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Henrg W, Sage 


AMUlB /^vV^ 


— : OF : — 

The General History of the Town, 


The Historij of the Baptist Cliuroh, 



She stands the sweetest flowery viiU^ 
E'er tanned by summer's gentle gale. 




1 SHG. 

Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 


— : OF : — 


The General Historic of the Town, 


The History of the Baptist Churoh; 



She stands the sweetest flowery vale 
E'er fanned by snmmer's gentle gale. 





f^^ iLf.f3lfl. 



A lepresentative of the Blandin Family; — Lamach Blandin,,lDeiiig the 
first, or one of the first settlers in Brookline. 




To The Treading Families of Brookliae, 



"the grassy brook REGION." 

The town of Brookline comprises a 
valley six miles long, by two to three 
"wide ; and originallj' formed jparts of 
Putney, Athens and Newf ane, and con- 
tains nearly 17 square miles. Nearly 
three miles in length belonged to Athens 
on the northern part ; the southern part, 
to Putney, and the south-western part, 
on West River to Newfane. 


which has one source at LUy Pond and 
one on Hedge-hog Hill in Athens, flows 
through the length of the town and falls 
into West Eiver. It derived its name 
from the open meadows in the northern 
part, producing a large growth of grass 
where the pioneers of the region went 
to cut their hay. 

The town is geographically, a little to 
the east and to the north of the centre of 
Windham County and 7 miles west of 
Connecticut River, about equal distance 
from Bellows Falls, north and Brattle- 
fooro, south, and the township seems to 

have been seperated from others by nat- 
ural divisional lines ; a range of hills, 
east and west ; the highest pomt in the 
eastern range 1100 feet from the valley, 
below. It is a picturesque valley with 
its fertUe meadows, verdant hillsides, 
and primeval forsets, so alluring to the 
early settlers ; and settlements were 
made, it is supposed, prior to i777. 


The record of the first births are as 
follows : 

Martha Whitcomb, April 29, 1777: 
Jonas Negus, Dec. 12, 1777; 
Cyrus Whitcomb the 3d. March 17, 

It is a matter of conjecture who was 
the first settler. 


a few years before 1777, settled upon 
the lands now owned bj^ John B. Steb- 
bins, on the southern boundary, origi- 
nally, of the town of Athens. 

Other early settlers were : Ebenezer 
Wellmari on land of Stebbins ; ApoUos 
Austin upon land of Charles P. Stick- 
ney, Ebenezer Harwood ujDon the farm 
of Elbridge Mason, Jotham Stebbins 
on the Eufus Stebbins' farm and John 



Blandm upon the farm now owned by 
AUen 0. WeUman. 


who came here from Attleboro, Mass., 
is thought by some to have been the 
first settler. It is said he had his choice 
of aU the land for 20 cents an acre, and 
he made his selection upon the rise in 
the ro£fd a little south of Daniel E. 
Whitney's house. The wall of his cellar 
is to be seen at the present time. 

Others who located early in this vi- 
cinity were : Timothy Welhnan upon 
land now owned by Hiram Whitney ; 
Jonathan Boynton and William Skin- 
ner on land of Andrew S. Rist ; to the 
south of this farm. Daniel Bixby and 
Richard Whitney, and Rosebrook 
Crawford, on what is called Whitney 
hill ; Francis Drake on Bemis hiU. 

Those who settled early in the south 
part of the town were : Abijah Moore 
on the farm of Wm. P. Stebbins ; Wm. 
Robbins on land of Everett P. WeU- 
man, Daniel Benson south of this farm ; 
Peter Benson upon the farm of Jacob 
Bush. Those who settled on the borders 
of West River were : Benjamin Flint, 
on the farm of Oscar C. Merrifleld, the 
beautiful meadows in the forks of Gras- 
sy Brook and West River; Ebenezer 
Ober on the meadows of Timothy M. 
AJbee ; Christopher Osgood on land of 
Luther Osgood, north-east of his mead- 
ow ; Luke B. Osgood on land of .George 
E. Ware, and James Walden upon the 
farm of Charles A. Cutler ; all whom 
are supposed to have come to this val- 
ley prior to 1780. 

1780 to 1790, settlers came in fast. 
The population during this decade was 
larger than at any other period in the 
history of the town. It is safe to say, 
there was one family or more to every 
50 acres. It may be a conjecture to the 

young to-day how did these large fam- 
ilies live ? 

The wood was cut and burned in a 
kiln and from the ashes salts of lye were 
made, packed in wooden troughs taken 
on their backs over the hill to Putney, 
where there was a settlement on the 
Connecticut River and exchanged for 
the little necessaries of life. 


Prior to 1794, the settlers gi-ew dis- 
satisfied with the lack of political rights; 
as townsmen, inconvenient to the town 
meetings in the neighboring towns and 
none of their own; unnecessarily op- 
pressed they sought relief through the 
legislature, and through an act of the 
session of Oct. 30, 1794, the south part 
of Athens and aU that part of Putney, 
lying west of an abrupt elevation of 
land, gave to the inhabitants residing 
therein, "all of the privUiges and im- 
munities" which the inhabitants of 
other towns have and enjoy, excepting 
electing and sending a representative to 
the legislature and conventions ; receiv- 
ing to the freemen of said parts of Ath- 
ens and Putney the light of meeting 
with and voting with the freemen of the 
towns from which they had been re- 
spectively severed in all freemens meet- 
ings for choosing a representative to the 
General Assembly and other purposes. 


Peter Benson was moderator ; John 
Waters was chosen town clerk ; Peter 
Benson, Lamah Blandin, Jotham Steb- 
bins, selectmen; Abijah Moore, town 
treasurer; Thomas Walker, constable 
and collector ; Ebenezer Bugbee, Will- 
iam HiUs, John Blandin, listers ; Ben- 
jamin Farmer, leather-sealer; Ebene- 
zer WeUman, grand-juror, Benjamin 
Farmer, Ebenezer Bugbee, tithing- 
men, Ebenezer Harwood, pound-keep- 



er, Samuel Blandin, haj'ward; Jona- 
than Ellenwood, Benjamin Farmer, 
Cyrus Wbitcomb, Ebenezer Bugbee, 
highway-siirveyors ; Delvis Briggs, 
Jonathan Ellenwood, Joseph Root, 
fence-viewers ; and William HUls, seal- 
er of weights and measui'es. 


To the organization of the town, 1794, 
there were no school-houses, or public 
place for' worship. Schools were kept 
in dwelling-houses and such places as 
would best convene. The Sabbath was 
observed by groups gathered together 
with due solemnity, when the one most 
gifted would be appointed to conduct 
their worship. 


From the organization 169 4, to about 
1824, the land had become cleared, the 
rich soil yielded bountiful crops, the 
light loamy knolls and plateaus would 
produce 70 bushels of com per acre 
without the fertillizers. White clover 
upon the hillside was in abundance. It 
was a period of general prosperity. 

Roads were laid out and more busi- 
ness carried on than at any other period 
of the town's history. At the junction 
of the roads, leading through the vaUey 
and over the hill to Putney, and west- 
ward to Townshend, winch was the 
seat of" her commercial business. 

The road leading eastward and west- 
ward was the thoroughfare for towns 
westward to Putney, Westminster and 

Within this period the town contain- 
ed 3 stores, 2 hotels, 2 blacksmith shops, 
3 saw-miUs, 2 gTist-miUs, 2 tamiery, 1 
potashry, 1 doctor, and one councillor 
at law. 


Samuel Wheat, who lived in Putney, 
is supposed to have put in the first store. 

which was last occupied by Ephraim 
H. Mason. Mr. Wheat did not move 
here, but employed Daniel Sabin to do 
his business here ; he also run a pot- 
ashry, located just east of his store. 

Anthony Jones followed Mr. Wheat 
in the mercantile business, and Isaac 
Palmer, Mr. Jones Palmer ; failed about ; 
1817. He was ai-rested and put in jail, 
but broke the jail, and never was seen 
here afterwai-ds. 


The house of Walter S. Bennett is 
one of the oldest houses in town, it was 
built for a hotel. At this place there 
was a pubHc house from the earliest 
date to about 1853. Isaac Taft is sup- 
posed to have kept the first tavern, 
and also a store, which was a little to 
the east of his house. 

Luke Atherton followed Mr. Taft, 
and Samuel Churchill, Mr. Atherton, 
and Oats Haven, Mr. ChurchUl. 


In 1823, Mr. Haven's store was 
burned together with the barn of Benj. 
Ormsbee. Wm. C. Lee was arrested, 
convicted of the larceny, and sentenced 
to the state prison. 

John Waters built a large house that 
was burned in 1886, owned when burnt 
by Elbridge G. Mason, being the sec- 
ond and last occupied house, burned. 

Mr. Waters had a push for business, 
he kept a hotel and a store, but he be- 
came involved and failed. Cyrus Whit- 
comb, who was bound with him, also 
failed. By this misfortune two of the 
first settlers were lost to the town ; both 
removed. And Lamah Blandin, also, 
removed in 1815. 


was between the houses of Rufus and 
Samuel Stebbins. and managed by 
John Bixby. 




A saw and grist-mill were early put 
in below the bridge, by E. R. Bush's 
house, and occupied by John Benson. 

A grist-mill was buUt on the mead- 
ows of Wm. P. Stebbins, owned by 
William Moore. 

A saw-mill was built upon the 
Blandin brook, by Jotham Stebbins, 
at an early date. 

Elijah Davis of Athens built a saw- 
mill and a grist-mill in the north part 
of the town, who was followed in pos- 
session by David Cotwell, Ben. Walker, 
D. E. Whitnej'-, E. H. Mason, and 
Winchester Smith. In 1868, Lorenzo 
W. Bush, bought the mill and moved it 
where it now stands. Tlu:ee times the 
torrent of the freshet m G-rassy Brook 
swept out his dam ; but being a man of 
pluck and energy, he has rebuilt. 


Those who followed Taft in the ho- 
tel were : Samuel ChurchiU, Benjamin 
Ormsbee, Edson Higgins, Franklin 
Walker, Thomas Gordon, and Joe 
Codding, who took down his sign 
about 1852. 


in town was Dr. William Perrj^, who 
came from Putney, and settled here a 
few years before 1815. He first lived 
where Loren Rannej^'s house stands, 
but afterwards moved to the south part 
of the town. He was a successful prac- 
tioner and did much toward building up 
the business and prosperity of the town, 
and raised up a family of children, who 
became useful citizens. He moved to 
Newfane in 1839, but is represented in 
to^Ti by his youngest daughter, the wife 
of Leverett K. AYilliams. 


practiced in town, to some extent. He 
lived on the hill west of H. N. Wliit- 

ney's. He was frozen to death, about 
1828, his house became unoccupied 
and was burned. 


Sept. 20, 1819, a town meeting for 

that purpose, was held : 

"Voted to receive that part of the 
town of Newfane, lying on the east side 
of Wantastiquet, or West River, to be 
annext to the town of Brooldine, as a 
part of said town of Brookline." 


This augmentation added much to the 
wealth and prosperity of the town, and 
the agitation which brought it on, was 
on account of crossing the river for town 
business. There was no bridge over 
the river in this vicinity at this time, 
and when the river was high it was im- 
possible to pass over by fording. In 
attending a town meeting in March, 
the men passed over in the morning on 
the ice ; before night the river broke 
up, and there was no way of return, 
and their wives and children were 
doomed to a night of wretched fears. 

On the 7th of October, it was : 

"Voted to receive the following per- 
sons now residing in Newfane, to be an- 
nexed to and became a part of said 
Brooldine, viz : Luke B. Osgood. Jona- 
than Cutler, Lot Holland, Wm. Bently, 
Elisha Flint, Harve_y Osgood, Anthony 
Moron and Christopher Osgood." 


Not equal to the plague of Egypt, 
quite, but it nearly destroj^ed all crops 
of that 3'ear. A few fields of grain 
were saved by drawing ropes acrost the 
fields, two and three times a Aay. To 
reiDresent what hay and grass was de- 
stroyed in the town on the fertile mead- 
ows of John B. Stebbins, only about 3 
tons of haj^ could be gathered. Trees 
and all green vegetation were stripped 
of their foliage. Nor yet did adversity 
in these j'ears come singly : 



June 20, 1821, marte the day the most 
memorable for adversity in Brooldine : 


In the morning the heavens were clear 
and sunshmy, a little past noon, around 
the summit of Lily Pond hill, the sky 
became dark and heavj'', and soon ter- 
rific peals of thunder vibrated the air, 
and the rain came down in such torrents 
as to cover tlie ground with a complete 
sheet of water. To use the words of 
BarziUai Sticlniey, who witnessed it : — 
" It seemed as though the heavens met 
the earth, and instantly, a mighty, bil- 
lowy sea came rushing down, carrying 
rocks, stones and trees to the vaUe}^ be- 
low." About one half the deluge came 
down through Grassy Brook, the other 
north wai'd through Athens intoSaxtou's 
River. Every bridge was swept away. 
The Valley road in many places was 
completely destroyed, and many acres 
of the rich,, loamy meadows made beds 
of stones and gravel . Hugh stones were 
lifted up and carried like pebbles ; near- 
ly all growing crops in the Valley were 

The scholars in District No. 2, hear- 
ing the tumult, came out on the bridge 
just north of the school-house to see 
how rapid the water came, not appre- 
hending danger ; Dr. Wm. Peny living 
near seeing the impending danger, rush- 
ed out and drove the scholars back. As 
he stepped from the bridge, a huge 
swell of water carried it off and Mr. 
Perry was seperated from his family for 
the night ; but the lives of several of the 
scholars were undoubtedly saved. 

So destitute were several families 
after his visitation that aid was sent to 
them by the people of Putney. 

So large and rapid was the torrent of 
the water, at Saxton's River, a distance 
of 9 miles, it was with gi-eat effort, that 

the help in the factory there were res- 
cued. Sarah Perham, the mother of the 
writer, was carried on the shoulders of 
men who waded waist-deep in water. 

The brick had been left for the Round 
school house, upon the north side, but 
so powerful was the deluge they were* 
taken up and carried to the south side, 
upon a higher ground, where the house 
now stands. To give a vivid conception 
of the deluge, large logs floated past C. 
P. Stickney's house in the road. 

The people felt the ^Dressure of the 
damage done : the thoroughfare acrost 
the hills ceased, the stores were closed, 
small farms were sold, and the hillsides 
being deserted the population decreas- 
ed. The building of roads up West 
River, helped also to bring about this 


The town had now been organized ' 
30 years without the right to elect a 
representative. In 1823, this right was 
granted; and in 1824, Benj. Ormsbee 
was elected as the first representative. 
At this freeman's meeting, the number 
of votes for representatives to Con- 
gTess, were Phineas White, 74; Wm. 
C. Bradlej^ C, showing a poll of 80. 


William Perry, moderator; Benj. 
Ormsbee, town clerk; Thomas Crane, 
Benj. Ormsbee, Lot Holland, select- 
men ; Israel Whitney, to'vvn treasurer ; 
Thomas Crane, Anthony Mason, 
Daniel Bixbj^ listers ; Anthony Mason, 
constable; Asa Flint, John Blandm, 
grand jurors; John Blandin, Israel 
Whitnej'. Elisha Flin; fence viewers; 
Alvin Boyden, the pound-keeper, Isaac 
Welhnan, Saml. Stebbius, Thos. Wells, 
Christopher Osgood, Daniel Bixby,' 
Isaac Whitney, Zephaniah Perry, high- 
way surveyor, Rufus Stebbius, sealer 
of leather, Samuel Stebbius, dealer of 




weights and measures ; Christ. Osgood, 
Ehsha Fau-banks, tything men ; Eben. 
Pool, Willard Philhps, Joel C. Lee, 
Lewis Cady. Bradley Fan-banks, Ira 
Cutler, hay wards; Eben. Whitnej', 
Jacob Burditt, grand jurors to court; 
.Elisha Flint, Asa Flint, Amos Haile, 
Israel Whitney, John PhiUips, Samuel 
Stebbins, petit jurors; Benj. Perry, 
Amos Haile, sextons. 


r For a few yeai-s prior to 1836, the 
subject of building a house for public 
worship was discussed, but an endeavor 
to unite did not succeed, On March 
18, 1836, a meeting was held for that 
purpose, Ephm. H. Mason was elected 
chairman, Asaph Coy, clerk. 

"Voted that it is the minds of this 
meetiug to buUd a union meeting-house 
in this town. ' 

"Voted to choose a committee to 
confer with the Baptist Chosen: 
Asaph Coy. Sam'l Adams, Sam'l Rist, 
such committee. At a meeting, held 
March 24, 1836 : "Voted to choose a 
committe to draw a plan of a Union 
meeting house, and a constitution and 
by-laws to govern the same." 

Chose: Barzillai Stickney, Rufus 
Stebbins, Asaph Coy. Benj. Ormsbee, 
Benj. Walker. Dan'l E. Whitney, to 
compose said committee. Chose: — 
Rufus Stebbins, Ephm. H, Mason, a 
committe to try to form a union with 
the Baptist society." 

"At a meeting, held, April 12. 
BarzUlai Stickney. Daniel E. Whitney, 
Benj. Walker were chosen, buUding 

At a meeting held April 25, Samuel 
Rist, Rufus Stebbins, Barzillai Stickney, 
Joel Harwood, Wm. B, Root, Eph. H. 
Mason, Dr, Wm. Perry were chosen 
locating committee, 

At a meeting held June 6, voted to 
add Wm. Perry, and Joel Harwood to 
the building committee. 

" Voted that the building committee 
procure a deed for the building as soon 
as may be. 

Dm-iug the season the Union Church 
was built by Methodists and Universal- 
ists. The names of those who signed 
the covenant of the society were: 
Timothy WaUter, Israel Whitney, 
Sam'l Rist, Rufus Stebbins, Eph'm 
Mason, BarziUai Stickney, Hiram 
Whitney. Asaph Coy, Benj, Walker, 
Franklin Walker, Dan'l E. Whitney, 
Joel Ranney, Luke Rist, David Walker, 
Liberty Hai'wood, Sullivan Pollard. 
Joel Barwood, Eben, Harwood, Colton 
Evans, Charles Evans, Amos L. Rist, 
Eben. Whitney, William East. Timothy 
H. Whitney, David Skinner, William 
Ranney, Jr., Benj. Ormsbee, David 
Kidder, J. L. Blandin, Philip Bemis, 
.Jr., J. S. Osgood, WUliam B. Root, Jr., 
Cliristopher Osgood, Wm. Perry, Wm. 
B. Root, William Hulett, John B. 
Turner, Jacob Burditt, Sam'l Butter- 
field, Geo. Harvey, Norman C. Marsh. 
Asa Flint, Otis Harwood, Joel A. Har- 
wood, A. A. Flint. Rev. Wm. Hodges 
preached the dedication sermon for the 
Methodists, and Rev. Mr. HemphiU, for 
the Universalists, and both were pastors 
of the church for many years. 

