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SOMETIME Lecturer in History at Sheffield University. 


















HEN a city has the good fortune to be presented with such a deeply 
interesting collection of local records, as those forming The Jackson 
Collection; the obligation rests with the citizens to arrange it, so 
as to give those who wish to consult the records, the greatest possible facilities 
for doing so ; and it is with this object that we have compiled this descriptive 
catalogue. Our aim has been to describe more particularly those ancient 
documents in mediaeval Latin, French, and English, which present difficulties 
to many persons interested in local history, while giving a general indication 
of the contents of the modern and more easily read documents, but readers 
should note that a great mass of valuable material was transcribed by Joseph 
Hunter and William Swift, as described at pages 276-288 and pages 305-320, 
and that these antiquaries enjoyed exceptional facilities for gaining local infor- 
mation. Accordingly this portion of the collection is as valuable, from the 
student's point of view, as the original deeds and manuscripts. 

In describing ancient deeds we have endeavoured to supply a simple 
explanation of each, employing as far as possible the terms used in the deed 
itself. Thus the common form of early grant, beginning with the words 
' dedi concessi et hac mea carta confirmavi " has been construed as meaning 
that the transfer of land was already complete and that the charter was a 
confirmation of the grant. 

In certain cases it has been thought advisable to give a few words of 
the original text in brackets, sometimes because the words themselves are 
curious or unusual ; sometimes in order that the reader may find a better 
rendering than our own ; but in all cases our rule has been to quote the words 
as they stand without any change of tense or case. In the same way we 
have represented, as faithfully as might be, the actual spelling of names and 
places, even when, as so frequently happens in ancient records, they appear 
in divers forms in the same document, or when, as is not unusual, the original 
scribe may be suspected of error. 

It is obvious that in a collection of such wide scope, we could not hope 
to discuss the manifold topics of interest. Our purpose is served if we 
have succeeded in showing that within its bounds there is a wide field for 
many forms of study, and that the antiquary, genealogist, topographer, historian 
and, not least, the philologist will be amply repaid by making a first-hand 
acquaintance with The Jackson Collection. 


We gladly take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to Dr. Henry 
Jackson, O.M., Regius Professor of Greek and Fellow of Trinity College, in 
the University of Cambridge, for his great kindness in writing a Prefatory 
Note to the Catalogue, which gives an added interest to The Jackson 
Collection; our thanks are also due to Councillor S. Gardner Harrison, who 
has undertaken the work of sorting and arranging a mass of newspaper cuttmgs, 
of great local interest, forming part of the collection ; also to the Chief Librarian 
and his staiif for the many facilities they have provided for us at the Reference 
Library, whilst our work was in progress; and to our printer we are indebted 
for much assistance. 

In conclusion, we wish to express the hope that other local records may 
find their way to The Sheffield Room, at the Public Reference Library. 
In these days, when ancient monuments are protected by Act of Parliament, 
the least we can do is to see that our ancient records are also placed in safe 
custody, where they will always be available for those who can make the 
best use of them. This seems to us a very obvious duty, which the present 
owes to the future, and in no way can our citizens better discharge this 
obligation with regard to ancient records relating to Sheffield, than by following 
the example of Sheffield's distinguished son, the late Mr. Arthur Jackson. 

T. W. H. 
A. H. T. 


1st July, 1914. 



Mr. T. Walter Hall and Mr. A. Hermann Thomas — by whom this 
catalogue of manuscripts contained in " the Jackson Collection " has 
been compiled — invite me to write a prefatory note about those who 
gathered together the several parts of the Collection : and regard for 
them, gratitude to Mr. Hall and Mr. Thomas, and loyalty to the City 
of Sheffield, constrain me to undertake the pious task. 

The Collection has for its nucleus books and papers accumulated 
in the course of ninety-five years by three generations of Jacksons : 
but its most important constituents are certain memoranda of the 
late Joseph Hunter which my brother Arthur bought at the Phillipps 
sale, and, above all, the very important papers which he purchased 
from the representatives of the late William Swift. 

My grandfather, Henry Jackson, sen., surgeon, of Sheffield, was 
born at Wentbridge, near Pontefract, 22nd May, 1771, and received his 
early education at Hatfield near Doncaster. Having been appren- 
ticed or articled to Mr. William Lunn, surgeon, of Sheffield, he 
continued his medical studies at St. Thomas's Hospital, where he 
made several important friendships. Thence, in 1793, he proceeded 
to Edinburgh, where he spent a year. On his return to Sheffield, 
he established himself in Fargate : but in 1800 he removed to a 
house in St. James's Row previously occupied by Mr. Brookfield, 
solicitor. As I shall have to mention this house more than once, it 
is worth while to note that in 1787 the Vicar of Sheffield gave a 
ground lease of part of the glebe, upon which a row of three houses 
was built, stretching from Church Street to St. James's Street, and 
separated from the west side of St. Peter's Churchyard by a narrow 
paved walk. These three houses, together with the houses which 
occupied the frontage between St. James's Street and Campo Lane, 
were called St. James's Row. On 1st January, 1801, my grandfather 
married Olivia, daughter of Benjamin Sayle of Wentbridge. 

My grandfather appears to have been a skilful and respected 
general practitioner. Letters in my possession show that Mr. Lunn 
had an affectionate regard for him, and, when he returned from 
London and Edinburgh, was glad to have his help. I gather 
further that my grandfather, though perhaps somewhat masterful, 
was sociable, genial, and attractive : and a portrait, which is no 
doubt one of the many pastels drawn by Chantrey in the first 
decade of the nineteenth century, shows that he was an uncommonly 
handsome man. There is no indication that he concerned himself 


with antiquarian pursuits, but it is clear that he Hked nice books and 
good china : and his two " orange jumper " jugs — of which one is 
now in the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge — suggest that he was 
interested, not only in the famous Don pottery, but also in the 
politics of the time. It would seem that, though not an antiquary, 
Henry Jackson, sen., began the family collection. 

Henry and Olivia Jackson had several children : but only two 
survived infancy — Olivia, who was born 27th December, 1801, and 
died 17th September, 1870 ; and Henry, who was bom 29th 
November, 1806, and died 25th June, 1866. 

My father, Henry Jackson, jun., surgeon, of Sheffield, received 
his general education at the Rev. Peter Wright's school in Sheffield, 
and, later, at Bingley Grammar School, of which Richard Hartley, 
D.D., of Christ's College, Cambridge — "an excellent classic, a hard- 
reading man, and of irreproachable character" (Gunning's Reminis- 
cences of Cambridge) — was then head master. The second Henry's 
medical education began with apprenticeship to his father. In 1828 
he proceeded to Dublin that he might study anatomy under James 
Macartney, and surgery under James W. Cusack. As appears from 
his letters to my grandfather, my father made excellent use of the 
great opportunities which the hospitals of Dublin afforded ; while 
occasional references to " sack-em-ups " remind the modern reader 
that in those days the study of anatomy had a peculiarly grisly side. 
In 1830 my father left Dublin for London, where he attached himself 
to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. In the same year he obtained 
his diplomas at the College of Surgeons and the Apothecaries' Hall. 
The letters in which he describes the two examinations are detailed, 
and, if a layman may have an opinion, very interesting.^ 

On his way home, my father visited at Cambridge his old 
friends William Henry Brookfield — Tennyson's " Brooks " — and 
John Henry Brown, then undergraduates at Trinity College. 

Returning to Sheffield, he began practice with my grandfather, 
and on 10th September, 1832, was elected to the post of Surgeon to 
the Infirmary, which he held till a few days before his death. My 
grandfather died 12th November, 1836. On 27th June, 1838, my 
father married Frances, daughter of James Swettenham. 

This is not the place for an estimate of my father's capacity 
and success as surgeon and medical practitioner. But I may briefly 
note certain personal characteristics. He was always observant, 
always ready to take responsibility, always quiet. He had a 
wonderful gift of sympathy. He was as discreet and reticent as a 

1 For extracts from my father's letters to my grandfather, see the St. Bartholomew's Hospital 
Journal for October, November, December, 1904. 

father confessor. He was the friend of his patients and the con- 
fidant of his colleagues. He called himself a Tory, but progress 
was his joy. He kept himself thoroughly posted up in medical 
literature, and was eager to avail himself of every new invention 
and discovery. At first he had doubts about anaesthetics, but they 
very quickly disappeared. When he died, antiseptic and aseptic 
methods had not yet established themselves : but I fancy that his 
use of a solution of nitrate of silver for scalds, burns, and bedsores, 
saved my life when in childhood I charged into a large saucepan 
of boiling water. Once, and once only, I went round the Infirmary 
with him ; and, to my great surprise, I found that, in talking to 
his patients there, he dropped without an effort into the grammar 
and the vocabulary of old Sheffield. I had long known that he 
could read Tom Treddlehoyle " as no one else of my acquaintance 
could do : but it had not occurred to me that he would use the 
second person singular as easily as if he had never known the 
conventional you" and your" of modern English. The Infirm- 
ary occupied much of his thoughts. I have waited for him there 
for hours when he had miscalculated the time which his work would 
require. He was devoted to his profession : and he was sorry when 
his brother-in-law, Wilson Overend, a brilliant surgeon, gave him- 
self to municipal affairs. Nevertheless, he knew that a professional 
man should have a hobby or hobbies. He read widely in English 
literature ; in particular, history, biography, and good fiction, were 
favourite subjects. He had an astonishing knack of discovering 
important books the moment that they appeared : for example, he 
knew Thackeray's Second Funeral of Napoleon, Oliver Wendell 
Holmes's Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, and J. F. McLennan's 
Primitive Marriage, before they were famous. He was a constant 
reader of Notes and Queries, and sent to it occasional contributions 
signed " H.J."^ 

Meanwhile, he was keenly interested in local antiquities. An 
accomplished horseman, he had gained in his youth, and always 
retained, a curiously exact knowledge of the topography of the 
district. He collected books printed at Sheffield. He noted 
additions to Hunter's Hallamshire in an interleaved copy. But 
it was not for him to do more than collect : he made no serious 
attempt to record his antiquarian knowledge. 

The house in which my father was born, lived, and died, 
continued to be occupied by my brother Arthur and my mother 
until 1878, when the prospect of street improvements caused them 

^ His old friend James Montgomery signed himself " J .M.G." I was myself " H.J. (2) " ; 
but I think that I was not alone in using this signature. 

to remove to a house in Wilkinson Street, now numbered 53. In 1883 
the old house in St. Jarnes's Row was pulled down, and the narrow 
paved walk was widened into a street. 

My brother, Arthur Jackson, surgeon, of Sheffield, born 21st 
February, 1844, was educated at the Sheffield Collegiate School and 
at Cheltenham College. Leaving school at the age of sixteen, he 
became pupil to my father at the Infirmary and at home. In 1864 
he proceeded to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he was Surgical 
Dresser and House Surgeon. Amongst his intimates were Mr. 
Bowater Vernon, Mr. John Langton, Mr. Butlin (afterwards Sir 
Henry Butlin), Mr. William Crowfoot, and Mr. George Wilkes. 
When my father died, 25th June, 1866, my brother had just got 
his surgical qualification : and he at once began practice in 
Sheffield ; first, as partner of an old family friend, Mr. Jonathan 
Barber, afterwards, independently. At the Hospital, and later at 
the Infirmary, he won a reputation as a skilful operator. In 
his private practice he was a wise and resourceful adviser. For 
myself, having had in ray time grave anxieties, I thankfully 
remember the help and the comfort which again and again he 
brought to me. He married, 8th August, 1878, Alice, daughter of our 
old and kind friend, Bernard Wake, of Abbeyfield. He died, after 
a short illness, 29th December, 1895. 

In more ways than one my brother differed from my father. 
My father was reticent, my brother was outspoken. My father was 
cautious, my brother was impetuous. While my father avoided muni- 
cipal activity, thinking that it would interfere with his professional 
duties, my brother, who had more leisure, took a prominent part in the 
affairs of the City. It had been my earnest hope that he would one day 
sit in the House of Commons for one of the divisions of Sheffield. 
In imperial politics he was a convinced Tory, but he would never have 
been a slavish partisan. My belief had been that he would take for 
his speciality sanitary reform, and that his honesty, fearlessness, and 
knowledge, would make him a power in that branch of legislation. 
It was however one of his ambitions, perhaps his principal ambition, 
to write about "our fathers that begat us^" and about the institutions 
and the history of the City which he loved : and I think that, in his 
additions to the collection which he inherited, he had this end always 
in view. There never was a more loyal son of Sheffield. 

Amongst our occasional visitors in St. James's Row, one of the 
most distinguished was Joseph Hunter, "the Historian of Hallam- 
shire." Born 6th of February, 1783, at Sheffield, he was Presbyterian 
Minister at Bath from 1809 to 1833. From 1833 to 1838 he was 
Sub- Commissioner of Public Records. In 1838, on the reconstruction 

of the Record Service, he was made Assistant Keeper of the First 
Class. He died in London, 9th May, 1861. These bald facts I derive 
from the Dictionary of National Biography. It would be impertinent 
in me to praise Hunter's achievements in history, biography, gene- 
alogy, topography. But I have a certain familiarity with the 
History of Hallamshire," and I never refer to it without gratefully 
admiring his wide knowledge, his exact scholarship, his transparent 
candour, and his unaffected, vigorous, discourse. 

On 22nd March, 1895, certain of Hunter's papers, which had 
become the property of Sir Thomas Phillipps, were sold by Messrs. 
Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. The most important of them were 
bought by the Sheffield Free Library : but my brother commissioned 
the Librarian, Mr. Samuel Smith, to buy for him certain other lots 
which the Library did not at that time care to acquire. One of these 
purchases, and one only, is not included in our gift to the City. 
There were three volumes described as "The Thoughts of Joseph 
Hunter." When my brother died, his executors gave these volumes 
to Hunter's son, Henry Julian Hunter, M.D., who, in his earlier days, 
had been a frequent visitor at the house in St. James's Row, and 
sympathized with my father and my brother both in their medical and 
in their antiquarian interests. The jottings of "The Thoughts" were 
intimate, and we should not have thought ourselves justified in making 
them public property. 

Mr. William Swift, our next door neighbour in St. James's Row, 
was another of my father's antiquarian allies. Born 13th December, 
1818, near Chesterfield, Swift began life as clerk in the office of a 
Chesterfield lawyer ; but at the age of eighteen entered the service of 
the late Mr. John Brown, solicitor, of St. James's Row. Mr. Brown, 
who was not only a solicitor but also distributor of stamps, put the 
distribution into Swift's hands. Major Richard Fawkes, who 
succeeded Mr. Brown as distributor of stamps, retained Swift as 
his representative; and, when Swift died, 10th December, 1874, 
testified his ' esteem for long and self-sacrificing service in the stamp 
office of this Town " by a tablet placed in the Parish Church. 

I have little of my own to say about the shy, modest, simple- 
minded scholar, whose premises I sometimes invaded in pursuit of an 
errant cricket ball. Happily, Mr. R. E. Leader, in his Reminiscences 
of Old Sheffield, transcribes from the Independent an eloquent and 
affectionate appreciation, and I hope that he will forgive me for 
reproducing the greater part of it. 

" ' It was not his social position that gave our late friend a name and a 

place in the annals of Sheffield ; nor was it even the kindly good nature 

with which he answered all inquiries ; nor the humble simplicity and 

piety of his private life ; but his marvellous industry and care as a 
genealogical and topographical collector. A career less eventful than 
his could scarcely be imagined. He lived in a house adjoining his oflSce, 
and when business was over he much too rarely went out for fresh air 
and exercise. Far into the night he would pore over manuscripts, some- 
times copying old parish registers, sometimes making abstracts or copies 
of documents that had been lent to him, or entering up his volumes of 
pedigrees. His mind was ever intent on the acquisition of genealogical 
facts, and whether they came under his notice in written papers, or in 
conversation, he carefully noted them, and systematically stored them 
away in the volumes to which they belonged. The desire to be accurate 
was with him a passion. He could not endure a false date, and smiled 
when he observed the vanity that, in pedigrees, could not call a spade a 
spade, but turned a cutler, a grinder, or something humbler, into a 
gentleman. During the thirty-eight years he lived in Sheffield he 
had been carefully accumulating fact upon fact, and there is probably not 
a family in the town, save the most recent importations, of whom he 
had not a more or less complete account. He was the Old Mortality of 
Shefi&eld, and carefully copied the gravestones in the church and chapel 
yards. The parish registers were more familiar to him than to the parish 
clerk. He knew the genealogical value of wills and deeds, and had made 
himself master of those old handwritings under which our forefathers have 
shrouded so much valuable information. Not having enjoyed the advan- 
tage of a classical education, he yet so far mastered the difficulties of Latin 
and Norman French as to be able to translate intelligibly such mediaeval 
documents as were couched in those languages ; and of late years, so vast 
was the fund of information which he possessed, that he was able at once 
to appreciate the value of new facts that might come under his notice, and 
to see meanings in entries and items that to an ordinary observer appeared 
to have no special significance. For years past he has been the oracle to 
which all inquirers into Sheffield history resorted. The antiquarian student 
perpetually made use of his kindly advice and counsel ; the lawyers flocked 
to him regularly when any question arose affecting family history ; and to 
one and all he was alike ready to tell what he knew, and in return to accept 
any crumbs of information his visitors might be able to impart. In this 
way his store of facts grew. Persons who had learned the value of his 
information were glad to be able to offer him some return in kind, when 
anything came under their notice. His fame as a collector of information 
spread, and from far and near matters found their way into his hands that 
would not have been entrusted to one less discreet. He was scrupulous in 
preserving and returning everything that was lent to him ; and exercised a 
marvellous reticence in dealing with subjects that might have given pain to 
families or individuals. He never spoke unkindly, and, though his mind 
was the depository of more family secrets than that of any man in Sheffield, 
we never heard of an instance where an unfair or unkind use had been 
made of what he knew. Like many great collectors of information, 
Mr. Swift seemed to lack the aptitude for collating, arranging, and editing 
his materials. He shrank from the task of composition, fancying, very 
mistakenly, that he could not compose ; and yet we have had in our hands 
fragments of his that would have been no discredit to so lucid and interest- 
ing a writer as the late Joseph Hunter. Our own columns,' [it is the 

Independent from which I am quoting] ' have not unfrequently contained 
most valuable scraps from his pen ; but he would more frequently give his 
information verbally, and leave others to clothe it in set words. Under 
the signature 'St.,' he sometimes contributed to Notes and Queries. 
Several papers of his have appeared in the Reliquary, and he has also 
enriched the Chesterfield newspapers from the stores of his Derbyshire 
lore ; but we never heard of his publishing a book, nor ever knew a man 
more capable of doing so. In connexion with the inquiries arising out of 
the bequest to the town of the property of the late Samuel Bailey, 
Mr. Swift rendered great service ; and the Rev. Dr. Gatty, in his preface 
to the new edition of Hunter's Hallamshire, thus acknowledges his 
obligations : — ' The services of Mr. William Swift, well known for his 
genealogical studies, experience, and accuracy, as well as for his accumu- 
lated stores of information relating to the various properties of the neigh- 
bourhood, have been especially great throughout the latter part of the 
work, and deserve my warmest appreciation. He has extended the 
pedigrees with a careful hand, and by an old deed or memorandum has 
often contributed what the antiquarian will value.' Among his friends 
might be mentioned every name of note in Sheffield ; but it is enough to 
say that he was on intimate terms with Joseph Hunter, James Montgomery, 
John Holland, Samuel Mitchell, and Henry Jackson ; without particular- 
ising those who have lived to feel his loss. When the late Samuel 
Mitchell's papers had to be arranged for the British Museum, Mr. Swift 
was selected to perform the task, and very ably he discharged it. He had 
a pure and simple mind, inexpensive tastes and habits, and if there was a 
thing he erred in, it was in taking too little care of his own health.' "^ 

Mr. R. E. Leader adds an in memoriam written by Dr. Gatty, 
and I am tempted to quote it : but already I have quoted too much, 
and I content myself with the citation of a single expressive sentence ; 
"Mr. Swift was a true and worthy disciple of Hunter." So say I. 

Knowing the importance of Swift's papers, my brother purchased 
them from the family. I think that he hoped to arrange them him- 
self : but, in any case, with him they were in safe custody. 

Another element in the Collection is a transcript of the sepulchral 
inscriptions in the several graveyards of the City, made at my brother's 
cost by Mr. William J. J. Glassby. In 1896, Mr. Glassby published 
a book called The Old Church-Yards of Sheffield, with a brief 
selection of quaint epitaphs therein, which was based upon this 

In my brother's will there is a clause which seems to me so 
characteristic and so significant that I quote it in full : 

' ' I bequeath all the papers which belonged to my late father and all my 
private papers and books (including the Swift papers and books) of all kinds 
both medical and general (except the books herein before bequeathed to my 
said wife) to my said wife and my said brother Henry, but my said wife to 
take such of them as she likes to select, and the remainder to be disposed of 

iThere can be little doubt that this admirable sketch was written by the late Mt. J. D. Leader. 


as they shall think fit. And I specially urge and request my said wife and 
my said brother Henry not to allow the Swift or any other of my private 
papers to become public property without most careful supervision for fear of 
hurting the feelings of persons or families whose names may be mentioned in 
It is easy to see that my brother, whilst he gave his executors 
the widest possible discretion, subject only to one wise limitation, 
wished his collections to become public property : and my sister-in- 
law and I desired to give effect to his wish as soon as arrangements 
could be made for their safe-keeping and their accessibility. But 
we were not competent ourselves to deal with so great and so 
miscellaneous a mass of documents : and, though Mr. J. D. Leader 
did us the great kindness of inspecting and sorting the Swift papers, 
we did not know of anyone who would undertake the preparation of 
a complete inventory. This being so, we deferred the presentation 
of the papers which we conceived ourselves to hold in trust for the 
City. But in 1912 the appearance of Mr. Walter Hall's Catalogue 
of the Charters, Deeds and Manuscripts in the Public Reference 
Library at Sheffield changed the situation. It now became clear 
that there were those in Sheffield who were interested in its history, 
and were prepared to spend time and trouble upon its records. 

It was a very real pleasure to my sister-in-law and myself when 
the City accepted "the Jackson Collection." It is our hope that the 
example of collecting which my brother Arthur has set will find 
many imitators, and that, when papers thus gathered together come 
into the possession of the City, there will always be loyal and learned 
citizens, such as Mr. T. Walter Hall and Mr. A. Hermann Thomas, 
to arrange and catalogue them. 


Trinity College, Cambridge, 
21st July, 1914. 


Since the catalogue was printed, about fifty additional deeds, forming part of 
the collection, have come to hand; one is a 13th century charter relating to 
lands at Wath and Swinton co York ; others, of much later dates, relate to 
Sheffield and North- East Derbyshire. They have been placed together, in a 
box labelled " Uncatalogued Deeds," and can be examined at the Public 
Reference Library. 

The Collection contains fifty-one lantern slides of Old Sheffield. 


Six of the marginal reference numbers have been duplicated by mistake. 
They are : — 

„ 837, 

„ 114 

„ 2. 

„ 838, 

„ 120 

„ 3. 


„ 118 

„ 8. 

„ 840, 

» 118 

„ 96. 


„ 117 

„ 6. 

When the number occurs at a page given in the middle column, it is an 
original deed ; but when it occurs in the right hand column it is a photograph, 
and is so described in the catalogue. 

Number 638 page 83 should bear date 1695, instead of 1659. 

Number 724 page 146 should be in the Yorkshire section. Gleadless is on 
the county boundary. 

Number 835 page 303 should be 835a. 
Number 900 (9) page 13 should be 900 (90). 


Title Page 




Prefatory Note by Dr. Henry Jackson, O.M., Regius Professor of Greek 

and Fellow of Trinity College, in the University of Cambridge... 


Addenda et Corrigenda ... 


Table of Contents 


Five Photographic Reproductions... 



... ... ... 


Yorkshire (Kirkstall Abbey) 

. . 





N ottinghamshire 






Warwickshire ... 










Essex ... 






Miscellaneous Documents 



Ancient Manuscript Books and Rolls 



Fragments of Breviaries and other MSS. 



Hunter MSS. ... 





Pamphlets, Tracts, &c. ... 



Newspapers and Newspaper-cuttings 



Monumental Inscriptions... 



Local Bills, Reports, and Acts of Parliament 


Legal Drafts, Copy Documents and Legal Documents (engrossed on 



Sundries not classified ... 




. . ... ... 


General Index ... 



Table of Cross- References 

• • 



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^^efftefa Caeffe,— List of armour, 16th November 1586, number 919, pages 260-2 



835 13th century. Photograph of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from 

Thomas son of Thomas de Furniwalle to Thomas son of Roger de 
Haldwrth his heirs and assignes, excepting men of rehgion (clerics) 
and Jews, of an oxgang and a half of land with appurtenances and 
buildings thereon in the township and territory of Haldwrth, which the 
aforesaid Thomas had held of the grantor in " hastilar " service, lying 
between the wood called Lockeslay on the east and the brook called Le 
Sputesyke on the west ; and between the water called Stene on the south 
and the moor called Onesmor on the north, in consideration of a sum of 
money paid to the grantor and a yearly rent of twelve shillings of silver 
payable at the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary Virgin and 
at the Feast of the Annunciation of the same for all services and demands, 
except forinsec services, saving to the grantor all improvements in 
the grantor's waste within the boundaries of Hallumsyre, saving also two 
suits at the grantor's court at Shefeud, to wit, at the first courts after 
Easter and the Feast of Saint Michael, on the understanding that the 
grantee should grind his corn at any one of the grantor's mills within 
Hallumsyre and nowhere else. Witnesses : John de Wyntewrth then 
steward, Thomas de Furneus, Elyas de Midhop, John del Wyteley, 
Richard Moriz of Wyrhale, Nicholas Langus, Richard Rynellus, William 
del Leyston, Thomas de Morwd. Notes : from the photograph it appears 
that the charter was engrossed on vellum and had a pendent seal bearing 
the arms of Furnivall. Probably Thomas Furnivall the second, who died 
before 1279, was the grantor. Thomas de Ferneus appeared also as a 
witness of " Furnivall's Charter." There are four mounted prints of this 
photograph in the collection. 

836 13th century. Photograph of a Charter (Lat.), confirming a grant from 

Thomas de Furnivalle son of Thomas de Furnivalle to Thomas son of 
Ralph " sub monte," his heirs and assignes, excepting men of religion 
(clerics) and Jews, of half an oxgang of land with appurtenances and 
buildings, which Ralph de Pillay once held to farm from Robert de 
Haldewrth, lying in width between the field called Bilbeleye towards the 
south, and the moor towards the north ; and in length between the wood 
called Lockeslay towards the east, and Le Bentelane towards the west, 
saving to the grantor every manner of advantage and improvement of all 
his waste in all places within Hallumshire, in consideration of a yearly 
rent of two shillings of silver payable at the Feast of the Annunciation of 
the Blessed Mary Virgin and at the Assumption of the same by equal 
portions, for all services and demands, except two suits of court at 
Shefeuld, to wit, at the first courts after Easter and the Feast of Saint 
Michael, also excepting forinsec service of the lord King as much as 
pertained to the land, and on the understanding that the aforesaid Thomas 
son of Ralph and his assignes should grind all corn growing on the said 
land in one of the grantor's mills for the multure thereof, within the 
boundaries of Hallumshire and nowhere else. For this grant the grantee 
paid a certain sum of money " in gersuma." Witnesses : John del 
Marteleye (?), John his son, Robert de Rous, Richard Moriz, Nicholas de 
Langus, Richard Rinellus. Notes : from the photograph it appears that 
the charter was engrossed on vellum and had a pendent seal bearing the 
arms of Furnivall. Probably Thomas Furnivall the second, who died 
before 1279, was the grantor. There are four mounted prints of this 
photograph in the collection. The Oxford Dictionary gives gersum and 
variants as meaning a premium or fine paid to a feudal superior on entering 
upon a holding. 

837 13th century. Photograph of a Charter (Lat.) from John le Scrob to 

Henry son of William de Wodetorpe, of a toft with buildings thereon, a 
croft, and an oxgang of land with appurtenances in le Gledeleys in the 
parish of Handeswrth, which were formerly in the tenure of Agnes the 
wife of Roger, in consideration of a yearly rent of five shillings, payable 
at Pentecost and the Feast of Saint Martin, and on the understanding that 
the grantee should grind his corn, grown on the said land, at the grantor's 
mill of Wodehus, and do as much work in the making of the dam of the 
said mill as was charged upon the oxgang. The grantee should also do 
one suit of court yearly at the grantor's court of Bramelay, to wit, at the 
first court after the Feast of Saint Martin. A certain sum of money was 
paid " in gersumma " for the grant. Witnesses : Hugh son of Emma of 
Wodehus, William de Mora, William de Darnale, John de Capella, Robert 
de Balifeld, William de Hacuntorpe, John de Markam. Notes : from 
the photograph it appears that the charter was engrossed on vellum and 
had no seal when the photograph was taken. 

838 13th century. Photograph of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from 

Thomas de Furnivalle son of Thomas de Furnivalle, to Gilbert Smith 
(Faber), of an oxgang of land in Bernes formerly in the tenure of Roger son 
of Gervase, and of four acres of land in the territory of Chapel (Chapeltown), 
abutting at the one end upon Bakeburne and at the other upon the Halleflatts 
of Colley (Cowley), with a toft adjacent in Chapel lying between the toft 
of Galien (Galienus) and the toft of GeoflFrey de Lund, also a plo| of land 
in Granenhou lying in width between Therebroc and Coldewell, and extend- 
ing in length from the land of Thomas de Bernes to the land of Roger de 
Husel, and six acres of land upon Swethene and in Eduskerre and half an 
acre (sic), with all appurtenances, in consideration of a yearly rent of 
twenty-two shillings sterling, payable at the Nativity of the Blessed Mary 
and at the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary, for all secular services, 
demands, and suits of court and mill. A certain sum of money was paid 
for the grant. Witnesses : William de Furnivalle, Robert de Munteny, 
Richard de Tankerle, Ralph de Ecclesalle clerk, Robert de Neuton, 
Elias de Middehope, Thomas de Bernes. Notes : from the photograph 
it appears that the charter was engrossed on vellum and had no seal 
when the photograph was taken. For probable date see number 841. 

900 (178) Late 12th or early 13th century. Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant in 
frankalmoign from Adam de Sancta Maria to the church of Saint Mary of 
Romaris (Rawmarsh), a tithe of the pasturage of his wood of Romaris, 
and a tithe of the receipts from sales of wood, payable in the octave of 
Saint Martin. Witnesses : Sir Richard abbot of Wellebec, brother 
William prior of the same, brother Roger de Hocton, brother Matthew 
and brother Warin canons of the same, master Thomas de Lise (?), 
William de Rosington deacon, William de Queren, Richard chaplain of 
Rawmaris, Robert de Newark, Adam de Halles, Walter Francis. Notes : 
Adam de Sancta Maria was the eldest son of Paganus or Payn de Sancta 
Maria who is mentioned in the " Liber Niger " and whose date was circa 
1162-5. Probably this charter lay about halfway between that date and 
1239-1240 when Adam's daughters Sibill and Isolda were at variance with 
William de Lichefelde. As regards entries 900 (175) to 900 (178) a note at 
the foot of p. 175 runs : — "These fower deeds I had of Mr. Goodwin, parson 
of Rawmarshe, who said he had by vertue thereof taken great tymber & 
other wood in the common of Rawmarshe, during all his tyme, for the 
Repaire of his house of the Chancell, for fences & for fyer ; 2 tres 30 
yeares agoe worth iii 1, 5 tres 12 yeares agoe, and 2 trees 5 yeares ago, he 
said that Saint Maries were chief e lords of the whole lor^P: before it was 
divided into three, w°^ he said came by 3 systers coheirs, one of w'''' tooke 
a Religious house & gave her parte to Southwell. He said he had the 
opinion of Baron Saville touching these deeds, w"*" was y' the deeds were 

strong & good, & that if any division or inclosure were made, he might 
have his parte sett out to be inclosed, and bid him take everie yeare some 
wood. He said he had shewed these deeds to Sir Godfrey ffoulchiam, to 
Sir £fr. ffoulch's mother to my lo : Darcy and others who all allowed of 
them. James Danby." See number 900. 

900 (177) 1239 Wednesday after the Feast of Saint Martin (November 11th). 
Covenant (Lat.), dated at the church of Roderham (Rotherham), between 
William rector of the church of Rawmaris and Sibill de Sancta Maria ; 
after reciting that an action was pending between the two parties with 
regard to common of pasture and reasonable estovers claimed by the 
former in the woods of the latter, the document states that Sibill agreed to 
give seisin to William of the above by his sacristan (?) Robert de Querneby, 
and that the parties agreed to submit to the Justices, as soon as they should 
reach Nottingham, questions as to the amount of damages suffered by 
William. Robert de Ripers and Robert de Stanford were sureties for 
William, and the abbot of Roche and Thomas de Bellew for Sibill de 
Sancta Maria. Witnesses : Henry vicar of Roderham, William de 
Coddwicke (Toddwicke ?) and Paulinus the King's bailiffs, Robert Gellaris 
(cellarius, cellarer ?) of Roche, William of Roche, Ralph the seneschal, 
Thomas de Bellew (de Bella Aqua). Notes : see number 900. 

900 (176) (1240-1) in the octave of the Purification of the Blessed Mary 
(February 2nd), in the 25th year of Henry HI, Final Concord (Lat.) 
between master William de Lichfeild parson of the church of Rawmarsh 
(de Rubio (sic) Marisco) plaintiff and Adam de Ridwal and Isolda his wife by 
her attorney Henry de Ridewar (sic) defendants, whereby the latter granted 
to the former common of pasture for all animals, estovers for burning and 
housbote and haybote in the woods of Rawmarshe by view of their 
foresters. Notes : Isolda was the daughter of Adam de Saint Mary and 
sister of Sibyll, both being coheiresses of the manor of Rawmarsh. See 
numbers 900 and 900 (175). 

900 (175) (1240 ?) 13th century. Covenant (Lat.) between master William de 
Lichef eild parson of the church of Rawmarsh (de Rubio Marisco) plaintiff, 
and Sibill de Sancta Maria defendant, concerning common of pasture and 
reasonable estovers in all the woods of the same Sibill in Rawmarshe, in 
accordance with which covenant the latter granted to William, and his 
successors in the church of Rawmarsh, common of pasture for all animals, 
and reasonable estovers, for (sic) housbote and haybote and for burning, 
from the woods by view of the foresters of the said Sybill. Witnesses : 
the lord abbot of Roche, Robert de Haya, Thomas de Bellew (de Bella 

Aqua) William de Wydinton, Nicholas de Deyvill, William de Sutton, 
Robert de Nottingham, Robert de Ruper, William de London. Notes : 
see number, 900. Sibill of Saint Mary was daughter of Adam of 
Saint Mary, and wife of Jordan de Reneville. Of her two daughters, 
Margaret married Thomas Mounteney and Alice, Thomas de Bella Aqua. 
In the "Testa de Neville" she appears as holding a third part of Rawmarsh. 
See Hunter's "South Yorkshire" ii. 45-50. At the head of this present 
entry appears November 1614, Coppies of Certaine deeds made to the 
parsons of Rawmarshe touching there priviledge of Common and wood in 
the Woods and Common of Rawmarsh the like priviledges are granted to 
Kilnhirst." As similar documents relating to Isolda sister of Sybill, 
and Sybill herself are dated 1240-1 and 1239, the date 1216 given at the 
side of the entry, though possible, seems rather early. See numbers 
900 (176) and 900 (177). This deed seems to follow 900 (177), and to 
be the agreement there referred to. 

900 (75) Circa 1265. Release and Quit Claim (Lat.) from Thomas, son of 
Hugh Ferthinge of Kilnhurst, Matilda his mother, Matilda his sister and 
Robert the latter's husband, to William son of Sir William de Thornhill, 
of a toft in Kilnhurst with appurtenances, which Hugh Ferthinge bought 
of Ralph son of William de Kilnhurst. Witnesses : Richarde Flyncham, 
Roger de Berthe, Richard de Brerethusyl, Roger de Swynesheved. 
Notes: see numbers 900, and 900 (ill), for Richard de Brerethusyl. 
Sir William de Thornhill appears in a deed circa Henry III, formerly or 
now in the possession of the Wilson family of Broomhead. 

900 (111) 1265 the Feast of Saint Lucia Virgin (December 13th). Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Wathe, confirming a grant from Thomas de Ecclesfeild to 
Robert de Rodys of an acre of land in the field called Turnshawfeild, 
three perches thereof lying between the lands of William de Swinton and 
John de Caldelowe and abutting on Eldberne and Felothill, the fourth 
perch lying between the lands of Roger Carpenter and William de 
Swinton, and abutting upon Eldberne and Pelothill (sic), in consideration 
of a sum of money paid down, and a yearly rent of a rose. Witnesses : 
Sir John de Brampton chaplain, Robert Wilgin, William de Swinton, 
Thomas de Caldlowe, John Lesurays of Brampton, Simon Brune, John 
de Schiris of Methelton, Richard de Brerethwisill, Adam de Abde, 
Geoffrey the clerk. Notes : see number 900, and also see C. M. 
Watson's "British Weights and Measures." Statute for measuring 
land, prior to Edward III: "40 perches in length and 4 perches in 
breadth make one acre." The three perches and fourth perch above 
referred to were evidently strips of a quarter of an acre, forty perches in 
length and one perch in breadth. 

841 1267 the Nativity of the Blessed Mary (September 8th), in the 51st year 

of Henry III. Photograph of a Charter (Lat.), dated at Ecdisfeld, 
confirming a grant from Gilbert Smith (Faber) of Chapel (Chapeltown) to 
Thomas de Bernes clerk son of Henry of the same, for eight marks of 
silver, of half an oxgang with a certain small croft and all the appur- 
tenances in le Swithenis, which was bought of Sir Thomas de Furnivalle, 
as fenced in on all sides by ditches and hedges, lying in breadth between 
le Swithenis and the aldergrove of Thomas de Bernes, extending in length 
to land of Henry son of Thomas de Bernes towards the west, and the 
Hargap towards the east, to hold of the grantor and his heirs to the said 
Thomas de Bernes and his heirs and to whomsoever he wished to assign 
etc the same, except to religious men (clerics) and Jews, in fee and 
inheritance, with all commons, pastures, liberties, easements and appur- 
tenances belonging to the same land, paying annually to the grantor and 
his heirs three half-pennies of silver, at the Assumption of the blessed 
Mary, for all secular services, suit of mill and suit of court to the said land 
appertaining. Witnesses : Sir Robert de Munteney, Sir Ralph de 
Ecclisalle, Sir Ralph de Wrtley, Elias de Midhope, Adam de Waddeslay, 
Adam de Bukeshertre, William de Resseville, Adam Wood (de Bosco), 
Ralph de Actone then steward to Sir Thomas de Furnivalle, John son of 
Ralph de Bernes, Adam Blount (de Blundo), Roger de Hosgerthorpe. 
Notes : from the photograph it appears that the charter was engrossed 
on vellum and had no seal when the photograph was taken. There are 
two mounted prints of this photograph in the collection. 

902 (Ixxviii) 14th century. Portion of a Charter (Lat.), undated, confirming a grant 
from Richard, son of Hugh le Butteler to William son of Ragenild de 
Steristhorp (Streethorpe), of two oxgangs of land with appurtenances in 
Sterysthorp (sic), which William held from Hugh his father, together 
with a toft, lying between the land of John, son of Goodefrid and the land 
of William Wood (de Bosco) . . . Notes : see number 902. 

902 (Ixxvii) 14th century. Charter (Lat.), undated, confirming a grant of a life estate 
from Richard le Butteler of Sandale to John and Richard his sons, in a 
tenement with appurtenances, bought from Avice Wood (de Bosco) in Steris- 
thorpe (Streethorpe), also in the site of the windmill and half the windmill 
in Sandale with free ingress and egress, with all the appurtenances in 
Steristhorpe, liberties, lordships, and easements in the meadows and 
pastures, woods, and turbaries, with remainder to the survivor, in con- 
sideration of a pair of gloves or Id yearly rent. Witnesses : Alexander 
Cos, Robert Petipas, Peter of Hamuth, Robert of the same, Thomas son 
of Symon of Barneby, Thomas Hall (de aula) of the same, Alan of 
Trumflet, William de Franceis of the same, Adam Bosse of Steristhorp, 

Hugh de Franceis of Sandale, Geoffrey Atchurch (ad ecclesiam) of the 
same, Richard By water or Atwell (juxta aquam). Notes ; see numbers 902 
and 902 (Ixxvi). 

900 (79) (1304-5) Monday in the Feast of Saint Peter in Cathedra (February 22nd), 
in the 33rd year of Edward I. Charter (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, 
confirming a grant from John de Wympton and Alice his wife to William 
de Raumarsh clerk, and Ellen (Elena) his wife, of a messuage and land 
in Raumarshe (sic) inherited on the death of John son of Thomas de 
Wetecroft, in consideration of a yearly rent for eleven years of one 
rose at rose-time, and afterwards of ten shillings yearly for ever. 
Witnesses : Stephen de Bellew (de Bella Aqua), William de Wentworthe 
Woodhuses, William Clarell, Wilham de Mondesder, William de Hestleye, 
Yvo de Kilnhurst. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (85) (1305 ?) Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from John de Wimpton and 
Alice his wife to William son of Hugh de Raumershe clerk, and 
Ellen his wife of a messuage toft and croft and an acre of land with 
appurtenances on the Oldbrekkes, inherited on the death of John son 
of Thomas de Wetecroft. Witnesses : Sir Robert de Wyten then 
rector of the church of Raumarshe, William Clarell lord of Aldwarke, 
Thomas Barbot, William de Mondesder, William de Hestleye, Yvo de 
Kilnhurst, Hugh del Hill of the same, William le Keu, Thomas Long of 
Raumarshe. Notes : see numbers 900 and 900 (79). This is evidently 
a different deed of feoffment, though the lands mentioned appear to be the 
same as 900 (79) above. William de Hestley, William de Mondesder, Yvo 
de Kilnhurst and William Clarell appear as witnesses to both documents. 

900 (99) 1306 Saturday before the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist 
(June 24th), in the 34th year of Edward L Letter of Attorney (Lat.), 
dated at Southleverton, from Alice relict (sic) of John de Wimpton 
appointing the said John her husband, to deliver seisin to William son of 
Hugh de Raumarshe and Ellen his wife of a messuage, toft, croft, and an 
acre with appurtenances in Raumarshe. Notes : see number 900, 
900 (79), and 900 (85) above. 

900 (76) 1306 Monday after the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29th). 
Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at Romares (Rawmarsh), from John 
le Culpe and Elizabeth his wife, to Hugh son of John de Kilnhurst and 
Margery his wife, of any claim for dowry belonging to the above Elizabeth, 
relict of William de Happlethorp, in a messuage and oxgang of land with 
appurtenances in Kilnhurst, which Hugh and Margaret bought of the 
late William de Happletorpe (sic). Witnesses: Sir Robert parson of 


Raumarys (sic), William son of Hugh of the same, William de Hestleye 
of the same, John Long of the same, William Cook (Cocus) of the same, 
Peter de Rodis, Yvo de Kilnhurst. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (87) 1309 Friday the morrow of the Ascension (May 8th). Release and 
Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, from Anabell (Anabilla) relict of 
Thomas de Wetcroft to William de Routhmarshe (sic) and Ellen (Elena) 
his wife, of a third part of a messuage and two tofts and an acre of land 
with appurtenances in Routhmarshe, demised to William and Ellen by 
John de Wympton and Alice his wife, in consideration of 20s paid to 
Anabell. Witnesses : Sir Robert de Witen then rector of the church of 
Raumarshe, William Clarel lord of Aldwarke, Thomas Barbot, Williani 
de Mundesder, Ivo de Kilnhurst, John Long of Raumarshe, William 
Cook of the same, Thomas del Halghe. Notes : see numbers 900, 
900 (79) and 900 (85). 

902 (lix) 1320 Sunday, in the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29th). 
Charter (Lat.), dated at Doncastre, confirming a grant from William de 
Barneby of Doncastre to Thomas Hodelett, of an acre and a half of land 
with appurtenances in the fields of Doncastre, in a place called Morth- 
hyrne between lands of Geoffrey de Bramwythe and Reginald de 
Messingham, and abutting on the King's Highway from Howecrosse to 
the hospital of Saint James and on land of Roger Cleveland, Robert 
Styrtover, and Hugh de Sandale. Witnesses : Sir John de Doncastre 
knight, John de Eland, Reginald de Messyngham, Robert de Clayton, 
Thomas Frere, William Bramwith (?), William son of Nigel de Marre, 
Richard de Walesby, John de Elmesale, John de Weston. Notes : see 
number 902. 

839 1322 .... Easter (March 27th). Photograph of a Charter (Lat.) 

confirming a grant from Thomas Svyft of Brinesford to John his son, of 
three acres of meadow lying together in the meadow of Brademershe, 
between the meadow of Henry de Addewyk and Sayvilsike, and abutting 
on the grantor's meadow at the one end and on the water of Roder at the 
other, and three acres of arable land lying in the fields of Brinsford, 
whereof one lay in the field of Tunstal, another in the field "del Bothefeld," 
and the third in the field on the west of the township, all of which acres 
the grantee wished to choose for himself from the grantor's lands in the 
aforesaid fields, also the grantor's common and right of common in 
Haword, together with a plot of his toft, in which the grantor then dwelt, 
with buildings and appurtenances, containing in width four selions of land. 
The plot lay between the toft and the green, and abutted at the one end 
upon Sroublandes (?) and on the other upon the highway. Witnesses : 

John de Gotham, Giles Doylly, John , Rayner de Keveton, 

John de Keveton, Roger son of Alan. Notes; from the photograph it 
appears that the charter was engrossed on vellum and had a pendent seal. 
There are three mounted prints of this photograph in the collection. 

900 (97) 1327 Tuesday after the Feast of Saint Martin (Mark ?) the Evangelist 
(April 25th). Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at Routhmarshe 
(Rawmarsh), from William de Hestleye son of William de Hestleye, to 
William clerk son of Hugh de Routhmarsh, of a toft and appurtenances, 
enclosed by a hedge and ditch in Raumarshe, and of a selion lying between 
the messuage of the said William of Raumarshe and the common field. 
Witnesses : Sir William Clarel knight, Sir John de Dryffilde parson of 
the church of Raumarshe, William called the Cook, of the same, Ivo 
son of Hugh del Hill of Kilnhurst, William de Mundesder, Ivo'de Routh- 
marshe clerk, John de Glida (Blida ? Blyth) clerk. Notes : see number 

900 (78) 1329 on the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist (October 18th). 
Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at Kilnhurst, from Henry le Sagher 
of Kilnhurst to Ivo his son, of all the lands and tenements, tofts, crofts, 
buildings, and a halfpenny annual rent acquired by Henry from Ralph de 
Kilnhurst for the term of his life. Witnesses : William de Raum(arsh), 
William Cook, Thomas del Halghe, William de Hestleye, Robert son of 
Yvo, Yvo son of Hugh, Robert Miller. Notes : see number 900. 

902 (Ixxiv) 1338 Thursday in Easter week (April 20th). Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Doncastre, confirming a grant from Hugh son of Henry le Chapman of 
Doncastre to John de Benteley " drapour," of a plot of land in the Street 
of the Sepulchre (Saint Sepulchre Gate), lying at the head of the grange 
of the said John, between the lands of the parties, and abutting on the 
land of Gilbert de Athwyke. Witnesses : William son of Henry, Robert 
de Bramwyth, John Canteley, Roger Wyghtman, William de Loversall, 
Gilbert de Athwik. Notes : see number 902. 

900 (92) 1339 (-40) Wednesday before the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25th). 
Charter (Lat.), dated at Romarshe, confirming a grant from Richard de 
Cressevill parson of the church of Raumarshe (sic), to Robert de Grenhill 
and Beatrice his wife, of all the lands and tenements acquired from the 
said Robert in Raumarshe. Witnesses : William son of Hugh de 
Raumarshe, Hugh son of Hugh of the same, William son of William de 
Hestleye, John son of Thomas of the (del) Halghe, John Gerard of the 
(del) Halghe. Notes : see number 900. 


902 (Hi) 1341 Thursday after the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed 
and (Iviii) Mary (March 25th). Charter (Lat.), dated at Doncastre, confirm- 
ing a grant from John son of Laurence de Blida (Blyth) and 
Agnes his wife, living in Doncastre, to William de Bentlay of Doncastre 
"drapour," of a messuage with appurtenances in Doncastre opposite the 
Cross of Snorehill, between the highroad and the messuage of John le 
Piper and abutting on the messuage of Herbart Stokbrygg and the 
road to the market. Witnesses: Robert de Messingham, William de 
Loversall, Robert de Bramwith, Roger Wyghteman, Herbert de Stokbryg 
(sic), Thomas de Chilteryn, John de Arkesay. Notes : see number 902 ; 
a duplicate was copied into the register on folio li, there referred to. 

902 (xiii) (1342) Monday in the Feast of Saint Martin in the Winter 
and(lxxvi) (November 11th). Charter (Lat.), dated at Sandhall, confirming a grant 
from John le Boteler of Sandhall to Margaret his daughter, of a messuage and 
two oxgangs in Steresthorp (Streethorpe), which Avice Wood (de Bosco) 
held, on condition of digging turves with one man for two days in Colnnes- 
more, with the exception of seven acres of land which Roger Curson then 
held and a preserve (vivarium) alienated by the above Alice (sic) to William 
de Ketilberge, and saving to the donor the moor in Clonnesmore (sic) and 
a sheeprun at Herbertsmythy at the head of the Riddyngrawe, and subject 
to a rentcharge of 10s to the donor for life, to be paid in the soke of 
Connesburgh, with remainder to Ludwyk (Lewis) his son. Witnesses : 
Franco de Berneby, John de Wormeley, John Frere of Doncastre, 
Hugh de Elmesall, John son of Alexander de Sandale, John son of 
John de Connesburgh, John son of Hugh Clerk of Steristhorpe (sic). 
Notes : see number 902 ; a duplicate was copied into the register at 
folio 30, there referred to. 

844 1344 October 6th. Photograph of a Power of Attorney (Lat.), dated 

at Berwick, from Hugh son of the late John Swyft of Brennysford in the 
county of York and burgess of the town of Berwick-on-Tweed, to Robert 
Swyft his brother to receive seisin from Henry Swyft his brother, of all 
the lands which descended to him after the death of John Swyft his father 
in the township and territory of Brennysford. Notes : from the photo- 
graph it appears that the power was engrossed on vellum and that the 
seal was missing when it was photographed. 

272 1347 Friday next after the Feast of Saint Lucia Virgin (l3th December). 

Charter (Lat.), dated at Sheffeld, confirming a grant from Rose, daughter 
of John del Cliff of Ecclessale to Henry de Tapton, of all lands and 
tenements, with houses, woods, meadows, pastures and appurtenances, 
which were formerly of the said John, her father, in the lordship of 


Ecclessale. Witnesses : John Parker of Sheffeld, William Lambert of 
the same, Thomas (?) de Capella, Richard Shotar de Waddisley, John de 
Asshehirst, Richard Falk of Ecclessale. Vellum : one skin 9i X 3, seal 

900 (77) 1348 Monday after the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist 
(June 24th). Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at Roderham, from 
Letitia relict of William Kinge of Thornsete to Ivo de Kilnhurst, of any 
claim for dowry which she might have in the lands and tenements of her 
late husband. Witnesses: John del Mapples, Henry le Cresewill, 
John de Blyth clerk. Notes : see number 900. 

902 (xliv) 1355 September 20th, in the 29th year of Edward III. Perpetual 
Lease (Lat.), dated at Eycle, from brother John Panely prior of the 
Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in England to William de Ardern 
and Avice his wife, of two tofts and two oxgangs of land in Skarthyng 
Welle, in consideration of a yearly rent of 26s lOd to be paid to the 
preceptor or warden of Newland for the time being, of doing suit 
of court twice yearly at Whittekyrke, and of paying a heriot of 26s 8d 
to the House of Newland. Notes : see number 902. 

900 (83) (1355-6) Tuesday before the Feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle 
(February 24th), in the 30th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Raumarshe, confirming a grant from William son of Robert 
de Grenhill, then dwelling in London, to Adam son of Yvo Clerk of 
Raumarshe, of the reversion of half the lands and tenements formerly 
in the occupation of William de Raumarshe in the village and fields 
of Raumarshe, which Ellen (Elena) relict of William de Raumarshe, 
was then holding for the term of her life; also of a third of a croft 
then held by Alice relict of William de Hesleye as dowry, with reversion 
to the above Ellen (Elena), and afterwards to the grantor. Witnesses : 
William Monk of Roughmarsh (sic), William son of Hugh of the same. 
William Arowsmithe of the same, and John Paldein of the Overhaghe. 
Notes : see number 900. 

900 (80) 1356 April 12th, in the 31st year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Raumarshe, confirming a grant from Roger de Grenhill to Gilbert 
de Wilby rector of the church of Raumarshe, of a messuage and forty 
acres with appurtenances in Raumarshe, then lately acquired from 
William de Grenhill son and heir of Robert de Grenhill, dwelling in 
London. Witnesses : William Monke of Raumarsh, William son of 
Hugh of the same, Adam son of Hugh of the same, William Arousmithe 
of the same, Roger Samter of the same. Notes : see number 900. 
The regnal year and date do not agree. 


900 (88) 1356 Friday in the Feast of the Translation of the Saint Thomas the Martyr 
(July 3rd), in the 31st year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Raumarshe, confirming a grant from Gilbert de Wilbye rector of the 
church of Raumarsh, to John Morys of Gresbroke, of two parts of a 
messuage and two oxgangs of land with appurtenances in Raumarshe, 
and the reversion of the third part of the same, which Alice relict 
of Robert de Greenhill held as dowry, the whole having been acquired 
from Roger de Grenhill, and being formerly in the possession of William 
de Lydington citizen of York. Witnesses : William Monk of Rau- 
marshe, Adam son of Yvo of the same, William Arousmithe, William 
son of Hugh and Adam son of Hugh of the same. Notes; see 
number 900. According to the regnal year the date should be 1357. 

900 (84) 1356(-7) Thursday before the Feast of Saint Hilary (January 13th). 
Charter (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, confirming a grant from Robert 
de Grenhil to Robert his son, of a messuage, building, and two oxgangs 
of land, with meadows and appurtenances in Raumarshe, then lately 
acquired from William de Ludington. Witnesses : Thomas Clarell 
knight, Thomas de Reresbye knight, Thomas Bacon. Notes : see 
number 900. 

900 (81) (1357) Wednesday after the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed 
Mary Virgin (March 25th), in the 31st year of Edward III. Charter 
(Lat.), dated at London, confirming a grant from William de Grenhill, 
to Roger de Grenhill his kinsman, of a messuage and forty acres 
with appurtenances in Raumarshe. Witnesses : Robert de Thorp, 
Thomas de Lincolne, Richard Lacer, Roger de Depham, John Costantine, 
John Clerk of Woodstreete. Notes : see number 900. 

902 (liv) (1358) Sunday before the Feast of Saint Edmund King (November 20th), 
in the 32nd year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at Raven- 
feld, confirming a grant from William Bosevyll of Ravenfeld to Elyas 
Milner of Hoton, of five rods of land with appurtenances lying to- 
gether in the east field of Ravenfeld between lands of Sir Hugh 
de Hercy knight, and lands of Saint Mary, and abutting on land of 
Richard de Ravenfeld and Wynsewroye. Witnesses : William Bacon 
of Ravenfeld, John Peryn and Richard Caway of the same, John Galon, 
John Ryles, and Richard Clerk of Frysby. Notes : see numbers 902 
and 902 (xlvi). 

902 (xlvi) (1358) Sunday before the Feast of Saint Edmund King (November 20th), 
in the 32nd year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at Ravenfeld, 
confirming a grant from William Bosvell of Ravenfeld to Elyas Millner 


of Hoton, of five rods of land with appurtenances lying together in the 
east field of Ravenfeld between the land of Sir Hugh Hercy knight, 
and land of the Blessed Mary, and abutting on lands of Richard de 
Ravenfeld and Wynsywroe (?). Witnesses ; William Bacon of Raven- 
feld, John Peryn and Richard Caway of the same, John Galen, John 
Ryles, Richard Clerk of Frysseby. Notes : see number 902. This entry 
in the register is evidently the same as number 902 (liv), with variant 

900 (94) 1359 Thursday after the Feast of Saint Barnabas the Apostle (June 11th). 
Charter (Lat.), dated at Rougmarshe (Rawmarsh), confirming a grant 
from John Morys of Morleye to Sir Thomas de Wikersleye rector of 
the church of Triberge, of a messuage and two oxgangs with appurten- 
ances in Raumarshe, acquired from Sir Gilbert de Wilbye rector of 
the church of Raumarshe (sic), and by him from Roger de Grenhill. 
Witnesses : Sir Thomas Clarell and Sir Thomas de Reresbye knights, 
Simon Lyster of Roderham, Thomas Bacon of Hoton, William Monke 
of Raumarshe. Notes : see number 900. 

902 (liii) (1359) Saturday after the Feast of the Decollation of Saint John the 
and (Ivii) Baptist (August 29th), in the 33rd year of Edward HI. Indenture of 
Mutual Grants (Lat.), dated at Doncaster, between John de Doncastre 
and John de Wakefeld and Juliana his wife, whereby the former granted 
to the latter a messuage and appurtenances in Howys Street, which 
Thomas del Peek held from him, in exchange for a messuage in the 
same street which Nigel de Warmesworth held from John and Juliana and 
twenty marks, both parties giving to each other a warranty and promising 
reseisin of their original properties in certain contingencies. Witnesses : 
John Frere, John de Barneburgh, Adam de Thornton, William Wodekirk, 
John de Staynford, Adam Forester, William Knyght. Notes : see 
number 902. This indenture appears twice in the register there referred 
to. Howe or Hawe Cross seems to be Hall Cross, and Howys Strete 
might be Hall Gate. 

900 (9) (1359) Wednesday before the Feast of Saint Andreas the Apostle 
(November 30th). Charter (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, confirming a 
grant from Thomas de Wykersle rector of the church of Triberge to 
John Morys of Gresbroke, of two parts of a messuage and two oxgangs 
with appurtenances in Rawmarshe, and the reversion of the third part 
of the same, which Alice, relict of Robert de Greenhill held as dowry, 
the whole having formerly been in the possession of William de 
Lydington citizen of York. Witnesses : William Monke of Raumarshe, 


Adam son of Yvo of the same, William Arousmythe of the same, 
William son of Hugh of the same, Adam Hughson of the same. 
Notes: see numbers 900 and 900 (88). 

902 (Iv) (1359-60) Sunday after the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed 
Mary Virgin (February 2nd), in the 34th year of Edward III. Fragment 
of Charter (Lat.), dated at Doncastre, confirming a grant from John 
Saundre to John de Wakef eld of a croft with appurtenances. Witnesses : 
John Frere, William Woddekoke, Adam Forester, Robert Russell, 
William de Bentelaye, William Knyghte, Robert Chapman. Notes: 
see number 902. 

902 (Ivi) (1359-60) Sunday after the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed 
Virgin Mary (February 2nd), in the 34th year of Edward III, Charter 
(Lat.), dated at Doncastre, confirming a grant from John Saunder of 
Doncastre to John de Wakefeld, of a croft with appurtenances in Don- 
castre lying on the green marsh, between the croft of the late Constance 
Chaloner and the green marsh, and abutting on the marsh and the bank of 
the river Don, acquired from Richard brother of William de Burton of 
Doncastre. Witnesses: John Frere, William Woddekok, Adam Forester, 
Robert Russell, William Bentelaye, William Knyght, William Chapman. 
Notes : see number 902. 

902 (i) 136l(-2) Sunday before the Feast of Saint Wilfrid (February 10th). 

Charter (Lat.), dated at Ravenfeld, confirming a grant from Hugh 
Bacon of Ravenfeld and Agnes, late wife of William Bosevyll of the 
same, to Richard de Ravenfeld, of an acre in the east field of Ravenfeld 
lying in the Crokedlandes between the lands of John de Connesburgh 
and Robert Miller. Witnesses : John de Connesburgh, William Bacon, 
John Alen, Robert Miller, Thomas Bacon. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (Ixxv) (1362) Tuesday after the- Feast of Saint Dionysius (October 9th), in the 
36th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at Doncastre, confirm- 
ing a grant from John de Wakefeld of Doncastre and Juliana (Gillian) his 
wife, to William de Hexthor chaplain, and Hugh Benteley of Doncastre, 
of a message with appurtenances in the street of Howys (Hawe or 
Hall — Hallgate?) in Doncastre, acquired from John de Doncastre, and 
lying between the tenement of John atte Welle and the land formerly in 
the tenure of Thomas de Barneburghe. Witnesses: John Tykhyll, 
William Woddecoke, John de Stayneford, Robert Fulhill, Richard 
de Skauceby, John de Hoton, William de Bentley. Notes: see 
number 902. 


900 (91) 1368(-9) the Feast of Saint Wilfrid Archbishop and Confessor (February 
10th). Charter (Lat.), dated at Rawmarshe, confirming a grant from 
John son of Thomas de Morleye of Nederhaghe, to Richard son of John 
Morys of Moreleye, of a messuage and two oxgangs with appurtenances 
in Romarshe then lately acquired from the said Richard. Witnesses : 
Adam Yveson, William Hughson, John de Bramley. Notes : see number 

900 (86) 1369 Friday in the Feast of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle (August 24th). 
Charter (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, confirming a grant from .... 
of Adam (Ade) Yvseson to Sir Gilbert rector of the church of Raumarshe 
and William Chepe of Roderham, of his lands and tenements with 
appurtenances in Raumarshe, acquired from William de Greenhill. 
Witnesses : John de Momforde, William Monks, Roger Redtomyn 
(Redcomyn?), John de Bramleye, and William son of Hugh. Notes : see 
number 900. The copyist seems to have omitted a name before Adam 

900 (95) (1369) Tuesday after the Feast of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle 
(August 24th), in the 43rd year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Raumarshe, confirming a grant from Richard Moris to Sir Gilbert rector 
of the church of Raumarshe and John de Morleye of the Netherhalghe, of 
all the lands and tenements in Raumarshe inherited by the grantor after 
the death of John his father. Witnesses : William Monke, Adam 
Yveson, Roger Redcomyn, John de Bramleye, William son of Hugh. 
Notes : see number 900. 

902 (Ixi) (1374) Sunday before the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross (May 
3rd), in the 48th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at Mikil- 
bryng, confirming a grant from John Grubbe of the parish of Ecclesfelde 
and Isabella his wife to John Chapman of Mikilbryng and Elizote his 
wife, of their share of a toft with appurtenances in Mikilbryng, lying 
between the toft of John son of John Cressy and the toft of Alice 
Brewster. Witnesses : William Cressy, Walter Bolyngton, William 
son of John de Mikilbryng, John Marchall, John Claye, Stephen Clifton, 
John White. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (Ixxii) 1374(-5) January 10th. Charter (Lat.), dated at Doncastre, confirming 
a grant from Dionisia (Denyse or Dyot), widow of Roger Wyghtman of 
Doncastre, to William son of John de Wakefeld and Henry his brother, 
of two acres with appurtenances in Doncastre, lying between the lands of 
Thomas Cartwryght and Robert Swalohill, and abutting upon the 
Potorowcare (sic) and on Tenesgate (or Tevesgate) next to the 


Lenedebalke (Levedebalke). Witnesses: Richard Lewer, Robert de 
Eland, Robert Wodcoke, Nicholas de Bramwythe, William Turkays, 
Adam de Bramley. Notes : see number 902. 

273 (1374-5) January 20th, in the 48th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Sheffeld, confirming a grant from Roger de Tapton of Ecclissale 
to Joan his daughter, of a messuage with outbuilding in Ecclissale, with 
all his lands and tenements lying in length and width within Bryndecliff 
and Helay water, which he inherited after the decease of his father and 
mother. Witnesses: Thomas Shoter, William Gonnour, John Mounteney 
junior, Richard Falke, John del Asshehirst, John de Copley, Robert Alan. 
Vellum : one skin 12X4, seal missing. 

274 (1374-5) January 29th, in the 49th year of Edward III. Grant of Life 
Estate (Lat.), dated at Sheffeld, from Johanna daughter and heiress of 
Roger de Tapton to Roger de Tapton of Ecclisale, in a messuage in 
Ecclissale (sic) and in all her lands and tenements in Bryndeclifif and 
Helay Water, which she had of the gift of Roger de Tapton her father. 
Witnesses : Thomas Shoter, William Gonnour, John Mounteney junior. 
Vellum : one skin 12 X 4i, seal missing. 

902 (Ixxiii) (1375) the Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist (April 25th), in the 49th 
year of Edward III. Letter of Attorney (Lat.), dated at Doncastre 
from Dionisia (Denyse or Dyot), widow of Roger Wyghteman of Don- 
castre, appointing William Pynchon of Doncastre to deliver seisin to 
William son of John de Wakefeld and Henry his brother, in two acres 
of land in Doncastre with appurtenances. Notes : see numbers 902 and 
902 (Ixxii). 

902 (xliii) (1380) May 14th. Charter (Lat.), dated at Bernyngham, confirming a 
grant from William Vyncent of Bermygham (sic) to John Lacon of Berse- 
furth. Sir William Berton rector of the church of Bernyngham, and 
Thomas de Thorp chaplain of Bernyngham, of all his lands in Bernyng- 
ham and Scetheby. Witnesses: William de Bernyngham, John de la 
Grene, William de la Ghilles. Notes : see number 902. In the margin 
is written " Barnyngham." 

900 (96) 1380 Monday after the Feast of Saint Katerine the Virgin (November 25th). 
Charter (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, • confirming a grant from Richard 
Morys of Morleye to John de Momforde, of a messuage and two oxgangs 
of land with appurtenances in Raumarshe, lying between the land of John 
de Anisley knight and land formerly of William de Hestleye, acquired 
I from Sir Gilbert rector of the church of Raumarshe and John de Moreleye 


of the Netherhalghe. Witnesses : William Monke of Raumarshe, William 
Hudson, Roger Redcomyn, Thomas Dilsye, Thomas del London, all of 
the same. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (89) (1383) Thursday after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (Sep- 
tember 29th), in the 7th year of Richard II. Release and Quit Claim 
(Lat.), dated at Rawmarshe, from Adam Iveson of Rawmarshe to John 
Momforthe of Kilnhurst, of a messauge, toft and croft, and half an acre of 
land in Rawmarshe, formerly in the possession of William de Rawmarshe. 
Witnesses : Thomas de Rerisbye knight, Gilbert rector of the church of 
Rawmarshe, Gilbert the rector's kinsman, William de Hawton chaplain, 
William Monke. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (93) 1383 Saturday before the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (September 
29th), in the 7th year of Richard II. Cliarter (Lat), dated at Raumarshe, 
confirming a grant of a life estate from William Hudson of Raumarshe, 
to John son of Adam Yveson, in a messuage, toft and croft, with half an 
acre and appurtenances formerly belonging to Adam Yveson. Witnesses: 
Thomas de Reresbye chivaler, William de Wentworth of Hoton, John 
Wawasur of Dennigbye, Gilbert rector of the church of Raumarshe, 
William Monke. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (82) 1383 Sunday before the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (September 
29th). Charter (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, confirming a grant from John 
son of Adam Yveson to John Momforthe of Kilnhurst, of a messauge, toft, 
croft, and half an acre of land with appurtenances, the former lying between 
the highway to the greene, and the common field of Raumarshe ; and 
abutting on the croft of Sir John de Hanesley, and the half -acre lying upon 
the Holdbreckes. Witnesses : Thomas de Reresbye chivaler, Thomas 
de Wintwort of Hoton, Gilbert rector of the church of Raumarshe, Henry 
le Westbye, John Wawasur of Denugbye, Gilbert atte Welle chaplain, 
William Monke of Raumarshe. Notes ; see number 900. 

902 (xxxvi) (1384) Friday in the Feast of the Translation of Saint Thomas the Martyr 
(July 7th), in the 8th year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.) confirming a 
grant from Walter de Bolyngton of Braithwell and Alice his wife to 
Thomas Gymlyng of Maltby and Agnes his wife, of a toft with buildings, 
a croft and fifteen acres. These lands lay scattered in the fields of 
Braithwell and their position is minutely described, the names of the 
owners of the adjoining strips being given. Personal Names : William 
Cressy, William Waite, William Oldeman, William son of Nicholas 
Turnour of Mikilbryng, Thomas de Shefeld, John Bayne, William de 
Cownalle, John son of Robert de Clyfton, Adam de Balne, William de 


More, John de Steresthorp, the prior of Lewes, John de Burgh. Place 
Names: Mikilfeld, Littilfeld, Sandegrenes, Thuatys. Witnesses: 
William Nelleson of Braithwell, John Cartwryght of the same, 
Richard Roose, Robert Wembster, Henry of Hallomshire, John Smith 
of the same, Ralph Forester of Edlyngton, William Emmotson 
of Maltby, Richard Jakes of the same. Notes: see number 902. 
This charter appears on the second of the two folios numbered 38 in the 
register there referred to. 

900 (98) (1391) the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross (May 3rd), in the 14th 
year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, confirming a 
grant from Gilbert Attewell and William Smythe chaplain, to John 
Momforde of all their lands acquired from the said John Momforde in 

Rawmarshe. Witnesses : William Thomas Heleye, John 

Potter, Thomas Attelonnd, John Attepors (Atte pons?). Notes: see 
number 900. Robert Attebrigg appears as a witness in this year, see 
number 900 (lOO). 

900 (100) 1391 the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary Virgin (August 
15th). Grant (Lat.), dated at Raumarshe, of a life estate from John 
Momforthe of Kilnhurst to Thomas his son, in a messuage in Ramarshe (sic) 
and two oxgangs with the wood growing upon them, acquired from 
Richard Morys. Witnesses : William Monk, Robert Attebrigg, Thomas 
Hesleye. Notes : see number 900. 

902 (Ixiii) 1391 Wednesday in the Feast of Saint Nicholas (December 6th), in the 
15th year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.), dated at Mikilbryng, confirming 
a grant from John Cressy of Braithwell then living in Wathe, to John 
Chapman of Mikilbryng, of one messuage and a croft of four butts, lying 
between the messauge of John del Clay and the land of William de More, 
and abutting on the highroad through the village and a certain head butt 
called Cressewell Heddeland. Witnesses : Thomas de Shefeld of Braith- 
well, William Nelleson, Henry Grene, Richard Royes and Robert Webster 
of the same, John Claye of Mikilbryng, William del More, and John 
Marchalle of the same. Notes : see number 902. 

842 (1392-3) Thursday next after the feast of Saint Edward King (March 

18th), in the 16th year of Richard II. Photograph of a Release and 
Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at Ecclesfeld, by John Sewale and John son of 
Thomas Scot of Ecclesfeld, to Nicholas de Alastre and Emma his wife 
and Margaret de Mapples, of all their right and claim in all the lands and 
tenements, meadows, feedings, woods and pastures in Burley and Eccles- 
feld, of which John de Leeston, kinsman to the said Emma and Margaret 


his heirs, died seised. Witnesses : Thomas de Nevylle chivaler, Lord de 
Furnyvalle, John de Mounteney chivaler, John de Gayteford, Hugh de 
Cressy, John Housley, Nicholas de Mortumley, Richard Ingram. Notes : 
from the photograph it appears that the charter was engrossed on vellum 
and had no seal when the photograph was taken. 

12 (xlii) (1392) Friday in the Feast of Pentecost (May 21st), in the 19th year of 
Richard II. Charter (Lat.), dated at Braithwell, confirming a grant 
from William Brampton of Braithwell, to Sir Hugh vicar of Braithwell, 
of a messuage and eight acres in Braithwell, of which the messuage lay 
between those of William Waite and John Aleyn, and abutted on the 
grazing ground (forarium) formerly belonging to Roger Kylnhirste and 
upon the highway, and the acres lay scattered in the fields of Braithwell ; 
both properties having descended to the grantor from his father William 
Brampton. Witnesses : Thomas de Shefeld of Braithwell, William 
Cressy, William Gymlyn, Richard Roise, Robert Webster, all of the 
same. Notes : see number 902. 

12 (xxxiv) 1392 Monday in the Feast of the Apostles Symon and Jude (October 
28th). Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from John Pacy of Braithwell 
and Isabell his wife to John Chapman of Mikilbryng, of an acre of land 
with appurtenances in the Little Field of Braithwell lying between the 
lands of John de Helay of Clifton and land formerly in the occupation of 
Henry Barnefathir of the same, and abutting on a head-butt of William 
Cressy and a wood of the lord Duke of York. Witnesses: William Cressy 
of Braithwell, William Gymblyn of the same, John Claye of Mikilbryng, 
William Nelson, Richard Rose. Notes : see number 902. 

12 (vi) (1395) within three weeks of Easter (April 11th), in the 18th year of 
Richard II. Pinal Concord (Lat.) between John Markham, William 
deGascoigne, and William Woderove, plaintiffs, and William de Sandeby 
and John Tee and Melio . . Notes : see number 902. The copy of the 
deed is unfinished and the following explanation is given in the margin : — 
vacat hie quia antea in vi*° folio libri. Marked Ravenfeld at the side. 

12 (xlv) 1395 July 12th, in the 18th year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Fykburne, confirming a grant from John Onston of Pykburne to Thomas 
Chambreleyn his kinsman, of a messuage with appurtenances in the town 
of Doncastre, lying between the messuage then late in the tenure of Nicholas 
de Bramwith and the messuage of the said John, and abutting on Hawegate 
and the garden of Robert Pykeburn, with two acres of land in the fields 
of Doncastre, lying between the lands formerly in the tenure of Thomas del 
Bedde and of William de Dalby (Balby ?), and abutting on the common 


road leading from the Cross to the church of Saint James and the land of 
Richard le Warre ; also a messuage and four acres in the town and fields 
of Doncastre and Whetelay, the messuage lying in Hawegate between the 
messuages of the heirs of John Hussher, and of the grantor, and abutting 
on the land of Hugh de Wombewell and the highway, one and half acres 
lying at Claierpittes, between the lands of William Woddek and Thomas 
Cote, another acre on Brakynhill, between the lands of the lord of Whetelay 
and abutting on lands of Robert de Morton and William Steynforth, 
another acre and a half lying in Longnewton between lands of the heirs 
of John Frere and land late in the tenure of William Lokesymth and 
abutting on the road to Hatefeld and the More. Witnesses : William 
BarboHr, Richard Asshe, John Eland, William Aston, Thomas Phislak 
(Fishlake ?). Notes: see number 902. 

902 (xxxix) (1397) Sunday before the Feast of Saint Margaret (September 2nd), in 
the 21st year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.), dated at Braithwell, 
confirming a grant from John Pacy of Braithwell and Isabell his wife to 
Richard Sponer of Mikilbryng and Joan his wife, of an acre and a half of 
land in the fields of Braithwell, the acre lying upon Cliffestyghe between 
land of William de Mora and land of Henry Barnfadre and abutting on 
the land of the abbot of Roche, and a road called Cliffestyghe leading 
from a plot called Houvellcrofte to a plot called the Marsshe, and the half 
acre lying between the lands of Henry Birley and abutting on land of 
the abbot of Roche at ClifFestygh and on a road called Brodegate leading 
from Braithwell to the Moor. Witnesses : Thomas Shefeld of Braithwell, 
William Cressy of the same, William Gilmyn of the same, John Clay of 
Mikilbryng, William Moore of the same. Notes : see number 902. 
For William de Mora see William de le More, William de More, 
William Moore, in index. 

902 (xi) (1397) Monday before the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude (October 28th), 
in the 31st (sic) year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.), dated at Pykburn, 
confirming a grant from John Oton of Pykburne (sic) to John Donnyng 
of Hathwyk, John Warde of Bentelay and Adam Fouler of Erkesey, of 
all his lands and tenements in Benteley and Arkesly (sic), which he 
acquired from Thomas Chaumbrelay, his kinsman. Witnesses: John 
Gamell, Robert de Moore, Robert Wilson. Notes: see number 902. 
Apparently 21 Richard II is meant. The deed is marked Steristhorpe 
in the margin. 

902 (xii) (1397) Wednesday before the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude (October 
28th), in the 21st year of Richard II. Letter of Attorney (Lat.), dated 
at Pykborn, from John Onton of Pykeburne (sic) appointing Robert 


Wilson of Pykburn (sic) to deliver seisin to John Donnhyng of Hath- 
wike, John Warde of Bentelay and Adam Fouler of Erkesey of lands etc. 
Notes : see numbers 902 and 902 (xi). This deed is marked Steristhorp 
in the margin. 

902 (xl) (1398) the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross (May 3rd), in the 21st 
year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.), dated Braithewell, confirming a 
grant from Sir Hugh vicar of Braithvsrell, to John de Tuxeford, of a 
messuage and eight acres with appurtenances in Braithwell, of which the 
messuage lay between the messuages of William Wayte and John Alan, 
and abutted upon the grazing ground (forarium) formerly belonging to 
Roger de Kylnehirst, and the King's Highway through Braithwell ; and 
the eight acres were scattered in the fields of Braithwell. Witnesses : 
Thomas Shefeld, William Cressy, William Gilmyn, William Nelson, 
Robert Webster, all of Braithwell. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (Ixiv) Late 14th or early 15th century. Portion of a Charter (Lat.) confirming 
a grant from Robert son of John son of Nigell junior of Braithwell, 
chaplain, to Sir Hugh del Grene perpetual vicar of the church of Braith- 
well, of six acres with appurtenances in the field of Braithewell (sic) and 
Mikilbryng ; one acre lying in the great field in the marsh, between the 
lands of Joseph de Mikilbryng and Peter Tapitts, another acre in the 
Mideldole in the same field lying between the lands of the aforesaid Elias 
(?) and of John Cartewryghte and Elias Bargayn and extending from the 
ditch of Mikilbryng to the Hawe, another half acre in the little field, 
called the Wrangelands, between lands of the lord prior of Lewes and of 
Robert (the grantor), at the head of the village of Mikilbryng, another half 
acre at Shire-eshes in the same field between the lands of Robert (the 
grantor) and William Pygon, another acre at Brakhawe, and half an acre 
at the Sandgrenes between the lands of the grantor and the abbot of Roche; 
in exchange for a toft and croft in Braithwell. Notes : see number 900. 

902 (iii) Early 15th century. Release and Quit Claim (Lat.) from Richard 
Bacon of Ravenfeld chaplain to Sir Robert de Saundby, of a toft in 
Ravenfeld with buildings and land, which Robert de Hersyne formerly 
held of the above Richard as of the fee of Sir Robert de Sandby (sic), in 
consideration of half a mark paid by Sir Robert. Witnesses : Ralph de 
Feld, Ralph de Normanvill, William de Byrton, Henry de Tyneslewe, 

~ I I _ II m m— I 

Hugh de Halton, Robert Molle of Hoton, Michael de Warmesford, John 
Belle of the same. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xvii) Early 15th century. Portion of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant 
from Alice widow of Thomas Goldesmyth of Rotherham to William Yole 
of Thrybarghe and Joan his wife of a messuage lately belonging to her 


husband Thomas Goldesmyth " in vico rivoU de Rotherham " between a 
tenement of the Guild of the Holy Cross and a tenement of Robert Wyker, 
and abutting on the high road and a barn of Robert Bolhome, which 
messuage was acquired from Robert de Addewyke and Agnes his wife by 

a charter of feoffment in fee farm Notes : see numbers 

902 and 902 (xiv). 

902 (Ixxi) (1400-1440) Portion of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from John 
Clay of Braithwell and William Clay of the same, to John Vyncent 
and Agnes his wife, of a messuage and garden in Mikilbryng and eighteen 
acres scattered through the fields of Braithewell (sic), then lately acquired 
from William Marchall late of Mikilbryng. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (Ixvi) 1401 Wednesday in the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle (November 
30th), in the 3rd year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated at Mikilbryng, 
from Elizote widow of William Chappman of Mikilbryng, to Sir Hugh de 
Grene perpetual vicar of the parish of Braithwell and Sir Henry Daye of 
the same, chaplain, of a toft and building in Mikilbryng, situate between 
the toft of John Chappman, the grantor's then husband, and the toft of 
Robert Angher, called Crompeyerd. Witnesses: William Nelson of 
Braithwell, William Gilmyn, John Daye of the same, John Claye of 
Mikilbryng, and John Marchall of the same. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (Ix) 1401 Wednesday in the Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle (December 
21st), in the 3rd year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated at Mikilbryng, 
confirming a grant from Hugh de Grene perpetual vicar of the parish 
church of Braithewell, and Henry Daye of the same, chaplain, to Elizote 
formerly wife of John Chappeman of Mikilbryng, for the term of her life, of 
all their lands with appurtenances in the town and fields of Braithwell (sic), 
which they received by feoffment from John Chapman (sic) and the said 
Elizot (sic), with remainder to Joan Sponer daughter of John and Elizote 
Chapman. Witnesses : Thomas de Shefeld of Braithewell, William 
Gymlyng of the same, William de More of Mikilbryng, John Claye of the 
same, John Marchall of the same. Notes : see number 902. 

900(101) (1410-11) the Feast of Saint Marcellus Pope (January i6th), in the 
12th year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated at Rawmarshe, confirming 
a grant from Thomas Momforde of Kilnhurst to Sir Gilbert rector of 
Rawmarshe and Sir Richard Beete chaplain, of all his lands and rents 
with appurtenances in Rawmarshe, Loversall, Roderham, and Kimber- 
worthe. Witnesses: John Potter of Ramarshe (sic), William Kinge, 
Thomas Repas of Loversall, Robert Oxonford, William Wolhous, John 
Wrabye of Roderham, Robert Dobson of Kimberworthe. Notes: see 
number 900. 


900 (102) (1410-11) Thursday after the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed 
Mary Virgin (February 2nd), in the 12th year of Henry IV. Deed of 
Covenant (Lat.), dated at Serelbye, between Thomas Clarell on the one 
part and Lady Joan relict of John de Serelbye, and William Rygmaden, 
on the other, to create a marriage settlement on the marriage between 
John Mountforthe kinsman of Thomas Clarell, and Elisabeth daughter of 
Nicholas de Serelbye, with conveyance of lands in Rawmarshe, Loversall, 
Roderham and Kimberworthe from John Mountforthe to two chaplains, 
and thence to himself and his wife Elizabeth, and with mutual covenants 
between the parties. Notes : see number 900. 

902 (Ixii) (1414) the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (September 29th), in the 
2nd year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated at Braithwell, confirming 
a grant from Hugh rector of the parish church of Sandall near Doncas- 
tre, to Hugh vicar of the parish church of Braithwell and William Nelson 
of the same, of a messuage in Braithwell lying between the messuages of 
Nicholas Tailiour and John Smythe, and abutting on the road and a head- 
land of John Arton, and eight acres scattered in the fields of Braithwell. 
Witnesses : William Gilmyn of Braithwell, Nicholas Arton, Robert 
Hyngram, and John Alayn of the same, John More of Mikilbryng. 
Notes : see number 902. 

902 (vii) (1414-15) March 3rd, in the 2nd year of Henry V. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Ravenfeld, confirming a grant from Robert de Ravenfeld to 
Richard his son, of a messuage with buildings in Ravenfeld, lying between 
the messuage formerly belonging to Hugh Bacon and a toft called 
Bromeflatte, and thirty-two acres of arable and pasture land in the fields 
and territory of Ravenfeld, reserving to the grantor a rent of 20s annually 
for life. Witnesses: Thomas de Westby, John de Tey, William de 
Hoton, William Bacon, William de Ravenfeld. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xx) (1415) the Feast of Saint Matthew (September 21st), in the 3rd year of 
Henry V. Letter of Attorney (Lat.), dated at Ouston, from Robert 
Atefoxhill appointing Thomas de Kirkeby to deliver seisin to Thomas 
Chaumbreleyn, of a messuage and oxgang of land and an annual rent of 
8s. Witnesses : John Foulewod, John Holme, John son of Thomas de 
Sandhell. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xxxvii) (1419) Wednesday after the Feast of Saint Bartholomew (August 24th), 
in the 7th year of Henry V. Charter (Lat.), dated at Braithwell, con- 
firming a grant from Sir Hugh de Grene perpetual vicar of the church of 
Braithwell, to Robert son of Ingram Cartewryght of Dynnyngton and Alice 
his wife, daughter of Thomas Gymblyn of Malteby, of a toft and croft in 


Braithwell, lying between the plots of William Cressy and William Waite 
and abutting on the high road and the "hadeland" of John Kylnehirste, and 
fifteen acres and a half in the fields of Braithwell, to hold the same as a 
marriage portion. Witnesses : Thomas Shefeld, William Gymlyng, 
Robert Forester of Edlington, William Nelleson of Braithwell, Stephen 
Cressy of Staynton. Notes : see number 902. This charter appears 
on the second of the two folios numbered 38 in the register there 
referred to. 

256 (1419) October 10th, in the 7th year of Henry V. Release and Quit 

Claim (Lat.), dated at Acastre Selby, by William Lambard citizen of York 
and Denyse his wife, formerly wife of Thomas Kelfeld (or Belfeld) 
citizen and littester (dyer) of York to John Styllyngton of Bysshopthorp 
and Robert Esyngwald clerk, of all right and claim in all those lands and 
tenements, pastures, rents and services, with all and singular their appur- 
tenances, which lately belonged to Robert Holme de Rikall and Alice his 
wife in the town and territory of Acaster Selby. Witnesses : Thomas 
Brokett of Nunappilton, Nicholas Northfolk of Naburn, John Webster of 
Acastre Selby, William Skelton of York, Thomas Ward of the same. 
Vellum : one skin 13 x 6i, seals missing. 

902 (xxxii) 1420 the Feast of Saint John the Baptist (June 24th), in the 8th year of 
Henry V. Charter (Lat.), dated at Braithwell, confirming a grant from 
John Smyth of Braithwell and Evette his wife to Stephen his son, of all 
their lands in the village and fields of Braithwell. Witnesses : William 
Gilmyn, John de le Moore, Richard Loversall, John Dey, John Roose, 
Thomas Roose, William . . . eson, Robert Sponer, Sir William Fraunce. 
Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xlvii) (1423) Sunday in the Feast of Saint John the Evangelist (May 6th), in 
the 1st year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated at Braithwell, confirming 
a grant from John de Langthwayte of Clifton to Thomas Vessy of Clyfton 
(sic) of his lands and tenements in the town and fields of Braithewelle (sic). 
Witnesses : William de Langthwayte, Henry Johnson of Clyfton, John 
son of Henry of the same, Robert Langthwayte, John Moyrre of Mykil- 
bryng, Robert Claye of the same. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xlviii) (1423) Sunday in the Feast of Saint John the Evangelist (May 6th), in 
the 1st year of Henry VL Letter of Attorney (Lat.), dated at Braith- 
well, from John de Langthwayte of Clyfton, appointing John de Armitage 
of Connesburghe to deliver seisin to Thomas Vessy of Clyfton of all his 
lands and tenements in Braithwell. Notes: see number 902. 


902 (ii) (1424-5) the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle (February 24th). 
Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at Ravenfeld, from WilHam de 
Ravenfeld chaplain and Thomas Bacon, to Thomas Stubbes, of a toft in 
Ravenfeld formerly acquired from John Tey. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xix) (1425) September 20th, in the 4th year of Henry VI. Release and Quit 
Claim (Lat.), dated at Doncastre, by John Downyng of Athewyk and John 
Warde of Bentlay to William Rokeby, Richard Rokeby, and John Briane, 
of all rights held in common with Adam Fowler of Arkesay, in lands 
and tenements acquired from John Anston of Pygeburn. Notes: see 
number 902. 

902 (xviii) (1425) September 20th, in the 4th year of Henry VI. Release and Quit 
Claim (Lat.), dated at Doncastre, by William Foxe chaplain, and William 
Peyke of Bentelay, to William Rokeby, Richard Rokeby and John Briane, 
of the properties in Yorkshire acquired from Thomas Chaumbreleyn of 
Doncastre. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xxxi) (1427) the Feast of Saint Michael Archangel (September 29th), in the 
6th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated at Braithwell, confirming 
a grant from John Westby to John Vyncent, of fourteen acres of land 
with appurtenances late in the tenure of Thomas Gregory and lying in the 
fields of Braithwell. Witnesses : Thomas Vessy of Clifton, Robert 
Clay of Braithwell, Stephen Cressy, William Cressy, and William 
Wryght of the same. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xiv) (1427-8) Wednesday after the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed 
Virgin Mary (February 2nd). Charter (Lat.), dated at Thrybargh, 
confirming a grant from William Yole of Thrybagh (sic) to Thomas 
Bereton (later in the deed spelt Breton) of the same, Sir John Yole 
chaplain of the same, and John Helyman of Rotherham, of a messuage 
with buildings and appurtenances " in vico rivoli de Rotherham " (in 
the street of the stream of Rotherham) between a tenement of the Guild 
of the Holy Cross and the tenement of Robert Coton and abutting on the 
high road and the bam of John Bolome. Witnesses : William Clarell 
of Maddowe esquire, John Weste of Rotherham, Robert Coton of the 
same, Richard Wortlay of Tankyrsley esquire. Notes : see number 902. 
For " Chantry of the Holy Cross," see Guest's " Rotherham," page 80-82. 
Maddowe is now Meadow Hall. 

902 (iv) (1428-9) Wednesday after the Feast of Saint Valentine (February 13th), in 
the 7th year of Henry VI. Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at 
Ravenfeld, from Agnes widow of William Nelson of Ravenfeld, to Thomas 


Stubbes of Ravenfeld, of all the lands and appurtenances formerly in the 
possession of her late husband in Ravenfeld or in the territory thereof. 
Witnesses : William Hoton, Robert Cusseworth, William White. Notes : 
see number 902. 

902 (v) 1428-9 (?). Survey (Lat.) of Ravenfeld, with the holdings in Ralven- 
feld, the west field and the north field. The intermingled strips are 
noted as being in the tenure of Thomas Stubbes, Thomas Westby, Robert 
Barbott, Robert Cusseworth, William Hoton, Richard Tailiour, William 
Wythe, Thomas Boswell, Henry Boswell, John Somerton, Robert Wygfall, 
John Morton, Thomas Bacune, William Nelson, the late Robert Middilton, 
William Sayvill, John Cartwright. Place Names: Dalehyll, Kirkelond, 
Haghbroke, Croket Londes, Lytilmoore, Litell Hek, Riddyngflat, Ledeat- 
flat, Wynsgravefiat, ApuU Tre Well Hyll, Portergrene, Partrykgrene, 
Oldfeld, Moreheed, Lone, Hylclyffe, Croket Gappe, Dale Gappe, Kerres, 
Kerre Hyll, Haddes, Buttes, Quarelhyll, Rocrosgate, Henker, Cowbayn- 
hill, Heldowe, Milne Ynge, Monk Ynge, Saynt Mary Flate, Ynghyll, 
Smallewod, Horsecroft Bouke, Heleyn Tre Bouke, Crokett, Reed Hyll, 
Hoton Gate, New Diche. Notes : see number 902. This survey covers 
three and a half closely written pages, and is very minute. With the 
help of an old map of Ravenfeld it would probably be possible to 
"reconstruct" the manor. To judge from the names in the list, the 
survey seems to have been taken about the date of number 902 (iv). 

902 (xv) 1429 Wednesday before the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross 
(May 3rd). Charter (Lat.), dated at Rotherham, confirming a grant 
from Thomas Breton of Thrybarghe, Sir John Yole chaplain of the 
same, and John Helyman of Rotherham to Hugh Yole of Morthynge 
of a messuage with buildings and appurtenances in Rotherham. 
Witnesses: William Clarell of Maddhowe esquire, John Weste of 
Rotherham, William Wolhous of the same, Robert Coton of the same, 
John Dobson of the same. Notes: see numbers 902 and 902 (xiv). 

902 (Ixx) (1430) June 2nd, in the 8th year of Henry VL Letter of Attorney 

(Lat.) from Hugh Grene then late vicar of the church of Braithwell, 
appointing William Carlyll vicar of the church of Braithwell, to deliver 
seisin to John Vyncent, in six acres lying in the fields of Braithwell 
and Mikilbryng. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (Ixviii) (1430) August 20th, in the 8th year of Henry VL Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Braithewell, confirming a grant from Thomas Vessy of Clyfton 
and Thomas Roos of Braithwell (sic) to John Vyncent of Braithwell and 


Agnes his wife of a tenement, toft and croft, with appurtenances in 
the lordship of Braithwell, then lately acquired from Robert Ingram 
of Braithwell, of which the tenement was situated between the tenements 
of William Gylmyng and William Whyte. Witnesses: William 
Carlyll vicar of the church of Braithwell, Robert Wryghte, Robert Claye 
and William Smythe of the same, Richard Sponer of Mikilbryng. 
Notes: see number 902. 

902 (xli) (1430) October 2nd, in the 9th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Braithwell, confirming a grant from Hugh Grene late vicar 
of the church of Braithwell, to John Vyncent, of a messuage and eight 
acres in Braithwell, of which the messuage lay between those of Walter 
BoUyngton and Alice Burgias. Witnesses: Sir William Carlyll vicar 
of the church of Braithwell, William Gilmyn, Robert Wryght, Robert 
Clay, William Wryght, and Hugh Clay, all of Braithwell. Notes : see 
number 902. 

248 (1430) December 20th, in the 9th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 

dated at Coptrydyng within the town of Stayneland, confirming a grant 
from John Haghe son and heir of John Haghe of Haghous to Thomas 
Haghe brother of John Haghe (the grantor) and son of John Haghe 
of Haghous, of all the messuages, lands and tenements, meadows, woods, 
and pastures, with their appurtenances, which descended to him (the 
grantor), by right of inheritance, after the decease of the said John 
Haghe of Haghous, in a place called Coptrydyng, and in all Other 
places within the town and territory of Stayneland. Witnesses ; 
William Bentlay vicar of the church of Hudderysfeld, John Mylner of 
Bradlaygrange, William Denton of Skaymondeyne, Thomas Haghe of 
Qwarneby, Thomas Haghe of Skyrehous. Vellum : one skin Hi X 3, 
seal missing. Notes : Staniland is near Halifax, and Scammonden 
near Huddersfield. 

902 (xvi) (1433-4) the Feast of Saint "Vyncencius" Martyr (January 22nd), 
in the 12th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated at Rotherham, 
confirming a grant from Hugh Yole of Mortyng to John Vyncent of a 
messuage with buildings and appurtenances. Witnesses : Thomas 
Clarell esquire, John Bolome of Rotherham, William Willous of the 
same, John Byrley of the same, John Baddesworth of the same. 
Notes: see numbers 902, 902 (xiv) and 902 (xv). 

902 (viii) (1434-5) January 20th, in the 13th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Doncastre and relating to Balby, confirming a grant from Thomas 
Neel to John Vincent and Agnes his wife of an annual rent of 2d, 


issue of an acre of land in the field called the Kirkefeld of Balby, 
lying between the lands of the lord of Exthorp and of John Blande, 
which acre Thomas Dowsyng received from Thomas Neel; also an 
annual rent of 4d from lands lying in the Milnefeld of Exthorp, between 
the lands of the lord of Exthorpe (sic), William Thomson, the lord 
de Malley, and of the heirs of Robert GefFray, part of which William 
Robinson received from Thomas Neel; also a rent of Id from half an 
acre at the east end of Balby lying between the lands of the lord of 
Exthorp and Robert Scott, which William Sparoo received from Thomas 
Neel. Witnesses: Robert Rypas of Loversall, Thomas Daybell of 
Warmesworth, William Vylee of Doncaster, Thomas Mesyn of the 
same, William Woddekirk. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (ix) (1434-5 ?). Portion of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from Thomas 
Neell to John Vyncent and Agnes his wife of an annual rent of 4d 
from two acres at Branscroft in the east end of Balby, lying between 
the lands of the Hospital of Saint James and of John Vyncent then 
in the tenure of Alexander Milnegate, also of an annual rent of 2d 
from an acre of land at Branscroft lying between the lands of the 
abbot of Bekham and of Robert Mershe then in the tenure of John 
Grayye, also an annual rent of 2id from an acre of land lying between 
the lands of the lord of Exthorpe and the abbot of Beckham (sic) 
at the east end of Balby ; also an annual rent of 6d from three acres 
in the fields of Balby and Exthorp then in the tenure of William 
Dautre ; another annual rent of lOd from four and a half acres in the 
fields of Balby and Exthorp in the tenure of William Dawtre (sic), 
another annual rent of 4d from two half-acres in the Wroo then in 
the tenure of Thomas Phillip of Balby ; an annual rent of 3d from 
half an acre in the Milnefeld of Exthorp ; an annual rent of 3d from 
half an acre in the tenure of John Marre, lying in the field of Balby 
between the lands of the Lord of Exthorp and of the heirs of John 
Fytzwilliam .... Notes : see number 902 ; this charter is marked 
" Doncastre " in the margin. 

902 (x) (Circa 1435). Portion of an Indenture (Lat.) confirming a grant 
of land. Witnesses : John Pilley mayor, William Barbour, Robert 
Twyer, Thomas Mesyn, William Rokeby. Notes: see number 902. 
This deed probably belongs to Doncaster. For Thomas Mesyn see 
number 902 (viii). The Doncaster court roll of 1454 mentions an heir 
of William Rokesby. Possibly John Pilley may be identified with 
John de Pilley of Tankersley d. 1466. 


902 (xxviii) (1435-6) February 4th, in the 14th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Braithwell, confirming a grant from John Clay aud Robert Clay 
of Braithwell to John Vyncent and Agnes his wife of a messuage and 
garden with appurtenances in Mikilbryng and eighteen acres scattered 
through the fields of Braithwell, acquired from William Marshall, late 
of Mykilbryng. Witnesses: Robert Wryght, Thomas Roos, Hugh 
Claye, William Clay, John Smythe of Braithwell. Notes: see 
number 902. 

902 (Ixvii) (1435-6) February 6th, in the 14th year of Henry VI. Letter of 
Attorney (Lat.) from Roger Banestre appointing Thomas Vessy (of) 
Clifton, to deliver seisin to John Vyncent and Agnes his wife, in all his 
lands and tenements with appurtenances in Braithwell and Mikilbryng. 
Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xxi) (1436-7) February 1st, in the 15th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Braithwell, confirming a grant from William .... to John .... 
and Agnes .... of an acre and a half of land. Witnesses: Thomas 
Vescy, John Moore, William Byrcherodd, Hugh Clay, John Claye. 
Notes: see number 902. The John and Agnes are probably the John 
and Agnes Vyncent of later Braithwell deeds. The deed may be a 
be a duplicate of number 902 (xxxiii). 

902 (xxxiii) (1436-7) February 1st, in the 15th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.) 
confirming a grant from William Langthwayte to John Vyncent and 
Agnes his wife of an acre and a half of land with appurtenances in the 
Little Field of Braithwell between the lands of John Moore and abutting 
on Mikilbryng Lane opposite the Wayver and on the field of Clyfton 
called Almowelles. Witnesses : John Vessy, John Moore, William 
Birchewodd, Hugh Clay, John Clay. Notes : see number 902. 

900 (103) (1438) in the Feast of Pentecost (June 1st), in the 16th year of Henry VI. 
Charter (Lat.), dated at Rawmarshe, confirming a grant of a life estate 
from Thomas Monforthe of Kilnhurst to Alice Burdett daughter of 
Richard Burdett of Grewell Denby, in two tenements in Rawmarshe, 
then in the occupation of Richard Newall and Thomas Marsh, and in 
another tenement in Loversall then in the occupation of Robert Oxonforde. 
Witnesses : Thomas Clarell senior esquire, Thomas Clarell junior 
esquire of Aldwarke, Robert Rypas of Loversall gentleman, Richard 
Clerkeson of the same, Thomas Breton of Tryberge. Notes : see 
number 900. 


902 (1) (1440-1450?). Memorandum (Lat.) to the effect that John Vyncent 
bought from John Harryson of Clifton one acre in the little field of 
Braithwell, between the lands of John Vyncent and William Power and 
abutting on Mykylbrynglane and a butt of John Herryson (sic), one acre 
in the east field of Braithwell between lands of Power and ^• yncent, and 
abutting on a croft of William Power and on Harbourflatte in the field of 
Clifton, one acre in the great field of Braithwell near the Waynegape 
between lands of Stephen Cressy and William Power and abutting on 
Mykilbryng Lane and the Brodegappe, and half an acre on Sandegrenes 
between lands of the abbot of Roche and John Vyncent, late of Robert 
Ingrame, and abutting on the Cokhill and a head butt of Richard Justice. 
Notes : see number 902. 

902 (li) (1440-1450?). Memorandum (Lat.) "to make an enquiry" about one 
acre of land in the fields of Doncaster in a place called Browneflate 
formerly in the tenure of John Skynner, and returning 2s per annum. 
Notes : see number 902. 

902 (Ixv) (1441) May 15th, in the 19th year of Henry VL Confirmation (Lat.) 
of seisin and perpetual possession, dated at London, from Richard Duke 
of York, Earl of March and Ulster, Lord Wyggemore and Clare, to John 
Vyncent, of a croft in Braithwell situate between the tenements of John 
Vyncent and William Power and then in the possession of John Vyncent, 
to be held as of the manor of Connesburgh according to the customs of 
the manor, in consideration of a yearly rent of Id. Notes : see number 
902. Richard Duke of York inherited the manor of Connesburgh from 
his father Richard Earl of Cambridge, commonly known as Richard 
of Connesburgh. In 1431 Conisborough was in the possession of Matilda 
or Maud, the second wife of Richard Earl of Cambridge. See number 
900 for John Vincent's relation to the Duke of York and numbers 909 
and 910 for Conisborough and other manors of the family. 

902 (xxix) 1442 July 15th, in the 20th year of Henry VL Charter (Lat.) con- 
firming a grant from John Claye senior of Braithwell to John Vyncent 
and Agnes his wife, of a cottage with garden in Mekilbryng situate 
between the tenement of William Claye and the garden of John Vyncent, 
and abutting on the road leading through Mekilbryng and the field of 
Braithwell. Witnesses: Robert Birchehod, Hugh Clay, William Claye, 
William Dawtre, John Hyne. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xxii) (1443) November 8th, in the 22nd year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Braithwell, confirming a grant from William Langthayte to John 
Vyncent and Agnes his wife of fourteen acres of land lying in the fields 


of Braithwell. The various acres are fully described and the deed gives 
the names of owners of adjoining strips, and of the various localities. 
Personal Names : John Moore, William Henryson, Margaret Markes- 
burgh, John Clay, John Jameson, William Byrchewod, William Marshall, 
Magote Coton, the abbot of Roche, Thomas Personson. Place Names : 
the little field of Braithwell, Wayver, Myddildolys, Mykylbryngdike, 
Clyfton, Park, great field of Silkewell, Mooredyke, Mershgote, Maltby 
Field, Broad Gate, Hawe, Waynegap, Hallecroft. Witnesses : William 
Power of Braithwell, Richard Justice of the same, William Clay of the 
same, Thomas Vessy of Clyfton, Robert Langthwayte of the same. 
Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xxiii) 

(1443) November 8th, in the 22nd year of Henry VI. Release and Quit 
Claim (Lat.) from John Mapulle and John Ruyston husbandmen, to John 
Vyncent and Agnes his wife, of lands and tenements in the fields of 
Braithwell, then lately acquired from William Langthwayte. See number 
902 (xxii). Notes: see numbers 902 and 902 (xxii). 

902 (xxiv) 

(1445) July 8th, in the 23rd year of Henry VI. Release and Quitclaim 

(Lat.), dated at Braithwell, from Thomas Vessy of Clyfton to Robert 
Roos and John Browne, of twenty acres which the latter acquired from the 
former, in the fields of Braithwell, Staynton, and Clyfton. Witnesses : 
Richard Justice of Braithwell, Thomas Southwode, John Smyth. Notes : 
see number 902. 

902 (xxxviii) (1445) July 5th, in the 23rd year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Braithwell, confirming a grant from Thomas Vessy of Clifton to Robert 
Roose of Braithwell and John Brown of Tukesforthe, of twenty acres of 
land in the fields of Braithwell between Staynton and Clifton, acquired 
from .... Tumour, formerly belonging to William Beliard of 
Mikill Markham. Witnesses : Richard Justice of Braythwell, Thomas 
Southwod, John Smyth. Notes : see number 902. This charter appears 
on the second of the two folios numbered 38 of the register there 
referred to. 

902 (xxxv) 

(1446) June 12th, in the 24th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Braithwell, confirming a grant from Thomas Personson of Wadesworth 
to John Vyncent and Agnes his wife, of all his lands and appurtenances in 
Braithwell. Witnesses : William Power, William Carelhill vicar of the 
church of Braithwell, Hugh Claye of the same, Hugh Rose bailiff of 
Connesburgh, Thomas Forester of Maltby, Thomas Roos of Braithwell, 


William Dawtre of the same. Notes ; see number 902. This charter 
begins on folio 38 and is continued on folio 40 in the register there 
referred to. 

902 (xxx) (1446-7) February 4th, in the 25th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Braithwell, confirming a grant from Richard Sponer of Mekil- 
bryng and Joan his wife, to John Vyncent and Agnes his wife, and Alice 
their daughter, of a messuage garden and croft, lying between the croft 
called Crompyerd and land of John Moore and abutting on the high road 
through the village and a butt of land called Cresswell Heedeland. Wit- 
nesses : William Power of Braithwell, William Clay, William Dawtre, 
and Hugh Clay of the same, Robert Birchehed. Notes ; see number 902. 

301 (1447) in the Feast of Saint Barnabas the Apostle (June 11th), in the 25th 

year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from John Stop- 
ford to Roger Mylne of a messuage and an oxgang of land etc. in 
Ecclesall, ' in le Graystones,'' which descended to him on the death of 
Cecilia daughter of John de Crokes. Witnesses : Thomas Modeclyff, 
Robert Hanley, John Horner. Vellum : one skin 9 X 3i, seal badly 

902 (xxvff) (1447) July 21st, in the 25th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Braithwell, confirming a grant from John Warde of Markham and Mar- 
garet his wife to John Vyncent and Agnes his wife of a garden or curtilage 
in Braithwell, between the tenement of Adam Dalton and that of Pallin 
Hawevyle, and abutting on land of John Burgh. Witnesses : John Bil- 
yald, John Porter, Richard Paxton, John Wryggeley, Edmund Tailiour. 
Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xxv6) (1448) June 8th, in the 26th year of Henry VI. Grant (Lat.), dated at 
Braithwell, from Margaret Alcok to John Vyncent, of half an acre of land 
lying in Maltby Dale in the field of Braythwell, between lands of John 
Vincent and William Cresse, and abutting on lands of John Smythe 
and the abbot of Roche. Witnesses : Robert White, Robert Saundreson, 
William Power, Hugh Dey, William Claye. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xxvii) (1448) June 8th, in the 26th year of Henry VI. Letter of Attorney 

(Lat.) from Margaret Alcoke, appointing Hugh Clay of Braithwell to 
deliver seisin to John Vyncent of Braithwell of half an acre of land lying 
in the field of Braithwell. Notes : see number 902. 

902 (xxvi) (1448) June 26th, in the 26th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Braithwell, confirming a grant from Thomas Vesse of Clyfton to John 
Vyncent of an acre and a half of land lying in the Chappellandes in the 


fields of Braithwell, between lands of the lord in the tenure of Richard 
Justice and in the tenure of the wife of Richard Carre, and abutting on 
land of the lord in the tenure of John Smyth and upon Chapellyerd ; also 
an acre of land in the great field of Braithwell on Sylkewell, abutting on 
More Dyke, together with a cottage, garden and croft in Mekylbryng 
between lands of William Power and Robert Roos. Witnesses : William 
Power, Richard Justice, Hugh Clay, John Clay, William Claye. Notes : 
see number 902. 

902 (Ixix) (1448) June 26th, in the 26th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Braithewell, confirming a grant from Thomas Roos to John 
Vyncent, of three rods lying on Heliwellandes, between the land of 
the wife of Richard Karre and the lord's land then in the tenure of 
Richard Justice, and abutting on the lord's land in the tenure of 
John Smythe and on Helewell-dyke. Witnesses: William Power, 
Richard Justice, Hugh Clay, John Claye and William Clay. Notes : see 
number 902. 

902 (xlix) (1450) the last day of April (30th), in the 28th year of Henry VI. 
Memorandum (Lat.) to the effect that Thomas Burghe leased from 
John Vyncent lands then late in the tenure of Robert Roos and William 
Beliald, excepting one and a half acres of land next to the park and 
near Mekelbryngwell, one garden next to the vicarage, and all the 
lands acquired from Stephen Cressy. " Thus Thomas had " forty 
acres of land and meadow for a term of nine years at a rent of 2s, 
charged with a boonday, repairs of the messuage, and a day's work 
on the demesne. Notes: see number 902. 

900 (104) (1462) April 12th, in the 2nd year of Edward IV. Deed of Confirma- 
tion (Lat.), dated at Kilnhurst, from John Monforde or Momforthe 
son and heir of Thomas Momforthe of Kilnhurst and John Bete, to 
Alice wife of Thomas Momforde, of her life estate in two messuages, 
lands, and appurtenances in Rawmarshe and Halghe. and in a messuage, 
lands, and appurtenances in Loversall, which she had received for the 
term of her life by deed and feoffment from Thomas Monford (sic). 
Notes: see number 900. 

900 (106) (1478) August 1st, in the 18th year of Edward IV. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Kilnhurst, confirming a grant from John Momforthe of Kiln- 
hurst son and heir of Thomas Momforde (sic), to Robert Serelbye of 
Southwell CO. Nott gentleman, John Hunt of Swynton and William 
Thompson of the same, of all his lands, tenements and appurtenances 
in Kilnhurst and Swynton or elsewhere in Yorkshire, inherited by him 


from his father Thomas. Witnesses: John Cobokke of Swynton, 
William Blakman of Rawmarshe, William Robbinson and Robert Hall 
of the same, John Wayt of Overhaligh. Notes: see number 900. 
Overhaligh is now Upper Haugh near Rawmarsh. 

900 (105) (1478) October 10th, in the 18th year of Edward IV. Confirmation 
(Lat.), dated at Rawmarshe, from John Momford of Kilnhurst to Richard 
Bete chaplain, of his estate in the lands, tenements, rents and services 
with appurtenances in Loversall, Overhalght and Romarshe, acquired 
by the said Richard by charter from Thomas Momford, father of John 
Momford ; excepting a capital messuage in Kilnhurst with appurtenances 
Witnesses: Richard Fitzwilliam knight, Thomas Fitzwilliam esquire, 
William Blakeman of Rawmarshe, William Wayt of the Halght, 
William Curr of Roderham. Notes: see number 900. 

900 (107) (1479) October 1st, in the 19th year of Edward IV. Indenture ol 
Lease (Lat.), dated at Kilnhurst, from Robert Serelby of Southwell 
CO Nott gentleman, John Hunt of Swynton and William Tomson 
of the same, to John Momforthe son and heir of Thomas Momforthe 
of Kilnhurst gentleman, for a term of twenty one years, of all the 
lands and tenements then lately acquired by the lessors by gift and 
feoffment from the above John Momford (sic) ; in consideration of a 
yearly rent of one halfpenny. Witnesses : John Cobboke of Swynton, 
William Whate of the Hoverhalghe, John Pogmour of Rawmarshe. 
Notes : see number 900. 

304 (1485) Tuesday next before the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle 

(November 30th), in the 1st year of Henry VII. Cliarter (Lat.) 
confirming a grant from John Hyde of Reynalschawe near Ekyngton 
son and heir of John Hyde and Agnes his wife formerly of Donham 
on Trent, to Henry Foljambe of Walton esquire senior, of one field 
called Whytfyld near Brentclyflfe in Ecclesall, and nine acres lying on 
BrentclyfFe Egge near Salterlane, and all his lands in Ecclesall, inherited 
from his father John Hyde. Witnesses: Henry Vernoon and John 
Leek esquires, John Cooke of Norton Lees, John Parker of the same, 
Richard Machon, John Stanyford, John Parker of Little Norton. 
Vellum : one skin 11 X 4i, seal missing. 

900 (108) 1491 May 10th, in the 6th year of Henry VII. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) between Thomas Calverleye of Eccleshill esquire on the one 
part, and John Momford of Kilnhurste gentleman on the other, creating 
a marriage settlement, on the marriage between Edmund Momforde (sic), 
son and heir of the latter, and Elizabeth daughter of the former, to 


take place on June 24th following, with appointment of William 
Calverleye esquire, Walter Baildon, Sir Thomas Wilcok parson of 
Raumarshe, and William Gurrye junior, as feoffees, during the infancy 
of the parties to the marriage, and with covenant on the part of John 
Momford of the reversion of his real estate to Edmund and Elizabeth 
and their heirs, with the exception of the feoffments and dower of Isabel 
his wife reserved to her for life. In case of the decease of Edmund 
before consummation of marriage, Thomas his younger brother was 
to take Elizabeth to wife. Notes: see number 900. 

900 (109) (1492) June 4th, in the 7th year of Henry VII. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Wathe, confirming a demise and delivery from William Calverleye 
esquire, Walter Bayldon, John Serelbye, and Thomas Wilcocks clerk, to 
Edmund Mountford son and heir of John Momforde (sic) of Kilnhurst and 
Elisabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Calverleye esquire, of closes and 
plots of land called Ferspen, Nerspen, Wolfinge, Brodinge, Northinge, 
Longpikill, and Calfall. Power of attorney to Edmund Archere and 
John Seale to deliver seisin of the same. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (110) (1492) July 20th, in the 7th year of Henry VII. Release and Quit 

Claim (Lat.) from Nicholas Serlbye, Thomas Mountforthe, Edmund 
Brokhouse and Alexander Hudson, feoffees of John Momford (sic), to 
William Calverleye, Walter Baldon, John Serlby and Thomas Wilcocke 
clerk, of a close called Spen, lying between a close called Horscroft 
and the Don, and closes and plots of land called Wolfynge, Brod- 
inge, Northinge, Longpikill, and Calfefall. Power of attorney to 
Edmund Archer and William Johnson to deliver seisin. Notes: see 
number 900. 

281 (1493) Wednesday next after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy 

Cross (September 14th), in the 9th year of Henry VII. Release and 
Quit Claim (Lat.) from William Machon of Halume co York son and 
heir of John Machone of the same, son and heir of Robert Machon of the 
same, son and heir of Thomas Machone formerly of the same and 
sometime of Ecclesale, to Henry Foljambe lord of Walton esquire, of a 
tenement in Ecclesale, in the occupation of Nicholas Sandale, and fields 
called Whytfeld and Bonnerfeld; another tenement in Ecclesale, and 
lands etc. in Brendeclyf and Ecclesale. Witnesses : Thomas abbot of 
Beauchief, Humphrey Cautez, John Couk of Nortonlees, John Parker of 
Lyttill Norton, Thomas Caine of Crokez. Vellum : one skin 10X6, 
seal missing. 


1500 November 16th, in the 16th year of Henry VII. Bond (Lat. and 
Engl.) from Thomas Muldeclyf of Whiteley Wodelee in the parish of 
Sheffield co York yeoman, and Richard Bright of the Hurlowe in the 
same parish arowehedsmyth to Roger Eyre of le Holme in the 
parish of Chasterfelde co Derby esquire, in 40 marks "in golde 
and grotes, of gode usuell money of Englond," to deliver seisin to Roger 
Eyre of a messuage at the Greystones in the parish of Sheffield, called 
Dousehouse then in the tenure of John Holand " baikar," with appurten- 
ances, and of a close called Hodgefeld in the parish of Dronfelde co 
Derby, situate between the land of Roger Barkar called the Lymehaule- 
feld, the land of Sir John Savege knight, called Standehilles Lymbroke, 
and Standehilles. Vellum: one skin lli^ X 4^, fragment of one seal. 
Hurloo is an ancient form of Whirlow. 

1504 at the Feast of the Annunciation of our Lady Virgin (25th March). 
Indenture of Lease (Engl.) from Roger Steell of Cheffeld (Sheffield) 
to Roger Eyre of Holme esquire, of a tenement called Thryft House in 
the " byrlawe of Eklysall " ; with all the lands, meadows etc, and a close 
called Nedermagefeld ; except a house and a little croft that John Alyne 
then dwelt in ; for a term of three years, in consideration of a sum of 
money paid "beforehand." Vellum: one skin 12X4, seal missing. 
Notes : endorsed in a hand of later date are the words " Storkes Farmes." 
Thomas Storks yeoman is mentioned in number 257. 

(1518) May 21st, in the 10th year of Henry VIII. Charter Indented 
(Lat.) confirming a grant from Christopher Eyre then late of Little Leek, 
CO Nott, gentleman, to Roland Babyngton, George Eyre, Richard 
Wheytteley gentlemen, and Richard Fayrbaron, of messuages, lands and 
tenements in the town and fields of Ecculsall and Shefifeld, to the use of 
himself and Anne his wife, daughter of William Fayrbaron, for life, with 
remainder to his children and right heirs ; power of attorney to Robert 
Hall and John Hobson to deliver seisin to the above. Vellum : one skin 
11x7, a small seal of dark green wax has been tied to the charter ; the 
impression is clear. 

1536 June 27th, in the 28th year of Henry VIII. Indenture of Mort- 
gage (Engl.) from John Tayler of Shefeld mercer to Robert Swyft of 
Rotheram merchant, of a messuage with the appurtenances in Crokes, with 
lands thereto belonging, then in the holding of Augnes Cute widow, to 
secure ;^20. Vellum : one skin 12 x 10, small seal of red wax obscure. 
Notes : this mortgage is of unusual form for the 16th century, the mort- 
gagor having seven years within which to repay. 


1540 May 10th, in the 32nd year of Henry VIII. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Swynton, confirming a grant from William Hunt of Swynton son 
of Robert Hunt, to George Moumforthe of Kilnhurst, of half an acre of 
land in Swinton. Notes: see numbers 900 and 900 (113) below. The 
furlong appears here as " Hagh yron." 

900 (113) (1540) May 20th, in the 32nd year of Henry VIII. Release and Quit 

Claim (Lat.), dated at Swynton, from William Hunt son and heir of Robert 
Hunt of Swynton to George Momford of Kilnhurst, of half an acre with 
appurtenances in the field of Swynton, lying on the furlong called "Haghe 
yrum," between the King's lands on either side, and abutting on Wingflatt 
and the common moor of Raumarshe, which half acre had been bought by 
George Momford from William Hunt. Notes: see number 900. 

278 (1546-7) February 20th, in the 1st year of Edward VI. Indenture of 

Lease (Engl.) from Christopher Eyr of Weston co Derby gentleman, to 
Richard Neyler of the Horloo co York and Annes his wife, of a messuage 
in Horlo (sic) called the Chryst Howse, then in the tenure of Richard and 
Anne, for twenty one years at a rent of 6s 8d payable halfyearly. 
Vellum: one skin 10ix8, seal missing. Notes: endorsed is a proviso 
against assignment without consent of the lessor. Horlo or Horloo is an 
ancient form of Whirlow. 

400 1549 December 12th, in the 3rd year of Edward VI. Indenture of 

Bars:ain and Sale (Lat.) between William Kay of Marksburgh in the 
parish of Rotherham, and Richard Grenewodd of Moreley carpenter of the 
same parish, whereby the latter bargained and sold to the former, on con- 
sideration of £ZS. 6s. 8d, an undivided moiety of messuages, gardens and 
crofts with appurtenances, bought by them jointly from Robert Swyft of 
Rotherham, and formerly bought by him from William Trogon, William 
Swyft of Tynslawe and Thomas Snytall son and heir of Henry Snytall, 
then being in the occupation of John Wood and Thomas Walker, and 
lying in Bradgate, Kymberworth, and Marsburgh (sic), as appeared by an 
indenture of July 10th, 37 Henry VIII. Richard Grenewod also covenanted 
to suffer a fine or recovery if required. Vellum : one skin 20 X 12, one 

900 (161) (1551) October 24th, in the 5th year of Edward VI. Lease (Engl.) from 
Thomas Appleyard " maior of the citty of Yorke, with the assent of the 
aldermen Sheriffes and xxiiii of the Counsell " to George Cooke hosyar," 
of a "mese" in Connistreete then in the tenure of John Carr " Cordinar," 
lying between the Kirklane, the "mese" of George Cooke, and the garth of 


George Cooke, for the terme of thirty years at an annual rent of 12s 
payable to " the Chamberlaynes of the said Cittye or to the Brigmaisters 
of Ouze Bridge." Notes : see number 900. 

(1554) November 3rd, in the 1st and 2nd year of Philip and Mary. 
Covenant (Engl.) between Thomas Wentworthe esquire of Wentworthe 
on the one part and Christopher Mountforthe gentleman of Kilnhurst on 
the other, to create a marriage settlement, on the marriage of the latter 
with Meriall Wentworthe, sister of the former, before the Feast of the 
Nativity of the same year, out of lands in Rawmarshe, Overhalgh, Lover- 
sail and Southburton near Beverley, to be conveyed by Christopher 
Mountforthe to feoffees: Thomas Wentworthe esquire, Michaell Went- 
worthe esquire, Nicholas Wombewell esquire and Thomas Wentworth of 
Thurnscoo esquire, for the use of the parties to the marriage for the term 
of their lives, with remainder to Launcelott Momforthe (sic) son and heir of 
Christopher Mountforthe, or in the event of his death or default of issue, 
to the heirs of Christopher and Meriall ; with an agreement, that if a dam 
and mill were built at Rotamford in the " Water of Doon " it should " fix 
the one end of the ground of the said Thomas Wentworthe," and remain 
for the use of Meriall for the term of her life; Thomas Wentworthe 
covenanting on his part to pay one hundred marks as " childer porcion " at 
various terms at Woodhouse Hall. Witnesses : George Chaworthe, 
Richard Fletcher, Launcelot Momforth (sic), John Ficher. Notes: see 
number 900. 

(1554) November 5th, in the 1st and 2nd year of Philip and Mary. 
Deed of Feoffment (Lat.) from Christopher Momforthe of Kilnhurst to 
Michael Wentworthe esquire, Thomas Wentworth son and heir of William 
Wentworthe deceased, Nicholas Wombwell esquire, and Thomas Went- 
worth of Thurnscoo gentleman, in performance of covenant of 3rd 
November 1554, of a messuage and land in Overhalghe in the tenure of 
George Mountford (sic) ; messuages and lands in Rawmarshe in the 
tenure of Robert Cofin, Robert Roydes, and Robert Watterhouse ; land 
in Loversall in the tenure of Anthony Blayke ; and messuages and 
lands in Burton near Beverley then late in the tenure of John Coke. 
Notes : see numbers 900 and 900 (115) above. 

(1556-7) January 24th, in the 3rd and 4th year of Philip and Mary. 
Indenture of Bargain and Sale (Engl.), with mutual covenants, between 
Thomas Wentworth of Wentworth esquire on the one part and Christopher 
Mountfort of Kilnhurst and Meriall his wife on the other, whereby (l) the 
former covenanted to sell to the latter, subject to a fee-farm rent of 
£l 6s 8d, one toft and one croft in Hutton Robert then in the tenure of 


Richard Hearinge, and one watermill in Hutton Robert then in the tenure 
of Robert Baylie, also enough ground of his moor for a mill-dam for a 
mill on the " water of Doone " at Rotame Ford in Kilnehurst, to be built 
by Christopher Mountfort, abutting on Thomas Wentworth's land, with 
ingress and egress to the mill for those bringing corn, or cloth to be 
walked ; (2) the latter covenanted to keep the mill in repair to serve the 
tenants of the village of Hutton Robert, to grind corn "hopper-free" for 
the tenant of the manor house, to take a moderate " multure," do suit at 
the court of Hutton Robert, and to convey to Meriall Mountfort the 
profits of the mills, with remainder to her son Thomas Mountfort. Notes : 
see number 900. The " hopper " of a mill was an inverted cone, 
feeding the mill with corn; for " hopper-free " see Hunter's " Hallamshire 
Glossary," page 51. 

900 (121) (1555-7) February 1st, in the 3rd and 4th year of Philip and Mary. 
Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant in fee-farm, from Thomas Wentworth 
of Wentworth esquire lord of the manor of Hutton Robert to Christopher 
Mountfort, of properties specified in, and pursuant to the terms of 
number 900 (120) above. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (117) (1557) June 10th, in the 3rd and 4th year of Philip and Mary. Covenant 
(Engl.) between Christopher Momforthe of Kilnhurst esquire on the one 
part, and Thomas Wentworthe of Wentworthe esquire on the other, to 
create a marriage settlement on the marriage of Launcelot Momforthe son 
and heir of the former with Margaret one of the sisters of Thomas Went- 
worthe, which marriage was designed to take place before the Nativity of 
Saint John the Baptist, out of a capital messuage in Kilnhurst with appur- 
tenances, excepting the " indermarr chamber " and the " gret chamber," 
and out of closes called Kilnhurst Green, and Sheepford Flatt, adjacent to 
Oxclifl Milne Damme, a meadow called Monkynge, Kilnhurst Carr Ynges, 
the west, north and middle fields with common of wood, pasture and 
fuel in Rawmarshe ; to be conveyed to Thomas Wentworthe and Nicholas 
Wombwell esquires, Nicholas Denman and Michael Wentworthe the 
younger gentlemen, as feoffees, to the use of Christopher Momforthe, in 
consideration of £b 13s 4d to be paid yearly by him to the parties to the 
marriage ; with reversion of the property on his death to the latter ; Thomas 
Wentworthe on his part covenanting to pay a like sum to Christopher 
Momforthe. Notes : see number 900. Indermarr or innermore means 
the inner chamber. This marriage took place, and there was issue a 

900 (118) (1561) October 12th, in the 3rd year of Elizabeth. Covenant (Engl.) 
between Christopher Mounfurth of Kilnehurste esquire on the one part, 
and Thomas Wentworthe of Thurscowe on the other, to create a marriage 


settlement on the marriage between Launcelot Mountf urth (sic) son and heir 
of Christopher Mounfurth, and Benetta (Benedicta) Newnham, one of the 
daughters and co-heiresses of Sir Wilham Newnham late of Kirtlington 
CO Nott knight deceased, to take place before Christmas Day 1561, out 
of the properties mentioned in 900 (117) above, to be conveyed to William 
Wombwell of Wombwell, Thomas Wentworth of Woodhowse Hall, 
Nicholas Denman of Newall Grainge in the parish of Waith, Frauncis 
Meverel of Throley co Staff esquires, and William Levitt of Melton co 
Nott gentleman, as feoffees to the uses specified in number 900 (117) 
above, mutatis mutandis. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (119) (1561) October 16th, in the 3rd year of Elizabeth. Deed of Feoffment 
(Lat.) from Christopher Mountforth of Kilnhurst esquire to the feoffees 
mentioned in number 900 (118) above, to the uses specified therein. 
Notes : see number 900. 

900 (163) (1562-3) March 21st, in the 5th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Bargain 
and Sale (Lat.), dated from the council chamber of the city of York on 
Ouse Bridge (super pontem use), from Thomas Appleyard mayor, and 
the citizens of the city of York, to George Cooke hosier, in consideration 
of ;^12, of a messuage in Connistreete. Power of Attorney to Thomas 
Appleyard junior and John Geldart, two of the chamberlains, to deliver 
seisin. Notes : see numbers 900 and 902 (161). 

900 (162) (1563) July 18th, in the 5th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Bargain 
and Sale (Engl.) from George Cooke of the city of York hosier to 
Robert Wharf e alias Allelye "bayker", in consideration of £5, of the 
unexpired portion of a lease of a house in Connistreete, which lease is 
recited. A promise is given that if George Cook should purchase 
the house he would grant to Robert Wharfe a 20 years lease from the 
date of this indenture. Notes : see numbers 900 and 900 (161). 

900 (164) (1565) September 6th, in the 7th year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) 
confirming a grant from George Cooke of the city of York hosier to his 
natural daughter Ursula Cooke, of a messuage in Connistreete, then 
in the tenure of Robert Allelye and late in the tenure of John Carr 
" cordyoner," with remainder to the grantor's son William Cooke. 
Notes : see numbers 900, 900 (161) and (163). 

900 (112) (1565-6) February 4th, in the 8th year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) 
confirming a grant from George Montford of Dinnington co York gentle- 
man, to Launcelot Montford of Kilnhurst co York, of a cottage and half 
an acre of land with appurtenances in Swynton in the parish of Wathe, 


then in the occupation of Omfrey Wood, in consideration of a sum of 
money then paid, and subject to a rent-charge of 6s for the life of the 
grantor. Notes : see number 900. 

(1570) July 10th, in the 12th year of Elizabeth. Lease by Royal 
Letters Patent (Lat.), dated at Westminster, to Godfrey Fanshaw of 
all those lands with their appurtenances called Horlefeldes (Hurlfield, 
between Heeley and Gleadless) lying and being in Gledles co York, then 
or formerly in the tenure or occupation of John Parker of Norton Leys 
or his assigns, formerly of the Monastry of Kirklestede co Line; and 
all that mill with the appurtenances, situate lying and being in the Hamlet 
of Bradwey within the parish of Norton co Derby, then or formerly in 
the tenure or occupation of John Barker or his assigns, which mill was 
formerly of the Monastry of Beachief (sic) co Derby ; for twenty one years, 
at a rent of six shillings and four pence, for the Horlefeldes, and thirty 
three shillings and four pence for the mill, payable half-yearly either into 
the Exchequer at Westminster, or into the hands of the bailliff or authorised 
receivers (receptores) for the time being. Witnesses: William Marquis 
of Winchester, Lord High Treasurer of England. Vellum : one skin 
13 X 6, seal missing. Notes : this letters patent is reproduced as a 
frontispiece and a full transcript is given in the appendix. 

(1570-1) 13th January, in the 13th year of Elisabeth. Indenture of 
Bargain and Sale (Lat.) by Lancelot Momforde of Kilnhurste gentle- 
man to John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, in consideration of 
/"SO, of a messuage or tenement in Rawmarshe, with closes and other 
parcels of land, arable and meadow, called or lying in places called Sow 
Side, Sow Close, Dikelands Close, Tenterclose, Roughinge, Eylands, 
More Doles, "two longe penny doles," "Swathes of meadowe," Shalands, 
Halfpenny Doles, Cawkewell Dale, Pease Hill, Redd End, Bleysbye 
Bank, Kirklands, Rosegere, Grenewood Flatt, Yerd End, Bertrees, 
Orgerevs, Netherfeld, Acre Lands, Longe Reids, New Rakes, Old Rakes, 
Blackpitts, Lowthorne, Holesike, Gosebotes, James Blackman's " yerd 
ende," with appurtenances, let to farm at an annual rent of 53s 4d 
and 8 hens, and then in the tenure of Thomas Brooke ; also two cottages 
in Raumarshe with appurtenances then in the tenure of James Barrand 
and Issabell Oxleye widow, at an annual rent of 4s and 2 hens. Notes : 
see number 900. A pennydole was a pennyland or denariate, so 
called from the ancient rent. They varied in extent in different localities, 
at this time in Rawmarsh the pennydole contained 1 rod. The "Swathes 
of meadow " were small plots of a quarter of a rod. 


(1571) May 2nd, in the 13th year of Elizabeth. Final Concord (Lat.) 
between John Darleye gentleman plaintiff, and Lancelot Mountford 
gentleman and Bennetta his wife deforciants, whereby the latter quit- 
claimed to the former a messuage, cottages, tofts and appurtenances in 
Rawmarshe in consideration of ;^50. Notes : see numbers 900 and 
900 (122) above. 

(1571) June 12th, in the 13th year of Ehzabeth. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 
from Robart Modyclyf of Whytley Wood co York yeoman, to John 
Bryght of Hurlowe in the same county yeoman, in ;^40, to perform 
covenants contained in two indentures of even date. Witnesses: George 
Hancoke clerk, John Steynrod, James Greves, Edward Hull. Vellum : 
one skin 9j X 8, large seal, non-armorial. Hurlowe is an old form of 

(1571) Junel2th, in the 13th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 
from Robert Modyclyf of Whytley Wood co York yeoman, to Edward 
Hall of Fulwood " weyver," in ;^40, to perform covenants contained in 
indentures of even date. Witnesses : George Hancoke clerk, John 

Steynrod, James Greves, Edward Vellum : one skin 13X4, 

one seal. 

1571 June 16th, in the 13th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Bargain and 

Sale (Lat.) from Robert ModyclyfFe of Whytley Wood co York yeoman 
to Edward Hall of Fulwood co York " weyver " of a close or pasture 
called Lyme Crofte ; and also a close or pasture called Turne Crofte ; 
and a parcel of land called Hollens, as then divided into three 
several closes ; with all and singular the appurtenances ; which closes 
or pastures lay and were situate in Whytley Wood aforesaid, and 
were then in the tenure or occupation of the said Edward Hall or his 
undertenants. Power of attorney to Thomas Storks and John Crokes 
yeoman to deliver seisin. Witnesses : Thomas Stone, Thomas Smythe, 
Mathew Rumford, Ralph Jacson (?), Robert Barber, John Stone, Hugh 
Smythe, John Ottes, Henry Pove, Richard Stone, George Hancok clerk, 
John Steynrod, James Greve, John Bright, William Greve. Vellum : 
one skin 14 X 6 J, seal in good condition. 

(1571) October 3rd, in the 13th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Lease 
(Engl.) from John Cooke of " Trenitye CoUedge in Cambridge Batcheler 
of devinitye " to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of a house in 
Connistreete (Coney Street) York, lying between the houses of Michell 
Brownerigge and Robert Wharfe, and abutting on the River Ouse, and 
formerly in the tenure of George Cooke, for a term of twenty one years 
at an annual rent of £\. Notes : see number 900. 


754 (1571) October 20th, in the 13th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from John Thwaites of Marsden co York gentleman to Arthur Clayton of 
Sheffield corvyser (shoemaker), in £^0, to carry out the sale of a messuage 
in the occupation of Wm Steaven in the parish of Sheffield, called 
"At the Woodsyde." Witnesses: John Mountiney, John Hamlocke (?), 
John Hanslyn, Harye Bocher, Rychard Helves. Vellum : one skin 9X5, 
one seal non-armorial. 

900 (124) (1571) November 15th, in the 13th year of Elizabeth, Michaelmas Term. 
Recovery (Lat.) suffered by John Darleye gentleman deforciant, against 
Richard Darley and Leonard Chamberlayne plaintiffs, in the properties 
specified in number 900 (124). Launcelot Mountforthe and Benetta 
his wife, the former tenants in tail, being vouched to warranty, 
and the parties being severally represented by their attorneys William 
Moorhouse, Richard Emerye, and Nicholas Plumtree. Notes : see 
number 900. 

747 (1571) December 2nd, in the 14th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from John Thwayte of Marsten in the county of the city of York 
esquire to Arthur Clayton of Sheffield co York shoemaker, in ;^20, to 
perform covenants contained in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : 
Charles Wharton, Richard Starby clerk, Bryan Lancaster, Wm Bland, 
Richard Roberts. Vellum : one skin 11X4, one seal non-armorial, a 

428 (1571-2) March 10th, in the 14th year of Elizabeth. Deed (Lat.) con- 

firming a grant (made in pursuance of a covenant contained in indentures 
made between Jhon Twhait of Marston co York esquire and Arthur 
Clayton of Sheffield " showmaker," dated 2nd December 1571), from the 
said Jhon Twhait to the said Arthur Clayton, of all that messuage, with 
the appurtenaces, called Woodsyde in the parish of Sheffield, with a 
garden and an orchard adjoining ; also a close, divided into five adjoining 
equal parts, between Harrost Lane on the east, and Pearsfeldes on 
the west ; and abutting towards the lord's common or waste on the south, 
and towards the said messuage on the north ; and also a close called 
Helhoyll, situate and being between the lord's waste aforesaid on the 
south, and Pearsfeldes aforesaid on the north ; and abutting towards the 
waste of the lord on the west and east ; and also a croft called Orchard 
Crofte, lying between land of Jhon Creswicke on the north, and towards 
the common or King's highway on the south ; and abutting towards the 
said messuage on the west, and the King's Highway on the east; also 
another croft lying between Harrost Lane aforesaid on the west, and 
towards land of Robert Bowman on the east; and abutting on land of 


Hugh Chalner on the south, and on the common or King's highway on 
the north ; and all easements and appurtenances with the same usually 
enjoyed, then in the occupation of William Stephyn. Power of attorney 
to William Burrosse and James Rawson to deliver possession and seisin, 
of which a memorandum is endorsed. Witnesses : Nicholas Wylkensone, 
Richard Sykes, William Lee, William Robert, Robert Hawle, Thomas 
Barelawe, Arthur Barelawe, Lawrence Brewell, Lawrence Bardley, 
William Steaven, Charles Wharton, Rychard Starby clerk, Bryan 
Lancaster, Wm Bland, Richard Rolte. Vellum : one skin lOj X 9, 
seal broken and obscure. Notes: the grantor signed his name "Jhon 

755 and 778 1572, 15 days after Easter (April 6th), in the 14th year of Elizabeth. 
Final Concord in duplicate (Lat.) between Arthur Clayton plaintiff and 
John Thwayte esquire deforciant, whereby the latter quitclaimed to the 
former a messuage, barn, garden, orchard, four acres of land etc, in 
Woodsyde Sheffield, in consideration of £^0. Vellum : one skin each 
15 X 3. 

441 (1572) September 2nd, in the 14th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 

Bargain and Sale (Engl.) by John Thwayte of Marsten in the county 
of the city of York esquire, to Arthur Clayton of Sheffield shoemaker, 
in consideration of ;^10, of the tenement or messuage called Woodsyde in 
Sheffield with appurtenances, being in the occupation of William Stephyn, 
with covenants on the part of Jhon Thwayte, Margaret his wife and James 
his son and heir, to create for Arthur Clayton an indefeasible estate in the 
properties by fine or recovery with single or dooble vowcher " etc, clear 
of all incumbrances, except the chief rent, the interest held by Barbara 
Cotton then wife of Thomas Cotton sometime of Coleye esquire for her 
life if she survived him, and a lease made by Thomas and Barbara Cotton 
to Wylliam Stephin. Signed : Thomas Thwayte. Witnesses : Charles 
Wharton, Rychard Starby, Bryan Lancaster, Wm Bland, Richard 
Robert. Vellum : one skin, large seal with bird and motto. 

241 (1572) September 14th, in the 14th year of Elizabeth. Grant (Lat.) 

by Richard Parker of Morehouse in GledJes (Gleadless) co York yeoman 
to Robert Parker his son, of a cottage situate in Gledles, on the east of 
his capital messuage called Morehouse ; with a croft and a house, called 
an ovenhouse (? bakehouse), and part of the fold ; namely, the half 
adjoining the cottage ; and also a parcel of pasture land containing by 
estimation three roods, lying in Daw Fyeld, between the land of George 
Earl of Shrewsbury on the west and the common (?) called Westwod on 
the east ; and abutting against the said cottage and croft on the north. 
Vellum : one skin 9i X 5j, seal of red wax, in good condition. 


774 1573 September 11th, in the 15th year of Elizabeth. Release and Quit 

Claim (Engl.) from Thomas Lee of Ecclessall yeoman, in performance of 
an award of the 29th April made by the Rt Hon George Earl of Shrews- 
bury K.G. Earl Marshal, to Thomas Dale of Hye Stors in the county of 
York yeoman, of a close of arable land called " the field above the lathe," 
abutting on the "lathe" and the "rough field," with a new " kylnehouse " ; 
and of a close of arable ground called Brownefield, lying between 
the " field above the lathe " and the land of William Haslam and Thomas 
Steynrod, and of a close called Roughe Field lying between the 
common and "the field above the lathe" and Brownefield; and of a 
meadow called Neyther Inge, lying between the land of the lord of 
Ecclessall and the common, and of a " Sprynge or Grove of Woodd" 
lying between Roughe Field and a "brydle stye" on the north, all in 
Bentihaghe in Ecclessall. Witnesses : E Shrewsbury (?), John Jackson, 
William Cudworth, Christopher Chapman, Thomas Olerton, James 
Tumour. Vellum: one skin 13i X 8, seal missing. 

900 (156) 1574 September 12th, in the 16th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Bargfain 
and Sale (Lat.) from John Cooke clerk, of Trinity College Cambridge, 
Bachelor of Theology, to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, 
of a messuage with appurtenances in Connistrete (Coney Street) York, 
in the parish of Saint Martin, lying between the house of John Bilbowe 
and that in the tenure of Robert Wharf e alias AUelye, and abutting on 
the river Owze, late in the tenure of George Cooke. Power of attorney 
to John Standeven and Ingram Musgrave gentlemen, to deliver seisen. 
Notes : see numbers 900 and 900 (157) below. 

900 (157) 1574 September 12th, in the 16th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and 
Engl.) between John Cooke of Trinity College Cambridge, Bachelor 
of Theology, and John Darley of the city of York gentleman, in ^200, 
to acquit the latter of any previous charges upon a house in Connistreete 
and to make legal assurance if required. Notes : see numbers 900. 
and 900 (156) above. 

900 (125) (1574) September 12th, in the 16th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 
Bargain and Sale (Engl.) by Launcelott Momforthe of Kilnhurst 
gentleman to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, in consideration 
of ^"75, of a messuage in Rawmarshe, with appurtenances, crofts, closes, 
orchards, meadows and arable land with appurtenances called or lying 
in places called, Beertrees, Rydings, Netherfeilde, Aldwarke, Dyke Lands, 
Blackepitts, Rushye Furthes, Crawthorne, Netherside of Holmsike, Hole- 
sike, Gosebutts, Croft Side, Small Roydes, New Raykes, Bleisbye Banks, 
Kirklands, Windmill, Copies, Garthends, Roger Hall Croftes, Orgraves, 


Shawlands, Caldwell Dale, Lon'e Peas Hill, Cockerhowse, all then in the 
tenure of George Satherthwayt at an annual rent of four marks and 
eight hens ; also a cottage and croft in Rawmarshe then in the tenure 
of Robert Bates at an annual rent of 10s and one hen; and another 
cottage and garden with butts called Lees in Wright's close, then in 
the tenure of Thomas Turner at a rent of 5s and one hen. Notes : see 
number 900. 

900 (126) (1575) May 11th, in the 17th year of Elizabeth. Recovery (Lat.) 
suffered by John Darleye gentleman deforciant, against Richard 
Darley and Leonard Chamberlaine esquires plaintiffs, in the properties 
specified in number 900 (125) above. Launcelott Momfort being 
vouched to warranty, and the parties being severally represented by 
their attorneys Martin Earle, John Laundere and Francis Cooke. 
Notes : see number 900. 

900 (165) (1577) April 4th, in the 19th year of EHzabeth. Lease (Lat.) from 
George Cooke then dwelling in Pontefract, citizen and hosier of the 
city of York, to Robert Wharfe alias Hallelay baker of the same and 
Ezabell his wife, of a messuage in Connistreete, for the term of 
their lives or of the survivor of them at an annual rent of 12s. 
Notes: see numbers 900 and 900 (162). Instead of Kirklande this 
deed mentions the tenement and lands of Roland Axbie as the southern 

900 (158) 1577 April 11th, in the 19th year of Elizabeth. Covenant (Engl.) 
between John Cooke of Trinity College Cambridge clerk Bachelor of 
Divinity, and John Darley of the city of York, to levy a fine on 
the property specified in number 900 (156). Notes: see number 900. 

900 (160) 1578 March 27th. Memorandum (Engl.) made by arbitrators un- 
named, who were chosen to view a brick wall between the garden 
of John Darley in Cunnistreete York and the garden of John Billowe. 
Notes : see number 900. 

900 (159) (1578-9) January 23rd, in the 21st year of Elizabeth. Final Concord 
(Lat.) between John Darley gentleman plaintiff and John Cooke clerk 
deforciant, whereby the latter quitclaimed to the former a messuage 
and garden in the parish of Saint Martin in the city of York in con- 
sideration of £iO. Notes: see number 900. 

435 (1579) May 23rd, in the 17th year of Elizabeth. Assisrnment (Engl.) 

of the unexpired portion of a 21 years lease in a " measse of fifyve 
bayes " and a " haulf measse of iii bayes," with certain fields closes 


and appurtenances in Whiteley Wood, by Thomas Dale of Hie Storres 
in the parish of Sheffield yeoman, to Henry Brighte of Whiteley Wood 
yeoman, in consideration of £% 8s. The premises, in which Thomas 
Dale was living, were leased by Robert ModiclifF of Whiteley Wood 
to Christopher Northe of Ecclesall webster, by an indenture of March 5th 
4 Elizabeth (1561-2) ; assigned by the latter to John North of Ecclesall 
yeoman, by an indenture of June 19th 15 EHzabeth (1573) and again 
assigned to Thomas Dale, April 12th 17 Elizabeth (1575). Thus about 
eight years of the original lease had then still to run. Vellum : one skin 
11 X 10, seal. 

(1580) May 11th, in the 22nd year of Elizabeth. Recovery (Lat.) 
suffered by Charles Jackson gentleman against Charles Jackson esquire, 
Robert Archyngton, Roger Mallett, William Jackson and Samuel Asheton 
gentlemen plaintiffs, in half of the manor of Sharlston and 12 messuages, 
6 tofts, 40 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 160 acres of pasture, 
20 acres of wood and 100 acres of moor, with the appurtenances, in 
Sharlston. The attorney of Francis Jackson was William Barker ; and 
John Howell was vouched to warranty. Richard Goodericke esquire 
was sheriff. Vellum : one skin 19 X 10, seal missing. 

1580 July 29th, in the 22nd year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) confirm- 
ing a grant from William Northe of Folshame co Norfolk husbandman 
and Ursula his wife, natural daughter of George Cooke of the city of 
York hosier to John Darley of the city of York, of a messuage in 
Connistreete formerly in the tenure of Robert Wharfe alias Alleley 
and then in the tenure of Isabell Wharfe widow, in consideration of ;^20. 
Notes: see numbers 900 and 900 (162). The northern and western 
boundaries are here given as the house of John Darley and his garden. 

1580 July 29th, in the 22nd year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Barsrain 

and Sale (Engl.) from William North of Foulsam co Norfolk husband- 
man and Ursula his wife, one of the daughters of George Cooke late of 
the city of York esquire, to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, 
in consideration of ;^20, of a messuage in Connistreete, then in the 
tenure of Isabell Wharfe, with copies of deeds relating thereto. Notes: 
see numbers 900 and 900 (162). 

(1580) nth November, in the 22nd year of Elizabeth. Deed of Barg-ain 
and Sale (Lat.) from Agnes Alder of Sand Huton co York widow relict 
of John Alger (sic) deceased, to John Darley of the city of York 
gentleman, of the garthe or close of pasture lying at Beanehills in the 
city of York, between a close then in the tenure of Richard Bell 


gentleman, a close in the tenure of Thomas Gibson, a ditch called 
King's Dyke, and the high road, which garth was then late in the tenure 
of Henry Swinburne or of Hugh Graves alderman of the city. Notes : 
see number 900. 

900 (171) (1580) November llth, in the 21st year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 
Bargain and Sale (Engl.) from Agnes Algar of Sandhulton co York 
widow, relict of John Algar deceased, to John Darley of the city of 
York gentleman, of one garthe or close of pasture ground at the Beane- 
hilles in York, late in the tenure of Henry Swinburne, lying between 
closes in the tenure of Richard Bell gentleman and Thomas Gibson, 
a dyke called the King's Dyke, and the highway ; clear of all charges, 
in consideration of /"21. Notes: see number 900, 

900 (168) (1580-1) February 12th, in the 23rd year of Elizabeth. Recovery (Lat.) 
suffered by John Darley gentleman against Percival Levit plaintiff, 
in a messuage and garden in Connistreete in the city of York. Thomas 
Metcalfe was attorney of John Darley, and Robert Clough of William 
North and Ursula his wife, who were vouchees. Robert Mawe and 
Leonard Best were sheriffs of Yorkshire. Notes : see number 900. 
An apparently irrelevant note follows to the effect that John Darley 
was allowed to continue building on an empty space, between his 
house late in the tenure of Christopher Metcalfe, and a tenement 
then in the tenure of Haxbye's wife in the parish of Saint Martin's, 
and next to a lane. Those who agreed to this, had a note made in 
the " Church booke." 

900 (141) (1582) Michaelmas Term (October 9th to November 28th), in the 24th 
and 25th years of Elizabeth. Recovery (Lat.) suffered by William 
West against Peter Tripett, in 10 acres of meadow in Kilnhurst and 
Rawmarshe. Launcelot Mountfort was the first vouchee to warranty, 
David Howell the second. Edmund Sutton was Mountfort's attorney. 
Sir Robert Stappelton knight was a sheriff of Yorkshire. Notes : see 
number 900. 

759 (1583) Wednesday April 16th, in the 25th year of Elizabeth. Copy of 

Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Cowley, records that at a View of 
Frank Pledge and Court Baron of Barbara Cotton, held on the above 
date, the homage presented that George Shawe had died seised of a 
messuage and copyhold lands in Crookes, formerly in the tenure of 
John Shawe his father ; a sixth part of a messuage and copyhold land 
in Crookes, surrendered to his use by John Hobson at a court held 
4th August 1 1 Elizabeth ; a cottage and land in Crookes, surrendered by 


Robert Shemell 4th August, 11 Elizabeth, also that George the son and heir 
of George Shawe had died and that the next heir was Thomas Shawe, 
brother of George Shawe, who was admitted tenant. Leonard Bamforth, 
steward. Vellum : one skin 12i X 7. 

900 (127) (1583) July 25th, in the 25th year of EHzabeth. Indenture of Bargain 
and Sale (Lat.) by Launcelot Momforthe of Kilnhurst gentleman, to 
John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, in consideration of £90, 
of a messuage called the Sodd House in Kilnhurst with crofts and tofts, 
called, or lying on lands called. Long Pighell, North Ynges, and Elfe 
Ynge, then in the tenure of John Watterall. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (128) (1583) October 3rd, in the 25th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 
Bargain and Sale (Lat.) from Launcelot Momfort of Kilnhurst co 
York gentleman, to John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, in 
consideration of ;^20, of a close of meadow and pasture called 
Spring Tonge alias Over Spenns, lying in Kilnhurst and then in the 
tenure of the vendor. Notes: see number 900. 

900 (129) (1583-4) February 9th, in the 26th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 
Bargain and Sale (Lat.) from Launcelot Mountfort of Kilnhurst co York 
gentleman, to John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, in considera- 
tion of £"220, of a tenement and cottage with appurtenances in Over- 
halghe, then in the tenure of Anthony Mariott, and also of various closes 
fully described. Personal Names; Edward Coosin, William Wood, 
Thomas Hunsfielde, William Waynwrighte. Place Names : Northfeild, 
the Moor of Kilnhurst, Dyott Ynge, Sagar Close, Middle Carr, Potterdyke, 
Swinton Moor, Tibbe Sicke, Little Horsecroft, Five Rood Cloase, 
Great Horse Croft, Swinton, Rawmarshe. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (130) (1584) April 4th, in the 26th year of Elizabeth. Release and Quit 
Claim (Lat.) from William West of Roderham co York gentleman, to 
John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, of a close called Middle Carr 
in Kilnhurst, lying between the Oxeclose, Narcar, and Far Carr. Notes : 
see number 900. 

900 (131) 1584 May 4th, in the 26th year of Elizabeth. Conveyance (Lat.) from 
Launcelot Mountfort of Kilnhurst in the parish of Rawmarshe co York 
gentleman, to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of a capital 
messuage called Kilnhurst with appurtenances and various closes in Kiln- 
hurst. Personal Names : William Wilcocke. Place Names : Kilnehurst 
Greene, Cunygarthe, Narr Carr, Westfielde, Eastfielde, Hunsflat, 


Kilnehurst Lane, Stony Hawes, Gread (sic) Todhole, Little Todhole, 
Shepefortflatt, Great Spenns, Rotehamfordflatts, two watermills of Kiln- 
hurst. Notes : see number 900. 

(1584) May 4th, in the 26th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Covenant 

(Engl.) between Launcelot Mountfort of Kilnhurst co York gentleman, 
and John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, recites that the former 
had conveyed to the latter divers lands etc by the following writings 
(l) Indenture July 12th 25 Elizabeth — a messuage and lands then in the 
tenure of John Watterall ; (2) Indenture October 3rd 25 Elizabeth — a close 
called Springe Tonge; (3) Indenture February 9th 26 Elizabeth — a tenement 
in Overhalghe and lands in Kilnhurste, Rawmarshe, Overhalghe and 
Swinton ; (4) Deed poll of even date — a capital messuage called Kilnhurst 
and divers lands in Kilnhurst and a cottage in Rawmarshe. The parties 
severally covenanted to levy a fine and suffer a recovery to the use of 
John Darleye. Notes : see number 900 ; and number 900 (133) for the 
fine, and numbers 900 (133) and (134) for the recovery. 

(1584) Michaelmas Term (October 9 to November 28th), in the 26th year 
of Elizabeth. Recovery (Lat.) suffered by John Darleye gentleman, 
against Parcivall Levet gentleman, and William Towry gentleman, in the 
properties specified in 900 (132), Launcelot Mountforth being the first 
vouchee. Date of Exemplification 28th November 27 Elizabeth. Notes : 
see number 900. 

900 (136) (1587) June 30th, in the 29th year of Elizabeth. Release and Quit 
Claim (Engl.) from Launcelott Mountfort of Kilnhurst co York gentleman 
to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of properties specified in 
numbers 900 (131) and (132). Notes : see number 900. 

1588 April 9th, in the 30th year of Elizabeth. Release and Quit 

Claim (Engl.) from Thomas Mountfort of the city of London gentleman 
to John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, of properties specified in 
number 900 (131) and (132). Notes: see number 900. 

1588 Easter Term (April 24th to May 20th), in the 30th year of Eliza- 
beth. Exemplification (Lat.) of legal proceedings leading to a fine 
(1) Writ Pmcipe 29th April 26 Elizabeth; (2) Fine for hcence of 
concord ; (3) Writ Capiendi Recognicionem and return 30th April 26 
Elizabeth; (4) Final concord Easter Term 1584, between John Darley 
gentleman plaintiff and Launcelot Mountford gentleman deforciant; 
whereby the latter quitclaimed to the former 3 messuages, 3 cottages, 
1 watermill, 1 dovecot, 3 gardens, 3 orchards and 320 acres in Overhalghe, 


Rawmarshe, Swynton and Kilnhurst in consideration of ;^200. Note* : 
see numbers 900 and 900 (132). These proceedings belong to 1584, but 
the exemplification is dated as above. 

900 (135) (1588) April 24th, in the 30th year of Elizabeth. Exemplification (Lat.) 
of legal proceedings leading to a recovery. (1) Writ Prcecipe 26th May 
1584 ; (2) Writ to the sheriff of Yorkshire ordering him to summon 
Lancelot Mountfort as warranty to John Darley 19th June 1584: 
(3) Writ to the same to give seisin to Parcivall Levet and William 
Towry 6th November 1584; (4) Note to the effect that the seisin was 
given 19th November and that William West and William Buckleye 
were attorneys of John Darley and Edmund Sutton of Lancelot Mount- 
fort. Notes : the recovery referred to here is given in 900 (134) and 
the properties in number 900 (132) and (133). These proceedings 
belong to 1584, but the exemplification is dated as above. 

900 (140) (1588) August 29th, in the 30th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 
Bars:ain and Sale (Lat.) from William West of Rotheram co York 
gentleman, to John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, of a close 
called Overcarr, lying in Kilnhurst co York between a close of Godfrey 
Fuljambe esquire called Thoxclose, a close called Coote Medowes parcel 
of Aldwarke, and a close called Middle Carr parcel of Kilnhurst ; then in 
the tenure of Anthony Maryott. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (142) 1588 December 31st, in the 31st year of Elizabeth. Deed of Feoff- 
and (144) ment (Engl.) from Thomas Mountfort of the city of London gentleman, 
to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of a parcel of " wayste of 
the moore or common of Hoton Robert lyinge neere the water of Dun at a 
certayne place ther called Rhotamford." Power of attorney to Godfrey 
Petty and Thomas Brooke to deliver seisin. Notes : see number 900. 
This deed of feoffment was copied twice into the Register. 

