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DD 117.B92 1914 

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Jmpmal O^^rmang 







cofykight, 1914, 




I. Introduction 
II. National Views and the Parties 
III. Economic Policy 
IV, The Eastern Marches 







"In spite of the length of their history, the German peo- 
ple is the youngest of the great nations of Western Europe. 
A period of youth has twice fallen to their lot, and with it 
the struggle to establish their power as a State, and to gain 
freedom for civilisation. A thousand years ago they 
founded the proudest empire of the Germans; eight hun- 
dred years later they had to build up their State anew on 
quite different foundations, and it is only in our times that, 
as a united people, they entered the ranks of the nations." 

These words, with which Treitschke begins his 
"German History," not only show deep historical 
knowledge, but also have a very modern political sig- 
nificance. Germany is the yoxingest of the Great 
Powers of Europe, the homo novus who, having 
sprung up very recently, has forced his way by his 
superior capacity into the circle of the older nations. 
The new Great Power was formidable after three 
glorious and successful campaigns, and was looked 
upon as an uninvited and unwelcome intruder, when 
it entered the company of the Great Powers of Eu- 
rope and demanded its share of the treasures of the 


4 Imperial Germany 

world. For centuries Europe had not believed in 
the possibility of the national unification of the indi- 
vidual German territories as one State. At any rate 
the European Powers had done their best to prevent 
this. In particular the policy of France, from the 
time of Richelieu to that of Napoleon III., was di- 
rected towards maintaining and intensifying the dis- 
ruption of Germany, as it was rightly recognised 
that the ascendancy of France, la preponderance 
legitime de la France^ depended primarily on this 
state of aifairs. Nor did the other Powers desire 
ihe unification of Germany. On this point the Em- 
peror Nicholas and Lord Palmerston, as well as Met- 
ternich and Thiers, were at one. Nothing could 
show more clearly the marvellous way in which the 
mature wisdom of our old Emperor co-operated with 
the genius of Prince Bismarck than the fact that they 
-effected the unification of Germany, not only in the 
face of all the difficulties with which they were con- 
fronted at home — long cherished rivalries and ha- 
treds, all the sins of our past, and all the pecuharities 
of our political character, but also in spite of all op- 
position, avowed or secret, and of the displeasure of 
the whole of Europe. 

Suddenly the German Empire was in existence. 

Political Regeneration of Germany 5 

More quickly even than had been feared, far stronger 
than anyone had guessed. None of the other Great 
Powers had desired the regeneration of Germany; 
each of them, when it actually took place, would have 
liked to prevent it. Small wonder that the new 
Great Power was not made welcome, but was looked 
upon as a nuisance. Even a very reserved and pa- 
cific policy could effect but little change in this first 
verdict. This union of the States of the Mid-Euro- 
pean continent, so long prevented, so often feared, 
and at last accomplished by the force of German 
arms and incomparable statesmanship, seemed to im- 
ply something of the nature of a threat, or at any 
rate to be a disturbing factor. 

In the middle of the 'nineties, in Rome, where I 
was Ambassador at that time, my English colleague. 
Sir Clare Ford, said to me: "How much pleasanter 
and easier it was in the world of politics when Eng- 
land, France and Russia constituted the tribunal of 
Europe, and at most Austria had to be occasionally 
consulted." Those good old days are past. More 
than forty years ago the council of Europe had to ad- 
mit another member entitled to vote, one that had 
not only the wish to express its opinion, but also the 
power to act. 

6 Imperial Germany 


A strenuous task in the history of the world had 
reached perfection in the masterpiece of Prince Bis- 
marck. The unflinching purpose of the Hohenzol- 
lem dynasty for centuries required the patient hero- 
ism of the Prussian army and the resolute devotion of 
the Prussian people, tmtil, after many changes of for- 
tune, the Mark of Brandenburg rose to the rank of 
a Great Power, as the kingdom of Prussia. Twice 
the prize seemed to slip from the grasp of the Prus- 
sian State. The crushing defeat of 1806 hurled 
Prussia down from the dizzy heights, which had filled 
her contemporaries with admiration and fear, and 
which she had attained under the rule of the great 
Frederick. Those people seemed to be right who 
had always considered the glorious State of the great 
King to be nothing more than an artificial pohtical 
structure, that would stand and fall with the unique 
political and military genius of its monarch. Its 
rise, after the overwhelming disasters of Jena and 
Tilsit, proved to an astonished world what innate 
and indestructible strength this State possessed. 
Such self-sacrifice and such heroism on the part of a 
whole people presuppose long-established national 

Political Regeneration of Germany 7 

self-confidence. And as the people of Prussia did 
not rise in lawless rebellion like the much-admired 
Spaniards and the honest Tyrolese peasants, but 
placed themselves one and all, unquestioningly, at the 
orders of the King and his advisers, it appeared, to 
everyone's sm-prise, that amongst the Prussians con- 
sciousness as a nation and as a State were one and the 
same thing; and that the people had been transformed 
into a nation under the strict discipline of Freder- 
ick's rule. The reorganisation of the State under 
the guidance of men of creative power during the 
years 1807 to 1813 won for the Government not only 
the obedience of its subjects but also their affection. 
In the war of liberation from 1813 to 1815 Prussia 
gained the respect of all, and the confidence of many 
of the non-Prussian Germans. The great period of 
upheaval and liberation endowed them with a rich 
inheritance. But owing to the reaction of a feeble 
and inglorious foreign policy, and to a home admin- 
istration which never knew when to be open-handed 
and when to refuse, this inheritance was to a large 
extent squandered in the course of the following dec- 
ades. Towards the end of the 'fifties in the nine- 
teenth century, both as regards the dignity of her at- 
titude at home and her prestige abroad, Prussia was 

8 Imperial Germany 

vastly inferior to Prussia as she had emerged from 
the Wars of Liberation. True, the national move- 
ment in favour of unity had been placed on a solid 
foundation by the Prussian tariff policy, but the 
conference of Olmiitz shattered the hopes of the Ger- 
man patriots who looked to Prussia for the fulfilment 
of their wishes as a nation. Prussia seemed to re- 
nounce her mission of worldwide importance, and to 
relinquish the policy, worthy of a Great Power, of 
carrying on the work of unification — work that she 
had begun with a definite politico-economical object. 
Many new forces had certainly been put at the dis- 
posal of national life by the reorganisation of the 
State on constitutional lines. This State would 
have gained immensely, both in internal vitality and 
in national striking power, if at the right time this 
loyal people had been summoned to take part in 
politics, as Stein and Hardenberg, Bliicher and 
Gneisenau, Wilhehn von Humboldt and Boyen, and 
also Yorck and Biilow-Dennewitz had wished. 
When the great step was taken, thirty-three years too 
late, the want of confidence between the people and 
the authorities was too deeply rooted, the credit of 
the government had been too much damaged in the 
course of the revolutionary rising, for the modern 

Political Regeneration of Germany 9 

form of government to bring about an immediate 
improvement. The course of Prussian policy was 
hampered at home by representatives of the people 
who were suspicious and hedged in by various doc- 
trines, while it was checked abroad by the hitherto 
invincible opposition of Austria with her claims to 
ascendancy. Then, summoned at the critical mo- 
ment by King WUliam, almost at the eleventh hour, 
Bismarck took the tiller of the drifting Prussian 
ship of state. 

The clear-sighted patriots of those times were well 
aware of the fact that in the normal course of his- 
torical development the union of German States 
under Prussian leadership must come to pass, and 
that it was the noblest aim of Prussian statesman- 
ship to hasten and to bring about its consummation. 
But every road by which an attempt had been made 
to reach this end had proved impassable. As time 
passed, less and less seemed to be expected from the 
initiative of the Prussian Government. All the well- 
meant but unpractical efforts to induce the German 
people to determine its fate itself failed because of 
the absence of impetus from the various Governments 
— an impetus which is more decisive in Germany 
probably than in any other country. In "Wilhehn 

10 Imperial Germany 

Meister," when the melancholy Aurelia finds fault in 
many ways with the Germans, Lothario, a man of 
experience, replies that there is no better nation than 
the Germans, so long as they are rightly guided. 
The German, of whatever stock he be, has always 
accomplished his greatest works imder strong, steady 
and firm guidance, and has seldom done well without 
such guidance, or in opposition to the Government 
and rulers. Bismarck himself has told us in his "Ge- 
danken und Erinnerungen" ("Thoughts and Recol- 
lections") that he was from the first quite clear on 
this point. With the intuition of genius he found 
the way in which the hopes of the people and the in- 
terests of the German Governments might be recon- 
ciled. Probably no other statesman ever had so deep 
a knowledge of the history of the nation he was called 
upon to guide. He sought and found the motive 
forces of national life in the chain of events abroad. 
He, who was born in the year of Waterloo, and was 
confirmed by Schleiermacher in the Church of the 
Trinity in Berlin, never forgot the great times of the 
liberation and the rise of Prussia ; at the beginning of 
his career as a moulder of the destinies of the world, 
the remembrance of these days was always with him. 
He reahsed that in Germany the will-power of the 

Political Regeneration of Germany il 

nation would not be strengthened, nor national pas- 
sions roused by friction between the Government 
and the people, but by the clash of German pride 
and sense of honour with the resistance and the de- 
mands of foreign nations. So long as the question 
of German unification was a problem of home poli- 
tics, a problem over which the political parties, and 
the Government and the people wrangled, it could 
not give birth to a mighty, compelling national move- 
ment that would sweep nations and princes alike 
along on a tide of enthusiasm. By making it clear 
that the German question was essentially a question 
of European politics, and when, soon after, the op- 
ponents of German unification began to move, Bis- 
marck gave the princes the opportunity of putting 
themselves at the head of the national movement. 

Bismarck had had a glimpse in Frankfurt, St. 
Petersburg, and Paris, of the cards which the Powers 
of Europe held. He had perceived that the unifica- 
tion of Germany would continue to be a purely na- 
tional question only so long as it remained a vain 
wish, a fruitless hope of the Germans; and that it 
would become an international question the very 
moment it entered on the stage of realisation. A 
struggle with the opposition in Europe lay in the 

12 Imperial Germany 

path of the solution of the great problem of German 
policy. The opposition in Germany itself could 
hardly be overcome except by such a struggle. By 
this means national policy was interwoven with inter- 
national policy; with incomparable audacity and con- 
structive statesmanship, in consummating the work 
of uniting Germany, he left out of play the political 
capabihties of the Germans, m which they have never 
excelled, while he called into action their fighting 
powers, which have always been their strongest point. 
By a happy dispensation of Providence Bismarck 
found a general such as Moltke and a mihtary or- 
ganiser such as Roon to support him. The mihtary 
achievemients which had enabled us to regain our 
position as a Great Power in Europe also assured 
that position. They discouraged any attempt of the 
Great Powers to deprive us of our right to a voice in 
the councils of Europe, a right which we had won in 
three victorious campaigns, and which has since then 
never been seriously disputed, although it was un- 
willingly granted. With the single exception of 
France, every one, in all probabihty, would have 
gradually become reconciled to Germany's political 
power if her development had ceased with the found- 
ing of the Empire. But the union of the different 

Germany as a World Power 13 

States was not the end of the history of the move- 
ment, but the beginning of a new era. In the front 
rank of the Powers, Germany once more participated 
in full in the life of Europe. For a long time, how- 
ever, the life of Europe had formed only a part of the 
life of all the nations of the world. 


Politics became more and more concerned with the 
world at large. The path of international politics 
lay open to Germany, too, when she had won a mighty 
position on a level with the older Great Powers. The 
question was whether we should tread that new path, 
or whether we should hesitate to undertake further 
hazardous enterprises for fear of compromising our 
newly-acquired power. In the Emperor William II. 
the nation found a clear-sighted, strong-willed guide, 
who led them along the new road. With him we 
trod the path of international poHtics ; but not as con- 
querors, not amid adventures and quarrels. We ad- 
vanced slowly, and our rate of progress was regu- 
lated, not by the impatience of ambition, but by the 
interests we had to promote and the rights we had to 
assert. We did not plunge into world politics, we 
grew, so to speak, into our task in that sphere, and we 

14 Imperial Germany 

did not exchange the old European policy of Prussia 
and Germany for the new world pohcy; our strength 
to-day is rooted, as it has been since time immemorial, 
in the ancient soil of Europe. 

"It is the task of our generation at one and the 
same time to maintain our position on the Continent, 
which is the basis of our international position, and 
to foster our interests abroad as well as to pursue a 
prudent, sensible and wisely restricted international 
policy, in such a way that the safety of the German 
people may not be endangered, and that the future 
of the nation may not be imperilled." With these 
words I attempted on November 14, 1906, towards 
the close of a detailed exposition of the international 
situation, to formulate the task which Germany must 
perform at the present time, and, as far as man can 
judge, will have to perform in the future: an inter- 
national policy based on the solid foundation of our 
position as one of the Great Powers of Europe. At 
first voices were raised in protest when we trod the 
new paths of international poKtics, for it was consid- 
ered a mistake to depart from the approved ways of 
Bismarck's Continental policy. The fact was over- 
looked that it was Bismarck himself who pointed out 
the new way to us by bringing our old policy to a 

Germany as a World Power 15 

close. His work, in fact, gave us access to the world 
of international politics. Only after the union of 
the States, after Germany had attained political vig- 
our, it became possible to develop German home pol- 
icy into international policy. It was not till the 
Empire had secured its position in Em-ope that it 
became feasible to foster the interests which German 
enterprise, German industry and commercial fore- 
sight had created in all quarters of the globe. It is 
certain that Bismarck did not foresee the com-se of 
this new development of Germany, nor the details 
of the problems of this new epoch ; and it was not pos- 
sible for him to do so. Amongst the rich treasures 
of political wisdom that Prince Bismarck bequeathed 
to us there are no universally applicable maxims, 
such as he formulated for a large number of eventu- 
alities in our national life, that we can make use of 
in our international problems. We seek in vain in 
the conclusions of his practical policy for a justifica- 
tion of the steps which our international problems 
exact from us. However, Bismarck also paved the 
way for these new and different times. We must 
never forget that without the gigantic achievements 
of Prince Bismarck, who with a mighty effort re- 
trieved in the space of years what had been misman- 

l6 Imperial Germany 

aged and neglected for centuries, this new era would 
never have dawned. But though every new epoch 
of historical development is dependent on its prede- 
cessor, and derives its motive power in a greater or 
less degree from the past, it can only bring progress 
in its wake if it abandons old methods and aims and 
strives to attain others of its own. Even if, in the 
course of our new international policy, we depart 
from the European policy of the first Chancellor, yet 
it still remains true that the international tasks of the 
twentieth century are, properly speaking, the con- 
tinuation of the work he completed in the field of Con- 
tinental policy. In my speech on November 14, 
1906, I pointed out that Bismarck's successors 
must not imitate but develop his policy. "If," I 
said at that time, "the course of events demands that 
we transcend the hmits of Bismarck's aims, then we 
must do so." 

Long ago already, the course of events drove Ger- 
man policy out from the narrow confines of Europe 
into a wider sphere. It was not ambitious restless- 
ness which urged us to imitate the Great Powers that 
had long ago embarked on international politics. 
The strength of the nation, rejuvenated by the polit- 
ical reorganisation, as it grew, burst the boxmds of 

Germany as a World Power 17 

its old home, and its policy was dictated by new inter- 
ests and needs. In proportion as our national life 
has become international, the policy of the German 
Empire has become international. 

In the year 1871 the number of inhabitants dwell- 
ing within the new German Empire was 41,058,792. 
They found work and a living in their own country, 
and, moreover, both were better and easier to get 
than before; this was due to the protection afforded 
by increased national power, the great improvement 
in the means of cormnunication effected at the found- 
ing of the Empire, and the blessings of common legis- 
lation throughout Germany. In the year 1900 the 
number of inhabitants had risen to 56,367,178, and 
to-day it has reached more than 65,000,000. The 
Empire could no longer support in the old way this 
immense mass of himianity within its boundaries. 
Owing to this enormous increase of population the 
German State, and in consequence German pohcy, 
was confronted with a tremendous economic prob- 
lem. This had to be solved, if foreign countries were 
not to profit by the superfluity of German hfe which 
the mother country was not able to support. In the 
year 1885 about 171,000 Germans emigrated; in 1892 
the number was 116,339; in 1898 only 22,921; and 

l8 Imperial Germany 

since then the average has remained at this last low 
figure. Thus in the year 1885 Germany afforded the 
inhabitants, who numbered 20,000,000 less than to- 
day, inferior conditions of life to those which her 66,- 
000,000 subjects enjoy at the present time. 

During the same period of time German foreign 
trade rose from the amount of 6,000 million marks to 
19,160 milUon. Foreign trade and the means of 
support of a nation have an obvious connection with 
each other. Clearly not so much on account of the 
actual food imported as of the greater opportxmities 
for work which the industries dependent on foreign 
trade afford. It was the development of industry 
that primarily led to the solution of the problem with 
which, owing to the increase of the population, the 
nation was confronted ; and this solution was reached, 
moreover, without prejudice to the older spheres of 
industry, although these suffered to some extent at 
first, on account of the surprising speed with which 
the development took place. The enormous increase 
in number and extent of the industrial enterprises, 
which to-day employ millions of workmen and ofiicials, 
could only be attained by winning a prominent place 
for German industry in the markets of the world. If 
at the present time it was dependent on the raw ma- 

Germany as a World Power 19 

terial supplied by the Continent for its manufactures, 
and on the European market for the sale of its goods, 
the gigantic proportions which modern trade has as- 
sumed would be out of the question, and millions of 
Germans who to-day earn their living directly through 
these industries, would be out of work and starv- 
ing. According to the statistics, in the year 1911 
raw material for industrial purposes was imported 
to the amount of 5,393 million, and manufactured 
goods to the amount of 5,460 million marks were 
exported. To this must be added an export of 
raw material, chiefly mining produce, to the amount 
of 2,205 million. The imports of foodstuffs amount 
to 3,077 million, and the exports to 1,096 million 
marks. These lifeless figures assume a living inter- 
est when we consider how important they are for the 
welfare of the Germans, and that the work and the 
very existence of millions of our fellow citizens de- 
pend on them. Foreign trade handles these colossal 
masses of goods. A very small proportion of them 
are transported along the railways and waterways of 
the Continent; by far the greater part are carried 
abroad by the vessels of German ship-owners. In- 
dustry, conmierce, and the shipping trade have trans- 
formed the old industrial life of Germany into one of 

20 Imperial Germany 

international industry, and this has also carried the 
Empire in political matters beyond the limits which 
Prince Bismarck set to German statecraft. 

With its foreign trade of 19,000 miUions, Germany 
is to-day the second greatest commercial power in the 
world; for it is second only to the United Kingdom 
with her 25,000 millions, and surpasses the United 
States with her 15,000 millions. In the year 1910, 
11,800 German ships and 11,698 foreign ships entered 
the German ports, while 11,962 German and 11,678 
foreign ships sailed from them. On an average the 
German shipyards built seventy new steamers and 
forty new sailing ships a year. With rapid strides 
we Germans have won a place in the front rank of the 
seafaring nations who carry on oversea trade. 


The sea has become a factor of more importance 
in our national life than ever before in our history, 
even in the great days of the German Hansa. It has 
become a vital nerve which we must not allow to be 
severed if we do not wish to be transformed from a 
rising and youthfully vigorous people into a decaying 
and ageing one. But we were exposed to this danger 
as long as our foreign commerce and our mercantile 

The Need of a Navy 21 

marine lacked national protection at sea against the 
superior navies of other powers. The task that the 
armed forces of the German Empire had to fulfil 
had changed considerably since the protection on the 
Continent that our army secured us no longer sufficed 
to shield our home industries from interference, en- 
croachment and attack. The army needed the sup- 
port of a navy that we might enjoy the fruits of our 
national labour. 

When in the spring of 1864 the English Ambassa- 
dor in Berlin drew the attention of the Prussian Pres- 
ident of the Council at that time to the excitement in 
England caused by Prussia's advance against Den- 
mark, and let fall the remark that if Prussia did not 
cease operations the English Government might be 
forced to take arms against her, Herr von Bismarck- 
Schohausen replied: "Well, what harm can you do 
us? At worst you can throw a few bombs at Stolp- 
miinde or Pillau, and that is all." Bismarck was 
right at that time. We were then as good as unas- 
sailable to England with her mighty sea power, for 
we were invulnerable at sea. We possessed neither 
a great mercantile marine, the destruction of which 
could sensibly injure us, nor any oversea trade worth 
mentioning, the crippling of which we need fear. 

22 Imperial Germany 

To-day it is diiFerent. We are now vulnerable at 
sea. We have entrusted millions to the ocean, and 
with these millions the weal and woe of many of our 
countrymen. If we had not in good time provided 
protection for these valuable and indispensable na- 
tional possessions, we should have been exposed to 
the danger of having one day to look on def encelessly 
while we were deprived of them. But then we could 
not have returned to the comfortable economic and 
political existence of a purely inland State. We 
should have been placed in the position of being un- 
able to employ and support a considerable number 
of our millions of inhabitants at home. The result 
would have been an economic crisis which might easily 
attain the proportions of a national catastrophe. 


Ever since the end of the 'eighties in the nineteenth 
century the building of a fleet sufficient to defend 
our oversea interests had been a vital question for 
the German nation. It is greatly to the credit of 
the Emperor Wilham II. that he recognised this, 
and devoted all the power of the throne and all the 
strength of his own personality to the attainment of 
this end. It only adds to his merit that he, as head of 

The Building of the Fleet 23 

the Empire, championed the building of the German 
fleet at the very moment when the Grcrman people 
had to come to a decision about their future, and when, 
as far as man can tell, Germany had the last chance 
of forging the sea weapons that she needed. 

The fleet was to be built while we maintained our 
position on the Continent, without our coming into-^ 
conflict with England, whom we could as yet not op- 
pose at sea, but also while we preserved intact our 
national honour and dignity. Parhamentary oppo- 
sition, which at that time was considerable, could only 
be overcome if steady pressure were brought to bear 
on Parliament by public opinion. In view of the 
anxious and discouraged state of feeling that ob- 
tained in Germany during the ten years following 
Prince Bismarck's retirement, it was only possible 
to rouse pubhc opinion by harping on the string of 
nationahsm, and waking the people to consciousness. 
A great oppression which weighed on the spirit of the 
nation had been occasioned by the rupture between 
the wearer of the Imperial crown and the mighty 
man who had brought it up from the depths of KyfF- 
hauser. This oppression could be Hfted if the Ger- 
man Emperor could set before his people, who at 
that time were not united either by common hopes or 

24 Imperial Germany 

demands, a new goal towards which to Strive, and 
could indicate to them "a place in the sun" to which 
they had a right, and which they must try to attain. 
On the other hand, patriotic feeling must not be 
roused to such an extent as to damage irreparably 
our relations with England, against whom our sea 
power would for years still be insufficient, and at 
whose mercy we lay in 1897, as a competent judge 
remarked at the time, like so much butter before the 
knife. To make it possible to build a sufficient fleet 
was the foremost and greatest task of German policy 
after Bismarck's retirement; a task with which I also 
was immediately confronted, when on June 28, 1897, 
at Kiel, on board the Hohenzollern, I was entrusted 
by His Majesty, the Emperor, with the conduct of 
foreign affairs, on the same day and the same spot on 
which twelve years later I handed in my resignation. 
On March 28, 1897, the Reichstag had passed the 
third reading of the Budget Committee's Report, 
which had made considerable reduction in the de- 
mands of the Government for ships to take the place 
of obsolete types, for equipment and for the construc- 
tion of additional vessels. On November 27, after 
Admiral Holhnan, till then Secretary of State at the 
Imperial Admiralty Office, had been replaced by a 

The Building of the Fleet 25 

man of first-rate capabilities, Admiral von Tirpitz, 
the Government brought out a new Navy Bill which 
demanded the construction of seven additional ships 
of the line, of two large and seven small cruisers, fixed 
the date of completion of the new constructions for 
the end of the financial year 1904, and, by limiting the 
period of service of the ships, and determining what 
squadrons were to be kept on permanent active serv- 
ice, ensured the building in due time of the ships which 
were to take the place of out-of-date vessels. The 
Bill runs as follows : "Without prejudice to the rights 
of the Reichstag, and without demanding the impo- 
sition of new taxes, the allied Governments are not 
pursuing an aimless policy with regard to the navy; 
their sole object is to create within a definite time a 
national fleet, merely of such strength and power as 
to protect effectively the naval interests of the Em- 
pire." The Bill set the fleet on an entirely new foot- 
ing. Up till then new ships had from time to time 
been demanded and to some extent granted; but the 
navy had lacked the solid foundation that the army 
possessed in its absolutely definite constitution. By 
the limitation of the period of service of the ships on 
the one hand, and the determination of the number 
of eff'ective ships on the other, the navy became a 

26 Imperial Germany 

definite constituent part of our national defence. 
The building of the German fleet, like other great 
undertakings in the course of our national history, 
had tQ be carried out with an eye to foreign coun- 
tries. It was only to be expected that this important 
strengthening of our national power would rouse im- 
•easiness and suspicion in England. 


The policy of no State in the world is so firmly 
hound by tradition as that of England; and it is in 
no small degree due to the unbroken continuity of her 
Foreign policy, handed down from century to cen- 
i;ury, pursuing its aims on definite lines, independent 
of the changes of party government, that England 
has won such magnificent success in international pol- 
itics. The alpha and omega of Enghsh policy has 
always been the attainment and maintenance of Eng- 
lish naval supremacy. To this aim all other consid- 
erations, friendships as well as enmities, have always 
been subordinated. It would be foolish to dismiss 
English policy with the hackneyed phrase " per fide 
Albion." In reality this supposed treachery is noth- 
ing but a soimd and justifiable egoism, which, to- 

The Traditional Policy of England 27 

gether with other great qualities of the English peo- 
ple, other nations would do well to imitate. 

During the second half of the eighteenth and the 
first half of the nineteenth centuries England lent her 
support to Prussia, aid which, moreover, was just at 
critical times in Prussian history, in the Seven Years' 
War, and in the time of Napoleon I. But the Eng- 
lish attitude was hardly determined by spiritual sym- 
pathy with the kindred State in the north of Ger- 
many, struggling so manfuUy and laboriously to 
rise. To gain her own ends England supported the 
strongest opponent of the greatest European power; 
and when she had attained her object, coolly left in 
the lurch Frederick the Great in his hour of need, 
and Prussia at the Congress of Vienna. While the 
power of France was being strained to the uttermost 
by the Seven Years' War, England secured her pos- 
sessions in North America. In the great years of 
1813 to 1815 Prussia, with impetuous courage, finally 
shattered Napoleon's power. When in Vienna Prus- 
sia had to fight bitterly for every inch of land, Eng- 
land had already won her supremacy, and, after the 
downfall of her French opponent, could look upon it 
as assured for a considerable time. As the enemy 

28 Imperial Germany 

of the strongest European power, we were England's 
friend. In consequence of the events of 1866 and 
1870, Prussia with Germany became the greatest 
Power on the Continent, and to English ideas, grad- 
ually took the place that France had occupied under 
the "Roi Soleil" and the two Bonapartes. English 
pohcy followed its traditional trend and opposed the 
Continental Power which for the time being was 
strongest. After the downfall of the Habsburg rule 
in Spain, Bourbon France became England's natural 
opponent, from the time of the distinguished part 
played by Marlborough in the War of the Spanish 
Succession to that of the Alhance with the victor of 
the Battle of Rossbach, which was celebrated in Lon- 
don as a triumph of British arms. After decades of 
jealous mistrust of Russia, which, under Catherine 
II., had gained enormously in power, English policy 
was turned anew with full vigour against France, 
when Napoleon led the armies of the Republic to vic- 
tory over all the States of the Continent. In the 
struggle between the First Empire and England, 
the latter was victorious, no doubt primarily owing to 
the unswerving and magnificent continuity of her pol- 
icy, to the heroism of her bluejackets at Aboukir and 
Trafalgar, and the successes of the Iron Duke in 

The Traditional Policy of England 29 

Spain, but also to the tenacity of the Russians and 
Austrians, and to the impetuosity of our old Bliieher 
and his Prussians. When, after the fall of Napo- 
leon, the mihtary ascendancy seemed to move from 
the west of Europe to the east, England made a po- 
litical change of front. England was largely respon- 
sible for the result of the Crimean War, so 
disastrous to the Russians, and for the ruin of 
the ambitious plans of the proud Emperor Nicholas 
I. ; moreover, the Emperor Alexander II., too, found 
the policy of the Enghsh barring his way, more 
especially in the Near East, for so long the centre 
of Russian ambitions and hopes. The English 
alUance with Japan owed its birth to considerations 
similar to those which led to the entente cordiale 
with France, which latter is of great weight in the 
international politics of the present day. 

The interest that England takes in the balance of 
power on the Continent is, of course, not confined to 
the welfare of such Powers as feel themselves op- 
pressed or threatened by the superior strength of an- 
other. Such hiunane sympathy rarely has decisive 
influence on the political resolves of the Government 
of a great State. The direction of English policy 
depends primarily on the way in which the distribu- 

30 Imperial Germany 

tion of power in Europe reacts on English naval su- 
premacy, and any shifting of the distribution of 
power, which is not likely to entail such a reaction, 
has always been more or less a matter of indifference 
to the English Government. If England tradition- 
ally — that is to say, in accordance with her unchang- 
ing national interests — ^takes up a hostile or at least a 
suspicious attitude with regard to the European 
Power which for the time being is strongest, the cause 
must be sought in the importance which England at- 
tributes to a superior Continental Power with respect 
to overseas politics. A Great Power of Europe that 
has proved its military strength in so striking a man- 
ner that, in the normal course of affairs, it need fear 
no attack on its frontiers has practically developed 
the conditions of national existence by means of which 
England has become the greatest sea and commercial 
power in the world. England with her strength and 
her courage, could fare forth tmconcernedly on the 
ocean, for she knew that, having the sea for a protec- 
tion, her borders were safe from hostile attacks. If 
the borders of a Continental Power are similarly pro- 
tected by the fear which its victorious and superior 
army inspires, it obtains the freedom of action in over- 
sea affairs which England owes to her geographical 

The Traditional Policy of England 31 

position. It becomes a competitor in the field in 
which England claims supremacy. In this, English 
policy is based on historical experience — one might 
almost say on the law of the evolution of nations and 
states. Every nation with sound instincts and a via- 
ble organisation of the State, has attempted to win its 
way to the sea coast if, owing to its geographical po- 
sition, it had no coast-line. The bitterest and most 
protracted struggles have always raged round coast- 
hnes and harbours, from Corcyra and Potidsea, which 
were the cause of the Peloponnesian War, to Kavalla, 
about which the Greeks and Bulgarians quarrelled in 
our times. Nations which could not reach the sea, 
or were forced away from it, silently retired from the 
imiversal contest. Now the possession of the coast- 
line means neither more nor less than the opportunity 
to develop oversea power, and, finally, the opportu- 
nity to transform Continental politics into interna- 
tional politics. Those European nations that have 
not made use of their coasts and harbours for this pur- 
pose, were unable to do so because they required all 
their forces to defend their borders against their op- 
ponents on the Continent. Thus the extensive colo- 
nial schemes of the Great Elector had to be aban- 
doned by his successors. 

32 Imperial Germany 

Access to the paths of international politics was 
always easiest for the strongest Continental Power. 
But England guarded these paths. When Louis 
XIV. proposed a Franco-English alliance to Charles 
II., the English king, who, in other respects was very 
friendly to the French, replied that certain ohstacles 
stood in the way of a sincere alliance, and that the 
most considerable of these were the efforts France 
was making to become a Sea Power that would com- 
pel respect. For England, whose only importance 
lay in her commerce and her j&eet, this would be such a 
cause of suspicion that every step which France took 
in that direction would rouse afresh the jealousy be- 
tween the two nations. 

After the conclusion of the Peace of Hubertus- 
hurg, the elder Pitt expressed in Parliament his re- 
gret that France had been afforded the opportunity 
to build up her fleet again. It was mainly as an op- 
ponent of French oversea policy that England took 
sides against France in the war of the Spanish Suc- 
cession, a war which dealt France's supremacy in 
Europe the first searching blow, and in which Eng- 
land not only obtained the key of the ocean by win- 
ning Gibraltar, but also gained possession of the 
heart of Canada, for which France had fought so 

Germany and England 33 

strenuously. In the middle of the eighteenth cen- 
tury Lord Chatham said: "The only danger that 
England need fear will arise on the day that sees 
France attain the rank of a great sea, commercial, 
and Colonial power." And before the Crimean War 
David Urquhart wrote: "Our insular position leaves 
us only the choice between omnipotence and impo- 
tence. Britannia will either become mistress of the 
seas or will be swallowed up by them." English pol- 
icy has remained true to itself up to the present time, 
because England is still, as she was formerly, the 
first Sea Power. Subtler diplomatic conflicts have 
taken the place of the more violent struggles of olden 
times. The political aim remains the same. 


When Germany, after the solution of her Conti- 
nental problems — after securing her power in Europe 
— was neither willing nor able to refrain from em- 
barking on international politics, she was bound to 
inconvenience England. The consequences of this 
turn of aff'airs could be mitigated by diplomacy, they 
could not be prevented. 

But even if we can understand the traditions of 
English policy, such understanding in no wise im- 

34 Imperial Germany 

plies the admission that England has any reason to 
contemplate with mistrust the expansion of German 
national industries into international industries, of 
German Continental pohcy into international policy, 
and especially the construction of a German navy. 
This mistrust was perhaps justified in other centu- 
ries in the case of other Powers. 

The course of our international policy differs com- 
pletely in means as well as ends, from the old-time at- 
tempts at conquering the world made by Spain, 
France, and at one time by Holland and Russia. 
The international policy against which England made 
such a determined stand in the past mostly aimed at 
a more or less violent change in the international sit- 
uation. We only keep in view the change in the con- 
ditions of our national life. The international pol- 
icy of other countries which England opposed was of 
an offensive nature, ours is defensive. It was both 
necessary and desirable for us to be so strong at sea 
that no Sea Power could attack us without grave risk, 
so that we might be free to protect our oversea inter- 
ests, independently of the influence and the choice of 
other Sea Powers. Our vigorous national develop- 
ment, mainly in the industrial sphere, forced us to 
cross the ocean. For the sake of our interests, as 

Germany and England 35 

well as of our honour and dignity, we were obliged to 
see that we won for our international pohey the same 
independence that we had secured for our European 
policy. The fulfilment of this national duty might 
eventually be rendered more difficult by Enghsh op- 
position, but no opposition in the world could release 
us from it. 

Our fleet had to be built with an eye to English 
policy — and in this way it was built. My efforts in 
the field of international politics had to be directed to 
the fulfilment of this task. For two reasons Ger- 
many had to take up an internationally independent 
position. We could not be guided in our decisions 
and acts by a policy directed against England, nor 
might we, for the sake of England's friendship, be- 
come dependent upon her. Both dangers existed, 
and more than once were perilously imminent. In 
our development as a Sea Power we could not reach 
our goal either as England's satellite, or as her antag- 
onist. England's unreserved and certain friendship 
could only have been bought at the price of those very 
international plans for the sake of which we had 
sought British friendship. Had we followed this 
course we should have made the mistake to which the 
Roman poet refers when he says that one must not 

36 Imperial Germany 

"propter vitam vivendi perdere causas." But as 
England's enemy we should have had little prospect 
of reaching such a point in our development as a Sea 
and Commercial Power as we have actually attained. 


During the Boer War, which strained the forces 
of the British Empire to the uttermost, and led Eng- 
land into great difficulties, there seemed to he an op- 
portunity of dealing the secret opponent of our inter- 
national policy a shrewd blow. As in the rest of 
Europe, enthusiasm for the Boers ran high in Ger- 
many. Had the Government undertaken to put a 
spoke in England's wheel, it would have been sure of 
popular approval. To many it seemed that the Euro- 
pean situation was favourable to a momentary suc- 
cess against England, and that French assistance 
was assured. But there was only a seeming com- 
munity of interests against England in Europe, and 
any eventual political success against England in the 
Boer question would have had no real value for us. 
An attempt to proceed to action at the bidding of the 
pro-Boer feelings of that time would soon have had 
a sobering effect. Among the French the deeply 
rooted national hatred against the German Empire 

Germany and England During Boer War 37 

would speedily and completely have ousted the mo- 
mentary ill-feeling against England as soon as we had 
definitely committed ourselves to a course hostile to her 
interests; and a fundamental change of front in 
French policy would have resulted directly after. 
However painful the memory of the then recent events 
at Fashoda might be to French pride, it could not 
suffice to turn the scale against the memory of Sedan. 
The Egyptian Sudan and the White Nile had not 
driven the thought of Metz and Strassburg from the 
hearts of the French. There was great danger that 
we should be thrust forward against England by 
France, who at the psychological moment would re- 
fuse her aid. As in SchUler's beautiful poem, "Die 
Ideale" ("The Ideals"), our companions would have 
vanished midway. 

But even if, by taking action in Europe, we had 
succeeded in thwarting England's South African pol- 
icy, our immediate national interests would not have 
benefited thereby. From that moment onward for 
many a long day our relations with England would 
have been poisoned. England's passive resistance 
to the international policy of new Germany would 
have changed to very active hostility. During those 
years we were occupied in founding our sea power by 

38 Imperial Germany 

building the German navy, and even in the event of 
defeat in the South African War, it was possible for 
England to stifle our sea power in the embryo. Our 
neutral attitude during the Boer War had its origin 
in weighty considerations of the national interests of 
the German Empire, 

Our navy was not strong enough for us forcibly to 
achieve a sufficient sea power in the teeth of English 
interests. Nor could we, by being towed in the wake 
of English policy, reach the desired goal of possess- 
ing a strong fleet. 


The thought occurred to many that English oppo- 
sition against German international pohcy, and above 
all against the construction of a German navy, might 
be overcome most easily by an alliance between Ger- 
many and England. Indeed, at times the idea of 
an Anglo- German alhance has been discussed in the 
Press of both countries. It had already occupied 
Bismarck's thoughts, but the final result was only the 
resigned remark: "We would be willing enough to 
love the English, but they will not allow us to do so." 
Later on, too, Germany might perhaps not have been 

Anglo-German Alliance Debated 39 

disinclined to conclude a treaty with England, on a 
basis of absolute equality and with mutual obliga- 
tions. German interests would have gained nothing 
by stipulations which England might disregard in the 
event of a change of Ministry, or the occurrence of 
any other circumstances over which we had no con- 
trol, while we continued bound to them. Nor would 
it have sufficed us that some Minister or other was in 
favour of an Anglo-German treaty. To make a 
lasting agreement the whole Cabinet, and above all 
the Prime Minister, would have had to support it. 
Bismarck pointed out how difficult it was to estab- 
lish firm relations with England, because treaties of 
long duration were not in accordance with English 
traditions, and the expression of opinion of English 
politicians, even those in a prominent position, and 
the transitory moods of the English Press were 
by no means equivalent to immutable pledges. 
For many reasons English public opinion is more 
favourable to France than to us, for England no 
longer looks upon her as a rival, and certainly not as 
a serious competitor, at sea; consequently France 
occupies a different position from ours with regard 
to England. In consideration of the widespread 
jealousy roused in England by Germany's industrial 

40 Imperial Germany 

progress, and especially by the increase of the Ger- 
man navy, it was only on condition of absolutely bind- 
ing pledges on the part of England that we could 
have set foot on the bridge of an Anglo-German 
alhance. We could only thus unite ourselves with 
England on the assumption that the bridge which 
was to help us over the real and supposed differences 
between England and Germany was strong enough 
to bear our weight. 

At the time this question of an alliance was being 
ventilated the European situation differed in many 
respects from the present one. Russia had not then 
been weakened by the Japanese War, but intended 
to secure and expand her newly-won position in the 
Far East, in particular on the Gulf of Pechili. Ow- 
ing to the Asiatic questions pending between the two 
empires, relations between England and Russia were 
then rather strained. The danger was imminent 
that if Germany allied herself with England she 
would have to undertake the role against Russia that 
Japan assumed later single-handed. But we should 
have had to play this part under very different condi- 
tions from the very favourable ones which Japan 
foiind at her disposal in her conflict with Russia. 
The Japanese War was unpopular in Russia, and it 

Anglo-German Alliance Debated 41 

had to be waged at an immense distance, like a colo- 
nial war. If we had allowed ourselves to be thrust 
forward against Russia we should have found our- 
selves in a far more difficult position. A war against 
Germany would not, in these circumstances, have 
been unpopular in Russia, and would on the part of 
the Russians have been carried on with that national 
enthusiasm which is peculiar to them when defending 
their native soil. France would have preferred the 
excuse of the casiis foederis, and would have been 
able to wage her war of revenge under favourable 
circumstances. England was on the eve of the Boer 
War. Her position would have been improved if her 
great colonial enterprise had been supported and ac- 
companied by a European complication, such as had 
rendered her good service in the middle of the eight- 
eenth and in the first decade of the nineteenth cen- 
turies. In the event of a general conflict, we Ger- 
mans would have had to wage strenuous war on land 
in two directions, while to England would have fallen 
the easier task of further extending her Colonial Em- 
pire without much trouble, and of profiting by the 
general weakening of the Continental Powers. Last, 
but certainly not least, while military operations were 
going forward on the Continent, and for a long time 

42 Imperial Germany 

after, we should have found neither strength nor 
means nor leisure to proceed with the building of our 
navy, as we have been able to do. Thus the only 
course left to us was not to entrench upon English 
interests and to avoid both a hostile encounter and 
docile dependence. 


Thus, unaffected and uninfluenced by England, 
we have succeeded in creating that power at sea which 
is the real basis of our industrial interests and our in- 
ternational policy; a power that the strongest enemy 
would not attack without hesitation. 

During the first ten years after the introduction 
of the Navy Bill of 1897, and while our shipbuilding 
was in its infancy, an English Government, ready to 
go to any lengths, could have made short work of our 
development as a Sea Power, and rendered us harm- 
less before we grew formidable at sea. Such action 
against Germany was repeatedly demanded in Eng- 
land. The Civil Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. Arthur 
Lee, asserted in a public speech on February 3, 1905, 
that attention should be directed to the North Sea, 
the British fleet should concentrate there, and in the 
event of war they must "strike the first blow, before 

England and the German Navy 43 

the other side found time to read in the newspapers 
that war had been declared." The Daily Chronicle 
emphasised this utterance with the words: "If the 
German fleet had been smashed in October, 1904, 
we should have had peace in Europe for sixty years. 
For this reason we consider the statement Mr. Arthur 
Lee uttered, assuming that it was on behalf of the 
Cabinet, a wise and pacific declaration of the unalter- 
able purpose of the Mistress of the Seas." In the au- 
tumn of 1904 the Army and Navy Gazette remarked 
how intolerable it was that England alone, owing to 
the existence of the German fleet, was forced to adopt 
measures of defence which she would otherwise not 
have needed. The article runs: "Once before we 
had to snuff out a fleet, which we beheved might be 
employed against us. There are many people, both 
in England and on the Continent, who consider the 
German fleet the only serious menace to the preser- 
vation of peace in Europe. Be that as it may, we 
are content to point out that the present moment is 
particularly favourable to our demand that the Ger- 
man fleet shall not be further increased." About the 
same time an English review of good standing wrote : 
"If the German fleet were destroyed the peace of 
Europe would be assured for two generations. Eng- 

44 Imperial Germany 

land and France, or England and the United States, 
or aU three, would guarantee the freedom of the sea 
and prevent the building of more ships, which, in 
the hands of ambitious Powers, with a growing 
population and no Colonies, are dangerous weap- 

Just at this time France was preparing to injure 
us in Morocco. A few months earlier, in June, 1904, 
a French publicist told me that the construction of 
our fleet called forth widespread and increasing anx- 
iety in England; that England could not make up 
her mind how best to put a stop to our fxu-ther ship- 
building, whether by direct representations or by en- 
couraging the Chauvinistic elements in France. To- 
day England gives us ovu" due as a Sea Power — as 
the strongest Sea Power next to themselves. When, 
in the winter of 1909, an English Member of Parlia- 
ment stated the fact that England would not have 
needed to continue her sea armaments at such a fever- 
ish rate if she had ten years previously prevented the 
rise of the German Sea Power, he expressed a thought 
that, so far as the pohcy of mere force is concerned, 
is comprehensible and perhaps to the point. But 
England would not have found an opportunity to 
nip our growing fleet in the bud, a thing she had re- 

Peaceful Aims of German World Policy 45 

peatedly done in the past in the case of other coun- 
tries, because we did not expose ourselves. 


