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-.w«». .Cornell University Library 
Z1224 .A21 1897 

"''^'iMiimillfiiiSi.ii.'S'.'Di^''''^^" authors by Oscar 


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Cornell University 

The original of tliis book is in 
tlie Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 


The present volume is an outgrowth of the writer's " Handbook of American 
Authors," first published in 1884, several features which the judgment of the 
public approved in the earlier work having been retained in this. Without 
pretending to contain an exhaustive list of American writers, it may neverthe- 
less lay claim to be fairly inclusive, as the more than six thousand names herein 
mentioned will serve to show. A few names that might naturally be looked 
for here have been omitted at the request of their owners ; while some others 
have not been included, for the reason that diligent search failed to discover 
any trustworthy data concerning them. Here and there, too, the reader may 
chance upon unfilled dates of birth, or initials unexpanded. Yet in the ma- 
jority of such cases application by letter made directly to the owners of the 
names aforesaid, or to relatives and immediate friends of such persons, has 
failed to elicit any response. All reasonable effort has been made to obtain 
trustworthy information upon such points, but failure to obtain replies to let- 
ters of inquiry must account for the greater number of such omissions ; and 
here it may not be out of place to mention that information of more general 
character obtained from private sources has now and then been received too 
late to be of service, owing to the fact that the work was already eleotrotyped 
before it came to hand. 

In a comprehensive work like this, including so large a number of names 
and so many thousand dates, errors must of necessity occur, and the author 
cannot hope to escape adverse criticism in this respect. While absolute accu- 
racy would have been impossible to attain, he has nevertheless taken no little 
pains to approach this ideal ; and to this end, besides resorting to the ordinary 
means of information, he has consulted hundreds of catalogues of libraries, 
colleges, and publishers, as well as denominational year-books, and in number- 
less instances has availed himself of trustworthy information?, received directly 
from private sources. It thus happens that in certain eases dates given in this 
volume differ from those in other works of reference, and where this occurs 
the reason for the adoption of a different date l)ereiB4s supported by excellent 
authority. N,,^ 

It has been thought advisable to retain the " u " in the spfeljihg of such words 
as "colour," "favour," and the like, the exceptions to this duRcurring in titles 
where the spelling of the original has been followed. , In conne^^on with this 


it may not be amiss to note that the original spelling of titles has been very 
commonly though not invariably retained. To have done this in every instance, 
however, would have entailed more labour than it was desirable to incur. 

For several reasons the author has thought best in his classification of cer- 
tain authors to discriminate between poets and verse-writers. To apply the 
name of poet to each and every writer of verse would have been manifestly 
unjust. The poets of a. generation are not numerous, but the verse-writers 
are very many. If the term " poet " be loosely applied it loses its signification, 
while to deny that name to many a writer of excellent verse is to do him no 
injustice, but rather a service, as it is no disparagement to a private soldier not 
to be addressed as colonel. 

To the many persons who have so cordially responded to his letters of in- 
quiry, and whom he may not thank by name, the writer desires in this place to 
express his acknowledgments. To Mr. Arthur Mason Knapp, the superintend- 
ent of the Bates Hall department of the Boston Public Library, he has been 
indebted for very much in the way of help and suggestion from the time the 
work was uegun, and to other officials of that department he is under obli- 
gations likewise. He also grate&illy acknowledges much timely assistance 
received from the publishing firms of Lee & Shepard, T. Y. Crowell & Co., 
and Lamson, WolfPe & Co. In the reading of the proofs many valuable sug- 
gestions have been received from the proof-readers at the Riverside Press ; but 
his especial thanks are due his friend, Mr. Francis H. Allen, of Boston, whose 
watchful, critical supervision has been exercised upon every page of proof 
from first to last. The debt of gratitude which the writer owes him for this 
service may not be lightly estimated. Without his help, the book would have 
fallen far short of whatever measure of excellence it may now be judged to 

The Hermttage, 

Boston, Massachtjsbtts, 

JOOT 17, 1897. 

/? ay 


Am American Book Co New York. 

Ap D. Appleton & Co New York. 

Ar Arena Publishing Co Boston. 

A. U. A American Unitarian Association Boston. 

Bai Henry Carey Baird & Co Philadelphia. 

Ban Banner of Light Publishing Co.^ Boston. 

Bap American Baptist Publication Society Philadelphia. 

Bar A. S. Barnes & Co New York. 

Bo Bowen-Merrill Co Indianapolis. 

Bur Burrows Brothers Co Cleveland. 

Cas Cassell Publishing Co New York. 

Cent Century Co New York. 

Cike Robert Clarke Co Cincinnati. 

Co Henry T. Coates & Co Philadelphia. 

Cop Copeland & Day Boston. 

C. P. S Congregational S. S. & Publishing Society . . Boston. 

Cr Thomas Y. Crowell & Co New York and Boston. 

DU G. W. Dillingham Co New York. 

Dit OliTcr Ditson Co Boston. 

Do Dodd, Mead & Co New York. 

But E. P. Dutton & Co New York. 

El George H. Ellis Boston. 

Bst Estes & Lauriat Boston. 

Fl Flood & Vincent Meadville, Pa. 

Fo Fords, Howard & Hulbert New York. 

Fu Funk & Wagnalls Co New York. 

Gi Ginn & Co Boston. 

Har Harper & Bros New York. 

Be D. C. Heath & Co Boston. 

Hi J. A. Hill & Co New York. 

Ho Henry Holt & Co New York. 

Hon Houghton, MifBin & Co Boston. 

Int International Book Co Chicago. 

J. H. U. Johns Hopkins University Baltimore. 

Ju Orange Judd Co New York. 

Ke Charles H. Kerr & Co Chicago. 

Kt Joseph Knight Co. * . .- Boston. 

Lam. Lamson, WolfBe & Co Boston. 

Le Lee & Shepard Boston. 

Lgs Longmans, Green & Co London and New York. 

Lip J. B. Lippincott Co Philadelphia. 

Lit Little, Brown & Co Boston. 

LI LoveU, Coryell & Co New York. 

Lo Lothrop Publishing Co Boston. 

* Since the above was in type the firm name has become L. C. Page & Co. 


Lov A. Lovell & Co New York and Chicago. 

Mac Macmillan & Co New York and London, 

Mer Merriam Co New York. 

Meth Methodist Book Concern New York. 

Mg A. C. McClurg cfe Co Chicago. 

Mor John P. Morton & Co Louisville. 

My David McKay Philadelphia. 

Ne F. Tennyson Neely New York. 

Pt Preston & Rounds Providence. 

Put G. P. Putnam's Sons New York. 

Ba Rand, MoNaUy & Co Chicago and New York. 

Ran A. D. F. Randolph & Co New York. 

liev Fleming H. Revell Co Chicago. 

Ric George H. Richmond & Co New York. 

Rob Roherts Brothers Boston. 

iS Herbert S. Stone & Co Chicago. 

'*"; Scott, Foresman & Co Chicago. 

Scr Charles Scribner's Sons New York. 

Se N. J. Stone & Co San Francisco. 

Sil Silver, Burdett & Co Boston! 

*' Stone & Kimball New York. 

Uto Frederick A. Stokes Co New York. 

Vn D. Van Nostrand Co New York. 

Wat John D. Wattles & Co Philadelphia. 

We W. A. Wilde & Co Boston. 

Wh Thomas Whittaker New York. 

Wil John Wiley & Sons New York. 

Wn Bradlee Whidden Boston. 

Wy Way & WiUiams Chicago. 


The place of birth of the larger number of the authors mentioned in this volume 
is indicated by an abbreviation placed before the date of birth, which the following 
list will serve to explain : — 

A. Austria. 

Al. Alabama. 

A. M. Asia Minor. 
At. Ai'gentina. 
Ark. Arkansas. 

B. Brazil. 
Ba. Bermuda. 

B. G. British Guiana. 
Bh. Burmah. 
Bm. Belgium. 
Bo. Bohemia. 
Bv. Bavaria. 

C. Cuba. 
Cat. California. 
Ch. China. 
Ct. Connecticut. 
Cy. Ceylon. 
Dd. Delaware. 

D. C. District of Columbia. 
Dk. Denmark. 

E. England. 

E. I. East Indies. 

F. France. 
Fl. Florida. 

G. Germany. 
Ga. Georgia. 
Gr. Greece. 
H. Holland. 
H. I. Hawaiian Islands. 
Hy. Hungary. 

I. Ireland. 
la. Iowa. 

II. Illinois. 
Ind. Indiana. 
Ion. Ionian Islands. 
ly. Italy. 
j. Jamaica. 
Ky. Kentucky. 
La. Louisiana. 
L. I. Long Island. 
Ma. Moravia. 
Mch. Michigan. 
Md. Maryland. 
Me. Maine. 
Mg. Mecklenburg. 
Mi. Mississippi. 
Min. Minnesota. 







N. B. 

New Brunswick. 

2V. C. 

North Carolina. 


New Hampshire. 


New Jersey. 


New Mexico. 


Nova Scotia. 

N. Y. 

New York. 











P. E. 


Prince Edward Island 




Philippine Islands. 










Rhode Island. 





S. C. 

South Carolina. 





S L 

Staten Island. 
































. West Indies. 

W.Va. West Virginia. 


Abbe, Cleveland. N. Y., 1838- 

. A meteorologist of distinction 

who in 1871 became professor of mete- 
orology in the national "weather burean 
and has since continued in that posi- 
tion. The more important of his many 
publications include Solar Spots and 
Terrestrial Temperature ; A Plea for 
Terrestrial Physics ; Atmospheric Ra- 
diation ; Treatise on Meteorological 
Apparatus ; Preparatpry Studies for 
Deductive Methods in Meteorology. 

Abbe, Frederick Randolph. Ct., 
1827-1889. A Congregational clergy- 
man in Massachusetts. The Temple 
Eebuilt, a Poem of Christian Faith. 

Abbey, Henry. N. Y., 1842 . 

A resident of Kingston, New York, 
who has published several collections of 
pleasant unpretentious verse. Ballads 
of Good Deeds ; The City of Success ; 
May Dreams ; Kalph and Other Poems ; 
Stories in Verse. 

Abbey, Richard. N. Y., 1805- 

A prominent clergyman of the South- 
em Methodist Church, among whose 
many theological and controversial writ- 
ings are. End of the Apostolical Succes- 
sion ; Creed of All Men ; Diuturnity ; 
Ecce Ecelesia, a reply to Ecce Homo ; 
The City of God and the Church 

Abbot, Abiel. N. H., 1765-1859. A 
Congregational clergyman of Connecti- 
cut and Massachusetts. History of An- 
dover ; Genealogy of the Abbot Family. 

Abbot, Abiel. Ms., 1770-1828. A 
Congregational clergyman of Beverly, 
Massachusetts. Letters from Cuba. 
His Sermons with Memoir were pub- 
lished in 1831. 

Abbot, Ezra. JWe., 1819-1884. A Uni- 
tarian biblical scholar of much promi- 
nence, who was for many years a pro- 

fessor in the Divinity School of Har- 
vard University, and widely known for 
the extent of his bibiiographical ac- 
quirements. Literature of the Doctrine 
of a Future Life ; Authenticity of the 
Fourth Gospel ; The Fourth Gospel and 
Other Critical Essays. "With H. B. 
Haokett, infra, he prepared the Amer- 
ican edition of Smith's Bible Diction- 
ary. See Memorial of, 1884-. El. 

Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. Ms., 
1836 -. A religious and philosoph- 
ical thinker of advanced views, for some 
years editor of The Index, whose home 
is at Cambridge. Scientific Theism ; 
The Way out of Agnosticism. Lit. 

Abbot, Gorham Dummer. Me., 
1807-1874. A Congregational clergy- 
man, long an educator of New York 
city. He was a brother of Jacob Ab- 
bott, infra, but returned to an older 
spelling of his surname. Prayer-Book 
for the Young ; Pleasure and Profit ; 
The Family at Home. 

Abbot, Henry Larcom. Ms., 1831- 

. A general in the United States 

array, of prominence as an engineer. 
Besides several series of Professional 
Papers, his writings include Lectures 
on the Defence of the Sea Coast of the 
United States ; Physics and Hydraulics 
of the Mississippi River. Yn. 

Abbot, Willis Jphn. Ct., 186.3 . 

Grandson of J. S. C. Abbott, infra, but 
using an older spelling of the surname. 
A journalist of New York city. Blue 
Jackets of 1776 ; Blue Jackets of 1812 ; 
Blue Jackets of '61, three volumes of 
history for young people ; Battle Fields 
of '61 ; Battle Fields and Camp Fires ; 
Battle Fields and Victory; Life of 
Carter Harrison. Do, 

Abbott, Arthur Vaughan. H. Y., 
1854 . Son of B. V. Abbott, infra. 

1 * See Addenda, p. 441. 



A ciTil, electrical, and nieclianical en- 
g'ineer of Chicago. Electrical Trans- 
mission of Energy ; The Evolution of a 
Switchboard ; History and Use of Test- 
ing Machines ; Treatise on Fuel. Vn. 

Abbott, Austin. JWs., 1831-1896. Son 
of Jacob Abbott, infra. A lawyer of 
New York city who was dean of the 
Law School of New York University 
at the time of his death. Besides pre- 
paring several works with his brother 
Benjamin, infra, he published Legal 
Remembrancer, Principles and Forms 
of Practice in Civil Actions in Courts 
of Record ; The Law of Evidence ; 
Select Cases on Code Pleading ; Digest 
of New York Statutes. 

Abbott, Benjamin Vaughan. Ms., 
1830-1890. Son of Jacob Abbott, in- 
fra. A lawyer of New York city. Law 
Dictionary ; Travelling Law School and 
Famous Trials ; First Lessons in Gov- 
ernment and Law ; Patent Laws of 
All Nations ; Year-Eook of Jurispru- 
dence for 1880 ; Judge and Jury. Har. 
Lit. Lo. 

Abbott, Charles Conrad. N. J., 

1843 ■ — . A naturalist and physician 

of Trenton, New Jersey, whose writings 
show a very close and sympathetic ob- 
servation of nature. The Stone Age in 
New Jersey ; Primitive Industry ; A 
Naturalist's Rambles about Home ; 
Cyclopsedia of Natural History ; Up- 
land and Meadow ; Wasteland Wander- 
ings ; The Birds About Us ; Days Out of 
Doors ; Outings at Odd Times ; Recent 
Rambles ; Travels in a Treetop ; Notes 
of the Night ; A Colonial Wooing, a 
novel ; Bird-Land Echoes. Ap. Cent. 
Har. Lip. 

Abbott, Charles Edward. Me., 
1811-1880. Brother of Jacob Abbott, 
infra. An educator in Connecticut. 
Down the Hill ; Village Boys. 

Abbott, Edward.* Me., 1841 . 

Son of Jacob Abbott, infra. An Epis- 
copal clergyman of Cambridge, but 
prior to 1878 a Congregational minister 
and editor of The Congregationalist. 
He is now [1897] the editor of The 
Literary World. Dialogues of Christ ; 
The Long Look series of juvenile 
tales ; A Trip Eastward ; Revolution- 
ary Times ; Paragraph History of the 
United States ; Paragraph History of 
the American Revolution. Roh, 

Abbott, Jacob. Me., 1803-1879. An 
educator of New England, who was a 
voluminous and popular writer for 
young people. Among his numerous 
writings the best known are The Fran- 
eonia Stories ; Marco Paul's Adven- 
tures ; The RoUo Books ; Histories of 
Celebrated Sovereigns ; Harper's Story 
Books. See Bibliography of Maine. 
Cr. Har. 

Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. 
Me., 1805-1877. Brother of Jacob Ab- 
bott, supra. An historical writer, whose 
partisan spirit seriously impairs the 
value of his very readable works. He 
was for some years a Congregational 
minister, but after 1844 devoted him- 
self to literature and educational work. 
Among his works are comprised The 
Mother at Home ; Practical Christian- 
ity ; Romance of Spanish History 
American Pioneers and Patriots ; His- 
tory of Napoleon ; Napoleon at St. 
Helena ; History of the French Revo- 
lution; History of the Civil War in 
America; Lives of the Presidents 
History of Maine from its Discovery 
by Northmen ; Christopher Carson 
History of Napoleon IIL ; History of 
Frederick the Great ; History of Chris- 
tianity. See Bibliography of Maine. 
Bo. Har. 

Abbott, Lyman. Ms., 1885- 

Son of Jacob Abbott, supra. A Con- 
gregational minister of broad views. 
who as editor of The Outlook and suc- 
cessor to H. W. Beecher as pastor of 
Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, has exer- 
cised a wide influence. Christianity 
and Social Problems ; Jesus of Naza- 
reth ; Old Testament Shadows of New 
Testament Truths ; Illustrated Com- 
mentary on the New Testament; A 
Layman's Story ; How to Study the 
Bible; Life of Christ; In Aid of 
Faith ; The Evolution of Christianity ; 
A Study in Human Nature ; Dictionary 
of Religious Knowledge (with T. J. 
Conant, infra). Bar. Bo. But. Fo. Har. 
Halt. Meth. Put. 

Abeel, David. N. J., 1804^1846. A 
Reformed Dutch missionary in China. 
Journal of a Residence in China; A 
Missionary Convention at Jerusalem; 
The Claims of the World to the Gos- 
pel. See Memoirs by 6. B. William- 
son, 1849. 


Abert [a'bert], Silvanus Thayer. 

Pa.j 1828 . A civil engineer in 

the United States service. Notes His- 
torical and Statistical upon the Pro- 
jected Route for an Interoceanic Canal 
between the Atlantic and Pacific. 

Adams, Mrs. Abigail [Smith]. Ms., 
1744-1818. Wife of President John 
Adams, infra. Known to literature by 
her entertaining Letters edited by her 

Adams, Brooks. Ms., 1848 . Son 

of Charles Francis Adams, infra. A 
lawyer of Boston. The Gold Standard ; 
The Emancipation of Massachusetts, a 
careful study of the evolution of re- 
ligious freedom ; The Law of Civiliza- 
tion and Decay, an Essay in History. 
See The Forum, January, 1897. Hon. 

Adams, Charles. N.H., 1808-1890. 
A Methodist clergyman who wrote ex- 
tensively, and among whose works are 
Evangelism in the Middle of the 19th 
Century ; Women of the Bible ; The 
Poet Preacher, a Memorial of Charles 
Wesley ; The Earth and its Wonders ; 
Life of Cromwell ; Life Sketches of 
Macaulay. Meth. 

Adams, Charles Baker. Ms., 1814- 
1853. A naturalist, who published Con- 
tributions to Conehology ; Monographs 
of Several Species of Shells. 

Adams, Charles CofBn. 182—1888. 
An Episcopal clergyman. Creation, a 
Recent Work of God ; Life of Christ ; 
Anthrosophy ; The Bible, a Scientific 

Adams, Charles FoUen. Ms., 1842- 

. A humourous verse - writer of 

Boston, principally known as the au- 
thor of Leedle Yaweob Strauss. Lee- 
dle Yaweob Strauss, and Other Poems ; 
Dialect Ballads. Sar. Le. 

Adams, Charles Francis. Ms., 1807- 
1886. Son of President John Quincy 
Adams, infra. An eminent diploma- 
tist, who was Minister to England dur- 
ing the period of the Civil War. He 
edited The Life and Works of John 
Adams ; Letters of Mrs. Abigail Ad- 
ams ; Life and Works of John Q. Ad- 
ams ; Familiar Letters of John and 
Abigail Adams, with Memoir of Mrs. 
Adams. See Life by his son, C. F. 
Adams, infra. Hou. 


Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. Ms., 

1835 . Son of C. F. Adams, supra. 

An of&cer in the Union army during 
the Civil War, and subsequently an 
expert in railway science and president 
of the Union Pacific Railway. Since 
resigning that oifice he has devoted his 
attention to historical writing, his esti- 
mates of men and motives often differ- 
ing materially from those of other writ- 
ers in the same field. Notes on Railway 
Accidents ; Chapters of Erie ; Rail- 
roads ; A College Fetich ; Massachu- 
setts, its Historians and its History ; 
Three Episodes of Massachusetts His- 
tory ; Richard Henry Dana [infra], a 
Biography ; Life of Charles Francis 
Adams. Hou. Le. Put. 

Adams, Charles Kendall. F<., 18.35- 
. The president of Wisconsin Uni- 
versity and formerly of Cornell Univer- 
sity. Manual of Historical Literature ; 
Democracy and Monarchy in France ; 
Christopher Columbus. Har. 

Adams, Francis Colburn. Circa 
1850. A writer of Charleston, South Car- 
olina, who wrote under various pseudo- 
nyms. Manuel Pereira, or the Sovereign 
Rule of South Carolina; Uncle Tom at 
Home ; Our World, or the Democrats' 
Rule ; Justice in the Byways ; Life and 
Adventures of Major Potter ; An Out- 
cast, a novel ; The Story of a Trooper ; 
Siege of Washington, for Little People ; 
The Von Toodleburgs, or the Memoirs 
of a Very Distinguished Family. 

Adams, George Burton. Vt., 1851- 

. Ah historical writer, professor 

of history at Yale University. Civili- 
zation during the Middle Ages ; The 
Growth of the French Nation. Fl. Scr. 

Adams, Hannah. Ms., 17.55-1832. 
An industrious and painstaking writer 
on religious and historical siibjects, 
whose chief claim to distinction at pres- 
ent is that she was the first woman in 
America who made literature a profes- 
sion. A View of Religious Opinions ; 
History of New England ; History of 
the Jews ; Evidences of Christianity. 
See Memoir by herself, with additions by 
another hand, 18S2. 

Adams, Henry. Ms., 1838 . Son 

of Charles Francis Adams, supra. An 
historian and political biographer, liv- 
ing in Washington. Life of John Ran- 
dolph ; Life of Albert Gallatin ; History 


of the United States, 1801-17 ; Histor- 
ical Essays ; Essays in Anglo-Saxon 
Law. Hou. Lip. Scr. 

Adams, Henry Carter. la., 1852- 

. A political economist of note. 

Public Debts : an Essay in the Science 
of Finance ; Taxation in the United 
States, 1789-1816. Ap. 

Adams, Herbert Baxter. Ms., 1850- 

. A professor of history at Johns 

Hopkins University, and the secretary 
of the American Historical Association 
from its beginning. The Germanic 
Origin of New England Towns ; Saxon 
Tithingmen in America ; Norman Con^ 
stables in America ; Village Communi- 
ties of Cape Ann and Salem ; Thomas 
Jefferson and the University of Vir- 
ginia ; Methods of Historical Study ; 
History of the United States Constitu- 
tion. He has edited the Life and Writ- 
ings of Jar^ Sparks, infra. Hou. 

Adams, Jasper. Ms., 1793-1841. An 
Episcopal clergyman, once noted as an 
educator at West Point, Charleston, 
and elsewhere, who published The Ele- 
ments of Moral Philosophy. 

Adams, John. N. S., 1704-1740. A 
clergyman of Newport and Philadel- 
phia, much esteemed in his day as a 
poet. Poems on Several Occasions, a 
volume of his verses posthumously col- 
lected and printed, shows, however, no 
very especial marks of poetic talent. 

Adams, John. Ms., 1735-1826. The 
second President of the United States, 
and a political writer of great ability 
and force. A Dissertation on Canon 
and Feudal Law, a work relating to the 
constitutional rights of New England ; 
Thoughts on Government ; Novanglus : 
a History of the Dispute with America 
from 1754 to 1774; Defence of the 
American Constitution; Discourses on 
Davila : a Series of Papers on Political 
History. See complete Works in 10 
volumes, 1850-B6. See, also. Lives hy 
J. q. and a F. Adams, 1871 ; John 
Adams, hy Morse, 1885; Histories of 
the United States, by Bancroft, McMas- 
ter, Henry Adams, and Schouler ; Par- 
ker'' s Historic Americans ; Appleton^s 
American Biography. 

Adams, John Coleman. Ms., 1849- 

. Son of J. G. Adams, infra. A 

Universalist clergyman and editor of 


New York city. Christian Types of 
Heroism ; The Fatherhood of God ; The 
Leisure of God and Other Studies in 
Spiritual Evolution. 
Adams, John Greenlesif. N. H., 
1810-1887. A Universalist clergyman, 
among whose writings the chief are 
The Universalist Church, its Faith and 
its Works ; Universalism of the Lord's 
Prayer; Talks About the Bible to 
Young Folks ; Fifty Notable Years, or 
Views of the Ministry of Universalism. 

Adams, John Quincy. Ms., 1767- 
1848. Son of President John Adams, 
supra. The sixth President of the 
United States, and a statesman whose 
writings, though mainly political in 
theii' character, include several pui-ely 
literary works. Lectures on Rhetoric 
and Oratory ; The Bible and its Teach- 
ings ; Poems of Religion and Society ; 
Letters on Freemasonry ; Lives of Cel- 
ebrated Statesmen, and many State 
Papers. See Complete Works, edited by 
C. F. Adams, with Life ; also Diary of; 
Lives by Seward, Quincy, Morse ; His- 
tories of the United States by Bancroft, 
McMaster, Schouler. Lip. 

Adams, John Turrell. B. G., 1805- 
1882. A lawyer of Norwich, Con- 
necticut. The Knight of the Golden 
Melice, an historical tale ; The Lost 

Adams, Julius "Walker. Ms., 1812- 

. An engineer of distinction, who 

has been employed in many important 
engineering works. Sewers and Drains 
for Populous Districts. 

Adams, Myron. N. Y., 1841-1895. 
A Congregational clergyman of Roch- 
ester, New York, from 1876 until his 
death. The Creation of the Bible; 
The Continuous Creation, an Applica- 
tion of the Evolutionary Philosophy to 
the Christian Religion. Hou. 

Adams, Nehemiah. Ms., 1806-1878. 
A once noted Congregational clergy- 
man of Boston, whose most famous 
work, A South Side View of Slavery, 
provoked much hostile criticism. 
Among other works by him are Walks 
to Emmaus ; Scriptural Argument for 
Endless Punishment ; Remarks on Uni- 
tarian Belief ; Life of John Eliot ; 
Agnes and the Little Key; Evenings 
with the Doctrines. 


Adams, Robert Chamblet. Ms., 

1839 . Son of Neliemiah Adams, 

supra. History of England in Rhyme ; 
History of the United States in Rhyme ; 
On Board the Rocket; Aids to En- 
deavour, Evolution, a Summary of Evi- 
dence ; Travels in Faith from Tradition 
to Reason ; Pioneer Pith. Lo. 

Adams, Samuel. Ms., 1'722-1803. 
Cousin of President John Adams, su- 
pra. A statesman and orator who fills 
a large place in the annals of the Amer- 
ican Revolution. See Lives by Wells, 
Hosmer, 1885; Harper'' s Magazine, vol. 

Adams, William. Ct, 180Y-1880. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of prominence 
in New York city, 1835-80. The 
Three Gardens : Eden, Gethsemane. 
Paradise ; Conversations of Jesus Christ 
with Representative ' Men ; In the 
World, not of the World ; Thanksgiv- 
ing, Memories of the Day and Helps 
to the Habit. 

Adams, William. I., 1813-1897. An 
Episcopal clergyman who was one of 
the founders of Nashotah Theological 
Seminary, Wisconsin, and professor of 
systematic divinity there from 1841. 
Mercy to Babes ; Elements of Christian 
Science ; New Treatise of Baptismal 

Adams, William Taylor, "Oliver 
Optic." Ms., 1822-1897. A prolific 
and popular writer of books for boys, 
who was for many years a teacher in 
the Boston public schools. Among his 
writings are Army and Navy Series; 
Young America Abroad Series ; Lake 
Shore Series ; Starry Flag Series. Le. 

Ade, George.. iZ., 1866 . A Chi- 
cago journalist. Artie : a Story of the 
Streets and Town. S. 

Adeler, Max. See Clark, C. H. 

Adler, Felix. G., 1851 ;-. An eth- 
ical reformer of New York city. Creed 
and Deed; The Moral Instruction of 
Children. Ap. Put. 

Adler, Georg. G?., 1821-1868. A phi- 
lologist of New York city who was the 
author of a valuable German and Eng- 
lish Dictionary and other educational 
works. Ap. 

Agassiz [ag'a-see or a-gas-se'], Alex- 
ander. Sd., 1835 . Son of L. 

Agassiz, infra. Marine zoologist. Born 


in Neuehatel, he came to America with 
his father, and has distinguished him- 
self in lines of special scientific re- 
search. Exploration of Lake Titicaca ; 
List of the Echinoderms ; Three Cruises 
of the Blake : a Contribution to Amer- 
ican Thalassography. Hou. 
Agassiz, Mrs. Elizabeth [Gary]. 

Ms., 1822 . Wife of L. Agassiz, 

infra. Life of Louis Agassiz ; Seaside 
Studies in Natural History (with A. 
Agassiz, supra). 

Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe. 

Sd., 1807-1873. A naturalist of emi- 
nence. Founder of the Museum of 
Natural History at Cambridge. Re- 
eherohes sur les Poissons FossUes ; 
Lake Superior, Natural History of 
Fresh -Water Fishes of Central En- 
rope ; Etudes sur les Glaciers ; Syst^me 
Glacifere; Methods of Study in Nat- 
ursd History ; Geological Sketches ; 
Structure of Animal Life ; Journey in 
BrazU. See Whipple's Character and 
Characteristic Men ; Louis Agassiz and 
Evolution, Popular Science Monthly, 
vol. 32; Lives by Mrs. E. Agassiz, 
Holder, 189S, Jules Marcou, 1896; 
Lowell's ode, Agassiz. 

Agne-w, David Hayes. Pa., 1810- 
1892. A physician who was for a long 
time professor of surgery in the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania. His writings 
were the outcome of wide experience. 
Handbook of Practical Anatomy ; Prin- 
ciples and Practice of Surgery : a trea- 
tise on Surgical Diseases and Injuries. 
See Life of, by J. H. Adams, 189S. Lip. 

Aikman, William. I., 1824 . A 

Presbyterian clergyman. The Moral 
Power of the Sea; Life at Home, or 
the Family and its Members ; The Al- 
tar in the Home ; A Bachelor's Talks 
about Married Life. 

Aimivell, Walter. See Simonds. 

Ainslie, Hew. S., 1792-1878. A 
Scottish poet who emigrated to Amer- 
ica in 1822 and lived mainly in Ken- 
tucky. Pilgrimage to the Land of 
Burns, a prose work with lyrics inter- 
spersed ; Scottish Songs, Ballads, and 

Akers, Elizabeth. See Allen, Mrs. 

Albee, John. Ms., 1833 . For- 
merly a clergyman ; now living at Cho- 
corua. New Hampshire. Literary Art ; 




St. Aspenquid : an Indian Idyl ; Prose 
Idyls. Hou. Put. 

Alcott [awl'kot], Amos Bronson. 
Ct., 1799-1888. A pWlosopher of a, 
singularly unpractical type, whose per- 
sonality was of greater interest than 
his writings. Conversations with Chil- 
dren on the Gospels ; Table Talk, Em- 
erson ; Essays ; Tablets, Concord Days, 
Sonnets, and Canzonets ; New Connect- 
icut : a poem. See Miss E. P. Pea- 
body's Becords of a School ; Life, by F. 
B. Sanborn and W. T. Harris, 1893. 

Alcott, Louisa May. Pa., 1832- 
1888. Daughter of A. B. Alcott, supra. 
A writer whose books for young people 
have been widely popular. They can- 
not, however, claim consideration as 
examples of literary art. Among them 
are Little Women ; Little Men ; An 
Old - Fashioned Girl ; Eight Cousins ; 
Under the Lilacs. Moods ; Hospital 
Sketches ; A Modern Mephistopheles, 
are works for older readers. The 
thoughtful poem, Thoreau's Flute, is 
her finest effort. See Life, Letters, and 
Journals, edited by Mrs. Cheney ; Becol- 
lections of, by Mrs. M. S. Porter, 1893. 

Alcott, William Alexander. Ct., 
1798-1859. - Cousin of A. B. Alcott, 
supra. An energetic, earnest writer 
upon diet reform. The House I Live 
in ; Vegetable Diet ; Library of Health. 

Alden [awl'den], Henry Mills. Vt., 
1836 . A thoughtful and sugges- 
tive writer on religious themes who has 
been editor of Harper's Magazine from 
1869. God in his World ; A Study of 
Death. Sar. 

Alden, Mrs. Isabella [Macdonald]. 

"Pansy." N. Y., 1841 . Avery 

prolific writer of religious tales for 
young people, the literary worth of 
which is inconsiderable. Four Girls 
at Chautauqua ; Chautauqua Girls at 
Home, are among the earlier ones. Lo. 

Alden, Joseph. N. Y., 1807-1885. 
An industrious contributor to educa- 
tional and Sunday-school literature. 
He was for many years president of the 
Normal School at Albany. Example 
of Washington ; Citizen's Manual ; 
Christian Ethics ; The Science of Gov- 
ernment ; Studies in Bryant ; Elements 

of Intellectual Philosophy. Ap. Le. 

Alden, William Livingston. Ms., 

1837 . Son of J. Alden, supra. A 

humourous writer who has for some time 
resided in London. A New Robinson 
Crusoe ; Domestic Explosions ; Shoot- 
ing Stars ; Moral Pirates ; Cruise of the 
Canoe Club ; Life of Christopher Co- 
lumbus. Har. Ho. Put. 

Aldrich [awl'dritch], Annie Reeve. 
N. Y., 1866-1892. A New York city 
writer of notably erotic verse and fic- 
tion. The Rose of Flame and Other 
Poems of Love ; Songs about Life, Love, 
and Death ; The Feet of Love : a novel. 

Aldrich, James. N. Y., 1810-1866. 
A litterateur of New York, who estab- 
lished The Literary Gazette in 1840, in 
which a number of his verses appeared. 
His Poems were privately printed by 
his daughter in 1884. 

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. N. K, 

1837 . A poet and novelist whose 

work in both verse and prose is dis- 
tinguished for grace of expression 
and delicacy of execution. Verse : 
The Bells ; Ballad of Baby Bell ; Pam- 
pinea ; Flower and Thorn ; Cloth -of 
Gold ; Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book ; 
XXXVI Lyrics and XII Sonnets ; The 
Sisters' Tragedy ; Wyndham Towers ; 
Unguarded Gates ; Mercedes and Later 
Lyrics ; Judith and Holof ernes. Prose : 
Prudence Palfrey ; The Queen of She- 
ba ; The Stillwater Tragedy ; Marjorie 
Daw and Other Stories ', Two Bites at 
a Cherry, with Other Tales ; The Story 
of a Bad Boy ; An Old Town by the 
Sea : a description of Portsmouth, the 
author's birthplace ; From Ponkapog 
to Pesth : Travel Sketches. See Sted- 
man's Poets of America; Vedder's Amer- 
ican Writers. Hou. 

Alexander, Archibald. Va., 1772- 
1851. A Presbyterian clergyman who 
was professor at Princeton Theologi- 
cal Seminary 1812-51. Evidences of 
Christianity ; The Canon of Scripture ; 
Moral Science ; Bible Dictionary, are 
some of his many works. See Life, by 
J. W. Alexander ; Sprague's Annals of 
the American Pulpit. Scr. 

Alexander, Caleb. N. Y., 1775-1828. 
A clergyman, much of whose life was 
spent in teaching at Onondaga, New 


York. He published Latin and Eng- 
lish granxraars ; Essay on the Deity of 
Christ ; The Columbian Dictionary ; 
Grammar Elements : a literal prose ver- 
sion of Virgil. 
Alexander, James Waddel. Va., 
1804-1859. Son of A. Alexander, supra. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of New York 
city. Plain Words to a Young Com- 
municant ; Sacramental Discourses ; 
Thoughts on Preaching ; Life of Arch- 
ibald Alexander ; Consolation ; The 
American Mechanic and Worldngman, 
are among his writings. Han. Scr. 

Alexander, John Henry. Md., 1812- 
1867. A once noted Maryland scien- 
tist. History of the Metallurgy of 'Iron ; 
Universal Dictionary of Weights and 
Measures, Ancient and Modem ; Inter- 
national Tonnage ; Treatise of Mathe- 
matical Instruments ; Introits ; Catena 
Dominica : a collection of religious 

Alexander, Joseph Addison. Fa., 
1809-1860. Son of A. Alexander, su- 
pra. A Presbyterian clergyman, pro- 
fessor at Princeton College, and Theo- 
logical Seminary, 1820-60. He was 
the author of Commentaries on the 
Psalms, Isaiah, Acts, Matthew, and 
Mark ; and many theological reviews, 
often as sarcastic as they were forcible. 
See Life, by H. C. Alexander; Hart's 
American Literature. Scr. 

Alexander, Samuel Davies. N. J., 
1819-1894. Son of A. Alexander, su- 
pra. A Presbyterian clergyman of New 
York city from 1855. Princeton Col- 
lege in the 18th Century. Scr. 

Alexander, Stephen. N. T., 1806- 
1883. An astronomer who was a pro- 
fessor at Princeton College, 1834—78. 
Physical Phenomena of Solar Eclipses ; 
Certain Harmonies of the Solar Sys- 

Alger [al'jSr], Horatio, Jr. Ms., 1832- 

. The author of a long series of 

popular juvenile tales, among which the 
Ragged Dick stories are best known. 

Alger, 'William Rounseville. Ms., 

1822 . A Unitarian clergyman and 

lecturer of Boston. Symbolic History 
of the Cross ; The School of Life ; His- 
tory of the Doctrine of a Future Life ; 
The Solitudes of Nature and Man ; The 


Friendships of Women ; Poetry of the 
Orient ; Life of Edwin Forrest. A. U. 
A. Lip. Rob. 

Alice, Aunt. See Graves, Mrs. 

Alice, Cousin. See Haven, Mrs. 

Allan, William. Va., 1837-1889. A 
lieutenant-colonel in the Confederate 
army during the Civil War. Battle- 
fields of Virginia ; Jackson's Valley 
Campaign; Army of Northern Vir- 
ginia. Hou. Lip. 

Allen, Alexander Vlets Griswold. 

Ms., 1841 . An Episcopal clergy- 
man, prominent among leaders of mod- 
ern religious thought, and a professor 
in the Episcopal Theological School at 
Cambridge. The Continuity of Chris- 
tian Thought : a Study of Modern 
Theology in the Light of its History ; 
Life of Jonathan Edwards ; The Greek 
Theology and the Renaissance of the 
19th Century ; Religious Progress. 

Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann [Chase] 
[Akers], "Florence Percy." Me. 

1832 . A writer of verse, whose 

song, " Rook Me to Sleep, Mother," is 
her most famous though not her best 
poem. The Triangular Society ; Queen 
Catharine's Rose ; Forest Buds ; Poems 
by Florence Percy ; The Silver Bridge ; 
The High Top Sweeting. Hou. Scr. 

Allen, Frederick De Forest. O., 

1844 . A professor of classical 

philology at Harvard University from 
1880. Remnants of Early Latin ; Greek 
Versification in Inscriptions. 

Allen, Fred Hovey. N. H, 1845- 

. A clergyman, author of the text 

in a number of popular art works, such 
as Great Cathedrals of the World ; Mod- 
em German Masters ; The Bowdoin 
Collection ; The Dor^ Album ; The 
Gerome Album ; Discovery and Con- 
quest of Peru ; Discovery and Con- 
quest of Mexico. Meth. 

Allen, Harrison. Pa., 1841 . A 

surgeon of Philadelphia, professor in 
the University of Pennsylvania from 
1865. Outlines of Comparative Anat- 
omy ; System of Human Anatomy. 

Allen, Ira. Ct., 1751-1814. An officer 
in the American army during the Rev- 
olutionary War, who was afterwards 
instrumental in settling the disputes 



between Vennout and its neighbours. 
Natural and Political History of Ver- 

Allen, James Lane. Ky., 1849 . 

At one time a teacher, now devoted to 
literature. A writer of short stories, 
notable for literary excellence. Flute 
and Violin ; The Blue Grass Region 
and Other Sketches of Kentucky ; John 
Gray : a Novel ; The Kentucky Cardi- 
nal; Aftermath; A Summer in Ar- 
cady ; The Choir Invisible. See Atlan- 
tic Monthly, January, 1897. Har. Lip. 

Allen, Jerome. Vt., 1830-1894. An 
educator of New York, dean of the 
School of Pedagogy. Handbook of 
Experimental Chemistry ; Methods for 
Teachers in Grammar ; Mind Studies 
for Young Teachers ; Temperament in 

Allen, Joel Asaph. Ms., 1838 . 

A naturalist who since 1885 has been 
curator of ornithology and mammalogy 
in the American Museum of Natural 
History in New York city. History of 
North American Pinnipeds ; Mono- 
graphs of North American Rodentia 
(with E. Cones, infra). 

Allen, Joseph Henry. Ms., 1820- 
. A Unitarian clergyman of Cam- 
bridge, who is also noted as the author 
of a number of valuable and popular 
classical text-books. Ten Discourses 
on Orthodoxy ; Hebrew Men and Times ; 
Christian History in Three Great Pe- 
riods ; Fra^^raents of Christian History ; 
Historical Sketch of the Unitarian 
Movement since the Reformation ; Our 
Liberal Movement in Theology ; Out- 
line of Christian History, A. D. 50-1880 ; 
are some of his religious works. El. 
Gi. Rob. 

Allen's Wife, Josiah. See Holley. 

Allen, Lewis Fally. N. Y., 1799- 
18 — . A once prominent cattle broker. 
Rural Architecture ; The American 
Herd Book ; American Cattle. 

Allen, Nathan. Ms., 1813-1889. A 
physician of Lowell. The Law of Hu- 
man Increase ; The Opium Trade ; 
Physical Development. 

Allen, Paul. S,. I., 1775-1826. A 
journalist of Philadelphia. Poems : 
Noah, a poem in five cantos ; Life of 
Alexander I. ; Lewis and Clark's Nov- 

els. The Life of Washington, which 
bears his name, was written by John 
Neal, infra, and others. 

Allen, Richard Lamb. Ms., 1803- 
1869. Brother of L. F. Allen, supra, 
with whom, in 1842, he founded the 
American Agriculturalist. Domestic 
Animals; Diseases of Domestic Ani- 
mals ; New American Farm Book (with 
L. F. Allen). See Last Letters of, with 

Allen, Stephen Merrill. N. H., 
1819-1894. A banker and merchant 
of Boston. Fibrilia and Fibrous Man- 
ufactures, Ancient and Modem ; Theo- 
ries of Light ; Religion and Science. 

Allen, Timothy Field. Vt, 1837- 

. A physician of New York city, 

dean of the Homoeopathic Medical 
College since 1882. Charaeese Ameri- 
canse ; Genesal Symptom-Register of 
Homoeopathic Materia Medica. He 
has edited Bncyelopsedia of Pure Ma- 
teria Medica. 

Allen, William. Jlfs., 1784-1868. The 
author of an American Biographical 
and Historical Dictionary, the first edi- 
tion of which appeared in 1809, the 
earliest work of the kind in the United 
States. From 1820 to 1829 he was 
president of Bowdoin College. Lec- 
tures to Young Men; Junius Un- 
masked ; Wunissoo : a poem, with notes. 

Allen, William Francis. Ms., 1830- 
1889. Brother of J. H. Allen, supra. 
A professor in the University of Wis- 
consin. He published Outline Studies 
in the History of Ireland ; Monographs 
and Essays ; and edited a collection of 
Slave Songs. 

Allen, Willis Boyd. Me., 1855 . 

A Boston litterateur whose writings are 
popular with juvenile readers. Among 
them are The Red Mountain of Alaska ; 
Pine Cones ; Silver Rags ; Kelp ; The 
Mammoth Hunters. He has publishccl 
In the Morning, a collection of verse. 
Mst. Lo. Man. 

Allen, Zachariah. B. L, 1795-1882. 
A noted inventor and manufacturer of 
Providence. Practical Tourist ; Prac- 
tical Mechanics ; Philosophy of the 
Mechanics of Nature ; Solar Light and 
Heat. See Memorial by A. Perry, 1883. 

Allerton, Mrs. Ellen [Palmer]. N, 


Y., 1835 . A Kansas writer living 

at Padoma in that State. Poems of 
the Prairies. 

Allibone, Samuel Austin. Pa., 
1816-1889. A Philadelphia author 
widely known by his Critical Diction- 
ary of Eng-lish Literature and British 
and American Authors, a work of im- 
mense labour and research. It is of 
great value as a work of reference, but 
is not an infallible guide, and is more 
or less marred by trivial comment and 
moralizing. See Pennsylvania Maga- 
zine, vol. IS, 1S91. Lip. 

AUmond, Marcus Blakey. Va., 

18.51 . An educator of Louisville 

who has published Estelle, an Idyl of 
Old Virginia, a volume of verse ; Agri- 
cola, an Eastern Idyl ; Outlines of Latin 

AUston [awl'ston], Robert Francis 
Withers. S. C, 1801-1864. A South 
Carolina statesman well known at one 
time as an agricultural reformer. Me- 
moir on Rice ; Essay on Sea Coast 
Crops ; Report on Public Schools. 

AUston, Washington. S. C, 1'7'79- 
1843. A once famous artist of Cam- 
bridge who was also known as a poet 
and romancer. Sylphs of the Seasons 
and Other Poems ; The Romance of 
Monaldi ; Lectures on Art. »See Tuck- 
erman's Book of the Artists ; Life and 
Letters, edited by J. Flagg, 1892. 

Alsop [awl'sop], Richard. Ct, 1761- 
1815. Poet. A witty political satirist 
who, with Theodore D wight, wrote 
The Echo in 1791, a series of metrical 
parodies upon current publications, ora- 
tions, state papers, and the like. Other 
works by Alsop are The Charms of 
Fancy ; A Monody on the Death of 
Washington ; The Enchanted Lake of 
the Fairy Morgana. 

Alvord [awl'vord], Benjamin. Vt., 
1813-1884. A United States officer 
who served in the Mexican and Civil 
wars. Tangenoies of Circles and 
Spheres; Interpretation of Imaginary 
Roots in Questions of Maxima and Mi- 

Ames, Charles Gordon. Ms., 1828- 
. A Unitarian clergyman who be- 
came pastor of the Church of the Disci- 
ples in Boston on the death of J. F. 
Clarke, infra. George Eliot's Two Mar- 


riages ; As Natural as Life : Studies of 
the Inner Kingdom. 

Ames, Mrs. Eleanor Maria [East- 
erbrook], "Eleanor Kirk." 1830- 

. A litterateur of Brooklyn. Up 

Broadway and Its Sequel ; Information 
for Authors ; Perpetual Yoiith. 

Ames, Fisher. Ms., 1758-1808. Son 
of N. Ames, infra. A statesman whose 
speeches are marked examples of con- 
densed effective statement as well as 
of felicitous expression. Laoeoon and 
Other Essays. See Works of, with Me- 
moir, 1854 ; Magoon's Orators of the 
American Revolution. 

Ames, Lucia True. N. H., 1856- 
. A Boston writer who has pub- 
lished Great Thoughts for Little 
Thinkers ; Memoirs of a Millionaire, 
a novel. Hou. Put. 

Ames, Mary Clemmer. See Hudson, 

Ames, Nathaniel. Ms., 1708-1764. 
A physician of Dedham, Massachu- 
setts, who published, 172.5-64, an As- 
tronomical Diary and Almanac which 
contained much shrewd humour and 
original philosophy and was widely 
popular. See Tyler's American Litera- 
tures ; Essays, Humour and Poems of 
Nathaniel Ames, father and son, edited 
by S. Briggs, 1891. 

Ammen, Daniel. O., 1820 . A 

rear-admiral of the United States navy, 
the designer of the Ammen life raft. 
The Atlantic Coast; Country Homes 
and their Improvement ; The Old Navy 
and the New. Lip. Scr. 

Amory, Thomas Coffin. Ms., 1812- 
1889. A lawyer of Boston. Life of 
James Sullivan, Governor of Massachu- 
setts ; Military Services of Major-Gen- 
eral John Sullivan ; Life of Sir Isaac 

Anagnos, Mrs, Julia Romana 
[Howe]. 1844-1886. Daughter of 
Dr. S. G. and Julia Ward Howe, infra, 
and wife of M. Anagnos, the Superin- 
tendent of the Perkins Institute for the 
Blind in Boston. Stray Chords, a vol- 
ume of verse ; Philosophise Questor, 

Anderson, Alexander. N. Y., 

1775-1870. The first wood-engraver 
in the United States. He was the 
author of an illustrated General His- 
tory of Quadrupeds. 




Anderson, John Jacob. N. Y., 

1821 . An educator of New York 

city who prepared a number of histori- 
cal text books, among which are A His- 
tory of France ; Common School His- 
tory of the United States. My, 

Anderson, Mary. See Navarro. 

Anderson, Hasmus Bjorn. Wis., 
1846 . A Norse scholar of Nor- 
wegian descent who has translated 
Bjornson^s novels and written much in 
relation to Norse mythology. America 
not Discovered by Columbus ; Norse 
Mythology ; Viking Tales of the 
North ; The Younger Edda ; The Elder 
Edda. Sc. 

Anderson, Rufus. Me., 1796-1880. 
A clergyman, who was secretary of the 
American Board of Foreign Missions, 
1824-74. Foreign Missions, their Rela- 
tions and Claims ; History of the 
American Board's Missions in the Sand- 
wich Islands, Turkey and India, Pelo- 
ponnesus and Greek Islands. C. P. <S. 

Andre'W, James Osgood. Ga., 
1794-1871. A bishop of the Methodist 
Church South. Family Government ; 

Andrews, Christopher Columbus. 
N. H., 1829 . A brevet major- 
general in the United States army, who 
was minister to Sweden 1869-77, and 
consul-general to Brazil 1882-85. 
Minnesota and Dakota (1857) ; Practi- 
cal Treatise on the Revenue Laws of 
the United States ; Hints to Company 
Officers on their Military Duties ; His- 
tory of the Campaign of Mobile ; Di- 
gests of the Opinions of the Attorneys- 
General of the United States ; BrazU, 
its Condition and Prospects (1887), third 
enlarged edition (1895). Ap. 

Andre-ws, Elisha Benjamin. N. H., 

1844 . A prominent educator, 

president of Brown University. Insti- 
tutes of General History ; Institutes of 
Economics ; Brief Institutes of our Eco- 
nomical History ; An Honest Dollar ; 
Eternal Words and Other Sermons ; 
History of the United States ; Wealth 
and Moral Law ; History of the Last 
Quarter Century in the United States, 
1870-95. Gi. Scr. Sil. 

Andrews, Eliza Frances. Ga., 

1847 . An educator of Macon, 

Georgia, whose writing is mainly in the 
line of fiction. A Mere Adventurer ; 

A Family Secret ; How he was 
Tempted ; Prince Hal. 

Andrews, Ethan Allen. Ct, 1787- 
1858. An educator who was at one 
time professor of ancient languages in 
the University of North Carolina. Be- 
side a Latin-English Dictionary, he 
published a valuable series of classical 
text-books. Hou. 

Andrews, Israel Ward. Ct., 181.5- 
1888. President of Marietta College. 
His only published work of importance 
is a Manual of the Constitution of the 
United States. Va. 

Andrews, Jane. Ms., 1833-1887. 
A writer of Newburyport whose books 
for children have long been deservedly 
popular. Seven Little Sisters who Live 
on the Round Ball that Floats in the 
Air ; The Seven Little Sisters Prove 
their Sisterhood; The Stories Mother 
Nature Told ; Ten Boys who Lived on 
the Road from Long Ago to Now ; 
Only a Year and what it Brought. Gi. 

Andrews, Samuel James. Ct., 

1817 . Brother of I. W. Andrews, 

supra. An Irvingite clergyman of Hart- 
ford, Connecticut. The Life of Our 
Lord upon Earth ; God's Revelations of 
Himself to Men. Scr. 

Andrews, Sidney. 1837-1880. A 
Boston journalist. The Art of Flying ; 
The South since the War. 

Andrews, Stephen Pearl. Ms., 
1812-1886. An eccentric writer of New 
York city, the originator of phono- 
graphic reporting and at one period 
prominent as an abolitionist. Among 
his many and varied works are Basic 
Outline of Universalogy, in which he 
advocated the adoption of a universal 
lang-uage called Alwato ; Discourses in 
Chinese ; Comparison of Common Law 
with Roman, French, or Spanish Law 
on Entails and Other Limited Proper- 
ty ; Love, Marriage and Divorce. 

Angell, Henry Clay. B. L, 1829- 
— ^ — . A professor of ophthalmology in 
Boston University. Diseases of the 
Eye ; How to Take Care of our Eyes ; 
Records of W. M. Hunt. Mob. 

Angell, James Burrill. B. I., 1829- 
. President of Michigan Univer- 
sity since 1871. Manual of French Lit- 
erature ; Progress in International 


Angell, Joseph Kinnlcut. R. L, 

1794-1857. A leg;al writer of Rhode 
Island, among whose works are Treatise 
on the Common Law of Watercourses ; 
The Law of Tide Waters ; The Limi- 
tation of Actions. Lit. 

Anspach, Frederick Rinehart. 
Pa., 1815-1867. A Lutheran clergy- 
man of Hagerstown, Maryland. Sons 
of the Sires ; Sepulchres of Our De- 
parted ; The Two Pilgrims. 

Anthon, Charles. N. Y., ItQY-lSe?. 
A noted classical scholar, for many 
years professor of ancient languages at 
Columbia College. He was the author 
of some fifty classical text-books, in- 
cluding a Classical Dictionary. Sar. 

Anthon, John. Mch., 1784-1863. 
Brother of Charles Anthon, supra. A 
jurist of New York city. Essay on the 
Study of Law ; Analysis of Black- 

Antoine, Eugene. See Fortier. 

Appleton, Jesse. N. H., 1772-1819. 
A Congregational clergyman, president 
of Bowdoin College, 1807-19. Ad- 
dresses; Lectures. His works, with 
Memoir by A. S. Packard, infra, ap- 
peared in 1837. 

Appleton, John. 1804^1891. A 
former chief justice of Maine eminent 
as a legal reformer. The Rules of 
Evidence Stated and Discussed. 

Appleton, John Hoiward. Me., 

1844 . A professor of chemistry 

at Brown University since 1868. The 
Young Chemisst ; Qualitative Analysis ; 
Quantitative Analysis ; Chemistry of 
Non Metals. Sil. 

Appleton, Thomas Gold. Ms., 1812- 
1884. An artist and litterateur of 
Boston. A Sheaf of Papers ; A Nile 
Journal ; Windfalls ; Syrian Sunshine ; 
Chequer- Work ; Faded Leaves, a vol- 
ume of verse. See Life and Letters, 
edited by Susan Hale, 1885. Bob. 

Apthorp, William Foster. Ms-, 
1848 — - — . A musical newspaper 
critic of Boston. Musicians and Music 
Lovers and Other Essays. He has 
translated Zola's Jacques Damour. 
Cop. Scr. 

Archibald, Andrew Webster. 

N. Y., 1851 . A Congregational 

clergyman of prominence in Iowa. 
The Bible Verified. 


Archibald, Mrs. George. See Palm- 
er, Mrs. Anna. 
Arey, Mrs. Harriet Ellen [Gran- 

nis]. Vt., 1819 . An educator 

whose home is in Cleveland. House- 
hold Songs and Other Poems ; Home 
and School Training. Lip. 

Arkwright, Peleg. See Proudjit, D. 

Armitage, Thomas. E., 1819-1896. 
A prominent Baptist clergyman of New 
York city. Jesus, his Self Introspec- 
tion ; Lectures on Preaching ; History 
of the Baptists. 

Armstrong, George Dodd. N. J., 

1813 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of Norfolk, Virginia. The Simimer 
of the Pestilence ; The Doctrine of 
Baptisms ; The Christian Doctrine of 
Slavery ; Theology of Christian Experi- 
ence ; The Sacraments of the New Tes- 
tament ; The Books of Nature and 
Revelation, a criticism of the theory of 
evolution. Fu. 
Armstrong, John. Pa., 1758-1843. 
An officer of note in the American 
army at the time of the Revolution. 
He was the author of the first of the 
famous Newburg Letters, and in later 
life published Notes on the War of 
1812 ; Treatise on Gardening ; Treatise 
on Agriculture ; Memoirs of Generals 
Montgomery and Wayne. 

Arnold, Albert Nicholas. E. L, 

1814-1883. A Baptist clergyman who 
held professorships in several Baptist 
seminaries successively. Pre-requisites 
to Communion ; Evils of Infant Bap- 
tism ; One Woman's Mission. 

Arnold, George. N. Y., 1834-1865. 
A journalist and poet of New York 
city, whose verse is musical without 
being especially strong. Drift and 
Other Poems ; Poems Grave and Gay. 
See Biographical Sketch by W. Winter, 
infra. Hou. 

Arnold, Isaac Newton. iV^. Y.,1815- 
1884. A prominent Chicago lawyer 
and politician, member of Congress, 
1861-^5. Life of Abraham Lincoln ; 
Life of Benedict Arnold; Recollec- 
tions of the Early Chicago and Illinois 
Bar. Mg. 

Arnold, Lauren Briggs. N. Y., 1814- 
1888. An agricnlturist of western New 
York who lectured frequently upon 




dairy husbandry and was the author of 
American Daiiying. 
Arnold, Samuel Greene. R. I., 

1821-] 880. A lawyer who was several 
times lieutenant-governor of Rhode 
Island. History of the State of Rhode 
Island and Providence Plantations ; 
Life of Patrick Henry. Pr. 

Arp, BUI. See Smith, C. H. 

Arr, E. H. See Rollins, Mrs. Ellen. 

Arria. See Pugh, Mrs. 

Arrington, Alfred W. N. C, 1810- 
1867. A prominent laAvyer in the 
Southwest, and, later, in Chicago. The 
Rangei-s and Regulators of the Tanaha ; 
Sketches of the Southwest ; Poems 
(with Memoir), 1869. 

Arthur, Timothy Shay. N. Y., 1809- 
1885. A prolific writer of moral tales, 
with much more excellence of intention 
than literary merit to recommend them, 
but which have enjoyed a very exten- 
sive popularity. Ten Nights in a Bar- 
Room ; Six Nights with the Washing- 
tonians ; Tales of Married Life, are 
some of the best known. His life was 
nearly all spent in Philadelphia. Co. 
Lip. Pet. 

Ashhurst, John. Pa., 1839 . A 

distinguished surgeon of Philadelphia. 
Injuries of the Spine ; Principles and 
Practice of Surgery. He has edited the 
International Encyclopaedia of Surgery. 

Astor, 'William 'Waldorf. N. Y., 

1848 . A noted millionaire of 

New York city, minister to Italy, 1882- 
85, and more recently the proprietor of 
the Pall Mall Gazette and Pall Mall 
Magazine in London. Valentino, an 
Historical Romance of the 10th Cen- 
tury in Italy ; Sforza, a Story of Milan. 

Atkinson, Ed-ward. Ms., 1827 . 

A Boston reformer active in matters 
of diet and political economy. The 
Distribution of Products; Labor and 
Capital ; Industrial Progress of the Na^ 
tion ; The Science of Nutrition ; Mar- 
gin of Profits ; Taxation and Work. 

Atkinson, John. N. J., 1835- 

A clergyman of prominence in the 
Methodist church. The Living Way ; 
Memorials of Methodism in New Jer- 
sey ; The Garden of Sorrows ; The Class 

Leader ; Centennial History of Ameri- 
can Methodism. Meth. 

Atkinson, 'William Parsons. Ms., 
1820-1890. Brother of E. Atkinson, 
supra. A professor of history at the 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 
The Right Use of Books ; History and 
the Study of History ; Classical and 
Scientific Studies. Rob. 

Atwater, Horace Coiwles. N. Y., 
1819-1879. A clergyman of the Meth- 
odist Church South, who published In- 
cidents of a Southern Tour (1857). 

AtTwater, Lyman Hotchkiss. Ct., 
1813-1883. A professor of philosophy 
at Princeton College and long a noted 
contributor to the Princeton Review. 
He published a Manual of Elementary 
Logic. Lip. 

Atwater, 'Wilbur Olin. N. Y., 1844- 

■ . A professor of chemistry at Wes- 

leyan University since 1873. He has 
written extensively upon agricultural 
chemistry, and published Co-operative 
Experimenting as a Means of Studying 
the Effect of Fei-tilizers ; Results of 
Field Experiments with Various Ferti- 

Atwood, Anthony. N. J., 1801- 
1888. A Methodist clergyman, whose 
only published work is The Abiding 

Atwood, Isaac Morgan. N. Y., 

1838 . A Universalist clergyman, 

president of the Theological Seminary 
at St. Lawrence University. Have we 
Outgrown Christianity ; Glance at the 
Religious Progress of the United States ,* 
Latest Word of Universalism ; Walks 
about Zion ; Manual of Revelation. 

Audubon, John James. La., 1780- 
1851. An ornithologist of eminence, 
whose entire life was devoted to the 
pursuit of his favorite study. Birds of 
America ; Quadrupeds of North Amer- 
ica; Ornithological Biography. See 
Audubon, the Naturalist, by Mrs. St. 
John ; Journal of Life and Labours of 

Auringer, Obadiah Cyrus. N. Y., 

1849 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of New York state, whose writings in 
verse include Scythe and Sword ; The 
Heart of the Golden Roan ; The Epi- 
sode of Jane McCrea ; The Book of the 
Hills. Lo. 




Austen, Peter Townsend. N. Y., 

1852 . A professor of chemistry 

at Rutgers College since 1877, who has 
contributed much to scientific journals, 
and published Chemical Lecture Notes ; 
Organic Chemistry, from the German 
of Pinner. Wil. 
Austin, Arthur Williams. Ms., 
1807-1884. A lawyer of Boston. The 
Woman and the Queen, and Other 
Specimens of Verse, (1875). 
Austin, Benjamin. Ms., 1752-1820. 
A Boston merchant, active as a politi- 
cal writer and an especially violent 
champion of democracy. Constitu- 
tional Republicanism is a collection of 
some of his contributions to the news- 
papers of his day. 
Austin, Coe Finch. N. Y., 1831- 
1880. A botanist of Closter, New York, 
[ who published Musoi Appalachani, a 

description of American mosses. 
Austin, George LoTwell. Ms., 1849- 
1893. A Boston physician whose mis- 
cellaneous writings include Perils of 
American Women, a Doctor's Talk 
withMaiden,Wife,andMother ; Water- 
Analysis, a Handbook for Water-Drink- 
ers ; Under the Tide ; Life of Franz 
Schubert ; Popular History of Massa- 
chusetts ; Life and Deeds of General 
Grant ; Longfellow ; Life of Wendell 
Phillips. Le. 

Austin, Henry. Ms., 1856-- . A 

lawyer of Boston, who has written The 
Law Concerning Farms ; American 
Farm and Game Laws ; American Fish 
and Game Laws ; Liquor Law in New 
Austin, Henry Willard. Ms., 1858- 

. A journalist and litterateur of 

Boston. Vagabond Verses. 
Austin, James Trecothick. Ms., 
1784-1870. A once prominent lawyer 
of Boston, who published a Life of 
Elbridge Gerry. 
Austin, Mrs. Jane [Goodwin]. Ms., 
1831-1894. A talented writer of his- 
torical fiction, much of whose life was 
spent in Boston. She was a careful 
student of colonial history, and will be 
long remembered for her series of ro- 
mances relating to the Plymouth Pil- 
grims and their descendants. These 
include A Nameless Nobleman ; Stan- 
dish of Standish; Betty Alden : the 

First-Bom Daughter of the Pilgrims ; 
Dr. Le Baron and his Daughters ; Da^ 
vid Alden's Daughter and Other Sto- 
ries of Colonial Times. Other novels 
by her are Cipher; The Shadow of 
Moloch Mountain ; Mrs. Beauchamp 
Brown ; The Desmond Hundred ; Dora 
Darling ; Outpost. Nantucket Scraps 
is a volume of travel sketches ; Moon- 
folk, a fairy tale. Hon. Le. Put. Rob. 

Austin, Samuel. Ct., 1760-1830. A 
Congregational clergyman of Worces- 
ter, Massachusetts, 1790-1815, and af- 
terwards president of the University of 
Vennont. Views of the Church ; The- 
ological Essays ; Letters on Baptism. 

Austin, William. Ms., 1778-1841. 
A Boston lawyer whose best claim to 
remembrance is that he was author of 
the famous sketch Peter Rugg: the 
Missing Man, which appeared in the 
New England Galaxy in 1824. It is a 
very remarkable imaginative study that 
in some respects anticipates the later 
work of Hawthorne. Other works of 
his are Letters from London (1804) ; 
The Human Character of Jesus Christ. 
See Literary Papers of, with Biographi- 
cal Sketch, 1890. Lit. 

Avery, Benjamin Parke. N. Y., 
1829-1875. A Californian journalist 
who was appointed minister to China 
in 1874. Californian Pictures in Prose 
and Verse. 

Ayres, Alfred. See Osmun. 

Ayres, Anne. E., 1816-1896. The 
first member of an American sisterhood 
in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 
becoming a sister of the Holy Commu- 
nion in 1845. Evangelical Sisterhoods ; 
Life of W. H. Muhlenberg, infra. 

Azarias, Brother. See Mullany. 

Bache [bayeh], Alexander Dallas. 
Pa., 1806-1867. A scientist who wa-s 
superintendent of the United States 
Court Survey, 1843-67. His annual 
reports to Congress are works of great 
value. See Commemorative Address by 
B. A. Gould, infra, 1868. 

Bache, Franklin. Pa.. 1792-1864. 
Cousin of A. D. Bache, supra, and like 
him a great-grandson of Benjamm 




Franklin, infra. A Philadelphia phy- 
sician, professor of chemistry in Jeffer- 
son Medical CoUeg-e, 1841-64. A Sys- 
tem of Chemistry for Students in Med- 
icine ; The Dispensatory of the United 
States (with G. B. Wood). See Me- 
moir, by G. B. Wood, infra. 

Bacheller, Irving. N. Y., 1859- 

. A journalist and litterateur of 

New York city. The Master of Si- 
lence, a romance ; The Still House of 
O'Darrow, a novel. Cas. 

Bachman [bak'man], John. N. Y., 
1790-1874. A naturalist of Charleston, 
where he was pastor of a Lutheran 
church, 181.J-74. He assisted Audu- 
bon, preparing the greater part of the 
text of The Quadrupeds of North 
America, and wrote several religious 
and scientific works. Two Letters on 
Heredity ; Defence of Luther and the 
Reformation. See American Lutheran 

Backus, Isaac. Ct., 1724-1806. A 
Baptist clergyman of Rhode Island. 
A History of New England, with Par- 
ticular Reference to the Baptists. See 
Sprague^s Annals of the American Pul- 

Bacon, Delia Salter. O., 1811-1859. 
The earliest exponent of the Baconian 
theory of the authorship of Shake- 
speare. Philosophy of the Plays of 
Shakespeare Unfolded ; Tales of the 
Puritans ; The Bride of Fort Edward : 
a Drama. See Hawthorn^^s Recollec- 
tions of a Gifted Woman; Mrs. Far- 
rar^s Recollections of Seventy Years ; 
Life, by Theodore Bacon; Saturday 
Review, vol. 67. 

Bacon, Edivin Munroe. R. I., 1844- 
. A journalist of Boston. Dic- 
tionary of Boston ; Boston of To-Day. 

Bacon, Henry. Ms., 1839- 


artist who has lived princii:)ally in Paris. 
A Parisian Year ; Parisian Art and 
Artists. Hou. Rob. 

Bacon, Leonard. Mch., 1802-1881. 
Brother of D. S. Bacon, supra. The 
pastor of a Congregational church in 
New Haven, Connecticut, 1825-81, and 
a prominent figure in the denomina- 
tion to which he belonged. Histori- 
cal Discourses ; Slavery Discussed in 
Occasional Essays ; Genesis of the New 

England Churches ; Christian Self-Cul- 
ture. See Century Magazine, vol. 3. 

Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. Ct., 

1830 . Son of L. Bacon, supra. 

A Congregational clergyman. A Life 
Worth Living ; Church Papers ; Ser- 
mons ; The Simplicity that is in Christ. 

Bacon, Thomas Scott. N. Y., 182.5- 

. An Episcopal controversialist of 

Maryland. Both Sides of the Contro- 
versy between the Roman and Re- 
formed Churches ; The Reign of God 
and the Reign of Law ; The Begin- 
nings of Religion ; Primitive Man in 
Christian Thought ; It is Written ; The 
Primitive and Catholic Doctrine as to 
Holy Scripture. 

Badeau, Adam. N. Y., 1831-1895. 
A general in the United States army. 
The Vagabond ; Military History of 
General Grant ; Conspiracy : a Cuban 
Romance ; Aristocracy in England ; 
Grant in Peace : a Personal Memoir. 
Ap. Har. 

Bagg, Lyman Hotchkiss. " Karl 

Kron." Ms., 1846 . Four Years 

at Yale ; Ten Thousand Miles on a 

Bailey, Jacob Montgomery. N.Y., 
1841-1894. Widely known at one time 
as " The Danbury News Man." A 
journalist of Danbury, Connecticut, who 
was among the earliest to exploit a 
kind of native humour chiefly concerned 
with local allusion ■ and application. 
He has had many imitators whose meth- 
ods have been much less legitimate 
than his. Life in Danbury ; England 
from a Back Window; The Danbury 
Boom ; Mr. PhiUis' Goneness ; They 
All Do It. Le. 

Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Mich., 1858- 

■ . A prominent horticulturist. 

American Grape Training ; Cross- 
breeding and Hybridization ; Field 
Notes on Apple Culture ; Annals of 
Horticulture ; The Horticulturist Rule- 
Book ; The Nursery-Book : a Complete 
Guide to the Multiplication and Pol- 
lination of Plants ; Talks Afield about 
Plants ; Plant Breeding. Hou. Mac. 

Bailey, Loring "Woart. N. Y., 18.39- 

^ • A professor of natural history 

in the University of New Brunswick. 


Mines and Minerals of New Brunswick ; 
Geology of Southern New Brunswick ; 
Elementary Natiiral History. 

Bailey, "William Whitman. N. Y., 

1843 . Brotlier of L. W. Bailey, 

supra. A professor of botany at Brown 
University. New England Wild Flow- 
ers and Their Seasons ; Among Rhode 
Island Wild Flowers ; Botanical Col- 
lector's Hand-Book. Pr. 

Baird, Charles Washington. N. J.. 
1828-1887. Son of R. Baird, supra. 
A Presbyterian minister of Rye, New 
York. Eutaxia, or the Presbyterian 
Liturgies; Book of Public Prayer; 
History of Rye ; History of the Hu- 
guenot Emigration to America. Do. 

Baird, Henry Carey. Pa., 1825- 

. Nephew of Henry Carey, infra, 

and a political economist holding simi- 
lar views. Rights of American Pro- 
ducers and Wrongs of British Free 
Trade Revenue Reformers ; Protection 
of Home Labour and Home Production 
necessary to the Protection of the Amer- 
ican Farmer ; Miscellaneous Papers on 
Economic Questions. Sai. 

Baird, Henry Martyn. Pa., 18.32- 
. Son of R. Baird, infra. Pro- 
fessor of Greek at the University of 
New York from 1859. An historian 
who is conscientious but not absolutely 
impartial. Life of Robert Baird ; Mod- 
ern Greece ; Narrative of a Residence 
and Travels ; History of the Rise of the 
Huguenots of France ; The Huguenots 
and Henry of Navarre ; The Hugue- 
nots and the Revocation of the Edict 
of Nantes. Sar. Ran. Scr. 

Baird, Robert. Pa., llgS-lSa.?. A 
Presbyterian clergyman, active in the 
cause of temperance and in promoting 
the extension of Protestantism in Eu- 
rope. History of the Temperance So- 
cieties ; View of Religion in America ; 
History of the Waldenses, Albigenses, 
and Vaudois ; Protestantism in Italy. 
See Life, by H. M. Baird. Har. 

Baird, Samuel John. 0., 1817 -. 

A Presbyterian clergyman whose writ- 
ings are chiefly concerned with the 
polity and history of the Presbyterian 
church. The Church of Christ : its 
Constitution and Order ; History of the 
Early Polity of the Presbyterian Church 
in the Training of Ministers ; The So- 
cinian Apostasy of the English Presby- 


terian Church ; History of the New 

Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Pa., 
1823-1887. A naturalist of promi- 
nence, who was from 1878 the secre- 
tary of the Smithsonian Institution. 
The translator and editor of the Icono- 
graphic Encyclopedia, co-author with 
J. Cassin of Birds of North America 
and Mammals of North America ; ed- 
itor Annual Record of Science and In- 
dustry from 1872-78. A History of 
North American Birds, written in col- 
laboration with T. M. Brewer and R. 
Eidgway, is one of his most valuable 
works. See Popular Science Monthly, 
vol. 33. Har. Lip. Lit. 

Baker, Abijah Richardson. Ms., 
1805-1876. A Congregational clergy- 
man of Lynn, Massachusetts. School 
History of the United States ; The Cat- 
echism Tested by the Bible ; Topics in 
Christ's Sermon on the Mount. 

Baker, George Augustus. N. Y., 

1849 . A lawyer of New York. 

Point Lace and Diamonds, a collection 
of sparkling society verse ; The Bad 
Habits of Good Society ; Mrs. Hephaes- 
tus and Other Short Stories; West 
Point : a Comedy. Sto. 

Baker, George Melville. lfc,1832- 
1890. The author and compiler of 
Amateur Dramas, the Social Stage, and 
works of like character. Le. 

Baker, George Pierce. R. L, 1866- 
. An instructor at Harvard Uni- 
versity. Plot Book of Elizabethan 
Plays ; Principles of Argumentation. 
Gi. Ho. 

Baker, Mrs. Harriette Neivell 
[Woods]. "Madeline Leslie." Ms., 
1815-1893. Wife of A. R. Baker, 
supra, and daughter of Leonard Woods, 
infra. Beside two novels, — Cora and 
the Doctor, The Courtesies of Wedded 
Life, — her writings include nearly 
two hundred moral and religious tales, 
among which Tim the Scissors Grinder 
is the best known. 

Baker, Mrs. Julie Keim [Wether- 
ill]. Mi., 1858 . A journalist of 

New Orleans. Wings : a Novel. 

Baker, William Mumford. D. C, 

1825-1883. A popular novelist who 
was a Presbyterian clergyman in the 
Southwest until 1870, and afterwards 




the pastor of a churcb, in Boston. He 
was a vig-ouroug -writer of considerable 
originality, whose earlier works possess 
historic interest as pictures of a now 
past stage of civilization in the South- 
em States. Inside : a Chronicle of Se- 
cession ; The Virginians in Texas ; Oak 
Mot ; The New Timothy ; Mose Evans ; 
His Majesty Myself ; Blessed St. Cer- 
tainty ; Thirlmore ; Carter Quarter- 
man ; A Year Worth Living ; Colonel 
Dunwoddie : Millionaire ; The Making 
of a Man ; The Ten Theophanies : the 
Manifestations of Christ before his 
Birth in Bethlehem ; John Westacott, 
a juvenile tale. Har. Le. Man. Hob. 

Balch, WilUam Stevens. Vt., 1806- 
1887. A Universalist clergyman, long 
resident at Elgin, Illinois, and author 
of Lectures on Language ; Grammar of 
the English Language ; Ireland as I 
Saw It ; A Peculiar People. 

Baldwin, James Mark. S. C, 1861- 

. A professor of psychology at 

Princeton University since 1893. Psy- 
chology ; Elements of Psychology ; 
Mental Development in the Child and 
Man; a translation of Ribot's "Ger- 
man Psychology of To-Day." Mo. 

Baldwin, John Denison. Ct., 1809- 
1883. A journalist of Worcester, Mas- 
sachusetts. Raymond Hill, a Poem ; 
Pre-Historic Nations ; Ancient Amer- 
ica. Har. 

Baldwin, Joseph G. Fa., 1811- 
1864. A once popular humourous writer 
who was a jurist of prominence in Ala- 
bama and afterwards of California, of 
which State he became chief justice. 
Flush Times in Alabama and Missis- 
sippi ; Party Leaders, able papers on 
Southern statesmen. 

Baldw^in, Mrs. Lydia "Wood. Ms., 

1836 . Rubina ; A Yankee School- 

Teacher in Virginia. Fu. 

Balestier, Charles "Wolcott. 1861- 
1891. An American writer who estab- 
lished himself as a publisher in London, 
and whose sister was married to Rnd- 
yard Kipling the novelist. A Fair De- 
vice ; Life of Blaine ; A Victorious 
Defeat ; Benefits Forgot ; The Nau- 
lahka (with Rudyard Kipling) ; A Com- 
mon Storv. See Century Magazine, 
April, 1892. Ap. Har. 

Ballou, Adin. B. J., 1803-1890. A 
Universalist clergyman of Milford, 
Massachusetts. Christian Non-Resist- 
ance Defended ; Treatise on Spirit 
Manifestations ; Primitive Christianity 
and its Corruptions ; History of the 
Town of Milford. See New England 
Magazine, April, 1891. 

Ballou, Hosea. N. H., 1771-1852. A 
Universalist theologian of note in New 
England, and one of the founders of 
American Universalism. With his son 
he established the Universalist Quar- 
terly. Treatise on Atonement ; Notes 
on the Parables ; An Examination of 
the Doctrine of Future Retribution. 
See Lives, by M. M. Ballou; Whitte- 
more, 1854 ; Saffard, 1889. See Uni- 
versalist Beview, vol. 4^. 

Ballou, Hosea. Yu, 1796-1861. Neph- 
ew of H. BaUou, supra. A Universalist 
clergyman who was the first president 
of Tufts College, 1854-61. Ancient 
History of Universalism. 
Ballou, Maturin Murray, ilfs.,1820- 
1895. Son of H. Ballou, 2nd. The 
founder and editor of several periodi- 
cals in Boston which bore his name, 
and, in his later years, a traveler to 
all parts of the world. History of 
Cuba ; Life of Hosea Ballou ; Due 
West, or Round the World in Ten 
Months ; Due South, or Cuba Past and 
Present ; Due North : Glimpses of Scan- 
dinavia and Russia ; Under the South- 
ern Cross : Travels in Australia, Tas- 
mania, New Zealand, etc. ; Alaska : 
The New Eldorado ; Aztec Land ; The 
Story of Malta ; The Pearl of India, a 
description of Ceylon ; Equatorial 
America, a description of visits to the 
Lesser Antilles and to South American 
capitals ; Footprints of Travel. Gi. 

Ballou, Moses. Ms., 1811-1879. A 
nephew of H. Ballou, 1st, and, like 
him, a Universalist clergyman. The 
Divine Character Vindicated. 

Bancroft, Aaron. Ms., 1755-1839. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Worcester, 
Massachusetts, 1785-1839, who was 
prominent in the earlier days of the 
Unitarian movement as a writer in its 
behalf. Sermons on the Doctrines of 
the Gospel ; A Life of Washington. 

Bancroft, Edward. Ms., 1744^1821. 


A physician who resided chiefly in Lon- 
don, where he was supposed to have been 
a spy of the English Government dur- 
ing the American Revolution. Natu- 
ral History of Guiana ; Researches con- 
cerning the Philosophy of Permanent 
Colors ; Charles Wentworth : a Novel ; 
and several political works. 

Bancroft, George. Ms., 1800-1891. 
Son of A. Bancroft, supra. An emi- 
nent historian who was United States 
minister to England, 1846-49, and to 
Prussia and Germany, 1867-74. He 
was inclined to view history from the 
philosophic standpoint, and his political 
experiences gave him insight into mo- 
tives. In his estimates of men he made 
smaller allowance for the relative values 
of the testimony of different periods 
than is now customary among histo- 
rians. He paid much attention to style, 
but sometimes erred in regard to over- 
ornament. His manner, however, where 
not laboured, is attractive and often dra^ 
matic. The first volume of The His- 
tory of the United States appeared in 
1834, the second in 1837, the third in 
1840, and the succeeding ones 1852-74. 
A revised edition was issued in 1876, 
while volumes 11 and 12 of the first 
edition were published in 1882 as The 
History of the Formation of the Con- 
stitution of the United States. The 
latest revised edition was printed 1884— 
85. Minor works include Martin Van 
Buren to the End of his Public Ca- 
reer; Literary and Historical Miscel- 
lanies ; Memorial Address on Abraham 
Lincoln; A Plea for the Constitution 
of the United States wounded in the 
House of its Guardians. See Annual 
Cyclopedia, 1391 ; Century Magazine, 
vol. 11 ; Jameson^ s Historical Writing 
in America, pp. 100-110. Ap. Har. 

Bancroft, Hubert Howe. O., 1832- 

■ . An historical writer whose works, 

exceedingly comprehensive in their 
scope, were prepared with the assist- 
ance of a number of collaborateurs. 
The Native Races of the Pacific States, 
5 volumes ; History of the Pacific 
States of North America, including 
Central America, Mexico, California, 
Oregon, British Columbia, .39 volumes ; 
The Early American Chroniclers ; Pop- 
ular History of the Mexican People ; 
Literary Industries. See Jameson's 


Historical Writing in America, pp. ISS- 
156. Ap.Har. 

Bandelier, Adolph Francis Al- 

phonse. .Sy.,183U . An archas- 

ologist of Swiss birth, whose life has 
been chiefly spent in the United States. 
The Art of War and Mode of Warfare ; 
Tenure of Land and Inheritances of 
the Ancient Mexicans ; Historical In- 
troduction to Studies among the Seden- 
tary Indians of New Mexico ; Arehseo- 
logical Tour in Mexico in 1881 ; The 
Delight Makers, a novel of Pueblo In- 
dian Life. Ap. Do. 

Bangs, John Kendrick. JV. Y., 1862- 

. A humourous writer of Yonkers, 

New York, and one of the founders 
of " Life." Three Weeks in PoUties ; 
Coffee and Repartee ; The Idiot ; The 
Water Ghost ; Mr. Bonaparte of Cor- 
sica ; A House Boat on the Styx ; The 
Bicyclers and Other Farces ; Topple- 
ton's Client; A Rebellious Heroine. 

Bangs, Nathan. Ct., 1778-1862. An 
active Methodist theologian and con- 
troversialist, very prominent in the lit- 
erary history of his church and a most 
prolific writer. Among his works are 
comprised History of the Methodist 
Episcopal Church to 1840 ; Errors of 
Hopkinsianism ; Life of Arminius ; 
Letters to a Young Preacher ; Letters 
on Sanctifieation ; Methodist Episco- 
pacy. See Life and Times of, by Abel 
Stevens, Meth. 

Banks, Louis Albert. Or., 1855- 
. A prominent Methodist clergy- 
man. The Saloon Keeper's Ledger, a 
series of Temperance Discourses ; The 
Fisherman and his Friends ; Common 
Folks' Religion ; Revival Quiver, a 
Record of Revival Campaigns ; The 
People's Christ ; White Slaves, or the 
Oppression of the Worthy Poor ; The 
Honeycombs of Life ; Christ and His 
Friends. Fu. Le. Meth. 

Banister, John. E., 16 — 1692. A 
Virginia botanist who assisted the Eng- 
lish naturalist, John Ray Observa- 
tions on the Natural Product' ons of 
Jamaica ; Insects of Virginia ; Curiosi- 
ties of Virginia ; The Unseen Lupus ; 
The Pistolochia, or Serpentaria Virgin- 
iana. The genus Banisteria was named 
in his honour. 

Banneker, Benjamin. Md., 1731- 




1806. An astronomer and mathenia^ 
tieian of African descent, wlio assisted 
in the original survey of the District 
of Columbia and published an astro- 
nomical almanac 179^^-1806. See Lives, 
by Latrobe, 1S45 ; Norris, 1S54 ; Atlan- 
tic Monthly, January, 1863; Catholic 
World, vol. 38. 

Banvard, John. 1814-1891. An ar- 
tist and poet whose famous panorama 
of the Mississippi covered 8 miles of 
canvas. He wrote much indifferent 
verse, and published books of a miscel- 
laneous nature. Amasis, The Last of 
the Pharaohs, afterwards dramatized 
by him ; Carrinia : a Drama ; Descrip- 
tion of the Mississippi River ; Pilgrim- 
age to the Holy Land ; The Private 
Life of a King ; A Tradition of the 
Temple : a Poem. 

Banvard, Joseph. N. Y., 1810-1887. 
Brother of J. Banvard, supra. A Bap- 
tist clergyman of Massachusetts who 
beside contributing somewhat largely 
to Sunday-school literature wrote much 
in other directions. Romance of Amer- 
ican History ; Plymouth and the Pil- 
grims ; Novelties of the New World, or 
Adventures and Discoveries of the First 
Explorers ; Tragic Scenes in the History 
of Maryland ; The American States- 
man : a Memoir of Webster ; Southern 
Explorers ; Soldiers and Patriots of the 
Revolution ; Priscilla : an Historical 
Tale. Lo. Mer. 

Baraga, Friedric. A., 1797-1868. A 
Roman Catholic missionary who came 
to America in 18o0 from Austria, and 
became bishop of Sault St. Marie in 
18-51?. He devoted himself to mission 
work among the Chippewa or Ojibway 
Indians, and beside writing several 
books in their tongue prepared a Gram- 
mar and Dictionary of the Otchipewe 

Barbe, "Waitman. W. Va., 1864- 

. A resident of Parkersburg, West 

Virginia. Ashes and Incense, a vol- 
ume of notable verse ; In the Virginias, 
a collection of short stories. Lip. 

Barber, John Warner. Ct., 1798- 
188.5. An industrious annalist whose 
compilations though of slight literary 
merit are valuable as historical ma- 
terial not so readilv accessible else- 
where. Historical Collections of Mas- 
sachusetts, Connecticut, New York, 

New Jersey, Virginia, and Ohio, the 
four last being prepared with the as- 
sistance of Henry Howe, infra ; History 
of New Haven ; Elements of Geuersd 
History; Historical Scenes in the 
United States. 

Barbour, John Humphrey. Ct, 

18.54 . An Episcopal clergyman, 

professor of New Testament interpre- 
tation at the Berkeley Divinity School 
at Middletown, Connecticut. Begin- 
nings of the Historic Episcopate. 

Barbour, Oliver Lorenzo. N. Y., 
1811-1889. An eminent lawyer of New 
York State. Equity Digest ; Criminal 
Law ; The Law of Set-Off ; Practice 
of the Court of Chancery ; Summary 
of the Law of Parties to Actions at 
Law, and many legal reports. 

Barclay, James Turner. Va., 1807- 
1874. A leading clergyman of the 
Campbellite faith, for many years a 
missionary at Jerusalem. He Is best 
known as the author of The City of the 
Great King, a description of Jerusalem. 

Barker, Fordyce. N. H., 1818-1891. 
A New York physician of prominence 
and a professor in the Bellevue Hospi- 
tal from 1860. On Sea-Sickness; On 
Puerperal Diseases. Ap. 

Barker, George Frederic. Ms., 18.35- 

. A professor of physics in the 

University of Pennsylvania since 1873. 
Correlation of Vital and Physical 
Forces ; Text Book of Elementary 

Barker, James Nelson. Fa., 1784- 
1858. A Philadelphia poet and play- 
wright who was comptroller of the 
United States Treasury 1838-50. His 
dramas include Marmion; The Indian 
Princess ; Superstition ; Smiles and 

Barlow, Joel. Ct., 1754-1812. A 
prominent literary figure in the early 
days of the republic. His verse for the 
most part is stilted and declamatory. 
The Columbiad, his most ambitious 
poem, is now unread, but Hasty Pud- 
ding, a poetical reminiscence of New 
England among Italian scenes, still af- 
fords pleasant reading, and is genuinely 
humourous. The Vision of Columbus, 
The Conspiracy of Kings, are his only 
other works of any note. See Life 
by Todd, 1886; Tyler's Three Men 'of 




Letters, 1895; Atlantic Monthly, vol. 

Barnard, Charles. Ms., 183S . 

A journalist whose work is very mis- 
cellaneous in character and of momen- 
tary Talue only. The Tone Masters; 
The Soprano ; My Ten Rod Farm ; 
Farming by Inches ; A Simple Flower 
Garden ; The Strawberry Garden ; Le- 
gilda Romanoff ; Knights of To-Day ; 
Co-operation as a Business ; A Dead 
Town, a Romance of the Old Country ; 
Talks about the Weather ; Talks aboat 
the Soil. Put. Scr. 

Barnard, Frederick Augustus 
Porter. Ms., 1S09-1SS9. An educa- 
tional writer who was president of 
Columbia College, 18f)4-89. History 
of the United States Coast Survey ; 
Imaginary Metrological System of the 
Great Pyramid ; The Undulatory The- 
ory of Light ; Letters on College Gov- 
ernment. See Memoirs of, by John Ful- 
ton, 1896. Wil. 

Barnard, Henry. Ct., 1811- 

noted advocate of educational reforms. 
National Education in Europe ; School 
Architecture ; Hints and Methods for 
Teachers ; Pestalozzi and Pestalozzian- 
ism ; History of Education in Connec- 
ticut ; Educational Biography ; Ger- 
man Educational Reformers. See New 
England Magazine, vol. 4. 

Barnard, John. Ms., 1681-1770. A 
Congregational minister of Boston who 
was among the earliest New England 
dissenters from Calvinism. A robust 
and logical thinker. Version of the 
Psalms ; Sermons ; The Strange Ad- 
ventures of Philip Ashton. See Tyler's 
American Literature. 

Barnard, John Gross. Ms., 181.5- 
1882. Brother of F. Barnard, supra. 
A major-general of the United States 
Army. Survey of the Isthmus of Te- 
huantepeo; Phenomena of the Gyro- 
scope ; Dangers and Defences of New 
York ; Sea Coast Defence ; The Pe- 
ninsular Campaign and its Antece- 
dents ; Problems of Rotary Motion. 

Barnes, Albert. N. Y., 1798-1870. 
A leader of New School Presbyterian 
thought and an able scriptural com- 
mentator. He was a clergyman of 
Philadelphia, and was at one time tried 
for heresy. Notes on the New Testa- 
ment ; Scriptural Views of Slavery ; 

The Atonement ; Life at Three Score ; 
Prayers for FamUy Worship ; Evi- 
dences of Christianity in the Nineteenth 
Century. See Theological Works of, 
1875. Bar. 

Barnes, James. Md., 1865 -. For 

King or Country, a Story of the Rev- 
olution ; Admiral Farragut ; Naval Ac- 
tions of the War of 1812 ; A Prince- 
tonian. Ap. Har. Put. 

Barnes, Mrs. Mary Do-wning 

[Sheldon]. N. Y., 1850 . An 

educator who has published Studies in 
General History ; Teachers' Manual. 

Barnum, Mrs. Frances Courtenay 
[Baylor]. Ark., IS4S . A nov- 
elist now living in Savannah. On Both 
Sides, an international novel ; Behind 
the Blue Ridge ; Juan and Juauita, a 
juvenile tale ; Claudia Hyde. Hou. 

Barnum, Phineas Taylor. Ct., 
1810-1891. A showman of world-wide 
fame. Humbugs of the World ; Strug- 
gles and Triumphs, or Forty Years' 
Recollections ; Lion Jack, or How Me- 
nageries are Made ; Autobiography. 
See Saturday Beview, vol. 71. 

Barr, Mrs. Amelia Edith [Hud- 
dleston.] E., is:il . A novel- 
ist of English birth who was educated 
in Glasgow and came to America in 
1854. Her literary career did not be- 
gin, however, until 1871. Her books 
exhibit many excellencies of construc- 
tion and characterization, are whole- 
some in tone, and have been deservedly 
popular. Among the best of thein 
may be named Jan Vedder's Wife ; 
Paul and Christina ; A Daughter of 
Fife ; A Border Shepherdess ; The 
Bow of Orange Ribbon, a tale of colo- 
nial life in New York ; Between Two 
Loves ; Friend Olivia ; Bernicia, a 
story in which Whitefield, the famous 
preacher, is a prominent figure. Other 
works by Mrs. Barr include : Scottish 
Sketches ; Flower of Gala Water ; Ro- 
mance and Reality ; Young People of 
Shakespeare's Time ; Cluny McPher- 
son ; The Hallam Succession ; The Lost 
Silver of Briffault ; The Last of the 
McAlisters ; Scottish Sketches ; The 
Squire of Sandal Side ; Master of his 
Fate ; Christopher ; Remember the Ala- 
mo, a story of Texas ; She Loved a 
Sailor ; A Rose of a Hundred Leaves ; 




Michael and Theodora; A Sister to 
Esau ; Feet of Clay ; The Household of 
McNeil ; The Preacher's Daughter ; 
Love for an Hour is Love Forever ; A 
Singer from the Sea ; The Lone House. 
See Andover Review, vol. 11. Ap. Do. 
Barrett, Benjamin Fisk. Me., 1808- 
1892. A Swedenborgian clergyman of 
Philadelphia "who wrote extensively in 
behalf of his faith. A.mong his many 
books are A Life of Swedenborg ; 
The New View of Hell ; Swedenborg 
and Channing ; Heaven Revealed : a 
Popular Presentation of Swedenborg's 
Disclosures about Heaven. 

Barrett, Walter. See Scoville. 

Barron, Elwyn Alfred. Tn., 1855- 
. A Chicago journalist on the ed- 
itorial staff of The Inter-Ocean from 
1879, who has written The Viking, a 
blank-verse drama ; A Moral Crime, 
and other plays. 

Barrow, Mrs. Prances Elizabeth 
[Mease]. "Aunt Fanny." S. C, 
1822-1894. A writer of juvenile tales 
which have befen widely circulated. 
Among them are The Night Cap Series ; 
The Pop Gun Series ; The Six Mitten 
Books. Est. 

Barrows, John Henry. Mich., 1847- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

Chicago. The Gospels are True His- 
tory ; I believe in God the Father Al- 
mighty; Henry Ward Beecher, the 
Pulpit Jupiter ; Life of Henry Ward 
Beecher. Fu. Lo. 

Barrows, Mrs. Katherine Isabel 

Hayes [Chapiu]. Vt, 1846 . 

Wife of S. J. Barrows, infra, and 
with him author of The Shaybacks in 
Camp, a volunae of leisurely travel 
notes. Hou. 

Barrows, Samuel June. N. Y., 

1845 . A Unitarian clergyman of 

Boston, editor of The Christian Regis- 
ter since 1&8I. A Baptist Meeting 
House, a narrative of a transition from 
the Baptist to the Unitarian faith ; 
The Doom of the Majority of Man- 
kind. A. U. A. 

Barrows, William. Ms., 1815-1891. 
A Congregational clergyman of Massa- 
chusetts. The Church and the Chil- 
dren ; The Indian's Side of the Indian 
Question; Oregon, the Struggle for 

Possession ; The United States of Yes- 
terday and To-morrow ; Twelve Nights 
in the Hunter's Camp. Hou. Le. Lo. 

Barry, John Daniel. Ms., 1866 . 

A litterateur of New York city. A 
Daughter of Thespis ; The Intriguers, 
a novel ; Mademoiselle Blanche ; The 
Princess Margarethe, a fairy tale. Ap. 

Barry, John Stetson. Ms., 1819- 
1872. A Universalist clergyman. The 
Stetson Genealogy ; History of Massa^ 

Barry, Patrick. X, 1816-1890. A 
prominent horticulturist of Rochester, 
N. Y. Treatise on the Fruit Garden. Ju. 

Barry, William. Ms., 1805 - 1885. 
Brother of J. S. Barry, supra. A Con- 
gregational clergyman of Chicago. 
Rights and Duties of Neighboring 
Churches ; Thoughts on Christian Doc- 
trine ; History of Framingham ; An- 
tiquities of Wisconsin. ' 

Bartholow, Roberts. Md., 1831- 
. A physician and medical pro- 
fessor of Philadelphia. Materia Medica 
and Therapeutics ; Practice of Medi- 
cine ; Medical Electricity ; The Antag- 
onism between Medicines and between 
Remedies and Diseases. Ap. Lip. 

Bartlett, Elisha. B. L, 1804-1855. 
A Rhode Island physician. The Fe- 
vers of the United States ; Simple Set- 
tings in Verse for Portraits and Pic- 
tures in Mr. Dickens's Gallery. 

Bartlett, John. Ms., 1820 . For- 
merly a Boston publisher, well known 
as the editor of Familiar Quotations, 
which reached a ninth edition in 1891 ; 
The Shakespeare Phrase-Book ; A 
Complete Concordance to Shakespeare. 
Lit. Mac. 

Bartlett, John Russell. B. I., 180.5- 
1886. At one time Secretary of State 
in Rhode Island. Records of the Col- 
ony of Rhode Island ; Memoir of 
Rhode Island Officers in the War of 
the Rebellion ; Primeval Man ; Gene- 
alogy of the Russell Family ; Diction- 
ary of Americanisms ; Progress of Eth- 
nology. He edited the Letters of 
Roger Williams. Lit. 

Bartlett, Joseph. Ms., 1762-1827. 
A satirical poet whose New Vicar of 
Bray once attracted considerable at- 


Bartlett, Samuel Colcord. N. H., 

1817 . President of Dartmouth 

CoUeg-e 1877-92. Life and Death 
Eternal, a Refutation of the Doctrine 
of Annihilation; Future Punishment; 
From Egypt to Palestine : observations 
of a Journey ; Sources of History in 
the Pentateuch. See The Forum, vol. 
S. Har. 

Bartlett, 'Williani Holms Cham- 
bers. Pa., 1804-1893. A prominent 
scientist, who was from 1834^71 an in- 
, struotor at West Point. Treatise on 
Optics ; Analytical Mechanics ; Spher- 
ical Astronomy. 

Bartol, Cyrus Augustus. Me., 1813- 
. A Unitarian clergyman of Bos- 
ton, prominent as a leader of radi- 
cal religious thought. Pictures of 
Europe ; Christian Spirit and Life ; 
Radical Problems ; The Rising Faith ; 
Principles and Portraits ; Church and 
Congregation ; Christian Body and 
Form. A. U. A. Mob. 