900 (143) (1589) April 27th, in the 31st year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) from Thomas Mountfort of the city of London gentle- 
man, to John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, of a toft and croft 
in Hoton Roberts co York late in the tenure of Richard Hearinge, and a 
water mill at Kilnhurst formerly in the tenure of Robert Balie and then of 
Thomas Hunsfielde, with sufficient land on the moor of Hooton Roberts 
" to fast and binde one milne damm uppon to be erected and builded of 
pyles, and wyndings w'*^ call hedges (tall hedges ?) of the water of 
Done at a place there called Rhotam Ford," and to use the soil of the 
" farr banke," late the inheritance of Thomas Wentworthe esquire 
deceased. An indenture between Christopher Mountfort and Meriall his 


wife and Thomas Mountfort 24 January 3 and 4 Philip and Mary is 
mentioned. Power of attorney to Godfreye Pettye and Frauncis Brooke 
to deliver seisin. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (138) 1589 December 26th, in the 32nd year of Elizabeth. Release and Quit 

Claim (Engl.) from Thomas Mountfort of the city of London gentleman, 
to John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, of a rent charge of £S on 
a mill at Kilnhurst and of any rights he might have in the lordship of 
Kilnhurst and lands at Rawmarshe, Overhalghe, Swinton and Hoton 
Roberts co York. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (139) (1589-90) March 9th, in the 32nd year of Elizabeth. Release and Quit 
Claim (Engl.) from Beatrix Robbinson widow, late wife of Lawrence 
Robbinson late of the city of York alderman deceased, and daughter of 
Launcelot Mountfort late of Kilnhurst co York deceased, to John Darleye 
of the city of York gentleman, of lands in Kilnhurst etc. Notes : see 
numbers 900 and 900 (131) and (138). 

900 (152) 1591 July 22nd, in the 33rd year of Elizabeth. Release and Quit 

Claim (Lat.) by Richard Browne of Mexbrough co York esquire, to 
William Burton of Bilhil co Wilt yeoman, of a messuage and lands 
in Swinton. The deed recites a previous indenture of sale of July 16th of 
the same year, wherein the consideration of ;^60 was stated. Notes : see 
number 900. 

900 (153) 1592(-3) February 14th, in the 35th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Feoff- 
ment (Lat.) from William Burton of Swinton co York yeoman to John 
Darley of the city of York gentleman, in consideration of ;^12, of a close 
called Five Roddes Close in Swinton, lying next to the lordship of 
Kilnhurst, with two headbutts then lately enclosed lying on the 
north side of the close and abutting on Kilnehurst Laine (sic), on a 
close of John Darley called Five Roodes (sic) or Horsecroft, and on a close 
of the same called Diet Ynge, part of the manor of Kilnehurst. Notes : 
see number 900. 

900 (145) (1592) June 8th, in the 34th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 
Bars:ain and Sale (Lat.) from Richard Browne of Mexbrough esquire, 
to John Darleye of the city of York gentleman, of two closes in Swynton, 
called the Over Horsecroft then in the tenure of William Burton, and the 
Nether Horsecroft then in the tenure of ... . Menlove and also of 
" two selions or arable lands containing by estimation half an acre." The 
situation of these parcels is described. Personal Names : Richard 


Wortley, Thomas Hunt. Place Names : Spennes, Fyve Rodes, Diet 
Inge, the manor of Kilnhurst, Horscrofts, North Inges, the highway from 
Swinton to Kilnhurst. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (146) (1592) August 12th, in the 34th year of Elizabeth. Release and 
Quit Claim (Lat.) from OUver Plates clerk lately "juratus" of the 
parish church of Mexborough co York, William Farburn, John Okes, 
and John Blacksmith of Mexborough, to John Darley of the city of 
York gentleman, of a parcel of ground called Nether Horsecroft, late 
in the tenure of Margret Menlove widow of Swinton, which land they 
acquired from Thomas White of Swinton yeoman. Notes : see 
number 900. 

900 (151) 1592 November 9th, in the 34th year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) 
confirming a grant from Thomas Darley of Brearley co York gentle- 
man, to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of an annual rent 
of 5s issuing from a tenement in Rawmarshe, formerly in the tenure 
of Thomas Dyson, then of Anne Dyson relict of John Dyson deceased. 
Notes : see number 900. 

900 (147) (1592-3) February 13th, in the 35th year of EHzabeth. Deed of 
Feoffment (Lat.) from William Burton of Swinton co York yeoman, 
to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of a close called Fyve 
Rodes Close lying in Swinton adjacent to Kilnehirst House. Notes : 
see number 900. 

900 (149) 1595 May 13th, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Lat.) from Richard Browne of Mexburgh co York esquire, 
to Laurence Waide of Swinton co York yeoman, of a close of meadow 
in Swinton called Litle Tode Hode, lying between lands of the 
vendor and William Abson and the River Dune, then in the tenure 
of William Burton and others. Power of attorney to Richard Hanson 
of Wath to deliver seisin. The consideration was £2%. Notes : see 
number 900. 

900 (148) (1595) September 26th, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 
Bargain and Sale (Lat.) from Richard Browne of Mexborough co 
York esquire, to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of two 
closes in Swinton, called Turne Riddinge alias Turne Royding, and 
Great Tode Hole. These closes are described. Personal Names : 
Richard Wortley esquire, Richard Bindley, William Abson. Place 
Names : Rotamford Flatts alias Milne Closes, the river Don. Notes : 
see number 900. 


900 (ISO) 1595 December 1st, in the 38th year of EUzabeth. Indenture of 
Bargain and Sale (Lat.) from Laurence Waid of Swinton co York 
yeoman, to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of a close in 
Swinton called Litle Tode Hole, lying between the lands of William 
Abson, the river Dun and a close called Turme Ridding, then in the tenure 
of William Burton and others. Notes : see numbers 900 and 900 (149). 

900 (154) 1602(-3) February 19th, in the 45th year of Elizabeth. Release and 
Quit Claim (Lat.) by William Burton of Swinton co York yeoman to 
John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of the close mentioned in 
number 900 (155). Notes : see number 900. 

491 1603 July 12th, in the 1st year of James I. Deed of Partition (Engl.) 

between Hugh Smith of Ellcliffe in the parish of Sheffield cutler and 
Johan his wife of the one part and Thomas Dent of Milnhowses in the 
said parish yeoman and Alice his wife of the other part ; whereby, after 
reciting that Robert Burrowes then late of Ellcliffe aforesaid deceased, 
did in his lifetime convey unto feoffees, a messauge and an oxgang of 
land, with the appurtenances, called Ellcliffe ; to the use of the said Johan 
and Alice his daughters ; and that Johan had married the said Hugh Smith, 
and Alice had married the said Thomas Dent; and reciting the agreement 
for the partition of the said messuage and land, by the erection of a wall for 
dividing the same ; the said Thomas Dent and Alice his wife granted to 
Hugh and Johan and the heirs of Johan, all the houses and buildings 
standing and being on the west side of the said wall ; viz., the " ould or 
auncient dwellingehouse, one barn or lath", containing by estimation 
three bayes, one smithy, and one stable ; the half of a close in which the 
dwellinghouse stood ; one close called Broomefeild ; one other close called 
Threepeny Medowe ; the half of a Little Spring called Littlewood, viz., 
the half lying towards the east ; and a close called Porter Croft, with a 
cottage at the north end, lying near to a place called Clyff : and the said 
Hugh Smith and Johan his wife granted to the said Thomas Dent and 
Alice and the heirs of Alice, all the said houses and buildings standing and 
being on the east side of the said wall, viz., a messuage then in the 
occupation of Thomas Sikes; a barne or lath containing one baye ; one 
smithy and a ' kilne or kilne-house" ; one yard or croft in which the said 
house and barn stood ; the other half of the close in which the house, 
granted to Hugh and Johan and the smithy and kilne stood ; a close called 
Wheatfield ; another called Busky Medowe ; the other half of the Spring 
called Littlewood ; and a close called Little Medowe, lying at a place 
called Crookesmoresyde. Witnesses ; Ja Cresswicke, Thomas M . . . , 
Tho Bate, Wm Lee. Vellum : one skin 21 X 13, one seal missing, the 
other bears a stag. 


421 1603(-4) Hilary Term (January 23rd to February 13th), in the 1st year of 

James I. Final Concord (Lat.) between John Howie and William 
Howie plaintiffs and Thomas Skargell and Elizabeth his wife deforciants, 
whereby the latter quit claimed. to the former, 1 barn, 12 acres of land, 
2 acres of meadow, 4 acres of wood, and common of pasture in Crookes, 
Cowley, Halom, Byerley and Sheffield in consideration of ;^41. Vellum : 
one skin 15 X 5. 

757 1604 November 18th, in the 2nd year of James I. Release and Quit 

Claim (Engl.) from Homfrey Beamounte senior of Netherton in the 
township of Southcrosland co York, yeoman, to Thomas Beamounte of 
Melthame his younger son, of a messuage, lands and appurtenances in 
Melthame. Witnesses : " Thomas Crosleay by me John Brooke," John 
Lockwod, John Armitage, James Beamounte, Roger Armitage. Vellum : 
one skin lOi X 7i, seal missing. 

729 1607 November 14th, in the 5th year of James I. Indenture of Bars:ain 

and Sale (Engl.) between John Parker of Lees Hall, Norton co Derby 
esquire and Thomas Greene of Little Sheffield co York cutler ; whereby 
the said John Parker, in consideration of ;^100, granted to the said Thomas 
Greene and his heirs, two closes at Gledlees co York called Ouldfeildes, 
and two parcels of land called Little Hurlefeild and Little Rough Hal 
(late the inheritance of George Turner), containing altogether about 20 
acres. The description of the lands contains the following names of 
persons and places ; namely. Great Hurlefeild, Highley (Heeley), Gilbert 
Earl of Shrewsbury, Jerom Rollenson, William Firth, John Urton alias 
Steeven. Witnesses : Robert Kirkby, Roger Ludlam, Thomas Twigg, 
Ja Creswicke, Nathaniell Chapman, John Bainton. Vellum : one skin 
22 X 15, the seal bears a coat of arms with three quarterings. 

560 1610 July 12th, in the 8th year of James L Indenture of Settlement 

(Engl.), by demise, from John Taylor of the Houlthouse in the parish of 
Sheffield yeoman to John Fretcheuile of Hasilbarowe in the parish of 
Norton co Derby gent and Phillipp Gill of Lightwood in the said parish 
of Norton co Derby yeoman, of the houses, buildings, folds, orchards, 
gardens, etc, being parcel of a messuage called The Hoult House ; viz., 
" the dwellinge house, hall or firehouse, one parlour, one kitchen, one 
buttery, one milkhouse, three several chambers over the before menconed 
roumes, the orchard and gardeines belonging to the said house, the 
uppermost bay towardes the west of the barne or lath, one stable, one 
calfehouse, one little cowhouse with the little fodrom belonging to it, the 
chamber over the said calfehouse, cowhouse and fodrom and the moitye 
or one half of the fould, viz., that halfe which lyeth next unto the 


dwellinge house, with all waies, passages and easements necessary and 
belonginge to any of the said roumes " ; and also certain closes called 
Ley Croft, Little Wood, Narr Hollins, Wheatcroft, Little Okes, Kitchin 
Croft, Holt Well Meadow (except a " Tannyeard " standing in the side of 
the same), Rushymedowe, Holme ; all which lay near Hoult House 
aforesaid ; for a terra of fourscore years, at a pepper corn rent ; to the use 
of Sara wife of the said John Taylor, if she should so long live, and as a 
jointure for her, if she survived her husband ; she paying yearly to the 
king the rent of 3s due for the premises. Proviso that nothing therein 
contained was to " barr or hinder" the said John Taylor enjoying the 
premises during his life ; and that if Sara claimed dower in her husband's 
lands, this deed was to be void and of no eifect. Witnesses : Edward 
Gill, Robert Browne, Robert Cartwright. Vellum : one skin 20i X 9, 
seals missing. Notes : this is the counterpart signed by the trustees. 

764 and 771 (1614-15) January 14th, in the 12th year of James L Deed of Feoffment 
(Lat. and Engl.), and counterpart, from Arthur Clayton of Sheffield 
shoemaker, to William Rawson of Walkley and John Rawson of 
Howpathorpe in the parish of Sheffield tanners, of a messuage or tene- 
ment with appurtenances in Brightside Bierley called " le house att the 
woodsy de " then in the occupation of John Selvester or of the feoffor ; also 
a croft with a close called Lymepittcroft, another called Longfeild, another 
called Hellhole in Brightsyde Bierley, together with all other lands of the 
feoffor in Brightsyde Bierley. Witnesses : Christopher Saursbye, John 
Selvester, George Carr junior, Hugh Hobson, William Saursbye, James 
Creswicke. Robert Saursbie (sic), lessee of Lymepittcroft, paid 2d to 
the feoffees as acknowledgment. Vellum : two skins, one 11X9 and the 
other 10 X 8, two seals missing; one seal on counterpart non-armorial. 
Notes ; a declaration of trust attached, defines the feoffment as for the use 
of the feoffor for life, and afterwards, with the exception of a barn or lath, 
and cowhouse, to that of Margrett Clayton widow of James Clayton son 
of the feoffor, for life and then to Thomas Clayton her son ; the barn or 
lath and cowhouse and the closes Hellhole and Longfield to the use of 
Charles Clayton, son of the feoffor till Christmas 1621, in consideration of 
paying 20s yearly to the children of James Clayton, and then to Thomas 

900 (173) 1616 April 6th, in the 14th year of James I. Will (Engl.) of John Darley 
of Kilnhirst gentlemen, whereby he bequeathed his lands, particulars of 
which may be found in number 900 (172) below, as follows, to Alice Darley 
his wife, " a Portygue of gould, one sealinge ringe of gould that was her 
brother's and one ringe of gould with an Amytist in yt that was her 
mother's", to his daughter the Lady Elizabeth Sheffeild ;^20 ; to her 


daughter Ursulye SheiFeild ;^20 ; to his son-in-law William ShefFeild 

esquire ^10 ; to Mary Ellis his daughter and her children, £"100 to be 

divided among them ; to his daughter Lady Elizabeth Sheflfeild " iii ould 

Ryalls and a blacke gowne " ; to his daughter Ellis the same, to Robert 

Hassall his son-in-law £"10 ; to the latter's daughter Anne 5 marks 

"although I sent her li li. by my sonne Frauncis Darley for her 

preferment"; to his brother-in-law Thomas Mounfort ;^10; to Betterris 

Mountfort ^10; to Bennet Mounfort £10; to Thomas Kitchin £\0 

" if he come to aske it " ; to every servant at the day of his death, 

of at least one year's service, 10s ; to other servants 5s ; to his 

daughter-in-law Lucye Darley £10 and £\Q annuity ; to Alice his wife 

the residue. Richard Darley his nephew, William ShefFeild and Barnard 

Ellis his sons-in-law, were appointed executors, each receiving " one ould 

Ryall and a blacke gowne or cloke." To Mr Leadbeater parson of 

Thrybargh, Mr Goodwyn parson of Raumarshe and his cousin Thomas 

Darley of Barnby Bassall, " one ould angell " apiece. The above 

Anthony Goodwyn and Henry Leadbeater together with Nathaniell Eire 

of Bramley were witnesses of the will. Probate was granted April 24th, 

1617. Notes: see number 900. A "portague" was a Portuguese gold 

coin, called "crusado," current in the 16th century, varying in value 

between £Z 5s and £'^ 10s. A " rial " was an English gold coin first 

issued by Edward IV in 1465 ; it varied in value. In 1544 it was worth 

12s. An "angel" was an English gold coin, originally a new issue 

of the noble, having as its device the Archangel Michael standing on 

and piercing a dragon ; its value varied. In the reign of Edward VI it 

was worth 10s. 

562 (1616) June 19th, in the 14th year of James I. Trinity Term. Recovery 

(Lat.) suffered by Thomas Dent and William Middleton against Edward 
Greaves gentleman and John Ryldon gentleman plaintiffs, of 2 messuages, 
7 gardens, 50 acres of land, 40 acres of pasture, and common of pasture in 
Sheffield. Jervase Lee and Edward Howse were the vouchees to warranty. 
Witnesses: Henry Hobarte. Vellum : one skin 18^ X 10, no seal. Notes: 
Sir Edward Stanhope sheriff of the county delivered seisin to the plaintiffs. 

900 (172) 1616(-7) March 21st, in the 14th year of James I. Indenture of Settle- 
ment (Engl.) between John Darley of Kilnhurste co York gentleman, 
Richard Darley of Buttercrambe esquire, Barnard Ellis of the city of York 
son-in-law of John Darley, and Henry Leadbeater of Thibarghe co 
York clerk ; " To the intent that the manours Capital messuages landes 

may entirely remaine contynue and be established in the blood 

and issue male of John Darley or his daughter Mary, wife of Barnard 
Ellis, and not be devided amonge females wch in licklyhood may alienate 
the same into much strange bloode, and by such particion and alienacion 


breed strife, ruyne, and confusion of the whole," and out of his love to the 
wife and daughter of Francis Darley his son lately deceased, John Darley 
granted to Richard Darley, Barnard Ellis and Henry Leadbeater, his 
manor and capital messuage in Kilnhurst, and his real estate in Raw- 
marshe, Overhaughe, Swinton and Hooton Robert, and houses, lands and 
tenements in the city of York with appurtenances to the following uses — 
for the use of himself and his wife Alice during their lives ; on their death, 
the real estate in York to the use of Mary his daughter, with remainder of 
the whole estates to John Ellis, son of the above Mary and his eldest 
male heirs with remainder to his brothers Robert Ellis, Christopher 
Ellis, and Edmond Ellis and their male heirs in succession ; a sum of 600 
marks to be raised out of the profits of the estates and divided equally 
between Alice, Anne and Edeth daughters of his son John Darley, and 
annuities of £5 to be paid to them and one of £10 to their mother 
Lucye Darley. Notes : see number 900. 

900 (174) 1617 August 6th, in the 15th year of James I. Inquisition Post Mortem 

(Lat.) on the death of John Darley late of Kilnhurst co York gentleman, 
by Samuel Casson esquire eschaetor of Yorkshire, and by the oath of 
George Lovell, Henry Miller, John Grainger, Christopher Pawson, 
Richard Hall, Richard Lambert, Edmund Taylor, William Emerson, 
William Popleton, John Bussie, Richard Johnson, Leonard Sudgden and 
Edward Wightway, who testified that John Darley on the day before his 
death was seised of the following properties : the manor and capital 
messuage of Kilnehirste, consisting of 3 other messuages, 2 cottages, 2 
crofts, 1 water-mill, 1 dovecot, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 200 acres of land, 
100 acres of meadow, 150 acres of pasture, 30 acres of wood, 90 acres of 
moor and heath, and common of pasture for all animals, with appurtenances 
in Kilnehirste, Rawmarshe, Overhaught, Swinton, and Hooton Robert 
CO York ; 2 messuages, 1 garden in Connistreete in the city of York then 
in the tenure of Margaret Stephenson and Margaret Latham widow, 
1 close of pasture at Beanehilles in the city of York. The return recites 
the indenture 900 (172) and will 900 (173) above, and gives the date of John 
Darley's death March 23rd, 1617. The manor of Kilnhurst was held 
from George Chaworth esquire, as of his manor of Raumarshe, in free 
socage at a rent of 6s yearly, and the property in York in free burgage of 
the King. Alice, Anne, and Edith Darley, daughters of Francis Darley 
deceased, were coheiresses of John Darley, being aged four, three, and one 
and a half years and more at the time of his death, and Alice Darley his 
wife was living at Kilnhurst. Notes : see number 900. 

909 (i) (1618) November 26th, in the 16th year of James I. Surrender and 
Admittance (Lat.) in the Court Baron of Henry Carey knight Lord 
Hunsdon, lord of the manor of Conesbrough, from Richard Bradley to 


Richard Armeroid of half a messuage, the fourth part of a cottage and 
four acres and a half lying in the three several fields of Connesbrough, for 
a term of twenty years at an annual rent of 23id. Fine 23id. Notes : 
see number 909. 

909 (ii) (1618-9) March 4th, in the 16th year of James I. Admittance (Lat.) in 
the Court Baron of Connesbrough. A jury summoned to inquire into the 
copyhold lands of Robert Waterhouse gentleman of Harthill deceased, 
presented that Maximilian his son and heir was present in court. The 
latter produced a copy of the roll of a Court Baron of George Carey Lord 
Hunsdon, of April 17th, 41 Elizabeth, recording that Stephen Waterhouse 
had surrendered two messuages with lands and appurtenances in Connes- 
brough then in the tenure of one Nicholson and all his lands in Clifton to 
the use of Robert Waterhouse gentleman and Maximilian his son, through 
George Chaworth then chief steward. At the present court Maximilian 
was admitted tenant. Fine 26s 6d. Names of the Jurors : Edward 
Wirrall gentleman, Robert Wasse gentleman, Christopher Faram, John 
Stanyforthe, Robert Dareley, Richard Marsden, Nicholas Nicholson, John 
Rackit, Robert Amerie, Thomas Tomson, William Pagden, Ralph Pigott. 
Notes : see number 909. 

909 (iii) (1618-9) March 4th, in the 16th year of James I. Surrender and 
Admittance (Lat.) in the Court Baron of Connesbrough, from Richard 
Bossevile of Clyfton and Elizabeth his wife, through Christopher Fayram 
and Thomas Ode customary tenants, to Richard Amerie of Clifton, of a 
messuage and an oxgang of twelve acres in Clyfton, described in indentures 
of February 1st of that year. Fine 4s 6d. Richard Chaworth steward. 
Notes : see number 909. 

909 (iv) (1618-9) March 4th, in the 16th year of James I. Admittance (Lat.) in 
the Court Baron of Connesbrough. The jurors presented the death (four 
years previously) of Launcelot Jackson of Dalton, who was seised of a 
cottage and fourteen acres with appurtenances in Dalton Parva, held of 
the lord in common and free socage, by homage of suit of court every 
three weeks, an annual rent of 5s lOid, carting with the customary 
tenants of Braithwell, and making his share of the mill-dam of Connes- 
broughe (sic) at his own cost with the lord's timber. Thomas Jackson was 
his son and heir of full age. Relief 5s lOjd. Names of the Jurors : 
Robert Wasse, Richard Bossevile, Christopher Fayram, John Stanyforth, 
Robert Dareley, Richard Marsden, Nicholas Nicholson, John Racket, 
Robert Amerie, . . . Tomson, Ralph Pigott, Richard Amerie. Notes ; 
see number 909. 


(v) (1619) April 5th, in the 17th year of James I. Surrender and Admit- 
tance (Lat.) in the Court Baron of Connesbrough from Christopher 
Fayram to his son (Richard ?) Fayram, of two messuages and a croft, 
then late in the tenure of Robert Robothom deceased, with half a croft 
adjacent, and forty acres of land in the reeveship and fields of Clifton. 
Fine 15s 4d. Notes : see number 909. 

(vi) (1619) April 5th. Surrender and Admittance (Lat.) in the Court 
Baron of Connesbrough, from Christopher Fayram to his son Richard 
Fayram, of twenty acres of land in the reeveship of Clyfton. Fine 6s 8d. 
Notes : see number 909. 

(vii) (1619) April 5th. Surrender and Admittance (Lat.) in the Court 
Baron of Connesbrough, from Elizabeth Amerie of Clifton widow, John 
Amerie and Robert Amerie her sons, to William Amerie, of 4 messuages, 
14 acres, 3 rods, to take effect after their death. Fine 4s. Notes : see 
number 909. 

(1619) April 5th. Surrender and Admittance (Lat.) in the Court 
Baron of Connesbrough. Elizabeth Amerie of Clyfton widow, John 
Amerie and Robert Amerie her sons, to William Amerie of the half of 4 
messuages, 14 acres, 3 rods in Clifton. Fine 2s. Notes : see number 909. 

(ix) (1619) April 5th. Surrender and Admittance (Lat.) in the Court 
Baron of Connesbrough. William Amerie of Clyfton to Isabella Amerie 
his intended wife, of the reversion of half of 4 messuages, 14 acres, 3 rods 
Clyfton. Fine 2s. Notes : see number 909. 

(x) (1619) April 5th. Surrender and Admittance (Lat.) in the Court 
Baron of Connesbrough, from William Amerie to Isabella Amerie, his 
intended wife, of the reversion of the other half of 4 messuages, 14 acres, 
3 rods in Clyfton, to be void in case of issue of the marriage. Fine 2s. 
Notes : see number 909. 

(xi) (1619) April 5th. Admittance (Lat.) in the Court Baron of Connesbrough. 
Anna Staniforth and Jane Staniforth were admitted tenants of a moiety 
of a messuage, cottage, toft, croft, and appurtenances in the reeveships of 
Bray well and Micklebring. The jury had presented that William 
Stanyforth their father had occupied these premises under colour of a 
surrender of John Stanyforth his father for ten years preceding without 
paying a fine. A claim was preferred by Thomas Tomson in the right of 
Anne his wife, formerly wife of the above Wiiliam Stanyforth. Fine 


26s 6d. Names of the Jurors : Robert Wasse gentleman, Christopher 
Fayram, Cotton Nevile, Richard Marsden, John Rackit, Robert Amerie, 
Robert Ode, William Pagden, Ralph Clay, Robert Brodehead. Notes : 
see number 909. 

477 1619 April 17th, in the 17th year of James I. Surrender and Admit- 

tance (Lat.) extracted from the court rolls of the manor of CoUey co 
York ; at a Court Baron of the most noble men, to wit, William Earl of 
Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain of the Court of Chancery, and Thomas 
Earl of Arundel and Surrey, held on the above date, when it was presented 
and found that previously, to wit on the 6th day of March then last past, 
Richard Birkinshaw of Crookes co York sheather and Gartrud his wife 
(she Gartrude nevertheless being separately examined by the steward of the 
manor) out of court, by the hands of George Greaves and William Hoyland 
customary tenants of the manor, surrendered into the hands of the lord of 
the manor, according to the custom of the manor, a small croft or close con- 
taining by estimation half an acre, lying in Crookes, between the high road 
there called the towne streete on the west, and lands of William Hoole 
on the east ; and abutting on land of the said William Hoole on the 
south, and land of Stephan Fox on the north ; one other croft or close 
adjoining the Moor of Crookes commonly called by the name of Meane 
Carr, and containing by estimation half an acre of land ; and one other 
close commonly called Well Medowe lying in Crookes aforesaid, 
between lands of the said William Hoole on the east and west, and 
containing by estimation half an acre of land, with all and singular its 
appurtenances, and then in the tenure or occupation of Richard Birkinshawe 
or his assigns, to the only proper use of John Oxpringe of Walkeley in 
the said parish and county cutler, and his heirs and assigns for ever, 
according to the custom of the said manor ; to which same John, the lord 
by his steward, granted seisin, to hold to him his heirs and assigns for 
ever, according to the custom of the manor ; he was admitted tenant and 
did fealty. Extracted by Fr West deputy steward. Vellum : one skin 
11 X 8. 

909 (xii) (1619) August 31st. Admittance (Lat.) in the Court Baron of Connes- 
brough. Thomas Vincent gentleman was admitted tenant of 2 messuages 
6li acres 1 rod in the reeveship of Connesbrough, and of 49i ells of land, 
and of a curtilage held in free and common socage in Connesbrough, as 
heir of Richard Vincent. Names of the Jurors : Robert Wass gentleman, 
Christopher Fayram, Richard Marsden, John Racket, Richard Bossevile. 
George Drables, Thomas Oade, Richard Amerie, Robert Brodehead, 
Henry Nie gentleman. Notes : see number 909. 


(1619) September 21st. Admittance (Lat.) in the Court Baron of 
Connesbrough. Edward Fretwell, son and heir of Ralph Fretwell, and 
the former's wife Jeannette, daughter of John Clarke deceased, and Dorothy, 
widow of John Clarke deceased were admitted tenants of two moieties of 
five oxgangs of land in Braithwell and Micklebring, which John Clarke 
had surrendered at a court January 3rd, 4 James I, to the use of himself for 
life, and afterwards one moiety to the use of Edward and Jeanette (sic), 
the other moiety to the use of Dorothy for life, with remainder to Edward 
and Jeanette. Fines : 12s 6d each. Names of the Jurors : Thomas 
Ode, Thomas Morte, Cotton Nevile, George Jubb, Robert Dareley, . . . 
.... Nicholas Bossevile, Nicholas Nicholson, Richard Amerie, George 
Drable .... Notes : see number 909. 

531 1620(-2l) March 22nd, in the 18th year of James I. Indenture of 

Mortgage (Engl.) from Lawrence Hall the younger of Fulwood in the 
parish of Sheffield yeoman, to John Bright of Whorlowe in the said 
parish yeoman, of all that " ould house called the Nether House, with 
the yeard called the smithy yeard," wherein the said house stood ; a 
croft called Smithy Croft adjoining ; and a close called Over Dawefeild in 
Fulwood, then in the occupation of the said Lawrence, to secure the 
repayment in lead, of a sum of ;f 12 then advanced by the said John 
Bright ; such advance being upon condition that if the said Lawrence 
Hall his heirs or assigns or any of them doe well and truly paie and 
deliver or cause to be well and truly paid and delivered unto the said 
John Bright his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns two foothers of 
good pure and merchantable Peake leade, in and upon the fower and 
twentith dale of June next ensueing the dale of the date heareof att or 
wthin the now smilting house or leadmilne of the said John Bright (called 
the Boalehill Smilting House)" situate in Sheffield " by the usual and 
accustomed waightes of the same smilting house wthout fraude or further 
delay," then the mortgage was to be void and ended etc. The covenant 
for title includes Helen, the then wife of Lawrence Hall the elder, who 
was apparently then living. Witnesses : Robert Bright, John Hadfeilde, 
Lawrence Hall (probably the elder). Vellum : one skin 23 X 12, seal 
missing. Notes : a fother or foother generally means a cart load of 
anything, but a foother of lead would mean some specific weight well 
understood at the Boalehill Smilting House. At the present day a 
fother of lead usually is 19^ cwt., see " Oxford Dictionary." Smeltings 
Farm overlooks Bolehill, and backs to the Ringinglowe Road, at the top 
of Hangram Lane. 

352 1620(-1) March 22nd, in the 18th year of James L Deed of Bargain 

and Sale (Lat.) from Lawrence Hall junior of Fulwood in the parish 
Sheffeild yeoman, to John Bright of Whorlowe yeoman, in part performance 


of a covenant of even date, of a "little old house" called Netherhouse, 
with a curtilage called "the smithy yeard," in which the house stood, 
together with an adjacent croft called the Smithy Croft aud a close called 
Over Dawefeild in Fulwood, then in the tenure of the said Lawrence 
Hall. Witnesses : Robert Bright, John Hadfeilde, Laurence Hall 
senior. Vellum : one skin 14| X 7, seal missing. 

529 1622 May 21st, in the 20th year of James L Indenture of Mortgage 

(Engl.) by demise from Lawrence Hall of Fulwood in the parish of 
SheiHeld yeoman, and Lawrence Hall the younger his son and heir 
apparent, to John Bright of Whorlowe in Sheffield aforesaid yeoman, 
of a close in Fulwood called Hynd Acre, then in the occupation of 
the said Lawrence and Lawrence or one of them, for a term of seven 
years, at the yearly rent of one penny, to secure the repayment on the 
29th September then next at or in the said dwellinghouse of the said 
John Bright at Whorlowe aforesaid of £'\- 6s 8d. Witnesses : Robert 
Bright, Ambrose (?) Wilson, Henry Fox. Vellum : one skin 20 X 10, 
seals missing. 

769 (1622-3) January 6th, in the 20th year of James L Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from Gervase Lee of Bentihaugh in the parish of Sheffield 
CO York yeoman, and Dionysius Lee of Bentihaugh cutler, to Richard 
Shemeld of Sheffield ironmonger, in £\2Q), to perform covenants con- 
tained in an indenture of even date. Witnesses : William Bysshop, 
Ja. Creswicke, Thomas JefFcock, Richard JefFcock. Vellum : one skin 
14 X 5, one seal non-armorial, one missing. 

476 1623 June 28th, in the 21st year of James L Admittance (Lat.) 

extracted from the court rolls of the manor of Colley co York, at a 
Court Baron of the Most Noble Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey 
and William Earl of Pembroke, held there on the above date, when 
it was found by the homage, to wit, by the oath of John Hoole, Humfrey 
Willson, William Wyld, John Foster, George Greaves, and Richard 
Woodrove, that John Oxpring died since the last court, to wit, on the 
1st day of June then instant, seised of two messuages and two cottages, 
with the appurtenances in Crookes ; and several lands appertaining ; 
lately of Birkinshaws formerly Shawes, then in the several tenures or 
occupations of Robert Gilbert, William Hartley, Emma Wyld, and 
Emote Oxpring widow, held by copy court roll of the manor and by 
service according to the custom of the manor ; aud that John Oxpring 
was his only son and heir, and was aged two years and six months 
or thereabouts, to whom the lord by his steward granted seisin, 
to hold to him and his heirs for ever according to the custom of the 
manor; and upon this came Winifreda Oxpring his mother and she 


was admitted his guardian, during his minority. Ro Butler deputy 
steward, extracted by Fr West clerk of the court. Vellum : one skin 
25i X 5. 

379 1623 October 4th, in the 21st year of James I. Deed ol Bargain and 

Sale (Lat.) confirming a grant by Lawrence Hall senior of Fulwood 
in the parish of Sheffield co York yeoman and Lawrence Hall his 
son and heir apparent to John Bright of Whorlowe in the same parish 
and county, of all those closes or parcels of land called Heendacre, 
Little Medowe, (in the occupation of the said Lawrence Hall senior) 
and Wood Close (in the occupation of Francis Offerton), all in Fulwood 
aforesaid. Witnesses : William Greaves, John Greaves, William 
Bright, Ja Creswicke. Vellum: one skin Hi X 10, two small seals 
of red wax, one bears the head of a stag, and the other is broken, 
but shows part of a stag courant, neither appears to be armorial. 

532 1623 October 4th, in the 21st year of James I. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) from Lawrence Hall the elder of Fulwood in the 
parish of Sheffield yeoman, and Lawrence Hall the younger his son 
and heir apparent, to John Bright of Whorlowe in the same parish 
yeoman, of a close called Heendacre ; and a close called Little Medowe 
in Fulwood, then in the occupation of the said Lawrence Hall the elder ; 
and another close in Fulwood called Wood Close, then in the occupation 
of Francis Offerton ; subject nevertheless to one or more lease or leases 
theretofore made of Wood Close to the said Francis Offerton, of which 
there was not more than thirteen years to run ; the rent or rents of four 
pence therein mentioned, referred to the title of dower of Helen then 
wife of the said Lawrence the elder. Witnesses: William Greaves, 
William Bright, John Eveanes, Ja Creswicke. Vellum : one skin 
23 X 13, one seal bears a goat and the other (broken) bears a stag's 
head ; neither appear^ to be armorial. 

474 1624 November 26th, in the 22nd year of James L Admittance 

(Lat.) extracted from the court rolls of the manor of CoUey; at the 
Small Court of the Most Noble Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey 
and William Earl of Pembroke Lord Chamberlain of the King's 
Court of Chancery held on the above date when it was found by the 
homage, to wit, by the oath of Humfrey Willson, Stephan Fox, John 
Waynewright, John Foster, Francis Jessopp, and George Ibotson, that 
John Oxpring son and heir of John Oxpring, died before the holding of 
that Court, to wit, about the 15th day of August then last passed, seised 
in his demesne as of fee, according to the custom of the said manor, of and 
in two messuages and two cottages with the appurtenances in Crookes, 


with all lands and tenements to the same messuages and cottages belong- 
ing, late of Richard Birkinshawes formerly Shawes, and then or late in the 
several tenures or occupations of Robert Gilbert, William Hartley, Emma 
Myles and Emote Oxpring widow, and that Thomas Oxpring then of 
Wickersley was a kinsman and next heir of the said John Oxpring the 
son, namely as brother of the said John Oxpring, father of the said John 
Oxpring the son, and aged fifty-seven years or thereabouts at the time of 
taking the inquisition ; to which said Thomas Oxpring the lords, by 
their steward forthwith granted seisin, to hold to him and his heirs 
for ever, according to the custom of the manor. He was admitted 
tenant and did fealty to the lords. Ro Butler deputy steward ; witness, 
Fr. West. 

434 and 453 1624(-5) February 12th, in the 22nd year of James I. Indenture of 
Settlement (Engl.), and counterpart, in contemplation of an intended 
marriage between Thomas Clayton of "Sheaffeild cordwyner" and Alice 
Raison daughter of Thomas Raison of Pontefract co York alderman ; 
whereby an annuity or yearly rent charge of £1 , issuing out of a messuage 
in Brightside Byerley in Sheffield, commonly called the house at the 
Woodside, and closes called the Lyme Pitt Croft, the Longefeild (then 
divided into three), and the Hellhole, were granted to the said Thomas 
Raison to the use of the said Thomas Clayton until the said marriage, 
and after the solemnization thereof, to the uses therein mentioned. 
Witnesses : George Rasine, Robert . . . . , Robert Rasine, John 
Rasine, Roberte Saursbye, Edward Rawson. Vellum : each one skin 
18X9i, seals missing. 

798 1624 November 29th, in the 22nd year of James I. Bond (Lat.) from 

John Holland of Buttonhill in the parish of Sheffield co York yeoman and 
John Holland junior of Dovehouse tanner, to William Creswick junior of 
Sheffield cutler, in ;^120, to perform covenants contained in an indenture 
of even date. Witnesses : Ja. Creswicke, Nicholas Parkin, Thomas 
Parkin, JefFray Brelsforth, Edward Cowper. Vellum: one skin 12x4i, 
two small seals, one armorial, with crest a stag's head. 

475 1624 December 16th, in the 22nd year of James I. Surrender and 

Admittance (Lat.) extracted from the court roll of the manor of Colley, 
at a Court Baron of the Most Noble Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey 
and William Earl of Pembroke, held there on the above date ; when came 
Thomas Oxpring senior and surrendered into the hands of the lord of the 
manor two messuages and two cottages, with the appurtenances, in 
Crookes within the jurisdiction of that court, and all customary lands etc 


to the use of himself Thomas and Anne his wife for the term of their 
lives and the survivor of them ; and after the death of the survivor, to the 
use of Thomas Oxpring his son and heir apparent, and the heirs and 
assigns of him Thomas Oxpring the son, for ever, according to the 
custom of the manor, which lands were granted to the said Thomas 
Oxpring senior and Anne his wife to hold to them according to the 
custom of the manor and they were admitted tenants thereof and Thomas 
Oxspring senior did fealty. Robert Butler deputy steward, extracted by 
Fr. West clerk of the court. Vellum : one skin 15x5. 

473 1625(-6) March 11th, in the 1st year of Charles I. Surrender and 

Admittance (Lat.) extracted from the court roll of the manor of Colley ; 
at a Court Baron of the Most Noble Thomas Earl of Arrundell (sic) 
and Surrey and William Earl of Pembroke, held there on the above date, 
when it was found by the homage, to wit, by the oath of Anthony Rallin- 
son gent, John Hoole, William Carr, John Beete, John Machon, Humphrey 
Willson, William Wyld, Richard Woodrove, John Waynewright, William 
HinchclyfFe, Francis Jessopp and Hugh Spooner that Thomas Oxpring 
senior formerly of Wickersley co York yeoman, who previously, to wit, 
at the court of the said manor held the 17th day of December 1624 came 
and surrendered into the hands of the lords, two messuages and two 
cottages with the appurtenances in Crookes, within the jurisdiction of that 
court, and all customary land, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever 
or wheresoever appurtenant, or with the same usually used, enjoyed and 
occupied, and known as parcel or member thereof ; to the use of himself 
Thomas and Anne his wife for the term of their lives and the longest 
liver ; and after their decease to the only use and behoof of Thomas 
Oxpring his son and heir apparent and the heirs and assigns of him 
Thomas Oxpring the son ; further it was found that Thomas Oxspring 
senior died on the 9th day of March then instant ; and the said Anne 
still survived, to wit, at Wickersley ; upon which came the said Thomas 
Oxpring the son and prayed to be admitted as tenant to the reversion of 
the said tenements with the appurtenances, on the falling in after the 
death of the said Anne, according to the form and effect of the said 
surrender and the custom of the manor, to whom the lords by their steward 
granted seisin, the tenant doing fealty to the lords. Signed Ro Butler 
deputy steward. Vellum : one skin 13 X 6. 

363 1625 November 30th, in the 1st year of Charles I. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from Jervase Lee alias Leigh lately of Bentihough in the parish 
of Sheffield yeoman, to Stephan Bright of Carbrooke in the same gentleman, 
in ;^40, to perform covenants contained in an indenture of even date. 


Witnesses : Anth Morewood, P Perrins, James Bright, Robert Haslam, 
William Byshoppe, Christopher Raworth, Ja. Creswicke. Vellum : one 
skin 10 X 74, seal non-armorial, bearing the device of a goat. 

611 (1625-6) February 12th. Will (Engl.) of Joshua Skargell of Sheffield 

yeoman. The testator left to his eldest son William the estate settled in 
jointure upon his late wife Elizabeth, a cupboard with boxes, an iron desk, 
and his household furniture bequeathed to him by his father William ; to 
Thomas his youngest son two closes in Brightside Bierley called the Cow- 
Close and Cowclose Head bought of Thomas Rawson of Whiston, four 
cottages near the West-barr-end in Sheffield bought of John Bayes with a 
close adjoining, then in the occupation of Elias Trickett, Thomas Berry, 
Thomas Peck, and Thomas Creswick ; to his daughter Elizabeth for the 
term of her life with reversion to his son William, the rents of four closes 
in Sheffield and Upperthorpe, called Three Doles, the dole leading to the 
Townfieldyate, the Kirkdole, and Bobbin-Carr, then in the occupation of 
Nicholas Chowe, John Dawton, and Joshua White, and ten pounds in 
money; to his daughter Sarah two closes, called east end of Great Bobbin 
Carr, and Great Bobbin Carr, bought of Edward Rawson of Upperthorp 
and his son John Rawson of Dodworth ; to William the remainder of his 
real estate and to Thomas and Sarah the remainder of his personal estate; 
to Robert Sorsbie the executor the sum of 10s. Witnesses: Thomas 
Cade, Charles Hancock, James Hill. Vellum: one skin 154x15, seal 

784 (1627) May 4th, in the 3rd year of Charles I. Writ (Lat.) directing the 

Justices of the Peace and of Oyer and Terminer of the West Riding of 
Yorkshire, to send the indictments against Thomas Bright of Ecclesall 
yeoman, to the Court of King's Bench. Signed "for the Court, Fanshawe." 
Endorsed, " Will Jones." Vellum : one skin 11X2. 

722 1628 September 20th, in the 4th year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Marriage Settlement (Engl.) by Henry Hirst of Broadfeild in the 
parish of Sheffield yeoman on the intended marriage of his son and heir 
apparent Francis Hirst of Broadfeild aforesaid carpenter to Anne Wain- 
wright daughter of Henry Wainwright of Brighton (sic) co Derby, after 
reciting that the said Francis Hirst had given security to Elizabeth, wife 
of Gilbert Otes and daughter of the said Henry Hirst, for payment of ^"40; 
and to the said Henry Hirst for payment of another ^40, and had also 
undertaken to pay and discharge unto Henry Maunorr a debt of 
£^2 8s Od, for which both Henry and Francis stood jointly bound ; and 
reciting that the said Henry Hirst had levied a fine unto Thomas Cowper 
of Sheffield glover and William Creswicke of Sheffield cutler, of a 


messuage and lands known by the name of Broadfeild in Ecclesall 
Byreley in Sheffield, near to a bridge called Heeley Bridge and then in 
the occupation of the said Henry and Francis Hirst ; it was covenanted 
and agreed that the cognizees named in the said fine should stand seised 
of the said messuage and lands, to the uses, intents and purposes therein- 
after mentioned. The trusts vary for different parts of the property, and 
even for different rooms and parts of rooms in the house, the particulars 
being fully set out, and the description contains the following names of 
persons and places ; namely bay of the Southend, Over Parlor, Neither 
Parlor, Kitchen, Barne, Raph Roddis, Smithy Standinge, Calfe Leyes, 
Lathefeild, Milnfeild, Katherine wife of Henry Hirst, Croft, South Croft. 
Witnesses : James . . . forth, John Rollinson the elder, John Bates. 
Vellum : one skin 19X12, seal missing. 

481 1628(-9) January 6th, in the 4th year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Bargain and Sale (Engl.) between Ambrose Pigott of Bilham co York 
yeoman and Jennett his wife, Thomas Pigott of Coulthropp in the same 
county yeoman, brother to the said Ambrose, and Elene his wife of the 
one part and Margery Pigott of Doncaster widow and Edward Sheppard 
of Doncaster husbandman of the other part ; whereby, in consideration of 
;^200, a messuage called the BuUe in Frenchgate, Doncaster, sometime in 
the occupation of Richard Lewis gent and Raf e Aslabie gent, but then of 
the said Margery Pigott, with all easements appurtenances and deeds, 
was granted to the use of the said Margery Pigott and Edward Sheppard 
their heirs and assigns for ever, to be held of the chief lord of the fee, by 
rents and services due and of right accustomed. Witnesses : Tho West, 
Wm West, Mathew Smith, Jesper Justice, Richard Bradforth. Vellum : 
one skin 25 X 14, the four seals missing. 

456 1628(-9) February 2nd, in the 4th year of Charles I. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) of William Sheppard of Bentley co York yeoman, to warrant his 
title to two acres of land in Stockbridge Feild co York, conveyed to 
Thomas Hall of Stockbridge yeoman, by writing of even date. Wit- 
nesses : Samuel Hall, Robert Hall, George . . . Peise, John Phip, 
James Hall. Vellum : one skin 22 X 5, holes in two places, small seal of 
red wax bears the letters W.S. 

520 (1629) March 25th, in the 4th year of Charles I. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from Margaret Clayton of Sheffield co York widow to Thomas 
Clayton her son shoemaker, of a messuage or dwellinghouse " conteininge 
three bey of housinge," commonly called Woodsidehouse, one orchard and 
two crofts, situate in Brightside Barley (sic), within- the parish and lordship 


of Sheffield ; from the day of the date thereof, for and during the natural 
life of her the said Margaret Clayton, at the yearly rent of £'5, payable 
half yearly. Witnesses: RafFe Turner, Henry Higinsonne. Paper: one 
sheet 12X9i, seal missing. 

779 1629 fifteen days after Easter (April 14th), in the 5th year of Charles I. 

Pinal Concord (Lat.) between Richard Woodroofe plaintiff and John 
Houle senior and John Houle junior and Priscilla his wife deforciants, 
whereby the latter quitclaimed to the former a messuage, barn, garden, 
8 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 6 acres of pasture and common of 
pasture for beasts in Crookes, Ecclesall, Hallam and Sheffield ; in con- 
sideration of /'41. Vellum : one skin 134 ^ 5. 

415 1630 October 14th, in the 6th year of Charles I. Indenture of Bargfain 

and Sale (Lat.) by William Colson of Doncaster co York chandler to 
Edward Sheppard of Doncaster yeoman, of three acres of land etc in the 
townfields or territories of Doncaster, in the occupation of William Carver; 
formerly the hereditaments of William Richmond of Doncaster yeoman 
deceased, and by him conveyed to Anthony Armitage of Doncaster 
yeoman deceased, the price being ^47. Witnesses : Samuel Hall, John 
Nicolson, John . . . Barrowe, Edward Sheppard, Ambrose Harpam, 
Thomas Burthroid, William Catterill, Thomas Shepphard. Vellum: one 
skin 18 X 10, seal missing. 

348 1631 May 10th, in the 7th year of Charles I. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Lat.) from William Creswicke junior of Sheffield cutler to 
Thomas Bright of Graystones in Ecclesall in the parish of Sheffield 
yeoman, of a close of six acres and a half, commonly called Parke 
Medowe, lying within the lordship of Ecclesall between the land of 
Thomas Billam and a certain common or waste called Brendcliff Edge, 
then in the occupation of the grantor, in part accomplishment and per- 
formance of certain covenants, grants and agreements contained in an 
indenture of the same date. Witnesses : Thomas Creswick, James 

Creswicke, John Henery Stevenson. Vellum: one skin 11 X 9, 

seal non-armorial bears the device of a goat. 

789 163l(-2) January 3rd, in the 7th year of Charles I. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Lat.) from Thomas Clayton of Sheffield co York cordwainer, 
to Robert Sorsbie of Sheffield cutler, of a messuage with appurtenances 
known as " le house at the Woodside," in Brightside Byerlowe then in 
the tenure of John Hawkesley, of a garden next to the house, then in the 
tenure of John Silvester, and of a croft and close called Lyme Pitt Crofte 
then in the tenure of the vendor ; together with all the vendor's lands in 


Brightside Byerlowe (with the exception of a lane leading to the Long- 
fieldes). This sale was in part accomplishment of covenants in an 
indenture of the same date, and in consideration of ;^53. Witnesses : 
Ja. Creswicke, George Carr, John Silvester, Richard Sheircliffe, William 
Saursby, Wm Moseley, John Hawkesley. Vellum : one skin 13 X 8, 
one seal, non-armorial. 

429 and 442 163l(-2) January 6th, in the 7th year of Charles I. Indenture of 
Lease (Engl.), and counterpart, from Robert Sorsbie of Sheffield 
cutler to Thomas Clayton of Sheffield cordwainer and Alice his wife, 
of a messuage in Brightside Byerlowe in the parish of Sheffield, commonly 
called " the house att the Woodsyde," then in the occupation of John 
Hawksley: and all easements and appurtenances; and the garden near 
thereto, then in the occupation of John Silvester ; and a close or croft 
adjoining to the messuage ; and the close called Lymepitt Croft, then 
in the occupation of the said Thomas Clayton ; all which the said Robert 
Sorsbie late hadd and purchased to him and to his heires for ever of 
the gyfte graunt or conveyance of the said Thomas " ; for the term of 
" fowerscore " years, if the said Thomas and Alice should so long live ; 
at the yearly rent of 50s. Witnesses : Ja Creswicke, Wm Moseley, 
John Hawkesley. Vellum : each one skin 14 X 8, one seal bears a 
fleur-de-lis, and the other, two arrows with heads in base, crossed 
through a heart; probably neither is armorial. 

788 1631 (-2) January 8th, in the 7th year of Charles I. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from Thomas Clayton of Sheffield co York cordwainer to Robert 
Sorsbie of Sheffield cutler, in ;^160, to perform covenants contained in an 
indenture of even date. Witnesses : George Carr, William Saursbye, 
Richard SchirtclifFe, John Silvester. Vellum : one skin 8X8, fragments 
of a small seal. 

440 (1631-2) January 13th, in the 7th year of Charles 1. Indenture of 

Barg^ain and Sale (Engl.) by Thomas Clayton of Sheffield corviser 
(shoemaker), to Robert Sorsbie of Sheffield cutler, in consideration of 
£53, of a messuage with appurtenances in Brightside Byerlowe, called 
" the House at the Wood Syde," then in the occupation of John 
Hawkesley, of a garden near by, then in the occupation of John Silvester, 
and of a close or croft of three roods adjoining, and of a close called 
Lyme Crofte of one and a half acres, excepting to the seller passage 
through them to certain closes called Longfieldes, and reserving the yearly 
rent of 23s from a lease made to John Hawkesley of the messuage, then 
having ten years to run, and excepting the chief rent of the garden, leased 


to John Sylvester in 1628 for 21 years. A warranty was given against 
any dower claims of Alice wife of Thomas Clayton, and the latter engaged 
if required to execute a fine, feoffment, or recovery. Witnesses : Ja. 
Creswicke, George Carr, William Saursbye, Richard Sheircliffe, John 
Silvester. Vellum : one skin 22 X 121, seal partly broken bears a 

448 (1631-2) March 9th, in the 7th year of Charles I. Release and Quit 

Claim (Engl.) from Thomas Raysin of Doncaster ' Linnendraper " son 
and heir of Thomas Raisin (sic) late of Pontefract alderman, to Robert 
Sorsbie of Sheffield cutler, and to Charles Clayton son and heir of Charles 
Clayton deceased, of a messuage in Brightside Byerley, called ' the house 
att the Woodside," and closes called Lymepittcroft, Longfield, and Hell- 
hole. The deed recites that Thomas Clayton of Sheffield '' Cordwyner," 
by an indenture of February 13th 1524-5, with a view to his marriage 
with Ales Raisin daughter of Thomas Raisin deceased of Pontefract, 
granted to the latter a yearly rent charge of £1 on "the house att the 
Woodside " etc as a jointure for their own use. As Thomas and Ales 
Clayton had recently sold the properties to Robert Sorsbie and Charles 
Clayton, Thomas Raysin junior quitclaimed to the buyers any interest he 
might have as trustee. Vellum: one skin 16 X \\\. 

424 (1632) Easter Term (April 18th to May 14th), in the 8th year of Charles 1. 

Final Concord (Lat.) between Robert Sorsbie and Charles Clayton 
plaintiffs, and Thomas Clayton and Alice his wife deforciants, whereby 
the latter quitclaimed to the former 2 messuages 1 barn, 2 gardens, 
4 acres of land, 1 acre of meadow, 3 acres of pasture and common of 
pasture in Brightside Bierlawe, and Sheffield, in consideration of ;£'60. 
Vellum : one skin \\\ X 5^. 

486 1632 June 29th, in the 8th year of Charles I. Indenture of Bar^^ain 

and Sale (Engl.), whereby Nicholas Diccons of Wales co York yeoman 
sold to Thomas Ludlam of Cherry tree House in the parish of Sheffield 
cutler, for £\S, a close of land and pasture containing 5a 2r 32phs called 
Nether Rusling Parke, within the lordship of Ecclesall, near to Walch 
Bridge ; between a certain river or brooke called Porter Water north- 
wards, and a certain common or waste called Brendcliff Edge Common 
southwards, and then in the occupation of the said Thomas Ludlam, 
which he the said Nicholas purchased of John Holland the elder and 
Emma his wife and John Holland the younger and Anne his wife. 
Witnesses : Ja Creswicke, George Ludlam, Edward Dale. Vellum : 
one skin 21 X 11^, seal missing. 


512 1635 (-6) March 18th, in the 11th year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Bargain and Sale (Lat.) confirming a grant by WiUiam Coulson, of 
Doncaster co York chandler and Henry Coulson son and heir apparent of 
the said William, to Edward Sheppard of Doncaster aforesaid yeoman and 
Edward his son and heir apparent, of a messuage situate in Doncaster 
aforesaid, in a certain street there called Frenchgate, between a messuage 
formerly of William Lickbarrow and then of John Glensover on the 
south, and a messuage belonging to the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses 
of Doncaster, and a parcel of land of Richard Bradford on the north; and 
abutting on land of John Copley on the east and on the street aforesaid 
called Frenchgate on the west. The warranty of title extends to Dorothea 
wife of William Coulson. On a separate skin, attached in the fold, and 
signed and sealed as part of the above deed, is a power of attorney given 
by William and Henry Coulson to Thomas Fitzwilliam of Doncaster 
gentleman and Richard Home of Doncaster yeoman, for giving posses- 
sion. Witnesses: Ambrose Harpam, Rich Bradforth, Tho Fitzwilliam. 
Vellum : two skins, the deed 13 J X 11, and the power of attorney 
10 X 4, two seals missing. 

513 1636 (-7) February 24th, in the 12th year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Bargain and Sale (Engl.) from John Armitage of Doncaster co York 
draper to Edward Sheppard the younger of Doncaster yeoman, of an acre 
of meadow in Hextrop Ings, within the precincts and territories of 
Doncaster ; abutting upon lands of John Broughton the younger on the 
east, upon lands of William Broughton on the west, upon the 
river of Donne (?) on the north, and upon the lands of the Mayor 
Aldermen and Burgesses of Doncaster, then in the tenure of Edward 
Sheppard the elder on the south. The covenants for title include the 
title of Rebecka wife of John Armitage. Pinned to this indenture, but 
not otherwise attached is the bond of John Armitage, for the performance 
of covenants ; it is of even date and contains no information not contained 
in the indenture. Witnesses : Wm West, Henry Holmes, Thomas 
Sheppard, Joh West. Vellum: two skins, the indenture 20 J X 11, and 
the bond lOj X 3 J, seals missing. 

511 1637 June 20th, in the 13th year of Charles I. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

of Samuell StanclifFe of Doncaster co York saddler, in the sum of £&1 ; 
for the better assuring to Edward Sheppard of Doncaster yeoman and 
Edward his son, of two acres of meadow in several selions in Bentley 
Inges, granted to them by the said Samuell StanclifFe by deed of feoffment 
of even date. The condition of the bond refers to Ann, wife of the said 
Samuell StanclifFe, also William and John Hundsley. Witnesses: 
Richard Bradforth, John Nicolsonne, Henry Holmes, Tho Fitzwilliam. 
Vellum : one skin 18 X 17, seal missing. 


433 1637 July 27th, in the 13th year of Charles I. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) between Richard Rawson of Ecclesall, parish of Sheffield yeoman 
and Alice his wife of the one part and Robert Rawson of Dongworth in 
the Chapelry of Bradfield co York yeoman and Arthur Ellis of Sheffield 
sheather of the other part, to acknowledge and levy a fine, of a messuage 
with all easements and appurtenances, situate at or near Graystones, 
within the lordship of Ecclesall, and then in the occupation of William 
Staniforth ; and of closes called the Croft (wherein the messuage stood) ; 
Calfe Close (then severed into two parts), Kilnefield (then likewise 
severed into two parts), Netherend of Kilnefield, Carr, Hollins (then 
severed into two parts) and Lathefield, to the use of the said Richard 
and Alice for their joint lives or for the life of the longer liver ; 
and after the decease of the survivor, to the heirs of Alice by Richard ; in 
default to the heirs of the body of Alice ; and in default to her right heirs 
for ever. There is a proviso respecting an arrangement made between 
the said Richard and Alice before marriage, as to the payment under 
certain conditions of four score pounds to Alice Brelsforth, Anne Brels- 
forth and Mary Brelsforth daughters of the said Alice Rawson, by her 
former husband. Witnesses : Ja Creswicke, Rowland Revell, Richard 
Rawson, John Beighton, Wm. Wadsworth. Vellum : one skin 184 X 114, 
two small seals, obscure. 

422 (1637) Michaelmas Term (October 9th to November 28th), in the 13th year 

of Charles I. Final Concord (Lat.) between Robert Rawson and 
Antony Ellis, plaintiffs, and Richard Rawson and Alice his wife de- 
forciants, whereby the latter quit claimed to the former a messuage, barn, 
garden, 16 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 6 acres of pasture, and 
common of pasture with appurtenances in Graystones, Ecclesall and 
Sheffield, in consideration of £60. Vellum : one skin 13 X 5. 

510 1637 (-8) March 2nd, in the 13th year of Charles I. Deed of Settle- 

ment (Lat.), whereby Richard Carlill son of Robert Carlill late of 
Doncaster co York yeoman deceased, for divers good causes etc, and in 
consideration of £S^, paid by Margery Piggott of Doncaster, granted 
unto the said Margery Piggott, Edward Sheppard of Doncaster (son of 
the said Margery) and Edward Sheppard (son of the said Edward), 3 acres 
and 3 roods of arable land, in the fields and territories of Doncaster ; and 
at Wheatley, 3 acres lying in a place called Fulsom Flatt, between land 
of Robert Hartley butcher on the east, and land of John Stockes Aid 
(Alderman) on the west ; and abutting on Claypitt on the north ; and 
3 roods lying in that close of the said John Stockes called Bull Butts 
alias Shortheads near Wind Mill, situate in Sandpitts, between lands of 
the said John Stockes on the east and west, and abutting on the King's 


road leading from Doncaster towards the town of Hatfield on the north ; 
to the use of the said Margery Piggott and Edward Sheppard the father, 
for their lives, and the life of the survivor ; and after the death of such 
survivor to the use of Edward Sheppard the son and his heirs for ever. 
The warranty of title included Katherine the wife of Richard Carlill. 
Witnesses: John Nicolsonne, Henry Holmes, Tho Fitzwilliam. Vellum: 
one skin 17 J X 12, a fragment of the seal of Richard Carlill appears to be 
armorial ; viz., part of a shield quarterly with helmet and crest, the 3rd 
quarter shows a bend, with a small charge in sinister chief. 

509 (1638) October 26th, in the 14th year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Settlement (Lat.) by Edward Sheppard of Doncaster co York yeoman 
and Edward his son to provide dower and jointure for Anna wife (probably 
2nd wife) of Edward Sheppard the father, and a settlement for the son ; 
whereby a messuage in Frenchgate, Doncaster, in the occupation of 
Francis Burgis ; and a close in Doncaster near a lane there called Greene- 
dike Lane on the east ; and abutting on land of John Stockes on the west 
and north, and upon the high road leading from Balby to Carhouse on the 
south, was granted to Richard Bradford of Doncaster Aid (Alderman) and 
Thomas Fitzwilliam of the same town, gentleman, to the use of Edward 
Sheppard the father and Anna his wife, for the lives of them and the 
survivor of them, and after their decease to the use of Edward Sheppard 
the son and heir for ever. Witnesses: Robert Yates, George Stannell. 
Vellum : one skin 14 X 11^, seals missing. 

505 1640 May 9th, in the 16th year of Charles I. Indenture of Settle- 

ment (Engl.) by Edward Sheppard the elder of Doncaster co York 
yeoman, on his son Edward Sheppard the younger of Doncaster yeoman, 
of a messuage in Doncaster called " the signe of the Bull," in French 
Gate ; wherein Margery Pigott widow, and the said Edward Sheppard the 
elder did dwell ; and all those barns and foldsteads in St Pulchregate, 
without the Barr in Doncaster, then late the inheritance of William 
Levett gent ; and three acres of meadow in Crimpsall within Doncaster, 
late the inheritance of John Cooke and previously of Thomas Fulwood ; 
and a close in Hextropp in the parish of Doncaster, at Hextropp Lane 
Side, late the inheritance of William Barrowe alias Lick Barrowe aid 
(Alderman) deceased. The settlor granted the property to his said son 
for ever, to the only use and behoof of him the settlor and his assigns for 
100 years, he to keep the buildings in repair, and if he did not so long 
live (sic) or if he failed to keep the house in repair, then from his death or 
failure to repair, to the only proper use and behoof of his son the said 
Edward Sheppard the younger his heirs and assigns for ever. Witnesses : 
Henry Walker, Robert Walker, Henry Shawe. Vellum : one skin 
14 X 10, seal missing. 


468 1645 November 19th. Certificate (Engl.) appointing Thomas Taylor 

cornet of a troop of horse under Captain Henry Westby of which Colonel 
Copley was colonel. Given at York under the hands of Fran Pierrepont, 
Willm Lister, Jn Bellingham, George Trotter, Thos Mauleverer. 
Vellum: one skin 12 X 9^. 

785 (1647) Trinity Term (June 18th to July 7th), in the 23rd year of Charles I. 

Exemplification (Lat.) of proceedings in the Court of King's Bench to 
the effect that Thomas Bright appeared before the court by Tobias 
Ireland his attorney, during the last Michaelmas Term, to present a bill 
against John Bright in a plea of trespass, on a close called Fouldyard at 
Greystones in the parish of Sheffield. The defendant appeared by his 
attorney Martin Stampe, on the Friday after Trinity. It was directed 
that the case should be heard at York, 18th August. Vellum : one skin 
Si X 10. 

808 1653 August 15th. Bond (Engl.) from Brice Norton, of Kingston on 

Hull merchant, son and heir of Brice Norton late of Chappellthorpe in 
the township of Crigleston in the parish of Sandall Magna co York, to 
Richard Lawe son and heir of Richard Law (sic) late of Doncaster 
alderman deceased, in ;^800, to give the latter undisturbed possession of 
certain copyhold lands in the manor of Crigleston. Vellum : one skin 
13 X 4, seal missing. 

646 1655 December 17th. Indenture of Settlement (Engl.) between 

Henry Bright the elder of Whirlowe in the parish of Sheffield gent and 
Gartred his wife of the 1st part, Henry Bright the younger, son and heir 
of the said Henry Bright the elder, and Elizabeth Harris widow, late 
wife of Edward Harris late of Stretton co Derby gent deceased of the 
2nd part, and Raphe Clarke of Cuthorpe co Derby esquire of the 3rd 
part ; whereby, in consideration of an intended marriage between the said 
Henry Bright the younger and the said Elizabeth Harris daughter of the 
said Raphe Clarke, and of £TQQ to be paid for the jointure of the said 
Elizabeth, and in lieu of dower of the said Gartred, it was agreed that 
the said Henry Bright the elder and Gartred his wife and Henry Bright 
the younger, should acknowledge and levy a fine unto Raphe Clarke and 
his heirs ; of Whirlowe Hall (fully described) ; and all other the heredita- 
ments whatsoever of them in Whirlowe, Ecklesall, Fulwood, Ecklesfeild 
or elsewhere in co York ; and also of a water corn mill in Dore in the 
parish of Dronfield co Derby ; and all other hereditaments in Dronfield, 
Greenehill or elsewhere in the parish of Norton or co Derby, containing 
10 messuages, 5 cottages, 15 gardens, 14 orchards, 100 acres of land, 60 
acres of meadow, 150 acres of pasture, 40 acres of wood, 200 acres of 


moor and heath in co York ; and a water mill, a messuage, a cottage, a 
garden, an orchard, 50 acres of land, 15 acres of meadow, 40 acres of 
pasture, and 100 acres of moor and heath in co Derby ; to the uses 
following ; namely, as to the whole, to the use of Henry Bright the elder, 
till the said marriage ; and from and after the marriage, as to a messuage 
and lands in Ecklesfeild in the tenure of William Hanley, and certain 
closes in Greenhill in the tenure of Anthony Poynton, to the use of Henry 
Bright the elder for ever ; as to Whirlowe Hall (except the west part 
thereof called the parlour, and the pantry, and all the chambers over the 
same, and the garden place thereto adjoining, and the lathe, barning, or 
outhouse called the oate lath and oate chamber, with sufficient stabling 
and cowhouse for the said Henry Bright the elder, his more proper use ; 
together with certain rights of passage through the hall, courts and back- 
side) in a cottage in the possession of Richard Bamforth, the demesne 
lands of Whirlowe Hall called Nether Fenney, containing 10 acres ; a 
close called Upper Fenney, containing 15 acres ; a close called Whynnes, 
containing 10 acres, a close called Ryefeild, containing 12 acres; a close 
called Wheatefeild containing 10 acres ; a close called Overhouse Feild 
containing 8 acres ; a close called Castle Dike Feild containing 10 acres ; 
a close called Broomefeild containing 20 acres ; a close called Little High 
Feild containing 12 acres; a croft called Handley Croft containing 13 
acres ; a close called Pingle containing 2 acres ; a close called Broome 
Croft containing 8 acres ; a close called Stubbing containing 5 acres ; the 
water corn mill with the stream thereunto belonging ; a close at Dore 
containing 4 acres ; closes called Stone Lyme, Rough Lyme, Farr Lyme, 
Little Lyme and Over Lyme containing together 25 acres, to the use of 
Henry Bright the younger and Elizabeth his then intended wife, for their 
joint lives and the life of the survivor of them, for or in the name of the 
jointure of the said Elizabeth and in lieu of dower, and after the death of 
the survivor, to the use of Henry Bright the younger his heirs and assigns 
for ever. Provided that in case any heir male of Henry Bright the 
younger, by Elizabeth his wife, should attain the age of twenty one years, 
and after the death of his father, but during the life of his mother, should 
desire to have possession of the capital messuage and demesne lands 
comprised in the settlement, he could do so on certain conditions therein 
stated ; as to the said west part of the said capital messuage, thereinbefore 
excepted, the hereditaments in Ecklesall and Fulwood, then in the several 
tenures of George Bougham, John Burley, William Bright, Robert Dent, 
Thomas Lord, William Carnall, Richard Stone, and John Bamforth, to 
the use of Henry Bright the elder and Gartred his wife for their joint 
lives, and the life of the survivor of them ; and after the death of such 
survivor, to the use of Henry Bright the younger his heirs and assigns for 
ever ; and as to the residue of the premises comprised in the settlement ; 


whereof no use had been declared, the said fine should be and enure to 
the use of Henry Bright the elder for life, and after his death to the use 
of Henry Bright the younger his heirs and assigns for ever. Witnesses : 
Durant AUsopp, Cor Clarke, Robert Ostley (?), John Bunting, George 
Shawe, W Wither, George Berly. Vellum : one skin 29 X 21, seals 

522 1658 June 18th. Indenture of Bargain and Sale (Engl.) between 

Francis Crooke of Grangefeild in the parish of Crusley (?) co Derby 
gentleman, Charles Hope of Grangefeild aforesaid gentleman and Ann 
his wife, and Henry Bright the elder of Whorlowe in the parish of 
Sheffield gentleman ; whereby a messuage in Whorlowe, within the 
lordship of Ecclesall, in the occupation of James Bromeley the younger, 
with numerous appurtenances was granted to the said Henry Bright. 
Witnesses : James Lee, John Bright, James Bromley, Godfrey Wild, 
W Simson Jo BuUok, Geo Sitwell, Geo Shawe, Ja Webster. Vellum : 
one skin 26 X 12, seals missing. Notes : a memorandum endorsed 
relates to subsequent litigation affecting the property. Some of the above 
witnesses attested the memorandum only. 

563 (1665-6) February 12th, in the 18th year of Charles II. Recovery 

(Lat.) suffered by William Simson gentleman and Richard Jeffcocke 
against Emanuel Scorah gentleman, in 7 messuages and 105 acres in 
Graystones and Ecclesall. Thomas Bright gentleman was the first 
vouchee and George Huniston the second, William Lamb and Robert 
Milward were the attorneys of William Simson, Richard JefTcocke, and 
Thomas Bright, and Sir Francis Cobb was sheriif of Yorkshire. 

758 1670 April 30th, in the 22nd year of Charles II. Deed of Feoffment 

(Lat.) from Thomas Aldam of Warmsworth co York yeoman, to Edward 
Sheppard of Doncaster gentleman, of half an acre of arable land in a 
certain close in Balby, between the close called Lodge Close and land then 
late in the occupation of Robert Barwick (?), and then of Thomas Aldam ; 
power of attorney to Thomas Mann of Doncaster " sowderer," to deliver 
seisin. Witnesses : Robert Salmon, William Reddich, Thomas Mann, 
W. Sheppard, William Wilson, William Salmon, Anthony Beckitt. 
Vellum ; two skins, one 12 X 8 and the other 10 X 8, seal missing. 

489 1670 May 3rd, in the 22nd year of Charles II. Indenture of Settle- 

ment (Engl.) between Benjamin Rawson of Upperthorpe in the parish 
of Sheffield yeoman, second son of Edward Rawson deceased then late of 
Upperthorpe aforesaid, of the 1st part, John Rawson of Upperthorpe 
aforesaid yeoman, eldest brother to the said Benjamin, of the 2nd part 
and Thomas Rawson of Whiston co York clerk and Malin Sorsbye of 


Sheffield, gent of the 3rd part : whereby Benjamin Rawson (with the 
object of carrying out some family arrangement made by his brother for 
the benefit of Elizabeth Hobson and Martha Rawson his mother, and 
with the intent to create a family settlement) granted unto Thomas 
Rawson and Malin Sorsbye the reversion and remainder (when it should 
happen, after the decease of the said Elizabeth Hobson and Martha 
Rawson) of a messuage in Dodworth co York, on the north side of the 
street there, together with the croft, garden, orchard and foldstead there- 
unto belonging ; and two closes called Foggy Close .and Greatwoodside ; 
and one close called Great Broad Inge, with all tithes, to the use of 
Benjamin Rawson for life, and after his death ; to the use of the heirs of 
his body ; and in default of issue ; to his heirs and assigns for ever ; and 
to no other use. There is a covenant by Benjamin Rawson with John 
Rawson as to reimbursement for repairs, and the settlement is stated to 
be irrevocable. Witnesses : Tho Birkbeck, J Darwent, Will Tayler. 
Vellum : one skin 22 X 15, seals missing. Notes : this settlement was 
effected by lease and release, the lease is missing, but it is referred to in 
the operative part of the release. There is a memorandum endorsed, 
signed by all four parties to the release, that if the said Benjamin Rawson 
should marry " at any time thereafter," he might give his wife a life 
estate in the settled property. 

642 1671 November 7th, in the 23rd year of Charles II. Indenture of 

Bargain and Sale (Engl.) made between George Hall of Rossington 
CO York yeoman, Mary his wife and Thomas Hall his son and heir 
apparent of the one part, and Richard Sheppard of Doncaster co York 
gentleman of the other part ; whereby, in consideration of £5Q, the said 
George, Ann and Thomas Hall granted to the said Richard Sheppard his 
heirs and assigns for ever, certain lands in Balby near Doncaster, fully 
described ; in the description of which, the following names of persons 
and places occur ; namely, John Kellam, Mr. Thomas Fitzwilliam, 
Doncaster, Hexthropp, Little Moore, Thomas Kellam, Woodfield, 
Loversall, William Fernilley, Edward Box, William Broughton junior, 
John Walker, the parsonage land. A power of attorney is annexed for 
" our true and wellbeloved in Christ " William Wood of Doncaster 
butcher, to act for the grantors and deliver seisin. Witnesses : J. Arthur, 

Francis Justice jun, William Salmon, Wm Sheppard, Thos 

Thomas Mann, John Cotterell, Tho Kellam, John Killam (sic) senr, 
William Pell, William Broughton. Vellum : two skins, the deed 
27 X 11, and the power of attorney 9x7; one seal bears a cross 
between two small charges, probably not armorial. Notes : endorsed 
is a memorandum in a hand of later date " Tho Oldams Deeds J an 
acre of land in Dey Flatt ' Balby. ' " 


521 1672 October 3rd, in the 24th year of Charles II. Lease (Engl.) to 

precede a release by way of bargain and sale from Henry Bright the 
younger of Whirlow in the parish of Sheffield gentleman to Cornelius 
Gierke of Norton co Derby esquire and John Bright of Gray's Inn co 
Middlesex esquire, of his capital messuage, farm or tenement, commonly 
called Whirlow and all the houses, buildings, lands, meadows, pastures, 
woods, underwoods, orchards, gardens, backesides, commons etc, whether 
the same was then in the occupation of Henry Bright the younger or 
Henry Bright the elder ; and also all other the messuages, lands, cottages 
and hereditaments whatsover of him the said Henry Bright the younger, 
within the several precincts etc of Fulwood and Ecclesall or in the parish 
of Sheffield or Dronfield co Derby ; and all other the hereditaments of 
Henry Bright the younger, within the Kingdom of England or elsewhere, 
for the term of one year. Witnesses : Tho Chappell, Marmaduke 
Machell, John Greensmith, Nath Newbownes, Jo Bullok, Geo Sitwell, 
Geo Shawe, Ja Webster. Vellum : the lease one skin 18 x 10, seal missing. 
Notes: a memorandum endorsed shows that the lease was produced at 
Dronfield in connection with subsequent litigation between Bright and 
Clarke. The release is missing. 

639 1672 October 4th, in the 24th year of Charles II. Indenture of 

Settlement (Engl.) between Henry Bright the younger of Whirlow in 
the parish of Sheffield gent of the one part and Cornelius Clarke of 
Norton co Derby esquire and John Bright of Gray's Inn co Middlesex 
esquire of the other part ; whereby the said Henry Bright the younger 
granted to the said CorneHus West and John Bright, his capital messuage, 
farm, or tenement called Whirlow aforesaid, and all his houses, buildings, 
lands, meadows, pastures, woods etc enjoyed therewith in the occupation 
of the said Henry Bright the younger or Henry Bright the elder ; and all 
his lands in Fullwood, Ecclesall, Sheffield, Dronfield or " within the 
Kingdom of England," to the uses following ; namely, as to one moiety 
to the use of the said Henry Bright the younger and Elizabeth his wife, 
or the longer liver, the said Elizabeth quitting claim to her right to dower 
in that moiety ; and as to the other moiety, in trust for raising portions for 
younger children of the said Henry and Elizabeth ; and after the death 
of the said Henry and Elizabeth, to the use of their first son in tail male ; 
and in default to the second and other sons successively etc ; and in 
default of issue by the said Elizabeth, to the use of the heirs male of the 
said Henry by any other wife ; and in default to the heirs female etc. 
Provided that this settlement was not to deprive Henry Bright the elder, 
father of the said Henry Bright the younger, from peaceably occupying 
and enjoying the west part of the said capital messuage called the parlour, 
the pantry and the chambers over, or the outhouse called " the oat lath " 


and the chamber, sufficient stabling and cowhousing, with free liberty to 
the garden, for his life ; as was reserved in a deed of feoifment between 
them. Power to alter or revoke the settlement is reserved to Henry 
Bright the younger. Witnesses : Tho Chappell, Marmaduke Marchell, 
John Greenesmith. Vellum: one skin 28 X 17, seal missing. Notes: a 
memorandum endorsed shows that the settlement was the subject of a 
chancery action and was produced before Nath Newbownes, Jo Bullok, 
Geo Sitwell, Geo Shawe, Ja Webster. 

556 1674 June 17th, in the 26th year of Charles II. Indenture of Release 

(Engl.) from Robert Spencer of Little Sheffield co York husbandman to 
John Stones the younger of Little Sheffield yeoman, of several closes 
called Nether Rusling Parke, being then divided with hedge and ditch 
into five parts, with a cottage built on one of the said parts southwards, 
then in the occupation of John Henn (?), all which were situate in the 
lordship of Ecclesall in the parish of Sheffield, near unto Walch Bridge, 
between Porter Water northwards and a certain common or waste called 
Brencliffe Edge Common southwards, then in the possession of the said 
Robert Spencer. From the covenants for title it appears that Anne was 
then wife of the said Robert Spencer. Witnesses : Raphe Turner, 
Thomas Dodworth, John Newton, James Hill. Vellum : one skin 
26 X 21, seal in paper. 

508 1675 November 19th, in the 27th year of Charles II. Deed Poll 

(Engl.) under the hand and seal of Edward Sheppard of Doncaster co 
York gent, whereby in consideration of the natural love and affection 
which he bore unto his son Richard, he granted unto him a messuage in 
Fishergate Street Doncaster, then in the occupation of Christopher 
Baldwin ; and three messuages in St Pulchregate Street, without the 
Barrs, then in the occupation of Thomas Jarratt, John Jarratt and Richard 
Wharom ; a close at the Mooreside then in the occupation of Edward 
Halliday ; a close at Balby Outgange, in the occupation of John Killam ; 
another close at Balby in the occupation of Thomas Killam ; another 
close at Balby in the occupation of PauU Hanson, and all those his lands 
in Claypitts and Short Newton, then in the occupation of Phillip Bassett 
and Thomas Smith, one close in Doncaster, then in the occupation 
of Thomas Mann ; one acre of meadow in Crimpsall called Petty Acre ; 
all that his meadow in Bentley Ings, then in the occupation of Anthony 
King ; two closes at the Carrhill then in the occupation of William 
Wilson and John Addinall ; a close at the Dyall, in the occupation of 
John Briggs ; and all that farm in Cadeby co York, then in the occupa- 
tion of Phillip Viccars (?) and others; to be held of the lord of the 
fee etc; and he appointed his trustj and wellbeloved in Christ, James 


Sheppard of Doncaster clerk, to be his attorney to deliver possession. 
Witnesses : Thomas Childers, Jas Sheppard, William Salmon, Chris- 
topher Baldwin, William Lowson or Howson. Vellum : one skin 
16 X 10, seal missing. Notes : memorandum of livery of seisin, by the 
attorney, endorsed. 

(1676-7) octave of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (February 
' 2nd), in the 29th year of Charles II. Final Concord (Lat.) between 
Robert Sorsbie S.T.P. plaintiff, and Jonathan Staniforth gentleman, 
Francis Barlow and Katerine his wife and Josua Sheppard deforciants, 
whereby the latter quitclaimed to the former 4 messuages, 4 cottages, 50 
acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture, 40 acres of wood, 
common of pasture for all animals and pasture for ten plough animals in 
CatclifFe, T insle y, Treeton, Brinsforth, Norwood, Hallam, Brightside 
Byerley and Sheffield, in consideration of /"IGO. Vellum : one skin 
16 X 64. S.T.P. denotes Professor of Theology, see number 743. 

399 1678 June 22nd, in the 30th year of Charles II. Release and Quit 

Claim (Engl.) by Robert Spencer of Little Sheffield husbandman, and 
Anne his wife, to John Stones junior of Little Sheffield yeoman, of a 
parcel of land or meadow, divided into four closes and containing 5 acres, 
2 roods, 32 perches, called Nether Rusling Park, lying in the lordship of 
Ecclesall in the parish of Sheffield, near Walch Bridge, between a brook 
called the Porter Water and a common called Brendcliffe Edge, then 
being in the occupation of Robert Spencer, and also of a new cottage 
thereon then in the occupation of John Genn, in consideration of ;^83. 
Witnesses : Stephen Fox, Samuel Shawe, James Hill. Vellum : one 
skin 18X11, one seal missing, one in paper. 

437 1680 March 31st, in the 32nd year of Charles II. Release and Quit 

Claim (Engl.) from Francis Jessop of Broome Hall in the parish of 
Sheffield esquire, to Roger Lee of Little Sheffield seed merchant, of three 
closes called the New Feilds with two pingles containing 14 acres in 
Little Sheffield, then in the occupation of Roger Lee, and of 2 cottages in 
Little Sheffield then in the occupation of Edward Webster and widow 
Burley, and of one tan yard then in the tenure of Stephen Greene, saving 
to Francis Jessop a perpetual rent of 6d per annum ; in consideration of 
£b. Witnesses : William Ronksley, Samuel Dickinson. Vellum : one 
skin 18 X 12i, seal. 

362 1685 November 30th. Faculty (Lat.) from the Archbishop of York 

appointing Thomas Bright of Edge in the parish of Sheffield gentleman as 
guardian of Ellena Bright, daughter of John Bright late of Rasin Hall 


deceased, during her minority. (Signed) Will Walker, surrogate, Phil 
Parker, notary public. Vellum ; one skin 7 X 6j, seal in paper. 

1687(-8) March 9th, in the 4th year of James II. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.), to precede a release by way of bargain and sale, from Edward 
Hartley of Doncaster co York gent and William Rayldon of Doncaster 
aforesaid spurrier and Anne his wife to James Sheppard of Finingley co 
Nott clerk, of a messuage in the Market Stead, Doncaster aforesaid, then 
in the possession of Richard Watson together with the kilnehouse and all 
appurtenances ; and also five acres of arable land at Claypitts Doncaster, 
then in the occupation of Edward Reassell (?), for the term of one year 
at a rent of a penny. Witnesses : John Squire, Mary Squire, William 
Walker. Vellum : one skin 22 X 6, three seals, each bearing a shield 

quarterly 1st & 3rd three lozenges in pale, and 2nd and 4th Notes: 

the husband signs Rayldon and the wife Raldon. The release is missing. 

1690 July 30th. Probate of the Will (Engl.) of William Crawshaw of 

Sheffield husbandman, with grant from dated 19th March 

1690(-l), whereby he left ;^10 to Mr. Timothy Jolley ; 20s to Mrs. Eliza- 
beth Lee of Little Sheffield ; 20s^ to Mrs Anne Lee ; 20s apiece to the 
three children of Mr Jonathan Lee, viz Elizabeth, Ann and George ; £1 
to Jone Sirason, wife of Peeter Simson ; £'i to Martha Blyth widow of 
Sheffield ; 40s to Mrs Martha Marriott of Ughill ; Is to his cozen John 
Yealand ; Is to his cozen Samuell Yealand ; 5s to Samuell Creswicke of 
Little Sheffield ; 10s to his cozen Jonathan Yealand ; 10s to his cozen John 
Yealand maltster of Sheffield ; 5s to Sarah Beard maid servant to Peeter 
Simson ; he also gave " for the use and to the yearly reliefe of Twelve of 
the most aged and decrepid, poore persons in Ecclesall Bierly, the rent 
and benefitt that will arrise of Tenn pounds, being either lent out to interest 
or bestowed upon lands," the increase of which he gave " as above said, 
and soe to remaine for ever, to be equally distributed amongst the above- 
said number, the first weeke in November every yeare " ; and he appointed 
Mr John Stones and Mr Jonathan Lee of Little Sheffield, trustees " in 
this worke, to give and distribute as above during their lives " ; and he 
desired them " to make choice of honest and fitt persons to succeed them, 
and desire them to bestowe it in Land, theire first opportunity." Testator 
left the residue of his estate to Mr Jonathan Lee, whom he made sole 
executor. Witnesses : Peeter Simson, James Nutt, Sarah Beard. 
Vellum : two skins, the probate, 19 X 10, and the grant 7X6, seal missing. 

(1690) October 1st, in the 2nd year of William and Mary. Indenture of 
Marriage Settlement (Engl.) made by Robert Symon of Gleadless in 
the parish of Handsworth co York joiner, on the then intended marriage 


of his son John, to Liddia Austwick (?) of Dronfield co Derby spinster, of 
a cottage, buildings, gardens and appurtenances (apparently at Gleadless, 
but not so stated), which the said Robert had purchased from Henry Earl 
of Norwich and his son Henry Lord Howard, in the 28th year of Charles H 
(1675) ; to be held by Andrew Moorewood of Hallowes in the parish of 
Dronfield gentleman and William Steeven alias Glossopp of Hallowes 
husbandman, upon trust for Robert for life ; with remainder to John and 
Liddia for their joint lives, and the life of the survivor ; with remainder to 
the heirs of the body of John and Liddia ; and in default to the right heirs 
of John for ever. Witnesses : Thomas Bulloke, Andrew Calltone, John 
Green, Eliz Norcroft. Vellum : one skin 19X 12. 

1695 April 25th, in the 7th year of William III. Deed Poll (Engl.), 
being a release and quit claim by Jeremiah Woodrove of Gray Stones in 
the parish of Sheffield clerke unto John Woodrove, of all the right, title 
and interest of the said Jeremiah, of and in certain lands, tenements and 
hereditaments in the parish of Handsworth co York, devised to him by the 
will of his father Richard Woodrove of Woodthorpe, in the said parish of 
Handsworth gent, dated the 30th of December 1680. In the recitals and 
operative part of this deed, the following further names of persons and 
places occur, namely : the lordshipp of Haverseidge alias Havershiggs co 
Derby, John Heald, George Ibberson, George Smilter, Fitzherberte 
esquire, John Woodrove eldest son and heir of Richard the testator, John 
Allen, Rosamond Thompson, Mary Tompson, George Brayshaw, Thomas 
Brashaw, Gilbert Clayton, John Flaxton, Richard Hallas, Henry Duke of 
Norfolk, John Nodder, Godfrey Hancock. Witnesses : John AUin, 
Godfrey Hides, Samuell Stones. Vellum : one skin 21 X 16, seal in paper, 
obscure. Notes : this is one of two mutual deeds of exchange between 
the two brothers Jeremiah and John, as to the estates at Hathersage and 
Handsworth, left to them by their father Richard Woodrove of Wood- 

1659 April 25th, in the 7th year of WiUiam III. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) between John Woodrove of Woodthorpe in the parish 
of Handsworth co York gent and Jerimia Woodrove of Gray stones in the 
parish of Sheffield gent ; whereby the said John granted to the said 
Jerimia a capital messuage at Woodthorpe aforesaid with the several 
closes following: namely. Croft, Stubbings then divided into two 
parts. Green Croft then divided into two parts, two cottages and an 
orchard adjoining, Overfields, Midlefield, Little Close, North Fields, 
Stubbing Ing adjoining Stubbing Lane, Stubbing Close, abutting on 
the said lane, Stubbing Lane and Farr Croft, Spring Wood, called 
Woodthorpe Spring, then in the occupation of the said John Woodrove ; 


also one moiety of a messuage then in the occupation of John and Mary 
Tompson, Wellmeadow, that part of a close called Nether Stubbing in the 
occupation of the said John and Mary; also the other moiety of the 
messuage in the occupation of Nathaniell Ouldale, Narr Croftes, Narr 
Carr in the occupation of the said Nathanial, two cottages in the occupa- 
tion of Thomas Brashaw and Samuel Stones ; and all other lands men- 
tioned to be di vised to him the said John Woodrove by the will of 
Richard Woodrove his late father then deceased ; to the use of the said 
Jeremia his heirs and assigns for ever, upon the special trust and confi- 
dence nevertheless," that he the said Jeremia should reenffeof the said 
John, of and in the same ; and to the end and intent, that all conditions 
imposed on the lands by the will of the said Richard, might be destroyed. 
Witnesses : John AUin, Godffrey Hides, Samuell Stones. Vellum : one 
skin 28 X 15, seal missing. 

378 527 1695 August 22nd, in the 7th year of William III. Surrender and Ad- 

and 534 (i) mittance (Lat.), three copies, extracted from the court rolls of the manor 
of Sheffield, at a Court Baron held on the above date, of the Most Noble 
Henry Duke of Norfolk, on the surrender by John Bromhead of Fulwood 
in the parish of Sheffield co York husbandman, Henry Bromhead his son 
and Mary his wife, to John Fox of Darnall in the same parish of all and 
singular the closes or parcels of land called Lodge Carrs formerly 
divided into two parts, Pingle, Birkin Meadow, Bothom, Parker 
Meadow, Long Park, Hoyle, Flatt and House Field situate in or 
near Fulwood aforesaid, then in the tenure or occupation of the said 
Henry Bromhead; provided that if the said Henry Bromhead repaid 
to the said John Fox on a certain date, at the mansion house of John 
Sparks of Darnall, the sum of ;^130 and interest, then the surrender 
and admittance was to be null and void. Fine 2s 16d. Richard Bacon, 
bailiff. Thomas Chappell, steward. Vellum; each one skin 15 X 9i, 
18 X 11 and 23 X 20. Notes: these are copies of the same entry on 
the rolls. One is engrossed on the same skin as 534 (ii) below. 

534 (ii) 1695 October 29th. Recovery (Lat.) suffered by John Fox against Robert 

Bullas, of the properties specified in numbert 527. Henry Bromehead 
and Mary his wife were the first vouchees and John Ashmore the second. 
After the property had been adjudged to Robert Bullas, he and Henry 
and Mary Bromehead surrendered it again to the use of John Fox subject 
to the provisoes in number 527. Thomas Chappell steward. Vellum : 
one skin 23 X 20. Notes : numbers 534 (i) and (ii) are on one slieet of 
vellum, the recovery action taking place in the Manor Court of Sheffield. 
See numbers 378, 527 and 534 (i) above. 


519 1697(-8) February 10th, in the 9th year of William III. Surrender 

(Lat.) extracted from the court rolls of the manor of Sheffield, at a 
Court Baron of the Most Noble Henry Duke of Norfolk Earl Marshal, 
etc ; held there on the above date, before Thomas Chappell esquire the 
steward, when it was presented that John Unwin then or then late of 
Hoyle House in the parish of Sheffield and county of York yeoman, for 
and in consideration of a competent sum of money paid by Joseph Banks 
of Sheffield gentleman into the hands of the said John Unwin ; the said 
John surrendered into the hands of the lord, by the hands of John 
Pearson and Joseph Pearson, two customary tenants (duly sworn) ; all 
that messuage called Hoyle House in Hallam with all barns, stables, 
outhouses, dwellings, smithys, gardens, etc, then in the tenure of Thomas 
Marsh or his assigns, as also the reversion after the death of Emma 
Marryott widow (mother of John Unwin), of, in and to, all that close 
called Leyfeild in Hallam aforesaid, containing by estimation 4 acres ; 
and of, in, and to, all that parcel of a croft at the back of the dwelling of 
the same Thomas Marsh containing in breadth 5 yards to (?) Wallstead, 
from the manor house, smithy, and garden wall of the said Thomas 
Marsh, and containing in length, the whole length of the house, garden, 
and smithy of the said Thomas Marsh, with all easements, etc, in any way 
appertaining, and all right, title and interest in the premises aforesaid, to 
the only proper behoof and use of the said Joseph Banks his heirs and 
assigns for ever, according to the custom of the manor, to which Joseph, 
the lord by his steward granted seisin, and the said Joseph was admitted 
tenant and did fealty, and paid a fine. Vellum: one skin 12ixl3. 
Notes : this is an attested copy, made 25th March 1701 by John Bosevile. 

382 1699 (-1700) January 5th, in the 11th year of William III. Indenture of 

Assignment (Engl.) from John Fox of Attercliffe Milne in the parish of 
Sheffield gent to Robert Offley of Norton co Derby gent, of a close at 
FuUwood, called Broad Meadow, containing three acres ; for the residue of 
a term of 999 years, created by an indenture of lease dated the 22nd May, 
in the 10th year William III, from Henry Bromhead of Fullwood 
yeoman, therein recited. Witnesses : John Mandevile, Jo Greenesmith, 
Robert Wayne, Henry Bromhead. Paper : one sheet 15 X 10, seal 
missing. Notes : no rent appears to have been reserved by the lease and 
a premium of ;^20 was paid, on both the lease and assignment. 

577 1700 September 30th, in the 12th year of William III. Indenture of 

Lease (Engl.) from the Most Noble Prince Henry Duke of Norfolk 
Earl Marshall etc to John Bright of Banner Crosse in the parish of 
Sheffield gent ; whereby, in consideration of (i) the surrender of a former 
lease of the premises thereby demised, which had then three and a half 


years to run ; (ii) of ;^153 in cash ; and (iii) of the covenants therein con- 
tained : the said Duke bargained, sold, set and to farm let, unto the said 
Henry Bright, all the said Duke's two thirds of the tythes of corn, grain, 
and hay, yearly coming from the lands south of the river Sheafe within the 
parish of Sheffield and lordship of Ecclesall ; commonly called "the tytheing 
of Ecclesall Byerley," as the same had been gathered, held and enjoyed by 
the said John Bright; unto the said John Bright for the term of twenty one 
years, at a yearly rent of £2, payable halfyearly. The lessee covenanted 
to pay all rates, taxes etc and not to allow the tythe to be diminished by any 
fraudulent composition. Witnesses : Jo Shelton, Rich May, Tho Evans. 

408 1700 (-1) January 1st, in the 6th year of Thomas Archbishop of Canter- 

bury. Deed (Lat.) under the seal of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 
appointing John Speight " born in the Diocese of York " a public notary, 
after taking the necessary oath of allegiance. Signed : C. Hedges, Master 
of the Faculties. Henry Fauconberge, registrar. Vellum : one skin 
15i X 14, seal much damaged. 

439 (1704) August 1st, in the 3rd year of Anne. Conveyance (Engl.) from 

Robert Soresby of Sheffield gentleman, son and heir of Robert Soresby of 
the same deceased, Jonathan Lee of Little Sheffield gentleman, and 
Robert Darwent of Rotherham gentleman, to Joseph Banks of Sheffield, 
in consideration of ;^626 paid to Jonathan Lee and Robert Darwent 
towards paying the instant debts of Robert Soresbie the father and of 
13s 4d paid to Robert Soresbie junior, of a messuage called Lister House, 
with garden, court, kilne, malthouse, lead " cesternes," stable, smithy, one 
croft and two closes part of Listerfeild, and a close on Pye-banke Side 
called Peartree Close, lying between Bridge Houses and Neepsend, then 
in the possession of Thomas Bockin ; and another messuage near Neepsend 
at the bottom of Harvest Lane, with barn, stable, orchard, garden and a 
close, being the other part of Lister Feild, also three closes together on 
Pyebankeside called Birkinfeilds, late in possession of William Downes, 
then of John Bramall ; all of which lay in Brightside Byerley. With 
separate warranty to the purchaser. Witnesses : Robert Banks, Jonathan 
Clay. Vellum : one skin 23 X 12, three seals in paper. Notes : endorsed 
to the effect that the deed was enrolled in Chancery, 23rd November 1704. 

783 (1704) November 24th, in the 3rd year of Anne. Indenture of 

Apprenticeship (Engl.) between Joseph Bamforth son of Thomas 
Bamforth late of Sheffield weaver deceased, and Edward Windle of 
Sheffield cutler ; whereby Joseph Bamforth is bound for ten years and 
three months, at a yearly wage of 1 6d. Witnesses : Edward Sanderson, 
Joseph Nutt, J. Winter. Vellum : one skin 8i X Si, seal missing. 


360 1705 October 3rd, in the 4th year of Anne. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) 

of the Manor of Ecclesall, records that at a' court of the manor of 
Ecclessal of John Bright in the presence of Joseph Banks steward an 
Inquisition was taken by the oaths of Hugh Spooner, Joseph Smith, 
Robert Brelsforth, Robert Offerton, James Oates, Thomas Bright, WiUiam 
Newbold, Thomas Bower, George Machon, Thomas Lee, Henry Winter, 
Anthony Bartin, Henry Mawe, who swore that Thomas Bright gentleman, 
since the last Great Court had acquired from William Unwin various 
lands and tenements called ' four Rawson Meadows," Well Meadow, and 
Rawson Spring, situated at Gray stones and held from the lord in " free 
and common soccage by fealty, suit of court and an annual rent of four 
shillings." J. Banks, steward. Vellum : one skin 7 X Si- 

545 and 546 1705 November 7th and 8th, in the 4th year of Anne. Indentures 
of Lease and Release (Engl.) made between William Tayler of 
Holthouse in the parish of ShefHeld gentleman and Elizabeth his 
wife, William Tayler the younger, son and heir apparent of the said 
William and Elizabeth, and the brother and heir of John Tayler deceased, 
of the 1st part, William Matthew of Sheffield aforesaid currier of the 
2nd part, and Joseph Banks of Sheffield gentleman of the 3rd part ; 
whereby a messuage called Holthouse with the outbuildings etc, and 
several closes of land, the names of which will be found in one or more of 
the deeds numbered 251, 252, and 560, were granted and released to the 
use of the said William Matthew, by way of mortgage, to secure a sum 
of ;£'428 and interest, but subject to a prior mortgage to John Fox. 
Witnesses : Mary Nowell, Ro Banks, Jo Weatherhead, Jno Crooke, John 
Guest. Vellum: one skin each, the lease 16iX10, and the release 
3O2 X 22i ; five seals in paper bear a ship in full sail, probably not 
armorial ; and the seal of J Banks bears a cross between four fleur-de-lis 
with crest, helmet and mantling. 

500 1706 November 27th, in the 5th year of Anne. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.), to precede a release by way of bargain and sale, from William 
Sheppard of the city of York apothecary, son and heir of James Sheppard 
late of Finningley co Nott clerke deceased, to Frances Sheppard of 
Doncaster co York widow, of a messuage in Doncaster, where Richard 
Eaton formerly lived, but then in the occupation of John Pugh ; also two 
barns and garths in the West Layth Gates in Doncaster, then in the 
occupation of John Scott ; and also two barns or garths thereto in East 
Layth Gates ; also four acres of arable land in a field called Clay Pitts, 
in the parish of Doncaster, in the occupation of Thomas Crofts ; also one 
acre of land in Clay Pitts ; also a close called Little Field Close in 
Hextropp in the parish of Doncaster, in the occupation of widow Wright, 


(except one land therein, containing about half an acre, belonging to the 
Corporation of Doncaster) ; also a close of arable land called Pool Hill 
Close in Hextropp ; for a year, at a pepper corn rent. Witnesses : 
Lewis West, J Booth, Samuel Hollyday junr. Vellum : one skin 20 X 13, 
seal missing. Notes : the release is missing. 

449 1706 November 18th, in the 5th year of Anne. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) by John Waller of Woodthorpe Moore Side in the 
parish of Handsworth co York sicklesmith, and Hellen his wife, to 
William Fenton of Gleadlesse, in consideration of ;^60, of a cottage and 
appurtenances in which John Waller was then living, and a close adjoining 
purchased by him of Benjamin Ondale and Alice his wife, lying in the 
Intack adjoining Woodthorpe Moor, with covenant to create, if required, an 
indefeasible estate therein. These properties were declared to be in the 
actual possession of the purchaser by an indenture of bargain and sale 
of the previous day, conveying them for a term of six months at a 
barley-corn rent ' by force of the statute for transferring uses into 
possession." Witnesses : John Fenton, Alexander Fenton, B. Trippett. 
Vellum : one skin 234 X 16, two seals in paper. 

641 1706 November 28th, in the 5th year of Anne. Indenture of Bargain 

and 5ale (Engl.) made between William Sheppard of the city of York 
apothecary, son and heir of James Sheppard late of Fenningley co Nott 
clerk deceased of the one part and Frances Sheppard of Doncaster 
widow of the other part ; whereby the said William Sheppard, in con- 
sideration of /^150, granted to the said Frances Sheppard a messuage in 
Doncaster, fully described. 

405 1706(-7) in the octave of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

(February 2nd). Final Concord (Lat.) at Westminster, between Joseph 
Banks gentleman plaintiff, and Richard Revell junior and Helen his wife, 
William Taylor gentleman and Elizabeth his wife, Alexander Pringle and 
Elizabeth his wife, and John Baker, deforciants, whereby the latter quit- 
claimed to the former 3 messuages, 1 mill, 4 stables, 60 acres of land, 10 
acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, common and turbary, in Ecclesall, 
Morewood, Bradfeild, Dodworth and the parishes of Silkstone, Sheffield 
and Barnesley, in consideration of /"leO. Vellum : one skin 20 X 6 J. 

506 1707 May 7th, in the 6th year of Anne. Deed of Grant and Quit 

Claim (Engl.) by William Sheppard of the city of York apothecary, to 
Frances Sheppard of Doncaster co York widow, of all the estate and 
interest which the said William Sheppard then had in a messuage, barn, 


lands etc in Doncaster; the same being fully described (the property 
being the same as that described in the lease of the previous year, number 
500) ; and also his leasehold land in Doncaster ; namely one land 
in Little Field Close in Hextropp, containing half an acre ; also one 
little close in Hextropp, late in the tenure of John Mason and then of 
John Roebuck, containing 14 acres ; whereof 1 rood belonged to the poor 
of Doncaster ; also half an acre of meadow in Hextropp Ings, next to the 
hedge of a close called the Oxpasture; also a parcel of meadow in Hextropp 
Ings, at the end of Pool Hill Close ; also a close called Two Land Close 
in Hextropp, containing 1 acre, whereof half an acre belongs to the poor of 
Doncaster ; and also two closes in Hextropp Lane, one in the tenure of 
John Pugh and the other of Francis Barker. Witnesses : Mary 
Newarke, Richa Blomley, J. Saterfield. Vellum : one skin 20 X 13 J, the 
small flat seal of red wax shows a heart between two wings, a sceptre in 
dexter and an imperial crown in base, with part of a legend, " Tout Pour 
. . . ," forming a semi-circle round the top. 

548 and 549 1708 April 27th and 28th, in the 7th year of Anne. Indentures of Lease 
and Release (Engl.) made between Elizabeth Bright of Ecclesall in the 
parish of Sheffield widow and Joseph Bright of the same place gent, son 
and heir of Thomas Bright his late father deceased, by the said Elizabeth 
his mother ; of the one part and John Bright of Chesterfield co Derby 
gent and William Scrivens of Herdings in the parish of Norton co Derby 
gent of the other part ; whereby, after reciting an intended marriage 
between the said Joseph Bright and Elizabeth Bright spinster, one of the 
daughters of the said John Bright, in consideration of the intended 
marriage, and with the object of providing a jointure ; the said Elizabeth 
Bright and Joseph Bright granted and released to the said John Bright 
and William Scrivens, a dwellinghouse in Ecclesall called Upper Edge 
House, with the croft adjoining and closes called Ye Backside, Gatefeild, 
Great and Little Birkinfeild, Lower and Upper Hornerfeild, Carterickfeild, 
Upper Leyfeild, Housefeild, Longfeild, Upper and Lower Cunyard, all 
of which were then in the possession of the said John Bright ; and also a 
messuage at Netherhirst in the parish of Hathersage co Derby, and 
certain closes called Great and Little Feild, Sick, Cowhay in the possession 
of Ralph Green ; also another messuage at Netherhirst aforesaid, and 
closes called Over Shawhead, Middle Shawhead, Little and Great Horse- 
hay, Shaw Meadow, Cowhay, to hold to the use of the said Joseph Bright 
until the marriage ; and after, to him for life without impeachment of 
waste ; with remainder (after special uses to prevent the settlors intentions 
being defeated) to the said Elizabeth his intended wife for life, for her 
jointure in case she survive her husband and in satisfaction of dower; 
and after her death to their issue. Witnesses : John Bright junior, Jo 


Battie, Jo Weatherhead. Vellum : the lease one skin, 23 X 20ir, and the 
release two skins 30 X 24 and 30 x 12i ; three seals in paper, and one of 
red wax bears the letters T.P.N, under a star. 

359 1710 April 12th, in the 9th year of Anne. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) 

of the manor of Ecclesall, records that at a Great Court Baron with 
View of Frankpledge of John Bright esquire, an inquiry was held by John 
Battie gentleman his steward, on the oath of John Bright gentleman, Joseph 
Bright gentleman, Joseph Smith, Jonathan Hoyland, Joshua Spooner, 
Wilham Savage, Thomas Bower, Henry Maw, William Bright, Joshua 
Dungworth, Thomas Hanby, Joseph Mycock and George Marriott ; who 
swore upon oath that John Bright of Cowpitt Lane in Ecclesall gentleman, 
since the last great court, had acquired from Nathan Garlicke of Heeley 
cutler, a messuage in two several tenements with appurtenances in Cowpitt 
Lane, then in the possession of John Bright, "held from the lord of 
this manor in free and common soccage by fealty and suit of court " ; 
also they swore that John Bright since the last great court acquired 
from John Hawkesworth of Sheffield cutler, one close or parcel of land 
in Ecclesall, then in the possession of Joseph Wilson, commonly called 
Broomfield, held from the lord etc. John Battie steward. Vellum : 
one skin 14i x 5i. 

388 (1713) within three weeks of Trinity (April 5th), in the 12th year of 

Anne. Final Concord (Lat.) between John Bright gentleman and 
William Scriden gentleman plaintiffs, and Joseph Bright gentleman, 
Edward Hall and Sara his wife and Robert Hawkesworth and Anne 
his wife, deforciants, whereby the latter quitclaimed to the former, a 
messuage, 2 cottages, 50 acres of land, 24 acres of meadow, 36 acres 
of pasture and common of pasture in Ecclesall, Chapelry of Bradfield, 
Hansworth Woodhouse and the parish of Hansworth, in consideration 
of /"UO. Vellum : one skin 19 X 74. 

551 and 552 1713 December 22nd and 23rd, in the 12th year of Anne. Indenture 
of Lease and Release (Engl.) made between William Tayler of 
Holthouse in Ecclesall in the parish of Sheffield gent and Elizabeth 
Tayler of London widow, his mother, and John Bright of Chesterfield 
CO Derby gent ; whereby the said William Tayler and Elizabeth Tayler, 
in consideration of ;^445, granted and released to the said John Bright, 
a messuage called Holthouse and certain closes called Kitchin Crofte, 
Holt Meadow, Bank Field, Rye Croft, Great HoUins, Little Hollins, 
Whitefield, Upper and Nether Flatt, Spring, Farr and Narr Milne- 
field, Wainhouse Croft, then in the tenure of William Tayler and Hugh 


Osburne (except one annuity of £8 granted out of the premises). The 
covenant for title extends to the said William Tayler and Elizabeth 
his mother, also to John Fox gent, John Statham gent and Mary his 
mother in law, Joseph Banks gent and widow Matthews of Sheffield. 
Witnesses : Chris Cowley, Saml Bright, Joseph Bright, Jo Battie junior, 
Wm Battie. Vellum : one skin each, the lease 20 X 12, and the 
release 30 X 17 ; two seals bear a lion rampant in a border, with 
crest a lion rampant above a crown. 

579 1713 (-14) March 9th, in the 13th year of Anne. Indenture of Transfer 

of Mortgage (Engl.) made between John Bright junior of Banner Cross 
in the parish of Sheffield gent of the 1st part, James Morewood of Oakes 
in the Chapelry of Bradfield co York gent of the 2nd part and Arthur 
Palmer of Sheffield gent of the 3rd part ; whereby, after reciting a 
mortgage of 8th September 1712 for ;^155. 12s. 6d. by the said James 
Morewood to the said John Bright, of lands near Oakes aforesaid ; the 
said John Bright transferred the mortgage security to the said Arthur 
Palmer, and conveyed the mortgaged property, which is described as 
follows ; namely, several closes called respectively Parke, Stubbing, 
Moaksonfeild, and part of a farm called Woodhouse Farm. Witnesses : 
G Fox, Eliz Morewood, Jo Ashmore. Vellum : one skin 25 X 19, two 
seals, each bearing a lion rampant. 

553 and 554 1714(-15) January 1st and 2nd, in the 1st year of George I. Indentures 
of Lease and Release (Engl.) made between Joseph Banks of Scofton 
CO Nott gent and John Bright junior of Banner Cross in Ecclesall in the 
parish of Sheffield gent ; whereby a messuage, " sometimes or then 
formerly " called Listers Messuage or House, situate in Brightside Byerley 
in the parish of Sheffield, between Bridghouses and Neepsend, with a large 
then newly erected kilne and malthouses adjoining, with a croft lying 
on the east side of the said messuage ; and one smithy, and with all the 
gardens, courts, folds, commons etc, and two closes joining together and 
lying on a flatt or levell" northwestwardly from the messuage ; in one of 
which the messuage was erected, the same close having been or reputed 
to be part of a field called Listerfield, and another close joining on the said 
closes on the north side, and lying on the Pyebanke Side, commonly called 
Pyebanke Field or Pear Tree Close ; all situate in Brightside Byerley, 
then in the occupation of Thomas Bocking and formerly of Thomas Box- 
stead ; and another messuage or cottage in Brightside Byerley, at the 
lower end of the Harvest Lane, where Nicholas Milner then dwelt ; and a 
close adjoining reputed to have been part of Lister Field aforesaid ; and 
closes on Pyebanke Side called Birkinfields, in the occupation of William 
Downs; also another messuage called " The House att the Woodside," in 


Brightside Byerley, by Cookwood Side, and a croft adjoining; and one other 
close near to the messuage, called Lime Pitt Croft, then in the tenure of 
Joseph Dyson, with all ways, waters etc, liberties, commons, lights, drop- 
rooms, heirlooms, easements etc, were granted unto the said John Bright 
his heirs and assigns for ever ; to be held of the chief lord. Excepted from 
the release, is a lease of the 26th March 1702, for 21 years, of the house 
then called Sick House, formerly part of Listerfield, from the said Joseph 
Banks to Susanna Thompson widow, then since married to the said 
Nicholas Milner. Witnesses: Jo Battle, Wm Battle, Thos Lister. 
Vellum: one skin each, the lease 18xl2i and the release 32X26, the 
seals may be armorial. 

464 and 465 1714 April 30th and May 1st, in the 13th year of Anne. Indentures of 
Lease and Release (Engl.) being a conveyance by mortgagor and 
mortgagee of a messuage called Holthouse with several closes adjoining, 
in the parish of Sheffield, to John Bright of Chesterfield gent. There is 
a recital of indentures of lease and release of the 7th and 8th November 
1705, also of the death and will of the mortgagee William Matthew and 
the appointment of Fines Matthew of Sheffield his widow, executrix 
thereof. The following further names of persons and places occur in one 
or both of the deeds, namely; William Taylor (the son), John Battle, 
Elizabeth Taylor wife of William Taylor (the father), Joseph Banks, 
Kitchin Croft, Holt Meadow, Bank Field, Rye Croft, Great Hollins, 
Little Hollins, Whitefield, Upper Flatt, Nether Flatt, Spring, Farr 
Milnfield, Narr Milnfield and Wainhouse Croft. Witnesses: Tho 
Heaton, James Bright, Wm Battle. Vellum : one skin each, the lease 
16i X 10 and the release 21 X 13, small seals bearing classic heads. 
Notes : there is a grave stone to the memory of Fines Matthew, at the 
south end of the disused Quaker's Burial Ground at Riggs Road, 
Stannington, near Sheffield ; from which it would appear that she was a 
member of the Quaker family of Shaw of The Hills and Brookside, 
Stannington. See " Notes and Queries." 11 series, vol v, pp 49, 139 
and 395. 

821 1714 June 8th, in the 13th year of Anne. Release and Quit Claim 

(Engl.) from John Fox of Fulwood in the parish of Sheffield gentleman, 
to John Bright of Chesterfield gentleman, in consideration of 5s, of a 
messuage called Holt House in Ecclesall with appurtenances, and closes 
called Kitchin Close, Holt Meadow, Bankefield, Rye Croft, Great Hollins, 
Little Hollins, Whitefield, Upper Flatt, Nether Flatt, Spring, Farr Miln- 
field, Narr Milnfield and Wainhouse Croft, all in the possession of John 
Bright, but formerly under some encumbrances to John Fox. Wit- 
nesses : Jose Armitage, Wm Battie. Vellum : one skin 17 X lOj, seal 


390 1714 (-15) March 14th, in the 1st year of George I. Release of a Life 

Estate (Engl.) by Elizabeth Taylor of Ecclesall in the parish of 
Sheffield, widow and relict of William Taylor late of Holthouse in the 
same parish gent, to John Bright of Chesterfield co Derby gent, in a 
messuage in Ecclesall called HolthQuse, and all closes etc belonging 
thereto, then late in the possession of Hugh Osburne and others ; the 
same being charged with an annuity of £8, payable to the said Elizabeth 
Taylor for her life. From a recital it appears, that John Bright bought 
the property from William Taylor, son and heir of the said William 
Taylor and Elizabeth his wife, subject to the annuity, which Elizabeth 
released by this deed. Witnesses: Joseph Bright, Samuel Bright, Wm 
Battle. Vellum : one skin 16j X 11, small seal in paper, of no interest. 

504 1721 December 26th, in the 8th year of George I. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.), to precede a release by way of bargain and sale, from Edward 
Sheppard of Doncaster co York gent and Elizabeth Torksey of the same 
widow, to John Bayliffe of Firsby in the parish of Conisbrough co York 
yeoman, of a close called White Flatt in the parish of Tickhill co York, 
then in the occupatioij of Edward Hanson, adjoining to the lands of 
William Booker on the east, a lane leading from Tickhill to Wilsick on 
the west, another lane leading from Tickhill to some inclosures on the 
north, and lands of Thomas Toefield gent on the south ; for a year, at a 
peppercorn rent. Witnesses : Chris Ballgey, Francis Wood, J Jenkins. 
Vellum : one skin 18 X 11, seals show a lion rampant. 

573 1723 June 12th, in the 9th year of George I. A^rreement (Engl.) 

between John Bright, William Soresby, James Millnes, Paul Webster, 
John Mellor and William Flint of the one part, and Richard Lindsey, 
merchant of London of the other. This agreement concerns the manu- 
facture of red lead from " Pigg-Lead." The parties are described as 
dealers and manufacturers. It was covenanted that the first parties 
should not work over sixty fother of pig lead into red lead in any one 
year during the next two years, that they would each consign 60 "barrills" 
of the latter to Richard Lindsey yearly and to no one else in London, 
that they would not allow their agents in Hull to sell to any one in 
London, and that they would take back damaged goods. The price was to be 
13s the hundredweight and the consignors might draw bills for the amounts 
due within 28 days. William Flint was subsequently allowed to make a 
separate agreement. Paper: one sheet 23 X 18 J, six seals bearing 
E S and a non-armorial device. 

503 1728 March 29th, in the 1st year George IL Indenture of Lease (Engl.), 

to precede a release by way of bargain and sale, from Edward Sheppard 


widow, of three cottages in High Street Doncaster, between the messuage 
of John Neal "phisitian" and alderman on the north, and the messuage 
of widow Thomas on the south, in the tenure of Samuel Sturtivant, 
Edward Hartley and Thomas Tyas; and a close called Cardinall Hatt 
containing five acres, then converted into garden ground, in the tenure of 
George Whittaker ; also two acres of meadow in Bentley Ings ; for a 
year, at a pepper corn rent. Witnesses : Robert Hill, John Arthur junr. 
Vellum : one skin 184 X 12, small flat seal bears the head of a man, with 
; a legend that reads " Total Mart " (?). 

i02 1730 September 18th, in the 4th year of George II. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.), to precede a release by way of bargain and sale, from Richard 
Sheppard of Doncaster co York gent, to Thomas Cooper of Doncaster 
wharfinger, of a messuage in French Gate Doncaster, in the occupation 
of John Pugh, for a year at a peppercorn rent. Witnesses : John Cooper, 
Ann Cooper. Vellum : one skin 15J X lOj, part cut away including 
signature and seal. 

55 and 558 1737(-8) January 11th, in the 11th year of George II. Indenture of 
Mortgage (Engl.), in duplicate, by demise from Thomas Bright of 
Sheffield butcher to George Mower of Woodseats co Derby esquire, of 
several closes ; to wit, Dovehouse Meadow, Rye Field, Brigg Meadow, 
Rusby Park Meadow, Park Meadow, Nether Meadows and Spring Wood, 
situate near Greystones ; and also Well Meadow, then in the occupation 
of Mary Bright widow, Joseph Wilkinson and Thomas Morton, for a term 
of 500 years, at a pepper corn rent ; to secure the repayment to Thomas 
Waterhouse of ;^400 and interest at 4 per cent. Witnesses : to one part, 
Godf Webster, John Webster and to the other part Jos Jowett, W Henry, 
Chris Jones. Vellum : one skin each, one part 27 X 18, and the other 
part 29i X 214 I seals not armorial, one bears a cross. 

57 and 550 1738 April 25th and 26th, in the 11th year of George II. Indentures of 
Lease and Release (Engl.) between Abel Heurtelen of Wakefield co 
York gentleman and Dinah his wife, only daughter and heir of John 
Stones late of Barnsley co York gentlemen, by Elizabeth his wife 
deceased, of the 1st part ; George Marriott of Sheffield cutler of the 2nd 
part ; and Christopher Cowley of Sheffield gentleman of the 3rd part ; 
whereby certain closes called Rustling Parkes, containing 5a 2r 32phs, 
situate in Ecclesall, between Porter Water northwards and a certain 
common or waste called BrenclifFe Edge Common southwards ; formerly 
divided into four or five parts, with a cottage built thereon, then long 
since demolished ; which premises were then late in the occupation of Henry 
Young, and were then in the possession of the said Abell (sic) Heurtelen 


and Dinah or their tenant Jonathan Woollen ; which closes were formerly 
the estate and inheritance of John Stones late of Little Sheffield in the 
parish of Sheffield deceased, great uncle of the above said John Stones 
deceased, father of the said Dinah, and were given and devised, by the will 
of the said John Stones the uncle, unto the said John Stones his nephew, the 
said father of the said Dinah ; were released unto the said George Marriott 
his heirs and assigns for ever. Witnesses : Jno Greaves, Isaac Nodder. 
Vellum : one skin each, the lease 24 X 16 and the release 30i X 23, all 
five seals bear the same coat of arms ; viz, a lion rampant with a border ; 
and for crest, a lion rampant above a crown. 

65 and 566 1740(-4l) March 23rd and 24th, in the 14th year of George II. Indentures 
of Lease and Release (Engl.) by Thomas Bright of Ecclesall in the 
parish of Sheffield butcher, to Thomas Waterhouse of Bramley in 
the parish of Braithwell co York yeoman, of four closes lying near 
Graystones called Nether Meadows, in the tenure of John Castleton ; and 
also that Spring or Wood ground near Greystones (sic) in the tenure of the 
said Thomas Bright, to secure the repayment of £150 and interest. 
Witnesses : Jo Redfearne, William Fretwell. Vellum : one skin each, 
the lease 27 X 18i and the release 21 i X 12 ; the seals may be armorial. 

i64 and 559 1740(-4l) March 23rd & 24th, in the 14th year of George II. Indentures 
of Lease and Release (Engl.) by Thomas Bright of Ecclesall in the 
parish of Sheffield butcher, to Thomas Waterhouse of Bramley in 
the parish of Braithwell co York yeoman, of several closes ; to wit, 
Dovehouse Meadow, Ryefield, Brigg Meadow, Rushy Park Meadow, 
all situate near Greystones ; also Well Meadow, then late in the occupation 
of Mary Bright widow, Joseph Wilkinson and Thomas Morton ; to secure 
the repayment of /^150 and interest at 4i per cent. Witnesses : Jo 
Redfearne, Wm Fretwell, Robert Pashley. Vellum : one skin each, the 
lease 23i X 12, and the release 29 X 17, seal may be armorial. 

12 and 413 (1756) the octave of Saint Hillary (20th January), in the 29th year of 
George II. Final Concord (Engl.), in duplicate, in an, action between 
George Younge and Enoch Laycock plaintiffs and George Marriott and 
Ann his wife deforciants, which vested 1 barn, 20 acres of land, 10 acres 
of meadow, 10 acres of pasture and common of pasture for all cattle, in 
Ecclesall in the parish of Sheffield with the appurtenances, in the said 
George Younge and Enoch Laycock. Vellum : one skin 21 X 15. 

2 1759 Will (Engl.) of Mary Dalton, late of York then of Bilbrough, grand- 

daughter of John Bright esquire deceased, contains various legacies to the 
following: her aunt Mrs Isabella Dalton, who educated her during her 


minority, her uncle John Daltoil of York, .... Dalton spinster of 
York, WiUiam Dalton formerly of York then of Newfoundland, George 
Dalton of York, Anne Addy widow of York, Longus Boldero of Staple 
Inn, London. Witnesses : . . . . Starling, Joseph Hargraves, Wm 
Bower. Vellum: one skin 24^X15, seal bears a lozenge with four 

830 1759 Abstract or Index (Engl) of deeds delivered by William Bagshaw 

esquire to Francis Drake, with the latter's receipt dated 10th September 
1759. Fifty two are of miscellaneous deeds, dating from May 11th, 18 
Henry VIII to October 30th 1696. Eighteen are of copy court rolls of 
the manor of Halifax, dating from December 11th 26 Henry VI to 
August 16th 6 James I. Nearly one hundred relate to a messuage and 
tenement in Northowram called the Fould dating from December 11th 
26 Henry VI to 1751. The Index merely denotes each document and 
gives the names of the contracting parties, Saville, Broadley, Drake, 
Waterhouse, Carter, Hall, Barston, Gleadhill, Child, Potter, etc. Paper : 
3 sheets, large folio. 

743 1767 June 22nd. Diploma (Lat.) of Master of Arts, given in favour of 

William Windle of Sheffield co York, by Kings College, Aberdeen. The 
diploma is signed by Roderic MacLeod promoter, Jo Chalmers principal, 
Jos Lumsden S.T.P., A. E. Gorden, M.D., William Thorn J.C.P., Jo 
Leslie Gr. L.P., Thomas Gordon P.P., Jas Dunbar P.P. Vellum : one 
skin 23 X 25, large seal of the University in tin case. Notes : see num- 
bers 730, 731, and 1168. 

730 1767 October 28th. Certificate of Ordination (Engl.) as a deacon, of 
William Windle by Edmund, bishop of Chester, in the 16th year of his 
consecration, at the request of his most reverend brother Thomas by 
divine permission Archbishop of Canterbury. Vellum : one skin 7i X 9, 
large seal in paper of the Bishop of Chester, good impression. Notes : 
William Windle came of a Sheffield family, see numbers 731, 743, and 
1168. Swift gives the pedigree, see number 1110. 

731 1767 November 8th. Certificate of Ordination (Engl.) as a priest, of 
William Windle M.A. of the University of Aberdeen Scotland, by 
Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, in the 10th year of his translation. 
Vellum : one skin 9 X 7i, large seal in paper of the Archbishop, a perfect 
impression. Notes: see numbers 730, 743 and 1168. 

OAr\ I'T?'* XTz-nrom K^r 1 ftfVi in fVlA 1 /^fVl vt^ctr of frAorcrp TTT_ Plnnfr»orrai-*>» r^( 


north parts of England etc ; to John Parker of Grey stones co York gent 
(and his descendants) late of Woodthorpe co York son of John Parker of 
Norton co Derby gent whose father Rowland Parker was also of Norton 
and an officer in the army of King Charles I during the Civil Wars. 
The grant was authorized and directed by warrant and confirmed 
by letters patent and the arms were argent, a chevron pean between 
three mullets sable, on a chief azure as many bucks heads caboshed or, 
and for the crest, on a wreath of the colours, a talbot's head couped 
argent eared gules collared pean ; which arms are depicted in the margin 
of the grant. Notes : there are four copies of this photograph in the 

744 1780 March 26th to 1781 March 25th. Yearly Account current of the 

river Dun. Paper : one sheet 30 X 22. 

469 1784 octave of the feast of the Purification (lOth February), in the 24th year 

of George III. Final Concord (Engl.) between John Parker esquire 
plaintiff and John Herring and Hannah his wife deforciants whereby the 
latter quitclaimed to the former a moiety of a messuage, barn, stable, 
garden, orchard, 5 acres of land, 1 acre of meadow, 1 acre of pasture and 
common of pasture for all cattle, with the appurtenances in the parish 
of Handsworth (co York). John Parker paid ;^60 for the property. 
Vellum: one skin 17X9. 

427 1789 March 13th. Probate of the Will (Engl.) of John Carlton of 

Sheffield cutler, with grant from the surrogate at York, dated 22nd 
January 1791, under the hand of Joseph Buckle deputy registrar. After 
directing payment of debts etc, testator bequeathed to his daughter 
Elisabeth Carlton /^200 ; to his grand children Thomas Evans and John 
Evans, the children of his daughter Hannah Evans, ;^300 ; he devised and 
bequeathed his freehold and leasehold properties in Sheffield and the 
residue of his estate, unto and to the use of his said daughters Elisabeth 
Carlton and Sarah, the wife of George Woollen of Sheffield baker, as 
tenants in common, and appointed them executors. Witnesses : John 
Brookfield, Charles Brookfield, George Ward. Vellum : two skins, the 
probate 17 X 13, the grant 10X5; seal of the surrogate of York, in paper. 

752 1789 April 29th. Grant of Administration (Engl.) from Peter Johnson 

M.A. commissary of the Exchequer Court of William Archbishop of 
York to Mary Windle of Sheffield widow, of the goods and chattels of 
Edmund Windle her husband late of Sheffield cutler, who died intestate. 
The necessary oath to be taken before James Wilkinson, clerk surrogate . . 
Signed Joseph Buckle, deputy registrar. Vellum : one skin 10 X 54, 
laree oaoer seal. 


446 1791 June 14th. Probate of the Will (Lat.), dated at York 8th May 

1792, of William Eastfield of Laughton, Rotherham gentleman. He left 
to his wife Sarah Laughton whom he appointed sole executrix all 
his messuages, lands and real property in Rotherham, Tickhill, Braith- 
well, Stainton and elsewhere, and also his money, securities and personal 
estate. Witnesses : James Wilkinson, EHzth Skelton, John Hawke. 
Vellum : two skins 14i X 10 and lOi X 5^, seal in paper. 

580 No date, probably late 18th century. Militia Roll (Engl.) of those men 

who had been balloted since the General Ballot in the year 1779. This 
is a tabular statement of eleven columns ; the districts covered are 
Sheffield, Hoyland, Stancell, Thorn, Treeton, Handsworth, Bradfield, 
Darfield, Brampton Bierlow, Kimberworth, Rawmarsh, Barnborough, 
Leeds, Doncaster, Laughton, Bawtry, Rotherham and Aston. There are 
about a hundred and fifty names of persons of the above districts. 
Vellum : one skin 17x24. 

765 1800 June 3rd. Grant of Administration (Engl.), dated at York, from 

Osborne Markham M.A. commissary of the Exchequer Court of William 
Archbishop of York to Eleanor Stringer wife of Thomas Stringer of 
Greasbrough in the parish of Rotherham co York carpenter, heretofore 
Eleanor Firth widow, of the goods and chattels of Joseph Firth her late 
husband of Greasbrough victualler ; the oath to be taken before Rev. 
Richard Burton clerk-surrogate. Signed Joseph Buckle, deputy registrar. 
Vellum : one skin 10 X 5J, large paper seal. 

753 1812 July Uth. Grant of Administration (Engl.) from Osborne Mark- 

ham, M.A. commissary of the Exchequer Court of Edward, Archbishop 
of York, to Thomas Beckwith Jackson of Sheffield filemaker, and Eliza- 
beth Jackson of the same spinster, of the goods and chattels of Nicholas 
Jackson their father of Sheffield filemaker, who died intestate, Mary 
Jackson spinster Sussannah Jackson spinster Hannah Jackson spinster 
and Charlotte Jackson spinster his daughters having renounced. The 
necessary oath to be taken before the Rev Thomas Sutton clerk surrogate. 
Signed Joseph Buckle, Joseph Buckle junior, deputy registrars. Endorsed, 
" Exhibited to us under a Commission of Bankrupcy. Edward Croxall. 
Benj. Parker." Vellum : one skin 10 X 5i, large paper seal. 

516 1800 September 8th. Probate of the Will (Engl.) of Louisa Clark 

Hutchinson of Sheffield co York spinster, with grant of administration 
annexed, dated 24th July 1801 ; given at York under the seal of the 
Exchequer and Prerogative Court of York, proof of the will being admitted 


her mother, Sarah Hutchinson, whom she appointed executrix. Witnesses : 
Thomas Radford, Jno Shearwood. Vellum : two skins, the probate 
lOi X 9i, and the grant lOi X 5i ; the seal in paper is in good condition. 
Notes : the witness Thomas Radford may have been the minister of Saint 
James's Church at Sheffield, where there is a tablet to his memory, see 
also Scott's "Admissions to Saint John's College, Cambridge," Part III, 
pages 171 and 709. 

632 1808 February 19th, in the 48th year of George III. Certificate of 

Discharge (Engl.) of Isaac Bower of Sheffield, in the bankruptcy of 
himself and his co-partners Joseph Hopkinson, William Vickers, James 
Richardson, John Birley, and Anthony Christopher Marker, saw and edge 
tool manufacturers, dealers and chapmen ; with the consent of four fifths 
of his creditors, whose names were Josiah Ashton, Jonat Marshall, 
William Kay, Samuel Smith, William Smith, Rd Bayley, Henry Hall, 
John Pinder, Joseph Smith, Abhm Hawley, John Brailsford, R D 
Stanley, Younge Whitelock and Younge by Henry Whitelock. The com- 
missioners were Hugh Parker, Francis Mawde esquires, Adamson Parker, 
John Shearwood and Robert Rodgers gentlemen, of whom Hugh Parker, 
Adamson Parker and Jno Shearwood signed and sealed the certificate. 
Vellum : one skin 32 X 24, seals obscure. Notes : at the foot is a recital 
dated 26th March 1808, signed by Lord Eldon; that the usual notice had 
been given in the London Gazette. Endorsed are the words " Cert Isaac 
Bower left 27th Feb 1808. Blakelock." 

574 1809 October 13th, in the 48th year of George III. Certificate of Dis- 

charge (Engl) in bankruptcy of Joseph Hopkinson, a partner with Isaac 
Bower, William Vickers, James Richardson, John Birley and Anthony 
Christopher Harker, all of Sheffield in the County of York saw and edgetool 
manufacturers, dealers, chapmen, and co-partners. The commissioners 
were Hugh Parker, Francis Maude esquires, Adamson Parker, John 
Shearwood and Robert Rodgers gentlemen. The creditors who signed 
their consent and approval, were Josia Ashton, Jonan Marshall, John 
Pinder, Joseph Smith, John Brailsford, William Kay, Leond Cowley, 
Schofield Littlewood and Ball, Wm Littlewood, Wm Caldwell, James 
Cowin, D. Brammall, Joh Sylvester, Rd Stanley, William Parks, Abm 
Hawley and William Alsop. There is a recital that notice had been given 
in the London Gazette 12th December 1809. Vellum : one skin 32 X 27. 


756 (1159). Copy, in a 16th century hand, of a Charter (Lat.) of Henry Lacy, 

confirming a grant in free and perpetual alms to God and Saint Mary and 
the Abbot Alexander of Kyrkstall, and the monks of the Cistercian Abbey 
there, of the site of Kyrkstall and Bernolveswick with appurtenances, and 
of Brachenleia Waste near to Lerundeheia and the pasture, for the good 
of the souls of himself, his wife, his grandfather Ilbert .... and Hawis 
his wife, his heirs, father, mother, brothers and sisters, Matilda his friend, 
etc ; also confirming a grant made by William de Reinavilla and his wife, 
also a grant of land made to them by William de Heddigleia, his wife 
and son, and confirmed by his lord Robert ; also a grant made by Sampson 
de Alrecuna. Witnesses: Henry Archbishop of York, Otto de Tilli, 
Richard Gramaticus, Jordan his brother, Richard son of Hubald, Ralph 
son of Nicholas, William de Mungei, Robert Porton, William de Heddig- 
gleia, Lambert Medicus, Adam the presbyter of Pontefract, Arnald the 
presbyter, Robert the presbyter, Gamell son of Besing, Adam the presbyter, 
Alanus the chamberlain, Askecillus de Malimerus (sic), Robert Barbu, 
Henry of Wales (Walensis), Adam son of Peter, William son of Aldelin, 
Hugo de Cleicuna, William de Alterina, Henricus Hatechrist, Thomas 
son of Peter, Alexander de Rid. Vellum : one skin 11X6. Notes ; see 
Dugdale's " Monasticon," vol. 5, p. 532, Bohn's edition. Endorsed " original 
Charter given 1159. Copy taken in the reign of Eliz. from one in the 
Tower. Vid. Cartae Anno 1 Edw. 3 N. 37. 1327." 

792 Before 1193. Copy, in a 17th century hand, of a Confirmation (Lat.) by 

Robert de Lacy of a grant in free and perpetual arms made by his father 
Henry Lacy to Saint Mary and the monks of Kyrkestall, of the site of 
Kyrkestall and Bernolveswic (Barnoldswick), Brachineleia (Brachenley 
or Brachinel) Waste near Rundhaid (Roundhay), with half the rent from 
Gliderhou (Cliderhow) for clothing the abbot, the other half for providing 
a lamp to burn continually before the altar in the church of Kyrkestall ; 
also a grant of land made by William de Remevilla and his wife ; a grant 
made by William de Heddingeleia and his wife and confirmed by his lord 
Robert Peiteum ; a grant made by Samson de Alrecuna ; a grant made 


in the same given by William de Sumervilla. Witnesses : Geoffrey 
Hageth, Adam de Lanvilla, William de Bulli, Burnellus, Thomas Fitz- 
Peter, Ivo de Longvilla. Vellum: one skin 11^X6. Notes: see 
Dugdale's " Monasticon," Bohn's edition, vol. 5, p. 535, where the original 
is said to be then in the possession of Ralph Thoresby esquire. The 
transcription there given has variant forms of the names. Robert de 
Lacidied 1193. 

825 1345 April 3rd. Demise (Lat.), dated at Wilton, from William Arch- 

bishop of York to the abbot and convent of Kirkstall, of the church or 
chapel of Gilkirke with tithes etc. Paper : folded 8 X 12. Notes: this is 
a 17th century copy by Arthur Thornton registrar, from the York 
register of the time of William Zouche Archbishop, folio 242. 

815 (1562-3) February 13th, in the 5th year of Elizabeth, (a) Copy of a 
Sign Manual Warrant (Engl.), dated at Westminster, under the Signet 
and directed to the Duchy of Lancaster, recites that at the petition of the 
"Tenauntes and Fermors " of Barnoldsweke, the Queen was pleased to 
grant to them jointly or severally or to any person chosen by them, the 
manor and its appurtenances for a term of 99 years, and ordered that 
an indenture be prepared in the Chancery of Lancaster for the purpose. 
"This is a trewe copie of the Queues Bill assigned E. Waldegrave. 
T. Caryll," Copied by Francis Samwell. Endorsed " Richard Bannyster 
Queens Bill Assignment Cotes." Vellum: one skin 13X8. (b) John 
Caley's transcription of the above. Notes : John Caley was a government 
official, employed in the Record Office and elsewhere. He was made 
F.S.A. in 1786 and died in 1834. See D. N. B. 

816 1553-4 ? (a) Petition (Engl.) of Rychard Banaster to Stephyn, 
"Bysshop of Wynchester" (Stephen Gardiner Lord Chancellor), recites 
that Richard Banaster father of the above acquired a lease from the 
abbot and convent of Kyrkestall of the tithes of the parsonage of 
Gylkyrke and Barnoleswyke, and of the mill of Barnoleswyke, and of the 
tithe corn from James Dylworthe's tenement, excepting the tithe corn of 
Cots, and also another lease of the offices of " Receyvor and BaylyfF" of 
manors etc in Bolande and Cotes, and of an annuity of £1, all of which 
descended to the petitioner and his brother Thomas Banaster, except the 
tithes of Brokden. Since the death of Thomas Banaster, the two leases 
had come into the possession of William Lyster esquire, through Brygytt, 
widow of Thomas Banaster, and she and her second husband had seized 
the property. Wherefore the petitioner craved a royal commission from 
the Court of Chancery appointing a committee of enquiry. Vellum : 

nne skin 19X13. Thfi Ap.pA is irnHaterl- hut is nrnhaKlv r>f tVio lattor a-nA 


of 1553. (b) 15S3(-4) February 11th, in the 1st year of Mary. The 
Queen's Writ (Lat.), attached to the above, ordering Edmund Eltofts, 
Peter Skarborough, and Thomas Mawde esquires, to enquire into the 
matter and return their finding, together with the writ to chancery at 
Easter. Signed Adams. Vellum : one skin 13 X 3. (c) John Caley's 
transcriptions of the above. Paper : 3 sheets of folio. 

817 1568 July 2nd, in the 10th year of Elizabeth, (a) Letters Patent (Lat.) 

granting a lease from Queen Elisabeth to Allen Banaster, who had 
surrendered two leases; (l) 4th October 1526 from William, abbot 
of Kyrkstall, of the tithes of grain in Barlewike, Salterford, le Hall 
Demeanes, and the tithes of Brokeden late in the tenure of Richard 
Banaster on a 50 years lease; (2) 4th February 1537-8 from John, abbot 
of Kyrkstall, to Richard Bannester of Brokeden, gentleman, of tithes of 
wool, lambs etc and tithes of the mill, tithes of corn of James Dylworth's 
house with all other tithes belonging to the monastery within the rectory 
of Gilkirke or Barnoleswyke (sic), except the tithes mentioned above and 
the tithes of grain of Cotes. The present document grants a lease for 21 
years of all the above tithes of grain of Barlewick, Salterford and of the 
manor of Barnolt, called the Hall Demeanes etc, together with the tithes 
of sheaves in the township of Coates, formerly belonging to the monastery 
etc at a rent of ^11 3s 4d; and also in consideration of paying the salary 
of £'\- 13s 4d to the curate of Gilkyrke, whom the lessee was to have the 
right of presenting. Enrolled 28th October by the Queen's auditor, 
Anthony Rone. Endorsed, Buggyn. Vellum : one skin 26 X 13j, seal 
missing, (b) Transcription of the above by John Caley. (c) Abstract of 
the same. 

820 1584 July 27th, in the 26th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) from Edwarde Braddyll of Whalley, in the county of 
Lancaster esquire, to Thomas Walmysley, sergeant-at-law, recites that 
Thomas Crompton and John Morley of London gentlemen sold to Sergeant 
Walymsley (by the name of Thomas Walmysley of Dunkenhalgh in the 
county of Lancaster esquire) and to Edward Braddyll, as witnessed by a 
tripartite indenture May 14th 20 Elizabeth, enrolled in the Court of 
Chancery, the rectory and church of Gylkirke with appurtenances, formerly 
belonging to the late monastery of Kirkstall ; together with the tithes in 
Barlewick alias Barnolswicke, in Salterforde alias Salterforthe, in the 
manor of Barnolf called " the hall demeanes " and in Brugden alias 
Brockden, late in the tenure of Richard Banester ; the tithes of wool, 
mill, etc late in the tenure of James Dillworth ; the tithes of the rectory 
of Gylkirke late in the tenure of Richard Banester, and the tithes of the 


£\ 13s 4d to the curate of the church. By this indenture Edward 
Braddyll sold to Sergeante (sic) Walmysley for ^"250 his moiety of the 
above, and bound himself, his wife Anne, and his son John Braddill (sic) 
to warrant the title. Vellum : one skin 23 X 16, seal missing. 

826 (1558) May 10th, in the 4th and 5th years of Philip and Mary, (a) Eliza- 
bethan or Jacobean copy of a Decree (Engl.) made in the Duchy Court 
of Lancaster as to right of common on Barnoldswick Moor, claimed by 
the inhabitants of Coats. The document recites that a decree was made 
in the Court of the Duchy at the term of Saint Hilary 2 and 3 Philip and 
Mary, whereby the tenants of Barnoldswick were to keep the parcels of 
land previously enclosed by them viz. Brokden Edge, Greenthomes lying 
on the Wetes, and Brumnehough which extended from a tenement in the 
occupation of Robert Dillworth's wife through Haulsted Fieldetothe New 
Diche of Salterford ; the tenants of Coats were to have forty acres of 
pasture and moss, and the rest was to belong to the tenants of Barnolds- 
wick. This decree at the instance of John Hartley, Margaret his wife, 
Richard Hartley, John Halsted, William Halsted, and Richard Woodroffe, 
was exemplified and sealed with the Duchy Seal, (b) Transcription of the 
above by John Caley. 

827 1552-3 January 30th, in the 7th year of Edward VI. Copy by John Caley 
of a Licence of Alienation (Lat.) by letters patent to Arthur Darcy knight, 
enabling him, in consideration of £2'^ paid to the Hanaper, to sell a 
messuage and tenement with appurtenances in Cotys in Craven in the 
parish of Gylkyrke co York late belonging to the Monastery of Kyrkestall, 
to Richard Banaster. Signed W. le Bowis. Examined T. Cotton. 
Endorsed. " Enrolled in the Memoranda of the 7th year of Edward VI, 
among the Records of Saint Hilary's term on behalf of the Remembrancer 
of the Exchequer." Paper : one sheet 13 X 16. 

828 1543-1546 probably Michaelmas. Extracts (Lat.) from the ministers' or 
bailiffs' accounts of the dissolved abbey of Kirkstall in the Augmentation 
Office, made by John Caley in 1795. (a) An account of Richard Banester, 
collector of the rent and farmer, relating to Bollande, Cotes, Ereby and 
Remyngton, 1543-4. Another account of Thomas Banaster, deputy of 
Richard Banester (sic), for Bolland, Cootes, Ereby and Remington, 1545. 
Another account of Thomas Banaster etc relating to Coots in Craven, from 
which it appears that a messuage was granted to Arthur Darcye by 
letters patent 3rd August, 1545, by the service of one twentieth of a 
knight's fee, and that the rest of Coots was granted to William Ramsden 
by letters patent 15th October 1545 by the service of one twentieth 


of a knight's fee 1546. (b) An account of Richard Banester relating to 
the tithes of the rectory of Gilkirke, Coots, Barnolswick, Salterforth, 
the Hall Demeanes of Barnolf, Brogden, and the tenement of James 
Dillesworth, and of the salary paid to Robert Holdale, chaplain of Gilkirk. 
(c) Note on the above. 

829 1614-15 Case (Engl.) for counsel to advise with opinion at foot, of 

Sir Richard Hutton (then sergeant at law) in 1614 and of Sir Humfray 
Davenport (then barrister) 25th July 1615. The cases refer to the 
manor or lordship of Barnoldswicke, and a parcel of that manor called 
Barnoldswicke Coates. This manor was formerly in the possession of 
Kirkstall Abbey and afterwards of the Crown, the parcel being sold, and 
later coming into the possession of Jo Halst, Geo Halst, La Halst and 
John Hart steward, holders of the unexpired leases and the reversion of 
them, while the rest was attached to the Duchy of Lancaster. Legal 
opinion was asked as to whether the freeholders and their tenants in 
Barnoldswicke Coates owed suit of service in the Manor Court, and tithes. 
A note is added to the eiFect that the tithes of Gillkirk parish alias 
Barnoldswick were granted to Edward Earl of Lincoln, 24th February 
20 Elizabeth in free socage of the manor of East Greenwich, in chief to 
Arthur Darcey and in free socage to Richard Ramsden. Paper: three 
sheets of folio. 


811 Probably 13th century. Seventeenth century copy of a Quit Claim 

(Lat.) from Adam Grideling lord of Witwell to Alice de Grideling, his 
sister, of certain lands formerly held by William son of Bernard in 
villenage, lying in the fields of Tharlestropp, in consideration of a yearly 
payment of a pair of white gloves or of one penny at Easter. Wit- 
nesses : Sir William de Falcunbridge knight, Thomas de Frethevile, 
Rog de Hocco (?) of Barlebrough, Henry le Pringer (?) of Wittewell, 
Robert del Hurst. Vellum: one skin 10 X 7. Notes: signed as a "true 
copy " by Edmo Woodhead, Barthol Hewes. The copy seems to be 
imperfect. In Lyson's " Magna Britannia " vol v, p 48 is the following 
note in reference to Barlborough : " It is probable that this was the same 
manor which, in the reign of Edward I, belonged to William de Faucon- 
berg ; it was then called the manor of Ada (sic) de Grydeling, or the 
chamber of Ada, and the park of Barlborough (Esch 23 Edw. I)." 
Falcunbridge is probably an error in transcription for Fauconberge. 
Dugdale's "Baronage," vol ii, p 3, mentions "William de Fauconberge, 
younger son of the family of that name, who had a summons to Parliament, 
28 Edward I." He was still alive 7 Edward II. 

845 Undated, probably early 13th century. Photograph of a Charter (Lat.) 

confirming a grant from Nichola de Novo Mercato (Newmarket) to 
Thomas Gere of Bectona (Beighton co Derby) and his heirs, of all her 
arable lands within the town of Bectona and beyond ; to wit, within the 
bounds of the fields of Bectona ; except both her free and servile tenants ; 
and except her portion in the great wood of Bectona ; and except lands 
in the same wood, to wit, in West Wode ; and except that land which 
came to her after the death of her brother's wife Amable, but including 
the meadow ; and all her share of the mill ; with the sequel of her 
bondmen ; and all her share in the park ; and the tower of the former 
castle ; with free and due ingress and egress, in and from the same ; both 
with waggons, carts and teams, to have and to hold of the grantor and her 
heirs, to the said Thomas Gere and his heirs or assigns, freely quietly etc. 


in ways, waters, paths, woods, meadows, and pastures with all appur- 
tenances, easements and liberties to the said land appertaining; paying 
annually to the grantor and her heirs, one pound of cummin, at the feast 
of Saint Thomas the Apostle for all secular services etc ; the said Thomas 
Gere paying eleven marks of silver as a gersum (de gersoma). Wit- 
nesses: Sir Robert de Furneys, John and John parsons of Ekynton, 
Ralph Britone, Robert de Witterton, Sir John de Heymcurth, William 
de Musters, Sir Geoffrey de Stokes, Robert de Muscham (Muschamp), 
Thomas de Lincoln, Thomas de Saint Quintin (sancto quintino), William 
son of Richard. Notes : the original charter is at the Bodleian Library, 
Oxford, and is part of the " Dodsworth Collection " of MSS. vol 76, 
number 105. It measures only 5iX34, and is a beautiful specimen of 
13th century script. The Oxford Dictionary gives gersum and variants 
as meaning a premium or fine paid to a feudal superior on entering upon 
a holding. 

234 1292 Sunday next before the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the 

Baptist (24th June). Release and Quit Claim (Lat.) by Thomas son of 
Hugh de Wygeley in Brampton (co Derby) to Roger de Wygeley, of all 
his right and claim in a croft, and fourteen and a half acres of land at 
Besul ; and in three roods above Wityl, in the fee of Brampton. Wit- 
nesses : Robert le Caus, Hugh de Lynaker, Nicholas de Hulme, John 
del Haye, Roger de Wygeley clerk, Richard del Haye. Vellum: one 
skin 7X4, seal missing. Notes : endorsed, in a hand of a later date, is a 
memorandum, " 1292 Wigley release of Besehull & Whytehill." 

251 Undated, probably late 13th century. Charter (Lat.) confirming an 

assignment and quit claim from Margery, daughter of Robert le Bastard 
of Kateby to Richard clerk, son of William de Bectona (Beighton), of a 
rent of five shillings, and a pound of cummin ; which Geoffrey Gere used 
to pay for the whole tenement, with the appurtenances, which he held of 
the feoffor in Bectona ; and a rent of twenty two pence, which Geoffrey 
son of Gwido used to pay, for half an oxgang held of the feoffor in 
Bectona ; and also one toft in the town of Bectona, which William son of 
John formerly held; and an oxgang, with the appurtenances, which Ralph 
Hippy then held, and Ralph himself, bondman of the feoffor, with all his 
family and with all his chattels, and all the feoffor's part of Westwode, with 
land which Nicholas (or Nichola) de Newmarket (novo mercato) gave to the 
feoffor by his (or her) charter ; with homage, wardship, reliefs and all free 
services and customs ; and with all other kinds of service which in any way 
might accrue from the said men (bondmen) and their heirs, to wit Geoffrey 
Gere, Geoffrey son of Gwydo, Ralph Hippy, and of land which the same 
men held, and of the said toft, and of part of Westwode ; with all other rights 


which might in any way accrue from the said men and their lands, 
without reservation, for twelve silver marks, which the said Richard gave 
to the feoffor as a fine ; the said Richard and his heirs or assigns paying 
annually twenty five pence to the prior and convent of Blyth (Blyda), and 
in addition nine pence to John de Stoteuil. Witnesses : Sir Robert de 
Furneus, Sir Roger de Eyncourt, John rector of half the church of 
Eckenton, Ralph de Reueresby (?), Hugh de Dokemanton, Ralph de 
Sidenal, Thomas de Leys, John de Hacentorp, Thomas son of Nicholas 
of the same, William son of John of Bectona, Ralph Manderel of the 
same. Vellum : one skin 7 X 6j, seal missing. Notes : see number 845. 

247 Undated, probably late 13th century. Release and Quit Claim (Lat.) 

from Robert son of Nicholas de Laxtona to Richard clerk of Bectona 
(Beighton), of two acres of pasture, with the appurtenances, in Wodemedue 
in Bectona, which he had by the charter of Ralph, brother of the said 
Richard, for four silver marks which the said Richard gave as a fine 
(gersumia) on entering the land. Witnesses : Geoffrey Gere, John de 
Horbiri, William son of John de Bectona, Geoffrey son of Gwido, Simon 
de Chevercurt, Robert France, Roger de Peckis (?), John de Hacuntorp, 
Thomas of the same. Vellum : one skin 7 X 2i, seal missing. Notes : 
see number 845. 

246 Undated, probably late 13th century. Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant 

from Peter son of Nicholas de Rechorfeld and Beatrice his wife to Richard 
clerk of Bectona (Beighton), for homage and services, of all lands and 
rents which Marjory daughter of Robert de Kateby sold to the grantor ; 
namely, five shillings rent and one pound of cummin, which Geoffrey Gere 
used to pay for the whole tenement with the appurtenances, which he held 
of him in Bectona ; and a rent of twenty two pence which Geoffrey son 
of Gwido (?) used to pay for half an oxgang, which he held in the same 
town ; and further, one toft in the town of Bectona, which William son 
of John formerly held ; and an oxgang with the appurtenances which 
Ralph Huppi held ; and Ralph himself a bondman, with all his family and 
his chattels ; and all the third part of the wood of Westwode, with land 
appertaining to the said wood, and formerly part of the park of Bectona, 
lying between the park of Sir Robert de Furneus and Paynelflat, and 
between the great arable field (magnam culturam), and land of the said 
Richard, without any reservation ; paying annually two shillings and 
ten pence, and one pound of cummin, in the vigil of Saint Martin, 
Witnesses : Sir Gervase de Bernak, Sir Ralph de Horbury, Philip rector 
of the church of Treton, John de Waliswode, .Robert de Cravene, Alex 
Dolfin, Ralph Manderel of Bectona, William of the same. Vellum : one 
skin 7i X 5, one seal missing, the other small, in good condition. 


244 Undated, probably 13th century. Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant 

from Jordan de Chevercurt to Richard de Bectona, for homage and 
services, of all that land which was of Thol the reeve in the territory of 
Bectona (Beighton, co Derby), with all its appurtenances, both in the 
wood and in the open land, sufficient for buildings and for fire; and 
in all other places, appertaining to the same land, paying annually to the 
said Jordan de Chevercurt and his heirs two shillings, payable four times 
a year, for all services, except forinsec services to the King. Witnesses: 
Luke the parson of Carl(ton ?), Richard de Chevercurt, Richard Fitz- 
harding, Mathew Fitzodo, Henry de Morthing, William de Wellum, 
Peter de Bectona, John de Bectona, Nicholas de Bectona. Vellum : one 
skin 5 X 5f , seal missing. 

282 Undated, late 13th century hand. Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant 

from Nicholas Mussard lord of Stavely to William le Bret and his heirs, 
of a plot of land (cultura) called Rynghaye, lying between the water 
called Westewodebrok and " les Orpittes " of Brimington ; another plot 
called Oxleson near Houlehacking and Westewod, which he inherited 
from Ralph Mussard his father ; also rents from the heirs of Adam Bete 
of ' Chastrefeld " for a tenement called Helderidding ; and rents from the 
heirs of Sir Peter de Bremington knight, for common pasture in Staveley, 
and an annual rent of a pound of pepper from the same, for a tenement 
in Staveley called Houlehackyng ; in consideration of a yearly payment 
by the grantee of a red sparrow hawk (espervarium soreum) or 12 pence. 
Witnesses : Roger le Brete knight, John de Eyncourt, Walter de Boles- 
overe, Hugh de Lynacre, Thomas del Leys, Ralph Caschors, John the 
clerk. Vellum : one skin (with large holes in it) 9iX6, no seal. Notes: 
there is no sign of a seal having been attached, and this may be a 
contemporary copy. Nicholas Mussard succeeded his nephew as lord of 
Staveley 17 Edward I (1288) and died 29 Edward I (1300). 

279 Undated, 13th century hand. Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from 

John son of Ralph de Kinewaldemers (Killamarsh) to Geoffrey de Becton, of 
three rods of meadow in the fields of Kinewaldemers, lying in the North 
Riding, near a rod held by Bate de Netherthorpe, and stretching from the 
ditch near the bridge of Kinewaldemers to the River Roder, in considera- 
tion of one mark of silver. Witnesses : Roger de Hoto of Barlburgh, 
Robert de Runlegh, William son of Elam of Kinewaldemers, John son of 
Peter of the same, William Dolphin, John Dolphin, John Morewyn of 
Becton, Geoffrey Gere of the same. Vellum : one skin 9X3, seal torn 
or cut from the charter. 

812 Late 13th or early 14th century. Probably an almost contemporary copy 

of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from Thomas de (Chaworth ?) to 
Alice Casteleyn of Osberton and Rose her daughter, of a plot of ground 


called Isomaysal in the soke of Norton, with the arable land appertaining 
to it, formerly in the tenure of Ralph Isemay, for the life of Alice with 
remainder to Rose and her heirs, subject to a yearly rent of one penny 
at the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, in lieu of all 
services etc except forinsec services to the King, failing any direct heirs 
to Rose the land was to revert to the grantor. Witnesses : William le 
Bret, Roger le Breton, John de Brymyngton, master Henry de Neubold, 
Alan de Loune (?), Peter de Leyes, John de Lightwode. Notes : the 
names William le Bret and Roger le Breton appear in a charter about 
1300 and William le Bret appears in a charter of 1312. See Addy's 
" Beauchief," pp 63 and 64. The male line of the Derbyshire le Bretons 
became extinct in the early part of the 14th century. Vellum : one skin 

814 Late 13th or early 14th century. Probably an almost contemporary copy 

of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from Thomas de Chaworth knight 
to Alice Casteleyn of Osberton for life and to Rose her daughter, of the 
land and appurtenances formerly in the tenure of William de Heytridding, 
together with fifteen acres and a plot called Wetlandis, formerly in the 
tenure of Robert de le Heytridding, and various small plots formerly in 
the tenure of Thomas de Hemenlisworth, John Binger, Hugh Basse son 
of Nicholas, John son of Alan, John Goddeknawe, John son of Agnes, 
Ralph Hyssmaye, subject to a yearly rent of a rose in summer for all 
services, except forinsec service to the King. Failing direct heirs to 
Rose, the land was to revert to the grantor. Vellum: one skin 8X5. 
Notes : this charter is a duplicate of the first entry in number 300, except 
that number 300 gives a list of witnesses: namely. Sir William de Fulking- 
ham, then abbot of Beauchief, John de Brymington, William Maleneye of 
Dronfeld, Thomas de Wodehouses, Roger Carpenter, Peter de Bernys, 
Peter de Leys. The names of Agnes Casteleyn, her daughter and 
Peter de Leyes appear in number 300, which from the names of the 
witnesses would appear to be circa 1310. Alice Casteleyn seems to have 
been the mistress of Thomas de Chaworth, and Rose his daughter to have 
been the Rose of this deed. See numbers 809 and 813. 