The fleet that we have built since 1897, and that, 
though far inferior to England's, has made us the 
second Sea Power of the world, enables us to support 
our interests everywhere with all the weight of our 
reputation as a Great Power. The foremost duty 
of our navy is to protect our world commerce and the 
Hves and honour of our fellow-countrymen abroad. 
German battleships have performed this task in the 
West Indies and the Far East. Emphatically, it is 
a largely defensive role that we assign to our fleet. 
It is self -understood that this defensive role might 
become an off^ensive one in serious international con- 
flicts. If the Empire should be wantonly attacked, 
from no matter what quarter, the sea, as a theatre of 
war, wiU have a very difi'erent and much greater im- 
portance in our times than it did in 1870. In such a 
case the fleet as well as the army would, needless to 
say, in accordance with Prussian and German tradi- 
tions, consider attack the best form of defence. But 
the^e is absolutely no ground for the fear which the 
building of our navy has aroused, that with the rise of 

46 Imperial Germany 

German power at sea the German love of battle will 
be awakened. 

Of all the nations of the world the Germans are 
the people that have most rarely set out to attack 
and conquer. If we except the expeditions against 
Rome, led by the German Emperors in the Middle 
Ages, which originated rather in a grand if mistaken 
political illusion than in love of battle and conquest, 
we shall seek in vain in our past for wars of conquest 
that may be compared with those of France in the 
seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 
those of Spain under the Habsburgs, of Sweden in 
her best days, or those of the Russian and British 
Empires in the course of their fundamentally ex- 
pansive national policy. For centuries we Germans 
have aimed at nothing but the defence and security 
of our country. Just as the Great King did not lead 
his unvanquished battalions on adventurous expedi- 
tions, after the conquest of Silesia and the safeguard- 
ing of the independence of the Prussian monarchy, 
so the Emperor William and Bismarck, after the un- 
paralleled successes of two great wars, did not dream 
of attempting further military exploits. If any na- 
tion may boast of political self-restraint, it is the Ger- 
mans. We have always set a limit to our successes 

Peaceful Aims of German World Policy 47 

ourselves, and have not waited till the exhaustion of 
our national resources made us halt. Consequently 
our evolution lacks periods of a brilliant and sudden 
rise; rather it is a slow and unwearied advance. The 
Germans have practically no tinge of that restless- 
ness which in other nations urges men to find in suc- 
cess the spur to further bold effort. Our political 
character is less that of the rash, speculative mer- 
chant than that of the plodding peasant who, after 
sowing carefully, patiently awaits the harvest. 

After the Franco- German War all the world was 
filled with dread of further military enterprises on 
the part of Germany. There was no scheme of con- 
quest, however improbable, that we were not credited 
with harbouring. Since then more than four decades 
have passed. The strength of our people has grown, 
we are richer in material possessions, and our army 
has become stronger and stronger. The German 
fleet has been created and developed. The number 
of great wars that have been waged since 1870 ex- 
ceeds the average for such a period of time in earlier 
years. Germany did not seek to take part in any 
of them, and calmly resisted all attempts to be drawn 
into military entanglements. 

Without boastfulness or exaggeration, we may say 

48 Imperial Germany 

that never in the course of history has any Power, 
possessing such superior military strength as the Ger- 
mans, served the cause of peace in an equal measure. 
This fact cannot be explained by our well-known and 
undoubted love of peace. The German has always 
been peace-loving, and has nevertheless had to draw 
his sword again and again in order to defend himself 
against foreign attacks. As a matter of fact, peace 
has primarily been preserved, not because Germany 
herself did not attack other nations, but because 
other nations feared a repulse in the event of their 
attacking Germany. The strength of our armaments 
has proved to be a more effective guarantee of peace 
than any in the last tumultuous centuries. An his- 
torical judgment is contained in this fact. 

Given a rightly guided foreign policy, the com- 
pletion of our Lines of Defence by the navy consti- 
tutes an additional and increased guarantee of peace. 
Just as the army prevents any wanton interruption 
of the course of Germany's Continental policy, so the 
navy prevents any interruption in the development of 
our world policy. As long as we had no navy, our 
rapidly growing international industrial interests, 
which are also inalienably bound up with our national 

Peaceful Aims of German World Policy 49 

economic interests, presented a vulnerable surface to 
our opponents. By protecting this weak point, and 
also rendering a naval attack on the Empire an Under- 
taking of great risk for the enemy, we preserved not 
only the peace of our own country, but also that of 
Europe. We were concerned with the acquirement 
of means of defence, not of attack. After entering 
the ranks of the Sea Powers we continued quietly on 
the same course as heretofore. The new era of un- 
bounded German world-policy, which was so often 
foretold abroad, has not dawned. But we certainly 
have acquired the means of effectively protecting our 
interests, of resisting aggression, and of maintaining 
and developing our position everywhere, especially 
in Asia Minor and Africa. 

As our problems in world-pohtics increased, the 
web of our international relations had to be extended. 
Distant oversea States, which at the time of our purely 
Continental poHcy concerned us but little, grew of 
more and more importance to us. It became the most 
significant duty of our present-day poKcy to cultivate 
good and, if possible, friendly relations with these. 
This refers primarily to the two Great Powers of 
the West and the East, the United States of America 

50 Imperial Germany 

and Japan. In both cases we had to overcome tem- 
porary differences before there could be any ques- 
tion of entering into friendly relations. 


During the Spanish-American War a section of 
German public opinion manifested strong sympathy 
with Spain, which was resented in the States. Ger- 
man relations with America had also been clouded by 
the way in which part of the English and American 
Press had interpreted certain incidents which had oc- 
curred between our squadrons and the American fleet 
off Manila. This diiference reached its height in 
February, 1899, so that it seemed desirable strongly 
to advocate preparations for a better understanding 
between the two nations of kindred race. What I 
said on this point in the Reichstag has subsequently 
proved true. "From the point of view of a common- 
sense policy, there is no reason why the best relations 
should not subsist between Germany and America. 
I see no single point in which the German and Ameri- 
can interests are opposed, nor any in the future where, 
in the course of their development, they are likely to 
clash. We can say without hesitation that during the 
last century the United States have nowhere found 

Germany and the United States 51 

better understanding or juster recognition than in 
this country." More than anyone else the Emperor 
William II. manifested this understanding and ap- 
preciation of the United States of America. It was 
he who first paved the way for our friendly and sound 
relations. He won over the Americans by his con- 
sistently friendly and sympathetic attitude. He was 
bound to President Roosevelt by ties of personal 
friendship. The mission of Prince Henry to Amer- 
ica was crowned with the success we had anticipated. 
It contributed largely to making both nations realise 
how many common interests united them, and how 
few real differences divided them. It was a happy 
thought of the Emperor's, too, to knit the two Ger- 
manic nations together intellectually, by the exchange 
of teachers of repute in the German and American 
Universities. German intellect, poetry, philosophy, 
and science have met nowhere with more sincere admi- 
ration than in the United States. On the other hand 
Germany, more than any other country, studied and 
welcomed the wonderful technical inventions of 
America. This intimate exchange of ideas in the 
field of intellectual and scientific achievement found 
its outward manifestation in the arrangements for 
exchanging professors. These ties between the two> 

52 Imperial Germany 

nations and also between their rulers, as they grew 
closer, prompted a friendly political relation between 
us and the United States. Not only did we settle 
the question of Samoa amicably, but during the crit- 
ical period through which our country passed at the 
beginning of the new century America never once 
opposed our policy. With the exception of Austria, 
there is probably no country where existing circiun- 
stances contribute so naturally to permanent friendly 
relations with us as in North America. About 12,- 
000,000 Germans live in the United States. Since 
the formation of the "Deutsch-Amerikanischen Na- 
tionalbvmd" (National German- American Union) 
in 1910, they are animated more and more by the de- 
sire to maintain and encourage a close connection 
with their old German home, while at the same time 
remaining perfectly loyal to their adopted comitry. 
As long as policy in Germany and in America is di- 
rected by cool-headed men, who avoid with equal 
scrupulousness exaggerated expressions of friend- 
ship or nervous impatience when confronted with oc- 
casional differences (which can always arise in the 
sphere of industry) , we need not fear for our relations 
with the United States. Respect for each other, on 
the basis and within the bounds of self-respect, will 

Germany and Japan 53 

be the best means of preserving our friendship with 


Our relations with Japan, as with the United States 
of America, passed through a period of strain to- 
wards the end of the nineteenth century. Up to the 
bginning of the 'nineties we had served as a model 
for the Japanese and had been their friend. This 
warlike nation of the Far East warmly admired our 
military organisation and our warhke history; and 
after the defeat of China the Japanese boasted that 
they were the Prussians of the East. Our relations 
with them received a severe shock when, in 1895, we 
together with France and Russia forced victorious 
Japan to reduce her demands on China. When we 
thus interfered with Japan we lost much of the sym- 
pathy which she had for many years accorded us, and 
we did not earn particular gratitude from France and 
Russia. The German Emperor's scheme, which was 
to have served the ideal of promoting peace, was 
eagerly and successfully taken advantage of by our 
antagonists and competitors to injure us with the 
Japanese. By dint of prolonged efforts we suc- 
ceeded at last in reviving a better state of feeUng to- 
wards Germany in Japan. 

54 Imperial Germany 

It is not to our interest to have that eminently 
capable and brave nation for an enemy. On the 
other hand, we have no intention, of course, of allow- 
ing Japan to use us as a catspaw. It would have very 
considerably facihtated matters not only for Japan 
but also for England if, for the sake of their interests 
in the Far East, we had allowed ourselves to be thrust 
forward against Russia. We ourselves should have 
fared badly in the matter. Just as we did not wel- 
come the idea of offending and estranging Japan for 
the sake of France and Russia, so we did not care to 
fall out with Russia on account of the interests in the 
Far East of other Powers. 

Towards the end of the 'eighties Prince Bismarck 
once said to me, with reference to Russia and Asia: 
"In Russia there is a very serious amount of iinrest 
and agitation, which may easily result in an explo- 
sion. It would be best for the peace of the world if 
the explosion took place in Asia and not in Europe. 
We must be careful not to stand just in the way, oth- 
erwise we may have to bear the brunt of it." If we 
had allowed ourselves to be thrust forward against 
Russia before the Russo-Japanese War, we should 
have had to bear the brunt. I also heard him say on 
some occasion: "If Mr. N. proposes something to 

Continental Policy and World Policy SS 

you that would be useful to him and harmful to you, 
it does not by any means follow that Mr. N. is a fool. 
But you are a fool if you agree to it," 


If Germany, after attaining the great aim of her 
Continental policy, is in a position, with her largely 
increased and steadily increasing powers, to reach 
out into the wide world, that by no means implies 
that we are at hberty to expend the whole of our na- 
tional strength on enterprises outside the Continent 
of Europe. 

The transition to international politics has opened 
to us new political courses and discovered to us new 
national problems; but it does not imply the aban- 
donment of all our old courses, or a fundamental 
change in our tasks. Our new world-policy is an 
extension, not a shifting of the field of our political 

We must never forget that the consolidation of our 
position as a Great Power in Europe has made it pos- 
sible for us to transform our industrial activity from 
a national into an international one, and our Conti- 
nental policy into international pohcy. Our world- 
policy is based upon the successes of our European 

56 Imperial Germany 

policy. The moment the firm foundation consti- 
tuted by Germany's position as a Great European 
Power begins to totter, the whole fabric of our world- 
policy win collapse. It is quite possible that a de- 
feat in international politics might leave our position 
in Europe unchanged; but it is unthinkable that a 
sensible diminution of power and influence in Europe 
would leave our position in international politics un- 
shaken. We can only pursue our world-policy on 
the basis of our European poHcy. The conservation 
of our position of power on the Continent is still, as 
it was in Bismarck's day, the first and last aim of 
our national policy. If, at the behest of our national 
needs, we have gone beyond Bismarck in international 
affairs, nevertheless we must always maintain the 
prtDciples of his European policy as the firm ground 
on which we take our stand. The new era must be 
rooted in the traditions of the old. A healthy devel- 
opment may in this case, too, be ensured by a com- 
mon-sense compromise between the old and the new, 
between preservation and progress. To renounce 
international politics would have been equivalent to 
condemning our national vitality to slow but sure 
decay. An adventurous international policy, which 

Continental Policy and World Policy 57 

should take no account of our old European interests, 
might at first seem attractive and impressive, but it 
would soon lead to a crisis if not to a catastrophe in 
our development. 

Sound political success is achieved much in the 
same way as mercantile success; by keeping a steady 
course between the Scylla of over-carefulness and the 
Charybdis of speculation, A conflict between Ger- 
many and England would be a great misfortune for 
both countries, for Europe and for mankind in gen- 
eral. Ever since the day when I undertook the af- 
fairs of the Foreign Ofiice, I have been convinced that 
such a conflict would never come to pass : — 

i. If we built a fleet which could not be attacked 
without very grave risk to the attacking party. 

ii. If we did not, beyond that, indulge in undue 
and unlimited shipbuilding and armaments, and did 
not overheat our marine boiler. 

iii. If we allowed no Power to injure our reputa- 
tion or our dignity. 

iv. If we allowed nothing to make an irremediable 
breach between us and England. That is why I al- 
ways repelled any impertinent attack which was hkely 
to hurt our feelings as a nation, from whatever quar- 

58 Imperial Germany 

ter it came, but resisted all temptations to interfere 
in the Boer War, as that would have dealt English 
self-esteem a wound that would not heal. 

V. If we kept calm and cool, and neither injured 
England nor ran after her. 

"The basis of a sound and sensible world-policy is 
a strong, national home policy." So I said in Decem- 
ber, 1901, when a member of the Reichstag, Eugen 
Richter, tried to prove that the policy, which under- 
lay the new tariff and aimed at the protection of 
home industries and especially agrarian interests, was 
antagonistic to the new world-policy which was 
founded on the interests of commerce. The apparent 
antagonism between the two was really a compro- 
mise; for German industrial activity in the inter- 
national field had had its origin in the extremely 
flourishing condition of home industries. 

The connection between politics and national in- 
dustry is far closer in our times than it was in the 
past. The home and foreign policies of modern 
States re-act directly upon the fluctuations and 
changes of their very highly developed industrial life, 
and every considerable industrial interest ultimately 
finds political expression in one way or another. In- 
ternational commerce, with all the various interests 

Continental Policy and World Policy 59 

depending on it, has made our international policy a 
necessity. Our industrial activities at home demand 
a corresponding home policy. Between the two, 
some compromise must be sought and found. 

Seven years after the tariff debates the worth of 
this compromise between the home policy and inter- 
national policy, much discussed then in pohtical and 
industrial circles, was proved in the sphere of inter- 
national politics on the occasion of the Bosnian crisis 
in the year 1908. This event demonstrates more 
clearly than any academic discussion could do the real 
relation in which our oversea policy and our Euro- 
pean policy stand to one another. German policy, 
up to the time when the Bosnian question was raised, 
was mainly controlled by consideration of our inter- 
national policy. Not that Germany directed her for- 
eign relations in accordance with her oversea inter- 
ests, but that England's displeasure at the develop- 
ment of German foreign trade and especially at the 
growth of German sea power, influenced the group- 
ing of the Powers and their attitude towards the 
German Empire. Pubhc opinion amongst the Eng- 
lish, who are usually so cool and courageous, gave 
way temporarily to fear of a German invasion; and 
this fear was so groundless and so senseless that it al- 

6o Imperial Germany 

most amounted to a panic. This, moreover, was sys- 
tematically encouraged by a large section of the Eng- 
lish Press, which has a very powerful and widespread 


Since the beginning of the new century the influ- 
ence of King Edward VII. had made itself felt in 
English foreign politics. He was a monarch of ex- 
traordinary insight into the character of men, who 
knew to a nicety the art of handling them, and had 
wide and varied experience. Enghsh poHcy did not 
so much aim at directly opposing the interests of Ger- 
many as at gradually checkmating her by shifting the 
Balance of Power in Europe. By a series of enten- 
tes, for the sake of which considerable British in- 
terests were several times sacrificed, she sought to at- 
tach to herself the other states of Europe, and so to 
isolate Germany. It was the period of the so-caUed 
English policy of isolation. With Spain she con- 
cluded a treaty with reference to the Mediteiranean. 
France, of course, was well disposed towards the op- 
ponent of the German Empire, and the Franco-Brit- 
ish treaty about Egypt and Morocco in the year 1904 

The English Policy of Isolation 61 

drove the memory of Fashoda into the backgrotind. 

Russia also drew near to England, for owing to the 
after-eiFects of the heavy losses by land and at sea 
that she had sustained in her war with Japan, and 
also because of serious disturbances at home, she had 
decided to come to an arrangement with England 
about their respective spheres of interest in Asia. It- 
aly was eagerly wooed. Similar attempts with regard 
to Austro-Hungary, on the occasion of the meeting 
of the monarchs at Ischl, failed, thanks to the un- 
swerving loyalty to his ally of the old Emperor, Franz 

In Algeciras, although Germany defended her own 
national interests as part and parcel of the general, 
international interests, we had a hard fight against 
the French demands which had England's support. 

At that time the policy of isolation to aU. appear- 
ances succeeded with regard to the grouping of the 
Powers; and yet the aims of German policy in re- 
spect of Morocco were practically fulfilled by the 
very fact that the conference was called, and by the 
more important decisions it made. The question was, 
how the system of ententes would work in the sphere 
of purely European politics. 

62 Imperial Germany 


The final annexation by Austro-Hungary of the 
Provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina which, in ac- 
cordance vdth the decisions of the Berlin Congress, 
Austria had occupied since 1878, led to a great Euro- 
pean crisis. Russia opposed these proceedings on 
the part of Austria. Believing that an armed settle- 
ment of the old Austro-Russian rivalry in the Bal- 
kans vras at hand, Servia, vphose plans for aggran- 
disement vrould be thwarted, thought herself entitled 
to take up arms against the Danube Monarchy. 
England sided with Russia, and the language of the 
English Press was almost more impassioned than 
the utterances of the Russians. The antagonistic 
poHcy of England seemed aimed less against Austria 
than against Germany, Austria's ally. For the first 
time the Austro-German alliance was to prove its dur- 
abihty and strength in a grievous conflict. 

In my speeches in the Reichstag I made it quite 
clear that Germany was resolved to preserve her alH- 
ance with Austria at any cost. The German sword 
had been thrown into the scale of European decision, 
directly in support of our Austro-Hungarian ally, 
indirectly for the preservation of European peace. 

The Bosnian Crisis 63 

and above all for the sake of German credit and the 
maintenance of our position in the world. It would 
now be made manifest whether Germany really had 
been checkmated by the policy of isolation, and 
whether the Powers that had been drawn into the circle 
of Anti-German pohcy would find it consistent with 
their vital interests in Europe to take up a hostile at- 
titude towards the German Empire and its allies. 
The course of the Bosnian crisis, in point of fact, 
made an end of the policy of isolation. No power 
was wilMng to subordinate its own European interests 
to the international interests of foreigners, or to sac- 
rifice itself for others. The group of Powers whose 
influence had been so much overestimated at Alge- 
ciras, fell to pieces when faced with the tough prob- 
lems of Continental pohcy. Italy sided with her al- 
hes, France awaited events and assumed an attitude 
not unfriendly to Germany, and the Emperor Nicho- 
las gave the world a new proof of his wisdom and his 
love of peace by deciding on a friendly settlement of 
the existing difficulties. The ingenious isolation of 
Germany, for some time the terror of timid souls, 
proved to be a diplomatic illusion devoid of political 
actuahty. The fundamental error in the calculations 
had been this, that they had not set down at its full 

64 Imperial Germany 

value as a factor in the situation the importance of 
the German Empire as a Great Power of Europe. 
It was certain that if anyone succeeded in dealing our 
position in Europe a keen blow, our international pol- 
icy would sustain a mortal wound. In that, which 
was one of the premises on which the policy of isola- 
tion was based, calculations were correct. But we 
are not so easy to wound in our Continental position. 
The Triple' Alliance is a force against which no 
country would let itself be thrust forward for the 
sake of remote interests, even if very clever diplo- 
macy were employed in the attempt. It is a force 
with which no Power would dare to wage war except 
^s a last resort in a vital question. Last, but not 
least, the Continental Powers are bound by many ties 
vof common interest which cannot be subordinated to 
the rivalry of Germany and England at sea and in 
commerce. With regard to international politics, 
England is the only country with which Germany 
has an account. As far as all the other European 
Powers are concerned, the contra-account of Conti- 
nental politics is the decisive factor in the attitude 
they assume towards Germany. 

This was the great lesson of the Bosnian crisis. 

The Bosnian Crisis 6^ 

that our international policy, when all is said and 
done, is based on our Continental policy. The former 
brought us into conflict with England. The pohcy 
of isolation, which seemed likely to endanger our 
safety, was directed against the international trade 
and the sea power of Germany. By means of our 
strength as a Continental Power, we tore the web 
which encompassed us. The result was that a tide of 
sober reflection set in on the other side of the Chan- 
nel, and this was the necessary forerunner of a period 
in which a calm exchange of ideas and a sensible ad- 
justment of interests took place between the two na- 

In the winter of 1909, immediately after the Bos- 
nian crisis had taken a decisive turn. King Edward 
VII. paid a visit to the German Emperor and Em- 
press in Berlin. This visit passed off in a satisfac- 
tory manner, and the king had a hearty reception. 
He, for his part, succeeded in emphasising the favour- 
able impression made by his visit, by repeatedly giv- 
ing expression to his sincere love of peace and his 
warm friendship, sentiments which found corrobora- 
tion soon after in the Speech from the Throne and 
the Debate on the Address in the Enghsh ParHament. 

66 Imperial Germany 

This last visit of King Edward VII. aroused good 
hope for the future and shed a pleasant light, not 
only on the personal relations of the King with Ger- 
many, but also on those between two great nations 
who have every reason to respect one another, and to 
vie with each other amicably in the work of peace. 
Reactions might, of course, set in. In point of fact 
they did. Indeed, the reaction in the summer of 1911 
was somewhat violent. But the attempt to extend 
the opposition between England and Germany into 
a system of combined international policy, will hardly 
be repeated, and, if it should be, it will once more be 
foiled by the hard facts of Continental politics, of 
which the very hardest is the Triple Alliance. 


European history has seldom, if ever, seen an alli- 
ance of such strength and durability as the Triple 
Alliance. In the year 1879 Bismarck concluded the 
alliance with Austro-Hungary; in 1883 Italy joined 
it. For thirty years now the treaties of alliance have 
been regularly renewed, and there has never been any 
ground for the hopes of its ill-wishers and the fears 
of its weU-wishers with regard to the durability of 
the Triple Alhance. In so far as a term of party pol- 

The Triple Alliance 67 

itics can be applied to international politics, which, 
of course, differ completely in aim, cause, and effect, 
one may characterise the Triple AlHance as one with 
emphatically conservative tendencies. Herein, prob- 
ably, the chief cause of its strength must be sought. 
It was neither desire of conquest nor unsatisfied am- 
bition that brought the States of the Triple Alliance 
together, and keeps them united. The three mid- 
European States are bound to each other by the firm 
resolve to maintain the existing balance of power in 
Europe, and should a forcible change be attempted, 
to prevent it if need be by force. The united strength 
of Middle Europe stands in the path of any revolu- 
tion — any European policy which might elect to fol- 
low the courses pursued by Louis XIV. or Napoleon 
I. This alliance is like a mighty fortification divid- 
ing the Continent in two. The wish to maintain ex- 
isting conditions implies, as far as international poh- 
tics is concerned, a desire for peace. The founders 
of the Triple AUiance intentionally created a guaran- 
tee of peace. They have not been disappointed in 
their hopes, for the steadfastness of the Triple Alli- 
ance has more than once in the course of the last 
thirty years warded off the rising danger of war. 

68 Imperial Germany 


The attitude of Italy towards the Triple Alliance 
has undergone many a change in the course of thirty 
years; these changes in Italy were due partly to in- 
ternal political events, partly to the peculiar develop- 
jnent of certain Mediterranean questions. But our 
opponents did not succeed in severing Italy's connec- 
tion with the Triple Alliance, although at times they 
jnade pertinacious and eager attempts to do so. 

The relations between Italy and Austria are nat- 
urally more complex than the terms on which we 
stand with Italy. The memory of the passionate 
struggle lasting for half a century, which the Italian 
people carried on against the Austrian dominion in 
Italy, has not yet faded. Such recollections are kept 
fresh in the mind of the nation by monuments, in- 
scriptions, a voluminous literature, and the fiery pa- 
triotism of the Italians. Moreover, the fact that 
nearly a million Italians belong to the Monarchy of 
the Habsburgs has repeatedly, and at times injuri- 
ously, influenced Austro-Italian relations. That will 
always remain a sore point. Many an Italian re- 
gards his kindred in Austria with a passion that is 
very far removed from the calm which our great 

Italy 69 

statesman recommended to us in respect of our kin- 
dred in foreign lands and especially in Austro-Hun- 
gary. Italians and Austrians should both remember 
the truth of the statement which a distinguished Ital- 
ian statesman, the Ambassador Count Nigra, once 
expressed to me in the following words: "Austria 
and Italy can only be either alhes or enemies." The 
interests of both countries, if rightly understood, re- 
quire them to remain allies, Italy and Germany are 
so obviously interdependent that they are always 
bound to unite. This interdependence is due to many 
and weighty considerations ; the absence of all rivalry 
between the nations, and — since the memory of the 
struggle in the Tentoburger Wald and of the Battle 
of Legnano has grown faint with time — ^the absence 
of any disturbing reminiscence, the similarity of their 
historical development, and the common dangers 
which might threaten them in like manner. 

Our relations with Italy are, contrary to the ac- 
cepted view of the character of the two nations, re- 
garded by us from the sentimental, and by the Ital- 
ians from the common-sense, point of view. We are 
apt at times to deprecate these relations unduly, and 
at times to value them too highly from an excess of 
sentimentality. Neither at Algeciras, nor on ac- 

70 Imperial Germany 

count of her Tripoli expedition, nor shortly before, 
at the interview at Racconigi, did Italy ever contem- 
plate severing her connection with us. A host of 
legends has arisen around the attitude that Italy 
adopted at the Conference of Algeciras. It has been 
asserted that at Algeciras Italy left us in the lurch, 
or even that she played a double game with us, and 
this idea gave rise amongst us for a time to a totally 
tmfounded mistrust of Italy's loyalty to the alliance. 
The fact is, that on a few minor questions Italy voted 
with the Western Powers and against us. These 
votes were cleverly taken up by the French Press, 
and were presented to the world as an indication that 
Italy would renounce the Triple Alhance and enter 
into friendly relations with France. In other and 
more important questions, Italy supported our point 
of view at Algeciras, and furthered our wishes. Our 
representative at Algeciras, Herr von Radowitz, 
always recognised this, and repeatedly did battle 
against what he wias convinced were unjust attacks 
upon Italy's attitude at the conference. It was in 
pursuance of his wish that in the Reichstag in No- 
vember, 1906, I combated the reproaches that were 
cast upon Italy. Later, too, Herr von Radowitz ex- 
pressed his opinion of the ItaHan delegates, to the 

Italy 71 

following effect : that perhaps so far as appearances 
went they had been too anxious to place Franco-Ital- 
ian relations in the most favourable light possible, but 
that in actual fact they had rendered us good service. 
The contrary opinion has just as little foundation as 
the widespread belief in Russia, that at the Berlin Con- 
gress Bismarck cheated and betrayed the Russians. 

The Tripoli expedition gave the Italian nation 
opportunity for showing in a brilliant manner their 
patriotic solidarity and moral unity; but a section of 
our Press, especially at the beginning, judged it 
wrongly. Italy most certainly has interests that lie 
outside the sphere of the Triple Alhance. We our- 
selves have interests beyond the scope of Triple Alh- 
ance policy, and Austria does not lack them either. 
Prince Bismarck sharply emphasised this fact at 
times. The Triple Alliance would not have remained 
intact so long if it had demanded from the allied 
Powers absolute community in all their enterprises 
and in all the courses of their pohcy. 

A well-known phrase, "cum grano salis" and, by 
way of comparison, a fact of the internal political 
constitution of our State, may again be mentioned to 
characterise the Triple Alliance. Just as the Ger- 
man Empire gains in security and stability because 

72 Imperial Germany 

its constitution, while requiring absolute obedience in 
all great national and political questions, leaves the 
single States free to deal with their own narrower 
problems, so the Triple Alliance unites the three 
Great Powers of Middle Europe on the great aim of 
Continental politics for which the Alliance was 
founded, but leaves them absolute freedom in the 
pursuit of their particular national interests. The 
existence of Italy, Austria, and Germany is rooted 
in European pohtics, and their roots are many and 
firmly intertwined. But the branches of the trees 
must be able to spread freely in every direction. The 
Triple Alliance must not and cannot act as the shears 
which check free growth without cogent reason. 

There are politicians who refuse to estimate at its 
true value Italy's participation in the Triple Alli- 
ance. Their hesitation arises from a doubt as to 
whether Italy would be able and willing to go hand 
in hand with Austria and us in every possible compli- 
cation of international politics. Even if these fears 
were justified, which is clearly not the case in view of 
the loyalty of the authorities in Italy, and of the po- 
litical wisdom of the Italian nation, this would not 
be an argument against the value of Italy's partici- 
pation in the Triple Alliance. Supposing Italy 

Italy 73 

were not able in every conceivable circumstance to 
go to all lengths with Austria and us, and if we and 
Austria likewise were not able to support Italy in all 
complications of international politics, even then each 
one of the three Powers would, by virtue of the ex- 
isting alhance, be prevented from assisting the en- 
emy. That is what Prince Bismarck meant when he 
once remarked that it was sufficient for him that an 
Italian corporal with the Italian flag and a drummer 
beside him should array themselves against the West, 
i. e. France, and not against the East, i. e. Austria. 

In the event of a dispute in Europe everything 
else depends on how the question is put, with what 
military force we are prepared to defend our view, 
and with what success our mihtary and diplomatic ef- 
forts are crowned. The full and true value of an al- 
liance can only be tested in a grave crisis. In times 
of peace the Triple Alhance is held together by such 
solid, almost indestructible interests in the sphere of 
Continental pohtics, that momentary and transitory 
disturbances in international matters cannot injure 
it seriously. 

The Triple Alliance as a guarantee of peace has 
proved its worth for thirty years, and this justifies 
our hopes. 

74 Imperial Germany 


The Bosnian question and the Tripoli affair, in 
which Austria and Italy were ranged against Tur- 
key, who is on friendly terms with us, were not able 
to weaken the Triple Alliance. We have carefully 
cultivated good relations with Turkey and Islam, 
especially since the journey to the East undertaken 
by our Emperor and Empress. These relations are 
not of a sentimental nature, for the continued exist- 
ence of Turkey serves our interest from the indus- 
trial, military, and political points of view. Indus- 
trially and financially, Turkey offered us a rich and 
fertile field of activity, to which Rodbertus and Fried- 
rich List had already drawn attention, and which we 
have cultivated with much profit. In the undesired 
but possible event of a general European war, the 
military strength of Turkey might have been exerted 
in our favour. For our Austrian ally, Turkey was 
the most convenient neighbour possible. The intro- 
duction of our last Army Bill which had its origin in 
the change of situation effected by the Balkan War, 
shows that Turkey's collapse was a blow to us. I 
never had any illusions about the limits of Turkish 
ability to act with effect. For that very reason I 

Russia 75 

strove, for many years successfully, to prevent any 
serious conflict in the Near East. In 1897, dur- 
ing the Cretan affair, in 1908-09, during the crisis 
caused by the annexation of Bosnia, and in all phases 
of the Macedonian question, there was great danger 
that serious trouble in the Balkan Peninsula would 
have more unfavourable than favourable results for 
us, as well as for Austro-Hungary, and would not 
make the European situation any easier for us to deal 
with. For many a year Turkey was a useful and im- 
portant hnk in the chain of our political relations. 

For the present our position in the Triple Alliance 
will remain the chief feature of our Foreign policy. 
The Triple Alliance has gained in value for us, partly 
because, owing to our growing share in international 
politics, and to the increase of our Navy, friction be- 
tween England and Germany has considerably in- 
creased, and partly because of the change in the inter- 
national situation brought about by the conclusion of 
the Franco-Russian AUiance. 


Friendly relations with the Empire of the Tsars 
was a legacy bequeathed to the new German Empire 
by Prussia. Russia and Prussia have hardly ever 

76 Imperial Germany 

been antagonists, if we except the time of the Em- 
press Elizabeth's hatred of Frederick the Great, a 
hatred based on personal rather than material 
grounds, and of the mock war between Russia and 
Prussia in 1812. 

The difficult task of dividing Poland certainly gave 
rise to some temporary friction, but it did not result 
in any serious conflict of views. Indeed, the Polish 
affair often brought Russia and Prussia into closer 
touch. The possibility of danger from Poland is a 
warning to both these countries not to quarrel, but to 
look on their common efforts to ward off attempts at 
re-establishing the independence of Poland as a bridge 
on which Russia and Prussia can continue to meet. 

During the first half of the nineteenth century the 
relations between the ruling houses of Russia and 
Prussia were more intimate than is usual; and this 
intimacy found expression in the policy of the two 
countries. In the dark times of the Crimean War 
Prussia's friendly attitude considerably eased Rus- 
sia's position; and a counterpart to this is found in the 
attitude which the Emperor Alexander II. adopted 
during the Franco- German War. Not long after 
the Peace of Frankfurt was signed, in September, 
1872, the Emperors of Russia and Austria went to 

Russia 77 

the capital of the new German Empire to visit the 
venerable sovereign who had emerged victorious from 
the great struggle. On this occasion they met on 
friendly terms, and by that time Prince Bismarck had 
created a new basis for European policy. The united 
strength of the empires of Eastern Europe cooled the 
French nation's ardoiu* for revenge; indeed, this 
union was an excellent guarantee of peace. Bis- 
marck also expected that the closer connection of 
Russia with the conservative tendencies of Germany 
and Austria's Foreign pohcy would stem the tide of 
Panslavism which at that time was rapidly rising in 
Russia. As he expressed it: "Russia, the wild ele- 
phant, was to walk between the two tame elephants, 
Germany and Austria." 

The Berhn Congress, 1878, occasioned a slight rift 
in the hitherto unbroken concord of the Powers of 
Eastern Europe. After the heavy losses of a long 
and unexpectedly difficult campaign, Russia, who 
had not cared to risk the occupation of Constantino- 
ple, had to submit in Berlin to considerable modifica- 
tions of the Peace of San Stefano. These alterations 
in their essentials may be traced back to secret ar- 
rangements made by the St. Petersburg Cabinet 
with Austria before the war against Turkey, and with 

78 Imperial Germany 

England at the close of the armistice. The results 
of the Berlin Congress were hardly satisfactory from 
the point of view of the Russian people; and the 
Russian Press, which in the last decade had greatly 
strengthened its influence on public opinion, put all 
the blame on Prince Bismarck, the chairman of the 
Congress and its most distinguished member. The 
Russian Imperial Chancellor, Prince Gortschakov, 
whose personal relations with Prince Bismarck had 
become gradually more and more unfriendly, not 
only gave free rein to the Press, but discussed with a 
French joumaUst the idea of a Franco-Russian Al- 
liance, though this, of course, at the time, was nothing 
more than an idea. When the Emperor Alexander 
II. also seemed to be yielding to anti-German influ- 
'Cnces, Bismarck, in 1879, concluded the treaty of alli- 
.ance with Austro-Hungary, which became the basis 
of the Triple Alliance. After the conclusion of this 
alliance, the Times correspondent in Paris, M. de 
Blowitz, a very versatile man, said to me: "That is 
probably the best stroke of diplomacy that Bismarck 
has yet achieved," 

Nevertheless Prince Bismarck, with his accustomed 
energy, set to work to place us once more on our old 

Russia 79 

footing with Russia. He succeeded in materially im- 
proving Russo-German relations, and, what is more, 
the meeting of the three Emperors at Skierniewice, 
in 1884, led to a new rapprochement of the three 
Empires. European peace was assured in an almost 
ideal fashion by the Triple Alliance on the one hand 
and the entente of the Powers of Eastern Europe on 
the other. But from the very first a limit was set to 
this ideal state of affairs by the many antagonistic 
aims of Russian and Austrian policy in the east. It 
was only a question of time that this antagonism 
should become manifest, for it did not depend on the 
goodwill or illwill of statesmen, but on the differences 
in the very real political interests of the two Empires. 
It was the Bulgarian question which again upset the 
good relations between Austria and Russia. The 
friendly understanding of the three Empires did not 
survive the stormy summer of 1886. It is well-known 
that Prince Bismarck himself declared that in the face 
of the new situation he had done his best, while re- 
maining loyal to the Triple Alhance, to preserve a 
friendly understanding between Germany and Rus- 
sia. To this end he had assured a more or less ex- 
ceptional position for German pohcy behind the 

8o Imperial Germany 

defensive position of the Triple AUiance, by means 
of the so-called Reinsurance Treaty with Russia. 
Later on he spoke frequently and in detail about the 
motives that had induced him to conclude the treaty, 
and about the value and bearing of the same. He 
blamed his successor for not renewing the treaty, and 
he pointed out that it was after this failure to renew 
that the Franco-Russian Alliance was concluded. 
Russia, no longer bound by any convention, and 
France in her isolation had joined forces, after the 
dividing wall between them had been removed. 
Prince Bismarck considered this change on the part 
of Russia, from the side of the German Empire to 
that of the bitterest enemy of Germany, a great 
strengthening of France's position among the Pow- 
ers, and one which would materially increase the dif- 
ficulties of German policy. 


At any rate the Franco-Russian AUiance denotes 
a very significant change in the international situa- 
tion. In the 'nineties we Germans had to face British 
rivalry, roused by the rapid development of German 
foreign trade and the construction of the German 
fleet, while we were taken in the rear by the Dual 

The Franco-Russian Alliance 8i 

Alliance, by which France desired to profit as much 
as possible in order to realise her hopes. 

Thus placed, we had to seek and find a means of 
transition to an international policy. At first this 
was a narrow path along which we had to advance 
with great care. Our attitude towards Russia dur- 
ing the Russo-Japanese War, was modelled on our 
relations with England during the Boer War. With- 
out injuring Japan by failing in strictly proper neu- 
trality, we adopted a very friendly attitude towards 
Russia. Indeed, our neutrahty with respect to Russia 
was even a shade more kindly than that of France. 

After the Russo-Japanese War there was a slight 
coolness in Franco-Russian relations, whereas there 
was an increase of warmth in those between Russia 
and Germany. The Dual Alliance had gradually 
lost a great deal of its original keenness of edge, not 
so much on account of the weakening of Russia, 
which, as was the case after the Crimean War, was 
often exaggerated, as on account of the restoration of 
confidence between Russia and Germany. The vari- 
ous stages of this re-establishment of friendly rela- 
tions were marked by the repeated meetings between 
monarchs of the two Empires. After the Bosnian 
crisis, too, normal relations between Russia and Ger- 

82 Imperial Germany 

many were quickly restored, as was proved by the 
particularly satisfactory meeting between the Em- 
peror William and the Tsar, which took place 
amongst the islands off the coast of Finland in June, 
1909. It did not lie in Germany's power to separate 
Russia from France, nor could she harbour any in- 
tention of so doing. Since a treaty of alliance has 
been concluded between Russia and France, and has 
penetrated the national sentiments of the two peo- 
ples, it has become impossible, and will for some time 
to come continue to be impossible, for us to sever the 
ties of this alhance, and bind Russia to our interests 
by means of a treaty. 

But Germany can blunt the keen edge of the Dual 
Alliance by putting her relations with Russia on a 
sound basis. It was possible to accomplish this task, 
and it has been done. Its accomplishment was ren- 
dered considerably easier by the personal relations 
subsisting between our Emperor and the Emperor 
Nicholas. The hopes built by the French chauvinists 
on the Russian Alliance have not been fulfilled. At 
times Russian statesmen have even given France to 
understand that Russia was not willing to serve the 
cause of the French policy of revenge. The high 
hopes with which the French acclaimed the conclusion 

The Franco-Russian Alliance 83, 

of the Dual Alliance have gradually faded. The 
French authorities were forced to seek some compen- 
sation for their disappointed hopes, for the sake of 
the sentiments and aspirations which ultimately con- 
trol pubHc feeling in France. They found this com- 
pensation in the Anglo-French entente, which at 
times seemed a greater menace to us than the Dual 
AUiance. The resentment of the French against the 
rulers of Alsace-Lorraine sought and found an ally 
in the widespread disquietude and jealousy of the 
English, which increased in proportion as our navy 
grew and our oversea interests developed. 

The Dual Alliance completely lacks any permanent 
interests hostile to the German Empire which are 
common to the two Powers. There is probably no 
European Power which so rarely stands in the way 
of Russia's claims in the spheres of politics and in- 
dustry as Germany. Conflicting interests between 
England and France are certainly not wanting either. 
Up to quite recent times England's greatest and most 
important acquisitions in the wider world were made 
at the expense of France; this was the case in the 
Sudan, and earlier in Further India. But for 
France oversea politics are not vital, and therefore 
she was at hberty to subordinate her international in- 

§4 Imperial Germany 

terests to England's, thereby circumscribing Franco- 
British differences for the sake of an Anglo-French 
agreement. France paid this high price for Eng- 
land's friendship after she had been disappointed in 
her hopes of the Dual Alliance. 


The resentment against Germany might well be 
called the soul of French policy; the other interna- 
tional questions are more of a material nature and 
only concern the body. It is a peculiarity of the 
French nation that they place spiritual needs above 
material ones. 

The irreconcUabihty of France is a factor that we 
must reckon with in our political calculations. It 
seems to me weakness to entertain the hope of a real 
and sincere reconcihation with France, so long as we 
have no intention of giving up Alsace-Lorraine. 
And there is no such intention in Germany. There 
certainly are many individual points in which we can 
see eye to eye with France, and in which we can co- 
operate, at any rate, from time to time. We must 
always endeavour to preserve polite, calm, and peace- 
ful relations with France. But beyond that we 
should not pursue any will-o'-the-wisp delusions. 

Germany and France 85 

otherwise we may meet with the fate of the Astrono- 
mer in La Fontaine, who, while gazing at the stars, 
fell into the pit which lay at his feet, but which he 
had not seen. In this case the pit is called "Le trou 
des Vosges." 

Also, as regards France, we must not hope too 
much from attentions and amenities ; the small change 
of international intercourse. In saying this we do 
homage to the proud patriotism of a great nation. 
The resentment against Germany lies too deep in the 
hearts of the French for us to be able to overcome it 
by cheap expressions of friendship. France was never 
so hard hit, not even after the catastrophic defeats 
of 1812-15, as by the war of 1870-71. In France 
there is no comprehension of the fact that what seems 
to them the brutal severity of a conqueror was really 
a matter of national necessity to us Germans. Per- 
haps in course of time the French nation will grow 
reconciled to the decisions of the Peace of Frankfurt, 
when it realises that they were and are irrevocable. 
But so long as France thinks she perceives a possibil- 
ity of winning back Alsace-Lorraine, either by her 
own unaided efforts or with the help of others, so 
long will she consider the existing arrangement pro- 
visional and not final. 

86 Imperial Germany 

The French have the right to claim understand- 
ing for this feeling with which the majority of the 
people are deeply imhued. It is a proof of a lively 
sense of honour, if a nation suffers so keenly from a 
single injury to its pride that the desire for retribu- 
tion becomes the ruling passion of the people. It is 
quite true that for many centuries France was respon- 
sible for the spirit of unrest which troubled the his- 
tory of Europe. We had to fortify our position in 
the West in an enduring manner, so as to safeguard 
our peace from fresh disturbances. The remedy has 
not been altogether unavailing, not only so far as 
Germany is concerned, but for the whole of Europe. 
But the French see things in a different light. The 
policy of splendid adventures, which often has cost 
Europe its peace, and has repeatedly forced France's 
neighbours to strain their powers to the utmost, has 
made the past of France a record of glory, by which 
the pecuhar national ambition of the French has 
found expression in the grandest and most spon- 
taneous fashion. French history differs from the 
German in this point, among many others: that 
the greatest and most dramatic moments in which the 
fate of nations is decided are found in the story of 
her wars of conquest, whereas the most glorious pages 

Germany and France 87 

of German history tell of deeds of national defence. 
We wish to prevent the return of such times as those 
of Louis XIV. and of Napoleon I., and for our 
greater security have therefore strengthened our 
frontiers against France; hut it is just such times as 
these for which many Frenchmen long, and which 
in moments of excitement are the goal of the desires 
of the whole nation. Germany, deriving new vigour 
as she did from the events of 1866 and 1870, has de- 
voted all her strength to the enlargement of her own 
national hfe. Every time the national powers of 
France were fortified she proceeded to acts of aggres- 
sion abroad, and would do so again if she foresaw 
the likelihood of success. 

