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Cratfielb parisl} Accounts. 


'The late Rev. William Holland, M.A„ Rector of Huntingfield, Suffolk, has 
left behind him a large collection of transcripts of ancient parochial 
accounts. Those of the parish of Cratfield, which reach back to the days of 

Henry VH., have been selected for publication, under the editorship of the Rev. 
Canon Raven, D.D., F.S.A., Rector of Fressingfield, and will be published by 
Messrs. Jarrold & Sons, of lo & ii, Warwick Lane, E.G. 

To each year Mr. Holland has appended historical notes, so that the affairs 

of this remote village are a microcosm. The stirring events of the Tudor 

Period, as the martyrdom in the village of Laxfield, adjacent to Cratfield, Lady 

Jane Grey's rebellion, the Armada, etc., find valuable and interesting illustrations 

which are continued in the forthcoming volume to the year 1642. 

" - 1- 

L" Among the more important items are those relating to the Parish Guild, an 

institution which has left its mark behind it in the shape of many a Guildhall 

and Chantry. The simple expedient of huge feasts by which surplus cash was 

disposed of, in the prospect of visits from Tudor officials in search of goods for 

the Augmentation office, may be read unglossed here. 

Many names occur of course, of the old local families, some now extinct in 
East Anglia, but not unrepresented in the New England States. The retention 
of the ancient spelling is not without its philological use. 

A Portrait of Mr. Holland will form the frontispiece. 

The work will be published by Subscription at 15/- nett. 


AN J) 


10 AND II, Warwick Lank, London, E.C. [i'.t.o. 


Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 



A Transcript of the Accounts of the Parish, from 
A.D. 1490 to A.D. 1642, with Notes, 



Formerly of Lincoln College,., Oxford; Rector of Huntingjiild-'with-Cookley ; 


With a brief Memoir of tMk'j^uthor, by his widow. 

Edited;: WITH an ■Introduction, by j •■:' 

Of Emmanuel College, Cambridge j Vicar of Fressingfield- 

•with-Withersdale J and Honprary Canon of 

Norwich Cathedral. 



^ OOKWIr-l-U 

uiviivf: u.i. I rV 

n 4 




William Holland was the son of J5hn Holland of Carring- 
ton House, Boston, and was botn at Boston on the 25th March, 
1813 ; he was a short time at Horncastle Grammar School, and 
was also at Louth School, from whence he proceeded to Oxford, 
and matriculated at Lincoln College in March, 1832 ; in the same 
year he became engaged to his cousin, Mildred Keyworth 
Holland, whom he married on the 8th of December, 1835. 
Though he did not gain any distinctions in the Schools at Oxford, 
he passed Responsions in June, 1832, and "Greats" in 1835, 
and in due course he was ordained Deacon in 1840 by Dr. Kaye, 
Bishop of Lincoln, to the Curacy of Walcot. He was ordained 
Priest in 1841, and about the same time his Trustees purchased 
for him the living of Huntingfield-cum-Cookley; but as he could 
not get possession of the Rectory during the lifetime of the Rev. 
Henry Uhthoff, he and his wife spent much of the next few years 
in travelling ; they made tours to France, Germany, Spain, 
Russia, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Greece, and even to Asia 
Minor, and we would remind our readers that pleasure tours of 
this kind were not made so frequently fifty years ago as they are 
now. In this way they spent many happy months, studying all 
that was beautiful in Church architecture, of the towns that they 
visited. Mrs. Holland made some admirable etchings and 
paintings (for she was very clever with both pen and brush) of all 
kinds of architectural ornament. 


But in 1848 Mr. Uhthoff died, and Mr. Holland was instituted 
to Huntingfield on the 27th of April of that year. He then 
began his duties in that Parish, where he was Rector for upwards 
of 40 years ; he threw himself heartily into his work, and soon 
made himself beloved by all that knew him. Both he and his 
wife, as we have hinted before, were ardent students of Architec- 
ture and Archseology, and they spent much of their leisure 
time in rubbing brasses, deciphering old MSS. (in which he was 
peculiarly skilful), and planning the restoration of Huntingfield 
Church. Upon this last work alone he must have spent upwards 
of ;^2,ocx), and his wife undertook to paint and decorate the roof 
with her own hands, and after three years of hard work in the 
nave, and about nine months in the chancel, she accomplished 
this labour of love, a very beautiful monument of her taste and 
perseverance. And thus for thirty years they lived at the 
Rectory a life of earnest work in the parish and of peaceful 
happiness at home; but in the 43rd year of their happy married 
life he lost his wife, who died suddenly on the nth November, 
1878, and was buried in Huntingfield churchyard, to quote her 
husband's own words — " very near her great work and labour of 
love in God's Most Holy House in that parish." 

This was a terrible blow, and he never quite recovered the 
shock of her sudden death. In the next year he went to Brittany 
for a short tour, and brought back with him two fine specimens 
of monumental art, the work of a French artist, which his wife 
had admired when they visited that country some years before : 
these were placed in Huntingfield churchyard, the one with an 
inscription to his wife, the other stood a " tabula rasa" till after 
the Rector's death. 

On the 20th January, 1881, Mr. Holland was married to Mrs. 
McKee, the widow of Mr. R. G. McKee, and daughter of Rev. J. 


Byron of Killingholme; in December, 1888, he had a kind of 
patalytic seizure, from which he never recovered, and after a long 
and painful illness he died on the 3rd of October, 1891. All his 
parishioners both rich and poor felt that with him they had lost 
a personal friend, warm-hearted, generous, and true ; none could 
deny that he always 

"bore without abuse 
The grand old name of gentleman. 
Defamed by every charlatan. 
And soil'd by all ignoble use." 

His second wife survives him, and as some small tribute to the 
memory of her dear husband, and as the most fitting monument 
of the work he loved so well, she publishes these Archaeological 
notes on Cratfield ; and she has presented to the Ipswich 
Museum his very valuable collection of Brasses, which will be 
known as the Holland Collection. 


Few suspect the importance of those documents which are lying 
entombed in the Parish Chests of England. In too many cases clergy 
and laity alike have sold as waste paper, or committed to the flames, 
records of the past, which can never be recovered, regarding them as 
useless lumber. Such, happily, was not the case with these, with which 
the, student of history is presented in this volume. 

Through the industry of my lamented neighbour the following tran- 
script was made. It has been committed to my charge as Editor, and 
I have endeavoured to carry out my duties as I feel that the Author 
would have desired. 

I have restored for several reasons the original spelling, which he 
had modernized. Of late the study of mediaeval English has so spread 
itself, that not many would now be deterred from examining these pages 
by reason of old-fashioned spelling. Indeed a certain piquancy and 
quaintness is added to the narrative by the curious forms in which words 
thus appear, and sometimes valuable philological hints are afforded. 

The history of the parish of Cratfield is probably but a type and 
figure of the history of most English parishes. 

The vast billows of an ocean make themselves felt in countless little 
ripples which run up the creeks of coasts of inland seas. So the great 
disturbances in the political world, or in religious thought, or in inter- 
national discord, will be found to have transmitted their forces to this 
remote village on the Suffolk boulder clay. 

Cratfield is about as unknown a place as one could well find. It lies 
near the head of one of the little streams which form the inconspicuous 
Blyth, crossed by the traveller from London to Yarmouth or Lowestoft, 
near the Halesworth Station. The extent is mainly westward of the 
parish church, towards my parish of Fressingfield, and northward towards 
Metfield. Other boundary parishes, the names of which will occur in 
these pages, are the Linsteads, Cookley, Huntingfield, and Laxfield. 


The " beating of bounds " which took place on the Rogation Days, traced 
to those Litanies which were ordered by Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne, 
c. 470, took a mixed multitude annually over brook and pale, by 
where the tall trees on Silverleys Green mark the watershed between the 
Waveney and the Blyth, back to the " Gylde Halle," whence the start 
would be pretty sure to be made. The reader of these financial items 
will soon be face to face with " pullerers," or with " them that went a 
poUoren," in which rugged terms some would fail to recognise the 
French pelerin, still less the English pilgrim or the 'LaXm peregrtnus. 
The acreage is nearly 2,123, ^"^ the population at the census of 1891 
was /)67. In 1841 it was 720, and the steady drop notes the gradual 
decay of the agricultural interest. Machinery has greatly lessened the 
demand for labour, and as the English palate is too delicately constituted 
to consume flour which can come of English wheat, the supply of that 
staple article is largely in excess of the demand for it. 

The labours of my predecessors in Suffolk archeology supply me with 
all that is necessary for a general sketch of the annals of Cr.itfield. In 
the time of the Confessor, Tored held three carucates and a half as a 
manor ; but at the compilation of Domesday Book, Ralph Bainard was 
lord of the entire soil. There were five franci homines, a class difficult 
to describe, something between a yeoman and a gentleman. It seems 
strange that out of twenty-nine recorded in the whole county, Cratfield 
should have contained five. Very likely the sturdy " forefathers of the 
hamlet," whose doings and dealings are set forth in the parish account, 
may have traced their origin to one or other of these " Franklins." 

From Ralph Bainard, through his son Geoffrey, the manor came to a 
grandson William, who lost it by forfeiture early in the reign of Henry I., 
on which occasion it appears to have been broken into three parts, for 
in 1 100 Matilda de Liz granted to the Priory of S. Neot's the third part 
of the whole manor of Cratfield, which she speaks of as " liberum 
maritagium meum." The history of this manor cannot be traced, though 
it probably continued in the Priory (of which frequent mention will 
occur in the accounts) till the Dissolution. The other manors formed 
out of the original manor were " Cratfield " and " Cratfield Rons." 
The former passed from the Albini family by various changes, partly by 
inheritance, partly by attainder, to John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, to 
whom it was granted by letters patent of Edward IV. in 1468. The 
"Dominus Norff" of 1509 (see p. 36), is doubtless Thomas, Earl of 
Surrey. The year belongs to one of the lacunce in the Norfolk title, but 
Surrey preserved under Henry VIII. the same influence which his 


ready acquiescence in the result of Bosworth Field had gained him under 
Henry VII. However he might be regarded in Suffolk, the Duchy of 
Norfolk was not restored to him till 1514, after his services at Flodden 
in the previous year. 

In the changes and chances of the Howards Cratfield Manor passed 
to Robert Ratcliffe, Earl of Sussex, whose name will be found in these 
annals ; and after more changes, which need not be rehearsed, to the 
Cokes, and finally to the Vannecks, the present head of which house, 
Lord Huntingfield, now holds it. This is the paramount manor : that 
of Cratfield Roos, which is of less interest, is now in the possession of 
Sir Hugh Edward Adair, Bart., of FUxton Hall. 

The Vicarage had been in the patronage of the St. N eot's Priory, which 
held the great tithes. Huntingdonshire men, as John de Temesford 
and Henry Cokyl de Eton, probably Eaton Socon, appear in the 
fourteenth century. 

The first Vicar whose name occurs in the parish books is John Chyrche, 
alias Lestan, whom Bishop Lybart collated by lapse in 1458. His long 
tenure of office ended in 1502, when the St. Neot's Priory appointed 
William Williamson ; and at the next vacancy exercised their function 
for the last time by presenting for institution Robert Thyrketyll, who 
seems to have endured the changes of his day with equanimity. The 
grantees of the Priory appointed Thomas Millesent, who was succeeded 
by William Byllinge, the first nominee of Mr. John Lany, who had in 
the interim purchased the advowson. From the same family came the 
nominations of John Page, Francis Wheatly, and the two Elands, 
Francis and Gabriel, of whom the latter seems to have been living when 
our present chronicle closes. 

With regard to the Lany family, I extract the following from a manu- 
script* " formerly belonging to Mr. Appleton (nephew of Mr. Ryece of 
Preston), a great Antiquary, now in the possession of Mr. Thicknesse, 
Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, 1729," which has been kindly 
lent me by George Josselyn, Esq., of Ipswich : — 

" In Cratfield is the antient family of Laney, John Laney, Esq., father 
of John Laney, Esq., both Counsellors at law, were Recorders of 
Ipswich, the one after the other very many years ; the elder of them lies 
buried in St. Margret's Church in Ipswich, the younger in St. Nicholas 
Church there." This second John was his father's eldest son. The 
youngestt was Benjamin Lany, D.D., Master of Pembroke College, 
Cambridge, and Dean of Rochester. He was one of the Commissioners 

* Dated 1655. t Born in Ipswich. 


who endeavoured to treat with the Presbyterians at Uxbridge, and after 
the Restoration became successively Bishop of Peterborough and of 
Ely, where he died in 1674. 

The prominence of the Parish Guild will, I trust, be my excuse for 
enlarging a little on that subject. 

Our Political Economists have hitherto occupied themselves so exclu- 
sively with Trade Guilds and Merchant Guilds in the towns, that these 
widespread Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods are in danger of being 
forgotten. Yet their little parchment deeds slumber in the recesses of 
our stout iron-bound chests, their perishable property indeed was swept 
into the vorago of the "Augmentation" office; but their realty still 
remains, applicable as yet in many cases to the sustentation of the fabrics 
of those venerable parish churches where the " brederhode " and 
" susterhode " worshipped in their day. Sometimes we can find when 
they were founded, sometimes we come upon them as going concerns, 
and this is the case at Cratfield, where for a short time the " Gylde " 
seems to have absorbed financially the parish. 

They present themselves to us as Friendly Societies, intended for the 
bodily and spiritual benefit of such as chose to belong to them, and 
were allowed so to belong. 

Feasts for the whole, a refuge for the aged, Masses for the deceased, 
these three are the main objects of the Association, to which must be 
added the due preservation and repair of the Parish Church, a portion 
of which formed the Chapel of the Patron Saint of the Guild. To 
provide for these charges the sources were the contributions of members 
and the income derived from property, the history of which is in many 
cases not traced, and in some not to be traced. At Cratfield the principal 
guild properties were " Rose Larks " and " Tonks," with divers " pytylls " 
and " parcels of medowe ; " and the " Cherche Box " which still remains, 

IXoger maKtit gsf t^s* ©Jelfte, 
^rage fot j&jg (otolt to 3)^" ©tcift, 

contained £6 i^s. ^d. on May 22nd, 1534, when the Gylde account, 
which lasted but a few years, began. Gatherings were made on Plow 
Monday, and on other occasions, and there seems never to have been 
wanting a supply for guild purposes in this village. 

The detail for the feasts may be read in the accounts for the various 
years. Sometimes they were held in the churches, as at Bennington, 
where there is a considerable charge for cleaning up after the feast ; 


and there can be little doubt that in the prevalent gross living, the 
commemorations of the Nativity (24 June) and Decollation (Aug. 29) 
of S. John the Baptist, the Martyrdom and Translation of S. Thomas 
of Canterbury (Dec. 29 and July 7), who is the Patron Saint named in 
the accounts of the Cratfield Guild, or of S. Edmund, King of East Anglia, 
(Nov. 20), murdered at Hoxne by the Danes, were celebrated with what 
Archbishop Cranmer calls " superfluous belly cheer." 

We do not find in the Guild accounts any regular payments for 
decrepit members, though afterwards the Churchwardens looked well 
I after some special cases. But whoever notices in the Guild houses the 
.^i number of small rooms, and the absence of any hall for meeting, will 
perhaps agree with me that the main use of these buildings was as a refuge 
for those decayed members of the body, whose work in the busy world 
had come to an end, while in their day and generation they had kept up 
their Guild payments and supported their antecessors. As we find no 
payments made for them, it is thought not unreasonable that they had a 
voluntary "basket income" in the shape of bread and meat, eggs and 
milk, butter and cheese, sent to them by the kindly disposed. The 
Guild Chaplain, an ofiSce served from 1439 to 1444 by Sir John Caryell 
de Redenhall, Vicar, was an important person. Having got a license 
for their chapel, the brethren were not bound to the Vicar, and often we 
find the Vicar and Chaplain two distinct persons, the latter receiving his 
quarterages from the Guild purse, and eking out his scanty income by 
winding up the church clock, small dealings in timber, etc. 

The dissolution of the Guilds in 1545 no doubt carried a great mass 
of personalty into the Augmentation office, as I have said : but though 
Tudor rapacity would have gladly laid its hands on the realty, there 
seems to me to have arisen this difficulty. So far as I can observe, the 
deeds are simply conveyances from one body of feoffees to another, from 
A, B and C to D, E and F. Nothing is said in the deed about any 
purpose to which the "ferm" of land or house is to be applied; and 
the lawyers even of that day may have shrunk from the application of 
their statute to that which had no superstitious use defined in so many 

Thus, as it appears to me, the Guild properties remained in their 
feoffees, and were in process of time conveyed by one set to another, 
down to the present day, applicable to the only use remaining of all the 
original uses, the sustentation and improvement of the parish churches. 

Coming to usages, I can only say how strongly I am impressed with 
their temporary character, in so marked a contrast with the Eternal 


Truths which they dimly shadowed. For some years past there has 
been steadily growing an impression that mediaeval use was a thing 
permanent, derived from earlier days, and itself claiming to be handed 
on intact. When the past comes to be examined for itself, its own voice 
heard instead of the voices of its admirers, this impression will not be 
strengthened. With regard to bell usages, I have endeavoured to point 
this out in Chapter V. of my Church Bells of Suffolk, referring to the 
history of the Angelus Bell and of the Sanctus Bell. 

On this occasion I would instance the light suspended before the 
Rood, called the Rotula or Rowell, for "fellyng " (filling), of which there 
is an annual small charge, the money sometimes being earned by the 
Guild Chaplain. The Rood-screen, early Fifteenth Century work, 
remains at Cratfield, placed against the tower ; but I do not find there as 
at Fressingfield, the pulley in the Nave roof, over which the Rowell cord 
passed, nor the guider for the rope, embedded in the easternmost of the 
arches between the Nave and the South Aisle. 

Now though the Rood-beam appears as far back as 1174, I can find 
no coeval hints of the Light, though I have sought diligently for them ; 
and it is almost unimaginable that there could have been a Rood-screen 
in an Ante-conquestal or Early Norman Church. 

In passing from this topic, it may be observed that at Cratfield the 
"rowell " was called the "comen lyght," as the outcome of the parish 
chest or of the Guild Purse Thus it is noted that " John Stobard have 
receyved out of y= gylde purse in y= xxix yere of o"' Soueran lorde Kyng 
h. y= viij for y' waxe of y« comen lyght for y= sayde year xvrf." Yet 
it appears to have been taken away shortly after that time, according to 
the Act then passed against lights before images, and brought back 
again in 1540-1, where the usual sum of xv(/. for "fellyng of the 
rowell " recurs, together with the same sum for " baryng and fetchyng of 
y« rowell." 

The circumstances of Cratfield did not probably vary much from those 
of other parishes, and the coarse view that changes were good for trade 
may have been held here as in the parish of Mildenhall, where the 
various changes of the altar as to position and material did not neces- 
sarily imply a change in the personality of the tradesmen who carried 
them out. The payment for the rowell was made in the first year of 
Edward VI. 

Further on, with the help of Mr. Holland's notes, the story of the 
English nation in petto will be found to tell itself. 

I take this opportunity of correcting one or two errors, which escaped 


me. '■ Wynkyn de Worde" ought to have been printed on p. 31, 
and "Glemham" on p. 178. 

I have no doubt that Mr. " Besweak," on p. 143, is a mistake for 
Keswick, the old schoolmaster. Ps. L. on p 88 was not Deus deorum, 
but the more appropriate Miserere, our Psalm LI. Foxe follows the 
Vulgate notation. 

This transcript of each year's account, with a commentary from the 
great events of the corresponding period, was an excellent idea. Many 
people now, as of yore, want to have the whole narrative told them. 
Some of more vigorous mental texture may prefer to have the plain facts 
before them. It was for such that Mr. Holland laboured. 


The Vicarage, Fressingfield, 
May, 1895. 

(Cratfielb Parisf? Papcxs, 

The earliest of these Papers are stitched together and contain 
the Churchwardens' Accounts for 1490-1502, and are so old 
and interesting that I propose to transcribe the whole verbatim, 
supplying abbreviations, and adding a few notes and ex- 

The Potationes, or Church ales, so frequently mentioned in the 
above years, were what we might call " Pic-nics," to which, on 
referring to the Huntingfield Parish Papers of somewhat later 
date, I find, sometimes the Parishioners alone, sometimes neigh- 
bouring Parishes, contributed, both in kind and in money — 
sometimes also but rarely, they were held at the expense of 
individuals both in their lifetime, and also, after their death, by 
monies left by will for that purpose. These Cratfield Papers 
do not give us the names of the contributors, or of what the 
Feasts consisted, and as information on these points is given in 
the Huntingfield Papers, I transcribe therefrom as an example, 
the following account of a Church ale held about 1534: — 

Huntingfield contributed 4s. ^d. ; Laxfield "js. \d. ; Hevening- 
ham 2s. ifd. ; Cratfield \s. lod. ; Cookley \s. %d. ; Ubbeston 
\s. Sd. ; Lower Linstead is. 6d. ; Metfield is. id. ; total 21s. gd. 

The expenses were : — One bushel and a half of wheat is. ^d. ; 
grinding of the wheat and malt 6d. ; fetching home from the 
mill for horse and man, twice going, ^d. ; for honey, cream, 
milk, and eggs 6d. ; for spices lod. ; for veal and mutton 4.S. ^d. ; 
total Ss. ; leaving a surplus of 1 3 j. gd. 

I have written thus much by way of preface and commence 
my task. 



Ista sunt recepta que recipiuntur per manus Willrelmi Aleys 
et Edmundi Moor prepositorum ecclesie de Cratfelde Anno 
domini Millesimo CCCC et nonagesimo. 

Inprimis in potatione ecclesiastica in die passionis * vijj. iUjd. 
Item in potatione facta per legationem Willielmi Brews ixj. 
Item in potatione facta in die pentecoste ix.r. viijaf. 
Item in potatione facta in die omnium sanctorum vijj. vU'yi. 
Item in potatione facta pro Galfrido Baret 

[This Galfridus (or Jeffrey) Baret was the nephew of 
John Baret of Bury St. Edmund's, who died in 1467, and 
left considerable property in Bury to his two great 
nephews, William and Robert, the sons of this Jeffrey. 

John Baret held some office under the Abbots of Bury. 
In his lifetime he prepared his tomb in St. Mary's Church, 
Bury, which still exists beautifully decorated. I tran- 
scribe the following from his will : — " I give and bequeath 
to William, the son unto Jeffry Baret, of Cratfeld, my 
nephew, my Ae/d (Anglo-Saxon haefd) place, otherwise 
called a messuage, which I dwelt in, with the gardens, 
barn, and duffous (dove house) that I purchased thereto. 
I will that he have the hefd place and white (quit) rent 
above written, bearing yearly divers charges, and under 
divers conditions that he stand well and clear in the king's 
(Henry VII.) grace, and be gentyl to my executors, 
and in my will fulfilling ; and if he be obstinate or froward, 
I will he have none at all, but that my executors set John 
his brother, he to have as William should have, to him 
and to his heirs male, &c. But I will that in no wise none 
idiot nor fool occupy the said goods, but refuse him and 
take another that is next, that the said name of Baret 
may continue goodly so long as God vouchsafe." 

* Passion Sunday is the 5th Sunday in Lent, the Sunday before Palm 

Mid-Lent Sunday, 4th in Lent, also called Refreshment Sunday — Lsetare, 
is in the West of England called Mothering Sunday. 


This William Baret, byhis will proved July 31st, 15 14, 
directed that his executors should find a priest to go to 
the court of Rome, and there to pray for his soul, and 
for the soul of Godfrey his father, as other priests do 
that go to Rome, and when he cometh home from Rome, 
the said priest shall keep and make up a year's service 
in Cratfield to pray for the said souls after his coming 
home. And I will he have for his labor as mine 
executors and he can agree. Item, I bequeath to Ann 
my wife all my lands, tenements, meadows, pastures^ 
woods, feedings, rents, and services with all their 
" apportemnts " free and copy that I have within the 
town of Cratfield and Linstead, &c.J 

Deinde solutum per manus Willielmi Aleys et 
Edmundi predic? In primis circa festum pas- 
chale pro lavatione et emendatione vestorum et 
aliorum ornamentorum ixd. 

Item alio tempore pro lavatione iiijV. 

Item Johl Smyth (the Sexton, for his year's wages) iiij^. iiij^. 

Item pro cariag^ lignorum xd. 

Item pro (j cera An« A) lokke vd. 

Item Thome Carver vj. iiijV. 

Item in costis e — iiij^. 

summa xijj. iiijW. 


Item in secundo anno in die lune cum aratro (Plough 

Monday) ixJ. xd. 

Item in potatione ecclesiastica in diepentecos? xs. 

Item in potatione ecclesiastica in die omnium sanc- 
torum vjj. vi]d. 

Item de Agnete Orfoort pro uno anno vijj. 

Item de Willielmo Pantree in parte soluta unius 

potationis eccliast^ iij-y. iiij'^- 

Item de Roberto Clerk et Henrico Kebyl ijs. vnjd. 

Item de Juliana Flynttard pro uno anno ultimo reddito viij^. 



Item in potatione in die purificationis vijV. ixd. 

Item in dielune precedente cum aratro (Plough Monday) viijj. 
summa ij/. xvjj. i\]d. 

Deinde soluta sunt de anno erga festum paschale 
in lavatione et emendatione vestimentorum & 
ornamentorum per totum Annum 

Item Willmo Rows et Johi Screebb 

Item in costis circa eandem 

Item in cordis emptis pro campanis 

empt pro palyng 

Item pro emendatione vestimentorum 

Johis Tyde Johi Cherche Vic 

[This John Cherche was presented to the Vicarage by lapse by 
Bishop Walter Hart, 1458, and died in 1502]. 

[A part of this leaf is worn away.] 

In tercio anno recepta per Henricum Smyth 
Item in potatione ecclesiastica in iiij'* dominica xl^ 
Item in potatione in die pentecoste 

summa xxijj. iiijV. 


vjj. xd. 


■ ]d 


ixj. iiijV. 

iijj. ]d. 



ixj. x^. 

Exinde soluta sunt eodem anno 
Item primo. Johi Smyth de le halle 
Item pro yj cord ad campafl 
Item pro plomerio et pro sawdre 
Item Edmundo Moor pro labore viij dierum et 

pro cibo et potatione 
Item emendatione candelorum et (An«) schoryn 

Item pro cera empta pro rowell 
Item solutum BoIIre in parte solutionis pro pictacione 

Item pro clavibus emptis Thome Marcaent 
Item Johi Smyth pro labore circa altare et pro 

cibo et potatione 
Item pro lavatione totius anni 

summa xijj. 

iiijj. \\\]d. 

i']d. ob. 



i'ljd. ob. 



Computatis computandis et summa remanente in 
manibus Willielmi et Edmund! pdic? xvs. vija''. 
deinde solutum vs. 


These been y^ reseyvtys (receipts) off the godys of the 
Cherche off Cratfeld be (by) y^ handdys of Robert Kebell and 
John Tye chercherefys (reefes, wardens) of y^ seyd Town on y« 
yere of King Henry VII. y^ viij yere. 

Ferst on plow lode Monday vijj. 

Item off y^ quethewerd (what was bequeathed) of 

Hubert Clerk 
Item off William Aleys and Edmund Moor 
Item off a cherch ale for Thomas Kebyll 
Item off a cherch ale mad on Passion Sonday 
Item off a cherch ale mad on Pentecost Sonday 
Item off a cherch ale mad in harvest 
Itm of a cherch ale mad on hallmesday (hallow mas 

day being All Souls', Nov. 2.) xjs. viijV. 

summa iij/. xvjj. ixd. 

In expenS 

Ferst for ye clapelle (clapper) of ye lytyl belle and for 

a keye and in expenS 

Item for y^ labo, of John Smyth 

Item to Thomas Marcaent for joryng (joinery) for the 


Item for ij corporas vjj. viijd. 

Item for hemmynge thereof }d. 
Item ffor waschyng and scoryngg (scouring) of y^ 

cherche stooffe v'njd. 

Item for velle (vellum) iijj. iiijV. 

Item for ropys iijd. 

Item to y^ piomber for sowder iiijj. ixd. 

Item for ys labo'. i}s. 

Item to ys server xij<^. 











Item for bordyn xx\}d. 

Item for nayll '^'j^- 

Item to John Smyth ffor y= schextery (being sexton) iiijj. iiijV. 
Item for hallwyn (hallowing) of y^ cherche stoofif vjV. 

Item for wythsope (white soap) j«- 

Item to Edmund Sparawk for wax for y« rowell xvjfl'. 

Item to ys reder (reeder) and y^ man xd. 

Item ffor bordyng vjV. 

Item ffor reedde >J-«'- 

Item ffor a lock j^- 

Item ffor hemmyng 'j^- 

Item to Thomas bollre for peyngtyng of y= image of 

owr lady ijV. xiijj. iiijaf. 

Item to ye seyd Thomas for ye peyngtyng of (y^) 

tabernacuU [shrine] of Seynt Edmond viijj. 

[This latter entry tells us what has, I believe, been long 

forgotten, that the Chapel now used as a Vestry was dedicated 

to S'. Edmund.] 

sum ma iiijV. xvijj. vjV. 


Recept in secundo anno. 
Fferst on Plow lode monday vijj. jV. 

Item off a cherch ale ffor Galff Teyzard ix. viijV. 

Item on Monday after Esteryn [Easter] of a cherch 

ale xijj. v]d. 

Item of a cherch ale on Pencost Sonday ixj. vi\'}d. 

Item of a cherch ale in herveste xxiiijj. iiija?. 

Item of a cherch ale for ye schetyng vs. ijaT. 

Item of a cherch alleon Dedycacon [Dedication*] day vijj. ijV 
summa iij/. xvj. vij<a^. 

* That is, the feast of the dedication of the church. " This feast was at 
first regularly kept on that day in every week on which the church was 
dedicated ; but it being observed and complained of, that the number of 
holidays was excessively increased, to the detriment of civil government and 
secular affairs ; and also that the great irregularities and licentiousness 
which had crept into these festivities by degrees, especially in the churches, 
chapels, and churchyards, were found highly injurious to piety, virtue, and 

















XV jd. 



Ista sunt debita et legata soluta. 
Inprimis de Marg^ Waryn xxvjj. vnjd. 

Item per legationem Alic' fFyri . . . per manus Willi 

Aleys et Willi Rows xxj. 

Item per legationem Joins Aleys 
Item per legationem Joins ffraunceys 
Item per legationem Nich^ Tonewald 
Item per legationem Johe ffasseiyn 
Item pro anima Willmi Toly 
Item de debitis receptis de Willmo paiitre 
Item of William orforth Cor on yere ferme of y^ 

towne cloos 
Item de Alic' Bareth vedua 
Item de Willmo Aleys 
Item de Juliana fflyntard 
Item de Vicario (John Cherche) 
Item de Joha Rayeth 
Item de Ang^ orfforth et de Willmo 

summa xxxiijj. viija^l 

In expeng. 
Inprimo to John Screebb y^ helder for heggyng 

(hedging) xjd. 

Item to William Rows for heggyng xijdf. 

Item for hemmyng ijd. 

Item for waxe for y^ Rowell j(/. 

Item to petyr bery for tymber vd. 

Item for sawyng jd. 

Item to Jamys Drye for iii Image bereyng i]s. 
Item to Thorns Markaent for makyng of y"= clapyr 

for ye gret bell ijj. xd. 

Item to John Smythe in pty of payment iijj. ijd. 

Item to Edmiid Spawk for torchys xd. 

Item to Ric. Kebyll for caryyng of thornys iijV. 

Item to Will Bene for heggynd (hedging) iiijV. 

good manners ; there were therefore both statutes and canons made to 
regulate and restrain them ; and by an act of convocation, passed in 
1536, their number was in some measure lessened." 


Item ffor iiij "schepys" [sheep's] skynnys xijV. 

Item ffor ij " calbys " [calfs'J skynnys viij^. 

Item ffor fellyng of y« rowell xviij^. 
Item to Thomas Markaent for ii beylys (pales) and 

spylys and naylys ix^. 

Item John Screeb, Jun' "j^. 

Item for bordyng "j^^- 
Item to Thomas Bollre for y^ tabernacle peytyg 

(painting) of owr lady vij/?. 

[It might be that the above legacies were left for the painting 
of this "shrine " at an expense of about £42 in our money.] 

Item ffor parchemyn "vd. 

Item ffor papyr ]d. 

Item to Thorns Markaent ijj. 

Item in costs ij^. 

Item to John Tye for bordynge & thornys & cartyng iijj. u^d. 
Item ffor waschyng of y^ cherche stooff \\\]d. 

Item ffor wete [wheat] bowt [bought] at y^ grette 

cherch ale iijj. 

[The one in harvest time when 24/4 was gathered.] 

Item ffor rydyng to Woodbrigge to speke for y= 

testement of Reg^ Stannard \\v\d. 

summa viij/. xj. v]d. 


These beii y^ gods y' ben reseyvyd be y^ hands of John Rows 
and petyr Smyt of y^ cherche godys of Cratfeld in y^ yere of 
Kyng Henf y^ vij y« x yere. fferst 

y« fferst cherche ale xj. 

Item eodem cherche ale xj. ij^. 

Item a cherche ale on Pencost Sonday ixj. 

Item on y<= Sonday afftyr Seynt bertholmewe viijj. 

Item ffor bordde solde to Nicn^ bowllryth xrf. 

Item to Henr Gylbert for ij bords \\]d. 

Item for a cherch ale on halWmesse day viijj. 


Item receyvyd of John blow belle vjj. 

sm ij/i. xijj. m]d 

In expensis eodem anno 
Inprimis ffor sensyng [Censing] of cherche cloos 

[clothes] xviijV. 

Item to John Smyth for ys sextery ijj. ijV. 

Item for ii bookschynnys iijj. 

Item for rygelys [rings] ? for y^ tabernacle iiijV. 
Item to Will bocher for leder [leather] for y« bawdr 

[baudrykj ijd 

Item for lyne and ropys iijd?'. 

Item payid to y^ glacewryte [Glasswright, Glazier] vijj. viijV. 

Item to John Rowes for hys labor mete and drynk xjd. 

Item ffor bordyng of y^ glaser ijj. iij^. 

Item to Markaent for barrys [bars] xvd. 

Item to Will bocher for ledyr [leather] for claspys vjd. 

Item to ij women for sowyng off cur [cover] of 

ye tabercle j^d. 
[This was to protect the new shrine from dust, &c.] 

Item to Ang bareth for schoryng [scouring] jd. 

Item to John Schreebb vs. vijV. 

Item bord vd. 

Item for ij day werk of Pet Smyth vjd. 

Item for ij day werk and bordyng v'}d. 

Item for nayll and hokys [hooks] to y^ tabernacle iij^. 

[To put up before the new cover.] 

Item to John Smyth y^ sexteyn ijj. ij^. 

Item to Josep of Laxfeld for a calbeschyne vd. 
Item ffor waschyng and for mendyng of y^ cherche 

stooff viij<3?. 
sm xxvj. ixd. 


Recepta in secundo anno, 
fferst on plow lode Monday iiijj. vjd. 

Item in y^ handes of sondry psonys [persons] not 

garderydd [gathered] v}d. 


Item of a cherdh alle y^ fyrst Sonday of lentten ixj. 

Item a cherch ale on passion Sonday viijj. 

Item on pencos Sonday ixj. 

Item on y« Sonday beforn y^ natiuTte of Seynt John 
Baptist, of Framlynghm off y^ town [gathered 
that is apparently in FraniHngham] ' xiiijj. 

Item ffor a cherch ale on hallew messe ixs. viijV. 

sm ij/z. xiiijj. i}d. 
sin totalis receptorum in duobus annis v/. vjs. ]d. 

Memorad y' Rob' Cook borwyd of lead on (one) 


Slabbe weyid iiij (fourscore) li And on y« totliyr 


weyid ij ix//. 


Sm vj ixli 
Item to John Dade for lead m]li 

Item Nichs Bowllrythe ffor cherchedoors And townne 
cloos y« ferme ffor y^ Mende for ij yr^. not Payyd. 
recepl p manus pe? Smyth ij/« vijj. \i\]d. 

Rec. p manus ij//. xvijj. iij^. 

In expens^ in y^ secund yere. 
Inprimis to Thoms Markaent for makyngof y^jemews i]d.' 

[In the Bury Wills, p. 37, John Baret, of whom see above, 
page 18, mentions "hys iij bagges, Va& jeynews, and ye rings of 
silver." The jemews were the metal fastenings. Forby says 
" Gimmers," small hinges, as those of a box or cabinet, &c. 
The word is still used in Suffolk.] 

Item ffor y^ fellyng of y^ rowell xvjc/. 

Item ffor scheryng [scouring] to Ang bareth \d. 

Item to John Smyth for scheryng [scouring] ij^. 

Item to John Smyth for ys sextery jjj. jj^. 

Item to y« plomer ffor sowde"" v'" xxif. 

Item for y^ labor off y^ plomer & ys man and mete 

and drynk xiij^. ob. 

Item to Robert Roo for masery [masonry] vi</. 

Item for mete and drynk iij^ 
Item to ys servers y' byrd [board] and mete and drynk \\\]d. 

I-tera to y= belle hanggere for y^ werk ijj. 


Item for ys mete and drynke xd 

Item to John Smyth for y^ labor and expens iijd. 

Item to Thorns Markaent and to y^ seuer (server) ixd. 

Item for y^ rowell xviij^. 

Item to John Smyth for ys sextery ijj. ijd. 

Item to John Swette y^ screner [scrivener] for wry- 

tyng of ys quayyers [choirs] vjj. vu}d. 

Item ffor iij skyrinys of reed [red] ledere xijV. 

Item to Rob Joserfe ijd. 

Item ffor dl helne [^ an ell] of clooth for y« hamys 

[amice] iijW. 

Item for nayll ffor pallys jd. 

Item ffor waschyngge and a mendyng off y^ cherche 

stooff vjd. 

sm xxiiijj. m]d. 
Computatis computandis et sic remanet in manibus 

Joh. Rows et Pet Smyth ij//. xvjj. ob.. 

deinde Petrus Smyth v}s. vn'}d. 

Memorad q. Nich botewryt debet p. firma An" 

duorum annorum xlijj. iiijaT. 

xviijV. x]d. ob. 


These ben y« reseyuyngs yt Willm Orforth and 
Willm pantre cherche revys [reeves] of y^ godds y' 
longye on to y^ Cherche of Cratfelde in y^ yere of kyng 
henrr y« vij"" y^ xij yere. 

Ffyrst on the ij"** Sonday of lenton a cherch ale 

Item on a cherche ale on Peiicost Sonday 

Item on a cherche ale in Auguste 

Item on y^ Dedicacion day 

Item receyvyd of petrs Smyth 

Item receyvyd of Nch bote wry tte 

Item reyvyd of Petrs Smyth and of John Rows for 
plow Monday iiijj, 

sm recept Ijj. v'ujd. 

Item in y= same yere of y« costs and exj5ens 











To ye clasyr [glazier] vij days of a man [46. a day] ijj. injd. 

Item for sowde and cyment xd. 

Item for mete and drynkke xijd. 
Item to Thoms fravnceys for mendyng of cherche 

gere ? [blotted] and mete and dryng [drink] ijd. ob. 

Item to a plomer for x'' off sowdd iijj. iijV. 

Item ffor a day wark for hym and ys man viijd. 

Item for mete and drynkke iiijV. 

Item for nayill }d. 
Item paid to John Chrebbe ffor y^ hers [herse] makyng iijd. 

Item to John Batman ffor masery jd. ob. 

Item for a boschell of lyme ij^. 
Item for mete and drynkke and y^ labor of Will 

Orford vid. 

Item for hors mete jd. 

Item for di [^] a boschell of lyme ]d. 

Item payd to Thomas bollre xiijj. iiijV. 

Item payd to John Smyth for a yere iiijj. injd. 

Item payd for horgans [organs] ijs. viijd. 

Item for mete and drynkke sac and c5pany xijd. 

Item for glewe « ijV. 

Item payyd to y« reder xij^. 

Item for mete and drynk vjd. 

Item for y^ rowell xijV. 

Item payd to Thomas Smyth ixd. 

Item for j heke [hook] for the bell ropys ]d. 

Item to John Hadamson j^. 

Item for waschyng of cherche stooff viijd. 
Item to Marg^ Brokbank for mendyng of i sarpelys 

[surplice] j^. 

Item ffor hegging of y" chercheyerd iiij^. ob. 

Item for costs on plow monday iiij^. 

Item receyuyd on plow monday vj. iiijd. 

Recept [1498.] 

In ye secnde yere on plow monday receyuyd vs. 

Item receyuyd on ye cherch alle befor purificacon xvs. iiijV. 


















Item y6 secnde [second] cherch alle on passyon 

Item on Pencost Sonday 
Item a cherch alle on hallemess day 
Item receyvyd of Petyr Smyth 
Item receyvyd of John Rows 
Item receyvyd of Rob Rows 
Item receyvyd of Nich botellryte 
Item receyvyd of Rob Rows 
Item receyvyd of henr^ ffravnceys 
Item receyvyd of henr^ Kebyll 

summa receptorum vjV. xs. vijd. 
Item recep in y^ handds of y^ seyd cherche revys 

[reeves] in y« yere be forn xvj. m]d. ob, 

sm total vijY. ks. v]d. 
Md tat John blowbelle...j=... debet pro lignis emptis 

de collectaoe ? [collections] ? 
Item in y^ handys of John Rows iijj. iiij^. 