Barton, Benjamin Smith. Pa., 
1766-1815. A once noted physician of 
Philadelphia. Observations on Some 
Parts of Natural History ; Ncav Views 
on the Origin of the Tribes of North 
America ; Elements of Botany. 

Barton, 'William Paul Crillon. Pa., 
1786-1856. Nephew of B. S. Barton, 
supra. He organized the United States 
Naval Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, 
and was known both as botanist and 
surgeon. Vegetable Materia Medica 
of the United States ; Flora of North 
America ; Medical Botany ; Compen- 
dium Florae Philadelphise. 

Bartram, John. Pa., 1699-1777. 
" The Father of American Botany." 
A shrewd, careful observer whom Lin- 
nseus termed "the greatest natural 
botanist in the world." Observations 
on the Inhabitants. Climate, etc., as 
made by Mr. John Bartram in his 
Travels from Pennsylvania to Onon- 
daga, etc. A similar record of travels 
in eastern Florida appeared in 1766. 
See Memorials of, by JDarlington, 1S49. 

Bartram, "William. Pa., 1739-1823. 
Son of J. Bartram, supra. A botanist 
and traveller of Pennsylvania. TraveK 
Through North and South Carolina, 
Georgia, etc. ; Observations on the 
Creek and Cherokee Indians. 


Bascom, Henry Bidleman. N. Y., 

1796-1850. A bishop of the Metho- 
dist church. Sermons from the Pulpit ; 
Mental and Moral Science ; Methodism 
and Slavery. See Life by Heuhle, 1864 ; 
Methodist Quarterly, vol. 46. 

Bascom, John. N. Y., 1827 . 

A philosophical writer, from 1874^87, 
president of Wisconsin University, sub- 
sequently professor of political science 
at Williams College. Elements of 
Psychology ; Esthetics ; Political Econ- 
omy for Colleges ; Science, Philoso- 
phy, and Religion ; Natural Theology ; 
The Science of Mind; The Words 
of Christ ; Philosophy of English 
Literature ; Comparative Psychology ; 
Problems in Philosophy; Sociology, 
Social Theory; Ethics; The New Theo- 
logy ; Historical Interpretation of 
Philosophy ; A Philosophy of Religion. 
Cr. Put. 

Bassett, James. Ont., 1834 . A 

Presbyterian missionary in Persia. 
Hymns in Persian ; Among the Turco- 
mans ; Persia, the Land of the Imams : 
a Narrative of Travel ; Grammatical 
Note on the Simnuni Dialects of the 
Persian. Scr. 

Batchelor, George. Ct., 1836- 

A Unitarian clergyman. Social Equi- 
librium and Other Problems, Ethical 
and Religious. El. 

Bates, Arlo. Me., 1850 . Profes- 
sor of English Literature in Massachu- 
setts Institute of Technology, and nov- 
elist. Tallts on Writing English ; The 
Pagans ; Patty's Perversities ; A Wheel 
of Fire ; In the Bundle of Time ; 
A Lad's Love ; The Philistines ; A 
Book o' Nine Tales. His verse in- 
cludes Berries of the Brier ; Sonnets in 
Shadow ; A Poet and his Self ; Told in 
the Gate ; The Torch-Bearers. Ho. 
Hou. Sob. Scr. 

Bates, Charlotte Piske. See Pogi. 

Bates, Mrs. Clara [Doty]. Mch., 
1838-1895. A writer of juvenile tales. 
Classics of Babyland Versified ; Child 
Lore ; On the Way to Wonderland ; 
Heart's Content. Lo. 

Bates, Mrs. Harriet Leonora 

[Vose]. "Eleanor Putnam." It., 
1856-1886. Wife of A. Bates, supra. 
A Woodland Wooing ; Old Salem ; 
Prince Vance (with A. Bates). 




Bates, Katherine Lee. Ms., 1859- 

. A proftissor of literature at 

Wellesley College. The English Re- 
ligious Drama ; Hermit Island ; a Story 
for Girls. Lo. Mac. 

Bates, Mrs. Margaret Holmes 

[Ernsperger]. O., 1844 . A 

fiction-writer of Indianaijolis. Mani- 
tou ; The Chamber Over the Gate. 

Bates, Samuel Penniman. Ms., 

18lI7 . A Pennsylvania educator 

of note. Mental and Moral Culture ; 
Liberal Education ; History of Penn- 
sylvania Volunteers ; History of the 
Colleges of Pennsylvania. 

Batterson, Harmon Grisivold. Ct., 

1827 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of Philadelphia. The Missionary Tune 
Book ; The Churchman's Hymn Book ; 
Chiistinas Carols and Other Verses ; 
The Pathway of Faith ; A Sketch Book 
of the American Episcopate. Lip. 

Baxley, Isaac Rieman. Md., 1850- 

. A California versifier whose 

thought as a whole gains nothing by 
being expressed in verse. The Temple 
of Alanthur ; The Prophet and Other 
Poems ; Songs of the Spirit ; The Bank 
of Mist. 

Baxter, James Phinney. Me., 1831- 
. An historical writer of Port- 
land, Maine. George Cleves of Casco 
Bay, 'Hy.ji)-i')l ', Sir Ferdinando Gorges 
and his Province of Maine ; Idyls of 
the Year, a collection of verse. 

Baxter, Lydia. N. Y., 1809-1814. 
Gems by the Wayside, a collection of 
poems. The hymn, The Gates Ajar, 
is by her. 

Baxter, Sylvester. Ms., 1850 . 

A journalist of Boston, prominent in 
exploiting the Metropolitan Park sys- 
tem. The Cruise of a Land Yacht, a 
Boy's Book of Mexican Travel. Lit. 

Baxter, 'William. E., 1820 . A 

clergyman of Cincinnati, whose War 
Lyrics as originally published in Har- 
per's Weeldy were once widely popu- 
lar. The Loyal West in the Times of 
the Rebellion ; Pea Ridge and Prairie 
Grove, or Scenes and Incidents of the 
War in Arkansas. Meth. 

Bayley, James Roosevelt. N. Y., 
1814^1877. A clergyman who entered 
the Roman Catholic Church from the 
Episcopal and became archbishop of 

Baltimore. History of the Catholic 
Church of New York ; Memoirs of 
Brut^, First Bishop of Vincennes ; Pas- 
torals for the People. 

Baylies, Francis. Ms., 1783-1852. 
An eminent lawyer of Taunton, Massa- 
chusetts. Historical Memoir of the 
Colony of New Plymouth. 

Baylor, Frances Courtenay. See 
Barnum, Mrs. 

Beach, David Nelson. N. J., 1848- 

. A prominent Congregational 

clergyman of Cambridge, and, since 
1895, of Minneapolis. The Newer Re- 
ligious Thinking ; How we Rose ; Plain 
Words on Our Lord's Work ; The In- 
tent of Jesus. Lit. Rob. 

Beal, William James. Mch., 1833- 

. A botanical professor in the 

Michigan Agricultural College from 
1870. The New Botany ; The Grasses 
of North America. 

Beale, Mrs. Maria [Taylor]. Fo., 

1849 . A novelist of Arden, North 

Carolina. Jack O'Doon. Ho. 

Beard, George Miller. Ct., 1839- 
1883. A New York physician. Amer- 
ican Nervous Diseases : Causes and 
Consequences ; The Scientific Basis of 
Delusions ; Clinical Researches in Elec- 
tro-Surgery ; Medical Uses of Electri- 
city ; Physiology of Mind-Reading ; 
Stimulants and Narcotics ; Psychology 
of the Salem Witchcraft and its Prac- 
tical Application in Our Own Time. 
Some works of lesser note. Har. Wo. 

Beardsley, Eben Ed-wrards. Ct., 
1808—1891. An Episcopal clergyman 
of New Haven. History of the Epis- 
copal Church in Connecticut ; Lives of 
Samuel Johnson, the First President of 
King's College, New York, William 
Samuel Johnson, President of Columbia 
College, and Samuel Seabury, Bishop 
of Connecticut. Hou. 

Beasley, Frederick. N. C, 1777- 
1845. An Episcopal clergyman who 
was provost of the Univer.sity of Penn- 
sylvania. An Examination of the Ox- 
ford Divinity ; Search of Truth in the 
Science of the Human Mind ; Reply to 
Dr. Channing. 

Beck, Theodric Romeyn. N. Y., 
1791-1855. A medical writer of Al- 
bany. Elements of Medical Jurispru- 
dence (with J. B. Beck). 


Becker, George Ferdinand. N.Y., 

1847 . A geologist in the United 

States service. Geology of the Corn- 
stock Lode ; Atomic Weight Deter- 
minations ; Geometrical Value of Vol- 
canic Cones ; A Kew Law of Thermo- 
chemistry ; Geology of the Quicksilver 
Deposits of the Pacific Slope. Several 
lesser works. 
Beckett, Sylvester Breakmore. 
Me., 1812-1882. An author and pub- 
lisher of Portland, Maine. Hester, the 
Bride of the Islands, a Poem ; Guide 
Book of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence. 
Bedell [be-dell'], Gregory Thurs- 
ton. iV". Y., 1817-1892. The third 
Protestant Episcopal bishop of Ohio, 
and a valued writer of the evangelical 
school. The Divinity of Christ ; The 
Profit of Godliness ; Pastoral Theology ; 
Principles of Pastorship ; The Age of 
Indifference ; Episcopacy ; Fact and 
Law. A few minor works. 
Bedell, Gregory Townsend. N.Y. 
1793-1834. Father of G. T. Bedell, 
supra. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Philadelphia,once famous as a preacher. 
Renunciation ; Ezekiel's Vision ; Ser- 
mons were his chief works. See Life 
by Tyng, 1836. 
Beecher, Catherine Esther. L. I., 
1800-1878. Daughter of L. Beecher, 
infra. A New England educator of 
much celebrity at one time, who wrote 
with the ardour of sincerest conviction. 
Domestic Economy ; Physiology and 
Calisthenics ; I^etters to the People ; 
Religious Training of Children ; Domes- 
tie Service, True Remedy for the 
Wrongs of Woman. See Mrs. Hale's 
Woman's Eecord. Har. 

Beecher, Charles. Ct, 1815 . 

Son of L. Beecher, infra. A Congre- 
gational clergyman. Patmos ; Pen Pic- 
tures of the Bible ; The Eden Tableau ; 
Redeemer and Redeemed. He edited 
his father's Life and Correspondence. 
Har. Le. 
Beecher, Edward. L. I., 1803-1895. 
Sou of L. Beecher, infra. A Congre- 
gational clergyman of Illinois, and 
later of Brooklyn, whose attainments 
must be considered as the most solid 
of those of any of the famous children 
of Lyman Beecher. In his Conflict of 
Ages (1853) was struck the earliest note 
of the liberal theology now dominant in 



the Congregational churches. The more 
important of his other works include 
Papal Conspiracy Exposed ; Baptism ; 
History of Opinions on the Scriptural 
Doctrme of Future Retribution. Ap. 
Beecher, Mrs. Eunice White FBul- 
lard]. Ms., 1812-1897. Wife of H. 
W. Beecher, infra. From Dawn to 
Daylight: a Simple Story; Motherly 
Talks with Young Housekeepers ; All 
around the House, or How to Make 
Homes Happy ; Lettera from Florida ; 
Mr. Beecher as I Knew Him. Ap. 
Beecher, Henry Ward. Ct., 1813- 
1887. Son of Lyman Beecher, infra. 
A Congregational clergyman widely 
famous as the pastor of Plymouth 
Church, Brooklyn, 1847-87. He was 
an earnest, large-hearted man, though 
not a deep thinker, and his cheerful 
influence upon middle-class American 
thought was very extensive. His lit- 
erary work can hardly be said to pos- 
sess enduring excellence, and much of 
it is already forgotten, graphic and pic- 
turesque as it often is. Eyes and Ears ; 
Life Thoughts ; Star Papers ; Yale Lec- 
tures on Preaching ; Lectures to Young 
Men ; Speeches on the American Rebel- 
lion ; Doctrinal Beliefs and Unbeliefs ; 
Life of Jesus the Christ. His only 
novel, Norwood, is a collection of suc- 
cessful character studies rather than a 
finished story. See Barton's Famous 
Americans; Lines by Lyman Abbott, 
1883; J. Howard, 18S7 ; Barrows, 
1893; Henry Ward Beecher : a Study, 
1891 ; Mr. Beecher as I Knew Him, by 
his wife ; North American Review, vol. 
144- ' Ap. Fo. Har. 
Beecher, Lyman. Ct, 1775-1863. A 
Congregational clergyman of wide 
fame. While in Boston he was a zeal- 
ous opponent of Unitarianism, and as 
president of Lane Theological Semi- 
nary at Cincinnati was noted as an out- 
spoken enemy of slavery. He was a 
bold thinker, much in advance of his 
contemporaries. Sermons on Temper- 
ance ; Views in Theology ; Scepticism ; 
Political Atheism. See Life and Cor- 
respondence, edited by Charles Beecher, 
1864. Har. 
Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut. Ct., 

1824 . Son of L. Beecher, supra. 

A Congregational clergyman of El- 
mira, N. Y. Our Seven Churches. 




Beecher, Willis Judson. O., 1838- 

. A professor of Hebre'w in the 

Auburn Theological Seminary. Farmer 
Tompkins and his Bible ; Drill Les- 
sons in Hebrew ; Testimony of the His- 
torical Books. 

Beers, Mrs. Ethelinda [Eliot]. 
"Ethel Lyun." N. J., 1827-1879. 
General Frankie, a juvenile tale ; All 
Quiet Along the Potomac and Other 
Poems. Co. 

Beers, Henry Augustin. N. Y., 
1847 . A prof essor of English lit- 
erature at Tale University. The Ways 
of Yale ; A Suburban Pastoral and 
Other Stories ; From Chaucer to Ten- 
nyson ; Life of N. P. Willis, injra ; 
Outline Sketch of English Literature ; 
Initial Studies in American Letters. 
Verse : Odds and Ends ; The Thankless 
Muse. Fl. Ho. Hou. Meth. 

Belcher, Joseph. E., 1794-18.59. A 
Baptist clergyman of Philadelphia, who 
came thither from England in 1844. 
His complete works number over 200 
volumes. Among them are The Bap- 
tist Pulpit of the United States ; The 
Clergy of America ; History of Reli- 
gious Denominations in the United 
States ; Hymns and their Authors. 

Belknap [bel'nap], Jeremy. Ms., 
1744-1798. A Congregational clergy- 
man of Boston, whose History of New 
Hampshire ranks as the best among 
local State histories, and is accurate as 
it is entertaining. His other works in- 
clude American Biographies ; The For- 
esters : an American Tale. See Atlan- 
tic Monthly, vol. 67. 

Bell, Charles Henry. N. H., 1823- 
1898. A New Hampshire lawyer and 
Congressman, governor of his State, 
1881-83. The Bench and Bar of New 
Hampshire. Hou. 

Bell, John. J., 1796-1872. A physi- 
cian and medical lecturer, among whose 
writings are Health and Beauty ; Regi- 
men and Longevity. 

Bell, Lilian. Ky., 1867 . A Chi- 
cago novelist. The Love AfBairs of 
An Old Maid ; A Little Sister to the 
Wilderness. Har. St. 

Bell, Zura. See Williamson, Julia. 

Bellamy, Charles Joseph. Ms., 1852- 

. A journalist of Springfield, 

Massachusetts. The Breton Mills : 

a Novel ; Everybody's Lawyer ; The 
Way Out : Suggestions for Social Ee- 
fomi. Put. 

Bellamy, Edward. Ms., 1850 . 

Brother of C. J. Bellamy, supra. A 
socialist reformer whose Utopian theo- 
ries embodied in the tale Looking Back- 
ward, 2000-1887, have been very widely 
read, and have resulted in the forma- 
tion of several societies and communi- 
ties that endeavour to put some of them 
in practice. His other works include 
Six to One : a Nantucket Idyl ; Dr. 
Heidenhoff 's Process, a novel ; Miss 
Ludingion's Sister : a Romance of Im- 
mortality. See North American Re- 
view, vol. 160 ; The Forum, vol. 8 ; New 
Englander, vol. 52. Ap. Hou. 

Bellamy, Mrs. Elizabeth Whit- 
field [Croom]. " Kamba Thorpe." 

FL, 1838 . A novelist of Mobile. 

Four Oaks ; Little Joanna ; Penny Lan- 
caster Farmer ; Old Man Gilbert ; The 
Luck of the Pendenuings. Ap. 

Bellamy, Joseph. Ct., 1719-1790. 
A Congregational minister of the Ed- 
wards school, settled at Bethlehem, 
Connecticut, for a half century. He 
founded a divinity school in his parish, 
and trained many men there who were 
afterwards fanaous among New Eng- 
land ministers. True Religion Delin- 
eated ; The Law our Schoolmaster ; 
The Half -Way Covenant ; The Nafaire 
and Glory of the Gospel, are a few of 
his publications. See Bibliotheca Sacra, 
vol. 4S ; Sprague^s Annals of the Amer- 
ican Pulpit. 

Bellamy, William. Ms., 1846 . 

A Boston writer who has published, in 
verse, A Century of Charades ; A Sec- 
ond Century of Charades. Hou. 

Bello-ws, Henry 'Whitney. N. H., 

1814-1882. A Unitarian clergyman of 
prominence in New York city, well 
known at one time as the president of 
the United States Sanitary Commission. 
Restatements of Christian Doctrine ; 
Sermons ; Relation of Public Amuse- 
ments to Public Morality; The Old 
World in its New Face. See Unita- 
rian Review, vol. 67. A. U. A. Har. 

Belrose, Louis. Pa., 1845-189-. A 
writer whose only published work of 
note is Thorns and Flowers, a volume 
of verse. 




Bemis, Edward Webster. Ms., 

1860 . A professor of economics 

in the University of Chicag-o. History 
of Co-operation in the United States ; 
Municipal Ownership of Gas in the 
United States. 

Bender, Prosper. Q., 1844 . A 

Canadian physician, a litterateur, who 
since 1883 has practiced his profession 
in Boston. Old and New Canada ; Lit- 
erary Sheaves, or La Litt^rature au 

Benedict, David. Ct, 1779-1874. A 
Baptist clergyman of Pawtucket. His- 
tory of the Baptists ; History of All 
Keligions ; Fifty Years Among the 
Baptists ; Compendium of Ecclesiasti- 
cal History ; History of the Donatists, 
comprise his principal works. 

Benedict, Erastus Cornelius. Ct., 
1800-1880. A jurist of New York 
city. The American Admiralty : its 
Jurisdiction and Practice. 

Benedict, Frank Lee. N.Y., 1834- 

. A novelist of New York city. 

Miss Van Kortland ; My Daughter Eli- 
nor ; The Price She Paid ; John Worth- 
ington's Name ; Miss Dorothy's Charge ; 
St. Simon's Niece ; 'Twixt Hammer and 
Anvil ; Her Friend Laurence ; A Late 
Eemorse ; Madame ; The Shadow-Wor- 
shipper and Other Poems. Har. Lip. 

Benezet, Anthony. F., 1713-1784. 
A Quaker philanthropist of Philadel- 
phia, whose tracts on slavery first 
aroused the attention of Clarkson and 
Wilherforce to the subject. See Me- 
moir by M. Vaux, 1817. 

Benjamin, Judah Philip. W. I., 

1811-1884. A prominent New Orleans 
lawyer who became attorney-general 
of the Confederacy during the Civil 
War. At its close he went to Eng- 
land, and speedily became eminent in 
his profession there. His Treatise on 
the Law of Sale of Personal Property 
is the standard work on the subject. 
See The Athenaeum, vol. 88. 

Benjamin, Park. B. G., 1809-1864. 
A poet and journalist of New York 
city, whose verse, mainly lyrical in 
character, has not been collected. The 
Old Sexton is the best remembered ex- 

Benjamin, Park, Jr. N. Y., 1849- 
. Son of P. Benjamin, supra. A 

New York lawyer whose specialty is 
patent law. Shakings : Etchings for 
the Naval Academy ; Wrinkles and 
Receipts : Suggestions for the Mechan- 
ic, Engineer, etc. ; The Age of Elec- 
tricity ; The Intellectual Kise in Elec- 
tricity : a History. Ap. Scr. Wil. 

Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheel- 
er. Gr., 1837 . A contributor to 

the field of general literature ; at one 
period minister to Persia. Art in Amer- 
ica ; Contemporary Art in Europe ; The 
Atlantic Islands ; Troy : its Legend, 
Literature, and Topography ; A Group 
of Etchers ; Persia and tlie Persians ; 
The Story of Persia ; The Cruise of the 
Alice May in the Gulf of St. Law- 
rence ; Sea Spray, or Facts and Fancies 
of a Yachtsman. Ap. Har. Hon. Lo. 

Bennett, Charles Wesley. N. Y., 

1828-1891. A Methodist clergyman 
prominent in educational matters. Na- 
tional Education in Italy, France, Ger- 
many, England, and Wales, Popularly 
Considered ; Christian Art and Archae- 
ology of the First Six Centuries. Meth. 

Bennett, De Robique Mortimer. 

N. r., 1818-1882. A noted freethinker 
who was several times arrested and 
imprisoned on account of his extreme 
views. The World's Reformers ; Cham- 
pions of the Church ; From Behind the 
Bars ; An Infidel Abroad ; A Truth 
Seeker Around the World. 

Bennett, Edmund Hatch. Vt, 

1824 . A New England jurist, 

dean of the Boston University Law 
School. English Law and Equity Re- 
ports ; Fire Insurance Cases ; Leading 
Cases in Criminal Law. He has also 
edited many legal works of importance. 

Bennett, Emerson. Ms., 1822 . 

A Philadelphia writer of sensational 
romances quite worthless as literature, 
but which have been very popular. 
Prairie Flower, Leni Leoti, are perhaps 
the most noted of his fifty or more 

Bensel, James Berry. N. Y., 1856- 
1886. A verse-writer whose lines are 
often musical and pathetic, though 
sometimes lacking in finish. In the 
King's Garden, and Other Poems ; King 
Cophetua's Wife, a novel. Lo. 




Benson, Carl. See Bristed. 

Benson, Egbert. N. Y., 1746-1833. 
A jurist and politician. Vindication of 
the Captors of Major Andr^ ; Memoir 
on Dutch Names of Places. 

Benson, Eugene. N. Y., 1840 -. 

An American artist long resident in 
Italy. Gaspara Stampa, a biography ; 
Art and Natnre in Italy. Rob. 

Benton, Joel. N. Y., 1832 . A 

Terse-writer and critic. Under the Ap- 
ple Boughs, a collection of verse ; Em- 
erson as a Poet. Ho. 

Benton, Thomas Hart. N. C, 17SL'- 
1858. An eminent statesman who rep- 
resented Missouri in the United States 
Senate for 30 years. His political writ- 
ing is notable for its simple, direct style 
and absence of invective. Speeches ; 
Thirty Years' View ; History of the 
Workings of Congress, 1820-.'j0 ; 
Abridgment of the Debates of Con- 
gress, 1789-1856. See Life by T. 
Hoosevelt. Ap. 

Berard, Augusta Blanche. N. Y., 

1824 . An educational writer of 

West Point. School History of the 
United States ; School History of Eng- 
land ; Manual of Spanish Art and Lit- 
erature ; Reminiscences of West Point 
in the Olden Time. 

Berg, Joseph Frederick. W. I., 
1812-1871. A Dutch Reformed clergy- 
man of Philadelphia and a once noted 
controversialist. Lectures on Roman- 
ism ; Rome's Policy towards the Bible 
are among his writings. 

Berg, Louis De Coppet. 1856 . 

An architect and civil engineer of New 
York city, who has published a valua- 
ble work on Safe Building. 

Bergh, Henry. N. Y., 182-3-1888. A 
New York philanthropist who founded 
the American Society for the Preven- 
tion of Cruelty to Animals. The Streets 
of New York, a volume of sketches ; 
Love's Alternative, a drama ; Married 
Off, a poem. 

Bernheim, Gotthardt Dellman. 

1827 . A Lutheran clergyman at 

Phillipsburg, New Jersey, from 1883. 
The Success of God's Work ; Locali- 
ties of the Reformation ; History of the 
German Settlements in North and South 

Berrian, "William. 1787-1862. An 

Episcopal clergyman who was rector of 
Trinity Church, New York city, 1830- 
62. Travels in France and Italy ; Devo- 
tions for the Sick Room ; On Commu- 
nion ; Enter thy Closet ; The Sailors' 
Manual; RecoUeetions of Departed 
Friends ; Family and Private Prayers ; 
Historical Sketch of Trinity Church. 

Bessey, Charles Edwin. 0., 184.5- 

. A botanical professor in the 

University of Nebraska. Geography 
of Iowa ; Botany for High Schools and 
Colleges; The Essentials of Botany. 

Bethuue [beh-thoon'], George 
■Washington. N. Y., 1805-1862. A 
Dutch Reformed clergyman of Brook- 
lyn of considerable note as a preacher. 
Orations and Discourses ; Fruits of the 
Spirit ; History of a Penitent ; Lays of 
Love and Faith, a volume of verse, are 
some of his works. He was an ardent 
fisherman, and edited Walton's Com- 
plete Angler. See Memoir by Van 

Betts, Craven Langstroth. N. B., 

1853 . Songs from B^ranger ; 

The Perfume Holder : A Persian Love 
Poem ; co-author with A. W. H. Eaton 
[infra) of Tales of a Garrison Town. 

Beverley, Robert. Va., 1675-1716. 
A writer whose one work, a History of 
the Present State of Virginia, 1705, is 
full of life and vigour. In it occurs the 
phrase " the almighty power of gold," 
which anticipates Irving's " almighty 
dollar." See Tyler's American Litera- 
ture ; Jameson''s Historical Writing in 
America, pp. 62-67. 

Bianciardi, Mrs. Elizabeth Dick- 
inson [Rice]. JWs., c. 1833-1885. At 
Home in Italy. Hou. 

Bickmore, Albert Smith. Me., 

18.39 . An ethnologist, since 1885 

the curator of the American Museum 
of Natural History in New York 
city. Travels in the East Indian Archi- 
pelago ; The Ainos or Hairy Men of 
Jesso, Sag-halien, etc. ; Sketch of a 
Journey from Canton to Hankow, 

Biddle, Anthony Joseph Drexel. 
Pa., 1874 -. A journalist and pub- 
lisher of Philadelphia. A Dual Role, 
and Other Stories ; An Allegory and 
Three Essays ; The Madeira Islands ; 
The Froggy Fairy Book. 


Biddle, Charles John. Pa., 1819- 
1873. Son of N. Biddle, infra. An 
of&oer in the United States Army, and 
afterwards a journalist in Philadelphia, 
who is best known by his careful mono- 
graph, The Case of Major Andr^. 

Biddle, Nicholas. Pa., 1786-1844. 
A financier of Philadelphia famous in 
political history as the president of the 
United States Bank. A Commercial 
Digest ; History of the Expedition un- 
der Lewis and Clark to the Missouri 
River. See Memoir, by Conrad. 

Biddle, Richard. Pa., 1796-1847. 
Brother of N. Biddle, supra. A lawyer 
of Philadelphia. Memoir of Sebastian 
Cabot, with a Review of the History of 
Maritime Discovery. 

Bigelow, Mrs. Edith Evelyn [Jaf- 

fray]. Ar.r., 1861 . Wife of P. 

Bigelow, infra. Diplomatic Disen- 
ehantments, a novel. JEtar. 

BigeloTV, Erastus Brigham. lis., 
1814-1879. A noted New England in- 
ventor of carpet looms. The Tariff 
Question considered in regard to the 
Policy of England and the Interest 
of the United States ; The Tariff Pol- 
icy of England and United States Con- 

Bigelow, Jacob. Ms., 1787-1879. A 
famous physician of Boston who estab- 
lished Mount Auburn cemetery. His- 
tory of Mount Auburn ; A Brief Expo- 
sition of Rational Medicine ; Modern 
Inquiries, classical, professional, and 
miscellaneous ; Remarks on Classical 
and Utilitarian Studies ; American 
Medical Botany ; Nature in Disease. 
See Memoir, by Ellis. 

Bigelow, John. N. Y., 1817 . A 

prominent New York journalist, at one 
time United States Minister to France. 
Life of Benjamin Franklin ; Life of 
William Cullen Bryant ; Life of Sam- 
uel Tilden ; Jamaica in 1850 ; Les 
Etats Unis d'Am^rique en 1863 ; Some 
Recollections of Antoine Pierre Ber- 
ry er; France and Hereditary Monarchy ; 
Wit and Wisdom of the Haytiens ; 
Molinos the Quietist ; France and the 
Confederate Navy: an International 
Episode; The Mystery of Sleep. He 
has edited complete editions of the 
works of Franklin and Tilden. Har. 
Mou. Lip. Scr. 


Bigelow, John, Jr. N. Y., 1854- 

Son of John Bigelow, supra. A United 
States cavalry officer. The Principles 
of Strategy, illustrated chiefly from 
American Campaigns. Lh}. 

Bigelow, Melville Madison. Mck, 

1846 . A lawyer and law lecturer 

of Boston. The Law of Bills ; English 
Procedure in the Norman Period ; The 
Law of Fraud; Elements of Equity; 
Elements of the Law of Torts ; Placita 
Aiiglo-Normannica : Law Cases from 
William I. to Richard I. ; Law of Wills, 
Notes, and Cheques ; The Law of Fraud 
on its Civil Side ; The Law of Estoppel 
and its Application to Practice ; Lead- 
ing Cases in the Law of Torts, comprise 
his principal works. He has also edited 
the 8th edition of Story's Conflict of 
Laws, and published a volume of origi- 
nal verse. Rhymes of a Barrister. Hou. 

Bigelow, Poultney. N. Y., 1855- 

. Son of John Bigelow, supra. 

The German Emperor and his Eastern 
Neighbors ; The Borderland of Czar and 
Kaiser ; History of the German Strug- 
gle for Liberty ; White Man's Africa. 

Biglow, 'William. Ms., 1773-1844. 
An educator of Boston. History of 
Natick ; History of Sherburne ; The 
Youth's Library ; Introduction to the 
Making of Latin. 

Billings, John Shaw. Ind., 1838- 

. Formerly surgeon U. S. A. Upon 

the consolidation of the New York city 
libraries, he was made chief librarian. 
His chief work is a voluminous Index 
Catalogue of the Library of the Sur- 
geon-General's oflice. Others are Hy- 
gienics of the United States Army 
Barracks ; Mortality and Vital Statis- 
tics of the United States Army. 

Billings, Josh. See Shaw, Henry. 

Binney, Amos. Ms., 1803-1847. A 
once prominent physician and natural- 
ist of Boston. Terrestrial Air-Breath- 
ing MoUusks of the United States. 

Binney, Horace. Pa., 1780-1875. A 
noted jurist of Philadelphia. Reports 
of Cases in the Supreme Court of Penn- 
sylvania, 1709-1814 ; Leaders of the 
Old Bar of Philadelphia ; Inquiry into 
the Formation of Washington's Fare- 
well Address. 




Binney, William Greene. Ms., 1833- 

. Sou of A. Binney, supra. A 

well-known conchologist of Burlington, 
New Jersey. Besides completing his 
father's work on moUusks he has writ- 
ten Bihliography of North American 
Conchology ; Land and Fresh Water 
Shells of North America; Catalogues 
of the Terrestrial Air-Breathing llol- 
lusks of North America. 

Bird, Frederick Mayer. Pa., 1838- 

. Son of R. M. Bird, infra. An 

Episcopal clergyman widely known as 
an hymnologist. He has edited The 
Lutheran Ministerium Hymns (with 
Smucker) ; Songs of the Spirit (with 
Bishop Odenheimer) ; puhlished Charles 
Wesley seen in his Finer and Less Fa- 
miliar Pieces ; and contrihuted exten- 
sively to the critical literature of his 

Bird, Robert Montgomery. Del, 
1803-1854. A romantic novelist of 
Philadelphia whose Nick of the Woods 
was his most popular work. His two 
Mexican stories, Calavar : a Knight of 
the Conquest ; The Infidel, or the Fall 
of Mexico, were commended by the his- 
torian Prescott. His other works in- 
clude Peter Pilgrim, a collection of 
Tales and Sketches, notable as contain- 
ing almost the earliest description of 
the Mammoth Cave ; Sheppard Lee ; 
The Hawks of Hawk Hollow ; Adven- 
tures of Robin Day ; and three success- 
ful dramas, The Broker of Bogota; 
Oraoosa ; The Gladiator. 

Birney, James Gillespie. Ki/., 1792- 
1857. A statesman famous for his op- 
position to slavery. Ten Letters on Sla- 
very and Colonization ; Addresses aud 
Speeches ; American Churches the Bul- 
warks of American Slavery, are among 
his writings. See Nation, vol. 50 ; Bir- 
ney and his Times, by W. Birney. 

Bishop, Joel Prentiss. N. Y., 1814- 

. An eminent jurist of Boston. 

Commentaries on Criminal Law ; Mar- 
riage and Divorce ; The Law of Mar- 
ried Women ; Thoughts for the Times ; 
First Book of The Law ; Directions and 
Forms ; Criminal Procedure ; Statutory 
Crimes ; Prosecution and Defence ; The 
Written Laws, are among the more im- 
portant works of his. Lit. 

Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes. Ms., 
1837 . A writer of entertaining 

travels. A Thousand Miles' Walk 
across South America ; The Voyage 
of the Paper Canoe; Four Months in 
a Sneak Box. Le. 

Bishop, Robert Hamilton. S., 1777- 
18.55. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Ohio, president of Miami University, 
1824-41. Sermons ; Elements of Logic ; 
Philosophy of the Bible ; Science of 
Government ; Western Peacemaker ; 
Memoii's of David Rice. 

Bishop, 'William Henry. Ct, 1847- 

. A novelist and prof essor in Yale 

University. Fish and Men in the Maine 
Islands ; A Househunter in Europe ; 
Writing to Rosina : a novelette ; A 
Pound of Cure : a Story of Monte Carlo ; 
Detmold; The House of a Merchant 
Prince ; The Golden Justice ; Choy 
Susan and Other Stories ; The Brown 
Stone Boy and Other Queer People ; 
Old Mexico and her Lost Provinces, a 
volume of travel ; The Garden of Eden. 
Gas. Cent. Har. Ho. Sou. Ke. Scr. 

Bisland, Elizabeth. See Wetmore, 

Bissell, Edwin Cone. N. Y., 1832- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Chicago. Analysis of the Codes ; The 
Historic Origin of the Bible ; The Pen- 
tateuch : its Origin and Structure ; Bib- 
lical Antiquities ; Practical Introduc- 
tory Hebrew Granamar; Genesis Printed 
in Colours, showing original sources of 
compilation. Fu. Ban. Scr. 

Bixby, James Thompson. N. Y., 

1843 . A Unitarian clergyman of 

Yonkers, New York. Similarities of 
Physical and Religious Knowledge, re- 
printed with the title Religion and Sci- 
ence as AlKes; The Crisis in Morals. 
Ap. Rob. 

Bixby, John Munson. "E. Gray- 
don." Gt., 180U-1876. A lawyer of 
New York city, whose two novels were 
issued under a pseudonym. Standish 
the Puritan ; Overing, or the Heir of 

Black, Alexander. N. Y., 1859 — ;— . 
A Brooklyn journalist, literary editor 
of the Brooklyn Times. The Story of 
Ohio; Photography Indoors and Out; 
Miss Jerry, a Picture Play. Sou. Lo. 

Black, James. Pa., 1823 . A 

noted Pennsylvania advocate of temper- 




anoe who was the presidential nominee 
o£ the prohibitionists in 1872. Is Prohi- 
bition a Necessity ; History of the Prohi- 
bition Party ; The Prohibition Party. 

Black, James Rush. S., 1827 -. 

An Ohio physician, since 1876 a pro- 
fessor of hygiene in the medical col- 
lege of Columbus. Ten Laws of Health, 
a valuable work on hygiene ; Guide to 
Protection against Epidemic Disease. 

Black, 'Warren Columbus. Mi., 

1843 . A Methodist elerg-yman of 

Mississippi. Temperance and Teeto- 
talism ; Christian Womanhood. 

Black, "William Henry. Ind., 1854- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

St. Louis. God our Father; Woman- 
hood ; Sermons for the Sunday School. 

Blackburn, 'William Max-well. 
Ind., 1828 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman, since 1886 president of Pierre 
University, South Dakota. Among his 
many works, chiefly on religion and 
biography, are History of the Christian 
Church ; Geneva's Shield ; Exiles of 
Madeira ; Judas the Maecabee ; The 
Kebel Prince ; College Days of Calvin ; 
Young Calvin in Paris ; St. Patrick and 
the Early Irish Church ; Admiral Co- 
ligny and the Kise of the Huguenots ; 
The Theban Legion; and the Uncle 
Aliek series of juvenile tales. Meth. 

Blackwell, Mrs. Antoinette Lou- 
isa [Brown]. N. Y., 1825 —. A 

Unitarian minister prominent in the 
woman suffrage movement. Studies in 
General Science ; The Market Woman ; 
The Island Neighbours: a novel of 
American life ; The Sexes Throughout 
Nature; The Physical Basis of Im- 
mortality; The Many and the One. 

Blackwell, Elizabeth. E., 1821- 

. A physician of New York city 

who, with her sister Emily, organized 
the woman's medical college of the New 
York Infirmary. Laws of Life, or the 
Physical Ednoation of Girls; Counsel 
to Parents in the Moral Education of 
their Children ; Pioneer Work in open- 
ing the Medical Profession to Women. 

Blaikie, -William. N. Y., 1843 . 

A lawyer and athlete of New York 
city. How to Get Strong ; Sound Bod- 
ies for our Boys and Girls. Har. 

Blaine, James Gillespie. Pa., 1830- 
1893. A very prominent Republican 
leader who was an unsuccessful candi- 
date for the presidency in 1884. Twenty 
Years of Congress, an able and reason- 
ably impartial work ; Eulogy on James 
Abram Garfield. See Appletori's Amer- 
ican Biography, vol. 1, and Annual Cy- 
clopedia, 189S ; Lives, by Cressey, 1884 ! 
Bahslier,1884; Ramsdell; Dodge, 1895 ; 
Mr. Blaine and his Foreign Policy, 1884; 
North American Peview, vol. 147. 

Blair, Andre-w Alexander. Ky., 

1846 . A chemist of Philadelphia. 

The Chemical Analysis of Iron ; Meth- 
ods in Analysis of Iron, Steel, Copper, 
and Alloys of Copper, Zinc, and Tin. 

Blair, Mrs. Bliza [Nelson]. N. B., 

185 . A writer of Manchester, 

New Hampshire. Her novel, 'Lisbeth 
Wilson, gives an excellent picture of 
New Hampshire rural life a half cen- 
tury ago. Le. 

Blair, James. S., 1656-1743. An Epis- 
copal clergyman of Virginia who found- 
ed William and Mary College, and was 
its president tor 50 years. The State 
of His Majesty's Colony in Virginia; 
Our Saviour's Divine Sermon on the 
Mount, a series of 117 sermons written 
in a simple, unornamental style ; mod- 
erate in tone and very much to the 
point. See Tyler's American Litera- 

Blake, Mrs. Euphemia ["Vale]. 

E., 1824 . Daughter of G. Vale, 

infra. Teeth, Ether, and Chloroform ; 
History of Newburyport ; Arctic Expe- 
riences, a history of the Polaris Ex- 

Blake, James Vila. N. Y., 1842- 
. A Unitarian clergyman of Chi- 
cago. Poems; Essays; A Grateful 
Spirit ; Anchor of the Soul ; St. Solifer ; 
Legends from Story Land. Ke. 

Blake, John Lauris. N. H., 1788- 
1857. An Episcopal clergyman of Bos- 
ton long prominent as an educator. 
Text Book of Geography and Chrono- 
logy ; Family Encyclopsedia of Agricul- 
ture and Domestic Economy ; Farmer's 
Every -Day Book; Modem Farmer; 
Letters on Confirmation ; General Bio- 
graphical Dictionary ; Book of Nature 
Laid Open; Wonders of the Earth; 
Wonders of Art. 




Blake, Mrs. Lillie [Devereux] 

[TJmstead]. N. C, 1835 . A 

prominent advocate of woman suffrage. 
Fettered for Life ; Southwold ; Rock- 
ford ; Woman's Place To-Day ; The 
Hypocrite, or Sketches of American 

Blake, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth 
[McGrath]. X, 1840 . A Bos- 
ton -writer of prose and verse. Poems ; 
Youth in Twelve Centuries ; Verses by 
the Way. Her prose includes On the 
Wing, sketches of American travel ; A 
Summer Holiday : travel experiences 
in Europe ; Mexico : Picturesque, Po- 
litical, Progressive (with Mrs. Sullivan, 
infra). Hou. Le. 

Blake, 'William Phipps. N. Y., 
1826 . A mineralogist of promi- 
nence. Silver Ores and Silver Mines ; 
California Minerals ; Production of the 
Precious Metals ; Iron and Steel ; Ce- 
ramic Art and Glass ; History of Ham- 
den, Ct. ; Life of Captain Jonathan 

Blauvelt, Augustus. N. Y., 1832- 

. A Dutch Reformed clergyman 

of New Jersey, deposed from the min- 
istry on account of his liberal doctrinal 
views embodied in papers in the Cen- 
tury Magazine. The Kingdom of Sa- 
tan ; The Present Religious Crisis. 

Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna 
[Hahn-Hahn]. S., 1831-1891. A 
writer of Russian birth but naturalized 
in the United States, who visited India, 
and, embracing Buddhism, founded the 
Theosophical Society of New York. Isis 
Unveiled ; The Secret Doctrine ; Voices 
of Silence ; Key to Theosophy. See 
Memoirs of, by Sinnett, 1886 ; Review of 
Heviews, vol. 3. 

Bledsoe, Albert Taylor. Ky., 1808- 
1877. A Southern clergyman who left 
the Episcopal for the Methodist church, 
and wrote extensively on metaphysics 
and mathematics. Liberty and Slavery ; 
Examination of Edwards on the Will ; 
Philoso'phy of Mathematics ; Is Davis 
a Traitor ? or was Secession a Consti- 
tutional Right previous to the War of 
1861 ? ; Theodicy. Lip. Meth. 

Bliss, Daniel. F«.„ 1826 . A 

Congregational missionary, president of 
the Protestant college at Beyrout since 
1864. Mental Philosophy ; Natural 
Philosophy (in Arabic). 

Bliss, Porter Cornelius. N. Y., 

1838-1885. A journalist and diplomat 
of some repute as a philologist. The 
Ethnogi'aphy of Gran Chaco, a district 
of Argentina ; Historia Seereta de la 
mision, del ciudadano noto Americano, 
Charles A. Washburn, cerca de gobiemo 
de la repiiblica del Paraguay; The 
Conquest of Turkey 1877-78 (with L. 
Blodgett, infra). 
Bliss, "William D-wight Porter. ly., 

1856 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of Boston, prominent as a leader among 
Christian Socialists. A Handbook of 
Socialism ; The Social Faith of the 
Catholic Church; What is Christian 
Socialism ? He has edited The Ency- 
clopsedia of Socialism. Fu. Scr. 

Bliss, William Root. Ct, 1825 . 

A business nian of New York city. 
Side Glimpses from the Colonial Meet- 
ing-House ; The Old Colony Town and 
other Sketches ; Colonial Times on Buz- 
zard's Bay; Quaint Nantucket; Para- 
dise in the Pacific. Hou. 

Blodget, Lorin. N. Y., 1823 . 

An eminent statistician of Philadelphia 
who has published over 150 volumes, 
mainly reports upon finance, revenue, 
and industrial progress. The Clima- 
tology of the United States ; Commer- 
cial and Financial Resources of the 
United States. Lip. 

Bloede, Gertrude. " Stuart Sterne." 

Sxy., 184.5 . A poet and novelist 

of Brooklyn who has usually written 
under a pseudonym. Angelo ; Giorgio 
and Other Poems ; Beyond the Shadow ; 
Pi4ro da Castiglione, a tale in verse of 
the time of Savonarola ; The Story of 
Two Lives : a novel. Hou. 

Bloomfield-Moore, Mrs. Clara So- 
phia [Jessup]. Pa., 1824 . A 

Philadelphia writer who has lived 
much abroad, and chiefly in England. 
Miscellaneous Poems ; On Dangerous 
Ground, a romance of American Soci- 
ety ; Sensible Etiquette ; Gondaline's 
Lesson and Other Poems ; Slander and 
Gossip ; The Warden's Tale and Other 
Poems. Co. 

Blot, Pierre. F., 1818-1874. A once 
noted cooking instructor of New York 
city. What to Eat and How to Cook 
It ; Lectures on Cookery ; Handbook 
of Practical Cookery. Ap. 


Blunt, Edmond March. N. H., 

1770-1862. A bookseller of Newbury- 
port wbose chief work, The Ameriean 
Coast Pilot (1796), is still in use. 

Blunt, George "WilUam. Ms., 1802- 
1878. Son of E. M. Blunt, supra. Hy- 
drographer. Atlantic Memoir; Sheet 
Anchor ; Harbour Laws of New York ; 
Plan to Avoid the Centre of Violent 

Blunt, Joseph. Ms., 1792-1860. Son 
of E. M. Blunt, supra. A lawyer who 
was one of the founders of the Repub- 
lican party. Historical Sketch of the 
Formation of the American Confeder- 
acy ; Speeches, Reviews, and Reports ; 
Merchants' and Shipmasters' Assistant. 

Boardman, George Dana. Bh., 
1828 . A prominent Baptist cler- 
gyman of Philadelphia. Coronation of 
Love ; Studies in the Creative Week ; 
Epiphanies of the Risen Lord ; Studies 
in the Mountain Instruction ; Univer- 
sity Lectures on the Ten Command- 
ments ; The Divine Man. Ap. Bap. 

Boardman, Henry Augustus. N. 

Y., 1808-1880. A once noted Presby- 
terian divine of Philadelphia. The 
Bible in the Family ; The Bible in the 
Counting-House ; The Christian Minis- 
try not a Priesthood ; Earthly SufEering 
and Heavenly Glory ; A Handful of 
Com, are among his writings. Lip. 

Bogart, 'William Henry. N. Y., 
1810-1888. A writer of New York 
state. Life of Daniel Boone ; Who 
Goes There ? or Men and Events. Le. 

Bok, Edward "William. H., 1863- 

. Editor of the Ladies' Home 

Journal. The Young Man in Business ; 
Successward, a Young Man's Book for 
Young Men. Sev. 

Boker, George Henry. Pa., 1823- 
1890. A poet and diplomat of Phila- 
delphia, IJnited States Minister to 
Turkey and Russia successively. His 
verse is of uneven excellence, but at its 
best is notably good, as, for example, 
the familiar Dirge for a Soldier. Of 
his four tragedies, Calaynos ; Anne 
Boleyn ; Lenor de Guzman ; Francesca 
da Rimini, the first and last are the 
finest, the last having been revived 
with success in very recent years. His 
volumes of verse include The Lesson of 


Life ; Poems of War ; The Book of the 
Dead ; Konigsmark | Street Lyrics ; 
Our Heroic Themes. Plays of lesser 
rank are The Widow's Marriage ; The 
Betrothal. See Atlantic Monthly, vol. 
65; Lippincott's Magazine, vol. 45. 

Bollan, William. E., 17 — 1776. 
An English lawyer who settled in Bos- 
ton in 1740, and was subsequently colo- 
nial agent in London for Massachusetts. 
He was active in its behalf and wrote 
many political tracts for that end, 
among which The Mutual Interests of 
Great Britain and the American Colo- 
nies Considered, is a favourable exam- 

Boiler, Alfred Pancoast. Pa., 1840- 

. An engineer of note whose 

specialty is bridge construction. Prac- 
tical Treatise on the Construction of 
Iron Highway Bridges ; Report on 
Thames River Bridge. Wil. 

BoUes, Albert Sidney. Ct., 1845- 
. A political economist of promi- 
nence, professor in the University of 
Pennsylvania. Chapters in Political 
Economy ; The Conflict between La- 
bour and Capital ; Industrial History 
of the United States ; Financial History 
of the United States, 1774-1860 ; Ele- 
ments of Commercial Law. Ap. 

Holies, Frank. Ms., 1856-1894. A 
writer of nature studies of the school 
of Jefferies and Thoreau, though with 
important differences from either. 
From Blomidon to Smoky ; At the 
North of Bearcamp Water ; Land of the 
Lingering Snow ; Chocorua's Tenants, 
a volume of verse. Hou. 

Bolster, William Wheeler. Me., 

1823 . A lawyer of Auburn, 

Maine. Digest of the Law of Tax Ti- 
tles ; The Authority and Duty of Town 

Bolton, Charles Knowles. O., 

1867 . Son of S. K. Bolton, 

infra ; librarian of Brookline, Massa- 
chusetts. The Boltons of Old and New 
England ; Gossiping Guide to Harvard ; 
Saskia the Wife of Rembrandt ; Notes 
on Special Collections in American 
Libraries (with W. C. Lane). Verse: 
Poems : from Heart and Nature ; The 
Wooing of Martha Pitkin ; the Love f 
Story of Ursula Wolcott. Cop. Lam. ' 




Bolton, Henry Carrington. N. Y., 

1843 . Scientist and professor of 

chemistry at Trinity College. Appli- 
cation of Organic Acids to the Exami- 
nation of Minerals ; Literature of Ura^ 
nium ; Literature of Manganese ; Stu- 
dent's Guide in Quantitative Analysis ; 
Counting-out Rhymes of Children ; 
their Antiquity, Origin, and Wide Dis- 
tribution. Wil. 

Bolton, Mrs. Sarah [Knovrles]. 

Ct., ] 841 . A miscellaneous writer 

of Cleveland whose successive collec- 
tions of biographical sketches have 
been extremely popular. Famous Giv- 
ers and Their Gifts ; How Success is 
Won ; Poor Boys who Became Fa^ 
mous ; Girls who Became Famous ; 
Famous American Authors ; Famous 
American Statesmen ; Successful Wo- 
men ; Social Studies in England ; Fa- 
mous Types of Womanhood; Famous 
Voyages and Explorers ; Famous Lead- 
ers among Men ; The Inevitable, a col- 
lection of pleasing, unpretentious verse. 
Cr. Lo. 

Bolton, Mrs. Sarah Tittle [Bar- 
ritt]. Ky., 1820-1893. A writer 
whose name is kept in mind by her oft 
quoted poem. Paddle Your Own Canoe. 
The Songs of a Life Time ; Life and 
Poems of, 1880. 

Bomberger, John Henry Augus- 
tus. Pa., 1817-1890. A German Re- 
formed theologian, president of ITrsi- 
nus College, 1870-90. Infant Salvation 
and Baptism ; Revised Liturgy ; Re- 
formed not Ritualistic. 

Bond, George Phillips. Ms., 1825- 
1865. An astronomer of note, profes- 
sor in Harvard University. On the 
Construction of the Rings of Saturn ; 
The Method of Least Squares ; Math- 
ematical Memoirs upon Mechanical 

Boner, John Henry. N. C, 184.5- 

. A poet and litterateur of New 

York city. Whispering Pines : poems. 

Bonner, Sherwood. See MacDoweU. 

Bouuey, Charles Carroll. N. Y., 

1831 . A lawyer of Chicago. 

Rules of Law for Carriage and Deliv- 
ery of Persons and Property by Rail- 
way ; Summary of the Law of Marine, 
Fire, and Life Insurance ; Our Remedy 
in the Laws. 

Booth, Henry Matthias. N. Y., 

1843 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of New Jersey. The Heavenly Vision 
and other Sermons ; Sunrise, Noonday, 
and Sunset of the Day of Grace ; First 
Communion. Han. 

Booth, Mary Louise. L. I., 1831- 
1889. Editor of Harper's Bazar from 
its establishment in 1867 to 1889. She 
made over 30 valuable translations 
from the French. A History of the 
City of New York was her only piece of 
original writing. 

BostTvick, Mrs. Helen Louise 

[Barron}. N., H., 1826 . A 

verse-writer of Buoyrus, Ohio. Buds, 
Blossoms and Berries. 

Botta, Mrs. Anne Charlotte 
[Lynch]. Vt., 1820-1891. Wife of 
V. Botta, infra. A well-known New 
York writer whose weekly receptions 
were for many years the nearest ap- 
proach in New York city to a salon. 
Handbook of Universal Literature ; 
Leaves from the Diary of a Recluse ; 
Poems. Hou. 

Botta, Vincenzo. ly., 1818-1894. 
An Italian educator who came to the 
United States in 1853, and was for a 
long period a professor of Italian Lit- 
erature in the University of New York. 
The System of Education in Piedmont ; 
Life of Cavour ; Historical Account of 
Modern Philosophy in Italy ; Dante as 
Philosopher, Patriot, and Poet. Scr, 

Botts, John Minor. Va., 1802-1869. 
A Virginia lawyer eminent for his de- 
votion to the Union during the Civil 
War. Letters on the Nebraska Ques- 
tion ; The Great Rebellion : its Secret 
History, Rise, Progress, and Disastrous 
Failure. Sar. 

Boudinot [boo'de-not], Blias. Pa., 
1740-1821. A philanthropist of Bur- 
lington, New Jersey, and the first presi- 
dent of the American Bible Society. 
The Second Advent of the Messiah ; 
The Age of Revelation, a reply to 
Paine ; The Star in the West, an at- 
tempt to identify the American Indians 
with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. 
See Life, edited by J. J. Boudinot, 1896. 

Boughton, "Willis. N. Y., 1854 . 

An educator, professor of English liter- 
ature in Ohio University from 1892. A 
History of Ancient Peoples ; Mythology 
in Art. Put. 


Bourke, John Gregory. Pa., 1846- 
1896. A United States array oificer. 
The Snake Dance of the Moquis of 
Arizona, a valuable contribution to 
ethnology ; An Apache Campaign in 
the Sierra Madre ; On the Border with 
Crook. Scr. 

Bouton, John Bell. N. H., 1830- 

. Son of N. Bouton, infra. A 

New York litt4rateur. Loved and 
Lost: essays; Round the Block, a 
novel ; Treasury of Travel and Adven- 
ture ; Memoir of General Bell ; Round- 
about to Moscow, an Epicurean Jour- 
ney ; Uncle Sara's Church. Ap. Lam. 

Bouton, Nathaniel. Ct, 1797-1878. 
State historian of New Harapshire. 
He is best known for his edition of ten 
volumes of Provincial Records and for 
a History of Concord, New Hampshire. 

BoutTvell, George Se-wrall. Ms., 
1818 . A Massachusetts states- 
man ; Governor of the State, 1852-.53 ; 
Secretary of the Treasury, 1869-73. 
Thoughts on Educational Topics ; Man- 
ual of the Direct and Excise Tax Sys- 
tera of the United States; The Tax- 
Payer's Manual ; Speeches and Papers 
relating to the Rebellion ; Why I am a 
Republican : a History of the Republi- 
can Party ; The Lawyer, the Statesman, 
the Soldier ; The Constitution of the 
United States at the end of the First 
Centiu'y. Ap. He. 

Bouv6, Ed-wrard Tracy. 18 . 

A Boston writer of fiction. Centuries 
Apart. Lit. 

Bouvet, Marguerite. La., 1865 . 

A writer of children's books of notable 
excellence. Sweet William ; Prince 
Tip-Top ; Little Marjorie's Love Story ; 
My Lady ; A Child of Tuscany ; Pier- 
rette. Mg. 

Bouvier [boo-veer'J, Hannah. Daugh- 
ter of J. Bouvier, infra. See Peterson, 

Bouvier, John. ly., 1787-18.51. A 
jurist of Philadelphia. Law Diction- 
ary ; Institutes of American Law. Lip. 

Bovee, Christian Nestell. N. Y., 
1820 . An epigrammatic writer, 

some of whose sayings have been much 
quoted. Thoughts, Feelings, and Fan- 
cies; Intuitions and Summaries of 
Bowditch, Henry IngersoU. Ms., 


1808-1892. Son of N. Bowditch, infra. 
An eminent physician of Boston. Life 
of Nathaniel Bowditch for the Yonng ; 
The Young Stethoscopist ; Public Hy- 
giene in America. 

Bowditch, Nathaniel. Ms., 1773- 
1838. A famous mathematician of 
Salem, Massachusetts, whose transla- 
tion of La Place's M^canique Celeste, 
with extensive commentary, was his 
greatest work. The New American 
Navigator was his only original work of 
note. See Memoir, by H. I. Bowditch. 

Bowen, Eli. Pa., 1824-188-. A once 
popular Pennsylvania author. Coal 
Regions of Pennsylvania ; Pictorial 
Sketch Book of Pennsylvania ; Ram- 
bles in the Path of the Iron Horse ; 
The Creation of the Earth; United 
States Post-Office System; Coal and 
Coal Oil. 

Bowen, Francis. Ms., 1811-1890. A 
professor of philosophy at Harvard 
University for many years, and eminent 
both as philosopher and political econ- 
omist. He opposed the systems of 
Kant, Fichte, Cousin, Comte, and Mill, 
and was answered by the latter in a 
third edition of his Logic. Critical 
Essays in Speculative Philosophy ; 
Modern Philosophy from Descartes to 
Schopenhauer and Hartmann ; Treatise 
on Logic ; American Political Econ- 
omy ; Principles of Political Economy ; 
A Layman's Study of the English Bible 
considered in its Literary and Secular 
Aspects ; Gleanings from a Literary 
Life. Scr. 

Bowen, John Eliot. N. Y., 1858- 
1890. A New York journalist. The 
Conflict of East and West in Egypt ; 
Songs of Toil, a translation from Car- 
men Sylva. 

Bow^en, Mrs. Sue [Petigru] [King]. 
S. C, 1824-1875. A novelist of 
Charleston, South Carolina. Sylvia's 
World ; Gerald Gray's Wife ; Lily ; 
Busy Moments of an Idle Woman, a 
collection of stories. 

Bowker, Richard Rogers. Ms., 

1848 . The editor for some years 

of the Publishers' Weekly. Work and 
Wealth : a Summary of Economics ; 
A Primer for Political Education ; Eco- 
nomics for the People ; The Library 
List ; Electoral Reform. Har. 




Bowles, Samuel. Ms., 1826-1878. 
Journalist of Springfield, Massacliu- 
setts, editor of the Springfield Repub- 
lican. Across the Continent ; Our New 
West. See Life of, hy Merrium, liliiS. 

Bowne, Borden Parker. N. J., 1847- 
. A philosophical writer and pro- 
fessor of philosophy in Boston Uni- 
versity. Tlie Philosophy of Herbert 
Spencer ; Studies in Theism ; Meta- 
physics : a Study of First Principles ; 
Introduction to Psychological Theory ; 
Philosophy of Theism ; Principles of 
Ethics. Bar. Meth. 

Boyd, James Robert. N. Y., 1804- 
189U. A Presbyterian clergyman, for- 
merly professor of moral philosophy at 
Hamilton College. Elements of Ehet- 
oric and Literary Criticism ; Moral 
Philosophy ; The Westminster Shorter 
Catechism, with Analysis ; Elements of 
Logic ; Last Days of a Christian Phi- 
losopher ; Memoir of Doddridge, are 
some among his rather numerous pub- 
lications. Har. 

Boyeseu, Hjalmar Hjorth. TV., 
1848-lSi)-o. A writer of Norwegian 
birth, long resident in New York, and 
a professor in Columbia College at the 
time of his death. His novels and 
sketches are pleasantly written, but as 
essays in fiction are not much above 
average merit. Gunnar ; A Norseman's 
Pilgrimage ; Tales from Two Hemi- 
spheres ; Falconberg ; A Daughter of 
the Philistines ; Queen Titania ; Ilka 
on the Hill Top and Other Stories ; 
Goethe and Schiller, their Lives and 
Works ; Literary and Social Silhou- 
ettes ; The Story of Norway, an histor- 
ical work ; Social Strugglers ; Essays 
on Scandinavian Literature ; Essays on 
German Literature ; Idylls of Norway 
and Other Poems ; the Norseland series 
of hooks for boys, including : Norse- 
land Tales ; Boyhood in Norway ; The 
Modern Vikings ; Against Heavy Odds ; 
The Golden Calf. Fl. Har. Mac. Scr. 

Boynton, Edward Carlisle. Vt, 

182.3 . A United States army ofB- 

cer. History of West Point. 

Bozmau, John Leeds. Md., 1757- 
1823. A once noted Maryland lawyer. 
Historical Sketch of the Prime Causes 
of the Eevolutionary War ; History of 
Maryland. See Memoir by S. A. Har- 
rison, 1888. 

Brace, Charles Loring. Ct, 1826- 
1890. Son of J. P. Brace, injlra. A 
noted clergyman and philanthropist of 
New York city who founded the Chil- 
dren's Aid Society, and gave mnch of 
his time to philanthropic work. Norse- 
folk ; Home Life in Germany ; The 
Eaces of the Old World ; Gesta Chris- 
ti ; The Dangerous Classes of New 
York. See Life, chiefly told in his own 
Letters. Scr. 

Brace, John Peirce. Ct., 1793-1872. 
A once prominent educator of Litch- 
field, Connecticut. Lectures to Young 
Converts ; Tales of the Devil ; The 
Fawn of the Pale Faces : a Novel. 

Brackenridge, Henry Marie. Pa., 
1786-1871. Son of H. H. Bracken- 
ridge, infra. A noted Florida jurist. 
History of the Late War between the 
United States and Great Britain (1816) ; 
Voyage to South America ; Views of 
Louisiana ; EecoUections of Persons 
and Places in the West ; Essay on Trusts 
and Trustees ; History of the Western 

Brackenridge, Hugh Henry. S., 
1748-1816. A Pennsylvania lawyer and 
humourist whose writing enjoyed great 
popularity in the early years of the 
10th century. His principal work was 
Modern Chivalry, or the Adventures of 
Captain Farrago and Teague O'Eegan, 
his Servant, a rough, sharp piece of 
humourous fiction, partaking, to some 
extent, of the nature of an autobiogra- 
phy. See edition of 18I/.S, with illustra- 
tions by Darley ; Hart's American Lit- 

Brackett, Albert Gallatin. N. Y., 

1829 . A United States cavalry 

officer. General Lane's Brigade in 
Central Mexico ; History of the United 
States Cavalry, 1854. Har. 

Brackett, Anna Callender. Ms., 

1836 . An educational writer. The 

Education of American Girls ; Woman 
and the Higher Education ; The Tech- 
nique of Eest. Har. 

Brackett, Edw^ard Augustus. Me., 
1819 . A sculptor of Boston. Twi- 
light Houra, a volume of verse. 

Bradford, Alden. Ms., 1765-1843. 
Secretary of State for Massachusetts, 
1812-24. Eulogy on Washington ; His- 
tory of Massachusetts, 1764-1820 ; Life 




of Jonathan Mayhew ; History of the 
Federal Goverument ; Biographical 
Notices of Disting-uished Men of Mas- 
sachusetts ; New England ChronoloKV, 
1497-1843. ^^' 

Bradford, Alexander Warfield 

N. Y., 1815-1807. A New York jurist 
of prominence. He edited American 
Antiquities, and prepared many vol- 
umes of legal reports, among which the 
six commonly called Bradford's Re- 
ports have become standard authority. 

Bradford, Amory Howe. Ms., 1846- 

' ' • A Congregational clergyman of 

Montelair, New Jersey. The Pilgrim 
in Old England ; Old Wine : New Bot- 
tles ; Spirit and Life, Thought for To- 
Day ; Heredity and Christian Problems. 
Fo. Mac. 

Bradford, William. E., 1590-16-57. 
Governor of the Plymouth Colony, 
1621-57. He left in manuscript a His- 
tory of Plymouth Plantation, the lei- 
surely composition of 20 years, which 
was drawn from by Morton, Prince, 
and Hutchinson as a basis for their 
respective histories, and after being 
lost for nearly a century was found in 
the library of the Bishop of London in 
1855, and published soon after. He 
was the earliest American historian, 
and his work exhibits judicial impar- 
tiality, broad conceptions, and a direct, 
vigourous style. See Tiller's American 
Literature; Young's Chronicles of the 
Pilgrims; Mrs. Austin's Betty Alden 
and Standish of Standish. Hou. 

Bradlee, Caleb Davis. Ms., 1831- 
. A Unitarian clergyman. Ser- 
mons for the Church ; Sermons for All 
Sects ; Life of Starr King. El. 

Bradley, Mrs. Mary Emily [Nee- 
ley]. Md., 1835 . A writer of 

tales for girls. Among her 20 or more 
volumes of this class are Douglass 
Farm ; Story of a Summer ; Brave 
Girls ; Grace's Visit. Hidden Sweet- 
ness is a volume of verse. Le. Lo. 

Bradley, Warren Ives. " Glance 
Gaylord." tt., 1847-1868. A talented 
writer of tales for boys. Among his 
twelve volumes, all written before he 
was twenty-one, Culm Rock is as well 
known as any. 

Bradstreet, Mrs. Anne [Dudley]. 
E., 1612-1672. The first American 

woman of letters, and called by her 
contemporaries "The Tenth Muse." 
Her prose work includes a brief auto- 
biographic sketch. Religious Expe- 
riences ; Meditations Divine and Moral, ' 
a series of shrewd, strong aphorisms. 
In her lifetime she was known only as 
a poet, and her verse, the bulk of which 
is considerable, comprises elegies, epi- 
taphs ; The Four Monarchies, a rhymed 
chronicle of ancient history ; The Four 
Elements ; The Four Humours of Man ; 
The Four Ages of Man ; The Four Sea- 
sons of the Year; Dialogue between 
Old England and New ; Contempla- 
tions. She followed artificial modeUi, 
and her lines reflect the grotesque con- 
ceits of the time, but here and there 
are gleams of real poetic vigour, while 
in the poem Contemplations, the least 
laboured of them all, she exhibits true 
poetic inspiration. See Works of, edited 
bi/ John Harvard Ellis, with sketch of 
the author, 1S67 ; Ti/ler's American Lit- 
erature; Life, by Helen Campbell ; New 
England Magazine, 1887. 
Braiuard, John Gardiner Calkins. 
Ct., 1796-1828. A Hartford journal- 
ist whose Poems were published first in 
1825, and reissued as Literary Remains 
in 1832 in an enlarged edition, with 
Memoir by his friend Whittier. His 
verse was temporarily popular, but hia 
chief claim to present remembrance is 
the fine poem beginning, " I saw two 
clouds at morning." 
Brainerd, David. Ct., 1718-1747. A 
famous missionary among the Indians 
of New England. Selections from his 
journals have been printed, entitled 
Miriabilia Dei apud Indicoa ; Divine 
Grace Displayed. See Life, by Jona- 
than Edwards, 1749, enlarged, 1832 ; 
Sparks's American Biography. 
Branch, Mrs. Mary Lydia [Bolles]. 

Ct., 1840 . A New York writer, 

best known by her poem. The Petrified 
Fern. The Kanter Girls is a story for 
young people. Scr. 
Brannan, William Penn. " Van- 
dyke Brown." O., 1825-1866. A por- 
trait painter of Cincinnati. Vagaries 
of Vandyke Brown ; The Harp of a, 
Thousand Strings, or Laughter for a 
Life Time. 
Brattle, Thomas. Ms., 1657-1713. A 
once famous Boston merchant. Eclipse 




of the Sun and Moon observed in New 
Eng-land ; Lunar Eclipse in New Eng- 
land, 17U7. 

Brazza, Cora [Slocomb], Countess 

di. ia., lyyu . A writer of New 

York city. An American Idyl ; A Lit- 
erary Farce ; Guide to the Old and 
New Lace in Italy. Ar. 

Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson, 
A>., lyuU-lbTl. A once noted Pres- 
byterian clergyman of Lexington, Ken- 
tucky. Popery ; Internal Evidence of 
Christianity j Memoranda of Foreign 
Travel ; Travels in France, Germany, 
etc. His chief work was a system of 
theology, The Knowledge of God, Ob- 
jectively and Subjectively Considered. 
He was a writer of very positive views, 
and one of the leaders in the division 
of the Presbyterian church into Old and 
New School in 1^87. 

Breed, David Riddle. Pa., 1848- 
. A Presbyterian minister of Chi- 
cago since 1885. More Light ; Abra- 
ham , the Typical Life of Faith ; History 
of the Preparation of the World for 
Christ ; Heresy and Heresy. Hev. 

Breed, William Pratt. N. Y., 1816- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

Philadelphia. His works are mainly 
religious juveniles, and among them are 
Jenny Geddes ; Home Songs for Home 
Birds ; Grapes from the Great Vine ; 
A Board and Abroad. Fu. 

Breidenbaugh, Edward Swoyer. 
jPa., 1849 . A prof essor of chem- 
istry at Pennsylvania College. Notes 
on Inorganic Chemistry ; Mineralogy 
of the Farm, are among his purely tech- 
nical papers and monographs. 

Breitman, Hans. See Leland. 

Bre-wer, Thomas Mayo. Ms., 1821- 
1880. A Massachusetts ornithologist 
who was the principal author of the 
History of North American Birds pre- 
pared with Ridgway and S. F. Baird, 
supra. Oology of North America is 
also by him. 

Brevrer, William Henry. N. Y., 

1828 . A professor of agriculture 

in the Sheffield Scientific School at 
New Haven since 1864. Botany of 

Brewerton, George Douglas. C, 
1820 . A United States army offi- 
cer. The War in Kansas, a Rough 

Trip to the Border ; Fitzpoodle at New- 
port ; Ida Lewis, the Heroine of Lime 
Rock ; The Automaton Company ; The 
Automaton Battery. 
Bridge, James Howard. " Harold 
Brydges." E., 1858 . A Fort- 
night in Heaven : an Unconventional 
Romance ; Uncle Sam at Home. 

Bridges, Madeline. See De Vere. 



Robert. " Droch." Pa., 
A litterateur of New York 

city ; literary critic of Life from 1883, 
and assistant editor of Scribner's Mag- 
azine since 1877. Overheard in Ar- 
cady, dialogues about contemporary 
writers ; Suppressed Chapters and Other 
Bookishness. Scr. 
Briggs, Charles Augustus. 1841- 
. A Presbyterian clergyman prom- 
inent among the leaders of newer reli- 
gious thought and a professor at Union 
Theological Seminary, New York, since 
1875. In 1802 he was tried for heresy 
and acquitted. Biblical Study ; Amer- 
ican Presbyterianism ; Messianic Proph- 
ecy, notable for its display of the true 
historical spirit ; The Authority of Holy 
Scripture ; The Messiah of the Apos- 
tles ; The Messiah of the Gospels ; The 
Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch; 
The Bible, the Church, and the Rea- 
son ; Whither ? a Theological Question 
for the Times. See New Englander, 
vol. 55; Andover Review, vol. 16 ; Cath- 
olic World, vol. 63. Scr. 

Briggs, Charles Frederick. Ms., 
1804-1877. A journalist and editor of 
New York city, the valued friend of 
many of the prominent literary Amer- 
icans of his time. Adventures of Harry 
Franco, a Tale of the Great Panic; 
The Haunted Merchant; The Trip- 
pings of Tom Pepper ; Working a Pas- 
sage, or Life on a Liner. See LoweWs 
Fable for Critics. 

Brigham, Amariah. Ms., 1798-1849. 
A physician of Hartford, and subse- 
quently superintendent of the lunatic 
asylum at Utica, New York. The 
Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of 
the Brain. 

Brigham, "William Tufts. Ms., 1841- 

. A lawyer and naturalist now at 

Honolulu in charge of the government 
museum. Volcanic Manifestations in 
New England ; Guatemala : the Land 




of the Quetzal, a volume of travels. 
Brightly, Fraxicis Frederick. Pa., 

1845 . Son of F. C. Brightly, 

infra. Digest of the Laws of Phila- 
delphia, 1701-lt;ST. 

Brightly, Frederick Charles. E., 
1812-lSSS. An eminent Philadelphia 
jurist. Treatise on Law of Costs ; Nisi 
Prius Reports ; Equitable Jurisdiction 
of the Laws of Pennsylvania ; Digest 
of the Laws of the United States, 1789- 
18G9 ; Digest of the Decisions of the 
Federal Courts ; Bankrupt Law of the 
United States ; Leading Cases in the 
Law of Elections, include the larger 
number of his legal writings. 

Briuton, Daniel Garrison. Pa., 

1S37 . An archaeological writer 

and publisher, as well as physician, of 
Philadelphia, whose researches in abo- 
riginal history and literature have been 
very extensive. A professor of archa;- 
ology in the University of Pennsylva- 
nia since 1880. The Jlyths of the New 
World ; The Religious Sentiment ; 
American Hero - Myths ; Aboriginal 
American Authors ; The Floridian Pe- 
ninsula ; Races and Peoples ; Essays of 
an Americanist ; The Lenape and their 
Legends. He has edited The Maya 
Chronicles ; The Comedy-BaUet of Giie- 
guence ; Aboriginal American Antho- 
logy. See Popular Science Monthly, vol. 
3S. Co. Gi. Ho. 

Brisbin, James Sanks. Pa., 1837- 
1S92. A United States cavalry oiEcer. 
Campaign Lives of Grant and Colfax ; 
The Beef Bonanza; Trees and Tree 
Planting. Hir. Lip. 

Bristed, Charles Aster. " Carl Ben- 
son." N. Y., 1820-1874. Son of J. 
Bristed, infra. A magazinist of New 
York city. Five Years in an English 
University ; The Upper Ten Thousand ; 
Pieces of a Broken-down Critic ; The 
Interference Theory of Goverimaent ; 

Bristed, John. E., 1778-185S. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Rhode Island. 
His principal works, none of which rise 
much above the level of dullness, are 
Critical and Philosophical Essays ; Re- 
sources of the United States, 1818 ; 
Anglo - American Churches ; Edward 
and Anna : a Novel ; A Pedestrian Tour 
through the Highlands of Scotland. 

Bristol, Mrs. Augusta [Cooper]. 

N. H., 18:ij . An educator of 

Vineland, New Jersey. Poems ; The 
Relation of the Maternal Function to 
the Woman's Intellect ; The Philoso- 
phy of Art ; Science and its Relations 
to Character; The Present Phase of 
Woman's Advancement ; The Web of 
Life, a collection of verse. 

Britton, Nathaniel Lord. S. I., 1859- 

. A botanical professor in the 

School of Mines at Columbia College. 
Catalogue of the Flora of Staten Island ; 
The Geology of Staten Island ; Cata- 
logue of the Flora of New Jersey ; 
An Illustrated Flora of the Northern 
United States, Canada, and the British 
Possessions, from Newfoundland to the 
Parallel of the Southern Boundary of 
Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean 
to the 102d Meridian (with A. Brown). 

Britts, Mrs. Mattie [Dyer]. N. Y., 

1842 •. Daughter of S. Dyer, infra. 

The author of many juvenile tales, 
among which are Edward Lee ; No- 
body's Boy. 

Broaddus, Andrew. Va., 1770-1848. 
A Baptist clergyman once noted as a 
pulpit orator. History of the Bible ; 
Form of Church Discipline ; Letters 
and Sermons. 

Broadus, John Albert. Va, 1827- 
1895. A Baptist clergyman, the pres- 
ident of the Southern Baptist Theo- 
logical Seminary. Preparation and 
Delivery of Sermons ; Lectures on 
Preaching ; Sermons and Addresses ; 
Jesus of Nazareth. Bap. 

Brockett, Linus Pierpont. Ct, 1820- 
1893. A prolific writer of Hartford, 
among whose many productions are 
History of Education ; Our Great Cap- 
tains ; The Year of Battles : a History 
of the Franco-German War of 1870 ; 
Epidemics and Contagious Diseases; 
The Silk Industry in America ; Our 
Western Empire, an account of the re- 
sources of the United States west of 
the Mississippi ; The Great Metropolis. 

Brodhead, Mrs. Eva Wilder [Mc- 

Grlasson]. 18 . A popular 

novelist. One of the Visconti ; Diana's 
Livery ; An Earthly Paragon ; Minis- 
ters of Grace ; Bound In Shallows. 
Har. Scr. 




Brodhead, John Romeyn. Pa., 

ISl-i— IST^j. A painstaking', accurate 
■writer, whose work, if somewhat lack- 
ing- iu picturesqueness, is of lasting 
value. History of the State of New 
York ; The Government of Sir Edmund 
Andros over New England. Har. 

Brooks, Arthur. Ms., 1S4.J-1895. 
Brother of Phillips Brooks, infra. An 
Episcopal clergyman of New York city. 
A volume of his Sermons was reprinted 
in London with the title, Christ for To- 
Day. Wh. 

Brooks, Charles. Ms., 1795-1872. A 
once prominent Massachusetts educa- 
tor. History of Medf ord ; The Chris- 
tian in his Closet ; Daily Monitor ; 
Family Prayer-Book ; Elements of Or- 
nithology ; Introduction to Ornithology, 
and ten volumes of biography. 

Brooks, Charles Timothy. Ms., 
1813-1883. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Newport, Rhode Island, 1837-73, whose 
English versions of SchiUer, Richter, 
Goethe, and Schefer take hig'h rank. 
His other work includes Songs of Field 
and Flood ; The Simplicity of Christ ; 
William Ellery Channing : a Centen- 
nial Memory ; Poems Original and 
Translated. See Memoir by Wendte. 

Brooks, Edward. N. Y., 1831 . 

The principal of the Millersville Nor- 
mal School, Pennsylvania, 1866-86, and 
since then superintendent of the Phil- 
adelphia public schools. His writings 
are mainly, though not entirely, math- 
ematical, and among them are The 
Normal Written Arithmetic ; Philoso- 
phy of Arithmetic ; Mental Science and 
Methods of Culture ; The Story of the 
Iliad ; The Story of the Odyssey. 

Brooks, Elbridge Gerry. N. IL, 
181(7-1^78. A Universalist clergynian 
of Philadelphia. Universalism a Prac- 
tical Power ; Our New Departure ; 
Universalism in Life and Doctrine. 
See Life by E. S. Brooks. 

Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Ms., 

1846 — . A Boston writer for young 

people. Life Work of Elbridge Gerry 
Brooks ; In No Man's Land ; Historic 
Boys ; In Leisler's Times ; Chivalric 
Days ; Storied Holidays ; Historic 
Girls ; Story of the American Indian ; 
The Story of New York ; Story of the 
American Sailor ; Story of the United 

States ; The True Story of Columbus ; 
Heroic Happenings ; A Son of Xssa- 
char ; The True Story of George Wash- 
ington ; The Century Book for Young 
Americans ; A Boy of the First Em- 
pire ; Great Men's Sons ; The Story of 
Miriam of Magdala ; The True Story 
of Abraham Lincoln ; The Story of the 
American Soldier ; The Century Book 
of Famous Americans ; Under the Tam- 
aracks ; The Long Walls (with J. Al- 
den). Cent. Lo. Put. 

Brooks, Mrs. Maria [Go^wen]. Ms., 
1795-1845. CaUed by Southey "Maria 
del Occidente." A poet whose fate it 
has been to be utterly neglected after 
being once extravagantly praised. Zo- 
phiel, or The Bride of Seven, her chief 
work, is a poem whose incidents are 
taken from the story of Sara in the 
apocryphal book of Tobit. It is a 
work of considerable power but ex- 
travagant sentiment. Idomen, or the 
Vale of Yumuri, is to some extent au- 
tobiographic. See Griswold's Female 
Poets ,* Harper^s Magazine, January 
and May, 1879 ; Mrs. Hale's Woman's 

Brooks, Nathan Covington. Md,, 

1819 . A prominent educator of 

Baltimore, who besides publishing an 
excellent series of classical text-books, 
chief among which are editions of 
Ovid's Metamorphoses and Virgil's 
.^neid, is the author of A Complete 
History of the Mexican War. 

Brooks, Noah. Me., 1830- 

New York writer of popular books for 
boys. The Boy Emigrants ; The Fair- 
port Nine ; Our Baseball Club ; Abra- 
ham Lincoln ; The Boy Settlers ; Amer- 
ican Statesmen ; Tales of the Maine 
Coast J Abraham Lincoln and the Down- 
fall of American Slavery ; How the Re- 
public is Governed ; Short Studies in 
American Party Politics ; Washington 
in Lincoln's Time, a volume of gossipy 
recollections; The Mediterranean Trip. 
Cent. Scr. 
Brooks, Phillips. Ms., 1835-1893. 
The sixth Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of Massachusetts. He was rector of 
Holy Trinity Church at Philadelphia, 
1S62-69, and of Trinity Church, Boston, 
from 1869 until his consecration as bish- 
op iu 1891. He was a leader of Broad 
Church opinion, but had no hostility 


towards forms of thought opposed to 
his. For many years before his death 
he had been accounted the foremost 
preacher in America. The Influence 
of Jesus ; Lectures on Preaching ; The 
Candle of the Lord and Other Sermons ; 
The Light of the World and Other 
Sermons ; Sermons in English Churches ; 
Twenty Sermons ; Sermons for the 
Principal Festivals and Fasts ; Toler- 
ance ; A Century of Church Growth in 
Boston ; Essays and Addresses ; Let- 
ters of Travel ; The Oldest School in 
America. Little Town of Bethle- 
hem is a popular poem by him. See 
' Phillips Brooks in Boston ; Five Years' 
Editorial Estimates ; Phillips Brooks, 
by Dunbar ; Annual Cyclopedia, 1S93 ; 
Andover Beview, vol. 15 ; Phillips 
Brooks in Massachusetts, by J. H. Ward, 
infra. Dut. Her. 

Brooks, William Keith. O., 1848- 

. A professor of morphology at 

Johns Hopkins University. Hand-book 
of Invertebrate Zoology ; Development 
of the American Oyster; Conifer, a 
Study in Morphology ; Development of 
Lingula ; The Law of Heredity. Wn. 

Bross, William. N. J., 1813-1890. 
A Chicago journalist. History of Chi- 
cago (1860) ; Tom Quick, a romance of 
Indian warfare ; Chicago and her Fu- 
ture Growth. 

Brotherton, Mrs. Alice [Wil- 
liams]. Ind., 18 . A.maga- 

zinist of Cincinnati, whose work is 
mainly in verse. Beyond the Veil ; 
The Sailing of King Olaf ; What the 
Wind told the Tree-Tops, prose and 
verse for children. 

Brougham [broo'am or broo'm], John. 
I., 1814-1880. A once noted dramatist 
who was the author of over a hundred 
comedies and farces, many of which, 
like Vanity Fair and The Irish Emi- 
grant, have been very successful. See 
Life, by William Winter. 

Brown, Abram English. Ms., 1849- 
. A resident of Bedford, Massa- 
chusetts. Beneath Old Roof Trees, a 
volume of local history ; Beside Old 
Hearthstones ; History of Bedford ; 
Bedford Old Families; Glimpses of 
New England Life ; Flag of the Minute 
Men. Le. 

Brown, Alexander. Va., 184.S- 
. A writer of Nelson County, Vir- 


ginia, who has published The Cabells 
and their Kin, a genealogy ; The Gen- 
esis of the United States. Hou. 

Brown, Alice. N. H., 1S.'> . A 

Boston writer on the staif of the Youth's 
Companion. Fools of Nature, a novel ; 
Meadow Grass, a collection of New 
England stories ; By Oak and Thorn, a 
volume of English travel ; Robert Louis 
Stevenson : a Study (with L. Guiney, 
infra) ; Life of Mercy Otis Warren. 
Cop. Hou. Scr. 

Brown, Anna Robeson. Pa., ISl-i- 
— — -. Daughter of H. A. Brown, infra, 
and great niece of C. B. Brown, infra. 
A novelist who has published Sir Mark ; 
The Black Lamb. Ap. 

Brown, Charles Brockden. Pa., 
mi-1810. A novelist of Philadel- 
phia, and the first of native authors 
who adopted literature as a profession. 
In bis novels probability plays a very 
small part, the local colour is faint, 
though the scenes are American, and 
all are overshadowed by an overpower- 
ing element of mystery. In spite of 
extravagances and faults, his work pos- 
sesses undeniable power of a very high 
order, and does not deserve the neglect 
into which it has fallen. Wieland ; Or- 
mond, or the Secret Witness ; Arthur 
Mervyn, in some respects the most pow- 
erful of his works ; Edgar Huntley, or 
the Memories of a Sleep Walker ; Clara 
Howard, repiinted in England as Philip 
Stanley ; Jane Talbot. See Lives by 
Dunlap, 181.5, Prescott, 1831 ; Atlantic 
Monthly, vol. 61; NichoVs American 
Literature. My. 

Brown, Charles Rufus. JV. H., 1849- 

. A professor of Old Testament 

interpretation at Union Theological 
Seminary since 1883. An Aramaic 
Method : Text and Grammar. Scr. 

Brown, David Paul. Pa., 179.')- 
1872. A Philadelphia lawyer who was 
the author of two unsuccessful trage- 
dies, Sestorius ; The Trial ; a melo- 
drama and a comedy, equally unsuc- 
cessful, and The Forum, or Forty Years' 
Practice at the Philadelphia Bar. His 
Forensic Speeches were edited by his 
son in 1873. 

Brown, Emma Elizabeth. N. H., 
1847 . A writer of popular bio- 
graphies living at Newton, Massachu- 
setts. Her works include lives of 


Washing-ton ; Grant ; Garfield ; Wen- 
dell Holmes; Kussell Lowell; From 
Nig-ht to Light, a story of Bible times ; 
The Child Toilers of Boston Streets ; 
An Hundred Years Ago, a story in 
verse. Lo. Me. 

Brown, Francis. N. H., 1849 . 

A professor of Hebrew and cognate 
languages at Union Theological Semi- 
nary since 189U. Assyriology : its Use 
and Abuse ; The Teachings of the 
Apostles (with K. D. Hitchcock). Scr. 

Brown, Goold. R. I., 17111-1857. An 
educator of New York city and a once 
famous grammarian. Grammar of Eng- 
lish Grammars ; Institutes of English 
Grammar ; First Lines of English 

Brow^n, Helen Dawes. Ms., 18 — 

■ . A lecturer on English literature 

in New York city. The Petrie Estate, 
a novel ; Two College Girls ; Little 
Miss Phoebe Gay. Hon. 

Brown, Henry Armitt. 1846-1878. 
A lawyer and orator of Philadelphia, 
whose Four Historical Orations have 
been much admired. See Memoir, hy 
Hoppin ; Atlantic Monthly, August, 

Brown, Henry Billings. Ms., 1836- 

. A justice of the United States 

Supreme Court since 1890. Admiralty 
Reports for Western, Lake, and Eiver 

Brow^n, James Allen. Pa.. 1821- 
188.3. A Lutheran clergyman and ed- 
ucator, professor in Gettysburg Semi- 
nary, 1864-77. The New Theology. 

Brown, John Walker. N. Y., 1814- 
1849. An Episcopal clergyman who 
won some fleeting notice as a poet. 
Christmas BeDs, a Tale of Holy Tide, 
and Other Poems. 

Brown, Mrs. Phoebe [Hinsdale]. 
N. Y., 1783-1861. A hymn-writer re- 
membered for her popular religious 
lyric, " I love to steal awhile away." 

Brown, Samuel Gilman. Me., 1813- 
1885. A Congregational clergyman 
■who was president of Hamilton Col- 
lege, 1867-81. Biography of Self- 
Taught Men ; Life of Rufus Choate. 

Brown, Theron, Ct, 18.32 . A 

Baptist clergyman of Boston, who has 
written several books for young people, 


among which are The Blount Family ; 
Walter Neil's Example ; Life Songs, a 
collection of verse. Le. Lo. 

Brown, Thomas Edwin. D, C, 1841- 
. A Baptist clergyman of Roch- 
ester, New York. Studies in Modem 
Socialism and Labor Problems. 

Brown, Thurlow Weed. 

1866. A Wisconsin journalist promi- 
nent as a temperance advocate. Why 
I am a Temperance Man ; Minnie Her- 
mon, the Landlord's Daughter ; Tem- 
perance Tales. 

Browne, Charles Farrar, " Arteraus 
Ward." Jlfe., 1834-1867. A very genu- 
ine though grotesque humourist, whose 
satire is invariably good-natured and 
whose humoiir is based on shrewd sense. 
While a printer in the office of The 
Plaindealer, in Cleveland, he began pub- 
lishing his series of letters from " Ar- 
temus Ward, Showman." Later he 
became known as a popular humourous 
lecturer, and was lecturing in England 
with success at the time of his death. 
Artemus Ward : his Book ; Artemns 
Ward Among the Mormons ; Artemns 
Ward in London ; Artemus Ward ; His 
Travels ; Artemus Ward's Lecture at 
Egyptian Hall. See Haweis's Ameri- 
can Humourists. 

Browne, Francis Fisher. Vt., 1843- 

. A literary critic of Chicago and 

editor of The Dial since 1880. Every- 
day Life of Abraham Lincoln ; Volun- 
teer Grain, a collection of poems. 

Browne, Irving. N. Y., 1885 . 

A lawyer of Albany. Humourous 
Phases of the Law ; Short Studies of 
Great Lawyers ; Judicial Interpretation 
of Common Words and Phrases ; Law 
and Lawyers in Literature ; Iconoclasm 
and Whitewash ; The Character of the 
Nurse's Deceased Husband in Romeo 
and Juliet ; Our Best Society, a com- 
edy ; The Elements of Criminal Law. 
See The Green Bag, vol. 1. 

Browne, John Ross. L, 1817-1875. 
A writer of amusing travels, illustrated 
by original drawings, which enjoyed 
a transient but profitable popularity. 
An American Family in Germany ; Yu- 
sef , a Crusade in the East ; Land of 
Thor, a volume of Icelandic experi- 
ences ; Etchings of a Whaling Voyage ; 


Crusoe's Island; Adventures iu the 
Apache Country. Ap. Har. 

Browne, Junius Henri. N. Y., 1833- 

. A journalist of New York city. 

Four Years in Secessia ; The Great Me- 
tropolis, a Memoir of New York ; Lights 
and Sensations in Europe. See liippin- 
cott's Magazine, vol. 40. 

Browne, William Hand. Md., 1828- 
. An historical writer of Balti- 
more who, besides assisting Seharf and 
other writers, has also written Mary- 
land, the History of a Palatinate ; 
George Calvert and Ceoilius Calvert, 
barons Baltimore. Do. Hon. 

Brow^ne, 'WiUiam Hardcastle. 
Pa., 1840 . A lawyer of Phila- 
delphia. Digest of the Law of Divorce 
and Alimony in the United States ; Fa- 
mous Women of History ; Bible Heroes. 

Brownell, Henry Howard. JJ. 7., 
1820-1872. Nephew of T. C. Brownell, 
infra. A writer who served in the Civil 
War as ensign under Farragut, and was 
present in the two engagements de- 
scribed in his famous battle poems. 
The Bay Fight, The River Fight, 
which rank among the finest verses of 
their kind. Poems ; People's Book of 
Ancient and Modern History ; Discov- 
erers of North and South America; 
Lyrics of a Day ; War Lyrics. 

Brownell, Thomas Church. Ms., 
1779-1865. The third Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of Connecticut. Family 
Prayer - Book ; Commentary on the 
Prayer - Book ; Youthful Christian's 
Guide ; Consolation for the Afflicted ; 
Christian's Walk and Consolation ; Re- 
ligion of Heart and Life, comprise the 
greater number of his works. 

Brownell, ■William Crary. N. Y., 

1851 . A New York jonmalist 

and critic. Newport ; French Art ; 
Classic and Contemporary Painting and 
Sculpture ; French Traits : an essay in 
Comparative Criticism. See The Book- 
man, December, 1896. Scr. 

Brownell, 'William Craig. S., 1784- 
1860. A Reformed Dutch clergyman 
of New York city, and a very active con- 
troversialist, whose batteries were chief- 
ly directed at the Quakers and Roman 
Catholics. Inquiry into the Principles 
of the Quakers ; The Roman Catholic 
Controversy ; "Treatise on Popery ; 


Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life ; 
Christian Youths' Book ; Christian 
Father at Home ; Deity of Christ ; His- 
tory of the Western Apostolic Church ; 
The Converted Mm'derer ; The Whigs 
of Scotland, a romance. 

Brow^nlow^, William Gannaway. 
Fa., 1805-1877. A Methodist preacher 
and journalist of Knoxville, Tennessee, 
conspicuous for his fidelity to the 
Union during the Civil War. At its 
close he served two terms as governor 
of his state. The Iron Wheel Exam- 
ined and its False Spokes Extracted, 
a reply to attacks upon Methodism ; 
Ought American Slavery to be Perpet- 
nated ; Sketches of the Rise, Progress, 
and Decline of Secession. 

Brownson, Orestes Augustus. Vt., 
1803-1876. A prominent philosophical 
thinker who in early life was succes- 
sively a Presbyterian, a Universalist 
clergyman, a Socialist leader associated 
with Robert Owen, and a Unitarian 
clergyman, as well as an able political 
speaker at all times. In 1844 he be- 
came a Roman Catholic, and in Brown- 
son's Review, from that date until 1864, 
he ably defended the Roman Catholic 
faith from the standpoint of a liberal. 
His philosophy is more or less influ- 
enced by the thought of Cousin. New 
Views of Christianity, Society, and the 
Church ; Charles Elwood, or the Infi- 
del Converted (1840), a more or less au- 
tobiographic novel ; Leaves from my 
Experience ; Essays and Reviews ; The 
Spirit-Rapper, an autobiography ; The 
American Republic, a work on politi- 
cal ethics ; Conversations on Liber- 
alism. See Complete Worhs, in SO vol- 
umes, 1882-87, published in Detroit by 
his son Henry F. JBrownson ; Catholic 
World, volumes 46 and 4S ; Atlantic 
Monthly, June, 1896. 

Bruce, 'Wallace. N. Y., 1844 . 

A poet and lecturer of Poughkeepsie. 
From the Hudson to the Yoseraite ; 
The Land of Burns ; The Connecticut 
Daylight ; in verse, The Hudson ; Yo- 
seraite ; Old Homestead Poems ; Way- 
side Poems ; In Clover and Heather ; 
Here 's a Hand. Mar. 

Brush, Mrs. Constance [Chaplin]. 
Me., 1842-1892. Daughter of J. Chap- 
lin, infra. An artist in water-colours 
whose home was in Brooklyn. Her 




most important book, The Colonel's 
Opera Cloak, a novel, was first pub- 
lished anonymously. Her only other 
works are the two stories, Inside our 
Gate ; One Summer's Lessons in Per- 
spective. Rob. 

Bryan, Mrs. Mary [Edwards]. Fl. 

1846 . A journalist of New York 

city who has written the novels Manch ; 
Wild Work, a story of the reconstruc- 
tion period in Louisiana ; The Bayou 
Bride ; Kildee. 

Bryant, John Howard. Ms., 180t- 
. Brother of W. C. Bryant, in- 
fra. A poet and farmer of Princeton, 
niinois. Poems ; Poems written from 
Youth to Old Age, 1824r-84. 

Bryant, ■William CuUen. Ms., 1794- 
18'78. A poet and journalist of New 
York city. In early life he began the 
practice of law, but soon abandoned it 
for journalism and, removing- to New 
York in 182.5, became in 1828 the edi- 
tor of the Evening Post, with which he 
remained associated until his death. 
His earUest poem, The Embargo, a po- 
litical satire, was published when its 
author was but thirteen, but the first 
collection of his poems was not made 
until 1821, the famous Thanatopsis be- 
ing one of the eight which the volume 
comprised. The quantity of Bryant's 
verse is small, the quality high, but not 
uniformly so. Its tone is usually calmly 
philosophic, and it rarely makes any 
very effective appeal to the sympa- 
thies, its coldness arising partly from 
lack of humour, partly from natural re- 
serve. The Embargo ; The Spanish 
Revolution ; The Ages ; The Fountain 
o£ Youth, and Other Poems ; The 
White-Footed Deer; The Flood of 
Yeais ; Thirty Poems ; translations of 
the Iliad and Odyssey, both in un- 
rhymed heroic pentameter ; Letters of 
a Traveller, a prose work ; Orations 
and Addresses. See Commemorative 
Address by G. W. Curtis; Lives by 
J. Bigelow, Parke Godwin, A. J. Syming- 
ton; Stedman^s Poets of America ; Ap- 
pleton's American Biography ; Wilson's 
Bryant and his Friends, 1886 ; Gosse's 
Questions at Issue; Magazine of Amer- 
ican History, vol. 23 ; Atlantic Monthly, 
March, 1897. Ap. Cr. Hon. 

Bryant, "William McKendree. 
Ind., 1843 . A prominent educa- 

tor of St. Louis. Philosophy of Land- 
scape Painting ; The World Energy 
and its Self-Conservation ; Syllabus of 
Psychology ; Ethics and the New Edu- 
cation ; Text Book of Psychology, are 
some of his writings. Sc. 

Bryce, Lloyd. L. I., 1852 . A 

novelist of New York city, editor of the 
North American Review, 1889-96. Par- 
adise ; A Dream of Conquest ; The Eo- 
manceofAnAlter Ego ; Friends in Exile. 

Brydges, Harold. See Bridge, J. H. 

Buchanan, James. Pa., 1791-1868. 
The fifteenth president of the United 
States. Mr. Buchanan's Administra- 
tion (1866) is his own defence of his 
policy as President. See Life of, by G. 
T. Curtis, infra. 

Buchanan, Joseph. Va., 1785-1829. 
A once noted mechanical inventor of 
Kentucky who published The Philoso- 
phy of Human Nature. 

Buchanan, Joseph Rodes. Ey., 

] 814 . Son of J. Buchanan, supra. 