We must take this into account, and consider that 
we ourselves should be the opponent against whom 
France would first tiu-n if she thought that she could 
carry out a victorious campaign against Germany. 
The policy of revenge is supported by the unshakable 
belief of the French in the indestructibility of the 
vital power of France. This behef is based on all the 
experiences of French history. No nation has ever 
recovered so quickly as the French from the effects of 
national disasters; none have ever so easily regained 
their elasticity, their self-confidence and their energy. 

88 Imperial Germany 

after grievous disappointments and apparently crush- 
ing defeats. More than once France appeared to be 
finally overcome by her enemies abroad, and so shat- 
tered by chaotic conditions at home, that Europe be- 
lieved she had ceased to be dangerous. But always 
within a very short time the French nation confronted 
Europe in all its old strength, or even with added 
might, and was able again to take up the struggle for 
European supremacy, to threaten the balance of 
power once more. 

The rise and fall of this nation has always aston- 
ished the States of Europe anew. The gradual de- 
cline from the proud height to which Louis XIV. 
had raised France seemed to be leading to the disin- 
tegration of the French State by the great Revolu- 
tion, which was quickly followed by civil war, the 
disbandment of the army, the destruction of the old 
industrial prosperity, and the bankruptcy of the 
State. Ten years after the outbreak of the Revolu- 
tion, the armies of the French Republic were masters 
of Italy, the Netherlands, and aU the land west of the 
Rhine, and had penetrated victoriously into the heart 
of Germany; another ten years, and the first Empire 
was at the height of its glory and Napoleon seemed 
very near the attainment of his goal — dominion over 

Germany and France 89 

the whole Continent. Then followed the disasters 
of Leipzig and Waterloo, the complete defeat of 
France, and twice in succession, the taking of her 

During more than twenty years of uninterrupted 
warfare, the French nation had drained to the dregs 
its industrial and physical resources; and yet under 
the second Empire France was able once more to rise 
to the foremost position. The consequences of the 
defeat of 1870 dealt France a more grievous blow than 
any previously. But it did not prevent this wonder- 
fully elastic nation from rising yet again. What 
Alexis de Tocqueville said more than half a century 
ago about the French people in his classical work, 
"L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution," is in many re- 
spects still true to-day: 

"Quand je considere cette nation en elle-meme, je la 
trouve plus extraordinaire qu'aucun des evenements 
de son histoire. En a-t-il jamais paru sur la terre 
une seule qui fut si remplie de contrastes et si ex- 
treme en chacun de ses actes, plus conduite par des 
sensations moins par des principes; faisant ainsi tou- 
jours plus mal ou mieux qu'on ne s'y attendait, tantot 
au-dessous du niveau commun de I'humanite, tantot 
fort au-dessus; un peuple teUement inalterable dans 

go Imperial Germany 

ses principaux instincts qu'on le reconnait encore dans 
des portraits qui ont ete faits de lui il y a deux ou 
trois mille ans, at en meme temps tellement mobile dans 
ses pensees joumalieres et dans ses gouts qu'il finit 
par se devenir un spectacle inattendu a lui-meme, 
•et demeure souvent aussi surpris que les etrangers 
a la vue de ce qu'il vient de f aire ; le plus casanier et 
le plus routinier de tous quand on I'abandonne a lui- 
meme, et lorsqu'une fois on I'a arrache malgre lui a 
son logis et a ses habitudes, pret a tout pousser 
jusqu'au bout du monde et a tout oser; indocile par 
temperament, et s'accomodant mieux toutefois de 
I'empire arbitraire et meme violent d'un prince que 
du gouvernement regulier et libre des principaux 
•citoyens; aujourd'hui rennemi declare de toute obeis- 
sance, demain mettant a servir une sorte de passion 
que les nations les mieux douees pour la servitude ne 
peuvent atteindre; conduit par un fil tant que per- 
sonne ne resiste, ingouvemable des que I'exemple de 
la resistance est donne quelque part; trompant tou- 
jours ainsi ses maitres, qui le craignent ou trop ou trop 
peu; jamais si libre qu'il faille desesperer de I'asservir, 
ni si asservi qu'il ne puisse encore briser le joug; apte 
a tout, mais n'excellant qua dans la guerre ; adorateur 
tdu hasard, de la force, du succes, de I'eclat et du bruit. 

Germany and France 91 

plus que de la vraie gloire; plus capable d'heroisme 
que de vertu, de genie que de bon sens, propre a con- 
cevoir d'immenses desseins plutot qu' a parachever de 
grandes entreprises ; la plus brillante et la plus dange- 
reuse des nations de I'Eiu-ope, et la mieux faite pour 
y devenir tour a tour un objet d'admiration, de haine, 
de pitie, de terreur, mais jamais d'indifference?" * 

* "When I contemplate this nation itself, it strikes me as more ex- 
traordinary than any of the events in its history. Was there ever in this 
world a people so full of contrasts, so extreme in each one of its actions, 
more guided by emotions and less by principles? Thus alvi'ays doing bet- 
ter or worse than was expected, at one time below the common level of 
humanity, at another far above it; a people so stable in their principal 
instincts that they are still recognisable in portraits that were drawn 
two or three thousand years ago, and at the same time so changeable in 
their daily thoughts and in their tastes, that they themselves are finally 
astonished at the spectacle they present, and are often as surprised as 
foreigners at the sight of what they have just done; the most stay-at- 
home creatures of habit when left to themselves, but once they have 
been forced, against their will, to abandon their accustomed dwellings 
and uses, ready to carry all before them to the ends of the earth, and to 
dare anything; intractable by nature, and nevertheless submitting with a 
better grace to the arbitrary and even brutal rule of a prince, than to the 
orderly and free government of the principal citizens; one day the 
avowed enemy of all allegiance, the next day serving with such a passion- 
ate devotion as even the nations most prone to servitude cannot attain; 
people who can be guided by a thread as long as no one resists, but who 
become ungovernable as soon as the example to resist is given anywhere; 
thus always deceiving their masters who fear them either too little or too 
much; never so free that it is hopeless to try and subjugate them, nor 
so utterly enslaved that they cannot throw off the yoke; qualified for 
anything, but excelling only in war; worshipping chance, force, success, 
show and clamour, rather than true glory; more capalDle of heroism than 
of virtue, of genius than of common sense, better able to conceive im- 

92 Imperial Germany 

It is a fact that very soon after the re-establish- 
ment of her political system, which, as after every 
military disaster, had been overthrown as a result of 
the defeats of Worth and Sedan, France, whose 
activity in the field of continental politics had been 
paralysed for the time being, exerted her power with 
much effect in the sphere of world-politics. In the 
course of the last twenty-five years she has founded 
a colonial empire that much more than compensates 
her for the loss of land and population she suffered 
in Europe, and has thus raised herself to the position 
of the second greatest colonial Power in the world. 
Her possessions in North Africa, which lie at her very 
gates, have been nearly doubled by the acquisition of 

This is not the place to discuss whether, as many 
think, the complete and unlimited control of Morocco 
in pohtical, industrial and military matters will be a 
source of weakness, or whether it will not rather lend 
added strength to France. In any case, the colonial 
activity of France proves how quickly and vigorously 
the French spirit of enterprise revived soon after the 

mense schemes than to consummate great undertakings; the most bril- 
liant and the most dangerous of the nations of Europe, and the most 
apt to become in turn an object of admiration, hatred, pity and terror, 
but never one of indifference." 

The Morocco Question 93 

defeat of 1870, and attempted to win national ascend- 
ancy in the path which lay open, and which Germany 
had designedly left open in Tunis and in Tonquin. 

But France will not look upon her great colonial 
empire as a sufficient compensation for the loss of 
Alsace-Lorraine. And Bismarck had no illusions on 
this point when he recommended us to promote the 
success of France's colonial policy in order to distract 
the attention of the French^ at any rate temporarily, 
from the neighbourhood of the Vosges. 

THE MOEOCCO question. 

When we fell out with France on the Morocco 
question, it was not our object to thwart her colonial 
policy, but we had weighty interests of our own as 
well as our national reputation to defend. Our ac- 
tion in the Moroccan affair had its legal justification 
in the Treaty of Madrid of 1880, and the German- 
Moroccan Commercial Treaty of 1890. We were 
driven to take such action by the high-handed policy 
of France in Morocco, which threatened to ignore 
German industrial and commercial interests as well 
as our national credit. 

The Moroccan Treaty, concluded in Madrid in 
1880, had defined the European Powers' right to ex- 

94 Imperial Germany 

ercise protection over Morocco. It was concluded on 
the basis of the recognition of the sovereign rights of 
Morocco. On the strength of this basis Grcrmany 
concluded a commercial treaty with Morocco in 1890. 
No change in the arrangements made at Madrid was 
vahd without the assent of the signatory Powers — 
namely, the Great Powers of Europe with the excep- 
tion of Russia, the United States, the Scandinavian 
States, Holland, Belgium and Portugal. France 
certainly had a special interest in the development 
of affairs in Morocco, which adjoins one of her own 
colonial possessions. This fact was always taken into 
account by Germany. On the basis of the arrange- 
ments made at Madrid, no objection could have been 
taken to the special consideration of the particular 
interests of France and Spain. But French wishes 
went far beyond this. France interfered more and 
more unscrupulously in Moroccan affairs. She 
hoped, by ignoring the Treaty of Madrid, and disre- 
garding the economic interests of other countries, 
especially those of Germany, quietly to acquire a 
large new colonial possession of great value. In the 
pursuit of this policy France relied on England, as- 
suming that the support and countenance of that 
country was sufficient to enable her to attain her ends. 

The Morocco Question 95 

On April 8, 1904, a separate treaty was made be- 
tween England and France, in which France ac- 
knowledged England's undisputed authority in 
Egypt, and England expressed her approval of 
France's action in Morocco. This separate treaty 
disregarded, with an equal lack of ceremony, both 
the International Settlement of 1880 and the Ger- 
man-Moroccan Commercial Treaty. As one of the 
first tangible results of the Anglo-French entente, 
which was indirectly antagonistic to Germany, this 
treaty obviously aimed at injuring the latter country. 

The two Powers disposed arrogantly of a great and 
most important field of colonial interests, without 
even deigning to take the German Empire into con- 
sideration. It was clearly an attempt on the part of 
the Western Powers to lay claim to the right of de- 
cision in matters of international policy. The French 
authorities did not hesitate to act immediately upon 
the Anglo-French arrangement, as if the signatory 
Powers of the Treaty of Madrid had no existence at 
all. France set about the "Tunification" of Mo- 
rocco. The French agent in Morocco, St. Rene- 
Taillandier, tried to secure a share in the govern- 
ment of the country. By altering the police organ- 
isation, by founding a National Bank under FrencH 

96 Imperial Germany 

direction, and by entrusting public works and con- 
tracts to French firms, the industrial life and gov- 
ernment in Morocco were to be brought under 
French influence to such an extent that the ulti- 
mate annexation of Morocco as a French possession 
would have been merely a matter of form. The Min- 
ister for Foreign Affairs at that time — ^Delcasse, a 
most gifted and energetic statesman, but too easily 
swayed by his f eehngs where Germany was concerned 
— cherished the hope of confronting us with a fait 
accompli in Morocco. He knew that in so doing he 
would deal our prestige in the world a severe blow. 
We had important and promising economic interests 
in Morocco which were seriously injured by French 
action. In addition to this, our dignity and oin* 
newly-won position in international politics were at 
stake. The fact that the signatory Powers of the 
Treaty of Madrid had been ignored in the Anglo- 
French Moroccan arrangement was equivalent in 
specie to an affront to the German Empire. France 
had made a friendly treaty with England, secret ne- 
gotiations were being carried on with Spain, Russia 
was not a signatory Power, Italy went her own way 
in the Mediterranean, the affairs of Morocco were of 
little interest to the United States, and there was no 

The Morocco Question 97 

reason to expect serious opposition from the smaller 
States of Europe. Thus only Austria and, above 
all, Germany were clearly set aside. A weighty 
choice lay before us. Should we allow ourselves 
to be left out, and treated as a quantite neglige- 
able, in an important international decision? Or 
should we demand that our interests be considered 
and our wishes consulted? The first course would 
have been the easier; we were urged to adopt the 
second, not only by our sense of honour and our pride, 
but also by our interests, rightly interpreted. If 
once we suffered ourselves to be trampled on with 
impunity, this first attempt to treat us badly would 
soon have been followed by a second and a third. 

On July 3, 1900, the Emperor William II. had 
given utterance to the words: "I am not of opinion 
that our German people, xmder the leadership of 
their princes, conquered and suffered thirty years ago 
in order to be set aside in important decisions on for- 
eign affairs. If this should happen, the German na- 
tion's position as a world-Power would be destroyed 
for good and all, and I do not wish this to come to 
pass." French Moroccan pohcy was an obvious at- 
tempt to set Germany aside in an important decision 
on foreign affairs, an attempt to adjust the balance 

98 Imperial Germany 

of power in Europe in favour of France. A prece- 
dent would have been established which must of ne- 
cessity have tempted to repetition. We could not 
risk that. From this point of view the Moroccan 
affair became a national question for us. The course 
of our policy in Morocco was clearly indicated. 

On March 31, 1905, His Majesty the Emperor, in 
pursuance of my advice, landed at Tangier, where he 
defended the independence and sovereignty of Mo- 
rocco in unequivocal language. The demands of 
Germany to be consulted about Moroccan affairs 
were thus announced to the world. It was made 
clear that Germany intended to adhere to the interna- 
tional treaty of 1880, based on the acknowledgment 
of the sovereignty of Morocco, and that she was not 
inclined to recognise the new situation created with- 
out her consent by the Anglo-French Moroccan 
Treaty and the action of France in that country. 
Our object was to substitute an international settle- 
ment by the signatory Powers of the Treaty of Ma- 
drid for the one-sided arrangement between England 
and France. We also had to prevent an interna- 
tional conference from simply giving its consent to 
French policy in Morocco. Both ends were attained 
by the fact that the Conference of Algeciras actually 

The Morocco Question 99 

took place, and by the decisions it made. France 
violently opposed the scheme of calling a conference. 
For a time it seemed as if M. Delcasse would make 
the question of peace or war depend on this point. 
When the German government refused to yield, 
France consented to the conference. M. Delcasse 
resigned the portfolio of Foreign Affairs. He re- 
tired, and we got our way because we stood firm. In 
Algeciras our position was naturally a difficult one, 
seeing that we were opposed to the Powers of the en- 
tente, and that the other Powers took little interest 
in the Moroccan question. Nevertheless we suc- 
ceeded in preserving the sovereignty of the Sultan 
and in securing international control of the police 
organisation and the Moroccan National Bank, thus 
ensuring the open door in Morocco for German 
economic interests as well as for those of all other 
countries. We did not attain all we wished, but at 
least all that was essential. We had foiled the at- 
tempt to set us aside in the settlement of an affair 
of great international importance. We should have 
a voice in the further development of Moroccan af- 
fairs, and we did not need to renoimce our right to 
this without adequate compensation. The decisions 
of the Algeciras Conference bolted the door against 

100 Imperial Germany 

the attempts of France to compass the "Tunification" 
of Morocco. They also provided a bell we could 
ring at any time should France show any similar tend- 
encies again. Very soon after the Algeciras Con- 
ference the new state of affairs made itself felt in a 
painful manner in France. The "nefarious Alge- 
ciras document" was characterised as "European 
tutelage forced upon France," or at best as an "hon- 
ourable retreat." It has been said that after the 
resignation of Delcasse we ought to have tried to 
come to a direct rmderstanding with France. It is a 
question whether France was at all inclined to pay 
us an acceptable price. Any way, it was not open to 
us to pursue this course, if only on account of our 
position with regard to Turkey and Islam. In No- 
vember, 1898, the Emperor WiUiam II. had said in 
Damascus: "The three hundred million Mahom- 
medans who live scattered over the globe may be as- 
sured of this, that the German Emperor will be their 
friend at all times." In Tangier the Emperor had 
declared emphatically in favour of the integrity of 
Morocco. We should have completely destroyed our 
credit in the Mahonmiedan world, if so soon after 
these declarations we had sold Morocco to the French. 
Our Ambassador in Constantinople, Freiherr von 

The Morocco Question loi 

Marschall, said to me at the time: "If we sacrifice 
Morocco in spite of Damascus and Tangier, we shall 
at one fell swoop lose our position in Turkey, and 
therefore all the advantages and prospects that we 
have painfully acquired by the labour of many years." 
The separate Franco-German Treaty of February 
9, 1909, which was concluded with the distinguished 
assistance of von Kiderlen-Wachter, later Secretary 
of State^ diminished the likehhood of continual fric- 
tion between the two countries. It secured France 
a certain amount of pohtical influence without making 
annexation possible; but it retained the principle of 
the open door, and it afforded German and French 
commerce and industry equal rights in the State of 
Morocco, which preserved its independence without 
loss of territory. The arrangement promoted peace 
in that it supplemented the Algeciras settlement in 
such points as had proved in practice to require cor- 
rection. The decisions of the Algeciras Conference 
were explicitly confirmed by the treaty of 1909. The 
German right to a voice in decisions touching the fate 
of Morocco, this right which stood in the way of the 
annexation of the country by France, was in no way 
affected by the separate treaty. What we received 
later in return for renouncing this right — whether it 

102 Imperial Germany 

be much or little, whether the piece of land in the 
Congo that fell to our share be of great value or small 
— was certainly obtained on the basis of the Algeciras 
decisions, and thanks to our action in the year 1905. 
We never had any intention of taking possession of 
any part of Morocco; not because we were afraid of 
France, but for our own sake. England and Spain, 
besides France, would have opposed us there. On the 
other hand, we could not hope to reconcile France 
by exaggeratedly friendly advances in the Moroccan 
question. However high the economic value that 
France sets upon Morocco, however great the increase 
of power which she expects from this addition to her 
North African possessions, her Moroccan policy was 
— especially at critical moments — rather a means to 
an end than an end in itself. In certain French 
circles the original object was to ignore Germany, 
and thus, with the help of England, to make an effec- 
tive attack on our position and credit in the world; 
later on they thought they saw a chance, with the sup- 
port of England, to come to a final settlement with 
Germany imder most favourable conditions. These 
tendencies of French policy twice brought the Mo- 
rocco question into the van of international politics 
and endangered the peace of the world. 

The Irreconcilability of France 103 


When we consider our relations with France, we 
must not forget that she is unappeased. So far as 
man can tell, the ultimate aim of French pohcy for 
many years to come will be to create the necessary 
conditions, which to-day are still wanting, for a set- 
tlement with Germany with good prospects of suc- 
cess. If we soberly realise this truth, we shall be 
able to adopt a proper attitude towards France. In- 
dignant tirades against the incorrigibility of the 
French are in very bad taste, as are futile attempts 
to propitiate them. The German "Michel" has no 
need again and again to approach the coy beauty with 
flowers in his hand ; her gaze is riveted on the Vosges. 
Only an acceptance of the irrevocability of the loss of 
1871 can accustom France finally and without re- 
striction to the state of affairs fixed in the Peace of 
Frankfurt. It is just possible that the effect of con- 
vulsively straining her military resources to the utter- 
most may, by reacting on the economic and social 
conditions of France, hasten the return of pacific 
feelings, and that once again the French proverb may 
prove true, "Que Veacces du mal amene la guerison." 
The reintroduction of mihtary service for a period 

104 Imperial Germany 

of three years betokens such a rise in the "armament 
fever," that it may lead to the return of a normal 
temperature. Should the three-year military service 
entail an income tax, this would also probably have 
a sobering effect. 

Till such time France will be against us. Al- 
though she is at great pains to remedy the mihtary 
disadvantage at which she stands in comparison with 
our State, and which is due to her smaller population, 
she no longer has the old-time confidence in her proper 
strength. It is the aim of French policy, by means 
of alliances and friendships, to restore the balance 
between France and her German neighbour, or even, 
if possible, to turn the scales in her own favour. To 
this end France has had to renounce a part of her own 
free initiative, and has become more dependent than 
formerly on foreign Powers. The French, of course, 
are very well aware of this. The fact that the hyper- 
sensitive national pride of the French acquiesces in 
this shows what is the predominant desire of the peo- 
ple. It is hardly possible to imagine any international 
situation which could induce France to change funda- 
mentally the policy inspired by the memory of 1870. 

When, shortly after the Kriiger telegram, enthusi- 
asm for the Boers ran high in France, as in all Eu- 

Fashoda 105 

rope, an English Minister anxiously asked a French 
diplomat whether France might not be tempted to side 
with Germany. The Frenchman's answer ran as 
follows: "You may rest assured that as long as 
Alsace-Lorraine remains German, whatever else may 
happen, the French nation will consider Germany its 
permanent enemy, and wiU regard any other Power 
merely as an accidental opponent." 


The course and the result of the quarrel about 
Fashoda showed how little success or failure in the 
wider world count in the estimation of France, when 
compared with her loss of position in Europe. 
France suffered an undeniable defeat in this quarrel 
with England, and this was keenly felt. Fashoda 
stood for the end of an old and proud dream of 
French colonial poHcy, and made the French nation 
feel the superiority of British power in a pitiless 

For a moment public opinion in France was en- 
raged and turned impetuously against England. 
The bulk of those people who in politics cannot dis- 
tinguish between the transitory and the permanent, 
and mistake the noisy din of actuality for the echo of 

106 Imperial Germany 

what is really significant, thought that a change had 
come over French policy. The ill-feeling against 
England was to drive France to the side of Germany, 
the disappointment about their Hi-success in the Su- 
dan was to paralyse resentment at the loss of Alsace- 
Lorraine, and new hope of requital for Fashoda was 
to take the place of the old hope of revenge for Metz 
and Sedan. It was impossible to misunderstand the 
nature of French policy more thoroughly than by 
imagining such a state of affairs. A nation that for 
a whole generation has cherished one hope and one 
ideal wiU not turn aside from its old course because 
of a misadventure on a remote track. The hatred of 
Germany could not be affected, let alone removed, 
by ill-feeling against England. Even if the momen- 
tary anger against England had been far more pas- 
sionate and heartfelt than it actually was, it would, 
nevertheless, not have been the beginning of perma- 
nently hostile feehngs, for the attitude of France to 
England had been definitely estabhshed in French 
policy before the trouble in the Sudan. France soon 
discovered in Enghsh jealousy of Germany her nat- 
ural ally against the victor of 1870, and pressed to 
England's side. There was disappointment in Paris 
because England would not, for the sake of French 

The Triple Entente 107 

friendship, sacrifice any of her interests in the Sudan 
and on the NUe, but France was ready in any case, 
though with clenched teeth, to pay this price, or even 
a higher one, for England's friendship. The defeat in 
the Fashoda affair was set down in the debit account 
of the French poKcy of revenge, and finally resulted 
in renewed hatred of Germany rather than in hostil- 
ity towards England. Forty-eight hours after 
France had yielded in the Fashoda affair, a French 
ambassador, one of the best political intellects of 
France, was asked by an Italian colleague what effect 
this event would have on French relations with Eng- 
land. The Frenchman replied: "An excellent one! 
Once the difference about the Sudan is settled noth- 
ing stands in the way of a complete entente with Eng- 


This entente really became an accomplished fact 
not long after the Fashoda incident, and has persisted 
through all the changes of international politics. 
Owing to her alliance with France, and the compli- 
cations in the East, Russia has often supported the 
Anglo-French entente j, so that we are justified in 
speaking of a Triple entente as a counterpart to the 
Triple Alhance. 

io8 Imperial Germany 

The political leadership of this triple tinion has, at 
decisive moments, mostly been in the hands of Eng- 
land, and up till now England, like Russia, has re- 
fused to serve the cause of French revenge. She has 
been guided mainly by her own interests. English 
leadership has sometimes made our life difficult, but 
just as often it has had a soothing and sobering eflfect 
on France, and has done excellent work for the pres- 
ervation of peace in Europe. 


England is certainly seriously disquieted by our 
rising power at sea, and our competition which incom- 
modes her at many points. Without doubt there are 
still Englishmen who think that, on the principle ex- 
pressed by Montaigne, "que le dommage de I'un est 
le profit de I'autre," that if the troublesome German 
would disappear from the face of the earth, England 
would only gain by it. But between such sentiments 
in England and the fundamental feeling in France, 
there is a marked difference, which finds correspond- 
ing expression in politics. France would attack us 
if she thought she were strong enough; England 
would only do so if she thought she could not defend 
her vital economic and political interests against Ger- 

Anglo-German Settlement 109 

many except by force. The mainspring of English 
policy towards us is national egoism; that of French 
policy is national ideaUsm. He who follows his in- 
terest will, however, mostly remain calmer than he 
who pursues an idea. 


Doubtless the English merchant has at times been 
irked by the competition abroad of his German col- 
league; doubtless German and English economic in- 
terests do clash here and there in the world. But in 
the course of her great world-policy, England has 
hardly found any Great Power bar her way less often 
then the German Empire. This fact has not escaped 
the English, in spite of their anxiety about the Ger- 
man navy. Germany and England are probably the 
only two great European Powers who have never 
shed a drop of each other's blood. There has been 
friction and tension between them, but never war. 
Happily in England, too, the conviction is gaining 
ground that England, by continually opposing Ger- 
many and by overdoing the anti-German pohcy, only 
injures herself. Finally, this greatest of commer- 
cial nations knows very well what excellent customers 
Germany and England are of each other, and how 

110 Imperial Germany 

grievously British industrial life would feel the loss 
of German custom. If, on the one hand, there are 
many opposing interests in Germany and England, 
on the other they have very vital interests in common. 
And, in truth, the danger to EngUsh supremacy at 
sea in the new world and sea power belongs only to the 
sphere of possibihties — or rather of imagination — and 
not to the realm of tangible reahties. 

The attitude of England to Germany is really not 
comparable with that of France to us. France moves 
ia a circle round the thought of Alsace-Lorraine. 
Enghsh policy is no doubt influenced by the wide- 
spread uneasiness due to Germany's industrial ex- 
pansion and growing sea power. But since the end 
■of the pohcy of isolation in the year 1908, England 
no longer thinks of making her whole international 
policy, or every detail of her relations with Germany, 
dependent on her antagonism to us. Although, since 
v?e first trod the path of international politics, we have 
often found England opposed to us, yet now that 
we have attained the necessary power of defence at 
sea, our relations with England can be amicable and 
friendly. Rightly recognising that peace and friend- 
ship between Germany and England are beneficial 
to both countries, and that enmity and strife are 

Anglo-German Settlement ill 

equally disadvantageous for both, the Emperor Wil- 
liam II., since his accession to power, has worked 
spontaneously and with never-failing zeal to restore 
friendly relations between the two great Germanic 
nations. There are many fields in which both have 
parallel interests. Whenever co-operation from 
which both parties derive advantage is possible, there 
is no reason why they should not go side by side and 
hand in hand. In proportion as the conviction 
spreads here and in England, that the national inter- 
ests of both countries profit most by concerted action, 
the preliminary conditions for steadfast and honest 
trust and friendship will at last gain ground. The fact 
that the danger of an armed conflict between England 
and Germany seemed very imminent in the summer of 
1911, by no means indicates that the struggle is only 
postponed and not terminated. It has often hap- 
pened that diplomacy has come to the end of its peace- 
ful resources and seemed obliged to leave further ex- 
planations to armed force. But the very imminence 
of this critical moment has often sufficed to give a 
fresh impetus to negotiations which had come to a 
standstill, and to bring about a peaceful solution — 
a solution which smooths away the dangerous differ- 
ences, not only for the time being, but permanently. 

112 Imperial Germany 

War clouds are inevitable in the political sky. But 
the number of those that burst is far smaller than the 
mmiber of those that disappear. Clouds equally 
heavy, if not heavier, threatened the peace between 
England and France in the 'forties of the last cen- 
tury, at the time of the July Monarchy, and also 
during the Second Empire. War seemed inevitable 
between England and Russia in 1885, when the Af- 
ghan question reached a critical point. All these 
threatening clouds melted away without btu-st- 

Our relations with England require particularly 
firm and steady handling. We desire amicable and 
even friendly relations with England, but we are not 
afraid of hostile ones. Official Germany and the 
nation itself must model their behaviour accordingly. 
A pohcy of running after England is as pointless as 
a policy of ofFensiveness. The English people, po- 
litically the maturest of the nations, would not be 
turned aside from any course they had once recog- 
nised as profitable by the warmest protestations of 
friendship; and in friendly acts that were not ob- 
viously inspired by interest they would see only a 
confession of our weakness. On the other hand, a 
proud and courageous nation like the Enghsh is not 

Anglo-German Settlement 113 

to be intimidated by threats, whether open or veiled. 
We confront England to-day, supported as we are 
by a navy which demands respect, in a very different 
manner from fifteen years ago, when it was a ques- 
tion of avoiding any conflict with England as long 
as possible, till we had built our fleet. At that time 
our foreign policy was, to a certain extent, regulated 
by the question of armaments ; it had to be carried on 
under abnormal conditions. To-day the normal 
state of affairs is restored; our armaments are at the 
service of our poHcy. The friendship as well as the 
enmity of the German Empire, supported by a strong 
navy, are naturally matters of very much greater im- 
portance to England to-day than the friendship or 
enmity of Germany in the 'nineties, when she was 
unarmed at sea. The change in favour of Germany 
of the proportionate strength of the two countries, 
has relieved our foreign poHcy with regard to Eng- 
land of a great burden. We need no longer take 
such care to prevent England from injuring our 
safety and wounding our dignity; with our own un- 
aided strength we are able, as is meet for Germans, 
to defend our dignity and our interests against Eng- 
land at sea, as we have for centuries defended them 
against the Continental Powers on land. We must 

114 Imperial Germany 

look very far back in German history to find a like 
change in Germany's position in the world. 


German pohcy, even before it had procured a 
strong navy, was able to secure points of support 
which promised well for our international interests 
in the future. We developed and improved our old 
colonial possessions. The serious rising of the 
Hereros in South-West Africa was put down, thanks 
to the endurance and courage of our troops, though 
it was at great expense and at the cost of grievous 
sacrifices. The names of the brave men who fought 
and died in the African desert — I wiU only mention 
Count Wolff -Werner von Amim and Freiherr Burk- 
hard von Erffa, who each went out as volunteers, 
and met death heroically there — deserve to live in our 
history, for they proved that our nation did not lose 
its mihtary virtues during a long period of peace. 

The South- West African rising marked a crisis in 
our colonial policy, but also a change for the better. 
By reorganising the Colonial Administration, by 
transforming the Colonial Department of the Foreign 
Ministry into an independent Imperial Ministry, 
and above all by arousing a lively comprehension 

Successes of German World Policy 115 

of our tasks and aims in the colonies, we succeeded, 
at last, during the tenure of office of the Secretary 
of State, Herr Dernburg, in getting our colonial 
policy off the dead centre. It was just the same as 
with the navy. With great trouble, and after a long 
fight, we were at last lucky enough to convince all 
civil parties of the commonalty of the usefulness and 
necessity of a positive colonial policy, and to gain their 
support for such. About the time when we began to 
build our fleet, we established ourselves, in the au- 
tumn of 1897, in Kiau Chau, and a few months later 
we concluded the Shantung Treaty with China, 
which was one of the most significant actions in mod- 
ern German history, and which secured for us a 
"place in the sun" in the Far East, on the shores of the 
Pacific Ocean, which have a great future before them. 
Up to the end of the nineteenth century Europe 
had been able to work only on the outskirts of China. 
Since then the interior has been opened up more and 
more. There is much to be gained by introducing 
industries into a huge Empire, with a population of 
four hundred million, where the people are hard-work- 
ing. We must not fall to the rear in this boundless 
field of action, but must consolidate and develop our 
position there. The end of the Spanish-American 

ii6 Imperial Germany 

War of 1899 gave us the opportunity to acquire the 
CaroUne and Marianne Islands, and thus win a 
point of support in Polynesia. A year later we suc- 
ceeded in bringing to an end the long quarrel over 
Samoa by a settlement with England and America 
that was to our advantage. In the year 1898 we 
concluded a treaty with England, which was signifi- 
cant, not only because, at a sorpewhat difficult stage 
our relations with England were made easier without 
endangering our position with regard to other 
Powers, but also because we secured thereby valu- 
able prospects for the future. This treaty held out 
hopes of more profitable results the more patiently 
we waited tiU the time should arrive to realise them; 
it was brought about largely by the efforts of our 
ambassador in London at that time. Count Paul 
Hatzfeld, whom Bismarck used to call the best horse 
in his diplomatic stables. The Bagdad Railway 
scheme was a result of the Emperor's journey to 
Palestine, which he took in the autumn of 1898, a 
very few months after the first Navy BiU was passed, 
and which was in every respect so successful. This 
threw open to German influence and German enter- 
prise a field of activity between the Mediterranean 
Sea and the Persian Gulf, on the rivers Euphrates 

Successes of German World Policy 117 

and Tigris, and along their banks; this can hardly 
be surpassed for fertility and for its great possibili- 
ties of development in the future. If one can speak 
of boundless prospects anywhere, it is in Mesopo- 

The German Empire to-day is a great World 
Power, not only by virtue of its industrial and com- 
mercial interests, but of its power in international 
politics ; its power in the sense that its arm can reach 
to the farthest corners of the world, and that Ger- 
man interests can be injured nowhere with impunity. 
The sphere of German power has literally been ex- 
tended over the whole world by the construction of 
our fleet, so that it can protect German interests scat- 
tered over the face of the earth. We built our navy 
as a means of national defence and to strengthen our 
national safety, and we have never used it for any 
other purpose. 

The problem of modern German international poK- 
tics, to secure a foundation for our position as a Great 
Power, on the whole may be considered to be solved. 
No doubt the German Empire was xmwiUingly ac- 
cepted as a Great Power by those States which for 
centuries had been used to settling questions of over- 
sea politics alone. But our right to a voice in inter- 

ii8 Imperial Germany 

national matters is recognised to-day in every country 
where the German flag is seen. We had to reach this 
goal. It was of the same significance as the creation 
of our navy, and could only be attained by overcom- 
ing considerable difficulties both in the sphere of 
foreign, or international, and of home, or national, 

During the first decade after the introduction of 
the Navy Bill of 1897, we had to pass through a zone 
of extreme danger in our foreign policy, for we were 
to provide ourselves with adequate sea power to pro- 
tect our interests eflfectually, without at the time 
having sufficient strength at sea to defend ourselves. 
Germany has emerged from this critical period, un- 
harmed and without loss of dignity or prestige. In 
the autumn of 1897 the Saturday Review published 
that famous article, which culminated in the state- 
ment that, if Germany were swept off the face of the 
earth to-morrow, there would be no Englishman the 
day after but would be the richer for it, and ended 
with the words : "Germaniam esse delendam." 

Twelve years later two important English news- 
papers, neither of them particularly pro-German, 
declared that the position of Germany was greater 
and stronger than at any time since the retirement of 

Successes of German World Policy 119 

Prince Bismarck. From 1897 onward a significant 
development had taken place that was not always 
reahsed by contemporaries, but that posterity will 
recognise and appreciate. During those years, by 
building our fleet, we accomplished the transition to 
international politics. Our ascent into the regions of 
world-policy was successful. We did not allow our- 
selves to be thrust forward by any Power against 
another, nor did we permit anyone to use us a cats- 
paw. By our cahn bearing during the Boer War we 
took the first keen edge off the excitement which 
reigned in England after the Kriiger telegram; and 
in the further course of events we gave England no 
cause to thwart us in the building of our fleet. On 
the other hand, while we carefully cultivated the 
Triple AlUance, we never came into actual conflict 
with the Dual Alliance, which would have hindered 
us in the gradual acquirement of a navy. What with 
the Anglo-French Entente and the Dual Alliance, 
we had to follow a narrow path which grew even nar- 
rower when the former expanded into a Triple 
Entente, and would have been impassable without ex- 
treme caution, when England surrounded us with a 
web of alliances and ententes. When at last, during 
the Bosnian crisis, the sky of international politics 

120 Imperial Germany 

cleared, when German power on the Continent burst 
its encompassing bonds, we had already got beyond 
the stage of preparation in the construction of our 


Besides the difiiculties of foreign politics there were 
the difficulties of home pohtics, though the latter 
were easier to overcome. We Germans have not the 
gift of meeting the demands of a new era cheerfully 
and spontaneously. Goethe pointed to the heart of 
our strength but also of our weakness when he said 
that it was characteristic of the Germans that they 
take everything heavily. The proverbial struggle 
between the old time and the new has suffered less 
interruption in the course of our history than in that 
of any other nation, and in every phase of any im- 
portance in our development it occurs again and again 
with undiminished strength. But, though amongst 
us innovations may have to encounter more vigorous 
opposition than elsewhere, yet in the end our devel- 
opment has never been impeded to such an extent as 
to cause lasting harm. We can even say that the 
uninterrupted continuance of antagonistic criticism 
has saved us Germans from dangerous innovations, 
and has brought us the steady ascent and sure prog- 

The Idea of a Navy in Germany 121 

ress in which we may rejoice to-day. That is what 
Bismarck meant when he said that rulers in Germany 
required the barbed wire of criticism, which kept them 
to the right path, because they ran the risk of tearing 
their hands to pieces if they engaged in movements 
that were too eccentric. Of course, Bismarck did 
not imply by this that criticism is always, or even 
mostly, in the right. But this spirit of negation 
forces men to show gravity, the strength of convic- 
tion, and the power of persuasion, and to be really 
clear in their minds as to the necessity of treading 
new paths. Wherever in Germany it has been possi- 
ble to convince the majority of the people, including 
those who were at first antagonistic, of the necessity 
of a thing, we have found that this new conviction, 
though slowly acquired, has taken firm root. 

All Germany to-day is imbued with the idea of the 
necessity of having a navy. From the most pro- 
nounced Agrarians among the Conservatives, to the 
extreme wing of the Democracy, there is no radical 
opposition to our German naval policy. The Ultra- 
Liberals, as is well known, had partly refused their 
support to the great, fundamental Navy Bills. 
They really and truly represented the antagonism of 
the old era to the new. It was in the year 1900 that, 

122 Imperial Germany 

after a long and excited session of the Budget Com- 
mittee, the leader of the people's party, Eugen Rich- 
ter, came to me and said to me privately: "You will 
succeed, you will get a majority for your supple- 
mentary estimates for the Navy. I would never 
have believed it." In the interview that followed I 
was at pains to explain to this man, in many ways 
so distinguished, why his opposition to the Navy Bill 
was inexplicable to me, for the German democracy 
had for decades demanded German efficiency at sea. 
Herwegh stood at the cradle of the German fleet, and 
the first German warships had been built in 1848. I 
pointed out all the reasons why we must protect our 
commerce and our industries on the ocean. Richter 
listened attentively and said at last: "You may be 
right. But I am too old, I cannot take part in this 
new turn of affairs." The change prophesied by 
Eugen Richter was soon to be accomplished. The 
opposition of the people's party was based less on 
principle than on the general position of party poli- 
tics. It was possible to overcome it in the course of 
party pohtics, and during the time of the Block it 
was overcome. 

Prince Bismarck, the great and victorious man, 
who was the exact opposite of a leader of progress. 

The Idea of a Navy in Germany 123 

bore striking and direct testimony to the recognition 
of the dawn of a new era. A few years after the 
Prince's retirement that excellent general director, 
Herr BaUin, suggested that he should have a look at 
the Hamburg harbour, which Bismarck, in spite of 
its nearness to Friedrichsruh, had not visited for a 
long time. After a tour round the harbour Herr 
Ballin took the eighty-year-old Prince on to one of 
the new trans-atlantic liners of the Hamburg- 
Amerika Company. Prince Bismarck had never yet 
seen a ship of such dimensions. He stopped when he 
set foot on the giant steamboat, looked at the ship for 
a long time, at the many steamers lying in the vicin- 
ity, at the docks and huge cranes, at the mighty pic- 
ture presented by the harbour, and said at last: "I 
am stirred and moved. Yes, this is a new age — a 
new world." The mighty founder of the Empire, 
who fulfilled our national hopes and solved the prob- 
lem of Germany's Continental poKcy, in his old age, 
with the never-failing insight of genius, recognised 
the future, the new tasks of the German Empire in 
the sphere of world-politics. 




The history of our home poHcy, with the exception 
of a few bright spots, is a history of political mis- 
takes. Despite the abtindance of merits and great 
qualities with which the German nation is endowed, 
political talent has been denied it. No people has 
found it so difficult as the Germans to attain solid 
and permanent political institutions, although we 
were the first, after the downfall of antiquity and the 
troublous times of the migration of nations, to acquire 
that peace in national existence which is founded on 
might, and which is the preliminary condition for the 
growth of real pohtical life. Though, thanks to our 
military prowess, we found it easy enough to over- 
come foreign obstruction and interference in our 
national hfe, at all times we foimd it very hard to 
overcome even small obstacles in our own pohtical 

It has often happened to other nations that mUi- 


128 Imperial Germany 

taiy disasters, disasters in their foreign policy, have 
severely injured and even overthrown their form of 
government at home. We Germans, owing to om* 
political clmnsiness, have often defrauded ourselves 
of successes won in battle, and for centuries rendered 
an effective foreign policy impossible by our narrow- 
minded and short-sighted home policy. 

We are not a political people. Not that we ever 
lacked penetration and tmderstanding for the se- 
quence of political things, or for the essence and 
association of the religious, moral, social, legal and 
industrial forces which condition politics. We have 
always possessed this pohtical knowledge to the same 
extent as our contemporaries, and even to a greater. 
We did not either fail to realise our own pecuUar po- 
litical shortcomings. But what we did lack, and what 
we still often lack, is the art of proceeding from in- 
sight to practical application, and the greater art of 
doing the right thing, politically, by a sure creative in- 
stinct, instead of only after much thought and consid- 
erable cogitation. 

How can it otherwise be explained that in the 
struggle between different nationalities the German 
has so often succumbed to the Czech and the Slovene, 
the Magyar and the Pole, the French and the Italian, 

Introduction 129 

and that he still is at a disadvantage to-day? That in 
this sphere he usually comes off second best in com- 
parison with almost all his neighbours? 

Pohtically, as in no other sphere of life, there is an 
obvious disproportion between our knowledge and 
our power. We can boast at present of a particu- 
larly flourishing state of political science and espe- 
cially political economy. We shall seldom feel the 
influence of deep learning on practical politics. This 
is not because only a small class of educated men, and 
not the mass of the people, participate and take an 
interest in knowledge. The German nation, on the 
contrary, more than any other people, and particu- 
larly as regards the lower classes, is eager to learn 
and capable of so doing. Among many fine traits of 
character that is one of the finest our nation possesses. 
But for the German the knowledge of political things 
is usually a purely intellectual matter, which he does 
not care to connect with the actual occurrences of 
political life. It would be possible for him to do so 
only in the rarest cases. For, although well-devel- 
oped logical powers result in good judgment, yet 
there is too often a lack of that political discernment 
which can grasp the bearing of acquired knowledge 
on the life of the community. The want of political 

130 Imperial Germany 

aptitude sets a narrow limit, even to highly developed 
political science. During my term of office I took a 
lively interest in furthering political instruction, and 
I expect the results to be better and better the more 
Germans of aU classes and all degrees of culture are 
given the opportunity of following such courses of in- 
struction. But much water wiU flow under the 
bridges before these weaknesses and deficiencies in 
our political character, which are partly innate and 
partly acquired by education, can be so removed. In 
the meantime Fate, who, as we all know, is an excel- 
lent but expensive teacher, might undertake to edu- 
cate us pohtically, and that by means of the injuries 
which our innate pohtical failings must inflict on us 
again and again. Failings, even political ones, are 
seldom cured by knowledge, mostly only by experi- 
ence. Let us hope that the experience, which shall 
enable us to acquire a political talent in addition to 
so many other fine gifts, will not be too painful an 
one. In spite of a past full of pohtical disasters, we 
do not yet possess that talent. I once had a conver- 
sation on this subject with the late Ministerial Di- 
rector Althofi^. "Well, what can you expect?" 
replied that distinguished man in his humorous way. 
"We Germans are the most learned nation in the 

Introduction 131 

world and the best soldiers. We have achieved great 
things in all the sciences and arts ; the greatest philos- 
ophers, the greatest poets and musicians are Germans. 
Of late we have occupied the foremost place in the 
natural sciences and in almost all technical spheres, 
and in addition to that we have accomplished an enor- 
mous industrial development. How can you wonder 
that we are political asses? There must be a weak 
point somewhere." 