For the first 25 yeai-s the church was 

Rev. O. R. Edwards, for the last 20 
years, has occasionally supplied the pul- 
pit for this church. 


A Baptist church was buUt the same 
year ; Samuel Stebbins, Samuel Cutler, 
and Ira Cutler contributed largely for 
its erection. 

At the raising of the belfry, the wall 
being brick, the west bent of the belfry 
was raised and stayed and as the men 
commenced to lift the second bent, the 
supporters of the work gave way and 
precipitated 40 men a distance of nearly 
20 feet below among fallen timbers 




and boards. The jar of the falling 
timbers lessened the stay of the bent 
that was raised and that started down- 
wards, too ; but seemingly by the hand 
of Providence it was stopped by a pro- 
jecting brick : had this fallen u]D0n the 
men below, many would have been 
killed, Those who received injuries 
were Delais Welhnan, Samuel Bennett, 
leg broken ; Joseph Mvirdock, shoulder 
dislocated ; Everett Wellman, struck in 
the back by a spike, and Ira Cutler and 
Benj. Deny, who received internal in- 
juries. Although this accident seemed 
like a fatal blow, at first, in one week 
after, the belfry was successfully raised. 

From the advent of the two new 
churches to 1860, were years of general 
thrift and prosperity. Good schools 
and good society were sustained ; Sam'l 
Stebbins and Francis Merrifleld, took 
the lead in accumulating wealth. 

When the Vermont and Massachu- 
setts ' "Western Railroad was being 
agitated, these men took an interest in 
the big enterprise for then, and con- 
tributed to its building. 

At the survey of the Vermont Valley 
Railroad, a rout was contemplated up 
West River through the Valley of 
Grassy Brook and on to Chester. Had 
this been carried out as hoped, on this 
easy grade and less cost of construction 
more than equal fo that of the Con- 
necticut Valley, Brookline would have 
been the equal of her sister towns for 
business, and a village wonld have 
sprung up as a depot for the upjDcr 
towns of the West River Valley. 


the patriotism of her sons was second to 
none ; when the Union's call for volun- 
teers was given, many young men of 
promise were in her bo.iders, and they 
promptly responded. So free and large 

were the early enlistment that near the 
close of the war, her quota was nearly 
fiUed. and it lessened the trouble many 
towns had to furnish men. 

Of her noble sons, two were killed in 
battle, Hemy Bush at Fredericksburg, 
and Marshall Wellman at, or near- New 

Two died in camp, Alvan Higgins at 
New Orleans, Alonzo P. Bush at New 

John Barrett died of disease con- 
tracted while in the camp. 

Hibbard Holden was so severly in- 
jured by a minne ball at Fredericksburg, 
which passed through his body, as to 
remain infii'm for life. 

William W. Perry was wounded in 
the head by a missile from a shell and 
disabled for life. 

Of these brave and noble sons who 
have honored themselves abroad, J. W. 
Stebbins, is now a Methodist clergy- 
man in Minnesota. 

Albert Merrifield, is a successful 
business man in Mendota, lU. 

Hibbard Holden, is a raihoad agent 
al Salem, N. Y. 

W. B. Stickney, A. B., is a raikoad 
agent at ^.nn Arbor, Mich. 

E. A. Stebbins, is a successful dentist 
at Shelbume Falls, Mass. 

At the close of the war, the town, in- 
stead of being impoverished, her 
treasury empty, and a huge war debt 
left for a future burden, had her treas- 
ury full and the expenses of the war aU 
paid. But few towns have managed 
their financial business with greater 


What had long been felt a necessity 
to bring her farmers to an equal position 
in the transaction of business was bet- 




ter communication to the outer world 
and the advent of the Narrow Gauge 
Railroad ujd West River and across her 
borders has secured her this position, 

Though hotly contested to give aid 
through the capacity of the town, she 
had refused by a small vote ; hut two 
of her enterprising citizens, Luther 
Osgood, and Oscar C. Merrifield, came 
to the rescue and furnished the sum of 
$1,000 more needed to complete the 
subscription before the world could be 
said — " Go." 


For the last half century, the inhab- 
itants of the town have been gradually 
going out and farms consolidated ; the 
meadows retained for tillage and the 
Other lands for pasturage, much of 
which has grown to timber. The val- 
ley of Grassy Brook inclines gently to 
the south and is so protected by nature's 
barriers that violent winds seldom oc- 
cur; and the soil is quicli and warm 
and yeilds good crops to the faithful 
husbandman; the roads are pleasant, 
drawing travelers ; the people are fru- 
gal and industrious, und in the valley 
of Grassy Brook are the homes of many 
good farmers; and Brookline has its 


upon the hillside in the south part of the 
town, about a mile from the Valley 
road. It has strong properties of iron, 
and is much resorted to in the warm 
weather of the summer, and if proper- 
ly developed would, doubtless, become 
a popular summer resort, as the scene- 
ry around is fine ; just beyond from an 
easy carriage-road to reach, is a point 
of land unsurpassed by any in the state 
for beautj' of scenery ; looking south, at 
the west is the valley of the Wantasi- 
quet, deep and narrow, and at the east, 
the valley of the Connecticut with her 

broad, fertile meadows ; at the west the 
high lands of the Green Mountains 
from Florida in Massachusetts, to Mt. 
Holly, with towering peata at the north 
in this state. From this spot we sur- 
vey Shatterack, Manickmung, Hay- 
stack and Saddle-back, At the east is 
seen the Connecticut valley from Holj'- 
oke to Ascutney and extending east- 
ward over hill and valley, forest and 
meadow until the majestic summit of 
the Monadnock closes the view in that 
direction ; thence to the north is seen 
the line of the blue Highlands and on- 
ward toward the White Mountains. — 
The scenery to allure, the soil quick 
and productive, the Vallej^ of Grassy 
Brook is one of nature's secluded spots 
wherein man can enjoy the fruits of his 
own labor. [Rather of a farmer's little 


Schools were taught here at dwel- 
ling-houses in 1795. The first school- 
teacher in town is said to have been 
Lucy Skinner, daughter of Samuel 
Skiimer, one of the first settlers. 

Cyrus Whitcomb's house was as well 
adapted for school purposes as anj^ in 
the district or town, and its location de- 
cided the selection of a school-room 
there. It was a little north of John B. 
Stebbins' house of to-day. 

Timothy H. Whitney, an early settler 
and a young man of good education, 
was employed to teach. 

The house not being verj^ well en- 
closed, one day a weasel came in and 
sought the pantry and while he was 
nibbling for his meal one of Mr. 
Whitcomb's boys saw the intruder and 
asked leave to drive him out. 

It appears that schools were taught 
here for several years. 



The first division of the town into 
districts was April 21, 1796, at a legal 
meeting warned and holden in Brook- 
line, Peter Benson, moderator. 

"Voted to divide the town into three 
school districts." 

••Voted to choose a committee to 
divide the same." 

••Voted that Peter Benson, Richard 
Whitney, John Waters, Jotham Steb- 
bins and Benjamin Farmer, be a com- 
mittee for that purpose. 

"Voted to choose three trustees of 
schools (Viz. I. Eben. Bugbee, Isaac 
Welhnan, and Eben. Harwood.") 

"Voted to adjourn the meeting to 
the 25th day of August. At the ad- 
joui-ned meeting voted to accept of the 
transaction of the tr'ustess and the com- 
mittee's division of the town into school 

The school house built in No. 1, 
was located very near the foot of 
Whitney hill. 


In District No. 2, a little south of 
the Round school-house. In District 
No. 3. near the house of Samuel B. 

The first record that appears of the 
number of scholars between the years 
of 4 and 18, is March 1808. 

"In the north school district, 64 
schools. Attest: Archelaus Bixby, 

"In the Middle School district, 57, 
Attest : Peter M. Benson, clerk." 


The Round school-house was built in 
1822. '• Old Thunderbolt "* or Dr. 
Wilson, submitted the plan to the build- 
ing committee. Dr. Wm. Perry and 
Samuel Stebbins ; and it is the oldest 
school-house now standing and is never 

*See History of Brattlelsoro, page 63, sup- 
posed to have been an accomplice of the rob- 
ber Ligbtfoot, -vrbo was bung. 

forgotten by those who live in or pass 
through the town for its grotesqueness ; 
yet many gifted sons and daughters 
have passed from this to other places to 
win distinction as moral and intellect- 
ual educators. 

scholae's list. 

A list of scholars and parents as re- 
tained by district clerks in 1824: 
District No. 1 : — Samuel Rist, 6 
scholars ; Eliphalet Skinner 2 ; Samuel 
Frost, 5 ; Abiah Fuller, 5 ; James 
Johnson, 3; Tyler Derry, 3; Peter 
Derry, 1; Zephaniah Derry, 3; Orrin 
Simpson, 2; Simeon Perry, 2; Israel 
Whitney, 1 ; Solomon Whitney, 2 ; 
David Kidder, 2; Joel Harwood, 5; 
Ebenezer Whitney, 4 ; John Gates, 3 ; 
John Phillips, 5 ; Edmon Rhodes, 1 ; 
John Cady, 1. Total 56 scholars. 
Daniel Bixby, District clerk. 

District No. 2 : — Cheney Flint, 2 
scholars; Jacob Burditt, 2; Lemuel 
Stebbins, 3; Rufus Stebbins, 3; Eben- 
ezer Bugbee, 2; Isaac Wellman, 3; 
Timothy Wellman, 2; Elisha Fair- 
banks, 4 ; Daniel Cole, 1 ; Alvin Boy- 
den, 3 ; Peter Benson, 1 ; Wm. Perry, 
3 ; Ebenezer Wellman, 2 ; Lyman Lee, 
2 ; Samuel Adams, 4 ; Benjamin Orms- 
bee, 6 : Elder Isaac Wellman, 3 ; Eben- 
ezer Pool, 3 ; John Blandin, 1 ; Jonas 
Blandin, 1 ; total 51 scholars. — Jacob 
Burditt, District clerk. 
District No. 3: — Daniel Benson, 3 
scholars; Rufus M. Benson, 2; Isaac 
Wellman, 2 ; Hiram Wilder, 1 ; Josiah 
Leonard, 2 ; John Benson, 1 ; Job Big- 
elow, 4; EHsha Flmt, 5; PoUy Tarble, 
1; Jesse Walker, 1; Asa Flint, 4; 
Simeon Cole, 5 ; Amasa Haile, 6 ; Ben- 
jamin Bigelow, 4; Thomas Wells, 3; 
Daniel Benson, Jr., 2 ; Harry Carey. 1 ; 
Thomas Crane, 4; total 51 scholars.— 
Thomas Crane, District Clerk. 




District No. 4 : — Jonathan Cutler, 
1 scholar ; Anthony Moron, 5 ; Lot" 
Holland 5 ; Nathaniel Holland, 2 : 
Luke B. Osgood, 5 ; Christopher Os- 
good, 4; Joseph Joy, 2; Timothy 
Fleming, 1; Charlotty Whitcomb, 1; 
total 26 : Anthony Moran, District 

In 1865, after a long contest, the 
town was re-districted and redueed to 
three districts. 

The sentiment for good schools has 
been the ruling idea. No town watches 
over her schools with greater vigilence. 


From the first settlement to 1837, 
there was no post-office in town, and 
our people were troubled sometimes, to 
find their mail at Athens, Putney, and 

Barzillai Stickney and Alvin Boyden 
became strongly impressed better facil- 
ities might be had, and applied to Gen- 
eral Martin Field of Newfane, then one 
of the prominent men of Windham 
county, in their behalf, and in 1837, the 
following route was established : ' 'From 
Bellows Falls, by Saxton's River, 
Cambridgeport, Westminster, West 
Brookline, Fayettville, Williams ville, 
to Dover, Monday's, Wednesday's and 
Friday's 8 a. m. and 5 p. m., going, 
Thuesday's, Thursday's, and Satur- 
days, 8 A. M., and 5 p. m., returning. 
Otis Bardwell, contractor, and the 
route started, Aug. 29, 1837. 

Nov. 27th, 1841, is was ordered to 
commence the route at Cambridgeport, 
Athens, Brookline and Dover to Wil- 
mington. This route continued till 1850 
when it was discontinued, and Brook- 
line given a side mail from Fayetteville. 


for Brookline with date of appointment : 
Solomon-Harvey, Aug. 9, 1837 : Eph- 
raim H. Mason, Apr. 27, 1839 ; Joel 

Codding, Dec. 24, 1840; Barzillai 
Stickney, June 1846; Joel Codding, 
Dec. 18, 1849 ; Barzillai Stickney, June 
23, 1855; Walter S. Bennett, March 3, 
1863 ;— Discontinued Sept. 14, 1868; 
Virgil W. Ranney, Feb. 27, 1880. 



was formed 'in 1801, — ii commission 
at hand shows the appointment : by his 
Excellency Isaac Skinner, Esq. of John 
Blandin, Captain in the seventh compa- 
ny, the third Regiment, First brigade, 
and First division of the melitia of this 
state." Mr. Blandin was discharged 
in 1803. 

This is the first company of which 
there is any account and may have been 
the one of which Francis Drake tells 
the story : "where the officers had all 
been chosen and himself the only pri- 
vate left." 

In times earlier than t)iis it is said :- 
"this was not a law and order abiding 
community, that the collecting of dues 
and the standard of justice were some- 
times equivocated from." 

In such instances the inhabitants re- 
sorted to the arm of "Billy Black," a 
strong arm that for a small consideration 
dealt out such a one a good drubbing, 
which, usually, brought him to easy 

Our settlers that were soldiers in the 
war of the Revolution were : — John 
Stebbins, Timothy Wellman, Jonathan 
Wooley, Richard Whitney, Daniel 
Benson, Ebenezer Harwood and Sam- 
uel Rist. Harwood and Rist witnessed 
the surrender of Cornwallis at York- 


Our Soldiers in the last war with 
Great Britain were Maj. Timothy H. 




Whitney, John Holden, Lemuel Tyler 


1861 — 1865, 


Hibbard G. Holden, Henry J. Bush, 
Samuel A. Fairbanks, Ira A. Higgins. 

5th eeg., CO. E. 
Joshua A. Shattuck. 

8th. eeg., CO. H. 
Warren B. Stickney, Alvin G. Higgins, 
Alvin H. Merrifield, Charles A. Cutler, 
Alonzo P. Bush, Mr-rshall W. Wellman, 
William W. Perry. 

8th. eeg. CO. I. 
Albro V. B. Ford. 

9th. eeg. CO. K. 
Denny. E. Mason, Thomas S. Crane, 
John S. Barrett, Orlin N. Whitney, 
Lorenzo W. Bush, Everett G. Smith, 
Warren Allen. 

11th. eeg. CO. G. 
Edwin A. Stebbins, Henry Cutler. 

12ta. eeg. CO. G. 
Albert Haywood, Lorenzo Rist, 
Winchester Smith, Everett W. Smith. 

11th. eeg., CO. I. 
Herbert Mason, John Lamphear, 

piEST battalion, v. s. a. 
Samuel B. Higgins. 


The first blacksmith in the town is 
supposed to have been Delvis Wellman, 
one of the first settlers. His shop was 
a little north of where the school-house 
in District No. 1, now stands. 

A blacksmith's shop was, also, built 
at an early day, west of the road a lit- 
tle south of John B. Stebbins' house ; 
by Ebenezer Wellman, and occupied tiU 
washed away by the June freshet, 1821 ; 
and his son, Isaac, was a blacksmith in 
the north part of the town on the coun- 

ty road; and Jonas Blandin, also, did 
work in a shop near the house of Allen 
O. Wellman. 

In 1820, Jacob Burditt came from 
Putney and built a shop, near the house 
where Mrs. V. R. Ford lives ; and af- 
terwards had his shop a little east of the 
Union meeting-house. He became a 
prominent citizen ; devoted a part of his 
time to teaching singing-school ; was 
well-liked, but moved to Newfane about 

Norman C. March, from Greenfield, 
Mass., in 1840 ; married Augusta Per- 
ham of Athens in 1843, and devoted 
the most of his time to blacksmithing, 
and has proved a very useful citizen, 
holding the prominent offices of the 
town ; representing it in the legislature 
in 1862 and '63. 


The settlers of Brookline endured the 
numerous hardships, and vicissitudes 
of life that accompany the lot of those 
who first penetrated these unbroken for- 
ests ; though the Indian's stealthy steps 
were no longer heard, there were the few 
cattle and the little flock to protect from 
the ravishing wolves, that on one of the 
prominent knoUs in the south-western 
part of the town, there favorite resort 
— used to collect, "and make night 
hideous with their howls,'" and the oc- 
casional meeting with and dispatching 
of bruin is related ; but no serious ren- 

A black snake, about 8 feet long was 
killed by Alvin Boy den, on his farm in 
1829 ; and was preserved in the zoolo- 
gy cabinet of General Martin Field, of 
Nawfane, — the only one of his kind 
ever seen in the parts. 

It is held in tradition that near the 
top of the hill east of the Baptist meet- 
ing house, a little child was burned to 




ashes by following into a coalpit, and 
those most superstitions, belived, that 
they could see afterwards a bright light, 
at times, at the location of the coal-pit. 

About 1800, a boy by the name of 
Erye, in the employ of Josiah Taft, in 
attempting to ford TVest River horse- 
back with bags of corn, was swardped 
and drowned. 

About 1823, Halbrook Benson, son 
of Peter Benson, one of the first set- 
tlers, was frozen to death on the Wind- 
mill hill road ; about 2 miles from the 
foot of the hill, he was found. 

In 1856, Elmore Fairbanks, a young 
lad, of rather weak mind, while returu- 
ing home from one of the near neigh- 
bors fell upon an open jack-knife that 
he carried for self-defense ; the knife en- 
tered his chest and ended his life. 

In 1863, David Walker, a man of not 
ordinary intillgence, started for a trip 
to Dummerston; was frozen, and found 
dead: as the song goes, "he took a 
little brown jug under his arm." 

In 1866, Andrew Blood, in employ, 
at the time, of Timothy M. Albee in 
building a barn, was drowned while 
bathing in West River. 


were little known to the early pioneer: 
marked trees were his guide-posts. The 
first passways, or roads lead acrost the 
valley east and west; three of which 
have long ceased to be. The earliest 
business transactions took the people 
to Putney, as merchandise could be 
boated up and dovrn Connecticut River ; 
therefore these roads were sought first 
for. The first valley road that was 
built followed close under the hill upon 
the east side, and has been re-built at 
different times, and makes the pleasant 
passway which it now occupies. 