A Boston physician who claimed to 
have invented the sciences of sarcog- 
nomy and psychometry. He published 
Buchanan's Journal of Medicine, 1849- 
56, and wrote Outlines of Lectures on 
the Neurological System of Anthro- 
pology ; Eclectric Practice of Medi- 
cine and Surgery ; The New Education ; 
Therapeutic Sarcognomy ; Manual of 
Psychometry. See One of a Thousand. 

Buck, Dudley. Ct., 1839 . A 

composer and organist of Brooklyn. 
Dictionary of Musical Terms ; The In- 
fluence of the Organ in History. 

Buck, Gurdou. N. Y., 1807-1877- 
An eminent surgeon of New York city- 
He wrote much for medical journals 
and a treatise on Contributions to Re- 
parative Surgery. 

Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. Ct., 
1779-1861. A Boston journalist of 
note who published, 1831-34, The New 
England Magazine, in which Dr. Holmes 
began his famous " Autocrat," and The 
Boston Courier, 1828-48. Specimens 
of Newspaper Literature ; Personal 
Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial 

Buckley, James Monroe. N. J., 

1836 . A Methodist clergyman, 

editor since 1881 of the New York 
Christian Advocate. Two Weeks in 




the Yosemite Valley ; Supposed Mira- 
cles ; Christians and the Theatre ; Oats 
or WUd Oats ; The Land of the Czar 
and the Nihilist ; Faith-Healing, Chris- 
tian Science, and Kindred Phenomena ; 
Travels in Three Continents, Europe, 
Africa, Asia. Cent. Har. Lo. Meth. 

Buckminster, Joseph Stevens. 
N. if., 1784-1812. A talented Unita- 
rian clergyman of Boston, the first ap- 
pointed lecturer on biblical criticism 
at Harvard University. Sermons, with 
Memoir by S. C. Thacher, 1814. 

Buel, Jesse. C«., 1778-1839. A noted 
agriculturist of Albany who efEected 
many reforms in farming. He estab- 
lished the Albany Argus, The Culti- 
vator, and published The Farmer's 
Instructor, in ten volumes ; and also 
The Farmer's Companion, or Essays in 
Husbandry. Har, 

Buel, Samuel. N. Y., 1815-1892. An 
Episcopal clergyman of High Church 
proclivities, who was professor of di- 
vinity at the General Theological Sem- 
inary of New York from 1871. The 
Apostolic System Defended ; Euoha- 
ristic Presence, Sacrifice, and Adora- 
tion ; A Treatise on Dogmatic The- 
ology. Wh. 

Buell, Richard Hooker. Md., 1842- 

. A United States civil engineer. 

The Cadet Engineer ; Safety Valves ; 
The Compound Steam-Engine and its 
Steam-Generating Plant. 

Bulfinch, Ellen Susan. Ms., 1844- 

. An artist of Cambridge. Life 

and Letters of Charles Bulfinch, Archi- 
tect. Hon. 

Bulfinch, Stephen Greenleaf. Ms., 
1809-1870. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Boston, and son of Charles Bulfinch, 
the noted architect. Poems, Lays of the 
Gospel, Communion Thoughts; Con- 
templations of the Saviour ; The Holy 
Land and its Inhabitants; The Harp 
and the Cross ; Honour, or The Slave 
Dealer's Daughter ; Manual of the Evi- 
dences of Christianity ; Studies in the 
Evidences of Christianity. A. U. A. Le. 

Bulfinch, Thomas. Ms., 1796-1867. 
Brother of S. G. Bulfinch, supra. A 
Boston banker whose leisure was de- 
voted to literary pursuits. Hebrew 
Lyrical History ; The Age of Fable ; 
The Age of Chivalry ; Boy Inventors ; 

Legends of Charlemagne ; Poetry of the 
Age of Fable ; Oregon and Eldorado, 
or Romance of the Rivers. Le. 

Bulkley, Peter. E., 1583-1659. A 
Congregational clergyman of Concord, 
Massachusetts. His one work, The 
Gospel Covenant, or The Covenant of 
Grace Opened, is a ponderous series of 
sermons notable for its intellectual 
vigour. See Tyler's History of Ameri- 
can Literature. 

Bullard, Asa. Ms., 1804-1888. Bro- 
ther-in-law of H. W. Beecher, supra. A 
Congregational clergyman of Massa^ 
chusetts, long prominent in Sunday- 
school work. His principal writings 
are Sunnybank Stories ; Shady Dell 
Stories ; Fifty Years with the Sabbath 
School ; Incidents in a Busy Life, an 
autobiography. Le. Lo. 

Bullions, Peter. S., 1791-1864. A 
United Presbyterian clergyman of Troy, 
New York, well known as a classical 
scholar. Among his text-books for* 
schools are Principles of English Gram- 
mar ; Principles of Greek Grammar ; 
Latin and English Dictionary. 

Bullock, Alexander Hamilton. 

Ms., 1816-1882. A prominent Massa- 
chusetts politician, at one period gov- 
ernor of the State. Intellectnal Lead- 
erships ; Address on Several Occasions, 
with Memoir by G. F. Hoar. Lit. 

Bump, Orlando Franklin, N. Y., 
1841 . A Baltimore lawyer, au- 
thor of The Law and Practice of Bank- 

Bumstead, Freeman Josiah. Ms., 
1826-1879. A physician of New York 
city. Pathology and Treatment of 
Venereal Diseases, and translations 
from the French of Ricord and CuUe- 

Bunce, Oliver Bell. N. Y., 1828- 
1890. A New York' litterateur, editor 
of Appleton's Journal for the period of 
its existence, and well known as the 
author of Don't (1883), a small volume 
of social negations which was widely 
circulated. He wrote also Bachelor 
Bluff, his Opinions, a volume of essays ; 
My House ; Marco Bozzaris, a drama ; 
Love in '76, a comedy; Romance of 
the Revolution ; four stories, including 
Life Before Him; Bensly; A Bache- 
lor's Story ; The Adventures of Timias 




Terrystone ; Happinolande and Other 
Legends, a collection of sketches. Ap. 
Co. Scr. 

Bundy, Jonas Mills. N. H., 183.5- 
1891. A New York journalist, promi- 
nent as editor of the Mail and Express 
from 1868. State Rights; Are we a 
Nation ? ; Life of Garfield (1880). Bar. 

Bungay, George 'Washington. E., 
1818-1892. A New York' journalist 
well known as a temperance lecturer. 
He wrote many poems, among which 
The Creeds of the Bells has long been 
popular. His other writings include 
The Abraham Lincoln Songster ; The 
Poets of Queen Elizabeth's Time ; Off- 
hand Takings ; Crayon Sketches ," Pen 
Portraits of Illustrious Abstainers. 

Bunner, Henry Cuyler. JV^. Y., 1855- 
1896. A New York journalist, the ed- 
itor of Puck, and well known as a 
writer of graceful, delicate verse and 
Tery readable fiction. Jersey Street 
• and Jersey Lane ; Love in Old Cloathes ; 
Zadoo Pine and Other Stories ; The 
Story of a New York House ; The 
Midge ; In Partnership (with J. B. Mat- 
thews, infra) ; Short Sixes, a collection 
of humourous tales ; The Woman of 
Honour. His verse includes Airs from 
Aready and Elsewhere ; Rowen : " sec- 
ond crop " Songs. Hou. Scr. 

Burdett, Charles. N. Y., 1815-18—. 
A journalist and novelist of New York 
whose writings were transiently popu- 
lar. Life of Kit Carson ; The Second 
Marriage ; The Beautiful Spy ; Marga- 
ret Moncrieffe ; Emma, or The Lost 
Found ; Marion Desmond ; The Gam- 
bler; The Adopted Child; Trials and 
Triumphs ; Never too Late ; Chances 
and Changes. Har. 

Burdette, Robert Jones. Pa., 1844- 

— . A newspaper humourist who was 

for some years editor of The Hawkeye, 
of Burlington, Iowa. Hawkeyes ; Rise 
and Fall of the Mustache ; Innach Gar- 
den and Other Comic Sketches ; Life of 
William Penn. Ho. 

Burgess, Edward. Ms., 1848-1891. 
A noted naval architect of Boston. 
English and American Yachts. See 
New England Magazine, vol. 5. 

Burgess, George. iJ. 7., 1809-1866. 
The first Protestant Episcopal bishop of 

Maine. Pages from the Ecclesiastical 
History of New England ; The Chris- 
tian Life ; The Book of Psalms in 
English Verse ; The Last Enemy Con- 
quering and Conquered ; Strife of 
Brothers, a poem, comprise the most 
of his writings. See Memoir, by A. 
Burgess ; Bibliography of Maine. Ran. 

Burgess, John 'William. Tn., \944r- 
. The dean of the school of phys- 
ical science in Columbia College. The 
American University : When Shall it 
Be, Where Shall it Be, and What ShaU 
it Be ? ; Political Science and Compar- 
ative Constitutional Law ; The Middle 
Period. Gi. 

Burk, John Daly. I., 17 — 1808. An 
Irish author who came to America in 
1796, and for the last years of his life 
was a lawyer in Virginia. History of 
the Late War in Ireland ; History of 
Virginia ; Bunker Hill, a once popular 
tragedy ; Bethlem Gaber, an historical 

Burleigh, George Shepard. Ct, 

1821 . A writer of Little Comp- 

ton, Rhode Island. Anti - Slavery 
Hymns; The Maniac and Other Po- 
ems ; Signal Fires, or The Trail of the 

Burleigh, 'William Henry. Ct., 
1812-1871. Brother of G.S. Burleigh, 
supra. An anti -sla. very journalist of 
Hartford and elscAvhere who won some 
notice as a poet. See Poems of, with 
biographical sketch by Celia Burleigh. 

Burnap, George 'Washington. N. 
H., 1802-1859. A Unitarian clergy- 
man of Baltimore, prominent as a 
controversialist. Popular Objections 
to Unitarian Christianity Considered ; 
What is a. Unitarian; Lectures to 
Young Men ; Lectures on the History 
of Christianity ; Christianity, its Es- 
sence and Evidence, are his more im- 
portant works. 

Burney, Stanford Guthrie. Tn., 
1814?— — . A Cumberland Presbyte- 
rian divine, professor of systematic 
theology at Cumberland University. 
Treatise on Elocution ; Baptismal Re- 
generation ; Atonement and Law Re- 
viewed ; Chart of Duty ; Soteriology ; 
Studies in Moral Science ; Studies in 
Psychology ; Studies in Theology. 




Burnett,Mrs. Frances Eliza [Hodg- 
son]. E., 1849 . A popular writ- 
er of fiction, whose first successful book 
was That Lass o' Lowrie's, a powerful 
tale of Lancashire life. Her other 
works, of varying degrees of excellence, 
include Earlier Stories, first and second 
series ; Haworth ; A Fail* Barbarian ; 
Through One Administration ; Louis- 
iana ; Esmeralda ; Vagaboudia, Surly 
Tim, and Other Stories ; The Pretty 
Sister of Jos^ ; A Lady of Quality. Ai 
a writer for young people her success 
has been very marked ; and besides Lit- 
tle Lord Fauntleroy,the most popular of 
all her books, her juvenile writings com- 
prise Sara Crewe ; Piocino and Other 
Cluld Stories ; Little Saint Elizabeth ; 
Two Little Pilgrims' Progress ; Gio- 
vanni and the Other ; The One I Knew 
the Best of All, an autobiographic tale. 
See Vedder's American Writers. Scr. 
Burnett, James G. N. Y., 1868-1893. 
A verse- writer who published Love and 
Laughter, a collection of verse. Put. 
Burnett, Peter Hardeman. Tn., 
1807-1895. A California lawyer who 
was the first governor of that state. 
The Path which led a Protestant Law- 
yer to the Catholic Church ; The Amer- 
ican Theory of Government ; Recollec- 
tions and Opinions of an Old Pioneer ; 
Reasons why we should believe in God. 
Burnett, ^Waldo Irving. Ms., 1828- 
1854. A naturalist of Boston. The 
Cell, its Physiology, Pathology, and 
Burnham, Mrs. Clara Louise 

[Root]. Ms., 1854 . A popular 

novelist of Chicago. ' ' No Gentlemen " ; 
A Sane Lunatic ; Dearly Bought ; Next 
Door ; Young Maids and Old ; The 
Mistress of Beech Knoll ; Miss Bagg's 
Secretary, a West Point romance ; Dr. 
Latimer, a story of Casco Bay ; Sweet 
Clover ; The Wise Woman. Hou. 
Burr, Aaron. «., 1716-1757. A Pres- 
byterian clergyman who was president 
of Princeton College. He married a. 
daughter of Jonathan Edwards, infra, 
and his son was the noted politician of 
the same name. His Latin Grammar 
was long in use at Princeton as "the 
Newark Grammar." His only other 
work was The Supreme Divinity of our 
Lord Jesus Christ. 

Burr, Enoch Fitch. Ct., 1818 . 

A Congregational clergyman of Lyme, 
Connecticut, since 1850. Pater Mundi ; 
Ad Fidem ; Doctrine of Evolution ; 
Ecce Coelum ; Sunday Afternoons for 
Little People ; About Spiritualism ; 
Toward the Strait Gate ; IScce Terra ; 
Work in the Vineyard ; From Dark to 
Day ; Facts in Aid of Faith ; Celestial 
Empires ; Universal Beliefs ; Long Ago 
as Interpreted by the 19th Century ; 
Tempted to Unbelief; Dio the Athe- 
nian ; Tlie Voyage, and Other Poems ; 
Aleph, the Chaldean. 
Burr, G-eorge Lincoln. iV^.F., 1857- 
. A professor of history at Cor- 
nell University from 1892. The Lit- 
erature of Witchcraft ; The Fate of 
Dietrick Flade ; Charlemagne. 
Burr, William Hubert. Ct., 1851- 

. A civil engineer of prominence, 

professor of engineering at Columbia 
College from 1893. Stresses in Bridge 
and Roof Trusses ; The Theory of the 
Masonry Arch ; Elasticity and Resist- 
ance of the Materials of Engineering. 
Burrage, Henry Sweetser. Ms., 
1837 . The editor of Zion's Her- 
ald, Portland, Maine. Brown Univer- 
sity in the Civil War ; The Act of Bap- 
tism in the History of the Christian 
Church ; History of the Anabaptists in 
Switzerland ; History of Baptists in 
New England ; History of the 37th 
Massachusetts Regiment ; Baptist 
Hymn Writers and their Hymns. Bap. 
Burrill, Alexander Mansfield. N. 
Y., 1807-1869. A noted New York 
jurist. Practice of the Supreme Court 
of New York ; Law Dictionary and 
Glossary ; Law and Practice of Vohm- 
tary Assignments ; Circumstantial Evi- 
Burritt, Elihu. Ct., 1811-1879. A fa^ 
mous linguist who was called "The 
Learned Blacksmith," from the fact 
that much of his education was obtained 
while working at the forge in Worces- 
ter, Massachusetts. He was a noted 
peace reformer, and was for some years 
consul at Birmingham. Few of his 
writings have the literary quality to 
any extent, and they form rather dry 
reading. Sparks from the Anvil ; A 
Voice from the Forge; Peace Papers 
for the People ; Olive Leaves ; Thoughts 




of Things at Home and Abroad ; Hand- 
book of the Nations; A Walk from 
John 0' Groat's to Land's End; The 
Mission of Great SufEerings ; Walks 
in the Black Country ; Lectures and 
Speeches ; Ten-Minute Talks ; Chips 
from Many Blocks ; Prayers and Devo- 
tional Meditations. See Memorial, by 
C. Northend, 1S79 ; Leisure Hour, vol. 
28. Ban. 

Burroughs, John. N. Y., 1837 . 

A noted essayist of Esopus, New York, 
whose keen, sympathetic studies of na- 
ture have been very popular both in 
America and England. Wake-Robin; 
Winter Sunshine ; Birds and Poets ; 
Locusts and Wild Honey ; Pepacton ; 
Fresh Fields; Signs and Seasons; In- 
door Studies ; Riverby ; Whitman : a 
Study. See Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 
4S ; Lippincotfs Magazine, vol. 39. Hou. 

Burrowes, George. N. Y., 1811- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

San Francisco, professor of Hebrew in 
the Presbyterian seminary there. Com- 
mentary on the Song of Solomon ; Oc- 
torara, a Poem and Occasional Pieces ; 
Advanced Growth in Grace. 

Burt, Nathaniel Clark. N. J., 1825- 
1874. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Ohio. Hours among the Gospels ; The 
Far East; The Land and its Story, 
the Sacred Geography of Palestine. 

Burton, Asa. C(., 17.52-1836. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, pastor at Thet- 
ford, Vermont, for more than fifty 
years. Essays on Some of the First 
Principles of Metaphysics, Ethics, and 
Theology. See Memoir by T. Adams. 

Burton, Ernest De Witt. O., 1856- 

. A professor of sacred literature 

in the University of Chicago. Records 
and Letters of the Apostolic Age ; Syn- 
tax of Moods and Tenses in New Tes- 
tament Greek ; A Harmony of the Four 
Gospels (with W. A. Stevens). Scr. 

Burton, Richard [Eugene]. Ct., 
1859 — . A litterateur and journal- 
ist of Hartford, Connecticut. Dogs 
and Dog Literature ; Dumb in June, 
and Other Poems ; Memorial Day and 
OtherPoems; Men of Progress (edited). 

Burton, "Warren. N. H., 1800-1866. 

An educational writer of Boston. Cheer- 
ing Views of Man and Providence ; My 
Religious Experience at my Native 
Home ; The Divine Agency in the 
Material Universe ; Uncle Sam's Rec- 
ommendations of Phrenology ; The 
District School as it Was ; Helps to 
Education; Culture of the Observing 
Faculties in the Family and School; 
Scenery Showing. 

Burton, William Evans. E., 1804- 
1860. A popular comedian of New 
York city. The Actor's Alloquy ; Wag- 
geries and Vagaries ; Cyclopaedia of 
Wit and Humor. Ap. 

Bush, George. Vt., 1796-1859. A 
Swedenborgian clergyman who was 
long a professor of Hebrew in the Uni- 
versity of New York. Beside Com- 
mentaries on Genesis, Exodus, Leviti- 
cus, Numbers, Joshua, Judges, the 
Psalms, his writings include Life of 
Mohammed ; New Church Miscella- 
nies ; Priesthood and Clergy unknown 
to Chiistianity ; Mesmer and Sweden- 
borg ; Treatise on the Millennium ; The 
Resurrection of Christ. Har. 

Bushnell, Charles Ira. N. Y., 1826- 
1888. An antiquarian writer of New 
York city, among whose works are 
Crumbs for Antiquarians ; Adventures 
of Sir Christopher Hawkins (edited). 

Bushnell, Horace. Ct., 1802-1876. 
A Congxegational clergyman of Hart- 
ford, who was one of the foremost 
thinkers in his denomination. He was 
a fearless reasoner, and his literary 
style exhibits both clearness and beauty. 
Christian Nurture ; God in Christ ; 
Christ in Theology ; The Vicarious Sac- 
rifice ; Politics the Law of God ; Nature 
and the Supernatural ; Moral Uses of 
Dark Things, his ablest work ; Sermons 
for the New Life ; Sermons on Living 
Subjects ; Forgiveness and Law ; The 
Age of Homespun ; Woman Suffrage ; 
Moral Tendencies and Results of Hu- 
man History ; Building Eras in Re- 
ligion ; The Character of Jesus ; Work 
and Play ; Christ and His Salvation. 
See Life and Letters, edited by his daugh- 
ter, Mrs. Cheney ; Atlantic Monthly, 
January, 1S81. 

Bushnell, William H. N. Y., 1823- 

. A litterateur of Washington. 

Biographical Sketches of the Early Set- 
tlers of Chicago ; The Hermit of the 


Colorado Hills, a Story of the Texan 
Pampas ; Ah Meek the Beaver, or The 
Copper HimtBi's of Lake Superior. 

Butler, Clement Moore. N. Y., 
1810-1890. An Episcopal clerg-yman 
of the evangelical type, professor of 
ecclesiastical history in the Episcopal 
Divinity School at Philadelphia, 18t)4- 
1884. Book of Common Prayer Inter- 
preted hy its History ; Old Truths and 
New Errors ; The Flock Fed ; St. Paul 
in Rome ; Inner Rome ; Manual of 
Ecclesiastical History from the 1st to 
the 18th Century ; The Reformation in 
Sweden, are his most important works. 

Butler, Frederick. Circa 1766-1843. 
A writer of Hartford. History of the 
United States to 1820 ; The Farmer's 
Manual ; Memorial of Lafayette and 
his Tour in the United States. 

Butler, James Glentworth. TV. Y., 

1821 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of New York. The Bible Work, an 
extended scriptural commentary ; The 
Fourfold Gospel. Fu. 

Butler, Jolin Jay. Me., 1814 . A 

Free Baptist clergyman of Michigan, 
professor of sacred literature in HUls- 
dale College since 1873. Natural and 
Revealed Theology ; Commentary on 
the Gospels, are his principal works. 

Butler, Nicholas Murray. N. J., 

1862— . An educator of New York 

city, professor of philosophy in Colum- 
bia College. Horace Mann and Amer- 
ican Systems of Education. 

Butler, Noble. Pa., 1819-1882. A 
classical professor in the University of 
Louisville, who published A Practical 
and Critical English Grammar and other 
valuable text-books. 

Butler, Thomas Balden. Ct, 1806- 
1873. A Connecticut jurist whose Phi- 
losophy of the Weather, 1856, appeared 
later in enlarged form as a Concise 
Analytical and Logical Development 
of the Atmospheric System. 

Butler, William. I., 1818 . A 

Methodist missionary. The Land of 
the Veda; From Boston to Bareilly 
and Back ; Mexico in Transition from 
the Power of Political Romanism to 
Civil and Religious Liberty. 

Butler, William Allen. N. Y.. 182.5- 
. A lawyer of New York city 


well known as a writer of poetical sa- 
tires, among which Nothing to Wear 
has long been famous. Others are, Two 
Millions ; General Average, a satire 
upon mercantile life ; Baruum's Par- 
nassus. His prose writings include, 
Martin Van Buren, a Biography ; Mrs. 
Limber's Raffle, an able attack on the 
morality of church fairs ; Domesticus, 
a Story ; Oberamraergau. Ap. Har. 

Butterfield, Consul Willshire. 

N. Y., 1824 . A Wisconsin edu- 
cator. Historical Account of the Ex- 
pedition against Sandusky, 1782 ; Sys- 
tem of Punctuation for Schools ; His- 
tory of the Discovery of the North- 
west by John NicoUet, 1634, comprise 
his chief works. Clke. 

Butterfield, Daniel. N. Y., 1831- 

. A raajor-general in the United 

States army. Camp and Outpost Duty. 

Butterworth, Hezekiah. E. I., 

1837 . A Boston writer, for many 

years editor of The Youth's Companion. 
Besides publishing several volumes of 
Zig-Zag Journeys, Great Composers, 
The Knight of Liberty, In the Boy- 
hood of Lincoln, The Patriot School- 
master, and other popular juvenile 
books, he is the author of two collec- 
tions of musical verse. Songs of His- 
tory ; Poems for Christmas, Easter, and 
New Year's. Ap. Cr. Est. Lo. Mer. 

Butts, Mrs. Mary Frances [Bar- 
ber]. R. L, 1836 . A writer of 

popular juvenile works. Three Girls ; 
Lottie ; Nellie's New Home ; Lizzie 
and her Friends ; The Frolic Series, 
are some of them. 

Byerly, William EUwood. Pa., 

1849 . A professor of mathemat- 
ics at Harvard University. Elements 
of Differential Calculus ; Elements of 
Integral Calculus. Gi. 
Byers, Samuel Ha-wkins Marshall. 
Ms., 1838 . A United States con- 
sul at Zurich, subsequently a consill- 
general to Italy and now a resident of 
Des Moines. Switzerland ; Switzerland 
and the Swiss : Historical and Descrip- 
tive ; Florence ; History of Switzerland ; 
What I Saw in Dixie ; Military History 
of Iowa ; The Happy Isles, and Other 




Byfield, Nathaniel. E., 1653-1733. 
A jurist of note in Massachusetts in 
the colonial period. Account of the 
Late War in England, 1689. 

Byford, "William Heath. 0., 1817- 
1890. A physician of prominence in 
Chicago. Practice of Medicine and 
Surgery Applied to Diseases and Acci- 
dents Peculiar to Women ; Theory and 
Practice of Obstetrics ; Philosophy of 
Domestic Life, are his more important 

Byington, Ezra Hoyt. Vt., 1828- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Newton, Massachusetts, who beside a 
number of historical monographs has 
written The Puritan in England and 
New England. Hoh. 

Byles, Mather. Ms., 1706-1788. A 
Congregational clergyman of Boston 
famous both as preacher and wit. 
After 43 years' ministry in the Hollis 
Street Church, his Tory sympathies 
obliged him to give np his charge in 
1776. See Sprague's Annals of the Amer- 
ican Pulpit; Tijler's American Litera- 
ture ; Unitarian Review, vol. 27 ; Atlan- 
tic Monthly, ool. 59. 

Bynner, Ed-win Lassetter. N. Y., 
1842-1893. A popular historical nov- 
elist of Boston. His best work is in- 
cluded in the three historical tales, 
Agnes Surriage ; The Begum's Daugh- 
ter ; Zaehary Phips. Of lesser import- 
ance are Nimport ; Tritons ; Damen's 
Ghost ; Penelope's Suitors ; An Un- 
closeted Skeleton (with L. P. Hale, in- 
fra) ; The Chase of the Meteor, a book 
for boys. Uou. Lit. 

Byrd, WilUam. Fa., 1674-1744. A 
colonial Virginian and man of letters, 
whose Journals, first published in 1841, 
are known as The Westover Manu- 
scripts, from Westover, the family man- 
sion of Byrd. A fuller collection, styled 
The Byrd Manuscripts, was printed in 
1866, edited by T. Wynne. They are 
well worth reading for their wit, keen 
observations, and vigourous style. They 
comprise The Story of the Dividing 
Line, an account of the expedition to 
fix the boundary between Virginia and 
North Carolina ; A Progress to the 
Mines ; A Journey to the Land of Eden. 
See HarVs American Literature ; Tyler^s 
American Literature; Century Maga- 
zine, vol. 20. 

Byrn, Marcus Lafayette. 18 — 
. A physician. Complete Practi- 
cal Brewer ; Rattlehead's Travels, or 
the Recollections of a Backwoodsman ; 
Complete Practical Distiller ; Reposi- 
tory of Wit and Humour ; Book of Na- 
ture, an expositor of the Science of Life 
and Sexual Physiology ; Family Physi- 

Cabell, James La-wrence. Ya., 1813- 
1889. An eminent Virginia physician. 
The Testimony of Modem Science to 
the Unity of Mankind. 

Cabell, Mrs. Julia [Mayo]. Va., 

IS 185-. An Odd Volume of Facts 

and Fiction in Prose and Verse ; 
Sketches and Recollections of Lynch- 

Cable, George 'Washington. La., 

1844 . A writer of fiction who 

has reproduced with much success the 
life and dialect among the Creoles of 
Louisiana. He served in the Confed- 
erate army during the Civil War, and 
is now a resident of Northampton, Mas- 
sachusetts. Old Creole Days ; The 
Grandissimes ; Madame Delphine ; Dr. 
Sevier ; John March, Southerner ; Bon- 
aventure ; Strange True Stories of 
Louisiana ; The Creoles of Louisiana ; 
The Silent South ; The Busy Man's 
Bible ; The Negro Question. See Ved- 
der^s American Writers. Fl. Scr. 

Cabot, James Elliot. Ms., 1821- 
. A Boston writer whose princi- 
pal work is A Memoir of Ralph Waldo 
Emerson. Hou. 

Cahan, Abraham. R., 1860 . A 

New York city journalist, editor of 
Zukunft. Yekl, a Tale of the New 
York Ghetto; Raphael Narizokh (in 
Yiddish). Ap. 

Cain, "William. N. C, 1847 . A 

professor of civil engineering in the 
University of North Carolina. Theory 
of Voussoir ; Solid and Braced Arches ; 
Maximum Stress in Framed Bridges ; 
Solid and Braced Elastic Bridges ; 
Symbolic Algebra ; Practical Design- 
ing of Retaining Walls. 

Caines, George. 1771-1825. A re- 
porter of the New York Supreme Court. 
Lex Mercatoria Americana ; Cases in 


the Court of Errors ; Forms of New 
York Supreme Court ; Summary of 
Practice in New York Supreme Court ; 
Cases in the Court for Trial of Im- 
peachments ; New York Supreme Court 

Caldwell, Charles. N. C, 1772- 
1853. A Kentucky physician, who 
heside publishing some 200 technical 
monographs and pamphlets, wrote The 
Life and Campaigns of General Greene, 
and translated Blumeubach's Elements 
of Physiology. See Autobiography, 
1855; Life, by Caruthers, infra; 
Sketches of Contemporaries, by S. D. 
Gross, infra. 

Caldiwell, George Chapman. Ms., 
1834 . A professor of agricultu- 
ral chemistry at Cornell University. 
Agricultural Qualitative and Quantita^ 
tive Analysis ; Manual of Introductory 
Chemical Practice (with A. Breneman) ; 
Manual of Qualitative Chemical Analy- 
sis (with S. M. Babeock). 

Caldwell, Joseph. N. J., 1773-1835. 
A once noted educator who was pres- 
ident of the University of North Caro- 
lina. A Compendious System of Ele- 
mentary Geometry ; Letters of Carle- 

Caldwell, Linus Boues. iV^.r.,1834- 
. A Methodist clergyman and edu- 
cator, of Tennessee. Wines of Pales- 
tine, or The Bible Defended ; Beyond 

Caldwell," Merritt. Me., 1806-1848. 
A professor of metaphysics at Dick- 
inson College. The Doctrine of the 
English Verb ; Manual of Elocution ; 
Philosophy of Christian Perfection; 
Christianity Tested by Eminent Men. 
See Memoir by S. M. Vail. Meth. 

Caldwell, Samuel Lunt. Ms., 1820- 
1889. A Baptist clergyman whose later 
life was passed in Providence. Cities 
of Our Faith and Other Addresses and 
Discourses. Hou. 

Caldwell, William Warren. Ms., 

1823 . A resident of Newburyport 

who has published Poems, Original and 
Translated, and has translated many 
lyrics from the German. 

Calef, Robert. Ms., c. 1648-1719. A 
Boston merchant who published in 1700 
More Wonders of the Invisible World, 
a satirical reply to Cotton Mather's 
Wonders of the Invisible World. Its 


line of argument was in direct opposi- 
tion to the vritchcraft persecutions, and 
the book was publicly burnt by In- 
crease Mather in the grounds of Har- 
va,rd College. See Tyler's American 
Calhoun [kal-hoou'], John Caldwell. 
S. C, 1782-1850. A South Carolina 
statesman who was secretary of state 
under Monroe, aud again under Tyler, 
vice-president under John Quincy Ad- 
ams, and United States senator from 
1845 till his death. He was one of the 
ablest of political leaders, a great ora- 
tor, and a political thinker of the first 
rank. His literary style is both vigour- 
ous and concise, and displays at times 
a remarkable intensity of expression. 
A Disquisition on Government ; The 
Constitution and Government of the 
United States. See Works in 6 vol- 
umes ; Parton's Famous Americans ; 
Lives by Jenkins ; Von Hoist. Ap. 

Calkins, Norman Allison. N. Y., 

1822-1895. The first assistant superin- 
tendent of primary schools in New York 
city for thirty-three years. Primary 
Object Lessons ; How to Teach ; Man- 
ual of Object Teaching ; Aids for 
Object Teaching ; Trades and Occu- 
pations ; Natural History Series for 

Callender, James Thomas. E., 

17 1803. A writer who was exiled 

from England on account of his pam- 
phlet, The Political Progress of Great 
Britain. He was at first the friend 
and soon the violent political opponent 
of Thomas Jefferson. Sketches of the 
History of America ; The Prospect be- 
fore Us. 

Callender, John. Ms., 1706-1748. A 
Baptist clergyman of Newport, Rhode 
Island, whose Historical Discourse, 
1739, is a careful monograph of Rhode 
Island history for the first century of 
the colony's existence. See edition of 
1838, with notes and memoir. 

Calthrop, Samuel Robert. E., 1829- 
. A Unitarian clergyman of Syra- 
cuse. Essay on Religion and Science ; 
The Rights of the Body. 

Calvert, George Henry. Md., 1803- 
1889. A litterateur of Newport, Rhode 
Island, who published a great number 
of volumes of verse that never was mis- 




taken for poetry by any reader, and 
almost as many prose works. Among 
his writing's are Goethe : his Life and 
Works ; Dante and his Latest Trans- 
lators ; St. Beuve, the Critic ; Count 
Julian, a tragedy ; Three Score, and 
Other Poems ; a translation of Schiller's 
Don Carlos. 

Cameron, Henry Clay. W. Va., 

1827 . A professor at Princeton 

College since 1877. Princeton Roll of 
Honour ; History of American Whig 

Camp, Walter. Ct., 1859 . A 

writer of prominence on athletic mat- 
ters. Book of College Sports ; Ameri- 
can Football ; Football Facts and Fig- 
ures ; Football (with L. F. Deland), 
Sar. Hou. 

Campbell, Alexander. J., 1788- 
1866. A Baptist clergyman of West 
Virginia, who was the founder of the 
sect of Campbellites, or Disciples of 
Christ. He established Bethany Col- 
lege in 1841, and was its first president. 
His writings, mainly controversial, are 
nearly sixty in number, among them 
being Christian Baptism ; Infidelity Re- 
futed by Infidels ; Essay on Life and 
Death ; Popular Lectures and Ad- 
dresses ; Christianity as it Was ; Fa- 
miliar Lectures on the Pentateuch ; 
Six Letters to a Sceptic. See Harfs 
American Literature; Memoir by Rich- 
ardson, 1868. 

Campbell, Alexander Augustus. 
Fa., 1789-1846. A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman and physician, once prominent 
in Tennessee, whose only book was a 
work on Scripture Baptism. 

Campbell, Alexander James. 18 — 

. Son of A. Campbell, supra. The 

Power of Christ to Save to the Utter- 
most ; American Practical Cyclopaedia ; 
A True Friend, reflections on Life, 
Character, and Conduct. 

Campbell, Hartley. Fa., 1843-1888. 
A journalist of Pittsburg, who turned 
his attention to the stage and became 
a popular playwright. My Partner ; 
The Galley Slave ; Matrimony ; Sibe- 
ria ; The Big Bonanza ; The White 
Slave ; and Peril, comprising his most 
successful plays. 

Campbell, Charles. Va., 1807-1876. 
An educator of Petersburg, Virginia, 
whose father, John Wilson Campbell, a 

bookseller there for many years, wrote 
a History of Virginia to 1781. The 
writings of Charles Campbell include 
History of the Colony of Virginia ; Ge- 
nealogy of the Spotswood Family ; The 
Bland Papers; Memoir of John Daly 
Burk, supra. Lip. 

Campbell, Douglas. N. Y., 1840- 
189;l Son of W. W. Campbell, infra. 
A lawyer of New York city, whose 
notable historical work, The Puritan in 
Holland, England, and America, has 
attracted much attention. Har. 

Campbell, Douglas Houghton. 
Mch., 1859 . A professor of bot- 
any in Stanford University. Elements 
of Structural and Systematic Botany; 
Structure and Development of the 
Mosses and Ferns. Mac. 

Campbell, Mrs. Helen [Stuart]. 

1839 . A writer who is deeply 

concerned in philanthropic and social 
reforms, and whose work covers a wide 
range of topics. In Foreign Kitchens ; 
The Easiest Way in Housekeeping, are 
books for the housekeeper. Prisoners of 
Poverty ; Prisoners of Poverty Abroad ; 
Some Passages in the Life of Dr. Martha 
Scarborough ; Women Wage-Earners ; 
Problem of the Poor ; Darkness and 
Daylight in New York, relate to the 
social problems of the time. Six Sin- 
ners; His Grandmothers ; Roger Berke- 
ley's Probation ; Miss Melinda's Oppor- 
tunity ; Mrs. Herndon' s Income ; The 
What-to-Do-Club ; Under Green Apple- 
Boughs ; Unto the Third and Fourth 
Generation ; Patty Pearson's Boy, are 
fictions. Other works are Girls' Hand- 
book of Work and Play ; A Sylvan 
City, a description of Philadelphia ; The 
Ainslee Stories, for juvenile readers ; 
Anne Bradstreet and her Time, supra. 
Fo. Hou. Lo. Fob. 

Campbell, James Valentine. N. Y., 
1823-1890. A Michigan jurist. Out- 
lines of the Political History of Michi- 

Campbell, John Lyle. Fa., 1818- 
1886. A professor of chemistry at 
Washington and Lee College, 1851-86. 
Manual of Scientific and Practical Ag- 
riculture ; Idaho, Six Months in the 
New Gold Diggings ; Guide to the Ag- 
ricultural and Mineral West ; Geology 
and Mineral Resources of the James 
River Valley, Virginia. 


Campbell, John Poage. Va., 1767- 
181-1. A once popular clergyman on 
the Ohio border. The Passenger ; Stric- 
tures on Stone's Letters on the Atone- 
ment ; Viudex ; Letters to the Rev. Mr. 
Craighead ; Tlie Pelagian Defeated ; 
An Answer to Jones. 

Campbell, William Henry. Md., 
1808-1890. A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman, president of Rutgers College, 
1863-82. Subjects and Modes of Bap- 
tism ; Influence of Christianity in Civil 
and Religious Liberty ; System of 
Catechetical Instruction. 

Campbell, William W. JV. r.,lS06- 
1881. A jurist of New York city. An- 
nals of Tryon County, reissued as Bor- 
der Warfare ; Memoirs of Mrs, Grant, 
Missionary to Persia ; Life and Writ- 
ings of De Witt Clinton ; Sketches of 
Robin Hood and Captain Kidd. 

Canfield, Henry Judson. Ct., 1789- 
1856. An agriculturist who published 
a serviceable Treatise on the Breed, 
Management, Structure, and Diseases 
of Sheep. 

Cannon, Charles James. N. Y., 
1810-1860. A New York litterateur 
who besides compiling a series of read- 
ers published, among other works, Po- 
ems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous ; Pen- 
cUlings from tlie Web of Life, and a 
number of dramas now forgotten. 

Cannon, James Spencer. W. L, 
1776-1852. A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman of New Jersey, professor of met- 
aphysics at Rutgers College, 1826-56. 
Lectures on Chronology; Lectures on 
Pastoral Theology. 

Capen, Nahum. Ms., 1804-1886. A 
Boston publisher who was postmaster 
1857-61, and introduced the custom of 
street letter-box collections. The Re- 
public of the United States ; Reminis- 
cences of Spnrzheim and Combe ; His- 
tory of Democracy, or Political Progress 
Historically Illustrated. 

Capers, ■William. S. C, 1790-1855. 
A Methodist bishop once prominent in 
the South. Catliechisms for Negro Mis- 
sions ; Short Sermons and True Tales 
for Children. See Life, by Wightman, 

Carey, Henry Charles. Pa., 1793- 
1879. Son of M. Carey, infra. One of 
the foremost of American political econ- 


omists, who advocated protection as a 
preliminary step toward ultimate free 
trade. He opposed such theorists aa 
Malthus and Rieardo, holding that hu- 
man progress depends upon success in 
subjugating nature ; that land values 
depend upon labour ; and that the social 
well-being is directly dependent upon 
existing- conditions. Principles of Po- 
litical Economy ; The Credit System ; 
The Principles of Social Science ; Lec- 
tures on the Currency ; Letters on Po- 
litical Economy; Letters on Interna- 
tional Copyright ; Financial Crises ; The 
Unity of Law, comprise his chief works. 
See Allibone^s Dictionary ; Memoir by 
Elder ; Gross's Sketches of Contempora- 
ries. Sai. Lip. 

Carey, Matthew. I., 1760-1839. An 
Irishman who came to America in 1785, 
entered into politics, and established 
himself in Philadelphia as a booltseller. 
His writings include The Olive Branch, 
or Faults on Both Sides, Federal and 
Democratic (1814), which soon entered 
a tenth edition ; Vindiciae Hibernicffi ; 
Thoughts on Penitentiaries and Prison 
Discipline ; Essays on Political Econo- 
my ; The Yellow Fever of 1793. 

Carleton, Henry Guy. N. M., 1856- 

. A journalist of New York city 

who is best known as a wiiter of plays, 
among which are Memnon ; The Pem- 
bertons ; Victor Durand. 

Carleton, Osgood. 1742-1816. A 
Massachusetts mathematician. Amer- 
ican Navigator ; South American Pilot ; 
Practice of Arithmetic. 

Carleton, WilUam. Mch., 1845 . 

A writer of homely verse which ap- 
peals with great force to imperfectly 
educated tastes, and has been very 
popular, but which is without literary 
merit. Farm Ballads ; Farm Festivals ; 
Farm Legends ; City Legends ; City 
Ballads ; City Festivals ; Rhymes of 
our Planet ; Young Folks' Centennial 
Rhymes ; The Old Infant, and Similar 
Stories. Har. 

Carman [William], Bliss. N. B., 

1861 . A poet of Canadian birth, 

whose literary work has been done 
mainly in New York and Boston. Low 
Tide on Grand Pr^ ; A Seamark ; Be- 
hind the Arras ; Songs from Vaga- 
bondia (with R. Hovey, infra) ; More 
Songs from Vagabondia (with R. Ho- 




vey) ; Ballads of Lost Hayen, a Book 
of the Sea. Cop. Lam. 
Carnegie, Andrew. S., 1835- 

A noted steel-manufacturer of Pitts- 
burg who came to America in 1845. 
He has made many important gifts to 
his native Scotland and to Pittsburg, 
and as a -writer is distingiiished for the 
rather exuberant Americanism of his 
work. An American Four-in-Hand in 
Europe ; Round the World ; Trium- 
phant Democracy, or Fifty Years' 
March of the Republic. Scr. 

Carnochan, John Murray. Ga., 
1S17-1887. A New York surgeon of 
distinction. Treatise on Congenital 
Dislocations ; Contributions to Opera- 
tive Surgery. Har. ' 

Carpenter, Edmund James. Ms., 

1845 . A journalist of Boston. A 

Woman of Shawniut, a Romance of 
Colonial Times ; History of Roger Wil- 
liams, hit. 

Carpenter, Esther Bernon. J?. I., 

1848-189.3. A writer of southern Rhode 
Island, whose South Country Neigh- 
bours is a series of sympathetic studies 
in fiction of Rhode Island types of char- 
acter. Hob. 

Carpenter, Francis Bicknell. N- 

Y., 1830 . A portrait painter of 

New York city, who painted The Eman- 
cipation Proclamation in the Capitol at 
Washington. Six Months in the White 
House with Abraham Lincoln. 

Carpenter, Henry Bernard. I., 

1840-1890. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Boston, brother of W. Boyd Carpenter, 
the Anglican bishop of Ripon. He 
wrote pnncipally in verse, his only pub- 
lished books including The Oatmeal 
Crusaders ; Liber Amoris, a Metrical 
Eomaunt of the Middle Ages ; A Poet's 
Last Songs. The last-named volume 
was issued after his death, with memo- 
rial sketch by J. J. Roche, infra. 

Carpenter, Stephen Cutter. E., c. 

17 1820. An English journalist who 

came to America in 1803 and settled in 
Charleston. Memoir of Thomas Jeffer- 
son, containing a Concise History of the 
United States (1809); An Overland 
Journey to India, published under the 
pseudonym " Donald Campbell." 

Carpenter, Stephen Haskins. N. 

J., 1831-1878. A Wisconsin educator, 
professor of literature at the University 
of Wisconsin. Evidences of Christian- 
ity ; English of the 14th Century ; In- 
troduction to the Study of Anglo- 
Saxon ; Elements of English Analysis. 

Carr, Lucien. Mo., 1829 . An 

archaeologist of Cambridge, assistant 
curator of the Peabody Museum, 1876- 
1894. The Mounds of the Mississippi 
Valley Historically Considered ; Mis- 
souri, a brief history of the State ; Pre- 
historic Remains of Kentucky (with 
N. S. Shaler, infra). Clke. Hou. 

Carrier, Augustus Stiles. N. Y., 
1857. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Chicago, professor of Hebrew in Mc- 
Corraick Theological Seminary from 
1892. The Hebrew Verb, a Series of 
Tabular Studies. 

Carrington, Henry Beebe. Ct., 

1824 . A general in the United 

States army living in Boston. His 
principal writings include Crisis 
Thoughts ; Battles of the American 
Revolution ; Apsaraka, or Indian Op- 
erations on the Plains ; Hints to Sol- 
diers Taking the Field ; The Washing- 
ton Obelisk and its Voices. See One of 
a Thousand. Bar. Le. Lip. 

Carrol, John. Md., 1735-1817. The 
first Roman Catholic archbishop of Bal- 
timore. His writings are mainly of a 
controversial cast. Concise View of 
the Principal Points of Controversy be- 
tween the Protestant and Catholic 
Churches ; Discourse on General Wash- 

Carroll, Anna Ella. Md., 1815-1894. 
A political writer who was the real au- 
thor of the Federal campaign of 1862 
in Tennessee. The Great American 
Battle, or The Contest between Chris- 
tianity and Political Romanism ; The 
Star of the West, or National Men and 
National Measures ; The Union of the 
States ; The War Powers of the Gen- 
eral Government ; The Relation of the 
National Government to the Revolted 
Citizens Defined. See S. E. Blackwdl's 
A Military Genius. 

Carroll, Henry King. JV. J., 1847- 
. A Methodist clergyman and re- 
ligious statistician. The World of 
Missions ; The Catholic Dogma of 


Church Authority ; The Religious 
Forces of the United States. 
Carryl, Charles Edward. N. Y., 

1841 . A broker of New York 

city, the author of the popular juvenile 
tales, Davy and the Goblin ; The Ad- 
miral's Caravan. Cent. Hou. 

Carson, Joseph. 1808-1876. A med- 
ical professor at the University of Penn- 
sylvania from 18.50. . Illustrations of 
Medical Botany ; Lectures on Materia 
Medica and Pharmacy. 

Carter, Franklin. Ct., 1837 . 

President of Williams Colleg'e. Life of 
Mark Hopkins, infra, and a scholarly 
translation of Groethe's Iphigenie auf 
Tanris. Hou. 

Carter, James Gordon. Ms., 1795- 
1849. ■ A once prominent educator of 
Massachusetts. Essays on Popular 
Education ; Geography of New Hamp- 
shire ; Geography of Massachusetts ; 
Letters to William Prescott on the 
Free Schools of New England. 

Carter, Nathaniel Franklin. N. 

H,, 1830 . A Congregational 

clergyman in New Hampshire. The 
Ride for Life, and Other Poems ; His- 
tory of Pembroke, New Hampshire. 

Carter, Nathaniel Hazeltine. N. 

H., 1787-1830. A New York journal- 
ist who published Letters from Eu- 
rope (1827), and wrote many poems of 

Carter, Peter. S., 1825 . A 

prominent New York publisher. 
Crumbs from the Land of Cakes, a 
volume of travels in Scotland ; Sco- 
tia's Bards ; and three juvenile tales, 
including Bertie Lee ; Donald Fraser ; 
Effie's Home. 

Carter, Robert. N. T., 1819-1879. 
A New York writer who was one of 
the editors of Appleton's American 
Cyclopaedia, to which he contributed 
many articles. A Sximmer Cruise on 
the Coast of New England was his only 
book of importance. 

Carter, Russel Kelso. Md., 1849- 

. A mathematician of Chester, 

Pennsylvania, prominent in the " Holi- 
ness " movement in the Methodist 
church and as a Faith healer. The 
Atonement for Sin and Sickness ; Mi- 
racles of Healing, 

53 CASS 

Cartwright, Peter. Va., 1785-1872. 
A once famous Methodist preacher of 
Illinois. Controversy with the Devil ; 
Autobiography of a Backwoods Preach- 
er ; Fifty Years a Presiding Elder. 

Caruthers, William Alexander. 
Va., 1800-1850. A physician of Sa- 
vannah who wrote a number of ro- 
mances now quite forgotten. The 
Kentuckian in New York ; The Cava- 
liers of Virginia ; Knights of the 
Horse Shoe ; Life of Charles Caldwell, 

Cary, Alice. 0., 1820-1871. An 
Ohio writer who came with her sister 
Phoebe to New York city in 1852, and 
as poet and novelist became prominent 
in literary circles there. The weekly 
receptions of the sisters were attended 
by artists and writers for many years. 
Her books of verse include Lyra, and 
Other Poems ; A Lover's Diary ; Bal- 
lads, Lyrics, and Hymns ; Early and 
Late Poems (with Phrebe Gary, infra). 
Her other works are Clovernook, a book 
of the type of Miss Mitford's Our Vil- 
lage ; Pictures of Country Life ; the nov- 
els, Hagar ; The Bishop's Son ; Married, 
not Mated. Snowberries, a juvenile ; 
From Year to Year, a Token of Remem- 
brance (with P. Cary). See Memorials 
of Alice and Phoebe Cary, by Mrs. 
\_Clemmer~\ Hudson. Hou. Lip. 

Cary, Edward. N. Y., 1840- 

A journalist of New York city on the 
editorial staff of The Times. Life of 
George William Curtis, infra. Hou. 
Cary, George Lovell. Ms., 1830- 

. A professor of New Testament 

literature at Meadville Theological 
Seminary since 1862. Introduction to 
the Greek of the New Testament. 

Cary, Phcebe. 0., 1824-1871. Sister 
of A. Cary, supra. Poems and Paro- 
dies ; Poems of Faith, Hope, and Love. 
She will be longest remembered by the 
well-known hymn, Nearer Home. Hou. 

Casey, Silas. iJ. /., 1807-1882. A 
general in the United States army who 
published Infantry Tactics; Infantry 
Tactics for Colored Troops. 

Cass, Lewis. N. H, 1782-1866. A 
statesman of Michigan who was the 
Democratic candidate for president in 
1845. Inquiries Concerning the His- 




tory, Traditions, and Languages of the 
Indians in the United States ; France, 
its King, Court, and Government, 1840. 
iSVe Lives by Schoolcraft, 184S ; W. L. 
G. Smith, 1856; McLaughlin, 1891. 

Cassin, John. Pa., 1813-1869. A 
naturalist of Philadelphia "whose Amer- 
ican Ornithology is a continuation of 
Audubon's work on that subject. Other 
■works of his are Ornithology of the 
Japan Expedition ; Mammalogy and 
Ornithology of the Wilkes Exploring 
Expedition ; Illustrations of the Birds 
of California, Texas, etc. ; A General 
Synopsis of North American Ornitho- 
logy. Lip. 

Castlemon, Harry. See Fosdick. 

Caswall, Henry. £'.,1810-1870. An 
Episcopal clergyman of English birth, 
but ordained in the United States, 
■where the most of his life ■was spent. 
He lived for a time in England, how- 
ever, and was a prebend of Salisbury. 
An Epitome of the History of the 
American Episcopal Church (1836) ; Di- 
dascalus, or The Teacher ; Mcrmonism 
and its Author ; The Jerusalem Cham- 
ber, or Convocation and its Possibili- 
ties ; The Califomian Crusoe, a Tale 
of Mormonism ; Scotland and the Scot- 
tish Church ; The Western World Re- 
■visited ; The Martyr of the Pongas ; 
The American Church and the Ameri- 
can Union, include the majority of his 

Caswell, Alexis. Ms., 1799-1877. A 
Baptist clergyman and educator ; for 
3.5 years a professor at Brown Univer- 
sity, and its president, 1868-72. Lec- 
tures on Astronomy ; Meteorological 

Cathcart, ■William. I., 1826- 

Baptist clergyman of Philadelphia. 
The Baptists and the American Revo- 
lution ; The Papal System ; The Bap- 
tism of the Ages and the Nations ; The 
Baptist Encyclopedia. 
Cather-wood, Mrs. Mary [Hart- 
well]. O., 1847 . A writer of 

Hoopeston, Illinois, whose historical 
romances dealing with the early days 
of Canada and the Northwest are as 
notable for their careful attention to 
historical details as for their graphic 
and picturesque style. A Woman in 
Armour ; The Lady of Fort St. John ; 
The Romance of DoUard ; Story of 

Tonty ; Old Kaskaskia ; The Chase of 
St. Castin, and Other Tales ; The Spirit 
of an Illinois Town ; The White Is- 
lander, a story of Mackinac ; Craque 
o' Doom. Her books for young people 
include Old Caravan Days ; The Dog 
berry Bunch ; Rocky Fork ; The Se- 
crets of Eoseladies. Cent. Hon. Lip, 
Lo. Mg. 

Catlin, George. Pa., 1796-1872. An 
artist who spent many years among the 
Indians. Notes of Eight Years in En- 
rope ; Illustrations of the Manners, Cus- 
toms, and Condition of the North Amer- 
ican Indians ; Notes for the Emigrant 
to America ; Life among the Indians, a 
Book for Youth ; The Breath of Life, 
or Mai-Respiration and its Effects; 
0-Kee-Pa, a Religious Ceremony, and 
other Customs of the Mandans; Last 
Rambles Among the Indians of the 
Rocky Mountains ; The Lifted and 
Subsided Rocks of America. See Tuck- 
erman's Book of the Artists. 

Catlin, George Lynde. S. L, 1840- 
1896. A journalist and diplomat, consul 
at Limoges, Stuttgart, and Zurich. Bil- 
bigheim, a story ; The Presidential 
Campaign of 1896, written in 1888 ; 
Titbits for Travellers; The Postilion 
of Nagold and Other Poems. Fu. 

Caton, John Dean. N. Y., 1812- 
. A jurist of Chicago. A Sum- 
mer in Norway ; The Last of the Illi- 
nois and a Sketch of the Pottawato- 
mies ; The Antelope and the Deer of 
America; Miscellanies, Speeches, and 

Caulkins, Frances Mainwaring. 
Ct., 1796-1869. A local historian of 
Connecticut. A History of Norwich ; 
A History of New London. 

Ca-wein, Madison Julius. Ky., 1865- 

. A poet of Louisville, Kentucky, 

whose verse is very musical, and shows 
much individuality. Days and Dreams ; 
Moods and Memories ; Intimations of 
the Beautiful; Blooms of the Berry; 
The Triumph of Music ; Accolon of 
Gaul ; Lyrics and Idyls ; Poems of Na- 
ture and Love ; Red Leaves and Roses ; 
The Garden of Dreams ; Undertones. 
Cop. Mor. Put. 

Cesnola [ches-no'la], Luigi Palma di. 

It., 1832 . An archseologist who 

served in the Union army during the 
War and became a colonel, but has for 




a number of years filled the position of 
director of the Metropolitan Museum of 
New York city. Cyprus, its Ancient 
Cities, Tombs, and Temples ; The Met- 
ropolitan Museum of Art. Ap. Har. 

Chadbourne, Paul Ansel. Me., 
1823-1883. A Congregational clergy- 
man who was president of Williams 
Collegfe, 1872-81. Relations of Natu- 
ral History to Intellect, Taste, Wealth, 
and Religion ; Natural Theology ; In- 
stinct in Animals and Men ; Strength 
of Men and Stability of Nations ; The 
Hope of the Righteous ; The Public 
Services of the State of New York 
[with W. B. Moore]. Bar. Put. 

Chadwick, Henry. N. H., 1824- 

. An authority on games and 

sports. Base Ball Players' Book of 
Reference ; Base Ball, How to Learn, 
Play, and Teach It ; Base Ball Man- 
ual ; Sports and Pastimes of American 

Chadwick, John White. Ms., 1840- 
— •. A Unitarian clergyman of Brook- 
lyn, prominent among the more radical 
thinkers of his denomination. The Man 
Jesus ; The Faith of Reason ; The Bible 
of To-Day ; Old and New Unitarian 
Belief ; The Power of an Endless Life ; 
The Revelation of God, and Other Ser- 
mons ; Thomas Paine : the Method and 
Value of his Religious Teachings; 
George WiUiam Curtis: an Address; 
A Book of Poems ; In Nazareth Town, 
and Other Poems. Har. Put. Rob. 

Chains, Stanford Emerson. Mi., 

1830 — ■ . A prominent physician of 

New Orleans. Yellow Fever in Ha- 
vana and Cuba ; Laws of Population 
and Voters ; Living, Dying, Registering, 
and Voting Population of Louisiana ; 
Intimidatiou of Voters in Louisiana ; 
Origin and Progress of Medical Juris- 
prudence, 1776-1876. 

Chaill6-Long, Charles. Md., 1848- 

. An African explorer of French 

parentage. Central Africa ; The Three 
Prophets, Gordon, the Mahdi, Arabi. 

Chalkley, Thomas. E., 1675-1741. 
A Quaker itinerant preacher bom in 
London, who spent his life preaching 
throughout New England and the 
Southern colonies. His writings, con- 
sisting of religious tracts and a Journal 
of his experiences, published as Life, 
Labours, and Travels, are noted for 

their quaint simplicity. His Journal 
has been very popular among the 
Friends, and has been several times re- 
printed. See Dictionary of National 
Biography, vol. 9. 

Chalmers, Lionel. S., c. 1715-1777. 
A once noted physician of Charleston. 
Treatise on tlie Weather and Diseases 
of South Carolina ; Essay on Fevers. 

Chamberlain, Jacob. Ct., 183.5- 

. A Reformed Dutch missionary 

to India. The Bible Tested is his most 
important work. 

Chamberlain, Nathan Henry. Ms., 

1830 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of Massachusetts, whose principal writ- 
ings include The Autobiography of a 
New England Farm House ; Samuel 
Sewell and the World he Lived In ; 
The Sphinx in Aubrey Parish. 

Chamberlayne, Israel. N. Y., 1795- 
1875. A Methodist clergyman. The 
Past and the Future ; The Australian 
Captive ; Saving Faith : its Rationale ; 
The Great Specific against Despair of 
Pardon. Meth. 

Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. Vt., 

1851 . A Boston journalist on the 

staffs of The Transcript and the Youth's 
Companion. The Listener in the Town ; 
The Listener in the Country. Cop. 

Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder. 

II., 1843 . A prominent geologist 

of Wisconsin. Outline of a Course of 
Oral Instruction ; Geology of Wiscon- 

Chambers, Charles Julius. O., 

1850 . A journalist long connected 

with the New York Herald. A Mad 
World and its Inhabitants, a descrip- 
tion of lunatic asylums founded on the 
author's personal experience in one in 
disguise ; On a Margin, a Story of These 
Times ; Lovers Four and Maidens Five, 
a Story. Ap. Fu. 
Chambers, Robert "William. X. I., 

Ig6.5 . A novelist and artist of New 

York city. In the Quarter ; The King in 
Yellow ; The Red Republic ; The Maker 
of Moons ; The Mystery of Choice ; A 
King and a Few Dukes ; With the Band, 
a book of ballads. Ne. Put. St. 
Chambers, Talbot "Wilson. Pa., 
1819-1896. A noted Reformed Dutch 
clergyman of New York city. The 
Noon Prayer Meeting in Fulton Street ; 




Memoir of Theodore Frelinghuysen ; 
The Psalter a Witness to the Divine 
Orig-in of the Bible ; Companion to the 
Revised Version of the Old Testament. 

Champlin, James Tifft. Ct, 1811- 
ltiS2. A Baptist clergyman of Port- 
land, Maine, president of Colby Uni- 
versity, ]8.j7-7':>. First Principles of 
Ethics ; Lessons on Political Economy ; 
Text-Book of Intellectual Philosophy ; 
Scripture Reading Lessons ; The Con- 
stitution of the United States, with 
Brief Comments ; and a series of clas- 
sical text-books. See Bibliography of 

Champlin, John Denison. C(.,1834- 

. A litterateur of New York city. 

Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Common 
Things; Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of 
Persons and Places ; Young Folks' His- 
tory of the War for the Union ; Young 
Folks' Catechism of Common Things ; 
Young Folks' CyclopEedia of Games 
and Sports ; Young Folks' Astronomy ; 
Chronicle of the Coach : Charing Cross 
to Ilfracombe. With AV. F. Apthorp, 
supra, he has edited a Cyclopaedia of 
Music and Musicians, and with C. C. 
Perkins, infra, a Cyclopaedia of Paint- 
ers and Paintings. Mo, Scr. 

Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth [Wil- 
liams!. O., 18.50 . A popular 

New York writer for young people, 
and wife of the artist, J. Wells Champ- 
ney, who has illustrated many of her 
books. The Three Vassar Girls Se- 
ries ; The Witch Winnie Books ; The 
Bubbling Teapot ; Howling Wolf and 
his Trick-Pony ; All Around a Palette ; 
Children's Art Sketches; In the Sky 
Garden ; Fables in Astronomy, and 
other juveniles ; and the novels, Bour- 
bon Lilies ; Sebia's Tangled Web ; 
Rosemary and Rue. Do. Est. Lo. San. 

Chancellor, Charles 'Williams. 
Va., 1833 . An eminent physi- 
cian of Baltimore. Prisons, Reforma- 
tories, and Charitable Institutions of 
Maryland; Mineral Waters and Sea- 
side Resorts ; Contagious and Infec- 
tious Diseases ; Drainage of the Marsh 
Lands of Maryland ; Heredity ; The 
Sewerage of Cities. 

Chandler, Bessie. See Parker, Mrs. 

Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret. 
Del., 1807-1835. A verse-writer whose 

themes were mainly those relating to 
the subject of anti-slavery, in which 
she was greatly interested. See Poeti- 
cal Works and Essays, with Memoir by 
Benjamin Lundy. 

Chandler, Peleg Whitman. Me., 
1816-1889. A prominent lawyer of 
Boston. The Bankrupt Law of the 
United States ; American Criminal 
Trials ; Memoir of Governor Andrew ; 
Observations on the Authenticity of 
the Gospels. Pob. 

Chaney, George Leonard. Ms., 

1830 . A Unitarian clergyman, 

pastor of the Hollis Street Church in 
Boston, 1862-79, and subsequently pas- 
tor in Atlanta, Georgia, where he edited 
the Southern Unitarian, 1898-96. F. 
Grant & Co., a story for boys ; Tom, 
a Home Story ; Aloha, travels in the 
Sandwich Islands ; Every Day Life 
and Every Day Morals ; Belief. Rob. 

Chaney, Lucien West. N. Y., 1857- 
. A naturalist, professor of bio- 
logy in Carleton College, Minnesota, 
since 1882, and author of Guides for the 

Chauler, Mrs. Amelie Rives. See 

Channing, Edward. Ms., 1856- 

Son of W. E. Channing, 2d. A pro- 
fessor of history at Harvard University 
since 1883. Guide to the Study of 
American History (with A. B. Hart, 
infra) ; Town and County Government 
of the English Colonies of North Amer- 
ica ; Narragansett Planters ; The United 
States of America, 1765-1865. Gi. 

Channing, Ed-wrard Tyrrel. B. I., 
1790-1856. Brother of W. E. Chan- 
ning, infra. A professor of rhetoric 
and oratory at Harvard University. 
Life of William EUery ; Lectures on 
Rhetoric and Oratory (with Memoir by 
R. H. Dana, Jr.). 

Channing, Walter. E. I., 1786-1876. 
Brother of W. E. Channing, infra. A 
physician of prominence in Boston for 
many years, and medical professor in 
Harvard University. The Prevention of 
Pauperism ; Etherization in Childbirth ; 
Professional Reminiscences of Foreign 
Travel ; New and Old :• Miscellaneous 
Poems ; A Physician's Vacation, or A 
Summer in Europe ; Reformation of 
Medical Science. 


Channing, William Ellery. E. I., 

1780-1842. A Unitarian theologian of 
eminence, who became pastor of the 
Federal Street Church in Boston in 
1803. He was the foremost theologian 
in America in his time, and his influ- 
ence is still great. He wrote upon 
philanthropic and social as well as re- 
ligious and ethical questions, and was 
a noted opponent of slavery. His writ- 
ings hare been translated into French, 
Italian, German, Icelandic, Russian, and 
Hungarian. Evidences of Revealed Re- 
ligion ; Self -Culture ; Essay on Milton ; 
The Duty of the Free States, are among 
his most notable works. See Sprague's 
Annals of the American Pulpit ; Lives 
by W. H. Channing, infra; C. T. 
Brooks, supra; Beminiscences by Miss 
Peabndy ; Correspondence of Channing 
and Lucy Aikin ; New England Maga- 
zine, December, 1896. A. U. A. 

Channing, William Ellery. Ms., 

1818 . Son of W. Channing, supra. 

A poet and essayist of Concord, Massa- 
chusetts, who married a sister of Mar- 
garet Fuller, infra. His verse is thor- 
oughly original in tone and more or 
less willful in form. His work in verse 
includes The Youth of the Painter, a 
series of psychological essays ; Poems 
1843-47; The Woodman; The Wan- 
derer ; Near Home ; Eliot ; John Brown. 
Thoreau, the Poet Naturalist ; Conver- 
sations in Rome between an Artist, a 
Catholic, and a Critic, are prose vol- 

Channing, William Francis. Ms., 

1820 . Son of W. E. Channing, 1st. 

A physician, scientist, and inventor. 
Davis's Manual of Magnetism ; Medi- 
cal Application of Electricity ; The 
American Fire Alarm Telegraph. 

Channing, William Henry. Ms., 
1810-1884. Nephew of W. E. Chan- 
ning. A Unitarian clergyman who set- 
tled in England, and succeeded James 
Martineau as pastor of the Unitarian 
Chapel in Hope Street, Liverpool. The 
Christian Church and Social Reform; 
Memoirs of Wra. E. Channing ; Memoirs 
of James H. Perkins ; Memoirs of Mar- 
garet Fuller (with R. W. Emerson and 
J. F. Clarke). A. V. A. 

Chapin, Aaron Lucius. Ct., 1817- 
1892. A Congregational clergyman of 
Wisconsin, who was president of Beloit 


College, 1849-86. First Principles of 
Political Economy. 

Chapin, Alonzo Bowen. Ct., 1808- 
185y. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Hartford. Classical Spelling - Book ; 
Organization and Order of the Primi- 
tive Church ; Views of Gospel Truth ; 
Glasteubury for 200 Years (1833) ; Pu- 
ritanism not Protestantism. 

Chapin, Edwin Hubbell. N. Y., 
1814-1881. A Univei-salist clergyman 
of New York city, long the foremost 
preacher in his denomination. The 
Crown of Thorns ; Humanity in the 
City ; Christianity the Perfection of 
True Manliness ; Moral Aspects of City 
Life ; Discourses on the Lord's Prayer; 
Hours of Communion ; Tokeu for the 
Sorrowing ; Characters in the Gospels. 
See Life, by Sumner Ellis. 

Chapin, James Henry. Ind., 1882- 
1892. A Universalist clergyman and 
educator, professor of geology in 
St. Lawrence University, 1871-92. 
Sketches of the Huguenots ; The Cre- 
ation and Early Development of Man- 
kind ; From Japan to Granada, a Tour 
Around the World. See Life of, by G. 
S. Weaver. Put. 

Chaplin, Mrs. Ada C. Ms., 1842- 
1883. A Massachusetts writer of reli- 
gious juveniles, some of which are 
Christ's Cadets ; Charity Hurlburt ; Our 
Gold Mine, the Story of American 
Baptist Missions in India. 

Chaplin, Heman 'White. R. I., 

1847 . Son of J. Chaplin, 2d. A 

lawyer of Boston, whose Five Hundred 
Dollars, and Other Stories of New Eng- 
land Life, are exceptionally faithful and 
delicate studies of character, and rank 
among the foremost of American short 
stories. Lit. 

Chaplin, Mrs. Jane [Dunbar]. S., 
1819-1884. Wife of J. Chaplin, 2d, 
infra, and daughter of Duncan Dunbar. 
Among her various writings, mainly re- 
ligious juveniles, are The Transplanted 
Shamrock; Black and White; The 
Convent and the Manse. 

Chaplin, Jeremiah. Ms., 1776-1841. 
A Baptist clergyman and educator, the 
first president of Colby University, 
1822-33. The Evening of Life. 

Chaplin, Jeremiah. Ms., 181.3-1886. 
Son of J. Chaplin, supra. A Baptist 




clergyman of Ne-wton, Massachusetts, 
■who after leaving the ministry devoted 
himself to literary pursuits in Boston. 
The Memorial Hour; The Hand of 
Jesus ; Riches of Bunyan ; Life of Hen- 
ry Dunster, First President of Harvard 
College ; Chips from the White House ; 
Life of Benjamin Franklin ; Life of 
Galen ; Life of Duncan Dunbar ; Life 
of Charles Sumner (with Jane Chaplin). 
Chapman, Alvan 'Went-worth. Ms., 

18U9 . A botanist for whom the 

genus Chapmannia was named. Flora 
of the Southern United States. 

Chapman, George Thomas. E., 

1786-1872. An Episcopal clergyman. 
Sketches of Alumni of Dartmouth Col- 
lege from 1771-1868. 

Chapman, Henry Cad-walader. 

Pa., 1845 . Grandson of N. Chap- 
man, infra. A physician of Philadel- 
phia. Evolution of Life ; History of 
the Discovery of the Circulation of the 

Chapman, Nathaniel. Va., 1780- 
1853. A Pliiladelphia physician and 
professor of medicine in the University 
of Pennsylvania, 1814-50. Materia 
Medica and Therapeutics, long a valued 
text-book ; Select Speeches (edited) ; 
Lectures on Eruptive Fevers, Hem- 
orrhages and Dropsies ; Lectures on 
Thoracic Viscera. See Gross's Sketches 
of Contemporaries. 

Charles, Mrs. Emily [Thornton]. 
Jnd., 1845- . A Washington jour- 
nalist who has published two volumes 
of verse. Hawthorn Blossoms ; Lyrical 
Poems. Ijip. 

Chase, G-eorge. Me., 1849 . A 

professor of criminal law at Columbia 
College. The American Students' 

Chase, George Wingate. Ms., 1826- 
1867. A native and resident of Haver- 
hill, Massachusetts. History of Haver- 
hill, 1640-1860; The Freemason's 
Monitor; Masonic Dictionary and Man- 
ual of Masonic Law ; Tactics for 
Knights Templars and Appendant Au- 

Chase, Irah. Ft, 179.3-1864. A Baptist 
clergyman of prominence who founded 
the theological seminary at Newton 
Centre, Massachusetts, and was profes- 

sor there, 1825-45. Life of Bunyan; 
Design of Baptism ; The Jewish Tab- 
ernacle ; Infant Baptism an Invention 
of Men ; The Constitutions of the 
Holy Apostles, are his principal works. 

Chase, Lucien B. Vt., 1817-1864. 
A member of Congress from Tennes- 
see, who wrote the History of Polk's 

Chase, Philander. N. H., 1775-1852. 
The first Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of Ohio, and, later, of Illinois. He 
founded Kenyon College at Gambler, 
Ohio. A Plea for the West ; Defence 
of Kenyon College ; Keminiscences. 

Chase, Pliny Earle. Ms., 1820-1886. 
An educator and scientist of Philadel- 
phia. Numerical Relations of Gravity 
and Magnetism ; Elements of Meteor- 
ology ; Elements of Arithmetic ; Com- 
mon School Arithmetic. 

Chase, Thomas. Ms., 1827-1892. 
Brother of P. E. Chase, supra. An- 
educator of Pennsylvania, and presi- 
dent of Haverford College. He was 
co-editor with George Stuart of a series 
of classical text-books, and also pub- 
lished Hellas, her Monuments and 
Scenery, descriptive of his travels in 

Chatard, Francis Silas. Md., 1835- 

. The Roman Catholic bishop of 

Vincennes, Indiana. Christian Truths. 

ChatHeld-Taylor, Hobart Chat- 
field. II., 1865 . A novelist of 

Chicago. With Edge Tools ; An Amer- 
ican Peeress ; Two Women and a Fool ; 
The Land of the Castanet. 

Chaunoy [chan'si or chaun'si], 
Charles. ^.,1592-1672. A Puritan 
clergyman, vicar of Ware, 1627-35. 
He came to America in 1638, and was 
13 years minister at Scituate. He was 
the second president of Harvard Col- 
lege, succeeding Henry Dunster in 1654. 
His most important work is a series of 
Twenty-Six Sermons on Justification. 
Antisynodalia Scripta America, a con- 
troversial pamphlet, appeared in 1662. 
See Tyler's American Literature ; Dic- 
tionary of National Biography, vol. 10. 

Chauncy, Charles. Ms., 1705-1787. 
Great-grandson of C. Chauncy, supra. 
A Congregational clergyman of Bos- 
ton. A vigourous, logical thinker, who 
exercised a great influence upon eolo- 


nial tliought. Seasonable Thoughts on 
the State of Relioion in New England ; 
Discourse on Enthusiasm, directed 
against Whitefield, of whose teachings 
he was a strong oijponent ; Letters to 
Whitefield ; Complete View of Episco- 
pacy ; The Mystery hid from the Ages ; 
BeneTolence of the Deity ; Five Dis- 
sertations on the Fall and its Conse- 
quences; Validity of Presbyterian 
Ordination, comprise his principal 
works. See ■ Tyler's American Litera- 
ture ; Chauncy Memorials. 

Chauvenet [sho-ve-nay'], ■William. 
Pa., 1820-1870. A mathematician 
who was chancellor of Wasliington 
University, St. Louis, 1862-69. Bi- 
nomial Theorem and Logarithms; Plane 
and Spherical Trigonometry ; Manual 
of Spherical and Practical Astronomy ; 
Elementary Geometry. See Memoir, 
1377. Lip. 

Checkley, John. Ms., 1680-1753. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Rhode Island, 
noted in his day for his witty, reckless 
attacks on his theological opponents. 
Choice Dialogues about Predestination. 

Cheetham, James. E., 1772-1810. 
An English journalist who came to 
America in 1798, and became editor of 
The American Citizen. Nine Letters 
on Burr's Defection ; Reply to Aris- 
tides ; Life of Thomas Paine, a work 
written from a hostile point of view. 

Cheever, Ezekiel. E., 1615-1708. 
A colonial educator of Boston, who 
was master of the Latin School for 
many years. Scripture Prophecies Ex- 
plained, an essay on the millennium ; 
Latin Accidence, for a century a stan- 
dard introductory Latin text-book in 
New England. 

Cheever, George Barrell. Me., 
1807-1890. A noted Congregational 
clergyman of New York city. Deacon 
Giles's Distillery ; Studies in Poetry ; 
Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow 
of Mont Blanc ; Lectures on PUgrim's 
Progress ; Journal of the Pilgrims at 
Plymouth ; God Against Slavery ; In- 
cidents and Memories of the Christian 
Life ; The Gnilt of Slavery ; The Re- 
public or the Oligarchy, Which ? ; 
Faith, Doubt, and Evidence ; God's 
Timepiece for Man's Eternity ; Lec- 
tures on Cowper; Windings of the 


River of the Water of Life, include his 
principal writings. Ban. Wi. 
Cheever, Henry Theodore. Me., 
1S14-1897. Brother of G. B. Cheever, 
supra. A Congregational clergyman. 
Way Marks in the Moral War with 
Slavery ; Correspondences of Faith and 
Views of Madame Guyon ; The Island 
World of the Pacific ; Life in the Sand- 
wich Islands ; The Whale and his Cajj- 
tors ; The Pulpit and the Pew ; Life 
of Nathaniel Cheever ; Life of Walter 
Colton, infra ; Captain Caugar. Har. 

Chellis, Mary Dwiuell. See Lund, 

Cheney, Mrs. Ednah Dow [Little- 
hale]. Ms., 18'24 . A Boston 

writer, associated in early life with the 
prominent New England transoenden- 
talists, who has been active in the 
woman suffrage movement, and whose 
writing has had more or less to do with 
philosophical themes. Her princiijal 
works comprise Hand-book of Ameri- 
can History for Coloured People ; Faith- 
ful to the Light, and Other Tales ; Sto- 
ries of the Olden Time ; Gleanings in 
the Fields of Art ; Life of Louisa Al- 
cott, supra ; Life of Christian Daniel 
Rauch, Sculptor ; Memoir of John Che- 
ney, Engraver ; Memoir of Dr. Susan 
Dimock ; Nora's Return, a sequel to 
Ibsen's Doll's House ; Sally Williams, 
the Mountain Girl. 

Cheney, Mrs. Harriet Vaughan 

[Foster]. Ms.,c. 1815 . Daughter 

of Hannah Foster, infra. Confessions 
of an Early Martyr ; A Peep at the 
Pilgrims in 1636 ; The Rivals of Arca^ 
dia ; Sketches from the Life of Christ ; 
The Sunday School, or Village Sketches 
(with her sister, Mrs. Cashing). 

Cheney, John Vance. N. Y., 1848- 

. Son of S. P. Cheney, infra. A 

poet and essayist, for some years at the 
head of the public library in San Fran- 
cisco, and now (1897) librarian of the 
Newberry Library in Chicago. His 
work in verse includes Thistle Drift ; 
Wood Blooms ; Queen Helen, and Other 
Poems. In prose, The Old Doctor, a 
Romance of Queer Village ; The Golden 
Guess, a series of critical essays ; That 
Dome in Air, a similar collection of 
critical studies. Ap. Cop. Le. Mg. Sto. 


Cheney, Simon Pease. N. H., 1818- 
IbyU. A once noted musical educator 
of Vermont. The American Singing 
Book ; Wood Notes Wild, notations of 
Bird Music. Le. 
Cheney, Theseus Apoleon. N. Y., 
1830-1878. A -writer who devoted hig 
attention to the history of the western 
portion of his native IState. Report on 
the Ancient Monuments of Western 
New York ; Historical Sketch of the 
Chemung Valley ; Historical Sketch of 
18 Counties of Central and Southern 
New York ; Laron ; Relations of Gov- 
ernment to Science ; Antiquarian Re- 
Chenoweth, Mrs. Caroline [Van 

Dusen]. Ind., 1846 . A teacher 

of literature in Boston and New York. 
Stories of the Saints. Hou. 
Chesebro [cheez'bro], Caroline. iV. 
1'., 1S2.'J - 1873. A writer of stories 
and sketches who was during the latter 
part of her life a teacher in the Packer 
Institute of Brooklyn. Her writing 
displays much individuality, and the 
novel. The Foe in the Household, her 
finest work, is a careful study of some 
unfamiliar phases of Pennsylvania life. 
Her other works include The Beautiful 
Gate and Other Sketches; Peter Car- 
radine ; The Children of Light ; Susan 
the Fisherman's Daughter ; The Little 
Cross Bearers ; Dream-Land by Day- 
light ; Philly and Kit ; Victoria ; Amy 
Carr ; The Glen Cabin. 
Chester, Albert Huntington. N. 
Y., 1843 . A professor of chem- 
istry and metallurgy at Hamilton Col- 
lege. Dictionary of the Names of Min- 
erals ; CatalogTie of Minerals with their 
Chemical Composition and Synonyms. 
Chester, Frederick Dixon "Wal- 
thall. W. I., 1861 . A geologist 

of Delaware who has written many mon- 
ographs upon local state geology. 
Chester, Joseph Lemuel. Ct., 1821- 
1S82. A Philadelphia joiirnallst who 
went to England in 1858, living in Lon- 
don, and devoting himself to antiqua- 
rian research till he became one of the 
most famous genealogists of his day. 
His own writings include Greenwood 
Cemetery and Other Poems ; Treatise 
on the Laws of Repulsion ; Educa- 
tional Laws of Virginia : the personal 


narrative of Margaret Douglass, impris- 
oned for the crime of teaching free col- 
oured children to read ; John Rogera, 
the Compiler of the English Bible; 
Preliminary Investigation of the Al- 
leged Ancestry of George Washington. 
His most important antiquarian work 
is an edition of the Marriage, Baptis- 
mal, and Burial Registers of Westmin- 
ster Abbey, with notes, on which he 
spent 17 years' labour. He edited also 
the parish registers of six London city 
churches. See Dictionary of National, 
Biography, vol. x. 
Chickering, Jesse. N. H., 1797-1855. 
A Boston physician who was a Unita- 
rian minister in his earlier career, and 
later became a noted writer on political 
economy. Statistical View of the Pop- 
ulation of Massachusetts, 1765-1840 ; 
Emigration into the United States ; Re- 
ports on the Census of Boston ; Letter 
to the President on Slavery in Relation 
to Constitutional Government in Great 
Britain and the United States. 
Chickering, John White. Ms., 1808- 
1888. A Congregational clergyman of 
Portland, Maine, 1835-65. What it is 
to Believe in Christ, a very widely cir- 
culated tract ; The HUlside Church. 
Child, Francis James. Ms., 1825- 
1896. A professor at Harvard Univer- 
sity, 1851-96, and the foremost author- 
ity upon all matters pertaining to ballad 
literature. He edited the American 
edition of The British Poets, in 180 vol- 
umes ; English and Scottish PopiJar 
Ballads ; The Debate between the Body 
and the Soul, and other specimens of 
medieval literature. As a Chaucerian 
scholar he had few equals. Observa- 
tions on the Language of Chaucer; 
Observations on the Language of Gow- 
er's Confessio Amantis. See Atlantic 
Monthly, December, 1896. Hou. 
Child, Mrs. Ly dia Maria [Francis]. 
Ms., 1802-1880. A once famous writer 
whose literary career began with the 
publication of Hobomok, a Tale of 
Early Times, in 1821, and closed with 
Aspirations of the World, in 1878. In 
1833 she sacrificed much of her popu- 
larity by her Appeal for that Class of 
Americans Called Africans, and was 
ever after prominent as an abolition- 
ist, assisting her husband in editing 
the National Anti-Slavery Standard. 


Among her other works are included 
The Rebels, a novel in which occur a 
speech by James Otis and a sermon by 
Whitefield, long supposed to be real 
and not imaginary ; The First Settlers 
of New England ; The Mother's Book ; 
The Girl's Book; Philothea, a Greek 
romance ; The Power of Kindness ; 
Isaac T. Hopper, n True Life, a popu- 
lar biography of a noted Quaker aboli- 
tionist ; The Progress of Religious 
Ideas ; Autumnal Leaves ; Looking To- 
ward Sunset ; The Freedman's Book ; 
Miria, a Romance of the Republic. 
See Letters of; LoweWs Fable for Crit- 
ics. Hou. Hob. 

Childs, George "William. Md., 1829- 
1894. A noted journalist of Philadel- 
phia who established the Public Ledger 
in 1864. Recollections of General Grant; 
Personal Recollections. Lip. 

Chiles, Mrs. Mary Eliza [Hicks] 

[Hemdin]. £i/.,1820 . Among 

her writings are Louisa Elton, a reply 
to " Uncle Tom ; " Bandits of Italy ; 
Oswyn Dudley ; Select Poems. 

Chipman, Nathaniel. Ct., 1752-1843. 
A Vermont jurist who was professor of 
law at Middlebury College, 1816^3. 
Sketches of the Principles of Law ; 
Reports and Dissertations. See Life, 
by D. Chipman, 1846. 

Chittenden, Lucius Eugene. Vt., 

1824 . A lawyer of New York 

city. Personal Reminiscences, 1840— 
1890 ; Recollections of Lincoln and his 
Administration ; An Unknown Hero- 
ine, an historical episode of the War 
between the States ; The Capture of 
Ticonderoga. Do. Har. 

Chittenden, Russell Henry. Ct, 

1856 . A professor of chemistry 

in the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale 
University. Studies from the Labora- 
tory of Physiology and Chemistry in 
Sheffield Scientific School ; On Diges- 
tive Proteolysis. 

Chivers, Thomas Holley. 1807- 
1858. A Georgia physician and versi- 
fier. Virginalia, or Songs of my Sum- 
mer Nights ; Atlanta, a Paul Epic in 
Three Lustra ; The Lost Pleiad. 

Choate, Isaac Bassett. Me., 1833- 
. An educator of Boston. Ele- 
ments of English Speech; Wells of 
English. Ap. Bob. 


Choate, Rufus. Ms., 1799-1859. A 
lawyer of Boston and member of Con- 
gress, 1841-45, famous for his gifts as 
an orator, a distinguishing feature of 
his style being an extravagant use of 
long sentences. Addresses and Ora- 
tions. See Memoir, by S. G. Brown, su- 
pra, 186 S ; Some Recollections of, by E. 
P. Whipple ; Memoirs, by Neilson, I884. 

Chopin, Mrs. Kate [O'Flaherty]. 

Mo., 1851 . A writer of St. Louis. 

Bayou Folk ; At Fault, a novel. Hou. 

Choules [cholz], John Overton. E., 
1801-1856. A Baptist clergyman of 
Newport. History of Missions ; Chris- 
tian Offering ; Young Americans 
Abroad ; Cruise of Steam Yacht North 

Church, Albert Ensign. Ct., 1807- 
1878. A mathematical professor at 
West Point, 1833-78. Elements of Dif- 
ferential Calculus ; Elements of the 
Calculus of Variations ; Elements of 
Analytical Geometry ; Elements of De- 
scriptive Geometry ; Elements of Ana- 
lytical Trigonometry. 

Church, Benjamin. Ms., 1639-1718. 
A famous colonial soldier, the conquer- 
or of King Philip, and the founder of 
Little Compton, Rhode Island. Enter- 
taining Passages Relating to Philip's 
War is a personal narrative of his ad- 
ventures. See edition by Dexter, 1867 ; 
History of the Eastern Expeditions 
against the Indians and French. 

Church, Benjamin. R. L, 1734-1776. 
A Boston physician of considerable note 
as a political satirist and versifier. The 
Times, a political satire ; Elegy on Dr. 
Mayhew ; Address to a Provincial Ba^ 
shaw ; Elegy on the Death of White- 
field, comprise his chief poems. 

Church, Mrs. Ella Rodman [Macll- 
vane]. N. Y., 1831 . A popu- 
lar and prolific writer of miscellaneous 
works, among which are Flights of 
Fancy ; Grandmother's Recollections ; 
The Catanese ; Christmas Wreath ; 
Golden Days ; Flyers and Crawlers, or 
Talks about Insects ; Talks by the Sea- 
shore ; Among the Trees at Elmridge ; 
Flower Talks at Elmridge ; Home An- 
imals ; Some Useful Animals ; How to 
Famish a Home; Money-Making for 
Ladies. Ap. Har. 


Church, Irving Porter. Ct, 1851- 

. A professor of engineering at 

Cornell University. Statics and Dy- 
namics for Engineering Students ; Me- 
chanics of Materials ; Hydraulics and 
Pneumatics, three works which were 
afterwards published as Mechanics of 
Engineering ; Notes and Examples in 
Mechanics. Wil. 

Church, John Adams. JV. Y., 1843- 

. Son of P. Church, infra. A 

mining engineer of note. The Mining 
Schools of the United States ; Notes on 
a Metallurgical Journey in Europe ; 
The Comstock Lode ; Report on the 
Striking of Artesian Water, Arizona. 

Church, Pharcellus. N. Y., 1801- 
1886. A Baptist clergyman of promi- 
nence. Philosophy of Benevolence ; 
Religious Dissensions, their Cause and 
Cure ; Antioch, or Increase of Moral 
Power in the Church ; Mapleton, or 
More Work for the Maine Law ; Seed- 
Truths ; Theodosia. 

Church, Samuel Harden. Pa., 1858- 

. A Pittsburg writer, the author 

of Oliver Cromwell, a careful historical 
study. Put. 

Chute, Horatio Nelson. Ont, 1847- 

. A mathematical educator of 

Michigan. Complete School Register ; 
Arithmetical Cabinet ; Manual of Prac- 
tical Physics. 

Cist, Henry Martyn. O., 1839 . 

A Cincinnati lawyer who served in the 
Federal army during the Civil War and 
became brigadier-general. The Army 
of the Cumberland. 

Cist, Lewis Jacob. 0., 1818-1885. 
Brother of H. M. Cist, supra. A bank- 
er of St. Louis and Cincinnati who pub- 
lished Trifles in Verse. 

Claflin, Mrs. Mary Bucklin [Dav- 
enport]. Ms., 1825-1896. A Boston 
writer, the wife of ex-Governor Claflin, 
of Massachusetts. Brampton Sketches ; 
Personal Recollections of Whittier ; 
Real Happenings ; Under the Elms. 

Claiborne [kla'bum], John Francis 
Hamtramck. Mi., 1809-1884. A 
journalist of New Orleans. Mississippi 
as a Province, Territory, and State ; 
Life of General Dale, the Mississippi 
Partisan ; Life of General Quitman. 


Claiborne, John Herbert. Va., 1828- 
. A physician of Virginia. Diph- 
theria ; Dysmenorrhea ; Clinical Re- 
ports from Private Practice. 

Claiborne, Nathaniel Herbert 
Va., 1777-1859. Uncle of J. F. H. Clai- 
borne, supra. A Virginia congress- 
man. Notes on the War in the South 

Clap, Nathaniel. Ms., 1669-1745. A 
clergyman of Newport, of some dis- 
tinction in his day. Advice to Chil- 
dren ; The Lord's Voice Crying to the 
People in some Extraordinary Dispen- 

Clap, Roger. E., 1609-1691. A colo- 
nist of Dorchester, whose Memoirs, 
written for his ehildi-en, have been sev- 
eral times reprinted, and possess consid- 
erable historical value. They were first 
edited and published by Thomas Prince, 
infra, 1731. 

Clap, Thomas. Ms., 1703-1767. A 
Congregational clergyman of distinc- 
tion, president of Yale College, 1740-66. 
The Nature and Foundation of Moral 
Virtue and Obligation ; History of Yale 
College ; Vindication of the Doctrines 
of New England Churches ; Nature and 
Motion of Meteors ; The Religious Con- 
stitutions of Colleges, especially Yale, 
comprise his chief works. See Sprague^s 
Annals of the American Pulpit. 

Clap, Theodore. Ms., 1792-1866. A 
Unitarian minister of New Orleans 
for many years. Autobiographical 
Sketches of 35 Years' Residence in 
New Orleans ; Theological Views ; 
Slavery, a Sermon. 

Clark, Alexander. O., 1834-1879. 
A Methodist Protestant clergyman of 
Pittsburg. The Old Log SchooUionse ; 
Workaday Christianity ; The Red Sea 
Freedman ; School Day Dialogues ; The 
Gospel in the Trees ; Rambles in Eu- 
rope ; Starting Out, a Story of the Ohio 
Hills ; Ripples on the River, a collec- 
tion of verses. 

Clark, Alonzo Howard. Ms., 1850- 

. A naturalist in the United States 

National Museum at Washington, who 
has published Statistics of Fisheries of 
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and 
Connecticut ; Statistics of Fisheries of 
Massachusetts; History of the Mack- 
erel Fishery. 


Clark, Charles Cotesworth Pinck- 

ney. T';., 1822 . A physician, 

at one time collector of customs at Os- 
wego. The Commonwealth Recon- 
structed Is his only hook. 

Clark, Charles Heber. " Max Ade- 
ler." 18 . A Philadelphia jour- 
nalist who has written several works 
of a humourous character which have 
heen popular, though their literary 
merit is slight. Out of the Hurly 
Burly ; Elbow Room, a Novel without 
a Plot ; Random Shots ; Fortunate 
Island and Other Stories. 

Clark, Davis Wasgatt. Me., 1812- 
1871. A Methodist bishop of some 
note as a preacher. Mental Discipline ; 
Death-Bed Scenes ; Man all Immortal ; 
Life of Bishop Hedding ; Sermons ; 
Elements of Algebra. Meth. 

Clark, Edson Lyman. Ms., 1827- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Massachusetts. The Arabs and the 
Turks ; The Races of European Tur- 
key ; Turkey ; Fundamental Questions 
chiefly relating to Genesis and the He- 
brew Scriptures. Do. 

Clark, Francis Edward. Q., 1851- 

. A Congregational minister who 

during his pastorate in Portland, Maine, 
in 1881, established the Christian En- 
deavour Society. Danger Signals, the 
Enemies of Youth ; Looking out on 
Life, a book for girls ; Our Vacations, 
where to Go, etc. ; Young People's 
Prayer Meeting in Theory and Prac- 
tice ; The Children and the Church ; 
Mossback Correspondence ; Our Busi- 
ness Boys ; Ways and Means, a history 
of the Christian Endeavour movement. 
Fu. Lo. 

Clark, George Hunt. Ms., 1809- 
1881. An iron merchant of Hartford, 
of local fame as a verse -writer. Now 
and Then ; The News ; Undertow of a 
Trade Wind Surf. 

Clark, George Whitfield. N. J., 

1831 . A Baptist clergyman of 

New Jersey. Harmony of the Four 
Gospels in English ; Notes on Matthew, 
Mark, Luke, and John ; Harmonic Ar- 
rangement of the Acts of the Apos- 
tles ; Brief Notes on the New Testa- 
ment; History of the First Baptist 
Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey. 

Clark, Henry James. Ks., 1826- 
1873. A naturalist of Cambridge. 



Mind in Nature ; A Claim for Scientific 

Clark, James Gowdy. N. Y., 1830- 

. A verse-writer and composer of 

San Francisco. Poetry and Song. 

Clark, James Henry. N. Y., 1814- 
18(j'.J. A physician of Newark, New 
Jersey. History of the Cholera in New- 
ark in 1847 ; Sight and Hearing, how 
Preserved, how Lost ; Medical Topo- 
graphy of Newark ; The Medical Men 
of New Jersey in Essex District, 1666- 

Clark, John Alonzo. Ms., 1801- 
184;). An Episcopal clergyman of Phil- 
adelphia. The Young Disciple ; The 
Pastor's Testimony ; A Walk about 
Zion ; Gathered Fragments ; Awake, 
Thou Sleeper ; Glimpses of the Old 

Clark, John Bates. B. I., 1847- 

. A political economist, professor 

of political economy in Columbia Col- 
lege. Capital and its Earnings ; The 
Philosophy of Wealth. Gi. 

Clark, Mrs. Kate [Upson]. Al, 

1851 . A journalist of Brooldyn, 

who has written mainly for young peo- 
ple. That Mary Ann. Lo. 

Clark, Lewis Gaylord. N. Y., 1810- 
187''"j. A once prominent magazinistof 
New York city, and editor of the Knick- 
erbocker Magazine. Knick-Knacks is 
a collection of brief sketches contrib- 
uted to that periodical. 

Clark, Mrs. Mary [Latham]. Me., 

1831 . A New England writer of 

religious juveniles, among which are 
The Mayflower Series ; Daisy's Mis- 

Clark, Nathaniel George. Vt., 182.5- 
1896. The foreign secretary of the 
American Board of Foreign Missions 
from 1866. In earlier life he was of 
some note as an educator, and pub- 
lished Elements of the English Lan- 
guage. Scr. 

Clark, Rufus Wheelwright. Ms., 
1813-1886. Brother of Thomas M. 
Clark, infra. A Reformed Dutch cler- 
gyman of Albany. Among his more 
than a hundred publications are Lec- 
tures to Young Men ; Heaven and its 
Scriptural Emblems ; Life Scenes of the 
Messiah ; Romanism in America ; The 
African Slave Trade ; Heroes of Albany. 




Clark, Simon Tucker. Ms., 1836- 

. A physician of Lockport, and 

professor of medical jurisprudence in 
Niagara University. My Garden. 

Clark, Mrs. Susanna Rebecca 

Graham. N. S., 1848 . A writer 

of Portland, Maine, who has written 
much juvenile literature. Yensie Wal- 
ton ; Our Street ; The Triple E. ; Achor ; 
Herhert GardenelFs Children; Tom's 
Street ; Go's Going-s. Lo. 

Clark, Theodore Minot. Ms., 1845- 

. An architect in Boston, formerly 

instructor in the Massachusetts Insti- 
tute of Technology. Architect, Owner 
and BuUder before the Law ; Building 
Superintendence ; Rural School Archi- 
tecture. Mac. 

Clark, Thomas. Pa., 1787-1866. An 
educator of Philadelphia. Naval His- 
tory of the United States from the 
Commencement of the Revolutionary 
War, 1814 ; Sketches of United States 
Naval History. 

Clark, Thomas March. Ms., 1812- 
. The second Protestant Episco- 
pal bishop of Rhode Island, and prom- 
inent among theologians of the Broad 
Church school. Primary Truths ; The 
Dew of Youth and Other Lectures to 
Young Men and Women ; Early Dis- 
cipline and Culture ; The Efficient Sun- 
day School Teacher ; Reminiscences. 
Ap. Wh. 

Clark, WilUs Gaylord. N. Y., 1810- 
1841. Twin brother of L. G. Clark, 
supra. A now forgotten verse-writer. 
See Literary Remains, with Memoir by 
L. G. Clark; Griswold's Poets and 
Poetry of America. 

Clarke, Dorus. Ms., 1799-1884. A 
Congregational clergyman of Boston. 
Lettei-s to Horace Mann ; Oneness of 
the Christian Church ; Orthodox Con- 
gregationalism and the Sects ; Saying 
the Catechism 75 Years Ago and the 
Historical Results ; Review of the Ober- 
lin Council ; Letters to Young People 
in Manufacturing Villages ; Revision 
of the English Version of the Bible ; 
Essay on the Tri-Unity of God. 

Clarke, Edi^yard Hammond. Ms,, 
1820-1877. A prominent physician aud 
medical writer of Boston. Sex in Edu- 
cation ; The Building of a Brain ; Vis- 
ions : a Study of False Sight ; Nature 

and Treatment of Polypus of the Ear. 

Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth. Ms., 

1847 . Chief chemist of the United 

States Geological Survey at Washing- 
ton. Weights, Measures, and Money 
of All Nations ; Elements of Chemis- 
try. Ap. 

Clarke, Isaac Edwards. Ms., 1830- 

. A lawyer in the United States 

Civil Service since 1871. Tribute to 
Bayard Taylor ; Industrial and High 
Art Education in the United States. 