813 Late 13th or early 14th century. Probably an almost contemporary copy 

of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from Thomas de Chaworth knight 
lord of Norton to John Lutrell, son of Sir Alexander, and Rose the grantor's 
younger daughter and wife of the said John and their heirs, of the manor of 
Heytredding in the soke of Norton, which Alice Castelayn had by grant 
for life, with appurtenances and common of pasture for all animals except 
goats, also common of pasture in Rohaghe for eight oxen and six cows 
and right of entry into the wood of Rohagh, and the right of taking wood 


for enclosing their meadow. Failing direct heirs of John and Rose the 
land was to revert to the grantor. Vellum : one skin 7i X 5. Notes : 
a duplicate of this charter appears in number 300, which is endorsed " a 
deed of Chaworth Herdings 1344," on what authority does not appear. 
Among the witnesses there given are Sir Thomas de Furnyval, Sir 
Adam de Everingham, Sir Walter de GaushuU, Sir William de Fulkingham 
then abbot of Beaiichief, Sir Roger de Brailesford then rector of Dronfeld, 
John Dencourt, John de Everyngham. The names of five of these 
witnesses appear in two charters circa 1300 and 1312. See Addy's 
" Beauchief," pp 63 and 64. To judge from this document Mr. Addy's 
date 1423 for William de Fulkingham's abbotship of Beauchief can 
hardly be correct, see the same reference p 72. We are probably safe 
in dating this document circa 1310. 

300 Late 13th or early 14th century. Copy from a Register of Charters (Lat.) 

(i) Charter confirming a grant from Thomas Chaword knight to Alice 

daughter of Agiies Castelayn of Osberton and Rose her daughter of land 

formerly in the tenure of William del Heyridding in Norton, a plot of 

land called Wetlandes and other land formerly in the tenure of Robert 

del Heyridding, and various acres formerly held by Thomas de Hemils- 

worth, John Kyng, Rose Kyng, Hugh Basse son of Nicholas, John son 

of Alan, John Godknave, John son of Agnes and John Hisindy, for the life 

of Alice, thence to Rose and her heirs on payment of a rose in summer. 

Witnesses : Sir William de Fulkyngham, then abbot of Beauchief, John 

de Brymington, William Mateneye of Dronefeld, Thomas de Wodehouses, 

Roger Carpenter, Peter de Bernys, Peter de Leys, (ii) Charter confirming 

a grant from Thomas Chaworth knight lord of Norton to John Luterel 

son of Sir Alexander Luterel, and to Rose his wife, younger daughter 

of Thomas Chaworth, of the manor of Heyridding (manerium del 

heyridding) in Norton, which Alice Castelayn had of his gift, with 

grazing rights in Rohawe and the wood thereof. Witnesses: Sir 

Thomas de Furnyvall, Sir Adam de Everingham and Sir Walter de 

Gaushull knights, Sir William de Fulkyngham then abbot of Beauchamp, 

Sir Roger de Brailesford then rector of Dranesfeld, John Ayncourt, John 

de Brymington. Vellum: one skin 10X4|, no seal. Notes: endorsed 

is a memorandum as follows " Am. A. Amen dico Vobis, Omnibus 

Christi ffidelibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit salutem. A deed 

of Chaworth for Herdings 1344." For the probable dates see numbers 

812, 813 and 814. 

309 Early 14th century. A copy on paper, probably made in the 17th century, 

of a Charter (Lat.) from Thomas de Chaworth lord of Norton to John his 
son, son of Alice Castelin, and his heirs, of all the land which Thomas de 


Himisworth once held of him in villenage in the soke of Norton, on 
condition of the yearly payment of an arrow feathered with peacock's 
feathers. Paper : one sheet 6i X 8. Notes : the original of this charter 
would appear to belong to the early 14th century. See number 300. 

(1304) Sunday the vigil of Saint Laurence (10th August), in the 32nd year 
of Edward I. Award and Agreement (Norman French), dated at 
Cruche. The deed recites that there had been two disagreements between 
the parties : Sir Ralph Frechenvile had begun a plea of mort d' ancestre 
against Gerard de Seyncler and Joan his wife as deforciants, of two 
messuages and all the land which Lady Amis de Frechenvile, the 
plaintiff's mother, had bought from Thomas Chacchehors in Staveley 
Woodthorpe ; also Gerard and Joan had begun a plea of novel 
disseisin before Adam de Crokedhocks and Henry de Sutton with regard 
to a messuage with demesne lands and meadow, then in the tenure of 
Ralph, and formerly in the tenure of Lady Amis. It was agreed, by the 
agency of common friends, that Gerard and Joan should acknowledge 
before the first justices who should come to take the assizes in the county 
of Derby, that the two messuages etc, were the right of Ralph, on con- 
dition that Ralph should create a life estate in them for Joan.. Aajregards 
the messuage etc, in the tenure of Ralph, it was agreed that they should 
be valued, and the arable land measured in acres, by the perch used in 
the district, within fifteen days after the Feast of Saint Laurence that 
year. An estate was to be created of 4d for each acre of arable land, and 
12d for each acre of meadow. The messuage and closes were to be held 
by certain tenants of rent assize, so that Joan might distrain upon them 
if the payments were in arrear. On the other hand Gerard and Joan were 
to withdraw from their suit of novel disseisin, and if by any fraud Gerard 
and Joan were to release their estate to the heirs of Sir Seyr de Hountin- 
feld, then the estate thus created was to revert to Ralph. Ralph moreover 
agreed to pay Gerard and Joan two marks on the day when the covenants 
should be sealed after the land had been measured. The parties pledged 
themselves to each other in the presence of William le Bret, Henry le 
Burgilon and others. Notes : a photograph of this interesting deed is 
reproduced as a frontispiece to this catalogue, and a full transcript with 
contractions extended in italics is given in the appendix. 

1308 Sunday next after the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross 
(May 3rd), in the 1st year of Edward (II) son of King Edward. 
Photograph of a Charter (Lat.), dated at Norton co Derby, confirming 
a grant from Thomas de Chaworth lord of Norton to Thomas son of 
Roger de Gotham, of all that land called le Cliffs within the soke of Norton, 
with meadows, woods, buildings and all other appurtenances, just as 


widow Alice formerly held them. The same to be held of the chief lord 
of the fee by services due and accustomed ; paying half yearly to the 
grantor 16s per annum, to wit, at the Feasts of Saint Michael and 
the Annunciation ; for all secular services, suits of court and demands. 
Saving two suits at the two Great Courts of Norton each year ; to wit, 
at the court held next after the Feast of Saint Michael, and at the court 
held next after Easter; and saving forinsec services to the King. 
Witnesses: John de Eyncourt, William le Bret, Roger le Breton, 
Stephen le Eyr, Hugh de Linacre, Walter de Uston, John de Stubbeleye. 
Notes : the photograph shows the seal, bearing the arms of Chaworth, 
and there are three prints of the photograph in the collection. 

305 (1317) Wednesday next after the Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist 

(April 25th), in the 10th year of Edward II. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Athelastre, confirming a grant from Thomas son of Ralph Keys of 
Kilburn to Sir John de Beaufey knight, of a piece of arable land formerly 
belonging to Robert le Tumour of Horseley Park, lying between lands 
of Roger Wolf of Kilburn, and Richard son of William of Kilburn, 
Henry Heem of Kilburn and William son of Richard of Kilburn chaplain, 
in consideration of a rent of one roseflower (pro uno flore rose) yearly. 
Witnesses: Sir William Rosel knight, William de Muston lord of 
Morley, William de Tissington, Nicholas de Hungerford, William de 
Wodehous, Thomas de Sondiacre, Richard Keys. Vellum : one skin 
9X4, seal missing. 

283 (1317-18) Sunday next before the Feast of Saint Margaret Virgin 

(January 28th). Charter (Lat.), dated at Deneby, confirming a grant 
from William de Mersshton in Horseley to Sir John de Beaufey knight, 
of 10 acres in the park of Bol, lying together between the forest of 
DufFeld, land of Ralph son of Roger de Kilburn, land of the prior 
of Lenton and land of Robert son of Hawys de Kilburn. Witnesses : 
Sir William Rosel knight, William de Wodehouses, Richard Keys de 
Kilburn, Henry Rosel de Deneby, Thomas Rosel, John de Deneby, 
Hugh de la Grene. Vellum : 10 X 4, seal of opaque yellow wax slightly 
broken and obscure. Notes : the park of Bol was in Denby. 

271 (1321) Saturday next before the Feast of Saint Laurence Martyr (10th 

August), in the 15th year of Edward (II) son of King Edward. Charter 
(Lat), dated at Staveleye, confirming a grant from Robert Smith (Faber) of 
Ducmonton to William Smith (Faber) his brother of Staveleye, of two 
roods of arable land lying in the western fields of Staveley, of which one 
rood lay above Gossecroft, between land formerly of Ralph de Worteleye 
and land of the rector of the church, and the other rood lay near 


Hynkersuldyck, between lands of Ralph de Worteley and lands of 
Richard de Hyllion. Witnesses : Adam of Norton, Roger Cashors, 
Roger de Hynkersul, Nicholas bailiff, Robert clerk. Vellum : one 
skin 8 X 2f , seal missing. 

321 (1325) Monday next after the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed 

Mary the Virgin (March 25th), in the 18th year of Edward II. Charter 
(Lat.), dated at Whitewell, confirming a grant from Ranulph de Ry of 
Whitewell son of Sir Ranulph de Ry knight to Sir Andrew de Alveton 
chaplain, of a messuage and oxgang which Henry de Thirbeck held in 
Thirbeck in the parish of Whitewell, including William son of Thomas 
Smith of Whitewell villein, with his issue and his goods and chattels, at a 
yearly rent of 6s 8d. Witnesses; Robert Le Parmenter, Roger de 
Selihoke of Whitewell, William son of Salomon, William Wanwayn, Simon 
de Mirfeld of Whitewell. Vellum : one skin 8i X 5, seal missing. 

318 132S(-6) Friday next after the Epiphany (January 6th). Letter of 

Attorney (Lat.), dated at Staunton, by Margaret widow of Sir Ralph de 
Frechevill knight and John de Cule chaplain, executors of the will of 
Sir Ralph de Frechevill deceased, appointing William Cosyn their 
co-executor as administrator of the will and goods of the deceased. 
Since the seals of the above Margaret and John were unknown to many, 
the official seal of the Archdeacon of Nottingham had been added to this 
document. Vellum : one skin 8x4, seals of opaque yellow wax in fair 
condition. Notes : Staunton is an old form of Stanton-By-Dale. 

290 (1331) Sunday next after the Feast of Saint Laurence (August 10th), in 

the 4th year of Edward III. Release and Quitclaim (Lat.), dated 
at Shirlande, by Ralph son of Ralph de Frecheville knight to Margaret 
relict of Ralph de Frechville and Anker her son, and her heirs, of the 
manor of Alwaston. Witnesses : Roger de Eyncourt and John de 
Bret knights, Roger de Somervill of Blackwell, Robert de Sallowe, 
William de Birchovere, Adam de Haumondsham of Schardlowe. Vellum : 
one skin 9X4, small seal of dark red wax in good condition. Notes : 
see number 286. 

270 (1338) Sunday in the Feast of Trinity (probably April or May), in the 

12th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at Staveley, confirming 
a grant from William Smith (Faber) of Staveley to Henry de Gaytefbrthe, 
of two roods of arable land in the Westfield of Staveley ; one rood lay on 
Gossecrofte, between lands of Thomas de Worteley and land of the 
rector of the church of Staveley ; and the other rood lay near 
HinkershuUdike, between lands of Thomas de Worteley and lands 


formerly of Richard Hillion. Witnesses : Richard Musarde of Staveley, 
Robert Whithede of the same, John Smith (Faber) of the same, Ralph 
Parker of the same, John Broune of the same. Vellum : one skin 8 X 2i, 
seal missing. 

235 1341 Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint John the Baptist (24th June). 

Charter (Lat.), dated at Hopton (co Derby), confirming a grant from 
Richard son of Thomas son of Hugh to John son of Richard de Hopton 
junior, of a messuage with outbuildings etc in Hopton ; and a plot of 
ground called le Botherod with meadow and wood, which he had of the 
gift of Thomas de Heton. Witnesses: Hugh de Hesteburgh (?), 
John de Lascels, William Bythewatre, Adam de Deneby, John son of 
John de Hopton. Vellum : one skin 10 X 3, seal missing. Notes : . 
the following memorandum is endorsed, "sicut Radulfus fil Thome fil 
Hugonis concessit Johi fil Ric de Hopton certis ... in Hopton 
voc le bothrod " ; but in the charter the grantor is Richard and not 

837 (1343) Sunday in the Feast of Saint Laurence (lOth August), in the 

17th year of Edward III. Indenture of Lease (Lat.), dated at Staveley 

(co Derby), from Thomas de Wrteley to Emma formerly wife of Roger 

Gamel of Hinkyrshull, of 7 acres and 1 rood of arable land lying 

divided in the territory of Staveley parva; li acres upon the Hyelye 

between lands of Thomas de Colby and Henry Atwell (ad Fontem) ; 

li acres in the same place between lands of Ralph Parker and Thomas de 

Colby ; Ij acres in the same place between lands of Thomas de Colby 

and Ralph Parker ; 1 acre in the same place between lands of Thomas 

de Colby ; 1 rood between lands of Thomas de Colby and Ralph Parker ; 

1 rood in the same place between lands of Thomas de Colby ; 1 rood in 

the same place between lands of Thomas de Colby and lands of the 

same Thomas and of lord de Clifforth ; 1 acre upon Driefurlonge between 

lands of Roger Gamel of Hinkershull and of Ralph Musarde, 

abutting at one end upon Southbroke and at the other upon the headland 

of lord de Clifforth ; 1 rood upon Pykeloure between lands of Thomas de 

Colby and William Boton, abutting upon le Hayriesike ; for the 

term of twenty one years from the Feast or Saint Michael, in the 

seventeenth year of the reign of Edward III ; at a yearly rent of 3s 7id, 

payable halfyearly at the Feasts of Saint Martin and Pentecost. 

Witnesses : Thomas de Colby of Staveley, . . . , Ralph Musarde 

of the same, John Smith (Faber) of the same, Robert Whithede of the 

same. Vellum : one skin, much worn and in holes, 8 X 4j ; seal missing. 

Notes : for Pikelover see Bemrose's " Derbyshire Charters," page 284, 

number 2243. 


252 (1345) Thursday next after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel 

(29th September), in the 19th year of Edward III. Grant of a Life 
Estate (Lat.), dated at Beighton, by Roger son of Gilbert de Someredby 
to Agnes wife of William de Staynton, in an annual rent of six shillings 
and ten pence, with the appurtenances, issuing out of a tenement of 
William Gere and William Wyot in Beighton. Witnesses : William 
Gere, William son of Geoffrey, William de Mamton. Vellum : one skin 
9i X 3^, seal of light wax obscure. 

240 1348 Sunday next before the Feast of Saint Thomas of Canterbury the 

Bishop (29th December). Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated at 
Hoptone, by John son of John son of Roger de Hoptone to William 
de Mirfeld, of all his right in all messuages, lands, and tenements, pasture, 
woods, . . . with all their appurtenances in Hoptone, whereof the 
said William was enfeoffed by Joan daughter of the said John. Witnesses : 
Sir John de Eland, Sir John le Flemmyng, Adam de Hoptone, Henry le 
Sayuille, Richard de Helay, John de Gledholt. Vellum : one skin 
10 X 4, seal of red wax, in good condition. 

267 (1352) the day of Saint Lambert (l7th September), in the 26th year of 

Edward III. Indenture of Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, from Thomas 
de Chaworth knight lord of Norton to William Cotilleer of the same, 
Isabell his wife and Margaret their daughter, of all lands and tenements, 
to wit, an oxgang and a half with the appurtenances, which formerly were 
of Richard de Hull, in the town of Norton aforesaid, for their lives, 
paying annually twelve shillings and suit of court twice a year, for all 
secular services, saving forinsec services to the King. Witnesses : 
Adam de Gootham, Robert Selioke, Adam Parker, William Hervy, John 
Aleyn. Vellum: one skin 12ix3, seal missing. 

298 1352 November 17th, in the 26th year of Edward III. Indenture of 

Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, from Thomas de Chaworth knight and 
lord of Norton to Robert of the Grene, of one oxgang of land etc, 
formerly in the tenure of Simon atte Grene in Norton, for one life at 
a yearly rent, and in consideration of suit at the court of Norton. 
Witnesses : Adam de Gootham, Robert Seliok, Adam Parker, William 
Hervy, John Aleyn. Vellum: one skin 11 x 3i, seal missing. 

297 (1352) November 17th, in the 26th year of Edward III. Indenture 

of Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, from Thomas de Chaworth knight and 
lord of Norton to Thomas de Jordanthorpe, Alicia his wife and Thomas 
their son of Norton, of one and a half oxgangs of land etc, formerly in the 
tenure of Roger Payn, for three lives at a yearly rent and in consideration 


of suit at the court of Norton. Witnesses : Adam de Gootham, Robert 
Seliok, Adam Parker, William Hervy, John Aleyn. Vellum : one skin 
10 X 3i, seal missing. 

(1352) November 17th, in the 26th year of Edward III. Indenture of 
Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, from Thomas de Chaworth knight and 
lord of Norton to Robert Payn of Little Norton, Alice his wife 
and Robert his son, of lands etc in Little Norton formerly in the tenure 
of Roger de Hull (without making any waste therein), for three lives, 
at a yearly rent and in consideration of suit at the court of Norton. 
Witnesses : Adam de Gootham, Robert Seliok, Adam Parker, William 
Hervy, John Aleyn. Vellum: one skin 11 X 4, seal missing. 

(1358) Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle 
(August 24th), in the 32nd year of Edward III. Indenture of Lease 
(Norman French), dated at Medbourne in the county of Leicester, from 
Thomas de Chaworth " chivaler " to John de Lounds of Tykill and 
Henry his son, for the term of their lives, of a messuage and oxgang of 
land which John Molot lately held by villein tenure in Norton near the 
Abbey of Beauchef, saving to the lessor and his heirs the mining of 
coal, the quarrying of stone, the conveyance of them thence ; and the 
right of selling them, and the cutting and carrying away of wood on 
the land, at a yearly rent of 7s Id payable at the usual terms of the 
manor, and in consideration of doing suit at the manor court twice 
yearly, of paying "lokhennys" if any were due, at the usual terms, and of 
doing forinsec service at Tykill, Chesterfeld and elsewhere, and of carting 
at the lord's pleasure. John and Henry were to have timber for 
repairing their houses and underwood for fuel. Witnesses: Adam de 
Gotham, Robert Seliok, William Hervy. Vellum : one skin 10 X 5j, 
seal missing. Notes: "lokhennys" possibly means gift-hens, a very 
common form of rent for copyhold and even freehold land. Lok, loke 
and lake are variant forms of a word bearing the meaning "gift," in 
Old and Middle English; see Oxford Dictionary. 

(1359) Thursday next after the Feast of Saint James the Apostle (July 
25th), in the 33rd year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Alwaston, confirming a grant from Anker Frechville lord of Staveley 
to Sir Geoffrey de Staunton knight, William de Wakebrygge and William 
de Staynton (sic), of the manors of Alwaston and Parkhalle. Witnesses : 
Robert Fraunceys, Robert Sanzcheverell, John Parker, Geoffrey atte 
Brygge, John Spenser of Alwaston. Vellum : one skin IQ X 4, seal 
missing. Notes: Alvaston three miles S.E. of Derby, seenis to be 
meant here. 


836 (1367) Friday after the Feast of Saint George (April 23rd), in the 41st 

year of Edward III. Indenture of Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, 
from William de Chaworth lord of Norton to Thomas de Jordanthorpe, 
Agnes his wife . . . , of a messuage with lands and appurtenances, 
formerly in the tenure of Roger Payn, for the term of their lives, at a 
yearly rent of 10s and two suits at the Great Court of Norton. The lord 
granted sufficient timber for the erection of a house, with howsbote 
and haybote," and reserved to himself the right of digging coal and stone 
and cutting wood on the land. Vellum : one skin 12i X 4, small Chaworth 
seal in yellow wax. Notes : the lease seems to have been originally for 
three lives, probably including a son of the lessees, but the name has 
been obliterated throughout the deed. 

841 (1367) August 1st, in the 41st year of Edward III. Release and Quit 

Claim (Lat.), dated at Medborne (co Leicester), from Richard son and 
heir of Rose Gardenere of Heyriddings to Thomas Chaworth knight, of 
all her right and claim in all lands and tenements rents and services, etc, 
which formerly were of the said Rose his mother, in Heyriddings and 
Norton co Derby. Witnesses : John Boyuill and Hugh Lovel knights, 
John Hokby of Holte, John of Holte. Vellum : one skin, badly torn, 
10 X 7, seal missing. 

254 (1372) Monday next before the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary 

(8th September), in the 46th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Beyghton, confirming a grant from William Furneux son of Roger 
Furneux of Beyghton chaplain to John Furneux his brother and the heirs 
of his body, of all that tenement with the appurtenances in the town of 
Beyghton, which after the death of the said Roger descended to the 
feoffor. Witnesses : Ralph son of William, William Warde, Robert de 
Peek, Stephen Baset, John son of Richard Maysoun, Robert Elot. 
Vellum : one skin lljxsi, seal missing. 

268 (1375) in the Feast of Saint Michael (29th September), in the 49th year 

of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at Wygley, confirming a grant 
from William Horseley and Roger Fraunses chaplain to Roger de Wygley 
son of John de Wygley and Joan daughter of William de Lynacre, of 
their oxgang with its appurtenances, which they had of the gift and 
feoffment of the said Roger, for the lives of the said Roger and Joan 
and the life of the survivor, and after the death of the said Roger and Joan, 
with remainder to Roger their son and the heirs of his body, and on the 
death of Roger without issue, with remainder to John his brother and the 
heirs of his body etc. Witnesses : William de Mansef eld, Robert Cause, 


William Darley, William Lynacre, Robert Wygley, Thomas Callal, 
Thomas del Assch. Vellum : one skin 10 X 4, two seals in good condition, 
probably not armorial. 

839 (1375) October 7th, in the 49th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Saint Botulph's (Boston), confirming a delivery (liberavimus et 
confirmavimus) from William de Spaygne of Saint Botulph's, Margaret his 
wife and Thomas Claymond of Hole to William de Chaworth son of 
Thomas de Chaworth knight, the heirs of his body and his right heirs, of. 
the manor of Norton co Derby with appurtenances, which they had 
recently acquired of the said William by grant and feoffment. Witnesses : 
Andrew Luterell, Gervase de Clifton, Robert de Clifton his son, Averard 
Sully, Sampson de Stralley knights. Vellum: one skin 11 X 9, fine 
armorial seal bearing a fess dancette between three lions' heads, with 
" sigillum Willelmi de Spaygne" in border. Notes : William de Spaygne 
is described de sancto Botho," which may be a contraction for de Sancto 
Bothulpho or Botulpho, probably Boston in Lincolnshire. 

840 (1375) October 7th, in the 49th year of Edward III. Letter of Attorney 
(Lat.), dated at Saint Botulph's (Boston), from William de Spaygne of 
Saint Botulph's, Margaret his wife and Thomas Claymond of Hole to 
Sir Henry de Bubbenell vicar of the church of Norton co Derby and 
Sir William Carbonell chaplain, to deliver seisin to William de Chaworth 
son of Thomas de Chaworth knight, of the manor of Norton, which they 
had previously acquired from the same William by gift and feoffment. 
Vellum: one skin 11 X 4|, fine armorial seal, a fess dancette between 
three lions' heads, " sigillum Willelmi de Spaygne " in border. 

291 and 292 (1377) Feast of Saint Mark (April 25th), in the 51st year of Edward III. 
Charter (Lat.) in duplicate, dated at Norton, confirming a grant 
from William de Chaworth to Richard de Jordanthorp and Joan his 
wife and their heirs, of one half oxgang of land and one messuage etc 
in Jordanthorp formerly in the tenure of the father of Richard, at a 
rent of 4s payable half yearly in lieu of all services, except suit of court at 
the two Great Courts of Norton. Saving to the lord the minerals, except 
that Richard and his heirs might take sea-coal for fuel if there were any on 
the land. Witnesses : William Seliock, Adam Parker, Thomas Parker, 
Robert Alayn. Vellum : one skin 8i X 4, seal missing. Notes: numbers 
291 and 292 are duplicate indented deeds, originally engrossed on one 
sheet of parchment. 

238 (1381) Friday next after the Feast of Saint Leonard the abbot 

(6th November), in the 5th year of Richard II. Indenture of 
Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, from William Chaworth lord of Norton 


to William de Barkhous, Marjory his wife and Robert their son, 
of a messuage, land and meadow, with all woods and other advantages 
etc, except mines ; which John Attewode formerly held in Le Wodsettes 
in the parish of Norton, for their joint lives and the life of the 
survivor of them, at a rent of thirteen shillings and four pence, payable 
half yearly ; and two suits at the Great Court held at Norton, for all 
secular services and demands. Vellum : one skin 8i X 4, seal missing. 

266 (l38l) Friday next after the Feast of Saint Leonard Abbot and Confessor 

(6th November), in the 5th year of Richard II. Indenture of Lease 
(Lat.), dated at Norton, from William Chaworth lord of Norton to 
William de Barkhous, Marjorie his wife and Robert their son, for 
their lives or the lives of any of them, of a messuage, lands and meadows, 
with all woods and other benefits and appurtenances, except mines, 
which formerly John atte Wode held in the Wodsettes in the parish of 
Norton, at a rent of thirteen shillings and fourpence a year, payable half 
yearly ; and two suits at the two Great Courts held at Norton, for all 
secular services and demands. Vellum : one skin 9 X 4i^, seal much broken. 

253 (1386) Monday next after the Feast of Saint John the Baptist (24th June), 

in the 10th year of Richard II. Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated 
at London, by William Furneux clerk, son and heir of Roger Furneux, to 
Sir William Furneux rector of the church of Saint Peter of Sandewic and 
John Furneux brothers of the releasor, of all right and claim in lands and 
tenements, rents and services with the appurtenances, which descended 
to the releasor after the decease of the said Roger Furneux his father, in 
the town and territory of Beighton and elsewhere in the county of Derby. 
Vellum : one skin 12 X 4i, seal broken. 

383 (1387) the Feast of Saint Michael, in the 11th year of Richard II ; also 

(1408) in the same feast, in the 9th year of Henry IV ; also (1544-5) in 
the 36th year of Henry VIII. Extracts from a Computus Roll (Lat.) of 
herbage rents, in the district of the High Peak co Derby ; in which 
the following names occur, namely ; Grenefeyerf eld, Maynstof eld and 
Maynstonfeld, Tyddyswell and Tyddiswall, . . . , Whytesyde, Schelffe 
(? Tibshelf), Wylliam Hulme, Combys, Boghtts Edges (?), Tarden, 
Hareldehalstyd, Callowe, Ralph . . . , Wormehyll, Feyerfeld, Wyttesyde, 
Boghtts Eddges, Castelton. Vellum : one skin of irregular shape, 
approximately 7 X 12. Notes : these extracts relate to herbage only, and 
appear to have been taken from a rent roll containing other rents ; the 
several extracts relate to dates several years apart. The writing is 
difficult, owing to the fact that at some comparatively late date the 
original writing has been unskilfully inked over, doubtless with the object 
of preserving it. 


(1389-90) Sunday next after the Feast of Saint Scolastica the Virgin 
(10th February), in the 13th year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Staveley, confirming a grant from Robert Daweson of Appelknolle to 
WiUiam Hunt of Staveley and Alice his wife, of a messuage and a garden 
lying between tenements of Robert de Norton on both sides, which 
descended to the grantor, after the death of Cecilia his mother, with all its 
appurtenances, iii Staveley. Witnesses : Anker Frecheville, Robert de 
Norton, Anker de Brimyngton, Adam Lyly, John de Brimyngton. 
Vellum : one skin lOi X 3. 

(1397-8) January 14th, in the 21st year of Richard II. Indenture of 
Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, from William de Chaworth lord of Norton 
to John BuUoc and Agnes his wife, and their heirs male, of a messuage 
with the lands, meadows, pastures and all appurtenances there, to wit, 
which Thomas de Jurdanthorp formerly held ; at a rent of twelve shillings 
half yearly, with covenants as to repairs of the said messuage. Vellum : 
one skin 12X5i, a beautiful seal of bright red wax bears the arms of 

(1399-1400) on the morrow of the Feast of Saint Gregory Pope (March 
12th), in the . . . year of King Henry . . . Indenture of Lease 
(Lat.), dated at Norton, from Thomas de Chaworth lord of Norton to 
William Shemyld, of the site of the manor of Norton, which Robert de 
Grangia then lately held, excepting . . . Cokhagh, a plot of land in the 
tenure of John Lord, wards, marriages, reliefs and other dues from free 
and 'native" tenants, for a term of thirty years, in consideration of an 
annual rent of 56s 8d and suit of court. The lessor reserved to himself 
the right of breaking down old houses and of carrying them away and 
selling them, while the lessee agreed to keep the buildings, closes and 
garden fences in repair with timber supplied by the lessor, and not to cut 
down trees, underwood or branches except for the above purpose or for 
fuel in his hospice. Fuel required for baking or brewing was to be the 
subject of a special arrangement. The lessor was to have free ingress 
into the woods for charcoal burning, and the lessee was to make no waste 
in the " spryng " of the wood for the next three or four years after such 
burning. The latter also agreed to root up the weeds and " brymbles " in 
the fields. Vellum : one skin 14 X 8, seal missing. Notes : a certain 
Fox was also a party to the indenture, but his interest in the lease is not 
explained. A " native " was a villein or bondman. The deed is full of 
holes and in bad condition. 

(1400) June 21st, in the 1st year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Beighton, confirming a grant from John son of Roger de Beighton to 
William Ward of Witston (? Whiston) and Agnes his wife, daughter 


of the said John, and the heirs of their body legally begotten, of all his 
lands and tenements with rents and services and all appurtenances, in the 
town and fields of Beighton ; except two messuages and six acres and one 
rood of land and two acres of pasture, which by a former charter he gave 
to John his son, in the town and fields of Beighton. Witnesses : William 
de Manton, John de Kyrke, John Wyot, John Bibe, William son of Ralph. 
Vellum : one skin 9i X 4i, seal of yellow wax in good condition. 

242 (1400) in the Feast of Saint Georgius (?) Martyr (23rd April), in the 1st 

year of Henry IV. Indenture of Lease (Lat.), dated at Staveley, from 
William de Ulgathorpe and Thomas de Segrave of S ... to 
William Tornour of Wodthorpe near Staveley, of a messuage in Staveley 
Wodthorpe called Bastard Place, with all its appurtenances ; including 
housebote and haybote, for a term of thirty years, at a rent of nine 
shillings, payable half yearly. Witnesses : Ralph Kachehors of Staveley, 
Thomas de Wod, Thomas Bertram of the same (sic). Vellum : one skin 
11X3, seal broken. Notes : endorsed in a hand of later date is ' Lease 
of Bastard Place in Staveley Wodthorp to William Tumor for 30 years 
1 H 4." 

236 Undated, probably early 15th century. Charter (Lat.) confirming a 

grant in frankalmoign from Henry de Meltone of Alwaston (Alvaston, co 
Derby) to the abbot of Dale (Dale Abbey near Alvaston) and the convent 
of that place and their successors, of an acre of meadow, near the meadow 
of Sir Ralph Frechvyle, and abutting on the Dokkesyche ; which said 
acre was the gift of Margarete widow of William Wyldy of Alwaston. 
Witnesses : John in the lane " in Alwaston, John Penneson, William 
Tyrry of the same (sic), Robert Tayliour, William Stiel of the same (sic), 
Robert Westryne of the same (sic). Vellum : one skin 9X4, seal 

264 (1407) September 6th, in the 8th year of Henry IV. Indenture of 

Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, from Thomas Chaworth knight to John 
son of John Smyth of Darnall, of all that tenement called Herdyngfeld, 
with the herbage of Roohagh, lands, meadow-ground, meadows and 
pastures to the said tenement belonging or appertaining within the lordship 
of Norton, which Robert Alayn formerly held, for the life of the said John 
Smyth and Joan his wife and John their son, and the longest liver of 
them ; at a rent of twelve shillings a year for the first twelve years, and 
afterwards at thirteen shillings and fourpence a year ; also making two 
attendances at the two Great Courts held at Norton each year, the lessees 
making alterations and additions to the house, which are fully stated. 
Vellum : one skin 11X9, seal broken and obscure. Notes : this is a 


lengthy document, and contains much interesting information as to the 
building of the house and outbuildings, the cutting of timber, the burning 
of charcoal, and the protection of young plants. 

259 (1412), the morrow of the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary the Virgin 

(25th March), in the 13th year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Chestrefeld, confirming a grant from Thomas Cha worth knight to Thomas 
de Barley chaplain and William Hyblyn chaplain, of two messuages lying 
together in the new market of Chestrefeld, between tenements formerly 
of Hugh le Drapier on the east and John Laverok on the west. 
Witnesses: Thurstan del Bowre, Robert de Barley, Thomas Baret, 
William Marschall, William Laverok. Vellum: one skin 10X6J, seal 
broken, shows the arms of Chaworth quarterly, 1st and 4th two chevrons 
for Chaworth ; 2nd and 3rd what appears to be, seme of cinquefoils, a small 
escutcheon of pretence. 

261 (1418) the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord (25th December), in the 

6th year of Henry V. Charter (Lat.), dated at Norton, confirming a 
grant from William Hudson and John Coventre chaplain to John de 
Somerless, Richard Cartlaghe and John son of the same Richard, of a 
messuage with all lands, meadows and pastures, and with all other its 
appurtenances, which were then lately had of the gift and feoffment of 
John Bate of Norton, in Norton. Witnesses: John Bullok, John Parkar, 
John Hasulbache, Richard Seliok, William Shenyld (? Shemyld). Vellum : 
one skin 10^ X 4, two seals of red wax in good condition. 

651 (1421) Monday next after the Feast of Saint Martin (November 11th), in 

the 9th year of Henry V. Indenture of Lease (Lat.), dated at Norton, 
by William Kynwollmerssh clerk, William Babyngton, Peter de la Pole 
and William Ulgarthorp to John Bullok of Norton, of the manor of 
Norton with demesne lands and rents of various lands which Robert de 
Grangia then lately held, excepting Rohagh, Cokhagh and a piece of land 
in the tenure of John Lord, for the term of sixty years, at a yearly rent of 
56s 8d; and in consideration of doing suit at the courts of the lessors, and 
on condition that John Bullok should not assign his lease, except to 
Thomas Bullok his father, Agnes his wife, John, Thomas and Alice, his 
children by Agnes. Vellum: one skin 10^X6, seal missing. Notes: 
compare number 658. The lease contains interesting details about the 
repair of hedges, the right of using thorns, underwood and windfalls, the 
repair of the buildings, the clearing away of brambles, charcoal burning, 
rights of timber and " sclatestones." 


658 (1422) Monday next after the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle (Nov- 

ember 30th), in the 1st year of Henry VI. Confirmation (Lat.) by 
Thomas Chaworth knight of a lease made by William Kynwolmersch 
clerk, William Babyngton, Peter de la Pole and William Usgarthorpp 
(recently enfeoffed by Thomas Chaworth with the undermentioned manor, 
by a tripartite writing, for the purpose of carrying out his dispositions) to 
John Bollok of Norton, of all the manor of Norton (with the exception of 
Rohagh, Cokhagh, land then in the tenure of John Lorde, wards, marriages, 
fines, reliefs, escheats, homages, rents of assize, and amercements of 
court upon natives and villeins) for a period of sixty years. Vellum : one 
skin 13 X 6^^, seal missing. Notes: compare number 651. 

295 (1453) July Uth, in the 31st year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated at 

Norton, confirming a grant from Thomas Chaworth knight and lord of 
Norton to Thomas BuUok of Jorthanthorpe in the county of Derby, of 
one messuage with lands etc in Jordanthorpe (sic), in consideration of a 
yearly rent of 2s and suit at the court of the manor of Norton. Witnesses : 
William Depyng alias Cooke, Richard Croslond, Adam Gill, William 
Mawer, Richard White. Vellum: one skin 10jx44, seal badly broken 
but shows the chevrons of Chaworth. 

299 146l(-2) January 25th, in the 1st year of Edward IV. Indenture of 

Grant (Engl.) from William Chaworth knight and lord of Norton beside 
Beauchief to John Cotes and John Parker, of all the woode grovyng in 
Rowhawe, Gilleclose, herdyng wood, Whistenhalker, Jacfeld, Colynfeld, 
and Whitefeld," in the lordship of Norton; "To have occupye fell downe 
cole and carye the said Woddes with entre and issue, chase and rechase, 
fre at all tymes" for four years, for the sum of 20 marks paid beforehand, 
saving to the lord "sufiiciaunt Wayvers after the custom of the contre." 
Vellum : one skin 9 X 4i, seal missing. Notes : in the warranty clause 
"cole" is written "coole." 

262 (1467) April 24th, in the 7th year of Edward IV. Surrender and 

Admittance (Lat.), extracted from the court rolls of the manor of Norton 
(co Derby), relating to a Great Court held on the above date, before Thomas 
Chaworth knight, lord of the said manor, when came John Wodehous and 
surrendered into the hands of the lord, a croft called Cokhagh which he 
held of the lord, at Norton, for a term of twenty years, to the use of 
William Blyth of Norton; whereupon the said William Blyth came and 
took of the lord the said croft, to hold to him and his assigns from that 
date, to the end of a term of forty two years then next ensuing and fully 
to be completed; paying meanwhile to the lord annually twenty pence, at 


the times usual there; and the said William was admitted tenant and he 
paid to the lord a fine, to the clerk a penny and to the beadle a penny. 
Vellum: one skin 10X2i. 

(1488) Wednesday next before the Feast of Saint George (23rd April), in 
the 3rd year of Henry VII. Lease Indented (Lat.), dated at Norton, 
from master Urmon esquire lord of Norton and Joan his wife to John 
Stevenson of Little Norton, of a messuage and an oxgang to the same 
messuage appertaining, lying in the town and fields of Norton, then late in 
the tenure of William, father of the said John, for the term of sixty years, 
at a rent of eight pence, with housebote and haybote, the said Sir John 
keeping the messuage in repair. Witnesses : John Koke, William Parkar, 
John Parker, . . . Norton, Thomas Ph . . . et of Coldaston, James Bullok 
of the parish of Norton. Vellum: one skin 10X5, seal missing. Notes: 
Joan wife of John Ormond was the heiress of Chaworth and both she and 
her husband were buried at A.lfreton parish church. See Lyson's 
" Magna Britannia," Derbyshire, p 4. 

(1501-2) March ] 6th,in the 16th year of Henry VII. Bond (Lat.and Engl.) 
of John Ormond of Alferton (Alfreton) co Derby esquire in £ZQ to Richard 
Bullok, to abide by the arbitration of George Erie of Shrouesbury, with 
regard to a messuage and two oxgangs of land etc in Jordanthorp in the 
lordship of Norton. Vellum: one skin 114X5, seal badly broken and 

(1506) November 20th, in the 22nd year of Henry VII. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Woodthorpe, confirming a grant from Thomas Parker son of 
Robert Parker late of Ryley to Ralph Frechewell of Brymyngton, of 
lands and tenements in the lordship of Staley, then in the tenure of 
Richard Rodez; with power of attorney to Robert Rodez, John Marten 
and Thomas Robyn to deliver seisin. Witnesses: Thomas FoHambe, 
Nicholas Walshe, Richard Rodez. Vellum : one skin 12X6, seal missing. 

(1507) December 7th, in the 23rd year of Henry VII. Indenture of 
Lease (Engl.) from "Thomas Dynham and Jane his Wyff, Antony 
Babyngton, William Meryng, and Anne his wyff" to John Selyok of 
Hasilbarowe of "a Syte of a Smethe place to bylde an Irnesmethe both 
blome berth and strynge berth" in a close belonging to the lessors called 
Smethefeld, then in the tenure of Hugh White, and lying in the lordship 
of Norton, for a term of thirty years, at a yearly rent of 16d payable to 
the lessors, and to the heirs of Jane, Anne, and Elizabeth, late wife of 
Antony Babyngton, with 2s yearly to Hugh White; also of the "Course 


of the Water called Mossebek to turne to the said Smethes" at a yearly 
rent of 2s. Signed: William Selyok in the name of John Selyok. 
Vellum: one skin lljx llj, seal missing. 

263 (1514) April 22nd, in the 6th year of Henry VIII. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) between Thomas Dynham, Jane his wife, Antony Babington 
and Anne Meryng of the 1st part, Richard Pyndar, Elizabeth his wife and 
Thomas Stephenson of the 2nd part and John Stephenson and Margere his 
wife of the 3rd part, as to the occupation of "a tak" in little Norton. 
Vellum: 14X54, five seals all broken. Notes: there is a reference to 
Thomas, son of the said Elizabeth Pyndar. 

365 (1516) June 1st, in the 8th year of Henry VIII. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from John Bright gentleman, one of the Grooms of the Chamber of the 
Queen, to Godfrey Foljambe of Walton co Derby esquire in £^0, to 
perform covenants contained in two indentures of even date between John 
and Anne his wife, one of the daughters and heiresses of John RouUesley 
and the above Godfrey. Vellum : one skin, portion of a seal in black wax. 

760 (1535) June 18th, in the 27th year of Henry VIII. Special Licence by 

Letters Patent (Lat.), in consideration of £3 13s 4d paid into the 
Hanaper to Francis Leke knight, to grant the manor of Staveley, with 10 
messuages, 10 tofts, 10 cottages, 2 dovecots, 10 gardens, 200 acres of land, 
40 acres of meadows, 100 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, 100 acres of 
moor, 100 acres of marsh and 40s rents, in Staveley, Staveley Netherthorpe 
and Barley, and half the rectory of Staveley, all held in chief, to 
Peter Frechevyle knight and Elizabeth, his wife. Signed le Southwell. 
Vellum: one skin 14X6^, seal missing. 

280 (1535-6) the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

(February 2nd), in the 27th year of Henry VIII. Indenture of Lease 
(Engl.) from John Machon son and heir of Roger Machon to John 
Holland of the Dovehouse tanner, of a close called Byrkynfeld for four 
years, at a rent of 5s payable half yearly. Witnesses: Roger Rylles 
father-in-law of John Machon, Nicholas Haukyshurste, Sir Edward Pyer 
"prest." Vellum: one skin lOix 3i, small seal of red wax is obscure. 

806 (1551-2) March 11th, in the sixth year of Edward VI. Letters Patent 

(Lat.) under the Great Seal, recording the appointment, by advice of Sir 
Richard Sakevile, Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations and Crown 
Revenues, of John Bullocke as bailiff and collector of the rents and 
revenues of all the manors, messuages, etc in the county of Derby, of the 
then lately dissolved monastery of Beauchyff, in succession to Thomas 
Lake late bailiff, with a fee of 6Qs per annum for life. Vellum : one skin 
13X7, large seal in brown wax, four inches in diameter. 


1557 October 1st, in the 4th and 5th years of Phillip and Mary. 
Indenture of Marriage Settlement (Engl.) between Sir William West 
knight of London and Margaret Collyn of Brokeshed co Essex widow; 
whereby, after reciting an intended marriage between Edmond West 
esquire son of the said Sir William with Joan Collyn daughter and heir 
apparent of the said Margaret, it was agreed that Sir William should 
make a good and sufficient estate in fee simple unto Robert Hyrst of 
Sabrycheworth co Hert gentleman and Richard Barnerd ofHighester co 
Essex yeoman, of and in all that house and site of the then late dissolved 
monastery of Darley co Derby, with buildings and lands fully described; 
in the description of which the following names of persons and places 
occur; namely, St Alkemund of Derby, Wheate Flatte, Donstonloweflatte, 
Myddell Flatt, Croweflatt, Abbottes Flatt, Myddell GryfF, Far Gryff, 
Wareflatt, Washeflatt, Cleypytts, Intake, Oilers, Wasshe, Parke Leas, 
Oxe Pasture, Kyngesmedowe, Lytell Ayer, Mackworthe, Crowe Medowe, 
Caarles Medowe, Robert Sacheverell gentleman, William Blythe gentle- 
man, Robert More, Thomas Camme, . . . More, Thomas Bullock, John 
Bullock bellowemaker, Thomas Barton, John Bullock, John Townesend, 
Olyver Cooke, Richard Morton, John Bullock of the grene, Hamlet of 
Grenehyll, Norton, Abbey of Bello Capite otherwise BeauchiefF, Sir 
Nicholas Strelley knight, John Calton, Thomas Northe, Thomas Cooke, 
William Assheley, Thomas Holme, Bradweys, Godfrye Folgeambe, 
Katherine Blythe, John Barton, John Hobson, Robert Blythe, John 
Grenewood, William Hall, Thomas Parker, Henry Parker, Woodceytes, 
Lytell Lees, Lytell Norton, Byrchett. The settled estate was to produce 
not less than one hundred marks, over and above all yearly outgoings; and 
it was to continue of that clear yearly value during all the life of the said 
Joan, she taking the whole income for life. Covenant by the said 
Margaret Collyn that after the marriage she should give unto the said 
Edmond West and Joan his wife and to a "mayd servannte and a 
man servant of the said Edmond, sufficient meat, drink, lodging, and 
horsemeat; and room for their geldings and horses, where the said 
Margaret lived" etc. Vellum: one skin 27 X 18, seal missing. Notes: as 
there was only one seal, another part was evidently executed. 

1558 July 29th, in the 5th and 6th years of Phillip and Mary. Indenture 
of Bargain and Sale (Engl.) between Robert Parker of Chesterfield co 
Derby gentleman and Richard Edmonson otherwise called Jonson of the 
same town "bocher"; whereby a messuage in Saltergate, called Lychers 
Hall, with a gardensted and other houses in Chesterfield, and a close at 
Stongravell, within the fee of Newbold all in the said county of Derby, 
and then in the tenure of the said Richard Edmonson otherwise Jonson, 
were granted to the use of the said Richard Edmonson his heirs and 


assigns for ever. The covenants for title and provisos are lengthy. 
Witnesses: Raff Lecke esquire, John Bushe, John Towrowe, Raff 
Edmonson, Wyllm Haslam, Henry Parker, Margery Hetcott (?), Thomas 
Hethcot, Wyllm Hethcot, John Hill, Thomas Menwood. Vellum: 
25 X 20, seal missing. 

768 (1558-9) March 14th, in the 1st year of Elizabeth. Deed (Lat.) confirming 

a grant from John Moore of Ekyngton co Derby yeoman to Elen Moore 
his daughter, of a capital messuage with all appurtenances called le 
Caldewell," situate in Ekington (sic), then or lately in the tenure of John 
Moore, which grant was to take effect after the death of the grantor. 
Witnesses: Richard Sittwell, William Hill, Henry Moore. Endorsed 
"The which Elen Moor was mariede unto Willm Lee sone and here of 
Willm Lee of Charnok Hall in the saide yere." Vellum: one skin 
12 X 6, one seal non-armorial. 

800 (1559) May 29th, in the 1st year of EHzabeth. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Ekyntone records, that at a Little Court of Leonard 
Dacre esquire held on the above date, John More, appearing through 
George Hides and Henry Eade appointed by a letter of attorney of the 
rSth February 1559, surrendered all his lands, tenements etc in the village 
and fields of Ekintone and Pynkhill, to the use of Alice More, his wife, 
during her widowhood and afterwards to Elen Mor (sic), his daughter and 
heiress. Nicholas Clarke, steward. Vellum: one skin lOixSj. 

426 (1559-60) February 20th, in the 2nd year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) 

confirming a grant from Robert Parker of Chesterfeld gentleman to Ralph 
Johnson of the same butcher, of a messuage in Saltergate, Chesterfield, 
called Lyker Haule, one garden and three acres of land in the fee of 
Newbold called Stonegravells, with appurtenances. Power of attorney to 
Ralph Rotheram of Newbold yeoman to take and deliver seisin. Wit- 
nesses : Edmund West esquire, Ralph Leeke esquire, Hew Henstede (?) 
yeoman, Margret Marten, Rychard Marten, Jane . . . , Godfrey 
Hewitt (?), Thomas Barfitt, Henry Fliche, Willyam Avitt. Vellum : one 
skin lOi X 9, fragment of one seal. Notes : the names are almost 

SOI (1563) August 10th, in the 5th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Mort- 

gage (Engl.) from Raphe Johnson alias Edmondsone of Chesterfield co 
Derby bocher (butcher) to Thomas Bolsover of the same town mercer, of 
a reversionary interest (subject to the life estate of Elizabeth Johnson alias 
Edmondson mother-in-law of the said Raphe) in a messuage called Licker 


Hall in Chesterfield aforesaid, in the street called Saltergate, in the occupa- 
tion of the said Elizabeth Johnson alias Edmondson widow ; also in a close 
called Stone Gravell in the fee of Newbold co Derby, to secure the repay- 
ment of £^5 and interest. Witnesses : Martyn Lane dark (sic), vicar of 
Chesterfeld (?), Nycholas Clark baylyflf there, Robert Cade of the same 
butcher. Marten L . . . . Vellum: one skin 17X10, the seal, 
broken, shows the letters R.I. Notes : the money was advanced by two 
instalments and the proviso for redemption is of a special form. 

834 (1569) May 2nd. Copy (dated 1630) of a Deed of Bargain and Sale (Lat.) 

from Edward Castelyn, Matthew Feild, William Meredith and Richard 
Springham citizens and mercers of London to John Parker, in part 
performance of covenants of 29th April 1569, of a messuage and farm in 
Hymsworth called Castelins Land, another tenement and farm in Hims- 
worth (sic) called Aliens Land, a cottage, garden and croft in Norton co 
Derby then late in the tenure of John Greene, a messuage and farm 
commonly called Hole Houses in Sheaffeild (sic) co York. Power of 
attorney to Henry Watkinson and George Selyoke gentlemen to give 
seisin. Witnesses: Wilfred Lacy, Henry Parker, Francis Barker, 
Richard Firth, John Turnley, Francis Cresswicke, Richard Boare, 
Anthony Parker, Thomas Boare, Richard Brownell, Edward Parker, 
Robert Staniforth. Paper: two sheets lOjxlS. Notes: see numbers 
300, 809, 812, 813 and 814 for a possible connection. 

805 (1571) May 23rd, in the 13th year of Elizabeth. Exemplification (Lat.) 

of proceedings in the Court of Exchequer in Attorney-General v John 
Parker of Norton Lees in the parish of Norton gentleman. This document 
records that Sir Gilbert Gerrard attorney general appeared in court, 
May 12th 11 Elizabeth, and laid an information that John Parker had 
taken possession of a piece of land called EcklyfFe alias le Clyff alias the 
Clyff Fieldes, containing 80 acres of arable land, 12 acres of pasture and 
8 acres of meadows, situate in Norton, and being part of the dissolved 
monastery of Beauchiff, which lands were in the hands of the Queen. 
John Parker was allowed bail, on the recognisances of Edward West 
esquire of Amberden Hall co Essex and Henry Parker of Norton gentle- 
man, and pleaded that the above lands were formerly in the tenure of John 
Parker senior, who by a deed of 26th June 2 Elizabeth, granted them to 
the defendant and Barbara his wife. The sheriff of Derby, Peter Freche- 
vyle esquire was bidden to summon a jury from the locality, and the case 
was set down for the assizes at Derby. John Parker was represented by 
his attorney Anthony Harwarde and the Queen by Gabriell Chambers. 
The jurors, James Assheton, John Asshe, John Hourton, Geoffrey 
Hodgekynson, John Stevenson, Arthur Malker, Thomas Rawlynson, 


Otwell Bradbery, Henry Roo, Robert Lylly, Thomas Chapleyn and 
Thomas My cock brought in a verdict of not guilty. Notes : endorsed 
Veredicti non culpabilis super informationem de Intrusione versus 
Johannem Parker ExempHficatio." Vellum : one skin 24j X 22, large 
seal of the Exchequer in brown wax, 4 inches in diameter. 

(1572), in the 14th year of Elizabeth. Pinal Concord (Lat.) between 
John Bullock esquire plaintiff and John Dynham esquire deforciant, 
whereby the latter quit claimed to the former half the manor of Norton, 
with the appurtenances ; also half of 20 messuages, 20 gardens, 20 
orchards, 70 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow, 500 acres of pasture, 200 
acres of wood, 500 acres of gorse and heath and ;^12 rent, with the 
appurtenances, in Norton and Dranfylde alias Dronfylde. The price paid 
by John Bullock was 460 marks of silver. Vellum : one skin 17x4. 

1573 May 1st, in the 15th year of Ehzabeth. Indenture of Bargfain 

and Sale (Engl.) whereby, in consideration of ;^307 Os 8id, Edmunde 
West esquire son of Sir William West knight deceased granted unto 
John Bullocke of ' Thynner Temple" in London gent, all that his manor of 
Grenell alias Grenehill, with the appurtenances in the parishes of Norton 
and Dronfield co Derby, then in the several occupations of Robert 
Owtrem, Thomas Northe, John Brighte, Lawrence Hall, John Poynton, 
William Morten, Thomas Bullocke of The Pynfolde, Thomas Townend, 
Richard Rutter, John Barton, Thomas Bullocke of Grenehill, Thomas 
Cam thelder, James More, Arthur Cooke, Christopher Burton, John Lowe, 
John Burton, Robert Blythe, John Parker of the Lees, Joan Grenewoode 
and Jerome Blythe ; and also several rent charges secured on tenements in 
Grenehill, Bradway, and Birchett. Witnesses : John Parker, Wm West, 
Francis Fitzherbt, . . . Saniforthe (?), John Poynton, Roger Dale, 
Rolande Cotton, Wylliam Wylcocke. Vellum : one skin 25 X 18, the 
seal of red wax is broken, but shows a crest. Notes : this deed was 
enrolled in chancery. 

1573 October 11th, in the 15th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 
Marriage Settlement (Engl.) between John Bullocke of " Thynner 
Temple " in London gent of the one part, and Raffe Carkecke citizen and 
" wryter of the Court Letter of the Cytye of London " and William Pereson 
of ' Thynner Temple " aforesaid gent of the other part ; whereby, after 
reciting that the said John Bullocke was " to take to wyflfe " one Elizabeth 
Smythe of London widow, the said John Bullocke covenanted with the said 
Raffe Carkecke and William Pereson, in consideration of the marriage 
and of a jointure, to stand seised of certain manors, lands and tenements 
fully described ; in the description of which the following names of persons 


and places occur; namely, Grenell alias Grenehill, Norton, Dronfield, 
Edmonde West of Amberdenhall co Essex esquire, Thomas Parker, 
Edmonde Cooke, John Denham of Berestall co Buck esquire. Little 
Norton, and Godfrey Foliambe of Norton Lees; to the use therein men- 
tioned. The covenants are lengthy and they contain a reference to " Jone 
alias Jane wife of Edmunde West." Witnesses : Reignold Nycholas, Roger 
Dale. Vellum : one skin 27 X 21, two seals, one appears to be armorial. 

454 1581 September 3rd, in the 23rd year of Elizabeth. Attested copy of an 

Order (Engl.) of the right honourable George Earl of Shrewsbury, 
amongst the inhabitants and parishioners of Norton co Derby, concerning 
the order and usage of all and all manner of laies, assessments and pay- 
ments in Ae said parish. A schedule stitched at the foot of the order is 
headed "The Forme and order of a president, wherebie to make theire 
Bills of all their oxganges of land, by the w^h all assessments and layes 
accordinge to this present order shalbe numbred, rated, laid and gathered 
hereafter, by all constables and churchwardens afforesaid, sett downe by 
the order of the Earle of Shrewsbury, and by his Lordship commanded to 
be kept and followed accordinglie for ever." Then follows a schedule of 
four columns, headed (first column) " Freeholders and Tenantes Contribu- 
tors to all these laies," (second column) " Oxganges of iande after the 
measure of the Churchwall," (third column) "Oxganges added and 
increased by the order of the Earle of Shrewsburie," (fourth column) "The 
totall summe of all the said Oxganges." The names of about sixty free- 
holders of the manor of Norton are given with their holdings, which 
together contain 96 oxgangs. Certain persons named at the bottom of the 
first column are stated to be " without the compus of the Churchwall of 
Norton aforesaid." Vellum : two skins joined together, the one 22 X 16, 
and the other, annexed at the foot as a schedule, 10jX21. 

656 (1582) April 22nd, in the 24th year of Elizabeth. Confirmation (Lat.) 

of a grant from Frauncis Leeke of Suttonin-le-dale co Derby esquire 
and Frances his wife to John Parker of Norton Lees co Derby gentleman, 
of a watermill (corn) called "Newe Milne" with appurtenances in Norton, 
then late in the tenure of Margaret Blyth widow and John Parker aforesaid, 
together with all waters, river, rivulets, courses, ponds, weirs, fisheries, 
and rights of fishing, ways, suits, easements, and all other rights pertaining 
to the mills as formerly belonging to the abbey of Beauchief then lately 
dissolved. Witnesses: F Rodes, James Linacre, Jo Buckley, Robert 
Parker. Vellum : one skin 9 X 8i, one large seal bears a plume of peacocks 
feathers between the letters F and L. 

480 1583 May 2nd, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Exchange 

(Engl.) by the mutual grants of Godfrey Foljambe of Morehall co Derby 
esquire and John Parker of Norton Lees co Derby esquire ; whereby all 


that close or pasture commonly called Well Dole containing by estimation 
10 acres, lying and being in Lytle Lees within the parish of Norton, 
between the lands of the said Godfrey Foljambe called Syss Lands on the 
south, and the highway leading to Sheffield on the north ; the lands of 
William Blithe called Coltyard on the west, and the lands of the same 
William called Well Dole on the east ; another close called StonyeclifFe 
containing by estimation 3i acres, situate in Norton, between lands of the 
said John Parker called Stony ClyfF on the east, and lands of John 
Bullocke esquire, then in the holding of John Barton of the Woodseates 
Dale on the west, the lands of Richard Hobsone called Boolehylles on the 
south, and a common mylne waye there " on the north ; was granted to 
the said John Parker ; and all that piece of meadow and pasture called 
ShyreoUers containing by estimation neyne " acres in Norton, between 
lands of the said Godfrey Foljambe called Carrfeild on the west, and the 
lands of William Blithe called the ShyreoUers on the east, and "abouttethe 
upon a lytle water there called Meares Broke, which devydethe the 
countyes of Darbye and Yorke " towards the north, and upon the lands of 
the said Godfrey called Over Eastalles towards the south ; also two pieces 
of meadow or pasture, one of them called Broke Meydowe and the other 
Fearny Dole, containing by estimation li acres, as the same lie together 
within " the Terrytorie and Boundes of Hyley " in the parish of Sheffield, 
between " the Comon or pece of waste there called Hyley Comon " on the 
north, and the said " lytle water called Meares Broke " on the south, the 
lands of the said Godfrey called the Carrwodd on the west, and a piece of 
ground of the said John Parker called Longfield on the east ; between 
which said two pieces of meadow and pasture the said Godfrey and his 
ancestors and predecessors in title had theretofore had and used a way and 
passage from Carrfeild to and from Hyley Common aforesaid ; and one 
other little piece of ground, part of Longfield, containing 1 rood, adjoining 
Fearney Dole aforesaid ; also one little piece or range of Wodyground, 
part of Meydowe Springe ; and one little " croked water or water course " 
there (fully described), dividing the lands of the said John Parker, Godfrey 
Foljambe and William Blithe on the north west, was granted in exchange 
to the said John Parker ; there are covenants as to the repair of certain 
hedges. Witnesses : Edmund Stephenson, Richard Cooke, Stephen 
Staveley, Edward Bradshaw. Vellum : one skin 28 X 14, seal broken, 
but it shows a coat of arms below the letters G.F. 

384 (1584-5) February 12th, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Copy of a Decree 

and Award (Lat.), enrolled in Chancery, between John Whytte, William 
Mylnes and William Piatt plaintiffs, on behalf of the customary tenants 
of the manor of Ashford (Henry Goodwin, William Thorpe, William 
Moorewood, William Dale, Francis Vernon gentleman, John Wright and 


Alice his wife, Robert Heaward, Richard Jonson, William Heaward senior, 
Thomas Heaward, George Heaward and Elizabeth his wife, John 
Heaward, Nicholas Booth, William Greaves, Robert Lowe, John Thorpe, 
Robert Ragge, Richard Hall and Margaret his wife, William Heaward 
junior, Katharine Sheldon, William Swindle, Henry Sheldon and Mar- 
garet his wife, John Dicken, William . . . , Thomas .... 
William Atkinson, Thomas Bretun, William Allen senior, William 
Burrowes, John Booth, Henry Greaves, Richard Robinson, Robert 
Whyte, Richard Tatersall, William Rowland, William Mornesall, Roger 
Bretun, George Platts, Thomas Tomlinson, Ralph Tomlinson, Thomas 
Ragge, Thomas Sellers, and Thurstan Whyte) and the Rt Hon George 
Earl of Shrewsbury, Lady Elizabeth Countess of Shrewsbury, Henry 
Cavendish esquire her eldest son, Charles Cavendish knight and William 
Cavendish esquire younger sons defendants ; to the effect that the Court 
Baron of Ashford should be held every six weeks, the two Leets at Easter 
and Michaelmas, and the homage or jury to consist of copyholders of 
ancient inheritance, no greater fine to be taken on surrenders, alienation and 
descent than a year's rent, the copyholders of Sheldon to enjoy the 
improvements (approvements) called Our Syde alias Sheldon Syde, Stad- 
fould End and Overedge, for £^ annual rent, and the lords to enjoy the 
inclosures or improvements known as Blackelowe, Wardlowe, Heyemore 
Edge, Dalesyde, one piece of ground at Wardlow Myers . . . 
Vellum : one skin 11X14. Notes : approvements were pieces taken 
from the waste and enclosed. 

(1585) May 27th, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Bargain 
and Sale (Lat.) from Anthony Babington of Dethicke co Derby esquire 
to John BuUocke of Darley co Derby esquire, of one moiety or half 
part of all that capital messuage, manor-house or tenement, with the 
appurtenances in Norton co Derby, called or known by the name 
of Norton Hall, in the full description of which the following fieldnames 
occur ; namely. Calf Heyes, Oke Ortchard, Brode Meadowe, Toftes, Litle 
Toftes, Harehilles, HoUen Hill, Hobb Hills, Desyland, Dove Land, 
Fligha Meadowe, Norton Parke, Hall Filde alias Hall Fylds, Brerey 
Fylde, Wateringpole, Cockshut Fylde, White Filde, Halle Fylde Springs, 
Desy Lane. Witnesses: William Weston, Thomas WidmerpooUe, 
Robert Weston, Jerom Rollynsone, Christopher Chapman of Grenehyll 
yeoman, Henry Urton alys Stevyn, John Parker of Weytlandes yeoman, 
John Parker of Little Norton yeoman, William Rolynson, John Urton als 
Stevyn junior, James Bate of Jurdenthorpe, George Bate, John Parker of 
Little Norton junior, William Mawer, John Waynwryght, Robert Holland, 
Henry Tayler vicar of Norton, John Stephen junior, Thomas Welles. 
Vellum : one skin 22 X 10, seal of red wax in good condition, bears a 
classic head. 


654 (1585) May 27th, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

■ from Anthony Babington of Dethicke co Derby esquire to John Bullock 
of the Middle Temple London esquire in £80, to perform covenants 
contained in an indenture of even date, whereby John Babyngton (sic) sold 
to John Bullocke (sic) the moiety of the manor-house and certain lands in 
Norton co Derby. Witnesses: William Weston, Thomas Widmers- 
pooUe, Robart Weston, Jerom Rollynesone, John Bamforth. Vellum : one 
skin 10 X 5i, one seal non-armorial. 

648 1585 May 27th, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Letter of Attorney 

(Lat.J from John Bullocke of Darley co Derby esquire to Arthur Cooke 
of Grenehill in the same county, to receive seisin in lands in Norton 
mentioned in a deed of feoffment from Anthony Babington of Dethick 
esquire, by the hands of Edmund Stephenson gentleman and James 
Bullocke. Witnesses : John Bamforth, Rd Vaughan . . . Vellum : 
one skin 9jx 7, one seal, non-armorial. 

696 (1585) Trinity Term, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Recovery (Lat.), 

dated at Westminster, suffered by John Bullocke esquire, William 
Rolynson, Edward Gill, Jherom Rolynson, John Urton alias Stevyn, 
John Waynewright and Godfrey Atkyn against Edward Stephenson 
gentleman and James Bullocke, relating to 6 messuages, 6 gardens, 
140 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 120 acres of pasture, 40 acres of 
wood and common of pasture for all animals, with the appurtenances, 
in Norton ; also half of 2 messuages, 2 gardens, 100 acres of land, 
80 acres of meadow, 140 acres of pasture and 120 acres of wood 
with the appurtenances in Norton. Anthony Babington of Dethick 
was the vouchee to warranty ; see the deed of covenant, number 693. 
Vellum: one skin 20i-xl4, part of the Great Seal is still attached. 
Notes : Richard Cook was attorney of the deforciants and John Vernon 
esquire was sheriff of Derby. 

699 (1585) May 27th, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Bargain and 

Sale (Engl.) from Anthony Babington to John Bullock. This deed seems 
to be an English counterpart of the Latin original, number 698, since 
the purport and eifect of both deeds are the same, and the personal 
names, place names, names of witnesses and seals are the same in both ; 
but on this counterpart there is no memorandum endorsed recording the 
livery of seisin and there is one witness, John Bamforth, who did not 
attest the original. Vellum : one skin 23 X 16, the seal is in good con- 
dition and bears the same impression as number 698. 

693 (1585) June 1st, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) to declare the uses of a fine, to be levied and acknowledged by 
Anthony Babington of Dethycke co Derby esquire and Margerye his 


wife ; also for a recovery to be had, pursued and suffered of and for diverse 
and several messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments within the 
parish of Norton (co Derby) in the said fine and recovery to be mentioned. 
The eight separate parties to the deed are, the said Anthony Babington, 
John Bullocke of Darley co Derby esquire, Jherom Rolynson of Norton 
yeoman, William Rolynson of Lytle Norton husbandman, Edward Gill of 
Sheffield yeoman, John Urton alias Stevyn the younger of Norton, John 
Waynewryght of Norton " sythesmythe," Godfrey Atkyn of Norton 
" weyver." Vellum : one skin 21 X 12i. Notes: the deed was executed 
in eight parts, each of the parties retaining one. To this part there are 
seven seals, all in good conditions ; not one of them appears to be armorial 
and most of them bear a letter or letters ; the seal of Anthony Babington 
bears a bird. 

(1586) June 1st, in the 28th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Bargain 
and Sale (Engl.) from Anthony Babington of Dethyke co Derby esquire 
to Thomas Barten of Woodseytesdale in the parish of Norton tanner, of 
half a messuage in Little Norton, for particulars of which, see number 694. 
The property was sold to Thomas Barten for ;^100, and it was subject to 
an existing lease for twenty one years to John Parker. Witnesses : 
Hary Butlar, Thomas WidmerpooUe (?), Peter Tryppet, Jassper Fyssher, 
W West. Vellum: one skin 18X12, the seal bears a talbot or dog 
probably not armorial. 

(1586) June 1st, in the 28th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 
from Antony Babington of Dethick co Derby esquire to Thomas Barten 
of Woodceytsdale in the parish of Norton tanner in ;^200, to perform 
covenants contained in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : Wm 
West, Peter Tryppet, Thomas Widmerspoolle, Jasper Fysher, Hary 
Butlar. Vellum : one skin 12 X 5, one seal non-armorial. 

(1586) June 6th, in the 28th year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) confirming 
a grant from Anthony Babington of Dethyck co Derby esquire to Thomas 
Barten of Woodceytsdale in the parish of Norton tanner, of half a 
messuage in little Norton, with all lands, territories, closes, woods, and 
hereditaments thereinafter mentioned, and then or then late in the 
occupation of John Parker of Little Norton or his assigns ; (here follows 
a description in which the following fieldnames occur ; namely, Hotheland, 
Highstorth, Lyardland Close, Holestorth, Pingle, Lowhedge Yate, 
Shepley, Ley, Moscarrs, Leagh, Johnsettwood) and half the farm 
buildings, gardens etc ; and the said Anthony appointed Robert Holland 
clerk and William Stanyforth his true and lawful attorneys to give 


possession and seisin. Witnesses : Peter Tryppet, Jasper Fyssher, 
Hary Butlar, Thomas Widmerpoole, Wm West, Chryster Barrten, John 
Lee, Thomas Creswycke, John Bower, Anthony Mawre, John Bartene 
and others. Vellum : one skin 13 X 10, the heavy seal of red wax bears 
a talbot or dog, which is probably not armorial. 

(1586-7) February 1st, in the 29th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat.) given 
by Frauncis Babingtone of Kyngstone co Nott esquire to John Parker 
of Little Norton co Derby yeoman, to secure the payment of ;^126 13s 4d. 
Witnesses : John Mycock, Richarde Crosbie, William Foxe, Edward 
Rye, Georg . . . , John Brighte. Vellum : 20X 11, large seal broken. 

1587 June 1st, in the 29th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Covenant (Engl.) 
between Francis Babington of the town of Nottingham esquire and 
George Babington gent his brother of the 1st part, Robert Hollande 
Gierke vicar of Sheffield of the 2nd part, John Parker of Little Norton 
CO Derby yeoman of the 3rd part, and Peter Trippett of Clements Inn 
CO Middlesex gent and John Hewood of the city of London of the 4th 
part, that a fine should be levied and a recovery suffered of a moiety of a 
messuage in Cold Aston co Derby and all lands thereto belonging in the 
occupation of Gilbert Cooke ; also of a moiety of a messuage in Little 
Norton, with lands thereto belonging, in the occupation of the said John 
Parker. Witnesses : Richard Wharton, John Allyn, Jasper Fyssher. 
Vellum : one skin 15 X 11^, four seals, one broken and not armorial. 

1587 June 13th, in the 29th year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) confirming 
a grant from Thomas Barten of Woodceyts Dale in the parish of Norton 
CO Derby tanner to John Parker of Little Norton yeoman, of a half share 
of and in a messuage or tenement in Little Norton, with all lands, closes, 
woods etc in Little Norton and Norton, then or then lately in the tenure 
or occupation of the said John Parker ; namely, a close called Hoth land, 

2 acres 3 roods of arable land lying in a field there called Highstorth, 
a close of arable land called Lyard Land Close, a close called Holestorth, 
a close called Pingle lying near Lowhedge Yate, 3 acres of land lying in 
a field called Shepley, 4 acres of land lying in a field called Lowhedge, 

3 acres of pasture lying in the common fields of little Norton, a rood of 
arable land lying in a close there called Ley, two closes there called 
Moscarrs, one other close called Leagh, one wood called Johnsettwood 
and six closes of meadow and pasture called Johnsettwood Closes adjoining 
the same wood, and all easements whatsoever with the said messuage 
usually enjoyed; all which the said Thomas Barten had, from the 
feoffment of Anthony Babington then late of Dethick co Derby esquire. 
The said Thomas appointed Jasper Fyssher and William Foxe his 


attorneys to give possession and seisin. Witnesses : Frauncis Babington, 
Robert Holland, George Myrfyn, John Mycok, Thomas Farnehill, John 
Valyaunce, William Mawre, William Rawlynson, Thomas Byggen, 
Richard Grene, Ellis Bradbery, Philip Gille, Leonard Gill, Robert 
Brownell. Vellum : one skin 12ix 10, a thick red seal bears the head 
and shoulders of, probably, a woman with the letters I and M on each 
side, apparently not armorial. 

687 1587 June 13th, in the 29th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

of Thomas Barten of Woodceytsdale in the parish of Norton co Derby 
tanner, for securing to John Parker of Little Norton yeoman, the quiet 
enjoyment of a moiety or half share in certain lands in Little Norton 
granted by charter of even date, see number 688. Witnesses : Francis 
Babington, Robert Holland, Thomas Farnehull, John Laycok, George 
Myrfyn, John Valyaunce, Jasper Fyssher, William Foxe. Vellum : one 
skin 17X11, seal of red wax in good condition. 

671 (1587) Trinity Term 5th July, in the 29th year of EHzabeth. Recovery 

(Lat.), dated at Westminster, suffered by Robert Holland clerk and 
John Parker against Peter Trippett gentleman and John Hewood, in a 
moiety of two messuages, 2 garden tenements, 160 acres of land, 25 acres 
of meadow, 55 acres of pasture and 20 acres of wood, with the appurten- 
ances, in Norton, Little Norton and Coldaston. Francis Babington was 
vouched to warranty. Francis Leake esquire was sheriff of Derby. 
Vellum: one skin 17X11, Great Seal of green wax, about one third 

663 1587 July 22nd, in the 29th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Bargain and 

5ale (Lat.) from Frauncis Babyngton of Kyngeston co Nott esquire and 
George Babyngton of Deythycke co Derby gentleman to Anthony Blythe 
of Byrchet co Derby esquire, of a moiety of and in the manor or lordship 
of Norton, with the appurtenances ; and all lands, tenements, messuages 
etc in the parishes of Norton and Dronfield. Witnesses : Godfrey West, 
Anthony Kyrke, John Alleyn, William Allen, Robert Northe, Francis 
. . . , James Northe. Vellum : one skin 16X8, two seals, not armorial. 

697 (1587) July 27th, in the 29th year of Ehzabeth. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) between Francys Babyngton of Kyngestone co Nott 
esquire and George Babyngtone (sic) of Deathycke co Derby gent his 
brother of the one part and Anthony Blythe of Byrchet co Derby esquire 
of the other part ; whereby the said Anthony Blythe purchased for ;^190, 
a moiety of the seignory, manor or lordship of Norton co Derby, with its 
appurtenances. Witnesses : Godfrey West, Anthony Kyrke, John AUyn, 


William Greaves sen, Jo Osborne, Richard Burrowes. Vellum : one 
skin 25 X 20, one seal missing, the other bears a swan probably not 

1587 July 27th, in the 29th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 
from Francis Babyngton of Kyngeston co Nott esquire and George 
Babyngton of Deythycke co Derby gentleman to Anthony Blythe of 
Byrchet in the same county esquire in ;^400, to perform covenants 
contained in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : Geoffrey West, 
Anthony Kyrke, John Allyn. Vellum : one skin 13 X 6, two seals, 

1588 March 14th, in the 31st year of Elizabeth. Deed of Exchange 

(Engl.) by way of mutual demises, between John Bullocke of Darley co 
Derby esquire and Edwarde Gill of Norton in the same county yeoman, 
whereby the said John Bullocke demised and granted in exchange, unto 
the said Edwarde Gill for 700 years, all those several pieces of land 
within the parish of Norton fully described, wherein the following names 
of persons and places occur ; namely, Mydle Lowadge, John Parker, 
Little Norton, Anthony Blythe, William Rolynsone, Cley Landes, Lowage 
Lane, Byrchit Brocke ; in consideration whereof the said Edward Gill 
demised and granted in exchange, unto the said John Bullocke for 700 
years, all those several pieces of land within the parish cf Norton 
fully described, wherein the following names of persons and places occur ; 
namely, Rushe Acre, Nether Lowadge, Anthony Blythe, William 
Rolinson, James Bate. Witnesses : James Bullock, Roland Cotton, 
William Rawlinson, Wm Maure, John Wainwright. Vellum : one skin 
26X 12, seal missing. 

(1588-9) March 7th, in the 31st year of Elizabeth. Deed of Exchange 

(Engl.) by way of mutual demises, between Edward Gill of Norton co 
Derby yeoman and John Parker of Little Norton yeoman ; whereby the 
said Edward Gill demised and granted in exchange, unto the said John 
Parker his executors and assigns for 700 years, a piece of land being in 
the upper side of a close called Myddle Lowadge in the parish of Norton, 
between lands of James Bate on the east and Anthony Blythe esquire on 
the west, and abutting on lands of Wyllyame Rolynson both south and 
north ; in consideration whereof, the said John Parker demised and granted 
in exchange, unto the said Edward Gill his executors and assigns for 700 
years, a piece of land being in the upper side of a close called Over 
Lowadge in the same parish, between lands of Anthony Bryght on the 
east and John Bullock on the west, and abutting on lands of the said 
Wyllyame Rolynson on the south and James Bate on the north. 


Witnesses: James Bayte, Anthony Kyrcke, William Rawlynson, 
William Mawer, Phillip Baite senior, Phillip Baite junior, Thomas 
Bullocke junior, Henry Tayler. Vellum : one skin 24X 11, seal missing. 

lS89(-90) March 7th, in the 31st year of Elizabeth. Deed of Exchange 

by way of mutual demises (Engl.) between Anthony Blythe of Grennyll 
CO Derby esquire and John Parker of Little Norton yeoman ; whereby the 
said Anthony Blythe demised and granted to John Parker for 700 years, 
a piece of land containing la. Or. 32ph. 6yds, lying in the upperside of a 
close called Middle Lowedge; and a close containing 2r. 16ph. 11yds, 
lying on the east side of a field belonging to. the vicar of Norton called 
Little Cleylandes, both in the parish of Norton and fully described, with 
names of adjoining owners ; and the said John Parker demised and granted 
to the said Anthony Blythe for 700 years, a piece of land containing 
la. Ir. 21 ph. 14yds, lying on the nether side of a close called Myddle 
Lowedge ; and a close containing 2r, lying in a field called the Cleylandes, 
and adjoining the pathway leading from Little Norton to the parish 
church of Norton ; both fully described with names of adjoining owners. 
Witnesses : James Baite, William Rawlinson, Williame Mawer, Phillip 
Bate senior, Thomas Bullocke junior, Henrie Tayler. Vellum : one skin 
26X 10, seal of red wax, cracked, bears a curious device. 

1589(-90) March 7th, in the 31st year of Elizabeth. Deed of Exchange 
(Engl.) by way of mutual demises between John Bullocke of Darley co 
Derby esquire and John Parker of Little Norton co Derby yeoman; 
whereby the said John Bullock demised and granted in exchange unto the 
said John Parker for 700 years, a piece of land containing la. Ir. Sph, 
lying in the upper side of a close or pasture called Middle Lowedge ; and 
a piece of land containing Ir. 9ph, lying in a close or pasture called the 
Cleilandes, both in the parish of Norton and fully described, with names 
of adjoining owners ; in consideration whereof the said John Parker 
demised and granted in exchange, unto the said John Bullock for 700 
years, a piece of land containing 1 acre, in a close or pasture called Nether 
Lowedge ; and a piece of land containing 2r. 17ph. 3yds, also lying in 
Nether Lowedge, fully described with the names of adjoining owners. 
Witnesses : James Bullock, Roland Cotton, William Rawlinson, William 
Mawre, Edward Gill, John Waynwright. Vellum : one skin 22 X 9, seal 

1591 March the 26th, in the 34th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Lease 
(Engl.) from Anthony Blythe of Birchett within the parish of Dronfield 
co Derby esquire to Richard Greene of Little Norton cobbler, of one 
cottage house, then lately erected on the lord's waste, in Little Norton ; 


together with one rood of ground adjoining, for a term of fourscore years, 
at the rent of 16d payable half yearly, also of one hen at Christmas, and 
doing suit and service. Witnesses : William . . . , Thomas Bullok and 
others. Vellum : one skin IS^X 11, seal broken. 

682 1591 September 21st, in the 33rd year of Elizabeth. Deed of Partition 

(Engl.) between John BuUocke of Darley co Derby esquire and John 
Parker of Little Norton yeoman, of several closes, meadows, pastures 
and wood ground at Little Norton, which they held as tenants in common ; 
which several closes etc were called Lea Moskers, Johnsetwood Field, 
Ryddynge, Johnsetknole, Maire-land, Heifield, Hoollstorthe, Little Norton 
Meadow, the yard in the holding of William Mawer, Norcrofte, Shepley, 
Lowage Yate, Hiestorthe, Yardeland. Witnesses : Henry Tayler, 
William Simpson, James Bullock, James Bayte, Robert Boothe, William 
Rawlinson, Thomas Ware. Vellum : one skin 26j X 14^, large seal of 
red wax bears the letters C.P. 

718 1591 September 29th, in the 33rd year of Ehzabeth. Deed of Exchans^e 

(Engl.) by mutual demises and grants, between John Parker of Little 
Norton co Derby yeoman and William Rawlynson of " the same Towne 
and countye " yeoman ; whereby the said John Parker demised and 
granted in exchange, unto the said William Rawlinson his heirs 
and assigns for ever, all those several pieces of land within the parish 
of Norton fully described, wherein the following names of persons and 
places occur ; namely, Shepley, John Bullocke, William Rawlinson, 
Phillip Baite, Anthony Bright, Claylandes, Little Norton, Sheafifeilde ; 
in consideration whereof the said William Rawlynson demised and 
granted in exchange, unto the said John Parker his heirs and assigns 
for ever, all those several pieces of land within the parish of Norton 
aforesaid, fully described, wherein the following names of persons and 
places occur; namely, Shepley, John Bullock, Claylandes, Anthony 
Blithe, Edward Gill, footway leading from Little Norton to the church 
of Norton. Witnesses : Henrie Tayler, Lawrence Croockes, Edwarde 
Malum (?), Robert Blythe. Vellum : one skin 26 X 13, seal missing. 
Notes: in this deed as in numbers 717 and 721, the land measurements 
are given in the length of a rope or corde. 

293 (1591-2) March 22nd, in the 34th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 

Lease (Engl.) from Anthony Blythe esquire "lorde of the Segnery of the 
Manor of Norton " to John Parker of Norton " wheelewrighte," of a piece 
ground called Clyffe Yate lying near Parker's house and enclosed with a 
ditch and quickset for 100 years, at a yearly rent of six pence payable 
half yearly. Witnesses : John Parker, Christofer Chapman, Thomas 
Bullock, Wm Fox. Vellum : one skin 10 X 6, seal obscure. 


717 1592 March 25th, in the 34th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Exchange 

(Engl.) by way of mutual demises, between John Parker of Little Norton 
CO Derby yeoman and Anthony Bright of Dore in the same county 
yeoman ; whereby the said John Parker demised and granted in exchange, 
unto the said Anthony Bright for 700 years, all those several pieces of 
land within the parish of Norton fully described, in which the following 
names of persons and places occur; namely. Little Close at Lowage 
Yate, James Bayte, Dikes Lane, Lowage Lane, Over Lowage, William 
Rawlinson, Cockeryard, Lytton, Sheaffield, Shepley, Johnsettwood Fielde, 
William Rawlynson Medow, Shepley Endes ; in consideration whereof 
the said Anthony Bright demised and granted in exchange, unto the said 
John Parker for 700 years, all those several pieces of land within the 
parish of Norton aforesaid, fully described in which the following names 
of persons and places occur ; namely, Myddle Lowage, Anthony Blithe, 
William Rawlinson, Little Norton, Far Medowe, John Bullock, Sheaffield, 
Little Close under the Hil, Norcrofte, Cobnor Laine, Shepley, Cocker- 
storth. Witnesses : Henrie Tayler, William Sympson, William Rawlinson, 
Thomas Byggen. Vellum : one skin 25 X 15, the seal of red wax is 
broken, but shows a stag or hind courant, it is below the signature of 
Anthony Bryght. Notes : in stating the measurements of several closes 
the quantities are given by a rope or corde length, see numbers 
718 and 721. 

721 1592 March 29th, in the 34th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Exchange 

(Engl.) by way of mutual demises, between John Bullock of Darley co 
Derby esquire and John Parker of Little Norton in the same county 
yeoman ; whereby the said John Bullock demised and granted in exchange, 
unto the said John Parker for 700 years, all those several pieces of land 
within the parish of Norton aforesaid fully described, wherein the 
following names of persons and places occur ; namely. Little Norton 
Medowe, Anthony Bright, Sheaffield, William Rawlinson, Cockeryarde, 
Shepley Endes, Cockerstorthe, Johnsetwood Field, William Rallinson 
Medow ; in consideration whereof the said John Parker demised and 
granted in exchange, unto the said John Bullock for 700 years, all those 
several pieces of land within the parish of Norton fully described, wherein 
the following names of persons and places occur ; namely, William 
Mawer, Little Norton Medowe, Sheaffield, William Rallanson, Shepley, 
Norcroft, Cobnor Lane, Anthony Bright, Cockerstorth. Witnesses: 
Henry Tayler, Edward Bullock, William Sympson, Thomas Byggen, 
William Rawlinson. Vellum : one skin 27 X 15, seal of red wax in 
good condition, not armorial. Notes : the measurements of the closes 
are given in falls (perches), yards and rope lengths; see numbers 717 
and 718. 


634 1593 April 1st, in the 35th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Settlement 

(Engl.) between William Blythe of Norton Lees co Derby yeoman of 
the first part, John Blythe alias Rotheram his base son of the second 
part, and Thomas Freeman of Allerton Bywater yeoman, Thomas 
Rotheram of Rydgway co Derby blacksmith son of Leonard Rotheram, 
Philippe Gill son of Edward Gill of Norton, and Thomas Dent of Sheffield 
yeoman of the third part ; whereby William Blythe covenanted to convey 
to the parties of the third part his capital messuage at Norton with lands 
and appurtenances then lately purchased of John Bullocke esquire ; lands 
called the Bentes at Beasthylles in Norton purchased of John Waynewright; 
a close called Waddcrofte lying between lands of John Parker esquire ; 
a parcel of meadow lying between a close called Morrys Landes and a 
piece of common land called Maggershey, both the close and meadow 
having been purchased of George More of Sheffeld ; and also a messuage 
in Aston at Cold Aston with lands and appurtenances in the common 
fields then in the occupation of Richard Bower, to the use of the 
said William Blythe, for the term of his life, with remainder to John 
Blythe alias Rotheram and successively to his heirs, with remainder to 
John Blythe, brother of the said William Blythe, with remainder to William 
Blythe or John Blythe, sons of Richard Blythe, another brother of the 
said William of the first part, with provisions directed against any breaking 
of the entail. Witnesses: James Bate, Rolande Revell, Edmunde 
Stephenson, John Alen, Richarde Blythe, Leonard Gill, William Barten. 
Vellum : one skin 29 X 17, seal missing. 

662 (1593) November 1st, in the 35th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) between William Selyoke gentleman son and heir of George 
Selyoke late of Hasselbarowe in the county of Derby esquire deceased, 
and Rowland Watson of Onston husbandman. The deed recites that 
George Seliocke (sic) in his life time, by a deed 23rd May 12 Elizabeth, 
sold to Rowland Watson a piece of meadow ground in Onston in the 
Northfeild, between the lands of Edmund Stephenson, Edward Bullocke 
and the Cley Brocke. It was covenanted that a fine, which was to be 
levied and acknowledged by William Seliocke to Rowland Watson and his 
heirs, of the above piece of land, with warranty against William Seliocke 
and his heirs, should be to the use of Rowland and his heirs, and should 
not refer to any other lands of William Selyocke. Witnesses: Robert 
Kaye, Edmund Asheson, Will Margerison. Vellum: one skin 11^X8, 
one seal missing. 

664 1594 January 3rd, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Settlement 

(Engl.) by William Gill of Lightwood in the parish of Norton co Derby, 
of all that his messuage etc called Lightwood, with all houses, buildings. 


barnes, stables, orchards etc; and all his lands, meadows, pastures, woods 
etc, then in the occupation of the said William Gill; also two messuages 
or cottages in Lightwood and Himesworth, then occupied by James 
Townend and Robert Cartwright, all of which the said William Gill lately 
had to him and his heirs of the gift, grant and feoffment of John Gill his 
father deceased; and all other the freehold hereditaments of William Gill 
in the parish of Norton; and all deeds, charters etc. The said William 
Gill transferred the same to George Gill of Haselhirst (Norton) yeoman, 
Edward Gill of Norton yeoman, John Parker of Little Norton yeoman 
and Roland Revell of Coal Aston yeoman, upon trust for the said 
William Gill and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten; and in 
default, for the said George Gill for life without impeachment of waste, 
wilful waste only excepted; and after his decease, for the said Edward 
Gill and the heirs male of his body etc; with ultimate remainder to the 
heirs of Edward Gill for ever. Power of revocation reserved to William 
Gill. Memorandum of livery of seisin in the presence of Wm Lee, 
John Steven alias Urton, Leonard Gill, William Rollenson, William . . . , 
Nicholas Ingham. Vellum: 17ix 10, seal missing. 

541 (1594-5) March 1st, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 

Barsrain and Sale (Engl.) from Edwarde Bullocke of Onnston co Derby 
gentleman and Raffe Bullocke gentleman his son to John Bullocke of 
Derley co Derby esquire, of a messuage with appurtenances in Jorden- 
thorpe in the parish of Norton co Derby, then in the tenure of Robert 
Hollande and John Hollande, and of land and tenements in Norton late 
the inheritance of William Bullocke father of Edwarde Bullocke, excepting 
seven years of an unexpired lease of the premises to Robert Hollande and 
the chief rents. The grantors also covenanted that any conveyances to be 
made concerning the premises by Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury or the heirs 
of Richard Nedham, Henry Nedham, and Ottewell Nedham gentlemen 
deceased, should be to the sole use of John Bullocke. Witnesses: 
Edmund Stephenson, Henry Bullocke, James Bullocke, Willian Sympson, 
Francis Bullocke, George Bullocke. Vellum: one skin 22 X 13, two seals 

355 (1594-5) March 1st, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from Edward Bullocke of Onnston co Derby gentleman to John 
Bullocke of Darley in the same county esquire in ;^400, to perform 
covenants contained in two indentures of even date, wherein the daughters 
of Edward Bullocke, their husbands, his son Fraunces, and the heirs of 
the daughters and of Fraunces, were bound to give assurance and 
conveyance of certain lands when required, and Edward Bullocke agreed 
to procure a release from Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury before Michaelmas 


1595. Witnesses: Edmund Stephenson, Francis Bullocke, Henry 
Bullocke, James Bullocke, George Bullocke, William Sympson. Vellum : 
one skin 1 li X 8i, one seal non-armorial. Notes : see number 294 below. 

351 (1595) March 31st, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Feoffment 

(Lat.) from Edward Bullocke of Onnston co Derby gentleman and 
Ralph Bullock his son and heir to John Bullocke of Derley in the same 
county, of a messuage in Jordanthorpe in the parish of Norton in the 
same county, then in the occupation of Robert Holland and John Holland, 
together with all appurtenances belonging to the donor, his father William 
Bullocke or his grandfather Philip Bullocke : power of attorney to James 
Bullocke and Thomas More to deliver seisin. Witnesses: Edmund 
Stephenson, William Sympson, Henry Bullocke, James Bullocke, George 
Bullocke, Francis Bullocke, (of seisin on 23rd April) Richard Cooke, 
William Rawlinson, John Spencer, Thomas Hallum, Francis Bate, George 
Brownell, Robert Holland junior, Hugh Rawlinson and Henry Tayler 
clerk. Vellum: one skin 14iX9i, two seals non-armorial, badly 

380 and 381 1595 within fifteen days of Easter (April 20th), in the 37th year of 
Elisabeth. Final Concord (Lat.) in duplicate, between John Bullocke 
esquire plaintiff and Edward Bullocke gentleman, Joan his wife, 
Ralph Bullocke and George Bullocke gentlemen deforciants; whereby 
the latter quitclaim to the former, a messuage, garden, orchard, 30 acres 
of land, 10 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, and 
20 acres of gorse in Jordenthorpe and Norton co Derby, in consideration 
of /80. Vellum: one skin 15i X 5. 

294 (1595) November 26th, in the 38th year of Elizabeth. Release and 

Quit Claim (Engl.), from Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury K.G. to John 
Bullocke esquire, of certain lands, tenements and hereditaments in Jorden- 
thorpe, in consideration of the fact that Edward Bullocke of Ounston in 
the county of Derby had then lately sold and conveyed those lands to 
John Bullocke, and had not the former release in his custody. Witnesses : 
John Bamforth. Vellum : one skin 9^ X 7, seal of Shrewsbury in good 
condition. Notes: there is a good signature of Gilbert Shrewsbury. 

767 (1595-6) January 26th, in the 38th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from Francis Fitzherbert of Tissington co Derby esquire, to John 
Bullocke of Derley in the same esquire in £2^Q0, to carry out a marriage 
settlement, concluded on the marriage of the above Francis and Elizabeth 
daughter of John Bullocke. Witnesses: Baptist Trott, Jhon Bullocke, 
Henry Bullocke, William Simpson, Robert Topples. Vellum : one skin 
12 X 9j, seal missing. 


685 (1601) August 22nd, in the 43rd year of Elizabeth. Deed of Settlement 

(Eng.) made between John Parker of Little Norton co Derby yeoman 
and Thomas Bright of Carbrooke in the parish of Sheffield, whereby 
it was agreed that John Parker, eldest son of John Parker party 
thereto, should before the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel then 
next following, marry and take to his wife Dyonise daughter of the 
said Thomas Bright, if she the said Dyonise would thereunto con- 
sent and the " lawes ecclesiastical 1 of this Realme shall permytt " ; 
and that the said Dyonise should before the said feastday, likewise 
marry and take to her husband the said John Parker the son, if he 
thereunto consent and the laws etc permit ; and it was further agreed 
that the said John Parker the father should enfeoif and confirm unto 
Henry Bright of Whorlawe co York yeoman, John Stanyforth of Darnall 
in the same co yeoman, Gabriell Parker of Oakes in the parish of Norton 
aforesaid yeoman and George Bullus of Nepesend co York yeoman, of all 
and every the messuages, cottages, lands, tenements and hereditaments of 
him the said John Parker the father, within " the Hamlette, parish fieldes 
and territories of Litle Norton and Norton " and elsewhere in the said 
county, or realm of England ; to the several uses therein declared. 
Witnesses : Jasper Fisher, Henry Bright, John Stanyforth, George 
Bullus, Thomas Beggen, Hugh Rawlynson, Robert Rollenson, Thomas 
Biggin, Thomas Bright. Vellum: one skin 19 X 18, seal missing. 

665 1601 December 10th, in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Contemporary 

copy of a Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant from Phillip Gill of 
Lightwood in the parish of Norton yeoman to Leonard Gill his brother, 
of all and singular the lands and tenements therein mentioned namely ; 
a piece of land situate in Norton aforesaid in a certain place called Clay 
Landes containing by estimation 2 acres ; and another piece there in 
Middle Lowedge containing 1 acre li roods and 2 perches ; and another 
piece containing i acre 16 perches and 11 yards, lying in the east part of 
a certain close called Little Clay landes in the occupation of John Parker 
of Little Norton ; and another piece there containing i rood 15 perches 
and 9 yards with the appurtenances in Nether Lowedge ; and one other 
piece there containing 1 rood and 12 perches, also in Nether Lowedge ; 
and one other piece containing 1 acre i rood and 12 perches in Norton 
aforesaid in a certain place called Over Lowedge then or then late in the 
occupation of Edward Gill; and also a piece of land containing 1 acre 
1 rood and 16 yards lying in Over Lowedge then or then late in the 
occupation of Anthony Bright ; and all right, title etc, to hold of the capital 
lord of the fee, by services owing and of right accustomed. Witnesses : 
William Lee, George Roper, John Cowley, Francis Bigger, James 
Creswick, William Wadsworth, Thomas Eyre. Vellum : one skin 
12i X 12i, no seal. 


1602 August 25th, in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Bars:ain and 

Sale (Lat.) from Gabriel Parker of Okes in the parish of Norton co Derby 
to Philip Gill for ;^15, of a messuage or cottage and a close in Hymsworth. 
Witnesses : Edward Gill, Thomas Kent, William Brownell, John Parker 
junior, and George Brownell junior. Vellum : one skin 14 X 9, seal 
missing. Notes : compare number 660. 

1602 August 26th, in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Release and Quit 

Claim (Lat.) from John Parker senior of Okes in the parish of Norton 
CO Derby yeoman, Antony Parker, George Parker, Gabriel Parker and 
John Parker junior sons of the same John Parker senior to Philip 
Gill of Lightwood of the same parish yeoman, of a messuage or cottage 
with appurtenances in Hymsworth in the parish of Norton ; and a close 
called Overcroft, lying between laiid of John Stuart called Morcroftes, 
land lately belonging to John Gill, land of John Stuart and a lane leading 
from Norton to Lightwood, which messuage and close were then recently 
acquired by Philip Gill from Gabriel Parker, and were then formerly in 
the tenure of William Brownell. Witnesses : Wm Lee, Edward Gill, 
Thomas Kent, William Brownell, George Brownell junior, James (?) 
Tayler, Roger Webstar. Vellum : one skin 15 X 9, five seals missing. 

1605 May 11th, in the 3rd year of James I. Indenture of Settlement 

(Eng.) made between John Bullock of Derley co Derby esquire of the 1st 
part John Bullock gent, eldest son and heir apparent of the said John, of 
the 2nd part and Fraunces Fitzherbert of Tissington co Derby esquire, 
Roger Manners of Whitwell co Derby esquire and Baptist Trott gent of 
the 3rd part; whereby, after reciting a former settlement of the 15th 
March, in the 30th year of Elizabeth, made by the said John Bullock on 
himself and his sons John, Francis and Henry, which he subsequently 
revoked; the said John Bullock resettled his lands in Derley, Derby, 
Marton, Alestrie, Norton and elsewhere (except lands in Hognoston, 
Ashborne, Brampton and Chesterfield) to the uses therein declared. 
Witnesses : William Simpson, Francis Roe, John Lant, Richard Leborne, 
Rauff Marshall, John Blunt, Vincente Willson, Robert Hulme, George 
Wilkinson, Richard Dalport. Valium : one skin 26 X 21, three seals ; one 
is armorial, two are broken and obscure, a fourth seal is missing. 

(1606) March 25th, in the 4th year of James I. Deed of Settlement 
(Engl.) by John Parker of Little Norton co Derby yeoman and John 
Parker his son and heir apparent, on the marriage of the latter to Jane 
Bate, daughter of James Bate of Jordenthorpe (Norton) yeoman, of one 
third part of the lands and tenements of John Parker the elder, as the 
same third part was then " sett forthe, parted, divided and mentioned " ; 


that was to say, of one "parler wherein is a chymney," and of one 
" chamber over the same parler," being within and parcel of his mansion 
dwelling-house in Little Norton ; and of " three bayes of a new shyfted (?) 
or builded house or barne " in Little Norton, with free " lyberty, entrey, 
egresse, outgresse and regresse " in, to, from and through the same ; and 
" lykewyse the fould " of the said house or to the same belonging ; with 

lyke lyberty into, out and from the kytchen and oweyn belonginge to 
the said mansion house, for their necessary use and using thereof and 
therein " ; and also of all and singular the closes called Brome Storth, 
Would Storth, Longe Storth, Thistle Storth, Houle Storth, Johnsettwood 
Knowle, Healowe Meadowe ; and also of three lands in Lowage, lying in 
the east side, next to the said James Bate's ground or close there, for the 
joint lives of the said John and Jane and the survivor of them, and their 
male heirs etc ; remainder to George Parker second son of the said John 
and his heirs male etc ; remainder to William Parker third son of the said 
John and his heirs male etc ; remainder to the right heirs of John the 
father for ever ; and of and in all the residue of all the lands etc of the 
said John the father (i.e. the remaining two thirds), to the use of him the 
said John for life, without impeachment of waste ; and afterwards of a 
" thyrd parte '' of the same premises to the use of Cyssiley, wife of John 
the father for life etc. Witnesses: John Bullock, Richard Stansall, 
Phillipe Stansall. Vellum : one skin 20 X 12, two large seals of red wax, 
non-armorial. Notes : this is an interesting deed, the language and 

spelling are quaint. 

724 1606 April 28th, in the 4th year of James I. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) from John Parker of Lees Hall co Derby gent to 
Robert Hawkesworth the elder of Ughill in the Chapelry of Bradfield 
CO York yeoman, of a messuage in Gledlees (Gleadless) co York in the 
occupation of William Barnes, and several closes called Upper Storth, 
Nether Storth, Cherrytree Dole and Little Dole Close. Covenant by the 
said John Parker for himself and Mary then his wife and the heirs of him 
the said John, and Francis his younger brother, for further assurance. 
Witnesses : Roland Morwod, John Maryott, John Hawkesworth, Thomas 
Hawkesworth, William Frith, Thomas Bromhed, Ja Creswicke. Vellum : 
one skin 25 X 14, seal bears no impression. 

714 1607 July 24th, in the 5th year of James I. Indenture of Bargain and 

Sale (Engl.) by which John Parker of Lees Hall in the parish of Norton 
esquire, in consideration of iri60, conveyed and granted to Thomas 
Stringer of Hymsworth in Norton, lands containing six acres in Over 
Whisnowe, Middle Whisnowe, and Nether Whisnowe in Hymsworth, 
which were then late in the occupation of Thomas Hudson, of the demise 


of the said John Parker or of John Parker esquire then deceased, father 
of the said John. In the description, the following names of persons 
and places occur; namely, HoU Clough, John Urton alias Stevens, George 
Wigfall, Great Birches, Marie Hole, Little Birches, Richard Bower, 
Edward Wilson, Anthony Urton alias Steven. Witnesses : Thomas 
Toller, George More, Henry Tayler, Thomas Hudson, Nathaniel Chap- 
man, Ja Creswicke, William Bore. Vellum : one skin 25 X 19, seal 

636 1608 May 1st, in the 6th year of James I. Indenture of Settlement 

(Engl.) made between John BuUocke of Darleighe co Derby esquire of 
the one part and Sir Henry Fanshawe of Ware Park co Hert knight, 
" the Kings Highnes' Remembrancer of the Exchequer " and Thomas 
Fanshawe of Jenkins co Essex esquire " his Majesty's Auditor of the 
Duchy e of Lancaster in the north parts " of the other part ; on the then 
intended marriage of the said John Bullocke with Katherine, the second 
daughter of Thomas Fanshawe then late of Ware Parke aforesaid esquire 
deceased, late Remembrancer of the late Queen Elizabeth in the said 
Exchequer, and sister of the said Sir Henry and Thomas Fanshawe. 
The settled property included the capital mansion house, and site of the 
then late dissolved monastery of Darleigh, the manor of Grenehill, and 
Norton Hall ; in the description of which, the following names of persons 
and places occur ; namely, Robert Holland, William Bate, Little Norton, 
Henry Maure, Anthony Maure, Heynor co Derby, William Stevens, 
John Baggelye, Thomas Bourne, Lawrence Brearelye, Quarne alias 
Quarnedon, John Walker, Thomas Walker, widow Boote, Derby, Dar- 
leighe, Marketon, Markworth, Alestree, Greenehill, Norton, Bradway, 
Birchett, Woodcytes, Beauchieife, Little Lees, Little Norton, Dronfield, 
DufFeld, Burlye, Hoyner, Blackwell, Hillcoates, Newton. Witnesses : 
William Fanshawe, Edward Boraston, Jo Halilie, Thomas Handson. 
Vellum: one skin 26 X 18, one seal missing, the other is in good condition 
and bears the arms, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis, and for a crest 
the head of a dragon. Notes : this document is executed only by the 
Fanshawes, and evidently there was a counterpart executed by John 

409 (1608) Trinity Term (May 27th to June 15th), in the 6th year of James I. 

Recovery (Lat.) suffered by John Bullock esquire against Henry Fan- 
shawe knight and Thomas Fanshawe esquire, in the manor of Greenehill 
with appurtenances, 50 messuages, 20 tofts, 6 mills, 2 dovecots, 50 
gardens, 2000 acres of land, 200 acres of meadow, 1000 acres of pasture, 
200 acres of wood, and 400 acres of heath in Derby, Derleigh, Marketon, 
Mackworth, Alesby, Greenhill, Norton, Bradway, Birchetts, Woodceyts, 


BeauchiefFe, Little Lees, Little Norton, Dronfield, Duffield, Quarne alias 
Quarnedon, Burley, Heynyr, Blackwell, Hilcoate and Newton. Vellum ; 
one skin 17 X 9, large seal. 

647 1608 November 28th, in the 6th year of James L Indenture of 

Barsrain and Sale (Engl.) between John Parker of Norton Lees co 
Derby esquire of the 1st part, John BuUocke of Darlye co Derby esquire 
of the 2nd part and Edward Deane and Henry Spencer gentlemen of the 
3rd part, whereby John Parker, in consideration of thjree hundred and 
three score pounds paid by John Bullocke, granted to him a messuage 
called Cliffe Feild in Norton aforesaid, and a cottage there in the occupa- 
tion of James Wardell and Stephen Bamforth ; one croft on the backside 
of the said messuage ; two closes called Cliffe Feild Closes ; one close 
called The Meadow, on the backside of a barn belonging to the said 
messuage ; all that spring or wood ground called Smithie Wood ; two 
closes called Nether East Cliffe Feilds ; three closes called Little Brome 
Fieldes ; two closes (then divided), being the two upper parts of a close 
called Wheelehouse Close, lying towards the south ; and one close called 
Wheelehouse Meadow, to the use of John Bullocke his heirs and assigns 
for ever. The covenants are lengthy, including one that the freehold 
title may be perfected by a recovery action ; and also one not to break 
down the bank of the river or water goite, in the bottom of Wheelehouse 
Meadow ; and a schedule is annexed containing particulars of certain 
lands of John Parker, excepted from the sale to John Bullock. In the 
covenant and schedule the following names of persons and places occur ; 
namely, Mary wife of the said John Parker, Robert Barnes, John Barnes, 
Robert Eyre, two cottages called Smythies, Hyley Mylne, a water whele 
for Lees Broke, Drye Meadow, Wet Meadow, Garlicke Wheele. Wit- 
nesses : John Clay, Godfrey Clay, Ri Reyner, Thomas Henderson. 
Vellum: two skins, the deed 28X21, and the schedule (attached at 
fold) 11X6, two seals are armorial. 

258 (1608) November 29th, in the 6th year of James I. Indenture of 

Bargain and Sale (Engl.) from John Parker of Norton Lees in the 
county of Derby esquire to John Bullock of Derleigh in the said county 
esquire, of all and singular his messuages, lands, tenements and heredita- 
ments in Norton or elsewhere in the county of Derby, the consideration 
not being disclosed. Witnesses : John Clay, Richard Reyner, Godfrey 
Clay. Vellum : one skin 12X8, the seal is armorial and in good con- 
dition. Notes: endorsed is a memorandum of enrolment in the Court of 


706 and 707 (1608-9) the octave of Saint Hillary (20th January), in the 6th year of 
James I. Two parts of a Final Concord (Lat.), in an action between 
John Bullocke esquire plaintiff and John Parker esquire and Mary his 
wife deforciants, whereby the latter quit claimed to the former a messuage, 
a cottage, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 40 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 
40 acres of pasture and 14 acres of wood at Norton, in consideration of 
;^80. Vellum : one skin 15X5. 

479 1608(-9) February 12th, in the 6th year of James I. Indenture of 

Grant and Lease (Engl.) from John Parker of Norton Lees co Derby 
esquire to John Bullocke of Darleighe co Derby esquire ; after reciting 
an indenture dated 28th November 1608 between the said John Parker of 
the 1st part, the said John Bullocke of the 2nd part, and Edward Deane 
and Henry Spencer of the 3rd part, whereby John Parker granted to the 
said John Bullock a messuage, a cottage and divers lands, then in lease 
for several terms of years not then expired; subject to several rents, and 
an agreement that the said John Bullocke should have ;^20 a year until 
the said several leases should expire ; the said John Parker granted to the 
said John Bullocke the reversion of all and singular thfe houses, lands etc 
in the joint or several occupations of Stephan Bamforth, Robert Barnes, 
John Barnes, James Wardell and Robert Eyre or which were contained 
in the said several leases or any of them and not being by the said recited 
indenture limited to the use of the said John Bullocke, after the recovery 
thereby agreed upon to be suffered : further the said John Parker demised 
and leased unto the said John Bullocke all those houses, buildings, closes 
and parcels of land, meadow and pasture in the parish of Norton ; namely, 
one tenement or house of four bayes and an outshoote theretofore used for 
a " bloome smythie " ; also one " coale howse " near New Mylne ; also a 
parcel of ground called the Smythiehill, lying on the south side of the said 
house ; and also a wheele, wheelehouse or tenement serving for a cutlers 
mylne or wheele, being near to the aforesaid tenement sometime a "bloome 
smythie," with "all watercourses, dames, streames, dam steedes, and 
wheeles '' thereto belonging, or late in the occupation of Richard Cowley ; 
the West Cliffe then in the occupation of Thomas Hudson ; and the 
Roughe Cliffe and Carr Field then in the occupation of John Greene ; 
and all other houses lands etc in the parish of Norton or Norton Lees, 
then in the occupation of the said Richard Cowley and the reversion and 
reversions of the same, for the term of fourteen years. Witnesses : 
Ro Baskafield (?).... Johnson. Vellum : one skin 21 X 12, seal of 
John Parker shows a coat of arms with achievements, the arms are 
quarterly, at least three coats. Notes : it is not clear why this deed was 
necessary, as the recital of the original bargain and sale is incomplete, but 


the reference to the recovery action suggests that by oversight some 
property had been omitted and leases overlooked, and this deed was 
executed to put matters right between the parties. 

303 1609 March 25th, in the 7th year of James I. Charter (Lat.) con- 

firming a grant from Francis Heathcote of Chesterfeild butcher to John 
Boro of Chesterfeild blacksmith, of a piece of land in Chesterfeild, in a 
place called Blynde Lane near Spitle Brygg, recently acquired from 
Godfrey Platts; and acknowledging receipt from John Boro of £2 13s 4d 
for the same. Vellum : one skin 9i X 4i, seal missing. 

804 (1609) June 28th, in the 7th year of James I. Precept (Lat.) under the 

Great Seal to the eschaetor of Derbyshire to deliver seisin to John 
Bullocke esquire, of lands in Hognaston etc. The document recites that 
an inquisition post mortem had been held on the death of John Bullocke 
esquire by the last eschaetor John Pendocke esquire, and that it had been 
returned, that John Bullocke died seised of a messuage or farm in Hog- 
naston in the parish of Ashburne co Derby then in the tenure of Thomas 
Bradley, with appurtenances and other lands in the same, out of which he 
had, by an indenture of 21st September 1603, created an estate for his 
second son Francis Bullocke ; also of a messuage with appurtenances 
including the site of the dissolved monastery of Darleighe, 1 garden, 
2 orchards, 1 dovecot, 4 mills in Darleighe, 300 acres of land, 20 acres of 
meadow, 100 acres of pasture, and 100 acres of gorse and broom, lying in 
Darleighe, the parish of Saint Alkmund and the parish of Mackworth, also 
of 3 messuages, lOj oxgangs and 40 acres of wood, in Great Norton, 
Little Norton and Jordanthorpe ; also of the manor of Greenehill in 
Greenehill, Bradwaye and Wood Seates, 200 acres of gorse and broom in 
Greenehill, Bradwaye and Woodseates, 1 messuage, 3 oxgangs in Brod- 
waye (sic), a parcel of land in the parish of Dronfeild called Birchett 
More, 2 messuages, 3 oxgangs in Woodseates, 1 messuage, 1 oxgang in 
Lee Lees (sic) in the parish of Norton then in the tenure of Thomas 
Bartyn, 1 cottage, i oxgang then lately acquired of John Parker esquire, 
1 messuage in Brampton in the parish of Chesterfeild then in the tenure 
of Ralph Boote with appurtenances, 1 cottage with appurtenances then in 
the tenure of James Bagshawe, 1 cottage with appurtenances in Brampton 
then in the tenure of . . . Newbold, 1 cottage with appurtenances in 
Brampton then in the tenure of Robert Cooke, 1 messuage with appur- 
tenances in Blackwall then in the tenure of widow Boote, 1 messuage in 
Heighnor with appurtenances, then in the tenure of William Stephens ; 
4 messuages with appurtenances in Ockbrock, 1 messuage, 6 oxgangs in 
Quarne alias Quarndon, 200 acres of gorse and broom called Burley 
Wood in the parish of Duffeild, 3 messuages with appurtenances in 


Derby in the tenure of Thomas Burne, Laurence Breareley, and John 
Baggaley ; 10 acres in Derby, 2 messuages in Duifeild in the tenure of 
Anne Botham widow and Robert Claver, and 30 acres of land, 4 acres of 
meadow in Duffeld. Of these messuages and lands, those in Darleighe, 
except the four mills, the manor of Greenehill, those in Bradwaye, 
Birchett More, Woodseates and Heynor had been held in chief by 
military service, while those in Great Norton had been held by the same 
tenure, as of the Honour of Tickhill, though in all these cases the jury 
were unable to say for what part of a knight's fee. The messuages etc 
in Hognaston had been held in common socage as of the Honour of 
Tutbury parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, the mills in Darleighe in 
common socage as of the manor of Eastgreenewiche, the messuages etc 
in Brampton, Blackwell, Ockbrocke, Burlye Wood, Derby and DufFeild 
as of the same manor in common socage by fealty alone, while one 
messuage in Duffield was held in common socage by fealty alone as of 
the manor of Fulfeild parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster. The jury 
presented that John Bullocke had died 12th October 5 James I (1607), and 
that John Bullocke esquire his son and heir, was of full age 6th October 
6 James I (1608). In consideration of the fact that the latter had 
paid all dues into the Court of Wards and Liveries, the King gave 
precept to the eschaetor of Derbyshire to deliver seisin to him of the 
above lands. Notes : endorsed a General Ly very above value graunted 
to John Bullocke Esquire." Endorsements of the Exchequer and the 
Court of Wards and Liveries. Vellum : one skin 24 x 20, Great Seal 
in yellow wax, 6 inches diameter. 

451 1616 March 29th, in the 14th year of James I. Counterpart Lease 

(Engl.) from Godfrey Clarke of Somersall in Brampton co Derby 
gentleman and Margarett Bolsover, widow of Richard Bolsover of 
Chesterfield deceased, " by and with the consent and good liking " of 
Martyn Bolsover heir of the said Richard, unto John Tupman of Chester- 
field bocher (?) of a capital messuage called Lickarhall, in a certain street 
in Chesterfield called Saltergate, for twenty one years, at a yearly rent of 
100s (of which 50s went to the said Margaret Bolsover, if she should live 
till the end of the term), and a right of road through an orchard (included 
in the lease) was reserved. There is a reference to Nicholas Clarke gent 
deceased, father of the said Godfrey. Witnesses : Thomas . . . . , 
William Newsame, Nicholas Boulsover, Nicholas Clarke, Martine Bouls- 
over. Vellum : one skin 21 X 10, seal obscure. 

801 (1616) Trinity Term (May 31st to June 19th), in the 14th year of James I. 

Final Concord (Lat.) between Thomas Dent and William Midleton 
plaintiffs and Jervase Lee alias Leigh deforciant, whereby the latter 


quitclaimed to the former 2 messuages, 7 gardens, 1 orchard and 90 acres, 
with common rights in Sheffield, in consideration of ;^100. Vellum : one 
skin 13i X 3^. 

726 1617 July 17th. Faculty (Lat.) in the name of John bishop of Coventry 

and Lichfield, under the official seal of the Vicar General, appropriating to 
John BuUocke esquire lord of the manor of Norton, a pew or sitting-place 
in the middle of the church of Norton, to the south of the doors of the 
chancel ; with the right to extend the pew to a limited extent, over part 
of the floor of the church formerly occupied by the seat of the vicar, and 
since misappropriated without authority by George More, Phillip Gill, 
Anthony Steven, Leonard Gill and Anthony Morewood. Vellum : one 
skin 14 X 10, seal missing. Notes : it appears from the deed that 
through non-user of the old manor house pew, it had been lost ; and John 
Bullocke having acquired the manor, prior to the date of this faculty, 
evidently wished to have, as lord of the manor, a pew in the centre of the 
church, instead of the small pew in the north aisle, which his father 
formerly occupied. 

482 1617 October 3rd, in the 15th year of James I. Indenture of Assign- 

ment (Engl.) from Humfrey Cardinall of Humby co Line esquire and 
Mary his wife to Frauncis Parker of Norton Lees co Derby gent ; 
whereby, after reciting that by a lease dated the 1st November 1615 from 
the said Frauncis Parker to his elder brother John Parker all those two 
"water corcce Milnes" under one roof called the New Milnes in Norton, 
and 4 acres of meadow and pasture thereto belonging ; and all that 
other water wheele called "a cutlers wheele"; and all "waters, watercourses, 
streames, dammes, wayes, pathes, sutes and soake tolles, customes and 
services, freedomes, priviledges and libertyes " to the same milnes be- 
longing ; and which the same Frauncis had then lately bought of the said 
John Parker, were demised for a term of twenty one years at a rent of 
;^20 ; and that the said John Parker made his will and appointed his wife 
Mary executor and died (no details given) ; and that the said Mary Parker 
became lawfully possessed of the said term and did " take to husband " 
the said Humfrey ; the said Humfrey Cardinall and Mary his wife 
assigned unto the said Frauncis Parker, all the premises comprised in the 
lease for the unexpired residue of the said term. Witnesses : George 
Savile, Willm Jeessoope (?). Vellum : one skin 24 X 9, two blank seals. 
Notes : this assignment seems to have operated as a surrender of the 
lease; Humfrey signs " Cardynall" and Mary "Cardinall." 

679 1620 April 11th, in the 18th year of James I. Indenture of Assignment 

(Engl.) by James Bullock of Bewcheife co Derby gent to Leonard Gill 
of Norton yeoman, of a close called Cleylandes in Norton ; for the residue 


of a term of six hundred years, created by an indenture of lease dated the 
21st January, in the 34th year of Elizabeth (1591-2). Witnesses : Wm 
Plesington, Leonard Webster, Ja Creswicke, Wm Lee. Vellum : one 
skin 22 X 11, seal missing. Notes : as to the term of six hundred years see 
numbers 676 and 678. 

649 1620 April 11th, in the 18th year of James I. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from John Bullock of Bowcheif co Derby gentleman to Leonard Gill of 
Norton in the same county yeoman in ;^60, to perform covenants contained 
in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : Wm Plesington, Ja. Cres- 
wicke, Leonard Webster, Wm Lee. Vellum : one skin lOi X 5i, small 
armorial seal in red wax. 

485 (1620) July 26th, in the 18th year of James I. Indenture of Settlement 

(Engl.) on the then intended marriage of Sir Peter Frecheville of Staveley 
CO Derby knight with Dame Isabell Harpur widow of Sir Richard Harpur 
knight ; whereby the said Sir Peter covenanted with Sir Gervase Clifton 
of Hodsock CO Nott, Sir Thomas Wentworth of Wentworth Woodhouse 
CO York knight and baronet, Gilbert Nevill of Grove co Nott esquire 
and Anthony Eyre of Rampton co Nott esquire, that he the said Sir 
Peter would stand and be seised of his manor of Alvaston and all his lands 
in Alvaston, Elvaston, Ambaston, Thurlaston, Boulton and Spownden ; 
and all that his capital messuage called Haselbarrowe ; and all other his 
lands in Haselbarrowe alias Haselborough Norton and Jurdenthorpe ; 
and of his messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments in Ryston 
Sutton and Waghan in Holdernes co York ; and of his yearly rent charge 
of ;^125 on lands of the Right Honourable John Lord Darcy in Aston, 
Wales, Waleswood, Todwick Grange, Nicho Wood and Hardwick co 
York, to the use of himself for life, without impeachment of waste ; and 
after his decease, to the use of the said Dame Isabell for her life, for her 
jointure and in lieu of dower ; and after her decease, to the use of the 1st, 
down to the 10th, son of the marriage, and their respective issue succes- 
sively in tail male. The settlement contains a power of revocation under 
certain conditions therein stated. Witnesses : Peter Hitch (or Flitch), 
Godfrey Gran (?), Gervase Browne, Robert Browne, Frances Walker, Be 
Middelton, John Br ... . Vellum : one skin 20 X 13, four seals 
missing, the fifth has been torn from its place, but is pinned to the deed 
and endorsed " Harpur " ; it bears the arms, on a saltire, five small 

727 1621 February 18th, in the 19th year of James L Indenture of Bars:ain 

and Sale (Engl.) between John Bullock of Derleigh co Derby esquire 
and Thomas Stringer of Himsworth in the parish of Norton co Derby 


gent, whereby the said John Bullock, in consideration of /"40 10s Od, 
granted to the said Thomas Stringer his heirs and assigns for ever, all and 
all manner of tithes etc, being parcel or of right belonging to the said 
John Bullock as rector of Norton, and arising out of the messuage, build- 
ings, lands, tenements and hereditaments of him the said Thomas Stringer ; 
such tithes having belonged to the then dissolved monastery of Beauchief, 
and were granted at such dissolution to the said John Bullock by Richard, 
Robert and George Tyte of London by an indenture of grant, enrolled in 
chancery, dated the 1st March, in the 4th year James I ; and which had 
been granted to them by Royal Letters Patent dated the 8th February in 
the same year. In the covenant for warranty of title, John Bullock refers 
to his brothers Francis Bullock and Henry Bullock. Witnesses : 
Phillippe Gill, James Bate, God Frogat, John Rodgers. Vellum : one 
skin 22 X 17, seal missing. 

517 1622 November 18th, in the 20th year James I. Assignment (Engl.) by 

a deed poll of George Greene of Little Norton co Derby corvisor to 
Henry Mawre of Little Norton aforesaid husbandman, of a cottage erected 
in Little Norton aforesaid (about 34 Elizabeth), together with 1 rood of 
ground thereunto adjoining, as the same was then meared and set forth, 
for the residue of a term of 80 years, created by an indenture of lease, 
dated the 28th March in the 34th Elizabeth, and made between Anthony 
Blythe of Birchett co Derby esquire and Richard Greene of Little Norton 
corvisor (father of George Greene party to this assignment), and subject 
to the payment of a rent of 16d a year, if demanded ; and doing suite and 
service at the Court Leetes of the said Anthony, for the manor of Norton. 
Witnesses : Ja Creswicke, John Webster, John Butcher. Vellum : one 
skin 17X8, seal badly broken. 

716 1622 December 2nd, in the 20th year of James I. Indenture of Bargain 

and 5ale (Engl.) between Francis Parker of London gentleman and John 
Bullock of Norton co Derby esquire, whereby the said Francis Parker, in 
consideration of ;^120 and the tithes thereinafter mentioned, granted to 
the said John Bullock " all those two watercorne milnes under one roufe 
commonly called or knowne by the name of the New Milnes," with the 
appurtenances, situate in Norton "and one water wheele commonly called 
a cutlers wheele, used for the grinding of sythes and knives, being within 
or neere adioyning to the afforesaid milnes with foure acres of meadow 
and pasture " to the same milnes belonging, together with " all the soke, 
suit and moulture to the said milnes or water wheele belonging or in any 
wise appertayning " ; and also all buildings " waters, rivers, bankes, water 
courses, pooles, streames, fishinges, waies, suites, easements, customes, 
proffittes, commodities and hereditaments " etc, then or then late in the 


occupation of the said Francis Parker or of John Parker esquire then 
deceased, elder brother of Francis; and the said John Bullock in considera- 
tion of the grant of the milnes as aforesaid, granted to the said Francis 
Parker " all and all manner of tythes of corne, sheaves and blade of come, 
hey, money for tythe hey, wool, lambe, woode, herbage and all other 
tythes, profittes, rentes, revercons," etc whatsoever, being parcel of or of 
right belonging to the rectory of Norton, arising out of certain heredita- 
ments, the inheritance of John Parker, nephew of the said Francis Parker, 
situate in Norton ; in the description of which the following names of 
persons and places occur : namely, Carrfeild, Longe Shereollers, Midle 
Shereollers, Folliambes Shereollers or Pond Feild, Lees Crofte, Newfeild, 
Storrs, Ryefeilde, Breary Feild, Ashes, Harey Cloughe, Wade Crofte, 
Thunderbourne Feild, Lightwood Walls, Hacking, Upper Cockshutt, 
Nether Cockshutt, Easte Cliffe, Roughe Cliffe, Weste or Meadowe ClifFe, 
Whitefield, Whitefeild Springe, Hauke Springe, Roehaghe, Roehaghe 
Springe, Mouse Parkes, Water Storth, Little Hanging Storth, Blacke 
Storth, John Greenes House called the Cliffyate, Meadow Cliffe, Robert 
Eyres House called The Smithies, Dry Meddowe, Wett Meadowe, Broade 
Water, Smithie Wood, Smithie Place, Wheele House Meadowe, John 
Barnes Wheele, Broade Water called Sheve " which devydeth Yorkeshire 
from Darbyshire," Bamforde House near to Hiley Milne, the dissolved 
monastery of Beaucheife, Richard Tyte, Roberte Tyte, George Tyte, the 
manor of East Greenwich. Witnesses : Nicholas Lowe, George Gran- 
vile, John Luptonn, Hammond Noble, Richard Edwards, Thomas Bullok, 
Godfrey Frogat, Jo Rodgers, Nich Bradbury, James More, Thomas 
Swifte, Edward Jackson. Vellum : two skins, one 30 X 25, the other 
30 X 9, seal missing. Notes : endorsed is a memorandum that the tenants 
paid a penny in recognition of their new landlord John Bullock. 

459 1623 March 26th, in the 21st year of James I. Deed of Surrender 

(Engl.) by John Alleyne the elder and John Alleyne the younger of Norton 
CO Derby yeomen to John Bullok of Darleigh co Derby esquire, of their 
interest in two closes called the Healds, and another close which was 
parcel of a close called Berkenfield including a lane on the north of the 
Berkenfield, all of which belonged to a farm or tenement, which Edmund 
West by an indenture of lease of 25th September 10 Elizabeth had let 
with other properties to John Low of Woodseats carpenter for 800 years, 
at a yearly rent of 20s 2d and one hen. The entire property consisted of 
a messuage called Houlmhurst in Woodseats Dale then in the tenure of 
John Low and of " meadowes, pastures, feedings and commons," and at 
the time of the present indenture was vested in the AUeynes, father and 
son, with reversion to John Bullok. Also John Alleyne senior and John 
Alleyne junior granted to John Bullok free liberty to bring the river 


running by the side of Berkenfield into the close, through the lower end of a 
close of the Alleynes adjoining, and to enter their lands to fish any part of 
the river there. Witnesses : John Bullock, Thomas Bullocke, Godfrey 
Frogat, Thomas Ball, Jo Rodgers. Vellum : one skin 24i X 8i, one seal 
missing, one non-armorial. 

460 1623 May 30th, in the 21st year of James I. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from Charles Blyth of Birchett in the parish of Dronfield co 
Derby esquire to George Roper of the Bolehill in the parish of Norton 
"sythsmith," of a cottage or dwelling-house with the appurtenances at 
the Bolehill aforesaid, where the said George Roper then dwelt ; with a 
piece of common or waste ground, then enclosed whereupon the cottage 
was built, containing half an acre, for a term of fifty one years, at the 
rent of 2s payable half yearly, and also yielding " one daie mowing in hay 
harveste." Witnesses : Jason (?) Blyth, James .... Vellum : 
one skin 16 X 8, seal obscure. Notes : endorsed is a memorandum, dated 
16th June 1668, recording the assignment of the above mentioned cottage 
by John Roper and William Roper to Benjamin Clarke, in consideration 
of £5 15s Od; Robert Wainwright and Thomas Greene attested the 

SIS 1624 August 2nd, in the 22nd year of James I. Articles of Agreement 

Indented (Engl.) between Richard Taylor gent " Maior of ye Burroughe 
of Chesterfeld " co Derby, on behalf of the mayor, aldermen and 
burgesses of that borough, and John Steere of the city of Lincoln jersey- 
man ; who, in consideration of certain quarterly payments and the provision 
of coals, agreed to teach certain poor people in Chesterfield to work by 
spinning of jersey, knitting of stockings or such other works as the parties 
to the agreement should think most commodious for the benefit and relief 
of the poor people in Chesterfield. Witnesses : Anthony Eades (?), 
Ottewill Steers, Samuel Crashawe, James Steer. Vellum : one skin 
15 X lOi, seal missing. Notes : John Steere signs " Steeare." 

S14 1624(-S) January 28th. Probate of the Will (Engl.) of John Rotheram 

of Eckington co Derby yeoman, with grant from Oliver Lord Protector 
of the Commonwealth annexed, dated 9th April 1657 (sic) ; whereby, after 
directing that he should be buried in the church or church yard of 
Eckington, he bequeathed unto Alice Rotheram his mother ;^10 ; to his 
brother in law Thomas Rent of Povye a sum of twenty nobles, then owing 
to the testator on bond of Francis Leigh of Caldwell Hall; to his 
god-daughter Mary Rent £5 ; to six of his brother Rent's children 20s 
each ; to his niece Sara Tayler (then a minor) ;^20, which money was in 
Mrs Wigfall's hands of Curtare (Carter ?) Hall ; and a further ;^20, then 


owing to testator by John Tayler her brother, " which was bestowed about 
the getting of his Wardshippe" ; to Joseph Tayler ;^10 ; to EUin 
Rotheram daughter of testator's brother WilHam Rotheram ;^15 ; to Mary 
Rotheram £5 ; to his servant Mary Bolsover 20s ; residue to his brother 
William Rotheram, whom he made sole executor. Included in the grant 
of probate is an undated memorandum (presumably of later date, but 
attested by the same three witnesses as the will), which directed that his 
brother in law the said Thomas Rent, and his brother the said William 
Rotheram, should have " full power and right of the wardshipp, custody of 
the body, lands and marriage of John Tayler in as ample manner " as 
testator might have had " by virtue of his maties Grant thereof." Further 
provisions as to a misunderstanding of the will of William Tayler. Then , 
follows a list of debts owing to testator " without specialty " ; namely, 
John Howsdon £\Q 3s Od; George Stones younger Us; widdow Treeton 
20s; John Stones 50s; William Wood 10s; Richard Shawe of Sheffield 9s; 
Richard Ottinvell or Ottuwell 8s ; William Rent 40s ; Richard Thompson 
13s; Robert Cowley for rent 16s; Robert Finder; George Lee; Thomas 
Newbold ; William Rent ; James Cowley ; John Turner ; Philipp Hobson ; 
James Hobson and the executors of Thomas Hobson 20s. The grant of 
administration with the will annexed is in special form, it was " given at 
London under the seale of the Court for Probate of Wills and granting 
administrations." It states that William Rotheram the executor and 
brother of the testator died (presumably after the testator) " before he had 
taken upon him" by authority of that Court, the execution of the will; 
that Anne Rotheram a minor was "cozen" and next of kin of the testator ; 
and the Court granted administration with the will annexed, to Alice 
Rotheram the mother and guardian of Anne. Witnesses : Robert 
Turner, Henry Williamson, John Turner. Vellum ; two skins, the probate 
19 X 14, and the grant 7^ X 5 ; the seal is broken. 

795 (1625) October 24th, in the 1st year of Charles I. Writ (Lat.) appointing 

Feter Leighe knight, Feter Fretchville knight, Roger Manners knight, 
Ellis Wooderofe esquire and Robert Bagshawe gentleman, to receive an 
acknowledgment from Stephen, John, Creature, Nicholas, Ellis and John 
Staley, who had been summoned to the Court of Common Pleas at Reading 
in Haighe v. the above Stephen etc. Signed " Foldes.'' Endorsed, 
" Will Jones." Signed : T Leigh, Robert Bagshawe. " Rec. vis. Vnid. 
Tho Danett." This writ was part of the pleadings which led to a convey- 
ance of land by final concord. Vellum : one skin 13 X 4. 

420 (1625) December 3rd, in the 1st year of Charles I. Indenture of Feoff- 

ment (Lat.) in performance of covenants of even date for the marriage 
of Edward Haighe the feoffee to Mary Staley a daughter of the feoffor, 


from Stephen Staley of the parish of Castleton gentleman, to Edward 
Haighe of Birchinlee in the parish of Hope yeoman, of various parcels of 
land, meadow, and pasture which are not named, except two parcels 
called Outfalls, all lying in or near Cowsick, Redsick, New Close, Glebe 
Land, Nether Shutt, and the fields of Castleton, between or abutting 
on the lands of Robert Eyre esquire, Ottiwell Smyth, Roger Barbar, 
Edward Haighe, Francis Savadge, and lands formerly in the tenure of 
. . . . Fitzherbert. Witnesses: Ellis Wooderofe, Francis Barbar, 
Martin Hallom, Miles Marshall, Godfray Marten. Vellum : one skin 

438 1625 December 3rd, in the 1st year of Charles I. Covenant (Engl.) 

between Stephen Staley of Redseats in the parish of Castleton gentleman 
and Edward Haigh of Birchinlee in the parish of Hope yeoman, whereby 
the former conveyed to the latter the properties mentioned in number 437, 
with a proviso that if within seven years ;^120 were paid to the latter, this 
deed should be void. Witnesses : William Ronksley, Samuel Dickinson. 
Vellum : one skin 24 X 18. 

518 (1625) December 21st, in the 1st year of Charles I. Return (Lat.) to a 

Writ Capiendi Recognicionem, whereby Stephan Staley, John Staley, 
Creatur Staley, Nicholas Staley, Ellis Staley and John Staley agreed to 
quitclaim 14 acres of land and 6 acres of pasture in Castleton (co Derby), 
which Edward Haghe then held. Witnesses: Peter Leight knight, 
Robert Bagshaw gentleman. Vellum: one skin 10X11 J, signed by the 
six Staleys with small blank seals, Ellis Staley signs " EUize." Notes : 
the " return " is one of the steps in an action for a fine. 

414 (1626-7) March 20th, in the 2nd year of Charles I. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from John Bullock of Darley co Derby esquire to Roger North 
and Margaret his wife of Bradway in the parish of Norton, of one 
ancient messuage with the appurtenances, containing 'three bayes by 
estimation," situate in Bradway aforesaid then in the occupation of the 
said Roger and Margaret, two barns thereunto belonging, containing nine 
bayes, with all yards, gardens, orchards and closes called Stoney Leyes, 
Longe Meadowe, Little Mickley, Long Dole, Brearye Doles, Neyther 
Bradway Banke, Coweclosse, Coweshute Greane and Tofts, (timber and 
minerals excepted) ; for the term of twenty one years, at the yearly rent of 
;^13 6s 8d and subject to covenants. Witnesses : Godf Frogat, Francis 
Bullock, Jo Rogers. Vellum : two skins joined, making one skin 214 X 20, 
seal of red wax bears a lion rampant. 


425 1627 July 24th, in the 3rd year of Charles I. Deed of Bargain and 

Sale (Engl.) at a fee farm rent of 20d yearly, in performance of a 
covenant of even date by Anthony Eyre of Rampton in the county of 
Nottingham esquire and Gervase Eyre his son and heir to Thomas Forthe 
of Chesterfeld butcher, of two cottages with closes and pastures, called 
the Cowclose or Tenter Close and Oake Close, lying in or adjacent to 
Chesterfeld, the high road from Chesterfeld to Brampton Moore, the lands 
of William Earl of Devon, the lands of the heirs of George Revell esquire 
deceased, the river called Hipper, the land of the late dissolved guilds, 
the manor of Boythorpe, the land of the heirs of Godfrey Foljambe late 
of Walton esquire deceased, the land of Godfrey Webster and the lands 
of the heirs of Edward Crashawe deceased ; which cottages etc then or late 
were in the tenure of Robert Adamson, Emmott Tupman and Thomas 
Forthe. Power of attorney to Nicholas Clarke gentleman, and William 
Fox to deliver seisin. Witnesses : Eustace Braham, Willyam Foxe, 
Richard Collice, Anthony Lee; (of seisin, 3rd April 1629) Paule Fletcher, 
John Stones, William Milnes, Francis Rollenson, Robert Turner, Thomas 
Wainwright. Vellum: one skin 14 X 11, two seals. Notes: the vendors 
warranted possession against themselves and the heirs of Garvase Eyre, 
late of Laughton in the county of York esquire deceased, father of Anthony 
Eyre the vendor. 

495 and 423 1627 the octave of Saint Michael (6th October), in the 3rd year of 
Charles I. Final Concord (Lat.), two parts, between Cristoper Hatton 
knight, William Fanshawe esquire, Henry Condie gentleman and Godfrey 
Froggott gentleman plaintiffs and John Bullock esquire deforciant, 
whereby the latter quitclaimed to the former 14 messuages, 8 cottages, 
14 gardens, 14 orchards, 350 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 250 acres 
of pasture, 12 acres of wood and 100 acres of gorse and heath, in Derby, 
Norton, Greenehill, Bradway, Woodsette, Lees, Beauchifife, Coldaston, 
Okebrooke, Duffield, Burleigh and Quarne. The consideration was ;^400. 
Vellum : each one skin 15 X 5. 

703 (1628) June 28th, in the 4th year of Charles I. Declaration of Trust 

(Engl.) reciting the levying of a fine and declaring the trusts on which 
the plaintiffs in the action held the lands thereby vested in them ; the 
parties to this deed are the same as in number 702, and this is 
one of the deeds therein recited, the signatures and seals are identical. 
By this declaration John Bullock the settlor takes a life estate and he has 
a power of appointment by deed. This power of appointment he exercised 
on the 1st July 1628. Vellum : one skin 21 X 17, for seals see number 


702 (1628) July 1st, in the 4th year of Charles I. Declaration of the Trusts 

(Engl.) on which Sir Christopher Hatton of Kerby co Northampton 
Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath, Sir Thomas Fanshaw of 
Jenkins co Essex knight, William Fanshaw of Parstowes co Essex 
esquire, Henry Condy of AUestrie co Derby gent and Godfry Froggatt 
of Mathfield co Staff gent held extensive properties in Norton, settled 
by John Bullock of Darley co Derby esquire on his four daughters 
Katherine, Dorothy, Isabell and Alice. Witnesses: Jo Bullocke, Lio 
Fanshawe, Charles Colman, Francis Bullock, William lies, John Bullock, 
Jo Rogers. Vellum : one skin 29 X 23, five large seals of red wax, four 
of which are armorial, three show a coat of arms with crest helmet and 
mantling, the fourth bears the crest of Henry Condy who signs his name 
Cundy." Notes : the deed contains recitals of two deeds dated the 
previous month. 

689 1628 November 24th, in the 4th year of Charles 1. Indenture of 

Settlement (Engl.) between John Parker the elder of Little Norton 
CO Derby yeoman of the one part and Gabriell Parker of Hymesworth in 
Great Norton and Thomas Parker of Holmesfield yeoman of the other 
part, whereby all those messuages or tenements, cottages, houses, edifices, 
buildings, orchards, gardens, foulds, yards, arable lands, meadows etc 
situate in Little Norton and Great Norton then or then late in the holding 
of John Parker the elder and of George Parker his brother, were settled ; 
as to a moiety or half part, to the use of John Parker the elder for life, 
with remainder to John Parker the younger ' eldest sonne of him the 
said John the feoffor " his heirs and assigns for ever ; except and reserved 
to and for Anne then wife of the said John Parker the settlor, one parlour 
and one chamber in the then mansion house of the said John meete and 
fitt for hir the said Anne to lodge and dwell in, with free egresse " etc ; 
one close commonly called Wall Storth ; one other close called Long 
Storth ; one other close called Thissle Storth ; one other close called 
Broom Storth, and one other close commonly called Pigman Crofte, which 
said parlour, chamber 'and closes should, from and after the decease of the 
said John Parker the elder, remain and be for the said Anne " in name of 
her joynture or dower " ; and after her death to the said John Parker the 
younger ; and as to the other moiety or half part, to the use of the said 
John Parker the feoffor, until John Parker the younger married ; and on 
the death of John Parker the feoffor or the marriage of John Parker the 
younger, the same moiety to go to John the younger. Witnesses: 
William Mower, George Parker, Wilam (sic) Parker, Ralph Landsall. 
Vellum : one skin 23 X 12, the seal of light red wax bears a 


1630(-3l) March 11th, in the 6th year of Charles I. Indenture of 
Exchange (Engl.) between James Bullocke of Greenhill in the parish of 
Norton co Derby gentleman and John Bate of Jordenthorpe in the same 
parish yeoman; whereby, after reciting that James Bullocke then deceased, 
father of the said James Bullocke, and James Bate then deceased, grand- 
father of the said John Bate, in their lifetime by word of mouth without 
writing, exchanged certain lands, and with the intent that the exchange 
might continue for a term of years, the said James Bullocke demised by 
this deed of exchange to the said John Bate, a close or inclosure called 
Gilden Sicke in Norton aforesaid, adjoining Dikes Lane on the west, and 
lands of the said John Bate on the east, Hugh Rollenson on the north and 
Dikes Lane aforesaid on the south ; and a piece of land in Further 
Lowage, between lands of Leonard Gill and others (above named), for a 
term of 700 years, without payment ; in consideration whereof the said 
John Bate demised unto the said James Bullocke, a close or inclosure 
called Moore Landes in Norton, lying between lands of the said James 
Bullocke and the lands of the heirs of Robert Bright deceased on the 
south, and the common or waste called Greenhill Moore on the north, for 
a term of 700 years without payment. Witnesses : Edw Gill, Wm 
Blythe, Richard .... Vellum : one skin 18 X 14i, seal obscure. 

1632 June 19th, in the 8th year of Charles I. Marriage Settlement 
(Engl.) by John Parker the elder yeoman and Anne his wife of Norton, 
on John Parker the younger of Little Norton yeoman his son and heir 
apparent, on his marriage with Elizabeth daughter of Geffrey Robertes 
gent then deceased. The settled property which was vested by the 
settlement in John Morwood of the Okes (Bradfield) co York gent and 
Edward Urton alias Steeven of Hymsworth co Derby yeoman as trustees, 
consisted of the hall or firehouse of the then mansion house of the said 
John Parker the elder in Little Norton ; and land in Norton and Little 
Norton. The description of the house is full of interesting detail, and the 
following field-names occur ; namely, Wallstorthe, Longstorthe, Thisle- 
storth, Broomstorthe, Piggmanstorthe, Roundstorthe, Hoolstorthe, Little- 
field, Great Medowe, Holowe Medowe, and Lowedge. Witnesses : 
Rowland Morewood, Francis Robertes, Ja Creswicke. Vellum : one skin 
26 X 13, one seal bears a flower probably a thistle, the other two seals 
are missing. Notes : the firehouse was the room where the family fire 
was; see Oxford Dictionary, also Addy's " Waltheof," page 182 note. 

1635 April 20th, in the 11th year of Charles I. Indenture of Barg^ain 

and Sale (Engl.) between John Frechevile of Staueley co Derby knight (?) 
of the one part and John Bullocke of Darley co Derby esquire, Henry 
Cundie of Alestrie co Derby, Godfrey Frogatt of Norton co Derby and 


John Walker of Quarnedon co Derby gentlemen ; whereby certain closes 
in or near Jordenthorpe in the parish of Norton aforesaid, called Well 
Meadowe, Nookes and Brierieflatt alias Brierlieflatt were granted to the said 
John Bullocke, Henry Cundie, Godfrey Frogatt and John Walker their 
heirs and assigns for ever. The covenants for title include Sara wife of 
the said John Frechevile and there is a covenant " to levie one fine of the 
premises, together with other things," to the said John Bullocke and 
Edward Gill of Norton gentleman and the heirs of the said John Bullocke, 
and to convey part (therein mentioned) to the use of the said Henry 
Cundie, Godfrey Frogatt and John Walker, and the residue to the said 
Edward Gill. Witnesses: Thomas Bullok, Abraham . . . , Isaac 
Villeguise (?), James BuUoke, Francis Baker. Vellum : one skin 23 X 17, 
seal broken and obscure. 

708 1635 April 20th, in the 11th year of Charles I. Deed Poll (Engl.) 

confirming a grant from John Fretchvile of Staveley co Derby esquire 
to Henry Cundie of AUestry, Godfrey Frogatt of Norton and John Walker 
of Quarne, of certain closes at Jordenthorpe in Norton, called Well 
Meadowe, Nookes, and Bryeryflatt alias Bryerlyflatt, containing 1+i 
acres, then in the tenure of Henry Brownell. Phillip Hemlock of Norton 
yeoman was appointed attorney to give possession. Witnesses : Thomas 
Bullok, Abraham Guyot, Isaac Villequier, James BuUoke, Francis Baker, 
John Bulloke, Francis Frogat, Hughe RoUinsone, William Darcye, Robert 
Cripps, Michael Stowe, Phillip Hunbacke (?). Vellum : one skin 19 X 8i, 
seal of red wax may be armorial. 

640 1635 May 26th, in the 11th year of Charles I. Indenture of Settlement 

(Engl.) made between John Allen the elder of Woodseates in the parish 
of Norton co Derby husbandman of the one part and Elizabeth Allen of 
the city of London spinster, John Ragsdale of Chesterfield co Derby 
weaver, Lattice his wife and Katherine Allen of Woodseates aforesaid 
spinster of the other part ; whereby (after lengthy recitals), in considera- 
tion of the affection which the said John Allen had for his two daughters, 
the said Elizabeth and Katherine, and of the marriage then already 
solemnised between the said John and Lettice Ragsdale, the said John 
Allen granted, assigned and released unto the said Elizabeth, John, Lettice 
and Katherine, a half part of a messuage and lands called Holmhirst, in 
the shares and on the terms therein mentioned. In the recitals and 
description of the land and premises, the following names of persons and 
places occur : namely, Edmund West late of Darley Abbey, John Lee 
late of Woodseates-dale, Backhouse Field, Kilnfield, Wheatecroft, 
Birkenfield, Holde, John Bullocke, Thomas Chapman of Heeley in the 
parish of Sheffield cutler, Mary or Marie daughter of John Allen. 


Witnesses: Godfrey Hill, Humphrey Pettie, Robert Parkes, Joseph 
Parkes, William Barton the elder. Vellum : one skin 21 X 19, seal 

701 (1635) the morrow of the Holy Trinity (May 24th), in the 11th 

year of Charles I. Final Concord (Lat.) in an action between John 
Bullock esquire and Edward Gill gentleman plaintiffs and John Frechville 
esquire and Sara his wife deforciants, whereby the latter quit claimed to 
the former a messuage, garden, orchard 20 acres of land, 5 acres of 
meadow, 15 acres of pasture, etc, at Jordenthorpe and Norton, in con- 
sideration of ;^100. Vellum : one skin 13 x 6. 

705 (1637) October 1st, in the 13th year of Charles I. Deed of Revocation 

(Engl.) by John Bullock of Darleigh Abbey co Derby esquire, of all and 
every the use and uses, estate and estates mentioned, limited and declared 
by a settlement of the 28th June, in the 4th year of Charles I (1628), 
see number 703. Witnesses : Edward Wenyete (?), John Rea, 
F . . . Baker. Vellum : one skin 24 X 15i, two of the seals bear no 
impression, the third bears a shield, on which three eagles displayed. 

700 (1637) October 9th, in the 13th year of Charles I. Marriage Settlement 

(Engl.) made between John Bullok of Darleigh Abbey co Derby esquire 
of the 1st part. Sir Robert Coke of Huntingfield co Suffolk knight and 
John Coke of Halkham co Norfolk esquire of the second part, John 
Bullok the younger, son and heir apparent of the said John Bullock, Agnes 
Coke then sole daughter of Clement Coke late of Longforde co Derby 
esquire deceased, late brother of the said Sir Robert Coke and John Coke 
of the third part ; whereby a handsome jointure was provided for Agnes 
Coke on her marriage to John Bullok the younger, in full satisfaction of 
her dower, out of all other lands of her husband. The said John Bullok 
in consideration of the love and affection which he had for John his son 
and also for his younger sons William and Thomas, agreed with Sir Robert 
Coke and John Coke to levy a fine of all that capital messuage or mansion 
house and site of the then late disolved monastery of Darleigh ; and also 
all and singular the houses, buildings, orchards, gardens, lands and 
hereditaments etc, and a messuage in Bradway in the occupation of Edward 
North and Roger North ; also cottages in Greenehill in the occupation of 
James Moore and Christopher Rose ; also a messuage in Woodseates in 
the occupation of John Barten and Richard Jackson ; also the manor of 
Greenhill with the appurtenances ; also all the common or waste ground 
in the parish of DufFeild called Burleigh Woods ; also four closes in 
Woodseats aforesaid in the occupation of John . . . , John Anderton and 
Dorothy Stoniforde ; also three closes in Beaucheiffe in the occupation of 


Richard Jackson, James Moore and Gilbert Nowell ; also two closes 
called Banck Closes in Woodseats in the occupation of Thomas Moore ; 
also of all that mill in the parish of Norton called The New Mill, 
together with the forge and furnace then used for iron works, situate 
in Norton or BeauchifFe, and of all such ground near to the forge, furnace 
or mill as was then lately used " for the laying or stacking of coales, iron 
and ironstone " ; together with the cottage in Woodseats called the 
forgemans house and the storehouse, wherein iron was usually laid, and 
other lands in Woodseats, late in the tenure of John Sanderson all of which 
premises were held of His Majesty by knights service in capite ; also four 
water mills called Darleigh Mills or Darwent Mills and other property in 
Norton and Norton Lees, all fully described with names of fields and 
tenants. Witnesses : Edm Stubbe, Edward Wengeve (?). Vellum : 
one skin 33 X 25, two seals in good condition, one bears an impression 
that may be armorial. Notes: this deed is closely written on a large 
skin, and the above abstract does not exhaust its contents ; but only 
indicates the lands affected. 

499 1637(-8) January 23rd, in the 13th year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Settlement (Engl.) between Thomas Chapman of Holmehirst in the 
parish of Norton co Derby cutler of the one part and Richard Chapman 
of Heeley in the parish of Sheffield cutler and William Stringfellow of 
Wingerworth co Derby .... of the other part; whereby, after 
reciting that Edmund West late of Darley Abbey co Derby esquire by 
indenture of lease dated 25th September, in the 10th year of Elizabeth 
(1568), demised unto John Lee late of Woodseates in the parish of Norton 
carpenter, a messuage, farm, or tenement called Holmehirst in Woodsettes 
Dale, then in the occupation of the said John Lee, and closes called 
Backehouse Feild, Kilnefeilde, Wheatcrofte, Birkenfeild, and Held, for a 
term of 800 years, at the annual rent of 20s 2d payable halfyearly ; and 
that the estate and term of the said John Lee of, in, and to one barn of 
two bayes with an outshutt (see number 498) adjoining to the north 
end thereof, one bay of housing at the south end thereof, the garden, 
the south part or half of the fold as it was then severed, Kilnefeilde, 
the west side or half of Wheatcroft as then divided, and Birkenfeild had 
lawfully devolved on John Allen of Woodsettes, husbandman ; and that 
the estate and term of the said John Allen, of, in, and to, one of the said 
bayes of the said barn of two bayes (viz the more westwardly baye 
thereof), with a bay of housing, adjoining to the west or south west end of 
the same ; the said garden ; all the south part or house of the said fold (as 
then divided); part of the Birkenfeild, which was commonly called the 
Intacke ; and all the west side of Wheatcrofte (saving a parcel of the east 
end meared out from the rest) had lawfully devolved and come unto the 


said Thomas Chapman, by an assignment thereof dated the 29th January, 
in the 9th year of Charles I (1633-4) from the said John Allen unto the 
said Thomas Chapman and Mary late wife of him the said Thomas 
deceased, then by the name of Mary Allen daughter of the said John ; the 
said Thomas Chapman in consideration of the marriage then already 
solemnized, between him the said Thomas Chapman and Elizabeth then 
his wife and daughter of James Stringfellow of Wingerworth co Derby 
husbandman, and for a competent dower ; granted to Richard Chapman 
and William Stringfellow all the premises which had devolved on the said 
Thomas Chapman as aforesaid, to the use of Thomas Chapman and his 
assigns for and during the residue of the term of 800 years, if he happen 
to live so long (sic), and if he die before, then to his wife Elizabeth and 
her assigns during the term, for life ; with remainder to the child or 
children of the marriage in tail ; and in default of issue, to the use of the 
executors, administrators and assigns of the said Elizabeth. Witnesses : 
George Haslehurst, Humfrey Pettie, James Stringfellow. Vellum : one 
skin 19X16, seal missing. 

487 1638 December 9th, in the 14th year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Settlement (Engl.) whereby Edward Haigh of Birchenlee within the 
parish of Hope co Derby yeoman enfeoffed John Staley and Christopher 
Staley of Reddseates in the parish of Castleton yeoman and George 
Bagshawe of Marshgreene in the parish of Chappell in le Frith yeoman, 
of a messuage, lands, and tenements, with the appurtenances, situate in the 
towne, townefieldes, precincts, territories or liberties of Castleton, then or 
late in the holdings of Ellis Hall, John Howe, Ellis Howe, Robert Howe, 
William Poynton, Robert Hall, Thurston Trickett, Robert Poynton, 
Anthony Goldstone, to hold to the use and behoof of the said Edward 
Haigh and Mary his wife for their joint lives and the life of the survivor ; 
with remainder to Edward Haigh their son and heir apparent for ever 
more ; provision being made for two younger sons Francis Haigh and 
Joseph Haigh, by way of yearly annuities or rent-charges on the settled 
property. Witnesses : Stephen Staley, Wm Greaves, Ellis Bramhall, 
John Howe, Francis Savage. Vellum : one skin 19 X 20, seal of red wax, 
not armorial. Notes : memorandum of taking possession of Wall Heade 
and Halffe Acre in the name of the whole. 

498 1638 December 9th, in the 14th year of Charles I. Deed Indented (Lat.) 

confirming a grant from Edward Haigh of Birchenlee in the parish of 
Hope co Derby yeoman to Robert Haigh one of his natural sons, of a 
house or barn containing two and a half bayes (an English translation 
inserted in the deed is " two bayes and an outcast," which is an obsolete 
English word meaning outshot or built out) situate in Castleton co Derby, 


at a place called Lane Heade ; and several pieces of land fully described, 
in the description of which the following names of persons and places 
occur ; namely, Francis Savage of Castleton yeoman, Cowsitch, Bernard 
Wells gentleman, Lord Fitzherbert, Ottiwell Smyth, Roger Barber, an 
Outfall, Reddsitch, Neathershutt. Witnesses : . . . . Greaves, 
Ellis Bramhall, John Howe, Francis Savage, Stephen Staley. Vellum : 
one skin 14 X 10, seal of red wax bears a crest, which may be a phoenix. 

799 1639 April 9th, in the 15th year of Charles I. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from Thomas Chapman of Woodsette in the parish of Norton co Derby 
cutler, Richard Chapman of Heeley co York cutler, and William String- 
fellow of Wingerworth co Derby husbandman to Humphrey Woodrove 
of Woodsette husbandman and Margaret Woodrove his daughter in 
;^115, to perform covenants contained in an indenture of even date. 
Witnesses : Ja Creswicke, Thomas Chapman, Robert Wainwright, 
James Stringfellow, W Wadsworth. Vellum: one skin 10ix4i, three 
seals missing. 

709 (1639-40) January 14th, in the 15th year of Charles L Deed of Bars:ain 

and 5ale (Engl.) from James Attkin of Sickhouse in the parish of Norton 
tanner to George Gill of Lightwood (same parish) gent, of a close con- 
taining three acres called Woodcroft, lying and being in or near Hyms- 
worth, late in the tenure of Richard Stones ; and another close in or near 
Hymsworth called Townefield in the same tenure ; and all manner of 
tithes of corn, hay, wool, lamb, wood, and herbage, to be held of the 
chief lord of the fee by the rents or services therefor anciently due and of 
right accustomed ; the price being ;^75. In the covenant for quiet enjoy- 
ment James Attkin covenants to indemnify the purchaser from the jointure 
or dower of his then wife Hellen ; and Elizabeth, then wife of Richard 
Attkin father of the said James. Witnesses : Leod Gill, Ja Creswicke, 
Thomas Barton, Wm Wadsworth, Edward Urton, George Bate. Vellum : 
one skin 25i X 13, seal missing. 

661 (1639-40) January 14th, in the 15th year of Charles I. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from James Attkin of Sickhouse in the parish of Norton co Derby 
tanner to George Gill of Lightwood in the same parish and county gentle- 
man in /^140, to perform covenants. Witnesses : Leod Gill, James 
Creswicke, Thomas Barton, Wm Wadsworth. Vellum : one skin 8i X 64, 
one seal non-armorial. 