Item in y^ handys of Pet Smyth and John Rows xixj. viijV. ob. 
Item in ye hands of "jdony" tye v]s. ]d. 

[The name of John Tye I. find in the register books.] 
Item in y« handes of Edmud Moor and Will Alyes iijj. vijV. 
Item in y^ handes of execut [executors] of Rose 

Larkke vjj. viijV. 

Solut [1498] 

In ye same yere payd Thomas bollre cowntyd to be 
cowntyd for y^ peyntyng of the image of Saynt 
Edmiide and y^ tabernacle viij/. v]s. viijV. 

[about £i6\ 

deinde predic! Thomas recepit viijj. m]d. ut patet in 
ultimo anno 

Item for nayll and glew ij^- 

Item Sylk for y^ chappetrys [chapters] of y^ bokys 

[book markers] ij^- 

Item for makyng of the clapyr [clapper] \]s. 

Item for ij bukkys schynne [buck skins] iijj, 


Item for ij bukkys scliynn xx^. 

Item to John Smyth [the sexton] iiijj. iiija'- 

Item for rydyng to Norwyc [Norwich] viijV. 

Item to payd to Markaent iiij^- 
Item to John Schreed for y^ labor of ys fyling and 
dressyng of the syttyng of stolys [stool seats] be 

[by] deseye [desire] iiij^. 

Item for mete and drynkk for hem labor y' tyme vjV. 

Item for nayll ij^- 

Item for ij schepys skynnys vij(/. 

Item for ij redde skynnys v'njd 

Item iifor y^ rowell xij^. 

Item ffor eke [hook] of belle roappe ij^. 

Item for waschyng and mendyn viij(£ 

Item for costys on plow mond^ viij(£ 

et sic debetur computandis Will orfyth & Will pantrye 
xxvj. iij^. ob. 


Thys ys the rekenyng of Will Orford and Will pantry for 
y<= xiiij"" yere of kyng Hery the vij"^ 

Item inprimis Willmo pantry res. on palmysuday of 

the cherche ale ixs. i]d. ob. 

Item res. of Nicholas Botwryt vij.r. 

Item res. on palmy suday y« xv yere of y^ vij kyng viijj. xd. 
Item on Whytsuday next folowyg^ ixj. vj^. 

Item res. of a cherche ale in hervest ixj. v}d. 

Item Will Orforth res. y« xiiij yere of a cherche ale at 

Peiicost aft xs. 

Item res. the Suday before Seynt Bartylmewe xiijj. 

Item res. at alow mess [Hallow Mas] las [last] past viijj. yjd. 
Item Willm pantry resyvyd of John Rows iijj. uijd. 

Item res. of per [Peter] Smyth iijj. iii'jd. 

Ther of y= payd for mendyng of y« ordylls [organs] viijj. i}d. 
Item for a Welle rop and an [heke] hook xd. 

Item for lyne to y^ tabernakyll of Seynt Edmund jd. ob. 


Item to Roberd Markant for the veyle and nayls, 

mete and dryk and y= labor xi}d. 

[The veil placed before the Rood on Good Friday.] 

[We read in an old book called " Dives et Pauper," printed by Wynkynde 
Worde, in 1496, on Palm Sunday at Procession the priest drawethup the vail 
before the rood, and falleth down to the ground with all the people, and saith 
twice Ave Rex noster Hail, be thou our king. He speaketh not to the image 
that the carpenter hath made, and the painter painted, but if the priest be a 
fool, for that stock or stone was never king, but he speaketh to him that died 
on the cross, for us all, to him that is king over all things.] 

Item payd Rychard Roberds xiijV. iiijW. 

Item payd to Sebyll Anneys for mendyng of the 

cherche gere iijia'. ob. 

Item to John Schrebys for mendyng of the palys jd. 

Item for spys [spice] and candele on plow mQday ii]d. 

Item payed for hallowing of y^ vestment xi'}d. 

Item payd Rychard Roberds xxj. 

Item for a lode of lyme ijj. vjV. 

Item for goyng and Wryts wark [Wrights werk] for 
the belle and costs rydyng to Beckyll [Beccles] 

and hether wheyer [else where] iiijj. vjV. 

Item for mendyng of y^ clapyr vs. ijd. 

Item for beryng [carrying] of y^ clapyr iiijV. 

Item for fetchynghe of y^ clapyr i'}d. 

Item payed to John Smyth [the Sexton] i]s. \]d. 

Item to ye seyd John iiijj. iiij^. 

Item for a plow vij<f. 

[Plough Monday, the Monday after Twelfth day,* is when the 
labour of the plough and other rustic toil begins. On this day 
.the young men yoke themselves and draw a plough about with 
musick, and some of them in antic dresses, like jack-puddings. 
They go about from house to house to gather money. If you 
refuse them they plough up the ground before your door.] 

Item reseyd on plow Mday y^ xiiij* yere vijj. 

Item reseyd on y^ xv* yere vjj. iiij^. 

* Twelfth day, Jan. 6th, ye Epiphany. 


Willm Orford. 
Item payed to Rychard Roberds vjj. viijV. 

Item for ryngylls [rings] to Seynt Edmnd iiijV. 

Item for sowyng & wasshyng of the schete [sheet] ijd. 

[This must be the schetyng to purchase which a church ale 
was held in 1494 and's/z gathered.] 

Item payed to John Smyth [the Sexton] ijj. ijd. 

Item payed to John Schrebbe for the steyer vjd. 

Item for y^ supls [surplice] vd. 

Item payed to Cyrsp for y^ plm [plomber] iiijV. 

Item for wasshing and skoryrng [scouring] for ij years xviij^. 
Item for bruyeng [brewing] and bakyng for ij yeres viijd. 

Item for spyles ij^ 

Item for bryeng [bringing] home of a lode of lyme ijd. 

Item for the rowell xl^. 

Item for Bord y^ iiij days of a man for guldyng 

[gilding] of ye ordell [organ] viijd. 

sm solut iiij/. iijj. v'njd. 

sm rec iiij/. xs. jd. ob. 
Et sic debetur vjs. jd. ob. 


Thys ys y^ rekenyg^ of Thomas Clamp & Willm Gylberd 
in y' yere Kyng Hery vij* y^ xvij yer. 

Item ye s'd Thomas & Willm reseyvyd on plow 

monday vjj. ij^. ob. 

Item reseyvd on mydlenttyn Sunday at a cherch ale viijj. vjd. 

Item reseyvyd on pentecost Sunday xj. vjd. 

Item reseyvd on alomes [Hallow mass day] ixj. jd. 

Item res. on fasgong Sunday viijj. i']d. 

Item res. of Nicolas Botwryght vijj. 

Item res. of ye same Nicolas Botwryght vj. 

sm total liiijj. vd. ob. 

Thes ben ye costs ye sayd Thomas and Willm as 


Item to ye mason xj. id. 

Item for day werke to ye mason ijj. yj^/. 

Item for x dayes bordyng xv\d. 


Item to Willm Gylberd for ij werke \d. 

Item to Margaret Smyth for caryyng of sond viijV. 

Item for gederyng [gathering] of stonys and caryyng \\\]d. 

Item to Willam Prat for scowryng of a dyche ijV. 

Item for gerdelys ijV. 

Item for naylys n\\d. 

Item for a eke yd. 

Item payd for sonde \\\]d. 

Item payd to John Welney ij^. 

Item for tymber vjx ]d. 

Item for lyme and caryege iiijj. 

Item for hengelys and naylys ixaf. 

Item paid to y^ sexten iiijj. iiij^. 

Item to ye glaswryght [glazier] iijj. iijV. 

Item for bords v^/. 

Item for makyng of a dor [dore] xijV. 

Item for a sede iijV. 

Item for ye rowel xvt/. 

Item for wasshyng and scoryng [scouring] x</. 

Item for mendyng of a aube iijV. 

Item payd to Chestyr ijj. 

Item for mendyng a vestment & surpelys iiij,^; 

sm xljj. \]d. 


Mem. of a rekenyng takyn by us Mr. Wyllym Wyllyrhson 
Vekery of Cratfeld, John Edward, Robert Smyth, henry ffraunseys, 
John Barett, Willm orforth, and many bothers [others] of the 
same prysh at the tyme being, of cherch pfytes [profits] as be 
takyn of the chyrche alys in dyvrs [divers] yerys past, and in 
whose handys the godys [goods] reste in, that is to say, as it 
peryth [appeareth] hereaffter in the yere of Kyng Henry the 
viij the xxij"^ in the fest of the puryfycacion of hour Lady 
[Candlemas Day, Feb. 2]. 

[This Mr. William Williamson was appointed Vicar by the Prior of St. 
Neots in 1502, and it appears he was re-appointed in 1508 : his successor was 
appointed in 1533.] 


ffyrst Thomas Smyth & John Blobell cherch ryvys at 

ye tyme makyn acount of the yere above wrtyn [written] for 

iiij cherchealles to the sume of xHjj. xof. 

Summa expensorum inde hoc anno xxxjj. iiijV. 

Summa sic remanet in manibus predicti Johls et 

Thome quam deliberaverunt in pixide xjj. vjV. 

Item Recepta de ceteris debit Nic Botteryte per 

manus Willi Pantry tuc balliul ibidem xxxj. iiijV. 

Deliberatum in pixide. 
Recepta de Willmo prat pro firm^ domi hoc anno 

et deliberata in pixide ijx iiijV. 

Et sic predictus Johannes et Thomas computaverunt 
pro hoc anno futuro et deliber^ xiijs. x]d. ad 
ponendum in pixide et sic receptorum quietus 
Et similiter deliberatum in pixide per manus Willi 
Orforth xs. 

summa totalis in pixide xxiijj. xjd. 


Compotus Roberti Smyth et Johannis Smyth pre 
positorum ecclesie de Cratfeld pro anno finito 
ad festum purificationis Beatae Marie Virginis 
anno xxiijj. hi vij""^ Ixxvjj. iijci. ob. 

Et allocatio inde ut paret per billetas hodie 

examinatas xlvjj. iijV. ob. 

Et sic remanet xxviijj. xjd. delib^ in Bursa que 
est in custod' Mri. Willi Wyllyamson Vicarl 
istius ecclesie. 


Henricus Kebell debitor pro firma terrarum v]s. viijV. 

Mr. Willm Wyllyamson Vecar debitor xx^. 

Johannes Thyrketyll firmarius tenementi Bareths 
cum omnibus aliis terris eidem tenemento 
p^tin^ computavit pro firm^ pro anno finito 
ad Michaelem Archangelum ultimo preterito 


Idem Johannes de firma pro anno Ixvjj. viijV. 

Et allocatio inde pro domorum reparatione vrm 

(vallorum) tecturis et al'c reparaiones ad cartam xxs. \vd. 
(Tectura is a word used by Palladius for plastering, colouring, &c. J.J. R.) 
Summa totalis receptorum xxxvjj. u.]d. et sO debita 

xxxj. vd. ob. que soluta . . . et deliberata in bursa 

in custodiam Mri Willi Williamson Vecarii et 

sic receptorum quietus 
Md delevered in to y^ Boxe on hour ladys day affwten 

[afore written] in the fyst yere of kyng henr 

ye viij* vjj. viija^. reseyved of herry Kebyll and 

xx^. reseyved of the Vekery 

summa viijj. iiij<£ 

Item reseyvd of Willm Pantry vijV. ]d. alowed to the 
seyd William for divers things rekened by the 
seyd William iijj. iiijV. ob. and delivered into y^ 
Boxe iijj. viijV. ob. 

Md that John Rows hath takyn daye to paye to 
the Cherche of Cratfeld iijj. m]d. at the fest of 
the puryfycation of hour Lady next comyng, and 
so yerely at the seyd fest of the puryfycation 
of hour Lady iijj. m]d. tyll y^ sume of xiijj. u]d. 
be fully payed and contente. 

Also the same daye William Orforth hath rekenyd 
wth the Towneshepe of Cratfeld for the ferme of 
Benselens for xx" yere ended at Mychelmesse in 
y« fyrst of King Henry y^ viij'^ and so all 
thyngs rekened the seyd William howeth 
yli. xvjj. vd. to the seyd Towneshep whereof the 
seyd William pmyseth to pay at the fest of all 
seynts next coming Ixj. and at y' day to take 
daye with the Towne of Cratfeld when the seyd 
William shall paye the resydeu [residue.] 

And also Jaffreye Gylberd hath takyn daye with 
ys Towne of Cratfeld to pay at Mychelmesse in 
the yere of hour Lord MCCCCCX y^ next comyng 
xxfil and so yerly tyll the sume of xiij.f. vn]d. 
be payed. 


summa totalis in pixide v]li. xiiijj-. vd. 
jSII^yS }Tow„r.vys. 
Johes Cooke et Johes Smyth prepos' ecclesie 
ibidem computaverunt pro anno finito ad festum 
purificationis Beatae Marie Virginia Anno primo 
henri viij. 
computaverunt Dict^ ppositi pro iij chercheales ad 
valorem xxixj. mid. et pro aliis pecuniis receptis de 
diversis personis vx — de executoribus henri 
ffraunceys xIj. — executoribus Roberti Smyth vjj. 
vn]d. — de Willo pratte iijj. iiija'. summa Ixxixj. 
x</. et remanet allocationes pro diversis rep- 
aracionibus indictis ibidem ut paret per 
billetas hie examinatas m]li. et sic in surplu^... \]d. 

Computavit Johanes Therkettyl firmarius ibidem 
tenementi Baretts pro anno finito ad Mychaelem 
archangelum in anno primo henri viij. 
Idem Johes cum & contra de firmd predict^ Ixvjj. viija?. 

summa Ixvjj. viijd. 

resolu? reditus 
resolu? reditus manerio de Northumberland xxj. vd. 

et bis a novo petio i]d. ob. — et bis hall pecio }d. ob. 

Domino Norfif vs. ixd. ob. — to ye frayry clerk jd. 

Et alloG^ eidem Balliv^ pro tecturis p v. dierum 

ad cart^ vs. et alloc^ eidem firmario pro scruar^ 

foss^ (scouring ditches) dies iiij^. et alloc^ 

eidem ffirmario iiijd. 

Solvend Thome Smyth Clerico. 

summa xxxijj. ii']d. ob. 

[The manor, which on the attainder of the Earl of Northum- 
berland in 1461, had been granted to the unfortunate Duke of 
Clarence, who is popularly said to have been drowned in a butt 
of Malmsey wine, belonged at this time to the Duke of Norfolk. 
The " frary " clerk was an official belonging to the Convent of 
St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, which was the Patron of the church.J 


Quietae allocationes xxxijj. ijd. ob. et sic deb^ 
domini ballivo ibidem xxxiijj. iijV. ob. quae solut 
in tempore composite et delib^ in pixide et sic 
receptus quietus. 

[15 10.] 

Comptus Johls E'ward et Johis Smytli de diversis 

firmis receptis diversarum personarum ut sequitur 

in Anno ij"*" h. viij. 

Rec. de domino Alexandre pro firma unius domi 

fflyntares in Cratfeld per 

annum ■ ijj. iijV. 

[I have not been able to make out who this Sir Alexander is.] 
Item rec. of Hery Kebyll xiijj. iiijV. 

Itm rec. of John Bareth xxj. 

Itm rec. of Willm Orford xs. 

de vetero (sic) deh'ii pro summa predicta ut in ultimo 
Itm rec. of Jeffrey Gylberd xx^. 

cum ijs. Y]cl. pro diversis reparacionibus in ecclesia 
Itm of John Rowes iijj. m]d. 

Item of Mr. Williamson, Vecary of Cratfeld xxi/. 

Recept^ de Willmo Orford in parte solutionis ceterorum 

debitorum x^ pro firma de Benselens et delib^ in 

Item delib^ in pixide iijj. wd. rec. de diversis personis 

ut paret antea. 

Summa totalis xiijj. vd. 

Johes Coke et Johes Smyth prepositi ecclesie ibidem 
computaverunt in die purificationis Beatae Marie 
Virginis Anno ij''°- h^ viij"- 

viz de iiij le churchealys cum xxj. rec. de Angnete 
Coke Vidue ex°- et solutum pro diversis 
reparationibus ecclesie et super Aulam de Gilde 
[the Guildhall] et ixj. ]d. ob. in supplemento et 
quod solutum in tempore composite. 


Johes Therketyll firmarius terre Barett computavit 
in die purificationis Beatae Marie Virginis anno 
i'f°- henr" viij"- pro anno finite ad festum sancti 
Michaelis ultimo preterito 

Idem cum et contra de firma tenementi predict! pro 

jo. anno Ixvjs. viijd. 

resolutus redditus ut paret in anno ultimo xxvjj. vijj. ob. 

et aliter eidem firmario pro diversis reparationibus xva'. 

Summa allocationum, xxvijx xd. ob. et sic debetur 
xxx/. viijj. ix^. ob. et q^d solut^ eodem die et 
deliberat^ in pixide 


Johes Therketyll firmarius tenementi Barett compu- 
tavit pro uno anno finito ad festum purificationis 
beatae Marie Virginis anno henr^ viij"- quarto 
et cumalloc^ et aloc^ (sic) debitor Ws. vd. q^d 
solut^ eodem die et deliberat^ in sista 
Summa \ws. vd. 

Johes Stubbard et henr^ Kebyll prepositi ecclesie 
ibidem computaverunt pro iij potationibus eodem 
Anno ad xxxix.?. ix^. ob, et unde alloc^ pro 
diversis reparationibus circa dictam ecclesiam 
eodem anno xxxijj. viijV. 

et sic remanet viij. ]d. ob. deliberat^ in sista 

Summa vii.f. vd. ob. et xijV. pro firma omnium peciorum 
terre in manibus Rici Larnce 

Henricus Kebyll debitor pro firma iij annorum xx.f. 

Johes Rows debitor x.f.* 

unde rec. iijj. iiij^. per manus Thome Smyth 

Galfiridus Gylberd debitor xx^. 

Vecar^ debitor soP Thome Smyth xxd. 

Et Johes Therketyll solv^ xx^- pro quindecima 
domini Regis • 

■ This is crossed out, and xiijj. iu]d. written in more browji ink. 


[Nov. 4, 1512. The Commons granted Henry a Subsidy and 
a Poll tax upon all his subjects to enable him to' go to war with 

The Subsidy consisted of two Fifteenths and four Demies. 

A Fifteenth or Quinzime, is a tax of money, laid upon a City, 
Borough, or other Town, and so called because it amounted to a 
fifteenth part of that which the City or Town had been valued at 
of old; and therefore every Town knew what a Fifteenth for 
themselves did amount to, which was in proportion to the land or 
circuit belonging to it. Whereas a Subsidy was raised upon every 
particular man's Goods or Lands and therefore was uncertain. 

Towards the Poll Tax every Duke was to pay ten marks 
[;£6i3s.4d.]; anEarl;£5; aLord;^4; aKnight4marks[;£2i3s.4d.]. 
Every man valued at £800 in goods, £1. 13s, 4d., and so after that 
rate down to him who had £7. in wages, who paid is. ; after which 
everyone who was above 15 years of age paid 4d.] 


Johes Therketyl firmarius tenementi Barett com- 
putavit ad festum purificationis Beatse Marie 
Virginis anno preterito henr* viij' quinto pro 
anno finite ad festum sancti Mychaelis ultimo 
preterito ad Ixvjx. viijV. 

Sma Ixvjj. v\\]d. 

Et in resolutis redd^ xxvjj. v\]d. ob. et alloc^ deb Turil 
de Brundyshe \]d. et \\\]d. Thome Smyth clerico 
[the priory clerk] et sic xxxixj. V]d. delib^ in 

Et soP pro firma de Benselens xxj. cum iiijj. ]d. sol^ 
pro quindecima domini Regis [the second 
Fifteenth granted] 

Item rec. of Galfrid in use for lead xiji^. 


Henricus Smyth et William Rows prepositi ecclesie 
de Cratfeld computaverunt pro iiij</. potationibus 

* These two pages (from the next line to the end of the book) 
are crossed out, and there is written in similar ink and handwriting 
to the correction in the previous years. " Hie compt est in 
libr. nova (sic)." 


factis in anno finito ad festum purificationis 

Beate Marie Virginis anno regni regis heri^ 

viij"' vj'°- 
Inprimis pro prima potatione in die dominica 

passionis kv]s. 

Item in die Pentecoste xviij^. viijV. 

Item iij" potatione in die dominica proxima ante 

festum assumptionis Beate Marie xvjs. v]d. 

Item iiij'* potatione in die dedicationis ecclesie xiijj. iiij^. 

Item recepta de diversis personis xxiiijj. viijV. ) 
de Johe Stubbard de ceteris debitis viijy. xd. ) J • J • 


Summa totalis iiij/. xvijj. xjd. 
Et inde alloc^ pro diversis reparationibus hoc anno 

iiij/i. x}s. i}d. 
Et sic remanet vjs. ixd. delib^ in pixide 
Summa Johiiis Ttierketyll firmarii tenement! Baret ut paret 
antea ad Ixvjj. viijV. per annum. 

Summa IxvjV. vn}d 

Et in rec^ redd^ ut paret antea xxvijj. }d. ob. 

Et alloc^ eidem iirmario pro reparationibus ibidem xi'}d. 
Summa xxviijj. jd. ob. 

Et sic remanet xxxviijj. viijd. delib^ in sista 

Item rec^ de eodem Johe Therketyll pro firma terra- 
rum Benselens xxj. 

Henricus Kebyll debitor pro certa terra pertinente 

ecclesie xxxiijj. iiijV. 

ibidem pro quinque annis finitis ad festum sancti 
Michaelis in anno vj°- H viij^J quotann^ v]s. vnjd. 
inde ree^ eodem die viijj. viijV. 

delib^ cum ijj. pro aHis allocationibus . . . post ut . . . 

(Here the Second Book ends). 



Inventory of the ornaments and Jewels of the Cherche of 
Cratffeld made in the presence of the Chercherevys of the saide 
Cherche and the inhabitants of the Towne of Cratfeld the thirde 
daye of Aperel the xix yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viij 
the year of our Lorde Gode MV hundred &c. 

Itm On peyr Chales of Sylver gylte 

Itm iiij peyr of Chales of Sylver parcel gylte 

Itm a Pyx of Sylver parcel gylte 

[The Pyx is the vessel in which the Consecrated Wafer is kept] 

Itm ij Paxes of Sylver gylte 

[The Pax or Osculatorium. A piece of wood or metal with a 
Crucifix, &c., thereon, which the Priest presented to the people 
at the conclusion of the Mass, to be kissed by them, in token of 
the peace, unity, and amity of all the faithful, who, in that manner, 
and by its medium, kissed one another with the kiss of Charity. 
It was not amongst those ornaments of churches which were at 
first suppressed at the Reformation. Its use was prescribed by 
the Royal Commissioners of Edward VI. In 1 558, the Injunctions 
published at the Deanery at Doncaster, ordained that the clerk 
should bring down the Pax, and stand without the Church door, 
and shall say loudly to the people these words : — This is a token 
of joyful peace, which is betwixt God and men's conscience : Xt 
alone is the peacemaker, which straitly commands peace between 
brother and brother. And so long as ye use these ceremonies, so 
long shall ye use these significations.] 

Itm a Sensyr of Sylver parcel! gylte 

Itm a Shyppe for the selde Sencer Silver parcell gylte 

[A vessel to contain the grains of incense, with which the censer 
was supplied. It was of metal, covered with a lid, and furnished 
with a spoon. The shape was that of a ship.] 

Itm a crose of Coper and gylte with the fote [foot] 
Itm ij peyre of Sencers of Coper and on schep 
Itm a Chrismatory of Coper 

[A vessel for holding the consecrated oil blessed on Holy 
Thursday. These oils were of three kinds, the holy oil, the chrism 


or baptism oil, and the sick man's oil. Each Church was required 
to possess three bottles of these oils ; they were usually fitted into 
a box, with a crested lid like the roof of a house.] 

Itm ij gret standyng candylstykys of leten 

[Latten, a hard mixed metal similar to brass.] 

Itm ij small standyng candelstykys of latyti 
Itm on Corporas case of crymsyn velvet, with a Cor- 
poras cloth 

[Corporas, or corporax, a linen cloth used in the Mass.] 

Itm ij corporas cases of blew velvet with corporas 

clothes to them 
Itm iij olde corporas cases with corporas clothes 
Itm a box imbroyderyd of sylke and a corporas to 

bere [bear] in the holy sacrament to pepil 

[people] lying syke [sick] 
Itm a Pax of lede gylte 
Itm ij sakery [sacring] bells 

[A sacring bell rung at the elevation of the host.] 

Itm a lantern of the newe fifasson [fashion]* 

Itm on holy water stop of latyn with the buyckyt 

[bucket] of latten to it 

Itm one holy water stop of Glas with a fotte [foot] of 

Itm ij Pyx clotseys [closets or niches] to hang up the 

pyx over the heye auter 
Itm xxiij cloths of lenen hallowyd to ley upon the 

Itm clothes to hang be forn the seide auter steyned vj 
Itm one auter clothe of lynen hallowyd with a frynge 
Itm ij frynges to hange a forn the auters 

* The lantern is mentioned in the Constitutions of Archbishop Peckham 
about 1283, as forming a part of the Church's goods, and was probably used 
to carry before the Sacrament when it was taken to the sick. In some books 
of accounts we find a " housling torch " for the same purpose. 


Itm a hot [hood] seme [French Seiner, to sow, &c.] of 

crymsen velvet 
Itm a hot [hood] seme of blew velvet 
Itm a hot [hood] seme of changeabul Damaske 
Itm a hot [hood] seme of crymseyn fysten [fustian] in 

a pie 
Itm a cope with a vestement of whithe damaske 

[The word vestment is often used to indicate the chasuble or 
chief vestment used in the Eucharist.] 

Itm a vestement of grene damaske 

Itm a vestement of blew saten 

Itm a vestement and a cope of blake fystyn [fustian] 

in a pie 
Itm a vestement of cheker 
Itm a vestement of Gramesee [Cramoisy] seamey 

Itm a vestement of sylke and golde with the albys 

and stolys to them belonging 
Itm ij pelowes [pillows, cushions] of stained saye with 

an angel in the myddys [midst] of them 

[Say, a kind of serge or woollen cloth.] 

Itm a pelow of blew sylke • 

Itm a cros staff of copyr and gylte with iij clothes to 

[put] upon the cros stavys, ij of sylke and on 

of lenen cloth steyned 
Itm in schorte towells for the preste to wype on his 

hands at the lavatory xvj 
Itm in howseying clothes of lenen clothe vj 

[The word " housing" is another name for a case or cover.] 

Itm on herse cloth of blake wosted 

[A kerse, a light frame of woodwork used to set over the body 
of the deceased to support the herse cloth or pall, while the ser- 
vice for the dead is being said. And also it was sometimes 
attached to the bier, in which uncoffined bodies were brought to 
the grave, forming an open lid-work through which the body 
might be seen, when the pall was drawn aside.] 


Itm a baner clothe of the marterdotn of Sent Styven 

B aner cloth, a processional flag.] 

Itm ij supelessis [surplices] for the kewret [curate] to 

synge in 
Itm iij rochetes 

[Surplices without sleeves.] 

Itm ij clothes of coxr'lyte (coverlet) wyrke [work] to 
ley upon the pavement be forn the hey [high] 
awter [altar] 

Itm iij mes bokys of vellym wryttyn and in leinned 

Itm a mes boke of paper prynted 

Itm ij antiphoners of vellym wrytten and in leinnyd 

[An antiphonar is a book containing the antiphons arranged 
under their respective hours and days.] 

Itm ij antiphonar breuet of vellym wrytten and 

Itm vj processioners of vellym wrytten 

[A Processioner, a book containing those parts of the church 
service which were used in processions.] 

Itm a legent [legend] of vellym wrytten and inleynnid 
Itm* a queyre of the visitation of our Lady in velyih 

Itmf a kowcher of velym wrytten and inleinnyd 
Itm iij grayles [gradales] of velym wrytten and 

inleinnyned [inlined] 

[A Gradale, a book containing portions of the Eucharistic 

* i.e. , a quire. The " queryes " were the sheets of supplementary services , 
which were printed. 

f A Kowcher is a large book, the same as the antiphonar. The Bassing- 
burne book has an entry paid to Willm Podde psh clerk for making up the 
great Cowcher or Antiphonar. xivs. 

Professor Skeat says that a Cowcher was a large codex, which couched or 
lay on a desk, in distinction to the portuise or breviary, which was portable. 

The 3 and 4 Ed. vi. orders the burning among other things of "cowches." 


Itm ij small greyles of velym wrytten 

Itm iij pokets of lenen to kepe in the leiien clothe 
and napen [napkins] of the chefche 

Itm a brevet Antyfener* 

Itm one olde albe 

Itm ij books of velym wrytten and called a trak 
[tract] of the exposision of the holy wordes of 
Godde, with the menie [meaning] of the same, 
also conteyning the harde wordes of the sauter 
[Psalter] and also conteyning the harde words 
of all the serves [services] of the yere. Itm a 

nother contract [tract] with the general 

of the sakyrments and so for the foluyg 
[following] of the sakyrment of Baptyem 
[baptism] and all other. 

On referring to the church wardens' accounts foi* 1549 we find 
the following entry : — 

Plate sold by the consent of the hole townshyp 

Inprimis a crosse waying Ixxvj ounces di oz. 

Itm a challyce waying xx ounces di oz. 

[Di an ounce abated for the paper within the Crosse.] 

Itm one payre of Sensers, one pax, a shyp, one payre 

of cruets waying 1 ounces 

received by the churchwardens for the said plate 

xxxv//. xvj. }d. 

[This sale was the result of an Act of Parliament in 1549, by 
which all the missales, grailes, processionaries, antiphones, and 
all such books used in different churches in the service, should 
be delivered over to the churchwardens, &c., and by them to be 
delivered to the bishop who was to destroy them, or see t||em 

*> This is the very spelling in the English Works of Wiclif, 
(E.E.T.S.)A 194. 


[Inventory of i555-] 

This is the inventorie of all the ornaments and churche goods 
indented of Cratfeilde in Sufif' made the xxvj* daye of June in 
the yere of our Lorde God Mccccc fyftie and fyve. 

Imprimis a payre of challys of sylver 

Itm a corporaxe and two clothes in the same 

Itm a crismetorie and two towelies belongynge to 

the same 
Itm a cope of whighte damaske 
Itm two vestments the one of blacke velvet and the 

other of whighte damaske 
Itm two albes and all things that belongeth to one of 

Itm eyghte surpless 
Itm two holy water stoppes 
Itm two crewetts 
Itm a sacrie bell 
Itm a paxe 
Itm a payre of sensers 
Itm thre alter clothes of lynnynge 
Itm two cusshynes 
Itm a pecke [or basket] for holy bread and a towelly 

therto belongynge 

[The holy bread has sometimes been confounded with the 
Eucharistic bread, but the two were quite distinct. Unleavened 
bread, in the wafer form, was alone used in the Holy Communion 
from the days of S. Augustine until the publication of the Prayer 
Book in 1552. The holy bread, holy loaf, or Eulogia, was ordinary 
leavened bread blessed by the priest after mass, cut up in small 
pieces and given to the people. One of the demands of the Devon- 
shire men, who rose in rebellion in the year 1 549, for the restoration 
of the religion of their youth, was " We will have holy bread and 
holy water every Sunday."] 

Itm two hande towellies 
Itm a crosse 

Itm two crosse clothes the one of sylke and thother 


Itm two candlesticks 

Itm a banner with a clothe stayned 

Itm a pendente of sylke 

Itm a herse clothe 

Itm a hande bell 

Itm a sanctus bell 

[The bell rang at the elevation of the host at the parish mass. 
It was fixed outside the Church, frequently on the apex of the 
eastern gable of the nave.] 

Itm fowre bells in the steple 
Itm two mass books 
Itm an antyphoner 
Itm two manuells 

[A manuell, a book containing the occasional offices which a 
priest was bound to perform, such as baptism, extreme unction, 
and the processional service.] 

Itm two processionaries 

Itm a booke called a venite book 

Itm a grayle 

Attached to this Inventory by a pin is a paper as follows : — 
M'^ that the chalis wayed xiiij°^- and there was in the 
pipe I q"' of a oz. of lede and the kuppe wayeth 
xiij°'' iijs''- As for the gold that was of the chalice 
it was not worth the parting, for it is moulte with 
yover [over] silver and for the makinge x}d. 

Cratfelbe Corpne 15ooke. 

Mem. The hoi sommys of money remaining in the 
Cherche Box of Benselyns londs takyn the xxij" 
daye of Maye in the xxv"" yere of Kyng Henry 
the viij* in golde v/t. 


Ittn Received of Jhon Thyrkettyll and of Robard 
Blobowll for ye ferme of Beiislyns for y^ terme 
endyd at y^ fest of Saynt Myhell in y^ xxv 
yere of Kyn (sic) Henry eygt xxvjj. viij^. 

Summa remanente dicto secundo die et a° vicesimo 

quinto p'dicto reg y]li. vjj. \\\]d. 

of ye wych payd to Jlion Dowsyng for a copy of 

bensly lond \]d. 

And ferther payd to y^ baly of my Lord of Sussex 

for the fine of Bensleys in y^ sayd ferste yer xxj. 

[The Earl of Sussex, who was Lord of the Manor, died in 1 542. 
In this year was passed an Act of Parliament that whereas some 
people had gathered into few hands several farms, and great 
plenty of cattle, particularly sheep, some to the number of 20,000, 
whereby the rents of lands were not only increased, but also 
Tillage very much decayed, some Churches and Towns had been 
pulled down, and the price of Corn, Cattle, &c., excessively en- 
hanced ; it was therefore enacted that no man should keep above 
2,000 sheep at one time : and not hold above two Farms at once, 
and those to be in the Parish in which he lives. 

In this year it was also ordered that the Chancellor of England 
should direct into every Diocese in the Realm, Commissions in 
the King's name, under his great seal, as well to the Archbishop 
and Bishop of every Diocese, as to such other persons as the King 
should appoint ; to examine, search, and require, by all ways and 
means, the true, just, and whole yearly value of all the Manors, 
Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Rents, Tithes, Offerings, 
Emoluments, and all other Profits, as well Spiritual as Temporal, 
belonging to any Archbishoprick, Bishoprick, Archdeaconry, 
Deanery, Hospital, College, Prebend, Cathedral, or Collegiate 
Church, Parsonage, Vicarage, Free Chapel, or any other Benefice 
or Promotion Spiritual. Accordingly several Commissioners were 
appointed in each County, with whom were joined the Bishops of 
the respective Dioceses, and a certain number of Auditors. The 
valuations that were taken by these Commissioners were all 
returned to Cromwell, Master of the Rolls ; and according to them 
have the First Fruits been paid ever since.] 

Tile rent of the Church house wras 3/ 
The rent of the Town Close 5/8 J 
An acre of land lying in Thorny field 1/ 
The Church Close 8/ 

(Here Mr. Holland's MS. cotnes to an end for the present. The intet- 
vening part is my transcript, J.J.R.) 



Itm In allmese for y^ relcfe of Kempe hys wyfe and 

ther chylderne u]d. 

Et sic remanet v/i iijs. l]d. 

of ye wyche sayd sume payd to y^ hands of John 
Smyth ye xxij day of May in ye xxvj yere of 
henry ye eygt for knyts mete mony vd. 

It^ Receyued of John Duke generosus for ye ferme of 
benslens for ye hole yere determend at ye fest of 
Saynt myhell in ye xxvj yere of Kyng henr^ ye 
eyght xxvjj. v\\]d. 

[t^ Receyued of John Duke gentelma for beseles 
p^ termino finito ad festu^ Scti michael^ in a° h 
viij xxvij xxvjj. vi\]d. 

\\? payed to John Smyth of ye hyll out of benselens 

purse in a° h octavi vicesimo viij° iijj. v]d. 

It^ delyvered unto ye sowgers owt of benselens purse 
ye vj daye of October in ye xxviij yere of ye reyne 
of h ye eyght vs. 

It^ Receyued of John Duke gentellma in xxviij'' yere 
of ye reyne of Kyng h ye eyght and ye ij day, of 
february for benselens landys for ye terme ended 
myhelmesse in ye sayde yere xxvjj. YiV]d. 

l\? Receyued of Robard myllys for ye ende of an oke 
ye sayde daye vj. 

It^ alowed to Roger marcone out of benselens purse 
ye sayde daye iiijj- 

Itm Receyued of John Duke gentelma in ye xxix 
yere of ye rayne of Kyng henry ye viij ye ij daye 
of february for ye ferme of benselens londs for 
ye terme ended at myhelmes in ye sayde yere 

xxvjj. v\\]d. 

Itm payed to master euerad of lynsted magna for a 
bowe and arrowes at ye puryfycatyon of o"' lady 
in ye yere above wrete iijj. 'n\']d. 

Itm payed to Rycharde brodbanke for a horse xviijj. 

Itm payed to Thomas Smyth bocherfor a horse xiiijj. 



Itm payed to gregory mene for sadeli and brydell xxd. 

Itm payed to wyllm rosynton for a knyfe xvjfl?. 

Itm payed to John warne iijj. v'ujd. 

Itm payed to John Stobbyd for a swerde Ujs. \]d. 

In y^ xxxj yere of henry y^ eyght and ye secunde 
daye of february It Receyued of John Duke 
gentylma for benselens ' xxvjj. v\\]d. 

In y« xxxij yere of Kyng harry y^ viij y« secunde 
daye of february Receyued of John Deuke 
gentylman for benselens xxvjj.. viijV. 

In ye xxxiij yere of Kyng h y« viij y^ secunde day of 
february Itm Receyued of John Duke gentylman 
for benselens ' xxvjj. \\\]d. 

Et remanet in pixide p^ benselyns dicto die in 
omnibus per^ xlijj. 

This ends the account of Cratfield Benselens. 

Twenty-five pages afterwards begins — 

Cratfelb Cl^grcfj, 

Md remaynyng in the toune box of the cherche 
money the xxij daye of Maye in the xxv yere of 
the regne of Kyng henr^ the viij x//. ijj. xd. 

Md reseuyed of wyllm Butte for ferme of ye chyrch 
bowse for ye terme endyd at ye fest of sayn 
myhell in ye xxv yere of h eyghth iijj, 

Md reseyuyd of Rychard Brokbancke for ye towne 

close yijj. ij^. 

Itm reseyuyd of Newson for ye dette due to ye chyrch 
ye second day of february in ye xxiiij yere of h 
eygt iijj. 

Itm of [sic] reseuyd of Robard mollyng for ye ferme 
of on acre of lond lyeng in thornam fyld by ye 
Kyngs hey way for iij yere endyd at ye fest of 
sayn myhell arcangell in a° xxv '° h viij ^J iijj. 


Itm receyuyd of Jone Smyth wydow for y^ chyrch 
close for y^ ferme for ij yerse endyd at y^ fest of 
saynt mychell in a° xxvj '° h viij "' viijj. 

of y« wych she aske to be alowyd for rentys for y« 

sayd to yere ujs. iujd. 

et sic remaiiet de diet viijj. iiijj. viij</. 
Sum^ a° vigesimo quito p'dicto recepto 

Itm receyuyd of y« chyrch wardens Thomas Smyth 
and Rychard Brodbacke all yngs to yem alowyd 
for c'tyn reparatyons done upon y^ gy.ld halle 
from y^ seconnd daye of february in a° xxvj h 
viij''' usque secundum diem februarij in a° 
vigesimo quint" di" reg^ iij.f. 

of ye wych was payd to John Duke gentylman for y' 

he payd to y^ baly of y^ hunderd xijd. 

To Edmund mylls for a day worke iiija?'. 

and to Wyll But for a ball to camp wyth iiij^. 

Et sic remanet de sumys recept in a° xxv p" xxjj. ija'. 

of ye wych sayd xxjj. ijd. payd to Wyllm nycoll for 
hys quat^ vags endyd at y" sayd seciid day in a" 
xxv'° p° ijj. 

Et etiam Solut^ dicto die for whyth lether iiij^. 

Et sic remanet xviijj. xd. et deliberata in 
pixide dicto die et a° 

Itm Receyuyd of the townschyp of cratfeld by me 
John Stannard prest for a quarter wages ended 
at ye fest of lammes in a° visecimo vj° h octavi 

[This last item is in browner ink and a different hand, and has 
been crossed through. J. J. R.] 

In a° vicesimo sexto henrici octavi 
Itm receyued of Robard myllys ye second day of 
february in ye xxvj yere of ye Reyn of Kyng 
Henry ye eyght xvijj. 

whych sayd xvijj. ye sayd Robar (sic) and other 
stode bowne to ye chyrch wardens as yt apere 
be [by] ye det boke of ye chyrch of Cratfelde 
It^ Receyued of Thomas fraunses and Wyllm bote 

for ye chyrche howse iij^. 