Political sense connotes a sense of the general good. 
That is just what the Germans lack. Politically 
gifted nations, sometimes consciously, sometimes in- 
stinctively, at the right moment, and even without 
being driven by necessity, set the general interests of 
the nation above their particular pursuits and desires. 
It is a characteristic of the German to employ his 
energy individually, and to subordinate the general 
good to his narrower and more immediate interests. 
That was what Goethe was thinking of in his cruel re- 
mark, so often quoted, that the Germans are very capa- 
ble individually, and wretchedly inefficient in the bulk. 

The instinct, proper to man, to unite in societies, 
associations and communities for special purposes, 
this natural, poUtical instinct reaches its highest de- 
velopment in the community which forms a State. 

132 Imperial Germany 

Where this highest form of development is attained 
-consciously, the lower forms become of less and less 
■importance as a rule. Society, united for national 
purposes, subordinates to itself all the smaller indi- 
vidual societies which serve ideal or material ends; 
not forcibly or suddenly, but in the course of the 
gradual expansion of national consciousness. The 
progress of this development indicates the progress 
of national unity and sohdarity. Nations with a 
strong political sense meet this development half 
way, the German has often vigorously opposed it — 
not on account of ill-will, or a lack of patriotic feel- 
ing, but following the dictates of his nature, which 
feels more at home in small associations than when 
included in the community of the whole nation. 
Herr von Miquel once said to me in his caustic way, 
as the result of forty years of parliamentary experi- 
ence: "German Parliaments, in a comparatively 
short space of time, mostly sink to the level of a dis- 
trict council, interested in nothing but local questions 
and personal squabbles. In our Parliament a debate 
rarely maintains a high level for more than one day; 
on the second day the ebb begins, and then bagatelles 
are discussed as futilely and in as much detail as pos- 
:sible." This inclination for individual and particular 

Introduction 133 

things is responsible for the vogue for Associations 
and Clubs in Germany. The old joke that two Ger- 
mans cannot meet without founding a club has a 
serious significance. The German feels at home in 
his clubs and societies. And if such an association 
exist for greater purposes of an industrial or a politi- 
cal kind, then its members, and especially its leaders, 
soon see in it the Archimedian point whence they 
would like to unhinge the whole political world. The 
late member of the Reichstag, von Kardorff , said to 
me, not long before his death: "Look, what maniacs 
we are about associations. The association itself be- 
comes our be-all and end-all. The Alliance Fran- 
foise collected millions to establish French schools 
abroad, but it never dreamt of shaping the policy of 
the Government. Our Pan- German Association has 
done much to arouse national feeling, but, on the 
other hand, it considers itself the supreme court of 
appeal in questions of foreign policy. The Navy 
League has done great service in popularising the 
idea of a navy, but has not always resisted the temp- 
tation to prescribe to the Government and Reichstag 
what course to pursue in naval policy. The Associa- 
tion of Farmers, founded at a time of great stress in 
the agricultural world, has benefited the farmers as 

134 Imperial Germany 

a whole very greatly, but has now reached such a 
point that it wants to treat everything in its own way, 
and runs great risk of overshooting the mark. We 
get so wrapped up in the idea of our association that 
we can see nothing beyond it." 

In smaller things the German can easily find men 
of like ideas and hke interests, but in great matters, 
very rarely. The more speciahsed the aim, the more 
quickly is a German association founded to fvu-ther 
it; and, what is more, such associations are not tem- 
porary, but permanent. The wider the aim, the more 
slowly do the Germans unite to attain it, and the 
more hable they are, on the slightest excuse, to for- 
sake this fellowship which cost so much trouble to 


Our nation is undoubtedly, in a high degree, capa- 
ble of uniting in strong and purposeful action in 
national movements. There are plenty of instances 
in our history. Thank Heaven, we have never en- 
tirely lacked national consciousness, enthusiasm, and 
self-sacrifice, and, in the times of greatest disruption, 
the feeling that all belonged to one nation never died 
out, but, on the contrary, grew to a passionate long- 

Political Past of the German People 135 

ing. Our periods of greatest political weakness, 
times when the State was clearly in a state of col- 
lapse, were the most flourishing days of the intel- 
lectual Ufe of our nation. The classic writers of the 
Middle Ages, as well as those of modern times, cre- 
ated our national literature in the midst of the decay- 
ing and decayed public life of the nation. 

On the other hand, we, as a people, never lost the 
consciousness of our political unity and independence 
to such an extent as to bear the yoke of foreign rule 
for any length of time. In the hour of need the Ger- 
mans found, in the depths of their hearts, the will and 
the strength to overcome the national disintegration. 
The War of Liberation a hundred years ago, which 
has lesser prototypes in earlier centuries, will ever 
remain a token of German national will-power and 
love of liberty. 

But in contradistinction to the nations that are, 
politically speaking, more happily endowed, the ex- 
pressions of German national unity are rather occa- 
sional than permanent. 

"I have sung of the Germans' June, 
But that will not last till October," 

was Goethe's lament not long after the War of Lib- 
eration. Only too often with us the union dictated 

136 Imperial Germany 

by necessity was followed again by disruption into 
smaller political associations, states, tribes, classes; 
or, in modem times, into parties that preferred their 
own narrower tasks and aims to those of the nation 
at large, and degraded the great deeds of national 
unity by making them the object of ugly party 

In German history national imity is the exception, 
and separatism in various forms, adapted to the cir- 
cumstances of the times, is the rule. This is true of 
the present as it was of the past. 

Hardly any nation's history is so full of great 
successes and achievements in every sphere of man's 
activity. German mihtary and intellectual exploits 
are unrivalled. But the history of no nation can tell 
of such an utter disproportion for centuries and cen- 
turies, between political progress on the one hand and 
capability and achievements on the other. The cen- 
tm-ies of pohtical impotence, during which Germany 
was crowded out of the ranks of the Great Powers, 
have little to tell of the defeat of German arms by 
foreign forces, with the exception of the time of 
Napoleon I. Our prolonged national misfortune was 
not due to foreigners; it was our own fault. 

We first appear in history as a nation split up into 

Political Past of the German People 137 

hostile tribes. The German Empire of mediaeval 
times was not founded by the voluntary union of the 
tribes, but by the victory of one single tribe over 
the others, who for a long time unwillingly bore the 
rule of the stronger. The most brilliant period of 
our history, the period when the German Empire led 
Europe unopposed, was a time of national imity, in 
which the tribes and princes found a hmit to their 
self-wiU in the will and the power of the Emperor. 
The Empire of the Middle Ages only succumbed in 
battle to the Papacy, because Roman politicians had 
succeeded in rousing opposition to the Emperor in 
Germany. The weakening of Imperial power af- 
forded the princes a welcome opportunity for 
strengthening their own. While political Ufe in 
Germany was split up into a large number of inde- 
pendent urban and territorial communities, in France, 
under the strong rule of her kings, a united State 
was formed, which took the place of Germany as 
leader of Europe. 

Then came the religious split. The German terri- 
torial States, that for long had been united with the 
Empire in appearance only, became open enemies 
owing to the religious quarrel, and (a thing that is 
essentially characteristic of our nation) the German 

138 Imperial Germany 

States, Protestant as well as Catholic, did not hesi- 
tate to ally themselves with foreigners of a different 
persuasion, in order to fight fellow countrymen of a 
different persuasion. The religious wars set the 
German nation back centuries in its development; 
they almost destroyed the old Empire, except in 
name; they created the single independent States 
whose rivalry brought about struggles that filled the 
next two and a half centuries, until the foundation 
of the new German Empire. The Western and 
Northern Marches of Germany were lost and had to 
be recovered, in our times, at the point of the sword. 
The newly discovered world beyond the ocean was 
divided up among the other nations, and the Ger- 
man flag disappeared from the seas, and has only 
regained its rights within the last decades. 

The ultimate national union was not achieved by 
peaceful settlement, but in the battle of German 
against German. And as the old Empire was 
founded by a superior tribe, so the new was founded 
by the strongest of the individual States. German 
history completed a circle, as it were. In a modern 
form, but in the old way, the German nation has, 
after a thousand years, once again, and more per- 
fectly, completed the work which it accomplished in 

The Separatist Spirit 139 

early times, and for whose destruction it alone was to 

Only a nation, sound to the core, and of indestruc- 
tible vitality, could achieve this. True, we Germans 
have taken a thousand years to create, destroy and 
recreate, what for centuries other nations have pos- 
sessed as the firm basis of their development — a 
national State. If we want to advance along the 
paths that the founding of our Empire has opened 
anew to us, we must insist on the suppression of such 
forces as might again endanger the unity of our na- 
tional life. The best powers of Germany must not, 
as in olden times, be dissipated in struggles of the 
Imperial Government against individual States, and 
in struggles of the individual States against each 
other, without any consideration for the interests of 
the Empire. 


The founding of the Empire overcame Germany's 
political disruption and changed our poHtical life 
completely; but it was unable to change the character 
of the German people at the same time, or to trans- 
form our political shortcomings into virtues. The 

140 Imperial Germany 

German remained a separatist, even after 1871 ; dif- 
ferent, and more modern, but still a separatist. 

In the particularism of the single States, German 
separatism found its strongest but by no means its 
only possible expression. State separatism has im- 
pressed us most directly, because it was responsible,' 
primarily, for the national disasters in German de- 
velopment during the last centuries. That is why all 
patriots wished to defeat it, and this desire was ful- 
filled by Bismarck. So far as man can tell, we need 
fear no serious injury to the unity of our national 
life from the special efforts of individual States. 
But we are none the less by no means free from mani- 
festations of the separatist spirit. This spirit after, 
and even at the time of, the unification of Germany, 
sought a new field of political activity, and found it 
in the struggle of political parties. 

The German party system, in contradistinction to 
that of other nations, which is in many cases older 
and more firmly rooted, possesses a specifically sepa- 
ratist character, and this is manifest in those points 
in which our party system differs from that of other 
countries. We have small parties that are sometimes 
formed for the sake of very narrow interests and ob- 
jects, and carry on a struggle of their own which it 

The Separatist Spirit 141 

is hardly possible to include in the affairs of a great 
Empire. The religious conflict in aU its strength has 
found its way into our party system. The struggle 
between the various classes of society has retained 
almost all its vigour in the German party system, 
whereas in older civilised States the differences have 
been more and more completely adjusted by the in- 
dustrial and social developments of modern times. 

Our party system has inherited the dogmatism and 
small-mindedness, the moroseness and the spite that 
used to thrive in the squabbles of the German tribes 
and States. In other countries the party system is a 
national matter of home poHtics, and community of 
views with a foreigner is of no weight compared with 
the consciousness of belonging to the same nation as 
those of the opposite party at home. Abroad, the 
fact that the views of a political party are shared by 
foreigners is on occasion paraded in academic 
speeches at International Congresses, but it has little 
or no influence on practical pohtics. We Germans 
have strong movements in great parties, that demand 
the internationalisation of party ideas, and are not 
convinced that the party system has national limita- 
tions. Here again is a return in modern guise of an 
old German abuse. Among other nations it is self- 

142 Imperial Germany 

understood that the special interests of a political 
party must be subordinated, not only to the greatest 
national interests, but also to any wider interest; it 
is in this point above all that our parties often fail. 
All too seldom in the German Empire do we comply 
with the emphatic command: "Country before 
party." Not so much because the German's love of 
his country is less than any foreigner's, but because 
his love of his party is so much greater. Conse- 
quently, a momentary success, or even a momentary 
manifestation of power by his own party, seems to the 
German so tremendously important — more important 
than the general progress of the nation. 

It cannot be said that our German party struggles 
are carried on with more heat than in other countries. 
The German's political passion rarely rises to more 
than an average temperature, even in times of excite- 
ment, and that, at any rate, is a good thing. 
Amongst other nations, especially those of Latin race, 
the parties, in moments of stress, fling themselves at 
each other with an elemental passion that not seldom 
leads to excesses unknown to us Germans. But these 
heated outbursts, which are decisive for the success or 
defeat of a party or group of parties, are speedily 
followed there by overtures of peace and reconcilia- 

The Separatist Spirit 143 

tion. It is quite different here. We know nothing 
of the fanatic passion in excited conflicts which dis- 
charges itself Hke a thunder-cloud, but also, like a 
thunder-storm, clears the air of party pohtics. But 
we also lack the conciliatory spirit. If German 
parties have once opposed one another, even in mat- 
ters of small political importance, it is only slowly 
and with difficulty that they forget and forgive each 
other. Occasional antagonism too often becomes 
lasting enmity, and, if possible, a fundamental differ- 
ence in political principles is fabricated afterwards, 
though neither of the opposing parties was aware of 
it in the first instance. Very often, when discreet 
and well-meant attempts are made to bring about a 
reconciliation or agreement between parties holding 
strongly antagonistic convictions, this antagonism 
proves to have been discovered on the occasion of 
some quite recent party conflict, either about national 
questions of secondary importance, or even about a 
question of the power of a political party. Anyone 
who stands a little outside party machinery and the 
party rut often fails to understand why our parties 
cannot unite for the settlement of essentially unim- 
portant questions of legislation, why they fight out 
slight differences of opinion on details of financial. 

144 Imperial Germany 

social or industrial policy, with such acrimony as if 
the weal and woe of the Empire depended on them. 
No doubt praiseworthy German conscientiousness 
has some small part in this, but it is not the decisive 
factor. What is decisive is the fact that to each in- 
dividual party the hatred of other parties seems of 
more essential importance than the legislative matter 
in question, which is often only seized as a welcome 
opportunity to emphasise the existing differences of 
party politics. 


Immutable loyalty within the party is the cause of 
their quarrelsomeness. Just because the German 
party man cHngs so steadfastly and even lovingly to 
his party, he is capable of such intense hatred of other 
parties and has such difficulty in forgetting insults 
and defeats suffered at their hands. Here again in 
modern guise we have the old German character. 
As the tribes and States were firmly knit together in 
themselves and quarrelled with each other, so the 
parties to-day. Proverbial German loyalty benefits 
the small political associations primarily, and the 
great national community only secondarily. A Ger- 
man Government will almost always sue in vain for 

Party Spirit and Party Loyalty 145 

the abundant loyalty which is spontaneously devoted 
to the party cause. Even Bismarck experienced this. 
The man who got the better of the separatism of the 
States could not master the separatism of the parties. 
Although he had won the love and confidence of the 
German nation to a greater extent than anyone else, 
Prince Bismarck was seldom if ever successful in 
attempts to secure that devotion which was offered to 
party leaders. 

Treitschke says somewhere that the hearts of the 
Germans have always belonged to poets and generals, 
not to politicians. That is quite true, if we except 
the party leaders. The Germans certainly forget 
them very soon after their death or retirement, but as 
long as their activity lasts they enjoy the whole- 
hearted loyalty and affection of all who belong to the 
party. Ever since we have had political parties the 
popular men have been party men and party leaders, 
and their followers supported them even in opposi- 
tion to Bismarck. Right and wrong, success and 
failure, play an astonishingly small part in this. 
German loyalty to a party leader is self-sacrificing, 
unprejudiced and uncritical, as true loyalty which 
springs from love should be. And it really makes 
no difference whether the party leader is successful 

146 Imperial Germany 

or not, whether he looks back on victories or defeats. 
It has hardly ever happened in Germany that a party 
refused to follow its leader, even if it was plain to 
the meanest inteUigence that he was taking them into 
difficulties, let alone if it appeared that the tactics of 
the party leaders were not in accordance with the 
aims and objects of the State. 

It has never been particularly difficult in Germany 
to organise an opposition to the Government; but it 
was always very hard to set up a movement of oppo- 
sition within a party with any success. The hope 
that the opposition party might fall to pieces at the 
critical moment has nearly always proved deceptive. 
After our party system had passed through the first 
stage of ferment, which no young political system is 
spared, and had become clarified by early changes and 
modifications, the parties acquired remarkable soli- 
darity. How often it has been foretold that a party 
would split into so-called "modem" and "old" fac- 
tions. Such forecasts have hardly ever been fulfilled. 
Nowhere in our political fife do we find such stead- 
fast conservatism as in our parties. Even the radical 
factions are thoroughly conservative as regards the 
planks in their platform and their methods. This in- 

Party Spirit and Party Loyalty 147 

ertia of party politics goes so far that the parties still 
cling to their old demands even when the general 
development of public affairs has rendered their ful- 
filment absolutely impossible. 

The valiant loyalty of the German to his cause and 
his party leader is in itself beautiful and touching, 
morally deserving of respect as is all loyalty. Poli- 
tics amongst us actually show a moral quality in this 
matter, whereas a well-known popular saying denies 
all possibihty of morahty in politics. But if we 
do discuss morality in poHtics, the question may 
well be raised whether, after all, there is not a higher 
form of pohtical morality. All honour to loyalty in 
the service of the party, loyalty to principles and to 
leaders; but to serve one's country is better than to 
serve one's party. Parties do not exist for their own 
sakes, but for the common weal. The highest politi- 
cal morality is patriotism. A sacrifice of party con- 
victions, disloyalty even to the party programme in 
the interest of the Empire, is more praiseworthy than 
party loyalty which disregards the general welfare 
of the country. Less party spirit and party loyalty, 
and more national feeling and more public spirit are 
what we Germans need. 

148 Imperial Germany 


Happily history proves that no party can perma- 
nently oppose national interests with impunity. 
Even the short history of German party politics fur- 
nishes instances. Liberalism, in spite of its change 
of attitude in national questions, has to this day not 
recovered from the catastrophic defeat which Prince 
Bismarck inflicted nearly half a century ago on the 
party of progress which still clung to the ideas and 
principles of 1848. 

But epochs like that of 1866-1871, in which the 
soul of the nation was stirred to its depths, and judg- 
ment was pronounced so clearly and so pitilessly on 
political error, are as rare as they are great. The 
ordinary course of political development, as a rule, 
very slowly brings to light the results of mistaken 
party politics. Self-criticism and reflection must 
take the place of experience. It is easier for parties 
in other countries. In States where the parliamen- 
tary system obtains, parties are relieved of the diffi- 
cult if noble task of educating themselves, the task 
imposed on our parties. In such countries a mistake 
in party politics is immediately followed by defeat 
and painful correction. I do not wish hereby to ad- 

Party Interests and National Interests 149 

vocate the parliamentary system as it is understood 
in the west of Europe. The worth of a Constitution 
does not depend on the way it reacts on the party 
system. Constitutions do not exist for parties, but 
for the State. Considering the pecuharities of our 
Government, the parhamentary system would not be 
a suitable form of Constitution for us. Where this 
system proves of value, and that is by no means 
everywhere, the strength of the Government is based 
on the strength and value, on the political broad- 
mindedness and statesmanlike ability of the parties. 
There the parties formed the Constitution in the 
course of their own foundation and development as 
in England, as also in a certain sense in Republican 
France. In Germany the monarchical Governments 
are the supporters and creators of the Constitution. 
The parties are secondary formations, which could 
only grow in the soil of an existing State. We lack 
the preliminary conditions, both natural and his- 
torical, for a parliamentary system. 

But the knowledge of this need not prevent us 
from seeing the advantages which this system gives to 
other States. Just as there is no absolutely perfect 
Constitution, so there is no absolutely defective one. 
The oft-repeated attempts, especially in France, to 

150 Imperial Germany 

combine all the advantages of aU possible Constitu- 
tions have hitherto always failed. While we realise 
this we need not shut our eyes to many advantages of 
Constitutions abroad. 

In countries ruled by Parhament, the great parties 
and groups of parties acquire their political educa- 
tion by having to govern. When a party has gained 
a majority, and has provided the leading statesmen 
from its ranks, it has the opportunity of putting its 
political opinions into practice. If it pursues a the- 
oretical or extreme course, if it sacrifices the common 
weal to party interests and party principles, if it has 
the folly to want to carry out its party programme 
undiluted and in fuU, it will lose its majority at the 
next elections and will be driven from office by the 
opposition. The party that must govern is respon- 
sible, not only for its own welfare, but in a higher 
degree for that of the nation and the State. Party 
interests and national interests coincide. But as it is 
not possible to govern a State for long in a one-sided 
fashion in accordance with some party programme, 
the party in office will moderate its demands in order 
not to lose its paramount influence over the country. 
The parties in a country governed by Parliament 
possess a salutary corrective that we lack, in the pros- 

Party Interests and National Interests 151 

pect of having to rule themselves, and the necessity of 
being able to do so. 

In States not governed by Parliament the parties 
feel that their primary vocation is to criticise. They 
feel no obligation worth mentioning, to moderate 
their demands, or any great responsibility for the 
conduct of public affairs. As they never have to 
prove the practical value of their opinions urhi et 
orbi, they mostly content themselves with manifest- 
ing the immutability of their convictions. "A great 
deal of conviction, and very little feeling of responsi- 
bihty." That is how a witty journalist once de- 
scribed our German party system to me, and he 
added: "Our parties do not feel as if they were the 
actors who perform in the play, but as if they were 
the critics who look on. They award praise and 
blame, but they do not feel as if they themselves par- 
ticipated in what goes on. The chief thing is to sup- 
ply the voters at home with a strong and, if possible, 
welcome opinion." 

Once, during the Boer War, standing in the lobby 
of the Reichstag, I remonstrated with one of the mem- 
bers on account of his attacks on England, which did 
not exactly tend to make our difficult position any 
easier. The worthy man replied in a tone of convic- 

152 Imperial Germany 

tion: "It is my right and my duty, as a member of 
the Reichstag, to express the feelings of the German 
nation. You, as Minister, wiU, I hope, take care 
that my feelings do no mischief abroad." I do not 
think that such a remark, the naivete of which dis- 
armed me, would have been possible in any other 


There is nothing to be said against expressions of 
feeling in politics, so long as they stop short of injur- 
ing the interests of the State. They belong to the 
class of imponderables in political hfe, that men hke 
Bismarck valued highly. Particularly in Germany, 
the feelings of the people have often acted as a whole- 
some corrective to preconceived political opinions. 
In foreign politics, feelings, sympathies and antipa- 
thies are unrehable sign-posts, and we should not have 
gone very far if our leading statesman had consulted 
their hearts rather than their heads in shaping the 
course of foreign relations. 

In the field of home politics it is a different thing, 
especially for us Germans. One is tempted to wish 
that in that case political feehngs and sentiments had 
more than their actual influence, and political intelli- 

Political Intelligence and Feeling 153 

gence less. For the effect of German political in- 
telligence is not to moderate the desires of party 
politics, nor to adapt their political demands to ex- 
isting circumstances. Our political intelligence 
urges us to systematise and schematise the realities 
of political life; not to adjust things in a sensible way 
to the existing political facts and conditions, but to 
arrange thesa in a logically correct sequence of 

We Germans are, on the one hand, a sentimental, 
tender-hearted people, and are prone always, perhaps 
too much so, to follow the dictates of our heart against 
our better judgment. But, on the other hand, our 
passion for logic amounts to fanaticism, and wherever 
an intellectual formula or a system has been found for 
anything, we insist with obstinate perseverance on 
fitting realities into the system. 

The individual German shows both these sides of 
his nature in private life, the nation shows them in 
public life, and many a curious phenomenon in the 
present, as in the past, may be explained by this du- 
ahty of character. We Hke to consider foreign poli- 
tics, which are connected with a long series of painful 
and pleasurable national events, from the emotional 
standpoint. Transactions in home politics, which the 

154 Imperial Germany 

nation grasped clearly in a comparatively short space 
of time, have become a recognised field for intellectual 
theories, for systematic examination and classifica- 

A German rarely applies the methods of modern 
science to pohtics, he mostly employs those of the old 
speculative philosophers. He does not attach im- 
portance to confronting Nature with open eyes and 
to observing what has happened, what is happening, 
and therefore what can and necessarily will happen 
again in the future. Rather, he grows intent upon 
finding out how things ought to have developed, and 
what they ought to have been Hke, for everything to 
harmonise with nice logic and for the system to come 
into its own. Their programmes are not adapted to 
reality; reahty is to adjust itself to the programmes, 
and, what is more, not only in single instances, but 
altogether. Most of the German party programmes, 
if you consider them with an eye to their logic and 
systematic perfection, are extremely praiseworthy 
and redound to the credit of German thoroughness 
and logical conscientiousness. But, judged by the 
standard of practicability, not one will pass muster. 

Party Platforms 155 


Politics are life, and, like all life, will adhere to no 
rule. Modern politics are conditioned by events far 
back in our history, where the primary causes, whose 
effects we still feel, are lost in a mist of conjectures. 
But political practice would gain nothing by a com- 
plete knowledge of all causes and limitations. We 
should learn only how a multitude of things have come 
about, but not what must be done to-day or to-mor- 
row. Nearly every day brings new facts and new 
problems which require new decisions, just as in the 
hves of individual men. Nor does the labour de- 
manded by the day and by the hour see the end of our 
task. We must, as far as lies in the power of our 
understanding and ability, take thought for the fu- 
ture. Of what assistance, then, are the regulations of 
a programme drawn up at a certain moment, how- 
ever uniform and logical it be? 

The varied life of a nation, ever changing, ever 
growing more complicated, cannot be stretched or 
squeezed to fit a programme or a political principle. 
Of course, the parties must draw up in the form of a 
programme the demands and ideas they represent, so 
as to make it clear to the country, especially at elec- 

156 Imperial Germany 

tion time, what are their aims and principles. With- 
out a programme, a party would be an unknown 
quantity. But when a programme, drawn up to 
serve the immediate and future aims of party politics, 
is petrified into a system for aU politics in general, it 
becomes objectionable. There are many and often 
conflicting interests among the people, and the repre- 
sentatives of like interests are quite right to band 
themselves together and formulate their demands. 
The formula is the programme. There are different 
opinions about State, Law and Society, about the reg- 
ulation of public life, especially in respect of the dis- 
tribution of pohtical rights between the people and 
the Government. Those, also, who represent similar 
views will join together and express their opinions in 
a few distinctive propositions. These propositions 
constitute the programme. The connection between 
industrial life and political life often causes the rep- 
resentatives of like interests to hold like pohtical opin- 
ions. Their programme will be proportionately more 
comprehensive. It may also be admitted that the two 
concrete, historical views of State and Society — the 
Conservative and the Liberal — and the two abstract, 
dogmatic views — the Ultramontane and the Social- 
Democratic — embrace a large nimiber of the facts of 

Party Platforms 157 

political life. The respective party programmes can 
therefore go into detail accordingly. But here, too, 
there is a limit. A large number of events in public 
life cannot be included even in these comparatively 
comprehensive programmes, nor can Conservatives 
and Liberals hold different vievps with respect to 
them. On the whole, there is a preponderance of 
such legislative problems as deal with questions of 
pure utility, which must be solved by political com- 
mon sense, and cannot be weighed in the scales of gen- 
eral party views. But such disregard of party pro- 
grammes is rarely conceded, even to the details of 
legislation. It does not suffice us Germans to confine 
our party politics to a certain number of practical de- 
mands and political opinions. Each party would like 
to imbue politics as a whole with its views, even down 
to the smallest detail. And this is not limited to poli- 
tics. The parties would like to be distinguished from 
one another even in their grasp of intellectual and 
their conception of practical life. Party views are 
to become a "Weltanschauung" (Conception of the 
Universe). Herein they over-estimate poHtical and 
under-estimate intellectual fife. The German na- 
tion in particular has been more deeply and seri- 
ously moved by the great problems of a conception 

158 Imperial Germany 

of the Universe than any other nation. It has often, 
probably too often for its particular interests, subor- 
dinated dry questions of policy to the battle about the 
conception of the Universe. On the other hand, it 
was the first nation to set intellectual life free from 
political tutelage. If now it subordinates this con- 
ception to party politics, if it wants to go so far as to 
see every event in the world and in life, in the dismal 
light of political party principles, it will be false to 
itself. The attempt to widen the scope of pohtics, 
and especially party politics, in this way must lead to 
an intellectual dechne, and has perhaps already done 
so. A pohtical conception of the Universe is non- 
sense, for luckily the world is not everywhere political. 
And a conception of the Universe founded on party 
politics cannot even span the political world, because 
there are far too many matters and questions in poli- 
tics that lie outside the sphere of party platforms and 
party principles. 

An Enghsh friend once said to me that it struck 
him how often the words, "Conception of the Uni- 
verse," occurred in the German parliamentary 
speeches. Over and over again he found, "From the 
point of view of my conception of the Universe, I can- 
not approve of this, and I must demand that." He let 

Party Platforms 159 

me explain to him what German party politicians 
meant by "Conception of the Universe," and then re- 
marked, as he shook his head, that English politicians 
and members of Parliament did not know much 
about such things. They had different opinions and 
represented different interests, pursued different ob- 
jects; but they only argued on practical grounds and 
rarely touched on such high matters as the conception 
of the Universe. We Germans really are not differ- 
entiated from the matter-of-fact Englishmen on this 
point, by greater depth and thoroughness, but by a 
mistaken estimate of political ideas. When we try 
to make of party principles a system by which to 
judge all political and non-political life, we harm our- 
selves politically and intellectually. Pohtically, we 
only intensify the differences which in any case we feel 
particularly keenly, because we attribute a special in- 
tellectual value to them, and we reduce more and more 
the nimiber of those tasks in public life which really 
can be carried out much better without the bias of 
party politics. But if we drag questions of intellec- 
tual life into the realm of party politics, that will mean 
the loss of that intellectual versatility and magnanim- 
ity which have won for German culture the first place 
in the civilised world. 

i6o Imperial Germany 

In Germany a politician or a statesman is very 
quickly reproached with lack of principle if, under 
pressure of shifting conditions, he changes an opinion 
he used to hold, or approves of the views of more than 
one party. But development takes place without ref- 
erence to party platforms or principles. If forced 
to choose between sacrificing an opinion and doing a 
foolish thing, the practical man will prefer the former 
alternative. At any rate, no Minister, who is re- 
sponsible to the nation for his decisions, can afford to 
indulge in the luxury of a preconceived opinion, when 
it is a question of fulfilling a legitimate demand of the 
times. And if, then, it is pointed out that there is a 
contradiction between his present view and his earlier 
expressions of opinion, I can only advise him to pro- 
tect himself against the reproach of being inconsist- 
ent, a turncoat, a weathercock, and whatever the 
other catchwords of vulgar polemics may be, by ac- 
quiring a thick skin, which is in any case a useful 
thing to have in modem public life. It is a fact con- 
firmed by all experience that the true interests of the 
nation have never been found in the course of one par- 
ticular party alone. They always he midway be- 
tween the courses pursued by various parties. We 
must draw the diagonal of the parallelogram of forces. 

Party Platforms 161 

It will sometimes tend more in the direction of one 
party and sometimes in that of another. A Minister, 
whatever party he may incline to personally, must 
try to find a compromise between all the legitimate 
demands made by the various parties. In the course 
of a fairly long term of office little by httle, and as his 
tasks vary, he will, of course, be attacked by all par- 
ties. But that does not matter so long as the coun- 
try prospers. I never took the reproach of lack of 
political principle tragically; I have even, at times, 
felt it to savour of praise, for I saw in it appreciation 
of the fact that I was guided by reasons of State. 
The political principles which a Minister has to live 
up to are very different in character from the prin- 
ciples recognised by a party man; they belong to the 
sphere of State policy, not of party pohtics. A Min- 
ister must be loyal to the general interests of the State 
and of the people which are entrusted to his care, and 
this without considering party platforms, and, if 
necessary, in opposition to all parties, even to that 
with which the majority of his political views are in 
accordance. In a Minister, firm principles and im- 
partiahty are not only compatible, they are interde- 
pendent. Bismarck was a man of iron principles, 
and by being true to them he led our country to unity. 

i62 Imperial Germany 

glory and greatness. As a Member of Parliament 
he was a party man, and as Minister he was re- 
proached by his party for a political change of front. 
He was accused ten years later of again changing his 
opinions. As a matter of fact, he never swerved 
from the path which led to his goal, for his goal was 
nothing less than to secure prosperity and every pos- 
sible advantage for the German nation and the Em- 
pire. This goal could not be attained on party lines, 
for the interests of the community in general seldom, 
if ever, coincide with those of a single party. 

Universally applicable rules for the best possible 
policy cannot well be drawn up. Pohtical ends and 
political means vary with circumstances, and one must 
not slavishly imitate any model, not even the greatest. 
In as far as varied and chequered life can be summed 
up in a formula, for pohtics it would run as follows : 
Fanatical where the welfare and interests of the coun- 
try and where reasons of State are in question, ideal- 
istic in aim, realistic in political practice, sceptical, as 
far as men, their trustworthiness and gratitude are 



I HAYE never concealed the fact, even from Liberals, 
that in many great questions of politics I share the 
views of the Conservatives. In the same way I have 
never denied the fact that I am not a Conservative 
party man. As a responsible Minister I could not be 
that, given the character of my office and our German 
conditions. I discuss here what my personal reasons 
are for not being a party man, although I consider 
myself a Conservative in all essentials, because the 
consideration of these reasons leads to concrete ques- 
tions of German politics at the present time and in 
the immediate past. 


There is a distinct difference between State Con- 
servatism that the Government can pursue and party 
Conservatism that no Government in Germany can 
adhere to without falling into a state of partisanship 
which, in all circumstances, must prove fatal. In 

other words: The policy of the Government can go 


164 Imperial Germany 

Tiand in hand with the policy of the Conservatives, so 
long as the latter is in accordance with the true inter- 
ests of the State. That was, and is, not seldom the 
case. But the ways of the Government and the Con- 
servatives must diverge, if the policy of the party is 
not in accordance with the interests of the community 
which the Government must protect. At the same 
time, the Government can be more conservative to- 
wards the party than the party towards the Govern- 
ment. More conservative in the sense that it fulfils 
more perfectly the special task of upholding the State. 
In such situations Prince Bismarck, too, who was a 
■Conservative consciously and by conviction, came 
into bitter conflict with his former party friends. It 
is well known that he dealt in detail with this very 
point, both in his "Gedanken and Erinnerungen" 
("Thoughts and Recollections") and in the conversa- 
tions which Poschinger has transmitted to us. 

The task of Conservative policy was once aptly 
defined by Count Posadowsky in the following way: 
That Conservatives must maintain the State in such 
a way that the people are content in it. Such a main- 
tenance of the State is often unimaginable without the 
alteration of existing institutions. The State must 
^adjust itself to modern conditions of life, in order 

Conservatism 165 

to remain habitable and consequently vigorous. 

It would be very unjust to deny that the Conserv- 
ative party has often assisted in introducing innova- 
tions; sometimes, indeed, with a better grace than 
those parties which have "Progress" inscribed on their 
banner. This was the case in the year 1878, when 
industrial conditions necessitated the great revolution 
in tariffs and industrial policy. Again, at the inau- 
guration of the social policy which took into account 
the changed conditions of the labouring classes. But 
at times the interests represented by the Conservative 
party were opposed to the interests which the Govern- 
ment defended, in order to preserve the community's 
satisfaction in the State. Owing to the intensifica- 
tion of economic differences, the Conservative party, 
like all others, has, in a certain sense, come to repre- 
sent special interests. I will not discuss the point 
whether this is the case to such an extent as to be bad 
for the party. But no one who has sat on the Front 
Bench during the last decades will be prepared to 
deny that it is true to a greater extent than is favour- 
able to the course of the Government's affairs. 

I had to withdraw further from the Conservative 
party in proportion as it represented certain interests, 
and I could not reconcile these with those of the com- 

i66 Imperial Germany 

munity. In the fight over the Tariff the interests of 
the nation in general were identical with those of the 
Conservative party; but in the reform of the Imperial 
finances they were not. The subsequent development 
in both cases proved this to be true. Nothing in the 
fundamental views of the Conservative party in re- 
spect of the organisation of society, industries and, 
above all, of the State ever separated me from it, nor 
does it do so to-day. 


We must never fail to appreciate what the Con- 
servative element has achieved for the pohtical hfe of 
Prussia and Germany. It would be a sad loss to the 
nation if Conservative views ceased to be a living and 
effective force among the Germans, and if the party 
ceased to occupy a position in parUamentary and po- 
htical hfe which is worthy of its past. The forces 
which animate the Conservative party are those which 
made Germany great, and which our country must 
preserve in order to remain great and grow greater; 
they are forces which never become out of date. We 
Germans must not lose the ideals of the best Conserv- 
atism; manly loyalty without servility to the King 

Prusso-German Conservative Element 167 

and the reigning family, and tenacious attachment to 
home and country. 

If, nowadays, the opponents of the Conservative 
party are not content to fight them on the ground of 
party differences, but manifest class-hatred, always 
so objectionable in pohtical life, against those classes 
of the nation which are chiefly represented in the Con- 
servative party, we must not forget what those very 
classes did in the service of Prussia and Germany. It 
was the noblemen and peasants east of the Elbe who, 
under the HohenzoUem princes, primarily achieved 
greatness for Brandenburg and Prussia. The throne 
of the Prussian Kings is cemented with the blood of 
the Prussian nobility. The Great King (Frederick 
the Great) expressed emphatically more than once 
how well his nobles had served him. 

The praise which the Prussian nobility demand, 
and which they have a perfect right to expect, is not 
meant to detract from the achievements and merits of 
other classes. Without the self-sacrificing loyalty of 
the middle classes, the peasants and the poor people, 
the nobility would have accomplished little. It is 
quite true, too, that the nobles were able to distinguish 
themselves particularly in earlier times, because the 
conditions at that period gave them exceptional oppor- 

i68 Imperial Germany 

tunities. But it was when they occupied posts of 
responsibility and danger in the service of the Prus- 
sian State that they achieved most — ^more than the 
aristocracy of any other modern State. Nothing but 
injustice can fail to recognise this. 

It is altogether preposterous, nowadays, still to 
contrast the nobility and the bourgeoisie as separate 
castes. Professional and social Ufa have so fused the 
old classes that they can no longer be distinguished 
from each other. 

But if one appreciates at its true value the effi- 
ciency of the old classes in the past, one must be just 
and concede the merits of each. The Prussian nobles 
have a right to be proud of their past. If they keep 
the sentiments of their ancestors alive in the ideals of 
the Conservative party, they deserve thanks for so 
doing. And it must not be forgotten that such old 
Prussian sentiments guided the policy of the Conserv- 
ative party in the most difficult tirrijes of our old Em- 
peror and his great Minister, in the years of conflict. 
So far as one can speak of a right to gratitude in pol- 
itics — and one ought to be able to do so — ^we owe the 
Conservatives a debt of gratitude for the support they 
afforded Bismarck in the year 1862. I lay particular 
stress on this, because at the time my official career 

Conservatism and Liberalism 169 

was Hearing its close I was forced to oppose the Con- 
servative party, and because I am absolutely con- 
vinced that the Conservative faction went astray in 
the year 1909. I should like to make a clear distinc- 
tion between my general attitude towards Conserva- 
tive views, my sentiments towards the Conservative 
party, and my opinion of individual phases of Con- 
servative party politics. 

Even a man who esteems the fundamental views of 
the Conservatives as highly as I do, who, like me, 
hopes that sound Conservative thought will have a 
far-reaching influence on legislation, and who has 
often furthered such influence, must be of opinion 
that disastrous consequences will result from the fact 
that in 1909 the bridges between the Right and Left 
were broken down. The really fruitful periods of 
our home policy were those when the Right and the 
Left co-operated. In saying this I refer, not only to 
the time of the so-called "Block Policy," but also to 
earlier, well-known and significant phases of Bis- 
marck's time. 


Conservatism and Liberalism are not only both 
justified, but are both necessary for our political life. 

170 Imperial Germany 

How difficult it is to rule in our country is made clear 
by the facts that one cannot rule in Prussia for any 
length of time without the support of the Conserva- 
tives, nor in the Empire without that of the Liberals. 
Neither must Liberal ideas disappear from us as a 
people. Moreover, the formation of strong Liberal 
parties is indispensable to us. If Conservatism is 
rooted in the administrative talent of the old Prus- 
sians, Liberahsm is rooted in the intellectual peculiar- 
ities of the German nation. Its best ideals, too, are 
of permanent value. We Germans do not want to 
be deprived of the lusty defence of individual free- 
dom against State coercion, and this Liberahsm has 
always represented. 

Liberalism, too, has earned its historic rights and 
its right to gratitude. It was the Liberals who first 
expressed the idea of German Unity, and spread it 
through the people. They carried out the indispen- 
sable preliminary work. The goal could not be 
reached by the course which they followed. Then 
Conservative policy had to step in, in order, as Bis- 
marck expressed it, to realise the Liberal idea by 
means of a Conservative action. The German Em- 
pire itself may well be regarded as the first, the great- 
est, and the most successful piece of work accom- 

Conservatism and Liberalism 171 

plished by the co-operation of the Conservatives and 

It is at present customary in both camps to look 
upon Conservatism and Liberalism as two fundamen- 
tally opposed conceptions of the State, and to assert 
that each lives on its antagonism to the other. That 
does not, however, correctly interpret the relationship 
between German Conservatives and Liberals. If it 
were true, the two parties, and the groups which are 
attached to them, would have to gain in strength the 
stronger became the contrast between them, and the 
more hostile the attitude they adopted towards each 

But the exact opposite is the case. With the ex- 
ception of a few extraordinary situations, the Con- 
servatives and Liberals have been strongest as parties 
and most influential in Parliament when they co- 
operated. The two parties were strongest in the 
Cartel and in the Block. And the periods of their 
co-operation were always those when the temper of 
the nation as a whole was most cheerful and hopefuL 

No doubt we must not expect all political salvation, 
or the solution of all legislative problems, to result 
from co-operation between Conservatives and Liber- 
als. It will happen again and again that their ways 

172 Imperial Germany 

part as regards individual, and also important, ques- 
tions. For the antagonism exists, and rightly so. 
It would also be quite wrong to credit the co-operation 
of Conservatives and Liberals with all great achieve- 
ments in the sphere of home politics. The Centre 
played a distinguished and often a decisive part in our 
social legislation, in many of our Armament Bills, 
and, above all, in granting us the Navy. But strife 
between the Conservatives and the Liberals has al- 
ways been disastrous — for the two parties themselves, 
for the course of our home policy, and, last but not 
least, for the temper of the nation. 

The antagonism between Liberals and Conserva- 
tives will never disappear. It has an historical and a 
practical significance. This friction is a part of our 
political life. But the antagonism in their views 
should not be exaggerated unnecessarily, nor made 
to involve such great matters as utterly irreconcilable 
conceptions of the Universe. In so doing one departs 
from sober political reahty. Even religious antago- 
nism which has been amongst us for four centuries, 
and which the nation, in accordance vpith its disposi- 
tion, has always taken very seriously, makes way for 
the demands of the moment. In Socialism we really 
have a series of ideas, so different from our homely 

Conservatism and Liberalism 173 

conceptions of Law and Custom, Religion, Society 
and State that it may indeed be termed a different 
conception of the Universe. I myself, in this connec- 
tion, once spoke of a difference in the conception of 
the Universe. But that a middle-class Liberal differs 
from a middle-class Conservative in his conception of 
the Universe no one seriously beheves. They have 
too many common ideas and ideals, especially in na- 
tional matters, and the wide kingdom of German in- 
tellectual life in Science and in Art belongs to them 
both. How many Liberals there are who incline to 
iadividual Conservative views! How many Con- 
servatives who are by no means opposed to all Liberal 
ideas and demands! All these people do not con- 
sider themselves politically neutral, nor are they. 
And what about the Ministers? The party papers 
quarrel at regular intervals whether this Minister or 
that other is to be stamped as a Conservative or as a 
Liberal, and as a rule each party tries to foist the ma- 
jority of Ministers on to the opposing party. The 
fact is that, if asked to state precisely to which party 
platform they give their support, most Ministers 
would be at a loss. 