720 1640(-41) January 12th, in the 16th year of Charles L Deed declaring 

the trusts of a post nuptial marriage settlement (Engl.) by John Blyth 
alias Rotherham of Norton co Derby yeoman, by way of a jointure. 


for his daughter in law Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Bossevile the father, 
of Brewell co York, who had married John Blyth eldest son of the said 
John Blyth alias Rotherham, and in consideration of ;^150 then already 
paid by John Bossevile the father to John Blyth alias Rotherham it was 
covenanted and agreed that a messuage in Aston alias Cold Aston co Derby, 
where William Johnson then dwelt, with all landes, meadows etc and a 
cottage, in the tenure of Anthony White ; and two closes called Collin 
Feildes, three closes called Riddinges, one close called the close under the 
hill, one other close called the .... in Aston alias Cold Aston ; also 
his cheife messuage or mansion house, with the appurtenances, in Norton 
then in the occupation of John Blyth alias Rotherham, and all the lands 
and grounds to the same, and the closes called Over Bentes alias Beast 
Hills, Long Bentes alias Beast Hills, Storres, Mager Hay Meadowe, 
Fligge Hay Meadowe, Pittes, Cowclose, New Close, and Great Bentes, 
should be transferred by feoffment to Thomas Bossvile the father, John 
Frechwell of Maltby co York gent, Thomas Bosvile the son, Edward Gill 
and Godfrey Froggatt, as trustees of the settlement ; and held by them 
upon certain uses or trusts, which are set out at length, and in which the 
following names of persons occur, namely ; Alice then wife of John Blyth 
alias Rotherham, William Blyth second son of the last named John, John 
Blyth deceased brother to William Blyth deceased late father of the said 
John Blyth alias Rotherham, William Blyth deceased son and heir of 
Richard Blyth who was brother to the said William Blyth deceased father 
of John Blyth alias Rotherham, John Blyth second son of Richard Blyth 
deceased. Witnesses : Thomas Kent, Phillip Humbacke, Thomas Cart- 

lidge, William Blythe, Richard Gillat, T Wright, I Arthur 

Statham. Vellum : one skin 26X21, seal missing. Notes : a memorandum 
endorsed states that this deed was produced to Thomas Bosvile clerk, at a 
commission held at Sheffield 9th Octr 1701, see number 711. The last 
few lines of this deed are full of information for a genealogy of the Blyth 

704 1641 May 13th, in the 17th year of Charles I. Declaration of Trust 

(Engl.) by John BuUok of Darleigh Abbey co Derby esquire declaring 
the trusts on which Sir Christopher Hatton, Sir Thomas Fanshaw, William 
Allestry, Thomas Levinge, Symon Pecke clarke, Henry Cundy and 
Francis Baker then stood seised, to them and their heirs, according to 
the custom of the manor of Little Chester, of divers copyhold messuages, 
cottages, lands, tenements and hereditaments situate in Quarne alias 
Quarndon, Little Eaton and Little Chester. The trusts were for the said 
John Bullok for life ; with remainder to Thomas his second son for life ; 
with remainder to John his (the settlor's) son and heir apparent in tail male ; 
and in default to his (the settlor's) son William in tail male ; and in default 


to his (the settlor's) son Thomas in tail male ; and in default to the settlor's 
right heirs for ever. Witnesses : Robert . . . , G Frogat, Edw Dutton (?), 
Thomas Pierson. Vellum : one skin 16i X 7, seal broken. 

443 1641 June 29th, in the 17th year of Charles I. Indenture of Agreement 

(Engl.) between John Chambers of Derby yeoman and John BuUoke of 
Darleighe co Derby esquire, declaring that the purpose of a recovery 
suffered by John BuUoke in the Trinity Term of that year as tenant 
against John Chambers in the " Manners of Norton and Greenehill . . 
the scite of the late dissolved Monastery of Darleigh " and other properties 
in Greenehill, Darleigh, Derby, Mackworth and elsewhere in the county 
of Derby, was to convey the properties to the said John Chambers, 
for the sole use of John BuUoke and his heirs (the recovery was 
undertaken to break the entail and convert an estate in tail into an estate 
in fee simple). Vellum : one skin 15 X 9, seal in paper. 

803 (1643) April 25th, in the 19th year of Charles I. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Ashford records, that at a Little Court of the 
Right Hon. Christiana Countess of Devon, John Wright surrendered a 
close in Ashford called Broadwood, six rods of land, lying upon a certain 
ploughland called WoUendale between land of the lady of the manor and 
of John Greaves, half an acre of land lying upon a ploughland called 
Beside Pennyhunck with land of the lady of the manor on both sides ; to 
the use of Richard Greene, who was admitted tenant. Wm Nicholson, 
sub-steward. Vellum : one skin lOi X 3i. 

710 1647 September 25th, in the 23rd year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Bars:ain and Sale (Engl.) from John Bullock of Norton co Derby 
esquire to Leonard Gill of Norton gent, of a close called Fligha Medowe 
containing four acres in Norton, adjoining lands of the said Leonard Gill 
east and west, and those of John Blythe north, and then in the tenure of 
the said Leonard, the price being ;^37 10s. Od. Witnesses: G Frogat, 
.... Scriven, Wm Wadsworth. Vellum : one skin 25 X 12, seal 

751 1648 April 26th, in the 24th year of Charles L Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from Edward Haighe senior and Edward Haighe junior of Birchinlee in 
the parish of Hope co Derby yeoman to Ellis Howe of Castleton, ' linen 
Way ver " in £5, to perform covenants contained in two indentures of even 
date, dealing with a parcel of ground " with a little coate " thereon, on 
Gooshill in Castleton. Witnesses : Martin Bridock, John Yeallott, 
Thomas Cresswell. Vellum : one skin 9X8, two seals ; non-armorial 
device between the letters I and H. 


570 (1648) July 14th, in the 24th year of Charles I. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) from William Stringfellow of Chesterfeild co Derby 
yeoman to James Milnes of Chesterfeild, of a plot of ground in Ches- 
terfeild abutting on the gardenstead of George Dickone and lying 
between two lanes leading from Chesterfeild to the Spittle, then in 
the occupation of Hugh Wheldon. The price was £31. Witnesses : 
Raphe Wheldon, Thomas Inman, George Inman, Durant .... Vellum : 
one skin 26 X lOi, seal missing. Notes : endorsed " holes Lane garden." 

678 1650(-1) March 20th. Deed of Feoffment (Engl.) of freeholds and 

assignment of long terms, by Leonard Gill of Norton co Derby gent and 
Edward Gill of Carrhouse in the parish of Rotherham co York gent, son 
and heir apparent of the said Leonard, to John Parker of Little Norton 
yeoman, of all their part of a close called Claylands. Witnesses: 
G Frogat, Robt Stacie, Raph Turner, Peter Roades, Wm Wadsworth, 
Thomas Biggin, William Bate, Hugh Rollinson, William Parker, Edward 
Bigin (sic), George Rose. Vellum : one skin 25 X 22, seals missing. 
Notes : as to the assignment of the long terms, see number 676. 

653 (1650-1) March 24th. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) from Leonard Gill of Norton 

CO Derby gentleman, and Edward Gill of Carrhouse in the parish of 
Rotheram co York gentleman to John Parker of Little Norton in the 
parish of Norton co Derby yeoman in ;^204, to perform covenants con- 
tained in an indenture of even date. Witnesses : G Frogat, Robt Stacie, 
Peter Roades, Raph Turner, Wm Wadsworth. Vellum : one skin 8i X 6i, 
two seals missing. 

711 1651 April 14th. Deed of Bargain and 5ale (Engl.) from John Blythe 

alias Rotheram the elder of Coldaston co Derby yeoman and Alice his 
wife, John Blythe alias Rotheram the younger of Norton co Derby 
yeoman and Dorothy his wife, Godfrey Froggott of Greenehill in Norton 
gent to Richard Wood of Chesterfield apothecary, one of the alder- 
men of " the towne and burrough " of Chesterfield, of a messuage or 
dwellinghouse called Nether (?) Norton Hall in Norton, where he the said 
John Blythe the younger then dwelt, with a cottage adjoining, in the 
occupation of William Blythe alias Rotheram, and other lands, fully 
described ; in which the following names of persons and places occur ; 
namely, Chantree Croft, Mr Gill's Croft, Pitts, John Bate, . . . densick, 
Norton Lane, William Bullock, Hallfield, Hugh RoUenson, Storrs, 
Bolehill Common, Great Storrs, Thomas Barten, Maggahaye Meadowe, 
Jerom Rollinson, Morris Lande, Maggahaye Common. Witnesses : 
Kenelme Maynwaring, William Revell, Phillip Hunbecke (?), Thomas 


Needham. Vellum: two skins, one 20^X12, the other 20X4i, seal 
missing. Notes : a memorandum is endorsed as to the production of this 
deed before a commission held at Sheffield in 1701. See number 720. 

530 1652 November 29th, Michaelmas Term (October 23rd to November 

29th). Recovery (Engl.) suffered by John Wilson against Edward Gill 
esquire and Hercules Clay, in 4 messuages, 4 gardens and 90 acres in 
Norton and Jerdenthorpe co Derby. John Bate was the first vouchee 
and John Huniston the second. Robert Milward was the attorney of John 
Wilson and William Nicholson of John Bate. Godfrey Clark esquire 
was sheriff of Derby. The exemplification begins " The Receiver of the 
Libertie of England by Authority of Parliament to all to whome these 
present letters etc," and is dated 29th November 1652. Vellum : one 
skin 29 X 18, large seal of the Commonwealth, in brown wax. 

463 1653(-4) January 5th. Indenture of Bargain and Sale (Engl.) from 

George Jackson of Chesterfield co Derby mettleman to Jeremie Leithi- 
wicke of Chesterfield aforesaid husbandman, of a barn, containing two 
bayes and a half of a baye (?), with the third part of a rood of ground in 
Chesterfield aforesaid, in or near to a back lane, called Blinde Lane, 
between the said lane on the north and the lands of Henry Viccars and 
Joane his wife on the south ; abutting on the lands then late of the heirs 
of Walton on the east, and the said lands of Henry Viccars and Joane 
his wife on the west, at the price of /"IS. The warranty extends to the 
claims of Francis Sutton and the said Henry Viccars and his wife. 
Witnesses: Edw Revell, James Milnes, Godfrey EUiott, Humfrey 
Pettie. Vellum : one skin 23 X 14, seal broken and obscure. 

749 1654 October 20th. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor of 

Ashford, records that at a Court Baron of the Right Honourable Christian 
Countess of Devon held on the above date, the homage presented, that 
George Cowper, who held a tenement in Sheldon with a backside, died 
seised thereof, and that Abraham Cowper was his son and heir. The 
latter was admitted tenant. Wm Nicholson, steward. Vellum : one 
skin 11X3. 

494 1655 July 2nd. Indenture of Bargain and Sale (Engl.) from William 

Fitzherbert of Norbury co Derby esquire, Bazill Fitzherbert son and heir 
apparent of the said William, William Leech of Shipley co Derby esquire 
son and heir of Sir Edward Leech knight, heretofore one of the Masters 
of the High Court of Chancery, Sir John Evelyn of Godstone co Surrey 
knight, Richard Hatton of the Middle Temple London esquire, and 
Ambrose Phillipps gent, late servant of the said Sir Edward Leech, to 


Richard Woodrofe of Sheffield co York yeoman, of a messuage, farm or 
tenement with the appurtenances situate within the manor or lordship of 
Hatherseidge otherwise Haverishiggs co Derby, then or then late in the 
occupation of John Heald, with several closes fully described, in which 
the following names of persons and places occur ; namely. Croft, Heald 
Meadow, Thorney, Small Sitch, Ryecroft, Foist Acres, Howridding, 
Sannyforth Longe, High Lee, Heald Land, Butts, Pingle, John Hough, 
Broad Half Acre, Broome Half Acre, widdow Syddall, Boothesway, 
George Eyre, George Smilter, Flaxlands, Broomewood ; and also another 
messuage, farm or tenement situate in Hatherseidge aforesaid, then or 
then late in the occupation of George Ibbotson, with several closes fully 
described, in which the following names of persons and places occur; 
namely, Croft, Blanerowe, Meadow, Thorney, Broadwoods, . . .ber 
Flackhole, Long Halfe Acre, John Greene, George Smilter, Broad Halfe 
Acre, George Eyre, John Hough, Lossieroodes, Long Lane Syde, Swyne 
Lands, John Eyre, Mossie Meadow, Thomas Frost, Stannyforth Long, 
John Ibbotson. The consideration was £307. Witnesses : Thomas 
Buck, Will Simson, Robert Byckerton (?) Ro Rind. Vellum : one skin 
19X16, six seals in paper and six signatures. Notes: the following 
memorandum is in the margin " Acknowledged in the Court of Upper 
Bench by thabove named Ambrose Phillipps the xxvij dale of November 
1655 and desired itt maye be inrolled" ; and endorsed is, "inrolled before 
the Lord Protector in the Upper Bench att Westminster of the Tearme 
of Saint Michaell in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred 
fiftye and five." 

782 1658 April 20th. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor of Ashford, 

records that at a Court Baron of the Right Honorable Christian Countess 
of Devonshire held on the above date Richard Green and Elizabeth his 
wife, surrendered a close in Ashford called Williambridge, a close called 
Broadwoode, six roods of land lying on a furlong called Wollendale 
between the lands of the lady and John Greaves, half an acre of land 
lying on a furlong called " beside Wennybanke," to the use of Samuel 
Wright, who was admitted tenant. Wm Nicholson, steward. Vellum : 
one skin 9X4. 

467 1658 April 24th. Indenture of Settlement (Engl.) on the marriage of 

William Throop of Sickhouse in the parish of Norton carpenter and 
Katherin Stringfellow of Woodsettes in the same parish widow, by the 
said Katherin, on herself for life, with remainder to her intended husband 
for life ; with remainder to her son Henry Stringfellow, he paying £40 
to his sister Katherine Stringfellow the daughter of the settlor. The 
property settled was leasehold for 800 years, created by indenture of lease 


dated the 25th September 10 EUzabeth ; and was one whole and entire 
third part of a messuage, farm or tenement called Holmehirst situate m 
Woodsettes dale, with five closes of land ; the trustees were John Downes 
of Sheffield cutler and Thomas Parker of Heeley linen weaver ; in the 
recital of the lease and the operative part of the settlement the following 
further names of persons and places occur ; namely, Edmund West then 
late of Darley Abbey esquire deceased, John Lowe then late of Wood- 
settes carpenter deceased, Barkehouse Feild, Kilnefeild, Wheatcrofte, 
Birkin Feild, Heald. Witnesses : John Shemeld, James Lee. Vellum : 
one skin 27 X 8^, one seal missing, the other may be armorial. Notes : 
this settlement was evidently executed in duplicate and the trustees 
executed this part. 

419 1658(-9) February 1st. Deed of Bargain and Sale (Engl.) from Abell 

Tilley of Chesterfelde tanner to Anne White of Chesterfeld widow, 
of two "lands " of meadow and pasture on the Lady Meadowe, containing 
half an acre, and lying between the lands of " the late dissolved Guilds " 
and of the heirs of Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury, and abutting on the 
river called Fulbrook and on a way leading from Chesterfeld to Calow, 
which lands were then or late in the tenure of Abell Tilley. The con- 
sideration was ^"12. Witnesses : Robert Peace, Martine Alsoppe, John 
White, J. Humfrey Pettie. Vellum: one skin 24 X 12, seal missing. 

773 16S8(-9) March 9th. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor of 

Ashford, records that at a Small Court of the Right Honorable Christian 
Countess of Devonshire held on the above date, Henry Harrison and 
Grace his wife surrendered a close in Sheldon lying on a certain furlong 
called Longlands, to the use of John Tayler who was admitted tenant. 
Wm Nicholson, steward. Vellum : one skin 9X3. 

775 1658(-9) March 9th. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of 

Ashford, records that at a Small Court of the Right Honorable Christian 
Countess of Devonshire held on the above date, John Tayler surrendered 
a close in Sheldon, lying on a certain furlong etc (as in number 773) to 
the use of Mary Tayler his wife, who was admitted tenant. Wm Nichol- 
son, steward. Vellum : one skin 9i X 3. 

478 1660(-1) February 22nd, in the 13th year of Charles H. Bond (Lat. 

and Engl.) of John Braylesford of Swarson co Derby gent, Tymothy 
Braylesford of Mansfeild Woodhouse co Nott gent, Nathaniell Brayles- 
ford of Stretton co Derby gent and Roger Mollineux of Teversall co 
Nott esquire in the sum of /230, to secure to Robert Stringfellow of 
Chesterfield co Derby lead merchant, the performance of certain covenants 


in an indenture of bargain and sale of even date and made between the 
same parties. Witnesses : Richard East, George Ashe, Anthony Poole 
. . . Mason, Cor Swillivan, Tho Gladwin, Math Bate, Thomas 
East, John Senior, Thomas Button, Anthony Wild. Vellum : one skin 
12 X 10, four seals missing. 

1662 June 11th, in the 14th year of Charles II. Indenture of Mortgage 

(Engl.) from John Bate of Jurdenthorpe within Norton co Derby yeoman 
to William Bullok of Norton esquire, of four cottages in Jurdenthorpe 
aforesaid, then in the occupation of George Knuttall, John Greene, John 
Bingham and Robert Wilson ; to secure ;^55 and interest. The covenant 
for title refers to Sarah wife of the said John Bate. Witnesses : Richard 
Bullok, Willm Buck, Robert Wilson, Jo Erode. Vellum : one skin 
23 X 12, seal broken and obscure. 

1662 June Uth, in the 14th year of Charles II. Indenture of Mortgage 
(Engl.) from John Bate of Jurdenthorpe in the parish of Norton co Derby 
gentleman to William Bullok of Norton aforesaid esquire, of a messuage 
called Jurdenthorpe, and five closes called Netherfeild, Quarry Field, 
Broome Field, Kilne Croft and Ashes to secure ^103 and interest; the 
covenant for title includes Sarah then wife of John Bate ; and the money 
was to be repaid by half yearly instalments of £\ 16s Od, all set out in 
detail. Witnesses : Richard Bullok, Willm Buck, Robert Wilson, Jo 
Erode. Vellum : one skin 26X 16, seal obscure. 

1662 June 11th, in the year (not given) of Charles II. Bond (Lat. and 
Engl.) from John Bate of Jurdenthorpe in the parish of Norton co Derby 
yeoman to William Bullok of Norton esquire in /^320, to perform 
covenants contained in two indentures of bargain and sale of even date. 
Witnesses: Richard Bullok, William Buck, Robert Wilton, Jo Erode. 
Vellum : one skin 9i X 54, seal non-armorial. Notes : see number 356. 

1662 June 11th, in the year (not given) of Charles II. Bond (Lat. and 
Engl.) from John Bate of Jurdenthorpe co Derby yeoman, to William 
Bullocke of Norton esquire in ;^110, to perform covenants in two 
indentures of bargain and sale of even date. Witnesses : Richard 
Bullok, William Buck, Richard Wilton and Jo Erode. Vellum : one 
skin 94 X 6, one seal, non-armorial. Notes : see number 354. 

1662 October 6th, in the 14th year of Charles II. Deed of Bargain 
and Sale (Engl.) from WiUiam Bullok of Norton co Derby esquire to 
Nichollas (sic) Stones of Himsworth in Norton lead merchant, of all and all 
" manner of tythes " of corn, sheaves and blade of corn, hay, " money for 


tythe," wool, lamb, woods, herbage etc belonging to the rectory of Norton, 

arising out of lands of him the said Nichollas Stones; namely, Blackstocks 

Old Storth, Litle Sowter Croft (formerly the inheritance of Edward 

Gill), land in Whisnow and Newfield (formerly the inheritance of Anthony 

Urton), a messuage in the occupation of Thomas Hudson and closes 

called Cockshutt Meadow, Junfield or Jimfield, Nether North Croft, Well 

Croft, Junfield Lane containing together about 44 acres, and all common 

of pasture and balks, in the ground of him the said Nichollas Stones 

theretofore enclosed in Whisnow and Newfield; and one encroachment 

made by the said Nichollas upon the waste at Maggerhae ; the said tythes 

being sometime parcel of the possessions of the then late dissolved 

monastery of Beauchief and since the dissolution were of John Bullok 

esquire deceased, father to the said William Bullok, and he obtained the 

same of the grant of Richard Robertes and George Tyte of London gents, 

by deed enrolled in Chancery, which said rectory was to be holden of 

His Majesty, as of the manor of East Greenwich co Kent, by fealty only, 

in free and common soccage, and not in capite nor by knights service. 

Witnesses : Fran (?) Barker, Joseph Stones, Sarah BuJlok, ]o Erode. 

Vellum : one skin 22X14-, seal broken. 

748 (1665-6) March 22nd, in the 18th year of Charles II. Copy of Court 

Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Ashford records, that at a Little Court Baron 
of the Noble Christiana Countess of Devon, Abraham Cowper and Anne 
his wife surrendered a messuage in Sheldon and a parcel of ground called 
a backside to the use of John Tailer and Mary his wife, who were admitted 
tenants. Wm Nicholson, steward. Vellum : one skin 9i X 4i. 

528 1666 April 6th, in the 18th year of Charles II. Indenture of Release 

(Engl.) from John Bate of Jordenthorpe in the parish of Norton co Derby 
yeoman to John Eroggatt of Hagg in the parish of Staveley co Derby 
gentleman (he being then in possession, under a lease for a year made 
between the same parties and dated two days before the release) of a 
messuage called Jordenthorpe and certain closes in Norton aforesaid, being 
the closes described in number 539. The covenants for title refer to 
John Bate deceased, late father, and Sarah then wife, of the said John 
Bate party thereto. Witnesses : Richard Bullok, Gervase Staynerod, 
Priscilla Frogat, John Hoole, Hugh Croft. Vellum: one skin 25ix 14, 
seal obscure. 

357 1666 April 6th, in the 18th year of Charles II. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from John Bate of Jordenthorpe in the parish of Norton co Derby 
yeoman to John Eroggatt of Hagg in the parish of Staveley gentleman 


in ;^400, to perform covenants contained in two indentures of even date. 
Witnesses : Richard BuUok, Gervase Staynerod, Priscilla Frogat, John 
Steele, Hugh Croft. Vellum : one skin 13^X74, one seal in paper. 

537 (1666) April 6th, in the 18th year of Charles II. Covenant (Engl.) from 
John Froggatt of Hagg in the parish of Staveley co Derby gentleman to 
John Bate of Jordenthorpe in the parish of Norton co Derby yeoman ; 
after reciting that John Bate had bargained and sold to John Froggatt by 
an indenture of even date, a messuage called Jordenthorpe, with five closes 
called Nether Feild, Quarry Feild, Broomefeild, Kilne Croft and Ashes, 
the deed states that John Froggatt covenanted that the indenture should 
be void if Jo Bate paid certain sums of money by 1669 ; see number 540. 
Witnesses : Richard Bulok (sic), Gervase Staynerod, Priscilla Frogat, 
John Steele. Vellum ; one skin 19 X 12i, one seal in paper. 

538 1666 April 6th, in the 18th year of Charles II. Indenture of Release 
(Engl.) from William Bullocke of Norton co Derby esquire to John 
Froggatt of Hagg in the parish of Staveley gent ; whereby, after reciting 
the lease for a year dated two days previous, the said William Bullocke 
granted and released to the said John Froggatt, a messuage called 
Jordenthorpe, 4 cottages and 5 closes (being the messuage, cottages 
and closes described in numbers 537 and 539). Witnesses : Richard 
BuUok, Gervase Stayndrod (?), Priscilla Frogat, John Hoole, Hugh 
Croft. Vellum : one skin 25 X 16, seal bears a shield. 

358 1666 April 6th, in the 18th year of Charles II. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from William Bullocke of Norton in the county of Derby esquire, to 
John Froggatt of Hagg in the parish of Staveley gentleman in ;£'400, to 
perform covenants contained in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : 
Richard Bullok, Gervase Staynerod, Priscilla Frogat, John Steele, Hugh 
Croft. Vellum : one skin 13i X 8, seal missing. 

686 and 684 1666 November 2nd, in the 18th year of Charles II. Indenture of 
Mortgage (Engl.), and counterpart, by John Parker of Little Norton 
CO Derby yeoman and William Parker his son and heir apparent to 
Thomas Burley of Greenhill gent, James Bate of Greenhill yeoman and 
John Bright of Banner Crosse yeoman, of both freehold and leasehold 
estates in Claylands in Norton, for the sum of £"60. The proviso for 
redemption says, that ;^63 12s Od is to be repaid on the 10th October 
following. Witnesses : Jo Dand, William Bate. Vellum : each one 
skin, the mortgage 20 X 22, two seals broken ; and the counterpart 20 X 21, 
two seals missing, one in good condition. Notes : there were two long 
terms in the Claylands see numbers 728, 713 and 715. 


657 1666 November 2nd, in the 18th year of Charles II. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from John Parker of Little Norton co Derby yeoman and William 
Parker his son yeoman to Thomas Barley of Greenhill gentleman and 
James Bate of Greenhill in the same county yeoman, and John Bright of 
Banner Crosse co York yeoman in ^"120, to perform covenants in two 
indentures of mortgage of even date. Witnesses : William Bate, John 
Dand. Vellum : one skin 13X8, two seals bearing a ship in full sail. 

723 1669 October 12th, in the 21st year of Charles II. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) by which John BuUok of Chatsworth co Derby gentleman 
covenanted to convey, on payment of ;^318, a messuage and lands in 
Beauchief co Derby to such person or persons as Sarah BuUok, widow of 
William Bullok late of Norton co Derby and John Otway of Gray's Inn 
CO Middlesex esquire should appoint ; they being the executors of the will 
of the said William Bullock. The deed of covenant recites, that John 
Morewood of Carrehouse in Greasbrough co York gentleman, by indenture 
of even date, at the request of the said Sarah Bullok granted and quit- 
claimed to the said John Bullock, the messuage and lands then lately sold 
by the said William Bullock and Edward Pegge esquires to the said John 
Morewood ; the property is fully described and the following names of 
persons and places occur; namely, widow Goddard, widow Sowby, 
Joseph Jackson, William Patricke, Woodsets, Holinehurst, William 
Goddard, William Bartyn, widow Anderton, William Brownell, Anthony 
Cartwright, Joseph Bartyn, John Bartyn, William Staniforth, Anthony 
Bartyn, William Russell, Richard Woodroofe, William Throope, Thomas 
Fletcher. Witnesses : William Simson, Thomas Burley. Vellum : one 
skin 18X 13, seal missing. 

542 1669(-70) January 15th, in the 21st year of Charles II. Indenture of 

Bargain and Sale (Engl.) made between John Bate of Magarhay in the 
parish of Norton co Derby yeoman and Cornelius Clarke of Norton 
aforesaid esquire ; whereby the said John Bate granted to the said 
Cornelius Clarke a messuage in Jordenthorpe in the parish of Norton 
aforesaid, then in the occupation of Rowland Parker, together with certain 
tithes of corn, grain, and hay ; the covenant for title includes Sarah the 
wife of the said John Bate. Witnesses : W Simson, Willm Newton, 
Samuell Turniley. Vellum : one skin 27 X 19j, seal in paper is probably 

666 and 668 (1669-70) March 21st, in the 22nd year of Charles II. Indenture of 
Settlement (Engl.), in duplicate, made between John Parker of Little 
Norton yeoman, and William Parker his son and heir apparent of the one 
part and Thomas Burton of Greenhill in the parish of Norton yeoman, and 


Robert Parkes of Knotcrosse in the parish of Ashover yeoman of the other 
part; whereby, after reciting the marriage, then already solemnised, between 
the said William Parker and Anne then his wife, daughter of Edward 
Parkes, of Higham in the parish of Shorlands co Derby yeoman, they vested 
certain messuages, lands, etc at Little Norton, in the said Thomas Burton, 
and Robert Parkes, upon the trusts therein mentioned. The following 
fieldnames occur in the description of the settled property ; namely, 
Wallstorth, Longstorth, Thistlestorth, Broomestorth, Pigmanstorth, 
Roundstorth, Hoolestorth, Littlefield, Great Meadowe, Holow Meadowe 
and Lowedge. Witnesses : Edward Parker, Ben Clarke, Jo Hawdon. 
Vellum: each part one skin 24X11, several seals in good condition 
probably not armorial. Notes : this settlement contains much information 
respecting the Parkers of Little Norton, and there is a very full description 
of the house and its outbuildings. 

667 167l(-2) February 12th. Indenture of Lease (Engl.) from William 

Parker of Little Norton yeoman to Cornelius Clarke of Great Norton, co 
Derby esquire, of a dwellinghouse in or near Little Norton, then occupied 
by Mary Thorneley, with a croft adjoining ; for the life of William Parker, 
in consideration of the sum of ;^12. Witnesses : Anthony Poynton, 
William Biggin, Ben Clarke. Vellum : one skin 20 X 9, seal missing. 

683 1671 (-2) March 6th. Assignment (Engl.) of a mortgage of Clay Lands 

Little Norton, by Thomas Burley of Greenhill, James Bate of Greenhill 
and John Bright of Banner Crosse to Cornelius Clarke of Norton esquire. 
The mortgage, dated 2nd November in the 18th year of Charles II (1666), 
is recited. Witnesses : Ben Nevile, Edward Gellit. Vellum : one skin 
21 X 12, two seals, large balls of red wax, bear the letters J.B. 

675 1671 the morrow of Trinity Day (18th June), in the 23rd year of 

Charles II. Final Concord (Lat.) between Thomas Burley, Robert 
Parkes and George Nestwidge (?) plaintiffs and John Parker, William 
Parker, Francis Granger and Grace his wife and William Shawe and 
Margaret his wife deforciants; whereby, in consideration of ;^100, the 
latter quit claimed to the former 2 houses, 2 barns, 2 gardens, 20 acres of 
land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and common of pasture for 
all animals, in Norton, Little Norton, and Higham. Vellum : one skin 
18* X 7. 

681 1671 (or 1672) December lOth. Indenture of Bargain and Sale 

(Engl.), whereby John and William Parker of Little Norton co Derby 
yeomen, in consideration of £6i, granted to Cornelius Clarke of Great 
Norton esquire, a close called the Clay Lands near Little Norton, 


containing three acres. Witnesses : Ben Nevile, John Dixon. Vellum : 
one skin 22x 16, two seals in good condition, not armorial. Notes: the 
year anno domini, stated in words at the beginning, is 1571, but the figures 
at the end are 1672. 

361 1672 April 13th, in the 24th year of Charles II. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Ashford, records that at a Great Court Baron of 
Christiana Countess of Devon held on the above date, John Greaves and 
William Greaves his son surrendered a close called Middle Close, 
containing 6 rods, in Ashford to the use of Samuel Wright, who was 
admitted tenant. Wm Nicholson steward. Vellum : one skin 10 X 3. 

569 1672 May 30th, in the 24th year of Charles II. Indenture of Agreement 

(Engl.) for a marriage settlement, between Thomas Brailesford of Heignor 
alias Heinor in the parish of Hault Hucknall co Derby gentleman and 
Phoebe his wife of the one part and John Stuffyn junior of Hopton 
gentleman and Henry Brailesford of Doncaster gentleman of the other 
part. The parties of the first part covenanted to convey to the parties of 
second part by fine, certain messuages and lands in Chesterfield and 
Newbold, the dower of Phoebe Brailesford ; and other messuages and lands 
in Heignor. The former were to be sold by them to pay a debt due to 
German Pole of Radborne co Derby gentleman and to revoke a lease 
made to him given as security by Thomas Brailesford on the Heinor lands 
and dated April 13th 20 Charles II, in consideration of which the Heinor 
lands were to be settled on Thomas and Phoebe with certain reversions to 
the latter. The properties are fully described and the following names 
occur in connection with the Heinor property ; namely, Penelope Brailes- 
ford widow, Robert Parsons, Pitt Fields, Narr Pittfield, Broome Pittfield, 
Broad Pittfield, Little Pittfield, Long Pittfield, Broad Meadow, Oat Close; 
and in connection with the Chesterfield and Newbolt properties, Henry 
Ward, James Lunne, Coate Closes, Butts, Crabtree Closes. Witnesses : 
Ja Webster, Geo White, Will Newton, Will Newton junior. 

669 1672 August 20th, in the 24th year of Charles II. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from William Parker of Little Norton yeoman and Anne his wife 
to James Bate of Greenhill, of a close called Lowigg, containing 62 acres ; 
also a close called the Greate Meadow containing 5 acres 3 roods ; also 
a close called Hollow Meadow, containing 2 acres 2 roods, all situate in 
Norton and Greenhill ; for eight years, at a peppercorn rent, and in 
consideration of a fine of ;f 67. Witnesses : Jo Dand, Thomas Barton, 
Richard Marsh. Vellum: one skin 24X12, seals missing. Notes: a 
memorandum endorsed, in a hand of later date, describes this deed as a 


1672 December 10th, in the 24th year of Charles II. Indenture of 
Assignment (Engl.) from John Parker of Little Norton co Derby 
yeoman to Cornelius Clarke of Norton esquire, of parts of closes called 
the Claylands in Norton, for the residue of two several terms of 700 
years and 500 respectively, created by two indentures of lease dated 
respectively the 7th March, in the 31st year of Elizabeth (1588-9), made 
between John Parker and Anthony Blyth ; and the 21st January, in the 
34th year of Elizabeth (1591-2), made between John Bulloke of Darley 
and James Bulloke of Greenhill ; the consideration for the assignment 
being £l8. Witnesses : Ben Nevile, Ben Clarke, Arthur Dennis. 
Vellum: one skin 24 X 17, seal missing. Notes: see numbers 728, 713 
and 715. 

1674 November 18th, in the 26th year of Charles I. Surrender and 
Admittance (Lat.), extracted from the court roll of the manor of 
Eckington, at a Court Baron of the Most Noble John Lord Frescheville 
held on the above date, when Zacharia Roper of Troway in the parish of 
Eckington co Derby yeoman and Elizabeth his wife, James Milnes 
of Chesterfeild in the said county ironmonger and Richard Milnes of 
Chesterfeild aforesaid tanner, surrendered into the hands of the lord 
according to the custom, all those messuages, buildings, orchards, gardens 
aud lands, with the appurtences, situate in Troway aforesaid or elsewhere 
in the manor of Eckington, then or then late in the occupation of the 
said Zacharia Roper, to the use of Roger Lee gentleman for ever, for 
rents and services thenceforth due and of right accustomed ; to hold the 
same to the said Roger Lee in manner and form aforesaid. He gave to 
the lord a fine on entry of 18s 8d, did fealty, and was admitted tenant. 
Then follow particulars of a common recovery in the said Court Baron 
in favour of Joseph Stones gentleman and Ralph Anderton, who then 
surrendered the same property to the use of the said Roger Lee. 
Extracted by Robert Milward the steward. Vellum: one skin 18X17. 
Notes : John Gregory the bailiff delivered seisin. 

(1677-8) ? February 12th, in the 30th year of Charles II (?) Writ (Lat.) 
to the sheriff of Derby requiring the presence of Robert Torr of 
Castleton gentleman, Michael Heathcoat of Buxton gentleman, Mark 
Trickett of Ringstones gentleman, George Thornhill of Warmebrooke 
gentleman, Ralph Glossop of OfFerton gentleman, William Wilson of 
Eyam gentleman, Edward Woodhead of Clowne gentleman, William 
Cartledge of Cold Aston, William Outram of Stumblingstreete, Thomas 
Creswicke of Hackenthorpe, John Wright of Dronfeild, Edward Feme 
of Bonsall gentleman, William Dodds of Brassington, Henry Spencer of 
Middleton near Wirksworth, Adam Woolley of Matlocke, Francis Burton 


of Linton, Thomas Smith of Newton Solney, John Jenkinson of 
Compton, Thomas Sharpe of Barrowe on Trent, Joseph Radford of 
Horsley Woodhouse, Robert Fletcher of Kilbourne, Robert Alt 
of Brailsfrord, George Stone of Boylston, and John Hudson of Spoonton, 
to appear as jurors at the assizes at Derby, Monday 12th March in the 
action Thomas Bright gentleman v. John Eyre, in a plea of debt. 
Vellum: one skin 11^X2. 

572 1678 June 10th, in the 30th year of Charles II. Indenture of 

Agreement (Engl.), declaring the uses of a fine, between Thomas Trickett 
of Cold Aston Moreside in the parish of Dronfeild co Derby felmonger 
and Anne his wife, and Joseph Bradbury of Gleadlesse in the parish of 
Handsworth co York sheather of the one part, and Richard Woodrove 
of Woodthorpe in the parish of Handsworth yeoman of the other part. 
The parties of the first part agreed to convey by fine to the parties of the 
second part, a moiety of two messuages and two cottages at Aston 
alias Cold Aston, in the occupation of Thomas Trickett, William 
Woodhouse, John Banes and Godfrey Haslam, and of certain closes 
called " the close under the Hill," Broom Hill, Bents, Stanifeilds, 
Hallows, Easte Hill Flatt, Greate Close under the Hill, and Little 
Hallows, to the use of Thomas Trickett and Anne his wife during the 
life of the latter, and after her death one moiety of the said moiety to 
the use of Thomas Trickett and his heirs, and the other moiety to the use 
of Joseph Bradbury and his heirs. Witnesses : Edward Wood, James 
Hoole, James Lee. Vellum : one skin 21 X 11, large seal in paper. 

407 (1678-9) January 3rd, in the 31st year of Charles II. Copy of Court 

Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Ashford, records that at a Little Court 
Baron of the Right Honorable William Earl of Devon held on the 
above date, John Mellor surrendered a close called Stadford, lying 
between lands of Cornelius Dickens and Henry Harryson, to the use of 
Robert Hodgkinson who was admitted tenant. Thomas Bagshawe, 
steward. Vellum: one skin 11X8. 

416 1679 October 24th, in the 31st year of Charles II. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from Roger Molineux of London esquire to Richard Youle of 
Chesterfield co Derby gent, of a close in Boythorpe in the parish 
of Chesterfield, called Shawe Lowe ; containing nine acres, with all 
advantages and appurtenances, except all oak, ash, elm, and other timber 
trees, for the term of twenty one years, at the yearly rent of ^"7 5s Od, 
and subject to covenants. Witnesses: George Shawe, Sarah Phillips, 
Ann Phillips. Vellum: one skin 19X14, seal in paper, obscure. 
Notes : the date has been altered at the head of the deed, but not at 
the foot. 


770 (1680-1) February 12th, in the 33rd year of Charles II. Copy of Court 

Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Ashford, records that at a Little Court Baron 
of the Right Honourable William Earl of Devon, held on the above date, 
John Taylor, by Roger Vale and John Mellor his attorneys, surrendered 
a croft lying between the manor-house of the said John Tealor (sic), the 
land of the heirs of John Cowper, the land of George Heaword, together 
with a road for cattle to the east of the manor-house, to the use of Robert 
Hodgkinson who was admitted tenant. Thomas Bagshawe, steward. 
Vellum: one skin 12X4. 

802 1681 March 26th, in the 33rd year of Charles I. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Ashford, records that at a Little Court Baron of 
the Right Honorable William Earl of Devon, held on the above date, 
John Wright surrendered a parcel of land called a Pingle, lying in the 
place called Meadowes End on the east of the manor, to the use of 
Samuel Wright, who was admitted tenant. Thomas Bagshaw, steward. 
Vellum : one skin 9 X 5^. 

712 1682 November 22nd, in the 34th year of Charles II. Post Nuptial 

Settlement (Engl.) by Revell Copley of Cold Aston in the parish of 
Dronfield co Derby gentleman, of a messuage in Cold Aston, then in 
his possession ; and several closes in Cold Aston called Upper Bentley, 
Narr Bentley, Far Cote Close, Spring Close, Spring, Crab Tree Meadow, 
Hen Peppers Dole, Knights Flatt, Toft, and Croft, on his wife Hannah for 
a competent jointure in lieu of dower. The trustees Francis Barker of 
Norton Lees esquire and Henry Bright the younger of Whyrlow in the 
parish of Sheffield gentleman, to whom the property was conveyed, were 
to hold it in trust for the settlor for life ; and after his death for his wife 
Hannah for life ; and after the decease of the survivor, for their heirs ; 
and in default, for the right heirs of the settlor. Witnesses : Geo 
Heathcoate, John Hallet, Jonathan . . . boatham, Robert Ashton. 
Vellum: one skin 27X18, two seals in paper, obscure. 

692 1683(-4) March 24th, in the 36th year of Charles II. Indenture of 

Lease (Engl.) from Ann Parker of Little Norton widow to William 
Parker the younger of Jordanthorpe in the parish of Norton husbandman, 
of the hall or firehouse of the mansion or messuage-house of William 
Parker yeoman then deceased, late husband of the said Ann Parker, in 
Little Norton aforesaid ; excepting way and passage to and for Edward 
Parker son and heir apparent of the said William Parker late owner 
thereof, when the said Edward Parker and his family should thereafter 
have occasion to make use thereof ; that was to say, by, over, and 
through the said hall or firehouse, to and from the new parlour and kitchen 


there, with the entry leading into the said hall or firehouse and the 
parlour, on the southside of the hall ; the chambers over the hall, parlour 
and entry, and the milkhouse and buttery adjoining to the said hall ; the 
moiety of the stable, standing on the southside of the " fould," the moiety 
of the kitchen, the moiety of the " threshing floare " of the barn, and 
the moiety of the fouldes, curtlages, gardens etc ; for a term of twenty one 
years, at a yearly rent of ;^19 10s Od. Covenant by Ann Parker to allow 
all military taxes, such as might be levied upon the said demised 
premises by act of parliamant, for the use and service of His Majesty; 
and also to defray her part of the charge of finding a foot soldier in 
arms and pay, at the respective musters, during the said term ; and also 
to pay her proportion of the chief rent charged upon the demised 
premises. Witnesses : Robert Parker, James Bate, William Bull. 
Vellum: two skins, one 17X15, the other 14|x8; one seal in paper 
with no impression. Notes : for firehouse see number 591, the field-names 
there mentioned also occur in this lease. 

781 1687 October 12th, in the 3rd year of James II. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Ashford, records that at a View of Frankpledge 
with Court Baron held on the above date, Robert Hodgkinson surrendered 
a dwellinghouse, a barn of two bays, 16 by 4 yards of land then in the 
tenure of Roland Bradbury, a close called Edge Peeches lying between 
the land of John Cooper and William Barker, and a parcel of land called 
the Dale Land lying between Hades, leading to Meane Shacklow and 
Houndseates with appurtenances in Sheldon, to the use of Robert 
Hodgkinson for life, with remainder as directed by the latter's will. 
Thomas Bagshawe steward. Vellum : one skin 8^ X 7. 

625 and 627 1688 March 29th and 30th, in the 4th year of James II. Indentures of 
Lease and Release (Engl.) between Edward Haigh of Thornehill co 
Derby gentleman and Joseph Haigh his son and heir apparent of the one 
part and Richard Torr of Castleton co Derby gentlemen of the other part ; 
whereby the said Edward and Joseph Haigh granted, enfeoffed and 
confirmed unto the said Richard Torr, four messuages in Castleton with 
lands, fully described ; in the description of which the following names of 
persons and places occur ; namely, Edmund Hall, John Barber, The Yard, 
John Dakeyne of Castleton yeoman. The Acre lying by the Town Ditch 
of Castleton, Robert Dakeyne of Castleton yeoman, Rowland Eyre of 
Hassoppe esquire, Cornicroft, Anne Pointon of Castleton widow, Banke, 
William Eyre of Highlow esquire, Benjamin Ashton of Hathersedge 
gentleman, parish church of Castleton, Beanhill End, Edward Bennett of 
Castleton yeoman, Henry Slacke of Castleton blacksmith, Spittlecrosse, 
Willowbush, Cunningree End, Harpur Lands, Gospell Knowle, Furlonge, 


Christopher Stavely of Castleton gentleman, Howesitch Tongue, Robert 
Hall of Castleton yeoman, Thomas Gascoigne of Barnebowe co York 
esquire, Robinlandes, William Mills of Castleton taylor. Further Shutt 
End, Sarah Mellor of Pointon co Chester widow, Silcocke, John Timme 
the younger of Loosehill yeoman, Francis Barber of Castleton yeoman, 
John Moorewood of Offerton co Derby esquire, Henry Eyre of Castleton 
yeoman. Over Shutt, Ellis Howe of Castleton yeoman. Well Landes, 
Kilne Landes, John Tymme the elder of Loosehill yeoman, Wymeing 
Feild, Arkehill Carr, The Hole, Burndend, Neather Hallom Pingle, 
Nicholas Kirke of Loosehill yeoman, Mamsitch Feild, Edale, Hacbutts, 
Greetylands, Humphrey Barber of Castleton yeoman, Long Lands 
in Mamsitch Feild, Neather Gorbroodes, New Hall Barn, Old Kill, 
New Hall Orchard, Jumboe Close, Highbrinke, John Hall of Castleton 
gentleman, Roger Hall of Castleton yeoman, Crookedrood and Cowesitch. 
The covenants are lengthy and the covenant for title refers to a deed 
of 30 Charles II, to which Edmund Hall the elder of Hollins, Castleton 
was a party. Witnesses : Tho Legh, Chr Staveley, Charles Baker, 
Tho Charlesworth, Char Potts. Vellum : the lease two skins 32 x 30 
and 32X5 and the release two skins 32X30 and 32X17, two seals 
bear the buglehorn between three heraldic roses. 

1688 March 30th, in the 4th year of James II. Receipt (Engl.) of 
Edward Haigh of Thornhill co Derby gentleman for ;^620, from Richard 
Torr of Castleton gentleman, being the price -of messuages etc mentioned 
in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : Tho Legh, Chr Staveley, 
Charles Baker, Tho Charlesworth, Char Potts. Vellum : one skin 14 x 7, 
one seal, armorial, a buglehorn between three heraldic roses. 

1688 March 30th, in the 4th year of James II. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 
from Edward Haigh of Thornhill co Derby gentleman and Joseph Haigh 
his son and heir to Richard Torr of Castleton gentleman in ;^1240, 
to perform covenants in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : 
Tho Leigh, Chr Staveley, Charles Baker, Tho Charlesworth, Char Potts. 
Vellum: one skin 13^X7, two seals armorial, a buglehorn between 
three heraldic roses. 

1688 December 3rd, in the 4th year of James II. Indenture of Lease 
(Engl.) from Henry Duke of Newcastle to Richard Youle of Chesterfield 
CO Derby gentleman, of two closes of land called Great Horse Croft 
and Little Horse Croft containing 9a 2r 20p ; and also a piece of land, 
whereon formerly stood a house called Lockesmith's House containing 
14 perches ; and also four lands lying by Lady Meadowsyde, all which 
were part of Spittle Farm in the parish of Chesterfield ; and also a 


dole, containing 3a 12p in a place called Espland, within the hamlet 
called Hasland in the parish of Chesterfield; also two doles of land 
called Little ... in Hasland, and a dole of land in Watts Lane 
in the manor of Newbould aforesaid (reserving timber) ; for the term of 
twenty one years, at the yearly rent of ;^16 12s Od, payable halfyearly. 
Witnesses: Thomas Farr, Caroline Farr. Vellum: one skin 26X15, 
the fold at the foot with seals and signatures, having been cut off, 
probably for cancellation. 

540 (1688-9) March 10th. Indenture of Barg:ain and Sale (Engl.) from 

John Froggatt of Hagge in the parish of Stavely co Derby gentleman 
to Cornelius Clarke of Norton co Derby esquire, terminating a mortgage 
on payment by the latter of ^200. The deed recites (l) an indenture of 
bargain and sale with power of redemption, 11th June 1662, from Jo 
Bate of Jordenthorpe to William Bullocke, of a messuage, 5 closes, 
4 cottages and appurtenances in Jordenthorpe ; (2) an indenture of 
bargain and sale . . . April 1666, from William Bullocke to Jo 
Froggatt of the same premises for six months, to enable the latter to take 
a grant of the reversion and inheritance ; (3) an indenture of bargain 
and sale April 1666 from Jo Bate to Jo Froggatt of the same premises; 
(4) an indenture of agreement, 6th April 1666, from Jo Froggatt to Jo 
Bate, whereby the former covenanted to reinvest the latter in the same 
premises, on payment of ;^200 before 6th April. Witnesses : William 
Frogatt, Ben Clarke. Vellum : one skin 24 X 11, small seal in black wax. 

524 and 525 1689 September (?), in the 4th year of James II. Pinal Concord two 

parts (Lat.) between Richard Torr plaintiff and Edward Haighe and 
Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Haighe, Robert Dakeyne and Ann his wife, 
John Hall and Susanna his wife, Stephan Hall, John Stayley and 
Elizabeth his wife deforciants; whereby, in consideration of ;^100, the 
latter quitclaimed to the former 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 15 acres of 
land, 10 acres of meadow, and 20 acres of pasture in the parish of 
Castleton. Vellum: both skins 18 X 7. Notes: the month is uncertain. 

436 1691 December 10th. Portion of a Lease (Engl.) for 21 years by 

William Earl of Devonshire to Thomas Does and Godfrey Oven, of two 
parcels of land (copyhold ?) in Chesterfield, then in their occupation, in 
consideration of a fine of £i and a yearly rent of ;^4. Signed Devonshire. 
Witnesses : John Bullok, Christian Becker, Sol Heathcote. Vellum : 
one skin 14 X 10, armorial seal on fold. 

483 and 575 1693 April 14th and 15th, in the 5th year of William and Mary. Inden- 
tures of Lease and Release (Engl.) made between John Glossop of 
Hackenthorpe in the parish of Beighton co Derby yeoman of the 1st part. 


Heory Lowe of Whittington co Derby yeoman, John Smith of Handley in 
the parish of Staveley co Derby yeoman and Henry Smith son and heir 
apparent of the said John Smith of the 2nd part and Francis Glossop of 
Handley aforesaid nephew of the said John Glossop, and Elizabeth Smith 
daughter of the said John Smith of the 3rd part; after reciting an intended 
marriage between the said Francis Glossop and Elizabeth Smith, the said 
John Glossop granted a moiety of a messuage in Hackenthorpe aforesaid, 
wherein he the said John Glossop and Thomas Creswicke then dwelt ; and 
certain closes etc, described as Little Croft adjoining the messuage. Hill- 
field, Cliffe, Longsicke, Spring Close, Springwood, Narr, Middle and Farr 
Underdelle, containing in the whole 18 acres, unto the said Henry Lowe, 
John Smith and Henry Smith to the uses following ; namely to the said 
John Glossop until the marriage, and after his decease (sic), then to the 
said Francis and Elizabeth for their lives, and the life of the survivor of 
them; and after the decease of the survivor, then to the heirs of their 
bodies ; and in default of such issue, to the use of the heirs of the body of 
the said Francis ; and in default for his right heirs for ever. Vellum : 
each one skin, the lease 24X9 and the release 25X17; seals missing. 
Notes : the words " Paul Smith 1741 " are endorsed on the lease, and the 
attestation is not completed. 

1693 October 2nd, in the 5th year of William and Mary. Assig^nment 
(Engl.) from Rowland Parker of Norton co Derby yeoman to John Parker 
his son and heir apparent, of a messuage, lands etc in Greenehill and 
Woodseates in the parish of Norton containing 35 acres or thereabouts, 
then in the possession of the said Rowland and John Parker, all which 
premises were theretofore the property of Elizabeth, then late wife of the 
said Rowland ; and were then of the yearly value of £2^, for the residue 
of a term of 800 years, created by an indenture of lease dated about the 
10th year of Elizabeth, and subject to the payment of certain rents therein 
mentioned. It was part of the consideration, that the said John Parker 
should pay unto several persons mentioned in a schedule annexed to the 
assignment certain sums of money, of the amounts and at the times therein 
stated; namely, to Henry Brownehill £b; to John Willson ;^10; to Joseph 
Smith £\ ; to Mr Thomas Marriott £\ 10s Od ; to George Booth £2 ; to 
Mrs Sarah Bullock £i ; to Thomas Bullock ^'5 ; to Mrs Burley ;^35 10s Od ; 
a debt due from Rowland Parker to his children ;^20 ; to Rowland 
Parker's three younger children ^10 apiece, to be paid before the end of 
the year 1697. Witnesses: . . . Dand, Thos Burley, Tho Calton. 
Vellum : three skins, the first 26X 11, the second 25^ X 6, and the schedule 
8x7, seal broken and obscure. 


674 1693 December 6th, in the 5th year of William and Mary. Indenture 

of Lease (Engl.) from Revell Copley of Dronfield co Derby gentleman to 
John Swift of Coldaston co Derby husbandman, of a messuage in Coldaston 
and all those 18 closes or parcels of enclosed ground, be the same 
arable, meadow or pasture in Coldaston, commonly called or known by 
the several names of Far Batesmore, Middle Batesmore, Meadow Bates- 
more, Broomaly, Close Underbill, Westfield, Claybutts, Crabtree Meadowe, 
Hen Peppers, Nar Bently, Farr Bently, Farr Coate Close, Narr Coate 
Close, Little Spring, Middle Spring, Springfield, Springe, Crofte, containing 
together 72 acres and 2 roods, then in the occupation of John Swift ; from 
the 25th March then last past, for a term of twenty one years, at a yearly 
rent of ;^34 5s Od. Lessee's covenants, as to the repair of the buildings 
and the cultivation of the farm. Witnesses : Jo Dand, Ben Nevill, Jonas 
Calton. Paper: two sheets fastened at foot 16X18, the small seal of 
red wax bears a shield, possibly argent, a saltire vaire or fleury, between 
four crosses patee. Notes : this is evidently a counterpart, signed by the 
lessee. A memorandum endorsed, provides that the lessor and his hairs, but 
not his assignes, should have full ingress and egress to go and make use 
of a chamber over the old parlour at the east end of the messuage, during 
the term of the lease. 

672 1695 November 20th, in the 7th year of William III. Indenture of 

Lease (Engl.) from Edward Parker of Sutton Coldfield co Warwick gent 
to William Parker of Little Norton co Derby yeoman, of a messuage or 
tenement with all outbuildings etc and appurtenances, situate in Little 
Norton, then in the occupation of the said William Parker ; and all the 
closes, crofts, pastures, meadows or mowing ground, coppice, wood etc, 
and hereditaments occupied therewith ; and also a cottage, croft, orchard 
etc in Little Norton, then in the occupation of Joseph Parker ; reserving 
timber, with the right to enter with horses, oxen, carts, waines, and other 
carriages ; and " to fall, cutt down, stockup, saw, coard, coale, make saw- 
pi tts, get turfe and soile for coaleing, worke up, take and carry away " etc; 
not hurting standing corn or mowing grass, leaving nevertheless sufficient 
wood and tynsell for the necessary repairs of the demised premises ; for 
seven years from the 25th March then next, at a yearly rent of ;£"40 10s Od. 
The covenants contain (inter alia) one by the lessor, to pay the duty for 
such part of the said premises as were held of the manor of Tickill. 
Witnesses : Joseph Ranby, Fran Parkes. Vellum ; one skin 24X 18, the 
small seal of red wax bears a dragon rampant. Notes : this lease would 
expire 25th March 1703, and on its expiration the lessor granted a lease of 
the same premises, at the same rent, for fourteen years to Joshua Calton, 
see number 670. Tynsell is an obsolete word meaning brushwood for 
fencing. See Oxford Dictionary, also number 670 where the word is spelt 


637 (1698) September 1st, in the 10th year of WilHam III. Indenture ol 

Bargain and Sale (Engl.) between Henry Bright of Whirlow co York 
gent and Dorothy his wife of the 1st part, Robert Ashton of Brad way co 
Derby esquire and Charles Ashton clerk, trustees of the marriage settle- 
ment of the said Henry Bright and Dorothy daughter of the said Robert 
Ashton of the 2nd part and Robert Offley of Norton co Derby gentleman 
of the third part. The object of this deed was to settle an action brought 
by Robert Offley, a mortgagee of the settled estates of the Bright family, 
for repayment of his mortgage debt ; the arrangement being that he should 
take a conveyance of part of the mortgaged property in final settlement of 
his claim. The recitals set out the facts, and the operative part transfers 
part of the mortgaged property to the mortgagee. In the recitals and 
parcels the following names of persons and places occur ; namely, 
Cornelius Gierke then late of Norton esquire deceased, Revell Copley and 
Hannah his wife, Benjamin Eyre and Gartrude his wife (Hannah and 
Gartrude sisters of Henry Bright), Denis Nevile, Thomas Bright gent 
deceased, Henry Bright the grandfather, Henry Bright the father. Full- 
wood, Ecclesall, Sheffield, Dronfield, Ecclesall Bierley, Rose Fields, 
Jonathan Woolhouse, Robert Blackden, Graystones CliiFe, Dead Lane, 
Mayhouse in Fullwood, Upper Field, Nether Field, Upper Spring, 
Nether Spring, Upper Meadow, Nether Meadow, Dovehouse and a pingle 
thereto in Ecclesall, John Dale, Nether House in Fullwood, Smithy Yard, 
Smithy Croft, Over Dove Field, Edward Dale, Heend-acre, Little 
Meadow, Wood Close in Fullwood, Goosegreene in Ecclesall, Lyme 
Lands in Fullwood, Thomas Taylor. Vellum: one skin 33 X 24. Notes: 
the deed bears no signatures, no seals, and no attestation clause, but there 
are two impressed stamps of sixpence each. 

568 1669 September 15th, in the 11th year of William III. Indenture of 

Lease (Engl.) from William Duke of Devonshire to Henry Smith in the 
parish of Staveley co Derby yeoman, of the customary " dutyes " and 
customary rights and profits of the lead mines, commonly called The Lott 
and Cope ; and all the meerdishes, lords meeres, primgaps, oddyards, and 
forfeited pieces of ground, arising and coming from the lead mines within the 
liberties, townes, villages, places and hamlets of Ashford, Eaddington, 
Chelmarton, Flagg, Monyash, Over Haddon, Brushfield, Mornisdale alias 
Little Longston in the parish of Bakewell co Derby ; the which, his Grace 
was entitled unto by demise or grant under the Crown ; also all and singular 
his " tyth oar," growing due from time to time within the said towns, vil- 
lages etc ; and also two thirds of the "tyth oar" of and within the lordship 
of Bakewell, to which he was entitled in his own right, for a term of two 
years from the 29th September 1699, at a yearly rent of £r200 payable 
halfyearly. Covenants by the lessee include a covenant to pay all 


extraordinary taxes etc. Witnesses : Tho Bagshaw, Wm Grosvenor, Tho 
Matthew. Vellum: one skin 22X21, the seal of Devonshire bears two 
serpents intertwined, with a motto below a crown. Notes : endorsed is a 
consent by the Duke, to Henry Smith assigning the premises demised, 
subject to the conditions of the lease. 

670 1703(-4) January 7th, in the 2nd year of Ann. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from Edward Parker of Sutton Coldfield co Warwick gent to 
Joshua Calton of Little Norton co Derby yeoman, of a messuage with 
numerous outbuildings and appurtenances in Little Norton, then in the 
occupation of the said Joshua Calton, with certain closes etc occupied 
therewith and a cottage, croft and orchard occupied by widow Parker ; 
reserving timber, with the right to enter with horses, oxen, carts, waines, 
and other " carryages " ; and to "fall, cutt down, steckup, sow, coard, 
coale, make sawpitts, and get turfe and soyle for coaleing ; work up, take, 
and carry away " etc ; not hurting standing corn or mowing grass ; leaving 
nevertheless sufficient wood and tincell (brushwood for fencing, see number 
672) for the necessary repairs of the demised premises ; for fourteen years 
from the 25th March then next, at a yearly rent of £4-0 10s Od. The 
covenants contain (inter alia) one by the said Edward Parker, to pay "the 
duty " for such part of the said premises as were held of the manor of 
Tickhill. Witnesses : Phillip Parkier, Jasper Rhodes. Paper : one sheet 
23 X 18, small seal bearing a curious devise, probably not armorial. 
Notes : this is evidently a counterpart executed by the lessee. A memoran- 
dum endorsed, states that the lessee was to have liberty to " gate his 
culture," upon the premises, after the expiration of the term, till Mayday; 
and also that Mr. Edward Parker or his tenant should have liberty to 
" plow and sow " before the expiration of the said term. 

819 1703(-4) February 21st, in the 2nd year of Anne. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from Judith Mollyneux of Hasland in the county of Derby lady 
to John Bright of Chesterfield gentleman, for 21 years at a rent of £9. 6s, 
of a close in Boythorpe in the parish of Chesterfield, called Shaw Low, 
another close called Stansall Long Close. Witnesses : Thomas Bonde, 
John Brocksopp, Thomas Lucas. Notes : memorandum dated 19th 
October 1704 endorsed, states that the interest and tenant right was trans- 
ferred to John Bretland of Hasland in consideration of £2 6s 6d. 
Vellum : one skin 26 X 17, one seal in paper. 

463a 1703 (-4) March 23rd. Admittance and Surrender (Lat. and Engl.), 

extracted from the court rolls of the manor of Bolsover, at a court of the 
Most Noble John Duke of Newcastle held the above date, when Mary 
Bright wife of John Bright of Chesterfield co Derby gentleman. 


sister and heiress of Nicholas Youle late of Chesterfield gentleman 
then deceased was admitted, on payment of a relief of 5s 4d, to 
lands within the manor, which came to her on the death of the 
said Nicholas Youle as his heiress ; whereupon she surrendered a 
messuage in Bolsover with several closes called The Croft, Town- 
end Pingle, Litle Stile Pingle, Three Danisbrook Closes and two 
acres in Townfields, all in Bolsover, in the occupation of William Totley, 
to the only proper use and behoof of The Mayor and Aldermen of Ches- 
terfield, who were admitted tenants of the manor, they paying a fine of 
5s 4d. From a recital of the facts leading up to this admittance and 
surrender, it appears that Richard Youle, by will dated 30th June 1699, 
gave and devised to the Corporation of Chesterfield 20s yearly for ever ; 
to buy yearly and every year eight pair of good strong shoes, and to give 
them to eight poor widows, dwelling in Chesterfield, sometime in the week 
before Xmas Day ; and also 40s a year more for ever, to buy yearly, on 
the 5th November, six score four-penny loaves, to be given on that day to 
six score poor people dwelling in Chesterfield, the shoes and bread to be 
disposed of at the discretion of The Mayor, Aldermen and Overseer of the 
Poor of Chesterfield, and with " the good likeinge and approbation " of his 
nearest relation, who should " Inhabit there ' ; and he wished the poor people 
who benefited, to be such as frequented the Church of England ; further 
he gave to the said Corporation 17s 4d yearly for ever, to buy weekly 
every market-day in the market, four four-penny loaves to be given to four 
poor widows, pursuant to the will of his uncle George Youle of Ches- 
terfield ; and he gave to the vicar of Chesterfield for the time being for 
ever 20s yearly, to preach a sermon in the Church, on every 5th November; 
and he charged all these annuities on two closes in Chesterfield, called 
Nether Horse Crofts, until his executors should purchase lands for the 
security and payment thereof, which the testator evidently intended should 
be transferred to and held by the Mayor and Aldermen, as he charges 
them with payment of 20s a year to the vicar for the sermon, out of the 
rents ; and the residue of the rents were to be applied for the charities 
above stated. The said Mary Bright was the surviving executor of the 
will, and this surrender was intended to free and discharge the closes called 
Horse Crofts from the said pious and charitable bequests. Vellum : one 
skin 18X19. 

635 1704 May 19th, in the 1st year of Anne. Indenture of Release and 

Quit Claim (Engl.) between Henry Poynton of Wadsley in the parish of 
Sheffield yeoman and Charles Blythe of Doncaster co York yeoman of the 
one part, and Thomas Birley then of Staveley Hagg co Derby gent and 
Nicholas Birley of Barnsley co York gent, second son of the said ThomaS, 
of the other part ; whereby, in consideration of ;^250, the parties of the 


1st part released to the parties of the 2nd part, all their claim in property 
at Hazelhurst in Norton. In the description of the property and in the 
covenants, the following names of persons and places occur ; namely, Two 
Dayes Work, Stony Field, Three Days Work, Fitch Field, Rye Field, 
Marie Lands, Narr and Farr Smithy Fields, Dunstead, West Jack Field. 
Witnesses : Tho Bosvile, J Banks, Jo Battie. Vellum : one skin, torn 
in several places, 26 X 23, seals missing. Notes : The writing is illegible 
in many places and much faded in others. 

544 1707 February 23rd. Indenture of Assignment (Engl.) in bankruptcy, 

made between Peter Persehouse of London esquire, Timothy Langley of 
London gentleman and Thomas Davis of London gentleman of the one 
part, and John Bright of Chesterfield co Derby merchant of the other 
part ; whereby, after reciting the appointment of commissioners in the 
bankruptcy of Samuel Watson of Sheffield mercer, and an agreement that 
the said John Bright should pay the creditors 15s in the pound, the com- 
missioners assigned unto the said John Bright all the "goods, wares, 
merchandizes, household stuff, implements " and book debts of the said 
Samuel Watson. There is a schedule of the merchandise, furniture and 
book debts, with the value or amount of each ; this schedule covers four 
large skins and contains many hundreds of items ; the values put upon 
the goods and furniture are interesting ; the numerous priced items of a 
large mercer's business being set forth in great detail. Witnesses : 
C Bagnall, Ann Norris, Percivall Hart, Tho Bagnall. Vellum: five 
skins about 29X26, three seals of the commissioners appear to be 

831 Probably 18th century. Abstract of Title (Engl.) to a capital messuage 

and lands at Ford Collin, Hays Rushop, in the parish of Chapel en le 
Frith in Peak Forest co Derby belonging to Samuel Bagshaw. — (a) 
(1523) vigil of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8th). 
Feoffment from Richard Vernon of Hasilbach co Derby to Godfrey 
Foljambe, Robert Makersley, William Bagshaw and Christopher Gardyner 
of lands in Foorth in Chapel en le Frith, Bowden, Casilton, Bradwell and 
Hope to the use of Richard Vernon, his son.— (&) (1596) August 25th, 
in the 38th year of Elizabeth. Indenture between Francis Vernon of 
Tideswell gentleman, and Anthony Creswell of the Ford in the parish of 
Chapel en le Frith yeoman, whereby the former sold to the latter lands 
and tenements in Ford and Chapel en le Frith. — (c) (1621) September 
24th, in the 19th year of James I. Indenture between Anthony Creswell 
of Ford and Nicholas Creswell his son and heir, and Francis Bradshaw 
of Bradshaw, relating to a marriage between Nicholas Creswell and Lucy 
Bradshaw sister of the above, and the conveyance of a messuage and 


appurtenances in Ford to Geo Bowden junior of Bowden and John Wilson 
of Bradshaw yeoman, for the use of Anthony Creswell, with remainder to 
the children of the marriage, or to Geo Bowden of Bowden and Geo 
Bradshaw of London merchant taylor, in trust for them, or to Francis 
Creswell, son of Anthony Creswell, and to his sons James and Francis. 
— {d) 1647 June 1st. Indenture between Nicholas Creswell of Ford 
gentleman, Lucy his wife and Barbara their daughter and John Bretland 
of Thornclifif in the county of Chester gentleman and Peter Ashe of 
Bradshaw Hall yeoman, whereby the former granted to the latter the 
messuage at Ford with appurtenances, together with five cottages, a 
burgage and croft, and closes of land known as the Collin Hay. — (e) 
1647 September 20th. Deed Poll reciting the above transaction, which 
was for the purpose of levying a fine, and that John Bretland and Peter 
Ashe regranted the above premises to Nicholas Creswell. — (/) 1648 
April 16th. Indenture of Feoffment between James Creswell of Hard- 
wicke in the parish of Coreswall in the county of Stafford, Francis Creswell 
and Ralph Creswell brothers, Lucy Creswell widow of Nicholas Creswell, 
Barbara Creswell, and Robert Ashton of Stony Middleton yeoman, whereby 
the former sold to the latter for ^"1040 the messuages etc in Ford and 
Chapel-en-le-Frith. — (g) (1662-3) January 22nd, in the 14th year of 
Charles II. Indenture between Robert Ashton of Stony Middleton 
gentleman, and Wm Bagshaw of Great Hucklow, recording the sale to 
the latter for ;^1300, of the messuage called Ford, a messuage in Chapel- 
en-le-Frith, parcels of land called Shoe Broad and the Sitch in Malcalfe 
alias Ford Field, and a herbage farm called Whiteside. — {h) 1663 
June 30th. Receipt for the above consideration of ;£'1300. — (i) 1679 
October 13th and 14th. Indenture of Lease and Release between 
William Bagshawe of Ford eldest son of William Bagshawe, and Henry 
Kirk of Martinside in the parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith yeoman and 
Nicholas Bagshaw joiner, whereby the former sold to the latter the 
messuage etc called Ford or Malcalfe and a farm at Hargate Wall Hill 
or Wormhill co Derby with land formerly in the tenure of John Moor- 
wood clerk, another messuage then in the possession of Henry Bagshaw, 
and lands then in the tenure of Geo Bower, Robert Bower and Robert 
Smith ; lands in Kempsil and Rushop, and a Burgage in Chapel en le 
Frith then in the tenure of John Lomas to the use of Agnes the wife of 
William Bagshaw and Samuel Bagshaw his son and heir, as jointure and 
inheritance. — ij) 1713 June 1st. Indenture between William Bagshaw 
of Ford, Richard Bagshaw of Castleton and Chas Potts, containing a 
covenant to levy a fine for the purpose of docking the estate tail in the 
messuage etc late in the possession of Saml Bagshaw and then of Wm 
Bagshaw in Ford with fields etc specified by name, Calfcroft Pringle, 
Lowerfield, Middle Field, Upper Hay, Lower Hay, Lower Cowhey, 

upper Cowhey, Malcalfe, Uppfef Swine Green, Lowfer Swine Green, 
Moss Pasture, Collin Hayes, lands called Russop or Whiteside, inclosures 
in Green Fairfield in the tenure of Henry and William Swinscow, lands 
in LosehiU, buildings etc in the occupation of Hugh Palfreyman, George 
Thornhill of Hargate Wall, Richard Alsop senior, Anthony Buxton, 
Jarvis Smith, Wm Bagshaw, Francis Thomason, Ellis Needham and 
Robert Needham, land called Hemsall, improved land called Lower 
Greenlow, closes called Bolehill, Tom Moor, Tom Moor Top, Swire 
Green, Colbron, all lying in the High Peak Forest, Green Fairfield, 
Chapel en le Frith, Tideswell and Hope to the use of Charles Potts until 
a recovery should be obtained.— (ft) 1711. Trinity Term 10 Anne. 
Fine, Charles Potts plaintiff and William Bagshaw deforciant of the 
above lands.— (0 1711. Recovery suffered by Charles Potts against 
Richard Bagshaw, plaintiff, Charles Potts tenant and William Bagshaw 
being vouchees of the above lands. Paper : 8 sheets folio. 

526 (1711) May 23rd, in the 10th year of Anne. Indenture of Lease (Engl.) 

from " ye right honourable Anne Charlotte lady Fretchville widow '' to 
John Bright of Chesterfield co Derby gent, of a piece of land at or in 
Troway in the parish of Eckington co Derby, "lyeing within ye lands of 
ye sd John Bright" in the possession of Samuel More, abutting on Kilne 
Croft south, and Shepcoate Croft north; being then formerly in the 
possession of John Guill as part of his farm ; but then in the possession 
of the said John Bright ; for a term of twenty five years, at a yearly rent 
of 6s, payable halfyearly. Witnesses : Isabella Goulding, Robert Mirfin. 
Vellum : one skin 27 x 16, the seal bears the arms of Lady Frecheuille 
(so spelt in her signature), on a lozenge. Two sixpenny stamps impressed 
in the margin. 

633 171l(-12) March 4th, in the 10th year of Anne. Indenture of Enfran- 

chisement and Sale (Engl.) between Sir Philip Gell of Hopton co 
Derby baronet and Dame Elizabeth his wife, and Robert Scholler of 
Great Rowsley in the parish of Bakewell gentleman, whereby the former 
as lord of the manor of Hope, in consideration of ;^300, enfranchised 
certain copyhold messuages, lands and tenements, formerly in the pos- 
session of John Hall deceased of Goosehill in the parish of Castleton and 
Dorothy his wife, Enoch Ellott and Elizabeth his wife and Tristram 
Ridgeway gentleman, and surrendered by them to John Plumer of 
Blacksware co Hert esquire, and by him at a Court Baron of Hope, 
February 27th, 1711-12 to Robert Schollfer. A chief rent of one shilling 
yearly and suit of court at the Court Baron of Hope were reserved. The 
property is fully described, and the following place-names occur : Nearer 
Croft, Farr Croft, Broad Arrowhead, Hard Meadowend, Stevenclose, 


Astonfeild, Outfall, Elston Close, Heywards Meadows, Owlerr Carr, 
Hayes, Farbroughshipp, Emmcroft, White Lee, Reape Flatt, Oldfeild 
Oldfeild Gate, an outfall in Fitchettfield, Over Marstons, Bean Butts, 
Pitts Meadows, Howbrookeside, Heathcotts Croft, Nether Marston, 
Holme Bank, Brooke Furlong, Ox Meadow, Ecclesend, Honey Spotts, 
Appletree Furlong, Saltwood Furlong, Long Meadowhead, Long Meadow 
Causey, Hassop, a sellion on the Hagh Greene, Long Lee, Astonfeild, 
Great and Little Fulwood Feilds, Crofts in Hope, Shepley Chartledge; 
also the following personal names : John Hall, Ralph Booking, Thomas 
Gascoyne. By the same deed Sir Philip Gell covenanted to convey to 
Robert Scholler an old building at Kill Croft, formerly in the occupation 
of John Paramore senior, and later divided into tenements in the occupa- 
tion of Christopher Booking, Reginald HoUingworth, and John Burdekin, 
together with an " olde thackt barne " and certain pieces of land lying in 
the common fields and here described, which were formerly held by John 
Paramore senior, John Paramore his son and John Hall, at a yearly rent. 
Further place-names : Hall Greene, Duglidge Furlong, Bents, Deepe- 
homeyate, Cornell Pingle, Rowsons Sheepley, Emmcroft, Sourebutts, 
Killhillcroft, Gib Knowles, Redflatt, Morne Acre, Nickohay, Elston, 
Hayes, Crooked Rood, Castleton Close Side, Crabtree. Witnesses : 
Tho Bagshaw, Ant Buxton, Ralph Smith, Edw Brock. Vellum : three 
skins 32 X 26, 32 X 26, 32 X 16, three seals on fold. 

484 1714 July 6th, in the 13th year of Anne. Indenture of Lease (Engl.) 

from the Right Honorable the Lord James Cavendish to William Turner 
of West Handley (co Derby) . . . , of a messuage in West Handley 
. . . and certain closes called Little Croft, Far Croft, . . ., Neather 
Greeneway Close, Marsh Close, High Oake Close, Dale Acre, Cross 
Meadow, Crossfeild Close, Intack at the mire. Meadow Nooke and Parke 
Intack . . . containing together 34 acres, reserving timber and 
minerals ; for a term of twenty one years at a rent of ;^12 ; the lessee 
also paying a fine of /"12 for the lease. The lessee covenants to keep 
the messuage etc in repair. Witnesses : Henry Smith, . . . Vellum : 
one skin 22 X 14, small seal bearing the arms of Cavendish, three bucks 
heads caboshed. Notes : part of the skin, four inches square, has been 
cut away from the right hand top corner. A memorandum endorsed in a 
hand of a later date, says " West Handley Manner Staveley Count 

387 1716 April 19th, in the 2nd year of George I. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the Hundred and Liberty of the High Peak records that at a 
View of Frank Pledge with Great Court Baron of George I, held on 
the above date, William Hodkinson was admitted tenant of a barn 


with appurtenances at Millhouses in Wormhill, surrendered in 1705 
by Robert Hodkinson to his own use for Hfe and afterwards for the 
purposes of his will, which will was proved in court 25th February 
1711, proclamations being made on the above date, 10th May (1716) 
and 30th May (1716). The names of the homage were Rowland Swann, 
Rowland Morewood, Thomas Bore, Samuel Frith, William Carrington, 
Edward Drinkwater, Joseph BentilifFe, John Alsope, John Kyrk, Richard 
Walker, William Hudson, Nicolas Creswell, Arnald Kyrk, William 
Scoles, Joseph Needham, William Redfearn, Ellis Hallam. Charles 
Bagshaw, steward. Vellum: one skin 16X14. 

626 1717 October 12th, in the 4th year of George I. Indenture of 

Settlement (Engl.) between John Bright the elder of Chesterfield co 
Derby merchant and Nicholas Bright of Chesterfield aforesaid gent 
his youngest son of the 1st part, John Bright the younger of Bannercross 
in the parish of Sheffield gent, eldest son and heir apparent of the said 
John Bright the elder, and Marmaduke Carver the younger of Chesterfield 
aforesaid gent of the 2nd part, and Godfrey Watkinson of Brampton co 
Derby gent and Mary Watkinson spinster his only daughter of the 3rd 
part ; whereby, in consideration of an intended marriage between the said 
Nicholas Bright and Mary Watkinson, and of iTSOO to be paid by the 
said Godfrey Watkinson to the said Nicholas Bright for the marriage 
portion and jointure; he the said John Bright the father granted unto 
John Bright the son and Marmaduke Carver, a messuage in Bradway 
CO Derby, where Robert Ashton esquire then deceased formerly dwelt, and 
where William Webster then dwelt ; also a malthouse then in the occupa- 
tion of Jo . . . Jowett, formerly in the tenure of the said Robert Ashton; 
and many closes in Bradway aforesaid, fully described; in the descrip- 
tion of which the following names of persons and places occur ; namely. 
Great Ox Close, Little Ox Close, Starnhill Greave alias Standell Greave, 
Doales, Upper Broomfeild, Neather Broomfeild, Upper Bradway Bank, 
Neather Bradway Bank, Tofts, Douse Holme (wherein one " smilting 
house or milne"), Milne Feild, Upper Stubbing, Middle Stubbing, Neather 
Stubbing, Croft . . , . . Leys, Orchard, Storth, Norton, William 
Webster, John Jowett, Cow Close, Nicholas Stones gent, Mickley Lane, 
rectory of Norton, "monestery or pryory of Beaucheiffe," John Bullok 
father of William Bullok " under whome the said John Bright claymed," 
Richard Roberts and George Tyte of London gents, King James, 
Westminster, manor of East Greenwich co Kent, Stone Quarry, Thomas 
OfFerton. The trusts of the settlement were: to the use of Nicholas 
for life ; then to his wife for her life ; after the death of the survivor of 
them to their children; and in default of issue, to the right heirs 
of Nicholas. The settled property included a rent of 44s 6d, two hens, 


the services of finding arrows in time of war, and a dinner at such time 
as a court should be kept. Witnesses : Seth Ellis, Saml Bright, George 
Carver, William Wylde, Anne Sneyd. Vellum : two skins 30 X 24 and 
30 X 22 (both have a hole 4 X 5 in the centre), four seals of no interest. 

490 (l72l), in the 7th year of George I. Final Concord (Lat.) in an action 

between John Bright senior gentleman, Robert Ward junior and 
George . . . plaintiffs and Vincent Eyre and Ann his wife, 
Jonathan . . . senior and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Widdison 
and Elizabeth his wife deforciants, relating to land in Newbold, Dronfeild 
Woodhouse, Claylane, and elsewhere. Vellum : one skin 18 X 7. Notes : 
the writing is much faded across the middle of the parchment, and it is 
only possible to make out a few words here and there. It is endorsed, 
in a hand of later date, " Trin 7 Geo I 172. Mr John Bright fine . . 
J . . Tomlinson & wife, for lands bought of him within Newbold." 

787 1722 July 10th. Order (Lat.) of the Consistory Court of Coventry and 

Lichfield confirming to John Bright esquire, William Mason and Thomas 
Lucas of the parish of Chesterfield co Derby, a pew in the gallery in the 
parish church of Chesterfield, between pews occupied by Thomas Heath 
and John Bretland. Vellum: one skin 11^X8, large seal in paper. 

406 (1722) Term of Saint Martin (November 11th), in the 9th year of 

George I. Final Concord (Lat.) at Westminster between Clement 
Rossington gentleman, and Joseph Jackson senior gentleman, plaintiffs, 
and Milicent Blyth widow and Elizabeth Blyth spinster, deforciants, 
whereby in consideration of ;^50 the latter quitclaimed to the former 
1 messuage, 2 cottages, 30 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow, 30 acres 
of pasture, 2 acres of wood, and common of pasture in Cold Aston alias 
Cole Aston in the parish of Dronfield. Vellum: one skin 21x7. 

818 1724(-5) February 2nd, in the 11th year of George I. Indenture of 

Lease (Engl.) from John Bright the elder of Chesterfield esquire 
to Samuel Watkinson of Newbold Great Moore Side in the parish of 
Chesterfield husbandman, of two closes in Newbold called the Mason 
Heyes Close, and Whittacer Close abas Cricket Inn Close, late in the 
possession of William Whitticar, for 21 years from the above date, at a 
rent of ;^14 per annum. Witnesses : William Bright, John Fidler 
senior, John Dale. Paper : one sheet 21 X 13, seal missing. 

677 1732 April 11th, in the 5th year of George II. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from the Reverend Cavendish Nevile of Chevet in the parish of 
Royston co York esquire to Isaac Biggin of the parish of Norton 


CO Derby husbandman, of a messuage or tenement wherein Joshua 
Calton then lately dwelt ; and also all those closes etc, called Orchard, 
Croft, Shepley, Briery Field, Rushy Field, Knowl, Riddings, Mare-lands, 
Wood Field, High Field, Hulstorth, Woolhouse Field, Great Cobner. 
Little Cobner, Square Cobner Closes, Park Brook Close, Pigman Croft, 
Great Meadow, Little Meadow, Lowage, a cottagehouse and croft, with 
the cowhouse ; containing together 80a Ir 21p (particulars of which are 
given in a schedule endorsed on the lease) ; for a term of twenty one 
years, from the 2nd February 1731-2, at a yearly rent of £"50. 
Witnesses : Isaac Odell, Samuel Jackson. Paper : one sheet 23 X 19, 
small seal of red wax bears a shield charged with a chevron, under an 
esquires helmet, crest and mantling; but the details are not clear. 
Notes : the lease is a printed form, filled up by hand and contains many 
interesting clauses as to farming and estate management. Endorsed is a 
memorandum, reserving a right of road to the lessor. This appears to 
be a counterpart signed by the lessee. 

638a (Undated, but prior to 2nd July 1741) Probate of the Will (Engl.) of 

John BuUoke of Darleigh co Derby esquire, with grant from London dated 
the 2nd July 1741 annexed, whereby he directed that he should be buried 
in the chancel of the church of Norton, near unto his late dear . . . have 
" two faire marble stones " laid over them, with no other inscription but 
their names and the days that they were respectively buried; after 
reciting that he had settled such estate or term as he had from the "Deane" 
of Lincoln of and in the manor of Little Chester and other lands, upon 
his nephew Sir John Fitzherbert of Tissington knight and his good son in 
law Robert Holt esquire and others, in trust as he the testator should 
appoint ; he declared that they should receive the rents and pay yearly to 
his son William ;^80 during his life ; and the residue to his son John and 
the issue male of his body ; and in default of male issue of John, then for 
the said William his heirs and assigns ; and testator bequeathed to his 
daughter Katherine Holt ;^200, and to his daughter Dorothy /1 500, and 
to his daughter Issabell ;^1500; and he gave to his son John the use and 
occupation of all his plate, hangings, and household goods in his houses of 
Darleigh and Norton for his life ; and after, to the heirs male of his 
body ; and in default of male issue, then to testator's son William for 
life ; and after to his heirs male ; and in default of male issue then to 
testator's son Thomas, and the issue male of his body ; and in default to 
testator's own right heirs : and further reciting that by a deed then lately 
made, testator had granted to his son John Bulloke, Simon Peck clerk and 
Godfrey Froggatt, certain timber growing upon divers of testator's lands 
in Norton, Little Norton, Beaucheife, Woodseat, Norton Lees, Brad- 
way and elsewhere; and a mill called the Newe Mill in Norton and 


Beaucheife or one of them ; and divers other things therein mentioned. 
Testator declared that the said trustees should receive the rents and 
profits of the premises in the said deed contained, and out of the same 
pay all legacies aforesaid in his will bequeathed ; and the surplus for the 
benefit of his sons as therein mentioned ; and testator nominated his said 
son John Bulloke his sole executor ; but if he died before the trusts of the 
will were fully performed, then testator appointed his son in law the said 
Robert Holt esquire and his son William to be executors. Witnesses : 
Wm Allestrye, Be Frogatt. Vellum : two skins, the probate 24 X 20 and 
the grant 8X7, seal of grant missing. Notes : at the foot of the probate 
is a memorandum as to the testator's subsequently expressed intentions, 
and from this it appears that his daughter Katherine Holt had ;^1300 for 
a marriage portion. 

762 (1745) May 27th, in the 18th year of George II. Writ (Engl.) to 

Godfrey Heathcote and Samuel Roberts requiring their presence in the 
Court of Chancery 14th June 1745. Vellum : one skin 13ix 2. Notes : 
the writ is endorsed "This Writ is at the suit of Henry Beresford and 

823 1750 March 30th, in the 23rd year of George II. Bond (Engl.) from 
Richard Bagshaw of Wormhill in the county of Derby esquire to 
Bartholomew Hounesfield of Brimington in the parish of Chesterfield 
yeoman in /"SOO, to pay ;^300 by March 30th 1751 with 4 per cent 
interest. Witnesses : John Hall, Micah Hall. Paper : folded 7i X 12. 
Notes : the bond is marked as cancelled 1782. 

824 1754 May 10th, in the 27th year of George II. Bond (Engl.) from 
Richard Bagshaw of Oakes co Derby esquire to Bartholomew Hounes- 
feild of Brimington yeoman in ;^480, to pay ;^240 on the 18th November 
1754, with 3i per cent interest. Witnesses : Mary Bagshaw, George 
Holmsfield. Paper: folded 74x12. Notes: the bond is marked as 
cancelled 1769. 

578 1758 April 7th, in the 31st year of George II. Indenture of Lease 

(Lat.) from the Honorable Colonel John Fitzwilliam and Barbara his wife 
(late widow of William Cavendish esquire, only son and heir at law of the 
Right Honorable James Cavendish esquire, commonly called Lord James 
Cavendish then deceased) to Peter Smith of Breck in the parish of 
Staveley co Derby yeoman, of a messuage, farm or tenement in Middle 
Handley in the parish of Staveley, formerly in the tenure of Thomas 
Wade but then of the said Peter Smith ; comprising the closes therein 
mentioned; to wit, Slade Meadow, Sweet Leys, Mire Meadow Nook, 


Netherfield, Ellis Land, Wind Mill Hill, Marie Field, Newfield, Calf 
Crew Close, containing together 55 acres ; reserving to the lessors, mines 
and timber etc, for a term of twenty one years, at the yearly rent of ;^15. 
The covenants by the lessee are lengthy, and in one he covenants that he 
will yearly and every year during the said term, do two days work with a 
draught, instead of all boons etc. Witnesses : Mark Roworth (?), Tho 
Wotton. Vellum; one skin (parts cut or worn away) 29X23, seals not 

543 (1760) from the day of Trinity (June 1st) three weeks, in the 33rd year of 

George II. Final Concord (Engl.) between John Parker the younger 
esquire plaintiff and Francis Bingham and Mary his wife, George 
Bingham and Sarah his wife, Thomas Bingham, John Bingham, Hugh 
Bingham, Thomas Darwent and Martha his wife, William Wilkin and 
Elizabeth his wife, Daniel Gleadless and Ann his wife, and Charles 
Hadfield and Ellin his wife, deforciants ; whereby the latter, in considera- 
tion of ;^60, quitclaimed to the former 1 messuage, 2 cottages, 1 barn, 
1 stable, 2 shops, 1 garden, 1 orchard, and 8 acres in Hathersedge. 
Vellum : one skin 21ix 16j. 

547 1762 June 3rd, in the 2nd year of George III. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from George Smyth of Nybley co Gloucester esquire (lessee of 

the rectory of the parish church of Chesterfield co Derby and of the glebe 

lands and tithes of corn and hay, to the said rectory belonging, under 

lease from The Right Worshipful John Green, Doctor in Divinity, late 

Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincolne, 

to the said George Smyth, for the lives of the said George Smyth, George 

Smyth eldest son of the said George Smyth, and Robert Berkeley of 

Spetchley co Worcester esquire) to The Right Honourable John Murray 

esquire, commonly called Lord John Murray, of Banner Cross in the 

parish of Sheffield, of a close or parcel of ground called Dean's Yard in 

Chesterfield aforesaid, then lately in the possession of John Bright 

esquire, but then of the said John Murray ; and a little cottage adjoining, 

then late in the occupation of John Kirk, but then of the said John 

Murray ; (excepting a water course running under and round part of the 

said close and a right of road thereto ; and excepting all timber, mines etc), 

for a term of twenty one years, if the said George Smyth, George Smyth 

the son, and Robert Berkeley or any of them should so long live, at a 

rent of £8 5s Od, payable quarterly. Witnesses : Stephen Welber (?), 

Wm Hardy junior. Vellum: one skin 24 J X 18, small seal, not armorial. 

J64 1768 June 22nd, in the 8th year of George III. Subpoena (Engl.) 

requiring John Lomas, Mr Richard Edensor, Micah Brandrith and Mr 
George Calton to appear at the Derby Assizes on the 30th July, as 


witnesses in James Denn v Bryan Hodgson junior late of Hartington 
CO Derby yeoman, in a plea of trespass and ejectment. Vellum : one 
skin nix 2. 

750 1768 June 22nd, in the 8th year of George III. Writ summoning Mr 

W Young, Edmund Swan, Mr Richard . . . (writ torn) and William 
Foxlow to the Derby Assizes on Saturday 30th ... as witnesses 
in Nathan Jackson v Bryan Hodgson junior of Chesterfield yeoman, 
in a plea of trespass and ejectment. Witnesses : Wm Lord Mansfield. 
Vellum : one skin 10 X 2. 

386 1806 October 16th. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor of 

Eckington records that at a Great Court Baron of Sitwell Sitwell esquire, 
lord of the manor, held on the above date, Thomas Gales of Eckington 
innkeeper surrendered all his copyhold messuages, cottages and lands 
with appurtenances to the purposes of his will. The names of the homage 
were Luke Staniforth, Robert Woodruf, John Gray, Joseph Hobson, 
Thomas Hutton, Roger Belk, William Attersley, Stephen Webster, 
Thomas Gales, Thomas Slagg, Robert Greaves, James Turner, W. B. 
Thomas steward. Vellum : one skin 13 X lOi^. 

571 June 3rd 1817. Diploma (Lat.) of the University of Glasgow conferring 

the degree of Doctor of Laws upon the Reverend Fletcher Dixon clerk, 
M.A., vicar of Dufifield co Derby, alumnus of the same University. 
Witnesses : William Taylor vice-chancellor, Stevenson MacGill, Pat 
Cumin, Geo Jardine, James Jeffray, Robert Freer, Jo Young, James 
Mylne, William Meckleham, Robert Davidson, James Couper, William 
Macturk, Lockhart Minehead, James Towers (?), Jo Burns, Jer Walker. 
Vellum : one skin 18 X 7i, seal missing. 


255 Undated, probably late 13th century. Charter (Lat.) confirming a grant 

from Robert de Glamorgan sub-deacon of our Lord the Pope, rector of 
the church of Bonay to God and the church of Saint James of Wellebek 
and the canons there, then and thereafter serving God, for the deliverance 
of his soul, the soul of Philip his father and Mabel his mother, of 
Brian de Lisle (de insula), Sarah his sister, Robert Passelewe, William 
of Saint Mary's Church, Ralph de Fressenvile, Wilhelmina his wife, 
Felice de Sidenhal, his relatives, friends and benefactors, and all 
faithful dead, of the homage and services of William de Hykeling and 
his heirs ; to wit, the service of forty shillings paid halfyearly. There is 
a power of distress and the feoffees take the benefit of any failure of the 
heirs of the body of William de Hykeling. Witnesses : Sir Anker de 
Frassenvile, Peter de Harstan, Geoffrey Barry, Gezelin (jocelin) de 
Steynisby, Aubrey then bailiff of Cesterfeld, Hugh de Ducmanton, William 
de Funteney, Robert le Parmenter of Witewelle, Richard Hardner (?). 
Vellum : one skin 8i X 8, seal missing. 

306 (1401) Sunday next before the Feast of Saint George (April 23rd), in the 

2nd year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated at Neuwerk, confirming a 
grant from Simon de Sibthorpe to John de Leek knight and Richard de 
Wakefeld, of an annual rent of 10s from three messuages lying " in le 
kirkgate in Neuwerk," between the messuages of John de Leek knight 
and Walter Taillour of Neuwerk. Witnesses : Richard Sayvyll, Thomas 
Ferrour, John Lake, Hugh Osmundthorpe, John Glasenwright. Vellum : 
one skin Hi X 4, large seal of red wax in good condition. 

284 (1466) April 4th, in the 5th year of Edward IV. A Record of Privileges 

(Lat.) of the towns of Nottingham and East Retford, dated at Nottingham; 
whereby Richard Wodde, Mayor of Nottingham, Thomas Thurland, John 
Squyer, John Plomptre and other burgesses certified that Henry II, son 
of Matilda Empress, granted to the burgesses the rights enjoyed under 
Henry I; that was, "Tol and Theame and Theolonia " from Thur- 
medeston to Newerk, and from all who crossed the Trent, and from 
beyond Rempeston to the river Radford in the north, and from Bekerisdyke; 


and that the burgesses of Nottingham released to the burgesses of Retford 
their "Theoloneum" (toll) from the bridge of Newerk to Donerbeck 
where it meets the Trent, and from Epurston and from Mirild bridge and 
other places towards Nottingham, whence the men of Nottingham had 
t£iken toll. These customs were confirmed, 3 Edward III, at Nottingham, 
in the presence of William Herle and others, the King's Itinerant Justices. 
Vellum: one skin 10^X6, seal missing. Notes: endorsed is a note to 
the effect, that this document was produced 17th January 1823, in 
Attorney General v Bailiffs and Burgesses of East Retford and other 
defendants. Tol means originally the right of tallaging one's villeins; 
theame the right of taking the firstfruits of their stock ; theoloneum the 
right of taking toll, possibly from passers-by. 

385 (1589) July 7th. Probate of the Will (Lat.), granted at York, of Ralph 

Wadsworth of Mattersey Thorpe, the will being dated March 20th (1588-9). 
He left to his wife Katharine the third part of his goods ; to his son 
Thomas a cow " called brende," in consideration of a cow " gyven hime 
by one Cocksons wyfFe" ; to his eldest son Alexander one bullock " coler- 
branded " ; to his daughter Julian Wadsworth one " Cowe called blossom 
wth a ball in the face " ; to his daughter Elizabeth a brown yearling- 
calf ; to his wife Katherine his table four yards long, and a " quye " 
(heifer) with a white head ; to his son John, a " Flaunders Counter " (desk) ; 
to Thomas Whyte his servant a " quye styrk " (yearling heifer) ; to every 
" cottharde" in Mattersey and Thorpe two pence; for the repair of the 
church 3s 4d; the residue to his wife and younger children, John 
Wadsworth and Elizabeth Wadsworth, whom he made executors of his 
will, entrusting the supervision of the execution to George Ormerod and 
the testator's brother Gregory Wadsworth. Vellum: two skins 12^X6 
and 12 X 3, fragment of a seal. 

471 1607 May 22nd. Deed of Exchange (Engl.) between Thomas Wawen 

of Clayworth co Nott gent of the one part and Peter Dickenson of Gains- 
borough CO Line gent and William Dickenson of London draper of the 
other part ; whereby the said Thomas Wawen granted to Peter and 
William Dickenson, lands situate in Clayworth aforesaid, fully described, 
in which the following names of persons and places occur ; namely, 
Church Feild, Nether Gayt, . . . Smith, Mr Wiersdale, Toft Dike, 
Mr Tunstall, Earle of Arundell, Thruspitts, Sandpitt Leyes, Standsmore, 
Pickils (?) Stile, the common, Baxter Leyes, Mannor Parke (?), Hous- 
field (?), Leyfield ; and the said Peter and William Dickenson granted to 
the said Thomas Wawen, lands situate in ... , fully described; in 
which the following names of persons and places occur ; namely. Lords 
Mead, Hall Leys, Thryspitts (sic), Mr Kay, Robert Hides, . . . Pitt 


Furlong, Stonehill Furlong, . . . Parnell, Mr Frankick (?), Headland, 
Thomas Smith, Thruspitt Furlong, Beache Leyes, Mr Tunstall, . . . 
Meadcock, Grange, Cockswathe in Wand . . . hill (?), George Kent, 
Mr Rayston, Mr Bott, Waddoles. Witnesses : Bri Wawen, Thomas 
Kirke, George Stoane, Eli Wawen. Vellum: one skin 14X10, seal 

302 (1625-6) January 21st, in the 1st year of Charles I. Indenture (Lat.) 

made between Timothy Pusey esquire Sheriff of Nottingham and the 
Bailiffs and Burgesses of Eastretford, to the effect that the latter elected 
John Lord Haughton and Edward Wortley knight as burgesses, for the 
Parliament of 6th February. Witnesses : Geo (?) Lane, Fra Thornhill, 
Robert Turvin. Vellum : one skin 12 X 7, seal missing. Notes : 
endorsed is a memorandum that this deed was produced 27th January 
1823, in Attorney General v Bailiffs and Burgesses of East Retford. 
See number 284. 

488 1632 April 9th, in the 8th year of Charles I. Deed Poll (Engl.) by way 

of Marriage Settlement, whereby Peter Dickonson the eldest of 
Cla worth co Nott yeoman, on the intended marriage of his son and heir 
apparent Peter Dickonson the youngest with Sarah daughter and heir of 
William Lacy of Ganesburgh co Line gent, granted to the said William 
Lacy gent William Darwynne of Cletham co Line gent and William 
Dickons of Retford co Nott gent, all those his lands, tenements, meadows, 
pastures, feedings, closes, commons, commodities and appurtenances what- 
soever ; situate in Claworth or in " the feildes, precinctes, and territories " 
of the same, which he purchased of Nicholas his brother of Claworth, and 
were particularly mentioned in a certain " scedull or terroU indented and 
fyxed to an indenture thereof " from the said Nicholas Dickonson the 
brother and Peter the son and heir apparent of Nicholas to the settlor ; 
and also all those lands etc in Claworth and in Woodhouse near Claworth, 
which the settlor had in mortgage from his brother Nicholas ; and likewise 
" one Winde Mill," with the appurtenances, situate in " Gringley upponn 
the Hill" CO Nott, then in the tenure of the settlor ; to the use of Peter 
Dickonson the settlor's son for life, with remainder to the heirs of his 
body by Sarah and in default for his right heirs for ever, to be held of 
the chief lord etc. Witnesses : William Humbartey, William Saunder- 
son, Thomas Fye, Edm Nicholson, Robert Storr, William Gabitus and 
others. Vellum : one skin 19 X 9, seal missing. 

763 (1646) the morrow of the Feast of Saint Martin (November 1st), in the 

22nd year of Charles L Pinal Concord (Lat.) between Henry Johnson 
and Leonard Brownley plaintiffs and Anthony Harwood, Mary his wife 


and Elizabeth Davie widow deforciants, whereby the latter quitclaimed to 
the former a messuage, 2 gardens, 1 orchard, 30 acres of land, 10 acres 
of meadow, 10 acres of pasture and common rights for 12 cattle and 25 
sheep, in the field and commons of West Retford, in consideration of 
^60. Vellum : one skin 14^ X 6^. 

389 (1673) the morrow of the Feast of the Holy Trinity (May 25th), in the 

25th year of Charles II. Final Concord (Lat.) between Thomas 
Sharpe gentleman, Jonathan Barthrope esquire and John Millington 
esquire plaintiffs and Thomas Dickenson deforciant, whereby the latter 
quitclaimed to the former, a messuage, 2 cottages, 76 acres of land, 30 
acres of meadow, 35 acres of pasture and 12 acres of wood in Claworth, 
in consideration of ;^120. Vellum: one skin 18X5. 

628 1684 July 7th, in the 36th year of Charles II. Indenture of Mortgage 

(Engl.) by demise, from Thomas Wawen of Claworth co Nott gent to 
Elizabeth Gilby of Claworth aforesaid spinster for ;^400, of a cottage 
with a croft, then in the occupation of William Smyth ; another cottage 
there, then in the occupation of Robert Justice, wherein George Norris 
then lately dwelt ; closes called Waddolls Close, Cookehills Close, Smaw- 
thorne Close, Starr Carr and land in the fields of Claworth fully described, 
in the description of which the following names of persons and places 
occur ; namely. Church Field, Whinney Furlong, Oysley Close, Morfitts 
East, Royston West, Thomas Woodcock, John Hartshorne, Rye Furlong, 
Robert Otter, Wilson, Denby, Roodkent, Grange West, Gillywyne Great 
Close, John Wildboard, Morgedge Cotton, Dickonson,Arrundell,Wheateley 
Field, Hyghfield, Knowledge Balke, Marples, Kirke ; for a term of 500 
years, at a pepper corn rent. Witnesses : Jonath Acklan, Geo Wilson, 
Ehzabeth Schrimshir. Vellum : one skin 28 X 15, seal missing. Notes: 
this is the counterpart signed by the mortgagee. 

417 and 418 1706 Easter Term (April 11th to May 7th), in the 5th year of Anne. 
Final Concord (Lat.), in duplicate, between Stephen Johnson gentleman 
plaintiff and John Barker gentleman, Barbara his wife and Richard 
Stokeham deforciants; whereby the latter quitclaimed to the former 
2 messuages, 2 cottages, 2 tofts, 30 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 
20 acres of pasture and common of pasture, with appurtenances in East 
Redford, Clarebrough, Moorgate Moore, and Mooregate Carr, in con- 
sideration of ;^160. Vellum : one skin 20 X 8. 

576 1730 August 14th, in the 4th year of George II. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.), to precede a release, from Edward Buck of Blyth co Nott mercer 
to David Jackson of Moorgate co Nott yeoman, Sampson Mosman of 


East Retford co Nott woollen draper, William Parker of Moorgate afore- 
said weaver, John Ghest of East Retford aforesaid wollen draper, Luke 
Turnell of Clarebrough co Nott yeoman and Benjamin Turnell of Clare- 
brough aforesaid yeoman, of all the upper part of a close called West 
Close in South Leverton co Nott, formerly part of a Toftstead, in 
breadth one and twenty yards from the highway, and in length six and 
twenty yards from the water course; the highway lying on the south, 
the water course east, and the other part of the Toftstead north ; and also 
the house thereon, for the term of one year, at a rent of a pepper corn. 
Witnesses: J Williamson, J Hempsall. Vellum: one skin 184x12, a 
strip has been cut from the top ; the seal bears the head of a goat. Notes: 
the release is missing. 


766 1508(-9) January 16th. Letter of Attorney (Lat.) from Margaret 

Pedder of Tofte in the diocese of Lincoln widow, executor of the will of 
John Pedder deceased, to Simon Shipper, to appear before Thomas 
Bishop of Lincoln or his vicar-general on her behalf, in connection with 
the proving and carrying out of the will of John Pedder. Sealed by the 
venerable John Haryson archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Stowe. 
Vellum : one skin 12 X 8, seal missing. 

567 1743 April 2nd, in the 16th year of George II. Indenture of Assign- 

ment (Engl.) made between Robert Hoyes of Peterbourgh co Northant 
ironmonger and Mary his wife of the 1st part, Benjamin Towne of 
Grantham co Line ironmonger, Thomas Stanser of Grantham aforesaid 
glazier and John Rawlinson of Grantham aforesaid glover of the 2nd part, 
Richard Watson of Long Leadenham co Line farmer of the 3rd part, and 
William Twelve of Long Leadenham aforesaid yeoman of the 4th part. 
This long and involved document appears to be an assignment of a term 
of 500 years to protect the inheritance ; and a covenant to levy a fine, of 
a close called Cow Pasture, in the occupation of John Beckett ; another 
close called Clay Close, in the occupation of Thomas . . . ; both situate 
at Caythorpe co Line, and formerly the estate of John Cappe deceased; 
and which were by his will given to Mary Thompson and the heirs of her 
body. In the recitals and covenants the following names of persons and 
places (amongst possibly others) occur ; namely, the said Robert Hoyes 


" then of Grantham and Mary his wife then lately called Mary Thompson 
spinster," William Read of Grantham malster, Margaret Sutton of 
Grantham widow, Elizabeth Girton of Grantham widow. Witnesses: John 
Bromhead, Sam Forster, Richard Rubins. Vellum : two skins, 25 X 20 
and 25 X 16, seven seals, all slightly broken and probably not armorial. 


673 1654(-5) Hillary Term (23rd January to 12th February). Pleas (Engl.) 

before Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth etc in the Upper 
Bench at Westminster ; in an action for trespass and ejectment, between 
Richard Perkes and Benjamine Blackham, with reference to a lease dated 
1st October 1654 from Samuel Barker gent to the said Richard Perkes, 
of 50 acres of meadow, 50 acres of pasture, 50 acres of heath and furze, 
with the appurtenances, in the parish of Sutton Coldfield co Warwick, for 
a term of five years. Vellum : one skin 8 X 18i. 


606 1585 August 26th, in the 27th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) from Theophilus Adams and Thomas Butler of London 
gentlemen to Fawstine Sculthorpe of Hamforde co Line yeoman, of two 
roods called " Trundell roods " of arable land, half an acre of arable land 
called " lampe acre " lying in Preston co Rutland, and a cottage with five 
acres in Assewell co Rutland called "Churchelande," acquired by thevendors 
under a grant from the Queen, by letters patent under the great seal, dated 
at Weldhall co Essex, August 2nd 1585. The property was held as of 
the manor of East Greenwich, in free and common socage by fealty only 
and not in chief or by knight service, and was subject to rents of 2d and Is 
respectively, payable at the receipt of the Exchequer or to the General 
Receiver for the county. Witnesses : Peter Osborne, Edward Butler. 
Vellum : one skin 27 x 14, one seal. 



807 (1467) April Uth, in the 7th year of Edward IV. Deed of Feoffment 

(Lat.), dated at Longham, from John Taverner of Northelmham to Robert 
Rowenyng of the same chaplain, John Westhawe of Skernyng clerk, 
Thomas Rowenyng of the same, Simon Pennyng of Longham and John 
Heyward of the same, of a messuage with six acres of arable land lying in 
the town and fields of Longham, in several pieces, with appurtenances ; 
whereof the messuage and one acre of land in an adjacent croft lay 
between the messuage and crofts formerly of William Dycon, the common 
path called Gorystyle, Southgategrene and the land of the prior and 
convent of Walsyngham ; three acres in a piece, lay at Brothircroft 
between land formerly of Nicholas Pycecock, the common path called 
Abbeygate, and land formerly of Thomas Cleryssone ; and two acres in a 
piece, called Prestyslond, lay between land late of Simon Atte Bek 
chaplain, land formerly of John Lete and Robert Potter, land formerly of 
John Wynter, John Lete and Robert Potter, and land formerly of John 
Wynter and Reginald Smyth. The messuage and six acres were acquired 
by the feoffor, by gift and charter of the above Robert Rowenyng, son 
and heir of James Rowenyng late of Longham. Witnesses: William 
Mechill, John Chapman, Adam Dewe, John Platfoot, John Warner all of 
Longham. Vellum : one skin 11 X 6i, one seal non-armorial bearing the 
letter T. 


312 (1361-2) Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint Gregory Pope (March 

12th), in the 36th year of Edward IlL Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Henstede, confirming a grant by John de Wassyngforth to Edmund de 
Gysilham incumbent of the church of Soterlee, Robert de Reueshale, 
William dil March and John de Gysilham, of all the lands etc which 
descended to his wife Alice daughter of Warin Fraunceys of Henstede 
in the townships of Henstede and Soterlee. Witnesses : Edmund de 


Soterlee, Walter Chaumberleyn, William Oldryng, Thomas Lesceleyn, 
John Lece, John Battok, John Carman. Vellum : one skin 11 x4i, seal 
may be armorial, the impression is clear. Notes : see number 307 below. 

307 (1361-2) Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint Gregory Pope (March 

12th), in the 36th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at Henstede, 
confirming a grant from Robert Spenser incumbent of the church of Elgh 
(Ilketshall ?) and John de Wassyngforth to Edmund de Gysilham incum- 
bent of the church of Soterlee, Robert de Reueshale, William dil March 
and John de Gysilham, of a messuage with lands in Soterlee and Henstede, 
obtained by gift from Alice daughter of Warin Fraunceys of Henstede. 
Witnesses: Edmund de Soterlee, Walter Doukes, Walter Chaumberleyn, 
William Oldheryng, John Battok, Thomas Lescelyn, Henry Wenon. 
Vellum : one skin 12X3, one seal missing, the other bears what appears 
to be the head of a stag caboshed. Notes: see charter of even date, 
number 312 above. 

315 (1364) Sunday next after the Feast of Saint Peter ad Vincula (August 1st), 

in the 38th year of Edward HI. Charter (Lat.), dated at Westhale, 
confirming a grant from Geoffrey Holbek of Westhale to Nicholas Beneye, 
of two pieces of land in Westhale ; the first lying between land of Geoffrey 
Aired, the land of Laurence Cook, the road to Southgate, and land 
belonging to Nicholas, formerly to Henry Thurbern ; the second lying 
between land formerly belonging to Richard Cristien, the freehold land of 
the church of Westhale, the above mentioned road, and lands formerly 
belonging to Alan Holbeck. Witnesses : John Love senior, John Love 
junior, Roger atte Cros junior, John de Kylyate, Henry de Kylyate, 
Laurence Cook, Geoffrey Aired. Vellum: one skin 10X3^, seal 

325 (1367) Sunday next after the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed 

Mary the Virgin (March 25th), in the 41st year of Edward HI. Writing 
Obligatory (Lat.), dated at Medefeld, whereby John le Clerk of Wysete 
acknowledged himself bound to John de Mendham in a yearly rent of 
3s 4d, issuing from a messuage and lands in Medefeld, hamlet of 
Mendham, which lands John le Clerk recently acquired from John de 
Mendham, whose villein Roger le Noreys formerly held them. Vellum : 
one skin 10 X 4i, seal missing. 

243 (1367-8) Tuesday in the Feast of Saint Peter in Cathedra (22nd February), 

in the 42nd year of Edward IH. Charter (Lat.), dated at Medefeld co 
Suffolk confirming a grant from William son of John son of Godfrey of 
Medefeld, hamlet of Mendham, to Richard le Whyte of Fresingfeld, of all 


his part in a pightell (of land) lying in the said hamlet, between the 
tenement formerly of Robert Spe on the east, and the land of the said 
Richard on the west ; abutting on the tenement formerly of Roger Noreys 
on the south, and the land of the said Richard on the north ; and also of 
four pieces of land in Medefeld ; to wit, in the field called Northagh, 
between the land of the prior of Mendham on the east, land belonging to 
the hall of Medefeld, and land formerly of Roger Noreys on the west ; 
and abutting on a path formerly of John Osot on the south, and land 
belonging to the hall of Medefeld on the north. Witnesses : John de 
Mendham, William de Middiltone, Gilbert Aluene, Robert le Whyte, 
William Proudfot, Henry his brother, Thomas Glynn (?). Vellum: 
one skin 8i X 3f , seal missing. Notes : see number 249. 

240 (1367-8) Tuesday in the Feast of Saint Peter in Cathedra (22nd February), 

in the 42nd year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated at Medefeld, 
confirming a grant from William son of John son of Godfrey of Mede- 
feld, hamlet of Mendham, to Richard le Whyte of Fresingfeld, of all that 
his messuage, which formerly belonged to his father John, in the said 
hamlet of Medefeld ; with a road adjoining and with four small pieces of 
land, with the appurtenances ; of which the first piece lay between the 
said road on the west, and land of the feoffor on the east ; and abutted on 
land of Lord de Huntyngfeld on the south; the second piece lay 
between land of the said Lord de Huntingfeld on the south, and the said 
messuage on the north ; the third piece lay between the said messuage and 
the said second piece of land on the east, and land formerly of Alan 
Warmete on the west ; and the fourth piece of land was called Smethis- 
mere and lay between land of Christiana le Kyng on the east, and land 
formerly of Alan Warmete on the west ; and abutted on land of the said 
Alan on the south. Witnesses: John de Mendham, Roger le Brewse, 
Gilbert Aluene, Robert le Whyte, William Proudfot, Henry his brother, 
Thomas Germyn (?). Vellum : one skin 8X5, seal missing. Notes : 
the charter of even date, number 243 above, is made between the same 
parties and six of the witnesses are the same. 

277 (1368-9) Friday next after the Feast of Saint Gregory Pope (March 12th), 

in the 43rd year of Edward IH. Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), dated 
at Herlystone Market, by John Smalwode vicar of the church of Upton, 
William Ker vicar of the church of Weybred and Walter Oswold of Wey- 
bred to John Megre of Flexton, of lands and tenements in the Metefelde, 
hamlet of Mendham, formerly in possession of Roger Noreys, villein 
(copyhold tenant) of John de Mendham. Vellum : one skin 9i X 3, seal of 
green wax bears a motto and charge. 


319 (1370) Thursday next after the Feast of the Translation of Saint Thomas 

Martyr (July 7th), in the 44th year of Edward III. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Henstede, confirming a grant from William de Tiryngtone "goldsmyth" 
of Lowystoft to Edmund de Gysilham parson of the church of Soterlee, 
William dil March of Soterlee, William Candeler of Kirkelee, Robert 
Palmere of Pakefeld and John de Gysilham, of a messuage lands and 
tenements in Henstede and Soterlee, then lately belonging to John Fraun- 
ceys of Henstede and descending to Margery daughter of Bartholomew 
Fraunceys, wife of William de Tiryngton. Witnesses ; Thomas Lescelyn, 
William Oldryng, John Lece, John Carman, John Smyth, Roger Chap- 
man, William Reymond. Vellum: 11X3^, ecclesiastical seal in good 

323 (1388) Monday next before the Feast of the Translation of Saint Thomas 

the Martyr (July 7th), in the 12th year of Richard II. Charter (Lat.), 
dated at Metefeld, confirming a grant from John Megre son of the late 
John Megre of Metefeld, hamlet of Mendham, to John Doget of Fresyng- 
feld, of a messuage and land formerly belonging to John Megre senior in 
Metefeld. Witnesses : William Middilton, Wakelin Brews, Roger his 
brother, Richard Wyhte, John Wyhte, Richard Harry, and John Gyle of 
Fresyngfeld. Vellum : one skin 10 X 3f , seal missing. 

796 Undated, late 14th or early 15th century. Will (Lat.) of Richard Whyte 

of Metefeld. The testator desired that Richard Harry and John Doget 
of Metefeld, feoffees to the uses of his will, should re-enfeoff Joan Whyte 
his wife with his messuage, lands and tenements for the term of her life 
with remainder to his son John, except certain pieces of land which his son 
John Whyte was to receive at once in consideration of paying a debt of 
five marks, owed by the testator. Of these pieces one was called Hernald- 
islond, and the rest lay in Northagh. The testator bequeathed all his 
goods and chattels to his wife. Vellum : one skin 9| X 2i. 

328 (1403) Sunday next after the Feast of Saint Lucia Virgin and Martyr 

(December 13th), in the 5th year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Westhale, confirming a grant from Henry Love of Westhale to Richard 
Danyel clerk, Thomas Payn of Westhale and Robert Wrygthe smiths of 
Westhale, of a piece of land lying between the freehold land of the church 
of Saint Andrew of Westhale, lands formerly belonging to Thomas 
Evepole, the road between Westhale and Sodyrton, and the freehold land 
of the aforementioned church. Witnesses : John Savage, Walter Poleyn, 
William Borhed, Henry Beneth, William Payn, Edward Alwene, Thomas 
Kylgate. Vellum : one skin 9X4, seal bears the letter W. Notes : see 
number 327 below. 


327 (1403) Sunday next after the Feast of Saint Lucia Virgin and Martyr 

(December 13th), in the 5th year of Henry IV. Deed of Covenant 
(Lat.) between Henry Love of Westhale and John Palmer of the one part 
and Richard Danyel clerk, Thomas Payn of Westhale and Robert Wryghte 
"le Smyth" of the other part; after reciting that Henry Love had enfeoffed 
Richard, Thomas and Robert with a piece of land (described in number 328 
above) and John Palmer had enfeoffed the same, with a pightle in Westhale 
lying between the close and lands of the late John Wynggefeld knight and 
the common of Westhale ; and a piece of land lying between the lands of 
Edmund Payn and John Palmer, by two separate charters ; yet Richard, 
Thomas and Robert would hold those charters null and void, if they were 
left in undisturbed possession of a messuage and curtilage in Westhale, 
the messuage lying between the pightle of Richard Love, a plot of John 
Bacon, and the common of Westhale ; and the curtilage lying between 
lands of Richard Love, John Bacon and Henry Thurberne, both messuage 
and curtilage having been acquired by gift and feoffment of John Sygo of 
Westhale ; but if they were disturbed in their possession by Olive, sister (?) 
of John Sygo, the charters of Henry Love and John Palmer were to hold 
good. Witnesses : John Savage, Walter Poleyn, William Borhed, 
Henry Beneth, William Payn, Edward AUwene, Thomas Kylyate. 
Vellum: one skin (three holes in centre) 10iX6, three interesting seals, 
one armorial. 

311 (1405) Thursday next before the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel 

(September 29th), in the 6th year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at South Elmham, confirming a grant from John Doget of South Elmham of 
the parish of Saint James the Apostle to Thomas Wryghthe, of a 
messuage called Noreys with a croft in Metefeld, hamlet of Mendeham, 
lying between the land called Kyngishallelond, the land of William 
Pykot and of William Warmete, the land of the lord (domini) of Norwich, 
and the land of John Whyghte. Witnesses: Richard Banyard, John 
Megre, Robert Kooc, John Broner, Thomas Wryghthe. Vellum : 
one skin 1 1 X 5i, the seal bears a Saint Katherine wheel and a motto. 


331 (1415-16) Wednesday next before Feast of Saint Peter in Cathedra 

(February 22nd), in the 3rd year of Henry V. Charter (Lat.), dated at 
Metefeld, confirming a grant from Thomas Wrygte of Redenhale 
to John Whyte of Metefeld, of a messuage called Noreys and a croft in 
Metefeld, hamlet of Mendham, lying between land called Kyngeshallelond, 
the land of William Pycot and William Warmete, the land of the Bishop 
of Norwich, and the land of John Whyte. Witnesses : John Everehard, 
William Harpour, Robert Bakhous, John Scurbolie son of Robert 


Scurbolie and Edmund Purs. Vellum : one skin 9i X 4f , small seal 
bears a Saint Katharine wheel within a motto, probably from the same 
matrix as number 333. 

335 (1415-16) Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle 

(February 24th), in the 3rd year of Henry V. Grant (Lat.), dated at 
Metefeld, from Richard Banyard of Spectishale, Robert Cook, John 
Megris, Stephen Warner, John Blome and John Newman of Southelmham 
to John Wygte of Metefeld, of all the lands etc formerly belonging to 
Roger Noreys, which the lessors acquired together with John Broun 
of Southelmham, by feoffment from Thomas Wrygte then of Redenhale. 
Witnesses : John Everard, William Harpour, William Harry, Robert 
Harry, John West, John Thourd, Robert Kynggesheye. Vellum : one 
skin 11 X4i, six pendent seals, three and three, bearing various devices. 

334 (1415-6) Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint Matthias Apostle 

(February 24th), in the 3rd year of Henry V. Letter of Attorney (Lat.), 
dated at South Elmham, from Richard Banyard of Spectishale, Robert 
Cook, John Megre, Stephen Warner, John Blome and John Newman of 
South Elmham to Robert Kynggesheye of Mendham, to deliver seisin 
to John Wyte of Metefeld, of lands and appurtenances in Metefeld, 
formerly in the tenure of Roger Noreys. These lands were acquired 
by Richard, Robert etc together with John Broun, by feoffment from 
Thomas Wrygte of Redenhale. Vellum : one skin 1 1 X 2i^, five seals 
pendent on one tag, the top one bears a shield, the second a Saint 
Katherine wheel, and the other three are obscure. 

333 (1418) Thursday next after Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist (April 

25th), in the 6th year of Henry V. Release and Quit Claim (Lat.), 
dated at Medefeld, from Thomas Wryghte of Redenhale to John 
Whyte of Medefeld, of the messuage called Noreys in Medefeld, 
hamlet of Mendham ; lying between land called Kyngeshallelond, land 
formerly belonging to William Fykot, and land of John Whyte. 
Witnesses: John Everard, Robert Harry, William Harpour, William 
Harry, Thomas Kook, John Mayston, Roger de Medefeld. Vellum : 
one skin 12X4J, seal bears a Saint Katherine wheel within a motto, 
probably from the same matrix as number 331. 

324 (1419) Monday next after the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle 

(November 30th), in the 7th year of Henry IV. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Westhale, confirming a grant from Richard Love of Westhale and 
Agnes his wife to Henry Benet of Westhale, of a piece of land lying 
between the land of William de Hant, a boundary called Tonmere between 


Sotherton and Westhale, a close of Richard Love, and land of William de 
Hant. Witnesses : Henry Love, William Borhed, Thomas Payn, John 
Palmer, John Benet. Vellum : one skin 11^X4^, seal missing. 

314 (1442) Thursday next after the Feast of Saint Ambrose bishop (April 

4th), in the 20th year of Henry VL Charter (Lat.), dated at Metefeld, 
confirming a grant from Richard Doget of Mendham and Robert Mendham 
of Mendham to John Whyghte of Metefeld and John Kyngeseye of 
Mendham, of the following ; namely, a tenement called Whyghtes with 
appurtenances, which Adam Whyghte formerly held in Metefeld and 
Mendham ; a tenement called Norys with a croft in Metefeld, lying 
between land called Kyngeshallelond, land formerly belonging to William 
Pycot and William Warmet, land of the Lord Bishop of Norwich and 
land of the tenement Whyghtes, which tenement formerly belonged to 
John Doget of Southelmham ; a pightle with a piece of land called Blomes 
in Metefeld lying between the land formerly belonging to William Harpour 
called Redyng, a tenement Loundes belonging to the prior of Mendham, land 
then lately belonging to William Harpour, and a pightle called Mallard ; 
a second piece of land lying in Metefeld between the land of a tenement 
called Norys, the villein land of the prior of Mendham, Whyghtes and a 
path between Southelmham and Metefeld ; a third piece of land lying 
between Norys, a close belonging to Whyghtes, the land of the tenement 
Pecots, and land belonging to Whyghtes ; a piece of meadow in Homers- 
feld in the meadow called Lymbornemedwe, lying between the meadows 
of William Medilton, the prioress of Bungeye, Peter Godon, and the abbot 
of Sibton. All these lands etc, the feoffors had then recently acquired of 
John Whyghte. Witnesses : John Jermyn esquire, William Medelton, 
John Weston, William Hary, Robert Hary, Robert Gebbesson, John 
Lounds. Vellum: one skin 12 X 74, two seals, with cord rings embedded, 
bearing no impression. 

330 (1442) April 6th, in the 20th year of Henry VL Charter (Lat.), dated 

at Metefeld, confirming a grant from John Whyghte of Metefeld and John 
Kyngeseye of Mendham to Richard Whyghte, Margaret Gosselyn, Adam 
Awbry citizen of Norwich, Edmund Turner baker and citizen of Norwich, 
Richard Doget and Robert Mendham of Mendham, of lands and tene- 
ments lately acquired by gift and demise from Richard Doget and Robert 
Mendham, in the townships of Metefeld, Mendham and Homersfeld. 
Witnesses : John Germyn esquire, William Myddelton, John Weston, 
Robert Hary, John Lounds, William Hary, Thomas Alman. Vellum : 
one skin Hi X 5i, two seals in good condition. 


310 1447 July 15th, in the 25th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), dated at 

Westhale, confirming a grant from Walter Martyn clerk, John Hevenyng- 
ham knight, Reginald Rous of Denyngton and Thomas Croftes of Westhale 
esquires, Robert Banyard of Spettishale and Edmund Alwene of Westhale 
to John Benet of Westhale, of a piece of land called Belis Acre, part of a 
tenement called Goochis in Westhale then lately acquired from John Gooche, 
which piece lay in the field called Chirchfelde, between lands of John 
Benet, the enclosure of Baldewyn Holbek, the highway, and the meadows 
of John Benet and Geoffrey Payn. Witnesses : John Hopton esquire, 
Baldewyn Holbek of Westhale, Richard his son, John Hervy, John Saly, 
Thomas Lece, John Ederych of the same. Vellum : one skin 12i X 4, 
six pendent seals, two, two, and two, bearing various devices, all in good 

309 (1447) July 15th, in the 25th year of Henry VI. Letter of Attorney 

(Lat.) from Walter Martyn clerk, John Hevenyngham knight, Reginald 
Rous of Denyngton, Thomas Croftes of Westhale esquire, Robert Ban- 
yard of Spettishale and Edmund Alwene of Westhale to Robert Alverych 
clerk and John Hervy of Westhale, to deliver seisin to John Benet of 
Westhale, of a piece of land called Belis Acre, part of a tenement called 
Goochis in Westhale then lately acquired from John Gooche ; which piece 
lay in the field called Cherchfeld, between the lands of John Benet and 
the highway. Vellum: one skin 12^X3^, six pendent seals, two, two, 
and two, one broken. 

347 1447 September 10th, in the 26th year of Henry VI. Indenture of 

Lease (Engl.) from Robert Codon of Donewych to William Bedon 
of Rendyllsham, of three closes and a meadow in ye town of Stovene 
betwyn ye clooss and ye land late Richard and Robert Codynhamys, 
and ye kynggys hey weye and the Comown path qwych goth from 
ye cherche of Stovene forsayd to a Tenement of ye Priowrys of 
Wangforth clept ye Rye," and between other lands of Robert Codon 
and the prior ; the aforesaid closes and meadow were formerly in the 
tenure of William Payne. Vellum: one skin 11X10, seals missing. 
Notes : a transcript of this document is given in the appendix. 

337 (1449-50) March 20th, in the 28th year of Henry VI. Charter indented 

(Lat.), dated at Westhale, confirming grant from John Benet of Westhale 
to John Newman of Spectishale, Thomas Crofts of Westhale knight and 
William Hoo of Wyssete, of a capital messuage called Crossis in West- 
hale, plots in Chirchfeld, a meadow called Crossis Medewe in the same, 
with an easement through Crossis Lane ; formerly held by the grantor 
together with Robert Crane of Stonham Jernegan deceased, by demise 


from Richard Danyell clerk and John Hervy of Westhale, and formerly 
in the possession of John Benet senior. The capital messuage aforesaid 
is described as lying between Crossis Lane, the highroad, a public path and 
the close of John Saly. The plots in Chirchfeld were bounded by the 
church of Westhale, the land of Baldewyn Holbeck, a close called Melle- 
mont belonging to William Payn, the land of William Borhead, and the 
land of Robert Wyngefeld knight. This document was to be void if John 
Benet paid £8 before Michaelmas 1457; and the grantor was to be 
reseised. Witnesses : Robert Banyard of Spectishale, John Hervy of 
Westhale, John Love, Baldewyn Holbek, Richard his son, Thomas Lece, 
Robert Orlowe of the same. Vellum : one skin 13x7, seals missing. 

326 (1452-3) January 30th, in the 31st year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 

dated at Metefeld, confirming a demise and delivery from Adam Awbry, 
Edmund Tumour citizen of Norwich and Robert Mendham of Mendham 
to John Whygthe of Metefeld, Henry Everard of Cratfeld, Thomas 
Doget of Mendham and William Benocle of Metefeld, of lands and 
tenements in Metefeld, which Adam, Edmund and Robert held jointly 
with Richard Whyghte son of John Whyghte, Margery Gosselyn and 
Richard Doget of Mendham deceased, by gift and feoffment from John 
Whyghte and John Kyngeseye. Witnesses : John Jermyn esquire, 
Robert Medilton, Walter Neche, Robert Acy, Robert Gebisson. Vellum : 
one skin 13X4, three seals in good condition. 

332 (1452) Monday next after the Feast of Saint George (April 23rd), in 

the 30th year of Henry VL Lease (Lat.), dated at Mendham, from 
Robert Mendham of Mendham to John Whyte of Metefeld, Henry 
Everard of Cratfeld, Thomas Doget of Mendham, and William Benocle 
of Metefeld, of lands and tenements in Metefeld, Mendham, Wederisdale, 
Southel and elsewhere in the county of Suffolk, formerly held by him 
jointly with Richard Doget of Mendham deceased, by gift and feoffment 
from John Whyte, excepting a messuage called Whytis and a tenement 
called Dogetis in Metefeld, a piece of meadow in Lymburne and a pightle 
called Blomisyerd. Witnesses : John Jermyn knight, Thomas Bateman, 
Robert Medilton, Walter Niche, Robert Gebisson. Vellum : one skin 
11x5, the seal bears the letter R below a crown. 

289 (1461) November 30th, in the 39th year of Henry VL Charter (Lat.), 

dated at Metfeld, confirming a grant from Henry Everard of Cratfeld 
and William Benocle of Metfeld to Andrew Smith clerk, of two tenements 
called Whites and Dogetts, which they formerly held jointly with John 
White of Metfeld and Thomas Doget of Mendham deceased, froin the 
gift of Adam Awbry and Edward Tumour citizens of Norwich and 


Robert Mendham of Mendham, by a charter dated at Metfeld 30th 
January 1452-3. Witnesses : John Jermy esquire, Robert Gibbisson, 
John Goche, Robert Boteler, Thomas at Haugh. Vellum : one skin 
12X5, two seals of red wax, one bears the letter H and the other W. 
Notes : see number 326 above. 

288 (1461) December 20th, in the 39th year of Henry VI. Charter (Lat.), 

dated at Metfeld, confirming a grant from Andrew Smith clerk to John 
White of Metfeld, Henry Everard of Cratfeld, John Everard of Lynstede 
Magna, Wilham Benocle of Metfeld, Richard Meye of Stowe Market, 
John Cook of Brannford and Edmund at Lee of Eye, of two tenements in 
Metfeld called White's and Dogetts, obtained from Henry Everard and 
William Benocle by a charter given at Metfeld 30th November 1461. 
Witnesses: John Jermy esquire, John Goche, Robert Gibbisson, Henry 
Orlowe, Robert Tason. Vellum : one skin 12ix5, seal missing. Notes: 
see number 289 above. 

346 (1464) May 12th, in the 4th year of Edward IV. Charter (Lat.), dated 

at Metefeld, confirming a grant from William Balston of Laxfeld, 
Thomas Whyte of Badyngham and William Alpot of Metefeld to Henry 
Fayrhed of the parish of Saint George in Southelmham, Robert 
Gybbysson of Metefeld, Henry Orlowe and John Scrobylye junior of the 
same, of a tenement called Frankes with Brytyeves in Metefeld, and 
appurtenances in Metefeld and Wedyrsdale, which the grantors acquired 
jointly with others by demise from Robert Bachows, William Sutton, 
Thomas Hawe of Metefeld and John Lound of Southelmham, in 
consideration of ;^25, payable by instalments in the church of Metefeld. 
Witnesses : John Whyte, John Goche parker, Robert Boteler, Thomas 
Alman, John Teysard, Vellum : one skin 12i X 9i, three seals not armorial. 

287 (1467) May 10th, in the 7th year of Edward IV. Release and Quit Claim 

(Lat.), dated at Brokedyssh, by William Gryys of Brokedyssh gentylman," 
master Henry Trevelyan, Simon Brayles clerk and William Lee esquire 
to John Whyte of MetefFeld, of 3s 4d rent from a messuage called 
" dogetts " alias " megrys " or " Noreys " in Mendham and MetefFeld. 
Witnesses : Thomas Brews knight, William Brews and John Jermy 
esquires, Thomas Gardener clerk, Nicholas Wulnawe, Robert Gryys, 
William Howard. Vellum: one skin 14x4i-, four seals of red wax, all 
in good condition, afiSxed to pendent tags, two and two. 

313 (1468-9) Monday next after the Feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle 

(February 24th), in the 8th year of Edward IV. Charter (Lat.), dated 
at Metefeld, confirming a grant from John Whyte of Metefeld, John 


Everard of Lynstede Magna, William Benocle of Metefeld, Richard 
Meye of Stowe Market, John Cook of Braunforth and " Edmund at ye lee" 
of Eye to John Date alias Russcheye of Fresyngfeld and John Everard 
of Crattefeld, of the tenements called Whytes and Dogettys in Mete- 
feld with appurtenances, then recently acquired in conjunction with 
Henry Everard deceased of Cratfeld from Andrew Smyth clerk, by 
charter dated at Metefeld 21st December 1461. Power of attorney 
granted to John Rook chaplain and John Teysard, to give seisin to the 
above. Witnesses : Thomas Brews knight, John Jermy esquire, Robert 
Gybbysson, Robert Goche, Henry Orlowe. Vellum : one skin 12 X 6j, 
six seals in good condition, one bears a stag's head caboshed. Notes : 
see number 288 above. 

320 (1478) 11th June, in the 18th year of Edward IV. Award (Lat.), 

dated at Becclys, of William Wyngfeld esquire, William Stanley esquire, 
Thomas Playter and Thomas Pert, arbitrators between Anastasia wife 
of the late John Benet, her son and heir Roger Benet, and Robert Kelyate, 
with regard to the claim of the former to certain lands and tenements 
which Robert Kelyate had then lately acquired from John Benet, in the 
townships of Westhale and Holton ; and upon all matters in dispute between 
them until (up to) 11th June 18 Edward IV. The arbitrators adjudged 
that Robert Kelyate should hold these lands for the term of his life, after 
which they were to return to Anastasia and her heirs, then to the heirs 
of John Benet ; also that Robert Kelyate was to deliver to William 
Wyngfeld a certain bond, by which John Benet was bound to him in ten 
marks, to be returned to him if Anastasia or her heirs broke this 
agreement, and he was to pay all arrears of rent due to Anastasia. 
She on her part was to withdraw a certain action de cui in vita," in the 
Manor Court of William Hopton of Westhale, begun by a royal writ of 
Right Close. Vellum: one skin 11^X8^, four seals in good condition, 
two with cord rings embedded in the wax. 

338 and 339 (1479) June 8th, in the 19th year of Edward IV. Indenture of Release 

(Lat.) in duplicate, dated at Westhale, from John Hevenyngham knight, 
John Jernegan esquire and John Auncell of Kersyngford to Robert 
Kylyate of Westhale, of lands and tenements in Westhale and Holton 
CO Suffolk, acquired by Robert Kylyate from and during the lifetime of 
the late John Benet of Westhale, and afterwards held by the parties 
to this deed in common with John Jernegan senior knight, Robert 
Banyard, William Boundys and Thomas Auncell of Blyford, all deceased ; 
by gift and feoffment from William Hoo and others. After the death of 
Robert Kylyate the property was to remain to Anastasia wife of John 
Benet deceased, and their children and heirs, or to the next heirs. Power 


of attorney to Thomas Goche, perpetual vicar of the church of Westhale 
and Richard Holbek to deliver seisin to Robert Kylyate. Witnesses : 
William Wyngefeld esquire, William Mekilfeld esquire, Thomas Duke 
esquire, Richard Holbek, Robert Payn, Richard Love. Vellum : each 
one skin 14X17^, three seals to each. 

344 (1499) November 10th, in the 15th year of Henry VII. Charter (Lat.), 

dated at Medefeld, confirming a grant in accordance with the will of 
Nicholas Norton and at the request of his wife Agnes Norton, from 
Thomas Mapilhed of Medefeld and John Benocle to Agnes Norton, 
Thomas Norton of Medefeld, John Throkmerton of Southelmham esquire, 
Robert Mapilhed, Robert Cavell and Jacob Cobbe of Gyssynge, of three 
pieces of arable land in Medefeld, two of which lay in one close between 
the land of Nicholas Norton called Ofotes (Osotes ?), the land of John 
Teysard called Swerdscroft and the road called Ofotisweye (Osotisweye ?); 
and the third lay in the field called Northhaughfeld between the lands 
of Nicholas aforesaid John Sterf and John Peck ; which pieces had been 
then recently acquired by the feoffors jointly with Nicholas Norton and 
John Whyte deceased, from Robert Medylton of Mendham gentleman, 
John Godbald of Fressyngfeld, Thomas Alman of Medefeld and John 
Frosteyn of Ilketyshale, by a charter dated at Medefeld 20th September 
18 Edward IV. Power of attorney to Richard Herte of Medefeld 
clerk, to deliver seisin. Witnesses : John Jermy esquire senior, Robert 
Benocle, John Harpour, William Fale, Thomas Mevce (sic). Vellum : 
one skin lOj X 84, seal missing. 

316 Undated, probably late 15th century. A Rental (Lat.), as follows; 

namely, " Rent of Assize of the tenement of John Ofot (Osot ?) of 
Medefeld, paid to the Manor of Walsamhall in Mendham at four terms 
yearly, viz. At the Feast of Saint Andrew 12id, at the Feast of Easter 
12id, at the Feast of Saint John Baptist 64d, and at the Feast of 
Saint Michael 6id. Sum, 4s. And in addition the said tenement shall 
perform the underwritten customary works, viz. It shall plough 
two days in winter without food or pay 6d. Item, it shall plough or 
harrow two days in Quadragesima and have food, or pay 6d. Item, 
it shall do three services with horse and cart for the lord's food or pay 6d. 
Item, it shall carry dung with one whole cart for one day and a half or 
pay 6d. Item, it shall carry wheat in autumn with one cart for one 
day and a half, for the lord's food, or pay 6d. Item, it shall do four 
boondays in autumn for the lord's food, or pay 4d. Item, it shall hoe 
three days or pay lid. Item, it shall help to get in the hay for three 
days or pay Ijd. Item, it shall thresh a half day or give id. Item, it 
shall cut wood a half day or pay 4d. Item, one cock at the Feast of the 


Nativity or pay Id. Item, at the Feast of Easter twelve eggs or pay id. 
Sum, 3s 34d. Sum paid in all, by delivery of rent and by customary 
works, 7s SH." Vellum: one skin 9X4. Notes: such services would 
originally be incumbent on the villein tenant of the manor, as a villein. 
In the 14th and 15th centuries they had become merely a charge upon 
villein or copyhold land, which a free man might take without affecting 
his social status. 

411 (i) (1501) Wednesday in the Feast of Saint Augustine Bishop (May 5th), 

in the 16th year of Henry VI (sic). Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the 
manor of Horham records that at a "Court with Leet" held on the above 
date, Henry Baldry did suit of court for 2 acres of copyhold land called 
Isabells Pightell, held on 3s rent, by right of his wife Alice daughter of 
Alice Sevell, which land both Alices formerly held jointly, by surrender 
of Marion Sevell on Tuesday before the Feast of Saint Thomas the 
Martyr 29th December 19 Edward IV. The copy appears to be incorrect, 
sexti being written for septimi. Vellum : one skin 14 X 5. 

366 (1507) Thursday next after the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist 

(October 18th), in the 27th year of Henry VII. Copy of Court Roll 
of the manor of Wylleby records that at a court held on the above date, 
John Gurney alias Taylor surrendered 7 acres, 1 rod of copyhold land 
and a plightle called Gossepightle in Wylleby ; a moiety called Blogges- 
croft in Wylleby ; a little copyhold pightle lying below the garden of John 
Taylour, formerly belonging to William Fabyan and later to Richard 
Taylour ; and part of a close called Wyllebyfeld : to the use of William 
Bocher, who was admitted tenant on condition that he paid ;^12 to John 
Taylor at certain terms. Vellum : one skin 11 X 4i. 

368 (1508) Thursday next after the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed 

Virgin Mary (March 25th), in the 23rd year of Henry VII. Copy of 
Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of (unnamed) records that at a Little 
Court of Lady Anne Wyngfeld held on the above date, John Mayew 
junior surrendered a piece of land in Ketylco, lying off the King's 
Highway called Hallestrete ; which John received with other lands by 
surrender from John Mayew senior, at a court held on Thursday after 
the Feast of Saint Faith (October 19th) 18 Henry VII ; to the use of 
William Bocher who was admitted tenant. The manor in question 
is probably Wylleby, as the handwriting is the same as in number 374. 
Vellum : one skin 10X3. 

374 (1508) Thursday next after the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist 

(October 18th), in the 24th year of Henry VII. Copy of Court Roll 
(Lat.) of the manor of Wylleby records that John Gurney alias Taylor 


surrendered 7 acres and 1 rod of copyhold land and one pightle called 
Gossepigtelle in Wylleby, half a close called Bloggescroft in Wylleby, 
and a little pightle below the garden of John Taylor, formerly belonging 
to William Fabyan and lately to Richard Taylour in Wylleby, being a 
parcel of a close called Wyllebyfeld in Wylleby ; to the use of William 
Bocher, who was admitted tenant on condition of paying the sum of 
;^12 by instalments. Vellum: one skin lO^XSi. 

322 (1508-9) March 1st, in the 24th year of Henry VII. Charter Indented 

(Lat.), dated at Metefeld, for the faithful execution of the last will of 
John Whyte of Metfeld, confirming a grant from John Thomson 
of Aldebregh and John Norton of Metfeld to John Corbyn of Metefeld, 
Katerine his wife one of the daughters and heiresses of the said 
John Whyte, Francis Throkmorton son of John Throkmorton esquire, 
John Everard of Cratfeld, William Coke of Lynsted, John Hare of 
Homersfeld and John Cartwryte of Metefeld, of two messuages called 
Whytes and Warmettys and all lands etc in Metefeld lately held by 
John Thomson and John Norton jointly, by demise and feoffment from 
John Corbyn and Katerine his wife, by a charter given at Metefeld 4th 
February 24 Henry VII (1508-9). Witnesses: John Jermy "gentylman," 
Thomas Skarlet, John Spynk, Robert Teysard, Nicholas Baker. Vellum; 
one skin 13^ X 5, two seals, not armorial. 

411 (ii) (1523) Saturday May 2nd, in the 15th year of Henry VIII. Copy of 
Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Horham Jernegan records that 
Thomas Wright and Joan his wife surrendered two acres of copyhold 
land called Isbells Pictell in Horham, lying between lands of the manor 
in the tenure of Robert Clubb and the road leading from Horham to 
Hoxne ; and abutting on freehold land of John Gerlinge called Toyser 
and land of the manor of Horham Halle, in the tenure of John Pikerell 
then lately acquired by surrender of Alice Baldry 21 Henry VIII. 
Vellum: one skin 14X5. 

411 (iii) 1558 Monday (November 21st) ?, in the 1st year of Elizabeth (sic). 
Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Horham Jernegan records 
that John Middaye alienated reversion, viz, after the death of the said 
John and Alice his wife, to the same Thomas (sic) Middaye in one tenement, 
and certain lands without licence of court. Vellum : one skin 14X5. 

341 (1565) Tuesday next before the Feast of Pentecost (June 10th), in the 7th 

year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Metfilde 
then in the possession of Francis Jermy esquire records that at a court held 
there on the above date, Gregory Norton was adinitted tenant of a piece 


of land of the copyhold tenement called Swordscroft in Metfilde, and 
nine acres in Metfilde in Northaughfilde, lying between the lands of 
John White, John Orlowe, land formerly belonging to William Pecke, 
and a meadow called Peckerds Brooke; of which his father Robert 
Norton had died seised, and which Robert Norton inherited from his 
father John Norton, as was recorded at a court held on Friday, in the 
Feast of Saint Edward King and Confessor (January 5th), in the 1st year 
of Elizabeth. Vellum : one skin 12 X 3i. 

624 (a) (1565-6) Saturday before the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord 

" to wit the 1st January," in the 8th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court 
Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Wylbye records that at a court held on the 
above date, John Butcher surrendered into the hands of the lord various 
copyhold lands described, which the lord regranted to him and the heirs 
of his body, and in default of such heirs to Hugh Butcher and his 
heirs, in accordance with the will of Richard Butcher father of the above 
John and Hugh. Place Names : a tenement called Levedaies, Wylbie 
Greene, a pightle formerly belonging to Thomas Fysher, Gybbs Close, 
Smythf eldgappe, Cloggslande, a pightle called Goosepightle, John Taylour's 
garden, Kettleland, Wylbye Felde. Personal Names : Robert Borrett, 
Wm Longe, steward. Vellum : one skin 10 X 6i. Notes : see numbers 
624 b, c and d. 

393 (1565-6) Monday before the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul ; 

"to wit the 21st January," in the 8th year of Elizabeth. Admittance 
(Lat.) extracted by William Longe steward from the court roll of the 
manor of Walsham Hall in Mendham (co Suffolk), at a Court General 
held on the above date ; when it was found by the homage, that Robert 
Norton a copyholder of the manor died after the last court, seised of 
and in divers copyhold lands and tenements of the said manor ; and 
that Gregory Norton was his eldest son and next heir, according to the 
custom of that manor and of full age ; to wit, twenty and one years and 
more, at the date of that court ; which same Gregory came there 
in full court in his proper person and claimed to be admitted to all the 
said copyhold lands and tenements of that manor, which had descended 
to him by right of inheritance, through and after the death of the said 
Robert Norton his father, according to the custom of that manor ; to 
wit, to all that tenement in Metfield called Ossats (or Offats), containing 
by estimation twelve acres of copyhold land, meadow, and pasture with 
all the appurtenances ; formerly of John Norton from the grant of the 
lord ... in Court General there, held the 20th October in the 25th 
year of Henry VIII ; and the said Gregory was admitted by the rod, 
to hold to him and his heirs at the will of the lord, according to the 


custom of the manor, by services and customs owing ; and he gave to 
the lord a fine and did fealty. Vellum : one skin 10 X 54. Notes : 
a memorandum at the foot states that a copy of the original remained in 
the custody of Anthony Shardlowe gentleman and Jo Franckline. 

623 (1566) October 28th, in the 8th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) between Clement Rookwood of Burham co Suffolk gentleman, 
Philipp his wife and Thomas Chambers her son of the one part 
and Margery Mylwarde of Eton co Derby of the other part to 
create a marriage settlement on the marriage of Thomas Chambers with 
Edith daughter of Margery Mylwarde. The parties of the first part 
covenanted to convey by fine, a messuage called Whites with freehold 
land lying in Mettfyld, Mendham, and Wethersdall co Suffolk then let 
to Thomas Butler ; another messuage called Tesaunts, with freehold land 
then let to William Hopwood ; and a messuage called Wormetts, with 
freehold land then let to William Bacon to Thomas Butler and William 
Hopwood, who by the same fine were to be bound to convey the lands to 
Clement and Philipp Rookwood and to pay certain annuities to Thomas 
Chambers and Edith his wife under certain contingencies. The parties 
also covenanted to surrender the copyhold lands then let with the freehold, 
to the same uses. Witnesses : Christopher Gawdye, Nicholas Worthe, 
and William Brook. Vellum : one skin 23 X 12, seal bearing a rose. 
Notes : for the witnesses see number 585. 

342 1566 Monday next after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel 

(September 29th), in the 8th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll 
(Lat.) of the manor of Metfelde "' of the Manor of Jermy " records that 
at a court held on the above date, Gregory Norton surrendered to the 
lord all his copyhold lands, received at courts, held on the Tuesday before 
Pentecost and the Monday next after Michaelmas in the 7th year of 
Elizabeth, on the death of Robert Norton ; which lands were then 
regranted to Gregory Norton and Amphilia his wife and their heirs. 
Vellum: one skin 12X3. Notes: see number 341. 

350 (1566) Monday next after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel 

(September 29th), in the 8th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll 
(Lat.) of the manor of Wethersdale Jermye records that at a "Court with 
Leet" held there, Gregory Norton surrendered his copyhold lands and 
tenements, received by him at a court held on the Tuesday before the Feast 
of Pentecost in the 7th year of Elizabeth, on the death of Robert Norton 
his father, and that the lord regranted them to Gregory Norton and 
Amphilia his wife for their lives and the life of the survivor of them, and 
to their heirs. Vellum : one skin Uj X 2i. 


833 1566-1599. Copies of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Metfeld. 

(i) 1566 Monday after the Feast of Saint Michael (September 29th), in 
the 8th year of Elizabeth. Forfeiture of the copyhold lands of Gregory 
Norton in the manors of Metfeld and Wythersdale, which lands he had 
demised to William Denny without permission. — (ii) 1593 October 11th. 
Admittance of Anthony Shardlowe gentleman to a pightle called Trayle 
Morrell in Metfeld, which Edward Moore copyholder had acquired, 7th 
Elizabeth, by surrender of Wm Wynter, and which he had surrendered 
to the uses of his will through Stephen Welton in the presence of Geoffrey 
Fyske and Edward Markaunt copyholders. — (iii) 1598 October 12th. 
Surrender by Gregory Norton deceased, on May 2nd 1598, through Robert 
Skarlett in the presence of Thomas Skynner and William Blobold copy- 
holders, of all his lands, to the uses of his will recorded in court by the 
jury. — (iv) 1599 March 29th. Admittance of Ahce Norton relict of 
Gregory Norton deceased to lands and tenements in accordance 
with the will of Gregory Norton. John Hollond, steward. Paper: 
one sheet 12xl6i. Notes: there is a memorandum at foot, as 
follows, " I did according to your request peruse the rolls of a" 13° H 7 
wherein I find that John or Robt Norton surrendered only vi acres of 
land called Swordscroft to the use of the Surrenderer for life w^^ a Rem. 
in tayle. Uppon Condycion etc." 

308 (1566-7) January 28th, in the 9th year of EHzabeth. Charter (Lat.) 

confirming a grant from Thomas Gawdye of Clapston co Norfolk esquire 
and William Dennye of Langley, to the use of Gregory Norton of 
Cratfeld, of lands etc in Metfyld and Sancrofte and other townships 
in Suffolk then lately acquired from Gregory Norton by a charter dated 
22nd June 1566, with a power of attorney to Richard Smythe to dehver 
seisin to the above. Witnesses : Richard Newson, William Sudburi, 
Lawrens Oclam . . . ? Vellum: one skin 10^^X7, two seals, one 
may be armorial. 

329 (1566-7) February 1st, in the 9th year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) 

confirming a grant from Gregory Norton of Cratfyld in the county of 
Suffolk, to Richard Smythe of Cratfyld and Simon Smythe yeomen, 
of messuages, lands, and tenements in Metfyld and elsewhere in Suffolk, 
then lately in the possession of his father Robert Norton deceased, excepting 
his lands in Sancrofte, formerly in the possession of Robert Sellyng. 
Witnesses ; William Denys, William Orforthe, William Sudbri, John 
Smythe. Vellum : one skin 10 x 4, seal slightly broken, but the impression 
is clear. 


335 (1566-7) February 3rd, in the 9th year of EUzabeth. Indenture of 

Marriage Settlement (Engl.) from Richard Smythe of Cratfild co 
Suffolk and Symon Smythe to Gregory Norton of Cratfild and Amphilla 
his wife, of messuages, lands and tenements then lately belonging to Robert 
Norton deceased, with remainder to their heirs or the heirs of Gregory, 
which lands were conveyed to Richard and Symon Smythe by deed of 
the 1st February then last. No alienation was to be made without the 
consent of Richard and Symon. Witnesses : William Denys, William 
Orforth, William Sidbri, John Smythe. Vellum : one skin 9X7, two 
small seals both broken, one shows part of the letter N, and the other 
W and part of O. 

585 (1577) within fifteen days after Easter (April 7th), in the 19th year of 

Elizabeth. Pinal Concord (Lat.) between Thomas BuUer and William 
Hopwood plaintiffs and Clement Rokewood gentleman, Philippa his 
wife and Thomas Chambers deforciants, whereby the latter quitclaimed 
to the former 3 messuages and 115 acres in Mettfyld, Mendham and 
Wethersdale called Whites, Tesaunts and Wormetts, on condition that 
Thomas BuUer and William Hopwood should pay to Thomas Chambers 
an annual rentcharge upon the lands of ;^13 6s 8d for the space of a 
week, and afterwards to Edith Chambers his wife, during the life-time 
of Philippa ; and after the death of Thomas Chambers, (and also on 
condition that Thomas Buller and William Hopwood should convey the 
said lands to Clement and Philippa), for the term of her life, with remainder 
to Thomas Chambers and Edith his wife and their heirs. Vellum : one 
skin 17X9i. Notes: see number 623. 

791 (1577) Saturday June 1st, in the 19th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court 

Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Walsham Hall in Mendham records that at a 
court held on the Tuesday after the Feast of the Epiphany 5 Henry VI, 
a record was made of a surrender by Edmund Purse, of a cottage with 
curtilage in Metfeld, to the use of Thomas Norton and Alice his wife. 
As these premises had since then remained in the hands of the lords 
of the manor, the lords at this court granted them again to Gregory 
Norton, son and heir of Robert Norton deceased and to his wife Alice. 
William Atwoodd, steward. Vellum : one skin 10| X 6. 

624 (b) (1577) October 14th, Monday, in the 19th year of Elizabeth. Copy of 
Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Wylbye records that at a General 
Court held on the above date Robert Borrett and Margaret his wife 
surrendered to the use of John Butcher, a piece of copyhold land in 
Ketlekoo lying on the south of Hallestrette, acquired by surrender from 
Robert Calver, and by him from the estate of William Calver his 


father deceased, at a court held Friday September 26th, 2 and 3 Philip 
and Mary ; also at the same court (October 14th), Robert Calver and 
Margaret his wife quitclaimed to John Butcher the above piece of land, 
which was then surrendered by John Butcher and regranted to him by 
the lord for the term of his life with remainder to Hugh Butcher his 
nephew. William Atwood, steward. Vellum : one skin 12 X 8. Notes : 
see numbers 624 a, c and d. 

447 (1581) June 22nd, in the 23rd year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) 

confirming a grant, in part performance of covenants in indentures of 
even date, from Thomas Parmenter of Lyncolns Inne co Middlesex son 
and heir of William Parmenter of Bromstead co Norfolk gentleman to 
Edmund Reynolds of Eston co Suffolk carpenter, of a message in Eston 
then in the occupation of John More, together with a " pittell " (pightle) 
and a piece of land in Eston, in the field called Walnuttreffyld (which the 
grantor had then lately acquired of his father William Parmenter), in 
consideration of a yearly rent of Id, signed Thomas Permenter (sic). 
Witnesses: Willm Atwood, Thomas Stofer, Wyllm Smyth, Robart 
Newman, John Warne, John More. Notes : the description of the land 
is much scored and corrected, but the following names of persons and 
places can be discerned ; namely, William Smythe, Humfrey Broke 
gentleman, William Woodd of Parham, Edmund Clare, William Randes, 
the common of Eston, Letheringham Hawle, Wachecrofte, Crospictell, 
Ketelbergh, Wickham Markyt. Vellum : one skin 13 X 10, seal with 
four quarterings. 

607 (1581) June 22nd, in the 23rd year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) confirm- 

ing a grant from Thomas Parmenter of " Lyncolns Inne " co Middlesex 
gentleman, eldest son and heir of William Parmenter of Bromstead 
CO Norfolk gentleman, in performance of covenants specified in indentures 
of even date, between the grantor and Edmund Reynolds of Eston, 
CO Suffolk carpenter. The grantor conveyed to the latter a messuage in 
Eston in the occupation of John More, a garden croft and pightle in Eston 
adjacent and a piece of land lying in Walnuttrefylde. The messuage, 
garden, croft, pightle, and piece of land are described as lying, severally, 
between the road from Eston to Letheringham Hawle, the land of 
William Smyth, the pightle, land called Watchecrofte in the occupation 
of Humphrey Brook gentleman, "Canabar"(?) the land of William 
Woodd of Parham, land of Edmund Clare called " Crospictell," the road 
from Eston to Ketelbergh, the land of William Randes, and the road from 
Eston to Wickham Markytt, and as having been acquired by the 
grantor from his father. Witnesses : Edmund Clare, William Smyth, 
William Coacke. Vellum : one skin 14 X 8, seal with quarterings. 


373 (1581-2) March 21st, in the 24th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and 

Engl.) from Thomas Parmynter of " Lyncolns Inne " co Middlesex, son 
and heir of William Parmynter gentleman and Fraunces his wife, to 
Edmund Reynolds of Eston co Suffolk carpenter in ;^80, to perform 
covenants contained in two indentures of the 20th June 23 Elizabeth, 
dealing with the sale of a messuage and lands in Eston in the occupation 
of John More. Witnesses : William Atwoodd, John Warne, Thomas 
Stofer, Thomas Permenter. Vellum: one skin 12iX5i, one armorial 
seal in red wax, bears four quarterings. 

394 (1584) within fifteen days after Easter (April 19th), in the 26th year of 

Elizabeth. Final Concord (Lat.) between John Blobold and John 
Laurence plaintiffs, and Clement Rookewood gentleman, Joan his 
wife and Thomas Chambers gentleman deforciants ; whereby the latter 
quitclaimed to the former a messuage, garden, 6 acres of land, 20 acres 
of meadow, 60 acres of pasture and 4 acres of wood in Metfeilde, in 
consideration of ;^140. Vellum: one skin 16X5. 