The Windmill hill road was survey- 
ed in 1818, and the road that now leads 

westward from this point to Townshend, 
in 1819, and the county road, so called 
was built in 1828. 



Peter Benson, 1795, to 1801, inclusive. 

3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 

Thomas Walker, 1802 : 
Daniel Bixby, 1801-16,-20,-23: 
Thaddeus Chamberlain, 1814: 
Benjamin Oi-msbee, 1819, 34, 36, 38: 
William Perry, 1822, 24, 25, 26, 27, 

28, 30,31, 37: 
Thomas Crane, 1827, 35: 
Alvin Boyden, 1832 : 
Isaac Wellman. 1835, 46, 47, 49, 50: 
Ephralm Park, 37, 40, 41, 43: 
William, Adams, 1848, 51, 53 to 57: 
Ephraim H. Mason, 1844, 45 : 
Warren Bennet, 1857 : 
Luther Osgood, 1858, to-72, 80, 84: 
Oscar C. Merrifield, 1863, 64, 66 : 

Chas. P. Stickney, 1865, 67, 68. 72, 
Colmer W. Stebbins, 1875, to 80: 


John Waters, first town clerk, 1795 96, 

97, 99 to 1806, 09, 10, 11: 
Delias Riggs, 1798: 
Timothy H. Whitney, 1806, 7, 8: 
Samuel Fairbanks, 1812, 13, 14: 
Thomas Crane, 1815 to 20, 22 : 
Benjamin Ormsbee, 1820, 21, 24 to 28 : 
Alvin Boyden, 1828 : 
Jacob Burdett, 1829, to 35, 38 to 41 : 
Asaph Coy, 1835, 36, 37: 


Abijah Moore, 1795 to 1806 : 
Jotham Stebbins, 1806 to 1811 : 
Samuel Stebbins, 1811, 17, 18, 19, 28 : 




Daniel Bixby, 1812 to 17, 20, 21 : 

Israel Whitney, 22 to 28^29, 30 : 

Kdson Higgins, 1831, 32, 33 :s 

Amos Hale, 1834 : 

Isaac Walker, 1835 : 

Ephraim Parks, 1836, 7, 8, 9, 40 : 

Samuel Cutler, 1841, 42: 

Hiram Whitney, 1843 to 49, 51 to 67 

Isaac Wellman, 1850: 

Everett P. Wellman, 1867 to 84. 


Thomas Walker, 1795, 96 : 

Timothy H. Whitney, 1797, 99 : 

Micah French, 1798 : 

JosiahTaff, 1800, 1, 2, 3: 

Peter Benson, 1804 : 

Asa Flint, 1805 : 

Daniel Benson, 1806 : 

Benjamin Ormsbee, 1807, 8 : 

Samuel Fairbanks, 1809 : 

Ebenezer Wellman, 1810, 14 : 

Samuel W. Benson, 1811, 12: 

John Blandin, 1813 : 

Archelaus Bixby, 1814 : 

Samuel Bobbins, 1816, 17: 

Jonas Blandin, 1818, 19, 

Samuel Frost, 1820, 

Jonas Wellman, 1821, 30 to 33 : 

Anthony Mason, 1822 to 29 : 

Harry Gary, 1829 : 

Ephraim H. Masou, 1833, to 39, and 

44, 45-: , 
, Joel Ranney, 1835, 
Daniel E. Whitney, 1839, 40 : 
Willard Linsley, 1841, 42, 43 : 
Harvey Morse, 1846, 47 . 
Wm. B. Root, 1848, 49 : 
Chas. W. Blandin, 1851 to 55 : 
Norman C. Marsh, 1855 to 1863 : 

Chas. P. Stickney, 1864, 65, 82, 83 : > 
Luther Osgood, 1865 to 1874 ; 
Samuel B. Higgins. 1975 to 1882 : 


John B. Stebbiiis, first superintendent, 

1850 to 1857: 
Ephraim H. Mason, 1857 : 
Oscar C. Merriiield, 1858, 59, 60, 62, 

63, 94, 65 : 
Warren B. Stickney, 1861 : 
Charles Farrar, 1866 to 71 : 
Charles P. Stickney, 1871 to 86: 


Peter Benson. 1995, 97, 1806, 1, 2, 3, 

6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 

Lamah Blandin, 1795 : 
Jotham Stebbias, 1795, 1805, 15: 
Eiehard Whitney, 1796, 98, 99, 1800, 

3, 6, 13, 15, 16: 
Abijah Moove, 1796, 98 : 
John Waters, 1796, 98, 99, 1800, 1, 

2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 : 
Micah French, 1797 : 
Wm. Bobbins, 1797, 1807, 8, 9 : 
Timothy H. Whitney, 1801, 8 ; 
Samuel Ballard, 1804 : 
Josiah Taft, 1802 : 
John Blandin, 1804, 7, 8, 9 : 
Daniel Bixby, 1809, 10, 11, 12, 14, 

James Campbell, 1807 : 
Thomas Craine, 1812, 15, 16, 17, 19, 

20, 21, 23 to 33, 35 : 
Thaddeus Chamberlain, 1813, 14 : 
Jesse Walker, 1816, 17: 
Ebenezer Whitney, 1817, 30, 31, 32, 

Wm. Perry, 1818, 37, 38 : 
Benjamin Ormsbee, 1818, 23 to 28 : 




Ora Flint, 1818 : 

Samuel Stebb^ns, 1819, 20, 33, 34, 

Elisha Flint, 1822 : 
Lot Hammond, 1824, 25, 26 ; 
JacobJBurditt, 1827, 28: 
Antliony Mason, 1829, 36, 40, 43, 44, 
Isra-el Whitney, 1828 : 
Alvin Boyden, 1829, 30: 
Edson Higgins, 1833, 34, 43 : 
Samuel Adams, 1832 to 37, 38, 39 : 
Isaac "Wellman, 35,'.36, 41, 42 : 
Benjamin Walker, 1837: 
Hiram Whitney, 1838 to 42, 50 : 
Joel HarwoocJ, 1839 to 43, 44 : 
Daniel E. Whitney, ,1842, 62 : 
John S. Osgood, 1844:, 
Wm. Adams, 1844 to 60, 61 to 57 : 
William Lindsley, 1845 to 49 : 
Wm. B. Boot, 4846 to 48 : 
Luther Osgood, 1850^ to 53, 58 to 61, 

70, 71, 72: ' 
Norman C. Marsh, 1849, 70 to 72 in : 
Everett P. Wellman, 1849, 60, 73, 74 : 
Ira Cutler, 1851, 57 to 60: 
Erastus Whitney, 1853 to 66 : 
Samuel Cutler, 1863, 44, 55, 66 : 
Grout Holden, 1858 : 
Hiram. M. Whitney, 1860, 70 to 84 : 
Colmer W. Stebbins, 1861 to 70, and 

73 to 84: 
Andrew S. Rist, 1861,62 : 
John B. Stebbins, 1863 to 70 : 
Oscar C. Merrifleld, 1866, 67 : 
Samuel B. Higgins, 1868, 69 : 
Timothy M. Albee, 1875 to 69 : 
Wm. W. Perry, 1879, 80, 81 : 
George E. Ware, 1882, 83 : 


Ebenezer Bugbee 1795, 1801 ; 
Wm. H.lls, 1795, 96; 

John, Blandin, 1795, 1812, 13 ; 
Israel Whitney, 1796, 1811, 21 ; 
Ebenezer Wellman, 1796, 1811 ; 
Wm. Robbins, 1796. 1807 8, 9, 11 ; 
Delais Briggs, 1797 ; 
Jonathan Elenwood, 1797 ; 
Daniel Bonson. 1797, 1800, 2, 5, 15 ;^ 
Lemich Blandin, 1798, 180^ ; 
John Blandin, 1798, 1806 to 10 ; 
Peter Benson, 1798,1803 ; 
Josiah Taft, 1799 ; 
Joshper Pool, 1799 ; 

Timothy H. Whitney, 1799, 1802, 3. 

Jotham Stebbins, 1800 ; 
John Wellman, 1700; 
John Waters, 1701, 3, 9, 10 ; 
Amos Mansfield, 1802 ; 
Samuel Ballou, 1804, 5 ; ' 
Timothy Wellman, 1804 ; 
Abijah IJHorse, 1804? 
Daniel Bixby, 1806, 10 ; 
Phineas Alden, 1806; 
Thomas Crane,' 1806, 13, 18 to 26 ; 
James Campbell, ,1807, 8 ; 
Jesse Walker, 1812, 36 ; ' 
Archelaus Bixby, 1812, 16, 18 ; 
Joshua Fuller, 1816, 17 ; 
Asa Flint, 1816, 20, 23, 26 to 30 ; 
Samuel Stebbins, 1819 ; 
James Johnson, 1812, 19, 20, 22, 23 ; 
Samuel Robbins, 1817, 19 ; 
Ebenezer Pool, 1818 : 
Zephaniah Dyer, 1819 ; 
Benjamin Orinsbee, 1820, 21 ;, 
Samuel Adams, 1822, 29 ; 
Lot Holland, 1821 ; 
Anthony Mason, 1824, 25, 27, 33,35 ; 
Da-^iel Bixby, 1824 ; 
Jacob Burditt, 1826, 26 ; 




Alvin Bbyden, 1825. 29, 27 ; 

Wm. Perry, 1828 ; 

Ebenezer Whitney, 1818, 29, 34, 38 ; 

Edson Higgins, 1830, 32, 42 ; 

Hiram Whitney, 1830, to 32, 37, 44, 

50 to 53 ; 
Harry Carey, 1830, 33. 34, 35 ; 
Samuel Stebbins, 1831, 32, 35, 36, 47 ; 
Isaac Wellman, 1831 to 35, 47 ; 
Benjamin Walker, 1835 ; 
Everett P. Welhnan, 36, 63, 64, 74, 
Ephraim Parks, 1837 ; 
Amos Haile, 1837 ; 
WUliam Adams, 1838, 39, 65, 66, 78, 

79, 80 to 84 ; , 
William Lindsley, 1838, 39 to 42, 44, 

48, 49, 51, 52, 61, 62; 
Erastus Whituey, 1839, 40 to 44, 81 ; 
Ephraim H. Mason, 1840 ; 
John S. Osgood. 1840, 45 ; 
Samuel Bennett, 1841, 42; 
Joel Codding, 1842, 46; 
William B. Root, 1843 ; 
Barzillai Stickney, 1843 ; 
Asa Flint Jr., 1844 to 47, 50, 56 ; 
Joel Harwood, 1845, 47, 58 ; 
Daniel Whitney, 1846, 50, 53, 59, 60 ; 
Grant Holden, 1848, 49. 50, 53, 65, 

66, 67, 68;' 
Francis Merrifield, 1848, 49 ; 
Russell Mason, 1851, 53 ; 
Ira Cutler, 1852, 62; 
John B. Stebbins, 1854, 55, 56 ; 
Andrew S. Rist, ,1854, 55 ; 
Walters. Bennett,1854, 55 ; 
Hiram M. Whitney, 1859, 57, 63, 64 ; 
Warren Bennett, 1857 ; 
Calmer W. Stebbins, 1857, 58 ; 
Henry Kidder, 1756, 59 ; 
Oscar C. Merrifield, 1859, 60. 63. 61 ; 

William P. Stebbins, 1861, 62, 65, 66, 

,67, 79, 83 ; 
Allen O. Wellman, 1867 to 70, 73, to 77 
Wm. W. Perry, 1868, 69, 70 to 73 ; 
Charles A. Cutler, 1869, 70 to 73 ; 
Warren E. Albee, 1872 ; 
Timothy M, Allen, 1873, 74 ; 
Ephraim P, Osgood, 1873, 80 to 84 ; 


Benjamin Ormsbee, 1824, the first rep- 
resentative and representative in 26,27 ; 
William Perry, J 825, 28 ; 
Jacob Burditt, 1829, 30 ; 
Samuel Stebbins, 1831, 32, 54; 
Edson Higgins, 1833 ; 
Thomas Crane, 1834 ; 
Ephraim H. Mason, 1835, 36 ; 
William Adams, 37, 38, 40, 51 ; 
Ephraim Park, 1839 ; 
Hiram Whitney; 1841, 42 ; 
Hubbard Eastman, 1843 ; 
John H. Osgood, 1844 ; 
Asa Flint, 18'47 ; 57, 58 ^ 
.Joel Codding, 1849 ; 
Isaac Wellman, 1859 ; 
Daniel E. Whitney, 1852, 53 ;, 
Samuel Cutler, 1855, 56 ;, 
John B. Ftebbins, 1859, 60 ; 
Norman C. Marsh, 1861, -62 ;: 
Colmer W. Stebbins, 1863-, 64;-. 
Oscar C. Merrifield, 1865, 66 ; 
Everett P. Wellman, 1867,68; 
Erastus Whitney, 1869, 70^ 71', 80 81 ;. 
.Hiram M. Whitney, 1872, 73 ; 
William P. Stebbins, 1874, 75 ; 
William W. Perry, 1876, 77 ; 
Samuel B. Higgins, 1878, 79 ; 
Charles P. Stickney, 1882, 83. 

[Tbe manuscript of this history was sent to ■ 
us In tlie spring of 1S83, since whloh the town 
of Brookline has added to her lists of officers : ; 





TOWN CLERKS,. — 1837 to 1886. V 
Jacob Burditt 1838 to 41 : 
Calvin T. Barrett 1841 : 
Joel Codding 1842 to 46, 47 to 60 : 
Edson Higgins 1846 : 
William Adams 1860 to 67 : 
Charles Farrar 1867 : 
William Adams 1868 to 1886 and in., 

MODEEATOES. — 1878 to 1886 : 
C. W. Stebbins 1878te 80: 
L. Osgood 1880 to 85 : 
N. C. Marsh 1886 : 

SELECTMEN. — 1883 to 86 : '•: 

H. M. Whitney 1883 to 86 : ' 

C. W. Stebbins 1883 : 
George E. Ware 1883 to 85 : 
Wm. M. Ware 1885 to 86 : 
T. M. Albee 1885 to and 86. 

LiSTEEs. — 1883 to 86. , 
"William Adams 1883: 
E. P. Osgood/1883 and 84: 
William P. Stebbins 1883, 8^: 
R, E. Marsh 1884 to and 86 
L. K. Wellmanl885, 86:,. 
E. W. Bush 1886 : 
J. A. S. Shattuck 1886 : 

CONSTABLES. — 1883 to 86. 
C. p. Stickney 1883 to 85. 


C. P. Stickney 1883 to 85 : 
Isabelle Shattuck 1886 ; 


E. P. Wellman 1883: 

N. W. Ranney 1884 to and 86. 


1857, Nathaniel Hill died, aged 90 yrs. 

1859, Joel Codding d., aged 74 years. 

,, Anna Woolley d,, aged 77 ,, 

1860, Wm. B. Root d., aged 75 ,, 
,, Fanny Cutler d., aged 73 ,, 

1861, Ephraim Park d., aged 80 ,, 
,, Daniel Benson d., aged 98 ,, 
,, Samuel Adams d., aged 80 ,, 

1862 Calvin Barrett d., aged 92 ,, 

1863 Eph'm H.Mason, aged 69 ,, 
,, Rufus Stebbins d., aged 73 ,, 
,, Wm. Ranney d., aged 89 ., 

1864, Betsey Whitney d., aged 67 ,, 
1868, Lydia FoUett d., aged 80 ,, 

1871 , Anson Codding, aged 78 ,, 

1872, Rebecca Crane, aged 92 ,, 

1873, Sarah Stebbins, aged 76 ,, 
,, Edith Root died, aged 91 ,, 
,, Sarah B. Harwood, aged.85 ,, 

1874, Edson Higgins d. aged 79 ,, 
,, Elisaljeth Ranney, aged 86 ,, 

1875, Wm. W. Perry aged 69 ,, 
1877, Mary B. Higgins ag'd 78 ,, 

1880, Mary Perry d., aged 83 ,, 

1881, Daniel H olden, aged 82 ,, 
,, Joel Rist died, aged 72 ,, 

1882, Barzillai Stickney, aged 82 ,, 

1883, John Turner d., aged 84 „ 

1865, Huldali Benson d., aged 77 ,, 
1866 Samuel Stebbins d., aged 83 ,, 

,, Dorcas Adams d., aged 84 ,, 
,, Isaac Wellman d., aged 76 ,, 
,, Sarah P. Stickney. aged 66 ,, 
,, MaryBurrett d., aged 86 ,. 
1867, Samuel Follettd., aged 89 ,, 
,. Ira Cutler, died aged 68 ,, 
,, Samuel Butterfield aged 80 ,, 
,, Keziah Wellman d. aged 75, ,, 
,, Patty Park, died aged 83 ,, 

1883 John B. Turner, aged 84 ,, 

1884 Sullivan Pollard, „ 87 „ 

1884, Deliverance B. Wellman, 77 




,, Faany S. Whitney, aged 78 

1885, Daniel Wellman, aged 88 
,, Temperance Pierce, aged 87 
,, Mary E. Stebbins aged 58 

1886, Hiram Whitney, aged 82 
,, Wm. P. Stebbins, aged 54: 


■ " Vermont is a good state to be born 
in ; but one should emigrant young," as 
Stephen A. Douglass said, so it seems 
to be with the sons of Brookline ; but 
her morals are of the first rank, and the 
home impressions that have been given 
are safe guides to honorable positions a- 

Many of those who felled the first 
trees, and sowed the first seed have left 
no other traces behind them. Among 
those who added largely to the prosper- 
ity of the early days were Daniel Bix- 
by, Lemich Blandin, Rev. Isaac Well- 
man, Cyrus, Whiteomb, Abijah Moore, 
John Waters and Peter Benson. 


was justice of the peace for many years 
and moderator for town meetings and 
selectman. His opinions were often 
sought and his descisions were weighed 
with equal justice. 


was au active business man, and un- 
doubtedly the best educated of any of 
the early settlers ; he taught school and 
was very ready with the pen. He was 
the first town clerk and held the office 
many years ; was many years a justice 
of the priace and selectman ; and was 
identified with the business of the town 
more than any other man. 