It is not only unjustifiable, but also unpractical, to 
emphasise unduly the differences between the parties. 

174 Imperial Germany 

They do not, as a rule, go hand in hand for any length 
of time, and the bonds that unite them are anything 
but permanent. So if they break with their friends 
of yesterday, and become reconciled to their enemies 
of yesterday, they are placed in the awkward position 
of having to break down the carefully constructed 
fabric of fundamental party differences, with as much 
trouble as they expended in building it up. This has 
happened just about as often as the composition of 
the majority changed. 

If party differences really went so deep, and per- 
meated so completely every detail of political life as is 
represented in party quarrels, then, considering the 
number of our parties, none of which has hitherto ob- 
tained an absolute majority, it would be impossible 
to accomplish any legislative work. 

But, as a matter of fact, much valuable work of 
different kinds has been done in almost every depart- 
ment of home pohtics during the last decades. One 
after the other, the parties have placed themselves 
at each other's disposal, and have often, with astound- 
ing suddenness, overcome the differences they em- 
phasised so strongly before. No doubt other differ- 
ences are emphasised all the more strongly. And it 
only lasts until the formation of a new majority, so 

The Government and the Parties 175 

that really there is no occasion to take the antagonism 
between the parties so tragically. 


The Government must also look upon party an- 
tagonism as a variable quantity. Not only as a quan- 
tity variable in itself, but as one whose variability can 
and must be influenced if the interests of the Empire 
and the State demand it. It is not sufficient to take 
majorities wherever they are to be found and as occa- 
sion offers. The Government must try to create ma- 
jorities for its tasks. 

To govern with a majority which varies in each 
case is no doubt advantageous and convenient, but 
there are great dangers attached to it. It is certainly 
not a panacea for all political situations. 

Bismarck is usually cited as having taken his ma- 
jorities where he could get them. But in this, as in 
most references to the time of Bismarck, the point is 
missing — Bismarck himself at the head of the Gov- 
ernment. He held the reins of Government with such 
an iron grip that he never ran any risk of letting the 
least scrap of power slip into the hands of Parlia- 
ment through the influence he conceded to a majority, 
when he happened to find one at his disposal. Above 

176 Imperial Germany 

all, he never dreamt of considering the wishes of a 
majority unless they tallied with his own. He made 
use of existing majorities, but he never let them make 
use of him. Bismarck in particular excelled in rid- 
ding himself of antagonistic majorities and in pro- 
curing such as would acquiesce in the aims of his pol- 
icy. . If his choice lay between allowing an important 
law to be blocked or mangled by an existing majority 
and engaging in a troublesome fight to effect a change 
of majority, he never hesitated to choose the latter. 
He profited by the possibihty of getting casual ma- 
jorities, but he was the last to yield to such. 

In this respect Bismarck's name should not be idly 
cited. His rule can only serve as a precedent for a 
strong, determined and even ruthless Government, 
not for an accommodating and yielding one that con- 
cedes greater rights to the parties than they are enti- 
tled to claim. 

It is certainly less trouble to look on and see how a 
majority can be got together for a Bill, than to see 
that the BiU is passed in the way the Government 
thinks proper and profitable. 

If the Government allows itself to be led, then it 
may easily happen that, what with the feuds of the 
parties and the haggling between the sections which 

The Government and the Parties 177 

make up the majority, the Bill will become unrecog- 
nisable and something quite different will result — at 
times even just the contrary to what the Government 
wanted. In this way the majorities are not put at 
the disposal of the Bills that the Government intro- 
duces as opportunity affords, but the Government 
give their Bills up to the majorities to pass and 
amend as they see best. While the Government pre- 
tends to be above the parties, in reality it slips under 
their heel. 

The very necessity for changing the majorities, in 
view of the state of the parties in Germany, demands 
a strong hand to direct the affairs of the Govern- 
ment. No Government can work for ever with one 
and the same majority. That is rendered impossible 
by the relations which the parties bear to one an- 
other, by the dogmatism of most parties, by their 
tendency to go over to the opposition from time 
to time in order to gain popularity, and, finally, 
by the manifold nature of the Government's tasks, 
which can only in part be accomphshed by one 
particular majority. In the interests of a policy 
which as far as possible does justice to all sec- 
tions of the nation, it is not desirable that any one 
of the parties, with whose assistance positive work 

178 Imperial Germany 

for the good of the State can be done, should never 
co-operate. It is good for the parties if they have a 
share in legislative work. Parties which always pre- 
serve an attitude of opposition and negation, and are 
left alone by the Government, grow pedantic in the 
items of their programmes, and, if they do not die out 
altogether, at best deprive our public life of valuable 
forces. In the course of the last decades the Left 
Wing of our Liberahsm had fallen into this condition, 
even with regard to vital questions of national im- 
portance. The problem of enrolling Ultra-Liberal- 
ism in the forces useful to the nation had to be tackled. 
It was solved by the "Block Policy," and this solution 
not only proved satisfactory during the existence of 
the Block, but still works at the present time, for the 
Ultra-Liberals helped to procure a very substantial 
increase in the army. 


The formation of the group of parties which goes 
by the somewhat unfortunate name of the "Block," a 
term borrowed from French politicians, was an event 
of extraordinary and typical significance, and was 
most enlightening. If only because I do not like to 
prophesy, I will not attempt any exhaustive discus- 
sion as to whether the era of the Block was merely an 

The Block 179^ 

episode. It can hardly be denied that events may at 
any time bring about a similar situation, if not the 
same. But this does not convey that I recommend 
the Block as a panacea for any and every contingency 
in home politics. I was always well aware that such 
a combination must be of limited duration, because, 
for one thing, it never entered my calculations that 
the Centre would permanently be excluded. But it 
seems to me that this period, short as it was, sheds a 
special light on the most important problems of our 
home poUtics. In my opinion, and that of the major- 
ity of my countrymen, these most important problems 
are: National questions, and the fight against the So- 
cial Democrats. Of course there are many other 
problems in addition, by the solving of which we do 
nothing towards the solution of the great problems. 
A deep scrutiny and proper understanding of our 
home policy shows that it is ultimately dominated by 
these two great questions. 

A distinction must be made between the immediate 
occasion and the indirect causes which led to the com- 
bination of 1907. The events which necessitated the 
dissolution of the Reichstag in 1906 are still present 
to the minds of all. Owing to the attitude of the Cen- 
tre, an untenable situation had been created, and it 

i8o Imperial Germany 

was desirable for the Government to take action which 
would have more than a transitory effect. The at- 
tempts of the Centre to interfere in colonial adminis- 
tration had reached such a pitch that, merely in the 
interests of discipline, they could be tolerated no 
longer. The requisitions for the troops in South- 
West Africa, who were heroically fighting a cruel en- 
emy amidst great hardships, were rejected by the Cen- 
tre and the Social Democrats ; and, finally, there was 
an attempt to interfere with the power of chief com- 
mand possessed by the Emperor. Principles of 
State were at stake which could not be sacrificed. A 
Government which in such case does not resort even 
to extreme measures of protection is not worthy of 
the name. I never for a moment failed to realise 
what inconvenience was entailed by dissolving the 
Reichstag, and thus breaking with a party so power- 
ful and tenacious as the Centre. My political life 
would have been much pleasanter if I had consented 
to some sort of a compromise, however unsatisfactory. 
But this was one of those moments which in the inter- 
ests of the country demand battle. A Government 
that at such a period hesitates to plunge into the fray 
for fear of subsequent difiiculties, consults its own in- 
terest before the country's. In this case the military 

The Block 181 

principle holds good that attack is preferable to de- 
fence. The Government exists for the good of the 
country, not the country for the Government. I had 
warned the Centre in good time of the consequences 
of their behaviour. If afterwards it was asserted that 
the Centre did not reahse what the final upshot would 
be, I can point to my speeches in the Reichstag and 
my declarations in those anxious days, which more 
than refute these statements. 

If, after speeches such as I made on November 28 
and December 4, 1906, I had not either dissolved the 
Reichstag or handed in my resignation, I should not 
have dared to show myself in pubUc. When the 
majority, consisting of the Centre, the Social Demo- 
crats, Poles and Alsatians, insisted on reducing the 
supplementary estimates for South- West Africa from 
29 to 20 milhon (marks), and also demanded a de- 
crease in the colonial force in that part of the country 
where the rising had only just been put down, the 
Reichstag was dissolved. The important thing then 
was to win a majority at the elections for the Conserv- 
atives and Liberals of all shades who had supported 
the Government. 

The attitude of the Centre and the Social Demo- 
crats in regard to colonial policy, and, above all, the 

i82 Imperial Germany 

attempt to tamper with the Emperor's prerogative 
by virtue of his power as chief in command, accorded 
by the Constitution, to decide the strength of the 
troops required at the time by the military situation 
in South- West Africa, were sufficient reason to neces- 
sitate a change in the composition of the majority 
by means of a General Election. But, apart from 
these immediate causes, it seemed to me, and to an 
overwhelming number of patriotic Germans as well, 
that a change in the grouping of the parties and in 
their relative strength was eminently desirable. 

It has been said that in 1907 we started a campaign 
against the Centre, and by chance beat the Social 
Democrats. That, of course, is a misinterpretation 
of the facts. If a Government brings about a Gen- 
eral Election, it is not a question of a punitive expe- 
dition against one particular party; but it is because 
the Government wants to make a change in the com- 
position of the majority. The Cartel elections of 
1887 followed the same course as the Block elections 
twenty years later. The Centre emerged from both 
unharmed. But both fulfilled their object by shat- 
tering the other parties which at the time united with 
the Centre in forming the opposition. In the first 
case it was the Ultra-Liberals, later it was the Social 

The Centre 183 

Democrats. War was declared on the oppositional 
majority as such. Compared with this primary ob- 
ject, the question as to which party should be weak- 
ened in order to decimate the majority was of 
secondary importance. At the Block elections I pre- 
ferred a weakening of the Social Democrats to a cor- 
responding loss of seats on the part of the Centre. 
At that time, and, what is more, entirely on my own 
initiative, at the second ballots I passed the word for 
the Centre against the Social Democrats. It was at 
my express request that the former burgomaster of 
Cologne, His Excellency Herr Becker, invited sup- 
port for the Centre against the Social Democrats. 
Since then I have often been told that this was a mis- 
take, and that I myself had assisted in creating a ma- 
jority of Conservatives and the Centre, which made 
it very difficult for me to govern later on. To this 
very day I am of opinion that I did quite right at the 
time. On the one hand, I had no intention of per- 
manently excluding the Centre; on the other, there 
was never any question of my being supported by the 
Social Democrats. 


The Centre is the strong bastion built by the Ro- 
man Cathohc section of the people to protect itself 

184 Imperial Germany 

from interference on the part of the Protestant ma- 
jority. The previous history of the Centre may be 
traced back to the times when in the old Empire the 
Corpus Evangelicorum was opposed by the Corpus 
Catholicorum. But whereas in the old Empire Ca- 
tholicism and Protestantism were more or less evenly 
balanced, in the new Empire the Catholics are in the 
minority ; the old Cathohc Empire has been succeeded 
by the new Protestant one. 

It must, however, be admitted that the Catholic 
minority has a great advantage over the Protestant 
majority in its unity and solidarity. Good Protes- 
tant as I am, I do not deny that, though the Prot- 
estants often have reason to complain of lack of 
perception on the part of the Catholics, yet, on the 
other hand, in Protestant circles there is often a lack 
of toleration towards the Catholics. Members of 
both reUgions would do well to take to heart the beau- 
tiful words of Gorres: "All of us. Catholics and 
Protestants, have sinned in our fathers, and still 
weave the tissue of human error in one way or an- 
other. No one has the right to set himself above 
another in his pride, and God will tolerate it in none, 
least of all in those who call themselves His friends." 
My old Commander, later General Field-Marshal 

The Centre 185 

Freiherr von Loe, a good Prussian and a good Catho- 
lic, once said to me that in this respect matters would 
not improve until the well-known principle of French 
law, "que la recherche de la paternite etait interdite," 
were changed for us into "la recherche de la confes- 
sion etait interdite." He also replied to this effect 
to a Royal lady from abroad, who asked what was the 
percentage of Protestant and Catholic officers in his 
army corps: "I know how many battahons, squad- 
rons and batteries I command, but I take no interest 
in what church my officers belong to." That is what 
they think in the army, and in the Diplomatic Corps, 
and this manner of thinking must hold in other posi- 
tions as well. The feeling of being slighted, which 
still obtains in many Catholic circles, can only be over- 
come by an absolutely undenominational policy, a 
policy in which, as I once expressed it in the Chamber 
of Deputies, there is neither a Protestant nor a Cath- 
olic Germany, but only the one indivisible nation, in- 
divisible in material as in spiritual matters. 

On the other hand, however, there are many 
weighty reasons why a religious party should not wield 
such an extraordinary and decisive influence in poh- 
tics as was the case for many years in this country. 
The Centre is, and will remain, a party held together 

i86 Imperial Germany 

by religious views, however subtly opinion in Cologne 
and Berlin may argue about the idea of a religious 
party. The Centre is the representative of the re- 
ligious minority. As such its existence is justified; 
but it must not arrogate to itself a predominant posi- 
tion in politics. Doubtless every party which, owing 
to the constitution of the majority and to its own 
strength, occupies an exceptionally strong position 
in Parliament, is inclined to abuse its power. The 
Ultra-Liberals did so in the years of struggle; the 
National Liberals in the first half of the 'seventies; 
the Conservatives in the Prussian Chamber of Depu- 
ties, when they thwarted the well-thought-out and far- 
reaching plans for the canal; and finally the Centre 
did so. All my predecessors in office were in such a 
position as to have to ward oiF the Centre's claims to 
power. Many of the conflicts in home politics during 
the last decades had their origin in the necessity the 
Governments were under to defend themselves; the 
conflict of 1887, that of 1893, and, finally, the battle of 

For a party which is in an almost impregnable 
position, such as the Centre occupies, the temptation 
to pursue a policy of power pure and simple is very 
great. It is doubly tempting if the Centre is in a po- 

The Centre 187 

sition to form a majority together with the Social 
Democrats, and with their help can prevent the pass- 
ing of any and every Bill. A majority composed of 
the Centre and the Social Democrats, that resists na- 
tional demands, is not only injurious to our national 
life, but constitutes a serious danger. 

Before 1906 the Centre allowed itself to be tempted 
to turn to its own advantage the systematic opposi- 
tion of the Social Democrats towards national requi- 
sitions, if together with these it could obtain a major- 
ity, and if it fitted in with its policy of power 
to discomfit the Government by the rejection of 
such requisitions. In the same way, before the storm 
which cleared the air in 1906, it happened more than 
once that the Centre laid down difficult or even impos- 
sible conditions, before giving its consent to national 
requisitions, knowing full well that without its help 
it was impossible to get a national majority. From 
the defeat of the Cartel at the February elections of 
1890 up to the Block elections of 1907, after which the 
Centre did not oppose any Army, Navy or Colonial 
Bills, the Government lived uninterruptedly under 
the shadow of a threat of union between the Centre 
and the Social Democrats, to form a majority for the 
Opposition. In the seventeen years between the Car- 

i88 Imperial Germany 

tel and the Block, the Centre certainly rendered val- 
uable services in furthering national affairs, especially 
in respect of the Navy Bills, the Tariff Bills, and in » 
notable manner in the development of social policy. 
But events in the sphere of colonial politics in the 
winter of 1906 proved that the Centre stiU regarded 
the rejection of national requisitions, with the aid of 
the Social Democrats, as a welcome and legitimate 
means of carrying out its policy of power. 

THE TASK OF 1907. 

It was necessary to settle the conflict conjured up 
by the Centre together with the Social Democrats, the 
Poles and the Alsatians, not only for the time being, 
but with an eye to the past and the future. The need 
of forming a majority for national questions without 
the Centre had really existed since the split in the Bis- 
marckian Cartel, and was created by the conclusions 
that the Centre had drawn from the fact that its as- 
sistance was indispensable for the furtherance of na- 
tional affairs. So it was an old problem that was set 
for solution in 1907, one that was made urgent by the 
divisions of the preceding months, but that was not 
originally raised by them: a national majority with- 
out the Centre. Not a majority against the Centre, 

The Task of 1907 189 

nor a national majority from which the Centre was 
to be excluded, but a national majority, powerful and 
strong enough in itself to do justice to national exi- 
gencies, if need be without the help of the Centre. 
If this were achieved the Centre could no more har- 
bour the seductive idea that it was indispensable, and 
the danger of a majority formed by the Centre and 
the Social Democrats would no longer be acute. 
When the People's party voted with the Conserva- 
tives and National Liberals for the Colonial Bills, I 
perceived the possibility of forming a new national 
majority. I should have seized this opportunity, 
even if I had not been convinced that it was possible 
to smooth away the differences between the Conserv- 
atives and Liberals, and that the co-operation of these 
two parties would have great educative value. In 
pursuing this course I did my duty. The Block ma- 
jority was formed not against the Centre as such, but 
against the Centre, allied in opposition, with the So- 
cial Democrats. The nation looked upon the Block 
elections as a purely national matter. The temper 
of the people, when success was assured, was not such 
as would be roused by a triumph in party politics, but 
as would emanate from a feeling of patriotic satisfac- 
tion. The Block had been matured by the experience 

190 Imperial Germany 

of nearly two decades of home policy. There was 
promise for the coming decade in the fact that the 
last of the middle-class parties had been won over in 
support of the national tasks of the Empire. 

The underlying idea of the so-called Block was sim- 
ilar to that which was at the foundation of the Cartel. 
I might almost say: the Block was the modern real- 
isation of an old idea adapted to the changed circum- 
stances of the times. For a long time it had not been 
feasible to repeat the Cartel formed by Conservatives 
and National Liberals. The old parties of the Cartel 
had been ground so small between the millstones of 
the Centre and the Social Democrats that there was 
no longer hope of renewing the Cartel majority for 
some time to come. In order to be able, if need be, 
to dispense with the help of the Centre in forming a 
national majority, it was necessary to include Ultra- 
Liberalism. When in 1906 the Ultra-Liberals of- 
fered to co-operate in national work, the Government 
had to seize the helping hand held out to them — and 
hold it fast. It was not so much a question of win- 
ning over a party to the Government side, as of ex- 
tending the sphere of the national idea among 
the people. For the first time since the founding of 
the Empire, the old Ultra-Liberalism wheeled into 

The Task of 1907 191 

the front rank of the nation. The way in which this 
was done hardly left a doubt that the change was in- 
tended to be permanent rather than temporary. 
What Eugen Richter had prophesied to me, not long 
before he retired from political life, had come true. 
With sure instinct, all classes of the nation felt and 
understood the real significance of this turn of affairs 
in 1906, till later on the fads of party programmes 
obscured the clear facts, as they have so often done. 

The years of the Block brought great success and 
taught an important lesson. The national vanguard 
was widened, and it was proved that the Social Dem- 
ocrats can be repulsed : both points of significant gain 
in the solution of the most important problems of our 
home policy. 

Since 1907 the Ultra-Liberals have been ranged on 
the side of the National party. The small Army and 
Navy Bills of the spring of 1912 were accepted by 
them in the same way as were the great increase in the 
Army in the summer of 1913, and the demands of co- 
lonial policy. To estimate the value of the assistance 
of the Ultra-Liberals, it is not sufficient to consider 
whether the Armament Bills would have had a ma- 
jority in the Reichstag without them. The advan- 
tage lies in this, that whereas formerly a majority of 

192 Imperial Germany 

middle-class parties stood security for the national 
needs of the Empire, a majority which was mostly got 
together with great difficulty, now all the middle-class 
parties stand united against the Social Democrats and 
the Nationalistic parties and fragments of parties. 
The national questions of the Empire have ceased 
to be a subject of anxiety in home politics. And the 
solid force with which the national idea finds expres- 
sion in all sections of the middle classes, when the de- 
fence of the Empire is concerned, must be set down as 
a valuable asset for the prestige of Germany abroad. 


In order to measure the progress made, it is only 
necessary to consider the fate of the bigger Arma- 
ment Bills during the last decades. This is all the 
more significant as the national idea must act, not 
only in the direction of the Continental policy of Prus- 
sia and Germany so glorious in the past, but also in 
the direction of the new world policy, whose impor- 
tance in the meantime lies more in the future. Not 
only the army, but also the navy, is concerned to-day. 
The middle-class parties in the Reichstag have to ad- 
vocate considerable material sacrifices in the country 

HcjLtory of German Policy of Armaments 193 

for disbursements for national purposes, and they 
must therefore lay greater stress on the national idea. 
It is certainly a curious fact that in the most mili- 
tary and most warlike of the European nations the 
parties have resigned themselves so unwillingly to 
new demands for the defence of the Empire that it has 
taken more than three and a half decades to achieve 
unanimity, at least among the middle-class parties. 
The blame for this attitude attaches, not so much to 
lack of patriotism, as to that desire for power in party 
politics, and that obstinate devotion to the party pro- 
gramme, to which I have earlier referred. It was the 
task of the Government to waken the latent patriotic 
feelings of all middle-class parties, to animate them, 
and spontaneously, and without prejudice, to uphold 
them when they seemed strong enough to co-operate 
in a practical manner in the work of the Empire. 
A German Government would act against the wel- 
fare of the nation if, owing to party prejudices of its 
own, it should repulse the national zeal of a party, 
and if the sacrifices of a party in the interests of the 
nation should seem of less value because its general 
trend in politics did not fall in with the Government's 
ideas. For the Government the intensity of national 
feeling is by far the most important quality of a party. 

194 Imperial Germany 

It will and must be possible to work with a party that 
is at bottom reliable from the national standpoint, 
for such a party will ultimately allow itself to be influ- 
enced in favour of national interests in the choice, 
often so hard in Germany, between the interests of 
the community in general and those of the party. 
No German Minister need give up this cheerful op- 
timism, no matter how sceptically he may regard the 
parties in the ordinary course of politics. Firm be- 
lief in the ultimate victory of the national idea is the 
first condition of a really national pohcy. Day and 
night every German pohtician should remember the 
glorious words which Schleiermacher uttered in the 
dark year of 1807: "Germany is still there, and her 
invisible strength is unimpaired." This belief we 
Germans must not forgo in the hurly-burly of our 
party squabbles, which still makes the display of spon- 
taneous national feeling seem transitory, like a rare 
hour of rest. 

A review of the fate of the German Armament 
Bills affords at the same time a picture of the changes 
in the parties with regard to the national idea. The 
Conservatives have a right to the reputation of never 
having refused to serve their country, and the Na- 
tional Liberals, too, have never endangered the fate 

History of German Policy of Armaments 195 

of an Armament Bill. In this respect the old parties 
of the Cartel hold the foremost place, and it was a 
loss, not only to them but to the Empire, when the 
elections of 1890 destroyed their majority and at the 
same time all prospect of their recovering this ma- 
jority. Prince Bismarck had bequeathed an Army 
Bill to the new Reichstag of 1890; this Bill was in- 
troduced in a form of much less scope than that of 
the original draft, as conceived by the old Imperial 
Chancellor. Count Caprivi asked for 18,000 men 
and 70 batteries. In spite of the fact that the vener- 
able Moltke spoke in favour of the BiU, its fate was 
doubtful for a long time, Eugen Richter refused it 
in the name of the whole Ultra-Liberal party. With 
the help of the Centre the Bill was passed by the Car- 
tel parties, but the Centre only gave its consent on 
condition that subsequently a Bill for two-year mili- 
tary service should be introduced. 

The great Army Bill of 1893 became a necessity so 
soon owing to the fact that the demands made by the 
preceding Bill had been insufficient for requirements ; 
this showed how uncertain the foothold of the national 
majority of the middle-class parties was. The Cen- 
tre vented on the Army Bill its resentment for the 
disappointment of its hopes with regard to educa- 

196 Imperial Germany 

i;ional policy in Prussia. Although its demand for 
two-year military service was included in the new Bill, 
the party could not make up its mind to vote for it. 
Among the Ultra-Liberals the national idea at that 
time was trying to find expression. But only six Ul- 
tra-Liberal deputies at last consented to vote for the 
Bill. In 1893, sixteen years before its realisation, 
there rose for a moment the hope of co-operation be- 
tween the Conservatives and Liberals, including the 
Ultra-Liberals. The time, however, was not yet 
ripe. The rejection of the Bill by the Centre, Ultra- 
Liberals and Social Democrats was followed by the 
-dissolution of the Reichstag. In the elections the 
Ultra-Liberals in favour of the Army separated from 
the party of progress ; but the elections did not result 
in a national majority without the Centre. The So- 
^jial Democrats increased the number of their seats. 
The bulk of the Ultra-Liberals remained in opposi- 
tion. The majority — 201 against 185 — ^was only ob- 
tained by means of the Polish party, which had in- 
creased from sixteen to nineteen. The national idea 
had gained ground among the Ultra-Liberals, but 
had not won the victory, and had been rmable to get 
.ahead of the party interests of the Centre. 

Six years later the Government had to put up with 

History of German Policy of Armaments 197 

very considerable reductions in its Bills, and never- 
theless only succeeded in passing the new Army Bill 
with the help of the Centre after a violent struggle 
against the opposition of the Ultra-Liberals and So- 
cial Democrats. There was no question of ready or 
enthusiastic acceptance, and a conflict in home politics 
seemed very imminent. I found the majority which 
had passed the Tariff Bill ready to accept the Army 
increase of 10,000 men in the spring of 1905, but the 
Ultra-Liberals still held off. The case was much the 
same with the Navy Bills. Hot fights were the rule, 
and consent was usually the result of long discussions 
and explanations between the Government and the 
parties. In the year 1897 not even two cruisers were 
granted, and yet in the following year it was possible 
to get a majority in the same Reichstag for the first 
great Navy BiU. 

In the interval, comprehensive and enlightening 
work had been done. The Emperor William II. had 
advocated the national cause with all his heart and 
soul. Learned men hke Adolph Wagner, SchmoUer, 
Sering, Lamprecht, Erich Marks and many others 
made successful propaganda for the fleet at that time 
and in subsequent years, especially among the edu- 
cated classes. The Bill of 1898 was passed by a ma- 

198 Imperial Germany 

jority of 212 against 139 votes. Twenty members of 
the Centre, all the Ultra-Liberals and, of course, the 
Social Democrats voted against it. The important 
Navy Bill of 1900 again found the Ultra-Liberals 
solidly on the side of the Opposition. The Centre 
this time voted as one man for the Bill after the num- 
ber of cruisers demanded had been reduced from 
sixty-four to fifty-one. In the year 1906 these addi- 
tional ships, which had been refused before, were 
granted by the majority which passed the Tariff BiU. 
In the same way the increase in the dimensions of the 
battleships, necessitated by the example of England, 
was granted. 

In the end we certainly succeeded in obtaining ma- 
jorities of the middle classes for all these Armament 
Bills. But their acceptance was nearly always the 
result of difficult negotiations, and often of inconven- 
ient compromises. We were very far from being 
able to count on sure and substantial national majori- 
ties for our legitimate and reasonable Armament 
Bills. More than once the decision himg in the bal- 
ance. And had it not been, as was the case in the 
Army Bill of 1893, for the unexpected assistance of 
the Poles, success and failure would each time have 
been dependent on the presence or absence of the 

History of German Policy of Armaments 199 

good will of the Centre. This was bound to give that 
party not only a very strong sense of power, but a 
great deal of actual power. The expression, "the all- 
powerful Centre," so often heard before 1907, was 
fully justified. In point of fact, a party, on whose 
good will the Empire was dependent in all questions 
of national existence, was virtually in possession of 
political leadership, at least in those matters which, 
in accordance with the Constitution, are open to the 
influence of parties and the representatives of the 
people. And when the Colonial debates of the win- 
ter of 1906 showed that it was by no means safe to 
count on the Centre in all national questions, it be- 
came clear that some solution yet remained to be 
found for the problem of how to safeguard these ques- 
tions in the party warfare. The change of front of 
the party of progress, and the victory at the poll of 
the new majority of the Block, put an end to this rule 
of the Centre which we have just described. The 
Centre learnt that the fate of national questions no 
longer depended on it alone, and it learnt further that 
the negative attitude might well prove fatal to its 
powerful position in Parliament. Even though the 
Block could only be kept together for a few years, yet 
the possibility remains that it might be formed again 

200 Imperial Germany 

if the Centre should fail to come up to the mark in a 
national question, or should, hy siding with the Social 
Democrats, defeat a Bill for the furtherance of na- 
tional aims. The Centre will not be so ready, as it 
often was in past years, to allow its attitude with re- 
gard to national questions to be influenced by ill-feel- 
ing occasioned by matters of home politics. The 
Ultra-Liberals proved, in the spring of 1912 and in 
the summer of 1913, that they consider the change of 
front carried out in 1906 a permanent one. 

That there has been such a development of the na- 
tional idea, and that such a change has come over 
the attitude of the parties towards Imperial questions 
of protection and armament, must fill every patriot 
with joy and confidence. Fifty years ago, King Wil- 
liam found himself alone with his Ministry and a 
small Conservative minority, in the struggle to re- 
organise the Prussian Army. After the founding of 
the Empire, Bismarck had to fight obdurately with 
the parties for every Army requisition, however small. 
The year 1893 witnessed once more a bitter struggle 
in home politics for an Army Bill. In October, 1899, 
the Emperor William II. lamented that, "in spite of 
urgent requests and warnings" during the first eight 
years of his reign, the increase in the Navy had been 

History of German Policy of Armaments 201" 

steadily refused. When at last the idea of a navy 
had taken root in the minds of the people, even then 
the individual Navy Bills were only passed after hard 
fights in Parliament. 

The Armament Bills of 1912 were passed by the 
whole of the German middle-class parties in the Reich- 
stag. The Army Bill of the year 1913 met with such 
a willing reception from all parties as had never be- 
fore been accorded to any requisition for armaments 
on land or at sea. For the Army Bill itself no serious 
exposition was really required. If the parties fought 
over the question of expense, it was for reasons due 
to the general situation in party politics, and consid- 
erations of very serious questions of finance. Not 
one of the middle-class parties, from the extreme 
Right to the Ultra-Liberals, even thought of making" 
their consent to the Armament Bill dependent on the 
difficulties and differences of opinion in the question 
of meeting expenses. The national idea has taken 
firm root among all the middle-class parties. As far 
as man can teU, every necessary and justifiable Army 
and Navy Bill will always be able to count on a safe 
parhamentary majority. The period of the Block 
played a very essential part in the attainment of this 

202 Imperial Germany 


If the strengthening of the national front rank may- 
be regarded as a permanent result of the parliamen- 
tary struggles of the winter of 1906 and of the com- 
bination of 1906-1909, then the great electoral vic- 
tory over the Social Democrats, won in the year 1907, 
has unfortunately not borne such lasting fruit as it 
could and should have done. In spite of this the re- 
sult of those elections was of very great importance. 
The fact that the Social Democratic constituencies 
were reduced from eighty-one and could be reduced to 
forty-three, has a significance which is not confined 
to the individual electoral campaign. The talk about 
a chance victory is either due to the untruthfulness 
of party pohticians or to regrettable thoughtlessness. 
Such chance occurrences have no more existence in 
pohtics than in hfe. In pohtics, too, every important 
effect has a corresponding cause. Such a well or- 
ganised party as that of the Social Democrats does 
not lose forty-four constituencies, nor is the number 
of its seats reduced by thirty-six, without sufiicient 
cause. Against their forty-four losses in 1907 there 
were only eight gains. This success could not be 

Campaign Against the Social Democrats 203 

attributed to the national watchword alone. The 
General Election after the dissolution in 1893 took 
place under the auspices of a similar watchword, and 
it resulted in a considerable increase of votes for the 
extreme Left, and, what is of more practical impor- 
tance in the course of legislative work, a considerable 
increase of seats. The cause of the loss of Social 
Democratic seats in 1907 is to be found in the pre- 
liminary work done before that date in Parliament 
and the Press, by speeches and explanations; in the 
fact that the right moment was seized to dissolve the 
Reichstag; in the correct treatment and estimate of 
imponderables; and in the direction of the electoral 

It is a mistake to under-estimate the value of an 
electoral triumph over the Social Democrats, because 
the loss of seats is not accompanied by a correspond- 
ing loss of votes. Of course, it would be better not 
only to gain ground in the Reichstag against the So- 
cial Democrats, but also to win over to the national 
camp a part of their adherents and followers. But 
this twofold success is difficult to achieve in the mean- 
time, and would only be possible under pohtical cir- 
cumstances which have not hitherto arisen. Since the 

204 Imperial Germany 

year 1884, the number of votes recorded in favour of 
the Social Democrats has steadily increased, 
round numbers the votes recorded are: 


±00'± • • ■ • 

1887 .. 


1890 .. 




1898 .. 


1903 . . 

S,01 1,000 

1907 . . 


1912 .. 


These figures are doubly instructive. They show the 
dangerous increase in the number of the supporters of 
the Social Democrats, and the waning disinclination 
of the middle-classes to afford them direct support at 
the elections. But the figures also demonstrate that 
it is possible to weaken the party of the Social Demo- 
crats in the Reichstag in spite of the power of their 
propaganda. This is clearly shown by the number of 
the seats they have obtained since 1884 : 

1884 . 


1887 . 


1890 , 


1893 . 


1898 . 


1903 . 


1907 . 


1912 . 


Campaign Against the Social Democrats 205 

These two tables show that a decrease in the votes 
for the Social Democrats has hitherto not been at- 
tainable, but that under suitable guidance it is pos- 
sible to reduce the number of their seats in the Reich- 
stag. Sound practical policy attends to the achieve- 
ment of such good as is possible, if for the time being 
better things are unattainable. 

The rise in the number of votes for the Social Demo- 
crats is a very serious matter. But as the voting 
papers have no other immediate object than to gain 
seats, as the total mass of the supporters and fol- 
lowers of the Social Democrats, huge as it is, can 
only influence the course of practical legislation if 
the strength of the Social Democrats in the Reichstag 
is proportionately increased, the first duty of the 
Government is to neutralise the effect which the heavy 
Social Democrat poU has upon the election result. If 
such a success under the guidance of the Government 
is secured, not once but repeatedly, then it cannot 
fail, in the long run, to react on the canvassing and 
agitation of the Social Democrats. For what is true 
for all human activity is particularly true in the sphere 
of politics ; nothing has a more paralysing effect than 
the knowledge that continuous and strenuous effort 
remains permanently unsuccessful. The prestige of 

2o6 Imperial Germany 

the Social Democrats is founded largely on a belief 
in the irresistible growth of their power. From this 
point of view also, the result of the elections of 1907 
teaches us a lesson of great and lasting value. 

The fact that the Conservatives and Liberals were 
on the same side in the principal ballots and the sec- 
ond ballots in 1907, resulted in a very considerable 
reduction in Social Democratic seats in spite of the 
increase in the Social Democratic vote. 

In this respect the Block elections were even more 
successful than the Cartel elections in 1887. The 
Cartel reduced the Social Democratic seats from 
iwenty-four to eleven, while the number of Social 
Democratic votes increased by nearly a third. At 
ihe Block elections the number of Social Democratic 
-seats fell from eighty-one to forty-three, while the 
votes increased by about a sixth. At the same time, 
in the one case the Cartel, and in the other the Block, 
obtained a majority in the Reichstag. The loss of 
the Social Democrats was the gain of the Conserva- 
tives and Liberals. The cause of this is that in 
nearly all the constituencies which can be successfully 
contested in opposition to the Social Democrats, Lib- 
eralism and Conservatism are so strongly repre- 
sented that their united strength can beat the Social 

Campaign Against the Social Democrats 207 

Democrats, but the latter win the day if Conserva- 
tives and Liberals split votes. The point, of course, 
is to arrange and direct the electoral campaign in 
such a way that the Conservatives and Liberals can 
unite. Of the sixty-nine constituencies which the So- 
cial Democrats gained in the January elections of 
1912, no fewer than sixty-six had returned Conserva- 
tives or Liberals in 1907; twenty -nine had fallen to 
the share of the Conservatives and their neighbours, 
and thirty-seven to the Liberal parties. The elec- 
tions of 1907 inflicted the severest loss that the So- 
cial Democrats had experienced since the founding 
of the Reichstag; the elections of 1912 brought them 
the greatest gain. The parties of the Right fell from 
the hundred and thirteen seats that they had won in 
1907 to sixty-nine in 1912. That is the smallest 
number of members of the Right since the year 1874. 
The number of Liberals in the Reichstag after the 
elections of 1912 was lower than ever before. At 
the elections of 1907, for the first time. Conserva- 
tives and Liberals of all shades of opinion were 
united for one cause. The elections of 1912 saw a 
close coalition of all the parties of the Left. In 1907 
the Right emerged from the elections as the strong- 
est group, numbering a hundred and thirteen mem- 

2o8 Imperial Germany 

bers as against a hundred and six Liberals, a hun- 
dred and five representatives of the Centre, and forty- 
three Socialists. In the year 1912 the Social Demo- 
crats were the strongest party in the Reichstag, with 
a hundred and ten members, while there were ninety 
representatives of the Centre, qighty-five Liberals, 
and sixty-nine Conservatives of all shades of opinion. 
The comparison between 1907 and 1912 tempts 
one to ask where thq blame lies. I will leave this 
question unanswered. But the comparison teaches 
an interesting lesson. It shows that Conservatism 
cannot find in the assistance of the Centre compensa- 
tion for the loss occasioned by being completely out 
of touch with the Left. It shows that the Social 
Democrats have least chance at elections if the Lib- 
erals have been successfully separated from them, and 
that they achieve their greatest successes when mid- 
dle-class Liberalism assists them, either voluntarily 
or because it is driven to do so. 


From first to last during my term of office I rec- 
ognised that the Social Democratic movement con- 
stituted a great and serious danger. It is the duty 
of every German Ministry to combat this movement 

Combating the Social Democrats 209 

until it is defeated or materially changed. There 
can be no doubt as to the task itself, but there may- 
be hesitation as to the choice of means. 

Since the law against the Socialists lapsed, sup- 
pression by force is no longer feasible. The last time 
proceedings of this kind were possible was when 
Prince Bismarck, a man who had won such unpar- 
alleled successes, a man of such immense reputation, 
was at the head of the Government. He could have 
undertaken and carried out extraordinary measures 
in home politics, as he was able to do in for- 
eign politics, thanks to his international reputa- 
tion. Under the pohtical rule of Bismarck much 
was possible and feasible that must nowadays silently 
be set down as impracticable. He was a pohtical 
premise in himself. It is foolish to desire means and 
enterprises for which this premise is wanting. We 
must often pursue other courses, and summon up 
strength and will to reach our goal by their means, 
without having Bismarck to lead us. This applies 
also to the fight against the Social Democrats. 

Of course every disturbance of pubhc order must 
be suppressed energetically. That is the first duty 
of every Government in every civilised State, be it 
Republican or Monarchical, whether the Govern- 

210 Imperial Germany 

ment be guided by Conservative, Liberal or Demo- 
cratic opinions. The resolute way in which in France 
Ministers belonging to the Radical party with praise- 
worthy energy suppressed attempts to disturb public 
order, may well serve as a model for every Minister 
in other countries. Ill-advised consideration in this 
respect is a lack of consideration for the great ma- 
jority of the nation, that has a right to expect to work 
under the protection of an orderly state of affairs. 
In accordance with this view, Goethe, who was not so 
indifferent to political matters as is often supposed, 
characterised the maintenance of public order as the 
first duty of every Government. In sympathy with 
this idea, Schopenhauer, who most certainly was an 
independent thinker, bequeathed all his fortune to a 
fund started in Berlin, "for the support of Prussian 
soldiers disabled in maintaining and restoring public 
order in Germany during the revolts and disturb- 
ances of the years 1848 and 1849." But it is one 
thing for the Government to proceed by force against 
disturbances of the peace, and quite another, in order 
to prevent possible civil disturbances, for it to inter- 
fere with the peaceful development of a Radical move- 
ment among the people. In the latter case, by em- 
ploying force, it runs the risk of rousing active re- 

Combating the Social Democrats 211 

sentment which might possibly never have broken out 
otherwise. Every blow provokes a return blow of 
corresponding strength. A strong, well-organised 
political movement in the nation, based on wide and 
reliable sympathies, will gain in striking power the 
moment it sees that it is exposed to the danger of be- 
ing suppressed by force. The recruiting power of a 
cause is greatly increased if it has the luck, thanks to 
excess of zeal on the part of its opponents, to be 
able to point to martyrs to the cause. With regard 
to this, we need only call to memory the notorious 
persecutions of demagogues during the second, third 
and fourth decades of the nineteenth century. By 
outlawing a number of more or less harmless advo- 
cates of democracy the Government gave the demo- 
cratic movement of those times claims on many classes 
of the people, which they would certainly not have 
won over by the power of their ideas alone. The re- 
sult was the outbreak of 1848. 

Of course, it is not possible to say how things 
would work out in detail nowadays if the Govern- 
ment were to resort to force. The whole situation 
is very different from that during the first third of 
the nineteenth century. On the one hand, the mod- 
em Social Democratic movement is less good-na- 

212 Imperial Germany 

tured and less ideaKstic than the middle-class demo- 
cratic movement before the March Revolution; it 
lacks the warm-hearted patriotism of the old German 
Democrats; but its economic socialistic aims give it 
far more trenchancy and force. On the other hand, 
when Prussia was despotically ruled, there was a lack 
of the safety valves of parliamentary life, of the 
freedom of the Press, and of the right to form As- 
sociations and hold meetings — safety valves which are 
useful and have become indispensable. Exceptional 
laws against the Social Democrats would choke these 
outlets. They would force the Social Democratic 
movement to transform itself from a strong party 
movement into a powerful secret society. Like a 
permanent conspiracy, with all the venom, the bit- 
terness and the fanaticism, which have hitherto char- 
acterised every movement that has been branded by 
the Government as unlawful, the party would only 
become welded together more firmly; but, as far as 
the Government and the people are concerned, the 
open enemy whose methods can be controlled would 
become a secret foe, whose courses it would not al- 
ways be possible to trace. 

If the Government decides to use forcible means, 
it deprives itself of all possibility of perhaps effecting 

Combating the Social Democrats 213 

more by peaceful methods. Force can only be used 
as the very last resource. It only comes into ques- 
tion when all peaceful methods obviously have failed. 
So far this is not the case. If once the Government 
embarks on a course of violence there can be no turn- 
ing back, for that would mean a confession of de- 
feat. If the means which law and justice place at 
our disposal fail, the last resource still remains. No 
good general calls up his reserves at the beginning of 
an engagement, he keeps them back so that if the 
battle takes a critical turn he may not be defence- 
less. These excellent military tactics are of equal 
value in political struggles. Those are the best po- 
litical successes that are won with least sacrifice. In 
case of need the strongest measures are the best. 
But they should not be used without urgent necessity, 
and, above all, without the certainty that they will be 
successful. Bismarck could break all rules, and could 
expect success from an extreme and bold action. We 
cannot do so to-day, and are obliged to depend on un- 
tiring and steady endeavour. Of course it is within 
the province of such endeavour fearlessly to apply 
the laws which serve to maintain order, safety and 
liberty, and if they should prove insufficient in in- 
dividual points, to supplement them. 

214 Imperial Germany 

Forcible proceedings against the Social Democrats 
would immediately come into question if they were 
provoked by any violent outburst of the Social Demo- 
cratic movement. That, however, is hardly to be ex- 
pected and is improbable, if the Goverment attacks 
the problem of dealing with the Social Democrats 
skilfully and performs its task energetically. There 
are poKticians who think it would be no misfortune if 
a violent outburst took place, because then there would 
be a possibility of cutting the Gordian knot of the 
Socialist question with the sword and thus attain- 
ing a final solution. 

If the Social Democrats should be stupid and crim- 
inal enough to resort to open rebellion, then, of 
course, all considerations and all doubts would have 
to be discarded, in the face of the necessity of defend- 
ing the foundations of our State and our civilisation. 
But to desire such a development of affairs is short- 
sighted. I once expressed in the Reichstag what con- 
sideration a policy deserves that wishes for a violent 
outburst in the country, or even goes the length of 
provoking it in the hope of arriving at better condi- 
tions by suppressing it forcibly. In France forty 
years ago it was called "politique de la mer Rouge." 
The Red Sea was to be crossed in order to reach the 

Combating the Social Democrats 215 

Promised Land. Only, unfortunately, there is great 
danger of drowning in the Red Sea and never reach- 
ing the Promised Land. A large proportion of the 
French Monarchists acted in pursuance of this 
recipe, when the preliminary signs of the great Rev- 
olution increased in number. Instead of coming to 
an agreement with the moderate men, they perse- 
cuted them with bitter animosity, and preferred to 
favour the extremists indirectly, in the hope thereby 
of bringing about the deluge, after which they would 
be in clover. The deluge came, but they were not in 
clover. The attempt to set a thief to catch a thief 
has rarely succeeded in politics. 

