foot 
dedo [uffeffu] the finger, the 

obrago [u'tirasuj the arm 
estes, estas these 

esses, essas those 

aquelles, aquellas those (of. p. 21, 

no, not 



cada fjcsffej 
nao fneuj 
sao [svu] \ 

estcw [tf'tvuj J 
algum [ai'guj 
(Uguma [al- 

alguns fai-g«fj} '°'^^' ^"y 
algumas [ai- 

guvrvfj I 

ha [a] there is, there 

vdho [vsliu, old, aged 


sogro ['sogruj the father-in- 

a sogra ['sogn] the mother-in- 

a cdthedra 


a princesa 

a leitv/ra [Ivi- 

a versdo [mr- 

herdeiro [ir- 

a herdeira 

[ir 'ffvyrv] 

[fi '(Jiaigu] 
a fidalga 

[fi 'Oatgv] 
avo fv 'voj 

a av6 [e'voj 

cdo [kvu] 

the lecturing- 

the prince 

the princess 

the reading 


the heir 

the heiress 

the gentleman 

the gentlewo- 
man, the lady 

the grand- 

the grand- 

the dog 

the bitch 

a cadella [hv- 

a rapariga 

[rrvpv 'riffe] 
tambem [tvm- 


Rule. — The possessive adjectives are generally pre- 
ceded by the article, if the noun is not a title of re- 

the boy 

the girl, the 

young wo man 

The Plural of Substantives. 29 

lationship, in -which case the article is generally 
omitted. The article is dropped also at addressing per- 
sons. Ex. : meu lapis, a sua penna; but meu pae, 
sua mae; my good friend! 

3. Exercicio. Leitnra e rersao. 

Meu pal tern dois filhos e duas filhas. Seu sogro e urn 
faomem velho, sua sogra 6 uma mulher velha. Na aula ha 
uma cathedra, dois bancos, duas janellas e uma mesa. Na mfisa 
ha uma esponja, tres canetas e quatro lapis. Os meus cadernos 
estao tambem na m6sa. Tenho [um] av6 e [uma] avo. 
mestre 6 portugu6s. frances 6 um valeutao. principe 6 
o filho do rei e da rainha. fidalgo 6 o herdeiro do seu amigo. 
Onde esta o cao do ingles? Esta ali no chao. 

4. Exercise. 

I have two hands. Each hand has five fingers. We 
have also two feet, and each foot has also five toes. These 
are my copy-books and my pens. Is this your lead-pencil? 
No, it is not*; it is the pencil of my father. My mother's 
father-in-law (= The father-in-law of my mother) is my 
grandfather, and her mother-in-law is my grandmother. 
These girls and those boys are pupils of my master. Have 
you any brothers? Tes, I have three brothers ; they are 
in the garden. The princes are the sons of the king and 
the queen. Those men are aged. They are German captains. 
The English, the Portuguese, and the Germans are Christians. 
There are four dogs in the street. Have we a map in the 
school-room? Yes, there is a map on the wall. 

Tem menino uma lousa? Sim, tenho uma loasa e dois 

Ha uma esponja? Nao ha esponja nesta aula. 

Quantos alumnos ha aqui? Ha cinco alnmnos e tr€s 

Quantos ha em cada banco? Ha um em cada banco. 
Onde esta o menino Carlos Esta na rua. 

Onde fica a porta? A porta fica acola. 

Ha tinta no tinteiro? Ha^, sim, senhor. 

Que tens tu ahi? Eu tenho alguns meloes. 

1 The impersonal it is is rendered by ^ without a pronoun. 

' The Portuguese generally answers by employing the same 
verb as in the question; if the latter contains a compound form, 
he generally employs in the answer only the auxiliary verb. Ex.: 
Tem tido sorte? Have you had good luck? Tenho Tes, I have. 

30 Lesson 3. 

Isto 6 uma mesa. Isto 6 um banco. Isso 6 a porta 
da aula. Isso 6 o caderno do menino. Aquillo 6 a 
cathedra do professor. A cadeira tern quatro p6s, 
elle esta no chao. papal esta na mesa. Ha cinco 
rapazes na classe. Cada rapaz tem dois lapis. 

professor (apontando o objecto): Que e isto?, isso?, 

alumno (apontando o objecto) : Isto 6 o meu caderno, 
a minha penna; isso 6 o seu livro; aquillo 6 o 
lapis do menino Carlos, etc. 

professor: Onde est^ o banco? Onde fiea a porta, a 
janella? etc. Que tem o menino?, a cadeira?, a 
mesa?, etc. Que temos n6s?, etc. 

(The same exercise to be continued for all objects and forms 
already mentioned.) 

Third Lesson. LIqEo terceira. 

The Address. tratamento [treiv'mentu]. 

The Terb ter to have. 

§ 32. The English address "you" is given in 
Portuguese by different expressions: 

(a) Mostly it is not expressed at all: Tem tempo? 
Have you time? Ndo tens lugar? Have you no place? 
Esta doente? Are you ill? Pode dizer-me . . .? Can 
you tell me . . . ? 

(b) You is rendered by the state or title of the 
person addressed: senhor diz-me You tell me. A 
senhora quer sentar-se? Will you sit down? Qual e a 
opinido do senhor Boutor? Doctor, what is your opinion? 
sr. Conde (count) deseja passar? Do you wish to pass 
sir? pae (a mde) que diz? What do you say, father 
(mother)? Que manda o senhor patrao (principal)? What 
do you command? meu amigo nao vd Id don't (you) 
go there, my friend! vizinho (o menino) como esta? 
Neighbour (my boy), are you well? A prima quando 
vae? When shall you go, my cousin? 

(c) You may be rendered by the name of a person : 
Carlos jd foi ? Charles, did you already go there? 

The Address. 31 

Nao disse a Maria? Mary, didn't you say? It is to 
be considered, that with gentlemen the family name 
(sometimes also the Christian name) is employed directly 
after senhor, while with ladies only the Christian name 
is used, but preceded by senhor a Dona (D"). sr. 
(Antonio) Correa d'Oliveira escreveu um novo poema ? Have 
you written a new poem, Mr. d'Oliveira? Tern (uma) 
creada a sr"' D" Maria? Have you a maid-servant, Mrs. 
(or Miss) Mary? Upon country people or person of low 
condition, the title Dona is not bestowed. 

Remar'k. — In addressing somebody, the Portuguese general- 
ly summons him by an introductory «<}.'» (oh!). 

(d) You must be rendered by Vossa Excellencia 
(V"- E"') [vosBtfsd'lensi'B] in speaking to persons of rank, 
especially to ladies and to strangers. This form may 
be abbreviated ioVossencia [vy'sesf^J. 

N.B.— In Brazil these forms (d) are not usual; they 
are substituted by: 

(e) Vossa Merce (¥"■ Me) [vos^s mdr'se]. Your 
grace, a title given in Portugal to lower people, maid- 
servants, etc. This form may be abbreviated to: 

(f) Vosse (V^) [vo'se], used for men-servants, 
etc.; in familiar conversation it is also used among 

(g) In commercial correspondence there is still the 
now antiquated « Vossa Senhoriai> [vose siyu'riv], your 
honour, to be found (abr. : F" Sr°). 

BemarJcs. 1. With all these addresses above mentioned 
the verb is to be employed in the third person— e.g., 7" Ex'^ 
tern or e . . ., F"* Ex'^^ teem or sao ; 2. as already said, you 
need not employ the address at every verb. If on the one hand 
it would not be polite to dispense with it, a too frequent em- 
ployment iwould be heavy. 3. The pronoun *tu» is used only 
in familiar treatment and may be altogether avoided by 
foreigners. 4. The pronoun *v6s», if not taken in the plural 
(and even here it is better to substitute it by the third 
person), is antiquated and only used in pathos, at prayers, 
and in solemn allocution, for instance, to the king. 

32 Lesson 3. 

§ 33. The verb ter to have.^ 

Present participle (participio presente): tendo having. 
Past participle (participio passado) tido: ['tidu] had. 

Indicative (Indicativo). 

Present Tense (Presente). 

(See 2°'! Lesson.) 

Imperfect Tense (Preterito imperfeito). 

Eu tinha f'tijie] I had nds tinhamos ['ttpvmuj] we 

tu tinhas you had (thou hadst) had 

elle, ella tinha he, she, it, had v6s tinheis ['ti]imfj you had 

elles tinham ['tijiSuJ they had. 

Perfect Tense (Preterito perfeito). 

Eu tive I'tiva] I have got, I nds iivemos [ti'wmuj] we have 

had got 

tu tiveste [ti'vefls] you have v6s tivestes [ti'veftaf] jovihare 

got got ^ 

die, ella teve f'teva] he, she, elles, ellas tiveram [ti vervuj 

it has got they have got. 

Present Perfect (Preterito composto). 
Eu tenho tido I have had 
tu tens tido you have had, etc. 

Pluperfect (Mais-gue-perfeitq). 
Eu tinha tido I had had 
tu tinhas tido you had had, etc. 

Future (Future). 
Eu terei [td'rvi] I shall have nds teremos we shall have 

. , , / thou wilt \ , v6s tereis you will have 

tu teras ^ ^^^ ^j^ j nave ^^j^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^jj^ 

elle, ella ierd he, she, it will have, 

1 We hesitated to give so early, in this lesson, the whole verb 
ter, successively followed by the other auxiliary verbs ser, estar, 
haver; but as these verbs cannot be dispensed with to form, even 
the simplest phrase, and as experience taught us that a summary 
arrangement impresses more easily and lastingly, we resolved to do 
so. Yet the student is not supposed to learn at once all the verbal 
forms, so as to master them, as, indeed, these verbs with their 
resemblances and differences constitute one of the greatest diffi- 
culties of the Portuguese language for the foreigner. But he is ear- 
nestly requested not to put -these lessons aside before having at- 
tained an absolute understanding of the meaning and employment 
of the auxiliary verbs. 

The Address. 3S 

Future Perfect (Futuro perfeitoj. 
Eu terei tido I shall have had. 

Conditional (Condicional). 

Eu teria [tg 'riv] I should elle, ella teria he, she, it would 

have have 

. , . / thou wouldst \ , nds teriamos we should have 

tu tenas ^ ^^^ ^^^j^ | Jiave ^^^ ^^^^-^ ^^^ ^^^^j^ ^^^^ 

elles teriam thej would have. 

Conditional Perfect (Condicional perfeito). 
Eu teria tido I should have had. 

Subjunctive (Conjunctivo)} 
Eu tenha I have nos tenhdmos we have 

tu tenhas you have v6s tenhais you have 

elle tenha he have elles tenham they have. 

(Se) eu tivesse [ti'vess] (if) (Se)n6stivessemos[ti'ves9muf] 

I had (if) we had 

(Se) tu tivesses (if) you had (Se) v6s tivesseis (if) you had 

» elle tivesse (if) he had » elles tivessem (if) they had. 

eu tiver [ti'ver] if (or when) I am to have or: if 
tu tiveres (or when) I shall have, etc. 

die tiver 

nds tiver mos [ti'vermuj] 
v6s tiverdes 
elles tiverem. 

Personal Infinitive. Infinit(iv)o pessoal. 



(Para) eu ter 

that 1 may 


to have (I) 

» tu teres 

» you » 


» » (you) 

■» elle ter 

» he » 


» » (he) 

» nds termos 

» we » 


» » (etc.) 

» v6s terdes 

» yon » 


» » 

» elles terem 

» they » 


» » 

Imperative (Imperativo). 

Tern (tu); tende (v6s) ; tenha nao tenhas (tu); nao tenhais; 
(T^) have nao tenha(m) (V^<''>) do not 


' The Subjunctive Moods in Lessons 3—7 may be only read, 
over here, while well learned later on. 

Portuguese ConTersation- Grammar. 8 


Lesson 3. 

Remark. Ter que or ter de indicates necessity: 

Tenho de Id ir I mnst go there. 

Tens que fazer a tua obrigagao you must do your duty. 

In the same manner are conjugated the compound; 
Terbs, as : 

cibster-se to abstain, to for- 
ater to stick to 
conter to contain 
deter to detain 

entreter to entertain 
manter to maintain 
obter to obtain 
reter to retain 
suster to sustain. 


A drvore 

a drvore fru- 

ctifera [fru- 

a fructa [ 'frutis] 

o fruetof'frutuj 

andado [in- \ 

'dafu] \ 

ido ['iffu] ) 
ir [ir] 

a saude [sv 'ud'sj 
voltar [vot'tar] 
a carta ["kartv] 
a noticia [nu- 

o trabalko [trv- 

por inuito tempo 

[pur multu 

fiear [fi'karj 
a casa ['kazej 
em casa 
a ordem ['ordv}] 
nenhum [m 'jiii] 

[v 'sukarj 
o leite [leit3j 
o quel jo ["kvigu] 
a manteiga 

o ovo ['ovu, pi. 


the tree 

the fruit-tree 

the fruit 

the fruit (in 



to go 
the health 
to return 
the letter 
the news 

the work, 
for a long time 

to stay 
the honee 
at home 
the order 
the sugar 

the milk 
the cheese 
the butter 

the egg 

chd [fa] 
opudim [pu'ffi] 
pastel [pvf'tei] 
a batata [bv- 

a pimento [pi- 

o sal [sal] 
vinho ['vi/iuj 
pdo [peu] 
a came [karna] 
a volataria 

[mdete 'risj 
a caga ['kasv] 
a agita ['agwv] 
a dgua ardente 

[vr 'dentd] 
o palo ['patu] 
o capo ['hjpu] 
o dinheiro [di- 

o chocolate 

quando [ktovn- 

du] (algum 

predsar [prasi- 

jantar [gyn- 

o caldo ['kaidu] 
o arroz [e rrof] 
a cerveja [sar- 

the tea 
the pudding 
the pie 
the potato 

the pepper 

the salt 
the wine 
the bread 
the meat 
the poultry 

the game 
the water 
the brandy 

the duck 
the glass 
the money 

the chocolate 


a gaveta [gv- 

to want 

the dinner 

the broth 
the rice 
the beer 

the drawer. 

The Address. 35 

Rule. — The nouns of material, taken in a partitive 
and indefinite sense, are, as in English, used without 
the article or a preposition: Tenho j)ao I have (some) 
bread. But: Tenho um pouco de pao I have a little 

5. Exercicio. Leitnra e rersao. 

meuino, que tern na mao? Tenho uma can6ta. Nao 
tem tambem um lapis ? Nao tenho. sr. vizinho tern um 
cao? Tenho dois caes. Nao tinha meu Amigo (um) jardim 
com algumas floras? Tinha, sim, senhor, e ainda tenho. Se 
tivesse arvores fructiferas, tambem teria fructa. Tem a menina 
andado a escola nestes dias? Nao tenho ido, tenho andado 
{or estado) doente. Quando tiver saiide, terei muito gosto em 
voltar a aula. Teve V'. Ex", uma carta da sua amiga? Tive 
hontem. Tenho tido noti'cias d'ella (from her) em cada m6s. 
Temos tido muito trabalho, para termos uma creada. Agora 
teem ? Temos, 'mas nao a (her) teremos por muito tempo. 
Nao tendo ordem para la ires, terds de (to) ficar em casa. 

6. Exercise. 

Have you some fruit, my friend? I have none. She 
has the sugar. They have the milk. We had the cheese. 
You had the butter. I shall have eggs. He will have tea. 
We shall have a pudding. You will have a pie. They had 
no potatoes. He has had pepper and salt. Had yon some 
wine ? Will you have butter and cheese ? I shall have bread 
and meat. The boy has soup and meat. I shall have no 
poultry, but I shall have game. Your horse will have bread 
and brandy. Shall you have a duck? My daughter would 
have a glass of milk. If you had money, you would have 
chocolate. Whenever we are to have money, we shall have 
everything we want (iudo quanta precisarmos). 


Que temos nos nesta mesa? Temos uma penna, tinta e 

Terao os rapazes pao e leite? Nao, elles terao pao e agua. 
Nao teve V^- queijo esta Nao, eu tive manteiga. 

manha ? 
Nao terei eu came de boi e Nao, tu teras um pastel e 

vinho para o meu jantar? cerveja. 

Onde tem a sua penna e a Tenho-as (them) na minha 

canSta? gav6ta. 

Nao teve ainda caldo com Ainda nao (not yet), mas eu 

arroz? tive um copo de leite. 


86 Lesson 4. 

Teria o meu amigo escripto Teria, sim, senhor. Mas ha 
uma carta, se tivesse tido muito que nao tenho tido 

tempo ? tempo. 

(Oral exercises to be done on the subject, as indicated in the 

preceding lessons.) 

Fourth Lesson. Ligao quarta. 

The Auxiliary Verb ser and the Adjective. 

verho auxiliar sSv e o adjedivo. 

§ 34. The verb ser to be. 

Participio imperfeito: sendo f'sendu]. 
Participio perfeito: sido ['sicfuj. 

Eu sou [sou] I am nos somos ['somuf] we are 

tu es [ef] thou art | vos sois ['soff] you are 

(elle, ella) e he, > you are (elles, ellas) sdo [svu] they 
she, it is J (you) are. 

Eu era ['erv] I was n6s eramos we were 

tu eras thou wast | vds ereis you were 

(elle, ella) era he > you were elles, ellas eram they (you) 
she, was | were. 

Preterito perfeito. 

Eu fui^ /TW I ^^^ 0*" ^^'^^ ^'^^ fomos ['fomuf] 

been, etc. vos fostes [ foftif] 

tu foste ['fojtg] ' elles, ellas fdram f'foreuj. 

elle, ella foi [foi] 

Preterito perfeito composto. 
Eu tenho sido ['sidu] I have been 
tu tens sido you have been, etc. 

Eu tinha sido I had been, etc. 

1 As fui is also the preterito of ir to go, it means also I 
went (fui-me I went away); it is the same for tenses derived from 
the preterito (fosse, fdr, fora); see § 44 and 45. 

The Auxiliary Verb ser and the Adjective. 


Futuro imperfeito. 
Eu serei [sa'rvi] I shall be nds seremos [sg'remufj we 

tu seras [sg'rafj you will be 
(elle, ella) serd [s9'ra] he, 
she, it, you will be, etc. 

shall be 
v6s sereis [sd'rvif] you will be 
elles, ellas ser do [s9'rvu] they 

will be. 

Futuro perfeito. 
Eu terei side I shall have been, etc. 
Gondicional imperfeito. 
Eu seria [ss'riv] I should be, nds seriamos [sd'rivmuj] 
tu serias etc. vds serieis [ss'rwij] 

elle, ella seria elles, ellas seriam. 

Gondicional perfeito. 
Eu teria sido I should have been, etc. 

Eu seja ['svge] I be, etc. nds sejdmos [sd'gvmuj] 

tu sejas 
elle, ella seja 

Eu fdsse^ ['fosd] 
tu fdsses [fosij] 
elle, ella fosse 

vds sejais [sd'^aij] 
elles, ellas sejam. 
I were, etc. nds fdssemos ['fosamuj] 
vds fdsseis 
elles, ellas fdssem. 



Eu for^ 


tu fdres 


elle, ella for 

I am or happen to be 


nds formos 


or if I shall be. 


vds fdrdes 



elles ellas fdrem 


Infinitivo pessoal. 


Eu ser 



tu seres 


lj . 

elle ser 

"F " , 

I may be or to be (ly 



nds sermos 

T} CD 

you, etc.), etc. 


vds serdes 



elles, ellas serem -^ 

Se (tu); seja (VK); s&de (vds) be. — nao sejas (tu); 
ndo seja (Vi); nao sejaes (vds) do not be. 

1 See note of the preceding page. 


Lesson 4. 

§ 35. The Portuguese adjective follows, as already- 
mentioned, the same rules of inflexion as the substan- 
tive with which it consequently agrees in gender and 
number. It is the same as for the demonstrative, pos- 
sessive, and indefinite adjectives, and the ordinal numbers, 
which are all considered adjectives. Also the cardinal 
numbers um and dois have a diSerent form for the 
feminine (cf. 2°"^ Lesson): este livro, esta penna; men 
pae, minha ime; alguni papel, alguma tinta; o primeiro 
(first) aliimno, a primeira alumna; dois hancos, duas 
mesas, etc. 

§ 36. There are adjectives, denominated uniforms, 
which have only one form for both genders. This class 
embraces those ending by -e, -I, -ar, -az, -is, -os, -im, 
-ea and -o, and those ending by -s in syllable not accen- 
tuated. Ex.: dace, grande, leal, amdvel, fdcil, gentil, 
singular, capas, feliz, veloz, ruim, femea, so, simples. 

Exceptions:— esfe, esse, aquelle, mestre (chief— e.g., muro 
mestre), which have the feminine: esta, essa, aquella, mestra. 

§ 37. The place of the Portuguese qualifying ad- 
jective is for the most part after the noun as for those 
denoting colour, form, dimension, nationality, religion; 
while the demonstrative, possessive, and indefinite ad- 
jectives precede the noun. 


Velho ['viiiuj 


alto [aitu] high, tall 

novo f'novuj 

young, new 

grande ['grinds] great, grand, 

ruim [rru'i, 


large, big 



sempre [semprs] always, ever 

mau [mmi], adv. 

caminho [hv- the way 

mat [mat] 


bom, boa [bo, 

good, kind 

a invenQoo [we- the invention 



doente [du'ent^J 

ill, sick 

telegrapho the telegraph 

rico ['rrikuj 


[ta 'legrvfuj 

applicado fepli 


Paldcio de the Crystal 


Crystal [crif- Palace 





edificio [yffs- the edifice 

hello rtduj 

beautiful, fine 


cedo f'seduj 

early, soon 

poeta [pu'etvj the poet 

tarde ['turd's] 


opoema[pu'emv] the poem 

melhor [mi'Hor] 

better, best 

colhido [ku- gathered, 

duravel [du- 

durable, lasting 

Tiiffa] plucked 


madurecido ripe 

euro ["karu] 


[muffura 'siffu] 

The Auxiliary V-erb ser and the Adjective. 


a criania f'kri- the child 

pequeno [py- 

little, small 



a fasenda ffv- the stuff, cloth 

grosso ['grosu] 

thick, big 


marmelo [mei- 

the quince 

pannof'pvnuj the cloth 


signal [si' not] the sign, maik 

situado [situ- 


« duvida the doubt 


[is '&uvi&v] 



nao tern duvida is does not 




airado [ai'ra^u] airy 

pdu [pauj 

the wood, stick 

eomprado [Mm- bought 

a madeira [me- 

the wood 



bastante [bvf- enough, adv. 

de madeira or 

of wood, 

'tentgj rather 

de pdu 


negociante the merchant 

a infancia 

tbe childhood 



oZgwirto the room 

a manha 

the morning 


[vmv 'jivj 

muito very, much 



\Sr ['muintuj 

[amv 'ji%] 

ideia [i'&etv] the idea 

escovado [}fku- 


bonito [bu'nituj pretty 


7. Exercicio. Leitura e versao. 

Eu sou velho. Ta es muito novo. EUe 6 um homem 
ruim. Ella 6 uma mulher nova. Essa penna 6 boa. Aquelle 
menino 6 doente. Nos nao somos ricos. Vos sois applicados. 
Elles sao preguigosos. Ellas sao bellas. Eu era teu amigo. 
Nos ja nao eramos crian9as. Era isso um bom conselho? 
Nao, foi mal pensado. Eu fui tarda duma hora. Postes vos 
(foste tu, foi Y^.) mais cedo? Nao 6 Y^. Ex*, de opiniao que 
jd seja tarde? Se fosse mais cedo, seria melhor. Se as fructas 
ja fdrem colhidas, 6 signal de ja terem madurecido. Isto que 
sera? Sera um vestido para a menina. Nao teria sido melhor 
escolber uma fazenda que fosse mais duravel? Se nao f6r 
duravel, nao tern duvida; o panno nao foi caro. Tudo quanto 
tenho eomprado a esse negociante, tem sido bom. A nossa 
casa era muito alta e tinha quartos bastante grandes e airados. 

8. Exercise. 


You are a tall man. The rooms are very large. He is 
[a] Portuguese. Those are big horses. It was a grand idea. 
She was a pretty little girl. He has always been a good boy. 
If it be late, you will not find (nao encontrard) the way. The 
telegraph is a grand invention. Be kind to the boy ! Be good, 
and I will give you the fine fruit. If the stick were not so thick, 

40 Lesson 5. 

it would not be bad. If I were you, I should be diligent. 
The Crystal Palace is a grand edifice. Camdes was a great 
Portuguese poet. His best poem is "Os Lusiadas." He is an 
heir. Is this an apple? No, it is a quince. We are no bad 
boys. The dog of my cousin is good and useful. Coimbra 
is the only university in Portugal. It is situated on the 


Nao 6 elle um bonito rapaz? Nao e tao bonito como (o) 

E V^. tao velho como eu? Nao sou tao velho como V'. 

Sao estas mesas de madeira? Sim, ellas sao de madeira. 
Foste bond6so para com (to) Fui muito bondoso para com 

o velho homem? elle. 

Esta Y^- E*^- doente? Tenho sido doente desde 

crianga (from childhood). 
O tempo ^manha serd bom ou Serd bom tempo kmanha. 

Estao escovados os vestidos? Estao; foram escovados pela 

manha (this morning). 

(0 professor dir^, apontando pare o objecto, e o alumno 
repetird :) 

quadro preto 6 largo, a tinta 6 preta, o banco 6 
alto. papel 6 branco, o giz tambem 6 branco, o 
tecto 6 branco tambem. Assim o papel, o giz e o 
tecto sao brancos. Este mata-borrao e amarello, esse 
6 vermelho, aquelle ^ azul. — Como 6 o quadro 
preto, o banco, a porta? Que cor tern a tinta, o 
papel? etc. 

Fifth Lesson. LiQao quinta. 

The Auxiliary Verb estar. 
DiflFerence between ser and estar. 

verho auxUiar BStar. Differenga entre ser 
e estar. 

§ 38. The verb estar to be (to stand, to lie to 
dwell, etc.). 

The Auxiliary Verb estar. 41 

Participio imperfeito : estando [■if'tenduj. 
Participio perfeito: estado [iftiulu]. 

JEu estou fif'tou] I am nds estamos (iftamuj] we are 

tuestas fff'taf] thou 1 v6s estaes [iftaif] you are 

art I elles, ellas estam [y'tvu] they 

(elle, ella) estd [ifta] ^"'^ ^'"^ (you) are. 

he, she, it is j 


JEu estava [tf'tavs] I was, etc. nds estavamos [if'tavvmul] 
tu estavas v6s estaveis [iJ'tavviQ 

(elle, ella) estava elles, ellas estavam. 

Preterito perfeito. 
EsHve [if'tivdj I was or I have estivemos Mti'vemuj] 


been, etc. estivesies [tfti'veftafj 

stiveste Mti'v 
esteve [tf'teva] 

estiveste Mti'vsftd] estiveram Mtivsriu]. 

'■fti ' 

Preterite perfeito composto. 
Tenho estado I have been, etc. 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito. 
Tinha estado I had been, etc. 

Futuro imperfeito. 
Estarei I shall be, etc. estaremos 

estards estareis 

estard estarao. 

Fvturo perfeito. 
Terei estado I shall have been, etc. 
Gondicional im,perfeito. 
Estaria I should be, etc. estariamos 

estarias estarieis 

estaria estariam. 

Esteja [tftv^v] I be, etc. estejdmos [tfti'gvmuf] 

estejas estejaes [^jti'saij] 

esteja estejam [ij'ivgvu] . 

Estivesse ['ijti 'vesd] I were, etc. estivessemos 
estivesses estivesseis 

estivesse estivessem. 


Lesson 5. 





Estiver [ifti 'ver] 







I am or happen to be 
if I shall be. 


Infinitivo pessoal. 




'5' « 

I may be 


'p a) 

to be (I, you, etc.). 




Estd (tu); esteja (Y^.) be, estae (vds); nao estejas (tu); 
ndo esteja (Y^.); I'^uo estejaes (vds) do not be. 

§ 39. Difference between ser and estar. 

A. Ser expresses: 

1. Existence in a general meaning, and is therefore 
called "Verbo substantive." Ex.: Eu respiro, pais sou 
I breathe, consequently I am (existing). 

2. A permanent state of existence, an essential and 
lasting condition, which may be expressed by substan- 
tive or adjective attribute or an infinitive. Ex.: A 
terra e uma esphera the earth is a sphere. Sou felis I 
am happy. E urn lento morrer it is a slow dying. 
Meu primo e soldado my cousin is a soldier. A rosa 
e uma flor, e vermelha the rose is a flower, it is red. 

3. Followed by the past participle of a transitive 
verb, ser is employed to form the passive voice. 
N.B. — The past participle is submitted to inflection like 
an adjective: Elles foram censurados, they were blamed. 

4. Ser de means to belong to ; ex. : de quem e esta 
casa? To whom does this house belong? E de meu pae 
it is my father's. Estes livros sao do professor these 
books belong to the master. 

1 De before the Infinitivo pessoal corresponds to the English 
of with the gerund preceded by a possessive adjective: A certeza 
de estarmos salvos the certainty of our being safe. 

The Auxiliary Verb eslar. 43 

B. On the contrary, estar is used: 

1. If the attribute appears merely accidental or 
temporary. Ex. : A rosa estd murcha the rose is faded. 
JElle estd feliz he is (just now) happy. Estamos ricos 
we are rich — vis., we have at this moment and casually 
some means, Estou doente, estou mal de saude I am 
ill, I am in bad health. {Eu sou doente would mean 
that I have bad health.) Estou horn (de saude) I am 
well; sou horn I am good. Estd hem it is all right, he 
(she) is well, you are well; estd mal it is bad, or he 
(she) is ill, you are ill. 

2. If a dwelling is to be expressed in any place 
that can be left or the object can be removed from: 
A criada estd na cozinha the servant is in the kitchen. 
But: Onde e a cozinha? Where is the kitchen? 

Bemark. — Here it may as well be said: onde fica a 
cozinha? because the place of the kitchen has been appointed 
from the beginning (cf. 1^' Lesson, Remark 2°^). Also : A 
boca flea debaixo do nariz the mouth is underneath the nose. 

3. While ser with the past participle of the verb 
forms the passive voice, estar with the same indicates 
the state or condition, as: negocio estd feito the 
business is done, finished. A casa estd construida the 
house is built. Cf. : A casa e construida the house is 
building. Elle estd preso he is a prisoner. Foi preso 
he has been imprisoned. A conta estd paga the bill is 
paid. (Cf. : e pago de contado to be paid in cash. 
Somos pagos aos meses we are paid monthly.) 

4. Very often estar with another verb (in the In- 
finitive or with the Present Participle) is employed as an 
equivalent for to be with the Present Participle: Estou 
a escrever, estou escrevendo I am writing. Estamos col- 
leccionando (or a colleccionar) estampilhas ha dois annos 
we have been collecting stamps these two years. Estar 
a ferver to boil, to be boiling. Such a paraphrase is 
called: conjugagdo periphrastica periphrastical conju- 

5. There is a certain number of adjectives that 
are generally used with estar, such as : attento attentive, 
contente content; satisfeito satisfied; cansado tired; ean- 
gado angry — e.g., estamos attentos, satisfeitos, zangados. 


Lesson 5. 

§ 40. The verbs of the first coDJugation (in -ar) 
form the participles in -ando and -ado; those of the 
second (in -er) in -endo and -ido; those of the third 
(in -if) in -indo and -ido. 


Situado. sito 


fOrto f'tortuj 


a foz [fof] 


a embocadura 

the mouth 

estreilo />/- 

narrow, tight 


(of a river) 



seu, sua 

his, her, your 

hem conhecido 

well known 

its, their 


inteiro [in- 

entire, whole 

apraia f'praiej 

beach, (sea)- 




quarter of a 

halnear [bahn- 

bathing- . . . 

[u 't>a,irru] 


'arj, adj. 


to destroy 

popuiOso [pupu- 


[dijlru 'irj 



the marquis 

a travessa [tre- 





the minister 



[nid 'nijtru] 


a catdstrofe 

the catastrophe 



[kv 'taftrufgj 


mandou [man- 


terreno [ts- 

the ground 




to (re)bni]d 






a calQoda 

paved (or steep) 

direito [di- 





a escada [if- 


regular [rragu- 




a ribeira [rri- 

terrace on the 


to cross 


bank of a 

1 [etrsV3 'sar] 


! cruzar [kru- 

to intersect 

que [Tcs], rel. pr. 

which, who 

' 'zarj 

antes ['sntyf] 


] entao [tn'teu] 



reinar frrvi- 

to reign 

norte f'nortsj 

the north 


conduzem f'kon- 


sicca I'sokuJ 

the sock, socle 


1 u. merlalha [no- 

the medallion 

a Baixa 

the lower part 

1 'd'aHv] 

[e 'baifsj 

of the town 

bronze ['brozaj the bronze 

(of Lisbon) 

1 representar 

to represent 

a Alta ['aite] 

the higher part 

1 [rreprazen'tar] 

of the town 

'. a cidade fsi- 

the town 

(of Lisbon) 

j 'cTacTaJ 


the earthquake 

a collina fku- 

the hill 

[terra 'tnotuj 

i 'linvj 

a maioria 

the majority 

[ apragaf'prassj the square. 



The Auxiliary Verb estar. 


sete [sets] seven 

leal [IfaiJ 

} faithful 

como fkomu] as 

fiel [fVsl] 

depois [di'poif] after 

peixe ['pe'ifij the fish 

hrnitem ['onti}] yesterday 

passeio [pv- 

the walk 

ante-hontem the day before 


[vnti — ] yesterday 


to conclude 

a noite ['noytaj the night 

[hohlu 'irj 

Jiontem a iwite last night 

estudo /?/- 

the study 

theatro the theatre 


[ti 'atruj 

a estada [if- 

the abode 

concerto the concert 





possivel [po- possible 



9. Exercicio. Leitura e Tersao. 

A cidade de Lisboa esta situada na foz do rio Tejo. 
Ella foi edifieada em sete coUinas. E grande e populosa. As 
suas ruas, pra9as e travessas sao empedrados. Como o terreno 
6 muito montanhoso, ha muitas cal9adas e escadas que con- 
duzem da Baixa para a Alta. Antes do terremoto do anno 
de 1755 (mil sete centos e cincoenta e cinco), as ruas na sua 
maioria eram tortas e estreitas. Bairros inteiros foram destrui- 
dos pelo terremoto. Foi o marquez de Pombal que, sendo 
ministro do rei Dom Jose I (Primeiro), depois d'esta catastrofe 
mandou reedificar a capital em bairros regulares que sao atra- 
vassados e cruzados por ruas direitas e largas. Na Pra5a do 
Commercio esta um monumento do rei Dom Jose I que entao 
estava reinando. No socco deste monumento ha uma medalha 
de bronze, representando o marquez. 

10. Exercise. 

Yesterday I was^ at church. Were you at the theatre 
yesterday? No, sir, I was at the theatre the day before 
yesterday; last night I was at the concert. Where is Charles? 
He will be at his uncle's (em casa de seu tio). It is possible 
that he has been Ul. This hat is too large to be beautiful. 
It would have been easy for Charles always to be faithful 
to his master. We hare always been very attentive. Are 
you satisfied? He was angry while (emquanto) he was writing 
that letter. The water is boiling. The fish is boiled. Our 
walk has been beautiful. My sister had already been in 

' A fact belonging to the past is commonly given by the 
Preterite perfeito — e.g., in the above sentence by estive. 

46 Lesson 6. 


meu nome 6 Pulano^. Qual meu nome 6 Sicrano^. 

e o seu? — 
Eu sou alemao, mas estive Eu sou portngues e tenho 
por muito tempo em Per- estado naAlemanhahacinco 

tugal. E o senhor? — annos para ca ('^Aese 5«/ears^. 

Tem sempre side alumno Nao, senhor, estive primeiro 
d'esta escola? (first) u\im mtern&to (board- 

ing-house) de Berlim. — 
Que. tempo estara ainda aqui? Estarei at6 estiverem con- 

cluidos OS meus estudos. 
Esta satisfeito com a sua Estou, sim, senhor. Eu seria 
estada aqui? um ingrato, se nao o 

estivesse; pois e muito bo- 
nito aqui. 
Sempre tem estado com saiide Nem (not) sempre; mas agora 
emquanto cd esta? estou bem e dou-me bem 

(agree) com o clima. 

Sixth Lesson. Lipao sexta. 

The Auxiliary "Verb haver to have, to be 
(left), to take place, to get, to obtain, etc. 

§ 41. As for to be, there are also for to have 
two corresponding verbs in Portuguese : ter (see 3'^ Lesson) 
and haver. The latter, less common in the meaning 
to have than the former, is especially employed 

1. As a true auxiliary verb to form the simple 
Future (Indicative) and Conditional tenses of any verb,, 
whereby it drops the h(av) and hangs its personal 
endings on the Infinitive of the verb (see §§ 33 
34, 38). 

2. as an independent verb in its meaning to be 
[existing or at hand)— e.g., ha there is, there are (cf. 
1 ^*. Lesson). While so employed, it is impersonal and 
consequently used only in the third person singular 
and without a pronoun: 

1 The Portuguese indicates by Fulano (and in the 2iia place 
Sicrano) a person (or persons) unknown or not to be named or, aa 
meant here, a name to be substituted by the right one. 

The Auxiliary Verb haver. 47 

3. To form the compound Future (Indicative) and 
Conditional tenses: eii hei or havia de comprdr I shall 
(should) buy. Here it may be used with the pronoun 
and must be followed by de. (Modern writers join 
this preposition to the verb by a hyphen: Jiei-de 

4. In the meaning of to obtain : Elle houve o per- 
dSo do rei he obtained the King's pardon. Havendo o 
premio da nossa cancdra obtaining the reward of our toil. 

§ 42. Saver. 

Participio presente: havendo. 
Participio perfeito : havido. 

JEu hei [eij I have nds h(av)emos [(vv)emuf] we 

tu has [afj you have have 

elle ha [aj he has v6s h(av)eis [(vvhifj you have 

ha there is elles hao [vu] they have. 

Eu havia [v'viv] I had nds haviamos [v'vivmuj] we 

tu havias you had had 

elle havia he had vds havieis [■e'vivifj you had 

havia there was elles haviam they had. 

Preterito perfeito. 
Houve^ ['ova] I had houvemos [o'vemufj we had • 

houveste [o'vsftg] you had houvestes [o'vefHfJ you had 

houve he had, there was houveram [o'vervu] they had. 

Preterito perfeito composto. 
Tern havido there has been. 

Tinha havido there had been. 

Future imperfeito. 
Haverei I shall have, etc. haveremos we shall have, etc. 

haverds havereis 

haverd (there will be or is haverdo. 
to be) 

1 As this verb, with the exception of the Present and Im- 
perfect, is rarely employed personally, we leave the pronoun aside 
and also the uncommon forms in the following tenses. 


Lesson 6. 

Future perfeiio. 
Terd havido there will be had, etc. 
Condicional imperfeito. 
Haveria there would be, 

Gondicional perfeito. 
Teria havido there would have been. 


(Haja ['agu] that I have, etc. 
haja that there be 
& hajamos [n'^muj] that we have 
hajaes [e'gaif] that you have 
hajam that they have. 

Houvesse [o'vesa] if I had ( houvessemos [o'vesdmuf] 

houvesses if you had ^ < houvesseis [o'vesstj] 

houvesse if there were \ kouvessem 

houver [o'verj if or whenever I shall have 

houver if or whenever there will be 
houver em. 

Saja let there be. (All other imperative forms are 

Infinito pessoal. 
Haver, haveres, haver, havermos, haverdes, haverem 
(that) I, you, he, etc., may have. 

In the same manner is conjugated the compound 
verb rehaver to have or get back; but this verb is only 
used in forms which have the -v- (rehavendo, rehavido, 
rehavia, rehouve, etc.) 



§ 43. There are still other (compound) forms, 
such as: tenha havido, tivesse Jiavido, ter (and tendo) 
havido, which we do not write at large, as they are 

The Auxiliary Verb haver. 49 

€asily formed by themselves and rarely employed. The 
same is to be said for the other auxiliary verbs, already 
mentioned. The omitted tenses may easily be sub- 

§ 44. Yet there is still a tense quite peculiar 
to the Portuguese language, which we have not yet 
spoken of, because we wanted to mention it apart: it is 
the Simple Pluperfect (mais-que-perfeito simples). It is 
formed from the 2°*^ person sing, of the Perfect by 
hanging the ending -ste into -ra (Jiouveste: houvera; 
■civeste; tivena; foste: for a; estiveste: estivera): 

fora, estivera 
foras, estiveras 
fora, estivira 
foramos, estiveramos 

=3 foreis, esHvireis 




thouvSra, tivera 

Jiouveras, tiveras 

houvera, tivera 

houveramos, tiveramos 

houvereis, tivereis 

houveram, tiveram ^ foram, estiviram 

§ 45. The student may at the same time be 
conscious that from the same person (2""^ pers. sing, 
perf.) there are formed two other tenses : 1^^. the Im- 
perfect of the Subjunctive, by changing the ending 
'Ste into -sse, and 2^^. the future of the same mood, 
by changing -ste into -r (cf. the auxiliary verbs already 
mentioned). This derivation is the same in any regular 
•or irregular verb. 

§ 46. As for the employment of the Compound 
Future and Conditional tenses, there is some Kttle 
-difference with the simple tense. Hei-de fazer expresses 
not only that something will be done by me, but that 
I intend or am willing to do it. que elle havia-de 
fazer corresponds to: what he ought to do. Nos Jia- 
viamos-de ser mais economicos we ought to be more 
economical. Nos seriamos mais economicos we should 
be more economical. 

§ 47. Haver-de, to be obliged to, may also be 
nsed in other forms than Present and Imperfect tenses: 
Houve-de ser cortes he had to be polite. Se nao houvesse- 
de considerar isso if that were not to be considered. Se 
'houver(mos)-de luctar com difficuldadas if there are diffi- 
culties to be fought with, or if we are obliged to fight 
against difficulties. Hade haver tempo para tudo there 
must be time for everj'thing. 

Portuguese Conversatlon-Granimar. 4 


Lesson 6. 

§ 48. In some tenses the Z^'^ person sing, oi haver 
indicates a time past and corresponds to these . . ., 
since or ago: ha (haria, haverd, liaveria) quhise (15} 
dias a fortnight since or ago; haverd mitito tempo it 
will be long since. Ha tres horas que estamos esperando 
or a espera we have been waiting these three hours. 

§ 49. Ha (houve, haverd, etc.) quern, followed by 
a verb in the S'"^ person and in the Indicative or Sub- 
junctive mood, means there is a person or there are 
persons who . . . — e.g., Ha qucm dig (or diga) = it is 
said, somebody says. 

Que ha? = what is the matter? Ndo ha nada there 
is nothing the matter. 

§ 50. Haver por hem means to think proper. It 
is scarcely used but by or of the King or the govern- 
ment. Haver por mal is rarely used and means: to 
take in ill part. 

§ 51. The reader will already have noticed that 
in the Imperative mood the second person sing, when 
employed affirmatively is derived from the same person 
of the Present tense Indicative by losing the s; and 
from the Present Subjunctive, when employed nega- 
tively; — e.g., estd! nao estejas! 

Yet there are still for the auxiliary verbs some 
little irregularities to be noticed: 1. tens becomes after 
losing the s: tern, because a verbal' form is not al- 
lowed to end in n; 2. es is changed into se; 3. the 
Imperative of haver is not used in the 2°"^ pers. sing', 

jRemarJc. Addressing a plurality of persons, the Imper- 
rative form is the 3"^'^ person plur. pres. subj. : tenham, sejam^ 
estejam (hajam not to be used). There is indeed an Impera- 
tive of the 2"^ person plur., but it is antiquated and rarely 
used by modern writers. The reader will find it in th* 
general conjugation-table. 


Traduzir to render 

outro(s) 1anto(s) as much (as 

ultimo ['uitimuj last 
o uso ['uzuj the use, the 

a differenga the difference 

hem [bvi] 

uma vez [vef] 
outra vez 
ds vezes [ag- 

fazer [fv'zer] 

well (very) 
little (few) 


another time 

to make, to, 

The Auxiliary Verb haver. 



a distingao 

fazer distingao 

a paciencia [pv- 


depressa [da- 

a semana [s9- 


a interrupgao 

um dia santo 
as ferias 

a doefiQa 

eedo f'setuj 
veneer [ve'serj 

the language 


to distinguish, 

the patience 

to learn 

a cor&gem ] 

fhu'rug^i] I 
dninio I 

['vnimuj J 

em haixo 

o erro ['emtj 

the courage 



the mistake, 

the money 

quickly o dinheiro 

[di ' jvevrii] 
the week a Inglaterra England 

[Uv 'tsrruj 
we know ■ passear to walk 

to conjugate fpvsf'arj 

ir a casa to go home 

the interrup- em casa at home 

tion (is diias (horas) at 2 o'clock 

a saint's day jd [ga,] already 

the holidays so [so] \ , 

imico J ■' 

the illness a grammatica the grammar 

soon desde [dezOd] from 

to overcome o prmdpio the beginning. 

p. p. of veneer [pri'sip}uj 

11. Exercicio. Leitura e vei'sao. 

Os verlos auxiliares. 

Em portugues ha dois verbos auxiliares para traduzir o 
verbo ingles to have, e outros tantos, para traduzir to lie. Os 
primeiros sao ter e haver; os liltimos ser e estar. No nso 
d'elles (in their use) ha alguma differen^a. As Tszes essa diffe- 
ren9a e bem pouca, outras vezes nao ha nenhnma. Ha quern 
considera uma das maiores difficuldades da lingua portugufisa 
o fazer distingao dos verbos ser e estar. Se nao houvesse 
maior difficuldade, ou se essa fdsse a linica, o estndo da lingua 
nao seria difficil. Mas haja paciencia, que havemos-de aprender 
portuguSs bem depressa. Ha poucas semanas que o (it) esta- 
mos estudando e ja sabemos conjugar os verbos auxiliares. 
Estes verbos, sendo os mais (most) irregulares, sao os mais 
difficeis. Nao havendo interrup5oes, como ja as houve com 
dias santos e ferias, e se nao houver doenijas, cedo hao-de ser 
vencidas as primeiras difficuldades. Tenham pois animo e 
sejam applicados. 

12. Exercicio. 

There is a man downstairs. There are two men down- 
stairs. There is to be a saint's day this week. There must 


52 Lesson 7. 

be some mistake. There being no one there, I went (see 
§ 36, note) away. Is there much money in England? Yes, 
there is (transl. : there is, yes, sir). "Will there be a concert 
to-night? No, there has been a concert last night. What's 
the matter? There's nothing the matter. I have been walk- 
ing these two hours. I must go home. We all (todos) intend 
to go home (see § 46), we must (see p. 34, Kemark) be at 
home at two o'clock. Is it long since you have been learning 
Portuguese? No, it is only a few weeks. And there has 
been some interruption by holidays. Have you had a gram- 
mar? Now we have, but we had not from the beginning. 


Que tem o alemiio? alemao tem uma casa na 

rua d'El-rei. 
Ha ali grandes casas? Ha, sim, senhor; e a d'elle 

(his) e uma das maiores. 
Houveterremoto em Portugal? Houve, mas ja ha alguns 

Tem havido terremotos mais Tem. (that) do anno 1755 
vezes ? (mil sete centos e cincoenta 

e cinco) foi o maior. 
Nao foi o criado comprar Nao havia peixe no mercado; 
peixe no mercado ? como o tempo estiv6ra mau, 

nao tinha havido quem fosse 

(see p. 36, footnote) pesoar 

(to fish). 

Seventh Lesson. Li(,'ao setima. 

Employment and Concord of Tenses. 

Emprego e concordancia de tempos. 

§ 52. As we have seen, there are two forms of 
the Infinitive: the irapersonal one corresponds in its 
employment to the Enghsh form; the personal Infini- 
tive is a peculiarity of the Portuguese language and 
characteristic as for the personal terminations added to 
the simple form. It is employed after a preposition. 
(N.B.— In the regular verbs it "is consonant to the Sub- 
junctive Future.) Ex.: 

Fuse diligencia para seres lorn. 
Take pains to be good. 

Employment and Concord of Tenses. 53 

Instead of Passei sem ser visto, you may say: 
Passei sem me verem I passed without being seen (lit. : 

without their seeing me). 
Depois de (nos) estarmos sentados, conversdmos. 
After having sat down, we talked. 

§ 53. While the Present has only one tense, the 
Past is divided into two, or — taking also the Pluperfect 
— into three simple tenses: 

A. The Preterito imperfeito is used: 

(a) In descriptions of character, opinion, state, man- 
ners and customs, representing an action as often re- 
peated; it embraces a space of time or a state akeady 
existing and still continuing as for the time spoken of: 
elle tinha uma casa; o homeni era pohre; liavia ruido 
(noise); Jiavia reuniao todos os saiiados, an assembly 
took place every Saturday. Passdvamos o verao no campo 
we used to pass the summer in the country. 

(b) If two actions are represented as being per- 
formed at, or as lasting, the same time, as: 

Chovia emquanto eu passeava. 

It was raining while I took a walk. 

(As for an action being interrupted by another, 
see B, (c)). 

(c) The Imperfect is used for all actions that do 
not immediately belong to the relation, but are added 
by the speaker in order to express accessory circum- 
stances or his own meaning, as: 

Elles foram a utn sitio que ficava muiio longe. 
They went to a place that was very far off. 
A lebre, como corria muito, fiou-se nas pernas. 
The hare, being a good runner, trusted to its legs. 

BemarJc. As in English, the Imperfect may often be 
substituted by the iirst Participle — e.g., A lebre, sendo horn 
corredor . . . 

B. The Preterito perfeito or definido is used to ex- 
press actions following one another. It is the historical 
tense, being peculiarly appropriated to the narrative 
style and therefore used: 

54 Lesson 7. 

(a) To mark a (point of) time positively fixed, en- 
tirely elapsed relatively to the present or the time 
spoken of: 

coo foi morto the dog was killed. 

Na batalha de Aljuharrota os Portugueses venceram os 

In the battle of Aljubarrota the Portugaese vanquished 

the Castilians. 

(b) To mark the beginning of an action or a state : 

Eli tive (uma) carta I got a letter. 
Elle teve medo he became frightened. 
Houve gritaria there was a clamour. 

(e) If one action is interrupted by another, the 
Imperfect denotes the action tliat was going on when 
the other began ; the latter requiring the Prefer ito per- 
feito, as: 

Emquanto havia trovoada, elle entrou em casa. 

Whilst there was a thunderstorm, he entered the house. 

(d) Very often the Preterito is employed when in 
Enghsh the compound Perfect is used, as: 

Jd jantou? Have you already dined (or had dinner)? 
Tive uma chicara de chd I have had a cup of tea. 
Comprdmos cafe we have bought coffee. 

The compound Perfect is, indeed, always rendered 
by the simple Preterite, and not by the compound, 
when the action of the verb is altogether finished in 
the past and has nothing to do with the present time. 

Compare: Comprdmos ussucar we have bought sugar, 
and: Temos sempre comprado assucar ao ne- 
gociante, nosso visinho. 

C. Another tense peculiar to tire Portuguese is 
the Simple Pluperfect (Mais-que-perfeito simples) already 
spoken of in § 44. There is no difficulty whatever in 
its use. It may anywhere be substituted by the com- 
pound form; yet, as the Portuguese likes to employ 
simple forms, the student will do well in equally prac- 
tising the simple Mais-que-perfeito. 

§ 54. The first participle or gerund (Participio 
imperfeito or gerundio) does not essentially differ in its 

Employment and Concord of Tenses. 55 

use from the English ; it is used to express some reason 
or cause, condition or manner. Yet it must not be 
■employed after certain prepositions which in English 
require the gerund, while in Portuguese the Infinitive 
or the Past Participle is used (cf. § 52, examples). 

§ 55. The Future of the Subjunctive Mood, also 
a form connected solely with the Portuguese language, 
is used to express some uncertain future event. It is 
nearly exclusively employed after the conjunctions se 
if, quando when, emquanto while, as long as. Ex.: 

Quando tivermos dinheiro, compraremos essa casa. 
When we shall have money, we shall buy that house. 
8e estiver em casa, a porta estard aherta. 
If he is (or be) at home, the door will be open. 
Emquanto nao fizerem diligencia, nuo serao succedidos. 
As long as they do not take pains, they will not 

§ 56. The Conditional is employed as in English. 
Examples : 

Se tivesse dinheiro, compraria (or comprava) essa casa. 
If I had money, I should buy that house. 
Ainda que fosse rico, nao a compraria (or nao a com- 
Even if I were rich, I should not buy it. 

Se nao tivesse sido tao tarde, o Jiomem nao teria (or nao 

tinha) estado em casa. 
If it had not been so late, the man would not have 

been at home. 

So we employ in the subordinate sentence the 
Imperfect (or Pluperfect) of the Conjunctive, and in the 
principal sentence the first (or second) Conditional. 
Instead of the Conditional the Portuguese prefers to 
employ the Imperfect (and Pluperfect) of the Indicative 
<see Ex.). 

§ 57. The Subjunctive^ being the mood of un- 
certainty, it is used: 

(a) After those verbs expressing a will, desire, hope, 
command, expectation, aspiration, merit. (N.B. — The 

> The rules on the subjunctive mood need be only read over 
here and can be learned thoroughly later on. 

56 Lesson 7. 

subordinate sentence is introduced by the conjunc- 
tion que^): 

Quero (mando, desejo, espero) que sejam modestos. 
I want (order, desire, trust) you to be modest. 
Merecia que fosse attendido. 
He would deserve to be attended to. 

(b) After the verbs expressing thought, speech, 
beUef, employed in the negative or interrogative, and 
the subordinate sentence containing an uncertainty,: 

Eu nao digo que seja assim. 

I do not say that it is so. 

Julga que elle tenha compreliendido ? 

Do you think he will have understood? 

(c) After verbs expressing some emotion (joy, fear, 
fright, etc.): 

Receio que nao esteja em casa. 
I tear he will not be at home. 
Estimei que tivesse vindo. 
I was glad he had come. 

(d) After duvidar to doubt, ter diivida to have some 
doubts, negar to deny, impedir, estorvar to hinder, 
ignorar to ignore, because of the negation or uncer- 
tainty already included in the verb: 

Duvido que tenhas chegado a tempo. 
I doubt that you have arrived in time. 
Nao tenhas duvida que eu seja teu amigo. 
Don't have any doubt that I am your friend. 
pae ignordra que o filho estivesse doente. 
The father did not know that his son was ill. 

§ 58. With respect to the concordance, it is to 
be noticed that, as in English, to a main time (Pre- 
sents, Preterite [perfeito e composto], and Futuro imperf. 
indie.) in a principal sentence corresponds a main time 
in the accessory clause; while to a secondary time in 

' This conjunction may not be omitted so easily as in English; 
there are only a few verbs which dispense with it — e.g., Pedir 
to ask, beg: pefO (que) esteja ds duas horas I beg you will be 
there at 2 o'clock; esperar to hope: esperamos (que) sejam pon- 
tuaes we hope you (or they) will be punctual. 

Employment and Concord of Tenses. 


the principal sentence corresponds a secondary time in 
the accessory clause, as: 

Mando que escreva I order him to write. 

Julgdra que tivesse escripto I thought he had written. 


A empresa 

the enterprise 


the delay 


/b 'trazuj 

dar [da.r] 

to give 


the watch 

deu fdeuj 

(3rd pers. pret. 


of dar) gave 


fast, advanced 

lucro f'lulcruj 

the gain 

[y&ivn 'taOu] 

dez [def] 


ouiaf ['osvj 



the shareholder 

a noticia 

the news 

[a,s}u 'niftej 

[nu 'tisjv] 

pensar [pe'sarj 

to think 

triste f'trtftgj 


a posiQao 

the position 


to write 

[puzi 'seu] 

ftfkra 'verj 


to seem 

outra vez 

another time. 


once more 


to realise 


the pleasure 


[pry 'zerj 


to ameliorate 

a bondade 

the kindness. 


[bon 'das'}] 


u amhisao 

the ambition 

qiie horas sac? 

what o'clock is 



ensinar [isi'iiar] to teach 

e uma hora 

it is one o'clock 

morar [mu'rarj 

to dwell, live 

i hora e meia 

it is half past 





sao duas 

it is two 

a regiao 

the region 




sao horas 

it is time 


the storm 

dar horas 

to strike 

[tempu 'raij 

estar enganado 

to he mistaken 

durar fdu'rarj 

to last 

pgy 'naffu] 


to cause 


tedious, bored 



[vburr3 'siffu] 

the damage 

a quietagao 

the quiescence 



the remedy 

estar a espera 

to expect, to 

[r3 'mE&}u] 



gasto ['gaftu] 


acahar [vTcv'iar] 

to finish, ter- 

caso f'Jcazu] 

the case 



to be long 



levar [hvar] 

to take along 

[■>,' norma] 

or away 


to appraise 


the rest 




the train 

se Deus quizer 

God willing. 



58 Lesson 7. 

13. Exercicio. Leitura e Tersao. 

Esfca empresa tern dado bom lucre; deu dez por cento 
aos accionistas no anno passado. Temos pensado nauito na 
sua posi9ao que no primeiro memento nos parecia (Imp. of 
parecer) impossivel a realisar, mas que cedo havemos-de me- 
Ihorar. Ha muito tempo que tem sido a minha ambi(jao saber 
bem a lingua portuguesa. Se tivesse quern m'a (it to me) en- 
sinasse, havia-de estudar essa bella lingua. Desde que cd 
moro (1^' pers. pres. of morar) sempre tenho tide bons vizinhos. 
E curioso seres tu que tenha essa ideia. Na nossa regiao, 

temporal, que tem durado uns poucos de (several) dias, estd 
causando enorme damno. Estamos a espera que elle acabe 
para avaliarmos o estrago que tiver feito. Ja chegou o com- 
boio? Ainda nao; tera atraso; jd sao seis horas no meu relo- 
gio. Talvez esteja adiantado o seu relogio. Nao esta. Ou(ja! 
Estao a dar as seis. 

14. Exercise. 


What have you there? It is a letter. Is it for me 
(mim)^ No, it is not. It is for your neighbour who is there 
at the door. Was there no letter for me? If there had been, 

1 should have given it you*. It is a long time that I have not 
had any news from my friend. I am very sad. If there be 
no letter to-morrow, I shall write (comp. Future) again. It 
is long since we had the pleasure of seeing (Infinitive) 
you (a V"~ Ex"). Have the kindness to tell me (de 
me dizer) what o'clock it is. It is two o'clock. No, I am 
mistaken, it is half past one. It is time for me to go home. 


Onde e (or fica) a sua caaa ? E (or fica) ali na rua vizinha. 

Ha muito tempo que mora Tenho la morado ha quatro 

n'ella? ou cinco annos. 

Onde esteve V"- Ex^- no anno Estive n'uma praia balnear. 


Houve la muito movimento? Nao houve; se houvesse, nao 

teria Id ido. 

Mas nao havendo movimento, Nao 6. A quietagao 6 e sempre 

sera (or ha-de sfir) aborre- tem sido o melhor remedio 

cido? para os nervos gastos. 

' The complementary pronouns follow here immediately the 
pronoun siibject: eu Ih'a teria dado. 

Exercises on the Auxiliary Verbs. 


i^icando conkecido aquella 
praia, nao tardera que haja 
(or nao tardera haver) mais 

Va. jjj-a. teye bom resultado 
da sua estada ali? 

Pode ser (it may be) que as- 
situ seja; nesse case nao 
hei-de la ir outra vez. 

Tive. E este anno hei-de le- 
var a minha familia, para 
todos nos havermos bom 
descanQo, se Deus quizer. 

Eighth Lesson. Licjao oitava. 

Exercises on the Auxiliary Verbs. 


O quintal 

[wkm 'taij 
o arbuito 

■0 carvalho 

fuker 'vsduj 
•a faia [v 'fats] 
a tilia [v 'tiliej 
c olmeiro > 

[uoi'mvyru] J 
« salgueiro 

[usaV gvpru] 
o platano 

[u 'plaivnu] 


■amattaf'B 'matvj 
o grupo 

a drvore fructl- 

fera [fru- 
« cerejeira 

[vssr; 'ge'irv] 


the garden 

the shrub, bush 

the oak-tree 

the beeoh-tree 
the linden 

the elm-tree 

the willow 

the plane-tree 

knocked it 

the wood 
the group 

the fruit-tree 

the cherry-tree 

a amendoeira 


a neve [e 'nevaj 
crestar fkriftarj 


a eastanha 

Todos OS Hantos 


the almond-tree 


the snpw, frost 
to blast 
blasted it 

the chestnut- 
the chestnut 

All Saints 

[mv 'guftu] 

assado [v'sa&oj 
comer [ku'mer] 
gostar [guf'tar] 
o damasco 

a tAmara 

[is 'tvmvre] 
a nespera 

[v 'nefpsnj 

embers to roast 
chestnuts in: 
the feast of 
chestnuts on 
All Saints 


to eat 

to like 

the apricot 

the date 
the medlar. 

15. Exercicio. 

Quintal e drvores. 
Temos um quintal ao p6 da casa. No quintal ha muitos 
grupos de arbustos e algumas drvores velhas e altas: carva- 
ihos, faias, tilias e 6lmo3. Perto do rio atras do nosso quintal 


Lesson 8. 

ha salgueiros. Tambem havia um platano muito alto, mas 
OS ventos derribaram-no. Al^m das arvores de matta ha. 
arvores fructiferas. Esta cerejeira teve muita flor e tera muita. 
fructa saborosa. Aquella amendoeira tambem teria muitas 
amgndoas, mas quando florescia, a neve crestoa-lhe as fibres. 

castanheiro junto a porta da rua ha de dar bellas castanhas 
que havemos de comer no dia de Todos os Santos, depois de 
as termos assado no magusto. Os meninos gostam de oerejas? 
Grostamos, mas mais ainda de damascos, de tamaras e de n6s- 
peras. Tivemos grande quantidade de nfisperas no anno passado. 

16. Exercise. 

In which street is your house ? Have you not a garden 
near your house? Yes (see L. 2, note), a large and beauti- 
ful garden with many flowers and trees. What tree is that 
behind the wall ? That is an elm-tree. i\nd all these trees 
are fruit-trees. We shall have very much fruit this year> 
Last year we had veiy little. The trees had many leaves^ 
but few fruits. There you have also very fine roses. Yes, 

1 like roses very much; also my mother likes them much. 



vir [virj 
entre [eiitrjj 
o vizinho 

a cancella 

[kv 'seh'J 
abre [abrsf 
a rua [rruv] 
meio [mvvu] 


[ueW greU] 
a esp^cie 

o cravo 

a cor [ekorj 
hranco ['brikuj 

[inksr 'na&uj 

fame 'rsluj 
(de) cor de rosa 

[korda 'rozv] 

the flower- 
to come 
come in 
the neighbour 

the trellis-gate 


the street, way 

the middle, 

midst ; means 
the flower-bed 

the sort, kind, 

the pink 

the colour 




M margarida 

[nmargv 'riffs] 

[un 'morpsr- 

'fsituj (pi. 


lilaz [uli 'laj] 
a diihlia 

goivo [u goyvu] 
roxo ['rrofiij 
eheira [fvirv] 
o jasmim 



[u^im 'sol] 

[ofsra 'serj 

[of 3rd 'se 

nao so [nm so] not only 

the daisy 
the pansy 

the lilac 
the dahlia 

the gillyflower 
the jasmin 

the aroma, 

the sunflower 

the permission 
to offer 

I should offer 

Exercises on the Auxiliary. Verbs. 


mas [m-efj but 

•colher [ku'lier] to pick 
o que quizer wliat(ever) 

[ukaki'zsr] you like 

{quizer = Fut. will, desire) 

oonj. oiquerer 
faga favor devir please to come 

[fasvfis 'vorda- 

prefirofpra'firuj I prefer 

a_uva fv'uvej the grape 
a pera [v 'pen] the pear 
a magd [vmv 'sv] the apple 
melao the melon 

ramalhete the nosegay 

[urrewe' fleti] 
nem . . . nem[nv}] neither . . . nor 
a ehuva the rain. 

[v 'fuvv] 

17. Exercicio. 

Jardim e flares. 

Tenha a bondade de vir para o meu jardim. Entre por 
■esta cancella que abre para a rua do meio. Ao longo da rua 
lia alegrfites com floras de toda a esp6cie: craves de varias 
•c6res: brancos, encarnados, amarellos, cor de rosa; dahlias, 
margaridas e amores-perfeitos. Estamos no verao. Na prima- 
Tera estavam em flor o lilaz e os goivos, que sao d'uma cor 
roxa e cheiram muito bem. Tambem o branco jasmim tern 
um bello aroma. V^- Ex^- gosta de girasoes ? Talvez ja haja 
urn em flor. Ainda nao ha, nao. Mas quando houver {supply 
um), ha de me dar liceii9a de Ih'o offerecer. Ja nao temos 
rosas bellas; se tivessemos, offerecSl-as-ia. Hei de fazer para 
termos flores tddo o anno. 

18. Exercise. 

(a) Oh, what nice flowers you have in your garden! If 
I had some white roses, I should give them to my mother. — 
I have great pleasure in offering you not only white roses, 
but all kinds of other flowers. Have the goodness to pick 
whatever you like. Do you like the aroma of the jasmin? 
I do, but I prefer that of the pinks. I shall have a very 
fine nosegay of white roses, red pinks and violet pansies. 
Please to come when(ever) you like to pick flowers and fruits. 
In autumn we shall have much fruit: grapes, pears, apples, 
melons, and others. 

(b) Mother, I have got a beautiful nosegay to offer you! 
— Oh, the fine flowers! How much (g'Mawto) I like them! — 
Look {olha) at these gillyflowers, how nice they are 1 And they 
•smell so good {bem). We had no daisies nor dahlias in our 
garden; our neighbour had {. . .6 que [as] tinha. N.B. — ^ que 
marks an emphasis). We also should have (some), if there 
had not been so much {tanto) rain. If we are to have (or 
If there be) fruit in autumn, we shall pick apples, pears, 
.and grapes. 


Lesson 8. 


hordrio the time-table 

fuo 'rarfuj 
aligaode leitura the reading- 

[iBi'tureJ lesson 

a ligao de gram- the lesson of 

mdtica grammar 

[gm 'matiksj 
a ligao d'aritJi- the lesson of 

metica arithmetic 

[dBrita' mstihej 
a ligao de dou- the lesson of 

tritia [do- doctrine 

a ligao de 


a calligraphia 

fkBligre 'fivj 
OS lavores 

a ligao de coisas the intuitive 

the drawing- 

the caligraphy 

the needle- 

dar ligao 

a tosse ['tasa] 

[pru 'blemvj 

[aigv 'ri^muj 

Jioje [ogi] 

to give or to 

say a lesson 
the cough 
the problem 

the cipher, 

the number 


a lingua ['ligwsj the tongue 
hontem f'dntv}] yesterday 
ao todo [to:dii] in all 
tOdo, tuda 
tddos, todas 
que [lc3, before 
a vowel Tii] 

to do 


which, that, 


each, every 
the week 

cada ['hedii] 
a semana 

a matilid the morning 

feme 'yv] 
a tarde [tarda] the afternoon 
a noite [e 'no}ta] the night 

dia santo 
um dia feriado 

[far} 'a&u] 
as ferias 


the saint's daj- 
a holiday 

the holidays, 
um diadesemana\ 
um dia Mil >a working-day 

/ 'util] ) 

tanto [tvntu], so much, so 

tanta, tantos, many 

quanto[lcwvntu] , how much, how 

quanta, quan- many? 

tos, quantas 
tanto(s) quan- as much (as 

to(s) many). 

19. Exercicio verbal. 

Conjugate: a) Eu tive (tenho tido, tivera) uma liQao d&- 
leitura (desenho etc.) 

b) que (quantas) liQoes terei (teras etc.) hoje ? etc^ 

c) hei de ter uma ligao de . . ., duas ligoes de- 

. . . etc. 

d) teria (tido) mais tempo, se nao tivesse (tido)- 

tantas liQoes. 

e) se tiver tempo, hei de fazer o meu thema. 

(desenho etc.). 

20. Exercicio. 
Quantas ligoes tivestes (or tiveram) hSje? Tivemos uma. 
liijao de doutrina, ontra d'arithm6tica e duas de desenho t 

Exercises on the Auxiliary Verbs. 


quatro ao todo. ' Haviamos de ter cineo, mas o professor de 
calligraphia tinha tosse e nao veio (did or had not come). 
As segundas e quintas feiras sempre tenho nma li9ao de gram- 
matica francesa : as ter9as e sextas [feiras] ^ uma de lingua in- 
glesa, 8 as quartas e aos sdbbados uma liQao d'alemao. A 
5ta fa (quinta feira) 6 meio feriada, os domingos e dias santos 
sao dias feriados. As li9oes sao das oito horas de manha at6 
ao meio dia e das duas ate ds quatro horas da tarde nos dias 
uteis. Se tivessemos mais tr6s li^oes nas quintas, teriamos 
seis liQoes em cada dia. menino gosta da li9ao de coisas? 
Gosto mais do que dos problemas ; nao tenho memoria para 
OS algarismos e os mimeros grandes. E a menina, de que 
ligao gosta mais? A de que mais gosto, minha senhora, 6 
a li9ao de lavores, que temos todos os dias das duas para 
as tres. 




a groselha the currant 

[gi 'Hermd] 


Joao [gu'vu] 


geralmente generally 

Helena [fUwe] 





prequieoso lazy 




the money 

mais [maffj more 

[di 'jivyru] 

diligente diligent, 


the peach 

[ddli'senta] industrious 


irrequieto restless 

estar falto 

to be short of 


[fattu] de 

erro [erruj the mistake 


the strawberry 

thema ['temv] the task 


hem que [hv-tka] though (conj.) 

a uva de norte 


nenhum [n} 'jiiij none, no (at all) 


contente glad, satisfied. 

21. Exercise. 

William is my friend. I am William's friend (the friend 
of W.). Here is John's brother. Where is my sister Ellen? 
She is in the kitchen. I had a cousin who went (see p. 36, 
note) to America. Was he still a boy? Yes, he was very 
young. The children had (= got) flowers and fruits. Had 
you not money enough to buy some peaches? No (I had 
not), I was short of money. Are there still strawberries 
[left]-'? There are no more (Jd ncio ha), but we shall have 
gooseberries and currants. The boys would have had a holi- 
day if they had not been so lazy. Little girls generally are 

1 The words in [] are not to be translated or may be dis- 
pensed with, while those in () are to be employed in Portuguese. 

64 Lesson 9. 

more diligent than little boys. These are so restless. You 
have had four mistakes iu your task, though it was very 
easy. When you happen to have no mistake at all, you will 
have a nice (and) new book. I shall be glad if you be more 
industrious for the future. And you, my boy, will be more 

professor poder^, contiauar estes exercicios, ate que os 
alumnos tenham adquirido uma certa facilidade no emprego dos 
verbos auxiliares em todos as suas formas. 


A que horas comeQam as aulas? (As sete, oito, nove, 

Que li^oes ha de manha? (de tarde?) 
Quantas li^oes de . . . teem os meninos durante a 

Tiveram bom professor? (Answer: Tivemos, sim, senhor.) 
Ha outras li^oes e outros professores todos os dias? 
Quantos dias ha na semana, e quaes (pi. of qual which) 

sao os sous nomes? 
Quantos dias liteis ha n'esta semana, visto haver (as 

there is to be) um dia santo? 

Ninth Lesson. Li^o nona. 

The Partitive Article. 

§ 59. To indicate an indefinite quantity or an 
indefinite part of a whole, the Portuguese expression 
is about the same as the English : bread is pao, cheese 
is queijo; I have taken tea eti tomei chd; give me water 
de-me dgua. 

N.B.— The pleonastical some, used in English, is 
only translated when you wish to indicate the quan- 
tity referred to as little, or if followed by the plural: 
Do you want some bread? Quer pao? Have you got 
some money? Tern algum dinheiro? I was some 
moments late cheguei tarde de alguns momentos. 

§ 60. However, the quantity being determined by 
a noun expressing measure, weight, or number, or by a 
substantive adverb, the name of the substance is pre- 
ceded hj de: um pedago de pao a piece of bread; uma 

The Partitive Article. 65 

pouca de dgua a small quantity of water; uma garrafa 
de vinho a bottle of wine; um tanto de leite a certain 
quantity of milk. 

Here also the employment is the same as in English. 

§ 61. If the word which denotes quantity has 
not the form of a substantive, the substance is not 
preceded by de (again the same as in English): Tern 
muito vinho he has much wine ; temos tanto leite que . . . 
we have so much milk that . . . ; ha pouca fructa there 
is little fruit; tem havido iastantes batatas there have 
been a good deal of potatoes. 

§ 62. (a) Nouns and Adverbs of Quantity with de. 

Um metro de fasenda a meter of stuff. 

Um arratel ['s'rridEi) de assucar [v'sukar]. 

A pound of sugar. 

Dois arrdteis de farinha two pounds of meal. 

Um par de hotas a pair of boots. 

Tres leguas ['legwvg] de distancia three miles' distance. 

Um quarteirdo de ovos 25 eggs. 

(Um) certo numero de cartas a certain number of letters. 

Um grupo de pessoas a group of people. 

(Uma) grande quantidade darame. 

A great quantity of brass-wire, 

Um pouca de paciencia a little patience. 

Um nada de esperanga a want of hope. 

(b) Pronouns and Adverbs of Quantity without de. 

Algum tempo some time. 

Muito ar much air. 

Mais dgua more water. 

Menos caminho less (= a nearer) way. 

Pouca distancia little distance. 

Sastante trabalho work enough, rather much trouble. 

Qwanto dinheiro? how much money? 

Quantas pessoas? how many persons? 

Demasiado vinho or vinho demais too much wine. 

Poucas toalhas (too) few tablecloths. 

Muitas colheres (too) many spoons. 

§ 63. The partitive genitive with de or d' is also 
used in terms equivalent to adjectives denoting the 
material of which a thing is made or its origin or 
purpose, as; 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 6 


Lesson 9. 

Um vestido de s&da a silk dress. 

Um chapeu de palha a straw-hat or bonnet. 

TJma camisa de linko a linen shirt or chemise. 

Um falo de la a woollen suit of clothes. 

kite de vacca the cow's milk. 

A sola de jantar the dining-room. 

§ 64. Present Tense of a Yerb of the First 
Conjugation (ending: -ar). 

Eu acabo [v'kaiu] I finish 

tu acabas you finish 

elle, ella, V'. acaba he, she finishes, you finish. 

nos acabamos we finish 

vos acabaes you finish 

elles, ellas, F''». acabam, they (or you) finish. 

Participles : 

Pres.: acabando finishing. 
Past.: acabado finished. 


A refeigdo 

chamar ffe 'mar] 
o almdgo 

a ceia [sv}v] 
vamos ['vymufj 
f altar [fal'tur] 
a comida 

o 'jantar 

[ugmi 'tar] 
a sola de jantar 

[v 'sulvffagvn- 

u, hora de almo- 

gar [v'onsffy- 

ahnu 'sar] 
faQa favor (de) 

['fasvfv 'vor- 

(se) faz [faf] 

a cliicara 

[s 'fikere] 
lei'e fu'lvHa] 
gueria [karinj 

the refection, 

meal, repast 
to call 
the breakfast 

the supper 
let us go I 
to want 
the food 

the dinner 

to dine 

the dining-room 

the breakfast- 

please (to) 

if you please 

the cup 

the milk 
should like 

a manteiqa 

fyrnvn 'tvygs] 
a vontade 

(is sets (horas) 

[aj' sv}' soTJif] 
uma fatia de 

tomar [tu'mar] 
cortar [kur'tar] 
copo [u'kopu] 
gosta de 

vinho de mesa 

fu 'vipu&a- 


[hven 'tar] 

a talhada 
[Hv 'flad'-e] 

a came [vkarns] 

[icprs 'zuntu] 

nove [iwva] 

dez [def] 

the butter 

the appetite 

at six (o'clock) 

a slice of bread 

to take 
to cut 
the glass 


to get up, to 
raise, to lift 

to rise from th& 

the slice 

the meat 
the ham 



The Partitive Article. C7 

opratofu'pratiij the plate, dish 
a travessa the dish 

a sohremesa the dessert 

[esobra 'mesv] 
a sopa [e'sopej the soup 
a colher the spoon 

did [u'fit] the tea 

a faca [v'fahv] the knife 
agora [v'gorv] now 
dar [darj, irr. to give 
da fdaj ] . , 

de [dej I S'^«-' 

me [md] me 

a sede fse&s] the thirst. 

22. Exercicio verbal. 

Please to conjugate the present tenses and participles 
of the verbs: chamar, jantar, gostar, levantar, cortar. — After 
some practice you may add a complement and employ a noun 
instead of the pronoun of the 2i^^ person. You may also prac- 
tise the interrogative and negative forms. 

23. Exercicio. 

Chamam para o alm69o. Vamos para a sala de jantar. 
Sao dez horas. E a hora de almo5ar. Ja aqui estao os 
paes*, OS tios^ e os primes^, faltam ainda os avos'- Mama, 
faz favor de me dar uma chicara de leite com um pouco de 
assucar? Tambem queria uma fatia de pao e manteiga. 
Tenho muita vontade, ja a tinha ao levantar-me. tio gosta 
do nosso vinho? E vinho de mfisa. D6-me tim ovo^ e uma 
talhada de presunto, se faz favor. Quantas pessoas ha a mfisa 
de jantar? Nove; nao sao muitas. primo Jaime nao tern 
prato de sobremesa, nem colher de cha. Tern faca a menina 
Benriqueta? Agora tern, mas nao tinha. 

24. Exercise. 

When is your dinner-hour? At six [o'clock]. Is (the) 
mother already in the dining-room? Yes (she is), but (the) 
father and (the) brother Henry are not yet. The soup-plates 
(plates of soup) stand (= are) on the table; also dessert- 
dishes, coffee-cups and tea-spoons. There is broth (= soup 
of meat), a big slice of meat, and potatoes. I should like 
also [some] bread and some cheese and some fruits. Give 
me a glass of wine and a small quantity of water, if you 
please; I am thirsty (== I have thirst). We rise from the table. 

Querendo dar mais prdtica aos ahimnos, o professor poderii 
fazel-o, reunindo-os como para um alm690, um jantar ou uma ceia, 
e fazendo-os pedir e affradecer comestfveis. 

' Os paes = the parents (pae e m&e) ; os tios = tio e tia ; 
OS primos = primo e prima; os avos = avo e avo. 

^ avo, ovo, porto, olho and other words which in the singular 
have [o], change it into [o]'m the plural(see 2ii<l Part, Lesson 5,§ 18). 

68 Lesson 10. 

Examples:— Estamos a mesa. Ha uma toalha branoa na 
mesa. Em cima da toallia estao pratos. Nas travessas ha oomida. 
Tomamos a comida das travessas, poudo-a (putting itj nos nossos 
pratos. Os pratos estao eoi frente (iti front) das pessoas. As tra- 
vessas estao no meio da mesa. Ellas sao ovaes. Os pratos sao 
redondos. A mesa e quadrada. Tomamos cliS, n'uma cliicara e 
vinlio n'um copo. 

Pregmitas: Onde estamos? Que lia na mesa? Onde eatd a 
toallia? Onde estao os pratos? Que ha nas travessas? Onde 
est^ a comida? Para cade tomamos a comida? Que ha em frente 
de cada pessoa? Que ha no meio da mesa? Onde estao as tra- 
vessas? Como sao ellas? etc. etc. 

Tentli Lesson. Ligao decima. 

The Complements and the Most Prectuent 

§ 65. The Portuguese does not speak of a declen- 
sion of nouns. He merely distinguishes subject (su- 
jeito) and object or complement (complcmento) ; and as 
for the latter, a complemento diredo which corresponds 
to the English accusative, and a complemento indirecto 
which corresponds to the English dative or genitive. 
The latter may also be called the restrictive complement, 
as it indicates indeed a restriction in the meaning. 

§ 66. The object (accusative) is in the form 
equal to the subject (nominative). The conipl. indir. 
(dative) is introduced by the preposition a, which is 
contracted with the definite article into ao, a, aos, as 
and with aquelle, etc., into dqueUe(s), dqueUa(s), while 
the compl. restrictivo (genitive) is introduced by the pre- 
position de, contracted with the article, demonstrative 
pronoun, etc., into do(s), da(s), dum(a), duns, deste, etc. 
(see First Lesson). 

§ 67. The prepositions are always followed by the 
accusative — that is: by the noun in its unaltered form. 
There is no form like the Saxon genitive. 

§ 68. Prepositions. Preposi^oes. 
a [v] to, at, in, within, diem de [v'lvidd] beyond 
towards, against, till, on, besides 

upon, with, by, for, after, ante [vnta] before, in presence 
according to. of (local) 

The Complements and the Most Frequent Prepositions. 69 

antes de [vnigg de] before 

ao lado de 1 , , ,, 

[vu'Udu6s]\ by, by the side 
ao pe de { °f' "^o^^ by, 

fnu'pcd9] ) "^^^"^ 
ao longo de [vii logudd] along 
apesar de [vpa'zardd] in spite 

of, notwithstanding 
ap6s [v'poj] after, behind 
ate [v'te:] until 
atrds de [v 'tra^da] behind (s. 

atraves de [vtrv'vsgda] through 
com [ko] with, at, after, upon, 

conformed [ho'formd] accord- 
ing to 
contra I'kontn;] against 
de [da] of, from, for, by 
debaixo de [da 'baifu da] under, 

beneath (s. sob) 
' ahaixo de [e'taifu da] below, 

beneath, under 
depots de [dapoijda] after 
desde [degdaj since 
dianie (de) [divnia (da)] before 

§ 69. Examples exemplos [i'sempluf]. 
Ante perigo before (the) danger. 
Perante Deus, o tribunal, a minha consciencia. 
Before God, the tribunal my conscience. 
Antes da sua chegada before his arrival. 
Diante (d)a casa before the house. 
Na mesa (up)on the table, na parcde on the wall, no 
< ^ ar in the air. 
A mesa at table. 

Sabre a mesa upon or above the table. 
Debaixo do banco under the bench. 
Sob panto de vista under the point of view. 
Para os pobres ior the poor. 

^ Conforme is naed only of something very sure, undoubted, 
while segundo is used also of something doubtful. 

^ em is contracted with the following article or pronoun 
into wo, rta, nelle, neste, etc. (see 1st Lesson); par is contracted 
with the following article into pelo, pela, pelos, pelas. 

durante [durSnta] during 
em^[§i, ijin, into, to, on, upon, 

em f rente de [t'frentada] in 

front of, opposite to 
entre f'entre] between, among 
excepto [(v)if'SEtu] except, 

fdra [farv] except, save, besides 
fora de out of, without 
junto a ['guntuv] joined to, 

adjacent to 
para ['pvrvj for, towards, to, 

in order to 
para com towards 
por meio [mnu] de, mediante 

[medySnta] by means of 
perante [pa'rSntaJ before 
par^ [pur] for, by, through 
segimdo^ [sa'gundu] according 

sob [sutja] under 
sem [svi] without 
sdbre ['saira] on, above 
trds or trds de [trag(da)J 



Lesson 10. 

Para comer (in order) to eat. 

Para o sul towards south. 

OUiar para alguem to look at or after somebody. 

Ir pela rua to go through the street. 

Trocar por prata to change for silver. 

Por engano by mistake. 

Feito pelo pintor N. made by the painter K. 

Excepto visinho except the neighbour. 

Alem do visinlio besides the neighbour. 

Fora de casa out of the house. 

Conforme o prcceito, us leis. 

According to the precepts, the laws. 

Segundo a lei, urn boaio. 

According to the law, a rumour. 

Junto a esta carta joined to this letter. 

Estar an lado, ao pe do alguem. 

To be (sitting, standing, etc.) at the side of somebody. 

Estar com alguem to be with somebody. 

Bondoso para com alguem kind to somebody. 

Encostar-se contra a parede to lean against the wali. 

Atrds de or trds (de) a casa behind the house. 



[kijm 'pmrj 
a coisafu koizuj 
ainiffo, -a, adj. 

a loja [e'hgu] 
a Hterccriria 

[cm.vsjv 'rie] 

[ukay 'J'uiruJ 
u mostrador 

fiimuftrv' dor] 
xi'irio I'variu] 
OS r/cneros 

a(s) passa(s) 


me [iimJ 
OS daces 

as conservcis 


to buy 

the thing 

the shop 
the retail shop 

the clerk 

the counter 

the goods, 
the raisin(s) 

the chocolate 


the sweetmeats 

the preserves 

a laranja 

[vlv 'rvgv] 
a nos [v'nof] 
a avela [ava'lvj 

diz [dif] 
ver [vcr] 
figo [u'fuju] 

a caixa fv 'kayjn] 
a amendoa 

fa, 'menduvj 
o vidrofu'viffni] 
a lata [vlutej 
pau [tqiauj de 

cesto [u'scftu] 
niais [tnayfj 
a conta [vkontvj 


[tiJ-B 'rutuj 

the orange 

the nut, walnut 
the hazeLnut, 

to see 
the fig 
the apricot 

the chest 
the almond 

the glass, pane 
the tin box 
the cake of 
tho basket 

the bill 
the shopkeeper 

the cigar 

The Complements and the Most Frequent Prepositions. 71 

perto de 

near to 

a entrada 

the entry 

« rua [v'rrwe] 

the street 


a jjraga 

the square 


the tunnel 



■estagao central 

central rail- 


the mountain 

do caminho 



de ferro 


the length 

f}ftv'svu ien- 


'traliiilo! 'mipu- 


03 'fsrruj 


the kilometre 

o portao 

the portal, 

[hi 'lomatruj 




the hire, rent 

•em forma de 

in the shape of 



a horseshoe 

wna casa de 

a house to be 


aluguel or 

let, a tene- 

Odfdrrie 'Owe] 


ment house 

■a escada [i">/- 

the ' staircase, 

uma casa minha 

a house of my 





the elevator, 


to desire, wish 




■eonduz [konduf] leads | 


to show 

a plataforma 

the passengers' 


fvplvtv 'formvj 



to go 

(dos viajantes) 

[en 'darj 

nos [nuf] 



to pay 


we ascend. 

[/jV gar] 


mount, go up 

morar \ 

o caes fukujfj 1 
« gare (French) j 

the railway 

viver [vi'ver] J 

dwell, to live 
to offer. 







25. Le 



( loja. 

Desejo comprar algumas coisas para pessoas amigas e da 
minha familia. Entro u'uma loja. E uma mercearia. Falo 
com caixeiro que esta atrds do mostrador. Elle mostra-me 
varies g^neros: chocolate, doces, conservas, laranjas, nozes, 
avelas, 6 diz: «Vi- Ex*- deseja T6r mais? Ainda tenho mui- 
tas caixas de passas, de figos e damascos seccos; grande nu- 
mero de latas de conserva, mnitos cestos de laranjas, diizias 
de garrafas de vinho doce, saccos cheios de nozes e de amen- 
doas.» Compro alguns pans de chocolate, uns vidros com 
doces, duas garrafas de vinho do Porto e mais coisas. Pago 
a conta do lojista e apresento a um amigo o vinho e uma 
caixa de charutos: d tia um arratel de chocolate; a meu 
prime uma lata de conservas, e umas laranjas de Setiibal a 
minha irma. 

72 Lesson 11. 

25a. Exercise. 

The Bocio. 
We live in Lisbon in the Avenida da Liberdade. Near 
to this street there i? the Eocio, a large square. On this 
square is a monument of Peter the Fourth and the Theatre. 
Opposite to the theatre Dona Maria is the central railway 
station Rocio. We enter by a porch in the shape of a horse- 
shoe. By the side of the stairs there is an elevator. By 
means of this elevator we ascend the upper passengers' plat- 
form. The railway platform is behind the passengers' plat- 
form and extends up to the entry of a tunnel which leads 
us through the mountain. This tannel has a length of some 

Onde mora(m) V^W- Exists). . . . o(s) seu(s) amigo(s)? . . . a(s) 

senhora(s) Teixeira? 
Mora(m) n'uma casa de alugael ou n'uma casa sua? 
A quern da V. o seu lapiz? . . a sua penna? . . . os sens 

livros ? 
Onde compra o seu papel ? . . . os sens charutos ? 
Onde 6 o theatro Dona Maria? 
For meio de qu6 subimos a plataforma superior da 

estaQao do Rocio ? 
Oade e o elevador? 

caes da esta9ao do caminho de ferro, onde ^? 
Como se chama a esta9ao? 
Que outra eoisa tern o mesmo nome? 
Que ha n'uma [loja de] mercearia ? 
Que deseja comprar? 
A quem deseja apresentar o que compra? 

Eleventh Lesson. LIqEo decima primeira. 

The Attributive Adjective in Gender and 

§ 70. The Portuguese adjective is, like its sub- 
stantive, variable in gender and number (cf. Lessons 2 
and 3). There are 2 classes of adjectives: 

1. The qualifying or attributive adjective (adjedivo 
qualificafivo or attributivo), which attributes to the sub- 
stantive any quality, thus representing the adjective in 
its proper meaning: a grande torre, o homem alto, a 
mesa e redonda. 

The Attributive Adjective in Gender and Number. 73 

2. The determinative adjective, which renders its 
substantive prominent among and distinguishes it from 
others — e.g., esta casa, aquelle livro, cada alumno, minha 
irma, etc. These latter will be treated among the pro- 
nouns (see L. 24). 

§ 71. The attributive adjective divides, according 
to the form, into two classes of adjectives (Please to 
repeat the rules given in §§ 38 — 40): 

(a) The adjectivos uniformes — i.e., those with only- 
one form for both sexes or genders and consequently 
invariable. They consist of 

1. Those ending in -e, -I, -ar, -a^, -is, -oz, -im, 
-ea and -o, and also by -s in a syllable not accentuated 
(cf. § 36). 

2. Commum, common also has only one form for 
both genders; and so have the Latin comparatives in 
-or: anterior id., former; posterior id., latter; superior 
id., upper; inferior id., lower; maior greater; menor 
smaller, minor; melhor better; peor worse; etc. As for 
the plural, they follow the rule of the words ending 
by -r: superiores, etc. 

(b) The adjectivos hiformes — i.e., those which have 
two forms and consequently a special termination for 
the feminine gender. To these belong all adjectives end- 
ing by any other but the above mentioned termination, 
namely : 

1. Those ending by -o not accentuated and pre- 
ceded by i, M or a consonant: frio, mtUuo, justo, bon- 

2. Those ending by -u preceded by a consonant: 
nu, cru. 

3. Those ending by -ao, -eu f-eo), -or (-or), -es (-es), 
-oni, -urn: sao, hehreu, tutor, ingles, bom, nenhum. 

§ 72. Examples, 
A. Adjectivos Uniformes. 

Singular. Plural. 

Leve [hvg] light (of weight) Those ending by a vowel 

verde ['verdg] green take an s: 

differente [difs'rentd] id. leves, verdes, di/ferentes 


Lesson 11. 

leal {If'ai] faithful, loyal 

amdvel [v 'mavtlj amiable, 

legivel [IfjlvdJ legible 
fdcil I'fasii] easy 
gentil [gen til] gentle 
aeul [v'gul] blue 
singular [slgu'lar] id. 

capaz [kv'pafj capable 

felis [fa'lif] happy 
mloe [vd'hf] quick 
fuim frru'ij bad, naughty 
s6 [so] only, alone 
femea f'femiv] female 
simples ['simphjj simple 

leaes or leais (al becomes aes 

or ais) 
amdveis {el becomes eis) 

legiveis (el becomes eis) 
facets (il not accented: eis) 
gentis {il accented: is) 
agues {ul becomes ues) 
singidares (adj. ending by -r 

take es) 
capaees (adj. ending by az take 

felines (adj. ending by intake es) 
velozes (adj.endingby oa^takees) 
ruins {m changes into ns) 
SOS (those in 6 add s) 
femeas (those in ea add s) 
simples (s remains unaltered). 

B. Adjectivos Biformes. 

Singular. Plural. 

Quieto [hi'etu] 
frio [friuj 

guieta quiet 
fria cold 


formdso (s. S 74) formdsa beautiful formdsos 
nu fnu] niia naked, bare nus 

sao [sSuJ sit healthy, sound, saos 

christao [krif'tvu] chrisla Christian christdos 
alemuo [vh'mnu] alemu German alemdes 

aldedo [al'diSu] 

[Jcumi 'iSu] 
beirdo [hvi'nu] 

hehreu [I'treu] 
judeu [gu'deuj 

[vmrnh' 'dor] 

torto [tortu] 
(s. § 74) 

aided rustic, rural aldedes 
comilona glutto- comiWes 

nous, greedy 
heiroa or heird beiroes 

of the Beira 
hebrea Hebrew hebreus 
judia Jewish judeus 



torta crooked, tortos 




beirdas or 

animadores animadoras 

Portugueses portuguesas 


§ 73. The feminine form of these adjectives is 
obtained as follows: 

The Attributive Adjective in Gender and Number. 75 

(a) Those ending by unaccented -o change -o into 
~a: hranco, branca. 

(b) Those ending bj'- -ti, preceded by a consonant, 
add -a: cru, crua raw, unripe. 

(c) Those ending in -ao lose the -o: vao, va (or 
■ivan) vain. 

N.B. — The adjectivos augmentativos^ form their fe- 
minine in -ona : comildo, comilona. — Beirdo (native of 
the province of Beira) forms heiroa or heira. 

(d) Those ending in -eo (eu) change this diphthong 
into -ea [vi-e] : liebreu, liebrea. 

Exceptions. — Judeu, judia; sandeu, sandia foolish. 

(e) Those ending in -or add -a: abrasador, -a 

Exceptions. — Incolor colourless ; bicolor (tricolor) of two 
(three) colours; multic(ol)or of many colours; semsabor tasteless, 
insipid, which are uniforme. 

(f) Those ending in -es (-eg) add -a: frances, 

Exceptions. — Cortes courteous, polite; descortes un^olite; 
■sois low, vile, which are uniform. 

§ 74. Those adjectives which in their last syl- 
lable but one have close o change this sound into 
open in the feminine (as well as in the plural) form. 
To these belong: ^ 

1. All adjectives ending in -oso (or -oso) — e.g., for- 
■moso [fur'mozu], formosa [furmozn] ; formosos [fur- 
^mozuf], formosas [fur mozi^f] . 

2. The adjectives cMco hatched, brood(ing); grosso 
big; morno tepid; novo new, young; porco dirty; torto 
crooked; fem.: grossa ['grosn], ['mornv], etc. 

3. The past participle oi par to put, and compound 
words — e.g., posto ['poftu], posta ['poftv], disposto, -a; 
exposto, -a. 

' Augtnentativos are those adjectives (and substantives) wbicli 
change their ending into or add the syllable -ao, sometimes pre- 
•ceded by some intercalary letter or letters, thus expressing high 
degrees of a quality (in substantives an augmentation of shape, 
weight, etc.) — e.g., maganao (from magano malicious, knavish [per- 
son]); espertalh&o (from esperto brisk) cunning [fellow]. 


Lesson 11. 

Preliminary JRemark. By adding the syllable -mente to 
the feminine form of the qualifying adjective, we form the 
adverb ; — e.g., antigo, antigamente formerly. Comprehende-se 
facllmente it is easily to be understood. N.B.— Sometimes we 
may employ the adjective form instead of the adverbial, espe- 
cially if accompanied by ser: £ facil de compreJiender. Elle 
foi direito (instead of diveitamente) para casa he went directly 
home. (More particulars will be found under Adverbs^) 



Avisitafva'zita] the visit 

a pelle [pd] 

the skin 

jiassar hem 

to be in good 


to vest, cover 


(bad) health 


conw passou? 

how do you do? 

particularmente particularly 

como tern pas- 


sado ? 


oxald [ofu'la] ! 

would to God ! 


shoes, boots, 

a importancia 

the importance 



['impur 'tesivj 

amnllecido ^ 



to prescribe, 

[nmidd si&u] 

[rrasvt 'tar] 


servem ['ssrvvj] 


deoe f'divdj 


tirar de [tirar 

to tear off 

a conseguencia 

the con- 


[kusj 'kwesiej 


a beterraba 

red beet, beet- 

apesar de 

in spite of 

[lata 'rraSi?7 




to scrape, 

plena fplenuj 






a raiz [rrv'}/] 

the root 



fleshy, pulpous 




[yftulfi 'ozuj 






[b 'siffwu] 

mel [mel] 







[vt 'nagra] 

a alegria 

the joy, merri- 

azedo [n'zcOu] 








[v 'marguj 








[kiov 'ffrupa&Bj 



a vitella 

the calf 



[v% 'tele J 

26. L 


A V 


Bens dia? 

, minha senhora 

! Como esta V 

1. Ex^? 

Bons dias 

, sr. doutor! E 

3tou boa, obrigada ! E o doutor. 

The ending -ido is that of the past participle of the 2n<5 
and Srd conjugations, the 2n(l conj. having the infinitive in -er and 
the 3i<J in -ii: 

The Attributive Adjective in Gender and Number. 77 

como tem passado? — Nao estou muito bom; tenho estado 
Kpr andado) constipado ha algum tempo. — Oxala que nao 
«eja nada de importancia! Quern, como o doutor, tem de re- 
<!eitar saiide aos outros, nao deve estar nem ser doente. — 
Hei de fazer para estar bom depressa. E uma consequencia 
do tempo ruim. Apesar de estarmos ern pleno^verao, os dias 
esiao frios e chuvosos como emnovembro. — E verdade, tem 
sido um verao pouco agradavel. Onde esta o filho de V»- 
Hx^- ? — Esta na aula. — E um menino muito intelligente. 
— Diligente e assiduo 6 o que elle e. Poi premiado por ter 
sido o melhor alumno durante o anno passado. — Tera sido 
nma grande alegria para V*- Ex^- — E foi. Nao estaria {or 
nao havia de estar) satisfeita, se nao fosse assim. Tendo sido 
■estudioso em rapaz, sera illustrado quando for homem. 

27. Exercicio oral e per escripto. 

First repeat the rules of Lesson 2. 
What is the plural of alto, mdu, orfao, sao, alemuo, 
■castellao, aldeao, comum, portugues, simples, brutal, ami, fdcil, 
Jidbil, cruel, civil, ruim, irmdo, hondoso, torto, menor, maior, 
superior, encantador ? 

What is the feminine of the same adjectives? 
What is the plural of the feminine form? 

Join the uniform and biform adjectives to substantives 
of different gender and number; — e.g., um pensamento chris- 
tao, uma obra christa; missiondrios christaos; igrejas chris- 
ids, etc. 

28. Translation. 

The quadrupeds are covered with skins. The skins of 
■some animals serve particularly to make shoes and boots. 
The skin, after being torn off the animal, is softened and 
scraped.— The beetroot is a plant with (de) [a]^ very thick 
and fleshy root of white or red colour. Out of the white 
beetroot sugar is made.— [The] Sugar, [the] honey and 
Jthe] syrup are sweet; [the] vinegar is sour, and [the] beer 
is bitter. 


De que sao revestidos os (animaes) quadnipedes? 
Para que 6 que nos servem as pelles dos bois, das vac- 

cas, das vitellas? 
Como se prepara a pelle, depois de tirada do animal? 
De que plant a, produzida na Europa, se faz assucar? 

• The worcls in [] are not to be translated. 

78 Lesson 12. 

Que parte da beterraba e que serve para fazer assucar ? 

Como 6 a raiz da beterraba? 

Que qualidade tern o assucar? o mel? o xarope? 

Conheceis fructos que tambem sao doces? 

Que qualidade tein o vinagre? a cerveja? o sal? 

Qual e gosto das coisas que sao nem ddces, nam azfi- 

das ou salgados ou amargos? 
Nomeie um liquldo que da sua natureza 6 insipido! 

Twelfth Lesson. Ligao decima segunda. 

The Position of the Attributive Adjective. 

§ 75. The position of the adjective is greatly- 
influenced by; 1. its greater or lesser importance (if 
accented or unaccented), 2. its category, and 3. the- 
harmony of the phrase. 

§ 76. The following rules should be noted: 

1. The unaccented adjective, which, being rather 
ornamental than discriminative, forms a natural in- 
herent characteristic, precedes its noun : um bom livro ;■ 
mau tempo ; a branca neve the white snow ; o doce mel ; 
a negra sorte the dark destiny. (Here bom and man 
are unaccented ; branca and doce do not discriminate ; 
negra is employed ornamentally and figuratively). Cf.: 
■um livro bom, tempo mau, papel branco, fructa doce, 
cupa negra. Cf. : 

A interessante crianca — uma conferencia interessante, 

Um, simples aperto de tnao a simple pressing of the- 
hand; uma ]}hrase simples; um vestido simples. 

Um grande homem a great man. 

um homem grande a tall man. 

EemarJc. — To tbis group belong also those adjectives- 
employed in mere formal addresses, as in writing letters, etc- 
— e.g., lUustrissimo Senhor, Excellentissima SenJwra; de 
ya. jij^a. attento servidor, respeitoso admirador, etc.; yet in 
these finishing formulas they may also follow, especially if 
several are employed to accompany the same noun; — e.g., ad- 
mirador respeitoso e gratissimo (abbr.: adm°^'- resp. "■ e graP^"-)^ 

2. The accented adjective, which, being rather 
discriminative than ornamental, forms a mere accidental 
characteristic, follows its noun. To this group belong: 

The Position of the Attributive Adjective. 79 

(a) Adjectives denoting nationality, religion, dignity, 
employment, material — -e.g. : 

A Uteratura espanJiola the Spanish literature. 

um pintor neerlandes a Dutch painter 

a igreja catholica the Catholic church 

a guarda municipal the town militia 

governador civil the (Lord) Mayor 

gado lanifero (or lanigero) wool-bearing animals 

dgua mineral mineral water 

a indiistria mineira the mining (industry). 

(b) Adjectives denoting qualities perceptible by the 
senses — e.g., colour, shape, size, taste, smell, etc. — -e.g. : 

JJma sola comprida a long hall 
uma janella ogival a pointed or arched window 
uma faca aguda a pointed knife 
um vestido castanho a brown dress 
uma herva aromdtica an aromatic herb 
uma amendoa amarga a bitter almond, 
(but: uma amarga decepgdo, because here the adjective 
is employed figuratively). 

(c) The verbal adjectives or participles — e.g.: 

Uma janella pintada a painted window 
a rainha reinante the queen-regent. 

(d) Adjectives accompanied by an adverb or an 
adverbial phrase, such as muito very, pouco little, 
hastante enough, demais or deniasiado too, tdo so, etc. 

Uma carta muito extensa a very long letter 

uma tarefa pouco agraddvel a rather disagreeable task 

uma porta demasiado estreita too narrow a door 

um aluguel relativamente barato a hiring of relative 

um Iwmem digno de fe a man worthy of belief. 

3. Many adjectives may precede or follow the noun, 
this being often without any importance, but still 
oftener denoting difference. 
Um bom homem a good- um liomem lorn an honest 

natured man man 

um pobre homem a poor man um homem pobre an indigent 

(to be lamented, unhappy) man 

certa noticia a certain news uma noticia certa exact tidings 
um bello homem an excellent um homem bello a handsome 

man man 

so Lesson 12. 

meu caro amigo my dear unia viagem cara an expensive 

friend journey 

vma alta personagem a high um tecto alio a high roof 

um franco riso a frank a entrada franca free entry 

uma leoe duvida a slight doubt um fardo leve a light burden 
meii prdprio proceder [pru- uma maneira prdpria an ap- 

Sdder] my own behaviour propriate manner 

« prdprio amdr real love o amdr prdprio self-love. 

§ 77. If a noun is accompanied by several ad- 
jectives, the harmony of the phrase decides the po- 
sition of the adjective, yet without contradicting the 
rules above. Cf. : um hello dia — um dia hello e (and I) 
soalheiro (or: lun hello dia soalheiro, as a fine day gene- 
rally is a sunny day; uma grande batalha sanguinolenta 
a great and bloody battle ; but : uma hatalha sanguino- 
lenta e victoriosa, as in English ; os tenues ramos floridos 
or OS ramos tenues e floridos the thin, blooming twigs, etc. 
§ 78. Though as a rule short adjectives precede 
the noun, there are also those which always follow 
it— e.g. : frio, secco, gordo, quente, ameno, etc. 

§ 79. An adjective qualifying two substantives 
must be plural: 

Paulo e Carlos estuo crescidos. 
Paul and Charles have grown, are tall. 
Minha irma e minha prima sao appUcadas. 
My sister and my cousin are diligent. 

If the nouns (or pronouns) are of different genders, 
the adjective is put in the plural masculine, provided 
the nouns denote persons or living beings — e.g.: 

Homens e mulheres estavam satisfeitos. 

Men and women were satisfied. 

If, on the contrary, things are spoken of, the gender 
of the last substantive prevails — e.g.: 

Cantos e anecdotas bonitas,— whereas: 
Anecdotas e cantos bonitos. 

§ 80. To a noun in the plural are added several 
adjectives in the singular, if each adjective would be ac- 
companied, when alone, by the noun in the singular: 

As linguas inglesa e partuguesa. 

The English and Portuguese languages. 

The Position of the Attributive Adjective. 



A habitoQao 
[sbitB 'svuj 



a parede 

[pe' red's] 

[pvm 'mentuj 

cresce [krsf'ss] 
seguro [sg'gw-uj 
easco ['kafku] 
geral [gd'ral] 
geralmente, em 

tijolo [Wgolu] 

the dwelling 
(-place), habi- 

to dwell, live 

the foundation, 

the wall 

the pavement 

the floor 

to rest, settle 

grows up 


the skull 



the (burnt) 

addbo [s'ffobu] the sun-dried 
brick, adobe 
' the clay 

barro [ubarru] 

cru [TcruJ 
a madeira 


[mi> 'ff^tru] 


the wood 

the block 

a trave ['trava] 
a viga ['vige] 

a lenha ['IvpeJ 
lenho ['Ivyu] 

[vpe 'rarj 
o machado 

a face [fvsa] 

[kwv 'frafu] 

[rr£ 'tvgulu] 

a telha ['tvHv] 
assente [v 'sentgj 

a ripa ['rripnj 
zinco ['zikuj 
a lousa ['lozv] 
tornar [tur 'nar] 

guente [Knta] 

a faeilidade 

a chuva [fuvv] 

the beam, joist 
the little beam 

or joist 
the wood 
the block 
to cut, clip 

the axe 

the side 
the square, 

the rectangle 

the roof 

the tile 
sitting; firm, 

the lath 
the zinc 
the slate 
to make 

too (much) 



the facility 

the rain. 

29. Leitura. 

A haUtagdo. 
Os homens habitam em casas. Ema casa tern alicerce, 
parades, pavimentos ou sobrados, e telhado. alicerce 
6 a raiz d'onde a casa cresce. Sem bom alicerce nao ha casa 
segura. As paredes sao o casco da casa; geralmente sac feitas 
de pedra, mas ha par6des feitas de tijSlos e tambem de 
adobes. Os tijolos sao de barro muito bem cozido. Os adobes 
sao tambem de barro^ mas cm. Ha barro vermelho e barro 
brance. Os pavimentos ou sobrados sao em geral de madeira. 
Os sobrados assentam sobre vigas que sao madeiros mais ou 
menos grosses; e as vigas assentam sobre as traves, que sao 
lenhos grosses e compridos, aparados a machado, com quatro 
faces regulares em rectangulo. telhado 6 geralmente for- 
mado de telhas assentes sobre ripas. Ha telhados feites de 
zinco, e tambem os ha feites de lousa. Mas o zinco e a 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 6 

82 Lesson 12. 

lousa tornam as casas demasiado quentes no veiao. Os te- 
Ihados sao inclinados para deixarem correr com facilidade a 
agua das cliuvas. 

(Trindade Coelho: ptimeiro Livro de Leitura.) 

30. Exercicio oral on por escripto. 

The verbs of the present tense of No. 29 to be changed : 
1. into the preterito imperfeito, 2. into the futuro, 3. into the 
presente do conjunctivo, 4. into the pret. imperf. do con- 

N.B.— Cresce(r) forms 1. crescia, 2. crescera, 3. cresija. 
4. crescesse; assentar forms 1. assentavam, 2. assentarao; 
o. assentem, 4. assentassem ; tornar forms like assentar. — 
In the Subjunctive begin each sentence by que. 

Ex. : Os homens habitavam em casas. Uma casa tinha 
alicerce . . . 
Os homens habitarao em casas. Uma casa tera 

alicerce . . . 
Nao ha quem duvide que os homens habitem em 

casas; que uma casa tenha alicerces . . . 
Nao havia quem duvidasse que os homens habi- 
tassem . . . etc. 

31. Tema. 

(The) Portuguese literature is very interesting, but little 
known. The prevailing religion in Portugal is the Catholic. 
In the Museum "das Janellas Verdes" in Lisbon are pictures 
of Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch^ and German artists. 
On (the) Portuguese soil are to be found many springs of 
mineral water. In Germany there are besides the national 
wines also French and Portuguese wines and good German 
beer. Men and women are small in that country. The books 
and letters on the table were open. The Spanish and Italian 
languages are very melodious. Cervantes was a great Spa- 
nish poet, and Raphael a celebrated Italian painter. 


Se fosse rico, estaria mais contente ou feliz? 

Quando eras novo; em que coU^gio estavas? 

Teremos de continnar a marcha apesar de estarmos 
cansados ? 

Teve Va- Ex*- a visita d'uns parentes affastados (dis- 
tant) antes de ir ao campo? 

meu amigo (you) falar-lhe-ha, se ella estiver em sua 

Comparison of the Adjective. 83 

No case que nao esteja, dara o meu recado? 
E este o caminho para a proxima cidade? 
Esteja V"- Ex^- descansado (easy), que este 6 o caminho 
certo (right). 

Exercise: Conjugate the phrases of the conversation by 
changing persons, numbers and genders, as well as 
the interrogative form into the negative or positive, 
or negative-interrogative form. 

TMrteentli Lesson. Li^ao decima terceira. 

Comparison of the Adjective. 

§ 81. The comparison of Portuguese adjectives is 
analogous to the compound form of the English. As 
for the Comparative, we distinguish 1. that of a higher 
degree (comparativo de superioridade) and 2. that of a 
lower degree (comparativo de inferioridade). The former 
is formed by putting the adverb mais (more) before 
the adjective, the latter by employing the word menos 
(less) — e.g. : 

Positivo. Compar. de sup. Gompar. de inferior, 

bello, -a beautiful^ mais bello, mais menos bello, menos 

bella more beau- bella less beauti- 

tiful fill 

N.B. — There is no comparison equivalent to the 
simple or Anglo-Saxon form of English comparison — 
e.g.: alto high; mais alto higher; Superlativo o mais 
alto the highest. 

§ 82. The Superlative too has two forms; we 
distinguish : 

1. the relative Superlative (superlativo relativo or ex- 
clusivo). This compares several objects and denotes that a 
certain quality exists in one of them in the highest 
(or lowest) degree relatively to others of the same kind ; 
excluding these from this same degree. It is formed by 
the words o mais and o menos (of. § 81 N.B.), the more 
and the most; 

1 In the comparison the adjective is subject to the same 
rules concerning gender and number as in the positive form. 


Lesson 13. 

2. the absolute Superlative (superlativo absolido or 
simples) which denotes simply that an object possesses a 
quality in a very high degree. It does not compare 
nor select, but attributes in an absolute manner some 
quality in a very high degree. It corresponds to the 
Enghsh most preceded by the indefinite article, or to 
the adverbs very, extraordinary, extremely, etc. 

The absolute or simple superlative is formed by 
the ending -isslmo added to the adjective (see the follow- 
ing Lesson). 

§ 83. There are some adjectives which, besides 
their regular comparison, have an irregular Latin one, 
as well as an absolute superlative. 

Positivo. Coniparativo. 

alto high 

bom good 

mau bad, 



mais alto, su- 
perior 'higher 

mais bom (rare), 
melhor better 

mais mau, peor 

mais grande 
(rare), maior 

mats pequeno 
more little, 
menor smaller 

relativo or 

mais alto, o su- 
premo, summo 
the highest 

mais bom (rare), 
melhor better 

mais mau, o peor 
the worst 

mais grande 
(rare), o maior, 
mdximo the 

mais pequeno 
the most little, 
menor, o mi- 
nimothe smallest 

Superlativo ahso- 

luto or simples 


(o or urn) altissi- 
mo, supremo, 
smnmo very- 
high, (a) most 

(o or um) dptimo 
the best. 

(o or um) pessi- 
mo very bad. 

(o or um) maxi- 
mo very great. 

(o or um) mini- 
mo very little, 
very small. 

Please to notice that alto in its proper meaning, 
mau in its meaning evil, and pequeno in its meaning 
little, have a regular comparison; cf. : a arvore mais 
alta: a mais alia or a suprema confianga; o summo 
pontifice (pope); o solo mais mau; a medida peor; o pe- 
da CO mais pequeno; a menor duvida. 

Oomparison of the Adjective. 85 

As an outer characteristic of the Latin absolute 
Superlative you may notice that it can be employed 
not only with the definite, but (and mostly) also with 
the indefinite article — e.g. : a hora suprema; umaprova su- 
prema (or uma suprema or summa prova) de amor (N.B. 
summo, -a always precedes the substantive. 

§ 84. "Much" before a comparative is hem or 
muito, which latter is also employed in the form of the 
absolute Superlative: muito or muitissimo inelhor; hem 
mats alto, hem maior. These two adverbs, before a 
Positive, are translated by "very" or "most": bem or 
muito simples = very or most simple. 

§ 85. "Little" before a comparative is pouco, 
equally employed in the superlative form: (muito) pouco 

N.B. — The adverbs mais and menos, employed in 
the comparison, are themselves comparatives (of muito 
and pouco). 

§ 86. "Than" after a comparative is translated 
by que or do que. By que (or do que), if the 2""^ degree 
of a comparison is employed without a verb ; only by 
do que if it contains a verb— e.g. : 

A torre e mais alta que (or do que) uma casa. 
A torre e mais alta do que nds pensamos. 

§ 87. "As . . as" before an adjective in a com- 
parison (comparativo d'igualdade) is translated by (tao) 
. como — e.g.: 

A casa e (tao) alta como uma torre. 

§ 88. "So (much . . .) that" in a comparativo d'igual- 
dade is translated: 

1. by tao . . . que which immediately precedes the 
adjective: Tao adversa nos foi a sorte, que ... so ad- 
verse was Destiny to us, that . . . 

2. by tanto que, which is employed separated from 
its adjective: Tanto nos foi adversa a sorte que . . . 

§ 89. "All the more (so), as," "the (more) ... the 
(more)" in a comparative is translated by tanto (mais); 
quanto (or que)" — e.g.: 


Lesson 13. 

A nossa surjpresa foi tanto maior, tanto mais agraddvel, 
qua/nto (or que) estavamos longe de esperdl-a. 

Our surprise was so much the greater, all the more 
agreeable, as we were very far from expecting it. 

Quanta mais, melhor the more, the better. 

Quanta mais tern, (tanto) mais quer. 

The more he has, the more he wants. 

Bemark. — Sometimes a Portuguese adjective has the form 
of a Comparative without there being a comparison: 

Uma casa par mais modesta que seja, ha de ser Umpa. 
However modest be a house, it must be clean. 
Par menos lisangeiro que fosse a nosso acolhimento . . . 
Although our reception was little flattering . . . 


A trovoada 



a gente [gentaj 

a electricidade 

[iUtrsSi' ffaffi] 
a atmosphera 

a pessoa 


a probabilidade 



a descarga 


isolado [isu- 

raio [rraiuj 

cae [ka/i] 
2)rdximo (de) 

the thunder- 

the danger, 



the conductor 

the electricity 

the atmo- 
sphere, air 
the person 


the probability 

to produce 

the discharge 



the flash of 
next, near (to) 

eis ahi [vizn'ij 


[pur' que} 
a cruz [Tcruf] 

hem como 

ponto ['pontu] 



[oba 'getuj 
metal [mg'taij 
de preferencia 



local [lu'kaij 


afastado \ 

[vfvf'ta&u] I 
distante | 

[dif'ivnts] ] 
a diamine 

[fvnn 'nsj 
a altura[al'ture] 

that is (the 


the cross 

as well as 

the point 
elevated, high 


the object 

the metal 
with predi- 


the locality 
the room 


the chimney 
the height 

Comparison of the Adjective. 


qiier diser that is (to say) 

por exemplo for instance 

[purV zemplu] 
pelo menos at least 

[p9lu 'menufj 
ainda que (subj.) though, even 

[e'mdv h»] 
de inais a mats all the more 

[damais- so, moreover 

B 'mxif] 


pois que 

ficar enxarcado \ 

to suffer, bear 

ficar molhado 

fato [fatu] 

[is 'trntuj 

to become wet 
or drenched 

the clothing 
affected bv 

32. Leitura. 
A trovoada. 

E perigoso estarmos no meio de muita gente durante 
lima trovoada, porque sendo cada pessoa um conductor da 
electricidade da terra para a atmosphera, quanto maior for o 
numero das pessoas, tanto maior sera o niimero de condu- 
ctores 6 portanto a probabilidade de se produzir a descarga 
eldctrica. As arvores isoladas, os edificios altos etc. sao peri- 
gosos quando ha trovoadas, pois o raio cae primeiro no que 
e mais alto, por ser o que Ihe fica mais proximo. Eis ahi por 
que as cruzes altas collocadas sobre as egrejas, bem como o 
pontb mais elevado das torres — prinoipalmente quando estas 
terminam em algam objecto de metal mais ou menos agudo 
— sao de preferencia atacados pelo raio. Dentro das casas, 
melhor local para se estar (for people to stay) durante uma 
trovoada e o meio das salas, dos quartos ou dos comparti- 
mentos, pois quanto mais afastado se estiver das parades ou 
das chamines, menor sera o perigo. 

(Trindade Goelho: Pao Nosso.) 