Clarke, James Freeman. N. H., 
1810-1888. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Boston, who founded there the Church 
of the Disciples, and was its pastor 
from 1841 till his death. He was es- 
pecially prominent among Unitarian 
writers of the latter half of the century, 
the tone of his thought being that of 
the liberal conservative. His first im- 
portant work was Orthodoxy : its Truths 
and Errors (1866). Other works of his 
include Ten Great Religions, Part I, an 
Essay in Comparative Theology ; 'Ten 
Great Religions, Part II, a Compari- 
son of all Religions ; Christian Doe- 
trine of Prayer ; Thomas Didymns ; 
Common Sense in Religion ; Steps of 
Belief ; Events and Epochs in Religious 
History ; Self -Culture ; Every Day Re- 
ligion ; The Ideas of the Apostle Paul ; 
Memorial and Biographical Sketches ; 
Vexed Questions in Theology; Anti- 
Slavery Days. See Autobiography, Diary 
and Correspondence, edited by E. E. 
Hale ; Memoir by H. P. Peabody, 1889. 
A. U. A. Hou. Le. 

Clarke, MacDonald. Ct., 1798-1842. 
An eccentric, unbalanced verse-writer 
of New York city, who was commonly 
styled "the Mad Poet." Poems; 
Sketches in Verse ; Death in Disg^iise, 
a Temperance poem ; The Gos.sip ; 
Afara, or the Belles of Broadway ; A 
Cross and a Coronet ; Elixir of Moon- 
shine ; Review of the Eve of Eternity. 

Clarke, Mrs. Mary Bayard [Deve- 

reux]. N. C, 1830 . A writer 

of Raleigh, North Carolina, who has 
published Reminiscences of Cuba; 
Mosses from a Rolling Stone ; Clytie 
and Zenobia, a poem ; Wood Notes, a 
compilation of North Carolina verse. 

Clarke, Rebecca Sophia. " Sophie 
May." Me., 1833 . A popular 


■writer of stories for children and young 
people, who was horn and has always 
lived at Norridgewock, Maine. Of the 
former class are the Little Prudy 
Books ; Dotty Dimple Series ; Flaxie 
Frizzle Stories. Of the latter class are 
Her Friend's Lover ; Janet ; The As- 
bury Twins ; In Old Quinnebasset ; 
Quinnehasset Girls ; The Doctor's 
Daughter. Le. 

Clarke, Richard H. D. C, 1827- 

. A prominent Roman Catholic 

lawyer of Washington, and, later, of 
New York, who has written many con- 
troversial papers, and published Illus- 
trated History of the Catholic Church 
in the United States ; Lives of Deceased 
Koraan Catholic Bishops of the United 

Clay, Cassius Marcellus. Ky., 1810- 

. A Kentucky congressman noted 

as a strong opponent of slavery, who 
was minister to Russia 1861-69. See, 
Life and Memoirs, compiled by Himself. 

Clay, Henry. Va., 1777-1852. A 
Kentucky statesman and orator, who 
was in public life for half a century, 
and was several times an unsuccessful 
candidate for the presidency. He is 
known in literature by his Speeches, 
several collections of which were pub- 
lished in his lifetime. See Parton's 
Famous Americans ; Lives by G. D. 
Prentice, 1831 ; Swaim, 1843 ; Mallory, 
1844 ; Sargent and Greeley, 185S ; Col- 
ton, 1857 ; Carl Schurz, 1887. 

Cleaveland, John. Ct., 1722-1799. 
A Congregational minister of Massa- 
chusetts. The Work of God at Che- 
baceo (now Essex) in 1763 ; Essay to 
Defend Christ's Sacrifice and Atone- 
ment against Aspersions cast on the 
Same by Dr. Mayhew ; Reply to Dr. 
Mayhew's Letter of Reproof ; Treatise 
on Infant Baptism. 

Cleaveland, Nehemiah. Ms., 1796- 
1877. Grandson of J. Cleaveland, supra. 
An educator of Massachusetts, who pub- 
lished a History of Bowdoin College, 
with Biographical Sketches of its Grad- 
uates, 1806-79, edited and completed 
by A. S. Packard, infra. 

Cleaveland, Parker. Ms., 1780- 
1858. Grandson of J. Cleaveland, su- 
pra. A professor in Bowdoin College, 
1805-58, whose Mineralogy and Geo- 


logy, 1816, gained for him the title of 
" the father of American mineralogy.' ' 

Cleland, Thomas. Va., 1778-1858. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of Ken- 
tucky, much inclined to controversy, 
who published Letters on Campbell- 
ism ; The Socini-Arian Detected ; Uni- 
tarianism Unmasked. 

Clemens, Jeremiah. Al, 1814-1865. 
An Alabama statesman who won some 
notice as a novelist. Bernard Lyle ; 
Mustang Gray ; The Rivals, a Tale of 
the Times of Burr and Hamilton ; To- 
bias Wilson, a Tale of the Great Re- 

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. 

"Mark Twain." Mo., 18.35 . A 

celebrated humourist, who, after an 
eventful experience as a journalist, 
rose to fame by the publication of 
The Innocents Abroad, a volume of ex- 
travagantly humourous travels, which 
still remains his most popular book. 
Only a very small portion of his writing 
has any place as literature, but as an 
author he is one of the most popular 
and successful of his time. Other 
works of his are, A Tramp Abroad ; 
Roughing It ; Tom Sawyer ; The Gilded 
Age (with C. D. Warner, infra) ; The 
Jumping Frog ; Life on the Mississip- 
pi ; Huckleberry Finn ; Merry Tales ; 
A Connecticut Yankee at King Ar- 
thur's Court ; Tom Sawyer Abroad ; 
Pudd'nhead Wilson ; The American 
Claimant. The Prince and the Pau- 
per ; Joan of Arc, are works in a seri- 
ous vein, the first being his most fin- 
ished production. See Haiveis's Amer- 
ican Ilumourists ; SteuarVs Letters to 
Living Authors, 1890 ; Vedder's Ameri- 
can Writers- 
Clemens, William M. 1859 -. 

Cousin of S. L. Clemens. A journalist 
of Cleveland. Life and Times of John 
Brown ; The Nemesis of Passion. 

Clement, Mrs. Clara Erskine. See 
Waters, Mrs. 

Clemmer, Mrs. Mary. See Hudson, 

Cleveland, Aaron. Ct., 1744-1815. 
A verse-writer who late in life became 
a Congregational minister. He was the 
great-grandfather of President Cleve- 
land. The Philosopher and Boy ; Slav- 
ery Considered, both productions in 



Cleveland, Charles Dexter. Ms., 
1802-lStiy. Grandson of A. Cleveland, 
supra. An educator of Philadelphia, 
■\vho published Compendiums of Eng- 
lish, American, and Classical Litera- 
ture ; English Literature of the lUth 
Century ; critical edition of Milton, 
"with notes and life. Bar. 

Cleveland, Cynthia Eloise. N. Y., 
1845 . A Washington writer em- 
ployed in the civil service. See Saw, 
or Civil Service in the Departments, a 
political novel ; Is it Fate ? 

Cleveland, Henry Russell. 1801- 
184o. Son of R. J. Cleveland, infra. 
The Classical Education of Boys ; Life 
of Henry Hudson. 

Cleveland, Horace 'William Sha- 

ler. Ms., 1814 . Son of R. J. 

Cleveland, infra. A noted landscape 
gardener of Minneapolis. Hints to Ri- 
flemen ; Landscape Architecture ; Voy- 
ages of a Merchant Navigator. Uar. 

Cleveland, Richard Jeffry. Ms., 
1773-1860. Cousin of A. Cleveland, 
supra. Voyages and Commercial En- 
terprises ; Voyages of a Merchant Nav- 
igator of the Days that are Past. 

Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth. N. Y., 

1846 . Great-granddaughter of 

A. Cleveland, supra, and the only sister 
of President Cleveland. During the 
first year of her brother's first adminis- 
tration she was the mistress of the 
^Vllite House. George Eliot's Poetry 
and Other Studies ; The Long Run, a 
novel. Fu. 

Clevenger, Shobal Vail. ly., 1843- 

. A physician of Chicago, and son 

of the noted sculptor of the same name. 
Treatise on Government Surveying ; 
Comparative Physiology and Psycho- 
logy ; Lectures on Artistic Anatomy 
and Sciences Useful to the Artist. 

Clifford, Nathan. N. H., 1803-1881. 
A noted jurist of Maine, who was at- 
torney-general during Polk's adminis- 
tration, and published United States 
Circuit Court Reports. 

Clingman, Thomas Lanier. N. C, 

1812 . A North Carolina congress- 
man who served during the Civil War 
as brigadier-general in the Confeder- 
ate army. The two Carolina moun- 
tains, Clingman's Peak and Clingman's 
Dome, were named in his honour, he 

having been the first to measure their 
height. Speeches ; Follies of the Posi- 
tiviat Philosophers. 

Clinton, De Witt. N. Y., 1769-3828. 
A famous statesman and politician of 
New York state. Memoir of Antiqui- 
ties of Western New York; Natural 
History and Internal Revenues of New 
York; Speeches to the Legislature. 
See Lives, by Hosack, 18S9; Eenwick, 
1840; Campbell, 1849. 

Clymer, Mrs. Ella Maria [Dietz]. 

18.5 . A New York writer, once 

an actress, and for some time the presi- 
dent of the woman's club of New York, 
Sorosis. She has written three volumes 
of verse : The Triumph of Love ; The 
Triumph of Time ; The Triumph of 

Clymer, Meredith. Pa., 1817 . 

A distinguished physician and medical 
writer of New York city. Diseases of 
the Respiratory Organs (with Wil- 
liams) ; Pathology, Diagnosis, and 
Treatment of Fevers ; Physiology and 
Pathology of the Nervous System; 
Palsies and Kindred Disorders ; Ecstasy 
and Other Dramatic Disorders of the 
Nervous System; Hereditary Genius; 
Cerebro - Spinal Meningitis ; Legiti- 
mate Influence of Epilepsy on Criminal 

Coan, Titus. C(., 1801-1882. A mis- 
sionary of note in the Sandwich Islands 
who wrote Life in Hawaii ; Adventures 
in Patagonia. Do. Ran. 

Coan, Titus Munson. H. I., 1836- 

. Son of T. Coan, supra. A New 

York litterateur. Ounces of Preven- 
tion ; Topics of the Times (edited). 

Cobb, Cyrus. Ms., 1834 . Son 

of S. Cobb, 1st, infra. An artist and 
sculptor of Boston who, besides writing 
much occasional verse, has published 
Veterans of the Grand Army, a novel. 

Cobb, Howell. Ga., 1795-18—. A 
Georgia lawyer. Penal Code of Geor- 

Cobb, Jonathan Holmes. Ms., 
1799-1882. A manufacturer of Ded- 
ham, who founded the silk industry in 
the United States, and whose Manual 
of the Mulberry Tree and the Culture 
of Silk was once well known. 

Cobb, Joseph Beckham. Ga., 1819- 
1858. A Southern author whose writ- 


ings include The Creole, or the Siege 
of >few Orleans, a novel ; Mississippi 
Scenes ; Leisure Labours. 

Cobb, Lyman. Ms., c. 1800-1864. A 
once prominent educator who, besides 
many text-books on spelling and math- 
ematics, published The Evil Tendency 
of Corporal Punishment ; Just Stand- 
ard for Pronouncing the English Lan- 
guage. Har. 

Cobb, Sylvanus. Jl/e, 1799-1866. A 
Universalist clergyman of Massachu- 
setts, editor for many years of The Chris- 
tian Freeman. The New Testament, 
with Explanatory Notes ; Compend of 
Divinity ; Discussions. See Auiobio- 
graphy, and Memoir by his son, S. Cobb, 

Cobb, Sylvanus. Me., 182-3-1887. 
Son of S. Cobb, supra. A prolific writ- 
er of sensational tales quite without lit- 
erary value. Among them are The 
King's Talisman ; The Patriot Cruiser ; 
Ben Hamed. 

Cobb, Thomas Read Rootes. Ga., 
1823-1862. A Georgia lawyer who 
served as brigadier-general in the Con- 
federate army during the Civil War, 
and was killed in the battle of Fred- 
ericksburg. Digest of the Laws of Geor- 
gia ; Historical Sketch of Slavery from 
the Earliest Periods ; Inquiry into the 
Law of Negro Slavery in the United 

Cobbett, Thomas. ^.,1608-1685. A 
nonconformist English clergyman who 
came to America in 1637, and was min- 
ister at Ipswich from 1656 till his death. 
Infant Baptism ; Civil Magistrate's 
Power in Matters of Religion ; Practical 
Discourse of Prayer ; The Honour due 
from Children to their Parents. 

Cooke [coke], James Richard. 1863- 
. A physician of Boston. Hypno- 
tism; Blind Leaders of the Blind, a 
novel. Ar. Le. 

Cocke, Zitella. Al, 183 . A 

verse-writer whose contributions to pe- 
riodicals have been collected in a vol- 
ume of verse entitled A Doric Reed. 

Cocker, William Johnson. E., 

1846 . An educator of Michigan. 

Handbook of Punctuation ; The Gov- 
ernment of the United States. Har. 


Coddington, 'William. E., 1601- 
l(i7S. The first governor of Rhode 
Island. Demonstrations of True Love 
unto the Rulers of Massachusetts. 

Codman, John. Ms., 1782-1847. A 
Congregational clergyman of Dorches- 
ter. Sermons ; Visit to England. See 
Memoir, by W. A. Allen, 1863. 

Codman, John. Ms., 1814 . Son 

of J. Codman, supra. A noted captain 
in the merchant marine. Sailors' Life 
and Sailors' Yarns ; Ten Months in 
Brazil; The Mormon Country; The 
Round Trip by Way of Panama; A 
Solution of the Mormon Problem ; Win- 
ter Sketches from the Saddle. 

Coffin, Charles Carleton, N. H., 
1823-1896. A Boston journalist who 
became famous as the war correspond- 
ent of the Boston Journal during the 
Civil War, over the signature " Carle- 
ton." His writings, mainly though not 
exclusively for young pesple, include 
My Days and Nights on the Battlefield, 
a narrative of personal experience ; Fol- 
lowing the Flag; Winning his Way; 
Building the Nation ; Old Times in the 
Colonies ; The Boys of '76 ; The Story 
of Liberty ; The Drumbeat of the Na- 
tion ; Marching to Victory ; Redeem- 
ing the Republic ; Freedom Trium- 
phant ; Abraham Lincoln ; Our New 
Way Round the World ; Daughters of 
the Revolution. See Life of, by Grijffis. 
Est. Har. Hou. 

Coffin, Isaac Foster. Me., 1787- 
1861. An educator of Roxbury, Mas- 
sachusetts. Journal of a Residence in 
Chili during the revolutionary scenes of 

Coffin, James Henry. Ms., 1806- 
1873. A meteorologist who was profes- 
sor of astronomy at Lafayette College. 
Solar and Lunar Eclipses Illustrated 
and Explained ; Winds of the Northern 
Hemisphere ; Psychometrical Table ; 
Orbit and Phenomena of a Meteoric 
Fire Ball ; Elements of Conic Sections 
and Analytical Geometry ; Winds of 
the Globe. See Life, by J. C. Clyde, 

Coffin, John Huntington Crane. 

Me., 1815-1890. A mathematician of 
distinction. Observations with the Mu- 
ral Circle at the United States Naval 
Observatory ; The Compass ; Naviga- 
tion and Nautical Astronomy. 



Coffin, Joshua. Ms., 1792-1864. A 
Massachusetts antiquary prominent 
among the abolitionists, and one of the 
poet Whittier's early instructors. He 
published a History of Ancient New- 
bury ; The Toppans of Toppan's Lane, 
a genealogy. 

Coffin, Robert Allen. Ms., 1801- 
1878. Brother of J. H. Coffin, supra. 
An instructor in western Massachusetts. 
Compendium of Natural Philosophy ; 
Town Org-anization ; History of Con- 
way, Massachusetts. 

Coffin, Robert Barry. "Barry Gray." 
N. Y., 1826-1886. A New York jour- 
nalist and litterateur, whose books, 
popular at one time, are now nearly 
forgotten. Their humour is somewhat 
forced, and the style has no very marked 
merits. Matrimonial Infelicities ; Who 
is the Heir ? ; Out of Town, a, Rural 
Episode ; Cakes and Ale at Woodbine ; 
Castles in the Air ; Left in the Lurch ; 
The Home of Cooper. 

Coffin, Robert Stevenson. Me., 
1797-1827. A verse-writer of Boston 
who published The Oriental Harp ; 
Poems of the Boston Bard. See Auto- 
biography, 1S25. 

Coffin, Roland Folger. N. Y., 1826- 
1888. A marine reporter in New York 
city. An Old Sailor's Yarns ; The 
America's Cup ; History of American 
Yachting. Fu. Scr. 

Coffin, Selden Jennings. N. Y., 

1838 . Son of J. H. Coffin, supra. 

He succeeded his father as professor of 
astronomy at Lafayette College in 1873, 
and completed the latter's Winds of the 
Globe. He has also published Record 
of the Men at Lafayette. 

Coggeshall, George. Ct, 1784-18—. 
A sea captain of some prominence as a 
writer. Voyages to Various Parts of 
the World, 1799-1844; History of 
American Privateers and Letters of 
Marque during our War with England, 
1812-14 ; Historical Sketch of Com- 
merce and Navigation from the Chris- 
tian Era to 1860 ; Religious and Miscel- 
laneous Poetry. 

Coggeshall, 'William Turner. Pa., 
1824-1867. A journalist of Cincinnati, 
whose principal writings include Signs 
of the Times, a work on spirit rappings ; 
Home Hits and Hints ; Stories of Fron- 
tier Adventure. 

Cogswell, Jonathan. Jlfs., 1782-1864. 
A noted Congregational clergyman of 
New England and New Jersey. The 
Necessity of Capital Punishment ; Dis- 
courses ; Hebrew Theocracy ; Calvary 
and Sinai ; Godliness a Great Mystery ; 
The Appropriate Work of the Holy 
Spirit. See E. 0. Jamesori's Cogswells 
of America. 

Cogswell, William. N. H., 1787- 
1850. A Congregational clergyman of 
New Hampshire, among whose works 
are, Manual of Theology and Devotion ; 
Assistant to Family Religion ; Chris- 
tian Philanthropist ; Theological Class 
Book ; Harbinger of the Millennium ; 
Letters to Young Men Preparing for 
the Ministry. 

Cohen, Jacob Da Silva Solis. N. 

Y., 1838 . A Philadelphia physi- 

sican and medical lecturer of promi- 
nence. Treatise on Inhalations ; Dis- 
eases of the Throat ; Croup in its 
Relations to Tracheotomy ; The Throat 
and the Voice. 

Coit, James Mllnor. Pa., 1845 . 

An instructor in chemistry at St. Paul's 
School, Concord. Elements of Chemi- 
cal Arithmetic ; Short Manual of Qual- 
itative Analysis. 

Coit, Thomas "Winthrop. Ct, 1803- 
1885. An Episcopal clergyman, pro- 
fessor in Berkeley Divinity School at 
Middletown from 1872 to 1885. Neces- 
sity of Preaching Doctrine ; Theological 
Commonplace Book ; Puritanism in 
New England and the Episcopal 
Church ; Lectures on the Early History 
of Christianity in England. 

Colburn, Warren. Ms., 1793-1833. 
A noted mathematician of Massachu- 
setts, whose First Lessons in Intellec- 
tual Arithmetic was translated into 
m.any languages. Hou. 

Colburn, Zerah. N. Y., 1832-1870. 
A nephew of the famous calculator of 
the same name. He was a well-known 
mechanical engineer who j)uhlished The 
Locomotive Engine ; Steam Boiler Ex- 
plosions ; Nature of Heat and its Mode 
of Action in the Phenomena of Com- 
bustion, etc. ; Treatise on the Princi- 
ples of the Locomotive Engine. Bai. 

Colby, Frederick Myron. N. H.<, 
1848- . A journalist of New Hamp- 



shire. The Daughter of Pharaoh, a 
Tale of the Exodus ; Brave Lads and 
Bonnie Lassies, a juvenile. 

Golden, Cadwallader. S., 1088- 
n I li. A colonial physician, lieutenant- 
governor of the province of New York, 
1761-70, and a prominent loyalist of 
his day. The Histoi'y of the Five In- 
dian Nations is liis chief work. Among" 
his many lesser writing's is Principles of 
Actions on Matter. See Tyler^s Ameri- 
can Literature. 

Colden, Cadwallader David. L. L, 
170t)-i8o4. Nephew of C. Colden, su- 
pra. A commercial lawyer of promi- 
nence in New York who published Life 
of Robert Fulton ; Vindication of the 
Steamboat Right granted by the State 
of New York. 

Coleman, Leighton. Fa., 18:17 . 

The second Protestant Episcopal bisliop 
of Dehxware. The Cliurch in America, 
a history of the Ameiican Episcopal 

Coleman, Lyman. Ms., 1796-1882. 
A Congregational clergyman who was 
a classical professor at Lafayette Col- 
lege, 1801-82. Ancient Christianity 
Exemplified ; Prelacy and Ritualism ; 
The Apostolical and Primitive Church ; 
Historical Geography of the Bible ; 
Text -Book and Atlas of Bible Geo- 
grapliy ; Genealogy of the Lyman 

Coles, Abraham. N. J., 181.3-1891. 
A New Jersey physician who published 
a volume containing thirteen original 
translations of the Dies Irae. His 
other works include Stabat Mater Do- 
lorosa ; Stabat Mater Speciosa ; Old 
Gems in New Settings ; The Microcosm, 
a psychological poem ; The Evangel in 
Verse ; The Light of the World ; The 
Psalms in Verse, with notes. See Bio- 
graphical Sketch, edited by J. A. Coles, 
1S92. Ap. 

Coles, George. E., 1792-18.58. A 
Methodist clergyman who published 
The Antidote, or Revelation Defended ; 
Concordance of the Scriptures ; Hero- 
ines of Methodism. 

Colesworthy, Daniel Clement. 
Me., 1810-1893. A once noted book- 
seller of Boston, who was also a writer. 
Some of his poems for children, like 
"Don't Kill the Birds" and "Little 

Words of ICindness," have been ex- 
tremely popular. Sunday School 
Hymns ; Advice to an Apprentice ; 
Opening- Buds ; Chronicles of Caaco 
Bay ; A Group of Children, and Other 
Poems ; School is Out ; The Year ; A 
Day ill the Woods, in verse, comprise 
the most of his writings. 

Collens, Thomas 'W^harton. La., 
1812-1879. A well-known jurist of 
New Orleans, who wrote The Martyr 
Patriots, a tragedy ; Humanics ; Views 
of the Labour Movement ; The Eden 
of Labour. 

Collier, Mrs. Ada [Langworthy]. 

la., 184:i . A writer of Dubuque, 

whose Lilith, the Legend of the First 
Woman, is a poem of not a little merit. 

Collier, Joseph Avery. Ms., 1828- 
1804. A Reformed Dutch clergyman 
of Kingston, New York. The Right 
Way, or the Gospel Applied to the In- 
tercourse of Individuals and Nations; 
The Christian Home ; The Young Men 
of the Bible ; Pleasant Paths for Lit- 
tle Feet ; Little Crowns ; Dawn of 

Collier, Peter. N. Y., 18.35 . A 

chemist of distinction for several years 
attached to the Department of Agricul- 
ture at Washington. Sorghum, its Cul- 
ture and Manufacture Economically 
Considered ; Investigations of Sorghum 
as a Sugar Producing Plant. Clke. 

Collier, Robert Laird. Md., 1837- 
1890. A Unitarian clergyman who in 
his later years was a London corre- 
spondent of the New York Herald. 
Every-Day Subjects in Sunday Ser- 
mons ; Meditations on the Essence of 
Christianity ; Henry Irving : a Sketch 
and a Criticism ; English Home Life. 
A. U. A. Hou. Rob. 

Collier, Thomas Stephens. N.Y., 
1842-1893. A physician and poet 
whose home was at New London, Con- 
necticut. Song Spray, a collection of 
poems, 1889. 

Collins, Charles. Me., 181.3-187.5. A 
Methodist preacher and educator of 
Tennessee, who published Methodism 
and Calvinism Compared. 

CoUyer, Robert. E., 182,3 . A 

Unitarian clergyman of New York, and 
one of the leading men among the clergy 
of his faith. He was born in Yorkshire, 




and learned the blacksmitli's trade, 
which he still followed after coming- 
to America in lt<4il. He was then a 
Wesleyan local preacher, but liis views 
changing: he became a Unitarian, and 
in ISyO founded Unity Church in Chi- 
cago, over which he remained pastor 
till he went to New York in 1879. 
His influence, both within and without 
the Unitarian body, has been very great. 
The Life That Now Is ; Nature and 
Life ; A Man in Earnest ; The Simple 
Truth, a Home Book ; Lectures to 
Young Men and Women; History of 
Bldey, in Yorkshire. Dut. Le. 

Colman, Benjamin. Ms., 1673-1747. 
A famous Congregational minister of 
Boston, whose theological views were 
much more Hberal than those of his 
contemporaries, and whose literary style 
was far more polished and flexible. 
Evangelical Sermons Collected ; Twen- 
ty Sacramental Sermons. See Life hy 
E. Turell, 1749 ; Tyler's American Lit- 
erature ; Sprague's Annals of the Amer- 
ican Pulpit. 

Colman, Henry. Ms., 178.5-1849. An 
agricultural writer of Massachusetts, 
who was a Congregational minister at 
Hingham, 1807-20, and afterwards a 
Unitarian minister at Salem. Report 
on Silk Culture ; European Agricul- 
ture and Rural Economy ; Agriculture 
and Rural Economy of France, Bel- 
gium, HoUand, and Switzerland ; Eu- 
ropean Life and Manners. 

Colton, Calvin. Ms., 1789-1857. A.n 
Episcopal clergyman of some note in 
his day as a political writer. Manual 
for Emigrants to America ; History of 
American Revivals ; Protestant Jesuit- 
ism ; Public Economy for the United 
States, a plea for protection ; Life of 
Henry Clay ; Junius Tracts. 

Colton, G-eorge Hooker. N. Y., 
1818-1 S47. A verse-writer whose Te- 
cumseh is a poem as ambitious in con- 
ception as it is mediocre in execution. 

Colton, Walter. Vt., 1797-1851. Bro- 
ther of C. Colton, supra. A journalist 
and educator who established the first 
newspaper in California, and built the 
first schoolhouse there. As chaplain 
in the United States navy he visited 
many parts of the world. Visit to 
Athens and Constantinople ; Land and 
Lee in the Bosphorus and jEgean ; 

Ship and Shore ; Deck and Port ; The 
Sea and the Sailor. 
Colwell, Stephen. Va., 1800-1871. 
An iron merchant of Philadelphia, who 
wrote much on current topics, espe- 
cially matters relating to political eco- 
nomy. Ways and Means of Commercial 
Payment; Money on Account; Re- 
moval of the Deposits from the Bank 
of the United States ; Domestic Pro- 
duction and Internal Trade ; Hints to 
Laymen ; Charity and the Clergy ; 
Politics for American Christians ; New 
Themes for Protestant Clergy, include 
the more important of his writings. 

Coman, Katharine. 0., 1857 . 

A professor of history at Wellesley 
College. Outlines in Constitutional 
History of England ; Outlines in In- 
dustrial History ; The Growth of the 
English Nation. 

Comegys, Benjamin Bartis. Bel, 
1819 . A banker of Philadel- 
phia. Tour Round My Library, and 
Other Papers ; Advice to Young Men 
and Boys ; A Primer of Ethics ; Talks 
with Boys and Girls ; How to Get On, 
a Book for Boys ; Turn Over a New 
Leaf ; An Order of Worship ; Old Sto- 
ries with New Lessons. Hou. Rev. 

Comfort, Mrs. Anna [Manning]. 

N. J., 1845 . Wife of G. F. Com- 
fort, infra. A physician of Syracuse, 
who has written Woman's Education 
and Woman's Health, a reply to Dr. 
Clarke's once famous Sex in Educa- 
Comfort, George Fisk. N.Y., 1833- 
. A professor at Syracuse Univer- 
sity since 1872. He has published a 
series of German text-books and The 
Land Troubles in Ireland. Har. 

Comly, John. Pa., 1774-1850. A 
Pennsylvania educator among the 
Friends, who prepared a speller that 
was phenomenally popular, and also a 
grammar and other text-books. See 
Journal of John Comly of Byberry, 

Comstock [kiim'stok], Cyrus Bal- 
lon. Ms., 1831 . A colonel of 

the Engineer Corps in the United States 
army, and brevet major-general of U. 
S. Volunteers, who has made a num- 
ber of important government surveys. 
Notes on European Surveys ; Surveys 


of the Northwestern Lakes ; Primary 
Triangulation of United States Lake 

Comstock, John Henry. Wis., 
1849 . A professor of entomo- 
logy and general invertebrate zoology 
at Cornell University. Notes on Ento- 
mology ; Report on Cotton Insects ; In- 
troduction to Entomology. 

Comstock, John Lee. Ct., 1789- 
1858. An educational compiler of 
Hartford, among whose many scientific 
text-books are The Elements of Chem- 
istry ; Introduction to Mineralogy ; Sys- 
tem of Natural Philosophy; History 
of the Precious Minerals ; Natural 
History of Quadrupeds. He wrote also 
A History of the Greek Revolution. 

Comstock, Theodore Bryant. O., 

1849 . A geologist of distinction, 

professor in Dlinois University. Out- 
lines of General Geology ; Classifica- 
tion of Rocks. 
Conant, Albert Jasper. Vt., 1821- 

. A naturalist who was for some 

time curator in the University of Wis- 
consin. Footprints of Vanished Races 
in the Valley of the Mississippi. 

Conant, Mrs. Hannah O'Brien 

[Chaplin]. Ms., 1809-1865. Wife 
of T. J. Conant, infra, and daughter 
of J. Chaplin, supra. An Oriental 
scholar who assisted her husband in 
his literary work, made important 
translations from the German of Strauss, 
Neander, and Uhden, and was the au- 
thor of History of the English Bible ; 
Popular History of English Bible 
Translation ; The Earnest Man, a sketch 
of Judson the missionary. 

Conant, Mrs. Helen [Steevens]. 

Ms., 1839 -. Wife of S. S. Conant, 

infra. A magazinist of New York 
city. The Butterfly Hunters ; Primers 
of German and Spanish Literature. 

Conant, Samuel Stillman. Me., 
1831-1885. Son of T. J. Conant, infra. 
A journalist of New York, managing 
editor of Harper's Weekly, 1869-85, 
and translator of Lermon toff's Circas- 
sian Boy. 

Conant, Thomas Jefferson. Vt., 
1802-1891. A Baptist clergyman who 
was one of the foremost Hebrew schol- 
ars of his time. Baptism, its Meaning 


and its Use PhilologicaUy and Histori- 
cally Considered. His editions of The 
Book of Job ; The Book of Proverbs ; 
Genesis ; Psalms ; Prophecies of Isaiah ; 
Historical Books of the Old Testament 
from Joshua to Second Kings ; The 
Gospel by Matthew, constitute a schol- 
ar's version of the Scriptures, amply 
illustrated with critical and philologi- 
cal notes. Fu. 
■Condie, Daniel Francis. Pa., 1796- 
1875. A physician and medical writer 
of Philadelphia. Course of Examina- 
tion for Medical Students ; Catechism 
of Health ; Epidemic Cholera ; Diseases 
of Children. 

Cone, Helen Gray. N. Y., ]S.')9- 

. An instructor in the Normal 

College of New York city, whose writ- 
ing has been mainly in verse. Oberon 
and Puck, verses Grave and Gay ; The 
Ride to the Lady and Other Poems. 

Congdon, Charles Taber. Ms., 
1821-1891. A journalist of New York 
city for some years on the staff of the 
Tribune. Tribune Essays ; Reminis- 
cences of a Journalist ; Recollections of 
a Reader ; Autobiographical Papers. 

Conkling, Alfred. iV^. Y., 1789-1874. 
A jurist of New York whose son was 
the noted statesman, Roscoe Conkling. 
Treatise on Organization and Jurisdic- 
tion of Superior, Circuit, and District 
Courts ; Admiralty Jurisdiction ; Pow- 
ers of the Executive Department of the 
United States ; Young Citizen's Man- 

Conkling, Alfred Ronald. N. Y., 

1850 . Grandson of A. Conkling, 

supra. A lawyer of New York city. 
Appleton's Guide to Mexico ; City Gov- 
ernment in the United States ; Hand- 
book for Voters in New York city ; 
Life of Roscoe Conkling. Ap. 

Conn, Herbert William. Ms., 1859- 

. A biologist whose specialty is 

the bacteriology of milk ; instructor 
and professor of biology at Wesleyan 
University from 1884. Evolution of To- 
Day; The Living World: Whence it 
Came and Whither it is Drifting. Put. 

Connelly, Mrs. Celia [Logan]. Pa., 
1839 . A journalist and play- 
wright of Washington. An American 
Marriage is one of her plays. 


Connelly, Emma M. Ky., IS- — 

. A writer of New York city. 

Under the Surface; Tilting- at Wind 
Mills, a Story of the Blue Grass Coun- 
try ; The Story of Kentucky. Lo. 

Conrad, Frederick 'William. Pa., 

1810 . A Lutheran clergyman of 

Philadelphia, editor of The Lutheran 
Observer from 1867. The Lutheran 
Doctrine of Baptism ; Analysis of Lu- 
ther's Small Catechism : The Evangel- 
ical Lutheran Church ; The Call to the 
Ministry ; The Liturgical Question. • 

Conrad, Robert Taylor. Pa., 1810- 
18.58. A lawyer of Philadelphia and 
mayor of that city in 1854, who was 
once noted as a dramatic poet. Ayl- 
mere, or the Bondman of Kent, is a 
tragedy in which Jack Cade is the 
chief figure, a role in which Edwin 
Forrest was very successful. Conrad 
of Naples, anotlier tragedy, had also a 
measure of popularity. 

Conrad, Timothy Abbott. N. J., 
180.3-1877. A conchologist who pub- 
lished Fossil Shells of the Tertiary 
Formations of North America ; New 
Fresh -Water Shells of the United 
States ; Miocene Shells of the United 
States ; Palaeontology of State of New 

Converse, Mrs. Harriet [Mas- 
well]. N. Y., 184 . A writer 

of verse and prose in New York city. 
Sheaves, a collection of verses ; The 
Religious Festivals of the Iroquois In- 
dians ; Mythology and Folk-Lore of 
the North American Indian. 

Conway, Katherine Eleanor. N. 
Y., 1853 . A journalist of Bos- 
ton, on the editorial staff of The Pilot. 
Songs of the Siuirise Slope ; A Dream 
of Lilies, a volume of poems ; A Lady 
and Her Letters ; Making Friends and 
Keeping Them. 

Conway, Moncure Daniel. Va., 

1832 . A Unitarian clergyman of 

extremely radical views, wlio has for 
many years been in charge of a con- 
gregation in London. He has been a 
prolific writer in several fields, the 
larger number of his writings being 
The Rejected Stone ; Idols and Ideals ; 
Demonology and Devil Lore ; The Wan- 
dering Jew ; Sketch of Carlyle ; The 
Earthward Pilgrimage ; Sacred An- 
thology, a compilation ; Emerson at 


Home and Abroad ; George Washing- 
ton and Mount Vernon ; Omitted Chap- 
ters in Life and Letters of Edmund 
Randolph ; Life of Thomas Faine ; 
Tracts for To-Day ; Natural History 
of the Devil ; The Golden Hour ; Tes- 
timonies Concerning Slavery; Human 
Sacrifices in England ; Lessons for the 
Day ; Travels in South Kensington ; A 
Necklace of Stories ; Pine and Palm, a 
novel ; Prisms of Air, a novel. Har, 

Conwell, Russell H. Ms., 1842 . 

A Baptist minister of Philadelphia. 
Why the Chinese Emigrate ; Woman 
and the Law ; Life of President Hayes ; 
Life of Bayard Taylor; Life of Presi- 
dent Garfield ; Joshua Giavencola, the 
Captain of the Vineyards of Lucema. 
Lo. Mer. 

Conyngham, David Power. /., 
1840-1883. A New York journahst, 
editor of The Tablet. Sherman's 
March Through the South ; Lives of 
the Irish Saints and Martyrs ; The 
Irish Brigade and its Campaigns. In 
fiction : Sarsfield, or the Last Great 
Struggle for Ireland ; The O'DonneUs 
of Glen Cottage ; O'Mahoney, Chief 
of the Commeraghs ; Rose Pamell, the 
Flower of Avondale. 

Cook, Albert John. Mch., 1842 . 

A professor of zoology at Michigan 
Agricultural College. Injurious In- 
sects of Michigan ; Manual of the 

Cook, Albert Stanborough. N.J., 

1853 . A professor of English at 

Yale University, who has edited Sie- 
Ter's Old English Grammar ; Judith, 
an Old English Epic Fragment; Sid- 
ney's Defence of Poesy. Gi. 

Cook, Clarence Chatham. Ms., 

1828 . An art critic of New York 

city, and editor of The Studio. He 
has edited Liibke's History of Art, and 
published also The House Beautiful ; 
Essays on Beds and Tables, Stools and 
Candlesticks ; The Central Park. Scr. 

Cook, George Hammell. N. J., 
1818-1889. A professor of geology at 
Rutgers College and State geologist, 
whose only published work is The Geo- 
logy of New Jersey. 

Cook, Joel. Pa., 1842 . A PhU- 

adelphia journalist, financial editor of 


the Public Ledger. Brief Summer 
Eambles near Pluladelpliia ; An East- 
em Tour at Home ; A Holiday Tour in 
Europe ; England, Picturesque and De- 
scriptive; The Siege of Richmond. 

Cook, Joseph. N. T., 1838 . A 

Boston lecturer whose Monday morning 
lectures at Tremont Temple were at 
one time very popular, hut whose shal- 
low, pretentious thought provoked 
much criticism from scholarly, accurate 
minds. Boston Monday Lectures, in 
ten volumes ; Current Religious Perils, 
with Other Addresses on Leading Re- 
forms. Hou. 

Cook, Marc. B. I., 18.54-1882. A 
journalist of !New York. The Wilder- 
ness Cure ; Vandyke Brown Poems. 

Cook, Richard Briscoe. Md., 1838- 
. A Baptist clergyman of Wil- 
mington, Delaware. The Story of the 
Baptists in all Ages and Countries. 

Cook, Theodore Pease. Ms., 1844- 

. Brother of M. Cook, supra. A 

journalist of Utica, who published a 
Life of Samuel J. TUden. Ap. 

Cooke, George "Willis. Mch., 1848- 
. A Unitarian clergyman of Lex- 
ington, Massachusetts, who has done 
much excellent work in criticism. 
George Eliot : a Critical Study ; Ralph 
Waldo Emerson : his Life, Writings, 
and Philosophy ; Poets and Problems, 
Studies of Tennyson, Ruskin, and 
Browning ; Guide Book to Browning ; 
The Clapboard Trees Parish, Dedham, 
a History. Sou. 

Cooke, John Esten. Va., 1830-1886. 
A noted Virginia author who served in 
the Confederate army during the Civil 
War. He wrote much historical fiction. 
The Virginia Comedians being the 
most famous of his romances. Leather 
Stocking and Silk ; The Youth of Jef- 
ferson ; Surry of Eagle's Nest ; Wear- 
ing the Gray ; My Lady Pokahontas ; 
Henry St. John, reissued as Bonnybel 
Vane ; Mohun, or the Last Days of Lee 
and his Paladins ; Her Majesty the 
Queen ; Pretty Mrs. Gaston ; Stories of 
the Old Dominion ; The Maurice Mys- 
tery ; Mr. Grantley's Idea ; Professor 
Pressensee ; Virginia Bohemians ; Ham- 
mer and Rapier ; Hilt to HUt, include 
the greater part of his work in fiction. 
He wrote also Life of General Lee ; 



Stonewall Jackson, a Biography ; Vir- 
ginia, a History of the People. Ap. 
Har. Hou. Lip. 

Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Ms., 1827- 
1894. A chemist of distinction who 
was professor of chemistry at Harvard 
University from ia50, and lectured in 
many places on scientific topics. Re- 
ligion and Chemistry; Scientific Cul- 
ture ; Elements of Chemical Physics ; 
Chemical Problems and Reactions; 
Principles of Chemical Philosophy ; The 
New Chemistry; The Credentials of 
Science the Warrant of Faith ; Labora- 
tory Practice. Ap. Scr. 

Cooke, Nicholas Francis. H. I., 

1829-188.5. A once prominent physi- 
cian of Chicago. Satan in Society ; An- 
tiseptic Medication. 

Cooke, Parsons. Ms., 1800-1864. A 
Congregational clergyman of Lynn, 
strongly Calvinistie in doctrine and 
controversially incUned. History of 
German Anabaptism ; A Century of 
Puritanism and a Century of its Oppo- 

Cooke, Philip Pendleton. Va., 
1816-1850. Brother of J. E. Cooke, 
supra. A Virginia lawyer whose verse 
was once very much admired, and 
whose Florence Vane still lingers in 
the anthologies. The Froissart BaUads, 
and Other Poems. See Griswold's 
Poets and Poetry of America; Hart's 
American Literature. 

Cooke, Philip St. George. Va., 
1809-1895. Uncle of J. E. Cooke, su- 
pra. A brigadier-general in the United 
States army who retired in 1873. 
Scenes and Adventures in the Army ; 
Handy Book for United States Cav- 
alry ; Cavalry Tactics ; Conquest of 
New Mexico and California. 

Cooke, Mrs. Rose [Terry]. Ct., 
1827-1892. A New England writer 
well known both as a poet and a writer 
of short stories of notable excellence. 
Poems by Rose Terry ; Happy Dodd ; 
Somebody's Neighbors ; The Sphinx's 
Children and Other People's ; Stead- 
fast ; Huckleberries. In 1888 a com- 
plete collection of her poems was made, 
including the contents of her early 
volume and her later work in vei^e. 
The Two Villages is her best known 
poem, as it is one of her best. Sou. 




Cookman, Alfred. 1828-1871. A 
Methodist clergyraan who published 
Stayed on God. See lAfe hy H. B. 
Bidgaway, iS71. 

Coolbrith, Ina Donna. 11., 18 — 
. A California poet, formerly li- 
brarian of the Oakland Public Library. 
Her work, though uneven in quality, is 
nearly always musical. The Perfect 
Day and Other Poems; Songs of the 
Golden Gate. 3ou. 

Cooley , Le Roy Clark. N. Y., 1833- 

. A professor of physics at Vas- 

sar College. Text-Book of Physics ; 
Text-Book of Chemistry ; Easy Exper- 
iments in Physical Science ; Natural 
Philosophy ; Elements of Chemistry ; 
Students' Guide Book ; Beginners' 
Guide to Chemistry ; Laboratory Stud- 
ies in Elementary Chemistry. 

Cooley, Thomas Mclntyre. N. Y., 

1824 — ■ . A jurist of prominence in 

Michigan, professor of history in the 
University of Michigan. Law of Tax- 
ation ; Law of Torts ; General Princi- 
ples of Constitutional Law in the United 
States ; Treatise on Constitutional Lim- 
itations of the Legislative Power in the 
Several States ; annotated editions of 
Blaekstone's Story's Commentaries ; 
Michigan, a History of Governments. 
Hou. Lit. 

Coolidge, Susan. See Woolsey, Sarah. 

Coombs, Mrs. Annie [Sheldon]. 
N. Y., 18.58-1890. A novelist of New 
York city. As Common Mortals; A 
Game of Chance ; The Garden of Ar- 
mida. Ap. 

Cooper, Ellwood. Pa., 1829 . 

A horticulturist of southern Califor- 
nia, president of the State board of 
horticulture. Statistics of Trade with 
Hayti ; Forest Culture and Eucalyptus 
Trees ; Treatise on Olive Culture. 

Cooper, James Fenimore. N. J., 
1789-1851. The first American writer 
to gain general European recognition, 
and the first native novelist who won a 
national reputation. Although much 
that he wrote is nearly forgotten, the 
best of his work survives and is still 
popular. His first novel. Precaution, 
a conventional, mediocre piece of writ- 
ing, appeared in 1820, and was followed, 
in 1821, by The Spy, the most famous 
of aU his books, having been translated 
into all the principal languages of Eu- 

rope. Almost as famous is The Last 
of the Mohicans, a much greater work. 
Among his tales of the sea, The Pilot 
and The Ked Rover are the best, as the 
five Leather Stocking tales — The Deer- 
slayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The 
Pathfinder, The Pioneers, The Prairie, 
— are the best of his stories of Lidian 
life. His other fictions include The 
Bravo ; Lionel Lincoln, or The Leaguer 
of Boston; The Water- Witch; The 
Two Admirals ; The Wept of Wish-ton- 
Wish ; The Heidenmauer ; The Heads- 
man ; Homeward Bound ; Home as 
Found ; The Monikins, the weakest of 
all his works ; Mercedes of Castile ; 
Wing-and-Wing ; Wyandotte ; Afloat 
and Ashore ; Satanstoe ; The Chain- 
bearer ; The Red Skins ; Jack Tier ; 
The Crater ; The Oak Openmgs ; The 
Sea Lions ; The Ways of the Hour ; 
MUes Wallingford. He wrote, also, 
History of the United States Navy ; 
Sketches of Switzerland ; Gleanings in 
Europe ; Notions of the Americans. 
See Lowell's Fable for Critics; Bry- 
ant's Memorial Discourse, 1852; Cof- 
fin's Home of Cooper, 1872 ; Life, by 
Lounsbury, 1882; Bryant and his 
Friends, 1886 ; Richardson's American 
Literature ; The Bookman, March, 1897. 
Ap. Hou. Put. 

Cooper, Myles. E., 1735-1785. An 
Episcopal clergyman who came to 
America in 1762, and was president of 
King's (now Columbia) College, 1763- 
1775. Being an ardent loyalist, he was 
obliged to leave the colony, and re- 
turned to England. Friendly Adrice 
to all Reasonable Americans on our 
Political Confusions ; Poems on Sev- 
eral Occasions ; Address to the Epis- 
copalians of Virginia; The American 

Cooper, Peter. N. Y., 1791-1883. A 
famous philanthropist of New Tork 
city who founded the Cooper Institute. 
Ideas for a System of Good Govern- 
ment ; Financial Opinions, with Auto- 

Cooper, Susan Fenimore. N. Y., 
1813-1894. Daughter of J. F. Cooper, 
supra. A writer of rural sketches, 
whose life was passed at Cooperstown, 
New York. Rural Hours ; Country 
Rambles ; Rhyme and Reason ; Coun- 
try Life; The Shield, a Narrative; 


Mount Vernon and the Children of 
America. Hou. 

Cooper, Thomas. K, 1759-1840. A 
noted scientist who came to America 
in 1795 with Dr. Priestley, infra, and 
was president of the College of South 
Carolina, 1820-34. Letters on the 
Slave Trade; Tracts Ethical, Theo- 
log^ical, and Political ; Information con- 
cerning America ; The Bankrupt Law 
of America compared with that of 
Eng'land ; Tracts on Medical Jurispru- 
dence ; Elements of Political Economy ; 
An English Version of the Institutes 
of Justinian. 

Cooper, "William. Ms., 1694-1743. 
A once famous Congregational minister 
of Boston. Tract Defending Inocula- 
tion for the Small Pox, 1720 ; The Doc- 
trine of Predestination unto Life. 

Cope, Edward Drinker. Fa., 1840- 
1897. A noted Philadelphia natural- 
ist. Origin of Genera ; Extinct Batra- 
chia and Reptilia of North America; 
Primary Groups of Batraohia Anura ; 
Systematic Relations of the Fishes ; 
Vertebrate Paljeontology of New Mex- 
ico ; Tertiary Vertebrata of the West ; 
The Origin of the Fittest, include the 
more important of his writings. Ap. 

Cope, Gilbert. Pa., 1840 . A 

genealogist of Pennsylvania. Record 
of the Cope Family; The Browns of 
Nottingham ; Genealogy of the Dutton 
Family ; Genealogy of the Sharpless 
Family ; History of Chester County, 

Copp6e, Henry. Ga., 1821-1895. A 
prominent educator, president of Lehigh 
University, 1866-75, and professor there 
until his death. During the Mexican 
War he served as an officer in the 
American army. His most important 
work is a History of the Conquest of 
Spain by the Arab Moore, which takes 
up the narrative at the period reached 
at the close of Irving's Mahomet and 
his Successors." His other works com- 
prise Elements of Logic ; Elements of 
Rhetoric ; Grant and his Campaigns ; 
Manual of Battalion Drill ; Evolutions 
of the Line ; Manual of Court Martial. 

Copway, George, or Kah-ge-ga- 
gah-bowh. JWcA., 1818- c. 1869. An 
Indian of the Ojibway tribe who was a 
journalist in New York City, and was 



well known as a lecturer. Recollections 
of a Forest Life ; Copway's " American 
Indian ; " The Traditional History of 
the Ojibway Nation ; The Ojibway Con- 
quest, a poem; Running Sketches of 
Men and Places in Europe, include the 
most of his writings. 

Corbin, Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth 
[Fairfield]. Ct, 1835 . A Chi- 
cago writer of fiction and other works. 
Rebecca ; His Marriage Vow ; Belle and 
the Boys ; A Woman's Philosophy of 
Love, a psychological treatise. Le. 

Corbin, John. 11, 1870 . Son of 

Mrs. Corbin, supra. The Elizabethan 
Hamlet. Scr. 

Cornelius, Elias. N. Y., 1794-1852. 
A missionary to the Cherokee Indians 
who wrote The Little Osage Captive, an 
Authentic Narrative. 

Cornell, Alonzo Barton. N. T., 

1832 . A governor of New York, 

1880-83, and a son of the founder of 
Cornell University. His only publica- 
tion is True and Firm, a Biography of 
Ezra Cornell : a Filial Tribute. Bar. 

Cornell, John Henry. N. Y., 1828- 

1894. A musician and organist of New 
York City. Primer of Modern Musical 
Tonality ; Practice of Sight Singing ; 
Easy Method of Modulation ; Theory 
and Practice of Musical Form ; A Man- 
ual of Roman Chant ; Congregational 
Tune Book. 

Cornell, William Mason. Ifs., 1802- 

1895. A physician of Boston and else- 
where. Robert Raikes, the Founder 
of Sunday Schools ; Life of Horace 
Greeley ; Grammar of the English Lan- 
guage ; Consumption Prevented ; Trea^ 
tise on Epilepsy ; History of Pennsyl- 
vania, include the most of his writings. 
Fu. Lo. 

Cornwall, Henry Bedinger. Ct., 

1844 . A professor of mineralogy 

at Princeton- College since 1873, who 
has published A Manual of Blow-Pipe 

Cornwallis, Kinahan. E., 1835- 

. A New York journalist who 

came to America about 1860. His more 
important works are Yarra Yarra, or 
the Wandering Aborigine, a Poetical 
Narrative ; The New Eldorado of Brit- 
ish Columbia ; Wreck and Ruin, or 
Modem Society ; My Life and Adven- 




tures, an Autobiography ; Adrift -with 
a Vengeance ; Pilgrims of Fashion ; 
The Gold Room and the New York 
Stock Exchange. Har. 

Corn-well, Henry Sylvester. N. H., 
1831-1886. A physician of New Lon- 
don, Connecticut, who wrote much 
thoughtful verse. The Land of Dreams 
and Other Poems (1879), is the only 
collection that has been made of his 

Corson, Hiram. Pa., 1828- 

Chaucerian and Early English scholar, 
professor at Cornell University since 
1870. The Voice and Spiritual Educa- 
tion ; Elocutionary Manual ; Jottings on 
the Text of Hamlet ; Introduction to 
the Study of Browning ; Lectures on 
English Language and Literature ; The 
Aims of Literary Study ; Vocal Cul- 
ture in Relation to Literary Study ; 
Thesaurus of Early English ; Hand- 
book of Anglo-Saxon and Early Eng- 
lish. He has also edited Chaucer's 
Legende of Goode Women. Gi. Ho. 

Corson, Juliet. Ms., 1842-1897. A 
cooking instructor of New York, found- 
er of the School of Cooking there in 
1876. Cooking Manual ; Cooking School 
Text-Book ; Twenty-Five Cent Dinners 
for Families of Six ; Meals for the 
Million ; Practical American Cookery ; 
Family Living on Five Hundred Dol- 
lars a Year ; Diet for Invalids and 
Children. Do. Har. 

Corthell, Elmer La-wrence. Ms., 
1840 . A civil engineer of distinc- 
tion. History of the Jetties at the 
Mouth of the Mississippi. 

Cor-wrin, Ed-ward Tanjore. N. Y., 
1834 — ■ — . A Reformed Dutch cler- 
gyman of New Jersey, among whose 
works are Manual of the Reformed 
Protestant Dutch Church in North 
America ; Manual of the Reformed 
Chtirch in America ; Corwin Genea- 

Cossett, France-way Ranna. N. H., 
1790-1863. A Cumberland Presbyte- 
rian clergyman of Tennessee. He pub- 
lished The Life and Times of Ewing, 
which gives a history of the beginnings 
of the Cumberland Presbyterian de- 

Cotheal, Alexander Isaac. N. Y., 
1804-1894. An Oriental scholar of New 

York City who published Sketch of the 
Language of the Mosquito Indians; 
Atoff the Generous, a translation from 
the Arabic. 

Cotting, John Ruggles. Ms., 1783- 
1867. A once noted Georgia scientist. 
Introduction to Chemistry ; Lectures 
on Geology ; Soils and Manures. 

Cotton, John. E., 1585-1652. The 
foremost clergyman of his century in 
New England. He came to the Massa- 
chusetts colony in 1633, having been 
for 20 years vicar of St. Botolph's 
church in Boston, Lincolnshire. He 
was at once made teacher of the church 
in the new settlement of Boston, and 
until his death exercised an influence 
in church and state unequalled by any 
one since in New England. He was a 
prolific writer, but his writings have no 
charm of style, and the power which he 
wielded was a force that lay in the man 
himself, not in his books. His princi- 
pal works comprise The Bloody Tenet 
Washed and made White in the Blood 
of the Lamb, a reply to Roger Wil- 
liams's famous " Bloody Tenet of Per- 
secution " ; A Brief Exposition upon 
Ecclesiastes ; The Covenant of Grace ; 
The Keys of the Kingdom of Hea- 
ven ; The Way of the Congregational 
Churches Cleared ; The Way of Lite ; 
Treatise concerning Predestination ; 
The New Covenant ; Meat for Strong 
Men, Spiritual Milk for Babes. See 
Cotton Mather's Magnalia ; Lives by 
Norton, 1653; McClure, 1843; Tyler's 
American Literature. 

Coues [kowz], Elliott. N. S., 1842- 

. An eminent naturalist connected 

with the Smithsonian Institution. Key 
to North American Birds ; Field Orni- 
thology ; Birds of the Northwest ; Fur- 
Bearing Animals ; Check List of North 
American Birds ; Birds of the Colorado 
Valley ; New England Bird Life (with 
W. A. Steams) ; Biogen, a Speculation 
on the Origin of Life ; The Daemon of 
Darwin; Our Native Birds. Est. Le. 

Coulter, John Merle. Ch., 1851^ . 

A botanist who was president of the In- 
diana State University, 1891-93. Syn- 
opsis of the Flora of Colorado (with 
T. C. Porter) ; Manual of Rocky Moun- 
tain Botany ; Manual of Texan Botany ; 

Text-Book of Western Botany (with 
Asa Gray, infra). 

Councilman, "William Thomas. 

Md., 1854 . A physician and iu- 

stniotor at the Harvard Medical School. 
Contribution to the Study of Inflamma- 
tion ; On Arterio Sclerosis ; Syphilis of 
the Lungs ; On the .^Etiology of Mala- 
ria, and other "works. 

Courtenay [kurt'ni], Edward Hen- 
ry. Md., 1803-1853. A civil engineer 
who was professor of mathematics in 
the University of Virginia, 1842-53, and 
published a Treatise on DifEerential 
Calculus and the Calculus of Varia- 

Covell, James. Ms., 1796-1845. A 
Methodist clergyman of New York and 
Vermont who published a Dictionary 
of the Bible. Meth. 

Cowan, Frank. Pa., 1844- 


Cox, Edward Travera. Va., 1821- 

. A geologist of New York City 

who made a number of important sur- 
veys, and published Annual Reports of 
the Geological Survey of Indiana. 

Cox, Jacob Dolson. O., 1828 . 

An Ohio lawyer who served in the 
Union army during the Civil War as 
major-general, was governor of Ohio, 
18(30-67, Secretary of the Interior, 1869- 
1870, and president of Cincinnati Uni- 
versity, 1885. Atlanta : The March to 
the Sea; The Second Battle of Bull 
Run as connected with the Fitz-John 
Porter Case. Scr. 

Cox, Palmer. Q., 1840 . An ar- 
tist of New York City widely known 
by the various volumes of the Brownie 
Books, a series of juveniles consisting 
of very original humourous pictures 
and somewhat indifferent verses. Oth- 
er works of his include Squibs, or Every- 
Day Life Illustrated ; Hans Von Fet- 
ter's Trip to Gotham ; How Columbus 
Found America ; That Stanley ; Queer 
People, such as Goblins, etc. ; Queer 
People with Claws and Wings ; Queer 
People with Wings and Stings. Cent. 
Cox, Samuel Hanson. N. J., 1793- 
1880. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
the New School party noted for his 
eccentricities and fondness for contro- 
versy. Quakerism not Christianity ; 
Theopneuston, or Select Scriptures Con- 
sidered ; Interviews Memorable and 
Useful, are his most important writ- 
Cox, Samuel Sullivan. 0., 1824^ 
1889. A noted Democratic Congress- 
man from Ohio, and later from New 
York, who was a popular lecturer, hu- 
mourist, and writer of travels. He was 
minister to Turkey, 1885-86. Eight 
Years in Congress ; Why We Laugh ; 
Three Decades of Federal Legislation ; 
Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey ; 
A Buckeye Abroad ; Search for Win- 
ter Sunbeams in the Riviera, Corsica, 
Algiers, and Spain ; Arctic Sunbeams ; 
Orient Sunbeams ; Free Land and Free 
Trade. Har. 
Coxe, Arthur Cleveland. N. J., 
1818-1896. The second Protestant 
Episcopal bishop of Western New 
York. A son of S. H. Cox, supra, hay- 
ing adopted an older spelling of his 
surname. A writer of much force and 

Pennsylvania lawyer and journalist, who 
has travelled extensively and who en- 
tered Corea before that country had 
made any treaties with foreign nations. 
Curious Fa«ts in the History of Insects ; 
Zomara, a Romance of Spain ; South- 
western Pennsylvania in Song and Sto- 
ry ; The City of the Royal Palm, and 
Other Poems ; A Visit in Verse to Hon- 
olulu ; Fact and Fancy in New Zea- 

Cowdin, Jasper Barnett. 18 — 

. Esther's Wedding and Other 


Cowell, Benjamin. Ms., 1781-1860. 
A jurist of Providence who published 
an historical work. The Spirit of '76. 

Cowen, Patrick H. 18—. Di- 
gest of Criminal Decisions of the Court 
of New York; Reports of Criminal 
Cases ; The Poor Laws of the State of 
New York. 

Cowles [k5lz], Henry. Ct., 1803- 
1881. A Congregational clergyman 
who was professor of theology at Ober- 
lin College, 1835-48. Gospel Manna 
for Christian Pilgrims ; Hebrew His- 
tory ; Critical Notes on the Old and New 
Testament, in 16 volumes. Ap. 

Cowley, Charles. E., 1832 . A 

lawyer of Lowell. Memories of the In- 
dians and Pioneers of Lowell ; Illus- 
trated History of Lowell; Famous 
Divorces of all Ages; Our Divorce 




originality, holding opinions with great 
tenacity and much given to controversy. 
Christian Ballads ; Halloween ; Atha- 
nasius and Other Poems ; Advent, a 
Mystery ; Saul, a Mystery ; Athwold, 
a Romaunt ; St. Jonathan, the Lay of 
a Scald, include his writings in verse. 
His other works comprise Impressions 
of England ; Thoughts on the Services ; 
ApoUos, or the Way of God ; The Cri- 
terion, a Means of Distinguishing Truth 
from Error ; Institutes of Christian His- 
tory ; Signs of the Times ; L'Episcopat 
de rOecident, a defence of Anglican 
theology ; The Penitential. Ap. Dut. 

Coxe, Eckley Brinton. Pa., 1S39- 

. A Pennsylvania mining engineer 

who has published Theoretical Me- 

Coxe, John Redman. N. J., 1773- 
1864. A noted physician who was the 
first to introduce the practice of vac- 
cination in Philadelplua. Inflamma- 
tion ; Importance of Medicine ; Vacci- 
nation ; Combustion ; American Dispen- 
satory ; Recognition of Friends in 
Another World ; Agaricus Atramenta- 
rius ; The Writings of Hippocrates 
and Galen Epitomized ; Refutation of 
Harvey's Claim to the Discovery of the 
Circulation of the Blood ; Appeal to 
the Public. 

Coxe, Margaret. N. J., 1800-18—. 
Claims of the Country on American 
Females ; Wonders of the Deep j La- 
dies' Companion. 

Coxe, Tench. Pa., 175.5-1824. A 
once noted Philadelphia writer on com- 
merce and political economy. Inquiry 
into the Principles of a Commercial 
System for the United States ; View 
of the United States ; On the Naviga- 
tion Act ; Thoughts on Naval Power ; 
Address on American Manufactures. 

Coyle, John Patterson. Pa., 18.52- 
1805. A Congregational clergyman 
formerly of North Adams, Massachu- 
setts, but settled in Denver at the time 
of his death. The Imperial Christ, 
with a Biographical Introduction by 
George A. Gates ; The Spirit in Litera- 
ture and Life. Sou. 

Cozzens, Frederick Swartout. 
N. Y., 1818-1869. A wine merchant 
of New York City, once noted as a 
humourist, but now neglected. The 

Sparrowgrass Papers ; Acadia, or a So- 
journ among the Blue Noses ; Sayings 
of Dr. Bushwhacker and Other Learned 
Men ; Stone House on the Susquehan- 
na ; Prismatics ; Fitz-Greene HaUeck, 
a Memorial. 

Cozzens, Issachar. R.I., 1781-18—. 
Uncle of F. S. Cozzens, supra. A min- 
eralogist who published History of 
New York Island. 

Cozzens, Samuel 'Woodworth. 
Ms., 1834-1878. A lawyer of Arizona. 
Nobody's Husband ; The Marvellous 
Country, or Three Years in Arizona ; 
The Young Trail Hunters ; The Young 
Silver Seekers ; Crossing the Quick- 
sands. Le. 

Craddock, Charles Egbert. See 
Murfree, Mary Noailles. 

Crafts, Wilbur Fisk. Me., 1850 . 

A Congregational clergyman of New 
York City and elsewhere. Through the 
Eye to the Heart; Childhood; The 
Ideal Sunday-School ; The Rescue of 
Child Soul ; Must the Old Testament 
Go ? ; The Sabbath for Man ; Talks to 
Boys and Girls about Jesus ; Successful 
Men of To-Day ; Practical Christian 
Sociology, include the larger number 
of his writings. Fu. lie. 

Crafts, ^A/■illiam. S. C, 1787-1826. 
A once noted lawyer and journalist of 
Charleston. See Poems, Essays, and 
Orations, with Memoir, by S. Gilman, 
infra, 1828. 

Crafts, William Augustus. 1819- 
. A Boston writer. Life of Gen- 
eral Grant; History of the United 
States ; Pioneers in the Settlement of 

Cram, Ralph Adams. N. H., 1863- 

. An architect of Boston. The 

Decadent, being the Gospel of Inac- 
tion ; Black Spirits and White, a book 
of ghost stories ; In the Island of 
Avalon, a book of verse. Cop. St. 

Cranch, Christopher Pearse. Va., 
1813-1892. Son of W. Cranch, infra. 
He was ordained as a Unitarian min- 
ister, but after a few years in the 
ministry gave up his profession and de- 
voted himself to art. For many years 
he lived in Italy and Paris, but his 
later years were spent in Cambridge, 
Massachusetts. His early sympathies 
were with the New England Transcen- 


dentalists, and his best known poem, 
Thought, was wiitten for The Dial. 
His work as a poet is uneven, hut at 
its best is excellent. It never strongly 
appealed to popular tastes, but was al- 
ways appreciated by thoughtful minds. 
Poems, 1844 ; The Bird and the Bell, 
and Other Poems ; Ariel and Caliban, 
and Other Poems ; Satan : a Libretto ; 
The ^neid in English Blank Verse. 
The Last of the Huggermuggers ; Kob- 
boltzo, are juvenile prose tales. Hou. 

Cranch, Richard. E., 1726-1811. A 
lawyer of Braintree, Massachusetts, 
who published Views of the Prophets 
concerning Anti-Christ. 

Cranch, "William. Ms., 1769-1855. 
Son of R. Cranch, supra. A noted ju- 
rist who was chief justice of the Dis- 
trict of Columbia, 1805-55. Reports 
of Cases in the United States District 
Court of the District of Columbia, 
1801-41 ; Supreme Court Reports, 

Crandall, Charles Henry. N. Y., 
1858 . A litterateur of Spring- 
dale, Connecticut. Wayside Music, a 
book of verse. JPtit. 

Crane, Cephas Bennett. 1833 . 

A Baptist clergyman of Boston. The 
Spiritual Court of the Christian Church. 

Crane, Jonathan Townley. N. J., 

1819-1880. A Methodist clergyman of 
New Jersey. Methodism and its Meth- 
ods ; The Right Way ; Essay on Dan- 
cing ; Popular Amusements ; Arts of 
Intoxication; Holiness the Birthright 
of aU God's ChUdren. 

Crane, Oliver. N. J., 1822-1896. 
A Presbyterian clergyman who lived 
in Boston during his latest years. 
Minto and Other Poems ; Virgil's Ae- 
neid translated literally into English 
dactylic hexameter. 

Crane, Stephen. N. J., 1870 . 

A popular novelist of New York City. 
George's Mother; The Black Riders 
and Other Lines, a collection of wil- 
fully eccentric verse ; The Red Badge 
of Courage, a striking historical ro- 
mance of the Civil War in America ; 
Maggie, a story of slum life. Ap. Ccp. 

Crane, Thomas Frederick. JV. Y., 

1844 . A professor of Romance 


ian Popular Tales ; The Exempla, or 
Illustrative Stories from the Sermones 
of Jacques de Vitry ; Tableaux de la 
Revolution Fran^aise ; Le Romantisme 
Frangaise ; La ^oai&t& FranQaiae au Dix- 
septi^me Si^cle ; Chansons Popnlaires 
de la France. 

Crane, 'William Carey. Va., 1816- 
1885. A Baptist clergyman of Texas, 
president of Baylor University, 1863- 
1885, which was renamed Crane College 
in his honour, 1885. Discourses ; LU e 
of Sam. Houston, and lesser works. 

Crawford, Mrs. Alice [Arnold]. 
Wis., 1850-1874. A Milwaukee writer 
who published A Few Thoughts for a 
Few Friends, a collection of verse. 

Cra-wford, Francis Marion. ly., 
1854 . A son of the noted sculp- 
tor, Crawford. His life has been mainly 
spent in Italy, where he has devoted 
himself to novel - writing with great 
perseverance. His novels are of vary- 
ing degrees of excellence and always 
entertaining, but none of them reach 
the high-water mark of enduring ex- 
cellence. Mr. Isaacs ; Dr. Claudius ; 
A Roman Singer ; To Leeward ; An 
American Politician ; Zoroaster ; Adam 
Johnstone's Sin ; A Tale of a Lonely 
Parish ; Saracinesca ; Marzio's Crucifix ; 
Paul Patoff ; With the Immortals ; 
Greifenstein ; Sant' Ilario ; A Cigarette- 
maker's Romance ; Khaled ; The Witch 
of Prague ; The Three Fates ; Don Or- 
sino ; Children of the King ; Pietro 
Ghisleri; Marion Darche ; The Ral- 
stons ; Katherine Lauderdale ; Casa 
Braccio ; Love in Idleness, a Tale of 
Bar Harbour ; The Novel : What it Is ; 
Constantinople, a book of travels ; Ta- 
quisara. See Vedder's American Writ- 
ers. Mac. Mer. Scr. 

Craivford, Nathaniel Morton. Ga., 
1811-1871. A Baptist minister of 
Kentucky, president of Georgetown 
College, Kentucky, 1865-71, and the 
author of Christian Paradoxes. 

Crayon, Porte. See Strother. 

CresTArell, Mrs. Julia [Pleasants]. 

AL, 1827-1886. A Southern writer 
who published Aphelia and Other 
Poems by Two Cousins ; Callamura, an 
allegorical novel. 
Crocker, George Glover. Ms., 1843- 
langTiages at Cornell University. Ital- . A lawyer of Boston. Princi- 



pies of Procedure in DeliberatiTO As- 
Crocker, Mrs. Hannah [Mather]. 
Ms., 1765-1847. A granddaughter of 
Cotton Mather, infra. Letters on Free 
Masonry ; The School of Reform ; Oh- 
serrations on the Righta of Woman. 
Crocker, Uriel Haskell. Ms., 1832- 

. Brother of G. G. Crocker, supra. 

A lawyer of Boston. The Cause of 
Hard Times ; Notes on Common Forms ; 
Book of Massachusetts Law ; Excessiye 
Saving a Cause of Commercial Dis- 
tress; Notes on General Statutes of 
Massachusetts (with G. G. Crocker). 
Crockett, David. Tn., 1786-1836. 
A noted hunter and pioneer who en- 
listed in the Texan army ui the revolt 
against Mexico, and was slain in the 
massacre at the Alamo, in San Antonio. 
Tour to the North and Down East; 
Life of David Crockett, by HimseK 
(1834) ; Colonel Crockett's Exploits in 
Texas ; Life of Martin Van Buren, 
Heir Apparent ; Leisure Hour Musings 
in Rhyme. See Life fcy E. S. Ellis; 
Bibliography of Texas. 
Croffut, 'William Augustus. Ct., 

1835 — ■ . A well-known ioumalist 

attached to many journals. East and 
West, and connected with the United 
States Geological Survey since 1888. 
The War History of Connecticut; A 
Helping Hand ; Bourbon Ballads ; Des- 
eret, an Opera; A Midsummer Lark, 
a humourous vohzme of travels ; The 
Vanderbilts; The Folks Next Door; 
The Prophecy and Other Poems. 
Croly, David Goodman. N. Y., 
182i)-1889. A journalist of New York 
City. Life of Horatio Seymour ; His- 
tory of Reconstruction ; The Positivist 
Primer ; Glimpses of the Future. 
Croly, Mrs. Jane Cunningham. 

" Jennie June." ^.,1831 . Wife 

of D. G. Croly, supra. The founder of 
Sorosis, and editor of Demorest's Mag- 
azine, 1860-87. The originator of du- 
plicate correspondence. Talks on Wo- 
men's Topics ; For Better or Worse ; 
Knitters and Crochet; Letters and 
Monograms ; Cookery Book for Young 
Beginners ; Thrown upon her Own Re- 
sources. Cr. 
Crooks, George Richard. Pa., 
1822-1897. A Methodist clergyman and 


religious ioumaUst. Life of John Mc- 
Clintock, infra ; Life of Matthew Simp- 
son ; First Books in Latin and Greek 
(with J. McClintock) ; Latin-English 
Lexicon (with A. J. Schem). Fu. Ear. 
Crosby, Alpheus. N. H., 1810-1874. 
An educator of Massachusetts who pub- 
lished Greek Lessons ; Greek Fables ; 
Greek Tables ; First Lessons in Geo- 
metry ; an edition of Xenophon's Ana- 
Crosby, Howard. N. J., 1826-1891. 
A Presbyterian clergyman long promi- 
nent in New York City who was chan- 
cellor of the University of New York 
city, 1870-81. The Christian Preach- 
er ; Notes on the New Testament; Life 
of Jesus ; Christ and Science ; At the 
Lord's Table ; Sermons ; Lands of the 
Moslem ; QEdipus Tyraunus of Sopho- 
cles, with Notes ; Bible Manual ; Bible 
Companion ; Bible View of the Jewish 
Church ; The Seven Churches of Asia, 
or Worldliness in the Church ; 
Thoughts on the Pentateuch ; Com- 
mentary on the New Testament, in- 
clude his principal works. Fu. Ban. 
Crosby, Nathan. N. H., 1798-1885. 
Brother of A. Crosby, supra. A prom- 
inent lawyer of Lowell, who published 
First Half Century of Dartmouth Col- 
Crosby, "William Otis. 0., 1850- 

. A professor of geology in the 

Massachusetts Listitute of Technology 
who has published Common Minerals 
and Rocks ; Contributions to the Ge- 
ology of Eastern Massachusetts. 
Cross, Charles Robert. N. T., 

1848 . A professor of physics in 

the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 
nology. Course in Elementary Phys- 
ics ; Lecture Notes on Mechanics and 

Cross, David "W. N. T., 1814 . 

A Cleveland lawyer of local fame as a 
sportsman. Fifty Years with the Rod 
and Gun. 
Cross, Joseph. E., 1813-1893. An 
Episcopal clergyman who from 1829- 
1856 was a prominent Methodist divine. 
The more important of his writings 
include Headlands of Faith ; Pisgah 
Views of the Promised Inheritance ; A 
Year in Europe ; Coals from the Altar ; 
Pauline Charity ; Prelections on Char- 
ity ; Old Wine and New. 


Cross, Mrs. Jane Tandy [Chinn] 

[Harding]. Ky., 1817-1870. Wife 
of J. Cross, supra. Wayside Flowerets ; 
Heart Blossoms for my Little Daugh- 
ters ; Bible Gleanings ; Driftwood ; 
Gonzalo de Cordova, a translation from 
the Spanish ; Duncan Adair, a novel. 

Croswell, Andrew. 1709-1785. A 
Boston clergyman, very active as a con- 
troversialist. The Apostle's Advice 
to the Jailor Improved ; Heaven shut 
against Arminians and Antinomians. 

Croswell, Harry. Ct., 1778-1858. 
An Episcopal clergyman who was rec- 
tor of Trinity Church, New Haven, 
1816-58, hut in earlier life was a polit- 
ical journalist noted for his scathing 
editorials. Young Churchmian's Guide ; 
Manual of Family Prayers ; Guide to 
the Holy Sacrament. 

Croswell, William. Ms., 1804^1851. 
Son of H. Croswell, supra. An Episco- 
pal clergyman of Boston, the first rec- 
tor of the Church of the Advent. Some 
of his hymns appear in various reli- 
gious anthologies and hymnals. Poems 
Sacred and Secular. 

Crowe, "Winfield Scott. Ind., 1850- 

. A Universalist clergyman, of 

Newark, New Jersey, editor of the Uni- 
versalist Monthly. The Man of Evolu- 
tion ; The God of Evolution ; The Lord- 
ship of Jesus. 

Crowell, Eugene. N. Y., 1817-1894. 
A writer of San Francisco, and later of 
New York city, who was a zealous de- 
fender of Spiritualism. The Identity 
of Primitive Christianity with Modern 
Spiritualism; The Spirit World; The 
Philosophy of Death ; Spiritualism and 
Insanity ; The Religion of Spiritual- 

Crowell, ■William. Ms., 1806-1871. 
A Baptist clergyman who published 
The Church Member's Manual of Ec- 
clesiastical Principles ; Church Mem- 
ber's Handbook; History of Baptist 
Literature for Fifty Years. 

Cruger, Mrs. Julia Grinnell [Stor- 

row]. "Julien Gordon." F., 18 

. A popular novelist of New York 

city. A Diplomat's Diary; Poppaea; 
A Successful Man ; A Wedding and 
Other Stories ; Mademoiselle Kfe^da ; 
A Puritan Pagan. Lip. 


Cruger, Mary. N. Y., 1834- 

writer of Montrose, New York. Hy- 
peraesthesia ; A Den of Thieves, or the 
Lay Reader of St. Mark's ; The Van- 
derheyde Manor House ; How She Did 
It ; Brotherhood. Fo. Lo. 
Crummell, Alexander. N. Y., 1819- 

. A coloured Episcopal clergyman 

of Washington. The Future of Africa ; 
Greatness of Christ, and Other Ser- 
mons ; Africa and America. 

Cruse, Christian Frederick. Pa., 

1794-1864. An Episcopal clergyman 
of New York city whose translation of 
the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius 
is a standard English version. 

Cruse, Mary Anne. AL, 18 . 

A writer and educator of Huntsville, 
Alabama. Besides a novel of the Civil 
War, Cameron Hall, she has written 
several popular Sunday-school books, 
such as The Little Episcopalian ; Bes- 
sie MelviUe. 

Cruttenden, Daniel Henry. N. Y., 

1816-1874. An educator of New York 
city, among whose text-books are Sys- 
tematic Arithmetic Series ; The Phi- 
losophy of Language ; Rhetorical Gram- 
Crynkle, Nym. See Wheeler, A. C. 

Culbertson, Matthew^ Simpson. 
Fa., 1818-1862. A Presbyterian mis- 
sionary to China. Darkness in the 
Flowery Kingdom, or Religious Notions 
in North China. 

CuUum, George Washington. N. 
Y., 1809-1892. A brevet major-general 
in the United States army. Military 
Bridges with India-Rubber Pontoons ; 
Biographical Register of the Officers 
and Graduates of the U. S. Military 
Academy at West Point, 1802-90 ; Sys- 
tem of Military Bridges. Hou. 

Cumming, Kate. AL, c. 18.35 . 

A resident of Mobile, prominent during 
the Civil War as an organizer of field 
hospitals in the Confederate army. 
Hospital Life in Tennessee from the 
Battle of Shiloh to the End of the 

Cummings, Amos Jay. N. Y., 1842- 

. A journalist of New York city. 

Horace Greeley Campaign Songster ; 
Sayings of Uncle Rufus; Ziska Let- 




Cumminga, Jeremiah W. D. C, 

iy:ia-LSbt). A once popular Roman 
Catholic clergyman of New York city. 
Italian Legends ; Songs for CathoKo 
Schools; Spiritual Progress; The SU- 
TCr Stole. 

Cummings, Thomas Seir. E., 1804- 
iy94. A New York artist who was 
author of the Historic Annals of the 
National Academy from its Foundation 
to 1865. 

Cummings, Ebenezer Harlow. N. 

C, n9U-1835. A clergyman and mag- 
istrate of Baltimore. Geography of 
Alabama ; History of the Late War 

Cummins, Maria Susanna. Ms., 
1827-1866. A once famous novelist of 
Massachusetts, whose first book, The 
Lamplighter, enjoyed for a time a phe- 
nomenal popularity. Her subsequent 
stories include El Fureidis, a tale of 
Palestine ; Haunted Hearts ; Mabel 
Vaughan. CV. Hou. 

Curtin, Jeremiah. Wis., 1838 . 

Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland ; Hero 
Tales of Ireland ; Tales of the Fairies 
and the Ghost World, collected from 
Oral Tradition in South Munster ; 
Myths and Folk-Tales of the Russians, 
Western Slavs, and Magyars. His 
translations include Tales of Three 
Centuries, from the Russian of Zagos- 
kin ; The Romances of Sienkiewicz, 
from the Polish. Lit. 

Curry, Daniel. N. Y., 1809-1887. A 
Methodist divine of note. New York, an 
Historical Sketch ; Life Story of Rev. 

D. W. Clark, sttpra ; Fragments, Reli- 
gious and Theological ; Platform Pa- 

Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe. Ga., 

182.5 . A Baptist clergyman who 

served in the Confederate army during 
the Civil War, has been prominent as 
an educator, and was United States 
Mini.ster to Spain in 1885. Baptists 
and Pedobaptists, their Radical Differ- 
ences in Faith and Practice ; Constitu- 
tional Government in Spain ; Gladstone, 
a Study ; Southern States of the Amer- 
ican Union. 

Curry, Otway. O., 1804-1855. An 
Ohio journalist who published Love of 
the Past, a poem. 

Curry, Samuel Silas. Tn., 1847- 

. An educator of Boston whose 

specialty is the culture of expression. 
The Province of Expression; Lessons 
in Vocal Expression ; Imagination and 
Dramatic Instinct. 

Curtis, Alva. N. H., 1797-1881. An 
Ohio physician and medical writer. 
Medical Discussions ; Lectures on Mid- 
wifery ; Theory and Practice of Medi- 
cine ; Medical Criticisms. 

Curtis, Benjamin Robbins. Ms., 
1809-1874. A noted jurist of Boston. 
Reports of Cases in the Circuit Courts 
of the United States; United States 
Supreme Court Decisions; Digest and 
Decisions of United States Supreme 
Court. See Memoir by G. T. Curtis. 

Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, Jr. Ms., 
1855-1891. Son of B. R. Curtis, supra. 
A municipal court judge of Boston. 
Dottings Round the Circle, a volume of 

Curtis, Mrs. Caroline Gardiner 
[Gary]. "CarroU Winchester." N. 

Y., 1827 . A novelist of Boston. 

From Madge to Margaret ; The Love 
of a Lifetime. 

Curtis, Edward. B. I., 1838 . 

Brother of G. W. Curtis, infra. A 
physician of New York who has pub- 
lished Manual of General Medical Tech- 

Curtis, George Ticknor. Afs., 1812- 
1894. Brother of B. R. Curtis, supra. 
An eminent lawyer of New York city, 
well known as a legal writer and bio- 
grapher. Digest of English and Amer- 
ican Admiralty Decisions; Digest of 
Decisions of Courts of Common Law 
and Admiralty in the United States; 
American Conveyancer ; Law of Pa- 
tents ; Equity Precedents ; Inventor's 
Manual ; Law of Copyright ; Rights 
and Duties of Merchant Seamen ; Com- 
mentaries on the Jurisprudence, Prac- 
tice, and Peculiar Jurisdiction of United 
States Courts ; A History of the Con- 
stitution of the United States ; Life of 
James Buchanan ; Life of Daniel Web- 
ster ; Creation or Evolution ; Last Years 
of Daniel Webster; John Charaxes, 
a novel. Har. Lit. 

Curtis, George William. B. L, 

1824-1892. One of the foremost of 


American essayists, and a writer whose 
influence was as helpful as it was wide- 
spread. In boyhood he was one of the 
members of the famous Brook Farm 
Association at West Eoxbury. To 
Putnam's Monthly he contributed The 
Potiphar Papers, a spirited satire upon 
society; and Prne and I, a story far 
superior to his more ambitious novel. 
Trumps. For thu-ty-five years he filled 
the Easy Chair department of Har- 
per's Monthly, and from 186.3-92 he 
was the political editor of Harper's 
Weekly. He was zealous in the cause 
of civil service reform, and by his ef- 
forts as writer and lecturer accom- 
plished very much in that direction. 
Beside the volumes already named, his 
writings include Nile Notes of a How- 
adji; Lotus Eating-; The Howadji in 
Syria ; James Russell Lowell, an Ad- 
dress ; Eulogy on Wendell Phillips ; 
From the Easy Chair; Speeches, Ad- 
dresses, &c., edited by C. E. Norton, 
infra ; Literary and Social Essays. See 
Life by E. Gary, 1895; Address by 
J. W. Chadwick, supra; Century Mag- 
azine, February, 1883 ; Smalley's Stud- 
ies of Men. 

Curtis, Moses Ashley. Ms., 1808- 
1872. A botanist and Episcopal cler- 
gyman of North Carolina. Edible 
Fungi of North Carolina ; Contribu- 
tions to Mycology of North America; 
Catalogue of the Plants of North Caro- 
lina ; Esculent Fungi ; Indigenous and 
Native Plants of North Carolina. 

Curtis, Samuel Ives. Ct., 1844- 

. A Congregational clergyman, 

professor in the Theological Seminary 
of Chicago. The Name Maccabee ; 
The Levitical Priests ; Ingersoll and . 
Moses ; The Date of our Gospels. 

Curtis, Thomas P. K, 1815-1872. 
A Baptist divine who was for some 
years president of Lewisburg Univer- 
sity, Pennsylvania. Progress of Bap- 
tist Principles in the Last Hundred 
Years (1857) ; The Human Element in 
the Inspiration of the Sacred Scrip- 
tures, a work which occupies the Co- 
lenso position on the subject and is in 
places more advanced. 

Curtis, "William Eleroy. O., 1850- 
. A prominent Washington jour- 
nalist. The United States and Foreign 


Powers; Life of Zachariah Chandler; 
The Capitals of Spanish America ; The 
Land of the NihUist ; Venezuela ; The 
Yankees of the East : Japan Sketches. 
Har. St. 

Curtiss, Mrs. Abby [Allin]. Ct., 

1820 — ■ . A verse-writer of Madison, 

Wisconsin, who published Home Bal- 
lads (1850). 

Curwen, Samuel. Ms., 1715-1802. 
A loyalist who lived in England during 
the American Revolution, but returned 
after its close to his native town of Sa- 
lem. While an exile he kept a journal 
which contains much valuable informa- 
tion concerning loyalist exUes. It was 
first published in 1842, with the title 
Journal and Letters of the Late Sam- 
uel Curwen, Judge of Admiralty, an 
American Refugee in England, 1775- 

Cushing, Caleb. JIfs., 1800-1879. A 
Massachusetts statesman and diploma- 
tist, who was attorney-general of the 
United States, 1853-57. Historical and 
Political Review of the Late Revolu- 
tion in France, 1833 ; Practical Princi- 
ples of Political Economy ; Life of 
William Henry Harrison ; Growth and 
Territorial Progress of the United 
States, 1837 ; Reminiscences of Spain ; 
History of Newbnryport ; The Treaty 
of Washington. See Appleton^s Amer- 
ican Biography. Har. 

Cushing, Luther Stearns. Ms., 1803- 
1856. A well-known authority on 
parliamentary practice and a Massa- 
chusetts jurist who was lecturer on Ro- 
man Law in Harvard University, 1848- 
56. Massachusetts Reports, 1848-53 ; 
Manual of Parliamentary Practice ; 
Trustee Process ; Remedial Law ; Re- 
ports of Controverted Election Cases 
in Massachusetts ; Introduction to the 
study of Roman Civil Law ; Elements 
of the Law and Practice of Legislative 
Assemblies in the United States ; Lex 
Parliamentaria Americana ; Rules of 
Proceeding and Debates in the Deliber- 
ative Assemblies. Lit. 

Cushing, William. Ms., 1811-1895. 
Brother of L. S. Cushing, supra. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Massachusetts 
who, after retiring from the ministry, 
devoted himself to literary research, 
and published Anonyms; Initials and 




Pseudonyms, useful guide-books of lit- 
erary information. Cr. 

Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth [Bacon]. 
Mch., 184 . Wife of G. A. Ous- 
ter, infra. Boots and Saddles, or Life 
in Dakota with General Custer ; Tent- 
ing- on the Plains, or General Custer 
in Kansas and Texas ; Following the 
Guidon. Har. 

Custer, George Armstrong. O., 
ISSQ-iSIG. A famous general in the 
Federal army during the CItU War, 
who afterwards became noted in cam- 
paigns against the Indians, and was 
killed with his entire command in a 
battle with the Sioux iu the Black Hills. 
My Life on thePlaias was his only pub- 

Custis, George 'Washington 
Parke. Va., 1781-1857. An adopted 
son of General Washington. He pub- 
lished Recollections of Washington. 

Cuthbert, James Hazard. S. C, 
1822 . A Baptist divine of Wash- 
ington. Our Mission as Baptists ; Life 
of Richard Fuller, infra. 

Cutler, Elbridge Jefferson. Ms., 
1831-1870. A professor of modern 
languages at Harvard University, 1865- 
1870. War Poems ; Stella. See Memoir 
by A. P. Peabody, infra, 1872. 

Cutler, Mrs. Hannah Maria [Tra- 
cy] [Conant]. Ms., 1815 . A 

prominent woman suffragist who be- 
came a physician in 1879, and prac- 
ticed in Cobden, Illinois. Woman as 
She Was, Is, and Should Be; Pbil- 
lipia, or A Woman's Question ; The 
Fortunes of Michael Doyle, or Home 
Rule for Ireland. 

Cutler, Mrs. Lizzie [Petit]. Va., 
1836— — . A novelist of New York 
City. Light and Darkness ; Household 
Mysteries, a romance of Southern life ; 
The Stars of the Crowd, or Men and 
Women of the Day. 

Cutler, Jervis. Ms., 1768-1844. A 
Western pioneer who published Topo- 
graphical Description of the Western 
Country (1812). See Life and Times of 
Ephraim Cutler. 

Cutter, George ■Washington. Ms., 
1801-1865. A verse-writer of Wash- 
ington. Buena Vista, and Other Poems ; 
Song of Steam ; Poems National and 

Cutting, Hiram Adolphus. Vt, 

1832 . A State geologist of Ver- 
mont. Mining in Vermont; Climato- 
logy of Vermont ; Microscopic Revela- 
tions ; Farm Pests ; Notes on Building 
Stones; Lectures on Plants, Fertiliza- 
tion, etc. ; Lectures on Milk, etc. ; Farm 
Lectures; Vermont Agricultural Re- 

Cutting, Sewall Sylvester. Vt, 

1813-1882. A Baptist clergyman and 
religious journalist. Historical Vindi- 
cations ; Struggles and Triumphs of 
Religious Liberty ; Ancient Baptist- 

Cuyler [ky'ler], Theodore Ledyard. 

N. Y., 1822 . A Presbyterian 

clergyman of distinction, pastor of the 
Lafayette Avenue Church of Brooklyn. 
Stray Arrows ; Cedar Christian ; The 
Empty Crib ; Wayside Springs ; Right 
to the Point ; Thought Hives ; God's 
Light on Dark Clouds ; Pointed Pa- 
pers ; Heart Life ; From the Nile to 
Norway ; Newly Enlisted, or Talks to 
Young Converts ; The Young Preach- 
er ; Stirring the Eagle's Nest ; How To 
Be a Pastor ; Christianity in the Home, 
comprise the greater number of his 
works. J^ey. 

Dabney, Richard. Va., 1787-1825. 
A once noted instructor in Richmond, 
Virginia, whose Poems, Original and 
Translated, contain scholarly transla^ 
tions from Euripides, Alcseus, and other 
classic poets. 

Dabney, Richard Heath. Fa., 1859- 

. The Causes of the French Rev- 
olution. Ho. 

Dabney, Robert Lewis. Va., 1820- 

. Nephew of R. Dabney, supra. 

A Presbyterian clergyman, since 1882 
professor of moral philosophy in the 
University of Texas. Life of T. S. 
Sampson ; Life and Campaigns of Gen- 
eral Stonewall Jackson ; Sacred Rhet- 
oric, or Lectures on Preaching ; Defence 
of Virginia and the South ; The Sen- 
snalistic Philosophy of the 19th Cen- 
tury ; A Course of Systematic and 
Polemic Theology ; The Christian Sab- 
bath ; Collected Discussions. Man. 

Dabney, Virginius. Va., 1835- 

A staif officer in the Confederate ser- 
vice during the Civil War, who pub- 
lislied Don Miff, a Symphony of Life ; 
Gold That Did Not Glitter. Lip. 

Daboll [da'bol], Nathan. Circa 1750- 
1818. A once famous instructor of 
Connecticut. He prepai-ed The School- 
master's Assistant, long a standard 
text-book on arithmetic, and The Prac- 
tical Navigator. 

Daboll, Nathan. Ct., 1782-1863. Son 
of N. Daboll, supra. A probate judge 
of Connecticut. The author, with his 
son, of DaboU's New Arithmetic, and 
compiler of the New England Almanac, 
begun by the father in 1773. The sec- 
ond of the name continued its prepara- 
tion from 1818 to the year of his own 

Da Costa, Jacob Mandes. W. I., 

1833 . A Philadelphia physician 

connected with Jefferson Medical Col- 
lege since 18(i4, and a specialist in dis- 
eases of the throat and lungs. Epithe- 
lial Tumours and Cancers of the Skin ; 
The Pathological Anatomy of Acute 
Pneumonia; The Physicians of the 
Last Century ; Serous Apoplexy ; Med- 
ical Diagnosis ; Inhalation in Treat- 
ment of Diseases of the Respiratory 
Passages ; Strain and Over-action of 
the Heart ; Harvey and his Discovery. 

Dadd, George H. E.,c. 1813 . A 

veterinary surgeon who has published 
The Modem Horse Doctor ; Manual of 
Veterinary Science ; Anatomy and 
Physiology of the Horse ; The Ameri- 
can Cattle Doctor. 

Dagg, John Leadley. Va., 1794- 
1884. A Baptist clergyman who retired 
from the ministry in 1833, and was 
president of Mercer University, Geor- 
gia, 1844^56. Manual of Theology ; 
Elements of Moral Science ; Evidences 
of Christianity ; English Grammar. 

Dahlgren, John Adolph. Pa., 1809- 
1870. A famous United States naval 
officer, made admiral in 1863, who in- 
vented the cannon bearing his name, 
and conducted the siege of Charleston 
during the Civil War. Thirty-Two 
Pounder Practice for Rangers ; System 
of Boat Armament in the United States 
Navy ; Naval Percussion Locks and 

85 DALL 

Primers ; Ordnance Memoranda ; Shells 
and Shell Guns ; Memoir of Ulric Dahl- 
gTen ; Notes on Maritime International 
Law, edited by Charles Cowley, supra. 
See Memoir by Mrs. Dahlgren, infra. 

Dahlgren, Mrs. Madeleine [Vin- 
ton] [Goddard]. Circa 1835 . 

Second wife of J. A. Dahlgren, supra, 
to whom she was married in 1805. A 
novelist of Washington. Idealities ; 
Thoughts on Female Suffrage ; South 
Sea Sketches ; Etiquette of Social Life 
in Washington; Memoir of Admiral 
Dahlgren ; South Mountain Magic, a 
Narrative ; A Washington Winter, a 
Society Novel ; The Lost Name ; Di- 
vorced ; Lights and Shadows of a Life. 

Dalcho, Frederick. E., 1777-18.36. 
An Episcopal clergyman of Charleston, 
rector of St. MichaeFs Church there, 
1819-36, but in earlier life successively 
a physician and journalist. The Evi- 
dence of the Divinity of Our Saviour- 
Historic Account of the Episcopal 
Church in South Carolina ; Ahiman 
Rezon, a work for freemasons. 

Dale, James Wilkinson. Del,1812- 
1881. A clergyman of eastern Penn- 
sylvania. The Cup and the Cross, or 
the Baptism of Calvary ; Classic Bap- 
tism ; Judaic Baptism ; Johannic Bap- 
tism ; Christie and Patristic Baptism. 

Dales, John Blakely. N. Y., 1815- 
. A United Presbyterian clergy- 
man of Pliiladelphia, whose principal 
writings include Roman Catholicism ; 
Dangers and Duties of Young Men ; 
The Gospel Minister. 

Dall, Mrs. Caroline Wells [Hea- 

ley]. Ms., 1822- . Wife of C. 

H. A. Dail, infra. A Washington 
writer whose early efforts were mainly 
in the line of social reforms, while her 
later works were concerned with gen- 
eral literature. Essays and Sketches ; 
Historical Pictures Retouched; Life 
of Dr. Marie Zakrzewski ; Woman's 
Rights under the Law ; The Romance 
of the Association, or one Last Glimpse 
of Charlotte Temple and Eliza Whar- 
ton ; What we Really Know about 
Shakespeare ; Woman's Place in His- 
tory ; Life of Dr. Anandabai Joshee ; 
College, Market and Court ; Woman's 
Right to Labor ; Essays on Confucius ; 
Patty Gray's Journey to the Cotton 



Islands ; My First Holiday, or Letters 
from Colorado ; Egypt's Place in His- 
tory, include her principal works, ie. 

Dall, Charles Henry Appleton. 
Md., 1816-1886. A Unitarian mission- 
ary to Calcutta. The Temperance 
Movement in Modem Times ; Theism, 
in Questions and Answera. 

Dall, William Healey. Ms., 1845- 

. Son of C. H. and C. W. Dall, 

supra. A naturalist of distinction who 
has been connected with the United 
States Coast Survey and the Geological 
Survey. Alaska and its Resources 
(1870) ; Tribes of the Extreme North- 
west ; Scientific Results of the Explo- 
ration of Alaska ; Coast Pilot of Alas- 
ka ; Pacific Coast Pilot ; Reports on 
the Mollusca of the Blake Expedition. 

Dallas, Alexander James. F., 
1759-1817. A noted statesman who 
was secretary of state, 1796-1801, and 
secretary of the treasury under Madi- 
son. Features of Jay's Treaty ; Speeches 
on the Trial of Blount ; Address to Con- 
stitutional Republicans ; Causes and 
Character of the Late War (1815) ; 
Reports of Cases. See Life and Writ- 
ings of, by G. M. Dallas, infra. 

Dallas, G-eorge Mifflin. Pa., 1792- 
1864. Son of A. J. Dallas, supra. A 
statesman who was minister to Russia, 
1837-39, vice-president of the United 
States, 1845-49, minister to Eng-land, 
1856-61. Series of Letters from Lon- 
don ; Eulogy on Andrew Jackson, as 
well as many single speeches and ad- 
dresses. Lip. 

Dalton [dawl'ton], John Call. Ms., 
1825-1889. A physician of note who 
was a professor in various medical col- 
leges. Observations on Trichina Spi- 
ralis ; The Experimental Method in 
Medical Science ; Doctrines of the Cir- 
culation ; Topographical Anatomy of 
the Brain; History of the College of 
Physicians and Surgeons in New York 
city ; Treatise on Human Physiology ; 
Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene. 

Daly, Charles Patrick. N. Y., 1816- 

. A prominent jurist of New York 

City. Historical Sketch of the Judi- 
cial Tribunals of New York, 182.3^6 ; 
Reports of Cases in Court of Common 
Pleas, City and Comity of New York ; 

First Settlement of Jews in North 
America ; What we Knew of Maps and 
Map Drawing before Mercator. 