Of those who settled here about 1780 
and left descendants still living in town 
are : 


represented by his son, Joel Harwood, 
and grand-son; Otis Harwood, a wor- 
thy and respected citizen now 66 years 
of age, without children : 


represented by his son, Daniel Wellman 
who is now living at the age of 80 and 
and grandsons, Leverett K. and Allen 
O. Wellman, and great-grand-sons by 
Leverett : Arthur C. and George Well- 
man, and great-grand-daughter by Al- 
len, Helen B. Wellman. 


represented by his son Daniel and grand 
daughters, Hannah Adams and Lucin- 
da Flint, and great-gr.and-sons, by Han- 
nah, Ozro Adams ; by Lucinda, John 
Flint : 


represented by his son, Asa Flint aiid 
giand-son, Anson Flint and great-grand 
son, John Flint. 


represented by his son, Isaac Wellman, 
who was a deacon of the Baptist church 
many years and a prominent business 
man in town ; and his grandson, Ever- 
ett P. Wellman, also a prominent man, 
and his great-grand-daughters, Abbie 
C. and Martha Wellman ; the former 
was a very successful school-teacher, 
and married Judge Andrew A. Wyman 
of Athens. 


represented by his three sons, Israel, 
Ebenezer and Timothy H. Whitney ;, 
and grandson by Israel, who has held 
the principal offices in town ; and by a 
great-grand-daughter, Bertha Whitney, 
and grand-son by Ebenezer ; Erastus 
Whitney, a bachelor, 68 years of age : 
chairman of the board of selectmen who 
cared for the interests of the town, as- 




before said : there was not any debt on 
the tpwn at the close of the war. 

There are three farms in town that 
with enlargements remain in the hands 
of the descendants of the original own- 
ers : the Rist farm ; — 


came from Sutton, Mass. in 1788, and 
bought of Jonathan Boyden th,e now, so 
called, Rist farm. 


a few years after the close of the war, 
came and took possession of his broth- 
«r's farm. He raised up a large fam^ 
ily of children. His sou, Anbrew S. 
Rist is a bachelor who is now 66 years 
•of age, and as his only brother, Will- 
iam, also living in town is a bachelor the 
prpspect is that the Rist farm will soon 
pass out of the family. 


came from Fitzwilliams, Mass. ju 1799 
and bought of James Walden the now 
Cutler farm. He was represented by 
his son, Ira Cutler, who married a 
daughter of lasiah Rounds, one of the 
early settlers. Ira in his prime was a 
strong, resolute man and spent much of 
, his time in winter in hunting. [See far- 
ther the geneology in sketch prepared 
by the family ] The Cutler family were 
prominent members of the Baptist per- 
suasion, and added strength and wealth 
to the town. 


settled on land now owned by his son 
Luther, about 1790. Ltither married 
a daughter of Ephraim Park, who lived 
where Luther now resides. Luther 
then moved to the western part of N. 
Y. with the intention of making it his 
home ; but the declining years of Mr.' 
Parks brought him back to Vermont, 

when he took possession of the Parks 
farm, and of his father's farm and bent 
his energies to build up a farm second to 
none in the valley of ' "West River, and 
his broad fields of grass and well-filled 
ganery indicate a successful farmer. He 
has taken an intei^est in the politics and 
prosperity of the town, and has held the 
.ihief offices of trust in the gift of the 
town. His sons are Ephraim P. and 
Fred L., and grandsons, Hermon and 


moved into Brookline, from Richmona, 
N. H. about 1806, as the first genera- 
tion of the settlers were passing away. 
He entered largely into the interests of 
the town ; spent his winters in teaching, 
was town clerk 6 years ; represented the 
town in the legislature ; was selectman 
18 years : died in his 57th year, 1836. 


from 1802 to 1830 held a leading position 
in the town : town clerk, selectman, 
the first representative to the legislature 
and at home a very obliging hotel keep- 
er, and was a man cordially liked. 


was. born in Dummerston, this county, 
in 1810. His father removed to Brook- 
line in 1719. At an early age, William 
Adams entered into the politics of the 
town, and for the past fifty years, has 
been closely connected with its history. 
He has been justice of the peace many 
years and qualified to draft legal papers 
which he has done for the people of the 
town. He has represented the town at 
the Capitol of the State and has now 
been town clerk, many years. . 


was born in JafFrey, N. H , Nov. 12, 
1772. He passed his early life in New 
Hampshire, Northern Vermont and 
Western New York. He moved to 




Brookline in 1827, married Sarah Per- 
ham, the oldest daughter of Joiathan 
Perham of Athens, one of the first set- 
tlers of Athens. He was a carpenter 
and mechanic and located here with the 
view of improving the waters of Grassy 
Brook, to prosecute his business ; but 
the volume of water did not meet his 
expectation during the summer season, 
and he turned his attention to farming. 
He interested himself in supporting the 
best of schools, and held those who 
hold office, strictly accountable, in ren- 
dering their accounts. He died in 1882 
a* the age of 89. 


came to Brookline from Newfanein 1841 
and bought the original Flint farm, and 
at the time of his purchase he could 
have bought a farm, comprising a part 
of the meadows at the mouth of West 
River for the same price ; but Brattle- 
boro was then, a growing village, and 
he remarked that near a village was no 
place to bring up a family of children ; 
and he raised up a large family, and 
was a hard working man. 


was bom Oct. ,10, 184.0. His parents 
though in limited circumstances, gave 
him time to attend school. He worked 
on his father's farm ; taught school and 
by industry fitted for college in 1861 ; 
but the war then in progress and other 
causes arrested him in his purpose. In 
1866, he went West and was establish- 
ing himself in business when he was 
called to return to Vermont to care for 
those who had cared for him. In 1879, 
he married Frances A. Hastings ; a son 
was born to them in 1882, Carrol W. 
Mr. Stickney has held the office of con- 
stable 4 years(1883) and town superin- 
tendent of schools 13 years, and repre- 
sented the town in the legislature, 1882 

and 83. He is in the full vigor of life 
and enters with earnestness into what- 
ever he undertakes. 


was born in Waltham N. H. in 1777. 
His father, Eichard Whitney, moved to 
Brookline soon after and settled upon 
the farm now owned by Otis Harwood. 
He made the first clearing upon the farm 
and built the house now standing. — 
Timothy was an active boy and gained 
an education through the limited sources 
of those days, so that, at eighteen, he 
taught school, (page 12.) At twenty he 
was elected constable and served sever- 
al years, and has been town clerk and 
lister; in 1798, married Abigail Blan- 
chard of Waltham, N. H. and settled 
upon the farm now owned by his son, 
Hiram Whitney. He was prominent in 
the business of the town, and rose from 
a private to a major in the militia, and 
enlisted in the war of 1812 ; was pro- 
moted colonel- In 1815, he moved to 
Athens where he represented the town 
in the legislature several years ; was in 
the legislature at the time Brookline was 
granted the right to elect a representa- 
tive. He was a judge of the county' 
court. He died at the age of 82 years. 
He is now represented in town by his 
son, Capt. Hiram, a man of few words 
but to the point, and a much esteemed 
citizen. He was born in 1804, marrried 
to Fanny Perham in 1828, has repre- 
sented the town at Montpelier, and held 
his share of its honorable offices wij;h 
fidelity and honor. 


son of Capt. Hiram and grand-son of 
Col. Timothy, was born in 1829 ; has 
represented the town, and been one of 
the selectmen 14 years. His daughter, 
Fanny brings up the honors of the fam- 
ily : few women are more capable in the 




performance of the duties of a household 
or deft in cunning- work that graces the 
wall of the hall of a county fair, or a- 
adorns more pleasantly the rooms of 
her home. 


son of John B. Stebbins, Esq. was born 
in Brookline", Aug. 16, 1858. His mi- 
nority was passed on the farm, gaining 
from his father the apt of farming, and 
from his mother the culture for a noble 
manhood. He acquired a thorough aca- 
demical education. In the spring of 1878 
he was a clerk in the store of his bro- 
ther-in-law in Rochester, Minn., and 
. on account of the severe and prolonged 
sickness of his father and his family , 
he being the eldest son was called home. 
-He at once returned and took charge ol 
his father's business and in the spring 
remoddled and constructed a new set 
of barns and gave his father's business 
a new .impetus. In the fall of 1880, he 
returned to Minnesota as senior clerk 
of the same firm. While here^ he as- 
sisted one of the partners, unused to 
farming, in selecting stock for a farm 
he had bought, out of the city. Arthur 
was often consTilted about this farm. ,It 
gave him excellent opportunities for de- 
veloping his genius in the Eden occupa-* 
tion. He made the herd books a study ; 
was sent to New England in the winter 
of 1882, by some prominent herdsmen 
of Minnesota to make a selection and 
purchase of thorough breeds. His se- 
lections met with such hearty success, 
he decided to resign his pbsiton in the 
store and devote himself to agriculture. 
He married Hattie Bell, daughter of 
Daniel Lyon, then of New York, Sept. 
23. 1883. His father urged him to re- 
main on the old farm, but ambitious to 
gain an independence by his own efforts 
he and his wife left Vermont, Oct. 11, 
1883, and upon the aired, fertile plateau 
of the Cumberland Mountains, Tenn., 

he bought a tract of land, known in the 
early hi.story of the country as a favor- 
ite retreat of the red man, and in this 
delightful climate he had commenced to 
build up and beautify a home, and gain 
for himself a laudable notoriety in the 
agricultural world ; but in the bud of his 
ambition was in an instant cut down. — 
Jan. 19, 1886, he and his brother-in- 
law, James Lyon, were at work in a, 
wood near the house, when a tall, oak 
shrub, standing some 30 feet distant feU 
and struck Mr. Stebbins to the ground,, 
breaking the spinal column at tne neck. 
.So quick and sharp, yet light the bios?-, 
the deadly deed was done without even 
rupturing the skin. This sudden death, ■ 
seemed strange to all who knew him, 
he was a man of such moral and relig- 
ious excfeUance, and the world has so 
much need of such men. 

His remains were brought home tO' 
Brookline for interment. He rests in the 
famijy^lot beside his mother and brother. 



An early settler of the territory later 
known as, the town of Brookline, was 
John Blandin,born at Attleboro, Mass. 
in 1764, of French descent. He early 
identified himself with the general weal 
of the new settlement in all of its vari- 
ous efforts at advancement. Education- 
al and religious interests received his es- 
pecial' fostering care. He early became 
a clerk of the Baptist church, and in 
1802, was, with his brother, Lemick, 
ordained as deacon, at the time Amos 
Beckwith was ordained for the pastor, 
which office he held as long as he lived, 
until his death in 1835. In 1784, he 
was married to Sarah Gray, at Brook^ 
line and moved on to an unbroken for- 
est tract of land that afterward became. 




the "Blandin farm' on which he spent 
the remainder of his life. There were 
11 chiklren by this marriage, ten of 
whom settled in life with families, all 
leading and useful members of society. 
Mr. Blandin huried his first wife in 1821 
and in 1823 married Mrs. Sally Hub- 
' bell, nee Holden of West Westminster, 
by whom he had three children, two of 
whom are living and take active part in 
life's duties. This wife, the widow of 
Mr. Blandin, died in Winona, 111., in 

Probably, bmt few families have ex- 
erted a broader or more salutary influ- 
ence in moulding the general welfare of 
•of this community than that of John 


the subject of the pbrtrait-frontis-plate 
of thisliistory, was the twelfth issue of 
John Blandin, and the first child by 
his second marriage, born in Brookline, 
Feb. 18, 1824. His mother's maiden 
name was Sally Holden, of Scotch En- 
glish parentage. He has resided for the 
vlast thirty years in Rutland, 111. He is 
engaged in the retail drug and book 
trade and is regarded as a reliable busi- 
ness man. 

He was married to Miss D. A. John- 
son of Elmira N. Y. in 1850. They 
have one child, a son, Fremont C. 
Blandin who has received a liberal 
education, and is a prominent lawyer 
and editor at Streator, Illinois. 

Rev. Denzel Mansfield Crane, 
by mes. b. h. ceane. 

Denzel Crane was born in Brookline, 
Feb. 29, 1812, and died at his son-in- 
law's, Rev. I. R. Haskins in West Ac- 
ton, Mass., Sept. 4, 1879, age 67. He 
was the third son of Thomas Crane Esq. 
His parents though not Christian prof- 
fessors, were remarkable for integrity. 

and close observers of the Sabbath, and 
their lessons of wisdom and teachings, 
enforced by example did much to shape 
his character as a man and Christian. 
He early attended the district school, of 
ten weeks in summer, and winter ; but 
when old enough to labor was limited to 
the winter term. Under the instruction 
of his' father, an experienced teacher, 
he acquired the elementary branphes of 
an English education. Away from the 
populous town and village, there was 
little to break the monotony of life ; but 
when his task was finished on the farm 
he fished in the brook that came in its 
silvery windings between high, mossy 
banks through meadows, deep with the 
greenest grass and shady woods, or he 
strayed into the hollows and dells where 
the birds sang, and built their nests in 
the trees and hedges and enjoyed that 
heart-strengthening, elevating beauty, 
God has displayed in His works, giving, 
him. a strong constitution, firm health, 
and virtuous habits. His evenings were 
spent at home in the family circle. Thus 
was the period of his boyhood and ear- 
ly youth passed. When fifteen, Brook- 
line was visited by a remarkable religi- 
ous awakening, and he became the sub- 
ject of renewing grace. Rev. J. M. 
Graves, so widely known, administered 
the ordinauce of baptism and he united 
with the Baptist church. At the age of 
18, he was impressed with the impor- 
tance of the gospel ministry. He com- 
menced study with Rev. Phineas Howe, 
a neighboring pastor, and subsequently ^ 
studied at Franklin and Pierce acade- 
mies and Brown University, preaching 
and teaching to meet his expences. 

He married Balhsheba H. Phillips of 
Newfane, Mar. 1,1837, and was or- 
dained in his native, town the following 
June. He was pastor, successively, in 
Brookline, Grafton and North Spring- 




field,, Vt., Northampton, Boston and 
Dorchester, Dorchester, North Spring- 
field, Vt. again, Winthrop, and Nor- 
thampton. In nearly all of these, pas- 
torates revivals were enjpyed, resulting 
in the encouragement and rebuilding of 
the churches. The most extensive re^ 
vivals in connection with his labors 
were during his firSt pastorate of three 
years at North Springfield, when 54 
were baptized into the church, and at 
Boston in 6 years 189. His longest pas- 
torate was 12 years, — it was his first in 
Northampton — during which he was 
elected ten times a member of the school 
"committee and for 6 years he was su- 
perintendent of the public schools, and 
while thus engaged, the honorary de-' 
gree of A. M. was conferied upon him 
by Amherst college. There his remains 
were tenderly laid away, with his three 
sons, and only grand-son, awaiting his 
coming to, share their bed of clay. 

Mr. Crane was a self-made, self-reli- 
ant man whose struggle with circum- 
stances in acquiring an education, might 
be a useful lesson to faint-hearted stu- 
dents at the present day. Study, study 
and work, work, work is the unveiled 
secret of success. 

As a preacher, he had a remarkably 
clear, full, 'effective voice, was sound in 
doctrine, gifted in oratory, and scholar- 
ly in presentation ; as a pastor, emi- 
nently judicious, abundant in labor, and 
exemplary in walk, and as a citizen, in 
whatever was good : as friend, belove^ 
and trusted : as a Christian hiS' genial, 
social nature matured by holy living 
produced rich, mellow, ripeftuit. ''AH," 
says one, " left the hallowed spot at his 
burial feeling that Heaven had been 
made richer and earth poorer by the 
loss of so good a man. 

We heard lilm in our girlhood, preach a ser- 
mon the impression ot whose eloquence has 
never died. —Ed. 

By John B. Stebbins, Esq. 

the baptist church in brookline 
was constituted in 1795, and belonged 
to the Leyden Association of the Wind- 
ham County, in 1835 and hat never 
failed to make its annual report. For 
several years the church had no ordain- 
ed pastor. From time to time some bro- 
ther was appointed to conduct public 
worship and thus improve his gifts, 
among these appointments, we notice 
the names of Dea. William Thomas, 
Isaac Wellman and Jotham Rtebbins. 


was ordained pastor, June 2, 1802, and 
Bros. Lamach and John Blandin, dea- 
cons. The church having no house of 
worship, these ordaining services were 
held in Josiah Taft's new barn ; and 
the record says with decency, order and 
great solemnity. There were present 
and participating in these services Dea. 
Jesse Manly, Samuel Wakefield Luke 
Taylor, Turner and Wilson from Dum- 
merston ; Rev. Edward Littlefield from 
Coleraine, N. H. ; Rev- Eben Bemis, 
Bros. J. Sinith, Wm. Hews and Wood ' 
fro^l Halifax : Bro. Dyer from Jamai- 
ca, Rev. Jeremiah Packer and Bros. 
John Noyes and Matthew Bennett from 
Guilford : Bros. Jona. Huntly, Gatjes, 
Allen, Fisher and Blandin from Put- 
ney. Bro. Beckwith's pastorate contin- 
ued a year and a half when again the 
church was destitute until Nov. 3, 1808, 


was ordained pastor and Daniel Bixby, 
deacon : Present, Rev. J. Huntly, Bros. 
Luke Taylor, and James from Dum- 
merston ; Rev. Thos. Purrington, Bros. 
Simeon Blandin, and A. Pond, from 
Colerain, N. H., Rev. J. Packer from 
Guilford, Rev. George Witherell from 




Heath, N. H. Elder Wellman was pas- 
rt,or 12 years. His salary ranged from 
$ 40 to $ 75, per annum. His other 
.source of income was an 80-acre farm 
which he owned and cultivated. 

In 1810, tlie church enjoyed a revi- 
■val in which 40 members were added 
by baptism, and in 1817, there was an- 
other revival of about the same magni- 
■•tude. The church flourished under the 
■care of Elder Wellman until 1821, when 
he embraced open communion, which 
greatly aggrieved the church and they 
-called an ecclesiastical council on this 
.account, the result of which ■« as the 
withdrawal of their fellowship from 
Bro. Wellman as a Baptist minister, 
.and the church withdrew their fellow- 
ship as a member. This shows how 
strong was the devotion of the church 
to the teachings and ordinances of the 
gospel, for they loved this pastor very 
much. Three years later, Bro. Wellman 
renounced his open communion senti- 
ments, confessed his error, and was ful- 
ly restored by the church. After the 
•dismissal of Elder Wellman in 1821, 
Elder Hibbard supplied the church 8 


-was invited, Jan. 2, 1823, to improve 
his gift as a preacher, , which he did with 
great satisfaction to the church for 3 
years. Mar. 17, 1826, the church voted 
to settle Bro. Wilcox with us for 5 
years. April 26, the church gave him a 
call to be ordained, but he declined and 
the church gave him a very cordial let- 
ter of reccommendation. Aug., 25, 1826 
the church called 


to the gospel ministry and just one year 
after ordained him as pastor, being 
present : Eev. Joseph Eliot. Dea. Sam'l 
Mason, Daniel Everett and Sam'l Tut- 

hill from Rockingham, — Eev. Samuel 
Kingsbury, Dea. Isaac Fisher, Samuel 
Farwell and Sem Pierce from Wind- 
ham, — Deacons : E. Eansom and Clm- 
piu Howard from West Townshend, — 
Rev. Phineas Howe, Bros. John Phil- 
lips and Geo. Phillips from Marlboro 
aad Newfane, — Rev. I. Wellman of 
Bookline. During the next year the 
churches in East and North Townshend 
were organized, and to them about 70 
members were dismissed from Brook- 
line, by letter, reducing the Brookline 
church about one half. 