345 1584 the last day of June, in the 26th year of Elizabeth. Release and 

Quit Claim (Lat.) from John Blobold of Mendham co Suffolk yeoman to 
John Lawrence of the parish of Saint James in Southelmeham in the county 
aforesaid yeoman, of a tenement or messuage called Whytes in Metfild, 
then in the occupation of a certain Francis Pearcye, with appurtenances 
and about 50 acres, lying between the lands of Richard Ward gentleman, 
Brian Harper, Richard Freston esquire, the land of John Blobold 
formerly belonging to John Jermy gentleman, other land of John Blobold, 
then lately in the possession of Thomas Mapled deceased, a meadow then 
in the possession of John Blobold, then lately in that of Thomas Mapled, 
and a lane dividing Southelmham and Metfild. Witnesses : James 
Bowler, William Sandcrofte. Vellum : one skin 13X10, seal badly 

608 1584 July 10th, in the 26th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Feoffment 

(Lat.) from John Lawrence of the parish of Saint James in Southelmeham 
CO Suffolk yeoman, in performance of covenants specified in indentures 
between the feoffor and Richard Aldows of Fresingfilde and Thomas 
Aldows junior yeoman, dated the 2nd July 1584. The feoffor conveyed to 
Richard and Thomas a tenement called Whytes with appurtenances in 
Metfeld and fifty acres of land, in the occupation of Francis Pearcye, lying 
between lands of Richard Ward gentleman, Brian Harper, Richard 
Freston esquire, John Blobould late of John Jermy gentleman, John 
Blobould late of Thomas Mapled deceased, and the roads between 
Southelmeham and Metfilde. Witnesses : John Blobolde, James Bowler, 
Frauncis Pearcye, William Sandcrofte. Vellum: one skin 13X9. 


369 1584 July 14th, in the 26th year of Elizabeth. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from John Lawrence in the parish of Saint James in Southelmham co 
Suffolk yeoman to Richard Aldows of Fresingfild in the same county 
yeoman and Thomas Aldows junior yeoman in £50, to perform covenants 
contained in an indenture of the 2nd July (1584), dealing with the sale of 
a tenement called Whites in Metfilde co Suffolk with 50 acres in Metfild, 
then in the occupation of Frauncis Pearcye. Witnesses: Jafry Fysk, 
William Sandcrofte. Vellum ; one skin 14^ X 3i, portion of a seal of 
red wax. 

600 lS86(-7) January 15th, in the 29th year of Elizabeth. Charter (Lat.) 

confirming a feoffment by Richard Aldows of Fresingfilde co Suffolk 
yeoman, to his brother Thomas Aldows junior of Fresingfilde yeoman 
and Thomas the son of the latter, of a tenement called Whytes with 50 
acres and appurtenances in Metfilde, then in the occupation of Alexander 
Bancroft, which lands the feoffor acquired jointly with the feoffee, by 
feoffment from John Lawrence bearing date the 10th July 26 Elizabeth. 
The price paid by Thomas Aldows was £255. Witnesses : William 
Sandcrofte, John Bancrofte, and Samuel Bancroft (sic). Vellum : one 
skin 114 X 11, with seal. 

615 1587 Thursday September 7th, in the 29th year of EUzabeth. Copy of 

Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor of Wallesham Hall in Mendham records 
that at a General Court held on the above date, a surrender of copyhold 
lands made the 5th December 26 Elizabeth, by Gregory Norton and A.lice 
his wife, in favour of Robert Launce, in consideration of a covenant 
between the parties, was annulled on payment of the covenanted sum, 
and Gregory and Alice were readmitted tenants, whereupon they executed 
another surrender in favour of William Gooche, such surrender to be void 
on condition that ;^75 was repaid to William Gooche by a certain date. 
William Atwoodd, steward. Vellum : one skin 17X6. 

411 (iv) 1588 Monday in the Feast of Pentecost " to wit the 27th May," in the 
30th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of 
Horham Shermans records that at a Court General with Leet held 
on the above date, Edmond Midday was admitted tenant of two acres of 
copyhold land called I shells Pictell in Horham, lying between the lands in 
the tenure of William Clubbe and the road leading from Horham to 
Hoxne, and abutting on freehold land of John Girlinge called Doves and 
lands of Horham Halle in the tenure of William Butteram, as the son 
and heir of Thomas Middaye deceased, who acquired the above copyhold 
by grant of the lord, Tuesday in the 4th week of Lent 2 Elizabeth. 
Vellum : one skin 14 X 5. 


624 (d) 1589 Monday April 21st, in the 31st year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court 
Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Wylbye records that at a General Court held 
on the above date, the homage presented the death of John Butcher 
copyholder, who had previously surrendered his copyhold land to the uses 
of his will, by the hands of William Mayhew, in the presence of Richard 
Freston and John Calver copyholders. The will, dated the 15th July 1585, 
produced in court by the widow Katherine Butcher, was to the effect that 
the copyhold lands of the above John Butcher should devolve on the 
widow for the term of her life or until her remarriage, with remainder to 
Thomas Butcher his nephew. The lands are described as in number 
624 (a). Afterwards Thomas Grynling and Alice his wife, only daughter 
of the late John Butcher, released and quitclaimed to Thomas Butcher 
any interest they might have in the above. Vellum : one skin 12i x 14. 
Notes : see numbers 624 a, b and c. 

624 (c) (1589) Thursday August 21st, in the 31st year of Elizabeth. Copy of 
Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Wylbye records that at a General 
Court held on the above date, Hugh Butcher surrendered a piece of copy- 
hold land called Kettleco, to the use of Katherine Butcher widow, for the 
term of her life, with remainder to Thomas Butcher his brother ; which 
land he had acquired on the death of his uncle John, at a court held the 
21st April 31 Elizabeth. William Atwood, steward. Vellum : one skin 
9X5. Notes : see numbers 624 a, b and c. 

610 (1592) Monday September 1 1th, in the 34th year of Elizabeth. Copy of 

Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Wallesham Halle in Mendhame 
records that at a General Court held on the above date, Gregory Norton and 
Alice his wife were readmitted tenants of certain copyhold lands (Ossetts), 
of the manor which had been surrendered, Thursday the 7th September 
29 Elizabeth, to the use of William Gooche on certain conditions. 
Thereupon Gregory and Alice Norton made a conditional surrender of 
these copyhold lands to the use of Bartholomew Stiles and " Jeames " 
Stiles the sons of Bartholomew Stiles clerk, for twenty-one or a less term 
of years, to give them surety in their enjoyment of a lease for eight years 
of a " byerne and stable and byerne yard " in Metfeild then late in the 
tenure of " Jeames " Hatton, by grant of Gregory Norton. William 
Atwodd, steward. Vellum : one skin 17X 17. Notes : see number 609. 

583 (1594-5) January 10th, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Thomas Aldows 

and Thomas Aldows to Richard Aldows and William Fiske. Vellum : 
one skin 16 X Sj, two seals. Notes : this is a counterpart of number 599 


599 (1S94-S) January 12th, in the 37th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of 

Feoffment (Lat.) creating a settlement, from Thomas Aldows of Fressing- 
filde CO Suffolk yeoman, and Thomas Aldows his son, to Richard Aldows 
of Fresingfilde yeoman, and William Fiske of Cratfeld yeoman. The 
feoffors conveyed to the feoffees one moiety of a messuage, with fifty acres 
called " Whites " in Metfilde, then in the occupation of Thomas Aldows 
junior, to the use of Thomas Aldows junior and his wife and their heirs ; 
and the second moiety to the sole use of Thomas Aldows junior and his 
heirs. Witnesses : William Sandcrofte and Williame Fyske. Vellum : 
one skin 17 X 9i, two seals. 

832 (1598) Thursday after the Feast of Saint Faith Virgin (October 12th), in 

the 40th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of 
Wythersdale then Jermy records that at a General Court Baron of Francis 
Jermy esquire held on the above date, Anne Fyssher and her husband 
William Fyssher were admitted tenants to half an acre of land of the copy- 
hold tenement Tacketts in Wythersdale, lying between lands of the manor 
of Wallshamhall and of the late John Gyle and abutting on Fullchers 
Way, half an acre of copyhold land with a house in Wythersdale, lying 
between lands of the Earl of Oxford, a tenement called Fullchers, 
fourteen and a half acres of copyhold land, and a piece of land of a rod lying 
in Wythersdale between lands of the prior of Mendham and the manor of 
Wallsham Hall, and abutting on Fullchers Way and on land of the said 
(sic) John. These lands Anne Fyssher received as daughter and heiress 
of Gregory Norton and Amphilia his wife both deceased, Gregory Norton 
having obtained them at courts held on Tuesday before the Feast of 
Pentecost 7 Elizabeth and on Monday after the Feast of Saint Michael 
8 Elizabeth, as son and heir of Robert Norton deceased. John Holland, 
steward. Vellum : one skin 11X20. 

397 (i) (1599) Thursday in Easter week " to wit the 12th April," in the 41st year 
of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Mendham 
Priory records that at a General Court with View of Frank Pledge, of 
Thomas Lawrans gentleman, held on the above date, John Norton was 
admitted copyhold tenant, of half an acre of the tenement Wurliches lying 
between Lyntes Lane, and land late of John Norton, and abutting on 
Fulchers Lane, surrendered by Gregory Norton for the purposes of his 
will, the 18th October 1598, through Robert Skarlett copyholder, in the 
presence of William Gooche and William Blobold customary tenants, and 
formerly acquired by Gregory from the lord in 1569. W. Stokes, steward. 
Vellum : one skin 14 X 3^. Notes : compare numbers 395 and 397 (ii) 
and (iii). 


605 (1600) August 4th, in the 42nd year of Elizabeth. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) between William Fisher of Bures St Mary co Suffolk yeoman 
and Anne his wife of the 1st part, Alice Norton of Mettfeilde co Suffolk 
widow and John her son of the 2nd part, and Sir William Waldegrave the 
younger of Wethermountford co Essex knight and Clypsbye Gawdye of 
Gawdye Hall co Norfolk esquire, to carry out an award and settle all 
disputes (between the parties) as to certain lands in Mettfeild co Suffolk. 
The recitals and covenants are lengthy and contain many names of 
persons and places in Suffolk and the adjoining counties. Witnesses : 
John Hollond, John Gwbbes, Willyam Bell, John Fyssher, Thom Walde- 
grave, William Hinton, Henry Shelly, John Sutton, William Blobold, 
James Stiles. Vellum : one skin 22 x 20, three seals, one missing. 

602 (1601) Thursday in Easter week "to wit the 16th April," in the 43rd year 

of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Wythersdale 
then Jermy records that at a View of Frank Pledge and General Court 
Baron of Francis Jermy esquire, it was presented by the homage that 
William Fysher, Anne his wife and John Norton had leased to 
William Blobold and James Styles certain copyhold lands (described in 
number 603) by an indenture of the 13th April 43 Elizabeth, without the 
lord's licence ; whereupon William Browne the bailiff with William 
Blobold, Robert Skarlett, William Spink and Thomas Botwright copy- 
holders, were bidden to reseise these lands to the lord, and they made 
formal seisin of a tenement near Metfeld Church Grene, in the occupation 
of Mary Watson widow, and let to her by William Hey ward tenant of 
William Fysher, in lieu of the rest of the copyhold lands, which were 
subsequently regranted to William Fyssher. At the same court John 
Norton released and quitclaimed his right to the lands. It is noted that 
Anne Fysher, one of the daughters of Richard Smith and only daughter (sic) 
and heiress of Gregory Norton and Amphilia his wife, was admitted 
tenant of these lands, after the death of Gregory Norton, the 12th October 
40 Ehzabeth. Vellum : one skin 16X27. 

594 (1601) Thursday in Easter week, " to wit the 16th April," in the 43rd 

year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Metfelde 
then Jermy records that at a General Court Baron of Francis Jermy 
esquire held on the above date, William Fysher and Anne his wife 
released and quitclaimed nine acres of copyhold land in Metfeld in the 
Northehawghfeld, lying between lands of John Whyte, John Orlowe, 
William Peck, and Peckards Brooke, also a close called Peckards, then 
late in the tenure of Thomas Maplehed, which lands they received in right 
of Anne Fysher daughter and heiress of Gregory Norton and Amphilia 


his wife, at a court held the 12th October 40 Elizabeth, to the use of John 
Norton son and heir of Gregory Norton, who was admitted tenant. John 
Hollond, steward. Vellum: one skin 17 X 12. 

588 (1601) April 16th, in the 43rd year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Metfeld then Jermy. A similar document to number 
602, except that the land here in question lay in Metfelde. The steward 
made formal seisin of a close in the occupation of James Styles, in lieu of the 
rest. The lands were regranted to William and Anne Fisher, and con- 
sisted of a piece of land of the tenement Swordescrofte, another piece in 
Northehaughfeld, lying between lands of John Whyte, John Orlowe, 
William Peck, and Peckards Brook, and of a close called Peckards in 
Metfeld then in the tenure of Thomas Maplehed. John Hollond, steward. 
Vellum : one skin 16ix 19. Notes: see numbers 602 and 594. 

613 (1601) Thursday in Easter week, " to wit the 16th April," in the 43rd 

year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Metfeld 
then Jermy records that at a General Court Baron of Francis Jermy esquire, 
held on the above date, John Norton released and quitclaimed six acres of 
copyhold land called Swerdescrofte to William Fyssher. John Hollond, 
steward. Vellum: one skin 17X9. 

609 (1601) Saturday in Easter week the 18th April, in the 43rd year of 

Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Wallsham Hall 
in Mendham records that at a Court Baron of Anthony Wingefelde 
knight held on the above date, John Norton son and heir of Gregory 
Norton deceased was admitted tenant of a copyhold messuage then 
decayed called Ossootes (? Offootes) with lands, which had been sur- 
rendered the 27th November 43 Elizabeth (sic) by Gregory Norton by 
the hands of William Blobold in the presence of William Gooche, to the 
uses of his will, which John Norton junior produced in court, and which 
was dated the 2nd May 1598. This property had previously been sur- 
rendered to the use of James Styles for a term of years, the 1 1th September 
34 Elizabeth. At the same court John Norton surrendered it to the use of 
William Fyssher of Bures and Anne his wife. John Hollond, steward. 
Vellum : one skin 15i X 24. Notes : see number 610. 

397 (ii) (1602) Monday April 19th, in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Copy of 
Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Mendham Priory records that at a 
General Court with View of Frank Pledge held on the above date, 
William Fysher and his wife Anne were admitted tenants of half an acre 
of the tenement Worliches, surrendered the 8th October 1601 to their 


use by John Norton, who had been admitted the 12th April 1599, on the 
death of his father Gregory Norton. Robert Purdye, steward. Notes: 
compare numbers 395, 397 (i) and (iii). Vellum : one skin 11X4. 

582 (1602) May 1st, in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Covenant 

(Engl.) stating the uses of a fine, between William Fissher of Bures 
Saint Mary co Suffolk yeoman, Anne his wife, and John Norton of Met- 
feild yeoman of the one part, and William Beriffe of ' Lincolnes Inne " 
gentleman of the other part. The parties of the first part agreed to convey 
to the parties of the second part, by fine, a freehold messuage, garden and 
36 acres in Metfeild and Wythersdall to the sole use of William Fisher 
and his heirs. Witnesses : John Waldegrave, William Rise, John Roice, 
Thomas Cauldwell (?), Andrew Nunny, John Norton, Richard Welton, 
William Pircke, Gregory Smythe, Andrew Newson. Vellum : one skin 
12 X 10, three seals, non-armorial. 

621 (1602) June 6th, in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Release (Lat.) from 

Alice Norton of Metfeld co Suffolk, widow of Gregory Norton of Metfeld, 
(in pursuance of an award made by William Wallgrave knight and 
Clipseby Gawdye esquire, between herself and William Fysher of Buers 
gentleman, whereby the latter withdrew a plea of debt with imprisonment 
against her) to William Fysher and Anne his wife, of certain freehold 
messuages lands and tenements in Metfelde, Wythersdale, Mendham 
and neighbouring places. Witnesses : John Hollond, Willyam . . . , 
John Norton, John Fysher, Ales Norton. Notes : this document is dated 
1601, but according to the regnal year the date should be 1602. Vellum : 
one skin 20 X 8, seal. 

597 (1602) Tuesday after the Feast of Saint Faith Virgin "to wit the 

12th October," in the 44th year of Ehzabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) 
of the manor of Metfelde records that at a court held on the above date, 
William Fysher and Anne his wife surrendered a moiety of a copyhold 
tenement called Swordscrofte in Metfeld, granted to him by the lord, the 
16th April 43 Elisabeth. John Smyth was admitted tenant. John 
Hollond, steward. Vellum : one skin 13 X 10. 

593 (1602) Tuesday after the Feast of Saint Faith Virgin " to wit the 12th 

October," in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) 
of the manor of Metfelde Jermys records that at a General Court Baron 
held on the above date, William Fysher and Anne his wife released and 
quitclaimed, a moiety of a piece of copyhold land and pasture called 
Swordescrofte lying in Metfeld, which he had acquired by grant of the 
lord at a court held the 16th April 1601, to the use of William Blobold, 


who was admitted tenant. The homage presented that William Fysher 
and Anne his wife had previously sold all their copyhold lands in Metfelde 
to William Blobold and John Smyth of Cratfeld. Vellum : one skin 

377 (1602) Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint Faith Virgin, " to wit the 

12th October," in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) 
of the manor of Walsham Hall in Mendham records that at a General 
Court Baron of Anthony Wingefeld knight and lord of the manor, the 
homage presented that William Fysher copyholder sold to William Blobold 
and John Smythe of Cratfeld, all his copyhold lands, and that William 
Fysher and Anne his wife surrendered half a messuage then waste 
(devastati) called Ossetes (? OfFetes), in Metfeld, which they acquired by 
the surrender of John Norton at a court held on Saturday the week after 
Easter "to wit the 18th April" 43 Elizabeth, for the use of William 
Blobold who was admitted tenant. He paid a fine of 4s 4d. John 
Hollond, steward. Vellum: one skin 12X12. 

603 (1602) Tuesday after the Feast of Saint Faith Virgin "to wit the 12th 

October " in the 44th year of Elizabeth. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of 
the manor of Wythersdale then Jermy records that at a General Court 
Baron of Francis Jermy esquire, William Fysher and Anne his wife 
surrendered to the use of John Smith of Cratfeld the moiety of half an 
acre called Tacketts in Wythersdale, lying between lands of Walsham 
Hall and of John Gyle and Fulchers Way ; also a moiety of a plot in 
Wythersdale with a house ; another moiety of a tenement called Fulchers 
and fourteen acres of copyhold lying between lands of the Earl of Oxford ; 
and also a moiety of a piece of land in Wythersdale lying between lands 
of the prior of Mendham, Wallsham Hall, Fulcher's Way and John 
Norton's land, all of which William Fysher acquired by surrender of John 
Norton, Thursday the 16th April 43 Elizabeth. Vellum : 12 X 11. 

397 (iii) (1604) Thursday in Easter week "to wit the 12th April," in the second 
year of James I. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of Mendham Priory records 
that at a General Court with View of Frank Pledge of the manor of Mend- 
ham Priory, held on the above date, William Blobold and John Smith were 
admitted tenants of half an acre of the tenement Wurliches surrendered 
by William Fisher the 21st October 1603, through Bartholomew Styles 
clerk, in the presence of William Gooche, both copyholders, and acquired 
by William Fisher and Anne his wife by surrender of John Norton the 
19th April 1602. Notes: compare numbers 395, 397 (i) and (ii). 
Vellum : one skin 11X4. 


340 (1604-5) January 29th, in the 2nd year of James I. Grant (Lat.) from 

Anthony Shardlowe of Pirliston alias Billingford co Norfolk gentleman 
to William Welton of Metfield co Suffolk yeoman, of a piece of pasture 
formerly in the occupation of Robert Keepers, lying between the lands of 
John Spynke, Fulchers Pasture, the pasture of William Benacle and the 
land of John Teysard ; which pasture Anthony Shardlowe received by 
charter and feoffment from John Spink and William Duke husbandmen, 
dated the 21st November 36 Elizabeth. Power of attorney granted to 
Richard Welton of Metfield yeoman to give seisin to the above William. 
Witnesses : John Shardlowe, John Jerold, Richard Grymeston, John 
Edwardes, Stephen Lillye, Robert Newman. Vellum : one skin 12X7i, 
seal missing. 

395 (1605) Thursday in Easter week (April 4th), in the 3rd year of James I. 

Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Mendham Kingshall and 
Mendham Priory records that at a General Court with View of Frank- 
pledge, John Smyth of Norwood Grene in Cratfield surrendered part of a 
half acre of the tenement of Wonliches, lying between Lynteslane and 
the lands of John Norton and abutting on Fulcherslane, to the use of 
William Blobold, this half acre having been acquired by John Smyth and 
William Blobold the 10th April 1604, by surrender of William Fisher. 
Robert Purdye, steward. Vellum : one skin 8X3. 

404 1605 May 10th, in the 3rd year of James I. Release and Quit Claim 

(Lat.) by John Smithe of Norwood Grene in Cratfeild yeoman to William 
Blobold of Mendham yeoman, of all his lands and tenements in Mettfeild 
and Wethersdale, then late in the tenure of William Fisher and formerly of 
Gregory Norton, and acquired by sale from William Fisher, as witnessed 
by an indenture of the 10th October 44 Elizabeth. Witnesses : Richard 
Welby, William Sandcrofte, Robert Kechin, John Smyth. Vellum : one 
skin, seal missing. Notes : see number 403. 

598 (1605) Tuesday after the Feast of All Saints " to wit the 5th November," 

in the 3rd year of James I. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of 
Wythersdale then Jermys records that at a General Court Baron with 
View of Frankpledge of Francis Jermy esquire, John Smythe of Cratfeld 
and Margery his wife surrendered a moiety of certain copyhold lands 
(described in number 603), acquired by surrender of William Fyssher and 
Anne his wife on the 12th October 44 Elizabeth, to the use of William 
Blobold, who was admitted tenant. John Hollond steward. Vellum : 
one skin 14x11. 


349 (1605) Tuesday next after the Feast of All Saints "to wit the 5th 

November," in the 3rd year of James I. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of 
the manor of Metfelde then Jermy records that at a General Court 
Baron of Francis Jermy esquire lord of the manor, held on the above 
date, John Smythe of Cratfeld and Margery his wife surrendered half a 
piece of copyhold land and pasture in Westfeld, of the tenement of 
Swordescroft held at a yearly rent, which John Smythe received from the 
surrender of William Fyssher and Anne his wife, at a court held the 
Tuesday after the Feast of Saint Faith the Virgin, " to wit the 12th 
October " 44 Elizabeth, to the use of William Blobold. John Holland, 
steward. Vellum : one skin 12X7. 

411 (v) 1607 May 26th, in the 5th year of James I. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) 
of the manor of Horham Shermans late Jernegans records that at a 
General Court with Leet of the King, held on the above date, the homage 
presented the death of Edmund Middaye, who had surrendered his copy- 
hold lands to the use of his will, by the hand of Gurdon Hayle and in the 
presence of William Mullyner and James Beaumont copyholders. Henry 
Sterlinge, steward. Vellum: one skin 14x5. 

411 (vi) (1607) Monday June 29th, in the 5th year of James I. Copy of Court 
Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Horham Shermans, late Jernegans records 
that at a court held on the above date John Mydday was admitted tenant 
of two acres called Isbells Pightell, lying in Horham, between the lands 
then late in the tenure of William Clubb and the road from Horham to 
Hoxne, and abutting on the freehold land then late of John Gyrlenge called 
Does, and land of the manor of Horham then late in the tenure of William 
Butteram, then of John Clubb ; as the elder brother and heir of Edmund 
Mydday deceased, who was admitted tenant on the death of his father 
at a court held the 27th May 30 Elizabeth. Afterwards while the court 
was still sitting John Midday surrendered the above copyhold to the use of 
John Sherman, lord of the manor. Vellum : one skin 14 X 5. 

411 (vii) (1608-9) Monday the 20th January, in the 6th year of James L Copy of 
Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Horham Shermans late Jernegans, 
records that at a court held on the above date, the lord granted to John 
Grey gentleman, two acres of copyhold land called Isbell's Pightell 
(described as in number 411, vi), acquired by John Sherman, the 29th 
June 1607. Laurence Lomax, steward. Vellum : one skin 14 X 5. 

797 (1608-9) March 15th, in the 6th year of James L Deed of Feoffment 

(Lat.) from John Sherman of Horham co Suffolk gentleman to Henry 
Greye of Eye gentleman, of a curtilage or garden acquired by the feoffor 


from John Middaye, lying in Horham between the highway leading from 
the church of Horham to Eye, a house called Isbells and land of John 
Gyrlinge called Does Orchard. Witnesses: John Girling (sic), John 
Cobbett, Robert Wythe. Vellum: one skin ISjxe, fragment of anon- 
armorial seal. 

810 1609 May 2nd, in the 7th year of James I. Contemporary copy of a 

Deed of Feoffment (Lat.) from Fr Jermy of B esquire and Tho Jermy 
knight his son and heir to William Newson of Cratfield co Suffolk 
yeoman and Samuel Newson of the same, of lands and tenements in 
Laxfield called Coupers, Dawbers and Malbys Yardes, and of other lands 
and tenements in Laxfield late of John Dallinge and Nicholas Dallinge, 
all of which lands John Jermy of Ipswich (?) esquire, by a charter dated 
the 30th September 19 Elizabeth, set apart for certain uses. Power of 
attorney to Edmund Jesopp and W. Hayward to deliver seisin. Wit- 
nesses : Aslak Lany, Fr Hyegate, Wm Hayward, Gregory Rous, 
William Sandcroft. Paper : one sheet 8X6. 

444 1612 April 5th, in the 10th year of James I. Indenture of Barsfain 

and Sale (Engl.) by Henry Grey of Eye co Suffolk gentleman to James 
Lawrence of Horham of the same county gentleman, in consideration of 
;^50, of a freehold curtilage or parcel of an orchard, then late in the tenure 
of John Middaye, containing half a rood and lying in Horham between 
the highway leading from Horham Church to Eye and the tenement 
Isbells ; and abutting on the lands of John Girlinge called Does Orchard, 
and on Isbells ; also of two acres of copyhold land called Isbells Pightell 
held of the manor of Horham Jernegans and then late in the tenure of 
Sherman, and at that time of Sir Edward Coke knight Lord Chief Justice 
of the Court of Pleas and lord of the manor, lying between lands of the 
manor in the tenure of John Clubbe and the highway mentioned ; and 
abutting on Does and lands of John Clubbe and the freehold land above 
mentioned ; with warranty against Henry Grey, Marie his wife, John 
Sherman gentleman, Anne his wife, and the heirs of Thomas Myddaye 
deceased, brother to Edmund and John Myddaye, formerly owners of 
the la,nds specified, and all others. Witnesses : Edward Borrett, William 
Mullenner, Jherom Biggs, John Fuller. Vellum : one skin 16X8, frag- 
ment of seal. 

776 1612 April 9th, in the 10th year of James I. Deed of Feoffment (Lat.) 

from Henry Grey of Eye co Suffolk gentleman to James Lawrence of 
Horham gentleman, of a curtilage or garden then late in the tenure of 
John Myddaye, situate in Horham between the highway leading from 
the church of Horham to Eye, a tenement called Isbells, and land then 


late of John Gyrlynge called Does Orchard ; which curtilage was acquired 
from John Sherman gentleman, as witnessed by a charter of the 15th 
March 6 James I. Witnesses: Edward Borratt, Jherom Biggs, William 
. . . (?), John Fuller. 

790 (1612) Feast of Saint Augustine "to wit the 26th May," in the 10th year 

of James I. Copy o( Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Horham 
Jernegans records that at a General Court Leet held on the above date 
the homage presented that Henry Graye of Eye co Suffolk gentleman and 
copyhold tenant of the manor, on the 10th April then last, surrendered by 
the hand of Edward Borrett copyholder, and in the presence of William 
MuUinder and Guy Hayle copyholders, two acres of land called Isbells 
Pightle situate in Horrham (sic), between land in the tenure of William 
Clubb, the road leading from Horrham to Hoxne, freehold land of John 
Girling called Dooes, and land then lately in the tenure of William 
Butterame then of John Clubb, which land Henry Grey (sic) received from 
the lord, the 30th January 6 James I, to the use of James Lawrence 
gentleman who was admitted tenant. John Godfrey, steward. Vellum : 
one skin ll^X5i. 

375 1613 July 5th, in the Uth year of James I. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from Stephen Lilly of Mettfeld co Suffolk yeoman, to William Blobold 
of Mendham yeoman in £'^, to perform covenants contained in a deed of 
feoffment of even date, dealing with a piece of freehold meadow in 
Mettfeld, and to warrant this land against any claims for dower of Anne 
wife of Stephen Lilly. Vellum: one skin 11^X4, one small seal in 
red wax. 

370 1613 August 10th, in the Uth year of James L Licence (Engl.) from 

Henry Reynolds of Letheringham co Suffolk esquire lord of the manor of 
Wilbie and Lady Elisabeth Wingfeild his wife to Thomas Butcher of 
Wilbie copyhold tenant, to pull down one end of a house called "" a Ladyne 
ende," standing at the west end of his barn on his tenement called Levi- 
daies in Wilbie. Paper : 8 X 6, two small seals armorial impressed in fold 
of the paper. 

618 (1617-18) January 6th, in the 15th year of James I. Indenture of Settle- 

ment (Engl.) creating a jointure made between Thomas Godbold of 
Southolt CO Suffolk yeoman, John Girlinge of Worlingsworth yeoman and 
John Jacob of Laxfield yeoman. By this deed Thomas Godbold vested in 
the hands of the said John Girlinge and John Jacob, in order to create a 
jointure for such wife as he might thereafter marry, three several annuities 
of ;^10 charged upon his chief messuage in Southolt called Corbold with 


the lands upon the south of it; his fee simple lands in Southolt and 
Redlingfield, then lately devised to him by Margaret Armiger widow, 
except land called Spellers in Southolt ; and lands in Southolt and Worl- 
ingsworth called Mosses, Bromesland, Sowters, the Further Barne- 
grounds ; and a piece of pasture purchased of John Thurston ; with 
remainder to the uses of his will. Witnesses : John Godbold, Thomas 
Godbold, William Godbold, John Herringe. Vellum : one skin 14| X 10, 
seal missing. 

617 1618 September 20th. Will (Engl.) of Thomas Godbold of Southolt in 

the county of Suffolk yeoman, after reciting a deed of settlement upon his 
eldest son John Godbold, the testator directed that the latter should pay to 
Thomas Godbold a younger son ;^500 at several dates, over and above 
;^100 then already received ; to William Godbold another younger son ;^400, 
over and above ;£^100 then already received ; to John Girlinge his son-in-law 
;^100 (the said John Girlinge together with the testator's other son-in-law 
John Jacobe being trustees of a jointure in favour of the testator's wife, 
out of freehold lands in Southolt, Worlingworth and Reddingfield) ; to 
Agnes his wife his household goods and chattels, and on her death to John 
Godbold ; " my Copper my horsemill and my Cloke and bell " and the 
remainder to Thomas and William Godbold. Probate of the will was 
granted at Stradbrooke before Henry Dade L.L.B. commisary, the 24th 
September 1622. Vellum: one skin 19X20, seal armorial, bearing three 

396 (1620) Thursday in Easter week " to wit the 12th April," in the 18th year 

of James I. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Mendham Priory 
with Mendham and Metfeld Kingshall records that at the second court of 
William Barnard, Richard Frere junior, and Tobias Frere gentlemen, with 
the leets of Mendham and Metfeld, held on the above date, (under the head 
of priory) the lords of the manor granted to William Blobold gentleman a 
pightle with a garden annexed, formerly in the tenure of Edward Purse 
and Gregory Norton, called Strett Yard and situate in Metfeld, lying at the 
Churchegrene, next to the house of William Blobold called Purses and to 
the land of Robert Wingfield knight ; which pightle was then already in 
the tenure of William, without admittance. Richard Frere, steward. 
Vellum : one skin 11X6. 

343 1620 Thursday in Easter week "to wit the 20th April," in the 18th year 

of James I. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Mendham 
Priory with Mendham and Metfeld Kingshall records that at the 
second court of William Barnard, Richard Frere junior and Tobias 
Frere gentlemen, with leets of Mendham and Metfeld, held on the above 


date, William Blobold gentleman was admitted tenant of a piece of copy- 
hold land called Brungers in Metfield, lying between the road from 
Harleston to Christmaslane, and the copyhold land then late of the Earl of 
Oxford but then in the tenure of Stephen Lylly, and the manor of Withers- 
dale. Richard Frere, steward. Vellum : one skin 12 X 5i. 

493 1620 April 22nd, in the 18th year of James I. Charter Indented (Lat.), 

being a settlement made by Thomas Aldous of Metfeild co Suffolk 
yeoman, on his intended marriage with Barbara Norton a daughter of 
Barbara Norton of Beccles co Suffolk widow, in lieu of dower and jointure, 
confirming a grant to Richard Norton of Beccles aforesaid yeoman and 
William Welton of Metfeld aforesaid yeoman, of all the grantor's lands 
and tenements situate in Metfeld ; namely, a close called Tymber Close, 
lying between land of Richard Warde gent on the west and the grantor's 
close called Holmeclose (in part) and Wheateclose on the east; and 
abutting on the lands of the grantor near his house on the south, and on 
land of Robert Harper on the north ; and containing by estimation six 
acres, and other closes fully described, and in the description of which the 
following names of persons and places occur ; namely, William Blobold, 
Richard Freston, John Smyth. Witnesses : Edward Norton, Jo Pulham 
senior, Jo Pulham junior. Vellum : one skin 18 X 13, small seal of red wax 
in good condition. 

622 1624 September 13th, in the 2nd year of Charles I. Indenture of 

Bargrain and Sale (Engl.) between Thomas Aldowes of Metfeld co 
Suffolk yeoman and John Southowse of the hamlet of Harleston, in 
Reddenhall alias Rednall co Norfolk mercer of the 1st part, Thomas 
Freeston of Mendham co Norfolk esquire of the 2nd part and John Smythe 
of Heveningham in the said county of Suffolk yeoman of the 3rd part ; 
whereby the said Thomas Aldowes and John Southowse granted unto the 
said John Smythe his heirs and assigns for ever, a messuage in Metfeld 
aforesaid called Whytes with many closes of land, fully described. The 
parcels and covenants are lengthy, and contain many names of persons and 
places in Norfolk and Suffolk. Witnesses : Henry Fiske, Tho Aldows, 
Thomas Casse, F R Sandcrofte. Vellum : one skin 28 X 23, one seal 
missing, another is broken and a third is obscure. 

612 (1625) September 1st, in the 1st year of Charles I. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from Robert Beamont of Warlingsworth co Suffolk yeoman, eldest 
son and heir of Henrie Beamont of Warlingsworth deceased, to Thomas 
Godbold of Badingham yeoman for if! 00, of two closes called Horshaughs 
lying in Warlingsworth, between lands of John Smallaye, John Braine, 


Thomas Vyncent, and Thomas Rous, with the appurtenances, for five 
hundred years at a peppercorn rent. Vellum: one skin 24X11, seal 

587 and 589 1625 September 30th, in the 1st year of Charles I. Indenture of Mort- 
gage (Lat.) in duplicate, from Thomas Aldous of Metfeild co Suffolk 
yeoman to John Southowse of Harlestone, "hamblett" of Reddenhall alias 
Rednell co Norfolk mercer for ;^300, of a capital messuage called Whytes, 
in which Stephen Lilly formerly dwelt, in Metfeild aforesaid ; with other 
lands, therein fully described; the descriptions contain many names of 
persons and places in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Witnesses : 
Stephen Lilly, Jo Sherewood. Vellum: one skin 14jx 11, seal broken. 

376 1625 November 1st, in the first year of Charles I. Bond (Lat. and Engl.) 

from Thomas Aldous of Metfield co Suffolk yeoman to Thomas Freston 
of Mendham co Norfolk esquire in ;^160, to perform covenants contained 
in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : Richard Freston, Giles 
Stanton, Thomas Gasse. Vellum : one skin 12X4, small seal in red wax 
with non-armorial device. 

592 (1625-6) February 10th, in the 1st year of Charles L General Pardon 

by Letters Patent (Lat.), dated at Westminster, to James Lawrence of 
Horham co Suffolk gentleman, for all manner of offences committed by 
him up to the 27th March then last past. This document, which is of 
considerable length is purely formal and gives no information about James 
Lawrence beyond his name. Vellum : 29j X 20, seal missing. 

403 1626 April 1st, in the 2nd year of Charles I. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) 

of the manor of Walesham Hall in Mendham records that at a General 
Court Baron of Robert Barney, Edward Hobarte and Robert Hobarte 
held on the above date, Thomas Blobold gentleman son and heir of 
William Blobould (sic), being of full age, was admitted tenant of a messuage 
then waste called Ossoods containing twelve acres in Mettfeild, of which 
William died seised after the last meeting of the court, and which he had 
acquired by surrender of William Fisher and Anne his wife and John 
Smithe at courts held Tuesday the 12th October 44 Elizabeth, and 
Thursday the 4th April 3 James L Vellum : one skin 12i X 6. 

616 (1626) Easter Term, in the 2nd year of Charles L Recovery (Lat.) 

suffered by William Legate gentleman, against Samuel Boston clerk and 
Richard Pepis clerk, of a messuage, and lands in Steven co Suffolk. 
Vellum : one skin 24 X 17, seal missing. 


780 1629 Wednesday May 26th, in the 5th year of Charles I. Copy of Court 

Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Horham Jernegans records that at a General 
Court Leet of the manor held on the above date, it was found by the 
homage that James Lawrence gentleman copyholder of the manor died 
seised of a copyhold tenement and of lands called I shells Pightle in 
Horham, lying between land of William Clubb, the road from Horham to 
Hoxne, freehold land of John Girling called Dooes, and land then late in 
the tenure of John Butterame, and at that time of John Clubb, which the 
said James Lawrence acquired by the surrender of Henry Graye at a 
General Court Leet held the 26th May 10 James I, and that Maria 
Cobbold wife of William Cobbold gentleman and Grace Lawrence were 
daughters and heiresses of John Lawrence and of full age. The latter were 
admitted tenants. Thomas Bagshawe, steward. Vellum : one skin 10X5. 

619 (1631) June 12th, in the 7th year of Charles I. Deed of Covenant 

(Engl.) to the uses of a fine and recovery, between William Godbould of 
Wurlingsworth co Suffolk gentleman of the first part, John Francklin of 
Metfield gentleman and Samuel Swetman of Hempnall co Norfolk gentle- 
man of the second part, and Richard Ward of Metfield gentleman and 
Stephen Lilly of the same yeoman of the third part. By this deed, 
executed to bar the entail and remainders in certain lands, William 
Godbould agreed to convey by fine 2 messuages, 188 acres in Wurl- 
ingsworth, Alington, Hoxne, and Horham co Suffolk (of which one 
messuage called Doketts was in the occupation of William Godbold and 
the other of Richard Pallant), and another messuage with 99 acres 
(including " aldercarr") lying in Westhale, Brampton, Holton, Specksale, 
Reddisham, Shaufeld, Sutterton, Owchale, and Ilketsale co Suffolk, then 
in the tenure of Robert Catchpoole, to the parties of the 2nd part, who 
were then to sufi"er a recovery to the parties of the 3rd part, who were 
to hold the lands to the sole use of William Godbold. Witnesses: 
Willyam Jacob, Thomas Walne, William Godbold, Joshua Green, Thomas 
Blobold and Thomas Godbold. Vellum : one skin 20X 12, seal armorial. 

353 1634 Thursday in Easter week (April 10th), in the 10th year of Charles I. 

Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the Manor of Mendham Priory with Kings- 
halle relating to Kingshalle records that at a Court Leet of Mendham and 
Metfeild, Thomas Blobold gentleman was reported as having, since the 
holding of the last court on the 14th January 1633(-4), surrendered through 
Stephen Lilly copyhold tenant in the presence of Eleazer Fiske and 
Bartholomew Skeete copyhold tenants, half an acre of land of the tenement 
Worliches, and a piece of land of the tenement Brungers in Metfild to the 
use of William Godbold gentleman. William Godbold appeared in court 
to ask for seisin of the half acre, lying between Lynts Lane, the land of 


the late John Norton and Fulchers Lane ; and of Brungers, lying between 
the highroad from Harleston to Christmas Lane, the land of the late Earl 
of Oxford then in the copyhold tenure of Stephen Lilly, and the manor of 
Withersdale ; both of which pieces of land William Blobold had inherited 
from his father William Blobold as appeared by copy of Court Roll dated 
Tuesday after Easter 2 Charles L Vellum : one skin 12X7. 

367 1634 Thursday after Easter week (April 10th), in the 10th year of 

Charles I. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Mendham Priory 
with Kingshalle records that at a General Court with Leets of Mendham 
and Metfild, William Blobold was admitted tenant of a pightle with a garden 
called Stretts Yard in Metfild, near the Church Green and next to the 
tenement called Purses then late of Thomas Blobold formerly of Gregory 
Norton and the land of Sir Robert Wingfild, which was surrendered, since 
the last court held the 14th January, by Thomas Blobold gentleman 
through Robert Harper, in the presence of Bartholomew Skeete and 
William Cook copyholders ; and which Thomas Blobold had inherited 
from his father William Blobold, at a court held on Thursday in Easter 
week 2 Charles I. John Frere, steward. Vellum : one skin 11 X5i. 

391 (1634) October 10th, in the 10th year of Charles I. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Withersdale Jermyes records that at the Court 
Baron of John Barker baronet and George Waldegrave knight, held on 
the above date, William Godbold of Metfeld gentleman was admitted 
tenant of half an acre of a tenement called Tacketts in Withersdale, half 
an acre with a tenement thereon in Withersdale, a tenement called 
Fulchers, and fourteen acres and a rod of land in Withersdale, surrendered 
to his use by Thomas Blobold gentleman, prior to the 8th April 1634, 
through Robert Harper in the presence of Eleazer Fyske and John Watson 
copyholders. Vellum : one skin 9X6. 

401 (1634) October 10th, in the 10th year of Charles I. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Metfeild Jermyes records that at a Court Baron of 
John Barker baronet and George Waldegrave knight, assignees of Robert 
Lytton esquire and Bridget Webb widow, William Godbold gentleman 
was admitted tenant of a piece of land of the tenement Swordscrofte in 
Metfeild, surrendered to his use out of court and prior to a court held on 
the 8th April, by Thomas Blobold gentleman copyholder, by the hands of 
Robert Harper and in the presence of Eliazer Fyske and John Watson 
copyholders. William Bridge, steward. Vellum : one skin 9 X 4i. 

591 1637 August 1st. Indenture of Revocation (Engl.) made between 

William Godbold of Metfield co Suffolk gent and Henry Stebbinge of 
Earlesoham co Suffolk gent ; whereby, after reciting a settlement made 


between the same parties and of even date, of a messuage in Metfield and 
Withersdale co Suffolk, with freehold land belonging, he the said Wiliiam 
Godbold declared, that certain of the trusts, therein contained, should 
cease and be of no effect. Witnesses : George Stebbinge, Robert Allen. 
Vellum : one skin 17 X 7%, seal missing. 

492 1639 April 9th, in the 15th year of Charles I. Indenture ol Assign- 

ment (Engl.) made between Robert Smyth of Wickham Market co 
Suffolk gent and John Smyth of Mettfeild in the said county yeoman of the 
one part and Humfry Bohun of Sutterton in the said county gent and 
Phillipp Godbould of Westhall in the said county gent of the other part ; 
after reciting a mortgage by demise for a term of 1000 years at a peppercorn 
rent, dated the 25th March 1635 ; whereby the said John Smyth mort- 
gaged his property in . . . co Suffolk to the said Robert Smyth 
for ;^351 3s Od; the said John Smyth and Robert Smyth sold to the 
said Humfry Bohun and Phillipp Godbould in consideration of ;^463, 
the property comprised in the mortgage, which is described as a messuage 
known by the name of Whytes situate in Mettfeild, wherein Peter 
Dunhll (sic) then dwelt, with the orchards, gardens, yards and pightells 
to the same belonging; one piece of adjoining meadow containing five 
acres ; one close of land called Holme Close ; one close called Tymber 
Close; one meadow called Flatt Meadowe; one close called the close 
next the Cribb; one called the close lying in Mettfeild; and all other 
lands which the said Robert Smyth had of the grant of Thomas Aldus, 
John Sowthowse, Thomas Fraston. Witnesses : James Keble (?), Hen 
Stibbing, William Haymer, Wm Gymingham. Vellum : one skin 
21 X 12, two seals broken. 

584 1644 May 6th, in the 20th year of Charles I. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) between James Keene of Bentley co Suffolk gent 
and Edward Keene of Harkestead co Suffolk mariner, son and heir 
apparent of the said James, of the one part and William Godbold of 
Easton co Suffolk gent and Thomas Godbold, son and heir apparent 
of the said William, of the other part; whereby, in consideration of 
three score pounds, the said James and Edward Keene granted to the 
said William and Thomas Godbold, a meadow in Easton aforesaid, then 
or then late in the tenure of Thomas Pells lying near Letheringham 
Bridge, which meadow is fully described ; and in which the said James 
Keene had a life estate by courtesy, through his marriage with Mary 
his then late wife, late daughter and heiress of John Jay ; with remainder 
to Edward Keene aforesaid, as son and heir of the said Mary. The 
covenants for title disclose the fact, that Mary was wife of James Keene 


and Elizabeth wife of Edward Keene. Witnesses: George Fowler, 
William Hering, John Armiger. Vellum: one skin 19X13, two seals, 
one in paper. 

410 1645 Monday May 26th, in the 21st year of Charles I. Copy of Court 

Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Horham Jarnegans records that at a General 
Court Baron with Leet held on the above date, William Godbold and 
Mary his wife surrendered a copyhold tenement and two acres called 
Isbells Pictell, lying in Horham between land of the manor then late in the 
tenure of William Clubbe, the road from Horham to Hoxne, the freehold 
land of John Girling called Dooes, the land of the manor formerly in 
the tenure of William Butterame, later of John Clubbe, then of Richard 
Tooly junior by right of his wife ; of which tenement Mary Godbold 
inherited half, as sister and heiress of Grace Laurence deceased, at a 
Court Baron with Leet held the 14th June 1638, and the other half as 
daughter and co-heiress of James Laurence deceased, at a General 
Court Baron held the 26th May 1629; to the use of Mary herself for 
life with remainder to William Godbold, son of William Godbold of 
Easton. John Stubbe, steward. Vellum: one skin 16X9. 

595 (1646-7) January 15th, in the 22nd year of Charles L Indenture of 

Bargain and Sale (Engl.) from Elizabeth Brampton of Pulham Saint 
Mary Magdalene co Norfolk widow and relict of Thomas Brampton 
late of Eye co Suffolk gentleman, William Brampton of the same, son 
and heir of Elizabeth and Thomas Brampton, and Amy Brampton relict 
of Thomas Brampton the father of Thomas Brampton to Lionell Lane 
of the parish of Saint Andrews Ilketshall co Suffolk gentleman, and 
Edmund Bohun of Westhall co Suffolk esquire (in consideration of 
£825 and in order to create a jointure for Dorothy the wife of Lionell 
Lane) of certain properties in Kingsfield and Beccles, which are fully 
described. In the deed the following names of persons and places 
occur ; namely, James Wate, Diana Catlyn ; John Wold gentleman, 
Jeffery Goodwyn, Nicholas Ingate, John Leaman deceased, Jenkin, 
Wood alias Whitneys, Kingsfeild, Becles, Kingsfeild Green, a road 
from Kingsfeild Green to the parish church. Long Close, Grimes Pightles, 
Wrights Meadowe, Grymes Lane, Horse Pightle, Shipcoate Closes, 
Roade Lane. These properties were inherited by William Brampton 
from his father and grandfather, the latter having purchased them from 
the late Thomas Colby of Brandish co Suffolk esquire, and had been 
conveyed by fine in the then last Easter Term by William and Elizabeth 
Brampton and Edward Brampton of Pulham to Nathaniel Thurston 
and Clement Thurston clerk to the use of William Brampton and Ann 


his wife and their heirs, as declared by indentures of the 28th February 
then last past. Witnesses: Francis Aldhowse, Jo Palgrave, Edward 
Brampton, Arthure Mumbare (?), John Browne, Bartholonaew Forrest. 
Vellum: one skin 28X24, one seal and one missing. 

581 1647 March 13th, in the 23rd year of Charles I. Indenture of Mort- 

gage (Engl.) from George Knowles of Easton co Suffolk weaver and 
Margaret his wife to Thomas Smyth of Easton gent, of a messuage 
called Baldries some time Stewards, situate in Marleyford, fully des- 
cribed ; to secure a sum of threescore pounds and interest. The said 
George Knowles and Margaret his wife covenanted to levy a fine. 
Witnesses : John Saunders, Edeny Hill, Edward Capon, Symon Sand- 
crofte. Vellum: one skin 27ixi5, two seals. 

601 1653 Friday December 9th. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor 

of Walesham Hall in Mendham records that at a General Court Baron 
held on the above date Richard Wattson junior was admitted tenant of 
certain copyhold lands (described in number 616) surrendered the 24th 
August 1646 by Stephen Lyllye bond tenant, by the hands of Richard 
Wattson in the presence of Paule Casse and Edward Watson bond 
tenants; which lands Stephen Lyllye himself acquired by surrender of 
Richard Welton on the Thursday after the Feast of Saint Faith 9 
James I, for the term of his life with remainder to Richard Wattson 
junior of Metfeld yeoman. Stephen Lylly was reported as having died 
before the date of the court. John Gooch, steward. Vellum: one 
skin 23X8. 

590 1654 April 14th. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor of Withers- 

dale records that at a View of Frank Pledge and Court Barron held 
by John Bedingfeild steward, on the above date, Richard Watson 
junior was admitted tenant of three pieces of copyhold land in Withers- 
dale, which had been surrendered at a General Court held the 20th 
October 22 Charles I 1646, by Stephen Lilly (who had since died) by 
the hand of Richard Watson senior in the presence of John Franklm 
gentleman and Edward Watson copyholders, to the use of himself for 
life with remainder to Richard Watson junior. The land in question 
is stated to have been acquired by Stephen Lilley by surrender of Henry 
Welton tempore James I. The document is almost illegible, but the 
three pieces seem to have comprised two and a half acres, one piece 
of two acres lying between lands of Thomas Moore and William Newson, 
the other piece being part of Tacketts and lying between Wallsham 
Hall and the lands of John Giles. Vellum: one skin 17X7. 


402 1656 June 29th. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor of Withers- 

dale records that at the Court Baron held on the above date, Richard 
Watson junior copyholder surrendered into the hands of the lady, the 
land specified in number 398 (q.v) to the use of William Godbold, who 
was admitted tenant. John Bedinefield, steward. Note by the steward 
"Wm Godbold next Coi^t surrendered to the use of his will yt is the 
20th of October 1656." Vellum: one skin 16^X8. 

614 (a) 1656 Friday August 1st. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor of 

Walesham Hall in Mendham records that at a General Court Baron 
of James Hobart esquire held on the above date, William Godbould was 
admitted tenant of a piece of copyhold land called " part of Mewes Hills " 
formerly called " two acres of land Bond of the Tenement Skippes 
otherwise Skippers " in Mettfeilde co Suffolk, lying between lands of 
Roger Gooch, Nicholas Norton, and Fulchers Way, which land Richard 
Wattson acquired at a court held the 9th December 1653 and surrendered 
to the use of William Godbold, by the hands of Simon Turney in the 
presence of Richard Wattson senior and Robert Casse copyholders, at a 
court held the 19th June 1656. (b) 1656 Wednesday October 29th. 
Surrender of the above by William Godbould gentleman, to the use of 
his will. John Gooch, steward. Vellum : one skin 24 X 17. 

431 1658 April 12th. Admittance (Engl.) extracted from the court roll of 

the manor of Wickham, Gelham, Horpole and Bynge, at a Court Baron 
of Edward Carewe esquire, held on the above date before James Wythe 
gent steward there, when Henry Bigland esquire was admitted to a 
messuage, situate in Wickham Market co Suffolk, commonly called the 
White Hart, with its appurtenances. Amongst other things, it was 
enrolled that Thomas Fastolfe gent, copyhold tenant of the manor, had 
leased to Thomas Mann of Yoxford co Suffolk, the said messuage then 
in the occupation of John Warner, for seventeen years, at a peppercorn 
rent ; whereby Thomas Fastolfe had forfeited the same premises into 
the hands of the lord, and Michael Cropley bailiff of the manor had 
seized the same into the hands of the lord ; and the said Henry Bigland, 
by Bryan Smyth gent his attorney, came into court and brought an 
indenture of bargain and sale between the said Thomas Fastolfe and 
Henry Bigland dated the 17th March 1657; whereby, for a consideration, 
the said Thomas sold to Henry the said messuage, and the said Henry 
humbly besought the lord by special grace to regrant to him the messuage, 
to which the said Thomas Fastolfe was admitted after the death of his 
uncle Thomas Fastolfe in 1645. Vellum : one skin 14| X 15. 


398 1660 Monday April 23rd. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor 

of Withersdale records that at a General Court Baron with the Leet, of 
Thomas Smallpeece esquire, held on the above date, Richard "Watson and 
Elizabeth his wife quitclaimed three pieces of land pasture "bond 
holden," whereof the first two were formerly in the tenure of Thomas 
Moore, and the third belonged to the tenement Tacketts in Withersdale, 
the three pieces severally lying between the lands of Stephen Lilly, 
William Newson, William Godbold, the waste of Walsham-hall, the 
lands of John Giles and Fulchers Lane ; to the use of William Godbold 
gentleman. The lord also granted to William Godbold permission to 
make a new ditch through the first of the three pieces. Nicolas Jacob, 
steward. Vellum: one skin 11X9. Notes: compare number 402, 
also for " bond holden " number 614 above. 

371 1660 August 10th. Bond (Engl.) from Thomas Goldstone of Easton 

CO Suffolk gentleman and Hannah his wife to William Godbold of 
Laxfeild in the same county gentleman in ;^300, to perform covenants 
contained in two indentures of even date. Witnesses : Thomas 
Gouldston, . . . Vellum: one skin 11^X5, small seal of red wax. 

655 1680 September 3rd, in the 22nd year of Charles II. Copy of Court 

Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Wilby of Jane Blois widow records that at a 
meeting of the General Court held on Friday the 3rd September 32 
Charles II, the lady of the court, through the steward Philip Clarke 
granted to Edmund Bohun gentleman copyhold tenant of the manor, 
permission to fell for his use sixty one timber-oaks called Topp timber 
trees of oake " (sexaginta et unam quercorum maheremii Anglice vocatas 
Topp Timber Trees of Oake), fifteen timber ash trees called " Topp 
Tymber ash-trees " and nine other trees called pollard trees, growing 
on the land of the said Edmund in the county of Suflfolk. Vellum : one 
skin 13X11 J. Notes: receipt appended, acknowledging payment of 
;^36 from Edmund Bohun to Lady Jane Bloys (sic), by Thomas Knight 
of Saxmundum and John Cooke. 



523 1561 August 28th, in the 3rd year of EHzabeth. Indenture of Lease 

(Engl.) from John Parker of Kyrbye co Essex gentleman to Roger 
Parker of Aldam co Essex esquire, of 60 acres of pasture ground, with 
a barn thereon and 120 acres of marsh, called Out Marshe, within the 
Island of Horsey in the said country of Essex ; and a pound for cattle 
(8 roods by 6 roods) lying in Melfelde near to Byrche Myll (all which 
the said John Parker held under letters patent from the crown), for a 
term of twenty four years, at a yearly rent of ;^16, payable halfyearly. 
Witnesses : Henry Parker gent, John Cockerell. Vellum : one skin 
18i X 12j, the seal, in good condition, bears a classic head. Notes : a 
note endorsed describes John and Roger as brothers. 

496 1572 May 11th, in the 14th year of Elizabeth. Deed of Attornment 

(Engl.) from Roger Parker of Aldam co Essex gent to John BuUocke 
of the Inner Temple London gent ; after reciting that John Parker 
brother of the said Roger by indenture, dated the 28th August in the 
3rd year of Elizabeth, had demised unto the said Roger three score 
acres of pasture with a barn and 120 acres of marsh, called Outmarsh, 
with the appurtenances in the Island of Horsey co Essex, and sufficient 
land for a pound for cattle (8 roods by 6 roods) in Melfeld near to 
Berthe Myll, for a term of twenty four years, at a rent of ;^16, the 
said Roger Parker attorned and agreed unto a grant, made to the said 
John BuUocke by the said John Parker of the said yearly rent of ;^16, 
of all his right, reversion and term in the premises ; and he gave and 
delivered a penny to the use of the said John BuUocke in the name of 
attornment and " season " of the said rent. Covenant by the said Roger 
Parker with the said John BuUocke, that he was possessed of the 
unexpired term. Witnesses : Roger Dale, John Parkere. Vellum : 
one skin 13x9, the seal of Roger Parker bears a crest, a cubit arm, the 
hand grasping an arrow in bend sinister, between the letters R. and P. 

470 1572 May 17th, in the 14th year of Elizabeth. Indenture of Bargain 

and Sale (Engl.) from John Parker of Kerbye co Essex gent to John 
Bullock of the Inner Temple London gent, of land in the Island of 
Horsey co Essex, which he held " in ferme " under letters patent from 
Philip and Mary ; subject, as to part thereof, to a lease dated the 28th 
August in the 3rd year of Elizabeth (1561), made between the said 


John Parker and Roger Parker gent his brother, for a term of twenty four 
years, at a yearly rent of £lb. The land comprised in this lease included 
60 acres of pasture, with a barn ; 120 acres of marsh, called " Outmarshe " ; 
and sufficient ground to make a pound for cattle (8 roods by 6 roods) 
lymg near to Birchmyll in the same county. Witnesses : Tho Fanshawe, 
Godfrey Fanshawe, Roberte Maryott. Vellum: one skin 21X11, seal 
of red wax, below the signature of John Parker, bears the letters J. A. 


620 1652 Monday February 21st. Copy of Court Roll (Engl.) of the manor 

of Stoake Newton or Stoke Newington, containing entries of proceedings 
at a court held on the above date, (l) Surrender by William Massey 
gentleman and Frances his wife, of two closes in Stoke Newington 
called the " Morue or Morewe " and the " Hundred Acres," being six 
acres in all (which they had acquired for their lives, with remainder 
to Toby Massey gentleman and his heirs, by surrender of Toby Massey 
3rd December 23 Charles I) to the use of Thomas Barrett gentleman 
who was admitted tenant. (2) Recovery suffered by Thomas Barrett 
against Thomas Man and Francys Man gentlemen, in the above, with 
writ to Anthony Knevett bailiff of the manor of Alexander Popham 
esquire, to give seisin to Thomas and Francys Man. (3) Surrender 
by Thomas and Francys Man of the above to the use of Francys Man 
and Benjamin his brother, who were admitted tenants. (4) Release and 
Quit Claim by William Massey and Frances his wife on behalf of 
themselves, Thomas Barrett and Thomas Man, to Francys and Benjamin 
Man of the above. Vellum : one skin 19 X 24. 

372 1697 May 14th, in the 9th year of William III. Copy of Court Roll 

(Lat.) of the manor of Stoake Newington alias Stoake Newton in the 
county of Middlesex records that at a Court Baron of Alexander Popham 
esquire, Hans Sloane M.D., Charles Bland, Thomas Leyson and 
Lancelott Appleby gentlemen lords of the manor, held on the above 
date m the presence of Geoffrey Sympkins gentleman deputy steward, 
John Cradocke gentleman and Elizabeth his wife and Maria Ryves 
widow, relict of John Ryves esquire, daughters and coheiresses of Frauncis 
Man gentleman deceased, and sisters and coheiresses of Anne Man 


spinster deceased, the third coheiress, surrendered a piece of meadow 
called Morue or Morreu, and another called the Hundred Acre to the use 
of John Cradocke, who was admitted tenant. Geoffrey Sympkins, deputy 
steward. Vellum : one skin 14 X 3. 

1697 May 14th, in the 9th year of William III. Admittance (Lat.) 
extracted from the court rolls of the manor of Stoake Newington alias 
Stoake Newton co Middlesex, at a Court Baron held on the above date, 
before Geoffrey Sympkins deputy steward of Alexander Popham esquire, 
Hans Sloane doctor of medicine, Charles Bland, Thomas Leyson, 
Lancelott Appleby gentlemen, when Thomas Turner junior, son and heir 
of Elizabeth Turner deceased (formerly wife of Thomas Turner senior 
gentleman) who was daughter and heiress of Benjamin Man gentleman 
and Hester his wife deceased, paid a fine of iflO, did fealty and was 
admitted tenant to half of certain pastures, called Morue alias Morrew, 
and half of another pasture called the Hundred Acres, which lay within 
the said manor, at a yearly rent of 9i pence. Vellum : one skin 10 X 3i. 

1705 Wednesday May 23rd. Copy of Court Roll (Lat.) of the manor of 
Brownswood alias Brondeswood co Middlesex records that at a Special 
Court Baron of Lady Mary Draper widow of Thomas Draper baronet, 
Thomas Turner, Charles Turner, and George Turner of Relinscot co 
Oxon copyholders, surrendered to the use of John Craddock citizen and 
haberdasher of London and Elizabeth his wife, a moiety of a copyhold 
messuage and sixteen acres in Newington Green in the parish of Hornsey, 
which lands were formerly in the possession of Toby Masey deceased, 
and to which they had been admitted as heirs of Elizabeth Turner at a 
Court Baron, August 14th 1697. At the same court John Craddock 
surrendered the above property to the uses of his will. John Crowcher, 
steward. Vellum : one skin 19ix 13. 

1705 June 7th, in the 4th year of Anne. Indenture of Release (Engl.) 
from Thomas Tumor " of the Parish of Saint Giles in the Subburbs of 
the City of Oxon " esquire and Geo Turner (sic) gentleman his son one 
of the customary tenants of the manor of Brownswood alias Browdswood 
CO Middlesex to John Craddok of London, of certain messuages, tene- 
ments and lands formerly in the tenure of Tobias Massey. This property 
had been surrendered by George Turner to Thomas Turner at a court of 
25th October 1699 through John Brocker gentleman, steward of the 
manor, as security for a loan, and though the loan was repaid subsequent 
to the date agreed upon, Thomas Turner had acknowledged himself 
satisfied. Witnesses : Da Thomas, Peirce Dod, J Frewen, Fran Hooke. 
Vellum : one skin 21 X 16, two seals in paper. 


561 1714 April 17th, in the 13th year of Anne. Probate of the Will (Engl.) 

of Ruth Buckston "of Duke street without Bishopsgate in the old 

Artilery ground in the City of London " widow, the will being dated 

10th June 1713 ; whereby she bequeathed to John Nodder of Hasleforth 

CO Derby gentleman her nephew, her messuage with appurtenances in 

Duke street, then in the occupation of Arthur Mainering gentleman, with 

remainder to his heirs, and failing heirs, to Ruth wife of John Heald 

junior, Anne, Elizabeth, and Martha Nodder, sisters of the above John ; 

to Ruth Hall, daughter of Philip Hall of the parish of Bishopsgate £2^, 

to be paid on her twenty first birthday, and a silver porringer and spoon 

marked R.H. ; to Elizabeth daughter of Michael Mitchell of the same 

parish 20s for a mourning ring ; and the residue to John Nodder whom 

she constituted executor. Witnesses : Jos Gilding, Darner Moffitt, 

Elizabeth Gilding, Mary Gilding. Vellum: two skins 18ixl4i and 

7X6, seal missing. Notes : the grant was from the Archbishop of 

Canterbury, and the deputy registrar was Thomas Welham. From the 

grant it appears that Hasleforth was in the parish of Eyam co Derby. 

586 1721 Thursday May 11th, in the 7th year of George I. Copy of Court 

Roll (Lat.) of the manor of Brownswood alias Brondeswood co Middlesex 
records that at a Court Baron of Thomas Allen esquire and John Aldridge 
gentleman, held on the above date, Zacharias Craddock was admitted 
tenant of various moieties and parts of copyhold lands and messuages 
situate near to Newington in the parish of Hornsey, acquired by his father 
John Craddock citizen and haberdasher of London at Courts Baron of 
17th February 1684-(5), and 20th March 1684(-5), which lands amounted 
altogether to two copyhold messuages or tenements, of which one part 
was in the occupation of . . . Maidstone widow, one part being vacant, 
and the third part in the occupation of William Eden; all of which John 
Craddock had surrendered to the uses of his will in a writing dated 
18th April 1716. Before the holding of this court both John Craddock and 
his wife Elizabeth had died. Vellum : one skin 19^ X 15. 



(1779) February 12th, in the 19th year of George III. Copy Writ 
(Engl.) in a plea of trespass Schofield v Thornton and warrant to 
defend endorsed. Paper: one sheet 12X4. 

(1779) June 4th, in the 19th year of George III. Writ (Engl.) in the 
action Schofield v Thornton, in a plea of trespass. Vellum : one skin 

1790 February 18th. Certificate (Engl.) of the appointment of John 
Hall gent, to be quarter master in the 10th (or Prince of Wales Own) 
Regiment of (Light) Dragoons, by the Right Honorable William Augustus 
Pitt, lieutenant general of His Majesty's Forces and colonel of the same 
regiment. Given under his hand and seal. Vellum: one skin 15x8, 
seal obscure. 

1793 November 27th, in the 34th year of George III. Certificate 
(Engl.) of the appointment of John Hall gent, to be adjutant of horse 
artillery, in His Majesty's Royal Regiment of Artillery ; and to take rank 
as a lieutenant. Given at the Court of Saint James, by His Majesty's 
command, under the hand of Richmond, master general of His Majesty's 
ordnance. Vellum: one skin 16X11, no seal. Notes: the certificate 
bears the original royal counter-signature " George R." 

1795 March 25th, in the 35th year of George III. Certificate (Engl.) 
of appointment of John Hall gentleman, to be quarter master in the 
28th Regiment of Light Dragoons, by Major General Sir Robert Laurie 
baronet, colonel of the regiment. Vellum : one skin 13 X 7i, no seal. 

1795 June 16th, in the 35th year of George III. Certificate (Engl.) 
of the appointment of John Hall gent, to be cornet in the 28th Regiment 
of (Light) Dragoons, commanded by Major General Sir Robert Laurie 
bart. Given at the Court of Saint James, under the hand of Portland. 
Vellum : one skin 13j X 10, a seal bearing the royal arms is impressed. 

1795 July 22nd, in the 35th year of George III, Certificate (Engl.) of 
the appointment of John Hall gent, to be lieutenant in the 28th Regiment 
of (Light) Dragoons, commanded by Major General Sir Robert Laurie 


baronet. Given at the Court of Saint James, by His Majesty's command, 
under the hand of Portland. Vellum : one skin 13i X 9, impressed seal, 
m paper. Notes : the certificate bears the original royal counter-signature 
" George R." 

733 1795 July 22nd, in the 35th year of George III. Certificate (Engl.) of 

the appointment of John Hall gent, to be adjutant to the 28th Regiment of 
(Light) Dragoons, commanded by Major General Sir Robert Laurie 
bart. Given at the Court of Saint James, under the hand of Portland. 
Vellum : one skin 13 X 10, a seal bearing the royal arms is impressed. 

741 1795 December 25th, in the 36th year of George IH. Certificate 

(Engl.) of the appointment of Henry Valentine Mumbee Hall gentleman, 
to be quarter master to His Majesty's 28th Regiment of Light Dragoons, 
commanded by Major General Sir Robert Lawrie baronet, colonel of the 
regiment. Given under his hand. Vellum : one skin llfx 7, no seal. 

738 1803 August 27th, in the 43rd year of George IH. Certificate (Engl.) 
of the appointment of John Hall gent, to be quarter master to the 3rd 
Battalion of Reserve, commanded by Colonel William Lumley. Given 
at the Court of Saint James, by His Majesty's command, under the hand 
of C. Yorke (?). Vellum: one skin 13X9, impressed seal, in paper. 
Notes : the certificate bears the original royal counter-signature 
" George R." 

739 1803 October 15th, in the 43rd year of George HI. Certificate (Engl.) 
of the appointment of John Hall gent, to be adjutant to the 3rd Battalion 
of Reserve, commanded by Colonel William Lumley, and to take rank as 
ensign. Given at the Court of Saint James, by His Majesty's command, 
under the hand of C Yorke. Vellum : one skin 13^X92, impressed seal, 
in paper. Notes : the certificate bears the original royal counter-signature 
" George R." 

740 1805 April . . . , in the 45th year of George HI. Certificate (Engl.) 
of the appointment of John Hall gent, to be adjutant to the 3rd Garrison 
Battalion, commanded by Major General Thomas Maitland ; and to take 
rank as lieutenant. Given at the Court of Saint James, by His Majesty's 
command, under the hand of Hawkesbury (?). Vellum : one skin 13 X 9, 
impressed seal, in paper. Notes : the certificate bears the original royal 
counter-signature " George R." 

736 1812 February 27th, in the 52nd year of George HI. Certificate (Engl.) 

of the appointment of John Hall esquire, to be captain in the Canadian 
Fencible Infantry, commanded by Major General Thomas Peter; by 


command of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and 
on behalf of His Majesty. Vellum : one skin, 15X12, no seal. Notes : 
the certificate bears the original counter-signature " George P.R." 

432 1854 Indenture of Release (Eng.), to take eftect by virtue of an Act of 

New South Wales, between John Bennett of the city of Melbourne, 
Victoria merchant, John Sinclair of CoUingwood near Melbourne carter 
and James Carrington Blackburn of CoUingwood carter, relating to land 
in Jika Jika co Bourke, Victoria ; which is fully described in the method 
used in America and the Colonies. The deed is not signed, attested nor 
completed. Vellum : one skin in book form, each page 13 X 12, no seals. 


908 (1384) from the Feast of Saint Michael Archangel (September 29th), in 

the 8th year of Richard H, to the same Feast in the 9th year. Compotus 
Roll (Lat.) of William Neelson, reeve of the manor of Conesburgh. This 
is a single sheet of parchment 25 X 12, at the right hand of which has 
been sewn a portion of an account roll of the same manor for the same 
period, presented by Ralph Clerk, locum tenens of Henry Westby. 
Neelson's account contains only the credit side, namely, the profits of the 
manor, under the heads : rents of assize, works and customary services, 
farms of the demesne land and meadows, leases of grazing and sales of 
ashtrees, and perquisites of courts. Frisby, Denyngby and Braythewell 
were included in the scope of the account. Clerk's account is incomplete, 
but it seems to be concerned with the same profits. Westby appears to 
have been constable of the castle. The whole manuscript is badly 
preserved and almost illegible. 

910 1431-2 from the Feast of Saint Michael Archangel (September 29th), 

in the 10th year, to the same feast in the 11th year of Henry VI. 
Compotus Rolls (Lat.) of various manors belonging to Matilda of York 
Countess of Cambridge. This lady was the second wife of Richard 
Earl of Cambridge, who was the second son of Edmund Duke of York 
and grandson of Edward HI. She was the daughter of Thomas, Lord 
Clifford and Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Lord Rosse of Hamlake. 
The manors from which she received the profits appear to have come 


to her by way of dowry, from her second husband John, Lord Latymer, 
who died 9 Henry VI seised of the manors of Sinlington, Skampeston and 
Marten-super-Sevene. She died 25 Henry VI.— (1) Compotus of John 
Forster stockkeeper, Michaelmas to Michaelmas 10-11 Henry VI. This 
roll is of considerable interest as giving the prices of stock at the time. 
' Tha same John answers for £22 received for 40 oxen sold to William 
Prank and William Fox of Scarborough and for £(i 3s 4d received 
for 10 oxen sold to the prior of Gysburgh,' and for ' 9s 6d received from 
1 cow sold to William Jackson ' ..." and for 9s received from 1 
young bullock sold to a certain butcher of Scarborough,' and ' for 16d 
for the flesh of one bullock which died of murrain' (a considerable 
percentage of the cattle seem to have been lost by murrain). The 
stockkeeper paid smaller prices for cattle bought for fattening purposes. 
' And for two young oxen bought from William Westeren vis. id.' Other 
details are given relating to farm properties. ' And for 2 markyngyrens 
bought from Richard Norham for marking the lady's beasts lOd. And 
for 2 hanging bolts bought for two gates of the forest this year 5d. 
And for 2 hopes of iron and 4 stapels of iron bought for posts of the 
gates 2d.' There are references to the manors of Danby, Fryopp, and 
Sinyngton. — (2) Compotus of John Robynson and Robert Leventon 
agistators of the manor of Danby. This account deals with rents for 
grazing, or agistments. — (3) Portion of an account of some bailiff unnamed 
for Danby. On the receipt side appear the following entries ' And for 
6d per annum of rent of the prior of Cromond for permission to lead 
water from Stanegatebek to his mill. . . . And for 10s the price of 
one cow of the prioress of Rosdale for the escape of her cattle into the 
lordship there payable at the feast of Saint Laurence.' A fulling-mill 
brought in a yearly rent of 13s 4d. A cornmill called ' Lelom Mylne ' 
was rented at 16s. Two other corn-mills were let at a rent of 40s 
to John Robynson and Robert Leventon on a repairing lease. The 
lady of the manor promised on her part to supply the timber, while 
the tenants were willing to give up their lease at any time if the 
lady received a better offer. There are details of the rents of herbages 
and pastures and a curious entry of 2s 6d accruing from the sale of 
barbed arrows. The whole receipt was ;^100 6s 5id. On the debit 
side is a long account of default of rent, centaining many interesting 
personal and place names. Another charge upon the income is as 
follows : 'And for a certain annuity of 10 marks per annum issuing from 
the manor of Danby payable at Martinmas and Pentecost, granted to 
George de Ecton and his heirs by John Nevell the last Lord Latymer 
and late lord of the manor there.' Wages were paid to the unmounted 
foresters Robart de Leventon, John Proddom, Robert Elys, and William 
Matthewe, each receiving 30s 4d per annum. Foresters no doubt were 


allowed to take game, for their wages were usually much less than 
those of ordinary artisans. Under the head of ' costs of enclosures 
of the forest ' appear charges for fencing and walling the pastures and 
woods from Closegarth to Fryopbrogh, lis 2d. — (4) Account of Thomas 
Frauncys junior, bailiff, warden and parker of the manor of Synyngton. 
The usual receipts appear — rents of demesne lands, sales of herbage, 
perquisites of court and sales of wood. Under the last head we have 
' And for 28s Id received from 34 Trees called Crankes remaining 
there . . . and for other divers trees and bark sold there.' On the 
expenditure side are the ' Expenses of the Chapel ' — ' For the wages of 
Richard Wryght of Synyngton for fixing timber with staples in order to 
make a reserved space, and shut-off portion in the Chapel there and for 
lining the said space and place with carpentry, and timber sawed for the 

plauncheryng " of the same, and for repairing three doors in the chapel, 
according to an agreement for the whole work made with him by 
Robert Mauleverer the Receiver, 33s 4d. And for the wages of William 
Carter for breaking out the stone walls of the chapel and making large 
holes in them for the joists (lez gystes) and other timber of the new 
chamber, and for filling up the holes and the old windows under the 
space of the said room — six days at 5d per diem. And in wages to 
the said William for plastering (pergettantis) 5 windows with lime and 
sand, which windows were recently blocked up with clay 2s 6d. And 
for 560 'Spykyngs' bought for the shut-off portion of the said chapel 
and other works 2s 6d. And to John Baker and John Burton for 
carrying timber from the park to the manor for the chapel — 24 cartloads — 
2s. And for the wages of John Golland for tempering mortar and 
supplying William Carter with stone at 3d a day — in all lOid. And 
for the wages of John Stele and Robert de Grene for plastering 
the said 5 windows — 3s 4d.' Another interesting section deals with the 

costs of burning lime ' — ' And for wages of John Baker and John de 
Burton for carrying 24 wagon-loads of stone from Ladyclose to the 
manor limekiln 20d. And for carrying 24 loads of wood there 2s. 
And to John Stele and Robert de Grene for sawing, breaking and 
splitting the said wood 2s. And to William Carter for breaking (?) 
stone for lime and firing the said kiln, emptying it, carrying the lime to 
various buildings in the manor, placing it therein and taking care of it for 
the stock of the manor 22s 6d. And for the wages of John Stele and 
William de Grene for felling 60 stub oaks (stubes quercus) for burning 
the said lime 5s.' Among other items of expenditure are payments for 
riding on business to Sir John Clareweaux at Croft-on-Tees, and for riding 
down to Connesburgh to consult with the lady of the manor, the wages 
of John Gollon and Thomas Taillour the palers (palaciarii), the price of 
a lock called 'a stoklok,' and the wages of two sawyers for sawing a 


clog into 9 boards for a pair of doors. The steward and receiver's 
wages are given and their expenses in attending the audit and in 
enroHing their accounts. Altogether the expenditure on this account 
totalled £20 5s l^d, and only £% Us 9d was left as profit to the lady. 
This was charged further with the price of eggs supplied to her. The 
bailiff was allowed to retain part of the debt. An allowance was made 
for the expenses of two persons riding from Synyngton to Connesburgh 
with six bucks, sent by the steward to the Lady's Hospice in 
Connesburgh for the rejoicings on the occasion of the wedding of 
Philip Spencer and Joan Clyfford. Finally, all deductions made, the 
actual profit in money amounted to £Z 6s 8d.— (5) Account of William 
Thomson, ' Taillour,' receiver of Fryopp, which appears to have been a 
part of the manor of Danby. This account, which is imperfect, deals 
with grazing-leases of the meadows and forest of that place. Certain 
allowances were made in respect of items entered in other accounts. 
The roll is endorsed, 'Accounts of the various ministers of the lady 
Matilda de Yorke Countess of Cambridge rendered at the Feast of 
St Michael Archangel, in the 11th year of the reign of King Henry VI.— 
Danby, Synyngton, Marten (?) Skampston. County of York.' 

901 1489 Jakes's Manuscript. A book of 82 leaves of paper 8X 11 with 

vellum binding. On the first folio is a note in Latin " Lahore et studio 
Thomae Jakes factus est hie liber continens feoda domini Hastings, 
ratione Marie uxoris eius domine Botreaux Hungerford MoHns Moyles 
anno quinto Henrici Septimi regis Anglie. 5 H.7. 1489." (By the labour 
and zeal of Thomas Jakes was this book made, containing the fees of Lord 
Hastings, by right of his wife Mary, Lady Botreaux, Hungerford, Molins, 
Moyles, the fifth year of Henry the seventh, King of England 5 H 7 
1489). The whole of Jakes's work has been annotated by a scribe of the 
17th century, " W.B. " ; who has introduced several pages of fresh 
matter, and has added on the fly leaves at the end of the book an 
excellent index of persons and places. The book consists of extracts 
from various documents of earlier date relating to the above mentioned 
estates. Hunter refers to it as "Jakes's Manuscript," but gives no 
indication of ownership. On the reverse of the binding is written 
'J. G. A. Creswick, Ecclesall Grange," and on the first folio " [This 
M S is the Property of Mr Edward Goodwin of Sheffield In June 22 
1798] ." The book contains the following information ; namely, 

\a) folios 1 — 4. A series of inquisitions post mortem, relating to estates of the 
Earl of Shrewsbury. 

(1) 17 Edward II. The eschaetor's return of the fees late in the tenure 
of Fulk Lestraunge deceased, in various counties. 


(2) 18 Edward II. A similar return for the same. 

(3) 23 Edward II. A return of the fees of John Lestraunge, son of the 

(4) 1 Henry VI. A return of the fees of Ankarett, late wife of Richard 
Talbot knight. 

(5) 39 Edward III. A return of the fees of T, lord de Fournyvale, des- 
cribed as in the county of York : i.e., the castle and lordship of ShefFeld 
with members and appurtenances in the county of York held from 
the Lord King in chief as from the Crown, by homage and fealty, 
and by the service of one knight's fee, and by the services of paying 
to the King and his heirs yearly two white greyhounds (see Gatty's 
edition of Hunter's "Hallamshire" p 56) at the Feast of the Nativity 
of Saint John Baptist, etc. See Appendix, page 324. 

(&) folios 5 — 38. A series of documents relating to the honour of Leicester. 

(1) 4 Ed. III. A feudary of Henry Earl of Lancaster of the honour of 
Leicester in various counties, from which he levied an aid for 
knighting his eldest son. 

(2) Fees of the honour of Leicester "from which Edmund, Earl of 
Leicester received scutage." 

(3) Extracts from "a certain Feudary made by Simon Pakeman, steward 
of the said Honour 1 March 18 Edward III. 

(4) Extract from " a certain ancient Roll containing the words ' Ces 
sount le feez del honore de Leycestre dount mon seignour ad Receu 
lescuage.' " 

(5) A list of those who were not present before " Lord S de Pateshill ad 
Bedford." (tempore Henry III.) 

(6) Further extracts from (l). 

(7) Extract from " a certain ancient Roll of the fees of the Honour of 
Leicester in divers counties." (then in the hands of the " Duke of 

(8) Extract from an inquisition. 3 Ed. I (?) 

(9) Account of Ralph Cokkyng, collector of an aid in the county of 
Somerset on the marriage of the Lady Blanche. 

(10) Further extracts from (l). 

(11) Fees of Sir William Burdet, held of the Earl of Leicester, before the 
county was divided between Simon de Montford (sic) (grandfather of 
the famous Simon de Montfort) and his wife (Amicia daughter of 
Robert de Beaumont, Earl of Leicester) and Sahern de Quincy and 
his wife (?) from " an ancient Feudary of the period." 

(12) An extract from a book of Mr. Stafford of Blotherwick made by 
W.B. 1610. 

(13) A record of " Recognicionum et Finium factorum in respectu 
homagii " 10 Oct 1 Henry V." (Acknowledgments, and fines paid 


in respect of homage) relating to the Duchy of Lancaster and the 
honour of Leicester. 

(14) Ditto for 2 Henry V. 

(15) An extract from the register of Fines. Roll 450 21 Richard IL 

(16) A list of manors in the honour of Leicester. 

(17) Account of Thomas Acard, collector of an aid in the counties of 
Derby, Stafford, Leicester, Nottingham and Warwick on the marriage 
of the Lady Blanche, eldest daughter of Henry IV. 3 Henry IV. 

(c) folios 38—44. A series of documents relating to the honour of 

(1) Partition of the knights fees of Roger Quincy, formerly Earl of 
Wynchester, made at Saint Neots on the vigil of the Holy Trinity 
A.D. 1277, between the coheirs of the same, by the attorneys of the 
interested parties, Margaret de Ferers, Countess of Derby, Elen la 
Zouche, and Alexander Comyn, Earl of Bouham (Dugdale gives 
" Boghan ") and Elizabeth his wife. 

(2) Accounts of the stewards of the honour of Winchester in the counties 
of Leicester and Warwick at Michaelmas 13 Henry IV. 

(3) Extracts from the Book of Knights Fees, 6 Henry VI, and The Book 
of Aids 20 Edward III relating to the fee of Everyngham. 

{d) folios 45b — 50a. Account of John de Sandersted, Sheriff of Leicester and 
others, collectors of an aid in the county of Leicester. 20 Edward III. 
(The Book of Aids). 

(e) folios 51 — 52. Fees of the Earl of Shrewsbury which belonged to Aymer 
de Valence late Earl of Pembroke as of the honour of the castle of 
Goderich with five and a half knights' fees held by " Robert Veer " 
Earl of Oxford. 

(/) folios 53 — 54. A feudary of manors, lands and tenements held by WiUiam 
Botreaux, Lord Botreaux 17 Henry VI, " which now ought to be in 
the hand and possession of Edward Hastings knight, as in the right of 
Mary his wife. Lady Botreaux, Hungerford, Molens and Mules 
5 Henry VII extracted by Thomas Jakes." 

(g) folio 55a. — Account of Thomas atte Fenne, sheriff of Cornwall, collector 
of an aid for knighting the King's eldest son 20 Edward III. (The 
Book of Aids). 

(h) folios 55b — 57. Extract from the Exchequer Book of Fees (Testa de 
Nevill or Liber Feodorum), concerning an aid granted 19 Henry III 
for marrying his sister Isabell to Frederick, Emperor of the Romans, 
from the lands of Sir William de Botreaux. 

Extract from " an ancient Roll " containing an inquisition made 
7 Edward I. 


(i) folios 59 — 61a. Extract from The Red Book of the Exchequer folio 
Ixxxv, relating to a return of fees in the rape of Hastyngs held by 
John Count d'Eu, made to Henry III. 

(j) folios 61b — 63. Extracts from an account of the collectors of an aid 
granted in the county of Sussex 20 Edward III for knighting his 
eldest son, with further extracts 21 Edward III relating to the rape 
of Hastyngs (The Book of Aids). 

(k) folios 64 — 68. A feudary of William Lord Hastyngs, of the honour of 
the rape of Hastyngs made 9 Edward IV. 

(Z) folio 69a A list of the fees of " Chokes," which had been forfeited into 
the hand of King Edward III from John de Fienles and regranted 
to John de Molyns. 

(m) folio 69b The fees of Hugh de Herdeberwe of the franchise of Leicester 
tempore Edward III. 

(«) folio 70 Fees belonging to the manors of Stoke, Molyns, Wendover, 
Aston and Ilmere, tempore Edward III. 

(o) folio 71a Fees lately belonging to Lord Molenz in the county of Oxford 
and then to Lord Hastyngs, extracted from the " old book of the 
Exchequer concerning fees" (The Testa de Nevill ?). 

(p) folio 71b Extract from a rental of Henley-on-Thames, made by the 
bailiff of that town. 19 Edward III. 

(q) folio 72 List of the freeholders of Henley-on-Thames owing suit to Lord 

(r) folio 73b Notes relating to the descendants of "Thomas Marqueis Dorset 
and Cecill hys wyff doughter and heir to the lorde haryngton & 

(s) folio 74 Knights fees, formerly held by Nicholas de Moeles, Lord de 
Moles, afterwards by Lord de Botreaux and Thomas Courteney, and 
finally by Erward Lord de Hastyngs, as ascertained by the King's 
Eschaetor 12 Edward III and 23 Edward III. 

{t) folios 76 — 80 Extract from The Book of Knights Fees in the Exchequer 
in the custody of the King's Remembrancer, relating to Wiltshire 
(6 Henry VI). 

(m) folio 81 Extract from "the Book of a Reasonable Aid" in the Exchequer 
in the custody of the King's Remembrancer relating to Somerset. 
(Probably Book of Aids 20 Edward III). 


(v) folids 83— 84a Fees of Sir Ralph Hastyngs belonging to the manor of 
Slengesby in the counties of York and Northampton (tempore 
Edward III) 

(w) folio 84b Final concord 17 Edward III between Ralph de Hastyngs 
" Chivaler " plaintiff and William son of William de Wyvell, whereby 
the. former acquired the manors of Slyngesbi, Sledmere and Colton. 

902 Second half of the 15th century. Manuscript Register of Deeds (Lat.) 

undated but in a late 15th century hand, containing 21 leaves of vellum 
numbered 25-28, 30-32, 35-40 (two being numbered 38), 45, 50-52, 55-57. 
The leaves are lOfx 7if, and there are three sheets of paper Si X 6. The 
earliest deed is dated 1320 and the latest 1450. The bulk of the deeds 
are feoffments, but there are also quit claims, memoranda, letters of 
attorney and a survey. An interesting deed is numbered Ixv f 55, and 
is a confirmation of seisin, given by Richard Duke of York father of 
Edward IV and son of Richard of Connesburgh Earl of Cambridge. In 
all there are seventy eight entries including a few duplicates ; thirty -five 
deeds relate to lands in Braithwell, Micklebring and Clifton. Doncaster 
has eighteen dealing with lands in Balby, Hexthorpe, Ouston, Adwick-le- 
Street and Doncaster ; Ravenfield has ten under the head of Steristhorpe 
(Streetthorpe) ; five deeds deal with lands in Sandal, and three with lands 
in Pigburn ; while Rotherham is represented by four deeds. The bulk of 
the deeds are concerned with lands acquired by a certain John Vyncent 
and his wife Agnes. John Vincent, according to Hunter's " South York- 
shire," vol i, p 131, belonged to the family of the Vincents of Great 
Smeaton in Richmondshire. He was agent of Richard Duke of York for 
his Yorkshire property. For legal services rendered to the prior and 
convent of Lewes, he received a grant of a capital messuage called the 
Over-hall in Braithwell. He was slain with the Duke at the battle of 
Wakefield, 1460. Of two odd deeds, one concerns lands in Barningham 
granted by William Vyncent in 1380, and the other is a grant of lands in 
Scarthingwelle from the prior of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem 
in England, dated at Eycles. It is evident from a comparison of these 
deeds with Hunter's " South Yorkshire," that Hunter was not acquainted 
with them, and that they would have given him information on several 
points of family history, with regard to which he deplores the lack of 
evidence. The separate deeds appear, with others, in this catalogue in 
their chronological order. 

919 1586 November 16th. Sheffield Castle : " A note takenn of all my 

L. Armorre by M'- Whyat w'^'' came from Yor Lp from Aurtoun Lang- 
feld when Yor Lp Lyed their the Xvi* of November 1586 as folloWethe." 


Imprimis a horsse man pece for my L. and a Case of pystoles 
gylded and Dammaske w* flaske and furnituer for the 

Item xxxi Duche pystoles & horseman peeces together 

Item IngUshe pystoles 

and Casses for all pystoles as well the duche as the 

Item xiiii flaskes 

Item xxiiii musketes 

Item of Callyvers 

Item Complet armorre for my Lo. gilded and another black 
gilded for my Lo. boothe for hors and foote 

Item viii Curetts of prove... 

Item Ixvi Corslets for footte menn 

Item armores for horse men 

Item almann Revett 

Item morryans 

Item Scules and head peecis 

Item pickes and heads 

Item a target and a f awchen 

Item ii Ladles and ii spudles for gret ordinans ... 

Item XX flaskes and xx Tuch boxes for muskets 

Item flaskes & tuche boxes for colly vers... 

Item xxi w'^'' are w'hout tuche boxes 

Item partysantes ... 

Item alberts... 

Item blacke billes ... 

Item Jacks and plat coattes 

Item harqqabushes of Crocke of Iron xxii & iiii of bras Armorre 
w™ came from Mr. Berkw'hes w"*" was dd to cella(r) f yrst 
on corslet for a hors man down to the knee w* spoldrens 
tacis vambracis w"" gorget & head pece ... 

Item on other black Armore w* tacis vambracis and gorget 
and poldrens 

Item one whyte armorre w*^ tacis gorget vambracis & poldrens... 

Item other alman ryvet w'h a head peec for a hors man & a 
pear of splents ... ... 









iii.'"' ix. 


V.'"' X. 

xi.*" iiii. 





XXX vi. 




Item on p iii platted Jackes ... ... ... ... i. 

Endorsed: "to pay at the deathe of y^ sayd W™ Maude or at the 


exchange of eny Tennant of y« premises his or their baste beast or goods 
for a herryett." Paper : single sheet foho size. Notes : The Oxford 
Dictionary etc give the following: pece, piece— a portable fire arm, carbine; 
dammaske— probably for damascened, inlaid with ornamental designs in 
gold and silver ; callyver, caliver— a light kind of musket or arquebus, 
introduced in xvi"" century (it seems to have been the lightest portable 
fire arm except the pistol and to have been fired without a "rest") ; curetts— 
obsolete form of cuirass ; cuirass of proof was a piece of armour con- 
sisting of breast and back plate made of tested metal ; almann revett, 
almain rivets— a kind of light armour first used in Germany, in which 
great flexibility was obtained by overlapping plates sliding on rivets ; 
morryan, morion— a kind of helmet, without beaver or visor, worn by 
soldiers in the 16th and 17th centuries ; scules, skulls— skull-caps of metal ; 
i)jc^es— pikes ; target— 3, light round shield ; fawchen, falchion— a broad- 
sword with curved edge ; ladles—" an instrument for charging with loose 
powder, formed of a cylindrical sheet of copper tube fitted to the end of a 
long stafF." Smyth: Sailors' word-book, 1867; spudles, spuddles— 
little spuds or spades used for charging (?) ; tuchboxes, touchboxes — a 
box for touch-powder or priming-powder for the flint-pan of a musket ; 
party santes — a military weapon used by soldiers in the 16th and 17th 
centuries, consisting of a long-handled spear, the blade having one or 
more lateral projections variously shaped, so as sometimes to pass into 
the gisarme and the halberd; alberts, halberds — a kind of combination 
of spear and battle-axe, consisting of a sharp-edged blade ending in a 
point and a spear head, mounted on a handle five to seven feet long; 
black-bills — a weapon of war used by infantry, varying in shape from 
a simple concave blade with a long wooden handle to a kind of concave axe 
with a spike at the back and its shaft terminating in a spear head ; jacks — 
a kind of sleeveless coat or tunic worn by foot-soldiers, usually of leather 
quilted, and in later times often plated with iron ; sometimes applied 
to a coat of mail ; plat-coattes — coats of plate-armour ; harqqebushe of 
crocks — an early type of portable gun, which on account of its weight 
was supported on a tripod, trestle or forked " rest." Those with a rest 
were sometimes called arquebuse a croc, or harquebus of crocke ; the 
croc or crocke seems to have been a hook or crook, by which the arque- 
bus was fixed to its rest or support when fired ; poldrens, pouldrens — 
shoulder plates ; tacts, tasses — a series of plates depending from the 
corslet, each overlapping the other, forming a sort of kilt of armour to 
protect the thighs and lower parts of the trunk ; vambracis, vambrace — 
a piece of armour protecting the forearm from the elbow to the wrist; 
gorget — a piece of armour for the throat ; white armour — armour of 
burnished steel (?) ; splents, splints — overlapping pieces of steel in 
armour often used for the knee and elbow to give flexibility. 


907 1597 October 26th, in the 39th year of Elizabeth. Court Book (Lat.) of 

the manor of Hope. Two sheets of paper 8X12, evidently detached from 
the court book. The proceedings of a Little Court of John Curson 
esquire held on the above date are recorded. Robert Eayre of Dunge- 
worthe essoined for absence. The jury was as follows : — Robert Haughe, 
Elis Marshall, Ralph Bockinge, William Heathecot, Andrew Trickett, 
Ralph Slacke, Ellis Furnes, John Burdycane, William Middelton, Henry 
Paramore, William Eayre and Thomas Hoult. They presented Edmund 
Wooddruffe gentleman, John Hadfild senior, George Morton, Silvester 
Marten, George Hadfeild for default of suit of court. They also presented 
that William Smethe had died seised of a messuage and oxgang in Hope, 
that his son Ottwell Smethe was of full age, and that a " hariet " (heriot) 
of the best beast was due to the lord. Ellis Furness surrendered a rod of 
land in Hope next to the dwelling-house of William Heathcote. The 
land lay between lands of Thomas Eayre and Robert Eayre of Dunge- 
worth, and was then in the occupation of William Heathcote, who was 
at this court admitted tenant. Edward Sanderson surrendered a cottage, 
barn, garden and croft, then in the tenure of Ellis Ward, to the use of 
the same, and the latter was admitted tenant. 

900 Early 17th century. Manuscript Register of Deeds undated, but in 

early 17th century hands, relating to Kilnhurst, Rawmarshe and the city 
of York. This is a small folio volume 8X11J, bound in coarse parch- 
ment. It is possible that this is the book referred to by Hunter 
in "South Yorkshire," vol ii, p 46, where he says "in Dodsworth's 
notes from a volume of old deeds relating to Kilnhurst, is mention of 
John de Haplesthorpe, living in 1323, son and heir of William de 
Haplesthorpe, who had Whetecroft and the third part of Rawmarsh." 
If this is so, the deed mentioned must have been in the earlier and now 
lost portion of the book. The register now consists of ninety leaves of 
paper, several leaves evidently having been removed from the beginning. 
The first deed is numbered 75 and in all there are one hundred and four 
entries, the earliest being dated 1239 and the latest 1617. It appears to 
have been compiled for the use of John Darley of York, into whose hands 
came the properties specified, and to have been continued for a year or 
two after his death by the Ellis family, which inherited his estates. The 
separate entries appear in the body of the catalogue. 

903 Early 17th century. Manuscript History of Kirkstall Abbey (Lat). 

This document consists of five small folio sheets of paper 8 X 12, sewn 
together in book form, with about sixty lines of small neat writing, on each 
of the first nine pages. It is headed " ffundatio abbattiie (sic) de Kirk- 
stall," and endorsed on the last page " Liber foundationis (sic) Monast de 


Kirkst : The Booke of the foundation of the Abbey of Kirkstall. Drake." 
When compared with the sources of Kirkstall history given in Bohn's 
edition of Dugdale's " Monasticon " 1846 vol 5, 526-553 and Whitaker's 
History of Craven," it is seen to bear a close relation to three manuscript 
histories.— (1) On page 530, number ii, Bohn's edition of Dugdale's 
" Monasticon," vol 5, a transcription is given of a manuscript " Funda- 
tionis Historia . . . inter codices per Willelmum Cantuar . archiep . 
collates . G.9. fol 129a." This manuscript (number 903) runs prac- 
tically word for word with the Bodleian history, until the second part 
of the section dealing with the abbotship of Ralph Hageth, second abbot, 
when it gives twelve lines of information not found in the latter. The 
two contain the same account of Lambert the third abbot, but while the 
Bodleian manuscript gives " Helias the monk formerly of Roche " as 
fourth abbot, this, the Jackson manuscript, continues "on the death of Abbot 
Lambert there succeeded him Abbot Turgisius of sacred memory, a man 
of singular abstinence etc," and after seventeen lines of story, gives 
Helias as the fifth abbot. The Bodleian manuscript ends here, except 
for a final note common to both, while the Jackson manuscript continues 
with a list of abbots to Hugh de Grimston 1284, fifteenth abbot. After- 
wards we have a series of legal documents, grants, protections etc, of 
various dates ; and on page 9 appears a sixteenth abbot. " There suc- 
ceeded to Hugh de Grymston John Bridesall Anno Dni MCCC IIII, a 
letter having been sent to the Prior and Convent." The letter follows in 
thirty six lines. The Jackson manuscript ends like the Bodleian, with 
four lines, containing a curious error. " It is found in the chronicles of 
the Abbey of Kirkstall that in the fourth year of King Henry (sic), and in 
the year of the Lord MCXCHH in the month of August on the 21st day, 
viz, the Kalends of February, died lord Robert de Lascy of good memory, 
the second founder of the monastery of Kirkstall, and there he is buried." 
It seems fairly obvious that the Bodleian manuscript and the Jackson 
manuscript were derived from a common source, though the latter is 
much more complete. — (2) On page 527, Bohn's edition of Dugdale's 
" Monasticon " vol 5, is a note containing a long quotation from Stevens' 
"Continuation" vol ii, p 11 (John Stevens, d 1726, published in 1722 a 
" Continuation of Dugdale's Monasticon "). It runs "The Monasticon in 
the history of the Foundation of this monastery mentions only Alexander, 
Ralph, Lambert, and Helias, whom he makes the fourth, but in the 
manuscript, communicated by that learned Antiquary Ralph Thoresby, of 
Leeds, in Yorkshire, Esq. I find Turgsius the fourth abbat, and Helias 
the fifth." On comparing the abstract given by Stevens of the Thoresby 
manuscript, it would appear that the latter contains practically the same 
wording as the Jackson manuscript. It is not impossible that the latter is 
a 17th century copy of Thoresby 's manuscript, or an independent copy of 


an earlier original, from which the Bodleian and Thoresby's manuscripts 
were also derived. However, in Bohn's edition of Dugdale vol v, pp 
535-538 are given ten deeds relating to Kirkstall with the explanation "in 
the possession of Ralph Thoresby of Leeds Esq." It is not stated whether 
these deeds were to be found in the manuscript history. Of these deeds 
so quoted only two are to be found in the list of deeds in the Jackson 
manuscript, which is as follows : 1 . A letter from brother Hugh, abbot of 
Kirkstall to the convent of the same name, dated on the morrow of the 
Feast of Saint Martin (Nov 12th) 1287, dealing with the monetary diffi- 
culties of the abbey, and containing (a) a writ of Edward I. (b) A writ 
of Edward I. Oct 16th 1287 ; addressed to John, bishop of Ely, Treasurer, 
(c) A covenant, Saturday after the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist 
(Oct 18th) 1287 between Abbot Hugh of Kirkstall and Henry de Lacy 
Earl of Lincoln. * {d) Confirmation, Oct 27th 1287. (e) Writing 
obligatory from Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln and Constable of 
Chester to the abbot and convent of Kirkstall Oct 28th 1287. (/) Another 
writing obligatory of the same day. 2. State of the monastery on Sunday 
before the Feast of Saint Margaret (July 20th) 1301. 3r Protection from 
Henry III, 16th November 1219. 4. Delivery by Edward I of the 
guardianship of Kirkstall to Henry de Lacy 20th November 1275. 
(Those marked with an asterisk are quoted in Bohn's Dugdale.) — (3) In 
Whitaker's "History of Craven" pp 76-83 is an account of the history 
of Kirkstall. Dr. Whitaker drew his material from Dugdale, that is, 
from the Bodleian manuscript which he quotes until the death of Alexander 
the first abbot, see '" History of Craven " p 79, note 2, " Chron de 
Kirkstall. The style of one monk is so like that of another, that I am 
unable to distinguish where Serlo's narrative ends and that of his continuer 
begins. I have hitherto been constrained to write from the printed 
narrative Mon. Ang. vol i, p 854, etc ; but from this period Dugdale and 
Dodsworth began to abridge their account : I shall therefore confine 
myself, for the future, principally to particulars which they have omitted, 
after premising that I write from a copy of the Chronicle of Kirkstall 
among the Townley MSS." Whitaker gives a very interesting translation 
of the two letters of Hugh de Grimston and John Birdsall, omitting the 
legal documents, which he confesses himself unable to understand. As 
far as one can judge from extracts the Jackson manuscript is a copy 
of either Thoresby's or the Townley manuscript, or of some original 
common to both, though it is possible that Hugh de Grimston's letter is 
given here in more detail than in either of these sources. " Drake " 
appears to have been a lawyer, and the manuscript appears to have come 
into the possession of the late Mr. Arthur Jackson, together with several 
other documents, dating from the 16th to the 18th centuries and relating 
to certain tithes from Barnoldswick and Gilkirk, which formerly belonged 
to Kirkstall Abbey. 


905 1615 June 10th to 1677 January 15th. Sheffield Constables Accounts 

(Engl.) This is a small folio paper book 8X12, consisting of forty-one 
leaves, some of which are blank. The handwritings are of a legal type 
and almost invariably clear. At the head of each account appears the 
charge," consisting of receipts from " Sessments," and occasionally from 
" Towne Rentes " and other sources. On the same sheet follows the 
expenditure " Whereof disbursed by the said Constables." Many of the 
items of expenditure appear year by year and are of little importance, but 
there are numerous entries which throw an interesting light upon ShefiSeld 
life and customs in the 17th century. The movements of troops in the 
Civil War are noted as far as they affected Sheffield, and there are echoes 
of political events. The following extracts may give some idea of the 
contents : — 

(1614) Disbursmts. To the high Constables for lame 
soldiers ... 

and for & towards the Repairing of Turne- 

and for & towards the provision of Beeves for 
his ma"*^ most ho. household & for the fee of 

Captaine PhiUips 

and for & towardes the governo""'^ fee of the 

house of correction 

and for & towardes the Releife of the prison"^ 

in York Castle, the kings bench and marshallsey 

as appeared by acquittances under the 

high Constables hand shewed att the taking 

of this accompt 

To Tho. Stone for stocking a muskitt 

for mending of the Townes Butt 

for a Cote for Steven the Bedle 

for three paire of hangers and girdles 

xiii s. viiid. 


xxii.s. viii.d. 


vi.s ix d. 

ii s. vi d. 
iii s. 

xi s. iv d. 
V s. vi d. 

paid for a key and nails to mend the cage ... 
disbursed about paying money upon warr'= to 
the high Constables, for acquittances for the 
same, for conveying of hui and cryes to the 
next Constables, for carrying the armour & 
pikes to Rotheram, for money paid to the 
trained Soldiers, for conveying of warr'^ to the 
next constables, for carying of men before 
Justices of peace, for money given to soldiers 
and others that had passes, and for other 








needf ull businesse about the Towne as appeared 

likewise by particul"* shewed att the taking of 

this accompt 

and for & towards his ma"^^ cariage to Ponte- 

f ract & for 30'^ pounds of wax ... 

for the charges of the trained soldiers 3 daies 

att Rotheram 

To the Captaine for the training 

For making the Cuckstoole ... 9s. 6d. 

for a lock, & hoopes for it & for 

setting them on .. . ... ... Is. Od. 

And for & towardes the Repaire of Kighley 
bridge, Ealand bridge, Kilne bridge, Horbury 
bridge, Methley bridge, Brighthouse bridge, 
Cottingley bridge, Ecclesall bridge, & the 
governo"'^ fee of the house of Correction 
for the charge of shewing the Armo^'' att a 
muster att Rotheram, the trained soldiers 
wages, & other charges about that businesse 
M"* that the same first of June 1620 the afore- 
said Lawrence Pearson paid to Edward Hill 
& Wm Rich (churchwardens) for money by 
them layd downe for f oxe heades & ringing . . . 
for mending the Butt in the whicker the last 

for 3 black bills for the watchmen 3s & for 
mending an ould bill 4d in all 
for 4 Bandilearoes x s. & for 2 locks for to 
sett on the stocks or cage iii s. viii d. 
. . and towards the repair of the beacon at 
Clifton. 7s 6d. 

for their charges (the soldiers') to Doncaster 
about the statute for maintenance of Artillery 
for the Releife of the poore in the infected 
Townes of Thome, Hatefeld, & Birstall . . . 
To his ma''®^ Purveior (att his going into Scott- 
land) for Chickins Capons & Butter ... 
for Chickens & Capons att his Retorne 
for post horses for his ma"" use (ye 9th of July) 
For repairing the Townes Armo"', & for Two 
morian Cappes ... 

for the Sessm' charges about the shipp money 
& paying in the money att Rotheram 

iiu.l. ix.s. viii d. 

1 s. 

xi s. vi d. 
vi s. iii d. 

X s. vi d. 

xlvi s. viii d 

iiii d 

vi d. 

iii s. iv d. 

xiii s. viii d. 









1. 16. 



























For charges pd towards the Removeing of 
his ma"®* household from RufFord to Notting- 
ham 0. 6. 

(1639) To the trained soldiers (beeing 8) for their 
allowance beeing trained 31 dales 4 daies att 
15d the Rest at ISd saving one absent for one 
To the Captaine for 22 daies at 2s 2d ye day 

for powd®"^ & match 

for mending y® Armas 

for 8 knapsacks 

for 4 cases for 4 muskett locks 

for charge att Doncaster att ye Dutchy Court 
& an other time there about S' Leonards Spittle 

(1640) for mending & dressing of armo"'' & for 

Bandilieras ... ... ... ... ... 0. 7. 6 

for charge of the horses and dryv™^ that went 
w* the Cart towards the Armie, and w* was 
lost, in the sale of 2 horses and the horse- 

gaires bought for y' purpose 1. 2. 4 

Spent on the Conductors that ledd the Walche 

soldiers through the Towne 0. 2. 6 

(1642) for charges about gathering subsidies and 

polemoney & about the protestacion 01. 6. 1 

for watching & warding att the Castle ... 02. 7. 6 

spent when the Justices were att the castle 

for sending men to Chesterfeld, Aston and 

other places about necessary buisinesse ... 00. 3. 5 

(1644) To the Bedle for 5 moneths wages fFor mans 
meate, horsemeate & other necessaries for S' 
Charles Lucas Army as appeareth by par- 

ticulers 10. 00. 00 

for provision & other necessaries for the Lord 
General Gorings Army as likewise appeareth 

by particulers 04. 12. 10 

for provision & other necessaries for Coll 

Eyre & Coll Millwards Army as also appeareth 

by particulers ... 

for provision and, other necessaries for Maior 

Generall Crawfords Army as also appeareth 

by particulers 23. 09. 03 


(1645) For wine, Tobacke, hay, & Otes for Goll Joans 

and Coll Boyards souldiers & horses 04. 13. 09 

To the horse Guard w"'' guarded L: Callender 

in money ... ... ... ... •■• 01. 03. 04 

In provisions for the Scotch army when they 

was going against Hereford ... ... ... 08. 18. 09 

In money to the L : Lowdens Guard 01. 05. 04 

To John White Quarter m' und^' Coll Lambert 

for Otes w'^'' hee should have had 03. 00. 00 

In bread cheese Tobacco & drincke to David 

Lesleys footeguard 03. 06. 09 

In cheese bread drincke Tobacco Candles & 

hay for Morgan dragoons 04. 03. 04 

In cheese bread drincke Muttons & pease for 

Coll Thornehills men at Ollerton 09. 19. 02 

for money Coates & ye charges of a guard 
w"*" went to Ringstonhill w* 5 men w'^'' were 

pressed 04. 13. 03 

for Coales for the Centryes from the 22"' of 

Aprill untill the 17th of December 07. 17. 06 

(1649) for 12 moneths pay to the Army 081. 02. 09i 

for a draught to carry Artillery from Ponte- 

fracte 001. 06. 00 

(1650) paid for quartering of Coll Allureds men at 2 
or 3 severall times vizt : 111 men at one time 
for 2 days & 2 nights & 30 men at another 

time at iii d. per meale . . . ... ... ... 007. 06. 03 

(1652) And w"" money received from the Countess of 

Kent 045. 11. 09 

And from the Countess of Arrundell 023. 02. 03 

(1653) Paid for ringing of the bells on the 5th of 
November, for mending the Stocks, & for 

bringing the Cuckstoole up to Barkepoole ... 00. 06. 02 

(1661) Spent and paid at the Coron^"^^ Quest when the 

boy was killed in the Colepitt 01. 02. 00 

(1662) To the Towne waytes & watche for going 

about the Towne on the ffaire Evening ... 00. 02. 00 

for gum powther 00. 00. 08 

spent among the Lords officers at the Reareing 

of the Maypole 00. 02. 06 

(1663) For Coppying warr'^ & Carrying Rolls of 

hearth money to Mr. Wood 00. 01. 02 

(1666) Paid for one weekes Assessm' for y^ millitia 

as by warr' & acquittances appeared 01. 10. 04 

















Paid to the ringers the 9th of June being a 
thanksgiveing day ... ... ... ... 00. 15. 00 

Charges in apprehending Stevenson & prose- 
cuting him for stealeing the Church Lead . . . 00. 07. 00 
Charges of building a Centrie house at Little 

Sheffield moore 01. 07. 05 

Charges about keeping people from ffulwood 

in the tyme y' the sickness was att Earn ... 00. 00. 06 

for watching one y' fell sicke ... ... ... 00. 00. 03 

(1667) P'^ to Elvidge for watching a man in the 

stocks 00. 00. 04 

Charges of the Ducking stoole as appeares by 

(1668) To the whaits for playing about att y^ faire ... 
(1673) Charges about the Trainband Soldiers to Don- 

cast'^' to meet ye Duke of Buckingham 
Paid to Robt Maden for 5 belts for them 
Paid to Robt Bullas for a Pyke 

909 (1618) October 7th, in the 16th year of James L Court Rolls (Lat.) 

of the manor of Conesburgh. These rolls consist of two vellum sheets 
8 X 29, stitched together at the head, and written over on sides. The 
following courts are recorded : — (1) Court Leet of the Right Hon Henry 
Carey knight. Lord Hunsdon 7th October 16 James I. — (2) Court Baron 
of 16th November 16 James I. — (3) Court Leet with View of Frank- 
pledge 8th April 17 James I. — (4) Court Baron 15th April 17 James L 
— (5) Court Baron 31st August 17 James L — (6) Court Baron 21st September 
17 James I. The Courts Leet were occupied with amercements upon the 
tenants for various petty offences. The jurisdiction of the lord seems to 
have extended among other places over Conisborough, Bramley, Harthill, 
Braithwell, Cusworth, Clifton, Warrasworth, Ravensfield, Cresbrook, 
Dalton, Baronbroughe. Among the tenants of the manor were people of 
some substance. Sir Samuel Salstonstall knight (3s 4d), Sir Robert 
Swifte knight (3s 4d), Leonard Wraye esquire (2s), Gervase Copley 
(I2d), Robert Tirrell esquire, Gervase Westall gentleman (2s 6d), 
Nathaniel Eire gentleman (l2d), Richard Mounteney gentleman (l2d), 
William Goodman gentleman (12d), were all fined for default of suit of 
court. A common offence among the holders of strips in the common 
fields was that of allowing their hedges to fall into disrepair, so that the 
cattle wandered upon their neighbours' land. Others paid fines for 
breaking the assize of bread and beer, keeping unauthorized bowling- 
greens, ' rating their hempe" in running water (cannabum macceravit), 
blocking up footpaths, neglecting to dig ditches at the end of selions. 


overburdening the common with sheep, keeping and selling tobacco 
contrary to the law, petty assaults, taking firewood, and refusing to throw 
open their holdings for pasture after Lammas. The Courts Baron were 
occupied with surrenders and admittances, which appear under number 
909, i-xii, among the deeds and charters. 

906 1625 " A Rentall of the King's rents for the high Peake in the right of 

his Dutchie of Lancaster ano. dni. 1625." This is a manuscript book of 
16 paper folios, bound in a portion of a vellum indenture. The first folio 
contains an account of " palfrie silver " due from the various towns and 
villages in the honour. The next twelve folios contain details of rents 
due from the inhabitants of the several places. The last three folios are 
filled with miscellaneous items such as " Half Yeare Rents, Herbages, 
Milnes, Woodland," etc. The whole MS. is of considerable interest, as 
it supplies a list of inhabitants of the honour of the High Peak, and gives 
many details of the lands held by them. Payments are noted as coming 
from turves and turveries, coalepits, liberties, pinfolds, comon silver, 
sergenties, intackes, encrochments, weistes," copies (of court roll) and 
leases. Among other items it is recorded that 10s. was paid by " The 
Earle of Shresburie for prehiminence and prehemtion." 

904 1636 November 3rd to 1690-1 March 19th. The Hope Old Book (Lat. 

and Engl). This is a small folio court book of the manor of Hope, of 50 
paper sheets 8X12, bound in thin vellum. Altogether twenty-one courts are 
recorded, of which the first three are described as " Little Courts," while 
the rest are named either " Courts Baron " or " Great Courts Baron," one 
being described as a " Little Court Baron." Probably the Little Courts, 
Courts Baron and the Little Court Baron refer to the same Court namely 
the Little Court Baron. The Great Courts Baron may have been more 
important assemblies ; but in any case the same customary tenants 
appear as jurors in both classes of courts, and the business transacted is 
of the same character. It consisted mainly of transfers of land by sur- 
renders and admittances, admittances on inheritance, and admittances on 
lease. The land which thus changed hands is definitely stated to be 
copyhold in about half the entries. In almost every case a fine was 
taken, and heriots of " the second best animal " are enrolled wherever the 
jurors presented the death of a tenant and the succession of his heir, even 
when the lands are not described as copyhold. The word "relief," 
generally used under such circumstances in the case of freehold lands, is 
nowhere mentioned in this court book. Both Great and Little Courts 
Baron dealt equally with copyhold land. There is no trace of any leet 
jurisdiction, and the few amercements imposed are as a rule for default of 
suit of court. In one Great Court Baron in 1670 an offender was amerced 


for obstructing a path and another for breaking the pound. As regards 
civil jurisdiction, a common recovery is recorded at a Little Court of 
1638, and at the same court a certain Grace Heathcote appeared as 
plaintiff in five pleas of dower, but no pleadings or result are recorded. 
In 1649, however, Elizabeth Froggatt brought forward a plea of dower, 
" unde nihil habet," and the jury granted to her a third part of the 
messuages, lands and tenements of her late husband Thomas Bockinge. 
From 1636 to 1670 "John Gell esquire" is noted as lord of the manor. 
After that the name appears as " John Gell Barronet." In 1679 " Philip 
Gell esquire " appears at the head of the entries, and from 1689 to the 
end "Philip Gell Barronet." Among the jurors of the courts from 
time to time are the following: Ottwell Smith, Adam Eyre, Adam 
Balgie, John Parramore, Thomas Bockinge, Nicholas Grant, John 
Briddocke, Thomas Slacke, Robert Heywood, George Marshall, Antony 
Ashton, Robert Middleton, Mark Trickitt, John Hadfeild, Richard Hallum, 
Robert Hall, John Burdekin, John Hardie, Edmund Balgie gentleman, 
Thomas Martyn, Henry Hoult, Ellis Yellott, John Bacon, Francis Frost, 
William Johnson, Nicholas Staley, John Bennett, Robert Bray, Edward 
Breadhurst, Nathan Woodroffe, Martin Bradocke, Thomas Stephenson, 
Thomas Heathcote, Francis Daniel, Thomas Hollott, Richard Morton, 
Roger Ray, Henry Furnis, John Dernelley, Edward Robotham, Thomas 
Kirke, and many others with the same surnames. The court book gives 
a considerable amount of information about the descents of the tenants, 
and in many cases the metes and bounds of their holdings are minutely 
described. It is evident that much of the land in the neighbourhood was 
still unenclosed. Thus in 1667 there is an entry. Item That the 
Townefeilds within Hope and belongeinge to this Mannour shalbe 
yearely stinted and kept in, untill the one & thirtith day of October 
yearly, and the homage doe elect nominate and appoynt Roberte 
Bockinge, Thomas Eyre, Roberte Bray, and John Hadfeild to be 
overseers and stinters of the same for this yeare next ensueinge. And 
it is Ordered That every person that shall breake the stinte soe to be 
made shall forfeit and pay to the lord of this mannour for every horse 
six shipyings (sic) and eightpence for every neate beaste, or five sheepe 
three shillings foure pence that he or they shall have or put therein 
above such stinte for every offence." The parcels of land are usually 
of an acre or a half acre lying severally in the fields, and there are 
frequent references to butts, selions, headlands, outfalls, furlongs, acres 
and other terms characteristic of the old land system. Where transfers 
of smaller portions took place they were of one to three rods in various 
meadows, crofts, and closes, though some rods lay separately in the 
arable fields. Occasionally " common of pasture " is mentioned as 
accompanying such conveyances, though it was not thought necessary 


to state the number of animals whipl^ this right covered. Especially 
interesting are the field-names and place-names, which preserve many 
obsolete rural words, and which are well worthy of study by local 
antiquaries. Generally speaking the fines exacted by the lords on 
admittances and inheritances appear to be moderate, considering that 
copyhold lands, of as much as three acres, are mentioned as paying only 
two or three pence rent per annum to the lord in 1636 ; a cottage and 
lands 2s 6d in 1638 ; twelve several rods of land 4s in 1638 ; a 
messuage and an oxgang of land 2s lOid in 1659 ; a messuage, three 
closes and half an acre of land 2s 2d. Among the customary tenants 
were men of some substance in the district : Eyre, Foljambe, Balguy, 
Gascoigne, Borrowe, Bagshawe etc. 

920 1723 ApriBOth. Sheffield:"The Verdict of the Jury of Sheffield Soake (Engl.) 

Sworne at the Court Leet and Great Court Baron of the Most Noble 
Thomas Duke of Norfolk holden for his Mannor aforesaid the thirtieth 
Day of Aprill 1723 before John Battle Gen. understeward there. 
Imprimis : We confirm and establishe all former paines heretofore laid 
by the Homagers of this Court not being repugnant to the Lawes of 
this Realm to continue and be in force upon the paines limited and set 
down for the same and more particularly these following : A pain laid 
that no person or persons put any scabbed Horse or Mare upon the 
Commons or Stoned Horse under the Size in pain to forfeit and pay to 
the lord of the mannor ... ... ... ... ... 01 : 19 : 11 

Item that no person or persons within Sheffield shall sell any Corn in 
any house which ought or is to be sold in open Market on the markett 
day in pain to forfeit and pay ... ... ... ... 01 : 10 : 00 

Item that if any person or persons within this Soake shall breake any 
hedges shall forfeit and pay to the Lord ... ... ... 00 : 06 : 8 

We lay a pain upon Daniel Hawley that unless he make a sufficient 
ffence to ye close between Morton wheel and the Broadwater before 
the fifteenth day of May next he shall forfeit and pay to the Lord of 

ye Manor 01 : 19 : 11 

We lay a pain upon Joshua Crapper that unless he make a sufficient 
ffence to his Close called Pearl near the Holrn Wheel before the 
twentieth day of May next he shall forfeit and pay to ye Lord of 

ye Mannor 00 : 13 : 4 

We lay a pain upon William Bullock that unless he make a sufficient ffence 
about a stone pit ■w'^^ he has lately got stone out of, before the Twentieth 
day of July next he shall forfeit and pay to ye Lord ... 00 : 13 : 4 
We lay a pain upon Thomas Sampson that unless he make a sufficient 
ffence about his stone delve belonging to Brown Edge before the 
Twentieth day of May next he shall forfeit and pay to the Lord of 
the Mannor 01 : 19 : 11 


We lay a pain upon John Ridge that unless he throw down the 
Incroachment to ye highway wch he has made in the Nook Lane before 
the fifteenth day of May next he shall forfeit and pay to the Lord of 

the Mannor 01 : 19 : 11" 

Next follow amercements for absence from the court. Under the head 
of "Sheffield Town"; fifty three persons were fined. "Sheffield Park," 
nine. " Sheffield Soake," nineteen. " Hallam and ffulwood," forty five. 
" Heeley," seven. A few were " pardoned," the rest paid 4d a piece. 
The jury then made various presentments; Thomas Wilson of Sheffield 
had purchased a parcel of land near Shale Moor ; Elizabeth Morton 
had died seised of a cottage called Pingle House, which she had devised 
to John Morton of Harthill ; John Hoyland late of Lidgate had died 
seised of a parcel of land at Nether Hallam, his son and heir being John 
Hoyland of Consbrough ; the same had died seised of a parcel of land at 
Over Hallam which he had devised to his son George Hoyland. A 
pain was laid on Simon Webster, " that if he fetch any more earth, sand 
or mortar out of Nether Hallam he shall forfeit and pay to the Lord 
of the Manor 01 : 19 : 11," and another on Joseph Barnes "that 
unless he make a Wall betwixt the Highway and Rowell Bridge Wheel, 
before the tenth day of July next, he shall forfeit and pay to the Lord of 

the Mannor 01 : 19 : 11" 

The verdict was signed by the jurors : Josa Sanderson, Wm Haworth, 
Willom Jarvis, Robert Kirk, John Green, John Beadson, Nathan Morton, 
Edwrd Nichols, John Fisher, George Ibbottson, Robert Armfield, John 
Ashforth, Edward Lockwood. Paper : double sheet of folio. 


911 Fragment of a Breviary (Lat.) consisting of two leaves of vellum, 9X16, 

with double columns of thirty-five lines, written in square English minus- 
cules, in a fifteenth century hand. The ornamental initial letters are in 
blue with lace work and flourishes in red ink, extending down the columns. 
The two leaves were evidently used as a cover for documents, for there is 
a note at the foot of one page, " Wills proved in the Archdeaconry of 


Stowe A.D. 1572, 1573 and 1574." On the other page, a bond from 
Thomas Tompsonne of Lincoln Tailor to Thomas Taillor of the same is 
written at the foot. 

912 Fragment of a Manuscript Book (Lat.) consisting of four leaves of 
vellum 9j X 14, with double columns of twenty- seven lines on each page, 
with glosses in all the margins. The writing is in small minuscules of an 
Italian character, and appears to belong to the late fourteenth century. 
There are ornamental initial letters in red, blue and gold. The book is a 
treatise on ecclesiastical or canon law. 

913 Fragment of a Manuscript Book (Lat.) consisting of six leaves of vellum 
9 X 12, with double columns of fifty-seven lines. The writing is in a small 
minuscule and of a dull untidy type, probably of the early or middle four- 
teenth century. Initial letters are in blue, with leaf-ornamentation in the 
loops and flourishes in red ink. The topics treated are : witnesses, 
betrothals, marriages, the right of clergy and monks to engage in secular 
business, regular clergy, and those taking the veil, etc. In the margin 
are a few pen -sketches of the heads of friars and monks, hooded and 
showing the tonsure. 

914 Fragment of a Manuscript Book (Lat.), consisting of ten leaves of 
vellum approximately 12X 16, with double columns of fifty-four lines on 
each page, and a gloss running round the margins. The writing is in 
large clear minuscules and appears to belong to the late thirteenth century. 
The initial letters are simply designed, in red and blue, without marginal 
ornamentation. Notes in a later hand are found in the margins and 
numerous sketches of heads. The book is evidently a statement of canon 
law. Among the topics treated are the following : namely, " What a man 
ought to know who is to be ordained bishop " ; " Unlearned men and 
vicious, seeking worldly gain ought not to be ordained bishops " ; " Men of 
ill fame cannot accuse men of good fame " ; "A heretic can bear witness 
against a heretic." There are frequent quotations from Eusebius, Gregory, 
Augustine, Gelasius, and the Canons of Councils. 

915 Two leaves from a Church Service Book (Lat.) with music, vellum 
9X12. As the leaves are cut at the head, it is impossible to give the 
number of lines. The initial letters are plainly written in red and blue. 
From the late character of the writing the MS. appears to belong to the 
late fifteenth or early sixteenth century. 

916 (a) Fragment of a Manuscript Book (Lat.), consisting of two leaves of 
faintly lined vellum 7 X 9j, with a single column of thirty-three lines on 
each page. The writing is a very clear rounded type of bookhand, with 


small capital letters dotted with red, and appears to belong to the late 
thirteenth century. The argument deals with oaths, and a distinction is 
drawn between innocent and guilty oaths, enforced by quotations from 
Saint Augustine. — (b) A similar fragment of two leaves of unlined vellum 
of the same size and number of lines, and in the same handwriting. There 
are two larger capitals in blue and red. The argument concerns the 
distinction between heresy and schism, and may have been, together 
with (a), part of a collection of treatises on canon law. 

917 Fragment of a Manuscript Book (Lat.), consisting of two leaves of lined 
vellum 8X12, with a double column of forty-three lines each on the page. 
The writing is in a clear, small and fairly regular minuscule in very black 
ink. The capital letters are large with graceful lines in the loops, and an 
ornamentation of flowing lines is continued above and below the letter 
at the side of the column. The stem of the " t " is not continued above 
the cross, and the upper loop of the " a " is generally left open. Possibly 
a MS. of the middle thirteenth century. The argument proceeds along 
lines of mediaeval logic, and deals in general with the seven mortal sins, 
and in particular with the various forms of pride and their veniality. 

918 (a) Small fragment of a Manuscript Book (Lat.), vellum approximately 
4X12, with sixty imperfect lines of writing on each side. The handwriting 
is a neat and clear minuscule, and the letters are of an angular type. 
It appears to be of the late fourteenth century. The argument concerns 
the nature of angels. — (b) Small fragment of a Manuscript Book (Lat.), 
vellum approximately 4X 12, with fifteen lines in each of two columns on 
both sides. The handwriting is clear and moderately rounded, and is 
probably of the fourteenth century. The sinfulness of certain actions is 


1056 A Volume 9X13i, bound in paper boards, entitled "Hunter Yorkshire 

Records." This contains manuscript notes in various hands, including 
Hunter's, on sheets of foolscap bound together; and they relate to Ponte- 
fract, Staincross, Halifax, and Rotherham. This is one of 37 volumes 
constituting lot 468 at the sale in 1895, of the Phillipps Collection, when 
the lot was purchased for the late Mr. Arthur Jackson. 


1057 A Volume 8X lOi, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Doncaster 
Collection." This contains miscellaneous notes, extracts, and pedigrees 
in various hands, including Hunter's, on sheets of various sizes, bound 
together and relating to families and places in and around Doncaster. 
This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1058 A Volume 9 X 14, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Doncaster." 
This contains miscellaneous notes, extracts, and pedigrees in various 
hands, including Hunter's; also two engravings of Conisborough Castle 
published 1814, many newspaper cuttings relating to Doncaster, and 
extracts from the parish registers of Barnbrough and Anston. This was 
part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1059 A Volume 9X13i, bound in paper boards; entitled "Hunter MSS.— 
Hunter's Doncaster." This contains miscellaneous notes, extracts, and 
one or two pedigrees; mostly relating to Doncaster, but including Tickhill, 
Strafford, Barnby Dun, and Kirk Sandall. There is also an account (26 
Edw. I) of an assessment for Schefeld, Bradefeld, Handesworth, Treton, 
Roderham, etc. ; a list of the wills of Savile, proved at York 1540 to 1641; 
and several extracts from the registry of the Exchequer Court of York. 
This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1060 A Volume SixlSi, bound in paper boards, entitled "Hunter's York 
Records." It contains miscellaneous notes and cuttings, relating to the 
city of York. This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 

1061 A Volume 9X 14, bound in paper boards, entitled "Hunter Collection of 
Records." This contains notes and pedigrees on foolscap, in various 
hands; and includes official extracts from the Record Office, a list of 
apothecaries in 1641; and two engravings of Lincoln, prepared for the 
meeting of the Archaeological Institute held there in 1848; extracts from 
the Chapel-en-le- Frith Register; copy will of John Ashe of Ashford in the 
Water 1733; a printed catalogue by John Hodgson 1842 of printed and 
manuscript works on Northumberland, etc., and a printed form, issued by 
the Antiquarian Committee of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, when 
collecting information for a History of Yorkshire. This was part of the 
Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1062 A Volume 8X13, bound in boards; entitled "Hunter's Yorkshire"; 
containing a printed tablet to the memory of those who perished by the 
bursting of the Bilberry Reservoir near Holmfirth go York; copy of an 


account of some ... in Yorkshire, temp. Edw. Ill; many pages of 
verses on " Husbandry." This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see 
number 1056. 

1063 A Volume 8X13, bound in boards, entitled "Hunter's Yorkshire"'; 
containing a newspaper cutting with list of gamekeepers (in 1853), 
assessed and not assessed as servants; extracts from the parish registers 
of Burgh wallis; pedigree of Leatham; cutting from the Wakefield Express 
of 4th June 1853, with memoir and diary of Prudence Gargrave of 
Hemsworth, afterwards Mistress Berrie of Hodroyd, both co York, early 
17th century; extracts from the parish registers of Pontefract; a few lines 
in verse on Kirkstall Abbey; letter of 27th August 1830 from R. Gossip 
to Godfrey Higgins of Melton Grange, Doncaster; as to an ancient small 
religious house then known as Steeton Hall, one mile from Milford, and 
then the property of Mr. Paver, land agent at Selby, co York; printed 
appeal by John Watson for subscriptions towards the publication of the 
History of Halifax, 20th November 1760; extracts from Dodsworth's 
MSS.; notes on Monasteries in cos Nott and York; and notes from 
Mr. James Ryder's Commendations of Yorkshire. This was part of the 
Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1064 A Volume 6i X 10, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire"; 
containing a letter from C. Wellbeloved to Rev. J. Hunter, 29th March 
1853; printed page from rules of Yorkshire Antiquarian Club (of which 
Rev. C. Wellbeloved was president) ; draft pedigree of Jenkyns; pamphlet 
on stained glass in York Churches 1843; printed statistics of York by 
Robert Davies, F.S.A.; and printed extracts from the " Proceedings of the 
Yorks Philosophical Society" June 1847. This was part of the Phillipps 
Collection, see number 1056. 

1065 A Volume 8 x lOi, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's York " ; 
containing notes on " York and Ainstie " ; printed slips relating to York- 
shire Antiquarian Club 1849, and Gothic ornaments in York Cathedral. 
This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1066 A Volume 74 X 9, with paper cover, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire 
Pedigrees " ; containing rough notes and draft pedigrees, with some 
extracts from the most ancient register book of Badsworth. This was 
part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1067 A Volume 8 X 10, with paper cover, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire " ; 
containing rough notes and drafts for pedigrees, including a list of persons 
wounded in the Riot at Leeds, 30th June 1753 ; notes from Herald's 


College ; also newspaper cuttings, pamphlets, pencil sketches and copy 
moumental inscriptions ; many of these notes and papers are endorsed 
Hemsworth, Pontefract, Staincross, Skyrack. This was part of the 
Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1068 A Volume 8 X 10, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire ; 
viz, Bawtry, Laughton, Walls Kirk by Marr etc." ; containing rough 
notes, draft pedigrees, extracts from parish registers, newspaper cuttings, 
sketches, etc. This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1055. 

1069 A Volume 8i X 11, bound in paper boards, entitled " Yorkshire Letters " ; 
containing, what appear to be, copies of letters written during the Great 
Civil War, as to the operations of the troops in Yorkshire. This was 
part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1070 A Volume 8X9, bound in paper boards, entited " Yorkshire Chantries " ; 
containing Hunter's notes made at different times on this subject. This 
was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1071 A Volume 8X8, bound in paper boards, entitled " York Suits in 
Exchequer ; " containing Hunter's notes on cases, etc. This was part of 
the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1072 A Volume 7 X 8i, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire 
Collections " ; containing notes on Inquisitions Post Mortem, Ecclesiastical 
Taxation, etc. This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 

1073 A Volume 8 X 6j, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire " ; 
containing two series of Hunter's notes. This was part of the Phillipps 
Collection, see number 1056. 

1074 A Volume 8 X 8i-, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Collection 
on the Battle of Agincourt " ; containing Agincourt notes from Dugdale, 
and many rough miscellaneous notes on other and various subjects, draft 
pedigrees, etc., in great confusion. This was part of the Phillipps 
Collection, see number 1056. 

1075 A Volume 5i X 8i, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Tickhill & 
Doncaster " ; containing rough notes, printed matter, draft pedigrees, 
original letters, etc. This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see 
number 1056. 


1076 A Volume 5^X9, with paper cover, entitled "Hunter's Yorkshire;" 
containing rough notes, some of which relate also to Derbyshire. This 
was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1077 A Volume Six 8, with paper cover, entitled "Hunter's Yorkshire"; 
containing notes, pedigrees, printed slips, engravings of Settle, a pamphlet 
on the Ancient Customs of the Forest of Knaresbrough, and an article 
from The Burley Spectator" on Ancient Monuments at Kirksmeaton, 
Campsall and Owston, near Doncaster. This was part of the Phillipps 
Collection, see number 1056. 

1078 A Volume 8X5, bound in paper boards, entitled "Hunter's Yorkshire, 
Bawtry, Tickhill, etc." ; containing Hunter's rough notes of these places. 
This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1079 A Volume 8X5, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire " ; 
containing many rough notes, difficult to classify, but mostly headed 
" Yorkshire," in Hunter's handwriting. This was part of the Phillipps 
Collection, see number 1056. 

1080 A Volume 8X5, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire" ; 
containing rough notes by Hunter, headed Hampole, Staincross, Osgod- 
cross, Skyrack, Wakefield, Agbrigg, Morley, North Riding, East Riding. 
This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1081 A Volume 5X8, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire 
Pedigrees " ; containing rough notes and draft pedigrees. This was part 
of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1082 A Volume 5X8, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire 
Collections F.G.H." ; containing rough notes and draft pedigrees. This 
was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1083 A Volume 4i X 7, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's York 
Collections " ; containing notes from the Deanery Books at York. This 
was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1083a A Volume 4X7, bound in paper boards, entitled "Hunter's Yorkshire 

Collections " ; containing notes on inscriptions at Saifet Laurence and other 
Churches in York. This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see 
number 1056. 


1084 A Volume 5X8, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Notes from 
Yorkshire Subsidy Rolls." This was part of the Phillipps Collection, 
see number 1056. 

1085 A Volume 6X9, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Pontefract "; 
containing Notes and Additions to Boothroyd's History of Pontefract, by 
Joseph Hunter, 20th October 1808. This was part of the Phillipps 
Collection, see number 1056. 

1086 A Volume 6 X Si, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Tickhill " ; 
containing copies of letters under Privy Seal from the King to the 
Constable of Tickhill Castle, 14 & 15 Edward II. This was part of 
the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1087 A Volume 8X8, bound in paper boards, entitled "Wales and Yorkshire"; 
containing Hunter's notes thereon. This was part of the Phillipps Col- 
lection, see number 1056. 

1088 A Volume 5X8, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire 
Collections " ; containing miscellaneous notes on many subjects. This was 
part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1089 A Volume H X 7, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire 
Notes " ; containing very rough notes ; some in shorthand and some in pencil. 
This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1090 A Volume 4j X 7, bound in paper boards, entitled " Ex Cartulario de 
Bretton." This was part of the Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1091 A Volume 4i X 7, bound in paper boards, entitled " Hunter's Yorkshire 
Collections a, b, c, d, e " ; containing rough notes, many in pencil ; some 
extracts from the Chartuleries of Pontefract, etc. This was part of the 
Phillipps Collection, see number 1056. 

1092 Nine Pocket Books of Joseph Hunter, containing miscellaneous collec- 
tions including pedigrees, topographical notices, poems, songs, etc, by 
him, 1811-1814. These were part of the Phillipps Collection, and were 
sold as lot 445, at the sale in 1895, when they were purchased for the late 
Mr. Arthur Jackson. 

1093 A Volume -5X8, bound in paper boards, entitled "Hunter's Norton co 
Derby " ; containing extracts from the parish registers, copies of inscrip- 
tions and draft pedigrees. This was part of the Phillipps Collection, and 
was lot 440 in the sale of 1895, when it was purchased for the late Mr. 
Arthur Jackson. 



1108 A Volume 8X10, bound in half leather boards, entitled " Genealogical 

Memoranda " ; containing several hundred pedigrees of Sheffield and 
district, with index of names at the beginning ; all in the handwriting of 
William Swift. The index includes the following surnames : Armstrong, 
Adlington, Anderton, AUetson, Aden, Allwood, Ashley, Adderley, Bower, 
Bunting, Bassett, Bright, Broomhead, Booth, Belk, Bown, Botham, 
Baker, Booker, Butt, Bradshaw, Batteson, Bromehead, Biggin, Bolsover, 
Britt, Binns, Bretland, Bingham, Barber, Bellamy, Beighton, Burrows, 
Barker, Busby, Boote, Brown, Barrow, Barnes, Betewell, Burkitt, Clay, 
Cumberledge, Cartledge, Clarke, Cox, Champernoone, Curtis, Cowley, 
Carver, Cree, Cooper, Coates, Copley, Coope, Cadman, Cammell, Camm, 
Coller, Cutts, Dewce, Dowker, Dickons, Drabble, Duckmanton, Dyker, 
Denham, Douston, Dixon, Earnshaw, Evans, Elam, Elston, Flint, Fidler, 
Fox, Farr, Frith, Fentum, Forrest, Ford, Glossop, Greaves, Gregory, 
Goddard, Gascoigne, Gill, Green, Hodginson, Home, Hewitt, Hurt, 
Hutton, Harrison, Hale, Hutchinson, Harvey, Hunt, Hardy, Hides, Hill, 
Haslam, Higginbotham, Hardwick, Harding, Haslehurst, Haywood, 
Hasland, Hazard, Hinckesman, Hirst, Holehouse, Ince, Inman, Johnson, 
Jermyn, Jenkin, Jennings, Jenkinson, Jones, Jackson, Knight, Kitchen, 
Kirkby, Linley, Littlewood, Lomas, Leake, Lowe, Lalonel, Lindley, Lee, 
Large, Marshall, Milnes, Moore, Marsh, Marples, Mason, Mather, More- 
wood, Mirfin, Maudson, Mullins, Mellor, Morten, Maure, Machon, 
Manlove, Marsden, Nodder, Norborne, Newbold, Newbould, Newton, 
Owtram, Owen, Oakes, Oldfield, Oldale, Gates, Pedley, Pearson, Pearce, 
Pinder, Parkas, Rickards, Revell, Radley, Rose, Rice, Rodgers, Reddish, 
Richardson, Renshaw, Rodes, Rotherham, Redfern, Roberts, Royston, 
Reeve, Short, Scott, Stones, Slater, Staniforth, Staiford, Snowden, Stansall, 
Sutton, Sykes, Steele, Salvin, Shacklock, Stokes, Slack, Shaw, Shipston, 
Shirt, Sampson, Symon, Sharman, Turner, Tomlinson, Toplis, Tyzack, 
Taylor, Unwin, Vanes, Urton, Wilson, Wells, Ward, Wright, Walton, 
Woodward, Wainwright, Woodhead, Wilks, Walker, Webster, Wilkinson, 
Walker, White, Wheldon, Whall, Wilbore, Wilcockson, Wheelhouse, 
Youle. Notes : this volume has been re-bound since it came to the 
Library, and the title on the old cover has been reproduced. 

1110 A Volume 7jxlO, bound in half leather boards, entitled "Genealogical 

Memoranda — Yorkshire " ; containing several hundred pedigrees of 
Sheffield and district, with index at the beginning ; the handwriting is that 


of William Swift and many autograph letters and slips have been 

interleaved. The volume is of great interest to many Sheffield families. 

The following names form the index; namely Abbott, Addy, Atkin, 

Akeroyd, Aldam, Alderson, Aldred, Andrews, Antt, Arundle, Ashall, 

Ashforth, Atherton, Atkinson, Auckland, Ashforth, Ashby, Ashton, Allen, 

Ashmore, AUcard, Angel, Allott, Bacon, Bailes, Baker, Bannister, Barber, 

Barker, Barnes, Bates, Battle, Battey, Bayldon, Bayliffe, Bedford, Bee, 

Beet, Biram, Birks, Blagden, Blake, Blakelock, Bloom, Boultbee, Bower, 

Brownell, Bradley, Branson, Brailsford, Brewin, Bramhall, Brittain, 

Broadhurst, Brook, Brookes, Brookhouse, Brown, Buck, Burbeary, 

Butcher, Battye, Bennet, Ball, Beatson, Boden, Brock, Beckett, Brashaw, 

Bishop, Badger, Brightmore, Barraclough, Baggaly, Bullus, Belcher, 

Bingham, Broomhead, Butler, Binks, Bright, Blakeney, Bromley, Bingley, 

Backhouse, Birley, Buxton, Broster, Bramwell, Brammall, Bradberry, 

Bowden, Bottomley, Bentley, Brelsforth, Baynes, Beardshaw, Biggin, 

Barlow, Booth, Bamforth, Bradbury, Bramley, Bragge, Cawton, Camm, 

Cannon, Carnelly, Cawthorn, Chamberlain, Chambers, Constantine, 

Champion, Clarbour, Clark, Crawshaw, Clayton, Cockayne, Colley, 

Collier, Cowlishaw, Cooper, Cottan, Coupland, Craven, Crookes, Crossland, 

Crossley, Carr, Creswick, Couldwell, Cornthwaite, Cartwright, Colver vel 

Calvert, Chandler, Cropper, Cundell, Chappell, Cardwell, Cowley, Colyer, 

Cordeux, Dalton, Dandison, Dawson, Deakin, Dix, Downend, Dossey, 

Didsbury, Denial, Dent, Dodworth, Downes, Drury, Dodge, Dewsnap, 

Dungworth, Dale, Davy, Dixon, Dyson, Dunhill, Earl, Elliott, EUis, 

Ellison, Emmerson, England, Eyre, Eaton, Earnshaw, Elgie, Etches, 

Ellaby, France, Firth, Fisher, Fletcher, Flockton, Foster, Fowler, 

Foulds, Fox, Furniss, Frith, Froggatt, Frost, Frudd, Farr, Fenton, 

Flower, Finch, Fretson, Parish, Finningley, Garnett, Garside, Gascoigne, 

Genn, Gibson, Glossop, Grant, Gray, Greaves, Greening, Gregory, 

Griffiths, Grubb, Grundy, Garland, Green, Gibbs, Grayson, Gurney, 

Gaunt, Gatty, Gamble, Glenton, Green, Gainsford, Gilbee, Gillatt, 

Gunning, Gallimore, Hadfield, Hall, Hammond, Hague, Handley, Hanby, 

Hardcastle, Hargreaves, Harrison, Hartley, Haslehurst, Hattersley, 

Hawke, Hawkesworth, Haxworth, Haynes, Healey, Heaton, Heppenstall, 

Hepworth, Hewitt, Hobson, Hinde, Hives, Holborn, Hoyland, Holroyd, 

Hopton, Holdsworth, Hutton, Hoole, Hasson, Haigh, Harmer, Hawkin, 

Hawson, Holmes, Huntsman, Henson, Hinchliffe, Haggar, Holland, 

Hudson, Hirst, Helliwell, Habbershon, Haywood, Hallam, Higgins, 

Hobert, Hatfield, Howarth, Hawksley, Heurtley, Horncastle, Hoystrop, 

Hibbard, Hunt, Ibbotson, Ince, Ingham, Ingleson, Innocent, Jackson, 

Jarvis, Jennings, Johnson, JoUie, Justice, Jepson, Judd, Jervas, Johnstone, 

Jones, Jenkinson, Jewesson, Jubb, Jessop, Jobson, Kay, Kebberling, Kirk, 

Knight, Kelsey, Kenyon, Kearsley, Keat, Kitchen, Knowles, Key, Larom, 


Law, Lee, Lees, Legatt, Lief, Littlewood, Lockwood, Loukes, Litherland, 
Lambert, Ludlam, Lucas, Linley, Lister, Lunn, Long, Longworth, 
Machen, Makin, Manderville, Marriott, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, 
Mather, Maugham, Merryweather, Middleton, Millington, Michell, 
Moorhouse, Moore, Mosley, Morton, Mottram, Matthewman, Mason, 
Micklethwaithe, Miller, Morewood, McNab, Mearbeck, Mirfin, Main- 
waring, Mackenzie, Moulson, Machon, Mycock, Morgan, Milner, Maxfield, 
Martin, Nelstrop, Newbould, Nicholson, Newton, North, Norton, Nowill, 
Nightingale, Needham, Naylor, Nanson, Newbold, Norman, Oates, 
Oddy, Oldfield, Osborne, Ogden, Oldale, Owen, Oakes, Oxley, Parkinson, 
Parker, Perkins, Parkin, Payne, Peace, Pearson, Parnell, Phillips, Pass, 
Pilkington, Potter, Porter, Pritchard, Pettinger, Pickering, Priest, 
Porrett, Parslove, Potts, Pegge, Pitchford, Pickslay, Primrose, Pitt, 
Patten, Palfreyman, Peech, Perryns, Pecke, Pearse, Rawson, Renton, 
Ridge, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Roby, Rhodes, Rodwell, Royle, Rooke, 
Russell, Ramsey, Raworth, Ridal, Rodgers, Reedal, Ronksley, Radford, 
Rock, Roper, Rowley, Revell, Rollinson, Rogers, Royse, Richards, Salt, 
Sanderson, Saville, Sawyer, Sayle, Saxton, Sewell, Sharpe, Shaw, 
Shepperd, Sheppard, Shearwood, Shirley, Short, Simpson, Slack, Sikes, 
Slater, Smelter, Smith, Spenser, Spurr, Stacye, Staley, Standfield, 
Staniforth, Staveley, Stephenson, Stevenson, Story, Swain, Swann, 
Swinden, Sybry, Swallow, Savage, Scholefield, Scholey, Spaiibrd, Skelton, 
Staniland, Shearman, Stidens, Spooner, Siddall, Tattershall, Taylor, 
Thompson, Thorpe, Thurgar, Tillotson, Timm, Tingle, Tinkler, Tomlinson, 
Travis, Tunnicliffe, Turner, Toyne, Toone, Thorrely, Tebbitts, Thunder- 
cliffe, Tagge, Tyzack, Trickett, Thomlinson, Townsend, Unwin, Vause, 
Vickers, Verelst, Venner, Waddy, Wainwright, Wasteneys, Ward, 
Watson, Waterfall, Webster, Wells, West, Whitaker, Wigfall, White- 
head, Whitelock, Wilkinson, Wing, Winter, Wiley, Willey, Willis, 
Woodcock, Woolhouse, Woollen, Worth, Wilson, Wortley, Wake, 
Wright, Wostenholm, Waterhouse, Woollan, Wreaks, Wragg, Warris, 
Waring, Whittington, Wild, Windle, Walton, Walker, Whitham, 
Wortley, White, Winnell, Wildsmith, Yardley, Younge, Yates. Notes: 
this volume has been re-bound since it came to the Library and the title 
on the old cover has been reproduced. 

1109 A Volume 8X10, bound in half leather boards, entitled "Genealogical 

Memoranda — Derbyshire" ; containing Derbyshire pedigrees, which are 
not indexed. The book contains 915 folios, but only the first 234, and the 
last pages, have been used; the writing is that of William Swift. The 
pedigrees include Allen, Alsop, Alton, Andrew, Bagshawe, Barker, 
Beaumont, Blackwell, Becking, Bosley, Bower, Bower, Bradley, Bright, 
Burgoine, Buxton, Calvert, Carr, Champion, Close, Cooper, Dale, Elliott, 


Eyre, Fentem, Froggatt, Frost, Furness, Furness, Gilbert, Grammar, 
Greaves, Gregory, Hall, How, Ibbotson, Kitchin, Kirk, Kirke, Longden, 
Marples, Marsden, Mart, Mellor, Morewood, Newdigate, Owtram, Savile, 
Sheldon, Sleigh, Stratham, Taylor, Thomason, Wall, Willis, Wilson, 
Wilson, Wright, Wyatt. 

1100 A Volume 11 X 15, bound in vellum boards, containing extracts from the 

parish registers of Eyam ; pedigrees of Nodder, Smith, Pye-Smith (all of 
Sheffield), Staniforth (of Attercliffe), Fenton, Rawson, Hawley, Holy (all 
of Sheffield), Clay (of Chesterfield, Attercliffe and Bridgehouse Lane), 
Greaves (of Attercliffe, with blazon of arms), Solly, Cawton, Homfray, 
Jervas (all of Sheffield), Wright (of Gainsbro' & Sheffield, with arms), 
Hunter (of Sheffield with arms), Wadsworth, Bailey, Rhodes, Jubb, 
Rimington, Crosland, Ward, Asline, Pegge, Broomhead, Hutton, Shircliff 
(all of Sheffield), Parker (of Norton Lees, also of Longley, with arms), 
Creswick, Rodgers, Dixon, Firth, Brown, Walker (all of Sheffield), 
Taylor (of Tankersley), Willotts (of Derby), and Younge (of Sheffield). 
This book is neither paged nor indexed, and the notes and pedigrees 
are scattered throughout the book with many blank pages between 

1104 A Volume 8 X 10, bound in half leather boards, entitled " Collectanea " ; 

containing notes, in the handwriting of William Swift, on the Church of 
St. Germain des Pres ; inscriptions from Pfere La Chaise, Aston Church of 
Allhallows, a list of Churchwardens of Saint Paul's Church, Sheffield, 
from 1754 to 1867, with extracts from their accounts, memoirs of the Rev. 
Edward Goodwin, being his recollection of many Sheffield people and 
events ; Harthill, Whiston, Furnival, Rotherham parish registers and 
monumental inscriptions ; Gainsbro' and Aston registers ; list of guarantors 
of ;^10 each towards the cost of Incorporation of Sheffield 1838 ; extracts 
from Wales registers ; Cutlers' Company records from 1624 ; extracts 
from Thorpe Salvin registers ; pedigrees of Firth, Smith, Thomson (of 
Esholt), Newman, Wylde, Shirley, Mirfield, Moult, Aldred ; extracts from 
Braithwell, Stainton and Anston registers ; pedigrees of Gosling, Hasle- 
hurst, Rhodes, Johnston, Hatfield, Jollie, Whitaker, Crompton, Wood- 
house, Shawe (Syke House, Bradfield) ; list of trustees of Fulwood 
Chapel, 1728 to 1860 ; pedigrees of Hodgkinson, Pye, Bellingham, Mercer, 
Robinson, Bright, Machon, Legge, Richardson, Bacon, Thomason, 
Worrall, Carr ; notes from an old Bible of Mr. Fowler, Wadsley Hall ; 
pedigrees of Winck, Brearcliffe, Staveley, Wickham, Wintringham, 
Schofield, Carbutt, Hague, Rawson, Stacye, Caldwell, Horncastle, 
Wilberfoss, Mompesson, Bickersteth, Seaton, Pearson, Ingall, Misterton, 
Leadbeater, Rushby; with many extracts from deeds, probably those 


now forming part of the Jackson Collection. This is a substantial 
volume, unpaged, and there is no index ; it should not be overlooked by 

1301 A Volume 8 X 13, bound in vellum, containing Derbyshire pedigrees. 

The volume contains 548 pages with slips interleaved, and there is no 
index. There must be several hundred Derbyshire pedigrees of interest 
to genealogists. 

1116 A Volume 8 X 13, with soft paper cover ; containing pedigrees of Roberts, 

Otter, Wright, Ibberson, Trickett, Jessoppe, Symes, Sims, Hill, Robinett, 
Shirt, Staveley, Moor, BrearcliiFe ; all in the handwriting of William Swift. 

1221 A Volume 5i X 8i, bound in boards; entitled "Genealogy of Cole Family." 

Printed privately by John Russell Smith, London, 1867. There is an 
armorial book plate and opposite to it is written "John Sleigh from Jas. 
Edwin Cole 29th Nov. 1867." 

1213 A Volume 9Xl3i, bound in paper boards; containing a miscellaneous 

collection of printed pedigrees, taken from various sources. 

1124 A Volume 7|X8, bound in paper boards; containing William Swift's 

extracts from charters, bonds, wills, etc. ; with pedigree of Harrison 
deduced therefrom ; also extracts from the Handsworth parish registers. 
The volume is not paged nor indexed, and the two first pages are loose. 

1142 A Volume SjxlOi^, bound in half leather boards; containing William 

Swift's notes and pedigrees of the family of Booth of Handsworth 
Woodhouse, Barton, Cordlying Parke and Pontefract. 

1149 A Volume 11X13J, bound in half leather boards, entitled "Derbyshire 

Pedigrees." These are pedigrees of the nobility, and other families, 
copied from various sources, with many blazons of arms; also some notes 
in the handwriting of William Swift. 

1275 A Volume lOi X 12^, in cardboard cover ; containing pedigrees with notes 

thereon, by William Swift. The pedigrees include Briwere, Wac, Wake, 
De Chesterfield, Heathcote, Turner, Wilkinson, Gratton, and Storrs. 

1245 A Volume of about three hundred and fifty pages 8 X 13, bound in vellum 

boards ; containing an interesting collection of pedigrees of families living 
in and around Sheffield ; with bookplates and armorial sketches. There is 


no index, but the pedigrees are arranged somewhat as follows : Jeffcock, 
Dunn, Butcher, Wilkinson, Vickers, Barker, Birks, Turton, Carr, 
Fisher, Spencer, Shaw, Booth, Griffith, Sharp, Creswick, Broadbent, 
Oddy, Law, Skelton, Smith, Sansom, Boothby, Horsfall, Dixon, Rawson, 
Fox, Norris, Twybell, Pearson, Jervis, Hall, Wilde, Simon, Lamplugh, 
Shaw, Parkin, Finney, Fox, Roebuck, Middleton, May, Kirkby, Fairbank, 
Turner, Binney, Blake, Hodgson, Wilde, Gardner, Appleby, Styring, 
Oxley, Longden, Hancock, Rodgers, Denton, Burdekin, Marples, Meller, 
Sanderson, Fawcett, Brown, Wightman, Ibbotson, Cocker, Battle, Leader, 
Eadon, Jackson, Bardwell, Favell, Hoyle, Atkin, Pashley, Waterhouse, 
Holy, Laycock, Tofield, Sorby, Parker, Osborne, Colver, Hobson, 
Harwood, Ray, Sheldon, Mitchell, Steer, Hoole, Wheat, Girdler, Roberts, 
Jeeves, Yeomans, Withers, and many others. Notes : this volume was 
full of loose papers, which have been transferred to a separate case 
numbered 1245a. 

1162 A Volume 7X9i, with cardboard cover; containing a few Shefifield 

pedigrees; including Sampson Smith, Yates, Sheldon, Gallimore, Jowett, 
Wardlow, Ingoldsby, Crawshaw, White, Parkin, Parker, Rolleston, 
Callendar, Grayson, Eyre, Corsan, Nelson, Johnson, Broomhead (of 
Aston), Newbold and others. 

1176 A Report from Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, published in three 

parts, with paper cover, 8^X11, entitled "The Fanshawe Family." 
No. I contains Pedigree and Funeral Certificates; No. II, Extracts from 
Registers; and No. Ill, Pedigree of Viscount Fanshawe, extracts from 
Family Bible at Parslowe and Grant of Augmentation to Richard Fan- 
shawe. Printed by Taylor & Son, London, 1868-9. Notes : these have 
been bound in one volume since they were presented to the Library, and 
from a note on the original cover, it appears they were presented to Mr. 
Biggin by Mr. Fanshawe. 