Daly, John Augustin. N. C, 1838- 
. A dramatist and theatrical man- 
ager of New York City who, besides 
adapting many plays from the German 
and French, has written Divorce ; Pique ; 
Horizon ; Under the Gaslight, and 
other plays, as well as Peg Woffington, 
a Tribute to the Actress and the Wo- 

Damon, HoTvard Franklin. Ms., 
1833-1884. A hospital physician of 
Boston. Leucocythsemia ; Neurosis of 
the Skin ; General Remarks on the 
Frequency of Skin Diseases. Lip. 

Dana, Alexander Hamilton. E., 
1807-1887. A lawyer of New York 
State. Ethical and Physiological Li- 
quiries ; Inductive Inquiries in Physi- 
ology ; Ethics and Ethnology ; Enigmas 
of Life, Death, and the Future State. 

Dana, Charles Anderson. N. H., 

1819 . A distinguished journalist 

of New York City. He was assistant sec- 
retary of war 186.3-65, and since 1868 
the editor of The New York Sun. His 
poHtical writing is noted for its hitter 
partisanship, but the literary quality 
of his work is admirable. With J. G. 
Wilson, infra, he prepared a Life of 
General Grant, and was co-editor with 
George Ripley, infra, of the American 
Cyclopedia. The Household Book of 
Poetry was edited by him. Ap. 
Dana, Charles Louis. Vt., 1852- 
. - A physician of note as a neuro- 
logist, who has published a Text-Book 
on Nervous Diseases. 

Dana, Ed-ward Salisbury. Ct., 

1849 . Son of J. D. Dana, infra, 

assistant professor of natural philoso- 
phy at Yale University since 1879, and 
curator of the mineral cabinet in the 
Peabody Museum there. Since 1875 he 
has been one of the editors of Silliman'a 
Journal. Text-Book of Mineralogy ; 
Text-Book of Elementary Mechanics ; 
Appendix II. (1875) and Appendix HI. 
(1883) of Dana's System of Mineralogy. 

Dana, James. Ms., 1735-1812. A once 
famous Congregational clergyman of 
New Haven, who wrote An Examina- 
tion of Edwards on the WUl. 


Dana, James Dwight. N. Y., 1813- 
1895. A celebrated geologist, profes- 
sor at Y-ale University from 1850. Sys- 
tem of Mineralogy ; Manual of Miner- 
alogy ; Text-Book of Geology ; Corals 
and Coral Islands ; The Geological 
Story Briefly Told. Am. Do. Wil. 

Dana, James Freeman. N. H., 
1793-1827. A chemist and physician, 
the first professor of chemistry at 
Dartmouth College. Epitome of Chem- 
ical Philosophy ; Outlines of the Min- 
eralogy and Geology of Boston and its 
Vicinity (with S. L. Dana, infra). 

Dana, Mrs. Katharine [Floydl. 
L. I., 1835-1886. A writer of New 
York City. Our PhU and Other Sto- 
ries. Sou. 

Dana, Mrs. Mary. See Shindler, Mrs. 

Dana, Richard Henry. 3h., 1787- 
1879. A poet and critic who was one 
of the founders of the North American 
Review in 1815. As a critic his Lec- 
tures on Shakespeare represent him 
fairly, and it must not be forgotten 
that he was one of the earliest in Amer- 
ica to appreciate the genius of Words- 
worth. The Idle Man, a publication 
begun in 1821 and extending to six 
numbers, includes his two novels, Tom 
Thornton ; Paul Felton. His later pub- 
lications include The Buccaneer, and 
Other Poems ; Poems and Prose Writ- 
ings. His verse is both imaginative 
and original, but at the same time un- 
melodious. <S'ce Atlantic Monthly, April, 
1879 ; Harper's Magazine, April, 1879 ; 
LowelVs Fable for Critics; Bryant and 
his Friends. 

Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. Ms., 
1815-1882. Son of R. H. Dana, supra. 
A noted lawyer of Boston, best known 
in literature by the famous Two Years 
before the Mast, a narrative of personal 
adventure, which first appeared in 1840, 
and was re-issued, enlarged, in 1869. 
His other works include The Seaman's 
Friend, known in England as The Sea- 
man's Manual ; Letters on Italian 
Unity ; To Cuba and Back ; Letters 
on the Somers Mutiny ; Life of Major 
Vinton; Enemy Property and Enemy 
Territory. See Life by C. F. Adams, 
Dana, Samuel Luther. N. H., 1795- 
1868. Brotherof J. P. Dana, sujora. A 
noted chemist of Lowell, who made 



many improvements in cotton-printing, 
and was one of the foremost agricultural 
writers of his time. Chemical Changes 
in the Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid ; 
Muck Mineral for Manures ; Essay on 
Manures. See American Journal of 
Science, May, 1868. 
Dana, "William Coombs. Ms., 1810- 
1873. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Charleston. Hymns for Public Wor- 
ship ; A Transatlantic Tour; Life of 
Samuel Dana. 

Dana, Mrs. William Starr. See Par- 
sons, Mrs. Frances. 

Dandridge, Mrs. Danske [Bedin- 

ger]. Dk., 1858 . A verse-writer 

of Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Joy, 
and Other Poems. 

Dane, Nathan. Ms., 17.52-18.35. A 
very prominent lawyer of Massachu- 
setts, who founded the Dane professor- 
ship at the Harvard University Law 
School. He published an Abridgment 
and Digest of American Law [in nine 

Danenhower, John Wilson. JZ., 
1849-1887. An Arctic explorer who 
was second in command of the De Long 
Expedition in 1879, and published The 
Narrative of the Jeannette, 1882. 

Danforth, John. Jtfs., 1660-1730. Son 
of S. Danforth, infra. A once noted 
Congregational clergyman of Dorches- 
ter, Massachusetts, who published 
many single sermons and occasional 

Danforth, Joshua Noble. Ms., 1798- 
1861. A Congregational minister of 
Massachusetts and Virginia, who pub- 
lished Gleanings and Groupings from a 
Pastor's Portfolio. 

Danforth, Samuel. E., 1626-1674. 
A once famous Puritan clergyman of 
Roxbury, Massachusetts, 1650-74. An 
Astronomical Description of the Comet 
of 1664 ; An Election Sermon ; The Cry 
of Sodom Inquired Into. 

Danforth, Samuel. Ms., 1666-1727. 
Son of S. Danforth, supra. A Congre- 
gational clergyman of Taunton, Massa- 
chusetts, famous for his great learning 
and wide influence. Eulogy on Thomas 
Leonard ; Essay Concerning the Singing 
of Psalms. The MS. of his Indian Dic- 
tionary is now the property of the 
Massachusetts Historical Society. 



Dange, Henri. See Hammond, Mrs. 

Daniel, John Moncure. Va., 1825- 
1865. A once noted Virginia journal- 
ist who edited The Richmond Exami- 
ner, and was minister to Italy 1853-60. 
See Writings of, with Memoir by his 
brother, 1868. 

Daniel, John Warwick. Va., 1842- 

. A prominent Virginia lawyer 

who was an adjutant-general in the 
Confederate army during the Civil 
War. Attachments under the Code of 
Virginia ; Negotiable Instruments. 

Daniels, Mrs. Cora [Linn]. Ms., 

1852 . A novelist of Franklin, 

Massachusetts. Sardia, a Story of 
Love ; As It Is to Be. Ban. Le. 

Daniels,'William Haven. ATs., 18.86- 
. A Methodist clergyman, promi- 
nent as an evangelist. D. L. Moody 
and his Work ; That Boy, who Shall 
Have Him ? ; The Temperance Reform 
and its Great Reformers ; Moody, his 
Words, Work, and Workers ; Illus- 
trated History of Methodism in the 
United States; Graduated with Hon- 
our ; Memorials of Gilbert Haven ; Short 
History of the People called Method- 
ists. Meth. 

Daunelly, Mrs. Elizabeth Otis 

[Marshall]. Ga., 1838 . A 

Texas writer of verse. Cactus, or 
Thorns and Blossoms ; Wayside Flow- 

Da Ponte, Lorenzo. ly., 1749-1838. 
An Italian dramatist who furnished li- 
bretti for Mozart's operas, Don Gio- 
vanni and Nozze di Figaro. He came 
to America in 1805, and after 1828 was 
professor of Italian in Columbia Col- 
lege. He published his own Life 
(1823) ; History of the Florentine Re- 
public and the Medici (1833). 

Darby, John. See Garretson. 

Darby, John. Ms., 1804-1877. An 
educator who was connected with va- 
rious colleges North and South. Man- 
ual of Botany ; The Botany of the 
Southern States ; Chemistry, are some 
of his publications. 

Darby, "WUllam. Pa., 1755-1834. 
A geographer who published Geo- 
graphical Dictionary of Louisiana ; 
Plan of Pittsburg and Adjacent Coun- 
try ; Emigrant's Guide to the Western 
Country ; Tour from New York to De- 

troit (1819) ; Geography and History of 
Florida; View of the United States 
(1823) ; Lectures on the Discovery of 
America ; Mnemonica, a Register of 
Events from the Earliest Period ; Geo- 
graphical Dictionary. 

Darden, Mrs. Fannie [Baker]. AL, 

1829 . Romances of the Texas 

Revolution ; Poems. 

Dargan, Clara Victoria. See Mac- 
lean, Mrs. 

Darley, Felix Octavius Carr. Pa., 
1822-1888. A well-known artist and 
illustrator whose home was at Clay- 
mont, Delaware. His only writing is 
included in Sketches Abroad with Pen 
and Pencil. 

Darling, Mrs. Flora [Adams]. 

N. H., 1840 . A writer of fiction 

whose writings include Mrs. Darling's 
Letters, or Memoirs of the Civil War ; 
A Wayward Winning Woman; The 
Bourbon Lily ; Was it a Just Verdict ?; 
A Social Diplomat ; From Two Points 
of View ; The Senator's Daughter. 

Darling, Henry. Pa. , 1823-1891. A 
Presbyterian clergyman who was pres- 
ident of Hamilton College, 1881-1891. 
The Close Walk; Slavery and the 
War ; Conformity to the World ; Not 
Doing but Receiving. 

Darling, Mary Greenleaf. 18 — 

. Battles at Home ; In the World ; 

Gladys, a Romance. Le. Lo. 

Darling, •William. S., 1815-1884. A 
distinguished New York physician who 
published Anatraography, or Graphic 
Anatomy ; Essentials of Anatomy (with 
A. L. Ranney). 

Darlington, William. Pa., 1782- 
1863. A famous botanist of West Ches- 
ter, Pennsylvania, in whose honour 
Darlingtonia, a genus of pitcher-plants, 
was named. Mutual Influence of Hab- 
its and Disease ; Agricultural Botany ; 
Flora Cestrica ; Memorials of John Bar- 
tram, supra, and Humphrey Marshall. 

D'Arusmont, Madame Frances 

[Wright]. S., 1795-1852. A very 
energetic and versatile Scottish re- 
former who came several times to 
America, and finally settled in Cincin- 
nati. Her attacks on social institu- 
tions aroused much hostility, her oppo- 
sition to slaverv making her the object 
of especial dislike. Popular Lectures 


on Free Inquiry; Biographical Notes 
and Political Letters of Fanny Wright 
D'Ai-usmont (1844) ; Altorf : a tragedy ; 
Views of Society and Manners in Amer- 
ica ; A Few Days in Athens, include 
her principal works. See Gilbert'' s The 
Pioneer Woman, 1855; Dictionary of 
National Biography, vol. 14. 

Daveiss, Mrs. Maria [Thompson]. 

Ky., 1814 . A Kentucky author 

who has written much for agricultural 
journals, and has puhlished Roger Sher- 
man, a Tale of '76 ; Woman's Love ; 
History of Mercer and Boyle Counties, 
Kentucky ; Cultivation and Uses of the 
Chinese Sugar Cane. 

Davenport, John. E., 1.59Y-1670. 
A famous Piiritan divine who, before 
coming to America in 1637, was a eele- 
hrated London preacher. In 1638 he 
was one of the founders of New Haven, 
and in 1660 concealed the noted regi- 
cides, GofEe and Whalley, from their 
pursuers. In 1666 he became pastor of 
the First Church in Boston. Instruc- 
tions to Elders of the English Church ; 
Catechism containing the Chief Heads 
of the Christian Religion ; Discourse 
about Civil Government in New Eng- 
land. See Sprague's Annals of the Amer- 
ican Pulpit; Dictionary of National 
Biography, vol. 14. 

David, Jean Baptist. F., 1761-1841. 
A Roman Catholic bishop of Bards- 
town, Kentucky. Among his many 
works are Vindication of Catholic Doc- 
trine concerning Images ; Address to 
Brethren of Other Professions ; On the 
Rule of Faith; True Piety. 

Davidson, Charles. 0., 1852 . 

An instructor of Belmont, California. 
The Phonology of the Stressed Vowels 
of Beowulf ; Studies in the English 
Mystery Plays. 

Davidson, George. K, 1825 . 

An astronomer of distinction, founder 
of the Davidson Observatory in San 
Francisco. The United States Coast 
Survey of the Pacific Coast ; Coast Pi- 
lot of Alaska ; Voyages of Discovery 
on the Northwest Coast of America, 

Davidson, James Wood. S. C, 
1829 . An educator of South Car- 
olina and elsewhere, whose Living Writ- 
ers of the South is quite wanting in 
discrimination and critical ability. His 


other works include School History of 
South Carolina ; The Correspondent ; 
The Poetry of the Future ; Florida of 
To-Day. Ap. 

Davidson, Lucretia Maria. N. Y., 
1808—1825. A precocious verse-writer 
now quite forgotten. Amir Khan and 
Other Poems was issued in 1829. See 
Memoir by S. F. B. Morse, and Life by 
C. M. Sedgwick, infra. 

Davidson, Margaret Miller. N. Y., 
1823-1838. Sister to L. M. Davidson, 
and, like her, a juvenile prodigy whose 
immature verses were extravagantly 
lauded by contemporary writers, but by 
no critics of a later day. See Memoir 
by Washington Irving. 

Davidson, Robert. Md.. 1750-1812. 
A Presbyterian clergyman who was 
president of Dickinson College, Car- 
lisle, Pennsylvania, 1804-09. Epitome 
of Geography in Verse for Schools ; The 
Christian's A, B, C, or the 119th Psalm 
in Metre ; New Metrical Version of the 
Psalms, with Notes. 

Davidson, Robert. Pa., 1808-1876. 
Son of R. Davidson, supra. A Presby- 
terian minister in Kentucky and other 
States, among whose writings are Eli- 
jah, a Sacred Drama, and Other Poems ; 
The Christ of God, or the Relation of 
Christ to Christianity. 

Davidson, Thomas. S., 1840 — ;— . 
A writer on art and philosophy who 
came to the United States in 1866 and 
settled at Cambridge. The Parthenon 
Frieze and Other Essays ; The Place of 
Art in Education ; Giordano Bruno and 
the Relation of his Philosophy to Free 
Thought ; Handbook of Dante, from 
the Italian of Scartazzini, with Notes 
and Additions ; Prolegomena to Tenny- 
son's ' ' In Memoriam ; " Aristotle, and 
Ancient and Modern Educational Ide- 
als ; The Education of the Greek Peo- 
ple and its Influence on Civilization. 
Ap. 6i. Sou. 

Davies, Charles. Ct., 1798-1876. A 
noted professor of mathematics in Co- 
lumbia College from 1857. Beside a 
notable series of mathematical text- 
books, from A Primary Table Book to 
Elementary Geometry and Trigonome- 
try, he published also editions of Le- 
gendre's Geometry and Bourdon's Al- 
gebra. Other works by him comprise 
Practical Mathematics; Elements of 




Surveying ; Analytical Geometry ; Dif- 
ferential and Integral Calculus ; Logic 
and Utility of Mathematics ; The Met- 
ric System ; Mathematical Dictionary 
(with W. G. Peck). 
Davies, Samuel. Del, 1724-1761. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of great renown 
in his day as a preacher, and the fourth 
president of Princeton College. He 
wrote a number of hymns stUl in use, 
and his Sermons in 5 volumes appeared 
in London in 1767. See Sermons, 1S51, 
with Memoir by Albert Barnes, supra. 

Davies, Thomas Alfred. N. Y., 
1809 . Brother of C. Davies, su- 
pra. A Federal officer in the Civil 
War. Cosmogony, or Mysteries of Cre- 
ation ; Adam and Ha- Adam ; Genesis 
Disclosed ; Answer to Hugh Miller and 
Theoretical Geologists ; How to Make 
Money and how to Keep It. 

Davis, Andreiw Jackson. N. Y., 

1826— . A noted spiritualist of 

Poughkeepsie, among whose many mys- 
tical rhapsodical writings the following 
may be considered the most important : 
The Great Harmonia ; Harmonial Man ; 
Present Age and Inner Life ; Philoso- 
phy of Spiritual Intercourse ; The Prin- 
ciples of Nature ; The Penetralia ; Gen- 
esis and Ethics of Conjugal Love j 
Autobiography, 1885. Ban. 

Davis, AndreTV McFarland. Ms., 

18.33 . Brother of H. Davis, infra. 

An antiquarian writer of Cambridge 
who has published a number of valua- 
ble historical monographs. 

Davis, Asahel. Ms., 1791-18—. A 
Massachusetts antiquary who published 
Ancient America and Researches of 
the East (1847) ; History of New Am- 

Davis, Augusta Cordelia. Me., 
1836— . Poems from Yare. 

Davis, Mrs. Caroline E [Kel- 
ly]. N. H., 1831 . A prolific 

writer of Sunday-school tales. Among 
her fifty or more volumes are, No Cross, 
No Crow ; Little Conqueror Series ; 
Miss Wealthy's Hope ; That Boy. Lo. 

Davis, Charles Henry. Ms., 1807- 
1877. Son of D. Davis, infra. A rear- 
admiral in the United States navy, and 
I a noted hydrographer. Besides editing 
the American Nautical Almanac, he 
published Law of Deposit of Flood 

Tide ; Geological Action of Tidal and 
Other Ocean Currents ; and translated 
Gauss's Theoria Motus Corporum Cce- 
lestium. See Harvard Register, April, 
Davis, Charles Henry. Ms., 1845- 

. Son of C. H. Davis, supra. A 

United States naval officer. Chrono- 
meter Eates as Affected by Tempera- 
ture and Other Causes ; Telegraphic 
Determination of Longitudes. 

Davis, Charles Henry Stanley. 

Ct, 1840 . A physician of Meri- 

den, Coimecticut. History of WalUng- 
ford and Meriden; The Voice as a 
Musical Instrument ; Education and 
Training of Feeble Minded Children ; 
Index to Periodical Literature. 

Davis, Cushman Kellogg. N. Y., 

1838 . A prominent Minnesota 

lawyer who has written The Law in 

Davis, Daniel. Ms., 1762-1835. A 
Massachusetts jurist who was solicitor- 
general of his State, 1800-32. Crimi- 
nal Practice ; Precedents of Indict- 

Davis, Edvrin Hamilton. 0.,1811- 
1888. An archaeologist whose chief 
work is" Monuments of the Mississippi. 

Davis, Emerson, ilfs., 1 798-1866. A 
Congregational clergyman who was 
president of WHliams College, 1861-68. 
Historical Sketch of Westfield, Massa- 
chusetts; The Teacher Taught; The. 
First Half Century, or Events and 
Changes, 1800-50. 

Davis, George Thomas. Ms., 1810- 
1877. A Massachusetts lawyer whose 
speeches in Congress were published in 

Davis, Henry Winter. Md., 1817- 
1865. A Maryland statesman and law- 
yer, conspicuously loyal to the Union 
during the Civil War. The War of 
Ormuzd and Ahriman in the 19th Cen- 
tury (1853) ; Speeches and Addresses 
in Congress (1867). Har. 

Davis, Horace. Ms., 1831 . 

Nephew of G. Bancroft, supra. A man- 
ufacturer of California. Dolor Davis, 
a Sketch of his Life ; American Con- 
stitutions and the Relation of the Three 
Departments as adjusted by a Century ; 
Shakespeare's Sonnets, an Essay. 


Davis, Jefferson. Ky., 1808-1889. 
President of the Confederate States. 
After the fall of the Confederacy, in 
1865, he was confined as a prisoner of 
war in Fortress Monroe, and upon his 
release, in 18G7, he lived in retirement 
in Mississippi. His history, whicli ap- 
peared in 1881, The Rise and Fall of 
the Confederate Government, is a valu- 
able commentary on the Civil War as 
it appeared to one of the chief figures 
of the time, but it is as narrowly con- 
ceived as it is diffuse in statement and 
bitter in tone. See Lives, by Alfriend, 
1S6S; E. A. Pollard, infra, 1S69 ; 
Prison Life of, by Craven, 1866 ; Me- 
moir by his Wife, 1890 ; London Times 
Biographies of Eminent Persons, 4th 
Series. Ap. 

Davis, John A. G. Va., 1801-1840. 
A Virg:inia lawyer, professor of law in 
the University of Virginia, 1830-40. 
Estates Tail, Executive Devises, and 
Contingent Remainders under Virginia 
Statutes ; Treatise on Criminal Law. 

Davis, John Chandler Bancroft. 

Ms., 1822 : Brother of H. Davis, 

supra. A diplomatist who was agent 
for the United States before the Gen- 
eva court of arbitration on the Alaba- 
ma claims, and afterwards, 1873-77, 
minister to Germany. The Massachu- 
setts Justice ; The Case of the United 
States before the Tribunal of Arbitra- 
tion at Geneva ; Treaties of the United 
States, with Notes ; United States Su- 
preme Court Reports ; Mr. Fish and 
the Alabama Claims. Hou. 

Davis, John Woodbridge. N. Y., 

1854 . Son of E. H. Davis, supra. 

A civil engineer who, besides contribu- 
ting much to engineering journals, has 
published Formulae for the Calculation 
of Railroad Earth Work and Average 
Haul (1876), which speedily came into 
use as a text-book. 

Davis, Lemuel Clarke. Md., 1835- 
. A Pliiladelphia journalist, edi- 
tor of The Inquirer, and author of The 
Stranded Ship, a Story of Sea and 

Davis, Mrs. Mary Evelyn [Moore]. 
Al., 1852 — ■ — . A prominent writer of 
New Orleans, on the editorial staff of 
the Picayune. Minding the Gap, and 
Other Poems ; In War Times at La 
Rose Blanche, sketches for young peo- 


pie ; Under the Man-Fig, a novel ; An 
Elephant's Track and Other Stories. 
Har. Hou, Lo. 

Davis, Matthew L. N. Y., 1766- 
1850. A Washington journalist who 
published a Life of Aaron Burr. 

Davis, Nathan Smith. N. Y., 1817- 

. A Chicago physician, dean of 

the Northwestern University, whose 
principal writings include Lectures on 
Various Important Diseases ; Princi- 
ples and Practice of Medicine ; Verdict 
of Science concerning the Effects of 
Alcohol on Man ; Medical Education 
and Reform. 

Davis, Noah Kuowles. Pa., 183S- 

. A professor of moral science in 

the University of Virginia since 1873. 
The Theory of Thought, a Treatise on 
Deductive Logic ; the Elements of In- 
ductive Logic ; the Elements of Deduc- 
tive Logic. Har. 

Davis, Peter Seifert. Md., 1828- 

. A German Reformed divine 

who has written The Young Parson. 

Davis, Mrs. Rebecca Blaine 

[Harding]. Pa., 1H31 . Wife 

of L. C. Davis, supra. A novelist 
whose first story. Life in the Iron 
Mills, a powerful but sombre study of 
labouring-class life, attracted great at- 
tention in the earlier pages of The 
Atlantic Monthly. Her later works in 
fiction include Margret Howth ; Wait- 
ing for the Verdict ; Dallas Galbraith ; 
A Law unto Herself ; Kitty's Choice ; 
John Andross ; Doctor Warrick's 
Daughters ; Silhouettes of American 
Life ; Kent Hampden, a Story of a 
Boy ; Natasqua ; The Faded Leaf of 
History ; Frances Walstrup. Har. Lip. 

Davis, Reuben. Tn., c. 1810-1890. A 
Mississippi lawyer and a general in the 
Confederate service, who was the author 
of Recollections of Mississippi and the 
Mississippians. Hou. 

Davis, Richard Bingham. N. Y., 

1771-1799. A verse-writer of New 
York city. See Poems, with Memoir 
edited by John T. Irving, 1807. 
Davis, Richard Harding. Pa., 1864- 

. Son of L. C. and R. H. Davis, 

supra. A popular New York writer 
whose first book, Gallegher and Other 
Stories, brought him very suddenly 




into notice in 1890. His work is al- 
ways characterized ty dasli and spirit, 
but exhibits some defects of style, and 
touches scarcely more than the super- 
ficial side of life. Van Bibber and 
Others ; The Princess Aline ; The Ex- 
iles ; The West from a Car Window ; 
Our English Cousins ; About Paris ; 
The Rulers of the Mediterranean ; 
Three Gringos in Venezuela; Stories 
for Boys. Har, Scr. 

Davis, Varina Anne Jefferson. 

Fa., 1864 . Daughter of Jeffer- 
son Davis, supra. An Iriah Knight of 
the 19th Century, a Sketch of Robert 
Emmet ; The Veiled Doctor. Har. 

Davis, William Bramwell. 0., 

18-32 . A physician and surgeon 

of Cincinnati. Report on Vaccination ; 
Consumption and Life Insurance ; Re- 
vaccination ; Intestinal Obstruction ; 
Progress of Therapeutics ; The Alcohol 

Davis, William Morris. Pa., 18.50- 

. A professor of physical geo- 
graphy in Harvard University since 
1890. Nimrod of the Sea, or the Amer- 
ican Whaleman ; Whirlwinds, Cyclones, 
and Tornadoes ; Elementary Meteoro- 
logy. Gi. Har. Le. 

Davis, William Watts Hart. 

18 . El Gringo, or New Mexico 

and her People ; History of the 104th 
Pennsylvania Regiment ; The Spanish 
Conquest of New Mexico ; History of 
the Doylestown Guards. Har. 

Daiwes, Anna Laurens. Ms., 1851- 

. A daughter of Senator Dawes 

of Massachusetts, who has written 
much for journals and periodicals. 
How we are Governed ; The Modem 
Jew, his Present and Future ; Bio- 
graphy of Charles Sumner. Do. Gi. 

Dawes, Rufus. Ms., 1803-1859. A 
witty jurist of Massachusetts, who won 
notice both as orator and poet. The 
Valley of the Nashaway, and Other 
Poems ; Athena of Damascus, a trage- 
dy ; Nix's Mate, an Historical Ro- 
mance ; Miscellaneous Poems. 

Dawson, George. S., 1813-188.3. A 
once influential Albany journalist, edi- 
tor of the Evening Journal, 1846-77, 
and author of The Pleasures of An- 

Dawson, Henry Barton. E., 1821- 
1889. An historical writer of New 
York city, editor of the Historical 
Magazine, 1866-77, and editor of The 
Federalist, reprinted from the original 
text. Battles of the United States by 
Sea and Land ; Current Fictions tested 
by Uneurrent Facts ; Rutgers against 
Waddington ; Westchester County in 
the Revolution. Scr, 

Day, Henry. Ms., 1820 . A 

lawyer of New York city. The Law- 
yer Abroad ; From the Pyrenees to the 
Pillars of HerciJes, a volume of Span- 
ish travels. 

Day, Henry Noble. Ct., 1808-1890. 
Nephew of J. Day, 2d. A Congrega^ 
tional clergyman, for many years a 
Western railway president, and presi- 
dent of Ohio Female College, 1858-64. 
The Art of Rhetoric, reprinted as Art 
of Discourse ; Elements of Logic ; Sci- 
ence of .35sthetics ; The Art of Elocu- 
tion ; Rhetorical Praxis ; Logical Prax- 
is ; Science of Thought ; Elements of 
Mental Science ; The Logic of Sir Wil- 
liam Hamilton ; Introduction to the 
Study of English Literature, include 
the greater number of his writings. 

Day, Jeremiah. Ct., 1738-1806. A 
Congregational clergyman of Connecti- 
cut, whose Sermons Collected were is- 
sued in 1797. 

Day, Jeremiah. Ct, 1773-1867. Son 
of J. Day, supra. A noted mathemati- 
cian who was president of Yale College, 
1817-46. Introduction to Algebra; 
Mensuration of Superficies and Solids ; 
Examination of Edwards's Freedom of 
the Will ; Plane Trigonometry ; Navi- 
gation and Surveying ; Inquiry Re- 
specting the Self-Determining Power 
of the Will and Contingent Volition. 

Day, Richard Edwin. N. Y., 1852- 

. A journalist of Syracuse. Lines 

in the Sand ; Thor, a Drama ; Lyrics 
and Satires ; Poems. 

Dayton, Amos Cooper. iV^.J.,1813- 
1865. A Baptist clergyman and phy- 
sician of Tennessee, whose novel Theo- 
dosia, or the Heroine of Faith, was very 
popular. His other works comprise 
The Infidel's Daughter, a novel ; Bap- 
tist Facts and Methodist Fiction ; Bap- 
tist Question Book ; Children brought 


to Christ ; Pedobaptist and Campbell- 
ite Immersion. 

Dean, Amos. Vt., 1803-1868. A 
jurist of Albany. Lectures on Phre- 
nology ; Manual of Law ; Philosophy of 
Human Life ; Medical Jurisprudence ; 
Bryant and Stratton's Commercial 
Law ; History of Civilization. 

Dean, John. Ms., 1831-1888. A phy- 
sician who published Microscopic Ana- 
tomy of the Lumbar Enlargement of 
the Spinal Cord; Gray Substance of 
the Medulla Oblongata. 

Dean, John "Ward. Me., 1815 . 

A noted antiquarian of Boston, editor 
of the New England Historical and 
Genealogical Register, and one of the 
founders of the Prince Society. Me- 
moir of Nathaniel Ward, infra ; Memoir 
of Michael Wigglesworth, infra ; Life 
of John H. Sheppard ; Life of William 
Blanchard Towne ; Brief Memoir of 
Giles Firmin ; The Embarkation of 
Cromwell for New England. 

Dean, Paul. Vt, 1789-1860. A Uni- 
tarian clergyman, pastor in Boston, 
1813-40, who was author of Lectures 
on Final Restoration. 

Deane, Charles. Me., 1813-1889. An 
antiquarian writer of Cambridge, who 
published Some Notices of Samuell 
Gorton, with Memoir ; First Plymouth 
Patent ; and edited Bradford's History 
of Plymouth Plantation ; John Smith's 
True Relation of Virginia, and other 
specimens of early American literature. 

Deane, Margery. See Pitman, Mrs. 

Deane, Samuel. Ms., 1784-1834. A 
Baptist clergyman of Scituate, Massa^ 
chusetts. The Populous Village, a po- 
em ; Histoiy of Scituate. 

Deane, Silas. Ct, 1737-1789. A 
diplomatist who, with Franklin and 
Lee, negotiated a treaty of peace and 
amity between France and the United 
States. He was subjected to much 
misrepresentation, and died abroad in 
poverty and exile. Letters to Robert 
Morgan ; Paris Papers, or Mr. Silas 
Deane's late Intercepted Letters to his 
Brother and Other Friends. 

Deane, William Reed. Ms., 1809- 
1879. An antiquary of Mansfield, 
Massachusetts, who published genea- 
logies of the families of Deane, Leon- 
ard, and Watson. 


Dearborn, Henry Alexander 
SoammeU. N. H., 1783-1851. A 
lawyer and public-spirited citizen of 
Boston, a son of Commodore Dearborn. 
Commerce of the Black Sea ; Bio- 
graphy of Commodore Bainbridge ; 
History of Navigation and Naval Ar- 

De Bow, James Dun'woody 
Brownson. S. C, 1820-1867. A 
noted statistician of New Orleans, who 
founded De Bow's Review. Industrial 
Resources of the South and West; 
Statistical View of the United States ; 
The Southern States, their Agriculture, 
Commerce, etc. (1850). 

De Charms, Richard. Pa., 1796- 
1864. A Swedeuborgian divine of 
Baltimore and New York city. Free- 
dom and Slavery in the Light of the 
New Jerusalem ; The New Churchman 
Extra ; Lectures at Charlestown. 

De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. 

Ms., 1831 . A prominent Epis- 
copal clergyman of New York city, 
well known as an historical writer. 
The Pre-Columbian Discovery of Amer- 
ica, illustrated by translations from 
the Icelandic Sagas ; The Northmen 
in Maine ; The Moabite Stone ; Verra- 
zano, the Explorer ; The Rector of 
Roxburgh, a novel ; and a number of 
historical monographs. See Biblio- 
graphy of Maine. 

Deems, Charles Force. Md., 1820- 
1893. A Methodist clergyman, promi- 
nent for many years in New York city 
as pastor of the Church of the Stran- 
gers. Triumphs of Peace, and Other 
Poems ; Home Altar ; Twelve College 
Sermons ; Life of Dr. Adam Clarke ; 
Devotional Melodies ; Weights and 
Wings ; The Light of the Nations ; 
The Gospel of Common Sense as Con- 
tained in the Epistle of James ; The 
Gospel of Spiritual Insight ; A Scotch 
Verdict in re-Evolution ; My Septua- 
gint, comprise the larger number of 
his writings. Cas. Fu. 

Deering, Nathaniel. Me., 1791-1881. 
A writer of Portland, Maine, whose 
work enjoyed a local fame. Carabasset, 
a tragedy ; The Clairvoyants, a comedy 
performed both in Portland and Bos- 
ton ; Bozzaris, a tragedy. See Bio- 
graphical Encyclopedia of Maine. 




De Forest, John William. Ct., 

1826 . A novelist of New Haven 

who was a Federal officer in the Civil 
War. His stories are skillfully con- 
structed, and the characterization is 
strong, but they have hardly won 
the reputation that, as a whole, they 
deserve. History of the Indians of 
Connecticut to 1850 ; Oriental Ac- 
quaintances, or Travels in Asia Minor ; 
European Acquaintances ; Witching 
Times ; The Lauson Tragedy ; Sea- 
clifF, Miss Ravenel's Conversion from 
Secession to Loyalty ; Overland ; Kate 
Beaumont ; Honest John Vane ; The 
Bloody Chasm ; The Wetherel Affair ; 
Justine Vane ; Irene Vane ; Irene the 
Missionary ; Playing the Mischief. Ap. 

De Hart, William Chetwood. N. 
Y., 1800-1848. An officer in the 
United States army who published Ob- 
servations on Military Law and Consti- 
tution and Practice of Courts Martial. 

Dehon, Theodore. Ms., 1776-1817. 
The second Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of South Carolma. A once popular 
preacher. Ninety Sermons on the Pub- 
lic Means of Grace. 

De Kay, Charles. D. C, 1849 . 

Grandson of J. E. Drake, infra. A 
New York journalist and poet, literary 
editor of The Times since 1877. Hes- 
perus ; Vision of Nirarod ; Vision of 
Esther; Love Poems of Louis Bar- 
naval ; The Bohemians, a Tragedy of 
Modern Life ; Barye, his Life and 
Works. Ap. 

De Kay, James EUs'worth. PI., 
1792-1851. A physician and natural- 
ist of Oyster Bay, Long Island. 
Sketches of Turkey ; Natural History 
of New York. 

De Koven, James. Ct., 1831-1879. 
An Episcopal clergyman of Wisconsin, 
very prominent at one time as a leader 
of ritualistic thought, whose views 
more than once prevented his elevation 
to the episcopate. Sermons Preached 
on Various Occasions was issued after 
his death. Ap. 

De Kroyft, Mrs. Sarah Helen [Al- 

drich]. iV. F., 1818 . A writer 

living in Dansville, New York, who be- 
came blind soon after her marriage in 
1845, her husband having died on their 
wedding day. A Place in thy Mem- 

ory, a very popular collection of letters ; 
Darwin and Moses, a lecture ; Little 
Jakey, a story. 

Delafield, Francis. iV.r.,1841 . 

A physician and surgeon of New York 
city, who was the first president of the 
Association of American Physicians and 
Pathologists. Handbook of Post Mor- 
tem Examinations and Morbid Anato- 
my ; Studies in Pathological Anatomy ; 
Handbook of Pathological Anatomy, 

De Lancey , William Floyd. N. Y., 

1S21 . A lawyer and historical 

writer of New York city. Memoir of 
James De Lancey ; The Capture of 
Fort Washington the Result of Trea- 
son ; Memoir of James W. Beekman ; 
Memoir of William Allen, Chief Jus- 
tice of Pennsylvania ; Origin and His- 
tory of Manors in the Province of New 
York ; History of Mamaroneck, New 

Deland, Ellen Douglass. N. Y., 
1860 . A popular writer of sto- 
ries for young people. Oakleigh ; In 
the Old Herrick House ; Malvern, a 
Neighbourhood Story. Rar. We. 

Deland, Mrs. Margaret Wade 

[Campbell]. Pa., 1857 . A 

novelist and poet of Boston who he- 
came suddenly famous on the pubHca- 
tion of John Ward, Preacher, a story 
upon lines similar to Mrs. Ward's 
" Robert Elsmere." Other works by 
her include The Old Garden and Other 
Verses ; Sydney ; The Story of a Child ; 
Mr. Tommy Dove and Other Stories ; 
Philip and his Wife ; Florida Days, a 
volume of travels. Hou. Lit. 

Delano, Amasa. Ms., 1763-1817. A 
once noted Massachusetts sea captain 
who was an extensive traveller, and 
published Narrative of Voyages and 

Delavan, Edward Cornelius. N. 
Y., 1793-1871. A retired wine-mer- 
chant of Schenectady, conspicuous as a 
temperance reformer. Adulterations 
of Liquors ; Temperance in Wine Coun- 

De Leon, Edwin. S. C, 1828-1891. 
A Washington journalist who was Eu- 
ropean diplomatic agent of the Confed- 
eracy during the Civil War period. 
Thirty Years of my Life on Three Con- 
tinents ; The Khedive's Egypt ; Aska- 




ros Kassis, the Captain, a novel ; Under 
the Star and Under the Crescent. Lip. 
De Long, George Washington. N. 
Y., 1844-1881. An Arctic explorer 
who was a lieutenant-commander in the 
United States navy. The Voyage of 
the Jeannette, including his journals of 
his latest expedition, edited by his wife, 
appeared in 1884. 

Delmar, Alexander. N. Y., 18.36- 

. A New York writer on political 

economy. Gold Money and Paper 
Money ; Essays on Political Economy ; 
The Great Paper Bubble; What is 
Free Trade ? ; Resources, Productions, 
and Social Condition of Egypt ; Why 
Should the Chinese Go ? ; History of 
the Precious Metals ; History of Money 
in China ; History of Money in Various 
Countries ; The Science of Money ; 
Money and Civilization; Statistical 
Handbook ; The National Banking 

Demarest, David D. N. J., 1819- 

. A Dutch Reformed clergyman, 

professor in the Theological Seminary 
at New Brunswick, New Jersey. His- 
tory and Characteristics of the Reformed 
Protestant Dutch Church ; Practical 
Catechetics ; The Huguenots on the 

Bemarest, John Terhune. N. J., 
1813 . A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman. Exposition of the Efficient 
Cause of Regeneration ; Exposition of 
the First Epistle of Peter ; Commen- 
tary on Second Epistle of Peter ; Com- 
mentary on the Catholic Epistles ; Chris- 
tocracy (with W. R. Gordon). 

Demarest, Mrs. Mary Augusta 
[Lee]. N. Y., 1838-1888. A writer 
of popular, unpretentious verse, who 
published My Ain Countree and Other 

Deming, Henry Champion. Ct., 
1815-1872. A prominent lawyer of 
Hartford who published translations of 
the novels of Eugene Sue and a Life 
of General Grant. 

Deming, Philander. N. Y., 1829- 

. A stenographic court reporter 

of Albany until 1882, whose sketches 
are characterized by much originality. 
Adirondack Stories ; Tompkins and 
Other Folks. Hou. 

Dempster, John. FL, 1794-1863. A 
noted Methodist preacher and educator, 
and one of the founders of the theo- 
logical school of Boston University. 
Lectures and Addresses was issued in 
1864. Metk. 

Denio [de-ni'o], Hiram. N. Y., 1799- 
1871. A Utica jurist who published 
Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court, 
and the Court for Correction of Errors. 

Denison, Charles Wheeler. Ct., 
1809-1881. A clergyman who as a 
young man was editor of The Emanci- 
pator, an anti-slavery journal of New 
York. During the Civil War he served 
as chaplain in the Federal army. The 
American Village and Other Poems ; 
Paul St. Clair, a temperance tale ; An- 
tonio, the Italian Boy ; The Child Hunt- 
ers, an exposure of the padrone sys- 
tem ; Life of General Grant ; Out at 
Sea, a volume of verse ; Sunshine Cas- 
tle, a tale. The Tanner Boy; The 
Bobbin Boy; Winfield, the Lawyer's 
Son, form a series of biographies of 
noted men for juvenile reading. 

Denison, Daniel. E., 161.3-1682. A 
famous colonial soldier of Massachu- 
setts. Irenicon, or Salve for New Eng- 
land's Sore. 

Denison, Frederic. Ct, 1819 . 

A Baptist divine of Rhode Island. 
The Supper Institution ; The Sabbath 
Institution ; History of the First Rhode 
Island Cavalry ; Westerly and its Wit- 
nesses, 1626-1876 ; Picturesque Narra- 
gansett ; Picturesque Rhode Island, are 
his principal writings. 

Denison, John Henry. Ms., 1841- 
. A Congregational clergyman re- 
tired from active service, but at one 
time college pastor at WiUiamstown, 
Massachusetts. Christ's Idea of the 
Supernatural. Hou. 

Denison, John Ledyard. Ct., 1826- 

. Brother of F. Denison, supra. 

A publisher of Norwich, Connecticut. 
Picturesque History of the Wars of the 
United States ; Illustrated History of 
the New World. 

Denison, Mrs. Mary [Andrews], 
Ms., 1826 . Wife of C. W. Den- 
ison, supra. A prolific author of tales, 
mainly of home life, some of them to 
be classed as Sunday-school literature, 
whUe others are of a more ambitious 



character. Among them are Opposite 
the Jail ; That Husband of Mine, which 
was issued anonymously and enjoyed 
an extraordinary popularity for a short 
time ; That Wife of Mine ; Rothmell ; 
His Triumph ; Old Slip Warehouse ; 
Home Pictures ; Like a Gentleman ; If 
She Will, She WiU. Har. Le. Lip. 

Dennie, Joseph. Ms., 1768-1812. A 
jouxnalist and essayist of Philadelphia, 
whose reputation in his day vastly ex- 
ceeded his deserts. The Lay Preacher, 
or Short Sermons for Idle Readers, is 
his only literary legacy. See A. H. 
Smt/th's Philadelphia Magazines, 1892. 

Denton, Franklin Evert. 0., 1859- 

. A journalist of Cleveland who 

published in 1883 The 35arly Poems of 
Franklin Denton. 

Depew, Chauncey Mitchell. N. 

Y., 18'S4 . A very prominent 

lawyer and railway president of New 
York city, of wide fame as a ready 
after-dinner speaker. He has published 
Orations and After-Dinner Speeches ; 
Later Speeches. Cas. 

De Peyster, John Watts. N. Y., 

1821 . An historical writer of 

New York city, and a general of the 
State militia. Life of Torstenson ; The 
Dutch at the North Pole and the Dutch 
in Maine ; Decisive Conflicts of the 
Late Civil War ; Personal and Mili- 
tary History of General Kearney ; Life 
of Sir John Johnston ; Mary, Queen of 
Scotts, a Study ; The Character of Mary 
and a Justification of Bothwell ; Both- 
well, a drama ; The Thirty Years' 
War ; Before, At, and After Gettys- 
burg ; Life of Baron Cohom ; Caurau- 
sius, the Dutch Augustus ; The Real 
Napoleon Bonaparte. 

De Puy, Henry "Walter. N. Y., 

1820 . A lavryer and journalist. 

Kossuth and his Generals ; Louis Na- 
poleon and his Times ; Ethan Allen and 
the Green Mountain Boys of '76. 

De Puy, William Harrison. N.Y., 

1821 . A Methodist clergyman of 

western New York. Threescore Years 
and Beyond ; Statistics of the Meth- 
odist Episcopal Church ; Home and 
Health ; Home Economics, a very pop- 
ular book. Meth. 

Derby, Elias Hasket. Ms., 1803- 
1880. A noted railway attorney of 

Boston. Two Months Abroad ; Catho- 
lic Letters ; The Overland Route to 
the Pacific ; Position and Prospects of 
the United States with Respect to Fi- 
nance, Commerce, and Prosperity. 

Derby, George. Jtfs., 1819-1874. Cou- 
sin of E. H. Derby, supra. A physi- 
cian of Boston, prominent as a sanita- 
rian, who published Anthracite and 

Derby, George Horatio. "John 
Phoenix." Ms., 1823-1861. Son of J. 
B. Derby, infra. A topographical en- 
gineer in the United States army who 
was a popular humourist in his day. 
Phcenixiana ; Squibob Papers. 

Derby, James Cephas. N. Y., 1818- 
1892. A noted publisher of New York 
and San Francisco, and author of Fifty 
Years Among Authors, Books, and 

Derby, John Barton. Ms., 1792- 
1867. Half-brother of G. Derby, supra. 
A verse-writer whose later years were 
spent in Boston. Musings of a Re- 
cluse ; The Sea ; The Village. 

De Saussure, Henry William. 

S. C, 1 763-1839. A jurist of South Car- 
olina, who was director of the United 
States Mint in 1794, and published 
Reports of the Courts of Chancery and 
Equity in South Carolina from the Rev- 
olution to 1813. 

Deshon, George. Ct., 1823- 

Roman Catholic priest of the Redemp- 
torist order, whose Guide for Young 
Catholic Women has had a very ex- 
tended circulation. 

De Smet, Peter John. Bm., 1801- 
1872. A noted Roman Catholic mis- 
sionary to the Indians, who came to 
the United States in 1821. His writ- 
ings, originally published in French, 
include The Oregon Missions and Trav- 
els over the Rocky Mountains ; Indian 
Letters and Sketches; Western Mis- 
sions and Missionaries ; New Indian 

De Trobriand [tro-brge-San'], Philip 

Regis. F., 1816 . A military 

writer who came to the United States 
in 1841, entered the army, and, after 
serving through the Civil War, retired 
from active service in 1879, and resided 
in New Orleans. Les Gentilshommes 


de I'Onest, a novel ; Quatre ana de 
Campagnes k arm^e du Potomac. 
De Vere, Mary Ainge, "Madeline 

Bridges." N. Y., 18 , A 

writer of Brooklyn. Long Island. Love 
Songs and Other Poems ; Poems. 

De Vere, Maximilian Scheie. Sn., 

1820 . A philologist of note Tvho 

came from Sweden to the United States 
in 1843, and since 1844 has been a pro- 
fessor in the University of Virginia. 
Outlines of Comparative Philology ; 
Studies in English ; Americanisms ; 
Wonders of the Deep ; Grammar of 
the Spanish Language; Stray Leaves 
from the Book of Nature ; Romance 
of American History, include the most 
important of his works. Lip. Put. Scr. 

Devereux, Thomas Pollock. N. C, 

1793-1869. A North Carolina lawyer 
who published Reports of North Caro- 
lina Supreme Court, 1826-34 ; Reports 
in the Superior Court, 1834-40 ; Equity 
Reports, 1826-40. 

De Vinne, Daniel. I., 1793-1883. A 
Methodist clergyman of New York 
city. The Methodist Episcopal Church 
and Slavery; Recollections of Fifty 
Years in the Ministry ; Irish Primitive 

De Vinne, Theodore Lovr. Ct., 

1828 . Son of D. De Vinne, supra. 

A noted printer of New York city. 
Printer's Price List; Invention of 
Printing ; Historic Types. 

DeTV, Thomas Roderick. Va., 
1802-1846. An educator of Virginia, 
president of William and Mary Col- 
lege, 1836^6. A Digest of the His- 
tory and Laws of Ancient and Modem 
Nations is his chief work. Other writ- 
ings of his include The Policy of the 
Government ; Lectures on History ; 
Usury ; Essay in Favour of Slavery, 
which had a great influence in turning 
popular sentiment against emancipa- 
tion. Ap. 

De Walden, Thomas Blaides. M, 
1811-1873. A New York actor of 
some note as an author and adapter of 
many plays, among which are The Up- 
per Ten and the Lower Twenty ; Kit; 
The Jesuit. 

Dewees, WUliam Potts. Pa., 1768- 
1841. A once popular physician of 
Philadelphia, professor of obstetrics in 


the University of Pennsylvania. His 
literary style was bad, yet his writings 
were widely circulated in the iirofes- 
sion and highly valued. Medical Es- 
says ; Physical and Medical Treatment 
of Children ; System of Midwifery ; 
Practice of Medicine. See Gross's 
Sketches of Contemporaries. 
Dewey, Chester. Ms., 1783-1867. A 
botanist who as an educator was con- 
nected with various colleges, and lastly 
with the University of Rochester. Be- 
sides a History of Herbaceous Plants 
of Massachusetts, he wrote an elabo- 
rate monograph on the Carices of North 
America, the result of many years' 

Dewey, Melvil. N. Y., 1851- 

The librarian of Columbia College and 
director of the New York State library. 
Library School Rules; The Decimal 
Classification and Relation Index. 

Dewey, Orville. Ms., 1794-1882. A 
Unitarian clergyman of conservative 
opinions, once prominent as a pastor in 
New York and Boston. Unitarian Be- 
lief ; Discourses on Human Life ; The 
Old World and the New ; Letters on 
Revivals; Problems of Human Life 
and Destiny ; Education of the Human 
Race, comprise his principal writings. 
See Autobiography/ and Letters, 1883. 
A. U. A. 

De Witt, Benjamin. 1774-1819. A 
New York physician and scientist who 
published Oxygen ; Minerals in New 

De Witt, John. N. Y., 1821 . 

A Reformed Dutch clergyman, profes- 
sor in the Theological Seminary at New 
Brunswick, New Jersey, 1863-92. The 
Sure Foundation and how to Build on 
It ; The Psalms, a New Translation 
(1891) ; What is Inspiration ? Bev. 

De Witt, John. Pa., 1842 . A 

Presbyterian clergyman, professor at 
Princeton Theological Seminary since 
1892, and the author of Sermons on 
the Christian Life. 

De Witt, Simeon. N. Y., 1756-1834. 
A once famous surveyor who is com- 
monly held responsible for the classical 
nomenclature of places in central and 
western New York. He published Ele- 
ments of Perspective. 



Dexter, Henry Martyn. Ms., 1821- 
1^90. A Congregational clergyman o£ 
prominence in Boston as editor of The 
Cougregationalist, 1867-90. He was a 
positive, dogmatic writer, much addicted 
to historical and religious controversy. 
His most important work is The Congre- 
gationalism^ of the Last Three Hundred 
Years. Handbook of Congregational- 
ism ; Pilgrim Memoranda ; The Ver- 
dict of Reason; As to Roger Williams 
and his Banishment, a marked exam- 
ple of special pleading ; History of 
the Old Plymouth Colony ; History 
and the Study of History ; The Right 
Use of Books ; The Study of Politics, 
include the greater number of his other 
woria. C. JP. S. Har. 

Dexter, Samuel. Ms., 1761-1816. 
A jurist of Boston who was secretary 
of war tinder President John Adams. 
Lettera on Free Masonry ; Progress of 
Science, a poem ; Speeches and Politi- 
cal Papers. 

Diaz, Mrs. Abby [Morton]. Ms., 

1821 . A Boston writer who in 

youth was one of the famous company 
at Brook Farm, and has since been 
prominent in relation to social reforms. 
Her books for juvenile readers, which 
are characterized by a strong vein of 
humour, include The William Henry 
Letters ; WiUiam Henry and his 
Friends ; Chronicles of the Stimpeett 
Family ; The Cats' Arabian Nights ; 
The John Spicer Lectures ; Lucy Ma- 
ria ; Polly Cologne ; Jimmyjohns ; A 
Story-book for Children. Other works 
are Bybury to Beacon Street, a discus- 
sion of social topics ; Domestic Prob- 
lems ; Only a Flock of Women. Lo. 

Dibble, Sheldon. JSf. Y., 1809-1845. 
A missionary to the Sandwich Islands 
who published History of the Sandwich 
Island Missions. 

Dickenson, Baxter. Ms., 1795-1875. 
A Congregational clergyman of Bos- 
ton, author of Letters to Students. 

Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth. Pa., 

1842 . A once famous lecturer 

on politics and woman suffrage who, 
after a short and unsuccessful career 
as an actress, has since lived in retire- 
ment. A Paying Investment, a Plea 
for Education ; A Ragged Register of 
People, Places, and Opinions ; What 
Answer ? a novel ; and two plays, Mary 

Tudor; The Crown of Thorns. Har, 
Dickinson, Charles Monroe. N. 

Y., 1842 . A journalist of Bing- 

hamton, New York, who pubHshed The 
Children, and Other Verses. 

Dickinson, Daniel Stevens. Ct, 
1800-1866. A Democratic politician, 
long prominent in the State of New 
York, Speeches and Correspondence, 
with a biography of him by his brother, 
appeared in 1867. 

Dickinson, Emily. Ms., 1830-1886. 
A poet whose entire life was passed in 
Amherst, Massachusetts, in great seclu- 
sion, and who rarely published any of 
her work. Since her death attention 
has been drawn to the strikingly ori- 
ginal nature of her poetry by the pub- 
lication of three volumes of Poems, 
selected from her manuscripts. They 
display an utter disregard of technique 
as well as an almost startling original- 
ity of conception. See Letters of, 1847- 
1886, edited by Mrs. Todd. Bob. 

Dickinson, John. Md., 1732-1808. 
A political writer of great influence 
during the period of the Revolution. 
Dickinson College, which he helped to 
found, was named in his honour. He 
wrote vigourously against the Stamp 
Act, and his various state papers dis- 
play both eloquence and dignity. Peti- 
tion to the King ; Second Petition to 
the King ; Letters from a Pennsylvania 
Farmer ; Letters of Fabius. 

Dickinson, Jonathan. E., 16 — 
1722. A chief justice of Pennsylvania 
who came to the colony in 1696. His 
book, entitled God's Protecting Provi- 
dence Man's Surest Help in Times of 
Danger, is a narrative of personal ad- 
venture, and has been several times re- 
printed since its first appearance in 

Dickinson, Jonathan. Ms., 1688- 
1747. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Elizabethtown, New Jersey, who was 
one of the chief American theologians 
of his day, and the first president of 
the College of New Jersey (now Prince- 
ton College). He was a voluminous 
writer, and much given to controversy 
of a theological nature. Among his 
many works are included Familiar 
Letters upon Important Subjects in 
Religion ; Reasonableness of Chris- 


tianity ; True Scripture Doctrine. See 
Ti/ler^s American Literature. 
Dickinson, Richard 'William. iV. 
Y; 1804-1874. A Presbyterian clergy- 
man of New York city. Scenes from 
Sacred History ; Responses from the 
Sacred Oracles; Religious Teaching 
by Example ; Life and Times of John 
Howard ; The Resurrection of Christ 
Historically and Logically Viewed. 

Dickinson, Rodolphus. Ms., 1787- 
1S63. An Episcopal clei^yman in 
Deerfield, Massachusetts, who pub- 
lished a much criticised New and Cor- 
rected Version of the New Testament ; 
Greographical and Statistical View of 

Dickson, Andreiv Flinn. S. C, 
1825—1879. A Presbyterian clergy- 
man of Alabama. Plantation Sermons ; 
The Temptation in the Desert ; The 
Light, is it Waning ? 

Dickson, John. N. JS., 1783-1852. 
A New York congressman, early pro- 
minent in opposition to slavery. Re- 
marks on the Presentation of Petitions 
for the Abolition of Slavery in the Dis- 
trict of Columbia. 

Dickson, Samuel Henry. S. C, 

1798-1872. A physician of eminence 
in Charleston, and afterwards in Phila^ 
delphia, where from 1858 to 1872 he 
was a professor in the Jefferson Med- 
ical College. He wrote much on med- 
ical and other topics, his literary style 
being greatly admired. Essays on 
Life, Sleep, Pain, and Death ; On the 
Correlation of Forces J j35sthetics of 
Suicide ; Elements of Medicine; Dengue, 
its History, Pathology, and Treatment ; 
Manual of Pathology ; Practice of 
Medicine ; Essays on Pathology and 
Therapeutics ; Studies in Pathology 
and Therapeutics. See AUibone's Dic- 
tionary ; Gross's Sketches of Contempo- 

Didier [dy'deer], Eugene Lemoine. 

Md., 1838 . Son of F. J. Didier, 

infra. A Baltimore litterateur whose 
style as a critic is somewhat aggressive. 
Life of Poe ; Life and Letters of Ma- 
dame Bonaparte ; Primer of Criticism ; 
The Political Adventures of James 6. 
Blaine (1884). Scr. 

Didier, Franklin James. Md., 1794- 
1840. A Baltimore physician who was 


the author of Didier's Letters from 
Paris ; Franklin's Letters to his Kins- 

Dillaye, Stephen Devalson. N. Y., 

1820-1884. The Money and Finances 
of the French Revolution of 1789. 

Dillon, John Forrest. N. Y., 1831- 

. A noted jurist of Iowa, and, 

since 1879, of New York city. United 
States Circuit Court Reports ; Munici- 
pal Corporations ; Removal of Causes 
from State to Federal Courts; Muni- 
cipal Bonds ; Laws and Jurisprudence 
of England and America. Lit. 

Diman, Jeremiah Lewis. B. I., 
1831-1881. A Congregational clergy- 
man who was professor of history and 
political economy in Brown University 
from 1864. Orations and Essays ; The 
Theistic Argument as Affected by Re- 
cent Theories. See Memoirs by Caroline 
Hazard, infra. Sou. 

Dimitry, Charles Fatten. D. C, 

1837 . A novelist and journalist 

of New Orleans. Guilty or not Gmlty ; 
Angela's Christmas ; The Alderly 
Tragedy ; The House in Balfour Street. 

Dimitry, John Bull Smith. D. C, 

1835 . Brother of C. P. Dimitry, 

supra. A journalist of New York city. 
History and Geography of Louisiana 
from its EarKest Settlement to the 
Close of the Civil War. 

Dimmock, George. Ms., 1852 . 

A naturalist of Cambridge, at one time 
editor of Psyche, a journal of entomo- 
logy. Anatomy of Mouth Parts of 
Some Insects of the Order of Diptera. 

Dinnies, Mrs. Anna Feyre [Shack- 
elford]. S. C, 1816 . A verse- 
writer of New Orleans who published 
The Floral Yeai', a collection of one 
hundred poems. 

Dinsmoor, Robert. N. S., 1757- 
1836. A homely verse-writer of Wind- 
ham, New Hampshire, Tvho was known 
as " The Rustic Bard,' ' and published 
Incidental Poems, strongly imitative of 
Burns. See Whittier's Old Portraits 
and Modern Sketches. 

Dirck, Cornelius Lansing. N. Y., 

1785-1857. A Presbyterian clergyman 
for many years connected with Ai^bum 
Theological Seminary, who published 
Sermons on Important Subjects. 




Disosway, G-abriel Poillon. N. Y., 

n!J8-iyUS. An antiquary of New York 
city. The Children's Book of Ser- 
mons ; The Earliest Churches of New 
York and its Vicinity. 

Disturnell, John. JST. Y., 1801-1877. 
A map-publisher of New York city 
who was an industrious compiler of 
guide - books and similar literature. 
New York as it Was and Is, ISTO ; In- 
fluence of Climate in North and South 
America ; The Great Lakes of Amer- 
ica ; Traveller's Guide to Hudson River ; 
Tourist's Guide to the Upper Missis- 
sippi, include some of his more im- 
portant works. 

Ditson, George Leighton. Ms., 
1812 . A noted traveller who pub- 
lished Circassia, or a Tour to the Cau- 
casus ; Crimora ; The Para Papers, or 
France, Egypt, and Ethiopia ; The Cres- 
cent and the French Crusaders ; The 
Fedariti of Italy, a Romance of Circas- 
sian Captivity. 

Dix, Dorothea Lynde. Me., 1802- 
1887. A famous Massachusetts phi- 
lanthropist the greater part of whose 
life was spent in efforts to improve the 
condition of the insane. The present 
enlightened treatment of the insane 
throughout the world is due in large 
measure to the impetus given in that 
direction by her labours in America and 
Europe. Her writings, except Prisons 
and Prison Discipline, are intended for 
children, and include The Garland of 
Flora ; Conversations about Common 
Things ; Alice and Ruth ; Evening 
Hours. See Life by F. Tiffany, ivfra. 

Dis, John Adams. N. H., 1798- 
1879. A general and statesman who 
while secretary of the treasury in 1861 
issued the celebrated order, " If any 
one attempts to tear down the Ameri- 
can flag, shoot him on the spot." A 
Winter in Madeira, and A Summer in 
Spain and Florence ; Speeches and Oc- 
casional Addresses ; Resources of the 
State of New York. See Memoir, by 
Morgan Dix, infra. A-p. 

Dix, John Homer. Circa 1810-1884. 
An oculist and aurist of Boston who 
published Changes of the Blood, a 
translation from the French of Gibert ; 
Treatise on Strabismus; Morbid Sen- 
sibility of the Retina ; The Opthalmo- 
scope and its Uses. 

Dix, Morgan. 2V^. Y., 1827 . Son 

of J. A. Dix, supra. A prominent 
Episcopal clergyman of New York city 
conspicuous among High Church theo- 
logians, and rector of Trinity Church 
since 1859. Sermons, Doctrinal and 
Practical ; Lectures on the Calling of a 
Christian Woman ; Memou- of J. A. Dix, 
supra ; Gospel and Philosophy ; The 
Sacramental System ; The Seven Dead- 
ly Sins ; Lectures on the First Prayer 
Book of King Edward VI. ; The Two 
Estates, — Wedded in the Lord, Single 
for the Kingdom of Heaven's Sake. 
Ap. Dut. Har. 

Dixon, James Main. S., 18,56 . 

A professor of English literature in 
Washington University, St. Louis, since 
11^02, and the author of A Dictionary 
of Idiomatic English Phrases. 

Doane, George Hobart. JIfs., 1830- 

. Son of G. W. Doane, infra. A 

prelate of the papal household at 
Rome since 1886, with the title of Mon- 
signore. First Principles ; Exclusion 
of Protestant Worship from Rome ; 
Manual of Instructions and Prayers. 

Doane, George Washington. N. J., 
1799-1859. The second Protestant 
Episcopal bishop of New Jersey ; con- 
secrated bishop in 1832. Songs by the 
Way ; Sermons on Various Occasions. 
The familiar hymn beginning " Softly 
now the light of day" is one of his 
most noted poems. See Life and Writ- 
ings of, by W. C. Doane, infra. 

Doane, William Croswell. N. J., 

1 832 . Son of G. W. Doane, supra. 

The first Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of Albany. He has contributed much 
to reviews and other periodicals on 
topics of the day, is the author of a 
number of poems, among which The 
Sculptor Boy is often quoted, and hag 
published several works, including Ser- 
mons ; Mosaics, or the Harmony of 
Collect Epistle and Gospel for the Sun- 
days of the Christian Year. As a theo- 
logian his pla^e is amongst liberal High 

Dod, Albert Baldwin. N. J., 1805- 
1845. A Presbyterian clergyman, pro- 
fessor of mathematics at Princeton 
College, 1830-45. Theological Essays 
was his only published work. 

Dodd, Mrs. Anna Bowman 
[Blake]. X. L, 185 . A New 



York writer whose volumes of travels 
have been very popular. The Republic 
of the Future, or Socialism a Reality ; 
Cathedral Days ; Glorinda : a Story ; 
Three Normandy Inns ; In the Norfolk 
Broads. Cas. Rob. 
Dodd, Stephen. N. J., 1777-1856. 
A Presbyterian minister of Connecti- 
cut, who published History of East 
Haven ; Revolutionary Memorials. 

Doddridge, Joseph. Pa., 1769-182(3. 
An Episcopal clergyman of western 
Virginia. Logan, a drama ; Notes on 
the Settlement and Indian Wars of the 
Western Country, 1763-83. 

Dodge, David Low. Ct, 1774-18.j2. 
A New York merchant who was the 
first president of the New York Peace 
Society. The Mediator's Kingdom not 
of this World ; War Inconsistent with 
the Religion of Jesus Christ. See Memo- 
rials of, 1S54. 

Dodge, Ebenezer. Ms.. 1819-1890. 
A Baptist clergyman, president of Mad- 
ison (now Colgate) University, 1868-90. 
Evidences of Christianity ; Christian 

Dodge, Mary Abigail. " Gail Ham- 
ilton." Ms., 1838-1896. A noted es- 
sayist and magazinist of Hamilton, 
Massachusetts, whose aggressive, pun- 
gent style made her writings at one 
time extremely popular. Much of her 
work is ephemeral in its nature, but it 
is always readable and often brilliant. 
A New Atmosphere ; Gala Days ; Wo- 
man's Wrongs ; Red-Letter Days ; 
Summer Rest ; Battle of the Books ; 
Twelve Miles from a Lemon ; Sermons 
to the Clergy ; First Love is Best ; 
What Think ye of Christ ? ; Country 
Living and Country Thinking; Skir- 
mishes and Sketches ; Wool-Gathering ; 
Woman's Worth and Worthlessness ; 
Little Folk Life ; Nursery Noonings ; 
Our Common School System ; Divine 
Guidance ; The Insuppressible Book ; 
A Washington Bible Class ; Biography 
of James G. Blaine. Ap. Har. 

Dodge, Mrs. Mary Barker [Car- 
ter]. Pa., 18 . Belfry Voices ; 

The Gray Masque and Other Poems. 

Dodge, Mrs. Mary [Mapes]. N. Y., 

1838 . A writer of New York 

city who has edited the Saint Nicholas 

Magazine since 1873. Her writings for 
young people include Hans Eriuker ; 
Donald and Dorothy ; Rhymes and 
Jingles ; Irvington Stories ; A Few 
Friends ; The Land of Pluck ; When 
Life is Young, poems for young peo- 
ple. She has also written Theophilus 
and Others ; Along the Way : a volume 
of Short Poems. Scr. 

Dodge, Nathaniel Shatswell. Ms., 
1810-1874. A Boston litterateur who 
was the author of Stories of a Grand- 
father about American History. Le. 

Dodge, Richard Irving. N.C., 1827- 
1895. A colonel in the United States 
army who saw much service in Indian 
campaigns, and made careful study of 
the Indian character. The Black 
HUls ; The Plains of the Great West ; 
Our Wild Indians ; A Living Issue. 

Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. Ms., 
1842 . A captain and brevet lieu- 
tenant-colonel in the United States 
army, prominent as a military historian. 
The Campaign of Chancellorsville ; A 
Bird's-Eye View of our Civil War; 
Great Captains ; Alexander, a History 
of the Origin and Growth of the Art of 
War from the Earliest Times to the Bat- 
tle of Ipsus, E. c. 301, with a detailed 
account of the Campaigns of the Great 
Macedonian ; Hannibal ; Csesar ; Gus- 
tavus Adolphus; Patroclus and Pene- 
lope, a Chat in the Saddle ; Riders of 
Many Lands. Har. Sou, 

Dods, John Bovee. N. Y., 1795- 
1872. A clergyman of New York city 
whose published works include Thirty 
Sermons ; Philosophy of Mesmerism ; 
Philosophy of Electrical Psychology; 
Immortality Triumphant ; Spirit Man- 
ifestations Examined and Explained. 

Doe, Charles Henry. Ms., 18.38- 
. A journalist of Worcester, Mas- 
sachusetts. BufEets, a novel. 

Doesticks, Q. K. Philander. See 

Thomson, Mortimer. 
Doggett, David Seth. Va., 1810- 
1880. A Methodist bishop who lived 
at Richmond, Virginia, and published 
The War and its Close. 

Dolbear, Amos Bmerson. Ct., 

1837 . A professor of physics and 

astronomy at Tufts College since 1874. 
The Art of Projecting ; The Speaking 




Telephone ; Sound and its Phenomena. 
Matter, Ether, and Motion, ie. 

Dole, Charles Fletcher. Me., 1845- 
. A Unitarian clerg-yman of Bos- 
ton. The Citizen and the Neighbour; 
Jesus and the Men about Him ; A Cat 
echism of Liberal Faith ; The American 

Dole, Edmund Pearson. Me., 18.50- 
. Cousin of C. F. Dole, supra. As- 
sistant attorney-general of the Hawaii- 
an Islands. Talks About Law. IXou. 

Dole, Nathan Haskell. Ms., 1852- 

. Brother of C. F. Dole, supra. 

A litterateur of Boston who, besides 
publishing translations from the Rus- 
sian of Tolstoi and other writers, is the 
author of A Score of Famous Compos- 
ers ; The Hawthorn Tree and Other 
Poems, a collection of pleasing, unpre- 
tentious verse ; Not Angels Quite ; His- 
tory of the Turko-Russian War of 1.S77- 
1878; On the Point, a Summer Idyl; 
Flowers from Foreign Gardens. One 
of his most important works is a vario- 
rum edition of the RubdiyAt of Omar 
KhayyAm. Cr. Est. Kt. Mer. 

Donald, Elijah 'Winchester. Ms., 

1848 — ■ . An Episcopal clergyman 

of Boston, rector of Trinity Church 
from 1892. The Expansion of Religion. 

Donaldson, Frank. Md., 1822-1891. 
A Baltimore physician, professor of hy- 
giene in the University of Maryland 
since 1866. Influence of City Life and 
Occupations in Consumption. 

Donaldson, James Lovsrry. Md., 
1814-1885. A colonel and brevet ma^ 
jor-general in the United States army 
who published Sergeant Atkins, a tale 
of the Florida War. 

Donnelly, Eleanor Cecilia. Pa., 

18.38 — . Sister of I. Donnelly, infra. 

A Philadelphia writer of religious verse, 
the greater part of which is occupied 
with Roman Catholic themes. Among 
her many volumes are Domus Dei ; Out 
of Sweet Solitude ; Hymns of the Sa- 
cred Heart ; Children of the Golden 
Sheaf and Other Poems. 

Donnelly, Ignatius. Pa., 18.31 . 

A Minnesota writer who, besides pub- 
lishing An Essay on the Sonnets of 
Shakespeare ; Atlantis : the Antedilu- 
vian World ; Cffisar's Column ; Ragna- 

rok ; the Age of Fire and Gravel, is the 
author of The Great Cryptogram. In 
this work he claims to have discovered 
a cipher in the plays of Shakespeare 
which sufficiently establishes the fact 
that they were written by Lord Bacon, 
an eccentric exercise of ingenuity that 
has not been taken seriously by scholars. 
Ap. Har. 

Doolittle, Benjamin. Ms., 1695- 
1749. A clergyman of Northfield, Mas- 
sachusetts, 1718-49. Narrative of the 
Mischief of the French and Indians, 
1744^48 ; Inquiry into Enthusiasm. 

Dorchester, Daniel. Ms., 1827 . 

A prominent Methodist clergyman of 
Pittsburg. Concessions of Liberalists 
to Orthodoxy ; Problem of Rehgious 
Progress ; Latest Drink Sophistries ; 
The Liquor Problem in All Ages ; The 
Why of Methodism ; Christianity in the 
United States ; Romanism versus the 
Public Schools. Meth. 

Dorgan, John Aylmer. 1836-1866. 
A lawyer and verse writer of Philadel- 
phia, whose only publication was a col- 
lection of verse entitled Studies. See 
Manhattan Magazine, June, 1S8S. 

Dorr, Benjamin. JV/s., 1796-1869. An 
Episcopal clergyman who was rector of 
Christ Church, Philadelphia, 1837-69. 
The Churchman's Manual; The His- 
tory of a Pocket Prayer-Book ; Recog- 
nition of Friends in Another World ; 
Sunday - School Teacher's Encourage- 
ment ; Prophecies and Types Relative 
to Christ ; Memorials of Christ Church ; 
Travels in the East ; Memoir of John 
Fanning Watson, infra. 

Dorr, Mrs. Julia Caroline [Rip- 
ley]. S. C, 1825 . A poet and 

novelist of Rutland, Vermont. Her 
verse, much of which reaches a high 
degree of excellence, includes Day- 
break, an Easter Poem ; Vermont ; 
Friar Anselmo ; Afternoon Songs ; Le- 
gend of the Baboushka; Poems (com- 
plete edition). Her other writings 
comprise four novels : Lanmere ; Sibyl 
Huntington ; Expiation ; Farmingdale ; 
Bermuda, a volume of travel; Bride 
and Bridegroom, or Letters to a Young 
Married Couple; The Flower of Eng- 
land's Face ; A Cathedral Pilgrimage. 
Lip. Mac. Meth. Ran. Scr. 

Dorsey, Mrs. Anna Hanson. D. C, 
1815-1896. A prolific writer of dra- 




mas, novels, poems, and essays, long 
resident in WasMngton, and from 1840 
an ai'dent Roman Catholic. Among 
her worlcs are May Brooke ; Guy the 
Leper, an epic poem ; The Old House 
at Glenarra ; Palms ; Warp and Woof. 

Dorsey, Ella Loraine. i). C, 185— 

. Daughter of Mrs. Anna Dorsey, 

supra. A Washington writer of stories 
for boys. Midshipman Bob ; Saxty's 
Angel ; The Two Tramps. 

Dorsey, James O-wen. Md., 1848- 
1895. An ethnologist who for a time 
was an Episcopal missionary to the 
Ponka Indians, but for many years has 
been engaged in linguistic studies for 
the Bureau of Ethnology. Omaha So- 
ciology ; Osage Traditions ; Kansas 
Mourning and War Customs ; The 
Dhegiha Language, are among his 

Dorsey, Mrs. Sarah Anne [Ellis]. 
Mi., 1829-1879. A Mississippi author 
who was the amanuensis of Jeiferson 
Davis, supra, to whom she bequeathed 
her estate of Beauvoir on the Gulf of 
Mexico, where he died. Lucia Dare ; 
Agnes Graham, both stories of the Civil 
War ; Panola, a tale of Louisiana ; Ata- 
lie, or a Southern ViUeggiatura ; Life 
of Governor Allen of Louisiana. 

Dorsheimer, "William. N. r.,1832- 
1888. A prominent citizen of BufEalo 
who was twice lieutenant-governor of 
New York, and published A Life of 
Grover Cleveland (1884). 

Doten, Lizzie. Ms., 1829 . A 

Boston spiritualist trance medium whose 
verses are claimed to be inspired by the 
spirits of Shakespeare, Burns, Poe, and 
other poets of the past. Poems of Pro- 
gress ; Poems from the Inner Life. 

Doubleday, Abner. N. Y., 1819- 
1893. A colonel and brevet major- 
general in the United States army who 
retired from active service in 1873. 
Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and 
Moultrie ; Chancellorsville and Gettys- 
burg ; Gettysburg made Plain. Har. 

Doubleday, Charles William. E., 
1829 . A soldier who accompa- 
nied Walker on the famous Nicaragua 
expedition, and later served as acting 
brigadier-general in the United States 

army. Reminiscences of the Filibuster 
War in America. 

Douglas, Alice May. Me., 1865- 

. A writer of verse and juvenile 

tales whose home is at Bath, Maine. 
Her verse includes Phlox ; May Flow- 
ers ; Gems Without Polish. Jewel Gath- 
erers ; The Peacemaker; Self -Exiled 
from Russia, are among her tales for 
young readers. 

Douglas, Amanda Minnie. N. Y., 
1837 . A popular novelist of New- 
ark, New Jersey, whose more than 
thirty works of fiction have obtained a 
wide circulation. They are readable, 
and not without skill in construction, 
but are not particularly strong on the 
literary side. Among them are In 
Trust ; Stephen Dane ; Claudia ; With 
Fate Against Him ; Sherburne House ; 
In Wild Rose Time ; Seven Daughters ; 
Larry ; Hope MiUs. Do. Le. 

Douglas, Marian. See BMnson, Mrs. 

Douglas, Silas Hamilton. N. Y., 

181tJ . A professor of chemistry 

at the University of Michigan, 1844-79. 
Tables for Qualitative Chemical Anal- 
ysis ; Qualitative Chemical Analysis 
(with A. R. Prescott). 

Douglass, Frederick. Md., 1817- 
1895. A famous orator and the most 
distinguished member of the African 
race in America. He was born in 
slavery, but escaped to the North in 
1838, educated himself, and soon be- 
came prominent as an anti- slavery 
speaker. As time went on, his style, al- 
ways picturesque and eloquent, became 
polished and elegant. My Bondage and 
My Freedom ; Narrative of My Expe- 
rience in Slavery ; Life and Times of 
Frederick Douglass (1881). See Life by 
Holland, 1891. 

Douglass, William. S., c. 1G91-1752. 
A Scottish physician who came to 
America and settled in Boston in 1718. 
He was a man of very positive views, 
most of which were opposed to those of 
the age and the community in which he 
lived, and his time was well filled in 
controversies with the clergy, physi- 
cians, magistrates, and colonial govern- 
ors. His principal work is a Summary, 
Historical and Political, of the British 
Settlements in America. Others of 
less note are Mercurius Novanglicanus, 




an almanac ; Treatise on Small Pox ; 
Midwifery ; Practical History of a New, 
Eruptive, Miliary Fever. See Tyler^s 
American Literature. 

Dow, Daniel. Ct., 1772-1849. A 
Congregational clergyman of Thomp- 
son, Connecticut. Familiar Letters to 
Rev. Jolin Sherman ; The Pedobaptist 
Catechism ; The Sinaitic and Abra- 
haraic Covenants ; Free Inquiry Rec- 
ommended on the Subject of Free 

Dow, Lorenzo. Ct., 1777-18.34. An 
eccentric Methodist travelling preacher, 
especially vehement against the Jesuits. 
Polemical Works ; The Stranger in 
Charleston, or the Trial and Confession 
of Lorenzo Dow ; A Short Account of a 
Long Travel ; Journal and Miscella- 
neous Writings ; History of a Cosmop- 
olite, an autobiographic work. 

Dowd, Mary Alice. W. Va., 18.55- 
. An educator of Stamford, Con- 
necticut, who has published Vacation 

Dowling, John. E., 1807-1878. A 
Baptist clergyman of New York city 
whose writings had a large circulation. 
Vindication of the Baptists ; History of 
Romanism ; Defence of the Protestant 
Scriptures; Power of Illustration; 
Nights and Mornings ; Judson Offer- 
ing ; Exposition of the Prophecies con- 
cerning the Second Coming of Christ. 

Downes, John. N. Y., 1799-1882. A 
mathematician of Washington. Peter 
Parley's Almanacs for Old and Young ; 
Logarithms and Logarithmic Sines and 
Tangents ; United States Almanac 
Complete, or Ephemeris. 

Downes, William Howe. Ct., 1854- 

. A Boston journalist, for many 

years on the stafE of the Transcript, and 
an art critic. Spanish Ways and By- 
Ways ; The Tin Army of the Potomac, 
or a Kindergarten of War. 

Downie, David. S., 1838 . A 

Baptist missionary to India who has 
published a History of the Telugu Mis- 

Downing, Andre-w Jackson. N. Y., 
1815-1852. A once noted horticultur- 
ist and landscape gardener of New 
York who did much to popularize a 
knowledge of rural art. Theory and 
Practice of Landscape Gardening; 

Fruit and Fruit Trees of America ; Ar- 
chitecture of Country Houses ; Cottage 
Residences ; Rural Essays. See Garden 
and Forest, vol. 8. Wil. 

Downing, Mrs. Frances [Mur- 
daugh]. Circa 1835-1894. A writer 
of Charlottesville, North Carolina, who 
has published Pluto, or the Origin of 
Mint Julep, a story in verse after the 
manner of the " Ingoldsby Legends ; " 
and several novels, including Name- 
less ; Perfect Through Suffering ; Flor- 
ida ; Five Little Girls and Two Little 

Downing, Jack. See Smith, Seba. 

Drake, Benjamin. Ky., 1794-1841. 
A Cincinnati journalist whose writings 
include Cincinnati in 1820 ; Tales and 
Sketches from the Queen City ; Life of 
Black Hawk ; Life of William Henry 
Harrison ; Life of Tecumseh. 

Drake, Charles Daniel. 0., 1811- 
1892. Son of Daniel Drake, infra. 
An eminent lawyer of St. Louis who 
published Law of Attachments; Life 
of Daniel Drake. Lit. 

Drake, Daniel. N. J., 1785-1852. 
Brother of B. Drake, supra. A distin- 
guished physician of Cincinnati and 
Philadelphia who is best known by 
his valuable work on The Diseases of 
the Interior Valley of North America, 
which embodies a vast amount of pa- 
tient research. His other works in- 
clude Pictures of Cincinnati and the 
Miami Country (1815) ; History of the 
Prevention and Treatment of Epidemic 
Cholera ; Essays on Medical Educa- 
tion ; Discourses ; Roneer Life in Ken- 
tucky. See Lives by Mansfield, 1855, 
C. D. Drake, supra, 1871 ; Grosses 
Sketches of Contemporaries. Glke. 

Drake, Francis Samuel. Ms., 1828- 
1885. Son of S. G. Drake, infra. A 
bookseller of Boston whose Dictionary 
of American Biography is incorporated 
in Appleton's Cyclopedia of Biography. 
Other works of his are Life of General 
Knox ; The Town of Roxbury ; Tea 
Leaves ; Indian History for Young 
Folks. Har. Lip. 

Drake, Joseph Rodman. N. Y., 
1795-1820. A talented physician of 
New York city, co-author with Hal- 
leck, infra, of The Croaker Papers in 
the Evening Post. His poetical fame 
rests on The Culprit Fay, a delicate, 


fanciful creation, and the often-quoted 
poem The American Flag. His poetry 
was once extremely popular, but has 
failed to interest the readere of the 
latter half of the 19th century. A 
selection from his poems was made by 
his daughter and published in 1836. 

Drake, Samuel Adams. Ms., 1833- 

. Son of S. G. Drake, infra. A 

litterateur of Boston whose histories 
and books of home travel have been 
deservedly popular. Around the Hub, 
a Boy's Book About Boston ; The 
Heart of the White Mountains ; Old 
Landmarks aud Historic Personages of 
Boston ; Nooks and Cornets of the New 
England Coast; Old Landmarks and 
Historic Fields of Middlesex ; Captain 
Nelson ; The Watch Fires of '76 ; Bur- 
goyne's Invasion of 1777 ; The Taking 
of Louisburg; The Battle of Gettys- 
burg ; Our Colonial Homes ; New Eng- 
land Legends and Folk-Lore ; The 
Making of New England, 1580-1643 ; 
The Making of Virginia and the Mid- 
dle Colonies, 1578-1701 ; The Making 
of the Ohio Valley States, 1660-1837 ; 
The Making of the Great West, 1512- 
1853 ; History of Middlesex County ; 
The Pine-Tree Coast. Est. Har. Le. 
Rob. Scr. 

Drake, Samuel G-ardiner. N. H., 
1798-1875. A Boston bookseller of 
antiquarian tastes who, beside editing 
several historical works, was the author 
of Memoir of Cotton Mather ; Enter- 
taining History of King Philip's War ; 
Book of the Indians ; Old Indian Chron- 
icle ; Account of the Family of Drake ; 
Memoir of Walter Raleigh; History 
and Antiquities of Boston ; Indian Bi- 
ography ; Indian Captivities ; Annals of 
Witchcraft in the United States ; His- 
tory of the French and Indian War. 
See Bibliography of Maine. 

Draper, Andreiv Sloan. N. Y., 

1848 . A lawyer and educator 

of Albany, and, since 1894, president 
of the University of Illinois. What 
Ought the Common Schools to Do ? ; 
How to Improve the Country Schools ; 
Powers and Obligations of Teachers ; 
School Administration in Large Cities ; 
Origin of the New York Common 
School System; A Teaching Profes- 
sion ; Authority of the State in Edu- 
cation; Legal Status of the Public 



Schools ; Normal and Training School 
System of New York ; Responsibility 
and Authority of Trustees ; American 
Schools and American Citizenship ; 
Public School Pioneering in New York 
and Massachusetts. 

Draper, Henry. Fa., 1837-1882. Son 
of J. W. Draper, infra. A professor 
in the University of New York. The 
Construction of a Silvered Glass Tele- 
scope ; Text-Book of Chemistry. 

Draper, John Christopher. Va., 
1835-1885. Son of J. W. Draper, infra. 
A New York physician, professor in the 
University of New York. Text-Book 
in Anatomy ; Physiology and Hygiene ; 
Practical Laboratory Course in Physics ; 
Text-Book of Medical Physics. 

Draper, John William. E., 1811- 
1882. A distinguished scientist who 
came from England to the United States 
in 1832, and from 1839 to 1881 was con- 
nected with the University of New 
York. History of the Civil War in 
America; History of the Intellectual 
Development of Europe ; The Future 
Civil Policy of America ; Human Phys- 
iology ; Elements of Chemistry ; Text- 
Book of Natural Philosophy ; Text- 
Book on Physiology ; Researches in 
Actino-Chemistry ; Scientific Memoirs ; 
History of the Conflict between Re- 
ligion and Science. See Dictionary of 
National Biography, vol. 16. 

Draper, Lyman Copeland. N. Y., 
1815-1891. An antiquarian writer of 
Madison, Wisconsin. Madison, the Cap- 
ital of Wisconsin ; King's Mountain and 
its Heroes. 

Drayton, John. S. C, 1766-1822. Son 
of W. H. Dra»yton, infra. A South 
Carolina statesman, twice governor of 
his State. View of South Carolina ; 
Letters written during a Tour through 
the Northern and Eastern States. 

Drayton, William Henry. S. C, 
1742-1779. A prominent figure among 
statesmen of the Revolution and a mem- 
ber of the Continental Congress. A 
History of the American Revolution, 
which he left in manuscript, was after- 
wards published by his son. 

Drinker, Mrs. Anna. " Edith May." 

Pa., 1827 . A verse-writer of 

Montrose, Pennsylvania. Poems by 
Edith May ; Tales and Verses for Chil- 
dren ; Katy's Story. 




Drisler, Henry. N. Y., 1818 . 

A classical scholar of distinction, pro- 
fessor at Columbia College from 1843, 
whose Greek-and-EngUsh Lexicon has 
long been a standard authority. 

Drocb. See Bridges, Robert. 

Drone, Baton Sylvester. O., 1842- 

. legal writer on the staff of the 

Kew York Herald. The Law of Prop- 
erty in Intellectual Productions, em- 
bracing Copyright and Playright. Lit. 

Drummond, Josiah Hayden. Me., 
1827 ■ A lawyer who was attor- 
ney-general of Maine for some years, 
and published Maine Masonic Text- 
Book for Use of Lodges ; History of 
Masonic Jurisprudence. 

Drury, Augustus 'Waldo. 1851- 

. A clergyman of the sect of United 

Brethren in Christ who has written a 
Life of Otterbein, the founder of the 

Drury, John Benjamin. N. Y., 
18.38 . A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman of Ghent, New York, who has 
published Truths and Untruths of Evo- 
lution. Han. 

Duane, James Chatham. N. Y., 
1824-- . A retired brigadier-gen- 
eral of the United States army, author 
of A Manual for Engineer Troops. 

Duane, William. N. Y., 1760-18.3.5. 
A once prominent journalist and poli- 
tician of Philadelphia. Military Dic- 
tionary ; The Mississippi Question ; An 
Epitome of the Arts and Sciences; 
Visit to Colombia in 1822 ; American 
Military Library ; Handbook for Rifle- 
men ; Handbook for Infantry. 

Duane, 'William. Pa., 1807 . 

Son of W. J. Duane, infra. A Phila- 
delphia writer who published Relation 
of Landlord to Tenant in PennsylTania ; 
Law of Roads, etc., in Pennsylvania ; 
Canada and the Continental Congress ; 
Ligan, a collection of Tales and Essays. 

Duane, 'William John. I., 1780- 
1865. Son to W. Duane, supra. An 
eminent lawyer of Philadelphia who 
was secretary of the treasury in 1833, 
and was dismissed from office by Pres- 
ident Jackson for declining to order the 
deposits removed from the Bank of the 
United States. The Law of Nations 
Investigated ; Letters on Internal Im- 
provement ; Narrative and Correspond- 

ence Concerning the Removal of the 
Deposits, 1838. 

Dubbs, Joseph Henry. Pa,, 1838- 

. A German Reformed clergyman, 

professor of history in Franklin and 
Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsyl- 
vania, since 1875. Otterbein and the 
Reformed Church ; Historic . Manual 
of the Reformed Church; Home Bal- 
lads and Metrical 'Versions ; Why Am 
I Reformed ? 

Du Bois, Augustus Jay. 0., 1849- 

. A professor of engineering at 

Yale University since 1877. Elements 
of Graphical Statics ; The New Method 
of Graphical Statics ; Strains in Framed 
Structures ; Mechanics. Wil. 

Du Bois, 'William Ed-ward Burg- 

hardt. 1868 . An educator of 

African descent, assistant professor of 
sociology in the University of Pennsyl- 
vania. The Suppression of the African 
Slave Trade to the United States, 1638- 
1810. Lgs. 

Du Bois, 'William Eiwing. Pa., 
1810-1881. A Philadelphia numisma- 
tist, assayer at the Mint. Manual of 
Gold and Silver Coins of All Nations ; 
Pledges of History, an account of the 
Antique Coins in the United States 

Du Bose, Mrs. Catherine Anne 
[Richards]. X, 1826 . A Geor- 
gia writer who published The Pastor's 
Household, or Lessons on the Eleventh 
Commandment, a juvenile tale. 

Duoatel, Julius Timoleon. Md., 
1796-1849. A chemist of Baltimore, 
professor in the University of Mary- 
land and author of a Manual of Toxi- 

Du Chaillu [dii-cha-yii'], Paul Bel- 

loni. F., 1835 . A noted French 

traveller who has become a naturalized 
citizen of the United States. Ivar the 
Viking ; Explorations and Adventures 
in Equatorial Africa; A Journey to 
Ashango Land ; My Apingi Kingdom ; 
Wild Life under the Equator ; Lost 
in the Jungle ; The Country of the 
Dwarfs ; Land of the Midnight Sun ; 
Age of the Vikings; Stories of the 
Gorilla Country. The greater number 
of his works are intended for juvenile 
reading. Har. 

Duche, Jacob. Pa., 1737-1798. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Philadelphia 




who made the prayer at the opening of 
the Continental Congress. Becoming 
discouraged at the want of success of 
the colonists, he urged Washington to 
ahandon the cause. He was thereupon 
considered an enemy of the country and 
his property was confiscated. Caspi- 
pina's Letters ; Discourses on Various 

Dudley, Dean. Me., 1823 . A 

Boston lawyer of antiquarian tastes. 
Pictures of Life in England and Amer- 
ica ; The Dudley Genealogies ; Social 
and Political Aspects of England and 
the Continent ; History of the First 
Coiincil of Nice ; Officers of the Array 
and Navy ; History of the Dudley Fam- 

Dudley, Thomas Under-wood. Va., 

1837 . The second Protestant 

Episcopal bishop of Kentucky. He 
served in the Confederate army as a 
colonel, and afterwards entered the 
ministry. A Wise Discrimination the 
Church's Need. 

Dudley, "William Russell. C(., 1849- 
. A professor of botany at Cor- 
nell University, who has published The 
Cayuga Flora. 

Duer, Edward Louis. JV. J., 1836- 

. A physician of Philadelphia. 

Post Mortem Discoveries; Treatment 
of Diphtheria. 

Duer, John. N. Y.,^ 1782-1858. A 
once prominent New York jurist whose 
specialty was insurance law. Duer's 
Reports ; Laws and Practice of Marine 

Duer, William Alexander. N. Y., 
1780-1858. Brother of J. Duer, supra, 
and like him a prominent jurist. He 
was president of Columbia College, 
1829-42. Constitutional Jurisprudence 
of the United States. 

Duff, Peter. N. B., 1802-1869. An 
educator of Pittsburg, where he 
founded Duff's Mercantile College, 
one of the earliest institutions of the 
kind. The North American Account- 
ant was his only publication of note. 

Duffel, Mary Gordon. AL, c. 1840- 

. A resident of Alabama, who 

published A History of Alabama; 
Guide to the Mammoth Cave. 

Duffield, George. Pa., 1794-1869. 
A Presbyterian clergyman, once prom- 

inent in Detroit as a leader among New 
School Presbyterians. Dissertations on 
the Prophecies ; Regeneration ; Travels 
in the Holy Land ; Claims of Episcopal 
Bishops Examined, include his most 
important writings. 

DufBeld, George. Pa., 1818-1888. 
Son of G. Duf&eld, supra. A Presby- 
terian clergyman of some note as a 
hymn-writer, one of his most popular 
hymns being " Stand up for Jesus." 

DufBeld, John Thomas. Pa., 182.3- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman who 

was professor of mathematics in Prince- 
ton College for many years, and pub- 
lished The Princeton Pulpit and many 
religious monographs. 

Duffield, Samuel Augustus Wil- 
loughby. i, 7., 1843-1887. Son of 
G. Duffield, 2d. A Presbyterian clergy- 
man of Bloomfield, New Jersey. Eng- 
lish Hymns, their Authors and His- 
tory ; Latin Hymn-Writers and their 
Hymns ; Warp and Woof, a. Book of 
Verse. Fu. 

Duffield, William Ward. Pa., 1823- 

. An engineer of Kentucky who 

was a brigadier-general in the Federal 
army during the Civil War. School of 
the Brigade and Evolutions of the Line. 

Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hick- 
ey. Ms., 1823-1884. A journalist 
of New York city chiefly known as a 
poet. During the Civil War he served 
in the Federal army, and was for some 
time a captive in Southern prisons. 
Among his writings are Prison Life in 
the South ; Camps and Prisons ; His- 
tory of Governments ; The Lydian 
Queen, a tragedy ; Home Poems ; Par- 
nassus in Pillory, a satire. 

Dugdale, Richard L. F., 1841-1883. 
A writer on sociology. The Jukes, or 
Heredity in Crime ; Further Studies of 

Duhring, Julia. Pa., 1836 . An 

essayist who has published Philoso- 
phers and Fools ; Gentlefolks and Oth- 
ers ; Amor in Society ; Mental Life 
and Culture. Lip. 

Duhring, Louis Adolphus. Pa., 

1845 . Brother of J. Duhring, 

supra. A physician of Philadelphia, 
prominent as a dermatologist. Atlas of 
Skin Diseases ; Practical Treatise on 
Diseases of the Skin ; Epitome of Skin 
Diseases ; Cutaneous Medicine. Lip. 




Duke, ■William. M/., 1757-1840. An 
Episcopal clerg7man and educator of 
Maryland who published A Clew to 
Religious Truth. 

Dulany, Daniel. Md., 1721-1797. A 
noted Maryland statesman. Consider- 
ations on the Propriety of Imposing 
Taxes on the British Colonies. 

Dulles, Charles Winslow. J?. /., 

1S50 . A surgeon of Philadelphia. 

What to Do First in Accidents or Poi- 
soning ; What to Do First in Accidents 
and Emergencies ; Accidents and Emer- 

Dulles, John Welsh. Pa., 1823-1887. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of Philadel- 
phia, at one time a missionary to India. 
The Soldier's Friend ; Life in India ; 
The Ride Through Palestine. 

Dummer, Jeremiah. 3Is., c. 1680- 
1739. A noted scholar who was colo- 
nial agent for Massachusetts in Lon- 
don, 1710-21, and was a political friend 
of Bolingbroke. A Letter to a Noble 
Lord concerning the Late Expedition to 
Canada ; A Defence of the New Eng- 
land Charters, — both excellent speci- 
mens of literary skill as well as patriot- 
ism. See Tyler^s American Literature. 

Dumont, Mrs. Julia Louisa [Ca- 
rey]. O., 1794-1857. A once noted 
educator of Vevay, Indiana. Life 
Sketches from Common Paths. 

Dunbar, Charles Franklin. Ms., 

1830 . A professor of political 

economy at Harvard University from 
1871. Chapters on The Theory and 
History of Banking. Put. 

Dunbar, Paul Laurence. O., 1872- 

. A verse-writer of Dayton, Ohio, 

of African descent. Lyrics of Lowly 
Life. Do. 

Duncan, William Cecil. N. Y., 
1824^1864. A Baptist clergyman of 
New Orleans. Life of John the Bap- 
tist ; History of the Baptists for the 
First Two Centuries of the Christian 
Era ; The Tears of Jesus ; Brief His- 
tory of the Baptists. 

Duncan, William Stevens. Pa., 
1834 . A physician of Browns- 
ville, Pennsylvania. Medical Delu- 
sions ; Physiology of Death. 

Dunglison [dung'gli-son], Richard 

James. Md., 1834- . Son of R. 

Dunglison, infra. A physician of Phil- 

adelphia who has issued Practitioner's 
Reference Book; Elementary Physi- 

Dunglison, Robley. E., 1798-1869. 
An eminent Philadelphia physician, 
professor in Jefferson Medical College 
from 1836, and one of the most learned 
men of his profession. His most im- 
portant work is his Medical Diction- 
ary, which has a very wide reputation. 
Other works are, Human Physiology ; 
Elements of Hygiene ; General Ther- 
apeutics ; The Medical Student ; The 
Practice of Medicine ; Commentaries 
on Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels 
in Children. See Gross's Sketches of 

Dunham, Carroll. N. Y., 1828-1877. 
A once prominent homoeopathic physi- 
cian of New York. Homoeopathy the 
Science of Therapeutics j Lectures in 
Materia Medica. 