The church experienced a precious 
revival while under Elder Cutler's care, 
his labors being very useful. At length 
however, a grievous trial came, grow- 
ing out of the sale of a horse by a bro. 
Jesse Gray to Elder Cutler, and for a 
time it threatened the destruction of the 
church. Feb. 3, 1829, an ecclesiastical 
council was called ou this account ; but, 
the disaffected parties became reconciled 
and peace and harmony were restored. 


was received from Windham church, 
July 7,1827. His letter says : " that he 
has served as deacon of that church ov- 
er 20 years, and his useful life and em- 
inent services, under God, has rendered 
him one of her main pillars." He was 
constituted deacon of this church also, 
which place he filled with great accept- 
ance until his death in 1862, making 
more than 55 years of service as deacon. 


Feb. 25, 1828. The church voted 
to organize a Sunday school in town. 
Rev. David Cutler, Thos. Crane and 
Alvin Boy den, superintending com- 
mittee. This school has continued to 
the present time, with but short vaca- 

BRO. aKvao was invited to improve 
his gift as preacher, Dec. 24, 1830, — 




who commenced at ouce to study and to 
preach. There was a goodreligous in- 
terest at that time. 

A Bro. Perry, from the Wardsboro 
and Newfane church, was called and 
preached about one year, and was suc- 
ceeded by Bro. Geo. Phillips from the 
same church, who preached here until 
1834. During the latter part of his 
labors, an important revival com- 
menced ; 14 were baptized before he left. 


succeeded Bro. Phillips, and the revival 
continued for several months, and 
numerous additions were made to the 
church. This pastor's wife was a very 
useful woman, and liighly esteemed in 
the church. Bro. Brown's pastorate 
continued' to 1836, about two and a 
half years. 


was then called and was ordained by 
this church, June 1, 1837. It being 
the same day, the present house of 
worship was dedicated. There were 
present on this interesting occasion : 
Rev. Zeba Howard, and Dea. O. 
' Carpenter, from Dummerston ; Rev. 
P. Howe, Dea. J. Ingraham, J. Good- 
now, and Geo. Phillips from Marlboro 
and Newfane church; Deacons I^aniel 
Mason, and Samuel Mason from 
Rockingham; Rev. M. Ely, Dea. O. 
Howard, Wm. Fisher, J. Blandin, and 
Samuel Gray, from Townshend; Dea. 
Allen and J. Cudworth, from Putney; 
Rev. Mansfield Bruce, from Wilming^ 
ton; Rev. Nathan Ames, from Jamaica. 
Elder Crane, continued his labors 
here till Sept. 23, 1838, in the midst 
of a revival, he accepted a call from 
the Baptist church in Grafton, and 
Rev. John Baldwin, from Jamaica, 
succeeded him here, till the spring of 
1841, when ' 


from Windham, was called to the 
pastoral care of the church, and or- 
dained on the 18th of November, fol- 
lowing, present on this occasion : Rev. 
M. Bruce, and Dea. Wm. Stearnea,'; 
from Wilmington, Eev. P, Howe, Dea. 
J. Ingraham, L. Sherman, and N, 
Hills, from Marlboro and Newfane^ 
Rev. M. Field, and Bro. P. Liscomb, 
from Brattleboro, N. C. Joy, from 
Putney: Rev. D. IJpliam, Samuel 
Gray, and J. Blandin, from Towns- 
hend, Rev. M. D. Miller, S. Barrett, 
and J. Barton, from Windham, and"' 
Deacons J. Wellman, and J. Cutler of 

A revival followed in which Rev. , 
M. D. Miller, assisted the pastc^- and 
31 members were added by baptism. ; 
The church prospered under Elder 
Kingsbury's care till 1849. In the 
autumn of this year, a fatal epidemi? 
passed through this town, and this 
devoted servant of God, his wife, and 
tlii-ee children, the entire family, de- 
ceased within the short space of two, 
weeks, and the wife's father and 
mother about the same time. 


accepted the. pastorate m the winter^ 
of 1849-50, and was dismissed by 
letter March 28, 1852. During this 
time, 15 were added to tlie church. 
The church had no pastor for the 
next two years. Sept. 21, 1851, .Bros. 
Calvin, I. Barrett', Francis Merrifield, 
and C. W. Stebbins, were elected' 
deacons. Dea. Merrifield has been' 
dismissed to Denver church, the other' 
two are still with us. Bros. Isaac 
Wellman, Jonathan Cutler, and Brown 
Osgood, served as deacons of this, 
church, and were such at the time ot 
their deaths. 





then Principal of Leland and Graj' 
seminary, Townshend, this ecmnty, 
was called to supply the desk in April 
1854. and February 1855, he was or- 
dained pastor and remained such t^iH 
August 7, 1859, when he was dismissed 
to Brandon chiirch, during his pas- 
torate, 19 were added to the church, 
ai^d the Sunday School was particular- 
ly prosperous. 

From 1859 to 1862, the desk was 
supplied hj- Bros. Chas. Frost, "Wliite- 
comb, TSTieeler, Burrows, and others. 
In 1862, Rev. J. P. Huntington was 
pastor 9 months, succeeded bj- Rev. 
Sem - Pierce. Failing health obliged 
the latter to retire in the spring of 
1885 ; he was succeeded bj" 


July 1, same j^ear, whose pastorate 
continued to 1871, when he was dis- 
missed to Warwick, Mass. During 
this time, 22 were received to member- 
ship, and the house of worship greatly 
improved, largely through the effl- 
ciencj' of the pastor's wife, Elizabeth 


was pastor from 1871 to 1873, and 10 
members were added by baptism, and 
6 by letter. 


was next pastor from 1873 to 1876. 
Oct. 15, 1875, Miss, Fannie E. Towns- 
ley, the evangelist, held meetings here 
ten days. A very general awakning 
upon the subject was experienced 
through the town, and 12 to 15 hope- 
ful conversions vere reported. 

During Mr. Donavon's pastorate 8 
were added ty baptism, and 10. by 

May 1, 1881, Rev. Chas. Farrar 
was recalled as pastor, and served as 

such till June 1, 1884, when he retired 
and moved to California with his 
family, aged 85 years. 
Siiice June 15, 1884, 


of Saxtons River, has supplied the 
desk half the time, and been actuig 

Thus fat with few exceptions, we 
have spoken only of the additions to 
the church, but there has been a con- 
stant drain upon our membership bj* 
deaths, discipline and removals, mostly 
by the latter cause, having always dis- 
- missed far more than received b}' 
letter. About 540 members have be- 
longed to this church. It has or- 
damed six ministers and licensed sever- 
al others, among whom are Eliot P. 
and Avistin A. Merrifield, who have 
been ordained elsewhere. 

This church has had two meeting- 
houses. The first a temporary build- 
ing, without flour or other finish, ex- 
cept a small desk, attached to the 
frame on one side. Slabs from the 
saw-mill were used for seats. This 
could only be occupied in warm 

In 1836-7, by a great deal of per- 
sonal effort, zeal, and self sacrifice the 
present, substantial, brick edifice was 

In raising the frame for the roof, 
and belfry of this house, a fearful 
accident occurred, in which about 30 
men were precipitated, with a large 
mass of timber and boards, from the 
top of the walls, to the sleepers and 
ground beneath, a highth of 20 feet, 
16 men received very severe injurous, 
but nothing daunted, the next morn- 
mg, the forest swarmed with men, 
cutting timber to supply the places of 
those broken by the fall, and in just a 
week, they completed the raising. 




The house was oompleted at the 
nominal expense of $1,690.76, much 
labor and material having been con- 
tributed free. It was dedicated June, 
1, 1837, and was subsequently slated 
and painted, outside, by agency, of 
Bro. Samuel Cutler, at an expense of 
$167. -The first horse sheds, were 
moved here from Newfane, by Dea. 
F. Merrifield. The blinds were pro- 
cured by the Ladies Industrial Society, 
at an expense of $50 ; and a bell was 
procured through the special efforts of 
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stebbins, at a cost 

of $100. 

The house was remoddled inside and 
painted inside and outside, in the year 
1868, at an expense of about $600.00; 
$215; by subscription, the balance, 
raised by the Ladies Industria;l Society, 
led by Mrs, C. Fa,rrar. 

The Eeed Organ was procured by 
the efforts of Mrs. J. B. Stebbins, and 
Mrs. "iVm. Adams, at an exiDense of 

Dming the early history of the 
church, a remarkable degree of devo- 
tion, zeal, and christian love prevailed, 
and it is interesting to see, with what 
child-like simplicity the members asked 
and received forgiveness of each other. 
And the severity of the wound, when 
any member stepped aside, from the 
straight path, prpves how much they 
loved each other, and the cause of 

Though, often without a pastor, the 
church has always sustained decipline, 
and the Christian ordinances. It has 
dismissed many members, who have 
become piUars of strength, to some of 
the churches in the large cities, and in 
the gi'owing West, and whose record 
it is a joy to review. 

We cannot close this sketch without 
offering a tribute of love, and respect 

for the faithful dead and absent, whose 
names and doings are here recorded: 
, - deacons: 

WUhelm Thomas,, Lamach Blandin,. 
John Blandin, Daniel Bixby, Isaac- 
Wellman, Hariy Cary, Calvin Barret, 
Jonathan .Cutler, Luke B. Osgood, 5 
C. S. Boutwell, Francis MeiTifieldy 
Calvin T. Bai-rett, and Chalmer W., 


Daniel Bixby, Archalas Bixby, Johm 
Blandin, Thomas Crane, Anthony 
Mason, C. W. Stebbins, and John 
B. Stebbins. 

From the National Baptist Register, 

Hanover N. H., Apr. 20, 1796, ' 

[We are indebted for this to one in 
bis graivfe.; — The Rev. Bernice; D. 
Ames, historian of Charlotte, who 
showed to us the original "Minutes,"' 
then in his possession, and let us 'take 
a copy. "What," said he, "would I 
uot give for as early, complete and 
certain account of the Methodist, 
churches in Vermont." — Ed.] 
Meredith Association. 

State of Vermont, Orange county : Bradforil 
and Lanctoff (N. H.) Baptist clmrch, I'Ol tjaem- 
bers, Joslah Stone, pastor. 

Corinth anct Vershire Baptist ohuroli, 84 mem- 
bers, Thomas West, pastor. (Very old and 
decrepit, not able to preach.) Samuel Webster, . 

Danville Baptist church, Isaac Roots,, pastor, 
41 members : Total members in that associa- 
tion 714. 

Woodstock Association. 
Chittenden county, Alburgh Baptist chui-ch, 
Tacant. 18 members. 

Cambridge Baptist church, Eoswell Hears, 
administrator, 4S members- 
Fairfax Baptist church, .Joseph Call, admin- 
istrator, 54 members. 

County of Orange : Thetfortt Baptist chui'Oh, 
vacant, 3 menabers.. 





County of Winaham, Jamaica Baptist church, 
John Dyar, candidate, 39 memhers. 

VVardshoi-o Baptist chuvoh, Simeon Comhs, 
pastor, 29 members. 

Westminster Baptist church, 32 members, 
Olivei' Guarnsey, candidate. 

Rockingham Baptist church, Artemas 
Aldrlcb, Itinerant. 

County of Windsor, Chester Baptist church, 
Aai-on Leiand, pastor, 67 members. 

Cavendish Baptist church, Jolm Lathrop, 

Hartford and Lebanon ^N. Y.) Baptist clmrch, 
John Drew, administrator, 44 members, Laban 
Hall, candidate- 
Norwich Baptist church, Robert Law, ad- 
ministrator, 43 members. Bernard Perkins, 
in Lebanon and Thomas Wliipple, candidates. 
Reading Baptist church, vacant, 34 members. 
Royalton Baptist chirch, John Hibbard, 
administrator, 5 members. Joseph Wheat, 

Sharon Baptist church, Ariel Kendrick, 
living in Woodstock, administrator, 16 
members. , 

Windsor Baptist clmrch, Roswell Smith, ad- 
ministi'ator, 57 members. 

Woodstock Baptist church, Ellsha Ransom, 
pastor, 144 members. Joseph Patterson; in 
Coneiy, (Province, jUe.) and preacher to a 
society, Jabez Cottle, John Cutter and Dodge, 

Woodstock and Bridgewater Baptist clmrch, 
101 members. 

Windham county, Dummerston Baptist 
church, Rufus Freeman, administrator, 140 
members, Nathan Worden, living in Chester- 
field, N. H., and Samuel Wakefield, candidates. 

West Guilford Baptist church. Whitman 
Jacobs, pastor„33 members. Beriah Willis and 
Benjamin Cole, candidates. 

Whitingham and Guilford Baptist church, 
106 members, Nathaniel and David Bennett, 
members of Sutton church, residing in Whit- 
ingham and present statedly, candidates. 

Putney Baptist church, Asa Hibbard, pastoi-, 
60 members. 

Halifax Baptist church, Abner Bemis, (mem- 
ber of Buokland church, Mass., but resident 

and regularly present hei-e,) administrator, 17 
Somerset Baptist church, Joh^i Howton, 
lives and preaches at Adams, Mass., candidate, 
28 members. 


Bennington county, Shaftsbury Baptist, 
church, vacant, 20 members. 


Addison county, Brandon Baptist church, 
Calvin Chamberlain, administrator, 63 mem- 

Orwell Baptist church, Nathaniel Culver, 
candidate, 92 members. 

Shoreham Baptist church, Amos Woods, 
pastor, 32 members. 

Bennington county, Manchester Baptist 
church, Beriah Kelley, a member of Stillwater 
cluu'Ch, N. Y., itnerant, 30 members, Benjamin 
Vaughn, candidate, living near Lake Cham- 

Georgia Baptist church, vacant, 12 members. 

Rutland county, Clarendon Baptist church, 
Isaac Beal, pastor, 44 members. 

Hubbardton Baptist church, vacant, 23 

Ira Baptist church, McClure, candidate, 44 

Middletown' Baptist Church, Sylvanus 
Haynes, 47 members. 

Pawlet Baptist church, vacant, 22 members, 

Pitsford Baptist church, Elisha Rich, pastor 
45 members;' Ebenzer Call, candidate. 

Walliugford Baptist church, Henry Green, 
■pastor, 89 members. 


Nineteen churches in New York state, in 
sevien counties; eleven churches in Massa- 
chusetts, in Berkshire and Hampshire 
counties, and Vermont churches : 

Pownal First Baptist church, 165 members, 
Francis Bennett, candidate. 

.Shaftsbui-y First Baptist church, Cyprien 
Downer, candidate, -24 members. 

Shaftsbui-y Second Baptist church, vacant, 
45 members. 

Shaftsbuiy FourLl) Baptist church, Caleb 
Blood, pastor, 160 members. 

Total in the association, 3071 members : 






Addison oonnty, Bristol Baptist olira-cli, 
vacant, 15 members. * 

CqrnwaU Baptist cliuroh, tephram Sawyer, 
candidate, 35 members. 

Leicester Baptist church, vacant, 15 mem- 

Monkton Baptist church, Thomas Tuttle, 
candidate, 25 members. 

Panton Baptist church, vacant, 15 members. 

Salisbury Baptist church, vacant, 20 meni- 

Bennington county, Pownal Second Baptist 
church, vacant, 33 members. 

Chittenden county, Bolton Baptist church, 
vacant, 15 members. 

Richmond Baptist church, WUworth, 
[Wilmarthy,] administrator, 25 members. 

Orange county, Chelsea Baptist chureh, 
Bzeklel Hunt, candidate, 15 members. 

"Windhaui county, Atl^ens Baptist chureh, 
vacant, 52 members. 

Marlborough Baptist church, Joslah Packard, 
candidate, 50 members. 

Guilford Baptist church, Peleg Hlx, pastor, 
75 members, Jos. Carpenter and Samuel Allen, 

Guilford Baptist church, Benjamin Ballou, 
candidate, 50 members. 

Windsor couAty, Hartland Baptist church, 
vacant, 50 members. 

Addison Cotjnty: Bristol Corn-wall and 
, Panton Baptist churches were constituted in 

Alburgh Baptist church was constituted in 
177i, and Bolton and Georgia Baptist churches 
in 1775. Chelsea and Hardwick xhurches in 
1775, Marlborough in 1774, and GuOford Baptist 
church, and the T&ird Baptist cliuroh in 
Windsor, In 1775. 



Soon after the settlement of this 
town, the mhabitants of the northern 
part of the town, which lies in A deep 
and narrow valley, were startled' one 

day, by the report, that the Indian 
war-whoop, had been heard in the 
southern part of the town, and along 
the hill sides. They all rush out aird 

Yes, those horrid shouts could be 
distinctly heard, as they pealed along 
the thickly wooded slope on the east, 
and repeated from the hills on the 
west. The most incredulous are satis- 
fled, that it is real. What shall be 
done ? If we remain here, we are an 
easy pray, to the red warrior. There 
rises abruptly on the easterly side, of 
this town, Athens and Newfane, 15 
miles one unbroken line of hill, about 
2,000 feet high above the main valley, 
and a range nearly as high on the 
west. They at once decide to do their 
best to escape across the mountain, to 
the settlement in Putney. 

But one man is sick, and cannot 
walk, shaU they leave him ? 

They cannot; a litter is hastily pre- 
paired ; the sick man laid upon it, and 
placed upon the shoulders of the-most 
athletic, and the mixed party of men, 
women, and children move off) hastUj' 
at first. The hill is steep, and the waj"^ 
rough, but short were the pauses they 
made to recuperate failing strength, — 
a delay of one mmute might bring the 
horrible tomahawk over the head of 
anj- one of them. Closely the mother 
clasped the hand of her trembling child 
at her side, she thought of the Dustan 
family, the massacre at bloody Brook — 
scenes fresh in their minds — horror 
thrilled the nerves of the weaker, as 
they were startled by the crackling of 
dead linibs, or the creaking and groan- 
mg of some half fallen tree, in the 
wild forest. On and up, — the sick man 
is abandoned, — the summit is at last 
reached. The frightful foe has not 
j-et closed in upon them. Two miles 




of gpadual descent, favored between 
them, and the residence of Captain 
Jewett; this distance soon accomplish- 
ed, the partj- hauled up before the 
Captain's door. They quite took the 
Captain and his family by surprise ; but 
their story being heard, they were told, 
their alarm must have been occasioned 
by the shouts of a party of surveyors 
that had passed over the mountain that 
day. This explanation little by little, 
allayed at length their fright, and as it 
was near the night, the Captain's fami- 
ly treated the whole company to mush 
and milk for supper and stored them 
away as best they could for the night. 
The next day, the party returned to 
Brookline, and found their homes just 
as they left them ; but these mothers 
felt almost as though their dear ones 
had been reclaimed from a terrible fate. 
[And what became of the sick man 
who was abandoned in the woods. Ed.] 