Germany is not the country for a coup d'etat. No 
people in the world has such a strong sense of law as 
the Germans. Nowhere does the infringement of a 
law, whether of common law or of public equity, pro- 
duce such passionate resentment as in Germany, nor 
is there any nation which finds it so hard to forget 
such a breach as we do. The objection of most Ger- 
man parties to exceptional laws and exceptional ex- 
pedients is also due to their innate dislike of break- 
ing the law. The French are less sensitive on this 
point. The supporters of the Great Revolution still 
glory in its terrorism. Thiers, in the seventh volume 

2i6 Imperial Germany 

of his "History of the French Revolution," in con- 
sidering the Reign of Terror of the National Con- 
vention, concludes with the words: "Le souvenir de 
la Convention Rationale est demeure terrible; mais 
pour eUe il n'y a qu'un fait a alleguer, un seul, et 
tons les reproches tombent devant ce fait immense: 
elle nous a sauves de I'invasion etrangere." * M. 
Clemenceau was of opinion that the Revolution, with 
all its excesses and infringement of the law, must be 
taken en bloc and be considered as a whole. The 
coup d'etat of Napoleon I. was forgotten when the 
sun of Austerlitz rose over the Empire. Napoleon 
III., too, was only reminded again of December 2 
when he made great blunders in foreign policy, and 
only after Sedan "Rue du 2 Decembre" was changed 
to "Rue du 4 Septembre." 


Every page of German history, on the contrary, 
tells how stubbornly the German defends his good 
old law, how irreconcilable he is, when old law is dis- 
carded to make way for sound and necessary progress. 
Law must certainly not be considered superior to the 

* "The memory of the National Convention remains a terrible one, but 
there is only one fact to iirge in its favour, and all reproaches fall to the 
ground before this immense fact: it saved us from foreign invasion." 

No Policy of Conciliation 217 

needs of the State. Fiat jus et pereat mundus does 
not apply to politics. But so long as the needs of 
the State can be satisfied on the basis of the law this 
must be done. Also in the fight against the Social 
Democrats. If they openly break the law they must 
be paid back in their own coin. Such a turn of af- 
fairs must be reckoned with, but it must not be de- 
sired or forced. Forcible remedies without healing 
powers have never yet produced permanent results. 
On the other hand, in view of German conditions, and 
especially those in Prussia, the Social Democratic 
party, with its present programme and aims, cannot 
be placed on the same level as those parties which 
take their stand on the existing political system. A 
comparison with other countries which have suc- 
ceeded, or seem gradually to be succeeding, in mak- 
ing the Sociahst party participate in the Govern- 
ment of the country does not hold good in view of 
German conditions. We have a different political 
system, and, above all, different Social Democrats. 
Here again the warning of Bismarck applies, that we 
must not seek our models abroad, if we lack the con- 
ditions and qualities necessary for the imitation of 
foreign institutions. 

In France the Socialists have become Ministers, 

21 8 Imperial Germany 

and good Ministers too, and have shown how right 
is the French proverb which says, "qu'un Jacobin 
ministre n'est pas tou jours un ministre jacobin." 
Aristide Briand, once a Radical Socialist, proved 
himself a determined guardian of pubhc order; the 
Social Democrat, MiUerand, was an excellent Min- 
ister of War. 

In Italy, too, the attempt to make the Socialists 
share in the Government has succeeded. In Hol- 
land and Denmark similar attempts have probably 
been only temporarily abandoned. In a large num- 
ber of other counties it will probably not be long be- 
fore the French and Italian examples of a gradual 
reconciliation with the Sociahst element will be im- 

We must not be deceived by the apparently favour- 
able results of such experiments. Just as our past, 
our pohtical development and our peculiarities differ 
from those of other countries, so does our Social 
Democratic problem. We must study our own con- 
ditions, the peculiarities of the German Social Demo- 
crats, who attack the foundations of our State, and 
the peculiarities of our State, which we must defend 
.against the Social Democrats. 

The strong points of our national character, as well 

No Policy of Conciliation 219 

as its weak ones, come to light in the Social Demo- 
cratic movement. The movement, as it stands at 
present, would bq an impossibility in any cOuntry of 
the world except Germany. It is so dangerous to 
us because it is so typically German. No other na- 
tion has such a gift for organisation, no nation sub- 
mits so willingly to discipline, or has the power to 
subordinate itself to such an extent to strict discipline. 
We owe our best successes to this gift, our most useful 
public institutions. The Prussian State was created 
by discipline, as were our Army and our Public Serv- 
ices. That which other nations did in the heat of 
enthusiasm we often achieved by the power of dis- 
cipline. The war of 1866 was not popular; the troops 
were not urged on by patriotic enthusiasm, as was the 
case half a century earlier, but started on their march 
to Bohemia in silent submission to the orders of the 
commanding officers, and under the rule of discipline 
achieved victories as glorious as were those of their 
fathers under the inspiration of enthusiasm. After 
the war, a Frenchman wrote in admiration: "That 
the war in Bohemia had shown what could be achieved 
by strength of discipline alone." It is one of the Ger-^ 
man's greatest political virtues that discipline is bred 
in his bone. But the Social Democrats make use of 

220 Imperial Germany 

this virtue. Only in a State where the people are 
used to discipline, where they have learnt to obey un- 
questioningly in the Army, and where they feel the 
rigid regulations of the administrative machinery 
daily and hourly, could a party organisation of such 
size and solidarity as that of the Social Democrats 
come into being. The way the 4,216 local Societies 
submit to the forty-eight country and district Asso- 
ciations, and these again to the Central Association; 
the way enormous subscriptions are paid as if they 
were lawful taxes; the way the huge demonstrations 
are arranged, as if they were military operations; all 
this is not the result only of enthusiasm for a political 
party, it is also due to the sense of discipline which 
the German has in his blood. No nation in the world 
possesses or has ever possessed a like or even a similar 
party organisation. The clubs of the Jacobins, which 
were spread hke a network over France, were only 
a pale prototype of our Social Democratic organisa- 
tion. The provincial Clubs obeyed the Paris Cen- 
tral Association only so long as this was a power in 
the State, and were closed later on, without difficulty, 
at a hint from the Directoire Government. The 
strong web of the German Social Democratic party 
would not be so easy to tear. 

No Policy of Conciliation 221 

The late ambassador in St. Petersburg, General 
von Schweinitz, once said to me: "There are only 
two absolutely perfect organisations in the world: the 
Prussian Army and the Catholic Church." As far as 
organisation alone is concerned, one might be tempted 
to bestow similar praise on the German Social Demo- 
cratic party. In one of my Reichstag speeches — it 
was in December, 1903 — I said, in this connection: 
"If I had to make out a report for the Social Demo- 
cratic movement, I should say: Criticism, agitation, 
discipline and self-sacrifice, la; positive achievements, 
lucidity of programme, Vb." * This organisation of 
the Social Democrats is definitely hostile to our po- 
litical system, and looks on this hostility as its bond of 
union. There is no possibility of reconciling them to 
the State and of dissolving them in so doing, by tying 
them for a time to the Government cart, or allowing, 
this member or the other to take part in the direction 
of affairs. The movement is far too strong to allow 
itself, so to speak, to be coupled like a truck to the 
Government locomotive, and to let itself be pulled 
along a definite track; it woxild want to be a locomo- 
tive itself, and would try to pull in the opposite direc- 
tion. The Social Democrats would not obey a man 

* la, the best, and Vb, the worst marks in a school report. 

222 Imperial Germany 

from their midst who, in existing circumstances, 
should take service as a Minister any more than any 
other German party has ever done. 

To this must be added that the dogmatic trait, so 
characteristic of the German people, is also strongly 
expressed in our Social Democratic party. The Ger- 
man Social Democrat clings tenaciously to the tenets 
of his party, tenaciously and uncritically, and caring 
nothing for the inner contradictions of the Social 
Democratic programme. And as this programme is in- 
compatible with the existing State, the German Social 
Democrats are irreconcilable. The German working 
men, more than the same class in any other country, 
are inclined to believe implicitly in the Socialistic prin- 
ciples and the brilliant sophisms of Lassalle, and in 
the system of Marx, the construction of which affords 
proof of tremendous mental power and rare per- 
spicacity, of extraordinary knowledge and stiU more 
extraordinary dialectics, but which, in the course of 
historical development, has been refuted and shaken 
to its foundations. When Giolitti reproached the 
Italian SociaUsts with having discarded the tenets of 
"Marx, he only evoked intelligent amusement. An 
apostrophe of that kind in our country would have 
been met with indignant protests. Our Social Demo- 

No Policy of Conciliation 223 

cratic party is of the school of Eisenach ; not Lassalle 
and Rodbertus, but Marx and Engels, Bebel and 
Liebkneeht have been its guides, and its attitude to- 
wards the State is incomparably more hostile than 
that of the Socialist parties in France and Italy, which 
attribute a more or less academic value to Socialistic 
theories, and which are founded, not only on the So- 
cialistic idea, but also on national memories. French 
Socialism really springs from the Great Revolution, 
and the Revolution, like the Risorgimento, was in- 
spired by a passionately patriotic spirit. 

Our Social Democratic party lacks this national 
basis. It will have nothing to do with German pa- 
triotic memories which bear a monarchical and mili- 
tary character. It is not, like the French and Italian 
parties, a precipitate of the process of national his- 
torical development, but since its existence it has been 
in determined opposition to our past history as a na- 
tion. It has placed itself outside our national life. 
Whatever is achieved and accomplished in the State 
is of no interest to it, except in so far as it can serve 
to crush existing conditions, and in that maimer clear 
the way for the realisation of purely Socialistic ideas. 
In the calendar that the Vorwdrts publishes every 
year, Bismarck and Moltke, Bliicher and Scharnhorst, 

224 Imperial Germany 

Ziethen and Seidlitz are not mentioned, nor are Leip- 
zig and Waterloo, Koniggratz and Sedan, but a series 
of Russian Nihilists and Italian Anarchists and their 
murderous enterprises are named. 

Just as one of the greatest German virtues, the 
sense of discipline, finds special and disquieting ex- 
pression in the Social Democratic movement, so does 
our old vice, envy. Propter invidiam, said Tacitus 
about our ancestors ; the Germans destroyed their lib- 
erators, the Cherusci. Envy is one of the main- 
springs of our Social Democratic movement. Eco- 
nomic contrasts have been intensified just as much in 
other countries as with us. The violent exasperation 
roused thereby in Germany is found nowhere else, 
in spite of the fact that so much has been accom- 
plished in social reform, and although Germany led 
the way in making provision for the poor, and is still 
in advance of all other countries in this respect. The 
struggle of the labouring classes for better conditions 
of life, which originated at the time of the inception 
of the Social Democratic movement, has grown at 
times in Germany to a fanatical hatred of property 
and culture, birth and position. The excellent ar- 
rangements to raise the status of the workmen have 
not had much eiFect on this envy. Daily fanned into 

No Policy of Conciliation 225 

fresh flame by the sight of the contrast between rich 
and poor, this envy would not vanish if some leader 
or other took his seat on the Ministerial Bench. The 
Social Democratic movement has become a reservoir 
for this envy. 

The German Social Democrats cling most lovingly, 
and with tenacious obstinacy, to the ultimate goal of 
Socialism, the destruction of differences in wealth by 
the suppression of private property and the national- 
isation of the means of production. The Social Dem- 
ocrats, too, will not be won over by a policy of recon- 
ciliation, propter invidiam. And finally, the objec- 
tionable German caste-feeling which stands in the 
way of natural social intercourse, and which has an 
adverse influence on our whole political life, finds its 
ultimate and bitterest expression in Social Demo- 
cratic class-hatred. The old classes, historic in origin, 
had been delimited by public and legal circumstances. 
The Social Democratic proletariat, with its class- 
hatred, created itself, and has thrown up a dividing 
wall between itself and the rest of its feUow country- 
men. It will have nothing in common with the other 
classes of society. And, as with every caste, the So- 
cial Democratic proletariat not only considers itself 
better, more useful and more competent than other 

226 Imperial Germany 

classes of the nation, but it also aims at dominating 
all the other classes. If the attempt were made 
amongst us to bring the Social Democratic party into 
line with the middle-class parties, it is very question- 
able whether the Social Democrats would consent. 
They feel they have a vocation for autocratic rule, 
and wiU hardly content themselves with a propor- 
tionate share in the Government. 


In the German Empire, Prussia is the leading 
State. The Social Democratic movement is the an- 
tithesis of the Prussian State. A well-known propo- 
sition of Hegel's maintains that every idea includes 
its reverse counter idea. It is most significant that 
the philosopher who called the State the present deity, 
whose legal philosophy was a glorification of the Prus- 
sian State, who rejoiced in the special protection of 
the highest Prussian State authorities, should have 
created the logical premises for the conclusions of 

The peculiarity of the Prussian State, which is the 
backbone of our political life, makes a solution of the 
Social Democratic problem particularly difficult for 
us. The practical modus Vivendi with the Social 

Prussian State and Social Democrats 227 

Democrats, that has been attempted here and there 
in Southern Germany, does not seem possible in Prus- 
sia, Prussia attained her greatness as a coimtry of 
soldiers and officials, and as such she was able to ac- 
complish the work of German union; to this day she 
is still in all essentials a State of soldiers and officials. 
The strong control exercised by the authorities in Prus- 
sia has always evoked a particularly vigorous counter 
movement. The Berlin mania for grumbling and 
criticism was well known throughout Germany in the 
times of the absolute monarchy, when Frederick the 
Great had the pamphlets hung lower. Only civil au- 
thorities, who were as greatly used to guidance as the 
Prussians were, could lose their heads so completely 
as they did in the disastrous year of 1806, when con- 
trol slipped out of the hands of the Government. 
Even after the transition to constitutional forms of 
Government the Democracy in Prussia remained far 
more hostile than in the South, and went further in 
its demands. In consequence, the reaction in Prussia 
in the 'fifties was particularly severe. The Social 
Democrats, who in South Germany often adopt a 
conciliatory attitude and are ready to forgo some of 
the demands of the Socialistic programme for the 
sake of the practical politics of the day, are in Prussia 

228 Imperial Germany 

as extreme in their attitude as in their demands. As 
a natural contrast to this, Prussia has a far stronger 
Conservative element than any other German State 
possesses or needs. The Prussian State may be com- 
pared to a man, and, like any man worth his salt, is 
full of violent contrasts and only capable of great 
achievements when animated by a strong purpose. 
At home and abroad this State has mostly been very 
strong or very weak. Deeds of great strength and 
deeds of great weakness are found here in close prox- 
imity. Jena and Leipzig are only seven years apart. 
The sad retreat of the troops from Berlin on March 
19, 1848, and the weak-kneed policy which led back 
by way of Bronzell and Olmiitz to the old Federal 
Diet, were followed twenty years later by Sadowa 
and Sedan. Under powerful authority, Prussia was 
stronger in herself and had a more devoted and better 
disciplined population than any other State. But 
when the authorities became weak and disheartened, 
timid and neutral in the expression of their will, Prus- 
sia experienced a more complete breakdown of her 
State machinery than any other country. The au- 
thorities were hopelessly incompetent, when in 1806 
the Minister for Home Affairs declared peacefulness 
to be the first duty of the people, though the country 

Prussian State and Social Democrats 229 

lay at the mercy of the enemy, and the officials of 
Berlin humbly welcomed the conqueror at the Bran- 
denburg Gate; so were they, too, in the year of revo- 
lution, 1848, when the Lord Lieutenant of the Prov- 
ince of Saxony declared proudly that he took up his 
stand above all parties, while a mighty party movement 
was shaking the foundations of the monarchy. If 
the Prussian Government wanted to come to terms 
with the Social Democrats, and was willing to recog- 
nise as legitimate the demands of a party which for 
decades has been combating the monarchical and mili- 
tary foundations of the Prussian State, the Prussian 
civil servants, the middle-classes, the country popula- 
tion East of the Elbe, and possibly the army itself, 
would be at a loss what to make of the State and 
the authorities. If the Government renounced the 
fight against the Social Democrats, Prussia would 
take it to mean that they had yielded to the forces 
of revolution. And they would be right, if, after 
half a century of fighting, the Government could find 
no other solution than a shameful peace with the 
enemy. The results of a weak attitude towards the 
Social Democrats to-day would be more fatal in Prus- 
sia than weakness towards the March Revolution was. 
And it is very questionable whether another Bismarck 

230 Imperial Germany 

could be found to restore the authority of the Crown 
which had been weakened, not by defeats, but first 
by irresolution and indulgent forbearance, and then 
by stupid and foolish retrograde action. 

For the Prussian official, the Prussian soldier and 
the Prussian civilian, whose views are rooted in Prus- 
sian traditions, confidence in the strength of the Gov- 
ernment is a necessary condition of devoted loyalty. 
An agreement with the Social Democrats, which 
might be interpreted as an act of political wisdom in 
South Germany, would in Prussia be synonymous 
with a triimiph of the Social Democrats over the Gov- 
ernment and over the Crown. 

The immediate consequence would be an enormous 
increase in the membership of the Social Democratic 
party. In Prussia loyalty to the King, which is bred 
in the bonq of the Prussian and bequeathed to him 
by remote ancestors, keeps many back from joining 
the Social Democrats. But hundreds of thousands 
would follow without scruple a Social Democratic 
party which had acquired almost royal privileges. 
Instead of winning over the party to the interests of 
the State, in Prussia thousands of good subjects, in 
a state of bewilderment as regards their poUtical ideas, 
would be driven to the side of the Social Democrats. 

Prussian State and Social Democrats 231 

The party would emerge from such an agreement, not 
weakened but strengthened, and it would not dream 
of approaching the State in earnest, or of changing 
for the sake of the State, since the latter was ready 
to meet it half way in any case. In Prussia the ex- 
periment of coming to terms could only be possible if 
the Social Democratic party had first pubhcly, and 
in full form, made its peace with the monarchy. Un- 
til that has come to pass the Prussian Government 
cannot attempt a policy of conciUation as regards the 
Social Democratic party without fear of destroying 
the State. The Social Democrats hate the Kingdom 
of the Eagle, "which dips one wing in the Niemen 
and the other in the Rhine." They hate Prussia as 
being a State of orderly organisation, the heart and 
core of the German Empire, the State without which 
the German Empire would not exist, whose kings 
united Germany, with which the future of the Empire, 
stands or falls. 

Bebel's words, that if the Social Democrats had 
won Prussia they would have won all, are perfectly 
true. But it is also true that Prussia is difficult, if 
not impossible, for them to win if they have to fight 
against a strong Government, but that with the aid 
of the Government no German State would so easily 

232 Imperial Germany 

be conquered by the Social Democrats as Prussia. 
The peculiarities of Prussian conditions must, of 
course, react on the Empire. It is impossible to come 
to an agreement for any length of time with the So- 
cial Democrats on important questions of Imperial 
legislation, and yet to retain a violent antagonism to 
the Social Democrats in Prussia. The Reichstag 
elections cannot be carried on from an absolutely dif- 
ferent standpoint from that of the Prussian Diet 
elections. The Social Democrats will hardly be will- 
ing to come to an arrangement in the Empire so long 
as they are opposed in Prussia. On the other hand, 
an attempt on the part of the Imperial Government 
to make an agreement would have the same confusing 
and disintegrating effect on Prussia as a similar at- 
tempt in that State itself. If the Empire is gov- 
erned without reference to Prussia, ill-will towards 
the Empire will grow in that country. If Prussia 
is governed without reference to the Empire, then 
there is the danger that mistrust and dislike of the 
leading State will gain ground in non-Prussian Ger- 
many. It has always been disastrous for Prussia 
if necessary reforms, instead of being undertaken in 
time, were stubbornly refused until at last, by force 
of circumstances, they had to be granted in an ex- 

Isolation of the Social Democrats 233 

treme form. The art of governing in our country 
will always have to be directed chiefly towards main- 
taining the harmony between Germany and Prussia 
in the spirit as well as in the letter. 

The peculiarity of the conditions in our State, as 
well as the character of our Social Democratic party, 
are both equally opposed to a policy of conciliation. 
Forcible suppression of the Social Democratic move- 
ment is out of the question. By these two direct 
methods no solution of the Social Democratic prob- 
lem, no exorcism of the danger which threatens us, 
is possible. The only hope is to attack the causes 
and the forces which inspire the Social Democratic 


The Social Democratic movement is revolutionary 
in character. It is a question whether it will proceed 
to revolutionary deeds. Its aims, which involve a 
fundamental change of our whole public life, are revo- 
lutionary sans phrase. Consequently for this move- 
ment those experiences are applicable which have been 
gathered in every other revolutionary movement. His- 
tory shows that a radical tendency rarely grows more 
moderate without some external cause. New fol- 

234 Imperial Germany 

lowers which a Radical party obtains rarely have a 
moderating influence for any length of time; rather 
they tend to enhance the striking power, and are liable 
to submit with increasing docihty to Radical leader- 
ship. As in every party, the extreme section of the 
Social Democratic party has taken command in de- 
cisive moments because they seemed to have the clear- 
est perception. 

The opinion is often expressed that the Social Dem- 
ocratic party will grow less dangerous and calmer 
as members of the educated classes join it. Such a 
belief is contrary to all experience. The educated 
men in the Social Democratic movement do not form 
a bridge by which the proletariat may approach the 
representatives of the existing order, but a bridge by 
which intellect passes over to the masses. But it is 
when the educated classes join a revolutionary move- 
ment that it becomes a serious danger. 

History teaches us that such movements can be 
victorious when the temper of the intellectuals, of 
middle-class intelhgence, makes them unite with the 
masses in their desires. Thus it was in the Great 
Revolution. So long as the superior insight, the 
strong wiU of a Mirabeau kept the Liberal bour- 
geoisie attached to the monarchy and aloof from the 

Isolation of the Social Democrats 235 

Jacobins, a peaceful transition of France to the forms 
of a constitutional kingdom lay within the bounds of 
possibility. When, after his death, the Gironde ob- 
tained ascendancy and the bourgeoisie united with 
the town mobs against the supporters of the old 
regime and the Constitutional Monarchists, the fate of 
the Monarchy and of old France was sealed, and 
sealed for ever. In 1830 the legitimate Monarchy, 
scarcely fifteen years after it had been restored, suc- 
cumbed to a like coalition between intellect and brute 
force. The March Revolution of 1848 was success- 
ful because the masses found support and guidance 
in the educated classes. Wherever the proletariat 
has fought alone, as in the June battle in Paris and 
during the Commune, it has always been defeated. 
An isolated proletariat, however numerous, is always 
a minority in the nation. Against the four million 
Social Democratic voters in 1912 may be set the eight 
million who did not vote for the Social Democrats. 
If left to its own resources the proletariat cannot at- 
tain a numerical majority in the nation. It can only 
do so if aided by the middle classes. This is what 
must primarily be prevented. The Social Demo- 
cratic party can only be isolated if Liberalism is kept 
away from it and is drawn towards the Government 

236 Imperial Germany 

and the Right. But that cannot be accomplished by 
unctuous warnings to Liberalism sedulously to avoid 
its Radical neighbour. The separation of Liberalism 
from the Social Democratic movement can only be 
accomplished in the course of practical poUtics by a 
suitable grouping of the parties. This task of sep- 
arating the Social Democratic party from the intelli- 
gent middle class is one reason why Ministers whose 
inner convictions are quite, or, at any rate, largely. 
Conservative must rule in such a way as not to repel 


Socialistic dreams are bound to have something 
very attractive about them for the workman, so often 
in needy circumstances, and struggling hard for the 
livelihood of his family and himself. 

My predecessor in office. Prince Hohenlohe, used 
to call Socialism the poor man's dream. The un- 
schooled judgment of a simple man must easily suc- 
cumb to the seductive sophistry of Socialist teach- 
ings. The Social Democrats raise great hopes 
among, and hold out dazzhng promises to, the work- 
men, and the glamour is so strong that they cling 
tenaciously to the idea. It is an old truth that men 

The Social Democratic Movement 237 

grasp nothing more closely than their hopes, and that 
if given the choice of great hope or small fulfilment 
they choose the former. 

We must not cease, therefore, to impress upon our 
countrymen of the working class the truth of the facts 
that Socialist promises are illusory, and that Social- 
ism wUl not accomplish the great miracle of doing 
away with poverty, care and the industrial struggle; 
that the actual provisions for the poor made by the 
existing State and existing society are worth more 
than the promises of the Social Democrats which 
can never be fulfilled. We must fight steadily for 
the souls of our workmen, must seek to win back 
the Social Democratic workman to the State and 
the monarchy, and to keep the non- Social Demo- 
cratic workman away from the danger of imbibing 
such views. A large number of workmen have not yet 
succumbed to the attractions of the Social Democrats. 
As opposed to the 2,530,390 working men in the so- 
called free or Social Democratic Trades Unions, there 
are 1,314,799 in non-Social Democratic Trades Un- 
ions and Associations. These are as follows : 

Catholic Working Men's Union . . . . . . 545,574 

Evangelical Working Men's Union .. .. .. 180,000 

Christian Trades Unions . . . . . . . . 360,000 

238 Imperial Germany 

State Workmen's and State Employees' Association . . 120,000 
Hirsch-Duncker Trades Unions . . . . . . 109,225 

To these must be added the Catholic and Evangelical 
Journeymen's Unions and Lads' Unions, whose total 
membership numbers 468,223, and, above all, the 
great number of industrial and agricultural labourers 
who are not organised in unions. Thanks to the work 
of the Lads' Brigade, and of the Jungdeutschland- 
hund (Union of Young Germany), a valuable start 
has been made towards safeguarding the young 
people from the Social Democrats' attempts at recruit- 
ing. Even though the Social Democratic organisa- 
tion is very strong, yet already there are organisa- 
tions in process of formation, or of growing power, 
which, with skilful handling, may be used as a basis 
for a successful fight against the Social Democrats; 
and other organisations can also be formed. The 
monarchy which, as I explained in the Reichstag on 
January 20, 1903, at the beginning of last century 
made the transition from the old form of government 
to the new without any violent upheaval, is still strong 
enough and has sufficient insight to mitigate and re- 
move, as far as is possible in this imperfect world, those 
evils which, together with much good, are due to mod- 
ern development, evils which are found in all countries. 

The Social Democratic Movement 239 

and which are comprehended in the words, "social 
problems." We must not waver in this belief in spite 
of, or rather because of, the strong attraction that the 
Social Democratic movement has for our German 

Our fight against the Social Democrats is not di- 
rected against the workmen; its aim is to rescue them 
from the snares of the Social Democrats, and to accus- 
tom them to the idea of the State. We must not re- 
spond to the Social Democratic hatred of the proper- 
tied and educated classes, by hatred of the workmen 
who have succumbed to the wiles of the Social Demo- 
cratic propaganda. We remember that the workman 
is our fellow countryman. In him we also honour 
God's image. And what we do to relieve his distress 
we do not only for political reasons, but from a sense 
of duty and in pursuance of God's command. Since 
the beginning of the new century we have continued 
and in part completed the magnificent structure of 
our social legislation, not because we have such a 
strong Social Democratic party, but in spite of that 
fact. The clearer our conscience towards the work- 
ing classes, because with a social policy on such a large 
scale we have done all that is humanly possible to 
alleviate their economic conditions, the better is our 

240 Imperial Germany 

right to take up the battle necessitated by reasons of 
State against the Social Democrats and their political 

Cathohcs have merited much praise for having, to 
a very large extent, restrained Catholic workmen from 
joining the Social Democratic movement. But that 
the Church possesses no secret cure for revolutionary 
movements is proved by the history of France and 
Italy, and of Spain and Portugal. In our country 
the Conservative elements cannot rely on the Church 
party alone for support, if only for the reason that 
here, where Protestantism predominates, and where 
education is imbued mainly with the Protestant spirit, 
a majority consisting of Conservatives and the Cen- 
tre alone would be a very narrow one, and, moreover, 
one to which there attaches the danger that it might 
lead to a coahtion of all the elements of the Left. 
That would only bring about what must be prevented, 
namely, that middle-class intellectuals would be 
brought more and more into touch with the Social 
Democratic movement. 


The true means of restraining the majority of the 
nation from pursuing the revolutionary aims of the 

Vigorous National Policy the Remedy 241 

Social Democrats and from adopting the seductive 
belief of the Sociahsts in an infinitely better future, 
is to pursue a coiu-ageous, wide-minded policy which 
can maintain the nation's satisfaction in the present 
conditions of life — a policy which brings the best 
powers of the nation into play; which supports and 
strengthens the middle classes, already numerous and 
ever increaskig in number, the vast majority of whom 
steadily uphold the monarchy and the State; which, 
without bureaucratic prejudices, opens a State career 
to men of talent; and which appeals to the better 
feehngs of the nation. The idea of the nation as such 
must again and again be emphasised by dealing with 
national problems, so that this idea may continue to 
move, to unite and to separate the parties. 

Nothing has a more discouraging, paralysing and 
depressing effect on a clever, enterprising and highly 
developed nation such as the Germans, than a monot- 
onous, dull policy which, for fear of an ensuing fight, 
avoids rousing passions by strong action. My prede- 
cessor in office. Prince Chlodwig Hohenlohe, was for 
long a very kind chief to me when he was ambassador 
in Paris, and he often conversed with me even when 
we were not on duty. Once, when he was praising 
a certain Bavarian statesman as being particularly 

242 Imperial Germany 

capable, diligent and conscientious, I asked him why, 
as President of the Bavarian Ministry, he had not 
proposed this man for a Ministerial post. "He was 
not reckless enough for a Minister," replied the 
Prince very gravely. When I expressed my surprise 
that such a thoughtful, calm and exceedingly prudent 
man as Prince Hohenlohe could say such a thing, the 
wise and politic Prince answered: "You must not 
understand my remark as an encouragement to reck- 
less action in life, to which young people incline 
only too readily. What I said was meant politically. 
A Minister must have a good amount of resolution 
and energy in his character. He must sometimes risk 
a big stake and ride at a high hurdle, otherwise he will 
never be any good." 

Various similar remarks of Prince Bismarck's 
might be adduced in support of this one of Prince 
Hohenlohe's. Governments and Ministers must not 
avoid struggles. A sound nation has even more need 
of friction between itself and the Government than 
of friction between the parties. This friction pro- 
duces the vivifying warmth, without which the polit- 
ical hfe of a people ultimately grows duU. It is a 
curious fact that the German has always felt the 
need of occasionally knocking up against the authori- 

Vigorous National Policy the Remedy 243^ 

ties. Nothing annoys him more than if the authorities 
get out of the way. And it will always he found that 
party antagonism is most intensified when the Gov- 
ernment is disinclined to do hattle now and again. 
The old German deUght in fighting, of which we hear 
in history and legend, still lives on in our political 
life. A German considers that policy the best which 
does not leave him in peace, hut which keeps him 
busy fighting and allows him occasionally to display 
his prowess; in a word, a policy which by its own 
vigour invigorates him. 

True, there is a difference between a political fight 
and political vexation. The former is vivifying, the 
latter venomous. The people are well able to per- 
ceive whether the Government proves its power in 
great matters, or abuses it in small ones. It is the 
same with the master of the State as with the master 
of the home. A home tyrant is mostly a weakling; 
strong-willed men are usually broad-minded and in- 
dulgent in little things at home, because they use theip 
strength for great things. By a policy of pin-pricks 
a Government only makes itself unpopular without 
earning respect. Nothing more easily produces dis- 
content with existing conditions, nothing tends more 
to foster Radicalism among the people than narrow- 

244 Imperial Germany 

minded bureaucracy, clumsiness on the part of the 
police, and, above all, interference in inteEectual mat- 
ters, in which a civiUsed nation quite rightly wishes to 
remain unmolested. 

It is not a specifically German quality, but one 
common to aU mankind, that personal experience of 
injustice, and of vexation at mistakes on the part of 
the administration, lives more vividly and more per- 
manently in the memory than the most reasonable 
political conviction. 

Their name is legion who, for such reasons, oppose 
the State and the authorities by means of Social Dem- 
ocratic voting papers. Social Democrats suck the 
finest honey from the flower of bureaucracy. It is 
only by hving abroad that one can appreciate thor- 
oughly what Germany, and especially Prussia, owes 
to her civil service, which has been built up by great 
rulers and excellent Ministers out of the precious ma- 
terial of German loyalty and conscientiousness, love 
of work and power to work, and has achieved great 
things in all spheres. If, when a German returns 
home, the country from the Alps to the Baltic and 
from the Maas to the Memel lies before him like a 
well-tended garden, the merit is in no small measure 
due to the civil service. 

Vigorous National Policy the Remedy 245 

The more this service keeps free from our ances- 
tral faults of pedantry and caste-feeling, while pre- 
serving its traditional advantages, the wider its out- 
look ; the more humane its attitude in intercourse with 
all classes of the population ; the more enlightened its 
views, the greater will be its achievements in the fu- 
ture. Indulgence and freedom from prejudice in 
small things can well be combined with ruthless en- 
ergy in great ones. Just because our Social Demo- 
cratic movement is so strong and dangerous, it is 
necessary that the people should learn to distinguish 
between the sphere of civil freedom that must be ad- 
ministered with indulgence and the sphere of public 
State dominion that must be ruled with strength and 
firmness. However misleading a comparison be- 
tween German and foreign conditions is in general, 
here is a field in which England may serve as a model 
and an example to be imitated. In England every 
disturbance of public order is ruthlessly suppressed; 
but chicanery, which interferes with the liberty and 
comfort of the individual, is avoided with scrupulous 
care. Ill-grace on the part of the State, so common 
in Germany, is almost unknown in England. But 
the Englishman is such a good subject of the State 
in no small degree because the State gives him such 

246 Imperial Germany 

liberty in his private life. The limits of State con- 
trol, which in our country are still iU-defined, are per- 
fectly definite in England. 

No one can believe to-day that the Social Demo- 
cratic movement will cease to exist within a measur- 
able time, or to be a power and a great danger in our 
public life. But the fight against it is not hopeless. 
The Social Democrats are quite vulnerable in their 
parliamentary position. The elections of 1907 
proved how hard they may be hit. The Social Demo- 
cratic movement can be confined to the proletariat, 
and, according to all historical experience, robbed of 
all prospect of ultimate victory, if we can succeed in 
keeping it out of the middle classes. If the State 
treats the workman justly and without prejudice; if 
it makes it easy for him to feel that he enjoys the full 
rights of a citizen, and does his duty in social matters, 
then it must and will be possible to solve the labour 
problem in accordance with the national idea. 
Through the apparently insignificant but really very 
efiicacious means of skilful and broad-minded govern- 
ment it is possible to stem the stream of Social Demo- 
cratic recruits. Finally, ruthless energy in suppress- 
ing any attempt to disturb public order can make it 
obvious to the Social Democrats that any schemes of 

Vigorous National Policy the Remedy 247 

that kind, even on a big scale, are hopeless. So long 
as the Social Democrats do not fulfil the conditions, 
which I laid down nearly eleven years ago, as an in- 
dispensable preliminary to any adjustment of the 
differences between them and us; so long as they do 
not act with sense and in accordance with the laws, 
do not make their peace with the monarchical form 
of government, do not cease to wound feelings that 
are sacred to the great majority of the German na- 
tion; so long as they remain as they are now, it will 
be the duty of the Government to combat them. 

The Government must not leave this battle to the 
parties, it must fight it itself. For the Social Demo- 
cratic movement does not only threaten the existence 
of one party or another; it is a danger to the country 
and the monarchy. This danger must be faced and 
met with a great and comprehensive national policy, 
under the strong guidance of clear-sighted and cour- 
ageous Governments which, whether amicably or by 
fighting, can make the parties bow to the might of 
the national idea. 



Seldom, if ever, has a country experienced such a 
tremendous economic development in such a short 
time as the German Empire in the period from the 
Peace of Frankfurt to the present day. The con- 
sohdation of Germany's position as a Great Power 
of Europe, with the resultant union of the German 
States and safeguarding of the German frontiers, 
and the entry into the realm of world-policy accom- 
panied hy the construction of a strong fleet: these 
two significant political events of our modern history 
most directly benefited the development of our indus- 
trial life. 


During more than forty years of peace the German 
spirit of enterprise awoke for the first time since the 
end of the Middle Ages, and was able to make use 
of the rapid spread of means of communication, the 

achievements of technical science and skiU, the great 


Growth and Development of Industry 249 

development of the modern circulation of money, to 
work for thq increase of German prosperity. The 
poor German country has become a rich country. 
The nation of thinkers, poets and soldiers has become 
a nation of merchants and shopkeepers of the first 
rank, and to-day in thq world's markets disputes the 
prize with England, who was already the first com- 
mercial nation of the world at a time when the Ger- 
man outlook was still that of peasants and artisans. 
Where are the times when Schiller saw only two na- 
tions struggling for the possession of the world — the 
Frank, who throws his iron sword into the scale of 
justice, and the Briton, who sends forth his mercantile 
fleet Hke the arms of a polypus — when he transported 
the German, who had lingered in the realm of 
dreams while the earth was divided up, together 
with the poor poet, into the heaven of idealistic sim- 

To-day German industry has its customers even 
in the remotest corners of the earth. The German 
merchant flag is a familiar sight in foreign ports, and 
knows that it is protected by the German Navy. 
German capital is employed abroad together with that 
of the old financial Powers, England and France, and 
contributes to the consolidation of the industrial ties 

250 Imperial Germany 

between us and other nations. The consequences of 
our national regeneration have hitherto been most 
apparent in the sphere of the world's industries. In 
the statistics of international traffic and commerce the 
rise of the German Empire beside the old Powers is 
most plastically expressed. 

We have reason to be proud of our mighty indus- 
trial successes, and the satisfaction of the German pa- 
triot is justified, if he points out in what an extraor- 
dinarily short space of time we Germans in our 
economic development have covered the ground which 
half a century ago separated us from nations that we 
have now outstripped. 

Such success is only possible to the exuberant vi- 
tality of a nation thoroughly soim.d, strong of will 
and full of ambition. But we must not conceal from 
ourselves the fact that the almost furious speed of 
our industrial ascent often hindered calm organic de- 
velopment, and created discords which demanded ad- 
justment. On account of striking successes, due to 
a special talent, men are prone to neglect the har- 
monious development of other abilities and powers. 
At times they may have to pay for such one-sided- 
ness by a painful set-back, if altered circumstances 
demand other powers and achievements. In Ger- 

Growth and Development of Industry 251 

many the rapid economic development produced a 
speedy blossoming of industry and commerce under 
the sun of happy circumstances. The perfected 
means of communication opened for us in a very dif- 
ferent manner from what was possible before, the 
markets of even the remotest countries. The treas- 
ures of our home soil had been left untouched, the in- 
comparable progress in mechanical and electrical en- 
gineering placed at our disposal new industrial 
machinery, and the quick growth of our population 
provided the masses of workmen for the foundation 
and expansion of great industrial undertakings. In 
addition to this, forty years of peace afforded an 
opportunity for working the world's markets in every 
direction. The commercial and industrial talent of 
the German nation, which once before, centuries ago, 
had mad^ us the first commercial and trading nation 
of the world, and which, owing to the atrophy of our 
State and a hard national struggle for existence had 
been held in abeyance till the last years of the nine- 
teenth century, was extraordinarily favoured by cir- 
cumstances. When employers and princely mer- 
chants like Stumm and Krupp, Ballin and Rathenau, 
Kirdorf and Borsig, Gwinner and Siemens were 
found to take advantage of these favourable condi- 

252 Imperial Germany 

tions, the successes of the immediate future were bound 
to fall to industry and commerce. The nation turned 
more and more towards the new prospects opening 
before it. The lower classes deserted the land and 
flowed in a stream into industrial undertakings. The 
middle and upper classes of the commonalty provided 
a large number of capable industrial officials. 

The industrialisation which had given signs of 
growth in the middle of the nineteenth century, was 
accomplished in Germany after the founding of the 
Empire, and especially after the end of the 'eighties, 
with a vehemence which has only been equalled in 
the United States. In the year 1882, agriculture still 
employed almost as many men as commerce and in- 
dustry together; in the year 1895 the number of its 
employees was less by almost 2,000,000 than those of 
industry alone. In thirteen years a complete change 
of conditions had eventuated. 


The economic legislation of the Empire had to take 
into account two possibilities of this fundamental 
change. It might have given all its support to in- 
dustry and commerce, anyway, favoured by circum- 
stances and developing with strength and ease; it 

Industry and Agriculture 253 

might have strengthened what seemed strongest, have 
led Germany towards a transformation into a purely 
commercial and industrial State, and have left Ger- 
man agriculture to its fate. Count Caprivi and his 
colleagues thought they ought to pursue this course. 
On the other hand, compensation for unfavourable 
circumstances might be given to agriculture by means 
of legislation, and the transformation of Germany 
into a one-sided industrial State might be opposed, 
and agriculture might be maintained, strong and vig- 
orous, side by side with flourishing industry. 

I embarked on this latter course with fuU knowl- 
edge of what I was doing, and with absolute convic- 
tion, when I introduced the Tariff Laws of 1902 ; for 
I was persuaded that vigorous agriculture is necessary 
for us from the economic but, above all, from the 
national and social points of view, just because the 
industrialisation of Germany continues to progress 

I have always been of opinion that more can be 
learnt from personal intercourse and from life than 
from books, however profound. I incline to think that 
one learns most in conversation with people holding 
different views which they know how to defend. "Du 
choc des opinions jailHt la verite." When, years ago. 

254 Imperial Germany 

I conversed with a Liberal of thq Left about eco- 
nomic problems, I asked him at last: "And do you 
think that at a pinch, if there were a terrible war or a 
serious revolution, even with all their gifts and their 
capabilities, and, of course, with a full claim to the 
same treatment, cormnerce and industry, our splendid 
new classes can, in the hour of danger, completely 
take the place of those forces which made Prussia 
great?" My political antagonist and personal 
friend considered for a short time and then said: 
"You are right; preserve our agriculture for us, and 
even the Prussian nobility." 

We owe much to industry and commerce. They 
have made our land wealthy, and enable us, above 
aU, financially to support our armaments on land and 
at sea. A distinguished man in German economic 
circles. Prince Guido Henckel, used to say agriculture 
must provide our soldiers and industry must pay for 

Industry and commerce, these two new lines of 
busraess, feed and employ the great increase in our 
population, which we lost formerly by emigration. 
We rose to the height of a World Power on the shoul- 
ders of commerce and industry. But the gains of 
our national development in one direction have often 

Industry and Agriculture 255 

been paid for by losses in the other. To estimate the 
real profit of German industrialisation, the losses and 
damage caused by it must be included in the calcula- 
tion. It is soon seen, then, that the course of modern 
economic life imposes other and harder duties on us 
than the task of continually forcing on with all our 
might the growth of commerce and industry. Mod- 
ern development has great dangers for national life, 
and only if we succeeded in removing these could we 
rejoice with a clear conscience in the new achieve- 
ments. We had to proceed like a clever doctor, who 
takes care to maintain all the parts and fxmctions of 
the body in a strong and healthy condition, and who 
takes measures in good time if he sees that the ex- 
cessive development of one single organ weakens the 
others. German industry, as a matter of fact, grew 
strong at the expense of agriculture during the first 
decade of its development. If nothing were done, 
agriculture threatened to fall under the hammers of 
industry and be crushed. But that did not mean an 
injury to agriculture alone; it meant, too, a loss for 
the nation. Our agricultural forces that react on our 
national Kfe are too valuable and too indispensable 
for us ever to be able to cease from caring with all 
our might for the weal or woe of German agriculture. 

256 Imperial Germany 

The economic life of a nation is not like a business 
house with many branches, and to which these various 
branches are of more or less interest according to their 
chances of profit at the time. 