33. Tenia. 

In the field, the best place during a thunderstorm is the 
one, where we are the most separate,^ [from] and never so near ^ 
[to] (de) a tree that the distance of it be less than its height. That 
is [to say,] if, for instance, a tree has^ a height often meters, 
we must be distant from it by at least ten meters. Even 
if we have* to bear the rain and become^ drenched, all the 
more so as (pois que de mais a mais) (the) wot clothing is 
[a] better conductor than the dry [one]. (The) women are 
less affected by the flash of lightning, than (the) men. 

> See § 81 footnote, 
junotive. ^ Infinitive. 

see § 88, 1. ' Gerund. * Sub- 

8S Lesson 14. 


Qual e o logar I °^^^^ ^^S^"^? \ '^^^^^'^^^ ^""'^ *'^°" 
° \ menos perigoso / voada: 

(1) dentro das casas? 

(2) no campo? 

Onde e perigoso estarmos emqtianto ha trovoada? 

Porque (por qne razao)? 

raio, onde cae de preferencia? 

Porque ? 

Quando sera manor o perigo de sermos ataeados pelo 

Quaes (sao) as pessoas menos attreitas ao raio? 

Fourteenth Lesson. Ligao decima quarta. 

The Absolute Comparative and Superlative. 

§ 90. As already mentioned (§ 82, 2), there is 
beside the relative Superlative an absolute one, and also 
an absolute comparative form of a certain number of 
adjectives. This comparativo dbsoluto is of Latin origin 
and has the accented ending -dr. They are the folio- 

Comx>arativo. Siiperlativo. 

anterior [vntm'or] former, anterior — 

posterior [puftdri' or] latter, hinder, — 

citerior [sitdri'or] hithermost — 

ulterior [ultgri'or] ulterior ultimo ['uUimu] 

exterior [(B)^ft9ri'orJ outer, exterior, extremo [if'trenntj 


interior [intart'or] inner, inside, in- hitimo flntimu] 


superior [supdri'or] higher, superior supremo [su'jiremu], 

summo ['sumu] 

inferior [in fori' or] lower, inferior infimo ['inflmu]. 

§ 91. Employed in a relative sense — i.e., when 
comparing several objects these adjectives are followed 
b}' the preposition a (to)e — .g. : 

A descoberta da America e anterior d da India. 

The discovery of America is anterior to that of India. 

The Absolute Comparative and Superlative. 89 

§ 92. The Superlatives corresponding to the ab- 
solute Comparatives are employed in an absolute sense 
as well as in a relative — e.g.: 

A desGoberta do Brasil e ulterior d das costas da Africa, 
e a da India e a ultima (rel. sup.) das descobertas. 

Nos ultimas (abs. sup.) seculos as Portugueses nao figeram 
descobertas de maior valia (= importance). 

IRemarh. — Some of these Comparatives and Superlatives 
are also employed as substantives, as in English. 

§ 93. Most usual is the pure absolute Superlative, 
which, without comparing, denotes a very high degree of 
a quality. It is formed by adding the ending -issimo to 
the root of the adjective, and subject to the same 
inflection— v.g.: aUissimo, -a (from alto) very high; for- 
mosissimo, -a (from formoso) most beautiful ; extensissimo, 
-a extremely vast. 

§ 94. According to the ending of the adjective or 
its root, a certain number of them undergo a slight 
change in the formation of the superlative absolute : 

(a) The adjectives ending in -co change this ter- 
mination into -quissime: brance, braiiquissime. (Exc. : 
parce, parsimonious, parcissime). 

(b) Those ending in -go change it into -guissime, 
largo, larguissime. (Exc: amige, befriended, amicissimo; 
anfige, ancient, antiquissimo.) 

(c) Those ending in -b change this letter into c; 
felis, felicissimo. 

(d) Those ending in -do (-an) and -lu change this 
termination into ■(a)nissimo: sdo, sanissiiiio ; bom, bonis- 
simo; commum, commtmissime. 

(e) Those in -vel form -bilissimo : agradavel, agrada- 

(f) Those in -r and -s form -issimo: particular, par- 
tlcidar issimo, pertugues, pertuguesissime. 

(g) Those ending in -fice change this termination 
into -fkentissimo : magnifice, magnificentissime. 

(h) The following adjectives form the absolute 
Superlative by adding -illimo: fdcil, easy, facillime; 
difficil, difficult, difficillimo; humilde, humble, humillime; 
semelhante, similar, similimo. 

90 Lesson 14. 

(i) The following adjectives form the superlative 
in -errimo: 

acre sharp, acerrimo. 

dspero rough, asperrimo 

cetebre famous, celeberrimo 

integro righteous, integerrimo 

livre free, liherrimo 

misero miserable, miserrimo 

pohre poor, pauperrimo 

salubre wholesome, salutary, saluberrimo. 

(k) The following adjectives have an irregular 
Superlative, derived from the Latin form: 

cruel cruel, crudelissimo (beside cruelissimo) 

doce sweet, mild, dulcissimo 

fiel true, faithful, fidelissimo 

frio cold, frigidissimo 

geral general, generalissimo 

nobre noble, nobilissimo 

sdbio wise, learned, sapientissimo 

sagrado sacred, holy, sacratissimo 

simples simple, simplicissimo. 
Note.— YoM must not without any farther consideration 
form an absolute Superlative of any adjective. There are a 
good many of them that do not admit the addition of -issimo. 
If not sure, it will be better to design a high degree of some 
quality by employing muito, bem, summamente, etc. — e.g., 
muito meigo, bem cartes, altamente lisongeiro, summamente 
enfadonho (most tedious). 

§ 95. Present Tense of a regular Verb of the 
second Conjugation (in er): 

dever, must, ought, to be obliged to, to owe. 

(For the present tense of the first Conjug. see § 64.) 

Eu devo feu 'devu] I must, am obliged, owe. 

tu deves [tu 'devifj ^ you must, are obliged, owe. 

elle, ella, F"- deve f'dcva] he, she, you must, etc. 

nds devemos [de'vemuf] we must, etc. 

vds deveis [da'vvif] you must, etc. 

elles, ellas, F"*- Ex<^'- devem ['dew}] they, you must, etc. 

Part.pres.: devendo. Part, passado : devido. 

* The verbs which in their last syllable but one have un- 
accented short e [gj change this vowel, when accented into close 
e [ej, if the last syllable contains o or a; and into open e [c], if 
the last syllable has an •;. 

The Absolute Comparative and Superlative. 


Si, Exercise. 

Conjugate by word of mouth and in writing the Present 
and the Compound Perfect (preterito indefinido composto) of 
1. parecer^ [pvrd'ser] to seem, 2. enternecer^ [intdrns' ser] 
to affect, move; 3. estender [tftm'der] to extend. 


A regiao 

a extensdo 

[CB)}ften' sSu] 
a inveja [t'vegej 



em . . . 

[vkumu 'larj 
enlevar [Ug'var] 
amar [v'mar] 
a maravilha 

[mvry 'vifh] 
raro ['rraruj 
a joia /j3»»7 

a concha ['hofv] 
a saphira 

[sB 'firaj 
de dia 


semelhar alguem 


a esmeralda 


the region 

the extension 

the envy 

to make a fancy 

of .. . 

to heap 

to rejoice 
to love 
the wonder 


the jewel 
to remember 

the shell 
the sapphire 

during day- 
to be enchased 

to resemble 
the flower-bed 


to wind, 

to incrust 


a crista fkrifte J 

beijar [hn'jar] to kiss 

the crest 
the spectacle 


a myriade 


a eiwosta 


por toda a parte 
tudo [tu&u] 

['P3r' pettim] 

[ifplm der] 
o riso ['rrigu] 
a campina 

[Mm' pine] 
a cldusula 


subtil [subs' til] 
tenaz [ta'naj] 

o magistrado 

a lei [Is}] 

a calamidade 


com respeito a 

a vista 

a residencia 

[r9z'i' densyv] 
chao, eha 

[fvu, fv] 
atroz [v'trjf] 

the perfume 

the myriad 

to embalm 

the slope 



to beam, 
the smile 
the field, plain 

the clause 



the magistracy 

the law 
the calamity 


with respect to, 

the view 

the dwelling- 


atrocious, cruel 

'■ c before o and a = g. 

92 Lesson 14. 

audae [au'Sfa./] audacious : porem ['pu' ri}] \ i.oweyer 

feroz [prof] wild, savage no entretaiito I 

particular particular , o diadema the diadem. 

[pm-tiku'Ur] , [din'ffemn] 

35. Exercise. 

Change the following adjectives, giving them the form of 
the absolute Superlative. Inimigo acre. Pessoa affavel. Sabor 
agradavel. Mao amiga. Costumes antigos. Inverno aspero. 
Crime atroz. Homem audaz. Boa alma. Papel branco. Su- 
jeito capaz. Autores c^lebres. Campinas chas. Delicto com- 
mcim. Dor cruel. Questao difficil. Palavras doces. Hora 
feliz. Tigre feroz. Servo fiel. CJausulas exequiveis. Li(jao 
facil. Feia ingratidao. Voz fraca. Agua fria. Phrase hu- 
milde. Magistrado integro. Lei justa. Vista linda. Vontade 
livre. Bspeetaculo magnifico. Mas novas. Misero estado. 
AcQao nobre. Casos particulares. Gente pobre. Termos pro- 
prios. Calculo provavel. Conselho prudente. Diadema rico. 
Verdade sagrada. Sitio salubre. Ares saos. Estilo simples. 
Coisa subtil. Substancia tenaz. Terrivel calamidade. Triste 
situaQao. Despesa litil. Vacs cuidados. 

36. Leitura. 


Portugal 6 uma das mais lindas regioes do mundo. Pe- 
queno em extensao, de nenhum outro deve ter inveja este pais 
de encantos. A natureza parece ter caprichado em accumular 
nelle bellezas de toda a ordem, que enlevam os olhos e en- 
ternecem a alma. Portugal, minha patria bem-amada, es 
uma pequenina^ maravilha e uma rara joia! Debaixo do teu 
ceu quasi sempre azul, que lembra uma concba de saphira, 
onde de dia se engasta um formosissimo sol e de noite as mais 
bellas estrgllas, os teus campos semelham um taboleiro de 
esmeralda, que os rios, serpenteando em todas as direc^oes, 
encrustam de fios de prata. Montes verdes, cobertos d'arvores 
ate as cristas, nao os tem mais pittorescos o mundo todo; — 
e beijados por um clima dulcissimo, que o perfume de my- 
riades de flores embalsamam na primavera, os teus valles, as 
tuas encostas, os teus campos sao no estio prodigos de fru- 
ctos, — e por toda a parte, e em tudo, parece esplender, per- 
p^tuo, o riso da natureza. (Trindade Coelho: Pao Nasso.) 

37. Tema. 

I got (= had) a most amiable letter from the very 
learned professor. The airs of this region must be extremely 

1 Diminutive of pequena small: a dear little . . 

The Numerals. 93 

whoiesome. Not only are the airs, but also the water is most 
salutary. The climate of the northern countries of Europe is very 
cold and rough, while that of the southern countries is extraor- 
dinarily mild. The Avenida da Liberdade in Lisbon is a very 
large and beautiful street with quite modern houses and 
healthy habitations. In the quarter (of the) Mouraria, how- 
ever, the streets are very strait and steep, showing extre- 
mely poor and miserable little houses. That quarter is very 
old; it is [originates] of the times of the Moors, and conse- 
quently anterior to the Portuguese monarchy. Though it be 
inferior as a dwelling-place, for its views, it is superior to 
any other quarter. 


Que diz escriptor Trindade Coelho de Portugal ? (see 36). 

Em que parece a natureza ter caprichado? 

Que e que lembra o ceu de Portugal? 

Que semelham os campos? 

Como sac os montes? 

Como e cUma? 

Como sao OS valles, as encostas, os campos? 

Onde parece esplender, perpetuo, o riso da natureza? 

Fifteenth Lesson. Li^ao decima quinta. 

The Numerals. 

Adjectives e Substantives numeraes. 

§ 96. There are to be distinguished three classes 
of numbers: 

1. Cardinal Numbers (niimeros cardinaes); 

2. Ordinal Numbers (niimeros ordinaes) and 

3. Multiplicative Numbers (mimeros multiplicativos). 

I. Cardinal Numbers. JVumeros cardinaes. 

Zero ['0eru] oito [oitu] 8 

um, uma 1 nove [novd] 9 

dois (dous), fern, duas 2 dez [def] 10 

tres 3 onee [de9] 11 

quatro 4 doze fdoea] 12 

cinco 5 treee [trezej 13 

seis 6 quatorze [kv'torzd] 14 

sete 7 quinee [Mza] 15 


Lesson 16. 

dezaseis [dBgu'svif] or dezeseis 

deeasete [[daev' SEtd] or desesete 

dezoito [dd'zoitu, da'eottu] 18 
desanove [daze' nova] or deze- 

nove 19 
vinte [vintp] 20 
vifde e um [vinti'ffj 21 
vinte e dous 22 
wnfe e tres 23 
i^m^e e quatro 24 
wmie e cmco 25 
OTwie e seis 26 
vinte e sete 27 
»iwte e oito /t)«w<i 'oi^w, «;i« 'toitu] 

wwfe e wow 29 
trinta [trintv] 30 
trinia e um 31 
iriwia e oito [trzntvioituj 38 
quarenta [hwe'rentv] 40 

§ 97. Observation. 
1. Z7m and (iois have a 
Tenho um naris 

cincoenta [siku'entv] 50 

sessenta [sa'sente] 60 

setenta [sa'tentv] 70 

oitenta foftentej 80 

noventa [nu'vdnivj 90 

cew, cewto /se?, sentu] 100 

cewto e Mm 101 

dueentos 200 

treeentos 300 

quatrocentos 400 

quinhentos [ki'yentuf] 500 

seiscewtos 600 

setecentos 700 

oitooentos 800 

novecentos 900 

mi? 1000 

»wi? e Mm 1001 

(ioMS mi? 2000 

cem miZ 100,000 

Mm mi?Mo /mi '/iewy 1,000,000 

£?ois mi?A5es 2,000,000. 

Mm Mlliao a milliard. 

feminine form: uma and 
e wma 6oca, dois olhos e 

is also inflected like an 
g. : quatrocentos soldados, 

dnas — e.g.: 
duas macs. 

2. Oento in the plural 
adjective: -centos, -centas — e, 
sriscentas bcdas. 

Bemarh. — A hundred, one hundred, if not followed by 
another number (but mil or milhao), is rendered by cem 
(without Mm.'): a hundred men cem homens^; but: cento e 
um Jiomens 101 men; cem mil reis; cem milhoes de metres 
cwhicos. — Cento is also employed as a substantive — e.g.; 

Quanto custa o cento d'estes 6vos? Um cento custa dois 
mil reis, mas duzentos custom tres mil oitoeentos. 
So employed, cento must be preceded by the article and, 
if followed by another substantive, joined to this by de. 

3. Mil is never preceded by um.^ It must be 
employed to render the English expressions: eleven 

^ Cem, mil— as, indeed, any other number, marking a plura- 
lity — may be preceded by uns, umas, which means some or about: 
Tins cem homens, umas cem mulheres = some (or about) a hundred 
men, women. 


The Numerals. 95 

hundred, twelve hundred, etc. mil e ceni, mil dujsen- 
tos, etc. 

4. The expression "in the year" is rendered by 
no anno de or simply by em: In the year nineteen- 
hundred and eleven = no anno de (or em) mil nove 
centos e onze. 

5. The number one being preceded by another, the 
substantive follows in the plural form, as in English: 
Mil e uma noites 1001 nights. 

6. The units may be joined to the tenths by the 
conjunction e or by a hyphen: trinta e oito or trinta- 
oito, vinte-um, etc. 

7. The days of the month (except "the first," o 
primeiro) are expressed by cardinal numbers, preceded 
by 0, a, em or no dia: the 25"* of May em (or no dia) 
vinte e cinco de maio; the 7*^^ of August em (or no dia) 
sete de agosto. 

Nasceu a desdito de junho. 

He was born on the 18*'' of June. 

In official writings the plural is usually employed : 
Acs vinte e quatro dias de desembro. 
On the 24*^ of Decembre. 

Note. — The names of the months are Janeiro, fevereiro, 
margo, abril, maio, junho, jultio, agosto, setembro, outubro, 
novenibro, dezembro. They are written with a small letter. 

Trinta dias tern novembro, 

Abril, junho e setembro; 

Vinte- oito terd um, 

E OS outros mais: trinta e um. 

The date of a letter is either given as in English, 
as: Lisbon, the 4*^^ of February, 1911, Lisboa 4 de 
fevereiro de 1911 or: Lisboa, em (or a) 4 de fevereiro 
de 1911. "What day of the month is it?" = A quantos 
estamos de mes? It is the 2'^'* of November: estamos a 
dais de novembro. 

8. The age of a person is generally expressed by 
ter . . . annos and fazer\ . . annos, as: How old are you? 
= quantos annos tem? (or less familiar: Que idade tern? 
Que idade e a sua? Qual € a sua idade?) I am 56 
years old = Tenho 56 annos. 

96 Lesson 15. 

Quando fas (or vae'^ fazer^) annos? 

"When is (or will be) your birthday? 

(Literally: when do you make (or when are you going 

to make) years?) 
Fago (or vou fazer) annos em guinze de marco. 
My birthday is on the fifteenth of March. 
Quantos annos fae (or vae faeer)? 
How old will you be? 
Faco (farei or vou fazer) doze annos. 
I shall be 12 years old. 

No meu dia d' annos or no dia dos mens (vinte) annos . . . 
On my birthday, on my twentieth birthday. 
Minha irma vae fazer dezdito annos no mes que vem. 
My sister will be eighteen years old next month. 

N.B.— ilfJwAa irma terd 18 annos would be: my sister 
is aiout IS years old. 

Elle casou (promoveu, morreu) aos 25 annos de (sua) 

He married (was promoted, died) in his 25'i' year. 

§ 98. The multiplication is expressed by ves, vezes 
(times)— e.g.: 

Quatro vezes cinco (sao) vinte. 
Four times five are twenty. 

Some (or about) 30, 40, etc. is: uns trinta, quarenta, 
or trinta (quarenta) e tantos. 

§ 99. Present Tense of a regular Terb of the 
third Conjugation [ia. iri) dividir [ddvg&ir^] to divide. 

Bivido [dd'vidu] I divide dividimos [d»e9'dimuf] we di- 

divides [dd 'viddf] you divide vide 

divide [dd'vUg] he, she di- dividis [dsvd'dif] you divide 
vides, you divide dividem [da 'vidvij they divide. 

Part. pres. : dividindo [dava'dtnduj. 

Part, perf.: dividido [ddvd'diduj. 

Exercise: Write and practise the Present Tense and the 
Participles of the following verbs: 

diminuir [damtnu'ir] to diminish 

repartir [rrapvr'tirj to distribute, divide, part. 

cumprir [Jcum'prirJ to fulfil 

reunir [rrsunirj to unite, join. 

Ex. : Diminuo, reparto, cumpro, reuno, etc. 
1 3<3 pers. of ir to go. — ^ to do, make. — ^ see p. 5, Jf.B. 

The Numerals. 


A aritlvmitica 

as 4 opera^des\ 
d'arith- | 


as 4 operaQoes ( 



[su 'mar] 

a addigao 

[adi 'svu] 
a subtracgdo \ 

[esuistra- | 

'svuj {, 

a diminuigdo 


a muUiplica- 

Qcio [vmuita- 

a divisao 




tlie first four 
rules of 

to sum (up) 
to multiply 
the addition 

the subtraction 

the multiplica- 

the division 

the (arithmeti- 
cal) problem 

the entry 

the sum, 

and, plus (lat.) 
equal to 


the totality 
in the whole 
the rest 
the minuend 

a parcella 

a sommafsomv] 

mats [mstif] 
ignal a 

a prova 

[v' prove] 
total [utu'tai] 
ao total 

resto [u 'rr^ftw] 
nimero addi- 

two [vdatitm] 
numero sub- the subtrahend 


e assim em and so on 

o sy sterna the system of 

[sif'temv] de numeration 

valor the value 

povoado populous 

eenso the census 

augmentar to increase. 

[aumen 'tar] 

38. Leitura. 
A ligao d'arithmetica. 

As quatro opera^oes fundamentaes da arithmetica sac as 
seguintes: — sommar, diminuir, multiplicar e repartir, — ou 
addi9ao, subtracQao , multiplica9ao e divisao. — Exemplo de 
uma somma: tenho seis (6) maQas e dao-me mais quatro (4): 
com quantas ina9as fico? Resolve-se pela somma: 6 mais 4, 
dez (10). Fico com 10 ma9as, — 6 chama-se uma parcella; 
4 e outra parcella; 10 6 a somma ou total. Outre exemplo: 
vamos reunir os numeros sate centos e trinta e seis (736) e 
quatro centos e vinte-um (421) n'um so numero: a somma 6 
mil cento e cinquenta-sete (1157); isto e: 736 mais 421 6 
igual a 1157. Bste ultimo numero e formado de 4 algaris- 
mos, dos quaes o ultimo^ 7, indiea as unidades, que formam 
a primeira columna; o penultimo, 5, a classe das dezenas ou 
a segunda columna; o antepenultimo, 1, a das centenas ou 
terceira columna; e o primeiro a dos milhares que vem a ser 
a quarta columna. — Agora vamos fazer uma subtrac9ao, 
tirando do numero oito mil quatro centos e sessenta-oito (8468) 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 7 

98 Lesson 15. 

numero cinco mil trezentos e vinte-um (5321). primeiro 
numero 6 o additive, o segondo o subtractivo, e o resto e 
tres mil cento e quarenta-sete (3147). Para fazer a conta 
dizemos assim : de 8 tirando 1 fieam 7 ; de 6 tirando 2 ficam 4 ; 
de 4 tirando 3 fica 1 etc. Podemos tambem operar dizendo 
assim: 1 para 8, 7 ; 2 para 6, 4; 3 para 4, 1; 5 para 8, 3. 

(Trindade Coelho: Pao Nosso.) 

39. Exercise. 

We have ten fingers on our two hands and ten toes 
on our two feet; we may (= podemos) therefore say that 
ten is a natural number for numeration, and, as every one 
knows, ten is the number on which our system of numeration 
is based. Ten thousand plus one thousand plus one hundred 
plus ten plus one, is written 11,111, that is: eleven thou- 
sand one hundred and eleven. The first number on the right 
signifies so many units, the next to the left so many hun- 
dreds, the next so many thousands, and so on, the value 
of each place increasing tenfold (see § 106), as we go from 
right to left. Thus 200,000 + 40,000 + 5000 -f 700 -f 90 + 8 
is two hundred and forty-five thousand seven hundred and 
ninety-three, 245,793. 

At the census of 1905 the population of the ten most 
populous towns of the world was the following: 1. (see § 106) 
London, with 4,715,000; 2. New York with 3,476,000; 
3. Paris with 2,764,000; Berlin with 2,040,000; 5. Vienna 
with 1,870,000; 6. Tokio with 1,820,000; 7. Chicago with 
1,699,000; 8. Philadelphia with 1,294,000; 9. St. Petersburg 
with 1,265,000; 10. Constantinople with 1,125,000 inhabi- 
tants. — As Portugal at the census of the year 1900 has 
5,423,132 inhabitants, that whole country has only about 
708,000 more than the capital of England. 

ConrersaQao com um menino. 

menino em que dia e m6s ^390 annos em 25 de maio. 

faz annos? — 
Entao ainda nao fez annos Nao fiz ainda, hei de fazSl- 

n'este anno? os no proximo mSs. 

Seu irmao ja tem 16 annos Ja, sim, minha senhora; ia 
feitos? OS fez ha quinze dias, em 

18 de mar90. 
Quantos annos tem (a) sua Tera 21 annos ; naseeu em 
prima Dona Virginia? 1889. E verdade (indeed) 

vae fazer 22 no mez que 

The Numbers. 


Ha quantos annos o menino 
ja vae a escola? 

Quantos alumnos ha na sua 

classe ? 
Nao ha classe, em que o nii- 

mero dos alumnos chega a 

A que hora comeijam as aulas ? 

Entrei (I entered) no primeiro 
de abril do anno passado, 
logo (so) ha pouco mais de 
um anno que ando (/ go) 
na escola. 

Haverd 50 e tantos. 

Nao ha, nao, minha senhora; 
maximo 6 de 60; somos 
ao todo 519 em toda a esoola. 

No verao come9am as 7, e no 
inverno as 8. 

Sixteenth Lesson. Li(?ao decima sexta. 

The Numbers. 

II. Ordinal Numbers. Wumeros ordinaes. 

§ 100. The ordinal numbers are formed out of 
the cardinal numbers and considered adjectives — i.e., 
they are subject to the same inflection (feminine and 
plural form): primeiro, -a, -os, -as. Their formation 
from the units is altogether irregular; there are besides 
also some modifications preceding the termination -esimo 
added to the number beyond vinte, as will be seen 
by the following. 

The ordinal numbers are generally put before the 
noun; they are: 

primeiro [prim'ewu] the 1^* 
segundo [ss'gundu] the 2°'^ 
terceiro [tdr'swu] the Z^^ 
quarto [hwartu] the 4**1 
quinto [Mntu] the 5'^ 
sexto [sviflu] the &'^ 
setimo ['setimuj the 7^'^ 
oitam [oi'tavuj the 8*-^ 
none I'nonu] the S"* 
dScimo f'dMimu] the lO*'^ 
undecimo or dScimo primeiro, 

ongeno [5'zenuJ the ll'i^ 
duodecimo [duu'destmu] or 

decimo segtmdo the 12*^ 
decimo terceiro the 13* 

decimo quarto the U^^ 
decimo quinto the 15*1^ 
decimo sexto the 1&^^ 
decimo setimo the 17*11 
ddcimo oitavo the 18'^ 
decimo nono the 19'^ 
vigesimo [vi'gezimu, vige- 

sinrn] the 20"^ 
vigesimo primeiro the 21=^ 
trigesimo [tri 'geeimu, gcsimu] 

the 30«ii 
quadragesimo [kuvdrv — ] 

the 40ti> 
quinquagesimo [hwikwv — / 

the 50tb 

100 Lesson 16. 

sexagesimo (ssksv —] the o quadrigentesimo the ^00 

60*11 Q qmngentSsimo [kwigent — _/ 
septuagesimo [ssptuv —] the the 500*ii 

70"» sexcentisimo [sefsen'tszimu] 
octogesimo [oMu —] the SOti* the eOOtJ^ 

nonagesimo [none — ] the o septmgentSsimo the 700* 

90"» octmgenUsimo the 800ti» 

centesimo [sen'teeimu, sen- o nonigentesimo the QOO'i^ 

'tesimuj the 100*1^ o milUsimo the lOOO'i^ 

centesimo primeiro the 101 '>* o miHiow^simo the 1,000,000*'' 

ducentesimo the 200*^ o pewMWimo the last but one 

trecentesimo the 300*^ o ultimo the last. 

§ 101. Use of the Numbers. 

1. To distinguish monarchs of the same name, 
ordinal numbers are used as for the units, like in 
Enghsh, but without the article — e.g.: Eduardo Seti/nio; 
JDom Manuel Segundo, Dom Pedro Quarto. With the 
tens the cardinal numbers are generally employed : Luis 
Quators:e; but Henrique Trigesimo segundo de Beuss. 

2. To catalogue books, chapters, etc., cardinal as 
well as ordinal numbers may be employed ; in this latter 
case they generally follow the noun: Tomo segundo or 
dois; capitulo vigesimo terceiro or vinte-ires; pagina de- 
cima oitava or dezoito. 

3. Fractions (fracgdes) are mostly expressed by 
a . . . parte — e.g. : a terga, quarta, quinta parte; as quatro 
decimas (partes), etc. They may, however, also be ex- 
pressed by the substantivated ordinal numbers — e.g.: 

meio, meia (without the V* um quarto 

article) '/t tres setimos 

(a) metade '/lo sete decimos 

'/a um tergo ^/s tres oitavos. 

Partly is em parte; for the most part = pela maior part. 


Half a meter of cloth meio metro de panno. 

Half a bottle of wine meia garrafa de vinho. 

I got half of the money recebi (a) metade do dinheiro. 

6^/2 metres of linen seis meiros e meio de panno de 

2V2 yards of silk duas varas e meia de sida. 

The Numbers. 101 

4. Fractions smaller than a tenth are sometimes 
formed by adding -avo to the cardinal numbers, as : 
^/ii urn onsavo (better: um undecimo, uma tmdecima 
parte or uma decima primeira parte ; ^/so tres cinquentavos. 

5. The decimal numbers (mimeros decimaes) are: 
'/lo um decimo Viooo um millesimo 

Vioo um cerdesimo '/loooo um decimo-millesimo 

or uma decima, eentesima, millesima parte, etc. 

§ 102. Division of Measures and Weights. 

o metro ['mstru] the metre 

decimetro [dg'simatru] the decimetre 

centimetro [sen'timatru] the centimetre 

millimetro [ma'limatruj the millimetre 

decdmMro [dg'kamatru] the decametre 

hectometro [ek'tomatru] the hectometre 

a medida linear [msMv lim'ar] the lineal measure 

a medida de superficie a superficial measure 

a medida de volume the cubic measure 

a medida de capacidade [kvpvsi'dadaj the measure of 

a medida de peso [pesu] the measure of weight. 
gramma ['grvm's] the gram 
hilo(gramma) [kilu'grvmvj the kilogram 
decigramma [desfgrvmvj the decigram 
centigramma [sentt grvmie] the centigram 
decagramme the decagram 
hectogramma the hectogram 
metro quadrado the square metre 
metro cubico the cubic metre 
litro I'litru] the liter 
decUitro [dpg'litruj the deciliter 
hectolitro [skto'lUru] the hectoliter 
a tonelada [tuna'Uda] (= 13^/2 quintaes) the tun 
qumtal [Mn'tai] the Portuguese quintal (of 58^/4 kilos) 
quintal metrico two hundredweights. 

§ 103. Division of Time. 

Names of the Days. 

JDomingo [du'migu] Sunday quinta feira Thursday 

segtmda feira [fnrv] Monday sexta feira Friday 

terga feira Tuesday sabbado ['sabvdu] Saturday. 
quarta feira Wednesday- 

102 Lesson 16. 

§ 104. Observations. 

1. On Monday, on Tuesday, etc. is na se 
(feira), etc. or only segmida fe/ra, etc.; feira is often 
omitted. You may also write with a hyphen : segunda- 
felra, terga-feira, etc. 

2. The names of the days are written with a small 

3. For the dates see § 97, 7. 

4. The hours of the day are expressed by the 
cardinal numbers: 

What o'clock is it? Que horas sua? 

It is one o'clock, half past one e uma hora, e hora e 


It is two o'clock sao duas horas. 

It is half past three sao tres (horas) e meia. 

It is a quarter past 4 sao quatro (horas) e (urn) quarto. 

At what o'clock a que hora(s) ? 

At 7, 8, 9 (o'clock) ds sete, oito, nave (horas). 

T, . , , c / sao cinco menos um qua/rto. 

It IS a quarter past 5 | . ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ as cinco. 

It is noon i meio-dia, sao as doze da noite. 

It is midnight e meia noite, sao as doze do dia. 

About noon pelo meio dia. 

About one o'clock pela uma hora. 

About 2 o'clock pelas duas horas. 

The train starts at ten minutes to 7 o comboio sae ds 

7 menos 10. 
It is striking ten o'clock dao or esiao a dar dee horas. 
Has it already struck eleven? Jd deram as onze? 
It will strike immediately . . . vdo dar agora (doze horas). 
It has just struck eight acabam de dar as oito. 

5. Indicating a day-time by a certain hour, the 
Portuguese says: da manha, da tarde, da noite — e.g.: 
a,s des da manha, da noite; ds quatro da tarde, at ten 
o'clock in the morning, at night; at four in the 
afternoon. If the day-time is not precisely indicated, 
he says de manha, de tarde, etc., or pela manha, pela 
tarde, etc., in the morning, in the afternoon: Irei de 
tarde, I shall go in the afternoon. 

6. The expressions: a quarter of a year, half a 
year, etc., should be rendered by three months, six 
months, etc., as: tres meses, seis ineses (or meio anno) 

J i 

The Numbers. 


nove nieses, etc. A week : uma semana or oito dias. A 
fortnight, quince dias. 

§ 105. The numeral adverb is expressed by the 
corresponding ordinal. 

Pirst(ly) is primeiro or prlmeiramente or em primeiro 

Secondly is segundo or segundamente or em segundo 

Thirdly is terceiro or ierceiramente or em terceiro lugar. 


A parte inteira 

the whole 

u. linha f'lipej 

the line 

a parte deci- 



to value 




a dizima 



the totality 


[ko 'junto] 

a operagao 

a ajuda 

the help 


the decimal 


a operagao 


a porgao 

the portion 

de dizima 

[pur 'svuj 

ao contrario de 

to the con- 

seccos fsekufj 

dried fruit 

trary of 


the bean 

consistir de, em 

to consist of, 



a balanga 

the wages 


to separate 


a virgida 

the comma 

anno bissexto 

the leap-year 



a casa 

the partition. 




[intirleB 'lacTuJ 

cada urn 

each (one) 


the century 

a letra 

the type 



the metrical 

a era ['erv] 

the Christian 

metrico [sif- 




' terns 'mstrikUj 



the solstice 


the meridian 



a equindxio 

the equinox 



[iki 'noks}uJ 

[tsr 'rsftrd] 


to be sufficient 

cjlobo [gldbu] 

the globe 

a p)rimavera 



[primn 'vervj 


to indicate 






the c^uadrant 

estio [}J"tiu] , 





to derive 

[o 'tonuj 


to measure 



a saber 



a extensdo 

the extension 

a Pascoa 


{%flen 'sitij 


104 Lesson 16. 

Pentecostes Whitsuntide j arranjar to arrange, 

fpentyi-jftifj i procure 

dia do amw New Year's Day I emmalar to embale 

novo or do \ a mala ['male] the box 

anno horn ! a gula ['gw] the_ luggage- 

darasboasfestas to send the j ticket 

(pelo anno greetings of vou [oou] I go, am going 

novo, pela the season vd [va] go! 

Pdscoa, 2)elo \ ate logo ] 

Natal) j [ete'logu] J till presently. 

o Natal fiw'taij Christmas j ate jd [sa] I 

levar to take 

40. Leitura. 

sijsteiaa decimal ou melrico. 

Ac contrario do niimero inteiro, o qual tern so uma parte, 
o numero decimal consiste sempre de duas partes, separadas 
per uma virgula. A parte que fica a esquerda da virgula, 
chama-se parte inteira; a que fica a direita da Ti'rgula, 
chama-se parte decimal e tambem dizima: e cada uma das 
suas letras representa uma casa. A parte inteira indica uni- 
dades; a parte decimal indica frac9oes ou partes da unidade. 
primeiro algarismo d'uma parte decimal indica d(5cimas, o 
segundo indica centesimas ; o terceiro, se o tiver, indicara 
mill^simas ; o quarto decimas mill6simas. — systfima metrieo 
tern per unidade o metro. metro e uma medida. Esta 
medida 6 igual a d^cima million^sima parte do quarto (ou 
quadrante) do meridiano terrestre. Do metro derivam todas 
as medidas, a saber: 1. as medidas lineares, com que medi- 
mos comprimento ou extensao das coisas: das linhas por 
exemplo; — 2. as medidas de superficie, com que avaliamos 
no seu conjuncto as coisas que teem ao mesmo tempo com- 
primento e largura, como um campo; — 3. as medidas de 
volume, com que avaliamos no seu conjuncto as coisas que 
teem ao mesmo tempo comprimento, largura e altura, como 
e, por exemplo, uma sala, ou uma por^ao de lenha ou de ma- 
deira de comprimento igual ; — 4. as medidas de capacidade, 
com que medimos liquidos : por exemplo, vinho ou azeite ; e 
seccos, como p. ex. trigo ou feijao; — 5. e finalmente, as 
medidas de peso, com as quaes avaliamos, com ajuda de uma 
balan9a, o peso das coisas. 

(Trindade Coelho: Pao Nosso.) 

41, Thema. 

Hie Year and its Divisions. 

The first day of a year is New Year's Day. The 
year is divided into 4 seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and 

The Numbers. 


Winter) 12 months, (January, February, March, April, May, 
June, July, August, September, October, November, and De- 
cember), 52 weeks, and 365 days. A leap-year has one day 
more (== a mats) — namely, 366 days. The intercalary day 
is the 29'^ day of the 2°"^ month, which is denominated Fe- 
bruary. (The) September was formerly the seventh, October 
the eighth, November the ninth, and December the tenth 
month of the year ; actually (= to-day) these months are the 
ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth. The week-days are for the 
most part (pela sua maior parte) indicated by "feira" — i.e., 
fair, whereas the Sunday, as the day of the first fair, is not 
indicated as such (= eomo tal), but as the day of the 
Lord {domingo being derived from Bominus the Lord). The 
week has 7 days, and the day has 24 hours; every hour 
counts 60 minutes and every minute as many seconds. In 
the year take place two equinoxes: on the 21^* of March and 
the 2S^^ of September, and two solstices : on the 22°^ of June, 

2 days before Saint John's, and on the 22"^ of Dezember, 

3 days before Christmas. On Christmas, New Year's Day, and 
Easter we send greetings of the season to our friends. The 
31st of December is the last day of the year. A hundred 
years form a century. We live in the twentieth century 
of the Christian era. 


No Hotel. 

A que horas deseja V"- Ex"- 

ser acordado? 
E almoQo a que horas o 

deseja ? 
ya. g^a.. j^ yae partir no com- 

boio das nove e dez? 

Levara doze minutos quando 

E a bagagem — V*- Ex«- le- 

va-a no earro? 

Sim, senhor. Vou ja despa- 
cha-las e entregSr-lhe a guia. 
ya. Ex"- manda mais al- 
guma coisa? 

As ordens de "V^- Ex''^- ; ate logo! 

V^- chame-me as sete e meia. 

Tres quartos de hora mais 
tarde, as oito e um quarto. 

Vou. V^- arrange-me um trem ; 
quantos minutos leva ate a 
estaQao ? 

Entao basta que o carro ca 
esteja as nove menos cinco. 

Nao, senhor. Ja esta tudo 
emmalado; as malas podem 
ir jd para a esta^ao. senhor 
leve-as para baixo! 

Quando trouxer (fut. conj. 
of trazer) a guia, traga 
(imper. of trazer) tambem 
uma chicara de cba! 

Va com Deus! ate j4! 

106 Lesson 17. 

Seventeenth Lesson. Li(jao decima setima. 

Numbers (Continued). 

III. Multiplicative Numbers. 

§ 106. The mnltiplicatives (mtineros muUipUca- 
ticos) are: 

Simples simple o dobro (de) \ ^Q^i^jg tj^g 

duplo, -a \ ^ i^j duplo (de) f 

dohrado, -a i o triplicado, triplice, pop- o 
triple threefold tresdobro, the triple 

quadruplo, -a fourfold (o) sextuplo, septuplo, dctuplo, 
qtiintuplo, -a fivefold dicuplo, centuplo (the) 6, 7, 

inteiro the whole 8, 10, 100 fold 

multiplu manifold. 

All the other multiplicatives are not used; they 
are generally periphrased (as, indeed, also most of the 
mentioned may be) by the numbers of repetition (m- 
meros iferativos); uma vez, dims vezes, etc. — e.g. -'^X^^ 
^ 4, duas veses dots sdo quatro. EUe (• cent vezes mais 
rico do que ru, he is a hundred times richer than I. 

§ 107. The most important collective Numbers 

(immeros collcdivos) are: 

Um par a pair, a couple (um par de luvas; um par de 

um casal de rolos a brace of doves 
uma dusia a dozen 
meia dmia half a dozen 
diisia 6 meia one dozen and a half 
uma groza or dose dugias a gross 
ttma quinsena fifteen 
una vintena a score 

uma trintena, quarantena some thirty, forty 
uma sessentena threescore, sixty 
um quarteirao twenty-five 
uma centena, um cento a (or some) hundred 
um milhar, um milheiro a (or some) thousand. 

' Vae, present of ir = to go: vou, vaes, vae, vdmos, ides, vdo. 

^ Faser to do, make, is irregular: Pres.. faQO, fazes, faz 

etc. ; Pret. : fiz, fizeste, fez, fizemos, fizesfes, fizeram. Part. : feito. 

The Numbers. 107 

§ 108. The Augmentatives and Diminutives. 

Augmentativos [atimentv'tivu/J e diminutivos 

[dgminu 'tkmfj. 

As the ending -issimo modifies the adjective, other 
terminations, pecuHar only to the Portuguese langu- 
age, modify the original meaning of substantives: cer- 
tain terminations add to the noun the idea of some- 
thing unusually big (or clumsy or grotesque), they 
augment some quality already prominent, while others 
add the notion of littleness, daintiness; they diminish a 
quality already existing. It is easily understood that 
the former convey an idea of antipathy, while the 
latter indicate one of sympathy or pity. 

§ 109. To form the Augmentati'vos, we add to the 
noun the syllable -Oo (fem.: -o-na), sometimes modified 
also according to the ending of the substantive. To 
form the Diminutivos, we employ the ending -inho, -inha 
or -ito, -ita. Those derivations which intercalate a -^-, 
generally denote only size without any secondary 
meaning— e.g.: cadeirazinha = a little chair, while 
cadeirinha means a sedan(-chair). 

The employment of both the augmentative and 
the diminutive modifications takes place only in familiar 
intei'course, and may be avoided by a foreigner. Here 
we bring them to the student's notice to enable him 
to understand those words and for the sake of com- 

1. Augmentativos (termination -ao). 
garrafdo [gyrrnyvu] the great bottle (of a gar- 

um bofetao [hufa'tvu] a heavy slab (of a bofetada) 
palavrao [pvlv'vrvu] a long and difficult (also: an 

ugly) word (of palavra) 
casacao [hvsn'Mu] great-coat (of casaco) 
papeJcio [pvpg'lvu] thick paper, pasteboard (of 

papao [pv'pguj bugbear (of papar devour or papas 

Iwmensarrdo [omvj&v'rreii] the great (or important) 

mocetao [musg'lvu] 1 big fellow (of wofo young man) 
rapagao [rrvpv'geu] f great boy (of rapaz the boy). 

108 Lesson 17. 

6. Dlmiiiutivos (termination -(z)inho, -(^)ito, etc.). 
Masculine. Feminine- 

liomensinho the little man A mulherzinha the little wo- 
a mulherinha the intriguing 
filhinho the little son a filhinha the little daughter 

rapazito, o rapaginho the a rapariguita, a raparigiiinha 

little boy the little maid 

caoeinho the little dog a cadelUnha the little bitch 

pohrezinho the little poor a probrezinha the poor (or 
person or beggar beggar) maid. 

coitadinho, -a poor darling! 

Familiar language also adds to certain adjectives 
and even to adverbs the diminutive endings. E boni- 
tinlia she is rather pretty; estd melhorsinlia she feels a 
little better; uma casa pequenina quite a small house; 
elle estd granclinho he is rather tall (for his age); ella e 
boasinha she is a dear little thing. 

§ 110. Examples from Portuguese Authors. 

Velho tao velhinho nenhum outro havia . . . 
Para eumprir cam annos Ibe faltava um dia, 
Ha noventa e quatro que 6ra ja pastor^, 
Zagalzinho^ alegre, desde tenra infancia. 
Ja de surraosito^ cheio a tiracol* — 

Branqueadinho" a neve" e doiradinbo' a sol. 

Guia jumentinho* uma velhinha errante . . 

A molheirinha' atras, o jumentito adiante! 

Descalcinha'^'' e pobre . . 

Pobres de pobres (^= the poorest of the poor) sao pobresinhos . . . 

Alvas ermidinhas^' sob azues magaados^^ . . 

Ao filhinho a noite nao Ihe causa raedo . . . 

Uma igrejasinha que 6 como um pombal^' . . 

Nao se esquece da vaquinha'^* loira'^ 

Que se poz de joelhos ante a mangedoira^*. 

Quando nas palhinhas'' dormitava''^ Deus". 

' Herdsman. ^ shepherd. ^ bread-bag. * a tiracol in 
bandoleer-belt. ^ branqueado whitewashed. '^ by the snow. 
' doirado ftilded— i.e.. made brown. * ojumento ass. ' moleira 
the miller's wife. '° desealga barefooted. •' ermida hermitage. 
'2 magoado = bruised ; here violetblue. '' doTe-house. " vacca 
cow. '^ bright yellow, fair. " manger, crib. " palha straw. 
'* slumber. " Deus for Jesus. 

The Numbers. 



multiplicando the multi- 

tirar [tirar] 

to subtract 




the last 



feito [fyUu] 

executed, made, 


the last but 







the antepenult 





OS factores 

the factors, 






producto geral the total (sum) 



producto par- 

the quota 

saber ['sister] 

to know 

cial [upru- 



'&utu pw- 





a unidade 

the unit 




a dezena 

the ten 

dar urn trago 

to draw a line 



a conta [sTconte] the account; 

por baixo 



[pur haixu] 

a centena 

figure marking 

chegar [ffgar] 

to arrive, reach. 


the hundreds 

to mount to 


figure marking 


to make clean, 


the thousands 


to obtain 

a columna 

the column 

a virgula 

the comma 



a taboada 

the multiplica- 

a potencia 

the power 




ddo-me [dvumsj they give me, 


the numerator 

I am given 


the denomina- 


to resolve 




the remainder 

vamos ['vemufj 

we go; here: 



we are going 

ao par 

at par 

to . . ., we 


the Crown 




fazer [fvzer] 

to make 

42. Problemas de multiplica^ao. 

Para saber multiplicar 6 preeiso saber primeiro a ta- 
boada. Eis aqui um exemplo de multiplica^ao : dao-me de- 
zeseis ma^as por dia durante quatro dias: quantas ma^as me 
dao ao todo? Este problfima resolve-se pela multiplica9ao. 
multiplicando 16 6 multiplicado pelo multiplicador 4. 
producto e egual a sessenta e quatro. Vejamos (Let us see) 
agora como e practicamente feita a multiplica9ao seguinte: 
Trezentos e vinte e oito a multiplicar por quarenta e cinco. 
Collocam-se os dois factores (nome commum do multipli- 

110 Lesson 17. 

cando e do multiplicadoi-) um debaixo do outre, e, tendo dado 
um tra^o por baixo, dizemos assim : cinco vezes oito, quarenta. 
Sscrevemos o ultimo algarismo, zero, e vao quatro (tr.: we 
carry four); cinco vezes dois, dez, e quatro, quatorze; escre- 
vemos quatro e vae um (= we carry one); cinco vezes tr6s, 
quinze, e um, dezeseis. Apuramos assim o primeiro producto 
parcial, e mil seiscentos e quarenta. Depois de apurado da 
m6sma maneira o segundo producto parcial, de trezentos e 
vinte e oito por quatro, sommamos ambos para obterraos o 
producto geral que vem a ser : quatorze mil seteeentos e ses- 

Uma fraeijao e uma certa parte d'nm todo. Ha frac- 
Qoes decimaes das quaes so se escrevem (= are written) os 
numeradores, sendo o denominador dez ou alguma potencia 
de dez — e frac96es vulgares. Emquantoque as primeiras 
sao escritas n'uma a parte inteira, separadas d'ella 
apenas por uma virgula, as ultimas expressam-se em (se) 
escrevendo tanto o numerador como o denominador {transl. 
both num. and den.), com um tra9o entre elles ^/a = dois 
ter90s; ^is ^ cinco decimo oitavos. Um dia 6 uma vig^sima 
oitava, vig^sima nona, trig^sima ou trig6sima primeira parte 
de um mez. Trindade Coelho: Pao Nosso. 

43. Exercise. 

How little does one half of the world know how the 
other half lives! How many more apples have 1 than you, 
if I have '/12 of a dozen, and you the remainder? 6 is three 
times the fourth part of 8 ; because the fourth part of 8 is 2, 
and 6 is 3 times 2. Twice five times five is half a hundred. 
When I was young, I thought that five hundred years ago (the) 
men where twice as strong, and twice as wise, and much 
braver, and a thousand times happier than now. Portuguese 
money is also subject to the decimal system : a hundred reis 
form a tostoon, ten tostoons make up mil reis, and a thou- 
sand times mil reis — i.e., a million of reis — is a conto. An 
English pound is worth about four thousand five hundred reis 
when the exchange is at par. Twenty reis are a vintem and 
225 reis correspond to a shilling, while a tostoon corresponds 
nearly to sixpence. The deposed king of Portugal, Manuel II., 
ascended to the throne on the 1^'- of February, 1908, the day 
on which his father, king Charles I., and his elder brother, 
the Crown Prince, were shot. 


Quaes sao as quatro operaQoes fundamentaes ? 

De quantos algarismos 6 formado o numero de 17.580? 

Kegular Verbs. Ill 

Qaal 6 a primeira colamna, e que classe de numeros 

contem ? 
Quaes sao as mais classes? 
Onde SB escrevem as frac^oes decimaes e como? 
Como se escrevem as fraC9oes vulgares? 
Porque se chamam as primeiras «decimaes» ? 
Como se chamam os trds numeros que prefazem uma sub- 

Como se chamam os tr§s numeros que prefazem uma mul- 

tiplica 9ao ? 
Em que anno subin ao throno o rei D. Manuel de 

Portugal ? 
Em que anno subiu ao throno a rainha Victoria de 

Inglaterra ? 
Quando morreu ella? 
Quantos annos reinou o rei Bduardo? 
Em que anno e mez morreu? 
Quern i que reina na Alemanha? 

Que e que se entende por augmentativos e diminutives ? 
Como sao formados? 
Qual e systSma de medidos, contos e pesos, de que 

as na(}oes do continente se servem ? 
Donde se tirou a norma para o systfima m6trico? 

Eighteentli Lesson. Li(?ao decima oitava. 

Regular Verbs. Verbos regulares. 

§ 111. By the termination of the infinitive mood 
we distinguish three different forms of conjugation- — viz.: 

The 1^* conj. with the infinitive ending in -ar, as: 
comprar to buy. 

The 2"'^ conj. with the infinitive ending in -er, as: 
vender to sell. 

The 3'^conj. with the infinitive ending in -h\ as: 
partir to depart. 

N.B. — These terminations have always the tonical 

§ 112. That part of the verb before these termi- 
nations is the root, w^hich in regular verbs remains 
unaltered. Those termination letters which characterise 
the different persons and tenses, are added to the root. 


Lesson 18. 

§ 113. We distinguish: 

1. Forms where the root has the tonical accent; and 

2. Forms where the termiuation has the tonical 

Every verb has 11 of the former — viz.: 
Pres. ind. : singular and 3'^"^ pers. of the plural (4) 
Pres. subj.: „ „ „ „ „ ,, „ (4) 

Imperative: „ „ „ „ „ „ „ (3). 

All other forms have their tonical accent on the 
termination — e.g., compro, but comprdmos. 
§ 114. We distinguish further: 

1. Primary tenses (raizes da formagao dos tempos): 

(a) The infinitive (infinitivo or infinito). 

(b) The present indie: 1^* pers. sing, and 2"'' per- 

sons sing, and plur. 

(c) The preterite (preterito perfeito) : 2"-^ pers. sing. 

2. Derived tenses (tempos derivados), which com- 
prehend all the rest and are formed as follows: 

(A) From the Infinitive: 1. Present, 2. Imperfect, 
3. Perfect, 4. Future indie, 5. Conditional, 6. The 
two participles. 

The terminations are added partly to the stem, 
partly to the infinitive. 



1. Pres. 

vender : 




2. Fret. imp. 




3. Pret. perf. 




4. Futuro. 




5. Condicional. 

comprar-ia (or compr-aria) 
vender-ia (or vend-eria) 
partir-ia ("or part-iria) 

6. Part. imp. 




7. Part. perf. 




(B) From the Present Indie. 1^* pers. sing.: The 
Pres. Subj. by changing the ending -o into -e in the 
1=' conj. and -a in the 2°'^ and S'''^ conj. ; and from the 
2°^ persons sing, and plur.: the corresponding persons 
of the Imperative by dropping the -s. 


ar Verbs. 

Pres. incl. 

1. Pres. conj. 

Pres. ind. 



tu compras: 
v6s compraes: 



tu vendes: 
vos vendeis: 



tu partes: 
vos partis: 


2. Imperativo. 

compra (tu) 
comprae (v6s) 
vende (tu) 
vendei (vds) 
parte (tu) 
parti (vds). 

Note.— The 3''<i person sing, and the 1^' and S"^*! persons 
plur. of the imperative are equal to the same of the subjunc- 
tive present, except that the subiect, if employed, gene- 
rally follows the verb — e.g. : compre, venda, parta F" Ex'^, o 
senhor, etc. Yet it may also preoeed: V^ compre, venda, 
parta! The negative form of the imperative takes also the 
subjunctive mood — e.g.: Ndo compres, nao compreis! Don't 
buy ! Nao vendas, nok> vendues ! Nao partus, nao partaes ! 
Nao partdmos, nao vendam V^^ or F^s nao vendam ! 

(C) From the Preterito perfeito, 2°"^ pers. sing, 
(cf. § 48), by changing the termination -ste into -ra, 
-sse or -r, we form the 

p artiste: 

1. Pret. mais-que- 




2. Pret. im% 




3. Fut. imp. 




§ 114. First Conjugation. Inflnitivo: Comprar 
to buy, 

A. Simple Tenses. 

Inflnitivo pessoal. 
Para eu comprar to buy (I) para nds comprarmos to buy 

para tu comprares to buy para vds comprardes to buy 

(you) (you) 

para elle comprar to buy (he) para elles comprarem to buy 


Eu compro I buy, etc. nds comprdmos we buy, etc. 

tu compras vds compraes 

elle compra elles compram. 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 5 

114 Lesson 18. \ 

Comprava I bought, etc. compravamos we bought, etc. 

compravas compraveis 

comprava compravani. 

PrHerito perfeito (definido). 
Comprei I bought, etc. comprdinos we bought, etc. 

compra^fe eomprastes 

comprou compraraw. 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito. 
Comprdra I had bought, etc. comprdraiiios we had bought, 
comprd/ras comprdreis [etc. 

comprdra comprdram. 

Comprarei I shall buy, etc. compraremos we shall buy, 
comprards comprareis [etc. 

comprard comprardo. 

Gmnpraria I should buy, etc. comprariatnos we should buy, 
comprarias comprarieis [etc. 

compraria comprariam. 

Oompra! buy (thou) ! compremos let us buy ! 

Compre V. Ex°- (o Senhor)! comprae buy (ye)! 

buy! (sing.) comprem (V^^ Ex"'^)! buy! 


Imperativo negativo. 
Nao compres (tu) ! Nao compremos (nds) ! 

.Vdo compre (Yi)! Nao compreis (vos)! 

Nao comprem (V^^)! 

Conjuuctivo or Subjunetivo. 


Que eu compre that I buy, etc. que nds compremos that we 

que tu compres que v6s compreis [buy, etc. 

que elle compre que elles comprem. 

Se eu comprasae If I bought, etc. 
SB tu comprasses 
se elle comprasae 
se nos comprdsaemos 
se v6s comprasaeia 
se elles comprasaem. 

Regular Verbs. 


Se eu comprar If I shall (or am to) buy, etc. 
se tu comprares 
se die comprar 
se nds comprarmos 
se v6s comprardes 
se elles convprarem. 



Oomprado bought. 

Presente. Comprando buying. 

§ 115. Difference between Imperfeito and Pre 
terito perfeito (cf. § 53).^ 
The Imperfeito is employed: 

1. If two actions are repre- 
sented as being performed 
at or as lasting the same 
time (see Ex. 1). 

2. If one action is interrupted 
by another, the Imperfeito 
denotes the action that was 
going on when the other 
began, while the latter re- 
quires the Preterito perfeito. 

3. In descriptions of character, 
opinion, state, manners, and 
customs, as well as repre- 
senting an action as often 
repeated (see Ex. 3 and cf. 
§ 120, A 3). 

4. The Imperfeito is used for 
all actions that do not im- 
mediately belong to the re- 
lation, but are added as ac- 
cessory circumstances or the 
own meaning of the speaker. 

The Preterito perfeito is 
employed : 

1. To mark a time positively 
fixed, entirely elapsed, an 
action quite accomplished. 

2. To express actions following 
one another, interrupting 
others. It is the historical 
tense, being peculiarly ap- 
propriate to the narrative 

3. While the Imperfeito des- 
cribes, the Preterito perf. 
narrates (cf. 2); it represents 
an action as performed only 

4. The Preterito denotes a 
changement in the state of 
things; some action mark- 
ing a jjro^ress of the events. 

' As these rules, already giren for the most part in § 53, 
are very important, we repeat them here, completing them by 
adding others. 


116 Lesson 18. 

5. It marks an indefinite or 5. The Preterito marks a de- 
illimited duration. finite and limited duration; 

one without any reference 
to another action or state. 

6. It is employed in a hypo- 
thetical clause (instead of 
the Conditional). 

7. It is used in indirect 

Bemark.— The Preterito perfeito is one of the most im- 
portant, while most usual, tenses in the Portuguese language. 
It is very often employed instead of the English Perfect (e.g., 
for "I have bought" eu comprei of. § 53, B, d). More details 
for the use of these tenses are given in the nineteenth lesson. 


1. Emquanto o cortejo passava pelas ruas, os sinos 

Whilst the procession passed through the streets, 
the bells were ringing. 

2. Eu estudava a ligao, quando tu chegaste. 

I was studying my lesson when you arrived. 

3. Quando estava na praia, tomava banhos todos os 

When I was at the seaside, I took baths every 

Eu fui a praia, mas nao tomei hanho. 
I went to the beach, but did not take a bath. 

Elle falava muito alto ] he spoke very loud (as a 

( habit) 
Elle falou muito alto i he spoke very loud (on a 

) certain occasion). 

4. Ghovia or estava a chover it was raining. 
Ghoveu, principiou a chover, o tempo tornou-se chu- 

It began to rain, the weather became rainy. 
.5. Eramos amigos we were friends (and are so still). 
Fomos amigos we were friends (but now no longer). 

6. Eu voltava (instead of: voltaria), se me mandassem 

I should go back if I were sent for. 

7. Elle disse-me que nao pensava em partir. 

He told me that he did not think of departing. 

Regular Verba. 


§ 116. Regular Yerbs of the First Conjugation. 

Ahotoar to button 

abreviar [vbravur] to shorten 

acabar to finish 

accordar to awake 

achar Marl \ i. n 3 
,'- ■' ^ / to find 
encontrar j 

admirar [vdamfrar] to admire 

alisar to smooth 

apanhar [vpvyar]- to catch 

assentar-se to sit down 

atirar com to fling 

avistar [vviftarj to perceive 

banhar to bathe 

cacarejar to cackle 

calgar to put on (shoes, gloves) 

caminhar [Jcvmipar] to go, 

stride, walk 
cantar [Mntar] to sing, crow 
cansar to tire 
ehamar [femar] to call, to be 

collocar to put 
corar [ho'rar] to bleach, 

deitar to lay down 
deitar-se to lie down 
deixar [dvifar] to leave oflF, 

let, forbear 
deleitar [ddeitar] to delight 
deseansar to rest 
doirar fdot'rarj to gild 
encadernar [thnddrnar] to 

bind (booJcs) 
enfiar to thread; to put on 
enxugar to dry (p. p.: enxuto) 
escovar to brush 
escutar to listen to 
esfregar to rub 
espantar [ijpvntar] to frighten 
estacar ftJtvTcar] to stop 
esticar [iftikarj \ ^^ ^^^^^^^ 
esmar [ijlwarj \ 
falar [fvlar] to speak 
iiar to spin 
freqilentar to attend • 

gastar [gvfiar] to expend, use, 

gorgeiar [gurgiarj to warble 
ignorar [ignurar] to ignore 
illustrar to illustrate 
imitar to imitate 
langar to throw 
Zawar to wash 
levantar-se flavvntarsp] to rise, 

get up 
levar [hvar] to take (away) 
li/mpar [Ixmpar] to clean 
livrar [livrar] to free 
louvar [lovar] to praise 
mawdaj" [mStidur] to send, to 

mandar ehamar to send for 
mudar (de) to change 
Mada*- to swim 
olhar to see 
passar to pass, go 

f ^«'' '"^ \ to take 

pendurar to hang 

pensar fpesarj to think 

pewfear to comb 

praticar [pratikar] to practise 

precisar to want 

pnwcipiar [prtsipi 'ar] to begin 

^rocwrar [prukurvr] to look 

projectar [prugdarj to intend, 

to have in view 
quebrar-se [Tcd'irarsg] to be 

receiar to fear 
recreiar [rr9krviar] to refresh, 

remsar [rrdkuzar] to refuse 
regrar [rrggar] to water 
re^a?' to pray 
salvar [saivar] to save 
sanar [svnar] to cure, heal 
sarar [svrar] to heal 
SMJar to soil 


Lesson 18. 

tirar to take oflf, draw out 

viajar to travel 

tomar [tumarj 

to take 

virar to turn 

tratar to treat, deal (with), 

voar fvuarj to 



voUar [voUar] 

to return. 



the noise 

a bwboleta 

the butterfly 




the rack 


the bench 

[ke 'M&a] 


the warbling 


the coat 


Pee 'zakuj 


the hearing, 


the waistcoat 

[o 'viduj 




the washing- 

OS calgoes 

the breeches 



fkai 'soifj 

K toalha 

the towel 

as ceroulas 

the drawers, 


[s9 'rohfj 


n6 [m] 

the knot 

a camisola 

the vest 

estabelecimento the swimming- 

[kvmi' zolv] 

de natagao 


as chinellas 

the slippers 


the bathing- 

[fi 'nrlvf] 



the collar 

mestre de 

the teacher of 




a gravata 

the cravat 


put, he puts 

[gre 'vate] 

em seguida 


the dressing- 

[m 'gidvj 

then, after 

[tokv 'ffor] 


entao [m'tvu] 




a esteira 

the mat 



43. L 


Ao deitar-se e levantar-se. 

Agora, Jose, deixa de regar as tuas floras! Sao oito 
horas e tempo para acabares. Has de ir (to go) deitar-te. A 
Maria ja te chamou, ella deseja levar-te a cama. Anda depressa, 
mas sem ruido, para nao acordares teus irmaozinhos. Tira 
o teu fato, mas nao atires com as tuas coisas para o chao! 
Olha aquelle cabide: pendura ali o teu casaquinho, o collets 
e as cal9oes. E nas costas desta cadeira deitaras a tua camisa, 
as ceroulas e as meias. Colloca as tuas botas ou sapatos 
fora da porta para que o criado as limpe antes de tu te levan- 
tares. As tuas chinellas, essas ficam bem ao p6 da cama. 
Poe o teu colarinho e a gravata em cima do toucador ! Assim 
encontraras tudo no seu lugar, sem que precises procural-o 
amanha de manha. Ja lavaste as maos? Bem, deita-te, reza 
e dorme! 

Regular Verbs. 119 

Depois de ter bem passado a noite, Jose 6 accordado 
pelo criado que o chama: «0 menino, accords! Levante-se! 
Seu papa ja o esta esperando no jardim! Ja sao sate horas! 
E e verdade: o gallo canta, as galliuhas cacarejam e os pas- 
saros gorgeiam, deleitando os ouvidos. Jos(5 esfrega os olhos, 
estica as pernas e salta da cama. EUe miida de camisa, cal^a 
as meias, as ceroulas e os cal^oes, enfia as chinellas e depois 
lava-se bem com uma esponja ao lavatorio. Elle nsa de 
muita agua fria e gasta bastante sabao. Elle gosta at6 to- 
mar banho de manha, mas receia que leve muito tempo, por- 
qvie seu pae esta a espera d'elle. Esfregando-se bem com 
uma toalha, enxuga a cara e o peito; entao pega numa es- 
cova para escovar os dentes, e com um pente alisa o cabello. 
Depois de penteado enfia o collete e a jaqueta, abotoa o 
colarinho e ata um lindo no na sua gravafca. Afinal tira as 
chinellas e calQa os sapatos que o criado ja limpou e collocou 
fora da porta do quarto. Agora esta prompto para passar 
para baixo e almo^ar com o pae que em seguida o acompanha 
a escola. Pois o Jos6zinho freqiienta uma escola de meniuos 
onde trata de aprender quanto um menino precisa saber. 
Mas logo que as aulas acabam, elle toma o seu fato de banho 
e caminha para o estabelecimento de nata9ao, onde ha um 
grande natatorio para os meninos nadarem debaixo da inspec^ao 
d'um mestre de nata9ao. 

44. Exercise. 

(a) Read and write the first part of 43, changing the 
2°'3 person of the Imperative into the 3'^'^— e.g. : Agora, Jose, 
deixe de regar as suas flores ! 

(b) Read and write the 2°<5 part (from : Depois de ter . . .), 
changing the Present Tense (1) into the Past Tenses and (2) 
into the Future. 

45. Thema. 

Our little brother went to bed. He took off his things 
and hung them (-as) for the most part on a rack behind the bed- 
room door. But his shirt, vest, and pants were carefully put on 
a chair near the bed, while the slippers and stockings remained 
on the mat by the bedside. Before he lay down, he took a glass 
of milk and a slice of bread and butter, for he had had no supper. 
He had passed the afternoon in the garden, watering his flowers 
and catching butterflies. When he was tired, he sat down on a 
bench to rest, and delighted his (= the) ears by listening to the 
warbling of the birds. Then he thought that it would be time 
to finish and go to bed. In that moment his (= the) mother 
sent for him, ordering the maid-servant to take him [tr. that she 

120 Lesson 19. 

took him) to bed. As by working in the garden he had soiled 
(imp. subj.) his clothes and boots, the man-servant will have to 
clean these, while the maid-servant will brush those. When little 
Joe awakes (fut. subj.) to-morrow morning, he will find his 
things clean and prepared. 


A que horas ha-de o nosso irmaozinho ir para cama ? 

Quem leva para la, ajudando-lhe a despir (undress) ? 

Que mais tera a criada que (to) fazer ? 

Como passou o Jose a tarde ? 

Que fez (did) elle quando estava cansado ? 

Que (e que) tomou antes de se deitar? 

Onde collocou as suas coisas? (1) a jaqueta? (2) as cerou- 

las? (3) as meias? (4) o collarinho? 
Para que preeisa elle de collocar tudo bem no seu lugar? 
Que fara, depois de deitado e antes de adormecer (to fall 

asleep) ? 
A que horas ha de levantar-se ? 
Como se prepara para almoQar com seu pae? 
Para onde o acompanha depois o pae? 
Que faz o Jos6zinho na escola ? 
E que faz depois de acabadas as aulas? 
Que ha no estabelecimento de nataijao? 
Como nadam ali os meninos? 
Os meninos gostam de nadar e de tomar banho? 
Que fazem depois de ter tornado banho? 
Que parte de dia 6 a melhor para tomar banho ? 
Ha entre os meninos algum que seja bom nadador ? 
Porque nao se recommenda ficar muito tempo na agua? 

Nineteenth Lesson. Ligao decima noua. 

Regular Verbs. 

B. Compound Tenses with ter (Active Voice), 
and ser (Passive Voice). 

§ 117. As the compound tenses do not offer any 
difficulty, as soon as we know the auxiliary verbs, we 
gave their forms in the conjugation of those verbs 
(of. L. .3 — 6). The compound tenses of the auxiliary 
verbs and of the active voice of the transitive verbs are 
formed by aid of the verb ter, joined to their past parti- 

Eegular Verbs. 121 

cipie, while the passive voice is formed by the verb 
ser, joined to the past participle. Haver is scarcely used 
in compound tenses, but for the compound future and 
conditional, where it is joined to the following infinitive 
by de and, in contrast to the simple future or condi- 
tional, expresses a necessity or intention. 

Hei-de comprar I shall (I intend) to buy. 

sol ha-de derreier a neve the sun will (= must) melt 
the snow. 

§ 118. Note.— The intransitive verbs follow on 
the whole the same rules as in Enghsh. Their com- 
pound tenses are formed by ter; yet, if you want to 
express a state, the result of an action, you employ 
estar — e.g. : o comboio estd chegado; a arvore estd cahida; 
a casa estd voltada para o sitl (lies towards the south); 
a industria estd decaJiida, etc. 

§ 119. Ter coinprado to have bought. 


Preterito composto. 
Eu tenho comprado I have bought, etc. 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito composto. 
Eu tinha comprado I had bought, etc. 

Future composto. 

Hei Cor tenho) de comprar j Lust'' OT^I^intend to buy. 
terei de comprar I shall have to buy. 

Futuro anterior. 
Terei comprado I shall -have bought. 

Cotidicional imperfeito . 

Havia (or teria) \ 1 should have or I ought to buy, 
de comprar \ I should have been obliged to buy. 

Condicional passado. 
Teria comprado I should have bought. 

Gon/junctivo passado. 
Que eu tenha comprado that I have bought. 

122 Lesson 19. 

Se eu tivesse comprado if I had bought. 

Futuro anterior. 
Quando eu tiver comprado when I shall have bought. 

Infinitivo e Participios. 
Ter comprado to have bought. 

Haver for ter) dc comprar to have to buy. 

Participio composto. 
Tendo comprado having bought. 

§ 120. As already said, the Preterito simples is 
often employed instead of the Preterito perfeito com- 
posto (the Enghsh "I have [done]"): 

A. The Preterito simples B. The Preterito composto 

indicates : indicates : 

1. Something belonging to the 1. Something belonging to the 
past: elle foi professor (he past and still continuing in 
is no more). the present: Elle tern sido 

professor (he is so still). 

2. A past state: esteve muito 2. A still lasting state: tern 
occupado he was very busy. estado muito occupado he 

has been very busy. 

M. An isolated singular action 3. A habit still enduring: 

(even when repeated): Es- Tern escripto com regulari- 

creveu algumas vezes lie dade he has written regu- 

wrote sometimes. larly (and still continues 


Es.: "Eu fago nssim, eu tenho feito sempre assim, in- 
conscientemente ; e o que escrevi nao c mais do 
que a revelaQuo do que tenho sentido." (Trindade 

As a rule you may recognise which tense to 
employ by some adverb contained in the clause: 

Havia cinco annos que era professor he (then) had 

been a teacher for 3 years. 
Ha cinco annos que foi professor he (then) had been a 

teacher 3 years ago. 
Ha cinco annos que tem sido professor he has been a 

teacher these 3 years. 

KejiiiJar Verbs. 123 

§ 121. Observations. 

(a) The interrogative, negative, and interrogative- 
negative forms of the verb may be formed, as alreadj- 
said, by the transposition of the noun or pronoun after 
the verb, or simply by the accentuation or punctuation 
— e.g.: Eu compro. Gompro (eu)? Eu mo compro. 
Nao compro (eu)? 

(b) In the regular verbs the Infinitivo pessoal is 
equal to the Futuro do Gonjunctivo. 

§ 122. The Passive Yoice (Vos passiva) is formed 
by joining the auxiliary ser to the past participle of 
the active verb (cf. L. 4). The past participle, when 
coupled with ser, is considered an adjective and conse- 
quently agrees in gender and number with the noun 
or pronoun to which it refers, even when the verb srr 
is omitted: 

ierreno foi vendido the ground was sold. 

A casa foi vendida the hoase was sold. 

Os terrenes foram vendidos the grounds were sold. 

As casus foram vendidas the houses were sold. 

Note. Instead of ser we may employ also ficar: 
livro ficoti vendido, etc. 

§ 123. If there be several subjects belonging to 
the same participle, this latter takes the form of the 
plural. If the subjects are of different gender, the 
masculine is preferred to the feminine in modifying the 
participle. If the participle follows such different sub- 
jects, the mascuhne ending is applied to the participle; 
if preceding, this is not necessary. 

Foram comprados muilas iivas e figos for muitos figos 

e uvas). 
As uvas e os figos (que foram) comprados no mer- 

cado . . . 

Note. — The subject being v6s, employed for a single per- 
son, the participle is employed in the singular; also if the 
subject is F" Ex'^, F«, etc. the participle agrees with the sex 
of the person addressed : 

V<^ JEx'^, senhor Nogueira, foi convidado. 

y« Ex°, minJia senhora, foi convidada. 

Vos sois adorado, Senhor, pelo cm e pela terra. 

124 Lesson 19. 

§ 124. Ser ehatnado to be called or summoned. 

Eu sou chamado, -a T am called or summoned, etc. 
tu es chamado, -a 
elle e chamado 
ella e chamada 
Piur. nds somas chamados, -as 
vos sois chamados, -as 
elles sao chamados 
ellas sao chamadas. 

Eu era chamado, -a I was called or summoned, etc. 

Preterito absolute. 
Eu fui chamado, -a I was or have been called or sum- 
moned, etc. 

Preterito composto. 
Eu tenho sido chamado, -a I have been called. 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito. 
Eu fora chamado, -a I had been called. 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito composto. 
Eu tinha sido chamado, -a I had been called. 

Eu serei chamado, -a I shall be called, etc. 

Futuro composto. 
Eu hei de ser chamado, -a I shall or must be called 

Futuro anterior. 
Eu terei sido chamado, -a I shall have been called. 

Condicional presente. 
Eu seria chamado, -a I should be called, etc. 

Condicional composto. 
Eu teria sido chamado, -a I should have been called. 

Se chamado, -a (May you) be called, etc. 

Sendo chmnado, -a being called, etc. 

Regular Verbs. 125 

Participio jiassado. 
Tendo sido chamado, -a having been (or as I was) 

Infinitivo passado. 

Ter sido chamado, -a to have been called, etc. 

Que eu seja chamado^ -a that I be called. 

Que eu fosse chamado, -a that I was called. 

Preterito eomposto. 
Que eu tenha sido chamado, -a that I have been called. 

Preterito inais-que-perfeito eomposto. 
Que eu tivesse sido chamado, -a that I had been called. 

He eu for chamado, -a if I shall be called. 

Futuro anterior. 
Se eu tiver sido chamado, -a if I shall have been called. 

§ 125. The passive voice may be and is frequently 
expressed by the active form with the pronoun se — i.e., 
reflectively; thus: 

Com a farinha de milho fas-se a hroa (= e feita a 

Out of the flour of Indian corn is made bread of 


Yet this form must only be employed, if no 
ambiguity result, as — for instance : delinquente enfor- 
cou-se or: enforcou-se o delinquente would be rather: 
the criminel hanged himself, while "was hanged" must 
be rendered in this case by "foi (or ficou) enforcado." 

§ 126. The preposition "by" in the passive voice 
is rendered by par. 


a tecedeira the woman 


fuso the spindle 

em seguida afterwards 

[is3 'ffiffvj 

depois de after 

emfim fifi] at last, finally 

liriho fliyu] the flax 
o iio [fiu] the thread 

a substancia the substance 

tear fty'ar] the weaver's 

a urdidura the warp(ing) 


Lesson 19. 


o sarilho \ 

a dobadoura | 
secco f'seJciiJ 
rnagar frnv'sarj 
hater [be 'terj 
mafo f'masuj 
a magadeira 

[mvss '{pBire] 

[ifpv&a 'Ur] 

a roca [rrakv] \ 
a maQaroca j 



to hatohel 

the reel 


to break, brake 

to beat 

the flax-brake 

the flax-dresser 

to swingle 

the flax-comb 

the distaff 
to hackle 

the awn, chaff 
(of flax) 

A torre [torra] the tower 
severo [sa'veru] severe 
erguer [ir'ger] to raise 

[Tcabe 'ffelu] 

u descobei-ta 




[ig 'zagunuj 

sandy beach 

the terrace 


to advance 
to construct 

to date 
the angle 


the cupola 
the curtain 

the battlement 


to ornate 
the shield 

a estriga 

a meada 

a estopa 


o cabo f'kabu] 

a corda f'kardvj 
o barbante 

lengo ['lesuj 


the strike (of 

the skein 

the (flax-)tow 

the web, tissue 
cable, rope 

the cord, rope 

the pack- 
thread, twine 

the handker- 



a curtina 

a armia 


ornar [ur'narj 
lado da terra the landside 

46. Leitura. 
linho e uma planta baixa de flor azul. Das hastes d'essa 
planta tttil 6 tirado urn fio. Esse fio 6 a sabstancia de que e 

a cruz [krufj 
a varanda 

[m 'rvnd'ej 
arco ['arkuj 

[pvrv 'peftuj 

o andar 
a abdbada 

[v 'bobvS'v] 

a nervura 

[nar 'mire] 

[intrslv sar] 


[v 'sesu] 
a escada de 


[here 'kol] 
a guarita 

[give 'rite] 

the cross 
the veranda 

the arch, bow 
the parapet 

to indent 

the story 
arched roof, 

the ground 

the nervure 



winding stairs 

the watch- 

Regular Verbs. 127 

feito o panno de linho. Depois de estarem bem seccas, as 
bastes da plauta sao maQadas ou batidas a 111390 pelas maQa- 
deiras. Em seguida sao espadeladas, depois levadas ao sedeiro 
e emfim fiadas na roca. linho ha de ser espadelado para ser 
estomentado ou para se Ihe (of it) tirarem os tomentos que e 
a estopa. Os dentes de ferro do sedeiro separam linho da 
estopa : esse fica assedado. Esta e mais grosseira que linho ; 
tambem e fiada na roca, e d'ella serao feitas cordas e bar- 
bantes, teeidos grosseiros, cabos ordinaries etc. Com linho 
assedado fazem-se as estrigas, e estas sao fiadas na roca. Ao 
fiar, fazem-se no fuso as ma^arocas. Das ma9arocas fazem-se 
meadas no sarilho. As meadas vao a lavar (go or are to ie 
washed) ; depois sao cosidas com cinza ; outra Tez sao lavadas ; 
e em seguida postas ao sol a (= to) corar. Depois de en- 
xutas, as meadas vao a dobadoura, para se fazerem os novellos. 
Os novellos vao para a tecedeira, e esta faz com elles a urdi- 
dnra no tear. Em seguida, lanQando fio por entre a urdidura, 
a tecedeira faz panno. Para tudo isto ha tambem macbinas 
mnito perfeitas nas fabricas de fia^ao e teeidos. 

Trindade Coelho: primeiro Livro de Leitura. 

47. Exercise. 

The Tower of JBelem. 

One of the most beautiful monuments in Portugal is the 
Tower of Belem, called also "Torre de Sao Vicente," magnificent 
and severe, raised upon a rock on a sandy beach of the Tagus 
with its terrace advancing still over the river. The tower 
was built in memory of the discoveries of the Portuguese, 
and its construction dates from the beginning of the sixteenth 
century. The square tower shuts up the terrace from the 
landside. The two angles of the terrace which are looking 
upon (para) the sea are cut so that by their base is formed 
an hexagon, in the little angles of which (do qual) are rising 
watch-towers with cupolas, as well os from the two inferior 
and the four superior angles of the tower. The terrace and 
the platform of the tower are protected by curtains of grand 
battlements; each of these ornated by (com) its shield and 
cross of Christ. At half the height of the tower projects 
an open veranda with columns, arches, and indented parapets. 
Inside in every story a large central room is (to be) found 
whose arched roof in the ground-floor has no nervures, while 
very rich interlaced nervures are in the upper stories. By very 
little doors ingress is given to the very narrow interiors of 
the square watch-towers. Winding stairs give access to the 
superior stories. 

128 Lesson 20. 


Que especle de planta e o linho? 

Qual e a parte litil da planta? 

De que servem os fios tirades da haste do linho? 

Como se prepara a substancia que sac os fios, para se 

fazer o fio de fiar? 
Que vem a ser a estopa? Como e? E que se faz 

Quaes sao os processes passados pelos fios depois de 

fiados na roca? 
Como se chamatn os apparelhos que servem nesses pro- 
cesses ? 
Onde sao esses apparellos substituidos por maehinas 

muito perfeitas? 
Como se chama um dos mais bellos monumentos em 

Onde se encontra a «Torre de Belem» ? 
Com que intento (intention) foi ella construida? 
De qnando data a sua construc9ao? 
De que duas partes consists o monumento? 
Comu e construido o terra90? 
Como e protegido o terra9o assim como a plataforma 

da torre? 
As araeias como sao ornadas? 
Que e que projecta a meia altura da torre? 
Que 6 que se encontra no interior? 
Como sao feitas as abobadas no pavimento terreo? nos 

andares superiores? 
Como se entra nas guaritas? nos andares superiores? 

Twentietli Lesson. Li^ao vigesima. 

Pronominal or Reflective Verbs. 

Verhos pronominaes ou reflexivos. 

§ 127. As we learned in the last chapter (§ 125), 
the Passive Voice may be and is often rendered by 
the reflective form of the verb. Thus employed, any 
verb, even the intransitive one, may adopt the passive 
form. This form may in English be rendered either 
by the same passive form or by the active form with 
the impersonal pronouns one, we, you, or they, or people 
as a subject — e.g.: 

Pronominal or Reflective Verbs. 129 

Juntam-se os papeis the papers are gathered, you or 

we gather the papers. 
Este livro Use com agrado this book is read (one reads 

or people read this book) with pleasure. 
Fala-se d'elle com muito elogio he is spoken of (they 

speak of him) with high praise. 


(a) In the last phrase we may also employ the 
active form, with the verb in the plural, just as in 
English : 

Falam delle com muito elogio. 

(b) In other cases we may substitute the passive 
or impersonal form by the gerund— e.g. : instead of 
'''quando se dorme, nao se precisa comer" : 

Bormindo nao se precisa comer. 

When you (we, people) sleep, you (we, people) need not 

(c) Here also the second reflective form might 
be rendered by the active, as in English: Bormindo, 
a gente nao precisa comer. 

§ 128. The following is the whole conjugation 
of the reflective verb, the 3"^ person of which we have 
already learned. 

As for the reflective pronouns (English: myself, etc.), 
there is only the one characteristic form (se), already 
dealt with, which marks the 3"^'^ pers. sing, and plur. 
For the other persons the accusative of the pronoun 
is employed, thus : me [mg], te [ta], se [sd], nbs [nof], 
ms [vof]. 

Infinitivo impessoal. 

Lavar-se to wash oneself. 

Infinitivo pessoal. 
Para eu me lavar that I (may) wash myself, etc. 
para iu te lavares 
para elle se lavar 
para nds nos lavarmos 
para vos vos lavardes 
para elles se lavarem. 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 9 

fc . i\' 

130 Lesson 20. 

Lavando-me washing myself. 
Tendo-me lavado (= depois de me ter lavado) after 
having washed myself. 

Eu lavo-me, I wash myself, etc. nds lavdmo^-nos 
tu lavas-te v6s lavaes-vos 

elle lava-se elles lavam-se. 

Preterito imperfeito. 
Eu lavava-me I washed my- nds lavavamo^-nos 

self, etc. vds lavaveis-vos 

tu lavavas-te elles lavavam-se. 

elle lavava-se 

Preterito perfeito. 
Eu lavei-me I washed myself nds lavdmo^-nos 
or I have washed myself, etc. v6s lavdstes-vos 
til lavaste-te elles lavaram-se. 

elle lavou-se 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito. 
Eu lavdra-me I had washed nds lavdramo^-nos 

myself, etc. vds Idvdreis-vos 

tu lavdras-te elles lavaram-se. 

elle lavdra-se 

Preterito perfeito composto. 
Eu tenho-me lavado I have washed myself. 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito-comp osio. 
Eu tinha-me lavado I had washed myself. 

Eu hei-de me lavar or la/var-me-(h)ei or eu me lavarei I 
shall wash myself, etc. 

Futuro passado. 
Ter-me-(h)ei lavado or eu me terei lavado I shall have 
washed myself, etc. 

Eu havia de me lavar or lavar-me-(h)ia I should wash 
myself, etc. 

Condieional passado. 
Ter-me-(h)ia lavado or eu me teria lavado I should have 
washed myself. 

1 The s of the 1st pers. pi. drops before the pronouns ofs^, 
a(s), nos, vos. 

Pronominal or Reflective Verbs. 131 

Lava-ie! Lave-se! Lavae-vos! Wash yourself! 
NSk) te laves! Nao se lave! Nao vos laveis! Do not 
wash yourself. 

Que eu me lave that I wash myself, etc. 
que tu te laves 
que elle se lave 
que nds nos lavemos 
que vos vos laveis 
que dies se lavem. 

Que or se eu me lavasse that or if I washed myself, etc. 
que or se tu te lavasses 
que or se elle se lavasse 
que or se nds nos lavassemos 
que or se vos vos lavasseis 
que or se elles se lavassem. 

Preterito composto. 
Que eu me teriha lavado that I have washed myself, etc. 
que tu te tenhas lavado. 

Que or se eu me tivesse lavado that or if I had washed 

myself, etc. 
que or se tu te tivesses lavado 
que or se elle se tivesse lavado. 

Se or quando eu me lavar if or when I shall wash 

myself, etc. 
se or quando tu te lavares 
se or quando elle se lavar 
se or quando nds nos lavarmos 
se or quando v6s vos lavardes 
se or quando elles se lavarem. 

§ 129. The position of the reflective pronoun is: 
1. in a simple principal phrase, if not negative, after 
the verb (or the auxiliary), to which it is joined by a 
hyphen — e.g.: Lavo-me; lavaste-te? 

2. If however the phrase is negative, the pronoun 
precedes the verb: Nao me lavo; nao te lavaste? Nunca 
se lavava. 


132 Lesson 20. 

3. If an adverb, conjunction, or complement begms 
the phrase or, without beginning it, precedes the verb, 
the pronoun may be put before or after the verb. 

"0 homem preeisa alimentar-se para viver: se nao 
se alimentasse, morria. Os homens alimentam-se de 
carnes, e tambem se alimentam de vegetaes." 

4. In subordinate sentences the pronoun precedes 
the verb: Quero que te laves (as maos). I want you 
to wash yourself (your hands). 

5. After the "verbo de realce" E que which is 
employed to put an emphasis upon some word,^ you 
may put the pronoun behind or before the verb : E que 
eda lei presta-se (or se presta) a tudo quanta seja fraude. 
The case is that this law complies with anything like 

Here also E que may be omitted or considered 
as not existing, and thus the phrase becomes a prin- 
cipal one. 

Note.— The same rules apply to the pronoun complement, 
even if not employed reflectively, and whether accusative or 
dative— e.g. : 

Eu lavo-a I wash her or it. 

Lavaste-os? Did you wash them? 

Nao as lavei I did not wash them. 

Nunca te lavou a roupa she never washed your linen 
{te is here dative). 

Se a lavadeira nao me tivesse lavado a roupa . . . 

If the washerwoman had not washed my linen . . . 

§ 130. The reflective verbs in English and Por- 
tuguese languages do not always correspond to each 
other. As indeed the reflective verbs in EngUsh are 
rare, some neuter or passive verbs in English require 
the reflective form in Portuguese. Such verbs are: 
Admirar-se to wonder chamar-se to be called 

afogar-se to be drowned compor-se (see § 213) to be 

approximar-se \, „„„roximate composed 

chegar-se ^to approximate contentar-se to be contented 
apresentar-se a to wait upon or satisfied 

(apresentar-se to offer oneself) decidir-se to decide 
arrepender-se to repent deitar-se ^ *° ^^^ down, 

(as)sentar-se to sit down ' ( to go to bed 

atrever-se to dare descuidar-se de to neglect 

calar-se to be silent di^iwiiz-seto deign, to be pleased 

Pronominal or Reflective Verbs. 


empenhar-se to endeavour 
encontrar-se to be (found) 
encontrar-se com to meet 
enganar-se to be mistaken 
escapar-se \ , 

esqmcer(-se de) to forget 
faeer-se to become 
informar-se to inquire 
irritar-se to grovr angry 
ir-se (embora) to go away 
jactar-se to boast 

lembrar-se to remember 
levantar-se to get up, to rise 
queixar-se to complain 
referir-se to refer 
regosijar-se to rejoice 
resewijr-se to resent 
restabelecer-se to recover 
/eiij-fflz-se to retire 
toj-war-se to become, turn out 
recusar(-se) to refuse 
desammar(-se) \ to discourage, 
desalentar(-se) f to lose courage 

JVofe.— The three last verbs may be employed as active. 
neuter, or reflective verbs ; as for esquecer, it must be follow- 
ed by de if employed reflectively, and personally. Without 
de, it may be used as an active verb (which is considered a 
gallicism); but more frequently as a neuter and in the 3"^^ per- 
son; neuter, it is employed without pronoun or de. 

Esqueceu-se de alguma cousa j 
Esqueceu alguma cousa , he forgot something. 

Esqueceu-lhe alguma cousa } 

Eu desanimei or desanimei-me \ I god discouraged, I 
Eu desalentei or desalentei-me ( lost courage. 
seu mallogro desalentou-o his ill-success discouraged 

§ 131. Whenever the Portuguese se, nos, vos have 
not a reflective sense, but express a reciprocal action, 
they are translated by each other or one another: 

Os dois irmaos parecem-se (N6s parecemo-nos). 

The two brothers resemble (we resemble) one another. 

§ 132. Very often we can hardly distinguish 
whether a verb, employed with -se (i.e. in the S"^"^ per- 
son), is reflective or passive. In this latter case it can 
always be substituted by the past participle preceded 
by a form of the verb ser. sino ouve-se (= is heard). 
Sometimes the difference is immaterial : corpo alimenta- 
se, the body is nourished or nourishes itself. If there is 
a second pronoun, we may be sure that the verb is 
employed in the passive voice — e.g.: 

A cavallo dado nao se The olha o dente (=^ o dente nao 

e olhado). 
Look not a gift-horse in the mouth. 


Lesson 20. 

Quando ha vento, molha-se a vela (= 

Ihada) (prov.). 
Strike the iron while it is hot. 
Contenta-te, gato, que farta o farto. 
Great wealth, great weariness. 

a vela fica mo- 



to dress 

a extremidade 

the extremity 




to undress 




[ssh 'entaj 


a ufilia 

the nail 


to amuse 




guarnecer de 

to provide with 

[rgkry 'ars9] 


dedicar-se a 

to give oneself 

eslar em pi 

to stand 

up to 


guardar-se de 

to beware of 

pisar [pi'zarj 

to tread 

[gwvr 'darsdid] 


the work 


to refresh 

[tre 'baAuJ 



tacto ['tatuj 

the touch 


to nourish 







to equal, to 


[vsami 'liarsi], 

resemble, to 

dedo pollegar 

the thumb 


be (alike) 



dedo pollegar 

the big toe 


the vegetable 

do pi 




a bebida 

the drink 


fbs 'biivj 

a gemma d'dvo 

the yolk 


to fatten 



a clara (d'dvo) 

the white (of 

sdlido ['soli&u] 

solid ; thorough 

an egg) 

matar a side 

to quench one's 



(a fame) 





to figure 


the kernel 


to sweat 


a baga [bugv] 

the drop 

oval fu'vai] 


su6r fsu'orj 

the sweat 


to involve 


the stomach 



prSprio para 


suceo f'suku], 

the gastric 









to digest 




fnutra 'tivuj 


the seasoning 


the product(ion) 

[Wndi' mentuj 




to spit 

reino animal 

the animal 



Pronominal or Reflective Verbs. 


reino vegetal 

the vegetable 


the clerk 






the book- 





seja que for 

whatsoever it 

[vksfts 'ya&uj 


liquidof'UkmduJ liquid 

a respeito de 

as for 

rijo f'rriguj 

hard, strong 

a escri(p)tura- 

the bookkeep- 



Qoo (mercantile 


a natureza 

Nature, quality 

em (or por) par- 

by single and 


the solicitor 

tidos simples 

double entry 

[rrdTc9 'rentd] 

e dobrados 


the cashier 

(em) caso (que) 

in case. 

48. leitura. 


homemprecisaalimentar-separaviver: se nao sealimen- 
tasse, morria. Os homens alimentam-se de carnes, e tambem se 
alimentam de vegetaes. As carnes e os vegetaes, chamados 
alimentos solidos, ou comidas, matam-nos a feme. Ha alimentos 
que nos engordam; e outros que nao nos engordam, mas pelos 
quaes 6 conservado ao corpo o seu calor natural. Os animaes 
e OS vegetaes fornecem-nos os alimentos solidos; mas alem 
d'estes, precisaraos tambem de bebidas. As bebidas matam- 
nos a s6de. nosso corpo e formado de muitas substa,ncias. 
Entre as snbstancias que formam o nosso corpo figura a agua. 
Quando o nosso corpo se resente da falta d'agua, somos avisados 
pela sede de que precisa d'ella. Quando suamos perdemos 
agua, pois esta sae-nos do corpo em bagas de suor. Eis ahi 
porque suando sente-se (or a gente sente or porque quando sua- 
mos sentimos) s6de. estomago produz um succo, chamado succo 
gastrico, muito precise para digerir a comida. Os condimentos, 
que nos fazem salivar, fazem com que se produza esse succo 
em maior abundancia. corpo humano carece de substancias 
varias para bem se nutrir. Essas substancias encontram-se 
nos varios alimentos; e d'estes, uns possuem grande numero 
de taes substancias, e outros so possuem algumas. pao, a 
carne, os legumes verdes e seccos, as batatas, os ovos, e tambem 
a agua e o leite pertencem ao numero dos primeiros. 

Trindade Coelho: Primeiro Livro de Leitura (adapted). 

49. Thema, 

Solicitagao d'um emprego. 

LisbSa, 8 de Abril de 1908. 
lll«'o e Ex™oi Senhor: 
Tenho a honra de apresentar-me como req'uerente do 
emprego de caixeiro (guarda-livros, caixa, ou seja o que for) 

1 See § 18. 

136 Lesson 20. 

na estimada casa de V"- Ex*-, annunciado no «Diario de No- 
ticias» d'hoje. 

Frequentei durante seis annos a Escolade..., e estive dois 
annos em casa do sr. A. B. a quem tenho licenga de me 
referir. Tive uma solida instrucgao na arithmetica emquanto 
a exactidao e promptidao; e esta carta informara a V'' Ex*- 
a respeito da minha letra. Tambem estoii bam versado na 
escriptura^ao mercantil em partidos simples e dobrados. 

Case (que) V"- Ex^- deseje v6r-me antes de se deeidir, 
digne-se de m'o fazer saber, para que eu me apresente a 
V»' Ex"- a qualquer hora que marcar. 

Sou com toda a considera^ao e respeito 

De Va- Ex»- criado att^ e obrg'^" 
Joao da Silva Nogueira. 

50. Exercise. 

K. The Foot and the Hand. 

The foot and the hand are both members of the human 
body. They are composed of bones, flesh, and skin, and are 
more long than large. On their extremities they have five 
prominent parts provided with nails. These prominent parts 
are called fingers. Of the two, the foot is the more solid and 
big and the one which has the hardest bones. With the feet 
people can stand, walk, and tread. With the hands we can 
execute numerous works. Of the two members, the hand is 
the one in which the sense of touch is the more refined. What 
particularly characterises the hand is the thumb being (infini- 
tive) separated from the other four fingers and opposite to 
each of them, whilst the big toe is joined to the other toes. 

B. The Egg and the Nut. 

The egg and the nut resemble one another by their 
exterior form. Both are oval. The interior of both is en- 
eased by a shell. The interior is not only eatable, but also 
nourishing and savoury. The egg is a production of the 
animal kingdom, and the nut is a production of the vegetable 
kingdom. The shell of the egg is more or less white and 
thin, and may easily be broken between the fingers. The 
shell of the nut is brownish, thick and hard, and can only 
with difficulty be opened by the hand. The nourishing sub- 
stance in the egg is liquid, but when it is boiled, it becomes 
firm. It is composed of the yolk and the white. The yolk 
is yellow, and the white is colourless when raw, but white 

1 See § 18. 

Paradigm of the Regular Conjugations. 137 

after being boiled. The nourishing substance of the nut, 
called the kernel, is of a firm quality. 


A. (bate na porta.) B. Pode entrar! {or Bntre quern 6!). 

Abre-se a porta, dando ingresso a um homem que se approxima, 


A. ¥*>■• Ex"- da-me licen9a? 

B. Dou (see § 184 and p. 29, note). Chegue-se para 
ca. Que e que deseja? 

A. Falaram-me n'um emprego de caixeiro que se pre- 
tende preencher. 

B. E verdade. E V«- encontra-se nas condi9oes . . ? 

A. Atr6vo-me de solicitdl-o. Chamo-me . . . 

B. Sente-sel Pdde dar-me informa9oes sobre alguma 
colloeagao anterior? 

A. Pode V^- Ex^- tomal-as com a casa dos senhores . . . , 
donde me retirei ha um mgs. 

B. Porque se retirou? Descuidou-se das suas obriga^oes? 
Nao se empenhou bastante em satisfazer os patroes ? 

A. Nao foi isso. Piquei doente e tive de me ir embnra 
para me restabelecer. Levantei-me da cama ha dias 

B. Bem, hei-de informar-me, antes de me deeidir. Mas 
V^- lembre-ae que tern de se contentar com pouco or- 
denado e que espero dos meus empregados que nunca 
se escapem a trabalho algum, nem se esque9am dos 
sens deveres. 

A. V*- Ex"' nao tera de queixar-se. 

B. Muito bem. Caso (que) se dedique seriamente ao seu 
emprego, nao terei eu de me irritar, nem V^- de 
arrepender-se. Entao retire-se por emquanto (for 
the present) e nao (se) desanime at6 receber a 
minha decisao! Va-se (see § 217) com Deus! 

A. Deus guarde a ^^- Ex*-! 

Twenty-first Lesson. Li(jao vigesima 

Paradigm of the Regular Conjugations. 

Paradigma das conjugaqoes regulares. 

Having in the three last lessons dealt with the 
formations of the tenses and moods of a regular 


Lesson 21. 

verb and given all the forms (including the passive and 
the reflective) of a verb of the first conjugation, we 
now present a paradigm of all three, thus repeating 
the first, in order to facilitate a summary view, yet 
omitting the English translation, easily supplied, however, 
after the IS''' lesson. 

§ 133. The Portuguese calls Yerbo adjective a verb 
that unites in one word the verb ser or estar and an 
attribute, thus expressing an action, a state, or a quality 
of the subject— e.g.: saltar, comer, partir; salto, I jump, 
equivalent to estou saltando, I am jumping; come, he 
eats, equivalent to estd comendo, he is eating, etc. 

§ 134. The rcrho adjectivo may be transitive 
or intransitive, according to its expressing an action, 
or a state, respectively a quality of the subject. Being 
transitive, it has an active and passive voice (voz activa 
or passiva). In the compound tenses of the former, it 
is conjugated with te)', in all tenses of the latter with 

Conjuga^oes regulares do verbo adjectivo. 

Vos activa [voza, 'tive]. 

1"- conjugai&o. 2". conjugagdo. 3". ccmjugagao. 

Infinit(iv)os e Participios. 

Presente impessoal. 

Dev-er, to owe, 

to be obliged, 

must, ought 

Presente 'pessoal. 

Bev-er Applaud-ir 

dev-eres applaud-ires 

dev-er applaud-ir 

dev-ermos applaud-irnios 

dev-erdes applaud-irdes 

dev-erem. applaud-iretn. 


Louv-ar, to praise 







Applaud-ir, to ap- 

Ter. louvado. 

Ter I louvado, 
teres ) devido, 
ter ] applaudido 

Preterito impessoal. 

Ter devido. 
Preterito pessoal. 
termos \ 
terdes , 
terem I 

Ter applaudido. 




Paradigm of the Regular Conjugations. 


Futuro impessoal. 
Haver or ter de louvar, de dever, de applaudir. 

Futuro pessoal. 

Ter or haver \ de louvar, termos or havermos\de louvar. 
iprps haveres ) de dever terdes . haverdes ide dever, 

teres . 

ter , haver 

1 de applaudir terem „haverem \deapplam 


Participio imperfeito. 

Participio perfeito. 





Participio perfeito composto. 

Tendo louvado. 

Tendo devido. 


Tendo applaudt 













Preterito imperfeito. 
















Preterito perfeito. 

























Preterito perfeito composto. 

Tenho louvado, devido, applaudido. 

' In the meaning of must or ought this tense is not use 
but is replaced by the Imperfect. 


Lesson 21. 













Preterito mais-que-perfeito.^ 

Devt'-ra Applaudl-ra 

deve-ras applavdi-ras 

deve-ra applaudl-ra 

deve-rantos applaudi-ramos 

deve-reis applaudi-reis 

deve-rani. applaudi-rani. 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito composto. 
Tinha louvado, devido, applaudido. 

Futuro imperfeito.^ 
Dev-erel Applaud-irei 








Futuro imperfeito composto. 
Hei or tenlio de louvar, de dever, de applaudir. 

Futuro preterito composto. 
Terei louvado, devido, applaudido. 


Presente (imperfeito). 
Louv-aria Dev-eria 

louv-arias dev-erias 

louv-aria dev-eria 

louv-ariamos dev-eriamos 

louv-arieis dev-erieis 

louv-ariam. dev-eriain. 







louvd-ra, etc. 

(cf. Mais-que-perfeito). 
deve-ra etc. 

applaud-ira etc. 

Teria louvado, devido, applaudido 

Tivera louvado, devido, applaudido. 

For the formation of this tense cf. § 114, c. 
For the formation of this tense cf. § 44, 1. 

Paradigm of the Regular Conjugations. 


Louv-a (til) 
louv-ae (vos). 


dev-ei (v6s) 

Applaud-e (tu) 
applaud-i (vds). 

N.B. — The verb dever in its meaning "must" has 
no Imperative. In its meaning "to owe" this form is 
given periphrastically: fica devendo, nao fiques devendo. 
The above imperative forms of dever, one of the few 
quite regular verbs in -er, is meant only for a gram- 
matical model. 





Applaud- a 















Prefer ito imperfeito. 



JDeve-sse ' 








louvd-ssemos deve-ssemos 








Preterito perfeito composto. 

Tenha louvado, devido, applaudido. 

Preterito mais-que-perfeito composto. 

Tivesse louvado, devido, applaudido. 

Futuro imperfeito.^ 



















Futuro imperfeito composto. 

Houver de louvar, de dever, de 


' Cf. § 

113, C. 


Lesson 21. 

§ 136. Siimmary Table 

of the Endings of Regular Verbs in their Simple Tenses. 
First Primitive Tense, InfiniUvo and Deriyed. 

1. conj 

2. conj. 

3. conj. 

1. conj. 

2. conj. 3. conj. 



Pret. perf. 


Pres. impessoal. 
er ir 




i i 
este iste 
eu iu 

Pres. pessoal. 


emos imos 





estes istes 
eram. iram. 








Fufuro imperfeito, 
erei irei 
eras irds 
erd ird 



ererrtos iremos 



ereis ireis 
erao. irao. 









eria iria 





erias irias 





eria iria 





eriamos iriamos 

Pret. imperf. 


erieis irieis 
eriam. iriam. 







Participio imperf. 





endo. indo. 




Participio perfeito. 





ido. ido. 

Second PrimitiTe Tense, IndicaUvo presente (see above) 
and Derived. 

1. conj. 

2. conj. 

3. conj. 



2. conj. 

3. conj 







































Paradigm of the Eegular Conjugations. 


Tliird Primitive Tense, 2"^^ Pers. Sing, of tlie JPref. perf. 

(see above) and Derived. 

Same endings in all 3 conjugations, whetlier regular or irregular. 

Indicativo. Conjunctivo. 

Mais-que-perf. Pret. imp. Futuro imperf. 

ra sse 

ras sses 

ra sse 

ramos ssemos 

reis sseis 

ram. sseni. 







§ 137. Terbs of the 2°<i and 3"^'^ conjugations. 

N.B. — Those verbs marked by * are irregular. Of 
the regular ones, those ending in -cer, -ger, -guer, -guir 
are subject to the well-known rules of the phonetic 
law concerning c and g. Others submit to the phone- 
tics mentioned in the following lesson (22). 

Adoecer to fall ill 
agradecer to thank (for) 
amanhecer to dawn 
apodrecer to make or grow 

apparecer to appear 
bater to beat 
colher to pick, to gather 
commover to move 
center to contain 
converter to convert 
eoser to sow 
cozer to cook 
defender to defend 
desapparecer to disappear 
esqmcer(-se) to forget, to be 

*faeer to do, make 
fornecer furnish 
merecer to merit 
nascer to be born; to spring, 
parecer to seem [rise, grow 
percorrer to run through 
*poder can^ to be able 
proteger to protect 
*saber to know 

abrir to open 

affligir to afflict 

aggredir to attack, assault 

condusir to lead ; -se to behave 

consistir (de) to consist (of) 

fransir to gather into plaits ; 

— as sohrancelhas to frown 
fugir to flee, to fly 
Hmpedir to hinder, prevent 
msistir (em) to insist (upon) 
*ir ter com to call upon, to 

go to 
lugir to light, to shine 
mentir to lie 
*ou'vir to hear 
partir to part, to divide; to 

*pedir to ask, beg 
perseguir to persecute 
possuir to possess 
produzir to produce 
prohibir to forbid, prohibit 
proseguir to prosecute 
*pro'vir to come from 
reduzir to reduce 
sentir to feel, smell 


Lesson 21. 

tecer to weave 
varrer to sweep 
*ver to see. 

servir to serve, to be of use; 

— se de to make use of 
sorrir to smile 



[pu 'ent^J 
chao [feu] 

the west, Oc- 

the floor, 

the direction 

a direcgao 


alimento the nourish- 

[vh 'mentuj ment 

legume the vegetables 


a ponta [pontvj the horn 

gado vaccum the cattle 


eervo f'servu] the stag 

a ormagao the horns 

[vrmv 'si'tij 

descaneado quiet 

[dyfkvn 'safu] 

opapel [pv'psi] the part 

fazer o papel to play the part 

de ■ . . of . . . 

as palmas the applause 


a gallinha the hen 


a ave [sva] the bird 

a ave de rapina the bird of prey 

estudioso studious, dili- 

[iftvM'oeu] gent 

preguigoso lazy 


pato fpatu] the duck 


trabalho de 




o castigo 

a preguiga 

[prg 'gisvj 
a lebre [lehrd] 
a raposa 

[rra, 'pozej 
pardo ['pardu] 

[rrv 'fa&u] 

as barbas 

timido ['timi&u] 
a casca f'kafkv] 
cagar [lee'sar] 

pelo ['pielu] 


the favour 

the holiday- 

to need 

the punishment 

the laziness 

the hare 
the fox 


snout, mouth 

the whiskers, 

the beard 
the bark 
to hunt, catch 

the hair 

the hatter. 

51. Leitnra. 

sol nasce no oriente e desapparece no poente. A herva 
cresce no prado, enverdecendo o chao. Tejo, depois de 
nascido na Hespanha, percorre este pais em direccao occidental 
e, atravessado tambem Portugal, vae lan^ar-se no Atlantieo 
ao pe de Lisboa. alimento ordinario do homem consiste de 
pao, carne, leite, ovos e legumes. Os animaes de pontas, taes 
como o gado vaccum, os cervos e outros mais, reeeberam a 
sua armagao para se defender(em), ao serem aggredidos. 
Guilherme devia ser mais modesto ; assim mereceria a estima de 
toda a gente. senhor apparepa em minha casa na tarde de 
amanha! Nao se esqusQa! Nao me hei de esquecer, fique 

Paradigm of the Regular Conjugation. 145 

Va- Ex"- descan9ado! A nossa melhor actriz adoeceu infeliz- 
mente; se nao tivesse adoecido (or: se nao adoecesse), teria 
side muito applaudida. Ainda ante-hontem, fazendo o papal 
da Ophelia, recebeu muitas palmas, que agradecia, sorrindo 
commovida. alumno ja lia, escrevia e fazia contas, mas 
ainda nao sabia desenhar. Nao sabiaa que a raposa persegue 
as lebres ? Eu nao tenho duvida que ella persiga (§ 224) as 
lebres, mas queria que nao perseguisse as gallinhas e os 
patos. Se conhecesse um meio que o impedisse e que prote- 
gesse essas aves, havia-de empregal-o {or: empregal-o-ia). 

52. Thema. 

The Studious Pupil and the Lazy. 

On the last day of the holidays Edward went to his 
schoolfellow Joseph and asked him (the) the favour that he 
[might] let him copy his two holiday-tasks which (os quaes) 
should be presented at school the following day. Joseph 
asked, astonished, whether he had not yet begun them."^ 
Edward answered that he had had no time for it, that he 
had played a great deal with his brothers and sisters, that he 
had walked in the fields and woods, and that he had caught 
butterflies. Then Joseph answered that Edward, having 
walked so much, must be very tired and needed to rest; but 
that the following day he would receive the just punishment 
for his laziness. 

63. Exercise. 

Change the indirect language of the above into the 


A Lebre. 

(By aid of the words in parenthesis a whole sentence 
is to be formed). 
Que e uma lebre ? (animal quadriipede) 
Que cor tern? (parda) 
Como e a cabe9a? (arredondada) 
Como sac as orelhas? (compridas e movedi^as) 
Como 6 bei^o superior? (rachado) 
Que tem no focinho? (barbas) 
Como sao os p6s anteriores? (curtos) 
Como sao os p^s poateriores? (compridos) 
Como e a cauda? (muito curta) 
Como e a lebre? (timida) 
Que come ella? (sementes, couves e cascas) 

' In indirect discourse the Indicative is to be employed. 
Portuguese ConTersation-Grammar. 10 

146 Lesson 22. 

Quaes sao os aniraaes que a perseguem? (raposas, gatos 

bravos, aves de rapina) 
Quern a ca9a? (o homem) 
Como e a came? (saborosa) 
Quem utilisa os p6los? (chapelleiros). 

Twenty-second Lesson. Li^ao vigesima 

Phonetieal and Orthographical Peculiarities 
of otherwise Regular Verbs. 

A. In the First Conjugation. 

§ 137a. (a) Those verbs of the 1^' conj. which in 
their radical syllable have a close a [y], not followed 
by m, n or nh, change this « into open a wherever 
it has the tonical accent (cf. § 5). Ex.: lavar [l-e'var] : 
lavo ['lavu]. combdio para ['parej. 

(b) If, however, the « is followed by m, n or nh, 
it remains close: cJiamar ffe'mvrj : chamo ['famuj ; sa- 
nar : sano ['s^nuj, apanhar : apanho [■e'pvp.uj. 

Except. : ganhar [ga 'jinr] : ganho ['gajiu] I gain. 

§ 138. (a) Those verbs of the 1^' conj. which in 
their radical syllable have an atonic e [d], not fol- 
lowed by m, n, nh or by one of the palatals j, ch, Ih 
modify it, when tonical, into open e [s]. Ex.: con- 
certar [hosdr'tar] to mend : concerto [ho' sertu] ; confes- 
sar : confesso [Wfesu] ; levar; medrar; seccar; segar. 

(b) If, however, one of those consonants follows, 
as well as in the verb cTiegar, the atonic e [d or }] 
becomes close e [e] or [v] (see § 5 A, Remark); remar : 
remo ['rremuj; acenar : acena fv'seniij; chegar : chego 
['/vg^u], chegaf'fngvj; desejar [ddzf gar] : desejofdg' 0VjuJ ; 
fecher [fi'far] : fecho f'frfuj; ajoelhar [vgwt'fiar] : ajoelho 
[vgwvfiuj. Except.: invejar to envy : invejo ft'veguj 
with open e fsj. 

(c) On the other hand another verb belongs to this 
group (b) : pesar in its meaning to be sorry : pesa-me 
['peisvmd] I am sorry, I worry, with close e, while the 
same verb in its meaning to weight has open e />/ in 
the tonical syllables: peso [pezu]. 

Phon. and Orth. Peculiarities of otherwise Regular Verbs. 147 

§ 139. Verbs ending in -ear change e into ei [vi], 
whenever the e would have the tonical accent: nomear 
[num'i 'a,r] to name : nonieio [nu 'm'stu]. Except. : the verb 
crear (or better criar) to create, breed, bring up; which 
conjugates: crio, crias, cria, criam, etc., while its com- 
posites follow the general rule : procrear to procreate : 
procreio (but also procrio) ; recrear to delight, to recover : 

N.B. — liecriar, to recreate, conjugates like criar. 

§ 140. Verbs ending in -iar conserve the i 
even when tonical: copiar : copio [Tcu'piu]. 

Yet there is a small group of verbs which follow 
the rule of those in -ear: negociar to negotiate : nego- 
ceio; diligencia/r to endeavour, to effect, bring about : 
diligenceio ; odiar to hate : odeio ; premiar to distinguish, 
to reward -.premeio; remediar to remedy, repair : remedeia. 

§ 141. An atonic o [u], not followed by m, n 
or nh, changes in accented syllables into open o [o] : 
tocar to touch, to play (an instrument) : 'toco [tolmj ; 
cortar to cut : corto f'kortuj. 

If, however, followed by m, n, nh or a vowel (verbs 
in -oar), the atonic o changes into close o [oj: assomar 
fvsu'marj to climb up, to peep out, to appear : assdmo 
[v'somuj; ahonar to bail : abono ['e'bonuj; sonhar to 
dream : sow/io f'sopuj -.perdoar to pavdon : per ddo [2}9r'- 

Exceptions to this rule are the verbs tomar to 
take and domar to tame, which change close o into 
open [o] : tdmo ['tomu], domo ['tomuj. (N.B. — Tomo 
is volume; domo dome). 

§ 142. The unaccented close o, which is found 
before f, is modified into open o [o] : soltar [soi'tur] to 
release, loosen, free : solto ['soUu]. 

N.B. — The nasal o [d] is and remains always 
close: contar [hdn'tar] to count : conto f'JconfuJ. 

§ 143. The verbs in -gar intercalate u between 
g and a following e: pagar to pay : pagues, pague, pa- 
guemos, pagueis, paguem; paguei. 

The verbs in -car change before e the c into qu: 
tocar : toques, toque, etc. 


148 Lesson 22. 

The verbs in -gar lose the cedilla before e: coiiic- 
mr : comeces, etc. 

Those in -jar may change the j into g before an 
c or conserve it: viagei or viajci, viagcnios or viajemos. 

B. In the Second Conjugation. 

§ 144. Unaccented close a ['b] of the radical 
syllable changes, when accented, into open a [v]: 
ahater [viv'ter] to abate : afea^o [v'batv]. 

§ 145. Atonic e [d] of the radical changes: 

1. Into accented close e [r] in the iirst person 
sing. pres. ind. and the accented forms derived from 
it (i.e. : the singular and the 3'''^ pers. plur. of the sub- 
junctive): gemer to groan : gemo ['gemuj, gema, gemas 
f'3emv(f)J, gemam (N.B. — a or o in the ending!); 

2. Into open e fej in the 2°'^ and 3'^^ pers. sing. 
and in the 3'''^ pers. plur. pres. ind. and the derived forms 
(2°"^ pers. imperative): gemes ['gem}/], geme ['gmiid], 
grmeni ['giinei] (N.B. — e in the ending!). 

§ 146. Atonic o [u] becomes in the same cases: 

1. close [o]: comer to eat : como ['Icomu], coma(s) 

2. open [o]: comes ["kom'if], come ['homd], etc. 

§ 147. Unaccented close o [o] becomes open o 
[o] in all those forms where a becomes e (cf § 145,2): 
rolver to turn : valves, valve, volvem. 

§ 148. Verbs ending in -cer take a cedilla before 
a and o; conhecer to know : conhego, conhega, etc. 

§ 149. Verbs ending in -ger change g into j be- 
fore a and a : prateger to protect : pratejo, proteja. 

§ 150. Verbs ending in -guer drop the u before 
a and a .- erguer to raise : ergo, erga, ergas, etc. 

C. In the Third Conjugation. 

§ 151. Unaccented close a ["b] of the radical syl- 
lable changes, if not followed by m, n or nh, into open 
a [a] when accented: dbrir [v'trir] to open : abro 
[' aZru]. 

Phon. and Orth. Peculiarities of otherwise Kegular Verbs. 149 

If, however, it is followed by in, n or nli, it remains 
close: ganir to howl, yelp : gane ['gvno] ; bramir to roar: 
iramo ['hr^muj. 

§ 152. The atonic e [d] of the radical syllable 
changes : 

1. Into * in the first person sing. pres. ind. and 
the derived forms (pres. subj. — N.B. — before a and o): 
despir to undress : dispo, dispa, etc. (cf. § 156). 

2. Into open e [ej in the 2^"^ and 3'^'^ pers. sing, and 
3'^'' pers. plur. pres. ind. and sing, of the imperative 
(N.B.— before e): despes, despe, despem. 

Remark. — The verbs aggredir to assault, denegrir to 
blacken, to slander, prevenir to anticipate, to prevent, pro- 
gredir to proceed, to thrive, remir to redeem, transgredir to 
transgress, change the e of the penultimate into i when ac- 
cented: aggrido, aggrides, aggride, aggridem, aggrida(s), etc. 

§ 153. Close e [eJ, whether oral or nasal, be- 
comes i in the same forms where 9 becomes i (s. § 152,1), 
remaining e [e] in all others: sentir to feel, smell : sinto, 
sinia(s), sintam (s. § 156); sente(s), etc. 

§ 154. Atonic o [u] becomes: 

1. 17 in the same forms where atonic e [d] be- 
comes i (s. § 152,1): dormir to sleep : c^wriKO, durma, 
durmas, durmam (s. § 156). 

2. Open faj in those persons where atonic e be- 
comes fej (s. § 152, 2) : dormes, dorme, dormem. 

BemarJc.—ln the verbs sortir to supply, cortir to tan, 
ordir to warp, to plot, o changes into u wherever accented: 
curto, Gurtes, curte, curiem, curta(s), curiam, surte, urdo, etc. 
The same change occurs in cortir even in unaccented forms, 
which might be confounded with those of cortar: curtdmos, 
curtaes, etc. N.B.— Instead of ordir you may write urdir, 
which is more modern. 

§ 155. Atonic u (and o) of the infinitive becomes 
open [oj in the 2°'^ and 3^^ pers. sing, and the 3^^ pers. 
plur. pres. ind. and in the following verbs: 
Acudir to succour descobrir to discover 

bulir to stir cuspir to spit 

consumir to consume destruir to destroy 

cvbrir (better: cobrir) to cover engulir to swallow i 

150 Lesson 22. 

fugir to flee, fly, escape siihir to mount, ascend 

refugir to retrocede SMwiir to sink; — se to vanish 

sacudir to shake (off), to toss tussir (or tossir) to cough. 
Thus: acodes, acode, acodem. 