It^ Receyued of Richard Brodebanke for y^ chyrch 

closse vijj. i']d. 

It^ Receyued of Jone Smyth wydow for y^ chyrch 

closse ijj. n\}d. 

{Here my transcript ends, and Mr. Holland's recommences. J. J. R.^ 

[i535 = 3<^.] 

It^ Receyved of Thomas Smyth and Rechard Brode- 
bac chyrch wardens in y^ forsayd yere of ij 
chyrch alys xijj. \\d. ob. 

It^ Receyved of y^ foresayde chyrchwardens for y« 

gatheryg of Plough Monday in y« forsayde yere xj. vjV. 
Sma totalis recepcionis lijj. \]d. ob. 

wereof payed to nycole for his quater wagys ended 

at y^ puryfycatyon of o"^ lady in a° p^dicto V)d. 

Payed to the hands of John Thyrkettel to the use of 
hewe barthS goldsmy th for y« christmatory claspe ijj. iiij</. 

[The box containing the vessels holding the consecrated oils.] 

et sic remanet p^dicto a° et die 

et deliberat^ in pixide xlviijj. \]d. ob. 


M"^ payde the thyrd daye of Octobre in the xxvij"" 
yere of the reyne of Kyng Henry the viij to 
Richerd Brudbanke of the sums in the boke afore 
specifyed for a fother of lede iij hundred and a 
quarter and xiiij pownde as it doth apere in a 
byll remayning on the chyrche purse \\li. iiijj. 
viij^. and for draynage and his costys xx^. sum 
total vj//. vjj. iiijrf. 

Itm the seyd daye and yere payde of the seid sums 
afore specified for the cariage of the seyd lede 
{no amount written). 


Itm payde of the seyd sums before written for fyfty 
pownde of sowder and halfe a pownde xxjj. 

Itm payde of the seid sums before written to Richerd 

Brodbanke for iij hundred nayle ixd 

Itm payde of the seid sums before written to mother 
Smyth for the bordyng of two plumbers and thyr 
server for xxvj daye vs. ixd. 

Itm payed to Rychard Brodbanke for wax xxiiij 

pounde xvj. u\]d. 

Itm payde to John Flecher and Robert Dasye 
plumers the fyrst day of Apryil in the xxvij yere 
of henry ye viij for ye shotyng and laying of V 
fother xij C and xvij pond of ledde out of the 
chyrche boxe x/?. vs. iijd. 

Be it known to all men that I John Stobbard com of 
the collectors for the hoole quinziemes and 
decimes granted in the xxvj"" yere of hys reyne 
to be payde yn the xxvij''' yere have reseyved 
of thys p^ysche of Cratfeld Ijj. vi\]d. 

yn wytnesse whereof I have wreten thys wyth myne 
hande the day and yere above wretyn by me 
John Stobbard 

[Baker says in the 24th [not the 26th] yearof Henry VIII., ina 
Parliament then holden, a fifteenth was granted to the King to- 
wards his charges of making Fortifications against Scotland. It 
was the levying of this tax that conspired with the religious changes, 
in causing the rebellions of Mackerel, the Prior of Barlings, in 
Lincolnshire, and the one in Yorkshire called the Pilgrimage of 

In Convocation this year a motion was made that there should 
be a new translation of the Bible in English to supersede Tyndale's, 
to be set up in all churches, and the same was approved of. 

* Here nearly a page of the parish bookis not copied, 
f Here the following five lines are not copied. 
% Here nearly a page is not copied. 


In this year an act was passed that Tithes and other Profits, 
arising or becoming due during the vacancy of any spiritual Pro- 
motion, should belong to the person that is next presented thereto 
toward the payment of the First Fruits. 

French wine was to be sold by retail at 8d. the gallon, and .Sack 
and Malmsey at i/-. 

The suppression of the lesser Monasteries enacted in March, 
1536, was not executed until August, tho' the commissioners ap- 
pointed for that purpose had received their instructions in April. 
The purchasers were obliged to keep up the old hospitality 
under a fine of £() 13J. /s,d. a month. The common sort, who 
were most concerned for the loss of a dinner on Sundays and Feast 
days, were thus in a great measure satisfied ; and the Gentry, by 
having good Bargains, were drawn in to like what was done, and 
to assist the Crown in defence of these laws, their own interests 
being interwoven with the Rights of the Crown. The Commis- 
sioners, as was but just, paid all the debts of the suppressed 
Monasteries ; but when Relicks happened to be pawned, it seems 
they refused to redeem them. Thus one man lost ^40 which he 
had lent upon Saint Andrew's Finger, except one ounce of silver 
with which it was covered. The writers that live near the time 
say, about 10,000 Friars and Nuns were sent to seek for their 
livings, and 376 religious houses dissolved.] 

The accounte of mast Vycary and John Stobbard cherche 
wardens in the xxix' of Kynge henry the eyght the iij day of 

n Reseyved in ij cherchales xxvijj'. vd. 

Received on Plow Monday of the gift of the 

Parish by Master Vycary [the Vicar] and John 
Stobbard vjj. ix^. 

There is payd of the same money for makyng and 
oder charges for the comon Lyghte and wasch- 
ynge of the cherche gere vjj. 

And so remayneth \y.d. and dd (dimidium, \d^ in the coffer. 
* Here seven lines are not copied. 


[In September this year injunctions were issued, commanding 
all Parsons and Curates to teach their Parishioners the Pater 
Noster, the Ave, and the Creed, with the ten Commandments and 
the Articles of the Christian Faith in the English tongue.] 

I have been unable to find the originals of the parts en- 
closed within these brackets, and present them from Mr. 
Holland's own MS. J. J. R. 


Delivered unto the soldiers out of Benselens purse 

the g"* day of October ^s. 


[This sheet is not dated.] 

Itm paid to Master Everard of Linstead Magna for 

a bow and arrows 3^-. 8^. 

[Every Englishman and Irishman dwelling in England had 
been commanded by an act of Parliament, passed in 1466 to have 
a long bow of his own height ; the act directs that Butts should be 
made in every township, at which the inhabitants were to shoot 
up and down, upon all feast days, under the penalty of one half- 
penny (about 4'/. of our money) for every time they omitted to 
perform this exercise. 

In 1466 the price was fixed to be for the best bow staves 3/6 
each (about 28/- of our money.) This was confirmed in 1 512, also 
in 1542 ; but these acts were repealed in 1556, and the following 
prices settled by Parliament : for a bow made of the best foreign 
yew 6/8 (about 40/-), for an inferior sort 3'4 (about 20/-,) and for 
one made of English yew 2/- (about 16/-).] 

The costs of these Butts occur very frequently in these 
accounts — here is one in detail. 


The cost of ys Butts. 
Itm to Edmund Myllys for v dayes worke and for 

hys borde ijj. vjd. 

Itm Thomas Smytlies man for v dayes work and 

hys borde ijj. id 

Itm John Smythes man for one dayes worke and for 

hys borde vd, 

Itm John Sparham one dayes work and for hys 

borde v]d. 

Itm y« bryngyng downe of the tymber and for Thomas 

Smythes boyes worke viijV. 

V}S. i]d. 

[The earliest of the loose sheets is of this date (1538), and from the con- 
ext we find it was written by John Smyth, then Chaplain to the Guild.] 

M'^ receyved of John Warne for y^ dett of hys father iijj. 'm]d. 
It^ receyved by y^ gyfce of y^ will of y« sayde John 

Warne. (He was buried 18 Jany 1539) iijj. iiijW. 

It^ payed Robart Gylbert for sterropps and gyrthys 'x.d. 

It^ for ye fellyng of y^ rowell xvif. 

[This year it was ordered that no candles should be set up 
before any image except our Saviour. Every Incumbent this year 
was enjoined to keep a register of Weddings, Christenings, and 
Burials, a^id likewise to preach one sermon every quarter of a year 
at least. In this year, the new translation of the Bible being • 
finished, 1500 were ordered to be set up at the joint expense of the ' 
Incumbent and Parishioners in the principal Churches. The 
cost of the printing was ^500, or rather more than 6s. each. Two 
years later the Parish paid for the two Bibles 6s. id., and doubt- 
less the Vicar, Mr. Thirketill, paid also the same according to 
the act,] 

Be y' known unto all men that John Smyth chapelen 
have receyved of John Stobart for my [sic] quar- 
ters ended the xij daye of September whyche 
serten mony was delyvered of Nycholas Hay ward 
unto John Stobard in part of payment of hys 
ferme xxxj. 

CRATFELD CHYRCH, 1540-41. 57 

[Undated, probably 1538 or 153^.] 

Itm for an holy water sprynckler ijd. 

Itm for the stole mendynge and for lynynge to the 

same vi'jd. 

Itm for scouarynge the scholhouse and aulbe 

washinge iijj/. 

Itm for mending the Register Couffer [cover] the 
settynge upp thereof, the stoole mendynge, and 
mendynge of the steple dore and for nayles 
herabot occupied viijV. 

Itm for mendynge of the table and settynge uppe of 
them bothe, one wyndowe mendynge, and nay- 
lynge of a pese on the planncher and for nayles viij^. 


In this year there is no entry in the Town Book. There are 
some entries in the Guild accounts. 


[This is the first of the dated loose sheets.] 
Received of Pentcost churcheale & all costs and 

chargs deducted xxs. 

Received for the ledde asshes of Brabon iijj. vjV. 

Layde out in the repracyons of the churche 
Itm payed to Nicolas Goodale for mendyng of y« 

glase wyndows abowght y^ churche & y^ 

clarystorye ijj. viijV. 

Itm for iij pounde of sowder y' he spent abowght 

them ixd. 

Itm for a bz [bushel ?] of lyme y' he spente abowght 

them iij^. 

Itm for two lodys of wode and the caryage y' y^ 

plomers spente xxd. 



Itm for fettyng of two lodes of sande for them viij^. 

Itm payed to Brodbancke for nayle for y^ plomers xiijV. 

Itm payed for sawyng of lathes for y^ church xix^. 

Itm payed to y<= plomers iijj. vjV. 

Itm payed to two plomers for iij dayes worke a pese 
of them / iijj 

Itm for the borde of a man vj dayes xvijd. 

Itm for iij ponde of sowder and a halfe, and halfe a 

quarter y' y^ plomers ocupyed xviiji^. 

Itm in carpenters worke for iij dayes and hisJaorde xv<f. 

Itm payed to y« stywarde for entery in of new feofyes 

in a copye iijfjT. 

Itm payed to Robart Pyrse for helpyng of the plom- 
ers and for mete and drynke vd. 

Itm for fre stone and a C pament tyle iijj. ivd. 

Itm for the caryage of y' same v]d. 

Itm that Batman spent in drynke ]d. 

Itm payed to y^ mason and hys ladde xviija^. 

Itm payed for ther borde Kvd. 

Itm payed for a seme [8 bushels] of lyme xxi^. 

Itm for Smythe's synders ^d. 

Itm for the caryage of the tymber w' hys borde xijd. 

Itm for eykes of the bell ropys ij^. 

Itm for fellyng of the rowell xvd. 

Itm for baryng and fetchyng of yi^ rowell .xvd. 

[It had perhaps been laid aside two years before according to 
the act then passed against lights before images, and now in these 
days, full of change, brought back again.] 

Itm payed for nayles for the churche yarde ]d. 

Itm payed to Mr. Vycar for the two bybyls vj^-. ij^. 

[See note above.] 

Itm payed to ye baly of y^ hiidred for siite of curte xijd. 
Itm for layng in of y^ North dore thressholde and 

other thyngs and hys borde vd. 

Itm for grynyng of whete and malt ij^. 
Itm for bryngyng of ye malte agaynst Easter and 

agaynst Plough Mondaye vU]d. 
[These two being apparently the only two feasts now kept.] 




Itm of John Coke for rente to the tenement Rose 

Larkys iiijV. 

[This is the first mention of Rose Larks, which was granted to 
the Church Guild, as the following entry shows : — ] 

xxiij die Septembris An. r. r. H. viij. xxxij. [1541] 
Cratfeld. Robt Cooke who purchased certayne coppy 
hold londs holden of my Lords Grace [Robert Earl of 
Sussex] and before he was admytted tenant made hys 
last will and testament and by the same gave those 
same londs amongst other to Agnes his wyffe for terme 
of hur lyffe and after hur decease that John hys sonne 
shuld have hys copy hold londs to hym and hys heyres 
after the decease of hys said wyffe. And also when he 
comyth to thage of xxj yeres, upon the condicion, that 
the said John after that he comyth to the said age of 
xxj yeres shuld pay to the maryinge of hys systers xl 
marks {£26 13s. 4d.) and after Robt deyed after whose 
decease the same copy londs were seased and granted 
to John Duke and to the said Agnes then beyng wyffe 
to the said John Duke the rem [remainder] thereof to 
John Cooke son and heyre to the said Robt and to his 
heyres accordyng to thentent of the said last wyll 
of Robt. 

Itm at a court holden .... in the xix year of Kyng 
Henry the viij* the said John Cooke and John Duke 
s^rendered into the lord's hands, that is to say, John 
Duke p^sent in the court, and John Cooke out of the 
court by the hands of the Tenants the premysses to 
thuse of Thomas Smyth and John Smyth Gardens of 
the Gyld or Churche of Cratfeld there heyres and suc- 
cessors to them the yssues and proffets thereof shall 
come to thuse and supportation of the Guyld of Saint 
Thomas the martyr in Cratfeld. 

Memorandum that for as muche that the said xl 
marks restythe unpaid the same iiij systers prayeth 


eyther to be paid of the said some of money or ells 
that the lord may cause the same londs to be seased 
and granted to the said systers. 

The request of thenhabitants of the Towne. 
The inhabitants prayeth to be admytted to the 
pmysses payyng there resonable fyne. 

p Johem Fisk, Seneschallum [or Steward]. 

Itm of the same Robt [Fale] for an old cope and 

shyppe [ship] x^. 

[On a loose sheet not dated, but previous to 1543, when the Duke of Sussex 
died, are the following entries : — ] 

M"* whan the Goodman Dowsyng and I dyd ryde to 
the Erie of Sussex for the custom of his tenants 
in Cratfyld we leyde for o"" costes ij dayes iiijj. 

Itm for half a wey of hard chyse and xix'' xvjj. vhjd. 

and for the odd xix'' ijj. vjV. 

Itm payd to Thomas Mylles & for ij horses for 

carying of the same ijj. viij^. 

Itm at another tyme when I dyd ryde with Mr. 
Appleyard ijj. 

(Here end the Churchwardens^ accounts for the present.) 

The Guild Accounts, 1534-1540, next follow. In 1545 the Guilds 
•were suppressed. 

Cratfelb ©gibe, 

[i534» 25 Henry viii.] 

[This is at p. 93 of the book lettered Cratfclde Towne Booke. 
The word Cratfeld and the first memorandum are in paler ink 
and a rather larger hand than the rest. Gylde looks as if it had 
been added J. J. R.] 

CRATFELD GYLDE, I 5 34. 6 1 

M'J- remaynyng in the cherche box the xxij day of 
Maie in xxv"' yere of the regne of Kyng Henry 
viij"" takyn for the Gylde londes \]li. xiij^. iiij^. 

M^- receyvyd of Wyllm Crysp for an helme and two 
gange of selowez [sallows] the second day of 
February in y^ xxv"" yere of H ye eygt ijj-. xd. 

M.^- reseyvyd of Wyllam Smythe for y^ tenemet 
Tongh for y^ hole yere ferme of y^ sayd tenemet 
for ye terme ended at ye fest of saynt myhell ye 
Archangel in xxv'*" yere of ye Kyng H ye eygt 


Of ye wych sayd xxxj. the sayd Wyllam aske to be 

alowyd for iiij dayes worke of dawbyng xxijV. 

And so remaynyng xxviijj. i]d. 

M''- reseyvyd of Nycholas Heyward ye sayd secund 
day of February in ye yere above sayd for ye 
tenemet Rose larks for ye terme endyd at ye fest 
of Saynt myhell in a°- vices. quinto henrici 
octav iij/z'. vij. 

Of ye wych sayd iij/?. vjj. ye sayd Nycholas axe to 
be alowyd of rentys resolut^ payd by hym to ye 
shefe lords, of ye sa^ Fyrst to my Lord of 
Norfolke baly iijj. xj^. To my lord a Sussex 
baly xj. vu.]d. 

[The Earl of Sussex, not the Duke of Norfolk, was lord of the 

To Mast^ Applyard iiij''- 

[He was the lord of the Manor of Cratfield le Roos.] 

To ye Frayry dark ij"^- 

[The Convent of St. Neot's.] 

For makyng of ye to part of ye Indetures xij* 

Itm for thachyng a day and halfe for wages mete 

and drynke xvj''- 

Itm for dawbyn of ij pannells viij''- 

The sum^ of allowansys xxjj. ixi^. 

And so remayn xliiijj. iijV. Et sic resessit ibi. 


Itm receyvyd of Robard Kebylle for hyng [hiring] 
ye pytyll of the sayd Roberd and by y^ pytyll 
of Stevyn Faslyn xvjd. 

Itm of Jhon Thyrketyll for y« p^cel of medew lyeng 

at y« nether end of Heryngfeld xijV. 

Itm John Duke gentyleman for a p^cel of grownd 

lyyng in Heryngfeld next Brodeholand wode viijV. 

M''- delyv^d to y^ hand of Jhon Batman the xxiij 
day of August in ye xxv yere of Kyng harry y^ 
eygt by John Thyrketyle and Thomas Curdy 
gyld holders y' yere Ivs. 

Of y^ wych Ivj. y^ sayd John Batman payd by y^ 
assent of y^ l^rothers of the Gylde xxxvjj-. and 
so remayn and delyv^d in to y^ box y« sayd 
seciid day of February xixj. 

Itm delyv^d in to y^ hands of ye said John Batman 
ys XX day of Octobre in y^ xxv yere of harry 
y« eygt xxxiijj. 

Itm payd by the same John Batman to Jhon Smyth 
of y^ Hyll for amercyment to y^ baly of y^ 
Hunderde ijj. 

Et sic remanet of y^ sayd [here there are several 

erasures] y^ sayd seciid day and yere aforsayd 
sume delyverd in to y^ purse xij^'- xix"^- of y^ 
wych payd to S''- Jhon Stannard [the Chaplain] 
for his hole terme det^mynd y^ sayd secnd day 
in a° xxv'° h. octavi xvj. viijV. et sic remanet 
dicto die et anno in pursa in y^ xxv" yere of 
harry yf^eyghth xj/?. xj^. 

Itm payd to S"'- Jhon Stannard the xx'' daye of 
Marche for hys halfe quarter wages endyd the 
xix day of Marche aforsayd of y^ sume above 
wrytyne xvs. 

Itm payd to y« sayd Jhon Stannard dark y^ xvij day 
of Maye in the xxvj" yere of Kyng Hery y^ 
eygt for hys quartr ended at y^ fest of y^ 
invecyon of y^ crosse [Sept. 14] next before the 
said date out of y^ Gyld boxe of the sume above 
sayd xvj. 


Itrn receyvyd of y^ Townshyp of Cratfeld by me 
John Stannard Prest a quarter wag^ endyd at 
ye fest a vycule santi petr^ [Lammas, Aug. ij xxxj. 

Itm receyvyd ye sayd day of Nycolas Heyward for 
part of ye quarter ferme endyd at ye fest of y''^ 
Natyvyte of Sav' in ye sayd xxvj yere xvj. iiijV. 

Itm receyved of John Sherma at ye fest of ye 
Puryfycatyon of o'^ Lady in ye xxvj yere of 
Kyng henr^ ye eyght in parte of payment of 
iiij marks dewe to ye feffeys of the Gylde lands 
called Rose larks xiijj. iiijV. 

And ye sayd day of ye puryfycatyon of o' lady in ye 
sayde xxvj" yere ye sayd John Sherma and 
S-- Robard Thyrketele [Sir Robert Thyrketell 
was Vicar of Cratfield, 1533-48] did covaunt w' ye 
sayd feofys to make payment of xlx. resedew of 
ye sayde iiij marks in forme folowyng, y' ys to 
saye to ye sayde feofyes or thos y' shalbe [sic] 
feofyed at ye fest of ye puryfycatyon of o'^ Lady 
y' shalbe in ye yere of o' Lorde God MCCCCCXXXV 
xiij^f. \\\]d. and at ye fest of ye puryfycatyon of o"^ 
Lady than nexte folowyng xiijj. m]d. & after at 
ye fest of ye puryfycatyon of o' Lady than ncxte 
folowyng in full payement xiijj. iiiji^. 

Itm receyved of Wyllm Smyth coper for ye hole 

yere ferme of ye tennemt tonks xxxj. 

Itm receyved of John Thyrketell for ye medewe olde 

crofte medewe xij</. 

Itm receyved of John Duke gentelma for a pese of 

grownde lyyng jn heryngfelde viijia^. 

It^ receyved of Nycolas heyward at ye fest of Saynt 
Myhell ye Archangell in ye xxvj yere above sayde 
in parte of paymet of ye halfe yere ferme dewe at 
ye sayd fest of Saynt Myhell xxxiijj. 

It^ receyved of ye sayd Nycolas heyward at ye fest of 
ye puryfycatyon above sayde in parte of paymet 
of ye ferme of ye sayd lands called Rose larks 
dewe at ye foresayd fest of Saynt Myhell xlj. 


It^ receyved of Thomas Smyth & Rechard Brode- 
banke gyldeholders of y^ Gylde of Saynt Thomas 
in ye yere of Kyng Hery y^ Eyght y^ xxvj xxijj. 
Sm* totalys receptyonis summ p^dyct^ vij/«. 

Whereof payed to John Dowsyng and John Warne 
Gyldeholders for y^ yere cosequent xij. 

It^ covenantted betwyxt y^ inhabytans of y^ towne of 
Cratfelde and John Smyth Chapelen and the 
said John Smyth hath for hys p^te cov^antted to 
enter into y^ servyse of y^ Gylde, at y^ fest of y^ 
anuncyatyon of o' Lady in y^ xxvj yere of Kyg 
Henry ye viij takyng for hys wag^ vj//. & y^ 
seyde John have receyved of y^ sayde inhabytanse 
ye sayd xxj daye of February xxj. of corant 
mony, for the whych sayde xx^. the sayde John 
Smyth Chapelen cov^ant with & to the sayd 
inhabytans sofycyantly to repare and set in 
sofycyant repratyon y^ hole mese [messuage] 
late Sir John Caryells chapelen [Sir John Caryell, 
de Redenhall had been Vicar from 1439-44] in 
wryt crafte, dabeng, thachyng and all orther 
repratyons longyng or p^teynyng [appertaining] 
to ye same, and ferther y^ sayd John Smyth 
chapelen doth cov^ant to new re-edyfy the 
chymny of iij fyres at the p^p [proper] costs of y^ 
sayd John longyng to ye sayd mese after soche 
facyon as y' was fyrst edyfyed and upon a suer 
fudatyon & y^ sayde Inhabytans doth cov^ante 
to aponte to y^ sayde John wtin y^ towne of 
Cratfelde all soche tymber as shajbe necessary 
to be aployde [employed] to y^ necessarye 
repratyons of ye sayde mese and p^myssys & y^ 
sayde S' John to stand & be charchyd for hys 
tyme of all owte charg^ yerely goyng owt of y^ 
sayd mese to y^ chef lords of the fe xxj. 

It^ alowed to Nycolas Heyward the hole yere rent 
payed to my Lord of Norfolks baly for ye terme 
ended at ye fest of Saynt Myhell in a° vicesimo 
sexto h. octavi vj. xjV. 


It^ to my Lorde of Northumberl end's baly for y« 

sayd yere xxs. vd. 

& for a gosse iij^f 

It^ to Sent John ]d. 

It^ to Mr. Apeleyerd [lord of the Manor of Cratfield 
le Roos ?] for ferme lond iiijj. 

suma totall^ reddit^ et firmi xxx.f. •vu]d. 

It^ alowed to ye sayd Nycolas Heyward for s^ten 
repratyos don vppon the Tenneinet Rose Larks 
y^ sayd yere vijj. viija?. 

summa receptionis et alloc^ ut antea paret in libro 
illo pro dicto toto anno finito in termino sett 
Michaelis p^dicto v]li. xj^. viij^. 

Et sic dictus Nicholaus debet ad die copet" m]d. quod 
solvatur dicto die copeti et sic recessit eque 

It^ payed to John Smyth of y^ Hyll for mercymet, 
rent and payne & fyne for y«= tennemet Rose 
Larks & y^ Gyldehows V]s. iiijV. 

et sic remanet sum^ solut^ et allocat^ ut antea paret 

die copet^ [computationis] iij/z'. xviijj. 

It^ receyved of Robard Kebell for y« lond lyyng in 

Oldecrofte for y^ yere above wreten ]s. mid. 

& ye sayde xvjaT. payed to John Smyth chapelen for 
kepyng of y^ clocke tyll y^ fest of puryfycatyon 
of o"" lady in y^ yere of o'^ Lord God MCCCCCV'° 

It^ receyved of John Dowsyn and John Warne yelde 
holders in y^ xv''' day of August in a° h. viij vic^ 
septimo for y^ stocke of y^ yelde to the [be] 
delyvered in hand for y^ p^sedet yere xIj. 

It^ receyved y^ day & yere of ye sayd John & John 
Warne for the incresse and vantate [vantage ?] 
of ye yelde be the holde in ye sayd yere xxj. 

It^ receyved of Nycolas Heyward ye xv day of augas 
in a° vic^ septimo h. viij p^ primo quarterio finito 

ad festum nativitalis scti Johannis datu 

p^dictu xxxiijj. of ye whych payed to Wyllm 
Orfor and Marcon & unto Thomas Batman for 

ye defendyng of ye sute of ye towne xij^. in forme 



folowyg y y= to saye to Orfor viij(3?. to Marcon 
iijV. to Batman jd. 

It^ receyved of Nycolas Heywerd y^ xxti day of 
October for y^ terme ended at y^ fest of Saynt 
Myliell in p^te of payemet of a more sum for y^ 
ferme of Tennemet late Rose Larks as y' appere 
by a indeter thereof made the xj day of Maya 
the xxiiij'i yere of Kyng Hery ye eyght xxxiijj. 

whereof payed y^ sayd daye to Phylyppe Bedyngfelde 
excheter for his faver & curtesy of hys sayd 
ofifyce vs. and y^ resedue y^ sayd daye put in to 
y^ boxe. 

It^ receyved of Nycolas Heyward for y^ terme ended 
at ye fest of St. Mychell in a° xxvij" h. viij" 
iij//. vjj. whereof alowed to y^ sayde Nycolas for 
rents resolut^ xxxj. viijV. et sic remanet xxxvj. iiijV. 

It^ receyved of Wyllm Smyth Coper for y^ ferme the 
term ended myhylmes in a° h. viij xxvij° xxxj. 
wherof alowed for reparations viijj. vijd. et sic 
remanet xxjj. vd. 

It^ receyved of John Thurketell for a pes of Gylde 

It^ receyved of John Duke Getelma for a pes in 

Herygfelde viijV. 

It^ receyved of Kebell 

It^ payed owt of the Gylde mony to John Batma for 


makyng of the come [common] lyght ijj. v]d. 

It^ payed to John Smyth of y^ Hyll for a mantyltre xvjd. 

It^ payed for ye rent of y^ Gylde howse iiij^. 

Receyved by ye hands of John Smyth of ye Hyll and 
Thomas Curdy preposyters [churchwardens] of 
Cratfelde in ye presens of ye hoUe body of ye 
sayde towne off John Duke Gentelman, ye vij 
daye off Maye in the xxviij yere of ye rayne of 
Kyng Henry ye eyght iij//. of law full mony of 
Englond, for ye sale & hole payment of one pese 
of lande & sarten medow lyyng and abuttyng 
upon thornes wey in Cratfeld 

CRATFELD GYLDE, 1 5 34. 67 

It^ receyved of Nycolas Heyward in a.° h. viij xxviij,, 
p^ solutione ad festum Scti Johannis baptiste et 
Scti Mich^Jis in code ao iij/«. vjs. whereof delivered 
unto John Smyth & ye sayde Nycolas Gylde 
holders for y^ sayde yere folowyng xIj. 

It^ payed to John Smyth of y^ Hyll owt of y^ Gylde 
purse the x day of Deceber in ye xxviij" yere of 
Kyng hery y^ viij for a fyne of copy londe late 
Rose Larks to the maner of Roos xiiijj. 

It^ payed to y^ sayde John y^ sayde daye for a mer- 

symet of the Tennemet Tongs xd. 

It^" receyved of Wyllm Smyth Coper in y^ reyne of 
h. ye eygh & ye seconde daye of February xxxj. 

Of ye whyche fore sayde some ye towneofther good- 
nes have lent ageyne to ye sayde Wyllm to be 
payed at Myhellmes nexte en suyng vs. 

It^ receyved of Nycolas Heyward for Myhelmes terme 
in ye sayde yere iij/?'. v]d. wherof alowed for rentys 
resolutys & ferme to ye sayd Nycolas xxxj. v]d. 
et soe remaynes in ye xxix yere of h. ye viij xxxj. xd. 

It^ receyved of John Duke gentelma for a tree xvd. 

It^ receyved of ye sayd John for rent in ye same yere 
for .... acre of lond & iij acre of medowe lyyng 
in Heryngfylde iujd. 

It^ lent unto Edmonde myllys in ye xxix yere of 

Kyng h. ye eyght & ye x daye of August vjj. viijaf. 

Itm receyved of ye sayde Edmond at ye fast of ye 
puryfycatyon of o' lady next ensuyng ye sayde 
date xx^. 

It^ receyved of John Thurketell in ye same sayde 

yere and daye above wreten for Edmond myllys xd. 

Itm receyved of Master Vycary in ye yere and daye 

above wreten for tymber xvj^. 

It^ receyved of John Stobart for tymber xd. 

It^ receyved of Robart myllys for tymber v]s. vUjd. 

Itm receyved of William Ferror for tymber iijj. 

Itm receyved of John Rowse carver for tymber xs. 

It^ receyved of John Smyth Chapelen for a tre xx^. 


It^ receyved of Rychard Brodbancke for tymber ijj. Vnjd. 

Urn payed unto John Newson of y^ sayde money for 
serten repracyons of the tenemt called Tongs & 
other thyngs xIj. 

It^ receyved of Wyllm Smyth Coper in y^ yere & 
daye above wreten for hys ferme xxxs. 

It^ whereof payed agayne to y« Lord of Sussex for 

(fines ?) vs. 

It^ payed to y^ Prior Saynt Noots for v yeres rent of 

y^ same ferme xd. 

It? receyved of Henry Kebele for ferme xvj<af. 

whereof alowed ageyne for lyyng of tymber • iiijo?. 

Itm receyved of Nycolas Heyward in y« same yere & 
daye above wreten for hys ferme for y« terme 
ended at y^ fest of Saynt Mychell y^ arcagell in 
a° p^d vj//. xijj. 

wherof payed for rents resolyts & ferme xxxj. vii'}d. 

Itm receyved of Rychard Brodbanke for ferme vijj. i}d. 

It^ reseyved for y^ bequest of Eysbell Myllys iijj. iiij^. 

It^ y John Stobard have receyved out of y^ gylde 
purse in y^ xxix yere of o' soueran lorde kyng 
h. y«= viij for y^ waxe of y^ comen lyght for y^ 
sayde yere xvd. 

It^ reseyved of Wyllm Crysp for tymber the day of 
assumcen of our lady yn A . . . h . . . . xxx" xlijj. 

It^ the dett of John Scherman and Edmond Metts ys 
clerly dyscharged by the consent of the hole 
townchyp the ij day of ffebruarie in the xxv yere 
of the Reyne of Kyng henry the viij"^ 

[These items are in different ink, and a different hand. Follow- 
ing on them is " 1602. A note what the taskyne of Cratfild is. 
There is paid for the Taskyne beinge single xxxviijj. viij^." 
J. J. R.] 

in ye yere ofif o"' lord God m° CCCCCXXXIX 
In the xxxi yere of henry ye eyght & ye seconday of februarye. 
Itm receyved of Wyllm Smyth Coper for ye ferme of 
Tongs for ye hole yere ended at Myhyllmesse 
last past xxxj. 

CRATFELB GYLDE, 1 5 34. 69 

to the hands of Thomas Batma viijj. & unto y^ 

boxe xxijV. 

Itm receyved of y^ forsayd Wyllm of olde dett vs. 

& there remaynet at y« same day in hands of y^ 

sayde Wyllm vj. 

It^ receyved of Wyllm pantrye of olde dette xj. 

Itm receyved of Robart Sparham for an acre xvjV. 

Itm receyved of Nycolas Heywarde for the hole yere 

ended at Myhylmes laste past vj/«. xijj. 

Ad manus Johis cll [John Smyth the chaplain] i\]li. 
Ad baliv Dno Duci Norff ^ xxvijV. vjV. 

Ad baliv^ comit^ Susex^ xxj. viij<a?^ 

Ad M^ Appulyerde [lord of the manor of Roos] iiijj. 
Ad fraternitate SctI Johis i]d. 

Itm payed owte for a mercymet iijV. 

Itm y' Rychard chylderowse hath payed of y^ olde 

dette of John Sherma in parte of payemet ofxb. 

at y^ date above wreten vjj. viij^. 

Itm payed for a chalder of lyme for y^ churche in 

yere of o"" Lorde God m° CCCCCXL & in month 

of Julye vjj. viijW. 

[This last item is in darker ink, but apparently in the same 
hand. J. J. R.] 

The receyte of y^ Towns Landes in a° h. octavi xxxiii"- 
ffyrste of John Duke Gentyllma for ret iiijV. 

Itm of John Batma m]li. vs. m]d. 

and over y' alowed to y^ sayd John for rent xxvjj. vu]d. 

& for serten reperacyon xx^. 

Itm for a fyne to my lorde of Norfolke xxvjj. viijV. 

Itm to Holdryche for hys favor [ i.e. the Bailifit"'s] vs. 
It^ to ye repreracyon of y^ church xiiji-. iiijV. 

et sic remanet in pixid^ xb. in]d. p^dicto anno 

ult° recept^ 

It^ of Henry Kebell for a pese of ground xvjV. 

It^ of Wyllm Smyth coper for y^ ferme of y^ howse 

Tongs & the old det y' he owght to y^ Towne viijj. viijV. 
Itm receyved of John Smyth for y^ relesse of y^ 

tenemet Tonges liijj. m]d. 


It^ of William Kyrspe for y<= comon fyne mydow 
bysyde y« hole fyne to be payed to y^ lord by 
hym yerely 'j^- v»j^- 

Sm to iij/2. vs. {sic) 

of ye whyche forsayde sum alowed to Rychard Brod- 
bank & Thomas Smyth for makyng of the But 
gatys xvjV. 

moreover alowed to John Dowsyng for s^ten charges 
for ye copy lahde called Goodchyldys fesed and 
other charges "j-f- 'j^- 

It^ to Robart Bemond for the ernest for two asshes 

stondyng in Westwode medow iiij'''. 

It^ to ye sayd Robard Bemonde for hopyng of a 

relisse "J"- 

Sma allocacionis vj. \d. et remanet in pixide hac die 
de recepcioe eiusde diei vli. ii}d. 

[Here end the Guild Accounts, the next page containing the Church- 
wardens' Accounts for 1602.] 

Here commence again the Church-warden^ accounts. Of these, 
Mr. Holland's MS. contains selected items, as follows : — 


Md y' Rychard brodbank have delyvered and layde 
into ye vestry [this is now called the Vestry; 
before the suppression of the religious Guilds 
it was the Guild Chapel, dedicated to St. 
Thomas] ina°p^dict^ xj sheets of lede c6 teynyg 
m weyght xxij pound and over y' covenant to 
delyver & to leye into ye seyde Vestry by ye 
feast of Saynt Mychell next aft^ ye date aboue 
sayde xixC in quarters of a C & vi'' for ye 
whyche he have receyved in hande xli. 
And at ye delyvery of ye sayde xixC & C shall C 
receyve of ye townexiijj. uijd. bysyde ye caryage. 
[In this year an act was passed, that no person except who had 

Lands, Tenements, Fees, Annuities, or offices of the yearly value 

of ^100 shall keep or shoot with any gun.] 



It^ payd for bukeram for the vestments vjj. viij<£ 

It^ payd to John Dowsyng for a horse x\s. 

[An act of parliament passed this year, that Lords, Gentlemen, 
and Merchants might have in their houses an English Bible, 
with some other religious books, mentioned in the Act, for the 
instruction of their families.] 

1544 [35 Henry 8.] 

It^ on Plow Monday vijj. xjV. ob. 

It^ to Smyth Bocher for a bowe xxd. 

1545 [36 Henry 8.] 

It^ Reseyved of Plow monday money last past xxs. m]d. 

It^ Reseyved of John Smyth of y^ Hall for Syr 

Johns House vjj. V\\]d. 

[" Sir John's house " was Sir John Caryall's house, a former 
Vicar of Cratfield, mentioned before.] 

Received of [.mutton .'J of the gyft of the Vycary of 

Fresyngfeld [John Walsyngham ?] vjj. vjV. 

[The handwriting and ink, which have been growing worse year 
by year, so that the book is in places almost illegible, now show 
a marked improvement. J. J. R.] 

1546 [37 Henry 8.] 

It^ to John Newson for j liarnes [set of armour] xs. 

\\? to Ric^ Brokebanke for wax v\]s. v]d. 

It^ to John Rowse for j' sheve of arrowes [a full sheaf 

consisted of twenty-four arrows] ijj. xd. 

It^ to John Thurketyll for j dagger xiija'. 

It^ to Thomas Smyth for j byll [the principal weapon 

used by infantry until the pike came unto use] xijrf'. 

It^ to William Crysp for a Sallet* [a light helmet] ijj. iiijrf. 

** See Shakespeare, Henry Vl., Act IV., Scene lo. 


It^ to Ric^ Baldry for a Sallet and a gorgett ujs. 

It^ to the constables for j horse hyre & a quyttance 

for the payment of the subsyde xijd. 

[This subsidy consisted of four shillings in the pound for lands 
and tenements, and two shillings and eightpence for goods, to be 
paid in two years, which together with all colleges, chauntries, and 
hospitals, had been granted to the king the year before, and for 
which in a speech in Parliament he thanked the whole House, and 
acknowledged their love to himself, but found fault with their want 
of love to one another. Even the clergymen themselves " preach 
one against another, without charity or discretion ; some to be stiff 
in their old Mmnpsimus, and others to be curious in their Sump- 
simtis, that few or none preached truly the word of God."] 

It^ paid to Bartlet for kepyng of the clok iijj-. iiijV. 

It^ to the constables for there payns taken this 

troublus yere xxiaf. 

[Many persons were put to death for religion this year, and a 
great many English slain in the war with France. This year a 
truce between England and France was made, wherein the French 
King agreed to pay 800,000 crowns in eight years' space, and then 
to receive back Boulogne.] 

1547 [i Edward 6 & 38 Henry 8] 

It^ rec^ on Plow monday last past xxviijj-. vijV. 

It^ payd to the subsedy (see note in last year) xvj. 

It^ to Richard Brokebank for his harnes viijj. 

Itm paid to ix sodyers that went to the muster last 

taken at Westwode Parke* xviijV. 

[Invasion of Scotland and defeat of the Scots this year. ] 
It^ to John Cryspe and Peter Thurkettyl for bordyng 

the stayners xviV. 

[The rood lofts were ordered to be taken down this year, and 
texts of Scripture were ordered to be written on the walls. Many 
however were not taken down until late in Eliizabeth's reign. The 
stayners were employed for this purpose.] 

It^ layde owt by Symond Smyth to Bertlete and 
other ij stayners for workmanshypp xxjx 

In the parish of Blythburgh. J. J. R. 



Here begin extracts made by Mr. Holland from the loose papers. 

It^ payed for ye scoryng of ye castykes [candlesticks] \]d. 

It^ payed for makyng of the comyn lyte and for there 

comyns iijj-. iiij^. 

It' payed att blyborrow for makyng of an ynvytory m]d. 

Itm payed for a pownd of candell ijV. 

It^ payed for half a combe malte & for the bruyng & 

carege of ye bere to chyrche iijj. 

It^ payed for wax for the comyn light viijj. 

It^ payed for ij pond wax & for ye makyng xviij^. 

It^ payed the contrebysschop \s. 

It^ payed for a pond wax Sz; for ye makyng viijV. 

It^ payed for vj yards of bokerom iiji-. 

It^ payed for the makyng viijV. 

It^ payed for a b^ [bushel] of whete and for ye 

bakyng xv^ 

It^ payed for makyng of the chalys ijj. 

It^ payed to the steyners for on weks worke iijj. \\\]d. 

Itm payed for ther comyns of on weke before Lent ijj. viijfl'. 
Itm payed for nayles v]d. 

Itm payed for thered v]d. 

Itm payed for a quart^ of Gowlde \\s. 

Itm payed for gom [gum] & roset [resin] & byse 

[bistre, a colour made of chimney soot boiled & 

then diluted with water] xix</. 

[It^ payed for a] byble xiijj^ \\\]d. 