Apart from the fact that agriculture as a producer 
and as a consumer stands on a level of absolute equal- 
ity with industry, other than purely economic points 
of view must be considered in estimating the economic 
strength of a nation. The political economy of a 
nation has not only an economic but also a national 
significance. It is not merely a question of the ma- 
ierial gain due to the different kinds of work. It also 
depends on how the various occupations react on the 
maintenance and growth of the physical and ideal 
forces of the nation. Certainly a nation stands in 
need of increasing its wealth, its financial power to 
live. States in our days need this more than in former 
times. Modern government, with its enormous 
sphere of action, and, above aU, modern armaments, 
demand very difi'erent material means than was the 
case formerly. But by material means alone a na- 
tion can neither maintain its place in the world nor 
advance it. Physical, moral and mental health are 
still tke greatest national riches. 

Health and Wealth of the Nation 257 

Prussia proved gloriously in the Seven Years' War 
and in the War of Liberation what a nation, poor 
but healthy in body and mind, can achieve; whereas 
superior wealth has never been able to prevent the 
disastrous consequences of diminishing strength in a 

A State is not a commercial company. In the 
rivalry of the nations of the earth industrial strength is 
of very considerable importance, but great and decisive 
events ultimately depend on quite other forces, and 
are not fought out in the field of industry. The tru- 
ism, that wealth alone does not bring happiness, ap- 
plies to nations as much as to individuals. Nations 
also can only enjoy increased wealth if they have a 
sound mind in a sound body. The Government, in 
its economic decisions, must not, like a clever specula- 
tive merchant, shape its course according to favoura- 
ble circumstances which offer a brilliant prospect to 
one sphere of industry or another ; it must subordinate 
its economic policy to national policy as a whole, must 
act so that not only the present industrial welfare of 
the nation is increased, but that, above all, the future 
sound development of the nation is ensured. 

The question which political economy has often 
asked itself: "How does a nation get rich, so as to 

258 Imperial Germany 

be able to live well?" must be supplemented for eco- 
nomic policy by the other question: "How does a 
nation keep healthy, so as to be able to live long?" 
Industry and commerce increase our national wealth 
to a greater degree and with greater speed than agri- 
culture was ever able to do. But, without great and 
flourishing agriculture by its side, industry would 
soon use up the best forces of the nation, and would 
never be able to replace them. Agriculture is the 
mother of the nation's strength which industry em- 
ploys, the broad acres in which the trees of industry 
and commerce stand, and from which they derive their 

We rightly admire in the industrial centres of the 
Rhineland, Westphalia and Saxony the keenness, the 
energy and the organising talent of the employers. 
In the perfection of the industrial machinery we ad- 
mire the powers of invention and the audacity of our 
technical men and engineers. We find cause for ad- 
miration, too, in the quahty of the industrial products, 
due to the diligence and conscientiousness of the Ger- 
man workman. We are rightly proud of the flour- 
ishing state of our great and middle-sized towns, 
which owe their quick development to the rise of in- 
dustry and commerce. 

Health and Wealth of the Nation 259 

Since the end of the Middle Ages we had experi- 
enced no development of cities on a large scale. And 
it is not fair to condemn the culture of the modern 
large towns without qualification, for, as in the Mid- 
dle Ages, the many greater and more populous cities 
of modem times are centres of intellectual and ar- 
tistic life. Among the influences which emanate from 
the large towns and penetrate into the coxintry there 
are certainly some that have a pernicious effect on 
the habits of life of the country. But these injuries 
are often counterbalanced by the renewal and the re- 
finement, of external culture which nowadays, as 
always, originate in the large towns. He who is 
not blind to the great dangers of an exaggerated de- 
velopment of the towns in our country must appre- 
ciate the very considerable achievements of our great 
cities in the spheres of intellect and culture, and must 
separate the wheat from the chaff. 

It is not right either to seek the defects of our 
highly developed great towns too exclusively in the 
ethical domain. There is sin intra and extra muros. 
The just and the unjust are to be found in the coun- 
try as well as in the towns. We must also not forget 
that particularly in the sphere of charity the towns 
have led the way with model institutions, and that in 

26o Imperial Germany 

making provision for the lower classes the great em- 
ployers of labour have done pioneer work. 

The dangers of the industrialisation and the conse- 
quent "townification" of Germany do not lie so much 
in the spheres of intellect and moral life, so difficult 
to gauge and to estimate, but in the physical condi- 
tions. The health of the men and the fertility of the 
women suifer greatly under the influence of life in 
towns, and especially in large towns. For the years 
1876-80 in the kingdom of Prussia the yearly aver- 
age of living children born to women up to the age of 
forty-five was 160 per thousand in the towns and 182 
per thousand in the country. For the years 1906-10 
the numbers had fallen to 117 in the towns and 168 
in the country. That means a loss of forty-three 
births per thousand women in the towns. In the 
municipal district of Berlin alone the mmibers had 
fallen in the same space of time from 149 to 84, a 
loss of sixty-five. The rapid increase in the town 
populations does not connote an increase in the na- 
tional population, but a steady decrease, for the 
women who migrate from the country to the towns, 
and the women who grow up in the towns effect a de- 
crease in the birth-rate of the Empire. It is the same 
with the health of the men, as tested by their fitness 

Health and Wealth of the Nation 261 

for military service. According to the statistics com- 
piled on the basis of the inquiry made by a Commis- 
sion which I appointed in 1906, the country districts, 
i.e. communities of less than 2,000 inhabitants, fur- 
nished 114 men who passed the military test, the big 
towns of more than 100,000 inhabitants 65, the mid- 
dle-sized towns of 20,000 to 100,000 inhabitants 83 
per 100 men due as calculated on the basis of the total 
population. Of the parents of those fit for service, 
74.97 per cent, came from the country, 1.68 per cent, 
from the large towns. And Germany has forty-eight 
towns with more than 100,000 inhabitants, France 
only fifteen, Italy thirteen, Austro-Hungary nine. 
Ahnost two-thirds of our population live in the towns 
and industrial centres. In the year 1850 agriculture 
employed 65 per cent.; in 1870, 47 per cent.; in 1899, 
32 per cent.; and in 1912 only 28.6 per cent, of the 
total population. 

These figures are of very serious import. They 
show that every weakening of agriculture means a 
weakening of our power of defence, a diminution in 
our national strength and safety. Commerce and in- 
dustry have only flourished so because peace was pre- 
served by the strength of our armaments, and they 
will only be able to continue to thrive in the future 

262 Imperial Germany 

if the protection of our armaments is maintained in 
undiminished strength. That, however, demands a 
strong and numerous rural population, who can find 
in highly developed agricultural industry sufficient 
work to earn their livelihood. Commerce and indus- 
try for their own. sake must be deeply interested in 
the prosperity of agriculture. As the statistics show, 
in future even more than was the case since the end of 
the 'nineties, the task of protecting trade and property 
in the Empire will fall to the rural population. 


A Liberal savant, an old friend of mine, said to me 
some years ago in Norderney, as he watched the ships 
which passed my house, that he could not understand 
how I, otherwise a sensible man, could have given 
om- industrial policy such an agrarian tendency by 
means of the tariff. I pointed to a ship that was 
just passing, and said: "A ship without sufficient 
ballast, with too high a mast, and too heavily rigged, 
will tiu-n turtle. Agriculture is our ballast. Com- 
merce and industry are to be our mast and sails. 
The ship cannot advance without them. But with- 
out ballast it will capsize." The captain of a ship 
must certainly try to make good headway. But he 

The Protection of Agriculture 263 

must not acquire speed at the expense of safety. If 
the ship of our Empire is to pursue her proud course 
with speed and safety, then the navigators must see 
that agriculture weighs heavy in the hull of the ship. 
The protection of agriculture is a national duty 
of great importance — a duty which would have to be 
fulfilled, even if agriculture were of far less economic 
value than is actually the case. Although agricul- 
ture no longer occupies the paramount position in in- 
dustrial life that it did formerly, yet it holds its own 
among the other branches of trade. It is true that 
according to the census of 1907 only 17,680,000 in- 
habitants are occupied in agriculture as opposed to 
nearly 26,380,000 in industry; but the value of its 
produce is equal to that of the produce of industry, 
or even surpasses it. Statistics on the subject do not 
supply sufficient data, and therefore the question 
whether agriculture or industry is more profitable 
cannot be answered definitely in favour of one or the 
other. Many a townsman, however, wiU be surprised 
to learn that the yield of one agricultural product 
alone, namely, milk, was 2,600 million marks in the 
year 1906, while the yield of aU the mines in the same 
year only amounted to 1,600 million marks. The es- 
timates formed by agriculturists and by industrialists 

264 Imperial Germany 

as to the total value of agricultural and industrial 
products are not in agreement. 

But whether, as regards the yield, agriculture or 
industry stands first, that is really of little or no im- 
portance ; we need them both, and the downfall of one 
could never find full compensation in the rise of the 
other. To estimate the real economic value of the 
products it would be necessary to ascertain also in 
what manner agriculture and industry react on the 
stimulation and on the money-making powers of com- 
merce. And even then one would still have to take 
into consideration that the value of the yield is influ- 
enced by the fluctuation of prices in the world's 
markets. These questions are of more interest from 
the point of view of the scientific investigation of 
economic life than from that of the practical pohtical 
treatment of economic forces. 


Industrial goods are disposed of in the foreign 
market, on the Continent and overseas, and in the 
home market in Germany itself. The development 
of our railway systems, our natural waterways, our 
canals, and the oversea trafiic growing ever greater 
under the protection of the German navy, have 

Foreign and Home Markets 26y 

brought the foreign market within easier reach. In- 
dustry has need of the foreign market in order to 
maintain its present development, to extend it and 
to provide millions of workmen with sufficiently prof- 
itable work. 

For this reason it is the duty of economic pohcy 
to conclude favourable commercial treaties of long 
duration in order to keep the foreign market open. 
But, all the same, the home market is also of very 
great importance. It would be called upon to re- 
place the foreign market if in time of war our na- 
tional frontiers should wholly or partly be closed. 
But in the home market, agriculture is by far the 
most important customer of industry; only if agri- 
culture is able to buy, if it earns enough itself to en- 
able others to earn too, will it be able, in critical times, 
to consume a part of the products which cannot be 
disposed of abroad. The old proverb, "If the peasant 
has money then everyone else has too," is hterally 
true, as soon as industry is forced, to a greater ex- 
tent than is necessary in tim^s of peace, to find its 
customers at home. 

A policy which only considers the demands, moods 
and chances of the moment, which only does that which 
at the time is easiest to do, which only works ad hoc^ 

266 Imperial Germany 

without thought for future results, cannot claim any 
merit. Not even the best considered policy can in- 
clude every future contingency in its calculations. 

But every one of our actions and of our decisions 
is the cause of future eif ects, and it may well be ex- 
pected of a statesman that he foresee at least a part 
of the possible results of his policy. 

Above all there are certain contingencies which 
must be reckoned with, because they have occurred 
again and again, at greater or lesser intervals, in the 
past, and come under the category of indestructible 
elements of the world's history. War is such a con- 
tingency and must be reckoned with in every states- 
man's calculations. No sensible man desires it. 
Every conscientious Government seeks to avoid it so 
long as the honour and vital interests of the nation 
permit of so doing. But every State department 
should be organised as if war were going to break out 
to-morrow. This applies to economic policy as well. 


Owing to the sense of security induced by a long 
period of peaceful prosperity, we are more inclined 
than is good for us, to make our arrangements with 
regard to economic matters as if this peace would 

Agriculture in Time of War 267 

be permanent. Even if we had not been threatened 
with war during the last decades we must realise that 
there is no such thing as permanent peace, and must 
remember Moltke's words: "Permanent peace is a 
dream, and not even a beautiful one. But war is an 
essential element of God's scheme of the world," 

There is no part of public or private life that would 
be untouched by war. But the effects of war are 
most directly felt and most palpable in economic mat- 
ters. The results of a war, be it successful or un- 
successful, put in the shade the results of even the 
most serious economic crisis. Economic policy must 
foster peaceful development ; but it must keep in view 
the possibility of war, and, for this reason above all, 
must be agrarian in the best sense of the word. 

As in time of war, industry is dependent on the 
buying power of agriculture, the productive power of 
agriculture is a vital question for the whole nation. 
There are parties and groups representing certain 
economic interests which demand that the Govern- 
ment shall place a very small duty on agricultural 
products from abroad, particularly the most impor- 
tant, corn and meat, or even let them in duty free, so 
that the price of comestibles, under the pressure of 
foreign competition, may be kept low, and thus the 

268 Imperial Germany 

industrial workman's expenses of living may be re- 
duced. They want to base all economic policy on an 
imaginary permanent peace. Our agriculture, which 
has to compete, so far as wages are concerned, with 
the high wages paid by industrial concerns, which has 
to employ the most modern and expensive machinery 
in order to pursue intensive culture on soil that has 
been tilled for centuries, is absolutely unable to pro- 
duce at the same price as the large, young agricultural 
countries, which work virgin soil and pay small wages. 
Our agriculture needs a protective tariff. Im- 
ported agricultural products must have a sufficiently 
heavy duty imposed on them to prevent the foreign 
supply from falling below a price at which our home 
agriculture can make a fair profit. The reduction 
of agrarian duties at the time of Caprivi's commer- 
cial policy, brought about a crisis in our agriculture 
which it was only able to weather by dint of working 
with stubborn energy, and hoping for a complete 
change of tariff arrangements within a short time. 
If we sacrificed the protective tariff on agricultural 
products in order to lower the cost of living by means 
of cheap imports, the danger would arise that agricul- 
tural work would grow more and more unprofitable, 
and would have to be given up to a greater and greater 

Agriculture in Time of War 269 

extent. We should go the way England has gone. 
During the timq when there were strained rela- 
tions between Germany and England, I once ex- 
plained to an English statesman how utterly un- 
founded and even nonsensical was the English fear of 
a German attack, let alone a German invasion. 
Whereupon he replied: "All you say is right, and, 
so far as I am personally concerned, you tell me noth- 
ing new. But with regard to English public opinion 
and the man in the street, you must not forget that 
England's position is very different from that of the 
Continental Powers. France suffered a terrible de- 
feat, but a few years after Gravelotte and Sedan she 
had recovered so far that it was possible to contem- 
plate 'war in sight.' Almost as quickly Austria got 
over the effects of 1859 and 1866. After the Jap- 
anese War, in spite of serious defeats on land and at 
sea, and of a grave revolution, Russia's favour did 
not cease to be courted on more than one side. Eng- 
land is different. Eighty per cent, of our popula- 
tion lives in cities. Our agriculture is unable to pro- 
duce more than a fifth of the wheat and a half of the 
meat consimied in England. If our navy were de- 
feated, and England were cut off from foreign trade, 
within a very few weeks we should be reduced to the 

270 Imperial Germany 

choice between starvation and anarchy on the one 
hand and an unconditional peace on the other." 
Countries where agriculture flourishes, countries 
where at least a great part of the population is en- 
gaged in tilling the soil, where agriculture supplies 
the home market in part, and provides a large portion 
of the necessary foodstuffs, have greater powers of 
resistance in critical times, and recover far more easily 
after such, than countries that are dependent en- 
tirely on commerce and industry. Carthage experi- 
enced that as opposed to Rome. Even the highest in- 
dustrial wages are of no avail if the workman can buy 
no food in the country with his money. 

And this state of affairs can arise if, in time of war, 
the frontiers are wholly or largely closed, and home 
agriculture is not in a position to provide a sufficient 
amount of foodstuffs. What we might gain in peace, 
and for the moment, by surrendering our agriculture 
to foreign competition, we might ultimately have to 
pay for in war with misery, hunger and their fatal 
consequences to the State and society. Our agricul- 
ture can only maintain nmnerous and, above all, pro- 
ductive undertakings if it is protected by a sufficient 
duty on imported agricultural produce. This pro- 
tection it must receive. 

Justice Towards Working Classes 271 


It is the duty of the State to look after the welfare 
of all classes of workers and the people in general. 
It must not allow an industry of economic impor- 
tance, like agriculture, which is indispensable to the 
nation, to suJBfer in order that other branches of in- 
dustry may thrive the more easily and quickly. The 
State must grant its aid in proportion to individual 
needs, and must make the nation in general share the 
necessary burdens. As it is right that the working 
classes should receive direct grants from the Im- 
perial exchequer, so it is right that the existence of 
agriculture should be indirectly assured by means of 
the tariff. Both are a nobile officium of the State. 
It is just as misleading to speak of favouritism in re- 
gard to agriculture because of the policy of protec- 
tive duties, as it is to speak of favouritism towards the 
working classes because of our social policy. True 
justice on the part of the State does not lie in grant- 
ing or refusing the same thing to each class, each 
trade, or each citizen, so that there may be no ex- 
ternal differences; that would only be mechanical jus- 
tice. Ileal justice lies in giving to each, as far as is 
possible, what he most needs. This is the justice I 

272 Imperial Germany 

meant when, two months before the introduction of 
the Tariff Bill, at a dinner on September 21, 1901, 
given me at Flottbeck, my birthplace, by the provin- 
cial diet of Pinneberg, I defined the economic policy 
of His Majesty's Government as one that desired to 
give to each what he required, true to the old motto 
of the. Hohenzollem, "Swum cuique." Our tariff 
policy has to fulfil a double purpose. It must, on 
the one hand, by means of sufficient protection, main- 
tain home products in agriculture and industry in a 
position to compete with foreign goods. On the other 
hand, by means of commercial treaties of long dura- 
tion, it must keep the foreign markets open to our in- 
dustrial exports and foreign trade. In order to ac- 
complish this first task we must surround ourselves 
with a barrier of duties; in order to do justice to the 
second we must arrange our protective tariff in such 
a way as not to make it impossible for other countries 
to conclude commercial treaties with us on terms which 
are more or less acceptable to them. Commercial 
treaties are like mercantile business contracts. Both 
parties ask more than they expect to get ultimately, 
and gradually reduce their demands, until, on the 
basis of some middle course, the business is concluded. 
Both parties try to obtain the greatest possible ad- 

The Caprivi-Marschall Tariff Policy 273 

vantages at the smallest possible cost. The sahent 
point for the State is this, to see that no important 
economic interests are sacrificed. A middle course 
must be found between protective tariffs and com- 
mercial policy by means of which agriculture, com- 
merce and industry can progress equably and side 
by side. 


Owing to a momentary standstill in exports the 
Caprivi-Marschall Tariff Policy was directed entirely 
towards commercial treaties. In order to be able to 
conclude favourable commercial treaties as easily and 
rapidly as possible, foreign countries were offered a 
reduction in the duty on corn. But the opinion of 
clever business men, that the demands of the other 
parties increase in proportion as they are offered 
more, proved to be right in the end. The important 
commercial treaty with Russia, who derived great ad- 
vantages from the reduction in the duties on cereals, 
was only concluded after negotiations which lasted 
three full years and were interrupted by a tariff war. 
Agriculture had to pay for the commercial treaties, 
since it had for the space of twelve years to work 
under considerably less favourable conditions, owing 

274 Imperial Germany 

to the reduction in the corn tax from five to 3^/2 marks. 
That was, as Bismarck expressed it at the time, a leap 
in the dark. The conmiercial treaties themselves, of 
course, had a very stimulating effect on trade. But 
this was at the expense of a great industrial class, in- 
dissolubly bound up with the economic welfare of the 
whole nation and with our great national traditions; 
this class, feehng slighted, fell into a condition of vio- 
lent unrest and excitement. 

It cannot be denied that, owing to an economic 
policy that, by injuring one class of industry, fav- 
oured the others, the economic differences in the na- 
tion were intensified. Up to the beginning of the 
'nineties agriculture had on the whole advanced hand 
in hand with the other industries. Now it assumed 
a defensive position, formed the Association of 
Farmers in 1893, a very strong organisation which, 
in common with all societies representing economic in- 
terests, gradually grew more and more intemperate 
in its attitude and demands. The belief that com- 
merce and export industries gain, if agriculture loses, 
has its origin in the early 'nineties. This mistake in- 
troduced a factor of dissension and unrest into our 
home politics, which has often acted in a disturbing 
manner, calculated to hinder development. 

The Tariff Policy of 1902 275 


It was the task of the new century to find a just 
compromise in economic policy, in the interests of 
agriculture. This was necessary, not only for reasons 
of State justice, but, above all, because it became 
clear that the behef that agriculture could prosper 
in spite of the tariff reductions had not been justi- 
fied. Therefore, in the year 1901, I introduced the 
new Tariff Bill, on the basis of which new cormnercial 
treaties were to be concluded which should consider 
the legitimate interests of agriculture. By placing 
our commercial policy on an agrarian foundation, we 
gave added strength to the economic life of the na- 
tion. But the change to agrarian policy must not be 
accomplished in such a way as to be a hindrance or, 
what would be worse, a set-back to the development 
of commerce; i.e. the new tariff must make it pos- 
sible to conclude favourable commercial treaties of 
long duration. 

The "middle course" that I gave out as a watch- 
word before the tariff fight, was thus clearly indicated. 
If the whole matter was not to come to grief it was 
necessary to be moderate on the agrarian side as well. 
In the preamble to the Government's Bill it was said: 

276 Imperial Germany 

"Germany's future conunercial policy will have to be 
founded on the principle that measures in favour of 
export industry must not lead to a reduction in the 
protective duties which are indispensable to agrictil- 
ture. On the other hand, export industries wiU be 
entitled to expect that consideration of agriculture, at 
their expense, shall not go beyond what is absolutely 
needful." This problem was set us by the tariff 
laws, and in the course of long parliamentary battles, 
fought with almost unexampled obduracy, it was 

As soon as the new tariff rates were made known, 
the Free Trade Press declared that it would be im- 
possible to conclude commercial treaties on the basis 
of this new tariff: the end of German commercial 
policy was said to be at hand. The extreme Agrarian 
papers were of the opinion, on their part, that the 
tariff would not satisfy even the most unpretentious 
farmers. The Socialist Press said: "Down with the 
extortionate tariff." Thq Government was attacked 
on both flanks and had to break in the middle in order 
to carry its work which was in the interests of the 
whole community and especially of agriculture, to a 
successful finish. 

If two extreme views or demands are opposed to 

The Tariff Policy of 1902 277 

each other, then, in politics as in life, common sense 
and truth usually he midway between them. Free 
trade democracy demanded that agriculture should 
be sacrificed to commercial pohcy. The Association 
of Farmers demanded that the prospect of commer- 
cial treaties should be sacrificed to agrarian policy. 
One was as impossible as the other. Agrarian op- 
position, as well as free trade opposition, had to be 
overcome. The attack from both sides was very vio- 
lent. Only if the Gk)vernment remained inflexible 
on the main points, if it did not allow itself to be 
dragged over by the opposition on the Right or on the 
Left, could it hope to see the parties, when they had 
moderated their demands, agree to the middle course 
which it had planned. The Social Democrats and 
Ultra-Liberal Association resorted to obstruction in 
order to make discussion of the clauses of the Bill im- 
possible, and so force a General Election. With 
praiseworthy impartiality the deputy, Eugen Richter, 
although he and his party friends were not in favour 
of the tariff proposals, protested in the name of the 
Ultra-Liberal People's party against this violence 
offered to thq majority by the obstruction of the 

For a time it seemed as if it would be impossible to 

278 Imperial Germany 

get a majority for the Tariff Bill, as part of the 
Right, on the principle of "everything or nothing," 
seemed inclined to refuse the whole tariff reform, 
undertaken in the interests of agriculture. It was 
greatly to the credit of the Chairman of the German 
Agricultural Council, Count Schwerin-Lowitz, of 
Coimt Kanitz, who unfortimately died in the prime 
of life, and, ahove all, of the leader of the Conserva- 
tive party at that time, Coimt Limburg-Stirum, that 
they did not allow themselves to be overcome by the 
hyper-agrarian opposition, nor allow the Conserva- 
tive party to embark on a wrong course. The deputy, 
Herr Bassermann, showed equally praiseworthy in- 
sight and power of resistance with regard to the free 
trade tendencies of a section of the Liberals. Thus 
Conservatives, National Liberals and the Centre led 
with statesmanlike ability by Count BaUestrem and 
the deputy, Herr Spahn, met on the ground of the 
motion proposed by the free Conservative deputy, 
Herr v. Kardorff. 

The opposition of the Association of Farmers, 
which in other respects had done so much for the 
cause of agriculture, shows how the best cause is in- 
jured by excess. For the sake of unattainable ad- 
vantages the realisation of possible ones was jeop- 

The Tariff Policy of 1902 279 

ardised. The whole Tariff BiU, which was intended 
to help agriculture out of the plight in which it had 
so long been, was to be rejected because it did not 
grant everything that was demanded. It has been 
said that the opposition of the Association of Farmers 
strengthened the position of the Government, both 
with regard to Foreign Powers and with regard to 
the parties, and thus contributed to ultimate success. 
That is not correct. The Federal Governments had 
left no doubt from the very first as to what they would 
concede and what they would refuse. They had 
stated clearly that they would make no fundamental 
concessions, either on the one side or on the other. I 
was sufficiently convinced of the necessity of greater 
tariff protection for agriculture to withstand the at- 
tack from the Left. On the other hand it was ob- 
viously our duty not to block the prospect of soon 
concluding new commercial treaties of sufficient diu-a- 
tion, by tariff barriers which would have been insur- 
mountable for foreign countries. The hyperagrarian 
opposition did not strengthen the Government, but 
it sharpened the weapons of the opposition. Eco- 
nomic differences were intensified, and in commer- 
cial circles and those of export industry the erroneous 
idea gained ground, that between their interests and 

28o Imperial Germany 

those of agriculture there was a chasm that could not 
be bridged. 

The belief of the extreme Agrarians, however, that 
immediately after the rejection of the Government's 
proposals another tariff would be introduced that 
would embody the tariff rates advocated by the As- 
sociation of Farmers, was utterly and completely 
without foundation. The Federal Governments con- 
sidered it absolutely necessary to continue the com- 
mercial policy, and looked upon this as an indispens- 
able condition for any tariff. In the Federal Coun- 
cil no majority could have been fotmd for a va-hanque 
game in tariff policy, in which our whole economic 
policy would be staked on the one card of an ex- 
treme tariff. The rates of the Government's tariff 
represented the extreme limit to which the Federal 
Governments were willing to go. 

If this tariff had been wrecked by Agrarian op- 
position, one of a more agrarian trend could not pos- 
sibly have been introduced. The old Caprivi rates 
would have remained in force, and there the matter 
would have ended. Perhaps for a long time all would 
have remained unchanged. The Kreuzzeitung went 
too far when it said in those times of struggle that 
the Association of Farmers was shamefully leaving 

Results of the Tariff Law of 1902 281 

its country in the lurch in the hour of need. But 
it is a fact that the representatives of great economic 
interests would have done much damage to those in- 
terests which they otherwise cared for so wisely and 
energetically, had it not been for the firm attitude 
of the Government and the wisdom of the Conserva- 
tive leaders. This is a case which, unfortunately, is 
not without parallel in the history of the home policy 
of our country. 


Thanks to the Tariff Law of 1902, our economic 
policy regained that agrarian bias so indispensable to 
the interests of the whole community. Side by side 
with the foreign trade, advancing with such mighty 
strides, the maintenance of a strong home industry 
was secured. German agriculture, under the influ- 
ence of the new tariff and of the commercial treaties 
based on it, has experienced a decade of vigorous de- 
velopment. Our robust and hardworking farmers re- 
covered the feeling that the Empire had an interest 
in the success of their work; that it no longer looked 
upon agriculture as an industrial stepchild, but as 
one having equal rights and, indeed, as the first-born 
of its mother Germania. The number of agricul- 

:282 Imperial Germany 

tural undertakings increased by nearly 180,000 be- 
tween 1895 and 1907. The amount of live stock in- 
creased enormously, cattle by about 3,000,000 head, 
pigs by about 5,300,000, in the same space of time. 
The harvest of rye in 1909 was 11,300,000 tons* as 
against 6,600,000 in 1895; wheat, 3,750,000 tons, as 
against 2,800,000; barley, 3,500,000 tons, as against 
2,400,000; oats, 9,100,000 tons, as against 5,200,000; 
potatoes, 46,700,000 tons, as against 31,700,000. 

In comparison with the agriculture of other coun- 
tries, ours has developed quite extraordinarily in the 
last decade. In the summer of 1902, not long be- 
fore the second debate on the tariff, the historian of 
German agriculture, Dr. Freiherr v. d. Goltz, had to 
conclude the opening remarks of his work with the 
statement that, "owing to events in the sphere of na- 
tional and international economics, German agricul- 
ture was passing through a critical period." To-day, 
quahfied judges of agricultural conditions point 
proudly to the flourishing development, the growing 
value of the yield and the increased power of pro- 
duction (which is capable of still further increase) 
of German agriculture. 

* The German ton is not quite so much as the English, being equal to 
i2,20S lbs. avoirdupois. 

Results of the Tariff Law of 1902 283 

But the agricultural development has not taken 
place at the cost of the expansion of our industrial 
export trade or of our commerce. The free trade 
prophets, who in the debates of 1901 and 1902 proph- 
esied that the agrarian trend of our economic pohcy 
would "restrict commerce," have proved wrong. 
Those who believed that it would not be possible to 
conclude favourable commercial treaties of long dura- 
tion, on account of the increased agrarian duties, had 
underestimated Germany's economic importance in 
the world. Germany, with the weapon of her new 
tariff in her hand, had by no means too little 
to offer other countries; in 1891 she had offered 
too much. When introducing the Caprivi-Marschall 
Tariff and Commercial Pohcy, the assimiption had 
been made, amongst others, that the excess of our 
imports over our exports must force us to special 
concessions in order to open the foreign markets still 
further to us. As a matter of fact, the large amount 
of our imports, our ability to buy, was the strongest 
point in our position when concluding our commer^ 
cial treaties. We could expect concessions because! 
we are such excellent customers of foreign countries. 
We were able successfully to make use of the rela- 
tion between our imports and our exports in the op- 

284 Imperial Germany 

posite sense to that employed at the beginning of the 

The commercial treaty with Russia, romid which a 
contest raged between 1891 and 1894, was concluded 
between Count Witte and myself with comparatively 
little difficulty in Norderney in July, 1904. The 
other commercial treaties followed, and in no case 
did the new tariff prove an insurmountable obstacle. 
Under the commercial treaties based on the tariff of 
1902 commerce and industry have steadily continued 
their briUiant development. 

The number of persons employed in commerce and 
industry is continuaEy on the increase, as is the num- 
ber of large undertakings. The rapid growth of 
general prosperity, chiefly due to industry and com- 
merce, is quite obvious. To take one example from 
among many, the official statistics in the year 1909 
report 4,579 commercial companies with a capital of 
15,860 million marks, which pay yearly dividends to 
the amount of about 1,000 million. The large private 
banks have become a power, not only in the industrial 
world, but in the sphere of economic policy. German 
imports in general rose between 1903 and 1911 from 
6,300 million marks to 10,800 million; exports, from 
5,300 million to 8,700 million. And following the 

Results of the Tariff Law of 1902 285 

development of foreign trade, the German mercantile 
marine increased (in 1,000 gross registered tonnage) 
from 2,650 in 1900 to 4,267 in 1909, and 4,467 in 1911. 
In the German shipyards the construction of ships, 
including river craft and warships, rose from 385 in 
1900 to 814 in 1909 and 859 in 1911. Since, at the 
same time, during the last decade, social provision 
has not only been further developed for the working 
classes, but has been extended to the middle classes, 
we may say that all classes engaged in trades and pro- 
fessions have maintained and developed their flour- 
ishing condition since our economic pohcy took an 
agrarian turn, while agriculture has been rescued 
from a critical condition, and has taken its place in 
the ranks of the general, thriving development of 
German industrial life. 

From the economic point of view in particular the 
German nation has reason to be content with the re- 
sult of their development during the last decade, and 
to hope that the courses on which they have embarked, 
and which have proved so profitable, will not be aban- 
doned. The advantages gained by commerce and 
export through the inauguration of commercial policy 
at the beginning of the 'nineties have been maintained. 
The whole of German industry has been able uninter- 

286 Imperial Germany 

ruptedly to enjoy the protection of the tariff granted 
in the year 1878. Individual defects of the Caprivi 
tariff were remedied in favour of industry by the 
tariff of 1902. Finally, German agriculture has ac- 
quired the necessary protective duties. 

More has been done for the workmen in Germany 
than in any other country. When, a few years ago, 
a deputation of English trades unions made a circular 
tour through Germany, to study the conditions of our 
working classes, one of the Englishmen, after being 
made acquainted with our arrangements for the wel- 
fare of the working man, asked one of his German 
guides (a Social Democrat, by the way) in astonish- 
ment, "But what do you go on agitating for?" 


If, in spite of everything, we have not achieved 
industrial peace, if the antagonism between different 
industrial classes continues to be violent, if on the 
contrary passion runs higher in the field of industry, 
and the quarrels and hatred between the various in- 
dustrial classes are bitterer than ever, the cause does 
not lie in any defect or any lack of adjustment in our 
economic policy, but in the imperfection of our home 

Economic Policy and Party Politics 287 

Just as in purely political questions the German 
parties as a rule determine their attitude not by con- 
siderations of expediency, but by their hostility for 
the time being to one party or another, so they do to a 
far greater extent on questions of economic policy. 
Germany is probably the only country in which prac- 
tical economic questions are weighed with scrupulous 
care in the party balance. With the single exception 
of the Centre, which is practical even in these mat- 
ters, every party, great or small, has its own eco- 
nomic policy or, at least, its own specialty in eco- 
nomic policy to which economic questions are subor- 
dinated. That is part and parcel of party dogma- 
tism. We have almost as many different conceptions 
of financial policy, agrarian policy, commercial policy, 
trade policy, social policy, tariff pohcy, rating policy 
and other kinds of economic policy, as we have par- 
ties. The German party man gets so wrapped up in 
the views of his party on economic questions that soon, 
by auto-suggestion, he comes to consider these views 
as indissolubly bound up with his own trade interests 
and his own livelihood, and, so far as economic mat- 
ters are concerned, carries on party warfare with a 
violence that can only be inspired by selfishness. We 
have no party that can say that it represents one 

288 Imperial Germany 

single form of industry, not even the Social Demo- 
crats can assert that of themselves. Nevertheless, 
with the exception of the Centre, every party has 
often carried on the struggle in economic politics more 
or less as if for each one it were a question of repre- 
senting one particular interest. True, the Conserva- 
tives base their attitude chiefly on landed property, 
the National Liberals on industry, and the Ultra- 
Liberals on commerce. That is due to the political 
traditions of the various classes. But if the parties 
develop more and more into representatives of the 
interests of special professions and trades, that wiU 
involve great dangers with regard to economic, po- 
litical and national questions. 

If thq different industrial classes confront each 
other as so many political parties, it will no longer be 
possible to dispose of questions of economic policy in 
such a manner as to profit aE branches of industry. 
The different interests will become totally irrecon- 
cilable. Each class will see its own gain in the other's 
loss. And the industrial differences will, if the Gov- 
ernment is not in strong hands, be decided, like party 
struggles for power, by beating the minority party 
by a majority vote, with a total disregard of the in- 
terests of whole industrial classes. 

Economic Policy and Party Politics 289 

On the other hand, professional and industrial 
classes are rarely capable of deciding great national 
questions independently, with a view to the position 
of the Empire in the world, instead of to their own 
professional interest. And they are the less capable 
of this the more a national task involves material 
sacrifices. An amalgamation of the ideas of party 
politics with those of an industrial class would con- 
stitute an equally great danger for national and for 
industrial life. Neither agriculture, nor commerce, 
nor industry, but the Social Democrats ultimately, 
would profit by this. 



A DiSTiisrcTiON must be made between the domain of 
State rule and a nation's ownership. The two rarely 
coincide. The attempt to make them fit, whether it 
be by obtaining State control over regions where the 
nation has settled, or whether it be by spreading na- 
tional civilisation in the domain where the State has 
power, is responsible for a great number of complica- 
tions in recent history. It has found its most modem 
expression in that form of colonial policy which is 
called, sometimes not quite rightly and sometimes 
quite wrongly, Imperialism. 


Nations of military ability and economic skill and 
of superior culture, will mostly reach further with 
the arm of their State power than with the sway 
of their national culture, and will expend their energy 
on making the national conquest follow in the wake 
of the political. 

Weak and incapable nations must look on while 


State and National Ownership 291 

foreign nationalities gain in number and importance 
within the borders of their State. 

There is no third course. In the struggle between 
nationalities one nation is the hammer and the other 
the anvil; one is the victor and the other the van- 
quished. If it were possible in this world to separate 
nationahties definitely and clearly by means of fron- 
tier posts and boundary stones, as is done for States, 
then the world's history and politics — ^by which his- 
tory is made — would be relieved of their most diffi- 
cult task. But State boundaries do not separate na- 
tionalities. If it were possible henceforward for mem- 
bers of different nationalities, with diiFerent language 
and customs, and an intellectual life of a different 
kind, to live side by side in one and the same State, 
without succumbing to the temptation of each trying 
to force his own nationality on the other, things on 
earth would look a good deal more peaceful. But 
it is a law of life and development in history, that 
where two national civilisations meet they fight for 

In that part of old Poland where, after the parti- 
tion, most was done to meet Polish wishes, it is per- 
haps shown more clearly than anywhere else that 
where two nationalities are bound to the same spot, 

,292 Imperial Germany 

it is very difficult to make both contented; that given 
such conditions, friction easily arises; and that it can 
happen that measures, adopted on the one side in good 
faith, may rouse excitement and opposition on the 
other. Did the Poles succeed in contenting the Ru- 
thenians in Galicia? Do not the Ruthenians in the 
Carpathians and on the Pruth make the same com- 
plaints as the Poles on the Warthe and the Vistula, 
or even more violent ones? 

Other countries, too, resound with the battles of 
nationalities, and the accusations of one nationality 
against another. Every nation is convinced of the 
higher value and consequently of the better right of 
its own civilisation, and is inspired by a strong de- 
sire, which is like an unconscious natural force, to at- 
tain more and more authority for its own civilisation. 
Not every nation is conscious of this force. The 
^reat Roman generals and statesmen were well aware 
of it, when they advanced, conquering as they went, 
into Greece, Asia Minor, North Africa, above all into 
Gaul and Germany where they followed up the con- 
quest by arms, with the conquest by superior Roman 

Such a steady consciousness of national civilisation 
•exists to-day among the Enghsh people. The Eng- 

State and National Ownership 293 

lishman is deeply imbued with the idea of the supe- 
riority of Anglo-Saxon culture. He certainly disap- 
proves at times if other nations make more or less en- 
ergetic propaganda for their own culture, but he sel- 
dom raises the question whether England might not 
be justified in taking such proceedings herself. He 
is convinced that English rule and the consequent 
Anglicising is a blessing, and he bases his right to ex- 
pansion and conquest on his sense of the superiority 
of Anglo-Saxon civilisation and Anglo-Saxon insti- 
tutions. The grand fabric of the British Empire, 
the greatest the world has seen since the Roman Em- 
pire, for which no sacrifice of life or property was 
ever refused, was and is supported by the steadfast 
consciousness and firm intention on the part of Eng- 
glish people of being bearers of a higher civilisation 
to every spot where English power extends. The 
English belief in the superiority of their own intel- 
lectual, moral, religious, legal and economic hfe is 
the vital force in English national policy. 

Higher civilisation has always bestowed political 
rights. The belief in a real or supposed higher civ- 
ilisation has always provoked a claim to rights. 
When France, after the Great Revolution, flooded 
Europe with her armies, she based her right to con- 

294 Imperial Germany 

quest on the supposed blessings of Republican free- 
dom. She felt herself the bearer of superior politi- 
cal culture to other nations, especially the Germans 
and Italians. In our country in particular there were 
not a few who recognised this right, and were only 
cured of their error by the bitter experiences of Na- 
poleonic despotism. The civihsing mission of the 
French Revolution was based on a fundamental mis- 
conception of the nature of civilisation in which, com- 
pared with religion, morals, law and education, poUti- 
cal institutions have a subordinate value, and it con- 
demned itself by the growing brutality of Napoleonic 
rule. But there are civilising missions which are jus- 
tified. For instance, those that the Christian Colonial 
Powers have to fulfil in Africa at the present time. 
Thus Russia is justified as a bearer of higher civilisa- 
tion to Asia. And if ever the battle between the 
higher and lower civilisation should cease in the 
world's history, our belief in the further development 
of mankind would lose its foundation. We should 
be bereft of a great and ideal hope. 


It was a mission of civilisation that in the past led 
us Germans across the Elbe and the Oder towards the 

Colonisation in the East of Germany 295 

East. The work of colonisation in the east of Ger- 
many, which, begun nearly a thousand years ago, is 
not yet concluded to-day, is not only the greatest but 
the only one in which we Germans have succeeded. 
Never in the history of the world was less blood spilt 
or less violence used in colonising on such a large 
scale as this. This is particularly true of German 
colonisation in what was formerly Poland. For cen- 
turies the German colonists, often summoned to the 
country by its kings, lived as loyal Polish subjects 
and taught the Poles higher civilisation. Even those 
times, when the Germans were oppressed in Poland 
and often deprived of their rights, tell no story of 
German revolt there. When the Poles proved them- 
selves unfit to maintain government, and the strong 
Prussian State with its law and order assumed con- 
trol of parts which had formerly belonged to the do- 
main of Poland, the work of German civilisation had 
been going on in these parts for centuries already. 
The rare case supervened that the estabhshment of 
State rule followed and did not precede the tasks of 
colonising and civilising. The annexation by the 
Prussian State of our Eastern provinces, Posen and 
West Prussia, would not and could not have come to 
pass if the Polish Republic of Nobles had been a 

296 Imperial Germany 

State capable of continued existence. When the in- 
corporation in the German dominion of the Prussian 
State took place, its effect was that of a belated, politi- 
cal requisition of rights which the German inhabitants 
of West Prussia and Posen had created long before 
by their civilising achievements. Quite apart from 
the fact that if Prussia had not placed the Germans 
in Poland under German rule, they would have fallen 
under the dominion of Russia. 

Our eastern provinces are our German new coun- 
try. Although they wqre incorporated several gen- 
erations earlier than Alsace-Lorraine and Schleswig- 
Holstein, yet they are younger national acquisitions. 
For one thing, in the West it is only old German do- 
main that has been recovered, possessions where the 
German Emperors held undisputed sway, before ever 
a German had crossed swords with a Wend east of 
the Elbe, or a German plough had furrowed Wendic 
soil. This new land in the East, entered by right of 
conquest at the time when Germany's Imperial power 
was at its zenith, had to afford us compensation, from 
the point of view of the State and above all of the na- 
tion, for losses of old possessions in the West. 
"There was a time," I said in January, 1902, in the 
Prussian Chamber of Deputies, "when one had to 

Colonisation in the East of Germany 297 

speak with bated breath of the Holy German Empire, 
when the German Empire extended farther in the 
South and West than now. We do not dream of 
wishing that those times would return; we do not 
dream of extending our frontiers in any direction 
whatever. But what Providence has granted us 
as a compensation for our losses elsewhere, our 
possessions in the East, those we must and will 

Considered from a distance, the German movement 
from east to west, and then again to the east, appears 
as a uniform whole. In the seventh century we Ger- 
mans abandoned all land east of the Elbe and pene- 
trated far into the West, into the heart of France. 
Holland, Flanders, Brabant, Burgundy, Luxemburg 
and Switzerland were under the sway of the German 
Empire, were in part national German land. In the 
fourteenth century the upper course of the Rhone 
was the boundary of the German Empire. But these 
domains were lost, pohtically owing to the downfall 
of German Imperial power, nationally because our 
body as a nation was really not big enough to fiU the 
wide garment of the Holy Empire. No sensible man 
will ever entertain the idea of recovering either na- 
tional or political influence over the lands in the South 

298 Imperial Germany 

and West which were lost so many centuries ago. At 
the time when we were losing ground in the West we 
had already found compensation in the East; the 
Germans were already streaming back into their old 
Germanic home which had been abandoned at the time 
of the so-called Volkerwanderung (migration of the 
nations), and into which Slavonic tribes had made 
their way. And the German colonists who settled 
east of the Elbe, beyond the Oder, on the banks of 
the Vistula and the Pregel, came from the Western 
territories ; not a few from the very domains which we 
lost later on. It may well be said that a wave of the 
German nation flowed back again. 