1098 A Volume 9 x 14, bound in half leather boards, containing Derbyshire 

pedigrees in manuscript, with many genealogical notes and blazons of 
arms. The handwriting varies throughout, and autograph letters and 
slips are inserted ; the book is paged up to 432 and there is an index at 
the beginning. The book is full of useful information for the genealogist 
and historian. 

1119 A Volume 8 X 13, with soft paper cover, entitled " Heir at Law," with a 

note that the heir at law of Elizabeth Dunn, late of Howden east riding 
CO York, nee Athorpe, was missing 1809. The book contains the 


pedigree of Athorpe with many extracts from registers in support ; it is in 
the writing of William Swift, and he appears to have been employed by 
the Solicitor to the Treasury, to help find the missing heir. 

1120 A Volume 8Xl2i, bound in paper boards; containing notes from 

Domesday Book — Derbyshire ; with pedigree of Chaworth and extracts 
from Chaworth charters. 

1261 A Volume 11 X 14, with paper cover; containing notes of William Swift 

on Eckington, Renishaw, and Ridgeway ; with a few pedigrees and 
extracts from parish registers. Notes : the loose papers taken from this 
volume have been transferred to a guardbook numbered 1261a. 


1300 A Pamphlet 74x11, bound in cloth, entitled "Relics and Records of 

men and manufacturers at or in the neighbourhood of Rotherham," being 
a paper read on the 27th March 1865, before The Rotherham Literary 
and Scientific Society, by John Guest. Printed by A. Gilling, Church 
Street, Rotherham, 1866. 

1256-1257 Two Pamphlets, sixteen pages each 4X6, with paper cover; entitled 
" Monumental Inscriptions in Ashbourne Church, Derbyshire, written by 
Sir Brooke Boothby Bart." Although both these were printed in 1813, 
they are not from the same type, and the printer of one was S. R. Parkes 
and the other E. Parkes, both of Ashbourne. Many of the inscriptions 
are in Latin, and a translation is given. 

1237 A Pamphlet, ten pages 6X9, entitled " Staveley Hall and its occupants," 

by W. Swift, with illustrations. Swift had evidently contributed this 
article to some magazine, from which these ten pages had been taken, and 
bound in a paper cover. 

1233 A Pamphlet, sixty-six pages 6 X 10, in paper coyer; entitled " 

of the Frechville and Musard Fanjilies, Lords of Crich ajid Staveley 


1232 A Pamphlet, fifteen pages 4 X 6i, with stiff paper cover ; entitled " The 

Principal Portraits of Shakspeare," by George Scharf , from " Notes and 
Queries." Printed in London by Spottiswoode & Co. This copy was 
presented to John Holland by the author. 

1231 A Pamphlet, twenty pages 54 X 84, with paper cover ; entitled " Bolsover 

Castle," being a paper read at the Worksop Meeting, 1st June 1860, by 
the Rev. J. H. Gray, vicar of Bolsover. Printed at Lincoln, by W. & B. 

1230 A Pamphlet, thirty-two pages 44 X 74, with paper cover ; being a printed 

" Sermon and Hymn " dehvered at the Independent Meeting House in 
Chesterfield, 1st June 1802. Printed at Chesterfield, by H. Bradley. 

1229 A Pamphlet, thirty-nine pages 5x7, with paper cover ; on Bolsover 

Castle, by the Rev. J. H. Gray, of Magdalen College, Oxford. Printed 
at Chesterfield, by J. Walton. 

1228 A Pamphlet, fifteen pages 6X9, with paper cover ; entitled " Laying the 

first stone of the Church of the Holy Trinity at Chesterfield, on Wednes- 
day, May 17th 1837." Printed by T. Ford, Irongate. There are two 
copies in the collection. 

1227 A Pamphlet, twelve pages 4 X 64, with paper cover ; entitled " An Address 

delivered to the Chatsworth Volunteers at the presentation of their 
Colours on Friday, June 27th 1806," by the Rev. Richard Smith chaplain. 
Printed at Chesterfield by H. Bradley, 1806. 

1225 A Pamphlet, in paper cover 54 X 84, entitled " Third Supplement to 

Notices of the Ellises." Published by J. R. Smith, London, 1875 ; on 
which is written " E. H. Swift, Esq., Sheffield." 

1224 A Pamphlet, fifty-two pages 54 X 9, with paper cover ; entitled " Notices 

of the Ellises." Published by John Russell Smith, London, 1857. 

1223 A Pamphlet, fifteen pages 6X9, bound in paper cover ; being an account 

of the opening of tumuli at Middleton by Yolgrave, Derbyshire, by 
William Bateman. 

1218 A Pamphlet, thirty-four pages 5X74, bound in paper cover; entitled 

" A Walk round Ecclesall and a talk about Dore," by the Rev. William 
Cobby, with preface by Edward Newman, Ecclesall Vicarage, 1873. 


1217 A Pamphlet, sixteen pages 5 X 7i, with paper cover; entitled ' On the 

use of Symbolic Devices on Sepulchral Memorials," by Theophilus Smith, 
sculptor. Published by James Parker & Co. of London, and printed by 
Leader & Sons, Sheffield. This was a paper read before the Sheffield 
Architectural and Archaeological Society, 28th December 1876. 

1215 A Pamphlet, ninety-four pages 5 X 8, in paper cover ; entitled " Inventry 

of Church Goods." These pages appear to be proof sheets corrected for 
the printer, and then bound together to preserve them. On the first page 
is written in the hand of William Swift, " The last token of friendship I 
received from the editor, the Rev. Jon°- Eastwood, who died 6th July 
1864. W.S." 

1211 A Pamphlet, with pedigree interleaved, paper cover 8^X14; entitled 

" In the matter of Edwin Cadman of Westbourne House Yorkshire esquire 
heir at law of Anthony James RadclyfFe fifth Earl of Newburgh." Notes : 
there are two copies in the collection. Westbourne House is in Whitham 
Road, Sheffield. 

1210 A Pamphlet, thirty pages 8X9i, without cover; entitled " EngHsh 

Monastic Libraries," in two parts, by Joseph Hunter. Printed in London, 
by J. B. Nichols and Son, 1831. 

1205 A Pamphlet, thirty-nine pages with index 7 X 8i, bound in paper cover ; 

entitled " Collections towards the History of Printing in Nottingham- 
shire," by Rev. S. F. Creswell. Published in London, by John Russell 
Smith, 1863. 

1204 A Pamphlet, thirty-eight pages 5i X 8i, with three folded pedigree sheets, 

bound in paper cover ; entitled " CunHffes of Wycoller," by C. H. Owen. 
Printed for private circulation, by Spottiswode & Co., 1871. 

1203 A Pamphlet, eighty-four pages 6X9, with pink paper cover; entitled 

" Ivanhoeland," by T. S. B. Eastwood ; with autograph letter from John 
West of Moorgate Grange, Rotherham, to Mr. Swift. Printed in 
Rotherham, by A. Gilling, 1865. 

1202 A Pamphlet, thirty-two pages 5i X 8i, in blue paper cover ; entitled 

" Index to Printed Pedigrees," by Charles Bridger. Published in London, 
by John Russell Smith, 1866. This is part i, and bears the autograph 
Henry Jackson." 


1201 A Pamphlet, twenty-six pages 5ix8i, in paper cover; entitled "Thomas 

de Rotherham Archbishop of York and his College of Rotherham," by 
John Guest. Printed at Rotherham for the Literary and Scientific Society, 
by HinchlifFe & Son. 

1200 A Pamphlet, fourteen pages 5x7, without cover ; entitled "The reopening 

of the Parish Church of Sheffield May 1843." Published at Chesterfield, 

1199 A Pamphlet, ninety-three pages 6X9, with paper cover ; entitled " Lady 

Hewley's Charities," in the suit Attorney General v. Shore ; by T. W. 
Tottie. Published in London. 

1198 A Pamphlet, eighty-one pages 6X9, without cover ; entitled " The Speech 

of Charles Purton Cooper Esq., as counsel for the Rev. Charles Well- 
beloved, in the suit of The Attorney General versus Shore." Second 
edition, published in London, by R. Hunter, 1834; printed by C. Roworth 
and Sons. This copy was presented to Ofifley Shore esquire, with the 
Rev. J. Hunter's compliments. 

1197 A Pamphlet, eighty-eight pages 51X9, in brown paper cover; entitled 

" A letter to the Vice Chancellor of England ... in the case of the 
Attorney General v. Shore and others," by James Yates, M.A., secretary 
to the Unitarian Association. Published in London, 1834; printed there, 
by Richard Taylor. 

1196 A Pamphlet, eighty pages 5i X 9, in paper cover ; entitled " The Attorney 

General versus Shore, an Historical Defence of The Trustees of Lady 
Hewley's Foundations," etc., by Joseph Hunter. Published in London, 
by R. Hunter, 1 834 ; printed by Richard Taylor. 

1190 A Pamphlet, one hundred and thirty seven pages 5X8, without cover; 

entitled " Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the Provincial History of 
Pennsylvania." Printed privately in Philadelphia, by Cissy & Markley, 

1188 A Pamphlet, forty-five pages 5^X8^, with blue paper cover; entitled 

" A Brief Memoir of the late Joseph Hunter, F.S.A.," with a catalogue of 
his works. Printed privately in London by J. E. Taylor, 1861. 

1186 A Pamphlet, eighteen pages 5 X 7|, in brown paper cover ; entitled " A 

translated copy of The Patent of the Free School at Dronfield . . . granted 
by Queen Elizabeth, A.D. 1579"; printed at Sheffield by J. White, 1798. 


1185 A Pamphlet, eight pages 4x7, without cover; entitled "An Historical 

Account of Bolsover Castle." 

1177 A Pamphlet of six pages S^xlOj, entitled " Pedigree of The Family 

of Rhodes of New Zealand recorded in the Heralds College in the register 
marked Norfolk xi, folio 222 " ; compiled and edited by Fretwell W. Hoyle. 
Printed by Pawson & Brailsford, Sheffield. Notes : this family came 
from the Rotherham and Doncaster district. There are two copies in the 

1175 A Pamphlet of forty pages 8^X11, in paper cover; entitled "History 

of the Hundred of Broxtow," co Nott, by Captain A. E. L. Lowe. 
Subscriber's copy, part I, illustrated. Printed at Nottingham by Richard 
Allen & Son, price two shillings. On the cover is written, " Mr. T. N. 
Nice with the Author's thanks." 

1171 A Pamphlet of ninety seven pages 4X7, in paper cover, entitled " His- 

torical Fragments. The Town Clerk " ; written for The Derbyshire 
Courier. Printed by J Roberts, Chesterfield 1848. 

1191 A Tract, critical and historical, seventy pages 5 X 7i, with brown paper 
cover ; entitled " The first Colonists of New England " by Joseph Hunter. 
Printed in London, by John Russell Smith, 1849. There are two copies 
of this tract in the collection. One copy belonged to John Holland of 
Sheffield Park, and inside the cover is written in the hand of Joseph 
Hunter, " John Holland Esq with the author's respects." 

1192 A Tract, critical and historical, forty six pages 5x8, in brown paper 
cover ; entitled " Pope his descent and family connections " by Joseph 
Hunter. Printed in London, by John Russell Smith, 1857. 

1193 A Tract, critical and historical, fifty six pages 5X8, with brown paper 
cover ; entitled " Agincourt," by Joseph Hunter. Printed in London, by 
John Russell Smith, 1850. 

1194 A Tract, critical and historical, seventy two pages 5X8, with brown 
paper cover; entitled " Milton," by Joseph Hunter. Printed in London, 
by John Russell Smith, 1850. This copy belonged to W. Swift. 

1195 A Tract, critical and historical, sixty two pages 5X8, with brown paper 
cover ; entitled " Robin Hood," by Joseph Hunter. Printed in London, 
by John Russell Smith, 1852. There are two copies of this tract in the 
collection. One copy belonged to John Holland, Sheffield Park and bears 
his name. 


1189 A Reprint from some unnamed publication, paged 156 to 170, with green 

paper cover 6X9; containing part of an article by the Rev. J. Stacye, M.A., 
entitled " The Priory and Parish Church of Worksop or Radford, 
N ottinghamshire . ' ' 

1181 A Reprint from Archagologia, volume xxxiv, twenty-two pages, with a 
map 9ixl2; entitled "Caesar's Departure from Gaul," by G. B. Airy, 
Astronomer Royal. There is an appendix, on the Battle of Hastings. 
Printed by J. B. Nichols and Son, London, 1852. Notes : this copy was 
presented by the author to Miss Stovin. 

1182 A Reprint from Archseologia, volume xxxvii, eight pages, 9i X 12; 
entitled " Specimens of Marks used by the early Manufacturers of 
Paper," by Joseph Hunter. Printed by J. B. Nichols & Sons, London, 

1180 A Reprint from Archseologia, volume xxxvii, four pages 9i X 12 ; entitled 

on the first page " Notices of the old Clochard or Bell-Tower of the 
Palace of Westminster communicated by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, one of 
the Vice-Presidents." Notes : there is no title page. 

1179 A Reprint from Archseologia, vol. xxxii, thirteen pages 9i X 12 ; entitled 

" The Claim of Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire to have been one of the 
residences of Mary Queen of Scotts," etc., by Joseph Hunter. Printed in 
London by J. B. Nichols & Son, 1847. Notes: there are two of these 
reprints in the collection, one was presented by the author to Sam"' 
Mitchell, the other to Miss Stovin. 

1173 A Reprint from Archseologia, vol. xxxvi, sixteen pages 9i'X 12, in paper 
cover ; entitled " Journal of the Mission of Queen Isabella to the Court of 
France, etc., A.D. 1325." This was communicated to the Society of 
Antiquaries by Joseph Hunter, one of the Vice-Presidents. Printed in 
London by J. B. Nichols & Sons, 1856. 

1174 A Reprint from Archseologia, vol. xxxii, 9i X 12, in paper cover ; entitled 
" Proofs of the Early Use of Gunpowder in the English Army." This 
was communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. 
Printed in London by J. B. Nichols & Son, 1848. 





Thirty-two Volumes (newspaper sizes), containing Sheffield newspapers 
from 1787 to 1870 ; as follows : 

(i) Sheffield Register 1787-1794 

(ii) ,, „ 1790-1791 

(iii) Sheffield Advertiser and Sheffield Courant 

Sheffield Iris and Doncaster Gazette 
Sheffield Mercury.. 










(xiii) „ „ 


(xv) „ „ 

(xvi) „ 




(xx) „ 

(xxi) „ „ 

(xxii) Sheffield Iris 

(xxiii) „ „ 

(xxiv) Sheffiield Times 



(xxvii) „ „ 

(xxviii) „ „ 

(xxix) „ „ 


(xxxi) „ 






1822-1856 (an odd lot) 

1857-1858 and odd copies 1869-1870 

A Volume of newspaper cuttings mounted on thick paper, and made up 
m nine sections with brown paper covers, containing William Swift's 
notes on the Churches of Derbyshire. Bound since they came to the 


1303 A Volume of newspaper cuttings, mounted on paper, and relating to The 
Churches and Chapels of Sheffield : their ministers and congregations," 
by "Criticus." Published in The Sheffield Times, 1869, 1870, 1871. 
Bound since they came to the Library. 

1305 A Volume containing newspaper cuttings, mounted on sheets of paper, 

relating to (i) " The Preachers of Sheffield," by Criticus {Sheffield Post). 
(ii) " Local Spectacles," by Scrutator. (iii) " A Journey round the 
World," by the Rev. Dr. Falding." (iv) Miscellaneous articles, obituaries, 
and poems. Bound since they came to the Library. 

1309 Two Volumes of newspaper cuttings, principally " Births, Marriages, and 
a & b Deaths " from Sheffield newspapers. 

1304 Three Volumes containing Sheffield " Notes and Queries" from The 
a, b & c Sheffield Times and Iris, and The Sheffield Independent. A complete 

set from 10th January, 1874, to September, 1879. The cuttings were 
mounted on thick paper, and have been bound in three volumes since they 
came to the Library. 

1307 A Box containing newspaper cuttings relating to the following subjects: — 
(i) The Royal Visit to Sheffield in 1875. (ii) Derbyshire " Notes and 
Queries." (iii) The opening of Firth Park, Rowley Hill, The Sale 
Memorial Church, (iv) Births, Marriages, and Deaths" in local news- 
papers (several rolls), (v) Sheffield Trades Union Commission, (vi) " Notes 
and Queries," from The Sheffield Independent, (vii) A few miscellaneous 
cuttings, (viii) English silver coins. 

1308 A Box containing newspaper cuttings from The Doncaster Gazette, 
mostly historical notes relating to the Streets, the Parish Church after 
the Fire, marriage and funeral ceremonies, travelling, ancient and modern 
hostelries, coronation Festivals, Church Festivals. 

1310 A Scrapbook 9X13, containing newspaper cuttings, mostly obituary 
notices of Sheffield men, with a few autographs and photographs. 

1311 A Scrapbook 10xl2i, bound in thin cardboard, containing newspaper 
cuttings relating to the Sheffield Flood of 1864 and other local matters up 
to about 1874. 

1312 A Quardbook 10X13, containing newspaper cuttings of local interest 
from 1840 to 1870. 



1050 1894. A Volume 12 X 18, containing (in manuscript) the " Inscriptions 

on the tombstones in the Sheffield parish churchyard, copied for and by 
the direction of Arthur Jackson esquire," with prefatory note and index. 
Between the inscriptions numbered 2497 and 2498 is interleaved the 
" Inscriptions on the tombstones in that portion of the Sheffield Parish 
Churchyard, which was taken to widen Church Street, under the powers 
of the Sheffield Corporation Act 1890," and an index thereof. The volume 
contains copies of 4479 inscriptions ; it is entitled on the edge "Monumental 
Inscriptions — Parish Church— Jackson Collection." Notes : the copies 
were made by Mr. William J. J. Glassby in 1894, who pubhshed a small 
volume of " Quaint Epitaphs in The Old Churchyards of Sheffield " in 

1896 (Pawson & Brailsford) ; he had previously published " Memorials of 
Old Mexbro'," and for some time he edited "The Sheffield Miscellany," 

1897 (printed by John Fillingham, Sheffield). See number 1051, below. 

1051 1895. A Volume, 13 X 18, containing (in manuscript) the "inscriptions 

on the mural tablets, monuments and memorial stones, in the burial 
ground adjoining and within the old Chapel of Ease, Attercliffe ; copied 
for and by direction of Arthur Jackson, esquire, Sheffield," with prefatory 
note and index. This section is followed by the inscriptions at St. Paul's 
Church, Sheffield, with prefatory note. The volume contains copies of 
1804 inscriptions, and the index. This section is followed by the inscrip- 
tions at Upper Chapel, 156 in number, with index; and Nether Chapel, 
107 in number, with index. On the last page is given copies of six 
inscriptions at Mount Zion Chapel. The volume is entitled on the edge, 
" Monumental Inscriptions — Attercliffe, St. Paul's, Upper Chapel, Nether 
Chapel, Mount Zion Chapel — Jackson Collection." See number 1050, 

1299 A Volume 7X9, bound in cloth, containing " Monumental Inscriptions in 

the Parish Church of S. Peter at Sheffield in the County of York, copied 
by Carus Vale Collier B.A.; F.S.A, clerk in Holy Orders." Notes: the 
inscriptions copied are from inside the church. The Rev. C. V. CoUier, 
now rector of Langton, Yorks., is a Sheffield man. This MS. has been 
bound since it came to the Library. 



1053 (1780-1852). A Volume 9X 13i, containing various local Bills and Acts 

of this period, bound together in the following irregular order, viz. : 

(i) A Bill relating to certain bridges, roads, streets, and other works in 

Sheffield, 15 & 16 Vic. Session 1852. 
(ii) An Act for inclosing lands in the Manor of Unstone, parish Dronfield, 

CO Derby, 2 Vic. Session 1839. 
(iii) An Act for inclosing lands in the Manor of Dronfield, co Derby, 

3 Vic. Session 1840. 
(iv) An Act for inclosing commons and wastes, in the Manor of Staveley, 

CO Derby, 2 George III 1780. 
(v) An Act for inclosing lands in the parish of Hathersage, co Derby, 

48 George III 1808. 
(vi) An Act for inclosing lands in the hamlet of Holmesfield parish of 

Dronfield, co Derby, 56 George III Session 1816. 
(vii) An Act for inclosing lands in the parish of Whittington, co Derby, 

2 George IV Session 1821. 
(viii) A further print of (ii) above, 
(ix) An Act relating to the Chesterfield Court of Requests, 2 & 3 Vic. 

Session 1839. 
(x) A further print of (iii) above, 
(xi) An Act for (inter alia) improving the town of Sheffield. No date 

on the print, 
(xii) An Act dealing with the corn, hay, and cattle markets of Sheffield ; 

also as to building a corn exchange, improving the market places and 

erecting a bridge over the Don, 7 & 8 George IV Session 1826-7. 
(xiii) An Act for making a railway from Sheffield to Rotherham, with a 

branch to the Greasbrough Canal, co York, 6 & 7 William IV 

Session 1836. The schedule to this Act contains particulars of 

owners, lessees, occupiers, and descriptions of property, in the 

townships of Brightside Bierlow, Rotherham, Kimberworth, and 

(xiv) An Act for lighting Sheffield with gas, 58 George III Session 1818. 
(xv) An Act for making the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal, 55 George III 
Session 1814-15. 


(xvi) An Act for better lighting with gas the Borough of Sheffield, 

3 William IV Session 1835. 
(xvii) A further print of (xvi) above. 

1054 (1704-1851). A Volume 9 X 13j, containing various local Bills and Acts 

etc of this period, bound together in the following irregular order, viz. : 

(i) A Case, in relation to the making the River Dun navigable. No 

(ii) An Act for regulating the proceedings in personal actions in the 
Court Baron of the manors of Sheffield and Ecclesall, co York, 1756. 

(iii) An Act for planting trees on parts of commons, by mutual consent. 
No date given, but probably about 1755. 

(iv) An Act for the administration of the Government, in case the 
Crown should descend to any of the children of His late Royal High- 
ness Frederick Prince of Wales. No date given, but probably 
about 1750. 

(v) An Act for regulating the commencement of the year, and for 
correcting the calendar. No date given, but the change in the 
calendar began 1st January, 1752. 

(vi) (vii) Two further prints of (ii) above. 

(viii) An Act relating to the mineral customs, in parts of the High Peak, 
CO Derby, 14 & 15 Vic. cap. cxiv. — 7th August, 1851. 

(ix) An Act for repairing and widening roads from Little Sheffield 
through Hathersage, Hope, and Castleton, to Sparrowpit Gate ; and 
from the guide post near Barber's Fields, Cupola, through Grindle- 
ford Bridge, Great Hucklow, Tideswell, Hardgate Wall and Fairfield, 
to the sign of the Angel in Buxton, 35 George III 1795. 

(x) An Act for repealing certain Acts, and consolidating in one Act 
certain roads near Sheffield, on the Derbyshire side, 6 George IV 
Session 1825. 

(xi) An Act for inclosing lands, in the township of Ecclesall, 19 George III 

(xii) An Act for inclosing the commons etc. within the manor and town- 
ship of Ecclesfield, and the soaks or districts of Southey and 
Grennofirth, 24 George III, 1704. 

(xiii) An Act for dividing and exonerating from tithes certain lands in 
Ecclesfield, 51 George III, 1811. 

(xiv) An Act amending the regulation and government of the Company of 
Cutlers within the liberty of Hallamshire, and of their journeymen 
and apprentices, 31 George III, 1791. 

(xv) An Act for making new streets and improving other streets in 
Sheffield, 9 & 10 Vic. cap. cccxlviii, 3rd August 1846. The Schedule 
contains lists of owners, lessees, and occupiers, etc. 


(xvi) An Act for supplying water for Sheffield, 2 George IV cap Iv, 

29th May 1830. The schedule contains lists of owners and occupiers, 
(xvii) An Act for regulating the proceedings in the Courts Baron of the 

Manors of Sheffield and Ecclesall, 48 George III cap 103, 18th June 

(xix) A further print of (xiv) above, 
(xx) An Act to regulate the cutlery trade in England, 59 George III 

cap 7, 23rd March 1819. 
(xxi) An Act for making the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal, 55 George III 

cap Ixv, 7th June 1815. 
(xxii) An Act for uniting the Sheffield Gas Light Companies, 7 & 8 Vic. 

cap xlv, 4th July 1844. 

1290 A Volume 7i X 12i, bound in half calf, containing King's Printer's copies 
of Acts of Parliament, namely : 

(i) An Act for making a railway from Leeds to Derby, to be called The 

North Midland Railway, 6 & 7 WiUiam IV cap cvii, 4th July 1836. 
(ii) An Act to enable The North Midland Railway to make alterations, 

7 William IV cap xxiii, 5th May 1837. 
(iii) An Act to alter the line of The North Midland Railway and to 

amend the Acts relating thereto, 2 & 3 Victoria cap liii, 1st July 

(iv) An Act as to the recovery of small debts in the town of Barnsley and 

other places in the West Riding, 1 Victoria, session 1837-8. 
(v) A similar Act for Rotherham and other places in the West Riding, 

3 Victoria, session 1839. 
(vi) A similar Act for the parish of Eckington and other places in the 

county of Derby, 2 & 3 Victoria, session 1839. 
(vii) A similar Act for the Halifax, Huddersfield and Bradford districts, 

24th August 1839. 
(viii) An Act for repairing and improving the road from Wakefield to 

Sheffield, 6 William IV, session 1836. 
(ix) An Act enlarging the powers contained in certain Acts as to the 

roads from Leeds and Wakefield to Sheffield, 1813. 
(x) An Act for the better lighting of Sheffield with gas, 5 William IV, 

session 1835. 
(xi) An Act for cleaning, lighting, watching and otherwise improving 

the town of Sheffield, 58 George III cap liv, 1818. 

1291 A Volume 8X13, bound in half calf, containing King's Printer's copies of 
Acts of Parliament, namely : 

(i) An Act for the better lighting Sheffield with gas, 5 William IV, 1835. 


(ii) An Act for the better regulation and government of the Company of 

Cutlers (Hallamshire), 31 George III, 1791. 
(iii) An Act for inclosing lands in the parish of Wickersley, 54 George III, 

session 1813-14. 
(iv) An Act for inclosing lands in the parish of Darton co York, 1 George IV, 

session 1820. 
(v) An Act as to repair of roads from Gander Lane co Derby to 

Sheffield, and from Mosbrough Green to Clown, 2 George IV, session 

(vi) An Act for repairing the road from Wakefield to Sheffield, 

11 George IV, session 1830. 
(vii) An Act for repairing and improving the road from Wakefield to 

Sheffield, 6 William IV, session 1836. 
(viii) An Act for making a railway from Leeds to Derby, to be called The 

North Midland Railway, with index of xviii pages; 6 & 7 William IV, 

session 1836. 
(ix) An Act for street improvements in Sheffield, 1 Victoria, session 


1313 A Volume 8X 13, bound in half calf, containing King's Printer's copies 

of Acts of Parliament, namely : 

(i) An Act for improving the Hospital of Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury at 

Sheffield, 11 George I, cap 33 (1724). 
(ii) An Act for making S' Paul's Church Sheffield into a perpetual cure 

and benefice, 13 George II (1739). 
(iii) An amending Act for the Hospital of Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury, 

10 George III cap 58 (1769). 
(iv) An Act to enable the vicar of Sheffield to grant leases of the glebe 

etc, 26 George III (1786). 
(v) An Act for effectuating exchanges of the lands of the Hospital of 

Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury, 43 George III cap 58 (1802). 
(vi) An Act for promoting the building of churches in populous parishes, 

58 George III cap xlv (1818). 
(vii) An Act to amend the last mentioned Act, 59 George III, cap 

cxxxiv (1819). 
(viii) An Act for changing the site of the Shrewsbury Hospital, 4 George IV 

cap 28 (1823). 
(ix) An Act to further amend the law as to building churches in populous 

parishes, see (vi) and (vii) above, 1 & 2 William IV, cap xxxviii 

(x) An Act for making the railway from Sheffield to Manchester via 

Ashton-under-Lyne, 1837. 


(xi) An Act to make better provision for the spiritual care of populous 

(xii) An Act extending the provisions of the last mentioned Act. 

(xiii) A printed copy of the will of Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury. 

(xiv) An official print of a scheme for dealing with the income of the 
Church Burgesses of Sheffield bearing the impressed seal of the 
said Burgesses. Six pages of foolscap. 

(xv) Cuttings and written copies from The London Gazette, containing 
notices as to the building of churches in Sheffield. 

(xvi) A manuscript copy of a bargain and sale of glebe land in Sheffield, 
for the purpose of building St. James' Church, 23rd April 1788. 
At the end is a schedule of subscribers of ^"3,000 towards the 
building fund. Sixteen pages of foolscap. 

(xvii) A print of the above, by W Ward of Sheffield (23rd April 1788) in 
blue paper cover, endorsed Sam^' Mitchell and M' W" Brightmore, 
on the inside of the back cover is a note signed by Thos Smith 
solicitor, to the effect that at a meeting held at S* James' Church on 
the 29th January 1818 to choose trustees (there being only George 
Bustard Greaves surviving) the following were chosen ; namely, 
Thos Watson, Thos Newbould, John Hoult, Thos Pearson, John 
Wingfield, John Rimington, Charles Brookfield, James Makin, 
Lawrence Potts, and James Smith. 

1314 A Volume 8X12, bound in half calf, containing King's Printer's copies of 

Acts of Parliament, namely : 

(i) An original print or parts of original prints of the public statutes (or 
some of them) for the 21st year of James I, 1624. There are about 
26 statutes in all, but pages are missing. Chapter xxxi is " An acte 
for the good order and gouernment of the makers of Kniues, Sickles, 
Sheeres, Scissors, and other Cutlery Wares, in Hallamshire, in the 
County of Yorke and the parts neere adioyning." 
Z^^,^ (ii) An Act for making the River Dun navigable as far as Ti nsley , 
12 George I, 1725. 

(iii) An Act for enclosing commons etc within the manor of Eccle.sfield, 
and the soaks of Southey and Grennofirth, 24 George III, 1784. 

(iv) An Act for enclosing Loxley Chace, also commons, wastes, a 
commonfield and mesne enclosures in the manors of Wadsley and 
Ecclesfield, 24 George III, 1784. 

(v) An Act for enclosing commons etc at Brightside, 28 George 111,1 788. 

1293 A Volume &X 124, bound- in red leather, endorsed " Sheffield United Gas 

Light Company's acts 1855 to 1866." 


1294 A Volume 8X 12, bound in red leather, endorsed " Sheffield United Gas 

Light Company's Acts 1855," with manuscript index. 

1052 1827. King's Printer's copy 9 X 14, of the Report of The Commissioners 

concerning Charities of Derbyshire, with general index ; four volumes, 
including the index. These Reports were ordered by the House of 
Commons to be printed 2nd May 1827. 

1292 A Volume 8^X13, bound in half calf, containing the official report 

presented to The Trades Unions Commissioners, by the examiners etc in 
the Town of Sheffield, Vols I and II, with index of witnesses examined. 



1252 A Box containing copy wills, bonds, law bills, pleadings in actions, 

abstracts of title and the like, on paper. They are in no way connected, 
and refer to divers districts and matters. The wills include Cavendish 
Nevile, 1748; Edward Parker, of Birmingham, owner of land at Norton 
Lees, 1713 ; James Milnes, of Chesterfield, 1678 ; John Grayson, of Royd, 
Bolsterstone, undated; Thomas Cooper, of Dore, 1786; William Henry 
Cutts, of Chesterfield, 1852 ; John Stanley, of Masbro', 1804; John Wragg, 
of Handley, co. Derby, 1737 ; George Cooper, of Hunday parish, Dron- 
field 1724; V^illiam Drake, of Barnoldswick, co. York, prior to 1750; 
Sarah Hollingsworth, of Hagg, Staveley, co. Derby, 1821 ; James Milnes, 
of Chesterfield, 1678. 

1285 A Box containing legal drafts and papers of large size ; including briefs 

and pleadings in actions, abstracts of title, copy wills, etc. They include 
{inter alia) papers in the actions Fanshawe v. Rotherham ; Dalton v. 
Heathcote ; Soresby v. Countess of Oxford ; and abstracts of title to 
lands at Hucklow, Tideswell, Moneyash, Flagge, Hurdlow, Bolsover, 
Woodhouse, Stainton and Staffordshire ; copy will of Godfrey Foljambe, 
and a draft (Lat.) of many sheets of brief in an Elizabethan hand. 
Notes : these drafts are full of information about the districts to which 
they relate. 


1251 A Box containing loose papers, mostly on single sheets, some relating to 

Norfolk and Suffolk, others to Derbyshire, including Hathersage andNorton. 
These papers cannot be conveniently numbered and catalogued, but they 
probably contain some interesting genealogical and topographical matter. 

835 Box of legal documents on paper, copies of deeds and miscellaneous 

papers (Engl.) 

(1) 1568 September 25th. Lease from Edmund West of Darley Abbey co. 
Derby to John Loe of Woodseats Dale in the parish of Norton co. 
Derby, of a farm called Holmhirst. 

(2) 1588-9 February 20th. Exchange between Anthony Kirk of Norton 
CO. Derby of the unexpired portion of a lease in Greenhill to the latter, 
for a life lease to the former of lands in Lowadge and Clay Lands. 

(3) (1614-15) January 13th. Lease from Arthur Clayton to John Sorsby, of 
Lymepittcroft, for six years. 

(4) 1637 September 25th. Surrender from Thomas Clayton of Sheffield 
" Corviser " to Malin Sorsbie of Sheffield cutler, of the unexpired portion 
of a lease of "The House att the Woodsyde " in Brightside Bierlow. 

(5) 1643 1st day of October. Two Leases from an account book of John 
Aldus, tenant of William Godbold of Metfield. 

(6) 1651 October 11th. Acquittance by Jeffery Cooks of Helmingham co. 
Suffolk to William Godbold of Kettleburghe, executor of the will of 
Nicholas Cooke of Harleston co Norfolk yeoman. 

(7) 1656 July 1st. Acquittance by Richard Watson to William Godbold of 
Kettleburgh co. Suffolk, for ;^50 purchase money of 4J acres copyhold 
in Metfeild called Mewes Hill. 

(8) 1666 April 4th. Indenture of Bargain, Sale and Lease from William 
Bullocke of Norton co. Derby to John Froggatt of Hagg, of a moiety of 
a messuage called Jordenthorpe, and closes called Netherfield, Quarry 
Feild, Broomefeild, Kilne Croft, the Ashes, for six months to enable the 
latter to take a grant of the reversion. 

(9) 1666 April 4th. Deed of Bargain, Sale and Lease from John Bate to 
John Froggatt, of a moiety of a messuage called Jordanthorpe and closes 
as above, for six months. 

(10) 1671 Acquittance from Thomas Burley and James Bate to Cornelius 
Clarke, for ;^65, for Clay Lands. 

(11) 1672 December 10th. Bond from John and William Parker of Little 
Norton co. Derby, to Cornelius Clarke of the same esquire, in ^"200, to 
perform covenants concerning Clay Lands. 

(12) 1675 June 10th. Release and Quit Claim from Henry Booth of Taddington 
to Samuel Wright of Ashford. 

(13) 1686 June 16th. Lease from Sarah Bullock of Dronfield co Derby to 
Thomas Fletcher of Holmehirst in the parish of Norton co Derby of the 
tithes of lands in Norton. 


(14) 1690(-l) January 20th. Assignment from Benjamin Eyre of Edall 
Dale CO Derby and Gartrude his wife to Cornelius Clarke of Norton 
CO Derby of a charge on lands in Sheffield, Ecclesfield and Dronfield. 

(15) 1708 April 26th. Marriage Settlement between John Bright of Chester- 
field gentleman and Joseph Bright of Ecclesall gentleman, on the marriage 
of the latter with Elizabeth daughter of the former. 

(16) (1711-12) March 8th. Exemplification under the seal of the duchy of 
Lancaster of a Decree in the Chancery Court upon proceedings taken by 
Adam Bagshaw and others, freetenants of the Honour of the High Peak. 
This document traces the enclosure of the Peak Forest, and gives much 
information about the tenants and holdings in the High Peak in the 
seventeenth century. 

(17) 1713(-14) February 20th. Lease from Godfrey Webster of Chesterfield 
to John Bright of Chesterfield, of two closes in Hasland near Chesterfield. 

(18) 1720 December 23rd. Letter from P. Rann to Rev Cavendish Nevile 
of Norton co Derby, with regard to " Mr Parker's fathers settlem*^ " 
and encumbrances on lands at Norton. 

(19) 1760 March 5th. Deed of Bargain and Sale from John Beet agent for 
Katherine Nevile widow of Sir Lionel Pilkington, to Isaac Biggin of 
Little Norton co Derby and John Rose of Whitelaw in the parish of 
Eckington, of lands in Little Norton. 

(20) 1779 May 20th. Declaration of Ejectment Denn on the Demise of 
Ann Greatorex widow against Fenn, William Wilbraham otherwise 
Wilborne tenant, with regard to messuages and lands in Chesterfield. 

(21) 1779 May 24th. Declaration of Ejectment Doe on Demise of Thorn- 
hill esquire against Roe ; Thomas Cass, Anthony Johnson, John Coates, 
Simeon Calvert, Robert Oliver, Jonathan Sweeting, John Taylor tenants, 
with regard to the Manor of Great Dromonby and messuages lands etc in 
Great Dromonby and Thornton co York. 

(22) 1779 Trinity Term. Declaration of Ejectment Doe on Demise of 
Needham against Roe, Elliott tenant, with regard to premises in 

(23) 1779 Declaration of Ejectment September 21st. Fenn on Demise of 
Sackville, Earl of Thanet against Denn, Christopher Hogg tenant, with 
regard to lands in Criche co Derby. 

(24) (Undated) Draft of the Will of M" Elizabeth Andrews formerly of 
Eckington then of Sheffield, quotes the will of her late husband dated 
September 8th 1785. 

(25) 1816 July 17th. Marriage License: George Newbold and Sarah 
Wilkinson, both of age, of Chesterfield. 

(26) 1690(-l) January 20th. Grant from Revell Copley and wife to Cornelius 

(27) 1758 March 13th. Lease from William Fox to Matthew Little of land 
at Lamb Hill, Handsworth. 



1136 A Diary 7X9, bound in paper cover, entitled " Mrs. Gisborne's Diary 

1750." The diary extends from 14th July 1749 to 10th October 1769, 
and Mrs. Gisborne was evidently a Miss Jacson, whose brother Roger 
died at Shallcross in Derbyshire 15th November 1742. The diary 
contains a good deal of family history. 

1168 Pocket Book with fold, 4X6, bound in green vellum. At the top of the 

first page is written "Aug' 27 E. Windles Booke 1747." Edward 
Windle was Master Cutler in that year. The account includes payments 
to Madam Cutler for " quarters annuaty " ; to Isaac Ellis ; to " Mr. 
Tempest for the sermon and a bottle wine " ; also items for money spent 
at the Cock, and The King's Head. There are lists of apprentices and 
forfeits, evidently for breaking the rules of the cutlers. Mr. Windle was 
a cutler in Lambert Croft and brother-in-law to George Marriott (Master 
Cutler, 1743) ; by his marriage with a Vernon Mr. Windle was connected 
with the Blonks and Silcocks, of Whiteley Wood Hall. See Leader's 
History of the Cutlers' Company, volume i, page 275. Mr. Windle 
introduced artificial flowers at his Feast, for which, according to this book, 
he paid George Marriott 5s lid on the 19th September. 

1279 A Manuscript Copy, 13 x 20 with brown paper cover, of the Attercliffe- 

cum-Darnall Tithe Apportionment, dated the 8th May, 1850; with 
numerous and extensive schedules. 

1212 A Manuscript Copy on paper 8^X13, with brown paper cover, of 

The Decree for the confirmation of the copyhold lands in the Manor of 
Wirksworth, Bonsall, Brassington and Ireton Wood." This copy consists 
of twenty-three pages including the schedule of tenants and rents ; it was 
made by Isaac Greatorex of Stone Bridge in the parish of Wirksworth 
CO Derby clerk, 1705. On a loose sheet in the same hand is an extract 
from the Act 14 Charles II, confirming the decree. 

1095 A Manuscript Copy on foolscap of Mr. Hunter's Collections, relating 

to his own family; and evidently made by William Swift, with many 

1206 " The Gallery of Portraits " number LVI, for January 1837, bound in 

paper cover 7ixll; containing memoirs and line engravings of Dr. 
Black, Lord Bacon and Sir Walter Scott. Published in London, by 
Charles Knight & Co. 


1207 Papworth's Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms, parts xvi, 

xvii, xviii, pages 745 to 896 in paper cover 6i X 10. Issued to subscribers 
by Wyatt Papworth, London, 1872. 

1209 Churches of Yorkshire, number XIII, pages 54 to 73, in paper cover 

7 X 10 ; containing an article, entitled "Church of All Saints Rotherham." 
Published in Leeds, by T. W. Green, 1845. 

1216 "The Lamp," number 29, vol. i. A weekly catholic journal for Saturday, 

28th September, 1850 ; containing an article on Saint Marie's Church, 

1172 A Poll Book, with index, a hundred and four pages 5 X 9, in paper cover ; 

entitled " A Copy of a Poll taken for the County of Derby the 16th, 17th, 
18th and 20th days of May, 1734, before George Mower, Esq., High 
Sheriff for the said County " ; published at Derby by Jer Roe. On the 
title page is written " Edward Wood his Book 1759," and on the cover 
" William Swift." 

1146 A Book of Accounts 5 X 74, with soft parchment cover (made from part 

of a lease of Phillip and Mary), entitled " Parish Accounts of Staveley 
Derbyshire 1776." 

1254 An Account Book 10 x 15, with paper cover ; endorsed " No. 2 Atter- 

cliffe-cum-Darnall Tithe Apportionment. Draft copy." 

1241a Part of An Account Book, 6X15, much dilapidated; containing 

constables accounts for Dore from 1739 to 1809. 

1187 Printed Rules of the Free School at Dronfield, eight pages 3f X5i, with 

blue paper cover, printed at Sheffield by C. & W. Thompson, Albion 

1219 A Printed Copy of the rules and orders of a friendly society, called "the 

Charitable Society," 1760; held at the Yellow Lion, Coal Pit Lane, 
Sheffield. Printed for the members 1827, on eighteen pages 6ix 8. 

1226 A Printed Statement of the Case on behalf of Bertram Arthur, Earl of 

Shrewsbury and Waterford, on his claim to the office of Lord Steward of 
Ireland. In the House of Lords. Prepared by Norris & Sons, 2 Bedford 
Row, printed by C. F. Hodgson, Fleet Street. 

1222 Pogmoor Olmenack 1857 to 1867, etc. Notes: by Charles Rodgers 

of Barnsley, who died 1874. 


1184 Reliquiae Antiquse Eboracenses, part III, forty-eight pages 9X11; 

containing several articles, including one on " Tradesmen's Tokens," 17th 
century, with illustrations, by James Wardell, Leeds. 

1183 Reliquioe Antiquoe Eboracenses, part v, eighty pages 9X11; containmg 

several articles, including "The Brigantes," with map, by Samuel Mitchell 
of Sheffield ; and " Tradesmen's Tokens," 17th century, including {inter 
alia) Sheffield and Rotherham, by James Wardell, Leeds, printed by W. 
Bowman 1854. Notes : there are three copies in the collection. 

1214 Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica parts X, XI, XII, XIII, and 

XIV, from October 1868 to June 1871 ; with a few odd copies of the 
monthly series 1870-1. These are fastened together in a leafholder 
9 X 10^, with patent binding. 

1178 A Genealogical Memorandum twelve pages Six 11, in paper cover; 

entitled " Family of Newton." Privately printed by Taylor & Co., 
London, 1871. 

1276 A Note Book 12 X 14i of William Swift ; containing his notes on Chester- 

field, with an engraving of the Guild Hall ; also a printed inventory of 
charters, deeds, books, etc., belonging to the Corporation of Chesterfield ; 
and a printed statement of its property and revenue, prepared by J. Cutts, 
Town Clerk, 1857. 

1145 A Note Book 4^X7, bound in limp cloth, entitled "Monumental 

Memorials within St. Paul's Church Sheffield, and some others to be 
found in the cemetery belonging to the same Church." 

1159 A Note Book 7X9, with limp cloth cover; containing WilHam Swift's 
notes on The Blythe Chapel at Norton Church. 

1160 A Note Book 7X9, with paper cover ; containing William Swift's notes 
from the Todwick parish registers. 

1158 A Note Book 7^X9, with paper cover; containing extracts from the 

registers at TopclifF in Morley near Wakefield. 

1157 A Note Book 7^X9, with paper cover; endorsed "Todwick," being 

extracts and notes by William Smith, from the Todwick parish registers. 

1135 A Note Book 7X9, with paper cover, entitled "Swift's Derbyshire 

extracts for MSS." The notes are rough and not very intelligible. 


1137 A Note Book 7^X9, with brown paper cover, entitled "Notes from 

Mitchell MSS." These notes are in the handwriting of William Swift, 
and are very rough with many deletions and corrections. 

1144a A Note Book 7jX9, in paper cover, with William Swift's rough pencil 

notes, taken probably at Dronfield Church ; and stitched into the note 
book is a fair copy of the same notes in Swift's writing. 

1144 (i) Two Note Books 7^X9, in paper covers, endorsed in pencil " Anston." 
(ii) These are Swift's rough notes taken from the parish registers of Anston. 

1147 A Scrap Book 8 X 9%, with paper cover ; containing cuttings from book 

catalogues, intended to form a Yorkshire Bibliography. In the middle of 
the book is a manuscript Sheffield Bibliography attributed, in a pencil 
note, to Henry Julian Hunter, before 1830. 

1167 A Note Book 5X7j, bound in paper boards; containing notes on the 

Foljambe Family. A loose page bears the name " Thos Foljambe 
London 24th June 1798." 

1262 A Note Book 11X13, with paper cover; in which William Swift has 
made some notes relating to the Parkers of Norton Lees, with pedigrees, 

1263 A Note Book 11 x 13^, with paper cover; in which William Swift has 
copied many entries from the Norton parish registers. The Norton 
registers have now been published by the present vicar, the Rev. G. W. 

1248 A Note Book of William Swift 8i X lOi, in brown paper cover; containing 
extracts from the registers of Barlow, relating to the family of Swift. 

1249 A Note Book of William Swift 7i X 9, bound in limp cloth ; containing 
notes on Chesterfield, with newspaper cuttings and an engraving. 

1246 A Note Book formed of several sheets of foolscap stitched in a paper 
cover; containing notes from the Anston parish registers, in the hand- 
writing of William Swift. 

1247 A Note Book with paper cover 7i X 9 ; containing a manuscript copy of 
a sermon preached in the Sheffield Parish Church 1822-3, by the Rev. 
Thomas Cotterill. 


A Note Book formed of a few sheets of foolscap stitched together by 
William Swift; containing a copy of the second edition of a work by 
Edward Calamy, D.D., 1713, on the Act of Uniformity. 

A Note Book formed of a few sheets of foolscap stitched together by 
William Swift ; containing his extracts from Sheffield constables accounts 
1614 to 1677, with a note that the original was in the workhouse at 

A Note Book formed of several sheets of foolscap, bound with brown 
paper cover; containing William Swift's notes on the Creswickes of 

A Note Book of William Swift, made up of large sheets of paper 
11X134, in paper cover; entitled "Taken out of an old Mass booke 
formerly at Staveley Church now in ye custody of Mr. Richard Hall of 
Dronfield A° 1706." The notes are mostly of baptisms at Staveley from 
1354 to 1621. 

A Note Book of William Swift formed of foolscap sheets, containing 
" Extracts from the registers of Staveley Church," chronologically 

A Note Book of William Swift formed of foolscap sheets ; containing 
" Extracts from the registers of Staveley Church," arranged under 
families, with index. 

A Scrap Book 9 X 1 14, bound in cardboard covers ; containing loose 
sheets and cuttings from The Gentleman's Magazine," including 
" Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. Pegge " ; and a catalogue of the various 
writings printed by him (1796). Opposite to the opening page is written 
" To Mrs. Bourne this copy is presented by her affectionate brother the 
compiler, Samuel Pegge." 

A 5crap Book of engravings and photographs of Norton and Beauchief, 
mounted on sheets of paper 11 X 14 and bound in a brown paper cover. 

A Scrap Book containing tracings of arms, tombstones, mural tablets, etc., 
in Chesterfield Church; mounted on paper sheets llX14i and bound 
together with a brown paper cover. 

A 5crap Book 8i X 104, bound in cardboard covers ; containing cuttings 
from newspapers and periodicals, mostly poetry. Early 19th century. 


1241 A Guard Book 15X22; containing many loose papers relating to the 

family of Freshville, of Staveley, co Derby. 

1253 A Guard Book 9jxi4j; containing many autograph letters relating to 

business matters and matters of title to property. They have doubtless 
been collected and saved for the sake of the local information they contain. 

1258 A Guard Book 9ix 14i; containing Returns of the Overseers of Dore 

and other papers relating thereto. 

1264 A Guard Book lOX 15; containing loose engravings of Sheffield and the 
district, taken from books and magazines. 

1265 A Guard Book 10 X 15 ; containing loose engravings, woodcuts and 
photographs of Sheffield and district, mostly taken from books and 

1266 A Guard Book 10X15; containing loose photographs, engravings and 

1267 A Guard Book 10X15; containing fifty-two engravings. They are 
portraits taken out of books and magazines. 

1268 A Guard Book 10X15; containing engravings and photographs. The 
engravings being portraits taken from books and magazines. 

1269 A Guard Book 10 X 15 ; containing papers relating to the Burgery, the 
Manor Court, and the Castle of Sheffield. 

1280 A Guard Book 9jX15; containing a miscellaneous collection of legal 
documents, accounts, abstracts of title, conditions of sale and bonds ; 
many being 16th and 17th century. 

1281 A Guard Book 9i X 15 ; containing loose papers taken from number 

1287 A Large Guard Book containing loose photographs, engravings, etc. 

1288 A Guard Book containing loose photographs, engravings, etc. 

1272 A Parcel 19X12X6 brown paper, containing the corrected proof sheets 

of Hunter's ' Hallamshire " second edition by Dr. Gatty. Notes: 
William Swift assisted Dr. Gatty in preparing this edition for the press 
and possibly these proof sheets came from him. 


1273 A Parcel 10 X 14 X 2, brown paper, containing several hundred prints of a 

pen and ink sketch of old Haslebarrow Hall Norton. Notes: these 
appear to have been printed in anticipation of some work on Norton, 
which they were to illustrate. 

1286 A Box containing twenty-three letters from Thomas Bright, of Bads- 

worth, to William Elmsall, of Thornhill, near Huddersfield, relating to 
the sale of Edlington Woods (near Doncaster) ; also as to a pack of 
foxhounds and shooting on the moors. 

1126 Rous:h Notes of William Swift from the Wales parish registers on 

sheets of paper of various sizes stitched together, with a parchment front 
page. These notes are too rough to be of much use, but Swift evidently 
thought they were worth preserving; they measure 9X 11^. 

1169 Ordnance Survey of Sheffield, 1853 ; consisting of thirty-six sheets 

(scale five feet to a mile), bound in half leather boards 20 X 27 ; all in 
good condition, and entitled on the edge of cover " Atlas." 

1055 A Volume 14X19, in leather boards, entitled "Walton Hall" from 

which many pages have been cut, and loose sheets have been inserted. 
The book is printed for accounts, treble column, and the pages removed 
evidently were the accounts of Walton Hall. The sheets inserted contain 
pedigrees of Cokayne of Ashburne co Derby; Cokayne of Middleton 
juxta Youlgrave; De Arderne, Savage, Ednesoure, Herthill of Herthill, 
Middleton juxta Youlgrave and Meynell; Gregson of Turndich parish of 
Duffield; Bradburne of Bradburne; Shallcross of Shallcross; Longsdon of 
Little Longsdon; Dethick of Newhall co Derby; and Zouche; with blazon 
of arms. 

1055 (a) A Volume 6i X 8, bound in vellum, containing, in manuscript, extensive 
particulars of the institutions to benefices in the diocese of York, with a list 
of the benefices, their value, the names of the incumbents and patrons, with 
the date of institution. The names of the clergy, who were sufferers and 
had their livings sequestrated in 1642, in the Archdeaconry of the West 
Riding. An account of the Archbishops of York from 622 to 1724. 
Livings in the gift of the Lord Chancellor in the various English 
Counties. History of Paulinus, first Archbishop of York. Valuation of 
all livings within the diocese of York (and elsewhere) not exceeding ;^50 
per annum. Notes: this volume was purchased for the late Mr. Arthur 
Jackson, at the sale of the Phillipps Collection 1895; and as lot 1275, it 
was described as above in the sale catalogue. 


1094 A Volume 8X13, bound in leather, containing the Rules and Regulations 

of the News Room, adjoining the old church yard in Sheffield, 30th 
October 1809 ; with the signatures of nearly two hundred subscribers. 

1095a A Volume Six 13, bound in vellum, containing full copies in manuscript 

of deeds and wills of the 18th century, relating to Sheffield, Staveley, 
Beighton, Bradfield, Snigg Hill (Sheffield), West Bar (Sheffield), Womb- 
well, AtterclifFe, Hayton co Notts, Dixon Lane (Sheffield), Aston Hall, 
Cold Aston and Chelsea. 

1096 A Volume 6 X 8i, bound in vellum ; containing accounts of several 
Highway Surveyors for the Hamlet of Dore, with many signatures of 
overseers, etc. 1770-1828. 

1096a A Volume 9X llf, bound in leather, containing autograph signatures and 

letters ; also engravings and newspaper cuttings. Many loose papers 
taken from this album are in a box, also bearing the number 1096a and 
fully endorsed. 

1097 A Volume 7i X 9^, bound in brown leather ; containing manuscript notes, 
in a good hand-writing, headed " Grammar." On the title page are 
written the names Jonathan Banks and John Lowther ; and on the last 
page, in pencil, Mr Abraham, Holy Green House, Sheffield. 

1099 A Volume 8 x 10, bound in vellum, entitled " Precedent Book," containing 

precedents (without names of persons or places) of legal documents, fair 
copied in manuscript ; probably by some law student. 

1101 A Volume 6^X8, bound in vellum boards, entitled on the first page 
" Castleton Writings Copied " ; containing extracts in manuscript from 
17th and early 18th century charters and writings, in various ownerships. 
The book is paged to 60, and there is an index at the beginning. The 
book is full of information relating to the Castleton district. 

1102 A Volume 8X9i, bound in half leather boards, entitled on the first page 
" Collectanea Vivorum et Mortuorum a Gulielmo Swift." This appears 
to have been a notebook of William Swift, in which he entered in alpha- 
betical order the names, addresses, ages, and dates of death or burial of 
local people, probably these were entered up from the daily papers. They 
should be of great use to genealogists. 

1103 A Volume 8X10, bound in half leather boards, entitled "Deeds and 
Church Notes Yorkshire." These notes are in the handwriting of William 
Swift ; the book is paged to 913, but very little of it has been used and the 


notes are scattered throughout the pages ; there is no index. Notes : this 
volume has been re-bound since it came to the Library, and the title on the 
old cover has been reproduced. 

1105 A Volume 8 x 10, bound in half leather boards, entitled " Deeds & Church 
Notes — Derbyshire." This volume contains 915 folios, and there is no 
index ; but on the first page there is some indication of the pages at which 
certain notes begin ; the notes are in the handwriting of "William Swift, 
and are scattered throughout the book, among many blank pages. 

1106 (i) Three Volumes each 5X8, bound in vellum boards with clasp ; containing 
(ii) an index to the births in Ecclesall Bierlow 1837 to 1861, in the hand- 
(iii) writing of William Swift. 

1107 (i) Two Volumes each 5X8, bound in vellum boards with clasp ; containing 
(ii) an index to the deaths in Ecclesall Bierlow 1837 to 1865, in the hand- 
writing of William Swift. 

1111 A Volume 8X12, bound in tooled leather boards; containing old legal 
precedents and law forms, including, at page 273, a copy of a grant for 
1000 years of lands for the better endowment of Chesterfield School. The 
book is paged up to 408 ; then follow " Observations" ; a case for counsel 
to advise with his opinion at foot (28 May 1760); copy will and codicil of 
Henry Pelham (1748-1751). The precedents are copied in a beautiful 
hand by, presumably, a lawyer or law student, and there is an index to the 
precedents at the end of the book. On the front page the following 
names have been written in various hands viz: Thomas Wigley, Jonathan 
Lee, Chesterfield and Thomas Higley. 

1112 A Volume 8^x13, bound in rough leather boards; containing copies in 
manuscript of law precedents and forms, 18th century, and there is no 
index; some of the precedents seem to be copies of deeds relating to 
Shefi&eld people, with recitals of wills, etc., and if they can be relied on 
as true copies, the information they contain is of value and should be 
examined by genealogists. The names of counsel who approved the 
drafts appear, and their opinions are in some cases given. 

1113 A Volume 8X 10, bound in vellum boards, entitled "Wills" ; containing, 
Part I, of some original abstracts of wills, co York, by William Paver, 
printed by John F Anson Brusby printer of Devonshire Terrace, Glossop 
Road, Sheffield 1830; this has been bound in a notebook of William 
Swift, containing further abstracts of wills in manuscript, and a cutting 
from The Athenaum, 22nd January 1842, with a full copy of the will of 
Sir Francis Chantry; another of William Cobbett M.P.; there is no index. 


1114 A Volume 7i X 9, bound in paper boards, entitled " Derbyshire Extracts 
from Gents Mag by Swift." William Swift had not got far with this 
work, but these notes would be useful in compiling Derbyshire genealogies. 

1115 A Volume 8jx 13, bound in half leather boards, entitled "Collections for 
a History of Staveley"; which William Swift evidently contemplated 
writing, but this book contains nothing beyond the title page and an 
illuminated heading, for the "introductory Chapter to Section I." 

1117 A Volume 8 X 12i, with soft paper cover ; containing pedigrees of Water- 
house (with ex lihris of Henry Waterhouse), and several articles on 
Sheffield Trades, the front page of which is entitled " Origin of the 
principal Trades in Sheffield, being extracts from the Historical and 
Traditional account of the town and Vicinage, written and compiled by 
Charles Dixon; to Richard Bailey esq. Castle Dyke, November 22nd 
1850." This volume is in the handwriting of William Swift. 

1118 A Volume 8X124, bound in paper boards; containing manuscript notes 
on family matters by Edward Pryme ; and many pages of notes on the 
Bright family of Whirlow and Greystones. 

1121 A Volume 8X13, bound in paper boards, entitled on the first page, 
"Select Vestry Book Dore. 1825"; containing two pages of minutes of 
a ratepayers' meeting, followed by the Constable's Accounts to 1837. 

1122 A Volume 8X13, bound in paper boards, entitled "Poor Law Settle- 
ments Examinations from 193 to 239 Staveley." This book contains 
useful information for genealogists ; full particulars are given of settlers 
coming from all parts to settle in Staveley, early 19th century, with their 
places of origin, family history and early life. 

1123 A Volume 11 X 13i, bound in cardboard; containing William Swift's very 
rough notes from the registers of Laughton en le Morthen. They cover 
many pages. 

1125 A Volume 7iX9j, bound in paper boards, entitled "Parish Register 

Extracts, mostly made by Thos Norris Ince from Various Derbyshire 
Registers " ; see number 1132. 

1127 A Volume Six 13, bound in vellum boards (half of the back missing), 

entitled on the first page " Musae Sheffieldienses 1737 " ; containing fair 
copies of exercises in Latin elegiacs and hexameters, some of which are 
signed respectively by Geo Steer, Thos Younge, George Ibotson, Dan'- 


Boote, W Oborne, Thos Cawthorne, who may have been scholars at the 
Sheffield Grammar School. The Latin verses are followed by rent 

1128 A Volume 7^X8, bound in vellum boards; containing lists of rectors, 
vicars, curates, ministers, mayors, aldermen, town clerks, masters of 
grammar schools, guilds and chantries in Derbyshire ; with an index on 
the first page. 

1129 A Volume, 8 X 8i bound in half leather ; containing transcriptions, in 
the handwriting of William Swift, relating to churches, monasteries, 
chantries within the deanery of Chesterfield ; extracts from Bacon's 
"Thesaurus" 1786, relating to the same deanery, with interleaved notes in 
the handwriting of Hunter. The first page purports to be an index. 

1130 A Volume 7iX9i-, bound in paper boards; containing William Swift's 
rough notes on the Chesterfield parish registers. Many pages are loose. 

1131 A Volume 7X8, bound in paper boards, entitled "Deanery of High 
Peak " ; containing many church notes by William Swift, with an index 
at the first page. 

1132 A Volume 7X8, bound in paper boards; containing what appears to be 
a copy of parts of the Sheffield parish registers, and full extracts there- 
from. One section relating to the family of Fox is said to have been sent 
by Mr. Hunter to Mr. Ince. This volume should be of great use to local 
genealogists. Notes: Mr. Ince was of Wirksworth, see number 1125. 

1133 A Volume 7i X 9i, bound in limp paper, entitled " A few notes concerning 
the early introduction and progress of Wesleyan Methodism in Chester- 
field collected by W.S." (William Swift). 

1134 A Volume 6i X 8, bound in paper boards, entitled on the cover " Derby- 
shire Parish Registers " ; containing notes in the handwriting of William 
Swift, with extracts from many Derbyshire parish registers. 

1138 A Volume 8X9, bound in tooled leather, entitled "North Derbyshire." 

This volume contains the manuscript of William Swift for a series of 
articles on North Derbyshire, and interleaved are printed leaves and 
engravings, with some notes in another hand. The frontispiece gives the 
pubhsher's name— J Roberts, Chesterfield. 


1139 A Volume 7i X 9i, bound in paper boards, entitled on the cover " Swifts 
Derbyshire, Chesterfield etc" ; containing many extracts from some parish 
register (probably Chesterfield), as to the families of Webster and Dale. 

1140 A Volume 7i X 9i, bound in paper boards; containing lists of Derbyshire 
rectors, vicars, etc. 

1141 A Volume 6iX 10, bound in half leather boards; containing church notes 
on Alfreton, Ashover and Dethick. 

1143 A Volume 11 X 13, bound in half leather boards, entitled on the first page 

Derbyshire." There is a tracing of Robert Morden's Map of Derby- 
shire, followed by copies of parts of Camden's Britannia. At pages 16 to 
19, there are some abstracts from the County Rate Book for Bakewell, 
High Peak, Morleston, Litchurch, Repton and Gresley. At page 25, is a 
list of the Knights of the Shire (Derby), followed by other information of 
a similar kind, all in the handwriting of William Swift. 

1148 A Volume llXlSj, bound in limp cloth; containing William Swift's 

notes on Beighton, beginning with an extract from Domesday Book. 

1150 A Volume 8X13, with cardboard cover; containing notes by William 
Swift on the family of Silcock; arising out of unclaimed property of 
Benjamin Blonk Silcock of Whiteley Wood Hall, Sheffield. 

1282 A Quard Book 9|-X 15 ; containing a miscellaneous collection of letters, 

papers, prints, pedigrees, printed notices, concert programmes, race cards, 
etc. There are letters from Hunter, Silcock, and Blonke. 

1151 A Volume 7iX 12i, with paper cover; containing William Swift's rough 
notes, entitled "A register of Children's names in the year of our Lord 
1767 by T. Bryant." At the date, May 1792, it would appear that 
Thomas Bryant was the Minister of Scotland Street Chapel, Sheffield. 

1152 A Volume 8 X 13, with cardboard cover, entitled "The Register at 
Hatfield" ; in the handwriting of William Swift. 

1153 A Volume 8X13, bound in half leather boards; containing copies of 
affidavits sworn in local actions, in Chancery and the King's Bench. 

1154 A Volume llX13i, with paper cover, entitled "Bradfeld." This is 
either a copy or extract from the Bradfield parish registers. Notes: the 
Bradfield parish registers up to 1722, have been published by the 
present rector, the Rev. A. B. Browne. 


1155 A Volume 7^X9, bound in paper boards; containing a copy, by William 
Swift, of Hunter's Memoir on the family of Wilson of Broomhead; written 
at Bath 1824, and published in the Yorkshire Archaeological and Topo- 
graphical Journal Vol. V, page 69. 

1156 A Volume 74X9, bound in paper boards; containing extracts from the 
Doncaster parish registers, in the handwriting of William Swift. 

1161 A Volume 8|xl0j, bound in half leather boards; endorsed "Precedent 

Book," containing legal forms of no great interest. 

1163 A Volume 7^X9, bound in paper boards; containing notes by William 
Swift, on miscellaneous subjects, including morals and theology. 

1164 A Volume 5X7, bound in leather boards; containing a manuscript copy 
of "Sermons preached by that Reverend Devine Mr. Edward Calamy 
Minister of Aldermanbery London in the year 1652." On the first page 
is written the name Samuel Sheaf e 1653. 

1165 A Volume of the New Testament 2^X5, bound in leather and printed in 
London, by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King & 
Queen etc. MDCXCI; with manuscript notes at both ends. The first 
page bears the name Harriot Edwards. 

1166 A Volume 5X7|, bound in cardboard; entitled (inside the cover) "The 
Methodist Count Book for Staveley January 24 1801." 

1260 A Volume 12 X 14, with green paper cover, in which William Swift has 

made a few notes on the Parkers of Norton Lees also of Holmesfield, 
Dronfield, and Owtram. Notes : the loose papers taken from this book 
have been transferred to two guardbooks numbered 1260a, 1260b. 

1259 A Volume llj x 13i, half leather boards ; entitled " Hundred of Scarsdale 

county of Derby " ; containing notes of William Swift, with printed 
pamphlets and manuscript slips interleaved. Notes : the loose papers 
taken from this book have been transferred to a box numbered 1259a. 

1284 A Volume 14 X 19, bound in red limp leather ; containing twenty-three 

tracings of surveys of Attercliffe and Darnall. See number 1254. 

1274 A Volume, sixty-nine pages 6i X 11, with paper cover ; containing a copy 

of the minutes of the " Classical Meetings " at Wirksworth co Derby, of 
the Presbyterians; with a copy of a letter dated 1851, from Joseph 


Hunter to Mr. Ince at Wakefield, on the importance of these minutes. 
This copy is in the handwriting of WiUiam Swift, and contains much 
genealogical information. See Journal of The Derbyshire Archaeological 
Society, vol ii (1880), p 135. 

1247a A Volume 8 X 122, in half leather boards ; containing notes on the family 

of Shore, compiled for Samuel Shore of Norton Hall, and copied by 
William Swift in 1864; the original being lent to him by Miss Shore of 

1255 A Volume 4X6, bound in red leather ; containing abstracts of the tonnage 

on the Chesterfield Canal, from 17th November 1774 to 1789. 

L244 A Volume in paper cover 8X 10, printed at Saint Petersburgh 1822, in 

Russian and Latin ; and appears to be a price list for drugs. 

L220 A Volume, thirty four pages 4x5, bound in paper boards, entitled 

Instructions for the use of The Children in a school of Industry." 
Printed by H. Bradley, 1807. Inside the cover is written the name 
" Mary Staniforth June 16th 1807." 

1208 A Volume 5fX8i, bound in red cloth boards; entitled "The Mercer 

Chronicle," by an Irish Sennachy. Printed in London, by Woodfall & 
Kinder, 1866. 

1295 A Volume 10 X 15, bound in half calf, containing 147 hand-ruled plans 
of the seats and boxes in the Sheffield Theatre, from 30th September 1807 
to 20th January 1826, with names of subscribers for seats, plays performed, 
and some of the actors engaged. There is a list of proprietors of the 
theatre at the end of the volume. 

1296 A Volume lOix 164, bound in calf, containing " Proceedings of the Pitt 
Club established in Sheffield in the year 1810." This is a minute book of 
the club ; the minutes only cover a few pages up to 28th May 1819. On 
the first page are the names of the members and presidents, with printed 
notices of meetings, etc. 

1297 A Volume 5X8, bound in black leather, containing printed " Minutes 
made at the Meetings of the principal Iron Masters in the Counties of 
York and Derby at Sheffield August 11th 1799, and at Barnsley March 6th 
1800." Printed by R. Sedgwick of Bradford 1800, with manuscript list 
of members of The Association of Iron Masters, and further minutes in 
manuscript up to 1828. 


A Volume 14^ X 9, with blue paper cover, containing " A set of fifty New 
and Correct Maps of England and Wales," showing the main roads and 
cross-roads for travellers, by Herman Moll, of Devereux Court, Strand, 
London, 1724. 

Late 15th or early 16th century. A Medical Miscellany (Lat.). This 
is a folio volume of paper, in a modern binding, containing 148 leaves, of 
which the first 72 form a separate section with an index. The next 8 
pages deal with the relation of the stars to health, while the last portion 
of the book, among other matters, discusses the physical effects of various 
foods, herbs, and drugs. Hippocrates, the Ptolemies, John de Tholeto, 
John Picard, physician of Philip of France ; Richard de Anglia, and other 
writers are quoted. As a whole the book shows the curious medley of 
astrology, superstition, traditional rules, error, and experience which 
constituted the medical art of the Middle Ages. The book begins with a 
dissertation on the advantages and disadvantages of phlebotomy and 
laxatives during the different quarters of the moon. We are told on 
the authority of Haly, commentator of " Phtholomy," that in the first and 
third quarters of the moon the " humours " of the body are effluent, and 
may be compared to a rising river, and accordingly laxatives and blood- 
letting were useful, whereas in the second and fourth quarters the humours 
were refluent, and these remedies were inexpedient. Surgeons must also 
be careful not to use the knife, when the moon was in the particular sign 
which denoted the ailing member, since the patient would be imperilled 
by too great a " flux," which would prevent the wound from healing. A 
warning example is given of a patient who was bled at such an inauspicious 
period, and showing no sign but a swollen arm, incontinently died — 
a result which, from the modern point of view, is not so surprising as that 
anyone survived the ancient surgery. Next follows a list of the planets 
with their qualities, Saturn being described as malevolent, cold, unfruitful, 
and destructive of life, while Venus was warm, humid, and favourable. 
The days of the lunar month are then given, from which it appears 
that the 6th was a good day for hunting or going to war, and that children 
born then were strong and full of vitality ; but it was not a good day for 
marrying or invalids, no one ought to tell others of dreams dreamed on 
that day, and thefts and treasons were sure to be found out. On the 
contrary the 14th day was good for all purposes, apparently including the 
last two activities. The effect of various simples is described in various 
diseases, and a large number of prescriptions, composed of astonishing and 
unpleasant ingredients, is given. No disease seems to have been regarded 
as beyond remedy, even " iliac passion," familiar to-day under the name 
of appendicitis, having its appropriate prescription. Other sections deal 
with astrolabes, clisters, aqua vitae, oils, experimental medicine, the value 


of snake's blood as a curative, the correct diet for preserving health, and 
the whole science of blood-letting. This last practice, which remained in 
favour with the medical fraternity till within living memory, seems to 
have been regarded as invaluable in almost every case, either alone or in 
combination with dosing. The details of its application, as recorded in 
the MS., help to explain the abnormally high death rate of the Middle 
Ages, and the difficulty then experienced in growing old. Here and there, 
however, are common sense maxims, as, for instance, when abstinence is 
recommended for digestive troubles, and exercise and work for torpid 
livers and spleens. Apparently the mediaeval doctor considered cosmetics 
within the range of his art, for a chapter is headed : " Tractatus de ornatu 
faciei — de ornatu mulierum," and here the author strikes a modern note 
in his insistence on the value of bathing and clean water, which, as a rule, 
were not regarded with high esteem by our forefathers ..." faciem 
mulieris hoc modo ornabis in primo abluat earn optime cum sapone 
Gallico et aqua tepida." Instructions follow for rendering the hair 
thick, black, and glossy. Towards the end of the book there are several 
folios containing lists of medicaments, and, throughout, the pages have 
been annotated industriously by a contemporary hand, many additional 
prescriptions being added. Apart from the special medical interest of 
this curious volume, it would appear to be well worthy of close study 
from the point of view of philology. It is to be hoped that some student 
with special qualifications in this subject will undertake its examination. 

1289 A photograph of The Tutbury Horn. A feudal horn described by 

Dr. J. Charles Cox in the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological Society 
Vol VIII, as by far the most interesting relic of its kind in England. It 
belongs to the Bagshawe Family, of Ford Hall, Chapel-en-le-Frith ; and 
by it the owner appoints the coroner for the part of Derbyshire which 
includes the High Peak. It consists of an oxhorn, mounted silver gilt, 
with black silk belt and silver gilt buckles ; the badge bears the arms of 
John o' Gaunt impaling Feriers. It dates from Danish or Anglo-Saxon 
times. There are several prints of this photograph in the collection. 

N.B. — The Jackson Collection contains, in addition to the items above catalogued, very 
many loose papers and rough notes, collected or made by William Swift and others. 
These have been classified to some extent, and placed in boxes, endorsed "Swift's Papers" 
with some general indication of their contents. Though they cannot conveniently be 
catalogued, they should not be overlooked. There are also several bundles of lawyers' 
drafts and abstracts, printed plans and particulars, a few maps, both printed and manu- 
script, and some printed public notices, all of local interest. These have been placed 
in boxes and guard books, and can be produced for examination at the Reference Library. 



Transcript with contractions extended in italics of the Award of 10th August 1304; 
see number 239, page 111 and frontispiece. 

Fet a remenbrer cuw deu Contecks qe esteyt mue entre sire Rauf de frechenvile 
pleyntif par bret de Mortauwcestre de une part e Gerard de Seyncler et Johanne sa 
femme de autre part, Nomemewt de deus mis, e de tote la te^re qe dame Amis de 
frechenvile achata de Thomas Chacchehors en staveley Wodethorpe, les queus terres, 
mis, e pre, Gerard de Seyncler e Johanne sa iemme deforcerewt le dist sire Rauf, E 
de autrepart de un mis e les demeynes te>*res e pre en le dist staveley Wodethorpe qe 
le dist sire Rauf tent qe acune tews fure«t a la dite Dame Amis sa mere, sur queu 
mis e demaynes les dist Gerard e Johanne sa femme porterewt assise de Novele 
disseysine de vauwt Adam de Crokedhocks e henrj de Sutton ; Au dreyn par cowmuMS 
amis se acorderent en ceste forme qe le dist Gerard et Johanne conustru«t de vau«t 
Justices les pnmers qe vendruwt a assises prende en le Couwte de Derhi les dist deu 
mis ensemblemewtes of tote la terre e pre a ces mis apendau«s estre le dreyt de le dist 
sire Rauf e ses heyrs, issi qe le dist sire Rauf fra estate a lavauwt dist Johanne de les 
dist mis terre e pre a tener a tote la vie la dist Johanne. E deu mis e de la 
terre arrable e pre e severall defense qe le dist sire Rauf tent en la dist vile, 
seyt la terre arrable e pre mesure par acres, par la perche huse deu pais dedens les 
quinze Jours apres la feste seyn Laurence en ceste An. E le mis e le several defense 
seynt estendu a la value issi qe le dist sire Rauf fra estate a la dist Johanne de le 
Estente pur chescun acre de terre arrable iiiid. E pur chescun acre deu pre xiid. E 
de la value deu mis e del several defense par estente en la vile memes a tener a tote 
la vie la dist Johanne en certeyn tenauMS de rent assise. Issi qe la dist Johanne pusse 
frere destresce pur la dite estente, si arere seyt des Jours assignez, mes les distes 
Gerard e Johanne se retreruwt vers le dist sire Rauf de lour seute en le Bref de 
Novele disseysine. E si issi aveyne qe par fraude ou deceyte le dist Gerard e 
Johanne relessuwt lour estat a les heyrs sir seyr de Hou«tinfeld tote le estewte terre 
arrable, pre, mis, e several defense avauwtdistes retourneruwt a le dist sire Rauf e ses 
heyrs sauws couwtredist les avawtdist Gerard e Johanne e lur assignes, E le dist sire 
Rauf par sa courteysie demene grau>jta de sa bone volonte doner a les avau«tdist 
Gerard e Johanne deus mars en deners au payer le Jour qe les escris des covenauwces 
seruMt enseles apres la terre mesure, Au queu choses tener e loieme«t perforner, E le 
dist sire Rauf e Gerard e Johanne se entrefyerewt en la presence Will le Bret, Henri 
le Burgilon, e autres, e leur seus a ses Billes mistru«t. Fet au Cruche le Dymayne 
la veyle seyns Laurence en le An le regne le Rey Edward xxxii°. 


Transcript with contractions extended in italics of the Lease by Royal Letters 
Patent of 10th July 1570 ; see number 269, page 41 and frontispiece. 

Elizabeth dei gr&cia Anglie Francie et Hibemie Regina fidei defensor et cetera 
OMNIBUS ad quos presentes k'^ere pervenerint salwtem CUM unuw molendinMm 
aquaticMW hla.da.rium annul volor»s triginta trium solidorum et quatuor denanorum 
scituatMw jacens et existens in hamletto de Bradwey infra parochiam de Norton in 
comitatu nostro Derbi'e ad presens in tarn magna ruina et decasM existit sub defectM 
sufficien^ew reparacionem (sic) ejusdem ut predictus annuaU's redditus triginta trium 
solidorww et quatuor dena.riorum nobis non responstts fuit per spatium quatuor 
annorum jam ultimorww preteritorum prout nobis per certi&cacionem auditor«s 
comitatus predicti intelligi da.tur quidam tamen Goodfridus Fanshaw sumptibMS suis 
propriis et expenses predictum molendinuw reparari et manutenere super se assumpsit 
ac dictum a.nnua\em redditum triginta trium solidorww et quatuor dena.norum nobis 
heredi&Ms et successoribws nos^ris de cetero respondere durante termino inferius 
specificato dummodo nos litteras nostras paten^es unacum aliis inferius specificat?s 
eidem Goodfrido Fanshaw in forma sequent* facere et concedere dignaremM?" SCIATIS 
igitwr quod nos premissa consideravt^wws tradidimus concessimMS et ad firmam 
dimisimi^s ac per presentes trffdimws concedimt^s et ad firmam dimittimMS prefato 
Godfrido Fanshaw omnes illas terras nostras cum eorum pertinenciis universis 
vocatas Horlfeldes jacen^es et existentes in Gledles in comitatu nostro Wooraci modo 
vel nuper in tenure sive occupacjowe ]obannis Parker de Norton Leys vel assigna- 
torum suorum nuper monasterio de Kirklestede in comitatu nostro Lincolnj'e quondam 
spectanfes et pertinences ac parceWam terxarum et possessionuw inde quondam 
existences ac totum illud molendinuw nostrum acquaticum cum pertinenciis scituatwwt 
jacens et existens in hamletto de Bradwey infra parochiam de Norton in comitatu 
nostro Derbt'e modo vel nuper in tenure sive occupacjowe Joha«nis Barker vel assigna- 
torum suorum quod quidem molendinum nuper monasterio de BeachifF in djcto 
comitatu nostro Derbt'e quondam spectabat et pertinebat ac parcella terrarum. et 
possessionuw inde quondam existebat ac omnia et singula domos edi&cia structuras 
aquas aquarwm cursus gurgites ripas stagna vivaria piscarta piscactowes ac omnia 
alia proficua commoditates advantagj'a emolumenfa et hereditamenCa nostra 
quecumqwe dicto molendino et ceteris premissi's quoquomodo spectancta vel 
pertinencta aut cum eisdem antehac usualiter pro separalibi^s redditibus in hiis 
presentibws Utteris nosCris patentibus reservata dimissa locata ha&ita cognita accepta 
usitata occupata seu reputata existenc«a Exceptis tamen semper et nobis heredjiws 
et snccessoribus nosCris reservatis omnibws grosses arboribws bosct's subboscis minerm 
et quarreris premissorww HABENDUM et tenendum omnia et singMla premissa 
su^erius expressa et specificata cum eorum. pertinenciis universis exceptis preexceptt's 
prefato Godfrido Fanshawe (sic) executoribus et assignatis suis a festo anwunciact'owis 
beate marie virginis ultimo preterito usqwe ad finem termini et per terminuw viginti 
et unius annorum extunc proxime sequ.encium. et plenarte complendorwm REDD- 
ENDO annuatj'm nobis heredibus et successoribws nosCris de et pro predictts terr*s 


vocatis Horlefeldes modo vel nuper in tenura d»cti Johannis Parker ut preiertur 
existen^i^Ms sex solidos et quatuor denarios ac de et pro predicto molendino cum 
pertmenciis in tenura dicti johannis Barker ut prefertur existent* triginta tres solidos 
et quatuor denarjos legalis monete Anglte ad festa sancti michaeZis axchangeli et 
anwunciaciowis beate marie virginis ad receptam Scaccarii nos^ri 'Westmonasterii seu 
ad manus Ballivorum vel Receptorww premissorMm pro tempore existencww per 
equales portio«es soluendos durante termino predicto Et predj'ctus Godfridus Fanshaw 
execM^ores et assigntriores sui predictuni molendinMwz ac omwia domos et edificia ac 
onines alias necessarj'as reparaciowes premissoruin im (sic) omnihus et per omnia, de 
tempore in tempws tociens quociens necesse et oportunuw fuerit sumptibws suis 
propriis et expense's bene et sufEcienter reparabunt supportabunt sustinebunt escura- 
bunt purgabunt et manutenebunt durante termino predicto ac premissa sic sufficienter 
reparaXa et manutenta in Fine termini illius dimittent ET VOLUMUS ac per 
presentes concedimws prefato Godfrido Fanshaw executoribus et assignatis suis qwod 
bene licebit eis de tempore in tempt^s capere percipere et habere de in et super 
premissa crescens competens et sufficiens hedgboote ploughboote et Carteboote 
ihidem et non alibi annuaiim expendendww et occupandwm durante termino predicto 
PROUISO semper quod si contigerit predicts separales reddzYus aut eorum alteram 
a retro fore non solutwm in parte vel in toto per spaciuw quadraginta dierww post 
aliquod festum iestorum predictorum quo ut preiertur solvi debeant qwod tunc et 
deinceps hec presens dimissio et Concessio vacua sit ac pro nuUo habeatur aliquo in 
presentibws in contrariuw inde non obstante aliquo statuto actu ordinaczorae pro- 
clamacjowe provisione sive restric«'o«e in contrariuw inde antehac ha&ito facto edito 
ordinato seu proviso aut aliqua alia re causa vel materia quacunqwe in aliquo non 
obstante IN CUJUS REI testimoniujw has litteras nostras fieri fecimws paten^es 
TESTE precharissimo consanguineo et consiliari'o nos^ro Wille/mo Marchione 
Wintonte Thesawrari'o nos^ro Anglie apud Westmonasterium Decimo die Julii anno 

regni nos^ri Undecimo Per Warrantwrn Comwissionar« Smyth 

Irrotulatur coram Audi tore Comitatus Derby Termi«o Trinitatzs Anno XII""" Re^me 

Transcript with contractions extended in italics of the Final Concord of April 1629; 
see number 779, page 69 and frontispiece. 

Hec est finalis Concordia facta in Curia domini Regis apud Westmonasterium a die 
Pasche in quindecim dies Anno regnorMm Caroli dei gracia Anghe Scocie Francie 
et Hibernie Regis fidei defensors etc A ConquesifM quinto coram Thoma Richardson 
Ricardo Hutton Francisco Harvye et Henrico Yelverton Justicmr«s et aliis domini 
Regis fidelibus tunc ibi presentibws inter Ricardum Woodroofe querew^em et 
Johannem Houle seniorem et Johannem Houle juniorem et Priscillam uxorem eius 
deiorciantes de uno mesuagio uno horreo uno gardino octo acris terre duabws acris 
prati sex acris pasture et communia pasture pro omnimodw averiis cum pertinewcns 


in Crookes Ecclesall Hallam et ShefFeld unde placitwrn Convencjowis snmonitum fuit 
inter eos in eadem Curia scik'cgt quod predjc^i Johannes et Johannes et Priscilla 
recognoverunt predictum tenementutn et cotnmuniam pasture cum pertinenciis esse 
ius ipsius Ricardi ut ilia que idem Hicardus habet de dono predictorum Johannis et 
Johannis et Priscille Et ilh' remiserww^ et quietaclamaverunt de ipsis Johanne et 
Johanne et Priscilla et hered«6Ms suis predzcto Ricardo et hered«f>Ms suis imperpetuum 
Et preterea iidem Johannes et Johannes et Priscilla concesserMW^ pro se et hered?&MS 
ipsius Johannis Houle junioris quod ipsi Warantizabunt predicto Ricardo et 
heredjfeMS suis predicts tenementa et comntuni&ra pasture cum pertinenciis contra 
omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac recognj'c/one remissione quietaclamacjone 
warantta fine et Concordia idem Ricardns dedit predt'ctis Johanni et Johanni et 
Priscille quadraginta et unam libras sterlingorww. 

Transcript with contractions extended in italics of a page from Jakes's Manuscript, 
see number 901, page 256 and frontispiece. 

De officio Kscaetoris Anno xxxix''° Kdwardi tercii post mortetra Thome dommi de 
fFournyvale' 'Ehoracum Castruwt et dominium de Sheffeld cum membris et 
pertinenciis suis in Comitatu Khoraci tenentur de domino Rege in capita Ut de 
corona per homagiujw et fidelitatew Et per serviciuw Unius feodi militjs Et per 
serviciuw* reddendo domino Regi et heredibus suis per annum duos leporortos'^' albos 
In festo Nativitat/s Sancti Joha«wis Baptjs^e. 


























Membra Castri 




de sheffeld. 




Stanywgton Morwod 











B ernes 


Notes : '^'The " a " of Leporarios has been corrected wrongly from " a " to " o." This 
led to a misreading of the word as lepores, i.e. hares. See Gatty's " Hunter," p. 56 ; 
'^'Bierlow (?) ; '^'Morthumley, Mortomley. 


Transcript with contractions extended in italics of the Indenture of a Lease of 
November 1421 ; see number 651 page 122. 

Haec indentura fac^a inte*" Willelmum Kynwolmet-ssh clej-icum Wiilelmum Babyngton 
Petrum de la Pole etV\fil\elmum Ulgarthorp ex una parte et Joha:««em Bullok de Nor- 
ton ex altera parte testatur quod predictus Willelmus Willelmus Petrus et Willelmus 
tradiderunt et ad firmam dimiserunt prefato ]ohanni situm manerii sui de Norton cum 
terris pratis pasturis dommjcalibi^s unacum redditj&ws diversj's terra.rutn quas Robertus 
de Grangia nuper tenuit exceptts Rohagh Cokhagh et una placea cum pertinewcns in 
tenura ]ohannis Lord et exceptts Wardis maritagws fmihus releviis eschaetis homagti* 
redditibus assise qaoTumcutnque tenendum nostrorutn ibidem ac omnibus aliis 
axaerciamentis Curte nativis et villanis necnon aliis comoditatibws et proficuis 
predicto manerio qualitercumque spectantibws predjctis WilleZwo Petro et WilleZmo 
et heredibus suis semper reservatzs. Habendum et tenendz^w totum predictum. situm 
maneni cum terris pratw et pasturis dommtcalibws et redditibus ut premittitwr 
exceptj's preexceptts prefato Johanni et heredibus suis a festo Sancti MichaeZis 
Atchangeli ultimo preterito usqwe ad finem et ierminum sexaginta annorj^m proxime 
seqnencium et plenarje completorMw Reddendo inde annuatim prefatw Wille/mo 
WilleZmo Petro et WiUelmo et heredibus suis quinquaginta sex solidos et octo 
denan'os ad duos anni terwiwos videlicet ad festa Pasche et sancti MichaeZis equis 
porc«o«ibMs Et ulterius faciendo sectam ad curiam predictorum WilleZwi 
WilleZwi Petri et WilleZmi eZ heredum suorum. Et bene licebit predictis WilleZwo 
WilleZmo Petro eZ WilleZmo herecZe&MS eZ assignaZi's suis quocumqwe tempore sibi 
placuerit domes infra situm manerii antiquitws edificatas pro libito sue prosternere 
deorsum trahere abstrahere et vendere sine contradicciowe prefati Johcrwwis et 
heredum suorum presentibws indenturis non obstantibws. Et prefatws Johannes et 
hexedes sui omwes clausuras circa parcum gardinum ac predtcZwm situm manerii 
sustentabunt reparabunt eZ manutenebunt percipiendo spinas et subboscwiM infra 
dominium ibidem per assignactowem visum et deliberacZowem predictorum, WilleZmi 
WilleZmi Petri WilleZmi heredum, et assignaZorwm suorwm. Et predicZus Johannes 
et heredes sui nullas arbores neque boscum sive ramos arborwrn infra parcum ibidem 
vel clausuras durante termino predi'cto succident sive prosternent nisi fuerit ad 
racionabilem reparac»onem ejusdew manerii vel clausure ibidem vel pro focali ad 
ardendMfn sive cremandwm racionabiliter in hospicio suo ibidem eZ hoc per assigna- 
ct'onem visum et deliberactonem predicZorwm WilleZmi WilleZmi Petri eZ WilleZmi here- 
dum, et assignatorum, suorum, Et predictus Johannes et heredes sui statum suum firme 
predtcZe nulli alii infra terminum predictum sine licencia speciali predicZorMm WilleZtni 
WilleZmi Petri et WilleZmi here^wm vel assignaZorwm suorum nisi solomodo Thome 
Bullok paZri suo Agneti uxori d»cZi Johannis WilleZmo Johanni Thome eZ Alicie 
fil«'s eorwMdem Johannis et Agnetis et hoc sub condicjone quod ipsi in manerio 
predjcZo residentes fuerint et comorantes durante termino suo in hoc eis dimittendo 
tradent seu dimittent. Sed prefatus Johannes et heredes sui supplantabunt et 
extirpabwnZ omnes rubos et brimbles infra terras domZni'cales arabiles ibidem bene 


et sufficienter sumptibws suis propriis et omwes clausur»s predactas ihidera in 
fine termini -predicti competenter reparatas dimittent. Et quocumqwe tempore 
et quocienscumqwe placuerit prefato WilkZmo WilleZmo Petro et WilleZmo heredibus 
vel assignatis suis infra terminum predictum carbonificare aliquam parcellam 
bosct situi predicti manerii pertinentem predictus Johannes concedit pro se et 
heredibus suis qwod ipsi custodient animalia, sua propria qwod nullam facient 
destrucci'owem in le Spryng bosci predicti per tres vel quatuor annos proxime 
sequentes carbonificac/owem alicujws parcelle bosci supradtcd. Et bene licebit 
eciam predicto ]ohanm et heredibus suis si aliquam edificac«o«em infra predictum 
manerwm voluerint edificare qMod ipsi hafeebunt tffle maeremmm quale existit 
infra dominium ibidem excepto le Orchard infra parcum et quod ha&ebunt 
Sclatestones et aliquos alios lapides infra dominium predictum. per visum et 
deliberactowem predjc^ort*m Wille/mi WilleZmi Petri et WilleZmi herecZwm vel 
assignatorum suorum ad edificaczowem predic^am. Et si predJcZus redditus a 
retro fuerit in parte vel in toto post aliquod Festum. predictum per quindecim dies 
qwod tunc bene licebit prefato WilleZmo WilleZmo Petro et WilleZmo heredibus et 
assignatis in toto predt'c^o manerio cum suis pertineracw's distringere et districczo«es 
abinde fugare ubicumqwe sibi placuerit tarn infra Comitatum Derhie quam extra 
et eas penes se retinere quousqwe de predicto reddit?* simul cum arreragws ejusdem 
si que fuerint plenarj'e f uerint satisfactj. Et si predt'c^us redditus a retro fuerit in 
parte vel in toto post aliquod fes^wm predictum per unum mensem non solutws 
quod tunc bene liceat prefato WilleZmo WilleZmo Petro et WilleZmo heredibus et 
assignatis suis totum predictum maneriuw suum cum suis pertinenciis reintrare 
et gaudere in pristino statu suo imperpetuum ac eciam om«ia bona et catalla 
tam viva quam mortua in eodem inventa: seisire capere eZ fugare ubicumqwe sibi 
placuerit tam infra Comitatum predictum quam extra et ea penes se retinere 
imperpetuum sine contradiccjowe predicti ]ohannis vel heredum snorutn. Et si 
quod damnum vastum tra;nsgress«o«em seu destrucciowem in silva sedua (caedua, 
fit for cutting?) bosct supradtcZt per prefatwm ]ohannem et heredes suos 
qualitercumqt^e facta per consideracZowem predjcZorMm WilleZmi WilleZmi Petri 
et WilleZmi heredum eZ assignatorum suorum secundum quantitatem delicti fiant 
emendas (sic). In cuiws rei testimow/wm partes predZcZe partibws huJMs indenture 
sigilla sua alternatim apposuerunt. Data apud Norton predZcZam die lune proxima 
post fesZwm Sancti Martini anno regni Regis Henrici quinto post conqwesZwrn nono. 

Transcript with contractions extended in italics of the Indenture of Lease of 
August 1358; see number 317, page 116. 

Cest endentwre tesmoigne qe monsZre Thomas de Chaworth chivaler ad lesse et 
bailie a Johan de Lounds de Tykill eZ a Henri son Fiz le mees et la bovee de terra 
qweux Johan Molot iadis tient de lavandit monsZre Thomas en bondage en Norton 


iouste Labbeye de Beauchef Savant a lavandit Monsieur Thomas et a ces (sic) 
heires le mynere des carbons et de pere le qwarere a fower en les tenementz avanditz 
et carier et faire lour pj-ofit a lour volonte. Et auxint savant au dits monsjVe 
Thomas et a ces heires tote manere boys cressant sur les tenementz avanditz a 
couper et enporter a lour volente. Avir et tenir les avanditz mees et bove de terre 
od les appwrtenantz a les avanditz Johan et Henri a terme de lours deux vies en 
manere susdit Rendant de ceo par an sept soldz et un dener as deux termes 
usuels en la ville avandit Et lokhennys si si nuls soient dwes de les tenementz 
avanditz as termes dwes. Et fesant seute a sa Court de Norton deux foiz par an. 
Et fesant foreynz services et charges dwes a Tykill et Chestrefeld et aillowrs. Et 
fesant cariage al oeps lavandit MonsjVe Thomas et ces heires a lour pleys«>. Et les 
avanditz Johan et Henri averont Meryne covenable pur reparailler les mesons 
■par vewe et livere lavandit MonsjVe Thomas et ses heires et fowaille covenable 
de subboys par livere. Et les avanditz MonstVe Thomas et ces heires tons les 
avanditz tenementz od les appurtenantz a les avanditz Johan et Henri garentront 
en manere susdit. En tesmoignance de quels, chose a ycestes endentures les parties 
avanditz entrechangeablemewt ont mis lowres seals Presens y ces tesmoignes. Adam 
de Gotham, Robert Seliok, William Hervy, Et altres. Done a Medbourne en conte 
de Leycestre le marszdi proscheyn apres la teste de seint Bartholomew lapostle en 
Ian du regne le roi Edward le tierce puis le conquest Dengleterre Trent secounde. 

Transcript with contractions extended in italics of the Indenture of Lease of the 
10th September 1447; see number 347, page 213. 

Thys indenture maad y° x' day of y® monyth of Septembr y^ Jer of y® Regne of 
Kyng Kerry y^ sexte aftyr y" conqwest of Inglond xxvi" be twyn Robert Codon of 
Donewyche on y^ o partt and William Bedon of Rendyllysham on y^ othyr part 
Wetnessyth y' the sayd Robert Codon hath grauntyd & letyn to ferme to y® 
sayd William and to hys Eyrys thre clozys arabele w' a medwe w' inne on of 
y'' sayd thre Clozys lying and the sayd thre Clozys w' y® Medwe lyin in y* Town 
of Stovene be twyn y^ Clooss & y® lond late Richard and Robert Codynhamys on 
y® Est partt & ye kynggys hey Weye & the Comown path qwych goth from ye 
Cherche of Stovene forsayd to a Tenement of y^ Pn'owrys of Wangforth clept 
y* Rye & a Clooss w' a medwe w' inne y® same & a pond of y^ sayd Robert Codon 
on y® West part of qwych y^ on-hedys abuttyn up on y^ kynggys hey weye & the 
Closs & ye medwe of ye forsayd Robert Codon toward y^ North and y^ other hedys 
abuttyn up on y*' Clooss of y® forsayd Pr/owr of Wangforth toward y^ Sowth The 
forsayd Willyam to hav & to holdyn y® forsayd thre clozys w' y" medwe a forsayd 
from hens in to y^ ffeste of Seynt Michael y^ Archangel next folwyng And thanne 
from ye sayd ffeste of Seynt MichaeZ the sayd 'William and hys Eyrys to hav & to 
holdyn the sayd thre clozys w' the medwe aforsayd in to ye ffeste of Seynt MichaeZ 


y® Archangel vi 3er thanne next Swyng The forsayd William and hys Eyrys to 
payin or do payin Jerly duryng y^ sayd terme of .vi. 5er for y'' sayd three clozys 
w' y^ medwe a foresayd for ech 5er .xlviii.s.iiiid.evenely at to Termys of y® 5er y' is 
to seyne at every fFeste of y^ Anuwciacjon of owre lady Seynt Marie .xx''iiiis. ii.d. 
and in every fFeste of Seynt Michael y^ Archangel .xx".iiii.s.ii.d duryng y^ .vi. 5er 
a bove rehersyd And the forsayd William xall payin or do payin to y® forsayd 
Robert Codon or to hys attorn .xxvi''.s. viiid qwych y^ sayd William ow' for y® 
sayd ferme now in to Michaelmas next folwyng And it is cuvwawnt y' y^ sayd 
William xall kepyn or do kepyn sufficiently the ffens of the sayd thre Clozys 
w' y" medwe duryng y® holl terme a foresayd The sayd Willyam nowgth to fallyn 
ner doon fallyn neyther tymbyr ner undyrwoode be y^ grownd but only to stowyn 
& to schredyn in swych places of y^ sayd clozes & there as William Payn stowyd & 
schredde in In y^ tyme y' y^ sayd William Payn was fermowr And also it is 
cuv«awnt be twyn y'^ sayd Robert & William Bedon y' y^ said xall nowgth eryn 
ner doon eryn none of y'' sayd thre Clozys y® thre Jer be for y^ ende of ye 
5erys a bove sayd but letyn y" sayd Clozys lyin to pasture y® thre laste Jerys as it is 
a fore sayd And also it is cuvwawnt y' y^ sayd Robert & swyche as the sayd 
Robert Wele assygnen xull huwtyn & hawkyn in alia y'^ thre clozys & medwe duryng 
all terme a forsayd nowgth brekyng y" defens w' owtyn newe repayring at y^ costys 
of y® forsayd Robert And y^ sayd Robert xall doon fallyw & stowyn & schredyn 
qwhere & qwhanne y' it plese y^ sayd Robert be y^ holl terme a foresayd exept there 
y' y^ sayd William. Bedon is assygnyd to stowyn & to schredyn as it is abovesayd 
And y^ sayd Robert xall have fre entre & issw to doon caryin hys tymbyr & woode 
qwhat tyme it plese hym & qwanne w' owtyn gayn saying or lettyng of y^ forsayd 
William or any- other in hys name duryng the terme a bove sayd The sayd Robert 
to doon makyn a gayn y° gappys at all tymys be hym & hyse maad Also it is 
cuvwawnt y' the sayd William xall nowgth pasturyn ner doon w' inne thre peytells ner 
a mong y^ spryng qwer it is newe hewyn w' none other bestys but only w' hors 
& w* coltys w' inne y^ Terme abovesayd And y^ sayd William xall payin or do 
payin in cuvwawnt to y^ sayd Robert & to hys Eyrys a Jens every fFeste of Criste- 
masse a gooss and a Jens every fFeste of Esteryn a capon duryng y^ 5erys abovesayd 
ffor qwych dayis of payment as am a bove rehersyd & alle other cuvwawnts trwly to 
been fulfyllyd on y'' sayd William partye the sayd William is be holden and be hys 
oblygacion bowndyn to y® forsayd Robert Codon in y*^ suwme of .xx". mark of laufull 
mony to payin to y® forsayd Robert to his Eyrys or to hyse attorne? in y® iFeste of y^ 
Anunciacion of owre Lady Marie next folwyng aftyr y^ present wrytyng of qwych 
y'' date is y® secund day of y^ monyth of Octobr y^ 3er a bovesayd Nevertheless y^ 
forsayd Robert Codon wele & grauntyth for hym hys Eyrys & hys executowrys be 
y^ present wryting that 5yiF y'' forsayd Wylliam Bedon or ony other in hys name 
paye or do paye y® summys at ye dayis as it arn a bove rehersyd w' owtyn ony delay 
dury«g y"^ jerys a bove rehersyd And 5yff the forsayd Willyam & hys occupyerys 
fulfyllyw the cuvwawnts in alle thyngge as it been above rehersyd that thanne y^ sayd 
oblygacz'on of .xx". mark stond voyd & for nowgth be had. And in y^ faute of ony 
day or cuvwawnt brokyn as is a bove rehersyd duryng y^ Jerys a bovesayd thanne y® 
sayd oblygaci'on of .xx". mark at all tymys stand in hys strengthe & vertu ony 
payment beforn had nowgth w' standyng In wittnesse & record of all thyng as it is 
a bove rehersyd on bothe partyis trwly to been holdyn eythyr part to otherys indenture 
hys seell hath sett day and 5er a bove sayd- 



The numbers refer to pages only, but see Table of Cross References post. Many 
names occur more than once on a page, but this is not indicated in this index. 



... 206 

Abbott, pedigree... 

... 283 

Abbottes Flatt 

... 126 

Abde, Adam de ... 

... 5 


... 96 

Aberdeen, University of 

... 96 

Abraham, Mr. (Sheffield) 

... 312 

Abson, William ... 


Acard, Thomas ... 

... 258 

Acaster, Acastre, Selby... 

... 24 

Acklan, Jonath ... 

... 203 

Acre, The 

... 182 

Acre Lands 

... 41 

Actone, Ralph de 

... 6 

Acy, Robert 

... 214 

Adam, presbyter of Pontefract... 100 

Adam (son of Hugh) 


Adams, Theophilus 

... 205 

Adamson, Robert 

... 159 

Adderley, pedigree 

... 282 

Addewyk, Henry de 

... 8 

Addewyke, Agnes de 

... 22 

Addewyke, Robert de ... 

... 22 

Addinall, John ... 

... 80 

Addy, Anne 

... 96 

A ddy, pedigree 

... 283 

Addy's " Beauchief " 


Addy's " Waltheof " ... 

... 161 

Aden, pedigree 

... 282 

Adlington, pedigree 

... 282 

Adwick-le-Street, see Athewyk... 260 

Agbrigg, CO York 280 

Agincourt 279,292 

Ainstie, CO York ..278 

Airy, G. B 293 

Akeroyd, pedigree ... ... 283 

Alan, John 21 

Alan, Robert ... ... ... 16 

Alan, of Trumflet ... ... 6 

Alastre, Emma de ... .. 18 

Alastre, Nicholas de ... ... 18 

Alayn, John 23 

Alayn, Robert 118, 121 

Alberts 262 

Alcok, Alcoke, Margaret ... 32 
Aldam, co Essex 247 


Aldam, pedigree... ... ... 283 

Aldam, Thomas ... ... ... 77 

Aldebregh, CO Suffolk 219 

Alder, see Alger, Algar 47 

Aldermanbery, London... ... 317 

Alderson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Aldhowse, Francis ... ... 244 

Aldows, Richard... 225, 226, 227, 228 
Aldows, Aldowes, Aldous, Aldus, 
Thomas ...225,226,227,228 

238, 239, 242 

Aldred, pedigree 283, 285 

Aldridge, John 250 

Aldus, John 303 

Aldwarke 7,8,29,45,51 

Alen, John 14,141 

Alesby, co Derby ... ... 147 

Alestree, Alestrie ... 145,147,161 

Alexander 264 

Aleyn, John 19,115,116 

Alfreton, Alferton ... 124,316 

Algar, Agnes 48 

Algar, Alger, John ... 47, 48 

Alice, widow ... ... ... 112 

Alington, CO Suffolk 240 

Allcard, pedigree ... ... 283 

Allelye, Robert 40 

Allen & Son, Richard (Notting- 
ham) 291 

Allen, Elizabeth 162 

Allen, Katherine... ... ... 162 

Allen, Mary or Marie ... 162, 165 

Allen, Allin, Allyn, John. ..83, 84, 135 

136, 137, 162, 164, 165 

Allen, pedigree 283,284 

Allen, Robert 242 

Allen, Thomas ... ... .. 250 

Allen, William 132,136 

Aliens Land (in Himsworth) ... 128 
Allerton By water ... ... 141 

Allestrie, Allestry, co Derby. . . 160, 162 
AUestry, Allestrye, William... 167, 197 
Alletson, pedigree ... ... 282 

Alleyn, Alleyne, John, see Allen 

136, 155 
Allott, pedigree 283 



All Saints Church, Rothefham... 306 
AUsopp, Durant... ... ... 77 

Allured, Coll 269 

Allwene, Edward 210 

AUwood, pedigree 282 

Alman, Thomas ... 212, 215, 217 

Almann revett ... ... ... 262 

Almowelles, near Doncaster ... 29 

Alpot, William 215 

Alrecuna, Sampson, Samson de. . . 1 00 

Aired, Geoffrey 207 

Alsop, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Alsop, Richard 192 

Alsop, William 99 

Alsope, John ... ... ... 194 

Alsoppe, Martine 172 

Alt, Robert 180 

Alterina, William de 100 

Alton pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Aluene, Gilbert 208 

Alvaston, Derby 116, 153 

Alveton, Sir Andrew de... ... 113 

Alverych, Robert 213 

Alwaston (see Alvaston) ... 116, 121 
Alwaston, manor of ... 113,116 
Alwene, Edmund ... ... 213 

Alwene, Edward 209 

Alyne, John ... ... ... 36 

Amable 105 

Ambaston, co Derby ... ... 153 

Amberden Hall, Amberdenhall, 

CO Essex 128, 130 

Amerie, Elizabeth ... ... 60 

Amerie, Isabella... ... ... 60 

Amerie, John ... ... ... 60 

Amerie, Richard... .,. 59, 61, 62 

Amerie, Robert 59, 60, 61 

Amerie, William ... ... 60 

Anderton, pedigree ... ... 282 

Anderton, John ... 

Anderton, Ralph 

Anderton, widow 

Andrews, Mrs. Elizabeth 

Andrews, Andrew, pedigree. ..283, 284 

Angel, pedigree ... 

Angher, Robert ... 

Anglia, Richard de 

Anisley, John de... 

Anston, CO York... 

Anston, John 

Anston registers... 

Antt, pedigree ... 

Appleby, Lancelott 

Appleby, pedigree 

Appelknolle, co Derby 


277, 308 
248, 249 

Appletree Furlong (Hope) ... 193 
Appleyard, Thomas ... 37,40 

Apull Tre Well Hyll (Ravenfield) 26 
Archaeological Institute... ... 277 

Archer, Archere, Edmund ... 35 
Archyngton, Robert ... ... 47 

Ardern, Avice de ... ... 11 

Ardern, William de ... ... 11 

Arderne De, pedigree ... ... 311 

Arkehill Carr 183 

Arkesay, Arkesley ... 20, 25 

Arkesay, John de ... ... 10 

Armeroid, Richard ... ... 59 

Armfield, Robert 274 

Arm iger, John ... ... ... 243 

Armiger, Margaret 237 

Armitage, Anthony 69 

Armitage, Jose ... ... ... 92 

Armitage, John 24, 55, 72 

Armitage, Rebecka ... ... 72 

Armitage, Roger ... ... 55 

Armstrong, pedigree 282 

Arnald the presbyter ... ... 100 

Arowsmithe, Arousmithe, Arou- 

smy the, William ... 11,12,14 

Arrundell 203 

Arrundell, Countess of ... ... 259 

Arthur, I. and J 78,167 

Arthur, John 94 

Artillery, Royal Regiment of ... 251 

Arton, John 23 

Arton, Nicholas 23 

Arundel & Surrey, Thomas, Earl 

of 61,63,64,65,66 

Arundell, Earle of 201 

Arundle, pedigree ... ... 283 

Ashall, pedigree .. . ... ... 283 

Ashbourne, Ashborne, Ashburne 

145, 150, 288, 311 
Ashbourne Church, Derbyshire 

(monumental inscriptions in) . . . 288 
Ashby, pedigree .. . ... ... 283 

Ashe, George ... ... ... 173 

Ashe, John 277 

Ashe, Peter 191 

Ashes (Norton) ... 155, 173, 175, 303 
Asheson, Edmund ... ... 141 

Asheton, Samuel... ... ... 47 

Ashford, co Derby ... 131, 168 

178, 187, 303 

Ashford, manor of ... 168, 170, 171 

172, 174, 178, 180, 181, 182 

Ashford, Court Baron of ... 132 

Ashford in the Water 277 

Ashforth, pedigree 283 





Ashforth, John ... 

... 274 

Attkin, Elizabeth 

... .. . 


Ashley, pedigree 

... 282 

Attkin, Hellen ... 


Ashmore, John, Jo 


Attkin, James ... 


Ashmore, pedigree 

... 283 

Attkin, Richard ... 

... ... 


Ashover, co Derby 

. 177,316 

Attorney General 

... 201 


Ash ton, pedigree ... 

... 283 

Attorney General v 

. Shore 


Ashton, Antony ... 

... 272 

Atwell or Bywater, 

Richard . . . 


Ashton, Benjamin 

... 182 

Atwell, Henry ... 


Ashton, Charles 

... 187 

Atwood, Atwoodd, 

A.twodd, Wil- 

Ashton, Dorothy... 

... 187 

liam ... 223, 

224, 225, 226 


Ashton, Josia, Josiah 


Aubrey, bailiff of Cesterf eld ... 


Ashton, Robert ... 181, 187, 191, 194 
Ashton-under-Lyne ... ... 300 

Aslabie, Rafe ... ... ... 68 

Asline, pedigree ... ... ... 285 

Assch, Thomas ... ... ... 118 

Assewell, co Rutland ... ... 205 

Asshe, John 128 

Asshe, Richard 20 

Asshehirst, John de ... 11, 16 

Assheley, William ... ... 126 

Assheton, James... ... ... 128 

Aston, near Rotherham... 98, 153 

268, 324 
Aston alias Cold Aston, co Derby 

141, 167, 180 
Aston Church of Allhallows ...285 

Astonfeild (Hope) 193 

Aston Hall 312 

Aston, manor of .. . .., ... 259 
Aston, register ... ... ... 285 

Aston, William 20 

Atchurch, Geoffrey ... ... 7 

Atefoxhill, Robert 23 

Athelastre, co Derby ... ... 112 

Atherton, pedigree ... ... 283 

Athewyk (Adwick) 25 

Athorpe, pedigree 288 

Athwik, Athwyke, Gilbert de . . . 9 

Atkin, pedigree 283,287 

Atkinson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Atkinson, William 132 

Atkyn, Godfrey ... ... ... 133 

Atkyn, Godfrey 134 

Attebrigg, Robert 18 

Attelonnd, Thomas ... ... 18 

Attepors, John ... ... ... 18 

Attercliffe, Attercliff, Attercliffe- 

cum-Damall 285, 296, 305 

306, 317, 324 
Attercliffe, chapel of ease ... 296 

Attercliffe Milne 85 

Attersley, William 199 

Attewode, John 119 

Attewell, Gilbert 18 

Auckland, pedigree ... ... 283 

Augmentation Office ... ... 103 

Auncell, John 216 

Auncell, Thomas ... ... 216 

Austwick, Liddia ... ... 83 

Avitt, Willyam 127 

Awbry, Adam 212,214 

Axbie, Roland 46 

Ayncourt, John, see Eyncourt ... 110 

Babyngton, Babington, Antony 

124, 125, 132, 133, 134, 135 
Babyngton, Elizabeth ... ... 124 

Babington, Babingtone, Babyng- 
ton, Francis, Frauncis, Francys 

135, 136, 137 
Babington, Babyngtone, Babyng- 
ton George ... 135, 136, 137 

Babyngton, John 133 

Babington, Margerye ... ... 133 

Babyngton, Roland ... ... 36" 

Babyngton, William, Willelmum 

122, 123, 325, 326 
Bachows, Bakhous, Robert... 2 10, 215 
Backhouse, Backehouse Feild... 

162, 164 
Backhouse, pedigree ... ... 283 

Backside, ye ... ... ... 89 

Bacon, Hugh 14, 23 

Bacon, John 210,272 

Bacon, Lord 305 

Bacon, pedigree 283,285 

Bacon, Richard 21, 84 

Bacon,Bacune,Thomas 12,13,14,25,26 
Bacon, William ... 12, 13, 14, 23, 221 
Bacon's "Thesaurus" ... ... 315 

Baddesworth, John ... ... 27 

Badger, pedigree 283 

Badsworth, co York 278 

Badyngham, Badingham 215, 238 
Baggaley, Baggelye, John 147, 151 
Baggaly, pedigree 283 




Bagnall, C 


Bagnall, Tho ... 


Bagshaw, Agnes 


Bagshaw, Charles 


Bagshaw, Henry 


Bagshaw, Mary ... 


Bagshaw, Nicholas 


Bagshaw, Richard 

191, 192, 197 

Bagshaw, Samuel 

... 190, 191 

Bagshaw, Bagshawe, William, 

96, 190, 191, 192 

Bagshawe 273 

Bagshawe, Adam ... ... 304 

Bagshawe Family ... ... 320 

Bagshawe, George ... ... 165 

Bagshawe, James ... ... 150 

Bagshawe, pedigree ... ... 284 

Bagshawe, Bagshaw, Robert 157, 158 
Bagshawe, Thomas ... 180, 181, 182 
188, 193, 240 
Baildon, Baldon, Walter ... 35 

Bailes, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Bailey, pedigree... ... ... 285 

Bailey, Richard (Castle Dyke)... 314 
Bainton, John ... ... ... 55 

Baite, James ... ... ... 138 

Baite, Phillip 138, 139 

Bakeburne (Ecclesfield) ... 3 

Baker, Charles ... ... ... 183 

Baker, Francis, F ... 162,167 

Baker, John 88,255 

Baker, Nicholas 219 

Baker, pedigree 282,283 

Bakewell, co Derby 187, 192, 316 
Balby, co York ... 27, 28, 74, 77 

78, 80, 260 

Balby Outgange 80 

Baldries (in Marleyford) ... 244 

Baldry, Alice 219 

Baldry, Henry 218 

Baldwin, Christopher ... 80, 81 

Balgie, Adam 272 

Balgie, Edmund 272 

Balguy 273 

Balie, Robert 51 

Balif eld, Robert de 2 

Ball, pedigree 283 

Ball, Thomas 156 

Ballgey, Chris 93 

Balue, Adam de... ... ... 17 

Balston, William 215 

Bamforde House ... ... 155 

Bamforth, John ... 76, 133, 143 

Bamforth, Joseph ... ... 86 

Bamforth, pedigree ... ... 283 


Bamforth, Richard ... ... 76 

Bamforth, Stephen, Stephan 148, 149 
Bamforth, Thomas ... ... 86 

Bamforthe, Leonard ... ... 49 

Banaster, Allen ... ... ... 102 

Banaster, Brygytt ... ... 101 

Banaster, Banester, Bannester, 

Bannyster, Richard ... 101, 102 

103, 104 
Banaster, Thomas ... 101, 103 

Banck Closes, in Woodseats ... 164 
Bancroft, Alexander ... ... 226 

Bancroft, Samuel ... ... 226 

Bancrofte, John ... ... ... 226 

Banes, John ... ... ... 180 

Banestre, Roger... ... ... 29 

Banke, near Castleton ... ... 182 

Bank Field, Bankefield... 90, 92 

Bankrupcy, Commission of ... 98 
Banks, Jonathan ... ... 312 

Banks, Joseph J. ... 85, 86, 87, 88, 91 

92, 190 

Banks, Robert 86, 87 

Banner Crosse, Banner Cross, 

Bannercross ... 85, 91, 175, 176 

177, 194, 198 

Bannister, pedigree ... ... 283 

Banyard, Richard ... 210,211 

Banyard, Robert ... 213, 214, 216 

Barbar, Barber, Francis 158, 183 

Barbar, Barber, Roger ... 158, 166 
Barber, Humphrey ... ... 183 

Barber, John 182 

Barber, pedigree ... 282,283 

Barber, Barbu, Robert ... 42, 100 

Barber's Fields 298 

Barbot, Thomas... ... ... 7, 8 

Barbott, Robert 26 

Barbour William ... 20,28 

Bardley, Lawrence ... ... 44 

Bardwell, pedigree ... ... 287 

Barelawe, Arthur ... ... 44 

Barelawe, Thomas ... ... 44 

Baret, Thomas ... ... ... 122 

Barfitt, Thomas 127 

Bargayn, Elias ... ... ... 21 

Barkar, Roger ... ... ... 36 

Barkehouse Feild 172 

Barkepoole ... ... ... 269 

Barker, Barbara... ... ... 203 

Barker, Francis... 89, 128, 174, 181 
Barker, John ... 41, 203, 241, 322, 323 
Barker, pedigree ... 282, 283, 284, 287 
Barker, Samuel ... ... ... 205 

Barker, William 47, 182 




Barkhous, Marjory de, Marjorie 119 
Barkhous, Robert de ... ... 119 

Barkhous, William de 119 

Barlborough, Barlebrough, Barl- 

burgh 105, 108 

Barlewick, Barlewike ... ... 102 

Barley 125 

Barley, Robert de 122 

Barley, Thomas de ... ... 122 

Barlow, Francis... ... ... 81 

Barlow, Katerine ... ... 81 

Barlow, pedigree ... ... 283 

Barlow, registers of ... ... 308 

Barnard, William 237 

Barnbrough, Baronbroughe... 

98, 270, 277 
Barnby Bassall ... ... ... 57 

Barnby Dun 277 

Barnebowe, CO York ... ... 183 

Barneburgh, John de ... ... 13 

Barneburghe, Thomas de ... 14 

Barneby, Symon of ... ... 6 

Barneby, Thomas ... ... 6 

Barneby, William de ... ... 8 

Barnefathir, Barnfadre, Henry... 

Barnerd, Richard ... ... 126 

Barnes, John 148, 149 

Barnes, Joseph ... ... ... 274 

Barnes, pedigree ... 282,283 

Barnes, Robert 148, 149 

Barnes, William ... ... 146 

Barnesley, Barnsley...88, 94, 189, 299 

Barney,, Robert 239 

Barningham, Barnyngham ... 16,260 
Barnoldswick Moor ... ... 103 

Barnoldswicke Coates ... ... 104 

Barnoleswyke, Barnoldsweke, 
Barnoldswick, Barnoldswicke, 
Barnolswick, Barnolswicke, see 
Bernolveswick ... 101,102,103 

104, 265 

Barnolf, Barnolt 102,104 

Barr, the (Doncaster) ... ... 74 

Barraclough, pedigree ... ... 283 

Barrand, James ... ... ... 41 

Barrett, Thomas ... ... 248 

Barrow, pedigree ... ... 282 

Barrowe on Trent ... ... 180 

Barrowe, William, alias Lick 
Barrowe (Alderman) ... ... 74 

Barrten, Chryster 135 

Barry, Geoffrey 200 

Barston ... ... ... ... 96 

Barten, William 141 


Barthrope, Jonathan ... ... 203 

Bartin, Bartyn, Anthony ... 87, 176 
Barton, Bartyn, Barten, Bartene, 

John ... 126, 129, 131, 135, 163, 176 
Barton, Bartyn, Barten, Thomas, 

126, 134, 135, 136, 150, 166, 169, 178 
Barton, Bartyn, William ... 163, 176 
Bartyn, Joseph ... ... ... 176 

Barwick (?), Robert 77 

Baset, Stephen ... ... ... 117 

Baskafield (?), Ro 149 

Basse, Hugh 109, 110 

Basse, Nicholas 109,110 

Bassett, pedigree ... ... 282 

Bassett, Phillip 80 

Bastard, Margery 106 

Bastard Place (Staveley Wod- 

thorpe) 121 

Bastard, Robert le ... ... 106 

Bate, Francis ... ... ... 143 

Bate, George ... ... 132, 166 

Bate, James... 132, 137, 141, 145, 146 

154, 161, 175, 176, 177, 178, 182, 303 
Bate, Jane ... ... ... 145 

Bate, Jo 175, 184 

Bate, John ... 122, 161, 169, 170, 173 
174, 175, 176, 303 

Bate, Math 173 

Bate, Phillip 138 

Bate, Sarah ... 173,174,176 

Bate, Tho 54 

Bate, William ...147,169,175,176 
Bateman, Thomas ... ... 214 

Bateman, William 289 

Bates, John ... ... ... 68 

Bates, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Bates, Robert ... ... ... 46 

Batteson, pedigree ... ... 282 

Battle, Jo ... 89-90,91,92,190 

Battle, John 90,92,273 

Battle, Mary 93 

Battle, Battey, Battye, pedigree 

283, 287 

Battle, Wm 91,92,93 

Battock, John 207 

Bawtry, co York ...98, 279, 280 

Baxter Leyes ... ... ... 201 

Bayes, John ... ... ... 67 

Bayldon, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bayldon, Walter, see Baildon ... 35 

Bayley, Rd 99 

Baylie, Robert 39 

BaylifFe, John 93 

BayHffe, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bayne, John ... ... ... 17 




Baynes, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bayte, James ... 138, 139, 140 

Beache Leyes ... ... ... 202 

Beachief, BeauchyfF, Beauchief, 
Beaucheife, Beaucheiffe, Bea- 
chifF, Beauchieff, Beauchiff, 
BeauchiefFe, Bewcheife, Beau- 
chiffe ... 41, 109, 110, 123, 125, 126 
128, 147, 148, 152, 154, 155 
159,163,164, 174,176,189 
196, 197, 309, 323 

Beadson, John 274 

Beamounte, Thomas ... ... 55 

Beamont, Henrie ... ... 238 

Beamont, Robert ... ... 238 

Beamounte, Homfrey ... ... 55 

Beamounte, Beaumont, James 55, 234 

Bean Butts 193 

Beanehills, Beanehilles... 47, 48, 58 

Beanhill End 182 

Beard, Sarah ... ... ... 82 

Beardshaw, pedigree ... ... 283 

Beatson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Beauchef, Beauchief, Abbey of, 

Labbeye,see Beachief. 116, 130, 327 
Beauchief, Thomas, Abbot of 35,110 
Beaufey, Sir John de ... ... 112 

Beaumont, Amicia de ... ... 257 

Beaumont, pedigree ... ... 284 

Becclys, Beccles, Becles 216, 238, 243 
Becker, Christian ... ... 184 

Beckett, John 204 

Beckett, pedigree ... ... 283 

Beckham, Bekham, the Abbot of 


Beckitt, Anthony 77 

Bectona, Becton (Beighton) 105, 106 

107, 108 
Becton, Geoffrey de ... ... 108 

Bectona, John of ... 107, 108 

Bectona, Nicholas de ... ... 108 

Bectona, park of ... ... 107 

Bectona, Peter de ... ... 108 

Bectona, Ralph of 107 

Bectona (Beighton), Richard de 

106, 107, 108 
Bectona (Beighton), William de 

106, 107 
Bedde, Thomas del ... ... 19 

Bedford, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bedingfeild, Bedinefield, John 

244 245 
Bedon, William, Willyam, Wyl-' 

liam ... 213,327,328 

Bee, pedigree ... ... ... 283 


Beertrees, see Bertrees (Raw- 
marsh ... ... ... ... 45 

Beet, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Beete, Beet, John ... 66, 304 

Beete, Sir Richard ... ... 22 

Beggen, Thomas ... ... 144 

(Beighton) Beyghton, Bectona, 

Becton ... 105, 106, 107, 108 

115, 117, 119, 120, 184, 282 

312, 316 

Beighton, fields of ... ... 121 

Beighton, John, John de 73, 120, 121 
Beighton, Roger de ... ... 120 

Bek, Simon Atte 206 

Bekerisdyke 200 

Belcher, pedigree ... ... 283 

Beliald, William 33 

Beliard, William 31 

Belis Acre 213 

Belk, pedigree 282 

Belk, Roger 199 

Bell, Richard 47,48 

Bell, Willyam 229 

Bella Aqua, Alice de, see Bellew 5 
Bella Aqua, Thomas de ... 5 

Bellamy, pedigree ... ... 282 

Belle, John 21 

Bellew (de Bella Aqua), Stephen de 7 
Bellew, Thomas de ... .. 4 

Bellingham, Jn ... ... ... 75 

Bellingham, pedigree ... ... 285 

Bello Capite, Abbey of, see Beau- 
chief 126 

Benacle, Benocle, William 

Benet, Anastasia ... ... 216 

Benet, Beneth, Henry. ..209, 210, 211 
Benet, John ... 212, 213, 214, 216 
Benet, Roger ... ... ... 216 

Beneye, Nicholas ... ... 207 

Bennett, Edward ... ... 182 

Bennett, John 253,272 

Bennet, pedigree ... ... 283 

Benocle, John ... ... ... 217 

Benocle, Robert 217 

Bentelane Le ... ... ... 2 

Bentelay, Bentlay ... 20, 21, 25 

Benteley, Hugh ... ... ... 14 

Bentelay, John de ... ... 9 

Bentes at Beasthylles in Norton 141 
Bentihaghe, Bentihaugh, Benti- 

hough 45, 63, 66 

BentilifFe, Joseph 194 

Bentlay, Benteleye, Bentley, 
Bentley Inges, Bentley Ings 72, 80, 94 



Bentelaye, William, William de 

10, 14, 27 
Bentley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bentley, CO Suffolk 242 

Bentley, co York ... 

Bents (Norton) 180, 193 

Beresford, Henry 197 

Berestall, co Buck ... ... 130 

Bereton, Thomas ... ... 25 

Beriffe, William 231 

Berkeley, Robert 198 

Berkenfield, see Birkinfield...l55, 156 
Berly, George ... ... ... 77 

Bernak, Sir Gervase de... ... 107 

Bernard 105 

Berneby, Francis de ... ... 10 

Bernes (Ecclesfield) ... 3,324 

Bemes, Henry de ... ... 6 

Bernes, John de .. . ... ... 6 

Bernes, Ralph de ... ... 6 

Bernes, Thomas de ... ... 3, 6 

Bernolveswick, Bernolveswic, 

see Barnoldswick 
Bernyngham, Bermygham, see 

Barnyngham ... 
Bernyngham, William de 
Bernys, Peter de ... 109,110 

Berrie, Mistress 278 

Berry, Thomas ... 

Berthe Myll 

Berthe, Roger de 
Berton, Sir William 
Bertrees, see Beertrees.. 
Bertrem, Thomas 
Beside Pennyhunck 
Best, Leonard 
Besul, Besehull 



Bete, Adam 
Bete, John 
Bete, Richard 
Betewell, pedigree 
Beverley, co York 
Bibe, John 
Bickersteth, pedigree 
Bierley, Ecclesall 
Bigger, F'rancis 
Biggin, pedigree. 
Biggin, Isaac 
Biggin, Mr. 
Biggin, Thomas 
Biggin, William . 
Biggs, Jherom 
Bigin, Edward 

... 67 

... 16 

... 247 

... 5 

... 16 

... 41 

... 121 

... 10 

... 168 

... 48 

... 106 

... 108 

... 33 

... 34 

... 282 

... 38 

... 121 

... 285 

... 187 

... 144 

282, 283 

195, 304 

... 287 

144, 169 

... 177 

235, 236 

... 169 


Bigland, Henry 245 

Bilbeleye, CO York ... ... 2 

Bilberry Reservoir,nearHolmfirth 277 
Bilbowe, John ... ... ... 45 

Bilbrough, co York 95 

Bilhagh 324 

Bilham, co York ... ... 68 

Bilhil, CO Wilt 52 

Bill, Charles 317 

Billam, Thomas ... 69 

Billowe, John 46 

Bilyald, John 32 

Bindley, Richard ... ... 53 

Binger, John 109 

Bingham, pedigree ... 282, 283 
Bingham, Francis ... ... 198 

Bingham, George ... ... 198 

Bingham, Hugh 198 

Bingham, John 173, 198 

Bingham, Mary 198 

Bingham, Sarah... ... ... 198 

Bingham, Thomas ... ... 196 

Bingley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Binks, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Binney, pedigree ... ... 287 

Binns, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Biram, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Birchehod, Birchehed, Robert 30, 32 

Birchenlee (Hope) 165 

Birchett, Birchetts 129, 138, 147 

Birchett, co Derby 154 

Birchett More 150,151 

Birchett, parish of Dronfield ... 156 
Birchewodd, William, see Byrch- 

wod ... ... ... ... 29 

Birchinlee, parish of Hope 158, 168 
Birchmyll, co Essex ... ... 248 

Birchovere, William ... ... 113 

Birdsall, John 265 

Birkbeck, Tho 78 

Birkinf eilds, Birkinfields, Birken- 

field, Birkenfeild, Birkin Feild 

86, 91, 162, 164, 172 

Birkin Meadow 84 

Birkinshaws ... ... ... 63 

Birkinshaw, Gartrude, Gartrud 61 
Birkinshaw, Birkinshawes, Richard 


Birks, pedigree 283, 287 

Birlay 324 

Birley, Henry 20 

Birley, John 99 

Birley, Nicholas 189 

Birley, pedigree ... 283 

Birley, Thomas ... ... ... 189 




Birstall 267 

Bishop, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bishop, Thomas... ... ... 204 

Bishopsgate, parish of ... ... 250 

Black, Dr 305 

Black-bills 262 

Blackburn, James Carrington ... 253 

Blackden, Robert 187 

Blackelowe 132 

Blacke Storth 155 

Blackham, Benjamine ... ... 205 

Blackman, James ... ... 41 

Blackpitts, Blackepitts ... 41, 45 

Blacksmith, John ... ... 53 

Blackstocks Old Storth 174 

Blacksware, co Hert ... ... 192 

Blackwell, Blackwall 

113, 147, 148, 150, 151 
Blackwell, pedigree ... ... 284 

Blagden, pedigree ... ... 283 

Blake, pedigree 283, 287 

Blakelock 99 

Blakelock, pedigree ... ... 283 

Blakeman, Blakman, William ... 34 
Blakeney, pedigree ... ... 283 

Blanche, Lady 257, 258 

Bland, Charles 248, 249 

Bland, Wm 43, 44 

Blande, John 28 

Blanerowe (Hathersage) ... 171 

Blayke, Anthony 38 

Bleysbye Bank, Bleisbye Banks 41, 45 
Blida (Blyth), Agnes de ... 10 

Blida (Blyth), John de 10 

Blida (Blyth), Laurence de ... 10 
Blinde Lane, Chesterfield ... 170 

Blithe, Anthony 139,140 

Blithe, William 131 

Blobold,Blobould, Blobolde, John 225 
Blobold, Thomas 239, 240, 241 

Blobold, Blobould, William 222, 228 
229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234 
236, 237, 238, 239, 241 
Bloggescroft, Wylleby ... 218, 219 

Blome, John 

.. 211 

Blomes, co Suffolk 

.. 212 


.. 214 

Blomley, Richa 

.. 89 

Blonke (Silcock)... 

.. 316 

Blonks, the 

.. 305 

Bloom, pedigree ... 

.. 283 


.. 257 

Blount (de Blundo) Adam 

.. 6 

Bloys, Blois, Lady Jane 

.. 246 

Blunt, John 

.. 145 


Blyford (co Suffolk) 216 

Blynde Lane, Chesterfeild ... 150 

Blyth (Blyda) 107, 203 

Blyth, Blythe, Charles ... 156, 189 

Blyth, Elizabeth 195 

Blyth, family 167 

Blyth, Jason (?) 156 

Blyth, Margaret 130 

Blyth, Martha 82 

Blyth, Milicent 195 

Blyth, Blythe, alias Rotherham, 

Alice 167, 169 

Blyth, Blythe, alias Rotherham, 

Dorothy 167, 169 

Blyth, Blythe (alias Rotherham, 

Rotheram), John ... 11, 141 

166, 167, 168, 169 

Blyth, Blythe (alias Rotheram), 

William ... 123, 124, 126, 141 

161, 167, 169 

Blythe, Blyth, Anthony 136, 137 

138, 139, 154, 179 

Blythe Chapel, at Norton Church 307 

Blythe, Jerome 129 

Blythe, Katherine 126 

Blythe, Blyth, Richarde, Richard 

141, 167 
Blythe, Robert ... 126, 129, 139 
Boalehill Smilting House, see 

Bolehill 62 

Boare, Richard ... ... ... 128 

Boare, Thomas ... ... ... 128 

Bobbin-Carr ... ... ... 67 

Bocher, Harye ... ... ... 43 

Bocher, William ... 218, 219 

Bockin, Booking, Bockinge, 

Thomas 86, 91, 272 

Becking, Christopher ... ... 193 

Booking, pedigree ... ... 284 

Booking, Bockinge, Ralph 193, 263 

Bockinge, Roberte 272 

Boden, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Bodleian MS. History of Kirk- 
stall 264 

Bodleian Library ... ... 106 

Bodleian manuscript . . . 264, 265 
Boghtts Edges, Boghtts Eddges (?) 119 

Bohun, Edmund 243, 246 

Bohun, Humfry 242 

Bolande, BoUande, BoUand 101, 103 
Boldero, Longus ... ... 95 

Bolehill, Boolehylles, see Boale- 
hill 62, 131, 156, 192 

Bolehill Common ... ... 169 

Bolesovere, Walter de ... ... 108 




Bolhome, Robert 22 

Bol, parkof 112 

Bollok, John, see Bullock ... 123 

Bolome, John 25, 27 

Bolsover, co Derby ... 189, 282, 302 

Bolsover Castle 289, 292 

Bolsover, manor of ... ... 188 

Bolsover, Margaret, Margarett... 151 
Bolsover, Martyn, see Boulsover 151 
Bolsover, Mary ... ... ... 157 

Bolsover, Richard ... ... 151 

Bolsover, Thomas .. ... 127 

Bolyngton, Alice de ... ... 17 

Bolyngton, Bollyngton, Walter 

15, 17, 27 
Bonay, church of ... ... 200 

Bonde, Thomas ... ... ... 188 

Bouham, Alexander Comyn, Earl 

of 258 

Bonnerfeld (Ecclesall) ... ... 35 

Bonsall, co Derby ... 179, 305 

Book of Aids, The 258 

Book of Knights' Fees, The ...259 
Booker, pedigree ... ... 282 

Booker, William 93 

Boote, Danl 314, 315 

Boote, Ralph 150 

Boote, widow 147, 150 

Booth, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Booth (of Barton) 286 

Booth (of .Cordlying Parke) ...286 
Booth (of Handsworth Wood- 
house) 286 

Booth (of Pontefract) 286 

Booth, George ... ... ... 185 

Booth, Henry (of Taddington) . . . 303 

Booth, J, John 88, 132 

Booth, Nicholas 132 

Booth, pedigree ... 282, 283, 287 

Boothby, pedigree ... ... 287 

Boothby, Sir Brooke, Bart. ...288 

Boothe, Robert 139 

Boothesway (Hathersage) ... 171 
Boraston, Edward ... ... 147 

Bore, Thomas ... ... ... 194 

Bore, William 147 

Borhed, Borhead, William 209, 210 

212, 214 
Boro, John ... ... ... 150 

Borrett, Borratt, Edward 235, 236 

Borrett, Margaret 223 

Borrett, Robert 220, 223 

Borrowe ... ... ... ... 273 

Bosevile, Bossevile, John 85, 167 
Bosevyll, Agnes... 14 


Bosevyll, Bosvell, Bosevylle, 

William 12, 14 

Bosley, pedigree... ... ... 284 

Bosse, Adam ... ... ... 6 

Bossevile, Elizabeth ... ... 59 

Bossevile, Richard ... 59, 61 

Bossevile, Nicholas ... ... 62 

Bossevile, Bosvile, Bossvile, 

Thomas 167, 190 

Boston, Lincolnshire ... ... 118 

Boston, Samuel ... ... ... 239 

Boswell, Henry ... ... ... 26 

Boswell, Henry ... ... ... 26 

Boswell, Thomas ... ... 26 

Boteler, John le 10 

Boteler, Margaret le 10 

Boteler, Robert 215 

Botham, pedigree ... 84,282 

Botham, Anne ... ... ... 151 

Bothom 84 

Bothefelddel 8 

Botherod, le (in Hopton) ... 114 

Boton, William 114 

Botreaux, Lord de ... ... 259 

Botreaux, Mary, Lady ... ... 256 

Botreaux, William, Lord ... 258 

Botreaux, Sir William de ... 258 

Bott, Mr 202 

Bottomley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Botwright, Thomas 229 

Bougham, George 76 

Boulsover, Martine ... ... 151 

Boulsover, Nicholas ... ... 151 

Boultbee, pedigree ... ... 283 

Boulton, CO Derby ... ... 153 

Boundys, William ... ... 216 

Bourne, Mrs 309 

Bourne, Thomas ... ... 147 

Bowcheif, CO Derby ... ... 153 

Bowden (High Peak) ... 190, 191 
Bowden, George ... ... 191 

Bowden, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bower, George ... ... ... 191 

Bower, Isaac ... ... ... 99 

Bower, John ... ... ... 135 

Bower, pedigree ... 282, 283, 284 

Bower, Richard 141, 147 

Bower, Robert 191 

Bower, Thomas ... ... 87,90 

Bower, Wm ... ... ... 96 

Bowis, W. le 103 

Bowler, James ... ... ... 225 

Bowler, John 225 

Bowman, Robert ... ... 43 

Bowman, W 307 




Bown, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Bowre, Thurstan del ... ... 122 

Box, Edward 78 

Boxstead, Thomas ... ... 91 

Boyard, Coll 269 

Boylston, co Derby ... ... 180 

Boythorpe, Chesterfield... 180,188 
Boythorpe, manor of ... ... 159 

Boynill, John 117 

Br. ... , John 153 

Brachenleia, Waste ... ... 100 

Brachineleia (Brachenley or 

Brachinel) 100 
Bradberry, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bradbery, Ellis 136 

Bradbery, Otwell 129 

Bradburne of Bradburne, pedigree 311 
Bradbury, Joseph ... ... 180 

Bradbury, Nich 155 

Bradbury, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bradbury, Roland 182 

Braddill John 103 

Braddyll, Anne 103 

Braddyll, Edwarde, Edward, 102, 103 
Brademershe ... ... ... 8 

Bradfeild, Bradfield, Bradfeld, 

Bradefeld ... 88, 98, 161, 277 

316, 324 
Bradfield, chapelry of, co York... 

73, 90, 91, 146 
Bradfield, parish registers ... 316 

Bradford 299 

Bradford, Richard ... 72, 74 

Bradforth, Richard ... 68, 72 

Bradgate... ... ... ... 37 

Bradlaygrange ... ... ... 27 

Bradley, H 318 

Bradley, H. (Chesterfield) ... 289 
Bradley, pedigree ... 283,284 

Bradley, Richard ... ... 58 

Bradley, Thomas ... ... 150 

Bradocke, Martin 272 

Bradshaw, CO Derby ... 190,191 
Bradshaw, pedigree ... ... 282 

Bradshaw, Edward ... ... 131 

Bradshaw, Francis ... ... 190 

Bradshaw, Geo ... ... ... 191 

Bradshaw Hall 191 

Bradshaw, Lucy ... ... 190 

Bradway, Bradwey, Bradwaye, 
Bradweys ... 41, 126, 129, 147, 150 
151, 158, 159, 163 
187, 194, 196, 322 

Bradwell, co Derby 190 

Bragge, pedigree 283 

Braham, Eustace 
Brailesford, Henry 
Brailesford, Phoebe 
Brailesford, Penelope ... 
Brailesford, Sir Roger de 
Brailesford, Thomas 


... 159 
... 178 
... 178 
... 178 
... 110 
... 178 

Brailsford, Braylesford, John, 99, 172 
Brailsford, pedigree ... ... 283 

Brailsfrord, co Derby ... ... 180 

Braine, John ... ... ... 238 

Braithwell, Braithewell, Brayth- 

well, Braithewelle, Braywell, 

Braythewell.l7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 

24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 

59, 60, 62, 95, 98, 253, 260, 270 

Braithwell, church of ... ... 31 

Braithwell, Braythwell, fields of 

19, 30, 31, 32, 33 
Braithwell, register ... ... 285 

Braithwell, Sir Hugh, vicar of 

19, 21, 23 
Brakhawe, CO York ... ... 21 

Brakynhill, near Doncaster ... 20 
Bramall, John ... ... ... 86 

Bramhall, Ellis 165, 166 

Bramhall, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bramelay, Bramley 2, 57, 95, 270 
Bramley, Adam de ... ... 16 

Bramley, Bramley, John de ... 15 
Bramley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Brammall, D 99 

Brammall, pedigree ... ... 283 

Brampton, co York ...5, 98, 106, 145 

150, 151, 194, 240 

Brampton, Amy... ... ... 243 

Brampton, Ann 243, 244 

Brampton, Edward ... 243, 244 
Brampton, Elizabeth ... ... 243 

Brampton, Moore ... ... 159 

Brampton, Sir John de ... ... 5 

Brampton, Thomas ... ... 243 

Brampton, William ... 19,243 
Bramwell, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bramwith (?) , William 8 

Bramwythe, Geoffrey de ... 8 

Bramwythe, Bramwith, Nicholas de 

16, 19 
Bramwyth, Bramwith, Robert de 

9, 10 

Brandrith, Micah 198 

Branford 215 

Braunforth 216 

Branscroft (Doncaster) ... ... 28 

Branson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Brashaw, pedigree ... ... 283 




Brashaw, Thomas ... 83, 84 

Brassington, co Derby ... 179, 305 

Bray, Roberte, Robert 272 

Brayles, Simon ... ... ... 215 

Braylesford, Nathaniell 172 

Braylesford, Tymothy ... ... 172 

Brayshaw, George ... ... 83 

Breadhurst, Edward ... ... 272 

Brearcliffe, pedigree of 285, 286 

Brearelye, Breareley, Lawrence, 

Laurence 147, 151 

Brearley, CO York ... ... 53 

Breary Feild 155 

Brearye Doles ... ... ... 158 

Breck, parish of Staveley ... 197 

Brelsforth, Anne 73 

Brelsforth, Alice 73 

Brelsforth, JefFray ... ... 65 

Brelsforth, Mary 73 

Brelsforth, pedigree 283 

Brelsforth, Robert 87 

Bremington, Sir Peter de Knight, 
see Brimington ... ... 108 

Brennysford, co York ... ... 10 

Brentclyffe, Brendeclyf... 34, 35 

BrentclyfFe, Brendclifif, Brend- 

clifFe, Egge ... 34, 69, 81 

Brerethwisill, Brerethusyl, Rich- 
ard de . . . ... ... ... 5 

Brerey, Fylde 132 

Bret, John de 113 

Bret, William le, 108, 109, 111, 112 

Bret, Willie 321 

Brete, Roger le, Knight ... 108 

Bretland, pedigree ... ... 282 

Bretland, John ... 188,191, 195 

Breton, Roger le ... 109, 112 

Breton, Thomas 26,29 

Bretons, le (Derbyshire) ... 109 

Bretun, Roger 132 

Bretun, Thomas 132 

Brewell CO York 167 

Brewell, Lawrence ... ... 44 

Brewin, pedigree 283 

Brews, Roger 209 

Brews, Thomas 215, 216 

Brews, Wakelin 209 

Brews, William .. . 215 

Brewse, Roger le 208 

Brewster, Alice ... 15 

Briane, John ... ..; ... 25 
Briddocke, John... ... ... 272 

Bridesall, John 264 

Bridge Houses, Bridghouses, 

Brighous 86, 91, 324 

Bridge, William 241 

Bridgehouse Lane ... ... 285 

Bridock, Martin 168 

Brierieflatt alias Brierlieflatt, see 

Bryeryflatt 162 

Briery Field 196 

"Brigantes, The" 307 

Brigg Meadow 94,95 

Briggs, John ... ... ... 80 

Bright, Dorothy 187 

Bright, Dyonise 144 

Bright, Elizabeth, 76, 79, 89, 304 

Bright, Ellena 81 

Bright, family 187, 314 

Bright, Gartred, Gartrude, 75, 

76, 187 

Bright, Hannah 187 

Bright, Brighte, Henry, 47, 75, 76, 77 
79, 80, 86, 144, 181, 187 

Bright, James 67, 92 

Bright, Bryght, Brighte, John, 42, 62 

63, 64, 75, 77, 79, 81, 85, 86 


129, 135, 175, 176, 177, 188 

190, 192, 194, 195, 198 

Bright, John (of Chesterfield) ... 304 

Bright, Joseph, 89, 90, 91, 93, 304 

Bright, Mary ... 94, 95, 188, 189 

Bright, Nicholas 194 

Bright, pedigree ...282, 283, 284, 285 

Bright, Richard 36 

Bright, Robert 62,63,161 

Bright, Saml, Samuel, 91, 93, 195 

Bright, Stephen 66 

Bright, Thomas, 67, 69, 75, 77, 

81, 87, 89, 94, 95, 144, 180, 187 
Bright, Thomas (of Badsworth) 311 
Bright, William ... 64, 76, 90, 195 

Brighthouse bridge 267 

Brightmore, pedigree 283 

Brightmore, Wm 301 

Brighton, co Derby 67 

Brightside, Brightsyde, 56, 65, 67, 68 
69, 70, 71, 81, 86, 91 
92, 297, 301, 303 
Brimington, Brymyngton, ... 

108, 124, 197 

Brimyngton, Anker de 120 

Brimyngton, John de 120 

Brindcliff, Brencliffe, Edge Com- 
mon, see Brentcliffe and Bryn- 

declifl 7i_ 80, 94 

Bnnsford, Brinesford 8 

Brinsforth (Brinsworth) "' 81 
Britone, Ralph 105 




"British Weights and Measure," 

C. M. Watson's 5 

Britt 282 

Brittain, pedigree ... ... 283 

Briwere, pedigree ... ... 286 

Broad Arrowhead ... ... 192 

Broad Halfe Acre 171 

Broad Meadow, Brode Meadowe 

85, 132, 178 

Broad Pittfield ... 178 

Broadbent, pedigree ... ... 287 

Broade Water ... ... ... 155 

Broadfeild (Sheffield) ... 67,68 

Broadhurst, pedigree ... ... 283 

Broadley 96 

Broadwater, the... ... ... 273 

Broadwood, Broadwoode, Broad- 
woods (Ashford) ... 168, 171 

Brock, Edw 193 

Brock, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Brocker, John 249 

Brocksopp, John ... ... 188 

Brodegappe ... ... ... 30 

Brodegate, Broad Gate .. 20, 31 

Brodehead, Robert ... ... 61 

Brodinge, co York ... ... 35 

Brodwaye, see Bradway ... 150 

Brokden, Brogden, Brockden, 
Brokeden ... 101, 102, 104 

Brokden Edge 103 

Broke, Humfrey 224 

Broke, Meydowe ... ... 131 

Brokedyssh, CO Suffolk .. . ... 215 

Brokeshed, co Essex ... ... 126 

Brokett, Thomas 24 

Brokhouse, Edmund ... ... 35 

Brome Storthe, Broom Storth, 
Broomstorthe, Broome- 
storth ... 146, 160, 161, 177 

Bromeflatte (Ravenfield) ... 23 

Bromehead, Bromhead, Henrv 

84, 85 
Bromehead, Bromhead, Mary ... 84 
Broweley, James ... ... 77 

Bromesland, CO Suffolk .. . .. 237 

Bromhead, John 84,205 

Bromhed, Thomas ... ... 146 

Bromley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Bromstead, co Norfolk ... 224 

Broner, John ... ... ... 210 

Brook, Humphrey ... ... 224 

Brook, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Brook, William 221 

Brooke, Frauncis ... ... 52 

Brooke, Furlong 193 


Brooke, John ... ... ... 55 

Brooke, Thomas ... 41, 51 

Brooke, W. & B. Lincoln ... 289 
Brookes, pedigree ... ... 283 

Brookfield, Charles ... 97, 301 

Brookfield, John 97 

Brookhouse, pedigree ... ... 283 

Brookside (Stannington) ... 92 

Broomaly (Norton) 186 

Broome Croft ... ... ... 76 

Broome Hall 81 

Broome, Half Acre ... ... 171 

Broome Pittfield 178 

Broomefeild, Broomfield, Broome 

Field, 54, 76, 90, 173, 175, 303 
Broomewood ... ... ... 171 

Broomhead, Bromehead... 5, 282 
Broomhead (of Aston) pedigree 287 
Broomhead, pedigree ... 283, 285 

Broom Hill 180 

Broster, pedigree ... ... 283 

Brothircroft 206 

Broughton, John ... ... 72 

Broughton, William ... 72, 78 

Brown, Browne, John ... 211, 244 
Brown Edge ... ... ... 273 

Brown, Browne, Broune, John, 

31, 114 
Brown, pedigree... 282, 283, 285, 287 

Browne, Rev. A. B 316 

Browne, Gervase ... ... 153 

Browne, Richard ... 52,53 

Browne, Robert .. . ... 56,153 

Browne, Thomas ... ... 96 

Browne, William 229 

Brownefield ... ... ... 45 

Browneflate ... ... ... 30 

Brownehill, Henry ... ... 185 

Brownell, George ... 143, 145 

Brownell, Henry ... ... 162 

Brownell, pedigree ... ... 283 

Brownell, Richard 128 

Brownell, Robert ... ... 136 

Brownell, William ... 145,T76 
Brownerigge, Michell ... ... 42 

Brownley, Leonard ... ... 202 

Brownswood alias Brondeswood, 
Browdswood (co Middlesex), 

manor of 249,250 

Broxtow, CO Nott 292 

Brugden, CO York 102 

Brumnehough, co York... ... 103 

Brundish, co Suffolk ... ... 243 

Brune, Simon ... ... ... 5 

Brungers, co Suffolk ... 238, 240, 241 




Brusby, John I' Anson (Sheffield) 313 

Brushfield, co Derby 187 

Bryant, Thomas, T. ... ... 316 

Bryeryflatt alias Bryerlyflatt, see 

Brierieflatt 162 

Bryght, Bright, Anthony... 

137, 139, 140, 144 
Brygge, Geoffrey atte ... ... 115 

Brykesherth (Brightside) ... 324 

Brymington, Brymyngton, Brim- 

yngton,Johnde, see Brimington 

109, 110, 120 

Brymsford 324 

Bryndecliff, see Brentcliffe and 

Brindcliff 16 

Brytyeves, co Suffolk ... ... 215 

Bubbenell, Sir Henry de ... 118 

Buck, Edward 203 

Buck, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Buck, Thomas ... ... ... 171 

Buck, William 173 

Buckingham, Duke of ... ... 270 

Buckle, Joseph 97,98 

Buckley, Jo 130 

Buckleye, WilHam ... ... 51 

Buckston, Ruth 250 

Buers, co Suffolk, see Bures ... 231 

Buggyn 102 

Bukeshertre, Adam de ... ... 6 

Bull Butts alias Shortheads ... 73 

Bull, William 182 

Bullas, Robert 84,270 

Bulle, the 68 

Buller, Thomas 223 

Bulli, William de 101 

Bulloc, Bullok, Agnes ... 120, 122 
Bulloc, Bullok, Bullocka, Bullock, 

John ... 120, 122, 125, 126, 129, 131 

132, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152 

Bullock, Bullok, Alice ... 122,160 

Bullock, Bulloke, Dorothy ... 160, 196 

Bullock, BuUocke, Edward... 

140, 141, 142, 143 
Bullock, Francis ... 158, 160 

Bullock, Bulloke, Isabell ... 160, 196 
Bullock, Katherine ... ... 160 

Bullock, Sarah (of Dronfield) ... 303 
Bullocke, EHzabeth ... ... 143 

Bullocke, Francis ... ... 150 

Bullocke, Bullock, Fraunces, 

Francis ... 142, 143, 145, 154 
Bullocke, George ... 142, 143 

Bullocke, Bullock, Henry... 

142, 143, 145, 154 

Bullocke, Joan ... ... ... 143 

Bullocke, Bullock, Bulloke, James 

133,137, 138, 139,142 
143, 161, 162, 179 
Bullocke, Bullock, Bullok, Bull- 
oke, John, see Bollock ... 133, 134 
137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142 
143, 145, 146, 147, 153, 154 
155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161 
162, 163, 167, 168, 174, 176 
179, 184, 194, 196, 197, 247 

Bullocke, Philip 143 

Bullocke, Bullock, Raffe, Ralph 

142, 143 
Bullocke, Bullok, Bullock, Bull- 
oke, William ... 142,143,163,167 
169, 173, 174, 175, 176 
184, 194, 196, 273, 303 
Bullok, Bullock, James... 124,152 

Bullok, Richard 124 

Bullok, Bullock, Bullocke, 

Thomas ... 122, 123, 126,129 

Bullok, Bullocke, Jo ... 77,79 

80, 160, 325 
Bullok, Bulok, Richard..l73, 174, 175 
Bullok, Bullock, Sarah.,. 174, 176, 185 
Bulloke, Bullocke, Bullock, 
Bullok, Thomas ...83, 138, 139, 156 
162, 163, 168, 185, 196, 325 
Bullus, George ... ... ... 144 

Bullus, pedigree... ... ... 283 

Bungeye, prioress of ... ... 212 

Bunting, pedigree ... ... 282 

Bunting, John ... ... ... 77 

Burbeary, pedigree ... ... 283 

Burdekin, Burdycane, John ... 

Burdekin, pedigree ... ... 287 

Burdet, Sir William 257 

Burdett, Alice 29 

Burdett, Richard 29 

Bures, co Suffolk, see Buers ... 230 
Bures St. Mary, co Suffolk... 229, 231 

Burgery, the 
Burgh, John de, John 
Burghe, Thomas. . . 
Burgias, Alice ... 
Burgilon, Henry le 
Burgis, Francis ... 
Burgoine, pedigree 
Burham, co Suffolk 
Burkitt, pedigree 
Burleigh, co Derby 


... 33 
... 278 
... 27 
... 74 
... 284 
... 221 
... 282 
... 159 




Burleigh Woods, parish Duifeild 163 

Burley 148 

Burley, Burlye, Wood ... 150, 151 

Burley, Burlye 18,147 

Burley, John ... ... .. 76 

Burley, Mrs 185 

Burley Spectator, The ... ... 280 

Burley,Thomas..l75, 176, 177, 185,303 
Burley, Widow ... ... ... 81 

Burndend, co Derby ... ... 183 

Burne, Thomas ... ... ... 151 

Burnellus 101 

Burns, Jo 199 

Burrosse, Burrowes, William . . .44, 132 
Burrowes, Richard ... ... 137 

Burrowes, Robert ... ... 54 

Burrows, pedigree ... ... 282 

Burthroid, Thomas ... ... 69 

Burton, Francis .. . ... ... 179 

Burton, John de... ... ... 255 

Burton, Thomas 176, 177 

Burton, William 52,53,54 

Burton (Beverley) ... ... 38 

Burton, Christopher ... ... 129 

Burton, John 129 

Burton, Richard de, Richard ... 14, 98 
Burton, William de ... ... 14 

Busby, pedigree... ... ... 282 

Bushe, John ... 127 

Busky Medowe 54 

Bussie, John ... ... ... 58 

Butcher, Hugh ... 220,224,227 

Butcher, John..l54, 220, 223, 224, 227 
Butcher, Katherine ... ... 227 

Butcher, pedigree ... 283,287 

Butcher, Richard 220 

Butcher, Thomas ... 227,236 

Butlar, Hary 134,135 

Butler, Edward 205 

Butler, Ro, Robert ... 64,65,66 
Butler, pedigree .. . ... ... 283 

Butler, Thomas 205,221 

Butt, pedigree 282 

Butt, the 267 

Butteler, Hugh le ... ... 6 

Butteler, John le... ... ... 6 

Butteler, Richard le ... ... 6 

Butteram, Butterame, William... 