[The dates relative to the use of the Bible in ye English Church 
are as follows : — 

1536. Cromwell orders every parson to cause a Bible in Latin 
and English to be set up in the choir for the perusal of the people. 

1538. Cromwell orders a Bible of the largest volume to be set 
up in every church in some place convenient for reading.] 

[" Early in the reign of Edward VI. enquiries were set on foot 
with respect to plate, jewels, bells, and'other ornaments belonging 
to the parish churches, which in some parts of the country, es- 
pecially in Kent, had been embezzled by the churchwardens and 


others The Suffolk certificates* are dated early in November, 

1547, whereas the letter of the Privy Council to Cranmer.f 
charging him to prohibit alienation, bears date the last day of 
AprU, I548."t] 

The following extracts frofti the records of the Court of Aug- 
mentation, established in 1536,. in view of the Dissolution, refer 
to these enquiries. 

[Extract from the Augmentation Office, Miscellaneous 

books 509, Crattefeld, iiij November An" D°= 1547 
The true Certificat of Symond Smyth and Joha 

Bateman Churchwardens then 
Sold. We witness that Mr. June .sold with the con- \ 

sent of town iij yere past a payre of Chalys a ? xx/z. 

peyre of censers and a cross the S^ j 


Implemients i We have paid for a new bertlement for 1 

■V r X1 1/2 

with uses. \ the stepyll and ledyng of y' i ■' ' 

It. payd for as moch led for y« church as cost vli. 

The rest remayg in the cherche box 
Miscellaneous book 5 10 


Challice one waynge xiij"- '*'■ 

Great bells iiij 

Sanctus bell j] 

The following items are a full copy from a loose sheet headed " Symond 
Smyth A° R R henrici octavi xxxviijo," and give the detail of the work done 
to the tower. 

It^ payed to Tokley [the carpenter] for hys worke & 
hys mens worke xijj. 

It^ payed for ther borde of on man vj wekes & iij 
dayes xiijj. 

It^ payed to the sarvers for iij dayes worke ijj. 

It^ for ther bord \\s. 

* There are 179 certificates from Suffolk and Essex. 

\ Strype's Cranmer (E.H.S.), II., 90. 

X My Church Bells of Suffolk., pp. 90, 91. J. J. R. 


It^ payed to Tokeley for hys worke on y^ Stepyll & 
hys men xijj. 

It^ for ther bord v wekes of on man xs. 

It^ payed to iiij men for ij dayes worke opon the 
Stepyll to helpe vp the tymbyr ijj. 

& for ther horde ijs. 

It^ payed to the macyns for vj dayes worke opon y^ 
Stepyll iiijj. 

It^ for ther bord of them vj dayes iiijj. 

It^ payed to the plomer for schetyng of xxviij 

huderyd leed xvj.f. 

It^ payed to the plomer for led naylle ijj. 

It^ payed to Tokeley for hys worke and hys mens viij'j. 
Il^ payed for ther bord iij wekes & iij dayes of won 

man , vi']s. 

It^ payed to Rychard Brodbanke for iiij peces of 

cezynd [seasoned] tymber & for bord to lathe 

the Stepyll & for naylle xs. 

It^ payed to the plomer for leyyng the lede upon the 

Stepyll for ij mens worke xij dayes xs. 

& for ther bord viijj. 

It^ payed to the plomer for schotyng of the lede that 

be lefte (szc) the stepyll in small pecys to the su 

of vj huderyd iiJ5'. 

And a bs [bushel] of leadayssches [ashes] thepryce viijj. 
It^ payed to the plomer for sowdyng upon the 

cherche iiij'^- 

Itm paid to Tokelley for mendyng of the bellys xxd. 

It^ for ther borde xijfl'. 

It^ payed to Kyng for yrens for the stepyll vj. iiij^. 

It^ for carege of the tymber for the stepylle iijj. 

It^ payed to Kyng for fanes [vanes] for the stepyll & 

for other yrens and for mendyng of the cloke vs. 
It^ payed for a grette rope iiijj. 

It^ payed for a bs of whet & a half redy grown 

[ground] and bakyn iiijj. 

It^ payed for a loode of lyme browgth hom viijj. 


and for ther horse mette and mannes mette on 

nyte [one night] xijV. 

It^ payed for a plowhe viiji^. 

Sma v'njli. xxd. 

[This plough was bought to be used in the Plough Monday pro- 
cession, but early in next year, 1548, all Wakes and Plough 
Mondays were abolished, as well as the carrying of candles on 
Candlemas Day, of ashes on Ash Wednesday, of palm on Palm 
Sunday, with the rites used on Gopd Friday and Easter Day.] 

[In this year, 1547, Evening Prayer was said in English in the 
King's Chapel on Easter Monday ; the Book of Homilies was 
published ; the Cup given to the people in Communion ; all 
revenues given for Obits, Anniversaries, Lights in the churches, 
together with all Guild Lands were given to the King.] 

[The following items are taken from loose sheets not dated.] 

Itm payed to Thomas Curdy for makyng of y« 

cadelystyckes x\'}d. 

Itm payd for The Pyx Kijd. 

Itm for a Cloth to hang over y' x]]d. 

Itm payd for a " throughshote " gate iijj. iiija^. 

[Another sheet] 
It^ payd for a new boke vs. iiijV. 

It^ payd to y« constable for to set forth men for to 

serve y« Kyng xxs. 

It^ payd to ye same men for that they spent more 

then y« xxs. vjj. 

It^ payd to vj men for goyng to Bonggey ward to 

sarve y^ Kynge iijs. \]d- 

It^ payd for y^ men's suppers at Fromynghm [Fram- 

lingham] y' sarvyd y^ kyng x\]d. 

It^ payd to John Dowsyng for ye costs y' y^ men of 

ye towne set hym to when they went abovvte ye 

towne to se fawtys [find fault] i]s. 

l\? payd for one honderyd pament tyle for ye 

chcrche iiijj. 

It^ payd to nuttell for leyyng of ye pament tyle iiijV. 

It^ payd for the settyng forth of the soldyere xs. 


It^ payd for iij yards & h. of fustyn iijj. ix^. 

It^ payd for 3 yards cots lynyng & a yard of canvys ijj-. ■x.d. 
It^ payd for ye makyng of hys dowblet xijV. 

It^ payd for a payer of hosis iiijj. 

It^ payd for a payer of botys iijj. viijV. 

It^ payd for a daggord ijj. 

It^ payd for a sword ijj. v\\\d. 

It^ payed for a sword gyrdle viijV. 

It^ for a hole harnys & y^ hyer of a horse to Ypsuch 

to cary forth y^ soldyere xvjj. 

It^ payd to have the soldyer condyt from Ypsuch to 

Harwytche and the prest money 

It^ payd to have a man to ryde unto Est Bridge 
[East Bridge is a hamlet in Theberton] to y^ 
Justyce xij^. 

[Another sheet.] 

Thys ys the bylle of all recconyng betwyxte the towne & 
Symond Smyth and John Batman beynge chyrche wardens. 
[The date is therefore between 1546 and 1552.] 
Inp^mys for the costs of the new house at the rearryng 

of y- 
It^ payed to Jhon Batteman for a combe of malt redy 

browen iiijj. iijV. 

It^ payed to y« sayd John for half a comb of whete \]s. \]d. 
It^ payed to Rychard Brodbanke for spyses and 

nayle iijj. \]d. 

It^ payed for a syde of byffe [beef] xjx {sic) 

It^ payed for a sheppe iijj. 

[In the year 1549, certain church plate was sold to the value ot 
;^39 ids. I^feel satisfied that the costs of the rearing of this new 
Town House are defrayed from this money, the date of which 
would be accordingly.] 

It^ payed for iij huderyd and a half of splents iijj. 

Il^ payd to Henry Kebyll for a thowsand & a half 

of lath ryvyng ijV. \]d. 


t^ payd Crow for carryyng of y^ tymber to y« place 
where y^ howse stand and for mendyng of y^ 
fence abowte y« grownd xija? 

t^ payed to John Dowsyng for caryyng of y^ tymber 

iij dayes & a half wyth hys carte xs. v]d. 

t^ payd to Symond Smyth for ij dayes cartyng of 
tybre v]s. 

\F payed to Calvyr for yrence for y^ howse vijj. viijd. 

t^ payd to Symond Smyth for cartyng of sond & 
bryke vjj. 

t^ payd for ij dayes cartyng of brycke and tyle vjs. 

t^ payd for other ij daes of carege of tyle & lome 
for morter vjs. 

t^ payd for half day cartyng of tyle xviijt/- 

t^ payd for xv thowsend tyle iiij//. 

t^ payd for viij thowsend & a halfe of brycke xlvj. iiijaf. 

Thus tile was just double the price of brick. J. J. R.] 

t^ payd for Iv ruff [roof, the local pronunciation at 

the present day] tyle vs. 

t^ paid to the tyler for xv thowsend tyle pyn iiijj. 

t^ payd to the tyler for tylyng of y« howse xjj. xd. 

t^ payd to the carpender vij/z. 

t^ payd for on day carege of sond & on day carege 

of brecke vjj. 

t^ payd to Nowell for pynnyng of y^ howse & for 

makyng of ye chymny xxijj. iiijaf. 

t^ payd to y^ tyler for tylyng y^ howse abowte y« 

chymny iiij^. 

t^ payd for ij dayes cartyng of brycke vjj. 

t^ payd for ij chawlder of lyme for ye towne howse 

xiviijj. viij<f. 
t^ payd for y^ bordyng of the lyme carryers xvj^. 

t^ payd to Calverys man for yrense for y^ howse iiijs. vUjd 
tm payed to John Dowsyng for cartyng vij dayes & 

half xxijj. v'}d. 

It^ payd for splent yarne for ye howse ijj. 


It^ payd to Barbyr for clay worke xvj. 

It^ payd to John Thurketle far straw for y^ clay vjj. v'njd. 

It^ payd to Robert Myllys for hording of y^ tylers v 

wekes & iij dayes of on man viijj. ixri. 

It^ payd to Rychard Brodbancke for nayle & other 

thyngs for y^ howse xix^. 

It^ paid Jhon Battman for bordyng of y^ masyn viij 

wekes of on man xijj. 

It^ paid to Kempe for lome viijV. 

It^ payd to Mayst^ Apleard for v C brycke ijj. xd. 

It^ payd to Fuller y^ ernest mony xijj. 

*It^ payd for baryng of a lode of bricke xjV. 

Sum XXV li xs. iV]d. 

On " Myllys Wood " and " West Wood " Mr. Holland notes :— 
" As they began with a feast, they finished with a feast, both at 
Miles Wood and at West Wood," seeming to regard the brethren 
of the Guild as thus spending their money, lest it should be seized 
by Royal Authority. I see no other way of accounting for this 
remarkable expenditure. "Myllys Wood" appears to be Mells 
Wood, now part of Wenhaston. 

[Myllys Wood.] 

It^ payd to Lane 

It^ payd to Lane for ij barrelis & a halfe of here ixj. []d. 
Iv" payd for a bs of whete redy grown [ground] and 

bakyn x\]d. 

Iv' payd for a quarter of chese iiijj. 

Il^ payd for a gallon of butter x\]d. 

It^ payd for bakyng of a shepe w' y^ flower & spyses xij^. 
It^ payd to Lane for ij barrelis of byrre viijj. 

It^ payd to John Dowsyng for a shepe \]s. xd. 

It^ payd to the same John for a bs of whete & fyrkyn 

of bere xxij^. 

Ii^ payd to John Borret for a barrel of byr iiijj. 

* This is partly in a different hand, as also is the total. J. J. R. 


It^ payd for iiij tymys goyng to Myllys Wood w' my 

carte ixj. iiijV. 

It^ payd to Wyllm Orforth for iij sheep xj. 

[West Wood.] 

It^ payd to Lane for ij barrells & a half of byr xs. 

It^ payd for vj bs of whete ijs. 

It^ payd for a chese xvjd. 

It^ payd for half a gallon of butter vjd. 

It^ payd to Ede for byff [beef] iijj-. ijd. 

Iv' payd to y« sayd Wyllam for iij quarters of motyn ijj. 
It^ payd for a fyrkyn of bere fetchyd at Blyborth xiijV. 

It^ payd for goyng to W,est Wood with my carte i}S. iiijV. 
It^ payd for carege of iij horse lode of vyttell xijd. 

It^ payd to Robert Mollyng for bryndyng home of 

the gere from Westwood xijd. 

It^ payd to Mayst^ Apleard for a shepe iijj. 

Sm* total^ iij/z. xixs. vijd. 

[Having entered certain Items from the loose sheets without 
date, I now go back to the Town Book and those loose sheets 
that are dated.*] 

1548 [2 Edward 6.] 

Itm payd for makyng the boxe iiij^. 

Itm payd for makyng the locks and tressylls ijj. ijd. 

Itm for settyng in the box iiijaC 

[This is possibly the little box now in the chest.] 

[In this year the Liturgyf (almost the same as is now used) 

was enacted, William Rugg, Bishop of Norwich, being one of 

the Commissioners appointed to draw it up.] 

" These items which follow were selected by Mr. Holland. J. J. R. 

f For the controversy in 1854 as to the restriction of this term to the 
Eucharist, see Archbishop Trench, who vindicates a more general sense in 
his JVew Testament Synonyms, p. 154. J. J. R. 


1549 [3 Edward 6.] 

Delyv'd to Symond Smyth to exchaunge of old 
Testamenes iij/z. xijj. 

[This entry is crossed out.] 
Plate sold by the consent of the hole Towneshyp 
Gylt. Imp'mis a crosse waying Ixxvj ounc' dd oz. 
It^ a challyc waying xx'' oz dd dd oz abated 
for the paper w' in the crosse 
P'cell Gylt. One payre of Sensers, one pax, a shype, 

one payre of cruetts waying 1 ounc' 
Sm* rec' by the chyrchwardens for the sayd plate 

xxxv//, xvj. id. 
S Remaynyng in the Towne box & cofere vj'' in 
sylver & vij'' in old goold. 

^550 [4 Edward 6.] 

Reseyvyd of Symond Smith for the olde Testamenys 

whych was delyu^d unto hym to the exchange iijV/. — 

[This year was published Tindal's Translation of the Bible, 

revised by Coverdale. The above entry appears to refer to this.] 

[To this date, ISS°> ™^y he referred the introduction of the 
Reading Desk, on the national alteration of the service from Latin 
into the English tongue. Hollinshed, one of the contemporaries 
with these events, thus describes the Desk in 1 560 : " The minister 
with bis service commonly in the body of the church, with his 
f tee toward the people, in a little tabernacle of wainscot provided 
for the purpose ; by which means the ignorant do not only learn 
divers of the Psalms and usual prayers by heart, but also such as 
can read do pray together with him."] 

1552 [6 Edward 6.] 

[The new Prayer Book according to the alterations agieed upon 
in the former year was appointed to be received everywhere after 
the Feast of All Saints next (Nov. i}. 



An act was passed also for avoiding excess of wines : — " That 
no person whatever should keep in his house above lo gallons of 
French wine, for spending, under pain of forfeiting ^lo sterling. 
Unless he could spend loo marks {£(>6 13 J. 4^.) Yearly in Lands, 
Tenements, or other Profits certain ; or was worth 1,000 marks 
(;£2i8 ly. 4^.) of his own; or else was the son of a Duke, 
Marquis, Earl, Viscount, or Baron." 

Visitors were appointed to examine what Church-plate, Jewels, 
and other Furniture was in all Churches, and to compare their 
account with the Inventories made in former years, and to see 
what was embezzled and how. They were to leave in every 
Church one or two chalices of Silver, with Linen for the Com- 
munion Table, Copes, Altar Cloths, and give the money to the 

Mary at the death of Edward removes to her Castle at Fram- 
lingham, because being near the sea, if the ill-success of her 
affairs required it, she might fly to Flanders. She here takes the 
title of Queen. The whole of her titles are given at length in the 
accounts in the Town Book for next year. She left Kenninghall 
Palace the 12th of July, and arrived on horseback at Framling- 
ham, where she remained until the 31st July, and where very 
shortly 13,000 men encamped around the walls to protect her.] 

The following entries from an undated sheet refer to this year. 

Itm. John Dowsyng hath receyuyd by y^ hands of 

Rychard baldry & John Smyth of y^ hyll xb. 

Itm receyuyd of Edmund Smyth for a scheff of 

arrows iijj. 

Itm payd unto Robt Carter for makyng of the 

garm^ts for y^ sougar [soldier] ixj. V\\]d. 

Itm payd for furbusshyng of ye towne sward ' v]d. 

Itm for shedyng [sheathing] & knyuyng [blading.?] 

of ye towne daggard iiijV. 

Itm for heads for a scheff of arrows viiji^. 

Itm for fettyng home of cloth for the sowgers cot from 

Kennyngell to sywing ? [for sewing?] iiijV. 

[Supplied by the Queen when she was at Kenninghall.] 

* The original summons still lies in Bedingfield Church Chest, and is 
transcribed in my Church Bells of Suffolk, p. 91. J. J. R. 


Itm for a payr of shoos for Wyllm Ferror [one of the 

soldiers ?] xijV. 

Itm payd to Wyllm Clampe for mendyn of y^ 

harnes [armour] he goth in iiijd. 

Itm for a swerd for Wyllm Clampe ijj. iiijV. 

Itm payd to y^ sowgers xvjj. viija'. 

Itm payd for ye dynner whan my lord CoUonell tooke 

y« muster here vijj. vd. ob. 

Itm payed to Edm Anderson for caryyng of y^ town 

bowe to Fremmyngam j</. 

Itm payd to Rychard Bradbanke for such gare as the 

sowgers had of hym vjs. ]d. 

Sm^ payd owtt of thys byll x1v''j. ]d. ob, 

( With these words the sheet ends. The following two items 
which appear to belong to the same event, are from another 



Itm for goyng to Est Brege \]d 

Itm for a ferkyn of bere to Framynghm xijt^ 

[In this year and the next the sweating sickness, which broke 
out in London in 1551, appears to have found its way to Cratfield. 
In 1553, there are 15 burials in the Register Book, 3 of the name 
of Miles, 2 of Fisk, 2 of Orford, 2 Thirketyles, and 2 Greens. In 
1554, there are 6 burials. The average for the 10 previous years 
is not more than 3 or 4. Whosoever was seized with this sickness 
died, or recovered within nine or ten hours at most. If he took 
cold he died within three hours ; if he slept within six hours, he 
died raving.] 

1553 [i Mary.] 

From a loose sheet not dated, but the Rood being again put 
up this year fixes the date to be i^' of Mary, when Mass was 
commanded to be used in all churches on December 21^' 
Itm payed to y^ stayner for makyng of y^ Roode \]s. 
Itm payed for fetchyng of y^ table y' is at y« alter 
from y« vycaryage bearne & for to do the drynke 
y« set y' v]d. 

ItiTi payd to Gregory Rowse for makyng of a puliy 

for y« Sacramet xij</. 


From the Book. 

1554 [2 Mary.] 

Thaccompt of John Dowsyng and Robt Moulyng 
Churchwardens in y^ fyrst & second yeare of y« 
reigne of o"^ SoAr'ayngne Lorde & Ladye Phylyp 
& Marye by y^ grace of God Kynge & Quene of 
Ynglond, Fraunce, Neapolis, Jerusalem, and 
Yrelond, Defendours of y^ Fayth, Prynces of 
Spayne & Cecile, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes 
of Malanye, Burgandy & Barbarie, Com^ of 
Aspurge, Flaunders & Tirolis. 

to Edmund Brodbanke for cheanes [chains] for the 
sensures [censers] & hys horse labor to Wod- 
brydge w' y^ souldiors ij-f- iiij^- 

[The censers were suspended generally by four chains. The 
expense about the soldiers was incurred probably in guarding the 
Queen the year before at Framlingham, where thirteen thousand 
men were assembled.] 

payd to John Clampe for ij bookes ij.f. 

1555 [3 Mary.] 

Md that the Townschyp have delyu^d to Edmond 
Smyth and Wyllm Eade Collectors for the 
poore x: 

[So early as this year some attempt was made to introduce a 
public collection for the poor. It was ordered that after Divine 
Service on Sundays " the parsonne," vicar or curate, and church- 
wardens should nominate two "hable personnes or more to be 
gatherers for the poor." These men on Sunday when the people 
were at church, were directed to "gently ask and demand" of 
every man and woman what they of their charity will be contented 
to give weekly, toward the relief of the poor, and the same to be 
written in the said register or book. The distress of the poor was 
very great. The church, their constant friend, had been deprived 
of so much property that she could not assist them as before.] 


Rec^ of Wyllm Baldrye of Brudysshe in p^t of the 

legasy of hys father* vjs. viijo'. 

From a loose Sheet. 

1556 [4 Mary.] 

Itm receyuyd of Wyllm Bocher for y^ fearme of y« 

Gyldhall Kytchyn iiijj. 

Itm payd at y^ buryall of olde Russell xvjV. 

[Thomas Russell was buried October 13th.] 

Itm for my costes when we were comaunded to be 

afore y^ bysshop-f \\d. 

Itm payd for y« rent of y^ howse at y^ chansell ende \\\)d. 

1557 [5 Mary.] 

It^ for lyne & ryngles [rings] to hang vp the lanten 

vayle & for sawyng of the same vij</. 

It^ for a revessyng gurdle )d. 

It^ for a lawmplyne iiija'. 

It^ for a lawmpe viij^. 

It^ for sowyng the tunyceles on the albes \d. 

It^ for sowyng of a surpless ]d. 

It^ for help to have up the roode v]d. 

This latter entry fixes the date of another Sheet not dated, but 
containing the following : — 

Itm payed to the stayner for makyng of y^ Roode ijj. 

Itm payed for fetchyng of ye table y' is at y^ alter 
from ye vycaryage barne & for to do the drynke 
y' set y' v]d. 

* There are several items relating to this legacy, 
f John Hopton, Bishop of Norwich. 


Itm payd to Gregory Rowsse for makyng of a pulley 

for y« sacramet xij^. 

[To suspend the Holy Eucharist over the Altar. Mass had 
been commanded to be used in all the Churches on December 
2ist, 1553.] 

Remember that we Gregorye Mene and John Rouse 
Collectors for the pore dyd receyue of Thomas 
Curdye for ye use of y^ pore on Fasgong Sondaye 
[Sunday before Easter] iijj. iii'}d. and the iijj. iiijo?. 

we ded delyv^ and paye immedyatlye folowyng to 
Mother Russell every weke iiiji^. tyll y« seyd 
same sum wase payd 

[In this year in the adjoining village of Laxfield was burnt one 
John Noyes of that village, an account of which I extract from 
Fox's " Martyrs." 

In the month of September suffered the blessed Martyr, 
John Noyes, whose story here followeth. 

First, Master Thomas Lovell being then chief constable of 
Hoxen Hundred in the County aforesaid, and one John Jacob 
and William Stannard then being under constables of the afore- 
said Town of Laxfield, and Wolfran Dowsing and Nicolas 
Stannard of the same Town, being then accounted faithful 
and catholick Christians, though undoubtedly they proved most 
cruel hinderers of the true professors of Christ and His Gospel, 
with others, were commanded to be that present day before the 
Justices, Sir John Tyrrcl, Master Kene, and Master Thurston, 
and Sir John Silliard* being high sherif. 

These sitting at Hoxne in the County of Suffolk aforesaid, 
and there the said Townsmen aforesaid having commandment 
of the said Justices to inquire in their Town if there were any 
that would neglect to come to their service and mass, further to 
examine the cause why they would not come, and thereupon 
to bring the true certificate to the said Justices within fourteen 

* This Sir John Sulyard was a stiff Roman Catholic, and his i-ecusancy under 
Elizabeth would not have been so severely noticed as it was, if he had not 
made himself so obnoxious by assisting at the death of the Protestants in 
this reign. 


days then next ensuing; they then coming homeward, being 
full of hatred against the truth, and desirous to get promotion, 
without any such commandment of the Justices (as far as we 
can learn), took counsel one with another how to attach the 
said John Noyes without any more delay. 

This divellish enterprise agreed upon, chiefly through the 
counsel of Master Thomas Lovell, Wolfren Dowsing, and Nicolas 
Stannard aforesaid, with expedition his house was beset, on 
both sides. This done, they found the said John Noyes on the 
backside of the said house going outward. And Nicholas 
Stannard called to the said John, and said, Whither goest thou ; 
and he said, To my neighbours. And the said Nicholas Stannard 
said, Your Master hath deceived you ; you must go with us 
now. But the said John Noyes answered. No, but take you heed 
your Master deceive you not. And so they took him and carried 
him to the Justices the next day. After his appearance and 
sundry causes alleged, the Justices and the Sherif together 
cast him into Eye dungeon, and there he lay a certain time. 
And then was carried from thence to Norwich, and so came 
before the Bishop (Bishop John Hopton, consecrated 1554, 
died 1558)) where were ministered unto him these positions 
following : — 

1. Whether he believed that the ceremonies used in the 
church were good and godly, to stir up men's minds to 

2. Item, whether he believed the Pope to be the supreme 
Head of the Church here in earth. 

3. Item, whether he believed the body of our Lord Jesus 
Christ to be in the sacrament of the altar under the forms 
of bread and wine, after the words of consecration. 

Whereunto he answered, that he thought the natural body of 
Christ to be only in Heaven and not in the Sacrament. 

For the which, sentence at last was read by the Bishop against 
him, in the presence of these there sitting the same time, D. 
Dunning, Chancellor, Sir W. Woodhouse, Sir Thomas Wood- 
house, P. George Heyden, P. Spenser, W. Farrer, Aldermen of 
Norwich, P. Thurston, Winesden, with divers others. More of 
his examination than this came not to our hands. 


In the meantime his brother-in-law, one Nicholas Fiske of 
Bennington, going to comfort him at such time as he remained 
prisoner in the Guildhall of Norwich, after Christian exhortation, 
asked him if he did not fear death when the Bishop gave judg- 
ment against him, considering the terror of the same. And the 
said John answered : he thanked God he feared death no 
more at that time than he or any other did, being at liberty. 
Then the said Nicholas required him to shew the cause of his 
condemnation. Upon which request the said John Noyes writ 
with his own hand as followeth : 

I said, quoth he, that I could not believe, that in the Sacra- 
ment of the Altar there is the natural body of Christ, that same 
body that was born of the Virgin Mary. But I said, that the 
sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, is received of 
Christian people in the remembrance of Christ's death, as a 
spiritual food, if it be ministered according to Christ's institution. 

But they said, I could not tell what spiritual meant. 

The Bishop said, that the sacrament was God, and must be 
worshipped as God. So said the Chancellor also. 

Then answered I, My Lord, I cannot so believe. 

Then, quoth the Bishop, why ? Then say thou dost believe. 
Notwithstanding these collusions could not prevail. 

Now being condemned he was sent again from Norwich to 
Eye prison, and upon the 2ist day of September, in the year 
aforesaid, about midnight, he was brought from Eye to Laxfield 
to be burned, and on the next day morning was brought to 
the stake, where was ready against his coming the foresaid 
Justice, Master Thurston, one Mr. Waller then being under 
Sheriff, and Master Thomas Lovell being high constable, as is 
before expressed, the which commanded men to make ready all 
things- meet for that sinful purpose. Now the fire in most places 
of the street was put out, saving a smoke was espied by the 
said Thomas Lovell proceeding from the top of a chimney, in 
which house the Sheriff and Grannow, his man, went, and brake 
open the door, and thereby giit fire, and brought the same to 
the place of execution. When John Noyes came to the place 
where he should be burned, he kneeled down, and said the 
50th Psalm [The Lord, even the most mighty God, hath spoken. 


&c.] with other prayers, and then they making haste bound him 
to the stake, and being bound, the said Noyes said, Fear not 
them that can kill the body, but fear Him that can kill both body 
and soul, and cast it into everlasting fire. 

When he saw his sister weeping and making moan for him, 
he bade her that she should not weep for him, but weep for her 

Then one Nicholas Cadman being Hastlar, a valiant champion 
in the Pope's affairs, brought a fagot and set against him ; and 
the said John Noyes took up the fagot and kissed it, and said: 
Blessed be the time that ever I was born to come to this. 

Then he delivered his Psalter to the under Sheriff, desiring 
him to be good to his wife and children, and to deliver to her 
that same book, and the Sheriff promised him that he would, 
notwithstanding he never as yet performed his promise. Then 
the said John Noyes said to the people : They say they can make 
God of a piece of bread, believe them not. 

Then said he. Good people, bear witness, that I do believe 
to be saved by the merits and passion of Jesus Christ, and not 
by mine own deeds ; and so the fire was kindled, and burned 
about him. Then he said : Lord, have mercy upon me ; Christ, 
have mercy upon me; Son of David, have mercy upon me. 

And so he yielded up his life, and when his body was burned, 
they made a pit to bury the coals and ashes, and amongst the 
same they found one of his feet that was unburned, whole up 
to the ankle, with the hose on, and that they buried with the 

Now while he was a burning, there stood one John Jarvis by, 
a man's servant of the same Town, a plain fellow, which said : 
Good Lord, how the sinews of his arms shrink up. And there 
stood behind him one Grannow and Benet, being the Sheriff's 
men, and they said to their master, that John Jarvis said. What 
villein wretches are these. And their master bade lay hand 
on him, and they took him and pinioned him, and carried 
him before the Justice that same day, and the Justice did examine 
him of the words aforesaid ; but he denied them, and answered 
that he said nothing but this : Good Lord, how the sinews of his 
arms shrink up. But for all this the Justice did bind his father, 


and his master, in £$ a piece, that he should be forthcoming at 
all times. And on the Wednesday next he was brought again 
before the Justices, P. Thurston and P. Kene, they sitting at 
Fressingfield in Hoxne Hundred, and there they did appoint 
and command, that the said John Jarvis should be set in the 
Stocks the next Market day, and whipped about the Market 
naked. But his master, one William Jarvis, did after crave 
friendship of the constables, and they did not set him in the 
Stocks till Sunday morning, and in the afternoon they did whip 
him about the Market with a dog whip, having three cords, and 
so they let him go. 

Some do give out that John Jarvis was whipped for saying 
that Nicholas Cadman was Noyes' Hastier, that is, such an one 
as maketh and hasteth the fire. 

The sufferings of relatives, of parents and children, of wives 
and friends, during three years and a half [Feb. 1555, to the 
autumn of 1558] must have been very great. Two hundred and 
seventy-seven persons were burnt. Thirty-six in Suffolk.] 

1558 [6 Mary, i Elizabeth.] 

Itm payd for Wax ageynst Est^ iij/z. & half a q^'rt^ i'ljs. 
Itm payd fQr y« makyng of y^ tapers iijia?. ob. 

Itm payd unto Kempe for the carege of y« Wax to 

and fro \jd. 

Itm payd unto Jhon Bemond for y^ makyng of y= 

provysyo^ to sett up the tapers at Est^ ijd. 

Itm, Jhon Bemond for washyng of y^ lenyn clothes 

that belongeth unto y« church & for rnendyng of 

a Coop [Cope] iijaf. 

Itm payd for the sowgers cootts xijj. 

Itm payd unto Edmund Brodbanke for y^ sowgers vjx viij^. 
Itm payd for a pownd & a half of waxse xv^. 

Itm payd for makynge of the waxe and for the carye 

to and, fro yri. 

Itm payd for y^ pellerers dyners on y« peleryng 

daye vs. injd. 

[An instance of the custom of going round the bounds of the 
Parish on one of the three days before Ascension Day.] 


Itm payed of rent for ye towne close and for ye howse 

att ye chauiicel ende jj. vjV. 

[Queen Mary died November 17th, was buried December isth. 
In this year the Queen herself, exceeding her Prerogative, 
published a Proclamation, "That whoever had any heretical 
(Protestant) books, and did not presently burn them without — 
reading, should be esteemed Rebels, and executed without delay 
by the Martial Law."] 

1559 [2 Elizabeth.] 

The legasye of iij//. vjj. viijV. whereof William Baldry . 
at the day of thys rekenyng geue for hys fathers 
legasye to the Townshyp abouesayd xlvjj. viijV. 

also he is indetted for another legasye geue by hys 
Father for brekyng the paumet in the chyrch xs. 

[This payment of loj. must have been for the burial of his 
father in the church, on the loth April, 1557.] 
[A goose this year cost Sf/.] 

Itm paied unto the Sexteyn for makinge of two graves iiijV. 

Itm paied unto Brockebancke for a Comunion booke vjj. viijd. 
Itm for white yucklefor the same jd. 

Itm paied for the writinge of an Inventorye of the 

churche goods ijV. 

Itm for washinge & mendinge of the aulbes & surpleses viijV. 
Itm paied unto Boucher for pullinge down the aulter viijV. 
Itm paied for a Comunion Table iiijj. ij^. 

[This year Elizabeth was crowned, January 13th. On March 
22nd, the use of the Lord's Supper in both kinds was by Parlia- 
ment allowed. On June 24th, the sacrifice of the Mass was 
abolished, and the Liturgy" in the English tongue established, 
" with but the difference of six voices," and in August images 
were ordered to be removed out of the church and broken or 
burnt. " By these degrees religion was changed, and yet the 
change to the wonder of the world bred no disturbance;" but of 
9,400 beneficed clergymen, all the Bishops except the Bishop of 
Llandaff.f 12 Archdeacons, 15 Heads of Colleges, 50 Canons, 

' See note on p. f Anthony Kitchin. 


but only about 80 parochial Priests, chose to quit their prefer- 
ments rather than relinquish them. John Page, Vicar of Cratfield, 
retained his vicarage, but he does not appear to have been buried 
in the parish. 

In, this Parliament it was enacted that every person should go 
to Divine Service on Sundays and Holidays, or else pay twelve 
pence to the poor. 

Little more than twenty years had passed since the Reformation 
began, and in this interval the public worship had been changed 
four times.] 


It. Receyved of Crystofer Orforde the daye of Saynt 

Edwarde xxijj. 

It. Receyved of the same Crystofer Orforde on 

Symonde & Jude daye x\s. 

It. Receyved of John Warne for the barcke [from the 

oaks used in building the new house] xxj. vi\]d. 

It. payde to the Skolle Master the xvijj daye of 

Maye xIj. 

It. payde at Ester for Comunyon bred iiija'. 

It. payde for wyne at Ester ijj. 

It. payde for fettynge of the same wyrie vujd. 

It. payde to Sir John Page vecar for brede & wyne 

for wone hole yere viijj-. 

[This Sir John Page was succeeded early next year by Thomas 
Plumpton. Suckling says Richard Wheatley, but I think he is in 

It. paid to John Goodwyn for helpen downe the rode 

lofte iiij^. 

[Ordered by Parliament to be done in August, ISS7-] 

Itm payde to Plomtones made [maid] & Houses 

made for maken dene y^ churche i'ujd. 

It. payde at the vesitacyon v'lijd. 

It. payde to Master Lanye for the proclamacyons xijrt". 

* There are also accounts, mainly receipts, in the book for these years. 


It. payde for won pottell [4 pints] of wyne & the 

fechynge of y' xijd. 

It. payde to Syrre Tomas Plomton ijV. 

It. payde for the Bousshopes [Bishop's] injoncyons viijV. 

It. payde for wyne nijd. 


It. payed for the caryeage of the Quennes tember xxxv.f. 

It. payed for wrytyng out of a copy of the baly of 
the hundred's presepte for the Inspers [Inspec- 
tors] of Saynt Johnes frary lands ijd. 

It. payed to Wyllih Eade for caryeng the whete to 

the coste xijV. 

It paid at the beryall of Elen chyelderus ijj. 

It for hure wynyng shete ijj. iiij</. 

[She was buried 12th July, 1561.] 

It. for makynge the table for the commandemerttes xij^. 


It. Receyved of Rycharde Smyth of Lynstede for 

xxx ashes ix/«. xiijj. iiijV. 

It. payde to Syre Tomas Plomton [Vicar] viijV. 

It. payde for ij days carrynge of the greate tymber xijj. 

It. payde for a come of malte & halfe a come of 

wheate xvjj. viijV. 

It. payde to John Smyth Tomas Smyth Harye Mene 
for pollyng downe the olde house & carrynge 
awaye the same i}S. vjd. 

It. payde for ij calves xiijj. iiij«/. 

It. payde for butter and egges and otmelle xij^ 

It. payde to the Wydowe Cady for helpynde at the 

house vjd 

It. payde for viij'" of raysers [raisins] xx^. 

It. payde for ij" of provens [prunes] iiijfl^. 


It. payde for ij'' of correns [currants] xijV. 

It. payde for ij ounse of pepper \d. 

It. payde for halfe a ounse of cloves \\\]d. 

It. payde for a quarter of mase [mace] m]d. 

It. payde for whyte salte \)d. 

It. payde for sanders \]d. 

It. payde for wenyger [vinegar] ]d. 

It. payde for ij'' of hoppes viijo'. 

The expenses of the Feast were therefore £i 19J. 2d. 

The following items are worth recording : — 

1,000 bricks, 8/6 ; 10,000 tile pins, 3/4 [tiles I do not 
find put down] ; 2 days' carriage of tiles, 9/4 ; 
carriage of 13 loads of brick and tile, £\ 11 o; 
22,000 nails, 9/1 ; 300 laths, 3/6 ; 6,000 lath nails, 
9/ ; splents, 5/ ; splent yarn, 3/4 ; carrying 2 
loads of splents, 4/ ; i load of straw for the clay, 
2/6; 2 chaldron of lime, £1^0; iron work, 
1 1/6 ; paid to the tiler and his men for choosing 
the tile, 1/4 ; paid to Tocklye for workmanship 
of the house and for tile and for brick, £21 ; 
paid to Tocklye's sons for their gloves, 1/ ; 
abated for 3 pystelayes [pistoles, foreign gold 
coins worth about 17/ each] and a French crown, 
not weight, \od. 

The expense of the house appears to have been 
therefore £2J ys. -^d. 

It. payde to John Kempe in hys porse xj. 

It. payde to John Kempe for lynynge for hys doblet 

& hose xviijdT. 

It. payde to John Goodwyn for a sworde & a dagarde 

& gyrdell xj. \\d. 

It. payde for iij yardes of whyte fostyn [fustian] iijj. 

It. payde for ij yardes and a quarter of red \s. 

It. for a yarde & a quarter of mock a do [a kind of 

silk] xx^. 

It. payde for ij dossyn of bottens \\\]d. 

It. payde for a dossyng of poyntes [ties used instead 

of buttons] ij^.^ 


It. payde to John Wolde for makyng John Kempes 

doblet & hose ijj. jj^. 

It. payde to Syr Tomas Plomton for makynge of 

wrytynges viijV. 

It. payde for a booke of omelyes [Homilies] and 
prayers iiijj. 

It. payde for wyne for the Comunyon at Hallomes iiijV. 

It payde for wyne at Crysmes for the comunyon xijV. 

It. paid for the fetyng of the same wyne iiij^. 


Three communions this year — at Easter, Pentecost, and 

[The articles of the Church of England settled by Convocation, 
and reduced to the number of thirty-nine, as they stand to this 
day. In this year the diversities of Ecclesiastical practice are 
pointed out in Secretary Cecil's Paper, dated Feb. 24th, which 
acquaints her Majesty that some clergymen perform divine service 
and prayers in the chancel, others in the body of the church ; 
some in a seat made in the church, some in the pulpit with their 
faces to the people ; some keep precisely to the order of the book, 
some intermix Psalms in metre ; some say in a surplice and others 
without one. The table stands in the body of the church in some 
places, in others it stands in the chancel ; in some places the table 
stands altar- wise, distant from the wall a yard ; in others in the 
midst of the chancel north and south ; in some places the table is . 

joined, in others it stands upon tressels ; in some the table has a 
carpet, in others none ; some administer the communion with 
surplice and cap, some with surplice alone, others with none ; 
some with chalice, others with a communion cup, others with a 
common cup ; some with unleavened bread, and some with 
leavened. Some receive kneeling, others standing, others sitting. 
Some baptize in a font, some in a basin ; some sign with the sigh 
of a cross, others without ; some with a square cap, some with a 
hat, some in scholar's clothes, some in others.] 



In this year is an entry in the Register Book of the Baptism 
on April iSth, of John, the son of Thomas Plumpton, minister of 
this Parish. The latter is omitted in Suckling's list of Vicars, 
but he appears to have been presented in 1561. 

Communions at Easter, Pentecost, and Hallow mas [Nov. i.J 

It. payde for brosshyn [brushing] of the caunsye 

[causeway] xijd 


It. payde to Syr Humfrye Ratlyfes sarvantes iiijj. 

It. payde to Poller for makyne the Stockes xiiijV.^ 

It. payde to Wene to help Poller wone day iiij^. 

It. for there borde xx^. 

It. payde to Gylles Goodwyn for eyern worke for the 

stockes & for the polpet xvj^. — 

It. payde for helpynge downe the polpet & to setle 

et up & for mete & dryncke viijd. 

It. payde to Wyllm Orforde for the mendynge of 

Randalles lane iijj. iijjV. 

It payde at Blybrowe for our charges before the 

clarke of the market iiij^. 