Dunham, William Russell. N. H., 

1833 . A physician of £eene. 

New Hampshire, who has published 
Theory of Medical Science. 

Dunlap, Andrew. Ms., 1794-1835. 
A lawyer of Boston, and author of Ad- 
miralty Practice in Cases of Maritime 

Dunlap, John A. Circa 1793- c. 1858. 
A justice of the peace in New York 
city. Practice of the Superior Court of 
New York in Civil Actions ; Abridge- 
ment of the 13th and 14th hooks of 
Coke's Reports. 

Dunlap, Samuel Fales. Ms., 1825- 

. Son of A. Dunlap, supra, and, 

like him, a lawyer of Boston. Origin 
of Ancient Names ; Vestiges of the 
Spirit History of Man. 

Dunlap, William. N. J., 1766-1839. 
A once prominent artist, dramatist, and 
theatrical manager of New York city. 
Life of George Frederick Cooke ; Life 
of Charles Brockden Brown; The 
American Theatre ; History of New 
York ; History, Rise, and Progress of 
the Arts of Design in the United 
States ; Thirty Years Ago, a novel ; 
New Netherlands, Province of New 
York ; The Father, a comedy ; Leices- 
ter, a tragedy, include the greater part 
of his writings. 

Dunlop, James. Pa., 1795-1856. A 
Pittsburg lawyer prominent as an op- 


ponent of slavery. Laws of Pennsyl- 
■pania, 1700-lS5o ; Digest of the Gene- 
ral Laws of the United States. 

Dunn, Jacob Piatt. IS . The 

State librarian of Indiana. History of 
Indiana ; Massacres of the Mountains, 
a History of Indian Wars in the Far 
West. Har. Hou. 

Dunn, LeTvis Romaine. N. J., 1822- 
187(3. A Methodist divine of New Jer- 
sey. Lizzie Hagar, the Orphan Girl; 
The Mission of the Spirit ; Angels of 
God ; Sermons on the Higher Life. 

Dunning, Albert Elijah. Ct., 1844- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Boston, editor of the Congregationalist. 
The Sunday - School Library ; Bible 
Studies ; Congregationalists in Amer- 
ica. C. P. S. Hi. 

Dunning, Mrs. Annie [Ketchum]. 

" Nellie Grahame." N. Y., 1831 . 

A prolific writer of Sunday-school tales, 
mainly for the Presbyterian Board of 
Publication. Among them are Clem- 
entina's Mirrour ; A Story of Four 
Lives ; Broken Pitchers ; Contradic- 
tions. Xo. 

Dunning, Charlotte. See Morse, Mrs. 

Duponceau [du-p5n'so or dii'poN'so'], 
Pierre Etienne. F., 1760-1844. A 
Frenchman who came to America as 
aid to Baron Steuben, settled in Phila- 
delphia, and became eminent as a law- 
yer. He was president of the Ameri- 
can Philosophical Society, and his Me- 
moir on the Indian Languages of North 
America attracted much attention 
amongst scholars. 

Dupuy [dii-pwe'], Eliza Ann. Va., 
1814^1881. A sensational novelist of 
Kentucky, for many years a regular 
contributor of serial stories to the New 
York Ledger. Among them are The 
Conspirator, a story of Aaron Burr ; 
The Huguenot Exiles ; The Concealed 
Treasure. Sar. 

Durbin, John Price. Ky., 1800-1876. 
A Methodist clergyman noted for his 
eloquence, who was missionary secre- 
tary of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 
18.50-72. Observations in Europe ; Ob- 
servations in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, 
and Asia Minor. See Life by J. A. 
Boche, 1879. Har. 

Durfee, Job. R. I., 1790-1847. A 
Rhode Island jurist who was chief jus- 



tice of his State, 1835-47. What Cheer, 
or Roger Williams in Exile ; Panidea, a 
phUosophioal treatise. See Complete 
Works, with Memoir by his son, 1S49. 

Durivage, Francis Alexander. Ms., 
1813-1881. Nephew to Edward Ever- 
ett, infra. A magazinist of Boston, 
among whose writings are The Fatal 
Casket J Life Scenes from the World 
Around Us ; Cyclopedia of History. 

Durrie, Daniel Steele. N. Y., 1819- 
. An antiquarian writer of Madi- 
son, Wisconsin, who has published Bib- 
liographia Genealogica Americana ; 
History of Madison. 

Dutcher, Addison Porter. N. Y., 
1818— 1S84. A physician of Cleveland. 
Selections from my Portfolio, essays on 
Popular and Scientific Subjects ; Pul- 
monary Tuberculosis ; Sparks from the 
Forge of a Rough Thinker ; Two Voy- 
ages to Europe. Lip. 

Dutcher, Jacob C. Circa 1820 . 

A Dutch Reformed clergyman of New 
York. Requisites of National Great- 
ness ; The Prodigal Son ; Our Fallen 
Heroes ; The Old Home by the River ; 
Frank Lyttleton, or Winning his Way. 

Dutton, Clarence Edward. Ct., 

1841 . An officer in the United 

States army associated with the Geo- 
logical Survey. Geology of the High 
Plateaus of Utah ; Tertiary History of 
the Grand Canon District ; Hawaiian 
Volcanoes ; Mount Taylor and the 2uRi 
Plateau ; The Charleston Earthquake 
of 1886. 

Dutton, Henry. Ct, 1796-1869. A 
prominent jurist of Connecticut who 
issued a Digest of the Connecticut Re- 

Duval, John Pope. Va., 1790-c. 18.5.5. 
A Florida lawyer who published in 1840 
A Digest of the Laws of Florida. 

Duyckinck [dl'kink], Evert Augus- 
tus. N. Y., 1816-1878. A literary 
critic of New York city, who with his 
brother George, infra, was the author 
of an Encyclopaedia of American Liter- 
ature, first issued in 1855. Its esti- 
mates were sometimes over-indulgent, 
but on the whole the work gave a fairly 
just view of the subject at that time. 
Other works by the elder Duyckinck 
are History of the War for the Union ; 
Biography of Eminent Jlen and Wo- 
men of Europe and America, 




Duyckinck, George Long. N. Y., 
1823-1863. Brother of E. A. Duyck- 
inck, supra. A writer of New York 
city -who, beside his share in The En- 
cyclopasdia of American Literature, 
was the author of Lives of Georg-e Her- 
hert ; Bishop Ken ; Jeremy Taylor ; 
Bishop Latimer. 

D^vight, Benjamin Woodbridge. 
Ct, 1816-1889. Grandson of Timothy 
Dwight, infra. An educator of New 
York city. The Higher Christian Edu- 
cation ; Modem Philosophy ; Modern 
Philology ; Woman's Higher Culture ; 
The True Doctrine of Divine Provi- 
dence ; History of the Dwight Family 
in America ; History of the Strong 

Dwight, Edwin Welles. Ms., 1789- 
1841. A Congregational clergyman of 
Richmond, Massachusetts, whose only 
publication was a History of Berkshire 

Dwight, Harrison Gray Otis. Ms., 
1803-1862. A Congregational mission- 
ary to Armenia. Researches of Smith 
and Dwight in Armenia ; Christianity 
Revived in the East ; Catalogue of Ar- 
menian Literature in the Middle Ages. 

Dwight, Henry Edwin. Ct., 1797- 
1832. The eighth son of Timothy 
Dwight, infra. An educator of New 
Haven who published Travels in the 
North of Germany. 

Dwight, Henry Otis. Ti/., 1843- 

. Son of H. G. 0. Dwight, supra. 

A Federal officer during the Civil War, 
who was a correspondent of the New 
York Tribune from Constantinople, 
1876-79. Turkish Life in War Times. 

Dwight, John Sullivan. 3Ts.. 1813- 
1S93. A distinguished musical critic 
of Boston, editor of Dwight's Journal 
of Music, an outspoken, fearless, high- 
class critical periodical, 1852-81. In 
earlier life he spent five years at Brook 
Farm, and was a contributor to The 
Dial. He was the author of a History 
of Music in Boston and the poem God 
Save the State. 

Dwight, Mary Ann. Ms., 1806-1858. 
A teacher of drawing and painting in 
New York city. Grecian and Roman 
Mythology ; Introduction to the Study 
of Art ; Art as a Branch of Education. 

Dwight, Nathaniel. Ms., 1770-1831. 
Brother of Timothy Dwight, infra, A 
physician and clergyman of Rhode 
Island and Connecticut, who published 
the first school geography in America, 
and was author also of The Great Ques- 
tion Answered ; A Compendious His- 
tory of the Signers of the Declaration 
of Independence. Bar. 

Dwight, Serene Edwards. Ct., 
1786-1850. The fifth son of Timothy 
Dwight, infra. A Congregational 
clergyman and educator. Life of 
David Brainerd ; The Hebrew Wife, 
an argument in opposition to marriage 
with a deceased wife's sister; Select 
Discourses. He edited the Works of 
Jonathan Edwards, infra, in ten vol- 
umes, with Life. See Memoir by W. T. 

Dwight, Theodore. Ms., 1764-1846. 
Brother of Timothy Dwight, infra. A 
once famous journalist of New York 
city, and a member of Congress, well 
known as a Federalist. History of the 
Hartford Convention ; Character of 
Thomas Jefferson. See Life and Writ- 
ings, 1840. 

Dwight, Theodore. Ct, 1796-1866. 
Son of T. Dwight, supra. A New York 
litterateur whose varied writings in- 
clude Tour in Italy ; New Gazetteer of 
the United States ; History of Connect- 
icut ; Summer Tour of New England ; 
The Northern Traveller ; The Roman 
Republic of 1849; The Kansas War; 
Life of Garibaldi ; The Father's Book; 
First Lessons in Modern Greek ; School 
Dictionary of Roots and Derivatives. 

Dwight, Theodore William. N. Y., 
1822-1892. Grandson of Timothy 
Dwight, infra. A jurist of note who 
was professor of municipal law in 
Columbia College. Argument in the 
Rose Will Case ; Trial by Impeach- 
ment ; Prisons and Reformatories (with 
E. C. Wines, infra). 

Dwight, Thomas. Ms., 1843 . 

A physician of Boston, successor to 0. 
W. Holmes, infra, as professor of ana- 
tomy in the Harvard Medical School. 
Anatomy of the Head ; The Intracra- 
nial Circulation. Hou. 

Dwight, Timothy. Ms., 1752-1817. 
A Congregational clergyman who was 
a very prominent figTire in the early 
history of the republic, and as presi- 




dent of Yale College, 1795-1817, of 
great influence as an educator as well. 
His most important work is Theology 
Explained and Defended in a Course of 
17':i Sermons, which has gone into more 
tlian one hundred editions. Other prose 
works are Genuineness and Authenti- 
city of the Old Testament; Observa- 
tions on Language ; Essay on Light ; 
Travels in New England and New 
York, which still furnishes entertaining 
reading. His writings in verse include 
The Conquest of Canaan, a very pon- 
derous epic ; Greenfield Hill, a pas- 
toral; The Triumph of Infidelity, a 
satire. See Sparks^s American Bio- 
graphy ; Allihone's Dictionary ; Tyler^s 
Three Men of Letters, 1895. 

Dwight, Timothy. C«., 1822 . 

Grandson of Timothy Dwight, supra. 
A Congregational clergyman, president 
of Yale University from 1886, and one 
of the members of the New Testament 
Revision Company. The True Ideal 
of an American University. 

Dwight, AVilliam Buck. Ty., 18:53- 

. Son of H. G. 0. Dwight, supra. 

A scientist who has been curator of 
Vassar College Museum for many 

Dyckman, Jacob. N. Y., 1788-1822. 
A physician of New York city who was 
the author of Pathology of Human 

Dyer, Mrs. Catherine Cornelia 

[Joy]. 18 . Wife of H. 

Dyer, infra. Henry and the Bird's 
Nest ; Sunny Days Abroad ; Brief 
History of the Joy Family; Records 
of the Dyer Family. 

Dyer, Heman. Vt., 1810 . An 

Episcopal clergyman of New York 
city. Voice of the Lord upon the 
Waters ; Records of an Active Life, an 

Dyer, Sidney. N. Y., 1814 . A 

Baptist clergyman of Philadelphia, 
well known as a song- writer. Voices 
of Nature and Thoughts in Rhyme ; 
Psalmist for Use of Baptist Churches ; 
Songs and Ballads; The Drunkard's 
Child ; Ruth, a Cantata ; Black Dia- 
monds ; Home and Abroad ; Hoofs 
and Claws ; Ocean Gardens and Pal- 
aces ; Elmdale Lyceum ; The Beauti- 
ful Ladder, or the Two Students. 

Eads, James Buchanan. Ind., 1820- 
1887. A civil engineer of distinction 
and the designer of the Mississippi 
jetties. System of Naval Defence ; 
Mouth of the Mississippi, the Jetty 
System Explained ; Discussion on Up- 
right Bridges. 

Bames, Mrs. Jane [Anthony]. Ms., 
181(i-1894. A writer of Concord, New 
Hampshire. A Budget of Letters ; 
The Budget Closed; My Mother's 
Jewel ; The Christmas Gift ; Letters 
from Bermuda, comprise the most of 
her writing. 

Earle, Mrs. Alice [Morse]. Ms., 
1851 . A writer on American anti- 
quarian themes. Curious Punishments 
of Bygone Days; Margaret Winthrop, 
a biography ; Costume of Colonial 
Times ; Customs and Fashions in Old 
New England ; The Sabbath in Puri- 
tan New England ; China-Collecting in 
America ; Colonial Dames and Good- 
wives ; Colonial Days in Old New 
York. Hou. S. Scr. 

Earle, Pliny. Ms., 1809-1892. A son 
of the inventor of the same name, and 
a prominent physician, who was super- 
intendent of the State Insane Hospital 
at Northampton, Massachusetts, 1864— 
1885. Marathon and Other Poems ; 
Institutions for the Insane in Prussia, 
Germany, and Austria ; Visits to Thir- 
teen Insane Asylums in Europe ; The 
Curability of Insanity ; Blood-Letting 
in Disorders ; The Earle Family : Ralph 
Earle and his Descendants. 

Earle, Thomas. Ms., 1796-1849. Bro- 
ther of P. Earle, supra. A lawyer and 
philanthropist of Philadelphia. Essay 
on Penal Law ; Right of States to Alter 
and Annul their Charters ; Railroads 
and Internal Commimieations (1830) ; 
Life of Benjamin Lundy. 

Early, Jubal Anderson. Va., 1816- 
1894. A distinguished general in the 
Confederate army who settled in New 
Orleans after the close of the Civil 
War. Memoir of the Last Year of the 
War for Independence in the Confeder- 
ate States ; Campaigns of General Lee ; 
Jackson's Campaign against Pope. 

Eastburn, James Wallis. E., 1797- 
1819. An Episcopal clergyman remem- 




bered as co-author with R. C. Sands of 
the once noted poem Yamoyden. 
Eastburn, Manton. E., lSOl-1872. 
The fourth Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of Massachusetts, and somewhat prom- 
inent as a dogmatic, ag-gressive Low 
Churchman. Lectures on Hebrew, Lat- 
in, and Greek Poetry ; Lectures on the 
Epistles to the Philippians ; Essays and 
Dissertations on BibUeal Literature. 
Eastman, Charles Gamage. Me., 
1816-1861. A verse-writer of Mont- 
pelier, Vermont, who published in 1848 
a volume of Poems, descriptive of rural 
life in New England, that was popular 
for a time. 
Eastman, Mrs. Elaine [Goodale]. 

Ms., 1863 . A writer who, with 

her younger sister, Dora Goodale, infra, 
attracted much attention, when both 
were children, by the publication of 
several volumes of poems, of which the 
literary quality was very marked. She 
afterward became a teacher at various 
Indian schools, and in 1891 married 
Dr. Charles Eastman, a Sioux Indian, 
educated at the Boston University; 
she now lives in South Dakota. Jour- 
nal of a Farmer's Daughter ; The Com- 
ing of the Birds. See Goodale, D. B. 
Eastman, Julia Arabella. N. Y., 

1837 . A Massachusetts teacher 

who has written a number of juvenile 
tales, among which are Short Comings 
and Long Goings ; Yoixng Rick ; Kitty 
Kent's Trouble. Lo. 
Eastman, Mrs. Mary [Hender- 
son]. Va., 1818 . Wife of S. 

Eastman, infra. Romance of Indian 
Life ; Daeotah, or Life and Legends 
of the Sioux ; American Aboriginal 
Portfolio ; Chicora and other Regions 
of the Conquerors and the Conquered ; 
Tales of Fashionable Life ; Aunt Phil- 
lis's Cabin, a reply to Uncle Tom's 
Eastman, Philip. N. H., 1799-1869. 
A jurist of Maine. General Statutes of 
Maine ; Digest of Maine Law Reports. 
Eastman, Seth. Me., 1808-1875. An 
of&cer in the United States army sta^ 
tioned at Fort Snelling and other places 
on the Western frontier ; afterwards a 
lieutenant-colonel and brevet brigadier- 
general. History, Condition, and Fu- 
ture Prospects of the Indians of the 
United States ; Topographical Drawing. 

Eaton, Amos. N. Y., 1776-1842. A 
once prominent scientist whose writ- 
ings include Index to Geology of the 
Northern States ; Natural History of 
New York; Geological Survey of the 
Erie Canal District ; Philosophical In- 
structor ; Manual of Botany of North 

Eaton, Arthur Went-worth Ham- 
ilton. N. S., 1849 . An Epis- 
copal clergyman and instructor of New 
York city. The Heart of the Creeds, 
a notable contribution to Broad church 
literature ; Acadian Legends and Lyr- 
ics ; Letter- Writing : its Ethics and 
Etiquette ; The Church of England in 
Nova Scotia ; Tales of a Garrison 
Town (with C. L. Betts, supra). 

Eaton, Cyrus. Me., 1784-1875. An 
ediicator of Maine who was totally 
blind for the last thirty years of his 
life. Annals of Warren, Maine ; Wo- 
man, a poem ; History of Thomaston, 

Eaton, Daniel Cady. Mch., 1834- 
1895. Grandson of Amos Eaton, supra. 
A professor of botany at Yale Univer- 
sity. The Ferns of North America; 
Ferns of the Southwest. Wn. 

Eaton, Daniel Cady. N. Y., 1837- 

. Cousin of D. C. Eaton, supra. 

A professor of the history of art at 
Yale University, 1869-76. Handbook 
of Greek and Roman Sculpture. Hou. 

Eaton, Dorman Bridgeman. Vt, 

1823 . A jurist of New York 

city, prominent in civil service reform, 
who has published Civil Service in 
Great Britain, and edited the seventh 
edition of Kent's Commentaries. Har. 

Eaton, John Henry. Tn., 1790-1856. 
A once noted politician who was sec- 
retary of war, 1829-31, and minister to 
Spain, 1836-40. He wrote a Life of 
Andrew Jackson. 

Eaton, Samuel John Mills. Pa., 

1820 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of Franklin, Pennsylvania, 1848-82. 
Petroleum ; History of Venango Coun- 
ty, Pennsylvania ; Lake Side ; Jeru- 
salem, the Holy City ; Palestine. 

Eaton, Thomas Tread-well. Tn., 

1845 . A Baptist minister of 

Louisville. My Angels ; Talks to 
Children ; Marriage and Law ; Talks 
on Getting Married. 




Bberle, John. Pa., 1787-1838. A 
noted physician of PhUadelpliia, and 
later of Cincinnati. Botanical Termi- 
nology ; Diseases and Physical Educa- 
tion of Children ; Therapeutics and 
Materia Medica ; Kotes on Theory and 
Practice of Medicine. Lip. 

Eckard, James Read. Pa., 1805- 
1887. A Presbyterian missionary to 
India. Faith and Justification (in the 
Tamil language) ; The Hindoo Trav- 
eller ; Outline of English Law from 

Eddy, Ansel Doane. Ms., 1798-1875. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of New York 
who published the Christian Citizen ; 
Duties, Dangers, and Securities of 

Eddy, Clarence. Ms., 1851 . An 

organist of Chicago. The Church and 
Concert Organist ; The Organ in Church. 

Eddy, Daniel Clark. Ms., 1823- 
1896. A Baptist clergyman of Boston, 
and subsequently of Brooklyn, who 
wrote extensively, some of his books 
having been very popular. Among 
them are The Percy Family, and Wal- 
ter's Tour in the East, two series of vol- 
umes for young readers ; Young Man's 
Friend ; Young Woman's Friend ; The 
Burman Apostle, a life of Judson ; 
Roger Williams and the Baptists ; The 
Unitarian Apostasy ; Europa, or Scenes 
in the Old World; Waiting at the 
Cross ; Angel Whispers. 

Eddy, Henry Turner. Ms., 1844- 

. A mathematician, since 1874 a 

professor in the University of Cincin- 
nati. Analytical Geometry ; Researches 
in Graphical Statics ; Thermodynamics ; 
Maximum Stress under Concentrated 

Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker [Glover]. 
JV. H., 18 . A resident of Con- 
cord, New Hampshire, widely known 
as the founder of the sect of Christian 
Scientists. Besides Christian Science ; 
Science and Health, she has published 
a number of pamphlets on the general 
subject of Christian Science. See Carol 
Norton^s Woman^s Cause, 1895. 

Eddy, Richard. B. I., 1828- . ^^ 
Universalist clergyman of Melrose, 
Massachusetts. Universalism in Amer- 
ica ; History of the Sixtieth New York 
Regiment ; The Martyr to Liberty. 

Eddy, Thomas. Fa., 1758-1827. A 
philanthropist whose effortswere chiefly 
in the direction of prison reform, and 
who was the author of The State Prisons 
of New York. See Life by S. L. Knapp, 

Eddy, Thomas Mears. O., 1823- 
1874. A Methodist minister of Chi- 
cago, who published Patriotism of Illi- 
nois, a history of that State during the 
Civil War. 

Eddy, Zachary. Yt., 1815-1891. A 
Presbyterian minister of Augusta, Geor- 
gia. Immanuel, or the Life of Christ ; 
Hymns of the Church ; Songs of the 

Edes, Henry Herbert. Ms., 1849-'' 
. A Boston merchant of antiqua- 
rian tastes, who has published Charles- 
town's Historic Points j Memorial of 
Josiah Barker. 

Edes, Robert Thaxter. Me., 1838- 

. A physician of Washington. 

Nature and Time in the Cure of Dis- 
eases ; Physiology and Pathology of the 
Sympathetic or Ganglionic Nervous 
System ; Therapeutical Handbook of 
United States Pharmacopceia ; Text 
Book of Therapeutics and Materia 

Edgar, Cornelius Henry. iV. J., 
1811-1884. A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman of Easton, Pennsylvania. Lec- 
tures on Slavery ; Discourses on the 
Death of Lincoln ; Curse of Canaan 
Rightly Interpreted ; Exposition of the 
Nine Last Wars (1867). 

Edgren, August Hjalmar. Sn., 1840- 

. A Swedish scholar who came to 

the United States in 1862, and served 
for a time in the Federal army, and 
afterwards in the Swedish army. Since 
1884 he has been professor of languages 
in the University of Nebraska. Com- 
plete Sanskrit Grammar ; German and 
English Dictionary (with W. D. Whit- 
ney, infra) ; The Literature of Amer- 
ica (in Swedish) ; Public Schools and 
Colleges of the United States ; Swedish 
Literature in America ; American An- 

Edmonds, John Worth. 'N. Y., 
1799-1874. A prominent jurist of New 
York city, noted as an ardent defender 
of Spiritualism. Spiritualism (with G. 
T. Dexter) ; Reports of Select Law 




Cases ; Letters and Tracts on Spirit- 

Edwards, Bela Bates. Ms., 1802- 
1852. A Congregational clergyman, 
professor in Andover Theological Sem- 
inary, and editor of the Bibliotheca 
Sacra. He published an Eclectic Read- 
er ; Biography of Self-made Men ; Me- 
moirs of E. Cornelius ; but his principal 
TFork was in the line of religious edi- 
torship. See Memoir hy E. A. Parks, 

Edwards, Charles. ^., 1797-1868. 
A New York lawyer who was counsel 
to the British consulate. The Jury- 
man's Guide ; Parties to Bills and Other 
J, Pleadings ; Feathers from my Own 
Wings ; Receivers in Chancery ; Re- 
ports of Chancery Cases ; Receivers in 
Equity ; Referees ; History and Poetry 
of Finger Rings ; Pleasantries about 
Courts and Lawyers. 

Edwards, Emory. Va., 1841 . 

A naval engineer who served in the 
United States navy as assistant engi- 
neer, 1864-fl8, and was subsequently 
employed in a similar capacity in the 
merchant marine service. A Catechism 
of the Marine Steam Engine ; Modern 
American Locomotive Engines ; Mod- 
ern American Marine Engines, Boilers, 
and Screw Propellers ; The Practical 
Steam Engineer's Guide. Bai. 

Edw^ards, George Wharton. Ct., 

1860 . An artist and writer of 

short stories living at Plainfield, New 
Jersey. P'tit Matinic', and Other Mon- 
otones ; Thumb-Nail Sketches ; The 
Rivalries of Long and Short Codiac ; 
Break o' Day and Other Stories. Cent. 

Edwards, Harry Stillwell. Ga., 
1854 . A litterateur and journal- 
ist of Macon, Georgia. Two Runaways 
and Other Stories ; Sons and Fathers. 
Cent. Ea. 

Edwards, James Thomas. N. J., 

1838 . A Methodist clergyman 

and educator of Baltimore. The Grass 
Family ; The Voice Tree ; The SUva of 
Chautauqua Lake. 

Edwards, John. TT., 1806-1887. A 
Welsh poet who came to America in 
1828, and settled in central New York. 
He was long prominent amongst Welsh 
residents in the United States, and pub- 
lished two volumes of verse, The Cru- 
cifixion ; The Omnipresence of God. 

Edwards, John ElUs. N. C, 1814- 
. A Methodist clergyman of Rich- 
mond, Virginia. Life of John Wesley 
Childs; Random Sketches and Notes 
of European Travel ; The Confederate 
Soldier ; Log Me e ting-House. 

Edwards, Jonathan. Ct, 1703-1757. 
A Congregational clergyman who must 
be called the most subtle reasoner the 
New World has ever produced. He 
was the son of Timothy Edwards, a 
Congregational minister of East Wind- 
sor, Connecticut, and was minister at 
Northampton, Massachusetts, 1727-50. 
From 1751 to 1758 he served as mis- 
sionary to the Stockbridge Indians, and 
the last month of his life was president 
of the College of New Jersey (now 
Princeton University). He was the 
greatest defender of Calvinism that has 
ever lived, and as a preacher had an 
extraordinary influence. His famous 
sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an 
AngTy God," is the best example of the 
pitiless, ferocious Realism of his style. 
His chief work is the celebrated Li- 
quiry into the Freedom of the Will, a 
masterpiece of acute, precise, and orig- 
inal thinking. His other works include 
Notes on the Mind and Natural Science, 
written when he was between 15 and 16 
years of age ; The Religious Affections ; 
Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the 
Spirit ; Nature of True Virtue ; God's 
Last End in the Creation ; Treatise on 
Grace ; Doctrine of Original Sin De- 
fended ; Inquiry into the Qualifications 
for Communion ; Thoughts for the 
Revival of Religion ; History of the 
Redemption ; Life of David Brainerd. 
See Lives by S. E. Dwigkt, supra; S. 
Hopkins, infra; A. V. G. Allen, 1889, 
supra; Sparks^s American Biography, 
vol. 8; Tyler'' s American Literature; 
Duyckinck's Cyclopedia ; AlUhone^s Dic- 

Edwards, Jonathan, Jr. Ms., 1745- 
1801. Son of Jonathan Edwards, su- 
pra. A Congregational clergyman of 
great ability who was president of 
Union College. Treatise on Liberty 
and Necessity ; Discourses on the 
Atonement. See Memoir hy Tryon Ed- 
wards, infra ; Sprague's Annals of the 
American Pulpit. 

Edwards, Justin. Ms., 1787-1853. 
A Congregational clergyman, promi- 


nent in the temperance moTement. Be- 
side a Sabbath Manual; Temperance 
Manual, he published a great number 
of tracts. See Memoir by W. Hallock, 

Edwards, Morgan. W., 1722-1795. 
A Welsh Baptist clerg-ymau who came 
to America in 1761, and was tlie fore- 
most colonial minister of his faith. He 
was one of the founders of Brown Uni- 
yersity. Materials Toward a History 
of the Baptists in Pennsylvania ; Ma- 
terials Toward a History of the Bap- 
tists in New Jersey. 

Edwards, Niuian Wirt. Ky., 1809- 

. A prominent jurist of Illinois, 

son of Ninian Edwards, governor of 
that State. History of Illinois and 
Ninian Edwards. 

Edwards, Tryon. Ct, 1809-1894. A 
grandson of Jonathan Edwards, Jr. A 
Congregational clergyman who edited 
the Works of Joseph Bellamy, supra, 
with Memoir ; the Works of his grand- 
father ; and published, among other 
works, Christianity a Philosophy of 
Principles ; Self -Cultivation ; Light for 
the Day ; Wonders of the Word ; Anec- 
dotes for the Family. 

Edwards, WilliaHi Emory. Va., 
1842 . Son of J. E. Edwards, su- 
pra. A Methodist clergyman of Vir- 
ginia who is the author of John New- 
son, a Tale of College Life. 

Edwards, William Henry. N. Y., 

1822 •. A naturalist of Coalburgh, 

West Virginia. The Butterflies of 
North America ; Voyage up the Ama- 
zon. Hou. 

Egan, Maurice Francis. Pa., 1852- 

. A journalist and litterateur, 

now professor at the Roman Catholic 
University of Notre Dame, Indiana. 
His prose writings include That Girl of 
Mine ; That Lover of Mine ; A Garden 
of Roses ; Stories of Duty ; The Life 
Around IJs; The Theatre and Chris- 
tian Parents ; Modern Novelists ; Lec- 
tures on English Literature ; The Dis- 
appearance of Mr. Longworthy ; A 
Primer of English Literature ; A Gen- 
tleman ; A Marriage of Reason ; The 
Success of Patrick Desmond; The 
Flower of the Flock. In verse he has 
published Preludes ; Songs and Son- 
nets, and Other Poems. Mg. 



Egar, John Hodson. E., 1832 . 

An Episcopal clergyman of Rome, New 
York.^ The Threefold Grace of the 
Holy Trinity ; Christendom, Ecclesias- 
tical and Political. 

Eggleston, Edward. Jnrf., 1837 . 

A novelist now (1897) living near Lake 
George, New York, who, in the early 
part of his career, was a Methodist 
minister. He has been especially suc- 
cessful in depicting life in southern 
Indiana in pioneer days, his first impor- 
tant work. The Hoosier Schoolmaster, 
attracting widespread notice. Other 
fictions by him include The End of 
the World; The Circuit Rider; Roxy; 
The Graysons, a story of Illinois ; The 
Faith Doctor ; The Hoosier Schoolboy ; 
Queer Stories for Boys and Girls ; 
Schoolmasters' Stories ; Mr. Blake's 
Walking Stick; Duffels. Still other 
works are, Sunday - school Manual ; 
Counsel for Teachers ; School History 
of the United States ; Household His- 
tory of the United States ; First Book 
in American History ; Stories of Great 
Americans ; The Beginners of a Na- 
tion, the first volume in a History of 
Life in the United States. With his 
daughter, Mrs. Seelye, infra, he has 
written Tecumseh and the Shawnee 
Prophet ; Pocahontas ; Brandt and Red 
Jacket ; Montezuma. See Vedder's 
American Writers. Am. Ap. Cent. Do. 

Eggleston, George Cary. Ind., 

1839 . Brother of E. Eggleston, 

supra. During the Civil War he served 
in the Confederate army, and after- 
wards filled several journalistic posi- 
tions in New York city, becoming edi- 
tor of the Commercial Advertiser in 
1886. His writings are mainly for 
young people. How to Educate Your- 
self ; A Man of Honor ; A Rebel's Rec- 
ollections ; How to Make a Living ; How 
to Make Money ; The Big Brother, or 
a Story of the Indian War ; Captain 
Sam ; Signal Boys ; The Wreck of the 
Red Bird; Strange Stories from His- 
tory for Young People ; Red Eagle ; 
Juggernaut : a Veiled Record (with 
Dolores Marbourg). Do. Fo. Har. Put. 

Egle, William Henry. Pa., 1830- 

. A physician and local historian 

of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. History 
of Pennsylvania; History of Dauphin 




County ; History of Lebanon County ; 
Historical Register; Pennsylvania Ge- 
nealogies, Scotch-Irish and German ; 
Pennsylvania in the Revolution ; Notes 
and Queries relative to Interior Penn- 
sylvania ; Pennsylvania Archives (ed- 
ited with J. B. Linn, infra), in 12 vol- 

Egleston, Thomas. iV. r.,1832 -. 

A metallurgist of note, professor of min- 
eralogy at Columbia College from 1864. 
Metallurgy of Silver ; Catalogue of Min- 
erals ; Lectures on Mineralogy ; Life 
of John Patterson, Major-General in 
the Army of the Revolution. Wil. 

Eidlitz, Leopold. Bo., 182.3-189-. 
An architect of New York city. The 
Nature and Function of Art. 

Elder, Cyrus. Pa., 1833 . Neph- 
ew of W. Elder, infra. A revenue com- 
missioner of Pennsylvania. Dream of 
a Free-Trade Paradise ; Man and La- 
bor ; Short Studies ; May Gift, in verse. 

Elder, George A. M. iii/., 1794-1838. 
A Roman Catholic priest who founded 
the College of St. Joseph, at Bardstown, 
Kentucky, and was its first president. 
He wrote Letters to Brother Jonathan. 

Elder, Mrs. Susan [Blanchard]. 

La., 1835 . A litterateur of New 

Orleans who has written extensively 
for Roman Catholic periodicals. The 
Loss of the Papacy ; James the Second ; 
Savonarola ; Ellen Fitzgerald, a South- 
em tale. 

Elder, ■William. Pa., 1806-188.5. A 
Philadelphia physician, prominent as an 
abolitionist. Periscopics, a volume of 
miscellanies; The Enchanted Beauty; 
Life of Dr. Kane, infra ; The Debt and 
Resources of the United States (1863) ; 
Questions of the Day, Economic and 
Social ; Conversations on the Principal 
Subjects of Political Economy. Hai. 

Eliot, Charles William. Ms., 1834- 

. Son of S. A. Eliot, infra. A 

distinguished educator who has been 
president of Harvard University since 
1869. Manual of Qfialitative Chemical 
Analysis ; Manual of Inorganic Chem- 
istry (with Storer). 

Eliot, Jared. Ct, 1685-1763. Grand- 
son of John Eliot, 1st, infra. A Con- 
gregational clergyman of Killing- 
worth, Connecticut, 1 7' '7-63, famous in 
his day as an agriculturist, physician, 

and scientist. He was awarded a med- 
al by the London Institute in 1786 "for 
producing malleable iron from Ameri- 
can Black Sand." Essays upon Field 
and Husbandry, and many single ser- 
Eliot, John. E., 1604-1690. A Puri- 
tan minister of Roxbury who came to 
America in 1631, and is famous in his- 
tory as the "Indian Apostle." He is 
chiefly remembered for his famous 
translation of the Bible into the Indian 
language, but he was the author of 
other works, among which are the Com- 
munion of Churches ; The Harmony of 
the Gospels ; Dying Speeches of Several 
Indians ; The Indian Primer ; Indian 
Logic Primer. See Sparks's American 
Biography; Life by B. B. Caverly ; 
Appletonh American Biography ; Hart's 
American Literature. 
Eliot, John. Ms., 1754-1813. A cler- 
gyman of Boston, pastor of the New 
North Congregational church, 1779- 
1S13, and author of the New England 
Biographical Dictionaiy. 
Eliot, Samuel Atkins. Ms., 1798- 
1862. A citizen of Boston who was 
mayor 1837-39, and published Obser- 
vations on the Bible for the Use of 
Young Persons ; Sketch of the History 
of- Harvard College. 

Eliot, Samuel. Ms., 1821 . A 

New England educator of prominence, 
at one time president of Trinity Col- 
lege. History of Liberty ; Manual of 
United States History ; Life and Times 
of Savonarola. 
Eliot, 'William Greenleaf. Ms., 
1811-1887. A Unitarian clergyman of 
St. Louis, chancellor of Washington 
University there, 1872-87. Doctrines 
of Christianity; Early Religious Edu- 
cation ; Lectures to Young Men ; Lec- 
tures to Young Women ; Discipline of 
Sorrow ; Manual of Prayer ; The Uni- 
ty of God ; The Story of Archer Alex- 
ander from Slavery to Freedom ; Home 
Life and Influence. A. U. A. 
EUet, Charles. Pa., 1810-1862. An 
engineer of note who built the first wire 
suspension bridge in America. He 
served during the Civil War as a colonel 
in the Federal army, and was killed 
in an engagement on the Mississippi. 
Physical Geography of the Mississippi 
Valley ; Coast and Harbor Defences ; 




The Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, with 
Plans for Protecting the Delta from In- 
undation. Lip. 
EUet, Mrs. Slizabeth Fries [Lum- 
mis]. N. I'., 1818-1877. A once pop- 
ular miscellaneous writer whose histori- 
cal works were the outcome of a good 
deal of research and are not without 
value, hut whose productions as a whole 
have little of the quality of permanence. 
They include Domestic History of the 
American Revolution ; Women of the 
American Revolution ; Court Circles of 
the Republic ; Queens of American 
Society ; Pioneer Women of the West ; 
Novelettes of the Musicians ; Rambles 
in the West ; The Practical House- 
keeper ; Family Pictures from the Bi- 
ble ; Evenings at Woodlawn ; Poems, 
Original and Selected ; Teresa Conta- 
rini, a tragedy ; Scenes in the Life of 
Joanna of Sicily; The Characters of 
Schiller ; Women Artists in All Ages. 
ElUnwood, Frank Fields. N. Y., 

1826 ; — . A Presbyterian clergyman, 

secretary of the Presbyterian Board of 
Foreign Missions. The Great Con- 
quest ; Oriental Religions and Chris- 
tianity. Scr. 
Elliot, Benjamin. S. C, 1786-1836. 
A South Carolina jurist who published 
Refutation of Calumnies respecting the 
Institution and Existence of Slavery; 
The Militia System of South Carolina. 
Elliot, George Henry. Ms., 1831- 

. A military engineer in the ser- 

, vice of the United States. European 
Light-House Systems ; The Presidio of 
San Francisco. 
Elliot, Henry Rutherford. 1849- 

. A journalist of New York city. 

The Basset Claim, a Story of Life in 
Washington ; The Common Chord, a 
Story of the Ninth Ward. Cas. 

Elliot, Samuel Hayes. Vt., 1809- 
1869. A Congregational clergyman of 
New Haven. Rolling Ridge, or the 
Book of Four-and-Twenty Chapters; 
The Parish Side; Dreams and Reali- 
ties; New England's Chattels, or Life 
in a Northern Poor-House; The At- 
tractions of New Haven. 

Elliott, Charles. I., 1792-1869. A 
Methodist clergyman, at one period 
president of Iowa Wesleyan University. 

Treatise on Baptism ; Delineation of 
Roman Catholicism ; Life of Bishop 
Roberts; History of the Great Seces- 
sion from the Methodist Episcopal 
Church ; Political Romanism ; Remi- 
niscences of the Wyandotte Mission; 
Southwestern Methodism ; The Bible 
and Slavery ; Sinfulness of American 
Slavery. Meth. 

Elliott, Charles. S., 1815-1892. A 
Presbyterian minister, professor of 
Hebrew at Lafayette College, Easton, 
Pennsylvania. The Sabbath ; The In- 
spiration of the Holy Scriptures ; Vin- 
dication of the Mosaic Authorship of 
the Pentateuch. 

Elliott, Charles Wyllys. Ct., 1817- 
1883. A New York writer, at one time 
a landscape gardener of note. The 
Book of American Interiors ; Pottery 
and Porcelain ; Remarkable Characters 
and Places in the Holy Land ; Cottages 
and Cottage Life ; Mysteries, or 
Glimpses of the Supernatural ; St. Do- 
mingo, its Revolution and its Hero, 
Toussaint I'Ouverture ; New England 
History, from its Discovery by the 
Northmen ; Wind and Whirlwind, a 
novel. Ap. Hou. 

Elliott, Ezekiel Brown. Sn., 1823- 
1888. A government statistician of 
note. Unification of International Coin- 

Elliott, Franklin Reuben. Ct, 1817- 
1878. A horticulturist of Cleveland. 
The Western Fruit Book ; Popular De- 
ciduous and Evergreen Trees; Hand- 
book for Fruit Growers ; Handbook of 
Practical Landscape Gardening. 

Elliott, Henry Wood. 0., 1846- 

. Sonof P. R. Elliott, supra. An 

artist in the employ of the Smithsonian 
Institution. Monograph of the Seal 
Islands of Alaska ; Our Arctic Prov- 
inces. Scr. 

Elliott, John. Ct, 1768-1824. A Con- 
gregational minister at Madison, Con- 
necticut, 1791-1824, co-author with S. 
Johnson of the first American diction- 
ary of the English language. 

Elliott, Jonathan. E., 1784-1846. 
A publicist of Washington who pub- 
lished American Diplomatic Code ; De- 
bate on Adoption of the Constitution ; 
Funding System of the United States ; 
Statistics of the United States; The 




Comparative Tariffs ; Sketches of the 
District of Columbia. Lip. 

Elliott, Mrs. Maud [Howe]. Ms., 

1855 . Daughter of S. G. Howe, 

infra. A fiction writer of Chicago. 
Atalanta in the South ; Mammon ; A 
Newport Aquarelle ; The San Eosario 
Eanch ; Honor ; Phyllida. Mer. Bob. 

Elliott, Sarah Barnwell. IS 

. Granddaughter of S. Elliott, 

infra. Jerry ; John Paget, a novel of 
New York and Newport ; The Fel- 
meres. Ho. 

Elliott, Stephen. S. C, 1771-1830. 
A naturalist of South Carolina, and a 
professor in the State Medical College. 
His son Stephen, lSOO-1866, was the 
first Episcopal bishop of Georgia, and 
his grandson, Robert Woodward Bam- 
well Elliott, 1840-1887, the first bishop 
of Western Texas. The Botany of 
South Carolina and Georgia. 

Elliott, WUliam. S. C, 1788-1863. 
Nephew of S. Elliott, supra. A poli- 
tician of Beaufort, South Carolina, who 
published the tragedy of Fiesco ; Car- 
olina Sports by Land and Water. 

Ellis, Charles Mayo. Ms., 1818- 
1878. A Boston lawyer of prominence 
as au abolitionist, who published a His- 
tory of Rosbury. 

Ellis, Edward Sylvester. O., 1840- 
. A popular writer of school text- 
books and juvenile tales, who was for 
a number of years an instructor in Tren- 
ton, New Jersey. Among his numerous 
writings are included The People's 
Standard History of the United States ; 
several school histories of the United 
States ; From the Throttle to the Pres- 
ident's Chair ; Lost in Samoa ; The 
Camp Fires of General Lee ; The 
Hunters of the Ozark ; The Last War 
Trail ; Righting the Wrong ; Up the 
Tapajos ; Down the Mississippi ; Life 
of Daniel Boone ; Storm Mountain. 
Am. Cas. Co. Mer. 

ElUs, George Edward. Ms., 1814- 
1894. A Unitarian clergyman of Bos- 
ton who was pastor of the Harvard 
Church in Charlestown, 1840-69, and 
for many years president of the Massa- 
chusetts Historical Society. He was an 
enthusiastic historical student with pos- 
itive convictions. They were, however, 
held without bitterness or prejudice. 
A Half Century of the Unitarian Con- 

troversy ; Evidences of Christianity ; 
The Red Man and the White in North 
America ; The Organ and Church Mu- 
sic ; Aims and Purposes of the Found- 
ers of Massachusetts; Memoirs of 
Count Rumford, Jared Sparks, Jacob 
Bigelow, Luther Bell, and others ; 
Lives of John Mason, Anne Hutchin- 
son, and William Penn, in Sparks's 
American Biography ; History of the 
Battle of Bunker HiU. The Puritan 
Age and Rule in the Colony of the Mas- 
sachusetts Bay is his most important 
work. Hon. Lit. 

Ellis, Sumner. Ms., 1828-1886. A 
Universalist clergyman of Boston and 
Chicago. At Our Best, and Other Es- 
says ; Life of E. H. Chapin, supra ; 
Hints on Preaching. See Memorial by 
C. R. Moor, 1887. Meth. 

Ellsworth, Erastus Wolcott. Ct, 

1822 . An inventor of Connecticut 

who published in 1855 a volume of 
poems of very uneven excellence, some 
of which were popular for a time. 

Ellsworth, Henry Leavitt. Ct., 
1791-1858. A commissioner of patents 
who was a son of the noted jurist, Oli- 
ver Ellsworth. Digest of Patents from 
1770 to 1859. 

Ellsworth, Henry William. Ct., 
1814-1864. Son of H. L. Ellsworth. 
A lawyer of Indiana. Sketch of the 
Upper Mississippi Valley ; American 

Ellsworth, Mrs. Mary Wolcott 
[Janvrin]. N. H., 1830-1870. A 
writer for periodicals. Peace, or the 
Stolen Will ; An Hour with the Chil- 
dren; Smith's Saloon. 

Ellwanger, George Herman. N.Y., 
1848 . Brother of H. B. Ellwan- 
ger, infra. A writer of Rochester, 
New York. The Garden's Story ; The 
Story of My House ; In Gold and Sil- 
ver ; Idyllists of the Country - Side. 
Love's Demesne, a Garland of Contem- 
porary Love Poems. Ap. Do. 

Ellwanger, Henry Brooks. N. T., 
1851-1883. A horticulturist of Ro- 
chester, New York. The Rose, a Trea- 
tise on Cultivation, History, etc., of 
Roses. Do. 

Elmendorf, John James. N. Y., 
1827-1896. An Episcopal clergyman, 
professor of philosophy in Racine Col- 




lege, Wisconsin, 1867-88, and later con- 
nected with the Western Theolog-ical 
Seminary at Chioag-o. Manual of Rites 
and Ritual ; History of Pliilosophy ; 
Outlines of Logic ; Aspects of Modern 
Philosophy ; Moral Philosophy. 

Elmer, Lucius Quintus Cincinna- 
tus. N. J., 1793-1HS3. A jurist of 
Bridgeton, New Jersey, who published 
a Digest of the Laws of New Jersey, 
commonly styled " Nixon's Digest ; " 
Genealogy of the Elmer Family ; His- 
tory of Cumberland County ; History 
of New Jersey. 

Elsberg, Louis. P., 1836-1885. A 
physician of New York city. Laryn- 
goscopal Medication ; The Throat and 
its Functions. 

Elson, Louis Charles. Ms., 1848- 

. A Boston journalist, editor of 

the Vox Humana. History of Music ; 
History of German Song ; Curiosities of 
Music. Dit. 

Elton, Romeo. Ct., 1790-1870. A 
once prominent clergyman of the Bap- 
tist faith, at one time a professor in 
Brown University, who was author of a 
Life of Roger Williams. 

Elwell, Edward Henry. Me., 1825- 
1890. A journalist of Portland, Maine. 
Portland and Vicinity; The Boys of 
Thirty - Five, a Story of a Seaport 

ElTvyn, Alfred Langdon. N. H., 
1804^1884. A noted Philadelphia phi- 
lanthropist. Bonaparte, a poem ; Glos- 
sary of Supposed Americanisms ; Mel- 
ancholy and its Musings ; Hints to the 
City on Intemperance. 

Ely, Ezra Stiles. Ct, 1786-1861. A 
Presbyterian minister of Philadelphia. 
Contrast between Calvinism and Hop- 
kinsianism ; Endless Punishment ; The 
Science of the Human Mind ; Sermons 
on Faith ; Visits of Mercy ; Memoir of 
Zebnlon Ely; The Contrast; Ely's 

Ely, Richard Theodore. N. T., 

1854 . A political economist of 

distinction, professor of political econ- 
omy at Wisconsin University since 1892. 
French and German Socialism in Mod- 
em Times; The Past and Present of 
Political Economy ; Taxation in Amer- 
ican States and Cities ; Problems of 
To-Day ; Political Economy ; Social As- 

pects of Christianity ; Outlines of Eco- 
nomics. See Bibliography of Wisconsin. 
Fl. Har. Mah. 
Embury, Mrs. Emma Catharine 
[Manly]. A^. Y., 1806-1863. A 
writer of verse and prose whose home 
was in Brooklyn. Her various works 
include Guide and Other Poems ; The 
Blind Girl and Other Tales ; The Wal- 
dorf Family, a Fairy Tale ; Female Ed- 
ucation ; Glimpses of Home Life ; Pic- 
tures of Early Life ; Poems ; Token of 
Flowers ; Nature's Gems, or American 
Wild Flowers ; Love's Token Flowers, 
a collection of verse. 

Emerson, Alfred. Pa., 1859- 

An archgeologist, professor at Cornell 
University since 1891. Dissertatio de 
Hercule Homerico. 

Emerson, Charles Noble. Ms., 1821- 
1869. A Massachusetts lawyer, com- 
missioner of revenue, who published 
Internal Revenue Guide ; Handbook of 
Internal Revenue for Popular Use. 

Emerson, Edward 'Waldo. Ms., 

1844 . Son of R. W. Emerson, 

infra. An instructor in art anatomy, 
living at Concord, Massachusetts. Em- 
erson in Concord. Hou. 

Emerson, Mrs. Ellen [Russell]. 

Ms., 1837 . A Boston writer upon 

art and Indian mythology. Indian 
Myths ; Masks, Heads, and Faces, with 
Considerations Respecting the Rise and 
Development of Art. Plou. 

Emerson, Frederick. N. H., 1788- 
1857. A once prominent Boston edu- 
cator who published a series of popular 
arithmetics, chief among which was the 
North American Arithmetic. 

Emerson, George Barrell. Me., 
1797-1881. An educator of Boston of 
much prominence and wide influence. 
Lectures on Education ; The School 
and the Schoolmaster {with A. Potter, 
infra) ; Manual of Agriculture (with 
C. L. Flint) ; Report on the Trees and 
Shrubs of Massachusetts ; Reminis- 
cences of an Old Teacher. See Har- 
vard Register, May, 18S1. Lit. 

Emerson, Joseph. iV.H., 1777-1833. 
A New England clergyman and edu- 
cator, author of Lectures on the Mil- 
lennium. See Life by B. Emerson, in- 




Emerson, Ralph. N. H., 1787-1862. 
Brother of J. Eniei-son, supra. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, professor in An- 
dover Theological Seminary, 1829-53, 
and author of Life of Joseph Emerson, 
j and translation of Wiagon's Augustin- 
ianism and Pelagianism. 

JFjTviRrRnri Ralph Waldo . 3fs., 1803- 
1882. The most distinguished of Amer- 
ican essayists, and by some critics 
ranked as £he foremost American poet 
when the substance of his poetry is 
considered apart from its foiTn. He 
was ordained in 1829 as a Unitarian 
minister in Boston, but retired from 
the profession in 1833, and the next 
year settled in Concord, Massachusetts, 
where the remainder of his life was 
spent. He succeeded Margaret Fuller 
as editor of The Dial, and was the most 
prominent figure among the Transcen- 
dentalists. As a lecturer he was fre- 
quently before the public, and in his 
writings faced a world-wide public as a 
philosophical thinker. His first vol- 
ume of Poems appeared in 1847, fol- 
lowed in 1867 by May-Day and Other 
Pieces. His prose writings are com- 
prised in Nature ; Essays, first and sec- 
ond series ; Representative Men ; Eng- 
lish Traits ; Conduct of Life ; Society 
and Solitude ; Letters and Social Aims ; 
Lectures and Biographical Sketches ; 
Miscellanies ; Natural History of Intel- 
lect, and Other Papers. See Scribner^s 
Magazine, February, 1879 ; Century 
Magazine, April, 1883 ; Fraser^s Maga- 
zine, May, 1867 ; Harper^s Magazine, 
February, 1884 ; Conway^ s Fmerson at 
Home and Abroad ; Correspondence be- 
tween Carlyle and Emerson ; Benton^s 
Emerson as a Poet; Emerson in Con- 
cord ; Appleton^s American Biography ; 
Sfedman^s American Poets ; Lives by 
Cabot (1887), Garnett, Ireland, Holmes, 
Cooke ; Guernsey's Emerson as Poet and 
Philosopher; Nicholas American Liter- 
ature; Richardson's American Litera- 
ture ; New England Magazine, Decem- 
ber, 1896 ; Emerson-Stirling Letters ; 
Atlantic Monthly, January, and Febru- 
ary, 1897 ; Peterson's Magazine, Febru- 
ary, 1897 ; Emerson in Concord. Hou. 

Emerton, Ephraim. Ms., 1851- 

A professor of history at Harvard Uni- 
versity. Introduction to the Study of 

Mediaeval History ; Synopsis of the 
History of Continental Europe; The 
Practical Method in Higher Historical 
Instruction ; Sir William Temple und 
die Tripleallianz vom Jahre 1668 ; Me- 
diseval Europe, 814-1300. Gi. 

Emerton, James Henry. Ms., 1847- 
. A naturalist of eminence. Struc- 
ture and Habits of Spiders; Life on 
the Seashore. Wn. 

Emmerton, James Arthur. Ms., 
1834 . A New England genealo- 
gist and physician. Eighteenth Cen- 
tury Baptisms in Salem, Massachusetts ; 
Record of the 23d Massachusetts Regi- 
ment ; Materials towards an Emmer- 
ton Genealogy. 

Emmet, Thomas Addis. I., 1764- 
1827. An Irish patriot who came to 
the United States in 1804 and settled 
in New York city, where he practiced 
law. He was a brother of the famous 
Robert Emmet. Pieces of Irish His- 
tory. See Memoir by C. G. Haynes. 

Emmet, Thomas Addis. Va., 1828- 

. Grandson of T. A. Emmet, 

supra. A physician and surgeon of 
New York city, whose chief work is 
The Principles and Practice of Gyne- 

Emmons, Ebenezer. Ms., 1799-1863. 
A noted geologist who in the latter 
part of his life was attached to the 
State geological survey of North Caro- 
lina. Manual of Mineralogy and Geo- 
logy; American Geology. 

Emmons, George Foster. Vt., 1811- 
1884. A rear-admiral in the United 
States service who wrote The Navy 
of the United States from 1775 to 1853. 

Emmons, Nathanael. Ot, 1745-1840. 
A once noted Congregational minister 
at Franklin, Massachusetts, 1773-1840. 
His theological works in six volumes, 
with Memoir by J. Ide, appeared in 
1842. A later edition contains a Me- 
moir by E. H. Park, infra. See 
Sprague's Annals of the American Pul- 

Emmons, Samuel Franklin. Ms., 

1841 . A geologist in government 

service. Descriptive Geology; Geo- 
logical and Mining Industries of Lead- 
ville ; Statistics and Technology of the 
Precious Metals (with G. F. Becker, 


Emory, John. Md., 1789-1835. A 
Methodist bishop of prominence in his 
denomination. The Divinity of Christ 
Vindicated ; Defence of Our Fathers. 
See Life by JR. Emory, infra. Meth. 

Emory, Robert. Pa., 1814-1848. 
Son of J. Emory, supra. A Methodist 
minister and educator who -was presi- 
dent of Dickinson College, Carlisle, 
Pennsylvania, 1842—18. Life of Bish- 
op Emory ; History of the Discipline 
of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 

Emory, William Helmsley. Md., 

1811 . Cousin of J. Emory, supra. 

An army offieer who retired from the 
United States service in 1876 with the 
rank of brigadier-g-eneral. Notes of a 
Military Reconnoissanee in Missouri 
and California, l':^4S ; Report on the 
United States and Mexican Boundary 

Endicott, Charles Moses. Ms., 
1793-1863. A writer of Salem, Mas- 
sachusetts, who was at one time com- 
mander of a merchantman. Life of 
John Endicott ; The Persian Poet, a 
tragedy ; Rights and Duties of Na^ 
tions ; Three Orations. 

Endress, Christian. Pa., 1755-1827. 
A Lutheran clergyman of Lancaster, 
Pennsylvania, who published in Ger- 
man The Kingdom of Heaven not Sus- 
ceptible of Union with Temporal Mon- 
archy and Aristocracy. 

Engelmann, George Julius. Mo., 

1847 . A St. Louis physician, 

founder of the Polyclinic School of 
Medicine in that city. Labor among 
Primitive Peoples, or the Development 
of Obstetric Science. 

England, John. I., 1786-1842. A 
Roman Catholic prelate who was ap- 
pointed bishop of Charleston in 1820, 
and came to America in that year. 
He was eminent as a lecturer and ora- 
tor, whose inflnence both within and 
without his church was widespread 
and beneficent. Letters on Slavery 
are among his writings. See Works, 
8 vols., 1849. 

Engles, William Morrison. Pa., 
1797-1867. A Presbyterian minister 
of Philadelphia, for many years editor 
of The Presbyterian. Records of the 
Presbyterian Church ; English Martyr- 



ology ; Sick-Room Devotion ; Bible 
Dictionai-y ; Sailor's Companion ; Sol- 
dier's Pocket Book. 

English, George Bethune. Ms., 
1787-1828. A versatile adventurer 
■who wrote The Grounds of Christian- 
ity Examined, which was answered by 
Edward Everett, and this brought a 
rejoinder from English entitled Five 
Smooth Stones out of the Brook. He 
published also Narrative of the Expedi- 
tion to Dongola and Sennaar. 

English, Thomas Dunn. Pa., 1819- 

. A physician and poet of Newark, 

New Jersey, widely known by his fa- 
mous song Ben Bolt, first published in 
1843. His various writings include 
Walter Woolfe, a novel ; Poems ; 1844, 
or the Power of the S. F., a political 
satire ; Ambrose Fecit, or the Peer and 
the Painter ; American Ballads ; Book 
of Battle Lyrics ; Jacob Schuyler's 
Millions. Sar. 

Errett, Isaac. N. Y., 1820-1888. A 
Cainpbellite clergyman of Cincinnati. 
Debate on Spiritualism ; Brief View 
of Missions ; Walks about Jerusalem ; 
Tallts to Bereans; Letters to Young 
Christians ; Evenings with the Bible, 
comprise the most of his writing. 

Esling, Mrs. Catherine Harbeson 

[Waterman]. Pa., 1812 . A 

verse-writer of Philadelphia who pub- 
lished The Broken Bracelet and Other 
Poems in 1850. 

Esling, Charles Henry Augustine. 
Pa., 1845 . A lawyer of Phila- 
delphia, author of Life of Saint Ger- 
maine Cousin, the Shepherdess of Pi- 

Espy, James Pollard. Pa., 178.5- 
1860. A meteorologist of Philadelphia, 
sometimes called " the storm king," 
who published The Philosophy of 
Storms (1841). 

Evans, Augusta Jones. See Wilson, 
Mrs. Augusta. 

Evans, Edward Payson. N. Y., 

1833 . An Oriental scholar who 

has lived chiefly in Europe. Abriss 
der deutschen Literaturgesehiohte ; 
Progressive German Reader; transla- 
tion of Stahr's Life and Works of Les- 

Evans, Mrs. Elizabeth Edson 
[Gibson]. B. I., 1833 . Wife 


of E. P. Evans, supra. The Abuse of 
Maternity ; Laura, an American Girl ; 
The Story of Kaspar Hauser; The 
Story of Louis XVII. of France. 

Evans, Frederick Williani. E., 
1808-1893. An elder among the Shak- 
ers of Lebanon, New York, from 1838. 
He wrote and lectured much, and pos- 
sessed great influence in his sect. 
Compendium of Origin, History, and 
Doctrines of iShakers; Shaker Com- 
munism ; Autobiography of a Shaker ; 
Second Appearing of Christ ; Test of 
Divine Inspiration, are his chief works. 

Evans, Hugh Davy. Md., 1792- 
IStiS. A Baltimore lawyer, conspicu- 
ous for loyalty to the Union during the 
Civil War, who wrote on legal and 
High Church topics. Essay on Plead- 

[ ing ; Maryland Common Law Prac- 
tice ; Essay on the Episcopate ; Trea- 
tise on the Christian Doctrine of 
Marriage ; Essays on the Validity of 
Anglican Ordination ; Theophilus 
Americanus. Hon. 

Evans, Lewis. Circa 1700-1 7.5fi. A 
surveyor and geographer of Philadel- 
phia who published Geographical, His- 
torical, Political, and Mechanical Es- 

Evans, Mrs. Lizzie Phelps [Ester- 
brook]. Ms., 1846 . A writer 

of Somerville, Massachusetts. Aunt 
Nabby ; From Summer to Summer. 

Evans. Nathaniel. Pa., 1742-1767. 
An Episcopal clergyman stationed as 
a missionary in Gloucester County, 
New Jersey. Poems on Several Occa- 
sions, with Memoir by Wm. Smith, 
appeared in 1772. 

Evans, Oliver. Bel, 1755-1819. A 
once famous inventor who constructed 
the first high-pressure steam-engine. 
The Young Engineer's Guide ; Miller 
and Millwright's Guide. 

Evans [iv'anz], Thomas. Pa., 1798- 
1868. A Quaker controversialist of 
Philadelphia who was an active oppo- 
nent of the doctrines of Thomas Hicks, 
infra, and published an Exposition of 
the Faith of the Religious Society of 

Evans, Thomas Wiltberger. Pa., 

1S23 . A famous dentist, resident 

in Paris since 1848, through whose aid 
the Empress Eugenie escaped from 


that city in 1870. History of the 
American Ambulance in Paris dur- 
ing the Siege, 1870-71 ; Sanitary In- 
stitutions during the Austro-Prussian- 
Italian Conflict, 1868; Lettres sur le 
Gouvemement des Etats Unis ; La 
Commission Sanitaire des Etats Unis. 

Eve, Paul Fitzsimmons. Ga., 1806- 
1877. A distinguished surgeon of 
Nashville during the Civil War, sur- 
geon-general of the Confederate army 
of Tennessee. Collection of Remark- 
able Cases in Surgery ; One Hundred 
Cases of Lithotomy ; The Inhumanity 
of Capital Punishment by Hanging. 

Everest, Harvey William. N. Y., 

1831 . A clergyman and educator 

of the Christian denomination. The 
Divine Demonstration : a Text-Book of 
Christian Evidence. 

Everett, Alexander Hill. Ms., 
1792-1847. Brother of E. Everett, in- 
fra. An able member of the dii^lomatic 
service of the United States who was 
minister to Spain, 1825-29, and to the 
Chinese Empire at the time of his 
death. Critical anq Miscellaneous Es- 
says ; Poems ; Europe : a General Sur- 
vey ; America : a General Survey. See 
Allibone's Dictionary. 

Everett, Charles Carroll. Me., 1829- 
'. A Unitarian clergyman of Cam- 
bridge, dean of the theological faculty 
of Harvard University from 1878, and 
a profound and independent philosoph- 
ical thinker. The Science of Thought ; 
Religions before Christianity ; Fichte's 
Science of Knowledge, a Critical Ex- 
position ; Poetry, Comedy, and Duty ; 
Ethics for Young People ; The Gospel 
of Paul. Gi. Hou. Sc. 

Everett, David. Ms., 1770-1818. A 
Boston journalist who wrote the famous 
lines beginning, — 

"You 'd scarce expect one of my age 
To speak in public on the stage." 

Common Sense in D^shabiU^, or the 
Farmer's Monitor ; Daranzel, or the 
Persian Poet, a tragedy. 
Everett, Edward. Ms., 1794^1865. 
A distinguished Massachusetts states- 
man famous for his oratory. He was 
ordained to the Unitarian ministry in 
1813, but soon retired from the profes- 
sion and entered political life, becom- 
ing a congressman in 1825. After that 


date he -was successively governor of 
Massachusetts, president of Harvard 
College, and secretary of state. He 
achieved a wide popularity, aud his lit^ 
erary style was greatly admired. His 
work has, however, failed to retain its 
hold upon attention, and his polished 
sentences now find a constantly lessen- 
ing circle of readers. Defence of Chris- 
tianity ; Orations and Speeches ; Mount 
Vernon Papers ; Importance of Prac- 
tical Education. See Whipple^s Char- 
acter and Characteristic Men ; Allibone^s 
Dictionary ; Appleton^s American Bio- 
graphy. Lit. 

Everett, Ediward Franklin. 3{s., 

1840 . A Boston genealogist who 

has puhlislied genealogies of the fami- 
lies of Capen and Everett. 

Everett, Erastus. Ms., 1813 . 

An educator once prominent in Brook- 
lyn. System of English Versification ; 
Progress, a poem. 

Everett, "William. Ms., 1839 . 

Son of E. Everett, supra. At one time 
an instructor in Harvard University, 
afterward master of the Adams Acad- 
emy at Quincy, Massachusetts, member 
of Congress in 189.3, and an active po- 
litical speaker. College Essays; On 
the Cam: Lecture on Cambridge Uni- 
versity ; the poem Hesione, or Europe 
Unchained ; School Sermons. His 
books for boys include Thine not Mine ; 
Changing Base ; Double Play. Bob. 

Everhart, Benjamin Mablack. Pa., 

1818 •. A Pennsylvania botanist, 

co-author with J. B. Ellis of The North 
American Pyrenomycetes. 

Everhart, James Boiwen. Pa., 1821- 
. Brother of B. M. Everhart, su- 
pra. A Pennsylvanian politician and 
congressman who published Miscella^ 
nies ; Poems ; The Fox Chase, a Poem. 

Everts, Orpheus. Ind., 1826 . 

A physician of Cincinnati. Giles & 
Co., or Views and Interviews concerning 
Civilization ; What Shall we Do with 
the Drunkard ? Clke. 

Everts, "William "Wallace. N. Y., 

1814— . A Baptist clergyman of 

Chicago, and later of Jersey City, among 
whose many published works are in- 
cluded The Pastor's Hand-Book ; Bible 
Prayer-Book ; The Voyage of Life ; 
Manhood, its Duties and Responsibili- 


ties ; Promise and Training of Child- 
hood; "Words in Earnest; The Baptist 
Layman's Book ; The Sabbath ; The 
Christian Apostolate ; Life of John 
Foster. Bap. Fu. Rev. 

Ewbauk, Thomas. E., 1792-1870. 
A scientist of New York, at one period 
commissioner of patents. Thoughts on 
Matter and Force ; Hydraulics ; The 
World a Workshop ; Life in Brazil ; 
Experiments in Marine Propulsion ; 
Reminiscences in the Patent Office. 
Har. Scr. 

Ewell, Marshall Davis. Mch., 1844- 
. A lawyer of Chicago, and pro- 
fessor of law in Union College of Law 
in Chicago. Blackwell on Tax Titles ; 
Treatise on the Law of Fixtures ; Es- 
sentials of the Law ; Manual of Medical 

E-wer, Ferdinand Cart-wright. Ms., 
1826-1883. An Episcopal clergyman 
of New York city of the extreme ritu- 
alistic school, whose Sermons on the 
Failure of Protestantism attracted 
much attention at the time of their 
delivery. His other "vvritings include 
The Operation of the Holy Spirit; 
Grammar of Theology ; Two Eventful 
Nights, or the Fallibility of Spiritual- 
ism Exposed ; Sanctity and Other Ser- 
mons. See American Church Review, 
December, 1883 ; Sermons of, with Me- 
moir by C. T. Congdon, supra. 

Ewing,' Finis. Va., 1773-1841. A 
Presbyterian clergyman who with two 
others organized the Cumberland Pres- 
byterian church in 1810. Lectures on 
Divinity is an exposition of the doctrines 
of the sect. 

Ewing, Hugh Boyle. O., 1826 . 

A general in the Federal army during 
the Civil War, and minister to the 
Netherlands, 1866-70. A Castle in 
the Air ; Ladron, a Tale of Early Cali- 

Ewing, John. Md., 1732-1802. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of Philadel- 
phia, provost of the University of Penn- 
sylvania, 1777-1802, and eminent in his 
day as a scientific observer. He pub- 
lished an Account of the Transit of Ve- 
nus, and his Lectures on Natural Phi- 
losophy were issued after his death. 

Eyster, Mrs. Nellie [Blessing]. Md., 

1831 . A writer for young people, 

formerly living in Pennsylvania, nov/ in 




California. Sunny Hours; Chinoapin 
Charlie ; Tom Harding ; Lionel Win- 
tour's Diary ; A Colonial Boy. Lo. 

Fabbri, Cora Randall. N. Y., 1871- 

1892. A verse-writer of Italian de- 
scent whose volume of Lyrics was pub- 
lished hut a few days hefore her death. 

Fabens, Joseph Warren. Ms., 1821- 
1876. A native of iSalem, Massachu- 
setts, who was an envoy exti'aordinary 
and minister plenipotentiary of the Do- 
minican republic. The Camel Hunt, 
a Narrative of Personal Adventure ; 
Story of Life on the Isthmus; Facts 
about Santo Domingo ; The Last Cigar, 
and Eight Other Poems ; In the Trop- 
ica (probably). 

Fairbairn, Robert Brinckerhoff. 
N. Y., 1818 . An Episcopal cler- 
gyman, warden of St. Stephen's Col- 
lege, Annandale, New York. The Child 
of Faith ; Sermons Preached at St. Ste- 
phen's ; Morality in its Kelation to the 
Grace of Redemption ; Unity of Faith 
as Influenced by Speculative Philoso- 
phy. Wh. 

Fairbanks, George Rainsford. N. 

Y., 1820 . A Confederate officer 

during the Civil War ; since 1880 a 
resident of Femandina, Florida. His- 
tory and Antiquities of St. Augustine ; 
History of Florida, 1512-1842. 

Fairohild, Ashbel Green. N. J., 

1795-1864. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of Pennsylvania, among whose writings 
are The Great Supper, long a popular 
defence of Calvinism ; Baptism ; Faith 
and Works ; Confession of Faith. 

Fairohild, Herman Le Roy. Pa., 
1850 . A lecturer on natural sci- 
ence who has written a History of the 
New York Academy of Sciences. 

Fairohild, James Harris. Ms., 1817- 

. A Congregational clergyman, 

president of Oberlin College, 1866-80. 
Moral Philosophy ; Needed Phases of 
Christianity ; Oberlin, the Colony and 
the College ; Elements of Theology ; 
Woman's Right to the Ballot. 

Fairfield, Francis Gerry. Ct, 1844- 
1887. A New York city journalist who 

was in early life a Lutheran minister. 
The Clubs of New York ; Ten Years 
with Spiritual Mediums. Ap. 

Fairfield, Genevieve Genevra. 

N. Y., 1832 . Daughter of S. L. 

field, infra. Genevra, or the History 
Fair of a Portrait ; The Vice - Presi- 
dent's Daughter ; The Wife of Two 
Husbands ; The Innkeeper's Daugh- 
ter; Irene. 

Fairfield, Mrs. Jane Frazee. N. J., 

18 . Wife of S. L. Fairfield, 

infra, of whom she wrote a Life in 
1846. She afterwards published an 

Fairfield, Sumner Lincoln. Ms., 
1803-1844. An educator of Philadel- 
phia and elsewhere, and an ambitious 
versifier, whose work received very lit- 
tle attention from the public. Abad- 
don, the Spirit of Destruction ; Lays of 
Melpomene ; The Sisters of St. Clara ; 
Cities of the Plain ; The Heir of the 
W^orld ; The Last Night of Pompeii ; 
Poems and Prose Writings ; Select 
Poems (1860). See Griswolcfs Poets and 
Poetry of America. 

Fales, Edw^ard Lippitt. 18 . 

Underneath the Mistletoe, and Other 
Poems ; Songs and Song Legends of 
Dahkotah Land. 

Fall, Charles Gershom. Ms., 1845- 

. A lawyer of Boston. Dreams, 

a volume of verse ; A Village Sketch 
and Other Poems ; Employers' Liability 
for Personal Injuries to their Em- 

Fallows, Samuel. E., 1835 . A 

bishop of the Reformed Episcopal faith. 
In early life he was a Methodist min- 
ister, and during the Civil War a brig- 
adier-general in the Federal army. He 
left Methodism for the Reformed Epis- 
copal church in 1875, and was advanced 
to the episcopate the next year. The 
Bible Story for Young People ; Com- 
plete Hand-Book of Synonyms and Au- 
tonyms ; Hand-Book of Abbreviations 
and Contractions ; Hand-Book of Briti- 
cisms, Americanisms, etc.; The Home 
Beyond, or Views of Heaven ; Past 
Noon ; Complete Dictionary of Syno- 
nyms and Autonyms. He has edited 
a Supplemental Dictionary of the Eng- 
lish Language. Meth. Rev. 

Fanning, David. N. C, c. 1756-1825. 
A once famous freebooter who acted 




with the royalists during the American 
Revolution, and "was one of those per- 
sons exempted by name from benefits 
of the general pardon. He was the 
author of a Narrative of Adventures in 
North Carolina, edited by J. H. Wheeler, 
and printed privately in 1861. 

Fanning, John Thomas. Ot., 1837- 

. A distinguished civil engineer 

of Minneapolis, whose Treatise on Wa- 
ter Supply Engineering has had wide 

Farley, Harriet. N. S., v. 1815- 

A factory operative of Lowell who, in 
1841 and subsequently, edited The 
Lowell Offering, a periodical to which 
she and her companions in the mills 
were the contributors. It attracted much 
attention, from its literary character. 
A selection from its pages, Mind among 
the Spindles, was published in London 
in 1849. Shells from the Strand of Gen- 
ius is partly original and partly selected. 
Fancy's Frolics, a juvenile work, ap- 
peared many years later. 
Farlow, "William G-ilson. Ms., 1844- 
. A professor of botany in Har- 
vard University since 1874, and the 
foremost American authority on eryp- 
togamic botany. Marine Algae of New 
England ; The Black Knot ; The Gym- 
nosporangia of the United States ; In- 
dex of Fungi ; The Potato Rot ; Dis- 
eases of Orange and Olive Trees. 

Farman, Ella. See Pratt, Mrs. 

Farmer, Henry Tudor. E., 1782- 
1828. A writer of English birth who 
came to America in early life and 
settled in Charleston. He published 
Imagination (1819) ; The Maniac's 
Dream, and Other Poems. 

Farmer, John. Ms., 1789-1838. A 
genealogist of New England, whose 
Genealogical Register of the First Set- 
tlers of New England is a much valued 
work. His other writings include His- 
tory of BUlerica ; History of Amherst ; 
Gazetteer of New Hampshire ; and an 
edition, with notes, of Belknap's His- 
tory of New Hampshire. See Savage's 
edition of the Register, 1862 ; Memorial 
by Le Bosquet. 

Farmer, John. N. Y., 1798-1859. A 
noted cartographer of Detroit who pub- 
lished A Gazetteer of Michigan. 

Farmer, Mrs. Lydia [Hoyt]. 0., 

1842 . A miscellaneous writer of 

Cleveland. Aunt Belindy's Points of 
View ; Boys' Book of Famous Rulers ; 
A Story Book of Science ; Girls' Book 
of Famous Queens ; The Prince of the 
Flaming Star, an Operetta ; Life of 
Lafayette ; A Short History of the 
French Revolution ; A Knight of Faith ; 
A Moral Inheritance ; The Doom of 
the Holy City. Cr. Lo. Mer. Ran. 

Farmer, Silas. McL, 1839 . Son 

of J. Farmer, supra. A publisher and 
antiquarian of Detroit. History of 
Detroit and Michigan. 
Farnam, Henry "Wolcott. Ct., 1853- 

. A professor of political economy 

at Yale University. Die Innere Fran- 
ziisische Gewerpolitik von Colbert bis 
Farnham, Mrs. Fliza "Woodson 
[Burhans]. IV. F., 1815-1864. Wife 
of T. J. Farnham, irifra. A philan- 
thropist who from 1844 to 1848 was 
matron at the prison of Sing Sing, and 
later a resident of California. Woman 
and her Era is her most important 
work. Others are Life in Prairie Land ; 
My Early Days ; The Ideal Attained ; 
California Indoors and Out. 
Farnham, John Marshall "Wil- 
loughby. Me., 1829 -. A Pres- 
byterian missionary to China; Home- 
ward ; Farnham Genealogy ; The Mis- 
sionary Complaint and Appeal. 
Farnham, Thomas Jefferson. Vt., 
1804^1848. A lawyer who in 1839 
beaded an expedition to Oregon. Trav- 
els in Oregon Territory (1842)'; Travels 
in California ; Memorial of the North- 
west Boundary Line ; Mexico, its Geo- 
graphy, People, and Institutions (1846). 
Farquharson, Martha. See Finley, 

Farrar, Charles A. J. 18 — 1893. 
A New England writer who published 
Moosehead Lake and the North Maine 
Wilderness ; Camp Life in the Wilder- 
ness ; The Lake and Forest Series ; 
Wild- Woods Life ; From Lake to Lake. 
Farrar, Mrs. Eliza "Ware [Rotch]. 
Bm., 1791-1870. A writer of Cam- 
bridge who was the wife of^a professor 
of mathematics in Harvard University. 
She was educated in England, where 




her first book, Congo in Search of his 
Master, was written. Her other works 
include The Children's Robinson Cru- 
soe ; The Young Lady's Friend ; Life 
of Howard ; The Story of Lafayette ; 
Youth's Love-Letters ; Recollections of 
Seventy Years. 

Farrar, Timothy. iV". a, 1788-1874. 
A New Hampshire jurist. Report of 
Dartmouth CoUege Case ; Reviews of 
the Dred Scott Decision ; Manual of the 
United States Constitution. 

Farrington, Margaret Vere. See 
Livingston, Mrs. Margaret. 

Farrow, Ed-ward Samuel. Md., 
1855 . An army officer and engi- 
neer. West Point and the Military 
Academy ; A Military System of Gym- 
nastic Exercises ; Mountain Scouting ; 
Pack Mules and Packing; Farrow's 
Military Encyclopaedia. 

Fasquelle, Jean Louis. F., 1808- 
18(12. A French educator who came 
to America in 1834, and was professor 
of modern languages at Michigan Uni- 
versity, 1846-62. Lessons in French ; 
French Course ; T^ldmaque, with Notes 
and Grammatical References ; General 
and Idiomatic Dictionary of the French 
and English Languages. Cas. 

Fauuoe, David Worcester. Ms., 

1829 . A Baptist minister of New 

England. Words and Works of Jesus ; 
Words and Acts of the Apostles ; The 
Christian in the World ; A Young Man's 
Difficulties with his Bible ; The Resur- 
rection in Nature and Revelation. Han. 

Pawcett, Edgar. N. T., 1847- 

A New York author who has written 
much fiction, more or less ephemeral in 
its nature, but whose work as a poet 
takes far higher rank, some of it in the 
realm of pure fancy standing quite 
alone in excellence. His novels include 
An Ambitious Woman ; Fabian Dimi- 
try ; A Gentleman of Leisure ; A Hope- 
less Case ; Olivia Delaplaine ; Asses' 
Ears ; A New York Family ; The Con- 
fessions of Claude ; Purple and Fine 
Linen ; A Mild Barbarian ; The House 
at High Bridge ; Social Silhouettes ; 
The Adventures of a Widow ; Tinkling 
Cymbals ; Rutherford ; Douglas Du- 
ane ; Ellen Story ; A Demoralizing 
Marriage ; A Man's Will ; Miriam Bal- 
estier. In^ verse he has published Short 
Poems for Short People ; The BuntUng 

Ball, a satire ; Poems of Fantasy and 
Passion ; Romance and Revery ; Song 
and Story ; Songs of Doubt and Dream ; 
The New King Arthur. He has also 
written Agnosticism, and Other Essays. 
Ap. Cas. Fu. Hou. Lip. Sa. 
Fay, Amy. La., 1844 ■. A Chi- 
cago musician. Music Study in Ger- 
many. Mg. 
Fay, Theodore Sedge-wrick. N. Y., 

1807 . A writer who belongs to 

the generation of literary New Yorkers 
which included Halleck, Willis, and 
Bryant. He was secretary of legation 
at Berlin, 1837-5.3 ; minister to Swit- 
zerland, 1853-61. He has since lived 
in Berlin. The novel Norman Leslie 
is bis best known work. Others are, 
Dreams and Reveries of a Quiet Man ; 
The Minute Book, a record of travel ; 
Countess Ida ; Hoboken, a romance of 
New York ; Sidney Clifton ; Robert 
Rueful ; Ulric, a volume of verse ; 
Views of Christianity ; Great Outlines 
of Geography ; History of Switzer- 
land ; History of the Three Germanys. 
Fearing, Lilian Blanche. la., 1863- 

. A lawyer of Chicago. The 

Sleeping World and Other Poems ; In 
the City by the Lake (verse) ; Roberta. 
Fello-ws, John. Ms., 1760-1844. The 
Veil Removed ; Mysteries of Free Ma- 
Felt, Joseph Barlc-w. Ms., 1789- 
1869. A Congregational minister of 
Massachusetts who, after retiring from 
the ministry, devoted himself to anti- 
quarian research at Salem. Annals of 
Salem ; History of Ipswich, Essex, and 
Hamilton ; Historical Account of Mas- 
sachusetts Currency ; Memoirs of Hugh 
Peters ; The Customs of New England ; 
Ecclesiastical History of New England, 
include the most of his writings. 
Felton, Cornelius Con-way. Ms., 
1807-1862. A Greek scholar of emi- 
nence who was president of Harvard 
College, 1860-62. Besides his many 
translations from the Greek, among 
which The Clouds and The Birds of 
Aristophanes are the most noteworthy, 
he published Selections from Modern 
Greek Writers, -with Notes ; Familiar 
Letters from Europe ; Greece, Ancient 
and Modem. Hou. 




Penner, Cornelius George. B. I., 

lb:i2--lS47. A Unitarian clergyman at 
one time in charge of a cliurch at Cin- 
cinnati. Poems of Many Moods. 

Pern, Fanny. See Parton, Mrs. 

Pernald, Charles Henry. Me., 183S- 
. A naturalist who has been pro- 
fessor of zoology at Massachusetts Ag- 
ricultural College since 1886. Tortri- 
cidje of North America ; Butterflies of 
Maine ; Grasses of Maine ; Sphingidse 
of New England. 

Pernald, Chester Bailey. 1808- 

. A litterateur of San Francisco. 

The Cat and the Cherub, and Other 
Stories. Cent. 

Pernald, James Champlin. Me., 
1833 . The Economics of Prohi- 
bition ; The New Womanhood. 

Perrel, 'William. Pa., 1817-1891. A 
distinguished meteorologist employed 
at various times in the Coast Survey and 
the Signal Service. Recent Advances 
in Meteorology ; Popular Treatise on 
the Winds ; Motions of Fluids and Sol- 
ids on the Earth's Surface. Wil. 

Perris, George Titus. 18 . 

Great German Composers ; Great Ital- 
ian and French Composers ; Great Sing- 
ers ; Great Violinists and Pianists ; 
Great Leaders. Ap. 

Pessenden, Thomas Green. N. H., 
1771-1837. An agricultural writer of 
Boston who edited the New England 
Farmer and similar journals, but in ear- 
lier life won considerable attention as a 
satirical poet under the name of Chris- 
topher Caustic. Country Lovers and 
The Terrible Tractoration are the po- 
ems by which he is remembered. He 
published Original Poems ; The La- 
dies' Monitor ; American Clerk's Com- 
panion ; Democracy Unveiled ; Pills, 
Poetical, Political, and Philosophical ; 
Laws of Patents for New Inventions. 
See Hawthorne's Fanshawe, and Other 

Festetitts, Mrs. Kate [Neely]. Va., 

1837 . A writer of children's 

books whose home has been in Wash- 
ington since 188.5. EUie Randolph ; A 
Year at Dangerfield. 

Peucht-wanger, Lewis. 6., 1805- 
1876. A once noted chemist of New 
York city who came to America from 
Germany in 1829. Popular Treatise on 

Gems ; Elements of Mineralogy ; Trea- 
tise on Fermented Liquors; Practical 
Treatise on Soluble or Water Glass. 

Pewkes, Jesse 'Walter. Ms., 1850- 

. An ethnologist of Boston who 

has written valuable professional mon- 
ographs and edited the Journal of 
American Ethnology and Archaeology. 

Ficklin, Joseph. £j/., 18.33 . A 

professor of mathematics in the Uni- 
versity of Missouri who has published 
The Complete Algebra; Elements of 
Algebra, and a series of arithmetical 

Field, Mrs. Caroline Leslie ['Whit- 
ney]. Ms., 18 . Daughter of 

Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, infra. A writer 
of Guilford, Connecticut. High Lights, 
a novel ; The Unseen King, and Other 
Verses. IIou. 

Field, David Dudley. Ct., 1781- 
1807. A Congregational clergyman of 
Stoekbridge, Massachusetts. History 
of Pittsfield ; Genealogy of the Brain- 
erd Family ; Histories of the Counties 
of Berkshire and Middlesex. 

Field, David Dudley. Ms., 1805- 
1894. Son of D. D. Field, supra. A 
distinguished jurist of New York city. 
His Speeches, Arguments, and Miscel- 
laneous Papers have been edited by A. 
P. Sprague in three volumes. Speeches 
and Arguments before United States 
Supreme Court ; The Electoral Votes 
of New York; Miscellaneous Papers. 

Field, Eugene. Mo., 1850-1895. A 
journalist and author of Chicago whose 
writing has received much xmdiscrlmi- 
nating and damaging praise. The 
greater part of his work is purely 
ephemeral, but his poems for and about 
children possess both originality and 
beauty. The Denver Tribune Primer ; 
Culture's Garland ; A Little Book of 
Profitable Tales ; A Little Book of 
Western Verse ; Second Book of Verse ; 
Love Songs of Childhood ; With Trum- 
pet and Drum (verse) ; Echoes from the 
Sabine Farm (with R. M. Field) ; Songs 
and Other Verse ; A Second Book of 
Verse ; The Holy Cross, and Other 
Tales, jffou. Scr. 

Field, George 'Washington. 18 — 
1889. Iowa County and Township Offi- 
cers ; Law of Damages ; Private Corpo- 




rations for Pecuniary Gain ; Law of 
Private Corporations ; Constitution and 
Jurisdiction of United States Supreme 
Courts ; Field's Lawyers' Briefs ; Field's 
Medico-Legal Guide for Doctors and 
Lawyers ; Legal Relations of Infants in 
the State of New York. 

Field, Henry Martyn. Ms., 1822- 

. Son of D. D. Field, 1st, supra. 

A Congregational clergyman, and edi- 
tor of the New York Eyangelist, whose 
writings are chiefly concerned with his 
extensive travels. From the Lakes of 
Killamey to the Golden Horn ; From 
Egypt to Japan ; Story of the Atlantic 
Telegraph ; Among the Holy HUis ; 
Our Western Archipelago ; The Bar- 
bary Coast ; On the Desert ; Old Spain 
and New Spain ; Gibraltar ; Bright 
Skies and Dark Shadows ; Sunrmer 
Pictures, from Copenhagen to Venice ; 
Blood is Thicker than Water ; The 
Irish Confederates, or the Rebellion of 
1798. Har. Scr. 

Field, Henry Martyn. Ms., 1837- 
. A physician, professor in Dart- 
mouth Medical School. Evacuaut Med- 
ication is his only publication. 

Field, Mrs. James A. See Field, 
Mrs. Caroline Leslie. 

Field, Joseph M.* E., 1810-1856. An 
actor and dramatist of St. Louis. The 
Drama in Pokerville, and Other Sto- 

Field, Kate. See Field, Mary. 

Field, Mary Katherine Kemble. 
Mo., 1838-1896. Daughter of J. M. 
Field, supra. A journalist of Wash- 
ington. Planchette's Diary ; Ten Days 
in Spain ; Pen Photographs of Dick- 
ens's Readings ; Hap-Hazard, Travel 
Sketches ; History of Bell's Telephone ; 
Adelaide Ristori, a Biography ; Life 
of Fechter. See The Arena, November, 
1896. Hou. 

Field, Maunsell Bradhurst. N. Y., 
1822-187.5. A lawyer of New York 
city. Adrian (with G. P. R. James) ; 
Poems; Memories of Many Men and 
Some Women, a volume of entertain- 
ing gossip. 

Field, Thomas "Warren. iV^.Y.,1816- 

1881. An educator of Brooklyn who 

was superintendent of public schools 

there, 1873-81. Pear Culture; giatqr- 

* A diBtlnguishiug initial only. 

ic and Antiquarian Scenes in Brooklyn ; 
Essay Toward an Indian Bibliograpky. 

Fields, Mrs. Annie [Adams]. Ms 

18.34 . Wife of J. T. Fields, infra. 

A Boston litterateur. Under the Ol- 
ive, a volume of verse; The Singing 
Shepherd, and Other Poems ; A Shelf 
of Old Books ; Whittier, Notes of his 
Life and Friendships ; Memoir of J. T. 
Fields ; How to Help the Poor ; Au- 
thors and Friends. Har. Hou. Scr. 

Fields, James Thomas. N. H., 1816- 
1881. A well-known publisher of Bos- 
ton who edited the Atlantic Monthly, 
1862-70. Yesterdays with Authors; 
Underbrush, a collection of essays ; Bal- 
lads, and Other Verses. See Memoir iy 
Mrs. Fields. Hou. 

Fillmore, John Comfort. Ct., 1843- 
. A musician of Milwaukee. His- 
tory of Piano-Forte Music ; New Les- 
sons in Harmony ; Lessons in Musical 

Filson, John. Pa., 1747-1788. An 
early explorer of the Western country. 
The Discovery, Settlement, and Pres- 
ent State of Kentucky; Map of Ken- 
tucky ; Topographical Description of 
the Western Territory. See Life by B, 
T. Durret, ISS4. 

Finch, Francis Miles. N. Y., 1827- 

. A New York jurist, dean of the 

law school of Cornell University since 
1892. He has published a number of 
poems, among which Nathan Hale and 
The Blue and the Gray are well known. 

Finck, Henry Theophilus. Mo., 

1854 . A musical journalist of 

New York city. Wagner and Other 
Musicians ; Romantic Love and Per- 
sonal Beauty ; Chopin, and Other Mu- 
sical Essays ; Lotos - Time in Japan ; 
The Pacific Coast Scenic Tour ; Spain 
and Morocco. Scr. 

Findley, Samuel. Pa., 1818 . 

An Associate Reformed clergyman and 
educator. Rambles Among the In- 

Findley, "William. L, c. 1750-1821. 
A once noted Pennsylvania politician. 
Review of the Funding System ; His- 
tory of the Insurrection of the Four 
Western Counties of Pennsylvania. 

Finley, James Bradley. N. C, 1781- 
1856. A Methodist clergyman of Ohio, 




at one time chaplain in the state peni- 
tentiary. History of the Wyandot 
Mission; Memorials of Prison Life ; 
Sketches of Western Methodism ; Life 
Among^ the Indians. A^ee Autobiogra- 
phy. Bibliographu of Ohio. Metk. 
Pinley, John. Va., 1796-1866. A 
journalist of Richmond, Indiana, mayor 
of that town for a number of years. 
The Hoosier's Nest and Other Poems 
were once widely circulated. 

Finley, John Park. McL, 1854- 

A lieutenant in the signal service. Tc 
nadoes ; Manual of Instruction in Opti- 
cal Telegraphy ; Sailors' Handbook of 
Storm Track, Fog and Ice Charts of 
the North Atlantic and Gulf of Mex- 

Finley, Martha. " Martha Farquhar- 

son." 0., 1828 . A voluminous 

writer of religious and moral tales for 
girls, including more than twenty Elsie 
Books ; The Mildred Books ; Casella ; 
Wanted — a Pedigree ; and others. Do. 

Finney, Charles Grandison. Ct., 
1702-1875. A Congregational clergy- 
man famous during his earlier career 
as a revivalist. He was president of 
Oberlin College, 1852-66. Lectures on 
Revivals ; Systematic Theology ; Lec- 
tures to Professing Christians ; Char- 
acter of Free Masonry ; Sermons on 
Gospel Themes. See Autobiography ; 
Life by G. F. Wright, 1S90. Bar. 

Finotti, Joseph Maria. ly., 1817- 
1879. A Roman Catholic clergyman 
who was in charge of a Colorado parish 
at the time of his death. French 
Grammar ; A Month of Mary ; Life of 
Blessed Paul of the Cross ; Italy in 
the Fifteenth Century ; Diary of a Sol- 
dier ; The French Zouave ; Herman 
the Pianist ; The Spirit of St. Francis 
de Sales. Bibliographia Catholica 
Americana, his most important work, 
was never completed. 

Fish, Henry Clay. Vt., 1820-1877. 
A Baptist clergyman of Newark, New 
Jersey. Primitive Piety Revived ; The 
Price of Soul Liberty ; Harry's Conver- 
sion ; Harry's Conflicts ; Handbook of 
Revivals ; Bible Lands Illustrated, and 
several compilations. Bar. Do. 

Fisher, Ebenezer. Me., 1815-1879. 
A Universalist clergyman who was the 

first president of the theological semi- 
nary at Canton, New York. The Chris- 
tian Salvation. See Life, 1880. 

Fisher, Frances. " Christian Reid." 
See Tiernan, Mrs. F. 

Fisher, George Judson. iV.F., 1825- 
. A physician for many years med- 
ical director at Sing Sing prison. Bio- 
graphical Sketches of Distinguished 
Physicians of Westchester County, New 
York. Animal Substances Employed 
as Medicines by the Ancients ; Diplo- 

Fisher, George Park. Ms., 1827- 

. A Congregational clergyman, 

professor of ecclesiastical history at 
Yale University since 1861. The Su- 
pernatural Origin of Christianity ; The 
Reformation ; The Beginnings of Chris- 
tianity ; Faith and Rationalism ; Dis- 
cussions in History and Theology ; Life 
of Benjamin Silliman, infra ; The 
Grounds of Theistic and Rationalistic 
Belief ; History of the Christian Church; 
The Christian Religion ; Manual of Nat- 
ural Theology ; Manual of Christian 
Evidences ; Outlines of Universal His- 
tory ; Nature and Method of Revela- 
tion ; The Colonial Era. Fl Scr. 

Fisher, Joshua Francis. Pa., 1807- 
187.3. A municipal reformer of Phila- 
delphia. The Degradation of our Rep- 
resentative System and its Reform ; 
Reform of Municipal Elections ; Nomi- 
nation of Candidates. 

Fisher, Michael Montgomery. 
Ind., 18.34 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman and educator, professor of Latin 
at the University of Missouri since 1871. 
The Three Pronunciations of Latin ; 

Fisher, Samuel Reed. Pa., 1810- 
1881. A German Reformed clergyman 
of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Ex- 
ercises in the Heidelberg Catechism ; 
The Rum Plague, a translation from 
Zschokke ; The Family Assistant ; 
Heidelberg Catechism Simplified. 

Fisher, Samuel Ware. Pa., 1814- 
1874. A Presbyterian clergyman and 
educator, who was president of Hamil- 
ton College, 1858-67. Three Great 
Temptations of Young Men; Occa- 
sional Sermons and Addresses. 

Fisher, Sydney George. Pa., 1856- 
. A lawyer of Philadelphia. The 




Eyolution of the Constitution of the 
United States ; The Makings of Penn- 
sylvania ; Pennsylvania : Colony and 
Commonwealth. Co. Lip. 

Pisher, Theodore Welles. Ms., 

1837 . A physician, since 1881 

clinical instructor in mental disease 
at Harvard University. Plain Talks 
About Insanity. 

Fisher, Thomas. Pa., 1801-1856. A 
Philadelpliia writer who published Dial 
of the Seasons ; Song of the Sea Shells ; 
Rlatheraaties Simplified and Made At- 

Fisk, Samuel. Ms., 1828-1804. A 
Congregational clergyman -who served 
as a soldier in the Federal army, and 
was killed at the Battle of the Wilder- 
ness. Mr. Dunn Browne's Experiences 
in the Army. 

Fisk, Wilbur. Vt, 1792-1839. A 
Methodist clergyman once famous as a 
pulpit orator, and the first president of 
Wesleyan University, 1831-39. Cal- 
vinistic Controversy ; Travels in Eu- 
rope ; Sermons on Universalism. .S'ee 
Lives by G. Prentice, 1889, J. Holdich, 
1S90. Meth. 

Fiske, John. Ct., 1842— 

A phi- 
losopher and historian of Cambridge, 
who has lectured extensively upon 
American history, and is a thinker of 
the school of Darwin and Spencer. 
Myths and Myth - Makers ; Outlines 
of Cosmic Philosophy ; The Unseen 
World ; Darwinism and Other Essays ; 
Tobacco and Alcohol ; Excursions of 
an Evolutionist ; The Destiny of Man ; 
The Idea of God as Affected by Mod- 
ern Knowledge ; American Political 
Ideas from the Standpoint of Universal 
History ; The Critical Period of Amer- 
ican History, 1783-89 ; The Beginnings 
of New England ; Civil Government in 
the United States ; The War of Inde- 
pendence, a work for young readers ; 
The American Revolution ; The Dis- 
covery of America ; United States His- 
tory for Schools ; Life of Edward L. 
Youmans, infra; Virginia and Her 
Neighbours. Ap. Har. Sou. 
Fiske, Nathan. Ms., 173.3-1799. A 
Congregational clergyman of Brook- 
field, Massachusetts, who was a prolific 
author of essays and addresses. Be- 
side separate sermons, his published 
works include Sermons (1794) ; The 

Moral Monitor, a collection of 
once very popular as a school reader. 

Fiske, Nathan Welby. Ms., 1798- 
1847. Son of N. Fiske, supra. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, professor at 
Amherst College, 1824-47. He was 
the father of Mrs. Helen Jackson, " H. 
H.," infra. Manual of Classical Lit- 
erature ; Sermons ; Young Peter's Tour 
Around the World ; Story of Aleck, or 
the History of Piteairn's Island. See 
Biography by 3. Humphrey, 1850. 