Pres. ind. of consumir: consumo, consomes, consome, consumi- 
mos, consumis, consomem. 
» j> » destruir: destruo, destroes, destroe, destruimos, 
destruis, destroem. 

Bemark.— la construir and reconstruir the u is generally 
conserved: construo, construes {or constroes), construe (or con- 
stroe), construimos, construis, construem (constroem). 

§ 156. The vowel of the radical syllable beiDg 
close e [e] or atonic e [d] or o /tt/ (see §§ 152 — 154), 
it undergoes the same modification in the 1^' and 2°^ 
pars. plur. pres. subj. as in the sing, and in the 3"^^ pers. 
plur. of this form: ferir to wound ifiramos, firaes. 

Pres. conj. of vestir to dress: vista(s), vistdmos, vistaes, vistam. 
•■> » » mentir to lie: minta(s), mintdmos, mintaes, 

» » » dormir to sleep: durma(s), durmdmos, durmaes, 


§ 157. Those verbs, where the infinitive-ending 
-ir is preceded by g, gu (or qu), are subject to the 
rules of §§ 149 and 150. Ex. : corrigir : corrijo, corrija; 
seguir to follow : sigo, siga, franquir (antiquated) to 
cultivate : franco, franca. 

Remark.— In argu'ir, to argue, the u is audible: 
argm, argues, argiie, argiilmos, argiils, argiiem. 

The same in delinqu'ir, to offend against a law: 
delinqiio, delinques, delinqile, delinquimos, etc. 

§ 158. In the verbs ending in -ahir, the h is not 
a part of the radical, but serves merely to separate a 
and i. So as not to leave any doubt, for instance, in the 
1^' and 2°"^ pers. plur. pres. ind. the « has the tonical accent, 
and not the a: sahimos, sahis. Modern orthography 
drops the 1i, putting an accent instead, thus : sdio, saes, 
sae, saimos, sais, sdem; saia(s), saiamos, etc.; sdia(s), 
saidmos, etc. 

§ 159. Verbs in -um~ drop the e of the 3^'^ pers. 
sing, pres, ind., thus condus instead of (N,B. 
— The imperative is: condrise.) 

Phon. and Orth. Peculiarities of otherwise Kegular Verbs. 151 


algoduo the cotton 

algodoeiro the cotton-tree 

[aiguffu 'vim] 


[o 'risu] 

the prickly 
shell, hedge- 

a felpa 

a pennugem 

[pa 'migSiJ 

macio [me 'sin] smooth 
droda [mffej de round 



[vprupri ' nr] 

[t3 'siffu] 
a pelle [peh] 

[Teat 'saffu] 

tanque [tvTcd] 
a camada 

[he 'madv] 

[tv 'ninu] 
repassar | 

[rrapv 'sslt] I 
amollecer I 

[vmuh'ser] J 
a eosiureira 

[huftu r^irv] 

a o-oupa branea the linen 

I'rropv 'hrvlce] 
fato f'fatu] the clothes 
cortar [kur 'tar] to cut 
a tesoura the scissors 

a fita mitrica the metric 

['■fit's 'mstrikv] measure 
o molde the pattern 


the down 

the capsule 

to card 

to appropriate, 

make fit to 
the tissue 

the skin 
shoes and boots 

to Ecrape 

the tank 
the layer 

the tan 

to soak 

the seamstress 
the dress, cloth 


a costura 



fi.0, linho 
a agulha 

traje ['tragi] 

padecer j 

[pvf9 'sdr] I 

[su'frer] J 

a raiz [n-n'if] 

[vbri 'ser] 

[ifalig 'menta] 

[mi 'yotu] 

[rribvti 'gvnuj 

[vlvw 'gvnuj 


[mirvn' def] 
passar para 
abster [vhf'ter] 

[fleJc 'seu] 
acertar [vsartarj 
oral [o'rat] 
dtono [' atunu] \ 
surdo ['surffu] f 
a transforma- 

Qdo [tref- 

a modificagdo 


no entanto 


to baste, to 

the sewing 

the tailor 

the clothing 

the thread 
the needle 

the costume 

to suffer 

to practise 

the radical 
to embrace 


the inhabitant 

of the Minlio 
the inhabitant 

of the Riba- 

the inhabitant 

of the Alem- 

the inhabitant 

of Miranda 
to pass to 
to abstain 
the inflexion 

to hit 


the transforma- 

the modifica- 

the change 

meanwhile, yet 

152 Lesson 22. 

phonilico plionetical I hasear [hvzfar] to rest uiDon 

[fti'tutiku] I a pronuneia the pronunoia- 

patentear manifest t [pru'na^U;] tion. 
[puUnti' ctr] 

54. Leitura. 

(a) algodao. 

algodao e produzido per uma arvore chamada algodoeiro. 
algodoeiro produz uma especie de ouri9os. Estes ouri(jos 
abrem quando estao maduros e mostram no meio umas se- 
mentes escuras. k roda d'essas sementes escuras vS-se uma 
felpe ou pennugem macia, como cotao. Essa felpa e o algodSo. 
Depois de tirada do ouri^o ou casulo, a felpa & cardada o em 
seguida reduzida a fio em machinas apropriadas; e com esse 
fio fazem-se os tecidos ou pannos de algodao. 

(b) As pelles. 

As pelles servem principalmente para fazer calfado. Os 
bois, as vacoas e as vil alias sac os animaes que nos fornecem 
mais pelles para cal9ado. A pelle depois de tirada do animal 
e mettida em agua para que amolleQa e em seguida e raspada 
para que Ihe saia todo o pello e restos de carne. Depois de 
bem raspadas, as pelles se curtem, sendo mergulhadas em tan- 
ques e separadas umas das outras por camadas de casca de 
carvalho pulverisada. A casca de carvalbo cont^m muito tanino, 
6 este repassa as pelles e faz com que nao apodre9am. azedo 
ou acre da casca de carvalho prov^m do tanino. 

(Trindade Coelho: primeiro Livro de Leitura.) 

55. Exercise. 

Transpose No. 52 into the corresponding forms of in- 
direct language, wherein it must be remembered to employ the 

Ex.: Affirmaram-me que o algodao era produzido . ., 
gtie algodoeiro produzia . . . 

56. Thema. 

(a) The Seamstress. 
The seamstress makes clothes and linen for women. She 
makes also children's clothes and men's linen. The seamstress 
first cuts what she intends to sew, making use of the chalk 
the scissors, the metric measure, and the ruler, and she might, 
if she wanted to, employ also patterns. Thereupon she bastes 
and then she sews, making use of a needle and thread. With 
a hot iron she opens and irons (tr. : correr) the seams. 

Phon. and Oith. Peculiarities of otherwise Regular Verbs. 153 

(b) The Tailor. 
The tailor occupies himself in making clothing for men. 
The costumes of the Portuguese people are very carious 
and in various regions of Portugal even very fine (sup. abs.). 
People should always wear these clothes, which do not resemble 
those of other nations. Unhappily, fashion allows (fas) national 
clothing to fall into oblivion (calr em esguecimento). But 
the inhabitants of the Minho, the Ribatejo, the Alemtejo and 
of Miranda still dress after (u) their own fashion. 


Previno os senhores que ainda 
devemos exercitar os verbos 
que appreuderam na ultima 
liQao. Qual a mudan^a que 
soffrem os verbos da terceira 
conjuga^ao, cuja raiz temum 
e surdo? 

Dizendo a flexao do presents, 
abrangeu outra mudanpa dos 
mesmos verbos. Qual 6? 

senhor nao conhece verbos 
da mesma categoria que nao 
transformem o e surdo em 
e aberto? 

Como e que se distinguem dos 
outros verbos? 

Ja nao duvido que os senhores 
conhe9am tambem os verbos 
que, parecendo-se com os ja 
tratados, teem no entanto um 
e feehado na penultima syl- 
laba do infinito. 

Bem, jabasta! Naomintamais! 

Exige a justiga que, pedindo 
^ desculpa, se rectifique o que 

en dizia: nao mentiu, dizendo 

6 surdo passa para i na pri- 
meira pessoa do singular do 
presente indicative e nas tres 
do singular e terceira do plu- 
ral do presente conjunctivo; 
por exemplo: visto, vestes, 
veste, vesitmos, vestiSfVestem. 

e surdo passa para e aberto 
n a segunda pessoa do singular 
e nas terceiras pessoas do 
singular e plural do presente 
indicative, assim como no 
singular do imperative. 

Conhe90, sim, senhor. Sao entre 
outros OS verbos aggredir, 
denegrir, prevenir,progredir, 
remir, transgredir. 

EUesmudamo e surdo da penul- 
tima syllaba do presente do 
infinitive para i todas as vezes 
que e accentuada, p. ex. pre- 
ntmos, prevenis, previnem. 

Nesses verbos, o e feehado, seja 
elle oral ou nasal, passa para i 
nas mesmas pessoas em que e 
surdo passa para i, conservan- 
do-se nas outras pessoas : min- 
to, mentes, mente,mentlmos, 
mentis, mentem ; minta, 
mintas etc. 

verbo fugir, perteneendo 
aquelles que no infinitive 
teem w oral, muda essa vogal 
em aberto na 2^ pessoa e 

154 Lesson 23. 

a flexao de mentir. Ate que na 3" do singular e na 3" 

acertou; muito bem! Agora do plural do presente indi- 

desejo que conjugue fugir. cativo e no singular do 

imperativo : fujo, fdges, fdge, 
fugimos, fugis, fdgem; foge. 
A l" pessoa sing, do pr. ind. Na pessoa mencionada, assim 
d'esteverbo,sendopbonetica- como em todo o presente do 

mente regular, patenteia to- conjunctivo(7M/a,/Mias,/M/a, 

daviaumamodifica^aoortbo- fujdmos, fujaes, fujam), o g 

graphica. Indique o senhor passa para j, porque precisa 

em que consiste e a regra conservaramesmaproniincia 

em que se baseia. antes de a. 

Twenty-third Lesson. Li^ao vigesima 

Exercises on the Full Verbs, especially of 
the Preceding Lesson. 

N.B. — Here Lessons 3 — 7, especially the subjunc- 
tive moods and their emijloyment, are to be repeated. 

The verbs printed in italics are to be conjugated 
by word of mouth in those tenses which have some 

As batatas.* 

As batatas nascem de uma planta chamada batateira.^ 
A rama^ da batateira 6 verde. A batateira da flores cor de 
violeta, oa brancas. Estas flores transformam-se em fructo 
com a forma de pequeninas bolas" cor de violdta. Estas pe- 
queninas bolas sao venenosas. Arrancada'' uma batateira, o 
pe traz agarradas^ [a elle] vd.rias batatas, umas grandes, ou- 
tras mais pequenas. Cada batata apresenta por fdra varies 
botoes^, gomos* ou borbulhas', os quaes teem o nome de 
«olhos». JEnterrando uma batata, nasce com o tempo uma 
batateira. Partindo uma batata de modo a' separar inteiros 
OS varies olhos que ella apresenta, e enterrando em separado^ 
cada um d'esses olbos, de cada um nasce uma batateira, que 
com o tempo dard batatas. 

* These excerpts 55 — 60 are taken from Primeiro Livro 
de Leitura by Trindade Coelho. The student is advised to care- 
fully read and translate these excerpts, as well as No. 61, and 
to retranslate them into Portuguese. 

Exercises on the Full Verbs. 155 

As batatas sao um maguifico alimento nao so para as 
pessoas mas para os animaes. Depois de apanhadas^, as 
batatas devem ser conservadas em sitios seccos e frescos. A 
humidade^" fag apodrecer as batatas. calor fag com que 
germmem.^^ A batata, depois de germinar^^, adquire um g6sto 
pessimo, e nao se p6de comer, 

^ Potato-plant. '' foliage. ' ball. * arranear = to pull 
out, to root up. ^ agarrar = to cling (of. § 54). ^ bud. ' so 
as to. ^ separately. ' apanhar = to pick up, to gather. " damp- 
ness, moisture. *^ to germinate. 

As frutas. 

As fructas nascem das arvores fructiferas, ou arvores de 
fructo. Todas as arvores produzem fructo ; mas as chamadas 
arvores fructiferas sao propriamente as que produzem fructos 
que podemos comer. As arvores de fructo cobrem-se de flores 
na primavera. Das flores nascem os fructos, e estes sao co- 
Ihidos depois de maduros.^ 

pecegueiro^ dd p6cegos^, a pereira* dd peras, a ma- 
cieira^ da ma9as, a larangeira" da laranjas, a ameixoeira' da 
ameixas, a amendoeira^ dd amfindoas, a cerejeira^ ou cerdeira" 
da cerejas, a gingeira^" da ginjas^^, o castanheiro da castan- 
has, marmeleiro^^ da marmelos, o limoeira da limoes, o 
damasqueiro^^ da damascos, a nogueira da nozes, a roman- 
zeira'* da romas, a figueira S.A. figos, a tangerineira da tange- 
rinas-"^", etc. 

As arvores de fructo sao podadas^^ no inverno. po- 
dador"^' serve-se prineipalmente da navalha^', do podao^' e 
da tesoara^", com os quaes corta os ramos iniiteis. As fru- 
ctas comem-se mais por goso^^ do que para sustento; mas 
todas as fructas conteem elementos preciosos para a saiide. 
As fractas comem-se geralmente emquanto frescas, e so devem 
comer-se bem maduras. As fructas tambem se podem con- 
servar, quer^^ seceando-as, como se faz por exemplo a ameixa, 
ao figo e a pera; quer f agendo com ellas os chamados doces 
de calda^", ou de compdta^^; e ainda outros variedades de 
doces. Com as fruetas frescas, fazem-se tambem as chamadas 
fructas de conserva.^^ 

' Ripe. ^ peach-tree. ^ peaches. ^ pear-tree. ^ apple- 
tree. ^ orange-tree. ' peach-tree. ^ almond-tree. ' cherrytree. 
^^ mahaleb. '' mahaleb-cherriee. '^ quince-tree. ^' apricottree. 
'■' pomegranate-tree. ^^ oranges of Tanger. ^° podar = to prune, 
lop, clip. " clipper. " knife. " pruning-saw. ^^ pruning-shears. 
"^ pleasure. ^^ guer . . . guer = either . .or. 
"''' stewed fruit. ^° preserved. 


Lesson 23. 


Porque plantamos um grao 
de ma9a (um ear69o de 
p6cego, de ameixa) etc.? 

Que esperamos (desejamos), 
plantando uma arvore fru- 

Que e preciso para uma ar- 
vore fructifera dar fructa no 
verao ou outono ? 

Come e que se consomem as 
fructas ? 

Porque sac podadas as ar- 

vores ? 
Quaes os instrumentos de que 

podador se deve servir? 

Para que fim cultivamos a ba- 

Como i precise conserval-a? 

Que seria se as batatas esti- 
vessem num sitio quente? 

Porque se deve evitar que 
germinein ? 

Para que nas^a uma macieira 
(um pecegueiro, uma amei.xo- 
eira) etc. 

Esperamos (desejamos) que 
cres^a e que produza fru- 

E preciso que na primavera se 
cubra de flores. 

Consomem-se (or: sac conso- 
midas) frescas, seccas, co- 
zidas, feitas em doces de 
calda, de comp6ta etc. 

Podam-se as arvores para as 
livrar dos ramos inuteis. 

E preciso que se sirva (e pre- 
ciso servir-se) da navalha, 
do podao e da tesoura. 

Para que nos forne^a alimento, 
a nos e aos nossos animaes 

E preciso que seja conservada 
em sitio secco e fresco para 
que a humidade nao a apo- 

calor as faria germinar (or : 
faria com que germinassem). 

Para que com a germina^ao 
nao adquiram (on ganhem) 
um gOsto p^ssimo que nao se 
Ihes deixe comer. 


A lavra.^ 

A lavra faz-se com o arado^ ou com a charrua.'' 
arado e a charrua sao puxados' por bois, e tambem o podem 
ser por cavallos ou muares.* arado e a charrue rasgam^ 
a terra com a relha^, abrindo no chao sulcos' ou rfigos.' A 
terra antes de lavrada* esta mais ou menos dura; depois de 
lavrada fica fofa.* So depoia de f6fa, a terra est4 propria 
para receher a semente.^" lavrador^' que deitasse a se- 
mente na terra antes de a lavrar, perdia o tempo e a semente, 

May be extended and varied by the teacher. 

Exercises on the Full "Verbs. 


pois esta comiam-na os passaros, e a que nao comessem os 
passaros nao nascia. A semente preeisa de terra humida e 
f6fa para nascer e de se esconder'-^ debaixo da terra. 

^ Tillage. ^ plough. ^ to pull, to draw. * mule. " tear. 
^ coulter. ' furrow. * till. ' loose. ^" seed. '^ husbandman. 
12 to hide. 


A sementeira.^ 

Depois de lavrada a terra, o lavrador deita-lhe a se- 
mente. A semente vae^ n'um sacco, e este debaixo do bra^o 
esquerdo do lavrador, e dependurado^ do hombro. lavra- 
dor espalha^ a semente, jogando^-a, com a mao direita, para 
a frente e para os lados, Ao mesmo tempo que semeia^, o 
lavrador vae andando. A sementeira faz-se tambem com in- 
strumentos apropriados, chamados semeadores mechanicos.' 

.^w^wvu ^^M vj^M «^^vvj wuH.LUCbUUEl OCLUCaUUXCO lLLCUIJCl)lilUUi3. 

' Sowing. 2 present of ir (s. § 214). " hanging. * to spread. "' 
throw. ^ to sow. ' sowing-machine. 


Porque se poem 

ebarrua ? 
Para qu6 se emprega a cbar 

rua ou o arado? 


(See note p. 156.) 

OS bois & Para que a puxem {or: para 

que seja puxada por elles). 

Para que rasgue a terra com 

a relha e abra sulcos ou 

Porque e preciso rasgar-se a 

Que havia-de dizer V. se dese- 

jasse ensinar a alguem a 


Para que fique fofa. 

Pegue com o sacco da semente 
debaixo do bra90 esquerdo, 
de maneira que fique de- 
pendurado do hombro e jo- 
gue a semente, espalhando 
■a com a direita para a 
frente e para os lados. 


A graded 
Semeada a terra, o lavrador passa a grade por cima 
d'ella. A grade dlisa a terra; e alisando-a, faz com que de- 
baixo d'ella se esconda a semente. Encontrando-se coherta^, 
a semente nao tarda a germmar. Pouco tempo depois, toda 
a terra cqmega a verdejar^, cobrindo-se de uma especie de 
relva.^ E a seara" que come9a a nascer. Cada grao que 
germinou produsiu uma pequenina haste; as hastes vao' cres- 

158 Lesson 23. 

cendo pouco a pouco; vao com o tempo creando espiga'; e 
na espiga vao medrando^ os graos. 

' Harrow. ^ to smooth. ^ P. part, of cobrir. * to become 
green. ^ turf. <^ (standing) corn. ' Pres. of ir (s. § 214); ■yao crescwdo 
periphrastically for crescent. ^ ear (of corn). ' to grow, to thrive. 


A monda.^ 
Na primavera, a seara esta ja muito desenvolvida, e at6 
ondula^ em dias de vento, produzindo a vista um agradavel 
aspecto.* Mas misturados com as hastes da seara, apparecem 
entao, frequentemente, hervas damninhas.* Essas herves 6 
preciso arrancal-as, pois roubam^ a terra o sustento que 6 s6 
para a seara, e portanto* nao deixam medrar esta. tra- 
balho ou opersQao de arranoar essas hervas damninhas chama- 
se monda. 

' Weeding. ° undulate. " sight. * weeds. " to rob. " therefore. 


Conselhos d'unia mae (A) e d'um amigo idoso (B) para 
um mogo (G) em vesper as^ de ir para f6ra.^ 

A. Meu filho, quando te fores embora (see § 34 foot-note 
and p. 37), nao te esquegas de te^ despedir dos tens 
professores, para que te nao tenham em conta* de 
maleriado!^ Seria uma desapproba9a.o que me to- 
casse a mim, porque fui eu quern te criei. 

C. Nao receie minha Mae, que eu nao me comporte bem. 
Biligenceio (§ 139) sempre fazer honra a educa9ao 

B. E um cuidado que sempre se premeia, pois a um 
joven bem comportado acolhe'^-se com prazer em 
toda a parte. 

A. B faze para nao chegares tarde d esta^aol Sabes a 
que horas abre a bilheteira ? ' 

C. AcJio que abre as tres menos dez, e consta-me^ que 
fecha cinco minutos antes da partida do comboio. 

B. Se assim o deseja (or: desejar), tomo-lhe (or: tomar- 
Ihe-ei) o bilhete e chamo tambem um portador* que 
Ihe lew a bagagem.^" 

C. Muito obrigado a V^-Ex*-, mas nao sera melhor que 
tome um trem de pra^a?^^ 

A. Ainda que tomes trem, nao escusas d'um portador 
que te acompanhe ao caes (or: a plata-forma), e ate 
a porfcinhola^^ do comportamento. ^* E eacuta^^: nao 
te assomes muito a janella, para nao te constipares^* 

Exercises on the Full Verbs. 


(para que te nao constipes). E nao consintas" que 
se abra a janella do lado do vento! 

B. meu joven amigo pode dormir em caminho de 
ferro ? 

C. Eu raras vezes durmo; receio que alguma paysagem 
passe, sem que eu a perceba. 

B. Tem razao. Seria pena que Ihe escapasse coisa al- 
guma. Mas entao sera precise que se erga de Tez em 
quando, para nSo ficar {or: para que nao fique) com 

A. Sim, e nao comas muito, porque isso faz adormecer. 

C. Tambem sinto pouca vontade de comer emquanto 

A. Tu ainda tens (por ahi) algumas pequenas dividas 

que yagar? 
C. S'ao tenho, minha Mae. Paguei tado quanto d&oi. 

A. Melhor. Prefiro que nao haja nada que te pese 
(§ 138 c) na alma. Lamental-o-ia, se nao me dissesses 
a verdade. 

C Perdoe-me, minha Mae! Nunca Ihe menti, nem Ihe 
minto agora. Nao Ihe pese (§ 138c) isso! 

B. Como veste em viagem? 

C. Visto fato'^ de flanella e levo casacao.'' 

A. E olha, ainda que parega superfluo lembrdl-o: nao 
cuspas no chao, nem tussas quando puderes^" evital-o, 
para nao incommodares^^ os outros viajantes. 

B. Agrade90 todos os seus eonselhos, minha Mae, ate 
OS superfluos. 

^ On the point (= at the eve) of. ^ to go abroad. ^ to 
take leave. ■* to take for. ^ ill-bred. ^ to receive. ' book- 
ing-office. ' I aia told. ' porter. '" luggage. '^ cab, hansom. 
'^ platform. '^ door. '^ compartment. '* to hark, listen atten- 
tively. '* to catch cold. " to consent. '^ clothes. '' great- 
coat. ^^ fut. subj. of poder (s. § 198). ^' to molest. 


vaqueiro the cowherd 

pisar [pi'zar] 

to tread 



to drive away 

apascentar ^ to pasture 

[if u' tar] 


corar [ko'rarj 

to blush 

a vacca ['vaksj the cow 



contiguo contiguous 


[kon 'tigwuj 


the appetite, 

attrahir to attract 


[vtre 'irj 

a vergonha 

the shame 

desejo the desire 


trepar [tra'parj to climb 



160 Lesson 23. 

suprar to blow 

[su prar] 
aspero ['af2>dru] rough ; harsli, 

a constipagdo the cold 


corrente d'ar the draught 

estorvar to disturb. 

64. Leitnra. 

Urn rapaz anda apascentando uma vacca n'um prado con- 
tiguo a nm jardim. N'essa oeeasiao v6 n'uma arvore umas 
cerejas maduras, que o attraem, e o movem a desejos de as 
apanhar. Abandona no mesmo instants o animal, e trepa a 
arvore. A vacca porem, quando nao v§ o pastor, entra no 
jardim, come a melhor herva, e pisa mnita outra com os p6s. 

rapaz desce furioso da arvore, enxota o animal, e bate-lhe 
barbaramente. Aproxima-se logo o pae e diz-lhe: «Qu.em 
merece urn tal castigo, tn on o animal irracional? Obedeces 
ao appetite menos do que elle?» E o rapaz cora de vergonha 
diante do pae. 

65. Thema. 

I am glad that yon are determined to accompany us. 
If to-morrow the weather be good, we shall ascend the 
mountain which offers so beautifal a view. The weather 
does not appear to become good, the wind blowing from east. 

1 am afraid that we shall have rough weather for some days 
more. If it was not for our journey, it would be indifferent 
(not matter), but as it is, it disturbs rather (it is rather 
annoying). Are you not afraid of catching a cold? I gave 
you this great-coat that it might protect you from the 
draught. Now it is time for us to go home (= it is time 
that we go home), that we may sleep a couple of hours 
before departing (infinitive). 


Transforme o exercicio n°- 62 : 

1. empregando o preterito; 

2. sendo o proprio rapaz que conta este caso; 

3. sendo o pae que conta o caso ao rapaz ; 

4. sendo dois rapazes em vez de um, e muitas vaccas 
em vez de uma; 

5. sendo os dois rapazes que contam o caso: 

6. sendo o pae que conta o caso aos filhos. 

On the Pronouns. 161 

Twenty-fourth Lesson. Licjao vigesima 

On the Pronouns. Pronomes. 

§ 160. There are six kinds of pronouns — viz.: 
1. the Personal; 2. the Demonstrative; 3. the Possessive; 
4. the Interrogative; 5. the Relative; 6. the Indefinite 

I. The Personal Pronouns. Pronomes pessoaes. 

§ 161. The personal pronouns are the only words 
of Portuguese language which, like the Latin and Ger- 
man, modify their original form (subject or nominative), 
to express the different complements (genitive, dative or 
accusative), as here represented: 



Singular. Plural. 

Eu n6s 

de mim de nds 

me; a mim nos; a nds 

me nos 





de ti 

de vos 


te; a ti 

vos; a vos 




Nom. Elle, ella elles, ellas 

Gen. d'elle, d^ella; de si d' elles, d' ellas; de si 

Bat. Ihe ; a elle, a ella ; a si Vies ; a elles, a ellas ; a si 

Ace. 0, a; se os, as; se. 

§ 162. (a) The forms nos, vos, elle(s), ella(s) are sub- 
ject only when employed without a preposition, and may, 
as well as the atonic forms of the complements, be 
called conjunctive (conjunctos), as they are always joined 
to the verb; while the others (mim,, ti, si), being sepa- 
rated from their verbs by a preposition, may be considered 
absolute (absolutes). 

(b) The absolute pronoun is often employed with 
the conjunctive when a stress is laid on it — e.g.: dd- 
IKo a elle, give it to Mm, instead of dd-lh'o, give it 
him. Yet the conjunctive forms of the subject may be 
also employed quite alone, in which case the}^ are also 
absolute. Ex.: Eu? Tu nao, elle ou ella. 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 11 

162 Lesson 24. 

§ 163. (a) Eu and tu are always subject; nos, vos, 
elle(s), ella(s) are, as already said, subject when em- 
ployed without a preposition. 

When governed by a preposition, they are com- 
plements of the genitive, dative, or accusative— e.g.: 
lembra-se de nos; dei a elles; recebemos para ella. 

(b) Mim, ti, si are always complements and go- 
verned by a preposition ; eUe(s), ella(s), nos, vos are also 
complements as soon as they are joined to a prepo- 
sition (see a). Deu-me (a mim), he gave me; viu-me (a 
mim), he saw me. Tenho-o d'elle, I have it from him. 

(c) The first and second persons (sing, and plur.), 
as well as the pronoun se of the third person, joined 
to the preposition com, are assimilated with it and take 
a new form — viz.: com(m)igo, comtigo, comsigo, comnosco, 
comvosco, with me (myself), thee (thyself), him(self), her- 
(self), them(selves), us (ourselves) you(rself), yourselves. 

Elle foi com(m)igo, he went with me. 

Venha comnosco, come with us. 

Levou-o comsigo, he took it with him. 

Isso nao e comsigo, that is no concern of yours. 

(d) Me, te, nos, vos, se do not admit of any preposi- 
tion. They are forms of the accusative or dative and 
correspond to the Portuguese: a mim, a ti, a nos, a vos, 
a si to me, to you, to us. 

Elle levou-me he took me. 

Eu mostrei-te ... I showed you . . . 

Nds persuadimo-vos we persuaded you . . . 

Vds devolveste-nos . . . you gave us . . . back. 

JSu dei-vos o conselho I gave you the counsel. 

(e) Lhe, Ihes are forms of the 3"^ person, without 
distinction of the gender. They express the dative- 
complement and are employed without a preposition: 
mostrei-lhe(s), I showed it (to) him, her, them, you. 

N.B. — As lhe, Ihes are also employed in addressing 
somebody, you may avoid a misunderstanding by em- 
ploying a double form: 

Mostrei-lhe(s) a elle (a elles) I showed him (them) 
» » a ella (a ellas) » » her » 

» » a voce (a voces) » » you. 

On the Pronouns. 163 

The prepositional form may also precede the other 
— e.g.: <iNesse meu artigo sobre o Coragao Boente, que 
a voce Ihe agradou tantoi> . . . (Tr. Coelho : Cartas). 

In that article of mine on the "Sick Heart," which 
pleased you so well . . . 

Or it may even substitute the simple form — e.g.: 
<s.Homenagens que de todo a banda me vem chegando . . 
a elle as endosso->-> (ibid.). 

Homages which from all sides come to me ... I endorse 
them to him. 

(f) 0, a, OS, as, him, her, it, them, are complements 
of the accusative of the 3"^^ person of the transitive verb 
(with distinction of gender) and are employed without 
a preposition. 

Vejo-o (-a, -OS, -as) I see him (her, it, them). 

(g) The reflective pronoun se has the forms se, si, 
■sigo, and is employed without distinction of the number 
and gender: se without a preposition; si with the pre- 
positions a, de, em, por (per), para, sobre; sigo with com 
(comsigo). Ex. : 

Lava-se, he (she) washes himself (herself). (You) wash 

yourself (see Eemark II.). 
homem nao vive s6 para si. 
Man does not live for himself alone. 
Pensou comsigo he (she) thought by him-(or her-)self. 

Eemark I. — The absolute pronouns may still be streng- 
thened by mesmo or prdprio : N6s mesmos we . . . ourselves, 
eu prdprio I . . . myself, para si mesmo, comigo mismo, etc. 

BemarJc II.— As se is the reflective pronoun of the 
3'''i person, and the person spoken to is always in the 3^^ person, 
se may be also "you"— e.g.: 

Lembrou-se, he or she or you remembered. 

BemarJc III.— Also the forms si and sigo are employed, 
when addressing a person, but only in familiar style— e.g., 
Lembrei-me de si I thought of you; irei comsigo I shall go 
with you. 

§ 164. (a) The forms me, te, se, nos, vos, Ihe, Xhes, 
0, a, OS, as, are joined by a hyphen (-) to their preced- 
ing verb: 

Offendeu-me (but: elle n&o meoffendeu): desculpo-te; 
affirmou-lhe(s) ; affirmei-o; perdoai-nos; feriu-se. 


164 Lesson 24. 

(b) The pronouns o, a, os, as are changed into lo, 
la, los, las: 

1. when preceded by a verbal form ending in r, 
s, or 2, which ending is dropped. The vowel (a or e) 
preceding these final letters may take an accent (a, e): 
chaina-lo, diamdmo-las, trase-la, traeemo-los ; poe-lo tu? do 
you put it? ird-lo! bring it or himl 

iSemarfc.— This modification may also be expressed thus : 
A verbal form ending in r, s or changes into I when 
followed by o(s), a(s) : chamdl-o, chamdmol-os, etc. This form 
is even more modern. 

2. When following the pronouns nos and vos or 
the adverb eis, which then also lose their final s: es- 
crete-no-lo he writes it to us; ei-lo here it is. 

(c) These same pronouns o, a, os, as, take the forms 
no, na, nos, nas, when preceded by a nasal sound: 
deixam-no, deixavam-na, deixaram-nos, ddo-no; estao-no 
faseiido, they are doing it, pde-no he puts it or "put 
it!" Ex.: 

Jehovah disse a Moyses: Faee-te uma serpente ardente 

e pde-na sdbre uma haste. 
Jehovah said unto Moses: Make thee a fiery serpent 

and set it upon a pole. 

(d) The dative-complements me, te, Ihe, being fol- 
lowed by the accusative-complements o, a, os, as, drop 
their e, substituting it by an apostrophe: disse-m'o; 
mostrei-fas, affirmava-lh'o. 

(e) Lhes joined to these accusative pronouns forms 
Ih'os, Was, which may be "them to him," "them to her," 
or "them to them." Dou-lh'os, I give them to her, to him, 
or to them. 

§ 165. The position of the conjunctive pronoun- 
complement is: 

(a) In positive and simple sentences generally behind 
the verb ; in negative sentences and those beginning with 
an adverb, a preposition, conjunction, etc., before the 

EUe disse-me; eu expUco-ie or eu te explico; elle me 
ndo disse or (elle) ndo me disse; se me ndo dissesse. 
Eu dou-lhe; eu ndo Ihe dou; para que Ihe nao de. 
Nos temol-o; n6s ndo o temos; hontem ndo o tinhamos. 

On the Pronouns. 165 

Memark I. — In negative clauses, the adverb nao may 
precede or follow the pronoun -complement ; it always precedes, 
when the subject is not expressed : elle me nao disse; nao me disse. 

(b) The conjunctive pronoun-complement must be 
put after the verb of a positive sentence whenever the 
pronoun subject is omitted, as the former cannot begin 
a sentence^: tenho-o, conhego-os, and not: o tenho, as co- 
nhego. Yet you may say: elle honrou-me or elle me 
hour oil. 

(c) In the future and conditional tenses it is put 
between verb and ending: responder-te-(h)ei, dar-lV o-(h)ia , 
I shall answer you, I should give it him. 

(d) With the infinitive, the pronoun complement 
may precede or follow it: 

«0 rei ha-de te chamar e dieer-te se me nao queres 
vender, mas tu nob me vendas-^. (Anna de C. Osorio.) 

(e) It is the same with the compound tenses: 
Nos temos-lhe dito; eu o tenho sabido ha nmito; but 
only: tenho-o sabido, etc. 

§ 166. If there are several complements of different 
cases, accusative and dative, in the same sentence, the 
dative precedes the accusative : dei-lh'o. If the comple- 
ments are only of the accusative, that of the person 
or personified thing is put in the dative: Essa sonata 
ouvi-lh'a tocar (a ella), I heard her playing this sonata. 

§ 167. In order to be emphasised, the conjunctive 
pronoun-complement may be repeated by an absolute 
(of. § 162 [b]): Elle disse m'o a mim, he said it to me. This 
absolute pronoun may also precede: a mim me disse or 
a mim disse-me; a elle eu nao (Ihe) disse nada. (N.B. — 
In this latter sentence the conj. pronoun-complement 
may be omitted, but not the subject eu.) 

Remark. — This construction is also employed where in 
English a possessive pronoun or a preposition is used— e.g., 
Conhecia-lhe a vos I knew his voice, or I knew him by his 
voice. Tomei-lhe a moo I took her (by her) hand. 

§ 168. When a personal pronoun is followed by 
an appositive noun or number, in Portuguese the ar- 
ticle is generally put between : 

' In Brazil the construction «o tenho, as conhego, Ihe digo,' 
etc., is also employed. 


Lesson 24. 

Nos, OS ingleees gostamas viajar. But also: N6s re- 

publicanos somas assim. 
Vamos OS dots or even: vamos ambos os dots, ambas 

as duas; vamos os tres or todos (os) tres, let iis go 

both (or all three). 



the coal 


to turn round, 


to return 


the miner 


to draw out, 

[mi 'nvfruj 

to take from 


to advertise 

a pancada 

the blow 



pouco a pouco 
a fenda [fendv] 

by degrees 


the beggar 

the crack 

[mSn digu] 


to repair 


to drag 




the thornbush, 


the pool 






voltar a si 

; to recover 


recobrar os 

vime [vima] 

the osier 



to covet 


the groan 

[kuti 's&r] 


par pd de 

near to 



dormir a sesta 

to take a nap 

[vfli 'tivuj 



to approach 

molho [mofiu] 

the bottle 


feno [fenu] 

the hay 



to tie 


the robber 



[le 'ffnu] 



to drive away 








the butcher 


[kurtv 'for] 


to treat ill 

pedir esmola 

to beg, ask 

por nome 





to behave 



66. Exercicio. 

Se a luz do sol nao nos impedisse, veriamos as estrellas 
durante o dia; mas assim esta luz impede que n6s as per- 
eebamos. carvao se encontra na terra; elle e extraido pelos 
mineiros; sao elles (or: estes) que o extrdem. amigo que 
te adverte para que [tu] nao commettas uma falta, 6 aquelle 
que mais te estima. Estas parades edem pouco a pouco, por 
isso que as fendas n'ellas nao se reparam ; 6ra precise repard- 
las. Nao quer vir comigo? Hoje nao, mas kmanha vou ter 
comsigo para Ihe falar numa eoisa que muito nos interessa a 

On the Pronouns. 167 

ambos. Entao nao me pode diz6-lo ja agora? Nao posso; so 
amanha poderei dizer-lh'o. 

67. Leitura. 

(a) espinheiro maldoso. 

vime disse urn dia ao espinheiro: «Dize-ine ca! Porque 
e que cubi9as tu tanto o fate das pessoas que passam por pe 
de ti? que queres tu com isso?» espinheiro respondeu: 
«Nao quero nada. Nao Ihes quero tirar o fate, mas apenas 

(b) cao e a vacca. 

Um cao dormia a sesta sobre um molho de f6no que 
Bstava mal atado. Aproximou-se uma vacca esfomeada. 
cao, mal a viu, comeQou a ladrar, e impediu que ella comesse 
do feno. A vacca, cbeia de fome e de tristeza, disse: «Se tu 
nao pedes comer o f6no, porque nao queres que eu o c6ma?» 

68. Thema. 
The Faithful Bogs. 

A butcher, named Herman, went one day into the 
country (ao campo) to buy some cattle. On the way a man 
begged an alms from him. Herman turned round, that the 
beggar should not perceive the money he had with him, 
opened his purse, and took a silver coin from it. In the same 
moment the man assaulted him by giving him so heavy a 
blow on bis bead that he fell down (no chao). The two 
dogs of the butcher threw themselves immediately on the 
beggar, flung him to the ground (a terra), and dragged him to 
the near pool. Then they returned to their master, licking his 
face until he recovered. Hereupon Herman beard a distressing 
groan. He approached and found the robber whom the dogs 
were about to assault anew. But the butcher drove them away 
and drew that man, who found himself rather ill-treated, on 
to dry ground. 


Onde dormia o cao? (The answers to be formed 

Quern se aproximou? after No. 63 b). 

Como se conduziu entao o 

Que disse a vacca? 
Aonde foi o cortador? Foi um dia ao campo (para) 

comprar algumas rezes. 
Que Ihe succedeu no caminho? No caminho pediu-lhe esmola 

um homem. 


Lesson 25. 

Hermano como se com- 

E depois? 

Que 6 que aconteeeu entao? 

Que fazem entao os caes do 
cortador ? 

E em seguida? 

Ella voltou-se para que o 
mendigo nao percebesse o 
dinheiro que trazia comsigo. 

Abriu a b6lsa e tirou(-lhe) 
uma mceda de prata. 

No mesmo instante o bomem 
aggrediu-lhe, dando-lheuma 
pancada tao forte na cabfifa 
que elle caiu no ohao. 

Os dois caes saltam logo sobre 
o mendigo, deitam-no a terra 
e arrastam-no para um pan- 
tano proximo. 

E seguida voltam para o seu 
dono e lambem-lhe a cara 
tantas vezes que elle recobra 
OS sentidos. 

Twenty-fifth Lesson. Li(jao vigesima 

Demonstrative and Possessive Pronouns. 
A. The Deraonstratiye Pronouns. 

§ 169. We distinguish conjunctive and absolute 
demonstrative pronouns, indicating the former, which 
accompany a noun, as adjectives (pronomes adjectivos) 
and the latter, used instead of a noun, as substantives 
(pronomes suhstantivos). 

N.B. — The noun indicated by a demonstrative ad- 
jective may not be expressed, but only understood, 
which does not influence its form. 


Pronomes adjectivos: 

esta this 
essa \ j-Vi 4. 
aquella j ^ 
outra the other 
a mesma the same 
tanta so much 
tal such a 

Pronomes suhstantivos: 

isto this 

isso \ ,, , 

aquillo i *''^* 

outrem somebody else 

mesmo the same 

tanto so much 

0, a, OS, as that or those 

(which) ; he, she or they 


Demonstrative and Possessive Pronouns. 169 

§ 170. The pronomes adjectivos form their plural 
alike the nouns; este, estes; tal, taes. 

The pronomes substantivos have only a masculine 
and singular form, except o, which has a feminine 
and a plural form. 

§ 171. (a) Este, esta, isto indicates an object near 
to the person speaking or one mentioned in the last 
place (= latter). 

(b) Esse, essa, isso indicates an object near to the 
person spoken to, or one mentioned in the first place 
[= former); it may also be employed independently, 
without any reference to another. 

(c) Aquelle, aquella, aquillo indicates an object equally 
distant from both persons, the speaker and the one ad- 
dressed. Ex.: 

Estes (meus) olhos; esses (sens) olhos ; aquelle ceu: 
aquella igreja. Que e isso? 

N.B. — Instead of aquelle, etc., you may also some- 
times employ este, etc. — e.g.: este ceu, esta igreja. 

Remark. — Esta, essa in commercial style and employed 
absolutely, means : esta praga (or cidade), essa praga. 

§ 172. By an alliance of outro with este, esse or 
aquelle the compound pronouns est'outro, ess'outro, 
aquell'outro, pi.: est'outros, etc., are formed. 

§ 173. These pronouns, being preceded by the 
prepositions em, de, a, form a crasis with them (Port. : 
erase) — i.e., they melt together: 

(a) With em: n'este (or neste), u'esta, n'isto, n' aquil- 
lo, etc. 

(b) With de: d'este (or deste), d'esse, d'isso, d'aquel- 
le, etc. 

(c) With a: dquelle(s), dquella(s), aquillo. (Only 
those demonstratives beginning with a.) 

Bemark.—The English <ftjs, that, employed absolutely, is not 
always rendered by isso, aquillo, but only when no substan- 
tive is to be substituted— e.g. : 

What is that? Que e isso? Aquillo que i? 

That is a book, isso e um livro. 

But: Who is that? Quern k, esse homem, aquella senhora? 

That is my father, esse (homem) e men pae. 

170 Lesson 25. 

Is this your book (= is this book yours) ? 

J5 este seu livro? 

No, that is not my book, that is my brother's. 

Nao, esse ndo e o meu (livro), e o de men irmao. 

§ 174. Este, esta, esse, essa, aquelle, aquella are 
frequently employed for a noun or personal pronoun 
strongly emphasised. Ex.: 

Carlos, esse e que tern forgas. 
It is Charles who has strength! 
A natureza, essa e sempre victoriosa. 
It is Nature that is always victorious. 
A indulgencia d'elle? Com essa nao contes! Olha o 
cavalleiro, aquelle e que sabe montar! 

EsMi is frequently employed without any substan- 
tive in the idioms: Or a essa! (Why!) Essa e boa! Mais 
essa! etc., where ^graga-D or «asneira,» etc., is to be 

§ 175. The English "he who," "she who," "they 
who" are given in Portuguese by o (a, as, as) qne or 
aquelle(s), aquella(s) que. 

B. The Possessive Pronouns. 

§ 176. It is a peculiarity of these pronouns that 
they are preceded by the definite article; 

Are excepted: 1. Those expressing parentage; 

2. Those you address a person with (meu Amiga, 
minha Senhora); 

3. Those which constitute an essential part of a 
title: Vossa Majestade, Sua Altera, Vossa Excellencia, 
Sua Reverendissima, etc.; 

4. Those predicatively employed (see § 178). 

Note. — The general rule and that under 1. are not 
always observed. 

§ 177. We distinguish conjunctive and absolute 
possessive pronouns (adjectives e pronomes possessivos), 
yet there is no other difference between them but that 
the adjectivos are and the pronomes are not accompanied 
by a noun. 

Este e meu chapeu; este chapeu e o meu. 

This is my hat; this hat is mine. 

Demonstrative and Posaessive Pronouns. 171 

o meu, fern, a minha Plur. os mens, fern, as minhas mj; 

teu, » a tua os tens, » as tuas (thy), 

your; (thine), yours 
sen, » a sua os sens, fern, as suas his, 

her, your; his, hers, yours 
nosso, » a nossa os nossos, fern, as nossas our; 

vosso, » a vossa os vossos, » as vossasjovx; 



N. <& A. meu vesfido my dress. G. do meu vestido. 

B. ao meu vestido. 
» » » a tua penna your pen. G. da tua penna. 
B. d tua penna. 

§ 178. If predicatively employed (with ser) or, 
when governed by ser or a preposition, it expresses 
rather origin than possession, the possessive pronoun is 
also not preceded by the article. So employed, it may 
precede or follow the noun. Ex.: 

E meu it is mine. 
(Elle) e meu amigo, e amigo meu. 
He is my friend or a friend of mine. 
(JS o meu amigo would mean: it is my friend.) 
Ome rios sao seus tributdrios (do Tejo). 
Eleven rivers are its tributaries (= are tributary to it). 
A culpa & minha the fault is mine, it is my fault. 
Foi culpa minha, por culpa minha. 
It was my fault, for my fault. 
i] ideia tua that is your idea. 
^ tua esta ideia this idea is yours. 
Por tiMi causa for your sake. 
Com sua licenga with his (her, your) permission. 
PoA'a maior conveniencia nossa for our greater con- 


1. Your, yours is rendered by seu, sua, etc., when no 
misunderstanding can result— e.g. : 

Have you got your paper? Becebeu Y'- o seu jornal? 
Where do you buy your pens ? 
Onde compra as suas pennas? 


Lesson 25. 

If, however, an ambiguity might take place, sen, sua is 
supplied by o (a, os, as) de 7" Ex"'-, etc.; or on the other 
side by o (a, os, as) d'elle(s) or d'ella(s) — e.g. : 

Have you lost your glove or his? 

Perdeu F"- Ex'^- a sua luva on a d'elle ? 

His money is safe, but yours is not. 

dinheiro d'elle estd seguro, mas nao o estd o de Y'- 

2. The possessive pronouns are also sometimes employed 
with the indefinite article or pronoun — e.g. : 

TJm amigo meu or um meu amigo. 

A friend of mine, one of my friends. 

Uma carta minha a letter of mine, one of my letters. 

Alguns sens amigos some of his friends. 

3. Also they are met together with the demonstratives: 
Este meu piano this plan of mine. 

Essa sua quinta that country-house of yours. 
Aquelles seus parentes those parents of his. 
These associations are more frequent in Portuguese than 
in English. 


-1 vibora 

the viper 

roir [rro'er] 

to gnaw 


velar [vd'lar] 

to watch, to 

a cobra fkobrej 

the snake, 




the natural 


the reptile 

[nHurv 'liftv] 


[rrep 'tiij 


the beetle, 





[hurpu 'lentuj 



the locust, 





[inufen 'sivuj 



ao passo que 


fdv 'nipuj 






fpv 'raffuj 

denie canino 

the eye-tooth 


to meditate 

fkv 'ninuj 


uco [okuj 



the secret 

a mordedura 

the sting 

[s3 'greffu] 

[murffe Owe] 

nada ['nsbH-e] 



the orifice. 







rato [rraiti] 

the rat, mouse 



the mouse 



[rrs 'tipu] 


a rd [rrej 

the frog 


to cover, hide 

mocho fmofuj 

the horned-owl, 




to discover 


the gnawer, 






Demonstrative and Possessive Pronouns. 


chapeu de \ 

chuva [ the umbrella 

guarda-dhtiva ] 
a gdlocha india-rubber- 

[gv'hfv] shoe 

averiguar to inquire, to 

[evsricju'ar] determine 

veneer to overcome 

ora . . . ora now . . . now 
['orvj either ... or. 

69. Leitura. 

A vibora e a cobra. 
Deante de uma vibora e de uma cobra, qualquer pessoa 
que nao conhecesse a differen^a entre estes dois reptis, talvez 
temesse mala a cobra do que a vibora. Pois esta raro (instead 
of raramente) tern de comprimento mais de dois pes, e aquella 
6 muito maior e em geral muito mais corpolenta. A cobra 6 
inofiensiva, ao passo que a vibora, essa, com a sua apparencia 
fraca, e um dos mais perigosos animaes. veneno d'este in- 
sidiOso reptil e muitas vezes mortal. EUe segue por um canal 
finissimo at6 a raiz dos dentes caninos; e penetrando n'estes 
por serem 6cos, sae, na occasiao da mordedura, por um pe- 
quenino orificio. A vibora aiimenta-se de ratos, ras etc. 

Tambem o mocho se alimenta de ratos e outros roSdores. 
Calculou um naturalista que uma so d'estas aves destroe por 
anno quasi 1500 rogdores, afora insectos, como besoiros, ga- 
fanhotos e aves damninhas. Como os sabios e os que estudam, 
o mOeho vela tambem emquanto os outros dormem. Parade, 
a posigao do mocho nao e outra, senao a (mesma) dos que 
leem: parece dobrado sobre si mesmo^ como a meditar. 

(Trindade Coelho: Segundo Livro de Leitura.) 

70. Thema, 

My secret cannot be of any use to you, if I have not 
first yours. Tour wish is just, and so is mine also. I have 
lost my handkerchief, please to lend me yours. Does this 
lesson deal with the demonstrative or the possessive pronouns ? 
It deals with one and the others. These are more easily to 
be learned than those. But there is no great difficulty, neither 
in the one kind nor in the other (tr. : in both). At any rate, 
the difficulties are such and so many that we need all our atten- 
tion to overcome them. Capricious children want now this, 
now that; if you offer them a pear or an. apple, they take 
this and ask (pedir) for that. One lie covers the other, but 
one truth discovers the other. The same causes do not always 
produce the same effects. Health and wealth are two magni- 
ficent things : but what is the use of the latter without the 
former ? 


Lesson 26. 


No guarda-roupa. 
De quein e este chapeu de E meu. Tambem essas galo- 

chuva ? 
E est'outro guarda-chuva, 6 o 

De quern sera? A quern per- 

Este chapeu^ o de Va-Ex"? 

Um atnigo meu usa chapeus 
taes, deixe ver, se 6 d'elle. 

chas sao minhas. 
Nao 4. E um guarda-chuva 

de senhora. 
A Lucinda procura o d'ella. 

Ser4 esse? 
Nao, deve ser de outrem. Eu 

nao uso tal chapeu (or: eu 

nao uso chapeus d'esses or 

d'esses chapeus). 
Isso i muito difficil averiguar, 

pois todos parecem os mes- 


Twenty-sixth Lesson. Li(jao vigesima 

Interrogative and Relative Pronouns. 
C. The Interrogative Pronouns. 

Norn, quern? 

que (o que) 
which ? 

qual, quaes? 
which (of)? 

quanto(s) ? how 
much? how many? 

Gen. de quern? 
of whom? 

de que of 
what or 

de qual, de 
quaes of 

dequanto(s) of how 
much or many? 

Bat. a quern? 
to whom? 

or which? 

a qual, a 
quaes? to 

a quanto(s) to how 
much or many? 

Ace. quern? 

que what? 

qual, quaes 

quanto(s) how much 
or many? 

§ 179. Use of the interrogative pronouns: 
1. Quern is always employed absolutely as a sub- 
stantive; it asks only for persons and may be employed 
with the verb in the sing, or in the plur., in direct or 
indirect speech— e.g. : 

Quern estd ahi? Who is there? 

Quern serdo os paes d'estes meninos? 

Who may be the parents of these children? 

Interrogative and Relatiye Pronouns. 175 

Nao sei a quern eu disse . . . 

I don't know to whom I said . . . 

De quern i esta casa? Whose house is this? 

Nao sei dizer de quern e. 

I cannot tell to whom it belongs. 

A qtiem falou nisso ? To whom did you speak of this ? 

2. Que (que) is used interrogatively: 

(a) employed substantively and generally, for things 

Que dis? What do you say? 

De que procede isso ? W hat does this come from ? 

Para que fee isso? What did you do that for? 

(b) adjectively and generally employed, for per- 
sons and things: 

Que tempo esta? What sort of weather is it to-day? 
I>e que autor e este livro ? By which author is this book ? 
A que fim? To what purpose? 

3. que (que) is used as an exclamation, yet also 
as a real interrogation: 

que?! What? ! 

que sao as descripg5es dos maiores poetas em com- 
paragck) da linguagem viva da natureza ?! que e 
a liberdade do homem mais livre? Faeer o seu 

4. Qual, employed as a substantive and as an adjec- 
tive, asks for persons as well as for things, but out of 
a selection. It is either followed by a genitive in the 
plural or this case is to be supplied: 

Qual dos dois, das duas ? A qual d'estes senhores per- 
tence o cavallo ? Quaes d'esses homens o aggrediram ? 
De qual provincia i natural? 

N.B. — Here you may say: de que provincia . . ., 
which has a more general meaning, while de qual pro- 
vincia ... is employed with reference to a small num- 
ber of provinces. 

Eemark I. — Qual may be preceded by tal; in this case 
it has not an interrogative, but a comparative meaning: such 
as, the same as — e.g.: 

Elle voltou tal qual foi, he came back the same as he 

176 Lesson 26. 

Both pronouns may accompany a noun and be separated 
from another: 

Qual pae, tdl filho like father like son. 
«roZ mulher me fosse ella, qual marido eu llie sou.i> 
Would that she were such a wife to me as I am a 
husband to her! 

BemarklL — Tal may be only supposed as accompaning 
qical : 

caracter deste sujeito e qual eu desejo. ^Quaes para 
a cova as prdvidas formigas levam as provisdes.^ 

Qual . . . qual means the one . . . the other: qual mats, 
qual menos. 

5. Quanta is used interrogatively: 

(a) Employed without a noun and in a general 
meaning, for things: 

Quanta gastou? How much did you spend? 

Quanta vae da Natal d Pdschoa? 

How much (time) is it between Christmas and Easter ? 

Here quanto remains unaltered. 

(b) Employed with a noun, after persons and 
things, being subject to the rules of the adjective 
(feminine and plural): Quanto espago? — quanta gente? 
— quantos dias? — quantas noites? 

Eemark III.- Quanta is often employed instead of tudo 
que, meaning then "all that" or "whatever"— e.g. : 

Fiz quanto pude I did all (whatever) I could (cf. the 
Relative and Indefinite Pronouns. 

Eemarh IV. — The interrogative quanto is not to be con- 
founded with the adverbial quanto, which signifies "how, 
how much," being employed exclamatorily and taking the 
form quaa before adjectives — e.g. : 

Quanto e honita esta vista! Quao (or que) lonita e! 

Not to be confounded neither with the exclamatory que 
which may stand instead of quao or quanto, nor this with 
the adverbial que : Que de gente ! How many people ! (What 
a crowd !) Que honita vista ! Que vista tao honita ! What a 
nice view! 

D. The Relative Pronouns. 

§ 180. These pronouns are in part the same as 
the interrogative, from which, however, they are easily 

Interrogative and Relative Pronouns. 177 

to be distinguished, as they refer only to an antecedent, 
while the interrogative pronouns (and adjective) only 
refer to something following: 

1. Que who, which, that, is equally employed for 
persons and things without distinction of gender and 
number, as in English — e.g.: 

homem (a mulher, aquelle, aquella) que commetteu o 

The man (woman) that (he, she v7ho) committed the theft. 

Os ratos (as ras) que escaparam. 

The rats (the frogs) which escaped. 

mats hello que ha the most beautiful existing. 

2. Quern is synonymous with aqiielle(s), aquella(s) que 
he, she, they who. It refers only to persons and is 
invariable : 

Quern tern telhado de vidro, nao atire pedras ao do 

Those who live in glass-houses should not throw stones 
(lit. : He who has a glass roof must not throw stones 
to that of the neighbour). 

Thus employed, quern has the value of a relative 
pronoun joined to a personal one; it is considered to 
be of masculine gender and singular number. 

Quern has generally the verb in the singular, but 
may have it also in the plural — e.g.: 

i-Nao foram elles sds quem vos mataram.-» 

As a merely relative pronoun, quem is employed 
only joined to a preposition: 

0(s) poeta(s) por quem tenho mais admiragao . . . 

Preceded by the prepositions de or a, quem corre- 
sponds to the genitive and dative (or accusative) of 
"who" or "he who." 

De quem eu me queixo . . . He whom I complain of . . . 

A quem eu disse isso . . He to whom I said that . . . 

A quem eu quero mais ... He whom I like best . . . 

3. Qual "which," has only one form for the two 
sexes, but it forms the plural quaes. It is mostly pre- 
ceded by the definite article, which is dropped, however, 
when qual is preceded by tal (see § 179, Remark I and II). 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 12 

178 Lesson 26. 

JEncontrei um homem o qual me reconheceu. 

Um povo nao tern ideias, para as quaes nao tenha pa- 

i-Beclaro que desejo occupar-me immediatamente da 

questao Hinton, para resolver a qual deve marcar-se 

successivamente sessao todos os dias lUeis^ (Affonso 

da Costa). 

Generally the pronoun que is preferred to qual. Yet 
you must employ qual and not que: 

(a) Whenever the relative depends on certain pre- 
positions (durante, para, sohre, soh, em cima de, etc.): 

inverno durante o qual estive em Lisloa . . . 

(b) When by que a misunderstanding might be 
caused. For instance, in the clause : A mae do pequeno 
que encontrei, it is not clearly understood whom I met 
with. So I must say: A mae do pequeno a qual en- 
contrei, if I met the mother, and A mae do pequeno o 
qual encontrei, if I met the boy. 

(c) Whenever the relative clause is not a necessary 
or ornamental complement of the antecedent, but con- 
tains a new idea, a motive, etc. : 

«0 sapo devora as lesmas, as quaes faeem muitos estragos 

nas hortas.'^ 
The toad devours the slugs which cause a good deal of 

damage in the kitchen-gardens. 

4. Cujo "whose, of which" has different forms for 
genders and numbers, in which it agrees with the 
following noun. 

aborredmento e uma doenga cujo remedio e o trabalho. 
Tediousness is an illness the remedy of which is labour. 
A parede, cujas fendas nao se reparam, cae pouco a 

The wall, whose clefts are not repaired, is falling to 
ruin by degrees. 

5. Quanta has the meaning of tudo o que "all or 
everything that, whatever," having also different forms 
for gender and number. 

Fie quanto pude. 

1 did everything (all, whatever) I could. 

Soffreu quantos males ha no mundo. 

He suffered all the misfortunes in the world. 

Interrogative and Kelative Pronouns. 


6. que is "(that) which," "what," if not inter- 
rogative or exclamatory. 

que nao tern remedio, remediado estd. 
What can't be cured must be endured. 
Elle tinha sahido o que eu nao sabia. 

He had gone away, which I did not know. 

7. In English you may separate the preposition 
from the relative pronoun, putting it at the end of the 
clause; also the relative pronoun may be omitted. In 
Portuguese the preposition always precedes the pronoun, 
which cannot be omitted. 

Tudo em que faldmos all (that) we spoke of. 
A carta com que V'^- Ex<^- me honrou. 
The letter (that) you honoured me with. 

Remark. — Relative clauses must not be confounded with 
indirect interrogations. For instance: 

Ghegaram emfim das coldnias os generos os quaes pedira 

ha muito. 
There arrived at last from the colonies the goods I had 

long since asked for. (Eelative clause.) 
Nao sei dieer quaes (sao) os gineros que chegaram. 

1 can't say which goods arrived. (Indirect interro- 
gation. The direct interrogation would be: Quaes 
sao OS gSneros que ... or elliptically : quaes os generos 
que ... or quaes (or que) generos chegaram? 



the world 

a regua nume- 

the measure, 




a praga ['prsigvj 

the plague 


to draw 

sir de 

to belong to 


to pretend 


fool, foolish 




the oilcloth 

fem. sandia 



a pasta [' paftv] 

the portfolio 

epieo I'spiku] 


sei [ss}J 

I know 


to persist, per- 


I saw or have 




feito f'f'B}tuJ 

the heroic 

modo ['moOuJ 

the manner. 

deed, exploit 


a porgao 

the portion 

terno f'tsrnu] 

tender, affectio- 



de ordindrio 


tenro ['terruj 


OS Lusiadas 

the Lusiad 

s&r eapaz 

to be able 




to mark with 


to apprehend, 





LesBon 26. 




I can 


to fix, to stare 





the sigh 


the fluid 

a bussola 

the compass 

the splendour 


norte [norta] 

the line, rule 

the ingratitude 



to accuse 

the fixed star 

a procedencia 

the origin 


a petala 

the petal 


to verify, to 

he is willing to 





to justify 



to discharge 




71. Ex 



pezar [pa'zar] 
posso fposu] 
fito, part. perf. 

of fitar 
ai [cti] 
o esplendor 

a ingratidao 

a estrella fixa 



elle guer 
a vitrina 

[va' trine] 



Quem criou o mundo? Poi Deus quern o criou. Quaes 
foram as dez pragas do Egypto? Nao me sabe dizer, quaes 
ellas sejam ? Em que logar da terra ha perfeita felicidade? Nao 
conhe^o logar algum em que a baja. Quem p6de ser todo seu, 
em ser d'outrem 6 sandeu (prov.). Mais faz quem quer do que 
quem pode (prov.). Quem porfia mat a ca9a (prov.). Camoes, 
cujo poBma ^pico «0s Lusfadas* e um dos maiores monu- 
mentos literarios de todos os tempos, cantou n'elle os feitos 
dos Portugueses no oriente. TJma bahia 6 uma por9ao de mar 
que entra pela terra e cuja entrada e de ordinario estreita. 
As rdguas numeradas de que nos servimos, permittem dar ds , 
linhas que se tra9am com ellas, o tamauho exacto que se 
pretende dar-lhes. A pasta sobre a qual escrevemos e onde 
mettemos papeis, ^ geralmente feita de papelao, coberto de 
oleado. Quanto custou a tua ? Nao me lembra (or : nao me 
lembro) ja quanto paguei, nem a quem (or: de quem) a com- 
prei ; ainda esta tal qual a recebi. 

72. Leitura. 

N'wm album. 

Ve tu por ahi 
Se OS achas ; senao, 
Descubro-os em ti. 

Eu, olhos, sei d'uns 
Que, desdequeosvi, 
Nao vi mais ne- 
nhuns . . . 

Que lindosquesao! 
Que mododeolhar! 
Que terna expres- 


Interrogative and Relative Pronouns. 


Ja tenho pezar 
De OS vSr, porque 

emfim . . . 
Que posse esperar? 

Ver fitos em mini 
Taes olhos, jamais ; 
Decerto, e assim, 

Suspires e ais 
Poi que tirei 
De v6r olhos taes. 

So vendo-os, se crfi 
Na gra9a, na c6r 
Nofluido, ounao sei 

Que doce esplendor ! 
Tao doce, que eu 
Nao posso suppCr 

Qne existaoutro e6u! 
(Joao de Deus.) 

E esta vida um mar; e n'este mar 

Qual e o astro que nos alumia? 

Que norte, estrella ou biissola nos guia? 

Um olhar de mulher! um terno olhar (idem). 

73. Thcma. 

Which of the boys is the one whom you like best? 
What black ingratitude! What sort of wine grows in the 
region of the Douro? Stars which have their own light are 
called fixed stars. There is nothing so miserable as a man 
who is willing to do everything and not able to anything (nada 
p6de). That is indeed (bem) the most beautiful existing. 
Sometimes there are goods behind the show-windows of the 
shops which show the most refined taste, pell-mell with that 
which we need for our daily life. What did you think of 
when doing this task? What were you occupied with and 
what did you speak of? Look at those flowers, how beautiful 
they are! What perfume and what tender petals! What is 
he accused of? The crime he is accused of is a theft. The 
things whose origin he was not able to prove were apprehended 
(or seized), which is quite (muito) justified. 


Quern e Camoes e qual (6) o po6ma que escreveu? 

Que 6 essa poSma? or: Que sao os Lusi'adas? 

De quem eantou elle os feitos? 

Que (6 que) se entende por uma bahia? 

Quaes sao os principaes rios de Portugal? 

Em qual dos oceanos desembocam? 

A quantos estamos do mez or que dia do mez temos? 

(Or: Em que dia do mez on da semana estamos?) 

Como se chama aqnelle rapaz cuja mae estd doente ? 

Nao tern essa senhora quatro filhos, dos quaes o amigo 

de V*- Ex"!" e o mais novo? 
Que 6 que tornou tao triste aquella rapariga que de 

ordindrio esti tao alegre? 

182 Lesson 27. 

Twenty-seventli Lesson, hiqm vigesima 

Indefinite Pronouns. Pronomes indefinidos. 
§ 181. The indefinite pronouns are either joined 
to a noun (pronomes adjectivos), or they are of substantive 
nature, being employed absolutely and only in the 
singular number (pronomes substantivos). N.B.— The 
noun may be not expressed. 

I. Adjective Pronouns. 

um, uma; uns, umas a(ii), one; some 

dlguTHf alguma; alguns, algumas some, any; such 

nenhum, nenhuma; nenhuns, nenhumas no, none 

outro, -a, -OS, -as another, some more 

tal, taes such a (one), such 

certo, -a, -os, -as (a) certain 

cada (m. and f.) each 

todo, -a, -OS, -as (followed by the definite article) the 

whole; all 
qualquer, pi. : quaesqtter any, whosoever, whatsoever 
um e outro the one and the other, either 
amhos, ambas both 
wn ou outro one or the other 

nem um, nem outro neither one nor the other, neither 
muito, -a many a; pi. muitos, muitas many 

dwersos \ different, various. 
vdrtos j 

II. Substantive Pronouns. 

Alguem somebody, anybody algo something 

ninguem nobody, none alguma coisa something 

mitrem somebody else tudo everything, all 

nada nothing cada um, cada uma, cada qml 

qiiemquer whosoever everybody, anybody, each. 

Note. — The boundary-line between the indefinite and the 
demonstrative pronouns is sometimes quite vague, so that the 
grammarians count some of them now to the former, now 
the latter. We also have already classed some (as outro, tal) 
among the demonstrative, giving here a repetition of them. 
Some, as muito, tanto, are often classed among the indefinite 

§ 182. Explanatory Rules. 

1. Nenhum, ninguem and nada, pronouns which 
include a negation, are employed, as in English, 

Indefinite Pronouns. 183 

without the negative adverb "not," when preceding the 
verb: nenhum d'elles veio none of them has come; nin- 
gueni a viu nobody has seen her; ninguem foi visto 
nobody was seen; nada aconteceu nothing has happened. 

Nada as an exclamation is "Not at all!" "God 

If however these pronouns follow the verb, this is 
preceded by i-naoi : nS,o veio nenhum d'elles; nao a viu 
ninguem; nao aconteceu nada. 

Nenhum may precede the noun or follow it: ne- 
nJmma regra ... or regra nenhuma . . . 

2. Algum is also employed in a negative sense and 
then follows the noun: em tempo algum at no time(s). 

3. Cada is never employed absolutely : when an ad- 
jective, it precedes the noun; when a substantive, it is 
followed by the indefinite article or by qual. « J. hydra 
republicana tem cada uma das suas sete cabegas assente 
em cada uma das sete collinas da cidade de Lisboa.» 

4. Amhos is always followed by the definite article 
or a pronoun in the plural : ambos as for estes, aquelles, 
sens) rapases; ambos elles. 

5. Outro in the meaning of "another" is employed 
without an article: 

Este copo nao estd limpo, dS-me outro. 

6. Qualquer may precede or follow the noun. In 
the latter case the noun is employed with the indefinite 
article — e.g. : 

Qualquer dia Id irei. Dei-lhe uma coisa qualquer. 

7. Certo is generally employed without an article; it 
may, however, also be accompanied by one: Falou com 
certa energia. Tem um certo modo de falar. 

8. Muito in its meaning "many a" has no plural: 

Ha muita hora que se perde na ociosidade. 
There is many an hour lost in idleness. 

9. Algo is taken from the Spanish. It is better 
to employ alguma coisa instead. If followed by some 
complement, this is joined to either of them by de: 
alguma coisa or algo de bello. 


Lesson 27. 

'N.B.—Algo can be also an adverb, preceding thus 
adjectives or adverbs: 

Uma tarefa algo espinhosa a somewhat delicate task. 
Trabaihm algo diffictiUosamente. 
He worked with some difficulty. 

10. Queniquer and qualquer, if accompanied b}^ que 
and expressing an uncertainty, are followed by the verb 
in the conjunctive mood: 

Quemquer que seja; quaesquer perigos que possa haver. 
Otherwise they are followed by the indicative: 
Qualquer (pessda) pode faze-lo. Quemquer se arremessava 
d agua. 



the splint, 

a comadre 

the godmother 

[vr 'gvtruj 



ucio foniu] 


the godfather 

a ociosidade 

the idleness 

mirar [mirar] 

to look at 


rasto [rraftu] 

the track, 

a conimuiiicafao 

the communi- 




Ignaciofig 'nesi» 




to be of opinion 




to pick up 


[ispn 'par] 


to recompense 


to come to 


[trv 'varsd] 



a contenda 

the quarrel 

punir [pu'nir] 

to punish 



to determine 

n briga fbrige] 

the fight 





to dispense 




to put oneself 





d'este modo 

thus, in the 


the merit 





to complain 

miolo [mi'olu] 

the kernel; the 




the intelligence 

a easca 

the shell 





to keep 


to feign 



a sentenga 

the sentence 

hicho [ubifu] 

the animal, 




the result 

a malicia 

the malicious- 


[iim 'lisle] 


a demanda 

the plea 

a fera ['feris] 

the wild beast 

[dd 'mUndvJ 

Indefinite Pronouns. 


paldcio do 

a cdmara 

the town-hall 

o arrdbalde the suburb 

a unificasao the unification. 

[unsfihs 'siuj 

74. Exercicio. 

Ninguem vg o argueiro no seu olho. Toda a energia se 
perde na ociosidade. Alguns insectos vivem apenas um dia. 
Cada um deve fazer conhecer aos outros tudo o que (or tudo 
quanto) julga litil ; esta cominunica9ao ben^vola produzira cede 
ou tarda algans fructos. Todo o homem sera recompensado 
ou punido segundo os sens aetos. Ninguem pode ser dispensado 
de ser justo e bemfazejo. Certos ventos reinam em certos 
mares em esta^oes determinadas. Todos os homens hao-de 
morrer. Nenhuma criatura humana pode voar. Ninguem 6 
bom juiz em causa propria. A vontade de brilhar nao ajunta 
realmente nada ao merito da pessoa. Cada um queixa-se da 
sua memoria, ninguem se queixa do seu entendimento. Mais 
vale pouco que nada. Nada duvida quem nada sabe. Nin- 
guem se raetta onde o nao chamam. Cada qual com seu 

76. Leitura. 

lido e a raposa. 

Era uma vez um liao muito velho, e que de velho que 
era ja nao ia a ca^a. Lembrou-lhe entao fingir-se doente, e 
qualquer bicho que o ia visitar comia-o logo, e foi assim 
comendo muito animal. Mas um dia uma raposa conheceu-lhe 
a malicia, e em vez de entrar, disse-lhe da porta: 0' senhor 
liao, esta melhorzinho? 

— Nao, respondeu a fera. — Cada vez peor! Entre e 
descanse um bocadinho, 6 comadre . . . Mas diz-lhe a raposa 
a mirar o cbao: 

— Nada, compadre! n'esSa nao caio eu. Aqui ha o rasto 
de muitos que entraram, mas nao vejo o rasto dos que sairam 
(or: de nenhuns que tenham saido)! 

(Trindade Coelho: Segundo Livro de Leitura). 

76. Tliema. 

The Nut. 

One day two boys found a nut. "This nut is mine," 
called out Ignace, "for I was the first who saw it. "Not at 
all!" replied Bernard, "I am of opinion that it is mine, be- 
cause [it] was I who picked it up." And both came to blows 
in a hot fight. "I shall (tr. : Eu vou) finish your quarrel," 
said another and bigger boy who passed that way. He put 

186 Lesson 28. 

himself in the middle of the two boys, opened the nut, and 
spoke thus: "One half of the shell belongs to him who first saw 
the nut; the other to him who picked it up; and the kernel 
I keep for myself for my sentence." "That," he added 
laughingly (a rir), "is the ordinary result of most pleas." 


Que cidade e esta em que estamos? 

Onde 6 situada? 

Qual (6) o mimero da sua popula9ao? 

Quaes sao as ruas mais importantes? 

Quaes sao os bairros mais bonitos? 

Nomeiem alguns hoteis dos mais frequentados! 

Quern sabe alguma coisa da hist6ria d'esta cidade? 

Em que annos foi edificado o palacio do municfpio? 

Oomo se chamam os arrabaldes, as povoa9oes visinhas 

A que Estado pertence esta cidade? 
Quaes sao as provincias d'elle? 

Qaantos Estados pertencem ao Reino da Gran-Bretanha? 
Quern e o Eei actual? 
Em que anno subiu ao throno? 
Nomeiem quaesquer outros monarchas ingleses! 

Twenty-eightli Lesson. Lifjao vigesima 

The Irregular Verbs. 

Os verbos irregulares. 
§ 183. Note the following rules: 

1. All compound and derived verbs follow the 
original verb, if not indicated as an exception— e.g.: 
demo(n)strar like mostrar; surprender like prender; re- 
partir like partir, etc. 

2. All tenses not indicated are regular. All irregu- 
lar forms are given in italics. 

The first conjugation (verls in -ar) has onlj^ two 
irregular verbs, of which one, estar, has already been 
dealt with among the auxiliary verbs. The second is : 

The Irregvilar Verbs. 187 

§ 184. Dar to give. 




dou I give 

de that I give 












dava I gave 

desse that I gave. 

Preterito perfeito. 

dei I gave, I have given 






Mais-que-perfeito simples. 

dira I had given. 


darei I shall give 

(se eu) der if I shall give, if 


dires [I am to give 









All the rest is regular. 

The irregular 

forms desse, dera, der are regularly 

formed from deste 

(2°'^ pars. sg. pret.) by changing the 

ending -ste into -sse, -ra, -r. 

§ 185. Idioms with dar. 

Dar um abrago a to embrace 

dar entrada a to let in; to admit 

dar fe a to believe or to have faith in 

dar horas to strike (the clock) 

dar occasiao to offer an opportunity 

dd-se a occasiao de there is an opportunity for 

dar parte to communicate; to impart 

dar um passeio to go for a walk, to walk 

dar um salto to jump 

dar OS bons dias to bid good day 

188 Lesson 28. 

dar as boas festas to send or express the compliments of 

the season 
dar OS pSsames to condole 
dar OS parabens a to congratulate 
dar a luz to publish (book); to bear, to bring forth 
dar a to lead to, to end in 
dar de esporas to spur 
dar em alguem to strike one 
dar em (doido) to become (mad) 
dar no alvo to hit the mark 

dar nos olhos or na vista to be evident or striking 
dar pelo nome de to answer to the name of 
esta janella dd para a rua, o jar dim this window looks 

or opens into the street, etc. 
dar-se (a) to dedicate oneself; to thrive; to occur, to 

dar-se (hem) com to agree with 
pouco se me da I care but little 
quem me dera (saber) ! how fain would I (know) ! 

§ 186. Concerning the verbs in -car, -gar, -gar, 
-jar see § 143. 

§ 187. The verbs in -ear change e into ei in all those 
forms where the radical is accentuated — e.g.: nomear to 
name, reccar to fear, lisongear to flatter, gorgear to 
chirp, warble: 

nomeio, nomeias, nomeia, nomeamos, nomeaes, no- 
meiani; nonieie, iiomeies, nomeie, nomeemos, nomeeis, no- 
meiem (cf. § 139). 

§ 188. Crear ("or criar) to create, to bring up, 
changes in the same forms the e in i: crio, crias, cria, 
creamos, creaes, criam; crie, cries, crie, creemos, creels, 
criem (see § 140). 

N.B. — The compound verbs of crear (with the ex- 
ception of recrear (better recriar) to create once more, 
to bring up again) change the e into ei: 

procrear to procreate, to beget : procreio (yet also 
procrio), procreia. 

But: a natureea recria; and ella recreia she diverts, 

§ 189. The verbs in -iar keep their i, in the 
pronunciation as well as in the orthography: copiar to 
copy : coplo. 

The Irregular Verbs. 189 

§ 190. In some verbs in -iar the modification of 
the i into ei is admissible and usual. Such verbs are: 
diligenciar, agenciar, remediar, negociar, odiar, premiar; 
thus: diligenceio, agenceia, etc. 

§ 191. Not so in the verbs adiar, afiar, cdumiar, 
annunciar, aviar, conf/rariar, confiar, copiar, fiar, miar, 
piar, saciar, tosquiar, variar, which form: adio, alumia. 
annunciam, etc. 

Second Conjagation. Terbs in -er. 

§ 192. Haver to have; to be, to exist (see L. 6). 

Behaver follows the same model, but is used only 
in the forms that have -v-: rehavendo, rehavido, rehavia, 
rehouve, rehaja, rehouvesse. 

§ 193. Fazer to do, to make, to cause, to let. 

Pres. Indicat. Fago, fazes, faz, fazSmos, fazeis, fazem. 

Pres. Conjunct. Faga, facas, faga, fagdmos, fagaes, fagam. 

Pret. imperf. ind. Fazia, fazias, fazia, faziamos, fazieis, faziam. 

Fret. perf. ind. liz, fizeste, fez, fizemos, fizestes, fizeram. 

Imperfeito Conj. Fizesse, etc. 
Mais-qice-perf. hid. Fizira, etc. 

Futuro Ind. Farei, fards, fard, etc. 

Fuiuro Conj. Fizer, fizeres, fizer, etc. 

Gondicional. Faria. 

Imperativo. Faze (tu),fazei (vds),faga(V^),fagdmos(n6s). 

Participio. Feito. 

Gerimdio. Fazendo. 

§ 194. Compound verbs: 

(a) contrafaser to counterfeit; to imitate; to disguise. 

P. p. contrafeito, also adj., false, forced. 

(b) desfazer to undo, to destroy, to abolish, to 

(c) perfaser to complete, to perfect, to constitute; 

(d) refaser to do or make again; 

(e) satisfaser to satisfy, to pay. 

Remark. — To let is rendered by fazer whenever you wisli 
to express an active interference: fazer saber to let know, to 
send word to, to acquaint with. Faga entrar ! Let him come 
in. It is translated by deixar whenever you mean to express 
admission : deixo-o falar I let him speak. {Fago-o falar would 
be: I (shall) cause him to speak.) 

190 Lesson 28. 

§ 195. Idioms with fazer, 

Fazer caso de to esteem; to care for; to attend to 

nao fazer caso to despise 

fazer annos to have one's birthday, to complete . . . 

years of age (see § 97, 8) 
faz color, faz frio, fae vento, caima it is hot, cold, 

windy, calm 
faz horn (man) tempo it is fine (bad) weather 
faga o favor de, faz favor de (if you) please to 
fazer (com) que to cause, to oblige 
Fiz (com) que elle fizesse isso I made him. do that 
ter (muito) que fazer to be (very) busy, to have 

(much) to do 
fazer em pedagos to break or cut to pieces 
fazer (or mandar) fazer alg. c. to have something done 
fazer construir (uma casa) to have (a house) built 
fazer tengao to intend 
fazer a barba to shave, to get shaved 
fazer as unhas to clean or cut one's nails 
fazer leilao to hold an auction 
fazer as contas to count, to calculate 
fazer conta or de conta to suppose 
fazer contas com alg. to make up (to settle) accounts 

with a person; to argue it out 
fazer justiga a alg. to do justice to a person 
fazer gala de alg. c. to boast of something 
fazer compras to purchase, to go shopping 
fazer as pazes to reconcile (oneself) 
fazer um discurso to make (or deliver) a speech 
fazer forga(s) to use violence 
fazer falta to be absent, to miss, to die 
faz-me muita falta I miss it very badly 
fazer de bobo to make a fool of oneself 
fazer de capitao to supply the captain 
navio faz agioa the ship is leaky 
fazer cara a to defy, to face 
fazer fogo to shoot, to fire 

fazer honra(s) to bestow honours, to do honour 
fazer horas to wait for a certain hour, spend time 

fazer o papel de to perform the figure of 
estd a fazer it is being done 
estd por fazer it is not yet done 
dd que fazer it is hard work 
isso nao faz ao caso that is of no concern 
fazer-se to become, to turn, to grow; to occur 

The Irregular Verbs. 191 

fazer-se velho to become old 

fazer-se vermelho to blush 

fazer-se pdlUdo, amarello to grow pale, yellow 

fazer-se d vela to put to sea 

fazer-se ao mar, ao alto to gain the open sea, to get 

the offing 
fazer-se d terra to steer towards (to head for) the land 
fazer-se de novas to plead ignorance 
muitas vezes se faz isso that occurs often. 

§ 196. Dizer to say, tell, speak, talk, relate. 

Pres. Ind. J^igo, dizes, diz, dizSmos, dizeis, dizem. 

Pres. Conj. Diga, digas, diga, digdmos, digaes, digam. 

Pret. imperf. Ind. Bizia, dizias, dizia, diziamos, dizieis, diziam. 

Pret. perf. Ind. Disse, disseste, disse, dissemos, dissestes, 

Imperf. Conj. Dissesse, etc. 

Mais-que-perf. Ind. DissSra, etc. 

Futuro Ind. Direi, dirds, etc. 

Futuro Conj. Disser, disseres, disser, etc. 

Condicional. Diria, etc. 

Imperative. Dize (tu), dizei (vds), diga (V^), digdmos (nos). 

Participio. Dito. 

Gerundio. Dizendo. 

§ 197. Compound verbs: 

condizer (com) to agree, suit, match, contradizer to 
contradict; desdizer to deny; desdizer-se to unsay; interdizer 
to interdict; maldizer to slander, curse; predizer to predict, 

§ 198. Foder can, may, to be able. 

Pres. Ind. Posso, p6des, pdde, podhnos, podeis, podem. 

Pres. Conj. Possa,possas,possa,possdmos,possaes,possam. 

Pret. Imperf. Ind. Podia,podias,podia,podiamos,podieis,podiam. 
Pret. perf . Ind. Pvde, pudeste, pdde, pudemos, pudestes, 

Imperf. Conj. Pudesse, etc. 

Mais-que-Perf.Ind.Pudera, etc. 
Futuro Ind. Poderei, poderds, etc. 

Futuro Conj. Puder, puderes, puder, etc. 

Condicional. Poderia, etc. 

Participio. Podido. 

Gerundio. Podendo. 

Poder-se to be possible. 


Lesson 28. 

§ 199. Sa^er to know, to learn, to be able, can. 
Pres. Ind. Set, sabes, sahe, sabemos, sabeis, sabem. 

Pres. Conj. Saiba, saibas, saiba, saibdmos, saibaes, saibam. 

Pret. imperf. Ind. Sabia, sabias, sabia, sabiamos, sableis, sabiam. 
Pret. perf. Ind. Soube, soubeste, soiibe, soubemos, soubestes, 

Imperf. Conj. Soubesse, etc. 

Mais-que-perf.lnd. Soubira, etc. 
Futuro Ind. Saberei, saberds, etc. 

Futuro Conj. Souber, souberes, etc. 

Condicional. Saberia, etc. 

Imperativo. Sabe, saiba, sabei. 

Participio. Sabido. 

Gerundio. Sabendo. 

Remark. — Can, to be able must be rendered by poder 
whenever it means a physical power or disposition; it must 
be rendered by saber if signifying an intellectual capacity — 
e.g., Meu irmao sabe ler, mas Mje nao p6de porque estd rouco 
my brother can read, but to-day he is not able to do so, 
because he is hoarse. 

§ 200. Caber to be contained in, to fall to, to 
belong to, to come or happen opportunely, forms like 
saber, but for the I'*' pers. pr. ind. 
Pres. Ind. Caibo, cubes, cabe, cabemos, cabeis, cabeni. 


mel [mcij 
a abelha 

[v 'bv/iv] 
a cillula 

o tumulo 

o cortigo 

a eolmeia 



sugar [su gar] 




tie honey 
the bee 

the cell 

the tomb 

the bee-hive 
the cork-oak 

to suck 
to sweeten 

to deposit 

a easinha do 



pegar [pa' gar] 

entrar a fazer 

alg. V. 
a flauta ['flaut^] 
largar a fugir 

[mvgs 'refd] 


a palavra 

outro dia 

the honey-cell 

the cell, alveole 

the kid 

to give back 
to seize 

to begin doing 

the flute 

to put oneself 
to flight 

the blockhead 

the flautist 

the word of 

the other day 

The Irregular Verbs. 



the shoemaker 

a vacancia 


the receipt 

[vv 'knstv] 
a vagatura 

the vacancy 



fvsgv 'tm-ej 

um pagamento 

an instalment 

seguir [ss'gir] 

to continue 

a conta 

(the way) 


the employ- 

por signal 

by way of 





vago [vagu] 

free, vacant 


the monolith 


to confer 

[monu 'lituj 



to work, to 

fazer todas as 

to take all 




a columna 

the column 




to exercise 

a licenga 

the license, per- 

['izdr ser] 



fazer-se illusoes 

to illude oneself 


especial, par- 





to despair, to 

a informagao 

the information 

desalentar(-se) despond 

nao ha de que! 

don't mention! 

torcer [iur'ser] 

to twist 

passe muito hem 

' good-bye! 

77. Exercicio. 

mel e fabricado {or feito) pelas abelhas. Bstas fazem 
mel dentro dos cortigos ou colmeiaa. Os corti90S sac feitos 
da casca do sobreiro. Para fazerem o mel, as abelhas ohupam 
de cartas flOres o succo adocicado d'estas, o qual succo se 
chama nectar. Com o nectar sugado, as abelhas fazem o mel 
que levam para os corti90s, depositando-o nas cellulas ou 
casinhas dos favos, chamadas tambem alveolos. — Dize neste 
mundo o que tens para dizer: o tumulo 6 mudo. Dou-me 
muito bem com os ares d'esta regiao, melhor do que me dei 
na Suissa. Ali se dava as vezes que nao podia aturar os 
ventos asperos que me faziam mal. Mas nao sabia que fazer, 
ate que me disseram da Eiviera portugu6sa e qae soube que 
at6 no inverno os ares aqui sac benefices. 

78. Leitura. 
cabrito e o lobo. 

Era uma vez um cabrito que se tinha perdido num 
monte. Nao sei aonde, salta-lhe um lobo para o devorar, e 
elle volta-se para o lobo e diz-lhe assim: 

— Senhor lobo! ja sei que me vae (see ir, § 214) comer! 
Mas se faz favor, eu gostava muito de uma morte alegre! 

Diz-lhe lobo: — Qual? 

Torna o cabrito : — Gostava muito de morrer a dan9ar ! 

lobo por Ihe fazer a vontade, p6ga numa flauta e poe- 
se (see p6r, § 212) a tocar, e o cabrito entra logo a bai- 

Portuguese ConTersation-Grammar. 13 

194 Lesson 28. 

lar; — mas uns caes que andavam perto, ouviram a flauta e 
vieram (see vir, § 218) a correr, e o lobo largou ]ogo a fugir 
com medo dos caes. 

— Bern feito! dizia elle entao. — Nao passo de magarefe, 
para que me metti eu a ser flautista. 

(Trindade Coelho: 1<* Livro de Leitura). 

79. Thema. 

I give you my word of honour that I gave those 25 
pounds which my father had given me the other day, to my 
tailor, in order to pay his bill.— Did you (tr. thou) also pay 
the shoemaker, and did he give you a receipt? — I could not 
yet entirely pay the shoemaker; I made him an instalment 
and told him that I should give him the rest a^ soon as I 
should be nominated to the vacant appointment that is to be 
conferred. — How can you know whether you will be nominated 
for it? — I don't know, but I flatter myself, that it will be 
given to me, as 1 take all pains, and because there is perhaps 
nobody else who is able to do the service as well. — And I 
tell you what I have always told you: I fear that somebody 
else will be appointed, as you, however well knowing the (tr. do) 
service, cannot exercise it on account of your health. Don't 
give yourself up to illusions, but also don't despair if (by chance) 
you know that another has been selected for the vacancy. 


A. Sabe-me o senhor dizer, por onde eu posso (or puder) 
chegar ao Palacio do Municipio? 

B. Sei, sim, senhor. Paqa favor de se dirigir por esta 
rua, que e a Rua do Ouro, abaixo at^ ao Terreiro 
do Pago que da para o Tejo. Depois pode seguir a 
direita pela Rua do Arsenal at6 ao Largo do Pelon- 
rinho, onde 6 a Camara Municipal. 

A. Ora diga-me, porque se nomeia aquelle largo «do 

B. Deu-lhe este nome um monumento, por signal muito 
antigo, que esta no meio do largo e defronte do 
Municipio, e que 6 formado por um monolitho lavrado 
(or aberto) em tr6s columnas torcidas uma em volta 
da (round the) outra. 

A. P6de-se entrar no Palacio? 

B. Pode. Ati as 4 horas esta aberto. Depois e so com 
licen9a especial. 

A. Muito obrigado pelas informa9oes que me deu. Boa 
tarde ! 

B. Nao ha de qu6. Passe muito bem! 

The Irregular Verbs, 195 

Twenty-ninth Lesson. Li(jao vigesima 

The Irregular Verbs. (Continued.) 

Second Conjugation. Verbs in -er. 
§ 201. Querer to be willing, to wish, to intend, 
to feel disposed, to like. 

Pres. Ind. Quero^queres,quer,querSmos^quereis,querem. 

Pres. Conj. Queira, queiras, queira, queirdmos, queiraes, 

Prei. imperf. Ind. Queria, querias, queria, queriamos, querleis, 

Pret. perf. Ind. Quiz, quizeste, quiz, quizSmos, quizestes, 

Imperf. Conj. Quizesse, etc. 

Mais-que-perf.Ind. QuizSra, etc. 

Futuro Ind. Quererei, quererds, etc. 

Futuro Conj. Quizer, quizeres, etc. 

Condicional. Quereria, etc. 

Imperativo. Queira, queiram (only used in the S'^^ pers. 

followed by an infinitive — e.g. : queira, 
dizer-me in the meaning "kindly tell me". 

Participio. Querido. (As an adjective it means : be- 

loved, dear). 

Gerundio. Querendo. 

§ 202. Mequerer to solicit is regular but for the 
1^' pers. pr. ind. and derived; it forms: 
Pres. Ind. Requeiro, requeres, requere. 

Pret. perf. Bequeri, requereste, requereu, requerimos , etc. 

§ 203. Traser to bring, to carry, to wear, to 

Pres. Ind. Trago, trazes, traz, trazSmos, trazeis, trazem. 

Pres. Conj. Traga, tragas, traga, trag&mos, tragaes. 

Pret. imperf. Ind. Trazia, trazias, irazia, traziamos, trazieis, 

Pret. perf. Ind. Trouxe ['trosa], trouxeste, trouxe, trouxemos, 

trouxestes, trouxeram. 
Imperf. Conj. Trouxesse, etc. 

Mais-que-perf.Ind. Trouxera, etc. 
Futuro Ind. Trarei, trards, etc. 

Futuro Conj. Trouxer, trouxeres, trouxer, etc. 


196 Lesson 29. 

Condicional. Traria, etc. 

Imperativo. Traze (tu), traga (V^), trazei (v6s). 

Partidpio. Trazido. 

Gerundio. Trazendo. 

§ 204. Valer to be worth, to be of value, to 
help, to assist. 
Pres. Ind. Valho, vales, vale or val, valemos, valeis, 

Pres. Conj. Valha, valhas, valha, valhdmos, valhaes, 

Imperativo. Used only in the S'^ pers. — e.g., Valha-me 

Deus! God help me! Valha a verdade 

to tell the truth! 
All the rest is regular. 

§ 205. JPerder to lose. 

Pres. Ind. Perco, perdes, perde, perd^mos, perdeis, 

Pres. Conj. Perca, percas, perca, pere&mos, percaes, 


The rest is regular. 

To this group of irregular verbs belong also ser, 
Ur and haver, already dealt with among the auxihary 

§ 206. ier to read. 

Pres. Ind. Leio, les, le, limos, Udes, Uem. 

Pres. Conj. Leia, leias, leia, le(i)dmos, le(i)aes, leiam. 

Imperf. Ind. Lia, lias, lia, Uamos, lieis. Ham. 

Pret. perf. Ind. Li, leste, leu, Umos, listes, l^am. 

Imperf- Conj. Lesse, Usses, lisse, lessemos, ISsseis, Ussem. 

Mais-que-perf. Ind. Lira, leras, lera, etc. 

Imperativo. Le (tu), leia, le(i)&.mos, Ude (v6s). 

Participio. Lido. 

Gerundio. Lendo. 

§ 207. CrSr to believe, to think, to trust, and 
descrer to disbelieve, are conjugated like ler. Modern 
writers use the forms creiamos, creiaes instead of the 
more correct creamos, creaes (of. Ur). 

§ 208. Ver to see, behold, consider, view. 
Pres. Ind. Vejo, ves, ve, vemos, vSdes, vSem. 

Pres. Conj. Veja, vejas, veja, vejdmos, vejaes, vejam. 

Imperf. Ind. Via, vias, via, viamos, vieis, viam. 

Pret. perf. Ind. Vi, viste, viu, vimos, vistes, viram. 

The Irregular Verbs. 197 

Invperf. Conj. Visse, visses, visse, etc. 
Mais-que-perf.Ind. Vira, virus, vira, etc. 

Futuro Ind. Verei, verds, verd, etc. 

Futuro Conj. Vir, vires, vir, etc. 

Condicional. Veria, verias, veria, etc. 

Imperativo. Ve (tu), veja, vejdmos, vede (vos). 

Participio. Visto. 

Gerundio. Vendo. 

§ 209. Compound Verbs: 

anteeer, prever to foresee 

entreoer to have a glimpse of, to discover 

rev&r to review, to see again 

provh' to provide 

desprover to deprive, to strip (of). 

N.B. — Prover and desprover are regular in the Pret. 
perf. Ind. (provi, proveste, proveu, elc.) and in the forms 
derived from it (provesse, provera, prover), as also in 
the Past Participle (provido). 

§ 210. Jaser to lie, to be buried, a defective 
verb of rare use, has become regular — i.e.: it has no 
longer the forms jago, nor jouve (pret. perf.), nor an 
open e [e] in the 2°"^ pers. pret. pref. and derived forms: 

Pres. Ind. Jazo, jazes, jas, jazSmos, jazeis, jazem. 

Imperf. Ind. Jazia. 

Pret. Perf. Jazi, jazeste, jazeu, etc. 

Mais-que-perf. Jazera, etc. 

Aqui jaz (jasem) here lies (lie). 

From the 1^' Participle the verbal adjective jazente 
or better jacente is formed. 

'iEssas pobres geragoes que de ha muito jazem sem vida.i> 
Terras jacentes ao poente grounds lying towards the west. 
Heranga jacente heritage not yet distributed. 

§ 211. Those verbs ending in -cer, -ger and -guer 
undergo analogous modifications as those ending in 
-ear, -gar and gar, in order to conserve the original sound 
of the c and g (cf. § 136 N.B. and § 143). 

§ 212. JPor to put, place, lay, set, suppose. 

This verb apparently not belonging to any of the 
three conjugations, is to be considered as one of the 
2°^, having lost the e of the termination (po-er). 


Lesson 29. 

JVes. Ind. 
Pres. Conj. 

Imperf. Ind. 

Pret. Ind. 
Imperf. Conj. 
Futuro Ind. 
Futuro Conj. 



Por-se em 


Ponho, pdes, p5e, pomos, pondes, pdem. 
Ponha, ponlias, ponha, ponhdmos, ponhaes, 

Punha, punhas, pimha, punhamos, punheis, 

Pis, puzhte,pdz, ptisimos, puzistes, puzSravi. 
Puzesse, etc. 

Puzera, puzeras, puzSra, etc. 
Porei, pords, pord, poremos, poreis, pordo, 
Puzer, piizeres, puzer, puzennos, puzerdes, 

Poria, porias, porta, etc. 
Poe (tu), ponha (Ve), ponhdmos (nds), 

ponde (v6s). 
pe to get up. 

Compound rerbs: 

antepor to set before, prefer 

compdr to compose 

contrapor to oppose, to com- 

depdr to state; to depose; to 
deposit; to lay down 

dispor to dispose 

expdr to expose, exhibit 

impor to impose 

indispdr to indispose, to unfit 
interpdr to put between, in- 
oppdr to oppose 
propor to propose 
propdr-se to intend, to design 
suppdr to suppose 
transpdr to transport, etc. 



[vv 'riuj 
a ingenho 


[bre 'zvu] 
herdar [ir'darj 

falar em bom 

vote [votu] 
a amisade 

[■emi 'sadd] 
a infancia 

o tumulo 


the man, male 

the skill, talent, 

art, wit 
the escutcheon 

to inherit 

the father 

to speak aloud 

the vote 

the friendship 

the childhood 

the tomb 

ojpedra tumular 

a campa 



[v 'nusiu] 
a prompto 

(supply paga- 


[eprifiv 'sotfj 

a padaria 

[pads 'riv] 

the tombstone 
the handful 

the burying- 


the advertise- 

on cash (pay- 

on payment by 

the office 

the bakery 

The Irregular Verbs. 



[trtfpn 'sarj 
lucro f'lukruj 

as alvigaras 

[al' mservf] 

color [hu'lar] 
a medalha 

sdcio f'sosfuj 

a industria 

[m 'duftrjej 

(supply: an- 

abaixo assi- 


a agenda 

[v 'gfsfyj 


a casa de 


[•efrggf' zaffu] 
local [lu 'kaij 
a enclarecimento 


a eonstrucfao 

pedreiro 1 

[pa 'ffisiritj I 
trolha [ 

['troRv] I 
a trolha 


to alienate 

the gain, profit 
to negotiate, 

treat, deal 
the finder's 

the mill 

the collar 
the medal 

the capitalist 
the sleeping 

the industry 

the same (ad- 

the signatory 

the agency 

the pawn, 


the pawnshop 

to establish 
well accustom- 
the locality 
the information 

the construc- 

the mason 

the handle- or 


tnlhar [tv'Rar] 
a alvenaria 

[aivane 'rivj 
a argamassa 

hetao [bg 'tiuj 


[si 'mentuj 
a ligagao 

[lige 'seicj 
o instrumento 

a colher 

a picadeira 

[pikv '&v}rvj 

[v&eigv 'sarJ 
o esluque 



calcar [kaikarj 



nivel ['niveij 



a cantaria 

[kvntv 'rivJ 

a enxada 
cache [kofij 

to break 

to cut 

the masonry 

the mortar 

the beton, con- 
the cement 

the binding 

the profession 

the trowel 

the pickaxe 

to thin 

to hoe 
the stucco 

the cutting- 
to rough-hew 

to fix by beat- 
the plummet 
to plumbline 
the level 
to level 

the masonry; 

the cut- stone, 

the spade 

to wet, to stir 
the hod. 

80. Exercicio. 

Rebello da Silva disse que valia mais o varao que se fazia 
grande e famdso pelo ingenho e pelos actos, do que o homem 
que ja nascera entre brazoes herdados. Dizia o padre Antonio 

200 Lesson 29. 

Vieira que se descompnnha a si mesmo, quern aos mais descom- 
punha. Nao leias em meia voz, l6 alto e em bom soml Dou-lhe 
OS parabens ; nao caibo em mim de contente pelas boas novas de 
que me deu parte. Vejo que Ihe trouxe fortuna o conselbo que 
algum dia Ihe d^ra. Deus queira que Ihe valham sempre os meus 
votos de boa amizade e o muito que Ihe quero. Quern me dera 
que pudesse ir v6-lo! Propor-lhe-ia que fossemos (see § 214) 
rev6r os logares da nossa infaucia e os tiimulos onde jazem 
aquelles a quern mais quiz6mos quando vivos. Que satisfaci;ao 
d'alma se, lendo nas pedras tumulares aquelles nomes queridos, 
depuz6ssemos um punhado de fiSres na campa dos que nos 
deram a vida. Mas ja perdi toda a confian^a, descreio em que 
jamais os reveja ou que tome a v6r esses saudosos sitios os 
quaes — valha a verdade ! — valem para mim o mais bonito 

81. Leitura. 


1. IHano alemao, novo, magnifioas vozes, vende-se barato, 
a prompto ovi a presta9oes, Na Rua da Palma 61, escripto- 
rio, 88 diz. 

2. Pddaria, trespasse-se uma em boas condi56es e muito 
barata. Da 100 000 reis de lucre por mfis. Trata-se com 
abaixo assignado na Pkdaria Bijou a rua Eseola Poly- 
technica 247. 

3. AlvlQUras dao-se a quem entregar na Cal9ada do Moinho 
de Vento 32 um colar d'onro com medalha que se perdeu 
desde a dita rua ate ao Chiado. 

4. Capitalista. Precisa-se de socio capitalista ou commandi- 
tario para desenvolver uma industria. Capital garantido, 
lucres certos lO^/o (por cento). Trata-se com o proprio. 
Carta a agdncia NN. Eua dos Retrozeiros. 

5. Capitalista precisa-se que entre com o capital sufficiente 
para mais desenvolvimento de uma casa de penhores, ja 
montada e afreguezada n'um dos melhores locaes da capital. 
Esclarecimentos, rua Capellistas No. 71. 

82. Thema. 

Building in Portugal. 

Do you see that house in construction? The mason 
makes the walls and all masonry with broken , uncut 
stones or with bricks, joining the materials with clay, mortar 
beton, cement or another binding. Do you know of which 
tools the mason makes use in his profession? I (shall) 
tell you; they are these: the trowel, with which he places 
the clay and mortar; the pickaxe, with which he thins the 

The Irregular Verbs of the Third Conjugation. 


sides of the bricks, cuts the walls and demolishes the stucco ; 
the cutting-hammer, with which he cuts the stone and fixes 
the materials out of which he builds the walls; the plumb, 
which helps (voter em) him to plumbline the walls; the level, 
with which he levels the blockings; the handle-board where 
he puts the chalk; the spade he stirs the chalk with; the 
hod, which serves in transporting the chalk, etc. 


Que tempo faz, (or estd)? 

Porque cr6 isso? 

Valha-nos Deus ! Antes queria 
que continuasse enxuto, por- 
que com a chuva perco a 
occasiao de dar passeios. 

Ora veja o jornal que trouxeram 
e que ja prediz mudan^a de 
tempo. Quer que Ih'o leia? 

Pois ja ficamos sabendo que, 
se tempo se puzer a mal, 
sera por mnitos dias. 

Por emquanto tern feito (or 
estado) bom tempo, mas 
creio que vae mudar. 

Porque se levantou muito 
vento, e receio que nos traga 

Pois nao v6 aquellas nuvens 
que se juntam no horisonte? 
Vera que kmanha teremos 
chuva, a nao sSr que o vento 

Se quizer fazer esse favor . . . 
como eu nao sei l6r . . . Gom- 
tado ja prevejo o que diz. 

Pois seja o que Deus quizer! 
Visto a gente nao pudermos 
fazer nada . . . 

Thirtieth Lesson. Li^ao trigesima. 

The Irregular Verbs of the Third Conjugation. 

§ 214. Ir to go (as for the compound tenses of 
this verb see § 118). 

Pres. Incl. Vou, vaes (vais), vae (vai), vamos (inios), 

ides, vao. 

Pres. Gonj. Vd, vds, vd, vamos, vades, veto. 

Pret. imperf. Ind. la, ias, ia, iamos, ieis, lam. 

Pret. perf. Fui, fdste, foi, fomos, fdstes, fdrao. 

Imperf. Conj. Fosse, etc. 

Mais-que-perf. F6ra, fdras, fdra, formos, foreis, foram. 

Fut. Ind. Irei, irds, ird, iremos, ireis, irdo. 

Fut. Conj. For, fdres, for, formos, fordes, forem. 

Conditional. Iria, etc. 

Imperativo. Vae (tu), vd, vamos (h6s), ide (vds). 

202 Lesson 30. 

Participio. Ido. (In the adjective meaning "past" there 

Gerundio. Indo. is also the fem. form "ida 

and the plural forms 'Hdos, 

§ 215. Ir followed by an infiDitive expresses an 
intention, that which the English expresses by "to be 
going to"— e.g.: vou fazer o men thema I am going to do 
my task; iamos dar uni passeio we were just about to 
take a walk. 

§ 216. Idioms with ir. 

Ir a pi to go on foot 

/;• de (or em) carniagem to go in a carriage, to drive 

ir a cavallo to go on horseback, to ride 

ir a melhor to grow or become better 

ir ter com alguem to call upon somebody 

vae melhor he (she, it) is better, it is going better 

Como vae ? how do you do ? how is it going on ? 

Que vae nisso? what does it matter? 

por mal que vd if the worst come to the worst 

Quanto vae d'aqui a . . .? How far is it from here to ... ? 

Esta rua vae ter d ponte this street leads to the bridge 

Vae em tres annos about three years ago 

Vae-lhe hem it suits you well 

Isso jd la vae that's a thing past and done. 

§ 217. Ir-se to go away, be ofP, to set out, 
disappear, die. 

Vou-me I go away, I am going away. 

Foi-se he is gone. 

Vd-se embora! get you gone! be off! 

Vamo-nos! let us go away 

{Vae-se fazendo tarde (escuro) it is growing late (dark).) 

Remark 1. — While ir expresses a movement towards a 
place, ir-se expresses one away from it. The former answers 
to the question "where to?", the latter to "whence?" 

Remark II. — In the last example se is not part of the 
verb ir, but of fazer, being joined to the former only for 
the sake of harmony. 

§ 218. Tir 

Pres. Ind. Venho, vens, vem, vimos, vindes, veem. 

Pres. Conj. Venlia, venhas, venha, venhAmos, veiihaes, 


The Irregular Verbs of the Third Conjugation. 203 

Imperf. Ind. Vinha, vinhas, vinha, vinhamos, vinheis, 

Fret. perf. Vim, vieste, veio, viSmos, viistes, vieram. 

Imperf. Conj. Viesse, viesses, viesse, etc. 

Mais-que^erf. Viera, viiras, etc. 

Fut. Ind. Virei, virds, vird, viremos, vireis, virdo. 

Fut. Conj. Vier, vieres, vier, viermos, vierdes, vierem. 

Gondicional. Viria, etc. 

Imperativo. Vem (tu), venha, venhdmos, vinde (vos). 

Participio. Vindo, 

Gerundio. Vindo. 

Remark. — The singular of the imperative terminates by 
m : vem. The same ending has the 2°"^ pers. sing. pres. ind., 
when followed by an objective pronoun (-0, -a, -os, -as) — 
e.g., vem-lo tu dizer? do you come to tell it? (About lo 
cf. § 164 (b).) 

Idioms:— Vir ds boas to reconcile oneself. Vir-se e desejar- 
se com ... to be in difficulties with . . . 

§ 219. Compound Terbs: 

advir to intervene, to arrive desavir to disunite 

contravir to contravene, in- intervir to intervene 

fringe provir to come from 

convir to agree,' to be fit or sohrevir to supervene. 


§ 220. Bir to laugh. 

Pres. Ind. Rio, ris, ri, rimos, rides, riem. 

Pres. Conj. Ria, rias, ria, ridmos, riaes, riam. 

Compound verbs: sorrir to smile and rir-se (de) 
to laugh (at). 

§ 221. The verbs medir, pedir and oiivir to hear, 
are regular but for the 1^' pers. pres. ind. and derived 

Medir (cf. 152) to measure, appreciate. 
Pres. Ind. Meco, medes, mede, medimos, medis, medem. 

Pres. Conj. Mega, megas, mega, megdmos, megaes, megam. 

Imperativo. Mede, mega, megdmos, medi. 

Fedir to ask, to beg. 
Pres. Ind. Pego, pedes, pede, pedimos, pedis, pedem. 

Pres. Conj. Pega, pegas, pega, pegdmos, pegaes, pegam. 

Imperativo. Pede, pega, pegdmos, pedi. 

Compound verbs: despedir to dismiss and expedir 
to dispatch. 

204 LeBson 30. 

Ouvir to hear. 
Pres. Ind. Ouco (oko), ouves, ouve, oiwimus, ouvis, 

Pres. Conj. Ouca (oica), ougas, ouga, ougamos, ougaes, 


N.B. — The u before g may be supplied by /. 
§ 222. Dormif to sleep (see § 154). 

Pres. Ind. Durmo, dormes, dorme, dormimos, dormis, 

Pres. Conj. Durina, durmas, durma, dunnamos, durniaes, 


§ 223. Concerning the verbs in a(h)ir see § 158. 
Cair (sometimes, but incorrectly: cahir) to fall. 

Pres. hid. GMo, caes, cae, caimos, cais, cdem. 

Pres. Qonj. Cdia, cdias, cdia, caidmos, caiaes,. cdicim. 

Sahir or .■iair to go out, to go forth. 
Pres. Ind. Suio, saes, sae, sahimos (salmos), sahis (sals), 

Pres. Conj. Saia, sdias, sdia, saidmos, saiaes, saiaw.. 

All the rest is regular. 

§ 224. Concerning the verbs adherir, advertir, ferir, 
mentir, repetir, seguir, seiitir, servir and compound ones 
cf. §§ 152, 153, 156. 

The following is a model conjugation of these 

Pres. Ind. Vista, vestes, veste, vestimos, vestis, vestem. 

Pres. Conj. Vista, vistas, vista, vistdmos, vistaes, vistam. 

Imp. Ind. Vestia, vestias, vestia, vestlamos, vestleis, 

Pret. perf. ind. Vesti, vestiste, vestiii, vestimos, vestistes, 

Imp. Conj. Vestisse, vestisses, vestisse, vestissemos, 

vestisseis, vestissem. 
Mais-que-perf. Vestira, vesttras, vestira, vestiramos, vestireis, 

Flit. Ind. Vestirei, vestiras, vestird, etc. 

Flit. Conj. Vestir, veslires, vestir, vestirmos, vestirdes, 

Condicional. Vestiria, vestirias, etc. 

The Irregular Verbs of the Third OoDJugation. 205 

Imperativo. Veste (tu), vista (V^), vistdmos, vesti (v6s). 

Participio. Vestido. 

Gerundio. Vestindo. 

Thus are conjugated: 

Pres. Ind. ^re^Suhj. 
and Imper. 

(a) Adherir to adhere, to stick to . adhiro adhira 

(b) advertir to advise advirto advirta 

(c) ferir to bless .... . firo fira 

(d) mentir^ to lie, to deceive . . . minto minta 

(e) repetir to repeat .... repito repita 

(f) seguir^ to follow . .... sigo siga 

(g) sentir to feel sinto sinta 

(h) servir to serve; to be of use; to 

lay (the table) sirvo sirva 

(i) vestir to dress . . . visto vista 

(j) despir^ to undress . . . dispo dispa 

§ 225. The verbs aggredir, denegrir, pro- 
gredi/r, remir, transgredir, prevenir change 
equally the radical e into i, yet not only in the 1 ^* pers. 
pr. ind., but in all accented forms of this tense, as 
also through the whole pres. subj. (cf. 152, 2, Remark). 

AggreMr to assault. 

Pres. Ind. Aggrido, aggrides, aggride, aggredimos, 

aggredis, aggridem,. 
Pres. Conj. Aggrida, aggridas, aggrida, aggriddmos, 

aggridaeSf aggridam. 

Prevewi/f to advise, to warn, to prepare, to prevent. 
Pres. Ind. Previno, prevines, previne, prevenimos, preve- 

nis, previnem. 
Pres. Conj. Previna, previnas, previna, previndmos, pre- 

vinaes, previnam. 

§ 226. Those verbs of the 3"^ conj. whose radical 
vowel is u modify this u into open o [o] in the 2""^ and 
3"'^ pers. sing, and in the 3"^^ pers. pi. of the pres. ind., 
as also in the sing, imper. (cf. § 155) — e.g.: 

^ Instead of mentir you will better employ fdltar d verdade. 
^ For the orthography seguir and sigo, of. § 157. 
3 This verb conserves in the first and second persons pi. pree. 
conj. its radical e: dispa, dispas, dispa, despdmos, despaes, dispam. 


Lesson 30. 

Fugir to flee, fly. 
Pres. Ind. Fujo, foges, foge, fiigimos, fugis, fogem. 

Pi-es. Gonj. Fuja, fujas, fuja, fuj&mos, fujaes, fujam. 

Iniperativo. ^oge, fuja, fujdmos, fugi, fujam. 

All the rest is regular. 

N.B. — Concerning the g changing into j see § 157. 

§ 227. After this model are conjugated: 
Acudir to run, to help, to aid engulir to swallow 

hulir to touch, to stir 
consumir to consume 
cohrir (cuhrir) to cover 
descobrir to un- or discover 
cuspir to spit 
destruir to destroy 

sacudir to shake 

suhir to ascend, to mount 

tussir to cough 

suinir to hide 

sumir-se to disappear 

surgir to appear, to rise. 

Remark. — Construir and reconstruir to build and re- 
build are also often conjugated like this, yet they better keep 
their u: construes, construe, construem instead of constroes, 
constroe, eonstroem. 

§ 228. Affligir to aflict; affligir-se to care, to 
be in sorrow, to grieve; corrigir to correct; fingir to feign; 
dirigir to direct, change the g before a and o into j — 
e.g., que elle corrija that he may correct (cf. § 157). 

§ 229. Frigir to fry, modifies moreover the i 
into e in the 2°"^ and S'^^ pers. sing, and the S^"* pers. pi. 

Pres. Ind. Frijo, freges, frege, frigimos, frigis, fregem. 

Participio. frito besides frigido. 

Remark. — The verbs in uzir, as: conduzir, produzir, 
induzir, reduzir, (re)luzir, etc., are regular, but they lose 
the e of the S^d pers. sing, of the pres. ind.— e.g., produz; 
the imperative, however, conserves the e: produze! 


Parar to stop, to stay 

cavalheiro the gentleman 

[hvvv 'Rvnu] 
cavalleiro the rider 

[kevv 'Ivyru] 
u, estrada real the high-road 
[tf'tra&erri 'at] 
prito ['grituj the scream 
a desfilada in full speed 


a presenfa de 

andar doente, 

triste etc. 

a (primeira) 


fligs 'diirej 
sentir d falta de 

the presence of 

to be ill, sad 

the disaster 

the temporary 
dressing (of a 

to miss 

The Irregular Verbs of the Third Conjugation. 



[vpv 'rvHu] 
OS sentidos 

a eomplicagao 


de passagem 
de dia a dia 




the apparatus 

the senses, 


the complica- 

by the bye 
from day to day 
the assistant 

to break 

the petition 

ministerio da 

depois d'dmanha 

u tirgencia 

a sentenga 

oficial [ofisfal] 


a nota ['notv] 

the ministry of 

the day after 

the urgency 

the sentence 


the note, list 


a instrucgao 

a direcgao geral 

de instrucgao 


ckcerca [a 'serke] 

a frequezia 


a suspensao 



d'aqui em diante 
assim que 
contar com 


[ausiiy arj 

criminal court 

primary in- 

central school- 

the document 

to be said or 

with regard to 

the parish 

to place 

the raising 
the suspension 

the despatch 

the deputy 


as well as, also 

reckon upon 

to help. 

83. Exercicio. 

Meu bom Amigo! 

Ha muito que nada 0U90 de ti. Nem eu sei ja onde 
paras e como vaes. Disseste-me que virias vSr-me um dia 
qualqner de que havias de prevenir-me. Mas nao vieste, nem 
me preveniste. Sinto muito que nao tenhas vindo na semana 
paasada, quando d^mos um passeio a Cintra, sitio de que de 
certo j4 ouviste falar. Fui eu com meus paes e irmaos e 
fomos de carruagem e nao em caminho de ferro. Alguns 
cavalheiros, indo a cavallo e em bycicleta, seguiam a nossa 
carruagem pela estrada real. De repente ouve-se um grito — 
olho para tras e vejo que um dos cavalleiros caido abaixo, jaz 
no chao, emquanto o cavallo foge a desfilada. Oh, se visses 
aquillo ! Mas nao perco a minha natural presen9a de espirito, 
e, querendo valer ao homem jacente, que cria ferido, ponho- 
me em pe e fafo parar a carruAgem. Saio d'ella precipitada- 
mente e os outros acodem. Tu sabes que geralmente ando 
prevenido, como que presentindo sempre algum deaastre. Trago 

208 Lesson 30. 

comigo, para fazer umas primeiras ligaduras, urn apparelno, 
que n'aquella occasiao tambem trazia comigo. E se o nao 
trouxesse (or: trago), ter-nos-ia (or: tinha-nos) feito muita 
falta. Pois o homem perdera os sentidos. Proponho que se 
puzesse na carruagem, onde effectivamente foi posto, dispondo- 
se de maneira que nos outros viemos a p6, ate que nos adveio 
outra carruagem de que fizemos uso. Consome-me ainda o 
receio que sobrevenha alguma complicagao no estado do ferido 
que — diga-se de passagem — sente melhoras e vae a melhor 
de dia a dia. Sirvo-lhe de medico assistente, visto-o e dispo-o, 
pois fracturou um bra90. Bile agora dorme e € bom que durma, 
para que se ponha bem de todo. Se nao sobrevier febre, 
espero que elle se possa levantar depois d'amanha. Na 
esperan9a de te ver brevemente, pe90 me creias 

aempre teu muito amigo 
84. Leitura. 

Eequeiro que pelo ministerio da justi9a me seja enviada com 
urgencia copia da senten9a absolvit6ria de 26 de julho de 1907, 
do tribunal criminal do Porto, dada no processo em que res- 
pondeu o professor official da escola de C. senhor Paulo Per- 
reira de Azevedo. 