. It. payde unto Edwardes of Huntynfylde for a 

quarters borde for kepyn the lame boye vjj. viijV._ 

[Communions at Easter, Pentecost, Michaelmas, Christmas, 
and Epiphany.] 

[This year ought to be ever memorable in the Annals of Cratfield. 
In this year, on the 19th of October, were enfranchised by the 
Lord of the Manor (so called in the deed), Simon Smyth, who 
was to be for ever esteemed a great benefactor to the Township, 
certain lands belonging to the Parish for the consideration of ;£70 
raised by the whole Township. A sheet of paper, not dated, but 
preserved by being pinned by a brass pin in the Town Book at 


this date, shows us how £2\ of this money was raised. In the 
Churchwardens' Accounts made out the 14th April, 1569, is the 
entry : — " It^ layd out in partie of payment for (the) parishe 
x//. viijj. iiij(i" And also in another account for the same year:— 
" It^ to the Goodman Smyth of the Hyll for the last payment for 
the towne lands purchased free of hym xxxv/z." The entry of the 
remaining payment of ^■^ i \s. %d. is not forthcoming. 

Towards raising the £,^\ the following names appear, but the 
sums set down to each cannot be satisfactorily ascertained : — John 
Lanye Gentleman, John Smyth of Parkefyld, William Dowsyng, 
Edmunde Brudbancke, William Aldus, William Fyske, John 
Newson, Edmund Smyth, Thomas Hayward, John Rowse, 
Lawrence Fylby, William Warne, John Melles, John Smith, junr., 
Gregory Rowse, The widow Warne, John Olde, Thomas Burrow, 
Jefrey Fyske, Thomas Bulwarde, WilUam Grymbell, John Rowse, 
Rychard Smythe. 

John Lanye appears to have given ^3, John Keable ^2, the 
others 20s., 15J., or \os. 

I ought to add that the property consists of the Town house 
with nearly two acres, and two farms containing ninety-one acres 
and twenty-eight acres respectively.] 


Itm wasshynge ij surplesses y^d, 

[This year a new English translation of the Bible by the^ishops 
of Exeter, St. David's, Worcester, Winchester, Norwich, Ely, 
and other learned men was published, and is commonly called the 
Bishops' Bible.] 


It. paid to Brockbancke for the corslet [a light body 

armour] vjj. \]d. 

It. paid to Gregory Rowse for makyng a Seate in the 

Church for the Vicar vs. 

Itm payed to Godbold and for takyng downe 

of the Fonte viijV. 

It. payed for the dynners of the Head boroughes 

[High Constables] ^ vjV. 

It. payed unto Austen Goodwyn for irons for the 

Belles & Vestry door ijj. \d. 




Let unto John Smyth Carpender the Tenement 
Benselenes for the term of S years for the sum 
of £6 13J. 41^. by the year; & also to [pay] 
divers charges of the town at the Sheriffs turn 
for one man's appearance. 


It^ payde for makynge of y^ carpet for the Com- 
munion horde xijV. 

Itm payde for iij nattes [mats] for the Chansell \\d. 

Itm payde to M""- Comysory at the Visitacion v\\]d. 

Itm payde for the Headborows dynners \]s. m\]d. 

Itm payde unto the Constabells for the Quens gesse 
[geese] xxvjj. 

[As forming a part of the Queen's provisions.] 


Itm payde for makynge the chanseles dore keye and 

for brassynge of An other keye xijV. 

[The parishioners appear to be careful to assert this privilege, 
as this entry occurs frequently.] 

Itm payde to Thomas Goodwyn for makynge of 
ankers for the pentysse [lean-to] and other 
"•■ones ijj. vjV. 

Itm payde to the constabell for a callfe for the 
Quene iijj_ 

Itm payde for makynge of the Pownde xxxvjj. viijV. 

[The power to impound stray cattle still exists, though common 
pounds are disappearing, for in point of law they are not necessary, 
since the impounder can put the cattle in his own stable or field.] 



Item paid at Peasnell [Peasenhall] before the clarke 
of the market ijj. 

[There is no account of Peasenhall ever being a market town.] 

There was some work done to the Town house, and a feast 
given, as it appears from the following : — 

Item also I have payde for a Bushell of wheat ijj. viijV. 

Item payde unto Willyam Eade for one syde of 

veale iijj. viijV. 

Item payde for a pynte of butter and a penyworth of 

white salte iiij<^. 

[This year, in order to avoid excess in apparel, which had 
spread itself all over England, the Queen by Proclamation com- 
manded that every one should within 14 days wear clothes of such 
a fashion which she herself began to wear in her own Court. 

" The shirts of fhe gentlemen," a contemporary writes, " are 
wrought throughout with needlework of silk, and many other 
knacks besides, more than I can describe ; insomuch as I have 
heard of shirts that have cost some ten shillings, some twenty, 
some forty, some five pounds, some twenty nobles, and (which is 
horrible to hear) some ten pounds a piece ; yea, the meanest shirt 
that commonly is worn of any does cost a crown, or a. noble at 
least, and yet this is scarcely thought fine enough for the simplest 
person that is." 

About this time also sumptuous buildings crept in, as Camden 
observes, to the great ornament of the kingdom, but to as great 
decay of hospitality.] 

Item layde out unto a woman that gathered for a 

burninge y^ xxj^' daye of Auguste viija?'. 

[1576. J 

It. payed to Thomas clarke for trymmyng of the 
chansel dore lock and for makyng of the keye 
and nailes vljd. 


It. payed for one boushel of wheate agaynest the 

reryng of the House iijj. vijV. 

It. payed to Larance Fylby [one of the Church- 
wardens] XXJ. 

It. for one pounde of prennues [prunes] iiijV. 

It. for one pounde of corrans vd. 

It. for greate raysons m]d. 

It. for halfe an ouns of mace v]d. 

It. for suger and genger v\]d. 

It. for too ounce of peper vd. 

It. for hony and greate raysons m]d. 

It. payed to the carpenter on the reryng of the 
house xviijj. 

It. payed to the carpenter for heweng of the tember xvji^. 

It. payed for a thousand e and halfe of lathe nayle xxijV. 

It. payed for iiij hundred lathe iiijj. 

It. payed to the carpenter for makyng and settyng of 
vj nedles under the newe house ijV. 

It. payed to the smethe of Huntyngfelde for makyng 

of eronnes [irons] for the greate bell ijj. i]d. 

It. payed to Henry Clarke for thakyng of y^ newe 
house xxjj. 

\The first three following items are taken from a loose sheet 
without date.] 

In primis to Butcher & others in consyderacon of an 

evyll bargayne taken of the Towne vjs. viijd. 

It. alowed to Fylby that he was constrayned to pay 

wrongfuUye xs. 

It. alowed to Aldowse that lie payd to Orford iijj. iiijV. 

It. payd to Gregorie Rowse towarde the help of the 

poore men that dyd watche xs. 

It. payd to hym for his paynes being Constable 

a loene [alone] all this busey tyme vijj. 

It. payd to Wyllm Newson for his helpe w* horse 

& cart to fet home the belle xvjV. 


[The following are on another sheet, apparently dated 1576.] 

It. geven to Mr. Browne to the helpe of one of hys 

men to maryage xvjV. 

It. payde for halfe an horse skyne [perhaps to be 

used about for baldricks for the bells] ijj. i]d. 

It. payed at the courte to Mr. Raynoldes for the 

towne copyes xviijV. 

Itm payed to my Ladyes baly for the fyne for the 

Towne lande v& 

It. for takyne downe the organ case \ms. 

[These from a fourth sheet, apparently of the same year.] 

It for Goodman Filbie and William Newson cargies 
when they rid to Sir Francis Boldinge givinge 
the account for the colectinge for the pore ijj. viij^. 

It. paid to John Stannard for the training xxiiijj. vjV. 

[In consequence of an Act of Parliament passed in 1572.] 

It. paid to John Stannard for the reparing of the 
Beakinges [Beacons] xxvj. 

[Also in consequence of the above Act.] 

In this year there were four communions, April ii"» [Easter 
day], November y^, October 4* and Christmas day. 


It. payde for the charges before the Comyssioner for 

bowes \]s. v]d. 

[In 1 569 the Commissioners were instructed to press the exercise 
of the bow " which was then much decayed." About this time 
however, iS77, the bow was getting entirely neglected, on account 
of the harquebusse or pistol being found to be so much more an 
effective weapon. In the year following this, there was a County 
Meeting at Stowmarket, where it was determined, "they should 
spend their time principally in the shot with the bullet."] 


It. for a dayes workeof hewynge bossheys tobarrelle* 

wyth meate and dryncke ix^- 

It. for ij dayes caryenge of thornes to Benselence iijj. iiij<^. 
It. for stowynge a horrye of woode & carryenge the 

same to Anne Orforth vj(^. 

It. for our charges at Hensted & for the sowgers iijj. iiij^. 
It. for gon powder [the first mention of Gunpowder] viij^. 

It. to the heaye constabele for the traned sowgers liiijj. iiijV. 
It. payde for charges at Blybrowe for carryen the 

mony for Bathe church vija^. 

It. geven unto the sowgers at Beckelles xijV. 

It. for our horse charges for ij dayes xiiijV. 

It. for our charges for ij dayes iij.y. 

It. for iij .horse to carrye the sowgers to Beckelles xij^. 

It. payde unto the heaye Constabelle for the bylle of 

replye "ij^- 

It. payd unto the constabeles for the Queues hotter xvj. 

[The Queen visited Suffolk in 1560, 1577, 1578, and 1579.] 

It. for fettynge the heade peces and the swordes from 

Beckelles vj^. 

Itm payde unto the heaye Constabelle for settyng 
forth the sowgers xxxs. 

It. payde unto Stocke of Laxfylde for a pyckes hed xij^. 

1578 [21 Elizabeth.] 

It. payd,e at Blybrowe before the Comyssyoners for 
cappes xjj. 

[In 1580 there is "payed to the baly for a default of wearing of 
cappes \}s.;"j: in 1584 there is "It' to William Stubberd for 
wearinge of his cappe xijd.,'" " It pd. to the Quenes Balye for rent 
y. 'id. ;" in 1585, " It. pd. to the Quenes Balye for not wearyng 

* This name occurs elsewhere, 

f In 1582 there is, " Payed to the Balleffe for a mercyment for all the 
Townsmen for not wearing their Cappes accordyng unto statute ijj." In 1 583 
there is, "Item for cappes to the Qu'ens Baly ijV 


of capps ijf. ; Pd. to the Quenes Balye for rent for the towne 
iijj. iijrf. ; in 1586, " Payd to Edmund Brodbank for not weareinge 
of cappes ijj. " ; in 1 588, " for the Quenes Magestyes rente iijj. iijrf. 
It. for not warenge of there cappes xi]d. ;" in 1 589 " Payd for the 
mercyment of capps xijaT. ; " in 1592, "for not wearing of capes 

I have placed together, as above, all the entries concerning 
" cappes." In 1570, a statute was passed for the encouragement 
of home manufacture, that " if any person above six years of age 
(except maidens, ladies, gentlewomen, nobles, knights, gentlemen 
of twenty marks by year in lands, and their heirs, and such as 
have borne office of worship) have not worn upon the Sunday and 
holy day (except it be in the time of his travell out of the city, 
town, or hamlet, where he dwelleth) upon his head one cap of 
wool, knit, thicked, and dressed in England, and only dressed and 
finished by some of the trade of cappers, shall be fined 3/4 for 
each day's transgression." 

The shape of these caps is very familiar to us, because we see 
it upon the heads of the Blue-coat school boys. They were to be 
worn at the Manorial Courts, the Queen being the Lady of the 
Manor here, and it appears the Parish paid theirmenif they wore, 
them, and were fined by the Bailiff if they did not.] 

It. payde unto the constabelle for hys fyne at the 

assyse vs. ii'ijd. 

It. payde unto the constabelle for hys assyze ijj. 

It. geven in collection to Tomas broven xijV. 

It. for charges at BIybrowe for caryenge the monye 

for Collynton haven & for Tomas broven vn'jd. 

It. payde unto the Constabelles for Cattawaye 

Brydge xj. 

It. payde to the skolemaster for ease of som pore 

menes chyldren ijj. xd. 

It. payde to the traned sowgers toward there charges 

for bryngynge home ther armor ijj. v]d. 

It. payd for iij horse to carrye the traned sowgers to 

Snape ^^"• 

It. payd to John Gylbarde and John Smyth for 

dryvynge forth the calves for the Queanes 

Magestyes house ^d. 

It. payd for the losse of the calves to make good the 

pryse ^vjj. iiijV. 


It. payd to John Sparram for brekyn a tre for Mother 
Smyth and anne Orforth & for the carrynge the 
same iij'^- 

It. for a quarter of wax * xvd. 

It. payd to John Melles for carrynge the Quenes 

hotter vjd 

1579 [22 Elizabeth.] 

It. payd for wrytynge of the verdyte at the busshuppes 

visitacion xvjd. 

[Edmund Freake, Bishop of Rochester, translated to this See. 
In 1584 he was translated to Worcester.] 

It. payde to the Constabelles towarde the byldyng of 
a preson & Borne Brydge xxxvjj. 

It. payd unto the Constabelles for Blybrowe bredge xs. 
^ It. geven in collection toTomasfifulIerfortheKynges 

Benche xvjd. 

It. payd to Wyllm Fyske for his charges to Ipsych 

before the Comyssyoners ijrf. 

1580 [23 Elizabeth.] 

Itm layed out at Eye to the chauncellour xv'yd. 

Itm at that time for my dinner v}d. 

Itm geven to Bellward for the putteng oute of o'^ 

names oute of the chancellors bokes at Norwyche xvjd. 
Itm to Dix for a Boke viijj. 

Itm for a hundered of Springe ijW. 

Itm to the commissioner for bowes and arrowes at 

Yoxford xi}d. 

On a small ioim piece of paper, of about this date, I find — 

Wyllm Ede, vij moulles ]d. vj hodde.spyt (i") hedes & 
starlens hedes iiij cadowes [Jackdaws] hedes 
pye iiijW. ij hauppe hedes \]d., and two or three -\^ 
more similar entries. 

John Newson, Sj^bussardes hede iiij moulles \\]d. 

Robert Meake, a Hegge hogs hede iij moulles \\d. 


1581 [33 Elizabeth.] 

— Itm payed to Grymsby one of the distrybuters for 

the vermen* ' viijV. 

It. payed Gregory Rowse for the taxe xxxviijj. 

Itm payed to Bicker for xij fote of newe glasse in the 
stepell wyndowe vjj. 

Itm payed to Goodwyn for lengthyng of iij barres for 

the steppell wyndowe jV. 

Itm payed to Bicker and his sonne for v dayes worke 
of mendenge of the glasse wyndowes of the 
churche vjj. . 

Itm payed to Gregory Rouse for agreyng w' the 
Comyssioner for the bowes when he was at 
Laxfeld ijj. iiij^. 

It. payed to Gregory Rowse for the subsydy due to 

the Quen for the lands of the towne xxxvjj. viijV. 

It. payed to Mr. Raynoldes for the grauntyng of the 
land that Edmond Broadbanke occupieth unto 
the tenant ijj. 

It. payed to Wyllm Clampe for makeyng of ij bald- 

rickes for the belles , xijd. 

Itm payed for halfe a horse hyd of whyt leather to 
make the sayd newe baldrickes (the leather 
straps by which the clapper was suspended from 
the staple in the crown of the. bell) and to men 
(st'c) the ovvlde xxd. 

It payed to John Whissellcrofte for a stabell y' was 
bought by the consent ofthe inhabitants, & other 
necessary things belongeng to the said house xxvj. 

payed to the shollemaster for wrightyng this byll xijd. 

payed for iij horses to Snape bridge xijV. 

payed to Father Stubbard for hys daughter xd. 

* Certain persons were chosen in each Parish about this time "for 
dystrybuting and paying for such noyful fowles and vermen as are taken 
within the bounds " of the Parish. 


The churchewardens receyved one {sic) the reconing 
day of Blobbell iiij</. for the revokyng or refussing 
of a bargaine made betwyne the towne and hym 
for the ixchaung of certayne trees which sayd 
iiij^. was geven by the churchewardens unto 

1583 [24 Elizabeth.] 

It^ payed to Robt Brissingham for the dystrybution xijif. 

Itm payed to John Smithe on the corronation-day 
(Jan. 13 th) for the ringers to be spente of 
victtalls xvjV. , 

[This is the first notice in these accounts of money given for 
such an occasion.] 

It^ payed to Augustyne Stubbard for his worke in 
the Churche pentysynge and other places neces- 
sary xviijj. 

Itm geven to Wyllm Orford when his daughter was 
to be married as he sayd xIj. 

[There is no entry of her marriage in the Register Book.] 

It^ payed to Dobbes for carryeng downe the tabell to 

set in the comandemets yd. 

It^ payed to the balleffe forafynne for certayne lands 
granted from o' Souaryng Lady the Quene to 
certayn feofies xxxiijx iiij^. 

It^ payed to Thomas Goodwyn for nayles to be 
occupied aboute the makyng the stoles in the 
churche vijV. 

It^ payed for viij yeards of newe Hollond clothe for 
to make a surplus accordyng unto the com^ande- 
ment of the Commissary xviijj. 

It^ payed to Martin Eade's wyfife for makyng of the 
surplus ijj. 

It^ payed to the yong on the coronatio^ of the Quen 

to be spent for their paynes in ringyng xvj<^. 


[The Parliament this year passed very severe laws against the 
Roman Catholics, wherein, all those who are declared guilty of 
high treason " who shall endeavour to dissuade the subjects from 
the religion established in the kingdom, or shall reconcile them to 
the Church of Rome, as also those who shall be thus reconciled. 
Those also are fined in 200 marks and imprisonment for a' year, 
who shall say Mass, and they who shall be knowingly present at 
Mass, are fined in 100 marks with imprisonment also for a year. 
Moreover they who absented themselves from their Parish 
Churches on the days appointed for Divine Service, are fined in 
twenty Pounds a month." It must be observed, that hitherto 
only one shilling to the use of the poor, had been exacted for 
absence on Sundays and Holidays. This shows that previously 
the laws against the Roman Catholics were not very severe, neither 
is it certain that they were executed with rigour. But the indis- 
creet zeal of those who would not be satisfied with this state of 
things was the occasion of further disadvantage to all the Roman 

^5^3 [35 Elizabeth.] 

pd for the Roocke neete ixd. 

It^ for the line for the nets xd. 

It^ to James Meeke for twelf dayes worke for whitenge 

and castinge of the curch xijs. 

It^ to his servitur for xij dayes worke xs. 

It^ for here when they were workinge in the curch vijj. 

[This is the first instance of whitening the church when all the 
wall paintings were obliterated, and, as the next entry tells us, 
texts were put up.] 

It^ for Scripture setting upp in the curch xxijj. vjV. 

* It^ for bread and beer then 4^. 
It^ p"^ for a througshote gate at Benselens 4J. 8d 

[A through shutting or a swing gate.] 

It^ paid for makinge of 8 dooles 4ci. 

[Dool posts were low boundary marks.] 

* The mixture of Arabic figures with the old Roman now shows itself. 


It^ for the fram for y^ staynd cloth xd. 

It^ for sixe hockes for y« staynd cloth 4d. 

It^ pd to John Sparham for making of staying 

(scaffolding) for the stayner 3d. 

[These three entries inform us when the reigning monarch's 
arms were first put up in the Church.] 

1584 [26 Elizabeth.] 

The rent of Rose Larks this year was £10 and of 

Bensilens ;^8 
It^ pd to Richard Aldhowse for the burning viijj. 4d. 

It^ pd to Richard Aldhowse for sixe scarffs for the 

traynd souldgers xxiijj. xd. 

It^ pd to Willm Aldhowse for scarffs for the 

souldgers xiijj. 

It^ pd to Robt Rowse for the Bishopes articles viijd. 

[Bishop Edmund Scambler, translated to Norwich from Peter- 
borough in 1584, died in 1594, and was buried in the Cathedral, 
on the south side of the nave.] 

It^ pd to Mr. Thurston for councell ijs. 

It^ pd to the scolemast^ for writinge out off the last 

reckninge xviijV. 

It^ for a daggerd for the towne corslet 2s. 6d. 

It^ for ingrossinge the towne evidense Sj. 81^. 

It^ pd for the billes indented to the Scribe at 

Bliburrough /\d. 

_ It^ pd to Willm Clamp [the clerk] for a swete ode 

off Juneper z.e., a hod of fresh juniper 4d. 

It^ pd for a Bibell for the curch 24s. 2d. 

It^ pd to John Smith for fellinge & rivinge of 9 scare 

trees for the poore xx^. 

Memoranda. That the reckninge daye is to be kept 

from henceforth upon the daye and feast off S'- 

Matthias th Appostle [24 February] by the 

whole consent and assent of the Townsmen 

then present. 


1585 [27 Elizabeth.] 

[From the account of William Aldous, Churchwarden, each of 
the Churchwardens about this time keeping a separate account^ 

It. pd to the constables for the settyng forth of the 
sowldiers xb. 

\From the account of Gregory Smyth, Churchwarden.] 

It^ pd to John Newson for redemyng of the Lease 
from Augustin Stubbard v\]li. 

It^ pd to Wyllyam Aldows the elder for the same 
Lease xIj. 

It^ pd to the Constables for powder and lynt n]li. xs. 

[In this year it was enacted that all Popish Priests should depart 
the realm within forty days, that those who should afterwards 
return, should be guilty of high treason, that to receive or harbour 
them should be felony, &c. This is the severest act against the 
Roman Catholics in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. But they 
could only blame themselves, who never ceased plotting against 
the Queen, and endeavouring to set the Queen of Scots on the 
throne of England, till at last they carried their zeal to such a 
height, that the destruction of one of the Queens became necessary 
for the preservation of the other.! 

{The items relating to the bells in 1585 and 1586, though not 
transcribed by Mr. Holland, are inserted, as they throw light 
on the history of bellfounding. 
In the return of 1553 there were four bells and a Sance bell 
at Cratfield. A charge,.for five baldricks in one item in 1583 
seems to indicate that in that year there were five bells, none of 
which now remain. 

The present clock-bell, inscribed : — 

-|- IcTirginfe ©gtcgie + 'Fotor ©ampana JMarie 
^r«s dFor Zfie Sok ®f SSlilUam 'SLUsi, is in all probability 
the Sance bell of the 1553 return. 


Queen Elizabeth was fond of bells, and the Coronation ringing 
in her time is marked not only in these accounts, but in Shake- 
speare's Henry IV., Part II., Act III., Sc. 2. 

Bullcalf. " O Lord, sir, I am a diseased man." 

Falstaff. " What disease hast thou ? " 

Bullcalf. " A whoreson cold, sir : a cough, sir : which I 
caught with ringing in the King's affairs, upon his coronation 

Shakespeare, as usual, transfers his own times to those of 
his historical subject. 

The present fourth bell at Cratfield bears the inscription : — 
Cratfeld. Henry Topsel. R. T. Ano Dni 1585. 

On this I have noted that it is " the work of Henry Topsel, in 
1585, in which year he also made a bell for Hedenham, Norfolk. 
This the parish sold to Kirby Bedon, when the Hedenham four 
were run into six in 1838, and it still hangs in Kirby Bedon 
tower, bearing " Hednam " on - it. This placing the name of 
the parish on a bell is unfortunately a very rare occurrence. 
Cratfield is on that fourth, and let us hope that it will never show 
the name in any other tower. The initials R. T., for Roger, the 
son of Henry, are found on both these East Anglian bells. 
These artificers are elsewhere unknown save in Sussex, where 
they turn up workihg at West Tarring, after an interval of four- ' 
teen years. The initials H. T. appear on the second at Bury, 
Sussex, in 1599, and the names of Henry and Roger on the tenor 
at Felpham in the following year. " Henry Tapsell, the elder," 
was buried at West Tarring, October 5th, 1604. Roger went on 
with his Sussex work some thirty years afterwards. Their bells 
are of no surpassing excellence. The surname is curious, as 
denoting a nautical origin."* 

Now it was certainly puzzling to find this Sussex man's work 
here ; and the wonder was where his headquarters could have 
been. It appears that a License was issued by the Consistory 
Court of Norwich to Henry Toopsell (Tapsell in the margin) of 
Beccles, Suffolk, Bell founder, and Elizabeth Andrewes, of the 
same place, singlewoman, on the S''' of November, 1585. The 
great fire in that town just a year afterwards (29"" Nov., 1586), 

■' Church Bells of Suffolk, p. 103. 


probably accounts for the removal of Topsel's foundry. The 
parish book also shows Beccles to have been his temporary 
centre, and the detail is as follows : — 

It^ p'^ for carryeng of a pese for a bell stock from 

fresyngfeld church xviijW. 

It^ p"^ to the bell founder vjs. vUjd. 

It^ p"* for a bell stock xijV. 

It^ p"* for a pese for the bell frame iijj. iiij^. 

It^ for makyng of a baldry for a bell iiij^. 

It^ pd to Symunt Barbar for charges for the bell 

fownder and godbold iijj. viijV. 

It^ p"* to goodwyn for Irons for the new bell iijj. iiijV. 

It^ p"^ to godbowld for hys worke abowght the newe 

bell iijj. 

It^ for feliyng and carryeng of ij peses to laye in the 

stepell xd. 

It^ p* for the charges when I* was at beckells to 

speake wyth the bell fownder iiijV. 

It^ p"* for a newe Rope iiijj. viijV. 

It' p^ to the bell fownder for the newe bell iiij/?. 

1586 (John Stannard, Churchwarden.) 
Paid to the belfounder for bringinge hom of the bell vs. vjd. 
Paid to William warne for mendinge of the gret bell 

knepells vijj. 

Paid for plating of the bell whele i'id. 

Paid for spiles for the greate bell wy^nge (weighing) 

toe pound the pryse vj</. 

It. paid to laraunce filby for thomas sparke for bring- s 

ing of the bell from metfild ij^. >- 

* Gregory Smyth, Churchwarden. 


1586 [28 Elizabeth,] 

[1586. Samuel Eland and Jannet Kennel 24 die Mali Conniibio copulati 


Itm payde unto the clarke of the market at Hallsvvorth 

for the defates [default] for not appearance vijx vjd 
Itm payde unto John Mells for a cafe [calf] to serve 

y^ Quen xiiji-. iiijV. 

Itm payde unto the visitures at the church of 

Cratfylde viijW. 

Itm payde at Blybrow at the seasyng of the subsedy 

men for Wyllm Aldous, Gregore Rouse & 

Wyllm Warnes dynner xviijV. 

, Itm payde unto the Constables for a pore man, for 

the loss of a hundred markes in October vjd. 

Itm payde unto the Constable for brynging downe 

the prisoners unto Hallsworth iijs. 

Itm to Henrye Wyllyams for the town Bybll (sic) 

that is in the church vjs. 

Itm payde unto Alis Smyth for wayshyng the tabuU 

cloth at " crystide " [Christmas] ijd. 

Itm payde at Crystyde for v pyntes and a hafe 

of mamsye, fyve pence a pynte ijj. iijV. ob. 

And for the fechyng [probably from Laxfield] iiijaf. 

Itm paid at for the communyon for ij pyntes 

of mamsye and one peny worth of brede xa'. 

payde the nexte Sundaye after for one pynte of 

mamsye and one lofe of whybrede vjV. 

1587 [29 Elizabeth.] 

paid to Barbar's wife for their dinners that rode 
apolloren xijj. 

paid to Gregorye Rouse for that he laid out to Clark 
the purvar [purveyor] for the carringe of the 
Queines cheis and butter xvjV. 


paid to John purtis for that he laid out for the toune 
for the discharge of theire boucheills [bushels] 
and theire waytes to the clarke of the market vijs. iiijd. 

Paid to Richarde Smithe for a horse for the soldyar 

to rid on jiijV. 

Paid to Master Bothe [George Booth, the Rector] of 

Hountingfeild for toe lodes of Strawe xiijj. iiijV. 

paid to Master Smithe for the bell v;^ 

paid for beiare [beer] at Hountingfilld as they went 

to Surartors [Sir Arthur Heveningham] xd. 

paid to Lane for playinge of the drome xljd. 

Paid to Wissellcraftes wife for a Capone xijV. 

Item laid out at Hallsworthe for brede and beiare iijj. v}d. 

Item paid for our soper at Beckells xijj. 

Item paid more that nyghte for beiare and for fyer 

and for other charges ijs. viijW. 

Item paid for carringe of the armor ijs. vjd. 

Item paid for our sopar at Boungaie iiijj. vjrf. 

Item paid more at Boungaye for our brekfasts the 
next daye viijj. 

It. paid to larance filby for thomas sparke for bringyng 
of the bell from nietfild ijj. 

paid for a daggar to Larance filby ijs. 

payde at Beckles the nyneantwentye day of February 
for part of the charges of the trayned sougers, 
and other charges for mete and drynke, and for 
our horse mete xxiijj. vijd. 

payde unto Robard Yonges for carrynge the Colyver 

to Beckles xvjd. 

[The caliver was a matchlock, or firearm, about midway in size 
and character between an arquebus and a musket j it was small 
enough to be fired without a rest or support.] 

payde unto Henry Willyems, fyrste, for a head pese vs. 
payde for a quarter of Gunp^der *■ iUjd. 

payde for ij longe gyrdles xjd. 

payde for iiij crampetes [the transverse guard of a 

sword for a protection to the hand] iiijV. 


payde for a payre of sworde hangers ixd. 

[A band affixed to the girdle or belt, by which the sword was 

payde for red cotten and frenge for the pyckes iijV. 

payde for wyre for the clocke iijV. 

payde for ij lether gyrdles [for the waist] viijV. 

payde for gunpowder i}d. 

Itm for a crampet for a gyrdel }d 

payde for graye threde jd. 

payde for ij yards of yellowe sylke lace ijd. 

payde for halfe a pounde of gunpowder viijd. 

payde for a sworde vjj. 

payde vnto Wyllm Warne, younger, for a collyuer xvs. 
payde more vnto Wyllm Warne the younger for a 

dagarde ijj. 

[All these unusual preparations were caused by apprehension of 
the Spanish Armada. Every one of the village archers was fur- 
nished with a good bow in a case, with twenty -four good arrows 
in a case, a good sword and a dagger. The Billmen had besides 
their bills a good sword and a dagger.] 

Itm to Symonde Warne for a dayes worke and two 
horses for carrynge of stra (sic) from Huntinfylde 
to the towne Hall xviijV, 

payde unto Robarde Chapman at the requeste of 
Sur Arter hynnygegam's [Heveningham's] letter ijj. 

Itm payde vnto the constable to spend at blybro 

when he carryed forth the rogues xijV. 

1588 [30 Elizabeth.] 

Fro7n the account of Edmonde Brodbanke. 

It. payde to the constabelles for caryen the henes & 

capones to Blybrow \\d. 

[For the use of the Queen.] 


It. payde to Rychard Smyth for caryea the armor 

to Donwyche vjj. 

It. payde for a bagge for the calyver rnan v^cf. 

It. for xxiiij yardes of red saye [a woollen cloth] at 

xvjV. a yard [for the scarfs, crossed out] xxxj. 

It. for thryde for the scarfes to be hemmed iijV. 

It. for iiij^' of led & casteng of it into buUetes viijV. 

It. payde unto John Smyth for lynnynge of ij hed 

peses vjd. 

It payde to the constabelles for caryng the prysoner 

to the jayle vijj, ijd. 

It payd for scoryn the corselyt & meate & drynke xijV. 

It. for a sworde vjj. viijr/. 

It. for a payer of sword hangars & a gyrdell & 

crampets xxijV. 

It. for a yarde & a halfe of canvys for Browne a 

doblet xviijV. 

It for a yarde of beryng lynyng [Bearers, fardin- 

gales, are things made purposely to raise up the 

skirt to what breadth the wearer pleaseth, and as 

the fashion is] viijia?. 

It for ij yardes of whyte cotten xxaT. 

It. for ij dussyn [dozen] of thryde bottens ij</. 

It for makyn the dublet "xij^. 

It for a quarter of gunpouder for Yonges iiija?. ob. 

It for nayles for the pycke ob. 

It. for a dagard for Yonges ijs. 

It for lynnyng clothe for the Hed peces vjd. 

It for ij'^' of Gunpouder they had to Halsworth iijj. 

It for halfe a quarter of red cloth iij^. 

It. for halfe a yarde of crymsyn frenge ijd. 

It for nayles and red thryd jd 

It for a Proclamacyon for wayghts & mesurs iiija'. 

It for a quarter of gunpouder for Yonges iiij^. 

Itm payde for the hye constabelles dyner at the Pety 

Sessyons xviij^. 

It payde to the cunstabelles for the "kottes" [coats] 

for the sougers xvjj. 


"~ It. payde for a sheate [winding sheet] for the pore 

man ijj. viijW. 

It. payde for breade and drynk to them that bare 

hym to chyrche xiij</. 

It. payde for ij horses to laystede {sic) for Browne & 

Yonges xvjV. 

The town this year received from the Queen's purveyor 4/6 for 
4 capons, 5 pullets, and 6 hens, for which 8/1 1 were paid besides 
the expenses of the carriage. 

From the account of John Smyth. 

Payde for the towne at the traynynge at Dunwyche iiijj. 
It^ payde for the towne at the traynynge at Laystof xijj. 
It^ payde to the cunstables for the cotes iij/?. xj. viijV. 

It^ payde to the constables for the settynge forth of 

the sowldyers xviijj. iiijrf. 

It^ payde to the cunstables for the charges of the 

sowldyers at Snape xxj. 

[These preparations, as those in last year, were undertaken in 
consequence of the threatened Spanish Invasion. " The trained 
soldiers of those Shires, which lay near the sea coast, had orders 
to defend those places, and be ready at the alarm to hinder the 
enemy from landing ; but if he did land, then to spoil the country 
round about that he might find no food ; and by continual crying, 
'Arm, Arm,' give the enemy no rest, but yet should not give battle, 
till good store of Commanders were come together." 

Fifty-three only out of one hundred and thirty ships returned to 

1589 [31 Elizabeth.] 

From the account of John Smyth of Nethergate. 

Receyved of Thomas Artis for the Ashes upon the 
towne londes v/i. xj. 

Ite payde for one quier of paper for the Register Book \\]d. 

Ite payd for pouder when the Muster was at Wapole 

[Walpole] ijV. 

Ite payd when the Muster was at Wapole for bread 

and beere for the souldiers xvjW. 


Ite payd unto Willm Aldous Senior for a calfe for the 

queen viijj. viijVy. 

Ite payd unto Richard Butcher for carying the calfe xv]d. 

Its payd for caryinge a load of timber for the Quen 

unto Sould [Southwold] viijj. vjV. 

Ite payd to Willm Alduse Senior for carying the 

Armor to the Muster xxd. 

Ite payd for the towne armor carying to Blybrow to 

the trayninge ixd. 

Ite payd unto Grimsbye for one crotche setting under 

the Apple tree and for bordes in the Chansell ijj. 

This receipt for law expenses now follows : — 

Be it knowen unto all men by this presente that I Edmunde 
Brockebancke of Cratfylde in the Counte of Suffoke, Yeoman, 
do aknowlege that I have reseyved and had the xxv" daye of 
July, and in the yere of our Lorde God 1590 and In the xxxij 
yere of our Queues Magestes rayne Elyzabeth, by the grace of 
God, of Ingelande, France, and Irelande, Defender of the Fayth, 
thurtene poundes of lawful! muny of Ingland, of the inabytance 
and owneares and others dwellinge in Cratfilde in consederacyon 
of a sum of munny that I layde out in the defence of a suite that 
was betwin John Smyth on the Hill and the Townshipe of 
Cratfylde in the chauncery corte. I the said Edmunde Broke- 
banke by the resite of this xiijVz. doo aknowlege myselfe agreed, 
satesfyed and repayed of the owners being inabitanse and all 
others dwellinge in Cratfilde of all such sumes of munnye as I 
the said Edmunde Brokebanke have layde out for the sute that 
was in the chaunsery, and clerely aquite and discharge them their 
eyares [heirs] exe^tures and admynystraters and in witness hereof 
have subscrybed my name with my own hande the daye and 
yere above writen 

by me Edmund Brodbanke. 

Seled and delyvered in the presence of 
Roberede Rowse and John Smyth of nithergat 
and John Smyth. 

From the Register. ' 

1589. Robertus Edgar et Margarita Eland 25 
die Sept' connubio copulati erant 


1590 [32 Elizabeth.] 

From the account of Gregory Rouse. 

It. payed at Bliborowe being before hir maties 

comissioners for the subsedie • vjV. 

Itm paid to surarter (Sir Arthur) Hevenigham the 
fyrste daye of Jeneuarie for the colection for 
Christmes Lane iij/^. xiijj. iijV. 

[Christmas Lane, in the Parish of Metfield, and in very bad 
repair when Mr. Holland made the transcript. J. J. R.] 

From the account of Edmund Smyth. 

Item pd to Samuell Sandcroft for the town corslett xIj. 
< Item pd to Symond Warne for the howre glasse iijV. 

- Itm payed to Willm Warne for setting up of the 

howre glasse iij^. 

[By means of these the length of the sermon was regulated. In 
several churches hour-glass stands are still to be seen.] 

Item p"^ for y^ taxe for the towne londe xxxvijj. %d. 

Item p"* to Willm Aldus for a calfe for the Quene vjj. 4(^. 
Item pd to Willm Warne for a combe of wheate for 

the Quene xjj. 

Item pd to Meeke for caring of the same wheate xvjV. 

Item pd to the cheffe constable for the deliverye of 

the same wheate vj^. 

Item pd for the subsedy for y^ towne londs xviijj. viijV. 

Item pd to John Stanard for a hors for yow to ryd 

to the muster vjt/. 

From the account of William Fyske. 

Itm geven unto the souldiers when they were called 

befor ther Corporalle at Halsworthe iiijj. vj^. 

Itm payd to Rycharde Bucher and Andrewe Goulden 
for wearing their mattoxs [mattocks] about the 
Quens bvisines xij^. 

[I do not know what this entry alludes to.] 


Itm payde to John Noller for heallynge of An Fyske vjs. viijV. 

[This is the first instance of a doctor's bill being paid by the 
Parish. In this year it was enacted that no person should build, 
maintain, or uphold any cottage, unless he lays to it four acres of 
ground at least. The penalty for building one is ^10, and for 
upholding it 40^, a month.] 

1591 I33 Elizabeth.] 

From the account of Edmond Smyth. 

payd to the good man Rowse [the constable] for the 
souldiers wch were taken presoners at portengalle 

vjj. v\v\d. 

[Soldiers who had accompanied Sir Francis Drake to be in 
some sort avenged of the Spaniards for their Invasion, and to set 
Don Antonio on the throne of Portugal, but prevailed not.] 

It. pd to the chife cunstablls for the settinge forth of 

a soullgar the forthe daye of Apryll vjj. viijV. 

Itm paid to the cheife cunstables for the settinge 
forthe of soldyars out of the Houndred at Ester 
tyme xIj. 

It. pd to Barbara wyfe for makinge of toe shurtes for 

Orfor viijaJ 

It. pd to Simond Crispes wife for makinge of toe 
shurte bandes [a collar of linen or cambric sur- 
rounding the neck] for William Orfor v\\]d. 

[The making of the bands cost almost as much as the making 
of the shirts. These bands may be seen in a reduced form in the 
bands worn very generally until lately by the clergy, j 

It. pd to the chife constables for the seting forthe of 
a souldyar xIj. 

It. pd towe [two] women that gathered for their 

Ransom of their housbones iiijV. 

It. pd to the Constables for the souldars dinars at 

Blyborw viijj. viiji^ 


It. pd to Henry Wylliams for Readcloth and fringe 

for the peike vjV. 

[In this year the Queen sent 4,000 English into Normandy to 
help the King of France to besiege Rouen.] 

It. pd to a gatherer at church one Saboth daye viijaT. 

1592 [33 Elizabeth.] 

The communions this year were as follow : — 
From the account of William Fyske. 

pd for a bottell [it contained 4 pints] of wynne for y^ 

Communione agayne Ester ijj. 

pd for iij pintes & a quarter of a pynte of winne 

agaynst the Sundaye after Ester xix^. ob. 

pd for breade for y^ Communion against Easter \\\\d. 

pd for iij pyntes of winne againste Whissonne Sundday xviijdT. 
pd to James Falle for fetching of it from Hollsur 

[Halesworth] iijW. 

Itm pd Mr. Hand [Mr. Eland, the Vicarj for breade 

for iiij Communions iiijdT. 

pd for vj pyntes of wynne agaynste Cristemas iijj. 

[This is also worth recording : — 
- p"^ Mr. Hand to geve a gatherer that had his goodes 

burnte at Becceles y« ij day of July , xxrf. 

J. J. R.] 

[Many grievances having arisen from the purveyors for the provi- 
sion of the royal household, the Queen permitted the several coun- 
ties to arrange their own composition by commissioners appointed 
by themselves. The first meeting in this county " about Queen 
Elizabeth's household " was at Stowmarket, September 12th, 1592. 
The high constable of each Hundred was empowered to present 
at sessions those who refused to pay. The accounts in this 
Parish are missing for the next two years, but in 1595 there is the 
following entry, "paid to the High Constable for the Queen's 
house £1 loj." It is also recorded that the fertility of the County 
was so great that " the oates for her majesty's stable " were also 


bought exclusively by the purveyors within its limits. The next 
entry in the same year, 1595, seems to corroborate this, viz :— paid 
to the constable for the loss of the oats ijj. 