Fitch, Elijah. 1745-1788. A Congre- 
gational minister of Hopkinton, Mas- 
sachusetts. The Beauties of Religion, 
a Poem Addressed to Youth ; The 
Choice, a Poem. See Duyckinck^s Amer- 
ican Literature. 

Fitch, William Clyde. 1865 . 

A dramatist of New York city, the au- 
thor of Beau Brumraell and other 
plays ; The Knighting of the Twins, 
and Ten Other Tales ; Some Corre- 
spondence and Six Conversations. Eob. 

Fitzgerald, Oscar Penn. N. C, 1820- 

. A bishop of the Methodist 

Church South, living at Atlanta. Cal- 
ifornia Sketches ; Christian Growth ; 
Centenary Cameos ; Bible Nights ; The 
Class Meeting ; Life of Judge Long- 
street, infra. 

Fitzhugh, George. Va., 1807-1881. 
A lawyer of Port Royal, Virginia, noted 
as an advocate of slavery as the proper 
condition for the mass of mankind. 
Sociology for the South ; Cannibals 
All, or Slaves without Masters. 

Flagg, Edmund. Me., 1815 . A 

lawyer and journalist of St. Louis and 
elsewhere, living in West Salem, Vir- 
ginia, in recent years. Venice, the City 
of the Sea, a history, is his most im- 
portant work. Other writings of his 
include North Italy since 1849 ; Com- 
mercial Relations of the United States ; 
Blanche of Artois ; Edmond Dantes, 
a sequel to Monte Christo. 

Flagg, Isaac. Ms., 184-3 . Son of 

W. Flagg, infra. A professor of Greek 
at Cornell University, 1871-88, and pro- 
fessor at the University of California 
since 1891. The Hellenic Orations of 
Demosthenes ; Versicles ; The Seven 
Against Thebes, of .lEschylus ; Iphige- 
nia among the Taurians, of Euripides. 

FLAGG 131 

riagg, John Foster Brewster. Ms., 
180J;-1872. A Philadelphia physician. 
Ether and Chloroform and their Em- 
ployment in Surg-ery, Dentistry, Mid- 
wifery, etc. 

Plagg, Wilson. Ms., 1805-1884. A 
naturalist of Camhridg-e. Studies in 
the Field and Forest ; Woods and By- 
Ways of New England ; Halcyon Days ; 
A Year among the Trees ; A Year 
among the Birds. 

Flanders, Henry. N. H., 1826- 


A lawyer of Philadelphia. Maritime 
Law ; The Law of Shipping ; Lives of 
the United States Chief Justices (IS.jS) ; 
Memoirs of Cumberland ; Exposition 
of the United States Constitution ; The 
Law of Fire Insurance ; Adventures of 
a Virginian. 

Flash, Henry Lynden. O., 18-35- 

. An officer in the Confederate 

army during the Civil War. Since 
1887 he has lived in Los Angeles. He 
published a volume of Poems (1860). 

Fleeta. See Hamilton, Kate. 

Fleming, Mrs. May Agnes [Early]. 
N. B., 1840-1880. A prolific author 
of sensational romances, some of whiclx 
were issued under the pseudonyn " Cou- 
sin May Carleton." Among them are 
Guy Earlseourt's Wife ; Lost for a Wo- 
man ; Pride and Passion. 

Fleming, George. See Fletcher, Julia. 

Fletcher, James Cooley. Ind., 182.3- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman, 

missionary to Brazil, 1851—54, author 
with D. P. Kidder of the once very 
popular work Brazil and the Brazilians, 
which first appeared in 1857, and 
reached an eighth edition in 1868, 
See Sart^s American Literature, 

Fletcher, Julia Constance. 

"George Fleming." iJ., c. 1850 . 

Daughter of J. C. Fletcher, supra. A 
novelist whose home is in Rome. Kis- 
met ; The Head of Medusa ; Mirage ; 
Vestigia ; Andromeda ; The Truth 
About Clement Ker ; For Plain Women 
Only. Sob. 

Fletcher, Robert. E., 1823 . 

An eminent anthropologist of Wash- 
ing1}on. Paul Broca and the French 
School of Anthropology ; Prehistoric 
Trephining and Cranial Amulets; 
Human Proportion in Art and An- 
thropometry ; Some Recent Experi- 

ments in Serpent Venom ; The New 
School of Criminal Anthropology ; 
Tattooing among Civilized People. 

Fletcher, William Baldwin. Ind., 

1837 . A physician, since 1883 

superintendent of the Indiana Hospital 
for the Insane. Cholera, its Character- 
istics, History, etc. Clke. 

Flickinger, Daniel Krumler. O., 

1824 . A clergyman belonging 

to the sect of United Brethren, and 
since 1885 a foi'cign missionary bishop 
of that faith. Off-hand Sketches of 
Men and Things in Western Africa ; 
Ethiopia ; The Churches, Marching 

Flint, Abel. Ct., 1765-1825. A Con- 
gregational clergyman of Hartford 
who published a Geometry and Trigo- 
nometry with a Treatise on Surveying. 

Flint, Austin. Ms., 1812-1880. A 
distinguished physician of New York 
city who held professorships in several 
New York medical colleges. Practice 
of Medicine ; Continued Fever ; Chronic 
Pleurisy ; Dysentery ; Physical Ex- 
planation and Diagnosis of Diseases of 
the Respiratory Organs ; Diseases of 
the Heart ; Essays on Conservative 
Medicine ; Phthisis ; Clinical Medicine ; 
Manual of Auscultation and Percus- 
sion ; Medical Ethics and Etiquette ; 
Medicine of the Future. Ap. 

Flint, Austin, Jr. Ms., 1836 . 

Son of Austin Flint, supra, and like 
his father an eminent physician of New 
York city, connected with several hos- 
pitals and medical colleges. Text- 
Book of Human Physiology; Manual 
of Chemical Examinations of Urine 
in Disease ; Physiological Effects of 
Severe and Protracted Muscular Exer- 
cise ; The Source of Muscular Power ; 
Physiology of Man. Ap. 

Flint, Charles Louis. Ms., 1824- 
. The secretary of the Massachu- 
setts Board of Agriculture, 1853-81, 
and one of the founders of the Mas- 
sachusetts Agricultural College. The 
Agriculture of Massachusetts ; Grass 
and Forage Plants ; Milch Cows and 
Dairy Farming ; Manual of Agriculture 
(with G. B. Emerson, supra). Le. 

Flint, Henry Martyn. Pa., 1829- 
1868. A journalist of Chicago. Life 
of Stephen A. Douglas; History and 




Statistics of United States Railroads ; 
Mexico under Maximilian. 

Flint, Joshua Barker. Ms., 1801- 
1864. A surgeon of Boston and sub- 
sequently of Louisville, wliere lie was 
professor of surg^ery in the Kentucky 
school of medicine from 1849 till his 
death. He published The Practice of 

Flint, Micah P. Ms., 1807-1830. Son 
of T. Flint, infra. The Hunter and 
Other Poems (1826). See CoggeshaW s 
Poets of the West. 

Flint, Timothy. Ms., 1780-1840. A 
Congregational clergyman of New Eng- 
land who after some years of mission- 
ary labour in the Ohio Valley devoted 
himself to literary pursuits in Cincin- 
nati, New York, and elsewhere. His 
most important work in some respects, 
the Geography and History of the Mis- 
sissippi Valley, materially advanced 
the settlement of tliat region. His 
other works include Recollections of 
Ten Years in the VaUey of the Missis- 
sippi ; Indian Wars in the West ; Me- 
moir of Daniel Boone ; Lectures on 
Natural History, etc. Fiction: Fran- 
cis Berrian ; Arthur Clenning ; George 
Mason ; The Shoshonee Valley. See 
Bibliography of Ohio. 

FloTver, Benjamin Orange. It., 

1859 . Formerly the editor and 

publisher of The Arena at Boston. 
Civilization's Inferno, or Studies in the 
Social Cellar ; Lessons Learned from 
Other Lives ; The New Time ; Persons, 
Places, and Ideas ; The Century of Sir 
Thomas More ; Gerald Massey, Poet, 
Prophet, and Mystic. Ar. 

Flower, Frank Abial. N. Y., 18.54- 
. A Wisconsin statistician, cura- 
tor of the state historical society. Old 
Abe, the Wisconsin War Eagle ; Life 
of Matthew H. Carpenter ; History of 
the Republican Party. 

Floy, James. N. Y., 1806-1863. A 
Methodist clergyman of New York 
city, prominent as a botanist and as 
an anti-slavery leader. Guide to the 
Orchard and Fruit Garden ; Occasional 
Sermons, etc. ; Literary Remains (1870). 

Folger, Peter. E., 1617-1690. Grand- 
father of Benjamin Franklin. An emi- 
grant from Norwich, England, in lQ?iO. 
He settled successively at Watertown, 

Martha's Vineyard, and in 1663 at 
Nantucket. He is remembered as the 
author of A Looking-Glass for the 
Times, a spirited doggerel ballad with- 
out literary merit, but a very manly 
appeal for religious toleration. See 
Tyler''s American Literature. 

FoUen, Charles Theodore Chris- 
tian. G., 1796-1840. A German 
scholar who came to America in l&l. 
He was German instructor at Harvard 
University, 1830-34, but lost his posi- 
tion on account of his anti-slavery opin- 
ions, and in 1836 was ordained as a 
Unitarian clergyman. He published 
a German Reader ; Practical German 
Grammar. See ^Vorks in five volumes, 
with Memoir, edited by Mrs. Follen. 

FoUen, Mrs. Eliza Lee [Cabot], 
Ms., 1787-1859. Wife of C. FoUen, 
supra. A popular author for many 
years. Sketches of Married Life ; 
Twilight Stories, a volume of excellent 
juvenile tales ; The Well-spent Hour ; 
The Skeptic ; Poems ; To Mothers in 
the Free States ; Anti-Slavery Hymns 
and Songs ; Home Dramas ; Little 
Songs for Little People ; The Old Gar- 
ret Stories. Xc. 

Folsom, Charles Follen. Ms., 1842- 

. A physician of Boston, professor 

in the Harvard Medical School, 1877- 
1885. Mental Diseases; Present As- 
pect of the Sewage Question Applied 
to Boston (1877). 

Folsom, George. Me., 1802-1869. 
An antiquarian writer of New York 
city. Sketches of Saco and Biddeford ; 
Dutch Annals of New York ; Letters 
and Dispatches of Cortes, translated 
from the Spanish ; Political Condition 
of Mexico. 

Folwell, William "Watts. N. Y., 

1833 . An educator of Minnesota. 

Public Instruction in Minnesota ; Lec- 
tures on Political Economy. 

Fontaine, Edward. Va., 1814-1884. 
An Episcopal clergyman of Mississippi. 
How the World was Peopled, a series 
of ethnological lectures. 

Fontaine, Francis. 18 — . The Ex- 
ile ; Etowah, a Romance of the Con- 

Foote, Andrew Hull. Ct, 1806- 
1863. A rear-admiral of the United 
States navy. Africa and the American 




Flag (1854). See Life by J. M. Happin, 

Poote, Henry Stuart. Va., 1800- 
1880. A prominent Mississippi politi- 
cian. He was governor of his State, 
1853-54, and, though opposed to seces- 
sion, a member of the Confederate Con- 
gress, where he was noted for his strong 
opposition to Jefferson Davis. Texas 
and the Texans ; The War of the Re- 
bellion, or Seylla and Charybdis ; 
Bench and Bar of the South and 
Southwest ; Personal Reminiscences. 

Foote, Henry Wilder. Ms., 1838- 
1889. A Unitarian clergyman of Bos- 
ton, minister of King's Chapel from 
1861 till his death. Annals of King's 
Chapel ; Thy Kingdom Come, ten ser- 
mons on the Lord's Prayer; The In- 
sight of Faith. El. Rob. 

Foote, Mrs. Mary [Hallock]. N. Y., 

1847 . A novelist and Illustrator 

whose married life has been passed 
chiefly in the Rocky Mountain country, 
in which region the scene of much of 
her work is laid. The Led Horse Claim, 
a Romance of a Mining Camp ; In Ex- 
ile, and Other Stories ; Johu Bodewin's 
Testimony ; The Chosen Valley ; Coeur 
d'Alene ; The Last Assembly Ball ; 
The Cup of Trembling, and Other Sto- 
ries. Hou. 

Foote, "William Henry. Ct., 1794- 
1869. A Presbyterian clergyman and 
educator of West Virginia. Sketches 
of North Carolina ; Sketches of the 
Presbyterian Church in Virginia ; The 
Huguenots, or Reformed French 
Church ; Sketches of Virginia. 

Forbes, Mrs. Harriette [Merri- 

field]. Ms., 1856 . A writer 

of Westborough, Massachusetts. The 
Hundredth Town, a series of historical 
sketches of Westborough; A Lily Stalk, 
studies of child life. 

Forbes, Robert Bennet. Ms., 1804- 
1889. A sea captain who was subse- 
quently a Boston merchant. China 
and the China Trade (1844) ; Construc- 
tion of Ships for the Merchant Ser- 
vice; Life Boats, Projectiles, and Other 
Means for Saving Life ; Seamen Past 
and Present ; Rambling Reminiscences ; 
Notes on Some Few Wrecks and Res- 

Forbes, Stephen Alfred. II, 1844- 
. A professor of zoology in the 

University of Illinois and State ento- 
mologist. Studies of the Food of Birds, 
Fishes, and Insects; Contagious Dis- 
eases of Insects. 
Force, Manning Ferguson. O., 

18li4 . Son of P. Force, infra. A 

brigadier-general in the Federal army 
during the CivU War, and subsequently 
a prominent jurist of Cincinnati. From 
Fort Heni-y to Corinth ; Marching 
Across Carolina ; The Mound Builders ; 
Prehistoric Man ; Recollections of the 
Vicksbiirg Campaign, include the most 
of his writings. Clke. Scr. 

Force, Peter. N. J., 1790-1868. A 
journalist and historian of Washington 
who began in 1833 a documentary his- 
tory of the American colonies. Thirty 
years' labour was spent upon the task, 
and nine volumes completed, entitled 
American Archives. His other works 
include Tracts and Other Papers relat- 
ing to the Origin of the North Ameri- 
can Colonies ; Griunell Land. His im- 
mense and valuable library was pur- 
chased by Congress in 1867. 

Force, 'William Quereau. D. C, 

1820-1880. Son of P. Force, supra. 
A meteorologist of Washington who 
assisted his father in preparing Ameri- 
can Archives, and published Builder's 
Guide ; The Picture of Washington. 

Ford, Corydon La. N. Y., 1813- 

. A physician of note who has 

held several medical professorships, and 
since 1886 has been professor emeritus 
in the Long Island College hospital. 
Questions on Anatomy, etc. ; Questions 
on the Structure and Development of 
the Human Teeth ; Syllabus of Lec- 
tures on Odontology, Human and Com- 

Ford, Mrs. Emily Ellsworth [Fow- 
ler]. Ms., 1826 . Daughter of 

W. C. Fowler, infra, and grand-daugh- 
ter of Noah Webster. A Brooklyn 
writer who has published My Recollec- 
tions, a volume of verse. 

Ford, James Lauren. Mo., 1854- 

. A journalist and litterateur of 

New Tork city. Dr. Dodd's School ; 
The Third Alarm, are tales for juvenile 
readers. Other works of his are Hyp- 
notic Tales ; The Literary Shop ; Bo- 
hemia Invaded ; Dolly Dillenback. 
Bic. Sto. 




Ford, Paul Leicester. X. Z, 1865- 

. Son of Mrs. Emily Ford, supra. 

A resident of Brooklyn. Bibliotheca 
Hamiltouia ; Franklin Bibliography ; 
The Honorable Peter Stirling-, a novel 
of New York Society ; The True George 
Washington. Ho. Lip. 

Ford, Mrs. Sallie [Rochester]. 

Ky., 18-8 . Wife of S. H. Ford, 

infra. A St. Louis writer whose early 
writings were very popular, Grace 
Truman, her first book, having an ex- 
tensive sale. Other works of hers are, 
Romance of Freemasonry; Raids and 
Romance of Morgan and his Men ; 
Mary Bunyan, the Dreamer's Blind 
Daughter ; Evangel Wiseman ; Ernest 

Ford, Samuel Howard. Mo., 182.3- 
■ . A Baptist clergyman of Mem- 
phis, Mobile, and elsewhere, living in 
retirement in St. Louis since 1887. The 
Origin of the Baptists ; Servetus, Hero 
and Martyr. 

Ford, Thomas. Pa., 1800-1850. An 
lUinois jurist who was governor of his 
State, 1842-40. History of Illinois 
from 1818 to 1847. 

Ford, "William Henry. Pa., 18.39- 

. A Philadelphia surgeon twice 

president of the municipal board of 
health. He has published Healthy 
Dweliing-Houses and How to Build 

Ford, 'Worthingtou Chauucey. L. 

I., 18.J8 : Son of Mrs. Emily Ford, 

supra. A government statistician at 
Washington. American Citizens' Man- 
ual ; The Standard Silver Dollar. 

Forester, Frank. See Herbert, W. H. 

Forestier, Auber. See Moore, Mrs. 

Forney, John Weiss. Pa., 1817- 
1881. A journalist of Philadelphia and 
Washington, of promiinence as a poli- 
tician, and secretary of the United 
States Senate, 1861-68. Life of Gen- 
eral Hancock ; Anecdotes of Public 
Men ; The New Nobility, a story of 
England and America ; What I Saw in 
Texas ; A Centennial Commissioner in 
Europe ; Letters from Europe ; Forty 
Years of American Journalism. Ap. 
Har. Lip. 

Forrester, Fanny. See Judson, Mrs. 

Forrester, Francis. See Wise, Da- 

Forry, Samuel. Pa., 1811-1844. A 
physician and surgeon of New York 
city. The Climate of the United 
States and its Endemic Influences; 

Fort, George Franklin. N. J., 1809- 
1872. A governor of New Jersey, 1850- 
1854. Early History and Antiquities of 

Fortier, Alcee. " Eugene Antoine." 
La., 1856 . An educator of Louis- 
iana, professor in Tulane University. 
Le Chateau de Chambord; Gabriel 
d'Ennerich, an historical novelette ; 
Bits of Louisiana Folk-Lore ; Sept 
Grands Auteurs de xix>! Sifecle ; Histoire 
de la Litt^rature Frangaise ; Louisiana 
Studies ; Louisiana Folk Tales. He has 
also annotated college editions of sev- 
eral French texts. He. Ho. Hon. 

ForTsrood, William Stump. Md., 

1830 . A physician of Darlington, 

Maryland. History and Descriptive 
Account of Mammoth Cave, with Full 
Scientific Details of the Eyeless Fishes. 

Fosdick, Charles Austin. " Harry 

Castlemou." N. Y., 1842 . A 

voluminous author of juvenile books, 
among which The Gunboat Series ; 
Rocky Mountain Series ; Roughing It 
Series ; The Steel Horse, or the Ram- 
bles of a Bicycle, are but a few of the 
whole number. Co. 

Fosdick, William Whiteman. 0., 
1825-1862. A lawyer of Cincinnati, 
who published Malmiztic the Toltec, a 
novel ; Ariel and Other Poems. 

Foss, Samuel Walter, if. if., 1858- 

. A writer of popular dialect and 

other poems, whose home is in Somer- 
ville, Massachusetts. Back Country 
Poems; Whiffs from Wild Meadows 
(verse). Le. 

Poster, Charles Hubbs. N. Y., 1833- 
1895. An actor and playwright of New 
York city, who wrote more than sev- 
enty-five plays, mostly melodramas, 
among which are, Twins of London ; 
Twenty Years Dead ; The Chain Gang. 

Foster, Mrs. Hannah [Webster]. 
Ms., 1759-1840. A writer who was the 
wife of John Foster, minister at Brigh- 
ton, Massachusetts, 1784-1827, and after 
his death a resident of Montreal. She 


was the daughter of Grant Wehater, a 
merchant of Boston, and was probably 
born in that city. She wrote The 
Boarding School ; Letters of a Precep- 
tress ; but is remembered chiefly for 
having been the author of the once 
famous story, The Coquette, or the 
History of Eliza Wharton, which was 
largely based upon fact, and passed 
through more than thirty editions. 

Poster, John "Wells. J\Is., IStS-lSIS. 
A geologist employed by the United 
States in a geological survey of the 
Lake Superior region, and subsequently 
a resident of Chicago. The Mississippi 
VaUey ; Mineral Wealth and Railroad 
Development ; Prehistoric Races of the 
United States ; Geology and Topogra- 
phy of the Lake Superior Land Dis- 
trict (with J. D. Whitney, infra). Sc. 

Foster, Mrs. Judith Ellen [Hor- 

ton]. 3{s., 1840 . A lawyer and 

prominent temperance advocate of Iowa. 
The Crime Against Ireland ; Amend- 
ment Manual (Prohibition) ; The Amer- 
ican Renaissance ; Republican Conten- 
tions and Supreme Court Decisions. 

Foster, Randolph Sinks. 0., 1820- 

. A Methodist bishop of much 

prominence in his denomination. Ob- 
jections to Calvinism ; Christian Purity ; 
Ministry Needed for the Times ; The- 
ism ; Beyond the Grave ; Centenary 
Thoughts ; Studies in Theology. Meth. 

Foster, Robert Verrell. Tn., 184.5- 
. A Cumberland Presbyterian cler- 
gyman and educator, professor of He- 
brew in the Theological Seminary at 
Lebanon, Tennessee, since 1877. In- 
troduction to the Study of Theology ; 
Old Testament Studies ; Conmientary 
on the Epistle to the Romans. 

Foster, Stephen Collins. Pa., 1826- 
1864. A famous song- writer and com- 
poser of Pittsburg and New York city. 
He set to music 125 or more songs, the 
words in nearly all cases being his own. 
Some of them, like the Suwanee River, 
My Old Kentucky Home, Nelly Bly, 
are known in all English-speaking lands. 
See Atlantic Monthly, November, 1867. 

Foster, Stephen Symonds. N.S., 
1809-1881. A noted anti-slavery agi- 
tator of Worcester, Massachusetts. He 
married in 184.5 Abby Kelly, also 
noted as an abolitionist. The Brother- 



hood of Thieves, a True Picture of the 
American Church and Clergy. 

Foster, Mrs. Theodosia [Toll]. 
" Faye Huntington." N. Y., 1838- 
—^ — ■ An educator of Verona, New 
York, who has written extensively for 
young people. In Earnest ; What Fide 
Remembers ; A Baker's Dozen ; A Mod- 
ern Exodus, are among her works. Xo. 

Foster, William Eaton. ]'(., 1851- 
— I — . A librarian of Providence. The 
Civil Service Reform Movement ; The 
Literature of Civil Service Reform in 
the United States ; Stephen Hopkins, a 
Rhode Island Statesman ; Town Gov- 
ernment in Rhode Island. 

Fowler, Henry. Ms., 1824-1S72. A 
Presbvterian clergyman of Auburn, 
New York. The American Pulpit, a 
collection of sketches of American 

Fo-wler, Lorenzo Niles. N. Y., 1811- 
1896. A lecturer, editor, and publisher 
of New York city who settled in Lon- 
don in 1863, and lectured frequently in 
England from that period. Marriage, 
its History and Ceremonies ; Lectures 
on Man. 

FoTvler, Mrs. Lydia [Folger]. Ms., 
1823-1879. Wife of L. N. Fowler, su- 
pra. A practicing physician for some 
years. Nora, the Lost and Redeemed ; 
The Pet of the Household and How to 
Save It ; Familiar Lessons on Phre- 
nology and Physiology ; Familiar Les- 
sons on Astronomy. 

Fowler, Orin. C(., 1791-18.52. A Con- 
gregational clergyman of Fall River, 
noted as a temperance and anti-slavery 
orator, who was a member of Congress, 
1848-52. Treatise on Baptism ; His- 
torical Sketch of Fall River. 

Fowler, Orson Squire. iV.Y.,18n9- 
1887. Brother of L. N. Fowler, supra, 
and with him a member of the New 
York publishing house of Fowler & 
Wells, 1844-63. He was an ardent 
phrenologist, and wrote much^on his 
favourite topic. Memory and Intellec- 
tual Improvement ; Physiology, Ani- 
mal and Mental ; Matrimony ; Self -Cul- 
ture ; Hereditary Descent ; Love and 
Parentage ; Sexual Science ; Amative- 
ness ; Human Science ; Creative Sci- 
ence ; The Self-Instructor in Phreno- 
logy (with L. N. Fowler). 




FoTwler, Philemon Halstead. N. 

Y., 1S14 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman of Utica. History of Presby- 
terianism in central New York ; The 
Presbyterian Element in our National 
Life and History. 

Fowler, William Chauncey. Ct., 
1793-1881. A Congregational clergy- 
man and educator of New England, 
who married a daughter of Noah Web- 
ster, infra. Memorials of the Chaun- 
ceys ; The Sectional Controversy, or 
Passages in United States Political 
History ; History of Durham, Connec- 
ticut ; Local Law in Massachusetts and 
Connecticut ; Essays ; English Gram- 
mar ; The English Language in its 
Elements and Forms. Har. 

Fowler, William Worthington. 
Vt, 1833-1881. Son of W. C. Fowler, 
supra. He was successively a lawyer, 
broker, and journalist of New York 
city. Ten Years in Wall Street ; Fight- 
ing Fire, the Great Fires of History 
(1873) ; Woman on the American Fron- 
tier ; Twenty Years of Inside Life in 
Wall Street. 

Pox, Ebenezer. Ms., 1763-1843. A 
Bostonian who was postmaster of his 
city 1830-36, and the author of The 
Pevolutionary Adventures of Ebenezer 
Fox (1848). 

Fox, John [William]. 186 . A 

Cumberland Vendetta. Har. 

Fox, Norman. N. Y., 18.36- 

Baptist minister of New York and Mis- 
souri. George Fox and the Early 
Friends ; Rise of the Use of Pouring 
and Sprinkling for Baptism ; A Lay- 
man's Ministry; Inspiration of the 
Apostles in Speaking and Writing. 

Foxton, E. See Palfrey, Sarah. 

Foye, James Clark. N. H., 1841- 
■ An educator who has been pro- 
fessor of chemistry at Lawrence Uni- 
versity since 1867. Chemical Problems ; 
Handbook of Mineralogy ; Tables for 
Determination of United States Miner- 

France, Lewis B . D. C., 18 — 

. A lawyer and litterateur of Den- 
ver. Over the Old Trail ; Pine Valley, 
a volume of short stories ; Mountain 
Trails and Parks in Colorado. Cr. 

Francis, Convers. Ms., 1795-1863. 
Brother of Mrs. Lydia Child, supra. 

A Unitarian clergyman of Watertown, 
Massachusetts, and subsequently Park- 
man professor of pulpit eloquence at 
Harvard University, 1843-63. Life of 
John Eliot (supra) ; Historical Sketch 
of Watertown ; Errors of Education, in- 
clude his principal writings. 

Francis, James Bicheno. E., 1815- 
1892. A noted hydraulic engineer of 
Lowell. Lowell Hydraulic Experi- 
ments ; The Strength of Cast Iron Col- 

Francis, John Wakefield. N. Y., 
1789-1861. A physician of much pro- 
minence at one time in medical and 
literary circles of New York city. Use 
of Mercury; Cases of Morbid Anatomy; 
Febrile Contagion ; The Anatomy of 
Drunkenness; Old New York, » vol- 
ume of pleasant reminiscences, com- 
prise his principal writings. See Life 
hy Tuc/cerman. 

Francis, Samuel Ward. N. Y., 
1835-1886. Son of J. W- Francis, supra. 
A physician of New York city and sub- 
sequently of Newport, Rhode Island. 
Mott's Clinics ; Water ; Inside and Out ; 
Biographical Sketches of New York 
Surgeons and Physicians ; Life and 
Death ; Curious Facts Concerning Man 
and Nature. 

Francis, Valentine Mott. N. Y., 
1834. Son of J. W. Francis, supra. A 
physician of Newport who haa pub- 
lished Hospital Hygiene. 

Francke, Kuno. Sg., 1855 . A 

professor in Harvard University. So- 
cial Forces in German Literature : a 
Study in the History of Civilization. 

Franklin, Benjamin. Ms., 1706-1790. 
A celebrated philosopher, statesman, 
and scientist who was bom in Boston 
but went to Philadelphia in 1723, where 
he worked as a journeyman printer. In 
1729 he became the proprietor of The 
Pennsylvania Gazette, and after that 
date his rise in life was rapid. He es- 
tablished the Philadelphia Library in 
1731, the American Philosophical Soci- 
ety in 1744, and was one of the found- 
ers in 1749 of the institution which in 
1753 became the University of Penn- 
sylvania. In 1753 he was appointed, 
jointly with William Hunter, postmas- 
ter-general of the colonies. He was 
twice sent to Loudon as colonial agent 




for Pennsylvania, and in 1770 was 
appointed agent for Massachusetts in 
England. La 1770 he helped draft the 
Declaration of Independence. During 
the next nine years he was first commis- 
sioner, then minister, to France ; and was 
also a member of the commission which 
negotiated the treaty of peace with Eng- 
land. He was the discoverer of the 
identity of lightning with electricity, 
and the inventor of the lightning-rod. 
As a writer his influence has been felt 
throughout the world, his works in- 
eluding essays on politics, religion, com- 
merce, science, and philosophy. The 
Busybody is a series of papers of the 
type of those in The Spectator, but 
furnishing much more lively reading. 
Poor Richard's Almanac, published 
1732-57, was everywhere popular, and 
had a great influence over the mass of 
readers. The work by which he is best 
known, however, is his famous Auto- 
biography, which hag been one of the 
most widely read books ever printed. 
His Complete Works in ten volumes 
have been edited by J. BIgelow, supra. 
See Edinburgh Review, July, ISOS, and 
August, 1S17 ; Contemporary Review, 
July, 1879; Harper^ s Magazine, July, 
1880 ; Godey's Magazine, 1896 ; Apple- 
ton's American Biography; Parker's 
Historic Americans ; Hale's Franklin in 
France ; Lives by Parton, McMaster, H. 
Mayhew, Morse ; Mignet's Vie de Frank- 
lin, 1873 ; Wetzel's Franklin as an Eco- 
nomist. Put. 

Franklin, Benjamin. R. I., 1819- 

. An Episcopal clergyman of 

Shrewsbury, New Jersey. The Creed 
and Modem Thought ; The Church and 
the Era. 

Franklin, Thomas Levering. Pa., 

1820 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of western New York, and more re- 
cently of Philadelphia. His writings 
include an important work on The 
Creed, and several tractates on Divorce. 

Prazer, Persifor. Pa., 1844 . A 

distinguished geologist attached to the 
State geological survey of Pennsylva- 
nia who has published Tables for the 
Determination of Minerals ; The Geo- 
logy of Lancaster County. Lip. 

Frederic, Harold. JV. Y., 18.56 . 

A novelist and journalist who has been 
the London correspondent of the New 

York Times since 1884. The scenes of 
several of his novels are placed in small 
American communities. Marsena, and 
Other Stories ; The Copperhead ; The 
Lawton Girl ; In the Valley ; Seth's 
Brother's Wife ; The Damnation of 
Theron Ware ; March Hares. Ap. Scr. 

Predet, Peter. F., 1801-1856. A Ro- 
man Catholic priest who came from 
France to America in 1831, and was pro- 
fessor in St. Mary's Seminary at Balti- 
more from that date until his death. 
Ancient History ; Modern History ; 
Original Texts and Translations of the 
Bible ; Treatise on the Eucharistic 
Mystery ; Lay Baptism ; Inspiration 
and Canon of Scripture ; Interpretation 
of Scripture ; Doctiine of Exclusive 
Salvation ; Necessity of Baptism ; Ef- 
fect of Baptism. 

Preedley, Ed-win Troxell. Pa., 

1827 . A Philadelphia writer and 

cotnpiler of books of useful informa- 
tion, but of small literary value. The 
Business Man's Legal Adviser ; Lead- 
ing Pursuits of Leading Men ; Phila- 
delphia and its Manufactures ; Oppor- 
tunities for Industry ; History of Amer- 
ican Manufactures ; Common Sense in 
Business ; Home Comforts. Lip. 

Freeman, Barnardus. G?., 1660-1743. 
A Dutch Reformed clergyman of Long 
Island who came to America in 1700 
and was especially noted for his influ- 
ence over the Indians. De Spi/el der 
Self Kennis (Mirror of Self-Know- 
ledge) ; De Weegshale der Gerade 
Gods (Balance of God's Grace). 

Freeman, Frederick. Ms., 1800- 
1883. An Episcopal clergyman and 
educator who was a Presbyterian min- 
ister in the earlier portion of his career. 
History of Cape Cod ; Annals of Barn- 
stable County ; Freeman Genealogy ; 
Civilization and Barbarism illustrated 
by Especial Reference to Metacomet 
and the Extinction of his Race. 

Freeman, James. Ms., 1759-183.5. 
The first clergyman in the United States 
to bear the name Unitarian. While a 
lay reader at King's Chapel in Boston, 
in 1782, he became a Unitarian in his 
views, and was ordained in 1787 min- 
ister of that church, the members of 
which adopted Mr. Freeman's theology 
as their own, and he continued in that 


office until his death. The oldest Epis- 
copal church in New England thus be- 
came the first Unitarian church in 
America. Mr. Freeman's Sermons and 
Charg-es were published in 1832. 

Freeman, James Midwinter. " Rob- 
ert Ranger." N. Y., 1827 . A 

Methodist clergyman of New York city 
■who published many books for chil- 
dren under the pseudonym "Robert 
Ranger." Other works of his include 
Illustration in Sunday-School Teach- 
ing ; Handbook of Bible Manners and 
Customs ; Short History of the English 
Bible ; Book of Books. Meth. 

Freeman, Samuel. Me., 1743-1831. 
A jurist of Portland, Maine. The Mas- 
sachusetts Justice ; Probate Directory ; 
The Town Officer. See Bibliography 
of Maine. 

Fr6mont, Mrs. Jessie [Benton]. 
Va., 1824 . Wiie of J. G. Fre- 
mont, infra, and daughter of T. H. 
Benton, supra. A resident of Los An- 
geles. The Story of the Guard, a 
Chronicle of the War ; A Year of 
American Travel ; Souvenirs of My 
Time ; Sketch of Senator Benton ; Far 
West Sketches ; Will and the Way Sto- 
ries. Lo. 

Fremont, John Charles. Ga., 181-3- 
1890. A famous soldier and politician 
who in 1856 was tlie first Republican 
candidate for tlie presidency, and served 
during the Civil War as a major-gen- 
eral in the Federal army. Report of 
the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky 
Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and 
Northern California in 1843-44 ; Fre- 
mont's Explorations ; Memoirs of My 
Life. See AppletotCs American Bio- 
graphy ; Lives by J. Bigelow, supra, C. 

French, Alice. "Octave Thanet." 

Ms., 18.50 . A writer of novels 

and short stories whose home has been 
in Davenport, Iowa, and also in Arkan- 
sas. Knitters in the Sun ; Otto the 
Knight, and other Trans - Mississippi 
Stories ; Stories of a Western Town ; 
An Adventure in Photography ; Expi- 
ation. Hou. Scr. 

French, Benjamin Franklin. Va., 
1799-1877. A writer of New Orleans 
and subquently of New York city. Bi- 
ographia Americana ; Memoirs of Em- 
inent Female Writers ; Historical Col- 

138 FREY 

lections of Louisiana ; History of the 
lion Trade in the United States ; His- 
torical Annals of North America. 

French, Henry Willard. Ct., 1853- 

. A lecturer and miscellaneooa 

writer of Boston. Art and Artists in 
Connecticut ; Our Boys in China ; Our 
Boys in India ; Through Arctics and 
Tropics ; Gems of Genius ; Nuna the 
Brahmin Girl ; Lance of Kehama ; Os- 
car Peterson ; Colonel Thonidike's Ad- 
ventures ; and the novels, The Only 
One ; Castle Foam ; Ego. Le. Lo. 

French, John William. Ct, 1809- 
1871. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Washington, 1842-56, and from the lat- 
ter date till liis death professor of eth- 
ics at West Point. He was the author 
of a work on Practical Ethics. 

French, Mrs. L. Virginia [Smith]. 
Va., 1830-1881. A writer and educa- 
tor of Memphis. Wind Whispers, a 
collection of poems ; Legend of the 
South ; Iztalixo, a Tragedy ; My Roses, 
the Romance of a June Day. 

French, William Henry. Md., 1815- 
1881. An officer who served in the 
army of the United States during the 
Mexican, Seminole, and Civil wars. His 
only published work is a manual of In- 
struction for Field Artillery. 

Freneau [fre-no'], Philip. N. Y, 
1752-1832. A journalist of New York 
city who, during the Revolution, pro- 
duced much patriotic verse that was 
very effective as well as popular, though 
none of it is marked by any high de- 
gree of excellence. Poems of Philip 
Freneau, written chiefly during the 
Late War (1786) ; Poems Written be- 
tween the Yeara 1768 and 1794 ; Poems 
Written and Published during the 
American Revolution ; Collection of 
Poems on American Affairs. Among 
his prose writings are. The Philosopher 
of tlie Forest; Essays by Robert Slender. 
See American Literatures by Hart,Nichol, 
and Richardson. Cr. 

Frey, Albert Romer. N. Y., 1851^- 

. A writer of New York city upon 

Shakesperean and dramatic topics, who 
has also published a work upon Sobri- 
quets and Nicknames. Hou. 

Frey, Joseph Samuel Christian 
Frederick. G., 1773-18.50. A clergy- 
man of Jewish descent who became a 




Christian in 1798, and, after coming to 
America in 1816, was for some ten 
years a Presbyterian minister and sub- 
sequently a Baptist preacher, especially 
active as a missionary to the Jews. 
Narrative of My Life ; Hebrew Bible ; 
Hebrew Grammar ; Judah and Israel ; 
Joseph and Benjamin ; The Passover ; 
Scripture Types. 

Frieze, Henry Simmons. Ms., 1817- 
1889. A professor of Latin in the Uni- 
versity of Michigan from 1854 until his 
death. He published editions of Quin- 
tilian and Virgil's ^neid, and was the 
author of The Story of Giovanni Dupr^. 

Frisbie, Levi. Ct, 1748-1806. A Con- 
gregational clergyman of Ipswich, 
Massachusetts, who published Sermons 
and Orations. 

Frisbie, Levi. Ms., 1783-1822. Son 
of L. Frisbie, supra. A tutor and pro- 
fessor at Harvard College from 1805 
till his death. Miscellaneous Writings 
of Professor Frisbie, edited with Me- 
moir by Andrews Norton, infra, ap- 
peared in 1823. 

Fritschel, Gottfried Leonhard 
"Wilhelm. G., 1836 . A Lu- 
theran clergyman who came from Ger- 
many to the United States in 1857, and 
has been professor of theology in the 
seminary at Mendota, Illinois, since that 
time. He has published (in German) 
Meditations on the Passion of Christ ; 
History of Protestant Missions among 
North American Indians in the 17th 
and 18th Centuries. 

Frost, John. Me., 1800-1859. An 
educator of Philadelphia who was a 
prolific writer and compiler of histori- 
cal and other works of indifferent merit. 
Their number was very great, and the 
sale of some of them extensive. Among 
them are, Beauties of English History ; 
Beauties of French History; Wild 
Scenes in a Hunter's Life ; Pioneer 
Mothers in the West ; The Presidents 
of the United States ; Pictorial History 
of the United States ; History of the 
World. Har. Le. 

Prothingham, Ellen. Ms., 1835 

Daughter of N. L. Frothingham, infra. 
A Bostonian who has published several 
fine translations from Lessing (The 
Laocodn) ; Auerbach ; Goethe (Her- 
mann and Dorothea) ; Grillparzef (Sap- 
pho). Bob. 

Frothingham, Nathaniel Lang- 
don. Ms., 1793-1870. A Unitarian 
clergyman of Boston whose writing 
displays singular grace and refinement. 
Deism or Christianity ; Sermons in the 
Order of a Twelvemonth ; Metrical 
Pieces, Original and Translated. 

Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. 

Ms., 1822-1895. Son of N. L. Froth- 
ingham, supra. A Unitarian clergy- 
man of extremely radical views who 
resigned his charge in New York city 
in 1879, and returned to Boston the 
next year, devoting the remainder of 
his life to literary pursuits. He was at 
one period art critic for the New York 
Tribune. Stories from the Lips of the 
Teacher ; Stories from the Old Testa^ 
ment ; The Religion of Humanity ; 
The Cradle of the Christ ; Memoir of 
W. H. Channing, supra; The Safest 
Creed ; Beliefs of the Unbelievers ; 
Creed and Conduct ; The Spirit of the 
New Faith ; The Rising and the Set- 
ting Faith ; Visions of the Future ; 
Lives of Gerrit Smith, George Ripley, 
Theodore Parker ; History of New 
England Transcendentalism ; Boston 
Unitarianisni ; Recollections and Im- 
pressions. Sou. Put. 

Frothingham, Richard. Ms-, 1812- 
1880. A journalist and local historian 
of Charlestown, Massachusetts. His- 
tory of the Siege of Boston ; The Rise 
of the Republic ; History of Charles- 
town ; Life of General Joseph Warren ; 
The Command in the Battle of Bunker 
Hill. Lit. 

Frothingham, Washington. N. Y., 

1828 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of Albany. Atheos, or Tragedies of 
Unbelief ; The Martel Papers : Scenes 
in the Reign of Terror. 

Fry, James Barnet. i?., 1827-1894. 
A colonel and brevet major-general in 
the United States army who was retired 
from active service in 1881, and there- 
after lived in New York city. Sketch 
of the Adjutant-General's Department, 
1775-1875 ; Historical and Legal Ef- 
fects of Brevets in Great Britain and 
the United States from their Origin in 
1692 ; Army Sacrifices ; McDowell and 
Tyler in the Campaign of Bull Run ; 
Operations of the Army under BueU; 
New York and Conscription. 




Fuller, Andrew S . N.T., 1828- 

1896. A horticultural writer and jour- 
nalist of New York city, editor of Wood- 
ward's Record of Horticulture. The 
Fruit Tree Culturist ; The Grape Gui- 
tarist ; The Small Fruit Culturist ; The 
Strawberry Culturist; Practical For- 
estry ; The Propagation of Plants ; The 
Nut Culturist. 

Fuller, Anna. Ms., 1853^ . A 

Boston novelist. Pratt Portraits ; A 
Literary Courtship ; Peak and Prairie ; 
A Venetian June. Put. 

Fuller, Edward. N. Y., 1860- 

A Boston journalist, subsequently on 
the staff of the Providence Journal. 
The Complaining Millions of Men, a 
novel of social conditions in Boston. 

Fuller, Henry Blake. II., 1857- •. 

A novelist of Chicago. The Chevalier 
of Pensieri-Vani ; The Chatelaine of 
La Trinity ; The Cliff Dwellers ; With 
the Procession ; The Puppet-Booth, 
twelve one-act plays. Cent. Har. 

Fuller, Hiram. Ms., c. 1815-1880. A 
journalist of New York city who at the 
outset of the Civil War supported the 
Confederate cause, and emigrated to 
England on that account. Subse- 
quently he became an adventurer in 
Paris. The Groton Letters ; Belle 
Brittan on a Tour ; Sparks from a 
Locomotive ; Grand Transformation 
Scenes in the United States. 

Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli. 

Fuller, Richard. S. C, 1804-1876. 
A Baptist clergyinan of Charleston, 
and subsequently of Baltimore. Argu- 
ment on Baptist Close Communion ; 
Sermons ; Scriptural Baptism. 

Fuller, Richard Frederick. Ms., 
1821-1869. Brother of M. Fuller, 
supra. A lawyer of Boston who pub- 
lished Visions in Verse ; Chaplain 
Fuller, a life of his brother Arthur. 

Fuller, Samuel. N. Y., 1802-1895. 
An Episcopal clergyman, professor at 
the Berkeley Divinity School, Middle- 
town, Connecticut. Confirmation, its 
Authority and Nature ; The Revela- 
tion of St. John Self-Interpreted. 

Fuller, Samuel Richard. Ms., 1850- 

. Son of S. Fuller, supra. An 

Episcopal clergyman of Massachusetts. 
Personality, a volume of Sermons. Hon. 

Fullerton, George Stuart. E. J., 

1859 . An Episcopal clergyman, 

professor of moral philosophy in the 
University of Pennsylvania. The Con- 
ception of the Infinite and the Solu- 
tion of the Mathematical Antinomies, 
a psychological treatise ; A Plain Argu- 
ment for God. Lip. 

Fullerton, William Morton. Ct., 

1865 . A journalist in Boston for 

several years, and since 1890 a member 
of the Paris staff of the London Times. 
Cairo, a descriptive essay ; Patriotism 
and Science, a collection of essays. 
Mac. Bob. 

Fulton, John. S., 1834 . An 

Episcopal clergyman noted as an able 
exponent of canon law, and professor 
of that subject at the Episcopal Divin- 
ity School in Philadelphia. Letters on 
Christian Unity ; Index Canonum ; The 
Laws of Marriage ; Documentary His- 
tory of the Episcopal Church in the 
Confederate States ; The Beautiful 
Land, a description of Palestine ; The 
Chalcedonian Decree. Wh. 

Fulton, Justin Dewey. iV. F., 1828- 

. A Baptist clergyman, prominent 

in Boston and Brooklyn for his con- 
tinued and violent attacks upon the 
Roman Catholic Church. The Roman 
Catholic Element in American History ; 
The True Woman ; Show Your Colors, 
a story of Boston Life ; The Way Out ; 
Witnessing for the Truth, or the Over- 
throw of the Papacy ; Rome in Amer- 
ica, include the most of his work, which 
is of interest as an example of religious 
bigotry if for no other reason. 

Furness, Mrs. Helen Kate [Ro- 
gers]. 1837-1883. Wife of H. H. 
Furness, infra. A Shakespearean 
scholar of Philadelphia who published 
A Concordance to the Poems of Shake- 
speare. Lip. 

Furness, Horace Howard. Pa., 

1833 . Son of W. H. Furness, 

infra. A distinguished Shakespearean 
scholar of Philadelphia, widely known 
in the literary world for his scholarly 
and exhaustive variorum editions of 
King Lear, Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo 
and Juliet, Othello, Merchant of Ven- 
ice, As You Like It, Midsummer 
Night's Dream. The edition of Ham- 
let fills two volumes. Lip, 




Furness, Wimam Henry. Ms., 
1802-1896. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Philadelplua, from 1825 to 1875 ijastor 
of the Unitarian church in that city. 
A theologian of radical views, but rev- 
erent temper. The Unconscious Truth 
of the Four Gospels ; Jesus and his Bio- 
graphers ; History of Jesus ; Thoughts 
on the Life and Character of Jesus; 
The Story of the Eesm-reetion Told 
Once More ; The Power of Spirit ; 
Discourses ; The Veil Lifted and Jesus 
becoming Visible; Verses: Transla- 
lations and Hymns ; The Faith of Je- 
sus ; a much-admired translation of 
SchiUer's Song of the Bell. See Har- 
vard Graduates' Magazine, June, 1896. 
El. Lip. 

Futhey, John Smith. Pa., 1820- 
1888. A lawyer and antiquarian of 
Eastern PennsylTania. History of 
Chester County ; Historical Collections 
of Chester County. 


Gage, Mrs. Frances Dana [Bar- 
ker]. O., 1808-1884. A prominent 
advocate of woman suffrage who lec- 
tured much on that subject as well 
as upon temperance and anti-slavery. 
Elsie Magoon, a temperance story ; Po- 
ems ; Gertie's Sacrifice ; Nightcaps, a 
Series of Books ; Sparks Upward. She 
wrote much over the signature " Aunt 
Fanny." Liip. 

Gage, Mrs. Matilda Joslyn. N. Y., 

1826 . A noted woman suffragist 

of Fayetteville, New York. Woman's 
Rights Catechism ; Woman as an In- 
ventor ; Woman, Church, and State ; 
History of Woman Suffrage (with Miss 
Anthony and Mrs. Stanton). Ke. 

Gage, Simon Henry. N. Y., 1851- 

. A physiologist who has been 

professor of physiology at Cornell Uni- 
versity. The Microscope and Histeo- 
logy ; Anatomical Technology (with B. 
G. Wilder, infra). 

Gage, William Leonard. N. S., 

1832-1889. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Hartford, 1868-84. Trinitarian Ser- 
mons to a Unitarian Congregation ; 
Songs of War Time ; Light in Dark- 
ness ; Life of Carl Ritter ; Studies in 
Bible Lands ; Verses ; The Home of 

God's People ; A Leisurely Journey ; 
Palestine, Historic and Descriptive ; The 
Salvation of Faust ; a number of trans- 
lations from the German. Lo. 
Gallagher [gal'a-ger], William Da- 
vis. Pa., 1808-1894. A journalist of 
Cincinnati prominent in the early lit- 
erary annals of the Ohio Valley, whose 
home in later years was near Louis- 
vUle. Miami Woods and Other Poems ; 
A Golden Wedding, and Other Poems ; 
Erato (verse). See Griswold's Poets 
and Poetry of America. Clke. 
Gallatin, Albert. Sd., 1761-1849. A 
financier of distinction. He came to 
America from Switzerland in 1780, and 
was active in political affairs. He was 
secretary of the treasury under Presi- 
dent Jefferson ; an associate of Adams 
and Clay in negotiating the Treaty of 
Peace with Great Britain in 1815 ; min- 
ister to France 1816-23 ; subsequently 
minister to Great Britain. After his 
retirement from public life he became 
a banker in New York city. Consid- 
erations on the Currency and Banking 
System of the United States ; Synopsis 
of the Indian Tribes ; Notes on the 
Semi-CivUized Nations of Mexico, Yu- 
catan, and Central America ; Peace with 
Mexico ; War Expenses. His writings 
have been edited in six volumes by H. 
Adams, supra. See Lives by H. Ad- 
ams, J. A. Stevens. Lip. 

Gallaudet [gal-aw-det], Edward 

Miner. Ct., 1837 . Son of T. H. 

Gallaudet, irifra. Popular Manual of 
International Law ; Life of T. H. Gal- 
laudet, infra. 

Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins. Fa., 
1787-1851. A celebrated educator of 
deaf nautes, who was superintendent of 
the institution for deaf mutes at Hart- 
ford, the first in the United States, 
1817-30. Child's Book of the Soul; 
The Youth's Book of Natural Theolo- 
gy ; Sermons Preached to an English 
Congregation in Paris; Bible Stories 
for the Young. See Lives by S. Hum- 
phrey, E. M. Gallaudet. 

Gallitzin, Demetrius Augustine. 
Prince. Hrf., 1770-1841. The son of 
the Russian ambassador to France, he 
came to America in 1792, was educa- 
ted as a Sulpitian priest, and founded 
the Roman Catholic colony of Loretto 
in Pennsylvania in 1803. Defence of 




Catholic Principles ; Appeal to the 
Protestant Public ; Six Letters of Ad- 
vice ; Letter to a Protestant Friend 
on the Holy Scripture. See Lives by 
Lemcke, Heyden, Urownson. 

Galloway, Charles Betts. Mi., 1849- 

. A bishop of the Methodist Church 

South. Methodism a Child of Provi- 
dence ; Aaron's Rod in Public Morals. 

Galloway, Joseph. Md., t. 1729- 
1803. A Philadelphia lawyer who was 
a noted loyalist, and went to England 
after the evacuation of the city by the 
English. Historical and Political Re- 
flections on the American Rebellion ; 
The Prophetic History of the Church 
of Rome. 

Gallup, Joseph Adams. Ct., 1769- 
1849. A Vermont physician, professor 
in Vermont Medical College, which he 
founded. Epidemic Diseases in Ver- 
mont ; Outlines of the Institutes of 

Gammell, William. Ms., 1812-1889. 
An educator of Rhode Island, professor 
at Brown University, 1835-64. Life of 
Roger Williams ; History of American 
Baptist Missions. 

Gannett, Ezra Stiles. Ms., 1801- 
1871. A Unitarian clergyman of pro- 
minence in Boston for many years, who 
published a great number of single ser- 
mons and addresses. See Memoir by 
W. C. Gannett, 

Gannett, Henry, ilfe.,1846 . The 

chief topographer of the United States 
Geological Survey since 1882. Bound- 
aries of the United States ; The Build- 
ing of a Nation ; Dictionary of Alti- 
tudes in the United States ; Results of 
Primary Triangulation ; Manual of To- 
pographical Methods ; Geographic Dic- 
tionaries of Massachusetts, Connecti- 
cut, Rhode Island, New Jersey. 

Gannett, 'William Channing. 1840- 

. Son of E. S. Gannett, supra. A 

Unitarian clergyman of Minneapolis, 
and subsequently of Rochester, New 
York. A Year of Miracle, a poem in 
Four Sermons ; Memoir of E. S. Gan- 
nett, supra ; The Thought of God in 
Hymns and Poems (with F. L. Hos- 
mer). A. U. A. El. Bob. 

Garden, Alexander. S., circa 1685- 
17.50. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Charleston remembered for his vigour- 

ous opposition to Whitefield. Six Let- 
ters to the Reverend George White- 
field ; Two Sermons. See Tyler's Amer- 
ican Literature. 

Garden, Alexander. S., 1728-1791. 
A botanical writer of Charleston for 
whom Linnaeus named the genus Gar- 
denia. He went to England as a loyal- 
ist in 1783, and became vice-president 
of the Royal Society. 

Garden, Alexander. S. C, 1757- 
1829. Son of A. Garden, 2d. An offi- 
cer in the American army during the 
Revolution. Anecdotes of the Revolu- 
tionary War (1822). See edition of 

Gardener, Mrs. Helen. See Smart, 

Gardiner, Frederick. Me., 1822- 
1889. An Episcopal clei^man, pro- 
fessor in the Berkeley Divinity School 
at Middletown from 1869. The Island 
of Life, an Allegory ; Commentary on 
Epistle of Jude ; Harmony of the Four 
Gospels in Greek ; Harmony of the 
Four Gospels in English ; Diatessaron ; 
The Principles of Textual Criticism ; 
The Old and New Testament in their 
Mutual Relations; Aids to Scripture 
Study. Hou. 

Gardner, Augustus Kinsley. Ms., 
1812-1876. Son of S. J. Gardner, infra. 
A physician of New York city. The 
French Metropolis ; Causes of Sterility ; 
Conjugal Sins ; Our Children, a Hand- 
book for Parents ; Old Wine in New 
Bottles ; Ships and Shipbuilders of New 
York ; translation of Scanonzi's Dis- 
eases of Females. 

Gardner, Charles Kitohell. N. J., 

1787-1869. A United States army offi- 
cer who was postmaster of Washington 
in President Polk's administration. Dic- 
tionary of United States Army Com- 
missioned Officers from 1789 to 1853 ; 
Compendium of Military Tactics ; Per- 
manent Designation of Companies, and 
lesser works. 

Gardner, Dorsey. Pa., 1842-1894. A 
journalist of New York city who was 
one of the revisers of the Webster In- 
ternational Dictionary. Quatre Bras, 
Ligny, and Waterloo ; Condensed Ety- 
mological Dictionary of the English 

Gardner, Eugene C. Ms., 183fi- 



An architect of Spring-field, Massachu- 
setts. Homes and All About Them ; 
The House that JUl Built ; Homes and 
How to Make Them ; Illustrated 
Homes; Home Interiors; Common 
Sense in Church-Building ; Town and 
Country School Buildings. 

Gardner, Samuel Jackson. Ms., 
1788-1864. A lawyer of Boston, and 
subsequently a journalist of Newark, 
New Jersey, whose essays over the sig- 
nature " Decius " were issued in book 
form with the title Autumn Leaves. 

Garfield, James Abram. O., 1831- 
1881. The twentieth president of the 
United States. A statesman of Ohio, 
prominent as a general in the Federal 
army during the Civil War, and subse- 
quently as a congressman till his ele- 
vation to the presidency. In July, 1881, 
he was mortally wounded by an assassin, 
and died in the September following. 
His Complete Works have been edited 
by B. A. Hinsdale, infra. See Appleton^s 
American Biography ; Life by J. R. 
Gilmore, infra, 1880; Eulogy by G. F. 

Garland, Hamlin. Wis., 1860- 

A novelist who was for some years a 
resident of Boston, and then returned 
to the Western States, in which the 
scenes of his realistic fictions are mainly 
laid. Main Travelled Roads ; A SpoU 
of Office ; Prairie Folks ; Prairie Sougs ; 
Crumbling Idols ; Rose of Dutcher's 
Coolly ; Little Norsk. St. 

Garland, Landon Cabell. Fa., 1810- 
. A mathematician who held pro- 
fessorships in several Southern colleges, 
and published Trigonometry, Plane and 

Garman, Samuel. Pa., 1846 . 

A naturalist of Cambridge, assistant in 
the Agassiz Museum there. The Rep- 
tiles and Batrachians of North Amer- 
ica ; Reptiles and Batrachians of Ber- 
muda. Clke. 

Garnett, James Mercer. Va., 1840- 

. A professor of English litera- 

tirre at the University of Virginia since 
1882. Translation of Beowulf ; Anglo- 
Saxon Poems ; Translations of Elene, 
Judith, Athelstan, and Byrhtnoth. 

Garretson, James Edmund. " John 
Darby." Dd., 1828 . A physi- 

cian of Philadelphia, dean of the dental 
college there from 1879. System of 
Oral Surgery ; Odd Hours of a Physi- 
cian ; Thinkers and Thinking; Two 
Thousand Years Ago ; Hours with 
John Darby ; Brushland ; 19th Century 
Common Sense. Lip. 

Garrett, Alexander Charles. I., 
1832 . The first Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of Northern Texas. His- 
torical Continuity, a series of Sketches 
on the Church. Wh. 

Garrigues, Henry Jacques. Bk., 

1831 . A Danish physician who 

came to America in 1875, and since 
1886 has been professor of practical 
obstetrics in the post-graduate medi- 
cal school of New York city. Gastro- 
Elytrotomy ; Practical Guide in Anti- 
septic Midwifery. 

Garrison, James Harney. Mo., 

1842 ^. A clergyman and editor 

of religious journals. Heavenward 
Way ; Alone With God. 

Garrison, Joseph Fithian. N. J., 
1823-1892. An Episcopal clergyman 
of Camden, New Jersey, professor of 
canon law at the Philadelphia Epis- 
copal Divinity School for some years. 
The Formation of the Protestant Epis- 
copal Church in the United States ; The 
American Prayer Book. 

Garrison, 'William Lloyd. Ms., 
1804-1879. A very celebrated anti- 
slavery journalist of Boston who estab- 
lished The Liberator in 1831, and was 
its editor for the thirty-five years of its 
existence. His uncompromising attitude 
roused the fiercest opposition in both 
North and South, and he was at one time 
dragged through the streets of Boston 
by a mob who intended to hang him 
for his newspaper utterances, but he 
fortunately lived to see the triumph of 
his ideas and the liberation of the slave. 
Thoughts on African Colonization ; 
Sonnets and Other Poems. See John- 
son's Garrison and his Times; Life by 
his Sons. 

Gath. See Townsend, G. A. 

Gay, Ebenezer. Ms., 1696-1787. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Hingham from 
1718 until his death. The Old Man^s 
Calendar, a sermon preached on his 
eighty-fifth birthday, went through sev- 
eral editions in America and England, 




and was translated into several conti- 
nental languages. 

Gay, Bbeu Howard. Ms., 1858 . 

Nephew of S. H. Gay, infra. A banker 
of Boston who Las published A Trea^ 
tise on Municipal Bonds. 

Gay, Sydney Howard. Ms., lS14r- 
1888. Great-grandson of E. Gay, supra. 
A journalist of New York and Chicago, 
during the Civil War the managing 
editor of the New York Tribune. Life 
of James Madison ; Bryant and Gay's 
Popular History of the United States, 
of which the preface only was the work 
of Mr. Bryant. Sou. Scr. 

Gayarr^, Charles Etienne Arthur. 
La., 1805-1895. A jurist of New Or- 
leans, profoundly versed in the history 
of his State. Histoire de la Louisiane ; 
Romance of the History of Louisiana ; 
Colonial History of Louisiana ; Louis- 
iana as a French Colony ; The Spanish 
Domination in Louisiana; Philip the 
Second, a Biography ; Louisiana Su- 
preme Court Reports ; School for Poli- 
tics, a drama; Fernando de Lemos, a 
novel ; Aubert Dubayet, a sequel to 
the preceding ; School for Politics, a 
Dramatic Novel. 

Gayler, Charles. N. Y., 1820-1892. 
A dramatist of New York city among 
whose many plays are, The Gold Hunt- 
ers ; Taking the Chances ; Fritz. 
Among his various novels are. The Ro- 
mance of a Poor Young Man ; Out of 
the Streets, both of which were drama- 
tized by their author. 

Gaylord, Glance. See Bradley, War- 

Greer, George Jarvis. Ct., 1821-1885. 
An Episcopal clergyman, long rector 
of St. Timothy's Church, New York 
city, and the author of The Conversion 
of St. Paul, a series of Discourses. 

Gemiinder, George. Wg., 1816 . 

A violin-maker who came to America 
from Wiirtemberg in 1847, and settled 
in New York city, 1852. He published 
Progress in Violin-Making. 

Geuin, John Nicholas. N. Y., 1819- 
1S78. A noted hatter of New York 
city who wrote a History of the Hat 
from the Earliest Ages. 

Genth, Frederick Augustus Louis 
Charles William. G., 1820-189:5. 
A professor of chemistry at the Uni- 

versity of Pennsylvania from 1872. 
Ammonia Cobalt Bases (with 0. W. 
Gibbs, infra) ; Minerals of North Caro- 
lina ; First and Second Preliminary 
Reports on the Mineralogy of Pennsyl- 

Genung [je-nung'], John Franklin. 

N. Y., 1850 . A professor at 

Amherst College. A Study of In Me- 
moriam ; The Epic of the Inner Life, 
an annotated translation of Job ; Prac- 
tical Elements of Rhetoric ; The Study 
of Rhetoric in College Courses. Gi. 

George, Henry. Pa., 1839 . A 

very widely known political economist 
of New York city whose radical views 
upon economic and social topics have 
met with much criticism both in Amer- 
ica and Europe. Progress and Pov- 
erty ; Our Land and Land Policy ; The 
Subsidy Question and the Democratic 
Party ; Protection or Free Trade ; The 
Irish Land Question ; The Land Ques- 
tion ; Social Problems. 

George, Nathan Dow. N. H., 1808- 
1896. A Methodist clergyman, long 
prominent in Maine, and subsequently 
in Massachusetts. An Examination of 
Universalism ; Universalism Not of 
God ; Materialism Anti-Scriptural ; An- 
nihilation Not of the Bible. Meth. 

Gerard, James Watson. N. Y., 

1822 . A lawyer of New York 

city. The Pelican Papers, a satire; 
Titles to Real Estate in New York 
City ; Title of the Corporation and 
Others to the Streets, Wharves, Lands, 
and Franchises in New York City ; The 
Peace of Utrecht ; Aquarelles (verse) ; 
Ostrea, or the Loves of the Oysters, a 
collection of humourous verse. Put. 

Gerhard, William Paul. G., 1854- 

. A sanitary engineer of New 

York city. Theatre Fires and Panics ; 
Anlagen von Haus - Erwasserungen ; 
Diagram for Sewer Calcidations ; House 
Drainage and Sanitary Plumbing ; 
Guide to General House Inspection; 
Domestic Sanitary Appliances ; Prin- 
zipien der Haus-Kanalization, include 
his principal writings. Wil. 

Gerhard, William Wood. - Pa., 
1809-1872. A Philadelphia physician. 
Diagnosis of Chest Diseases ; Spotted 
Fever ; Fevers ; Clinical Guide. 


Gerhart [gairTiart], Emmanuel Vo- 
gel. Pa., 1S17 . A German Re- 
formed clerg^yman of Lancaster, Penn- 
sylvania, professor of theology in 
Franklin and Marshall College. Phi- 
losophy and Logic ; Monograph of the 
Reformed Church ; Child's Heidelberg 
Catechism ; Institutes of the Christian 

Gerrish, Theodore. 1846 . A 

clergyman of Portland, Maine. Army 
Life ; Will Newton, the Young Vol- 
unteer ; Life in the World's Wonder- 
land ; The Blue and the Gray, an 
army history (with J. Hutchinson). 

Gholson, William Yates. O., 1807- 
1870. An Ohio jurist who published 
Speeches on Payment of the Public 
Debt of the United States. 

Gianque, Plorien. O., 1843- 

Cineinnati lawyer of Swiss descent. 
Laws of Election in Ohio ; Election 
and Naturalization Laws of the United 
States ; Manual for Ohio Road Super- 
visors ; Manual for Guardians and Trus- 
tees ; Manual for Assignees, Insolvent 
Debtors, etc. ; Laws of Ohio relating 
to Roads, Ditches, Bridges, and Water- 
Courses ; Manual for Notaries, etc. ; 
Appendix to Ohio Revised Statutes. 

Gibbes [gihz], Robert "Wilson. Ms., 
1809-18tj6. A physician, educator, and 
journalist of Columbia, South Carolina. 
Monograph of the Squalidse ; Typhoid 
Pneumonia ; Documentary History of 
South Carolina ; Documentary History 
of the American Revolution. 

Gibbon, John [Oliver]. Pa., 1827- 
1896. A major-general in the Federal 
array during the Civil War who pub- 
lished The Artillerist's Manual. 

Gibbons, Henry. Bel., 1808-1848. 
Son of W. Gibbons, infra. A physician 
of San Francisco, professor in the Paci- 
fic Medical College who was the author 
of an anti-tobaooo treatise, Tobacco and 
its Effects. 

Gibbons, James. Md., 1834 . A 

cardinal of the Roman Catholic church 
since 1886. The Faith of Our Fathers ; 
Our Christian Heritage; The Ambas- 
sador of Christ. 

Gibbons, James Sloan. Del., 1810- 
1892. Son of W. Gibbons, infra. A 
prominent financier and philanthropist 


of New York city. He was a noted 
abolitionist, and was a pioneer in the 
movement for preserving the forests. 
The Banks of New York; The Public 
Debt of the United States. He wrote 
the popular war song, " We are Com- 
ing, Father Abraham." 

Gibbons, Mrs. Phoebe [Earle]. 
Pa,, IS'Z . An author of Lancas- 
ter County, Pennsylvania. Pennsyl- 
vania Dutch, and Other Essays ; French 
and Belgians. Lip. 

Gibbous, ■William. Pa., 1781-1845. 
A philanthropist and scientist of Wil- 
mington, Delaware. He wrote Truth 
Vindicated, a notably clear exposition 
of the principles of the Friends. 

Gibbs, George. L. I., 1815-1873. A 
lawyer and antiquarian of New York 
city. The Judicial Chronicle ; Dic- 
tionary of the Chinook Jargon or Trade 
Language of Oregon ; Comparative Vo- 
cabulary ; Research relative to the 
Ethnology and Philology of America ; 
Suggestions relating to Scientific Ob- 
servation in Russian America. 

Gibbs, Josiah "Willard. Ms., 1790- 
1861. A philologist who was professor 
of sacred literature at Yale Uuiversity, 
1824-61. Philological Studies; New 
Latin Analyst ; Teutonic Etymology. 

Gibbs, Josiah Willard. Ct., 1839- 

. Son of J. W. Gibbs, supra. A 

professor of physics at Yale University, 
and the author of scientific papers and 

Gibbs, [Oliver] Wolcott. N. Y., 

1822 . Brother of G. Gibbs, supra. 

A chemist of distinction, Rumford pro- 
fessor at Harvard University, and au- 
thor of scientific papers. 

Gibson, Louis Henry. Ind., 1854- 

. An architect of Indianapolis. 

Beautiful Houses, a Study in House- 
building ; Convenient Houses ; Gradual 
Reduction Milling ; Artistic Houses at 
Moderate Cost. Cr. 

Gibson, William. Md., 1788-1868. 
A once famous physician of Philadel- 
phia, professor of surgery in the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania, 1819-55. Prin- 
ciples and Practice of Surgery ; Rambles 
in Europe. See Gross's Sketches of Con- 

Gibson, William. Md., 182—1887. 
A United States naval officer retired 




in 1879. Sailing Directions for the 
Kattegat, etc. ; Poems of Many Years ; 
Vision of Faery Land, and Other Po- 
ems ; a translation of the Miscellaneous 
Poems of Goethe. Le. 

Gibson, William Hamilton. Ct., 
l,So(l-1896. An artist and author of 
New York city who has illustrated his 
own writings. The Complete Ameri- 
can Trapper; Pastoral Days; High- 
ways and Byways ; Strolls hy Starlight 
and Sunshine ; Happy Hunting- 
Grounds ; Sharp-Eyes, a Rambler's 
Calendar ; Camp Life in the Woods ; 
Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms. 
See New England Magazine, February, 
1897. Har. 

Giddings, Franklin Henry. Ct., 

18.55 . A lecturer on sociology at 

Columbia University since 1891. Re- 
port on Profit Sharing ; The Modern 
Distributive Process (with J. B. Clark) ; 
The Principles of Sociology. Mac. 

Giddings, Joshua Reed. Pa., 179.5- 
1804. A once noted anti-slavery states- 
man and congressman of Ohio. The 
Exiles of Florida ; The Rebellion : its 
Authors and its Causes ; Speeches in 
Congress ; Essays of Paciflcus. See 
Life by G. W. Julian, infra. 

Gihon, Albert Leary. Pa., 1833- 

. A United States naval surgeon. 

Practical Suggestions in Naval Hy- 
giene ; Need of Sanitary Reform in 
Ship Life ; Sanitary Commonplaces 
Applied to the Navy ; Prevention of 
Venereal Disease by Legislation. 

Gilbert, Benjamin. Pa., 1711-1780. 
A miller of Northumberland, Pennsyl- 
vania, who wrote on theological themes. 
Truth Defended ; Discourses on Perfec- 
tion ; Further Discourses on Sin, Elec- 
tion, Reprobation, and Baptism. 

Gilbert, Charles Henry. 11, 1859- 

. An ichthyologist, professor of 

zoology at Stanford University. Syn- 
opsis of the Fishes of North America 
(with D. S. Jordan). 

Gilbert, David McConaughy, Pa., 

1836 . A Lutheran clergyman of 

Virginia. The Lutheran Church in 
Virginia, 1776-1876; The Synod of 
Virginia ; The Annihilation Theory 
Briefly Examined ; Muhlenberg's Min- 
istry in Virginia. 

Gilbert, Grove Karl. N. Y., 1843- 

. A geologist attached to the 

United States Geological Survey. Ge- 
ology of the Henry Mountains ; Topo- 
graphical Features of Lake Shores ; 
Geology of Nevada, Utah, etc. ; Lake 

Gilder, Richard Watson. N. J., 

1844 . A writer of New York 

City well known both as a poet and as 
the editor of The Century Magazine, of 
which, with its predecessor, Scribner's 
Monthly, he has been editor-in-chief 
since 1881. The New Day, The Poet 
and his Master, Lyrics ; . The Celestial 
Passion ; Two Worlds ; The Great Re- 
membrance, and Other Poems ; Five 
Books of Song (1894), include all of his 
collected poems up to the year of issue. 
Gilder, William Henry. Pa., 1835- 
. Brother of R. W. Gilder, su- 
pra. An Arctic explorer. Schwatka's 
Search ; Ice Pack and Tundra. Scr. 

Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau. S. C, 

1831 . A professor of Greek at 

Johns Hopkins University from 1876, 
and editor of the American Journal of 
Philology from its establishment. He 
is the author of Essays and Studies, and 
has published a Latin Grammar, and 
editions of Justin Martyr and the Odes 
of Pindar. Gi. Har. 

Giles, Chauncey. 1813-1893. A 
Swedenborgian clergyman of Philadel- 
phia, and of much prominence in his 
denomination. The Nature of Spirit; 
The Second Coming of our Lord ; Per- 
fect Prayer; Man as a Spiritual Be- 
ing ; The Incarnation ; The Wonderful 
Pocket ; The Magic Spectacles, a fairy 
tale ; The Gate of Pearl ; The Magic 
Shoes, and Other Stories ; Heavenly 
Blessedness ; The New Jerusalem ; The 
Spiritual World ; The Valley of the 
Diamonds, and Other Stories. Lip. 

Giles, Ella Augusta. Wis., 1851- 

. A writer of Madison, Wisconsin. 

Bachelor Ben ; Out from the Shadows ; 
Maiden Rachel ; Flowers of the Spirit 
(verse). See Bibliography of Wiscon- 

Giles, Henry. I., 1809-1882. A Uni- 
tarian minister of Liverpool, England, 
and after 1840 a literary lecturer in the 
United States. Lectures and Essays; 


Christian Thought on Life ; Illustra- 
tions of Genius ; Human Life in Shake- 
speare ; Lectures on the Irish, and 
Other Subjects. See Hart's American 

Gill, Theodore Nicholas. N. Y., 

1837 . A natiiralist, professor of 

zoology in the Columbian University, 
Washington, District of Columbia. 
Arrangement of the Families of Mol- 
lusks ; Arrangement of the Families of 
Fishes ; Arrangement of the Families 
of Mammals ; Catalogue of the Fishes 
of the East Coast of North America ; 
Scientific and Popular Views of Nature 

Gill, "William Fearing. 18 . 

The Martyred Church (Terse) ; Home 
Recreations ; Life of Poe. 

Gill, -William Ireland. 18 . 

, Evolution and Progress ; Analytical 
Processes ; Christian Conception and 

Gillespie, George. S., IGSS-lteo. A 
Presbyterian clergyman, once promi- 
nent in Delaware. Treatise Against 
Deists and Free Thinkers ; Letters to 
the Presbytery of New- York ; Remarks 
upon Mr. George Whitefield. 

Gillespie, William Mitchell. N. 

r., 1816-1868. A professor of civil 
engineering at Union College, 184.5-68. 
Rome as seen by a New Yorker ; Roads 
and Railroads ; Manual for Road- 
making ; Principles and Practice of 
Land Surveying ; Levelling ; Topogra- 
phy and Higher Surveying ; Philosophy 
of Mathematics (from Comte). Ap. 

Gillet, Ransom H . iV. r.,1800- 

1876. A lawyer of Ogdensbui'g, New 
York. History of the Democratic Par- 
ty ; The Federal Government ; Life of 
Silas Wright. 

Gillett [jil-lef] , Ezra Hall. Ci. , 1 82.3- 
1875. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
New York city, professor of political 
economy in the University of New York 
from 1868. History of the Presbyte- 
rian Church in the United States ; Life 
of John Huss ; God in Human Thought ; 
The Moral System ; Life Lessons in the 
School of Christianity; What Then? 
or the Soul's To-Morrow ; Ancient Ci- 
ties and Empires. Scr. 

Gillette, Mrs. L Fidelia [■Wool- 
ley]. N. Y., 1827 . A UniYcr- 



salist minister who published Pebbles 
from the Shore (verse) ; Editorials and 
Other Waifs. 

Gillette, William Hooker. Ct., 

1-Sk)'.j . An actor and playwright, 

among whose plays are Held by the 
Enemy ; The Professor ; Esmeralda ; 
The Private Secretary. 

Gilliss, James Melville. D. C, 1811- 
1865. All astronomer of distinction in 
charge of the naval observatory at 
Washington. United States Astrono- 
mical Expedition to the Southern Hemi- 
sphere ; Observations at the Naval 
Observatory. Lip. 

Gillmore, Quincy Adams. O., 
1825-18S8. A military engineer in 
charge of the Federal bombardment of 
Charleston in 1863. He was a major- 
general of volunteers in the Civil War, 
and a high authority on engineering 
matters. Siege and Reduction of Fort 
Pulaski ; Limes, Hydraulic Cements, 
and Mortars ; Engineer and Artillery 
Operations Against the Defences of 
Charleston ; Compressive Strength, 
etc., of Building Stones of the United 

Giiman, Arthur. II., 1837 . An 

educator of Cambridg'e, and the organ- 
izer of Radcliffe College (long known 
as " the Harvard Annex "). First Steps 
in English Literature ; Seven Historic 
Ages ; First Steps in English History ; 
History of the American People ; Rome 
from the Earliest Times ; Tales of the 
Pathfinders ; Short Stories from the 
Dictionary ; The Saracens ; Coloniza- 
tion of America ; The Discovery of 
America ; The Maldng of the Ameri- 
can Nation. He has also edited the 
Riverside Chaucer. Lo. 

Giiman, Mrs. Caroline [Howard]. 
Ms., 1794-1888. Wife of S. Giiman, 
'infra. A writer whose married life was 
passed in Charleston. Among her writ- 
ings are included Recollections of a 
Southern Matron ; Recollections of a 
New England Housekeeper ; The Sibyl, 
or New Oracles from the Poets ; Verses 
of a Lifetime ; Poetry of Travelling in 
the United States ; Ruth Raymond ; 
Stories and Poems. Le. 

Giiman, Chandler Robbins. O., 
1802-1865. A physician of New York 
City, professor from 1841 in the Col- 
lege of Physicians and Surgeons. Le- 




gends of a Log Cabin ; Life on the 
Lakes ; Life of J. B. Beck, supra ; The 
Relations of the Medical to the Legal 
Profession ; Tracts on Generation. 

Gilman, Daniel Coit. Ct., 1831- 

An educator of prominence, President 
of Johns Hopkins University from 1S75. 
Our National Schools in Science ; Life 
of James Monroe. 
Gilman, Nicholas Paine. IL, 1R49- 
. A Unitarian clergyman, former- 
ly of Massachusetts, prominent as a 
■writer upon economics and since 189.5 
professor of sociology at the Meadville 
Theological Seminary. Profit Sharing 
between Employer and Employee ; The 
Laws of Daily Conduct ; Socialism and 
the American Spirit. Hou. 

Gilman, Samuel. Ms., 1791-1858. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Charleston, 
1819-.58. He published Memoirs of a 
New England Choir ; The History of a 
Ray of Light ; Pleasures and Pains of 
a Student's Life ; Contributions to Lit- 
erature, and was the author of the noted 
college song, " Fair Harvard." 

Gilman, Mrs. Stella [Scott]. Al, 

18 . AVife of A, Gilman, supra. 

Mothers in Council. 

Gilmer, George Rockingham, Ga., 
1790-1859. A Georgia lawyer who was 
governor of his State, 1829-31, and 
three times a representative in Con- 
gress. The Georgians, an historical 
work (1855). 

Gilmore, James Roberts. " Edmund 

Kirke." Ms., 1823 . In earlier life 

a shipping merchant in New York city, 
but during and since the Civil War a 
journalist and miscellaneous writer. 
Among the Pines ; My Southern 
Priends ; Down in Tennessee ; Life of 
Garfield ; Among the Guerillas ; Adrift 
in Dixie ; On the Border ; Patriot Boys ; 
The Hear Guard of the Revolution; 
John Sevier as a Commonwealth Build- 
er; The Advance Guard of Western 
Civilization. See Harfs American Lite- 
rature. Ap. 

Gilmore, Joseph Henry. Ms., 1831- 

. A Baptist minister of Rochester, 

New York, professor of rhetoric in the 
University of Rochester since 1867. 
Outlines of the Art of Expression ; Out- 
lines of Logic ; English Language and 
its Early Literature ; English Litera- 

ture ; He Leadeth Me, and Other Po- 
Gilpin, Henry Dil-wood. E., 1801- 
18(30. Son of J. Gilpin, infra. A jmist 
of Pennsylvania who was attorney-gen- 
eral of the United States, 1840-41. He 
edited The Atlantic Souvenir, the first 
American literary annual, and published 
Reports of Cases in the United States 
District Court for Eastern Pennsylva- 
nia ; Opinions of the Attorneys-General. 
He also edited the Papers of President 
Madison in three volumes. 

Gilpin, Joshua. Pa., 1765-1840. A 
Philadelphia writer who published 
Verses at the Fountain of Vaucluse; 
Farm of Virgil, and Other Poems ; 
Memoir on a Canal from the Chesa- 
peake to the Delaware. 

Girard, Charles. F., 1822 . A 

naturalist who came to the United States 
with Agassiz in 1847. Life in its Phy- 
sical Aspects ; Contributions to the 
Fauna of Chili ; Herpetology of the 
Wilkes Expedition, are his more im- 
portant publications. Lip. 

Girardeau, John L. S. C, 1825- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

South Carolina, professor of systematic 
theology in Columbia Theological Sem- 
inary from 1876. Calvinism and Evan- 
gelical Arminianism Compared ; The 
WOl in its Theological Relations. 

Gladden, "Washington. Pa., 1836- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Columbus, Ohio, of prominence as a 
writer upon social reforms. The Lord's 
Prayers : Seven Homilies ; The Christian 
League of Connecticut ; Things New 
and Old ; Amusements, their IJses and 
Abuses ; Plain Thoughts on the Art of 
Living ; From the Hub to the Hudson ; 
Being a Christian ; Working-People 
and their Employers ; The Christian 
Way ; The Young Man and the Church ; 
Applied Christianity ; Parish Pro- 
blems ; Tools and the Man ; Who Wrote 
the Bible ? ; Ruling Ideas of the Pre- 
sent Age ; The Cosmopolis City Club ; 
Burning Questions, a volume of ser- 
mons. Cent. Co. Hou. 

Glazier, Willard. JV. Y., 1841 — ;-. 
A captain in the Federal army during 
the Civil War. His works have been 
widely circulated, but are of purely 
ephemeral interest. Capture, Prison- 




Pen, and Escape ; Three Years in the 
Federal Cavalry ; Battles for the Union ; 
Heroes of Tliree Wars ; Peculiarities 
of Great Cities ; Down the Great River. 
See Ijife by Owens, " Sword and Pen," 

Gleason, Mrs. Rachel Brooks. 

Vt., 1820 . A physician of Elmi- 

ra, New York, for many yeara in charge 
of the Gleason Sanitarium. She has 
published Talks to My Patients. 

Grlisan, Rodney. Md., 1827 . A 

physician of Portland, Oregon, emeritus 
professor of obstetrics in Willamette 
University. Journal of Army Life ; 
Modem Midwifery ; Two Years in Eu- 

Grlyndon, Ho'ward. See Searing, 

Gmeiner, John. Bv., 1847 . A 

Roman Catholic priest of Milwaukee, 
professor of homileties in St. Francis 
de Sales Seminary. Die KathoUsche 
Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten ; 
Sind wir den Weltende nahe ? ; Mod- 
em Scientific Views and Christian Doc- 
trines Compared ; The Spirits of Dark- 
ness and their Manifestations on Earth ; 
The Church and the Various National- 
ities in the United States. 

Godfrey, Thomas. Pa., 1736-1763. 
A lieutenant in the colonial militia who 
possessed much poetic ability, and was 
the first dramatic author in America. 
The Court of Fancy ; Juvenile Poems 
on Various Subjects, with The Prince 
of Parthia, a Tragedy. See Tyler's 
American Literature. 

Godkin, Edwin Lawrence. I., 

1831 . A prominent journalist of 

New York city. He came to America 
in 1856, and since 1865 has been editor 
of The Nation, and from 1881 of the 
Evening Post. Government ; History 
of Hungary ; Reflections and Com- 
ments ; Problems of Democracy. Scr. 
Godman, John D. Md., 1794-1830. 
A physician and naturalist of Cincin- 
nati and New York. A man of great 
natural gifts whose career was one of 
failure and disappointment. Rambles 
of a Naturalist ; American Natural 
History ; Irregularities of Structure 
and Morbid Anatomy ; Anatomical In- 
vestigations. See North American Re- 
mew, January, 1835; Gross, Lives of 

Eminent American Physicians, 1861, 
and Autobiography, vol. 1. 

Godwin, Parke. N. Y., 1816 . 

A journalist of New York city, the 
son-in-law of the poet Bryant, whose 
writings he has edited. He was long 
connected with the Evening Post, and 
was the editor of Putnam's Monthly 
Magazine, 1853-55 and 1867-70. Pa- 
cific and Constructive Democracy; Po- 
pular View of the Doctrines of Fourier ; 
Vala, a mythological tale ; Political 
Essays ; History of France ; Life of 
William Cullen Bryant ; Out of the 
Past, a collection of essays ; Commemo- 
rative Addresses; Handbook of Uni- 
versal Biography (edited). Har. 

Goebel, Julius. G.,1857 . A phi- 
lologist, professor at Leland Stanford 
Junior University from 18911. Ueber die 
Zukunf t unseres Volkes in Amerika ; 
Ueber Fragische Schuld und Siihne ; 
Zur deutschen Frage in Amerika ; Po- 
etry in the Limburger Chronik. 

Goff, Mrs. Harriet Newell [Knee- 
land]. N. Y., 1828 . A noted 

reformer of Brooklyn and elsewhere, 
prominent in the temperance, woman- 
suffrage, and other movements. Was 
it an Inheritance ? ; Who Cares ? ; Epi- 
sodes in the Life of Mary Campbell. 

Gooch, Mrs. Fannie. See Inglehart, 

Good, James Isaac. Pa., 1850 . 

A German Reformed clergyman and 
educator of Reading, Pennsylvania, pro- 
fessor in Ursinus Theological Seminary, 
1890-93. Origin of the Reformed 
Church of Germany ; Rambler Around 
Reformed Lands. 

Goodale, Dora Reed. Ms., 1866- 

. Sister of Mrs. E. G. Eastman, 

supra, and author with her in their 
childhood of Verses from Sky-Farm; 
Apple Blossoms ; In Berkshire with 
the WUd Flowers. She has contributed 
much verse to The Century and other 
periodicals, and has also published Her- 
alds of Easter. Put. 

Goodale, Elaine. See Eastman, Mrs. 

Goodale, George Lincoln. Me., 

1839 . A botanist of prominence, 

professor of botany at Harvard Uni- 
versity from 1878. The Wild Flowers 
of America; Physiological Botany; 




Concerning a Few Common Plants ; 
Useful Plants of the Future. Wn. 

Goode, George Brovrn. Ind., 1851- 
181)6. An ichthyologist in the govern- 
ment service. Catalogue of the Fishes 
of the Bermudas ; Annual Resources 
of the United btates ; Game Fishes of 
the United States ; Beginnings of Nat- 
ural History in America ; Britons, Sax- 
ons, and Virginians ; American Fishes, 
a popular treatise ; Fisheries and Fish- 
ing indvistries of the United States ; 
Oceanic Ichthyology (with T. H. Bean). 

Goodell, William. Malta, 1829- 
1894. A Philadelphia physician, med- 
ical professor in the University of 
Pennsylvania, and author of Lessons in 

Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor. 
Ct., 18G9 . An architect of Bos- 
ton whose border designs and initials 
for book illustration are of notable ex- 
cellence. Mexican Memories. 

Goodenow, John M. Ms., 1782- 
1838. An Ohio jurist who published 
American Jurisprudence in Contrast 
with the Doctrine of English Law. 

Goodnow, Frank Johnson. L. I., 

1859 . A professor of administra^ 

tive law in Columbia University from 
1884. Comparative Administrative 
Law ; Municipal Home Rule. Mac. 

Goodrich, Aaron. N. Y., 1807 . 

A Minnesota jurist, secretary of lega- 
tion at Brussels 1 861-68. He published 
A History of the So-called Christopher 
Columbus. Ap. 

Goodrich, Charles Augustus. Ct., 
1790-1862. Brother of S. G. Goodrich, 
infra. A Congregational clergyman of 
Hartford. Lives of the Signers of the 
Declaration of Independence ; History 
of the United States ; View of Reli- 
gions ; Family Tourist ; Great Events 
of American History ; Outlines of 
Geography ; Universal Traveller. He 
assisted his brother in the preparation 
of a number of works. 

Goodrich, Chauncey Allen. Ct., 
1790-1860. A Congregational clergy- 
man, professor at Tale University, 
1817-60. He published Greek and 
Latin Lessons ; A Greek Grammar ; 
was the editor and reviser of Weh- 
Bter's Dictionary, and also edited Select 

British Eloquence, with careful critical 
notes. Har. 

Goodrich, Frank Boot. " Dick Tin- 
to." Ms., 1826-1894. Son to S. G. 
Goodrich, infra. A dramatist and mis- 
cellaneous writer of New York city. 
The Court of Napoleon ; Man upon the 
Sea ; Tri-Colored Sketches of Paris ; 
The Tribute Book; Worid-Famous 
Women ; Women of Beauty and Hero- 
ism ; History of Maritime Adventure. 

Goodrich, Samuel Gris'Virold. " Pe- 
ter Farley." Ct., 1793-1863. Brother 
of Charles A. Goodrich, supra. A once 
famous writer and compiler of Boston 
and New York. He published nearly 
two hundred volumes, mainly juvenile 
and educational, some of which achieved 
a wide popularity. Among them are, 
History of All Nations ; Tales of Peter 
Parley about America ; Recollections 
of a Lifetime, an autobiography. See 
AUibone's Dictionary. 

Goodwin, Daniel. N. Y., 1832 . 

A lawyer of Chicago. James Pitts and 
his Sons in the American Revolution ; 
The Dearborns ; The Lord's Table ; 
Provincial Pictures. 

Good'mrin, Daniel Raynes. Me., 
1811-1890. An Episcopal clergyman 
who was a professor in the Philadelphia 
Divinity School, and of much promi- 
nence as a Low Churchman. Southern 
Slavery in its Present Aspects ; Chris- 
tianity Neither Ascetic nor Fanatic; 
The Christian Ministry ; Shall we Re- 
turn to Rome ? ; The Perpetuity of the 
Sabbath ; The New Ritualistic Divin- 
ity ; Christian Eschatology. See Bibli- 
ography of Maine. 

Goodwin, Mrs. Hannah Elizabeth 
[Bradbury]. Ms., 1827-1893. A 
Boston writer for young people, among 
whose works are Madge ; Christine's 
Fortune ; Dorothy Gray ; Dr. HoweUs's 
Family ; Fortunes of Miss FoUen. Ap. 

Goodwin, Isaac. Ms., 1786-1832. A 
writer of Worcester, Massachusetts, 
and the father of Mrs. Jane Goodwin 
Austin, supra. History of the Town of 
Stirling ; The Town Oifiacer ; The New 
England Sheriff. 

Goodwin, John Abbott. JIfs., 1824^ 
1884. Son of I. Goodwin, supra, k 
Lowell writer who published The Pil- 


grim Fathers Neither Puritans nor Per- 
secutors ; The Pilgrim Republic, an his- 
torical review of the Plymouth colony. 

Good-win, Mrs. Lavinia Stella 
[Tyler]. Vt., 1833 . The Mys- 
terious Miner ; The Little Helper ; Lit- 
tle Folks' Own. Le. 

Good-win, Mrs. Maud ['Wilder]. 
N. Y., 18.)() . An historical nov- 
elist of New York city. The Colonial 
Cavalier, or Soutliern Life before the 
Revolution ; The Head of a Hundred ; 
White Aprons, an historical romance ; 
Dolly Madison, a biography. Lit. Scr. 

Good-win, Nathaniel. Ct, 1782- 
1855. A Hartford genealogist and 
probate judge. Genealogical Notes of 
Some of the First Settlers of Connecti- 
cut and Massaclnisetts. 

Goodiw-in, 'William 'Watson. Ms., 

1831 . Nephew of I. Goodwin, 

supra. An eminent Greek scholar, 
Eliot professor of Greek at Harvard 
University from 1860. He has pub- 
lished Syntax of Moods and Tenses of 
the Greek Verb ; A Greek Grammar. 

Goodyear, 'William Henry. Ct., 

1846 . An art educator of New 

York city, the son of the noted invent- 
or, Charles Goodyear. Roman and 
Mediaeval Art ; Renaissance and Mod- 
ern Art ; History of Art ; The Gram- 
mar of the Lotus ; Ancient and Modern 
History. Bar. Fl. 

Gookin, Daniel. E., c. 1612-1687. 
A colonial writer of Massachusetts, the 
friend of John Eliot, the ' ' Indian apos- 
tle," and a man far in advance of the 
general sentiment of his time and coun- 
try in regard to the treatment of the 
Indians. For the last thirty years of 
his life he was superintendent of the 
Indians in Massachusetts. His writings 
include Historical Collections of the 
Indians in New England ; Account of 
the Doings and Sufferings of the Chris- 
tian Indians in New England. The 
first of these remained in manuscript 
until 1792, and the second until 1836. 
See Tyler's American Literature. 

Gordon, Adoniram Judson. N. H., 
ia36-1895. A Baptist clergyman of 
Boston, pastor of the Clarendon Church 
from 1869 until his death. Grace and 
Glory ; In Christ ; Ministry of Healing ; 


The Ministry of the Spirit; The Life 
that Now Is and That to Come ; The 
Holy Spirit in Missions; Ecce 'Venit. 
See Life of, by E. B. Gordon, 1896. 
Bap. Rev. 

Gordon, Archibald D. L, 1848- 
1895. A dramatic critic and playwright 
of New York city. The Ugly Dock- 
ling ; Is Marriage a Failure? ; That Girl 
from Mexico, are among his plays. 

Gordon, Armistead Churchill. Va., 
1855 . A lawyer of Staunton, Vir- 
ginia, co-author with T. N. Page, infra, 
of a volume of verse entitled Befo' the 
War ; Echoes in Negro Dialect ; Con- 
gressional Currency. Put. 

Gordon, Clarence. " Vieux Mous- 
tache." N. Y., 1835 . A writer 

of Newburg, New York. His writings, 
intended for juvenile reading, include 
Christmas at Under Tor; Our Fresh 
and Salt Tutors ; Two Lives in One ; 
Boarding-School Days. 

Gordon, George Angier. S., 1853- 

. A prominent Congregational cler- 

g-yman of Boston, pastor of the Old 
South Church from 1884. The Christ 
of To-Day ; The Witness to Immortal- 
ity in Literature, Philosophy, and Life ; 
Immortality and the New Theodicy. 

Gordon, George Henry. Ms., 1823- 
1886. A lawyer of Boston who served 
as a brigadier-general in the Federal 
army during the Civil War. History 
of the Second Massachusetts Infantry ; 
The Campaign of the Army of Virginia 
under General Pope ; War Diary of 
Events in the War of the Great Rebel- 
lion ; Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain. 

Gordon, Julien. See Cruger, Mrs. 

Gordon, M Lafayette. Fa., 1843- 

. A Congregational clergyman 

and physician, formerly a missionary to 
Japan, and subsequently a professor in 
Doshisha University, Kyoto. An Amer- 
ican Missionary in Japan. Hou. 

Gordon, Thomas F . Fa., 1787- 

1866. A Philadelphia lawyer and an- 
tiquarian. Digest of the Laws of the 
United States ; History of Pennsylvania 
to 1776; History of New Jersey to 
1789 ; History of America ; Cabinet of 
American History ; History of Ancient 
Mexico ; Gazetteers of New York, New 
Jersey, and Pennsylvania. 






■William Robert. N. Y., 
A Dutch Reformed eler- 

g5-man of New York and New Jersey. 
Supreme Godhead of Christ ; Particu- 
lar Providence, A Threefold Test of 
Modem Spiritualism ; The Peril of our 
Ship of State ; Revealed Truth Im- 
pregnable ; The Reformed Church in 
America ; Christocracy (with J. T. De- 
marest, supra), include his principal 

Gore, James Howard. Va., 1856- 

. A professor of mathematics in 

Columbian University, Washington, 
District of Columbia. Geodesy ; Ele- 
ments of Geodesy ; and several anno- 
tated editions of German works for col- 
lege study. Gi. Hou. Wil. 

Gorgas, Ferdinand J S . 

Va., 1834 . A Baltimore dentist, 

professor in the College of Dental Sur- 
gery from 1860. Lectures on Dental 
Science and Therapeutics ; Dental Ma- 
teria Medica. 

Gorrie, Peter Douglas. S., 1813- 
1884. A Methodist clergyman of New 
York. Churches and Sects in the 
United States ; Episcopal Methodism 
as it Was and Is ; Lives of Eminent 

Gorringe, Henry Honeychurch. 
W. I., 1841-1885. A United States 
naval officer who superintended the re- 
moval of the obelisk from Egypt to 
New York, and after leaving the navy 
engaged in ship-building. His only 
publication is a work on Egyptian 

Gorton, David AUyn. N. Y., 1832- 

. Descendant of S. Gorton, infra. 

A physician of Brooklyn. The Monism 
of Man, or the Unity of the Divine and 
Human ; The Principles of Mental Hy- 
giene ; The Drift of Medical Philoso- 
phy ; Neurasthenia. Put. 

Gorton, Samuell. E., 1592-16'77. 
The founder of a small sect sometimes 
called " Nothingarians," which survived 
him for about a century. Simplicitie's 
Defence against Seven Headed Policy ; 
An Incorruptible Key composed of the 
ex. Psalm ; Saltmarsh Returned from 
the Dead ; An Antidote Against the 
Common Plague of the World ; Certain 
Copies of Letters. See Life of by L. G. 
Janes, 1896; Bibliography of Rhode 

Goss, Warren Lee. Ms., 1838 . 

A writer of Norwich, Connecticut, and 
more recently of Rutherford, New Jer- 
sey. The Soldier's Story of the Cap- 
tivity at Andersonville ; Jack Alden ; 
Tom Clifton ; Jed ; Recollections of a 
Private. Cr. Le. 

Gouge, William M . Pa., 1796- 

1863. A financial writer, for thirty years 
in the Treasury Department at Wash- 
ington. History of the American Bank- 
ing System (1835) ; Expediency of 
Dispensing with Bank Paper ; Fiscal 
History of Texas. 