Eequeiro que pela diree9ao geral de instruc9ao primdria 
me sejam enviados com urgencia os seguintes documentos: 
1. Nota de tudo quanto se sonber e constar kc6rca do ex- 
professor primario da freguezia de Paranhos, do Porto, sr. P. P. 
de A., actualmente coUocado na escola official de C. ; 2. Copia 
do requerimento do referido professor d direc9ao geral de ins- 
truc9ao primaria, pedindo o levantamento da suspensao que 
Ihe foi imposta, com o despacho dado pela mesma direc9ao geral. 
Lisboa, 3 de junho de 1908. 

Affonso Costa. 
86. Thema. 

My dear friend ! 
I congratulate you that you so quickly have (conj.) run 
to help that gentleman fallen from his horse, and that you 
could provide his injuries with temporary dressing. I appreciate 
all the interest and satisfaction with which you follow the pro- 
gress in the recovery of the wounded man. I beg that you will 
continue to let me know how he is going on and whether he is 
growing better. Also that you will tell me whether I can help 
you (cf. § 204) or be of any use to you (see § 224 h). You 
well know that you may reckon upon me and that I am 

Impersonal and Defective Verbs. 209 

good for something. Commuuicate to me, whatever I may be 
able to do for yon or your patient. I repeat that I will 
come (= ir) at once as soon as you write me "Come!" 
I suppose that you are (conj.) without a soul to help 
you (= a soul that [may] help you) and grieve about 
it. Should it be convenient, advise me, and I will run to 
(your) help. 

Yours most heartily (= teu do coracjao) 
James (Jayme). 

86. Exercise (oral). 

Instead of a conversation the student is recommended 
to transfer the address "tu" in 78 and 80 into the more 
ceremonious form, remembering that it may be given either 
by the mere verb (3'''^ pers.) or by o Senhor, o Amiga, V" Ex'^, 
etc. (see § 32). 

Thirty-first Lesson. Li(jao trigesima 

Impersonal and Defective Verbs. 

Os verbos unipessoaes e os defectivos. 

§ 230. Impersonal are those verbs the activity of 
which is not exercised by persons or even by any 
distinct subject, and which are only used with the 
3'^ pers. sing, and the indefinite subject it. We di- 
stinguish three groups: 

1. Such verbs as are always and merely used in 
the 3"^ person, the essentially impersonal ones. To these 
belong those expressing natural phenomena. Some 
of them are employed with the subject o tempo; ama- 
nhecer, to dawn, is sometimes accompanied by the 
pleonastical subject o dia; acontecer may have a noun 
for its subject. 

Consta it (he, she, etc.) is chovisca it drizzles 

said to . . . graniza it hails 

acontece it happens neva it snows 

(o dia) amanhece it dawns gela it freezes 

anoitece it grows night, dar- degela it thaws 

kens relampeja it lightens 

chove it rains venta it blows 

troveja it thunders escurece it darkens 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar, 11 


Lesson SI. 

tempo estia it (the weather) resulta it results 

settles pesa-me I am sorry ' 

tempo aclara it (the weather) apraz-me I am pleased.^ 
clears up 

2. Such verbs as may also be employed with a 
personal subject and in all persons: the accide-ntally 
impersonal ones — e.g. : 

parece it appears 
entende-se it is understood 
tarda muito, leva miiito tempo 

it tarries 
)iao admette di'icida it is 


nuo admira it is not astonish- 
ing, I don't wonder 

recommenda-se it is to be re- 

convem it is convenient 

verificou-se it was verified. 

3. Compositions of the 3'''^ pers. of the verbs ser, 
estar, fazer, haver, ir, etc. with an adjective or substan- 
tive— e.g. : 

A' or estd claro it is clear 
e evidente it is evident 
i (iiiOpossivel it is (im)possible 
e preciso it is necessary 
i indispensavel it is indis- 
i Juste it is just 
£ verdade it is true, indeed 
e provavel, certo it is probable, 

i? lastima it is to be deplored 
e pena it is a pity 
e (lima) vergonha it is a shame 
faz arranjo it is convenient, 

fit or opportune (also em- 
ployed personally) 
estd (or faz) calor it is hot 
estd (or faz) frio it is cold 

8 231. Rule. 

estd (or faz) luar it is moon- 
estd (or faz) sol it is sunshine 
estd (or faz) nSvoa it is foggy 
ha d4vida there is some doubt 
ndo ha duvida it is doubtless ; 

it does not matter 
nao ha novidade it is all right 
ha gente there are some people 
ha que fazer it is much to do 
ha um anno a year ago 
ha muito (tempo) long ago 
vae melhor it (he, she) is 

growing better 
vae em tres annos about three 

years ago. 
vae fazer um mSs nearly a 
month ago. 

Impersonal verbs and locutions 

which express uncertainty, necessity, feeling or wish, 
are followed by the subjunctive in the dependent clause, 
if introduced by que; otherwise by the infinitive. 
E indispensavel que va levar esta carta ao correio. 
E lastima que nao tenha vindo mais cedo (or: e lastima 
nao ter vindo . . .). 

» See pesar § 137 (c). 
^ See praser § 234. 

Impersonal and Defective Verbs. 211 

E justo que o operario vencja um ordenado correspondents 

ao seu trabalho (or: e justo o operario veneer . .). 
E (uma) vergonha que um rapaz tao intelligente nao 

se applique mais [or: e vergonha um rapaz . . . nao 

se applicar mais). 
Pesa-me que Ihe tenha feito essa injusti^a (or : p6sa-me 

ter Ihe feito . . .). 
Nao admira que nao se sinta bem depois d'uma noite 

Tardava mnito que chegassem noticias d'elle. 
Nao admittia diivida que o r6u fosse culpado (or: de o 

r^u s6r culpado). 
Foi preciso que se Ihe fizesse uma ligadura (or : foi pre- 

ciso fazer-lhe . . .). 
However: E verdade que nao veio a tempo. 
E claro or eerto que fez o seu dever. 
Parece que nao deseja ser visto, etc. 

§ 232. Defective are such verbs as are lacking in 
some forms. Their number is very Hmited. The following 
are used only in those forms where the final consonant 
of the radical is followed by i (i.e., in the Inf pers. 
and impers., in the 1^* and 2"'* pers. pi. pr. ind., in the 
pret. imp. and perf., the future and cond., the parti- 

Adir (uma heranga) to accept emollir to soften, mollify 

(an inheritance) empedernir to petrify, harden 

hanir to banish extorguir to extort 

brandir to brandish /'aifo>tofail,to become bankrupt 

carpir to moan, lament florir to flourish 

colorir to colour munir to furnish 

demolir to demolish renhir to combat 

discernir to discern retorquir to retort 

descomedir-setoheimm.oierate, suhmergir to submerge, and 
to fall into a passion other rare verbs. 

The missing forms of these verbs are periphrasti- 
cally formed (see P. II., L. 20)— -for instance: estou de- 
molindo I demohsh. Espero que faga par ianir esse 
pensamento I hope you will banish this idea from your 

§ 233. Precaver to warn, caution, precaver-se (de) 
to beware of, fremir to tremble, are employed only in 
the forms where the final consonant of the radical is 
followed by i or e: precavia, precavendo; freniia, 
freme, fremem, etc. 


212 Lesson 31. 

§ 234, The impersoual verb praser (and apraser) 
to please, to be pleased, wants the dative complement 
and is employed only in the following forms: 

Pres. Ind. 


Pres. ConJ. 


Imperf. Ind. 


Pret. perf. 


Imperf. Siibj. 


Mais-que-perf. Ind. 

. Prowvera. 

Fut. Ind. 


But. Siibj. 







rei disse: Praz{ov apraz)-me conservar o meu governo. 
Aprazia-lhe (or aprouve-lhe) tomar essa resolugao. Prazerd 
a Deus . . . Prazendo a Deus . . . Se a Deus prouver . . . 
Prouve a el-rei . . . 

This verb, wanting a complement (Infinitive or 
objective clause with que and the subjunctive) is not 
to be exchanged for agradar or gostar. For instance: 
espedacido agradou the spectacle pleased; gostei do 
quadro I was pleased with the picture. Prouve ao des- 
tino condurd-lo cd ('or que o condusisse cd) Destiny was 
pleased to lead him here. 

§ 235. Grassar to rage, prevail, only employed 
in the 3''* persons: grassa a febre amareUa; grassaram 
as bexigas (small-pox). 

§ 236. laser— see § 210. 

§ 237. Pesar to afflict, to grieve, is also used only 
in the 3"^ persons and completed by the dative com- 
plement : Pesa-me I grieve, I am sorry. Pesou a familia 
erdutada nao ter assistido aos ultimas momentos do fcMe- 
cido. The survivors were sorry for not having assisted 
at the last moments of the deceased. 

§ 238. Behaver to get back is used only in the 
forms which have a v: rehavemos, rehavia, rehouve, 
reJiavendo, etc. 

Sombrio gloomy, dark | a tempestade the tempest 

earregado loaded | [temptftaffg] 

Impersonal and Defective Verbs. 


subtil [sub'tii] 





the wMr](wind) 




a ramagem 

the branches 

a cohranga 

the receiving 



a hdUga 

sudden shower 


the payment 



(de dgua) ■ 


the register, 





[vsufte 'ffor] 

as entradas de 



to grow dumb 



as saidas de 

the sale 


to hide 



de uma (hora) 

from one 

rouco ['rroku] 

hoarse, hollow- 

em diante 



to delight 




correio geral 

the central 


to set on fire 






the re-echoing, 


to register 






to slacken 


by means of; 


on payment 


to crepitate 



a taxa ftafv] 

the tax 

raio [rraiu] 

the flash of 


the registration; 

lightning, the 




a franquia 

the postage 


official of a 




a carta-postal 

the letter-card 


sella [selo] 

the seal. 


the salary 



tanto . . . como 

as well ... as 



u, cinta ['smtv] 

the wrapper 



the printing 





a remessa de 

the remittance 



of samples 

a ab'onasao 



the arrange- 




to procure 


the address, 




a referenda 



the receiver 



a nogao 

the notion 




the consump- 

a collocagao 




[huluka.' svu] 



the picture 

ocaixa ['ha,}fv] 

cashier; cash- 




a receita 

the receipt, 

cargo fkargu] charge, em- 




a respeito de 

with respect to 

Lesson 31. 

to pretend 


the earnings, 



a uistrucgao 

the instruction 





to accomplish 


/ ,. 





the superior 

a mecanica 


to remain 


the agreement. 

to earn 

[is IcorffuJ 

to profit 

87. Exercicio. 







plena [pleiuij 

deixar-se ficar 
i^encer [ve'serj 

dia amanhece sombrio. Parece que o tempo se poe de 
ohuva. Ja chovisca, e nao admirava que nevasse, pois esta 
muito frio. Seria lastima que caisse neve ou que granizasse, 
per que faria muito estrago nas arvores fructiferas que estao 
em flor e que perdem muito quando gela ou venta. Sopra um 
vento gelido. Nuvens carregadas escurecem os ares. E evi- 
dente que teremos tempestade. E precise que fechemos as 
janellas, para que a chuva nao possa entrar. Veja, como o 
p6 subtil sobe em remoinhos e como o vento sacode a rarndgem. 
Ja caem graudes bdtegas de dgua. Graniza at6. Os passaros, 
precavidos pela escuridao assustadora, emmudeceram e escon- 
deram-se fremindo debaixo das folhas que fremem como elles. 
Elles que a esta hora costumam voar e cantar alegremente, 
nao Ihes apraz deleitar-nos com o seu canto. Relampeja. Acs 
raios segue-se-lhes o rouco travao. Praza a Deus que nao nos 
incendeiem a casa. Agora os terri'veis rebombos enfraquecem. 
Extinguem-se os raios crepitantes e ja nao troveja. astro 
de dia reapparece e sorri de novo. Faz sol e o tempo aclara. 
Vejamos se ha novidade. Ha muito que nao houve tempo tao 
mau, e haverd que fazer. E possivel que a graniza tenha cau- 
sado algum estrago. Deus queira que nao seja assim! 

88. Leitnra. 

1. JEmpregado preeisa-se para continuo ; ordenado reis 
10000 mensaes e casa. Prefere-se homem novo e desembara- 
9ado que de abona9oes. Carta escripta pelo pr6prio 4 atrencia 
dando todas as informafoes e onde se p6de procurar. 

2. Empregado offerece-se com boa calligraphia e perfeito 
conhecimento de correspondencia em portugu6s e allemao. Da 

Imperaoual and Defective Verbs. 215 

referencias de 1" ordem. Qiiem pretender dirija-se ao caixeiro 
da casa X. 

3. Commerciante estrangeiro, novo, oiFerece-se para casa 
commercial de exporta9ao. Escreve e fala as linguas allema, 
francesa e inglesa e tem boas no9oes das linguas portugufisa 
e italiana, Prefere colloca9ao como caixa ou guarda-livros, 
tendo na sua posi9ao actual a seu cargo cobran^as e pagamen- 
tos, assim como o registo das entradas e saidas de fundos. Para 
tratar, das 6 em diante, Rua NN. 

89. Thema. 


Francis, you must at once take this letter to the post. 
Bead here: "Registered!" You will have it registered on pay- 
ment of twopence. Here are 5 shillings: pay the registration 
and the postage and bring me ten stamps at (a) a penny 
and as many at a halfpenny and twopence. For the rest bring 
letter-cards. It is most convenient to employ these latter for 
short communications, and it is well to be provided with 

Actually I am altogether out of postage-stamps. And 
yet I need them every day for letters for the inland post as 
well as for foreign countries (o estrangeiro), for wrappers for 
book-post, for remittances of samples, etc. Also the post-card 
is most convenient, especially since this new arrangement 
has been made that the consigner may use half of the 
front side for written communications. But it is indispensable 
that you leave free the room destined to the address of the 
receiver. With this innovation the consumption of the picture 
post- card will be further increased, as well as the receipts of 
the Post Office. 


SoUcitagdo de emprego. 

A. Venho a respeito d'um emprfigo vago que me consta 
haver n'esta casa commercial e de que se deu parte 
por annuneios. 

B. E Senhor quem pretende ser competidor de F.? 

A. Sou, sim, senhor. Vim apresentar-me e pedir o 
interesse de ¥"■ Ex''. 

B. Como se chama o senhor? 

A. Chamo-me Eicardo de Sousa Almeida, criado de 
ya Ex" fyour humble servant).'- 

> This or something identical (seu criado, um seu criado) is 
generally added to a self-introduction. 

216 Lesson 32. 

B. Pa^a favor de se assentar, sr. Almeida! E natural 
que ja tenha tido colloca9ao identica ou parecida, nao 
e verdade? 

A. Ja, sim, senhor; vae em oito annos que estou em- 
pregado na casa d'exportagao de Pulanoi onde tenho 
tido a men cargo as cobran^as e os pagamentos, e 
posso dizer que tenho preenchido o meu logar com 
plena satisfac9ao dos meus superiores. 

B. E porque nao se deixa la ficar? Que ^ que o 
determina a mudar? 

A. Tenho pouco ordenado. E indispensavel que venga 

B. E quaes sao os titulos que Ihe dao direito a um 
vencimento mais elevado? 

A. Palo e eserevo correctamente tres linguas, conheci- 
mentos esses que nao me aproveitam na minha 
posi^ao actual, tao pouco como uma instruc(;ao poly- 
technica e um talento, mais que mediocre, para a 

B. Muito bem ! Nao havera diivida que chegu6mos a 
um accordo. 

Thirty-second Lesson. Li(?ao trigesima 

Verbs with a Double Participle. 

§ 239. There are a certain number of verbs which, 
besides their regular participle, form an irregular one. 
The former is used for the active voice, so it has the 
function of a verb; while the latter is employed in the 
passive voice and as an adjective. In some of these 
verbs one and the other participle are employed in- 
diiferently for the active and passive voices. 

N.B. — We place before the forms an a (= adivo) 
or a j) (= passivo), adding to the 2^^ form — wherever 
this includes an adjective meaning different from that 
of the participle — the English adjective. Those forms 
marked * occur only as adjectives; those marked f are 
unusual or incorrect, consequently to be avoided. 

' Falano (and in 2^^ place Sicrano) is employed for some 
name not expressed (our "What's his name?"). 

Verbs with a Double Participle. 
The most important of these verbs are: 


(1) Of the First Conjugation. 

Ac(c)eitar to accept (a-^p) ac(c)eitado (p.) ac(c)eito 
J.sse«iar to place; to (a., p.) assentado (p.) assente sitt- 

register ing; firm, 

Descalgar to pull off (p.) descalgado (a., p.) descalgo 

(shoes, etc.) 
Despertar to awake 

(p.) despertado 

Dispersar to dis- (a., p.) dispersado 

perse, scatter 
Entregar to deliver, (a., p.) entregado 

Enxugar to dry (a., p.) enxugado 

Escusar to excuse, (a., p.) escusado 

to justify ; to 

exempt (see escon- 

Expressar to express (a., p.) expressado 

(see also exprimir) 

Expulsar to expel (see 

also expellir) 
Fartar to satiate 

Findar to finish 

(a.) expulsado 
(a.) fartado 

(a., p.) findado 

Fixar to fix (a-,P-) iixado 

Ganhar to earn, gain (a., p.) ganhado 
Gastar to expense, (a.) gastado 

use, consume 

Ignorar to ignore ((i-,P-) ignorado 

Inquietar to disquiet, (a., p.) inquietado 

Isentar to exempt, to (a.) isentado 


Juntar to join 

( juntado 

(p.) desperto 


(p.) disperso 

(p.) entregue 

(p.) enxuto dry 
(p.) escuso secret; 

(p.) expresso 
express ; 

(p.) expidso 

(p.) farto 

abundant ; 
satisfied ; 
(p.) findo last, 

(p.) fixo 
(a., p.) ganho 
(a., p.) gasto 

(p.) ignoto 

('^') inquieto 

(p.) «seM<o exempt 
or free (by 
(a., p.) junto 



Lesson 32. 

Limpar to clean 
Manifestar to mani- 

Matar to kill 

(see also niorrer) 
Mistitrar to mis 

OccuUar to hide 

Pagar to pay 

Quietar^ to quiet, 

Salvar to save 

SepuUar to bury 

Soltar to untie, re- 

Sujeitar to subject, 

Sitspeitar to suspect 

Vagal- to be vacant or 
void ; to stroll about 

(a.) limpado 
(a., p.) manifestado 

(a.) matado 

(a., p.) mistiirado 

(a.) occtdtado 
(a.) pagado 
(a.) quietado 

(a., p.) salvado 
(a., p.) sepultado 
(a.) soltado 

(a., p.) sujeitado 

(a. .p.) suspeitado 

(a.) vagado 

(a., p.) limpo clean 
C) manifesto 

(a., p.) morto dead 

f) jidsto or 
(p.) occuUo 
(a.,p.) pago 

('") quieto quiet, 
(a., p.) salvo safe, 
(p.) unhurt 
(p.) solto loose; 

(p.) sujeito 

(p.) suspeito 


(■■) vago vacant, 

void; vague. 

(2) Of the 

Ahsoloer to absolve (a. 
Absorver to absorb (a. 
Accender to light (a. 
Corromper to corrupt 
Eleger to elect 

Esconder to hide 

(see also escusar) 
Escreoer to write 
Estender to extend (a. 

Incorrer to incur 
Incolver to involve 
Morrer to die 

(see also matar) 
Prender to seize, to 

catch, to arrest 
Pretender to pretend (a. 
Resolver to resolve (a. 

Second Conjugation. 

,p.) absolvido 

,p.) absorvido 

,p.) aecendido 

(a.) corrompido 

(a.) elegido 

(a.) escondido 

(a.) escrevidof 
,p.) estendido 

(a.) incorrido 
(a.) involvido 
(a.) morrido 

(a.) prendido 

;P.) pretendido 
,p.) resolvido 

(p.) absolto 
(p.) absdrto 
(p.) acceso 
(p.) corrupto 
(a., p.) eleito elect, 
(p.) escuso 

(a., p.) escripto 
(") extenso ex- 
(p.) incurso 
(p.) involto 
(a., p.) morto dead 

(p.) preso fast, 

(p.) pretenso 

(p.) resoluto 


1 More usually: aquietar, whicli has the only participle 
aqiiietado. In quietar as well as in vagar only the irregular par- 
ticiple is used and in its adjective meaning. 

Verbs with a Double Participle. 


Rmnper to break, tear (a.) rompido (p.) roto ragged 

Surpre(h)ender to sur- (a., p.) surpre(h)en- surpreso 

prise dido 

Suspender to suspend (a.) suspendido (p.) suspenso 

Torcer to twist (a-,P-) torcido (p.) idrfe crooked, 

(3) Of the Third Conjugation. 

Ahrir to open 
Affligir to afflict, 

Cobrir to cover 
Concluir to conclude 
Contrahir to contract 
Distinguir to dis- 
Erigir to erect 
Espargir to spread 
Expellir to expel 

(see also expulsar) 
Exprimir to express 
(see also expressar) 

(a.) abridof 
(a.) affligido 

(a.) cohridof 
(a., p.) concluido 
(a., p.) contrahido 

(a.) distinguido 

(a., p.) erigido 
(a.) espargido 
(a.) expellido 

(a.) exprimido 

Extinguir to 

Extrahir to extract 
Frigir to fry 
Imprimir to print 
Incluir to include 
Inserir to insert 
Opprimir to oppress, 

Instruir to instruct 
Possuir to possess 
Eeprimir to repress 
Surgir to anchor 
Tingir to dye 

ex- ( extinguido 

(a., p.) extrahido 
(a.) frigido 

(a., p.) imprimido, 

(a., p.) incluido 
(a.) inserido 

(a., p.) opprimido 

(a., p.) dberto open 
(p.) afjKcto sorry 

(a., p.) coherto 
(p.) concluso 
(p.) contracto 
(p.) distinclo 

(p.) erecto erect 
(p.) esparso 
(p.) expidso 

(p.) expresso 
(p.) extincto 

(p.) extracto 
(a., p.) frito 
(a., p.) impresso 

(p.) incluso 
(a., p.) inserto 
(p.) oppresso 

Aviuvafw'uvvJ the widow 

OS pesames the condolence 

(a., pi.) instruido 
(a., p.) possuido 
(a,, p.) reprknido 

(a.) surgido 

(a.) tingido 


ehefe [fsfa] 

(p.) instructof 

C) possesso 

(p.) represso 

(p.) surto 

(p.) tinto. 

a assento 


the seat 
the term, ap- 
pointed day 
the competition 

a roupa ['rropiij the linen, 

the chief; head; 
jurado the juryman 

por conseguinte consequently 
reeem-chegado the newcomer 

[rrdsfeif} 'ga.&u] 
a apparencia the appearance 
ingrediente the ingredient 
[igrgd} 'entgj 


Lesson 32. 

a droga f'dropyj 

the drug 

a circular 

the circular 

a cocQcio 

the cootion 


to set 


a dnimo 

the mind 


the deputy 



the liberal 

a oppressdo 

the oppression 




a offerta 

the oifer 


to continue 


to present 

por do sol 

the setting {oi 

ci'ir de laranja 


the) sun. 

90. Exercicio. 

A viuva do sr. N. tern ac(c)eitado todas as peasoas que 
foram dar-lhe os p6zames pelo fallecimento do marido; foram 
todas ac(c)eitas. Eu tinha-me assentado num assento baixo e la 
fiquei assentada. Este muro estA bem assents. Na semana finda 
tem-se findado (better: findou-se) o prazo fixo para o concurso 
do emprego vago. Assim que tiver entregado a carta, ella estara 
entregue. sol tern enxugado bem a roupa; agora ella ja estd 
enxuta. chefe tinha expressado aos empregados a sua vonfcade 
expressa. Tambem tinha fixado o ordenado de todos e deter- 
minado os dias fixos em que seria pago. r6u que foi suspeito e 
preso, como inv6lto no crime, ficou absolvido; absolveram-no os 
jurados ; jd esta solto e salvo. A mae d'elle, a quem a desgraga do 
filho tinha affligido muito, jd nao estd afflicta, mas quieta. 
governo tinha suspendido as garantias que por conseguinte 
estavam suspensas. E de admirar que nao tivessem distin- 
guido OS recem-chegados, pois teem appareneia muito distincta. 
rapaz, com medo manifesto, tinha-se escondido n'um logar 
muito escuso. Para fazer esta droga tinhamos misturado vdrios 
ingredientes bem limpos que, depois de bem mistos, foram 
sujeitos a uma coc^ao cuidadosa. Viemos nnm comb6io misto. 
Os olhos ja muito abertos, tinham-se-lhe abrida mais ainda. 

91. Thema. 

Who has been elected deputy? A Liberal has been 
chosen. Had you already resolved to insert an advertisement 
on account of the vacant place? Yes, it has been already 
inserted, and I am resolved to accept the place if it is offered 
to me, for it is exempt from taxes. Enclosed I present you an 
open letter of Mr. N. N., which I opened at his express desire. 
In a printed circular he communicates that, his partner 
having died last month, the old firm is extinct, bat that he 
has resolved to continue the old business under a new name. 
See how beautifully the sun has dyed the clouds ! Some 
are rose, others are yellow, those others orange-coloured 
or fire-coloured. The whole sky on (por) which they are dis- 

The Adverbs. 221 

parsed is covered by them. Also the masts of the ships 
anchored in the harbour are gilded by the setting sun. Calm 
your minds! Those who were oppressed are safe and free 
from oppression, while the oppressors have been expelled. 

Thirty-third Lesson. Li^o trigesima 

The Adverbs. Adverbios [a.d'verhiuf]. 

§ 240. The adverbs express the circumstances in 
which an action, a quality, or a state has occurred, and 
so determine either a verb, an adjective, or another 
adverb. We distinguish: 1. original adverbs; 2. derived 
adverbs; 3. those which in their form are equal to the 
adjective; 4. adverbial expressions. 

§ 241. The original adverbs are divided into: 

1. Interrogative and Relative 

(inter rogativos e relativos). 

These generally are the same when relating to place 

or time: onde (d'onde, aonde), qtiando. Onde estd? Aonde 

vaeP D'onde rem? No jardim, onde esfire, aonde fiii, 

d^onde vim . . Quando reio? Xo dia quando veto . . . 

2. Adverbs of Place (de logar). 

These answer to the questions "where, whither, 
whence?" onde? d'onde? aonde'? por onde?: 

aqui, cd here abaixo, debaixo down, below 

ahi, all, Id, acold there aqtdm on this side 

atrds, detrds behind cdhn on the other side 

adiante, deante before, in front ; dlgtires anywhere 

to the front nenhures nowhere 

dentro within ; inside perto \ 

fdra oatside cerca ] 

acima \ above longe far 

ari-iba ] "' embora away. 

3. Adverbs of Time (de tempo). 

These answer to the question "when?" quando? 

Hoje to-day antehontem the day before 

hontem yesterday yesterday 


Lesson 33. 

tarde late 

entao then 

agdra, 6ra now 

logo presently, directly 

jd already, now, immediately 

ainda still 

amiudo, amiude often. 

amanha to-morrow 
sempre always, ever 
nunca, jamais never 
depots afterwards 
outr'ora formerly 
primeiro before, first 
antes sooner, before 
cedo soon 

4. Adverbs of Manner (de maneira). 
These answer to the question "how?" como? 

Bern well antes rather 

mal badly sequer at least 

melhor better assim so, thus 

peor worse assim assim so so. 
aparte separately 

5. Adverbs of Quantity (de quantidade). 
These'answer to the question "how much?" quanta? 

Tao, tanto so, so (or as) much 
muito much, very 
(o) mais more, most 
pouco little 
(o) menos less, least 
demais, demasiado too (much) 

bastante \ , 

; enough 
assaz / ° 

quasi almost, nearly 
urn bocado de a little, some- 
apenas hardly, scarcely 
quanto mais . . . tanto mais 

the more . . . the more 
so, sdmente only 
nada nothing. 

6. Adverbs of Affirmation (affirmativos), of Negation 
(negativos), and of Doubt (de duvida). 
nada not at all 
jd ndo 

nao \ 
ica never, 
so perhapi 
dca \ , 

iL } p^'^^^p^- 

nao . 

nunca never, ever 

acaso perhaps 


talvez , 

.S(»j yes 

certamente certainly, to be sure 

ate even 

ainda moreover 

alias else, moreover 

realmente really, indeed 

nao no, not, neither 

nem not even; nor; neither 

§ 242. Derived Adverbs. 

These adverbs are formed by adding the syllable 
-mente to the feminine form of the attributive adjective 
(in the positive degree as well as in that of the absolute 
superlative) or to that of the past participle of the pas- 

The Adverbs. 223 

sive voice, employed as an adjective : justamente justly, 
exactly, at that very moment; devidamente duly; assi- 
gndladamente remarkably; riguissimamente most richly, 
etc. In some adjectives ending in -es (formerly having 
been uniform), the adverb is composed with the mascu- 
line form: portuguesmente in a Portuguese manner. 

N.B. — It is understood that uniform adjectives add the 
ending -mente to their form common to both genders: feliz- 
mente happily. 

§ 243. Of two or more adverbs following one 
another, only the last adds the ending -mente, while 
the preceding take only the feminine form : darei franca, 
sincera e lealmente o meu voto. I shall give my vote 
frankly, sincerely, and truly. 

§ 244. The derived adverb is as subject to com- 
parison as the adjective, being governed by the same 
rules : Fiquei ainda mais agradavelmente surpre(h)endido. 
I was still more agreably surprised. 

§ 245. As already stated, the Portuguese prefer, 
wherever possible, the simple form to the complicated. 
They like to employ the adjective instead of the derived 
adverb or the adverbial locution. The adjective so 
employed is put with or without a preposition imme- 
diately behind the verb and is called: 

Adjective apposto ou circnmstancial. 


tempo passa rdpido (instead of com rapidez or ra- 

povo escuta dvido (instead of com avidez or avidamente). 
pulso hatia desordenado (instead of em desordem or 

desordenadamente) . 
Saltou de contente (instead of de contentamento). 
Quando se respira fundo, o ar enche completamente os 

When you breathe deeply, the air completely fills the 


In some locutions the use of the adjective instead 
of the adverb is obligatory;— e.g.: 

Falar alto, haixo to speak loud, low 
voar alto (haixo) to fly high, deep 

224 Lesson 33. 

andar direito to go upright or straight on ; to act 

ir direito a to go straight on 
ir seguro to go or be safe 
ir or andar ligeiro to go quickly 
vender caro to sell dear 
comprar barato to buy cheap 
levar caro to charge (too) much 
custar caro to be expensive. 

§ 246. Remarks to § 241. 

1. The comparative of bem is melhor or mais hem; 
the one of mal is peor or mais mal. The latter form 
is used before a participle: mais bem feito; menos mal 

2. After antes (= rather) "than" can be ren- 
dered by qiie or do que: Antes quero isto (do) que 

3. Certain adverbs correspond, with respect to their 
origin or meaning, to certain pronouns — e.g.: 

aqiii, cd corresponding to the demonstrative este 
ahi » » » » esse 

alii, Id, acold '■> ■/> s> » aquelle. 

Such adverbs are therefore denominated adverbios 
pronominaes and divided into: 

(a) demonstrativos : aqui, ahi, all, acold, entdo, tdo, 
tanto ; 

(b) relativos: onde, d'onde; 

(c) iiiterrogativos : onde? quando? como? quao? 

(d) indefinidos: algures, nenhures. 

4. Tao and qudo correspond to tanto and quanto 
(see Pronouns), with the difference that the former 
determine adjectives and other adverbs, while the latter 
only modify verbs. 

N.B. — Instead of quao you may in most cases 
put que. 

Falou tdo alto que . . . Falou tanto que . . . M-a tdo rico 

que . . . 
Era tdo amante da verdade que nem zombando (not even 

in joke) mentia. 

The Adverbs. 


Nuo fas ideia qicao (or qice) hella 6 a vista e qttao (or que) 
sagazmente aproveitdda! (and how cleverly taken ad- 
vantage of). 
EUe hem sdbia quanta eu o esiimava. 
Beside the "true adverbs, there are a great many 
adverbial locutions (locugoes adverbiaes), formed out of 
several words one of which generally is a preposition — e.g. : 
A CMSto hardly, with diffi- de fdme with hunger 


de conttnuo continually 
p07- Ventura happily, by chance 
d mao (de) at hand 
por dentro inwardly 
par fdra inwardly 
do mesmo mddo in the same 

de outro mddo 
de outra fdrma 
de certo, por certo certainly 
de mddo algum by no means 
ao certo exactly 
d uma altogether 
n'um pronto in an instant 
por alto superficially 
de alto a haixo from top to 

longe d'isso by far 
de contente \ -ii, • 
de alegria ) ^ "^ 

pessego the peach 


o lavrador the country- 

[IvwB'&orJ man 

extasiar-se to be enchanted 

/?/te 'ztarssj with 

partir-se to part with 

guardar to guard 


caroQO the stone 

[kv 'rosuj 

tocar (alg. c.) a to fall to one's 

alguem share 

acudir to interrupt 

guloso [gu'lozu] greedy 

apanhar to snatch up 

Portuguese Couversation-Grammai- 

de cdr by heart 

de halde \ ■ , 

em vao f ^ 

de vagar slowly 

por acaso by chance 

de propdsito intentionally, on 

a propdsito de with regard to 
ffl saber namely 
lis avessas oppositely 
de bom grade willingly 
de mdo grado unwillingly 
mdo grado men against my 

d tda at random 
por acaso by chance 
aleiii d'isso moreover 
ao de leve slightly 
« pressa, de fugida hastily, 

em midia on an average. 

menear a cabega to shake one's 

engenhdso ingenious 

cdlculo the calculation 

enleiado bashful 

[ilvy 'ad'u] 
enternecido touched 

[Uarnd 'siffuj 
ethereo [i'tenu] ethereal 
subsistir to subsist 

assento the seat 

[v 'sentiij 
werecer to merit, be 

['ser] worth 


Lesson 33. 

mono ['menuj 


atlas ['dtlnj] 

the atlas 


the remedy 


to taste ; to try 




a memdria 

the memory 

taXhar [te 'Har] 

to cut 




a mdgua 

the grief, pang 


to discolour, 





to shorten 


to be quite 


[Ibngbv 'karj 

taken aback 

a chaga ['fa,(ys] 

the wound 


the solstice 

a desfeita 

the offence 



[rrava' zarsd] 

to relieve one 


the kiss 

another, to 



do ... by 



[altar' narsa] 






Os Pessegos. 
Um lavrador que tinha quatro filhos trouxe-lhes um dia 
cinco p§3segos magnlficos. Os pequenos, que nunca tinbam visto 
semelhantes fructos, extasiaram-se hastante deaute das suas c6res 
e da fina peunugem que os cobria. A' noite o pae perguntou- 
Ihes: — Entdo comestes os p6ssegos? 

— Eu comi, sim, senhor — disse o mais velho. — Que 
bom que era! Gaardei cd o carS^o. e hei-de plantd-lo logo, 
para depois nascer uma arvore. 

— Fizeste bem ! — respondeu o pae satisfeito. 

— Eu — disse o mais novo, saltando de contente — o 
meu pSssego comi-o logo ; e a mae ainda me deu metade do 
que Ihe tocou a ella. Era does como mel! 

— Ah! — acudiu o pae, censurando-o hrandamente — 
foste um bocadinho guloso, mas na tua edada nao admira. 
Espero sinceramente que, quando tores homem, te has-de corrigir. 

— Pois eu cd — disse o terceiro — a,^a,nhei prontamente 
o car690 que o meu irmao deitou fora, quebrei-o a custo e 
comi que estava dentro, que era como uma noz. Vendi o 
meu pfissego, e com o dinheiro hei de comprar coisas mais tarde 
quando for a cidade. pae meneou a cabe9a, descontente : 

— Pensaste engenhosamente, mas eu preferia menos cal- 
culo e que tivesses obrado de outro modo. Dize-me cd in, 
Eduardo, acaso provaste o teu pfissego? 

— Ea, meu pae, — respondeu enleiado o pequeno, — 
levei-o a casa do visinho onde o Jorge, coitado, esta com a 
febre. Deixei-lh'o em cima da cama e vim-me embdra imme- 

' State to which class of adverbs belong those printed in 
italics in the Exeroicio 87. 

The Adverbs. 227 

— Ora hem — perguntou o pae — qual de v6s e que 
empregou mellior o pessOgo? 

— Poi mano Eduardo! disseram os tres pequenos d 
uma e num pronto. Esse, entretanto, ndo dizia palavra, e a 
mae abra90u-o enternecida. (After Guerra Junqueiro.) 

88. Leitura. 
Alma minha gentil, que te partiste 
Tao cedo d'esta vida descontente, 
Repousa la no ceo eternamente, 
E viva eu ca na terra sempre triste. 

Se la no assento ethereo, onde subsiste, 
Memoria d'esta vida se consente, 
Nao te esqueijas d'aquelle amor ardente, 
Que ja nos olhos meus tao puro viste. 

E se vires que pode merecer-te 
Algnma coisa a dor que me ficou 
Da magua, sem remedio, de perder-te, 

Roga a Deus que teus annos encurtou, 

Que tao cedo de ca me leve a v6r-te, 

Quao cedo de meus olhos te levou. (Camoes.) 

Antes a pobreza honrada 
Do que a riqueza roubada. 

Antes a cbaga feita Que a desfeita 

For amor, De uni osculo traidor. 

(Joao de Deus.) 
89. Tliema. 

Where can my atlas be? Have you perhaps seen it? 
No, I have not ; if you had duly laid it on its place, you 
would find it there. But look, there it is ! Not there where you 
look for it, but there, near the window. — When did the 
tailor bring my coat? Yesterday afternoon about four o'clock. 
He went hurriedly away, saying that he would come here to-day 
or to-morrow, to try it on you. The coat seems to be some- 
what wide. Not only somewhat but very wide, nearly too 
wide; but it is most carefully sewn and well cut. How do 
you like the colour? So so; perhaps it might have been a 
little darker. I do not like dark colours much ; and, moreover, 
this colour does not fade so much as another darker. Was 
the cloth very expensive? Good cloth is never bought cheap. 
The better it is, the dearer it is sold. And also the tailor 
asks rather a high price. By (tr. : com) his bills I have been 
sometimes quite taken aback. 

2iiS J.esson 34. 


Unde nasce o sol e onde se poe? 

A que horas se levanta o sol nos dias de solsticio ? 

Quando temos o dia mais cumprido e a noite mais 

Donde vem que ha varias esta9oes ? 
Porque e que se revezam o dia e a noite? 
Como se move uma loeomotiva? urn navio de vela? um 

automovel etc. ? 
Onde desemboca o rio Tejo ? o rio Douro ? o rio Mon- 

dego? Gnadiana? 
Acaso me sabe dizer onde e a estaQao do caminho de 

feiTO ? 
Quanto tempo leva ate Id ? 

Thirty-fourth Lesson. Li^ao trigesima 

The Conjunctions. As ConjuncQoes [Idsusd-ifJ. 

§ 247. The conjunction joins sentences or por- 
tions of sentences, and is invariable — e.g.: Desejo, mas 
tcnw I desire, but fear. Here mas is a conjunction 
which joins the two predicates dcscjo and tenio, opposing 
one til the other. If we say: desejo v. o temor inquie- 
tam-ntc, the conjunction e joins di;srjo and temor, subjects 
of the same predicate. 

§ 24S. A conjunction not only jo'ins sentences 
or parts of them, but it brings them into a certain 
relation, making the one dependent on the other ac- 
cording to their tenor. Therefore we distinguish: 

1. According to their signification, two great classes 
of conjunctions: the co-ordinates (coordinativas) and the 
subordinates (sidiordinaf/vas). 

2. According to their form we distinguish simple 
(siiiqilcs) and compound conjunctions (locuQoes conjunc- 

§ 241t. The co-ordinate conjunctions oxAy join sen- 
tences, etc. There are: 

(a) copulative (copiuhdicits e coidiunativas); 

(b) explicative (c-pUcativas) ; 

The Conjunctions. 229 

(c) disjunctive (disjunctivas) ; 

(d) adversative (adversativas) ; 

(e) conclusive (conclusivas) ; 

(f) comparative (comiMrativas) ; 

(g) correlative (correlativas). 

§ 250. The subordinate conjunctions join sen- 
tences, etc., making them dependent on one another. 
There are: 

(a) conditional (condicionaes) ; 

(b) causative (causaes); 

(c) final (finaes); 

(d) concessive (concessivas) ; 

(e) temporal (circumstanciaes do tempo); 

(f) integral and dubitative (integr antes e dubita- 

§ 251. Summary of tlie Conjunctions. 

Remark. — Those marked with " require the verb of the clause 
in the subjunctive mood ; those marked with (*) m^y be followed 
by the subjunctive or indicative, according to the certainty or un- 
certainty expressed by the sentence. Those compounded with de 
are followed by the infinitive. 

A. Coordenativas. 

(a) Copiilativas. 

ConjuncQoes sitnplefi. Locvrjoes eguivalentes. 

E and hem assim yet 

tambem also ndo su(mente) . . . mas tambem 

nem nor not only . . but also 

nem sequer not even 
tampouco no more, as little 
nuo . . . mas sim not . . . but 

on the contrary 
ta'iito . . . como as well as; both 

. and 
assim como as also 
alem de besides 

7« (que^ . . . jd (que) since ; 
as soon as; now . . . now. 

Pois well, why em or na verdade indeed 

ora now, yet; why com effeito indeed; really 

outrosim also, likewise, moreover. alem d'isso besides, moreover 

alem de que or do que except or 
save that 

de mais, de mats a mais moreover. 


Leason 34. 

(b) Explicaliras. 

Como as. 

msim como j ^ ji ^, 

oem como | 

*camo se as if 

('*/fe (tal) sorte que i in a way 

{*](k maneira que I that ; 

(*}(fe morfo (or geito) I so as 

que I to 

"como gaer que however 

i*>segundo (que) ] accordineto 
Cconforme {que) I according to. 

Oh or. 

Mas but 
parem yet 
todavia however. 

(c) Disjimctivas 

(*;o» . 

ora . 
*quer . 

oil or . . . or 
. nem neither . . nor 
ora now . . . now 
quer whether ... or. 

(d) AdTcrsativa^. 

apesar de in spite of 

comtudo yet, however 

ni'io obstante notwithstanding 

AC)» embargo de ] ,, , 

•„ 7„ ? I nevertheless 

atnaa asstm ) 

(* antes rather 

no entanto however 

senna otherwise ; hut 

qtuznto a with regard to. 

(ti Conclu-iiva 
Logo ( so, therefore, con- por conseguirUe 

j>ois \ soquently. 

- . consequently 
por consequencia I ^ •' 

p(H' isso, por fcoito accordingly 

por <mde, peh que wherefore 

:*Jassim que j ^^ ^^^^^ 

,, Joe maneira que | 

*)covi que wherewith. 


(f) Coiuparativas. 

^Inis (doj que more than ''antes que 1 

menos (do) que less than "primeiro Cque) | 

como as 

{■■;) Correlativas. 

((-.S('iH co»w such as assim como . assim (tambem) 

tao . que so that such as . . so also 

quanto . . . tanto the (more) . . . 
the (more; 

qual ■ tal like . . . like 

como sc as if 

(*)tcd . . que so that, etc. 

as, considering 

Tlie Conjunctions. 281 

B. Subordinativas. 
(a) Condicionaes. 

i*}Se if, whether. "com tanto que \ 

*caso or caso que I if, in case 

*dado caso que | of 

(_*)quando I 

*sem que without, except 

*a nao ser que j 

a nienos de I if not, unless, 

*a menos que | saving 

salvo se I 

{*}uma vez qu^ if ever. 

(It) and (c) Causaes e flnaes. 
Porque, que because Jd que 

i*)como as pais que 

pais because, as. por quanta que 

visto como 

{*yvisto que 

sendo que 

para que nao Jest 

por isso que by reason of, on 

account of 
pelo muito que for (the ssike of). 

(d) Concessiyas. 

*Emhora though (^)ainda que even if, though, 

''comquaiito que 1 
*se hem que \ though 

*pois (que) j 

(*)posto que I supposed 

*suppo8to que \ or provided 

*dado or caso que ) that 
por mais (or muito) que however 

como quel- que (seja) however 

(it be). 

(e) Circnmstanciaes de tempo. 

Como 1 V i^)tanto que inasmuch as, so far 

(^)as8im que 

{*)antes que 1 , , 

{*}primeiro que j 

desde que since 

(^)depois que after 

ao passo que \ , ., 

(^)emquanto (que) J 

3'««'»<^« ^ O^SO que j ^^ ^^^^ ^^ 

232 Lesson 34. 

{*)ate que until 

ens (witli the Genmd.) in, while 
(*)se»!pre que whenever 
{*)todas as vezes que any time 

(!') Iiitegraiites e dubitativas. 

i*)Que that if *se porventuar 1 .^ .j^ 

.se if, whether *se acaso ) "^ '^ 

*se if 
*quanclo when 

§ 252. Eoiiurhs: 

(a) A great many of the conjunctions are simply 
adverbs, nouns, or adjectives with prepositions: 

(b) By the preposition a and the infinitive you 
may supply conditional conjunctions. 

A nao haver que faze) — i.e., s^ nuo Jiouver or caso nua 
haja que fazer. 

(c) Se, introducing a condition or supposition, is 
generally followed by the subjunctive (future); employed 
in an indirect question, by the indicative; if in any 
other indirect speech, it may be followed by the sub- 
junctive or the indicative, according to the certainty or 
uncertainty it expresses — e.g. : 

.Se /;>er horn tempo if it be good weather. 

Perguntei se fazia honi tempo. 

I asked if the weather was good. 

Va ver (or diz-ine), se faz horn tempo. 

See (or tell me) if the weather' is good. 

Si'io sei se faz (or faga) bom tempo. 

I don't know whether the weather is (or be) good. 

(d) The conjunction que most commonly introduces 
a dependent substantive clause (which may be also 
elliptical), as: 

Cre/o que tern razao I believe you are right. 
Creio que nao I think not. 
Creio que sbti I think so. 

In English the conjunction "that" is frequently 
understood, whereas que is not only always expressed 

The Conjunctions. 


in Portuguese, but repeated before each clause of the 
sentence, as: 

Creio que tern razao e que serd bem succedido. 

I think you are right and (that you) will succeed. 

(e) When a conjunction governs several verbs, it 
is placed before the first verb only, and que may be 
used instead before the other verbs. This is especially 
the case with the conjunctions compounded with que. Ex. : 

Se fdr (or caso seja) applicado e (que) tenha intelligencia. 
If he is (or be) diligent and has intelligence. 






canao de 

o comhustivel 

[komhuf 'tiveij 
gaz [ga,f] the gas 



[dyfprs 'za,r] 
u, novels [now] 
o (navio) 

o acaso 


to prescind, 
to extract 
the coal 



to despise 


the news 

the packet boat 

com alg. t. 


[wedv '(For] 

ir a pique [pik] 
a andorinha 



the accident, 

to comply with 

I find difficult 

or hard 
the swimmer 

the liar 

to sink 
the swallow 

tame, domestic 

to conclude 

afoito [■e'foytu] hardy 


[ku 'mesu] 
a dogura 

meigo ['rmiigu] 

ninJio ['niyu] 
chocar [fu'kar] 
ediicar [i&u'kar] 

a femea ['fennv] 
extremuso \ 

[iftrd' mozu] 



[sen 'tiffuj 

a piso [pizu] 
estar irado 

contre alg. 
sonhar [su'yar] 


[kv 'naryu] 
melro ['metnij 
passar par 


the beginning 

the softness 

soft, tender 
to feel, anti- 
the nest 
to breed 
to bring up 
the male 

the female 

loving, fond, 

to animate 

the sentiment 


the ground 
to be angry 

with someone 
to dream 
to hurt 

the canary- 
the blackbird 
to be considered 
clever, sly 

the warbling 


Lesson 34. 


a delida 


[set 'vagEiJ 

[hints' &or] 
pobre ['pobn] 

the bird-call 
the delight 
savage, wild 
the singer 


nioQO ['mosuj 

a revista 

o troco ['troJcu] 

the customer 

the waiter 
of Rio de 
the review 

the change, ex- 

90. Exercicio. 

cavallo correu tanto que ficou esfalfado. A belleza e 
a riqueza sao mudaveis. homem nao pode prescindir nem 
do alimento nem da roupa. Nao so esta, mas tambem aquelle 
sao-lhe precises. carvao de pedra emprega-se come com- 
bustivel, com elle tambem se prepara o gaz. A agua do mar 
nao i potavel ; nem ella pode empregar-se na cozinha. ho- 
mem nao deve ter demasiado cuidado no seu exterior; tam- 
pouco elle deve despreza-lo. Londres e maior do que Lisboa ; 
comtudo esta cidade esta numa posi^ao superior. Assim (que) 
eu me veja em porto seguro, podes estar certo que hei de dar- 
te novas minhas ; emqnanto porem estiver em viagem, nao 
havera occasiao, a nao ser que se encontre um navio (paqu6te). 
Como nao se pode contar com este acaso, melhor e que nao 
contes com noticias, por mais que eu desejasse mandar-t'as para 
que te nao afflijas. PeQO que te conformes com isso, posto que te 
custe. nadador e o mentiroso, se abrirem muitas vezes a b6ca, 
ir-se-hao a pique. 

91. Leitura. 

A andorinha. 
A andorinha e essencialmente dom(5stica: nao vive senao 
{or a nao ser) ao pe do bomem. Onde virmos uma andorinha, 
podemos concluir, sem que haja receio de errarmos, que nas 
visinhangas ha habita9oes. E ella a toda a hora entra afoita- 
mente nas habita9oes, como se ella propria fosse da familia. 
Todavia, a andorinha passa metade do anno longe de nos, — 
na Africa d'onde vem no comedo da primavera, procurando a 
meiga do(jura do nosso clima, e para onde se retira no comeco 
do outono, logo que presente os primeiros frios. A mesma 
andorinha volta ordinariamente aos mesmos logares, e ate ao 
mesmo ninho ; mas se o local Ih'o consente, faz um ninho novo 
ao p^ e por cima do anterior, e ahi vive com o seu compa- 
nheiro pacifioa e amorosamente : ella, a chocar os ovos, em- 
quanto elle occupa e protege a entrada do ninho. Macho e 
ftmea sao extremosissimos pelos filhos e educam-nos maravilho- 
samente: emquanto pequeninos nao cessam de Ihes trazer de 
comer. Depois dao-lhes as suas li^oes de voo; e nao somente 

The Conjunctions. 235 

OS ensinam a voar, mas aiuda os animam n'esses exercicios 
— quer com tao expressivos gorgeios que o sentido d'estes quasi 
se adivinha; quer voando elles proprios (ou) adeante dos filhos 
ou ao lado, para que Ihes possam acudir quando for precise. — 
As andorinhas vivem dos insectos ; e como estes ora voam mais 
alto, ora mais baixo, segundo faz mais ou menos calor, acon- 
tece que a andorinha os persegue em v6os rasteiros, sobre as 
folhas, sobre as bervas, e at6 no piso das ruas. 

(After Trinde Coelho : 2" Livro de Leitura). 

92. Thema. 

I forbid it him, nevertheless he went. Though he said 
nothing, I well felt that he was angry with me, since I 
had blamed him. I shall go, whether it rain or be good 
weather. You do not know, you don't even dream how you 
are hurting me. A canary-bird if treated as it ought to be, can 
live for twenty years. The blackbird is generally considered 
very clever, but it is not so much (or: less) so as it seems. 
Moreover, it makes its nest very often near to man and 
is lured (atrair) by the bird-call, though this be only a poor 
instrument. As all of us know already the warbling of the 
blackbird, we can declare that it is a delight. Yet it is not 
on account of its wild song that the blackbird merits the 
reputation which it has as a singer ; but rather on account of 
that which it learns after being taken, be it by learning by 
heart what it is taught or what it hears of the elder birds, 
or by imitating all ,it hears, consequently also the sounds 
of instruments and the voice of persons. 


N'um cafe. 

Fregues: 6 sr. Manuel, faz o favor d'uma chavena 

de caf6 e os jornaes d'hoje? 
M690: Pronto, senhor! Eis «Commercio doPorto», 

o «Fluminense» ', «Diario lUustrado*; 

tambem deseja alguma revista? 
Fregues: Queria. Ha a nIUustraQao portuguesa» e a 

«Kevista de Bem»? 
Mo 90: Ha, sim, senhor. Tambem «0s Seroes»^, o 

«Branco e Preto» e outras. 

' Fluminense is the adjective formed of Rio de Janeiro, 
o Fluminense is a newspaper published there. 

^ «Seroes^, pi. of serdo = evening-party. Os Seroes, Branca 
e Preto and Illustragao imrtucjuesa are illustrated reviews. 

236 Lesson 35. 

Fregues: Bern, traga-m'as. E olhe que hei de querer 

mais assucar! 
iIo9o: Quanto V^ Ex* quizer, sr. doutor. Manda 

mais alguma ccisa? 
Fregues: Sim. Depois deter percorrido estes jornaes, 

qneria escrever alguns bilhetes postaes. 

Tem-nos illustrados? 
M6?o: Tenho. Eil-os. Queira V" Ex» escolher. 
Fregues: Esta bem. E estampilhas ? Como teem des- 

tino para o estrangeiro, cada um precisa 

d'uma a vint6m ou de duas a dez reis. 

Aqui tem dois tostoes. 
M (I (,• : Nao tenho troco ; vou trocal-os la dentro. 
FreguSs: Deixe estar, que estao em boas maos. 
Moi-o: Muito obrigado a V^^ Ex". 

Thirty-fiftli Lesson. Li^ao trigesima 

Interjections. Interjeigoes [mtgrge 'soffj. 

§ 253. Interjections are cries or exclamations 
which express sudden emotions. They are invariable 
and mostly short. The most common are: 

Ah! Ah! bravo! bravo! very well! 

oh! oh! oh! bless me! bis! once more! 

hui! ai^! oh, dear! alas! ahpite! the deuce 

ih! lo! catrapuz! bounce! dash! 

fora! begone! hence! off! plump! 

come out! (for actors) 6! oh! (used as a vocative) 

irra! zounds! for shame! It's roitado! coitadinho! 'poor man 

too much! (dear darling)!! would to God! silencio! silence! 

oh't, hold! holla! halloo! psch! schiu! hush! 

(lie, oU! zounds! diabo! \ the deuce! 

:us:! slap! crack! diacho! f zounds! 

hasta! enough! stop! that apre ! hang it! confound it! 

will do! arre! gee-ho! ho! 

tin! SHs! animo! cheer up! cnj! shne! 
riea! Long live! hurrah! hail! 

' Ai de mini poor me! at de ros (d'elles)! woe unto you 
(them) ! 



§ 254. Besides these there are several interjections 
which (as already the two last do) express a call for 
animals — e.g.: his-his;!^ pussy, pussy! to call cats; if! 
to incite cats; hs! to incite dogs. — There are also a 
series of imitation-sounds, as: trus! trus! tapl knock! 
rap! rat-tat-tat!; toe! too! tramp! tramp!; tlim-Um; tUm- 
tlom! ting! ting-tang! ding-dong! clatter!; tique-taqur 

§ 255. Finally, other particles, especially verbs in 
the imperative mood, are used as interjections. 


pois! what next? 

cautela! agua vae"^! take care 

or heed! 
aqiiA d'el-rei ^ ! Acudam .M i^ i , 
6 da guarda! J ^' 

por quern e! I pray! 
por amor de Deus! for God's 

Deus me livre! God forbid! 

Oh, no! 
valha-mte Deus ! Oh Lord ! bless 


Amen, Jesus * ! Amen ! 

n 7 J , /thank God! 
Deus louvaao! )y^ ,. , 

GracasaDeus!),, i^xr ' , 
^ (thank Heaven ! 

por Deus ! egad ! by Jove ! 

se Deus quizer! (if it) please 

God! Deo volente! 
seja que Deus quizer! as 

God will 
Deus guarde a V" Ex"' ^! 

God be with you! 
sabe Deus! God knows! 

Anda! go on! 

wida cd! come here! 

da cd! give hither! 

tdma Id! take this! 

escuta! hark! 

oiwe cd! listen to me! 

smie-te! vae-te! begone! away! 

avia-te! be quick! 

Yainos! let us go on (or 

(away) ! 
(jira! go on! move! 
para ahi! stop! 
pudera! to be sure! I say! 

wouldn't it suit (him)! 
poisnao! certainly! why not? 

isn't it? 
po/K entdo! yon see! 
quern (me) dera! that would 

suit me to ,a marvel! 
ai Jesus! Senhor! Jesus 

Senhor! mercy on us! Good 

Heavens ! 
adeus ! farewell ! good-bye ! 

good morning (or day)! 

RemarJc. — Every interjection expresses a whole sentence 
or even several sentences. Thus ai! means "how painful it is!" 

1 Bis hiz, a quickly repeated "bicho, bicho!" 

^ Agua vae!, literally "water is going," a traditional warn- 
ing for passers-by, survived from former times, when things were 
flung out of the windows. 

^ Aqui d'el-rei, elliptic al for "a^uda aqui a gente d'el-rei!" 

^ Amen, Jesus, popular for Amen. 

"* Pinal form in official letters or documents. 


Lesson 85. 

or "how unfortunate I am!" So the interjection differs by- 
its nature, which is synthetic, from all other particles, these 
being essentially analytic. 


theatro lyrico 

a enchente 



a primeira dama 


sisitdo [si'zuffuj 



[be 'ritunu] 
as palmas 
levar palmas 

um sem numero 

de (vezes) 
a cofua 

a festa arilstica 
a yomha 

the opera 
the fulness 

to faint, swoon 

the scenery 

the prima 

to repeat 
to impose 
the baritone- 
the bass-singer 
the applause 
to be applaud- 


the garland 

the benefit 

the pigeon, 



palco ['paikuj 
rugir [rru'gir] 
a procella 

o sino f'sinuj 
OS sinos a defun- 

tos [da' funtnf] 

[bi'i 'dituj 
(juiar [gi'ar] 

[gu 'mentu] 
a reboque 


tocar as 


toque [tok] das 


to tie 
the stage 
to roar 
the storm, 

the bell 
the tolling- 


to lead, guide 
the ass 

in tow 

the coachman 

to obey 
to ache, hurt 
to chime the 

the chimes of 
the Angelus. 

!)3. Exercicio. 

No theatro. 

Hontem no theatro lyrico foi tal a enchente que algumas 
senhoras, coitadas, desmaiavam. Mas oh, se visse aquillo! 
Ai, que lindo scenario! E os artistas? A esses levantavam-se 
muitos «vivas», e os espectadores gritavam «bravo!» e «bis!» a 
nao poderem mais (till tJiey could not any more). A primeira 
dama teve de bisar uma aria — ole, ole ! — e depois tornaram a 
romper os «vivas» e os «bis», para obriga-la a repetir segunda 
vez. Mas entao o publico mais sisudo fez «psch!» e «schiu!», 
para impor silencio. Tambem o baritono e o baixo levaram 
muitas palmas e foram pedidos «f6ra» um sem numero de 
vezes, at6 alguns gritaram «basta!» Mas, caspitfe, que bellas 
vozes! Atiraram-lhes muitas flores e corOas, visto que tiveram 
a sua festa artistica, e ate soltaram pombas, as quaes, atadas 
a duas e duas — zas ! — foram cair no palco. 

Interjections. 239 

94. Leitura. 

E em Novembro, rugem procellas . . . 
Deus nos acuda, nos livre d'ellas! 

Ai, que ditosos os lavradores! 

Sinos a defuntos ! ai, quein morreria ! 

Viverao sempre na eterna luz, 
Pobres bemditos, amen, Jesus! . . . 

Pela estrada plana, toe, toe, toe, 
Guia o jumentinho uma velhinha errante, 
Como vao ligeiros, ambos a reboque. 
Antes que anoitece, toe, toe, toe, 
A velhinha atras, o jumentito adiante ! . . . 
Toe,, toe, toe. Undo burriquito, 
Para as minhas filhas quern m'o dera a mim! 
(Guerra Junqueiro.) 
95. Thema. 
-A'a rud. 

Take care! Come here! Be quick! Don't you see that 
a carriage is coming along? Lord, bless me! Take heed not 
to fall (Olha, se cms !) Oh, coachman, stop ! The coachman 
calls to the horses: "Gee-ho! ho!" and then "Shue!" But they 
do not obey him. Help! help! There they (tr.: eil-os que) 
stand, thank God! But you have fallen (pret.), poor darling! 
Are you hurt? No, thank Heaven ! . Give hither your little 
hand ! Let us go on ! Cheer up ! Zounds, what a fright ! 
Nothing hurts you, does it? Hark! Do you hear the bells? 
Ding-dong! They chime the Angelus (or: it is the chimes of 
the Angelus). Listen ! Come, say an Ave-Maria ! Well ! Amen ! 


Second Part. 

First Division: Flection. 

First Lesson. 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 

(Of. 2u<l Lesson of Part. I.) 

§ 1. The gender of the noun maj' be recognised 
by its meaning or by its ending or bj' both. By 
their meaning are 

(a) Masculine. — 1. The denominations of male 
persons and their professions: Jose, o rapaz, ojar- 
dineiro, o doutor, o monarcha, o patriarcha, etc. 

2. The cardinal points, the winds, the seasons, 
the months and those days as are not indicated by 
"feira" : o leste or este (also: nascente, oriente, levante^), 
oeste (also: poente or occidente), o norfe (also: se(p)- 
tentriao, o sul; o verao or estio, o onto(m)no, o inverno; 
Janeiro, o fevereiro, etc.; o sdbhado, o domingo (but a 
segunda feira, etc.). 

Exc. : a primavera Spring. 

3. Mountains, capes, rivers and seas: o Etna, 
Geres, o Cabo da Roca; o Mondego, o Lima, o Gua- 
diana. o (oceano) Atldntico, o (mar) Bdltico. 

1 The names of the cardinal points (with the exceptions of 
those in parenthesis) indicate also the winds blowing from there 
— e.g.: norte or septentricio (poetical name) is employed for north 
and north-wind. Another denomination for north-wind (rarely 
for north) is «• tramontand. Feminine are also a brisa the breeze, 
a aragem, a veragao gentle breeze. 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 241 

N.B. — If the name of mountains is preceded by serra, 
the article, etc., concords with this noun : a serra da Estrella, 
a serra do Geree. 

4. Metals: o ouro, o ferro, o cobre, o zinco, etc. 
Exc. : a prata, a platina, a lata or folha de Flandres 


5. Characters and notes: o A, o JB, o L, dois cc; 
do, re. 

6. Many names of trees and shrubs: o carvcdho, 
freixo, o salgueiro, o soireiro, o tremoceiro. N.B. Fruit- 
trees are generally feminine : a pereira (pear-tree). 

7. Those words (adjectives, infinitives, participles) 
converted into a substantive: o hello, o falar, o sim. 

N.B. — If by an adjective so employed a female person 
is indicated, it is naturally preceded by the feminine article: 
a hella, a velha. 

(b) Feminine. — 1. The denominations of female 
persons and their professions: Maria, a mde; a leiteira, 
a autora. 

Exc: mulherao the strong and stout woman. 

2. Continents, and generally towns, countries, 
provinces and isles, especially those ending in a: 
a Africa, Lisboa, Londres, a Dinamarca; a Beira, 
a Guine; a Isldndia; however: o Brasil, Portugal (mas- 
cuUne, but without article), o Trds-os-Montes , o Sao 
Thome, o Porto, o Funchal, o Rio de Janeiro, Paris m. 

3. Arts, sciences, professions, moral qualities and 
abstract nouns: a musica, a histdria, a olaria (pottery), 
a esperanga, a fe, a moralidade, a discregao. 

Exc: amor Love, o vicio Vice. 

§ 2. To indicate the natural sex in persons and 
animals, the Portuguese language has either a different 
expression or a different ending (cf. § 3 of this Lesson 
and L. 2 of the 1=' Part.). 

Masculine. Feminine. 

O rapaz the boy A rapariga the girl, maid 

homem the man a mulher the woman 

o pae the father a mde the mother 

o padrasto the stepfather a madraste the stepmother 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 16 

242 Leseon 1. 

padrinlio \ ^ ^f^^her " >"^^>-f'^ ] the godmother 
compadre f s""^"'- ^ ^j comadre f ° 

rei the king a rainha the queen 

dom = a title of nobility, a dona = title bestowed upon 

employed before the Christ- any lady and followed by 

ian name the Christian name. 

genro the son-in-law a nora the daughter-in-law 

frade the monk a freira the nun 

dJacowo the deacon a diaconisa the deaconess 

avo the grandfather a av6 the grandmother 

tsar or cot/" the czar a tsarina the czarina 

gallo the cock a gallinJia the hen 

cavallo the horse a ej'Ma the mare 

carneiro the ram, mutton a ovelha the sheep 

bode the buck-goat « caftra the goat 

aMoo the dwarf a ana the female dwarf. 

§ 3. By their ending are: 

(a) Masculine. — 1. Those nouns ending in un- 
accented -0 or in any accented vowel — e.g. tio, dedo, 
alvard (charta), cafe, aleli (gillyflower), javali (wild 
boar), do (pain), no (knot), avo. 

Exc. : a pa (shovel), a chamine, a fe, a gale (galley), 
a libre, a mare (tide), a pole (pulley), a rale, a re (the 
female prisoner or defendant, but o re the D [musical 
note]), a se; a avo, a enxo (adz[e]). 

2. Those nouns ending in -en, -em (exc. those in 
-gem), -im, -om, -um, -So (cf. b, 3): o germen, o bem, o 
armazem, o setim, o som, o atum, o orgdo. 

Exc: a ordem the order. 

3. Those nouns ending in -ae (-ai), -ao (au), -eo 
(-eu), eo (eu), -oe, -oi — e.g.: pae (pai), pdo (pau), ceo 
(cm), ireo (breu), heroe (heroi), hoi. 

Exc: a ndo (ndu) the ship. 

4. Those in -aZ, -el, -il, -ol, -id: o areal, o annel, 
funil, paiol, o patd (swamp), o consul. 

Exc: a cdl the chalk, a vagal the vowel, as well 
as cathedral and credencial, which properly are ad- 
jectives, to be supplied by se and carta. 

5. Those in -ar, -er (-er), -ir, -or, -ur: o altar, o 
talher, o praser, o elixir, o senhor, o andor (beer for 
saints), catur (little Indian man-of-war). 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 243 

Exc: a heira-mar (properly: a heira do mar the 
seashore), a collier (spoon), a cor, a dor, a flor. 

6. Those in -a^, -6z, -oz, -us, -uz: o cdbaz (basket 
of twigs), algoz (hangman), o arroz, o jus (jus, law), 
capuz (hood), o abestruz (ostrich). 

Exc. : a paz (peace), a tenas (tongs), a foz (mouth 
of a river), a noz (nut), a voz (voice), a cruz (cross), a 
luz (light). 

Bemarlc I. — Are masculine also those nouns in -as, em- 
ployed only in the plural : os bredos (notch-weed, spinage) ; 
OS brdcolos (broccoli). 

(b) Feminine. — 1. Those nouns in -a or -a^; tia, 
alma, Ja, magot. 

Exc: dia, o helga, o persa, o planeta, o coineta, 
enigma (riddle), o capitalista, o cambista (money-changer) 
and all those, mostly taken from the Greek and indi- 
cating a male person, as poeta, monarcha, democrata, 
atheista, etc. 

2. Those in -e, and -ei: a merce (mercy), a lei (law). 

3. Those in -ade, -gao, (-c)g5x), -sSo, -dao (cf. a, 2): 
adoragao, direcgao, extensao, confusao, aptidao (aptness), 
multidao (multitude). 

Exc: coragdo (heart). 

4. Those in -gem: a imagem, a impigem (tetter), a 
ferrugem (rust). 

Exc: pagem (page, cabin-boy), o almargem 

Bemark II. — Are also feminine those nouns ending in 
-as and employed only in the plural, and also the proper 
names ending in -as; e.g. — as exequias (exequies), as nu- 
peias (wedding), as hddas (de prata, de oiro the silver or 
golden wedding) ; as calgas (trousers), as vitualhas (victuals) ; 
Bruxellas (Brussels), Athenas (Athens). 

' The ending -a may be also written -an: Ian, magan. But 
this latter is feminine only when identical with -a, otherwise it 
is masculine: o afan (toil), o ademan (generally employed in the 
plural ademanes gesture). 

' Personagem is employed now and then as a masculine, 
but the correct form is feminine. 


244 Lesson 1. 

§ 4. As for the denomination of animals and plants, 
their species is parity indicated by the masculine, 
partly by the feminine gender — e.g., o corvo (raven), o 
rouxinol (nightingale), o cordciro (lamb), a dguia (eagle), 
a ovelha (sheep), a lehre (hare), a raposa (fox), o myrto 
(myrtle), • o castanheiro (chestnut). To indicate the 
natural sex, you have to supply the name of the 
species by macJio (male) or femea (female)— e.g., a femea 
do rouxinol, o corvo femea, a dguia macho, etc. 

N.B.— The words of the reading and translating tasks 
should now be looked up in the vocabulary at the end of 
this book, or — as this, being chiefly intended to furnish 
typical examples of a correct pronunciation, does not pretend 
to be complete — from a dictionary. In the Pocket Dictio- 
nary of the Portuguese and English Languages by H. Michaelis, 
an abridgement of the larger Dictionary of the same author, 
published by BrocTihaus, Leipzig, and the best of its kind 
we know of, the reader will find everything that is required. 

1. Reading: Lesson. 


A lebre corre. peixe nada. A andorinha v6a. cabrito 
pula. ca9ador ca^a. juiz julga. homem pensa. boi 
rumina. 6rgao sda. A luz alumia. general commanda. A 
torre e alta. sdvel 6 um peixe. A aguia 6 uma ave de 
rapina. cysne 6 uma ave aquatica. A plaina 6 um instru- 
mento. cravo 6 uma flOr. Diz-se vulgarmente que o sol e 
a lua estao no c6u. altar esta na igreja. A nuvem estd no 
ar. vento (o norte, a tramontana) sopra. trovao brame 
ou estrondeia. leSo ruge. mar brame. A ovelha bala. 
cavaUo rincha ou relincha. cao ladra, uiva ou geme (g3.iie). 
rouxinol e o melro cantam. A ra grasna. burro zurra. 
A serpente silva. porco grunhe. lobo uiva. pardal 
chia. A raposa regouga. touro berra. gato mia. mos- 
quito zumbe. A r61a geme. pato e o ganso grasnam. 
gallo cucurita e canta. A gallinha cacareja. 


Cattle, tronco ou haste (pe, pediineulo). 
caule 6 o que n6s vulgarmente chamamos tronco ou 
haste. Um carvalho tern tronco; a papoula e o trigo teem 
haste. caule d'uma fl6r tambem se chama p6 (ou pediinculu). 
caule (ou tronco) de algumas arvores chega a ter 400 metres 
de altura: o dos musgos tern apenas alguns millimetros. caule 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 245 

e pois a parte da planta que se eleva no ,ar. Eleva-se ver- 
ticalmente, ou mais ou menos inclinado. E do caule que nas- 
cem as folhas, ^s flores e os fructos. caule das arvores 
compoe-se de cinco partes: per fora a casca; per baixo da 
casca liber, que 6 uma camada branca e tenra; por baixo 
do liber outra camada que se chama albnrno; ainda outra, 
a mais interior, chamada cerne; e ao centro a medulla. Para 
aguentar o caule, algumas plantas teem gavinhas, tambem 
chamadas 61os ou abra90s. Veem-se na videira, no melao, na 
ervUhaca etc. Algumas gavinhas teem na ponta uns pequeni- 
nos discos. Estes discos introduzem-se as vezes nas fend as 
das paredes, e inoham dentro das fendas. Inchando, os discos 
nao saem, e as gavinhas aguentam melhor o caule. Essas 
gavinhas que teem disco, chamam-se adhesivas (air roots). 
(Trindade Coelho: Terceiro Livro de Leitura.) 

2. Thema. 

Indicate the gender of the following nouns, by placing 
in front the definite or the indefinite article: 

The horse, — cavallo. The pear, — pera. The metal, 

— metal. A winter, — inverno. The spring, — primavera. 
The chestnut, — castanheiro. The apple-tree, — macieira. 
The gold, — euro. The platinum, — platina. The vapour, 

— vapor. The working, — trabalhar. The author, — autora. 
The ship, — navio, — nau. The prophet, — propheta. The 
sun, — sol. The moon, — lua. The image, — imagem. 
The sparrow, — pardal. The fox, — raposa. The he-fox, 

— raposa macho. A lion, — liao. A region, — regiao. The 
heart, — cora^ao. The modesty, — modestia. The faith, — 
i6. The foot, — p6. The chimney, — chamin^. The vowel, 

— vogal. The pair, — par. The peace, — paz. The piece, 

— peda90. The Belgian, — belga. The mercy, — merce. 
The hare, — lebre. The wool, — la. The sound, — som. 
A frog, — ra. A swamp, — paiil. The chalk, — cal. The 
salt, — sal. The sky, — c6u. The eagle, — aguia. The 
bird, — ave, — passaro. The trousers, — cal9as. The 
wedding, — niipcias. Asia, — Asia. Italy, — Italia. Nor- 
mandy, — Normandia. Portugal, — Portugal. Brazil, — 
Brasil. The Thames, — Tamisa. The Tejo, — Tejo. 

3. Thema. 

Write do<vn the translation and the feminine of the 
following nouns. The neighbour; the prisoner; the dwarf; 
the grandfather; the monk; the doctor; the author; the 
gardener; the lion; the hare; the nightingale; the bode; 

246 Lesson 2. 

the cousin ; the stepfather ; the son-in-law ; the cock ; the 
bull; the Jew; the prince; the master; the Portuguese; the 
German; the boy; the dog; the orphan; th? wolf; the hus- 
band; the son; the godfather; the horse. 


Quaes sao os principaes quadrupedes dom^sticos ? 

Quaes sao os principaes quadrupedes bravos ou as prin- 
cipaes feras? 

Qual 6 movimento da lebre?, do peixe?, da aguia?, 
do homem? 

Qual e a voz da ovelha?, do cavallo?, do cao?, do 
porco?, etc. 

Quaes sao as principaes aves domesticas?, as aquaticas?, 
as de rapina? 

Quaes sao as vozes das aves? 

Que se entende por "caule"? 

Como se chama tambem o caule d'uma fl6r?, d'uma 
drvore?, d'uma espiga? 

De quantas partes se compoe o caule d'uma arvore e 
quaes sao? 

Que 6 que nasce do caule? 

Que teem algumas plantas para agnentar o caule? 

Diga(m) alguns exemplos! 

Second Lesson. 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns 


§ 2. Nouns with a Double Gender. 

(a) With special ending for the feminine (cf. P. I, 
§ 21): 

(a) The ending o changes into a: pombo, pomba. 
Exc. : didcono, diaconisa. 

(P) The ending So changes into 6a: patrao principal, 

Ex.: harao, baronesa; cidadao, cidada; irmao, 
irnia, etc. (see § 21). 

(f) The ending or (or) adds a: leitor, leitora. 
Ex.: actor, actrig, etc. (see § 21). 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 


(b) The ending es (ez) adds a: portugttes, portugu&sa. 
Exc: (only for adjectives) cortes, which is 
the same for both genders, 
(e) Nouns with any other ending do not follow de- 
terminate rules. 

Ahbade abbot 


alcaide alcalde, mayor 


archiduque archduke 


avo grandfather 


czar czar 


conde count 


deus god 


dvque duke 


herde hero 


Mspede host; landlord, guest 


infante infant; foot-soldier 


mestre master, teacher 


parente parent 


marques marquis 


monge monk 


peru turkey-cock 


poeta poet 


principe prince 


propheta prophet 


reo criminal, delinquent 


sacerdote priest 


visconde viscount 


(b) Without changing their ending or meaning the 
following words are distinguished only by the article 
(o for the masculine, a for the feminine). As they are 
common to both genders, they are called "commims de 

Artista artist 
regente \ , 

governante j ^ 
gerente manager 
suicida suicide 
regicida regicide 
conjugidda conjugicide 
consorte consort 
mdrtir martyr 
espia spy 

compatriota country-man, 

persa Persian 
belga Belgian 
commensal I table fellow, 
conviva f commensal 
complice accomplice 
convalescente convalescent 
pateta blockhead 
parasita . parasite 
indigena indigenous 
herege heretic 
guia guide 
jdven youth, young girl. 


Lesson 2. 

(c) Besides these "communs de dots" which still are 
distinguished by the dififerent gender of the article, 
there are others which are indiscriminately employed for 
both genders, ones with the masculine, others with the 
feminine article. They are called in Portuguese "sdbre- 
communs." Please to note the following: 
conjuge the married man a testemunha the witness 

or wife 

gemeo^ the twin boy or girl 
intSrprete the interpreter 
a crianga the child 

(d) Without changing 

different meaning: 

guarda the watchman, 
keeper, guard 

cabega the chief, leader 

planeta the planet 

trombeta the trumpeter 

corneta the horn-blower 

vagal the voter 

crescente the crescent, half- 

atalaia the sentinel 

vigia the guard 

capital the capital, principal 

lingua the interpreter 

cura the parson 

a sentinella the sentinel 
acriatura the creature— e.g., 

10 grande estilista e infelie 

criatura . . .». 

of the ending, but with a 

a guarda the guard, defence 

a cabega the head 

a planeta sort of chasuble 

a trombMa the trumpet 

a corneta the horn 

a vagal the vowel 

a crescente the flood 

a atalaia the watch-tower 

a vigia the watching 

a capital the capital 

a lingua' the tongue 

a cura the cure, healing. 

(e) With changing of the ending or meaning, gene- 
rally indicating in the masculine a greater idea of size. 
(N.B. — Sometimes the contrary; we mark these by *.) 
Oftawco the bench; shop-board; a banca the writing-table; 

B — Exchange, bank 
barca* the bark, boat 

cesto* the basket 
fossa the ditch, trench 
carvalho the oak 
caleiro the gutter 
Jiorto* kitchen-garden 
caldeiro* the kettle 
a madeira the block 
mosco* the mosquito 

bar; basset 
a barca the bark, ferry-boat, 

a cesta the basket, maund 
a fossa the pit, hole 
a carvalha the little oak 
a caleira the gutter 
a Jiorta the kitchen-garden 
a caldeira the kettle 
a madeira the wood 
a mosca the fly 

Employed also as an adjective: irmaos gemeos. 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 


pio the basin, winepress 
pdgo the well 
riso* the laughter, smile 
sacco* the bag 

a pia the basin 

a poga (poga) the pool 

a risa the shout of laughter 

a sacca the bag. 

§ 6. Please to pay attention to the gender and 
meaning of the following nouns, different in their ter- 
mination and consequently in their gender: 


aro the hoop 

arco the bow; arch 

iarbo the barbel 

barro the clay 

bico the beak; bill; thorn 

bolo the cake 

ftoZso the pocket 

boneco the doll; fig. puppet 

bordo the board 

cabego the top of a moun- 
tain; chief 

cabide the rack 

cdbido the chapter of a ca- 

campo the field 

cargo the office, employment 

carofo the stone of a fruit 

carpo the wrist 

carrasGO the hangman 

carreiro the narrow path; 

carreto the waggonage; 

carreteiro the cart-man, carter 
carteiro the postman 
casco the skull; cask; hull 
caso the case 
castello the castle, tower 
caudal the rapid 
cavallo the horse 
cepo the stump, block 
cerco the circle, circuit ; siege 
cSvo the bait; decoy, lure 
choco the brooding 

A ara the altar(-stone) 
a area the chest, cofier 
a barba the chin; beard 
a barra the bar; spar 
a bica the water-pipe 
a bola the ball 
a bolsa the purse ; 5 — Exchange 
a boneca the doll, baby 
a borda the border, edge 
a cabega the head 

a campa the grave 

a carga the load, burden, 

a carroga the coach 
a carpa the carp 
a carrasca red-oak 
a carreira the run, race, road ; 

a carreta the cart 
a carete the grimace, mask 
a carreteira the lighter 
a carteira the pocket-book 
a casca the bark, rind 
a casa the house 
a Gastella Castilian 
a Cauda the tail, train 
a cavalla the>mackerel 
a cepa the vine-stock, vine 
a cerca the enclosure, hedge 
a ceva the masting; food; lure 
a cAocffl th^ bowl ; cattle-bell; 



Lesson 2. 

cigarro the cigar 

cimo the top; summit 

cohertor the blanket; quilt 

colchdo the mattress 

colchete the clasp 

coifo the neck, lap 

conto the tale, story 

cJr^e the edge; cut ; incision 

cunho the stamp, coin 

CMSto the cost, expense 

espinho the thorn 

esgwat^ro the square 

estado the state 

fado the fate ; popular song 

fardo the burden, pack 

fecho the bolt, bar 

ferro the iron 

folho the flounce, frill 

o /dZio the folio; page 

goivo the gillyflower 

golo the draught 
gorgUe the half-shirt 
firrado the will, accord 
^orro the jet, shoot of water 
lance the throw, cast; trait, 

lucky chance 
lango the throw ; suit ; space ; 

o linho the flax, linen 
Uxo the filth, dirt 
Zow6o the loins, reins 
o luto the mourning 
wago the mallet 
malho the mall, mallet; 

mango the handle of a flail 
meado the middle, half 
meio the fear 

meio the half, middle ; means 
o modo the mode, manner 

a cigarra the balm-cricket, 

a cima the top 
a coberta the cover(ing) ; shelter 
a colcha the counterpane, quilt 
a colcMta the eye(let) 
a coHa the glue 
a conta the bill, account 
a corte the court; as Cdrtes 

the Parliament 
a cunha the wedge, quoin 
a custa the cost, charge 
a espinha the fish-bone; spine 
a esquadra the squadron 
a estada the abode 
a fada the fairy, fay 
a farda the uniform 
a fecha the conclusion 
a ferra the fire-shovel 
a folha the leaf, sheet 

a fdrma the form, shape 
a forma the matrice, model 
a goiva the gouge, hollow 

a gola the throat, gullet 
a gorgita gratuity, tip 
a grade the harrow, grate 
ffl jorra the tar 
a langa the lance, spear 

a linha the line ; row 

a lixa the sea-calf; seal(-skin) 

a lomba the hill, eminence 

a luta the wrestling, combat 

a maga the mace, club 

a malha the mash; stitch; 

a manga the sleeve 
a meada the hank, skein 
a meda the stack of straw or 

a meia the stocking 
a moda the fashion 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 


mdfo the mould 
o monte the mountain 

morto the dead man, corpse 
mote the motto, device 

wofo the motion, impulse 
o novel(l)o the clew; ball 
iJOgfO the reward 
palmo the span 

papo the maw, crop 

papa the pope 

partido the party, faction ; 

o passo the step 
o pasto the pasture, feed 
pato the duck 

pegro the whirlpool, pit 

pd(l)o the hair, down 

o pmheiro \ the fir-tree, pine 
o pvnho i tree 
pmfo the chicken 
jjifo ^ pinto ; pipe 

powfo the point, stitch 

porte the freight, postage; 

porto the port, harbour 
poste the stake, pillar 
posto the place ; post 
o prdtico the pilot 

o preso the prisoner 

quarto the room, quarter; 

o gueixo the jaw(-bone) 

rajo the beam, ray; flash; 

rato the rat 
mco the danger; stroke of 

a pen 

a mofa the mockery 

a monta the amount, quan- 

a morte the death 

a mota the terrace; dam, 

a novella the novel 
a paga the pay 
a palma the palm-leaf, palm- 
a(s) papa(s) the pap 
papd the pa(pa), daddie 
a partida the part, lot ; match 

a passa the raisin 

a pasta the portfolio; paste 

a pata the female duck; paw, 

a pSga the handle, ear, tedder 
a pSga the magpie 
a pella the ball, tennis-ball 
a pelle the skin 
a pinka the pine-cone 

a pinta the spot, mark 
a pita the fibre of the aloe 
a piteira the aloe 
a ponta the point; top, tip 
a porte the bridge 

a porta the door 

a posta the slice, cut; post- 
Cage); courier 

a prdtica the practice, ex- 

a presa the prey, booty 

a quarta the fourth part or 

a qtieixa the complaint; pro- 
cess, action 

a raia the stroke, dash; bor- 
der; ray 

a rata the she -rat; share 

a risca the dash; parting (of 
the hair) 


Lesson 2. 

rodo long stick to heap up 

rolo the roll(er), ball; taper 
nltte the small roll 
seguro the insurance 
sello the stamp, seal 
sino the bell 
siso the good sense 
solo the soU, ground 
tdho the earthen cover 
tentci the counter ; maulstick; 

testo the cover, lid 
tiro the shot 
toldo the covering; awning 

torno the turn(bench) 

trinco the latch 

troco the change, small coins 
y«so the vase, vessel; urn; 

vello the fleece 
vento the wind 
verba the verb, word 

a roda the wheel; circle; 

round slice 

a rdla the turtle-dove 

a roleta the roulette 

a segura the hoop-knife 

a sdla the saddle 

a siwa the flag; fate 

a sisa the excise 

a sola the leather; sole 

a telha the tile, brick 

o fewte the probe 

a testa the forehead 

a tira a strip 

a tolda the quarterdeck ; awn- 

a torna the return; compen- 

a trinca a series of three ana- 
logous things 

a troea the truck, exchange 

a vasa the slime, mud 

a vel(l)a the candle; sail 

a venta the nostril 

a verba the clause, article 

§ 7. There are a few nouns which by the mas- 
culine gender indicate the individual and by the femi- 
nine the collective sense — e.g. : 

fructo the fruit 
grito the scream 
manijo the mariner 
ramo the bough, twig 

a fructa the fruitage, fruit 
a grita the crying, clamour 
a maruja the crew 
a rama the foliage, branches. 

§ >^. There is some affinity between these nouns 
(§ 7 and § 5 (e)) and 

(a) the so-called augmentativos, formed by the trans- 
formation of the final syllable of certain nouns into 
-So, which adds to the noun an idea of bigness and 
sometimes that of deformity and ugliness; and 

(b) the so-called dimuaitivos, which attribute to the 
noun an idea of smallness, of somebody or something 
needing protection, and therefore that of a certain 
tenderness (cf. P. I, L. 16). 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nbuns. 253 

i. Tliema. 

This boy tears his stockings so that there is no possibility 
of darning them. In the Botanical Garden of Lisbon are palm- 
trees of more than sixty spans height. As this needle has 
no point, not a stitch can be done with it. The duck filled 
its maw with pap. Please to give me some small coins, I 
want to buy a few stamps. Of the whole crew only one 
mariner was saved. Waiter, there are some guests who have 
not yet had a slice of fish; you ought to be more attentive. 
In the action brought (movida) against that spy, several 
witnesses were summoned; amongst them as [an] interpreter 
a native of Africa. Our globe, the moon, and other stars 
are planets; the sun is a fixed star. When the moon is vi- 
sible in the sky, we have moonshine. She renews her light 
in the phases of each revolution and is a satellite of the earth. 
Her four phases are; new moon, half moon, full moon, and 
waning moon. The ebbtide and flood are phenomena in 
connection with the crescent and the wane. Where there is 
the most capital and paper currency (papel moSda) is in 
the banks of the capital of England. As you so warmly take 
the part of the Portuguese republicans, are you a republican 
yourself? I do not belong to any political faction, but I sym- 
pathise with the republican party and its leaders. An English 
squadron performs its maritime manoeuvres in the bay of 
Lagos on the Portuguese seashore. A square is used at 
drawing. The crickets chirp during the hot season (a calma) 
in the months of June, July, and August. Plies and mosqui- 
tos may be driven away by the smoke of a cigar or a ciga- 
rette. Consorts are often martyrs of society, and the children 
of the married couple sometimes are unconsciously the cause 
of domestic strife. 

5. Leitura e Versao. 

Nao 6 sauddvel para gente sadia, quanto m6nos para gente 
doente, a estada n'uma casa d'um estado m6nos salubre. A 
prisao nas cidades portugufisas encontra-se muitas vezes na 
melhor e maior praga: Chama-se terrago ou eirado o telhado 
piano d'uma casa ou seja o espa^o descoberto sobre uma casa 
ou ao nivel d'um andar d'ella. Ghama-se chifres, chavelhos ou 
pontas as excrescencias corniformes ou arma^ao do gado corni- 
fero {or cornuto). Na partida do deputado do partido pro- 
gressista estiveram na gare os correligiondrios e amigos pessoaes 
d'elle. Neste anno ha pouoa fruota : nao vingaram os fructos 
das macieiras e pereiras. Em compensa^ao d^ram boa colheita 
OS castanheiros. Por isso se veem agora muitas castanheiras 
na rua a venderem castanhas assadas. 

254 Lesson 2. 

6. Para decorar (to be learnt by heart). 
Vozes d'animaes. 
Palram pega e papagaio Opardal.damninhoaoscampos, 

E cacareja a gallinha, Nao aprendeu a cantar; 

Os ternos pombos arrulam, Como os rates e as donmbas, 

Geme a rola innocentinha. Apenas sabe chiar. 

Muge a vacca, herra o touro; O negro eorvo crocUa- 

Grasna a ra, ruge o leao; Zum o mosquito enfadonho; 

gato mia, uiva o lobo; A serpente, no deserto, 

Tambem uiva e ladra o cao. Solta assobio medonho. 

Belincha o nobre cavallo; Ghia a lebre, grdsna o pato; 

Os elephantes dao iirros; Onvem-se os porcos grunhir; 

A timida ovelha Mia; Libando o succo das flores, 

Zurrar 6 proprio dos burros. Costuma a abelha zumbir. 

Eegouga a sagaz raposa Bramam os tigres, as on5as; 

(Brutinho muito matreiro): Pia, pia o pintainho; 

Nos ramos cantam as aves; Cucurita e canta o gallo; 

Mas pia o mocho agoureiro. Ldte e gdne o cachorrinho. 

Sabem as aves ligeiras A vitellinha da berros; 

canto seu variar ; cordeirinho balidos ; 

Fazem gorgeios as vezes, macaquinbo da guinchos; 

As vezes poem-se a chilrar. A creancinha vagidos. 

A falla foi dada ao homem 
Bei dos outros animaes, 
Nos versos lidos acima, 
Se encontram, em pobre rima, 
As voees dos principaes. 

(Pedro Diniz.) 


Que se entende per sabstantivos «commun3 do dois»? 
Quaes (sao) os substantivos que teem a mesma forma 

para ambos os sexos? 
Que desinencia da forma feminina teem os substantivos 

communs : irmao, barao, leao, ladrao, propheta, monge 

rapaz, imperador, mestre . . .? 
Qual a differenga entre nm cesto e uma cesta? um 

hOrto e uma horta? o trombeta e a trombfita? um 

vogal e uma vogal? 
Quaes sac os substantivos que, designando indivi'duos 

sao masculines, e femininos quando exprimen um' 

sentido de collectividade ? 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 255 

Come SB formam os augmentativos? os diminutivos? 
Qual sentido accrescentado ao substantive pela syllaba 
augmentativa ? e pela syllaba diminutiva? 

Third Lesson. 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns 


Compound Nouns. 

§ 9. The Portuguese language does not contain so 
many compound words as the Enghsh. It substitutes 
them in different ways: 

1. By adding a determinative noun, preceded by 
de to the appelative — e.g., oculo de mao eyeglass; amo- 
lador de tesouras (e navalhas) knife-grinder; escuma de 
mar meerschaum; caixa de correio letter-box; cJiapeu de 
palha straw-hat; criada de quarto house-maid; iomba de 
fogo fire-engine. 

2. By joining an adjective to the noun — e.g. Mlhete 
postal post-card; ministerio publico Attorney-General; 
calgado caseiro house-shoe; mina hulhifera coal-mine; 
pinheiro manso nut-pine; empregado suialterno subaltern 

Note. — Sometimes the noun drops altogether (as also in 
English), taking the adjective in its form and meaning;— e.g., 
postal; subalterno. 

3. By a genitive: casa da fructa fruit-cellar; costa 
do mar sea-coast; empregado do correio post-oflScial ; 
assento do cocheiro coach-box; porta da cidade town- gate. 

4. By two nouns joined by another preposition than 
de: compartimento para fumistas smoMng-compartment; 
ianho aos pes foot-bath; papel para cartas letter-paper; 
correspondencia por cartas epistolary intercourse; colher 
para paixe fisht- rowel; medo d morte fear of Death. 

5. By the junction of any other particles— e.g. 
OS afaeeres (-^ a fazer) the business; os parabens 
C== para hem) the congratulation; a sempre-verde the 

256 Lesson 3. 

§ 10. Yet there is a certain number of compound 
nouns, formed by various particles. Their gender cor- 
responds, for living beings, to the natural sex or to 
the conventional one. For inanimate things the 
gender corresponds to that of the noun in such 
compound words as are formed by a noun and another 
particle (cf. however bate-folha, saca-rolha, quebra-noz, 
etc.). In substantives compounded of two nouns, the 
gender mostly corresponds to that of the last or the 
one which logically is of the greater importance. 

Jtemarh. — As there are a great many exceptions the 
only means of attaining proficiency is by learning the article. 
If you are in doubt, please to consult a dictionary. 

§ 11. Examples of Compound Nouns formed: 

(a) by two Substantives : 

mestre-escola the schoolmaster 

mestre-sala the master of ceremonies 

mestre sapatelro the master shoemaker 

goma-gut(t)a the gamboge 

a goma-lacre the gumlack 

guarda-poriao the door-keeper 

guarda-louga the cupboard 

(or a) guarda-roupa the (keeper of the) wardrobe 

guarda-livros the bookkeeper 

a porta-cocheira the 'gateway 

tenente -general the lieutenant-general 

consul geral the consul-general 

tenente-coronel the lieutenant-colonel 

logar-tenente the lieutenant 

a mao-tenente the small distance 

paquete the packet-boat, — ship 

pontape the kick, spurn 

a pedra-iman the magnet 

usufructo the usufruct 

varapau the (shepherd's) staif 

a beira-mar the sea-shore 

a couve-flor the cauly-flower; 
also a great number of nouns compound with ^jaw 
(pdu-balsamo, pdu-barro, pdu-canelaetc), designating trees 
and shrubs and being all of masculine gender. 

(b) by Substantive and Adjectives: 

a dguardente (dgua ardente) the brandy 
a aguaforte the aquafortis 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 257 

amor-perfeito the pansy 

cantochao the church choir 

cavallo-marinho the hippopotamus 

poreo-marinlio the dolphin 

a quinta-feira santa the Maundy Thursday 

terrapleno the terrace 

a idade-media the middle age 

ammmorta I the mortmain 

iens de moo morta ) 

uma mao-cheia a handful 

mord6mo-m6r the Lord Steward of the Household 

porto-franco the free port 

a pedra-infernal the nitrate of silver 

terra-nova Newfoundland (dog). 

(c) by Adjective and Substantive: 

a centopeia the centipede 

gentilhomem the gentleman 

a macha-femea the (door-)hinge (and hasp) 

meia-dia the midday 

a meio-noite the midnight 

meio-corpo the hust, half body 

a meia-lua the half moon, crescent 

a menoridade (minoridade) the minority 

salvo-conducto the safe conduct 

porto franco the free port. 

(d) by Verb and Substantive: 

guarda-p6 the dust-cloak 
guarda-chuva the umbrella 
guarda-fato the wardrobe, clothes-press 
a lesa-majestade the 16se-majest6 
a lesorpoesia the offence against poetry 
a lesa-bom-gosto the offence against taste, tactlessness 
o porta-bandeira the standard-bearer 
poria-cocheira the coach-gate 
porta-chapeus the hat-box 
porta-lapis the port-crayon 
o porta-reldgio the watch-stand 
porta-voz the speaking-trumpet 
o lavapes the maundy, nipter 
o lavapratos the dish-washer 
catavento the weathercock 
o chupa-flor, o beija-flor the humming-bird 
batefolha the gold-beater 
c/mjpawe? the honeysuckle; humming-bird 
Portuguese Ctonversation-Graiamar. 17 

258 Lesson 3. 

girasol the sunflower 

para-raios the lightning-conductor 

passatempo the pastime 

passaporte the passport 

quebramar the breakwater, pier 

quebra-lue the light-screen 

saca-r6lha(s) the corkscrew 

salva-vidas the safety-buoy; life-preserver, life-boat 

«»i. papa-Ieguas a stout walker 

^esa-ca>fas the letter-balance 

pisa-dgua the watergauge 

or a ^opawoscas the gaper 

or a papa-jantares the sponger, parasite 

or « papa-ndstias 1 

or « papa-missas > the devotee; hypocrite. 

or a papa-santos J 

(e) by two Verbs: 

hule-hule (or iole-bole) the quaking-grass 

ganhaperde sort of play at cards in which the winner 

«;ae-t)ejK the to and fro; up and down 
passe-passe the juggling(-trick). 

(f) by Preposition and Substantive: 

a antecdmara \ ^^^ ^^techamber, anteroom 

a antesala ) ' 

a antemuralha \ ^^^ ^^^^^. ^^^ 

antemuro \ 

a ante-data the antedate 

antepasto the first dish 

a anteporta the double door, screen 

a antepopa the forepart of the stern 

a antivespera the day before the eve 

antipapa the antipope 

antidoto the antidote 

a antithese the antithesis 

a contrabanda the contraband 

a contra-escritura the counterbond 

a contra-ordem the countermand 

a contrasenha the watchword, counter-ticket 

contratempo the annoyance ; vexation ; inconvenience 

a entrefolha the inter-leaf 

a entrelinha the interlineation 

entremeio the insertion 

OS parabens the congratulation 

The Gender of the Portuguese Nouns. 259 

a semrazao the groundlessness 

semsabor the insipidity, disgust 

sobresalto the (sudden) emotion, fright 

a sub-ordem the subdivision 

post-escrito the postscript 

concidadao the fellow -citizen 

consoeio the companion, associate. 

(g) by Adverb and Substantive: 

bemfeitor the benefactor 

a maiquerenga the malevolence 

malgrado the displeasure 

malnascido the one who is born under an evil star^ 

unlucky fellow 
acima-meneionado the aforesaid 
abaixo-assignado the undersigned. 

(h) by three words: 

mal-me-guer (malmequer) \ ■, ■ 
bem-me-quer (bemmequer) J ^ ^ 
nao-me-deixes the forget-me-not 
pe-de-gallo the hop(s) 
pe-de-lido the lion's-foot 
pdu-de-lacre the gumlac-tree 
pdu-de-cabelleiro the milliner's block 
rabo-de-gallo the thunder- cloud 
valde de pdu the knave of clubs 
wma tuta-e-mda an insignificance. 

7. Thema. 

Hamburg is a free port since 1888. The countermand 
of the lieutenant colonel concerned only the subdivision 
of the pioneers who were about to open a ditch near the bul- 
wark. The congratulation of his book-keeper gave pleasure to 
my partner; but the postscriptum of his letter containing, 
the news of the bankruptcy of a bank, caused him a sudden 
emotion and was a great annoyance to him. It is indeed an act 
of tactlessness giving such news in a letter of congratulation. 
In the great kitchen-garden is still much cauliflower and other 
vegetables; but in the sinall kitchen-garden there is only to 
be found quaking-grass, daisies, forget-me-nots, and pansies. 
The Newfoundland dogs are dogs belonging to a race which 
is said to originate (que dizem procedente) of Newfoundland. 
The gum-bearing croton (arvore gummifera) and the gam- 
boge-tree (guteira) are trees of the tropics from which the 
gumlac and the gamboge are extracted. 


260 Lesson 8. 

8. Tersao. 

Quando estavamos na beira-mar, vimos muitas yezes 03 
porcos-marinhos, eomo vulgarmente se chamam os delnns ou 
golfinhos, a saltar fora das ondas da resaca. Urn catavento 6 
um aparelho que indica a direc9ao dos ventos; tern a torma 
d'uma bandeirinha, geralmente de ferro ou lata, enfiada n uma 
haste, e collocada no alto dos edificios. para-raios 6 um 
aparelho, formado principalmente de uma haste met^allica e 
destinado a attrahir as descargas el6ctricas da atmosphera, h- 
vrando d'ellas os logares ou edificios pr6ximos. Na qumta-feira 
santa ha lavap6s em muitas igrejas catholieas, executado pelos 
prelados ou outros altos sacerdotes. No Porto vi o cardeal, 
em Lisb6a o patriarcha a celebra-Io. Os muitos afaz6res prd- 
prios do acima-mencionado, assim como do abaixo-assignado 
nao Ihes permittem occuparem-se dos afazferes alheios. 

9. Leitura. 

A Lusitdnia. 

Antes de haver aqui hespanhoes e mouros, n'um peda9o 
do que e hoje Portugal, havia os lusitanos. Esses lusitanos 
eram os naturaes de uma regiao chamada Lusitania, regiao 
que occupava especialmente, a prinoipio, os territorios entre o 
Douro e o Tejo, e depois chegou a alastrar-se pelos que formam 
hoje as provincias todas de Portugal, menos o Minho, Trds- 
os-Montes e parte do Douro. Estes lusitanos viviam muito 
descan^ados ca em sua casa; mas com o rodar dos tempos, 
OS carthagineses, que eram uns povos oriundos da cidade 
de Carthago, ao norte da Africa, chegaram a domina-los, at6 
que esses mesmos carthaginSses foram tambem vencidos 
pelos romanos que passaram depois a dominar elles sos. 
Esses romanos viram-se e desejaram-se com os lusitanos, princi- 
palmente com um tal Viriato que d. frente da rapaziada 
lusitana Ihes deu que fazer, e os venceu em muitos combates 
at6 que o mataram a traifao quando dormia. Dizem que 
Viriato era um pastor da Serra da Estrella e ainda hoje ha 
em Vizeu um sitio a^ que chamam «Cava de Viriato», por 
ser fama que morou ali ease valente capitao, que e o mais 
antigo dos heroes portuguSses. 

(Trindade Coelho: 3°. Livro de Leitura.) 


The answers to be given with the wording of No. 9. 
Quaes foram os habitantes de Portugal antes dos Por- 
tugueses ? 

1 See P. n, L. 11, § 48 (a) (P). 

Forination of the Plural of Nouns. 261 

Qaando ainda nao havia hespanhoes e mouros, quern 

babitava o pais? 
Donde eram naturaes os lusitanos? 
Qual era a regiao comprehendida, a principio, pela Lu- 

sit9.nia ? 
E quaes eram os territories que occupava depois? 
Como viviam os lusitanos? 
Quern chegou a domina-los? 
Quern eram os carthaginfises ? 
Que tempo durou o dominio dos carthagin6ses ? 
Com quern se viram e desejaram os romanos, principal- 

mente ? 
Como morreu Viriato? 
Onde ha a chamada «Cava de Viriato* ? 
Porque se chama assim esse sitio? 
Que dizem que Viriato era? 
E como e considerado? 

Fourth Lesson. 

Formation of the Plural of the Nouns. 

The general rules for forming the plural of the nouns 
have been given already in the 2°"^ Lesson of the First 
Part. They will here be repeated in coherence and duly 

N.B. — The same rules apply to the adjective. 

§ 12. (a) By adding an -s is formed the plural 
of all those substantives (and adjectives) which end in 
a vowel, an n, or a diphthong — e.g., rede(s), pae(s), ir- 
ma(s), germen(s), pau(s), grdo(s). Exc. : o canon the 
church law, canon, catalogus, forms the plural cdnones; 
ademan the gesture, ademanes. 

Remark.^Oi those words ending in accented -ao only 
a few take an -s without changing the form of the singular ; 
— e.g., irmao(s), christao(s), cidadao(s), mao(s), henQao(s) (this 
only if accented on the first syllable, else bengoes. Those 
ending in unaccented -ao (allowed to be written also -am) 
follow the general rule : o 6rfao, orfdos (orphans). 

(b) Some words in accented -ao change their ter- 
mination into -aes — e.g. : pao, paes; alem&o, alemaes; es- 
crivao, escrivaes; cao, caes. 

262 Lesson 4. 

(c) Most words in accented -ao change this termi- 
nation into -des: condao gift, magic wand cojzc^oes ; coragao, 
coragoes; lido (leao), Uses; alde&o, dldeoes; cangdo, eangoes; 
meldo, meloes etc. 

(d) The nasal endings -em, -im, -om, -um change -in 
into -n before adding -s, thus; -ens, -ins, -ons, -uns; ar- 
masem, armazens; hem, hens; fim, fins; som, sons; atum, 

(e) Nouns ending in -r, -s or -z add -es— e.g. : doutor 
doutores; mulher, mulheres; iwrtugues, Portugueses, pas, 

'N.B.—Cardcter modifies its accent in the plural: ca- 

(f) Remain unaltered those nouns ending in -s pre- 
ceded by an unaccented vowel or falling diphthong — 
e.g.: o(sJ alfcres the ensign(s); o(s) simples the simple- 
ton(s), (the plural simplices being antiquated); o(s) lapis 
the pencil(s) ; o(s) caes the quay(s); o(s) arrais the master(s) 
of a boat. 

Exc. : calis (or calix) forms calis or calices; deus 
forms deuses. 

Those few nouns in -x with preceding unaccented 
vowel change -x into -ces: o appendix (or appendice); o 
index (or indice), indices. See also calix. 

(g) Nouns ending in -at, -ol, -ul drop the -I and 
add -es: animal, animaes: sol, soes; paM, panes. 

Exc: Consul (vice-consul, proconsul) and mal keep 
the -I in the plural: consules, males; o real forms reis. 

(h) Those words ending in -el loose the -I, adding 

-is: atmel, anneis; fiel, fieis. 

(i) Those in accented -il drop the -I, adding -s: 
funil, funis, civil, civis. 

(j) Those in unaccented -il change -il into -eis: 
projectil, projecteis; fdcil, facets. 

§ 13. Proper names and foreign words form their 
plural regularly by adding -s or changing the ending 
after the rule: Os Bragangas, os Gamas, as tndias, os 

Formation of the Plural of Nouns. 


Algarves, as Americas; os deficits, as erratas^, as quotas, 
OS quocientes, etc. 

N.B. — Names of towns ending by -s are singular: arica 
Londres; a sdhia Athenas ; Bruxellas foi fundada no sSculoVIl 
(cf. § 3, Remark II). 

§ 14. Some nouns are used only in the Plural 
at least in their meaning here given: 

as entradas the beginning and 
as sahidas the end in the 
connection of: desejar boas 
sahidas do anno velho e boas 
entradas do anno novo wish- 
ing a happy new year 

OS espinafres spinage 

as dncias sickness 

as andas stilts 

as andadeiras leading-strings 

OS ambages subterfuge, excuse 

OS amoricos flirtation 

OS annaes annals 

as bddas \ ,,. 

as nupcias ] ° 

OS bredos notch-weed, spinage 

OS brdccolos broccoli 

OS cdnones church-law 

OS cereaes cereals 

OS cirrus cirrus 

OS ciumes \ . , 

^7 > lealousy 
OS zelos ] •' •' 

OS c&mulus (or c&mulos) cu- 

as exiqmas exequies, funeral 
OS imponderdveis imponderable 

OS midlos brains 
OS nimbus (or nimbns) nimbus 
OS dados spectacles 
OS parabens felicitation 
as sevicias ill treatment, cruelty 
OS stratus stratus 

OS trdpicos tropics. 

N.B. — There may also be read funeraes instead of funeral; 
but the plural, being a gallicism, is to be avoided as in- 

§ 15. Only in the Singular are employed the 
names of sciences, arts, qualities and other abstract 
nouns, of metals, elements and materials, as also the 
infinitives applied as nouns and in their proper meaning. 
Being used in the plural form, they have another, 
though cognate, meaning. Ex.: 

direito the right, law, juris- 

desenho the (art of) drawing 

a pintura the (art of) painting, 

a bondade the kind(li)ness 

Plural: duties 

» drawings 

» pictures 

» kindnesses 

' So according to modern grammarians. Others indicate 
errata as subst- f. pi. and' employ the singular o errata after the 
model prollema, o dilemma, o programma, etc. Errata is also 
employed as subst. f. s. in the meaning of English errata. 


Lesson 4. 

amdr the love 
a saude the health 
eobre the copper 

fogo the fire 

a seda the silk 

Dj'cfro the glass 

trigo the corn, wheat 

panno the cloth ; shawl ; 

ferro the iron 
o iinta the ink 

Plural : beloved ones ; flirtation 
» toasts 
» coins or objects of 

» fireplaces 
» silks; bristles 
» window-panes 
» cereals; bread 
» shawls 

» chains 

» colouring, colours 
» prevailing winds ; cli- 
» medicinal waters ; wa- 
» figures in plaster 
» duty, obligation 

» stories, floors. 

ar the air 

a dgna the water 

gesso the gypsum 

devet- the being obliged; 

o andar the striding 

lO.JJOral Exercise. Exerdoto oral. 

Please to put the sentences of the Eeading Lesson I. in 
the first Lesson into the Plural. 

11. Thema. 

Those gentlemen are German teachers and well instructed 
authors. Some courteous Englishmen have been our amiable 
guests these last months. On those fertile fields where a few 
weeks ago still grew green seeds, are now only faded grasses 
and fiowers to be found. Among the quadrupeds there are 
wild beasts and domestic animals. (Os) Dogs, cats, cows, 
sheep, horses belong to the domestic animals; (the) lionS; 
wild cats, panthers, lynxes are beasts of prey; (the) hares, 
foxes, stags, roes and other horned animals are game. The 
magic wands are said to have the gift of finding the springs 
out in the ground. There are many villages in the Alemtejo 
with less than a hundred fires. Of glass are made drinking- 
glasses, panes, spectacles, eyeglasses and telescopes, as well 
as many other things. The funeral of the infant followed 
very fast (= de perto) her wedding. The climate of the Isle 
of Madeira is most beneficent for consumptive people. Also 
the climate and the medicinal waters of the Gerez in northern 
Portugal are most famous. The State has the right to collect 
new duties. The community sang a church-choir, while a 
group of young men, boys and girls entuned in a loud voice 
(pi.) Christian songs and hymns. 

Formation of the Plural of Nouns. 265 

12. Versao. 

tigre e o lobo sac animaes ferozes. chumbo e o 
ferro sao metaes pesados. A dguia e o abutre sao valentes 
aves de rapina. ferro e a pedra sao duros. A torre e a 
casa sao altas. A 16goa e o kilometro sao dista.ncias com- 
pridas. cao e o gato sao animaes dom^sticos liteis. 
diamante e a esmeralda sao pedras preciosas. sal e a pi- 
menta sao temperos necessarios. As flores naturaes e as 
(flores) artificiaes sao bonitas. A marinha ingl6sa e a (ma- 
rinha) fraucesa sao fortes. As baleias e os tubaroes sao 
grandes. vinho e a cerveja sao boas bebidas. Os proj^cteis 
tinham-lhe penetrado os pulmoes. 

13. Leitura. 


Da terra e do mar elevam-se vapores que se espalham pela 
atmosphera. Nas regioes elevadas da atmosphera esses vapores 
encontram um ar frio; e ao contacto d'esse ar, os vapores 
resfriam: resfriando, formam as nuvens. Da mesma maneira, 
quando no espa90 se encontram duas massas de ar, uma mais 
qnente e hiimida do que a outra, a mistura d'essas duas 
massas de ar tambem da origem' a nuvens. Estas sao pois 
pequenas gottas d'agua suspensas na atmosphera e provenientes 
do resfriamento do vapor. Apertando o frio com ellas, essas 
gottas, reunindo se, caem em chuva ; ou esfriando mais, tornam- 
se solidos, caindo em forma de neve ou geada. 

As nuvens teem varias formas: — quando semelham mon- 
tanhas d'algodoes, arredcndadas, nmas encastelladas por cima 
das outras, chamam-se cumulus. Quando lembram pequenos 
filamentos desligados de la cardada, denominam-se cirrus. 
Quando formam camadas delgadas e continuas, mais ou menos 
extensas, limitadas por linhas horizontaes, teem o nome de 
stratus. E quando lembram um panno cinzento-escuro, fran- 
jado ou esfarrapado nos bordos, chamam-se nimbus. 

Os cumulus denominam-se tambem algodSes, e sao mais 
frequentes no verao do que no inverno. Pormados de manha, 
desapparecem geralmente de tarda, quando se nao misturam 
uns com os outros e dao chuva. Os cirrus, chamados tambem 
rabos-de-gallo, sao as nuvens mais elevadas. Annunciam mu- 
dan(;a de tempo : chuva no verao, e frio ou g6lo no inverno. 

Os stratus veem-se em geral ao p6r-do-sol, perto do hori- 
zonte. Os nimbus chamam-se vulgarmente nu.vens de chuva, 
e sao conhecidos ainda p6r hguaceiros. 

(Trindade Coelho : Terceiro Livro de Leitura.) 

266 Lesson 5. 


Como se chama a mulher de um abegao ? de um archi- 
duque? de um barao? de um oampones? de um 
cidadao? de um conde? de umczar? de umduque? 
de um embaixador? de um imperador? de um 
marques ? de um principe ? de um rei ? de um sultao ? 
de um visconde? 

Qual e a forma feminina de doutor, auctor, artista, in- 
terprete, hospede, mestre, deus, martyr, conTiva, in- 
digena ? 

Como se ehama a ffimea do bode? do boi? do cao? do 
carneiro? do cavallo? do gallo? do pato? do leao? 
do pavao? do perii? do veado? do lobe? 

Fifth Lesson. 

Formation of the Plural of the Nouns 


§ 16. Difference of meaning between the singular 
and plural forms. 

(a) Besides those nouns mentioned in § 15 and 
other analogous words, there are such the Plural of 
which has a second meaning besides that of the Sin- 
gular. Please to notice: 

a arma the weapon, arm as armas arms, weapons 

a hexiga the bladder as hexigas small-pox 

a corte the court as Cortes House of Commons 

a entranha the bowels as entranhas heart, character 
a feria the pay^ salary, list as ferias holidays 

of appointments 

folle the pair of bellows os folles bagpipe 

a fonte the spring as fontes temples 

genero the gender os gmeros victuals 

a letra the letter, character as letras literature 

o miolo the crumb, brain os miolos brains 

oculo the telescope os dados spectacles 

o zelo the zeal os zelos jealousy 

a venta the nostril ns ventas nose 

« vespera the eve as vtsperas vespers. 

Formation of the Plural of Nouns. 267 

(b) Some substantives indicate in the singular form 
the male individual and in the plural the totality of 
the respective male and female persons: 

pai tlie father os pais the parents 

o filho the son os filhos the children 

irmao the brother os irmaos the brothers and 

criado the man-servant os criados the men- and maid- 

av6 the grandfather os avds the grandfather and 

tio the uncle os tics the uncle and aunt 

conde the count os condes count and countess 

Mmem the man os hdmens mankind. 

§ 17. For the Plural of the Compound Words 
sure and satisfying rules cannot be given. However, it 
may be noticed that: 

(a) those words compound by an unalterable par- 
ticle and a noun, add an -s to the latter: antedatas, 
sobrenomes, abaixo-assignados ; 

(b) those compound by a verb and a noun, add 
the -s of the plural only to the noun: passa-tempos, 
porta-bandeiras, guarda-chuvas, girasoes, quebramares ; 

(c) words compound of two nouns add the -s oiily 
to the last: guarda-portoes, beira-mares, couve-flores, 
mestre-salas. On the contrary : a porta-cocheira (= porta 
de cocheira), portas-cocheiras; tenentes-generaes ; tenentes- 
coroneis; capitaes-tenentes. 

(d) Those formed of a substantive and an adjective 
take the -s of the plural partly only at the end, partly 
for both elements — e.g.: as aguardentes, os cantocMos, 
as mao-cheias, os meio-dias, as meia-noites, os salvo-con- 
ductos. But: os amores-perfeitos; os cavdllos-marinhos. 

(e) Those formed of two verbs take the -s at the 
end: os bule-bules, os vae-vens. 

(f) Of nouns compound of three words, those joined 
by de generally take the plural form for the first word, 
this being a substantive; the others add the -s on their 
end: os paus de cabelleiro; os paus de lacre; but mal- 

268 Lesson 5. 

§ 18. Observations on the Pronunciation of the 
Plural of Certain Nouns. 

A certain number of substantives ending in -o, 
whose accented vowel of the penultima is a close 6 [o], 
change this 6 in the plural into open 6 [o] — e.g. : o dvo 
[ovu] the egg, ovos [ovuf] (cf. Part. I, § 74). 

These substantives to which belongs also avo are: 
ahrolho cliff, rock, avo grandfather, cachopo boy; carogo 
kernel, stone; c^oco cuttle-fish, brooding, adj.: hatched; 
choro weeping, composto mixture, corcovo jump, ca- 
priole, como horn, coro choir, chorus, corpo body, corvo 
raven, despojo cover, destrogo ruins, escolho reef, esforgo 
effort, esposo husband (pi. also esposos besides espdsos), 
esidrvo hindrance, fogo to fire, f6l(e)go breath, rest, forno 
oven, foro jurisdiction, forro lining, fosso ditch, imposto 
duties, jogo play, midlo brains, oVio eye, osso bone, tvo 
egg, pescogo neck, 2}ogo well, porco pore, porto harbour, 
posto post, povo people, preposto or proposto substitute, 
reforgo supply, renovo shoot, spring, rogo demand, soro 
whey, serum, soccorro succour, supposto supposition, 
tijolo brick, tqjo gorse, tordo throstle, torno lathe, 
tremoco grain of lapine, troco small coin, trogo stump, 
fragment, body of soldiers, etc. 

Thus: abroThos, avos, cachopos, carogos etc. 

This modification does not take place in the words 
adbrno ornament, a tire, anwr love, holsa purse, Mlso 
pocket, estojo case, box, folha leaf, folho flounce, frill, 
globo globe, gosdo grease, fat, gorra cap, gorro hood, 
cape, goso joy, enjoyment ; gorto taste ; gota drop ; molho 
sauce, trmco trunk, stump; thus: adornos, iolsos, esto- 
jos, etc. 