Choiristers from 1800 to 1885 : 
Brown Osgood, Jacob Burditt, C. T. 
Barrett, Van E. Ford, Wm. Stebbins. 

Singing Books used from 1827 to 

Bridgewater Collection, Handel and 
Hayden, Boston Academy, Carmina 
Sacra, American Vocalist, Rule of 
Zion, Cythara, Jubelee by Bradbury, 
Harp of Judah, Palm, by Wyman. 
Coronation, by Wyman, Herald, by 

Singing School Teachers from 1827 
to 1885: 

George Morse, Newfane ; Jacob Bur- 
ditt, Brookline ; G-ale ; King ; 

Abraham Marshal, Newfane; Van R. 
Ford, Brookline ; Adelbert Gray, 

*Copiea ft-oni a ms. prepaired by Dea. Calyln. 
T Barrett, for tlie Centenial Services at BiooK- 
line, Oct. 25, 1883. 

Townshend : Tenney ; Lake, 

Saxton's Rver; "\Vm. P. Stebbins, 

Hymn Books: "Watts," Watts 
and Suplement, Winchels and Watts, 
(presented by Rufus Smith for the 
desk, and choir, 1851, who used them 
till 1873.) The Baptist Praise Book, 
used till 1885 ; Gospel Hymn Book, by 
Moody Sankey, 1885. 

Sunday School Mnsic : 
Sabbath School Music, by Bradby ; 
Oriola ; Pure Gold ; The Trio ; The 
Golden Rule ; used from 1873 to 1882; 
Songs for Little Folks, (introduced by 
Mrs. C. W. Stebbins, supt.) 

Sunday School Superintendents : 
Rev. David Cutler, ( Superintending 
Thomas Crane, < Committee in 
Alvin Boy den, ( 1828. 

Dea. C. T. Barrett; C. W. Stebbins; 
J. B. Stebbins; 0. C. Merrifield ; L. 
W. Bush, Mrs. C. W. Stebbins. 

Prior to 1827, the Osgood, Blandin, 
Bixby Pool, Wellman, Lee and Flint 
families, comprised the musical class. 

The tunes most used were, North- 
field ; China ; Russia ; Mear ; Green- 
field : Dehght ; Windham, etc. 

Bt Mrs. E. C. Booth, 
c. t. baeeett. 

As an eccentric person few are so 
generally known and remarked as our 
Deacon and townsman, Calvin S. 
Barrett. A part of his life has been 
briUiant, and note-worthy, as a godly, 
upiight man, acquainted almost to a 
line with the constructions of the bible 
and other religious, also, as a 
lover and instructor of music. The 
practice as a teacher of singing-schools, 
having brought him to an almost intim- 
ate acquintance with a large part of the 
people in Windham county. His facul- 
ty in this sphere was wholjy original, 




and many relate with mirth, incidents 
when they attended Barrett's singing 

Succeptable himself to nearly all the 
intuitions of human nature, and an 
adaptability to different people, he had 
wonderful ability for teaching others, 
who had within them a root of musical 

Some parts of his life have been a 
bewilderment from insanity, at which 
periods he wanders about, chart-draw- 
ing, or giving concerts and other enter- 
tainments, quite aimlessly, and very 
unlike the man he is when the lamp of 
reason burns. - 


Mrs. Edith Root, wife of Wm- 
Brisco Root, who moved to this town 
in the year 1827, claimed a relation-ship 
to Ethan Allen, and as she had many 
peculiar characteristics like him, we 
have no reason to doubt it. She was 
a large, resolute looking woman, pos- 
sessing a decided and unyielding mind, 
and would to almost the time of her 
death carry a large kettle of soap, pota- 
toes, etc., through the yard, or where 
she wished to transport them, with a 
firm and unstayed step. She died in 
1873, at the age of 91 years. 

E. C. B. 



SAMUEL CUTLER was bom in Fitzwill- 
iam N. H., Aug. 13, 1796. 

In early life, he came with his father 
to Brookline. He learned the trade of 
carpenter and builder, which he contin- 
ued more or less during his life. 

Feb, 17, 1817, he married Ruth 
Phillips, daughter of John Phillips, 
Esq., of Marlboro, this county, a very 
estimable woman. She died Jan. 1833, 
leaving three sons and one daughter. 

• June 5, 1834, he married for his 
second wife, Sally Phillips, a second 
daughter of John Phillips, and had by 
this union one son, John H. Cutler. 

In 1828, he purchased a farm near 
the centre of the town, owned by Dr. 
William Perry, where he resided until 
the last two years of his life. In 
1836-37, he built for himself a good 
substantial brick-house. 

His boys, early in life, were very 
useful on the farm, taking responsibili- 
ties which few of their age were able to 
do, a necessity caused by their father, 
being absent from home, building 
houses and barns for others. 

In 1855-56, he was sent by his 
townspef)ple to the Legislature, being 
called the third time to an extra session 
caused by the burning , of the State 

He was an active, consistent member 
of the Baptist Church, and from his 
youth, a generous hearted, and liberal 
giver, both to the church, and those he 
found in need. 

in 1864, he sold his farm, and 
moved to Brattleboro, to spend the re- 
mainder of his days. He died Aug. 3,. 
1866, aged 70 years. 

Luther, his first son, died in infancy. 

Jonathan, the second son, was a good 
scholar, attending several terms at 
Townshend academy, and teaching two 
winter terms of school. At the age of 
twenty, he went to Boston, where he 
was successful in business. 

In 1848, he married Loretta E. 
Abbott, from Windham, daughter of 
Dea. Hart B. Abbott. After some 
years, he thought best to leave the sea- 
coast for the benefit of his health, and 
returned to Vermont and settled in 
Brattleboro, 1851. Continuing in bu- 
siness there, he was enabled to give 




liberally, which he did, mostly to the 
Baptist Home Mission Society. 

He died in Brattleboro in 1867, at 
the age of 45 years, leaving a son and 
daiighter. The son, Fred A. for sever- 
al years has been in the office of A. I. 
& L. E. KeUy, real estate agents in 
Minneapolis, Minn. 

Samuel, the third son, left Brookline 
at the age of twenty, for Boston, where 
he has been engaged in business till the 
present time, residing in Boston the 
first 10 years, since then, at Somerville, 

In 1851, he married Sarah Jane 
Bennett, of Brookline. 

They have four children, the oldest, 
Samuel Newton, a graduate of Harvard 
College, class of 1877. 

Albert, the 4th son, in early life 
went to Minnesota, spending the most 
of his time in farming. He died Feb- 
ruary 1883. 

John H. Cutler, the youngest son, an 
energetic, wide awake citizen, married 
Martha A. Fisher, daughter of George 
Fisher, Esq., and has since gone to 
Trasy, Minn., where he is engaged in 
extensive farming. He has one daugh- 
ter, Laura J. born in Brookline, who 
lives with him in his Western home. 



son of Benjamin and Jarucia Stebbins, 
born at Brimfield, Mass., Apr. 21, 
1761, married Phebe Ellenwood, who 
left children : Samuel, Rufus and Phebe. 
He was a soldier of the revolutionay 
war. He moved into Brookline in 
1787, and settled on a farm where he 
Uved till his death in 1850, aged 89 
years. He was of Puritan stock and 
very tenacious of his religious prin- 


oldest son of Jotham, was 4 years old 
when his parents moved to Vermont. 
He married Sarah, the oldest daughter 
of Dea. John Blandin, and settled on a 
farm adjacent to his father's where he 
lived to his death in 1866, aged 83. 
He was an enterprising farmer and pro- 
minent citizen of his town ; patriotic 
and public spirited ; kept a close run of 
the state and national politics ; thrice 
elected to the Legislature, and holding 
many of, the positions of trust. He had 
four sons and one daughter, who lived 
to maturity. 

Eli M., the eldest son, died at Brown 
University, at the close of his second 
year, 1839, aged 25 ; 

Elvira, the only daughter, a young 
lady, very highly esteemed by an exten- 
sive circle of acquaintance, also died in 
1845, aged 25 years. ' 


Third son of Samuel, born in 1824, 
received a fair academic education at 
Leland and Gray seminary, and is now 
(1885) living on a farm near the centre 
of the town, which he has reclaimed 
from the rock of time and made it a 
part on a new set of buildings and 
made a very pleasant home. He has 
ever been prominent among his towns- 
men, as a reference to the list of town 
•officers will show, one of the corpor- 
ators of Windham Co. Savings Bank, 
and for several years one of its direc- 

In 1847, he married Mary E. Bar- 
ber, eldest daughter of Dr. Geo. W. 
Barber, formerly of Wardsboro, this 
county. She died this year, 1885, 
leaving two sons and one daughter. 

[Mrs. Mary (Barber) Stebbins. wife 
of John B. Stebbins, died June 21, 
1885. J 



Arthur, eldest son of John B. Steb- 
bins, was accidently and instantly killed 
at Skene, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1886. — See 
previous notice by Mr. Stickney. 


son of Samuel, born 1830, is now a 
section farmer in Dakota, and a mem- 
ber of the Territorial Legislature. He 
was a Union soldier in the war of the 
rebellion, and since the close of the war, 
has spent several years at land survey- 
ing in the North-west, for the U. S. 
Government, and the Northern Pacific 
R. R. Co. 

Charles Q, the youngest son of Sam- 
uel, resides in Townsheud, this county. 


second son of Jotham, resided on the 
farm with his father- He was a 
Methodist class-leader, and married 
Clarrissa, daughter of Dea. John 
Blandin, and raised a family of 11 
children : Thomas, Clarissa, Chalmer, 
Adin, Sarah, Jonas, Christana, Vashti, 
William*, Edwin, Jotham. All of 
good habits, highly respectable and use- 
ful citizens. 

Thomas is a retired carpenter and 
farmer, Adin is an artist, Edwin .a 
dentist, Jotham a Methodist clergyman, 
and Chalmer and William are well to 
do farmers in town ; they have both re- 
presented the town in the Legislature, 
and held many other honorable positions 
of trust. 

ClaiTissa and Vashti are also settled 
in town ; Edwin at Shelburn Falls, 
Mass., all the others are in Minnesota, 
except Sarah and Christana, who are 

Phebe, only daughter of Jotham, 

married Joab Holland, of Townshend, 

and raised a large and respectable 


*Willlam P. Stebbins, of Brookline, died 
March 12, 1886, aged 56 years. 


son of Rufus and Clarrissa (Blandin) 
Stebbins, born in Brooldine, July 10, 
1837, passed his boyhood days on the 
farm, attending public school in the 
Round school-house, and the academies 
in Townshend, Springfield and Brandon. 

He studied dentistry with Dr. E. M. 
Bissell, and began practice in the win- 
ter of 1860-61, in So. Londonderry. 

He enlisted in Co. G. 11 Reg. Vt 
Vols., and was appointed corporal on 
being mustered into U. S. service, 
Sept. 1, 1862, and was promoted to 
Sergeant, 27, 1863; Company Quarter 
Master Sergeant, Dec. 28, 1863 ; First 
Sergeant, Jan. 28, 1864: ist Lieuten- 
ant, June 2, 1865. 

The regiment was stationed in the 
defences of Washington, D C, tiU 
May 1864, when it was ordered to the 
front and joined the 2d Brigade, (old 
first Vt. Brigade,) 2d Div. 6th Army 
Corps at Spottsylvania, Va., with 
which it served till the end of the war. 

When the regiment was discharged, a 
few hundred of its recruits were kept 
in service, to do garrison duty, with a 
sufficient number of officers for com- 
mand. This Batallion was stationed at 
forts on the Potomac River, a few 
miles below Washington. Lieutenant 
Stebbins was Past Quarter Master at 
Fort Foot, and Quarter Master of the 
BattaUiob, till they were ordered to be 
discharged Aug. 2i3, 1865. 

On account ot ague contracted at 
Fort Foot, he was unable to resume 
active practice of dentistry for about 
a year, but located at West Townshend 
in the spring of 1866, where he re- 
mained till 1870, when he succeeded 
Dr. E. M. Bissell, dentist at Shelburne, 
Falls, Mass. 


1 1 fh ^ i^'. 




Dr. Stebbins -vvas elected President 
of the "Connecticut Valley Dental 
Society" Nov. 5, 1885. 

He was one of the organizers of the 
"Franklin County Sunday School 
Teacher's Association'' (union) in 1876, 
being elected its president in 1877, and 
its secretary, eight successive years, 
from 1879. 

He was a delegate from Massachu- 
setts to the International Sunday School 
Convention at Atlanta, Ga.. in 1878. 

He married Jane P. Xutting, of 
G-roton, Mass., May 12, 1861, who 
died at Shelburne Falls, Mass., Sept. 
15, 1877. 

He married A. Adella Smith, of 
Holyoke, Mass., Nov. 28, 1878, to 
whom was born, Qeorge Edwin, Jan. 
27, 1882, and Lucy A., June 8, 1883. 

The Doctor is also a treasurer of the 
board of trustees of Shelburne Falls 
Academy, and a trustee of Arms Aca- 
demiy, completed" and dedicated in 1880, 
a new and flourishing institution. 


farm on West River in Brookline, and 
moved on to it with his wife and 10 
children in 1840. One son was born to 
him in Brookline, making 11 children 
in his family. At the time he came 
to Brookline no member of the family 
professed religion, but subsequently the 
parents . and all the children, except 
Leonard, became active members of the 
Baptist church in Brookline, and Leon- 
ard joined the church of the same de- 
nomination in Dover. The father was 
for a long time deacon of the church in 
Brookline. They were all very regular 
and constant in their places in the choir 
(they all sang) in the Sunday school, 
and wherever duty called. Mr. and 
Mrs. M. brought up their family to 
strict, orderly, moral and religious hab- 

its, and most rigid industry and econ- 
omy. Yet, they were, very generous 
towards all religious purposes. 

The children are all still living ; all 
have married and have families. Two, 
Sophia and 0. C, have buried their 
companions, and 0. C. has a second 
wife. They are all in good circum- 
stances, and staunch members of socie- 
ty wherever they are. 

The father divided his estate among 
them, which gave each one nearly 
S2,000, and made some legacies to 
religious societies. 

The children all received a good com- 
mon school and academic education. 

ELLIOT p., took fuU collegiate and 
theological courses, and is a Baptist 
clergy nian. 

ATJSTiN s., took a theological course. 
I do not know whether he went through 
college or not. He is a very successful 
Baptist clergyman and has been for 
several years a state missionary in 

EiiEKY E., studied medicine. I can 
not say as to his college course. He 
was an army surgeon for some time in 
a rebel prison, his health broke down 
and he is now farming in Illinois. 

EDWIN s. SHEKMAN, was a Very in- 
telligent, well, educated farmer, an ac- 
tive church member. He had a son, 
who is a Baptist minister. 

H. I. TURNER, is a well to do farmer, 
and Baptist deacon in Dover. 

s. J. GREENE, is a retired farmer. 

CHAS. s. WHITE, is a very enterpriz- 
ing farmer in Grafton. 

LEONARD B. WHITE, WCnt tO Mcudota, 

where he engaged in a drug and book- 
store, and traded in real estate for sev- 
eral years, and is now in an organ 




o. c. WHITE, i-emained on the home- 
stead in Brookline till 1880, when he 
joined his brothers, in the organ busi- 
ness at Mendota, 111. He was a very- 
active generous and useful citizen and 
a Baptist deacon. 

CHAS. BROOKS, is a wcU educated 
Baj)tist minister. 

ALBERT H, served in the Union Army 
nearly ttoough the war. He carried 
on a drug store at Amboy, 111., for sev- 
eral years, but finally joined his 
brothers in the organ business at 

A printed Eegister of this family 
was got up about six years since. 



born at Lancaster, Mass., July 10, 
1781, came to Dummerston, Vt., when 
a young man and learned the Slater's 
business with Peter Willard, of that 
town, and they two continued the busi- 
ness together for many years. 

Nov. 27, 1805, he married Dorcas 
Hale, who was born at Oakham, Mass. 
Jan. 13, 1782. She was a woman of 
great physical endurance, and devoted 
her life most assiduously to the cares 
and interests of her family. She died 
at Brookline, July 15, 1866, aged 8^ 

Children : three sons, born at Dum- 
merston : 

Samuel N., July 6. 1807; William, 
July 15, 1810; Chauncy Nov. 9, 1814. 

Feb. 1819, the family came to Brook- 
line, and settled on a farm near the 
centre of the town. 

Samuel N., married Laura Ormsbee, 
of Newfane, where he owned and kept 
the principal hotel for several years, 
after which he kept a provision store 
at Boston, Mass. He died at New- 

fane, Sept. 1, 1851; aged 44 years, 
and his wife, Nov. 2, 1885. They 
had a daughter, Mary, who married 
F. W. Cobb, of Glencove, N. Y. 


son of Samuel, married Sarah E., a 
daughter of Brown Osgood, of this 
town, Oct. 2, 1834, and has resided 
on his father's homestead in Brookline, 
to the present time. 

They had one daughter, Mary El- 
vira, born Oct. 19, 1835, who still 
lives with her parents, and three sons : 

James Henry, born Aug. 8, 1837, 
died Jan. 13, 1840; Charles H., born 
Nov. 23, 1838, died Jan. 12, 1840; of 
diptheria, and both buried in the same 

John C, born Nov. 25, 1842, died 
Nov. 25, 1844, from a scald by falling 
into a small kettle of hot water. 

Naturally very fond of children it 
was a severe affliction to these parents, 
to bury all three of then- boys, thus 
early in infancy. 

Mr. Wm. Adams, although a vigilent 
farmer all his life, has by his diligent 
habits and early rising been a man of 
extensive readmg; and being of a 
legal turn of mind, has devoted much 
of his attention to legal and political 
subjects. This together with his great 
force of character and unflinching 
fidelity to what he believed to be right, 
has made him a natural leader in poli- 
tics, and a vigilent defender of his 
adopted town. In short, he has been 
Brookline's free lawyer ; and for many 
years, he has drawn up most of the 
legal papers for the town and its in- 
habitants, has settled several estates, etc. 
His official record will appear with his 
townsmen. [See notice also of Will- 
iam Adams, hy Mr. Stickney. 