Before this year, 1592, these accounts contain generally various 
such entries as these. For the loss of 2 weighs of cheese and i^ 
barrel of butter, £fl t,s. /^., i.e., the difference in the price for 
what they gave for the butter and sold it to the purveyors. For 
the loss of 4 combs of oats, los. id. ; for the loss of 12 hens, ^s. ; 
for the loss of 4J bushels of wheat, 6j. id. ; for a calf, 6s. 4d. ; for 
carrying the Queen's eggs and butter, is. 4^. ; for the carriage of 
the Queen's Timber, 4J. ; for buds and heifers, 20j. ; and for 
almost every other article of provision except, I think, ducks and 

1593 & 1594 [34 & 35 Elizabeth.] 

Accounts missing. 

From the Register. 

1593. Antonius Hedg et Maria Eland 16 die Maii Connubio 
copulati erant. 

In 1594, at Halesworth, on the feast of the Nativity, commonly 
called Xtmas day, the weather was so cold that the Rector could 
not thaw his ink to write down the names of the Communicants. 

1595 IZ^ Elizabeth.! 

From, the account of Robart Aldous, Churchwarden.* 

It. for powder & linke v^. 

It. paide to Symonde Chrispe for y^ newe stooles xxxvj. 

It. paide to Symonde Chrispe for lininge of the 
schoolehouse windowes and the dore of the new 
stools xix</. 

[I should be inclined to think that these stools are new benches 
put up in the church and not in the school house.J 

* This is the only year in which he served that office. 


1596 [37 Elizabeth.] 

Itm paid for the high cunstable and for him that had 
the commession to se the artelary when they 
cam to this town for the easment of the Town 
paid for thear diners xijV. 

Item paid to Master Eland for the bokp that is com- 
anded by attoryty to be hed in every chirch to 
pray for the Quens Maiesty vjV. 

~^ Itm paid to Mycaell Hay ward for taking of a pore 

woman in a cart from town to town xvjV. 

Itm paid to Bycker of Laxfild when hea cam and 

toke down the glas vjd. 

Itm paid to Henery Willyams for coorslining [coarse 
linen] cloth for a chaf bed at the townsmens 
apointment and for thrid to make it iijs. Ixd. 

Itm paid for v hudred brick at Heaveningam Hall vs. 

Itm paid to John Grinling of Fresingfild of the sam 

brick ijj. vj</. 

Itm paid to Bicker of Laxfild for glasing of the chirch 
and for bording of him and for other worke 
which hea ded abought the chirtch xixj. 

Itm paid to Manack of Huntinfild for hooks and eies 

for toe gats at the Toune Hous xd. 

Itm paid to the screner [scrivener, at Norwich] for 
making of the bond for our asurans for the 
tuneing of the bell xjd, 

— Itm paid for a brief by the consent of the townsmen 
that gathered for the ransum of serten men that 
ly in preson under the Turke viijV. 

f Itm paid for the charges of burying of a pore man 

and a pore woman that died in this towne vx. 

/ Itm paid for sheetes and for sowing of them to the 
grave and for making of the toe graves, and for 
carying of them both to chirche viijj. viij</. 

[Extract from the Register Johannes Grene 27 Junii sepultus 
fuit Vidua Grene tertio Julii sepulta fuit.] 


From the other Churchwarden's* accounts. 

Itm layd out on Sparrams Wyfe for kepene of mother 

Grene iijj. xrf. 

Itm for sowing of them viijV. 

Itm layd for the Wedow Grene two Rakes of veale, 
& a showder of veale and a neats toyng & five 
penner [penniworth] of bread ijj. vd. 

\ It. layd out to Spynk's wife & Smyth's wife for kep- 

ing of Grene and bordinge themselves vjj. iiijV. 

,It^ layd out to Mother Grene when she was seke xijo'. 

It^ layd out to the Wedowe Swayne for kepen of 

Grene xijV. 

Itm layd out to mother Grene when she was syck v]d. 

Itm layd out to Thurkell's wife for kepinge of Grene's 

child vjV. 

[She must have been very troublesome, as no less than five 
women kept her and her child.] 

Itm layd out to the good man Rouse for sarves 
for the Queues shepes xxxvjV. 

[The Queen, having advice that the King of Spain was preparing 
to invade England, fitted out a fleet of 150 ships, and 22 Dutch 
ships, and 7,000 soldiers. They proceeded to Cadiz, and made 
themselves masters of the market-place. The garrison and in- 
habitants retired to the Castle and Town-house, and that day 
surrendered, paying some say 520,000 ducats, or some say 620,000.] 

It^ layd out to the goodman Smyth of Coulsalle 
[Kelsale ?] for carrying of a soldier to Eipsice 
[Ipswich] iiijj. 

Itm layd out for powdre for the Toune Mosket vjV. 

Itm layd out for a sword Gordell & hangers xvjV. 

Itm layd out to the goodman Rous for the sault peter 
man and for carringe of pekes to " Epsey " 
Ipswich xxxvjj. 

* No name given. 


[After the discovery of firearms, nitre was much needed for the 
manufacture of gunpowder ; and it was discovered that the top 
soil of farmyards, of cattle stalls, and of other places long exposed 
to the vapours of putrefying matter, as well as the plaister and 
mortar of old houses, afforded, when mixed with wood ashes, a 
considerable quantity of nitre. In consequence of these discov- 
eries, the several substances enumerated above were claimed by the 
Crown, and were granted to individuals and societies, incorporated 
for the purpose of making saltpetre and supplying the public 
magazines with it. The rigor of these individuals became burden- 
some ; they claimed the right to enter stables and houses in 
search of material, and to use the parishioners' carts, without pay- • 

ment, for the conveyance of it to the works. So great did the 
grievance become, that Parliament interfered, and limited the 
powers of the Salt-peter-man.] 

"597 [38 Elizabeth.] 

Laid oute by me, John Smyth, being one of the Churchwardens 

Itm paid for the scole m' his borde xxvjj. viijV., 
wherof I crave xxj. 

I was p^mised a m^ke [mark] at the last rekenig wch 
as yet I never had xxj. 

From the account of Larence ffilbie, churchwarden. 

— payd unto Phineas Reve the 9* of March forsettinge 

of Orfer's leg* xj. 

pd unto the cheafte constable for the p^vision of her 
M^ts howshowld the composition this yeere 4/2. 

[Besides this there is charged i6j, in the loss of flax, is. M. in 
the loss of the bacon, 5J. in the loss of wheat and peas, and 
several charges for the carriage of the Queen's timber.] 

pd unto the balyff ffellowrs the 4"" of Aprill for the 

towne rent [quit rent] 3j. 8rf. 

pd unto the same Baliffe for eggs 2cL 

[This is the first time eggs form part of this payment, seven in 
number, as we afterwards learn.] 

* This local chirurgeon received loj. more subsequently. 


pd for the towne musket 21s. 6d. 

and the stringe for the flasket [match-cord or twisted 

tow with which it was fired] and tuch box 14^. 

and a lace for the musket staff [to fasten the musket 

on the staff or rest] id. 

and for the chardge fetchinge of it at Ipswich i8d?. 

pd the 27 of June for the watchinge of Syswell 

Beacon 5^. ^d. 

pd the ffirst of Julye for the Towne to the Bow man 2s. 6d. 
pd the 1 1 of Julye for stoore pouder £}f 10s. 

[The musket was a very recent introduction from Spain.] 

pd the 22 of August toward the watchinge of Syswell 

Beacon 4j. 

also pd unto the chiefe constable the 12 of Septemb' 

for the caryage of a loade of the Queen's tymber 

from Peasenall to Walderswicke 6s. 8d, 

pd at Bungey at my Lord Bishipps [William Redman] 

visitation for Articles 2s. 

Ite pd unto the cheiff constable the 3 of October 

toward the settinge forth of certeyn soldiers 42s. 
pd for a natt [mat] for the chancell 6d. 

pd unto the Cheiff Constable the 19 of Decemb' 

toward the watchinge of Syswell Beacon 8s. 

[In the expectation of an invasion from Spain.] 
pd for the calfe wch the towne did give unto Sir 

Arthur Heningham i8s. 

pd unto Symond Carter for caryinge of a loade of the 

Quens tymber to Mettfeld $s. 

pd unto Symond Carter for 2 horses carinnge Armour 

to Beccles 2s. 

Payments were also made unto the goodman Rouse 

for two rates, the one i6s. and the other 25^. 

which was for the coats, conduct, and press 

money £2 is. 

Five pounds fifteen shillings were paid this year for 

building a stable " for raising of the house ioj. 

what you shall think fit." 



r, [This year an act was passed for the punishment of rogues, 

^ ""^ ~\^ vagabonds, and sturdy beggars. All the following persons were 

JiJi^jtUf. '° ^^ adjudged rogues and vagabonds :— people that go about 
"^ begging as poor scholars, or on pretence of losses by fire or ship- 

-4- wreck; fortune tellers, gipsies, fencers, bear-wards, common 
players and minstrels, jugglers, tinkers, peelers, and petty chap- 
men, fellows for not working for reasonable wages when they are 
able, and the like. Their punishment is to be whipped, and sent 
from parish to parish by the Officer in each ; the next straightway 
to the parish where they were born, or last dwelt, for the space of 
a whole year.] 

1598 [39 Elizabeth.] 

The following is a warrant for the payment of the composition 
for the Queen's household : — 

By vartu of warrant from y^ lefetenants of this Countye for y^ 
composicion for the p^vision of her Matties most honorable 
householde for the some of Ixiiij//. \s. ther is alotted upon yor 
towne y^ some of iij/z. \s. towarde the composicion, &c. 

Gregory Rouse. 

From the account of Samuell Newson, Churchwarden. 

Itm payd unto Gregoreye Rowse the xxiiij daye of 
Marche towerdes the p^ches [purchase] of the 
jayll and Howse at Bliborow v\li. 

[This jail for the Division of Beccles was standing, although 
disused m 1754. The Quarter Sessions, the Annual Meetings of 
the Clergy, were formerly held at Blythborough, The suppression 
of the Priory contributed to the decay of the place, which a des- 
tructive fire in 1676 completed.] 

and payd more unto hem the same daye for wachinge 
of Siswelle becken xj. 

Itm payd more unto hem the xxj daye of Maye for 
wachenge of the Beckon v muntes viijj. 

Itm payd unto the goodman Rowse the xvj daye of 
Januarie for to paye for Mr. Colbes and for Mr. 
Wrihtes deneres at Halsworth when they mus- 
tered there ijj. 


Itm payd more unto the Goodmane Rowse the xxvij 
daye of Januarie for the seteinge forth of the 
soulgers to Irland xxxvjj. 

[About the end of March, the Earl of Essex sailed for Ireland 
with an army of 20,000 foot and 2,000 horse against the Earl of 
Tyrone, who had risen in rebellion — who surrendered in 1603.] 

Itm payd more unto goodmane Willumes for Good- 
mane Rowse the xviij daye of ffebruarie for the 
setenge forth soulgers iiij/?'. 

Itm payd unto James Yonges for a horse for caring 
of Bolord to Ipsich when he wase taken for a 
soulger ijj. 

' Itm paid unto Mother Sparham and Mother Grene 
for helpen of owlde to the ground when he was 
dede vj. 

and payd more unto Mother Sparham for a sheet for 
owlde Ijs. 

and payd unto the Wedowe Barber for vetell owlde 

had of her the Sundaye before he deide ix^. 

[John Would was buried June 22nd.] 

Itm paid unto Thomas Cornish the 1=' day of October 

towards the removing of his house £1 os. od. 

Front the account (elaborately written) of Gregorie Smyth, 

Ite pd unto the knight of the Turne viiji'. 

1599 [40 Elizabeth.] 

From the account of Samuell Newson, Churchwarden. 

Itm payd unto the Goodman Rouse the xxx day of 
Aprell for the settinge forth of the two sheppes 
out of Ipsweiche xlviijj. 

Itm paid more unto the goodman Rouse the xxiij 
daye of October for the mustren and trainenge 
at bulcombe [Bulcamp] Heath iiijVz. xj. 


and payd more unto hem for the setting forth of 
souldgers unto Irelande Ivjj. 

Itm payd unto Spinck for to helpe Mother Swaine to 
the ground when she was dead the xxx day of 
Aprell ijj. 

[Mater Swaine 26* Aprielis Sepulta fuit. Register Book.] 

Itm payd unto the rengers on the crownation Daye vjs. 
and paid for breed and winne for the comunion the 

same daye xix^. 

Itm paid unto M"'- Irland [Mr. Eland the Vicar] for 

the skoote [scot] that preched hear ijj. 

[This is rather an early instance, and the first recorded in these 
papers of a Presbyterian or Puritan, for both held the same doc- 
trine, being allowed to preach in the Church. Of the Puritans, 
four years later, James I. says, in his first speech in Parliament, 
" They do not so far differ from us in points of religion, as in their 
confused form of policy and purity, being ever discontented with 
the present government, and impatient to suffer any superiority, 
which makes their Sect unable to be suffered, in any well-governed 
Commonwealth." These godly ministers, as the Puritans called 
themselves, at length brought about, in union with political rela- 
tions, the great rebellion, the downfall of the church in her state 
relations for 20 years, and the murder of the King.] 

Itm layd out at Norwich when I was sited thether 

for the Church iiijj. iiij^. 

!I have been unable to find the originals for the first half 
of the 17th century, and present them from Mr. Holland's 
MS. The Parish book records only receipts and totals of 
payments. J. J. R. 

1600 [41 Elizabeth.] 

Itm paid to old Orford 2s. ^d. 

Itm paid to Crisp's wife for beer for the ringers at his 

burial u. o^. 

Itm paid to " Mystres Ilond " [M"- Eland] for Orford is. 6d. 
Itm paid to Henry Fiske for the carriage of the 

timber and for his charges to Ipswich ^i 15J. 2d. 


Itm paid to Nicolas Curtis one of tlieCiiurchwardens 

of Blythborough the 24 October 1600 2s. lod. 

Itm paid for a Register Book 4^. d,d. 

[This is the old parchment register Book into which all the 
Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials were copied from the " Bills 
indented," i.e., single sheets in each year, from the first entry, iStb 
day of January, 1539, attested by Gabriel Eland, Vicar, and Henry 
Fiske and Christopher Brodbancke, Churchwardens. It is pre- 
faced thus: — Nomina et cognomina liberorum qui Baptizati 
fuerunt in Parochial! ecclesia de Cratfield, necnon illorum nomina 
et cognomina qui in connubio copulati sunt, porro nomina eorum 
et cognomina qui sepulti fuerunt, ab anno Domini Incarnationis 
millesimo trigentesimo nono et anno regni Henrici octaviXricesimo 
hoc registrum non solum rescriptum est sed etiam emendatum in 
quadragesimo tertio anno regni felicis dominas nostras Elizabelffi 
nunc regina Beata (1601).] 

[Along the margins are often quotations from the New Testa- 
ment, in the original Greek, e.g., Rom. ii. 29, r Cor. vii. ig, &c. 
J.J. R.J 

1602 [43 Elizabeth.] 

Itm paid to Batrome's wife of Linstead for keeping 

of Wright's child 52 weeks £z Os. M. 

[1602. Elizabeth, daughter of Ann Wright, was baptized by 
Mr. Richard Sherman, 18 Sepf.] 

Itm paid to the Queen's Bailiff for rent on the 28''' 

day of March 2,s. id. 

he did demand 1 1 eggs but I paid none 

Itm paid to Cady of Hontenfeld for the Widow 

Green's boy 2j. od. 

Itm paid to the overseers of Blithborough upon 

Easter Tuesday for the relief of their poor £1 \os. od. 

[In 1603, there is paid at Bury for the matter for Blythborough 
5J., which might relate to this payment to the Blythborough Poor.] 

Itm paid to the baliff of the hundred for want of a 

knight at the turn [tourney] l.f. od. 



Itm paid to James Aldous the 28"" day of November 
for the loss in the cheese and butter for her 
majesties most honourable household 13J. od. 

[Part of the taxation of the country was still carried on by plain 
old-fashioned ways, in directing each Parish to send in part of the 
provisions required for the royal household, the army and navy.] 

1603 [44 Elizabeth & i James.] 

[Francis Eland ye late incumbent of this place was buried the 
second day of August, 1602. 

" EUhema" [Eleanor] Eland the daughter of Gabriel Eland (the 
Vicar) and of Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 25 September.] 

Paid for a booke for the order of the Service on the 

Waneseday [Ash Wednesday ?] ?>d. 

Paid to Mother Sparham for her labour about the 

murdered child is. od. 

[The register says a child was put into the water by a wench 
who was servant unto Richard Butcher, for which she suffered at 

Paid to the painter for the King's Arms and for a 

prayer ;^i os. od. 

[Queen Elizabeth died the 24th of March, old style, in the 
seventieth year of her age, and the forty-fourth of her reign. The 
new King, James I., was proclaimed six hours after the Queen's 
death, and crowned the 25 th of July, St. James's day.] 

Itm paid to Jeremy Baldry for the carriage of Anne 

Chittleborough to the jail ys. i,d. 

Paid Mr. Stigal for his fee for the wench ;^i os. od. 

[This was the " wench " who murdered the child ; she was about 
22 years of age, having been baptised 18 March, 1581, the daughter 
of John and Margaret. 

The Puritans, on the accession of James I., presented their 
petition, signed by 800 persons, that Sundry Articles of the Church 
should be reformed. They objected against the Cross in Baptism, 
the Ring in marriage, the Surplice, &c., which they considered 


In this year there was an examination in the different Dioceses 
respecting the number of communicants, the recusants, or 
dissenters, &c. 

Archbishop Whitgift's letter to John Jegon, Bishop of Norwich, 
is dated June 30th. It is preserved, together with the reports 
of the Archdeacons, in the Harleian MSS. in the British 
Museum, No. 595, pp. 94 — 191. From it I find that the inhabi- 
tants of Cratfield, as well as of Huntingfield and Cookley were all 
unanimous, there being 200 communicants in Cratfield, 120 in 
Huntingfield, and 93 in Cookley, with no recusants in any of the 
three parishes. There was an impropriation endowed in Cratfield 
with a vicarage valued at ;^5 7j. lld. The "impropriator" or 
patron of Huntingfield and Cookley, was Sir George Carie, Knt., 
the eldest son and successor of Lord Hunsdon, who died in 1596, 
and this Sir George Carie died in this year 1603, leaving one only 
daughter, who married Sir Thomas Berkeley, and their only daugh- 
ter Theophila inherited the manors of Huntingfield, Cookley, 
Cratfield, &c., and married Sir Robert Coke, second son and 
heir of Sir Edward Coke.] 

Itm paid to William Carter for making of a sawing 

pit IS. 2d. 

Itm paid to William Carter for going to Wissett for 

sawyers ?>d. 

Itm paid to the sawyers for sawing the timber for the 

church stools £1 4s. 6d. 

A note of what money John Williams layeth out the 
" 25 of March. In tobacko 3^. 

[This is the first mention of tobacco.] 

1604 [2 James.] 

Itm paid to Cady's wife for washing the town linen 
and for making 5 napkins for the communion 
table board for the communion is. od. 

Itm paid to Simon Crisp for making of six stools for 

the north side of the Church ;^i 14s. od. 

Itm paid to Cady for filling up of the paments and 

making clean of the church is. od. 

Itm paid to the constables upon warrant of Captain 

Hewin £^ p- od. 


Itm paid to Symon Crisp for 8 days work of him and 

his man i6j. od. 

Itm paid to Crisp for making a new stool on the 
south side of the church, & mending the pulpit 
planskies [planks] gj. 6d. 

Itm paid to Robart Brodbank for carrying 5 loads of 

timber 6s. od. 

Itm paid for the Book of Common Prayer 2,s. 6d. 

[The Book of Common Prayer had the year before been re- 
printed. The chief things now added were the whole rubric before 
private Baptism ; all the latter part of the Catechism, from the 
Lord's Prayer to the end ; Prayers for the Queen and the rest of 
the Royal Family ; and the Thanksgivings for Rain, Fair 
Weather, &c.] 

Itm paid for a Book of the Cannons for the church is. 6d. 
Paid to M"^- Eland for for ingrossing the Register is. id. 

Itm for the binding of a Bible & of Erasmuses 

Epitaphs [Paraphrases ?] "js. lod. 

Itm paid unto Symon Crisp for setting up the King's 

Arms and other work in the church is. lod. 

Itm unto John Cady for bread and beer when the 

King's Arms were set up ^d. 

Itm paid for our dinners, viz : John Rouses, Samuel 

Newsons, Thomas Borretts, and mine own 

[Henry Fiske] at Ipswich at y^ visitation 2s. Sd. 

[The two churchwardens and the two sidesmen.] 

Itm paid unto M"^- Erland the 22'' day of April for 

5 months towards the relief of Geneva ioj. od. 

Itm paid unto Jeremy Baldry for a heifer given unto 

Sir Edward Cooke at Huntingfield ^3 6s. 8d. 

Itm for a book of Articles at the visitation at Ipswich ^d. 

Itm for writing our verdict and for " exxidition " 2s. od. 

Itm paid for giving in of our verdict is. 2d. 

[Bishop John Jegon was consecrated 1602, died 1617, and was 
buried in the chancel of Aylsham Church ] 


Itm paid unto Peter Aldred for his Fee for half a 
Doe given by Sir Edward Coke to his tenants 
of Cratfield 2s. 6d. 

[Suckling says that the Manor of Cratfield belonged to the 
Crown, till James I., by his letters patent, dated at Westminster, 
in 1602, granted it to Thomas, afterwards Earl of Suffolk, and his 
brother Henry, afterwards Earl of Northampton. This manor, 
upon a division of the family estates, fell to the Earl of Suffolk, 
and in 1609, Suckling says, was obtained by Sir Edward Coke, 
who died in 1634. 

In this year, 1604, October 7th, the King, who was a great enemy 
to tobacco, as appears by his writings against it, ordered by a 
Proclamation, that besides the custom of twopence in the Pound 
it used to pay, there should be an additional Duty of 6s. 8d. on 
every Pound imported into the Realm.] 

1605 [3 James I.] 

Itm paid to Salter for a Book of prayer for the 

proclamation of the King's majesty lod. 

[James I. was proclaimed March 24th, 1603.] 

Itm paid to Spink and Newson for 37 days work of 

a man for pulling down the walls £1 i8s. od. 

Itm paid to Camp the carpenter for 12 days work 

and a half of him and his man £ i Sj. od. 

Itm paid to Camp the carpenter for 16 days work of 

himself and 13 days work of his man £1 13 J. od. 

Itm paid to the Brick man for a thousand and a half 

of brick and tile wanting half a hundred i8j. ?,d. 

[It seems some house, chiefly " mud and stud," was rebuilt this 
year; but there is no record of any feast having been given at the 
"rearing"' of it.] 

Itm paid to William Warne towards the charges of 
wood and coal for his majesty's use at New- 
market 2J. od. 

Itm paid for ten days work of a man towards the 
fying of Upston pond given to Sir John Heven- 
ingham ^^s. od. 


[In the register for this year we find George Mills was buried 
the 27 th of June, he died within less than one hour after that he 
was taken out of a foul pond of water nigh his house and adjoin- 
ing his orchard, into the which he (oh, fearful act) had slid down 
of his own accord. 

This year is famous for the Gunpowder Plot. Baker, writing 
70 years after the event, says James, not to be unthankful to God 
for the deliverance, caused the fifth of November, being the day 
of the discovery, to be kept holy, with Prayer and Thanksgiving 
to God, which was then solemnly performed, and hath been since, 
and is likely for ever to be continued.] 

1606 [4 James I.] 

Paid to Robert Mowling for the town meadow the 

S'-i of October £^6 os. od. 

Itm the same day for the townsens dinners ys. 4^. 

Itm paid to M""- Ligate for making the deed for the 

Town land e,s. od. 

Mem. that Christofer Broadbank is to pay by the 

year for Mollings Meadow which the Town 

purchased 36^. and also he is to pay for the 

" Rowing " thereof 5.f. 
Mem. That William Fiske the now Farmer to 

Benslins is to pay for the same by the year £14. 

and to do 30 roods of Ditching upon the 

premises and to be laid with good spring 
Itm laid out to Mr. Irland the sum of £t^ os. od. 

Itm paid to John Cady for bread and beer to a 

preacher's drink the ap'"" of June lod. 

[These preachers were a new body, unknown to the Church of 
England before this time.] 

Itm for the first quarter's relief towards the building 

of the churches decayed 2j. 6d. 

Itm for the second quarter the relief towards the 
building of the churches decayed being the 9"" 
of December 2j. 6d. 


Ittn laid out to discharge the Court at Blythborough, 
it was presented for want of no Homily Book in 
our Town is. 6d. 

Itm paid to Ralf Barrel for a key to the chancel door 8d. 

From the Register. 

160G. Mary Newport "gentlewoman" the daughter of M"' 
Edward and M'^- Ann Newport was baptized the 8"^ day of 
April and was born the 7* day of April. 

'<^07 [5 James I.] 

Mem. That William Aldous is appointed farmer to the 
Town house and he to pay for the same by the year £'^,1, and 
to ditch 30 roods every year he dwell in the said house and to 
lay the same with good spring. 

N.B. The loose sheets for this year are wanting. 

[In this year it was enacted that every person which is drunk 
should forfeit five shillings for every offence, to be paid to the 
Churchwardens of the Parish. 

In the beginning of this year was begun a new English transla- 
tion of the Bible, which was published in i6l i, and is the same 
as is now in common use.] 

1608 [6 James I.] 

Itm paid for 5 pints of claret wine and half a pound 
of sugar at such time as my Lords coming was 
expected to our Town 2s. id. 

Itm paid for beer at my Lords coming 2d. 

Itm paid for bread and beer when M"^- Cooke preached 

here the 1 1* of September, 1608 ij. \od. 

Itm paid to the Glazier for glass and lead and his 

own labour ;^i 3J. lod. 

viz : — for 20 quarrels of glass 1 3 j. Ofd. ; for 
I S'''^- of lead 4J. ; for 4"'=- of sowder 3J. 2d. ; and 
for 2 days of work of the glazier and his men 
IS. Id. 


Damaris the daughter of Gabriel & Elizabeth Eland 
was baptised the 11'^ October born the 29''' 
September 1607. 

[This Christian name, Acts xvii. 34, pronounced with the second 
syllable long, is not unknown in the district now. J. J. R.] 

Itm. Whereas the King's provisions by reason of the 
great prices of things fall short within the Hun- 
dred of Blythborough for the composition £\2 
towards the which there is imposed upon our 
town \2s. od. 

Itm paid at the commissary's court being put in by 
M""- Eland for not having a cushion for the pulpit, 
and the steple and chancel not repaired for my 
Dinner and horse meat is. id. 

Itm paid at the commissary's court when M'- Eland 
promised an end should have been at which time 
I did think to take my self [John Filby] out of 
the court i id. 

Itm paid at the commissary's court for taking myself 
out of the court being put in by M"-. Eland for 
the defaults of the town 2s. 6d., viz : — taking out 
IS. 4d., for my dinner is., horsemeat 2d. 

Itm paid the 27"^ of July at Harlstone for a tierce of 

wine ^5 loj. o^. 

[A third part of a pipe.] 

Itm paid to John Keable for carrying of a tierce of 

wine from Harleston to Huntingfield Hall 2s. 8d. 

1609 [7 James I .] 

Itm paid for powder and match and the. Muster- 
master's pay ;^l 17J. 8d. 

Itm laid out for a pound and a half of sugar at ye 

Lord's Court 2j. od. 

[This year it appears ^5 was given to Mr. Eland by the Parish.] 

Itm paid for a neck of mutton for Mother Chittle 8d. 


paid for bread & wine for the Communion the 1 3'"^ 

August IS. 6d. 

paid to John Smith for going to Huntingfield for to 
borrow a communion [a word left out] upon the 
same day 4d 

Itm paid to a breif for " Fosseditch " in Lincolnshire 4s. od. 

[Commonly called Fossdyke.] 

Itm to a gatherer in Norfolk who M'- Clayton wrote 

to the town in his behalf 3^ od. 

Itm paid to Henry Richardson for hooping of 3 barrels 

that the gunpowder is in the 12"" of August is. 4d. 

Itm paid to Richard Aldous for 6 wethers he bought 

for my " L " [Lord] £3 4s. od. 

[Sir Edward Coke, who in 1609 obtained the manor of Cratfield.] 

- laid out towards the repairing of a church in a " feren 

shere " [foreign shire] 2s. 6d. 

paid the town subsidy ;^I2 in lands the last pay 16s. od. 

laid out to Crispe the carpenter for the town barn 
when I was promised that he did his part well in 
the same los. od. 

paid to George Cole to take and bring up Elizabeth 
Wright the daughter of Ann Wright according 
to his bond £4 os. od. 

more towards her apparel 5^. od. 

From the Register. 

Elizabeth the daughter of Ann Wright was baptized 
by M"^- Richard Sherman the 19 September 1603. 

18* of May, 1609, paid at Beccles upon the inquisi- 
tion for the Princes' Aid for my charges being 
out 2 days and i night 3J. 2d. 

[The Aid was 20 shillings out of every Knight's fee, and the 
same out of every 20 pounds worth of lands immediately holden 
of the King in soccage ; and amounted in all to ^21,800.] 

21=' Sept""- 1609, paid to John Smith of Colshall at 

Beccles upon the inquisition for the Princes' Aid 2s. 8d. 


I"' Septr. .1609, paid for our charges at Ipswich when 

we went thither about the Princes' Aid 8s. od. 

[And now the King, according to an antient custom, had aid of 
his subjects through England, for making his eldest son Knight, 
which yet was levied with great moderation, and the Prince to 
shew himself worthy of it, performed his first feats of Arms at 
Barriers, with wonderful skill and courage, being not yet full 16 
years of age. Baker's Chronicle.] 

Itm paid towards the composition for the King's 

house ;^3 i6j. od. 

paid more towards the same composition by reason 
of the great price of things, so that the Com- 
pounder fell short of his account in Suffolk 
£ilS of which imposed upon our Town 12s. 8d. 

Itm paid towards the watching of the Irish at Ipswich i6s. od. 

Itm paid at the commissary's court for defaults found 
the last visitation and not amended, viz : the 
desks of our church not repaired, our Church- 
yard fence not sufficiently made, which must be 
done before the next visitation, the fees of the 
court and my own dinner 3J. od. 

— paid to the Widow Cady the S August who began 

then to take the collection weekly is. od. 

Feb. 11"^ paid to John Smyth the thatcher the same 

day he was prayed for is. od. 

[The register tells us that John Smyth, thatcher, an old man, 
was buried y= 6th of July.] 

[In December, 1609, a frost began which continued till April 
following, with such violence that not only the Thames was so 
frozen that carts laden were driven over it as on dry land, but 
many fowls and birds perished, as also much herbage in gardens, 
especially artichokes and rosemary, were destroyed] 

1610 [8 James I.] 

^ Imprimis. Given out to certain poor people upon the 
reckoning day when the said Gregory Smyth 
took his offer of " Churchwarding ship " as 
appears by a bill of particulars £3 is. 2d. 


Itm paid to Henry Newsom for pulling down the 

cart house and to help to raise the house is. 8d. 

paid to William Aldous for the raising of the town 
barn, and for the diet of them that helped to 
raise the same £2 os. od. 

p'' for fetching of eleven hurrys [small loads] of 
straw from Jeremy Baldry's with my own horse 
and cart and at my own cost and charges, which 
I think 2s. a load is little " anow " £1 2s. od. 

pd to my Lord " Cooke " his keeper for his fee 6s. od. 

[for y= present of venigon at the "banquet."] 

pd for 19 Quarts of wine at 8d. the Quart 12s. Sd. 

pd for fetching it to John Filbys 8d. 

pd to John Filby for that there, certain of the inhabi- 
tants, had by consent, a " bankitt " [banquet] 
there at his house, whereat the "vendicine" 
[venison] that my Lord Cooke gave to this town 
of Cratfield it was spent, and for his provision it 
was consented to give him to the sum of £$ os. od. 

pd Henry Williams for s"'^- of sugar spent at the 

" banket " at John Filbys 8s. 4^. 

pd to the constables of the town of Cratfield to carry 
the poor people that " was " taken in the privy 
watch and carried to Beccles 3^. ^d. 

pd the 29 January 1610 at the Spiritual court for the 

w"' draft of [withdrawal from] their books is. 6d. 

[This year it was enacted that there should be a House of Cor- 
rection erected in every County, to set rogues and vagabonds and 
other lewde and idle persons to work.] 

161 1 [9 James I.] 

Itm laid out to Humphry Meen at the last reckoning 
day before this for the saving the churchwardens 
and the quest men from losses in respect of faults 
about the church and churchyard 3^. 8d. 


Itm for charges of the churchwardens and 3 more of 
the parishioners at the visitation in Bungay by 
consent 1 3^- O"^- 

Itm laid out the 16^^ of June at the visitation, viz : for 
the church 81^. & for respect of faults about the 
church & churchyard is. 6d. and for oaths, and 
to do the visiters drinks %d. 2s. lod- 

Itm paid to the House of Correction for more charges 

to be bestowed upon the same £2 os. od. 

Itm to John Baldry for inquiry of sheep for my " L " is. od. 

Itm to Richard Powys for his pains bestowed about 

in inquiring out of sheep for my " L " is. od. 

[A contemplated present to Sir Edward Coke.] 

Itm paid to Richard Aldous for "passports" and 

charges about the rogues is. od. 

[See Act passed the last year.] 

Itm to Henry Williams for 3 yard Carsie at 2s. 4^. 
the yard for William Brown's daughter going to 
service ys. od. 

[The first instance of giving clothing on going to service, a 
custom continued almost to the present time in this Parish of 

Memorand"- that M""- Eland is appointed farmer for 
the town pyghtle for the yearly farm of 26s. 8d. 

William Fiske is appointed farmer to Benslins for 
5 years more from Michaelmas 161 1, upon a 
consideration of .£'20, viz: .^13 6s. Sd. in hand 
paid, and £6 i^s. ^d. to be paid, £1 6s. 8d. 
yearly by equal portions at the usual feast during 
the said term of 5 years. 

Yielding and paying moreover and besides £y a year 
and so yearly and every year during the said 
term of 5 years. £^ by even and equal portions 
at the usual Feasts. Provided always that if 
Thomas Fiske or his wife father and mother to 
the said William shall happen to depart this life 


at any time within the said term that then the 
said William shall pay ;^io a year. If both of 
them happen to depart this life then £12 a year. 
The said payments of ;^io and ;^I3 if they or any 
of them shall happen then the said William shall 
begin to pay the first whole half years " farm " 
next after the decease of either of them or 
both of them if it shall happen. 

[On referring to the Parish Register I find that William Fiske's 
father was buried OcP 2i£t, 1612, and his mother June 20th, 

Itm for a pound of White Sugar is. 8d. 

The 26^^ day of February An Dni 1610. 

Memorandum. That we the Churchwardens and 
Inhabitants of the town of Cratfield have bar- 
gained and sold unto Henry Richardson his 
heirs and assigns three score and nine Ashes and 
fifty and five oaks, as they be now marked and 
scored by the said Henry Richardson for the 
sum of one hundred pounds ; for the which 
hundred pounds the said Henry Richardson with 
Robert Brodbanck and Robert Mills have entered 
an obligation of two hundred pounds for the 
payment of one hundred pounds as by the said 
obligation more at large may appear. 

In consideration whereof, we the said churchwardens 
and other the Inhabitants with a general consent 
do covenant promise grant and agree to and 
with the said Henry Richardson his heirs and 
assigns that it shall be lawful for the said Henry 
Richardson his heirs and assigns to fell cut down 
convert and carry away all the said ashes and 
oaks without any let denial molestation or 
contradiction of the said churchwardens or inhabi- 
tants. And also the said Henry Richardson his 
heirs and assigns to have free ingress egress and 
regress unto and from any of the lands whereon 


any of the said ashes and oaks now stand and be 
in the tenure and occupation of William Aldous 
and William Fiske. And the same to convert to 
his or their own proper uses within the term of 
three years next ensuing the date hereof. More- 
over it is agreed that the said Henry Richardson 
his heirs and assigns shall dig and make sawing 
pitts for the converting of the said timber doing as 
little damage and hurt as conveniently can be 
with horses carts and carriage unto the said 
William Aldous and William Fiske. 
In witness hereof we the churchwardens and inhabi- 
tants have hereunto put our hands. John Smyth, 
Gregory Smyth, his X mark churchwardens. 
Richard Aldous, John Filby, John Smyth de 
Norwood, Henry Fiske, William Fiske, Gregory 
Smyth, William Newson's mark, Henry Williams, 
William Aldus, Michael Hayward, John Newson 
his mark. 

From the Register. 

Eunice the daughter of Gabriel and Elizabeth Eland 
was baptized the 15* day of April, born the 4* 
of April, 161 1. 

1613 [10 James I.] 

Paid to Francis Sandcraft* for making the conveyance 
for the land that was purchased of Robert 
Aldous lOJ. od. 

paid to Edwards for going for the said conveyance 4^. 

paid for a fine for the land that was purchased of 

Robert Aldous \2s. 6d. 

paid to M'- Mingaye for the Copy for the taking up 

of the land that was purchased of Rob'- Aldous 6s. od. 

* Of Fressingfield, father of Archbishop Sancroft. He died Feb. i8th, 
1648-9, not three weeks after the execution of Charles I., partly from " appre- 
hension of the public calamities." See D'Oyly's " Sancroft," I. 40. J. J. R. 










paid unto his man for the same Copy is. od. 

paid to Palmers man of Ipswich for bringing of a 

paid to M"^- Mingay for a woman's examination 

paid to him more for writing of the entry 

paid to his clerk 

paid to the Widow Cady towards the buying of two 
shirts for her son Eli when he went to dwell at 

W- Cokes 2s. od, 

paid by the consent of the townsmen for M"'- Besweak 
unto a man that did "tryme" [trim] his eyes 
and made for to see 1 3 j. od. 

paid unto William Dayye for 14 hundred and a half 
and 14 pounds of lead at 13/6 the hundred the 
sum is £g 17s. gd. 

paid for wharfage lod. 

paid the porters for carrying it gd. 

paid for bringing from London to Walberswick 3^. 41a?'. 

paid for bringing it from Walberswick 5^. od. 

paid the 17"^ of December 1612 to the constables for 

the inquisition for the Lady Elizabeth's aid 4^-. /^. 

Rapin records the manner in which this money was spent : — 

For the Palsgrave's diet at his standing house 6,000 

For his diet at his installment of the Garter 4,000 

For diet at his marriage 2,000 

For lodging of his servants 830 

To the Wardrobe for apparel for the Princess Elizabeth 6,252 

For furnishing her chamber 3,023 

Apparel and necessaries for her to my Lord Harrington's 1,829 

Jewels and apparels for her servants 3,914 

To divers merchants for silks, &c. 995 

The Lords' Mask at her marriage 400 
For the naval fight of fireworks on the Thames at her marriage 4,800 

More fireworks on the Thames at her marriage 2,880 
To Sir Edward Cecil as Treasurer, for her journey from 

hence to Heidelbergh, and for her purse 2,000 
For settling her Jointure, and charges to some of the Gen- 
try to go thither, and to take the assurance 800 
The charges of her Journey 8,000 
For her transport to Flushing 5iS5S 
Paid over to the Palsgrave's Agent, for her portion 40,000 



[This was the King's daughter, married 14th February, 1613, 
to the illustrious Prince Frederick, Count Palatine of the Rhine. 
" She was attired all in white, having a rich crown of gold upon 
her head, her hair hanging down at length, curiously beset with 
pearls and precious stones, her train supported by twelve young 
ladies in white garments." The aid amounted to ;^20,50o, but 
the marriage, &c., cost the King almost four times that sum. 

In the Register this year, 1612, is the following entry : — A base 
child Repentance y« daughter of Richard Stanard and Ann Cutting 
was baptized the 30* of May.] 

1613 [i I James I.] 

paid for the townsmen's dinners at Halesworth when 

they came from y« muster £1 ^s. 6d. 

paid unto Henry Richardson for hooping 2 vessels of 

gunpowder Qd, 

paid at the visitation of the Archbishop of Canter- 
bury [Dr. George Abbot] at Bungay the 30 July i8j. od. 

paid to My- Payne for the losses that was burned at 

Newmarket Feb. 22 lOJ. od. 

In an agreement for the hire of a house and land entered in 
the Churchward en.s' Book, it is stipulated that the tenant should 
plant 2 crab trees and 7 pear trees. 

Sir Edward Coke was made Lord Chief Justice this year. 

1614 [12 James I.] 

Paid to the chief constable to pay the officers of Sir 

Arthur's band [Sir Arthur Heveningham] 4J. od. 