14. Thema. 

Among the persons who assisted at the funeral (exequies) 
of the brother and sister, there were besides their parents, 
their grandparents and the servants, more than a hundred 
men, but only a few women. All men are mortal. Of what 
died the children of the count and countess? They are said 
to have succumbed to the measles or small-pox. The arms 
over the chief entry has been covered with crape in sign 
of mourning. — To make these tasks correct, every care is to 

Formation of, the Plural of Nouns. 269 

be employed and particular attention to be bestowed upon gender 
and number of the nouns. The shopkeeper of the next corner 
sells victuals and other goods of all kinds. I bought there 
5 pounds of sugar, 2 kilos of coffee, 3 litres of wine, and 
6^/a meters of ribbon, as also half a dozen pairs of gloves 
and three dozens and a half of handkerchiefs. — In Lisbon 
there are in the halls ('= portal or vestihulo) of the better 
houses doorkeepers sitting behind ornamental tables, to give 
information to the visitors and to receive and hand over to 
the residents visiting-cards or any kind of commissions. The 
Portuguese peasants like to eat boiled grains of lupine. (The) 
tastes differ: while some like pork, others prefer eggs, 
and others still like sauces best. The Portuguese woods are 
full of gorse, a prickly plant of which there are various kinds. 
These gorses generally grow on dry ground and bear (= dar) 
yellow blossoms. 

15. Tersao. 

Todas as segundas e quintas-feiras os guarda-livros d'aquel- 
las casas d'exporta9ao teem mais que fazer do que nos outros 
dias da semana, por serem vfeperas da partida dos paqufites. 
As vezes nao bastam os esf6r9os d'esses empregados para 
senhorear todos os trabalhos, mas 6 precise pedir ref6r(;o aos 
prepostos e mais empregados. Destes tro^os d'arvore reben- 
taram alguns renovos, e por entre estes destr6(jos de tijolos e 
esses abrolhos ha muitas gavinhas de hera agarradas as fendas 
pelas adhesivas. Os z6los muitas vezes sao signal, ou de poucos 
miolos ou de poncas entranhas. Chama-se Cdrtes ao parla- 
mento portugugs, assim como ao edificio, onde esta o parla- 
mento; de ordinario sao abertas no dia dois de Janeiro. Em 
Lisboa ha gnarda-portoes em todas as melhores casas particu- 
lares. Nos mercados compram-se muito baratas todas as hor- 
tali5as, taes como as couve-fl6re3, os broceolos, os espinafres, 
as azedas, os bredos e outras hervas; e os mal-me-queres e 
amores-perfeitos as mao-cheias. 

16. Leitnra. 

Tomada de Santarem^ (1147). 

Na noite do sabbado, destinada para o assalto, tornava-se 
probabUissimo que os atalaias e roldas^ estivessem descuidados. 
Se, como parece, o calculo foi este, cdlculo na verdade nao 

' Santarem, a town upon the Tagus in the province of 
Estremadura, the ancient Scalabis of the Bomans and once one 
of the strongest bulwarks of the Saracens. 

^ Bolda, antiquated, modernly randa = patrol. 

270 Lesson 5. 

exempto de perfidia^ as esperanQas dos christaos falharam em 
parte. No logar onde habitualmente nao havia sentinellas, 
descobriam-se agora duas, que mutuamente se espertavam 
a vozes. 

A pequena hoste, cuja rectaguarda o prmcipe ^ fechava, 
parou entao no meio de uma seara, esperando que os vigias 
adormecessem com a modorra do quarto d'alva. Largas horas 
Ihes deviam parecer estas em que esperavam; mas os dois 
musillmanos cederam por fim ao somno. Pelo tecto da casa 
de um olleiro conti'gua ao muro, Mem Ramires coseu-se com 
este e procurou com a ponta da langa segurar uma escada as 
ameias; mas, falhando-lhe o tiro, a escada caiu com grande 
ruido. Nao titubeou elle entre a yida e a morte e, curvando-se, 
ergueu sobre os hombroa um soldado, que lan90U as maos a 
aresta da muralha, e, pulando acima, pode amarrar a escada 
a uma das ameias. N'um relance o alferes subiu com o pendSo 
real e hasteou-o. Quasi a um temgo Mem Eamires se achou 
ao pe d'elle. Tudo isto foi obra de um instante ; mas o ruido 
despertdra, de feito, as sentinellas. Olharam : o pavoroso estan- 
darte do tyranno Ibu Errik estava la come o espectro da morte. 
Estupefactos, perguntaram ambos com voz tomada: — Quem 
sois? — Fora impossivel enganal-os. Tr6s vpzes olamaram em 
brados confusos: Nazarenos! Trfis eram tambem os christaos 
que se achavam no adarve. Mem Rodrigues respondeu com 
grito de guerra: — Santiago e rei AflFonso! (Continua.) 


Que 6 Santarem? Como se chamava antigamente? 
Que importancia tinha sob o dominio dos saraeenos 

(mouros) ? 
Por quem foi tomada? E em que anno? 
Quem 6ra Affonso Henriques? E quando reinava? 
Qual era o calculo dos assaltadores ? 
Quem deu o primeiro assalto? e como? 
Qual foi resultado - d'essa tentativa ? 
Como reparou Mem Ramires o mallogro? 
Como se descreve o encontro dos portugu6sens com oa 

saraeenos ? 

1 Aflfonso Henriquea, first king of Portugal, 1128—1185. 

Use of the Article. 271 

Sixth Lesson. 

Use of the Article. 

§ 19. The definite Article {artigo definido) is not 
only employed before nouns (nomes communs) but also 
in the following cases: 

(a) It substantivates any other particle, any letter 
or even a whole sentence employed as a subject, attri- 
bute, or object, namely: 

(a) attributive adjectives: o bello, o Ucito, o 

(P) infinitives: A naturesa feg o comer para o 
viver. gahares-te de sdbio mostra seres igno- 

(t) prepositions: adverbs, conjunctions, letters — 
e.g.: Defender o contra d'uma questdo. 
coma, quando, o porque, o A(hc) ; 

(b) phrases: nao posso dos negligentes e o nao 
qiiero dos contumases, valem quasi o mesmo. 

(b) It changes appellatives into proper names; for 
instance o Forte (= harbour); a Extremadura (== the 
extreme border); a JBeira (= brink, bank); o Funchal 
{= a field set with fennel) ; a Bahia {= bay) ; o Bio de 
Janeiro ; a Granja (== farm, grange), o Espinho {= spine) 
Portuguese bathing-places; a Terceira (= the third), 
island of the Azores. 

(c) On the other hand, it changes proper names into 
appellatives : os Albuquerques, os Castros, os Camoes — i.e. 
prominent naval leaders such as Affonso dAlhuquer- 
que and D. Jodo de Castro, or famous poets like Camoes; 
for instance : Gil Vicente foi chamado o Flauto portugues 
Gil Vicente was called the Portuguese Plautus. 

N.B. — Also family names indicating totality may be em- 
ployed in the plural. 

(d) The definite Article is also employed with proper 
names preceded by an adjective (young, old, little, poor 
included) or followed by an apposition — e.g. : o eloquente 
Cicero ; Guilherme o Conquistador, young Henry o joven 

272 Lesson 6. 

Are excepted from this rule santo (Santo) and sao 
(Sdo) Saint, as also the ordinary numbers employed 
with names of regents, and several other appositions: 
Santo Antonio e o padroeiro de Lisboa. A Mblia, tradu- 
zida por Sao Jeronymo, e conhecida pelo nonie de « Vul- 
gatav>. Luis Quatorse, Carlos-Quinto, Alexandre Magno; 
Deus Foderoso. 

(e) The definite article is employed with the names 
of the seasons : a primavera Spring, no verao in Summer, 
durante o inverno during winter. 

(f) Sometimes the definite article is found without 
a substantive, which is to be substituted. It then often 
corresponds to our that, those. Ex. : As merces que recebi 
sao manifestas a todos; aos de for a com esponto da sua 
grandesa, aos de casa com inveja de minha fortuna. 

(g) Contrary to the English, the definite article is 
generally employed before a possessive adjective, not 
indicating parentship.: o meu jardim, a vossa casa etc. ; 
but minha prima, seu marido etc. 

N.U.— This rule is not alway strictly observed. 

The word indicating possession being a pronoun, 
it has no article: Este livro e meu [this book is mine); 
esse e teu, aquelle nao e nosso. 

(h) The definite article is employed with parts of 
the body or its clothing, bodily qualities or states, 
and also wherever the relation between possessor and 
possession is evident (in English there is employed the 
indefinite article or the possessive adjective instead). 

Ella tern as cabellos louros e os olhos pretos. 

She has fair hair and black eyes. 

Falava com a cahega erguida e o brago estendido. 

He spoke with his head raised and his arm extended. 

Maria e muito parecida com a mae. 

Mary is much resembling her mother. 

Tiraram os chapeus. 

They took their hats off. 

Calgdmos as lui>as we put our gloves on. 

Ella tent a garganta inflammada. 

She has her throat inflamed. 

Use of the Article. 273 

EUe teni a hdcca rasgada, as pernas compridas, a cinta 

He has a large mouth, long legs, a fine waist. 
Ter uma d6r de denies, uma dtr de cabSga. 
To have a tooth-ache, a head-ache, as in English, but in 

the plural form: ter dores de denies, de cabSga. 

§ 20. The definite Article is omitted : 

(a) before proper names (of. however § 19, (b), (c) 
and (d). 

N,B. — In familiar speech the article is often employed 
before names of persons : Carlos foi levar a carta. Ber- 
nardino Machado i repiiblicano. Also the article may be put 
before the names of well-known artists — e.g., As B6das de 
Cana, pintadas pelo Veronese, e a Kermesse do Rubens . . . 

Exc. : Are excepted from this rule the names of the 
seas, rivers, mountains and continents, as well as certain 
countries and provinces which are always employed 
with the article (o Atldntico, o Mondego, o Caramulo, 
a Eurox>a, a AlemanJia, a Japdo, a Extremadura etc.; 
but without the article: Portugal, Trds-os-Montes). Also 
the article is found always before a plural name of 
countries: as Indias; os (dois) Algarves; os Estados 
Unidos (do Brasil) etc. 

(b) before nouns, especially abstract ones, which (a) 
are quite generally employed, or (p) as an attribute — 
e.g. : Pohresa nao e viUza poverty is no crime. Padecer 
por fbrga e fraqueza; nao desanimar nos trahaThos, neces- 
sidade. Yet you may also read and say: Inveja e um 
vicio envy is a vice. 

(c) in vocatives — i.e., addressing persons or personi- 
fied beings: PWios (my sons) jd sei que nao posso durar 
muito. Hervas do prado, vossa vida e morte e innocente 
Ye herbs of the meadow, your life and death are in- 

(d) with the names of the months: Estamos em 
november. Foi em margo do anno passado que . . . 
However : Todo o (meg de) Janeiro esteve frigidissimo. 

(e) with the names of diseases, generally enjployed 
in English with the article : Elle tern bexigas (the small- 
pox), tinha sarampo (the measles) : tern typho he has the 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 18 

274 Lesson 6. 

§ 21. The article, though generally omitted before 
names of islands and towns, is employed: 

(a) when they are accompanied by an adjective or 
some other attributive determination — e.g. : terremoto 
de 1755 destruiu quasi complefamente a velha Lisbda; da 
qual a Lisbda d'hoje e muito differente ; 

(b) with those proper names formed by an appel- 
lative (cf. § 19, (b): a Madeira, a Guar da (town of 
Portugal); o Cairo (formed after the Arabian). 

§ 22. Contrary to the English, the definite article 
is generally employed: 

(a) before material and abstract nouns in the nomi- 
native (as a subject, sometimes also as a predicate). 
ar e mats leve do que a agua air is lighter than water; 
Cf. : vinho e feito de uvas . . . esse liquido e (o) vinho 
... vinagre e vinho aeedo . . . o vinagre e feito de 
vinlio . . . Tambem se fas vinagre de cervija . . . da beter- 
raba se faz assucar. chumbo e mais pesado que o ouro. 
medo i mna conselheiro; 

(b) before nouns which, in contrast to § 20, (b), 
are employed in a restrictive meaning — e.g.: 

A pobrcza de hens materiaes nao e villiza, mas sim a 

pobreza de dignidade. 
Poverty of material goods is no disgrace, but poverty 

of dignity is. 

Antes a pobreza hwirada, 

Do que a riqueza roubada. 

Eather honoarable poverty than robbed riches. 

A rega ou a chuva excessivas prejudicam as plantas. 

Excessive watering or rains damage the plants. 

(c) before the cardinal points North and South and 
before the names of the feasts — e.g.: para o sul, para 
norte, ao sul, ao norte ; e.g. : da norte para o sul from 
North to South; but: de leste or d^este, a [or ao) deste 
from East to West; pela Fdsc(h)oa about Easter, ao 
Natal at Christmas; 

(d) with collective names of corporations, govern- 
ments, the names of sciences, reUgious creeds, seasons, 
metals, etc., as: 

nobility a nobrSza monarchy a monarchia 

government o govh-no history a hist&ria 

Use of the Article. 275 

geography a geographia Judaism o judalsmo 

philosophy a philosophia winter o inverno 

posterity a posteridade spring a primavera 

mankind a humanidade gold, silver o ouro, a prata 

Christianity o christianismo iron, steel o ferro, o ago. 

(e) With nouns denoting a whole class, genus, or 
species, as: 

Man is mortal o homem S mortal. 
The voices of animals are very different. 
As vozes dbs animaes sao muito differentes. 
The rich (men) are not always happy. 
Os ricos nao sao sempre felizes. 

(f) before the following and other nouns taken in 
a general sense: 

Man homem hell o inferno 

men os homens tea o did 

Nature a natureza dinner o jantar 

heaven o ceu breakfast o almdgo 

earth a terra supper a ceia. 

(g) also in compositions of adjectives and abstract 
nouns, which in English are used without the article, 
it cannot be omitted (cf, (b) examples) — e.g.: 

human understanding o intendimento humano 

human power a fdrga humana 

human nature a naturSza humana 

human life a vida do homem 

high life a alta roda or sociedade 

ancient history a histdria antiga 

modern history a histdria moderna 

universal history a histdria universal 

high treason a alta traigao 

royal favour a real graga 

divine religion a divina (or santa) religiao 

English history a histdria inglSsa 

English poetry a poesia inglesa 

kingly power o poder real. 

(h) "Town" in the terms "to go to town, to live 
in town," etc., is ir a (viver na) cidade. Also the names 
of streets, squares and public buildings are employed 
with the article. A rua de Garrett, do Ouro, Garrett 
Street, Gold Street; a Fraga de Bom Tedro Quarto, o 
Eocio Rocio Square; Largo de Camoes Camoes Place, 


276 Lesson 6. 

(i) Geographical names are, contrary to the English, 
generally employed with the article (cf. § 1, (a), 3; (b), 2 
§ 20 (a) Exc. and § 21) : a Inglaterra England, o Vesuvio 
Vesuvius, a Alsdcia Alsace, a Britanha Brittany, etc. 
The terms Western, Southern, etc., which form one idea 
with the following names, are rendered in Portuguese 
by do oeste, do sul, etc. or occidental, oriental, septentrional, 
meridional — e.g.: Eastern Africa a Africa de leste or 
oriental. Southern Portugal o Portugal meridional or 
de sul. 

(k) as in English the names of the months are 
employed without article, if not meant in a restrictive 
sense: Janeiro geralmente e frio: o Janeiro d'este anno 
esteve excessivumcnte frio. 

(1) with the article are employed todo all, the whole, 
every, amhos, amdas both, and qual which, when rela- 
tive. Todo pais the whole country; todo o homem 
every man, o mesino autor o qual jd citei the same 
author whom I cited already. Todos os mares os quaes 
percorri All the seas I ran through. Ambos os irnidos, 
anibos as minhas moos both the brothers, both my hands, 
(m) The article is employed in certain idiomatic 
expressions, as: 

dar OS bans dias to say good morning 

dur as boas festas (os parabens) to send the compliments 
of the season, to felicitate 

dar OS pesames a alguem to condole with a person 

fazer as suas despedidas to bid good-bye 

pela manha, pela tarde in the morning, in the after- 

lis sete horas at 7 o'clock 

ao meio-clia at midday 

saber o portuguis to know Portuguese (cf. : falar por- 

a maioria, os mais dos homens most men 

as mais das vezes mostly 

viver da mao a boca to live from hand to mouth. 

as armas! to arms! 

17. Teina. 

The ostrich has long legs, a long neck, and very short 
wings. The fox has a more slender form than the wolf My 
children have fair hair and blue eyes. Do you know that 
girl with the brown eyes? Tes, I know her; she is the 

Use of the Article. 277 

daughter of a German in Alsace. In Germany people have 
mostly light eyes; the more towards south, the more dark 
eyes are met with. In Northern Europe most persons have 
flaxen hair. America is bathed in the east by the Atlantic 
Sea^ and in the west by the Pacific. Do yon learn French? 
Not yet; I shall learn it as soon as I know Portngaese. I 
thought I had already heard you speaking Portuguese. In- 
deed, but I do not yet know it well. Folar, from the French 
poularde (= fattened poultry), is a present given in Portugal 
at Easter, in some places also at Christmas. At Christmas time 
you may send the compliments of the season from Christmas 
Eve until Epiphany (dia dos [tres] reis [magos]). I wish you 
a happy New Year with all my heart (see § 14). My sister 
has her throat inflamed and my friend has a head-ache. 
January was very cold. Japan is now a great Power. The 
Emperor of China died young. 

18. Versao. 

Portugal continental e insular. 

Portugal, a Lusitania dos antigos, e um dos estados da 
Europa occidental. EUe occupa quasi toda a parte d'oeste da 
peninsula iberica, tendo por limites ao norte (N.) e a leste 
(B.) o reino de (a) Espanha, ao sul (S.) e a oeste (0. or W.) o 
oceano. sen maior comprimento, desde Chaves junto a 
Melga90 ate ao cabo de Santa Maria no Algarve, e de 103 
16guas, a sua maior largura de nascente a poente desde Campo 
Maior ate ao cabo da Roca, e de 44 leguas. A superficie e 
de 3150 16guas quadradas. A popula9ao no continente 6 
poueo mais de 5 milhoes. A capital 6 a cidade de Lisbfia 
sobre o Tejo. Outras cidades importantes sao: o Porto, 
Coimbra, Vizeu, Braga, Setiibal. Comprehende este reino, 
aldm do continente, as ilhas chamadas adjacentes, que sao as 
dos A9ores, da Madeira (vulgarmente denominada «a Ilha») e 
Porto Santo. Outras ilhas sao o archipelago de Cabo Verde, 
as ilhas de Sao Thom6 e Principe. archipelago de Cabo 
Verde forma dois grupos, a saber: o de Barlavento ao norte 
que se compoe das ilhas de Santo Antao, Santa Luzia, Sao 
Vicente, Sao Nicoldu, Sal, Boa Vista; e o de Sotavento ao 
sul, qual consta das ilhas de Sao Thiago, Maio, Fogo e 
Brava. Na Oceania ha a ilha de Timor, que serve de degredo. 


Onde esta (ou flea) situado Portugal? 
De que peninsula faz parte? 
Quaes sao os sens limites? 
Qual e seu maior comprimento? 

278 Lesson 7. 

E qual e a sua maior largura? 

Qual 6 a sua snperfieie? 

De que niimero 6 a popula9ao? 

Quaes sao as cidades mais importantes ? 

Quaes sao as chamadas ilhas adjacentes? 

De quantos grupos se compoe o archipelago de Cabo 

Verde ? 
E quaes sao? 

Seventh Lesson. 

Use of the Article (continued). 
§ 23. The Definite Article before the Attribute. 

(a) The nouns nome, titulo, mes, falta are joined to 
the following noun or proper name (if this be not a geni- 
tive) by de without article, o nome de Defensor, titulo 
de rei, mes de abril, a falta d'dgua. (Of. : titulo do rei 
de Portugal era "Fidelissimo" ; Mingua e a falta do ne- 

(b) The appellatives ilha, cidade, villa, reino, estado, 
provincia, porto, rua, imperio, regiao, serra, cabo, etc., are 
joined to the following proper name by de with or 
without the article (see Task 18). 

N.B. — In a mere enumeration of names the appellative 
with de and article is omitted (id.). 

The employment of the article and its form after 
these appellatives depends on the following proper name 
being used, when alone, with or without the article, 
and whether this be in the masculine or feminine, sin- 
gular or plural form — e.g.: 

A ilha de Timor, do Fogo, do Haiti, da Madeira, 
da Trindade, as ilhas de Hyeres, dos Agores, das Ca- 
ndrias. Yet without article: a ilha Terceira (i.e., the 

A cidade de Setubal, do Porto, do Funchal, da 
Guarda, da Figueira da Foz, de Sao Cosnie, das Pedras 
Salgadas, das Torres Vedras, etc. 

The same with villa, porto, if these appellatives 
are not a part of the proper name — as, for instance, in 
the following: 

Use of the Article. 279 

Villa Franca, Villa Franca de Xira, Villa Franca 
do Campo, Villa Fria, Villa Vigosa, Porio-Alegre, Porto 
Cabreiro, Porto de MO0, Porto da Guar da, etc. 

Cabo^ de Sao Vicente, da Boca, Cabo Delgado, 
Cabo Negro, do Norte, da Praia, da Boa Esperanga, das 

A rua (travessa, escada, calgada, praga, beco, ca- 
minho, largo, caes, passadi(o) de El-Rei, de Jo&o de Deus, 
de D. Fernando, do Fdrno do Tijolo, da Fdbrica das 
Sedas, das Cavallarigas do Infante, dos Cardeaes de Jesus, 
do Sodre, do Terreiro Publico. 

imperio de AUemanha, do Japao; reino de 
Portugal, os Estados Unidos do Brasil, imperio da 

As provincias da Beira, da Estramadura, do Alem- 
tejo, de Trds-os-Montes. 

(c) Rio is always employed without de if indi- 
cating a river — e.g.: rio Douro, rio Tejo, rio Lima; 
but Bio de Janeiro. 

§ 24. The Definite Article and the Apposition. 

1. A noun in apposition is generally employed wit- 
hout the article, when following the name: A rainJia 
B. Leonor, regente do reino, confidra governo do Alem- 
tejo a B. Joao, Mestre dAviz. Estivemos no Porto, 
cidade episcopal, a segunda da monarchia em populagao. 

2. The apposition is employed with the article in 
the following cases: 

(a) When the proper name is preceded by a title 
(not being Bom, Bona, Fret, Sor, etc.): doutor Nogu- 
eira; a menina Maria; padre Jose. (But Bom Carlos 
Berquo, Bona Carolina Michaelis ; Frei Luis de Sousa ; 
Sor Marianna) N.B. — If these titles are preceded by 
senhor, senhora, rei, rainha, they too are employed with 
the article: 

a ex-rainha Dona Amelia, ex-rei (El-rei) Dam Ma- 
nuel, etc. 
A senhora Bona Beatriz Angela foi a primeira mulher em 
Portugal que em 1911 votou nas eleigdes parlamentares. 

^ Cabo, making part of the name, is written with a capital 
letter, as also Villa, Forto, Rio in the same case. 

280 Lesson 7. 

(b) When it is an historical addition after a personal 
name, without being an ordinal number — e.g.: 

Doni Joao II (Segundo), o Principe perfeito, iniciou a 
epoca dos grandes descobertas dos Portugueses. 

(c) As a superlative (which, not being one ending 
in -or, may also folloiv the noun): 

Trindade Coelho, o melhor contista moderno e urn dos 
caracteres mats ndbres que Portugal teve, morreu em 
9 de agosto 1908. 

«0s Lusiadas» e a titulo do poema de CamSes, poeta 
portugues o mats cilebre do seu tempo. 

(d) When indicating something notorious or famous. 

toi Vasco de Gama, o grande navegador, que descohriu 
caminho maritimo das Indias. 

§ 25. The Indefinite Article and the Predicative 


1. The predicative noun is employed without 
article and preposition, when indicating in a general 
way a state, profession, title, parentship, office or em- 
ployment, dignity, character, nationality, etc., with the 
verbs : 

(a) sir, ficar, fazer-se, tornar-se, dizer-se, nascer, 
morrer, parecer, padecer etc. Ex. : 

Dizia-se correligiondrio dos monarchisias, para ficar 

He passed himself off as a partisan of the monarchists, 

in order to remain a deputy. 
Meu aniigo e portugues e auctor; tornou-se sdbio. 
My friend is a Portugaese and an author; he became 

a learned man. 
Bern que tivesse nascido filho do povo, morreu presidenie. 
Though he was born a child of the vulgar, he died a 


(b) nomear to nominate, appoint, acclamar, pro- 
claniar to proclaim, eleger to elect, crer, considerar jul- 
gar to think, arniar cavalleiro to create a knight. 

Dom Joao I. foi eleito Mestre da ordem de Aviz e armado 
cavalleiro por seu pae, (o ret) Dom Pedro I. Em 
1385 foi acclamado ret de Portugal. 

Use of the Article. 281 

2. The predicative noun is employed without ar- 
ticle, but with preposition after the verbs escolher (se) 
para to chose (to be chosen) ; passar por, ser tido por 
to pass for, to be taken for ; tomar or ter por to think, 

Escolheram-se os homens mais resolutos para combatentes; 

escolheu-se para general um capitao experimentado. 
Passava por homem capaz e recto, sempre o tinha tornado 

(or tido) por tal. 

3. The indefinite article is omitted with a noun in 
apposition, as: 

A Ceia dos Cardeaes, comedia por Julio Danias. 
The Cardinals' Supper, a comedy by Julio Dantas. 

4. Omitted also on the title-page of a book: 
Grammdtica portuguSsa a Portuguese Grammar. 
Histdria da Inglaterra a History of England. 

5. A, an when used in the sense of "per" is ren- 
dered by por or the definite article: 

Five pounds a month cinco libras por (or o) mf.g. 

So much a lesfson tanto por (or a) ligao. 

To give so much a head dar tanto por (or a) cabeqa. 

§ 26. Repetition of the Article. 

(a) The article, as also its substitutes — e.g., the 
possessive or demonstrative adjectives, is repeated before 
several nouns or adjectives — expressing diversity of 
meaning: Vird a julgar os vivos e os mortos. Os soldados 
mogos e os velhos. 

(b) The article is not repeated when those words 
do not express diversity, but similarity, even though 
their gender be different— e.g.: "Entre as ruinas e mo- 
numentos antiquissimos que se encontram ainda pelo 
pais ..." • 

(Concerning the adjective in the plural see Lesson 9.) 

19. Thema. 

Harbours, hays, capes, provinces and towns of Portugal. 

(See the map in the innerside of the front cover of this book.) 

Portugal being a shore-land (pais d beira-mar), it has on 
its coast some important harbours, where ships may sail into 

282 Lesson 7. 

and cast anchor in order to embark and disembark passengers 
and goods. The principal harbours of Portugal are: that of 
Lisbon, the best of all and one of the largest and most beau- 
tiful in the world. There may enter it at any hour of the 
day or night ships of any size, and there would be room 
for (= caber) all the ships in the world. Following the 
coast from north to south, we meet with the following 
harbours: that of^ Gaminha, Vianna, Espogende, Pdvoa de 
Vargim, Leixdes, an artificial harbour near the fishing-- 
villages of Lega and Mattosinhos ; Sao Jodo da Foe near 
Oporto; Aveiro, Figueira da Foe, Vieira, 8. Martinho; those 
of (da) Ericeira, of Cascaes, a beautiful bay called "the Por- 
tuguese Riviera" ; of Sekibal, a very ancient commercial town 
situated on the Ria^ do Sado; of Sines, Villa Nova de MU- 
fontes, Sagres, a harbour made famous by the Infant Dom Hen- 
rique with the surname "the Navigator" ; Lagos, a bay where 
the English fleet used to have its manoeuvres ; Villa Nova de 
Portimao, Faro, Tavira, Villa Beal de Santo Antonio. 

As Portugal is a littoral, the land stretches now and then 
into the ocean (tr.: pelo mar dentro), forming greater and 
smaller capes or points. The principal capes of Portugal are 
the following: The cape of Mondego, of Garvoeiro, da Boca, 
the most occidental cape of Europe ; the cape of Espichel, 
of Sines, of Saint Vincent, of Santa Maria. 

Portugal has eight provinces, each of which has its capital: 
that of the Minlio, the most northern province, is called 
Braga; that of Trds-os-Montes : Braganga; that of the province 
of Bouro: Oporto; that of the Beira-Alta: Vizeu; of the Beira- 
Baixa: Chiarda; of Estremadura: Lisbon, at the same time 
capital of the country; of Alemtejo: iloora; and that of Al- 
garve: Faro. 

20. Versao. 
Portugal ultramarino. 

(Vide mappa na parte antero-interior da capa d'este Ivuro.) 
As provincias ultramarinas, vastos territorios situados na 
Africa, Asia e Oce§,nia °j e sujeitos a um regimen adminastra- 
tivo especial, comprehendem: na Africa: al6m das provincias 
insulares de Cabo- Verde (see Less. 18), S. Thome e Principe, as 
continentaes de Guine, Angola e Mozambique; na M-sia: o 

' Substitute always "that of." 

2 Ria is the mouth of a river enlarged to a sea. (Of. on 
the map: Sado, Tejo; Sia de Vigo (in Spain). 

^ Oceania or Oceania. The former accentuation is scientific 
the latter popular. 

Use of the Article. 283 

estado da India e a provincia de Macau; na Oceania: o dis- 
tricto autonomo de Timor. 

A provincia da Guin6 compoe-se de territories na costa 
occidental da Africa, e de muitas ilhas. D'essas ilhas, as mais 
importantes sao: Bissau, Bolama, Jatte, todas perto da costa; 
e mais ao largo as 12 ilhas do archipelago de Bijagos. — A 
provincia de Angola esta quasi toda no continente da A- 
frica, pois defronte da costa apenas tem uma ilha de areia. 
sen territorio 6 enorme, e alguns o avaliam em urn milhao 
e 300 mil kilometros quadrados. A capital de Angola 6 a 
cidade de Loanda; e as suas principaes povoa5oes, alem de 
Loanda, sao as seguintes : Cabinda, Ambaca, Malange, Bengaella 
e Mossamedes. — • Mozambique, provincia ultramarina na costa 
oriental da Xfrica, e formada por extensos territories litoraes 
e ainda por muitas ilhas fronteiras, proximo e ao longe da 
costa. A provincia eomprehende os districtos de Mozambique, 
Zambezia, Inhambane e Lourenzo Marques etc. A capital 
^ a cidade de Mozambique, situada na ilha do mesmo nome. 
As suas principaes povoazoes, al6m da capital, sao: Quelimane, 
Inhambane, Lourenzo Marques, Sofala. — Estado da India 
eomprehende os territories de G6a (capital: Nova G6a ou 
Fangim), de Damao e de Dia. A provincia de Macau e for- 
mada de parte de uma peninsula d entrada do rio de Cantao, e 
de duas ilhas muito proximaa d'aquella: Taipa e Colovane. A 
cidade de Macau, capital d'esta provincia, occupa quasi toda 
a parte portuguSsa da peninsula a entrada de rio de Cantao. 
districto de Timor consta de parte da ilha de Timor e de 
uma pequena ilha, chamada de Pulo-Cambing. A ilha de TimOr 
4 uma das ilhas do archipelago de Sonda, archipelago que 
alguns geograpbos modernos entendem pertencer a Asia e nao 
a Oceania. Dilly, capital do districto portugufis de TimOr fica 
na costa septentrional da ilha. 

Foi durante o reinado de D. Joao I e sub a direcQao de 
D. Henrique o Navegador, sen filho, que se descebriratn mais 
de 360 l^guas da costa africana, desde o cabe Bojador ate a Serra 
Leda, e as formosas ilhas do Atlantico, de que foram ventu- 
rosas primicias as ilhas de S. Miguel, S"- Maria, Terceira, 
Azores, Porto Santo e Madeira. 


Quaes sao es portos principaes de Portugal? 

Quaes sao os seus principaes cabos, seguindo do norte 

para o sul? 
Quantas provincias tem esse reino? 
Quaes sao os nomes d'ellas e das suas capitaes? 
Que se entende por Portugal ultramarine? 

284 Lesson 8. 

Quaes sao as suas colonias africanas? 

Como se ohamam as principaes povoa^oes de Angola i 

de Mozambique? 
De que territories se compoe o Estado da India? 
De que e formada a provinoia de Macau? 
De que consta o districto de Timor? 

Eighth Lesson. 

Omission of the Article. 

(Cf. §§ 20, 21, 24 (1) a, 25, 1 and 2). 
§ 27. The article (or its substitute) is omitted: 

(a) in mere numerations (cf. § 23 (b) N.B.) — e.g.: 
Rouhou-llie reldgio, corrente, anneis, tudo. 

(b) often with nem...nem neither ... nor (also often 
omitted in English): 

N'isto nao ha nem honra nem proveito. Eu vi nem casa 
nem jardim. 

(c) after jamais and nunca before the subject, if 
not determinate: 

Nunca honra maior foi offerecida a ninguem. 
Never a greater honour was offered to anybody. 
Jdmais haverd amigo mats leal. 

(d) in sentences denoting doubt, negation as well 
as in questions expressing uncertainty, supposition, or 
negation : 

Duvido que haja qualklade melhor. 

I dciubt whether there be a better quality. 

Nao havia coragao mats nohre do que o d'elle. 

There was no heart more generous than his. 

Tens amigo dedicado, em que possas fiar-te? 

Have you a devoted friend that you may depend upon ? 

<iCabeQa de rapaz sohre a qual esses olhos admiraveis 

pousassem um instante, era cdbega perdida.» 
Any young man's head those admirable eyes rested upon 

for a moment, was lost. 
Jd se viu pessda mats ingrata? 
Was there ever seen a more ungrateful person? 

Omission of the Article. 285 

(e) before a noun or substantivated participle 
employed iu a general meaning — e.g.: 

estado e de guerra. 
The situation is that of war. 
pals nao se resigna jd d situagao de vencido. 
The country resigns itself no longer to the situation 
of a vanquished (nation). 

(f) before the adjectives tao, outro, tal, qual, tal 
qual, qual outro, semelhante, igual, meio, certo, tamanho 
(also subst.), and the substantives numero, parte, porgao, 
quantidade, quantia, somma, genfe, pessoa, coisa. 

(N.B. — Before the nouns and certo the article may be 

Mn certa occasiao a indignagao foi tamanha que . . . 
On a certain occasion indignation was so strong that . . . 
Nao querendo dar-lhe avuUada quantia, deu-lhe meia 

Not feeling inclined to give him a big sum, he gave 

him a half promise. 
Houve grande quantidade de gente e muita somma de 

There was a great number of people and a large 

amount of intelligence. 
Grande parte dos pedintes recebeu porgao igual a dos 

A great part of the poor got a portion equal to that 

of the inmates of a charitable institution. 
Di^me outro copo d'agua. 
Give me another cup of water. 
caracter deste sujeito e qual eu desejo. 
The character of this man is such as I desire. 
Tal mulher me fosse ella, qual marido eu Ihe sou. 
Were she such a wife to me as I am a husband to her. 
Elle abriu caminho qual outro Arnaldo de Winlcelried. 
He made a way like a second A. W. 

(g) before coisa in connection with alguma or nen- 

Viu alguma coisa ? Nao vi coisa alguma (or nenhuma). 

(h) often in titles and headings: Tomo segundo; 
Capitido primeiro ; JDescoherta da tndia; 

286 Lesson 8. 

(i) before nouns employed predicatively : sr. Jose 
e primo do Carlos. Carlos e amigo do primo. Francisco 
d' Almeida foi vice-rei da India; 

(k) with parts of the body spoken of in a general 
meaning: (cf.§ 19(h)): corpo humano tern dois bragos, 
duas pernas, cabega e tronco. Temos mao direita e mao 
esquerda, pe dlreito e pe esquerdo; 

(1) in dates: lAsboa, (em) 18 dejunho, Lisbon, June 
the IS*'^. An exception to this is the official dating: 
Lisboa, aos dezoito dias de junho de 1861. 

(m) in phrases like these: 

prestar juramento to take an oath 

prestar servigo to do a service 

par termo or metter caho a to put an end to 

foliar (a) verdade to tell the truth 

fazer de Mho to make a fool of oneself 

fazer boa (md) figura to make a good (bad) figure 

fazer numero to elevate or complete a number 

dar horn resuUado to give a good result 

tirar horn lucro to get a good profit 

exhalar mdu cheiro to exhale a bad smell 

ahrir hanca to establish an office 

ter (por) costume to be in the habit 

convocar cdrtes to convoke the House of Commons 

ahrir caminho to make a way 

estar a ponto de ... to he on the point of 

i costume it is the custom 

fazer aposta to lay a wager 

a "pretexto de under a pretence 

morrer de fehre to die of the fever 

morreu victima da revolugao he fell a victim to the re- 

ir a acto to go in for an examination. 

fazer examen to pass an examination 

viver em casa de . . . to live in the house of 

nao dizer palavra to say not a word 

ter costume to be in the habit 

correr risco to run a risk. 

^ (uma) pena it is a pity 
ter appetite to have an appetite 
estar com pressa to be in a hurry 
estar com, raiva to be in a fury 
ficar com raiva to fly into a passion 

Omission of the Article. 287 

ter fim to have an end 

fazer barulho to make a noise 

ter vontade to have a mind 

ter como regra to make it a rule 

(em) termo medio on an average 

com vista with a view 

fazer signal to make a sign 

fazer presente (de) to make a present (of) 

dar batalha to fight a battle 

tomar exemplo to take an example 

falar em voz haixa (alta) to speak in a low (loud) voice 

nao ha meio de there is no means of. 

e moda it is the fashion 

S fdra de questao it is out of the question. 

Note that the indefinite article is not used with que: 
What a noise you make! Que barulho estd a fazer! 
What a misfortune! Que desgraga! 

§ 28. The article may be omitted: 
(1) In enumerating several substantives which are 
joined by e, ou, etc., or separated by a comma, and 
not denote a contrast (cf. §26) however being of diffe- 
rent gender— e.g.: 

Os habitantes dos vdrios bairros, aldeias e arrabaldes. 
It is the same for several adjectives which acom- 
pany the noun: 

A prim^ra, segunda e terceira classe or : as classes pri- 
meira, segunda e terceira. 

N.B. — If such a noun precedes, it is used in the plural. 
So with such adjectives as, by their nature, follow the noun : 

As Ivnguas portuguisa e inglisa. 

The Portuguese and English languages. 
The noun not being employed in the plural, the article must 
be repeated: 

A lingua portttgttSsa e a inglisa. 
Equally repeated is the article, if living beings of different 
sex are spoken of: 

Os bois e as vaccas. Os burros ou as jumentas. 

§ 29. The partitive article is omitted after the 
prepositions com, sem, por, in certain idiomatic ex- 
pressions; also after de denoting the instrument or 
cause. Ex. : 


Lesson 8. 

coin prazer with pleasure 
com paciencia with patience 
com cuidado with care 
com elegancia elegantly 
sei)t dinheiro without money 
Kcm rer/imdnia without cere- 
$em ma is nacla with no more 

yoi- dia daily, a day 
par anno yearly, a year 
jior tiiSn monthly, a month 
por mar by water, by sea 
2')0r terra by land 

por tal forma in such a manner 
■por ora for the moment 
por causa de for the sake ot 
230r Centura by chance 
soh pena de morte on pain ot 

enclier de heneficios to load 

with benefits 
viver de pdo to live upon 

morrer de fome to be starved 

to death 
saltar de alegria to jump with 


§ 30. No article is used (a) before a substantive 
which is repeated with a preposition, as: 

gota a gdta by drops 

folha a folha leaf upon leaf 

dia a dia day after day 

de dia para dia from one day to another 

promessas sohre promessas promises upon promises 

de tempo(s) a tempo(s) from time to time 

de seculo em siculo from age to age. 

(b) In the following expressions, where the noun 
forms an indivisible unity with the verb, the article is 
omitted in both languages: 

ter razao to be right 
nao ter razao to be wrong 
ter vontade to have a mind 
ter precisao to want 
langar dncora to cast anchor 
levantar dncora to weigh 

Icr alidade to take care 
ter fome to be hungry 
ter sede to be thirsty 
ter sdmno to be sleepy 
ter boa cara to look well 
ter piedade to have pity 
ter vergonha to be ashamed 
ter ined,o to be afraid 

(c) In certain expressions formed with de, em, a, 
sobre, as: 

estar em riseo to be at stake 

estar sobre dncora to be at anchor 

pegar em armas to take up arms 

ser de opiniao to be of opinion 

por em fugida to put to flight 

perder de vista to lose sight of 

comprar em segimda mao to buy second hand 

Omission of the Article. 289 

ir a cavallo to go on horseback 

ir de carrudgem to go in a carriage 

estar em casa to be at home 

ir a casa to go home 

estar de (or em) p6 to be standing 

estar a pS to be up 

tomar 'parte em to join in 

tomar cuidado to be upon one's guard 

tomar assento to take a seat 

tomar sentido to be aware 

tomar fogo to catch fire 

tomar folego to breathe 

dar gragas to say grace 

dar (or fazer) attengao to pay attention 

fazer caso de to value 

fazer mengao de to mention 

fazer fortuna to make one's fortune 

pedir licenga to ask leave 

pedir perdao to beg pardon 

dar credito a to give credence 

pdr-se em pe to rise 

vir a pe to come on foot 

estar em paz to be at peace. 

§ 31. In some expressions the indefinite article is 
employed, as in English, in the sense of one — e.g.: 

d'um fdlego in a breath 

n'uma palavra in a word 

d'uma assentada \ n j. 

J, A i all at once 

dtima vez ) 

d'um trago at a draught. 

§ 32. Employed in the plural, the indefinite article 
has the meaning of some or about: 

Vns dias depois; durante umas horas ; 
Serao precise uns seis metros de fazenda. 

21. Thema. 

Virtue is the highest good. Men are mortal. Modesty 
adorns youth. Human life is short. Man is liable to a variety 
of changes. Gold and silver cannot render man happy. Beer 
is sold at fivepence a pot. This coffee costs two shillings a pound. 
The love of glory and the fear of shame are often the cause 
of great valour. Summer is warm, but winter is cold. Geo- 
graphy is a very useful science. Good and bad seem to be 
blended together through the whole of nature. Do you know 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 19 

290 Lesson 8. 

General Knox? Yes, I know him. The knife and fork are 
broken. Let us go to church. The boys were at school this 
morning, but now they are at home. When did they come 
home? After two o'clock. 

What books have you got there ? Langenscheidt, a Por- 
tuguese pocket-dictionary and Ey, a Portuguese conversation- 
grammar. What cold weather to-day! Did you find some 
means of saltisfying him? I do not know, he said not a 
word. His mother made us a sign to leave the room. The 
poor woman was dying from hunger and cold. You are 
always right; I have been wrong. Have pity on my weakness. 
I must ask your leave. Many poor people live on bread and 
potatoes only. The rent of this house is twenty pounds a 
year. We expected our friend every day (say: from day to 
day), but day after day elapsed without bringing him. Cha- 
rity begins at home (by itself). Necessity knows no law. Games, 
conversation, theatre, nothing entertains him. 

Mr. Teixeira Lopes is a Portuguese and a sculptor. He 
lives at Villa Nova de G-aya, in front of Oporto, on the left 
side of the Bio Bouro, Bua Direita. He is a most famous 
artist. Some of his most important works are in Lisbon — for 
instance, the monument to E(a de Queiroz, one of the most 
eminent novelists, the so-called Portuguese Zola; it is erected 
on the Largo do Quintella. In Catholic countries it is the 
custom to hear the Mass every day. 

22. Tersao. 

Jao I (primeiro). 
Dom Joao I, rei de Portugal, cognominado o de Boa 
Memdria, mas mais conhecido pelo seu titulo de Mestre d'Avie, 
foi filho de el-rei D. Pedro I e de D. Thereza Louren90. Nasceu 
em Lisboa a 15 de abril de 1358, e na idade de 11 annos foi 
eleito mestre da ordem de Aviz e armado cavalleiro por seu 
pae. A prudencia e valor deste monarcha deveu Portugal a 
conserva^ao da sua independenoia, que esteve a ponto de perder 
com a morte de D. Fernando I. Mestre de Aviz, a quern 
a rainha D. Leonor, regente do reino, confiara o governo do 
Alemtejo, para o afastar de Lisboa, aonde era benquisto do 
povo, foi ao pa90 a pretexto de conferenciar com ella. Em- 
quanto fazia espalhar a noticia de que ali o retinham prisio- 
neiro, apunhalou o conde de Ourem, valido da rainha, vinganda 
assim a affronta de que este fora criminoso autor. N'um ins- 
tante apparecea armada a popula^ao de LisbOa. D. Joao 
publicou a morte do conde, e foi logo acclamado regente e 
defensor do reino, que jurou defender contra Castella. 
D. Leonor retirou-se para Alemquer, villa da provincia de 
Extremadnra, e o monarcha castelhano entrou em Portugal, 

Congruence. 291 

empenhando todo o seu poderio, para tomar Lisboa. Por6m 
as bem acertadas medidas e o valor de D. Joao e do grande 
condestavel D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, inseparavel companheiro 
das suas glorias militares, fizeram com que os portugutees 
sustentassem o sitio, ate que o grande ex6rcito sitiador se viu 
obrigado a retirar-se. (Continua.) 


Como foi cognominado D. Joao I? 

Qual titulo pelo que era ainda mais conhecido? 

Quando nasceu? 

Que e que Ihe deve Portugal? 

Quem foi D. Leonor? 

Qual foi acto com que o Mestre d'Aviz vingou a af- 

fronta feita ao povo e a memoria do rei pela rainha 

viuva e o sen favorite oastellao? 
Que succedeu depois d'este acto? 
Quem foi o companheiro d'armas de D. Joao I? 
Qua] foi resultado das medidas e do valor de ambos ? 

Second Division: Syntax. 
Ninth Lesson. 


§ 33. The adjective, the article and the past 
participle conjugated with ser or estar agree in gender 
and number with their noun or pronoun — e.g.; 
amigo certo conhece-se na occasiao incerta. 

Exceptions. — 1. The subject being the pronoun v6s (or 
que referring to vos), and indicating only one person, those 
words are in the singular: V6s sereis feliz. Vds sois amado 
or amada. 

2. The subject being quem followed by the verb ser and 
a substantive in the plural as a predicative noun, the verb 
agrees with the latter (as in English): Qtiem foram os pro- 
genitor es de D. Affonso I.? 

3. See L. 16, § 72, N.B. 

Contrary to the English, the verb ser, when used im- 
personally, agrees with the following predicative noun: Sao 
quatro horas it is 4- o'clock. Sao deaoito do mSs it is the 


292 Lesson 9. 

eighteenth of the month. Qtieni e? Sou eti. Who is it? 
It is I. 

§ 34. (a) Several nouns in the singular being 
accompanied by the same adjective or past participle, 
the latter takes the form of the plural: a lingua,^ (a) 
grammdtica e (a) literatura portuguesas. Sao necessartas 
a circumspecgdo e a prudencia. A senhora e a crianga 
estavam cangados. Com as suas tdo apregoadas probidade 
e distingao teem tecido toda esta trama. 

(b) The nouns being of different gender, without 
diversity in their meaning, the adjective or participle, 
when employed in the singular, agrees with the next 
to it: am,6r e amizade verdadeira or: a amigade e 
amor verdadeiro. Com verdadeiro amor e amizade. J^ 
necessario o esforgo e a vigilancia. E necessaria a vigi- 
lancia e o esforgo. 

(c) Those nouns being of different gender and 
meaning, or the adjective (or participle) being in the 
plural, it agrees with the masculine noun: Um dia e 
uma noite eram passados. Nem o sangue, nem as lagrimas 
estavam enxutos. A cortiga e os couros foram deelarados 
de commercio livre. 

(d) The same adjective or participle referring to 
several nouns in the plural and of different gender, it 
agrees with the next to it: 8eus temores e esperangas 
eram vas, or: eram vaos seus temores e esperangas. 

(e) The same adjective referring to a noun in the 
plural and another in the singular, it generally agrees 
with that of the plural: As fazendas e o dinheiro eram 
muitas. ^ 

§ 35. (a) The verb agrees with its subject in 
person and number: 

tempo foge ; eu escrevo; nds vamos. 

• Cf. "No dia e horas indicates, as irmas dirigi/ram-se ao 
Vaticano^. (Manual Politico by Trindade Coelho). For these rules 
given in § 34, there are many contrary examples met with even 
in the classics, as, e.g.: Bosto e cabega descdberta. "Porque essas 
honras vas, esse ouro pure, melhor d merecel-os sem os ter one 
possuil-os sem os merecer." ^ 

Congruence. 293 

(b) Several subjects belonging to one verb, this is 
used in the plural. If these subjects belong to different 
grammatical persons, the first is preferred to the second, 
the second to the third— e.g. : Eu e tu (tu e eu) temos 
saude. Tu e Maria estaes ions. 

(c) If there be several subjects of the third person, 
the verb is also 

(a) in the third person and plural when the sub- 
jects are in the plural: 

Andam sempre de companMa os erros e as desculpas. 

(P) in the third person plural when the subjects are 
in the singular and precede the verb: 

A comida, a bebida, a vigllia e o somno sem certa nie- 
dida nao aproveitam. 

(y) in the third person singular when the subjects 
follow the verb: 

Sent certa medida nao aproveita a comida, a bebida, etc. 
(see Note I). 

(b) in the first person plural if the person who 
speaks belongs to the subjects: 

(0 mestre e) todos os officiaes somos tens amigos (cf. : 
mestre e todos o officiaes sois meus amigos. 

Note I.— With following subjects the verb is also met 
with in the plural: 

Fallecem-nos (or fallece-nos) o pao e a agiia. 

Note II. — If two or more subjects indicate only one and 
the same person or thing, the verb agrees with that next 
to it: 

Este soldado valente, este poeta sublime, esta gl6ria national 
(Carnoes) foi desamparada no leito da dor. 

(d) The impersonal verbs, except haver, which is 
always employed in the singular, agree with the logical 
subject — v.g.: 

Chegaram muitos viajantes there arrived a great many 
travellers. (French : il arriva beaucoup de voyageurs.) 
Ha muitos homens que . . . there are many people who . . . 
Houve muitas pessoas there were many persons. 

294 Lesson 9. 

§ 36. (a) If the subject be a partitive collective 
in the singular with following genitive in the plural, 
the verb and attribute are generally in the plural. 
[N.B. — The genitive may not be expressed) — e.g.: 

Parte (dos soldados or dos quaes), para fugir ao ferro 

dos nossos, se langarem a uma lagda a nado. 
(b) If the subject be a general collective— i.e., one 
only to be considered as a totality— the verb is employed 
in the singular, even if a genitive plural accompanies 
the subject: 

exSrcUo dos iniinigos foi derrotado. 
§ 37. (a) In relative clauses the verb agrees in 
its person not with the relative pronoun, but with its 
antecedent : 

Tti que nunca estiveste no estrangeiro . . . 

Eu sou aquelle mesmo (aqiiella mesma) que seinpre te amei. 

(b) It is the same for the relative que which, joined 
to the verb ser, is employed as Particula de realce after 
a personal pronoun (cf. L. 16, § 64 (c)): 

Foste tu (o) que disseste . . . fomos nds quern dissimos. 

(c) However, if a relative clause is introduced by 
quem, in order to render a personal pronoun prominent, 
the verb agrees with quern. 

Fiu eu quern disse; es tu quern ouve; fdmos nds quern 

23. Thema. 

I play the piano, you. write letters. You are satisfied, my 
son, but your sister is not satisfied. During the fine season 
concerts are often given here. Most of the Portuguese content 
themselves with two daily refections. I and my children will 
pass the summer in the country and the autumn at the sea- 
side. Tou (V6s) wanted to deceive me, but perhaps it is 
you who will have been deceived. His cold blood and intre- 
pidity amaze the bravest men. The earth, the stones the 
animals, the plants, all are the work of God. Incredible things 
succeed every day. The refined fashion and taste of the last 
season created quite a new branch of industry. His brother 
and 1 made this discovery. Was it you who helped that poor 
family? It was I who made the suggestion, but it was you 
who have given the necessary money. It was the women who 
made the great revolutions. 

Congruence. 295 

24. Versao. 

Joao I (continuagdo). 
Ja antes d'isto tinha D. Nuno desbaratado os hespanhoes 
na batalha dos Atoleiros, junto a Pronteira. '■ Convocadas 
c6rtes em Coimbra, n'ellas discutiu com agudeza e resolveu 
com liberdade o cflebre jurisconsulto Joao das Eegras, que a 
coroa portugufisa estava vaga, que podia o povo eleger prin- 
cipe que o governasse, e que nenhum Ihe convinha mais do 
que D. Joao, Mestre de Aviz. A 6 de abril de 1385, nao 
tendo ainda completes 27 annos, foi D. Joao acclamado rei 
de Portugal. Blevado ao throno moatrou-se logo digno d'elle, 
nao so pela escdlha que fazia das peasoas para os_ diversos 
cargos, como pelo valor com que defendeu o reino. A victoria 
de Trancoso e outras, seguiu-se a de Aljubarrota, dada a 15 de 
agosto de 1385, e na qual com 6500 homens derrotou o exer- 
cito castelhano que se compunha de 30 000 homens. N'eate 
numero se contava a flor da nobreza castelhana e o proprio 
monarcha, que so deveu a vida a velocidade do seu cavallo. 
Em commemora^ao d'esta batalha, e no proprio si'tio d'ella 
edificou novo rei, para eumprir o v6to que fizera, o sump- 
tuoso templo de Santa Maria da Victdria, vulgo da Batalha. 
Nao eontente com as vict6rias terrestres, D. Joao I meditou 
fazer o seu nome immortal com as navaes, e preparando uma 
armada de 200 v61as, n'ella embarcou com seus filhos D. Duarte, 
D. Pedro e D. Henrique, e tomou em 1415 a praQa de Ceuta. 
Quatro annos depois (1419) os descobrimentos das ilhas de 
Porto Santo e da Madeira vieram abrir a Portugal as portas 
das suas vastas conquistas. (Lacerda.) 


Qual 6 a regra fundamental de concordancia com relacjao 

ao adjectivo, o artigo e o participio? 
Para que mimero vae o adjectivo oa participio, ha- 

vendo 2 ou mais substantives no singular? 
Qaando concorda o adjectivo com o substantive mais 

Qaando concorda com o substantive do genere masculino? 
Quaado concorda elle apenas com o ultimo? 
Qual a regra da concordancia do verbo? 
Havendo varios aujeitos de differentes pessoas, qual a 

pessoa com que concorda? 
Qual numero do verbo, havendo varies sujeitos da 

3. pessoa do singular? 

' Villa e freguezia no Alemtejo, districto de Portalegre. 

296 Lesson 10, 

Em que niimero esta o verbo, sendo o sujeito uin col- 

lectivo ? 
Com que palavra concorda o verbo em phrases relativas ? 

Tenth LessoD. 

Intransitive and Transitive Verbs. 

I. Intransitive Verbs. 

§ 38. The intransitive verbs generally form their 
compound tenses, as in the English language, with the 
auxiliary ter or haver: 

Tenho andado uma ligoa todos os dias. 

I have walked a mile every day. 

Elle sempre tern ido (vindo) chegado, voltado) a tempo. 

He has always gone (come, arrived) to time. 

' § 39. Yet some take also the auxiliaries ser or 
estar or ficar, but only when a condition or the result 
of an action is to he indicated. The participle with 
ser, estar or ficar has the value of an adjective. If, 
however, you want to indicate, not a condition, but an 
action continually going on, you must employ ter or 

As in English, a great many verbs are employed 
transitively and intransitively. 

Examine the following examples, distinguishing the 
transitive from the intransitive meaning of the same verb. 
Sabe que elle estd de volta? < 

Do you know he is returned? 
As actrizes esiavam voUadas para os espectadores. 
The actresses stood (with their faces) turned to the 

A caneca estd or ficou partida. 
The jug is gone or went asunder. 

He has departed, is gone can only be rendered by: 
elle partiu or foiC-se); elle tern partido would be: he has 
broken or he belongs to a faction; elle e partido he is 

Estao idos aquelles tempos those times are gone. 

Ella tinha adormecido. 

She had lulled (somebody) to sleep; she had fallen asleep. 

The CompleiBeflts and their Cases. 29T 

Ella estava adormecida she was asleep. 

N6s temos corrida miiito we have run fast. 

N6s tmnos corrida mundo we have travelled about. 

N6s estamas (or ficdmas) corridas. 

We are (or became) vexed. 

Tern caido hastante chuva there has fallen much rain. 
Estd caido he is dejected. 

A sua fortuna tern augmentado consideravelmente. 
His fortune has been increasing' considerably. 
A sua fortuna estd consideravelmente augmentada. 
His fortune has been considerably increased. 

11. Transitive Verbs and their Complements. 

§ 40. Every transitive verb requires a complement 
—i.e., an object on which the activity of the subject 
passes over directly or indirectly; — e.g.: 

If directly, the complement is the accusative 
(complemento directo or ohjedivo propriamente dito), and 
generally employed without preposition; if indirectly, it 
is the dative (complemento indirecto), generally employed 
with the preposition a (to). N.B, — Personal pronouns 
have special forms for the complements (cf. P. I, L. 23). 

Dam Affonso Henriques conquistou Santarem aos 

The Complements and their Cases. 
A. The Complement of the Accusative. 

(Complemento directo.) 

§ 41. As a rule, this complement, as in English, 
has no preposition: 

Ml comprei um livra I bought a book. 

§ 42. With a certain group of verbs, however, it 
may be joined by a preposition, especially if referring 
to persons; — -e.g.: 

Vejo a elle I see him. 

Amae aos vassos prdximas love your fellow-creatures. 
As coisas que possam interessar aos meus designios. 
The things which may influence my intentions. 
Ninguem p6de servir ao mSsmo tempo a dais senhores. 
Nobody can serve two masters at the same time. 

298 Lesson 10. 

This a is always employed in Amar a Deus [ci. 
L. 11, §48 (a)p) and in the locution um a outro one 
another : defendem-se urn ao outro they defend one another. 
"With the verb chamar, when this has two comple- 
ments. The complement of the person or the per- 
sonified object is generally employed with the prepo- 
sition a (or the pronoun in the dative). 
Elle chamava amigo a qiiem ndo o era. 
He called friend a one who was not. 
Chamarayn "Principe Perfeito" ao rei Dam Joao II. 
que ganhei com o nieu trabalho, chamo-lhe meu. 
What i earned by my work, I call my own. 
The preposition a with the accusative is found also 
with the verbs ouvir (diser), ver, saber, cheirar, and others: 
Oiwimos dizer ao sr. Fulano. 
"Paris a Helena roubou" (Camdes). 
"Querendo ver a Diana, Acteon perdeu a vida" (id.). 
Este pao sabe (cheira) a mofo this bread tastes (smells) 
of mould. 
Note I. — The complemento directo is the one which, the 
active voice being changed into the passive, becomes the sub- 
ject: livro foi comprado por mim the book was bought by me. 
Note II. — There are verbs that have two constructions; 
so you may say : ensinar alguma coisa a alguem (alguma coisa 
is the complemento directo), and ensinar alguem a fazer uma 
coisa (alguem is the complemento directo). 

B. Other Complements without Preposition. 

§ 43. There are transitive verbs which, besides the 
complemento directo, require the addition of an adjective 
(or some word thus applied) or substantive referring, 
as a qualification, to the complemento directo and serving 
to complete the signification of the verb ; — e.g. : 

Nomear alguem ministro, fazer alguem feliz. A corte 

suppunha a dugue de Braganga, D. Joao, incapaz 

de qualquer pensamento ousado. 

This quahfying word is called nome predicativo do 

complemento directo, predicative noun of the accusative. 

The active voice being changed into the passive, 

the predicative noun of the complement becomes the 

predicative noun of the subject; — e.g.: 

duque de Braganga, B. Joao, era pela corte supposto 
incapaz de qualquer pensamento ousado. 

The Complements and their Cases. 299 

§ 44. The chief verbs thus constructed, are: 

fazer to make appelidar \ , . , 

iornar to turn, become cognominar \ ^° nictname 

eleger to elect achar to find, judge 

namear to name considerar to consider 

jurar to swear crer to believe, think 

declarar to declare julgar to judge 

constituir to constitute reputar to repute 

instituir to institute suppor to suppose 

sagrar to consecrate descrever to describe 

wwg'iV to anoint pintar to paint 

coroar to crown representor to represent. 
chamar to call 

Remark I. — With some of these verbs the predicative 
noun may be joined to the verb by the particle como—e.g.: 
considerar justa uma coisa or considerar uma coisa como justa. 

With some verbs the qualification of the complemento 
directo, instead of being a simple predicative noun, may be 
ruled by the preposition por, and also para (expressing an 
aim) — e.g.: instituir alguem por herdeiro. The' employment 
of por (or como) is obligatory with the verbs ter and haver 
in their meaning to judge, think, suppose, and with the verbs 
dar a.ndi tomar and their synonyms — e.g.: ter alguem por feliz. 

Remark II. — Instead of the predicative noun, an equi- 
valent expression may form the complement of the above verbs : 
Os historiadores reputam D. Joao III de intelligencia 

§ 45. As an adverbial complement the accusative 
without preposition is employed to indicate: 

(a) the price or value with the verbs custar to cost, 
■valer to be worth, avaliar (em) to value, to tax, apreciar 
to appreciate, conceituar to value, think, etc. — e.g.: 

Entao a vida em lAsbda custava os olhos da cara. 

(b) the manner: 

Elle passeava o chapeu na nuca e as maos nas algibeiras. 
He walked about with his hat on his neck (at the back 
of his head) and his hands in his pockets. 

§ 46. EHiptically the accusative is employed, in 
colloquial language: 
Eil-o! there he is! 
Besgragado que es! Unlucky man! 
Boa tarde, minha senhora! Boas festas! 

300 Lesson 10. 

25. Exercise. 

Serve your fatherland whenever it is threatened or its 
dominions are invaded by enemies. Do not contradict those vsrho 
wish you well and advise you. They will help you (passive 
voice), and you will thank them for your rescue. Do not be- 
lieve, however, those who flatter you. Imitate always those 
who precede yon with a good example. Follow them, and 
all true friends will felicitate you (pass. v.). Here it 
smells of fresh hay. This cake tastes of lemon. The poli- 
cemen summoned the crowd to disperse, but they were not 
obeyed. They menaced the public with their arms, but the 
people even defied the gun-barrels. Pool that you are, to be- 
lieve that you will be considered a victim of the intrigues of 
your adversaries. Thou shalt love God above all things and 
thy fellow- creature as thyself. 

26. Leitura. 

Tomada de Saniarem (see Less. 16). 

A voz do rei, sobrelevando as do tropel que o cercava, 
retumbou entao por cima de estriipida.^ Bradava per Santiago 
e pela Virgem, e ao mesmo tempo dizia aos que estavam no 
adarve: — Eis-me aqui! eis-me aqui! Mettei-os a espada! 
Nem um escape do ferro! — 

Entretanto tinham arvorado outra escada, e 25 homens 
d'armas estavam em cima. A yozearia dentro e f6ra do cas- 
tello era ja confasa e medonha. Alfonso dividiu as suas pe- 
quenas for9as em dois corpos, um que tentasse escalar o muro 
pela direita, outro que tomasse o caminho do arrabalde assen- 
tado na margem do rio, para que os sarracenos nao viessem 
por aquella parte impidir-lhe o approximar-se da entrada. Ao 
mesmo tempo os 25 esforgados tentavam quebrar as portas, 
arremessando pedras contra ellas, mas debalde, ate que, ati- 
rando ao de fora um malho de ferro por cima do muro, pu- 
deram os que se achavam dentro, partir com elle os ferrdlhos. 

Despeda9ado o dique, a torrente precipitou-se dentro do 
castello. Affonso, movido pelo impeto do enthusiasmo religiose, 
ajoelhou no limiar d'aquellas portas que mal cnidava se haviam 
tao facilmente de abrir para o receberem vencedor. 

Seguiu-se uma resistencia iniitil e uma larga carnifieina. 
Os raios do sol, que nasc6ra entretanto, nao encontraram ii 
sobre o roqueiro castello o estandarte do Islam ,derribado n'essa 
noite (15 de mar^o), para nunca mais se erguer sobre as torres 
da opulenta Santarem. (Alexandre Herculano). 

^ Estrupida s. estrepito. 

The Complements and their CaBes. 301 


Que se diz da voz do rei Affonso? 

Por quern bradava e que dizia? 

Que tinham feito entretanto? 

Como dividiu Affonso as suas forQas? 

Que deviam fazer os dois corpos? 

Que tentavam fazer os esfor9ado3 ao meamo tempo e com 

que effeito? 
Que fez Affonso, quando a torrente dos sitiadores se 

precipitou dentro do castello? 
Que se seguiu a entrada for5ada d'elles? 
Que 6 que ja nao encontraram os raios do sol? 
Em que dia e anno houve logar a tomada de Santar6m? 

Eleventh Lesson. 

The Complements and their Cases (continued). 
C. Complements with a Preposition. 

(Complemento indirecto.) 

§ 47. The Complement preceded by the 
Preposition de. 

The preposition de is employed: 
(a) With nouns: 

(a) as a genitive complement of the subject: o 
amor de Deus, the love of God (God loves); 

(P) as a genitive complement of the object: o 
temor de Deus, the fear of God (God is feared) ; 

(t) to indicate property: o pago d'el-rei, the king's 

(6) to denote time, place, material, form, price, 
character, extension: na era de Christo; o com- 
mercio do Porto ; uma perna de pdu; luvas de 
seda; chapeu de tres bicos (three-cornered hat); 
cadeira de bragos; charuto de vinUm; coisa de 
valor; esguadra de quins: e velas; cinco metros de 
altura (or de alto) por tres de largura (or de largo) ; 

(e) in a partitive condition (of. L. 9 of P. I): tim copo 
de ctgua; urn pouco de assucar; nada de bom; 
tudo quanto ha de mais bello; 

302 Lesson 11. 

(I) before an attribute (cf.P.II,§23): o rei da Ingla- 
terra; o imperio daAlemanha; liomem de intngas; 

(r|) to express a destination: a sola de jantar; uma 
pemia de escrever; papel de cartas; quarto de 
dormir; estar de guarda; 

(d) to indicate a characteristic: o homem das harbas 
negras the man with the black beard; uma sa- 
lada d'hervas finas (de alface) a salad of fine 
herbs (lettuce); 

(b) After certain adjectives and participles which 
mostly indicate physical or moral qualities: 

cego de ambos os olhos blind of both eyes 

surdo do ouvido direito deaf of the right ear 

alegre de semblante with a merry face 

sou mais velho de cinco annos I am older by 5 years. 

Such words are: 

leve de (dinheiro) short of (money) 
tranquillo de (alma) quiet of (mind) 
provido de provided with 
capaz de capable of, etc. 

(c) With verbs such as: ter de, haver de with a 
following noun or infinitive: accusar de, arrepender-se 
de, ser de to belong to, to come from; vingar-se de, 
desforrar-se de to revenge oneself on and others, in 
English mostly employed with of. 

accusar de to accuse of precisar de to (be in) want 

arrepender-se de to repent of (of) 

ser de to belong to, to come ahster-se de to abstain of 

from desconfiar de to distrust of 

ter de \ to have to queixar-se de to complain of 

Jiaver de ] to be obliged to soffrer de to suffer from 

aproveitar-se de to profit by morrer de to die of 

acdbar de fazer to finish doing trenier de to tremble with 

vingar-se de to revenge oneself nao passar de not to pass 

of beyond 

desforrar-se de to pay back passar-se de to do without 

for gostar de to like 

felicitar de to wish joy for vestir de to clothe with or in 

gozar de to rejoice for revestir de to invest with 

prevenir de to inform of ornar de to furnish or trim 


The Complements and their Cases. 303 

(e) After the past participle of the passive voice of 
verbs expressing a feeling, de may be employed instead 
of por: ser amado de to he loved by. 

(f) In elliptical phrases like: aqui d'el rei! (a cry 
for help); ai de mim woe unto mel pohre de mim poor 
me! felizes de nos! infeliz d'eUe! etc. 

(g) As an expletive in familiar language : a boa da 
mMer the good soul, o garoto do rapaz the naughty 
boy; pohre do homem the poor man; o malandro do 
jardineiro the sluggard of a gardener. 

(h) In comparatives de may be employed before 
que: Mle sdbia mais do que outros. 

(i) In absolute superlatives as: o rei dos reis the 
king of kings; o cdntico dos cdnticos the Song of Songs. 

Remark. — De may join several complements to one noun 
without being repeated: Berlim tern uma academia de sciencias 
mechanicas e architectura ; muitas sociedades de sciencia e lite- 
ratura; gabinete de Mstdria natural e de medalhas, galeria de 
qviadros e estdtiias. 

(k) In adverbial locutions, such as: 

de or por certo to be sure estar de castas or de barriga 

de cima from above para o ar to lie on one's 

de dentro from within back 

de novo anew de manha in the morning 

de fdra from without de tarde in the afternoon or 

de todo altogether evening 

de joelhos kneeling de noite at night 

de pressa quickly de madrugada at dawn 

de vagar slowly de vez em quando sometimes 

de veras (deveras) indeed de accordo com in agreement 

de propdsito on purpose with 

de fad:o really de mans(inh)o softly 

de resto besides de chapeu na mao with one's 

de modo so that hat in one's hand 

de repente, de salto suddenly de brago dado arm in arm 

de justiga right(ly) de bragos abertos with open 

de verao in summer arms 

de vez at once de mao a (or em) mao from 

estar de volta to be back hand to hand, etc. 

§ 48. The preposition a is employed: 
(a) Before nouns, thus indicating: 

304 Lesson 11. 

(a) the dative complement: o jardineiro deu uma 

maga ao filho; 
(P) the accusative complement of the person alter 
certain verbs which need two complements, one 
of the person and another of the thing, and 
always in the phrase aniar a Deus. 
Examples: Devemos aniar a Deus sobre todas as 
coisas e ao prdximo conio a nos mesmos. "A partilha do 
mundo" chamou B. Joao II ao convenio que se estava 
negociando. A nagao acclamou rei de Fortiigal a D.Jom. 
Also if a misunderstanding is to be avoided : Be que 
soffre? perguntou o medico a men amigo. Pede ao que 
for mais leal (cf. § 42). 

N.B. — After como we employ a when without this pre- 
position it is not evident whether coma refers to the subject 
or to the object: 

Tratei-o como a homem de bem. 

I treated him as a man of honour. 

Tratei-o como homem de hem. 

I treated him as a man of honour. 

(y) space and direction: a cinco Jcilometres d'dqui', 
vou a casa (home) a direita (a esquerda) to the 
right (left); 

(5) time: a que horas? as seis horas; aos vinte an- 
nos; ao por de sol; 

(e) instrument or means: morto a bala; impresso a 
muitas cores; aberto ao cinzel; pintado a oleo, a 
esfuminho (stump), a crayon; 

(£) aim: sais a ver; partir a negocios importantes; 

(ri) manner: a pe, a cavallo, a nado, a medo, a cos- 
tume, ao parecer, etc.; 

(6) measure, price, tax: comprar or medir a metros; 
2Ksar as arrobas; comprar or vender a vintetH; 
juro or edmbio a cinco por cento; 

(i) measure of time or space: a tiro de bala- a tres 
leguas de distancia; d'aqui a dez annos ■ a tantos 
(k) a near future: o combdio estd a cliegar- 
(X) a repetition or duration: andar a saltar; ensinar 
a ler; continuar a falar (cf. d of this §). 

The Complements and their Cases. 


(b) After adjectives, such as: 

acostumado a 

favoravel a 

obediente a 

affeigoado a 

fiel a 

parallelo a 

affeito a 

hostil a 

posterior a 

agradavel a 

idintico a 

preciso a 

anterior a 

igual a 

prejudicial a 

attento a 

incUnado a 

prestes a 

horn a 

indifferente a 

propenso a. 

euro a 

(in)docil a 

rebelde a 

conforme a 

inferior a 

semelhante a 

contrdrio a 

inexoravel a 

sdbranceiro a 

desagradavel a 

insensivel a 

superior a 

disposto a 

sensivel a 

surdo a 

ensinado a 

necessdrio a 

Mil a 

equivalente a 

nocivo a 

(c) After verbs, such as: agradar a, autorizar «, 
comprar a, conquistar a, fdlar a, faser hem a, faltar a 
[faltar as obrigagoes, ao dever, a sua palavra to neglect 
one's duties, break one's word), orar a, succeder a, pedir 
a, perteiicer a, ensinar a, obrigar a, pintar a (oleo), tra- 
ialhar a (agulha) etc. 

N.B. I.— If the verbs fazer, deixar, mandar, oiwir, vir, 
sentir are followed, not only by an accusative of the person, 
but also by a transitive infinitive with an accusative of things 
or a complementary clause, the complement of the person 
is generally put into the dative: Fiz-lhe perceher a nao-razao 
dos sens escrupulos; mandei-lhe copiar a carta; but: mandei-o 
conduzir a casa; fizeram-no proclamar regente. 

N.B. II. — Cheirar a to smell of; saber a to taste of 
(saber a melao, cheirar a vinho). 

(d) Before the infinitives of the verbs: estar, ser, 
andar, ir, passar, ouvir etc.: estar a sair, a chegar, a 
morrer; andar a procurar, a estudar; passar (o tempo) 
a ler, a ndo faser nada; ouvir passaros a cantar, fontes 
a correr; ''Como se fdsse apenas a deitar-me . . . j e o teu 
olhar ainda a ensinar-me \ a morrer com amor e con- 

Cf.: estar a espera to be waiting; estar a morte 
to be dying; andar a procura de to be looking for. 

(e) Instead of a relative clause: o melhor a faser 
the best to be done; o primeiro a entrar the first enter- 

Portuguese ConTersation-Grammar. 20 

306 Lesson 11. 

ing; "a tua vida a rir na minim vkla" your life smiling 
into my own. 

(f) In adverbial locutions, such as: 

a tempo in due time a sds alone by oneselves 

d pressa in a hurry « vontade at ease 

a contenio with satisfaction a iiiao at hand 

a francesa in a French manner a pedagos, aos hocados in 

a conselho (de) on the advice pieces 

(of) ao certo surely, exactly 

pouco a pouco little by little, ds vezes sometimes 

by degrees ds escuras at dark 

a mats e mais more and more ds claras openly,^ evidently 

dia a dia day by day d espera de waiting for 

folha a folha leaf by leaf a ser assim in this case 

gotta a gotta drop by drop a nao ser assim (or isso) in 

a um, a uma one by one the other case 

dois a dots I (. v, + <* dizer a verdade to tell the 

duas a duas J ^ " truth 

a par de beside, in comparison isso nao faz ao caso, (ao ne- 

with gdcio, d questdo) that does 

salto a salto by leaps and not matter 

bounds d vista d'isso thereupon 

a tremer trembling a menos de if not, unless 

a snar sweating a propdsiio by the bye. 

(g) Elliptically in exclamations: a saude deV^Ex^! 
ds arnias! to arms! a memoria dos grandes heroes! 

27. Thema. 

Oxford has a university which counted among its professors 
Max Miiller, Mattew Arnold, and Sir Hubert von Herkomer (cf. 
§42). Will you have the kindness to give me the i-Hidrio de No- 
ticias-» and the ^Primeiro de Janeiroft In Portugal newspapers 
are bought at the price of ten reis from the sellers or the boys (ga- 
rotos) in the streets. The '^Gommercio dd Portoi> is sold at a 
vintem a copy. In summer or on hot days you may sometimes see 
gentlemen with their hats in their hands walking in the Am- 
nida da Liberdade. It does no good to the nerves to be 
too sensible to impressions of any kind. If you want to 
enjoy good health, you must be deaf and indifferent to im- 
pressions injurious to health. If we walk so slowly, we shall 
not arrive home before evening. Let us walk quicker, so as to 
be back sooner than our sluggard of a cousin, who, to tell 
the truth, needs a reprimand. The least' we can do is to profit 
by the experiences of others and to be attentive to all things 

The Complements and their Cases. 307 

that may be favourable, pernicious, or adverse to our projects. 
By the bye: On the 5*'^ of March of next year— that is, 
in three months from to-day — you have to pay the bill of ex- 
change of ;£ 50. Abstain from any superfluous expenses and 
content yourself with what you have. If, however, you need 
money, communicate with me in due time. Who is that lady 
in the violet dress? That one with the fair hair? No, that 
one with the red hair and the lace-trimmed dress with a train. 

28. Tersao. 

De, preposi^ao que denota o logar d'onde vem ou sae 
alguma pessoa ou cousa (venho de Botna; cartas, noticias de 
Londres); a origem (lei de Dens); a rela^ao (parente, amigo 
de); a propriedade (livro de Antonio); a materia de que 6 
feita alguma cousa (annel de ouro, copo de crystal) o estado, 
as qualidades de alguma pessoa ou cousa (anno de fome, dia 
de calma, homem de honra, coberto de chagas); o modo (andar 
de pressa, fazer alg. c. de caso pensado); a causa, o motive 
(morrer de fome, tremer de medo) ; o uso ou destino (tribunal 
de justi9a, tempo de estudo); o tempo em que se faz, ou 
succede alg. c. {de dia, de noute, de verao, de inverno). 

De serve tambem de particula extractiva (peda90 de pao) ; 
e designativa (prodigio de virtude, exemplo de valor, oidade 
de Coimbra). Faz as vezes de ontras preposi9oes, como desde 
{de Madrid a Lisboa, de tempo immemorial), tocante, sobre 
(falar de . . .), por (amado de todos). Serve para ligar dois 
verbos (acabar de l6r, de esorever ; gosta de estudar) ; um verbo 
e um substantivo (ambi9ao de reinar) ; um verbo e um adjec- 
tivo (difficil de cr6r, facil de entender). Precede os infinites dos 
verbos para formar o futuro composto (quern ha de ganhar honra, 
nao se ha de entregar ao descanso) ; e antepoe-se aos adverbios 
{de perto, de longe, de baixo, de cima) ; ou a outras preposi9oes 
{de sobre a porta). Algumas vezes, por elegancia e propriedade 
da lingua, usa-se esta preposi9ao entre dois substantives (o 
ladrao do mo90, a embusteira da velha) ; ou entre um adjective 
ou substantivo e um substantivo ou pronome (o mau de Thyo- 
neu, o pobre do homem; triste de mim, coitados de nos). Pela 
mesma razao tambem se poe depois de alguns verbos e antes 
da dic9ao em que elles passam a exercer e seu significado; 
mal se faz de cr6r o que se nao cuida nam espera. 

(After Lacerda: Diccionario encyolopedico.) 


308 LesBon 12. 

Twelfth Lesson. 

Remarks on the Prepositions. 

(Of. L. 11: de and a.) 

§ 49. The frequently employed prepositions a, de, 
em, por are generally repeated: Folio a elle e ao irmao 
d'elle; pensei n'isso e n'aquillo; fago-o por ti e por elle. 

§ 50. Several prepositions may be joined to the 
same noun or pronoun. If joined to a pronoun, all 
prepositions precede; if to a noun, one precedes, the 
other follows, the noun being repeated by a pronoun: 
with or without him com ou sem elle; coffee with or 
without sugar cafe com assucar ou sem elle; before and 
behind the house deanfe da casa e atrds d'ella. 

§ 51. Sometimes several prepositions are joined 
with one another or with adverbs: atrds de, atraves de, 
deante de, para com, por debaixo de, de ao pe de (from 
the neighbourhood of). 

§ 52. Some Portuguese Prepositions in English 

(1.) Em (no, na, iielle, neste etc.) in, at, on: 
Em Londres; na Inglaterra, em Portugal. Em casa at home. 
Na casa in the house; em casa delle, em nossa casa; 
num dia, em um instante ; nesse tempo; niima palavra; 
em breve; em breves linlias ; ensinar em musica; estar 
em ferias, em agosto ; no ar ; em geral; em particular, 
em extreme (to the atmost); em cumprimento ou exe- 
cugdo das or dens; d sombra d'um carvalho. 

na mesa ; na praga, no ehao, no mar alto (in the 
offing, on the high seas, at the main) ; encostar-se no 
cotovello, na esperanga; metter-se em cavallarias alias 
(to mount the high horse); avaliado em cinco mil rSis. 
Estd-lhe vestido em (her dress comes to) duas libras; 
insistir em. 

illustre em fama; rico em conhecimentos • pdbre em 
bens; agarrar-se em, pensar em; em si (in the abstract 
in itself) ; no sdb(b)ado, nesse dia. 

em castigo de; em signal de ; em honra de • em pro- 
veito de, em damno de; passar de mao em mao (to go 
from hand to hand) ; de bdca em boca; numa assentada 
at one pull. 

Remarks on the Prepositions. 309 

vir em soc(c)6rro, no vapor; em toda a hora. 

em (or por) ddio da pessoa ; em razcU) de amizade. 

Que horas sao no seu reldgio? 

Em is also sometimes employed before the infinitive or the 
gerund of a verb : o dominio do mundo nao consiste em 
2MSSuir, consiste em o pisar. Em estudando a gram- 
mdtica da prdpria lingua, fica o homem apto para aprender 
com facilidade outro qualquer idioma. 

(2.) Para indicates direction, aim, use (after estar) 
something imminent; it answers to the question: where 
(to)? whither? what for? to what purpose? when? 

Examples. — Partiu para Inglaterra. Esta madeira e 
boa para navios. Os portuguSses sao bans para ma- 
rujos. Para a semana next week; para o mSs que 
vem next month. Para o sul, o norte; para a direita. 
Estavamos para dar a vila. Estou prompto para fazer 
ajuste. Das plantas iimas dirigem os ramos para 
ar, outras para a terra. Estuda para mSdico, para 
letrado, a fim de ter um modo de vida decente. Estas 
luvas sao para a menina. Vem para o Natal. Serd 
para sempre. Ha seis para sete annos. 

(3.) Idioms with para: 

Ser para ... to be fit for ; este sujeito e para pouco . . ^ 
Estar para to be disposed or appointed for : nao- 
estou para isso, para aturdl-o: Essa quinta estd para 
vender. De mim para mim, de si para si unto me, 
unto him. Pensei de mim para mim. Para vergonha 
nossa for our shame. 

(4.) Before an infinitive para corresponds to "in 
order to": 

Fil-o para Ihe ser agradavel. Nao e para admirar it 
is not to be wondered at. Para dizer a verdade. 

(5.) Fara is sometimes joined to com and has the 
meaning of towards. 

Ser bom, affavel, justo para (com) os companheiros, dis- 
cipulos ou para com todos. 

(6.) Fara may be employed for por (see (7.) of this 
paragraph) in order to express the cause of an action 
or an intended effect: 

Procurou cortar a conversagao para (or por) nao expor-se 
a dizer mais do que quizira. 

310 Lesson 12. 

There is, however, a difference between para and 
por: para hints to the effect as being certain, par as 
being uncertain: 

Movo OS pes para andar ; ando muito por ver se posso 
dormir nielhor. Sato de casa para ir ao cainpo, onde 
darei um passeio por dissipar a melancoUa. 

(7.) JPoi' has a manifold employment expressing, 
however, in spite of apparent diversity, its original 
meaning — i.e.: the space between the subject and its 
aim, a space which may be considered as such, or as 
a way or means for its design. 

Examples. — Ir por mar,, por terra (by sea, by land), 
por um ladOf por caminho direito, por todo o reino. 
Entrar por uma rua, por um rio ou porto. A bala 
entrou pelo (^ por o) muro (beat through the wall). 
A espada entrou por elle (pierced him). Ir por al- 
guem to call for or go to meet somebody; ir por 
dinheiro. Pelos annos de mil nove centos about 1900. 
Por oiitra parte somewhere else, on the other side; 
por outro lado on the other side. mez por vir 
next month ; o (tempo) por vir or porvir the future. 
Vm por um one by one. Cada um por seu turno 
each by his turn. Deixar por morto to leave for 
dead. Comegar por to begin with. Passar por alle- 
mao to be taken for a German. 

Por isso therefore ; por isso mesmo for that very reason ; 
nem por isso nevertheless. Por mim as for me, for 
my part; por quern e I say! Por quem me toma? 
Whom or what do you take me for? Por falta de 
for want of. Por medo que for fear of, lest. Feito 
por mim, por elle done by me, by him. Isto estd 
por fazer this is still to be done. Por pouco que 
nao alcangasse o combdio he had nearly lost the train. 
Por rico que seja however rich he may be. 

Por essa razao, por falta (de), por isso, por ordem, por 
mandado, por culpa. Foi condemnado por uma pe- 
quena falta; por commodidade; por costume; por in- 
veja; por forca ou por vontade obliged or of one's 
own accord. Por hem ou por mal. Por (o\- pelo) 
amor de Dens, por amor do prdximo. Por ser amiqo 
d'elle because he is his friend. Por carecer, por merecer 
Mandar por embaixador to send as an ambassador' 
A obra ficou por acdbar . . . remained unfinished • as 

Remarks on the Prepositions. 311 

cartas estdo por responder ... are still to be answered. 
Fedir, inter ceder por alguem. Por parte de on the 
part of. Por Deus for God's sake. Tomar pela moo. 
Por ordem alphdbetica. Ter alguem por amigo, por 
honrado, por douto to take one for a friend, for 
honest, for learned. Ter por certo, por duvidoso. 
Comprei por cincoenta mil reis este armdrio. Eecebeu 
esse livro por primio. Semeei milho pelo campo; 
distrihui esmolas pelos pobres. 

(8.) Por in adverbial locutions expressing space, 
duration, etc. 

por cinia (de) above, besides, por nenhum modo or caso by 

beyond no means 

por baixo (de) underneath j)or jwe ra^ao for what reason ? 

por dentro (de) within porque why, because 

por fdra (de) without por causa de on account of 

por aqui this way por quanto as, because 

por alii that way jiortewio therefore, consequent- 
por onde where? which way? ly 

por diante (from) before morrer por morrer let the 
por detrds (de) (from) behind worst come to the worst 

por entre (from) between por ser pohre nao deixa de 
por era for the present mostrar soberba though he 

por Ventura by chance be poor . . . 

por inteiro totally por conta (de) on account of 

por tal forma que so (much) por certo (to be) sure 

that trabalhar, comer por tres to 
por acinte on purpose work, eat for three. 

29. Thema. 

Our Country-seat. 
On certain Sundays of the month we receive in our house 
a small number of friends who, however bad the weather may 
be, appear about noon on those days, to lunch with us. 
The windows of our dining-room look towards the riverside, and 
before the wide panorama of the town and in the shadow of 
the trees, we so agreeably pass the afternoon on the terrace 
under our windows, that I blame myself for so long depriving 
myself of my friend's company. However, since the tramway 
passes before our door, the time of rural peacefulness is over for 
me. And it is not to be wondered at, as this modern institution 
is accompanied by much noise. I take it for certain that 
these innovations, however useful they be for social and com- 
mercial intercourse, exercise a destructive effect upon the 
nerves. On the other hand, they signify indeed a great con- 
venience. And, willingly or unwillingly, we have to accept them. 

312 Lesson 12. 

30. Leitura. 
A emigraQox) portuguesa para o Brasil. 
Queixam se numerosos proprietaries territoriaes da escassfiz 
de operarios campestres, apesar do augmento de salaries. Era 
natural que ao mesmo tempo se pedisse come remfidio o er- 
guer obices a emigra^ao; comtudo nao me recordo que se 
levantassem jamais importantes clamores tao desarrazoados que 
cfegamente a combatessem. Pedia-se reforma da lei do recru- 
tamento per modo que a lavoura nao soffresse com a manu- 
ten9ao da for^a militar. Chegou-se a pedir isen9oes para o 
jornaleiro campestre, por se entender que o imposto de sangue 
era uma das principaes causas, senao a mdxima, de emigra- 
rem para o Brasil tantos rapazes. lam clandestinamente ou 
arranjavam passaportes por maneiras fraudulentas. Esta repug- 
na,iicia ao servi90 militar, innata em todo o Minho, 6 bem expli- 
cavel, por isso que o filho, ajudando desde crian9a seus paes nos 
diversos grangeios agiieolas, 6 d'elles violentamente arrancado, 
com grave prejuizo do casal agricola. Prefere, pois, tentar em 
regioes desconhecidas a sua independencia a servir a patria no 
exercito. A repugu9,ncia pela vida militar v6mol-a confirmada 
na emigra^ao claudestina, que em tao grande escala se effectua 
n'esta regiao, constituida em grande parte por mancebos fu- 
gindo ao recrutamento. Esta repugnancia, habilmente explo- 
rada pelos engajadores, que enxameiam na regiao, facilitando 
passaportes para os criminosos fugirem a justi^a e os mancebos 
se esquivarem ao servi90 do ex6rcito pelo modica quantia de 
nove mil reis, 6 em extremo auxiliado ipela faoilidade de trans- 
portes e extensa raia da provincia. Supponha-se modificada 
a lei do recenseamento militar a contento dos lavradores, e 
extincto portanto a principal origem da clandestina sahida de 
muitos Portugueses. Kestava saber se nao augmentaria ipso 
facto (=por isso mesmo) a sahida legal. Por outras palavras: 
todos os que se expatriam clandestinamente, haveriam deixado 
de tomar o caminho do estrangeiro, desde que nao ficassem 
sujeitos ao servi9o no exercito, ou elle se tornasse compativel 
com os labores campestres? Cuido que muitos dos emigrantes 
clandestinos iriam ds claras para o Brasil, e, sendo assim, as 
modifica9aes na lei do recrutamento poderiam ser seguidas por 
accrescimo da emigra9ao legal. Na corrente exportadora de 
Portugueses esta um caracteristico signal da nossa decadencia 
economica, (Eodrigues de Freitas). 


Em que circumstancia se v§ a principal causa da emi- 
gra9ao portugufisa? 

Prepositions Continued. 313 

Qual i a consequ6iicia immediata d'essa emigra9ao? 

Que rem^dio se Ihe pediu? 

Em que se baseava o pedido de isen^ao? 

Qual a maneira de emigrarem os rapazea? 

Como se explica a repugnancia ao service militar? 

Que 6 qtle os mancebos preferem? 

Por quern e como 6 explorada essa repugnancia? 

Que ve economista Rodrigues de Preitas na emigra9ao 

para o Brasil? 
Que cuida elle, suppondo-se modificada a lei do recru- 

tamento ? 

Thirteenth Lesson. 

Prepositions Continued. 

§ 53. How to express Certain English Prepositions. 

(a) About. 

About: 1. in the sense of "round" is to be rendered 
by em volta de, em roda de, em redor de; 2. in the sense 
of "concerning" by com respeito a, sobre, acerca de; 

3. in speaking of things which people carry about them, 
it is translated by com or may be not translated at all; 

4. when it means near a certain number or quantitj', 
by pouco mats on menos, cerca de, por aJii; 5. when ex- 
pressing nearness to a particular time, it is translated 
by perto de, por. 

(1) All thronged about the orator. 

Todos acoiovellavam-se em volta do orador. 

(2) I will speak to him about this aifair. 
Hei-de Ihe falar com, respeito a este negdcio. 

He could not give me any information about what had 

Elle nao poude dar-me infonnacao alguma acerca do que 

se tinha passado. 

(3) I had no money about me. 

E^^ nao trazia dinheiro (commigo). 

(4) We are about 300 people. 

Somos pouco mats ou menos (or por ahi) trezentas pessoas. 

The dinner lasted about two hours. 

jantar levou perto de (cerca de) duas horas. 

314 Lesson 13. 

(5) The train arrived about three o'clock. 

combdio chegou pelas tres horas. 

(b) At. 

At: 1. is most commonly rendered by ti or em 
with or without an article; sometimes it is not trans- 
lated at all; 2. after nouns or verbs denoting derision, 
anger, surprise, sorrow, etc., it is rendered by de (or 
com); 3. "at," meaning "at the house" is em casa de; 
"at the shop" is na loja de or a (or de) with the article. 

(1) At six o'clock we were at home and at dinner. 
As sets horas estavamos em casa e a jantar. 
Do yon play at cards ? joga as cartas ? 

(2) She laughed at him ella riu-se d'elle. 
To tremble at tremer de or com. 

1 am surprised (angry) at what you say. 
Estou surpreendida (zangada) do que diz. 

(3) We were at our aunt's estavamos em casa da tia. 
We buy our coffee at the grocer's. 
Compramos o nosso cafi ao (or do) merceeiro. 

(c) By. 

By: 1. Denoting the agent or cause, is translated 
by de or par: 

An honest man is respected by everybody. 
Um homem lionrado i respeiiado por todas. 
We are beloved by our parents. 
Somos amados de nossos paes. 
I took the child by its hand. 
Tomei a crianga pela mao. 

2. After verbs denoting to sell, to buy, to work, etc., 
and preceding a noun of weight or measure, day, 
week, month or year, "by" is rendered into Portuguese 
by a with the definite article or by por: 

How much do you sell the tea by the pound? 
A qiianto vende o cM por arratel ? 
We work by the hour or by the day. 
Trabalhamos a hora ou as dia. 

3. When preceding a numeral immediately followed 
by an adjective of dimension, "by" is rendered by "-'por": 

Prepositions Continued. 315 

This room is fifteen feet long by ten wide. 

JEsta sola tern qiiinze pis de comprido por dez de largo. 

4. "By" following verbs denoting to kill, to wound 
etc., is translated by duni golpe de, com or de um ataque 
de, etc., to express the use of the instrument by which 
a man was wounded or the disease he was killed of: 

The officer was wounded by the sword of his adversary. 
official foi ferido por um golpe de espada do seu ad- 

His father was killed by an inflammation of the lungs. 
Seu pae morreu com um ataque de pneumonia. 

If the blows have been repeated, a golpes de (a 
setadas, apedradas) is used, in which case it is most com- 
monly rendered in English by "with." Ex.: 

They knocked him down with a stick. 

5. "By" is employed in the following idiomatic ex- 
pressions : 

By day de dia; day by day by the way \ ^^ ^^ 

de dia em dia by the bye / ^ ^ 

by night de noite hard by pegado, pr6ximo (a) 

by means of a meio de, medi- by that time nisso, entao 

by this time twelvemonth 

one by one um por um d'aqui a um anno 

two by two dois a dois by name de nome, pelo nome 

by turns por turnos by myself por mim mesmo, s6 

by the bulk em grosso, por by Jove por Deus! 

grosso by to-morrow evening pela 
by heart de c6r noite de amanha 

by letter por escrito by four o'clock pelas quutro 
by no means de modo algum horas. 

by and by logo, ao depots 

31. Theina. 

1. My father was not above (mais de) twenty-two years 
old when be was married. My uncle's country-house is very 
handsome, but it cost him above eighty thousand francs. It 
is about a year since my friend set off for America. Rome 
was built by Romulus. The poor man has been driven out 
of his house by his creditors. I will get up to-morrow at 
six o'clock. Were you at Mrs. D.'s ball last night? Yes, 
I was there. I will pay you at the end of this month. 

316 Lesson 13. 

2. I rejoice greatly at your good luck. She always 
smiles at everything that is said. Where was your sister this 
morning? She was at her aunt's. My box is one foot and 
a half deep by two wide and four long. Harold was wound- 
ed by a sword. William the Second was killed by an arrow 
in the New Forest. He is so strong that with his fist he 
could knock down an ox. They killed the dog with stones. 
The soldiers kill one another with bayonets. 

(d) From. 

1. "From" after or in connection with the verbs 
to come, to send, etc., is generally rendered by da 
parte de, de ao pe de, when followed by a noun or pro- 
noun denoting a person: 

Many compliments from Dr. 0. 
Muitos aimprimentos da parte do senhor doutor 0. 
I come from him or her. 

Venho da parte d'elle or d'ella. Venho de ao pi d'elle 
or d'ella. 

Tell him from me diga-lhe da minha parte. 

2. "From" with a possessive = ("from someone's 
house,") is da casa de: 

I come from my uncle's, aunt's, etc. 

Eu venho da casa do meu tio, da minha tkc. 

3. "From . . to . .", when denoting progress from 
place to place or time to time, is rendered by de . . .a 
(para, em, ate): 

He went from street to street, from town to town. 

TUp fn' t '^^ ^^''' * ^^'^' ^^ ierra a terra. 

\ duma rua a outra, dwma terra a outra. 

From day to day, from time to time. 

De dia a (or em) dia, de tempos a tempos. 

4. "From" is rendered by desde (or de), and "to" 
by ate, when speaking of extent or time. 

From Easter to Christmas. 

Desde a Pdscoa ate ao (or ate o) Natal. 

From the Ehine to the Ocean. 

Desde Rheno ate o oceano. 

From Lisbon to Porto. 

Desde Lisbda ate ao (or ate o) Porto, 

Prepositions Continued. 317 

(e) On or upon. 

1. "On" or "upon" generally = em, em cima de, 
para cima de, sobre: 

Your gloves are on the table. 

As suas luvas estdo em cima da mesa. 

I am sitting on a chair. 

Eu estou (assentado) numa cadeira. 

A cover is spread on the bed. 

Uma coberta estd estendida sobre a cama. 

"On to" with verbs of motion == para cima de. 
The cat sprang on to the table. 
gato saltou para cima da mesa. 

2. After the verb "to play," on or upon is not 
translated; after "to live," "to depend," and the like, 
"on" or "upon" is rendered by de: 

You play on the violin, and I play on the flute. 
F" Ex" toca rebecca e eu toco flauta. 

The prisoner lives on bread and water. 
preso vive de pdo e dgua. 

A good end often depends on a good beginning. 

Vm horn fim muitas vezes depende d'um bom principio. 

3. "On" before the days of the week is rendered 
by ewjwith the article; in letter-dates, it is dropped in 

Come on Sunday or Monday. 

Venha no domingo ou na segunda feira. 

On the 19*1^ of April. 

No dia dezanove de Abril, em 19 de . . . 

Lisbon, on the 7'''' of May Ldsboa, 7 de Maio. 

People go to church on Sundays. d igreja aos domingos. 

4. "On," followed by a substantive expressing 
action, or meaning "when" with a verb, is translated 
by a and em: 

On his marriage (when he married) ao seu casamento. 
On that occasion nessa occasiao. 

318 Lesson 13. 

(f) Over. 

1. "Over" generally is translated by em (or a) dma 
de, sdbre when it signifies a stay; by por cima de, when 
it means movement: 

The looking-glass hangs over the chest of drawers. 
espelho estd em cima da cdmmoda. 
The cat passed over the live coal. 
gato passou por cima das brasas. 

2. When it is equivalent to "more than" or "longer 
than," it is rendered by mats de, alem de: 

The fight lasted over four hours. 
A luta durou mais de quatro horas. 

iV^ofe.— Distinguish carefully from this the use of "over" 
as an adverb : 

As soon as the rain is over. 

Logo que a chuva tiver passado. 

Is dinner over? Jd acabou o jantar? 

That's over and gone isso passou, isso jd Id vae. 

(g) With. 

1. "With" is rendered by de (or com) after verbs 
denoting to die, to meddle, to do, to dispense, to load, 
to cover, to fill, and after adjectives meaning pleased, 
contented, etc. Ex.: 

He is dying with cold elle morre de frio. 
The waggon is loaded with goods. 
carro estd carregado de mercadoria. 

2. "With" is expressed by a without the article 
before nouns denoting the means by which a thing is 
done or made. Ex.: 

To draw with a pencil desenhar a lapis. 

To "fight with" (a weapon) is : bater-se a {espada etc.). 

3. "With" must not be expressed after certain 
verbs, such as: to meet with encontrar (with direct ob- 
ject; but: encontrar-se com); to trust with confiar alg. c. 
a alg. ; to supply with fornecer alg. c. a cdg. ; to reproach 
with langar em rosto, reprehender alg. c. a. alg. Ex.: 

We shall supply him with everything. 
Havemos de Ihe fornecer tudo. 

Prepositions Continued. 319 

I reproached him with his ingratitude. 
JSu reprehendi-lhe a sua ingratidao. 

4. "With" governing a noun together with which 
it forms an adjective phrase in translated by de. 

A bonnet with feathers um chapeu de plumas. 
The boy with black hair o rapaz de cahellos pretos. 

5. "With" meaning amongst, in, is rendered by 
com and em: 

With us, said the Frenchman . . . 

Gomnosco, dizia o frances. 

With woman, maternal love is the strongest feeling. 

Na midher o amor maternal e o sentimento mais forte. 


As already stated, prepositions must always come before 
the word^ they govern, and never (as often in English) at 
the end of a sentence : 

Whom are you speaking to? A quern fala? 
What's that for? Para qui e isso? 
The man whom you are interested in. 
homem em que estd inter essado. 

32, Thema. 

1. Go to Mr. Smith and tell him from me that I am 
expecting him. Prom whom do you come? I come from 
Miss B. I never received such an (= tamanJio) insult from a 
Frenchman. Charles was wounded in his arm, and not in his 
leg. I wiU call upon you in the afternoon, and in the evening^ 
(I will) go to the play. Upon what instrument does your 
sister play? She plays the piano. That happened on the 
12*1' Qf March. I am in the habit of taking a cup of coffee 
as soon as dinner is over. 

2. Do not meddle with my affairs ; attend to your own. 
Is that house covered with slates or tiles ? It is covered with 
tiles. This picture seems to be done with pencil. When you 
meet with a poor man, never reproach him with his poverty. 
France extends from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. What 
does he complain of? We have travelled from Switzerland ta 
Italy. Tou spend all the day in going from house to house, 
from street to street, from place to place. Those labourers 
work from morning to night. I walk every day from twelve- 
to three. 

•320 Lesson 13. 

33. Leitura. 


automovel, como a propria palavra o esta a indicar, e 
urn carro que se move por si mesmo, ou independente de qual- 
quer f6r9a exterior. Para comprehendermos facilmente o me- 
cbanismo do automovel, notemos, antes de mais nada, certos 
factos conhecidos de todos, que noa levarao, sem o menor es- 
£0190, a comprehensao d'aquelle mechanismo. Quando pomes 
em movimento a roda de uma bomba, acontece que movi- 
mento que imprimimos a essa roda faz com que embolo da 
bomba suba e des9a ; que 6 o mesmo que dizer que movi- 
mento da roda se transmittiu ao 6mbolo; — e suppondo 
caso inverso, isto e, que, em vez de fazermos girar a roda da 
bomba, faziamos snbir e descer, com auxilio das macs, seu 
Smbolo, tambem movimento d'este faria com que a roda en- 
trasse a girar. Por outra: movimento do fimbolo transmittir- 
se-hia igualmente ao volante da bomba. 

Quer isto dizer que se uma roda pode p6r em movimento 
um embolo, tambem este pode p6r em movimento uma roda. 
Ora no autom6vel 6 precisamente movimento de um Smbolo 
(movimento rectilineo alternativo, ou de vae-vem) que faz 
mover as rodas d'este vehiculo. Se n'um apparelho fizermos 
com que embolo se desloque n'um movimento de vae-vem, 
subindo e descendo coustantemente, & claro que a roda, que 
esta ligada a esse embolo por uma haste, entrard a girar, e 
girara emquanto fimbolo estiver em movimento. 


Que 6 'um autom6vel ? 

D'onde ja deduzimos que se move por si mesmo? 

Que bavemos de notar, para comprehendermos seu 

Que acontece quando pomos em movimento a roda d'uma 
bomba ? 

E que se daria, suppondo-se o caso inverso? 

Que quer dizer isso? 

Qual 6 movimento que faz mover as rodas d'um auto- 

Como entrarao as rodas a girar? 

E durante que tempo continuarao a girar? 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of Speech. 321 

Fourteenth. Lesson. 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of 


A. Possessive Pronouns. JPronomes possessivos. 

§ 54. Like the article, the possessive pronoun is 
repeated before all nouns when designating persons or 
things of different kind; equally before all adjectives 
when referring to beings of different kind and preceding 
the noun. Ex.: 

Os mens desgdstos e as minhas alegrias. Partilhei comtigo 
OS ieus bans e os teus maus mementos. 

§ 55. If there be no contrast of kind, or if the 
adjectives do not refer to the same noun, the poss. 
pronoun is not repeated: 

Todos admiram as nossas vastus e bellas florestas, 

§ 56. The gender of the nouns being different, 
the possessive pronoun agrees with the one next to it: 
meu poder e gloria; a minha gldria e poder. 

§ 57. A poss. pronoun which belongs to several 
adjectives is not repeated if one or all of them follow 
the noun: 

Partilhei comtigo os teus ions momentos e os maus (os 
teus momentos bans e maus). 

§ 58. The poss. pronoun may be strengthened: 

(a) By adding proprio : vi-o com os meus prdprios olhos. 

(b) By adding a demonstrative pronoun: 

Ouvi por estes meus ouvidos dizer aquelle sen amigo. 

§ 59. Contrary to the English, the Portuguese 
employs instead of the poss. pronoun: 

(a) The definite article in those cases where the 
relation between owner and object is evident: 
Escreveu d avd (to his grandmother). 
Vendeu a casa (his house). 
Ustendo brago (my arm). 
Tapa a bdca (your mouth). 
Gala a bdca hold your tongue. 
Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 21 

322 Lesson 14. 

N.B.— If the object is an abstract noun in the plural, 
the article may be omitted: 

Recdbrei (os) sentidos: reddbrdmos (as) diligencias. 

(b) Be or another preposition after certain verbs: 

Mudar de fato to change dress. 

Mudou d'ainso he changed his mind. 

Cumpri com a (minha) palavra I kept my word. 

Ella caiu de joelhos she fell on her knees. 

(c) De with the personal pronoun of the 3"^^ per- 
son, whenever the poss. pronoun seti, sua might cause 
a misunderstanding: 

Vi a irma d'elle, d'ella (his, her sister). 
Fomos a casa d'elles (to their house). 

§ 60. Before the same noun two poss. pronouns 
are not admissible: 

Os sens amigos e os mens. 

Your and my friends, your friends and mine. 

§ 61. If to a noun belong a poss. pronoun and 
a possessive genitive, the latter must be preceded by 
0, a, OS, as, esse, aquelle or the like: 

Li as tuas cartas e as (essas, aquellas) de tiia irma. 

I read your and your sister's letters. 

§ 62. If the noun depending on the poss. pronoun 
expresses a quality, the definite article may be employed 
instead, while to the verb will be added the respective 
personal pronoun in the dative: 

Estranhei-lhe a franquesa I wondered at his frankness. 
Admiro-lhes o sangue-frio I admire their self-possession 
(or coolness). 

Como te conhego a indole ... as I know your character. 

Recofihecl-lhe uma boa voz. 

I noticed him to have a good voice. 

N.B.— This construction may be employed with persons 
and must be employed with things: 

Avisidmos a cidade: jd se Ihe distinguiam (jd Ihe 

distinguimos) as torres. 
We got a sight of the town: its spires could already 

be distinguished. 

§ 63. While the adjective and participle always 
agree with the possessive in gender and number, titles 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of Speech. 323 

of which the possessive forms an essential part, are 
excepted from this rule, the adjective agreeing with the 
natural sex of the person: 

Vossa AltSza que e bom e justo (respectively : boa e 

just a). 
Sua Santidade estd hem lembrado. 

34. Thema. 

He sacriiiced his and his sister's fortune, though an ae- 
qaaintanCe of mine warned him. If he had doubled his efforts, 
and if somebody had come to his help, he might have succee- 
ded in saving his family from ruin. As I know his honesty, I 
did whatever I could to guide his steps. But alas ! my friend, 
all my measures were in vain. His own father gave him up. 
I am wet through, I must change my dress. My friend changed 
his mind, he will remain at home with his parents. My head 
aches. I wrote a long letter to my aunt, who had asked me 
to give her some news from me. May I also give her your 
kind regards? The woman fell on her knees. I have a 
thorn in my foot. I have only lived a fortnight in this town; 
so I don't yet know all its places and streets. 

35. Leitura e versao. 
Carta ao Br. Gr. P. sobre Feminismo. 

Nao imagina V* Ex* o prazer que me deu a sua carta, 
Safaido como 6 que da discussao intelligente e sincera t6m sahido 
as mais claras verdades; conhecido como e quanto se ganha 
em fazer interessar pelas nossas opinioes, ainda os adversaries 
que mais as combatem. E nao sendo V* Ex"' urn adversario, 
mas um confesso adepto, embora moderado, maior prazer o 
meu em Ihe vir expor serenamente as ideias feministas, taes 
como as comprehendo e preconiso. Diz V* Ex'' que 6 femi- 
nista, embora moderado, que o e, como todos os illustrados 
nao poderao deixar de o ser, segundo a sua propria phrase. 
Bis o nosso primeiro triumpho, a nossa principal batalha ven- 
cida . . . Que victoria immensa nao representa essa sua simples 
phrase! E se pensarmos que esta primeira, mas definidva 
conqnista do espirito masculino, representa o trabalho de quasi 
meio s^culo, temos vontade de dizer . . . que as mulheres, 
apresentando as suas ideias e luctando pela educa9ao que as 
superiorize, lembram a paciencia das alluvioes que fazem re- 
cuar o mar e mudam o aspecto de um pais. Entendo que o 
ser humano que pertence ao sexo feminine, nao deve ser coa- 
gido (influenced) pela educagao, nam pelos costumes, nem pelas 


324 Lesson 15. 

conversas, nem pelos paes — que tSm a mania de talhar nniito 
discrecionariamente o future dos filhos — a T6r no casamento 
um fim, um ideal complete e unico, quasi uma obrigaQao. 
Assim come o homem pode ser professor, jornalista, sabio, 
artista, empregado, operario, tudo emfim, sem que ninguem Ihe 
pergunte pela certidao do matrimonio, sem embargo de serem 
quasi todos chefes de familia, nao vejo inconveniente a que 
a mulher procure a sua collocagao, tenha o seu curso scien- 
tifico, estude, trabalhe para si, para o seu futuro, para a sua 
vida autdnoma, sem se Ihe inquirir do seu estado . . . 
(Anna de Castro Os6rio: As mulheres portugnesas.) 

Fifteenth Lesson. 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of 
Speech (continued). 

B. Personal Pronouns. 

§ 64. To put an emphasis upon a personal (or 
demonstrative) pronoun (or a substantive), the Portu- 
guese employ: 

(a) The indefinite pronoun mesmo, (-self): 

Escreveu elle mSsino he wrote himself (cf.: escreveu c(m 
o seu prdprio punho he wrote with his own hand or 

Vimo-la a ella mismo we saw her herself. 

Vimo-la nds mismos we saw her ourselves. 

(b) The verb ser with the pronoun o (a os as) and 
a relative clause: ser o que (a que, etc.) or ser quern: 

Tufdste o que me salvaste (instead of "tu me salvaste") 
it was you who saved me. 

N.B.— "0" may be dropped rTw ^ que me salvaste. 

(c) The periphrase e {era, foi, etc.) que: 

Tu e que me salvaste. J^ a ti que devo a minha salvacao. 

Here que is not a relative, but a particle of emphasis 
("Parficula de realce"). In both periphrases (b) and (c) 
the dependent verb generally agrees with the personal 
pronoun: tu salvaste. 

It was not we who said that 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of Speech. 325 

If, however, a pronoun so emphasized is followed 
by quern, the verb agrees with this latter — i.e., it is put 
into the 3'^'^ person singular. Ex.: 

Em fui (o) que affirmei isso 

It was I who affirmed that [ f«. ^ 3«; ffirmdjsso 

rui en (o) que affirmet tsso 
Fui eu quern affirmou isso. 

N6s S que o nao dissemos 
N6s nao fdmos (os) que o dis- 

Nao fdmos nds (os) que o 

Nao fdmos nds quern o disse. 

(d) The particle to be emphasized may be also put 
at the beginning of the sentence, being generally 
repeated by a personal pronoun. Ex.: 

A mim reputo-me um pohre filho de povo que por acaso 
veto ter cd cima. 

JEssas hervas i preeiso arrancd-las. 

Aquelles indivlduos que desejarem orientar-se no estudo 
dum tal problima nao deixarei de Ihes recommendar 
a leitura de dais hellos livres, que venho de corn-pulsar. 

§ 65. When two or more subjects (noun or pro- 
noun) of different persons belong to the same verb, 
this agrees with the plural of the most prominent per- 
son (the 1^' pers. is more prominent then, the 2°'^ and 
this more than the S"^"^): 

EUf tu e elle partireinos juntos. Tu e elle partireis juntos. 

Ell e meu irmao partimos juntos. 

Note.— In. southern Portugal and in familiar speech the 
verb is employed in the 3'^'^ person pi. instead of the 2°"i: 
Tu e teu irmao partirdo juntos. 

§ 66. The absolute reflective pronoun is si, which 
does not distinguish number or gender. It is employed 
with the prepositions a, de, em, por (per), para, sobre. 
With com it assimilates to comsigo. Sometimes it is 
strengthened by mesmo : 

Nao estar em si to be out of one's mind 
estar muito em si 
estar senhor de si 

'. J to be conscious of oneself 

326 Lesson 15. 

call- em si \ . , ,,. . 

tornar sobre si ] *° <=°'°« *° °°«^«lf ''^^^'^ 

fazer alg. c. de per si to do something separately 

fazer para si to do for oneself 

mundo em si the world by itself 

pensar de si para si to think by oneself 

tomar sobre si to take upon oneself 

trazer eomsigo to carry about oneself 

nao caber em si c?e . . . to be beside oneself with . . . 

§ 67. "Si' depending on another preposition may 
be translated by elle(s), ella(s): 

Elle(s) tinha(m) todos contra elle(s) or si. 
He (they) had everybody against him (them). 
Viram o cSu azul par cima d'elles (or de si). 
They saw the blue sky above them. 

N.B. — The same translation takes place when "si," being 
in familiar speech employed also for "you," might cause a 
misunderstanding. Pensa senipre em si may be: he thinks 
always of you or ... of himself. So, to express the latter, it 
is better to say: pensa sem-pre em si mesmo. 

§ 68. The conjunctive reflective pronoun is se, which 
takes the forms me, te, nos, vos, according to the person 
and number. Its place is: 

(a) In an affirmative direct capital phrase after 
the verb: 

Elle apreseniou-se ; eu lembro-me; n6s affastdmo-nos. 

(b) In such a phrase beginning with an adverb 
or some complement, se may be placed iefore or after 
the verb: 

Hontem lembrei-me; Id se ficoii ; pouco a pouco nos 

(c) In a negative and interrogative capital phrase 
and always in a dependent clause before the verb: 

Elle ndo se approximou ; tu nao te appUcas; a equa e 
que se ndo esguecia; nem me fale nisso. 

§ 69. How to translate "it is" with a predicative 
complement : 

(a) This being a noun with an article, possessive 
or demonstrative pronoun, an adjective or a noun 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of Speech. 327 

employed as an adjective and followed by que or an in- 
finitive, "it is" is translated by e: 

E uma lastima it is a pity. 

E mm, it is mine ; e isto that's it. 

E teu dever. E certo, 6 verdade que se foi embora. 

E facil a gente enganar-se a si mesmo. 

Seria justo (seria justiga) que fdsse absolvido. 

(b) The predicate being an adverb or a noun which 
designs a transitory state, "it is" is rendered by "esM" : 

Estd hem it's all right; estd um horror it's a horrible 
thing; istd uma helleza it's a beautiful sight. 

§ 70. "So" or "that" supplying the place of an 
adjective, or of a noun used adjectively, or of a phrase, 
is translated by o or isso or remains untranslated: 

Portugal e um jpovo triste, e i-o aiS quando sorri (and it 
is so even when smiling). 

Durante algum tempo, o systema liberal foi uma palavra. 
Hoje nem isso S. 

For some time the Liberal system was (but) a word. 
To day it is not even that. 

36. Thema. 

Louis Philip, King of the French, wrote most of his 
letters with his own hand. It's to you that I owe my liberty 
and my life. Mrs. S. speaks always of herself and blames 
everything she did not do herself. Have you your spectacles 
about you ? Yes, I never go out without them. I never saw these 
gentlemen in your house. Are they your nephews? Yes, 
they are. She will think of us when, she is unfortunate, 
for she will certainly become so. Is that your house? Yes, 
it is. Are those your shoes ? Yes, they are. "Is it you, my 
friend?" exclaimed I, when I heard somebody come up the 
stairs. "Yes, it is I," answered he; "I bring you good news." 
Was it you, my boys, who planted this tree? Virtue by it- 
self is worthy of esteem; but vice by itself is hateful. I and my 
children will pass the summer in the country. Then you and 
your friends will no longer stay there. 

37. Leitura. 

Nao perdia o seu tempo aquelle veneziano que viera re- 
commendado a Salomao Zaouto e se disfar9ava em mercador 
flamengo. Era um espirito perspicaz e observador. Desagra- 

328 Leeson 16. 

dara-lho o caracter de Salomao. Nao era evidentemente o judeu 
qne elle snppozera encontrar. 

Um outro Ihe parecera excellente para informador e auxi- 
liar, em terra que tao completamente Ihe era desconhecida. 
De um relance d'olhos o avaUara e Ihe percebera os m^ritos. 
Esse outro era Ananias, o comico judeu, que a canalha de 
Lisbda apupava cruelmente. 

Que importava ao veneziano que elle fdsse ridicule ? Sabia 
muita. cousa da vida de Lisb6a, conhecia e apreciava perspi- 
cazmente os homens de Villa Nova da Gibraltar, sens corre- 
ligiondrios, e nao seria difficil cousegnir que falasse desassom- 

Aquelle seria o seu precioso guia. Leu-lhe a alma no 
olhar, sentiu-lhe vibrar a ambi^ao em breves referencias re- 
passadas de malicia, em palavras soltas que vinham esbraze- 
adas de rancor. Comprehendeu a esp6cie d'homem que a for- 
tuna Ihe deparava, e logo procurou acercal-o bem de si, 
lisoDgeando-lhe as cobi^as e malqueren9as, tao rapidamente 
surprehendidas. (Campos Junior: Guerreiro e Monge.) 


Que nos diz Campos Junior d'aquelle veneziano no sen 
c61ebre romance «Guerreiro e Monge ?» 

Quaes foram as relagoes d'elle com Salomao Zacuto? 

Como vinha di8far9ado? 