The great work of Eastern colonisation is the best 
and most permanent result of our brilliant history 
during the Middle Ages, a piece of work performed, 
not by a single German tribe, but by all of them to- 
gether. One and all — Saxons, Franks, Bavarians, 
Suabians, Thuringians, Lorrainese, Flemish and 
Frisians — sent men of their tribe to the East of Ger- 
many — ^laymen and churchmen, knights and peasants. 
The new colony east of the Elbe at that time served 
to bridge the differences between the German tribes, 
which in some cases were very profound. It was 
common German land, with a population which has 

Colonisation in the East of Germany 299 

nothing and wished to he nothing hut German, in 
contradistiaction to the Wends and the Poles. 

If, later on, it was the men from this mother- 
country of the Brandenburg-Prussian monarchy east 
of the Elbe, who in the hour of need manifested their 
will as Germans against the foreigner, if in our times 
it was by their means that under the black-and-white 
banner of the State of the German Order of Knight- 
hood the union of the German lands and German peo- 
ples in one Empire was reahsed, the first seeds were 
sown by the formation and settlement of these Ger- 
man colonies. For what they gave to the less hos- 
pitable East in the Middle Ages, the German tribes 
of the West and the South were repaid a thousand- 
fold by the East when Prussia brought State union 
to the whole of Germany. 

The centuries of the Ottos, the Sahc kings and the 
HohenstauiFens can show deeds and events of more 
dazzling brilliancy than the brave and diligent colo- 
nisation of the land east of the Elbe, but they can show 
nothing greater. The conquest of the old Prussian 
land by the German Order of Knighthood was but a 
pale reflection of the romantic glamour of the cru- 
sades and the expeditions to Rome. And the tough 
work of civilisation carried on by the monks in the 

300 Imperial Germany 

eastern forests and marshes, and by the German citi- 
zens in the new and growing towns of the east, ap- 
pears utterly prosaic and humdrum in comparison 
with the grand but unfortunate ventures of the world- 
policy of the old emperors. But, as so often in his- 
tory, the brilliant achievements that drew all eyes, 
were for the moment only, soon to disappear; while 
the insignificant events which were accomplished on 
what was comparatively a side track of German his- 
tory were the real things that were to be of value sub- 
sequently. To-day we think with more gratitute of 
the German Order of Knighthood that gave Prussia 
to us, of the Guelphs who won Holstein and Mecklen- 
burg for us, and of the Ascanians of Brandenburg, 
than of the victories in Italy and Palestine. The most 
portentous national disaster was not the sad down- 
fall of the Hohenstauffens owing to the intrigues 
of Papal and French policy, but the defeat of Tan- 
nenberg, which resulted in the loss of a large portion 
of the colonisation work of centuries, and the cession 
to the Poles of West Prussia and Danzig, and which 
put an end to the proud independence of the State of 
the German Order of Knighthood. 

It was the wise statesmanship of the HohenzoUern 
electors that prevented our national possessions in the 

Colonisation in the East of Germany 30 1 

extreme east from slipping completely out of our 
grasp, and that here in the eastern outposts of Ger- 
many combined the interests of the German nation 
as a whole with those of the State of Brandenburg- 
Prussia. It may be questioned whether, had it not 
been for the black day of Tannenberg, the State of 
the Order of Knighthood would have been able to 
keep the East permanently German, in defiance of the 
superior power of Poland. There is no question but 
that we should have lost East and West Prussia for 
ever, as we had lost our western and southern do- 
mains in former times, if the House of HohenzoUern 
had not arisen as a tireless and cautious, but brave 
and determined, warden of the German Marches. 
The Great Elector asserted his rights to East Prus- 
sia — rights acquired by a clever family policy — at the 
point of the sword, when he bore the Red Eagle of 
Brandenburg to victory over the White Eagle of the 
King of Poland at the battle of Warsaw, and thus 
broke the bonds of Polish suzerainty. Very wisely 
the first King called himself King in Prussia, and 
thereby indicated the hope that his successors would 
be Kings of Prussia by ultimately acquiring West 
Prussia as well. And this hope was fulfilled when the 
Great King received West Prussia, at the first parti- 

302 Imperial Germany 

tion of Poland, as the prize of victory in the Seven 
Years' War, as Frederick the Great's biographer, 
Reinhold Koser, so well expressed it. Only to the 
victor of Rossbach, Leuthen and Zorndorf did the 
Empress Catherine grant a share of Polish land that 
had ceased to have any right to existence as a State 
since the Republic of Nobility had been in a condi- 
tion of anarchy. 

West Prussia was regarded, not as newly acquired 
foreign land, but as German land that had been re- 
covered; and rightly so. For this country had be- 
come German, politically speaking, under the rule of 
the Order of Knighthood, and it had become 
German owing to the work of German settlers in 
town and country. But Prussia, besides giving back 
to the West Prussian Germans German rule and 
the glorious right to be German citizens of a German 
State, gave to her new Polish subjects freedom and 

King Stanislaus Leszczinski had lamented his 
country as the only one in which the mass of the peo- 
ple lacked all the rights of mankind. The mild yet 
stern, free yet limited, and just rule of the great 
Prussian King conferred on the Polish population 
what it had lacked before. "The surest means of giv- 

Colonisation in the East of Germany 303 

ing this oppressed nation better ideas and morals will 
always be gradually to get them to intermarry with 
Germans, even if at first it is only two or three of 
them in every village," wrotq Frederick the Great 
before the year of partition, 1772. Before a single 
foot of Polish land had come into the possession of 
the Germans the Great King, at a time when the na- 
tionality problem was still unknown, characterised 
Prussia's future task of civilisation as a Germanisa- 
tion. Immediately after taking possession, he began 
the work of colonising, and sought and found settlers 
throughout Germany. The King, too, only contin- 
ued what had been begun in the Middle Ages, the 
national conquest of the East of Germany, by means 
of settling German farmers in the country and Ger- 
man artisans, merchants and tradesmen in the towns. 
And when, in 1886, Bismarck proceeded to his policy 
of settlement on a larger scale, as in so many of his 
greatest national enterprises, he merely seized the 
reins that the Great King had held, and that had 
dragged along the ground since his death. A proof, 
amongst many others, how uniform is the national 
history of a people, and that from the national point 
of view there are not two possibilities of equal validity, 
but only one with a validity of its own. 

304 Imperial Germany 

Though it is true that in different circumstances 
we must not slavishly imitate the great models of the 
past, yet it is equally true that the great points of 
view by which our ablest men have been guided, main- 
tain their worth for all times and on all occasions, 
and that they cannot be disregarded with impunity. 

It is well known that of the huge addition of quon- 
dam Polish land which fell to Prussia's share at the 
second and third partitions of Poland, but little was 
left to her at the reconstitution in 1815 — West Prus- 
sia and the present province of Posen, altogether not 
more than seven and a half per cent, of the old king- 
dom of Poland. Even though the province of Posen, 
with its Archbishopric dating from the year 1000, had 
become the heart of the Polish kingdom, yet in the 
course of centuries it had become that part of the 
great domain which was most strongly permeated 
with German elements. By incorporating this old- 
estabhshed German population in the eastern districts 
Prussia undertook a national German duty, in addi- 
tion to her natural duties as a State towards the Poles 
who hve within her borders and have become Prus- 
sian subjects. 

Although the Poles have forfeited their right to 
independence, after being for centuries incapable of 

Colonisation in the East of Germany 305 

creating a strong State on the basis of law and order, 
none may shut their eyes to the tragic fate of this 
gifted and brave nation. Just as it is wrong in the 
necessary fight against the Social Democrats to hurt 
the feelings of the working classes, so it is wrong in 
the fight dictated by reasons of State against the 
propaganda for the re-establishment of a greater Po- 
land, to hurt our Polish feUow-citizens who fought so 
bravely under the Prussian standards in the wars of 
1866 and 1870. Because we prize our own national- 
ity so highly we must respect the Pole and sympathise 
with the loyalty with which he clings to his national 
memories. But this respect and sympathy stop short 
of the point where the desire and ambition of the 
aforesaid propaganda begin, these being to jeopardise 
the Prussian monarchy and to attack its unity and 
solidarity. No consideration for the Polish people 
must hinder us from doing all we can to maintain and 
strengthen German nationahty in the former Polish 
domains. Nobody dreams of wishing to thrust our 
Poles outside the borders of the Prussian Kingdom. 
Even the German opponents of a vigorous policy in 
the Eastern Marches admit how greatly the condition 
of the Poles has improved under Prussian adminis- 
tration ; the Poles themselves cannot seriously deny it. 

3o6 Imperial Germany 

But it is the duty and the right of the Prussian Gov- 
ernment to see that the Germans do not get driven out 
of the East of Germany by the Poles. 

Nothing is further from the aims of our policy in 
the Eastern Marches than a fight against the Poles; 
its object is to protect, maintain and strengthen the 
German nationality among the Poles, consequently it 
is a fight for German nationality. This struggle, 
carried on with varying success and by various means, 
runs through the period of very nearly a century 
which has passed since the delimitation at the congress 
of Vienna of the boundaries of the re-established Prus- 
sian State. The task of solving this problem would 
probably have been easier for the Prussians and for 
the Poles if the artificial and untenable Grand Duchy 
of Warsaw, created by Napoleon, had not roused in 
the Poles the vain hope that in the course of European 
complications it might be possible to rq-establish Pol- 
ish independence. The Poles would very likely have 
been spared painful experiences on our side as well as 
on the other side of the frontier in 1830, 1848 and 
1863, if the memory of the ephemeral creation of a 
State by the first Napoleon had not lived in their 
hearts. The thought that the partition of the Polish 
Republic among the Eastern Powers from 1793 to 

Prussia's Task 307 

1807 had only been temporary, naturally made it 
harder for the Poles, after the fall of Napoleon and 
the States he had founded to serve the military aims 
of France, to regard the accomplished facts as final. 

pkussia's task. 

The task Prussia had to fulfil in the domain, for- 
merly Polish, that she had recovered in 1815 and that 
had been in her possession since 1772, was obvious 
enough. On the one hand, she had to oppose the 
propaganda for the re-establishment of Polish inde- 
pendence in a determined manner; on the other hand, 
she had to lavish great care on the maintenance and 
furtherance of German nationality in the eastern 
provinces. These two duties each involved the other, 
in so far as the national hopes of the Poles must lose 
ground in proportion as a strong contingent of Ger- 
mans settled in the eastern provinces counterbal- 
anced it. 

If, at the beginning, after the War of Liberation,^ 
this task had been as clearly recognised and as firmly 
attacked as by Frederick the Great, the Prussian 
Government would not repeatedly in the course of 
temporary moods, which were misunderstood, have 
allowed itself to be diverted from the path so clearly 

3o8 Imperial Germany 

indicated, and we should certainly have been consid- 
erably further on the road to the solution of our prob- 
lem in the Eastern Marches. It has happened so 
often in politics that mistakes were made, not because 
with quick decision the obvious thing was done, but 
because, owing to sentiment and doubts, a clear and 
absolute decision could not he arrived at. 

Even in politics the simplest thing, if not always, 
yet mostly is the best. 

The expressions, "Conciliation Policy" and "Policy 
of Intrigue," with which the political opponents and 
supporters of a definite national pohcy in the Eastern 
Marches favour each other, characterise the various 
phases of our Prussian policy in Poland very super- 
ficially. The aim of Prussian policy in the Eastern 
Marches has always been to reconcile subjects of Pol- 
ish nationality to the Prussian State and the German 
nation. There can be no doubt except as to the 
different means by which this reconciliation is to be 
attained. There has never been a question of any- 
thing else, whether it was Zerboni, the advisers of 
Frederick Wilham IV., and Caprivi, or Flottwell, 
Grolmann, Bismarck, Miquel and I, myself, who 
determined the character of the policy in the Eastern 

Prussia's Task 309 

This policy must ultimately reconcile our Polish 
fellow-countrymen to the fact that they belong to the 
Prussian State and to the German Empire. Only 
this must not be achieved at the expense of our owner- 
ship in the East, or of the unity and sovereignty of 
the Prussian State. 

It has rarely happened that a State has adopted 
such an unprejudiced and good-natured attitude to- 
wards members of another nationality living within its 
borders as Prussia adopted towards the Poles in the 
second and third decades of the nineteenth century. 
The blessings of the Stein-Hardenberg reforms were 
conferred on the Poles in full measure; an agricul- 
tural Loan Society helped Polish agriculture, which 
was in a terrible plight after the wars; a Provincial 
Diet in Posen ensured that local Polish interests 
should be represented ; the members might be elected, 
and the people elected Poles; a Polish governor was 
associated with a Prussian president. The result was 
the revolt of 1830. Prussia had not only vainly 
striven to win the favour of the Poles. She had done 
more; for the sake of the Poles in the Eastern 
Marches she had forgotten to care for the Germans 
there, in that she had placed this German and Polish 
district under a purely Polish administration. 

310 Imperial Germany 

The men who worked in Posen from 1830-40, the 
President v. Flottwell and General v. Grohnann, be- 
thought themselves once more of Prussia's duty in the 
East to men of German nationality. The second 
phase of our policy in the Eastern Marches began, 
which resumed the thread of the national traditions of 
the Middle Ages of the policy of the Great King, and 
which indicated the course of policy in the Eastern 
Marches to Bismarck and to me. The Polish Gov- 
ernor disappeared; by means of the suspension of elec- 
tions for the Diet it became possible to appoint Ger- 
man officials, and, as far as the slender means of the 
Government permitted, a modest beginning was made 
to settle German landowners in the Eastern Marches. 
The policy of Flottwell was no more hostile to the 
Poles than was our later policy in the Eastern 
Marches, which continued on "the lines he had laid 
down. In contradistinction to the unsuccessful pol- 
icy of 1815-30, its only aim was to assist German 
nationality to its rights among the Poles, remember- 
ing the duties to Germans that Prussia had taken over 
when it gained possession of the old domain of the 
Colonists. In fact the Poles were deprived, not of 
their rights as citizens, but of privileges. 

The attempt to reconcile the Poles to Prussian 

Prussia's Task 311 

government by granting them special rights was re- 
peated in the decade following the transfer of Flott- 
well from Posen to Magdeburg, which took place in 
1840; the culminating point was the so-called "na- 
tional reorganisation" of Posen, which came to noth- 
ing. The "reorganisation" was to be effected in the 
following way: the Eastern and more Polish part 
of the province of Posen was to be separated from the 
Western and more German part, and to he; adminis- 
tered entirely by the Poles. The Poles demanded 
complete autonomy in the whole province, like that 
which Hungary now possesses in the Habsburg mon- 
archy. The Germans in the province grew violently 
excited at the threatened loss of their nationality. 
The result of this unhappy attempt was a feeling of 
hostihty hitherto unknown between the two nation- 
alities in the East. 

After a long period in the 'sixties and 'seventies, 
taken up with the work of founding and consolidating 
the Empire, which resulted in indifference to the 
struggle between the nationalities in thq East, Bis- 
marck in 1886 inaugurated his national policy in the 
Eastern Marches on a large scale, after he had intro- 
duced State control of the schools in Posen in 1872, 
and in 1873 the German language as that which was 

312 Imperial Germany 

to be used for instruction. The period of Flott- 
well's administration could be nothing but a correc- 
tion in the national sense of the policy in the Eastern 
Marches. With Bismarck there began a determined 
fight for German nationality. Up till then the policy 
had been defensive, but, under Bismarck, Prussia 
began to take the offensive in order to rescue German 
nationality in the East, to maintain it and, if possi- 
ble, to strengthen it. It is natural that the Poles 
were thrown into a state of violent excitement, that 
they prepared to defend themselves, and with their 
splendid organisation, largely supported by the Pol- 
ish clergy, plunged into the fray. The antagonism 
between the two nationalities grew more acute. The 
policy pursued in the Eastern Marches influenced 
the whole of party politics, for the Centre supported 
its Polish co-religionists, and the Radicals thought it 
due to their principles to consider every step of the 
Prussian policy in the Eastern Marches as an excep- 
tional measure which was contrary to their theoretical 
ideas of liberty. It is quite true that our home poli- 
tics were not made easier by our national policy in the 
Eastern Marches, that a new cause of trouble and 
excitement was thereby added, and that the propa- 
ganda among the Poles in Prussia for the re-estab- 

Prussia's Task 313 

lishment of Polish independence grew more general 
and more violent. 

The opponents of Prussian pohey in the Eastern 
Marches, Germans as well as Poles, are fond of em- 
ploying the argument that great imrest has been 
caused by this national policy, begun by Bismarck 
himself and carried on subsequently in accordance 
with his ideas. Such an argument can only bear upon 
the general political shell and not on the core of our 
national problem as regards the Poles. It means 
nothing more than the easy and cheap platitude, that 
in foreign as well as in home politics, peace and 
tranquiUity may always be had if we strive to reach 
no goal which can only be attained with difficulty and 
by fighting. Such tranquillity is always pretty easy 
to get in politics. 

The problem of our policy in the Eastern Marches 
is this: Shall we permit, shall we, by our inactivity, 
encourage the Eastern domains, i.e. Posen, West 
Prussia and certain parts of Upper Silesia and East 
Prussia, to slip once more from the grasp of German 
nationality, or not? Everyone who has national Ger- 
man feehngs will answer that this must never happen, 
that it is the duty and the right of the Germans to 
maintain our national ownership in the East of Prus- 

314 Imperial Germany 

sia, and, if possible, to increase it. The seventy years 
between the congress of Vienna and the inauguration 
of the Prussian policy of colonisation made it clear 
that neither scrupulous respect for Polish nationality, 
nor the ignoring of the nationality question in the 
East, could in the least prevent German nationality 
from being slowly but surely driven out of the East 
Ijy that of the Poles. Only a well-thought-out scheme 
to further German nationality could prevent the lat- 
ter from succumbing utterly. If the differences be- 
tween the nationalities were thereby immediately in- 
tensified, it was certainly unfortunate, but it could not 
be avoided. In political life there are often hard 
necessities whose behests we obey with a heavy heart, 
but which must be obeyed in spite of sympathies and 
emotions. Politics is a rough trade in which senti- 
mental souls rarely bring even a simple piece of work 
to a successful issue. 


With the fundamental Law of Settlement in 1886 
Bismarck began the fight for the land on a big scale. 
He demanded and received a hundred miEion marks 
for the purpose of buying land and settling German 
j)easants on it; that is, the purpose of increasing the 

The Struggle for the Land 315 

numbers of the German element in the Eastern 
Marches. The work of colonisation is the backbone 
of Prussian policy in the Eastern Marches, for it set- 
tles Germans in the Eastern domain. And the whole 
problem in those parts is the problem of the relative 
numerical strength of the German population as com- 
pared with the Poles. The national acquirement of 
the eastern parts of Germany was begun by settle- 
ment a thousand years ago, and it is only by settle- 
ment that national possession can be maintained. 
The problem of the Eastern Marches is really not the 
least complex. Its solution depends less on pohtical 
wisdom than on political courage. 

Bismarck set to work vigorously on the basis of the 
new law, and during the first five years, from 1886 to 
1890, about 46,000 hectares* were acquired from 
Pohsh owners. The beginning of the 'nineties af- 
forded a splendid chance to the activities of the Set- 
tlement Commission, as an attendant phenomenon of 
an otherwise lamentable event. Owing to the plight 
of agriculture, the price of land fell rapidly, and it 
would have been easy to acquire a huge mass of land 
from Pohsh owners for the purposes of subsequent 
colonisation by Germans. But just at that time 

• One hectare = 2.47 acres. 

3i6 Imperial Germany 

Count Caprivi thought it necessary, for parliamentary 
reasons, to propitiate the Poles. Concessions on the 
questions of schools and church were followed by as- 
sistance for the Polish Land Bank; that was equiva- 
lent to the rescue of the Polish landowners from 
whom the Settlement Commission had to endeavour 
to acquire land. The immediate and desired parlia- 
mentary object was in so far attained, that the Polish 
faction voted for the Army Bill of 1893. 

But it soon became evident that the attitude of 
the parhamentary faction, as is often the case, did not 
correspond to the opinions of the party in the country. 
On the occasion of the discussion of the Navy Bill, 
the majority of the faction refused to follow their 
leader, Koscielski. Herr von Koscielski himself 
made that incautious speech at Lemberg in 1894, 
which contributed in a considerable degree to the 
change in Prussian policy in the Eastern Marches to 
the course laid down by Bismarck, At that time, in 
September, 1894, the German Association of the 
Eastern Marches was formed, after Germans from 
that district had visited the old Imperial Chancellor 
in Varzin and paid him homage. 

The traditions of Bismarck found a prudent inter- 
preter in Miquel after the retirement of Caprivi. 

The Struggle for the Land 317 

New funds were placed at the disposal of the Settle- 
ment Commission in 1898, and land was once more 
acquired on a larger scale. But the words of the poet, 
"Eternity will not bring back what one has refused 
to accept from a moment," again proved true in the 
case of our policy in the Eastern Marches. The fa- 
vourable opportunity in the estate market, which had 
been allowed to slip at the begioning of the 'nineties, 
was past. The Polish landowners had been helped 
over the critical time; the Poles had had the chance 
of organising themselves for the battle for the land; 
whereas from 1886 to 1888 on an average 11,000 hec- 
tares were acquired yearly from the Poles by the Set- 
tlement Cormnission, it was only possible to buy from 
the Poles 911 hectares in 1895, 1804 hectares in 
1896, and an average of 2,500 hectares yearly from 
1897 to 1899. The land required for purposes of 
settlement had to be furnished more and more by Ger- 
man landowners. 

The energy with which the Poles organised their 
resistance to the German attack on their soil deserves 
admiration. German activity in colonisation was re- 
phed to by Polish counter activity. The Poles, for 
their part, divided their estates into small lots, for 
which they found colonists to a great extent among 

3i8 Imperial Germany 

the very numerous Polish industrial workmen in the 
West. While the Poles thought it shameful to sell 
land to the Germans, these latter unfortunately often 
did not object to selling German landed property to 
the Poles for a high price. I certainly succeeded, 
after replenishing the Settlement Fund in the year 
1902, in furthering the work of colonisation to a very 
appreciable extent. Land for the purpose of settle- 
ment was acquired as follows: 22,007 hectares in the 
year 1902; 42,052 hectares in 1903; 33,108 hectares in 
1904; 34,661 hectares in 1905; 29,671 hectares in 
1906; and after a grant of fresh funds in 1908, 14,093 
hectares in that year; 21,093 hectares in 1909. 

But it grew more and more difficult to acquire 
estates from Polish landowners, as the Poles held fast 
to their land, and the activities of the Settlement 
Commission on the one hand, and the Polish policy of 
parcelling out their properties on the other, resulted 
in land speculation which sent up the price of estates 
enormously. If the work of colonisation, imdertaken 
at such sacrifice and at the cost of such a hard strug- 
gle, was not to be doomed to ultimate failure, an idea 
had to be put into practice which Bismarck had ex- 
pressed already in 1886, and which was discussed over 
and over again subsequently; the idea of disposses- 

The Struggle for German Culture 319 

sion. The Dispossession Bill was the logical conclu- 
sion of the policy of colonisation begun in 1886; it 
makes the Settlement Commission independent of the 
variations of the estate market, and ensures ultimate 
mastery to a strong Government in the economic 
struggle for the land. 


The struggle for the land, which in its essentials is 
a struggle to permeate the eastern districts with a 
sufficient niunber of Germans, wiU always be the 
Alpha and Omega of our national German policy in 
the East. This must be supported by the struggle 
for German culture and education, and, above all, for 
the German language. We certainly do not wish to 
deprive the Pole of his mother tongue, but we must 
try to bring it to pass that, by means of the German 
language, he comes to understand the German spirit. 
In our policy of settlement we fight for German na- 
tionality in the East ; in our policy with regard to the. 
schools WQ are really fighting for Polish nationality 
which we wish to incorporate in German intellectual 
life. Here, again, we cannot proceed without sever- 
ity, and this will increase or be mitigated as the Poles 
increase or diminish their opposition. The founda- 

320 Imperial Germany 

tion of the German Technical Hochschule, or CoUege, 
in the year 1904, and before that, of the Imperial 
Academy in Posen, in 1903, created, in the eastern 
districts, centres of German intellectual life which, let 
us hope, will gradually prove their powers of attract- 
ing students. 


Prussian policy in the Eastern Marches has never 
lacked violent critics, especially on the German side. 
The seemingly conclusive argument of these critics 
is the statement that our policy in the Eastern 
Marches has led to no palpable results, since after 
nearly twenty years of the policy of colonisation there 
is no appreciable change in the percentage of Ger- 
mans and Poles in the population of the Eastern 
Marches. As an increase in the percentage of Ger- 
mans was what Bismarck aimed at, our policy and, in 
particular, the work of colonisation must be consid- 
ered to have failed. It is quite true that we have not 
nearly reached the goal of our pohcy in the Eastern 
Marches. Only if we pursue the course laid down by 
Frederick the Great, and later again adopted by Bis- 
marck, not with small-minded chicanery, nor with 

The Results of the Policy 321 

clumsy brutality, but with determination, and, above 
all, consistently, can we hope, after a very considera- 
ble lapse of time, to fulfil our national task in the East 
of Germany. 

What we need most of all in our Eastern Marches 
is steadfastness. When I was visiting Posen in 1902, 
the head of the Provincial Administration, v. Staudy, 
for many years a Conservative member of the Reichs- 
tag, with whom I was staying, said to me at the con- 
clusion of a long conversation about affairs in the 
Eastern Marches : "And now one thing more : stead- 
fastness! That is what everything depends on here. 
Nothing has done us so much harm as our vacillation, 
the fact that we gave in again and again. Now we 
must hold out!" 

The work of German colonisation in the Eastern 
Marches, begun a thousand years ago, suspended for 
four centuries, and taken up anew less than thirty 
years ago, cannot be completed in a short time. This 
is not like an ordinary political action, which is soon 
followed by success or failure; we are in the midst of 
a great historical evolution in which generation after 
generation will have to co-operate. If from this 
mighty point of view we regard our national work in 
the East as a stage of evolution, then we may say 

322 Imperial Germany 

that success has not been denied us. In the years 
from 1886 to 1911, 394,398 hectares of land were 
acquired by the Government to provide for the settle- 
ment of German peasants; of these 112,116 hectares 
were formerly owned by Poles. On the settlement 
estates there are 150,000 Germans; 450 new villages 
have been built, and in 300 villages the number of 
Germans has been increased. The successes due to 
our policy of colonisation were convincingly stated by 
one of the most estimable statesmen of our time. 
Count Botho Eulenburg, ia 1908, in the debate in the 
Upper Chamber on the Bill of Dispossession. \ As 
the last census shows, the decrease of the Germans as 
compared with the Poles has ceased, in spite of the 
higher birth-rate among the latter. These are results 
of palpable value, these are the first steady steps to- 
wards the still distant goal, which, however, can be 
attained, if we do not tire of this troublesome struggle 
entaihng so many sacrifices, and if transitory phases 
of practical pohtics do not again sweep the great and 
permanent demands of national policy into the back- 

We must also not deceive ourselves on the point 
that the German, in a struggle between nationalities, 
does not yet always possess the desirable power of re- 

The Results of the Policy 323 

sistance, and that only too often he runs the risk in 
such a struggle of losing his nationality, if the State 
does not protect and support him. One of the chief 
difficulties of the problem in the Eastern Marches, 
and at the same time perhaps the strongest proof of 
the absolute necessity of a steadfast and strong policy 
there, lies in the need to strengthen the backbone of 
the German who, for reasons connected with our good 
and with our less good qualities, is so prone to be as- 
similated. So far as this is concerned, the Govern- 
ment must take things as they are. It is its duty to 
see that the Germans and their nationality do not 
succumb in the East. - 

However, the answer to the question as to what the 
state of affairs in the East of Germany would have 
been, had nothing been done for the protection and 
strengthening of German nationahty there, affords a 
far better means of judging what has been accom- 
plished than does an enumeration of positive achieve- 
ments. Before we can think of making national con- 
quests in the East, our national possessions had to be 
protected from loss. And we succeeded in so doing 
because we fought for them. The development which 
Bismarck thwarted was tending slowly but surely to 
make the Eastern domain Polish. To have warded 

324 Imperial Germany 

off a danger which threatened, is often in politics 
a greater success than to achieve a momentary ad- 

If the attempt to extend PoKsh nationahty had not 
been met by the Government with a determined effort 
to extend German nationality, things in Posen and 
West Prussia to-day would have been much the same 
as in Gahcia. It is quite comprehensible that the 
Austrian monarchy, which is not a State based on a 
foundation of one nationality, has, for reasons of home 
and foreign policy, renounced all further attempts to 
Germanise the Crown land of Galicia since the 'seven- 
ties, and has responded in the most lavish manner to 
Polish wishes. Prussia is the support of the German 
Empire and of the national idea, is the German 
national State, xar' i^oyj^v, and cannot grant such 
concessions without being false to her past, her tradi- 
tions, and her German mission. 

Prussia must be ruled and administered from the 
national German standpoint. If we had allowed the 
Slavonic element in the East of the Prussian King- 
dom to extend and flood the German element, as has 
happened in part of Cisleithania, instead of having a 
hard fight for German nationality in the Eastern 

The Policy a National Duty 325 

Marches to-day, we should have had a fight to main- 
tain the unity of the Prussian State; we should not 
have had a Polish problem, we should have had a 
Polish danger. 


Our policy in the Eastern Marches is a national 
duty which the German nation owes to itself. A 
highly cultured and strong nation may not, without a 
struggle, give up national possessions, once they have 
been acquired; it must have such belief in the power 
of its national culture, and such faith in its own 
strength, that it feels itself capable of, and justified 
in, enriching them. Whether we hold fast to our pos- 
sessions in the East or not, whether our policy in the 
Eastern Marches continues in its national course, 
what is to become of our Eastern Marches — these are 
not questions of party politics, but of general national 
importance; and not only the fate of the Germans in 
the East of Prussia, but the future of Prussia and 
of the Empire, nay, of the whole German nation, 
depend on whether these questions are answered in 
the affirmative or in the negative. In my opinion, as 

326 Imperial Germany 

I said in January, 1902, the problem of the Eastern 
Marches is not only one of our most important po- 
litical problems, but, what is more, it is the problem 
on the solution and development of which the immedi- 
ate future of our country depends. 



The German Empire, such as it emerged from the 
baptism of fire of Koniggratz and Sedan, the be- 
lated fruit of the slow evolution of ovu- nation, could 
not come into existence until German intellect and 
the Prussian monarchy joined forces. They were 
bound to join forces if a united German State of last- 
ing power was to be achieved. German history, 
eventftd as it is, discloses an abundance of great and 
mighty deeds : the struggle of the German Emperors 
for the heritage of the Caesars, German arms victori- 
ous on the shores of the Great Belt and the Mediter- 
ranean, in Asia Minor, and in the heart of what is now 
France; and after the intellectual refining process of 
the Reformation, the greatest development of artistic 
and scientific life that the world has known since the 
days of Hellas and the Cinquecento. But the result, 
as far as the State and pohtics are concerned, was the 
dissolution of all forms of government in the nine- 
teenth century, and the fact that German power was 
outstripped by the younger States of Eastern and 
Western Europe. Inr a thousand years of work, 


'330 Imperial Germany 

from the point of view of culture, thq highest had been 
accomplished, but politically, nothing had been 
achieved. The Western and Southern domains of 
Germany, greatly favoured by Nature, accomplished 
indestructible work in the sphere of German intel- 
lectual life, but could not raise sufficient strength for 
the sterner business of creating a State. We modem 
Germans do not share Treitschke's harsh opinion that 
the small German States were worthless. During 
the decades in which we have enjoyed union as an 
-Empire, we have recovered a clear perception of the 
manifold blessings we owe to the small States. Side 
by side with the sins of German separatism we must 
place the encouragement and protection afforded to 
the intellectual life of Germany by thq Princes and 
the cities. The Court of the Muses at Weimar 
achieved the highest in this respect, but it by no means 
stood alone. 

The history of most of the non-Prussian States is 
connected with the name of some one or other of the 
men of Science and of Art who have helped to raise 
the magnificent edifice of our intellectual life. When 
Prussia woke to a consciousness of her duties with 
regard to the spiritual achievements of Germany, in 
.those terrible but yet splendid years when, as Fred- 

Conclusion 33 1 

erick William III. so well expressed it, the Prussian 
State must make good by its intellectual powers what 
it had lost physically. German intellect had already 
reached its zenith without the help of Prussia. Ger- 
man intellectual life, which the whole world has 
learned to admire, and which even the first Napoleon 
respected, is the work of the Southern and Western 
German domains, achieved under the protection of 
her Princes, small States, and free cities. 

But the people who lived on the sandy soil of the 
Marches, in the plains east of the Elbe and the Oder, 
so scantly favoured by Nature, during the centuries 
which witnessed the growth of German culture in 
other parts of the country, prepared the future of 
Germany as a State in battles and privations under 
the rule of heroic and politic Kings. 

German intellect was developed in the West and 
the South, the German State in Prussia. The Princes 
of the West were the patrons of German culture; the 
HohenzoUern were the political teachers and task- 

It took a long time before the importance of Prus- 
sia, in which even Goethe only loved her great King, 
was recognised in Germany; before it was realised 
that this rude and thoroughly prosaic State of soldiers 

332 Imperial Germany 

and officials, without many words but with deeds that 
were all the greater, was performing a task of enor- 
mous importance in the work of German civihsation: 
preparing the political culture of the German nation. 
Prussia became for Germany what Rome was for the 
ancient world. Leopold v. Ranke, intellectually the 
most versatile and at the same time the most Prussian 
of German historians, says, in his "History of the 
World," that it was the task of antiquity to perme- 
ate the Greek spirit with the Roman. Classical cul- 
ture, in which the intellectual life of Western Europe 
is rooted, was preserved by the military and consti- 
tutional State of Rome, which gave to the ancient 
world its political shape. The Prussian State became 
the guardian of German intellectual life, by giving to 
the German people a united State and a position on a 
level with the great Empires of the world. 

Through the foundation of the Empire we acquired 
national life as a State. In so doing our political 
development embarked on a new and a safe course. 
But it has not yet reached its goal. Our task, which 
has been begun but is by no means yet completed, 
must be the rmity of our intellectual and political life, 
that is the fusion of the Prussian and the German 
spirit. Prussian State life and German intellectual 

Conclusion 333 

life must become reconciled in such a way that both 
their growths become intertwined without weakening 
each other. 

Such a reconciliation has not yet been achieved. 
The representative of German intellectual life is still 
sometimes inclined to regard the Prussian State as a 
hostile power, and the old Prussian at times to regard 
the free and untrammelled development of German 
intellect as a destructive force. And again and again 
in Parliament and in the Press accusations are lev- 
elled against Prussia in the name of freedom, and 
against the imdaunted German intellect in the name 
of order. 

My late friend, Adolph Wilbrandt, in a pleasing 
play, has a scene between an official belonging to the 
North German nobility and the daughter of a savant 
of the middle classes. At first they repel each other 
and quarrel. "I represent the Germany of Schiller, 
Goethe and Lessing," says the woman, and the man 
replies : "And I represent the Germany of Bismarck, 
Bliicher and Moltke." We often hear similar things 
from the lips of clever and serious men. Our future 
depends on whether, and to what extent, we succeed in 
amalgamating German intellect with the Prussian 
monarchy. Wilbrandt's play ends with the love and 

334 Imperial Germany 

marriage of the budding Minister of State and the 
charming enthusiast for Friedrich Schiller. 

It is quite true that in many cases in non-Prussian 
Germany, owing to other political traditions, concep- 
tions of State rule and freedom prevail that are fun- 
damentally different from those that have sprung 
from the soil of Prussian traditions. This distinction 
is found, not only in party differences, but in the 
parties themselves. In the South of Germany there 
is a tendency to slacken the reins of political powers 
below, in Prussia a tendency to tighten them from 
above. In the former case a conception of political 
life more from the intellectual standpoint; in the lat- 
ter more from the standpoint of the State. Each of 
them is the result of historical growth and is justified 
in its peculiarity. The Prussian does wrong if he re- 
fuses to see anything but destructive democracy in 
the pohtical life of South Germany: the South Ger- 
man is equally wrong if he exclaims in horror at the 
antiquated poUtics of Prussian State life. 

Progress in pohtical life is a very fluid idea, and in 
what direction of political development true progress 
will lie is more than all the wise men of the world 
can tell. Each State, each nation tries to advance 
in its own way and to perfect its pohtical institutions. 

Conclusion 335 

We Germans, who for historical reasons have not 
a uniform but a manifold political Hfe, are the last 
nation in the world that can afford to indulge in 
abstract political principles, either such as are derived 
only from Prussian or such as are derived only from 
South German traditions, and to fit all pohtics to 
these principles. It is our task to conduct political 
development in Prussia, the individual States and the 
Empire in such a way that in each member of the 
Empire those forces are preserved which tend to make 
it most valuable to the Fatherland in general. Har- 
mony of German life in all its parts must be attained, 
not so much by making all institutions in the north, 
south, east and west uniform, as in smoothing the 
differences that stiU exist. 

Bismarck's foundation of the Empire was not least 
masterly in that it created a firm bond of union, while 
at the same time it did not destroy the peculiarities 
and the independence of the individual States; and 
also in that it not only nominally, but actually, made 
Prussia the leading State by preserving the monar- 
chical principle in the new Empire. 

The union of Germany that the patriotic Demo- 
crats of the 'forties conceived in the nineteenth cen- 
tury was to do away with the independence of the 

336 Imperial Germany 

Federal States, more or less, and to vest the unifying 
power in the paramount influence of an Imperial 
Parliament. Apart from the fact that the Geiman 
Princes would never have consented to such a union, 
it was a mistake in a thoroughly monarchical country 
like Germany to expect unifying power from parlia- 
mentary life which had no existence, and therefore 
had never been tested. 

That in a common representative assembly of the 
German people the forces tend rather to separate 
than to unite in the idea of the Empire and in great 
national tasks, has been amply proved by the strug- 
gles between the Imperial Government and the par- 
ties in the Reichstag during the years which have 
passed since the founding of the Empire. Bismarck, 
the Prussian, realised better than anyone else that in 
Germany strong government could only be based and 
maintained on the monarchical principle. The work 
of union could only be permanent if the monarchy 
was not a purely ornamental part of the fabric of the 
Empire, but was made to be the actual support of the 
union. And if the creative power of Prussian mon- 
archy, well tested in the course of centuries, was to 
be enlisted in the interests of the new Empire, then 
the King of Prussia must, as German Emperor, be 

Conclusion 337 

more than the bearer of shadowy dignities; he must 
rule and guide — and for this purpose must actually 
possess monarchical rights such as have been laid down 
and transcribed in the Constitution of the Empire. 

Germany would never, or at best very slowly and 
imperfectly, have achieved union as a State by fol- 
lowing the paths of democracy along which other na- 
tions have reached the goal of national development. 
As a monarchy, with the federal Princes represented 
in the Federal Council, and the King of Prussia at 
the head, we have become a united German Empire. 
Had we been entrusted entirely to the care of quar- 
relling parties in Parliament, the idea of the Empire 
would never have gained so much ground, would 
never have been able to win the heart of Germans to 
such an extent as is actually the case, since the unity 
of the Empire was placed under the protection of 
the monarchy. At the beginning of the 'sixties, in 
the nineteenth century, Crispi, later President of the 
Ministry in Italy, a country whose fate has a resem- 
blance to Germany's, wrote to Mazzini that he had 
been converted from the Republic to the Monarchy, 
because the latter would unite Italy, whereas the 
former would disintegrate her: the same applies to 
us. And it is particularly true in our case because 

338 Imperial Germany 

the German Empire, situated in the middle of Eu- 
rope, and insufficiently protected by nature on its 
frontiers, is and must remain a military State. And 
in history strong military States have always required 
monarchical guidance. 

A strong monarchy at the head of affairs by no 
means precludes a lively interest on the part of the 
people in the political life of the Empire and the indi- 
vidual States. On the contrary, the more keen and 
intelligent the interest that all classes of the nation 
take in the development of political matters, the closer 
will grow the ties between the people and the mon- 
archy, which as leader and guide stands at the head 
of national life. Political life in a modern monarchy, 
as created by our Constitution, entails co-operation 
between the Crown and the people. It is an old mis- 
take to want to gauge the concern of the nation in 
political affairs solely by the rights granted to the 
representatives of the people. A Parliament may 
possess very extensive rights and yet the nation may 
take very little interest in politics. Thus in France 
formerly, Parliament was sometimes all-powerful, 
whereas the people were indifferent. The relatively 
large measure of constitutional rights which the 
Reichstag and the Diets in Germany enjoy might be 

Conclusion 339 

accompanied by far keener political interest and far 
deeper political understanding on the part of the na- 
tion, than has hitherto been the case. The so-caUed 
"politification of the people" is a matter of political 
education, not a question of parUamentary power. 

The statement uttered from time to time, that my 
idea was to change the distribution of power between 
the Crown and the Parhament in favour of the latter, 
that is, to introduce parliamentary government in the 
West European sense of the words, belongs to the 
thickly popidated realm of political fables. In my 
eyes the dividing line between the rights of the Crown 
and of Parliament was immutably fixed. In foreign 
as well as in home politics I considered it my noblest 
task, to the best of my understanding and ability, to 
strengthen, support and protect the Crown, not only 
on account of deep loyalty and personal affection for 
the wearer, but also because I see in the Crown the 
corner stone of Prussia and the keystone of the Em- 

What we Germans need cannot be attained by al- 
terations in the sphere of constitutional law. The 
parties which would acquire greater rights, to a large 
extent still lack political judgment, political training 
and consciousness of the aims of the State. In Ger- 

340 Imperial Germany 

many a large number of educated people, who ought 
to play a leading part in party life, still adopt an 
attitude of indifference, if not of dislike towards poli- 
tics. Very clever men often assert with a certain 
pride that they understand nothing and wish to know 
nothing of politics. The ignorance which prevails in 
regard to the most elementary matters of government 
is often astounding. 

Those times are past when it was of no concern to 
the welfare of the State whether the nation did or did 
not understand the laws under which it lived. Legis- 
lation no longer lies exclusively in the hands of spe- 
cially trained and experienced officials; Parliament co- 
operates in the task. But the work of the factions is 
even now carried out much as the work of the officials 
alone used to be formerly: to the accompaniment of 
a complete lack of understanding and judgment on 
the part of large sections of the community. In con- 
nection with economic questions, it is true groups that 
are interested in agriculture, commerce and industry 
display a certain amount of activity, as do associa- 
tions formed for special purposes when matters con- 
nected with these special purposes are in question; 
for the most part, however, the dictum of the Mem- 
bers of Parliament is accepted quite passively by the 

Conclusion 341 

limited understanding of the common herd. But, as 
soon as the tangible effects are felt, bitter criticism is 
heard, which, however, is limited to the individual case 
and does not result in any stimulation of political un- 

What we Germans lack is active interest in the 
course of political affairs, interest that is not only 
aroused at elections which take place at considerable 
intervals, but that is concerned with all the great and 
small questions of poUtical life. It is the duty of the 
educated classes to take this political education in 
hand — the duty of the intellectual leaders, whom the 
Germans follow more readily than does any other 
nation. The indolent indifference towards political 
life of men who are assthetically and intellectually 
sensitive, though in earlier times it was harmless, is 
now out of place. The present, which is fuU of grave 
and great political tasks, and which has, by means of 
Parliaments, given the people a share in State affairs, 
demands a political generation. It is not the duty of 
the Government in the present time to concede new 
rights to Parliament, but to rouse the political interest 
of all classes of the nation by means of a vigorous and 
determined national policy, great in its aims and en- 
ergetic in the means it employs. The criticism to 

342 Imperial Germany 

which every policy that is not colom-less must give 
rise does no harm, so long as positive interest is 
aroused. The worst thing in political life is torpor, a 
general and stifling calm. 

Rest is only permissible to him who has no more 
duties to fulfil. No nation can assert that of itself, 
least of aU the Germans who so recently embarked 
on a new coiu-se towards new goals. The number of 
problems we have solved since 1870 is smaU compared 
with the nvmiber that still await solution. We may 
only rejoice in what has been accomplished if the 
sight of what we can do gives us faith in oiu" power 
to achieve more and greater things. Goethe depicted 
the German nation as a man, not in Wagner, who is 
filled with satisfaction by the contemplation of the 
splendid things he has ultimately accomplished, but in 
Faust, who, with high self-confidence, is always at 
pains to achieve greater things, and, as the ultimate 
conclusion of wisdom, gives utterance to the truth 
that: "He alone deserves liberty and life who must 
conquer them daily anew."