Chauncy, studied law; married 
Catharine Bro^ATi, of Jamaica; settled 
in' Indiana, where he carried on mer- 
cantile business for a time. He got an 
appointment under President Polk, in 
the patent office at Washington, where 
he died Sept. 28, 1862, and his wife, 
Feb. 19, 1886. 

Children: Geo. W., and John Q. 

George, was for some time a news- 
paper correspondent and reporter. Has 
now for several j^ears been a journalist 
of considerable note, and is president 
of "The Star" Association at Washing- 
ton, D. c; 


son of Chauncy Adams, was born in 
Lima, Indiana, in 1839 ; was educated 
at the University of Michigan for the 
law, but entered journalism in Wash- 
ington, D. C, in 1860, which profes- 
sion he has foUowed ever since. He 
was the representative of The New 
York World in Washington for 19-^ 
years; of the Chicago Times 13 years; 
the Boston Herald 14 years; the St. 
Louis Kepublican 5 years, and at 
briefer periods of the Kew York 
Evening Post, Cincinnati Commercial, 
Louisville Courier, Journal N. 0. 
Piceyune, and Charleston News and 
Courier, and St. Louis Globe, — Demo- 
crat. He is one third owner of The 
Evening Star newspaper in Washing- 
ton, one of the largest properties of 
its kind in the United States, and Pre- 
sident of the company, which jjublishes 
it. He served thi'ough the enthe war 
as a correspondent, and was the wit- 
ness of many eventful scenes in the 
nation's history, being present in the 
lobby of the theatre, when Booth 
assassinated Lincoln, and in the room 
at B. & P. station, when Giteau shot 
Garfield. He has a ^nfe and three 

daughters, and a fine residence in the 
most deshable portion of Washington. 
He holds from President Arthur a 
commission as President of the Board 
of Trustees of the Reform School of 
the District of Columbia, — a United 
States institution. Mr. Adams is the 
last one of the male line of the Brook- 
line family. 



born in Newfane, May 18, 1772, was 
one of a family of seven children, left 
orphans during the Revolutionary war, 
and through the privations and hard 
ships attending that early period, ar- 
rived at the age of manhood. He 
married Sally Thompson, of Hubbards- 
ton Mass., who proved the efficient 
helpmeet and wise, judicious com- 
panion. They settled in the north-east 
part of Newfane, which was subse- 
quently annexed to the town of Brook- 
Ime, where they reared then- family : 

Wm. H. Osgood, married Artelissa 
M. Rice, Mar. 1836. They both died 
in the spring of 1853, leaving three 
children : 

Moses R., now a raih-oad engineer 
in Connecticut. 

Caroline M. wife of I. R. Warner, of 
Saxtons River. 

Gertrude P. wife of Rev. C. A. 
Piddock, of Middletown, Conn. 

Sarah E., wife of Wm. Adams, for 
account of whom, see Adams family of 
Brooldine, an inestimable woman, and 
friend of the poor. 


married Hannah Park, and moved to 
Minnesota in 1864. He was a carpen- 
ter by trade, but engaged in lumber 
business and land speculation ; he died 
suddenly at Minneapolis, Jan. 8, 1880. 




His widow and daughter, Frances H.. 
now reside in Worcester, Mass., near 
the eldest daughters, Marion, wife of 
Geo., Fisher, and Martha E., wife of 
Edwin R. Morse. 

Mary Jane Osgood, wife of John A. 
Earns worth, of Saxtons River, adopted 
the two orphap daughters of Wm. H., 
with whom they lived until their mar- 


■married Cyntha Jones. He moved to 
Beloit, Wis. in 1846, and afterwards to 
Minnesota. He traded in land, and 
once made a journey to Pikes Peak, 
on a trading excursion. He was an 
extensive farmer, and had the reputa- 
tion of being a kind neighbour, ready 
to help the unfortunate. He died at 
Garden City, Minn. Jan. 1, 1884. 


wife of Alonzo Damon, of Hubbards- 
ton, Mass., was married Oct. 3, 1884. 
She and her youngest child, (a boy 4 
years old) were suddenly killed at a 
raUroad crossing at Winehendon, Mass., 
Feb. 5, 1858. They with Mr. D., 
were crossing the traek when an engine 
came upon them. When the train had 
passed, and Mr. D, had recovered his 
consciousness, he found the head of 
his little boy lying at his feet. Its 
body was picked up in nine parts. 
The lifeless form of his wife was car- 
ried farther on by the engine. She 
left a son, Eugene A, who died in early 
manhood, 1875, and one daughter, 
Mary Jane, who resides at Hubbards- 
ton, with her father. 

ELISABETH L., wife J. E. Ells, waS 
married Jan. 1, 1846, moved to Roch- 
ester, Minn., where they lived 20 
years ; thence to Kansas City, Mo., in 
the vicinity of which place they stUl 
reside near their daughter, Alice, wife 

of J. Templer, grain-deaJer. Their 
son, James E. Ells, a farmer, resides 
at Lake City, Minn. 

Mrs. Wm. Adams, and Mrs. J. A. 
Farnsworth, having always resided in 
Lhis vicinity, have been valuable mem- 
bers of society, and special friends to 
the poor. 

Luke B. Osgood, senior, spent his- 
days in Newfane and Brookline, and 
died at the age of 74, his wife having 
died 8 years previous; they became 
firmly convinced of the truths of the 
Christian religion in their early married 
life, and were, with other believers 
baptized in West River, by his brother, 
Rev. Emory Osgood. (One of the 
early Baptist ministers of Vermontj 
and father of the late Rev. Sewell 
M. Osgood, who labored 8 years in 
Burmah, under the direction of Rev. 
Adoniram Judson, and died at Chicago, 
111., after several years service as dis- 
trict secretary of the Western States 
for foreign missions.) Mr. Osgood 
was an industrious, successful farmer, 
and a kind obliging neighbor. He 
and his wife were exemplary Chris- 
tians. Their house was a resort for 
ministers, and the poor were never 
turned from their door empty-handed. 

He was chorister in the" church 
choir, for more than a quarter of a 

The writer remembers with pleasure 
the long winter evenings of more than 
60 years ago, when unexpected, but 
welcome neighbors, from miles away, 
would gather there for an old fashion- 
ed visit. When the chickens were 
surprised, stripped hastely and made 
ready for a stew, or the spare-rib was 
hung before the blazing fire, for a sub- 
stantial supper, while the house wag 
made vocal with the songs of Zion, 




without the aid of a musical instru- 
ment of any kind. 



The ancestors of the Bennett family 
came early from England, and settled 
in Rhode Island, and for several gen- 
erations were mainly seafaring men. 

Samuel Bennett, the grandfather of 
the writer, with three of his brothers, 
served as soldiers during the Revolu- 
tionary war. He held the office of 

Soon after the close of the war, he 
with his wife, whose maiden name was 
Rebecca Shaw, and several of his con- 
nections came to Putney, Vt., and he 
was one of the first settlers on Putney 
West HiU. Here, he raised a family 
of 5 sons and 7 daughters. His son, 


my father, married Sarah Read, daugh- 
ter of J|)hn Read, of West Putney, a 
woman of most excellent mind and 
character. They lived on the home- 
place, and took care of grandfather 
and gi'andmother. He was a man of 
great industrj^ and economy, and accu- 
mulated considerable property. 

He was one of the worst sufferers in 
the accident that occurred at the rais- 
ing of the Baptist church, at Brook- 
line. The bones of his legs were very 
badly broken and crushed, and ever 
after, he was very lame, 

About' 1S39, he bought the Dr. 
Perry place in Brookline, to which he 
moved his family, and where he lived 
till his death in 1849. 

He had a family of 4 sons and 5 
daughters, one son died in infancy. 

He and his wife were staunch Bap- 
tists, and three of his daughters, Maria, 
Louisa and Ellen, married Baptist min- 

MAEIA BENNETT, the oldest, married 
Rev. Nathaniel Cudworth, who was 
educated mainly at Hamilton, N. Y., 
and was a very successful pastor, and 
eminently a good man. He died some 
years since, and his widow, son, and 
daughter, now live in Boston, Mass. 

LOUISA BENNET, married Rev. Sam'l. 
Kingsbmy, who was the pastor of the 
Brookline Baptist Church at the time 
of his death. 

In the fall of 1849, a terrible ca- 
lamity came upon the Bemiett family, 
a most malignant type of typhus 
dysentery (ship-fever) was brought 
into the neighborhood from the sea- 
board, and my father and mother and 
brother and sister Kingsbury, and their 
three beautiful children, the entire 
family, seven in all, took it, and died 
in the short space of six weeks. Other 
members of my fathers family had it, 
but recovered, though with broken 
constitutions, and Mary only survived 
a few years. 

JANE BENNETT, married Sam'l. Cutler, 
of Brookline, then a merchant of 
Boston, Mass., where they have since 
hved. He is a deacon in the Baptist 
church, and a man of some wealth. 
They have 2 sons and 2 daughters. 

ELLEN BENNET, my youugest sister, 
married Rev. Luman Keimey, who is 
now pastor of the Baptist church, at 
East Dover, Vt. They have no 

Of the three sons : 

WALTER married Vashti E. Stebbins, 
daughter of Rufus Stebbins, and he 
still lives in this town. 

WARREN BENNETT and family live in 

The writer of this, fitted for college, 
at the Lealand & Gray Seminary, at 
Townshend ; was at WaterviUe College, 



8 84 

Me., now Colby University, three 
years; graduated at Dartmouth, in 

1848, and went to Tennesee, in 1849, 
where he was engaged in teaching till 
the Slavery War broke out, when his 
teaching South ended. In 1861, he re- 
moved to Iowa. 

[_Continued bg Mrs. Jane B. Cutler.] 
Samuel Bennett, died with his son, 
Samuel Jr., Sept. 23, 1841, aged 83 


SAMUEL BENNETT, JR., born in Put" 
ney, Aug. 30, 1791, married Dec. 14' 
1819, Sarah Reed, born in Putneyi 
Nov. 23, 1794. Their children, al 
bom in Putney, were : 

Maria, born Oct. 9, 1820; married 
Sept. 1, 1841. 

Lemon, born Apr. 8, 1822; married 
July 20, 1851. 

"Walter S., born June 5, 1824. 

Louisa, born Mar. 13, 1826, married 
Dec. 13, 1843. 

"Warren, born Apr. 11, 1828 ; married 
May 13, 1851. 

Simeon, born Mar. 2, 1830; died 
May 8, 1831 ; aged 1 y. 5 mos. 

Sarah, Jane, born May 6, 1832 ; mar" 
ried Dec. 25, 1855. 

Mary E., born Jan. 29, 1834; died 
Oct. 27, 1854, aged 20 years. 

Ellen C, born Oct. 14, 1836"; mar- 
ried Dec. 17, 1856. 

Samuel Bennett, Jr. ; died Sept. 25, 

1849, aged 58 years. 

Sarah Eeed Bennett; died Oct. 17, 
1849, aged 55 years. 


graduated at Dartmouth college, and 
took a iDartial medical course. He was 
an excellent scholar and a successful 
teacher. He carried on an academy in 
Eastern Tennesee for several years. 

He was also for a few years in the 
drug business in Chatanooga. 

Being a thorough going abolitionist, 
when the war of the Rebellion broke 
out, he was compelled to flee to the 
free states, and settled on 400 acres 
of land he had previously bought, in 
the town of Murray, la. He is now a 
well-to-do farmer at that place. He 
maiTied Elenor "Wright, and has three 
sons and three daughters. 

"Walter S. Bennett, who still lives in 
Brookline, has four daughters. 

Warren Bennett, married Frances 
E. Morse. He resided on a farm in 
Brattleboro 15 years, and then pur- 
chased the "Winslow stock-farm in Put- 
ney, where he now resides. He has 
two sons and one daughter. 

[This intelligent family, of a high 
moral and religious character, were a 
good acquisitioil to the society of 
Brookline. Mi's. Maria, Benm^tt, Cud- 
worth, whose husband was pastor of 
the BaiDtist church in Ludlow, in our 
school days, is one of the woman, whom 
we have always remembered precious- 
ly. Of whom we shall speak more in 
the history of Ludlow.J 

Jane, Mary and Ellen Bennet, in- 
mates of Mrs. Cudworth's family, and 
students at the old Black River Semi- 
nary some years, were class-mates and 
friends. Mary Bennett was a good 
scholar, so esteemed at the old AcMe- 
my, and we had excellent teachers 
there in those days. Never has that 
old school come up to so high a mark 
before or since as then. Mary Bennett 
was an estimable young lady. Even 
to-day, we regret her death in the 
fresh flower of young womanhood, — 
and she stands in memory before us 
as we write — as once, one exhibition 
eve, — a young court-maid in the 




play, in her pretty dress, crowned with 
flowers, so modest and so sweet, the 
flowers slie wore so prettily, were 
scarce as sweet. 

And, a marriage date in this family 
record above, attracts our eye, the last, 
a pretty wedding in Mrs. Cudworth's 
parlor. We were there, — sweet Nellie 
Bennett, the bride, petite, golden 
haired, delicate, — pinked cheeked that 
night trembling just enough for pretty 
effect. We are happy to day to open 
the leaves of our history for these 
friends, and put them in there to live 
forever. Ed.] 

George Mason. 

was born in Putney, Dec. 31, 1831. 
His parents removed to Brookline the 
next year, and he passed his boyhood in 
that town. In 1851 he began his collegi- 
ate studies with Prof. Ward at Saxtons 
River, and continued them at Westmin- 
ster until 1854, when he entered the 
University of ^'ermont and graduated 
in 1858. He subsequently received the 
degree of Master of Arts in course from 
his Alma Mater. During his vacations 
of study and subsequently most of his 
time, he was engaged in teaching until 

In 1862, he was married to Josephine 
N. BufFum in Oxford Mass. and the fol- 
lowing year removed to Washington D. 
C. where he has since resided. 

From 1863 to 1868, he was in Gov- 
ernment employ in the office of the Pay 
Master General of the Army. 

In 1868, he graduated from the Law 
Department of Columbia College and 
was admitted to the Bar of the District. 
He has successfully engaged in the prac- 
tice of law and in real estate business. 

In 1869, he srrved on the School 
Board of Washington City ; to which 

position he was elected by the City 

Geo. Mason was a son of Ephr'm H. 
Mason, who was a prominent man here 
for more than thirty years, representing 
the town in the legislature of 1835 and 
1836 ; and grandson of Anthony Mason 
who moved into town in 1796, and was 
one of the most stirring business men 
of the town. 


Francis E. Merrifield, born in New- 
fane, Dec. 4, 1793, married Sarah C. 
Kimball, at Newfane, Apr. 2, 1823, 
who was born there, Apr. 22, 1800. 
He died in Grafton, aged nearly 90; 
she died in Brookline, June 27, 1847. 
Children, all but the youngest, born in 

Elliott P., b. Feb. 8, 1824,!m., Newfane, 
May 1856, Judith S. Huntington, of 
Chester, b. Dec. 24, 1830; children: 
Betsey F.,b. Oct. 28, 1859; d. Feb. 18, 
1864. Flora L. 

SophiaR.,b. Mar. 30, 1825; m., Brook- 
line, Apr. 1849, Edwin F. Sherman, of 
Dover, b.Mar. 1821; d. 1872 ; children : 
C3^rus S. , Lillie E. , b. Ai)r. 1854, d. June 
1873; Gertie S., b. Aug. 24, 1857. 
Emery A., b. ,1826 ; m. 1855, IM.irtha E. 
aiorgan, one child, Frankie. 
Mary Jane, b. 1828,m., 1851, Henry I. 
Turner, b.. Putney, 1824, chil : Eva J. 
b.May, 1853, d. Sept. 1856 ; Emma S., 
Chas. H. 

Sarah K, b. 1829, m. 1855, S. Jefferson 
Greene, b. Mass., chil : Willie A. Nellie . 
Carrie R.b., 1851, m., 1860, to Chas. S. 
White, Chil: Minnie C, Mattie, S., Al- 
bert C. , Arthur F. 

Leonard B., b., 1834, m. ,WLlmington, 
1812, Mary Cushman, Chil: Albert, 
Louisa W- ) Lilla. 

Oscar C, b. 1835, m. Marcia M. Cud- 
worth, chihHattie, J. Fred. 0., Annie 
S., Frank, IdaM., Grace, d. an infant. 
Austin S.,b. Apr. 1, 1837, m., Dover, 
Aug. 1866, Lizzie Hills, b. in Brook- 
line, 1843, chil: Irving, Alton, Cyrus, 
Beulah H. 




Christina E., born June 20, 182&; 
married in Dover, Sept. 10, 1812, to 
Clias. Brooks, born in Holden, Mass., 
Feb. 8, 1830; children: IdeUa, born 
Nov. 10, 1863 ; Albert L. born Oct. 
22, 1867; Alice C, born Aug. 10, 
1869; Mabel A, bom July 10, 1875. 

Albert H., born in Brooldine, June 
1, 1842; married in Amboy, 111., Aug. 
25, 1867, to Lucia D. Tooker, born 
there, Nov. 17, 1850; children : Albert 
W. born Oct. 7, 1869; Carrie M. born 
Jan. 9, 1872; Simeon A. bom Jan. 18, 
1874; Clara, E. born July 18, 1876. 

[jlTr. Stickney's papers resumed.^ 


was born in Brookline, Dec. 3, 1837; 
fitted for college at Power's Institute, 
Bernardston, Mass.; entered Amherst 
College, 1859; enlisted in 8 Reg. Vt. 
Vols. Nov. 19, 1861 ; promoted to a 
lieutenancy in 99 Reg. U. S., C. I. ; or- 
ganized and was superintendent of 
First Public Colored Schools in New 
Orleans, 1863, 64, and of Freedman's 
Bureau, in North Westem Louisiana, 
in 1865 ; Principal of Greenfield and 
Chicopee Mass. High Schools, 1867, 
68, and 69; received the degi-ee of A. 
M. from Amherst College in 1868; 
elected Superintendent of City Schools 
and Member of State Board of Educa- 
tion, New Orleans, La., 1869 ; was 
over 4 years in the army, participating 
in the sieges of Port Hudson, and 
Mobile; while organizing and superin-. 
tending the colored schools in New 
Orleans, maturerl a plan which resulted 
in giving the freedmen of Louisiana, 
the best system of public schools or- 
ganized for them in an3' state ; and in 
60 days after, appointed as Supt. of 
Fi-eedman's Bureau, of N. W. Louis- 
iana, he put 32,000 colored laborers 
under contract, receiving for every 

one of the recently emanicipated slaves 
some compensation for his or her labor. 
He married Sept. 28, 1865, Olive B., 
daughter of U. S. Darling, of Leyden, 
Mass., who graduated under Hiram 
Orcutt, A. M., at Glenwood Ladies' 
Seminary at West Brattleboro, class of 
1864, to whom one son, Clement R. 
Stickney, was bom Oct. 14, 1866. At 
present, (1881) J Mr. Sticlmey, is pub- 
lisher of Johnson's Natural History, in 
2 large royal octavo volumes of over 
1500 pages, and 1500 engravings, with 
residence at Ann Arbor, Mich. 

scholar's list. 