Paid to the ringers the 5''' of November 2s. od. 

[This is the first preserved record of the bells being rung the 
5th November.] 

Itm to the reedifying of the Town of Dorchester 10s. od. 

[In the year 1613, on the 7th August, Baker says the town of 
Dorchester was quite consumed with fire, begun in the house of a 
Tallow Chandler, destroying all the houses, except a few near the 
Church, and all their wares and goods, to the value of ;^ 200,000, 
yet not any man or woman perished.] 


Itm to Henry Hughes of " Dotchet" in Buckingham- 
shire brought within the inquisition of Spain 2s. 6d. 

Itm paid to M--- " Eyerland " [Eland] for burying of 

William Cady Qd. 

Itm to Joseph Stubard for ringing of the bell [the 

passing bell] and making of the grave is. id. 

Itm paid to Thomas Barrell of Huntingfield for a 

bushel of culm u. od. 

[Two more bushels and a peck of culm (chaff) are bought, 
probably to make a poor person's bed with.] 

And this entry tells us- who the poor person was. 
- Itm paid to Simon Crisp for setting up of a bedstead 
for Ann Wright i/io. Her burial is thus re- 
corded in the register Book. 28 December, 
Widow Wright was buried being excommuni- 
cated 12 years and to her end. 

Itm paid at the general Court to save the excom- 
munication 2s. 6d. 

[Early this year the Register Book records that there was at this 
time a great and general snow, and of long continuance. Some 
cattle perished, and many sheep and calves frozen to the ground. 
Also at the end of the year there was an extraordinary snow which 
remained about eight weeks, and many sheep died.] 

1615 [13 James 1.] 

The Register Book goes on to say August iS''' such hail as 
neither we ever saw, nor our fathers told of, souring the grass, 
breaking many glass windows, scattering down birds, and much 

fruit, &c. 

paid to Francis Bressingham for their supper and 
breakfast, which did watch with Coxe in the 
time of his trouble 8j. od. 

Itm paid for their dinners at Blythborough which 

went with Cox to the Justice & from thence to 

Blythborough jail 4s. 4d. 



Itm for two horses going with him to Blythborough 

& horse meat i-J- 6^- 
Itm paid by William Dowsing to the Surgeon which 

came to Cox S-^- O'^- 

Itm Bryan Dewe his expenses at the Sessions 2s. <^. 

■ Itm paid to brief of a grecianes [Grecian] \s. 6d. 

[This year Sir Edward Coke was discharged from being Lord 
Chief Justice of the King's Bench.] 

1616 [14 James I.] 

-V paid for a breif for repairing of the Hospital at 

Norwich 2s. od. 

paid for the charges of carriage of the timber for the 

King's building at Newmarket 6s. gd. 

paid for 2\ yards of crimson fustian at 2s. a yard for 

two scarves 
paid for i yard of long fringe 
paid for 2 yards of short fringe for the Caps 
paid for the scarves making 
paid for 2 sword girdles 
paid for a pair of hangers 
paid for the armour scouring 
given to Wm. Keswick in the time of his sickness 
paid to John Hayward for the grave making & for 

ringing the bell 
given to the Ringers at his burial 
paid to Symon Turner for a Coffin for him 

[The first mention of a coffin.] 

paid to M""- Eland for his burial is. od. 

[Extract from the Register Book : — Wm. Kiswick 
Schoolmaster was buried the 22nd of May.j 

[The King, this year speaking of the recusants says, there are 
three sorts : the first are they, who, enforced by Law, come now 
and then to Church ; these are formal to the Law, but false to God 
(the Presbyterians, of whom several made no scruple to be present 




















at the service of the Church of England) ; the second sort are they 
that have their conscience misled, and therefore refuse to come to 
Church, but otherwise live as peaceable subjects (these were the 
Papists who were willing to swear allegiance to the King) ; the 
third sort are practising Recusants, who force their servants and 
tenants to be of their opinion, these are men of pride and pre- 
sumption (these were the zealous and furious Papists).] 

Memorandum. It is agreed by the cheif Inhabitants 
that whereas the farmers [tenants] of the town 
lands have formerly paid their half years farm 
[rent] at our Lady and Michelmas that now from 
hence forward they must pay their half years 
farm at Christmas and Midsummer within 
one quarter of a year since then usually they 
have done. 

And it is also agreed that the farmers of the town 
lands shall not plow without consent aforesaid 
upon the penalty of 40s. for every acre over and 
beside their yearly farm, either more or less 
according to that proportion of 40J. the acre. 

paid to John Filby for making the booke of collec- 
tion for the poor which was given to the Justices 2d. 

1617 [15 James I.] 

(From the Register.) 

I1617. Christopher Framlingham was buried 20 

Jan'y' being slain at his work with timber.] 
paid John Hayward for his "wood that was burnt" 

[firewood] on the reckoning day, and for his 

paid for a Flagon for the Communion 
paid to Richard Harpur of Dunwich towards his loss 

at the sea 
paid to Samuel Newson for the boy for the evidence 
given to Syr John Bowse's clerk for taking the 

account ^^- od 

[At Blythborough, I think.] 









paid for beer when M""- Brewster preached 4^- 

Paid to a brief towards the relief of the burning of a 
town called Collumpton in Devonshire the i8 

Aug., 1617 S-f- od. 

paid to Robert Freston for making the pulpit {,10 os. od. 

paid to Samuel Smith for irons for the pulpit 7-f- O'^- 

[The Pulpit was made in 1617] 

[Confirmation about this time was practised after this manner : 
when the children were eight years old, the ministers were to 
catechize them, and then the Bishops in their visitations were to 
bless them with prayer for God's Grace, and the gifts of the Holy 

In this year King James pubhshed the Book of Sports, to signify 
his pleasure that on Sundays after Divine Service, no lawful rec- 
reation should be barred to his good people. The sports specified 
were dancing, archery, leaping, vaulting. May games, Whitsunales, 
morrice dances, and the setting up of may poles. Nonconformists 
and others not attending Divine Service were prohibited from 
joining in the sports.] 

1618 [16 James I.] 

received of Samuel Cady for a pair of weaver's looms 

bought of the town i6s. od. 

paid to Edmund Brodbanke upon a warrant from Sir 

Robert Brooke for the repairs of Bridges i i.r. od. 

paid to Thomas Smyth for writing of the bills of the 
names of the poor children given in to the 
Justice &d. 

laid out at Halesworth for our dinners and the poor 

childrens when we were before the Justice 3^. ^d. 

laid out at Brisinghams for bread and beer when the 

bells were carried to Norwich is. od. 

paid to Henry Williams wife for making ready of 
victuals for the townsmen when they reckoned 
with Brand [the bell founder] \os. od. 

Laid out at Bungay when we were called before the 

Generalls for the Church windows 2s. 4d. 


^ laid out for a Breif to a gunner in a shipp in the year 

1588 2S. od. 

paid to Francis Aldous upon a warrant from Sir John 

Rous for the soldier's pay ^3 6s. od. 

laid out at M"^- Elands for M'^- Commissaries dinner 

and his Company together with townsmen 13^-. od. 

paid to Jeremy Baldry for a side of mutton for the 

Townsmen when they reckoned with Brand i,s. 4^. 

paid to M""- Eland for a horse to ride to Norwich is. 6d. 

[The fifth bell was recast this year. It bears the inscription : — 

If with my fellowes I doe agree, 

Then listen to our harmony. 
W. D., G. S., Chvrchwardens. W. B. 161 8.* J. J. R.] 

1619 [17 James I.] 

The loose sheets for this year are missing. 

Memorandum. The composition for the inhabitants 
of Cratfield was made with the right Hon'''^ the 
Lord Almoner by M'- George Grene clerk in the 
Crown ofifice, the said Lord Almoner for the 
goods of one James Barbor being a felo de se 
which was certified to be remaining in the hands 
ofthe said inhabitants the debts being £12, 6s. 8d. 
which was compounded for in the said office, 
and the roll discharged, and all fees paid for the 
discharging thereof the term and year under 


per Geo. Booth Deput Eleemosynarius [Rector of 

Term Michaelmas 1619. 

[The burial of this/elo de se is not entered in the Register Book, 
he having, of course, been buried without funeral rites.] 

* The initials of William Dowsing, Gregorie Smith, and William Brand. 
See Church Bells of Suffolk, p. 181. 


[The 17th July, one Bernard Calver of Andover rode from St. 
George's Church in Southwark to Dover, from thence passed by 
barge to Calais in France, and from thence returned back to St. 
George's Church the same day, setting out about three o'clock in 
the morning, and returned about eight o'clock in the evening, 
fresh and lusty. Baker's Chronicle.] 

1630 [18 James I.] 

paid to William Mollender the 28 day of September 

for the muster master 145-. od. 

paid to M"-- Booth Deputy " Aumer" [Almoner] for 
discharging the Town of the " Fellon de Sea " 
[felo de se] James Barber that drowned himself 

£1 OS. od. 

paid to M""- Eland for providing a dinner for Mr. Trot 

when he came to visit 3j. Qd. 

paid for a shoulder of mutton and a leg of mutton is. lod. 

paid for the orders of the Church concerning matri- 

r"0"y 4d. 

[Prescribed by the ggth Canon.] 

paid for my charges at Norwich when I did ride for 

dinner i^ 6^ 

paid to Henry Richardson upon his bill for charges 

of thatching and other reparations £1 4^. od. 

more paid to him to help his hard match of timber 

;^i 6s. od. 

[This could scarcely refer to the timber sold in 1610 to one 
Henry Richardson ; it must refer to a later sale.] 

1621 [19 James I.] 

paid to old Butcher for a " nack " of veal for the 

widow Cady in her sickness g^ 

paid for iii hundred of spring 2j od 

paid for the town land 3/2 and seven eggs i^. 3^. 3^^, 


paid for beer for them that brought up the planks 
on their shoulders from the nether end of the 
town Pightle 10^. 

paid for iii bell ropes, which weighed 22"'^- "js. a^. 

paid to Thomas Brissingham for dinner, and his 
company when the bells were first rung, for their 
dinners ^i qj. od, 

paid the 20 day of June to Dimer [the bell-hanger] 

;^i3 lOJ. od. 

given to the ringers the same day \s. od. 

paid to Gregory Mills the lo"" Aug. for a hamper for 

the Town Armour 4^. o</. 

paid for the town land for the subsidy £\ "js. gd. 

[Parliament this year granted the King two subsidies to enable 
him to defend the Palatinate against the King of Spain.] 

paid the 7''> of August unto John Smyth for two 
briefs the one for 4 captives and the other for 8 
captives 6d. a piece jj. od. 

paid when the training should have been £'^ 6s. 8d. 

paid to M'- Crossbie for the learning of Simond 
Brissingham and Thomas Haywarde for one 
half year ended 23 March 162 1 los. od. 

paid for the subsidy the 7* day of October £1 12s. od. 

paid for 11 quarts of sack us. od. 

paid for 35 quarts of claret wine £1 3^. 4^. 

paid to Henry Williams the 2"^ of January for io"'=- 

of loaf sugar I2j. 2d. 

paid to Thomas Brissingham for mending of the 
" Cansye " going over the way into the church- 
yard I J. ed. 

paid unto the Glover of Huntingfield for a bushel & 

a half of hair Q^ 

[Orders were given this year for sealing up the locks and doors 
of Sir Edward Coke's chambers in London. He had called the 
King's Prerogative an overgrown monster.] 



1623 [20 James I.] 

paid to William Crosse for a casement for a window- 
in the schoolhouse being 20 inches long and 10 
inches in breadth 2s. 6d. 

paid in behalf of the Town for a Benevolence or 

Gratuity to the King the sum of £3 os. od. 

[This is the first of the Compulsory Loans which in after years 
made Charles I. so unpopular. A circular Letter was sent by 
Commissioners into each parish, and the names of those who 
would lend money to the King were inserted at a meeting duly 
convened. The Letter concluded with these words, "Nevertheless, 
if any person shall, out of obstinacy or disaffection, refuse to con- 
tribute herein, proportionably to their estates and means, you are 
to certify their names unto this Board. And so recommending 
this service to your best care and endeavour, and praying you to 
return unto us notes of the names of such as shall contribute, and 
of ihe sums offered by them." The excuse for this levy of money 
was the King's pretended resolution to recover the Palatinate by 

paid towards the relief of the poor french protestants 

refuged hither for their conscience £2 os. od. 

paid to one John Borrett of Ditchingham in the 
County of Norfolk and tenant to the Lord Bishop 
of Norwich [Samuel Harsnet] who besides his 
brief for the loss of ;£^SOo by fire obtained his 
Lordships letters to the Ministers and Church- 
wardens within the Diocese 3^. od. 

paid toward the repairing of a haven belonging to the 
town of Saltfleet within the County of Lincoln 
which charges amounted to the value of ;^i,4oo 
as by the brief appeared 2J. od. 

paid to Mother Keswick for wood to make a fire at 

the last reckoning day 8d. 

paid to James Smith for one days work thatching 
about Widow Barbers [the widow of the felo de 
se] house, she being in great distress by reast)n 
she could not He down in her bed and could get 
no help to do the same is. 2d. 


paid and given to Richard Morlitsh a charitable 
benevolence in the distressed estate of him his 
wife and children being visited long with sick- 
ness towards their relief ioj. od. 

16:2s [31 James I.J 

(From the Register!) 

[1623. Susanna the daughter of Thomas Crosbie 
Gierke and of Alice his wife was baptized the 
16 April.] 

paid for a Statute Book for the town 2s, oJ. 

paid to Robert Keable which he laid out in the behalf 
of the town to excuse their negligence in not 
working in the ways Anno 1622' 4^. ()d. 

paid for 6 combs of rye at 17J. the comb ;^S 2s. and 
more for 4 combs of rye at i/x 4^. the comb 
£}, gj. 4(3^ Of this 10 combs there were lost 
one bushel in measure so received for 9 combs 
and 3 bushels at 4y. the bushel which come 
£'j i6j. so lost and paid in the 10 combs more 
than received 15J. ^d. 

given to goodwife Brodbank toward her pains in 

measureing of the said corn \s. od. 

paid more for 10 combs of rye at lys.' the comb ;^8 
10s. of which one bushel lost in measure and ios. 
in price so received but £"/ los. so lost and paid 
more than received I4r. 

paid to Andrew Edmunds for carrying of the said 20 

combs of rye los. od. 

[This was rye sold out to the poor at a reduced price.] 

8 June 1623. paid for carriage of Material to New 
Market on the behalf of the King — the charges 
imposed upon our town £1 6s. 6d. 

paid for the new Binding of the Book of Common 

Prayer is. 4d. 


paid to one Ann Coper widow towards the ransom of 
her son and her brother who were taken captive 
by the Turks. She had a very large pass under 
the hand and seal of the Duke of Buckingham. 

[Sir George Villiers, the King's favouiite, created Marquis of 
Buckingham in 1617 and Duke this year.] 

paid to 2 Irish men who had a pass under the Duke's 
hands to travel to Lynn in Norfolk where they 
had kindred as they say, and the constables and 
churchwardens should be helping and relieving 
them in their travel, considering their great loss 
upon the sea by the cruelty of the Turks who 
took one of their brothers and 6 of their men and 
carried them captives who lie in miserable slavery 
till they have paid the ransome of ;^50 apiece, 
as appears by their pass ij. od, 

' paid towards the distressed state of 2 mariners Francis 
Anderson and James Browne who lost their 
whole estate by the casualty of a sudden and 
strange wind which happened upon Xtmas day 
last in which wind their ship split and lost to the 
value of ;£'2,8oo as appeared by a pass under two 
Justices' hands in the County of Sussex to travel 
to Wells in Norfolk. James Browne being sick 
they were driven to get a horse to carry him from 
one place to another 3j, o^. 

"~ paid at the request of our minister to two distressed 
soldiers who were taken captive by the Turks 
and cruelly handled because they would not 
renounce the gospel, and worship Mahomet, and 
at last were ransomed by the taxer ? of the low 
country and their pass by the Governor of 
Gelderland unto England & so to Sussex where 
they were born 2J. od. 

paid for a Book which concerned our Minister with 
directions for "preashinge and cathersissing " 
[preaching and catechising] 6d. 


1624 [23 James 1.] 

(From the Register.) 

[1624. Thomas the son of Thomas Crosbie clerke 
and Alice his wife was baptized the i6* Sep- 

paid to a brief which was for fifteen hundred captives 

taken by the Turks los. od. 

paid to M"" Moulding Sir Edward Cookes Bailiff for 

rent — 

paid to M'- Brown towards the charges of the soldiers 
that were kept in the Hundred besides that 
which allowed the town £i igj. od. 

paid to the constables the 24 Nov. for the charges of 
the soldiers that was spent at Brissinghams and 
at Halesworth £2 os. od. 

paid the S of January for the charges of the Soldiers 
that was spent at Brissinghams ;^i 

paid more that was spent at Halesworth 

given to M'- Benifilde [Bedingfeld] for Counsel 
4 March £1 

laid out the same day at Yoxford for other charges 

laid out at the suit to our Counsel " halfe a pese '' 
and to his clerk for " draying " our declaration 
IS. and to his clerk for entering of the order 2s. 
and his clerk for writeing of it is. and then to 
have his hand to it 3J. and the cryer is. in all 19J. od. 

[This half piece given to Counsel was worth 21J.] 

and my own charges for my horse and myself 20s. od. 

paid to the Baly [bailiff] that did indite the town for 

want of a Butts — bond given 4^. od. 

[This entry explains the suit above.] 

given to a soldier that came from the Palatinate with 

a pass 2s. 6d. 









I J. 







given to a poor man with a certificate for to gather 
and ask the goodwill of every town as he did 
travel being assigned to the churchwardens of 
every town his losses were lamentable and great 
— was undone his wife and 7 small children was 
robbed by the pirates coming on shore in the 
night, taking all his goods and meat and clothing 
and burnt his house wherein his children were 
sore " corch " [scorched] and burnt which made 
him not able to get a brief as others have \i.e., 
not able to pay for it] certified by 4 Justices 
. of the peace & the minister of the town next 
dwelling. Sir Thomas Dreux. Sir William 
Powlie. Sir Amies Bounsille, and William 

paid for 7 bottles of wine for the Court cost 

more for a pound and a half of sugar cost 

and for beer that the gentlemen & M^. Cooke had 

before dinner 2s. od. 

1625 [23 James I. i Charles I.] 

retained back again from M"'- Barron out of the 
money which was paid towards the making of 
Toppesfield Bridge & Cossard Bridge 13J. od. 

paid to Mr. Mowling Sir Edward Cooke's Bailiff the 
29 March 1625. for our Lady half year past the 
rent for the town land as followeth videlicet for 
the town close yd. for land belonging to the tene- 
ment Roose Larks 3^. 2d. for seven eggs i ^d. for 
shaddowes pightle l\d. and for Crisps meadow id. 4J. id. 

paid to John Hayward [the parish clerk] for making 
of a grave for Elie Cady & for a poor " boddie " 
that died at John Crisps is. a^. 

[Eli Cady was buried the first of February, 1624, and George 
Brough of Wymondham, a vagrant, was buried the 3rd of March, 


paid to Thomas Smyth Constable the 18 April 1625 
for the third subsidy granted to our Sovereign 
Lord late King " Jeemes '' £2 8j. od. 

[King James died the 27th March, in his 59th year. " His 
spleen was found to be a little faulty, which might be cause enough 
to cast him into an ague ; the ordinary high way, especially in old 
bodies, to a natural death, after a month's languishing." He was 
buried the 7th of May, at Westminster. 

These three subsidies were granted in order that the King 
should send troops into the Palatinate.] 

paid to Thomas Smyth the Constable the 29* of May 
for the charges of carrying the soldiers to 
Plymouth and for coats £2 os. od. 

[As soon as the deceased King's funeral was solemnised 
(May 7th,) Charles speedily sent eight thousand men to Plymouth 
to be embarked for an expedition to Spain. As he had but little 
money in his coffers, the charge of coat and conduct was ordered 
to be disbursed by the country, to be repaid out of the exchequer 
at a more convenient season. This was done after the precedent 
of former times, though the custom had now been long disused.] 

paid to Thomas Smyth the Constable for the charges 
of those men which were charged to serve the 
King the S'l" of June £1 gs. od. 

[Sent over perhaps to France to conduct the Queen to England. 
She arrived at Dover June 12th, and the same day came on to 
Canterbury, where their nuptials were with all possible magnificence 

paid to Salter [the apparitor] for bringing the Book 

of Prayer in the time of the sickness 6d. 

[This was the plague to which Charles in his first parliament, 
June i8th, thus alluded. " I must entreat you likewise to consider 
of the time we are in, how that I must adventure your lives (which 
I should be loth to do), should I continue you here long ; and you 
must venture the business, if you be slow in your resolutions, &c." 
35,417 persons died in London.] 

paid for a statute Book which M"'- Warner [one of the 

Churchwardens] bought 3^. od. 

[A copy of this Book of Statutes still remains in Wingfield 
Church ] 


paid to Abraham Ellis the joiner for a Communion 

Table J 2s. od. 

paid to Matthew Mingaye for making of Cushions for 

the Pulpit IS. od. 

paid him more the same time for feathers for the 

cushions is. tod. 

paid to Henry Williams for i J yard of French green 
" Carsy " [Kersey] for the cushions for the 
Pulpit ^s. od. 

paid for i ell of blue linen for the Pulpit is. lod. 

paid more for fringe tape and thread jd 

paid more for 3 skins for the cushions 2S. 6d. 

paid to M''- Mingaye the g^^ of June at the Court for 
his advice and for two entries of the two sur- 
renders of the town land wherein were 10 
Feoffees £1 los. od. 

paid to M'- Purvis for writing of the same entries 5J. od. 

paid to Henry Williams for 2"'=- of sugar spent at the 
Court and for aqua vitse [brandy] the same day 
for M""- Mingaye 3^. 2d. 

given to a soldier that had Sir John Heigham his 

hand to a pass u. o^. 

paid to M--- Mowling (Sir Edward Coke's bailiff) for a 
fine of one messuage decayed and three acres 
and three roods of land & meadow £7, 

paid him more for a fine of seven acres of land £7 

paid to a brief for outlandish ministers 

paid to a brief for two ministers beyond sea 

paid to Gregory Rouse the constable the 20 Sepf for 
the soldiers' pay, for the officers' pay, for the 
mustermaster's pay, & for Powder and match 

;^3 IS. od. 

paid to M'- Stevens the armourer the 28 Nov"^ for 
trimming of the two town Corslets & the new 
gorgetts [body armour & defences for ye neck] 

£i 7s. od. 
paid for a quart of wine and a cake for M"'- Stevens 

& myself U. 3^, 










[In this year, Mr. Clement Coke, son of Sir Edward Coke, and 
memberfor Aylesbury, when the Commons were deliberating what 
money to provide for the King, among other invectives said: " It 
was better to die by a foreign enemy, than to be eaten up at home," 
for which words he was admonished by the Lord Keeper, &c.] 

1626 [2 Charles I.] 

(From the Register.) 

[1626. Mary the daughter of Thomas Crosbie Clerk 

and Alice his wife was baptized the 22 June] 
paid to John Stannard for 4 days training 4^. od. 

[There appears to have been twelve days' training this year 
besides Mu'stersJ 

paid to John Stannard for a feather 2s. od. 

paid for two feathers for John Gouldsmith and John 

Stannard for the training 8j. od. 

paid unto the apparitor for bringing of a Prayer Book 

to the Minister 6d. 

It paid the 13 of April for the " lefi'etennants " & 

soldiers dinners vC2 oj. od. 

paid the same day more for tobacco is, 6d. 

paid unto Symon Turner the 4"^ day of November 

for soldiers and officers pay and for powder £2 lis. od. 

paid unto M"'- Stevens [the armourer] for a Pike for 

ye town 4J. S,d. 

paid unto Loam for tools for the town which were 

lost at Yoxford 4J. lod. 

paid unto Richard Raydon the 4* Sept' for the 

soldiers pay ?id. a day for two days (sic) £1 12s. od, 

paid unto him more for the officers wages ioj. ^d. 

paid unto John Stannard the 12"' of March for train- 
ing at Henningham [Heveningham] is, od. 

paid unto Thomas Williams for a quire of paper 4*/. 

paid to Salter [the apparitor] for citing of the Church- 
wardens to the Court the 25 day of April 6d. 

paid unto Gregory Rouse for giving in of the Church- 
wardens account the 30* of April ^s. od. 


paid unto M""- Trot the i8"" day of September for two 
Books for the fast [one for the minister y^ other 
for ye Parish clerk] is. 4d. 

[In order to let people see, it was purely out of necessity that 
the King made use of very extraordinary methods as the forced 
loans mentioned below, &c., His Majesty ordered a general fast to 
be held on the 5th of July, to divert the judgments of God ready 
to fall on the kingdom, by the pretended invasion it was threatened 
with. This afforded him a pretence to require the Lord Lieutenants 
to muster and arm the Militia, &c.] 

paid unto Richard Raydon for the watching of two 

Beacons the 25 day of June gs. iifd. 

paid unto M'- Mowling Collector of the Subsidy the 
26''' day of February [1627] lent to the King 

;^I2 OS. od. 

[This was a large sum (£12) to extort from such a small parish 
as Cratfield. Among the instructions to the Commissioners were : 
That for a good example to others they should themselves lend 
His Majesty the several sums required ; To go according to the 
rate at which people wereassessed in the Book of the last Subsidy ; 
That they should treat with every one apart, and not in the hearing 
of others ; That they should begin with such as are like to shew 
best examples ; That they should endeavour to discover, whether 
any by underhand persuasions, or otherwise, go about to hinder 
the good intentions of others, and if any such be found, to certify 
their names, qualities, and habitations to the Council ; and lastly, 
That upon their Faith and Allegiance to His Majesty, they keep 
these Instructions secret to themselves, and not discover them to 
any others. The entry following also probably has reference to 
this Loan.] 

paid for Gregory Rouse's charges and my own [Henry 
Filby] and for our horses at Bury the 13"" day of 
August "js. 6d. 

paid unto John Burrows the 21^' day of October 

which was robbed by the Dunkards is. od. 

[Dunkirk, in Flanders, then under the Spanish Dominion, which 
was at war with England.] 

paid to M''- Burrows towards watching the Beacons \os. od. 


i<^27 [3 Charles I.] 

paid to John Smyth of Norwood y^ ig'"^ day of May 
to pay M'- Eland when M'- Devericks preach 
here 15J. od. 

paid to William Fiske for M'- White when he did 

preach here the 16''' day of June ioj. od. 

paid to John Rouse to give to M'- Devericks by con- 
sent of the town the 22""* day of July [preaching 
here that day] £\ qs. od. 

paid to M""- Ginsy (?) tlie 16''^ .day of December when 
he made a sermon here by the consent of the 
town ;^i OS. od. 

given to M'- Eland the 10* of February by the con- 
sent of the townsmen £2 os. od. 

[In 1625, His Majesty recommended to the House of Parliament 
for the better propagating of Religion, that care may be taken and 
provision made, that every Parish shall allow a competent main- 
tenance for an able Minister; and that the Vicars, Curates, and 
Ministers in villages should be allowed sufficient stipend and 
allowance for Preaching Ministers.] 

paid to Edmund Brodbanke [one of the church- 
wardens] to end a controversy between M"'- 
Eland and your self [Henry Fiske the other 
churchwarden] by consent of Townsmen £1 os. od. 

paid to a " Kyres " woman [Ellen Barray the wife of 
Philip Barray] the 28"^ of March which was 
robbed by the Dunkards and for his ransom his 
loss for a hundred and fifty Pounds is. od. 

paid to a Kyres woman which had losses by the 

Dunkards the 26"' day of March 6d. 

paid 6 day of March when M'- Freston and other 
overseers did exercise the soldiers for 5 pints of 
wine i-f- ^d. 

paid to Thomas Hideman who had received warrent 

of the Captains of the trained Bands [Militia] to 

pay Sergeant Fordom 6s. od. 



paid to James Fryar ii"" of Nov"^ for the soldier's 
tools last sent away from Yoxford and for con- 
duct and press money I2J. od. 

paid to the chief constable William Barrow for the 
watching and building of watching houses and 
repairing of Beacons 7 Feb. ;^i 8j. ^d. 

paid to the chief constable y^ 7"' Feb. for the reusing 
of a Magazine of powder match and shell for the 
defence of the Kingdom £i^ ^s. od. 

paid to Henry Barrow for the writing of the Lord 
Chief Justice articles for the constables of 
Cratfield for to make their presentments \s. od. 

[Perhaps relating to the forced Loan.] 

— paid to Henry Williams for an hour glass 9c/. 

[We read that until the sand of an hour-glass had run down, the 
orderly members of a congregation, however wearied they might 
be, made a show of respectful attention ; but, if the preacher 
detained them any longer, they dispersed with hubbub and clatter. 
It is however recorded of Bishop Burnet, and other highly popular 
preachers of his period, that when they preached out their hour, 
their "hummers" would "hum" them into giving them an 
additional hour.] 

paid to James Fryar for the punishing and sending 

forth of three vagrants \s. od. 

[In this year, Sir Edward Coke spoke against the grievance of 
forced Loans, and said among other things, " Who will give 
subsidies, if, the King may impose what he will? and, if after 
Parliament, the King may inhance what he pleaseth ?" ] 

1628 [4 Charles I.] 

Received of William Fyske tenant to Mr. Cooke for 
certain wood he stowed [bestowed] upon the 
"tun meer" [town mere] against Benslings 
belonging to the town 6^. 

paid to the relief of Walberswick \2s. od. 


[The alteration made in the established religion proved highly 
detrimental to this, as well as to many other towns, on the coast, 
whose principal support was derived from the fishery ; and repeated 
and destructive conflagrations hastened its ruin. Before 1583, 
it had suffered severely by fire. In 1633, a great part was burnt ; 
also in 1683 ; and in 1740, when about one-third of the same town 
was consumed.] 

paid to Matthew Mills who was maimed in the iron 
mines and 15 of them were slain. He was going 
to Yarmouth to his friends, and from thence to 
the Hospital is. od. 

to the goodman Hydeman for the foreign soldiers lys. od. 

to James Ffryer for the foreign soldiers i/j. od. 

to Henry Williams for powder and match for the 

trained soldiers 9 of them i 5j. od. 

[The King of Denmark, uncle to King Charles, was at this 
period warring for the Protestant Cause in Germany.] 

to James Coop for double subsidy £if \6s. od. 

to James Coop for a subsidy for the town land £2 8j. od. 
to James Coop for a subsidy £2 8j. od. 

[The Commons this year resolved that Supply and Grievances 
should go hand in hand, the Petition of Right was no sooner 
ready, but they made a further progress in the affair of the subsi- 
dies, ordering that the two first should be paid the loth of July, 
one more the 12th of October, another the 20th of December, and 
the last the ist of March. This Petition of Right, by which forced 
loans, benevolences, taxes without consent of Parliament, billeting 
soldiers, etc., were declared illegal, was passed after some delays, 
in the usual form of words, " soit fait comme il est desire" on the 
26th June, 1628.] 

1639 [5 Charles I.] 

!0n a loose sheet of paper is the following :— 
Vicesimo septimo die Octobris Anno quinto Caroli Regis 
Anno Dom 1629. The day and year above written the quest 
of Official find that in S'- James* there is a house called the Guild 

* Southelmham S. James. , 


Hall and the value of it per annum is 43J. 4d. And how it is 
holden we know not, neither what rent it payeth, and James 
Kent is the Tenant unto it, and that one Sad receiveth the afore- 
said yearly rent. 

And likewise in Cratfield we find that there is a house called 
the Guildhall but how it is holden and what uses and what rent 
it payeth we are ignorant. 

And likewise we find in Laxfield a house called the Guild 
Hall and that one William Payne is the Tenant unto it and 
payeth p. ann ;^iiij. And it is holden by copy of Court roll 
which appeared by a copy showed to us. 

And likewise we find that Samuel Knapp is not guilty of the 
Simony which he is now questioned for. 

[Samuel Knapp is not a Cratfield name.] 

laid out to Francis Aldous towards the relief of 

Walberswick £1 os. od. 

for 12 pints of wine for the Court the 27 day of May 4-y. od. 
for a pound of sugar li. 8d. 

laid out to James Mellett which was pressed into the 

iron mines himself very dangerous hurt, and 13 

were slain. He was going to S'' Bartholomew's 

Hospital " Londinge " is. od. 

to Edmund Milles for making the "Carnsey" 

[Footpath] on Littlehawe Green i is. Sd. 

to a poor woman which lay sick in the new stable for 

her relief 6d. 

to Henry Millm for powder and match for 1 1 soldiers 16s. 6d. 
to Edmund Brodbanke for carrying the armour to 

Saxmundham 13J. od. 

Laid out to Francis Mantell for his apprentice & for 

his indentures making £2 2s. od. 

for his suit of apparrel I9.f. 6d. 

for a pair of shoes for him 2s. 2d. 

for my two journies to Hallsworth to the Justice for 

his Indentures in such extreme weather 

to Joan Brown a very poor distressed woman with 3 

small children — her " authority " was very great \s. od. 


Laid out at Bungay for M"-- Warner and mine own 
[Gregory Rouse] for our dinners, our suppers, 
our breakfasts, and for wine we gave to M"'- 
Graye 13^. sd. 

For our horses 2j. od. 

to Samuel Cady towards the payments of his debts 

£2 OS. od. 

to 3 soldiers, one of them served for England this 
year, he was much maimed, the rest were gentle- 
men of " a company they over tranship " to 
Essex I J. Qd_ 

Laid out to Denie Morrow a Scotchman, he was rob- 
bed by the Dunkirks of ;^5oo, had a very large 
authority ij. 4,^. 

for a neck of veal to the Widow Cady- \od. 

[Margary Cady was buried June l6th.J 

[This year the Council in order to hinder the discontent of the 
people from turning into rebellion, gave strict orders to have the 
Militia, both horse and foot, completely armed and instructed in 
the exercise of arms. Each County was assessed at a certain rate 
for the pay of a Muster Master.] 

I 630 [6 Charles I.] 

(From the Register.) 

[1630. John Greene &"Elihenna" [Eleanor] Eland 

were married the 24 April. 
1634. John Turner was buried the "J^ March, slain 

with a piece of timber.] 
June 24. Laid out for a prayer for the Prince 2d. 

The other Churchwarden's Account is — 
Laid out to M"^- Trot at Yoxford at the Commissary's 
Court for fees and a book of Articles & a prayer 
for the Queen 4J. i,d. 

[This year the King had the satisfaction of having a son called 
Charles, of whom the Queen was delivered 29th of May.] 


Laid out to Erasmus Castiliana Babtista a german 

minister is. 6d- 

Sep" 8 given to a poor man that was undone by 

suretyship u. od. 

laid out for half a load of wheat the 7"" of March, 

163 1 £7 i6j. od. 

laid out for William Warne for carrying of y^ wheat 

up into a chamber 6d. 

In the other Churchwarden's Account there is — 
March 18 paid for a load of wheat for tlie poor £y \6s. od. 
laid out at the Justices' Sitting at Halesworth about 

corn, for me and my horse is. ^d. 

laid out for wheat that was sold to the poor £2 los. od. 

[The winter of this year was very severe. We may remark that 
this year relief was given to the poor in wheat, while in 1623 it 
was in rye. 

The principle of popular interference with the spiritual functions 
of the clergy began to shew itself, and soon both desk and pulpit 
were invaded by the people.] 

1631 [7 Charles I.] 

spent in going privy watch /^d. 
laid out the V of August when the Justices sat at 

Blythburgh about Walberswick peer 2s. od. 

more the same time for M'- Haward's dinner is. od. 
the 2y^ day of October for a pass making to M"'- 

Eland for 6 vagrants ^d. 
laid out to an old man sent by pass unto Ireland 

about the age of three score years 3^. 

. more unto 4 poor people for supper and breakfast 8d. 

[The next few entries are taken from the Constable's accounts.] 

Imprimis laid out the 8* day of June unto one poor 
Irish woman with 4 small children and her sister 
all travelling by pass 6d. 


more unto two vagrants taken in the town for their 
relief, their pass making [by M"'- Eland] whipping 
& conveying unto the next constable (>d. 

more unto one poor vagrant with a small child, about 
one month old, with her sister, being her keep in 
the time of her distress, brought me wandering 
by pass and gave for her victuals in the evening 
and the next morning 6^. 

given unto 2 poor vagrants taken in the town for 
their relief, their pass making, whipping, and 
conveying unto the next constable 6<f. 

given unto one poor vagrant woman with two small 
children taken in the town for their relief, their 
pass making whipping and conveying to the next 
constable 6<^. 

more unto one lame decrepid vagrant brought me 
wandering by pass, and gave for his relief and 
conveying away 3^- 

1633 [8 Charles I.] 

laid out at the General at Yoxford in expenses for 

M"^- Eland and the Church writings 8j. 2d. 

Laid out at Halesworth the lo"' of May when I took 
bond of Cookley men for the discharging our 
town of Cullingfield's child 8</. 

Laid out to M'- Bedingfield the 15"" of May for 

averages for the muster master £1 ijs. od. 

laid out to Reuben Talent the s"- of June being 

thrown out and lying abroad is. od. 

to a brief for relieving the inhabitants of the City of 
Lincoln who were much impoverished by the 
plague 'is. od. 

for the muster master's pay 9^- ^d. 

laid out to Roger Nichols the 31=' of November for 
rent for 2 years for the lands holden of the 
Knight & the Release A^- 8^. 


laid out about the 17 of January for a neck of veal 

for the Widow Butcher in her sickness is. od. 

[Widow Butcher was buried the l8th June, 1634.] 

laid out to Edmund Brodbanks wife for cakes and 

beer for fire and wood on the reckoning day \^s. od. 

laid out to Henry Williams for figs and " ailments " 

[almonds] 5^. 2)d. 

[The first mention of figs and almonds.] 

laid out to Edmund Brodbank when the Townsmen 

met about the making of the Bill for arms 3J. od. 

laid out for lo""^- of Qunpowder and \o^- worth of 
Match used by the townsmen at the last training 

14?. 2d. 

^^Z^ [9 Charles I.] 

[The newly-built tenement where Henry Richardson did dwell, 
was let for £fl \os. yearly to William Newson.] 

paid to M'- Bedingfield by warrant for Charcoal for 

y^ King £ I js. od. 

[For gunpowder.] 

paid to Robert Smith for timber board for to make 

desks for the three Books in the Church 5J. },d. 

paid to Robert Bullard for making of them 55-. od. 

laid out to Walberswick brief the 20 Jan. for a Burning 

the loss ;£'38oi 15J. 2d. ijs. 6d. 

paid to Henry Williams for 3^ y^s- of blue linen for 

to cover the Books in the Church 2s. lod. 

paid to Mingay for putting on the cover unto the 

Books 4^. 

paid to Henry Williams for a ell of Hampshire Carsye 
to make a cushion for the minister's desk and 
for a skin [lambskin] to make it withal 2s. sd. 

more for Mingay making of it 4^. 

paid for 1^"==- of feathers for the minister's cushion is. od. 


laid out the 30"' May unto M'- Eland for diet for M"-- 
Crosby and them that " tabled " [dined] with him 
he preaching here that day 2s. 6d. 

laid out the 13"' of August to M^. Elland for diet for 
M"-- "Deveray" [Drury] and them that tabled 
with him, he preaching here that day \6s. od. 

laid out the q"" Sept'- to M"-- Bedingfield for the 
muster masters, the captain of the horses, and 
the officer's pay as appear by warrant "' £1 is. od. 

laid out the 20 September for a vessel of sack for our 

Right Honourable Lord Sir Edward Cook £1 os. 4^. 

laid out the 5'^ of December to James Ramsey and 
John Ramsey Scots who had their houses burnt 
a son and a daughter slain 6d. 

laid out the ^^ of March to a " death Jernme " [deaf 

German] minister being sent by M'- Elland is. 6d. 

laid out the 6^^ of March to Kemp for a Book sent 

out by the King and is commanded to be taken /^. 

[The Book concerning lawful sports to be used on Sundays. 
The Puritans, notwithstanding the late King's Proclamation, 
affecting still to forbid their servants from using any recreations* 
publicly on Sundays after Divine Service, the King renewed and 
confirmed the Proclamation published by his father in 1618 — 
commanding that the people should not be troubled, or molested 
in their recreations upon Sundays, after Evening Prayers ended, and 
upon holy days. And as for our good peoples' lawful recreation, 
our pleasure likewise is, that, after the end of Divine Service, our 
good people be not disturbed, letted, or disencouraged from any 
lawful recreation ; such as dancing, either men or women, archery 
for men, leaping, vaulting, or any other harmless recreation, or 
from having of May games, Whitson ales, and Morris dances, &c., 
so as the same be had in due and convenient time, without impedi- 
ment or neglect of Divine Service ; and that women shall have 
leave to carry rushes to the church for the decorating of it, accord- 
ing to their old custom. And likewise we bar from this benefit 
and liberty, all such known recusants, either men or women, as 
will abstain from coming to church or Divine Service, that will 
not first come to church and serve God. And we likewise 
straightly command, that every person shall resort to his own 
parish church to hear Divine Service, and each parish by itself, 
to use the said recreation after Divine Service, &c. Given at our 


manour of Grenwich the 24 day of May, in the 16 year of our 
reign of England France & Ireland, and of Scotland the 5tst. 