226, 234, 236, 243 

Butterame, John... 
Buttes, Butts ... 
Buttonhill (Sheffield) 
Buxton, CO Derby 
Buxton, Ant 







Buxton, " The Angel " 
Buxton, Anthony 
Buxton, pedigree 
Byckerton (?), Robert 
Byerley ... 
Byggen, Thomas 
Byrche Myll 
Byrcherodd, William 
Byrchett, Byrchet 




,.. 283,284 



.. 136, 140 




126, 136, 137 

Byrchewod, see Birchewodd, 

William 31 

Byrchit Brocke ... ... ... 137 

Byrkynfeld, see Birkinfields ... 125 

Byrley (Sheffield) 27 

Byrton, William de 21 

Bysshop, Byshoppe, William. ..63, 67 

Bysshopthorp, co York ... ... 24 

Bythewatre, William ... ... 114 

By water, or Atwell, Richard ... 7 

Caarles Medowe... 

... 126 

Cade, Robert 

... 128 

Cade, Thomas ... 

... 67 

Cadeby, co York 

... 80 

Cadman, pedigree 

.. 282 

Cadman, Edwin ... 

... 290 

Caine, Thomas ... 

... 35 

Calamy (D.D.), Edward 

... 309,317 

Caldelowe, John de 

... 5 

Caldelowe, Thomas de . 

... 5 

Caldewell, le 


Caldwell Dale ... 


Caldwell Hall ... 


Caldwell, pedigree 


Caldwell, Wm 


Caley, John 

101, 102, 103 

Calfall, Calfefall 


Calf Crew Close... 


Calfcroft, Pringle 


Calf Heyes 


Calfe Close 


Calfe Leyes 


Callall, Thomas ... 


Callendar, pedigree 


Callender, L : 


Callowe, Calow ... 

.. 119,172 

Calltone, Andrew 


Calton, George ... 


Calton, John 


Calton, Jonas 


Calton, Joshua ... 

186, 188, 195 

Calton, Tho 





Calver, John 227 

Calver, Margaret 224 

Calver, Robert 223,224 

Calver, William 223 

Calverleye, Elizabeth ... 34,35 

Calverleye, Thomas . . . 34, 35 

Calverleye, William ... ... 35 

Calvert, pedigree ... ... 284 

Calvert, Simeon... ... ... 304 

Cam, Thomas ... ... ... 129 

Cambridge, Richard, Earl of (see 

also Connesburgh) ... 30,253,260 
Camden's Britannia ... ... 316 

Camm, pedigree .. . ... ... 282 

Camm, pedigree .. . ... ... 283 

Camme, Thomas ... ... 126 

Cammell, pedigree ... ... 282 

Campsall (Doncaster) ... ... 280 

Canadian Fencible Infantry ... 252 

Candeler, William 209 

Cannon, pedigree ... ... 283 

Canons of Councils ... ... 275 

Canteley, John ... ... ... 9 

Canterbury, Thomas, Archbishop 

of 86,96 









66, 144 


















207, 209 

... 76 

Canterbury, Archbishop of 
Canterbury, Bishop of ... 
Canterbury, William, Archbishop 


Capell (Chapeltown) 

Capella, John de... 

Capella, Thomas (?) de . . 

Capon, Edward ... 

Cappe, John 

Carbonell, Sir William .. 


Carbutt, pedigree 

Cardinall, Mary . . . 

Cardinall Hatt ... 

Cardinal], Cardynall, Humfrey 

Cardwell, pedigree 

Carelhill, William, see Carlyll 

Carewe, Edward 

Carhouse ... 

Carkecke, Raffe ... 

Carlill, Katherine 

Carlill, Richard ... 

Carlill, Robert ... 

Carlton, Elisabeth 

Carlton, John 

Carl(ton?), Luke, the parson of 

Carlyll, Sir William, see Carelhill 

Carlyll, William... 

Carman, John 

Carnall, William 

Carnelly, pedigree 

Carpenter, Roger 


Carr, George 

Carr, John 

Carr, pedigree .. 

Carr, William ... 

Carre, Richard ... 

Carrfeild, Carr Field 

Carrhill, the 

Carrhouse, Greasbrough 



... 5,109,110 

... 56,70,71 


283, 284, 285, 287 



131, 149, 155 


Carrhouse, parish of Rotherham 169 
Carrington, William ... ... 194 

Carrwodd, the ... ... ... 131 

Carter 96 

Carter, William 255 

Carterickfeild 89 

Cartewryght, Alice ... ... 23 

Cartewryght, Ingram ... ... 23 

Cartewryght, Cartwright, Robert 

23, 56, 142 
Cartlaghe, John ... ... ... 122 

Cartlaghe, Richard ... ... 122 

Cartledge, pedigree ... ... 282 

Cartledge, William 179 

Cartlidge, Thomas ... ... 167 

Cartwright, Anthony ... ... 176 

Cartwright, pedigree ... ... 283 

Cartwryght, Cartewryghte, Cart- 
wright, Cartwryte ... 18, 21, 26, 219 
Cartwryght, Thomas ... ... 15 

Carver, pedigree... ... ... 282 

Carver, George ... ... ... 195 

Carver, Marmaduke ... ... 194 

Carver, William... ... ... 69 

Caryll, T 101 

Cashors, Ralph, see Chacchehors 108 
Cashors, Roger ... ... ... 113 

Casilton, see Castleton ... ... 190 

Casse, Paule ... ... ... 244 

Casse, Robert ... ... ... 245 

Casse, Cass, Thomas ... 238,304 
Casson, Samuel ... ... ... 58 

Casteleyn, Castelayn, Castelin, 

Alice 108,109,110 

Casteleyn, Castelayn, Agnes.. 109, 110 
Casteleyn, Edward ... ... 128 

Casteleyn, Castelayn, Rose... 

108, 109, 110 
Castelins Land ... ... ... 128 

Castelton, Castleton ... 119, 158 
165, 166, 168, 179, 182 
183, 184, 191, 298, 312 

Castle of Sheffield 310 

Castle Dike Feild 76 




Castleton Close Side 

... 193 

Castleton, John ... 

... 95 

Castleton, parish church of 

... 182 

Castleton Writings 

... 312 

Catchpoole, Robert 

... 240 

Catcliflfe, CatclifF 


Catlyn, Diana ... 

... 243 

Catterill, William 

... 69 

Cauldwell (?), Thomas ... 

... 231 

Caus, Cause, Robert le ... 


Cautez, Humphrey 

... 35 

Cavell, Robert ... 

... 217 

Cavendish, Arms of 

... 193 

Cavendish, Charles 

... 132 

Cavendish, Henry 

... 132 

Cavendish, Right Hon. the Lord 

James 193, 197 

Cavendish, Nevile, Rev. ... 195 

Cavendish, William ... 132,197 

Caway, Richard 12, 13 

Cawkewell Dale... ... ... 41 

Cawthorn, pedigree ... ... 283 

Cawthorne, Thos ... ... 315 

Cawton, pedigree ... 283, 285 

Caythorpe, co Line ..- ... 204 
Chacchehors, Thomas, see Cashors 

111, 321 
Chalmers, Jo ... ... ... 96 

Chalner, Hugh ... ... ... 44 

Chaloner, Constance ... ... 14 

Chamberlain, pedigree ... ... 283 

Chamberlayne, Chamberlaine, 

Leonard .. ... 43, 46 

Chambers, Edith ... 221, 223 

Chambers, Gabriell ... ... 128 

Chambers, John ... ... ... 168 

Chambers, pedigree ... ... 283 

Chambers, Thomas 221, 223, 225 
Chambreleyn, Chaumbrelay, 

Chaumbreleyn, Thomas ... 19 

20, 23, 25 

Champernoone, pedigree ... 282 

Champion, pedigree ... 283, 284 

Chancery... 131, 174 

Chancery, Court of ... 101, 102 
Chandler, pedigree ... ... 283 

Chantree Croft ... ... ... 169 

Chantry, Sir Francis ... ... 313 

Chantry of the Holy Cross ... 25 
Chapel (Chapeltown), see Capell.. 3, 6 
Chapleyn, Thomas ... ... 129 

Chapman, Christopher, Christofer 

45, 132, 139 
Chapman, Chappman, Chappeman, 

Elizote, Elizot ... 15, 22 


Chapman, Elizabeth ... ... 165 

Chapman, Henry le ... ... 9 

Chapman, Hugh le ... ... 9 

Chapman, Chappman, Chappeman, 

John 15,18,19,22,206 

Chapman, Mary... ... ... 165 

Chapman, Nathaniell, Nathaniel 

55, 147 
Chapman, Richard 164, 165, 166 
Chapman, Robert ... ... 14 

Chapman, Roger... ... ... 209 

Chapman, Thomas 162, 164, 165, 166 
Chapman, Chappman, William le 

9, 14, 22 
Chappell in le Frith, Chapel-en-le- 

Frith ... 165, 190, 191, 192, 277 
Chappell, pedigree ... ... 283 

Chappell, Tho, Thomas 79, 80, 84, 85 
Chappellandes ... ... ... 32 

Chappellthorpe ... ... ... 75 

Chappellyerd ... ... ... 33 

Charitable Society, the ... ... 306 

Charlesworth, Tho ... ... 183 

Charnock Hall 127 

Chasterfelde, see Chesterfield ... 36 
Chatsworth, co Derby ... ... 176 

Chatsworth Volunteers ... ... 289 

Chaumberleyn, Walter ... ... 207 

Chaword, Thomas, see Chaworth 110 
Chaworth, Armsof..ll2, 120, 122, 123 
Chaworth, charters ... ... 288 

Chaworth, heiress of ... ... 124 

Chaworth Herdings ... ... 110 

Chaworth, John de ... ... 110 

Chaworth, pedigree ... ... 288 

Chaworth, Richard ... ... 59 

Chaworth, Thomas de ... 109, 110 

111, 115, 116, 117, 118 

120, 121, 122, 123, 326 

(Chaworth), Thomas de... ... 108 

Chaworth, William de 117, 118, 119 

120, 123 
Chaworthe, Chaworth, George 

38, 58, 59 
Chelmarton ... ... ... 187 

Chelsea ... ... ... ... 312 

Chepe, William ... ... ... 15 

Cherchfeld 213 

Cherrytree, Dole ... ... 146 

Cherrytree House, Sheffield ... 71 
Chester, Constable of ... ... 265 

Chester, Edmund, Bishop of ... 96 
Chesterfeld, Maiorof ye Burroughe 

of 156 

Chesterfield Canal ... ... 318 




Chesterfiisld, Chasterfelde, Chas- 

trefeld, Chesterfeld, Chestre- 

feld.Chesterfeild, Chesterfelde, 

Cesterfeld...36, 89, 90, 92, 93, 


116, 122, 126, 127, 128, 


150, 151, 156, 159, 162, 


170, 172, 178, 179, 180, 


184, 188, 189, 190, 192, 


195, 198, 199, 200, 268, 


291, 304, 307, 308, 316, 


Chesterfield, church of ... 195, 


Chesterfield, Corporation of... 189, 307 

Chesterfield Court of Requests 297 

Chesterfield, deanery of... ... 315 

Chesterfield, Mayor and Alder- 
men of... ... ... ... 189 

Chesterfield, parish church of ... 198 

Chesterfield parish registers ... 315 

Chesterfield De, pedigree ... 286 

Chesterfield School ... ... 313 

Chesterfield, vicar of ... ... 198 

Chevercurt, Jordan de ... ... 108 

Chevercurt, Richard de... ... 108 

Chevercurt, Simon de ... ... 107 

Chevet, parish of Royston ... 195 

Child 96 

Childers, Thomas ... ... 81 

Chilteryn, Thomas de ... ... 10 

Churchfeld, Chirchfelde 213, 214 

Chokes 259 

Chowe, Nicholas ... ... 67 

Christmaslane, Christmas Lane 

238, 241 

Chryst Howse ... ... ... 37 

Church Burgesses of Sheffield ... 301 

Church Feild, Field ... 201, 203 

Church Goods, Inventory of ... 290 

Church Service Book ... ... 275 

Church Street, Rotherham ... 288 

Church Street, Sheffield ... 296 

Church booke ... ... ... 48 

Churchegrene, Church Green ... 

237, 241 

Churchelande (co Rutland) ... 205 
Churches of Derbyshire (William 

Swift) 294 

Churches and Chapels of Sheffield, 

The (Criticus) 295 

Churchwall (of Norton), the ... 130 

Cissy & Markley, Philadelphia 291 

Civil Wars 97 

Civil War, the, Great Civil War 

266, 279 

Claierpittes (see Clay Pits) ... 20 

Clapston, CO Norfolk 222 

Clareweaux, Sir John 
Clark, pedigree ... 
Clarke, pedigree... 
Clarke, Benjamin, Ben 


Clarbour, pedigree ... ... 283 

Clare, Edmund 224 

Clarebrough (co Nott) ... 203, 204 
Clarell, Thomas... 12,23,27,29 
Clarell, Clarel, William 7, 8, 9, 13 

25, 26 
... 255 
... 283 
... 282 
156, 177 
179, 184 

Clarke, Gierke, Cor, Cornelius 77, 79 

176, 177, 179, 184, 187, 303 

Clarke, Cornelius (of Norton) ... 304 

Clarke, Dorothy... ... ... 62 

Clarke, Clark, Godfrey .. . 151, 170 
Clarke, Clerk, John 10, 12, 62, 207 
Clarke, Clark, Nicholas, Nycholas 

127, 128, 151, 159 

Clarke, Philip 246 

Clarke, Clerk, Raphe, Ralph 75, 253 
Classical Meetings at Wirksworth 317 

Claver, Robert ... 


Cla worth (co Nott) 

... 202, 203 

Claworth, fields of 


Clay, pedigree ... 

... 282,285 

Clay Close 


Clay, Godfrey ... 


Clay, Hercules ... 


Clay, Claye, Hugh 

27, 29, 30, 31 

32, 33 

Clay, Jonathan ... 


Clay, Ralph 


Clay, Claye, William 

22, 29, 30, 31 


Clay butts 


Claye, Clay, John 15, 18, 19, 20, 22 
29, 30, 31, 33, 148 
Claye, Clay, Robert 24, 25, 27, 29 
Claylandes, Clay Landes, Clay 
Lands, Cley Landes, Cley- 
landes, Claylands, see Cleil- 
lands (Little Norton)... 13 7, 138,139 
144, 152, 169, 175, 177, 179, 303 
Claylane ... ... ... ... 195 

Claymond, Thomas ... ... 118 

Claypitt, Claypitts, Clay Pitts, 
Cleypytts, see Claierpittes ... 73, 80 

87, 126 
Claypitts, Doncaster (see Claier- 
pittes) 82 

Clayton, Alice 70, 71 

Clayton, Arthur ... 43, 44, 56, 303 
Clayton, Charles ... 56, 71 

Clayton, Gilbert .. . ... ... 83 



Clayton, James ... 
Clayton, Margrett, Margaret 



Clayton, pedigree 
Clayton, Robert de 
Clayton, Thomas 

56, 68, 69 


65, 68, 69, 70 
71, 303 

Clay worth, co Nott, see Claworth 201 
Cleicuna, Hugo de 
Cleilandes, the (see Claylands)... 
Clements Inn, co Middlesex 
Clerk, Adam 
Clerk, Hugh 
Clerk, Richard ... 
Clerk, Yvo 
Clerkson, Richard 
Cleryssone, Thomas 
Cletham, co Line 
Cleveland, Roger 
Cley, Brocke 
Cliff, John del 


Cliff, Rose del 
Cliffe, Clyff 
Cliffe Feild 
Cliffe Feild Closes 
Cliffestygh, Cliffestyghe 
Clifford, Elizabeth Lady 
Clifford, Thomas Lord .. 

Clifforth, lord de 

Cliffyate, Clyff Yate .. 

Cliffs le (Norton) 

Clifton, Clvfton..l9, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 

31, 32, 59, 60, 260, 267, 270 

Clifton, field of 30 

Clifton, Gervase de. Sir Gervase 

Clifton, Clyfton, Robert de 17, 
Clifton, Stephen 




... 11 

... 10 

12, 13 

... 11 

... 29 

... 206 

... 202 

... 8 

... 141 

... 10 

... 10 

54, 185 

... 148 

... 148 

... 20 

... 253 

... 253 

... 114 



Cloke, Clement 

Clonnesmore, see Colnnesmore. 

Close, pedigree 


Close Underbill , 

Clough, Robert 

Clowne, Clown ... ... 179, 

Clubb, Robert 

Clubbe, Clubb, John 235, 236, 

Clubbe, Clubb, William ... 226, 

236, 240, 

Clyffe, le (alias the Clyff Fieldes) 128 
Clyfford, Joan, see Clifford ... 256 
Clyfton, John de... ... ... 17 

Clyfton, the field of 29 

Coacke, WilHam ... ... 224 






Coal Aston, Coldaston, Cold Aston 

124, 135, 136, 142, 159, 169 
179, 180, 181, 186, 195, 312 
Coates, Cotes, Coats, see Cotys... 

101, 102 

103, 282 

Coate Closes ... ... ... 178 

Coates, Cotes, John ... 123,304 
Cobb, Sir Francis ... ... 77 

Cobbe, Jacob ... ... ... 217 

Cobbett, John 235 

Cobbett, William (M.P.) ... 313 

Cobboke, John, see Coboke ... 34 

Cobbold, Maria 240 

Cobbold, William 240 

Cobby, Rev. William 289 

Cobnor Lane, Laine ... ... 140 

Coboke, John, see Cobboke ... 34 

Cock, the 305 

Cockayne, pedigree ... ... 283 

Cocker, pedigree... ... ... 287 

Cockerel], John 247 

Cockerhowse ... ... ... 46 

Cockerstorth, Cockerstorthe ... 140 
Cockeryard, Cockeryarde ... 140 

Cockshut Fylde 132 

Cockshuft Meadow 174 

Cocksons wyffe ... ... ... 201 

Cockswathe in Wand . . . hill (?) 202 
Coddwicke (Toddwicke ?), William 

de 4 

Codon, Robert ... 213,327,328 

Codynhamys, Richard ... 213,327 
Codynhamys, Robert ... 213,327 

Cofin, Robert 38 

Cokayne, of Ashburne, co Derby, 

pedigree ... ... ...311 

Cokayne, of Middleton juxta 

Youlgrave, pedigree ... ... 311 

Coke, Agnes ... ... ... 163 

Coke, Sir Edward ... ... 235 

Coke, John ... ... 38, 163 

Coke, Sir Robert ... ... 163 

Coke, William 219 

Cokhagh, Norton ... 120, 122, 123 

Cokhill 30 

Cokkyng, Ralph 257 

Colby, Thomas de ... 114,243 

Colbron (High Peak) 192 

Coldewell (Ecclesfield) ... ... 3 

Cole Family, Genealogy of ... 286 
Cole, James Edwin ... ... 286 

Coller, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Colley, Coleye (Cowley). ..3, 44, 61, 63 
Colley, Manor of (Cowley)... 64, 65, 66 




CoUey, pedigree ... 283 

Collier, Carus Vale (B.A., F.S.A.) 296 

Collier, pedigree... 283 

CoUice, Richard... ... ... 159 

Collin Feildes 167 

Collin Hay, Hayes ... 191, 192 
CoUingwood, near Melbourne ... 253 
Collyn, Joan ... ... ... 126 

Collyn, Margaret 126 

Colman, Charles... ... ... 160 

Colnnesmore, see Clonnesmore ... 10 
Colonies, the ... ... ... 253 

Colson, William... ... ... 69 

Colton, Manor of 260 

Coltyard 131 

Colver, pedigree... ... ... 287 

Colver or Calvert, pedigree . . . 283 

Colynfeld, Norton 123 

Colyer, pedigree... ... ... 283 

Combys 119 

Common Pleas, Court of ... 157 

Commonwealth, Seal of the ... 170 
Compton (co Derby) ... ... 180 

Comyn, Alexander, Earl of Bon- 
ham 258 

Condie, Condy, Henry ... 159, 160 
Conisborough, Conisbrough, Con- 
nesburgh, Connesburghe, Con- 
nesbrough, Connesbroughe, 
Consbrough ... 10, 24, 30, 31, 59, 61 
93, 255, 256, 270, 274 
Conisborough Castle ... ... 277 

Connesbrough, Court Baron of... 

59, 60, 61, 62 
Connesburgh, Conesbrough, 
Conesburgh, Manor of 

30, 58, 253, 270 
Connesburgh, John de ... 10, 14 

Connesburgh, Lady's Hospice in 256 
Connesburgh, Richard of (seealso 

Cambridge) 30,260 

Connistrete (Coney Street, York) 

Connistreete, Cunnistreete... 37, 40 

42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 58 

Constable's Accounts, Sheffield. . . 266 

Constantino, pedigree ... ... 283 

Cook, Laurence ... ... ... 207 

Cook (Cocus), Cooke, William... 

8, 9, 40, 241 

Cooke, Arthur 129, 133 

Cooke, Edmonde ... ... 130 

Cooke, Francis ... ... ... 46 

Cooke, Cook, George ... 37, 38, 40, 42 

45, 46, 47 
Cooke, Gilbert 135 

Cooks, Jeifery ... 
Cooke, Cook, John 



... 34,42,45,46 
74, 215, 216, 246 
Cooke, Nicholas... ... ... 303 

Cooke, Olyver ... 126 

Cooke, Cook, Richard ...131, 133, 143 
Cooke, Cook, Robert ... 150,211 
Cooke, Thomas ... ... ... 126 

Cooke, Ursula ... ... ... 40 

Cookehills, Close ... ... 203 

Cookwood Side ... ... ... 92 

Coope, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Cooper, Ann ... ... ... 94 

Cooper, Charles Purton... ... 291 

Cooper, George (Hunday, Dron- 

field) 302 

Cooper, John, see Cowper ... 94, 182 
Cooper, pedigree ... 282,283,284 

Cooper, Thomas 94,302 

Coosin, Edward ... ... ... 49 

Coote Medowes ... ... ... 51 

Cootes, Coots, see Coates, Cotys, 

etc 102,103,104 

Copley, John de, John ... 16, 72 

Copley, Hannah 181, 187 

Copley, Revell ... 181, 186, 187, 304 
Copley, Colonel ... ... ... 75 

Copley, Gervase... ... ... 270 

Copies ... ... ... ... 45 

Coptrydyng ... ... .. 27 

Corbold (co Suffolk) 236 

Corbyn, John 219 

Corbyn, Katerine ... ... 219 

Cordeux, pedigree ... ... 283 

Coreswall, co Staff ... ... 191 

Cornell Pingle ... ... ... 193 

Cornicroft (co Derby) ... ... 182 

Comthwaite, pedigree ... ... 283 

Cornwall, Sheriff of 258 

Coroners Quest 269 

Correction, house of ... ... 267 

Corsan, pedigree... ... ... 287 

Cos, Alexander ... ... ... 6 

Costantine, John... ... ... 12 

Cosyn, William ... ... ... 113 

Cote, Thomas ... ... ... 20 

Cotilleer, Isabell... 115 

Cotilleer, Margaret 115 

Cotilleer, William 115 

Coton, Magote ... ... ... 31 

Coton, Robert 25,26 

Cottan, pedigree... ... ... 283 

Cotterell, John ... ... ... 78 

Cotterill, Rev. Thomas 308 

Cottingley Bridge 267 



Cotton, Barbara... 
Cotton, Rolande, Roland 

Cotton, Thomas, T. 
Cotys in Craven, see 

Cootes, etc. 
Couk, John (see Cooke)... 
Couldwell, pedigree 
Coulson, Dorothea 
Coulson, Henry ... 
Coulson, William 
Coulthropp (co York) 
Couper, James ... 
Coupers (co Suffolk) 
Coupland, pedigree 
Court Baron ... 48,61,65,66,84,85 
170, 171, 179, 182,230,241,243 
245, 248, 249, 250, 270, 
Court Baron of Manors of Shef- 


44, 48 

129, 137, 138 

44, 103 


... 103 

.. 35 

.. 283 

.. 72 

.. 72 

.. 72 

., 68 

.. 199 

.. 235 

.. 283 







field and Ecclesall 
Court Baron, of Hope . 
Court of Upper Bench . 
Court of Chancery 
Court of Exchequer 
Court General ... 
Court General with Leet..218, 221, 226 
Court Leets ... 154,240,270,273 

Court Letter, the 129 

Court for Probate of Wills ... 157 
Court of Pleas ... ... ... 235 

Courteney, Thomas ... ... 259 

Coventre, John ... ... ... 122 

Coventry & Lichfield, Consistory 

Court of 
Coventry & Lichfield, John, 

Bishop of 
Cowbaynhyll (Ravenfield) 
Cowclose, Cow Close, Coweclosse 

67, 158, 167, 194 
Cowclose Head ... ... ... 67 

Cowclose or Tenter Close ... 159 
Coweshute Greave ... ... 158 

Cowesitch (Castleton) ... ... 183 

Cowhay (Hathersage) ... ... 89 

Cowin, James ... ... ... 99 

Cowley (Ecclesfield), see Colley 55 
Cowley, Chris, Christopher ... 91,94 
Cowley, James ... ... ... 157 

Cowley, John ... ... ... 144 

Cowley, Leond ... ... ... 99 

Cowley, manor of (see Colley) ... 48 
Cowley, pedigree ... 282, 283 

Cowley, Richard ... ... 149 

Cowley, Robert ... ... ... 157 

Cowlishaw, pedigree ... ... 283 


Cownalle, William de ... ... 17 

Cow Pasture (co Line) ... ... 204 

Cowper, Abraham ... 170, 174 

Cowper, Anne ... ... ... 174 

Cowper, Edward ... ... 65 

Cowper, George .. . ... ... 170 

Cowper, John, see Cooper ... 181 
Cowper, Thomas ... ... 67 

Cowpitt Lane ... ... ... 90 

Cowsick, Cowsitch, see Cowesitch 

158, 166 
Cox, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Cox, Dr. J. Charles 320 

Crabtree (Hope) 193 

Crabtree Closes (Chesterfield) ... 178 
Crab Tree Meadow, Crabtree 

Meadowe (Cold Aston) ... 181, 186 
Cradocke, Craddock, Elizabeth 

248, 249, 250 
Cradocke, Craddok, Craddock, 

John 248,249,250 

Craddock, Zacharias ... ... 250 

Crane, Robert ... ... ... 213 

Crankes (Trees called) ... ... 255 

Crapper, Joshua... ... ... 273 

Crashawe, Edward ... ... 159 

Crashawe, Samuel ... ... 155 

Cratfeld, Crattefeld, Cratfyld, 

Cratfild, Cratfeild, Cratfield, 

(co Suffolk) 214, 215, 216, 219, 222 


Craven, pedigree ... ... 283 

Craven, Whitaker's History of 

264, 265 
Cravene, Robert de ... ... 107 

Crawford, Maior Generall ... 268 
Crawshaw, pedigree ... 283,287 
Crawshaw, WiUiam ... ... 82 

Crawthorne (Rawmarsh) ... 45 

Cree, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Cresbrook (Conisborough) ... 270 
Cressevill, Richard de ... ... 9 

Cresewill, Henry le ... ... 11 

Cressewell Heddeland, Heedeland 

Cresswell, Thomas ... ... 168 

Cresswicke, Francis ... ... 128 

Cresswicke, Creswicke, Creswick, 

Ja, James 54, 55, 56, 63, 64, 65, 67 

69, 70, 71, 73, 144, 146 

147, 153, 154, 161, 166 

Cressy, Hugh de ... ... 19 

Cressy, John 15,18 

Cressy, Cresse, William ... 15, 17, 19 
20, 21, 24, 25, 32 



Cressy, Stephen ... 
Creswell, Anthony 
Creswell, Barbara 
Creswell, Francis 
Creswell, James ... 
Creswell, Nicholas . 
Creswell, Ralph . . . 
Creswell, Rev. S. F. 
Creswick, J. G. A. 
Creswick, pedigree 


24, 25, 30, 33 
190, 191 




190, 191, 194 




283, 285, 287 

Creswick, Creswycke, Creswicke, 

Thomas ... 67, 69, 135, 179, 185 
Creswick, Creswicke, William... 

65, 67, 69 
Creswicke, Jhon... ... ... 43 

Creswicke, Samuell ... ... 82 

Creswickes, of Owlerton ... 309 

Cribb, the (co Suffolk) 242 

Crich and Staveley, co Derby, 

Lords of 288 

Criche, co Derby ... ... 304 

Cricket Inn Close ... ... 195 

Crigleston (near Doncaster) ... 75 
Crimpsall, Doncaster . . . 74, 80 

Cripps, Robert ... ... ... 162 

Cristien, Richard ... ... 207 

Croft, Crofte 68,83, 171 

181, 186, 194, 196 

Crofts, in Hope 193 

Croft, Hugh 174,175 

Croft, The 73, 189 

Croft Side 45 

Croft-on-Tees ... ... ... 255 

Crofts, Croftes, Thomas 87, 213 

Crokedhocks, Adam de ... Ill, 321 
Crokedlandes, Croket Londes 14, 26 
Crokes, Cecilia de ... ... 32 

Crokes, John de, John ... 32,42 

Croket Gappe (Ravenfield) ... 26 

Crokett (Ravenfield) 26 

Cromond, prior of ... ... 254 

Crompeyerd, Crompyerd 22, 32 

Crompton, pedigree ... ... 285 

Crompton, Thomas ... ... 102 

Crooke, Francis ... ... ... 77 

Crooke, Jno ... ... ... 87 

Crookedrood, Crooked Rood 183, 193 

Crookes, Crokez ... 35, 36, 48, 55, 61 

63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 324 

Croockes, Lawrence ... ... 139 

Crookes, Moor of (Sheffield) ... 61 
Crookesmoresyde (Sheffield) ... 54 
Crookes, pedigree ... ... 283 

Cropley, Michael 245 

Cropper, pedigree 283 


Cros, Roger atte ... ... ... 207 

Crosbie, Richarde ... ... 135 

Crosleay, Thomas ... ... 55 

Croslond, Richard ... ... 123 

Crospictell (co Suffolk) 224 

Cross Meadow (co Derby) ... 193 

Cross, the (Doncaster) ... ... 20 

Crossfeild Close (co Derby) ... 193 

Crossis Lane (co Suffolk) ... 213, 214 

Crossis Medewe (co Suffolk) ... 213 

Crossis, in Westhale (co Suffolk) 213 
Crossland, Crosland, pedigree 283, 285 

Crossley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Crowcher, John ... ... ... 249 

Crowe Medowe (co Derby) ... 126 

Croweflatt (co Derby) 126 

Croxall, Edward 98 

Cruche (Criche, co Derby) ... Ill 

Crusley (co Derby) ... ... 77 

Cuckstoole, the ... ... ... 269 

Cudworth, William ... ... 45 

Cuirass ... ... ... ... 262 

Cule, John de ... ... ... 113 

Culpe, Elizabeth le ... ... 7 

Culpe, John le ... ... ... 7 

Cumberledge ... ... ... 282 

Cumin, Pat 199 

Cundell, pedigree ... ... 283 

Cundy, Cundie, Henry ... 160, 161 

162, 167 

Cunliffes of Wycoller 290 

Cunningree End (Castleton) ... 182 

Cunygarthe (Rawmarsh) ... 49 

Cupola (Hathersage) ... ... 298 

Curson, John ... ... ... 263 

Curson, Roger ... ... ... 10 

Curtare (Carter ?) Hall 156 

Curtis, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Curr, William 34 

Cusseworth, Robert ... ... 26 

Cusworth (Conisborough) ... 270 

Cute, Augnes ... ... ... 36 

Cuthorpe, co Derby ... ... 75 

Cutlers' Company 285, 298, 300 
Cutlers' Company, Leader's His- 
tory of the 305 

Cutts, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Cutts, J. Town Clerk 307 

Cutts, William Henry (Chester- 
field) 302 

Dacre, Leonard .. . ... ... 127 

Dade, Henry (L.L.B.) 237 

Dakeyne, Ann ... ... ... 184 




Dakeyne, John ... ... ... 182 

Dakeyne, Robert ... 182, 184 

Dalby (Balby ? ), William de . . . 19 
Dale Abbey near Alvaston ... 121 

Dale, abbot of 121 

Dale Acre 193 

Dale, Edward 71, 187 

Dale, family of ... ... ... 316 

Dale Gappe (Ravenfield) ... 26 

Dale, John 187,195 

Dale Land, the 182 

Dale, pedigree 283,284 

Dale, Roger ... 129,130,247 

Dale, Thomas ... ... 45, 47 

Dale, William 131 

Dalehyll (Ravenfield) 26 

Dalesyde (co Derby) ... ... 132 

Dallinge, John 235 

Dallinge, Nicholas 235 

Dalport, Richard ... ... 145 

Dalton (Rotherham) ...59,96,270 
Dalton Parva (Rotherham) ... 59 

Dalton, Adam 32 

Dalton, George ... ... ... 96 

Dalton V. Heathcote 302 

Dalton, Isabella... ... ... 95 

Dalton, John 96 

Dalton, Mary 95 

Dalton, pedigree... ... ... 283 

Dalton, William 96 

Dammaske ... ... ... 262 

Danby, James ... ... ... 4 

Danby, manor of ... 254, 256 

Dand, 185 

Dand, Jo, John ... 175, 176, 178, 186 
Dandison, pedigree ... ... 283 

Danett, Tho 157 

Daniel, Francis ... ... ... 272 

Danyel, Danyell, Richard 

209, 210, 214 
Darcy, Darcye, Darcey, Arthur 

(knight) 103,104 

Darcy, Rt. Hon. John, Lord ... 153 
Darcy, Lord ... ... ... 4 

Darcye, William ... ... 162 

Dareley, Robert 59, 62 

Darfield 98 

Darleigh Mills or Darwent Mills 164 
Darley, Darleigh, Darleighe, Der- 

ley, Derleigh, co Derby ... 126 
132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 140, 142 
143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151 
153, 155, 158, 160, 161, 168, 179 

Darley, Alice 56, 57, 58 


Darley, Darleigh, Abbey 

162, 163, 164, 167, 172, 303 
Darley, Anne ... ... ... 58 

Darley, Edith, Edeth 58 

Darley, Ellis 57 

Darley, Frauncis ... 57, 58 

Darley, Darley e, John ... 41,42,43 

45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 

53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 263 

Darley, Lucye ... ... 57, 58 

Darley, Darleigh, Darleighe, 

monastery of ... 126, 147, 150 

163, 168 
Darley, Richard... 43, 46, 57, 58 

Darley, Thomas... ... 53, 57 

Darley, William 118 

Darnall, Darnale ... 84,121,144 

Darnale, William de ... ... 2 

Darton, co York 300 

Darwent, J 78 

Darwent, Martha 198 

Darwent Mills (see also Darleigh 

Mills) 164 

Darwent, Robert ... ... 86 

Darwent, Thomas ... ... 198 

Darwynne, Wilham 202 

Date alias Russcheye, John ... 216 
Davenport, Sir Humfray ... 104 

Davidson, Robert ... ... 199 

Daire, Elizabeth 203 

Davies, Robert, F.S.A 278 

Davis, Thomas ... ... ... 190 

Davy, pedigree -■• ... ... 283 

Daw, Fyeld (Gleadless) ... 44 

Dawbers (co Suflfolk) ... ... 235 

Daweson, Cecilia ... ... 120 

Daweson, Robert ... ... 120 

Dawson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Dawton, John ... ... ... 67 

Dawtre, Dautre, William 28, 30, 32 
Daybell, Thomas ... ... 28 

Daye, Sir Henry ... ... 22 

Daye, John ... ... ... 22 

Dead Lane (Sheffield) 187 

Deakin, pedigree ... ... 283 

Deane, Edward 148,149 

Deanery Books at York ... 280 

Dean's Yard, Chesterfield ... 198 
Deepehomeyate (Hope) ... 193 

Denby, Deneby, Dennigbye, 

Denugbye ... 17,112,203 

Dencourt, John ... ... ... 110 

Deneby, Adam de ... ... 114 

Deneby, John de ... ... 112 



Denham, pedigree 


Denham, John ... 


Denial, pedigree... 


Denman, Nicholas 

39, 40 

Denn, James 


Dennis, Arthur ... 


Dennye, William 


Dent, Alice 


Dent, pedigree ... 


Dent, Robert 


Dent, Thomas, ... 

54, 57, 141, 151 

Denton, pedigree 


Denton, William 


Denyngby (Conisborough), see 
Denby, etc. ... ... ... 253 

Denyngton (co Suffolk) 213 

Denys, William 222,223 

Depham, Roger de ... ... 12 

Depyng alias Cooke, William ... 123 
Derby, Darbye, Derbi, Derbie 

76, 111, 119, 125, 128, 131 

133, 136, 145, 147, 151, 159 

168, 170, 180, 258, 285, 300 

321, 322, 323, 326 

Derby Assizes 198,199 

Derby, Margaret de Ferers, 
Countess of ... ... ... 258 

Derby, Sheriff of 179 

Derbyshire, Darbyshire... 150, 151 
155, 280, 303, 307, 314, 315 
Derbyshire Archaeological Society, 
Journal of ... ... ... 320 

Derbyshire, Charities of ... 302 

Derbyshire Charters, Bemrose's 114 
Derbyshire Courier, The ... 292 

Derbyshire, Deeds and Church 

Notes 313 

Derbyshire — Genealogical Memo- 
randa 284 

Derbyshire genealogies ... 314 

Derbyshire, Robert Morden's 

Map of 316 

Derbyshire, "Notes and Queries" 295 
Derbyshire, pedigrees, 284, 286, 287 
Derbyshire, rectors, vicars, &c., 

&c., in 315,316 

Derbyshire registers ... 314,315 

Dernelley, John 272 

Desyland (Norton) 132 

Desy Lane (Norton) 132 

Dethick, Dethicke, Dethyck, 
Dethycke, Dethyke, Death- 
ycke, Deythycke ... 132, 133, 134 
135, 136, 137, 316 
Dethick of Newhall, pedigree ... 311 


D'Eu, John Count 259 

Devereux Court, Strand, London 319 
Devon, Rt. Hon. Christiana, 

Christian, Countess of ... 168, 170 
171, 172, 174, 178 
Devon, William, Earl of..l59, 180, 181 
Devonshire, William, Duke of 

187, 188 
Devonshire, William, Earl of ... 184 
Devonshire, seal of ... ... 188 

Devonshire Terrace, Glossop 

Road, Sheffield 313 

Dewce, pedigree... ... ... 282 

Dewe, Adam ... ... ... 206 

Dewsnap, pedigree ... ... 283 

Dey Flatt, 'Balby' 78 

Dey, Hugh 32 

Dey, John 24 

Deyvill, Nicholas de ... ... 5 

Diccons, Nicholas ... ... 71 

Dicken, John ... ... ... 132 

Dickens, Cornelius ... ... 180 

Dickenson, Thomas ... ... 203 

Dickenson, Dickonson, Peter, 201, 202 
Dickenson, William ... ... 201 

Dickinson, Samuel ... 81, 158 
Dickone, George ... ... 169 

Dickons, pedigree ... ... 282 

Dickons, William 202 

Dickonson ... ... ... 203 

Dickonson, Nicholas ... ... 202 

Didsbury, pedigree ... ... 283 

Diet Ynge, Inge 52,53 

Dikelands Close (Rawmarsh) ... 41 
Dikes Lane (Norton) ... 140, 161 
Dillworth, Dillesworth, James, 

see Dylworthe ... 102, 104 

Dillworth, Robert 103 

Dilsye, Thomas .. . ... ... 17 

Dinnington, Dynnyngton, co 

York 23, 40 

Dix, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Dixon, Charles ■■ ... ... 314 

Dixon, Reverend Fletcher ... 199 

Dixon, John 178 

Dixon Lane (Sheffield) ... ... 312 

Dixon, pedigree ... 282, 283, 285, 287 
Doales (Bradway) ... ... 194 

Dobson, John ... ... ... 26 

Dobson, Robert 22 

Dod, Peirce 249 

Dodds, William 179 

Dodge, pedigree 283 

Dodsworth 265 

Dodsworth Collection 106 




Dodsworth's MSS 278 

Dodsworth's Notes ... ■•. 263 

Dodworth (near Silkstone)...67, 78, 88 
Dodworth, pedigree ... ... 283 

Dodworth, Thomas •■. ... 80 

Does (co Suffolk), see Dooes...234, 235 
Does Orchard (co Suffolk), see 

Dooes, Doves 235,236 

Does, Thomas ... ... ... 18+ 

Doget, John ... 209,210,212 

Doget, Richard 212,214 

Doget, Thomas ... ... ... 214 

Dogetts, Dogetis, Dogettys (co 
Suffolk) ... 214,215,216 

Doketts (co Suffolk) 240 

Dokkesyche, the (Alvaston) ... 121 

Dolfin, Alex ... 107 

Dolphin, William 108 

Domesday Book 288, 316 

Don, Done, Donne, Doon, 

Doone, Dune river, water, 

the ... 14, 35, 38, 39, 51, 53, 54 

72, 97, 297, 298, 301 

Doncaster, Doncastre ... 8, 9, 10, 13 

14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28 

30, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 

78, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94 

98, 178, 189, 260, 267, 268, 270 

277, 278, 279, 280, 292 

Doncaster, Corporation of ... 88 

Doncaster Gazette ... 294,295 

Doncaster, John de ... 8, 13, 14 

Doncaster, Mayor, Aldermen and 

Burgesses of ... ... ... 72 

Doncaster, parish registers ... 317 

Donerbeck (co Nott) 201 

Donewych, Donewyche (co Suf- 
folk) 213 

Dongworth (Bradfield) ... ... 73 

Donhom on Trent ... ... 34 

Donnyng, Donnhyng, John 20, 21 
Donstouloweflatte (Darley) ... 126 
Dooes (co Suffolk), see Does, 

Doves 236, 240, 243 

Dore (co Derby). ..75, 76, 140, 289, 312 
Dore, accounts for ... ... 306 

Dore, Overseers of ... ... 310 

Dore, Select Vestry Book ... 314 
Dorset, Thomas Marqueis ... 259 
Dossey, pedigree ... ... 283 

Doukes, Walter 207 

Douse, Holme (Bradway) ... 194 

Dousehouse (Greystones) ... 36 

Douston, pedigree ... ... 282 

Dove Land (Norton) 132 


Dovehouse (Grey stones)... 65, 125, 187 
Dovehouse, Meadow ... 94, 95 

Doves (co Suffolk) 226 

Dowker, pedigree ... ... 282 

Downend, pedigree ... ... 283 

Downes, John ... ... ... 172 

Downes, pedigree ... ... 283 

Downes, Downs, William 86, 91 

Downyng, John ... ... 25 

Dowsyng, Thomas ... ... 28 

Doylly, Giles 9 

Drabble, pedigree ... ... 282 

Drables, Drable, George 61, 62 

Drake 96, 264, 265 

Drake, Francis ... ... ... 96 

Drake, William 302 

Dranesfeld (see Dronfield) ... 110 
Dranfylde alias Dronfylde ... 129 

Draper, Lady Mary 249 

Draper, Thomas ... ... 249 

Drapier, Hugh le 122 

Driefurlonge (Staveley)... ... 114 

Drinkwater, Edward ... ... 194 

Dronfield, Dronfeld, Dronefeld, 
Dronfeild, see Dranesfeld, 
Dranfylde ... 36, 75, 79, 83 

109, 110, 129, 130, 136, 138 

147, 148, 150, 156, 179, 180 
181, 186, 187, 195, 297, 303 

304, 309, 317 

Dronfield Church 308 

Dronfield, Free School at 291, 306 
Dronfeild, Woodhouse ... ... 195 

Drury, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Drye Meadow, Dry Meddowe ... 

148, 155 

Dryffilde, Sir John de 9 

Duchy of Lancaster, Court of the 103 

Duchy Seal 103 

Duckmanton, Ducmonton 112, 282 
Ducmanton, Dokemanton, Hughde 

107, 200 

Duffeld, forest of 112 

Duffield, Duffeld, Duffeild ...147 

148, 150, 151, 159, 163, 199 
Dugdale's " Baronage " ... 105 
Dugdale's " Monasticon " 

100, 101, 264, 265 

Duglidge Furlong (co Derby) ... 193 

Duke, Thomas ... ... ... 217 

Duke, William 233 

Dunbar, Jas (P.P.) 96 

Dungeworthe (see Dongworth)... 263 

Dungworth, Joshua ... ... 90 

Dungworth, pedigree ... ... 283 




Dunhill, pedigree ... ... 283 

Dunhll (sic), Peter 242 

Dunkenhalgh (co Lane) ... 102 

Dunn, Elizabeth (nee Athorpe) 287 
Dunn, pedigree ... ... ... 287 

Dunstead (Norton) 190 

Durant, 169 

Dutchy Court (of Lancaster) ... 268 

Dutton (?), Edw 168 

Dutton, Thomas ... 173 

Dyall, the (Doncaster) 80 

Dyke Lands (Rawmarsh) ... 45 

Dyker, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Dylworthe, Dylworth, James, see 

Dillworth 101,102 

Dynham, Jane 124, 125 

Dynham, John 129 

Dynham, Thomas ... 124, 125 

Dyott, Ynge 49 

Dyson, Anne ... ... ... 53 

Dyson, John ... ... ... 53 

Dyson, Joseph ... ... ... 92 

Dyson, pedigree .. . ... ... 283 

Dyson, Thomas .. . ... ... 53 

Dyson, William 206 

Eaddington (Bakewell) 187 

Bade, Henry 127 

Eades (?), Anthony 156 

Eadon, pedigree... ... ... 287 

Ealand bridge ... 267 

Earl, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Earle, Martin ... 46 

Earlesoham, co Suffolk... ... 241 

Earnshaw, pedigree ... 282,283 
East Greenwich, co Kent ... 174 

East Greenwich, EastGreenwick, 

Eastgreenewiche, manor of ... 

151, 155, 194, 205 
East Layth Gates (Doncaster) ... 87 
East Retford ... 200, 203, 204 
Eapt Retford, Eastretf ord. Bailiffs 

and Burgesses of ... 201,202 

East, Richard 173 

East Riding 280 

East, Thomas ... ... ... 173 

Easte Cliffe 155 

Easte Hill Flatt 180 

Eastfielde (Kilnhurst) 49 

Eastfield, William 98 

Easton, co Suffolk, see Eston ... 

242, 243, 244, 246 
Eastwood, Rev. Jonn- 290 


Eaton, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Eaton, Richard ... ... ... 87 

Ecclesall, Ecclessale, Ecclesale, 
Eccleshill, Ecclisale, Ecclis- 
sale, Ecculsall, Eklysall, 
Ecklesall 10,11,16,32,34,35 
36, 45, 47, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75 
76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86, 88, 89 
90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 187, 289 
298, 304, 313, 324 

Ecclesall Bridge 267 

Ecclesall Grange ... ... 256 

Ecclesall, manor of ... 87, 90 

Ecclesall vicarage ... ... 289 

Ecclesalle, Ecclisalle, Ralphe de 3, 6 
Ecclesend (Hope) ... ... 193 

Ecclesiastical Taxation... ... 279 

Ecclesfeild, Thomas de ... ... 5 

Ecclesfield, Manor of ... ... 301 

Ecclisfeld, Ecclesfelde, Eccles- 
feld, Ecclesfield, Eckles- 
feild 6, 15, 18, 75, 76, 298, 304 
Eckington, Eckenton, Ekyngton, 
Ekynton, Ekington, Ekin- 
tone 34, 106, 107, 127, 156 
179, 192, 199, 288, 299 
Eckington, Eckyntone, Manor of 

127, 179, 199 
Ecklyffe (alias le Clyff) see also 

Clyff 128 

Ecton, George de ... ... 254 

Edale, Edall Dale ... 183, 304 

Eden, William 250 

Edensor, Richard ... ... 198 

Ederych, John 213 

Edge (Sheffield) 81 

Edge Peeches (Ashford) ... 182 

Edlington, Edlyngton ... 18, 24 

Edlington Woods (near Doncaster) 311 
Edmonson, Raff... ... ... 127 

Edmonson (Jonson) Richard ... 126 
Ednesoure, pedigree of ... ... 311 

Eduskerre (Ecclesfield)... ... 3 

Edwardes, John . . . ... ... 233 

Edwards, Harriot 317 

Edwards, Richard ... ... 155 

Eire, Nathaniell, Nathaniel, see 

Eyre n, 270 

Elam, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Eland, John de 8, 20, 115 

Eland, Robert de 16 

Eldberne (Wath) 5 

Eldon, Lord ... 99 

Elfe Ynge (Kilnhurst) 49 

Elias (?) 21 




Elgh (Ilketshall ?), church of ... 207 

Elgie, pedigree ... 

... 283 

Ellaby, pedigree 

... 283 

EllclifFe (Sheffield) 

... 54 


... 304 

Elliott, Godfrey 

... 170 

Elliott, pedigree ... 

283, 284 

Ellis, Anthony ... 

... 73 

Ellis, Arthur 

... 73 

Ellis, Barnard 


Ellis, Christopher 

... 58 

Ellis, Edmond 

... 58 

Ellis family 

... 263 

Ellis, Isaac 

... 305 

Ellis, John 

... 58 

Ellis Land (Staveley) ... 

... 198 

Ellis, Mary 


Ellis, pedigree ... 

... 283 

Ellis, Elys, Robert 

58, 254 

Ellis, Seth 

... 195 

Ellises, Notices of the . . . 

... 289 

Ellison, pedigree 

... 283 

Ellott, Elizabeth 

... 192 

EUott, Enoch 

... 192 

Elmesall, Hugh de 

... 10 

Elmesdale, John de 

... 8 

Elmsall, William (of Thornhill) 311 

Elot, Robert 117 

Elston (Hope) 193 

Elston, pedigree... ... ... 282 

Elston Close (Hope) 193 

Eltofts, Edmund 102 

Elvaston (co Derby), see Alvaston 153 

Elvidge 270 

Ely, John, Bishop of ... ... 265 

Emerson, William ... ... 58 

Emerye, Richard ... ... 43 

Emmcroft (Hope) 193 

Emmerson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Emmotson, William ... ... 18 

England, pedigree ... ... 283 

English Monastic Libraries ... 290 
English Silver Coins ... ... 295 

Eusebius... ... ... ... 275 

Epitaphs in the Old Churchyards 

of Sheffield, Quaint 296 

Epurston (co Nott) 201 

Ereby (Kirkstall) 103 

Erkesey, see Arkesay ... 20, 21 

Espland, Chesterfield 184 

Eston (co Suffolk), see Easton... 

224, 225 

Esyngwald, Robert 24 

Etches, pedigree... ... ... 283 

Eton, CO Derby 221 

Evans, pedigree . . . 
Evans, Hannah . . . 
Evans, Tho, Thomas 
Eveanes, Evans, John 
Evelyn, Sir John 
Evepole, Thomas 


... 282 
... 97 
... 170 
... 209 

Everard, Henry... 214, 215, 216 
Everehard, Everard, John 210, 211 
215, 216, 219 
Everingham, Sir Adam de ... 110 
Everyngham, John de ... ... 110 

Everyngham, fee of ... ... 258 

Exchequer, the 129, 147, 151, 205 
Exchequer, Book of Fees ... 258 
Exchequer Court ... 97, 98, 277 

Exthorp (Doncaster), see Hex- 

thorpe 28 

Exthorp, Exthorpe, the lord of 28 

Eyam, Earn ... 179, 270, 285 

Eye (co Suffolk) ... 215,216,234 

235, 236, 243 

Eycle (co York) 11 

Eycles (co York) 260 

Eylands (Rawmarsh) ... ... 41 

Eyncourt, John de ... 108, 112 

Eyncourt, Sir Roger de... 107, 113 
Eyr, Stephen le ... ... ... 112 

Eyre 273 

Eyre, Adam 272 

Eyre, Anne, Ann ... 36, 195 

Eyre, Anthony 153, 159 

Eyre, Benjamin 187, 304 

Eyre, Eyr, Christopher... 36, 37 

Eyre, Coll 268 

Eyre, Gartrude 187, 304 

Eyre, Garvase, Gervase ... 159 

Eyre, George 36, 171 

Eyre, Henry ... 183 

Eyre, John 171, 180 

Eyre, pedigree ... 283, 285, 287 
Eyre, Eayre, Robert 148, 149, 155 

158, 263 

Eyre, Roger 36 

Eyre, Rowland ... 182 

Eyre, Eayre, Thomas 144, 263, 272 
Eyre, Vincent ... ... ... 195 

Eyre, Eayre, William ... 182, 263 

Fabyan, William ... 218,219 

Fairbank, pedigree ... ... 287 

Fairfield, co Derby, see Feyerfeld 298 
Falcunbridge, Sir William de, 
Knight, see Fauconberge ... 105 




Fale, William 217 

Falk, Falke, Richard ... 11, 16 

Fanshaw, Fanshawe, Godfrey... 

41, 248, 322, 323 

Fanshawe Family, The 287 

Fanshawe, Henry ... ... 147 

Fanshawe, Katherine ... ... 147 

Fanshawe, Lio ... ... ... 160 

Fanshawe u. Rotherham ... 302 

Fanshawe, Fanshaw, Thomas ... 147 

160, 167, 248 

Fanshawe, Fanshaw, William ... 147 

159, 160 
Fanshawe, Viscount, pedigree of 287 
Far Batesmore (Norton) ... 186 

Far Carr (Kilnhurst) 49 

Far Cote Close, Farr Coate 
Close (Coal Aston) ... 181, 186 

Far Gryff (Darley) 126 

Far Medowe (Norton) 140 

Faram, Fayram, Christopher 59,60,61 

Farbroughshipp (Hope) . . . 

... 193 

Farburn, William 

... 53 

Farish, pedigree 

... 283 

Farnehull, Thomas 

... 136 

Farnehill, Thomas 

... 136 

Farr, pedigree 

.. 282 

Farr Bently (Coal Aston) 

... 186 

Farr Caroline 

.. 184 

Farr, Far, Croft 83, 192, 193 

Farr Lyme (Dore) 

.. 76 

Farr Milnefield, Milnfield 


Farr, pedigree 

.. 283 

Farr Smithy Fields 

.. 190 

Farr, Thomas 

.. 184 

Farr Underdelle 

.. 185 

Fastolfe, Thomas 

.. 245 


.. 105 

Fauconberge, Henry 

.. 86 

Fauconberge, Fauconber 


William de, see Falcunbridge.. 105 

Favell, pedigree ... 

.. 287 

Fawcett, pedigree 

.. 287 


.. 262 

Fayram, see Faram 

.. 60 

Fayrbaron, Richard 

.. 36 

Fayrbaron, William 

.. 36 

Fayrhed, Henry 

.. 215 

Fearney, Fearny, Dole... 

.. 131 

Feild, Matthew 

.. 128 

Feld, Ralph de 

.. 21 

Felothill, CO York 

.. 5 

Fenne, Thomas atte 

.. 258 

Fenningley, co Nott 

.. 88 

Fentem, pedigree 

.. 285 


Fenton, Alexander 88 

Fenton, John 88 

Fenton, pedigree ... 283,285 

Fenton, William 88 

Fentum, pedigree ... ... 282 

Ferers, Margaret de (Countess of) 258 

Feme, Edward 179 

Ferneus, Thomas de ... ... 1 

Fernilley, William 78 

Ferrour, Thomas ... ... 200 

Ferspen, CO York ... ... 35 

Ferthinge, Hugh ... ••■ 5 

Ferthinge, Matilda ... ... 5 

Ferthinge, Thomas ... ... 5 

Feyerfeld, see Fairfield... ... 119 

ffoulch. Sir fFr 4 

ffoulchiam, Sir Godfrey... ... 4 

Fidler, pedigree ... 282 

Fidler, John 195 

Fienles, John de... ... ... 259 

Finch, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Finney, pedigree... ... ... 287 

Finingley, Finningley, co Nott 82, 87 
Finningley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Firsby (Conisborough), see Frisby 93 

Firth, Eleanor 98 

Firth, Joseph 98 

Firth Park, opening of ... ... 295 

Firth, pedigree 283,285 

Firth, Richard 128 

Firth, William 55 

Ficher, Fyssher, Fysher, Fisher, 

John 38,229,231,274 

Fisher, pedigree 283,287 

Fishergate Street, Doncaster ... 80 
Fiske, Fyske, Eleazer ... 240,241 

Fiske, Henry 238 

Fiske, Fyske, William, Williame 

227, 228 
Fysher, Thomas... ... ... 220 

Fyssher, Fysher, Fisher, Fissher, 

Anne 228,229,230,231 

232, 233, 234, 239 
Fyssher, Fysher, Fisher, Jassper, 

Jasper ... 134, 135, 136, 144 

Fyssher, Fysher, Fisher, Fissher, 

William ... 228, 229, 230, 231 
232, 233, 234, 239 

Fitch Field (Norton) 190 

Fitchettfield (Hope) 193 

Fitzharding, Richard 108 

Fitzherberte, Fitzherbert 83, 158 

Fitzherbert, Bazill 170 

Fitzherbert, Sir John 196 

Fitzherbert, Lord 166 




Fitzherbert, William 170 

Fitzherbt, Fitzherbert, Francis, 

Frauncis ... 129, 143, 145 

Fitzodo, Mathew 108 

Fitz- Peter, Thomas ... ... 101 

Fitzwilliam, Barbara ... ... 197 

Fitzwilliam, Fytzwilliam John 28, 197 
Fitzwilliam, Richard, Knight ... 34 
Fitzwilliam, Thomas, Tho ... 34 

72, 74, 78 
Five Roodes, Fyve Rodes 52, 53 

Five Rood Cloase, Five Roddes 

Close, Fyve Rodes Close 49, 52, 53 


Flackhole (Hathersage). 
Flagg, Flagge, co Derby . 
Flatt and House Field ... 
Flatt Meadowe, co Suffolk 

Flaunders Counter " ... 
Flaxlands (Hathersage) . . . 
Flaxton, John 
Flemmyng, Sir John de... 
Fletcher, Paule ... 
Fletcher, pedigree 
Fletcher, Richard 
Fletcher, Robert 
Fletcher, Thomas 
Flex ton, co Suffolk 
Fliche, Henry ... 
Fligha Meadowe, Fligha Medowe, 

FHgge Hay Meadowe 132, 167 
Flint, pedigree ... 
Flint, William ... 
Flockton, pedigree 
Flower, pedigree... 
Flyncham, Richarde 
Foggy Close (Dodworth) 
Foist Acres (Hathersage) 
Foljambe, Folgeambe, Foliambe, 

Fuljambe, Godfrey, Godfrye... 

125, 126, 130, 131, 159, 190,302 
Foljame, Henry... ... 34, 35 

Foliambe, Foljambe, Thomas, 

Thos 124,308 

Folliambes Shereollers, or Pond 

Feild (Norton) 

Folshame, Foulsam, co Norfolk 

Folshame, Ursula 

Foorth, Chapel en le Frith 

Ford (Chapel en le Frith) 190, 191, 282 

Ford Collin 190 

Ford Hall, Chapel-en-le-PVith ... 320 

Ford, T 289 

Forester, Adam ... ... 13, 14 

Forester, Ralph .. . ... ... 18 






176, 303 












Forester, Robert 

... 24 

Forester, Thomas 

... 31 

Forrest, pedigree 

... 282 

Forrest, Bartholomew ... 

... 244 

Forster, John 

... 254 

Forster, Sam 

... 205 

Forthe, Thomas ... 

... 159 

Foster, John 


Foster, pedigree ... 

... 283 

Fould, the 

... 96 

Foulds, pedigeee . . . 

... 283 

Fouldyard (Greystones) 

... 75 

Fouler, Fowler, Adam . . . 


Foulewod, John ... 

... 23 

Four Rawson Meadows... 

... 87 

Fowler, George ... 

... 243 

Fowler, Mr. 

... 285 

Fowler, pedigree 

... 283 


... 120 

Fox, family of ... 

... 315 

Fox, G 

... 91 

Fox, Henry 

... 63 

Fox, John ... 84, 85, 87, 91, 92 

Fox, pedigree ... 282,283,287 

Fox, Stephen 61,64,81 

Foxe, Fox, Wilham, Wm, Will- 
yam 25,135,136 


Foxlow, William 199 

France, pedigree ... ... 283 

France, Robert ... ... ... 107 

Franceis, Hugh de ... ... 7 

Franceis, William de ... ... 6 

Francis, Walter ... ... ... 3 

Franckline, Francklin, Franklin, 

Jo, John ... 221,240,244 

Frank Pledge, Frankpledge, View 

of 48,193,270 

Frankes, co Suffolk ... ... 215 

Frankick (?), Mr 202 

Fraston, Thomas ... ... 242 

Fraunce, Sir William ... ... 24 

Fraunceys, Alice ... ... 207 

Fraunceys, Bartholomew ... 209 

Fraunceys, John... ... ... 209 

Fraunceys, Margery ... ... 209 

Fraungeys, Robert ... ... 116 

Fraunceys, Warin ... 206,207 

Frauncys, Thomas ... ... 255 

Fraunses, Roger... ... ... 117 

Frechenvile, frechenvile, Freche- 
vill, Frecheville, Frechvyle, 
Frechewell,Fressenvile, Ralph, 
Rauf,seeFretchville...lll, 113, 121 
124, 200,321 




Frechenvile, frechenvile, Lady 

Amisde 111,321 

Frecheuille, Lady 192 

Frechevile, Frechvile, Sara 162, 163 
Frechevill, Margaret de... ... 113 

Frechevyle, Elizabeth ... ... 125 

Frechevyle, Frecheville, Fretch- 

viUe, Peter ...125,128,153,157 
Frechville, Frecheville. Frassen- 

vile. Anker ... 113, 116, 120, 200 
Frechville and Musard Families, 
pedigree of the ... ... 288 

Freeman, Thomas ... ... 141 

Freer, Robert 199 

Freeston, Freston, Thomas 238, 239 
Frenchgate, French Gate, Don- 
caster 68,72,74,94 

Frere, John ... 10, 13, 14, 20, 241 

Frere, Richard 237,238 

Frere, Thomas ... ... ... 8 

Frere, Tobias ... ... ... 237 

Freshville, of Staveley, family of, 
see Frechenville ... ... 310 

Fresingfeld, Fresyngfeld, Fress- 
yngfeld, Fresingfilde, Fresing- 
fild, Fressingfilde . . . 207, 208, 209 
Fressenvile, Wilhelmina ... 200 

Freston, Richard 225, 227, 238, 239 
Fretcheuile, Fretchvile, Freche- 
vile, Frechvile, Frechwell, 
Frescheville, John . . . 55,161,162 
163, 167, 179 
Fretchville, Anne Charlotte ... 192 
Frethevile, Thomas de ... ... 105 

Fretson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Fretwell, Edward 62 

Fretwell, Jeannette, Jeanette ... 62 

Fretwell, Ralph 62 

Fretwell, William 95 

Frewen, J 249 

Frisby(Conisborough),seeFirsby 253 

Frith, pedigree 282,283 

Frith, Samuel 194 

Frith, William 146 

Frode, Jo 173,174 

Frogat, Francis ... 162 

Frogat, Frogatt, Froggott, Frog- 
gatt, God, Godfrey, Godf , God- 
fry ...154,155,156,158,159,160 
161, 162, 167, 168, 169, 196 

Frogat, Priscilla 174, 175 

Frogatt, Be 197 

Froggatt, Elizabeth 272 


Froggatt, John, Jo 

.. 174, 175 

184, 303 

Froggatt, pedigree 

.. 283,285 

Frogatt, William 


Frost, Francis ... 


Frost, pedigree ... 

.. 283,285 

Frost, Thomas ... 


Frosteyn, John ... 


Frudd, pedigree ... 




Fryopp ... 


Fryopp, Manor of 


Frysby, Frysseby, see Frisby...l2, 13 
Fulchers Lane, Fulcherslane 228, 233 

241, 246 
Fulchers Pasture, see Fulchers... 233 
Fulfeild, Manor of ... ... 151 

Fulhill, Robert 14 

Fulkingham, Fulkyngham, Sir 

William de 109,110 

Fulsom Flatt (Doncaster) ... 73 
Fulwood, Fullwood, ffulwood, 

fFullwode... 62,63,64,75,76,79 


Fulwood Chapel, trustees of ... 285 

Fulwood, Thomas ... ... 74 

Fullchers, Fulchers 228, 232, 241 

Fullchers, Fulchers, Fulcher's 

Way 228,232,245 

Fuller, John 235,236 

Funteney, William de ... ... 200 

Furlonge (Castle ton) 182 

Furness, Furnes, Ellis ... ... 263 

Furness, pedigree ... ... 285 

Furneux, John 117,119 

Furneux, Roger 117,119 

Furneux, William ... 117,119 

Furneys, Furneus, Sir Robert de 

106, 107 

Furnis, Henry 272 

Furniss, pedigree ... ... 283 

Furnivall, Furnival ... 1,2,285 
Furnivall, Furnivalle, Furniwalle, 

Furnyval, Furnyvall, Fourny- 

vale, ffournyvale, Thomas, T... 

Furnivalle, William de . . . ... 3 

Furnivall's Charter ... ... 1 

Furnyvalle, Lord de ... ... 19 

Further Barnegrounds, co Suffolk 237 
Further Lowage (Norton) ... 161 
Further Shutt End (Castleton)... 183 

Fye, Thomas 202 

Fyske, Fysk, Geoffrey, Jafry 222, 226 




Gabitus, William 202 

Gainsborough, Gainsbro' ... 201,286 
Gainsbro' register ... ... 285 

Gainsford, pedigree ... ... 283 

Gales, Thomas ... ... ... 199 

Galien (Galienus) ... ... 3 

Gallery of Portraits, The ... 305 

Gallimore, pedigree ... 283,287 
Galon, Galen, John ... 12, 13 

Gamble, pedigree ... ... 283 

Gamel, Emma ... ... ... 114 

Gamel, Roger ... ... ... 114 

Gamell, John ... ... ... 20 

Gander Lane, co Derby ... 300 

Ganshull, Sir Walter de ... 1 10 

Gardener, Thomas ... ... 215 

Gardenere, Richard ... ... 117 

Gardenere, Rose ... ... 117 

Gardiner, Stephen, Lord Chan- 
cellor 101 

Gardner, pedigree ... ... 287 

Gardyner, Christopher ... ... 190 

Gargrave, Prudence ... ... 278 

Garland, pedigree ... ... 283 

Garlicke, Nathan 90 

Garlicke Wheele (CliflFe Field)... 148 
Garnett, pedigree ... ... 283 

Garrison Battalion, 3rd... ... 252 

Garside, pedigree ... ... 283 

Garthends (Rawmarsh)... ... 45 

Gas (Sheffield) ... 297,298,299 
Gascoigne ... ... ... 273 

Gascoigne, pedigree ... 282,283 
Gascoigne, Gascoyne,Thomas 183, 193 
Gascoigne, William de ... ... 19 

Gasse, Thomas ... ... ... 239 

Gatefeild (Ecclesall) 89 

Gatty, Dr 310 

Gatty, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Gatty's " Hunter " 324 

Gaunt, John o', arms of... ... 320 

Gaunt, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Gawdye, Christopher ... ... 221 

Gawdye, Clypsbye, CHpseby..229, 231 
Gawdye Hall, CO Norfolk ...229 
Gawdye, Thomas ... ... 222 

Gayteford, John de ... ... 19 

Gayteforthe, Henry de ... ... 113 

Gebbesson, Gebisson, Gibbisson, 

Robert 212,214,215 

Geoffrey the clerk ... ... 5 

Geffray, Robert 
Gelasius ... 
Geldart, John 
Gelham, co Suffolk 




Gell, Dame Elizabeth 192 

Gell, John 272 

Gell, Sir Philip ... 192, 193, 272 

Gellaris, Robert (cellarius, cel- 
larer?)... ... ... ... 4 

Gellit, Edward 177 

" Genealogical Memoranda " ... 282 

General Ballot 98 

General Courts..223, 226, 227, 244, 246 
General Courts Baron... 228, 229, 230 
243, 244, 245, 246 
General Courts Leet.234, 236, 240, 241 
General Court with View of Frank 

Pledge 228,230,232,233 

General Receiver ... ... 205 

Genn, John ... ... ... 81 

Genn, pedigree 283 

'Gentleman's Magazine, The"... 309 
Gerard, John ... ... ... 9 

Gere, Geoffrey ... 106, 107, 108 

Gere, Thomas ... ... 105, 106 

Gere, William 115 

Gerlinge, John, see Girlinge ... 219 
Germyn, John, see Jermyn ... 212 

Germyn (?), Thomas 208 

Gerrard, Sir Gilbert ... ... 128 

Gervase ... ... ... ... 3 

Ghest, John, see Guest 204 

Ghilles, William de la 16 

Gib Knowles 193 

Gibbs, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Gibson, pedigree 283 

Gibson, Thomas... ... ... 48 

Gilbee, pedigree 283 

Gilbert, pedigree 285 

Gilbert, Robert 63,65 

Gilby, Elizabeth 203 

Gilden Sicke, in Norton ... 161 

Gilding, Elizabeth 250 

Gilding, Mary 250 

Gilding, Jos 250 

Giles, John 244,246 

Gilkirke, church or chapel of, see 

Gylkyrke 101 

Gill, pedigree ... ... ••• 282 

Gill, Adam 123 

Gill, Edward, Edw...56, 133, 134, 137 

138, 139, 141, 142, 144, 145, 161 

162, 163, 167, 169, 170, 174 

Gill, George 142,166 

Gill, Gyle, John 142,145 

209, 228, 232 

Gill, Leonard, Leod ... 136, 141, 142 

144, 152, 153, 161, 166, 168, 169 




Gill, Gille, Phillipp, Philip, Phil- 
ippe, Phillip, Phillippe ... 55, 136 
141, 144, 145, 152, 154 

Gill, William 141,142 

Gill's Croft, Mr 169 

Gillatt, pedigree 283 

Gillat, Richard 167 

Gilleclose, Norton ... ... 123 

Gilling, A 288,290 

Gillywine Great Close 203 

Gilmyn, William ... 20,21,22 

23, 24, 27 
Girdler, pedigree ... ... 287 

Girlinge, Girling, Gyrlenge, Gyr- 
linge, Gyrlyng, John, see Gerl- 

inge 226,234,235,236 

237, 240, 243 

Girton, Elizabeth 205 

Gisborne's Diary, Mrs 305 

Gladwin, Tho ... ... ... 173 

Glamergan, Mabel de ... ... 200 

Glamergan, Philip de ... ... 200 

Glamergan, Robert de . . . ... 200 

Glasenwright, John ... ... 200 

Glasgow, University of ... ... 199 

Glassby, William J. J 296 

Gleadhill 96 

Gleadless, Ann 198 

Gleadless, Daniel ... ... 198 

Gleadless, Gledles, Gledlees, 
Gleadlesse ... 41,44,55,82 

83, 88, 146, 180, 322 

Glebe Land 158 

Gledeleys, le ... ... ... 2 

Gleadholt, John de ... ... 115 

Glensover, John . . . ... ... 72 

Glenton, pedigree ... ... 283 

Glida (Blida? Blyth), John de ... 9 

Gliderhou (Cliderhow) 100 

Glossop, pedigree ... 282,283 

Glossop, Francis ... ... 185 

Glossop, John 184, 185 

Glossop, Ralph ... ... ... 179 

Glynn (?), Thomas 208 

Goche, John, see Gooche ... 215 

Goche, Robert ... ... ... 216 

Godbald, Godbold, John ... 217, 237 

Godbold, Agnes 237 

Godbold, Mary 243 

Godbold, Thomas ... 236,237,238 

240, 242 
Godbold, Godbould, William, 

Wm 237,240,241,242 

243, 245, 246, 303 
Godbould, Phillipp 242 

Goddard, pedigree 
Goddard, widow... 
Goddard, William 
Goddeknawe, John 
Goderich, Castle of 
Godfrey, John ... 
Godknave, John ... 
Godon, Peter 
Goldesmyth, Alice 
Goldesmyth, Thomas 
Goldstone, Anthony 
Goldstone, Hannah 
Godstone, co Surrey 
Goldstone, Thomas 
Golland, GoUon, John 
Gonnour, William 
Gooch, Roger 


.. 282 

.. 176 

,.. 176 

,.. 109 

... 258 

... 236 

... 110 

... 212 

... 21 

... 165 

... 246 

... 170 

... 246 

... 255 

... 16 

... 245 

Gooche, Gooch, John, see Goche 

213, 244, 245 
Gooche, Thomas ... ... 217 

Gooche, William ... 226,227,228 

230, 232 
Goochis, CO Suffolk ... ... 213 

Goodefrid ... ... ... 6 

Goodericke, Richard ... ... 47 

Goodman, William ... ... 270 

Goodwin, Mr Edward, Rev. 

Edward 256,285 

Goodwin, Henry ... ... 131 

Goodwin, Goodwyn, Mr ... 3,57 
Goodwyn, Anthony ... ... 57 

Goodwyn, Jeffery ... ... 243 

Goosegreene (Ecclesall) ... 187 

Gooshill, Goosehill (Castleton)... 

168, 192 
Gootham, Adam de, see Gotham 


Gorden, A. E. (M.D.) 96 

Gordon, Thomas (P.P.) 96 

Gorget 262 

Goring, Lord General ... ... 268 

Gorstyle, path called ... ... 206 

Gosebotes, Gosebutts (Rawmarsh) 

Gosling, pedigree ... ... 285 

Gospell Knowle (Castleton) ... 182 
Gossecroft, Gossecrofte (Stave- 
ley) 112,113 

Gosselyn, Margaret ... ... 212 

Gosselyn, Margery ... ... 214 

Gossepightle, Gossepigtelle 
(Wylleby), co Sufrolk..218, 219, 220 

Gossip, R. 278 

Gotham, Adam de, see Gootham 





Gotham, John de ... ... 9 

Gotham, Roger de ... ... Ill 

Gotham, Thomas de ... ... Ill 

Goulding, Isabella ... ... 192 

Gouldston, Thomas ... ... 246 

Grainger, John ... ... ... 58 

Gramaticus, Jordon ... ... 100 

Gramaticus, Richard ... ... 100 

Grammar, pedigree ... ... 285 

Gran (?), Godfrey ... ... 153 

Granenhou, Greno (Ecclesfield).. 3 

Grange, CO Nott 202 

Grange West, co Nott 203 

Grangefeild, co Derby ... ... 77 

Granger, Francis ... ... 177 

Granger, Grace ... ... ... 177 

Grangia, Robert, Robertus de ... 


Grant, Nicholas 272 

Grant, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Grantham, co Line . . . 204, 205 
Granvile, George ... ... 155 

Gratton, pedigree ... ... 286 

Graves, Hugh ... ... ... 48 

Gray, Grey, John ... 199,234 

Gray, Rev. J. H. (vicar of Bols- 

over) 289 

Gray, pedigree ... ... ... 283 

Graye, Grey, Greye, Henry ... 

234, 235, 235, 240 
Gray's Inn, co Middlesex ... 79, 176 
Grayson, John (Royd, Bolster- 
stone) 302 

Grayson, pedigree ... 283,287 

Graystones, Gray Stones, Grey- 
stones, see Greystones ... 32, 69, 73 
Graystones Cliffe ... ... 187 

Grayve, John ... ... ... 28 

Greasbrough (Rotherham) 

98, 176, 297 
Greasbrough Canal, co York ... 297 
Great Bentes (Norton) ... ... 167 

Great Birches (Norton) 147 

Great Birkinfeild (Sheffield) ... 89 
Great Bobbin Carr (Sheffield) ... 67 
Great Broad Inge (Dodworth) ... 78 
Great Cobner (Norton) ... ... 196 

Great Court 87,119,123 

Great Courts Baron ... 90, 178, 193 


Great Dromonby, Manor of ... 304 

Great Feild (Nether Hirst) ... 89 

Great Fulwood Feild 193 

Great Hollins (Ecclesall) ... 90,92 


Great Horse Croft (Rawmarsh) 49, 183 
Great Horsehay (Nether Hirst).. 89 

Great Hucklow 191,298 

Great Hurlefeild (Heeley) ... 55 
Great Medowe, Meadowe, Mea- 
dow 161, 177, 178, 196 

Great Norton ... 150, 151, 160, 177 

Great Ox Close 194 

Great Rowsley, parish of Bake- 
well 192 

Great Seal ... 125,133,136,150,151 
Great Smeaton, Richmondshire. . . 260 
Great Spenns (Kilnhurst) ... 50 

Great Storrs (Norton) ... ... 169 

Great Tode Hole, GreadTodhole 50, 53 
Greate Close under the Hill ... 180 
Greatorex, Ann ... ... ... 304 

Greatorex, Isaac (Stone Bridge) 305 
Greatwoodside (Dodworth) ... 78 
Greaves, Edward ... ... 57 

Greaves, George ... 61, 63 

Greaves, George Bustard ... 301 

Greaves, Henry ... ... ... 132 

Greaves, John, Jno ... 64,95 

168, 171, 178 

Greaves, pedigree ... 282,283,285 

Greaves, Robert 199 

Greaves, William, Wm... 64,132 

137, 165, 178 

Green, pedigree ... ... 282,283 

Green Croft ... 83 

Green, Elizabeth ... ... 171 

Green Fairfield (High Peak) ... 192 
Green, Greene, Grene, John, John 
dela ... 16,83,128,149,155 

Green, Joshua 240 

Green, Ralph 89 

Green, T. W. (Leeds) 306 

Green, George 154 

Greene, Green, Grene, Richard... 

136, 138, 154, 168, 171 

Greene, Stephen 81 

Greene, Thomas 55,156 

Greenedike Lane, Doncaster ... 74 
Greenhill, Alice de ... 12, 13 

Greenhill, Grenhill, Grenhil, 

Robert de 9,11,12,13 

Greenhill, Grenhill, William de... 


Greenehill, Greenhill, Grenehyll, 

Grenehill, Grenell, Grennyll..75, 76 

126, 129, 130, 132, 133, 138, 147 

150, 159, 161, 163, 168, 169, 175 

176,177,178, 179,185,303 




Greenehill, Greenhill, manor of . . . 

147, 150, 151, 163 
Greenhill Moore... ... ... 161 

Greening, pedigree ... ... 283 

Greensmith, Greenesmith, John, 

Jo 79,80,85 

Greenthornes (Barnoldswick) ... 103 
Greenwich, East ... ... 104 

Greetylandes (Castleton) ... 183 

Gregory 275,282 

Gregory, John 179 

Gregory, pedigree ... 283,285 

Gregory, Thomas ... ... 25 

Gregson,of Turnditch, pedigree of 3 1 1 
Greene, Simon atte ... ... 115 

Grene, Henry ... ... ... 18 

Grene, Sir Hugh del, Sir Hugh 
de, Hugh de, Hugh de la ... 21, 22 
Grene, Robert de ... ... 255 

Grenefeyerfeld (High Peak) ... 119 
Grenewood Flatt (Rawmarsh) ... 41 
Grenewood, John ... ... 126 

Grenewoode, Joan .:. ... 129 

Grenewod, Grenewodd, Richard 37 
Grenhill, Roger de ... 11, 12, 13 
Grenhill, Beatrice de ... ... 9 

Grennofirth, soak of ... 298,301 
Gresbroke (Greasbrough) ... 12, 13 
Gresley, co Derby ... ... 316 

Greve, Wilham ... ... ... 42 

Greves, Greve, James ... ... 42 

Grewell Denby ... ... ... 29 

Grey, Marie 235 

Greystones, the,see Graystones... 36 
Grideling, Adam... ... ... 105 

Gridehng, Ahce de ... ... 105 

Griffith, pedigree ... 283,287 

Grimes Pightles... ... ... 243 

Grimston, Grymston, Hughde... 

264, 265 

Grindleford Bridge 298 

Gringley upponn the Hill, co Nott 202 

Grove, CO Nott 153 

Grosvenor, Wm... ... ... 188 

Grubb, pedigree ... 283 

Grubbe, Isabella ... ... 15 

Grubbe, John ... ... ... 15 

Grundy, pedigree ... ... 283 

Grydeling, Ada (sic) de, see Gride- 
ling 105 

Grymes Lane ... ... ... 243 

Grymesthorp ... ... ... 324 

Grymeston, Richard 233 

Grynling, Alice 227 

Grynling, Thomas 
Gryys, Robert ... 
Gryys, William ... 
Guest, John 
Guild Hall, the ... 
Guill, John 
Gunning, pedigree 









Gunpowder, Proofs of the early 

use of 293 

Gurney, pedigree ... ... 283 

Gurney alias Taylor, John ... 218 
Gurrye, William ... ... 35 

Guy ot, Abraham... ... ... 162 

Gwbbs, John ... ... ... 229 

Gwydo, Gwido (Guy) ... ... 106 

Gybbs Close, co Suffolk ... 220 

Gybbysson, Robert, see Gebbes- 
son ... ... ... 215, 216 

Gylkyrke, Gylkirke, Gilkyrke, 
Gilkirke, Gillkirk, Gilkirk, see 
Gilkirke ... 101, 102, 103, 104, 265 
Gymingham, Wm ... ... 242 

Gymlyn, Gymblyn, Gymlyng, 

Gylmyng, William ... 19, 22, 24, 27 
Gymlyng, Agnes ... ... 17 

Gymlyng, Gymblyn, Thomas... 17, 23 
Gysburgh, prior of ... ... 254 

Gysilham, Alice de ... ... 206 

Gysilham, Edmund de...206, 207, 209 
Gysilham, John de ... 206, 207, 209 
Gyssynge, co Suffolk ... ... 217 

Habbershon, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hacbutts (Castleton) 183 

Hackenthorpe ... 179, 184, 185 
Hacentorp, Nicholas de ... 107 

Hacentorp, Thomas de .. . ... 107 

Hacking (Norton) ... ... 155 

Hacuntorp, Hacentorp, John de 107 
Hacuntorpe, William de ... 2 

Haddes (Ravenfield) 26 

Hades, co Derby 182 

Hadfeild, George ... ... 263 

Hadfeilde, Hadfild, Hadfeild, 

John ... 62, 63, 263, 272 

Hadfield, Charles 198 

Hadfield, Ellin 198 

Hadfield, pedigree 283 

Hageth, Geoffrey ... ... 101 

Hageth, Ralph 264 

Hagg, Hagge (Staveley) 174, 175 
184, 302, 303 




Haggar, pedigree ... ... 283 

" Hagh yron," " Haghe yrum," 

Hagh greene, the ... 37, 193 
Haghbroke (Ravenfield) ... 25 

Haghe, John 27 

Haghe, Thomas... ... ... 27 

Haghous (co York) ... ... 27 

Hague, Haigh, pedigree of 283, 285 
Haighe ats Staley ... ... 157 

Haighe, Haigh, Edward ... 157, 158 
165, 168, 182, 183, 184 

Haighe, Elizabeth 184 

Haigh, Francis ... ... ... 165 

Haigh, Joseph ... 165, 182, 183 

Haigh, Mary 165 

Haigh, Robert ... ... ... 165 

Haldewrth, Robert de ... ... 2 

Haldwrth (Bradfield) 1 

Haldwrth, Roger de ... ... 1 

Haldwrth, Thomas de ... ... 1 

Hale, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

HalfFe Acre (Castleton)... ... 165 

Halfpenny Doles (Rawmarsh)... 41 
Haighe (Rawmarsh) ... ... ZS 

Haighe, John del ... ... 9 

Haighe, Thomas del ... ... 8, 9 

Halght, the (Rawmarsh) ... 34 

Halifax 27, 96, 276, 299 

Halifax, History of 278 

Halilie, Jo 147 

Hall, Ann 78 

Hall Cross 13 

Hall Demeanes 102,104 

Hall, Dorothy 192 

Hall, Edmund 182, 183 

Hall, Edward 42,90 

Hall, Ellis 165 

Hall Filde, alias Hall Fylds, 

Haimeld (Norton) ... 132, 169 
Hall Fylde Springs (Norton) ... 132 

Hall Gate (Doncaster) 13 

Hall, George 78 

Hall, Rev. G. W 308 

Hall Greene 193 

Hall, Helen 62, 64 

Hall, Henry Valentine Mumbee 252 

Hall, Henry 99 

Hall, James ... ... ... 68 

Hall, John 183, 184, 192, 193, 197 

251, 252 
Hall, Lawrence ... 62, 63, 64, 129 

Hall Leys 201 

Hall, Margaret 132 

Hall, Mary 78 

Hall, Micah 197 


Hall, Philip 250 

Hall, pedigree ... 283, 285, 287 

Hall, Hawle, Robert 34, 36, 44, 68 

165, 183, 272 

Hall, Richard ... 58, 132, 309 

Hall, Roger 183 

Hall, Ruth 250 

Hall, Samuel 68, 69 

Hall, Susanna ... ... ... 184 

Hall, Sara 90 

Hall, Stephan 184 

Hall, (de aula), Thomas 6, 68, 78 

Hall, William 126 

Hallecroft (Braithwell) 31 

Hallam, Halom, Halume, Hallum, 

35, 55, 69 
81, 85, 324 

Hallam, Ellis 194 

Hallam, pedigree 283 

Hallamshire, Hunter's ... ... 310 

Hallamshire, Gatty's edition of 

Hunter's 257 

Hallamshire Glossary, Hunter's 39 

Hallas, Richard 83 

Halleflatts (Chapeltown) ... 3 

Halles, Adam de ... ... 3 

Hallestrete, Hallstrette, co Suf- 
folk 218, 223 

Hallet, John 181 

Halliday, Edward 80 

Hallom, Martin 158 

Hallomshire, Henry of 18 

Hallum, Richard 272 

Hallum, Thomas 143 

Hallumsyre, Hallumshire ... 1, 2 
Hallowes, Hallows ... 83, 180 

Halkham, CO Norfolk 163 

Halst, Geo 104 

Halst, La 104 

Halsted, Halst, John . . 103, 104 

Halsted, William 103 

Halton, Hugh de 21 

Haly 319 

Hamforde, co Line 205 

Hamlocke (?), John 43 

Hammond, pedigree 283 

Hampole, co York 280 

Hamuth, Peter of 6 

Hamuth, Robert of 6 

Hanaper, the 103, 125 

Han by, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hanby, Thomas 90 

Hancock, Charles ... ... 67 

Hancock, Godfrey ... ... 83 

Hancock, pedigree ... ... 287 



Hancok, Hancoke, George 
Handley Croft (Whirlow) 
Handley, parish of Staveley 
Handley, pedigree 
Handson, Thomas 







Handeswrth, Handsworth, Handes- 

worth 2, 82, 83, 88, 90, 97, 98 

180, 277, 304 

Handsworth parish registers . . . 286 

Hanesley, Sir John de ... ... 17 

Hangram Lane ... ... ... 62 

Hanley, Robert ... ... ... 32 

Hanley, William 76 

Hanslyn, John ... ... ... 43 

Hanson, Edward ... ... 93 

Hanson, Paull ... ... ... 80 

Hanson, Richard ... ... 53 

Hansworth Woodhouse ... 90 

Hant, William de ... 211,212 

Haplesthorpe, John de ... ... 263 

Happletorpe, Happlethorp, Haples- 
thorpe, William de 7, 263 

Harbourflatte (Clifton) 30 

Hard Meadowend (Hope) ... 192 
Hardcastle, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hardie, John 272 

Harding, pedigree ... ... 282 

Hardner (?), Richard 200 

Hardwick, Hardwicke 153, 191, 282 
Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire, The 

Claim of 293 

Hardy, pedigree... ... ... 282 

Hardy, William 198 

Hare, John 219 

Harehilles (Norton) 132 

Hareldehalstyd (High Peak) ... 119 
Harey Cloughe (Norton) ... 155 

Hargap (Chapeltown) ... ... 6 

Hargate, Hardgate, Wall 192, 298 
Hargate Wall Hill, or Wormhill 191 
Hargraves, Joseph ... ... 96 

Hargreaves, pedigree ... ... 283 

Harker, Anthony Christopher ... 99 
Harkestead, co Suffolk ... ... 242 

Harleston, Harlestone, co Suf- 
folk 238, 239 

241, 303 
Harmer, pedigree ... ... 283 

Harpam, Ambrose ... 69, 72 

Harper, Brian ... ... ... 225 

Harper, Robert 238,241 

Harpour, John ... ... ... 217 

Harpour, William 210,211,212 

"Harpur" 153 

Harpur, Dame Isabell 153 

Harpur Lands (Castleton) 
Harpur, Sir Richard 
Harqqebushe of Crocks 
Harris, Edward... 
Harris, Elizabeth 
Harrison, Grace 


.. 182 
.. 153 
.. 262 
.. 75 
.. 75 
.. 172 

Harrison, Harryson, Henry 172, 180 
Harrison, pedigree ...282,283,286 
Harrost Lane (Sheffield) ... 43 

Harry, Richard 209 

Harry, Hary, Robert ... 211, 212 
Harry, Hary, William ... 211, 212 
Harryson, Haryson, Herryson, 

John 30, 204 

Harstan, Peter de 200 

Hart, John 104 

Hart, Percivall 190 

Harthill, co York ... 59, 270, 274, 285 
Hartington, co Derby ... ... 199 

Hartley, Edward ... 82, 94 

Hartley, John 103 

Hartley, Margaret 103 

Hartley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hartley, Richard 103 

Hartley, Robert 73 

Hartley, William ... 63, 65 

Hartshorne, John ... ... 203 

Harvest Lane ... ... 86, 91 

Harvey, pedigree ... ... 282 

Harvye, Francis ... ... 323 

Harwarde, Harwood, Anthony 

128, 202 
Harwood, pedigree ... ... 287 

haryington and Bonvile, lorde ... 259 
Haselhirst, Haslehurst (Norton) 

142, 282 
Hasilbach, co Derby ... ... 190 

Hasilbarowe, Hasselbarrowe, 
Haselbarrowe (Norton) 

55, 124, 141, 153 
Haslara, pedigree ... ... 282 

Haslam, Godfrey ... ... 180 

Haslam, Robert... ... ... 67 

Haslam, William, Wyllm 45, 127 
Hasland, co Derby ... 184, 188, 304 
Hasland, pedigree ... ... 282 

Haslebarrow Hall, Norton ... 311 

Hasleforth, co Derby 250 

Haslehurst, George ... ... 155 

Haslehurst, pedigree ... 283, 285 
Hassall, Anne ... ... ... 57 

Hassall, Robert 57 

Hasson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hassoppe, Hassop ... 182, 193 
Hastings, Battle of 293 



Hastings, dominus ... ... 255 

Hastings, Hastyngs, Edward, 

Erdward Lord de ... 258,259 
Hastings, Hastyngs, Lord 256, 259 
Hastyngs, Sir Ralph, Ralph de 260 
Hastyngs, rape of ... ... 259 

Hastyngs, William, Lord ... 259 
Hasulbache, John ... ... 122 

Hatechrist, Henricus ... ... 100 

Hatefeld, Hatfield ... 20, 74, 267 
Hatfield, pedigree ... 283,285 
Hatfield, The Register at ...316 
Hathersage, Hatherseidge, Hather- 
sedge, see Haverseidge ... 83,89 
171, 182, 198 
297, 298, 303 
Hathwyk, Hathwike, see Ad- 
wick 20, 21 

Hattersley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Halton, Cristoper, Sir Christopher 

159, 160, 167 

Hatton, " Jeames " 227 

Hatton, Richard 170 

Haughe, Robert 263 

Haugh, Thomas at ... ... 215 

Haughton, John Lord ... ... 202 

Hauke, Springe (Norton) ... 155 

Haukyshurste, Nicholas ... 125 

Haulsted Fielde (Kirkstall) ... 103 
Hault Hucknall, co Derby ... 178 
Haumondsham, Adam de ... 113 

Haverseidge (alias Havershiggs) 

CO Derby, see Hathersage ... 83 
Hawdon, Jo ... ... ... 177 

Hawe (Braithwell) ... 21,31 

Hawe, Thomas ... ... ... 215 

Hawegate (Doncaster) ... 19, 20 

Hawevyle, Pallin ... ... 32 

Hawke, John 98 

Hawke, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hawkesley, Hawksley, John. ..69, 70 
Hawkesworth, Anne ... ... 90 

Hawkesworth, John ... 90, 146 
Hawkesworth, pedigree ... 283 

Hawkesworth, Robert ... 90, 146 
Hawkesworth, Thomas ... 146 

Hawkesley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hawkin, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hawley, Abm, Abhm 99 

Hawley, Daniel 273 

Hawley, pedigree of ... ... 285 

Haword (Brightside) ... ... 8 

Haworth, Wm ... ... ... 274 

Hawson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hawton, William de ... ... 17 


H ax worth, pedigree 

... 283 

Haya, Robert de 

... 4 

Haye, John del ... 

... 106 

Haye, Richard del 

... 106 

Hayes (Hope) ... 

... 193 

Hayle, Gurdon ... 

... 234 

Hayle, Guy 

... 236 

Haymer, William 

... 242 

Haynes, pedigree 

... 283 

Hayriesike, le 

... 114 

Hays Rushop, Chapel en le Frith 190 

Hayton, co Notts 312 

Haywood, pedigree ... 282,283 

Hazard, pedigree 282 

Hazelhurst, in Norton 190 

Headland (co Nott) 202 

Heald (Woodseats) 172 

Heald, John 83,171,250 

Heald Land 171 

Heald Meadow 171 

Heald, Ruth 250 

Healds, the (Woodseats), see 

Heald 155 

Healey, pedigree ... ... 283 

Healowe Meadowe (Little Nor- 
ton) 146 

Heard, Isaac ... ... ... 96 

Hearinge, Richard ... 39,51 

Heath, Thomas... ... ... 195 

Heathcote, George, see Hethcote, 

Hetcot 181 

Heathcoat, Michael 179 

Heathcote, pedigree ... ... 286 

Heathcote, Francis ... ... 150 

Heathcote, Godfrey 197 

Heathcote, Grace 272 

Heathcote, Sol 184 

Heathcotts Croft 193 

Heaton, pedigree 283 

Heaton, Heton, Tho, Thomas de 

92, 114 

Heaward, Elizabeth 132 

Heaward, George ... ... 132 

Heaward, John ... ... ... 132 

Heaward, Robert 132 

Heaward, Thomas ... ... 132 

Heawatd, Hayward, William, W 

Wm 132,235 

Heaword, George 181 

Heddingeleia, Heddigleia, Hed- 

diggleia, William de ... 100 
Hedges, C (Master of the Facul- 
ties) 86 

Heeley, Heghligh, Highley ... 55, 90 
162, 164, 166, 172, 274, 324 

General index. 



Heeley Bridge 68 

Heem, Henry 112 

Heendacre, Heend-acre ... 64, 187 
Heifield (Little Norton), see 

Highfield 139 

Heinor lands, co Derby, see 
Heynor ... ... ... 178 

Helay, John de, see Heeley ... 19 
Relay, Richard de ... ... 115 

Helay water, Helay Water ... 16 
Held (Woodseats), see Heald ... 164 
Helderidding, see Herdings ... 108 
Heldowe (Ravenfield) ... ... 26 

Helewell-dyke (Braithwell) ... 33 
Heleye, Thomas, see Heeley ... 18 
Heleyn Tre Bouke ... ... 26 

Hellhoyll, Hellhole ... 43,56,65,71 
Helias, the monk of Roche . . . 264 
HeHwellandes (Braithwell) ... 33 
Helliwell, pedigree ... ... 283 

Helmingham, co Suffolk ... 303 

Helves, Rychard ... ... 43 

Helyman, John ... ... 25,26 

Hemenlisworth, Hemilsworth, 
Thomas de (Himsworth), see 

Hemsworth 109,110 

Hemlock, Phillip 162 

Hempnall, co Norfolk 240 

Hempsall, J 204 

Hemsall (Chapel en le Frith) ... 192 
Hemsworth, co York, see Hem- 
enlisworth 278,279 

Hen Peppers (Coal Aston) ... 186 
Hen Peppers Dole (Coal Aston) 181 
Henderson, Thomas ... ... 148 

Henker (Ravensfield) ... ... 26 

Henley-on-Thames ... ... 259 

Henn (?), John 80 

Henry, W 94 

Henryson, William ... ... 31 

Henson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Henstede, co Suffolk ... 206, 207, 209 

Henstede (?), Hew 127 

Hepworth, pedigree ... ... 283 

Heppenstall, pedigree ... ... 283 

Herald's College ... 278,279 

Herbertsmythy, co York ... 10 

Hercy, Sir Hugh de ... 12, 13 

Herdeberwe, Hugh de 259 

Herdings (Norton), see Helde- 
ridding 89 

Herdyngfeld (Norton) 121 

herdyng wood, Norton ... ... 123 

Hereford 269 

Hering, William 243 

Herle, William 201 

Herlystone Market 208 

Hernaldislond 209 

Herring, Hannah ... ... 97 

Herring, Herringe, John ... 97,237 
Hersyne, Robert de ... ... 21 

Herte, Richard ... ... ... 217 

Herthill of Herthill, pedigree of... 311 

Hervy, John 213,214 

Hervy, William... 115, 116, 327 

Hesleye, Alice de ... ... 11 

Hesleye, Thomas ... ... 18 

Hesteburgh (?), Hugh de ... 114 

Hestley, Hestleye, William de... 

7,8,9, 11,16 
Hetcott (?), Margery, see Heath- 
cot 127 

Hethcot,Heathcote,Thomas.. 127,272 
Hethcot, Heathcote, Heathecot, 
Wyllm, William ... 127,263 

Heurtelen, Abel, Abell 94 

Heurtelen, Dinah ... 94,95 

Heurtley, pedigree ... ... 283 

Heveningham, co Suffolk ... 238 
Hevenyngham, John ... 213, 216 

Hewes, Barthol 105 

Hewitt, pedigree ... 282, 283 

Hewitt (?), Godfrey 127 

Hewley's Charities, Lady ... 291 
Hewley's Foundations, Lady ... 291 
Hewood, John ... ... 135, 136 

Hexthor, William de ... ... 14 

Hextropp, Hexthropp, Hexthorpe, 

near Doncaster 74,78,87,88, 89,260 
Hextrop, Hextropp, Ings ... 72,89 
Hextropp Lane ... ... ... 89 

Hextropp Lane Side ... ... 74 

Heymcurth, Sir John de ... 106 

Heyemore Edge ... ... 132 

Heynor, Heynyr, Heighnor, 
Heignor, alias Heinor ... 147, 148 
150, 151,178 
Heyriddings, see Herdings ... 117 
Heytredding, Heyridding, manor of 

Heytridding, Heyridding, Robert 

dele 109,110 

Heytridding, Heyridding, William 

de, del 109, 110 

Heyward, John, see Heaward... 206 

Hey ward, William 229 

Heywards Meadows (Hope) ... 193 

Hey wood, Robert 272 

Hibbard, pedigree 283 

Hides, pedigree ... ... ... 282 



Hides, George ... 
Hides, Godfrey, Godffrey 
Hides, Robert ... 
Higginbotham, pedigree 
Higgins, Godfrey 
Higgins, pedigree 


... 127 
... 201 
... 282 
... 278 

High Court of Chancery, Masters 

of the 170 

High Field 196 

Hyghfield, co Nott 203 

High Lee (Hathersage) ... 171 

High Peak, high Peake ... 119, 271 

298, 304, 316, 320 

High Peak, Deanery of ... 315 

High Peak Forest 192 

High Oake Close, co Derby ... 193 
High Street, Doncaster ... 94 

Higham, co Derby ... ... 177 

Highbrinke (Castleton) . . . ... 183 

Highester, co Essex ... ... 126 

Highlow (Castleton) 182 

Highstorth, Hiestorthe...l34, 135, 139 
Higinsonne, Henry ... ... 69 

Higley, Thomas ... ... 313 

Hilcoate 148 

Hill, pedigree 282 

Hill, Edeny 244 

Hill, Edward 267 

Hill, Godfrey 163 

Hill, Hugh del 7,9 

Hill, Ivo, Yvo, del 9 

Hill, James 67,80,81 

Hill, John 127 

Hill, pedigree of 286 

Hill, Robert del, Robert ... 9, 94 

Hill, William 127 

Hills, The (Stannington) ... 92 

Hillcoates, see Hilcoate ... 147 

Hillfield (Hackenthorpe) ... 185 

Hillion, Richard 114 

Himsworth, Himesworth, see 
Hemenlisworth and Hems- 
worth ... 128,142,153,173 
Himisworth, Thomas de ... 110,111 

HinchclyfFe, William 66 

Hinchliffe, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hinchliffe & Son, Rotherham ... 291 
Hinckesman, pedigree ... ... 282 

Hinde, pedigree... ... ... 283 

Hinkershull, Hinkyrshull (Stave- 
ley) 114 

Hinkershulldike, Hinkersuldyck 113 

Hinton, William 229 

Hipper, river ... ... ... 159 

Hippocrates ... ... ... 319 

Hippy, Ralph, see Huppi ... 106 
Hirst, Francis ... ... 67, 68 

Hirst, Henry 67,68 

Hirst, Katherine ... ... 68 

Hirst, pedigree 282,283 

Hisindy, Agnes ... 110 

Hisindy, John ... ... ... 110 

Hitch (or FHtch), Peter ... 153 

Hives, pedigree... 283 

Hobart, James 245 

Hobarte, Edward 239 

Hobarte, Henry ... ... 57 

Hobarte, Robert 239 

Hobb Hills 132 

Hobert, pedigree 283 

Hobson, Elizabeth ... ... 78 

Hobson, Hugh ... ... ... 56 

Hobson, James ... ... ... 157 

Hobson, John ... 36, 48, 126 

Hobson, Joseph 199 

Hobson, pedigree ... 283, 287 

Hobson, Philipp ... ... 157 

Hobson, Thomas 157 

Hobsone, Richard ... ... 131 

Hocco (?) Rog de (Hocton) ... 105 

Hocton, Roger de 3 

Hodelett, Thomas 8 

Hodgefeld (Dronfield) 36 

Hodgekynson, Geoffrey ... 128 

Hodginson, pedigree 282 

Hodgkinson, pedigree of ... 285 

Hodgkinson, Robert 180, 181, 182 

Hodgson, Bryan 199 

Hodgson, C. F. (Fleet Street) 306 

Hodgson, John 277 

Hodgson, pedigree 287 

Hodkinson, Robert 194 

Hodkinson, William 193 

Hodroyd, CO York 278 

Hodsock, CO Nott 153 

Hogg, Christopher 304 

Hognoston, Hognaston 145, 150, 151 

Hokby, John 117 

Holand, Holland, Hollande, 

Hollond... 36,65,71, l25, 142 

143, 222, 228, 229, 230, 231 

232, 233, 234, 289, 292 

Holbeck, Alan 207 

Holbek, Holbeck, Baldewyn 213,214 

Holbek, Geoffrey 207 

Holbek, Richard ... 213, 214, 217 

Holborn, pedigree 283 

Holdale, Robert 104 

Holdbreckes (Rawmarsh) ... 17 
Holde (Norton) 162 



Holdsworth, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hole, The Hole... ... 118, 183 

Hole Houses, Holehouse 128, 282 
"holes Lane garden" ... ... 169 

Holesike (Rawmarsh) ... 41, 45 
Holestorth (Little Norton)... 134, 135 
Holinehurst (? Beauchief) ... 176 
Holland, Anne ... ... ... 71 

Holland, Emma... ... ... 71 

Holland, pedigree ... ... 283 

Holland, Hollande, Robert 132, 134 
135, 136, 142, 143, 147 

Holl Clough (Norton) 147 

Hollen Hill (Norton) 132 

HoUens, Hollins (Ecclesall) ... 42, 73 

Hollins (Castleton) 183 

Hollingworth, Reginald ... 193 

HoUingsworth, Sarah ... ... 302 

Hollott, Thomas 272 

Hollyday, Samuel ... ... 88 

Hohn Wheel, the 273 

Holme (Chesterfield) ... ... 36 

Holme (Sheffield) 56 

Holme- Bank 193 

Holme, le (Chesterfield) ... 36 

Holme, John ... ... ... 23 

Holme, Thomas... ... ... 126 

Holmeclose, Holme Close, co 

Suffolk 238,242 

Holmes, Henry 72,74 

Holmes, pedigree ... ... 283 

Holmesfield, Homersfeld ... 160, 212 
219 297 317 
Holmfirth, CO York ... ' ...'277 
Holmhirst, Holmehirst (Norton) 

162, 164, 172, 303 
Holmhirst (farm), (Norton) ...303 
Holmsfield, George ... ... 197 

Holowe Medowe, Holow Mead- 
owe, Hollow Meadow 161, 177, 178 
Holroyd, pedigree ... ... 283 

Holt, Katherine 196, 197 

Holt Meadow 90,92 

Holt, Robert 196, 197 

Holt Well Meadow 56 

Holt, William 197 

Holte, CO Derby 117 

Holte, Hoult, John of ... 117,301 
Helton, CO Suffolk ... 216,240 
Holy Cross, Guild of the 22, 25 

Holy Green House, Sheffield 312 

Holy, pedigree 285, 287 

Holy Trinity at Chesterfield, 

Church of the 289 

Homfray, pedigree of 285 


63, 66, 




... 249 

... 180 

174, 175 

283, 287 
... 61 

Honey Spotts .. 

Hoo, William .. 

Hooke, Fran 

Hoole, James 

Hoole, John 

Hoole, pedigree.. 

Hoole, William .. 

Hoollstorthe, Hoolstorthe, Hoole- 
storth (Little Norton), see 
Hulstorth ... 139, 161, 177 

Hooton Roberts, Hooton Robert, 
Hoton Roberts, Hoton 
Robert, Hutton Robert ... 38, 39 
51, 52, 58 

Hope ... 158, 165, 168, 190, 

192, 193, 263 272, 298 

Hope, Ann 

Hope, Charles ... 

Hope, Manor of... 192, 263 

Hope Old Book, The 

Hopkinson, Joseph 

Hopthorp, see Upperthorpe 

Hopton, Hoptone 114, 115, 178, 192 

Hopton, Hoptone, John de, John 
114, 115, 

Hopton, pedigree 

Hopton, Richard de 

Flopton, William 

Hoptone, Adam de 

Hoptone, Joan de 

Hoptone, Roger de 

Hopwood, William 

Horbiri, John de 

Horbury bridge ... 

Horbury, Sir Ralph de... 

Horham, Horrham 219 

235, 236, 239, 240, 243 

Horham Church ... ... 235 

Horham Halle 219, 226 

Horham Jernegan, Jernegans, 
Jarnegans, Shermans, manor 
of, CO Suffolk... 219, 226, 234, 235 
236, 240, 243 

Horham, manor of ... 218, 234 

Horlefeldes, Horlfeldes, see Hurl- 
field, near Sheffield ... 41, 322 

Horloo, Horlo, co York ... 37 

Horncastle, pedigree ... 283, 285 

Home, pedigree... ... ... 282 

Home, Richard... ... ... 72 

Horner, John ... ... ... 32 

Hornsey, co Middlesex... ... 249 

Horpole, co Suffolk ... ... 245 

Horscroft, Horsecroft, Horscrofts, 
HorseCrofts(Kilnhurst).35, 52, 53 







221, 223 





Horse Pightle, co Suffolk ... 243 
Horsecroft Bouke (Ravensfield) 26 
Horseley, co Derby ... ... 112 

Horseley Park, co Derby ... 112 

Horseley, William 117 

Horsey, Island of, Essex ... 247 

Horsfall, pedigree ... ... 287 

Horshaughs, in Warlingsworth 238 
Horsley Woodhouse ... ... 180 

Hosgerthorpe, Roger de ... 6 

Hotheland, Hothland ... 134,135 
Hoto, Roger de, see Hocton ... 108 
Hoton (Hooton Roberts) 12, 13, 17, 21 
Hoton Gate ... ... ... 26 

Hoton, John de ... ... ... 14 

Hoton, William de, William 23, 26 

Hough, John 171 

Houle, John, Johannes ... 69, 323, 324 
Houle Storth, see Hoolstorthe, 

Hulstorthe ... 
Houlehacking, Houlehackyng . . . 
Houlmhurst (Woodseats) 
Hoult, Henry ... 
Hoult House, Houlthouse, Holt- 
house, Holt House, Sheffield 
55, 56, 87, 90, 92 
Hoult, Thomas ... 
Houndseates, co Derby 
Hounesfeild, Hounesfield, Bar- 
Hountinfeld, Sir Seyr de 
Hourton, John ... 
Housefeild, Housfield ... 89, 
Housley, John ... 
Houvellcrofte (Braithwell) 
Hoverhalghe, the (Rawmarsh) . . . 
How, pedigree ... 
Howard, Henry Lord ... 
Howard, William 
Howarth, pedigree 
Howbrookeside (Hope)... 
Howden, co York 
Howe, Ellis ... 165, 168, 
Howe, John ... ... 165, 

Howe, Robert ... 
Howecrosse, Howe or Hawe 
Cross (Doncaster) ... ...8, 13 

Howell, David 48 

Howell, John 47 

Howesitch Tongue (Castleton)... 183 
Howie, John ... ... ... 55 

Howie, William... ... ... 55 

Howpathorpe (Sheffield) ... 56 

Howridding (Hathersage) ... 171 
Howse, Edward ... ... 57 




















Howsden, John ... ... ... 157 

Howys (Hawe or Hall — Hall- 
gate ?), Doncaster ... 14 
Howys Street, Strete (Doncaster), 

Hall Gate 13 

Hoxne 219, 226, 234, 236, 240, 243 

Hoyes, Mary 204, 205 

Hoyes, Robert 204 

Hoyland (Barnsley) 98 

Hoyland, George ... ... 274 

Hoyland, John 274 

Hoyland, Jonathan 90 

Hoyland, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hoyland, William ... ... 61 

Hoyle (Fulwood) 84 

Hoyle, Fretwell W 292 

Hoyle House (Hallam) 85 

Hoyle, pedigree 287 

Hoyner ... ... ... ... 147 

Hoystrop, pedigree 283 

Hubald ... 100 

Hucklow, CO Derby ... ... 302 

Huddersfield, Hudderysfeld 27, 299 
Hudson, Alexander ... ... 35 

Hudson, John ... ... ... 180 

Hudson, pedigree ... ... 283 

Hudson, Thomas 146, 147, 149, 174 
Hudson, William 17, 122, 194 

Hughe (Monke) 11,12 

Hughson, Adam ... ... 14 

Hughson, William ... ... 15 

Hull 93 

Hull, Edward 42 

Hull, Richard de 115 

Hull, Roger de 116 

Hulme, Nicholas de ... ... 106 

Hulme, Robert 145 

Hulme, Wylliam 119 

Hulstorth (Little Norton), see 

Hoollstorthe 196 

Humbacke, Phillip, see Hun- 
backe... ... ... ... 167 

Humbartey, William 202 

Humby, co Line ... ... 152 

Hunbacke (?), Hunbecke (?), 

Phillip 162, 169 

Hundred Acres, the Hundred 

Acre 248, 249 

Hundred and Liberty of the High 

Peak 193 

Hundsley, John ... ... ... 72 

Hundsley, William 72 

Hungerford 256 

Hungerford, Nicholas de ... 112 

Huniston, George ... ... 77 




Huniston, John ... 170 

Hunsdon, George Carey, Lord 59 
Hunsdon, Rt Hon Henry Lord 

58, 270 
Hunsfielde, Thomas ... 49, 51 

Hunsflat (Kilnhurst) 49 

Hunt, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Hunt, Alice 120 

Hunt, John 33, 34 

Hunt, pedigree ... 283 

Hunt, Robert 37 

Hunt, Thomas ... ... ... 53 

Hunt, William 37, 120 

Hunter (Joseph) ... 315, 316 

Hunter, Henry Julian ... ... 308 

Hunter, Joseph 281, 290, 291, 292 

317, 318 
Hunter, pedigree of ... ... 285 

Hunter, Rev. J 278,291 

Hunter, R 291 

"Hunter Collection of Records" 277 
"Hunter MSS.— Hunter's Don- 
caster " 277 

Hunter's Collections, Mr. ... 305 

" Hunter's Doncaster"... ... 277 

"Hunter's Doncaster Collection " 277 

" Hunter's Tickhill" 281 

"Hunter's York" 278 

"Hunter's Yorkshire" ... 277, 278 

279, 280 
" Hunter's Yorkshire Collections ' ' 

280, 281 
"Hunter's Yorkshire Pedigrees" 

278, 280 
"Hunter's Yorkshire Records" 275 
" Hunter's York Records " ...277 
Huntingfield, co Suffolk ... 163 

Huntingfeld, Huntyngfeld, 

Lord de 208 

Huntsman, pedigree ... ... 283 

Huppi, Ralph, see Hippy ... 107 

Hurdlow (co Derby) 302 

Hurloo, Hurlowe, Hurlow 

(Whirlow) ... 36, 42 

Hurst, Hyrst, Robert del Robert 

105, 126 

Hurt, pedigree ... 282 

Husel, Roger de ... ... 3 

Hussher, John ... ... ... 20 

Hutchinson, pedigree ... ... 282 

Hutchinson, Louisa Clark ... 98 
Hutchinson, Sarah ... ... 99 

Hutton, pedigree ... 282,283,285 
Hutton, Sir Richard, Ricardo, 

Ricardus, Ricardi 104, 323, 324 



.. 122 

.. 34 

.. 34 

.. 235 

.. 114 

.. 200 

.. 26 



Hutton, Thomas 

Hyblyn, William 

Hyde, Agnes 

Hyde, John 

Hyegate, Fr 

Hyelye, the 

Hykeling, William de . 

Hylclyffe (Ravensfield). 

Hyley Common, Comon, 


Hyley Mylne, Hiley Milne 148, 155 
Hyley, Terrytorie and Boundes of 131 
Hyllion, Richard de ... ... 113 

Hymsworth, Hymesworth, see 

Hemsworth, Himsworth, and 

Hemenlisworth ... 128,145,146 

160, 161, 166 

Hynd Acre (Fulwood) ... ... 63 

Hyne, John ... ... ... 30 

Hyngram, Robert ... ... 23 

Hynkersul, Roger de, see Hin- 

kershull 113 

Hyssmaye, Ralph ... ... 109 

Hye Stors, H ie Storres (Ecclesall) 


Ibberson, George 
Ibberson, pedigree of 
Ibbotson, John ... 
Ibbotson, pedigree 
Ibotson, Ibbotson, 




283, 285, 287 

Ilbert, . . 
lies, William 
Ilketyshale, Ilketsale 
Ilmere, manor of 
Ince, Mr. 
Ince, pedigree ... 
Ince, Thos Norris 
Independent Meeting 

Ingall, pedigree of 
Ingate, Nicholas 
Ingham, Nicholas 
Ingham, pedigree 
Ingleston, pedigree 
Ingoldsby, pedigree 
Ingram, Richard 
Ingram, Ingrame, Robert 
I nman, pedigree ... 
Inman, George ... 
Inman, Thomas... 
Inner Temple, London... 

64, 171, 274, 314 

... 100 

... 160 

217, 240 


315, 318 

282, 283 

... 314 


27, 30 





Innocent, pedigree 


Jacob, Willyam... 

... 240 

Inquisitions Post Mortem 

> • . 


Jacson, Miss 

... 305 

Intack, the. Intake, Intacke, In- 

Jacson (?), Ralph 

... 42 

tack at the Mire ... 



Jacson, Roger ... 

... 305 



Jakes, Richard ... 

... 18 

Ipswich (?) 



Jakes, Thomae, Thomas 

256, 258 

Iron Masters, the Association of 


"Jakes's Manuscript" ... 

256, 324 

Iron Masters in Counties of York 

Jameson, John ... 

... 31 

and Derby 


Jardine, Geo 

... 199 

Ireland, Lord Steward of 


Jarratt, John 

... 80 

Ireland, Tobias ... 


Jarratt, Thomas 

... 80 

Ireton Wood, co Derby 


Jarvis, pedigree 

... 283 

Ishells (house called) ... 


Jarvis, Willom 

... 274 

Isbells Pictell, Isbell's Pightell, 

Jay, John 

... 242 

I shells Pightle ... 



Jeessoope (?), Willm ... 

... 152 

234, 235, 236 



J eeves, pedigree ... 

... 287 

Isemay, Ralph ... 


JefFcock, pedigree 

... 287 

Isomaysal (Norton) 



JefFcock, Jeflfcocke, Richard 


" Ivanhoeland" by T. S. B. East- 

JefFcock, Thomas 

... 63 



Jeffray, James 

... 199 

Iveson, Adam ... 


Jenkin ... 

Jenkins, co Essex 

Jenkins, J. 


243, 282 

147, 160 

... 93 

... 282 

Jacfeld (Norton) 



Jenkinson, John... 

... 180 

Jacks (a tunic) ... 



Jenkinson, pedigree 

... 283 

Jackson, pedigree 


Jenkyns, pedigree 

... 278 

Jackson, Arthur... 265, 



Jennings, pedigree 

282, 283 



Jepson, pedigree 

... 283 

Jackson, Charles 


Jermy, Francis, Fr 

219, 228 

Jackson, Charlotte 


229, 230, 232, 233, 

234, 235 

Jackson, Collection 


Jermy, John 

215, 216 

Jackson, David ... 


217, 219 

225, 235 

Jackson, Edward 


Jermy, manor of 

... 221 

Jackson, Elizabeth 


Jermy, Tho 

... 235 

Jackson, Francis 



Jermyn, pedigree 

... 282 

Jackson, George 


Jermyn, John 

212, 214 

Jackson, Hannah 


Jernegan, John ... 

... 216 

Jackson, Henry... 


Jerold, John 

... 233 

Jackson, John ... 


Jervas, pedigree... 

283, 285 

Jackson, Joseph... 



Jervis, pedigree... 

... 287 

Jackson, Launcelot 


Jesopp, Edmund 

... 235 

Jackson, manuscript 



Jessopp, Jessop, Francis 

64, 66, 81 

Jackson, Mary ... 


Jessoppe, Jessop, pedigree 

283, 286 

Jackson, Nathan 


Jewesson, pedigree 

... 283 

Jackson, Nicholas 




Jackson, pedigree 



Jika Jika, co Bourke, Victoria 253 

Jackson, Richard 



Joans, Coll 

... 269 

Jackson, Samuel 



Jobson, pedigree 

... 283 

Jackson, Sussannah 

. • • 


John ...9,21,29,69,108 

, 121, 228 

Jackson, Thomas 


John, son of Goodefrid... 

... 6 

Jackson, Thomas Beckwith 


John Barnes Wheele ... 

... 155 

Jackson, William 



John Taylour's garden ... 

... 220 

Jacob, Jacobe, John 



Johnsetknole (Little Norton) ... 139 

Jacob, Nicolas ... 


Johnsettwood (Little Nortor 

l).134, 135 




Johnsettwood Closes ... ... 135 

Johnsetwood Field, Johnsettwood 

Fielde 139, 140 

Johnsettwood Knowle ... ... 146 

Johnson, Anthony ... ... 304 

Johnson alias Edmondson, Eliza- 
beth 127, 128 

Johnson, Henry 24, 202 

Johnson, John ... ... ... 24 

Johnson, pedigree ... 282,283,287 

Johnson, M.A., Peter 97 

Johnson, Ralph .. . ... ... 127 

JohnsonaliasEdmondsone,Raphe 127 
Johnson, Jonson, Richard 58, 132 
Johnson, Stephen ... ... 203 

Johnson, William ...35, 167, 272 

Johnston, pedigree ... ... 285 

Johnstone, pedigree ... ... 283 

Jolley, Timothy 82 

Jollie, pedigree 283,285 

Jones, Chris ... ... ... 94 

Jones, pedigree 282,283 

Jones, Will 67, 157 

Jordanthorp, Jordanthorpe, Jor- 
thanthorpe, Jurdenthorpe, Jor- 
denthorpe,Jerdenthorpe (Nor- 
ton)... 118, 123, 124, 132, 142, 143 
145, 150, 153, 161, 162, 163, 170 
173, 174, 175, 176, 181, 184, 303 
Jordanthorp, Joan ... ... 118 

Jordanthorp, Richard de ... 118 

Jordanthorpe, Jurdanthorp, 

Thomas de ... 115, 117, 120 
Jordanthorpe, Alicia de ... 115 

Journey round the World " 

(Rev. Dr. Falding) 295 

Jowett, Jo, John 194 

Jowett, Jos 94 

Jowett, pedigree ... ... 287 

Jubb, George ... ... ... 62 

Jubb, pedigree 283, 285 

Jumboe Close (Castleton) ... 183 
Junfield, or Jimfield (Norton) ... 174 

Junfield Lane (Norton) 174 

Justice, Francis ... ... ... 78 

Justice, Jesper ... ... ... 68 

Justice, pedigree ... ... 283 

Justice, Richard ... 30, 31, 33 

Justice, Robert 203 

Justices ... ... ... ... 4 

Justices of peace ... ... 266 

Kachehors, Ralph 
Karre, Richard ... 



Kateby, Marjory de 

... 107 

Kateby, Robert de 

... 107 

Kay, Mr 

... 201 

Kay, pedigree 

... 283 

Kay, William ... 


Kaye, Robert ... 

... 141 

Kearsley, pedigree 

... 283 

Keat, pedigree ... 

... 283 

Kebberling, pedigree ... 

... 283 

Keble (?), James 

... 242 

Kechin, Robert 

... 233 

Keene, Edward... 

242, 243 

Keene, Elizabeth 

... 243 

Keene, James ... 

... 242 

Keene, Mary 

... 242 

Keepers, Robert 

... 233 

Kelfeld (or Belfeld), Thomas ... 24 

Kellam, John 

... 78 

Kellam, Thomas, Tho ... 

... 78 

Kelsey, pedigree 

... 283 

Kelyate, Robert 

... 216 

Kempsil (High Peak) ... 

... 191 

Kent, Countess of 

... 269 

Kent, county 

... 174 

Kent, George 

... 202 

Kent, Thomas ... 

145, 167 

Kenyon, pedigree 

... 283 

Ker, William 

... 208 

Kerby, co Northampton 

... 160 

Kerbye, co Essex 

... 247 

Kerre Hyll (Ravensfield) 

... 26 

Kersyngford, co Suffolk 

... 216 

Ketelbergh, Kettleburgh, Kettle- 

burghe 224,303 

Ketilberge, William de... ... 10 

Kettleland, co Suffolk 220 

Ketylco, Ketlekoo, Kettleco, co 
Suffolk ... 218,223,227 

Keu, William le 

... 7 

Keveton, John de 

... 9 

Keveton, Rayner de 

... 9 

Key, pedigree ... 

... 283 

Keys, Ralph 

... 112 

Keys, Richard ... 

... 112 

Keys, Thomas ... 

... 112 

Kighley bridge ... 

... 267 

Kilburn, Kilbourne 

. 112, 180 

Kilburn, Hawys de 

... 112 

Kilburn, Richard of 

... 112 

Kilburn, Robert de 

... 112 

Kilburn, William of 

... 112 

Killam (sic), John 

78, 80 

Killam, Thomas... 

... 80 

Killhillcroft (High Peat 

:) ... 193 

Kilne bridge 

... 267 



Kilne Croft, Kill Croft... 173, 175 
192, 193, 303 
Kilne Landes (Castleton) ... 183 
Kilnefield, Kilnfield, Kilnefeilde, 

Kilnefeild ... 73,162,164,172 
Kilnehirst House ... ... 53 

Kilnehurst Lane, Laine . . . 50, 52 

Kilnehurst, Kilnhurst, Manor of ..52, 53 

Kilnhurst, Kilnhirst, Kilnhurste, 

Kilnehurste, Kilnehurst, Kilne- 

hirste...5, 7, 9, 17, 18, 22, 29, 33, 34 

35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45, 48 

49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 263 

Kilnhurst Carr Ynges 39 

Kilnhurst Green, Kilnehurst 

Greene 39,49 

Kilnhurst, Hugh de 7,8 

Kilnhurst, Kylnehirste, John de...7, 24 
Kilnhurst, Margaret de... ... 7 

Kilnhurst, Margery de ... ... 7 

Kilnhurst, the Moor of 49 

Kilnhurst, Ralph de 5,9 

Kilnhurst, watermills of ... 50 

Kilnhurst, WilHam de ... ... 5, 8 

Kilnhurst, Yvo, Yvo de, Ivo de... 

Kimberworthe, Kimberworth, 

Kymberworth...22, 23, 37, 98, 297 
Kinewaldemers (Killamarsh) ... 108 
Kinewaldemers (Killamarsh), 

Ralph de 108 

King, Anthony 80 

Kinge, Letitia ... ... ... 11 

Kinge, William 11,22 

King's bailiffs ... ... ... 4 

King's Bench, Court of ... 67, 75 
Kings College, Aberdeen ... 96 

King's Dyke (York) 48 

King's Eschaetor, the ... ... 259 

King's Head, The (Sheffield) ... 305 
King's Highway ... 8, 21, 43, 44, 218 
King's Itinerant Justices, the ... 201 
King's lands, the (Rawmarsh) . . . 37 
King's road (Doncaster) ... 73,74 
Kingsfeild Green, co Suffolk ... 243 

Kingsfield, Kingsfeild 243 

Kingshalle, co Suffolk 240 

Kingston on Hull ... ... 75 

Kirk, Henry 191 

Kirk, Kirke, pedigree ... 283,285 

Kirk, Robert 274 

Kirk, Sandall 277 

Kirkby, pedigree ... 282,287 

Kirkby, Robert 55 

Kirkdole, The 67 

Kirke, Nicholas... 
Kirke, Thomas ... 
Kirkeby, Thomas de 
Kirkefeld (Doncaster) 
Kirkelee, co Suffolk 


... 183 
202, 272 
... 23 
... 28 
... 209 

Kirkelond, Kirklands, Kirklande 

26, 41, 45, 46 

Kirklane, the (York) 37 

Kirklestede, Monastryof, Monas- 

terio de 41,322 

Kirksmeaton, Ancient Monu- 
ments at 280 

Kirkstall, Kyrkstall, Kyrkestall 


Kirkstall Abbey 1 04, 263 

264, 265, 278 
Kirkstall, abbot and convent of . . . 101 
Kirkstall, Chronicle of ... ... 265 

Kirkstall, convent of 265 

Kirkstall history 264 

Kirkstall, Hugh, Abbot of ... 265 
Kirkstall, Kyrkestall, Kirkst ; 
Monastery of, Monast de ... 

103, 263, 264 
Kyrkestall, church of ... ... 100 

Kyrkestall, Monks of 100 

Kyrkstall, Abbot Alexander of... 100 
Kyrkstall, John abbot of ... 102 

Kyrkstall, William abbot of ...102 

Kirtlington, co Nott 40 

Kitchen, pedigree ... ... 282 

Kitchin Close (Ecclesall) ... 92 

Kitchin Croft, Crofte (Ecclesall) 

56, 90, 92 
Kitchen, Kitchin, pedigree. ..283, 285 
Kitchin, Thomas ... ... 57 

Knaresbrough, Forest of ... 280 

Knevett, Anthony 248 

Knight & Co., Charles (London) 305 
Knight, pedigree ... 282,283 

Knight, Thomas 246 

Knights Fees, Book of 258 

Knights Flatt (Coal Aston) ... 181 
Knights of the Shire (Derby) ... 316 
Knotcrosse, parish of Ashover... 177 

Knowl (Norton) 196 

Knowledge Balke (Clay worth)... 203 
Knowles, George ... ... 244 

Knowles, Margaret ... 244 

Knowles, pedigree ... ... 283 

Knuttall, George ... ... 173 

Knyght, Knyghte, William ... 13, 14 

Koke, John 124 

Kooc, Robert 210 

Kook, Thomas ... ... ... 211 




Kylgate, Thomas 209 

Kylnhirste, Kylnehirst, Roger, 

Roger de 19,21 

Kylyate, Henry de 207 

Kylyate, John de 207 

Kylyate, Robert ... 216,217 

Kylyate, Thomas ... ... 210 

Kyng, Christiana le ... ... 208 

Kyng, John 110 

Kyng, Rose 110 

Kyngeseye, John ... 212,214 

Kyngesmedowe (Darley) ... 125 

Kynggesheye, Robert ... ... 211 

Kyngishallelond, Kyngeshalle- 

lond 210,211,212 

Kyngstone, Kyngestone, Kynge- 

ston, CO Nott ... 135,136,137 
KynwoUmerssh, Kynwolmersch, 

Kynwolmerssh, William, 

Willelmum ... 122,123,325,326 

Kyrbye, co Essex 247 

Kyrk, Arnald 194 

Kyrke, Kyrcke, Kirk, Anthony... 

136, 137,138,303 
Kyrke, Kyrk, Kirk, John de, John 

121, 194, 198 

Lacer, Richard ... ... ... 12 

Lacon, John ... ... ... 16 

Lacy, Hawis ... ... ... 100 

Lacy, Henry ... ... ... 100 

Lacy, Laci, Lascy, Robert de 

100, 101, 264 
Lacy, Sarah ... ... ... 202 

Lacy, Wilfred 128 

Lacy, William 202 

Ladles 262 

Lady Meadowe, the (Chesterfield) 1 72 
Lady Meadowsyde (Chesterfield) 183 
Ladyclose (Synyngton) . . . ... 255 

" Ladyne ende," a (co Suffolk)... 236 

Lake, John 200 

Lalonel, pedigree ... ... 282 

Lamb Hill, Handsworth ... 304 

Lamb, William 77 

Lambard, Denyse ... ... 24 

Lambard, William 24 

Lambert, Abbot 264 

Lambert, Coll 269 

Lambert Croft (Sheffield) ... 305 

Lambert, pedigree 284 

Lambert, Richard 58 

Lambert, William 11 

Lamp, The 305 

Lamplugh, pedigree ... ... 287 

Lancaster, Bryan ... 43, 44 

Lancaster, Chancery of ... 101 

Lancaster, county of ... ... 1 02 

Lancaster, Duchy of, Duchye of, 

Dutchie of 101, 104, 147, 151 

258, 271, 304 

Lancaster, Duchy Court of ... 103 

Lancaster, Duke of ... ... 257 

Lancaster, Henry, Earl of ... 257 

Landsall, Ralph 160 

Lane, Dorothy 243 

Lane, Geo (?) 202 

Lane Heade (Castleton) ... 166 

Lane, Lionell ... ... ... 243 

Lane, Martyn ... ... ... 128 

Langley (co Suffolk) 222 

Langley, Timothy ... ... 190 

Langthwayte, John de ... ... 24 

Langthwayte, Robert ... 24, 31 

Langthwayte, William de, 

William ... 24, 29, 30, 31 

Langton, co York ... ... 296 

Langus, Nicholas, Nicholas de 1,2 
Lant, John ... ... ... 145 

I^anvilla, Adam de ... ... 101 

Lany, Aslak ... ... ... 235 

Large, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Larom, pedigree ... ... 283 

Lascels, John de ... ... 114 

Latham, Margaret ... ... 58 

Lathefeild, Lathefield (Sheffield) 

Latymer, John Lord ... ... 254 

Latymer, John Nevell Lord ... 254 
Laughton (Rotherham)...98, 159,279 
Laughton en le Morthen ... 314 

Laughton, Sarah ... ... 98 

Launce, Robert... ... ... 226 

Laundere, John . . . ... ... 46 

Laurie, Lawrie, Major General 

Sir Robert ... 251, 252 

Laverok, John ... ... ... 122 

Laverok, WiUiam ... ... 122 

Law, pedigree 284, 287 

Lawe, Law, Richard ... ... 75 

Lawrans, Thomas ... ... 228 

Lawrence, Laurence, Grace 240, 243 

Lawrence, Laurence, James 235, 236 

239, 240, 243 

Lawrence, Laurence, John 225, 226 

Laxfeld, Laxfield, Laxfeild 215, 235 

236, 246 



Laxtona, Nicholas de ... 
Laxtona, Robert de 
Laycock, Enoch 
Laycock, pedigree 
Laycok, John 


... 107 

... 107 

... 95 

... 287 

... 136 

Lea Moskers (Little Norton) ... 139 
Leadbeater, Henry ... 57, 58 

Leadbeater, Mr 57 

Leadbeater, pedigree ... ... 285 

Leader, pedigree ... ... 287 

Leader & Sons, Sheffield ... 290 

Leagh (Little Norton) ... 134, 135 
Leake, pedigree .. . ... ... 282 

Leake, Francis ... ... ... 136 

Leaman, John ... ... ... 243 

Leatham, pedigree of ... ... 278 

Leborne, Richard ... ... 145 

Lece, John 207, 209 

Lece, Thomas ... ... 213, 214 

Lecke, Raff 127 

Ledeatflat (Ravenfield)... ... 26 

Lee, Ann, Anne... ... ... 82 

Lee, Anthony ... ... ... 159 

Lee, Dionysivs ... ... ... 63 

Lee, lee, Edmund at ... 215, 216 
Lee, Elizabeth ... ... ... 82 

Lee, George ... ... 82, 157 

Lee, James ... 77, 172, 180 

Lee, Leigh, Jervase, Gervase 57, 63 

66, 151 
Lee, John ... 135, 162, 164 

Lee, Jonathan ... 82, 86, 313 

Lee Lees ... ... ... 150 

Lee, pedigree 282, 284 

Lee, Roger 81, 179 

Lee, Thomas ... ... 45, 87 

Lee, William, Wm, WiUm 44, 54 

127, 142, 144, 145, 153, 215 

Leech, Sir Edward ... ... 170 

Leech, William 170 

Leeds 98. 264, 265, 299, 300, 307 

Leeds, Riot at 278 

Leek, John, John de ... 34, 200 
Leeke, Frances, Frauncis ... 130 
Leeke, Ralph ... ... ... 127 

Lees (Norton) 129, 159 

Lees Broke (Norton) 148 

Lees Crofte (Norton) 155 

Lees Hall 55, 146 

Lees, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Lees in Wrights Close (Raw- 
marsh) ... ... ... 46 

Leeston, John de ... ... 18 

Legate, William 239 

Legate, pedigree ... ... 284 


Legge, pedigree 285 

Leicester, county of ... ... 258 

Leicester, Leycestre, Earl of 257, 258 
Leicester, Edmund Earl of ... 257 
Leicester, Robert Beaumont, 

Earl of 257 

Leicester, franchise of ... ... 259 

Leicester, Sheriff of 258 

Leigh, Francis ... 156 

Leigh, Legh, T., The ... 157, 183 

Leighe, Peter 157 

Leight, Peter 158 

Leithiwicke, Jeremie ... ... 170 

Leke, Francis ... ... ... 125 

Leke, Thomas ... ... ... 125 

Lelom Mylne 254 

Lenedebalke (Doncaster) ... 16 

Len ton, prior of... ... ... 112 

Lerundeheia (Kirkstall) ... 100 

Lescelyn, Lesceleyn, Thomas 

207, 209 

Lesley, David 269 

Leslie, Jo ... ... ... 96 

Lestraunge, Fulk ... ... 256 

Lestraunge, John ... ... 257 

Lesurays, John ... ... ... 5 

Lete, John 206 

Letheringham, co Suffolk ... 236 

Letheringham Bridge 242 

Letheringham Hawle ... ... 224 

Levedaies, co Suffolk ... ... 220 

Leventon, Robart de, Robert . . . 254 
Levit, Levet, Percival, Parcivall 

48, 50, 51 
Levidaies, co Suffolk ... ... 236 

Levinge, Thomas 167 

Levitt, Levett, William 40, 74 

Lewer, Richard... ... ... 16 

Lewes, convent of ... ... 260 

Lewes, prior of ... ... 18, 21 

Lewis, Richard ... ... ... 68 

Ley (Norton) 134, 135 

Ley Croft (Sheffield) 56 

Leyes, Peter de 109 

Leyfield (Clay worth) 201 

Leys, Leyes, Peter de ... 109, 110 
Leys, Thomas de, Thomas del 

107, 108 
Leyson, Thomas ... 248, 249 

Leyston, William del ... ... 1 

"Liber Niger"... 3 

Lichefelde, Lichefeild, 

William de ... 3, 4 

Lickbarrow, William ... ... 72 

Licker Hall, Chesterfield 127-128 




Lidgate (Sheffield) 274 

Lief, pedigree 284 

(Light) Dragoons, 10th Regi- 
ment of ... ... ... 251 

Light Dragoons, 28th Regi- 
ment of 251, 252 

Lightwode, John de 109 

Lightwood (Norton).., 55, 141, 142 

144, 145, 166 

Lightwood Walls (Norton) ... 155 

Lilly, Anne 236 

Lillye, Lilly, Lilley, Lylly, Lyllye 

233, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241 

244, 246 

Linacre, James ... ... ... 130 

Lincoln, Lincolnie 156, 204, 275 

277, 322 
Lincoln, Deane of ... ... 196 

Lincoln, Edward Earl of ... 104 
Lincoln, Henry de Lacy Earl of 265 
Lincolne, Lincoln, Thomas de 12, 106 
Lindley, pedigree ... ... 282 

Lindsey, Richard ... ... 93 

Linley, pedigree 282,284 

Linton (co Derby) 180 

Lise (?), Thomas de ... ... 3 

Lisle, Brian de (de insula) ... 200 
Lister House (Neepsend) ... 86 

Lister, pedigree 284 

Lister, Thos ... ... ... 92 

Lister, Lyster, Willm ... 75, 101 
Listerfeild, Lister Feild, Lister 
Field, Listerfield, Neepsend 

86, 91, 92 
Listers Messuage or House ... 91 
Litchurch, co Derby ... ... 316 

Litell Hek (Ravensfield) ... 26 

Litherland, pedigree ... ... 284 

Little Sowter Croft (Norton) ... 174 
Litle Stile Pingle (Bolsover) ... 189 

Litle Toftes (Norton) 132 

Littilfeld, Little Field, Little 

Feild, Littlefield ... 18, 29, 89 
161, 177 

Little Birches (Norton) 147 

Little Birkinfeild (Ecclesall) ... 89 
Little BromeFieldes (Norton)... 148 

Little Chester 167 

Little Chester, manor of 167, 196 
Little Cleylandes, Little Clay- 

landes (Norton) ... 138, 144 

Little Cobner (Norton) 196 

Little Close 83, 140 

Little Close under the Hil 
(Norton) 140 


Little Court, " Little Courts " 

127, 168, 218, 263, 271, 272 
Little Court Baron 

174, 180, 181, 271 

Little Croft (Hackenthorpe) 185, 193 

Little Dole Close (Gleadless) ... 146 

Little Eaton 167 

Little Field Close (Hexthorpe) 87, 89 

Little Fulwood Field (Hope) ... 193 

Little Hallows (Coal Aston) ... 180 

Little Hanging Storth (Norton) 155 

Little High Feild (Whirlow) ... 76 
Little Holhns (Sheffield) 90, 92 
Little Horsecroft, Little Horse 

Croft 49, 183 

Little Horsehay (Hathersage) ... 89 

Little Hurlefeild (Sheffield) ... 55 

Little Leek, co Nott 36 

Little Lyme (Whirlow) 76 

Little, Matthew 304 

Little Medowe, Little Meadow 

64, 187, 196 

Little Mickley (Bradway) ... 158 
Little Norton, Litle Norton, 
Lyttill Norton, Lytell 
Norton, Lytle Norton ... 

34, 35, 116, 124, 125, 126 

130, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137 

138, 139, 140, 142, 144, 145 

146, 147, 148, 150, 154, 160 

161, 169, 175, 176, 177, 178 

179, 181, 186, 188, 196, 304 
Little Norton Meadow, Little 

Norton Medowe ... 139, 140 

Little Okes (Sheffield) 56 

Little Ox Close (Bradway) ... 194 
Little Pittfield (Heinor, co Derby) 178 
Little Rough Hal (Gleadless) ... 55 
Little Spring (Coal Aston) ... 186 
Little Todhole, Litle Tode Hole, 
Litle Tode Mode (Kiln- 
hurst) 50,53,54 

Little Wood (Sheffield) 56 

Littlewood, pedigree ... 282,284 

Littlewood, Little Spring called 54 

Littlewood, Schofield 99 

Littlewood, Wm 99 

Local Bills, etc 297 

" Local Spectacles " (Scrutator) 295 

Lodge Carrs (Fulwood) ... 84 

Lodge Close (Balby) ... ... 77 

Lockeslay (near Sheffield) ... 1,2 
Lockesmith's House (Chester- 
field) 183 

Lockhart Minehead 199 




Lockwood, John ... ... 55 

Lockwood, Edward ... ... 274 

Lockwood, pedigree ... ... 284 

Loe, John ... ... ... 303 

Lokesymth, William 20 

Lomas, pedigree ... ... 282 

Lomas, John 191, 198 

Lomax, Laurence ... ... 234 

London ... 11, 12, 30, 50, 51, 52, 90 

93, 96, 102, 119, 126, 128, 129 

135, 154, 157, 162, 170, 174 

180, 190, 191, 194, 196, 201 

205, 247, 249, 250, 307 

London Gazette 99,301 

London, Thomas del ... ... 17 

London, William de ... ... 5 

Lone (Ravenfield) ... ... 26 

Long Bentes alias Beast Hills 

(Coal Aston) 167 

Long Close, co Suffolk ... 243 

Long Dole (Bradway) ... ... 158 

Long Half Acre (Hathersage) . . . 171 

Long, John ... 8 

Long Lane Syde (Hathersage) ... 171 
Long Leadenham, co Line ... 204 
Long Lee (Hope) ... ... 193 

Long Meadow Causey (Hope)... 193 
Long Meadowhead (Hope) ... 193 

Long Park (Fulwood) 84 

Long Peas Hill (Rawmarsh) ... 46 
Long, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Long Pittfield(Heinor, CO Derby) 178 
Long, Thomas ... ... ... 7 

Longden, pedigree ... 285, 287 
Longe Meadowe (Bradway ... 158 
Longe Reids (Rawmarsh) ... 41 
Longe Shereollers (Norton) ... 155 
Longe Storth, Long Storth, 
Longstorthe, Longstorth 

146, 160, 161, 177 

Longe, William, Wm 220 

Longeforde, co Derby ... ... 163 

Longfield, Longfeild, Longefeild 

56, 65, 71, 89, 131 

Longfieldes (Sheffield) 70 

Longham (co Norfolk) 206 

Longlands, Long Lands 172, 183 

Longley (Sheffield) 285 

Longnewton (Doncaster) ... 20 
Longpikill, Long Pighell (Kiln- 
hurst) 35,49 

Longsdon of Little Longsdon, 

pedigree of ... ... 311 

Longsicke (Hackenthorpe) ... 185 
Longvilla, Ivo de ... ... 101 


Longworth, pedigree 284 

Loosehill (Castleton) 183 

Lord Chancellor, Livings in 

gift of 311 

Lord Chief Justice ... ... 235 

Lord, John, Johannis 120, 122, 325 
Lord Protector of the Common- 
wealth, Oliver 156 

Lord, Thomas 76 

Lorde, John 123 

Lords Mead (Clay worth) ... 201 

Losehill (Castleton 192 

Lossieroodes (Hathersage) ... 171 
Lott and Cope, The ... ... 187 

Loukes, pedigree ... ... 284 

Lound, Lounds, John, Johan de 215 

326, 327 
Loundes, co Suffolk ... ... 212 

Lounds, Henry de, Henri 116, 326 

Lounds, John de, John ••• 116, 212 

Loune (?), Alan de 109 

Love, Agnes ... ... ... 211 

Love, Henry ... 209, 210, 212 

Love, John 207, 214 

Love, Richard... 2 10, 211, 212, 217 

Lovel, Hugh 117 

Lovell, George ... ... ... 58 

Loversall (Doncaster) 22, 23, 28, 29 

38, 78, 33, 34 

Loversall, Richard ... ... 24 

Loversall, William de ... 9, 10 

Lowage, Lowedge, Lowadge, 

Lowhedge (Norton) see 

Lowedge ... 135, 146, 161 

177, 196, 303 

Lowage Lane (Norton)... 137, 140 

Lowden, L: ... ... ... 269 

Lowe, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Lowe, Captain A. E. L. ... 292 

Lowe, Henry ... ... ... 185 

Lowe, Lowe, John 129, 155, 172 
Lowe, Nicholas... ... ■•■ 155 

Lowe, Robert ... 132 

Lower Cowhey (High Peak) ... 191 
Lower Cunyard (Ecclesall) ... 89 
Lower Greenlow (High Peak)... 192 
Lower Hay (High Peak) ... 191 
Lower Hornerfeild (Ecclesall)... 89 
Lower,Swine Green (HighPeak) 192 
Lowerfield (High Peak) ...191 

Lowhedge Yate, Lowage Yate 
(Norton) see Lowage 

134, 135, 139, 140 
Lowigg (Norton) ... ... 178 




Lowson or Howson, William ... 81 

Lowther, John 312 

Lowystoft 209 

Lowthorne (Rawmarsh) ... 41 

Loxley Chace ... ... ... 301 

Lucas, Sr Charles ... ... 268 

Lucas, pedigree 284 

Lucas, Thomas 188,195 

Ludington, William de . . . ... 12 

Ludlam, George 71 

Ludlam, pedigree 284 

Ludlam, Roger ... ... ... 55 

Ludlam, Thomas ... ... 71 

Ludwyk (Lewis) ... ... 10 

Lumley, Colonel William ... 252 
Lumsden, Jos (S.T.P.) ... 96 

Lund, Geoffreyde ... ... 3 

Lunn, pedigree 284 

Lunne, James ... ... ... 178 

Luptonn, John ... ... ... 155 

Luterell, Andrew ... ... 118 

Lutrell, Luterel, Sir Alexander 

109, 110 
Lutrell, Luterel, John 109, 110 

Lutrell, Luterel, Rose ... ... 110 

Lyardland Close, Lyard Land 

Close 134, 135 

Lychers Hall, Chesterfield ... 126 
Lydington, William de... 12, 13 

Lyker Haule, Chesterfield ... 127 

Lylly, Robert 129 

Lyly, Adam 120 

Lymbornemedwe, co. Suffolk ... 212 
Lymburne, CO Suffolk ... ... 214 

Lyme Ctofte (Whiteley Wood) 42, 70 
Lyme Lands, Fullwood ... 187 

Lymehaulefeld, the (Dronfield) 36 
Lymepittcroft, Lymepitt Croft, 
Lyme Pitt Croft, Lyme 
Pitt Crofte, Lime Pitt Croft 

56, 65, 69, 70, 71, 92, 303 
Lynaker, Lynacre, Linacre, 

Hughde ... 106, 108, 112 

Lynacre, Joan de ... ... 117 

Lyacre, William, William de 

117, 118 
Lyncolns, Lincolnes Inne 

224, 225, 231 

Lynsted, co Suffolk 219 

Lynstede Magna, co Suffolk ...215,216 
Lyntes Lane, Lynteslane, Lynts 

Lane, co Suffolk... 228, 233, 240 
Lyson's " Magna Britannia " 

105, 124 
Lyster, Simon 13 


LytellAyer 126 

Lytell Lees, Lytle Lees, Little 

Lees (Norton). ..126, 131, 147, 148 
Lytilmoore, Little Moore 26, 78 

Lytton (Norton) 140 

Lytton, Robert 241 

MacGill, Stevenson 
Machell, Marmaduke 
Machen, pedigree 
Machon, George 
Machon, pedigree ... 
Machon, Richard 
Machon, Robert... 
Machon, Roger ... 
Machon, William 





282, 284, 285 





Machone, Machon, John. ..35, 66, 125 
Machone, Thomas ... ... 35 

Mackenzie, pedigree ... ... 284 

Mackworthe, Mackworth ... 126 

147, 150, 158 

MacLeod, Roderic ... ... 96 

Macturk, William 199 

Maddowe, Maddhowe (Meadow 

Hall) 25,26 

Maden, Robt 270 

Magdalen College, Oxford ... 289 
Mager Hay, Maggahaye 

Meadowe (Norton) ... 167, 169 
Maggahaye Common (Norton)... 169 
Maggershey, Maggerhae, Magar- 

hay (Norton) ... 141, 174, 176 
Maidstone, widow ... ... 250 

Mainering, Arthur 250 

Mainwaring, pedigree ... ... 284 

Maire-land (Little Norton) ... 139 
Maitland, Major General 

Thomas ... ... ... 252 

Makersley, Robert 190 

Makin, James ... ... ... 301 

Makin, pedigree... ... ... 284 

Malbys Yardes, CO Suffolk ...235 
Malcalfe (Wormhill) ... 191, 192 

Maleneye, William 109 

Malimerus, Askecillus de ... 100 

Malker, Arthur 128 

Mallard, co Suffolk 212 

Mallett, Roger 47 

Malley, the lord de 28 

Maltby, Malteby 17, 18, 23, 31, 167 

Maltby Dale 32 

Maltby Field 31 

Malum (?), Edwarde 139 



Mamsitch Feild (Castleton) ... 183 

Mamton, William de 115 

Man, Anne 248 

Man, Benjamin 248,249 

Man, Frauncis, Francys ... 248 

Man, Hester 249 

Manchester 300 

Manderel, Ralph 107 

Manderville, pedigree ... ... 284 

Mandevile, John ... ... 85 

Manlove, pedigree ... ... 282 

Mann, Man, Thomas ... 77,78, 

80, 245, 248 

Manners, Roger ... 145, 157 

Mannor Parke (?) 201 

Mannorr, Henry ... ... 67 

Manor Court ... 104, 216, 310 

Mansef eld, William de 117 

Mansfeild Woodhouse, co Nott 172 
Mansfield, Wm Lord ... ... 199 

Manton, William de 121 

Mapilhed, Robert 217 

Mapilhed, Maplehed, Mapled, 

Thomas ... 217, 229, 230, 225 
Mapples, John del ... ... 11 

Mapples, Margaret de ... ... 18 

Maps of England and Wales ... 319 

Mapulle, John 31 

March, William dil 206, 207, 209 
Marchall, Marchalle, John 15, 18, 22 
Marchall, Marshall, Marschall, 

William ... 22, 29, 31, 122 

Marchell, Marmaduke 80 

Mare-lands (Norton) 196 

Margerison, Will 141 

Mariott, Maryott, Anthony 49, 51 
Marisco, de Rubio (Rawmarsh)... 4 
Markam, Markham, John de, 

John 2, 19 

Markaunt, Edward ...- ... 222 
Market Stead, Doncaster ... 82 

Marketon, co Derby 147 

Markham 32 

Markham, Osborne (M.A.) ... 98 
Markesburgh, Margaret ... 31 

Marksburgh (Mexbro') 37 

Markworth, co Derby ... ... 147 

Marie Field (Staveley) 198 

Marie Hole (Norton) 147 

Marie Lands (Norton) 190 

Marleyf ord, co Suffolk 244 

Marples (Clayworth) 203 

Marples, pedigree ... 282,285,287 

Marre, John 28 

Marre, Nigel de 8 


Marre, William de 8 

Marriott, Ann 95 

Marriott, George 90, 94, 95, 305 

Marriott, Mrs Martha 82 

Marriott, pedigree 284 

Marriott, Thomas 185 

Marsburgh 37 

Marsden, pedigree ... 282,284,285 
Marsden, Richard ... 59, 61 

Marsh Close (West Handley) ... 193 

Marsh, pedigree 282,284 

Marsh, Richard 178 

Marsh, Thomas 29, 85 

Marshall, pedigree ... 282,284 

Marshall, Elis 263 

Marshall, George 272 

Marshall, Jonon 99 

Marshall, Jonat 99 

Marshall, Miles 158 

Marshall, Rauff 145 

Marshgreene, parish of Chappell 

inle Frith 165 

Marsden, co York 43 

Marsshe, the (Braithwell) ... 20 
Marston, Marsten, co York ... 43, 44 

Mart, pedigree 285 

Marteleye(?), John del 2 

Marten, Godfray 158 

Marten, John 124 

Marten, Margret 127 

Marten, Rychard 127 

Marten-super-Sevene, Manor of 254 
Marten, Silvester ... ... 263 

Martin, pedigree 284 

Martinside, parish Chapel-en-le- 

Frith 191 

Marton, Marten (?) ... 145,256 

Martyn, Thomas 272 

Martyn, Walter 213 

Maryott, John 146 

Maryott, Roberte 248 

Mason 173 

Mason Heyes Close (Newbold)... 195 
Mason, Maysoun, John... 89, 117 

Mason, pedigree 282,284 

M-ason, William 195 

Massey, Frances 248 

Massey, Masey, Toby, Tobias 

248, 249 

Massey, William 248 

Mateneye, William HO 

Matilda 100 

Mather, pedigree ... 282,284 

Mathfield, co Staff 150 

Matlocke 179 




Mattersey (near Retford) ... 201 

Mattersey Thorpe 20 1 

Matthew, Fines 92 

Matthew, Tho 188 

Matthew, Matthewe, William 

87, 92, 254 

Matthewman, pedigree 284 

Matthews, widow ... ... 91 

Maude, Mawde, Francis ... 99 

Maudson, pedigree ... ... 282 

Maugham, pedigree ... ... 284 

Mauleverer, Robert 255 

Mauleverer, Thos 75 

Maure, pedigree... 282 

Maw, Henry 90 

Mawde, Thomas 102 

Mawe, Maure, Henry 87, 147, 154 

Mawe, Robert 48 

Mawer, Maure, Mawre, William 

123, 132, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 
Mawre, Maure, Anthony 135, 147 

Maxfield, pedigree 284 

May, pedigree ... ... ... 287 

May, Rich 86 

Mayew, John 218 

Mayhew, William 227 

Mayhouse (Fulwood) 187 

Maynstonf eld, Maynstof eld (High 

Peak) 119 

Maynwaring, Kenelme . . . ... 169 

Maypole, Reareing of the . . . 269 
Maysoun, Richard ... ... 117 

Mayston, John 211 

McNab, pedigree 284 

Meadcock (Clayworth) 202 

Meadow Batesmore (Norton) ... 186 
Meadow Cliffe (Norton) ... 155 

Meadow Hall 25 

Meadow Nooke (West Handley) 193 
Meadow, The (Norton)... 148, 171 
Meadowes End (Ashford) ... 181 
Meane Carr (Crookes) ... ... 61 

Meane Shacklow (Ashford) ... 182 
Mearbeck, pedigree ... ... 284 

Meares Broke, see Meersbrook... 131 

Mechill, William 206 

Meckleham, William 199 

Medbourne, Medborne, co Lei- 
cester 116, 117 

Medefeld (see also Metefeld), co 

Suffolk 207 

208, 211,217 

Medefeld, hall of 208 

Medefeld, Roger de 211 

Medical Miscellany, A 319 


Medicus, Lambert 100 

Meersbrook, see Meares Broke... 318 
Megre, Megris, John ... 208, 209 

Mekelbryngwell (Micklebring) . . . 33 
Mekilbryng, Mekylbryng 30, 32, 33 

Mekilf eld, William 217 

Melbourne, city of (Victoria) ... 253 
Melfelde, Melf eld, CO Essex ...247 

Mellemont, co Suffolk 214 

Mellor, John 93, 180, 181 

Mellor, Meller, pedigree 282, 285, 287 

Mellor, Sarah 183 

Melthame, co York 55 

Melton, CO Nott 40 

Melton Grange, Doncaster ... 278 

Meltone, Henry de 121 

Mendham, Mendeham (co Suffolk) 

207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214 

215, 217, 220, 221, 223, 225, 226 

230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 238 

239, 240, 241, 245 

Mendham and Metfeld, leets of.. 237 

Mendham, John de, John le...207, 208 

Mendham, prior of..208, 212, 228, 232 

Mendham Priory ... 232,233 

Mendham Priory, manor of 

Mendham Priory with Kings- 

halle. Manor of ... 240,241 
Mendham Kingshall, manor of... 233 
Mendham, Robert ... 212,214,215 

Menlove ... 52 

Menlove, Margret ... ... 53 

Menwood Thomas ... ... 127 

Mercer Chronicle, The ... ... 318 

Mercer, pedigree of ... ... 285 

Meredith, William 128 

Mershe, Robert 28 

Mershgote (Braithwell) ... 31 

Merryweather, pedigree ... 284 

Mersshton, William de 112 

Meryng, Anne 124, 125 

Meryng, William 124 

Messingham, Messyngham, Regi- 
nald de ... ... ... 8 

Messingham, Robert de ... 10 

Mesyn, Thomas... ... ... 28 

Metcalfe, Christopher ... ... 48 

Metcalfe, Thomas ... ... 48 

Metfeld Church Grene 229 

Metfeld Kingshall 237 

Metfelde, Metfeld, Metfeild, then 
Jermy, Jermys, Jermyes, 
manor of... 229, 230, 231, 234, 241 




Metefeld, Meteflfeld, Metfeld, 
Metfilde, Metfield, Mettfyld, 
Metfyld, Metfeilde, Metfild, 
Mettfeild, Mettfeld (see also 
Medefeld) (co Suffolk)... 209,210 
211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220 
221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 229 
230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 238 
239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 303 

Metfelde, the 208 

Metfilde, Metfelde, Metfeld, 
manor of ... 219,221,222,231 

Methelton, CO York 5 

Methley bridge 267 

Mevce, Thomas... ... ... 217 

Meverel, Frauncis ... ... 40 

Mewes Hills, Mewes Hill ... 245, 303 
Mexbrough, Mexborough, Mex- 

burgh 52,53 

Mexbro', Memorials of Old ... 296 
Meydowe Springe ... ... 131 

Meye, Richard 215,216 

Meynell, co Derby ... ... 311 

Michell, pedigree 284 

Micklethwaite, pedigree ... 284 

Mickley Lane 194 

Midday, Middaye, Mydday, 

Edmund 226,234 

Middaye, Alice 219 

Middaye, Midday, Mydday, John 

219, 234, 235 
Middaye, Myddaye, Thomas ... 