The following is a continuation of 
page 13, a list of families with the 
number of scholars of 1841 : 
District No. 1 : — "David Skinner, 6 
scholars ; Samuel Rist, 1 ; Hiram Whit 
ney, 2 ; Charles Evans, 3.; David Bemis, 
3 ; Wm. Ranney, 1 ; Joel Howard, 2. 
Total 18 scholars. Daniel E. Whitney, 
District clerk. 

District No. 2 : — Wm. and Samuel 
Adams, 2 scholars ; Jacob Burditt, 1 ; 
Sally Blandin, 3; John Blandin, 2; 
Joel Codding, 1 ; Samuel Cutler, 4 ; 
Grant Holden, 1 ; Ephram H. Mason, 
Samuel Stebbins, 3 ; Ruf us Stebbins, 5 ; 
Delvis Wellman, 6 ; Daniel WeUman 3 ; 
James Ray, 1. Total 35. Ephram H. 
Mason, District clerk. 

District No. 3 : — • Asa Flint, 1 
scholar ; Jonathan Woolley, 1 ; Sarnuel 
Butterfleld, 1; Francis Merrifield, 8 
Ora Osgood, 3; Walty Walker, 3 
Edson Higgins 5; Jonathan Man, 1 
Charles Haile, 1 ; Daniel Benson, Jr. 
3; Hosea B. Crane, 1. Total 28 
scholars. Everett P. Wellman, Dis- 
trict clerk. 

District No. 4 : — Lyman Lindsley, 2 
scholars ; Willard Lindsley 2 ; Jonathan 
Cutler, 2; Jon. S. Osgood, 1; Samuel 



Bennett, 6. Total 13. Ephi-aim Park, 
District clerk. 

District No. 1 : 1858 — Thomas Evans, 
1 scholar ; Win. W. Periy , 4 ; Erastus 
Whitney, none ; Joel A. Howard, 1 ; 
John Lamphear, 2 ; Daniel Whitney, 
1 ; Delais Welhnan, 4 ; Hiram Whit- 
ney, none ; Hu-am M. Whitney, none ; 
Liberty Howard. 7 ; Andrew S. Eist 
none ; John B. Turner, none : Win- 
chester Smith, 3. Total 23 scholars. 
Erastus Whitney, District clerk. 
District No. 2 :^Samuel Stebbms, no 
scholars ; E. Pierce, 1 ; Rufus Stebbins, 
1 ; Walter S. Bennett, 1 ; Elbridge G. 
Mason, 5 ; Van E. Ford, 7 ; Barzilla, 
Stickney, 2 ; Samuel Cutler, 1 ; John 
B. Stebbins, 2 ; Wm. Adams, none ; 
Ephraim H. Mason, 2 ; Joel Codding 
none ; Wm. P. Stebbins, none ; Nor- 
man C. Marsh, 2 ; Frederick Morgan, 
1 ; Calvin T. Barrett, 3 , Willard 
Lindsley, 5 ; Henry Kidder, none ; 
Total 33. John B. Stebbins, District 

district No. 3 : — Jacob Bush, 4 schol- 
ars ; Everett P. WeUman, 2 ; Hannah 
Hills, 1 ; Francis Merrifield, 1 ; Calmer 
W. Stebbins, 1 ; Daniel Wellman, 4 ; 
Asa Flint, 3 ; Edwin Higgins, none. 
Total 16 scholars. Everett P. Well- 
man, District clerk. 
District No. 4 : — Ira Cutler, 4 schol- 
ars ; Warren Bennett, 1 ; Silas Fau-- 
banks, 1 ; Russel Mason, 4 ; Luther 
Osgood 2. Total 12 scholars. Luther 
Osgood, District clerk. 

VOTERS OF 1882. 

Adams, Watkins. Adams, Ozro. 
Albee, Timothy M. Adams, Wm. 

Bemis, James. Barrett, Calvin T. 
Bush, Jacob. Bush, Wright E. Bush, 
Lorenzo' W. Bennett, Walter S. 

Cutler, Charles A. Crane, Hosea B. 
Coy, Harvey. 

Ford, Wallace W. Ford, Albro V. B. 

Harwood, Oats. Higgins, S. B. 

Lawrence, Marshall, W. Lamphear, 
Henry. Lamson, Leland. 
Mason, Elbridge, G. Marsh, Norman 
C. Marsh, Eoyal E. Marsh, Al- 
mon N. 

Osgood, Luther. Osgood, Ephraim 
P. Osgood, Fred L. 

Penfleld, John W. Perry, Wm. W. 
Potuine, Frank. Pratt, Daniel. 

Rist, Andrew. Rist, William. Rau- 
ney, Virgil W. Eanney, Loren L. 

Stebbins, John B. Stebbms, Calmer 
W. Stebbins, Leaton C. Stebbins, 
Wm. P. Stebbins, Joel C. Shattuck, 
Joshua. Stickney, Chas. P. Smith, 

Turner, John B. 

Whitney, Erastus. Whitney, Hiram. 
Whitney, Hiram M. Whitney, Dan'l 
E. Wellman, Allen O. Wellman, 
Daniel. WeUman, LeverettK. Well- 
man, Everett P. WooUey, Jonathan, 
Wares, George E. Wares, Walter 
M. Wares, Wm. M. 

Bkookline in the fire -wave. 

May 25, 1868, 67 pages of the Wind- 
ham County Vol. v., including 16 pp. 
of Brookline with the type, stock paper 
etc. were utterly consumed, and no insu- 
rance ; to refurnish, begin and reset 67 
pages once paid for the second time, all 
new help, good, but to get acquainted 
with the hardest of typographical work, 
a local, and geneological history, stuff- 
ed with names, not all plainly written, 
and in order to preserve the histories of 
Brookline and Wardsboro as best now 
we might to the volume in hand, unable 
in the distance, and Brookline having 
but a semi-weekly mail to await return 
proofs, with what, in the adverse cur- 
rent must be done rapidly or not at all, 
we have worked at disadvantage, but, 
beleive, us, Vermont, hard for you this 
time, so in the midst of otherwise de- 
served criticism remember mercy. We 
will give an errata for these towns in the 
County and State volumes. 





Adams, Chauneey, Geo. W., James 
Henry, John C, John J., Ozro, 
Sam'l. Wm., Mrs. Wm., 852, 55, 
60, 61, 62, 80, 81, 82. 

Albee, Timothy M., "Warren C, 860, 

61, 62. 

Alden, Phineas, 860. 
Aldrich, Artemas, 873. 

Allen, Sam'l and fam., Timothy M., 

Wai-ren, 857, 61, 74. 

Ames, Rev., B. D., 870, 72. 

Austin, ApoUos, 847. 

Baldwin, Eev. John, 870. 

Ballard, Saml., 869. 

Ballon, Benj., Sam'l. 863, 74. 

Bardwell, Otis, 856. 

Barrett, Calvin, Calvin J. John, John 
S., 853, 57, 62, 69, 70 72. 

Barton, J. 870. 

Beal, Eev. Isaac, 873. 

Beckwith, Eld. Amos, 866, 68. 

Bemis, Abner, Rev., Edwin, Philip 
852, 68, 70. 

Bennett, David, Francis, Dr. Lemon 
Matthew, Sam'l., Sam'l. Jr., Simeon, 
Walter, Warren, 856, 58, 61, 83 

Bentley, Wm., 850. 

Benson, Dan'L, Holbrook, John, Peter, 
Peter M., Eufus, 849, 50, 51, 56, 
58, 62, 63, 
Bigelow, Benj. Job, 855. 
Bixby, Archelaus, Dan'L John, 848, 49, 

51, 55, 58, 63, 68, 72. 
Blandin, Chas. W., FreemontC, John, 
Jonas, Lamach, Lamah, Lemich 
(found all these ways in the rec- 
ords and family papers.) 845, 48, 

49, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59 60, 63, 66. 67, 

68, 70, 72, 86. 
Blood, Caleb, 870. 
Boyden, Alvin Jonathan, 851 to 58, 

61,64,— Simeon, 868. 
Boynton, Jona, 855,. 
Boutwell, C. S., 872. 
Briggs, D., Delais, 849, 860. 
Brown, Eld., Dany, 870. 
Bruce, Eld. Mansfield, 870. 
Brush, Alonzo P., Lorenzo, Henry L, 

Bugbee, Ebnz., 847, 48, 55, 60. 
Burditt, Jacob, 852,55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 

BurweU, Rev., J. D. 870. , 
Burwood, Joel, 852. ^ 
Bush, Alonzo, E. R., E. W., Henry, 

Jacob, Lorenzo, 850, 53. 
Burrows, Eld., 890. 
Butterfield, Sam'l., 862. 
Cady, John, 855. 
CaU, Eld., Joseph, 872. 
Campbell, James, 859, 60. 
Carey, Harry, 855, 59, 60, 72. 
Carpenter, Dea. O., Joseph, 870, 74. 
Chamberlain, Calvin, Thaddeus, 858, 

59, 78. 

Churchm, Sam'l., 849, 50. 

Coddington, Anson,''Joe, Joel, 855, 

60, 61. 

Cole, Ben., Dan'L, Simeon, 855, 73. 

Combs, Eld., Simeon, 873. 

Cotwell, David, 850. 

Cottle, Jabez, 873. 

Loy, Asaph, 852, 58. 

Crane, Mrs. B. H., Rev. D. M., Thad- 
deus, Thomas, Thomas S., 857, 58, 
60, 64, 67, 69, 70, 72. 

Cudworth, Allen, J., 870. 

Culver, 873. 

Cutler, Albert, Chas, A., Rev. David, 
Henry, Ira, John, Samuel, 848, 50, 
52, 57, 59, to 64, 72, 73, 76, 77. 

Davis, Elijah, 850. 

Derry, Benj., Peter, Samuel, Tyler, 
Zephamah, 857, 60, 68. 




Dodge, 873, Drew, John, 873. 

Donovon, Eld. J. D., 871. 

Dyer, John, Zephaniah, 860, 68, 73. 

Eastman, Htibbard, 852. 

Edwards, Rev., 0. R. 852. 

Eliot, Rey., Joseph, 869. 

Ely, Rev. M., 870. 

EUenwood, Jona, 849. 

Evans, Chas., Colton, 852. 

Everett, Dan'l., 869. 

Fairbanks, Asa, Bradley, Elisha, Saml. 

851, 52, 55, 59. 
Farmer, Benj. 849,' 56. 
Farrar. Chas., Rev. C, 859, 62, 70,72, 
Farwell, Sam'l., 860. 
Field, Rev. M., Gen. Martin, 852, 70 
Fisher, Israel, Wm., 869, 70. 
Eleming, Timothy, 855. 
Flint, Aaron, Anson, Asa, Cheney, 
Elijah, EUsha, Ora, Sam'l., 849, 51, 52 

57, 60, 61. 
FoUett, Samuel, 859. 
Ford, Arbro, V. R., 857. 
Freeman, Eld., Joseph., 862. 
French, Mieah, 859. 

Frost, Rev. Chas., Samuel, 855, 59, 

70, 71. 

Fuller, Abiah, Joseph, Joshua, 840, 

58, 60. 

Gates, John, 855. 

Goodnow, J., 870. 

Gordon, Thos. 850. 

Graves, Rev., J. M., 869. 

Gray, Jesse Sam'l., 869, 70. 

Greene, Chas. S., Henry, Leonard, 873, 

Guamsey, Oliver, 873. 
Haile, Amos, 861. 
Hall, Laban, 873. 

Harwood, Ebenz., Joel, Otis, 860, 63. 
Haynes, Eld,, Sylvanus, 873. 
Hews, Wm., 868. 

Habbard, Asa, Elder, John, 869, 73. 
Higgins, Edson, Samuel, 861, 62. 
HiU, Nathaniel, N., 862. 870. 
Hix, Peleg, 874. 

Holden, Daniel, Grant, 862. 
Houghton, John, 873. 
Howard, Dea., O., Rev. Zeba, 870. 
Howe, Rev. Phineas, 869, 70. 
Hunt, Ezekiel, 874. 
Huntington, Rev. J., 870. 
Hvmtly, Jona, Rev. J., 868. 
IngTaham, Dea. John, 870, 73. 
Jacobs, Whitman, 873. 
Johnson, James, 855. 
Joy, Joseph, N. C, 855. 70. 
Kidder, David, 852. 
Kingsbury, Rev. Samuel, 869. 
Lamphear, John, 857. 
Lathrop, Eld. John, 873. 

Law, Robert, 873. 

Leland, Eld. Aaron, 873. 

Leland, Eld., Aaron. 873. 

Lindsley, Willard, Wm., 859, 60, 61. 

Liscomb, Bro. P., 859. 

Littlefield, Rev. Edward, 868. 

Lyon, Daniel, 866. 

Lanly, Dea. Jesse, 868. 

Mansfield, Amos, 860. 

Marsh, E. E., Norman C, Thomas 
852, 57, 59, 60, 62, 65. 

Mason, Anthony, Daniel, Denney, E., 
Elbridge, Ephraim H., Herbert E., 

Russell, Dea. Samuel, 847, 50, 51, 59, 
60,61, 62, 70, 71. 

McClure, 873. 

Mears, Eld., Roswell, 872. 

Merrifield, Albert. Alviu H., Austin 
S., Edwin S., Elliot P., Emery E. 
Francis, Oscar C, J. Turner, 848, 

53, 54, 57 to 62, 70, 71, 72, 76, 79. 

MiUer, Rev. M. D., 870. 

Millard, Rev. Wm. A. A., 871. 

Moore, Abijah, Wm., 848, 50. 

Morse, Abijah, Harvey, 851, 60, 63. 

Ober, Ebenezer, 848. 

Ormsbee, Benjamin, 849, to 52, 55, 
58, 59 60. 

Osgood, Brown, Christopher, Eph- 
raim P., Fred. L., George, Harry, 
Hermon, John S., LukeB., Luther, 




851, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 

64, 70, 81, 82. 
Packard, Elder Jonah, 874. 
Packer, Rev. Jeremiah, 868. 
Palmer, Israel, 849. 
Park, Ephraim, 859, 61, 62, 64. 
Patterson, Joseph, 873. 
Perham, Augusta, Jona., 859. 
Perldns, Bernard, 873. 
Perry, Benj., Dr. Wm., Rev. Simeon, 

Zephaniah, Wm., Wm. W., 849, 51, 

52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60,61, 62, 70. 
PhMps, Elder, George, John, 852, 55,' 

69, 70. 
Pierce, Sem, 869. 
Pollard, SiiUivan, 855. 
Pond, A., 868. 
Pool, Eleazer, John, 855, 60. 
Purrington, Thomas, 868. 
Ranney, Joel, Loren, N. W., Samuel, 

Virgil W., Wm., 840, 52, 55, 56, 

59, 62. 
Ransom, E., 869. 
Rhodes, Emmon, 855. 
Rich, Elisha, 873. 
Riggs, Delias, 858, 

Rist, Andrew, Amos L. . Joel, Lorenzo, 
Luke, Samuel, Thomas, Wm., 848, 
52, 60, 61, 63, 64. 

Robbins, Wm., 848, 59. 

Root, Joseph, Wm. B., 849, 52, 59, 

60, 61, 62. 
Rounds, lasiah, 861, 64. 
Sabin, Daniel, 849. 
Sawyer, Elder, Ephraim, 874. 
Shattuck, Isabella, Joshua A., J. A. 

S., 857, 62. 
Sherman, L. 870. 
Simpson, Orrin, 855. 
Skinner, David, Eliphalet, Gov. Isaac, 

Samuel, Wm., 848, 52, 
Smith, Rev. C. B., Everett W., J. C, 

Roswell, Winchester, 850,57, 68, 71. 
Stebbin, Arthur B., Calmer W., E. A., 
Dr. John B. Jotham, Rufus, Samuel, 
Wm., Wm. P., 847, 48, 49, 50 to 59, 

61 to 63, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 
76, 78. 
Stickney, Barzillai, Carrol W., Chas. 
P., C. W., Warren B., Wm. Wm. 
W., 851, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 
86, 87. 
Stone, Rev. Josiah, 872. 
Taft,. Israel, Josiah, 848, 58, 59, 68 : 
Taylor, Luke, 868. 

Thomas, Whilhem, Dea. Wm, 868, 72: 
Turner, A. I. Jolm, John B., 852, 62, 

68, 79 : 
Tuthill, Samuel, Thomas, 869, 74. 
Upham, Rev. D., 870 : 
Walker, Benj. David, Delais, Franklin, 

Isaac, Jesse, Thomas, 848, 50, 52, 

55, 58, 59, 60, 61. 
Walden, James, 848, 64. 
Ware, Eev. E., Geo. E. , James, Wm. 

M., 848, 60: 
Wakefield family, 868, 73 : 
Waters, John, 840, 42, 60, 62, 63 : 
Wellman, AUen, 0..A. P., Arthur, 

Daniel, Delvis, Ebenezer, Erastus, 

Everett K., Everett P., Isaac, Rev. 

Isaac, Dea. J., John, Jonas, L. H., 

Marshall W., Timothy, 48, 53, 55, 

to 63,'68, 67, 70 : 
Webster, Elder, Samuel, 872 : 
West, Elder, Thomas, 873. 
Wheat, Jo-seph, 873. ■ 
Wheeler, Elder, 870 : 
Whipple, Thomas, 873 : 
White, Allen H., Chas. B., O. C, 880: 
Whitney, Allen O., Daniel E., Delvis, 

Eben'z., Erastus, Hiram, Hiram M^, 

Israel, Isaac, Orlan N., Solomon, 

Richard, Solomon, Timothy, Timothy 

H., 50, 52 to 64, 65, 66: 
Wilcox, Elder, Bela, 869 : 
Wilder, Hiram, 850 : 
Williams, Everett K., 843. 
Willis, Beriah, 873. 
WUson, Dr., 855 : » 

Witherell, Rev. George, 868 : 
Wood, 866, Wooley, 856, 68 : 
Worden, Nathan, 873. 

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