Qual foi joizo que o seu espirito observador formou do 
judeu que o aoolh6ra? 

Quern Ihe parecia melhor para informador? 

Como Ihe tinha percebido os m^ritos? 

Que circumstancia tornava Ananias precioso aos olhos 
do veneziano? 

Que procurou elle fazer em seguida? 

Por que meios o acercou de si? 

Sixteenth Lesson. 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of 

Speech, (continued). 

Personal Pronouns (continued). 

§ 71. If the modal verbs (querer, saher, dever, 
poder, ir, deixar, fazer, mandar, vir, ouvir, sentir, etc.) 
are followed by an infinitive and a personal pronoun, 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of Speech. S29 

this latter is placed in a direct sentence, whether affir- 
mative or interrogative; 

(a) After or iefore the infinitive, if it is its object: 
Devo-o fazer or devo fazSl-o? vou huscdl-o; posso dizer- 

Ih'o or posso-lh'o dizer; mandei-a abrir; vi castigdl-o. 

(b) Before the infinitive, when it is its subject: 
Mandei-o huscar pao; vi-o castigar o cao; oiiQO-a chamar 

a filha; fago-o vir ; ouviram-no falar; mandaram-me 

§ 71. In negative sentences the place of the pro- 
noun is before the verb: 

Nao m'o tinhas dado; nao Ih'o deste? 

In the case of § 70 (a) also in a negative sentence 
the pronoun may be placed before the verb or after 
the infinitive: 

Nao devo fazer (?) ; nao devo fazil-o (?). 

In a dependent negative clause, the pronoun riiay 
precede or follow the "nao": 

^^Jd forque me nao (or ruLo me) esquego que e poire, 
muito pdbre, o nosso povo." 

§ 72. If the phrase begins by a complement (ad- 
verb, conjunction, relative pronoun, etc.) the conjunctive 
pronoun is generally put before the verb or its auxiliary: 
Emquanto o nao vejo ■ ■ • ; quantas vezes Ih'o nao 

tenho dito! 
Deus vol-o pague! (Here the conjunction "qite" is 

N.B. — The verbs ver, ouvir, deixar, mandar, fazer being 
followed by an infinitive and an accusative complement of 
the 3"^^ person (o, a, os, as), the dative pronoun (the, Ihes) 
may be employed instead (see § 62) : 

Eu vejo-lhes langar. Idgrimas tristes. 
The same is to be said of the verb cliainar: chama-lhe sever o; 
chamo-lhe meu. (See also § 62.) 

§ 73. Conjunctions of the Pronouns. 

(a) A pronoun of the dative or accusative may be 
joined to a gerund, but never to a past participle: 

Dizendo-lhe isto; tenho-lh'o dito (but not: tenho dito-lh'of) 

330 Lesson IB. 

(b) "iSe" maj- be joined to another conjunctive 
pronoun : 

Nao se me tirci da cdbega que fdratn iitjmtos comnosco. 

(c) In the future and conditional tenses the pro- 
noun complement is intercalated between the root of 
the infinitive and the termination: 

fechdl-o-d; sfl-o-ei; far-lhe-ia falta; vel-o-emos; dir-lh'o-ei. 

Popularly, these forms are not employed, but are 
replaced by others — for instance? 

Ell digo-lh'o ao depois; vamos vSl-o. 

(d) Sometimes a dative complement (especially of 
the pronouns) is joined to a verb instead of a possessive 
pronoun before a noun: 

Ficam->ios tamhem na amada terra o coragao. 
Also our heart remained in our beloved country. 

(e) The English "there were four of us," instead 
of "we were four," is rendered in Portuguese by: 

Eramos qvatro ao todo. 

(f) In familiar speech the pleonastical "me" is used 
in sentences like this: 

Porque nao we estuda ? Why don't you study ? 
Ndo me saias d'aqui! Don't go out of this place. 

(g) To the pronouns nos and vos is added some- 
times an also pleonastical outros: 

N6s-outros Portugueses we Portuguese, 
(h) In familiar speech sew, sua are employed with 
a following noun or an adjective used as such: 

Sell, garoto! Naughty boy! 

Seu felizardo ! Fortunate man that you are ! 

Seu tolo! Fool that yon are! 

38. Thema. 

From where do you get your coffee? I get it sent from 
Guatemala. Is it good? I have always heard it hghly praised. 
I have also noticed it always to have the best flavour (cf. 
§ 62). Some time ago there was a revolution in Catalonia, 
but the Government succeeded in suppressing it. That province 
strives to render itself independent, but until now it has 
not yet succeeded. Get up ! You intended to rise at cock-crow. 
Don't yoQ hear it crow? I have heard it crowing already 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Certain Parts of Speech. 331 

half an hour ago. To this poor woman a letter was given 
in which she was informed of her son's misfortune. She 
melted into tears (= desfazer-se em pranto) so that she was 
not to be calmed. Saint Anthony, the patron saint of Lisbon, 
is said to have been preaching when a raving madman entered 
the church and with wild words and gestures demanded the string 
that fastened his hood. The saint immediately took it off, and 
as soon as he clasped it round the madman, this latter changed 
into one of his most attentive hearers. 

39. Leitnra. 

Bia no campo. 

A tarde principiava a coar-se atraves das grandes arvores 
da nossa devfiza. Os campos estavam solitaries; neste, na- 
quelle, dois ou tres bois como esqnecidos. Tinhamos passado o 
dia pouco communicativos e repassados de uma doce saudade 
maguada: e, sem me sentir com coragem de Ihe dizer que 
abrisse o piano, poisei sobre a cadeira a rabeca que quiz fazer 
cantar e que gemeu em tom menor uma amargura. Eramos 
tres ha dez mezes e somos so dois agora. E, como o peque- 
nito morr^ra aqui, desde entao a nossa casita de campo, aldea 
e branca, no declive d'um monte verde, entre pinheLros, fechoa-se 
e nunca mais falei n'ella. 

Quando me pediu que voltassemos, quiz dissuadil-a ter- 
namente; mas ella tinha o rise nos labios; e um ramo de flores 
ontonaes para a campa do nosso fllho, uma visita matinal ao 
cemiterio que e como uma singella quadra campestre, a missa 
conventual dita pelo tio Jos6 na egreja fresca, o almogo na 
nossa salita de jantar rescendendo ainda a lua de mel ... 6 
eora9ao egoista! attraiste-me e nao fui superior ao encanto 
dum dia recolhido com ella na pacificadora naturfiza. Ainda 
para mais a quadra ia deliciosa e eu amo o tempo em que 
as arvores se despem dos sens atavios e entram na medita9ao 
e na penitencia. 

dia estava bellisimo, os caminhos cheios de sol e ainda 
humidos das chuvas anteriores. De manhasinha atravessamos 
a aldeia com o nosso ramo de flores na mao. Uma pontita 
de pallidez dava-lhe mais realce ao rdsto meigo. 

cemiterio estava alegre, tinha muitas rosas de toucar 
e seu muro caiado, ao fnndo, d'onde se descortina o rio e 
um panorama de verduras. Ajoelhamos piedosamente na campa 
do nosso filho : cantara n'esse momento uma avesita n'um car- 
valho proximo, e o sino dava as primeiras badaladas. Ella 
limpou OS olhos e fOmos entao beijar a mao ao tio Jose e 
ouvir-lhe a missa. (Guilhermo Gama.) 

332 Lesson 17. 

40. Para decorar. 

A Gigarra e a formiga. 

Tendo a cigarra em cantigas «Amiga (diz a cigarra), 

Fo]gado todo o verSo, Piometto, k f6 d'animal, 

Achou-se em penuria extrema, Pagar-vos antes de agosto 

Na tormentosa esta9ao. Os juros, e o principal. » 

Nao Ihe restaudo migalha, A formiga nunca empresta, 

Que trincasse a tagarella, Nunca dd, por isso ajunta. 

Foi valer-se da formiga, «No verao, em que lidavas ?» 

Que morava perto d'ella. A pedinte ella pergnnta. 

Bogou-lhe que Ihe emprestasse, Responde a outra : «Eu cantava 

Pois tinha riqneza e brio, Noite e dia, a toda a hora». 

Algum grao, com que manter-se «0h ! Bravo 1 (torna a formiga) 

T^ voltar o acceso estio. Cantavas? Pois danija agora*. 


Seventeenth Lesson. 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Demonstrative, 
Relative and Indefinite Pronouns. 

§ 74. The demonstrative "this," "that," "these," 
"those," "the one(s)," followed or not by a relative, is 

(a) By este(s), esta(s) for objects near the speaker; 

(b) By esse(s), essa(s) for such near the person 
spoken to; 

(c) By aquelle(s), aquella(s) for such distant to the 
one and the other; 

(d) By o(s), a(s) in any case, but only with a 
following relative: 

i' este (esse, aquelle, o) que ve it is the one you see. 

N.B. — These pronouns^ being employed adjectively and 
referring to nouns of different gender, agree with the nearest; 
Estes homens e mulheres; estas mulheres e homens. 

§ 75. "This," "that," employed without a noun 
which, however, is to be supplied, is rendered by este, 
esse or is altogether omitted: 

Esse nao e o meu livro. J^ esta a minha porta, 
aquella e (a) do meu amigo. Quern e? who is that? 
£' meu pae. That is my father. 

Syntactic PeouliaritieB of Demonstrative, etc., Pronouns. 333 

§ 76. If "this, " 'that" does not refer to a deter- 
minate person or object, it is rendered by isto, isso, 

Que e isto (isso)? Nao parcebo isso (aguiUo). 

§ 77. "That which or "what" is rendered by o que. 

que vi nSo me agradou. 

That which (what) I saw did not please me. 

Semark. — Isto, isso, aquiHo, tudo, o que (= aguiUo que) 
are mascnline and singolar. If, however, followed by the 
verbs ser or parecer with a nonn or pronoun in the plural, 
the verb generally agrees with the predicative noun: Isto nao 
sSU) palatTos de animacao: que vimos pareciam drvores. 
Eram tudo ynemdrias de aiegria. 

§ 78. The difference between outro and outrem is 
this: the former is an adjective and variable; the second 
is a noun and inTariable. The former refers to per- 
sons and things; the latter only to persons and in a 
general and indeterminate manner: 

<JHas como entao nao hama no mutido oidro amor, nem 
outrem a quern amar, que faria Adao para provar o 
amor que desyaca encarecer?» 

§ 79. "He who" is rendered by aqueUe qtte, o que 
or qtieni. The latter is always employed in proverbs 
and in a general meaning: 

Quern tern capa, escapa. Quern porfia, mata caca. Quern 
com caes se lanca, com ptdgas se tevanta (c£ § 180, 2 
of the 1st Part)* 

§ 80. T(d, toes without distinction of gender, is 
the !^glish "such," "like" ; it is employed conjunctively 
or absolute: 

Toes desgostos soffreu e toes foram as suas dores . . . 

Snch troubles he suffered and sach were his pains. 

T(d amo, tal criado like master, like man. 

§ 81. Also quern may be employed for "such": 
Nao faUard quern por dlguns punhados de dobras de 

oiro OS favoreca e acclame. 
There will be no want of sach who for some handfols 
of donbloons will favour and acclaim them. 

§ 82. The pronoun que in certain conjunctions is 
employed predicatively and may not be translated: 

334 Lesson 17. 

Os ribeiros quasi nao murmuram de debeis e exhaustos 

que vao. 
The rivulets flow so feebly and exhausted that they 

don't even murmur, or the rivulets hardly murmur 

with debility and exhaustion. 

§ 83. Quanta as a pronoun is correlative; it is 
emplo3^ed either with tanfo or with tudo, antecedents 
which also may be only understood: 

Dei-lhe (tanto or ttido) quanta tinlia. Foi sonho (tuda) 
quanta vi. 

§ 84. The relative cujo whose, of whom, corre- 
sponds to "(?o qual," expressing the preposition de with a 
possessive meaning. It is immediately followed by the 
noun, with which it agrees in gender and number: 
Este e homem cvjo talento admiramos. 

If, however, this noun does not express possession, 
but is a predicative, "whose," "of whom" must be 
rendered by de quern (dos quaes), de que (do qual). 

Os viajantes de quern (or dos quaes) foi campanheiro. 

pais de que (or do qual) era rei . . . 

§ 85. The relative que ("which," "that") may refer 
to persons or objects. In the latter case it may be 
preceded by one of the prepositions em, a, or de. 

papel em que escrevo; a livro de que me falau; a coisa 
a que se refere. 

If, however, "which" or "that" is employed with 
another preposition, it must be rendered by o qual (see 
§ 180, 3 of. P. I). 

41. Thema. 

The Whistle. 

I was still a child of seven years of age, so related the 
famous Franklin, when my parents on a holiday filled my 
pockets with coppers. I went directly to a shop where they 
sold toys for children. Yet the sound of a whistle that I saw 
by the way in the hands of another boy charmed me so much 
that I voluntarily offered him all my money for this one ob- 
ject. The boy consented. Satisfied with my bargain, I ran 
home, where I went whistling all over the house, for my 
whistle gave me as much pleasure as it disturbed the whole 
family. When my brothers and sisters knew of my bargain, 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Demonstrative, etc., Pronouns. 835 

they affirmed that I had given for times as much four it as 
it was worth, and they laughed at me so much for my folly 
that I began to cry with vexation. At the same time it came 
to my mind what good things I might have bought with the 
rest of the money ! Repentance then caused me more chagrin 
than the whistle had given me pleas^re. As this occurrence, 
however, had made on me an ineradicable impression, it was 
afterwards of great use to me. Often when I was tempted to 
buy some unnecessary thing, I said to myself: "Don't give too 
much for the whistle!" and so I saved my money. 

42. Leitura e versao. 
trabalho physico e o mental. 

Todo o homem deve ter uma profissao, uma arte ou um 
officio : n'uma palavra, uma occupa5ao ou modo de vida. 
trabalho 6 um beneficio para a prdpria saiide, tanto do corpo 
como do espirito, e 6 o linico rem^dio efficaz para as necessi- 
dades. homem que trabalha 6 litil a si, aos sens e a so- 
ciedade; e 6 do trabalho de todos, seja qual for, que depende 
progresso e o bem-estar geral. 

A unica nobreza actual e a do trabalho : um artista, um 
artifice, um operario, um commerciante, um industrial, um 
lavrador, 6 tao indispensavel ao bem geral, como o sacerdote, 
mestre, o medico, o engenheiro, o advogado, o magistrado, 
escriptor ou o sabio. Perante a virtude de trabalho sao 
todos iguaes, e mais se distingue o que mais ou melhor prodnz. 

Aquelles que pelo seu trabalho concorrem para facilitar, 
desenvolver e tornar mais productivo o trabalho dos outros, 
isto e, para os ensinar e educar, habilitando-os a serem bons 
e felizes, esses sao benemeritos no mais elevado grau : e nesse 
grupo esta o sabio. que no seu gabinete, sdsinho, pensa e 
medita no que conv6m ao bem geral, e escreve o resultado 
das suas cogita5oes, no proposito de ensinar coisas ignoradas 
que elle descobre, ou de aperfei9oar ou propagar pelo seu 
trabalho as jd conhecidas, esse 6 o obreiro por excell6noia, 
por que e o mestre dos mestres, a luz e o guia dos traba- 

Gloria e esses, e em geral aos trabalhadores do pensa- 
mento, que a sua vida consomem no mais alto e difficil labor 
que nenhuma remunera^ao material saberia pagar nem paga; 
— e depois d'esses, gl6ria aos sens apostolos que sao os pro- 
fessores, os mestres, os que ensinam e explicam ao povo os 
livros e a obra dos pensadores. 

Neste momento, as profissoes, artes e officios mais com- 
muns em Portugal sao os seguintes, — e a espeeialidade de 

336 Lesson 18. 

cada uma d'estas occupa9oes aprende-se em livros, que os ha 
a respeito de tndo e que tudo ensinam. 
(Trindade Coelho: Pequeno Dicciondrio de profissoes, artes e 
officios, appfindice do 3" Livro de leitura.) 


The preceding task 40 may be varied: 1. by having the 
story told to the school-fellows by one of them (FranUin era 
ainda uma crianga). 

2. By allowing the father of Franklin to tell it him : 
(Til ainda eras . . .). 

Eighteenth Lesson. 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Adjectives 

and Participles. 

§ 86. The adjective and the participle employed 
as an adjective (= verbal adjective) serve: 

(a) To determinate the noun (pronominal adjective; 
see pronouns) or 

(b) To describe it (predicative or attributive ad- 
jective) — Ex. : 

Alguns peixes teem formas singulares. 

(c) To qualify the action or the state of a noun: 
A ewpresa saiu feliz. A aurora rompeu meiga e serena. 

In the latter case the adjective is employed ad- 
verbially or in apposition — i.e., it is added to the noun 
or the verb to explain and complete it (see P.I, §245). 

(Cf. : Como era a aurora? Meiga e serena. 
Como rompeu a aurora? Meiga e serenamente). 

§ 87. The verbal adjective agrees with its noun 

in gender and number like a predicative adjective. Ex.: 

As ondas vinham espraiar-se preguigosas no ureal da 

Sentiu a fronte aquedda por febre ardente. Eu vim 

soldado, temeroso on irresoluto, deu parte do negdcio. 

The adjectives of the last example express cause 
(por temor ou irresolugao). In such a case you may 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Adjectives and Participles. 337 

have the adjective preceded by de in order to put an 
emphasis upon a state or quality (cf. § 82): 

Elle cahiu de cansado he fell down with weariness. 

A crianga salta de contente the child jumps with joy. 

De alegres que estavam, nao pensavam em mal algum. 

They were so merry that they did not think of any evil. 

§ 89. The position of the adjective or participle 
in apposition may be before or after the verb, according 
o its meaning (see the preceding examples): 

Entramos em uma batalha, onde vencidos (= se formos 
vencidos) honraremos nosso Deus com o sangue. 

(a) If accompanying a noun, the adjective precedes it: 
Acabada a refeigao, saimos. 

The repast over, we went away. 

(b) The past participle, acompanied by a comple- 
ment, is placed after the noun and before the com- 
plement; yet in elevated stile it may even be put after 
the complement: 

«... Com exclusao dos trechos indicados pela mesma 
commissao ...» 

'iDepois de eliminados os trechos pela commissao technica 
indicados ...» 

Those excerpts which the technical commission had in- 
dicated having been eliminated. 

(c) The past participle may even take the plural 
form before a subject in the singular, if this latter is 
one of the pronouns coda um, cada qual, nenhum, ninguem 
and refers to persons or things already mentioned: 

Sobresaltados com esta vista, procurava cada um a toda 
a pressa por-se a salvo. 

N.B. — Many participles may be employed as mere adjec- 
tives; others may have an active meaning in spite of their 
passive form ; for instance ido {tempos idos times past), vindo 
(noticia vinda de fdra), lido (homens lidos well-read or learned 

This is especially the case with participles of reflective 
verbs: arrependido from arrepender-se ; lembrado, etc. Ficd- 
mos arrependidos we repented or changed our mind. Ella 
estd lembrada she reminds herself. 

§ 89. Sometimes the adjective as well as the par- 
ticiple is employed substantively: 

Portuguese Conversation-Grftnimar. 22 

338 Lesson 18. 

Muros de dots metros de alto (= de aliura) e meio 

metro de largo (== de largura). 
Bd esmolas ao pobre, consola o afflicto e (o) dbandonado. 
Give alms to the poor (man), comfort the afflicted and 

abandoned (one). 

(N.B. — Here pobre, afflicto and ahandonado are singular, 
and not, as in English, plural, though they have a plural 
meaning. The Portuguese adjective, when substantively em- 
ployed, has the verb in the plural only if it has itself the 
plural form: Os pobres pedem esmola the poor ask for alms.) 

§ 90. In certain cases you may employ instead 
of an abstract noun, complement to a verb, an adjective 
preceded by de, or supply the verb ser or estar: 

Accusar alguem de negligente, de desleal (= de negli- 
gencia, de deslealdade or de ser negligente etc.) to 
accuse somebody of negligence or of being negligent. 
Deu mostras de (ser) insofrida, de (estar) nervosa. 

She gave proofs of being impatient, of feeling nervous. 

§ 91. A small number of adjectives may be used 
adverbially in the singular and masculine form — i.e., 
unaltered (see P. I, § 245) : 

Luctas nao raro estereis; lig3es demasiado fdceis; falar 

§ 92. A verbal adjective is, besides the past par- 
ticiple employed with ser, estar, ficar etc., the form on 
-ante, -ente, -inte (the so-called Participio activo), derived 
from the gerund (-ando, -endo, -indo). While the gerund 
is invariable (see the following Lesson), the Participio 
activo and the passive are subject to all the rules go- 
verning the adjectives: 

Ficaram castigados. Nao estamos lemhrados. 

Aguas dormentes; plantas dormentes; judeu err ante. 
Cf. the adjectives presidente (= presidindo), amante 
(= amando), previdente (= prevenindo) provident, previdente 
foreseeing (= prevendo), proponente (— propondo), dbstvnente 
('= dbstendo), subordinante (— subordinando) , corrente, nas- 
cente, andante, ridente (= rindo), luzente, constituinte, seguinte, 

In the case of many of these words their derivation has 
fallen into oblivion, so that they are considered qualifying 
adjectives. Some of them are : brilhamte, constante, importante, 
distante, regente, doente, contente, eminente, excellente, etc. 

Syntactic Peculiarities of Adjectives and Participles. 339 

Others have become substantives, as for instance: 
Corrente current, vertente slope, regente regent, fabricante, 

disponente, correspondente, descendente descendant, ascendente, 

proponente, lente, etc. 

43. Thema. 

At war less brilliant than his brother, and at peace less 
foreseeing than his father, Dom Affonso the Third neverthe- 
less united the qualities of the one and the other in an eminent 
degree. The most prominent feature of his character seems 
to have been cunning obstinacy, which did not exclude an 
excessive indulgence towards his favourites, especially for those 
who had helped him to arrive to the brilliant position of 
king. His reign was a period of real social progress, in which 
civilisation extended and the popular class made important ac- 

Weary with constant disappointments, Peter the First, 
Emperor of Brazil, retired unexpectedly at night-time on board 
the English man-of-war, where he abdicated in favour of his son on 
the 7* of April, 1831. Dumbfounded by this sudden resolution, 
the higher officers retired to their houses, repentant of their 
behaviour. The people dispersed in silence (see § 87) during 
the night, while the most prominent functionaries, from fear 
(see § 87) of the consequences of the abdication, decided the 
following morning to proclaim the prince constitutional em- 
peror, appointing him a regency composed of three members. 
In virtue of the Eeform Law of 1834, a single regent then 
governed Brazil until a decree of 1841 declared the majority 
of the emperor. 

44. Leitura e versao. 

Terremoto de Lisboa (1775). 

Na manha do primeiro de novembro a cidade estremeceu, 
abalada profundamente, e come^ou a desabar. Eram nove horas, 
dia de Todos os Santos: nas casas ardiam as velas nos orato- 
rios, e as egrejas regorgitavam povo a ouvir missa. 

Toda a gente, numa onda, correu as praias ; mas, rolando 
em massa, estacou perante a onda que vinha do rio, galgando 
a inundar as ruas^ invadindo as casas. For sobre este en- 
contro ruidoso, uma nuvem de p6 que toldava os ares e es- 
curecia o sol, pairava, formada ja pelos detritos (= destro90s) 
das construc(;6es e das mobilias, que o abalo interno da terra 
vasculhava (= varria), e os desabamentos enviavam, em esti- 
Ihas, para o ar. 

A onda do povo afflicto, retrocedendo, a fugir do mar, 
trop65ava nas rninas; e as qu^das, e a metralha dos muros 


340 Lesson 18. 

que tombavam, abriam na floresta viva^ agitada pelo vento 
da desgra9a, clareiras de morte, montoes de cadaveres e po9as 
de sangae, dos membros decepados^ com manchas brancas dos 
cerebros derramados contra as esquinas. E as casas erguiam- 
se com as paredes desabadas, os tectos abertos sobre o esque- 
leto dos tabiques, mostrando a nii todos os interiores funestos, 
neste dia em que, para muitos, Deus julgara e condemnara 

Por isso rouco trovao dos desabamentos se ouvia cor- 
tado pelos ais dos moribundos, e pelos gritos dos homens e 
das mulheres, abrafados as cruzes, aos santos, as reli'quias, 
solu9ando ladainhas, ungindo moribundos, parando esgazeados 
a cada novo abalo da terra, que nao cessava de tremer, ar- 
rostando-se pelo chao de joeUios, e com as maos postas, a face 
em lagrimas, a clamar: 

— Misericordia! Misericordia! 

Casas, palacios, conventos, mosteiros, hospitaes, egrejas, 
campanarios, theatros, fortalezas, pdrticos, tudo, tudo caia, 
«Se visses somente o paldcio real, diz uma testemunha, que 
singular espectaculo, men irmao!» Os varoes de ferro, tor- 
cidos como Times, as cantarias estaladas como vidros! 

A onda do rio sorvia n'um momento o caes do Terreiro 
do Pa90, com os barcos atracados, coalhados de gente. Dos 
andares altos precipitavam-se sobre as lages das ruas. medo 
creseia, vinha a loucura: viam-se mortos arrastados pelos vivos, 
viam-se mutilados coxeando, gente correndo desgrenhada, semi- 
niia, homens e mulheres, velhos e crean9as dilacerados, san- 
grentos, arrestando uma pema fracturada, esvaindo-se em 
sangue por algum membro decepado. 

Gritos, chores, clamores, impreca9oes, ais, preces, um bor- 
borinho de vozes desvairadas acompauhava os gemidos com- 
primidos dos soterrados nos escombros. No turbilhao das ruas 
havia quedas e mortes, abra90S e agonias. 

A mesma loucura dos homens era o desvairamento dos 
brutos: os machos, desbocados, arrastavam os cavalleiros e a 
cale9as, precipitando-se nos despenhadeiros da cidade montu- 
osa; e as massas de gente, viva, moribunda e morta, de en- 
volta com os entuLhos, rolavam nas ruas ladeadas pelos esque- 
letos das casas como uma imagem desolada do que seria o cahos. 

Quando a terra se subvertia, quando o mar vinha subindo 
afogar a terra, quando no ar faiscavam as linguas flammiferas 
rutilantes, que lembran9a podia haver das inven9oes humanas? 
Abra9ados, confnndidos, na communidade do pranto, fidalgos 
e freiras, mendigos e senhores, viloes e cavalleiros, abra9avam- 
se na communidade da fome, do frio, da nudez, do terror. 

The Gerund and the Periphrastical Conjugation. 341 

De rastos a cidade inteira, sacudida pelo abalo formidando 
(= formiddvel), reunia toda a sua eloqu6ncia n'uma palavra 
unica : 

— Misericordia ! Misericordia ! (Oliveira Martins.) 

Nineteenth Lesson. 

The Gerund and the Periphrastical 

§ 93. The participle in -ndo or gerund is in- 
variable. It is employed: 

(a) Referring to the subject of a verb: 
Caminhando vagarosamente e parando a espagos, tinham 

seguido os dots ao longo do rio. 

(b) Referring to the object or some adverb (of 
cause, manner, etc.): 

Encontrou-os dormindo (= que dormiam; see N.B. — ). 
Olha OS cms, olha a terra, a lue do dia expirando 
( — que expira) tias vagas. 

N.B. — When it may be doubtful whether the gerund 
refers to the subject or to the object, another form must be 
chosen; for instance: 

Encontrei-os vindo da minha casa may be: 
I met them when I came from my house, or: 
I met them when they came from my house. 

Such a phrase had better be expressed thus : 
Encontrei-os ao virem (elles) da minha casa. 
Encontrei-os ao vir (eu) da minJia casa. 

(c) In absolute form — i.e., independent of any part 
of a phrase and with its own subject. In this case it 
expresses a circumstance (cause, time, etc.) of the verb 
of the principal sentence. Ex.: 

D. Jorge, parecendo-lhc (= a quern parecia or coma Ihe 
parecia) opportuna a occasiao, determinou tentar a 
fortuna. Isto aconteceu, estando tu (= while you 
were) na India. 

N.B. I. — An absolute participle may be employed without 
a subject: 

342 Lesson 19. 

(a) when employed impersonally: chovendo nao sairei^ 
(if it rains . . .) ; 

(b) when, the verb being a personal one, the subject is 
not expressed: 

Isso esclarecer-se-M indagando a causa. 

That will be cleared up by inquiring the cause. 

N.B. II. — The composed gerund is subject to the same 
rules : 

Havendo elk falado, todos resolveram partir. 
After he had spoken, everybody resolved to go away. 
Tendo Augusto Cesar (or A. G. tendo; see Eemark) capti- 
vado em guerra Adiatorix, trouxe-o a Boma. 

Remark. — When the subject of the gerund is at the same 
time that of the verb in the principal sentence, it may pre- 
cede or follow the gerund; otherwise it only follows: Tendo 
OS Portugueses descoberto o caminho maritimo da India, o 
oriente abriu-se d cultura do occidente. 

§ 94. If the gerund expresses a circumstance of 
time, a supposition or condition, while the verb of the 
principal sentence designs something as happening in 
future or as a habit, the gerund may be preceded by 
the preposition em: 

Em elle entrando (= as soon as he will enter), falar- 

Ndo ha amigos nem inimigos poUticos em se largando o 

§ 95. The simple gerund expresses a simultaneous- 
ness with the action of the principal verb ; the composed 
gerund something preceding it. Yet the former is often 
employed instead of the latter, if there be no misunder- 

Musa, emir d' Africa, desembarcando (for tendo de- 
sembarcado) nas costas de Hespanha com urn novo 
exircito, rendia Hispalis. 

The Periphrastical Conjugation. 

§ 96. Most frequent is the employment of the 
gerund in the periphrastical conjugation (conjugagao 
periphrdstica) — i.e., joined to a form of the verbs estar, 
andar, ficar, ir, vir, ter, haver. Thus employed, it adds 
to the verb the meaning of certain circumstances: 

The Gerund and the Periphrastical Conjugation. 343'- 

(a) With the verb estar the gerund expresses an 
action commenced but not yet finished: 

Estava estudando; estd chovendo ; estd-me parecendo que 
tudo serd em vdo. 

N.B. — The same meaning is expressed by estar followed 
by the preposition a and an infinitive : estava a estudar ; estd 
a chover. Estar followed by para and an infinitive expresses, 
however, an action immediately impending : Estou para partir. 

(b) With the verbs andar, ficar the gerund ex- 
presses lasting action or state: 

Ando estudando; die andava meditando; ficou gosando. 

N.B. — The same meaning is expressed by an infinitive 
joined by a to these verbs: ando a estudar; andava a medi- 
tar; ficou a gosar. 

(c) With the verbs ir and vir the gerund expresses 
the gradual realisation of an action: 

A vermelMddo foi avultando; vinlia amanhecendo. 

<ijd estds a ver que as terras que o genro do rei fosse 
tomando aos Memos, iam, e verdade, augmentando o 
condado, mas iam ficando tambem terras de Leao, 
porque de Leao era o condado, e vasalo do rei 
espanhol o B. Henrique.^ 

aPercorrendo o cdrpo do homem, o sangue vae espa- 
Ihando por este a sua substdncia.f 

Se fdr estudando diligentemente, poderd urn dia saber 
hem a lingua portuguesa. 

N.B. —Employed with an infinitive without any prepo- 
sition, these verbs mark an immediate future: vou levar esta 
carta ao correio; vae abrir a porta! 

(d) The auxiliary verbs ter and haver, with following 
de and infinitive, express necessity: 

Tenho (or hei-)de escrever uma carta. 

N.B. — Of. haver in the future and conditional tenses. 
The singular and the 3^^ person pi. of haver may be joined 
to de by a hyphen: 

Hei-de, has-de, ha-de ir, havemos de, haveis de, hdo-de ir. 

(e) A conjunction of vir and an infinitive preceded by 
a has nearly the same meaning as these verbs employed 
absolutely : 

344 Lesson 19. 

Isto vem a significar is hardly to be distinguished from 

isto significa (= isto por fim significa). 
Isso vem a ser o mesmo that is rather the same. 

N.B. — Vir a ser often means tornar-se to become. 
45. Thema. 
(See the map on the inner front-side of this book.) 
Brazil has for limits in the north the French, Dutch and 
English Guianas, Venezuela and the republic of Columbia; in 
the east Bguador, Peril, Bolivia and Paraguay, in the south 
Argentinia and Uruguay, in the south-east, east and north-east 
the Atlantic ocean. It is well known that the discovery of 
this country was due to chance, and that Pedro Alvaras 
Cabral, after having circumnavigated the Cape of Good Hope, 
when sailing (fazer viagem) to the Indies, was thrown there 
by a tempest in 1500. Prom that moment this vast region 
belonged to the Portuguese crown, though it was little 
known before the year, 1534 when D. Joao III. divided it 
into several provinces (capiianias), of which he made grants 
to various private persons who undertook to populate and 
cultivate them. Yet the shipwreck of some, the frequent 
incursions of the Indians, and various other accidents which 
the recipients of these grants experienced, and at last their 
death, were so many obstacles to the prosperity of these 
various States. Martim Affonso de Sousa was the only one 
who remained to witness the prosperity of his province, to 
which he gave the name of Sao Vicente, because he had 
anchored there on the 22°^ of January, the day on which the 
Church celebrates the memory of S. "Vicent the martyr. The 
remainder of the coast of Brazil was after that time infested 
by innumerable adventurers of different nations who came to 
purchase and traffic with the Indians. 

46. Leitura e versao. 


Desejando el-rei D. Joao III dar uma certa consistencia 
4quellas capitanias, creou o ti'tulo de governador, e o conferia 
a Thom6 de Sousa, a quern os donatarios foram sujeitos, e 
quem em 1549 fundou a cidade de S. Salvador da Bahia. Morto 
el-rei D. Sebastiao em Africa, Pilippe II, tendo-se apoderado 
de Portugal por fallecimento do Cardeal-rei, se tornou tambem 
de facto senhor do Brasil. Em 1624 os hollandSses invadiram 
a maior parte d'este pals, porem Filippe IV, tendo recobrado 
a cidade da Bahia, despachou a D. Jorge de Mascarenhas 

The Gerund and the Periphraetical Conjugation. 345 

marquSs de Montalvao, com o titulo de vice-rei; o qual foi 
deposto pouco tempo depois, quando os Portugueses, sacudindo 
o jugo dos espanhoes, pozeram no thrdno de seus avos o 
duque de Bragan9a com o nome de Joao IV (1640). Nesta 
^poca Tdrrias concessoes haviam entrado naturalmente nos do- 
minios da coroa, oatras foram mais tarde compradas aos her- 
deiros dos primeiros donatarios, e a colonia, inteiramente res- 
taurada em 1654, foi administrada per governadores generaes 
de provmcia, e um vice-rei na £ahia, ao qual eram sujeitos 
OS primeiros, conservando todavia a faculdade de communi- 
carem directamente com o soberano. Era entao bem pouco 
conhecido o sul do Brasil, e o interior ainda mgnos. Assim 
todo maritime tornou a ser dividido em cinco governos: 
Para e Maranbao na costa septentrional, e Pernambuco, Babia 
e Eio de Janeiro na oriental; e o cbefe da dynastia de Bra- 
gan^a houve por bem conferir a col6nia o tftulo honroso de 
principado, ordenando que d'ali em diante o berdeiro presump- 
tivo da coroa tomaria o titulo de pri'ncipe de Brasil. 

Com a cbegada em 1808 do principe regente, D. Joao, 
foram tSdos os portos do Brasil franqueados as na^oes estran- 
geiras, e uma carta regia de 2 de dezembro de 1815 elevou 
o principado do Brasil a dignidade e catbegoria de reino. Falle- 
cendo em 1816 a rainba D. Maria I, o creador da primeira 
monarcbia hereditaria da America, vendo-se a ponto de perder 
na Europa o tbrfino de seus avos, se transferiu a Lisboa em 
1821, deixaudo no Brasil D. Pedro, seu filbo primog^nito, em 
qualidade de principe regente. Porem os acontecimentos obri- 
garam este principe a separar-se de Portugal e a erigir o 
Brasil em imp^rio independente, sendo aeclamado imperador 
na cidade do Eio de Janeiro em 12 de outubro de 1822; e 
depois de haver dado uma constitui9ao ao imp6rio, foi reco- 
nbecido nesta nova qualidade por el-rei seu pae, por um tra- 
tado celebrado em 1825. Desde entao o Brasil viu seus portos 
coalbados de navios mercantes de todos as na^oes ; sua eultura 
e industria come^aram a desenvolver-se. caf6, a9ucar e 
algodao, tendo uma extrac9ao rdpida, e o pre90 d'estes g^neros 
indo gradualmente subindo, os proprietarios e agricultores tra- 
taram de augmentar a produc9ao, ao passo que o luxo se foi 
introduzindo nas cidades, nas villas, e at6 nas propriedades 
ruraes no meio dos campos. 


Quaes sao os limites do Brasil, ao norte? a oeste? ao 

sul? a leste? 
Como se deu o doscobrimento do Brasil? E em que 


346 Lesson 20. 

A quern ficou pertencendo? 

Quaes foram as medidas tomadas por D. Joao III rela- 

tivo ao pais? 
Que obstacidos se Ihes oppozeram? 
Qaal foi a primeira capitania prospera? 
Que aconteceu ao restante da costa? 
Qaal foi a primeira cidade fundada por urn portugues ? 

e como se chamou? 
Nas maos de quern foi ter o Brasil, depois da morte de 

D. Sebastiao e do rei-cardeal? 
Em que data e contemporaneo a que aoontecimento em 

Portugal, foi depOsto o primeiro vice-rei, instituido 

por Filippe IV V 
Que dynastia conferiu o titulo de prinoipado ao Brasil ? 
E quern o elevou d dignidade de reino? 
Quem emfim foi o primeiro imperador do Brasil? 
Quern foi o ultimo e quando ficou depdsto? 
Qae esp6cie de governo tem o Brasil actualmente ? 

Twentieth Lesson. 

Tenses of the Indicative. 

(See P. I, L. 18 and 19.) 

Present Tense. 

§ 97. The Present of the Indicative is used: 

(a) To denote, as in English, that a thing is now 
taking place, or habitually takes place. In the first 
case the periphrastical form may be employed, as in 
English. Ex.: 

Saio; estou Undo. Saio sempre depois do jantar. 

(b) In narrative instead of the Preterite, in order 
to give more vivacity to the description, and to make 
the event, as it were, present. This is called the 
historical or narrative Present. Ex.: 

A Bastilha e abandonada d demoligao; d'ahi a pouco 
urn montao de rumas indica o logar onde estava . . . 
iodos correm para por a cidade na defensiva — ar- 
ranca-se o calgado das ruas, fazem-se barricadas . . .: 

(c) For an action or state marked as having con- 
tinued for some time up to the present: 

Tenses of the Indicative. 347 

Besde quando estd aqui ? How long have you been here ? 

Estou aqui ha ires dias. 

I have been here these three days. 

Jd ha muito que estuda o portugues? 

Have you already been long studying Portuguese? 

Ha muito que o nao vejo (que me nao escreve). 

I have not seen him (he did not write me) for a long time. 

(d) For the Future, when speaking of actions which 
are to be completed in a short time, as: 
Volto jd I shall come back directly. 
Amanha vou a praia to-morrow I shall go to the sea- 

§ 98. The Future Tense: 

(a) Denotes that something will happen, as: 

Estudaremos esta ligao. Bigo-o, sustento-o e sustentd- 

(b) It is used as a softened form of the Imperative, 
implying the expectation of fulfilment. Ex.: 

8e cd vier alguem, dir-lhe-hds que nao estou. 
If anybody comes (you will) teU him, that I am not 
at home. 
Uonrards pae e mae honour thy father and thy mother 
Nao matards thou shall not kill. 

(c) It is used to express uncertainty, an approximate 
statement, a possibility, or a modest form of declaration. 

Haver d pae no tumulo? 

Will there be peace in the tomb? 

Tive aviso, haverd qunise dias, que adoeceu. 

I was advised about a fortnight ago that he has be- 
come ill. 

Serd tempo de ir a casa it is time to go home. 

Assim serd. It may be so. 

Uma coisa vos confessarei. I beg to confess to you 

§ 99. The immediate future is expressed by the 
Present of ir (eu vou) or vir (venJio) and the simple 
Infinitive (see §96, (c) N.B.): 

Vou contar-lhes um conto. I shall tell you a tale. 
Vem convidd los para um passeio he invites them for 
a walk. 

348 Lesson 20. 

Bemark.—Mter the conditional se = if, whether, quando 
when, and emquanto while, as well as after como, assim que, 
logo que the Future of the Subjunctive is to be employed 
(see L. 23). 

§ 100. The Preterito Imperfeito (see P. I, §115) is 

(a) To express what was customarj' or habitual, or 
to describe an action as simply going on in the past, 
or a state as existing in the past — whether in principal 
or subordinate sentences. Ex.: 

Era tdo poderosa no primeiro quartet do seculo XVI a 
esquadra portuguesa, que D. Manuel trazia de ordi- 
ndrio trezentos ndus nas conquistas da Asia, da Af- 
rica e da America. 

(b) In familiar speech it is employed instead of the 
First Conditional: 

Se a apanhasse, esbofeteava-a if I could seize her, I should 
box her ears. 

§ 101. The Preterito perfeito is used: 

For an action occurred in the Past; it serves as 
the ordinary narrative tense for past time: 

Esiive no theatro (h)ontem; fui ver o Othello. 

Em virtude da lei das reformas de 1834, urn regente 

unico governou o Brasil, ate que um decreto de 1841 

declarou a maioredade do imperador. 

N.B. — Qf dever the Imperfect is always used instead of 
the Perfect: 

EUe divia (not: deveu) sir (or ter sido) (h)ontem mats 

attencioso para comtigo. 
He ought to (or should) have been more attentive to 
you yesterday. 

§ 102. Two simultaneous actions of the Past are 
put into the Imperfect, while two actions following one 
another are put into the Perfect: 

Eu escrevia o que o professor dizia. 
I wrote what the teacher said. 

Uma telha cahiu-lhe na cahega e elle morreu em seguida. 
A tile fell on his head and he died at once. 

Tenses of the Indicative. 349 

§ 103. When a lasting action is interrupted by a 
new one, the former is expressed by the Imperfect, 
while the latter by the Perfect: 

Eu lia quando recebi a tua carta. 

I was reading when I got your letter. 

§ 104. With regard to the translation from Eng- 
lish into Portuguese, it may be summarised that the Per- 
fect is to be employed whenever you may add one of 
the adverbs then, noiv, thereupon, thereafter; and the 
Imperfect when still, already, just may be added, or 
when the verb may be rendered by would, used to and 
the infinitive. Ex.: 

Aggredimos o inimigo que recuou we attacked the ene- 
my, who (then) retreated. 
Perseguimos o inimigo que recuava we pursued the 
enemy, who (already) was retreating. 

§ 105. The difference between the Preteritos im- 
perfeito and perfeito is with certain verbs quite keen in 
its meaning. Ex.: 

-Em tinha 1 had (possessed) Eu tive I had (I got) 
havia there was houve there arose, began, hap- 

eu sabia I knew (already) eu soube I learned, heard 

eu conhecia I knew eu conheci I made the acquain- 

tance of 

„ ... , , eUe vestiu he put on 

die vestia he was dressed ^^^^ ^^^^.^.^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ 

elle trasia he carried, he was elle trouxe he brought 


ella disia she would say eUa disse she said 

levantavamo-nos we used to levantdmo-nos we got up, rose, 

get up etc. 

§ 106. Most frequently the Preterito perfeito is 
employed where in English the Perfect is used. Ex.: 

Ghegou he has arrived. TirO I have seen him. Tive 
uma carta I have got a letter. Deram-me noticias delle they 
have given me news from him. Esteve no concerto de (h)ontem? 
Were you at the concert last night? 

§ 107. The Preterito indefinido, however, expresses 
repetition or continuation of a fact from a certain point 
of time until the moment of speaking. (In English 
the Present may sometimes be employed instead). Ex. : 

350 Lesson 20. 

Todas as constituigSes teem facultado a eertas autoridades 
direito de perdoar. 

All constitutions have given (or gave or give) to cer- 
tain authorities the privilege of absolution. 

Sometimes this tense serves only to emphatically 
declare an action as altogether finished for the speaker: 

Tenho dado fim as minims investigagSes. 
I put an end to my investigations. 

§ 108. The Pluperfects [Preteritos mais-que-perfeitos 
composto and simples) express an action preceding 
another. Ex. : 

Eu jd tinha jantado quando meu irmao chegou. 
I had already dined when my brother arrived. 
Faldramos em negdcio . . . We had spoken of business. 

§ 109. The Mais-que-perfeito simples may be 
employed instead of the Condicional as well as instead 
of the Imperfeito Subj. (the latter especially in the first 
part of the conditional sentence) and instead of the 
Presente condicional in the second part. Ex.: 

Quieera (= gueria) ser-lhe agradavel. 

1 should like to be of some use to you. 

Se contentamento fieSra (== fieesse) milagres, iivera-me 

(— ter-me-hia) nesta hora a seus pes. 
If joy did wonders, you would have me . . . at your feet. 

But it is also absolutely employed, especially in 
popular interjections: 

Quern (me) dera! 

Would it were so! That would be a good thing! 
Pudera! I say! Wouldn't it! To be sure! 
Prouvera Deus! God grant! 

§ 110. The Imperative expresses request, order, 
permission, or prohibition. It is formed out of the Pre- 
sente Subj., but for the 2'^'^ persons which are formed 
out of the Presente Indicativo, if they are not in nega- 
tive sentences. Ex.: 

Nao betas coisa que nao vejas, nem assignes coisa que 

nao leias. 
Don't drink what you do not see, nor sign what you 

did not read. 

Tenses of the Indicative. 351 

§ 111. The Condicional expresses: 
(a) That something soon happened or would have 
happened on certain conditions. Ex.: 

8e nao fdssemos orgulhosos, nao nos queixariamos do 

orgidho dos mais. 
If we were not proud, we should not complain of 

the pride of others. 

Elle teria sido felie, se tivesse sahido moderar os sens 

He would have been happy if he had known how to 

moderate his desires. 

N.B. I. — The Presente Condicional (or even the Imper- 
feito Ind.) is sometimes employed instead of the Preterito 
condicional, the verb of the dependent clause being put into 
the Preterito comp. indie, instead of the Mais-que-perfeito. 

«-Caso e que se elle nao tern (= tivesse) sido demittido 
too depressa, o roubo dava-se (instead of dar-se-ia or 
properly ter-se-ia dado) com certeea» there is no doubt 
that, if he had not been dismissed so suddenly, the 
robbery would certainly have taken place. 

«iSi3 a teem (instead of tivessem) visto ali haveriam apor- 
fado certamente e encontrariam (instead of teriam 
encontrado) confirmados as informagdes de Pedro da 
Covilha, que d'aquella povoagao dera preciosas infor- 
magdes na sua carta a D. Joao II, pois ali fdra 
poucos annas antes . . . Em Sofala certamente en- 
contrariam (for teriam encontrado) navios da costa 
do Malabar. ■!> 

(Campos Junior: Guerreiro e Monge.) 

N.B.— The Preterito condicional, composed with tivera 
or houvera, may be employed in conditional clauses instead 
of the Mais-que-perfeito Subj.: 

Teria ido, se tivera (for tvvesse) sabido que . . . (cf. § 109). 

(c) In certain cases the Conditional (or the M.-q.- 
perfeito simples instead) is used to express astonishment, 
avaliation, or a softened form of declaration: 

Seria verdade? Can that be true? Haveria no theatro, 
quando muito, trezentas pessdas, there may have 
been at the most in the theatre about 300 persons. 
Yim-me embora seriam des horas I went home at 
about ten o'clock. Nao diria isso I should not say 
so. Antes diria. I should rather say, as in English. 

352 Lesson 20. 

(c) Frequently the Fresenie condicional (without a 
dependent clause) is used to express au expectation, an 
arrangement, the fulfilment of which depends of the 
future. Ex. : 

Esse manual ser-lhe-liia guia seguro pelos caminhos tor- 

tuosos da politica. 
This handbook was meant to be a reliable guide to him 

on the tortuous ways of politics. 
Iki far-llie-hia ver as belleeas do meu pais. 
I intended to show him all the beauty of my home. 

47. Thema. 

Extract from Portuguese History. 

The history of Portugal properly begins with the reign of 
the Count Henry of Burgundy. All that is anterior to this 
belongs more to the history of Lusitania and in a more gene- 
ral meaning to that of the peninsula. When in Leon Al- 
phonse the Sixth was reigning, the Count Henry, a descendant 
of Hugo Capet (== Capeto) offered (= came to offer) his ser- 
vices to that monarch, and received from him in reward the 
hand of his daughter D. Thereza and the country of Portugal. 
Is is certain that they were already married in 1095 and 
that the Count Henry already in 1097 governed Portugal 
from the Minho to the Tagus. The successor of this first Portu- 
guese regent was his son Dom Affonso Henriques, who, after 
having conquered many tracts of land from (see § 48 c) the 
Moors, was victorious at last on the 25^^ of July, 1139, at the 
famous battle of Campo de Ourique against five Moorish 
kings, while the day before he had been (gerund) proclaimed 
king by his soldiers, [a] title that was confirmed to him 
by the nation in the Parliament (as Cortes) of Lamego in 
1143. Already the monarch had caused the independence of the 
kingdom to be recognised by the King of Leon. The suc- 
cessors of Affonso Henriques continued their conquests: 
D. Sancho the First conquered Algarve, B. Affonso II. Alcacer 
do Sal, and D. Sancho II many tracts and places of the 

The kingly power then began [to be] in fight with the 
ecclesiastical state, [which was] most powerful at those times 
and from that fight resulted the deposition of B. Sancho II 
by [a] bull of the Pope Innocence IV, and the government 
of H. Affonso III, his brother. B. Binie strove especially to 
make Agriculture and Science flourish, to which purpose he 
created the first university in Lisbon. His successors conti- 

Tenses of the Indicative. 353 

nued tbe work of civilisation until the unfortunate reign of 
D. Fernando I, last monarch of the first dynasty. 

The nation united in Parliament proclaimed in 1583 King 
of Portugal, John, Grandmaster of the Order of Aviz (Mester 
de Avis), who settled the independence of Portugal which was 
attacked by Castile, and by his valour and good administration 
he obtained the love of his people. The descendants of this 
monarch reigned until 1580, when the Cardinal King Dom 
Henrique died. This is doubtlessly one of the most beautiful 
periods of Portuguese history. 

48. Leitura e Tersao. 

Os descobrimentos dos Portugueses, as suas victorias na 
Asia e Africa, tornaram o sea nome temido e respeitado em 
toda a parte. DSsde a gloriosa tomada de Cfiuta em 1415 at6 
a desgragada batalha de AlQdcer Quivir em 1578, este povo, 
dotado de uma actividade sem exemplo, descobre os archi- 
pelagos da Madeira, (das) A9ores, (das ilhas) Candrias e (do) 
Cabo Verde, (a) costa e ilhas de Guin6 ; explora e faz muitos 
estabelecimentos no litoral da Africa occidental: dobra o 
Cabo das Tormentas; submete ou faz tributarios os principes 
mouros da costa oriental africana; arrebata aos drabes a 
navega9ao da India e (do) Mar Vermelho; e assombrando 
OS povos do Oriente com prodigies de valor, estabelece-se em 
Ormuz, Diu, Damao, G6a, Bombaim, Coehim, Ceylao, Malaca, 
abrindo-se caminho pela Oceania para Java, Borneo, Timor, 
Molucas, China e Japao, ao passo que descobre a Nova 
HoUauda, Nova Guin6 e outras terras. Pedro Alvares 
Cabral descobre o Brasil (1500) e em mSnos de um s^culo, 
OS vastos e f^rteis terrenos entre o Amazonas e Prata, se 
acham submettidos ao dominio portugu€s. Mais de cincoenta 
reis ou regulos foram tributarios do rei D. Manuel, e os mais 
poderosos monarchas da Europa e do Oriente solicitaram a 
sua ailian9a. 

Nao foi menor o cuidado pelas letras neste gloriOso 
periodo. D. Affonso V forma a bibliotbeca de Evora; D. 
Manuel I manda reformar e aperfei(joar a legisla9ao. Foi 
neste periodo e no reinado de Joao III que se introduziu em 
Portugal a inquisi9ao (1540) e a Companhia de Jesus (1541). 
— A morte do cardeal-rei D. Henrique (1580) seguiu-se a 
occupa9ao castelhana, que durou at6 1640 ; e Portugal, que 
no reinado de T). Manuel chegara ao maior grau de esplendOr, 
caiu nesse periodo na maior prostra9ao. 

No anno de 1640 recuperou esta na9ao a sua independencia 
pela gloriosa revolu9ao que elevou ao thrSno D. Joao IV, tronco 
dadynastia deBragan9ahapouco ainda reinante. Portugal alliou- 

Portuguese Conversatiou-Grammar. 23 

354 Lesson 21. 

se depois com a Inglaterra e Hollanda contra Espanha na 
c61ebre Guerra de Successao. Esta guerra terminou pelo Tra- 
tado de Utrecht em 1713. Naquelle tempo e reinando 
D. Joao V, construiram-se obras grandiosas, como fSram o- 
mosteiro, templo e paldcio de Mafra e o aqueducto das Aguas 
Livres. Mas o tesouro ficou exhausto e a na9ao em deca- 
dencia, de que s6 a poderia tirar um g^nio e perseveranQa 
como do marqu3s de Pombal, ministro de B. Jos^ I (1755 — 1777) 
em cujo reinado se reorganisaram as finan9as, o ex6rcito e a 
marinha, f6ram expulsos os jesultas, e a inqnisifSo levou o seu 
primeiro golpe, at6 ser de todo extincta em 1820. 

Em 1807 OS francfises invadiram Portugal, mas f6ram 
repellidos pelo ex6roito anglo-portugu6s, que Ihes deu severas 
li96es em Vimieiro, Bussaco, Badajoz etc. Em 1820 uma 
reyolu9ao estabeleceu o systema constitucional. A rainha 
D. Maria I, tendo ido em 1807 ao Brasil com o principe regente 
D. Joao e a cdrte, 14 fallecfira em 1816. D. Joao VI entao 
voltou a Portugal em 1821, sendo-lhe negado o desembarque, 
at6 elle ter confirmado o systfima constitutional, que foi des- 
truido em 1828. Em 1833 porem foi restabelecido por 
D. Pedro IV (como D. Pedro I imperador do Brasil), filho de 
D. JoSo VI, qual pelo seu val6r e constancia soube reivindi- 
car thrOno para sua filha, a senhora D. Maria II, fallecida 
a 15 de Novembro de 1853. Foi ella a bis-av6 de Com 
Manuel II, ultimo rei de Portugal, desthrouado em 1910. 

Twenty-first Lesson. 

The Subjunctive Mood. 

§ 112. The Subjunctive denotes an action or a 
state as existing in the mind of the person speaking, 
and not as a fact: 

I do not tbink he is so old. Nao creio que seja tao velho. 
We feared he would go. Becedmos que se fdsse embora. 

It is the mood of uncertainty, and is employed after 
verbs expressing desire, tendency, order, hope, merit, 
fear, doubt: 

Desejo (espero, quero, duvido) que Carlos estude. 

§ 113. The Subjunctive is used: 
A. In principal clauses (oragoes principaes or sub- 

The Subjunctive Mood. 355 

(a) In the Imperative mood for the first and third 
persons when affirmatively, and for all three persons 
when negatively employed: 

Estude (elle, Y^), estudemos, estudem! 

Nao pegas a quern pediu, nem sirvas a quern serviu. 

Que esteja ou nao horn tempo. 

N.B.— In the third person que may precede the verb; 
que estude(m)! 

(b) In clauses where talves precedes the verb: 
Talvez elle diga perhaps he may say. Yet here the 
Indicative may be employed. 

(c) In clauses expressing wishes or interjections: 
Pram a JDeus que assim seja! Viva! Morra! Beus 

salve! Possa eu um dia pagar-lhe as suas fineeas! 
Assim as suas prendas fdssem devidamente desen- 

(d) In clauses of admission being equivalent to a 
conditional clause: 

Falle elle (= se elle falar), tudo se calard. 

B. In subordinate clauses (oraQoes subordinadas) 
beginning with que^ and not representing indirect speech. 
The conjunction que requires the Subjunctive: 
(a) After all verbs, substantives, adjectives and 
other particles which express cause or impediment of 
an action or occurrence, an admission, approval or dis- 
approval, hope, convenience, etc., such, as: Desejar, 
querer, pedir, aconselhar, consentir, admittir, impedir, 
ordenar, approvar, prop6r, suppor, merecer, prohibir, 
decretar, resolver, esperar, convir, desapprovar, achar mal 
(bom, melhor, pear). 


Fig com que elle visse o seu erro I caused him to re- 
cognise his error. 

' "Que" may be omitted in the complementary accusative 
clause whenever the verb is also accompanied by a dative com- 
plement which is the subject of the accusative clause; — e.g., 
«Candido de Figueiredo propunha d Academia das Sciencias, en- 
carregasse uma comissao da reforma (ou revisaoj da ortografia, 
antes que se comeQasse o famigerado Dicciondrio (in spe), de que 
era director Latino Coelkoi) (Carol" Michaelis de Vasconcellos). 


356 Lesson 21. 

Impediram (or obstaram) que entrassemos. 
They opposed our entrance. 

^rovo (desaprovo) que faga isso. 
I approve Ms doing so. 
Suponhdmos que esse facto se de. 
Snppose that will happen. 

Ndo Ihe aconsdho que porta. I don't advise you to part. 
Ndo se pode admitir (or e inadmissivel) que se digam 
taes coisas. Such things cannot be allowed to be said. 
EUe merecia que se Ike concedessem todos as honras. 
He would be worthy of aU honours bestowed upon him. 

(b) After the expressions (verbs, substantives, ad- 
jectives) of fear: 

Beceei que o meu amigo estivesse doente. 

Tinha medo (estava com medo) que perdesse o combdio. 

De medo que lest, for fear. 

Nao temas que fiques castigado! 

Estou a tremer (i de receiar) que Jtaja mallogro. 

I tremble for fear there may be a failure. 

(c) After expressions of astonishment, surprise, 
joy, grief— e.g.: 

Admiro (-me) que elle venha (or tenha or tivesse vindo). 
I wonder that he will or has come. 
Fiquei surpreendida que tivesse chegado. 
I was surprised he had come. 

Folgo (or estimo) que tenha recuperado a saude. 
I am glad he is well again. 

Sinto que ndo Ihe possa valer. 

I am sorry I can be of no use to you. 

(d) After verbs or impersonal idioms expressing 
that it is agreeable or deplorable, rare or frequent, 
possible, probable, astonishing, important, just, necessary, 
useful, etc.— e.g.: 

£ de seniir it is deplorable, a pity 

e de crer_ \ j^ ^^ assumed 

e admissivel f 

e de desejar it is desirable 

e raro (vulgar) it is rare (common) 

e possivel (provdvel) it is possible (probable) 

e admirdvd (or de admirar) it is astonishing 

parece incrivel it seems incredible 

importa it is a matter of consequence 

The Subjunctive Mood. 357 

e justo it is just 

e necessdrio (util, perigoso) it is necessary (useful, 

a nao ser que unless, except. 

Ex.: Importa que se comprehenda e exercite hem o em- 
prigo do conjunctivo, para que haja nella a mdxima 

To this group belong also the nouns predicatively 
employed : 

e honra it is an honour 
e vergonha it is a shame 

^'^T" } it is time 
sao floras / 

e justiga it is justice 

e asneira it is foolishness 

caso e que the question is. 

(e) After duvidar and other terms expressing doubt, 
when employed affirmatively, the English "whether" is 
translated by que: 

Duvido que elle saiba I doubt that (or whether) he knows. 
J^ muito duvidoso que seja despachado o requerimento 

It is rather doubtful whether the request will be 

agreed to. 
However : Nao ha duvida (ninguem duvida) que Cintra 

e um logar dos mats bonitos da Europa. There is 

no doubt that Cintra is one of the finest places in 


N.B. I. — Sometimes, however, the subjunctive is employed 
even with duvidar in a negative clause: Nao duviddmos que 
ST. Jose diga a verdade. 

N.B. II. — After ignorar the subjunctive may be employed: 
Ignorava que vivesses (or que vivias) na aldeia I did not 
know that you lived in the country. 

N.B. III.— After the verbs expressing knowledge or 
meaning of something happening or existing (verbos sensitives), 
as v^r, saber, jvlgar, and those declaring something as happen- 
ing or existing (verbos declarativos), as diser, declarar, an- 
nundar, the verb after "que" may be in the subjunctive mood, 
in case the verb of the principal clause is employed negatively 
or in a negative interrogation. 

Nao digo que elle nao saiba. 

I don't mean to say that he does not know. 

358 Lesson 21. 

Entao ndo achas que fdsse melhor ter mais cuidado? 
Don't you think it would be better to be more 
careful ? 

N.B. IV.— In an interrogative accessory clause the verb 
may be in the subjunctive. 

Nao sabia quaes fossem as suas ideias e medidas. 
I did not know which were his ideas and measures. 

N.B. v. — In the same case after se whether, with dever, 
haver de added in thought, the verb may be employed in the 
subjunctive : 

Nao sei se diga (= nao sei se devo or deva dieer or: 
ndo sei se hei-de or haja de dizer) I don't know 
whether I am to say. 

49. Thema. 

It is not advisable that during a thunderstorm many people 
should crowd together in a church unless there is a lightning- 
conductor. It is indispensable that a nation should fulfil its 
destiny and always strive after high ideals. I should have 
rendered him this service, if I had had the means to do so. 
These flowers would not have faded if they had been watered. 
I shall do what he wants me to, provided he behaves well. 
Do not go upon the lake while the ice is not solid, lest you 
break through. He will give it you on condition that you shall 
give it back to him to-morrow. It is impossible that he should 
have written that. It is convenient for you to go to find him. 
It is a pity that you have not seen him. It is a shame that 
you should deny thus what you have done. It would be a 
crime if you should let him do that. What would they say 
if I should send them this parcel? We should comfort her 
if she needed it. However sad the news is, I shall impart 
it to her. You ought patiently to endure these trials, until 
a time will come when you will no longer be oppressed. It 
is just that you should be rewarded. Do not believe him, 
whatever he may say. God grant (= querer) he may suc- 
ceed. TeU him, so that he may know it. Even if he should 
come to-morrow, he would no longer be in time. 

50. Leitura e versao. 

Passeio d Riviera portuguesa. 

Visto que jd conhecemos o mappa de Portugal nos sens 
tra90S geraes, vamos agora fazer uma visita aos arrabaldes 
da capital. Como esta calor, reeommenda-se que tomfimos o 
comboio de Gascaes, para que nos leve a Eiviera. Pois sigam- 

The Subjunctive Mood. 359 

me, SB forem do meu parecer. Vejam, al6m esta o comboio 
prestes a partir. Nao se demorem ! Corram e subd,m, para 
que nao o percamos. Eis-nos installados! Ainda bem que o 
alcan^amos, pois duvido que haja outre antes do meio-dia. Sen- 
"tem-se e descansem da corrida ! Ora querem ver que o Carlos 
■esta sem fSlego! Nao se precipitasse tanto! Agora reparem: 
Do lado esqu6rdo do combdio v6-se o Tejo e as margens da 
Outra Sanda. D'ali se gosa um panorama encantador de LisbOa 
6 do rio, por tal forma magnifico que sera muito para lasti- 
mar que nao seja visto pelo estrangeiro que visite LisbSa. 

Ora por pouco que tivessemos passado, sem a v6r, a Torre 
de Selem, uma das maiores maravilbas de architectura, que 
ha no mundo. E que uma fabrica de gaz impede que se 
veja, a nao ser do lado do rio. Que p6na que se tenha dado 
iicen9a de collocarem essa fabrica de maneira que seja tao 
difficil obter um relance d'olhos d'um monumento erigido para 
que sempre relembre os feitos dos Portugueses no seu periodo 
•de maior heroismo e gloria. 

comboio agora vae passaudo pelas povoa9oes de Bdfundo, 
JPedrougos, Pago d'Arcos, Alges, praias consideradas de mar, 
visto que o rio aqui leva agua salgada, e frequentadas pela 
melbor gente de Lisboa, comquanto nao estejam longe da 
capital. E que ha tantas e tao boas praias por todo a costa 
portugu6sa que facilmente se Ihe encontra onde nos sintamos 
bem e fiquemos curados dos nossos males. 

Agora permittam que Ihes chame a atten^ao para o sitio 
que estamos atravessando e que se chama Caxias. Nao 6 senao 
justo que aqui se mencione um institute pedag6gico que faz 
honra ao pais: 6 a Casa de CorreC(jao, estabelecida n'aquelle 
vasto edificio que, se bem que tenha sido um mosteiro e por 
conseguinte nao destinado desde logo ao seu fim actual, e um 
modelo no genero. E rare o alumno que ali nao se sinta (or 
sentisse) bem e em que os esfor^os dos professores, tendando 
a que todos cheguem a ser bons e liteis, nao consigam (or 
<;onseguissem) o seu fim. 

E nao esque93.mos que aqui ha ainda outra coisa a ad- 
mirar: uma casa de campo, deshabitada, que foi do rei, ou seja o 
quintal que Ihe pertence, uma especie de parque com avenidas e 
alegretes contornados de buxo artificialmente copado, e em 
parte do tamanho de um homem. Poi, como ja disse, d'el-rei, 
que porem nunca habitou aqui que eu saiba. Outra qiiinta 
real, e essa lindissima, no que diz respeito ao palacio em estilo 
de renascen9a, esta situada nao longe d'aqui na estrada de 
G'mtra, em Queluz. Tambem tem parque rococ6 com altas 
sebes de buxo. Mas o maior attractive que eu Ihe conhe9o, 
^ profundo silSncio em que esta mergulhado. 

360 Lesson 22. 

Ja estamos a beira-mar. Notem aquelle grande edifioio 
sobre os rochedos lambidos pela quebran9a! Nao e como quern 
quizesse atirar-se ao mar? E o Sanatorio de Carcavellos cons- 
trnido em 1902 para que d6 acolhimento a meninos de 4 para 
12 annos. Nao longe d'ahi esta outro sanatorio, o de Sanf Anna 
de Parede que, tendo cem camas, recebe tanto adultos como 
criaii9as que sejam taberculosas. E ha quern aCfirme que cada 
cama custou 16.000 marcos, a ser verdade que o sanatdrio, 
edificado em 1904, tenha custado 1.600000 marcos approxima- 

Do nosso lado direito devia-se v6r outro edifioio, mais 
antigo e nao m^nos interessante, se as verduras e alguns 
gmpos de casas nao no-lo oceultasse. E o palacio do marqufis 
de Pombal que foi o grande ministro de D. Jos6 I. Estamos 
em Oeiras. 

E jd vamos passando Sao Joao d'Estoril, Estoril e Mont' 
Estoril, ocde nos encontramos na parte da Bahia de Oascaes, 
mais restrictamente chamada Siviera portuguesa. Proponho 
que des^amos para lanchar no Meal Hotel Mont' Estoril d'onde 
se gosa uma vista formosa a nao poder ser mais linda. De- 
pois daremos um passeio ate Cascaes, para ver a cidadella, resi- 
dfincia d'el-rei quando ca estd, e uma forma^ao das mais 
curiosas de rochedos, em forma de cratera, aberta no fundo, 
e chamada *JBdca do Inferno'o. 

Twenty-second Lesson. 

The Subjunctive Mood (continued). 

C. In Adverbial Clauses (oragoes circumstanciaes). 

§ 114. The subjunctive is employed after the 
following conjunctions (cf. P. I, L. 34) : 

(a) The concessive (concessivas): ainda que, posto 
que etc., as soon as the clause expresses only supposition 
and not a reahty: 

Nao me queixaria d'elle, ainda que me maltratasse. 
Ainda que o amava, por ser valoroso, nao era cega pelos 

sens defeitos. 
N.B. — Sometimes the concessive clauses may have the 
subjunctive, even when expressing a reality: 

Se hem que (or comquanio que) os Alpes sejam mais 
altos que OS Pyrenees, elles sao mais fdceis de at- 

The Subjunctive Mood. 361 

(b) The final (finaes): 

Obedecei as leis, para que vos obedegam. 

(c) The consecutive (consecutivas) : que: 

Os generos de mais neeessidade devem ser too baratos 
que estejam ao alcance de tddos os bolsos. 

N.B. — Sem que and que nao always require the subjunc- 
tive. Ex.: 

Gaso venha e que nao (or sem que) chegue a Jiora . . . 

(d) Nao par que, nao que: 

Procedeu assim, nao porque gostasse, mas por entender 
ser este o seu dever. 

(e) Contanto que, a ndo ser que, supposto que, dado 
que, dado caso que, caso que, case always require the sub- 
junctive. Ex. : 

P6de ir contanto que nao se demore. 

(f) Se if, whether, expressing condition; como se 
as if; quer . . quer; como quer que (cf. se followed by 
the future in the following Lesson, §115 (a)): 

Se nao fosse a grande distancia, iri a vel-o. 
Falou como se tivesse perdido o juizo. 

N.B. I.— Instead of como se in tlie preceding example 
might be employed como quern (see E). 

N.B. II. — 8e, introducing an indirect interrogation, is 
followed by the indicative: preguntou-me se era grande a 

Sa(h)irei quer chova quer ndo cliova . . . whether it be 

raining or not. 
Como quer que seja however it may be. 
Como quer que o nao visse as he did not see him anyhow. 

(g) Ate que, depois que and antes que, when ex- 
pressing a future, an intention: 

Esteja em casa atS que seu irmao volte. 

Depois que tenha chegado, saiam umbos antes que se 

feche a porta. 
(h) Cotno, when, employed with the imperfect or 
pluperfect, it expresses a series of events; sometimes 
also when expressing the reason: 

Napoledo, como tivesse sido vencido e aprisionado pelos 

alliados, foi levado para a ilha de Elba. 
Como nao quizesse acompanhar-me, sai s6. 

362 Lesson 22. 

D. In Relative Clauses. 

(a) When expressing a supposition and not a reality : 

Pompeo aspirava a honras que o distinguissem de todos 

OS capitaes do seu tempo. 
Se encontrar um livro qiie Ihe agrade, compre-o. 
Se nao chove, a raiz duma planta nao encontra na terra 

dgua que sugue. 

(b) When expressing a quahty which restricts the 
generahty of an idea, this idea belonging to a negative 
or interrogative-negative attribute: 

Ainda nao encontrei homem dlgum que nao tivesse (or 

tenha) sido logrado nos seus sonhos de felicidade. 
Quern ha que tenha sido sempre felin? 

N.B. — Poueo is considered as attributing a negative 
meaning : 

Ha poucos homens que saibam aproveitar hem o tempo. 

(c) Expressing purpose: 

Enviei-lhe uma pessoa que o avisasse do que havia aeon- 

Remark. — Relative clauses which do not belong to any 
of the groups above require the indicative : EUe sabe OS meios 
de que pdde dispor e sdbe os deveres qv^ tern de cumprir. 
Conhecia perfeitamente a sodedade em que vivia. 

E. Quern in the meaning of "somebody who" or 
"people who" and depending on ha, apparece or the 
like, or follov/ing como (of. C (f ) N.B.) equally requires the 
verb in the subjunctive mood: 

Ha quern assim pense; havia quem assim pensasse. 
Falou com quem tivesse perdido o juizo. 

However : Ha algumas pessoas que assim pensam. 

Also expressions as seja quem for que, quem quer 
que seja and the hke require the subjunctive: 

Elle estd innocente, seja quem for que diga o eontrdrio. 

F. Finally, the subjunctive is employed in the for- 
mulas que eu saiba as I know, and queira ou nao queira 
whether he wants to or not: 

Nao ha, que eu saiba, expressao mais suave. 

The Subjunctive Mood. 363 

51. Thema. 

I should want to find a book that might serve me as 
a guide on my travels. Man is the only sentient being that 
in a state of freedom may destroy itself. Please to send me 
a servant who knows how to wait upon people. I should be 
very sorry if you should depart without bidding me good-bye. 
It will be well that you may know why I kept silence. Per- 
haps it will be sufficient if you tell him that he will be dis- 
missed immediately if he should not do his duty. It is 
time that we return home, for it begins to rain. It may 
be assumed that to-morrow the weather will be good. I 
promised that I should keep her company, in case you should 
be obliged to remain here. Bom Joao de Castro, a' brilliant 
modern author and a descendant of the famous Portuguese 
viceroy of the game name, says in the preface to his <i-Jor- 
nados no Minhoi> : "The reader who will like substantial 
treatises, may halt here with his curiosity, for my 'Jornadas' 
are nothing but a slight beating of wings . . . When I should 
be a man — so I intended when still a child — I should 
rove through old castles ; on my command (= voz) the draw- 
bridges were to sink and the confined ladies of the castle 
should hail me as their invincible deliverer . . ." You do not 
know whereby the ancestor of this author has become an his- 
torical person, and you ask me whether I do. May I ask 
leave to tell you briefly in the following paragraph the his- 
tory of this hero, so intimately connected with that of his 

52, Leitnra e versao. 

Dom Joao de Castro. 

D. Joao de Castro seria immortal na historia de Portugal, 
ainda que nao tivesse sido vice-rei da India e como tal feito 
fa9anhas como havera poucos as tenham feito. Talv§z elle 
seja mais eonhecido pela sua probidade e desinteresse, que 
nao ha quern Ih'a possa negar ou Ihe levasse a palma. Nasceu 
em Lisboa no anno de 1560; e como descendesse de uma fa- 
milia illustre, passou a India no vice-reinado de D. Antonio 
de Noronha, e era governador de Ormuz quando foi chamado 
para vice-rei da India. Tlnha ja militado em Tanger e acom- 
panbado o imperador Carlos Quinto na tomada de Tunis. Por 
essa occasiao, como este monarcha quizesse dar-lhe a sua parte 
dos despojos, D. Joao de Castro recusou, nao porque despre- 
zasse todo o pr^mio material da sua valentia, mas por entender, 
dizia, que so pertencia ao sen soberano recompensal-o como 
merecesse. Quando D. Joao de Castro tomou conta do gov6rno 
da India, era Diu governada por D. Joao de Mascarenhas que. 

364 Lesson 23. 

posto nao dispuzesse de mais de 300 portugufises, a defendeu 
valorosamente da forga cem vftzes maior com que a amea9ara o 
rei de Cambaia. novo vice-rei nao hesiton em Ihe man- 
dar alguns soccdrros de soldados, assim como seus dois filhos, 
dos quaes um morreu na pra9a pela explosao duma mina. 
Defendia-se Diu heroicamente haveria seis mezes, quando D. Joao 
de Castro chegou (1546). Posto que nao fdsse facil illudir o 
inimigo, consegoiu faz6l-o, entrando na pra9a com 4000 homens. 
Alguns dias depois fez uma sortida e, agredindo as trincheiras 
dos sitiantes, ganhou completa victoria, uma das mais sangui- 
nolentas e memordveis, que nos tem transmittido a hist6ria. 
Ficou a cidade arruinada, visto que o combats abrangesse 
ruas, largos e arredores. Era indispensavel que se reconstru- 
issem as fortifica9oes, mas nao havia dinheiro que chegasse. 
Neste apuro D. Joao de Castro cortou alguns cabellos da barba, 
e sobre este penhor pediu (que) Ihe emprestassem 20 000 par- 
daus ^ 03 habitantes de Goa, os quaes Ihe forneceram o di- 
nheiro preciso e sem que tivessem de se arrepender da sua 
confian9a, pois a singular hypotheca foi resgatada no praso 
fixo. E nunca houve, nem nunca haverd homem que possa 
gabar-se de barbas tomadas em mais alto val6r. Foi esse 
rasgo de magnifico aprumo que, mais do que os feitos com 
que honrou a sua espada e as armas do seu pais, Ihe gran- 
gearam a popularidade de que, passados quasi 4 stSculos, ainda 
gosa o nome de D. Joao de Castro. 

Mai tinha conseguido restabelecer a boa ordem no vice- 
reino, quando a morte o veio surprehender a 6 de'junho de 
1547. Teve de ser enterrado a custa do publico, visto nao 
se achar nos seus cofres mais do que um cilicio, e ties reaes", 
per isso que D. Joao de Castro, nao aspirando a bens que nao 
fossem OS do seu pais, em v6z de amontoar tesouros, despendia 
generosamente os seus ordenados no servi90 do Estado. 

Twenty-third Lesson. 

The Subjunctive Mood (continued). 

A. The Future Tense, 

§ 115. The Future of the Subjunctive is employed, 
instead of the Future indie., whenever you want to ex- 
press the uncertainty of some future event: 

' Indian coin of about 360 reis or Is. 4A- in value. 
^ Old Indian coin of different value. There neeve silver 
and copper reaes 

The Subjunctive Mood. 365 

(a) After the conditional conjunction se: 

8e vier if he should come; se nuo desejar mais nada in 
case you, don't want anything more ; se Beus quizer 
please God. 

However: se vejo (se vi) whenever or if I see (saw), 
because here se is not conditionally employed and does 
not express a future, but a repetition. 

(b) After quando when: 

Quando vier when he will come ; quando f6rmos a casa 
when we are to go home. 

(c) After emquanto while, as long as: 

Emguanto finex este trabalho . . . Emquanto nao ptcder 
contar com augmento de ordenado . . . Ordeno que 
nao saia emquanto nao tiver estudado a ligao (cf. B, 
§ 118 c). 

(d) After segundo, conforme, assim como, assim que 
according to, corresponding to, thus, so as to: 

Serds ou nao hem succedido, segundo te houveres. 

You will or will not succeed according to your mode 

of procedure. 
Conforme fiserdes, far-vos-hao. 
As you do, you will be done to. 
Por onde v6s, assim como vires, assim fards. 
Filho is, pae serds, assim que fizeres, assim terds. 

(e) In relative clauses which refer to something 
uncertain in the future: 

Aquelle que vier he who may come. 

Traga o trabalho que estiver feito bring the work that 

will be ready. 
Seja que Beus quizer be it as God pleases (God's will 

be done). 

(f) Often after the relative como as and quern (he) 
who (cf. (d)): 

Como quizer as you please; como The pareeer as you 

Quern boa cama fizer, nella se deitard as you make 

your bed, so you lie on it. 

§ 116. The Perfect B'uture subj. is employed instead 
of the same tense of the indicative, on the same con- 
ditions as the Imperfect Future: 

Avisem-me quando os eavallos tiverem cJiegado. 

Let me know when the horses will have arrived. 

366 Lesson 23. 

B. Agreement of Tenses. 

§ 117. In the Subjunctive Mood the agreement 
of tenses is, as a rule, the same as in the Indicative. 
Therefore only some exceptions may be noted: 

(a) There is no Preterito perfeito definido in the 
Subjunctive (corresponding for instance to the verbal 
form fni), but only a Preterito perfeito indefinido (cor- 
respondingj for instance, to tenho sido-.tenha sido) and a 
Preterito imperfeito, which, according to the character 
of the clause, may alternate with the former. Ex.: 

Example: Elle esteve hontem doente; ndo creio que esti- 
■vesse hontem doente. 

Example: Elle tern estado (or esteve) doente; nao creio 
que tenha estado doente. 

§ 118. The Future tenses of the subjunctive are 
only employed in the above mentioned cases (see A). 
However, it should be noticed that: 

(a) An action to be done in the future is expressed 
by the present tense, in an accessory clause, if it de- 
pends on a verb employed in the present tense of the 
principal phrase: 

Ordeno que elle vd amanhd. 

(b) Such an action depending on a preterito in the 
principal clause, must be expressed by the imperfect 

Ordenei que elle fdsse amanhd. 

(c) If the action is relatively future — i.e., if it will 
be already past when another, equally future, action is 
to be or will have been done^ this future tense is thus 

Ordeno que nao saia, emquanto ndo tiver estudado a 

Ordenei que ndo saisse, emquanto ndo tivesse estudado 

a ligdo. 

§ 119. In certain cases the imperfect may supply 
the pluperfect: 

Nek) puzesses (= ndo tivesses pdsto) a mdo num velho! 
You ought not to have laid your hand upon an old man!: 
Quern me dissesse (or diria) isso ! 
Who might have told me so before! 

The Subjunctive Mood. 367 

§ 120. On the other hand, the Preterito perfeito 
indefinido is sometimes employed instead of the Pluper- 
fect subj. (see § HI, N.B. I). 

53. Thema. 

I cannot believe any longer in your promises unless you 
give me the necessary securities. If you had been more thought- 
ful, you would have spared us these painful discussions. 
A thoughtless man never profits by those lessons which Life is 
giving him at any moment, although he has to pay for them 
dearly. Also there are many people who remain ignorant even 
after having travelled (personal form) through the most cul- 
tured countries. They pass, as if they were blindfolded, be- 
fore the greatest wonders of Nature or the most beautiful 
monuments which Art may have created, if they are not 
accompanied by somebody who will open for them their eyes. 

Now the thunderstorm is over; as soon as the sun will 
come forth, while the rain is still continuing, we shall see a 
rainbow. Also if you place yourself before a fountain, with 
your back against the sun, you will see forming itself in the 
falling drops a bow like the rainbow, which proves that this- 
phenomenon is due to the sun. If we want the proof that 
the sunlight is formed out of various colours, it will be suffi- 
cient that we cut a disc of pasteboard on which the seven 
colours are put in strips of paper, disposed from the centre 
to the circumference, so as to complete a certain number of 
successive spectrums. If then we cause the disc to turn round, 
this will appear white. That is the so-called "experiment of 

64. Leitura. 

grande erudito Consiglieri Pedroso, quando presidente 
da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa, submeteu d delibera^o- 
da assembleia com o intiiito de estabelecer um accdrdo luso- 
brasiliense uma s^rie de propostas, de que estraimos as seguintes i 

Estudar a forma mais adequada de se realisarem con- 
gresses periddicos Inso-brasileiros, que devam em prazos a fixar 
reunir-se alternadamente em Lisboa ou Porto e no Rio de 
Janeiro ou outras cidades brasileiras, com o intiiito de discutir 
todos OS assumptos de ordem intellectual e econdmica, que in- 
teressam em commum e exclusivamente as duas na9oes, e onde 
haja de fazer-se a propaganda das deliberagoes que pelos mes- 
mos congressos e pelos govfimos dos dois paises tenham de 
ser tomadas a beneficio de ambos os povos respeitando-se 
escrupulosamente a independeucia de cada um d'elles, e evi- 
tando-se toda e qualquer interferencia, por minima que seja,. 

S68 Lesson 24. 

na vida interna e no modo de ser dos dois paises respectiva- 

Bstudar a forma de se ulfcimar um tratado de commereio, 
ou antes um largo entendimento commercial entre as duas 
na9oes, procurando-se a maneira — ate onde f6r possivel veneer 
as difficuldades naturaes inherentes ao assnmpto — de que 
uma a outra concedam respectivamente yantagens especiaeij, 
que deixem de ser transmittidas aos outros estados, nao sendo 
portanto attingidas pela clausula de «na9ao mais favorecida*, 
inscripta actualmente nos tratados ja existentes tanto de Portu- 
gal, como do Brasil com os paises estrangeiros. 

Twenty-fourth Lesson. 

The Infinitive. 
I. General Use of the Infinitive. 

§ 121. Portuguese language distinguishes two 
forms of tiie Infinitive: 

(a) the impersonal and (b) the personal. 

While the former expresses an action quite generally, 
without saying by whom, the latter includes in its 
ending at the same time the subject. 

§ 122. The impersonal or simple infinitive occurs 
purely (without preposition) or prepositive (^depending 
on a preposition) — e.g.: escrever; de, para, por escrever. 
Sometimes it substitutes (with or without the article) a 
noun, and may be subject, object, or predicate: 

Viver e um beneficio da natureea, commum a todos. 
Uducar os filhos e o dever mais sagrado dos paes. 
Neb Ihe resta senao pedir esmola. 
Gosto de cantar. 

6 vida da minha vida 

6 vida do meu viver 

Viver sem ti nao e vida 

Viver sem ti e morrer. (Portuguese folk-lore). 

§ 123. The subject-infinitive may also be placed 
after the predicate: 

Prata e o bem falar, ouro e o bem calar. 
Mais vale calar que mal falar. 
J6 mdhor ir par aqui. 

The Infinitive. 369 

grande defeito do rato 6 ser muito guloso 
£ fdcil faeer 

Bom saber e calar, atS ser tempo de falar. 
£ uma vergdnha (uma Idstima) ndio saber ler 
A sua velha poUrdna onde Ihe i grata dormir um curto 
s6(m)no benefico . . . 

§ 124. The Infinitive is employed as a complement: 

(a) As a direct complement: 

Nao sei (qm) faeer I don't know how (or what) to do. 
JEsse homem de Estado quer ser chefe do governo ('= quer 

a ehefia) this statesman wants to be the head of 

mie pediu de beber he asked for a draught. 

(b) As an indirect complement of verbs or adjectives, 
answering to the question: of what, to what, etc.: 

homem e capaz de se enganar (= de engano). Elle 

prepara-se para fugir (= para a fuga) 
Pensa em partir (— na partida). 

§ 125. The simple Infinitive is also employed as 
an attribute; as such it is preceded by de after nouns 
of which it is the complement. In English it is generally 
rendered by the gerund. Ex.: 

A arte de escrever S jd antiga. A Austria tinha inten- 

gao de ficar neutral (the art of writing . . .). 
publico nao tern interesse em os ouvir. JEUe fez 
mengdo de se retirar (. . . no interest of hearing . . .). 
pais estd numa situagdo de se lastimar. 

§ 126. The Infinitive employed as a substantive 
may express any part of a proposition: 

andar cansa walking tires. Era um nao acabar de rir 
there was no end of laughing. Soava um correr 
de cavallos a trot of horses was heard. Besde o ama- 
nhecer ate ao anoitecer from dawn to nightfall. 

§ 127. The Personal Infinitive has its own 
subject which may or may not be expressed by its 
termination. It may also be accompanied by a noun 
or pronoun: 

Seria justo confessarmos o nosso erro 

Nao ha maior irro que nao reconhecer um homem seu 

erro (or nao reconhecer em os hmnens . . .). 
Ao ouvir OS pdssaros cantarem no bosque . . . 

Portuguese ConverBation-Grammar. 24 

370 Lesson 24. 

§ 128. The subject of the Personal Infinitive may 
even be an indefinite, an impersonal one. The action 
then is expressed by the third person plural. In Eng- 
lish this form may be rendered by the passive voice: 

Calei-me por nao me accreditarem I remained silent be- 
cause they did not believe me (or because I was not 

Betiro-me para nao me importunarem. 

I retired that I might not be bored. 

See also the Infinitive as representing a dependent 
clause, Lesson 28 § 151. 

N.B. I.— As may be seen by the examples^ the Infinitive 
may also be accompanied by complements of any kind ; e.g. : 

suave decorrer do tempo . . . um longo agonizar . . . o 
agraddvel passear pelos campos. 

N.B. II. — Generally the substantivated Infinitive is em- 
ployed only in the masculine and singular form. With a 
small number, however, the employment of the infinitive as a 
substantive is so natural that even the plural is formed of 
it; e.g.: o jantar dinner, jantares; os dieeres, as poderes, os 
deveres, os haveres, os andares, os saberes etc. 

56. Thema. 

Water is an indispensable element : for men and animals 
to drink; to cook foods; to fertilise the ground; to water the 
plants ; to produce steam that causes the locomotive to go on 
land and the powerful steamers on sea. "What future 
awaits us," exclaims Trindade Coelho, "if we do not assist 
agriculture? Continuous impoverishment of our race, which will 
be undermined by disease; our impossibility of creating 
new industries or of developing those already existing, which 
all depend on the mother-industry; the impossibility of our hav- 
ing commerce, for want of (= for not having) something in which 
to exercise it; misery and hunger not very far off, when, in 
exchange for products indispensable to Life, we shall have given 
the last crumbs." Is there anything more lamentable than 
not knowing how to read and to write? Can you tell us 
how to reach the railway-station? I have a great pleasure 
in being of use to you. Please come along with me; 
for I have to go the same way. When do you think of 
coming back? I don't know yet, but I hope I shall not 
be long. 

The Infinitive. 371 

56, Leitnra e yersSo. 

Bodrigues de Freitas. 

Quern estudar com atten^ao as pequenas obras-primas 
reunidas n'este volume (Pdginas Avulsas de J. J, Bodriguse 
de Freitas), curyar-se-ha per certo com respeito e sympathia 
perante o autor. Notara nao so o vasto saber positivo e a 
jnst^za das doutrinas expostas, mas tambem as variadas apti- 
does literarias, e a arte rara de narrar acontecimentos e exte- 
riorizar ideias, com precisao e sobrtedade ... Se em seguida 
rememorar os factos principaes da sua vida piiblica, como lente 
na Academia polyt^cbnica, eximio publicista, chefe de partido 
e deputado, penso que deve ficar impressionado pela nobre 
rectidao da sua indole e pela perfeita unidade que sempre 
houve entre o seu pensar, o seu dizer e o seu obrar . . . 
Ficariam, comtudo, incompletos os breves tra903 lan^ados n'este 
singelo monumento, erguido a memdria de Rodrigues de Freitas 
pelas maos piedosas que o ampararam e aeariciaram em vida, 
se alguem dos poucos que tiveram a Ventura de serem ad- 
mittidos na intimidade do seu lar, nao manifestasse a profunda 
e consoladora impressao, produzida pela sua personalidade no 
trato familiar. Algnem que p6de segnir a evolu9ao das ideias 
e dos ideaes de ambos . . . e leu em admiraveis cartas a es- 
posa, medita9oes . . . fragmentos e esbo90s infelizmente, mas 
tao bellos que provocam um doloroso pesar por o destino nao 
Ihe haver concedido tempo e f6r9as para terminar as suas in- 
vestiga9oes sociaes, nem para coordenar as suas ideias filoso- 
fico-religiosas . . . Quando em vida, em horas de desalento, 
procurava alguma ideia sublime que o avigorasse, era na Ora- 
9ao de Benjamim Franklin que a encontrava, repetindo: 

«01i bondade todo-poderosa, pae misericordioso, guia in- 
dulgente. Augmenta o meu saber de sorte que eu reconhe9a 
os mens verdadeiros interesses. Firma-me na resolu9ao de 
seguir os conselhos que esse me der. Acceita os servi90s que 
eu possa prestar a tens outros filhos, como signal linico de 
reconheoimento que me e dado offerecer-te pelos favores que 
me concedes sem cessar.» 

(Carolina MichaSlis de Vasconcellos : preambulo (abbr.) das 
«Pdginas avulsas* por J. J. Rodrigues de Freitas.) 


372 Lesson 25. 

Twenty-fifth Lesson. 

The Infinitive (continued). 

II. Use of the Personal and the Impersonal Forms 
of the Infinitive. 

§ 129. Whenever the pure infinitive is employed 
in quite a general meaning, without referring to some 
subject, the impersonal form is used: 

Os preceitos do direito sao : viver honestamente, nao em- 
pecer a outrem, e dar o seu a coda um. 

§ 130. When the infinitive has its own subject 
expressed, the personal form is employed (cf. § 127). 

Ao chegarem os fugitivos d planicie, um dos desconhecidos 
estava ali. 

§ 131. The personal form is employed also when- 
ever an action is spoken of which has a special though 
unexpressed subject (cf. §128): Passei sent me verem. 

§ 132. The impersonal form is employed when- 
ever the infinitive has the meaning of an imperative 

§ 133. After the verbs mandar, famer, deixar-se, 
the simple and pure infinitive is employed: 

Mandei-o entrar. Fal-o-hei subir. Deixou-se prender. 

N.B. — If, however, the infinitive is separated from the 
subordinating verb, the personal form may be used : Mandeis-o 
em dia e Jtora marcados seguirem o seu caminho. 

§ 134. The impersonal form of the infinitive is 
used after the following verbs: 

Acabar de, andar a, cessar de, comeQar a (or de), con- 
tinuar a, costumar, chegar a, desejar and the verbs 
of similar meaning deixar de, entrar a, dar em, 
estar a, ser feito para, haver de, ir a, langar-se a, 
metter-se a, ser mandado, ousar, poder, por-se a, 
querer, recusar, saber, soer, ter de, tratar de, tornar 
a, vir a. (Also for these verbs see § 133, N.B.) 

§ 135. In any other cases the personal as well as 
the impersonal forms may be employed, considering 
always that the use of the one or the other is subject 

The Infinitive. 373 

to the clearness, the emphasis, and the harmony of the 
clause. Ex. : 

Accrescentava que as noticias recebidas do Alentejo 
continuanam a ser favordveis. Ensinou a ser reis 
osreis do mundo. Par esta pergunta nos ensina a 
sermos curiosos. Obriga os cercados a lidar. Obri- 
gdra os Mossulmanos a concederem-lhe ... As aves 
aqudticas pareciam, nos sens voos incertos, ora vaga- 
rosos, ora rdpidos, folgarem com os primeiros dias 
da estagdo dos amores. Viam-se lampejar as armas 
e ajuntarem-se ondas de vultos humanos. 

III. The Independent Infinitive. 

§ 13G. The Infinitive is employed independently: 

(a) "When substituting a noun — e.g.: 

bem faeer floresce, e todo o mal perece. 
Mais cusia mal fazer, que bem fazer. 
Bem parece o bem fazer (see § 123 — 125). 

(b) When substituting an imperative: 

Companheiros, despedir esta noite da montanha e das 
tristezas, e apparelhar para dmanha ms seguirdes ! 

N.B. — In this case the subject (tu, vds) is never expressed. 

(c) In exclamations expressing surprise, disillusion, 

Ndo haver quern me salve! Pensar que tudo seria 
em vao! 

57. Thema. 

To err is human. To obey is the duty of youth. Rea- 
ding, writing and arithmetic are the most elementary attain- 
ments which ought to be taught to everybody and which all 
ought to learn. The strong beating of his heart prevented 
him from going fast. To recognise the limits of one's knowledge 
is to be wise. It is not virtue never to err, but avoiding 
error as much as possible may well be called so. It is easy 
to blame, but difficult to make it better. I want to see this 
work finished, for it is easily to be done (ef. § 146, 2 ; N.B. III). 
Already you have often promised to improve yourself, yet I do 
not yet see that you have succeeded in doing so. It must be 
acknowledged that in the last decennium the women's rights 
movement has learnt how to convince the righteously and justly 
thinking people of the justice of its existence and advocacy. 

374 LesBon 26. 

Eowing is a good exercise, as, by putting the arms to strong 
movement, it obliges us to breathe deeply. For it is not 
enough for us to breathe good air and well nourish ourselves; 
it is also necessary to take some exercise and to be clean. 

58. leitura e versao. 

(a) rate e um animal muito interessante e engragado ; e 
nao obstante (elle) ser o mais inc6mmodo e atrevido dos nossos 
visinhos, costumamos gostar d'elle, porque a sua viveza e in- 
telligencia nao deixam de fazel-o sympathico. rate seria at6 
de estimar, se nao fSsse tao guloso e prejudicial; pois a.\6m 
de devorar tudo o que topa, e de furtar para levar aos filhos, 
pareee que tern o prazer de destruir o que pode alcanQar, e 
nao ha nada que resista ao seu dente afiado. A brincar, o 
rate domestico da cabriolas muito engra9adas e sabe tomar 
posigoes e fazer momices que lembram os dos palha90S. E 
para ir ter com uma gulodioe, tanto 6 capaz de ir pelo chao 
como por uma corda. Apanhado e mettido n'nma gaiola, a 
principio assusta-se muito, ignorando o que Ihe vae sueceder. 

Task: The preceding to be put in the plural: Os ratos 
saojdmmaes muito inter essantes, etc. 

(b) Um leao dignon-se travar conhecimento com uma lebre 
muito l^pida. A lebre perguntou-lhe, se era verdade que um 
misero gallo pudesse com o seu canto afagentar facilmente 
um leao. leao respondeu que era verdade sem duvida, e 
que nao era raro terem 03 grandes animaes quasi sempre al- 
gum fraco. E assim, por exemplo, ja teria ella ouvido dizer 
que o grunhir de um porco causava assombro e terror a um 
elephante. A lebre interrompeu-o, dizendo que era agora que 
ella comprehendia a razao porque as lebres se assustavam 
tanto a ouvirem ladrar um cao. 

Twenty-sixth Lesson. 

The Infinitive (continued). 

IV. The Dependent InflnitiTe. 

A. Without a preceding preposition. 

§ 137. Those verbs which according to their meaning 
require to be completed by another verb with the same 
subject, are followed by the simple (impersonal) infinitive: 
Ninguem p6de fugir d morte. 

The Infinitive. 375' 

With the simple infinitive and without a prepositibn 
are employed: 

Poder, parecer, cnstumar, soer (to be in the habit) 
saber (in the meaning of "to be able''), ousar, nuo 
duvidar, recear, propdr^se, tencionar, emprehender, 
intentar, meditar, projectar and similar verbs, tentar, 
recusar, merecer; — e.g.: 

A lingua bi-partida da vibora agita-se too furiosamente 
fdra da bocca, que parece phospkorejar e despedir 

macaco pdde receber uma mrdadeira educagao. 

Propoz-se tentar faeel-o, sent bem saber projectar um 

N.B. — In relative clauses the infinitive may sometimes 
precede the personal verbal form;'— e.g.: . . . cortando o esteiro 
mais abaixo qiie ser possa. 

§ 138. Without a preposition the infinitive is em- 
ployed also after the following verbs: 

vSr, ouvir, sentir, deixar, mandar, faser though the 

infinitive has not the same subject with these verbs, 

but refers to their object; — e.g.: 
cum cantar = I heard (somebody) sing. 
Ouviram-no falar; manddram-me entrar; (in passive 

form: elle foi ouvido falar, fui mandado entrar). 

N.B. I. — After deixar, mandar, fazer, mr, ouvir the ac- 
tive infinitive may be understood in a passive meaning; then 
its subject is governed by par or de. In English the infinitive 
is rendered by one of the participles: Deixei-me tyrannizar 
por ella I allowed myself to be tyrannised by her. principe 
fazia-se respeitar (made himself respected) dos vassallos. 

Ex.: Ouvimos hater o tambor, toear a rebeca, cortar a 
madeira; vimos arder a casa We heard the drum beaten, the 
violin played, the wood sawn; we saw the house burning. 

It may be noticed that when these verbs are followed, be- 
side the infinitive, by an accusative of the third person, this 
is substituted by the dative: 

Eu vejo-lhes verier Idgrimas tristes (instead of: eu as 
vejo . . .). 

§ 139. Most of the verbs of saying and thinking 
(verhos sensitivos e declaratives), as pensar, julgar, contar, 
decla/rar, affirmar, negar, duvidar, perdoar, dizer, entender, 

376 Lesson 26. 

etc., may be followed by tbe pure infinitive, instead of 
a clause depending on que; — e.g.; 

Julgas saber (= que sabes); affirmou nao haver perigo 
(= que nao havia p.)- 
Hule. — The infinitive is generally simple when 
its action relates to the same subject as that of the 
capital verb. 

N.B. — After some verbs the infinitive may be preceded 
by de;— e.g.: 

Jurou exterminar (or de exterminar) os inimigos. 

§ 140. The transitive verbs querer, preferir, desejar, 
gostar, aborrecer and those analogous are followed by an 
infinitive pure and simple whenever both actions have 
the same subject: JDes^o entrar. 

(The subjects being different, a dependent sentence 
with que is employed instead: Desejo que elle entre.) 

N.B. — Desejar may be followed by d!e : desejo deir; but 
desejo ir is more popular. 

§ 141. The transitive verbs diligenciar, procurar, 
evitar, conseguir, obter, decidir, resolver and those ana- 
logous are followed by the pure infinitive, whether the 
two actions have or have not the same subject: 

Oonsegui ser premiado; consegui ser elle premiado. 
I succeeded in getting a prize ; I obtained a prize 
for him. 

N.B. — In the latter case you may say: consegui que elle 
fosse premiado. 

§ 142. The infinitive pure and simple is employed 
in final clauses after the verbs ir and vir; the subjects 
of these verbs and of the infinitive are the same: 

Fui procurd-lo I went to call on him. Veio ver-me he 
came to see me. Indo encontrd-lo a dormir ... to find him 
asleep. Ir ter or vir ter (com) — to turn to, to call on, to 
fall in (with). Esta rua vae ter a ponte. Fui ter com elle; 
veio ter comigo. 

§ 143. The expression nao fazer sendo is equally 
followed by the infinitive pure and simple: 

Ndo faz sendo brincar he does not do anything but 

The Infinitive. 377 

§ 144. The pure infinitive follows as an accusative 
complement the verbs ser, ter por origem, dar em re- 
sultado, ter por consequencia, haver por galardoo {= to 
get as a prize) and those analogous [N.B. here in its 
personal form], as also the verb fazer in its meaning 
"to cause." Ex.: 

Isto deu em resultado serem todos castigados. 

The result of it was that all of them were punished. 

Se brincares com o lume, terd isso por consequencia 

If you play with the fire, the consequence will be your 

burning yourself. 
Tao grande e a sua desgraga que fas chorar as pedras. 
So great is her misfortune that it causes the stones to 


§ 145. Without any preposition or with de the in- 
finitive follows the verbs dever (= must, ought) and 
dignar-se (to deign, to be pleased). Ex.: 

mies deviam (de) contenfar-se. 

They ought to be satisfied. 

Dignae-vos, senJior, (de) ouvir o vosso servo. 

Be pleased, Lord, to hear thy servant. 

§ 146. The pure infinitive (subject) follows certain 
adjectives and substantives employed as a predicate 
(see § 123), such as: preciso, fdcil, claro, difficil, jusfo, 
possivel, bom, melhor, vergonha, Idstima etc. — e.g.: e fdcU, 
foi preciso, sera melhor sdir (but cf. § 148, 3, N.B. Ill), 
as also the impersonal verbs, such as: 

importa it is important custa-me it is painful to me 

convem it is convenient nuo custa nada it is not diffi- 


§ 147. The pure infinitive is employed after some 
prepositions, such as: 

por (e.g.: ndo saiu por ndo ter que vestir he did not 
go out, because he had nothing to put on). 

sem (e.g. : sem pestanejar without twinkling). 

para (e.g. : para ndo o melindrar that I may or might 
not offend him . . .) 

. . . para elle me dizer that he may or might tell me. 

378 Lesson 26. 

59. Thema. 

On the Education of Children. 

There will be no lack of those who will laugh on hearing 
speak of education of a child only three or four years old. 
Nothing, however, (is) more serious and necessary than to 
understand how to profit by the sincerity of this age, which 
does not yet know how to lie, in order to recognise the future 
man in the child. 

It offers the best opportunity for improving all good 
qualities of character— yea, even to make the best of its 
defects, to change them into virtues, without twisting the will 
or wronging the individuality. From the infant-school, where 
the mother had placed the child, because (see § 147), it 
was impossible to have it at home from its third (tr. : since 
the third) year, it passes over to attend the public schools. 
It has its compendiums which speak {a with inf.) to it of things 
that it had not the slightest idea of. Each step is a diffi- 
culty (see § 147) to be vanquished ; each matter a novelty the 
meaning of which the teacher, amongst so many pupils requir- 
ing his attention, has had no time to explain to it. With 
tears in its eyes and the book in its hands, the child will 
seek her whom it loves best, that she may (see § 147) ex- 
plain to it what it cannot understand. And the poor mother 
will not be able to help it, but will have to confess her igno- 
rance. How often when finding the child nodding over a book 
which it does not understand, would not the mother have 
the wish to take it out of its hands and by clear reading 
and intelligent explanation teach it how to understand the 
meaning! But the "poor mother" cannot do so (fut.), because 
she also does not know. And from day to day the conviction 
of its mother's inferiority will take root in the child's mind 
in the same measure as it acquires (see § 148, 2) knowledge 
and develops its intelligence. 

(Anna de Castro Osorio: As mtdheres portuguesas). 

60. Leitnra e versao. 

A <iignordncia> do povo portugues. 
Ninguem de boa-f6 contesta ser o povo portuguSs igno- 
rante. Todavia nao devemos exaggerar as consequSncias so- 
ciaes d'este facto, m6smo porque nao acredite o senhSr F. que 
o pOvo franc6s saiba chimiea, o p6vo inglfis resolva equacjoes 
e o povo allemao discorra sobre metaphysica. Se o cuida, 
illude-se oompletamente ; e de saber l6r e escrever, 6 certo 
que esse 6 meio caminho andado para o povo adquirir a ver- 

The Infinitive. 379 

dade, mas 6 tambem meio caminho andado para a turba se 
imbuir de quanta mentirola e de quanta prot^rvia goza do 
h6je commum privil^gio da letra redonda. A ignor9,ncia e 
mal, mas a meia-sciSncia ^ peor; e, nas condi^oes gen^ricas so- 
ciaes actuaes, nunca o povo pode attingir a plenitude do saber. 
Nao tern tempo para estudar, nem vagar nem disposi9ao nas 
horas livres que Ihe restam, desde que sa(h)e moido do sen 
trabalho exhaustive. — Assim, fdr^a Ihe 6 recorrer aos e con- 
fiar nos profissionaes ; confiar nos lettrados, nos publicistas e 
nos politioos ... A independencia do espirito segnira tambem. 
OS tramites de seus progresses. Conv6m nao desatender ao 
facto significativo de que em Portugal o registo civil tern side 
adoptado de preferSncia pelo proletariado fabril, e 6 de notar 
o avance civilisatorio da nossa gente nas artes e nas indus- 
trias . . . Por o facto de o p6vo estar desconfiado, nao se 
segue que elle seja insusceptivel de enthusiasmo . . . Por- 
tanto, resumindo, nao me pareceram procedentes aquellas accu- 
sa9oes verberadas contra o povo portuglies pelo sr. P., o qual 
se mostrou desgostoso a ponto de dizer, alto e bom som, que, 
emquanto uns nascem para ser ricos e outros para ser sSbios, 
elle nascfira para levar panoada e dar pouca. 

(Bruno: Os modernos publicistas portugufises.) 

Twenty-seventli Lesson. 

The Infinitive (continued). 

The Dependent Infinitive (continued). 

B. With the preceding preposition de the infinitive 
is employed: 

§ 148. 1. After substantives to which it is a com- 
plement (see § 125). 

2. After many verbs of which it forms the com- 
plement, such as: 
acdbar to finish, having just comegar, principiar to begin 

done deixar to forbear 

accusar to accuse desculpar-se to excuse 

acertar to hit encarregar(-se) to take upon 

admirar-se to wonder oneself 

advertir to inform esquecer-se to forget 

affligir-se to grieve excusar-se to withdraw 

alegrar-se to rejoice fugir (de or a) to fly from 

cessar to cease gabar-se to boast 

380 Lesson 27. 

gostar to like provir to come from 

haver to be obliged parar to stop 

impedir to hinder queixar-se to complain of 

lembrar-se to remember ter de to be obliged 

pedir to ask trata-se the question is 

prometer to promise vangloriarse to boast. 

3. After adjectives, also followed by the genitive, 
such as: 

dvido eager digno worthy 

cansado tired dlfficil difficult 

capae capable fdcil easy 

certo sure impaciente impatient 

cidso, dumento jealous insacidvel insatiable 

coniente satisfied raro rare 

descontente dissatisfied susceptivel susceptible. 
desejoso desirous 

N.B. 1. — Some adjectives, expressing cause or design, may 
be followed by the infinitive preceded by ^or;— e.g.: impa- 
ciente, (des)contente, causado por . . . 

N.B. 2. — Some infinitives preceded by demay be employed 
in the meaning of an adjective ending by -vel; — e.g.: Pare- 
ciam rmnos de temer (= temivel). E'de presumir (= presu- 
mivel). Foi acgao muito de louvar (= louvdvel). 

N.B. 3.— Certain adjectives (as fdcil, difficil, raro), when 
adverbially employed, are followed by the infinitive preceded 
by de, the substantive determined by the adjective being the 
object of the infinitive; — e.g.: 

Enigmas difficeis de decifrar (= de serem dedfrados) 

riddles difficult to be guessed. 
Compare, however: com esta naturesa i fdul crearem-se 
OS poUas — here fdcil is a predicate. 

N.B. 4.— In some cases the infinitive thus employed is 
still followed by a complement: sdo fructos de enl&oar olhos 
fruits to gladden the eyes. 

Eram lindas de faeer inveja they were so beautiful as 
to cause envy. 

4. In clauses of circumstance after certain pre- 
positions conjunctionally employed: 

alem de besides antes de before 

afim de that a panto de so that 

d forga de with mu'di apesar de in spite of 

The Infinitive. 381 

depots de after perto de near to 

em vee de instead of por falta de by want of 

longe de far from so^ condigao de on condition 

Como sr. Theophilo Braga alem de haver dassificado 
em gSneros poUicos as composites mcluidas no Gampo 
de Flares — as classificou tambem por epocas chro- 
noldgicas . . . 

5. After e— e.g.: 
j$ de crer (advertir, mencionar etc.^ que . . . 

61. Thema. 
Dear Friend,— 

Weary of travelling, I have just come back to my Penates 
(recolher a Penates), dissatisfied with myself for having stayed 
away for so many months that I ought to have been more 
profitably employed. Yet such is our nature. We pine for 
the opportunity to scamper through the world, with an in- 
satiable appetite for seeking excitements we feel to be lacking 
in the cramped surroundings of our home. And we go to 
find — what? A climate that does not agree (diger) with 
our nervous system, nor with our northern customs; a bed 
fit only to break our bones, after having tired them by con- 
tinual walking; people as indifferent to our presence as we are 
insensible to their company; a hotel room destitute of every- 
thing that hitherto seemed impossible to be done without. Only 
in our home have we the opportunity of enjoying the calm 
and the happiness that we vainly seek away from its doors. 

But you will be surprised, dear friend, to hear thus 
speak a man who, although having already finished his thirty- 
seventh year, yet remains a bachelor. I know, of course, 
that you consider me a theorist whose theories are all the 
more difficult to understand, the longer he is in bringing 
about their realisation. But I am determined to go on 
theorising. It has occurred to me to invite you, my good 
friend, to come here and stay some time with me, instead of 
going to Italy. Also I hope you will bring your family. We 
shall pass a couple of weeks so agreeably that they will com- 
pensate me for all the vicissitudes of my travels, and I am 
confident that you will have no cause to regret having ac- 
cepted my invitation. Don't delay in letting me know that 
you will come, and at the same time tell me the day and 
hour I may expect you. I am longing to see you here. 

Please remember me to your family. 

Your sincere friend, 

382 Lesson 28. 

62. Leitura e versao. 
A respiragao. 

homem precisa respirar para viver. 

Vamos estudar no seguinte as vias da respira9ao. 

Todo o sangue do corpo, depois de circular por este, 
volta pelas veias ao coraQao, donde torna a partir, saindo do 
coragao pelas art^rias. No seu giro pelo corpo, o sangue vae 
deixando por este a sua substancia. A substancia e dada ao 
sangue pelos alimentos e tambem pelo ar^ ar antra pela 
bOca 6 pelo nariz e vae aos pulmoes. sangue, depois de 
percorrer o c6rpo do homem, e de deixar n'este a sua sub- 
stancia, passa pelos pulmoes onde recebe mais ar. ar que 
ahi recebe torna a dar ao sangue substancia, para este a es- 
palhar outra vez por todas as partes do nosso organismo. 

sangue quando chega aoa pulmoes vae quasi escuro. 
Quando sae dos pulmoes, depois de ser ahi bafejado pelo ar, 
torna a ser vermelho-claro, isto 6, torna a carregar-se de sub- 
stancia para ir espalhar pelo corpo. sangue nao para de 
circular. Se parasse, o homem morria. Como 6 o cora^ao que 
faz andar o sangrie dentro dos canaes, se o cora9ao deixasae de 
bater, o sangue deixava de andar, e sobrevinha a morte. 

ar, depois de entrar pela boca e pelo nariz, vae em seguida 
passar para o tubo da garganta chamado larynge; e como este 
tube 6 continuado por outro chamado trachea, o ar segue pela 
trachea e chega aos pulmoes. Como os pulmoes sao dois, a 
trachea diyide-se na raiz da garganta em dois ramos, cada um 
dos quaes vae dar a seu pulmao. Esses dois ramos em que 
a trachea se reparte, chamam-se bronchios, e estes penetram 
pelos pulmoes: — penetrando, o ar que vae dentro d'elles, en- 
contra-se com o sangue nos pulmoes e ahi o bafeja. Bafejado, 
o sangue torna a ficar vermelho, porque o ar transmittiu-lhe 
parte dos seus elementos, os quaes elle vae em seguida espa- 
lhar pelo corpo, para o medrar e dar-lhe vida. 

(Trindade Coelho: Terceiro lAvro de Leitura.) 

Twenty-eiglitli Lesson. 

The Infinitive (continued). 
The Dependent Infinitive (continued). 
C. With the preceding preposition a. 
§ 149. The infinitive preceded by a expresses: 
1. When following a verb, the manner or some 
circumstance of its action: 

The Infinitive. 38S 

Yiemos a correr we came running. 
Disse isso a rir he said so laughing. 
Pediu-m'o a chorar he asked me crying for it. 
Deteve-se a examinar um quadro he stopped to examine 

a picture. 
JEncontrei-a a dormir I found her asleep. 

2. When following a substantive, a design, the 
object of which is the same substantive — e.g.: 

Havia grandes difficuldades a veneer there were great 

difficulties to be overcome. 
Ha muitas peguenas industrias caseiras a cuUivar e a 
fazer resurgir no nosso pais there are a great many 
small home-made industries in our country to be 
cultivated and revived. 
N.B. — Sometimes the infinitive joined by a or de to a 
verb is equivalent to a verbal adjective and must be render- 
ed by the past participle: 

Uma occasido a nao perder an occasion not to be lost. 
caminho a trilhar the way to be taken. 
E'uma fonte de receita muito de aproveitar it is a source 
of income very much to be profited by. 

3. In abbreviated clauses the infinitive preceded by 
a serves to express an admission or condition: 

A ser isto verdade (= se isto fdsse porventura verdade) 
nao tomariamos a falar-lhe. — A acreditd-lo teria 
Jmvido uma enchente. 

4. ihe innnitive is pri 

eceded by a alter the loUowmg 

verbs : 

animar-se a 

chegar a ser . . . 

apparelhar-se a (or para) 

tornar a fazer 

anticipar-se a 

atrever-se a 

estimular-se a 

preparar-se a 

excitar-se a 

abalangdr-se a 

principiar a^ 

langar-se a 

comegar a see (§ 148, 2) 

obrigar a 

appressar-se -a 

aventurar-se a 

tardar a or em 

metter-se a 

continuar a 

por-se a 

hdbilitar a 

resolver-se a 

aprender a 

decidir-se a 

entrar a 

determinar-se a 

haUtuar a 

amnuir a 

' But, principiar or comesar por (dizer) to begin by (saying). 

384 LeBson 28. 

coneorrer a ajudar a 

cooperar a entreter-se a 

ensinar a attender-se a 

autorisar a convidar a 

accostumar-se a vir a 

coslumar a levar a 

conde(m)nar a arrojar a 
comegar a 

as well as after all those which may be followed instead 
by an abstract noun preceded by a— e.g.: 

Se continuasses (nao tardasses, principiasses, entrasses, 
te appressasses, tornasses, te dbalangasses) a estudar ; 
chegarias a ser instruido. AbalanQou-se a luctar (= d 
lucta) ; resolveram-se a partir (d partida). Quern dd 
seu antes de morrer, apparelha-se a hem soffrer. 

5. The infinitive preceded by a follows the verbs 
of movement: 

Corri a salvd-lo I hurried to save him. 

Arrojou-se a deter o cavallo he rushed to stop the horse. 

N.B. — Cf. the verbs ir and vir which, being employed 
as auxiliary verbs of the periphrastical form, may be followed 
by the gerund instead (see § 96 and § 142 : use of these 
verbs with the pure infinitive). 

6. The infinitive preceded by a after the verbs 
estar and andar, equally auxiliary verbs of the peri- 
phrastical conjugation, as well as Hear, passar, etc. in- 
dicates essentially manner or duration and may be 
supphed by the gerund (see § 151): 

Ando a estudar or ando estudando. 
Estas coisas ficam a pertencer or ficam pertencendo ao 
seu foro Intimo. 

7. The infinitive preceded by a follows the verbs 
ensinar, autorisar, convidar, etc., being itself followed by 
the direct object: 

Ensinou o com a faeer habilidades he taught the dog to 

perform tricks. 
Convidou-a a dangar he invited her to dance. 
Autorisou-me a publicar as cartas he authorised me to 

publish the letters. 

8. In an analogous way the infinitive with a joins 
the verb dar, expressing, however, an action practised 

The Infinitive. 385 

by the dative complement of dar; and the verb por, 
expressing the action practised by the accusative com- 
plement of por. 

Dar a alguem vma coisa a provar {alguem is dative 
complement of dar and subject of provar). 

Por OS filhos a estudar (ps filhos is accusative comple- 
meut of por and subject of estudar). 

§ 149. The infinitive may not only be preceded 
by a or de, but by any other preposition {em, por, para, 
com, sem, antes de, depois de, apesar de, n&o obstante 
etc.), having the same meaning as abstract nouns, 
governed by these prepositions — e.g.: 

Seconsiderou depois de ter falado aos paes e antes de se 

comprometer . . . 
He changed his mind after having spoken to his parents 

and before engaging himself. 

Entrei sem me verem I entered without being seen. 
Pedi-lhe para me acompanhar I asked him to accom- 
pany me. 

Ella estava aborrecida por nao saber como (or em que) 

empregar o tempo. 
She felt bored, as she did not know how to spend her time. 
Deixdmo-nos ficar por jd nao haver tempo de alcangar 

We stayed because there was not time to catch the 


Com ser velho nao deixa de sentir com a gente moga. 
Though he be old, he is able to feel with young people. 
Andamos (or estdmos) mortos por ir para fdra. 
We are dying to go abroad. 