219, 226, 235 
Middilton, Medilton, Middleton, 

Middleton, Midleton, Middilton, 
Middiltone, Middelton, Medil- 
ton, Medelton, Myddelton, 
William..57, 151,208,209,212, 263 
Mideldole, Myddildolys (Braith- 

well) 21,31 

Middelton, Be 153 

Middle Batesmore (Norton) ... 186 
Middle Carr (Rawmarsh) 49, 51 

Middle Close, Ashf ord 178 

Middle Handley (Staveley) ... 197 
Middle Shawhead (Hathersage) 89 
Middle Spring (Norton) ... 186 

Middle Stubbing (Bradway) ...194 
Middle Temple, London ... 133, 170 
Middle Underdelle (Hacken- 

thorpe) 185 

Middle Whisnowe (Norton) ... 146 
Middleton, pedigree ... 284,287 


Middleton near Wirkswotth ... l79 
Middleton by Yolgrave, Middle- 
ton juxta Youlgrave ... 289, 311 
Midhop, Midhope, Middehope, 

Elyas de, Elias de ... 1, 3, 6 

Midle ShereoUers (Norton) ... 155 

Midlefield, Middle Field ... 83, 191 

Mikilbryng, Mykilbryhg,Mickle- 

bring...l5, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 

24, 26, 27, 29, 60, 62, 260 

Mikilbryng, John de 15 

Mikilbryng, Joseph de 21 

Mikilbryng, William de ... 15 

Mikilbryng Lane, Mykilbryng 
Lane, Mykylbrynglane- ... 29,30 

Mikilfeld (Braithwell) 18 

Mikill Markham 31 

Milford (near York) ... ...278 

Miller, Henry 58 

Miller, pedigree 284 

Miller, Robert 9, 14 

Millhouses in Wormhill ... 194 

Millington, John 203 

Millington, pedigree ... ... 284 

Millnes, Milnes, James... 93, 169, 170 

179, 302 

Millward, Coll 268 

Mills, William 183 

Milne Ynge (Ravenfield) ... 26 

Milnefeld, the Milnfeild, Milne 

Feild 28,68,194 

Milnegate, Alexander ... ... 28 

Milner, Millner, Elyas 12 

Milner, Nicholas ... 91,92 

Milner, pedigree 284 

Milnes, pedigree 282 

Milnes, Richard 179 

Milnes, Mylnes, William ... 131, 159 

Milnhouses (ShefiSeld) 54 

Milward, Robert ...77, 170, 179 

Mire Meadow Nook (Staveley) ... 197 

Mirf eld, Simon de 113 

Mirf eld, William de 115 

Mirfield, pedigree 285 

Mirfin, pedigree 282, 284 

Mirfin, Robert 192 

Mirild bridge 201 

Misterton, pedigree 285 

Mitchell, Elizabeth 250 

Mitchell, Michael 250 

Mitchell MSS., notes from ...308 

Mitchell, pedigree 287 

Mitchell, Saml, Samuel..293, 301, 307 
Moaksonfeild (Bradfield) ... 91 
Modeclyff, Thornas 32 




Modyclyf, Modyclyffe, ModiclifF, 
Robart, Robert ... 42,47 

Moeles, Nicholas de 259 

Moffit, Darner 250 

Molenz, Lord 259 

Moles, Lordde 259 

Moll, Herman 319 

Molle, Robert 21 

Mollineux, Molineux, Roger ... 

172, 180 

Mollyneux, Judith 188 

Molot, John, Johan ... 116,326 

Molins 256 

Molyns, John de 259 

Molyns, manor of ... ... 259 

Momford,Mounforthe, Montford, 

Mountf ord, George ... 37,38, 40 
Momford, Isabel ... ... 35 

Momforde, Alice ... ... 33 

Momforde, Mountford, Edmund 

Momforde, Momford, Momforthe, 
Monforde, Mountforthe, John 

de, John 15,16,17,18 

23, 33, 34, 35 
Momforthe, Mountforthe, Mount- 
forth, Mounfurth, Mountfort, 
Christopher ... 38, 39, 40, 5 1 
Momforthe, Momforth, Mom- 
forde, Momfort, Montford, 
Mountfurth, Mountford, 
Mountforthe, Mountfort, 
Mountforth, Lancelot, Laun- 
celott, Launcelot ... 38,39,40 
41, 42, 43, 45, 46 
Momforthe, Momforde,Momford, 
Monforthe, Monford, Mount- 
forthe, Mountfort, Thomas... 

18, 22, 29, 33, 34, 35 
Mompsesson, pedigree ... 285 

Mondesder, Mundesder, William 

de 7,8,9 

Monk, Monke, Monks, William. . . 

11,12, 13,15,17, 18 

Monkynge (Kilnhurst) 39 

Montford Amicia 257 

Montfort, Montford, Simon de... 257 
Monumental Inscriptions ... 296 

Monyash, Moneyash, co Derby 

187, 302 

Moor, More, the 20 

Moor, Moore, Mor, Elen ... 127 
Moore, Edw;a,rd... 222 


Moore, Henry 127 

Moore Landes, in Norton ... 161 
Moore, Moor, pedigree 282, 284, 286 
Moore, More, Robert de, Robert 

20, 126 
Mooredyke, More Dyke ... 31,33 

Mooregate Carr 203 

Mooreside, the ... ... ... 80 

Moorewood, Andrew ... ... 83 

Moorewood, William ... ... 131 

Moorgate, CO Nott ... 203,204 
Moorgate Grange, Rotherham... 290 

Moorgate Moore 203 

Moorhouse, pedigree 284 

Moorhouse, William ... ... 43 

Mora, More, Moore, William de, 

William del, WiUiam de le, 

William ... 2,17,18,20,22 

Morcroftes (Norton) 145 

More, 126 

More, Alice 127 

More Doles 41 

More, George ... 141, 147, 152 

More, Moore, James ... 129, 155 

163, 164 

More, Moore, John, John de la. . .23, 24 

29, 31, 32, 127, 224, 225 

More, Samuel 192 

More, Moore, Thomas ... 143, 164 

244, 246 

Morehall, co Derby 130 

Moreheed (Ravenfield) 26 

Morehouse (Gleadless) ... ... 44 

Morewood, Morwod (Bradfield) 

88, 324 
Morewood, Anth, Anthony ... 68, 152 

Morewood, Eliz 91 

Morewood, James ... ... 91 

Morewood, pedigree 282, 284, 285 

Morewyn, John 108 

Morfitts East (Clayworth) ... 203 
Morgan dragoons ... ... 269 

Morgan, pedigree ... ... 284 

Morgedge Cotton 203 

Moriz, Moris, Morys, Richard... 

1,2,15,16, 18 
Morleston, co Derby ... ... 316 

Morleye, Moreleye, Moreley, 

Morley ... 13, 15, 16, 37, 112, 280 
Morleye, Moreleye, Morley, John 

de, John 15,16,102 

Morleye, Thomas de ... ... 15 

Morue or Morewe," Morrue, 

Morrew, co Middlesex... 248, 249 
Mome Acre (Hope) 193 




Mornesall, William 132 

Mornisdale, alias Little Long- 
stone... ... ... ... 187 

Morryan 262 

Morrys Landes, Morris Lande... 

(Norton) 141,169 

Morte, Thomas ... ... ... 62 

Morten, pedigree 282 

Morten, William ... ... 129 

Morthing, Henry de 108 

Morthhyrne, Morthynge ... 8, 26 

Morton, Elizabeth 274 

Morton, George 263 

Morton, John 26,274 

Morton, Nathan 274 

Morton, pedigree 284 

Morton, Richard ... 126,272 

Morton, Robert de 20 

Morton, Thomas ... 94,95 

Morton Wheel (Sheffield) ...273 
Mortumley, Nicholas de ... 19 

Mortyng (Morthen) 27 

Morwd, Thomas de ... ... 1 

Morwod, More wood, Roland, 

Rowland ... 146, 161, 194 

Morwood, Morewood, Moore- 
wood, Moorwood, John. ..161, 176 

Morys, John 12, 13, 15 

Mosbrough Green ... ... 300 

Moscarrs (Little Norton) 134, 135 

Moseley, Wm 70 

Mosley, pedigree ... ... 284 

Mosman, Sampson ... ... 203 

Moss Pasture (Ford) 192 

Mossebek, Course of Water called 125 
Mosses, CO Suffolk ... ... 237 

Mossie Meadow (Hathersage) . . . 171 

Mottram, pedigree 284 

Moulson, pedigree ... ... 284 

Moult, pedigree 285 

Mount Zion Chapel (Sheffield)... 296 
Mounteney, Mountiney, John, 

John de 16,19,43 

Mounteney, Margaret (see also 
de Reneville) ... ... 5 

Mounteney, Richard ... ... 270 

Mounteney, Thomas ... ... 5 

Mountford, Bennetta, Bennet...42, 57 

Mountfort, Betteris 57 

Mountfort, Meriall ... 39,51 

Mountforthe, Benetta 43 

Mountforthe, Mountford, Eliza- 
beth 23,35 

Mouse Parkes (Norton) ... 155 

Mower, George ... 
Mower, William 
Moyles ... 
Moyrre, John ... 
Muldeclyf, Thomas 
MuUins, pedigree 


94, 306 
... 160 
... 256 
... 24 
... 36 

Mullyner, Mullenner, MuUinder, 
William ... 234,235,236 

Mumbare (?), Arthure 244 

Mungei, William de 100 

Munteney, Robert de 3,6 

Murray, John 198 

Musarde, Richard 114 

Muscham(Muschamp),Robertde 106 

Musgrave, Ingram 45 

Mussard, Nicholas 108 

Mussard, Musarde, Ralph ... 1 08, 1 14 

Musters, William de 106 

Muston, William de 112 

Mycock, Mycok, John ... 135, 136 
Mycock, Joseph... ... ... 90 

Mycock, pedigree ... ... 284 

Mycock, Thomas ... ... 129 

Myddell Flatt( Darley) 126 

Myddell GryfT (Darley) ...126 

Mydle, Myddle,Middle,Lowadge, 
Lowedge, Lowage (Norton) 

137, 138, 140, 144 
Mykylbryngdike (Braithwell) ... 31 
Myles, Emma ... ... ... 65 

Mylne, James 199 

Mylne, Roger 32 

Mylner, John 27 

Mylwarde, Edith 221 

Mylwarde, Margery 221 

Myrfyn, George... ... ... 135 

Naburn (co York) 24 

Nanson, pedigree ... .. 284 

Narr Underdelle (Hackenthorpe) 185 
Narr Bentley, Nar Bently (Coal 

Aston) 181, 186 

Narr Carr, Narcar 49,84 

N arr Coate Close (Coal Aston) ... 186 

Narr Croftes 84 

Narr HoUins (Sheffield) ... 56 
Narr Milnefield, Milnfield (Shef- 
field) 90,92 

Narr Pittfield (Heinor) 178 

Narr Smithy Fields (Norton) ... 190 
Naylor, pedigree ... ... 284 

Neal, John 94 

Nearer Croft (High Peak) ... 192 

General index. 



Heather Broomfeild (Bradway).. 194 
Neather Gorbroodes (Castleton). 183 
Neather Greeneway Close 

(Handley) 193 

Neather Hallom Pingle ... 183 

Neather Stubbing (Bradway) ... 194 
Neathershutt (Castleton) ... 166 

Neche, Walter 214 

Nederhaghe (Rawmarsh) ... 15 

Nedermagefeld (Ecclesall) ... 36 

Nedham, Henry 142 

Nedham, Ottewell 142 

Nedham, Richard 142 

Needham 304 

Needham, Ellis 192 

Needham, Joseph ... ... 194 

Needham, pedigree ... ... 284 

Neeeham, Robeit 192 

Needham, Thomas ... 169, 170 
Neel, Neell, Thomas ... 27,28 

Neelson, William 253 

Neepsend, Nepesend, Nepesend 

(Sheffield) ... 86,91,144,324 

Nelleson, Nelson, William ... 18, 19 

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 

Nelson, Agnes 25 

Nelson, pedigree ... ... 287 

Nelstrop, pedigree ... ... 284 

Nerspen (Kilnhurst) ... ... 35 

Nestwidge (?), George ... ... 177 

Nether Chapel (Sheffield) ... 296 
Nether Cockshutt (Norton) ... 155 
Nether East Cliffe Feilds ... 148 
Nether Fenney (Whirlow) ... 76 
Nether Flatt (Sheffield) ... 90, 92 
Nether Meadows, Meadow (Grey- 
stones) 94,95,187 

Nether Gayt (Clay worth) ... 201 

Nether Hallam 274 

Nether Horsecroft, Nether Horse 

Crofts (Swinton) ... 52, 53, 189 
Nether House, Netherhouse 

(Fulwood) 62,63,187 

Nether Lowadge, Lowedge (Nor- 
ton) 137, 138, 144 

Nether Marston (Hope) ... 193 

Nether North Croft (Norton) ... 174 
Nether (?) Norton Hall ... 169 

Nether Rusling Parke (Sheffield) 

71, 80, 81 
Nether Shutt (High Peak) ... 158 
Nether-Spring (Ecclesall) ... 187 
Nether Storth (Gleadless) ... 146 

Nether Stubbing 84 

Nether Whisnowe (Norton) ... 146 


NetherendofKilnefield (Ecclesall) 73 
Netherfeld, Netherfeilde, Nether- 

feild. Nether Feild, Nether 

Field, Netherfield ...41, 45, 173, 

175, 187, 198, 303 

Netherhalghe (Rawmarsh) ... 15, 17 

Netherhirst (Hathersage) 

Netherside of Holmsike 

Netherthorpe, Bate de ... 
Netherton, co York 
Neubold, Henry de 
Neuton, Robert de 
Neuwerk, co Nott 
Nevile, Nevill, Ben 
Nevile, Cavendish 
Nevile, Cotton ... 
Nevile, Denis 
Nevile, Katherine 
Nevill, Gilbert ... 
Nevylle, Thomas de 
New Close (High Peak) ... 
New Diche (Ravenfield) 
New England, The first 

Colonists of... 
New Feilds (Little Sheffield) ... 
New Hall Barn (Castleton) 
New Hall Orchard (Castleton)... 
New Mills, Newe Mill (Norton) 
152, 154, 

New Mylne (Norton) 

New Rakes, Raykes (Rawmarsh) 

New South Wales, Act of 
Newall Grainge (Wath) 
Newhall, Richard 
Newark, Robert de 
Newarke, Mary ... 
Newbold, Newbould, 

co Derby ... 126, 

... 89 

... 45 
... 108 
... 55 





... 302,304 





... 19 

158, 167 

... 26 

... 292 

... 81 









127, 128, 178 
195, 282 





Newbold, George 
Newbold Great Moore Side 
Newbold, Newbould, pedigree... 

284, 287 
Newbold, Newbould, Thomas, 

Thos 157,301 

Newbold, William 87 

Newbould, manor of ... ... 184 

Newbownes, Nath ... 79,80 

Newburgh, Anthony James Rad- 

clyffe, fifth Earl of 290 

Newcastle, Henry Duke of ... 183 
Newcastle, John Duke of ... 188 



Newcomb, Thomas 
Newdigate, pedigree 
"Newe Milne" (Norton) 
Newark, co Nott 
Newerk, bridge of 


Newfeild, Newfield 155, 174, 198 
Newfoundland ... ... ... 96 

Newhall, co Derby ... ... 311 

Newington (Hornsey) ... ... 250 

Newington Green, co Middlesex 249 
Newland, co York ... ... 11 

Newland, House of, co York ... 11 

Newman, Edward 289 

Newman, John 211,213 

Newman, pedigree ... ... 285 

Newman, Robart, Robert 224, 233 
Newmarket, Nicholas, Nichola, 
(see also Novo Mercato)..105, 106 

New Mill (Norton) 164 

Newnham, Benetta ... ... 40 

Newnham, Sir William Knight 40 
Newsame, William ... ... 151 

Newson, Andrew ... ... 231 

Newson, Richard 222 

Newson, Samuel ... ... 235 

Newson, William 235, 244, 246 

Newspapers and Newspaper 

Cuttings 294 

Newton, co Derby ... 147, 148, 282 
Newton, Family of ... ... 307 

Newton, John 80 

Newton, pedigree 284 

Newton Solney, co Derby ... 180 
Newton, Willm, Will ... 176,178 

Neyler, Anne, Annes 37 

Neyler, Richard 37 

Neyther Bradway Banke, Neather 

Bradway Bank ... 158, 194 
Neyther Inge (Ecclesall) ... 45 

Nice, T. N 292 

Niche, Walter 214 

Nicho Wood (Aston) 153 

Nichols, Edwrd 274 

Nichols & Son, J. B. ... 290,293 

Nicholson, Edw 202 

Nicholson, Nicholas ... 59,62 

Nicholson, pedigree 284 

Nicholson, Wm, William ... 168, 170 
171, 172, 174, 178 

Nickohay (Hope) 193 

Nicolson, Nicolsonne, John..69, 72, 74 

Nie, Henry 61 

Nigell (Junior) 21 

Nightingale, pedigree 284 

Noble, Hammond ... ... 155 


Nodder, Anne 250 

N odder, EHzabeth 250 

Nodder, Isaac 95 

Nodder, John 83,250 

Nodder, Martha 250 

Nodder, pedigree ... 282,285 

Nook Lane (Sheffield) 274 

Nookes (Norton) 162 

Norborne, pedigree ... ... 282 

Norbury, co Derby ... ... 170 

Norcroft, Norcrofte, Eliz..83, 139, 140 
Noreys, Norys, co Suifolk 

Noreys, Norys, Roger le, Roger 


Norfolk 238,303 

Norfolk, Duke of 86 

Norfolk, Henry Duke of ... 83, 84, 85 
Norfolk, Thomas Most Noble 

Duke of 273 

Norfolk & Suffolk, counties of... 238 

Norham, Richard 254 

Norman, pedigree 284 

Normanvill, Ralph de 21 

Norris, Ann 190 

Norris, George 203 

Norris, pedigree... ... ... 287 

Norris & Sons (2 Bedford Row). 306 

North, Edward 163 

North, John 47 

North, Margaret 158 

North Midland Railway,The..299, 300 

North, pedigree 284 

North Riding 108,280 

North, Roger 158,163 

North, Ursula 47,48 

North, Northe, William 47, 48 

North Ynges,Inges (Kilnhurst)..49, 53 

Northagh, Northaughfeld, North- 

aughfilde, Northawghfeld, 

Northehaughfeld ...208, 209, 217 

220, 229, 230 

Northampton, county of ... 260 

Northe, Christopher 47 

Northe, James 136 

Northe, Robert 136 

N orthe, Thomas 126,129 

Northelmham, CO Norfolk ...206 
Northfeild, North Fields... 49, 83, 141 

Northfolk, Nicholas 24 

Northinge (Kilnhurst) 35 

Northowram ^^ 

Northumberland 277 

Northumley (Morthumley, 

Mortomley) 324 




Norton... 41, 55, 75, 79, 85, 89, 97, 109 

110, 111, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 

120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128 

129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136 

137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 

144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 

152, 153, 154, 155, 159, 160, 161 

162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169 

170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177 

178, 179, 181, 184, 185, 187, 194 

195, 196, 303, 304, 309, 311 

Norton, church of... 138, 139, 152, 196 

Norton Church, BIythe Chapel of 307 

Norton, Court de 327 

Norton, fields of 124 

Norton, Great Courts, Court of... 112 


NortonandGreenehill, manners of 168 

Norton Hall ... 132, 147, 318 

Norton, Hunter's 281 

Norton Lane ... ... ... 169 

Nortonlees, Norton Leys, Lees 
34, 35, 41, 128, 130, 141, 148, 149 
152, 164, 181, 196, 285, 302, 308 
317, 322 

Norton, lordship of 136 

Norton, manor of ...118, 120, 122. 123 
129, 139, 152, 154 

Norton Parke 132 

Norton, rector of 154 

Norton, rectory of ... 155,194 

Norton, registers of 308 

Norton, vicar of 138 

Norton, pedigree 284 

Norton 124 

Norton, Adam of 113 

Norton, Agnes ... 
Norton, Alice, Ales 


222, 223, 226 
227, 229, 231 
Norton, Amphilia, Amphilla...221, 223 

228, 229 

Norton, Barbara 
Norton, Brice .. 
Norton, Edward., 
Norton, Gregory 




223, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231 
233 237 241 
Norton, John. ..219, 220, 228, 229 

230, 231, 232, 233, 241 

Norton, Katerine 219 

Norton, Nicholas ... 217,245 

Norton, Richard 238 

Norton, Robert de, Robert... 120, 220 

221, 222, 223, 228 

Norton, Thomas 217 

Norton, Thomas... ... ... 223 

Norwich 210,212,214 

Norwich, Bishop of ... 210,212 
Norwich, Henry Earl of ... 83 

Norwood (Sheffield) 81 

Norwood Grene, co Suffolk ... 233 
Novo Mercato, Nichola de (see 

Newmarket) 105,106 

Nowell, Gilbert 164 

Nowell, Mary 87 

Nowill, pedigree 284 

Nottingham ... 4,135,200,201 

258, 268, 278 
Nottingham, Archdeacon of ... 113 
Nottingham, burgesses of ... 201 

Nottingham, Mayor of 200 

Nottingham, Robert de... ... 5 

Nottingham, Sheriff of 202 

Nunappliton, co York ... ... 24 

Nunny, Andrew .. . ... ... 231 

Nutt, James 82 

Nutt, Joseph 86 

Nybley, co Gloucester ... ... 198 

Nycholas, Reignold 130 

Oake Close (Chesterfield) ... 159 

Oakes, Okes ... 91, 144, 145, 197 

Oakes, pedigree 282,284 

Oat Close (Heinor) 178 

Gates, James ... ... ... 87 

Gates, pedigree 282, 284 

Oborne, W 315 

Ockbrock, Ockbrocke, Okebrooke 

CO Derby ... 150, 151, 159 

Ochlam .... Lawrens ... 222 

Oddy, pedigree 
Ode, Oade, Thomas 
Ode, Robert 
Odell, Isaac 
OfFerton (Hathersage) 
OfFerton, Francis 
OfFerton, Robert... 
Oflferton, Thomas 
OfHey, Robert 

284, 287 

59, 61, 62 

... 61 










Ofot (Osot ?), John, see also Osot. „. , 
Ofotes (Osotes ?), seealso Ossootes 217 
Ofotisweye (Osotisweye ?) ... 217 

Ogden, pedigree 284 

Oke Ortchard (Norton) 132 

Okes, John ... ... ... 53 

Okes, the (Bradfield) ... . 161 

Old Kill (Castleton) 133 

Old Rakes (Rawmarsh) 41 



Oldale, pedigree ... 
Oldbrekkes (Rawmarsh) 
Oldeman, William 
Oldfeld, Oldf eild, Oldfild 

Oldfeild Gate 

Oldfield, pedigree 


282, 284 
... 7 
... 17 
26, 193 
... 193 

282, 284 

01dryng,01dheryng, William 207, 209 
Olerton, Thomas ... ... 45 

Oliver, Robert 304 

Oilers (Darley) 126 

Ollerton (Owlerton) ... 269, 324 

Ondale, Alice 88 

Ondale, Benjamin ... ... 88 

Onesmor (Bradfield) ... ... 1 

Onston, Onnston, Ounston, co 

Derby 141, 142, 143 

Onston, Onton, John ... 19, 20 

Orchard (Bradway) ... 194, 196 
Orchard Crofte (Harvest Lane) 43 
Ordnance Survey of Sheffield ... 311 
Orforthe, William ... 222,223 

Orgerevs, Orgraves, Orgrave 

41, 45, 324 

Orlowe, Henry 215, 216 

Orlowe, John ... 220,229,230 

Orlowe, Robert 214 

Ormerod, George ... ... 201 

Ormond, Joan ... ... ... 124 

Ormond, John 124 

Orpittes, les, Orputes ... 108,323 
Osberton, co Nott 108, 109, 110 

Osborne, Jo ... ... ... 137 

Osborne, pedigree ... 284,287 

Osborne, Peter 205 

Osburne, Hugh 90, 91, 93 

Osgerthorp (Sheffield) 324 

Osgodcross, CO York 280 

Osmundthorpe, Hugh 200 

Osot, John, see also Of ot ... 208 

Ossats (or Offats), Ossetts, Ossetes 

(? Offetes), CO Suffolk) 220, 227, 232 
Ossootes (? Offootes), Ossoods, 

see also Ofotes, co Suffolk 230, 239 

Ostley (?), Robert 77 

Oswold, Walter 208 

Otes, Elizabeth ••• 67 

Otes, Gilbert 67 

Oton, John 20 

Otter, pedigree ... ... ••• 286 

Otter, Robert 203 

Ottes, John 42 

Ottinvell or Ottuwell, Richard ... 157 

Otway, John 176 

Ouldale, Nathaniellj Nathanial. . . 84 
Ouldfeildes (Gleadless) 55 


Our Syde, alias Sheldon Syde ... 132 
Ouse Bridge ... ... ... 40 

Ouse, Owze, River ... 42, 45 

Ouston, Owston... 23,260,280 

OutMarshe, Outmarsh, Outmarshe 

CO Essex 247, 248 

Outfall, Outfalls (Castleton) ... 

158, 166, 193 

Outram, William 179 

Oven, Godfrey ... ... ... 184 

Over Bentes alias Beast Hills 

(Norton) 167 

Over Dawefeild (Fulwood) ... 62, 63 
Over Dove Field (Fulwood) ... 187 
Over Eastalles (Meersbrook) ... 131 

Over Haddon 187 

Over Hallam 274 

Over Horsecroft (Swinton) ... 52 
Over Lowadge, Lowage, Lowedge 

(Norton) ... 137, 140, 144 

Over Lyme (Whirlow) ... ... 76 

Over Marstons (Hope) 193 

Over Shawhead (Nether Hirst)- •• 89 

Over Shutt (Castleton) 183 

Over Whisno we (Norton) ... 146 

Overcarr (Kilnhurst) ... ... 51 

Overcroft (Norton) 145 

Overedge (Ashford) 132 

Overfields (Woodthorpe) ... 83 

Overhaghe, Overhalght, Over- 

halghe, Overhalgh, Overhaught, 

Overhaughe 11, 34, 38, 49, 50, 52, 58 
Overhaligh (now Upper Haugh, 

near Rawmarsh) ... ... 34 

Over-hall, the (Braithwell) ...260 
Overhouse Feild (Whirlow) ... 76 

Owchale, CO Suffolk 240 

Owen, pedigree 282,284 

Owler Carr (Hope) 193 

Owlerton, see Ollerton 309 

Owtram ... ... -•■ ••• 317 

Owtram, pedigree . . . 282, 285 

Owtrem, Robert 129 

Ox Meadow (Hope) 193 

Oxcliff Milne Damme (Kilnhurst) 39 

Oxeclose (Kilnhurst) 49 

Oxford 106, 259 

Oxford Dictionary 2, 62, 106, 116 

161, 186, 262 

Oxford, Earl of 228, 232, 238, 241 

Oxford, " Robert Veer " Earl of 258 

Oxleson (Brimington) 108 

Oxley, pedigree 284, 287 

Oxleye, Issabell ^1 

Oxonford, Oxonforde, Robert 22, 29 




Oxpasture, Oxe Pasture 89, 126 

Oxpring, Anne ... ... ... 66 

Oxpring, Emote 63, 65 

Oxpringe, Oxpring, John 61, 63, 64, 65 

Oxpring, Oxspring, Thomas 65, 66 

Oxpring, Winifreda ... ... 63 

Oysley Close (Clay worth) ... 203 

Pacy, Isabell 

19, 20 

Pacy, John 

19, 20 

Pagden, William 


Pakefeld, co Suffolk 

... 209 

Pakeman, Simon 

... 257 

Paldein, John 

... 11 

Palfreyman, Hugh 

... 192 

Palfreyman, pedigree ... 

... 284 

Palgrave, Jo 

... 244 

Pallant, Richard 

... 240 

Palmer, Arthur 

... 91 

Palmer, John 

210, 212 

Palmere, Robert 

... 209 

Pamphlets, Tracts, Etc... 

... 288 

Panely, John 

... 11 

Papworth, Wyatt 

... 306 

Papworth's Alphabetical Diction- 
ary of Coats of Arms . . . 306 
Paramore, Henry ... ... 263 

Paramore, John ... ... ... 193 

Parham, co Suffolk 224 

Parish Church, Sheffield ...308 

Parish Churchyard, Sheffield (In- 
scriptions on tombstones) ... 296 
Parish Register Extracts ... 314 

Park, Parke 31, 91 

Park Brook Close (Norton) ... 196 
Parkar, Parker, William, Wilam 
124, 146, 160, 169, 175, 176, 177 
178, 181, 186, 204, 303 
Parke Intacke (West Handley) 193 
Parke Leas (Darley) ... ... 126 

Parke Medowe, Park Meadow 69, 94 
Parker, Adam ... 115,116,118 

Parker, Adamson ... ... 99 

Parker, Anne, Ann ... 160, 161, 177 

178, 181, 182 

Parker, Anthony, Antony 128, 145 

Parker, Cyssiley ... ... 146 

Parker, Barbara... ... ... 128 

Parker, Benj 98 

Parker & Brown, Sheffield ... 320 

Parker, Edward ... 128, 177, 181 

186, 188, 302 

Parker, Elizabeth 185 


Parker, Francis, Frauncis 146, 152 

154, 155 
Parker, Gabriell, Gabriel 144, 145, 160 
Parker, George ... 145, 146, 160 
Parker, Henry ... 126, 127, 128, 247 

Parker, Hugh 99 

Parker & Co. James, (London)... 290 
Parker, Jane ... ... ... 146 

Parker, Parkar, Parkere, John, 
Johannem, Johannis 11, 34, 35, 41 
55, 97, 116, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129 
130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137 
138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145 
146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 155 
160, 161, 169, 176, 177, 179, 185 
198 247, 248, 303, 322, 323 
Parker, Joseph ... ... ... 186 

Parker, Mary ... 146, 148, 149 

Parker Meadow 84 

Parker, Mr 304 

Parker, Parkier, Phil, Phillip 82, 188 
Parker, pedigree... 284,285,287 

Parker, Ralph 114 

Parker, Richard... 44 

Parker, Robert ... 44, 124, 126, 127 

130, 182 

Parker, Roger ... 

247, 248 

Parker, Rowland 


176, 185 

Parker, Thomas 118, 


126, 130 
160, 172 

Parker, widow ... 

... 188 

Parkers, the 


308, 317 

Parkes, pedigree 

... 282 

Parkes, Edward, E. 

177, 288 

Parkes, Joseph ... 

... 163 

Parkes, Robert ... 

163, 177 

Parkes, S. R. ... 

... 288 

Parkhalle, manor of 

... 116 

Parkin, Nicholas 

... 65 

Parkin, pedigree... 

284, 287 

Parkin, Thomas . . . 

... 65 

Parkinson, pedigree 

... 284 

Parks, William ... 

... 99 

Parmenter, Robert Le 


Parmenter, Parmynter, 


ter, Thomas ... 

224, 225 

Parmenter, Parmynter, 


224, 225 

Parmynter, Fraunces 

... 225 


... 202 

Pamell, pedigree 

... 284 

Parramore, John 


... 272 

Parslove, pedigree 

... 284 

Parslowe, Family Bible 


... 287 

Parsons, Robert... 


... 178 



Parstowes, co Essex 
Partrykgrene (Ravenfield) 
Pashley, pedigree 
Pashley, Robert... 
Pass, pedigree ... 
Passelewe, Robert 


.. 160 
.. 26 
.. 262 
.. 287 
.. 95 
.. 284 
.. 200 
Pateshill ad Bedford, Lord S de. 257 

Patricke, William 176 

Patten, pedigree... ... ... 284 

Paulinus ... ... ... ... 4 

Paver, Mr 278 

Paver, William 313 

Pawson, Christopher ... ... 58 

Pawson & Brailsford 292 

Paxton, Richard ... ... 32 

Payn, Edmund 210 

Payn, Geoffrey ... ... ... 213 

Payn, Robert 116,217 

Payn, Roger 115,117 

Payn, Thomas ... 209,210,212 

Payn, Payne, William 209, 210, 213 

214, 328 
Payne, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Paynelflat (Beighton) 107 

Peace, pedigree 284 

Peace, Robert 172 

Peak Forest 190,304 

Peake 62 

Pearce, pedigree 282 

Pearcye, Francis, Frauncis 225, 226 

Pearl, Close called 273 

Pearse, pedigree 284 

Pearsfeldes (Harvest Lane) ... 43 

Pearson, John 85 

Pearson, Joseph ••• 85 

Pearson, Lawrence 267 

Pearson, pedigree 282, 284, 285, 287 

Pearson, Thos 301 

Peartree Close, Pear Tree Close 

(PyeBank) 86,91 

Pease Hill (Raw marsh) ... 41 

Peck, John 217 

Peck, Pecke, Simon, Symon 167, 196 

Peck, Thomas 67 

Peck, Pecke, William 220, 229, 230 
Peckards, co Suffolk ... 229, 230 

Pecke, pedigree 284 

Peckerds Brooke, Peckards Brook 
CO Suffolk .. 220,229,230 

Peckis(?), Roger de 107 

Pecots, CO Suffolk 212 

Pedder, John 204 

Pedder, Margaret 204 

Pedley , pedigree 28? 

Pepch, pedigree 284 

Peek, Robert de 117 

Peek, Thomas del ... ... 13 

Pegge, Edward 176 

" Pegge, Memoirs of the Rev. Dr." 309 

Pegge, pedigree 284,285 

Pegge, Samuel 309 

Peiteum, Robert 100 

Pelham, Henry ... ... ... 313 

Pell, William 78 

Pells, Thomas 242 

Pelothill (sic) 5 

Pembroke, Aymer de Valence 

Earl of 258 

Pembroke, William, Earl of 61, 63 

64, 65, 66 
Pendocke, John ... ... ... 150 

Penneson, John ... ... ... 121 

Pennsylvania, Provincial History 

of 291 

Pennyng, Simon 206 

Pepis, Richard 239 

Pfere La Chaise 285 

Pereson, William 129 

Perkes, Richard 205 

Perkins, pedigree ... ... 284 

Perrins, P ... ••■ ... 67 

Perryns, pedigree ... ... 284 

Persehouse, Peter 190 

Personson, Thomas ... ... 31 

Pert, Thomas 216 

Peryn, John 12, 13 

Peter, Major General Thomas... 252 
Peterborough, co Northant ... 204 

Petipas, Robert 6 

Pettie, Humphrey, Humfrey ... 163 


Pettie, J. Humfrey 172 

Petty Acre (Doncaster) 80 

Petty, Pettye, Godfrey, Godfreye 


Pettinger, pedigree 284 

Peyke, William ... ... ••• 25 

Ph . . . et, Thomas 124 

Phillip, Thomas 28 

Phillips, Ann 180 

Phillips, Captaine 266 

Phillips, pedigree 284 

Phillips, Sarah 180 

Phillipps, Ambrose ... 170,171 

PhiUipps Collection 276, 277, 278 

279,280,281, 311 

Phip, John 68 

Phislak (Fishlake ?) Thomas ... 20 
Bicard, John 319 




Pickes 262 

Pickils (?) Stile (Clay worth) ... 201 

Pickering, pedigree 284 

Pickslay, pedigree 284 

Pierrepont, Fran ... ... 75 

Pierson, Thomas ... ... 158 

Pigburn, CO York 260 

"Pigg-Lead" 93 

Piggmanstorthe, Pigmanstorth 

(Norton) 161,177 

Pightell, Isabells, co Suffolk ... 218 
PigmanCrofte, Croft (Norton) 160, 196 

Pigott, Ambrose 68 

Pigott, Elene 68 

Pigott, Jennett 68 

Pigott, Piggott, Margery 68, 73, 74 

Pigott, Ralph 
Pigott, Thomas . . . 
Pikelover (Staveley) .. 
Pikerell, John 
Pilkington, pedigree 
Pilkington, Sir Lionel 
Pillay, Ralph de... 
Pilley, John, John de 
Pinder, pedigree... 
Pinder, John 
pinder, Robert 





Pingle ... 76, 84, 134, 135, 171, 181 

Pingle House (Sheffield) ... 274 

Piper, John le ... ... ... 10 

Pircke, William 231 

Pirliston alias Billingford, co 

Norfolk 233 

Pitchford, pedigree 284 

Pitt Club, Sheffield 318 

Pitt Fields (Heinor) 178 

.... Pitt Furlong (Clayworth) 

201, 202 

Pitt, pedigree 284 

Pitt.Rt.Honble.WilHamAugustus 25 1 

Pittes, Pitts (Norton) ... 167, 169 

Pitts Meadows (Hope) 193 

Plat-coattes 262 

Plates, Oliver 53 

Platfoot, John 205 

Piatt, William 131 

Platts, George 132 

Platts, Godfrey 150 

Playter, Thomas ... ... 216 

Plesington, Wm 153 

Plomptre, John 200 

Plumer, John 192 

Plumtree, Nicholas ... ... 43 

Pogmoor Olmenack ... ... 306 

Pbgfrlour, John ... ... ... 34 


Pbinton, Anne ... 182 

Pbinton, co Chester 183 

Poldrens 252 

Pole, German ... ... ■•• 178 

Pole, Peter de la, Petrum de la 122 
123, 325, 326 

Poleyn, Walter 209,210 

Poll Book, for County of Derby 305 
Pontefract, Pontefracte ... 46, 55, 71 
267, 269, 276, 278, 279 
Pontefract, Adam presbyter of . . . 100 
Pontefract,Boothroyd'sHistoryof 281 

Pontefract (Hunter's) 281 

Pontefract, Chartuleries ... 281 

Pool Hill Close (Hexthorpe) 88, 8^ 

Poole, Anthony 173 

" Pope his descent and family 
connections " ... ... 292 

Popham, Alexander ... 248, 249 

Popleton, William 58 

Porrett, pedigree 284 

Porter Croft (Endcliffe) ... 54 

Porter, John 32 

Porter, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Porter Water (Sheffield) 71, 80, 81, 94 
Portergrene (Ravenfieid) ... 26 

Portland (Ravenfield) ... 251,252 

Porton, Robert 100 

Potorowcare (Doncaster) ... 15 

Potter 96 

Potter, John 18,22 

Potter, pedigree ... 284 

Potter, Robert 206 

Potterdyke (Rawmarsh) ... 49 

Potts, Char, Chas, Charles ... 183 

Potts, Lawrence... ... ... 301 

Potts, pedigree 284 

Pove, Henry ... ... ... 42 

Povye (Norton) 156 

Power, William... 30,31,32,33 

Poynton, Anthony ... 76, 177 

Poynton, Henry 189 

Poynton, John 129 

Poynton, Robert ... ... 165 

Poynton, William 165 

Prank, William 254 

Preachers of Sheffield, The 

(Criticus) 295 

Preston, co Rutland 205 

Prestyslond, co Norfolk ... 206 

Priest, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Primrose, pedigree ... ... 284 

Prince of Wales Own (lOth Regi- 
ment of (Light) Dragoons)... 251 



Pringer (?) Henry le 105 

Pringle, Alexander ... ... 88 

Pringle, Elizabeth 88 

Printed Pedigrees, Index to (by 

Charles Bridget) ... ... 290 

Printing in Nottinghamshire, 

History of 290 

Priscillam, Priscilla ... 323,324 
Pritchard, pedigree ... ... 284 

Proddom, John ... ... ... 254 

Proudfot, Henry 208 

Proudfot, William 208 

Pryme, Edward 314 

Ptolemies, the ... ... ... 319 

Pugh, John 87, 89, 94 

Pulham, CO Suffolk 243 

Pulham, Jo ... ... ... 238 

Pulham Saint Mary Magdalene, 

(co Norfolk) 243 

Purdye, Robert 231 

Purs, Purse, Edmund ... 211,223 

Purse, Edward 237 

Purses, CO Suffolk ... 237, 241 

Pusey, Timothy 202 

Pycecock, Nicholas 206 

Pye, pedigree 285 

Pye-Smith, pedigree 285 

Pyebanke Field (Sheffield) ... 91 
Pyebankside, Pye-banke Side, 

Pyebanke Side (Sheffield) 86, 91 

Pyer, Sir Edward 125 

Pygon, William .. . 21 

Pykburne, Pykeburne, co York 20 
Pykburne, Pykburn, Pykborn, 

Pygeburn, co York 19, 20, 21, 25 

Pykeburn, Robert 19 

Pykeloure (Staveley) ... ... 114 

Pykot, Picot, William 210, 211, 212 
Pynfolde, The (Greenhill) ...129 
Pynchon, William ... ... 16 

Pyndar, Elizabeth 125 

Pyndar, Richard ... ... 125 

Pyndar, Thomas ... ... 125 

Pynkhill (Eckington) 127 

Quaker's Burial Ground ... 92 

Quarelhyll (Ravenfield) 26 

Quarne, alias Quarnedon, Quarn- 

don ... 147, 148, 150, 159, 162, 167 
Quarry Feild (Norton)... 173, 175, 303 
Queen's Bill Assignment Cotes... 101 

Queues Bill 101 

Queren, William de ... ... 3 

Querneby, Robert de ... 
Quincy, Roger (Earl of 

Quincy, Sahern de 
Qwarneby, co York 






Racket, Rackit, John ... 59,61 

Radborne, co Derby 178 

Radford, Joseph 180 

Radford, pedigree 284 

Radford, river 200 

Radford, Thomas 99 

Radley, pedigree 282 

Ragge, Robert ... . ... 132 

Ragge, Thomas I32 

Ragsdale, John 162 

Ragsdale, Lettice 162 

Railway from Sheffield to 

Rotherham 297 

Raison, Raisin, Alice, Ales 65, 71 
Raison, Raisin, Raysin, Thomas 65, 71 

Raldon, Rayldon, Anne 82 

Rallanson, William 140 

Rallinson, Anthony 66 

Ralph ...2, 100, 114, 119, 121, 264 
Ralph, the seneschal ... ... 4 

Rampton, co Nott ... 153, 159 

Ramsden, Richard ... ... 104 

Ramsden, William 103 

Ramsey, pedigree ... ... 284 

Randes, William 224 

Rann, P 304 

Rasin Hall (Sheffield) 81 

Rasine, George ... ... ... 65 

Rasine, John ... ... ... 65 

Rasine, Robert ... ... ... 65 

Raumarsh, Raumarshe, Church of, 

see Rawmarsh ... 12, 13 

Raumarsh, Raumarshe, Raumershe, 
Rawmarshe, Raum(arsh), Routh- 
marsh, Routhmarshe, de William 

Raumarshe, Rawmarshe, Sir 

Gilbert, rector of 15, 16, 17, 22 
Raumarshe, Raumarsh, Rau- 
mershe, Ellen de, Elena ...7, 11 
Raumarshe, Raumershe, Hugh de 

7, 9, 11 
Raumarys, Sir Robert, parson of 7, 8 
Ravenfeld, Ravenfield, Ravens- 
field ... 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 
25, 26, 260, 270 
Ravenfeld, Richard de 12, 13, 14, 23 




Ravenf eld, Robert de 23 

Ravenfeld, William de ... 23, 25 

Rawlinson, Rawlynson, Hugh... 

143, 144 
Rawlinson, John ... ... 204 

Rawlinson, Rawlynson, William 

136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143 
Rawlynson, Thomas ... ... 128 

Rawmaris, Richard (chaplin of) 3 
Rawmaris, William (rector of)... 4 
Rawmarsh, Rawmarshe, Raumarsh, 
Raumarshe, Romaris, Romares, 
Romarshe, Routhmarshe, Rough - 
marsh, Rougmarshe ... 3, 4, 5, 7, 
8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 
22, 23, 29, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 
41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 
53, 57, 58, 98, 263 
Rawmarsh, Woods and Common 


Ra worth, Christopher ... 

... 5 
... 67 

Raworth, pedigree 

... 284 

Rawson, Alice ..-. 

... 73 

Rawson, Benjamin 


Rawson, Edward 

65, 67, 77 

Rawson, James ... 

... 44 

Rawson, John ... 56, 

67, 77, 78 

Rawson, Martha 

... 78 

Rawson, pedigree 284 

, 285, 287 

Rawson, Richard 

... 73 

Rawson, Robert... 

... 73 

Rawson Spring ... 

... 87 

Rawson, Thomas 

67, 77, 78 

Rawson, William 

... 56 

Ray, pedigree 

... 287 

Ray, Roger 

... 272 

Rayldon, William 

... 82 

Rayston, Mr 

... 202 

Rea, John 

... 163 

Read, William 

... 205 

Reading, Redyng 


Reape Flatt (Hope) 

... 193 

Reasonable Aid, the book of a... 259 

Reassell (?), Edward ... 

... 82 

Rechorfeld, Beatrice de 

... 107 

Rechorfeld, Nicholas de 

... 107 

Rechorfeld, Peter de ... 

... 107 

Record Office 

101, 277 

Red Book of the Exchequei 

-,The 259 

Redcomyn, Redtomyn, Roger 15, 17 

Redd End 

... 41 

Reddich, William 

... 77 

Reddish, pedigree 

... 282 

Reddisham, co Suffolk . . . 

... 240 

Reddseates (Castleton) ... 

... 165 


Reddsitch (Castleton) 166 

Redenhale, Reddenhall alias Red- 
nail, CO Suffolk 210, 211, 238, 239 

Redingfield, Reddingfield, co 

Redfearn, William 

Redfearne, Jo 

Redfern, pedigree 

Redflatt (Hope) 

Redseats, parish of Castleton . . . 

Redsick (Castleton) 

Reed Hyll ( Ravenfield) 

Reedal, pedigree 

Reeve, pedigree ... 

Reinavilla, Remevilla, William de 

Relinscot, co Oxon 

Remington, Remyngton, co York 

Rempeston, co Nott 

Rendyllsham, Rendyllysham, co 

Reneshale, Robert de ... 206, 

Renersby (?), Ralph de... 

Reneville, Alice de 

Reneville, Jordan de 

Reneville, Margaret de (see also 

Renishaw (Eckington) ... 

Renshaw, pedigree 
Rent of Assize " 

Rent, Mary 

Rent, Thomas ... 

Rent, William ... 

Renton, pedigree 

Repas, Thomas ... 

Repton, CO Derby 

Reresbye, Rerisbye 










... 288 
... 282 
... 217 
... 156 
156, 157 
... 157 
... 284 
... 22 
... 316 

Thomas de 

12, 13, 17 
Reserve, 3rd Battalion of ... 252 

Resseville, William de 
Retford, co Nott 
Retford, burgesses of 
Revell, Edw 
Revell, George 
Revell, Helen 
Revell, pedigree. 
Revell, Richard , 


282, 284 

Revell, Rowland, Rolande, Roland 

73, 141, 142 

Revell, William 169 

Reymond, William 209 

Reynalschawe, see Renishaw ... 34 

Reyner, Richard, Ri 148 

Reynolds, Edmund . . . 224, 225 
Reynolds, Henry ... ... 236 

Rhodes family 292 



... 188 

284, 285 
... 51 

Rhodes, Jasper ... 

Rhodes, pedigree 

Rhotamford, Rhotam Ford 

Rice, pedigree ... 

Rich, Wm 

Richard 100, 

Richards, pedigree 

Richardson, James 

Richardson, pedigree ... 

Richardson, Thoma 

Richemond (Sheffield) ... .. 

Richmond (hand of) 

Richmond, WilHara 

Rickards, pedigree 

Rid. Alexander de 

Ridal, pedigree ... 

Riddyngflat (Ravenfield) 

Riddyngrawe, co York 

Ridewar, Henry de 

Ridge, John , 

Ridge, pedigree 

Ridgeway, Tristam 

Ridwal, Adam de 

Ridwal, Isolda de 

Riggs Road (Stannington) 
Right Close, Royal Writ of ... 

Rikall, Alice 

Rikall, Robert Holme de 
Riley, pedigree ... 

Rimington, pedigree 

Rimington, John 

Rind, Ro 

Ringinglowe Road 

Ringstones, co Derby ... 

Ringstonhill, co York 

Ripers, Rypas, Robert de, Robert 

4, 28, 29 

Rise, William 231 

Roade Lane, co Suffolk 243 

Roades, Peter ... 169 

Robbinson, Beatrix .. ... 52 

Robbinson, Lawrence 52 

Robert ... 5,21,65,100,115,168 

Robert, William 44 

Robertes, Elizabeth ... ... 161 

Robertes, Francis ... ... 161 

Robertes, Geffrey ... ... 161 

Roberts, J 292,315 

Roberts, pedigree 282, 284, 286, 287 
Roberts, Robert, Robertes, Richard 

43, 44, 174, 194 
Roberts, Samuel ... ... 197 

"Robin Hood" by Joseph Hunter 292 
Robinett, pedigree ... ... 286 

Robinlandes (Castleton) ... 183 

... 282 
... 267 
106, 114 
... 284 
... 99 
282, 285 
... 323 
... 324 
... 251 
... 69 
... 282 
... 100 
... 284 
... 26 
... 10 
... 4 
... 274 
... 284 
... 192 
... 4 
... 4 
... 92 
... 216 
... 24 
... 24 
... 284 
... 285 
... 301 
... 171 
.. 62 
... 179 
... 269 

Robinson, pedigree . . . 284, 285 

Robinson, Richard 132 

Robinson, Robbinson, William 28, 34 

Robotham, Edward 272 

Robothom, Robert 60 

Roby, pedigree 284 

Robyn, Thomas... 124 

Robynson, John 254 

Roche (Rotherham) ... 4,264 

Roche, Abbot of 4, 20, 21, 30, 31, 32 

Roche, William of 4 

Rock, pedigree 284 

Rocrosgate (Ravenfield) ... 26 

Roddis, Ralph 58 

Roder, River 108 

Roder, water of 8 

Roderham, Henry, vicar of ... 4 

Rodes, pedigree 282 

Rodes, F. 130 

Rodez, Richard 124 

Rodez, Robert 124 

Rodgers, Charles 306 

Rodgers, John, Jo ... 154,155 

156, 158, 160 

Rodgers, pedigree 282, 284, 285, 287 

Rodgers, Robert 99 

Rodis, Peter de 8 

Rodwell, pedigree ... ... 284 

Rodys, Robert de 5 

Roe, V Doe 304 

Roe, Francis 145 

Roe, Jer (Derby) 306 

Roebuck, John ... ... ... 89 

Roebuck, pedigree 287 

Roehaghe, Springe (Norton) ... 155 

Roger 2, 3 

Roger, son of Alan ... ... 9 

Roger Hall Croftes 45 

Rohaghe, Rohagh, Rohawe, Roe- 
haghe, Roohagh, Rowhawe 
(Norton)... 109,110,121,122 
123, 155 

Roice, John 231 

Rokeby, Richard 25 

Rokeby, Rokesby, William 25, 28 
Rokewood, Clement ... ... 233 

Rokewood, Philippa ... ... 223 

Rollenson, Francis 159 

Rollenson, Rollinson, Rollinsone, 

Hugh, Hughe... 161, 162, 169 
Rollenson, Rollynsone, Rollyne- 
sone, Rolynson, Rollinson, 
Jerom,Jherom 55,132,133,134,169 

Rollenson, Robert 144 

RoUeston, pedigree ... ... 287 




Rollinson, John ... ... ... 68 

Rollinson, pedigree ... ... 284 

Rolte, Richard 44 

Rolynson, Rolynsone, Rolinson, 
RoUenson, William, Wyllyame 132 
133, 134, 137, 142 
Rone, Anthony ... ... ... 102 

Ronksley, pedigree ... ... 284 

Ronksley, William ... 81,158 

Roo, Henry 129 

Roodkent (Clayworth) 203 

Rook, John 216 

Rooke, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Rookewood, Joan ... ... 225 

Rookwood, Rookewood, Clement 

221, 225 

Rookwood, Philipp 221 

Roose, John ... ... ... 24 

Roose, Richard ... ... ... 18 

Roose, Roos, Robert ... 31, 33 

Roose, Roos, Thomas 24,26,29,31,33 

... 179 

144, 156 




















Roper, Elizabeth 

Roper, George ... 

Roper, John 

Roper, pedigree ... 

Roper, William ... 

Roper, Zacharia... 

Rosdale, prioress 

Rose, pedigree ... 

Rose, Christopher 

Rose Fields 

Rose, George 

Rose, Hugh 

Rose, John (of Whitelaw) 

Rose, Richard ... 

Rosegere (Rawmarsh) ... 

Rosel, Henry 

Rosel, Thomas ... 

Rosel, Sir William 

Rosington, William de ... 

Rossington, co York 

Rossington, Clement 

Rotamford, Rotame Ford (Kiln- 
hurst) 38,39 

Rotehamfordflatts, Rotamford 

Flatts, alias Milne Closes 50, 53 

Rosse of Hamlake, Thomas Lord 253 

Rotheram, Roderham,Rotherham 4, 1 1 
13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 34, 36 
37, 49, 51, 86, 98, 169, 260, 266 
267, 276, 277, 282,292, 297, 299, 307 

Rotherham, College of ... ... 291 

" Rotherham " (Guest's) ... 25 

Rotherham Literary and Scientific 
Society, The 288 

Rotherham Parish Registers ... 
Rotherham, Relics and Records of 

Rotherham, Alice 
Rotherham, Anne 
Rotheram, Ellin... 
Rotheram, John ... 
Rotheram, Leonard 
Rotheram, Mary... 
Rotheram, Ralph 
Rotheram, Thomas 
Rotheram, William 
Rough Lyme (Dore 





Roughe Cliffe (Norton Lees) 149, 155 
Rough Field (Ecclesall) 
Roughinge (Rawmarsh)... 

Roullesley, John 

Roundstorthe, Roundstorth 
Rous, Gregory ... 

Rous, Reginald 

Rous, Robert de... 
Rous, Thomas ... 
Routhmarsh, Hugh de ... 
Routhmarshe, Ellen (Elena) de... 
Routhmarshe, Ivo de 
Rowell Bridge Wheel (Sheffield) 
Rowenyng, James 
Rowenyng, Robert 
Rowenyng, Thomas 
Rowland, William 
Rowley, pedigree 

Rowley Hill 

Rowarth (?), Mark 

Rowarth, C, and Sons ... 
Rowsons Sheepley 
Royal Letters Patent ... 
Royal Visit to Sheffield, The . . . 
Roydes, Robert ... 
Royes, Roise, Richard 

Royle, pedigree 

Royse, pedigree ... 
Royston, CO York 
Royston West (Clayworth) 

Roysten, pedigree 

Rubins, Richard... 

Rufford, CO Nott 

Rumford, Mathew 

Rundhaid (Roundhay) Waste 

near ... 
Runlegh, Robert de 
Ruper, Robert de 
Rusby, Rushy, Park Meadow 

(Greystones) 94,95 

Rushby, pedigree 285 

Rushe Acre (Norton) 137 

Rushop (High Peak) 191 

.. 206 
.. 206 
.. 132 
.. 284 
.. 295 
.. 198 
.. 291 
.. 193 
.. 154 
.. 295 
.. 38 
18, 19 
.. 282 
.. 284 
.. 195 
.. 203 
.. 282 
.. 205 
.. 268 
.. 42 







Rushy Field (Norton) 196 

Rushye Furthes (Rawmarsh) ... 45 
Rushymeadowe (Sheffield) ... 56 
Russell, pedigree ... ... 284 

Russell, Robert ... ... ... 14 

Russell, William 176 

Russop or Whiteside (High Peak) 192 
Rustling Parkes (Sheffield) ... 94 

Rutter, Richard 129 

Ruyston, John ... 3I 

Ry, Sir Ranulph de 113 

Ryder, James 278 

Rydings, Ryddynge, Riddings, 

Riddinges ... 45, 139, 167, 196 
Rydgway, Ridgeway, co Derby 

141, 288 
Rye Croft (Sheffield) ... 90,92 

Ryecroft (Hathersage) 171 

Rye, Edward ... I35 

Rye Furlong (Clayworth) ... 203 

Ryefeild, Rye Field, Ryefield, 

Ryefeilde 76, 94, 95, 155, 190 

Rygmaden, William 23 

Ryldon, John i'] 

Ryles, John 12, 13 

Ryley, co Derby 124 

Rylles, Roger 125 

Rynellus, Rinellus, Richard, 

Richard de 1, 2 

Rynghaye (Brimington) ... 108 

Ryston Sutton (Holderness) ... 153 

Ryves, John 248 

Ryves, Maria 248 

Sabrycheworth, co Hert ... 126 

Sacheverell, Robert ... ... 126 

Sagar Close (Rawmarsh) ... 49 

Sagher, Henry le ... ... 9 

Sagher, Ivo le ... ... ... 9 

St Alkemund, Alkmund, of Derby 

126, 150 
Saint Andrew (Westhale), church 

of 209 

Saint Andrew's Ilketshall, co 

Suffolk 243 

Saint Botulph's (Boston) ... 118 

Saint George in Southelmham, 

parish of ... ... ... 215 

St Germain des Pr6s, church of 285 
Saint Giles, parish of (City of 

Oxen 249 

Saint James, church of 20, 99, 301 
Saint James the Apostle, parish of 210 


Saint James, Hospital of 8, 28 

Saint James in Southelmeham, 

parish of 225, 226 

Samt John of Jerusalum, Hos- 
pital of 11 

Saint Laurence (York) 280 

St Leonards Spittle ... . . 268 

Saint Maries 3 

Saint Marie's Church, Sheffield 306 
Saint Martin, Martin's, parish of 45 

46, 48 
Samt Mary, Adam de, Adam of 4, 5 

Saint Mary, I solda de 4 

Saint Mary, lands of 12 

Saint Mary, Sibyll de, Sibill of 4, 5 
Saint Mary's Church, William of 200 

Saint Neots 258 

St Paul's Church, Sheffield 296, im 
Saint Paul's Church, Sheffield, 

Churchwardens of 285 

St. Paul's Church, Sheffield, 

-Monumental Memorials" 'iOl 
Saint Peter, church of (Sandewic) 1 1 9 

Saint Petersburgh 318 

St Pulchregate (Doncaster) ... 74 
St Pulchregate Street without 

the Barrs 80 

Saint Quintin (sancto quintino), 

Thomas de ... ... ... 106 

Sakevile, Sir Richard 125 

Sale Memorial Church, opening 

of the 295 

Sallowe, Robert de ... ... 1 1 3 

Salmon, Robert 77 

Salmon, William ... 77,78,81 

Salstonstall, Sir Samuel ... 270 

Salt, pedigree 284 

Salterford, Salterforde, Salter- 

forth 102, 104 

Salterford, New Diche of (Kirk- 
stall) 103 

Saltergate, Chesterfield... 126, 127 

128, 151 

Salterlane (Sheffield) 34 

Salvin, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Saltwood Furlong (Hope) ... 193 

Saly, John 213, 214 

Sampson, pedigree ... ... 282 

Sampson Smith, pedigree ... 287 

Sampson, Thomas ... ... 273 

Samter, Roger 11 

Sam well, Francis 101 

Sancroft, co Suffolk 222 

Sancta Maria, Adam de ... 3 

Sancta Maria, Isolda de . . . 3,5 




Sancta Maria, Paganus or Payn de 3 
Sancta Maria, Sibill de, Sybill de 

3, 4, 5 
Sandale, Sandhall, Sandall, Sandal 

(near Doncaster)..6, 7, 10, 23, 260 
Sandale, Alexander de ... ... 10 

Sandale, Hugh de 8 

Sandale, Sandhell, John de 10, 23 
Sandale, Nicholas ... ... 35 

Sandall, Hugh, rector of Parish 

Church of . . . ... ... 23 

Sandall Magna, co York ... 75 

Sandhy, Robert de ... ... 21 

Sandcrofte, F R 238 

Sandcrofte, Symon ... ... 244 

Sandcrofte, Sandcroft, William 225 

226, 228, 233, 235 

Sandeby, William de ... ... 19 

Sandegrenes,Sandgrenes (Braith- 

well) 18,21,30 

Sanderson, Edward ... 86, 263 
Sanderson, Josa ... ... ... 274 

Sanderson, John ... ... 164 

Sanderson, pedigree ... 284, 287 
Sandersted, John de ... ... 258 

Sandewic (? Sandbeck) ... ... 119 

Sandhell, Thomas de ... ... 23 

Sand Huton, Sandhulton, co York 

47, 48 
Sandpitt Leyes (Clay worth) ... 201 
Sandpitts (Doncaster) ... ... 73 

Saniforthe (?) 129 

Sannyforth Longe ... ... 171 

Sansom, pedigree ... ... 287 

Sanzcheverell, Robert ... ... 116 

Saterfield, J 89 

Satherthwayt, George ... ... 46 

Saundby, Sir Robert de ... 21 

Saunder, Saundre, J ohn . . . ... 14 

Saunders, John ... ... ... 244 

Saunderson, William 202 

Saunderson, Robert 32 

Saursbie, Saursbye, Sorsbie, 

Soresby, Soresbie, Robert, 

Roberte ... 56, 65, 67, 69 

70, 71, 81, 86 

Saursbye, Christopher, 55 

Saursbye, Saursby, Soresby, 

William ... 56, 70, 71, 93 

Savadge, Savage, Francis ... 158 

165, 166 
Savage, Savege, John 36, 209, 210 
Savage, pedigree ... 284, 3 1 1 

Savage, William ... ... 90 

Saville ... ... ... ... 95 


Saville, Baron ■•• 3 

Savile, George ... 152 

Saville, Savile, pedigree 284 285 

Savile, Wills of 277 

Sawyer, pedigree ... ... 284 

Saxmundum, CO Suffolk ... 246 

Saxton, pedigree ... ... 284 

Sayle, pedigree ... 284 

Saynt Mary Plate 26 

Sayvill, William 26 

Sayville, Henry le ... ... 115 

Sayvilsike (near Rotherham) ... 8 

Sayvyll, Richard 207 

Scammonden, near Huddersfield 27 
Scarborough ... ... ... 257 

Scarsdale, co Derby, Hundred of 316 
Scethby, co York ... ... 16 

Schardlowe, co Derby ... ... 113 

Scharf, George ... ... ... 289 

Schelffe (? Tibshelf) 119 

Schiris, John de . . . ... ... 5 

SchirtclifFe, Sheircliffe, Richard 70, 71 
Schofield v Thornton ... ... 251 

Scholefield, Schofield, pedigree 

284, 285 
Scholey, pedigree ... ... 284 

Scholler, Robert 192, 193 

Schrimshir, Elizabeth ... ... 203 

Scofton, CO Nott 91 

Scoles, William 194 

Scorah, Emanuel ... ... 77 

Scot, Scott, John ... 18, 87 

Scot, Thomas ... ... ... 18 

Scotch Army 269 

Scotland Street Chapel, Sheffield 316 
Scott, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Scott, Robert 28 

Scott, Sir Walter 305 

Scotland 267 

Scriden, William ... ... 90 

Scriven ... ... 168 

Scrivens, William ... ... 89 

Scrob, John le ... ... ... 2 

Scrobylye, John ... ... ... 215 

Scules 262 

Sculthorpe, Fawstine ... ... 205 

Scurbolie, John .. ... ... 210 

Scubolie, Robert ... 210, 211 

Seale, John ... ... ... 35 

Seaton, pedigree... ... ... 285 

Secroft (Kirkstall) 100 

Sedgwick, R. (Bradford) ... 318 

Segrave, Thomas de ... ... 121 

Selby, CO York ... ... ... 278 

Selihoke, Roger de ... ... 113 




Seliock, Selyok, Selyocke, Selyoke, 

Seliocke, William 118, 125, 141 
Seliok, Richard ... ... ... 122 

Seliok, Selioke, Robert 115,116, 327 
Sellers, Thomas .. . ... ... 132 

Sellyng, Robert 222 

Selyok, John 124, 125 

Selyoke, Seliocke, George 128, 141 

Selvester, John 56 

Senior, John ... ... ... 173 

Sepulchre, Street of the (Saint 
Sepulchre Gate, Doncaster) ... 9 

Serelbye, co Nott 23 

Serelbye, Elisabeth de 23 

Serelbye, Lady Joan de 23 

Serelbye, Serlby, John de 23, 35 

Serelbye, Nicholas de, Nicholas 23, 35 
Serelbye, Serelby, Robert 33, 34 

Serb's Narrative of Kirkstall ... 265 

Settle, CO York 280 

Sevell, Alice 218 

Sevell, Marion 218 

Sewale, John ... ... ... 18 

Sewell, pedigree... ... ... 284 

Seyncler, Gerard de ... Ill, 321 
Seyncler, Joan ... ... ... Ill 

Shacklock, pedigree ... ... 282 

Shakspeare, The Principal Por- 
traits of 289 

Shalands (Rawmarsh) ... ... 41 

Shale Moor (Sheffield) 274 

Shallcross, Derbyshire ... ... 305 

Shallcross of Shallcross, pedigree 311 
Shardlowe, Anthony 221, 222, 233 

Sharlston, co York 47 

Sharlston, manor of ... ... 47 

Sharman, pedigree ... ... 282 

Sharpe, Sharp, pedigree 284, 287 

Sharpe, Thomas 180,203 

Shaw family ... ... ■.• 92 

Shaw Meadow (Nether Hirst) ... 89 
Shaw, pedigree ... 282,284,287 

Shawe, George, Geo ... 48, 49, 77 

79, 80, 180 

Shawe, Henry 74 

Shawe, John ... ... ■•• 48 

Shawe Lowe, Shaw Low (Chester- 
field) 180, 188 

Shawe, Margaret 177 

Shawe (Syke House, Bradfield), 
pedigree ... ... ••• 285 

Shawe, Richard 157 

Shawe, Samuel ... ... .•• 81 

Shawe, Thomas 49 

Shawe, William 177 

Shawlands (Rawmarsh)... 


... 46 

Shaufeld, co Suffolk 

... 240 

Sheaf e, river 

... 86 

Sheaf e, Samuel 

... 317 

Shearman, pedigree 

... 284 

Shearwood, John, Jno ... 

... 99 

Shearwood, pedigree 

... 284 

Sheepford Flatt, Shepefortflatt 

(Kilnhurst) 39,50 

Shefeld, Thomas de, Thomas 17, 18 
19, 20, 21, 22, 24 

Sheffield Advertiser 294 

Sheffield Architectural and Arch- 
aeological Society 290 

Sheffield Corporation Act, 1890 296 
Sheffield, Lady Elizabeth 56, 57 

Sheffield, Ursulye 57 

Sheffield, William 57 

Sheffield Courant 294 

Sheffield Flood 295 

Sheffield Gas Light Companies, 
Sheffield United Gas Light 

Company 299, 301, 302 

Sheffield Grammar School ... 315 
Sheffield Independent ... ... 295 

Sheffield Iris 294, 295 

Sheffield Mercury 294 

Sheffield Miscellany, The (John 

Fillingham) 296 

Sheffield, Parish Church of ...291 
Sheffield Parish Registers ... 315 

Sheffield Park 274 

Sheffield Post 295 

Sheffield Register 294 

Sheffield Theatre 318 

Sheffield Times 294, 295 

Sheffield and Tinsley Canal 297, 299 

Sheffield Trades 314 

Sheffield, vicar of 300 

Sheldon ... 132, 170, 172, 174, 182 
Sheldon, Henry ... ... ... 132 

Sheldon, Katherine 132 

Sheldon, Margaret 132 

Sheldon, pedigree ... 285, 287 

Shelly, Henry 229 

Shelton, Jo 86 

Shemeld, John 172 

Shemeld, Richard 63 

Shemell, Robert 49 

Shemyld, William ... 120, 122 

Shepcoate Croft 192 

Shepley (Little Norton) 134, 135, 139 

140, 196 
Sheplev, Chartledge (Hope) ... 193 
Shepley Endes (Little Norton)... 140 




Sheppard, Anna 74 

Sheppard, Edward ... 68, 69, 72 

73, 74, 77, 80, 93 

Sheppard, Frances ... 87, 88 

Sheppard, James, jas..80, 81, 82, 87, 88 

Sheppard, Josua 81 

Sheppard, Sheppard, pedigree ... 284 
Sheppard, Richard ... 78,80,94 
Sheppard, Shepphard, Thomas 69, 72 
Shepperd, Sheppard, Wilham.W, 

Wm 68, 77, 78, 87, 88 

Sherewood, Jo ... ... ... 239 

Sherman ... ... ... ... 235 

Sherman, Anne ... ... ... 235 

Sherman, John ... 234, 235, 236 

Sheve (Sheaf) 155 

Shipcoate Closes, co Suffolk . . . 243 
Shipley, co Derby ... ... 170 

Shipper, Simon ... ... ... 204 

Shipston, pedigree ... ... 282 

Shirclif (Sheffield) 324 

ShirclifF, pedigree ... ... 285 

Shire-eshes (Braithwell) ... 21 

Shirlande, co Derby ... ... 113 

Shirley, pedigree ... 284, 285 

Shirt, pedigree 282,286 

Shoe Broad (Chapel-en-le-Frith) 191 
Shore, family of ... ... ... 318 

Shore, Miss (of Meersbrook) ... 318 

Shore, Offley 291 

Shore, Samuel (of Norton Hall) 318 
Shorlands, co Derby ... ... 177 

Short Newton (Doncaster) ... 80 

Short, pedigree 282,284 

Shotar, Richard ... ... . . 11 

Shoter, Thomas ... ... ... 16 

Shrewsbury (?), E. ... ... 45 

Shrewsbury, Shrewsburie, Shres- 
burie. Earl of, Earle of ... 130 
256, 258, 271 
Shrewsbury and Waterford, Ber- 
tram Arthur Earl of 306 

Shrewsbury, Shrouesbury, George 
Earl of, George Erie of ... 44 
124, 130, 132 
Shrewsbury, Lady Elizabeth, 

Countess of ... ... ... 132 

Shrewsbury, Gilbert Earl of ... 55 
142, 143, 172, 301 

Shrewsbury Hospital 300 

Shrewsbury, Seal of ... ... 143 

Shyreollers (Norton) 131 

Sibthorpe, Simon de ... ... 200 

Sibton, Abbot of 212 

Sick (Nether Hirst) 89 


Sick House (Pye Bank) ... 92 

Sickhouse (Norton) ... 166, 171 
Sidbri, William, see Sudbri ... 223 

Siddall, pedigree 284 

Sidenal, Ralph de 107 

Sidenhal, Felice de 200 

Sikes, pedigree 284 

Sikes, Thomas ... ... .•• 54 

Silcock, Benjamin Blonk ... 316 

Silcock, family of ... ... 316 

Silcocke (Castleton) 183 

Silcocks of Whiteley Wood ...305 
Silke well, great field of (Braithwell) 31 
Silkstone (Barnsley) ... ... 88 

Silvester, Sylvester, John, Joh ... 69 

70, 71, 99 
Simon, Symon ... ... 115, 282 

Simon, pedigree .. . ... ... 287 

Simpson, pedigree ... ... 284 

Sims, Symes, pedigree ... ... 286 

Simson, Jone ... ... ... 82 

Simson, Peeter ... ... ... 82 

Simson, Simpson, Sympson, W, 

William, Will 77, 139, 

140, 142, 143 

145, 171, 176 

Sinclair, Seyncler, John ... 253, 321 

Sinlington, manor of (Sinnington) 254 

Sinyngton, Synyngton, manor of 254 

255, 256 
Sitch, the (Chapel-en-le-Firth)... 191 

Sitwell, Geo 77,79,80 

Sit well, Sitwell 199 

Sittwell, Richard 127 

Skampeston, manor of ... ... 254 

Skampston, co York ... ... 256 

Skarborough, Peter ... ... 102 

Skargell, Elizabeth ... 55,' 67 

Skargell, Joshua... ... ... 67 

Skargell, Sarah ... ... ... 67 

Skargell, Thomas ... 55, 67 

Skargell, William 67 

Skarlet, 'I'homas ... 219 

Skarlett, Robert... 222,228,229 

Skarthynge Welle, Scarthingwelle 

(near Tadcaster) ... 11,260 
Skauceby, Richard de ... ... 14 

Skaymondeyne, see Scammonden 27 
Skeete, Bartholomew ... 240, 241 

Skelton, Elizth 98 

Skelton, pedigree ... 284, 287 

Skelton, William 24 

Skernyng (Seaming, co Norfolk) 206 
Skippes, otherwise Skippers, co 

Suffolk ... 245 




Skynner, John 30 

Skynner, Thomas ... ... 222 

Skynnerthorp (Sheffield) ... 324 

Skyrack, co York ... 279, 280 

Skyrehous, co York ... ... 27 

Slack, pedigree 282,284 

Slacke, Henry ... ... ... 182 

Slacke, Ralph ... ... ... 263 

Slacke, Thomas ... ... ... 272 

Slade Meadow ... ... ... 197 

Slagg, Thomas ... ... ... igg 

Slater, pedigree 282,284 

Sledmere, co York 260 

Sleigh, John 286 

Sleigh, pedigree 285 

Sloane, Hans 248,249 

Slyngesbi, Slengesby, manor of, 

CO York 260 

Small Court 64, 172 

Small Roydes (Rawmarsh) ... 45 
Small Sitch (Hathersage) ... 171 

Smallaye, John 238 

Smallewod (Ravensfield) ... 26 

Smallpeece, Thomas ... ... 246 

Smalwode, John . . . ... ... 208 

Smawthorne Close (Clay worth) ... 203 
Smelter, pedigree ... ... 284 

Smeltings Farm (Ringinglowe)... 62 
Smethe, Ottwell, see Smyth, &c. . . 263 
Smethe, William, see Smythe . . . 263 

Smethef eld (Norton) 124 

Smethismere, co Suffolk ... 208 

Smilter, George ... ... 83, 171 

Smith, 201 

Smith, Smyth, Andrew 214,215,216 
Smith (Faber), Gilbert ... ... 3,6 

Smith, Henry 185, 187, 188, 193 

Smith, James ... ... ... 301 

Smith, Jarvis 192 

Smith, Smythe, Smyth, Smithe 

(Faber), John ... 18, 23 

24, 29, 31, 32, 33, 54, 114, 121 

185, 209, 222, 223, 231, 232 

233, 234, 238, 239, 242 

Smith, John Russell, J R 286, 289 

290, 291 

Smith, Joseph . 

87, 90, 99, 185 

Smith, Mathew . 


Smith, Paul 


Smith, pedigree . 

284, 285, 287 

Smith, Peter 


Smith, Ralph 







Smith, Smyth (Faber), Robert... 112 

191, 242 
Smith, Samuel ... ... ... 99 

Smith, Theophilus 

Smyth, Bryan 

Smyth, Evette 

Smyth, George 

Smyth, Joan 

Smyth, Smith, Ottiwell, Ottwell, 

see Smethe ... 158,166,272 

Smyth, Reginald 206 

Smyth, Stephen 24 

Smythe, Smith, Elizabeth 129, 185 

Smythe, Gregory 231 

Smythe, Smith, Hugh ... 42, 54 

Smythe, Margery ... 233, 234 

Smythe, Smith, Richard 222, 223 

229, 289 
Smythe, Simon, Symon 222, 223 

Smythe, Smith, Smyth, Thomas, 

Thos.42, 80, 113, 180, 202, 244, 301 
Smythe, Smyth, Smith (Faber), 

Wilham, Wyllm, see Smethe 18 

Smithie Place (Norton) 155 

Smithie Wood (Norton) ... 148, 155 
Smithies, The (Norton)... ... 155 

Smithy Croft (Fulwood)... 62, 63, 187 
Smithy Standinge (Sheflfield) ... 68 
Smithy Yard (Fulwood) ... 187 

Smythfeldgappe, co Suffolk ... 220 
Smythiehill (Norton Lees) ... 149 
Smy thies (cottages called) (N orton 

Lees) 148 

Sneyd, Anne ... ... ... 195 

Snigg Hill (Sheffield) 312 

Snorehill, Cross of (Doncaster)... 10 
Snowden, pedigree ... ... 282 

Snytall, Henry 37 

Snytall, Thomas... ... ... 37 

Society of Antiquaries 293 

Sodd House (Kilnhurst) ... 49 

Sodyrton, co Suffolk, see Sotherton 209 
Solly, pedigree ... ... ... 285 

Someredby, Gilbert de 115 

Someredby, Roger de 115 

Somerless, John de ... ... 122 

Somersall in Brampton, CO Derby 151 
Somerset, county of ... 257, 259 

Somerton, John 26 

Somervill, Roger de 113 

Sondiacre Thomas de 112 

Sorby, pedigree 287 

Soresby v. Countess of Oxford... 302 

Sorsby, John 303 

Sorsby e, Sorsbie, Malin, see Saursbie 

77, 78, 303 
Soterlee, CO Suffolk ...206,207,209 









Soterlee, church of 206, 207, 
Soterlee, Edmund de ... 206, 
Sotherton, coSuffolk, see Sodyrton 

Sourebutts (Hope) 

South Croft (Sheffield) 

South Elmham, Southelmham, 

Southelmeham, co Suffolk... 


"South Yorkshire" Hunter's ... 

260, 263 
Southagh (Southey, Sheffield) ... 324 
Southbroke (Staveley) ... ... 114 

Southburton (Beverley)... ... 38 

Southcrosland, co York ... ... 55 

Southel, CO Suffolk 214 

Southend, bay of the ... ... 68 

Southey, soak of (Sheffield)... 298, 301 
Southgate, co Suffolk ... ... 207 

Southgategrene, co Norfolk) ... 206 
Southolt, CO Suffolk ... 236,237 
Southowse, Sowthowse, John ... 238 

239, 242 
Southleverton, South Leverton 7, 204 
Southwell, CO Nott ... 3, 33, 34 

Southwell, le 125 

Southwode, Southwod, Thomas 31 
Sow Close (Rawmarsh)... ... 41 

Sow Side (Rawmarsh) ... ... 41 

Sowby, widow ... ... ... 176 

Sowters, co Suffolk ... ... 237 

Spafford, pedigree ... ... 284 

Sparks, John ... ... ... 84 

Sparoo, William... ... ... 28 

Sparrowpit Gate (Castleton) . . . 298 
Spaygne, Margaret ... ... 118 

Spaygne, William de 118 

Spe, Robert 208 

" Special Court Baron " ... 249 

Spectishale,Specksale, co Suffolk, 
see Spettishale ...211, 213, 214, 240 

Speight, John 86 

Spellers, in Southolt, co Suff'olk. . . 237 
Spen (Rawmarsh) ... ... 35 

Spencer, Anne 80, 81 

Spencer, Henry ... 148, 149, 179 

Spencer, Philip ... ... ... 256 

Spencer, Spenser, Robert 80, 81, 207 
Spenser, Spencer, John ... 116, 143 
Spenser, Spencer, pedigree 284, 287 
Spennes (Rawmarsh), see Spen ... 53 
Spetchley, co Worcester ... 198 

Spettishale, co Suffolk, see Spectis- 

hale 213 

Spink, William ... 229 

Spitle Brygg, Chesterfeild ... 150 
Spittle Farm (Chesterfield) ... 183 

Spittle, the (Chesterfield) 
Spittlecrosse (Castleton) 
Splents ... 
Sponer, Joan 
Sponer, Richard... 
Sponer, Robert ... 
Spooner, Hugh ... 
Spooner, Joshua... 
Spooner, pedigree 
Spoonton, CO Derby 


... 169 

... 182 

... 262 

20, 22, 32 

20, 27, 32 

... 24 

66, 87 

... 90 

... 284 

... 180 

Spottiswoode, Spottiswode, & Co. 

289, 290 
Spownden, co Derby ... ... 153 

Spring, Springe ... 90, 92, 181, 186 
Spring Close (Coal Aston) ... 181, 185 
Spring Wood, Springwood..83, 94, 185 
Springe Tonge, alias Over Spenns 

(Kilnhurst) 49,50 

Springfield (Coal Aston) ... 186 

Springham, Richard ... ... 128 

Sprynge or Grove of Woodd 

(Ecclesall) 45 

"Spudles" 262 

Spurr, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Sputesyke, Le (Loxley) ... 1 

Spynk, Spink, Spynke, John. .219, 233 
Square Cobner Closes (Norton).. 196 
Squire, Squyer, John ... 82, 200 

Squire, Mary 82 

Sroublandes (?) (Rotherham) ... 8 
Stacie, Robt. ... ... ... 169 

Stacye, Rev. J 293 

Stacye, pedigree 284,285 

Stafford, Mr 257 

Stafford, county of 258 

Stafford, pedigree 282 

Staffordshire, ... ... ...302 

Stadfould End (Ashford) ...132 

Stadford (Ashford) ISO 

Staincross ... 276,278,280 

Stainton, register 285 

Staley, Christopher ... ... 165 

Staley, Creature, Creatur ... 157, 158 
Staley, Ellis, Ellize ... 157, 158 
Staley, Stayley, John ... 157, 158 

165, 184 
Staley, lordship of, see Staveley. . . 1 24 
Staley, Mary ... ... .__ 157 

Staley, Nicholas... 157, 158, 272 

Staley, pedigree 284 

Staley, Stephen, Stephan ...157, 158 

c. ^. . 165,166 
Stampe, Martm 75 

Stancell, co York 93 

Stancliffe, Ann ... ... 72 

Stancliffe, Samuell 72 




Standehilles Lymbroke, Stande- 

hilles (Dronfield) 36 

Standeven, John... ... ... 45 

Standfield, pedigree ... ... 284 

Standsmore (Clay worth) ... 201 

Stanegatebek (Danby, co York).. 254 
Stanford, Robert de ... ... 4 

Stanhope, Sir Edward ... ... 57 

Stanifeilds (Coal Aston) ... 180 

Staniforth, Stanyford ... 282,324 
Staniforth, Anna ... ... 60 

Staniforth, Jane ... ... ... 60 

Staniforth, Jonathan ... ... 81 

Staniforth, Mary 318 

Staniforth, Luke 199 

Staniforth, pedigree ... 284,285 

Staniforth, Robert 128 

Staniforth, Stanyforth, William, 

60,73,134, 176 

Staniland (Halifax) 27 

Staniland, pedigree ... ... 284 

Stanley, John (Masbro') ...302 

Stanley, Rd 99 

Stanley, William ... ... 216 

Stannell, George ... ... 74 

Stannington, Stanyngton ... 92,324 
Stansall, pedigree ... ... 282 

Stansall Long Close (Chesterfield) 188 

Stansall, Philhpe 146 

Stansall, Richard ... ... 146 

Stanser, Thomas ... ... 204 

Stanton-By-Dale, co Derby, see 

Staunton ... ... ... 113 

Stanton, Giles ... ... ... 239 

Stanyford, Stanyforthe, Stany- 
forth, John ... 34,59,60,144 
Stanyngton, Morwod ... ... 324 

Staple Inn, London ... ... 96 

Stappelton, Sir Robert, Knight ... 48 
Starby, Richard, Rychard... 43,44 

Starling, ... ... 96 

Starnhill Greaves, alias Standell 
Greave (Bradway) ... ... 194 

Starr Carr 203 

Statham, ... ... 167 

Statham, John ... ... ... 91 

Staunton, see Stanton by Dale... 113 
Staunton, Sir Geoffrey de ... 116 

Staveley, Stavely, Staveleye, co 

Derby, see Staley ... 108,112 
113,114, 116, 120, 121, 125 
153, 161, 162, 174, 175, 184 
185, 187, 197,310,312,314 
Staveley, Collections for a His- 
tory of... ... ... ... 314 


Staveley Church ... ... 309 

Staveley Hagg, co Derby ... 189 

Staveley Hall 288 

Staveley, manor of ... 125,297 
Staveley, Methodist Count Book 

for 317 

Staveley Netherthorpe ... ... 125 

Staveley, Parish Accounts of ... 306 
Staveley parva ... ... ... 114 

Staveley, rectory of ... ... 125 

Staveley Woodthorpe, Wod- 
thorpe, Wodthorp, Wodethorpe.. 1 1 1 

Staveley, Stavely, Chr, Chris- 
topher, see Staley ... ... 183 

Staveley, pedigree ... 284,285,286 
Staveley, Stephen, see Staley ... 131 

Stayley, Elizabeth 184 

Stayneland, see Staniland ... 27 

Staynerod, Stayndrod, Gervase 

174, 175 
Staynford, Stayneford, John de..l3, 14 
Staynton, Stainton, co York. .24, 31, 98 
Stainton, CO Derby ... ... 302 

Staynton, Agnes de ... ... 115 

Staynton, William de ... 115,116 
Steaven, Stephyn, Stephin, Wil- 
liam, Wylliam ... 43,44 
Stebbinge, George ... ... 242 

Stebbinge, Henry ... ... 241 

Steele, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Steele, Stele, John ... 175,255 

Steell, Roger ... ... ... 36 

Steer, Geo ... ... ... 314 

Steer, James ... ... ... 156 

Steer, pedigree ... ... ... 287 

Steere, Steeare, John ... ... 156 

Steers, Ottewill 156 

Steeven, (alias Glossop) William... 83 

Stene (Bradfield) 1 

Steeton Hall (nr Milford) ... 278 

Stephen, John ... ... ... 132 

Stephenson, Edmund, Edmunde...l31 

133, 141, 142, 143 

Stephenson, Edward ... ... 133 

Stephenson, Margaret ... ... 58 

Stephenson, Margere ... ... 125 

Stephenson, Stevenson, pedigree. ..284 
Stephenson, Thomas ... 125,272 
Steresthorp, John de ... ... 18 

Sterf, John 217 

Steristhorp (Streethorpe) Rage- 
nild de . . . ... ... ... 6 

Steristhorp (Streethorpe) William 
de 6 




Steristhorpe, Sterysthorp, Steres- 
thorp, Steristhorp (Streethorpe) 5 
10, 20, 21, 260 
Sterlinge, Henry ... ... 234 

Steven, Anthony... ... ... 152 

Steven the Bedle ... ... 266 

Steven, alias Urton, John ... 142 

Stevenclose (Castleton) ... ... 192 

Stevens' "Continuation" ... 264 

Stevens, John ... ... ... 264 

Stevens, Stephens, William... 147, 150 
Stevenson ... ... ... 270 

Stevenson, Henery ... ... 69 

Stevenson, Stephenson, John 

124, 125, 128 
Stevenson, William ... ... 124 

Steynforth, Wilham 20 

Steynisby, Gezehn (Jocelin) de... 200 
Steynrod, John ... ... ... 42 

Steynrod, Thomas ... ... 45 

Stibbing, Hen 242 

Stidens, pedigree ... ... 284 

Stiel, William 121 

Stiles, Bartholomew ... ... 221 

Stiles, Jeames, James ... 227, 229 
Stoake Newington alias Stoake 
Newton, manor of ... ... 249 

Stoake Newton, or Stoke Newing- 
ton, Stoake Newington ... 248 
Stoane, George ... ... ... 202 

Stockbridge ... ... ... 68 

Stockbridge Feild, co York ... 68 
Stockes, John ... ... 73,74 

Stofer, Thomas 224,225 

Stokbrygg, Stokbryg, Herbart, 

Herbert de 10 

Stoke, manor of . . . ... ... 259 

Stokeham, Richard ... ... 203 

Stokes, pedigree... ... ... 282 

Stokes, Sir Geoffrey ... ... 106 

Stokes, W 228 

Stone Bridge, parish of Wirks- 

worth 305 

Stone, George ... ... ... 180 

Stone, John ... ... ... 42 

Stone Lyme (Dore) ... ... 76 

Stone Quarry (Bradway) ... 194 

Stone, Richard 42,76 

Stone, Thomas, Tho ... 42,266 
Stonehill, Furlong (Clay worth)... 202 
Stones, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Stones, Elizabeth ... ... 94 

Stones, George ... ... ... 157 

Stones, John 80,81,82,94,95,157,159 
Stones, Joseph ... ... 174, 179 


Stones, Nichollas (sic) 173, 174, 194 

Stones, Richard 166 

Stones, Samuell, Samuel 83, 84 

Stoney Leyes (Bradway) ... 158 

Stongravell, Stonegravells, Stone 

Gravel! ... 126, 127, 128 

Stonham, Jernegan, co Suffolk... 213 

Stoniforde, Dorothy 163 

Stony Clyff, Stonyecliffe (Norton) 131 

Stony Field (Norton) 190 

Stony Hawes (Kilnhurst) ... 50 

Stony Middleton, CO Derby ... 191 
Stopford, John ... ... ... 32 

Storkes Farmes ... ... ... 36 

Storks, Thomas ... ... 42,36 

Storr, Robert 202 

Storrs, Storres (Norton)..155, 167, 169 
Storrs, pedigree ... ... ... 286 

Storth (Bradway) 194 

Story, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Stotevil, John de 107 

Stovene, Stoven... 213, 239, 327 

"Stovene, cherche of" ... 213, 327 

Stovin, Miss 293 

Stowe, Archdeaconry of 204, 274, 275 

Stowe Market 215,216 

Stowe, Michael 162 

Stradbrooke, co Suffolk... ... 237 

Strafford 277 

Stralley, Sampson de ... ... 118 

Stratham, pedigree ... ... 285 

Strelley, Sir Nicholas ... ... 126 

Strett Yard, Stretts Yard, co Suf- 
folk 237,241 

Stretton, co Derby ... 75, 172 
Stringer, Eleanor ... ... 98 

Stringer, Thomas 98, 146, 153, 154 
Stringfellow, Henry ... ... 171 

Stringfellow, James ... 165, 166 
Stringfellow, Katherin, Katherine 171 

Stringfellow, Robert 172 

Stringfellow, Wilham ... 164, 165, 

166, 169 
Stuart, John ... ... ... 145 

Stubbe, Edm 164 

Stubbe, John 243 

Stubbeleye, John de ... ... 112 

Stubbes, Thomas ... 25,26 

Stubbing, Stubbings ... 76,83,91 
Stubbing Close, Ing and Lane 

(Woodthorpe) 83 

Stuffyn, John 178 

Stumblingstreete, co Derby ... 179 
Sturtivant, Samuel ... ... 94 

Styles, Bartholomew ... ... 232 




Styles, James 229,230 

Styllyngton, John 24 

Styring, pedigree 287 

Styrtover, Robert ... ... 8 

Sudbri, Sudburi, William, see 

Sidbri 222 

Sudgden, Leonard ... ... 58 

Suffolk 222,238,246,303 

Sully, Averard 118 

Sumervilla, William de... ... 101 

Sutterton, CO Suffolk ... 240,242 
Sutton, pedigree... ... ... 282 

Sutton Coldfield, co Warwick 

186, 188, 205 
Sutton-in-le-dale, co Derby ... 130 

Sutton, Edmund 48,51 

Sutton, Francis ... ... ... 170 

Sutton, Henry de, henri de 111, 321 

Sutton, John 229 

Sutton, Margaret 205 

Sutton, Rev. Thomas ... ... 98 

Sutton, William de, William 5, 215 
Svyft, Swift, John ... 8,186 

Svyft, Swifte, Thomas ... 8, 155 

Swain, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Swallow, pedigree ... ... 284 

Swalohill, Robert ... ... 15 

Swan, Edmund ... ... ... 199 

Swann, pedigree... ... ... 284 

Swann, Rowland ... ... 194 

Swarson, co Derby ... ... 172 

Swathes of meadowe ... ... 41 

Sweet Leys (Handley) ... ... 197 

Sweeting, Jonathan ... ... 304 

Swerdscrof t, Swerdescrof te, Swords- 
croft, Swordscrof te, Swordescrof t, 
CO Suffolk ... 217,220,222,230 
Swethene (Chapeltown)... ... 3 

Swetman, Samuel ... ... 240 

Swift 96 

Swift, E. H. (Sheffield) 289 

Swift, family of 308 

Swift's Derbyshire, Chesterfield, 

&c 316 

Swillivan, Cor ... ... ... 173 

Swinburne, Henry ... ... 48 

Swinden, pedigree ... ... 284 

Swindle, William 132 

Swinscow, Henry ... ... 192 

Swinscow, William ... ... 192 

Swinton Moor, co York... ... 49 

Swinton, William de ... ... 5 

Swire Green (High Peak) ... 192 
Swithens le (Chapeltown) ... 6 


Swyft, Henry ... ... ... 10 

Swyft, Hugh 10 

Swyft, John 10 

Swyft, Swifte, Robert 10, 36, 37, 270 
Swyft, Swift ; William, W. ... 37 

282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 290 

305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311 


Swyne Lands (Hathersage) ... 171 

Swynesheved, Roger de ... 5 

Swynton, Swinton 33, 34, 37, 40, 49 


Sybry, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Syddall, widow ... ... ... 171 

Sygo, John 210 

Sygo, Olive 210 

Sykes, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Sykes, Richard ... ... ... 44 

Sylkewell (Braithwell) 33 

Symbolic Devices on Sepulchral 

Memorials 290 

Symon of Barneby ... ... 6 

Symon, John ... ... ... 83 

Symon, Robert ... ... 82,83 

Sympkins, Geoffrey ... 248,249 
Syss Lands (Norton) ... ... 131 

"Tacis" 262 

Tacketts, Tacketts in Wy thersdale, 

CO Suffolk ... 228, 232, 241, 244, 246 
Taddington, co Derby ... ... 303 

Tagge, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Tailiour, Taylor, Edmund 32, 58 

Tailiour, Nicholas ... ... 23 

Tailiour, Taylor, Taylour, Richard 

26, 156, 218, 219, 291 

Tailiour, Walter 200 

Talbot, Ankarett 257 

Talbot, Richard 257 

Tankerle, Richard de ... ... 3 

Tankyrsley, Tankersley 25, 28, 285 

Tapitts, Peter 21 

Tapton, Henry de ... ... 10 

Tapton, Joan de, Johanna de ... 16 
Tapton, Roger de ... ... 16 

Tarden (High Peak) 119 

Tason, Robert ... ... ... 215 

Tatersall, Richard ... ... 132 

Tattershall, pedigree ... ... 284 

Taverner, John ... ... ... 206 

Tayler, Taylor, EHzabeth 87, 88, 90 

91, 92, 93 

Tayler, Henry, Henrie 132, 138, 139 

140, 143, 147 



Tayler, James (?) 145 

Tayler, Taylor, Tailer, Tealor, 
Taylour, John 36, 55, 56, 87, 157 
172, 174, 181, 218, 219, 220, 304 
Tayler, Joseph ... ... ... 157 

Tayler, Tailer, Mary ... 172,174 
Tayler, Taylor, Will, William 

78. 87, 88, 90, 91 

92, 93, 157, 199 

Tayliour, Robert ... ... 121 

Taylor & Co 307 

Taylor, J. E. (London) 291 

Taylor, pedigree ... 282, 284, 285 
Taylor, Tayler, Sarah, Sara 56, 156 
Taylor, Taillour, Taillor, Thomas 

75, 187, 255, 275 
Taylor & Son, London ... ... 287 

Tetbitts, pedigree ... ... 284 

Tee, John ... ... ... 19 

Tempest, Mr 305 

Tenesgate or Tevesgate (Don- 
caster) ... ... ... 15 

Tenterclose (Rawmarsh) ... 41 

Tesaunts, CO Suffolk ... 221,223 
Testa de Neville... ... ... 5 

Teversall, CO Nott 172 

Tey, John, John de ... 23, 25 

Teysard, John 215, 216, 217, 233 

Teysard, Robert 219 

Tharlestropp, co Derby... ... 105 

Therebroc (Chapeltown) ... 3 

Thirbeck, parish of Whitewell ... 113 
Thirbeck, Henry de ... ... 113 

Thistle Storth, Thissle Storth, 
Thisletorth,Thistlestorth (Little 

146, 160, 161, 177 


... 319 
... 96 
2, 114 
... 249 
... 199 
... 94 

C. P.) 

Norton) . . . 
Thol, the reeve ... 
Tholeto, John de... 
Thom, William (J 
Thomas ... 
Thomas, Da 

Thomas, W. B 

Thomas, widow ... 

Thomas, Monsieur, Monsire (de 

Chaworth) 327 

Thomas, son of Symon of Barneby 6 
Thomason, pedigree ... ... 285 

Thomason, Francis ... ... 192 

Thompson, C. & W. (Sheffield) ... 306 
Thompson, pedigree ... ... 284 

Thompson, Richard ... ... 157 

Thompson, Rosamond ... ... 83 

Thompson, Susanna ... ... 92 

Thomson (of Esholt), pedigree of 285 
Thomson, Thompson, Tomson 

William ... 28, 33, 34, 256 


Thoresby manuscript ... 264, 265 

Thoresby, Ralph ... 101, 264, 265 

Thorn, Thome (Doncaster) 98, 267 

ThornclifF, CO Chester 191 

Thornehill, Coll 269 

Thornehill, Thornhill, co Derby 

182, 183, 311 

Thorneley, Mary 177 

Thorney (Hathersage) ... ... 171 

Thornhill, esquire ... ... 304 

Thornhill, Fra 202 

Thornhill, George ... 179, 192 

Thornhill, William de 5 

Thornsete, co York ... ... 11 

Thornton 251, 304 

Thornton, Adam de ... ... 13 

Thornton, Arthur 101 

Thorp, Robert de ... ... 12 

Thorp, Thomas de ... ... 16 

Thorpe (Mattersley) 201 

Thorpe, John ... ... ... 132 

Thorpe, pedigree ... ... 284 

Thorpe, Salvin ... ... ... 285 

Thorpe, William ... ... 131 

Thorrely, pedigree ... ... 284 

Thourd, John 211 

Thoxclose (Kilnhurst) ... ... 51 

Three Danisbrook Closes 

(Bolsover) 189 

Three Days Work (Norton) ... 190 

Three Doles (Sheffield) 67 

Threepeny Medowe (EndclifFe) . . . 54 
Throkmerton, Throckmorton, 

John 217, 219 

Throckmorton, Francis ... ... 219 

Throley, CO Staff 40 

Throop, Throope, William 171, 176 

Thruspitt Furlong 202 

Thruspitts,Thryspitts (Clay worth) 201 

Thryft House (Ecclesall) ... 36 

Thuatys (Braithwell) 18 

Thunderbourne Feild (Norton)... 155 

Thundercliffe, pedigree... ... 284 

Thurbern,Thurberne, Henry 207,210 

Thurgar, pedigree ... ... 284 

Thurland, Thomas ... ... 200 

Thurlaston, co Derby ... ... 153 

Thurmedeston ... ... ... 200 

Thurnscoo, Thurscowe (Don- 
caster) 38,39 

Thurston, Clement ... ... 243 

Thurston, John ... ... ... 237 

Thurston, Nathaniel ... ... 243 

Thwaites, Thway te, Twhait, J ohn, 

Jhon 43,44 

Thway te, Thomas ... ... 44 




"Thynner Temple" in London... 129 

Tibbe Sicke (Rawmarsh) ... 49 

Tickhill, Tykill, CO York 93,98, 116 

151, 277, 280, 326 

Tickhill (Hunter's) 279 

Tickhill Castle, Constable of ... 281 

Tickill, Tickhill, manor of 186, 188 

Tilley, Abell 172 

Tilli, Ottode 100 

Tillotson, pedigree ... ... 284 

Timm, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Timme, Tymme, John ... ... 183 

Tingle, pedigree .. . ... ... 284 

Tinkler, pedigree ... ... 284 

Tirrell, Robert 270 

Tiryngton,Tiryngtone,William de 209 

Tissington, co Derby 143, 145, 196 

Tissington, William de ... ... 112 

Todwick Grange, co York ... 153 

Todwick, notes from registers of 307 

Toefield, Thomas •■• ... 93 

Tofield, pedigree ... ... 287 

Toft Dike (Clay worth) 201 

Tofte, diocese of Lincoln . . . 204 

Toftes, Tofts, Toft 132, 158, 181, 194 

Toftstead (Leverton) 204 

Toller, Thomas ... ... ... 147 

Tom Moor (High Peak) ... 192 

Tom Moor Top (High Peak) ... 192 

Tomlinson, J . . . and wife ... 195 
Tomlinson, Thomlinson, pedigree 

282, 284 

Tomlinson, Ralph ... ... 132 

Tomlinson, Thomas ... ... 132 

Tompson, Thomson, John 84, 219 

Tompson, Thompson, Mary ... 83 

84, 204, 205 

Tomson ... ... 59 

Tomson, Anne ... ... ... 60 

Tomson, Thompsonne 

Tonmere, co Suffolk 
Tooly, Richard ... 
Toone, pedigree 

59, 60, 


Topcliff in Morley, near Wakefield 307 

Toplis, pedigree ... 
Topples, Robert... 
Torksey, Elizabeth 
Tornour, Turner, William 
Torr, Richard ... 182, 

Torr, Robert 
Totewike (Todwick) 
Totley, William ... 

Tottie, T. W 

Towers (?), James 




Town Clerk (Chesterfield) ...307 
Town Ditch, of Castleton ... 182 

Towne, Benjamin ... ... 204 

" Towne Rentes " 266 

Townefield, Townfields, Towne- 

feilds, the ... 166, 189, 272 

Townend, James... ... ... 142 

Townend, Pingle (Bolsover) ... 189 
Townend, Thomas ... ... 129 

Townes Butt (Sheffield) 266 

Townesend, John ... ... 126 

Townfieldyate (Sheffield) ... 67 

Townley MSS 265 

Townsend, pedigree ... ... 284 

Towrowe, John ... ... ... 127 

Towry, William 50,51 

Toyne, pedigree .. . ... ... 284 

Toyser, co Suffolk ... ... 219 

Trades Union Commission, 

Sheffield 295 

Trades Unions Commissioners, 

The 302 

Tradesmen's Tokens ... .-. 307 

Travis, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Trayle Morrell 222 

Treasury, Solicitor to the ... 288 

Treeton, Treton ... 81, 98, 277, 324 
Treeton, widdow ... ... 157 

Trenitye CoUedge, Trinity College, 

Cambridge 42, 45, 46 

Trent, the 200, 201 

Treton, Philip, rector of church of 107 
Trevelyan, Henry ... ... 215 

Triberge, Thry barghe,Thrybargh, 

Thrybagh, Thibarghe,Tryberge 

(near Rotherham) ... 13,21,25 

26, 29, 57 
Trickett, Andrew ... ... 263 

Trickett, Anne 180 

Trickett, Elias 67 

Trickett, Trickitt, Mark 179, 272 
Trickett, pedigree ... 284,286 

Trickett, Thomas 1 80 

Trickett, Thurston ... ... 165 

Tripett, Tryppet, Trippett, Peter 

48, 134, 135, 136 

Trippett, B 88 

Trogon, William... ... ... 37 

Trott, Baptist 143, 145 

Trotter, George ... ... ... 75 

Troway, parish of Eckington 179, 192 
Trumflet, Alan of ... ... 6 

Trundell roods, co Rutland ... 205 

"Tuchboxes" 262 

Tukesforthe (Tuxford ?) ... 31 




Tunnicliffe, pedigree ... ... 284 

Tunstal (near Rotherham) ... 8 

Tunstall, Mr 202 

Tunstall, Mr 201 

Tupman, Emmott ... ... 159 

Tupman, John ... ... ... 151 

Turgisius, Abbot, Turgsius, 

fourth Abbat of Kirkstall ... 264 
Turkays, William ... ... 16 

Turndich, parish of Dufifield ... 311 
TurneCrofte (Whiteley Wood) 42 
Turne Riddinge, alias Turne 
Royding, Turne Ridding 

(Swinton) 53,54 

Turnebridge (Sheffield)... ... 266 

Turnell, Benjamin ... ... 204 

Turnell, Luke 204 

Turner, Charles ... ... ... 249 

Turner, Turnour, Edmund 212, 214 
Tumour, Edward ... ... 214 

Turner, Elizabeth 249 

Turner, George, Geo ... 55,249 
Turner, John ... ... ... 157 

Turner, pedigree 282, 284, 286, 287 
Turner, RafTe, Raphe, Raph 

69, 80, 169 
Turner, Turnor, Thomas 46, 249 

Turney, Simon ... ... ... 245 

Turniley, Samuell ... ... 176 

Turnley, John ... ... ... 128 

Turnour, ... ... 31 

Turnour, Turner, James .. 45, 199 
Turnour, Nicholas ... ... 17 

Turnour, Turner, Robert le, 

Robert ... 112,157,159 

Turnour, Turnor, William 17, 121 
Turnshawfeild (Swinton) ... 5 

Turton, pedigree ... ... 287 

Turvin, Robert 202 

Tutbury, Honour of ... ... 151 

Tutbury Horn, The 320 

Tuxeford, John de ... ... 21 

Twelve, William 204 

Twigg, Thomas ... ... ... 55 

Two Dayes Work (Norton) ... 190 
Two Land Close (Hexthorpe) ... 89 
Twybell, pedigree ... ... 287 

Twyer, Robert 28 

Tyas, Thomas ... ... ... 94 

Tyddyswell, Tyddiswall, Tides- 
well ... 119,190,192,298,302 

Tykhyll, John 14 

Tymber Close, co Suffolk 238, 242 
Tyneslewe, Henry de ... ... 21 

Tynslawe, Tinsley ... 37,81,301 

Tyrry, William .. 
Tyte, George 
Tyte, Richard .. 
Tyte, Robert 
Tyzack, pedigree 



154, 155, 174, 194 
... 154, 155 
... 154,155 
... 282,284 

Ughill (Bradfield) ... 82, 146 

Ulgathorpe, Ulgathorp, Ulgar- 
thorp, William de, William, 
Willelmum ... 121, 122, 325, 326 

Uniformity, Act of 309 

Unitarian Association ... ... 291 

Unstone, Manor of (Dronfield)... 297 

Unwin, pedigree 282,284 

Unwin, John ... ... ... 85 

Unwin, William... ... ... 87 

Upper Bench, Westminster ... 205 
Upper Bentley (Coal Aston) ... 181 
Upper Bradway Bank ... ... 194 

Upper Broomfeild (Bradway) ... 194 
Upper Chapel (Sheffield) ... 296 

Upper Cockshutt (Norton) ... 155 

Upper Cowhey (Ford) 192 

Upper Cunyard (Ecclesall) ... 89 
Upper Edge House (Ecclesall)... 89 
Upper Fenney (Whirlow) ... 76 

Upper Field (Fulwood) 187 

Upper Flatt (Sheffield) ... 90,92 

Upper Hay (Ford) 191 

Upper Hornerfeild (Ecclesall) ... 89 
Upper Leyfeild (Ecclesall) ... 89 
Upper Meadow (Fulwood) ... 187 
Upper Spring (Fulwood) ... 187 

Upper Storth (Gleadless) ... 146 

Upper Stubbing (Bradway) ... 194 
Upper Swine Green (Ford) ... 192 
Upperthorpe, Upperthorp 67, 77 

Upton, church of ... ... 208 

Urmon, Joan (Ormond)... ... 124 

Urmon, master (Ormond) ... 124 

Urton, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Urton, ahas Steven, Anthony 147, 174 
Urton alias Steev en, Edward 161,166 
Urton, alys Stevyn, Henry ... 132 
Urton (als Stevyn, alias Stevens) 

John ... 55, 132, 133, 134, 147 
Usgarthorpp, Wilham ... ... 123 

Uston, Walter de 112 

Vale, Roger 181 

Valence, Aymer de (Earl of Pem- 
broke) 258 

Valyannce, John... ... ... 136 




"Vambracis" 262 

Vanes, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Vaughan, Rd ... ... ... 133 

Vause, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Veer, Robert (Earl of Oxford)... 258 
Venner, pedigree ... ... 284 

Verelst, pedigree ... ... 284 

Vernon, A 305 

Vernon, Francis... ... 131, 190 

Vernon, John ... ... ... 133 

Vernon, Richard ... ... 190 

Vernoon, Henry... ... ... 34 

Vessy, John ... ... ... 29 

Vessy, Vescy, Vesse, Thomas... 24, 25 

26. 29, 31, 32 

Viccars, Henry ... ... ... 170 

Viccars, Joane ... ... ... 170 

Viccars (?), Phillip 80 

" Vicker General " ... ... 152 

Vickers, pedigree ... 284, 287 

Vickers, William 99 

Victoria (Australia) ... ... 253 

View of Frankpledge ... 90,182 

View of Frank Pledge and Court 

Baron 244 

View of Frank Pledge and General 

Court Baron 229 

Villequier, Villeguise (?), Isaac... 162 
Vincent, Richard ... ... 61 

Vincent, Vyncent, Thomas 61, 239 

Vincents, the 260 

Vylee, William 28 

Vyncent, Vincent, Agnes 22, 27, 28 

30, 31, 32, 260 

Vyncent, Alice ... ... ... 32 

Vyncent, Vincent, John... 22, 25, 26 

27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 260 

Vyncent, William ... 16,260 

Wac, pedigree 

.. 286 

Wachecrofte, co Suffolk. . . 

.. 224 

Waddcrofte (Norton) ... 

.. 141 

Waddeslay, Adam de ... 

.. 6 

Waddoles (Clay worth) ... 

.. 202 

Waddolls Close (Clayworth) 

.. 203 

Waddy, pedigree 

.. 284 

Wade Crofte (Norton) ... 

.. 155 

Wade, Thomas ... 

.. 197 

Wadesworth (Doncaster) 

.. 31 

Wadsley, Waddisley, Waddesl 



39, 324 

Wadsley Hall 

.. 285 

Wadsley, Manor of 

.. 301 

Wadsworth, Alexander 
Wadsworth, Elizabeth 
Wadsworth, Gregory 
Wadsworth, John 
Wadsworth, Julian 
Wadsworth, Katherine . 
Wadsworth, pedigree 
Wadsworth, Ralph 
Wadsworth, Thomas 



Wadsworth, Wm, William, W. ... 73 

144, 166, 168, 169 
Waghan in Holdernes co York... 153 
Waide, Waid, Laurence ... 53,54 
Wainhouse Croft ... 90,92 

Wainwright, pedigree ... 282,284 
Wainwright, Anne ... ... 67 

Wainwright, Henry ... ... 67 

Wainwright, Robert ... 156, 166 
Wainwright, Thomas ... ... 159 

Waite, Wayte, Wayt, William... 17, 19 

21 24 34 

Waith (Wath) '... '40 

Wake, pedigree 284,286 

Wakebrygge, William de ... 116 

Wakefeld, Henry de ... 15, 16 

Wakefeld, John de ... 13, 14, 15, 16 
Wakefeld, Juliana de, Juliana 

(Gillian) 13,14 

Wakefeld, Richard de 200 

Wakefeld, William de ... 15,16 

Wakefield ... 94,280,299,300 

Wakefield, battle of 260 

Wakefield Express ... ... 278 

Walch Bridge (Sheffield) 71, 80, 81 

" Walche Soldiers " 268 

Waldegrave, E. ., 101 

Waldegrave, George ... ... 241 

Waldegrave, John ... ... 231 

Waldegrave, Thom 229 

Waldegrave, Sir William ... 229 

Wales, CO York 71,153 

Wales registers ... ... ... 285 

Wales parish registers ... ... 311 

"Wales and Yorkshire" ... 281 

Wales (Walensis), Henry of ... 100 
Walesby, Richard de ... ... 8 

Waleswood, co York ... ... 153 

Waliswode, John de ... ... 107 

Walker, Frances ... ... 153 

Walker, Henry 74 

Walker, Jer 199 

Walker, John 78,147,162 

Walker, pedigree 282, 284, 285 

Walker, Richard 194 

Walker, Robert 74 




Walker, Thomas ... 37, 147 

Walker, William, Will 82 

Walkley, Walkeley, Walkelay... 56 

61, 324 
Wall Heade (Castleton) ... 165 

Wall, pedigree 285 

Wall Storth, Wallstorthe, Wall- 
storth (Norton) 160, 161, 177 

Waller, Helen 88 

Waller, John 88 

Wallgrave, William ... ... 231 

Walls Kirk by Marr, co York ... 279 

Wallstead (?) (Hallam) 85 

Walmysley, Thomas (Sergeant)... 102 
Walmysley, Sergeante (sic) ... 103 
Walne, Thomas .. . ... ... 240 

Walnuttrefylde, Walnuttreffyld, 

CO Suffolk 224 

Walsham, Wallsham Hall, Wal- 

sham-hall ... 228,232,244,246 
Walsham Hall, Walsamhall, 
Wallesham Hall, Wallesham 
Halle, Wallshamhall, Wall- 
sham Hall, Walesham Hall 
(in Mendham), Manor of... 153, 217 
220, 223, 226, 227, 228 
230, 232, 239, 244, 245 

Walshe N icholas 1 24 

Walsyngham, convent of ... 206 

Walton, pedigree ... 282,284 

Walton, CO Derby 34, 125, 159, 170 

Walton Hall 311 

Walton, J. (Chesterfield) ... 289 

Wangforth, Priowr, of 327 

Wanwayn, William ... ... 113 

Ward, pedigree ... 282,284,285 

Ward, Agnes 120 

Ward, Ellis 263 

Ward, George 97 

Ward, Henry 178 

Ward, Warde, Richard 225, 238, 240 

Ward, Robert 195 

Ward, Thomas 24 

Warde, John ... 20, 21, 25, 32 

Warde, Margaret 32. 

Warde, Ward, William,W.117,120,301 
Warden, James ... 148, 149, 307 

Wardlow Myers 132 

Wardlow, pedigree ... ... 287 

Wardlowe Myers (Ashford) ... 132 
Wards and Liveries, Court of ... 151 
Ware Park, Parke, co Hert ... 147 
Ware, Thomas ... ... ... 139 

Wareflatt (Darley) 126 

Waring, pedigree ... ... 284 


Warlingsworth, co Suffolk, see 

Worlingworth ... ... 238 

Warlsend (Wardsend) 324 

Warmebrooke, co Derby ... 179 

Warmesford, Michael de ... 21 

Warmesworth, Warnsworth 

(Doncaster) ... 28,77,93,270 
Warmesworth, Nigel del ... 13 

Warmete, Alan 208 

Warmete, Warmet, William 210, 212 
Warmettys, co Suffolk ... ... 219 

Warne, John 224,225 

Warner, John 206,245 

Warner, Stephen ... ... 211 

Warre, Richard le ... ... 20 

Warris, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Warwick, county of ... ... 258 

Washeflatt (Darley) 126 

Wasse, Wass, Robert ... 59, 61 

Wasshe (Darley) 126 

Wassyngf orth, John de . . . 206, 207 
Wasteneys, pedigree ... ... 284 

Watchecrofte, co Suffolk ... 224 

Wate, James 243 

Water Storth 155 

Waterfall pedigree 284 

Waterhouse ... ... ... 96 

Waterhouse, Henry ... ... 314 

Waterhouse, Maximilian ... 59 

Waterhouse, pedigree... 284, 287, 314 
Waterhouse, Stephen ... ... 59 

Waterhouse, Thomas ... 94,95 

Wateringpole (Norton) 132 

Wathe, Wath ... 5, 18, 35, 40, 53 
Watkinson, Godfrey ... ... 194 

Watkinson, Henry ... ... 128 

Watkinson, Mary 194 

Watkinson, Samuel ... ... 195 

Watson, pedigree ... ... 284 

Watson, Edward 244 

Watson, Elizabeth 246 

Watson, John 241,278 

Watson, Mary 229 

Watson, Wattson, Richard ... 82 

204, 244, 245, 246, 303 

Watson, Rowland ... ... 141 

Watson, Samuel 190 

Watson, Thomas 301 

Watterall, John 49, 50 

Watterhouse, Waterhouse, 

Robert 38,59 

Watts Lane, in Newbould ... 184 
Wawasur, John ... ... ... 17 

Wawen, Bri 202 

Wawen, Eli 202 




Wawen, Thomas ... 201,203 

Wayne, Robert ... ... ... 85 

Waynegape, Waynegap (Braith- 

well) 30,31 

Waynewright, Waynwryght, 
Waynewryght, Wainwright, 
Waynwright, Waynewright, 
John ... 64,66,132,133,134 
137, 138, 141 
Waynwrighte, Wilham ... ... 49 

Way t, John 34 

Wayver (Braithwell) ... 29,31 

" W.B.," see Jakes's MS. ... 256, 257 
Weatherhead, Jo ... 87,90 

Webb, Bridget 241 

Webstar, Roger 145 

Webster, pedigree ... 282,284 

Webster, family of ... ... 316 

Webster, Edward ... ... 81 

Webster, Godf., Godfrey..94, 159, 304 
Webster, Ja ... 77,79,80,178 

Webster, John 24,94,154 

Webster, Leonard ... ... 153 

Webster, Paul 93 

Webster, Robert ... 18,19,21 

Webster, Simon 274 

Webster, Stephen 199 

Webster, William 194 

Wederisdale, Wedyrsdale, co 
Suffolk, see Wethersdale, &c. 

214 215 

Welbv, Richard '233 

Welber (?), Stephen 198 

Weldhall, CO Essex 205 

Wele, Robert 328 

Welham, Thomas 250 

Well Croft (Norton) 174 

Well Dole (Norton Lees) ... 131 
Well Medowe, Wellmeadow, 
Well Meadow, Well Meadowe 

Well Landes (Castleton) ... 183 

Wellbeloved, C 278 

Wellbeloved, Rev. Charles ... 291 

Welle, Gilbert atte 17 

Welle, John atte 14 

Welles, Thomas 132 

Wells, pedigree 282,284 

Wells, Bernard 166 



Wellebec, Matthew (Canon of... 
Wellebec, Sir Richard (Abbot of) 
Wellebec, Warin (Canon of) ... 
Wellebec, William (Prior of) ... 
Wellebek, church of Saint James 

Wellum, William de 
Welton, Henry ... 
Welton, Richard ... 
Welton, Stephen 
Welton, William 
Wembster, Robert 
Wendover, manor of 
Wengeve (?), Edward 






... 233,238 




Wennybanke (Ashford) 171 

Wenon, Henry ... ... ... 207 

Wentworth, Wentworthe 38, 39 

Wentworth Woodhouse, co York 153 
Wentworth, Wentworthe, Thomas 

see Wintwort ...38, 39, 40, 51, 153 
Wentworth, Wentworthe, 

William de, William ... 17,38 
Wentworthe, Margaret... ... 39 

Wentworthe, Meriall 38 

Wentworthe, Michaell, Michael 38, 39 
Wentworthe Woodhuses, 

William de 7 

Wenyete (?), Edward 163 

Wesleyan Methodism in Chester- 
field 315 

West, pedigree 284 

West Bar (Sheffield) 312 

West-barr-end ... ... ... 67 

West ClifFe (Norton Lees) .. 149 
West Close (South Leverton) ... 204 
West Handley, co Derby ... 193 

West Handley Manner, Staveley, 

CO Derby 193 

West Jack Field (Norton) ... 190 
West Layth Gates (Doncaster) ... 87 
West Retford, commons of ... 203 
West Riding, Archdeaconry of... 311 
West, Cornelius... ... ... 79 

West, Edmond, Edmund, 

Edmunde, Edmonde ... 126, 127 

129, 130, 155 

162, 164, 172, 303 

West, Edward 128 

West, Fr 64,65,66 

West, Geoffrey ... ... ... 137 

West, Godfrey ... ... ... 136 

West, Jone alias Jane ... ... 130 

West, Lewis ... 88 

West, Tho 68 

West, William, Wm, W... 48, 49, 51 
68, 72, 126, 129, 135, 135 

Westall, Gervase 270 

Westbourne House (Sheffield)... 290 
West by. Captain Henry ... 75 

Westby, John 25 

Westby, Thomas de, Thomas 23, 26 




Westbye, Westby, Henry le, Henry 

Weste, West, John, Job... 25, 26, 72 

Weste or Meadowe Cliffs (Norton) 155 

Westeren, William 254 

Westewodebrok (Brimington) ... 108 

Westfield, the 113 

Westfielde, Westfield, Westfeld 

49, 186, 234 

Westhale, co Suffolk 207, 209, 210 


Westhale, church of ... 207, 214, 217 

Westhale, common of ... ... 210 

Westhall, co Suffolk ... 242, 243 
Westhawe, John... ... ... 206 

Westminster ... 41, 88, 101, 133, 136 
Westminster, Clochard or Bell- 
Tower of the Palace of ... 293 
Westminster, Exchequer at ... 41 
Weston, CO Derby ... ... 37 

Weston, John de, John ... 8, 212 

Weston, Robert, Robart 132, 133 
Weston, William ... 132, 133 

Westryne, Robert 121 

Westwod, West Wode, Westwode, 
Westewod (near Beighton) 

44, 105, 106, 108 
Westwode, wood of (near Beighton) 107 
Wet Meadow, Wett Meadowe 

(Norton) 148,155 

Wetcroft, Anabell (Anabilla) de.. 8 
Wetecroft, John de ... ... 7 

Wetecroft, Wetcroft, Thomas de 7, 8 

Wetes (Kirkstall) 103 

Wethermountford, co Essex ... 229 
Wethersdale Jermye, manor of, 

CO Suffolk 221 

Wethersdall, Wethersdale, co 
Suffolk, see Wederisdale . . . 

221, 223, 233 
Wetlandis, Wetlandes, Weytlandes 
(Norton) ... 109,110,132 

Weybred, co Suffolk 208 

Weybred, church of 208 

Whall, pedigree 282 

Whalley, co Lane 102 

Wharfe aUas Hallelay, Ezabell, 

Isabell 46,47 

Wharfe (alias Allelye, Hallelay, 

Alleley), Robert ... 40, 42, 45 

Whsrom, Richard ... ... 80 

Wharton, Charles ... 43, 44 


Wharton, Richard 135 

Whate, William. 34 

Wheat, pedigree 287 

Wheatcrof t, Wheatecroft, Wheat- 

crofte, Whetecroft... 56,162 
164, 172, 263 
Wheate Flatte (Darley) ...126 

Wheateclose, co Suffolk ... 238 

Wheatley Field (Clay worth) ... 203 
Wheatfield, Wheatefeild 54, 76 

Wheelhouse, pedigree 282 

Wheelhouse Close (Norton Lees) 148 
Wheelehouse Meadow, Wheele 

House Meadowe (Norton 

Lees) 148,155 

Wheldon, pedigree 282 

Wheldon, Hugh 169 

Wheldon, Raphe 169 

Whetelay, Wheatley (Doncaster) 

20, 73 
Wheytteley, Richard ... ... 36 

Whinney Furlong (Clayworth) . . . 203 
Whirlow, Whorlowe, Whirlowe, 

Whorlawe, Whyrlow...62, 63, 64 
75, 77, 79, 144, 181, 187, 314 

Whirlowe Hall 75, 76 

Whisnow (N orton) 174 

Whistenhalker (Norton) ... 123 

Whiston (Rotherham) ...67,77,285 

Whitaker, Dr 265 

Whitaker, pedigree . . . 284, 285 

White, pedigree 282, 284 

White, Anne 172 

White, Anthony 167 

White armour ... ... ... 262 

White Flatt (Tickhill) 93 

White, Geo 178 

White Hart, the, co Suffolk ... 245 

White, Hugh 124 

White, J. (Sheffield) 291 

White, Whytte, Whyte, 

Whyghte, Wygte, Wyte, 

Whygthe, John ...15, 131, 172 
209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215 
217, 219, 220, 229, 230, 269 

White, Joshua 67 

White Lee (Hope) 193 

White, pedigree 287 

White, Whyte, Thomas 53, 201, 215 
White, Richard, Whyte, Whyghte, 

Richard le ... 123,207,208 

209, 212, 214 

White, Whyte, Robert, Robert le 32 

132, 208 
White, Whyte, William... 26, 27 




Whitefeild Springe (Norton) ...155 

Whitehead, pedigree 284 

Whitelaw, parish of Eckington 304 
Whiteley Wodelee, Whytley 

Wood, Whiteley Wood ... 36 

42, 47 
Whiteley Wood Hall ... 305, 316 
Whitelock, pedigree ... ... 284 

Whitelocke, Henry 99 

Whitelocke, Younge ... ... 99 

Whitham, pedigree ... ... 284 

Whithede, Robert 114 

Whitley (Grenoside) 324 

Whittacer Close, alias Cricket 

Inn Close (Newbold) ... 195 

Whittaker, George ... ... 94 

Whittekyrke, co York ... ... 11 

Whitticar, William 195 

Whittington, co Derby 185, 284, 297 
Whitstan (Whiston, Rotherham) 324 

Whyat, Mr 260 

Whyghte, Adam 212 

Whyghtes, Whites, Whytis, 

Whytes(co Suffolk) 212, 214, 215 
216, 219, 221, 223, 225 
226, 228, 238, 230, 242 

Whynnes (Whirlow) 76 

Whyte, Joan 209 

Why te, Thurstan 132 

Whytesyde, Whiteside (Ford) 119, 191 
Whytehill, Wityl, co Derby ... 106 
Whytfyld, Whytf eld, Whitefield, 

Whitef eld, White Filde ... 34 
35, 90, 92, 123, 132, 155 
Wickersley (Rotherham) 65, 66, 300 
Wickham, manor of, co Suffolk. . . 245 
Wickham Markytt, Markyt, Mar- 
ket, CO Suffolk 224, 242, 245 
Wickham, pedigree ... ... 285 

Widdison, Elizabeth 195 

Widdison, Thomas ... ... 195 

Widermerpoolle, Widmerspoolle, 
WidmerpooUe, Widmerpoole, 
Thomas 132, 133, 134, 135 

Wiersdale, Mr 201 

Wigfall, pedigree 284 

Wigfall, George 147 

Wigfall, Mrs 156 

Wightman, pedigree 287 

Wightway, Edward 58 

Wigley, Wygley ... 106,117 

Wikersleye, Wykersle, Thomas de 13 
Wilberfoss, pedigree ... ... 285 

Wilbie, co Suffolk 236 

Wilbore, pedigree 282 


Wilbraham (otherwise Wilborne), 

William 304 

Wilby, Wilbye, Gilbert de 1 1, 12, 13 
Wilcocke, Wilcok, Wilcocks, 

Thomas ... ... ... 35 

Wilcocke, Wylcocke, William, 

Wylliam 49, 129 

Wilcockson, pedigree ... ... 282 

Wild, pedigree 284 

Wild, Anthony 173 

Wild, Godfrey 77 

Wildboard, John 203 

Wildsmith, pedigree ... ... 284 

Wiley, pedigree 284 

Wilgin, Robert 5 

Wilkin, Elizabeth 198 

Wilkin, William 198 

Wilkinson, pedigree 282, 284, 286, 287 
Wilkinson, George ... ... 145 

Wilkinson, James ... 97, 98 

Wilkinson, Joseph ... 94, 95 

Wilkinson, Sarah 304 

Wilks, pedigree 282 

Willey, pedigree 284 

William 105, 106,121 

William, called the Cook ... 9 

William .... Willyam ... 18 
29, 139, 142, 231, 236 
William Rallinson Medow, William 

Rawlynson Medow (Norton) 140 
Williambridge, in Ashford ... 171 
Williamson, Henry ... ... 157 

Williamson, J 204 

Willis, pedigree 284, 285 

Willotts, pedigree 285 

WiUous, William 27 

Willowbush (Castleton) 182 

Willson, Humfrey, Humphrey... 

63, 64, 66 
Willson, Vincente ... ... 145 

Wilsick (near Tickhill) 93 

Wilson, pedigree ... 282, 284 

Wilson, Ambrose (?) ... ... 63 

Wilson, of Broomhead ... ... 5 

Wilson of Broomhead, Hunter's 
Memoir on Family of ... 317 

Wilson, Edward 147 

Wilson, Geo 203 

Wilson, John ... 170, 185, 191 

Wilson, Joseph ... ... ... 90 

Wilson, pedigree ... ... 285 

Wilson, Robert 20, 21, 173 

Wilson, Thomas 274 

Wilson, William 77, 80, 179 

Wilton, CO York 101 




Wilton, Richard 173 

Wilton, Robert 173 

Wiltshire 259 

Wimpton, Wympton, Alice de... 7, 8 
Wimpton, Wympton, John de ... 7, 8 
Winchester, Wynchestre (Earl ?) 258 
Winchester, William Marquis of 41 
Winck, pedigree... ... ... 285 

Wind Mill , Windmill ... 45, 73 

Wind Mill Hill (Staveley) ...198 

Windle pedigree 284 

Windle, Edmund 97 

Windle, Edward ... 86,305 

Windle, Mary 97 

Windle, William 96 

Windles Book, E 305 

Wing, pedigree ... 284 

Wingefelde, Wingefeld, Anthony 

230, 232 
Wingerworth, CO Derby.. 164, 165, 166 
Wingfeild, Lady Elizabeth ... 236 

Wingflatt (Swinton) 37 

Winnell, pedigree ... ... 284 

Winter, pedigree ... ... 284 

Winter, Henry 87 

Winter, Wynter, J., John 86, 206 

Wintringham, pedigree ... ... 285 

Wintwort, Thomas de, see Went- 
worth... ... ... ... 17 

Wirksworth, co Derby 179, 307, 317 

Wirksworth, Manor of 305 

Wirrall, Edward 59 

Wither, W 77 

Withers, pedigree ... ... 287 

Witson (? Whiston, Rotherham) 120 

Witterton, Robert de 106 

Witwell, Wittewell, Wityl, White- 
well, Whitwell, Witewelle, 
CO Derby 105, 106, 113, 145, 200 
Wod, Thomas de ... ... 121 

Wodcoke, Robert 16 

Woddek, William 20 

Wodehous, John 123 

Wodehouses, Thomas de 109, 110 
Wodehouses, Wodehous, Wood- 

house, William de.William.. 112, 180 
Wodehus, Woodhouse, Wodhous 

2, 202, 302, 324 
Wodehus, Emma of ... ... 2 

Wodehus, Hugh of 2 

Wodekirk, Woddecoke, Wodde- 
kok, Woddekoke, Woddekirk, 

William 13,14,28 

Wodemedue in Bectona (Beigh- 

ton) 107 

Woderove, William ... ... 19 


Wodetorpe, Henry ... ... 2 

Wodetorpe, William de . . . ... 2 

Wold, John 243 

Wolf, Roger 112 

Wolfinge, Wolfynge 35 

Wolhous, William ... 22,26 

Wollendale (Ashford) ... 168, 171 
Wombwell (near Barnsley) 40, 312 
Wombwell, Wombewell, 

Nicholas 38,39 

Wombwell, William 40 

Wombewell, Hugh de 20 

Wonliches (co Suffolk) 233 

Wood, alias Whitneys 243 

Wood (de Bosco) Adam ... 6 

Wood (de Bosco), Alice ... 10 

Wood (de Bosco) Avice ...6, 10 

Wood Close (Fulwood) ... 64, 1 87 

Wood, Edward 180,306 

Wood, Francis ... ... ... 93 

Wood, Wode, John, John atte 37, 119 

Wood, Mr 269 

Wood, Omfrey 41 

Wood, Wodde, Richard 169, 200 

Wood, Woodd (de Bosco), William 

6, 49, 78, 157, 224 
Woodcock, pedigree ... ... 284 

Woodcock, Thomas ... ... 203 

Woodcroft (Norton) 166 

WooddrufFe, Edmund 263 

Wooderofe, Ellis ... 157,158 

Woodfall & Kinder (London) ... 318 
Woodfield, Wood Field... 78, 196 
Woodhead, pedigree ... ... 282 

Woodhead, Edmo ... ... 105 

Woodhead, Edward 179 

Woodhouse Farm (Bradfield) ... 91 
Woodhouse, Woodhowse, Hall 38, 40 
Woodhouse, pedigree ... ... 285 

WoodrofFe, Nathan 272 

Woodrove, Humphrey ... ... 166 

Woodrove, Jeremiah, Jerimia, 

Jeremia ... ... 83, 84 

Woodrove, John... ... 83,84 

Woodrove, Margaret ... ... 166 

Woodrove, Woodroof e, Woodroffe, 
Woodrofe, Richard 63, 66, 69, 83 
84, 103, 171, 176, 180 

Woodruf, Robert 199 

Woodseats, Woodsettes, Wood- 
ceytes, Woodcy tes, Woodcey ts, 
Woodseates, Wood Seates, 
Woodsette, Woodsets, Wood- 
seat, Wodsetes 94,119,126,147 
150, 151, 155, 159, 162, 163, 164 
166, 171, 172, 176, 185, 196, 324 




Woodseates Dale, Woodceytsdale, 
Woodseytesdale, Woodceyts Dale, 
Woodseats Dale,Woodseates-dale, 
Woodsettes Dale, Woodsettes dale 
131, 134, 135, 136, 155 
162, 164, 172, 303 
Woodsidehouse (Sheffield) ... 68 

Woodstreete 12 

Woodsyde, Woodside (Sheffield) 

43, 44, 65 
Woodthorpe, Wodthorpe 

83, 97, 121, 124, 180 

Woodthorpe Moor 88 

Woodthorpe Moore Side ... 88 

Woodthorpe Spring (Handsworth) 83 
Woodward, pedigree ... ... 282 

Woolhouse, pedigree ... ... 284 

Woolhouse Field (Norton) ... 196 
Woolhouse, Jonathan ... ... 187 

Woollen, Woollan 284 

Woollen, George 97 

Woollen, Jonathan ... ... 95 

Woollen, Sarah 97 

Woolley, Adam 179 

Worksop Meeting, The 289 

Worksop, The Priory and Parish 

Church of 293 

Worlingsworth, Worlingworth, 
Wurlingsworth, co Suffolk, see 
Warlingsworth ... 236,237,240 
Wormehyll, Wormhill ... 119,197 
Wormeley, John de ... ... 10 

Wormetts, CO Suffolk ... 221,223 
Worrall, pedigree ... ... 285 

Worteley, Wrteley, Thomas de 

113, 114 

Worth, pedigree 284 

Worthe, Nicholas 221 

Wortlay, Wortley, Richard 25, 52, 53 
Wortley, pedigree ... ... 284 

Wortley, Edward 202 

Wostenholm, pedigree ... ... 284 

Wotton, Tho 198 

Would Storth 146 

Wrabye, John 22 

Wragg, pedigree ... ... ... 284 

Wragg, John 302 

Wrangebroc, Roger de ... ... 100 

Wrangelands (Braithwell) ... 21 
Wraye, Leonard ... ... 270 

Wreaks, pedigree ... ... 284 

Wright, pedigree 282, 284, 285, 286 

Wright, Alice 132 

Wright, Joan 219 

Wright, John ... 131, 168, 179, 181 


Wright, Samuel 171, 178, 181, 303 
Wright, Wrygte, Wryghte, T, 

Thomas ... 167, 210, 211, 219 
Wright, widow ... ... ... 87 

Wrights Meadowe, co Suffolk)... 243 
Wroo, the (Doncaster) ... ... 28 

Wrtley, Worteleye, Worteley, 

Ralph de 6,112,113 

Wryggeley, John ... ... 32 

Wryght, Richard 255 

Wryght, William ... 25,27 

Wryghte, Wryght, Wrygthe, 

Robert ... 27,29,209,210 

Wulnawe, Nicholas 215 

Wurliches, Worliches, co Suffolk 

228, 230, 232, 240 

Wyatt, pedigree 285 

Wydinton, William de 5 

Wygeley, Hugh de 106 

Wygeley, Roger de ... 106, 117 
Wygeley, Wigley, Thomas de, 

Thomas ... ... 106, 313 

Wygfall, Robert 26 

Wyghtman, Wyghteman, Dion- 

isia (Denyse or Dyot) 15, 16 

Wyghtman, Wyghteman, Roger 9, 10 

15, 16 

Wygley, John de 117 

Wygley, Robert 118 

Wyker, Robert 22 

Wylbie Greene, co Suffolk ...220 

Wyld, Emma 63 

Wyld, Wylde, William 63, 66, 195 
Wylde, Wilde, pedigree 285, 287 

Wyldy, Margarete 121 

Wyldy, William 121 

Wylkensone, Nicholas ... ... 44 

Wylleby, CO Suffolk 218 

Wyllebyfeld, Wylbye Felde, co 

Suffolk ... 218,219,220 

Wylleby, Wylbye, Wilbie, Wilby, 

manor of ... 218,220,223 

227, 236, 246 
Wymeing Feild (Castleton) ... 183 
Wynchester, Roger Quincy, 

Earl of 258 

Wynchester, Stephyn, " Bysshop 

of" 101 

Wyngefeld, Wingfield, Wingfild, 

Robert 214, 237, 241 

Wyngf eld. Lady Anne of ...218 

Wyngfeld, Wyngefeld, William 

216, 217 
Wynggefeld, Wingfield, John 210, 301 
Wynsewroye, Wynsywroe 12, 13 




Wynsgraveflat (Ravenfield) ... 26 

Wynter, Wm 222 

Wyntewrth, John de, see Went- 

worth ... ... ... 1 

Wyot, John 121 

Wyot, William 115 

Wyrhale (Worrall, Bradfield) ... 1 
Wysete, Wyssete, CO Suffolk 207,213 
Wyteley, John del ... ... 1 

Wyten, Witen, Sir Robert de ... 7, 8 

Wythe, James 245 

Wythe, Robert 235 

Wythe, William 26 

Wythersdale, Withersdale, co 

Suffolk 228 

231, 232, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246 
Wythersdale, Withersdale, manor 

of ... 222, 238, 241, 244, 246 
Wythersdale, Withersdale Jer- 

myes, then Jermy, manor of 228 

229, 232, 233, 241 

Wyttesyde (High Peak) ... 119 

Wyvell, William de 260 

Yard, The (Castleton) 182 

Yardeland (Little Norton) ... 139 
Yardley, pedigree ... ... 284 

Yates, James (M.A.) 291 

Yates, pedigree 284,287 

Yates, Robert 74 

Yealand, John ... ... ... 82 

Yealand Jonathan ... ... 82 

Yealand, Samuell ... ... 82 

Yeallott, John 168 

Yellott, Ellis 272 

Yellow Lion, Coal Pit Lane, 

(Sheffield) 306 

Yelverton, Henrico ... ... 323 

Yeomans, pedigree ... ... 287 

Yerd End (Rawmarsh) 41 

Ynghyll (Ravenfield) 26 

Yole, Hugh 26,27 

Yole, Joan 21 

Yole, Sir John 25,26 

Yole, William 21,25 

York ... 12, 13, 24, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46 

47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57 

58, 75, 76, 87, 88, 95, 96, 97, 98 

99, 128, 131, 171, 201, 256, 257 

260, 263, 277, 278 

York, Archbishop of ... 81, 311 

York Castle 266 

York Cathedral 278 

York Churches ... 
York, Diocese of 
York register 
York Suits in Exchequer 
York, Duke of ... 
York, Edmund Duke of 


... 278 
... 101 
... 279 
... 253 

York, Edward Archbishop of . . . 98 
York, Henry Archbishop of ... 100 
York, Paulinus first Archbishop of 3 1 1 
York, Richard Duke of . . . 30, 260 
York, Thomas de Rotherham 

Archbishop of ... ... 291 

York, William Archbishop of 

97, 98, 101 
York, William Zouche Archbishop 

of 101 

Yorks Philosophical Society ... 278 
Yorkshire ... 25, 33, 58, 67, 77, 155 
260, 278, 280, 282 
Yorkshire Antiquarian Club ... 278 
Yorkshire Archaeological and 

Topographical Journal ... 317 
Yorkshire Bibliography... ... 308 

Yorkshire Chantries ... ... 279 

Yorkshire, Churches of .. . ... 306 

Yorkshire, Deeds & Church Notes 312 
Yorkshire, History of ... ... 277 

Yorkshire Letters 279 

Yorkshire Philosophical Society, 

Antiquarian Committee of ... 277 
Yorkshire, Sheriffs of. Sheriff of 

Yorkshire Subsidy Rolls, Hunter's 

Notes from 281 

Yorkshire, troops in ... ... 279 

Youle, pedigree ... ... ... 282 

Youle, George ... ... ... 189 

Youle, Nicholas 189 

Youle, Richard ... 180, 183, 189 

Young, Henry ... ... ... 94 

Young, Jo 199 

Young, W 199 

Younge, pedigree . . . 284, 285 

Younge, George ... ... ... 95 

Younge, Thos ... ... ... 314 

Yoxford, CO Suffolk 245 

Yveson, Yvseson, Adam, see 

Iveson 15, 17 

Yveson, John ... ... ... 17 

Yvo of Rawmarsh ... ... 12 

Zouch, Elen la .. 
Zouch, pedigree . . 




Number in 

Page in 

Number in 

Page in 

Number in Page in 

Number in Page in 




Catalogue. Catalogue. 

Catalogue. Catalogue 





331 ... 210 

379 ... 64 


.. 114 



332 ... 214 

380 and 381 143 





333 ••• 211 

382 ... 8s 


.. 36 


.. 124 

334 ••• 211 

383 ... 119 


.. 118 


.. 116 

335 ••• 211 

384 ■•• 131 




.. 215 

336 ... 223 

385 ... 201 


.. 115 


•• 215 

337 •■• 213 

386 ... 199 




.. 214 

338 and 339 216 

387 ••■ 193 




.. 113 

340 ••• 233 

388 ... 90 



291 am 

292 118 

341 ... 219 

389 ... 203 




•■ 139 

342 ... 221 

390 ... 93 




.. 143 

343 -• 237 

391 ... 241 




■■ 123 

344 ••• 217 

392 ... 249 


.. 107 


.. 116 

345 ■•• 225 

393 ... 220 




.. 115 

346 ... 215 

394 ... 225 


.. 208 


■■ 115 

347 ••• 213 

395 ■ 233 





348 ... 69 

396 ... 237 




I 10 

349 ••• 234 

397(1) ... 228 


.. 115 



350 ... 221 

397(11)- 230 


.. 119 



351 ••■ 143 

397 (ill) 232 


.. 117 


•• 150 

352 ... 62 

398 ... 246 





353 •■• 240 

399 ... 81 





354 ••• 173 

400 ... 37 





355 - 142 

401 ... 241 





356 ... 173 

402 ... 245 





357 ■■■ 174 

403 ... 239 


.. 124 


.. 213 

358 ... 175 

404 ... 233 




.. 213 

359 ••• 90 

405 ... 88 


.. 123 



360 ... 87 

406 ... 195 


.. 125 



361 ... 178 

407 ... 180 




.. 215 

362 ... 81 

408 ... 86 





363 ... 66 

409 ... 147 


.. 119 



364 ... 198 

410 ... 243 


.. 115 


.. 217 

365 •■. 125 

411 (i) ... 218 


.. 117 


.. 116 

366 ... 218 

411 (ii) 219 




.. 113 

367 ... 241 

411 (iii) 219 





368 ... 218 

411 (iv) 226 





369 ... 226 

411 (v)... 234 




.. 113 

370 ... 236 

411 (vi) 234 





371 ■■■ 246 

411 (vii) 234 





372 ... 248 

412 and 413 95 


.. 36 



373 ••. 225 

414 ... 158 


... 124 



374 •■■ 218 

415 ... 69 




.. 214 

375 ... 236 

416 ... 180 





376 ... 239 

417 and 418 203 





377 •■• 232 

419 ... 172 


.. 125 



378, 527 

420 ... 157 





and 534 (i) 84 

421 ... 55 



Number in Page in 
Catalogue. Catalogue. 

Number in Page in 
Catalogue. Catalogue. 

Number in Page jn 
Catalogue. Catalogue. 

Number in 

Page in 


422 ... 73 

477 ... 61 

533 ••• 161 

592 . 

.. 239 

423 ••• 159 

478 ... 172 

534 (i)-" 84 

593 • 

.. 231 

424 ... 71 

479 ••• 149 

534(ii)-- 84 

594 • 


425 ■•■ 159 

480 ... 130 

535 ." 161 

595 • 

.. 243 

426 ... 127 

481 ... 68 

536 ... 173 

596 . 

.. 249 

427 •■■ 97 

482 ... 152 

537 ... 175 

597 • 


428 ... 43 

483 and 575 184 

538 ... 175 

598 . 

•■ 233 

429 and 442 70 

484 ... 193 

539 — 173 

599 • 


430 ... 82 

485 ••■ 153 

540 ... 184 



431 ... 245 

486 ... 71 

541 ." 142 

601 . 

.. 244 

432 ... 253 

487 ... 165 

542 ... 176 



433 - 73 

488 ... 202 

543 - 198 



434 and 453 65 

489 •.- 77 

544 ••• 190 


.. 249 

435 •■• 46 

490 ... 195 

545 and 546 87 



436 ... 184 

491 ... 54 

547 ... 198 

606 . 


437 ■•• 81 

492 ... 242 

548 and 549 89 



438 ... 158 

493 .•■ 238 

550 ... 94 

608 . 


439 ••■ 86 

494 ••• 170 

551 and 552 90 



440 ... 70 

495 and 423 159 

553 and 554 91 



441 ... 44 

496 ... 247 

555 and 558 94 

611 . 

.. 67 

442 ... 70 

497 ••• 36 

556 ... 80 



443 ... 168 

498 ... 165 

557 and 550 94 

613 . 


444 ". 235 

499 ■■■ 164 

558 ... 94 


•• 245 

445 ••• 81 

500 ... 87 

559 ... 95 

615 . 


446 ... 98 

501 ... 127 

560 ... 55 

616 . 


447 ••• 224 

502 ... 94 

561 ... 250 

617 . 


448 ... 71 

503 ..- 93 

562 ... 57 

618 . 


449 ... 88 

504 ... 93 

563 ... 77 



450 ... 47 

505 ... 74 

564 and 559 95 



451 ... 151 

506 ... 88 

565 and 566 95 



452 ... 82 

507 ... 82 

567 ... 204 



453 - 65 

508 ... 80 

568 ... 187 



454 ... 130 

509 ... 74 

569 ... 178 

624 (a). 


455 ... 129 

510 ... 73 

570 ... 169 

624 (b). 


456 ... 68 

511 ... 72 

571 ... 199 

624 (c). 


457 ... 124 

512 ... 72 

572 ... 180 

624 (d). 


458 ... 138 

513 ... 72 

573 - 93 

625 and 

627 182 

459 ... 155 

514 ••■ 156 

574 -. 99 



460 ... 156 

515 ... 156 

575 •■■ 184 


. 182 

461 ... 179 

516 ... 98 

576 ... 203 

628 . 


462 ... 129 

517 ••■ 154 

577 ... 85 



463 ■•• 170 

518 ... 158 

578 ••• 197 


. 126 

463a ... 188 

519 ... 85 

579 ... 91 

631 . 


464 and 465 92 

520 ... 68 

580 ... 98 

632 . 


466 ... 83 

521 ... 79 

581 ... 244 

633 . 


467 .-. 171 

522 ... 77 

582 ... 231 



468 ... 75 

523 ■•• 247 

583 ... 227 

635 • 


469 ... 97 

524 and 525 184 

584 ... 242 

636 . 


470 ... 247 

526 ... 192 

585 ■.. 223 

637 . 

. 187 

471 ... 201 

527 ... 84 

586 ... 250 

638 .. 


472 ... 173 

528 ... 174 

587 and 589 239 

638a .. 


473 ... 66 

529 ••• 63 

588 ... 230 



474 ... 64 

530 ... 170 

589 ••. 239 



475 ... 65 

531 ... 62 

590 .•■ 244 



476 ... 63 

532 ... 64 

591 ... 241 1 


• 78 



umber in 

Page in 

643 ■ 

.. 185 

644 . 

.. 183 

645 ■ 


646 . 


647 . 


648 . 

•• 133 

649 . 

■• 153 


•■ 134 

651 . 



.. 137 

653 • 


654 • 

•• 133 

655 • 


656 . 

.. 130 

657 ■ 


658 . 

•■ 123 

659 • 

•• 145 

660 . 

•• 145 

661 . 

.. 166 

662 . 


663 . 

.. 136 

664 . 

.. 141 

665 . 

.. 144 

666 and 

668 176 

667 . 

.. 177 



669 . 

.. 178 


.. 188 


,. 136 


.. 186 

673 ■ 


674 . 

.. 186 

675 • 

•• 177 

676 . 

.. 179 

677 . 

•• 195 

678 . 


679 . 

.. 152 

680 . 

•• 145 

681 . 

•• 177 

682 . 

•• 139 

683 . 

.. 177 

684 . 

•• 175 

685 . 

•• 144 

686 and 

684 175 

687 . 

.. 136 

688 . 

•• 135 

689 . 



•• 135 


.. 161 


.. 181 

693 ■ 

■• 133 

694 . 

.. 134 

695 • 

•• 134 

696 . 

•• 133 

697 . 

.. 136 

Number in 

Page in 

Number in 

Page in 

Number in Page in 
Catalogue. Catalogue 




698 . 




809 ... 110 

699 . 

•• 133 

755 and 778 44 

810 ... 235 


.. 163 



811 ... 105 


.. 163 



812 ... 108 





813 ... 109 

703 . 

• 159 


... 48 

814 ... 109 

704 . 



... 125 

815 ... lOI 

705 • 

. 163 


... 179 

816 ... lOI 

706 and 

707 149 


•■ 197 

817 ... 102 





818 ... 195 

709 . 

. 166 

764 anc 

1771 56 

819 ... 188 

710 . 

. 168 


.. 98 

820 ... 102 

711 . 




821 ... 92 


. 181 


•• 143 

822 ... 95 

713 • 

• 138 


.. 127 

823 ... 197 

714 . 



.. 63 

824 ... 197 

715 • 

. 138 


.. 181 

825 ... lOI 


• 154 


.. 56 

826 ... 103 

717 . 




827 ... 103 

718 . 

• 139 



828 ... 103 

719 . 

• 137 



829 ... 104 


. 166 


.. 172 

830 ... 96 




•• 235 

831 ... 190 


• 67 


.. 36 

832 ... 228 

723 • 




833 ... 222 

724 . 



.. 69 

834 . . 128 

725 • 

• 135 



835 - I 

726 . 

• 152 


.. 182 

835a ... 303 

727 . 

- 153 


.. 171 

836 .2 and 117 


• 137 



837 ... 2 and 114 

729 . 



.. 67 

838 ... 3 and 120 

730 ■ 

. 96 



839... 8 and 118 

731 • 

. 96 





• 251 



841 ... 6 and 117 





842 ... 18 

734 • 

• 251 


.. 69 

843 ... Ill 

735 • 

• 251 


.. 236 

844 ... 10 

736 . 




845 ... 105 

737 • 

• 251 



900 ... 263 

738 . 


793 • 

.. 183 

900 (75) 5 

739 • 


794 • 

.. 183 

909 (76) 7 

740 . 


795 • 

•• 157 

900 (77) II 

741 • 


796 . 


900 (78) 9 

742 • 

. 251 


.. 234 

900 79) 7 

743 ■ 


798 . 

.. 65 

900 (80) II 

744 • 


799 • 

.. 166 

900 (81) 12 

745 ■ 

• 251 


.. 127 

900 (82) 17 

746 . 

■ 251 


.. 151 

900 (83) II 

747 • 



.. 181 

900 (84) 12 

748 . 

• 174 


.. 168 

900 (85) 7 

749 • 



.. 150 

900 (86) 15 

750 . 

• 199 


.. 128 

900 (87) 8 

751 • 

. 168 


.. 125 

900 88) 12 

752 . 




900 (89) 17 

753 • 

. 98 



900 90) 13 




in Page in 



Page in 

Number in Page in 

Number in 

Page in 

Catalogue. Catalogue. 



Catalogue. Catalogue. 

Catalogue. Catalogue 




900 ( 



go2 (xx) 


902 (Ixxii) 








902 (xxi) 


go2 (Ixxiii) 





900 ■( 



902 (xxii) 


902 (Ixxiv) 





900 ( 



902 (xxiii) 


902 (Ixxv) 





900 ( 



902 (xxiv) 


902 (Ixxvi) 





900 ( 



902 (xxva) 


902 (1 xxvii] 





900 ( 



902 (xxvb) 


902 (Ixxviii 

) 6 







902 (xxvi) 


903 ••• 








902 (xxvii) 


904 ... 





900 ( 



902 (xxviii) 


905 ... 








902 (xxix) 










902 (xxx) 


907 ... 








902 (xxxi) 


908 ... 








go2 (xxxii) 


909 ... 








902 (xxxiii) 


gog (1)... 








902 (xxxiv) 










902 (xxxv) 


gog (iii) 








902 (xxxvi) 


909 (iv) 








902 (xxxvii) 


909 (v)... 








902 (xxxviii] 


gog (vi) 








902 (xxxix) 


gog (vii) 








902 (xl) 


gog (viii) 








902 (xli) 


909 (ix) 








902 (xlii) 


gog (x)... 








902 (xliii) 


gog (xi) 








902 (xliv) 


gog (xii) 








902 (xlv) 


gog (xiii) 








902 (xlvi) 










902 (xlvii) 


gii ... 





900 ( 



902 (xlviii) 







900 ( 



902 (xlix) 


913 ••• 





900 ( 



902 (1) 


914 ... 





900 ( 



902 (h) 


915 ... 







902 (Hi) and 










917 ... 





902 (i) 


902 (liii) and 

918 ... 





902 (ii) 




gig ... 





902 (iii) 


go2 (liv) 







902 (iv) 


902 (Iv) 







902 (v) 


902 (Ivi) 







902 (vi) 


902 (Ivii) 







902 (vii) 


902 (Iviii) 


1053 ••• 





902 (viii) 


902 (lix) 


1054 ... 





902 (ix) 


902 (Ix) 


1055 ... 





902 (x) 


902 (Ixi) 


1055 (a)... 





902 (xi) 


902 (Ixii) 







902 (xii) 


902 (Ixiii) 


1057 ... 





902 (xiii) and 

902 (Ixiv) 









902 (Ixv) 


1059 ... 





902 (xiv) 


902 (Ixvi) 







902 (xv) 


902 (Ixvii) 






902 (xvi) 


902 (Ixviii) 





d (144) 


902 (xvii) 


902 (Ixix) 




900 ( 



go2 (xviii) 


902 (Ixx) 


1064 ... 


900 ( 



902 ( 



902 (Ixxi) 


1065 ... 




Number in 

Page in 

Number in 

Page in 

Number in 

Page in 

Number in 

Page in 








III7 ... 


1171 .. 
















1173 •• 

■ 293 

1228 ... 






1174 .. 

• 293 







i'75 •• 






1 122 



. 287 







1177 .. 




1073 ... 




1178 .. 

• 307 

1233 ••■ 


1074 •■• 




1179 .. 

• 293 

1234 ■•• 


1075 ... 





• 293 

1235 ■•• 







• 293 



1077 ... 





• 293 

1237 ... 







• 307 



1079 ... 




1184 •• 

■ 307 

1239 ... 




II3I ... 










1186 .. 






II33 ••• 




1241a .. 




II34 ••• 


1188 .. 




1083a ... 


II35 ••■ 


1189 .. 


1243 ... 






1 190 


1244 ... 




II37 ... 




1245 ... 










1087 ... 


II39 ... 




1247 ... 




1 140 


1194 ••• 


1247a ... 






1195 ■•• 


1248 ... 






1 196 


1249 ... 




II43 ... 


1197 ... 






1 144 (1) (u) 






1093 ... 


1144a ... 




1253 ••■ 


1094 ... 


II45 ... 




1254 ••• 


1095 ... 


1 146 




1255 ■•■ 


1095a ... 


II47 ... 














1096a ... 


II49 ... 




1259 ... 


1097 ••■ 


1150 ... 








II5I ... 
















"53 •■■ 








1154 ... 






1 102 


1155 - 




1265 ... 










1 104 


1157 ••• 






1 105 




1213 ... 


1268 ... 


1 106 (i) (ii) 

1159 ... 




















1273 ... 


1108 ... 






1274 ... 


1 109 






1275 ... 




1 164 












1277 ... 




1166 ... 




1278 ... 


III3 - 






1279 ... 




1168 ... 




1280 ... 


1115 •■ 


1 169 
















Number in 

Page in 

Number in 

Page in 

Number in Page in 

Number in 

Page in 




Catalogue. Catalogue. 



• 317 



1300 ... 288 

1308 ... 




1293 . 

■ 301 

I30I ... 286 

1309 a & b 


1286 . 

• 311 



1302 ... 319 



1287 . 


1295 • 

. 318 

1303 ... 295 

1311 ... 


1288 . 

. 310 


. 318 

1304 a b & c 295 



1289 . 


1297 . 

- 318 

1305 ... 295 

1313 ... 



• 299 

1298 . 

• 319 

1306 ... 294 

1314 ... 



• 299 

1299 . 


1307 ... 295