Given at our Palace of Westminster the i8th day of October, 
in the ninth year of our reign. 

Mr. Eland who published this " Book " in church, lived long 
enough to have seen it burnt, ten years later, by the public 

laid out the 23 March 1634 for the Book of Martyrs 

in three vqlunies £2 igs. oU. 

laid out the 21 March for a neck of veal for the widow 

Butcher \od. 

[In this year, October, 1633, the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's 
as Ordinaries of St. Gregory's Church; which stood near the 
Cathedral, removed the Communion Table from the middle of the 
Chancel, to the upper end, placing it Altarwise, for which they 
alleged two reasons. The first, that in the King's Chapel, and all 
Cathedrals, the Communion Tables were placed in that manner, 
and therefore it was fit that other churches should conform to the 
same custom. The second, that when the Tables stood in the 
middle of the Chancel, several scandalous indecencies were com- 
mitted, people leaning thereon in sermon time, or putting their 
hats on it. The King, approving the act of the Dean and Chapter, 
gave commandment, that if the parishioners did proceed in their 
appeal, the Dean of Arches should cast them, and confirm their 
removal. This sentence given by the King's Sovereign authority, 
without staying for the judgment of Court, was a fountain of 
oppression to many Ministers and Congregations, who were not 
willing to comply with it. There was scarcely a Church in 
England, except the Cathedrals, and the King's Chapel, where the 
Communion Table was placed Altarwise, at the upper end of the 
Chancel. But after this, the like disputes arose in numberless 
places, and the High Commission had frequent occasions to 
punish the Ministers, who were suspected of too little zeal for the 
Church of England.] 

1634 [10 Charles I.] 

The churchwardens' accounts are missing for this year. In 
the Register there is " John Turner was buried March /'"^ slain 
with a piece of timber." 










1635 [11 Charles I.] 

19 July 1634. given to 9 poor seafaring men that 
had their ship cast away at sea and were allowed 
to pass into the West country by Sir Thomas 
Glemham and M""- Lanye of Ipswich is. od. 

paid to Owen Curteis' wife for beer and for wine that 
Gregory Rouse brought when W- Friston exer- 
cised the Soldiers on Norwood Green 13^. od. 

Laid out at Bungay when M'- Warner M"-- Fiske and 
myself [Gregory Smith] went to speak with Mr. 
Eade and M'- George about the Town business 

22 October given to the Ringers on the Prayer Day 

paid to Edmund Brodbanke when the townsmen 
met to make the Rate for the ship for beer 

laid out to make up the Rate ^i 

[This was a most unpopular tax, first imposed 1634, only upon 
the maritime towns ; but in 1635, the King sent his writs for Ship 
money all over the Kingdom. The pretence of this general tax 
was, that the Kingdom was in great danger, on account of the 
league lately concluded between France and the Low Countries. 
The number of ships to be provided were forty-five.J 

1636 [13 Charles I.] 

[The year before, Matthew Wren was translated from Hereford 
to this Diocese. He gave injunctions that the Communion Tables 
should be restored to the upper end of the Chancels, rails, &c., 
made. During the Civil War, he was impeached by the Commons, 
and sent to the Tower, where he lay 18 years without any trial. 
At the Restoration, he visited his old Diocese, and built a new 
Chapel in Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. He died 1667. It was 
in this year that Archbishop Laud, more rigorously than before, 
pressed conformity to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, 
which occasioned in the Church many differences about Divine 
worship. Many were the Books written pro and con of these 

Itm. At the visitation in Bungay. In the morning is. ^d. 
Itm. For our dinners £\ y. od. 


Itni for M"'- Elands dinner i-f- 6^. 

Itm for the making of our verdict IS-^- o*^- 

Itm to M"^- Trot for our dispensation £i los. od. 

[Faculty to remove the Communion Table.] 

Itm for Canons and 39 Articles IJ. 6</. 

At the General at Yoxford. In the morning M. 
Itm for making our verdict, for the book of articles, 

and dispensing our oaths S-''- o^- 

Itm for our dinners 2J. 8//. 

Itm for a Service Book QJ. od. 

Itm for bringing home the Service Book 4^. 

Itm to Ellis for the desk £l I2j. 6d. 
Itm laid out to William Warner the 16* day of 

November for fetching the Desk from Laxfield 3J. od. 
Itm laid out the 6"^ day of September to Abraham 

Ellis for Setting up the rails in the Chancel £2 os. od. 

Itm laid out for fetching of the rails from Laxfield ^s. 4d. 

At our own visitation to E. Br. (sic) £2 \os. od. 

for visitation Fees is. 4^. 

at the same time given to Kempe \s. od. 

[Bishop Wren was at Sudbury this year, and it is possible that 
he was at E. {sic) ] 

- Itm laid out for a Brief for the makeing of a Haven 
at Port Patrick in Scotland which charge amounts 
to ;^S,ooo 3i-. 4«i 

Itm laid out to Mr. Bedingfield the 23'''* Sept. for the 

maimed soldiers & Marshalsees for 2 quarters i/j. i^d. 

more to him to buy him a pair of Gloves 3^. ^d. 

Itm given to M''- Johnson with a certificate from 30 of 
the most chief Noblemen Earl of Arundel L. 
Brafurde (sic) Lord privie Seal. I say given 6s. od. 

[The Earl of Arundel was this year sent to treat with the 
Emperor and the Princes for the restoration of the Palatinate to 
the Palsgrave, King Charles' son-in-law.J 

laid out to John Miller for a prayer for the Queen 2d. 


laid out the 2°^ day of May to the tanner for leather 

for Reuben Tallowin to set him a work on 10s. od. 

paid to Henry Richardson for posts and rails for the 

Butts 2J. od. 

paid to John Bootman of Framlingham the 3"? of July 
which had a certificate from the town & towns- 
mens hands to it, of his house being burnt 2s. 6d. 

1637 [ 13 Charles I.] 

Imprimis laid out to M"'- Warner for charges which he 

laid out at London & for two loads of straw £1 i8j. od. 

Laid out the 'zy^ March to Gregory Rouse for write- 
ing for the Town and for the carrying of the two 
loads of straw £1 os. od. 

more laid out to M"'- Aldous for two prayer books for 

the fast IS. 6d. 

laid out the same day to John Williams for three 

pounds of figs and two pounds "raisons" "soles" is. gd. 

[I do not find to what this fast alludes ; it was kept it appears 
by eating figs and raisins at the expense of the parish, for in these 
Puritan times it was no uncommon thing to assemble at church, 
and have long extempore prayers, and still longer sermons, and 
dine together.] 

laid out to M"'- Bedingfield the ay'^" day of April 
towards the carrying of timber for the King's 
Ship £2 5j. od. 

[This was probably to build His Majesty's ship of war, which 
was sent out August, 1638, to Scotland, laden with arms, viz., two 
hundred muskets, and so many pikes, with a small quantity of 

paid the last day of May to M""- MowUing [Sir Edward 

Coke's Steward] for rent for the town land 4^-. id. 

laid out the same day for 9 pints of Claret wine and 
4 pints of Sack for the court, & to William 
Brodbanck for fetching of it 5j. 4^. 


more to John Williams for a pound of sugar for the 

wine is. 8d. 

more laid out the 20 of July to Edmond Brodbancke 
for provision for the saltpetre men when they 
were here 5-^- '^^■ 

laid out the 2^"^ of September to Edmond Brod- 
bancke and Gregory Rouse for carrying of two 
loads of '' licker" [liquor] for the saltpetre men to 
Hoxiie 14J. od. 

more the same day to Jeremy Cooke for two carts to 

carry their tubs to Laxfield 4s. od. 

laid out to Jeremy Cooke the 15"^ Nov'- to a warrant 
for Composition of oats 4 combs at 8s. a comb 

£2 I2S. od. 

laid out the last day of November to Edmond Brod- 
bancke when the rate was made 8d. 

laid out the 20 day of Jany- [1638] to Jeremy Cooke 

to the great rate £^ is. od. 

[I think this was ship money towards setting forth of Hi 
Majesty's ship of war, in August, 1638.] 

laid out to a brief for a burning at Stoke Nayland 
the loss was nine hundred and fifty pounds and 
upwards 2s. od. 

laid out to John Brand of Norwich for new "yooting" 

the great Bell £6 os. od. 

to William Warren for carrying and bringing the 

Bell ^i OS. od. 

to William Warren for going twice to Huntingfield 
for his uncle John Warren to come to the bell 
frames ^d. 

[This bell, of fine tone, still hangs in Cratfield Tower, in- 
scribed : — 

" Per me fideles invocantur ad preces. 
1637. J. B." 
These are the initials of John Brend, bell founder, of All Saints' 
parish, Norwich, son of the William Brend who cast the jth bell. 
The bell bears a grotesque head of an animal, No. 48, in my 
Church Bells of Suffolk, frequently used by some of the mediaeval 
Norwich founders. J. J. R.] 



1638 [14 Charles I.] 

1638. John Thurton & Damaris Eland were married 
the 7"^ February 

[Bishop Montague, this year translated from Chichester to 
Norwich, in his Articles, pointed his inquiries against the Puritan 
lecturers, of which he observes three sorts, i. — Such as were super- 
inducted into another man's cure ; concerning which he enjoined 
visitors to inquire whether the Lecturer's sermons in the afternoons 
are popular or catechistical ? Whether he be admitted with the 
consent of the Incumbent and Bishop ? Whether he reads prayers 
in his surplice and hood ? Of what length.his sermons are, and 
upon what subject ? Whether he bids prayer according to the 55th 
canon ? 2. — The second sort of lecturers are those of combination, 
when the adjoining ministers agree to preach by turns at the 
adjoining market town on market days ; inquire who the combiners 
are, and whether they conform as above ? 3. — A third sort are 
running lecturers, where neighbouring Christians agree upon such 
a day to meet at a certain church in some country town or village ; 
and, after sermon and dinner, to meet at the house of one of their 
disciples to repeat, censure, and explain the sermon ; then to 
discourse of some points proposed at a foregoing meeting by the 
moderator of the assembly, derogatory to the doctrine and 
discipline of the Church ; and, in conclusion, to appoint another 
place for the next meeting. If you have any such lecturers present 

laid out the ig"" day of May to my [William Fiske] 
cousin Sandcroft for the town writeings the sum 
of £2 OS. od. 

[Conveyance of Rose pightle about 2s. ^d. from Widow Broad- 
bank to the Town Trustees J 

laid out the 13 day of June for our dinners when the 

Visiters were in Town £\ gs. od. 

laid out for a dismission fee & given to Kemp 3J. 4d. 

[A number of the townsmen must have dined with the Visitors, 
and consulted together about the pulpit and desk.] 

laid out to M''- Trot at Blighborough the 21'' Nov. for 
a writing under seal [faculty] for the joining the 
Pulpit and desk together ;^i 6s. 8d. 


laid out the 12"' Dec'- to Simon Warne for his work 

about y^ pulpit and desk 8s. od. 

laid out to John Howell for his work about the pulpit 

and desk £2 os. od. 

laid out for timber and boards for the desk and 

puipit 8j. \id. 

laid out to William Cross for his work about the 

pulpit y. lod. 

laid out to Matthew Fiske for making iron clasps for 

the pulpit IS. od. 

1639 [15 Charles I.] 

1640. John the son of John and Damaris Thurton 
baptized g"" Feb. 

[The King was unwilling to call a Parliament to enable him to 
raise forces against the Scots, but demanded voluntary contribu- 
tions from the clergy, by means of the Archbishop of Canterbury 
(Laud), and from the Roman Catholics by means of the Queen. 
Besides, each County was obliged to find a certain number of 
troops. The King departed for York the 27th of March, and on 
the 29th of May he reviewed his army, which consisted of I9,6r4 
men, besides 5,000 on board the fleet, his own guards, and the 
garrisons of Berwick and Cheshire. On the nth of June the 
Scots sued for peace, but it did not last long.] 

laid out the 6* April for a surplice & to Richard 

Powes for bringing of it to town the sum of £l lys. 2d. 

laid out the 7 of April to John Smyth of Norwood 
Constable towards a warrant for the soldiers' 
pay £t, OS. 9^. 

laid out the 13 of May to M'^' Bedingfield towards 
the conducting of Soldiers to Selby in Yorkshire 

£/\. \os. od. 

laid out to Gregory Rouse for his charges at Ipswich 

with the soldiers there the sum of £2 14J. od. 

laid out to Edmond Broabank for keeping of the 
" prest " soldiers and for their diet the sum of 

£2 OS. od. 


laid out the ;"> July to John Smyth of Norwood for 
relief of the prest soldier ; by the consent of the 
townsmen ioj. od. 

laid out the 18 July to John Milles Sen"^- Constable 
for repairing of bridges, for a load of faggot, 
billet, " Tale " wood or blocks as appears by the 
warrant, the sum of ;^i 3J. od. 

laid out to Francis Barrow for his charges at Ipswich 

with the soldiers ;^l 4^. od. 

laid out the 24''' of September to John Smyth of 
Norwood his disbursements in the time of his 
constableship ^8 8j. yd. 

laid out the 13 October to Francis Aldus Sem- 
Constable for the Mustermasters & soldiers pay 

^3 6 J. lod. 
laid out the 29 October to Francis Barrow for his 
disbursements in the time of his Constableship 
as appears by his bill ;^5 ioj. %d. 

laid out the 7 November to Samuel Hudson for a 
year's rent for Roselarks which was due at 
Michaelmas last past to the Hundred of Blything 2s. 4^. 
Ocf- 5 given to William Towneson minister who was 
travelling from out of " hye Garminie " to Flegg 
in Norfolk 6d. 

laid out to John Williams for 22 quarts of powder & 

for match 12s. od. 

laid out when M'- Bedingfield took the names of the 

hired soldiers to Edmond Broadbanck for beer 6d. 

laid out to Edmond Miles for 3 fines for the close 

"ye" bought ;^i 6s. lod. 

paid to Edmund Broadbank when " ye " made the 

book for the training for beer is. 2d. 

laid out to William Aldous for serving in the town 

Armour 2s. i/i. 

paid to William Warren for carrying of the Arm. 

[armour] to " sippen green " [Sibton Green] %s. od. 

paid to Worlish his apprentice for going to get 

William Warren and his cart for the use aforesaid 2d. 


laid out for 2 head pieces for the town I2s. od. 

laid out to the widow Adams to relieve " har " in 

"har" sickness 2s. od. 

laid out May y^ lo"* to Samuel Miles for fetching the 

two doors from Fressingfield which stand 

between the church and chancel 6d. 

laid out to the Joyner for making of the doors & for 

beer he had 13J. od. 

paid to William Cross for the "gimours" [hinges] 

for the chancel doors 3J. od. 

In the Register Book this year there is " Henry King 

of Bungay was spt [struck ?] in the head that he 

died within one hour and was buried the 22nd of 

August " [a case of sunstroke] 

1640 [16 Charles I.] 

given to M'- Eland the 2 Jan"'- ^^3 os. od. 

[The war against the Scots being resolved on, the King took 
all possible means to have a numerous army, by ordering each 
county to find a certain number of troops. A parliament was 
assembled the 13th of April, but dissolved the 5th of May. There 
had not been a parliament called together for 12 years. The 
King, having issued his writs, the parliament again met the 3rd of 
November. A cotemporary says, that no age ever produced 
greater men than those that sat in this parliament. It continued 
until April 20th, 1653, when Cromwell, having been proclaimed 
Protector, dissolved the House. Thus ended th6 celebrated Long 
Parliament, which, after having carried on a successful opposition 
to Charles I. and his party for twelve years, succumbed at last to 
a man who had previously been only one of its members. 

The spring of this year in March and April, the Register Book 
tells us, was extraordinarily wet.] 

laid out to 2 gentlemen soldiers the 28 March 6d. 

given to a gentleman traveller with a pass which had 

great loss 6d. 

given to 3 gentlemen soldiers with Sir Thomas Glen- 
ham's hand to their pass 6d 


given to many travellers the lo"' July sent by Sir 

Thurston Smyth 8d. 

[Sir Thurston Smith lived at Cratfield. He was buried 25th 
January, 1649. Thomas Smyth, Gent., brother to Sir Thurston 
Smyth late deceased, was buried 8th of April, a.d. 1654. Died 
at Huntingfield.] 

laid out to my [Robert Smith Jun"'-] brother Aldous 

for " puUering " money for dinners 12s. od. 

The Register Book tells us that Thomas Cox was 
buried the 6'^ July being stabbed with a knife by 
Edmond Broadbank. This Edmund Broadbank 
then was the Publican, at whose house the 
" pullering " dinners were held, and so much of 
the town business transacted. 

laid out for riding to the Justices and my expenses, 
and my horsemeat 3 times riding about Finet 
Adams 3J. od. 

[In this year March 3rd, Sara, a bastard of Finet Adams, was 
baptized. She was buried 15th March, 1642, and 5^. given by the 
Parish towards her burial.] 

laid out for 2 subsidies at Whitsontide Court for the 

town £4 16s. od. 

laid out the 27"^ Nov. for one subsidy for the town 

£2 8j. od. 
given to M"- Banckes the minister 6s. od. 

[This was a preacher, Mr. Eland was the minister.] 

given to Widow Thurston for healing of Stannard's 

son iS^y- o^. 

laid out at Beccles for mansmeat horsemeat and 

other charges & for cousel to plead the cause 13J. Bd. 
laid out at Broadbancks on the pullering day a 

making and other expenses £2 ^s. od. 

paid to Cox [the man murdered by Broadbanck] for 

two pair of shoes for our soldiers 5j. od. 

given to Broadbank for keeping our soldiers £2 5j. od. 
given to those soldiers June 8 ioj. od. 


given to Broadbank the same day for all our dinners 

;^i I J. 6d. 
laid out for beer to Howell at the Bell frames sundry 

times and often 2s. od. 
laid out for a book for the fast and for beer for y^ 

workmen is. 6d. 
laid out for the x commandments writing for the 

frame and for the bringing £i os. 6d. 

laid out for beer for the workmen in 2 days is. ^d. 

1641 [17 Charles I.] 

1641. John Burrow was buried being slain with a 

mare 1 1 June 
28 Feb. 1 641. Mr. Crosby appointed Lecturer with 

a Salary of ;£^20 a year 
I Jan. 1641. Given to M""- Eland on New Year's 

Day £^ os. od. 

laid out to John Stannard of Laxfield for Bread and 

wine for the three communions at Easter i6s. od. 

laid out to John Stannard for bread & wine for the 

Communion at Xtmas 5^. 2d. 

laid out to John Williams for raisins, and for 

" amons " & figs and sugar i is. 6d. 

laid out for a warrant to distrain 6d. 

[This may have some connection with the following entries.] 

paid to Richard Kaydon which he laid out to M'- 
William Fiske for delivering possession of some 
town meadows in Cratfield well fenced and 
ditched by him the said M"'- Fiske & his father 

£1 lOs. od. 

laid out for Robert Smith his expence & mine own 
[John Rous] at Bliborough at our giving in of 
Men's names for the Poll money 2s, lod. 

[A Poll tax had been passed by the Parliament.] 


laid out to M-"- Bedingfield for one Subsidy the 27 

Nov. £2 8j. od. 

paid unto William Warne for carrying of the armour 

to two trainings i6j. Qd. 

laid out for one of the town's Corslets, colouring & 

nailing i6j. od. 

laid out to Thomas Johnson and William Aldous for 

serving in the town's Arms the 13"^ November 3^. od. 

laid out for the new town Corslet making £ i 6s. 8d. 

laid out for 2 subsidies the 13111 of April £4. i6s. od. 

paid unto John Williams for clothes that Francis 
Aldous and John Milles did take for the soldiers 
that were "prest" for the town, and also for 
nails that John Howell [the Bell framer] did take 
for the Bell wheels £2 i^s. od. 

laid out unto Symon Warne for mending of a stool 

[bench] in the Church where the pulpit stood is. 6d. 

laid out for 3 yards of diapur for a cloth for the 

Communion table i/j. lod. 

[In this year occurred the great Irish Rebellion; above 154,000 
Protestants were massacred between 23rd Oct., 1641, and March 
1st, 1642. It was a trying Christmas and an awful New Year ; the 
strength of the King and Parliament was so balanced that mili- 
tary power was sure to decide the preponderance.] 

1642 [ 18 Charles I.] 

(From the Register.) 
1642. Damaris Thurton was buried y^ g'li December 
[She was 35 years of age.] 

[On January 8th the King retired from London to Hampton 
Court, fearing to be exposed to some affront from the populace, 
and two days after to Windsor. In March he retired to the North 
of England, where Sir John Hotham, Governor of Hull, committed 
the first open act of rebellion, by refusing to admit him into the 
Town. On the 22nd August, the King set up his standard at 
Nottingham, and called his loyal subjects around him. 


The interesting Paper from the Parish Chest, undated, which I 
now transcribe, must have been sent to every Parish for signature 
about the middle of this year. The Parliament had petitioned 
against the forces mentioned therein, raised by the King, in these 
words — That if any levies should be made by any commission of 
His Majesty (not agreed to by both Houses of Parliament) they 
should be forced to interpret the same to be raised to the terror of 
the people, and disturbance of the publick peace, and hold them- 
selves bound by the laws of the kingdom, to apply the authority 
of Parliament to suppress the same. 

The paper is this — " I, A. B , in humility and reverence of the 
Divine Majesty, declare my hearty sorrow for my own sins, and 
the sins of this nation, which have caused the calamities and 
judgments that now lie upon it, and my true intention is by God's 
Grace to endeavour the amendment of my own ways ; and I do 
abhor and detest the said wicked and treacherous design lately 
discovered, and that I never gave, nor will give, my assent to the 
execution thereof, but will according to my power and vocation 
oppose and resist the same, and all other of the like nature ; and 
in case any other design shall hereafter come to my knowledge, 
I will make such timely discovery as I shall conceive may best 
conduce to the preventing thereof; and whereas I do in my con- 
science believe that the forces raised by the two Houses of 
Parliament are raised and continued for their just defence, and 
for the defence of the true Protestant religion and liberties of the 
subject against the forces raised by the King, I do here in the 
presence of Almighty God, declare, vow, and covenant, that I will 
according to my power and vocation, assist the forces raised and 
continued by both Houses of ParUament against the forces raised 
by the King without their consent, and will likewise assist all 
other persons that shall take this oath in what they do in pur- 
suance thereof, and will not directly or indirectly adhere unto nor 
willingly assist the forces raised by the King without the consent 
of both Houses of Parliament ; and this vow and covenant I make 
in the presence of Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts, with a 
true intention to perform the same, as I shall answer at the great 
day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed." This 
Document is not signed by anyone. 

It was too early in the quarrel between the Parliament and the 
King for people to commit themselves, either to one or the other. 
In other parishes, I have seen that some committed themselves 
unreservedly to the cause of the Parliament, while others, making 
the reserve, "If I legally may," preferred waiting to see which 
side would be victorious.] 


Imprimis laid out to John Williams for raisins and 

for almonds and figs and sugar us. 6d 

laid out to John Stannard of Laxfield for bread & 

wine for ye Communion on y^ fast day is. 6d. 

To M--- Crosby the Lecturer for one whole year's 

lecture ended 28 Feb-Y 1642 ;£'20 os. od. 

Item given to M'- Banks the first of May who did 

preach upon that Lord's day twice los. od. 

[Mr. Eland was still alive.] 

Item at Halesworth for 4 men and their horses that 
were summoned thither by a warrant for making 
of the rate 5^. ^d. 

[Enacted by Parliament for levying aids (.')] 

given to Ed. Smyth by the advise of the townsmen 
to search the offices for and concerning felons 
goods, that he laid out of his purse and his pains los. od. 

to M"'- Bedingfield that he laid out for the getting of 
a soldier that was put upon our town as appears 
by a warrent and his pains 10s. od. 

to Robert Cary and John Cary who were taken by 
the rebells and their father miserably used and 
then slain in Ireland being a Captain as did 
appear by the ministers hands the 7"" of July is. od. 

to Henry Cary who lost by the rebells as did appear 

by a certificate ;£^2,ooo 2s. od. 

to Robert " Airbert " Herbert, his wife, and sister, 
and children the 21 July driven out of Ireland 
and Captain " Hirbirt " their father by the rebells 
barbarously slain is. od. 

to M'- Fyske for our townsmens lands according to 
the rate and act of parliament as appears by the 
rate £2 os. od. 

to him that it came unto about 6d. in the pound 14^-. gd. 

at Yoxford for 4 mens dinners and their horses when 
they paid in the money and plate lent to the 
parliament upon the propositions 4J. od. 


for 2 nags and a mare lent the parliament upon the 

propositions ^2 os. oa. 

for 3 saddles and bridles upon the same i8j. od. 

to Thomas Leggett [the constable] for his and the 

3 soldiers diet at Ipswich as appears by his bill lis. od. 

[On the loth of June, both Houses gave evident proof of their 
desire for war; for upon receiving advice that the King was 
actually giving out commissions to levy forces, they published 
proposals for the bringing of money or plate, at 8 per cent., for the 
defence of the Kingdom, the Protestant Religion, Privileges of 
Parliament, &c. This is what the Royalists point to as the 
Parliament being the aggressor, but it is certain that the King 
had long taken measures to prepare for war. So ready were the 
people to comply with the Parliament's proposals, that the sums 
brought in, including plate, amounted to about eleven millions.] 

to M'- Stebbing for the townsmens lands being the 
second payment according to the act of Parlia- 
ment £3 8j. 2d. 

the 10"^ December to Thomas Jones whose house was 

burnt at Bungay and his loss £30 is. od. 

to Gregory Rouse for a Musket rest 2s. od. 

to William King, a minister, who was driven out of 

Ireland from his Benefice by the Rebells 2s. od. 

to the Widow Broadbanck that morning the trained 
soldiers went first to Yoxford for the 2 town 
soldiers breakfasts and a horse for one of them 
& getting the arms together 3J. 6d. 

[This Widow Broadbank was the widow of Edward Broadbank, 
who was hung for stabbing Thomas Cox last July. We find that 
besides the quarrels of the Cavaliers and Roundheads, there was 
in that year the new framing of the Bells at a considerable expense, 
and much more beer given " to all the workmen " than usual.] 

laid out to the widow Brodbank for a pike and a 

sword for y^ town 1 3 j. od. 

laid out to the two town soldiers for 4 days training 

at Peasenhall 12s. od. 

laid out to John Williams for match for the watchers is. 6d. 


laid out John Williams for powder and bullets and 
match which every musketeer was to- have 2ib. of 
powder 2">- of bullets and i">- of match £2 ys. yd. 

laid out to John Williams for powder and match 
which the soldiers have had to carry to the 
trainings with them every one a quarter of 
powder and some match ;^i 2s. id. 

[This year there were three battles fought, one near Worcester, 
September 2Sth ; the battle of Edgehill, October 23rd, when both 
parties claimed the victory ; and the battle of Brentford, November 
i2th. In March this year, the Parliament made an ordinance to 
raise £34,108 13J. weekly. From 1641 to 1647 above 40 millions 
in money and plate, &c. , were raised.] 




Abbot, AbP- ... 144 

Adair ... ... 11 

Adams ... 178, 179 

Albini ... ... 10 

Aldred ... ... 133 

Aldus, &c., 97, 100, 108, 109, 

112, 117, 118, 121, 130, 

13s. 13;. 139. 140, 142, 

149, 164, 173, 177, 179, 


Aleys, &C. 18, 19, 21, 23, 29, 


Anderson ... 83, 154 

Andrewes ... ... no 

Anneys ... ... 31 

Antonio, Don ... 119 

Appleton ... ... II 

Appleyard ... 60,61,65, 

69, ^^, 80 

Artis ... ... 116 

Arundel, Earl of ... 172 

Augustine, St. ... 46 

Babtista ... ... 166 

Bainard ... ... 10 

Baker 53, 134, 138, 144, 150 

Baldry 72, 82, 85, 91 



139, 140, 149 




Barber, &c., 79, in 



127, 149, ISO, I 


Baret, &c., 18, 19, 23, 25, 














Bartlett, &c. 


Batman, &c., 28,58, 



69, 74. 71, 79 




Bedingfeld 66, 155 



169, 172, 173, 



181) 183 

Bellward ... 












Besweak (.') 





Blowbelle, &c. 25, 







25, 28, 85, 91 

... lOI 

113, 149, 150 
••• 173 

79. 132, 152 



Booth, &c 



Botellryte, Botewryt, Bote- 
wrytte, Botwryt, Bot- 
wryght, &c. 27, 29, 30, 

Bounsille ... ... 156 

Bollre, Bowllryth, Bowllrytlie 

20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29 
Bowse ... ... 147 


Burrow ... 97, 180 

Burrows ... ... 160 

Butcher, 100, 117, 118, 130, 

150, 168, 170 

Bute, Bote, But 50, 51 

BylHnge ... ... 11 

Byron ... ... 7 

Cadman ... 89, 90 

Cady, 93, 129, 131, 132, 134, 

138, 143, 14s, 148, ISO, 

156, 165 

Braboti ... ... 57 

Calver, &c. . 

78, ISO 

Brafurde ... ... 172 



Brend, &c. ... 148,149,174 



Bressingham, &c. 106, 145, 

Carey, &c. . 

131, 183 

148, 151, 15s 


.. 82, 125, 131 

Brews ... ... 18 



Brewster ... ... 148 


13. 64, 71 

Brodbank, Brokbank, &c., 28, 


95. 143 

49, SO, SI. 52, S3, S8, 64, 


... 114 

68, 70, 71, 72, 75, ^7, 79, 

Charles I. . 

. 152, 163, 178 

83, 84, 90, 91, 97, 103, 

Charles II. . 

... 16S 

los, 114. 117, 129, 132, 

Cherche, &c. 

11,20, 23 

134, 141, 148, IS3, 161, 


••• 33 

164, 168, 171, 173, 174. 



17s, 176, 177, 179, 180, 


... 28 




Brooke ... ... 148 

Clamp 32, 

83, 84, 105, 108 

Brough ... ... 156 

Clarence, D. of ... 36 

Broven ... ... 103 

Clarke, Clerk 

&c., 19, 99, IOC 

Brown, Browne, loi, 115, 116, 


140, 154, 155, 164 


... 137 

Buckingham, D. of ... 154 



Bullard, Bulwarde, &c., 97, 

Colby, &c. . 

... 126 

127, 168 


... 137 

Burnet Bp- ... ... 162 


... 163 




Coke, Cook, Cooke, 1 1, 26, 36, 
37> 59. 131. 132, 133. 135. 
137. 139, 140, 143. 144, 
146, 151, iss, 156, 159, 
162, 169, 173, 174 
Coper ... ... 154 

Cornish .. ... 127 

Coverdale ... ... 81 

Cox ... 145, 179, 184 

Cranmer, AbP' &c. 13, 74 

Cromwell ... 48,73,178 

Crosbie, 151, 153, 155, 159, 

1*69, 180, 183 
Crosse 152, 176, 178 

Crow ... ... 78 

Crysp, Crisp, &c., 32, 61, 68, 
71, 72, 119, 121, 128, 131, 
132. 137, 145, 156 
Cullingfield ... ... 167 

Curdy ... 62,66,76,86 

Curtis, &c. ... 129, 171 

Cutting ... ... 144 

Dade ... ... 26 

Dasye ... ... 53 

Day ... ... 143 

Denmark, King of ... 163 

Devericks ... ... 161 

Dewe ... ... 146 

Dimer ... ... 151 

Dix ... ... 104 

Dobbes ... ... 106 

Dowsing, &c., 48, 60, 64, 65, 
70, 71, ye, 78, 79, 82, 84, 
86, 87, 97, 146, 149 

Drake ... ... 119 

Dreux ... ... 156 


Drury ... ... jgg 

Drye ... ... 23 

Duke, 49, 50, SI, 59,62,63,66, 

Dunning ... ... 87 

Eade, Ede, 80, 84, 93, 99, 104, 
106, 171 

Edgar ... ... 117 

Edmunds ... ... 153 

Edward, Edwards, &c., 33, 36, 
37, 96, 142 

Eland, &c., II, 112, 117, 120, 
121, 122, 128, 129, 130, 
132, 134, 136, 140, 142, 
14s, 146, 149, ISO, 161, 
i6s, 166, 167, 169, 170, 
172, 17s, 178, 179, 180, 

Elizabeth, Queen 91, no, 

Elizabeth, Princess 


Essex, Earl of 
Everard, &c. 

... 143 
158, 172 
. .. 127 

Fale, &c. ... 60, 120 

Farrer ... ... 87 

Faslyn, ffasselyn, &c., 23, 62 
Ferror ... 67, 83 

Fflyntard, Flyntard 19, 23 
ffraunceys &c., 23, 28, 29, 33, 

Frederick, Elector Palatine, 

143, 144 

I go 



Filby, &c., 97, lOO, loi, m, 
113, 124, 136, 139, 142, 
147, 160 

Fisk, ,&c., 60, 83, 88, 97, 104, 
118, 119, 120, 128, 129, 
132, 134, 140, 141. 142, 
161, 162, 171, 17s, 176, 
180, 183 

Fletcher, &c. 




Freake, Bp- ... 




Freston, &c., 148, 161, 171 

Fuller, &c. 

162, 163 
79, 96, 104 



Gilbert, Gylberd, Gylbert, 24, 

32, 33, 35, 37, 38, S6, 103 
Ginsy ... ... 161 

Glemham ... 171, 178 

Godbold ... 97, III 

Goodale ... ... 57 

Goodwin, &c., 92, 94, 96, 97, 

98, 105, 106, III 
Gouldsmith ... 
Green, &c., 83, 122, 123, 127, 

129, 149, 16s 
Grinling ... ... 122 

Grymbell ... ... 97 

Grymsby ... 105,117 

. 118 

■ 159 
88, 89 

. 165 


Hadamson ... 


Harper, &c. ... 


Harrington, Lord 


Harsnet, Ab?- 


Hart (liyhart), Bp- 


Hayward, &c., 56, 



6S„66, 67, 68, 

69, 97, 


142, 146, 147 










Heveningham, 113 



125, 133, 144 

■ Hewin 
Holdryche ... 
Hollinshed ... 
Hopton, Bp- 
Hunsdon, Lord 

James I. 


Jegon, Bp- 

' Jones 

• Jo-sselyn 


.-. 131 

... 87 
161, 163 


... .81 

85, 87, 88 

... 181 


176, 180, 181 

... 177 

... 14s 

■ ■■ 131 

130, 148 

131, 132 
172, 181 
... 184 
... 27 

... 74 





Kaye, BP- ... ... S 

Kebell, Kebyl, Kebyll, 19, 21, 

23. 29, 34, 35. 37. 38, 40. 
62, 6s, 66, 68, 69, 77, 97, 

136, 153 
Kemp, 49, 79, 90, 94, 95, 169, 
172, 175 






King, &c 

Kitchin, Bp- 



86, 90 
... 164 
... 112 
146, 152 


75, 178, 184 

... 91 


... 70 


Marcaent, Marcone, Markaent, 
Markant, &c., 20, 21, 23, 
24, 25, 26, 27,30, 31,49, 

Mary, Queen 


Meake, &c. 

Meen, &c. . 


Mells ^ 





Millm (?) . 



104, 107, 118 

50, 86, 93, 139 


97, "2 

... 68 

177, 178 


... 172 




• •• 53 

Mamertus . . . 



... 122 


... 164 

Mills Myllys, &c., 49, 51, 56. 
60,67,68,79,83,104, 134, 
141, 151, 163, 164, 177, 

Mingaye, &c., 142, 143, 158, 


79.80, 113 


Lany, &c. 11, 

92, 97. 171 




... 29 


&c., 50, 80, 84, 134, 

Larnce, Laurence, 

&c. 38 

155. I 

56, 158, 160, 173 

Laud, AbP- . . . 

171, 176 


Bp- ... 175 


... 184 


... 18,20,21,29 






... 134 



Liz, Matilda de 





86, 87, 88 


Lyhart, BP- ... 





Newson, 50,68,71,97, 100,101, 
104, 169, 126, 127, 132, 

133. 139. 142, 147. 168 

Nichols ... ... 167 

Nicoll, Nycoll, &c. ... 51 

NoUer ... ... 119 



Olde ... 97, 127 

Orfor, Orfforth, Orfoort,* Or- 
ford, Orforth, &c., 19, 23, 
27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 
37, 65, 66, 80, 83, 92, 96, 
100, 102, 104, 106, 119, 
124, 128 







Pantre, Pantree, 19, 23, 27, 30, 

34, 35. 69 
Payne ... 144, 164 

Peckham, AbP- ... 42 

Plomton, &c., 92, 93, 95, 96 





Prat, &c. 




Ratcliff, &c. 

. 176 

• 44 
. 156 
. 140 


• "3 

. IS8 

• 58 

... 169 


159, 160, 180 

... 23 


Norfolk, D. of 36, 69 

Raynolds, &c. 


loi, 105 

Northampton, E. of ... 133 

Redman, Bp- 

... 125 

Northumberland, E. of, 36, 65 

Reve, &c. 

... 124 

Nowell ... ... 78 

Richardson 137, 

141, 142, 

Noyes fthe Martyr) 86, 87, 88, 

144, 150, 168, I 






... 26 

Rosynton ... ... 50 

Rowes, Rows, 20, 23, 24, 25, 
27, 29. 30, 35, 37, 38, 39, 
67, 71, 83, 86, 97, lOO, 
105, 108, 112, 117, 118, 
119, 123, 125, 126, 127, 
132, 158, 159, 160, 161, 

165, 171, 173, 174, 176, 
180, 184 

Rugg, Bp- 



. 80 



... 164 

133, 157, 159 

118,142, 17s, 

... 108 




Scambler, Bp- 

Schrebbe, Schrebys, Schreeb, 

Schreed, Screeb, 20, 23, 

24, 25, 30, 31, 32 
Shakespeare 71, no 

Sherman, &c., 63, 68, 6g, 129, 




Smith, Smyt, Smyth, 19, 20, 
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 36, 
37, 38, 39,49, SI, 52, 53, 
56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 
65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 




Smith, cont, 72, 74, 77. 78, 81, 
82, 84, 93, 96, 97, 98, 103, 
104, 106, 108, 109, III, 
112, 113, IIS, 116, 117, 
118, 119, 123, 124, 127, 
137, 138, 142, 148, 149, 
151, 152, 157, 161, 168, 
171, 176, 177, 179, i8o, 

Sparawk, Spawk 22, 23 

Sparham, ^6, 69, 104, 108, 

123, 127, 130 
•Sparke ... 111,113 

Spenser ... ... 87 

Spink, &c. ... 123, 128, 133 

Stannard, 24, 5 1, 62, 63, 86, 87, 

loi, 118, 144, 159, 179, 

180, 183 
Stebbing ... ... 184 

Stevens ... 158, 159 

Stigal ... ... 130 

Stobbyd, Stubbard, &c., 14, 

38, 40, so, S3. 54. 56, 67, 

68, 102, 105, 106, 109, 


Stocke ... ... 102 

Suckling ... 92, 96, 133 

Suffolk, E. of ... 133 

Sulyard, &c. ... 86 

Sussex, E. of, 48, 59, 60, 61, 


Swayne ... 123, 128 

Swette i.. ... 27 





1 1 


Teyzard ... ... 22 

Therketell, &c., 11, 34, 36, 38, 


71,72,79, 83, i?3 
Thicknesse ... ... 11 

Thurton ... 175, 176, 181 
Thurston, 86, 87, 88, 90, 108, 


Tindal, &c. . . . 

S3, 81 


74, 75. 94 


... 23 


... 23 

Topsel, &c. ... 

no, III 




... 177 

Trench, Ab?- 

... 80 

Trot, 150, 160, 165, 172, 17s 

Turner 146, 159, 165, 170 

Tyde ... ...■ 20 

Tye ... 21,24,29 

Tyrone, E. of 











Waller ... ... 88 

Walsingham ... 71 

Warne, 50, 56, 64, 65, 92, 97, 

III, 112, 114, 118, 133, 

166, 176, 181 




Warner, 157, 165, 171, 172, 

Warren, &c. 

23, 174, 177 

■■• 33 

... 96 


, iC~l 

Whissellcrofte, &c., 105, 113 

White ... ...'161 

Whitgift, AbP- ... 131 

Williams, &c., 112, 113, 120, 

122, 127, 131, 139, 140, 

142, 148, 151, 158, IS9, 

162, 163, 168, 173, 174, 

177, 180, 181, 183, 184, 

^^e^ '^M^ ^^hir^ -^^^' 




Wiclif ... ..■ 45 

Williamson, Wyllymson, &c., 

II, 33> 34, 35, 37 
Winesden ... ... 87 

Wolde, &c. ... 95, 127 

Woodhouse ... ... 87 

Worde de, Wynkyn ... 31 
Worlish ... ... 177 

Wren, B?- ... 171, 172 

Wright, &c., 126, 129, 137, 145 

Yonges 113, iiS, 116, 127