§ 150. After the verbs consistir, insistir, perseverar, 
persistir, teimar, porfiar, hesitar, tardar, attentar, confiar 
and those analogous the following infinitive is preceded 
by em. 

Persistem (or teimam) em resistir they persist in resisting. 
Hesitei em confiar n'elle I hesitated to trust him. 

§ 151. The infinitive is employed for the English 
gerund and to shorten circumstantial clauses: 

(a) The verbs perdoar and agradecer are followed 
by the personal infinitive without preposition, and not 
by a dependent clause with que: 

386 Lesson 28. 

Perdoou-lhes o haverem-no offendido he pardoned them 

their having offended him. 
Agradecerem-nos o te-los protegido they thanked us for 

(our) having protected them. 

N.B.— The same is to be said of the impersonal verb 
haver; — e.g.: 

Ndo ha (= nao e possivel) valer-lhe there is no ex- 
celling him. 

(b) The subject being the same in the principal 
and the dependent clause: 

instead of a personal form 
with the conjunctions: 
afim de que 
para que 
sem que 
antes que 
depois que 

de modo (fdrma, maneira) que 
por que 

the infinitive is employed 
after : 
afim de 

antes de 
depois de 

de modo (fdrma, maneira) a 

N.B. — So it would be wrong to say: GuUivar a terra 
de maneira a produzir, as terra in the first clause is the 
complement: cuUivar a terra de maneira queprodusa would be 

§ 152. Instead of a dependent clause with que 
the personal infinitive without preposition may be 
employed after those transitive verbs expressing ad- 
mission, permission, suffering and those of opposite 
meaning, such as : conceder, permit(t)ir, admit(t)ir, prohibir, 
sof(f)rer, tolerar etc.: 

Prohibiu entrarem as navios de noite (instead of: pro- 
hibiu que os navios entrassem he prohibited the ships 
coming in at night. 

63. Thema. 

Women as SilJcworm-breeders in Portugal. 
If at some not very distant date the industry of silk 
manufacture in Portugal should happen to be revived it will 
be due to the initiative of Mrs. Anna de Castro Osdrio, the 
excellent writer, who is always eager to see her country 
prosperous. Her idea is at the same time to provide working 
women with better facilities for gaining a livelihood, an object 
which the promoter of this industry never fails to keep in mind. 

Construction. 387 

This lady has recently explained to the president and 
other aldermen of the municipal council of Setiibal how she 
was led to conceive the idea referred to, and has requested 
the assistance and protection of the council. She does not 
deny that there are some difficulties, but she affirms that the 
obstacles are not great, and hopes to overcome them with the 
aid of the authorities. 

She is of opinion that the industry of the sericulture 
(i.e. of the breeding and selection of silk-worms) is one that 
the women of Portugal must not allow to die out. With 
five weeks' work of so slight a nature that it is rather a 
pleasant distraction than an irksome task, each housewife or 
daughter could realise a profit which to thie one would provide 
assistance towards the house-rent, and to the other additional 
funds for increasing the stock of clothing. To the young 
ladies this latter is generally a matter of great importance; 
and with some reason, indeed, for their greatest concern is 
how to make themselves appear most beautiful and attractive. 
The beauty of women is a tribute to Art and Nature which 
a cultured people should not allow to depreciate. 

64. Leitnra e versao. 

A mulher portuguesa como seri(ci)cuUdra. 

Se esta indiistria se desenvolver em Setiibal, como 6 de 
esperar, como indiistria caseira que deve ser, ali mesmo sera 
montado um filatorio dos que o gov6rno vae montar official- 
mente. N'esse filatorio terao trabalho algumas mulheres, o 
que vem a ser ainda uma grande vantigem, visto as fabricas 
de sardinha em que andam a trabalhar, soffrerem ja muitas 
crises de falta de peixe e as operarias sentirem a falta de 
trabalho, que 6 a mais dolorosa das faltas. TSdos aquelles 
que desejarem experimentar esta indiistria, deverao dirigir-se 
a presidente da Liga Kepnblicana das Mulheres Portuguesas, 
a acima mencionada escriptora e propagandista D. Anna de 
Castro Os6ri6; porque a iniciativa pertenee a esta benem^rita 
associa9ao que por todo o pais estd levantando (or a levantar) 
espirito da mulher portugu6sa e fazendo-a entrar no caminho 
do dever, apontando-lhe o trabalho como a linica fonte da 
independencia e do brio individual. 

Do norte ao sul do pais muitas s6cias da Liga se estao 
preparando (or a preparar) para iniciarem nas suas casas esta 
indiistria. que e necessario e saber cada uma a por^ao de 
sirgo que p6do criar para se fazer a dictribui9ao das fdlhas 
das amoreiras cedidas pela Camara e tomarem os criadores as 
responsabilidades exigidas pelas esta^oes officiaes, sendo a 

388 Lesson 29. 

principal a de se coiDpromet(t)erem a destrnir toda a semente 
que nao seja seleccionada, isto 6 : a escolhida e fornecida pela 
esta^ao official. intelligente professor da Escola Liberal de 
Setnbal de boa vontade se presta a fazer na escola uma cri- 
a9ao de experiencia, cnjo prodncto reverter^ a favdr da mfisma, 
que tanto necessita de nnmerario para se poder sastentar e 
poder continuar a exercer a saa missao. 

Twenty-ninth Lesson. 

Construction. Collocagao. 

§ 153. The simplest construction is: beginning by 
the subject and what relates thereto; then the predi- 
cate and its extensions; the determinative follows the 
word it determines (e.g.: desejoso de gloria); the ac- 
cusative complement generally precedes the dative. 

Interrogative clauses begin with the interrogative 
word — i.e., the thing asked for— and what pertains to 
it; the dependent clauses by the conjunction or a rela- 
tive pronoun — e.g.: 

Sao altas as drvores que ha no jardim? (The height 
of the trees is asked for.) 

§ 154. These general rules have numerous ex- 
ceptions, based on the harmony of the speech or the 
emphasis bestowed on one or the other part of it. In 
the preceding lessons these exceptions, as well as those 
rules of construction inseparable from the subject spoken 
of, have been mentioned. 

It may still be noticed that an absolutely employed 
participle precedes its noun. Ex.: 

Arrancada uma batateira, o pi trae agarrados vdrias 

If a potato-plant is pulled out, its root bears various 

potatoes clinging to it. 

Yet when the participle is preceded by em, the 
subject may be placed before: 

Em a mina rebentando or em rebentando a mina. 
Bemark. — Though the gemnd generally precedes the 
noon, it may in elevated speech also be placed behind; — e.g.: 
A revohtgdo abriu as porias da historia, ap(p)elando para 
pom, fechou-as, para a povo ap(p)elando. 

Construction. 389 

65. Thema. 

Preparation of Olive-oil. 

Olive-oil is extracted from the olive, which is the fruit 
of the olive-tree. In some regions the olive is beaten down 
with a pole (= varejar); in others, it is picked by hand. 
After having been picked, the olive goes to the olive-pit, 
where it remains for some time. While it is still in the pit, 
the olive secretes (= escorrer) a watery fluid (uma agua- 
dilha), dark and bitter, called olive-water (alpixe). Prom the 
pit the olive is taken to the olive-crushing mill, which is a 
sort of round stone tank in which one, two or three vertical 
wheels, equally of stone, are moving, generally dragged by 
an ox. 

In the crushing-mill the olive is crushed. The pulp as well 
as the stone of the olive is completely ground (= desfager), 
forming a dark paste. On the surface of this paste, when still 
in the mill, a great quantity of oil appears. This oil, con- 
stituting the first virgin oil, may be taken off (= recolher-se). 
From the mill, the paste is taken in wooden porringers 
to the olive-press (Jtar or lastro de lagar). In the press the 
paste is put into baskets (= ceira), disposed one above the 
other. Upon the topmost basket are placed some blocks 
(= maddro) and then is lowered (= fazer baixar) upon the 
latter the so-called cross-bar of the press (viga do lagar), 
which descends by means of an axle-tree in a spiral line or 
in form of a screw (= fuss). This screw of the olive-press 
ends in its lower extremity by a big stone weight. In pro- 
portion to its coming down, the cross-bar presses (peripbra- 
stical form) upon the blocks which cover the baskets and 
squeezes the paste contained in them. 

66. Leitnra e versao. 

Assim espremida, a massa larga um li'qnido. Este liqoido 
6 ainda azeite virgem que, seguindo por uma calha ou sulco 
aberto no lar, vae cair dentro de uma talha de pedra. Ao 
lado d'esta talha ha outra tambem de pedra, e as duas sao 
ligadas superiormente por um sulco ou rfigo; mas o azeite 
virgem flea todo na talha que estd em commnnica5ao directa 
com o lar. Em seguida, faz-se elevar a viga do lagar, e as 
ceiras ficam d'este modo desapertadas. Desapertadas as 
ceiras, a massa de cada uma 6 caldeada, isto 6, intimamente 
misturada com dgua a ferver. Caldeadas todas as ceiras, de 
novo tornam a ser espremidas como o fOram da primeira vez. 
Espremidas, o liquido que ellas largam segue pela calha do 

390 Lesson 29. 

lar para a primeira talha, onde encontra o azeite virgem que 
a massa escorreu quando foi apertada a primeira vez. 

Com azeite proveniente do segundo aperto das ceiras 
vae misturada uma por9ao de agua, que 6 a dgua que caldeou 
a massa; e como o azeite vem sempre d tona da agua, o li- 
qnido logo que cae na talha reparte-se em duas camadas : em 
baixo a agua, a qual se chama alpixe ; e em cima ou a tona 
do alpixe, o azeite. Entre o azeite e o alpixe ficam as borras 
do azeite. — 

As borras sao as Kzes do azeite, e vao-se formaudo na 
primeira talha, entre o fundo do azeite e o cimo do alpixe. 
A medida que o azeite se vae escoando para a segunda talha, 
as borras vao subindo na primeira; e tomariam para a se- 
gunda, se lagareiro nao tivesse o cnidado de as fazer depo- 
sitary isto 6, de as fazer baixar ao fundo da primeira talha. — 
Depois de bem assentes, as borras ainda apresentam a super- 
fioie uma certa quantidade de azeite, embora impure. Este 
azeite das borras 6 aproveitado: serve para a candeia; para 
untar os eixos dos carros; e para varios fins industriaes: fa- 
brico de sabao etc. 

Depois de completamente espremidas as ceiras, o que fica 
dentro i o baga90. bagaijo 6 o residuo da pelle e do ca- 
ro(jo das azeitonas. baga(;o da azeitoua serve para alimen- 
ta^ao dos porcos e das gallinhas, e ainda de combustivel. No 
proprio lagar, a dgua para caldear a massa 6 tambem aque- 
cida com lume de baga^o. Este arde muito bem por ser oleoso. 
Para tddas estas opera9oes do fabrico do azeite ha hoje mecha- 
nismos muito perfeitos. 




Sou inglis. F" J5" i por- 

Sou, sim, senhor. Para irni 

estrangeiro F" E'^ falla ra- 

zoavelmente o portuguis. 
Coma se chama isso? Como 

se diz . . .? 
Isso nao se p6de; isso nao 

p6de serf 
Entao que tern ? Nao estd bom ? 

Isso jpassa; nao S nada. 
Nao passou hem a noite ? Olhe, 

que nao tern boa cava. 
Passei a noite em claro. 
Nao se dd hem aqui^ Estra- 

nha clima^ 

Nao estranho, nao, senhor. Bou- 
rne hem aqui. 

E gosta de cd estar ? 

Gosto muito. Estou mdrto por 
vir tdda a cidade, tddo opais. 

Onde e a pardgem mais prdxi- 
ma do carro eUctrico? 

Qual i caminho mats curto 
para Id? 

Nao ha pardgem mais perto ? 

Julgava que houvesse uma im- 
mediata ao hotel. 

I am English. Are you a 

Portuguese ? 
Yes. For a foreigner you speak 

Portuguese rather well. 

What is this called ? How do 

you say . . . ? 
That can't be (done)! 

What's the matter with you? 

Aren't you well? 
It will pass over ; it's nothing. 
Didn't you sleep well? You 

do not look well, indeed. 
I passed the night awake. 
Don't you feel well here? 

Does not the climate agree 

with you? 
It is not that. Indeed, the 

climate agrees with me. 
And do you like to stay here ? 
I do indeed. I am dying to 

see the whole town, the 

whole country. 
Where is the next stopping- 
place of the electric car? 
Which is the nearest way 

to it? 
Is there no stopping-place 

nearer ? 
I thought there was one 

next to the hotel. 



AU logo! ate hreve! atS d se- 

mana (que vem) ! atid prdxi- 

ma sexta-feira! 
Nao faltava nada que eu per- 

desse o combdio. 
Deixe vSr isso! 
Jd estd de caminho. 
Estou com pressa. 
Jd deram onee horas. 
Sao horas do correio. 
combdio jd nao tarda; estd 

a chegar. 
Sa(h)iw-lhe hem a empreza ? 

Com licenga! A vontade! 

Nao faga cerimdnia! 

Eu tinha vergdnha de Ihe fallar. 

Nao tern troco? 

Nao ha remSdio. 

Vamos embora! 

Isso i conforme! Depende! 

Estd bem? Que Ihe parece? 

Em que fkdmos9 

Segundo o mew parecer . . . 
Ha alguem que procura o 

Quern me procura ? 
Diga que nao estou. 

Espere ahi! Mande entrar 

para a sola. 
Nao fallemos mats n'isso! 

Jd falla menos mal. 
Estou constipado. \ 

Apanhei uma constipado. ) 
Logo que eu me apanhar no 

campo . . . 
Em que Ihe posso eu ser agra- 

ddoel ? 
Faga favor de se servir do meu 

limitado pristimo. 
Tudo quando puder fazer, serd 

com tddo gosto. 

Good-bye for the present! 
Until very soon! Until next 
week! Until next Friday! 

I was very near losing the 

Let me see that. 

He is already on the way. 

I am in a hurry. 

It has already struck eleven. 

It is post-time. 

The train must be here di- 

Did you succeed in your en- 
terprise ? 

With your leave! Be pleased! 

Don't make any ceremony! 

I was shy to speak to him. 

Have you any change ? 

There is nothing to be done. 

Let us go awayl 

That's all according! That 
depends 1 

Is it well so? What do you 
think of it? 

Where did we stop? What 
did we agree upon? 

According to my opinion . . . 

There is somebody calling on 

Who is calling? 

Tell him that I am not at 

Just wait! Show him into 
the drawing-room! 

Don't let us speak any more 
of that! 

You speak already rather well. 

I have caught a cold. 

As soon as I am in the coun- 

In what may I be agreeable to 

Please dispose of my modest 

AU I can do will be done with 
the greatest pleasure. 

Some Portuguese Proverbs. 


Some Portuguese Proverbs equivalent to 

Antes s6 que tnal acompanhado. 
Com iaes me acho; tal me faQO. 

Ghega-te aos ions, serds um 
delles: chega-te aos maus, 
serds peor do que elles. 

Duro com dura, nao faz bom 

Dd Dem frio conforme a 

Quern primeiro anda, primeiro 

Hora a hora, Deus melhora.\ 

Atrds de tempo, tempo rem. / 

Quern porfia mata caga. 

A cavallo dado nao se Ihe olha 

dlho do amo engorda o ca- 

Faze-me as barbas, far-te-hei 

Como canta o ab(b)ade, assim 

responde o sachristao. 
De noite d candeia a burra 

parece donzella. 
Casa roubada — trancas d 

Tantas vezes vae o cao ao moi- 

nho, que Id Ihe f,ca o fou- 

Malhar no ferro emquanto 

estd quente. 
Quando ha vento, molha-se a 

Emquanto o pdu vae e vem, 

folgam as castas. 
Gontenta-te, gato, que farta o 

Filho de peixe sabe nadar. 

Better alone than in bad 

Birds of a feather flow tOr 

Tell me whom you associate 

with and I will tell you 

who you are. 
Hard with hard never made 

any good wall. 
Aptness comes with the office. 

First come, first served. 

After rain comes sunshine. 

Patience overcomes all things. 
Look not a gift horse in the 

The master's eye makes the 

horse fat {or: the cattle 

One good turn deserves an- 
The young pigs grunt like the 

old sow. 
When candles are out, all cats 

are grey. 
To lock the stable-door when 

the horse is stolen. 
The pitcher goes so often to 

the well that it comes home 

broken at last. 
To strike the iron while it is 

To make hay while the sun 

When the cat is away, the 

mice will play. 
Great wealth, great weariness. 

What is bred in the bone will 
come out in the flesh. 



Pintura e pelSja de longe se 

Fillio iSf pae serds, assim como 

fizeres, assim achards. 
Ndo ha dgua mats perigosa 

que a que ndo soa. 
Santos de casa ndo fazem mi- 


Praia i o horn foliar; oiro i 

bom calar. 
seguro morreu de velho. 
Mais vale um ttoma* que dois 

1-te dareii>. 
Quem ndo vae d guerra, ndo 

morre n'ella. 
Nem tddo o matto S ourSgdos.] 
Nem tudo o que liiz S oiro. > 
Nem tddo o hranco S farinha.) 
Nem zombando, nem devSras, 

com tea amo jogues as piras. 

Picture and battle to be seen 

from afar. 
Do unto others as you would 

be done by. 
Still waters run deep. 

A prophet is not without ho- 
nour, save in his own coun- 
try and in his own house. 

Speech is silvern, silence is 

Prevention is better then cure. 

A bird in the hand is worth 
two in the bush. 

Who plays at bowls must be 
prepared for rubbers. 

All is not gold that glitters. 

Those who eat cherries with 
great persons will have 
their eyes squirted out with 
the stones. 

Short Notes. 

Aos Ex™os Srs. Conselheiro A. de Lima e Ex™* Bsposa, 

D. Maria Jos6 Moreira da Silva 

e Coronel Nogueira da Silva e Mattos 

apresentam os seus cumprimentos, pedindo a honra da sua 
companhia para um copo de dgua que, na occasiao do casa- 
mento de sua filha D. Beatriz com o ex™° Sr. capitao Antonio 
de Lemos e depois da ceremonia, se offerece na 4" feira, 15 do 
corrente, as 2 hs. da tarde na rua dos fiem-casados No. 3. 

Lisb6a, casa de V^-s Ex^^, 8 de maio. 

2. Besposta 

(on a visiting-card). 

A Ex™a Sr» D' Maria Jos6 Moreira da Silva e 111™° e 

Ex™° Sr. Coronel N. da Silva e Mattos, agradecendo em seu 

noma e no de seu marido a insigne honra do convite de 

yas Bxas^ 

Short Notes. 396 

D. Eugenia de Lima 

apressa-se em partipar-lhes que Ihes dara a maior satisfa9ao 
poder assistir ao auspicidso enlace da sua Ex™* Pilha. 

3. Outra resposta. 

Cumprimentando o Ex™o Sr. Coronel Nogueira da Silva e 
Sua Ex™* Esposa, os Condes de Valfldr teem o maximo pesar 
de nao poderem assistir a tao fausta festividade, visto estarem 
de luto recente por uma parenta sua muito chegada. Fa- 
zendo os mais sinceros votos pela felicidade dos Noivos e pe- 
dindo a V*^ Ex*^ acceitem dfisde ja os seus cordiaes parabens, 
pedem desculpa da sua nao-comparencia. 


Meu illustre Amigo : 

For este pe^o lien9a para Ihe apresentar o meu particular 
amigo, Dr. Fnlano, eximio escriptor e deputado da na^ao, cujo 
nome nao sera de todo desconhecido de V" Ex'. Nao precise 
dizer que as atten9oes que a sua generosidade dispensar ao Dr. F. 
tornar-me-hao ainda mais sen devedor. Nunca poderei pagar 
nem mSsmo agradecSr bastante, tantos e tao immerecidos &- 
yores, dos quaes ainda assim me sinto digno pela muito dedir 
ca9ao que Ihe consagro e na convic9ao que o melhor premio da 
amizade e: acceitar-lhe as provas com a m3sma naturalidade 
como sao dadas. 


Meu bom Amigo, 

Case o meu Amigo disponba de algum memento vago 
^manha entre uma e as qnatro boras, peQO o insigne favor de vir 
falar-me a esta sua casa. Trata-se d'um assumpto urgente e que 
merecera todo o sen interesse. 

Ex™° Senhor e Amigo: 

Desconsolado de so b6je receber o seu bilbSte d'ante- 
hontem, per ter estado ausente, por este pe90 desculpa de nao 
ter apparecido abi, e licen9a de poder falar-lhe boje a qualquer 
bora que V* Ex* se digne determinar e que mais Ihe convier. 



Poetry to be learnt by heart. 
Popular Stanzas of Four Yerses. 

«Amar e ser amado, que ventura! 
Nao amar, sendo amado, 6 um triste horror: 
Mas na vida ha uma noite mais escura, 
E amar algnem qae nao nos tenha amdr!>' 

(Gon9alves Crespo.) 

Ja nao tenho coraQao, 
Que m'o tiraram do peito; 
No logar onde elle estava 
Nasceu um amor-perfeito. 

Tu dizes que nao tens cruz 
Para resar o rosario; 
Casa-te, minha menina, 
E teras cruz e calvdrio. 

dia tern duas horas, 
Dnas horas, nao tem mais: 
Uma 6 quando vos vejo, 
Outra, quando me lembraes. 

Os teus olhos sao escuros 
Como a noite mais cerrada; 
Mas apesar de tao nfigros, 
Sem elles nao vejo nada. 

A folhinda do salgueiro 
E a primeira novidade; 
Quem madraga nao alcaD9a, 
Que fard quem se ergue tarde ? 

Ninguem deseubra o seu peito 
A nenhuma amiga sua; 
Quem seu peito descobre 
Seu segredo deita a rua. 

Quem e pobre, sempre 6 pobre 
Quem 6 pobre nada tem; 
Quem e rico, sempre 6 nobre, 
E as vgzes nao e ninguem. 

Aqui tens meu cora9ao, 
Pechadinho com tres ehaves ; 
Abre-o, mette-te M dentro 
Que tn sosinha bem cabes. 

Eu nao quero nem brincando 
Dizer adeus a ninguem: 
Quem vae, leva saudades, 
Quem fica, saudades tem. 

Amorsinho da minh'alma, 
Ensina-me a tua arte: 
Ensina-me a aborrecer-te. 
Que eu nao sei senao amar-te. 

Se OS mens olhos te incommo- 

Quando os vSs na tua frente, 
Manda entao que m'os arran- 

Para eu te amar cegamente. 

Ando triste como a noite, 
Nada me alegra o sentido; 
Ninguem sabe o bem que perde ; 
Senao depois de perdido. 

Ai quem me d^ra ter mae, 
Inda que fosse uma silva! 
Inda que ella me arranhasse, 
Sempre eu era a sua filha. 

Ja morreu a minha mae, 
Ja M vae minha alegria; 
Caizinha dos mens segredos, 
Espelho donde me eu via. 

Vae-te, carta venturosa, 
Ver um bem que Deus me deu; 
Antes tu, carta, ficaras. 
No ten logar fdra eu. 

Carta, vae onde te ea mando. 
Que una lindos olhos vaes ver; 
Carta, poe-te de joelhos, 
Quando te forem a ler. 

Poems of Modern Literature. 


Aqui estou d tua porta, 
Gomo feixinho da lenha, 
A espera da resposta 
Que dos teus olhos me venha. 

amor e o respeito 
Nao fazem boa uniao; 
Quando amor diz que sim, 
Diz respeito que nao. 

Poems of Modern Literature. 

corvo e 

E fama que estava o corvo 
Sobre uma arvore pousado 
E que no s6frego bico 
Tinha um queijo atravessado. 

Pelo faro dquelle sitio 
Veiu a raposa matreira, 
A qual, pouco mais ou menos, 
Lhe felou d'esta maneira: 

Bons dias, men lindo corvo, 
Es gloria d'esta espessura: 
Es outra pli€nix se acaso 
Tens a voz como a figura. 

a raposa. 

A taes palavras o c6rvo 
Com louca, estranha afont^za 
Por mostrar que 6 bom solfista, 
Abre o bico e solta a prSsa. 

Lan9a-lhe a mestra o gadanho 
E diz: «Meu amigo, aprende 
Como vive lisongeiro 
A custa de quern o attende. 

Esta li^ao vale nm queijo, 
Tem d'estas para tea nso.» 
Rosna entao comsigo o cOrvo 
Envergonhado e confuse: 

Velhaca! Deixou-me em branco, 
Fui t6lo em fiar-me n'ella. 
Mas este l6gro me livra 
De cahir n'outra esparrela. 


Sol e Vento. 

Vento desafiou 
Sol, um certo dia. 
Para vfirem dos dois 
Qual mais poder teria. 

E logo, n'um momento, 
Sem mesmo ao repto esp'rar 

pela resposta, 

maluco do Vento 
Com a sua maneira descom- 

Deiton-se a v6r se despojava 
Da capa que trazia 
Um homem que passava. 

Soprando rijo e agreste, 
Na fiiria d'um sudoeste, 
Tudo revolve e agita n'um es- 

carc6u . . . 
— Logo d primeira rabanada 
Vai-se ao homem, e leva-lhe 

o chap6u. 
E riu, e riu de gosto, d gar- 

Zombando do homenzi- 
Que segiiiu sereno e descuidado 
seu caminho. 



Este, por6m, assim ja avisado, 

Pnxou a ronpa asi, abotoou-se . . 
Mesmo que — pondo tudo em 

Vento iroso, por ali abaixo — 

Estava frio, 

Um frio no diacho! 

Como 6 de calcular, 
— Nao de espantar — 
Contrariado o Vento exasperou- 


E n'uma fiiria tal 
Que ja nao 6ra Vento, antes 
dir-se hia 
Um vendaval! 

As rabanadas, 

Aos empuxoes, 

As sapatadas, 
Tirar 4 viva forfa a grossa capa 

Ac triste viandante. 

Mas quanto mais soprava 

E esbravejava 

Sudoeste insoffrido, 
Mais homem na capa se em- 

E, e claro, at6 mais esta se 

Ac cdrpo do transeunte assim 

Sol, do alto, que esta 

scena via, 
Eia de piaro goso, ria, 

ria . . . 

A cigarra i 

Como a cigarra o seu gosto 
E levar a temporada 
De junho, jnlho e agosto 
N'uma cantiga pegada, 
De inverno tambem se come 
E entao rapa frio e fome . . . 

Nao porque a aposta, emfim, 

(Era bem mais que certo), 

Mas uma li^aosinha dar quizesse 

Ao Vento fiirio e esperto. 

Por sua vez se foi ao homen- 

Da capa, e gravemente, 
E sem mdns tratos 
Nem espalhafatos. 

Quasi amigavel, delicadamente, 
Devagarmho . . . 

Dobrando a sua for^a apenas 
de calOr, 

Mas pouco a poueo, lento e 
lentamente . . . 

homem d'ali apoucosedespia, 
Quasi insensivelmente 
Da capa que trazia, 
Da sua capa rica, 
— Por tal modo suava, 
Em bica! 

E concluiu, falando sentencioso 
Para o Vento raivoso: 
«Se mais for9a e poder que tu 
eu tenho, 

Nao sei . . . 
Tu diras! 
Por mim, direi 
Que faz 
Muito mais do que a colera, a 

Que mais vale a brandura que 
a violencia*. 

(Paulino de Oliveira.) 

a formiga. 

Um inverno a infeliz 
Chega-se a formiga e diz: 
— Venho pedir-lhe o favor 
De me emprestar mantimento, 
Matar-me a necessidade! 

Poems of Modern Literature. 399 

E, em chegando a novidade^, — Eu . . . cantar ao desafio. 
Fafo ate um juramento, — Ah! cantar? Pois, minha. 

Pago-lhe, seja o que for! amiga, 

Quern leva o estio a cantar, 
— Mas, pergunta-lhe a formiga, Leva o inverno a dan9ar. 
que fez durante o estio? (Joao de Deus.) 


Trazeis-me rosas; d'onde as heis trazido, 
Boa velhinda e minha boa amiga? 
Eosas no inverno! permitti que o diga, 
Sois feiticeira: d'onde as heis colhido? 

Na primavera de mens annoS; olho, 
Mas vejo abrolhos e nao vejo flores: 
E vos colheil-as, como as eu nao colho . . . 
Sois feiticeira — enfeiti9aes d'amores. 

Enfeitiqaes que a formosura, crgde, 
Nao vem da face avelludada e bella; 
A formosura vem so d'alma; 6 d'ella 
Que brota a fonte que nos mata a sede. 

V6s sois velhinha, ja nao tendes cores 

Que rosto animem e que os olhos prendam, 

Mas tendes prendas que o amor accendam, 

Tendes ainda no inverno . . . fldres. (Joao de Deus.) 

Gangao das tres gotas de dgua. 

Tr6s irmas, trfis gotas de agua e um passarinho bebeu-a; 

que infinito condensa, mas a terceira, tombando 

sua mae, nuvem do c6u, no mar, dizia chorando: 
la d'aquella altura immensa ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ arrogantes 

aesprenaeu. desaparecomesquinha ...» 

vem uma e cae sobre a flor jr y 

que d mingua de agua morria, Eesponde a onda marinha : 

e mal a g6ta sentia, «Ja sou maior que era de 

voltava-lhe o vi90 e a c6r; antes.* 

caiu outra ao p6 d'um ninho, (Affonso Lopes- Vieira.) 


Ella velava perto No ber90 fluctuante 

Do filho que dormia, Moveu-se agora o infante 

E Candida sorria E acorda pranteando . . . 
Ao lyrio entreaberto. Nao ha quadro mais bello 

Da lua um raio incerto Que a mae, solto o cabello. 

No quarto se perdia; filho acalentando! 

E a mae olhava o Dia (Gon9alves Crespo.) 

E a Luz do seu deserto. ^ ^ '^ 

^ The first fraits of the year. 

400 Supplement. 


Chamei em volta do meu frio leito 
As memorias melhores de outra idade, 
Formas vagas, que &a noites, com piedade, 
Se inclinam, a espreitar, sobre o meu peito. 

E disse-lhes: «No mundo immenso e estreito 
Valia a pena, acaso, em anciedade 
Ter nascido? dizei-m'o com verdade, 
Pobres mem6rias que eu ao seio estreito . . .> 

Mas ellas perturbaram-se — coitadas! 

E empalidecerem, contristadas, 

Ainda a mais feliz, a mais serena . . . 

E cada uma d'ellas, lentamente, 

Com um sorriso intimo, pungente, 

Me respondeu: — «Nao, nap valia a pena». 

(Anthero de Quental.) 

Ao cahir da folha. 

Qnando cahir a folha e tu te fores 
A ter com minha mae que ja morreu, 
Se nao Ihe posso dar mais que flores, 
Leva Ihe beijos, abra^os, — Que sei eu! 

Diz-lhe que eu ainda sou como era d'antes 
Assim sem esperaD9as, sempre sem amores. 
— Mens pobres olhos, sempre agonisantes, 
Vao se mirrando mais — so pisam dores. — 

Dize que os mens versos sao atormentados 
Como so sabem rimar os desgra9ados, 
Diz-lhe que em breve ... Nao, mas deixa la, 

Podia a santa affligir-se. E agora, 

Sempre sao maes — quando te fores embora, 

Nunca Ihe contes o que vae por ca. 

(Albino Porjaz de Sampayo.) 


E n'um instante a vida! . . . Dia a dia, 
Desfolho calendario com saudade. 
A gdtta e gotta cae na eternidade 
Bsta porQao de vida fagidia. 

Poems of Modern Literature. 401 

Assim caminha em breve romaria 

prazo em que gastei a mocidade 

E so me traz mais p@na cada dia, 

Mais pranto, mais augiistia e mais edade! . . . 

A manso e manso o tronco se desfolha 
Do tempo que resume esta negrura 
Onde se fazem brancos os cabellos . . . 

E OS dias vao cabindo, folha a folha, 
B embora todos feitos de amargara 
Oh, quem pudesse ainda reviv6l-os! 

(Conde do Casal Ribeiro.) 


No seu corpo tao fragil quanta vida, 
Cheia de luz, chela de for^a ingente! 
Luz que cegava e que inda c6ga a gente . . . 
Por9a que a todos leva de vencida . . . 

Poi-lhe a curta existencia uma comprida 
Vida de lacta, e embora o Amor florente 
B a Gloria Ihe sorrisse ternamente, 
Foi-lhe penosa estrada dolorida . . . 

Seu g^nio impetuoso de inspirado, 

Que o fez tao grande e tao inf'Iiz o fez, 

Minou-lhe o d^bil corpo arrebatado. 

Bamo florindo em flammas muita vez, 
Uamo que pela Morte desfolhado 
Todo em perfume, em alma, se desfez. 

(Paulino de Oliveira.) 


A preguiQa, inda de peito, Pregui9a foi confessar-se; 

Muito custou a criar! — «Pez exame de conacien- 

Quasi que morreu de feme, cia?» — 

Com preguiQa de mamar. — «Nao fiz, meu padre! mas 

Presuica, ia crescidinha, . '^9"'° 

Qnando per sen p6 andava Amanha^ . . Tenha pacien- 

Nao era andar! mais par'cia ^^^'^ 

Que toda se espregui^ava . . . p^^g^j^^ aprendeu costura, 

Pregui^a foi a 11920: Mas, sempre que costurava, 

Ler, escrever e contar? S6 para nao por dedal, 

Delxava a memoria em casa, Sempre os sens dedos pi- 

Com pregul9a de a levar! cava. 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 26 



A mae ralhou a Preguiga, 
Porque se nao penteara; 
Torna-lheella: — «Haquantos 

E que a mae nao lava a cara?» 

Preguiga, morta de somno, 
Quasi de somno morria; 
So por nao fechar os olhos, 
Quantas noites nao dormia! 

A Pregui(,"a abria a boeca, 
Coisa em que ellaeramaiscerta : 
Mas depois — p'ra a nao fe- 
char — 
Picon sempre «bocca-aberta». 

Pregui^a e o DesmazSlo 
Juntarem-se em casamento : 
Levando os dois, em bom dote, 
Uma mao-clieia de vento. 

A Pregui9a teve dois filhos: 
Oh que santa gera9ao! 
A mais velha, Dona Pome; 
mais novo, Dom Ladrao. 

Quando a Pregui^a morrer, 
AW monte maninho, 
At6 fraguedos da serra 
Darao rosas, pao, e vinbo. 

(Antonio CorrSa d'Oliveira.) 


Era uma vez um moleiro 
Que estava no seu moinho . . . 
Comegando seu caminho, 
Vinha na serra Janeiro 
Com longo acompanhamento 
De sombras, de neve e vento, 
Parahonrar (sebem melembro) 
Desepedidas, bota-fora 
Do velho e pobre Dezembro. 

Inda estavam, — a tal bora! 
Ao borralho da lareira, 
Moleiro e mais a moleira, 
Depois de bem consoados, 
Bern fartos e regalados . . . 
Que minguas, la no casal, 
Pome ou sede, nao havia: 
Pois, segundo se dizia, 
moleiro, como tal, 
Mettia a mao na maquia . . . 
Mas, n'isto, ouviram — 
truz! — truz! — 
Bater a porta . . . 

— « Jesus! 
Quern sera? .. . Quern e?!» — 
Pora, uma voz arrastada: 
— « Alguem que pede pousada, 
B uns restos de lume aonde 
Se possa ainda aquecer ...» — 

Torna, soberbo, o moleiro: 
— «Andar! andar, caminheiro! 
Esmola? . . . Nao pode ser!» 
Diz a voz: 

— «Nao me conbeces, 
De certo! Se conhecesses . . . 
Sou o Anno Velho: Eu sou 
Quern para ti foi tao bom 
Que tudo que te fartou 
Por minha gra9a e meu dom 
lograste, dia a dia: 
Alvo pao que tu comeste; 
Doce vinho que bebeste; 
azeite que te alumia; 
Sol que seccou tua lenha . . . 
Pois ha ingrato no mundo 
Que negue pao d'um segundo 
A quem um anno o mante- 
nha ? ! » 

Volta moleiro: 

— paspalho ' 
Do velho ! Pois nao se atreve? . . 
Paz' la a cama na neve. 
Que ha de ser bom agasalhor 
De que me serves, agora 
Que ja vaes de p^s a cova? 
Anno Novo, sim! E nova 
Amizade, nova vinba: 

Poems of Modern Literature. 403 

«E taleiga venerada Poe-se a chover! a chover! 

De respeito e valimento, ComeQa o rio a erescer; 

Pois me dara dafarinlia. . .^> — A erescer de tal feitio, 

Que logo ao moinha, o rio 

Ora, foi neste momento Levou o rodisio e a mo! 

Que Anno Novo chegou; E nao ficou aqul so 

Vae, ouvin tudo, e pensou: castigo: 

— «01ha cora9ao ruim! Desde entao, 

Alma damnada! mofino! Tanto Ihe correu avesso 

De aqui a um anno p'lo visto, Anno de tao mau comedo : 

Pazia-me o mesmo a mim . . . Que no moinho (de nome 

Bspera! que eu ja te ensino: «Moinlio da Ingratidao») 

Has de pagal-as!» — moleiro soberbao 

B nisto, Aoabou, morrendo a fome . . . 

(Antonio Corrga d'OIiveira : Pard,bolas.) 

A Ldgrima. 

Manha de junho ardente. Uma encosta esealvada, 
Seea, deserta e nua, a beira d'uma estrada. 

Terra ingrata, onde a urza a custo desabrocha, 
Bebsndo o sol, comendo o p6, mordendo a rocba. 

Sobre uma folha bostil d'uma figueira brava 
Mendiga que se nutre a predegulho e lava, 

A aurora desprendeu, compassiva e divina, 
Uma Mgrima eth^rea, enorme e cristalina. 

Lagrima tao ideal, tao limpida que, ao vel-a, 

De perto era um diamante e de longe uma estrella. 

Passa um rei com o seu eortejo de espavento, 
Elmos, lan5as, clarins, trinta pendoes ao vento. 

No men diadema, disse o rei, quedando o olhar. 
Ha safiras sem conta e brilhantes sem par. 

Ha rubins orientaes, sangrentos e doirados, 
Oomo beijos d'amor a arder, cristalisados. 

Ha perolas que sao gotas de magna immensa. 
Que a lua cbora e verte e o mar gela e condensa. 

Pois brilhantes, rubins e perolas de Ophir, 
Tudo isso eu dou, e vem, 6 lagrima, fulgir 

N'esta c'roa orgulhosa, olimpica, suprema, 

Vendo o globo a meus p6s do alto do teu diadema. 


404 Supplement. 

E a lagrima celeste, ing^nua e luminosa, 
Ouviu, sorriu, tremeu, e quedou silenciosa. 

Coiira9ado de ferro, epico e desluinbrante, 
Passa no seu ginete um cavalleiro andante. 

E o cavalleiro diz a lagrima irisada: 

Vem brilhar, por Jesus, na cruz da minha espada! 

Par-te-hei relampejar, de victoria em victoria, 
Na terra Santa, a luz da P6, ao sol da Gloria! 

E a volta ha-de guardar-te a minha noiva, 6 astro, 
Em seu coUo auroreal de rosa e de alabastro. 

E assim alumiaras com teu vivo esplendor 
Mil combates de heroes e mil sonhos d'amSr. 

E a lagrima celeste, ingenua e luminosa, 
Ouviu, sorriu, tremeu, e quedou silenciosa. 

Montado n'uma mula escura, de caminho, 
Passa um velho judeu, avarento e mesqninho. 

Mulas de carga atris levam-lhe o thesoiro, 
Grandes areas de cedro abarroladas d'oiro. 

E velhinho andrajoso e magro como um janco, 
craneo calvo, o olhar febril, o bico adunco. 

Vendo a estrella, exclamou: «0h Deus, que maravilhal 
Como ella resplandece e tremeluz e brilha! 

Com meu oiro em montao podiam-se comprar 
Os imp6rios dos reis e os navies do mar. 

E por esse diamante esplendido trocara 

Todo meu oiro immense a minha mao avara.» 

E a lagrima celeste, ingenua e luminosa, 
Ouviu, sorriu, tremeu, e quedou silenciosa. 

Debaixo da figueira entao um cardo agreste, 
Ja ressequido, disse a lagrima celeste: 

«A terra, onde o lilaz e a balsamina medra, 
Para mim teve sempre um cora9ao de pedra, 

Se a queixar-me, ergo ao ceo os bra90s por aeaso, 
O c6o manda-me em paga o fego em que me abrase. 

Poems of Modern Literature. 405 

Nunca junto de mim, ulcerado de espinhos, 
Ouvi trinar, gorgeiar a miisica dos ninhos. 

Nunca junto de mim ranches de namoradas 
Debandaram, cantando, em noites estrelladas . . . 

Voa a ave no azul e passa longs o amor, 

Porque ai! nunca dei sombra e nunca tive flor! . . . 

6 Idgrima de Deus, 6 astro, 6 gota d'agua, 
Cae na desola9ao d'esta infinita magoa!» 

E a lagrima celeste, ingenua e luminosa, 
Tremeu, tremen, tremeu . . . e cahiu silenciosa. 

E algum tempo depois o triste cardo exangue, 
Reverdecendo, dava uma flor c6r de sangue, 

D'um roxo macerado e dorido e desfeito, 

Oomo as cbagas que tern Nosso Senhor no peito . . . 

E ao calix virginal da pobre flor vermelha 

la buscar, zumbindo, o mel doirado, a abelha! . . . 

(Guerra Juuqueiro.) 



English -Portuguese Vocabulary. 

(The gender is indicated by f. (feminine) 5°<i f'^^^f ""^„^^; J^' 
word is substituted by - (a dash), when repeated.) 

alley avenida f-, aUa f. 




above em cirna de, por cima de 
about ao redor de, cerca de 
able capaz, hdbil 
absolve ahsolver 
abstain abster-se 
abundance abunddncia f. 
abuse abitsa?; insuUar 
accept aceitar 
accompany acompanliar 
accustom acostumar 
account conta f., lista f. 
acquaintance conhecimento m, 
acquire adquirir 
act obrar, operar; s acfao 

acto m. 
action a(c)gao f. 
add acrescentar, adicionar 
address dirigir(-se a); endere- 

admirable admirdvel 
admiral almirante m. 
admit admitir 
advance adiantar, promover 
advantage vant&gem f. 
advice conselho in., aviso m. 
affair negocio m., assunto m. 
afifect impressionar , afectar 
afraid, to be — , ter medo 
after dejmis, conforme 
afternoon tarde f. 
again de novo, mais uina vez 
against contre 
age idade f.; old — velhice 
agree convir 
agreeable agraddvel 
alike semelhante, igual 
all tudo pr., iodo adj.; — that 

tudo quanto 

allow permitir, dar licenga para, 

consentir em 
almost quasi 
already jd 

also tambem 

always sempre 

ambitious ambicioso 

amiable amdvel, bondoso 

among (por) entre 

amuse diver tir 

ancestors anlepassados m. pi. 

anger sanga, despeito, colera, 

angry zangado ; to be or get — 

answer resposta f; — v. res- 

any algum; (neg.) nenhum 

anybody alguem; (veg.) ningmm 

any more mais algum; (neg.) 
nao . . mais 

appear aparecar 

apple magd f. 

apply to aplicar, empregar em 

approach aproximar 

April abril (in dates A — ) m. 

archer besteiro m. 

arm bniQo m. 

army exercito m. 

arrive chegar 

arrow frecha f. 

art arte f. 

artist artista m. & f. 

as como; — . . — assini que 

ashamed envergonhado 

ashes cinzas f. pi. 

ask preguntar, pedir 

assiduity assiduidade f. 

assist assistir, socorrer 

English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 


assistance assistencia f. 
associate with freguentar, as- 

sociar-se com 
astonishing surpreendente 
at a, em; at home em casa; at 

jirst no principio: at once 

dunia vez; at last por fim; 

at all de todo 
attack agredir 
attain alcangar, conseguir 
attentive atento, atencioso 
attract atirar 

August agusto (in dates A — ) m. 
aunt iia f. 
author autor m. 
avarice avareza f. 
avaricious avaro, avarento 
avoid evitar 
avow confessar 
await aguardar, esperar. 


bad mail, md\ — ly mal 

ball hala f , baile m. 

bare nil, despido; — ly apenas 

bark v., ladrar; s. casca f., cor- 

tiga f. 
barley cevada f. 
battle batalha f. 
beard barua f. 
beat bater 

beautiful formoso, Undo 
because porque 
become ftear, tornar-se 
bed cama f., leito m. 
bee abelha f. 
beer cerveja f. 
before antes, ante, deante 
beg pedir (esmola), mendigar 
begin prineipiar, comegar 
behind atrds (dejtrds 
believe crer, acreditar 
belong to pertencer a, ser de 
better melhor 
between entre 
beyond alem de 
big grande, grosso 
bird ave f., pidssaro m. 
bite morder 
bitter amargo, acre 
black prelo, negro 

blame censurar, repreender 

blessing bengao f. 

blood sangue m. 

blush corar 

boarding-house casa f. de h6s- 

body corpo m.; every — cada 

um, iodos; no — ninguem 
boil fei-ver 
bonnet chapdu m. 
book livro m. 
boot bota f. 

born nascido; to be — nascer 
bottle garrafa f. 
box eaixa f. 

boy rapaz m., menino m. 
brave valente, corajoso 
bread pao m. 

break romper, partir, quebrar 
breakfast almogo m. 
bring trazer, levar 
brother irmao m. 
build construir 
burn arder, queimar 
business negdcio m. 
but mas, porem 
butter manteiga f. 
buy comprar 
by par; — heart de c6r; — the 

way (— the — ) de passdgem ; 

— and — logo, ao depois; 

bard — muito perto. 

cab trem de praga m. 

cabbage couve f. 

calf vitela f. 

call chamar; — to mind lembrar; 

— at ir ter com 
camel camelo m. 
camp campo m. 
candle vela f. 
cane bengdla f. 
cap barrete 

carnival carneval m., entrudo m. 
care cuidado m. 
carpenter carpinteiro m. 
carriage carruagem f. 
carry carregar, levar 
cast (away) deitar (f6ra) 
castle castelo m. 


English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 

cat gato m. 

cattle gado iovino m. 

cease cessar, acabar 

censure censurar 

celebrated ceJebre 

certainly eertamente, comcerteza 

chair cadeira f. 

chamber quarto, sola 

chase eaga f. 

chastise eastigar 

cheese gueijo m. 

cherry cereja f. 

child crianga f. 

china lou^a f. 

choose escolher 

chorus coro m. 

church igreja f. 

city cidade f. 

clamour clamor m., brado m. 

class classe f., aula f. 

clean limpo 

clear elaro, limpido 

cloak capa f., capote m. 

cloth pano m. ; clothes vestuArio 

m., roupa f. 
clothe vestir 
cloud nuvem f. 
coach carrudgem f., trem m., 

carro in. 
coast co,^a f. 
coat casaco m. 
coffee cafe m. 
cold frio (m.), coiistipasao 
colour cdr f. 

come vir ; — in entrar ; — outsair 
comfort conforto m., comodidade 

f.; — V. confortar, eonsolar 
command ordem f. (cojmando 

m.; — V. (co)mandar, ordenar 
commence comego m. 
commerce comereio m. 
complain gueixar-se 
compel obrigar 
compound coniposto 
comrade camarada m., compa- 

nheiro m. 
conceal esconder 
conceive coneeber 
condemn condeCTrOnar 
conduct conducta f., procederm.; 

— V. conduzir 
confess eonfessar 

confidence confianga f., con- 

fidencia f. 
conquer conquistar 
conqueror conquistador m. 
conscience conscienCia f. 
consent consentir 
consequence consequencia /. 
consider considerar 
constrain constranger 
construct construir 
contain canter 
contented contente 
continue continuar 
convince convencer 
cook cozinheiro; cozer 
cool fresco (m.) 
copy-book caderno m. 
corn grao m. 

correct correcto; — v. eorrigir 
cost custar 
country pais m. 
courage cordgem f., dnimo m. 
course curso m., corrida f. 
cousin primo m., prima f. 
cover coberta f., cobertor m., 

tampa f. 
cow vaca f. 
creator creador m. 
creditor credor m. 
crime crime m. 
cry grito m., clamor m. 
cultivate cultivar 
cup chicara f., taqa f. 
currant groselha f. 
custom costum-e m., hdbito m. 
cut V. costar, talhar; s. cdrte 

m., talhe m., golpe m. 


damp (hjumido 

danger perigo m. 

dark escuro, sombrio 

dart V. dardejar, s. dardo 

daughter /ilha f. 

dawn madrugada f., alva f. 

day dia m. 

dead morto; — ly mortal(mente) 

deaf swdo 

dear querido, caro 

death morte f. 

debt divida f. 

English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 


deceive enganar, lograr 
December decemher (in dates 

D— ) m. 
decision decisao f. 
deer viado m., gado m. 
defect defeito m. 
defend defender 
delight in deleitar-se em 
demolish demolir 
dense denso 

deny (de)negar, recusar 
depart partir 
departure partido 
depend depender; — upon des- 

cansar em 
describe deserever 
description descriiao 
deserve merecer 
desire desejar 
despise desprezar 
destroy destruir 
die morrer 
difference diferenga 
difficult dificil 
difficulty dificuldade f. 
diligent diligente 

dinner ^■»'*'°'-^»'-^ 

direct v. dirigir, enderegar; a. 

directo, direito; — ly jd, im- 

direction direcfSo f., enderego m. 
disappear desaparecer 
disciple discipulo m. 
dissatisfy desagradar 
dissipate dissipar, desbaratar 
dissolve dissolver 
distinguish distinguir 
distress afligao f. 
divide dividir, partilhar 
do faser 
dog coo m. 

door porta f. ; — way pm-tal m. 
doubt V. duvidar; s. duvida f. 
dozen diizia f. 
draw puxar, tirar; — (pictures) 

desenhar; — upon oneself 

dream v. sonhar; s. sonho m. 
dress v.vestir(-se); s. vestido m., 

fato m. 
drink beher 

drop V. gotejar, deixar cair; s. 

gota f. 
drunk bebedo; to get — embria- 

dry seco, enxuto 
duchess duquesa f. 
duck pato m. 
dumb mudo 
during durante 
iaat p6 n., poeira f. 
duty dever m., obrigagdo f. 
dwell morar, residir 
dye tingir. 


ear orelha f., ouvido m. 

early cedo 

earth terra f. 

easily facilmente 

easy fdcil 

eat comer 

edition edigao f. 

egg ovo m. 

elect eleger 

ell (measure) vara f. 

elm (tree) olm(eir^o m. 

elsewhere algures 

embarrass ». embaragar; s. em- 
bar ago m. 

embellish embe(l)lecer 

emperor imperador 

empire imperio 

employ impregar 

end fim m., cdbo m., con- 
clicsao f. 

enemy inimigo m. 

engine (steam — ) mdquina 

enough bastante, assas 

enrich enriquecer 

enter entrar (em) 

entertain entreter, regalar 

entertaining divertido 

envy inveja 

equal igual 

equality igvaldade f. 

error erro m. 

escape v. escapar, fugir; s. es- 
capada f., fugida f. 

esteem estima f., consideragao f. 

evening tarde f., noite f. 

event su(c)ceaso m., acontecimento 


English-Portuguese ^'ocabulary. 

ever sempre 

everybody cada um, tuclos; 

everything tudo; everywhere 

em toda a parte 
evil mal m. 
example exemplo m. 
execute executar, cnmprir 
exercise exerctcio, prdtica 
exhaust esgotar; — ed exhausto 
exist existir 
expect aguardar 
extinct extinto 
extinguish exlinguir 
extract v. extralr; .-. extracto 
extreme extremo 
eye olho m. 

fable fdlmla f. 

face face f., cara f., rosto m. 

fail faltar, falhar, errar 

faint desfalecer 

faithful fiel, leal 

fall call- 

false falso 

falsehood falsidade f. 

family familia f. 

fan le(iue m. 

far longe 

fat gordo 

fate fado in., destino m. 

father pat or pae »«.; — in-law 

sogro m. 
fault defeito m., falta f. 
fear medo in., receio m. 
fearful receoso 
feather pena f., pluma f. 
February fevereiro (in dates F — ) 

feed comida f., alimento m, 
feel sentir 
feign fingir 
fellow-traveller companheiro m. 

de viagem 
ferocious feroz 
fertilize fertilisar 
few poucos 
field campo 

fight luta f., combate n>. 
fill encher 
find eneontrar 

fine honito, fino 

finish acabar, terminar 

fire s. fogo in.\ v. desfecluir 

fiag bandeira f. 

flatter lisongear, adular 

flatterer adidadur m. 

flee fugir 

flock rebanho m- 

florin flwim m. 

flour farinha f. 

fiourish florescer 

flower floy f. 

fly V. voar, fugir; s. mosca f. 

fog nevoeiro m. 

follow seguir 

folly tolice f., pdndega f. 

fool tdlo m. 

foolishness tolice f., asneira f. 

foot pe m. 

for i'pre-p.) p>ara; (couj.) porque; 

as — enquanto a 
forbid prohibir; God — ! Beus 

nao queira! 
forehead testa f. 
foreign estrangeiro 
foresee prever 
forest floresta f.. bosque m. 
forget esquecer, olvidar 
forgive perdoar 
fork garfo m. 
formerly mites, outrdra 
forsake abandonar 
fortify fortificar 
fortnight, a — quinze dias 
fortune fortuna 
forward(8) para diante, na 

found v. fandir 
freeze gelar 
French f ranees 
frequently freqiientemente, a 

fresh fresco 
Friday sexta-feira f. 
friend amigo, amiga; — ly ami- 

friendship amizade f. 
fruit fru(c)to m., fru(e)ta 'f. 
fugitive fugitivo 
fulfil cumprir 
full cheio,, pleno 
furniture mdbllia f. 

English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 


gaiety alegria f. 

gain V. ganhar; s. ganho m. 

game jogo, caga f. 

gape bocejar, abrir a hdca 

garden jardim m. 

gardener jardineiro m. 

gate porta f., portal m., cance(l)la 

gather colher, apanhar 
general a. geral; s. general m. 
generous generoso 
genius genio m., talento m. 
gentleman cavalheiro m., senhor 

gentleness gentileza f., delicadeza 

get xn-ocurar, ter ; — up levan- 

gift dckliva f., prenda f. 
girl menina f., rapariga f. 
give dar 
glad contente,alegre; — Ijgostosa- 

glass vidro in., copo m. 
glitter reluzir 
glory gldria f. 
glove luva f. 
go ir; — ■ away ir-se (emhora); 

— out sair; — far from afastar- 

se; — for procurar; — on 

G-od Deits in. 
gold ouro m. 

good a. bom, boa; s. beni m. 
goodness bondade f. 
good-will boa vontade f. 
govern governar, reger 
gown vestido m. 
grammar gram(m)aiica 
grandfather aw m. 
grandmother avo f. 
grant conceder 
grass herva f., relva f. 
graze pastar 
great grande 
green verde 

grief desgosto m., mdgoa f. 
grind moer 

ground chdo m., solo to. 
grow crescer; — lean emma- 

grecer; — old envelheeer; — 

pale empalidecer; — ■ red corar 

— tall crescer, estar crescido; 

— thin emmagrecer ; — worse 
peorar — better melhorar 

— ■ rich enriquecer 
guilty culpado 


hail V. granizar ; aclamar, sau- 

dar; s. graniga f. — ! viva! 
hair cabelo m., pelo m. 
half s. metade f.; a. meio, nieia 
hand mdo f.; —v. passar 
handsome bello 
happen acontecer 
happily felismente 
happiness felicidade f. 
happy felis 
hard duro, dspero 
hardly detudo, apenas; — ever 

quasi nimca 
hare lebre f. 
harvest colheita f. 
haste pressa f. 
hasten apressar-se, aviar-se 
hat chapeu m.; to put on (take 

off) one's hat pdr (tirar) o 

hate odiar 
hatred ddio m. 
hay feno m. 
head cabeQn 
heal curar 
health saude f. 
healthy saiidavel, sew 
hear ouvir 

heart coragdo m. ; by— de cor 
heat calor in. 
heaven ecu m. 
heavy pesado 
helm leme in. 
help ajudar, so(c)correr 
henceforward d'aqui para diante 
here aqui 

hide esconder, occuliar 
high alto, elevado 
hill co(l)lina f. 
hinder impedir 
history histdria f. 
hit dar um golpe em; acertar 


English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 

hive colmeia f. 

hold segmar 

hole iuraco m. 

holiday ferias f. pi. 

holy santo, sagrado 

home casa; go — ir a or para 

casa; at — em casa 
honest (hjonrado, (h)onesto 
honour s. Jionra f.; — «. honrar 
hope s. esperanga; — v. esperar 
horse cava(l)lo m. 
hot guente; it is — estd calor 
hour (hjora f. 
house casa f. 
how como, que; — long (since 

when)? desde quando?; — 

much (many) quanto(s)? 
however no entanto 
human (hjumano 
hunger fome f. 
hungry esfomeado; to be — ter 

vontade (de comer) 
hunter caQodor m. 
hunting caga f. 
hurt ferir, prejudicar 
husband viarido m. 

ice gelo m. 

idea ideia f. 

idle preguicoso 

if se, caso que 

ill o. doente; adv. mal 

illness doenga f. 

image imdgem f. 

imagine imaginar 

imitate imitar 

immediately i{m)mediatamente, 

immortal i(mJmortal 

importune importuno 

impossible impossivel 

improve progredir 

in em; into para deiitro de 

inch po(l)legada f. 

increase crescer, av(g)mentar 

incredible incrivel 

incur incorrer em 

indeed na verdade; — ! e ver- 

dade ! 
inhabit habitar 

inhabitant habitante m. 

injure prejudicar 

ink tinta f.; — stand tinteirom. 

inquire inquirir, indagar 

inquisitive curioso 

inscribe increver 

insensible insensliiel 

instantly instantdneamente 

instruct instrtiir 

insult insulto m. 

intend intender 

interrupt interromper 

introduce introduzir, apresentar 

invade invadir 

invent inventor 

iron ferro m. 

irreproachable irrepreensirel 

island ilha f. 

ivory marfivi in. 

January Janeiro (in dates J — ) 

jealous ciumento 

jealousy ciume m. 

jewel j6ia f. 

join juntar 

joy alegria 

judgment julgamento m. 

jug cdntaro m., canSea f. 

July julho (in dates J—) m. 

June junho (in dates J — ) vi. 

just justo, exacto 

just as no momenta em que 

justice justiga f. 


keep ficar com, segurar, observe 
kill matar 
kindness bondade f. 
king rei m.; kingdom reino m. 
kitchen cozinha f. 
knee joelho m. 
knife faca f., navalha f. 
know conhecer, saber 
knowledge sciencia f., co- 
nhecimenlo(s) pi. m. 

labour trabalho m., lavor «/. 
laborious trabalhoso 
lady senhora f., dona f. 

English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 


Iamb aiiJio m. 

land s. terra f.; — v. desembarcar, 

language lingua f., lingudgem f. 
large grande, largo 
last V. durar, continuar; adj. 

late adj. defunto; adv. tarde 
laugh rir 
laughter 7-iso m. 
law lei f. 
lawyer advogado 
lazy preguigoso 
lead s. chutnbo m. 
lead eondusir; — into induzir 
leaf folha f., fdlho m. 
league legua f., liga f. 
learn aprender, estudar 
learned sabio, erudito 
least s. menos; at — ao menos; 
in the — de todo 
leave licenga f.; take — of 

despedir-se de 
left a. esquerdo\ s. esguerda f. 
leg perna f. 
lend emprestar 
less menos 
let deixar, arrendar; — us go I 

vamost — him know! faga-lhe 

letter carta f., — case carteira f. 

liar mentiroso m. 

liberty liberdade f. 

lie estar (deitado); mentir 

life vida f. 

lift up levantar 

like gostar de; a. semelhanfe; 

adv. como 
likely provdvel 
lily lirio m. 

limit limitar; s. Umite m. 
line linJia f. 
linen linlio m. 
lion liao m. 
listen escutar, ouvir 
little adj. pequeno; adv. pouco, 

apenas, mal 
live viver, morar 
loadstone, lodestone iman m. 
locksmith serralheiro m. 
long adj. longo, eomprido; adv. 

muito tempo 

look at olhar; — for proeurar 

looking-glass espelho m. 

lose perder 

loss perta f. 

love s. amor; — v. aniar 

low haixo, ml 

luxury luxo m. 


mad tola, alienado 

Madam minha senhora 

magnificent magnifico 

maintain manter, suster 

make fazer ; — haste apressar-se 

man homem m. 

manners maneiras f. pi. 

many muitos; so — tantos; as 

— as tantos como; too — 

map ma(p)pa m. 

March margo (in dates M — ) 

mark out marcar, tragar 

marriage casamento m. 

marry casar 

master s. mestre, patrao, anio m. ; 

— V. senhorear, conquistar 
matter assumpto in., negdcio m., 

cousa f. 
May maio (in dates M — ) m. 
meadow prado m., devesa f. 
meal refeigao f., farinha f. 
means meio m. 
meat came f. 

meddle (with) entremtter-se (em) 
medicine remedio m., medicina f. 
meet encontrar 
melt fundir, derreter 
member membro m. 
memory memdria f. 
mend emendar ; — (a pen) aparar 
merchant negociante , comer ci- 

ante m. 
messenger mensageiro m. 
metal metal m. 
middle meio m. 
mild ameno, suave 
milk leite m. 
miller moleiro m. 
minute minuto m., minuta f, 
misfortune desgraga f. 
mislead desencaminhar, induzir 

em erro 


English-Portuguese Vocabulaiy. 

Miss menina, senhora Dona 

mist nevoeiro m. 

mistake v. enganar-se: s. erro, 

engano m. 
mistrust desconfiar de 
mock trocar de 
modern moderno 
modest modesto 
modesty modestia f. 
Monday segunda-feira f. 
money dinheiro m. 
montt mes m. 
moon lua f. 
more mats 
morning mariha f. 
mother mae f. ; — -in-law sogra 
motive motivo m. 
mourning luto m. 
mouse rato m., ratinlio m. 
mouth huca f. 

move mover(-se),comover,mexer 
much muito; too — demasiado; 

how — quanta?: as — tanto; 

as — as tanto que 
murder assassinar; assassiiiio m. 
murderer assassino m. 
music musica f. 
mutton earneiro m. 

nail unha f., xnego m. 

naked nu, nua 

name nome m. 

namely nomeadamente; a. saber 

napkin guarda-napo m. 

nature natureza f. 

naughty ruim, mal-creado 

near proximo, perto 

nearly quasi, aproximadamente 

necessary necessdrio, precise; to 

be — precisar-se 
necessity necessidade f. 
neglect V. descuidar; s. descuido 

neighbour visinho m. 
neighbourhood visinhanga f. 
neither . . nor nem . . nem 
never nunea, jamais 
new novo, fresco 
news noticia f.; — paper jornal 


next proximo, seguinte 

nice honito, gentil 

niece sobrinha f. 

night noite f. 

no nenhum, nao 

nobility nobresa f. 

noise barulho, ruido ni. 

noon meio-dia m. 

nose nariz m. 

nothing (luio . .) nada 

notwithstanding nem, por isso 

nourish alimentar. nutrir 

November november (in dates 

N—) m. 
now agora 
number numero m. 
numerous numeroso. 


oak carvalJto m. 

oats aveia f. 

obedient obediento 

obey obeir 

oblige ohrigar, ohsequiar 

obliging obsequioso 

observe observar, atender 

obtain obter, alcan^ar 

occupy o(c)cupar 

October outubro (in dates — ) 

odious odioso 
offend o(f)fender 
offer s. o(f)ferla\ — r. offerecer 
often muitas vezes 
officer o(f)fi.eial 
oil 6leo m., azeite m. 
old velho, idoso; — age velhice 

f.; how — are youV quantos 

annos tern ? 
omen augouro m. 
omit ome(t)ter 
on sobre, em eima de 
once uma vez; — on a time 

outr'ora; at — de repente 
only si, linico 

open V. abrir; adj. dberto, franco 
openness sinceridade f. 
opponent adversArio in. 
opportunity oCp)portunidade 
oppose o(p)pdr(-se) 
opposite o(p)posto, em frente de 

English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 


orange laranja f. 

order s. drdem f.; — v. mandar 

other, an — outra 

otherwise alias, d'outra maneira 

over sdbre, por cima de; it's 

all — acabou-se 
overtake a(t)Ungir 
owe dever 
owl coruja f. 
own propria 
owner proprietdrio m. 
ox hoi m. 

pagan pagao m., paga f. 

pain pena, dor, traballw; on — 

of death sob pena de vida (or 

de morte) 
painful penoso, dolorosa 
paint pintar 
painter pintor in. 
painting pintura f. 
palace paldcio m.\ (king's — ) 

paqo m. 
pale pdlido 
paper papel m. 

pardon v. perdoar; s. perdao m. 
parents paes m. pi.; parentes in. 

part parte f. ; to take — in 

partilhar em 
party partido m., partida f. 
pass V. passar; s. passdgem f., 

passo in., passaporte m. 
passage passdgem f., irajecta in. 
patient s. doente m.; a.Ay paciente 
pay V). pagar; s. paga f., paga- 

menia in. 
peace paz f. 
peach pessego m. 
pear pera f. 

peasant lavrador, aldeao in. 
pebble seixa m. 
peculiar particular 
pen penna f. ; — -holder eaneta f. 
pencil lapis m. 
penknife canivete m. 
people povo m., gente f. 
perceive perceher 
perfectly perfeitamente 
perform fazer, cumprir 
perish perecer 

permit per>ni(t)tir 

persecute perseguir 

person pessoa f. 

persuade persuadir 

philosophy filosofia f. 

picture quadra m. 

piece pega f., bocado m. 

pierce furar, atravessar 

pig porco m. 

pill pUula f. 

pin alfinete m. 

pity piedade f.; it is a — i uma 

place logar, assento; — v. colo- 

plain planicie f.\ adj. piano 
plan projecto in., plana in. 
plank prancha f. 
plant planf.a f. 
plate prato m. 
play s. Jogo m., comidia f.\ — v. 

jogar, brincar 
plaything brinquedo m. 
please agradar a; if you please 

— se faz favor 
pleasing agraddvel 

pleasure prazer m. ; to take — 

in camprazer- se 
plum ameixa f. 
pocket algibeira f., bolso in.; 

— handcherchief lengo m. ; 
— book carteira f. 

poet poeta m. 

poison veneno in., envenenar 

polite cortes 

politeness eortesia f. 

poor pobre 

pope papa m. 

poplar alamo m., choiipo m. 

populous povoado 

portion parte f., pargao f. 

position posigao f., situagao f. 

post-office correio m. 

pound arrdtel m.; libra f. 

powerful poderosa 

praise v. lauvar, enaltecer; s- 

louvar m. 
pray resar, orar 
prayer resa f., oragao f. 
precious precioso 
precision precisao f. 
prefer preferir 


English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 

prescribe prescrever 

presence presenga f. 

present adj. presenie; ». pre- 
senie, regalo m. 

preserve preservar, confeitar 

pretence p)-etexto m. 

pretend pretender, fingir 

pretty adj. bonito; adv. bem, 

prevent impedir 

prey presa f. 

pride orgulho m. 

principle principio m. 

print imprimir 

printing, act of — imprensa f. 

prison cadeia f., prisao f. 

prodigious prodigioso 

produce produzir 

project projeclo 

promise s. inomessa ; — v. pro- 

proof prova f. 

proper prdprio, conveniente 

property propriedade f. 

proposal proposigao f. 

propose propor 

rprove provar 

province provincia f. 

punctuality poniualidade f. 

punish castigar 

punishment castigo m. 

pupil aZMjjmo, — a; diseipulo, —a 

purchase s. compra; — v. com- 

purpose fim m., designio m. ; 
on — de prop6sito 

purse bolsa f. 

pursue perseguir 

put meter. 


quarrel contenda, altercaiao f. 

queen rainha f. 

question s. pregunta f., questao 

f.; — preguntar 
quiet guieto, tranquillo 
quite todo, inteiramente. 


railroad caminho m. de ferro 
rain chuva f. 

rainy chuvoso 

raise levantar, elevar 

rally motejar 

rather antes, bastante 

ray raio m. 

reach atingir, chegar a. 

read ler; to — again tornar a 

ready pronto 
reason razSo f. 
rebuild reconstruir 
recall (rejlembrar 
receive receber, acolher 
recognise reconhecer 
recollect lembrar-se 
recompense recompensa f. 
reconnoitre reconhecer 
recover restabelecer 
red vermelho 
reduce reduzir 
reed ca(n)na f. 
reflect reftectir 
refuge, to take — refugiar-se 
refuse recusar 
regular regular 
reign reinar 
rejoice regosijar 
relate contar, referir 
relieve socorrer 
rely fiar-se, contar em 
remain ficar 
remedy rem^dio m. 
remember lembrar-se; me to 

him diga-lhe muitas lemhrangas 

rend rasgar 
render devolver 
renounce renunciar a 
repair concertar, reparar 
repeat repetir 
repent arrepender-se 
reply responder, replicar 
report avisar, informar, referir; 

s. relatdrio m. 
repose descansar, repousar 
reproach censurar, repreender 
repulse repulsar 
require requerir, exigir 
resemble assemelhar, parecer-se 

reside residir, morar 
resolve resolver, decidir 

English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 


rest descansai; ficar 

restless desassocegado 

restrain restringir 

return voltar, tornar, restituir 

reveal revelar 

revenge vinganqa f. 

reward recompensa f. 

ribbon fita f. 

rice arroz m. 

rich rico 

riches riqueza f., bens m. pi. 

ridiculous ridieulo 

right justo, direito; — hand 

direita f.; you are — tern 

ring annd m., argola f.; —v. 

(the bell) tocar 
ripen madurecer 
rise levantar-se 
risk risco, perigo m. 
river rio m. 
road estrada f. 
rob roubar 
robber ladrao m. 
roof telhado m. 
room espago m., aposento, quarto 

rose rosa f. 
rotten podre, pdtrido 
round redondo 
ruin riiina f. 
rule regra f. 
run correr; — away fugir; — to 

acorrer; — over percorrer; 

— a ground frustrar-se. 

sad triste 
safe salvo 

sail V. ir a vela; s. vela f. 

salad salada f., alfaee m. 

sale venda f. 

salt sel m. 

same mesnio 

satisfy satisfazer 

Saturday sd(b)bado m. 

savage selvagem 

save salvar 

say diger 

scarce apenas 

Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 

scholar aluCmJno m. 

school escola f., aula f. 

scold ralhar 

seal V. selar; s. selo m. 

season estagao f. 

seaman marinheiro in. 

seat logar m., assento m. 

secret segredo m. 

seduce seduzir 

see ver 

seek procurar 

seem parecer 

seize apanhar 

seldom raramente 

sell vender 

send maiidar, enviar; — away 

mandar embora, despedir; — 

for mandar, buscar 
sense sentido m. 
September setembro (in dates 

S-) m. 
servant criado, — a 
serve servir 
set off, — out partir 
settle arranjar 
sew coser 

shade, shadow sombra f. 
shame vergonha f. 
share partilhar em 
shed (blood) derramar 
sheep ovelha f., carneiro m. 
sheet folha f. (of a bed), lengo 

shine brilhar, luzir 
ship navio m., ndu f., vapor m. 
shirt camisa f. 
shoe sapato m. 
shoemaker sapateiro m. 
shop loja f. 

shore margem f., praia f. 
short breve, curto 
show mostrar, manifestar 
shrub arbusto m. 
shun evitar, fugir de 
shut fechar; — in eneerrar 
sick doente 
side lado m. 
sight vista f. 
silence silencio m. 
silk seda f. 
silly parvo 
silver prata f. 



English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 

simple nimples 
since desde (que) 
sincere sincero 
sing cantar 

sister imm; — in-law eunkada 

sit (down) sentar-se 
skate patinar 
skin pe(l)le f. 
slander dizer mal de 
slaughter matafiga f. 
sleep V. dormir; s. somno 7n. 
slide, slip escorregar 
small pequeno 
smile sorrir ; s. sorriso m. 
smoke fumo m.\ — v. fumar 
snow neve f. ; — flakes frocos de 

neve; — v. nevar 
so assim, too; — that tanto que; 

— many tantos 

soap sabao m., sdbonete m. 

sober sdbrio 

soft mo(l)le, meigo 

soil solo m., chao m. ; — v. sujar 

soldier soldado in. 

solve (dts)golver 

something algutna coisa, dlgo 

song canto m. 
soon brew, logo, cedo 
sorrow desgosto m., mdgoa f. 
sorry triste ; I am — sinto, tenha 

soul alma f. 
sound sao, rijo; s. som 
source fonte f. 
south sul m. 
speak falar 
spell soletrar 
spite, in — of apesar de 
spoil estragar 
spoon eolher f. 
sport esporte m. 
spot logar 
spread espalhar 
spring s. primavera f., tnola f.; 

— V. saltar 
spy espia f. 
stagger cambalar 

stain mancha, nddoa f.; — v. 

staircase escada(ria) f. 

stake paste m., estaca f. ; to be 

at — estar arriscado 
star estrclla f. 
state estado m., condi<;ao 
stay ficar 
step passo m. 
stick ^(iw m., bengala f. 
still ainda 
sting morder 
stir mover, inexer(-se) 
stocking meia f. 
stone pedra f. 
stop parar 
storm tempestade f. 
strange estranho, estranjeiro 
strawberry morango m. 
street rua f., caminho m. 
strength forga f. 
strike bater, ferir; (clock) dar 

strong forte 

study estudar; s. gdbinete 
stuff estofo m., materia f. 
subdue subjugar, amansar 
subject sujeito m., assumpto m~ 
submit submeter 
subtract subtrair 
succeed su(e)ceder, lograr 
success su(c)cesso m. 
successful bem siJb(c)cedido, feliz 
such tal 
suffer sofrer 
suffice bastar 
sufficient sufieiente 
sufficiently hastante 
sugar assiicar m. 


thunder trovdo m. 

Thursday quinta-feira f. 

thus assim 

tiger tigre m. 

till aU'(a) 

time tempo m., vez f. 

timid timido 

tired cansado 

to a, para; to-day hoje; to- 
morrow amanha 

too, — much demais, demasiado^ 

tooth dente m. 

English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 


top cimo m. 

towards para (com) 

towel toalha f. 

tower torre f. 

town cidade f. 

tradesman negociante 

tragedy tragedia f. 

transgress infringir 

translate iraduzir, verier 

translation traduCcJeao f., versaof. 

travel viajar 

traveller viajante m. 

treasure tesouro m. 

treat tratar; ill — maltratar 

treatment tratamento m. 

treaty tratado m. 

tree drvore f. 

tremble tremer 

trouble inquietar, desassocegar, 

true wrdadeiro ; it is — £ ver- 

trust confiar em, descansar em 
truth verdade f. 
try experimentar, proeurar 
Tuesday terga-feira f. 
Turkish turco 
turn volta f. 
tutor preceptor, tutor m. 
tyrant tyra(n)no m. 


ugly few 

umbrella parasol m., guarda- 
chuva m. 

unawares inesperadamente 

uncle tio m. 

understand compre(7i)ender, en- 

undertake empre(h)ender 

undo desfazer 

unfortunate desgragado 

ungrateful ingrato 

unhappy infeliz 

unheard of inaudito 

unknown deseonheddo 

unless a nao ser que 

unsettled ineerto 

upon em, sobre, em eima de 

uprightness rectidao f. 

use uso m., hdbito m.; — v. 

useful lUil 

usually de ordindrio 

utter (cries) dar (gritos). 


vainly debalde 

valley val(le) m. 

valour valor m., valentia f. 

variety variedade f. 

various vdrio 

vast vasto 

velvet veludo m. 

very muito, bem. 

vessel vaso m., ncivio m. 

vice vicio m. 

victory victdria f. 

village aldeia f., vila f. 

vinegar vinagre m. 

violet violeta f. 

virtue virtude f. 

virtuous virtuoso 

visit s. visita f.\ — v. visitar, 

voice voz f. 

volume volume, tome m. 
vow voto m.; — v. vota/r 
voyage vidgem f. 


wait esperar 

walk passear; s. passeio m. 

wall muro m. 

walnut noz f. 

want falta; — v. precisar; to 

be — ed faltar 
war guerra f. 
warm quente 
watch reldgio m.; — v. velar, 

water dgua f. 
way caminho m. 
weak fraco 

wear traser, trajar, vestir 
weariness cansago, aborrecimento 

\ dborrecido 



weather tempo m. 

Wednesday quarto-feira f. 

week semana f. 



English-Portuguese Vocabulary. 

weep clwrar 
weigh pesar 
well hem; to be — eslar hem 

or horn 
wheat trigo m. 
when quando 
where onde 
whip chieote m. 
white branco 
whole inteiro, todo 
why porque? 
wicked ruim 
wide largo 

widow vitcva f. ; — er viuvo m. 
wife esposa f., mulher f. 
wild selvdgem 

willing prompto ; to be — querer 
willingly gostosamente 
win ganhar 
wind vento m. 

wind up (a watch) dar corda a 
window janela f. 
wine vinho m. 
wing asa f. 
winter inverno f. 
wipe esfregar 
wisdom sabedoria f. 
wise sdbio, erudito, prudente 
wish desejar 
without sem 
witness testemunha f. 
woman mulher f. 
wonderful admirdvel, maravi- 

wood bosque, madeira f., pdu m. 

wool Id f. 

word pcdavra f. ; to keep one's 

— cumprir com a sua pala- 

work obra f., trabalho m. ; — v- 

workman operdrio m. 
world viundo m. 
worm verme m. 
worse peer, pior 
worth digno'i to be — valer 
wound ferida f.; — ■». ferir 
wretched desgragado, miserdvel 
write escrever 
writing letra f. 
wrong injustiia; to be — ndo 

ter razao. 


year anno m. 

yellow amarel(l)o 

yesterday (h)ontem 

yet ainda 

yield ceder 

yoke jugo m. 

young novo, mogo 

youth juventude, mocidade f. 

zeal zelo m. 

zealous zeloso 

zero zero m. 

zounds! porDeus! com a hreea! 

— 5(f- 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


Abaixo /s'Saj/w/ down; under 
ahalar fSis'lar] to shake 
abandonar [v^ndu'nar] to 

ab(h)ade /e'Sa^aJ "*■ abbot 
abelha [y'tvUv] f. bee 
abenfoar [abensu'arj to bless 
aberto [v'tsrtu] open 
aboUr fabu'lirj to abolish 
aborrecer [TiiurrQ 'serj to abhor, 

abragar febrv'sar] to embrace 
abreviar /BSc9»?'3r7 to abbreviate 
abrigar [ebri'garj to shelter 
abrigo [v'tricju] m. shelter 
abril [v'briij m. April 
abrir fe'brirj to open 
abuso [is 'fjuzu] in. abuse 
acabar [vke'barj to finish 
acaso fe'lcazu] m. chance 
acautelado [vkaut^ 'laduj cau- 
acautelar-se [elcauta'larssj to 

acgao [a' sin] f. action 
a(c)cento fs'sentu] m. accent 
a(c)eeso [v'segu] lighted 
a(c)crescentar ['Bkrafsen'tar] SsVl§- 

ment, increase 
a(c)cusar [vTcu'zar] accuse 
aceitnr [vs^si'tar] to accept 
acender [v sender] to light, 

acertar [vsar'tar] to hit 
achar fv'far] to find 
acido I'agtffu] acid, sour 

acima fv'simv] over 
aclarar [vkl'e'rar] to clear 
ago ['asu] steel m. 
aeolher [vhu'fier] receive 
acompanhar [vicdmpe'par] ac- 
aconseihar [vTcosf'/iar] to advise 
acontecer [■elconta'ser] to happen 
acordar [ehur'dar] to awake 
acostumar [ylcuftu'mar] to ac- 
acre ['alcrd] ^, sour 
acreditar [^kreffi'tar] to believe 
activo [a'tivu] active 
acto f'atu] m. act, action 
actor [a' tor] m. = 
actriz [a'trifj f. actress 
actual [a'tuai] = 
addigao [■effi'siu] f. addition 
adiante [edi'vntgj before, for- 
adiar [vcTfar] to adjourn 
adivinhar fEfyvi'jiarJ to guess 
adoecer [edui'ser] to fall ill 
adormeeer [v&urma'ser] to fall 

or lull asleep 
advertir [vffdvar'tir] to advise 
afadigar ['efedi'^ar] to fatigue,. 

afamado ['sfe'maffu] famous 
afastar [vfvf'tar] to remove 
afazeres [vfv'zerif] m. pi. busi- 
a(f)fecto [^'fEtu] m. affect 
a(f)feigao ["efvi'svu] f. aiFection 
a(f)fi.rmar [vfir'mar] to affirm 
a(f)flicto [v'flitu] afflicted 
a(f)fiigir [vfli'^ir] to afflict 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

af(f)lueiite [eflu'entg] m. affluent 
agarrar [vgeWrar] to seize 
agasalho [ege'zaduj m. lodging, 

agradecer [egred'a'ser] to thank 
agradecido [vgrvdg' siduj thank- 
agradecimento [vgi-vdssi'mSntu] 

m. thanks 
agrado [v'gra,&u] m. liking 
dgua f'agvjB] f. water 
aguardar [vgitter dar] to await 
agudo [e'gu&uj sharp, pointed 
aguia [agiej f. eagle 
agulha [e'gufiv] f. needle 
ahi [v'i] there 
ainda [v'lndvj still 
ajoelhar [v^ut'fiarj to kneel 
ajuda [e'guffej f. help 
ajudar fs^u'i]ra,rj to help 
alargar [nVar'ga,r] to enlargen 
alcan^ar [alke'sarj to reach, 

aldeao [atdi'^u] m. peasant 
aldeia [al'dviv] village. 
alegre [v'lcgra] gay 
alegria [vh'gri:v] f. gaiety, joy 
aUm [a'lvi] beyond 
dlfaiate [alfvi 'ale] m. tailor 
alfandegafai'fendsgsj f. custom- 
alfinete [alfi'neta] m. pin 
algibeira [algi'ietraj f. pocket 
algodao [atgu'Ovu] m. cotton 
alguem [al'gv}] somebody 
algum [al'gU] some 
alimento [eli'mentu] m. nourish- 
Al(l)emanha [vh'majiv] f. Ger- 
al(l)emao [vld'mvu] m. German 
al(l)i [vli] there 
alma ['almv] f. soul 
almo^ar [aimu'sarj to hreak- 

almogo [al'mosu] m. breakfast 
alto ['aitu] high, tall 
altura [al'turv] f. height 
alugar ['elu'garj to hire, let 
alumno [s'lunuj pupil, student 
dlvo ['(Ami] m. white, aim 
amanha [ame'jie] to-morrow 

aynar [e'mar] to love 
amarelo [vmv'relu] yellow 
amargo fv'margu] bitter 
amdvel [v'mavci] amiable 
ambigao [vmbi'svu] f. ambi- 
amhicioso [imbisi'osu] ambi- 
amhos f'smbuf] both 
ameaga [ymi'asv] f. threat, 

ameagar fvmtv'sar] to threaten 
amendoa [e'mlndue] f. almond 
americano fumeri'lcvnii] Ameri- 
amigdvel [vmi' gavetj amicably 
amigo [y'migu] m. friend 
amiudo [•etm'uO'u] often 
amizade [iem% zaffd] f. friend- 
amo I'vmu] ni. master 
amor [e'mor] love 
amostra [v'mostre] f. pattern, 

ancido [vsi'iu] m. old man 
a/ncora ['vTcura] f. anchor 
andar [vn'dar] to go, walk 
andorinlia [endu'ripv] f. swallow 
dngulo ['igulu] m. angle, corner 
angustia [v'guftw] f. anguish, 

ariho I'yjiu] m. lamb 
animal fvni'maij m. = 
animo I'vnimu] m. valour, con- 
anjo [igu] m. angel 
a(n)nel [v'nei] m. ring 
a(n)nexo [v'neksu] annexed 
a(n)niversdrio [vnivar' sarfu] m. 

a(n)nual [y'nuai] annual, yearly 
a(n)mmciar [ynviisy ar] announce 
a(n)nwncio [v'nusiu] advertise- 
anoitecer fvnoitg'ser] to grow 

night, darken 
antever [vntg'verj to foresee 
antigo [vn'tigu] ancient 
antiguidade [vntigi' ffaffa] anti- 
apagar fvpe'gar] to extinguish, 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


■apanhar fepe'^a>-J to grasp, 

catch, pick 
■apartar [eper'tarj to separate 
■apear, apiar [epi'arj to alight 
apenas [v'penvf] scarcely 
aperfeigoar fvpgrfvisu'ar] to ac- 
apertar [ypar'tar] to bind, tie, 

press, squeeze 
aperto [v 'pertu] m. crowd, throng 
•apoderar-se [epu&s'rarsej to 

seize, to take possession 
■apontar [vpon'tarj to point, 

aim at 
aposento [epu'zentu] m. room 
aposta [v'pofta] f. wager, bet 
ap6stolo [^'poftulu] m. apostle 
aCpJparecer [vpvra'serj appear 
<i(p)parelho [vp's'trefiiu] m. ap- 
<i(p)pelido [ypd'liffu] m. surname 
a(jp^/)Za«so/»'pZaM«u7»n. applause 
€t(p)plieaQao [splike 'svujf. appli- 
a(p)plicado [^pli'ka.d'u] diligent 
a,(p)proximar [vprosi'marj to ap- 
aprego [e'presu] m. estimation 
aprender [vpren'der] to learn 
€iprendiz [vpren'di:/] m. ap- 
apresentar [vpr9zen'tarj to pre- 
sent, introduce 
apressado [vpre'snira] hasty 
uproveitar [epruv^f'tarj to profit 
nptiddo [apti'Sfvu] f. aptness 
aquecer [vhe'ser] to warm, 

aquelle [e'lcehj that 
aqui [y'lcij here 
<iquietar [vlcte'tarj to quiet 
■aquillo [e'lciluj that 
ar [arj m. air 

arbitrdrio [vrbi 'trariu] arbitrary 
arbusto [sr'biiftuj m. shrub 
arcebispo [vrss'bifpuj m. arch- 
arco ['arJcuJ m. arch 
areia [e'rswj f. sand 
argola fvr'galej f. ring 
arguir [srgu'ir] to argue 
aria ['anv] f. aria, air, song 

drido ['ar'tOu] dry 
arma ['arrive] f. weapon 
armazem [vrmv'ze}] m. ware- 
house, magazine 
arranjar [errs'garj to arrange, 

arrdtel [a'rrateij m. pound 
arredores [vrra'fforif] m. pi. en- 
arrefecSr [errgfs'cer] to cool, 

catch cold 
arroe [e'rrofj m. rice 
arte ['arts] f. art 
artigo [vr'tiguj m. article 
artilharia [vrti^'B'rijvJ f. ar- 
artista [vr'tiftv] m. artist 
drvore ['arvura] f. tree 
asa ['azv] f. wing, handle 
asno ['agnuj m. ass 
dspero ['afpgruj rough 
assado [v'sa&u] m. roast-meat 
assaltar [vsat'tar] to assault 
asseio fy'svtuj m. neatness 
assentar [vsen'tarj to seat, put 
assento [v'sentuj m. seat 
assignatura [vsinv 'tmsj f. signa- 
assim [v'si] so 
assistir fusi/'tir] to assist 
ass4car [v'sukarj m. sugar 
assunto [v'suntuj m. subject 
assustar [vsuftar] to frighten 
astro ['aftruj m. star 
atirar [vti'rar] to throw, 

atraigoar [vtratsu'arj to betray 
atrds [v'trafj behind, after 
atraso [v'trazu] m. delay 
atravessar [vtraw'sar] to cross 
atento [v'tentu] attentive 
au(g)mento [au'mlntu] m. aug- 

, mentation, increase 
Austria fauftriv] f. = 
autor fau'tor] m. author 
dvido faviffuj covetous, greedy 
aviso /»'wsM7ni. communication, 

avo [e'vo] m. grandfather 
avo [v'vo] f. grandmother 
az&do fe'zeOu] sour 
azdtdna [vgvi'towej f. olive 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

azul [v'zul] blue 
azulejo [vzu'lvguj m. Dutcb 
tile glazed. 


bacalhau [beky'/iauj m. cod- 

bacia [by'si:v] f. basin 

haga ['bage] f. berry, drop (of 

bagdgem fbv'gagvij f. luggage 

hago f'baguj m. grain of a 

bahia fbe'ie] f. bay; B— 

bailor [bat'lai-J to dance 

baUe ['ba}h] m. ball 

bainha [by'ijiv] f. sheath 

bairro f'batrruj m. quarter of 
a town 

baixa ['baifsj decrease; leave, 
B — part of Lisbon 

baixar [bai'far] to sink, fall 

baixella [baffelvj f. furniture 
for the table, silver-plate 

baixio [bay'fiu] m. low water 

baixo [bai'fu] low 

hala I'baleJ ball 

balania [be'lvsa] f. balance, 

balango [bv'lvsii] m. belance 

balcao [bul'kiu] m. balcony, 

baldado [bai'da&uj void 

balde f'baidsj m. bucket 

baloigar [baloy'sar] to balance 

baneada [bv'kaffv] f. pew, 

banco ['bekuj m. bank 

bandeira [bvn'dvtrvj f. flag, 

band$ja [bvn'dvge] f. tray, tea- 

bando f'benduj m. band 

banho [' bvpuj; — s. pi. 

baptismo [ba'tigmuj m. bap- 
barato [be'ratuj cheap 
barba f'barbis] f. beard ; chin 
barbear [biirWar] to shave 

barca, barcaga ['barkv, bvr'kasvj 

f. bark, ferry-boat, lighter 
barco f'barkiij m. bark, boat 
barra ['barrvj f. bar, mouth of 

a river; trimming 
barriga [bv'rrige] f. belly; 

— da perna calf of the leg 
barril [bv 'rrii] m. cask 
barro ['barruj clay 
barulho [bv'rufiu] m. noise 
bastante [b^f 'tints] enough; 

bastar [bv/'tarj to be sufficient 
batallm [bv'taHv] f. battle 
batata [bv'tatv] f. potato 
bater [bv'ter] to beat 
beber [ba'ber] to drink 
bebida [bn'biffej f. drink, potion 
beigo ['bvisuj m. lip 
bdjar /fisj'jar/ to kiss 
beijo [bvigu] m. kiss 
beira ['bvyrej brink, shore; B — 

Province of Portugal 
beiramar [buyr'e'mar] f. sea- 
belga ['bsigv] m. and f. Belgian 
BUgica ['bsljikvj f. Belgium 
beleza [ba'lezv] f. beauty 
bem [bv}] well 

bemfeitor [bvifey'tor] m. bene- 
bemquisto [bv}'k}ftu] well- 
bengao fbessuj f. blessing 
benefico [bd'ncfyku] beneficial 
benivolo [ba'risvulu] benevolent 
bento ['bentuj consecrated 
benzer(-se) [bf' iier(-s3)] to con- 
secrate, to make the sign of 
the cross 
berrar fba'rrarj to scream 
besta ['befte] m. beast, brute 
biblia ['Utlw] f. Bible 
bicho ['bifu] m. worm 
bieo fbikuj m. beak, bill 
bife i'bifd] m. beef 
hilha ['bvS's] f. earthen pot 
bilhete [bi'Reta] m. note, 

bispo [bifpu] m. bishop 
boato ['buatu] m. rumour 
boca ['bokej f. mouth 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


bocado [hu'haffu] m. mouthful, 

toi [bo}J m. ox 
hoia f'haiej f. buoy 
hola f'MvJ f. ball 
bolo f'boluj m. cake, biscuit 
bolor [bu'lorj m. mould 
bolsa ['bolsvj f. purse 
bolso ['boisuj m. pocket 
bom, boa [bo, bo's] good 
bondade [bdn'dad'3] f. goodness 
bonito [bu'nitu] nice 
borboleta [burbu'lete] f. butterfly 
bordo ['borduj m. board 
borracha [bu'rrafvj f. leather 

bofa ['bate] f. boot 
botao [bu'ivu] m. button 
botar [bu'tar] to cast, throw 
bote I'botaJ m. boat 
botica [bu'tike] f. apothecary's 

brago ['brasuj m. arm 
bradar [bmoar] to shout 
bramar [brvmur] to roar 
branco ['brejcuj white 
branguear [brvlei'ar] to whiten, 

brasao [brv'gvu] arms 
brasileiro [brezi'lviruj Brazilian 
bravo f'bravuj brave, wild 
breve ['brevd] brief 
brilhar [hri'fiar] to shine, excel 
brincar [bri"kar] to play 
broa I'brov] f. bread of millet 
bronze ['brozd] m. brass 
burgues [bur'gef] m. citizen 
burro ['burruj m. ass 
buscar [buf"kar] to fetch 
buxo ['bufu] m. box-tree 


cabesa [kv'besv] f. head 
cabe(l)lo [ke'beluj m. hair 
eaber [Tie'berJ to find room (in) 
eabo [habu] m. end, handle 
cabra ['kairej f. goat 
cabrito [ke'britu] vi. kid 
caga f'kase] f. chase 
caeho fkafu] m. grape 
caco f'kaku] m. potsherd 

cada ['kvd^J every, any 
cadeia [k^ ffviv] f. chain 
cadeira [ka'detr^J f. chair 
caderno [ke'ffernu] m. copy- 
caes [kaif] m, quay 
cafd [kv'fs] m. coffee-house 
ca(h)ir [kn'ir] to fall 
caixa ['katfvj f. box 
caixdo [kai'Jvu] m. coffin 
calar [Tee'lar] to keep secret 
calfada fJcai'saffvJ f. pavement 
calgado [kai'sa&uj f. shoes and 

cdlgar fkai'sar] to put on 

calculo fkalkulu] m. calculation 
caldeira [kai'dvfrej f. kettle 
caldo ['kaiduj m. broth 
calice, calis ['kalifj m. chalice 
callo ['kaluj corn, hard skia 
calmo ['katmuj calm 
color [ke'lorj m. heat 
cama f'kvmv] f. bed 
camara ['kvmvrvj f. chamber 
camarote [kvme'rotgj m. cabin, 

canibio [kvrribiu] m. exchange; 
letra de — bill of exchange 
cambista [kSm'biftv] m. money- 
caminho [kii'mijiu] in. way 
camisa [ka'misv] f. shirt 
eampainha [kimpv'ijiv] f. bell 
campo f'kempuj m. field ; no — 

in the country 
caneca [kv'iukvj f. mug, can 
eanel(l)a [k^'riElv] f. cinnamon 
canhao fke'jivu] m. cannon 
canna ['k'en'e] f. cane, reed; de 

asuccar sugar-cane 
eatzo ['k vnuj m. pipe, tube 
canon ['kmton] m. cannon 
cansago [kv'sasuj m. weariness 
cansar fke 'sarj to tire 
canlar [kin tar] to sing 
canto [kvntu] m. song 
cao [kvuj m. dog 
capa ['kapv] f. cloak, cover 
capaz [kv'pafj capable 
capel(l)a [kv'pele] f. chapel 
capital [kept'tai] = 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

capitao [kepi'teu] m. captain 
capltulo [ke'pitulu] m. chapter 
ca(p)tivo [ke'tivuj m. captive 
cara ['karej f. face 
caracol [kere'Tcjl] m. snail; 

cardcter [ke'raterj m. character 
car da ['karda] carding-comb 
carded [kvrdfal] m. cardinal 
cardo f'karduj m. thistle 
carga ['karge] f. load, harden 
cargo [Icargu] m. charge 
caridade [keri'ffada] f. charity 
came ['karns] f. meat 
carneiro [kEr'n^iru] in. mutton, 

caro ['karuj dear 
carril fkE'rriiJ m. track; pi. 

carris rail 
carro ['karru] m. car, carriage 
carrudgem [kerru'agvij f. car- 
carta f'kartvj f. letter 
carleira [kir'tvire] f. pocket- 
carteiro [ker'tviru] m. postman 
carvalho fkvr'vaAuJ m. oak 
carvao [kvr'vsuj m. coal 
casa ['kazej f. house 
easacao [kvzv'hiu] m. great- 
casamento [kvzv 'mentuj m. wedd- 
casar [ke'zarj marry 
casca ['kafkv] f. bark, rind 
cascata [kefkaivj f. cascade 
caso f'kazuj m. case, accident 
easte(l)lo [kef'telu] castle 
castigar [kvf'tigar] to punish 
casulo [ka'zulu] m. hull, hask 
Cauda f'kaudej f. tail, train 
causa I'kausaJ f. cause, plea 
oautela [kau'telej caution, 

cavalariga [kevEle'risBj f. stable 
cavallo [he'valu] m. horse 
cear [sy'ar] to sup 
cehdla [sa'tolv] f. onion, bulb 
cedo f'sefuj soon 
cego [seguj blind 
ceifar [sei'farj to harvest, cut 

celebrar [sdh'brar] to celebrate 
celebre ['iehira] famous 
cem [sv}] a hundred 
censura [se'sarv] f. censure 
cerdro ['sentru] m. centre 
cera fsers] f. wax 
cereo ['serkuj f. circle, circuit 
cerebro fserabruj m. brain, 

cereja [sg'rejvj f. cherry 
cerejeira [sdry' gvire] f. cherry- 
cerrar [sa'rrarj to shut, close 

certeza [sar'tezv] f. certainty 
certidao [s3rtt'dvuj m. certifi- 
certo f'sertuj sure, certain 
cessar [sa'sar] to cease 
ceu, [sEu] m. heaven, sky 
chdcara ['fakvrej f. Bras, farm, 

chaga ['fagvj f. wound 
ehamar ['fvmar] to call 
chamma ['fvmvt] f. flame, blaze 
cliao [fiu] m. ground, soil, 

charuto [fe'rutu] cigar 
chaio f'fatuj flat 
chave ['favaj f. key 
chegar [ff'gar] to arrive 
cheio ['feiuj full 
cheirar [fvi'rarj to smell 
chicara ['fikervj f. cup 
ehim, chines [Ji, fi'nef] m. 

chita ['fitv] f. printed calico 
chorar ffu'rarj to cry, weep 
ehourigo [fo'risu] m. sausage 
chover [fu'ver] to rain 
christao [krif'tvu] (m.) Christian 
chronista [kru'niftis] m. chro- 
chumbo f'fumbuj m. lead 
chuvoso [fu'vozuj rainy 
cicatrizfsike 'trifjf. cicatrice, scar 
cidade [gi'ffaff^J f. town 
cigarro fs}'garru] m. cigar 
cima f'simej f. top; em — on, 

cineo ['sikuj five 
cincoenta [si'kwentie] fifty 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


circo [sirJcu] m. circus 
circular [sfrkularj to circulate 
oirculo f'sirkuluj m. circle 
civil [sa'vii] civil, polite 
ehrear, clarificar [klert'dr, 
klvrtfi'kar] to grow light, to 
claro ['klaruj clear 
classe ['klasaj f. class, species 
clima f'klime] m. climate 
cobarde [ku'barda] (m.) coward 
coiberta [ku'bertsj f. cover 
cobertor [kubar'torj »m. blanket, 

cobertura [kubir'ture] f. cover- 
cobre [hfbrd] m. copper 
eobrir [kii'brir] to cover 
eoche ['kofij m. coach 
eoelho f'kus'ltu] m. rabbit 
collier [ku Her] to gather, pluck 
collegial [kuligi'ai] collegiate 
collo ['kaluj m. neck, lap 
eollocar fkulu'karj to put 
colonia [ku'lonfv] f. colony 
colza fkotzej f. barley 
combater [koinbv 'terj to combat 
combinoQao [kombinv'sau] f. 

coinbdio [kom'batuj m. train 
combustivel [kOmbuf'tivsiJ (m.) 

comegar [kuma'sar] to begin 
comedia [ku'msd'iv] f. comedy 
comer [ku'merj to eat 
co(m)memorar [kunumu'rarj to 

cofmjmerdal [kumvrsi'al] = 
co(tn)nierciante[kum9i-si 'vntaj m. 

co(m)mircio [ku'mersfuj m. com- 
com(m)etter [kuma 'terJ to commit 
co(m)migo [ku'migu] with me 
co(vi)misao [kumi'seaj f. com- 
c6(m)moda ['komu'dv] f. chest of 

co(m)mover ['kumuver] to move 
co(m)mumcagd,o [kumunikv 'svuj 
f. communication 

comnosco [kd'nofku] with us 

coma f'komuj how 

companheiro [kompv'jvetru] m. 

comparagdo [kdmpvrE 'ssuj f. 

comparecer [kompera'serj to 

compartimento [kdmpsrti'men- 
tu] m. division, compartment 

compasso [kom'pasu] m. com- 

compatriota [kompv trhte] m. 
and f. country-man (-woman) 

compendia fkdin'pend}u] m. com- 

completar [komph't&r] to com- 

complicar [kdmpl}'kar] to com- 

compdsto [kom'poftu] compound 

comprar [kom'prar] to buy 

comprefhejnder [kompryen'der] 
to comprehend 

compndo [kom'priffu] long 

concelho [ko' satin] m. council; 

concertar [kSsar'tar] to mend, 

concha f'kdfe] f. shell 

concorrer [koku'rrer] to concur 

concorrencia fkoku'rresie] f. 

concurso [ko'kursu] m. con- 
course, crowd 

conde(m)na.r [konda'nar] to con- 

condigao [kondi' ssu] f. condition 

condiseipulo [kondffsiptdu] m. 

condacta [kOn'dute] f. conduct 

confessar [kofs'sur] to confess 

coniianQa [kofy'isv] f. con- 

conforme [ko'fornw] like, con- 

confuso [kO'fusn] mixed, con- 

congratidar [kSgrstu'Ur] to con- 

conhecimento [kojiisi'mentu] m. 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

conq^uista [kd'kiftsj f. conquest 
consciimna [kofs}'egi^] f. con- 
conseguvr [kosB'^ir] to reach 
conselho [ko'svUu] m. advice 
consentir [kosen'tir] to consent 
consideraQao fkosi&srv 'svuj f. 

cmisiderar [kosi&a'mr] to con- 
eoHsistir [kOsis'tirJ to consist 
consoante [kosu'ints] f. con- 
consocio [ko'sos'uj m. com- 
panion, associate 
consolo [ko'solu] m. consolation 
constmite [koj'ivnta] steady 
constar [koj'tur] to appear, to 

be said 
constipado [kiyti'pai)^uj, estar — 

to have a cold 
constituigao [koftitui'sSnJ f. 

construcQao [koftru'svii] f. con- 
cansulta [ko'suHv] f. consulta- 
conta ['konte] f. account, bill 
contagiosa [kontiegi'ozu] con- 
contar [kon'tar] to count, reckon 
contents [kon'tentd] content 
center [kon'terj to contain 
conteilde fkont} 'ii&uj in. contents 
continuar [kontinu'ar] to con- 
canto f'kontuj m. tale, story; 

— de reis = 1000 milreis 
contra ['kdntre] against 
convento [ko've ntuj m. convent 
conversa, conversagao [ko'vsrsv, 

kovarsE'svuJ f. conversation 
convicgao [kdvik'svuj f. con- 
convidar [kovi'd'a.r] to invite 
copia ['kopia.] f. copy 
cor [kor] f. colour 
cor [kor], de — by heart 
coragdo [kurv'seuj m. heart 
cor da [ku'roe, 'krav] f. crown 
coroar [ku'ruar] to crown 
corpo ['korpu] m. body 

correio [ku'rrefuj m. post, 
courier; — geral chief post 
corrente [ku'rrentd] f. current, 

correr [ku'rrerj to run, flow 
correspondencia [kumfpon'de- 

giv] f. correspondence 
corrigir fkurra'sirj to correct, 

to mend 
cortar [kur'tar] to cut 
eorte f'kortaj m. edge, cut 
cdrte ['kortij f. court 
cortejo [kur'te^uj m. train, at- 
eortes [kur'tef] polite 
cortesia [kurta'ziiv] f. courtesy, 

cortiga fkur'tisvj f. rind, bark 
coiiigo [kur'tisu] m. bee-hive 
cortir [kur'tir] to tan 
corvo ['korim] m. raven 
coser [ku'zerj to sew, coast 

casta ['kaftvj f. coast, shore 
eostumar [kuflu'mar] to be ac- 
costura [kuf'turv] f. sewing 
costureira [kujtu'rvyrv] f. seam- 
couro ['koru] m. leather 
couve J'kovd] f. cabbage 
cova I'kom] f. hole, grave 
c6xa fkofvj f. thigh 
cozer [ku'zerj to cook, boil, 

cozido [kit 'ziduj m. boiled meat 
cozinha [ku'zijiv] f. kitchen 
craneo ['krvniu] m. skull 
cravo ['kravuj m. pink, clove 
creasao [kr}v'svuj f. creation 
creador [kriv'fforj m. creator 
crear [kr} 'arj to create 
creatura [kryv'turv] f. creature 
crSdito ['krs&ituj m. credit, re- 
crenga ['kresvj f. faith 
crer [krerj to believe 
crescer [kraf'serj to grow 
criado, -a [krt'adu, kri'affej s. 

crianga [krt'ese] f. child 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


criar [Icn'arJ to breed, produce, 

crime ['krimaj m. = 
criminoso [hrami'nosu] criminal 
era pcru] raw 
cruel [kru'ei] = 
crug [Tcru:f] f. cross 
cuidado pcui'ffadu] m. care 
cujo ['Icugu] whose 
culpa fkulpv] f. fault 
cuUivar [kuiti'varj cultivate 
cumplice ['kumplisaj m. accom- 
cumulo fkumuluj m. heap 
cunhado, (-a) [ku'jtaffuj s. 

cunho ['kujiuj m. stamp, coin 
oura ['kurej s. cure, curate 
curativo [kure'tivu] curing 
curioso [kui'i'osuj curious 
curral fku'rrai] m. sheep-fold, 

curso ['kursuj m. course, race 
curto ['hurtuj short 
cuspir [kuf'pir] to spit 
custa ['kufte] f. cost, expense, 

custo ['kuftu] m. cost, diffi- 
cutelo [ku'tslu] m. knife 
cutilada [kutt' laffej f. cut, wound 
cgar [ks'zarj m. = 


dddiva ['da,d}vvj f. gift 
dado ['daifu] die 
dama ['deme] f. dame, lady 
damasco [dv 'mafku] m. damask ; 

da(m)iw [dvnuj m. damage 
dansa ['dvse] f. dance 
dar [dar] to give 
data ['da.t'e] f. date 
debaixo [dd'iaffu] under 
debalde [dd'haldd] in vain 
dibil I'deHlJ weak 
debito ['debituj m. debt 
decencia [da 'ses}ej f. decency 
decidir [dasd '&ir] to decide 
deeifrar [ddsi'frar] to decipher 

decima ['dssimvj f. tenth 
declaragao [daklvre'seuj f. de- 
declinar [dakWnarJ to decline 
declive [da'klmj m. steep 
decoro [ds'koru] m. decorum 
decorrer [ddku'rrer] to elapse 
decreto [dd'kretu] m. decree 
decuplo ['dekupluj tenfold 
dedal [dd'ffal] m. thimble 
dedicar [de&i'kar] to dedicate 
dedo f'deffuj m. finger 
defeito [da'faitu] m. defect 
defender [dafen' der] to defend 
deferir [ddfa'rir] to defer 
defesa [da'feza,] f. defence 
defeso [dd'fezu] m. forbidden 
definitivo [dafana'tivuj definitive 
defronte [da frontaj opposite 
defunto [da'fimtu] defunct 
degredo [da'tfreffuj m. exile 
deitar [dvi'tar] to lay down, 

deixar [d'ei'fa/r] to let, leave 
deleitar [dalvf'tarj to delight 
delgado [dei'ga&uj thin 
deliberar [daliba'rarj to de- 
delicado [daWkaffu] delicate 
demais, demasiado [da'ma.'if, dd- 

miez}'a&u] too (much) 
demente [da'ments] foolish, mad 
demi(t)Ur [dama'tir] dismiss 
democratafdamu'kratej m. demo- 
demora [da'more] f. delay 
demostrar [damuf'trarj to de- 
denso ['desuj dense, thick 
dentado [den'tadu] toothed 
dente ['dentaj m. tooth 
dentista [den lift's] m. dentist 
dentro ['dentruj within 
dependente [dapen'denta] depend- 
deplorar [daplu'rarj to deplore 
depor [da'por] to deposit 
deposito [da'pog}tu] m. deposit 
depressa [da presaj quick 
derradeiro [dam 'ffviru] last 
derreter [darra'ter] to melt 
derrota [da'rrot'e] f. defeat 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

desafogar [dszefii' gar] to free, 

desagraddvel [d^zvgre' da-VEi] dis- 

desalento fdaza'lfntuj \ j;,_,oTr 

desdnimo [de 'zvnimu] f ^ 

desapparecer fdszvpera'serj dis- 

desapprovar [dazapru'varj dis- 

desarmamenio [dazurmv 'mentuj 
m. disarming 

desarravjo [dszs'rre^uj m. con- 
fusion, disorder 

desastre [da 'zajtrd] m. disaster 

desatar [dazv'tarj to untie, 

desa(t)tengdo[dci3ste'ssuJ f. want 
of attention 

desa(t)tencioso ] 

[dazvtes} 'ozuj I impolite, 

desa(t)tento | inattentive 
[d3zv 'tentuj i 

desbaratar [digbvre 'tarj to waste 

desbastar [dfgbvf't&r] to rough- 

desbotar [dygbu'tar] to dis- 

descalgar [diflcai'sarj to pull oif 
(shoe or glove) 

descalso [dtf'kafsuj bare-foot- 

deseansar [d}fkv'sar] to rest 

descanso [djjf'MsuJ m. rest, re- 
pose, ease 

descarga [d}f'hargv] f. discharge 

descascar [dtfksf'JcarJ to peel, 

descender [difsen'der] to des- 
cend, proceed 

descer [dyf'ser] to descend 

descida [dif'siffv] f. declivity 

descoberta [djjku'bertvj f. dis- 

deseobrir [dffku'trir] to dis- 

desconfianga fdifkof} 'sssj dis- 

desconhecido [d}fkoji»'siffu] un- 

desconsolo fdtfkd'solu] m. af- 

descontente [difkdn'ientd] dis- 
descoser [dyfku'zer] to unsew 
descredito [d^f'kred}tuj m. dis- 
descuido fdff'kwd'uj m. descuido 
desculpa [dff'kuips] f. excuse 
desde ['degfyj since 
desdem [dy^'ds'i] m. disdain 
desejo fda'zsguj m. desire 
desembaraQO [dszimbv 'ram] m. 

ease, quickness 
desencaminhar [dasiksmi 'jiwr] 

to mislead 
desengano [ddze'gvivu] m. un- 
desenho [da'zvjm] m. drawing 
desenvolver [dgzwol'verj to de- 
velop, display 
desertar [dazar'tarj to desert 
desespero [daz'if'peru] m. des- 
desfazer [diffe'zer] to undo 
desfeita [dff fvitv] f. insult 
desgroQa fd}^' grass] f. disgrace 
designar [dazi'par] to design 
dtslumbfar [d}glum'brarj to 

desmaio fdfg'matu] m. swoon 
despacho fdff'pafuj m. dispatch 
despedir [dtfpa'dirj to dismiss 
despir [dff'^irj to undress 
destino [dlf'tinu] m. destiny 
desiruir fdtftru irj to destroy 
deter [dg'terj to detain 
determinado [datsrmi'nadu] de- 
detrds [da'trafj behind 
devagar [ddve'gar] slowly 
dever fda'ver] m. duty 
deviras [di 'vsref] really, indeed 
devolver fdavoi'verj to restore 
dez fdefj ten 

dezembro [dg'zembruj December 
dia f'diaj m. day 
didlogo [dfaluguj m. dialogue 
dictado [di'ta&u] dictation, pro- 
di(f)ferenQa [difs'rensv] diffe- 
di(f)fieil fda'fisilj difficult 
dignidade [dign}' ffa&d] f. dignity 

Portugueee-EngliBh Vocabularj'. 


diligente fdaU'gentaJ diligent 
diminuir fdgmi 'nuirj to diminish 
direcgao [dire' sew] f. direction 
direito [di'reitu] straight, direct, 

m. right, law; pi. duties 
dirigir [dati'gir] to direct 
disdpulo [dtf'sipulu] m. pupil, 

dispensar [difpen'sar] to dis- 
disponivel [dtfpu'nivsij dis- 
disp6r [dif'porj to dispose 
disputa [d'lf'putvj f. dispute 
dissolver [dtsoi'verj to dissolve 
distdncia [dif'testej f. distance 
distincto [dt/'KntuJ distinct, 

diverso [di'versuj diverse 
divida f'divife] f. debt 
dividir [ddV9'&ir] to divide 
divino [da'vinu] divine 
diser [di'zer] to say 
dS [do] f- pain, compassion 
dobra [ ddbra] f. plait 
ddbrar , [du'trar] to double 
dobro fdoiru] double 
doce ['dosa] m. sweet(meat) 
ddcil f'dosii] docile 
doenga [du'ess] f. illness 
doente [du'entg] sick 
dolorosa fdulu'rozu] painful 
dom [do] m. gift 
domistico [du'msftiku] domestic 
domicilio [duma'sillu] m. dwell- 
dominar [dumy'nar] to lord, 

domingo [du'migu] m. Sunday 
dominio [du'miwiu] m. dominion 
dona ['donv] f. (land)lady, 

dona ['donu] m. owner, land- 
dor [dor] f. pain 
dormir [dur'mir] to sleep 
dmirar [do'rar] to gild 
doutor [do' tor] m. doctor 
Aroga ['drog-e] f. drug 
droguista [dru 'giftvj m. druggist, 

duplo ['duplu] double 

duque, duquesa ['duka, du'lcezv] 

duke, duchess 
duragao [durv'siu] f. duration 
durante [dwrvnta] during 
durar [du'rar] to last 
dureza [du'rezv] hardness 
dii/ro ['duru] hard 
d^vida ['duviffe] f. doubt 
duvidar [duvioar] to doubt 
duvidoso [duvi'&osuj doubtful 
duzentos [du 'eentus] two hundred 
d^sia [ dusw] f. dozen. 


ebuUgao [ibuli'svu] f. ebullition 
econdmico [i'ku'nom'iku] econo- 
edigao [iM'siiu] f. edition 
edificar [itafi'lcar] to edify 
edificio [iffa'fistu] m. edifice 
edital [idi'taij m. edict 
editor [i&i'tor] m. = 
educar [iffu'Tcar] educate 
e(f)fectivo [ifs'tivu] effective 
e(f)feito [i'f'sytu] effect 
e(f)fieaz [ifi'haj] efficacious 
Egi(p)to [i'gitu] m. Egypt 
ei-lo(s), eil-a(s) or eila [vjluCf),. 

'vilv(f)] there is, there are 
ei/ra ['v}rv] threshing-floor 
eis [v}f] there is 
elictrico [i'htriku] eleotric(al) 
elegante [ila'gmta] elegant 
eleger [iltger] to elect 
eleigao [ilvi'seu] f. election 
eleito [i'lvftu] in. elected 
eleitor [ilvftor] m. elector 
elevar [ih 'var] to raise, elevate< 
elogio [ilu'giuj m. elogy 
eloquente [ilu'kwenia] eloquent 
embaixador [zmbayjv '&or] m.. 

embarago [imbe'rasw] m. em- 
embarcar [Imbvr 'Tear] to embark 
embeber [wiba'ber] to imbibe 
embolsar [tmboi'sar] to put into 

a purse, pocket 
embolso [m'boisu] pocketing up 
embora [zm'barv] m. neverthe- 
less; ir — , se — to go away 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

emhratiquecer pmbreka'scr] to 

whiten, to grow white 
embriagar [imhrfe'gar] to in- 
toxicate; to transport 
^mhrulhar [mbru'^ai-J to wrap 

€>nbntlho [im'brufiu] m, parcel 
emendar ftmen'darj to mend 
emigroQao [imigrv 'svuj f. emi- 
emmagrecer ftmngrs 'sjrj to grow 

emvialar [line larj to embale 
emmudecer [zmuff/serj to silence 
emoQiw [inm'svuj f. emotion 
empallidecer [impvliffa 'serj to 

grow pale 
empenhar ftmpa'jiarj to engage, 

empenho [im'pejiu] m. pawn, 

emplastro [im'plaftru] m. plaster 
empregado [mpra'gatuj m. of- 
ficial, functionary 
empregar [impragarj to employ 
emprego [im'preguj m. employ- 
empre(h)ender [imprpn' der] to 

■empresa [im'prezv] f. enterprise 
emprestar [impraf'tarj to lend 
emprhtimo [im 'prej't}muj m. 

empurrao [impu'rrvu] m. push 
empmrar [impu'rrar] \ , , 

empuxar pmpu'farj J ° P"^ 
eiicadernar [ikeffdr 'narj to bind 

encaminhar [iksm} 'jiar] to direct, 

encanar [ike 'nar] to canalise 
encanto [i'kvntuj m. charm 
eiieargo [i'karguj m. charge 
encarnado [zkvr'na^u] incarnate 
tncarregado [ilcsrrg'gaffuj char- 
encerrar [%S3 'rrar] to shut or lock 

^nchente [ifentd] m. inundation, 

encher [i'ferj to fill, to rise 
encobrir [tkubrirj to cover 

encolher [iku'Rer] to shrink, 

encommendar [zkumen 'darj to 

encontrao [ikon'trvu] m. shock 
encontrar [ihon'trarj to meet 
encontro [i'Mntru] m. meeting 
encosta [X'hoatv] f. declivity 
encostar [ilcuf'tarj to lean 
enderego [ida'resu] m. direction 
endireitar [idirvftar] to make 

enirgico [i'ncr^ilcuj energetic 
enfadonho [ifv 'ffojiu] tiresome 
enfastiado [ifvffi'atu] weary, 

enfeitar [ifvi'tar] adorning 
enfeite [zf^ytg] m. garb, attire 
enfermar [ifar'mar] to grow 

sick, fall ill 
enfermo [t'fermuj sick, ill 
enforcar [ifur'har] to hang 
enfraquecer [ifrvlid 'serJ to 

weaken, slacken 
engunar [igv'narj to deceive 
engano [i'gvnu] m. error, mis- 
engarrafar [igvrrv 'far] to bottle 
engenho [i'gvjiu] m. engine, 

engommar [igu'mar] to starch, 

engragado [igm 'saffu] merry, 

engrandecer [igrvndg'serj to en- 
engulir [zgu'UrJ to swallow, 

enigma [i'nigmv] m. = 
enjoar [Igu'ar] to be sea-sick 
enlagar [Uv'sar] to interlace, 

enleio [i'hiu] m. perplexity; 

enlutar [ilu'tarj to cover with 

enndbrecer [inubrg'ser] ennoble 
enredo [I'rreOu] m. intrigue 
enrolar [irru'lar] to roll, to 

enrouquecer [irrohs'ser] to make 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


«nsaio [i'sstiu] m. essay, rehear- 
entalhar fintv 'fiar] to carve 
entao [m'tvu] then; well? 
€nte ['entsj ni. being 
entender [mten'derj to under- 
stand, mean 
^ntendido [mten'di&o] intelligent 
enterro [in'terroj m. burial 
entoar [mtu'arj to tune 
entrada [m'tra,&v] f. entrance 
entranhas [m'trejivfj f. pi. 

bowels, heart 
entrar [in'trar] to enter 
entre ['entra] among, between 
entregar [intr9'gar] to hand, 

^ntregue [m 'tregd] delivered up 
entreter [Xntrs'ter] to divert, 

^ntrevista [intn'viftv] f. inter- 
intristeeer [intriftd'ser] to sad- 
entrudo [in'trudu] m. carnival 
■enumeras&o [inumarv 'seuj f. 

envelhecer [iveHi'ser] to make 

or grow old 
envenenar [w3n3'nar] to poison 
enverdecer [wards' ser] to make 

or become green 
envolver [wcU'ver] involve 
enxame fffvmgj m. swarm 
enxerto p'fertuj m. graft, scion 
enxofre [ifofrd] m. brimstone 
enamgar [ifw'gar] to dry, 

enxuto [i'futu] dry 
Spico ['spihu] epic 
epidemia [ipafft'mia] f. epidemy 
epiderma fipi'dermej f. epi- 
epigraphs [i'pigrvfaj f. epigraph 
epilog [i'pilugu] m. epilogue 
epistola [i'pistulvj f. epistle, 

Spoca ['spuhsj f. epoch 
equilibrio [iki'lviryu] m. equi- 
equipdgem [iWpagS}] f. equi- 
page, furniture 
Portuguese Conversation-Grammar. 

equivaler [ikivv 'lerj to be equi 

equivoco [i'hwuhu] m. ambiguous 
ermida [ir'mi:cfv] f. hermitage 
ermitao [irmi'tvu] m. hermit 
errar [i'rrar] to err 
erro ['erru] m. error 
erudito [iru'dituj well-read 
erupgao [irup'svu] f. eruption 
ervilha [ir'viMvJ f. pea 
esboQar [igbu'sa,r] to sketch 
escada [if'kadsj f. stairs 
escala [ij'halvj f. ladder, scale 
escaldar [ifkaidarj to scald, burn 
escapar fffjcs'parj to escape 
escarlate [}f7evr'lat9j scarlet 
escarnecer [tfk^rna'serj to scoff, 

esedrneo fifkarnntj m. mockery 
escasso [}f'kasuj scanty 
esclarecimento fijklvrasi 'mSntu] 

m. clearing 
escola [if'kolej f. school 
escolher [ifku'fier] to choose 
esconder [ifkon'der] to hide 
escosses [{fku'sefj m. Scotch 
Escossia [}J"kos}v] f. Scotland 
escova [Yfkoim] f. brush 
eseravo [if kravuj m. slave 
escrever [ifkra'verj to write 
escripto [if'krituj written 
escriptor [i/kri'torj m. writer, 

eserivaninha [ffh-ive 'nijiaj f. 

escrivdo [ifhri'veu] m. clerk 
escrofulas [ffkrofulefj f. pi. 

escrupulo [}J'krupulu] m. scruple 
escuddro [}fku' d'B'iru] m. squire; 

upper servant 
escudo [ff'kuduj m. shield 
esculptor [ffkui'torj m. sculptor 
escumoso [tjku'mosuj frothy 
eseurecer [ifkura 'serj to darken 
escuro [}f'ku:ruj dark 
escusa [yf'kuev] f. excuse 
escusado [yjku'sa&u] superfluous 
escutar ['ifku'tar] to hearken 
esforgar [}ffur'sarj to streng- 
then; se to endeavour 


Portuguese-English Vocabularj. 

esforgo [if'forsu] m. effort 
esgotado [}ggu'tafaj exhausted 
esgrima [xg'] f. fencing 
esguio [iggvu] lank 
esmagar [igmE'gar] to bruise 
esmaltar [tgmai'tar] to enamel 
esmero ftg'meruj m. care, dili- 
esmola [■ig'nule] f. alms 
espa(0 [ifpa^u] m. espace 
espasoso ft/pv'so:zuJ espacious 
espada [if'pa&ej f. sword 
espalhar [ifpe'darj to scatter 
Espanha [ifpejiv] f. Spain 
espanhol [ifp^'fioij Spanish 
espantar [if pen' tar] to startle 
espanto fif'pentuj m. fright 
especial [ifp}Sf'aiJ = 
especiaZidade [ifpysiM'taOa] f. 

espicie [}f'pt:s^3] f. species 
espectador [y/petB (for] m. spec- 
espeeuloioo [tfpsktde'ssu] f. 

espelho [fJ'psRu] m. mirror, 

esperanga [■ifpi'rvgs] f. hope 
esperar [ifpa'rar] to wait, hope 
espertar [if par 'tar] to awake 
esperto[if'pertu]apT\ght]j, brisk 
espesso [if]'pesu] thick, close 
esphera [if [Eire] f. sphere 
espiga [if'pi:gs] f. ear (of com) 
espingarda [}fpi'gar&e] f. gun 
espiriha [^fpijiv] f. spine 
espinho [ff'pijnu] m. thorn 
espirito [yfpirirtu] m. spirit 
espirrar [}[pi'rrar] to sneeze 
esplmdido ['if'plendi&u] splendid 
esponja [j^'pSge] f. sponge 
espontaneo [yfpon'tewiu] spon- 
espora [Tf'pirsJ f. spur 
espdso, -a [if'pozu, yfpozv] s. 

husband; wife 
espreitar [ff prey' tar] to spy 
espremer [tfpra'mer] to press, 

esquadra [if'kwaffre] f. squadron 
esquecer [yfke'ser] to forget 
esquecido [ifTcE'siffu] forgetful 

esqutrda ftf'lcerdsj f. left hand 
esquerdo [{fkerduj left 
esquina [if'kinvj f. corner 
essencial [isl'gial] essential 
estabehcimento [tftvhahsi'mentuj 

m. establishment 
estaQao [yftv'seu] f. station 
estada [tf'ta&e] f. abode 
estado [if'tadu] m. state 
estaldgem [yfte'lagvy] f. inn 
estampa [ff'tvmpe] impression,. 

estampilha [if'tvmpilis] f. stamp 
estdncia [}f'tes}ej f. station;; 

estanho [yftejiu] m. tin 
egtante [if'tenta] f. book-shelf 
estar [if'tar] to be 
estdtua [^f'tatue] f. statue 
estatvto [yfts'tutu] m. statute 
este, -a [efta, 'estv] this 
estender [yften'der] to extend 
estiril [if'tsrii] sterile, barren 
estilo [}f'tt:luj m. style 
estima [ff'ti:mv] f. esteem 
estimar [yfti'niar] to estimate 
estimulo [yf'tv.mulu] m. stimulus 
estio [tf'ti:u] m. summer 
estival [ifti'vai] = 
estofo [yf'tofuj m. stuff, cloth 
estojo [y['to:su] m. case, box 
estomago [if'tomvgu] vi. stomach 
estorvo [ij'torvu] m. obstacle 
estrada [yftraHv] f. road 
estrado [yftratu] m. estrade 
estragar [iftre'gar] to spoil 
estrago [yf'tragu] m. damage 
estrangeiro [yftre'gvtru] foreign- 

estranharfiftrv '^lar/to wonder at 
estranho [yf'tnejiu] strange 
estrebaria [iftrihv'ri:v] f. stable 
estreitar [yftrvi'tarj to straiten 
estreito [if'treitu] m. narrow,. 

estrella [tf'trelv] f. star 
estremecer [yftrama' ser] to shake^ 

estrondo [yf'trondu] m. cracking- 
estudante [tftu'dvnta] m. student 
estudar [yftu'dar] to study 
estudioso [yftu'fffosu] studious 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


estudo [tf'tu:ffu]m. learning 
estufa [i/'tufvj f. store, hot- 
estupidee [tjtupi'def] f. stupidity 
estupido [■tf'tu:pi&u] stupid 
eternidade ['itdrni' ffaffa] f. eter- 
etemo [i'ternu] eternal 
ether ['etsr] m. = 
evacuar [ivv'hwar] to evacuate 
evadir [ivie'&ir] to avoid, es- 
evangelho [ivi'gisfiu] m. gospel 
emasao [iw'ziu] f. evasion 
evidente [ivi'd^nti] evident 
evitar [ivi'tar] to avoid 
exacto [(v)i'sa.tu] exact 
exagerar [(e^izvga'rarj to ex- 
exce(l)lencia [('is)ifsd'lenstv] f. ex- 
exee(l)lente [(v)ifs3'lent3] excel- 
exce(pJgao [(v)ifse'seuj f. exc&p- 

excefpjto [if'setu] except 
excluir [ifhluir] to exclude 
executar [izaku'tstr] to execute 
exemplo [i'zemplu] m. example 
exircito [i'zsrsitu] m. army 
exigir [isi'gvr] to claim 
exilio [i'zi:l}u] m. exile 
existir [isif'ti:r] to exist 
exito ['vtzitu] m. success 
expectativa fifpstv'tivej f. ex- 
expedir ft/pa '&i:rj to dispatch 
experUneia [tfparf'estyj f. ex- 
experimento [ffpm'mentu] m. 

expirar [yfpi'rar] to expire, ex- 
expliear ['ifpli'har] to explain 
exportar [ffpu'r'tarj to ex- 
expressive [ijpra'] expres- 
expresso [if'prssu] express 
expulsar [ifpul'sar] to expel 
extenso [if'tesu] extensive 
extracto fif'tratu] m. extract 

extraordindrio [tftrvordi'iiariuj 

extrSmo [}f'tre:muj \ , 
extremoso [}ftr9'mozu] \ ®^''''^™6- 

fdbrica ['fatirikv] f. fabric 
fabricar [fvbri'karj to manu- 
fdbrico ffe'bri:TcuJ m. fabrication, 

fdbula ['fatulej f. fable 
fabuloso [fvbu'lo:zu] fabulous 
faca ['fakie] f. knife 
facada [fv"ka&e] f. stab 
faganha [fis'sejm] f. exploit 
face ['fasa] f. = 
fachada [fv'fadvj f. fa9ade, 

facho ['fafuj m. torch, fagot 
fdctl ['fasii] easy 
facilitar [fvsali 'tar] to facilitate 
facto ['factu] m. fact 
faetura [fa'tumj f. facture; bill 
fada f'fadej f. fairy, fay 
fadiga [fv '&i:gej hardship, 

fado f'faduj m. fate, popular 

faia [faye] f. beech 
faisca [fv'ifkej f. flake, flash 
fdlar [fv'lar] to speak 
fdlcdo [fai'kvuj m. falcon 
fa(l)lecer [fish'ser] to die 
fa(l)lecimento [fvJasi'mentijt] m. 

fa(l)lencia [fv'les}vj f. failure 
fa(l)lido [fv'lvffuj in failure 
falso f'fatsuj false 
falta f'faitsj f. want 
f altar ffai'tar] to want 
falto ['faltuj (de) bare (of) 
fama ['feme] f. fame 
familia [fv'midtv] f. family 
faminto [fv'mmtu] hungry 
fanioso [fe'mo:zu] famous 
fanal [fe'nal] m. lighthouse 
farda ['fardv] f. uniform 
fardo I'fardu] m. pack 
farejar ffert'sar] to scent 
farelo [fe'rslu] bran 



Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

farinha [fe'ripv] f. meal, flour 

faro [fsruj m. scent 

farpa [f^rp^] f. harpoon, 

farpear [fBrpi'ar] to harpoon 
farrapo [fv'rra.pu] m. rag 
fartar [fvr'tar] to satiate 
farto [ fctrtu] satiated 
fastio [fvj'tiiu] m. loathsome- 
fatal [fe'taij = 
fatia [fs'tim] f. slice 
fatigar [f Hi' gar J to fatigue 
fato ['fatuj m. clothes 
fausto ['fauftuj fortunate 
fava f'favv] f. beau 
favo [ favuj m. honeycomb 
favor [fe'vorj m. favour 
favordvel [fvvu'ravci] favourable 
faxa ffafej f. band 
fazenda [fe'zendvj; cloth, 

fazendeiro [fvzen'dviru] m. co- 
fazer [fe'zerj to make, do 
fe [fej f. faith 
febra ['febrej f. fibre 
febre ['febr3j f. fever 
fechar [f}'far] to shut 
ficho [ f«Ju] m. bolt, bar 
fecundo [fa'kiinduj productive 
feiQdo [fvt'svuj f. form, feature 
feijao [ftfgeu] m. French beans 
feio [f'eVu] ugly 
feira ['fvira] f. fair 
feitio [fei'fiuj m. fashion, make, 

feito ['f'B}tu] m. fact, deed 
feitoria [fvitu'riv] factory 
feixe ['f^yfi] m. faggot 
fel [fit] m. gall 
felicidade ffslisi'ffa&a] f. felicity 
felicitar [fslisi'tarj m. to felici- 
Felix ['felifj Felix 
feliz [fa'li/J happy 
femea ['femw] f. female 
feminino [famd'ninu] feminine 
fenda ['fendvj f. chink, crack 
fender [fen'der] to cleave 
feno ['fenuj m. bay 
fera ['fET'e] f. wild beast 

ferelro f'ferdtru] m. bier 
feria ['ferpv] f. daily wages; 

jil. holidays 
ferida [fa 'ridiv] f. wound 
ferir [ff'rir] to wound 
feroz [fa'rof] fierce 
ferradura [farra' Sure] f. horse- 
ferrdgem [fa'rra.gv'i] f. iron- 
f err amenta [farrv'mente] f. iron 

ferrar ffa'rrar] to shoe 
firreo f'ferriuj iron 
ferro ['ferruj m. iron 
ferrSlho [fa'rroHu] m. bolt 
firtil ['fertiij fertile 
ferver [far'ver] to boil 
festa [ feftn] f. feast 
festejo ffff'tv^uj m. \ f„..^^„i 
festivo_ [fyf'tivu] \ festival 
feto ['fetu] m. fern, fetus 
feudo ['feuffw] m. fee, fief 
fevereiro [fsva'rvirujm. February 
fezes I'fezif] f. pi. dregs 
fiagao [pe'seu] f. spinning 
fiadbr [fce'&or] m. bail 
fianga [fi'vge] f. security, bail 
fiar [fi'ar] to spin 
ficar [fl'ha,r] to remain, become 
fidalgo ffi'ffaigu] m. nobleman 
fiel [fui] faithful 
flgado f'figvffuj m. liver 
figo ['figuj m. fig 

eira [ffgevrv] f- fig-tree 

fila, fileira ffilv, fi'lvirej f. 

file, rank 
filha ['0v] f. daughter 
filho f'fi^u] m. son 
filial [fil'i'ai] f. = 
fUtro ['fiitruj m. filter 
fim [fi] m. end 
finado [fi'naduj dead 
final [fi'naij = 
findar [fm'darj to terminate 
fineza [fi'nezvj f. fineness, civility 
fingir [fi'jir] to feign 
fio [fiu] m. thread 
firma ['firmv] f. firm, signature 
firmar [fir' mar] to settle, to 

sign ^ 
firme ['firm^] firm 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


fiscal ffif'kaij = 
fita ['fitej f. ribbon 
fixwr ffik'sarj to fix 
fixo '['fixsuj fixed 
flexivel [fleh'sivsi] flexible 
floco ['floku] m. flock, flake 
fldr [florj f. flower 
florescer [flurif'serj to flourish 
floresta [flu'rsfiv] f. forest 
fluctuar [flwtu'arj to float 
flAido ['flutduj m. fluid 
focinho [fu'sipu] m. snout 
foco ['faikuj m. focus 
fofo [ fofu] soft, spongy 
fogaa [fu'gSu] m. hearth, stove 
fogoso [fu'gozu] fiery 
foguete [fu'getB] m. rocket 
folar [fii'lar] m. Easter-gift 
folgar [faih'gar] to rest, rejoice 
fdlha ffofivjf. leaf 
folhear [fo^y'ar] to turn over 

the leaves 
folheto [fu'Hetu] m. pamphlet 
fonie ['fy]m9 f. hunger 
fonte ['fontd] f. fountain, spring 
fora ['fore] abroad; — de with- 
forcA [fti'raij m. charter 
fdrca ['forke] f. gallows, gibbet 
forga ['forsv] strength, force 
forgado [fur'sadu] m. galley- 
fOTQar [fur'sar] to force, compel 
forqtso [fur'sozu] necessary 
forja ['forge] f. forge 
f&rma ['forMn] form 
fdrma ['fortKe] f. mould 
formar [fur 'mar] to form 
formiga [fur'mige] f. ant 
formdso [fur'mozu] beautiful 
fornalha [fur'nafie] f. furnace 
forno ['fornu] m. oven 
forrar [fu 'rrarj to line 
forro ['forruj m. lining 
fortaUza [furtv'lez's] f. fortress 
forte [fortd] strong 
^ortificar [furtafl'lcar] to fortify 
fortuna [fur'tunv] f. fortune 
fosso ['fosu] m. ditch 
foz [fof] f. mouth 
fraco ['fraJcu] weak 
fractura [fra'tiirv] f. fracture 

frade ['frafy] m. monk, friar 

frdgil ['frajti] fragile 

franco ['frekuj frank, loyal; 

frango, -a ['frvgu, -v] chicken 
franqueza [frv'kezv]. f. frank- 
franquia [frs'ktjv] f. post-pay- 
fragueza [fr'e'kezv] f. weakness 
frasco ['frafku] m bottle 
fraternal, fraterno [frvtsr'nai, 

fre'ternu] fraternal 
frecha [frsfej f. arrow 
fricheira [fre'feir'e] f. loop- 
fregues [frs'gef] m. customer 
frei [frisi] m,. monk, brother 
freio [frviu] m. bit, bridle 
freira ['frisirv] f. nun 
freixo [frsifu] m. ash-tree 
[rente ['[rente] f. front-side 
freqjUentar [frakwen'tar] to fre- 
freqUente [fra'kwente] frequent 
fresco ['frefkuj fresh 
fretar [frd'tar] to freight 
frete ['frste] m. freight 
friena [fry'ez'e] f. coldness 
frio [friu] cold 

[ronteira [frdi'i' fetrv] f. frontier 
frota ['[rote] f. feet 
frouxo ['frofu] slack, loose 
fructa ['[rute] f. fruit 
fmctifero [fru'tifdru] fructi- 
frVjCto ['frutuj m. fruit 
fuga ['[ugv] f. flight 
fugir [[u'air] to fly 
[ulminar [fiilmy'nar] to fulmi- 
[umar [fu'mar] to smoke 
fumo ['fumu] m. smoke 
fundagao [funde'svuj f. foun- 
fundar [[Un'dar] to found 
fundigao [fundi svu] f. melting, 

fusion, casting-house 
fundir [fun'dir] to found 
funeral [fung'raij w. = 
funil [fu'niij m. funnel 
funileiro [fimi'lvvru] m. tinker 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

furia ['futiv] f. fury 
furidso [furfozu] furious 
furtar [fur 'tar] to rob, steal 
furto [ furtu] m. tbeft 
fuso ['fusuj m. spindle, spool 
futil ['futiij futile 
futuro [fu'turuj m. future 
fuzilar [fuzi'lar] to shoot 


gahar [ge'iarj to praise 
gabinete [gvbi'netgj m. study, 

gado ['gaduj m. cattle 
gaiola [ga,}' die] f. cage 
gaivao [gsti'mu] m. martinet 
galgar [gal' gar] to climb up 
galgo ['gaigu] m. greyhound 
ga(l)lego [gv'legu] m. porter 
Gd(l)lia ['galye] f. Gaul, Gallia 
ga(l)licismo [gvH'sigmu] m.GaXA- 

ga(l)linha [g'e'Jiji'e] f. hen 
ga(l)linheiro [gvU'jiviru] m. 

ga(l)lo ['] m. cock 
galope [gv'hp»] m. gallop 
game(l)la [gv 'melv] f. porringer, 

bathing- vat 
gancho ['gifu] m. hook, hair- 
gangrena [ge'grenejm. gangrene 
ganhar [ga'jiar] gain, earn 
ganho ['gajiu] m. gain, profit 
ganir [gv'nir] to howl 
ganso ['gvsu] m. goose 
garfo fgarfuj m. fork 
gargalhada [gvrg^'fiadv] f. 

garganta [gvr'gvntE] f. throat 
garoto [gv'rotu] m. street-arab 
garra ['garr'e] f. claw, paw 
garrafa [gy'rrafis] f. bottle 
garrido [g^'rri&u] nice, smart 
gastar [g^ftar] to spend 
gasto ['gaftuj m. expense 
goto ['gatu] m. cat 
gatuno [ge'tuno] m. rogue 
gdvea ['gavfv] m. scuttle 
gaz Igaf] m. gas 

gazeta [gv'zete] f. gazette, news 

gazua [gv'zu:v] pick-lock 
geito ['geftu] m. turn, skill 
geitoso [gei'tosu] fit, apt 
gelar [gs'lar] to freeze 
gelea [gg'lmv] f. jelly 
gUo ['gelu] m. ice 
gemer [gg'mer] to lament 
gemido [si'mi&u] m. groan 
ge(m)ma ['^emv] f. yolk 
ginero ['gsnaru] f. gender 
generoso [^sta'rozu] generous 
ginio ['^tntu] m. genius, cha- 
gengioa [ge'^i:ve] f. gums 
genro ['gerruj m. son-in-law 
gente ['gentaj f. people 
gentil [gen'ti:l] genteel 
gentio [gen'tiu] m. heathen, 

geral [gd'rai] general 
germdnico [^ar'misniku] German 
germinar [^armi'nar] to germi- 
gesso ['gesu] m. gypsum 
gesto fgeftu] m. gesture 
ginja ['gig^] f. common cherry 
girar [gi'rar] to turn, move 

girasol [girv'solj m. = 
giro [' ^iru] m. circulation 
glacial [gle'siai] = 
gUria ['glorw] f. glory 
glorificar [glurafi "kar] to glorify 
glorioso [glurf'ozuj glorious 
goivo ['goyvu] m. gillyflower 
gala ['golnj f. collar 
golfo ['golfu] m. gulf 
goldso [gu'lozuj lickerish 
golpe ['goipa] m. blow 
gd(mjma ['gomv] f. gum 
gordo ['gordu] fat, greasy 
gordura [gur'dure] f. grease 
gorgeta [gur'gete] f. gratuity 
gdrro ['gorni] m. cap 
gosar [gu'sar] to enjoy 
gdso [gozu] m. enjoyment 
gostar [guf'tar] to like 
gosto [goftu] m. taste, pleasure 
gostosamente [guftoze 'menta] with 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


gostuso [guf'toeu] savoury 
g6(t)ta ['gofe] f. drop 
go(t)tejar [guti'gar] to drop 
governar [guv3r'na,r] to govern 
governo [gu'vernu] m. govern- 
graga ['grass] f. grace, elegance 
gracejar [grvsi'gar] to joke, jest 
^racioso [grvgt'ozu] graceful 
grade [graffd] f. grating 
:grado [' gra.ffu] m. rank, will 
granaddro [gr'Snv' ffeiru] m. 

^randiza [grvn 'dezv] f. grandeur 
yrangear [grvgi'a,r] to obtain 
graniso [grv'niigu] m. hail 
^rao [grSuJ m. grain, corn 
grasnar [grvg'nar] to croak 
gratidao [greti'deu] f. gratitude 
grata ['gratuj grateful 
graluito [grv'tuUuJ gratuitous 
grave ['gravaj = 
gravura [grv'vuirvj f. engraving 
graxa f'grafej f. blacking 
^relha ['grefiv] f. roaster 
gremio ['grsmtuj m. guild, cor- 
:griUo ['grilu] m. cricket 
grisalho [gri'zaliu] greyish 
grito I'grituJ m. scream, cry 
grosa [grozv] f. gross 
groseiha fgru'zvdvj f. currant 
grosseiro [gru'svtruj clumsy 
<frdsso ['grosiij big, thick 
grunhir [gru'jiir] to grunt, 

grupo ['grupu] m. group 
^uarda [ 'guarSvJ f. guard 
gicarda-chuva [gwa,rd''s'fu:vej m. 

guarda-livros [gwarlfy 'li:vruj] m. 

guardanapo [gwardv 'napuj m. 

guarda-2}ortao [gwarffvpur'tSuJ 

VI. porter 
guardar [gwer'dar] to keep, 

guerra f'gerre] f. war 
guerreiro [ga'rr'S'iru] m. warrior 
guia ['gi:e] m. and f. guide 
guiar [gi'arj to guide 

guindaste [gm'dafte] m. crane 
gy(m)ndsio [si'naz}u] m. gym- 
gy(m)ndstico [si'naftihu] gym- 


(h)dbil ['abiij able 

(h)abilitar [viM'tarJ to enable, 

hdbitagao [abitv'svuj f. habitation 
h&hito ['abituj m. habit 
habitual [vbitu'ai] = 
habituar [vbitu 'arj to accustom 
hdlito. falitu] m. breath 
harmonia [vrmu'nivj f.h&tmoaj 
hasta f'aftej f. spear, lance 
haste ['aft»] stem 
hasiear [vfti'ar] to hoist 
haver [v'verj to have 
haveres [e'verifj m. pi. fortune 
hebreu, -a [i'treuj Hebrew 
hediondo [idf'dnduj hideous 
Mlice ['Elisd] m. helix, screw- 
helvetica [ii'vstikuj Helvetic 
hera ['ervj f. ivy 
heranga [fresv] f. inheritance 
herdade [ir'daffaj f. heritage 
herdar [ir'dar] to inherit 
herdeiro [ir'da}ru] m. heir 
herde [i'roi] m. hero 
herdico [i'roiJcuJ heroioal 
herva ['srve] f. herb, grass 
hesitar [izi'tar] to hesitate 
(hjiate ['}at»] m. yacht 
hilaridade [ilvri'dadnj f. hilarity 
hippddromo [i' po&rumo] m. race- 
hirto f'irtu] stiff, rigid 
historiador [ifturi'e' &or] m. 

histdrioo [if'torikuj historical 
histdria [if'torivj f. history 
hoje ['o^ij to-day 
hollandes foKn'defJ m. Dutch 
(hjornbro ['Cmbru] m. shoulder 
honieni ['omvi] man 
homendgem [onw 'na^vij m. hom- 
homicida [um3'si:&e] m. and f. 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

homiddio [umd' si:dyu] m. murder 
honesto [u'nsstu] honest 
honrado fo'rraduj \ ^^^^^^^y^^^ 
honroso [o rrozuj ( 
(h)6ntem ['ontStJ yesterday 
flora ['ore] f. hour 
horrlvdjo'rriveij W^^.-^^^ 
norrm-oso [orru rosujj 
horta fort's] f. kitchen-garden 
hortaliga [ortv'lisv]f. vegetables 
hortela [orts'lv] mint 
horteldo [orto'leu] m. gardener 
hdrto f'ortu] m. garden 
hospeddgem [ofpo'd'a^vy] f. hos- 
hospedaria [ofpoff^ 'riifi] m. lodg- 
hdspede f'ofpodo] m. guest 
hospital fofpi'tai] m. = 
hostil [of'tii] hostile 
humano [u'mvno] human 
humido ['umiffu] damp 
humilde [ii'miida] humble 
hungaro ['Ugvru.] m. Hungarian 
Hungria [it 'gri:v] f. Hungary 


IbSrieo [i'heriku] Iberian 
igar [i'sar] to hoist 
ida ['ii&e] f. going 
idade [i'ffa,do] f. age 
idiuma [ift'omv] m. idiom 
iddlatra [i'&olvtr'e] idolatrous 
idolo ['iidulu] m. idol 
idoso [i'&ozu] aged 
ign&bil [ig'nobii] ignoble 
ignorante [ignu'rinto] ignorant 
ignoto [ig'notu] unknown 
igvalar [igwe la,r] to equal 
igualha [VgwaHE] f. like 
ilha ['i:fiv] f. isle 
ilharga [i'/largv] f. flank, side 
i(l)lega,l [ilo'gai] = 
impeio ['impotu] m. impetuosity 
impetuoso ftmpotu'ozK] iw]^et\io\xs 
impio [im'pi:o] impious 
implorar [tmplu 'rar] to implore 
impor [im'por] to impose 
importagao [nnpurie'svu] f. im- 

importante [impur'tvnto] im- 
importar [impur'tar] to import 
importe [im'porto] m. cost, sum 
importuno pmpur'tuno] m. im- 
impossivel [mpu'sivei] impos- 
impdsto [wi'poftu] m. duty 
impostor fmpuf'tor] m. = 
imprensa [m'presv] f. press 
impressdo [impro'seu] f. im- 

pressidn, print 
impresso [im'presu] printed 
imprimir [impro'mir] to print 
improviso [impru ''oi:zu] un- 
imprudente [impru 'iFSnti] im- 
impune [im'pune] unpunished 
inaudito [inau'&ituj unheard of 
incendio [I'sendniJ m. ooufla- 

incenso [i'sesu] m. incense 
inchar [tfar] to swell 
incidents [isi'ffento] m, inci- 
inclinado [ikli'naffu] inclined 
ineluir [iklu'ir] include 
induso [i'klusu] enclosed 
inco(m)modo fi'komu&u] inoon've- 

nient, s. m. molestation 
vncorrer [iku'rrer] to incur 
incredulo [z ' krsdulu] iacredm\ou& 
incrivel [z'krivsl] incredible 
inculto [z'hultu] incult 
ineumbir [ilcUm 'bir] to charge 
indagar [mdv'gar] to inquire 
indemnisar [mdomni 'ear] indem- 
nify, compensate 
independente [indopendenta] in- 
indice f'mdiso] m. index 
indiff)ferenga [mdifo'rese] f. in- 
indigena [mdi^dwe] m. indi- 
indigente [indi' gento] indigent 
indigno [m'dignuj unworthy 
indio f'mdiu] Indian 
indistincto [mdaf'tmtn] indis- 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


individuo [%d3'vi(fwu] m. indi- 
indizivel [md9'zi:veij unutterable 
indole ['iriduh] m. character 
indSmito [m'domitu] untamed 
indulto [fduituj m. privilege 
indiistria [in 'duiftrfe] f. industry 
induzir [indu'zir] to induce 
inidito [i'nsO'Uu] unprinted 
infa(l)Uvel [ifv'U:veiJ infallible 
infdnda [I'fvgiv] f. infancy 
infante [i'fvntaj infant 
inferior pfary'or] = 
inferno [i'fErnu] m. hell 
infimo [ 'ifimuj verymean , 

influir [zflu'ir] to influence 
influencia [iflu'esw] f. influence 
informe fl'farmej formless 
inginuo [i'^snuo] ingenuous 
ingrato [i'gratu] ungrateful 
inhospito [in 'ofpitu] inhospitable 
inimigo [ina'imguj m. enemy 
injusto [i'guftu] unjust 
i(n)nocente [inu' senta] innocent 
inquieto [iki'etu] uneasy 
inquirir [ika'rir] to inquire 
imsalubre [isv 'luiira] insalubrious 
insecto [i'setuj m. insect 
inserir [tsg'rirj to insert 
insigniflcante [isagnifi'MntaJ in- 
insipido [i'si:pidu] insipid 
instar [if'tarj to insist 
imstriMgao [iftru'siu] f. in- 

mstruir [iftru 'irj to instruct 
tnsica ['tsuvj f. islet 
insulto [t'suttu] m. insult 
insurgente [tsur'gentg] insurgent 
integro [intdgru] entire, righ- 
inteiro [in'tmru] ire, whole 
inte(l)ligivel [inteli 'ji;veij intelli- 
intengao [tnte'sSu] f. intention 
intender [inten'der] to intend 
intento [m'tentu] m. intention 
interesseiro [mtsra'mruj selfish 
inter jeigao [intarsiifsvu] f. in- 
interlocutor [intsrluhu'torj m. = 

intermedio [intar'mEdiu] m. me- 
interna [in'tsrnoj m. internal 
interprete [m'tsrprgtaj m. in- 
interrogar [wterru 'gar] to inter- 
interromper [mtarrom 'per] inter- 
interrupto [mte 'rruiu] inter- 
intestino [mt9f'ti:nu] m. intestine 
intimo [mtimu] intimate 
intripido [in'trspidti] intrepid 
intruso [m'truso] m. intruder 
inundar [inUn'dar] to overflow 
inutil [i 'nu:tii] useless 
invadir [mv'dir] to invade 
invdlido [H'valiffu] invalid 
invasao [iw'zSu] f. invasion 
inveja [i'vsge] f. envy 
i/nvengao [we'seu] f. invention 
invernal [imr 'nal] winterly 
inverno [i'vernu] m. winter 
investir [tvif'tir] to invest 
invoear [ivu'lcar] to invocate 
ir [i:r] to go 
ira ['irej f. wrath 
irmd [ir'mv] f. sister 
irmanar [irmv'nar] to match 
irracional [irrvs}u 'nai] irra- 
irregular [irrdgu'lar] = 
irritar [irri'tar] to irritate 
irrupgao [irrup 'svu] f. irruption 
isento [i'eentu] exempt, free 

Jd [sa] already 
jacintho [ge'smtu] m. jacinth 
jacto ['sAtu] m. throw 
jamais [ga'ma'if] (n)ever 
Janeiro [jv'nvtru] m. January 
jane(l)la [je'nElv] f. window 
jantar [gen'tar] m. dinner 
Japdo [s^'pio], — Japan 
japones [gvpu'nef] Japanese 
jardim [ger'di] m. garden 
jarra ['^arrv] f. jar 
jazer [g'e'zer] to lie 
jazigo [gie'zvgu] m. grave 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

jejuar [^ggu'ar] to fast 
jejum [53 gu] m. fasting 
Jeronymo [^d'ronimu] Jeroni- 

Joao [jw'iu] John 
joelho ['gwvfiu] m. Isnee 
jogo CsoguJ in. play 
Joia ['goiv] f. jewel 
Jorge ['gyr^aj m. George 
Jornada [gur'naffe] f. journey 
jornal [gur'nal:] m. journal 
Jose [su'ze] m. Joseph 
joven ^ovetj m. and f. young 

man or woman 
judeo, Judia [gu'ffeu, gu'ffvv] 

Jew, Jewess 
jugo ['sugu] m. joke 
juiz [suy] tn- judge 
jylgar [gui'gar] to judge 
julho ['zufiu] m. July 
juneo fgSku] reed 
junta f'^untej f. juncture, as- 
jurar [gu'rar] to swear 
juro I'auruJ m. rent, interest 
Jtistiga [guf'tisvj f. justice 
justificar [suftafi'har] to justify 
justo fsiiftuj just 
Juventude f^uven'tudsj f. juveni- 

Ldhio flabtu] m. lip 

lago f'lasuj m. knot 

lacrar [h'krarj to seal 

ladear [le&i'arj to flank 

ladeira [le' ffvire] f. declivity 

lado I'ldbdu] m. side 

ladrao, ladra [WcTriu, la 'STre] s. 

ladrilho [iB'&riliu] m. brick, 

lagar [Is'gar] m. wine-press 
lagarta [Im'gartv] f. caterpillar 
lagarto [Iv'gartu] m. lizard 
lage ['lagi] f. flagstone 
lago ['lagu] m. lake 
Idgrima ['lagrimvj f. tear 
lama ['lemvj f. dirt, mud 
lambareiro [lembs'i-vtruj glut- 
lamber [ISm'berJ to lick 

lamentar [Ivmen'tar] to lament 
Idmpada ['ISmpv&eJ lamp 
lampejar [lempi'gar] to shine, 
, lighten 

langa ['IvseJ f. lance 
langar [Iv'sarJ to throw, vomit 
lance [Ivsa] m. throw, occasion 
lancha ['WfvJ f. launch 
lango ['Ksu] m. throw, distance 
languir fle'gir] to languish 
lanifero [Iv 'nifgru] wool-bearing 
lanterna [Ivn'tcrnv] f. lantern 
lapa f'lapy] f. cave, den 
lapidar flvpi'&arj lapidary 
laranja [le'rSgs] f. orange 
lareira [Is'rvirvJ f. fireplace 
largar [ler'garj to let go 
largo [largu] large, ample 
larguesa [Ivr'gezis] f. largess, 

largura [Isr'gurv] f. wideness 
lasca ['lafksj f. fragment 
Idstima ['laftiime] f. pity 
lastro ['laftru] m. ballast 
lata [late] f. tin-plate 
latao [Iv'tvuJ m. brass 
lateral [ht3 rat] = 
latido [le'tvcfu] m. yelping 
latim [h 'ttj m. Latin 
latino [Iv'timu] m. Latin 
latoeiro [Ivtu'viru] brazier 
lavadeira [Ixve'dvyrv] f. laund- 
lavar [Iv'var] to wash 
lavatSrio [Invv 'tortu] m. washing- 
lavoura fle'vorv] f. husbandry 
lavrador [Ivvre 'ffor] m. peasant, 

lavrar [In'vrar] to work, to till 
leal [li'ai] faithful, loyal 
leao [V%u] lion 
lebre [Uhra] f. hare 
lectivo [ls'ti:vu] scholastic 
legal [h 'galj = 
legar [I3 'gar] to leave, bequeath 
legenda pa'semrn] f. legend 
legivel [l3'si:vei] legible 
Ugua ['Ugvye] f. mile, league 
lei [Ivi] f. law ^ 

leilao [lv}'Ku] m. auction 
leitdo [hytsuj m. sucking-pig 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


leite ['IvitgJ m. milk 

ieiteira ilst'tefrvj f. milkmaid 

leito ['listtu] bed, couch 

leitor [lyt'tor] reader 

leitura [Ivf'tn/rv] f. lecture, 

lembransa [lem'brisej f. re- 

lembrar [lem'hrar] remember 

leme ['Isma] m. helm 

lengo ['lesuj to. handkerchief 

lengol fle'soij sheet 

lenha ['IvjivJ f. wood 

lente ['lenigj s. f. =; s. m. pro- 
fessor, reader 

lento f'lentuj slow 

leque ['IskgJ m. fan 

ler [ler] to read 

lesma f'legmvj f. slug 

leste ['leftd] m. East 

letra ['letrv] f. letter, type, 

letreiro [U 'trsfruj m. inscription 

levantar fhvvn 'tar] to raise, lift 

leoar [h'var] to carry 

leve ['leva] light 

liber dade [Ubar'dafy] f. liberty 

libra ['liiirv] f. pound 

licenga [li'sesv] f. permission, 

Ucito ['li:situ] lawful 

lida ['Ivdv] f. toil, labour 

lide I'li'&g] f. combat, fight 

liga ['li-^ej f. garter; alliance 

ligadura [lige'ffu:rv] f. ligature 

ligar [li'ffarj to tie 

ligeiro [li'gvyru] light, slight 

Maz [li'lafjf. lilac 

lima ['linm] f. file 

limao [li'mvu] m. lemon 

limite [li'miU] m. limit 
Umoeiro [limu'viru] m. lemon- 

limpar [Um'p3.r] to clean 

limpo ['Umpu] clean, neat 

Undo ['Itndu] beautiful 

lingtia ['Viguv] f. tongue, lan- 

linha ['UjivJ f- line 

linho I'UjiwJ m. linen 

Uquido ['liiTciffu] liquid 

Urio, lis ['lir}u, li:f] to. =, lily 

liso ['li:guj smooth 
lisongear [lizost'ar] to flatter 
livido ['li:vi&a] livid 
livrar [li'vrarj to deliver, save 
livraria [livre'ri:vj f. library 
livre f'lvvrsj free 
liaco' ['li:fu] m. filth, 
Idbo f'lobuj m. wolf 
lodo ['loduj m. mud 
logo ['loguj directly 
lograr [lu'grarj to obtain, suc- 
logro [logru] m. cheating, fraud 
lombo I'lombu] m. loins 
Idna ['lonvj f. sail-cloth 
longe ['log}] far 
longinquo flo'gikwuj remote 
longo I'lSguJ f. long 
louga ['lose] f. table-plate, china 
lotico ['lokuj mad 
louro f'loruj fair; m, laurel 
lousa [losv] f. slate 
louvar [lo 'var] to praise 
lucre ['luhru] m. profit 
lugar [lu'gar] m. spot place 
lume ['lu:m9] m. fire 
lusitano, luso ['luizu] Portuguese 
lustre ['luftre] m. lustre, gloss 
luta f'lutvj f. fight 
luto ['lutuj m. mourning 
luva f'luivvj f. glove 
luxo ['lufuj m. luxury 
luz [lu:f] f. light 
luzir [lu'ziir] to shine 
lyceu [li'seu] m. lyceum. 


MaQa [me'sSJ apple 

macaco [me'kahu] m. monkey 

magada [me'saSv] f. blow with 
a mace 

mdchina ['makinv] f. machine 

macio [me'si:uj smooth, soft 

madrugada [mvd'ru'ga&ej f. day- 

maduro [mv'&uroj ripe 

mae [mv}J m. mother 

magnifico [mag'nifiku] magnifi- 

mdgua ['maguv] f. bruise; 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

magro fmagruj m. meagre, lean 
maioria [mvju'rv.'s] mayoralty, 

mais [ma,if] more 
malentendido [malentln'did'u] m. 

malha ['m&Ra] f. mash 
malldgro [mv'logru] m. failure 
malvado [mat'vaffu] m. wicked 
mamifero [mv'mifsruj m. mam- 

mancebo [mv'sebu] m. youth 
mancha ['mvfv] spot, stain 
manco ['mvhu] lame 
mandar [mvn'dar] to command, 

maneira [mv'nvire] f. manner 
manga ['mvgvj f. sleeve 
manha ['mejiv] f. handiness, 

manha [mv 'jiv] f. morning 
mania [mv'ni:vj f. mania, 

manifestar [mvndfyf'tar] mani- 
mano, mana ['rnvnu, 'nvenv] s. 

brother, sister 
manso f'mvsuj f. tame 
manta ['mvntvj f. blanket, horse- 
manteiga [mvn 'tvtgv] f. butter 
manto f'mintuj m. mantle 
mao [mvu] f. hand 
mar [mar] m. sea 
maravilha [imsr^' viflv] marvel, 

mxirca ['markv] f. mark 
mar(0 f'marsuj m. March 
mare [mv're:] f. tide 
mdrgem ['margvi] f. border 
marido [nve' rvMu] m. husband 
marinha [me'ripv] f. marine, 

marinheiro [mvri' jiniru] m. 

marmelo fvivr'msluj m. quince 
maroto [mv'rotuj m. knave 
marques [mvr"ke:f] m. marquis 
martello [mvr'telu] m. hammer 
mas [mvf] bat 
mdscara ['maflcvrej f. mask 

massa ['masej f. haste 
mastigar [mefti'garj to chew 
mastro ['maftruj m. mast 
mata ['mats] f. wood, forest 
mataborrao [matvbu'rriu] m, 

blotting- paper 
matar [mv'tar] to kill 
maternal [mvtgr'nai] 1 jQaternal 
materno [mv tsmuj J 
matinal [mvti'nal] early 
mato ['matuj m. thicket, wood 
mdximo ['masimu] greatest,, 

mediano [md&i'vnu] middling 
medico ['msffiku] m. medical 
medida [ma'&ii&e] f. measure 
medir [ma' (Fir] to measure 
m^do I'medu] m. fear 
medrar [ma'ffrar] to thrive 
meigo ['mv.igu] gentle, meek 
meio [mviu] m. half, middle 
mel [met] m. honey 
melao [ma'lvu] m. melon 
melhor [my'Ror] better 
membro ['membru] m. member 
memSria [ma'tnorw] f. memory 
mengax) [me'sau] f. mention 
mendigo [mSn'di:gu] m. beggar 
menor [ma' nor] minor 
menos ['menu/] less 
mensal [me'sai] monthly 
mente ['mentd] m. mind 
mentir [men'tir] to lie 
mentira [men'tire] f. lie 
mercado [mar'haffu] m. market 
mereadoria [marJceffu 'ri:v] f. 

ware, goods 
merce [jnar'se] f. mercy 
mercieiro [margi 'viru] m. mercer, 

mereeer [mars' ser] to deserve 
merenda [ma'rendv] f. afternoon 

mergulhar [margu'Rar] to sub- 
mes [mef] m. month 
mesa ['mez-e] f. table 
mesmo ['megmu] same 
mestre, mestra ['meftra, 'meftrBj 

s. master, teacher 
metade [ma'ta&a] f. half 
mitrico ['mEtrilcu] metrical 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


meter [ma'ter] =' 
meicer [m/i'ferj to move 
miar [m}'arj to mew 
migalha [mi'gvliv] f. crumb 
milagre [mi'litgra] m. miracle 
milha ['miifiv] f. mile 
milho ['rnvMu] m. millet 
mimo ['mi:mu] caress, mimic 
mimoso [mi'mozu] tender 
mina ['rnvme] f. mine 
mineiro [mi'nsiru] m. mineral 
Miriho ['mipu] m. Minho, pro- 
vince and river of Portugal 
mlnimo f'mimimu] least 
midlo [m}'olu] m. crumb; brains 
mirar [mi'rar] to look at 
misiria [mi'zeriv] misery 
missa ['miss] f. mass 
mister [rrviftEr] necessary 
misturar [m'lftu'rar] to mix 
md [mo] f. mill-stone 
mdbil ['mdbii] movable 
mohilia [mu'biili'e] f. furniture 
mocho ['mofu] m. owe 
mdgo ['mosu] young 
moda ['mocfe] f. fashion 
moderar [muffd'rar] to moderate 
modesto [mu'd^sftu] modest 
mSdico ['modtkuj moderate 
modista [mu'diftv] milliner 
modo ['mocFu] m. mode, manner 
moeda [mu'sdv] f. coin 
moer [mu'er] to grind 
mola ['mola] f. spring 
moldura [moi'du:rsJ frame 
molhar [mu'ficir] to moisten, 

molle fmah] soft; lax 
momenio [mu'mentuj m. moment 
monarc(h)a [mu'nark^J m. mo- 
monje ['mogi] m. monk 
monstro ['moftru] m. monster 
montanha [mOn'tep's] f. moun- 
monte ['m5nt3] Mount 
morada [mu'raffa,] f. dwelling, 

moralidade [murvli'dadd] f. mo- 
morango [mu'rvgu] m. straw- 

morar [mu'ra/r] to dwell 
morder fmur 'derj to bite 
morrer [mu'rrer] to die 
morte ['morta] f. death 
mdrto ['mortu] dead 
mdsca ['mofke] f. fly 
mostarda [muf'tardv] f. mustard 
mdsto ['mojtu] vi. m\ist 
mostrador [muftris '(for] m. coun- 
ter, dial- pi ate 
mostrar [mus'trar] to show 
mouraria [mory 'rim] f. quarter 

of the Moors in Lisbon 
mouro I'moruJ m. Moor 
mdvel ['movsl] m. piece of fur- 
mover [mo'ver] to move 
movimento [movi'mentu] m. mo- 
muar [mu 'ar] m. and adj. 

mule, mulish 
muda I'tnu&e] f. change 
mudar fmu'S'ar] to change 
mudo I'muffu] dumb, silent 
mugir [mu'gir] to low, to roar 
muito I'mumtu] much 
mula I'muly] f. (she-)mule 
mulher [mu'ner] f. woman, wife 
multa I'muitv] f. fine 
mundano [mun d^nu] worldly 
mundo ['mundu] m. world 
muralha [mu'rafiv] f. wall 
murchar [mur'far] to wither 
murmiirio [mur'muir'to] m. mur- 
muro f'muruj m. wall 
musgo f'mujgu] m. moss 
musica ['muzihv] f. music 
mutuo I'mutwu] mutual 
myope f'mvupg] short-sighted 
mysUrio [mif'teryu] m, mystery 

Nabo ['naibu] m. turnip 
nada ['naffv] nothing 
namorado [namu'ra&'u] amorous 
nao [nvu] no 
nariz [ws'rif] m. nose 
narragao [nvrrv'svu] f. narra- 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

nasceriQa [nvf'sege] f. birth, 

nascente [nvj'sentd] in. spring 

nascido [nvf'sidu] m. born 

nascimento fnsfsi'mentuj m. birth 

nativo [nn'tviiu] native 

natureza [niitu'TezB] f. nature 

naufrdgio fnau'fragiuj m. ship- 

ndufrago ['naufrvguj m. ship- 

tiaval [nv'val] = 

navalha [nv 'va/ivj f. razor, 

nave ['tiavs] f. = 

navegdvel [nvva'gaveij navigable 

navio fne'vi:uj m. ship 

nebuUso [nat>u'lo:zuJ foggy 

necessidade [nasasi'&a&aj f. neces- 

negar [n^'gwr] to deny 

negociante fnagusf'vntgj m. mer- 

negro ['negruj (m. =), black 

nenhum [na 'jmrnj none 

neto ['netu] m. grandson 

nevar [na'varj to snow 

neve f'nsvg] f. snow 

nevoeiro [navu'istru] m. fog 

ninho ['nijiuj m. nest 

nitido ['nidiffu] neat 

n6 ['no] m. knot 

nobre ['nobra] noble 

noQM [nu'svu] f. notion 

nidoa f'no&teB] f. spot, stain 

■/loite f'noHaJ f. night 

noiva f'naivv] f. bride 

nojo I'noguJ m. tedium, disgust 

name ['nonwj m. name 

nomear [numf'ar] to name 

nora ['nore] f. daughter-in-law 

nis [nof] we 

nos [nuj] ua 

nota ['notv] f. note 

notar [nu'tar] to note, mark 

notdvel [nu'tavsi] notable 

noUcia [nu'ti:s}v] f. notice 

nova ['nove] f. news 

nov&lo [nu'velu] m. clue 

n6vo ['novu] new 

nu [nu:J bare, naked 

nuca f'nukv] f. neck 

nu(l)lo f'nulu] null 

n4mero ['numaruj m- number 

numeroso [nuvio'roeuj numerous 

nunca ['tHikv] never 

nUpcias fnupsfivf] f- pl- '^^'^^ 

ding . , 

nutrir [nu'tri:r] to nourisn 
n'livem ['nuixmi] f. cloud 


Obedecer [obadg'ser] to obey 
obedient e [obsffyenta] obedient 
6Uto I'obituJ m. death 
obrar [o'brar] to work 
obrigasao [obrigiB'svu] f. obli- 
obrigado [obri'gadu] obliged 
ohscuro [obifkuirw] dark, obs- 
obseguiar [obazakfar] to oblige 
observaQuo [obgsarvv'smi] f. ob- 
dbstdculo [obff'tahuluj m. ob- 
obter [oba'ter] to obtain 
o(c)casiao [ohesi 'vu] f. occasion 
o(c)cidente [osi'&enta] m. west, 

o(c)correr [oku'rrer] occur 
ocio f osiuj m. leisure 
Sculo f'oJculuJ m. eyeglass 
ddio ['offtu] m. hatred 
oeste ['wefta] west 
o(f)fender [ofgn'der] to offend 
o(f)fensa [o'fesv] f. offense 
o(f)ferecer [ofara'ser] to offer 
o(fJfieial[ofas}'ai] official, officer' 
o(f)ficina [ofa'siinv] f. office, 

(work) shop 
o(f)ficio [o'fi:s}u] m. charge 
dlhar [o 'har] to look at 
olho ['ofiu] m. eye 
oliveira [oli'vvtrv] f, olive-tree 
onde ['OndaJ where 
opiniao foptnfvuj f. opinion 
o(p)por [o'por] to oppose 
o(p)portunO fopur'tUMuJ onnor- 

tune ^^ 

6(p)timo ['atimu] best, very good 
ora ['orv] now 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


oragao fore'svuj f. prayer, 

orar [o'rarj to pray 
ordem ['ordvi] f. order 
ordenado forda'nai^uj m. salary 
orelha [u'rvHis] f. ear 
orgao ['orgvu] organ 
orgulho [or'gufiu] m. pride 
oriente [ort'entaj m. orient, east 
orificio [ori'fiisiuj m. orifice 
origem [o'ri:gei] f. origin 
ornar [or'narj to adorn 
orvalho [or'va/iu] m. dew 
osso ['osuj m. bone 
ourives [o'riivif] m. goldsmith 
ouro [o'ru] m. gold 
ousado [o'za,9u,] bold, daring 
ousar [o'ear] to dare 
outono [o'tOMuJ m. autumn 
outrem ['otrvij somebody else 
outro ['otru] another 
ouvido [o'vi;&u] m. hearing, ear 
ouvir [o'virj to hear 
ovelha [u'vede] f. sheep 
ow [ovu] m. egg 
oxala [ofe'la] would to God! 

Pachorra [pv'forre] f. forbea- 
rance, patience 
pacifieo [pe'svfiku] peaceable; 

pacote [py'Tiotd] m. packet 
poQO ['pasuj m. palace 
padaria [pa&e'ri:ej f. bakery 
padecer [pefy'ser] to suffer 
padeiro [pa'd^itu] baker 
padrao [pv'd'rvu] m. pattern 
padrmho [pe'ffrijiu] m. god- 
pai [pai] m. father 
paga [pagv] f. pay(ment) 
pagamento [pvgv'mentu] jK.(pay-) 

pag&o [pv'gm] m. pagan 
pdgem ['pagvi]^ m. page 
pwisdgem [pai'zas^}] f. lands- 
pais [pei'f] m. country 
paixao [paffiu] f. passion 
paldcio [pv'lasyu] m. palace 

palavra [pvlavrvj f. word 
palha ['paRv] f. straw 
pAllido ['pali(fu] pale 
palma ['paimv] palm(-tree) 
palmeira [pai'mvirv] f. palm- 
palpar [pal'par] to touch 
pdlpebra ['patpdbre] f. eyelid 
pancada [pv'lcaSv] f. blow 
panella [pv'nslv] f. kitchen-pot, 

panno ['pvnu] m. cloth 
pao [peu] m. bread 
papel [py'psl] m. paper 
para ['p^rsj for 
parabens [perv 'beffj m. pi. fe- 
pardgem [pv'ragsi] f. halting- 
place; abode 
paraiso [pvry'i:su] m. Paradise 
parar [pe'rar] to halt, to dwell 
pardal [pvr'daij m. sparrow 
pardo [pardu] grey 
parecer [pvra 'ser] to seem 
pareddo fpvrg'si&uj alike 
paredao fpvr9'8'SuJ m. big wall, 

parede [pe'redgj f. wall 
parelha [pv'relhej f. pair, team 
parente [pv'rent9j related (re- 
2)ar6chia, pardquia [pv'rofoivj /- 

pdroc(hJo f'parukuj m. son 
parque ['parlca] m. park 
parreira [pv'rrvyrvj f. vine 
parte ['parts] f. part 
participar [pvrtssi'par] to par- 
ticipate, partake 
particular fpertiku'lar] = 
partida fper'tidvj f. depart 
partido [pvr'ti&u] m. party 
partir [pvr'tir] to depart; to 

pascer [pfsf'ser] to pasture 
Fdscoa ['pajkijoe] f. Easter 
pasmar [peg 'mar] to puzzle, to 

be stupefied 
passa ['page] f. raisin 
passdgem [pv'sage}] f. passage- 
passar [pv'sar] to pass 
pdssaro ['paseru] m. bird 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

passear [pvsi'arj to (take a) 

passeio [pv'sviuj m. walk 
passo ['pasu] m. step 
pasta [pttftv] f. portfolio; 

pastar [pvf'tarj to pasture 
pastel [pef'tsi] m. pie, pastry 
pasteleiro [pvftg'lviru] m. pas- 
pasto ['paftuj m. pasture 
past6r [pef'torj m. shepherd 
pata ['paivj f. claw 
paterno [py'tcmu] paternal 
pato ['patu] m. duck 
patrao [pe'trvuj patron 
pdtria ['patrtvj f. native country 
patricio [pv'trvsfu] m. patrician 
patroa [p^'tro^] f. mistress 
pauta I'pautv] f. tariff; lines 
pautado [pau 'ta&oj ruled 
paodo [pv'tiu] m. peacock 
pavilhao [pvvi'Hiu] m. pavilion 
paz [paf] f. peace 
pi [ps] m. foot 
peao [p^'iu] m. pedestrian 
pe^a ['pesv] piece, play 
peccado [pg'ha&u] m. sin 
pedago [pa'dasuj m. piece, bit 
pedido [p9'ffi:ffu] m. request, 

pedinte [pd'cHntd] m. beggar 
pedir [pa' &irj to ask, beg, desire, 

pedra [pe'&rej f. stone 
pega [pegv] f. magpie 
pegar [ps'garj to glue, to lay 

hold of 
peito [jpvttuj m. breast 
peixe i'p'B'ifi] m. fish 
pelOJe ['pd/] f. skin 
pelCl)ica [p9 'U:Tiv] f. kid-leather 
pel(l)o f'peluj m. hair 
pena f'penvj f. pain, punish- 
ment; ter — to be sorry 
piender [pen'der] \ to hang, 

pendurar [pendu'rar] ] suspend 
penedo [ps'neffu] m. rock 
penetrar [pm»'tra,r] to penetrate 
penhdr [pi'porj m. gift, talent 
penhorar [pipu'rarj to engage, 

penitencia [panftesye] f. peni- 
penna [pen's] f. pen, feather 
penoso fpa' nozuj painful 
pensar [pe'sarj to think 
pente ['penta] m. comb 
pentear [pienti'ar] to comb 
pegu^no [pa'henu] little 
pera ['pervj pear 
perante [pa'rvnta] before 
perceber [parsa'her] to perceive 
percorrer fpjrku'rrer] to run 

perda ['perdv] f. loss 
perdao [pdr'dau] m. pardon 
perder [par'derj to lose 
perdoar [par'dwarj to pardon 
perecer [mrs'serj to perish 
pereira [pa'rvire] f. pear-tree 
perfeiio [por'fvititj perfect 
perfume [par 'fuims] m. = 
perigo [pa'riigu] m. danger 
periodo [ps'riudu] m. period 
permissao [parmi'svu] f. per- 
perna ['pernvj f. leg 
pirola ['perulv] f. pearl 
persa [ 'perse] m.&f.k a. Persian 
perseguir [psrsa'girj to per- 
persiano [parst'vnuj a. Persian 
pertencer [parte 'ser] to belong 
jjerto ['psrtu] near 
pesado [pa'za&u] heavy 
pesar [pa'zar] to weigh 
pe&ca ['psPce] f. fishing 
pescogo [pifjcosuj m. neck 
peso ['pczu] m. weight 
pessego ['pesagu] m. peach 
pessimo ['pesimu] worst, very 

pessoa [pa'sovj f. person 
p^z [pef] f. pitch 
pharmdcia, farmdeia [f'er 'mastv] 

f. pharmacy 
photdgrapho, fotSgrafo [fu'to- 

grBfu] m. photograph 
physico, f{sico['fi:ziku]m. physical 
pia [pi:v] f. trough, basin 
picar [pi'kar] to sting 
pimenla [pi'mente] f. pepper 
pinheiro [py'jteyru] m. pine-tree 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


pinho ['pijiuj m. pine-wood 
pintainho fprniv'tjiu] m. dab- 

pintura [pm'tiira] f. picture, 

piano fplvnu] m. project 
planta ['plvntv] f. plant, sole, 

pluma ['plumej f. feather 
p6 fpo] f. dust, powder 
pohi'e f'pobre] poor 
p6(o ['posuj m. well 
poder fpu 'fferj m. might, power 
po^tct, poetisa [pu'ctv, pui'tizK] 

s. poet 
pois [poifj now, afterwards, 

then, well 
pdlvora ['polvurv] f. powder 
poniba ['pomh's] f. pigeon 
pombal [pom'bai] m. dove-cot 
ponta ['pOni'e] f. point, top 
ponie ['pontd] f. bridge 
pionto ['pdntuj f. stitch, point 
pontual fpontw'alj punctual 
pur fporj to put 
pdrco ['porTcu] dirty, m. hog 
porque ['purhd] because; why 
porta ['portv] f. door 
portador [purtv'&or] m. bearer 
portanto [pur'tvntuj conse- 
porldtil [pur'tatiij bearable, 

pocket .... 
parte ['port9] m. post-pay, depart- 
portugues fpurtu' cfef] Portuguese 
posse ['pos9j f. possession 
possivel [pu'si;veij possible 
possuir [pusu'irj to possess 
pasta f'poftv] post 
paste t'poftd] m. stake, pillar 
pdsta ['poftu] m. place, post 
posta que [poftu'JcaJ though 
pauco ['pahu] little 
paupar fpo' par] to spare 
povaado [pu'vuaduj populous, 

praga f'prasv] f. place 
prado ['praffu] m. meadow 
praia f'prawj f. shore 
pranto f'prSntuJ m. weeping 
prata ['pratvj f. silver 

Portuguese Converaation-Grammar. 

prata f'pratu] m. dish 
prazer [prv'zer] m. pleasure 
prazo ['pragu] m. term 
preceder [pnsg'derj to precede 
preciuso [prgs^'asu] precious 
preciso [pro' sign] necessary, 

pirego ['presu] m. price 
prefdcio [pry'fas}u] m. preface 
pregar [pre' gar] to preach 
pregar [pro' gar] to nail 
prega ['prsgu] nail, hat-pin 
preguigoso [progi'sazu] lazy 
pergunta [par'giinfe] f. question 
jjrejuizo [pro^w'izu] m. pre- 
primio ['pi'smtu] m. premium, 

prenda ['prendv] f. present, 

presa ['prezv] f. prey 
presente [piro zento] (m.) present 
pressa ['prssv] f. hurry 
prestar [pryf'tar] to lend, give 
prhtima ['prsftimu]m Atneas, use 
presunio [pro'zuntu] m. ham 
pretexto [prs'teftuj m. pretext 
preto ['pretu] m. negro, black 
primavera [primes' verv] Spring 
primeiro [pri'mvfru] first 
principe ['priSipo] m. prince 
principiar [prisopy'ar] to begin 
prisao [pri'zvu] f. prison 
probUma [pru 'bum's] m. problem 
procissao [prusi'sSu] f. pro- 
procurar [pruku'rar] to procure, 

pradigio [pru'ffvgiu] m. prodigy, 

prSdigo ['pro&igu] prodigal 
prafissdo [prvfi'svu] m. profes- 
profunda [pru'fund'u] profound 
pragresso [pru'grssu] m. pro- 
projictil [pru'setii] m. projectile 
prdlogo ['pralugu] m. prologue 
prome(t)ter [prumo 'ter] promise 
pronto [prontu] ready 
pron'Ancia [pru'nusiv] f. pro- 



Portuguese-Knglish Vocabulary. 

propor [pru'joorj propose 
prdprio ['propriu] proper 
proseguir [prusa'gir] to pro- 
jyrova ['prow J f. proof 
provdvel fpru'vavei] probable 
proveito fpru'vvUuJ m. profit 
prdximo ['prosimuj next ; «i. 

Priissia ['prusivj f. Prussia 
]yrussiano fprusf'vnu] m. Prus- 
(p)salmo f'saimttj m. psalm 
publicar [publi'kar] to publish 
2>ulmuo [pul'meu] m. the lungs 
pulo ['puluj m. leap, jump 
pulsagao [puise 'siuj f. pulsation 
pulso ['puhu] m. pulse 
pwnho ['pujHi] m. fist; ruffle 
puro ['puru] pure 
piixar ipu'farj to push 


Quadrado [ktov'ifraffuj square 
quadragesimo [hicv&re 'gezimuj 

quadro f'ktoaffruj m. picture 
quadriipede [kurs 'OrupdOd] m. 

qwil fkwaij which 
qualidade [kwvli'0'aff9] f. quality 
qualificar [kwvhfi'karj qualify 
qualquer [kwat'ker] any 
quando f'kwenduj when 
quantia [kwen'ti:vj f. sum 
quantidade [kwvnti 'ffa&d] f. 

quanto ['kwvntu] how much? 

as much as 
quarenta [kwv 'rente] forty 
quarto f'kwartuj room 
quasi ['kwazij almost, nearly 
quatorze [kv'torzg] fourteen 
quatro ['kwatruj four 
que [k3, kij which; that; what? 
quebrar [ka'trar] to break 
queda ['kedv] f. fall 
queijo ['kvigu] m. cheese 
queimar [kv}'mar] to burn 
queioca ['ksifvj f. complaint 
queixo ['hvifu] m. chin 

quern [kvt] who 
quente ['kenta] hot 
quer . . quer [ksrj whether . . or 
querer [ka'rer] will, want 
querido [ka'ri&uj beloved 
questao [kif'tvu] f. question 
quieio [kt'stu] quiet 
quinhentos [ki'jientufj five 

quinquagesimo [kmkwK 'gezimv] 

quinta ['kintv] f. fifth; farm 
quintal /kin'talj m. =, garden 
quinto I'kmtu] fifth 
quinze f'MzoJ fifteen 
quotidiano [kota&t'vnu] daily 


Rabeca [rre'bekvj f. violin 
rabo ['rrabu] m. tail 
raQa ['rrasej f. race 
rachar [rm'far] to rend, cleave 
raciocinio [riiis'iu'siniu] m. rea- 

radiants [rrvOyints] radiant 
rainha [rrv'imj f. queen 
raio f'rratuj m. ray, beam ; 

flash of lightning 
raiva ['rrafvej f. wrath 
raiz [rrv'if] f. root 
rdlhar [rre'liarj to scold 
ramalhete [rrvme'HetsJ m, nose- 
ramo f'rramu] m. branch 
rapariga [rrvpa'rigv] f. girl, 

rapaz [rre 'pafj m. boy, lad 
raposa [rre'pozv] f. fox 
raro ['rraru] rare 
rasgar [rreg'gar] to tear 
rasgo ['rra^guj m. stroke, trait 
raso I'rrazu] shorn 
raio ['rratu] m. rat 
razao [rre'zeuj f. reason 
real [rry'al] = 
rebocar [rrffbu'kar] to tow 
recado [rra'kacfu] m. message, 

reca(h)ir [rrekie'ir] to relapse 
recebedor [rriSdW&or] in. col- 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


receber [rrasa'berj to receive 
receio [rrs'svfuj m. fear 
receoso [rrasi'osu] apprehensive 
receita [rrs'ssHvJ f. income 
recente [rra'senta] recent 
recepgao [rrgss'seuj f. reception 
recibo [ra'siiuj m. receipt 
reciproco [rra sipruhu] reciprocal 
recita frrssitv] f. representation 
reclamo [rrd'hlvmu] m. bird-call 
recobrar [rr9ku'brar] to recover 
recollier [rr3ku'Her] to gather, 

with draw 
recolhimento [rrdkuHi'mentu] m. 

recompensa [rrakUm'pense] f. re- 
reeonciliar [rrnMsyl^'arJ recon- 
cile [ful 
reeonhecidofrra 'Tcujia 'sidu]tha,Tik- 
recordagao [rrdkur&v'seu] f. re- 
recreio [rra'Jcreyu] m. recreation 
reetidao [rrsti Svu] f. rectitude 
recto ['rretu] righteous 
recuar [rra'Tcwar] to draw back 
reeusa rra'kuzej f. refusal 
rede ['rreda] f. net (-work) 
redempgao [rradef'svuj f. re- 
demption, ransom 
reduzir [rrgffu'zirj reduce 
reflectvr [rrdfle'tir] reflect 
reflexao [rrsfls'siuj f. reflection 
reflexo [m 'flsksuj m. reflex 
refugio [rra'fugiu] m. refuge, 

rega f'rregvj f. irrigation, wa- 
regago [ttb 'gasu] m. lap, bosom 
regador [rrg 'gv 'fforj m. watering- 
regalo [rrd'galu] m. pleasure; 

regar [m'garj to water 
regateira [rrage'tayrv] f. huck- 

regedor [rrtga'd'orj m. governor 
regeneragao [rrpsangrv'svu] f. 

reger [rr^'gerj to govern 
regicida [rriga'si&v] m. and f. 

regist(r)o [rri' gift(r)u] m. re- 
rego ['rregii] m. furrow 
regosijo[rr9gu' zigu] m. joy, mirth 
regra ['rregre] f. rule(r) 
regressar [rragra' sa,r] to return 
regua ['rregwv] f. ruler 
regular [rrsgu lar] = 
rei [rrm] m. king 
rdnado [rrvfnci&u] m. reign 
reinar [rrvt'narj to reign 
reino ['rrstnuj m. kingdom 
rdis [rrcf^J] m. pi. Portuguese 

(copper) coin 
re'Uor [rr'e'i'tor] m. rector 
rejeitar [rrigei'tar] reject 
relagao [rrdlv'svu] f. relation 
relampago frra'lempegu] m. 

lightning flash 
relatdrio [rralv'toriu] m. report, 

relevo [rra'levuj m. relief 
relSgio rra'hgtu] m. watch 
relva ['rreivej f. turf 
remar [m'marj to row 
remaie [rra'matgj m. conclusion, 

remediado [rrdnxdff}' a,&u] well-off 
remediar [rrdmadf ar] to remedy 
remedio [rrd'msdyu] m. remedy 
remessa [rrs'mesv] f. remittance 
remeter [rrsma'ter] to remit 
remo f'rremu] m. row 
remorso [rra'morsu] m. remorse 
remoto [rrd'motu] remote 
renda ['rrendv] f. lace 
rendeiro [rrgn'deiru] m. tenant, 

render [rren'der] to render; 

rendimento [rrendi'mentuj m. 

rendoso [rren'dosu] productive 
renegar [rrang'gar] to disown 
renovar [rranu'var] to renew 
renovo [rra'novu] shoot, offspring 
renunciar [rranUst'ar] to re- 
reo [rreu] m. accused 
reparar [rrdpe'rar] to repair 
reparo [rra 'paru] m. satisfaction, 



Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

repartigdo [mperti'seu] f. re- 
repente [rro 'pentsj (de — ) suddenly 
repeiMno [rrapen iinuj sudden 
repetir [mpd'tir] to repeat 
repleto [rrs'pktuj overcrowded; 

repoVw [rrd'poHu] m. headed 

reposteiro [mpuf'teiru] m. cur- 
repouso [rra'pozu] m. repose, rest 

represa [rra'pree^] f. lock, sluice 
reproduzir [rrdpruffu' zir] repro- 
repuxo [rrs'pufu] m. spout 
requerer [rrakd'rdr] to solicit 
res frref] f. cattle 
res [rref] (do dhao) m . groundfloor 
resentir (se) [rnsen'tir(-s3)] to 

res friar [rryffri'ar] to cool 
resina [rre'zimvj f. resin 
resistir frrazyf'tv.r] to resist 
resma [rre^mv] f. ream 
resoluto frrszu'lutuj resolute 
resolver [rrdzol'verj to resolve 
respeito [rryf'pvitu] m. respect 
respirar [rrifpi' rar] to breathe 
responder [rrijpdn'der] to answer 
restituiQao [rryftftui'sSuJ f. res- 
resto ['rrsftuj m. rest 
resumir [rrazu'mir] to resume 
resurgir [rr9sur'girj to revive 
resuseitar [rrasufsi'tarj resusci- 
retalho [rrd'taHu] m. remnant 
reter [rra'ter] to withhold, re- 
retirar fmti'rarj to retire 
retrato [rrff'tratu] m. portrait 
reiiniao [rrfuni'vuj f. reunion 
reverente [rrava'rentgj reverent 
reverso [rra'vErsu] m. opposite, 

back -side 
revez [rrs'vefj m. reverse, mis- 
revezar [rrdvs 'za/r] to do by turns 
revisdo [rrsvi'ziu] f. revision 

revistar [rravtf'tarj to revisit 
reza ['rrezv] f. prayer 
rezar [rra'zarj to pray 
rfhjeumatismo [rremne'ti^muj m. 

ribeira frri'befrv] f. brook, bank 
ribeiro [rri'bviruj m. rivulet 
ridiculo [rrd'&ikulu] ridiculous 
rifa f'rrifv] f. lottery 
rijo I'rriguJ strong, hard 
rim [rri] m. kidney 
rima frrimv] f. rime 
rio f'rriuj m. river 
riquesa [rri'keze] f. riches, 

rir frrirj to laugh 
risca frrif'kaj f. stroke 
riso ['rri:zu] m. laughter 
roca ['rroka] f. distaff 
rocha ['rrofej f. rock 
rocio [rru'si:uj m. square 
roda ['rro&v] f. wheel 
rodear [rru&t'ar] to turn round, 

roer [rru'er] to gnaw 
rogar frru'gar] to entreat 
rogo I'rrogu] m. request, en- 
rol [rrdl] m. roll, list 
rola ['rrolv] f. turtle-dove 
rolo ['rroluj m. roll, cylinder 
romance [rru'mvsa] m. = 
romano [rru'mvmj (m.) Roman 
rosa I'rrozv] f. rose 
rdsto f'rroftuj m. face 
roto ['rrotuj torn 
rotulo ['rrottdu] m. label 
roubar frro'barj to rob 
roubo ['rroiuj m. robbery 
rouco ['rroTiu] hoarse 
roupa ['rropa] f. clothes 
rouxinol [rrofi'ndt] m. nightin- 
roxo frrofu] violet 
rua ['rru:v] f. street 
rude ['rruffd] = 
rugvr [rru'gir] to roar 
ruido [rru'i&u] m. noise 
ruivo f'rruivuj ruddy 
rumo ['rrumuj m. rhumb-line 
russo ['rrusuj Russian 
rustico ['rruftiku] m. rustic 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


Sabao [si'bvuj m. soap 
sa(b)bado ['sa.b'edfu] Saturday 
saber fsu'ber] to know 
sdbio f'sabiu] wise, learned 
sabonete [seiu'neta] m. soap 
sabor [sn 'horj in. taste, savour 
sabre f'sabraj m. sable 
sacar fsv 'karj to draw, puU 
saca-rolhas [sakv'rofief] m. cork- 
sa(c)co ['sakuj m. sack, bag 
sacrificio [svkn'fi:sMA,]m. sacrifice 
sacudir [svku'&irj to shake 
sadio [sa'dkuj healthy, sound 
safar (-se) [sv 'fa,r(s3)] to run 

sagrado [se'gradu] sacred 
sa(h)ir [sv'ir] to go (out) 
saia fsaifv] f. petticoat 
saibro ['saibruj m. gravel 
Sal [sat] m. salt 
sdlada [sv'ladv] f. salad 
saldrio [sv'laryuj in. salary 
salgar [sai'gar] to salt 
salitre [sv'li:tr3] m. saltpetre 
saliva [sv 'li:vv] f. = 
salmao [sai'mvuj in. salmon 
salsa {'saisej f. parsley 
saltar [sah 'tar] to jump 
saltear [sait}'ar] to assault 
salto ['saituj m. jump 
salvar [sai'var] to save 
salvo ['salvuj safe 
sanar [se'nar] to cure, heal 
sanear [svni 'ar] to make whole- 
Sangria [sv'gri:v] f. bleeding 
sangue [ svgs] m. blood 
santificar [sentgfi'karj to sanctify 
santo ['sentu] m. saint 
sapateiro [svpv'te}ru] m. shoe- 
sapato fsv'patuj m. shoe 
sapo ['sapuj m. toad 
saque ['siScg] m. pillage, (drawing 

of a) bill of exchange 
saraiva [se'rviw] f. hail 
sardinha [svr'dijivj f. sardine 
satis faCcJgdo [svtiffv 'svuj f. satis- 

satisfaser [svt'iffv 'aerj to satisfy 
saiidade [seu'ffaffgj f. melancho- 
ly, longing 
saiidar [svu'ffar] to salute 
saude [sv'uffs] f. health 
saiidoso [svu'ffomj melancholic 
scenario [sa'narfu] m. scenery 
sce(p)tro ['setru] m. sceptre 
sciincia [si'esfvj f. science 
scientifico [sien'tiflku] scientific 
scismar [sig 'ma.r] to muse, medi- 
sd fsfj f. see, cathedral 
sebe ['sebaj f. hedge 
sebo ['sebuj m. tallow 
se(c)ca ['sekej f. dryness 
se(c)co I'sekuJ dry 
seer eta [sd'Tcrstw] secret 
seculo ['sekulu] m. century 
seda I'seffe] f. silk 
sdde f'sstij f. seat 
sede ['sefd] f. thirst 
sege ['ssg}] f. chaise 
segredo [si'gre&u] m. secret 
seguir [ss'girj to follow 
segundo [sa'gunduj m. second 
seguro [sa'guriij secure 
seio [sv}u] m. bosom, lap 
seis [svtf] six 
seiva ['sv}vej f. sap, juice 
seixo ['svifu] m. pebble 
se(l)la f'sehj f. saddle 
sei,l)lo ['selu] m. stamp 
selvdgem [sei'vagif] savage 
sem [si}] without 
semana [sg'mvnv] f. week 
semear [s9m}'ar] to sow 
semente [ss'ment?] seed 
semi . . . ['ssmi . . .] = 
sempre ['seprg] always 
senofo [sa'nvu] except, safe 
senha [sape] f. sign, mark, watch- 
senhorio [skjiu'rUu] m. landlord 
sensivel [se'sivsl] sensible 
sentenga [sgn'tesvj f. sentence 
sentir f'sen'tir] to feel 
separar [s9pe War] to separate 
siquito I'seTcitu] m. suit 
ser [serj to be; m. being 
serao [sa'rvujm. evening (-party) 
sereno [sa'renii] serene 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

serio f'ssriuj serious 
serpents [ssr 'pentfj m. serpent 
serra ['serrv] f. saw; chain of 

serreUheiro [sarrv 'Rviru] m. lock- 
sessao [si'svu] f. session 
sessenta [sa'sente] sixty 
severo [sa'vErvJ severe 
sexo ['seTcsu] m. sex 
sexta-feira [snftv'fvir'e] Friday 
silencio fsi'lestu] vi. silence 
si(l)laba ['siletv] f. syllable 
sim [si] yes 
sincero [sl'seru] sincere 
singelo [si'^elu] simple 
singular [sigu'lar] m. = 
sivo f'sUnitJ m. bell 
sitio ['svtiuj TO. spot, place 
sit(uad)o ['sit(ua.9)u] situated 
s6 [so] alone, only 
soar [su'ar] to ring, sound 
sob ['sdbd] under 
s&bre [sobra] upon, on 
sohremesa [sobra 'mesv] f. dessert 
sobrendme [sobrd'noms] m. sur- 
sobrinko [su'bripu] m. nephew 
sobrio ['sobriu] sober 
s6(c)co ['sdku] m. sock; blow 
so(c)cdrro [so'korru] m. succour 
s6cio ['sos}u] m. member, partner 
so(f)frer [su'frer] suffer 
so(f)frivel [su'fri-vei] tolerable 
sogra ['sogrv] f. mother-in-law 
sogro ['sogruj m. father-in-law 
sol [s^] m. sun 
sola ['sole] f. sole 
solar [su'Ur] m. mansion-house 
soldado [sot'da&u] m. soldier 
soldo ['soUu] m. (soldier's) pay 
sole(m)ne [su'lsng] solemn 
soUdao [suli'Svu] f. solitude 
solido ['soliffu] m. solid 
solit&rio [sulftariu] solitary 
solo ['solv] m. soil 
soltar [soi'tar] to free, loosen 
solto ['soitu] free, loose 
som [sS] m. sound 
sombra ['sSmibrv] f. shade 
sombrio [s3m'bri:u] shady, dull 
so(m)ma ['somv] f. sum 

so(m)no ['sonu] m. sleep 
sonho ['sojiu] m. dream 
sopa ['sopn] f. soup 
soprar [su'prar] to blow 
sopro ['sopruj m. blowing, breath 
sorrir [su'rrir] to smile 
sorte ['sorts] f. sort, fate 
sossego [su'segu] m. calmness 
suar [su 'ar] to sweat 
sub . ■ ■ [sub] . ■] = 
subida [su'bv.O'v] f. ascent 
siibito ['subitu] sudden 
sublime [su'blvma] = 
subme(t)ter [subma'ter] to subject 
submisso [sub'misu] submissive 
subscriCpJeqo [sttbfjkri'sSu] f, 

substdncia [subf/'tesye] f. sub- 
su(c)ceder [suso'&er] succeed 
su(c)cesso [su'sEsu] m. success 
sueco ['swshu] m. Swedish 
sufficiente [sufosi'enta] sufficient 
suicida [sui'svde] m. f. suicide 
Suissa [sw'isv] f. Switzerland 
sujeito [su'gvitu] subject 
sujo ['suguj m. dirty 
sul [sui] m. South 
su(m)mo ['sumu] highest 
siior [su'or] m. sweat 
superficie [supor'fi:s}o] f. super- 
superfluo [su'perfluu] eaT^ei&XLOxxs 
superior [supd'rpor] m. = 
superstisao [supor/ti'sm] f. su- 
s'u(p)plemento [supWmSniu] m. 

su(p)pdr [su'por] suppose 
suCpjportar [supur'tar] support 
supremo [su'premu] supreme 
supra . . . ['suprv] . . .J = 
surdo ['surdu] deaf 
surdo-mudo [surdu -mutu] deaf- 
surpresa [sur'prezej f. surprise 
surto ['surtuj anchored 
suspeito [sufpsitu] m. suspect 
suspiro [suf'pi:ruj m. sigh 
sustento [suftentuj m. sustenance 

susto ['su/tu] m. fright 

Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 


Tabaearia [tvbvkv'rvv] f. to- 

tabaco [tv'bakuj m. tobacco 
tabe{l)liao [t'etid'l'i^u] m. notary 
taboleiro [tvbu'letruj m. fray, 

tabuUta [tsbu'letvj sign (-board) 
tdbua ['tabus] f. table(t) 
taga ['tasv] f. bowl 
tacao [tv'kvu] m. heal 
tacto I'tatu] m. touch 
talhar [tv'dar] to cut 
talhe ['taMgJ m. form, shape 
talho ['tafiuj m. cut, chopping- 

talmz ftat'vef] perhaps 
tamanho [tie'mvpu] (so) great 
tanto f'tvntuj so much 
tao [tvu] so, such 
tapar [tv'parj to cover 
tapete [tv 'petaj m. carpet 
tardar [tvr'dar] to tarry 
tarde ['tarda] f. afternoon, eve- 
tarefa [tv 'refej f. tast 
taxa ['tafe] f. tax, rate 
tecelao [tdsd'liu] m. weaver 
tecer [ta'ser] to weave 
tecido [ta'siffu] m. tissue 
tecto ['tetu] m. roof 
tela ['telv] cloth, linen 
teUgrapho [ta'Ugr'sfu] m. tele- 
telha ['tvdv] f. tile 
temer [ts'mer] to fear 
tempo I'tempu] m. time 
temporal [tempu'ral] m. = 
tenaz [ta'naf] f. tenacious 
teng&o [ie'svu] f. intention 
teneionar [tesno'nar] to intent 
tenente [tg'nenta] m. lieutenaut 
tentar [ten' tar] to tempt 
tipido ['tepiffu] tepid 
terminar tarmi'nar] terminate 
terra ['teri^ earth, ground 
terreiro [tarrefru] m. terrace, 

terremuto [tarra'motu] m. earth- 
tesoura [td'zore] f. scissors 

testa ['teftv] f. forehead 
testemunha [ttfta 'mujiv] f. testi- 
mony, witness 
texto ['tsflu] m. text 
tia [tiiv] f. aunt 
tijolo [ifgolu] m. brick 
timido i'timiffu] timid 
tingir [ti'^ir] to dye 
tinteiro [tm'tvvru] m. inkstand 
tinto ['tmtu] dyed, red 
tio ['ti:u] m. uncle 
tirar [ti'rar] to draw 
toalha [tw'aliv] f. towel 
tocar [tu'ear] to touch 
todo ['to&u] (adj.) all 
tomar [tu'mar] to take 
tomo ['tomu] m. tome 
toml [tii'nd] m. tun, cask 
tQvmento [tur'mentu] m. torment 
tomar [tur'nar] to (re)turn 
torre ['torra] f. tower, steeple 
torrente [tu'rrenta] f. torrent 
torto ['tortuj crooked, tortuous 
tortura [tur'turej f. torture 
tosse ['toss] f. cough 
toucinho [to'sipu] m. bacon 
touro ['toru] m. bull 
trabalho [trv'bafiu] m. work 
traio ['trasu] m. touch, sketch 
tradusir [trv&u'zir] to translate 
trdfego ['trafagu] m. 1 , „„ 
trdfico ['trafku] m. \ 
traidor ['trai&or] m. traitor 
trajo ['tra,gu] ni. garb 
tranqui(l)lo [trv 'kvnlu] tranquil 
transerever [trSfkra'ver] trans- 
transports [trS/'poriaJ m. trans- 
transtorno [trvf'tornu] m. distur- 
tratar [tre'tar] to treat, deal 
trato [tratu] m. treasment 
trave ['travgj f. beam 
travessa [tre 'vesv] f. cross- 
trazer [tre'zer] to carry, bring 
trecho ['trsfu] m. excerpt 
trem [trv}] m. carriage 
tremer [trd'mer] to tremble 
trcvo ['trevu] trefoil 
triee ['trez3[ thirteen 


Portuguese-English Vocabulary. 

trezentos [tn'zentuj] three hund- 
trigo f'trigu] m. wheat, corn 
Trindade [trin'daS^o] f. Trinity 
friplice ['triplisd] triple 
trisite ['triftd] sad 
trocar [tru'lca.r] to change 
truco f'troku] m. change 
tronco f'troku] m. trunk 
tropa ['trjpe] f. troop 
tropel [tru'pii] troop, multitude 
trocao [tru't-vu] m. thunder 
irovejar [trui}'^,irj to thunder 
tudo I 'tuSTu] the whole, all, 

tiimulo f'tumulu] m. tomb 
turco [turkuj m. Turk 
tiirvo f'turvuj muddy 


ultimo f'uilimuj last 

ununime [u'tinnimaj unanimous 

unha ['ujiej f. nail 

uniao fun} '§uj f. union 

unico f'uniki(J only, sole 

unidade funi' ffa.(f3] f. unity 

imir fu 'nirj to unite 

urhano furbvnu] civil 

urgente fur'^ents] m. urgent 

urso f'unu] m. bear 

urze [ 'ursi] f. sweet broom 

uso f'uzuj m. use 

usual fuvu'ai] = 

ustira fu' zurv] f. usury 

I'dil f'util] useful 

rna fuvv] f. grape 

Vacca fvaJce] f. cow 
vacuo f'vakwuj void, empty 
vaga fvagej f. wane 
vagar fvv'gar] m. leisure 
vago f'vagu] vacant, vague 
vaidade vay'&atft] f. vanity 
vaidoso fray'uozu] vain 
vale f'vahj m. post-office order 
ralente fn 'lenti] valiant 
vaUr fvv'ler] to be worth 
vdlido f'valifuj valid, efficacious 
calido fvv'lvyu] m. favourite 

valor fvv'lor] m. value 
valsa f'tiatsEj f. valse 
tantdgem fvvn'ta^vf] f. advan- 
vantajoso fiintn 'gozu] advan- 
I'fJo frvu] void, vain; »!. void 
i-urio f'variyj various 
varrer fvs'rrer] to sweep 
rasa f'vasv] f. slime 
vasar fvv 'zarj to empty 
vaso f'vnzu] m. vase, vessel 
vasto f vajtu] vast 
vado fvv'zi:u] empty 
veado fv}'adu] m. deer 
vegetal fvi^ytai] m. vegetable 
vela fvElv] f. sail 
reVw f'vsliu & 'vnfiu] old 
ve(l)ludo fva'luifa] m. velvet 
veloz fv3'hf] swift 
veneer fve'ser] to vanquish 
venda f'vendis] f. sale 
vender fven'der] to sell 
ceneno fm'nenu] m. poison 
vento f'centuj m. wind 
ventre f'ventrgj m. belly 
Ventura fren'tura] f. fortune 
verdade fvar'dvffo] f. truth 
verdadeiro fvdrdv' oviru] true 
verde f'verdd] green 
vergonha fvgr'gojiv] f. shame 
verme fvermaj m. worm 
vermelho fv3r'mv/iuj red 
versdo fvgr'svu] f. version 
verter fv3r'ter] to spill; trans- 
vespera fvefparv] f. eve 
vestido fvif'tidu] gown, dress 
vestir fmf'tir] to dress 
vez fvef] f. time 
via fviiis] f. way, passage 
vidgem fvy'age}] f. journey 
vieio f'vigiu] m. vice 
viclima fvitimaj f. victim 
victdria fvi't.n-ivj f. victory 
vida f'vidis] life 
vide f'vii&i] f. vine 
vidro f'tn^ru] glass 
vi(l)la f'vilvj f. village 
vinagre fmnagrd] m. vinegar 
vinda f'vlndv] f. arrival 
vindima fvm'di-mvj f. vintage 

Portugaese-English Vocabulary. 


iiingar [vVgar] to revenge 
vinha ['vijm] f. vineyard 
vinho I'vipu] m. wine 
vintem [vin teij m. Portuguese 

coin of 20 reis 
violento fviu'lentuj violent 
violeta [viu'letej f. violet 
vir [virj to come 
virar [vi'rarj to turn 
virgula ['virgulv] f. comma 
viril [vi'rii] manly 
virtude [vir'tu&d] f. virtue 
vista ['viftej f. view 
visto ['viftuj seen 
viuvo fvi'uvuj m. widomer 
vivo ['vivuj alive 
vizinho fva'zipu m. neighbour 
voar [vu'arj to fly 
foUa I'voiteJ f. turn 

voltar [vot'tar] to (re)turu, 
volume [vu'luma] m. volume 
volver [voi'ver] to go back, to 

vontade poon'tafy] f. will, wish 
voo [vou] m. flight 
voto ['votuj m. vote 
voz [vofj f. voice 


Zanga ['zegej f. anger 
zangar [zv'gar] to irritate 
zelo ['selu] m. zeal 
zero ['zeru] m. zero 
zomhar [zom'bar] to mock 
zumbido [zUm'hiffu] m. 1 hum- 
zunido [zu'ni&u] m. J ming. 



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really taught to speak and write the foreign language. 

To this •)net1t,od is entirely due the enormous success u/ith which the 
Oas2iey- Otto- Saner textbooks have met; most other grammars either 
content themselves with giving the theoretical exposition of the grammatical 
forms and trouble the pupil with a confused mass of the most far-fetched 
irregularities and exceptions without ever applying them, or go 
to the oilier extreme, and siuiply teach hirn to repeat in a parrot- 
like manner a few colloquial ph,rascs without letting him grasp the 
real genius of the foreign language. 

Th.e system referred to is easily discoverable : 1. in the arrangement of 
the grammar ; 2. in the endeavour to enable the pupil to understand a 
regular text as soon as possible, and above all to teach him to speak the 
foreign language ; this latter point was considered by the authors so particu- 
larly characteristic of their works, that they have styled them — to distinguish 
them from other works of a similar kind — Conversatiotial Graftimars. 

The first series comprises manuals for the use of Englishmen and 
consists of 57 volumes. 

Our admiration for this rich collection of worlis, for the method dis- 
played and the fertile genius of certain of the authors, is increased when we 
examine the other series, which are intended for the use of foreigners. 

In these works the chief difficulty under which several of the authors 
have laboured, has been the necessity of teaching a language in a foreign 
idiom ; not to mention the peculiar difficulties which the German idiom offers 
in writing school-books for the, stiidy of that language. 

We must confess that for tho.^e persons who, from n practical point 
of view, urish to learn a foreign language sufficiently well to enable them to 

"ethod Gaspey-uiio-Dauci 

(or the s(iid) of aioderii laugiiages. 

wfite and speak it mtJi ease, the authors hnve set down th^, grammatical 
ruUs iti su<:h a way, that it is equally easy to understand and to learn them. 

Moreover, we cannot hut commend the elegance and neatness of the type 
and binding of the hooTcs. It is doiibtUss on this account too that these 
volumes have been received with so much favour and that several have reached 
such a large circulation. 

We willingly testify that the. whole collection gives proof of mudt care 
and industry, both with regard to the aims it has in view and the way in 
which these have been carried out, and, moreover, reflects great credit on the 
editor, this collection being in reality quite an exceptkma-l thing of its Jcind." 


(Extract from the Literary Review.) 

All books bouud. 

Eiagrlisli Elditioriis. 

Elemeatary Motlern Armenian Grammar by Gulian .... 
Arabie Grammar by Thatcher 

Key to the Arabic Graramar by Thatcher 

Arabic Chrestomathy by Harder 

KUani^ll Conversatioii-Grammar by Thomas 

^Key to the Danish Conversation - Grammar by Thomas 

■^fOutcll Conversation-Grammar by Valette. 3. Ed 

V^Key to the Dutch Convers. -Grammar by Valette 

\ Dutch Header by Valette. 2. Ed 

French Conversation-Grammar by Otto-Onions, 14. Ed. , . net 

Key to the French Couvers.-Oranimar by Otto-Oniona. 8. Ed 

Elementary French Grammar by Wright. 5. Ed 

French Reader by Onions 

Materials for French Prose Composition by Otto-Onions. 5. Ed. . . 

French Dialogues by Otto-Corkran 

©erman Conversation-Grammar by Otto. 29. Ed net 

Key to the German Convers. -Grammar by Otto. 21. Ed 

Elementary German Grrammar by Otto. 10. Ed 

First German Book by Otto. 9. Ed 

German Reader by Otto. I. 8. Ed., II. .5. Ed., 111. 2. Ed. . . each 

Materials for translating English into German by Otto-Wright. 7. Ed. 

Key to the Mater, f. tr. Engl. i. Germ, by Otto. 3. Ed 

German Dialogues by Otto. 5. Ed 

.iccideuce of the Gorman language by Otto-Wright. 2. Ed. . . . 

Handbook of English and Gorman Idioms by La,nge 

German Verbs with their appropriate prepositions etc. by Tebbitt . 

The Hanssa language (Die Haussaspraohe ; la langue haoussa) by Seidel 

Hindastani Conversation -Grammar by St. Clair - Tisdall . . . . 

Key to the Hindustani Convers.- Grammar by St. Clair-Tisdall 

Italian Conversation-Grammar by Sauer-de Arteaga. 9. Ed. net 

Key to the Itallac Convers. -Grammar by Saucr-de Arteaga. 8. Ed 

Elementary Italian Grammar by Motti. 4. Ed 

Italian Reader by Cattaneo. 2. Ed 

Italian Dialogues by Motti 

Japanese Conversation-Grammar by Plant 

Key to the Japanese OonTcrs -Grammar by Plant . 

Modern Persian Conversation-Granrmar by St. Clair-Tisdall 

Key to the Mod. Persian Convers. -Grammar by Si. Clair-Tisdall . . . 

IJfPortnguese Conversation-Grammar by Ey 

jlfKey to the Portuguese r'.Tuircra -araTnmiir by it,t - 


Method Graspey-Otto-Sauer 

Tor the study of modern languages. 

English Edit ions. 

l^clCuSHlan Convoreation-ijtrammar by Motti. 5. Ed 

irKey to the Russian Convers. -Grammar l>y Mottl. 3, Ed 

Elementary Russian Grammar by Motti. 3. Ed. ....... 

Key to the Elementary Russian Grammar by Motti. 3. Ed 

Russian Reader by Werkhaupt and Roller 

Servian Conversation-Grammar by Petrovitcli 

Key to the Servian Convers.-Grammar by PetroTltch 

Spanish Conversation-Grammar by Saner - de Arteaga. 8. Ed. net 

Key to the Spanish Convers. -Grammar by Sauer-de Arteaga, 6. Ed. . . . 

Elementary Spanish Grammar by Pavia. 2. Ed 

Spanisli Reader by Avteaga 

Spanish Dialogues by Sauer-Corkran 

l^Elemeutary S'W^dish Grammar by Fort. 2. Ed 

Turkish Conversation -Grammar by Hagopian 

Key to the Turkish Oonvers. -Grammar by Hagopian 

A.jrabic Edition- 
Heine dentsche iSprachiehre fur Araber von Hartmann .... 

Armenian Edition. 

Kleine englische Sprachlehie liir Armenicr von Gulian .... 

Knlgarian Editions. 

Kleine dentsche Sprachlehre tiir bulgaren von Gawriysky. 3. Aufl. 
Kleine englische Sprachlehre fur Bulgaren von Gawriysky . . 
Kleine franzosische Sprachlehre fur Bulgaren von Gawriysky . 
Kleine rnssische Sprachlehre fur Bulgaren von Gawriysky . . 

J>anisli Edition. 
Kleine deutsche Sprachlehre tiir Danen von Sorenscn 

I>u.tcli Editions. 

Kleine Engelsche Spmakkunst door (Joster 

Kleine Fransche Spraakkunst door Welbergen 

Kleine Hoogfduitsche Grammatica door Schwippert. 2. 
Leerboek der Italiaansche taal door van Binsbergen 

Sleutel bij de leerboelr der Itallaansche taal door van Binsbergen 

Kleine Spaansche Spraakkunst door van Haaff 

Sleutel bij de kleine Spaansche Spraakkunst door van Haaff 

Erencli Editions- 

Grammaire allemande par Otto-JMicolas. 18. t,d 

Corrigi de» theuies de la Grammaire allemande par Otto-Nicolas. 7. i,d. . 
Petite grammaire allemande par Otto-Verrier. 10. Ed. . ... 

Lectures allemandes par Otto. I. 8. ]5d., 11. 5. fid., III. 2. lild. each 

Erstes deutsches Leaebuch von Verrier. 2. Aufl 

Conversations allemandes par, Otto-Verrier. ■>. fid 

Grammaire anglnise par Mauroa-Verrier. 11. Illd 

Corrig6 des thSmeci de la Grammaire aoKiaise par 'Mtturon-Verrier. 5. j4d. . 

Petite grammaire anglaise par Mauron. 7. ^jd 

Lectures anglaises par Maurou. 3. lild 

Conversations anglaises par Corkran. 2. itd 

Grammaire arabe par Aruiez 

Corrig6 des themes de la Grammaire arabe par Armez . . * 

Chrestomathie arabe par Harder 

La langue congolaise par Seidel-Strayf . . , 

Grammaire espagnole par Sauer-Serrano, 6. Ed 

Corrig6 des themes de la Gramm. espa^^n. par Plauer-Serrano, 5. ltd. 

Petite grammaire espagnole par Tanty. 3. Ed 

Leo' - ' '-"■—" 


Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer 

for tbe study of modern languages. 

i<^vencli Editions. 

Gram ni aire grecque par Capos 

Corrige dea themes de la Grammaire grecque par Capoa 

Petite grammaire hongroise par Kout 

Corrige des themes de la Petite grammaire hongroiae par Eont . 

Chrestomathie hongroise par Kont 

Grammaire italienne par Saner. 12. Ed. ...__... 
Corrige des thimea de la Grammaire italienne par Saucr. 8 hi. . 

Petite grammaire italienne par Motti. 5. 'Ed 

Chrestomatliie italienne par (lattani'O. 3. Ed 

Conversations italiennes par Motti. 2. Kd 

Grammaire .japonaiNe par Plant 

Corrig6 des themes de la (iran.maire japOQaise par PlaiU .... 

Grammaire ueerlandaise par Valette. S. Ed. . . . 
Corrige des themes de la Grammaire neerlandaise par Valette 

Lectures Deerlandai.'<es par Valette, 2. t.d 

Grammaire portugaise par Ey-Nogueira 

Corrige des tUimcs de la (irammaire portugaiae par Ey-KoKnelra . 

Grammaire ronniaiiie par Lovera 

Corri^'e des th^mea de la Cirammaiie roumaine pur Lovera . . . . 

Grammaire rnwHe par Kuchs-Nicolas. 5. Ed 

Corrig6 dea thfeujes de la (Iramnmire russe par Fuehs-Nlcolas. .'). fid. 

Petite grammaire rubae par Motti. 'i. Ed , . . . 

Corrig6 des thferoes de la Petite grammaire ruase par Motti. 3, £d. . 

Lectures ruaees par Werkhaupt et Roller 

Grammaire 8erl»e par Petrovitcli 

CorrlRe dee themes de la Grammaire 8erbe par Petrovitch . . . . . 
l-'etue grammaire suedolse par Fort 

Grerman Editioris. 

Arabisclie KonveraaiionN-Urammatik v. Uartter. 2. Aufl. 
Schliissel dazu'V. Harder. 2. Autl 

Kleine arabisclie Sprachlehre v. Harder . . . . ; 

Araliiache Chrestomathie v. Harder 

Rnlffarische Konversations-Grammatik v. Gawriysky .... 

Scblilasel dazu v. Gawriysky 

Cliinesische Konversations-Grammatik v. Seidel 

Schliissel dazu v. Seidel 

Kleine chinesische Sprachlehre v. Seidel 

ficblilasel dazu v Seidel 

Daniiiictae Konversations-Grammatik v. Wied. 2. Aufl 

flchlUasel dazu v. Wied. 2. AuH 

Dnala-Sprachlehre und Worterbuch v. Seidel 

Englische Konversations-Grammatik v. Gaspey-Runge. 25. Aufl. 

Schliissel dazu v. Runge. 5. Aufl 

Englisches Konvereations-Lesebucli v. Gaspey-Runge. 6. Aafl. . . 

Kleine englische Sprachlehre v. Otto-Runge. 8. Aufl 

Schliissel dazu v. Runge 

Englische Gesprache v. Rimge. 3. Aufl 

Materialien z. Ubersetzen ins Englische v. Otto-Runge. 4. Aufl. . . 

Englische Chrestomathie v. Siipfle-Wright. 9. Aufl 

Handbuch englischer und deutscher Idiome v. Lange 

Ewe-Sprachlehre und Worterbuch v. Seidel 

Kleine flnnisclie Sprachlehre v. Neirhaus 

Pranzftsisclie Konversations-Grammatik v. Otto-Siipfle 29. Aufl, 

Schliissel dazu v. Siipfle. 6. Aufl 

Franz. Konv.-Lesebuch v. Otto-Runge. I. 10. Aufl., H. 5. Aufl. k . . 
Franz. Konv.-Leseb. f. Madchsch. v. Otto-Runge I. 5. Aufl., H. 3. Aufl. h 

Kleine franzosische Sprachlehre v. Otto-Siipfle. 10. Aufl 

Schliissel dazu v. Otto-Siipfle. il. Au^ 


4 i 


2 ■ 
2 ' 















Method Graspey-Otto-Sauer 

for the study of niodeni languages. 


CI^er•man Editions. 

Materialien z. Uborsetzen lus Franz6sische v. Knoge . . . 

Franzfisisclie Gesprache v. Otto-Runge. 9. Aull 

FranzOsisches Lesebuch v. Siipfle. 11. Aufl 

Italienisclie Konversatione-Grammatik v. Sauer. 13. 
SchltlSfcel dazu v. Cattaneo. 5. Aufl. 


Italienisches Konversations-Lesebuch v. Sauer. 5. Aufl. . ... 

Italienische Cbrestomathie v. Cattaneo. 3. Aufl 

Kleine italienisohe Spracblehre t. Sauer. 11. Aufl 

Schlussel dazu v. Cattaneo. 3. .Vufl 

Italienisohe Gespraobe v. Sauer-Motti. 6. Aufl 

DbuDgsstucke zum tJbera. a. d. Deutachen i. Ital. v. Lardelli. 5. Aufl. 

Japanlsche Konversations-Gvammatik v. Plant 

Scbliissel duzu v. Plant 

narokkanische Spraohlebre v. Seidel 

Meugl'iecllische Koij-veraations-Grarumatik v. Petraris. 2. Aufl. . 

Schlilsael dazu v. Petrar;8. 2, Aufl 

Lehrbuoh dei neugriecbischen Volksspracbe v. Petraris 

( '"Neupersische Konversations-Grammatik v. Beck 

4^Schlussel dazu v. Beck 

Niederlandische Kouversatioua-Grammatit v. Valette, H. Aufl. 

Schliiaael d-azu v. Valette. 3 Aufl 

Niederlandischea KonT.-Lesebuoh v. Valette. 2. Aufl 

Kleine niederliliidiscbe Sprachlebre v. Valette. 4. Aufl 

Polniisclie Konversations-Grammatik v. Wicherkiewicz. 3. Aufl. . 

Scblttaael dazu v. Wicherkiewicz. 3. Aufl 

Kleine polnische Sprachlebre v. Ssymank 

Schlussel dazu v. Ssymank 

JPortngies^il^Clie Konversations-Grammatik v. Ey. 2. Aufl. . . 

Schlussel dazu v. Ey. 2. Aufl 

Kleine portugiesische Sprachlebre v. Kordgien-Ey. 5. Aufl. . . . 

BlllUJinische Konversations-Grammatik von Lovera 

Schlussel dazu von Lovera 

Knssisclie Konversations-Grammatik v. Fucha. 6. Aufl 

Schliiasel dazu v. Fucha. 6. Aufl 

Russisches Konversations-Leseboob v. Werkhaupt 

Kleine russiscbe Sprachlebre v. Motti, 4. Aufl 

Schluasel dazu v. Motti. 4. Aufl , , 

IScllwediscIie Konversations-Grammatik v. Walter. 2. Aufl. . . 

Schlussel dazu v. Walter. 2. Aufl 

Kleine scbwedische Sprachlebre v. Fort. 3. Aufl 

Schlussel dazu v. Fort 

Serbiscke Konversations-Grammatik v. Petrovitch 

Schlussel dazu v. Petrovitch 

S^panische Konversations-Grammatik v. Sauer-Ruppert. 10. Aufl. 

Schlussel dazu v. Euppert. 4. Aufl 

Bpanisches Lesebucb v. Arteaga 

Kleine spanische Sprachlebre v. Sauer. 8. Aufl 

Schlussel daau v. Runge. 3. Aufl 

Spanische Gespracbe v. Sauer. 4. Aufl 

Spanische Rektionaliste v. Sauer-Kordgien 

Snahili-Konversations-Grammatik v. Seidel 

Schlussel dazu v. Seidel 

Suahili-WSrterbucb v. Seidel 

Tscheckiscke Konversations-Grammatik v. Maechner 

Schlussel dazu v. Masohner 

Tiirkiscke Konversations-Grammatik v. .lehlitscbka 

Schllissel dazu v. Jehlitschka 

Kleine tiirkische Sprachlebre v. Horten 

SchlL ' "--■ - •"•"'— 

Method Gaspey-Otto-Saner 

for tbe study of modern languagres. 

Gl-erman Editions. 

WUnsarische Konversatious-Grammatik v. Magy 
^ Schlussel dazu v. Nagy 

Kleme uogarische Sprachletire v. Nagy. 3. Aiifl. 

Schlussel dazu v. Nagy 

Ungarische Chrestomatliie t. Kont 

O-reeU Editions- 

. Auil 

Kltine dentsche bpi-iichlehre tur Gritchen tou Miltos 

Deutsche Geopriiche fiir Griechen von Maltos 

Deutsclies Lesebuch fur Grieclien von Maltos 

Kleine englische Spvachlehre t'iir Griechen voa Deffuer . . 
Kleine rn88li!)che Sprachlelire fur Griechen von Maltos . . 
Hixngai-ian Editions. 

Doutsclie Koaversiitions-Gramojatik tu' Ungaren v> n Pliilipp 
Schliissel dazu von Philipp " i, 

Italian Editionss- 

Grammatica Araba di Farma 

Chiave della grammatica arabu di Farina 

Gramniatica francese di Motti. 4. Ed 

Chiave della gramroatica francese di Motti. 3. Kd. 

Grammatica olenicutaro francese di Sauer-Motti. 5. Ed 

Letture fraDceai di Le Boiiclier 

Conversazioni francysi di Motti 

Grammatica, del Oreco volgare di Palurabo 

Grammatica IngleHe di Pavia. 6. Ed 

Cliiave dt-Ua grammatica Inglese di Pavia. 3, Ed 

Grammatica elementare inglese di Pavia. 3. Ed 

Letture inglesi di Le Boucher 

Grammatica elementare portoghese di Palumbo 

Grammatica rns^ia di Motti 

Chiave della grammatica russa di Motti 

Grammatica spas:iinola di Pavia. 4. Ed 

Chiave della Grammattca spagnuola di Pavia. 3. Ed 

Grammatica elementare spagnuola di Motti. 4. Ed 

Gra.mmatica elementare svedese di Pereira 

Grammatica tedesca di Sauer-Ferrari. 8. Ed 

Chiave della ttrammatica tedesca di Sauer-Ferrari. 4. Kd 

Grammatica elementare tedesca di Otto. 6. Ed 

Letture tedesche di Otto. 0. Ed 

Antologia tedesca di Verdaro 

Conversazioni tedesche di Motti. 2. Ed 

Avviamento al trad, dal ted. in ital. di Lardelli. 5. Ed 

folish Editions. 

Kleine deatsche Sprachlehre fur Polen v. Paulus-Legowrki. 2. Anfl. 
Scliliissel dazu v. Paulus-Legowski 

I^ort-ugTiesf^ Editions- 

Gramdtica alema por Prevot. 4. Ed 

Chave da Gramitica alema por Otto-Privot. 2. Ed 

Gram^tica elementar alema por Pr^vot-Pereira. 4. Ed 

Erbtes deutsches Lesebuch v. Verrier. 2. Aufl 

Grammatica francesa por Tauty-Vasconcellos. 2. Ed 

Chave da Grammatica francesa por Tanty-Vasconcollos. 2. Ed 

Livro de leitura francesa por Le Boucher 

Livro de leitura inglesa por Le Boucher 

Grammatica elementar HTLGCS^^m^^^^^^^t^g^B^^^^^SS^:^^^^ 


iuciuuu tiraispc^ -vtto -Sauer 

for the study of modern langoiiges. 

— B 


3?^o^l.maxl Editions. 

Conveiviijiuni eugleze de Waltuck .... 

ijramatica fraxicesa de Leist 

Cbeea gramaliciT franceae de Leist 

Elemeute de gramatica IVancesa de Leist. '2. 
Conversa^iiml t'ranceze de Leiat. 4. Ed. . . 
Gramatica germana 'le Leist .... 

Cheea gramaticil grermane de [.eist ..... 
Elemente de gramatica germana de Leist. '2. 
Converaajiuni germane de Leist. 2. Ed. ... 

T^Tissian JEditions. 


English Gr.immar for Kusaiaus by Hauti'. 2, Ed 

Key to the English Grammar tor Eussians by Hautf. 2. Ed. .... 

French. Grammar for Russians by Malkiel. 2. Ed 

Key to the French Grammar for Russians by Malkiel. 2. Ed 

German Grammar for Russians by Hanff. 3. Ed 

Key to the German Grammar for Russians by Uauff. 3. Ed 

Italian Grammar for Russians by Mozejko 

Key to the Italian Grammar for Russians by Mozejko 

Japanese Grammar for Russians by Plaut-Issacovitcli . . . 
Key to the Japanese Grammar lor Rus.siaus*by Plaut-Issacovitcb .... 
Elementary Sivedish Grammar for Russians by Port-Issacovitcb 

Servian Edition ss. 

Kleine deutsche Sprachlehre tiir Serben von Petrovitcli . . 
Kleine englische Sprachlehre i'iir Serben von Petrovitch 
Kleine franzosische Sprachlehre fiir Serben von Petrovitch 
Kleine italienische Sprachlehre fiir Serben you Petrovitch 
Kleine rnssische Sprachlehre fiir Serben von Petrovitch . 

Schlussel dazu von Petrovitcli 

Spanish. Editions. 

Gramatica alemana por Ruppert. 4. Ed 

Clave de la Gramatica alemana por Ruppert. .3. Ed 

Gramatica elemental alemana por Otto-Ruppert. 7. Ed 

Gramatica francesa por Tanty-de Arteaga. 2. Ed 

Clave de la OramiUca franceaa por Tajity-de Arteaga 2. Ed 

Gramatica sucinta de la lengua francesa por Otto. 6. Ed 

Libro de lectura frauceaa por Le Boucher 

Gramatica inglesa por Pavia. 3. Ed 

Clave de la Gramitica inglesa por Pavla. 3. Ed 

Gramatica sucinta de la lengua inglesa por Pavia. 6. Ed. . . 

Libro de lectura inglesa por Le Boucher 

Gramatica sucinta de la lengua italiana por Pavia. 5. Ed. . . 

Gramatica sucinta portuguesa por CarriUo 

Gramatici sucinta de la lengua rnsa por d'Aroais . . . ... . 

Olave de la Gramatica aucluta rusa por d'Arcais 

Swedish Edition. 

Kleine deutsche Sprachlehre liir Schweden von Walter .... 

Tchech Editions. 

Kleine deutsche Sprachlehre tiir Tschecheu von Maschuer . . . 
Fl'anzosische Kouv.-Grammatik fur Tschechen von Alaschucr 
Schllissel dazu von Maschner 

Turlzish Editions. 

Kleine dentsche Sprachlehre fur Tiirken v.m Well Bey-Bolland. 
Deutsches Lesebuch liir Tiirken von Weli Bey-BoUand .... 


2 - 

2 _ 

4i — 

2 1 — 

7 1 — 

2 '■ - 

3 i — 

Method GUnsin 

Tor the study of inodero laupages. 
Conversation -Books by Connor 

iu t"0 taiigiijiirps: 
Enulish-Geruiaii. ;:i. Ed. 2. — Dentsch-Italien. 2, Alifl. 2.- 
EQglish-Frencb 3. Eii. i'. — Deutsch-NiederlandiPoh '2.— 
English-Italian, a. EJ. 2. — Deutsch-Polnisoh . . i.— 
English-Rus-sian . - .s. — Deutsch-l'ortugiesisch -.— 
Englisn-Spauish. 2. Ed. 2. — Deutsch-Rum&uiseli . 2. — 
English-Swedish . . 2.— Deutsch-Riissisoh . , :'. — 
Deutscb-Danisch . . 2. — Doutsch-Sohwedisch . 2.— 
Deutsch-Franz. 3. .\nH 2.— DiMitsch-Spauisch, 2..\. 2.— 

throe lanpunges; Enelisli-German-Frenrh. 15. Ed 

foar iaiignapes: En^'lish-German-Frcncb-Ualiau. o. Ed, 

The Traveller's Companion by Motti. 

Deutseh-Tiirkisch . . 

Frau(;ais-ItalioD. 2, Ed. 





1. tor (.itTiaans 

Eijglisoh . 

2. „ „ Franzos, . 

i>. M „ Italien. . 

4, „ ,, Rassisi'h . 

6. ,, „ Niederld. . 

^. .. ., 8paniscU . 

21. lorEagli^aaR'n; German . 

22. „ „ Freaoh . 
2.'i. „ „ Italian 
24. ,, ,, Kns.^ian . 
•2b. „ „ Dnti-h . 
2H. ,. ,, Sliatiish 

41. for 

42. „ 

43. „ 

44. „ 

45. „ 

I- 46. „ 
1 - Gl. for 
1- H2. „ 
1- B3. „ 
1 - 04. „ 

Frenchmen: Uent.^ch 
,, Euglisch 

„ Ualien. 

,, Rtissiscli 

,, NioderU. 

,, Spauiscli 

Italians: Deatsfth 

„ Engliscb 


1 - SI, for Rus 

1-. M, „ 

1-, S3. ,, 

1-1 84. 




Riissisch . 1 - 141, 


Spaniscli . 



Peutscli . 

Engliscb . 
,', ,, I'ranzds. . 

Ualien. , 
for Dulehnien; DentsuU . 
., „ Engliscli . 

„ „ Frauzos. . 

Ualien. . 

Frauzos. . 

DontseU . 

Engliscb . 

Franzos. . 

for Spaniards: 
for Portngnese 

60. „ 

tii-eriuan Laat^Mnj^e by liiiclytir 

I!$pani8h Commercial CoiTespoutleiice by Arteaga y Pereira . . 

niiniseher Spracht'uhrer von Forchhammer 

Kichti^e Ausspraolie d. Mu.sterdeatschen v. Dr. E. DaDuheisser, br. 

Ellgli««h, as it is spoken v. Crump. 15. Aufl 

Schliissel da/u v.Cninip. 12 AuH 

Englischc Haudelskorri'.spundenz v. Cai-pentcr. 2. Au6 

Nenes Taschenworterbnch : Deutsch-EugHsch u. En^liscli-Oeutsch . . 

Kurze franxOHiHche Grammatik von H. Runge 

Ivurze franzosiscbe Stilschule von Depta 

Kranz. Spracbl. f. Handelssch. v. Dannbeiseer, KM'ner u. Otfenmiiller 
Neue franz. Lektilre, hprausgegebenv. .Siipfle: Band 1 Dozin, La vie frani;.alse 
Neues TaschenWOrterbUCh: Dentsch-lranzbsisch u. I'Vanzo-sisch-Deutsch 
Italieninche kaut'm. Korresp.-Gramra. v.Danuheiseer u.Sauer. '2. Aufl. 

SchlUatJcl dazu v. Dannheiaaer 

II correttore italiano von Mayo-Gelati 

Neuere italien. Schriftsteller, herausgeg. v. di Mayo-Gelati: 

Band I Leopaidi 2 s. Rand III Giaoosa . .2 k, Band V San Giusto , , 

Band II Serao. , 2 s. Rand IV d'Annunzio 2 s. Baud VI Rapisardi , . 

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briefen vou Oberholzer u. Osmond, br. 

Sprichworterschatz in 4 Sprachen: DeutSCh - EngliSCh - FranzOSlSCh- 

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