Gough [gof], John Ballentine. E., 
1817-1880. A celebrated temperance 
lecturer. He came to America in 1829, 
fell into habits of dissipation, but re- 
formed and signed the pledge in 1842. 
Entering into the temperance move- 
ment as a lecturer, he soon rose to fame. 
Autobiography (1846) ; Temperance 
Lectures ; Sunlight and Shadow, or 
Gleanings from my Life Work ; Tem- 
perance Dialogues ; Platform Echoes. 
See Life, by Carlos Martyn, infra. 

Gould [goold], Augustus Addison. 
A^. H., 1805-1866. Son of N. D. Gould, 
infra. A conchologist of Boston. Sys- 
tem of Natural History ; Mollusca and 
Shells ; Olia Conchologia ; The Mol- 
lusca of the North Pacific Expedition ; 
The Invertebrata of Massachusetts. 

Gould, Benjamin Apthorp. Ms., 
1787-1859. An educator of Massachu- 
setts who published The Prize Book ; 
Adam's Latin Grammar ; and editions 
of Horace, Ovid, and Virgil. 

Gould, Benjamin Apthorp. Ms., 
1824-1896. Son of B. A. Gould, suijra. 
A distinguished astronomer, from 1868- 
1885 director of the Argentine Repub- 
lic national observatory at Cordova, and 
subsequently a resident of Cambridge. 
LTranometry of the Southern Heavens ; 
Trans-Atlantic Longitude as Deter- 
mined by the Coast Survey. 

Gould, Edward Sherman, tt.,1808- 
1885. Son of J. Gould, infra. A mer- 
chant and author of New York city. 
The Sleep Rider; The Very Age, a 
comedy ; John Doe and Richard Roe, a 
tale of New York life ; Classified Elo- 
cution ; Good English. 

Gould, Ezra Palmer. Ms., 1841- 
. An Episcopal clergyman, pro- 
fessor of New Testament literature in 




the Philadelphia Episcopal Divinity 
School. Commentary on Corinthians ; 
Notes on the Lessons of 1885. 
Gould, Hannah Flagg. Vt., 1789- 
18(55. Sister of B. A. Gould, 1st, supra. 
A verse-writer of Newburyport whose 
■work was simple in conception but not 
unpleasing. The Snow Flake and tlie 
Frost still find a place in anthologies, 
and afford a fair example of her style. 
Hymns and Poems for Children ; The 
Golden Vase ; The Youth's Coronal ; 
Mother's Dream, and Other Poems; 
Diosma, poems original and selected ; 
Gathered Leaves, a volume of prose. 
See North American Review, October, 

Gould, James. Ct., 1170-18.36. A 
jurist of Connecticut who published 
The Principles of Pleading in Civil Ac- 

Gould, John AW * ft., 1814-1838. Son 
of J. Gould, supra. Forecastle Yarns ; 
Private Journal of Voyage from New 
York to Rio Janeiro. 

Gould, Nathaniel Duren. Ms., 1781- 
1864. A musician and penman of Bos- 
ton who published A History of Church 

Goulding, Francis Robert. Ga., 
1810-1881. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of Georgia whose Young Marooners on 
the Florida Coast, a tale for boys, has 
long been popular. Other works of 
his include Marooner's Island; Frank 
Gordon ; Fishing and Fishes ; Wood- 
ruff Stories ; Little Josephine ; Cousin 
Aleck ; Adventures among the Indi- 
ans ; Boy Life on the Water. Do. 

Gouley, John William Severin. 
La., 1832 . A physician, profes- 
sor in the University of New York. 
External Perineal Urethrotomy ; Dis- 
eases of the Urinary Organs ; Diseases 
of Man. Ap. 

Graebner, Augustus L . Mch., 

1849 . A Lutheran clergyman, 

professor in the Theological Seminary 
at St. Louis from 1887- Half a Cen- 
tury of Sound Lutheranism in Amer- 

Grafton, Charles Chapman. Ms., 

1832 . The second Protestant 

Episcopal bishop of Fond dn Lac, and, 
prior to his consecration in 1889, rector 
* A distinguishing initial only. 

of the Church of the Advent in Boston. 
Vocation, or the Call of the Divine 
Master to a Sister's Life. 

Graham, David. E., 1808-1852. A 
lawyer of New York city. Practice of 
the Supreme Court of New York State ; 
New Trials ; Courts of Law and Equity 
in New York State. 

Graham, John Andrew. Ct, 1764- 
1841. A lawyer of Rutland, Vermont. 
Descriptive Sketch of Present State of 
Vermont (1797) ; Speeches ; Memoirs 
of Horne Tooke. 

Graham, Mrs. Margaret [Collier]. 

la., 1850 . A California writer 

who has published Stories of the Foot- 
HiUs. Hon. 

Graham, Sylvester. Ct, 1794-1851. 
A once well-known vegetarian and lec- 
turer upon temperance. He advocated 
the use of unbolted wheat, since called 
Graham flour. Lectures on the Science 
of Human Life ; Bread and Breadmak- 
ing ; Philosophy of Sacred History. 

Grahame, Nellie. See Dunning, Mrs. 

Granbery, John CoTwper. Va., 1829- 

. A bishop of the Methodist 

Church South who published a Bible 

Grant, Asahel. N. Y., 1807-1844. A 
physician who was a missionary in Per- 
sia. The Nestoriaus, or the Lost Tribes. 
See Memoir, 1847 ; Grant and the Nes- 
torians, 1853. 

Grant, Robert. Ms., 1852 . A 

lawyer of Boston well known as a lit- 
terateur ; from 1893 a judge of probate 
and insolvency for Suffolk County, Mas- 
sachusetts. He has written several sa^ 
tirical works, including The Little Tin 
Gods on Wheels ; The Lambs ; Yan- 
kee Doodle ; and the juvenile tales. 
Jack Hall ; jack in the Bush. In fic- 
tion he has published Confessions of a 
Frivolous Girl ; The Carletons ; Mrs. 
Harold Stagg ; An Average Man ; The 
Knave of Hearts ; A Romantic Young 
Lady ; Face to Face ; The Bachelor's 
Christmas, and Other Stories; The 
Opinions of a Philosopher ; Reflections 
of a Married Man. Other works of his 
are. The Art of Living; The Oldest 
School in America. Hou. Scr. 

Grant, Ulysses Simpson. 0.,1822- 
1885. The eighteenth president of the 
United States. He served in the Mex- 




ican War as lieutenant, and in the Civil 
War as major-general, 1861-64, and 
subsequently became lieutenant-general 
in command of the entire army. Report 
of the Armies of the United States ; 
Personal Memoirs. See Military hife 
of^ by A. Badeau, supra ; Life by J. G. 
Wilson ; Appleton's American Biogra- 
phy. Cent. 

Gratacap, Louis Pope. N. Y., 1850- 

. A naturalist connected with the 

American Museum of Natural History 
in New York city who has published 
Philosophy of Ritualism, or Apologia 
Pro Rita. 

Graves, Mrs. Adelia Cleopatra 
[Spencer]. "Aunt Alice." 0.,1821- 

. An educator of Tennessee. Life 

of Columbus ; Poems for Children ; 
Seclusarval, or the Arts of Romanism ; 
Jephtha's Daughter, a drama. 

Graves, James Robinson. Ft, 1820- 

. Brother-in-law of Mrs. A. C. 

Graves, supra. A Baptist clergyman 
of Nashville, prominent as a controver- 
sialist. The Great Iron Wheel, or Re- 
publicanism Backward ; The Little 
Iron Wheel ; The Intermediate State ; 
Old Landmarks ; Intercommunion of 
Churches ; The Redemptive Work of 
Christ ; The New Great Iron Wheel ; 
Denominational Sermons ; Parables and 
Prophecies of Christ. 

Gray, Albert Zabriskie. N. Y., 
1840-1889. An Episcopal clergyman 
and educator, warden of Racine Col- 
lege, Wisconsin, 1882-88. Racine and 
her Labour of Love ; The Land and 
the Life ; Jesus Only, and Other Devo- 
tional Poems ; Mexico as it Is. Ran. 

Gray, Asa. N. Y., 1810-1888. An 
eminent botanist of Cambridge, and one 
of the highest authorities in his depart- 
ment. He was professor at Harvard 
University 1842-88, and was in charge 
of the botanical garden at Cambridge. 
Elements of Botany, 'now called Struc- 
tural and Systematic Botany ; How 
Plants Grow ; A Free Examination of 
Darwin's " Origin of Species ; " Darwin- 
iana ; Natural Science and Religion ; 
Manual of the Botany of the Northern 
United States ; Synoptical Flora of 
North America ; How Plants Behave ; 
Field, Forest, and Garden Botany ; Les- 
sons in Botany ; School and Field Book 
of Botany ; Botany of the United States 

Pacifie Exploring Expedition (1854) ; 
Scientific Papers selected by C. S. Sar- 
gent. See Letters of, edited by Mrs. 
Gray. Am. Ap. 

Gray, Barry. See Coffin, M. B. 

Gray, David. S., 1836-1888. A jour- 
nalist of Buffalo, on the editorial staff 
of The Courier, 1856-82. See Letters, 
Poems, and Selected Writings. 

Gray,Elislia. O., 1835 . An elec- 
trician and inventor who has published 
Experimental Researches in Electric 
HarraLOnic Telegraphy. 

Gray, Francis Galley. Ms., 1*790- 
1856. A Boston lawyer prominent as 
an enlightened patron of arts and edu- 
cation who published a work on Prison 

Gray, George Seaman. N. Y., 1835- 
1885. A Presbyterian clergyman who, 
after retiring from the ministiy, en- 
gaged in business in Cincinnati. Eight 
Studies of the Lord's Day. Hon. 

Gray, George Zabriskie. N. Y., 
1838-1889. Brother of A. Z. Gray, su- 
pra. An Episcopal clergyman of Cam- 
bridge, dean of the Theological School, 
1876-89, and prominent among Broad 
Church thinkers. The Scripture Doc- 
trine of Recognition ; The Children's 
Crusade : An Episode of the Thirteenth 
Century ; Husband and Wife ; The 
Church's Certain Faith. Hou. Wh. 

Gray, John Chipman. Ms., 1839- 

. A lawyer of Boston. Royall 

professor of law at Harvard University 
from 1883. Restraints on the Aliena- 
tion of Property ; Rule against Per- 
petuities ; Select Cases. Lit. 

Graydon, Alexander. Pa., 1752- 
1818. A citizen of Harrisburg who 
published Memoirs of a Life Passec 
Chiefly in Pennsylvania within the laS 
Sixty Years (1811), a lively, entertain 
ing autobiography. 

Graydon, William. Pa., 1759-1840 
Brother of A. Graydon, supra. A law- 
yer of Harrisburg. Digest of the Laws 
of the United States ; Justice and Con- 
stable's Assistant ; Forms of Convey- 

Grayson, 'William John. S. C, 1788- 
1863. A South Carolina statesman. 
Chicora, and Other Poems ; The Hire- 
ling and Slave, a poem ; The Country, 
a poem ; Life of James Petigru. Bar. 




Greeley, Horace. N. IL, 1811-1872. 
A famous journalist of New York city, 
founder and editor of The Tribune. In 
1872 he was the unsuccessful candidate 
of the Democratic party for the presi- 
dency. For a generation he was one of 
the most influential leaders of Ameri- 
can public opinion. Letters from Tex- 
as ; Glances at Europe ; Essays in Po- 
litical Economy ; What I Know About 
Farming ; The American Conflict ; Re- 
collections of a Busy Life. See Lives 
by Parton, 1888; Reavis, Ingersoll; Ap- 
pleton's American Hioyraphy. 

Greely, Adolphus Washington. 

Ms.^ 1844 . An arctic explorer in 

the United States serrice. In 1887 he 
was appointed chief of the signal ser- 
vice corps, with the rank of brigadier- 
general, and was thus at the head of 
the Weather Bureau until its transfer 
to the Department of Agriculture in 
1891. Three Years of Arctic Service ; 
American Weather ; Handbook of Arc- 
tie Discoveries ; Explorers and Travel- 
lers. Do. Rob. Scr. 

Green, Alexander Little Page. 
Tn., 1806-1874. A Methodist clergy- 
man of Nashville who was the author 
of The Church in the Wilderness. 

Green, Anna Katharine. See 
Rohlfs, Mrs. 

Green, Ashbel. N. J., 1762-1848. 
A Presbyterian clergyman, president 
of Princeton College, 1812-22. Ser- 
mons from 1790 to 1836 ; Sermons on 
the Assembly's Catechism ; History of 
Presbyterian Missions. See Autobio- 
graphy and Memoir by J. H. Jones, 184-9. 

Green, Beriah. N. Y., 1794-1874. A 
reformer and anti-slavery leader of 
Ohio and New York. History of the 
Quakers ; Sermons and Discourses. 

Green, Duff. Ga., 1780-1875. A 
Washington lawyer and journalist. 
Facts and Suggestions; How to Pay 
off the National Debt. 

Green, Francis Matthews. Ms., 

1835 . A United States naval 

commander. The Navigation of the 
Caribbean Sea; Telegraphic Deter- 
mination of Longitudes ; List of Geo- 
graphical Positions. 

Green, George Walton. N. Y., 

1854 . A New York city lawyer 

and politician. Repudiation. 

Green, Horace. Vt., 1802-1866. A 
physician of New York city, president 
of the New York Medical College, 
1830-60. Diseases of the Air Pas- 
sages ; Pathology and Treatment of 
Croup ; Surgical Treatment of the 
Polypi of the Larynx ; Report of a Hun- 
dred Cases of Pulmonary Diseases. 

Green, Jacob. Pa., 1790-1841. Son 
of Ashbel Green, supra. A Philadel- 
phia scientist who was professor of 
chemistry in Jefferson Medical College. 
Chemical Diagrams ; Chemical Phi- 
losophy ; Astronomical Recreations ; 
Trilobites ; The Botany of the United 
States ; Notes of a Traveller ; Diseases 
of the Skin. 

Green, Joseph. Ms., 1706-1780. A 
Boston loyalist, widely known in his 
day for his political lampoons and his 
ready wit. He went to England in 
1775, and never returned. The Won- 
derful Lament of Old Mr. Tanner ; 
Poems and Satires. See Tyler's Amer- 
ican Literature ; Hart's American Liter- 

Green, Mrs. Julia [Boynton]. N. 

Y., 1861 . A verse-writer of 

Rochester, New York, who has pub- 
lished Lines and Interlines. 

Green, Rufus Smith. N. Y., 1848- 
. A Presbyterian minister, presi- 
dent of Elmira College for Women 
since 1893. History of Morristown, 
New Jersey ; Our Church at Work ; 
The Christian Steward ; Both Sides, or 
Jonathan and Absalom. 

Green, Samuel Abbott. Ms., 1830- 

. A physician and antiquarian of 

Boston. Groton during the Indian 
Wars; History of Medicine in Massa- 
chusetts ; Groton Historical Series. 

Green, Seth. N. Y., 1817-1888. A 
noted pisciculturist, from 1870 until 
his death the superintendent of the 
New York Fish Commission. Trout 
Culture ; Home Fishing and Home 
Waters ; Fish Hatching and Fish 

Green, William Henry. N. J., 1825- 
. A Presbyterian clergyman, pro- 
fessor of biblical literature at Prince- 
ton College from 1851. The Pentateuch 
Vindicated ; Grammar of the Hebrew 
Language ; A Hebrew Chrestomathy ; 
Argument of Job Unfolded; Moses 




and tlie Prophets ; Newton Lectures 
for IfSyo; The Hebrew Feasts; The 
Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch ; 
The Unity of the Book of Genesis. 
Scr. WiL 

Greeu, "William Mercer. N. C, 
1708-1887. The first Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of Mississippi. His only 
publications were Lives of Bishop 
Ravenscroft and Bishop Otey. 

Greene, Aella. Ms., 1838 . A 

journalist of Spring^eld, Massachusetts. 
Rhymes of Yankee Land ; Into the 
Sunshine, and Other Poems ; Stanza 
and Sequel, and Other Poems ; John 
Peters ; Gathered from Life. 

Greene, Albert Gorton. R. /., 1802- 
1868. A lawyer of Providence who is 
chiefly remembered for his humourous 
poem, Old Grimes. He published Ca- 

Greene, Asa. Ms., 1788-1837. A 
bookseller of New York city of note 
among his contemporaries as a humour- 
ist. Life and Adventures of Dr. Dodi- 
mus Duckworth ; Perils of Pearl Street ; 
A Yankee Among- the NuUifiers ; A 
Glance at New York ; Debtor's Prison ; 
Travels of Ex-Barber Fribbleton in 

Greene, Belle C. See Greene, Mrs. Isa- 

Greene, Charles Ezra. Ms., 1842- 

. A professor of civil engineering 

in the University of Michigan from 
1872. Graphical Method for Analysis 
of Bridge Trusses ; Trusses and Arches ; 
Notes on Rankine's Civil Ensrineerins:. 

Greene, Charles Warren. Ms., 

1S40 . Nephew of S. S. Greene, 

infra. A Massacliiisetts physician who 
has written upon natural science. Ani- 
mals, their Homes and Habits ; Birds, 
their Homes and Hahits. 

Greene, Edward Lee. R. I., 184,3- 

. A professor of botany in the 

University of California. Illustrations 
of West American Oaks ; Flora Fran- 

Greene, Mrs. Frances Harriet 
[■Whipple]. See McDougal, Mrs. 

Greene, Francis Vinton. B. I., 

18.50 . A captain in the United 

States army who resigned in 1886. 
The Russian Army and its Campaigns 

in Turkey in 1877-78; Sketches of 
Army Life in Texas ; The Mississippi, 
a military work; Life of General 
Greene. Ap. Scr. 

Greene, George Washington. E. J., 
1811-1883. An historian who was pro- 
fessor of American history at Cornell 
University from 1872. Historical Stu- 
dies ; The German Element in the 
American War of Independence ; Short 
History of Rhode Island ; Historical 
View of the American Revolution ; 
Life of General Nathanael Greene ; 
Biographical Studies ; History and 
Geography of the Middle Ages. Hou. 

Greene, Homer. Pa., 1853 . A 

story-writer of Honesdale, Pennsyl- 
vania. The Blind Brother ; Burnham 
Breaker ; Coal and the Coal Mines ; 
The Riverpark Rebellion. Cr. Hou. 

Greene, Mrs. Isabella Catherine 
[Colton]. Vt., 1844 . A novel- 
ist and writer for young people, long a 
resident of Nashua, New Hampshire. 
A New England Conscience ; Adven- 
tures of an Old Maid ; A New England 
Idyl ; The Hobbledehoy. Xo. 

Greene, Nathaniel. N. H., 1797- 
1877. A Boston journalist, postmaster 
of Boston 1829-40 and 1845-49. He 
published a translation of Sforzosi's 
History of Italy ; Tales from the Ger- 
man ; Tales and Sketches from the Ger- 
man, Italian, and French. 

Greene, Samuel Stillman. Ms., 
1810-188.3. An educator of Providence, 
professor at Brown University, 1851-83, 
who published Analysis of the English 
Language and several text-books on 
English Grammar. 

Greene, Mrs. Sarah Pratt [Mc- 
Lean]. C't., 1858 . A writer 

whose first novel. Cape Cod Folks, was 
widely popular, while the fact that cer- 
tain of the dramatis personse were 
portraits of living people gave rise to 
much litigation. Her other works in- 
clude Towhead and Some Other Folks ; 
Peter Patrick; Vesty of the Basms. 

Greene, William Batchelder. Ms., 
1819-1878. Son of N. Greene, supra. 
In early life a member of the noted 
Brook Farm Community. He was sub- 
sequently a Unitarian minister, and 
during the CivU War served as colonel 




of a Massachusetts regiment. Re- 
marks on the Science of History ; 
Theory of the Calculus ; Socialistic, 
etc., Fragments ; Reflections and Mod- 
ern Maxims. Put. 

Greene, William Houston. Pa., 

1854 . A Philadelphia chemist, 

professor in the Central Hig-h School 
from 1880. Medical Chemistry ; Les- 
sons in Chemistry. Lip. 

Greenhow, Robert. Va., 1800-1854. 
A surgeon and scholar whose latest 
years were spent in California. His- 
tory of Tripoli ; History of Oregon and 
California (1846). 

Greenleaf, Benjamin. Ms., 1786- 

1864. An educator of Bradford, Mas- 
sachusetts, who published a popular 
series of text-hooks on arithmetic and 
the higher mathematics. 

Greenleaf, Jonathan. Ms., 1785- 

1865. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Brooklyn. Sketches of Ecclesiastical 
History of Maine ; History of New York 
Churches ; Genealogy of the Greenleaf 

Greenleaf, Moses. Ms., 1788-1834. 
Brother of J. Greenleaf, supra. Statis- 
tical View of Maine (1816) ; Survey of 
Maine (1829). 

Greenleaf, Simon. Ms., 1783-1853. 
Brother of B. Greenleaf, supra. A dis- 
tinguished jurist of Massachusetts, and 
professor of law at Harvard Univer- 
sity from 1835 till his death. His 
greatest work, A Treatise on the Laws 
of Evidence, has passed into fifteen edi- 
tions. His other writings include Ori- 
gin and Principles of Freemasonry; 
Full Collection of Cases Overruled, 
etc. ; Reports of Cases in the Supreme 
Court of Maine, 1820—31 ; Examination 
of the Testimony of the Four Evan- 
gelists by the Rules of Evidence. See 
Bibliography of Maine. 

Greenough [green' o], Henry. Ms., 
1807-1883. An architect of Cambridge 
whose writings include the novels Er- 
nest Carroll ; Apelles and his Contem- 
poraries, and various essays on art. 

Greenough, James Bradstreet. 

Me., 1833 . A professor of Latin 

at Harvard University from 1873, who 
has published with J. H. Allen, supra, 
a series of classical text-books. Other 
works of his are, Special Vocabulary to 

Virgil ; The Queen of Hearts, a Dra^ 
matic Fantasia. Gi. 

Greenough, Mrs. Richard. See 
Greenough, Mrs. Sarah. 

Greenough, Mrs. Sarah Dana [Lor- 
ing]. 1827-1885. The wife of the 
noted sculptor Richard Greenough. In 
Extremis, a Story of a Broken Law ; 
Arabesques, four stories of the super- 
natural ; Mary Magdalene, and Other 
Poems. Hob. 

Greenwald, Emanuel. Md., 1811- 
1885. A Lutheran clergyman of Lan- 
caster, Pennsylvania. Order of Family 
Prayer ; The Lutheran Reformation ; 
The Baptism of Children ; Meditations 
for Passion Week ; Romanism and the 
Reformation ; The True Church ; Med- 
itations for the Closet, include the most 
of his controversial and other writings. 
See Life by Haupt, 18S9. 

Greenwood, Francis William 
Pitt. Ms., 1797-1843. A Unitarian 
clergyman of Boston, pastor of King's 
Chapel, 1824-43. History of King's 
Chapel ; Sermons to Children ; Sermons 
of Consolation ; Sermons on Various 
Subjects ; Essays ; Lives of the Apos- 
tles ; Miscellaneous Writings. A. U. A. 

Greenwood, Grace. See Lippincott, 
Mrs. Sarah. 

Greenwood, James M . E., 

1880 . An educator and school 

superintendent of Kansas City who has 
published Principles of Education Prac- 
tically Applied. Ap. 

Greer, David Hummell. W. Va., 

1844 . A prominent Episcopal 

clergyman of New York city of Broad 
Church views. The Preacher and his 
Place ; From Things to God. Scr. Wh. 

Greey [gree], Edward. JE., 1835- 
1888. An English writer of French 
descent who came to America in 1868, 
and was for many years a dealer in 
Japanese curios in New York city. His 
writings include the dramas, Vendome, 
and Mirah ; Blue Jackets, a novel ; The 
Golden Lotus ; the juvenile tales Young 
Americans in Japan ; The Wonderful 
City of Tokio ; The Bear Worshippers 
of Yezo ; and translations from the 
Japanese of the novels, The Loyal Ro- 
nins ; The Captive of Love. Le. 

Gregg, Alexander. S. C, 1819-1893. 
The first Protestant Episcopal bishop 



of Texas. History of the Old Cheraws, 
an Account of the Indian Tribes in the 
Valley of the Pedee. 

Gregory, Daniel Seeley. JV. Y., 

1832 . A Presbyterian clergyman, 

president of Lake Forest University, 
nUnois, 1878-86. Christian Ethics; 
Why Four Gospels ; Practical Logic ; 
The Tests of Philosophic Systems ; 
Christ's Trumpet Call to the Ministry. 

Gregory, John Milton. N. Y., 1822- 
. A Baptist clergyman and edu- 
cator of Michigan and Illinois. Hand- 
book of History ; New Political Eco- 
nomy ; The Seven Laws of Teaching. 

Greylook, Godfrey. See Smith, J. 

Griffin, Edward Dorr. Ct., 1777- 
1837. A Congregational clergyman of 
Boston and elsewhere who was presi- 
dent of Williams College, 1821-36. 
Lectures in Park Street Church, Bos- 
ton ; Sixty Sermons on Practical Sub- 
jects. See Recollections of, by P. Cooke, 

GrifEn, George. Ct., 1778-1860. Bro- 
ther of E. D. Grif&n, supra. A lawyer 
of New York city. Sufferings of Our 
Saviour ; Evidences of Christianity ; 
The Gospel its Own Evidence. 

GrifBn, Gilderoy "Wells. Ky., 1840- 
. A journalist who has been con- 
sul in Australia and elsewhere. Studies 
in Literature ; Danish Days ; Visit to 
Stratford ; New Zealand, her Com- 
merce and Resources ; Life of George 
Prentice, infra. 

Griffin, Solomon Bulkley. Ms., 

1852 . A journalist of Springfield, 

Massachusetts, who has published Mex- 
ico of To-Day (1886). Har. 

Griffis, ■William Elliot. Pa., 1843- 

. A Dutch Reformed clergyman, 

pastor at Schenectady 1877-86, in 
charge of the Shawmut Congregational 
Church in Boston 1886-92, and subse- 
quently settled at Ithaca, New York. 
An authority upon Japanese topics. 
The Mikado's Empire ; Japanese Fairy 
World; Corea: the Hermit Nation; 
The Tokio Guide ; The Yokohama 
Guide ; Japan in History, Folk-Lore, 
and Art ; The Religions of Japan ; Brave 
Little Holland and What She Taught 
Us ; The LUy Among Thorns, a bibli- 

cal study ; Life of Matthew Calbraith 
Perry ; Sir William Johnson and the 
Six Nations ; Townsend Harris, first 
American Envoy in Japan ; Honda the 
Samurai ; a Story of Modem Japan. 
Do. Har. Hou. Scr. 

Griffith, Robert Eglesfield. Pa., 
1798-1850. A physician and botanist 
who was from 1838 a medical professor 
in the University of Virginia. Medical 
Botany ; Universal Formulary. 

Griffiths, John ■Willis. N. Y., 1809- 
1882. A naval architect of New York 
city. Treatise on Marine and Naval 
Architecture, a work of great value; 
The Ship Builders' Manual; The Pro- 
gressive Ship Builder. 

Grimke [giim'ke], Archibald Hen- 
ry. S. C., 184 . A Massachu- 
setts lawyer of African descent. Eulogy 
on Wendell Phillips ; Charles Sumner, 
the Scholar in Politics ; William Lloyd 
Garrison, the Abolitionist. Fu. 

Grimke, Frederick. S. C, 1791-1863. 
Son of J. F. Grimke, infra. An Ohio 
jurist. Ancient and Modem Litera- 
ture ; Nature and Tendencies of Free 
Institutions. Clke. 

Grimke, John Faucheraud. S. C, 
1752-1819. A jurist of South Caro- 
lina. Revised Edition of Laws of South 
Carolina ; Law of Executors of South 
Carolina ; Public Law of South Caro- 
lina ; Probate Directory ; Duty of Jus- 
tices of the Peace. 

Grimke, Sarah Moore. S. C, 1792- 
1873. Daughter of J. F. Grimke, supra, 
A reformer who was very prominent in 
the anti-slavery movement. Epistle to 
the Clergy of the Southern States; 
Letters on the Condition of Women. 

Grimke, Thomas Smith. S.C., 1786- 
1834. Son of J. F. Grimke, supra. A 
reformer of Charleston, active in tem- 
perance and in the promotion of peace 
societies, who published Addresses on 
Science, Education, and Literature. 

GrimshaTw, Robert. Pa., 1850 . 

A civil engineer, lecturer on physics at 
the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. 
History, etc., of Saws; Saw Filing; 
Steam Engine Catechism ; Pump Cate- 
chism ; Steam Boiler Catechism ; Rec- 
ord of Scientific Progress; Hints to 
Power Users ; Fifty Years Hence. Bai, 
Gas. Wil. 




Grimshaw, ■William. I., 1'7S2-1852. 
A Philadelphia writer who published a 
once popular series of school histories, 
and also Etymological Dictionary ; Gen- 
tlemen's Lexicon ; Ladies' Lexicon ; 
The American Chesterfield; Life of 
Napoleon. Lip. 

Grinnell [grin'el], George Bird. N. 

v., 1849 . An ornithologist and the 

editor of " Forest and Stream " of New 
York city. He has enjoyed a long and 
friendly acquaintance with the Indians 
of the Great Plains. The Story of a 
Prairie People ; The Story of the In- 
dian; Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk 
Tales. Ap. Scr. 

Grinnell, Josiah Bushnell. Vt, 

1821 . A distinguished citizen of 

Iowa ; in early life a Presbyterian min- 
ister. He founded the Iowa town of 
Grinnell in 1854, and was president of 
Iowa College, formerly Grinnell Uni- 
Tersitv. It was to him that Horace 
Greeley is said to have made the famous 
remark, ' ' Go West, young man, go 
West." Home of the Badgers ; Cattle 
Industries of the United States ; Men 
and Events of Forty Years. Lo. 

Griscom, John. N. J., 1774-185-2. A 
once noted educator who was professor 
of chemistry at Rutgers College, 1812- 
28. A Year in Europe ; Monitorial 
Instruction. See Memoirs of, by his 

Griscom, John Hawkins. N. Y., 
1809-1874. Son of J. Griscom, supra. 
An eminent physician of New York 
city. Animal Mechanism and Physi- 
ology ; Prison Hygiene ; Use and Abuses 
of Air ; Use of Tobacco and Evils Re- 
sulting Therefrom ; Physical Indica- 
tions of Longevity. TXar. 

Griswold, Alexander Viets. Ct, 
1766-1843. Third Protestant Episcopal 
bishop of Massachusetts. Discourses 
on the Most Important Doctrines ; The 
Reformation and the Apostolic Office ; 
Remarks On Prayer Meetings. See 
Memoirs, by J. S. Stone, infra. 

Gris-wold, Mrs. Frances Irene 

[Burge] [Smith]. R. I., 1826 . 

A Brooklyn writer of Sunday-school 
tales, among which are The Bishop and 
Nannette Series ; Miriam's Reward. 

Griswold, Mrs. Harriet [Tyng]. 
Ms., 1842 . Daughter of D. A. 

Tyng, infra. An educator of Wiscon- 
sin. Apple Blossoms, a volume of po- 
ems ; Home Life of Great Authors ; 
Waiting on Destiny ; Lucille and her 
Friends. Her poem, Under the Daisies, 
has had a wide popularity as a song. 

Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. Vt., 
1815-1857. An industrious compiler 
and literary editor who possessed but a 
slight amount of critical insight and 
discrimination. His best known publi- 
cations are. Female Poets of America ; 
Prose Writers of America ; Poets and 
Poetry of America ; Sacred Poets of 
England and America. His other 
works include Washington and the 
Generals of the Revolution ; The Re- 
publican Court ; Scenes in the Life of 
the Saviour ; Napoleon and the Mar- 
shals of the Empire (with H. B. Wal- 
lace, infra). See Lowell's Fable for 
Critics. ^Ip. Co. 

Griswold, William Macrillis. Me., 
18.53 . Son of R. W. Griswold, su- 
pra. A literary worker of Cambridge 
who has published A Manual of Mis- 
used Words, and many valuable indexes 
to periodicals. 

Gronlund, Laurence. Dk., 1847- 

. A lecturer upon socialistic topics 

in many cities of the United States. 
The Cooperative Commonwealth in its 
Outlines ; Ca Ira, or Danton in the 
French Revolution ; Our Destiny. Le. 

Gross, Joseph B . 18 1891. 

Brother of S. D. Gross, infra. A 
Lutheran clergyman, among whose 
writings are The Heathen Religion 
in its Symbolical Development ; Teach- 
ings of Providence ; Truth in Religion ; 
Belief in Immortality on Purely Logi- ■ 
cal Principles ; Old Faith and New 

Gross, Samuel David. Pa., 1805- 
1884. A distinguished surgeon of Phila- 
delphia who was professor of surgery in 
Jefferson Medical College 1856-82, and 
a member of many medical associations 
in America and Europe. A System of 
Surgery ; Lives of Eminent American 
Physicians and Surgeons of the 19th 
Century ; Manual of Military Surgery ; 
History of American Medical Litera- 
ture ; John Hunter and his Pupils ; 
Pathological Anatomy ; Wounds of the 
Intestines ; Diseasss of the Urinary 




Organs. He also edited American 
Medical Biography. See Autobiography, 
edited by his sons, 1SS7. 

Gross, Samuel Weissell. O., 1837- 
ISS'J. Sou of S. D. Gross, supra. A 
surgeon of PhUadelphia who succeeded 
his father as professor of surgery in 
Jefferson Medical College in 1882. Tu- 
mors of the Mammary Gland ; Trea- 
tise on Impotence, Sterility, and Allied 
Disorders. Ap. 

Grosvenor, Edwrin Augustus. Ms., 

1845 . A professor of European 

History at Amlierst College, and from 
1873-90 professor of history at Roberts 
College, Constantinople. Constantino- 
ple. Rob. 

Grote, Augustus Radcliffe. 18 

. A scientist, formerly of Buffalo, 

hut now (1897) living in Bremen, Ger- 
many. Notes on the Bombycidte of 
Cuba ; Notes on the Sphingidae of Cuba ; 
Notes on the Zygsenidce of Cuba ; Gene- 
sis ; The New Infidelity ; Notes of the 
Lepidoptera of America (with C. T. 
Robinson) ; Rip Van Winkle, a Sun 
Myth, and Other Poems. 

Grube, Bernhard Adam. G., 1715- 
1808. A Moravian missionary who 
came to America in 1746 and settled in 
Pennsylvania. He published Delaware 
Indian Hymn Book ; Harmony of the 

Grund, Francis Joseph. Bo., 1805- 
1863. A journalist of Philadelphia 
who published Kxercises In Arithmetic ; 
Americans in their Moral, Religious, 
and Social Relations ; Aristocracy in 
America ; Life of General Harrison (in 
German) ; Thoughts and Reflections on 
the Present Position of Europe (1860). 

Guernsey, Alfred Hudson. Vt., 

1825 . A writer of New York 

city, at one period editor of Harper's 
Monthly. The Spanish Armada ; The 
World's Opportunities ; Carlyle, his 
Life, Books, and Theories ; Emerson, 
Poet and Philosopher. Ap. 

Guernsey, Clara Florida. N. Y., 

1836 ■. A Rochester writer of ju- 
venile tales, among which are, The 
Boys of Eaglewood School ; The Sil- 
ver Library ; Friends in Need ; The 
Merman and the Figure Head. Lip. 

Guernsey, Egbert. Ct., 182.3 . 

A homoeopathic physici9,n pf New York 

city, editor of The Medical Times from 
1872. History of the United States; 
Homoeopathic Domestic Practice ; The 
Gentleman's Book of Homoeopathy. 

Guernsey, Henry NeTvell. Vl., 
1817-1885. A homoeopathic physician 
of Philadelphia. Application of Ho- 
moeopathy to Obstetrics ; Plain Talks 
on Avoided Subjects ; The Keynote 
System ; Obstetrics and Diseases of 
Women and Children ; Lectures on 
Materia Medica. 

Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. N. Y., 1826- 

. Sister of C. F. Guernsey, supra. 

A writer of Rochester, New York, who 
has published more than fifty juvenile 
tales, some of which are. Old Stanfield 
House ; Through Unknown Ways ; 
Winifred ; Agnes Warrington's Mis- 
take. Do. 

Guernsey, Rocellus S. 18- 

Juries and Physicians on Insanity ; Me- 
chanics' Lien Laws for New York city ; 
Municipal Law and its Relations to 
the Constitution of Man ; Key to Sto- 
ry's "Equity Jurisprudence;" Living 
Authors at the New York Bar ; Sui- 
cide, a History of the Penal Laws Rela- 
ting to It ; New York City and Vicin- 
ity during the War of 1812. 
Guild, Mrs. Caroline Sno'wden 

[Whitmarsh]. Ms., 1827 . A 

religious writer of Boston. Violet; 
Daisy ; Never Mind the Face ; Some 
House Songs. Compiler' of Hymns of 
the Ages ; Prayers of the Ages. 

Guild, Curtis. Ms., 1828 . A 

joiirnalist of Boston, founder and edi- 
tor of The Commercial Bulletin. Over 
the Ocean, a popular book of travels ; 
Abroad Again ; Britons and Musco- 
vites ; From Sunrise to Sunset, a vol- 
ume of verse ; A Chat About Celebri- 
ties. Le. 

Guild, Reuben Aldridge. Ms., 1822- 

. A librarian of Brown Universi- 

sity, 1848-93. Librarian's Manual; 
Rhode Island in the Continental Con- 
gress (edited) ; History of Brown Uni- 
versity ; Chaplain Smith and the Bap- 
tists ; Footprints of Roger Williams ; 
Roger Williams, the Pioneer Missionary 
to the Indians. 

Guiney [gi'ni], Louise Imogen. Ms., 
1861 . A writer of Newton, Massa- 
chusetts, whose published works include 


Goose-Quill Papers ; Brownies and Bo- 
g-les; Three Heroines of New England 
Komance (with Mrs. SpofBord and Alice 
Brown) ; Monsieur Henri, a Eootnote 
to French History; A Little English 
Gallery ; Lovers' Saint Ruths, and 
Three Othfer Tales ; Patrins, a, collec- 
tion of essays ; Verse : Song-s at the 
Start; The White Sail; A Roadside 
Harp. She has edited the select poems 
of Mangan, with a study of his life 
and work. Cop. Har. Hou. Lam. Lo. 

Gummere [giini'ery], Francis Bar- 
ton, jV". J., 1855 . A professor 

of English in Haverford College, Penn- 
sylvania. The Anglo-Saxon Metaphor ; 
Handbook of Poetics ; Germanic Ori- 
gins, a study in Primitive Culture. Gi. 

Gummere, John. Pa., 1784-1,S45. A 
once noted educator of Burlington, New 
Jersey. Treatise on Surveying ; Theo- 
retical and Practical Astronomy. 

Gummere, Samuel R. Pa., 1789- 
1866. Brother of J. Gummere, supra, 
and also an educator of Burlington. 
Treatise on Geography ; Compendium 
of Elocution. 

Gunnison, Almon. Me., 1844 . 

A Universalist clergyman of promi- 
nence. Rambles Overland, a Trip 
Across the Continent ; Wayside and 
Fireside Rambles. 

Gunnison, Elisba Norman. Ms., 
1837-1880. A journalist of York, 
Pennsylvania, who published One Sum- 
mer Dream, and Other Poems ; Our 

Gunnison, John Williams. N. H., 
1812-1853. A civil engineer killed by 
Mormons and Indians while making 
railway surveys in Utah. A History 
of the Mormons was his only published 

Gunsaulus, Frank Wakeley. O., 
1856 . A Congregational clergy- 
man of Chicago. The Metamorphosis 
of a Creed; The Transfiguration of 
Christ ; Monk and Knight, an Histori- 
cal Study in Fiction ; Phidias, and Other 
Poems ; October at Eastwood ; Songs 
of Night and Day. Hou. Mg. 

Gunter, Archibald Clavering. 

18 . A writer of popular sensa^ 

tional romances quite destitute of liter- 



ary merit. Mr. Barnes of New York ; 
Mr. Potter of Texas ; The First of the 
English ; The Ladies' Juggernaut. 
Gurowski, Adam. Po., 1805-1866. 
A Polish count who came to the United 
States in 1849, and was employed as a 
translator in the state department at 
Washington. La CivOisation et la Rus- 
sie ; Pens^es sur I'Avenir des Polonais ; 
Aus meinem Gedankeiibuche ; Eine 
Tour durch Belgien ; Impressions et 
Souvenirs ; Die letzen Ereignisse in den 
drei Theilen des alten Polen ; Le Pan- 
slavisme ; Russia as It Is ; The Turkish 
Question ; A Year of the War (1855) ; 
America and Europe ; Slavery in His- 
tory ; My Diary, 1861-66. 

Gurteen, Stephen Humphreys 
VilUers. E., 1840 . An Episco- 
pal clergyman of Buffalo, Toledo, and 
elsewhere, prominent as an organizer of 
charities. Phases of Charity; Provi- 
dent Schemes ; What is Charity Organ- 
ization ; How Paupers are Made ; Casu- 
istry ; The Arthurian Epic ; Epic of the 
Fall of Man. Put. 

Gustafson, Axel. " Carl Johan.'' 

Sn., u. 1847 . A Swedish writer 

who came to the United States in 1868, 
and has published The Foundation of 
Death : a Study of The Drink Question ; 
Tlie Drink Problem ; Some Thoughts 
on Moderation. Fu. 

Gustafson, Mrs. Zadel [Barnes] 

[Buddington]. Ct., 1841 . Wife 

of A. Gustafson, supra. Meg : a Pas- 
toral, and Other Poems ; Can the Old 
Love ? a novel ; Genevieve Ward, a 
Biography. Le. 

Gutheim, James Koppel. Wa., 
1817-1886. A Jewish clergyman of 
New Orleans who published The Tem- 
ple Pulpit, a volume of sermons ; and 
a translation of Gratz's History of the 

Guyot [ge-o'], Arnold Henry. Sd., 
1807-1884. A geographer of distinc- 
tion who came to America in 1849, and 
from 1854 until his death was profes- 
sor of geography at Princeton College. 
He was the founder of the Princeton 
Museum. Earth and Man ; Creation, 
or the Biblical Cosmogony in the Light 
of Modern Science : Physical Geogra- 
phy ; Social Economy. See Memoir by 
J. A. Dana, supra. Scr. 




Habberton, John. X. I., 1842 . 

A journalist of New York city whose 
first book, Helen's Babies, enjoyed a 
popularity out of all proportion to its 
literary merit. His subsequent writ- 
ings include Other People's Children ; 
The Barton Experiment ; The Jericho 
Road ; Who was Paul Grayson ? ; The 
Scripture Club of Valley Rest ; The 
Bowsham Puzzle ; Brueton's Bayon ; 
Country Luck ; Grown-Up Babies ; 
Life of Washington ; Some Folks ; 
My Mother-in-Law ; Mrs. Maybum's 
Twins ; The Worst Boy in Town ; The 
Chautauquans ; All He Knew ; Honey 
and Gall ; The Lucky Lover. Fl. Fu. 
Har. Ho. Lip. 

Habersham, Alexander Wylly. 
N. Y., 1826-1883. A naval officer 
who in later life was a tea merchant in 
Japan, and the author of My Last 
Cruise, an Account of the United States 
North Pacific Exploring Expedition. 

Hackett, Horatio Balch. Ifs., 1808- 
187-5. A Baptist clergyman, professor 
at Newton Seminary, Massachusetts, 
18.39-70, and from 1870 tUl his death 
professor in Rochester Seminary, New 
York. He was one of the American 
Revisers of the Bible, and editor of 
Smith's Bible Dictionary. A Com- 
mentary on the Original Text of the 
Acts of the Apostles is his chief work. 
Others are, Memorials of Christian Men 
in the War ; Illustrations of Scripture 
by a Tour in the Holy Land. See 
Memorials of, 1S76. 

Hackett, James Henry. N. Y., 
1800-1871. A popular actor, noted 
for his impersonation of Falstaff. 
Notes and Comments on Shakespeare. 

Haokley, Charles 'William, 3808- 
1861. An Episcopal clergyman who 
was professor of mathematics at Co- 
lumbia College from 1843 until his 
death. Treatise on Algebra ; Elemen- 
tary Course in Geometry ; Elements of 

Haddock, Charles Briokett. N. 
S., 1796-1861. Nephew of D. Web- 
ster, infra. A professor of rhetoric 
at Dartmouth College, 1819-50, and 
charge d'affaires in Portugal, 18.50-54. 
He originated the railway system of 

New Hampshire, and also the system 
of common schools in that State. His 
Addresses and Miscellaneous Writings 
appeared in 1840. 

Hadley, Arthur Twining, tt., 1856- 

. Son of J. Hadley, infra. A 

professor of political science at Yale 
University from 1880. Private Pro- 
perty and Public Welfare ; RaUroad 
Transportation, its History and Laws; 
Report on the System of Weekly Pay- 
ments. Fut. 

Hadley, James. N. Y., 1821-1872. 
A philologist who was Greek professor 
at Yale University, 1848-72. Lectures 
on Roman Law ; A Greek Grammar ; 
Elements of the Greek Language ; Es- 
says, Philological and Critical ; Brief 
History of the English Language. See 
The New Fnglander, January, 187S, 

Hageman, Samuel Miller. N. J., 

1848 . Grandson of S. Miller, 

infra. A Presbyterian clergyman who 
has published Once, a novel; and 
several volumes of poems, including 
Vesper Voices ; Greenwood, and Other 
Poems ; Silence ; Saint Paul. 

Hagen, Hermann August. P., 1817- 
1893. An entomologist of prominence 
who came to Cambridge from Konigs- 
berg in 1870, and was professor of 
comparative zoology at Harvard Uni- 
versity. Catalogue of Neuropterous 
Insects in the British Museum ; Synop- 
sis of the Neuroptera of North Amer- 
ica ; North American Astacidse ; Some 
Insect Deformities. 

Hagen, Theodor von. G., 1823-1871. 
A musician who came to New York 
city from Germany in 1854. Civihsa- 
tion nnd Musik; Musikalisehe Novel- 

Hager, Albert David. Vt., 1817- 
. A geologist, since 1877 libra- 
rian of the Chicago Historical Society. 
Geology of Vermont (with C. H. Hitch- 
cock, infra) ; Economic Geology, of 

Hager, Mrs. Lucie Caroline [Gil- 
son]. Ms., 1853 . A Massaehu- 

setts writer who has published Box- 
borough, a New England Town and its 

Hagert, Henry Schell. Pa., 1826- 
1885. A noted nisi prius lawyer of 




Philadelphia. Poems, with Memoir by 
C. A. Lagen (18S6). 

Hague, Arnold. Ms., 1840 . Son 

of W. Hague, infra. A geologist in 
the government service. .Volcanoes of 
California, Oregon, and Washington; 
Volcanic Rocks of the Great Basin; 
Nevada, with Notes on the Geology of 
the District ; Volcanic Rocks of Sal- 
vador ; Crystallization in the Igneous 
Rocks of Washoe. 

Hague, James Duncan. Ms., 1836- 

. Son of W. Hague, infra. An 

engineer attached to the United States 
Geological Survey who has published a 
work on Mining Industry. 

Hague, Mrs. Parthenia Antoinette 

[Vardaman]. Ga., 1838 . A 

Florida writer. A Blockaded Family ; 
Life in Southern Alabama during the 
Civil War. Hou. 

Hague, ■WUliam. N. I'., 1808-1887. 
A Baptist clergyman of Boston and 
elsewhere. Christianity and States- 
manship ; The Baptist Church Trans- 
planted from the Old World to the 
New ; Guide to Conversion ; Home 
Life ; Authority of the Christian Sab- 
hath ; Self -Witnessing Character of the 
New Testament ; Ralph Waldo Emer- 
son ; Life Notes, or Fifty Years' Out- 
look. Le. 

Haldeman [h51'de-man], Samuel 
Stehman. Pa., 1812-1880. A pro- 
fessor of comparative philology in the 
University of Pennsylvania, 1869-81. 
Zoological Contributions ; Analytical 
Orthography ; Word-Btiilding ; Tours 
of a Chess Knight ; Elements of Latin 
Pronunciation ; Pennsylvania Dutch ; 
Outlines of Etymology ; Affixes in 
their Origin and Application ; Rhymes 
of the Poets. Lip. 

Hale, Benjamin. Ms., 1797-1863. 
An Episcopal clergyman and educator, 
president of Hobart College, Geneva, 
New York, 1836-58. Introduction to 
the Mechanical Principles of Carpen- 
try ; Scriptural Illustrations of the 
Liturgy ; Education in its Relations to 
a Free Government ; Historical Notices 
of Geneva College (1849). See Life of, 
by Malcolm Douglass, 1883. 

Hale, Charles Reuben. Fa., 1837- 
. The Protestant Episcopal co- 
adjutor bishop of Springfield, Illinois, 

with the title of Bishop of Cairo. 
The Mozarabic Liturgy ; The Universal 
Episcopate ; Speeches and Addresses. 

Hale, Edward Everett. Ms., 1822- 
. A prominent Unitarian clergy- 
man of Boston, widely known as a 
writer, whose literary activity covers a 
wide iield. Since 1856 he has been 
pastor of the South Congregational 
Church, and his influence in civic life 
has been extensive. As » writer of 
short stories he will, perhaps, be longest 
remembered, his work in this direction 
including The Man Without a Country ; 
Ten Times One is Ten ; In His Name ; 
Mrs. Merriam's Scholars; His Level 
Best ; The Ingham Papers ; Four and 
Five ; Crusoe in New York ; Christmas 
Eve and Christmas Day ; Christmas 
in Narragansett ; Our Christmas in a 
Palace. Longer essays in fiction are, 
Margaret Percival in America; Mr. 
Tangier's Vacations ; Ups and Downs ; 
Philip Nolan's Friends ; The Fortunes 
of Rachel. Other works of his are. 
Sketches in Christian History ; Kansas 
and Nebraska ; How To Do It ; What 
Career ? ; Gone to Texas ; Seven Span- 
ish Cities ; June to May, a collection 
of sermons ; Boys' Heroes ; The Story 
of Massachusetts; Sybaris and Other 
Homes ; Sunday-School Stories on the 
Golden Texts of 1889; For Fifty Years, 
a collection of poems ; A New England 
Boyhood, an a.utobiographic work ; 
Chautauquan History of the United 
States ; If Jesus Came to Boston. See 
Vedder's American Writers. See, also. 
Hale, Susan. A. U. A. Cas. Fu. Lam. 
Fob. Scr. 

Hale, Edwin Moses. N. H., 1826- 

. Nephew of Mrs. Sarah Hale, 

infra. A Chicago physician, professor 
in the Homoeopathic College. Pocket 
Manual of Domestic Practice ; Homceo- 
pathie Materia Medica ; Treatment of 
Diseases of Women ; Treatise on Cere- 
bro-Spinal Meningitis. 

Hale, Enoch. Ks., 1790-1848. A phy- 
sician in Boston, and a nephew of the 
patriot Nathan Hale. History of the 
Spotted Fever at Gardiner, Maine, in 
1814; Typhoid Fever. 

Hale, Horatio. iJ. I., 1817-1896. Sou 
of Mrs. Sarah Hale, infra. A lawyer 
and ethnologist of prominence who 
lived in Clinton, Ontario, from 1856. 




Ethnology and Philology ; Indian Mi- 
grations as Evidenced by Language ; 
Report on the Blackfeet Tribes. He 
has edited the Iroquois Book of Rites. 

Hale, Lucretia Peabody. Ms., 1820- 

. Sister of E. E. Hale, supra. A 

writer "who is best known by her hu- 
mourous juvenile books. The Peterkin 
Papers ; The Last of the Peterkins. 
Her other works comprise The Lord's 
Supper and its Observance ; The Ser- 
vice of Sorrow ; Sunday-School Stories 
for Little Children; Fagots for the 
Fireside, a collection of games ; The 
Struggle for Life, a Story of Home ; 
Art Needle Work ; An Uncloseted 
Skeleton (with E. L. Bynner, supra) ; 
The New Harry and Lucy (with E. E. 
Hale). Hou. Bob. 

Hale, Robert Beverly. Ms., 1869- 
1895. Son of E. E. Hale, supra. Elsie 
and Other Poems ; Six Stories and Some 

Hale, Salma. N. H., 1787-1866. Bro- 
ther-in-law of Mrs. Sarah Hale, infra. 
A New Hampshire jurist who repre- 
sented his State in Congress in 1816. 
History of the United States ; Annals 
of the Town of Keene. Har. 

Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha [Buell]. 
N. H., 1788-1879. A once well-known 
writer of Philadelphia who was editor 
of The Lady's Book for forty years. 
It was largely through her influence 
that Thanksgiving became a national 
festival. Among her numerous books 
Woman's Record, a large biographical 
and critical work, is the most impor- 
tant. Others are. The Genius of Ob- 
livion, and Other Poems ; Northwood, a. 
novel ; Sketches of American Charac- 
ter ; Traits of American Life ; Flora's 
Interpreter ; The Way to Live Well ; 
Grosvenor, a Tragedy ; Manners, or 
Happy Homes ; Love, or Woman's 
Destiny, with Other Poems ; The White 
Veil ; The Judge, a. drama ; Three 
Hours, or the Vigil of Love ; Harry 
Gray, a Sea Story ; Alice Ray, a Ro- 
mance in Rhyme. She also edited 
cookery books, compilations, annuals, 
and the letters of Madame de S^vign^ 
and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. See 
Allibone^s Dictionary. Har. 

Hale. Susan. Ms., 1838 -. Sister 

of E. E. Hale, supra, and co-author 
with him of the Family Flight series of 

travels for young people. She has also 
published The Life and Letters of Tho- 
mas Gold Appleton, supra. Ap. Lo. Rob. 

Hall, Abraham Oakey. N.Y., 1826- 

. A once prominent Tammany 

politician of New York city, of which he 
was at one time mayor. He was sub- 
sequently on the staff of The World, 
but for many years has lived in Europe. 
The Manhattaner in New Orleans ; The 
Congressman's Christmas Dream ; Bal- 
lads ; Old Whitey's Christmas Trot, a 
story for the holidays. Har. 

Hall, Arethusa. Ms., 1802-1891. An 
educator in New England, and subse- 
quently in the Packer Institute, Brook- 
lyn. The poet Whittier was one of her 
early pupils. Manual of Morals ; Life 
of Sylvester Judd ; Memorials of S. 
Judd, Senior; Thoughts of Pascal, a 
translation. See Memorial of, edited by 
F. E. Abbot, 1892. 

Hall, Arthur Craisrshay Allston. 

E., 1847 . The third Protestant 

Episcopal bishop of Vermont. He was 
for many years in charge of the mission 
of the Cowley Fathers in Boston. Con- 
fession and the Lambeth Conference; 
Meditations on the Creed ; Meditations 
on the Collects ; The Example of the 

Hall, Baynard Rust. Fa., 1798- 
1863. An educator of New Jersey and 
New York. A Latin Grammar; The 
New Purchase of Life in the Far West, 
long a very popular book ; Something 
for Everybody ; Teaching a Science ; 
The Teacher an Artist; Frank Free- 
man's Barber's Shop. 

Hall, Benjamin Franklin. JV. Y., 

1814-1891. A New York jurist, chief 
justice of Colorado, 1861-64. The Land 
Owner's Manual ; The Republican Par- 
ty ; Methodism, its Source and Power. 

Hall, Benjamin Homer. "S. Y., 
1830-1893. Brother of Fitzedward 
Hall, infra. A lawyer of Troy, New 
York. College Words and Customs; 
History of Eastern Vermont ; Biblio- 
graphy of the United States : Vermont. 

Hall, Charles Cuthbert. iV.Y., 1852- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

New York city, pastor of the First Pres- 
byterian Church, Brooklyn, 1877-97; 
from 1897 president of Union Theo- 
logical Seminary. Does God Send 




Trouble ? ; Into His Marvellous Light ; 
The Children, the Church, and the 
Communion; Qualiiications for Minis- 
terial Power ; The Gospel of the Divine 
Sacrifice. Do. Hou. 

Hall, Charles Francis. N. H., 1821- 
1871. An Arctic explorer. Tlie Are- 
tic Regions ; Life Among the Esqui- 
maux ; Narrative of the Second Arctic 
Expedition. Har, 

Hall, Charles Henry. Ga., 1820- 
181)5. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Brooklyn, rector of Holy Trinity 
Church, 1869-95. Commentaries on the 
Gospel ; Protestant Ritualism ; Spina 
Christi ; The Church of the House- 
hold ; Valley of the Shadow. 

Hall, Charles ■Winslow. 184 . 

A lawyer of Minnesota. Arctic Rov- 
ings ; Twice Taken ; Adrift in the Ice- 
Fields ; Drifting Around the World. 

Hall, Christopher "W. Vt., 1845- 
. A professor of geology and min- 
eralogy in the University of Minnesota, 
at Minneapolis, from 1878, and dean of 
the College of Engineering, Metallurgy, 
and Mechanic Arts. He has written 
many valuable professional papers, and 
a History of the University of Minne- 

Hall, Edward Henry. O., 1831- 

. Son of Mrs. Louisa Hall, infra. 

A Unitarian clergyman of Worcester, 
and subsequently of Cambridge. Or- 
thodoxy and Heresy in the Christian 
Church ; Lessons on the Life of Saint 
Paul ; Discoiirses. A. U. A. EL 

Hall, Edwin. N. Y., 1802-1877. A 
Congregational clergyman, professor of 
theology in Auburn Seminary, 1854-77. 
The Law of Baptism ; The Puritans 
and their Principles ; Historical Rec- 
ords of Norwalk; Shorter Catechism 
with Proofs. 

Hall, Fitzedward. N. Y., 1825 . 

A philologist of distinction who was 
inspector of schools in India, 1846-62, 
and in the latter year became professor 
of Sanskrit in King's College, London. 
Recent Exemplifications of False Phi- 
lology ; Modern English ; English Ad- 
jectives in -able with Special Reference 
to Reliable ; Lectures on the NySya 
Philosophy ; and several works in San- 
skrit. Scr. 

Hall, Mrs. Florence [Howe]. Ms., 

1845 . Daughter of Mrs. J. W. 

Howe, infra, A writer of Plainfield, 
New Jersey. Social Customs ; The Cor- 
rect Tiling in Good Society. Est. 

Hall, Frederick. Fi., 1780-1S43. An 
educator who was professor of chemis- 
try in Columbian College, Washington, 
at the time of his death. He published 
Letters from the East and from the 

Hall, Gertrude. 186 . A Boston 

writer of short stories and poems. Far 
From To-Day, a collection of strikingly 
original stories ; Allegretto, a volume 
of verse ; Foam of the Sea, and Other 
Tales ; Verses. Bob. 

Hall, Granville Stanley. J(fs.,1845- 

. An educator of note, president 

of Clark University, Worcester, Massa- 
chusetts, from 1888. Aspects of German 
Culture ; Hints Toward a Bibliography 
of Education (with J. M. Mansfield) ; 
How to Teach Reading. 

Hall, Harrison. Md., 178.5-1866. Son 
of Mrs. Sarah Hall, infra. A scientist 
of Philadelphia who in 1815 published 
a work on Distillation that was much 
commended in its day. 

Hall, Hiland. Vt., 179.5-lSS,'i. A jurist 
of Vermont and governor of that State, 
1S58-60, who wrote a History of Ver- 
mont to 1791. 

Hall, Isaac Hollister. Ct., 1837- 
1896. Son of E. Hall, supra. A lawyer 
and Oriental scholar, lecturer on New 
Testament Greek in Johns Hopkins 
University, 1884-96. He published 
American Greek Testaments, a critical 

Hall, James. Pa., 1744-1826. A Pres- 
byterian clergyman in the Southern 
States. Narrative of a Most Extraor- 
dinary Work of Religion in North Caro- 
lina ; Missionary Tour through the Mis- 
sissippi and Southwest Country. 

Hall, James. Pa., 179.3-1868. Son 
of Mrs. Sarah Hall, infra. Letters 
from the West ; Legends of the West ; 
Tales of the Border ; Sketches of the 
West; Notes on the Western States; 
Life of General Harrison ; History of 
the Indian Tribes (with McKinney) ; 
The WUderness and the War Path; 
The Harpe's Head, a Legend of Ken- 
tucky; Romance of Western History. 




See AUibone's Dictionary ; Bibliogra2}hy 
of Ohio. Clke. 

Hall, James. i¥s., 1811 . A pale- 
ontologist of distinction, professor of 
geology at the Troy Polytechnic School 
from lS3(i, and State geologist of 
New York from lSo7. Geology of the 
Fourth District of New York ; Paleon- 
tology of New York; Geological Sur- 
vey of Wisconsin ; and many scientific 

Hall, John. Pa., 1806-1894. A Pres- 
byterian clergyman, pastor of the First 
Church in Trenton, New Jersey, from 
1841, among whose writings are, Trans- 
lation of Milton's Latin Letters ; His- 
tory of the Presbyterian Church in 
Trenton ; Forty Years' Familiar Letters 
of James W. Alexander, supra ; Sab- 
bath-School Theology. 

Hall, John. /., 1829 . A Pres- 
byterian clergyman who came from 
Dublin to America in 1867, and became 
pastor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyte- 
rian Church in New York city. All the 
Way Across ; The Chief End of Man ; 
Familiar Talks to Boys ; Questions of 
the Day ; God's Word through Preach- 
ing ; A Christian Home ; Foundation 
Stones for Young Builders, include his 
principal writings. Bar. Man. 

Hall, John Elihu. Pa., 1783-1820. 
Son of Mrs. Sarah Hall, infra. A law- 
yer and author of Philadelphia who 
edited The Portfolio, 1817-27. Me- 
moirs of Eminent Persons ; Practice 
and Jurisdiction of the Court of Ad- 
miralty ; Life of Dr. John Shaw ; Tracts 
on Constitutional Law. See A. H. 
SmytVs Philadelphia Magazines, 1892. 

Hall, Mrs. Louisa Jane [Park]. 
Ms., 1802-1892. A writer of Provi- 
dence. Miriam, a dramatic poem ; Jo- 
anna of Naples, a tale ; Life of Eliza- 
beth Carter. See GriswoUVs Female 
Poets of America. 

Hall. Samuel Read. N. H., 179.'')- 
1877. An educator of Vermont who 
organized the first training-school for 
teachers in the United States. The 
Instructor's Manual ; Lectures on Edu- 
cation ; Geography for Children. 

Hall, Mrs. Sarah [Ewing]. Pa., 
1761-1s:OT. a PhUadelphia writer well 
known at one time as the author of 
Conversations on the Bible. Selections 

from her work were published in 18.^3, 
with Memoir by Harrison Hall, supra. 
Hall, Thomas Mifflin. Pa., 17ii8- 
1828. A Philadelphia litterateur. Son 
of Mrs. Sarah Hall, supra. 

Hall, William Whitty. Ky., 1810- 
1876. A physician of New York city, 
the founder of Hall's Journal of Health. 
Health and Good Living ; Health and 
Disease as Affected by Constipation ; 
Fun Better than Physic ; Consumption ; 
Sleep ; Guide-Board to Health ; Coughs 
and Colds ; Health at Home ; How to 
Live Long; Dyspepsia; Treatise on 
Cholera ; Bronchitis and Kindred Dis- 
eases. Ilou. 

Hallam, Robert Alexander. Cl., 
1807-1877. An Episcopal clergyman 
who was rector of St. James's Chnrch, 
New London, Connecticut, from 1S3.5 
till his death. Lectures on the Morn- 
ing Prayer ; Lectures on Moses ; Sove- 
reigns of Judah ; Sermons ; Annals of 
St. James's. 

Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Ct., 1790- 
1867. A poet who was for many years 
a clerk in a New York banking-house, 
and subsequently confidential adviser 
to John Jacob Astor. His verse has 
grace and sweetness, but is wanting in 
positive qualities, and has already large- 
ly passed out of remembrance. Marco 
Bozzaris is his most famous poem. Fan- 
ny ; Alnwick Castle, and Other Poems. 
See Life and Letters, by Grant Wilson ; 
LoweWs Fable for Critics ; Bryant and 
his Friends ; Ajypleton's American Bio- 
graphy. Ap. (Jr. 

Halleck, Henry "Wager. N. Y., 

1816-1872. A major-general who was 
general-in-chief of the armies of the 
United States, 1862-64. Bitumen, ite 
Varieties, Properties, and Uses; Min- 
ing Laws of Spain and Mexico ; Ele- 
ments of International Law (1866) ; 
Treatise on International Law (1861) ; 
Elements of Military Art and Science. 
See Appleton's American Biography. 
Halliday, Samuel Byram. N. J., 
1812 . A Congregational clergy- 
man of Brooklyn, assistant of Henry 
Ward Beecher at Plymouth Church for 
nearly twenty years. The Little Street 
Sweeper ; The Lost and Found, or Life 
Among the Poor ; Winning Souls ; The 


Church in America and Its Baptisms of 
Fire (with D. S. Gregory, supra). Fu. 

Hallock, Charles. N. Y., lSo4 . 

A journalist of New York city, founder 
of Forest and Stream. The Fishing 
Tourist; Camp Life in Florida; Tlie 
Sportsman's Gazetteer ; Our New Alas- 
ka. Har. 

Hallock, Mrs. JuUa Isabel [Sher- 
man]. Ct, 1846 . A Connecti- 
cut writer. Broken Notes from a Gray 
Nurmery, a study of country life. Le. 

Hallock, Mrs. Mary Angelina 

[Ray] [Lathrop]. Ms., 1810 . 

Wife of W. A. Hallock, infra. A writ- 
er of Sunday-school books, including 
That Sweet Story of Old ; Child's His- 
tory of the Fall of Jerusalem ; Child's 
Life of Daniel ; The Story of Moses ; 
Bethlehem and her Children ; Beasts 
and Birds ; ChOd's History of Solomon ; 
Life of the Apostle Paul. 

Hallock, William AUen. Ms., 1794^ 
1880. A Congregational clergyman, 
secretary of the American Tract Soci- 
ety, 182.5-70. Life of Harlan Page ; 
Moses Hallock; Justin Edwards, supra, 
and several very popular tracts. 

Hallow^ell, Richard Price. Pa., 
183-5 . A wool merchant of Bos- 
ton who has written The Quaker Inva- 
sion of Massachusetts ; The Pioneer 
Quakers. Uou. 

Halpine, Charles Graham. " Miles 
O'ReiUy." l, 1829-1868. A journal- 
ist of New York city who came to Amer- 
ica in 1852 and served during the Civil 
War as a colonel in the Federal army. 
Lyrics ; Poems ; Miles O'Eeilly Papers ; 
Life and Adventures of Private Miles 
O'Reilly ; Baked Meats of the Funeral. 
His Poetical Works, edited by E. B. 
Roosevelt, infra, appeared in 1869. 
See Dictionary of National Biography, 
vol. 24 ; Appleton^s American Biography. 

Halsey, Leroy Jones. Va., 1812- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman, from 

1859 professor in Chicago iTheological 
Seminary. The Literary Attractions 
of the Bible ; The Life and Pictures of 
the Bible ; The Beauty of Emmanuel ; 
Living Christianity; Scotland's Influ- 
ence on Civilization. 

Halstead, Murat. O., 1829 . A 

journalist of note, editor and proprietor 


of The Commercial of Cincinnati, and 
since 1890 of The Standard Union, 
Brooklyn. Caucuses of 1860 ; Life of 
William McKinley. 

Halsted, Byron David. N. Y., 

1852 . An agricultural writer, 

since 1884 professor of botany in Iowa 
Agricultural College. A Century of 
American Weeds ; The Vegetable Gar- 
den ; Farm Conveniences ; Household 

Halsted, George Bruce. N. J., 
1853— . Grandson of O. S. Hal- 
sted, infra. A professor of mathe- 
matics in the University of Texas from 
1887, and a mathematician of promi- 
nence. Metrical Geometry, a Treatise 
on Mensuration ; Elements of Geome- 
try ; Synthetic Geometry ; Number, 
Discrete and Continuous. See Biblio- 
graphy of Texas. Gi. Wil. 

Halsted, Oliver Spencer. iV^. J., 

1792-1877. A jurist of Newark, New 
Jersey. The Theology of the Bible ; 
The Book called Job. 

Ham, Charles Henry. N. H., 1831- 
. A lawyer and journalist of Chi- 
cago. Manual Training : the Solution 
of Social and Industrial Problems. 

Ham, Marion Franklin. O., 1867- 

. A verse-writer of Chattanooga. 

The Golden Shuttle, and Other Po- 

Hamersley, Leiwis Randolph. D. 

C, 1847 . A lieutenant in the 

United States marine corps. Records 
of Living Officers of the United States 
Navy and Marine Corps (1890) ; Naval 

Hamilton, Alexander. W. I., 1757- 
1804. A statesman who ranks as the 
ablest political writer of his day in 
America. In 1789 he became the first 
secretary of the United States Trea- 
sury, and his first Report on the Public 
Credit was one of the most notable of 
national state papers. He was the 
principal contributor to The Federal- 
ist, 51 of its 85 articles being by him 
alone, and he assisted Washington in 
preparing the latter' s Farewell Ad- 
dress. See Complete Works, inrluding 
The Federalist, edited by H. C. Lodge, 
infra, 1885 ; Lives, by Williams, 1804 ; 
J. C. Hamilton, infra, I84O ; BenwicJc, 




1841; Smucker, 1856; J. T. Morse, Jr., 
1876 ; Shea, 1879; Lodge, 1882; Ham- 
ilton and his Contemporaries, Richtmuel- 
ler ; Shea's Historical Study of Ham- 
ilton ; Bihliotheca Hamiltoniana, Ford, 
1886. Ap. Put. 

Hamilton, Alice King. 18 . 

A novelist. Mildred's Cadet ; One of 
the Duanes. Lip. 

Hamilton, Allen MoLane. N. Y., 

1828 . A physician of New York 

city. Clinical Electro - Therapeutics ; 
Nervous Diseases ; Medical Jurispru- 
dence ; Types of Insanity ; The Modern 
Treatment of Headaches. Ap. 

Hamilton, Edward John. I., 1834- 
. A Preshyterian clerg-yman, pro- 
fessor of philosophy in the State Uni- 
versity of Washington. The general 
system of philosophy advocated by him 
is best defined by the term Perception- 
al. The Human Mind ; Mental Sci- 
ence ; The Modalist, or the Laws of 
Rational Thought ; A New Analysis in 
Fundamental Modes, a short treatise in 
ethics. Gi. 

Hamilton, Frank Hastings. Vt., 
1813-1886. A distinguished surgeon of 
New York city, for many years profes- 
sor in Bellevue Hospital. Strabismus ; 
Fraetiu^es and Dislocations ; Military 
Surgery ; Principles and Practice of 
Surgery ; Surgical Memories of the 
War of the Rebellion. 

Hamilton, Gail. See Lodge, Abigail. 

Hamilton, James Alexander. N. 

Y., 1788-1878. Third son of A. Ham- 
ilton, supra. A lawyer of New York 
city. Reminiscences during Three 
Quarters of a Century; Martin Van 
Buren's Calumnies Repudiated. 

Hamilton, John Church. Pa., 1792- 
1882. The fourth son of A. HamUton, 
supra. A lawyer in New York city. 
Memoirs of Alexander Hamilton ; His- 
tory of the Republic ; The Prairie 
Province. He edited his father's 

Hamilton, John William. W. Va., 

1845 . A Methodist clergyman 

who founded the People's Church in 
Boston. Memorials of Jesse Lee ; Lives 
of the Methodist Bishops ; People's 
Church Pulpit. 

Hamilton, Kate Waterman. " Flee- 
ta." N. Y., 18 . An Illinois 

writer of Sunday-school and other 
fictions. Among them are. The Old 
Brown House ; Frederick Gordon ; 
Wood, Hay, and Stubble ; Rachel's 
Share of the Road, a Novel ; The Par- 
son's Proxy. Hou. 

Hamilton, Robert S . 18 — 

. Present Status of Social Sci- 
ence ; Present Status of the Philoso- 
phy of Society. 

Hamilton, Schuyler. N. Y., 1822- 

. Son of J. C. Hamilton, supra. 

A major-general in the Federal army 
during the Civil War. History of the 
American Flag ; Our National Flag, 

Hamlin, Alfred D wight Poster. 

Ty., 1855 . Son of Cyrus Hamlin, 

infra. An architect, professor of archi- 
tecture in Columbia College from 1889. 
Handbook of the History of Orna- 

Hamlin, Augustus Choate. Me., 

1829 . A surgeon of Bangor. 

Martyria, or Andersonville Prison ; The 
Tourmaline ; Leisure Hours Among the 
Gems. Hou. 

Hamlin, Charles. Me., 1837 . 

Cousin of A. C. Hamlin, and son of 
Hannibal Hamlin, who was vice-presi- 
dent of the United States, 1861-65. He 
was an officer in the Federal army dur- 
ing the Civil War, and has published 
The Insolvent Laws of Maine. 

Hamlin, Cyrus. Me., 1811 . A 

Congregationalist missionary in Tur- 
key, 1837-60, president of Robert Col- 
lege, Constantinople, 1860-76, and of 
Middlebury College, Vermont, 1880-85. 
Papists and Protestants; Arithmetic 
for Americans ; Cholera and Its Treat- 
ment ; Among the Turks ; My Life and 
Times (1893). C. P. S. 

Hamlin, Teunis Slingerland. N. 
Y., 1847 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman of Washington. Denomination- 
alism versus Christian Union. Rev. 

Hamline, Leonidas Lent. Ct., 1797- 
1865. A Methodist bishop prominent 
in Ohio. Sermons; Works, edited by 
F. G. Hibbard. 

Hammett, Samuel A . "Philip 

Paxton." Ct., 1816-1865. A journal- 
ist of New York city. A Stray Yan- 
kee in Texas ; The Wonderful Adven- 
tures of Captain Priest, are among his 


Hammond, Anthony. 18 . 

Law of Nisi Prius ; Parties to Actions ;' 
Principles of Pleading ; Reports in 
Equity ; Criminal Code : Forgery ; Prac- 
tice and Proceedings in Parliament ; 
Index to Tennessee Reports ; Criminal 
Code : Simple Larceny. 

Hammond, Edward Payson. Ms., 

1831 . A noted evangelist who 

has been a prolific author of religious 
books and tracts. Among his hundred 
or more publications are. Good Will to 
Men ; Sketches of Palestine ; The Con- 
version of Children ; Gathered Lambs. 
See Beaper and Harvest, by P. C. Head- 
ley, infra. Fu. Rev. 

Hammond, Mrs. Henrietta [Har- 
dy]. "Henri Dang^." Va., 18.54^ 
1883. A Southern writer of fiction. 
The Georgians; A Fair Philosopher; 
Her Waiting Heart ; Woman's Secrets, 
or How to be Beautiful. Hou. 

Hammond, Jabez D. Ms., 1778-1855. 
A jurist of New York State. The Po- 
litical History of New York ; Life of 
Julius Melbourn ; Life of Silas Wright ; 
Evidence of the Immortality of the 

Hammond, James Henry. S. C, 
1807-1864. A South Carolina politi- 
cian, governor of his State, 1842-47, 
and United States Senator, 1857-60. 
Owing to a speech of his in Congress in 
which the term " mudsills " was used, 
he was afterwards known as " Mudsill 
Hammond." He published The Pro- 
Slavery Argument. 

Hammond, Marcus Claudius 
Marcellus. S. C, 1814-1876. Bro- 
ther of J. H. Hammond, supra. A 
United States army officer whose home 
was in South Carolina, and who pub- 
lished A Critical History of the Mexi- 
can War. 

Hammond, 'William Alexander. 

Md., 1828 . An eminent physician 

of New York city, surgeon-general of 
the United States army, 1862-64 ; now 
on the retired list as brigadier-general 
and surgeon-general. His medical writ- 
ings include Military Hygiene ; Phy- 
siological Essays; Sleep and its De- 
rangements ; Nervous Derangements ; 
Physiological Memoirs ; Lectures on 
Venereal Diseases ; Wakefulness ; In- 
sanity in its Medico-Legal Relations ; 
Physics and Physiology of Spiritual- 



ism ; Diseases of the Nervous System ; 
Insanity and its Medical Relations; 
Sexual Impotence in the Male ; Cere- 
bral Hyperaimia; Neurological Con- 
tributions. His novels include Robert 
Severne; Lai; Dr. Grattan; Mr. Old- 
mixon ; A Strong-Minded Woman ; On 
the Susquehanna. Ap. Lip. 

Hanaford, Mrs. Phebe Ann [Cof- 
fin]. Ms., 1829 . A Universalist 

minister, the first woman to enter the 
ininistry in the Universalist denomina- 
tion. Since 1887 she has been in 
charge of a church at New Haven. 
Life of Abraham Lincoln ; Life of 
George Peabody ; Lucretia the Quaker- 
ess; Leonette, or Truth Sought and 
Found ; The Best of Books and its 
History ; Frank Nelson the Runaway 
Boy; The Soldier's Daughter; Field, 
Gunboat, and Hospital ; Women of the 
Century ; The Captive Boy of Tierra 
del Fuego ; Life of Dickens ; From 
Shore to Shore, and Other Poems. 

Hancock, Anson Uriel. 18 . 

The Genius of Galilee, an historical 
novel ; John Auburntop, Novelist ; 
Old Abraham Jackson, a Nebraska 
Story. Ke. 

Hanson, Edgar Filmore. Me., 1833- 

. Demonology or Spiritualism, 

Ancient and Modem. 

Hanson, John Wesley. Ms., 1823- 
. A Universalist clergyman, pas- 
tor of the Church of the Covenant, 
Chicago, 1869-84. Histories of Dan- 
vers, Norridgewock, and Gardiner, in 
Maine ; Bible Threatenings Explained ; 
Cloud of Witnesses, a compilation ; Aion 
Aionos ; Bible Proofs of Universal Sal- 
vation ; Sermons on the Lord's Prayer ; 
The Leaven at Work ; The New Cove- 
nant, a translation of the New Testa- 

Hapgood, Isabella Florence. Ms., 
1850 . A translator from the Rus- 
sian and French. The Epic Songs of 
Russia ; Russian Rambles ; translations 
of Gogol and Victor Hugo. Hou. Scr. 

Harbaugh [har'haw], Henry. Pa., 
1817-1867. A German Reformed cler- 
gyman of Pennsylvania, professor in 
Mercersburg Seminary, whose principal 
writings include Fathers of the Ger- 
man Reformed Church in Europe and 
America ; The Heavenly Home ; Chris- 




tological Theolog-y; The True Glory 
of Woman ; Heaven, or the Sainted 
Dead ; Birds of the Bible ; The Golden 
Censer ; Union with the Church. 

Harbaugh, Thomas Chalmers. 
Md., 1849 . A popular verse- 
writer of Casstown, Ohio, whose only 
published collection of poenLS is enti- 
tled Maple Leaves. 

Harby, Isaac. S. C, 1788-1828. A 
dramatist of Charleston whose plays 
include Alexander Severus ; The Gor- 
dian Knot ; Alberti. See Life by H. L. 
JfincJcTiei/j IS'29. 

Harby, Mrs. Lee [Cohen]. S. C, 
1849 . A New York writer, for- 
merly of Texas, who has published 
Christmas Before the War. See Sibli- 
ographi/ of Texas. 

Hardee, William Joseph. Ga., 
181.5-187.S. A Confederate general 
who was the author of a well-known 
work on Rifle and Light Infantry Tac- 
tics. See Southern Generals, by W. P. 

Hardie, James. S., c. 17.50-18.32. An 
educator of New York city. Corderii 
CoUoquia ; Epistolary Guide ; Free- 
man's Monitor ; W^onders of Art and 
Nature, especially in America ; Bio- 
graphical Dictionary ; Malignant Fe- 
vers in New York; Viris Illustribus 
Urbis Ronaas ; Description of New 
York City. 

Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. Ms., 
1S47 . A professor of mathema- 
tics at Dartmouth College 1878-93, 
well known both as novelist and mathe- 
matician. Elements of Quaternions ; 
New Methods in Surveying ; Elements 
of Analytic Geometry ; Elements of 
Calculus"; But Yet A Woman ; The 
Wind of Destiny ; Passe Rose ; Joseph 
Hardy Neesima, a biography. See Lon- 
don Academy, June 30, 188S. Gi. Hou. 

Hare, George Bmlen. Pa., 1808- 
1892. Son of R. Hare, infra. An Epis- 
copal clergyman, professor of biblical 
learning in the Philadelphia Divinity 
School from 1852. Christ to Return ; 
Visions and Narratives of the Old 
Testament, a volume of sermons. Dut. 

Hare, John Innes Clark. Pa., 1816- 

. Son of R. Hare, infra. A noted 

Philadelphia jurist. Treatise on Con- 
tracts ; New England Exchequer Re- 

ports; American Constitutional Lav, 

Hare, Robert. Pa., 1781-1858. A 
once prominent Philadelphia scientist 
who made a number of important dis- 
coveries, and contributed frequently 
to scientific journals. Brief View of 
Policy and Resources of the United 
States ; Spiritualism Scientifically De- 
monstrated ; Chemical Apparatus and 
Scientific Manipulations. 

Hargrove, Robert Kenyon. Al, 
1829 . A bishop of the Metho- 
dist Church South from 1882. Laws 
of the Methodist Episcopal Church 
South as Interpreted by the College of 

Hark, J[oseph] Max[imilian]. Pa., 

1849 . A Moravian clergyman and 

educator of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. 
The Unity of Truth in Christianity 
and Evolution. He has translated and 
edited from the German The Chronicon 

Harkey, Sidney Levi. N. C, 1827- 

. A Lutheran clergyman whose 

writings include The Signs of the 
Times ; The Faith Once Dehvered to 
the Saints ; Thorough Education; Ag- 
nosticism ; National Blessings and Dan- 

Harkey, Simon Walcher. N. C, 
1811-1889. A Lutheran clergyman of 
Blinois. True Wisdom Triumphant ; 
Justification by Faith ; The Church's 
Best State, are among his writings. 

Harkness, Albert. Ms., 1822 . 

An educator of Providence, professor 
of Greek in Brown University from 
1855. He has published Complete Latin 
Course for the First Year, and many 
Greek and Latin text-books. 

Harkness, James. S., 1803-1878. A 
Presbyterian clergyman who emigrated 
from Scotland in 1839, and was a pas- 
tor in Jersey City, 1862-78. Messiah's 
Throne and Kingdom was his only pub- 
lished work. 

Harkness, "William. S., 1837 . 

Son of J. Harkness, supra. A mathe- 
matician of distinction who has pub- 
lished Magnetic Observations on the 

Harlan, George Cuvier. Pa., 1835- 

. Son of R. Harlan, infra. A 

Philadelphia physician who has made 




a specialty of diseases of the eye, and 
is the author of Eyesight and How to 
Take Care of It. 

Harlan, Richard. Pa., 1796-1843. 
A physician and naturalist of Philadel- 
phia. Observations oa the Geuus Sala- 
mandra ; Fauna Americana ; American 
Herpetology ; Medical and Physical 

Harland, Henry. " Sidney Luska.'' 

N. Y., 1861 . A novelist of New 

York city who removed to London, and 
has there edited The Yellow Book. 
Grandison Mather ; Mea Culpa ; As It 
Was Written ; Mrs. Peixada ; The Land 
of Love ; The Yoke of the Thorah ; 
My Uncle Florimond ; Grey Roses. 
Cas. Rob. 

Harland, Marlon. See Terhune, Mrs. 

Harman, Henry Martyn. Md., 1822- 
. A Methodist clergyman, profes- 
sor in Dickinson College, Carlisle, Penn- 
sylvania, from 1870. Journey to Egypt 
and the Holy Land ; Introduction to 
Study of the Scriptures. Meth. 

Harney, John Milton. Del., 1789- 
1825. A Savannah journalist who be- 
came a Dominican monk. He pub- 
lished Crystallina, a fairy tale in verse, 
and his other poems appeared post- 
humously in periodicals. 

Harney, 'Williani 'Wallace. la., 
18.31 . A journalist and verse- 
writer of Florida whose poems have 
appeared in magazines and anthologies, 
but have not been gathered into book 

Harper, Robert Goodloe. Va., 
1765-182.5. A once noted South Caro- 
lina and Maryland statesman. Letters 
on the Proceedings of Congress ; Let- 
ters to Constituents. His Select Works 
appeared in 1814. 

Harper, "Williani Rainey. 0., 1856- 

. A Baptist clergyman, president 

of the University of Chicago. Elements 
of Hebrew ; Elements of Hebrew Syn- 
tax ; Hebrew Vocabularies ; An Intro- 
ductory New Testament, Greek Method 
(with R. F. Weidner). Scr. 

Harrigan, Edward. N. T., 1845- 

. An actor and playwright of 

New York city among whose many 
plays of low life in the metropolis are, 
Squatter Sovereignty ; Cordelia's As- 

Harriman, "Walter. N. H., 1817- 
1884. A New Hampshire politician, 
governor of his state, 1867-68, and dur- 
ing the Civil War a Federal officer. 
History of Warner, New Hampshire ; 
Travels and Observations in the Ori- 
ent. See Life by Amos Hadley. Le. 

Harrington, Mark "Walrod. 11., 

1848 . A scientist, professor of 

astronomy in the University of Michi- 
gan. The Analysis of Plants ; Identi- 
fication of Crude Drugs. 

Harris, Amanda Bartlett. N. H., 

1824 . A writer whose life has 

been mainly spent at her birthplace, 
Warner, New Hampshire. Christ our 
Friend ; Thy Will be Done ; The Duty 
of Uniting with the Church ; Summer's 
Autographs ; How we went Birds'-Nest- 
ing, republished as Field, Wood, and 
Meadow Rambles ; Wild Flowers and 
Where They Grow ; Door-yard Folks 
Pleasant Authors for Young Folks 
American Authors for Young Folks 
The Luck of Edenhall. She has con- 
tributed much to periodical literature, 
and has written reviews for The (Bos- 
ton) Literary World from 1877. Lo. 

Harris, Chapin A . N. Y., 1806- 

1866. A dentist of Baltimore, founder 
of the Baltimore Dental College. Prin- 
ciples of Dental Surgery ; Characteris- 
tics of the Human Teeth ; Diseases 
of the Maxillary Sinus ; Dictionary of 
Dental Science. 

Harris, George. Me., 1844 . A 

Congregational clergyman of Massa- 
chusetts, professor of Christian theo- 
logy in Andover Theological Seminary 
since 188.3, and one of the editors of 
" The Andover Review," 1884-93. Ed- 
itor (with W. J. Tucker and E. K. 
Glezen) of Hymns of the Faith. Author 
of Moral Evolution. Hou. 

Harris, George "Washington. Pa., 
1814-1869. A Tennessee River steam- 
boat captain who contributed humour- 
ous and political articles to newspapers. 
Sut Lovengood's Yarns were published 
in 1867. 

Harris, Joel Chandler. Ga., 1848- 

. An Atlanta journalist, editor of 

The Constitution, celebrated as the au- 
thor of Uncle Remus, a unique charac- 
ter study of the Southern negro as well 
as a notable contribution to the litera- 




ture of folk-lore. His -nTiting-s include 
Uncle Remus : his Songs and his Say- 
ings ; Nights with Uncle Remus ; Un- 
cle Remus and his Friends ; Mingo, 
and Other Sketches in Black and 
White ; Balaam and his Master, and 
Other Sketches ; Little Mr. Thimble- 
finger, a juvenile ; Mr. Rabbit at Home, 
a juvenile ; The Story of Aaron, a ju- 
venile ; Free Joe, and Other Georgian 
Sketches ; Evening Tales, from the 
French of Frederic Ortoli ; Stories of 
Georgia ; Sister Jane, her Friends and 
Acquaintances ; Georgia, from the In- 
vasion of De Soto to Recent Times. 
See Chautauquan, October, lii96. Ap. 
Hon. Scr. 

Harris, Mrs. Miriam [Coles]. L.I., 

1834— . A novelist of New York 

city whose first story, Rutledge, was 
very popular. Later works are, Rich- 
ard Vandermarck ; The Sutherlands ; 
St. Philip's ; Happy-Go-Lucky ; Missy ; 
Frank Warrington ; A Perfect Adonis ; 
Phoibe ; An Utter Failure ; Louie's 
Last Term at St. Mary's ; The Rosary 
for Lent, a compilation. Ap. Hou. 

Harris, Samuel. Me., 1814 . A 

Congregational clergyman, professor of 
systematic theology at Yale University 
from 1871. Zaccheus, or the Scriptural 
Plan of Benevolence ; The Kingdom 
of Christ on Earth ; The Philosophic 
Basis of Theism ; The Self-Revelation 
of God ; Christ's Prayer for the Death 
of His Redeemed ; God : Creator and 
Lord of All. See Andover Meview, Feb- 
ruary, 1SS4: Scr. 

Harris, Samuel Smith. Al, 1841- 
188S. The second Protestant Episcopal 
bishop of Michigan. The Dignity of 
Man ; Christianity and Civil Society ; 
Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immor- 
tality ; Shelton, a novel. Mg. Wh. 

Harris, Thaddeus Mason. Ms., 
1768-1842. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Dorchester from 1793 until his death. 
Discourses in Favor of Freemasonry ; 
Journal of a Tour in the Northwest 
Territory (1805) ; Memorials of the 
First Church at Dorchester ; Biogra- 
phical Memoirs of James Oglethorpe ; 
Natui'al History of the Bible. 

Harris, Thaddeus WUliam. Ms., 
1795-18.56. Son of T. M. Harris, supra. 
An entomologist and physician who was 
librarian of Harvard University from 

1831. He published Systematic Cata- 
logue of the Insects of Massachusetts, 
and a valuable work on Insects Injuri- 
ous to Vegetation. 

Harris, Thomas Lake. E., 1823- 

. A mystical philosopher who 

founded the Brotherhood of the New 
Life, which had its home at Salem-on- 
Erie, near Brocton, New York. He 
has since lived in California. Among 
his writings are included Epics of the 
Starry Heavens ; Modern Spiritualism ; 
Lyric of the Morning Land ; Truth and 
Life in Jesus ; The Millennium Age ; 
Arcana of Christianity ; The Wisdom 
of the Adepts ; God's Breath in Man. 
See Life of Laurence Oliphant, by Mrs. 
M. O. W. Oliphant. 

Harris, William Logan. 0., 1817- 
1887. A Methodist bishop of promi- 
nence as educator and missionary. The 
Powers of the General Conference ; Ec- 
clesiastical Law (with W. J. Henry) ; 
Relation of Episcopacy to the General 
Conference. Metk. 

Harris, William Torrey. Ct., 1835- 

. A speculative philosopher and 

educator of Washington city, a transla- 
tor of Hegel, and editor of The Journal 
of Speculative Philosophy; since 1889 
United States commissioner of educa- 
tion. The Spiritual Sense of Dante's 
Divina Commedia; Method of Study 
of Social Science ; How to Teach Social 
Science ; Hegel's Logic, a critical expo- 
sition ; Introduction to the Study of 
Philosophy. Ap. Hou. Sc. 

Harrison, Mrs. Burton. See Harri- 
son, Mrs. Constance. 

Harrison, Mrs. Constance [Gary]. 
Va., 1835 . A novelist and mis- 
cellaneous writer of New York city. 
Story of Helen Troy ; Woman's Handi- 
work in Modern Homes ; An Edel- 
weiss of the Sierras, and Other Tales ; 
Bar Harbor Days ; The Old-Fashioned 
Fairy Book; Folk and Fairy Tales; 
Anglomania ; An Errant Wooing ; A 
Virginia Cousin ; Bric-a-Brac Stories ; 
A Bachelor Maid ; Sweet Bells Out of 
Tune ; Crow's Nest and Belhaven 
Tales; Externals of Modem New 
York. Bar. Cent. Har. Scr. 

Harrison, Gabriel. Pa., 1825 ;-. 

A Brooklyn dramatist and instructor in 
elocution. Life of John Howard Payne ; 
The Stratford Bust, a Critical Inquiry 




as to its Authenticity ; Melanthia; Dart- 
more, are among his writings. 

Harrison, George Leib. Pa., 1811- 
1885. A philanthropist of Philadel- 
phia. Chapters on Social Science ; 
Legislation on Insanity, a compilation 
of lunacy laws. 

Harrison, G-essner. Va., 1807-1862. 
A once noted educator of Virginia. 
Exposition of some Laws of Greek 
Grammar ; On Greek Prepositions. 

Harrison, Hall. Md., 1837- 


Episcopal clergyman and educator. 
From 186-5 to 1879 he was a master iu 
St. Paul's School at Concord, and since 
the latter date rector of St. John's 
church at Ellicott City, Maryland. Life 
of Hugh Davy Evans, supra ; Life of 
Bishop Kerfoot. 

Harrison, James Albert. Mi., 1848- 

. Au educator in Vii'ginia, since 

1870 a professor of languages at Wash- 
ington and Lee University. Greek 
Vignettes ; Spain in Profile ; The Rhine ; 
French Syntax ; The History of Spain ; 
The Story of Greece ; Autrefois, tales 
of Old New Orleans and Elsewhere ; 
A Group of Poets and Their Haunts ; 
Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry (with 
W. M. BaskervOle) ; Exodus and Dan- 
iel (with T. W. Hunt). Hou. Lip. Lo. 
Mer. Put. 

Harrison, Jonathan Baxter. O., 

1835 . A Unitarian clergyman of 

New Hampshire. Certain Dangerous 
Tendencies in American Life ; The 
Latest Studies on Indian Reservations. 

Harrison, Joseph. Pa., 1810-1874. 
A Philadelphia engineer and inventor, 
from 1843-52 employed in locomotive 
construction hy the Russian govern- 
ment. Essay on the Steam Boiler ; The 
Locomotive Engine and Philadelphia's 
Share in its Early Improvements ; The 
Iron Worker and King Solomon, a 

Harrison, 'Williani Pope. Ga., 1830- 

. A prominent clergyman of the 

Methodist Church South. Theophilus 
Walton, a controversial work ; Lights 
and Shadows of Forty Years ; The Liv- 
ing Christ ; The High Churchman Dis- 
armed ; Methodist Union ; The Gospel 
among the Slaves. 

Harrisse [har-es'], Henri. P., 1830- 

. A hibliographer of New York 

city, of French birth, but long a citi- 
zen of the United States. Bibliotheoa 
Americana Vetustissima ; Christophe 
Colonibe ; Jean et Sebastian Cabot ; 
The Discovery of North America. Do. 

Harsha, David Addison. N. Y., 

1827 . A writer iu Argyle, New 

York. The Heavenly Token; The 
Star of Bethlehem ; Manual of Sacred 
Literature ; Lives of Charles Sumner, 
Doddridge, Baxter, Bunyan, Addison, 
James Hervey, Watts, Whitefield, 
Abraham Booth ; Eminent Orators and 
Statesmen. Co. 

Hart, Albert Bushnell. Pa., 1854- 
. A professor of history in Har- 
vard University. Coercive Powers of 
the United States Government ; Intro- 
duction to the Study of Federal Gov- 
ernment ; Formation of the Union, 
1750-1829 ; Studies in Education ; Life 
of Salmon Chase; Practical Essays 
on American Government. Fl. Hou. 

Hart, Charles Henry. Pa., 1847- 

. A lawyer and antiquarian of 

Philadelphia. Memoir of W. H. Pres- 
cott, infra : Biographical Sketch of 
Abraham Lincoln ; Turner, the Dream 
Painter ; Remarks on Tabasco, Mex- 
ico ; BibHographia Wehsteriana. 

Hart, James Morgan. N. J., 183f>- 

. Son of J, S. Hart, infra. A 

professor of Germanic languages at 
Cornell University from 1868. Hand- 
book of English Composition ; Syllabus 
of Anglo-Saxon Literature ; German 
Universities. Put, 

Hart, John Seely. Ms., 1810-1877. 
An educator of New Jersey who was 
professor of rhetoric at Princeton Col- 
lege, 1872-77. Manuals of English and 
American Literature ; Composition and 
Rhetoric ; In the Schoolroom. 

Hart, Samuel. Ct., 1845 . An 

Episcopal clergyman, professor in Trin- 
ity College from 1868, who has pub- 
lished editions of Juvenal and Persius. 
Historical Sermons of Bishop Seabury. 

Harte, [Francis] Bret. N. Y., 1839- 

. A Californian writer who first 

drew public attention in 1868 by a short 
story called The Luck of Roaring 
Camp, published in The Overland 




Monthly, which he edited. This tale, 
and the now famous poena, Plain Lan- 
g-uag-e from Truthful James, estab- 
lished his reputation. From 1871 to 
1S7S he resided in New York, and since 
that date he has lived abroad, but 
mainly in London from 1885. His 
writings include. Condensed Novels ; 
The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other 
Sketches ; Mrs. fc-kaggs's Husbands ; 
Tales of the Argonauts ; Gabriel Con- 
roy ; Two Men of Sandy Bar, a play ; 
The Story of a Mine ; Drift from Two 
Shores ; Thankful Blossom ; The Twins 
of Table Mountain ; By Shore and 
Sedge ; Flip, and Found at Blazing 
Star ; In the Carquinez Woods ; On the 
Frontier; Maruja; Snow-Bound at Ea- 
gle's ; The Queen of the Pirate Isle, a 
Child's Story ; A Millionaire of Rough- 
and-Ready ; The Crusade of the Excel- 
sior ; A Phyllis of the Sierras ; The 
Argonauts of North Liberty ; Cressy ; 
The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh ; A 
Waif of the Plains ; A Ward of the 
Golden Gate ; A Sappho of Green 
Springs ; Colonel Starbottle's Client ; 
A First Family of Tasa^ara ; Susy ; A 
Prot^g^e of Jack Hamlin's ; Sally 
Dows ; The Bell-Ringer of Angel's ; 
Clarence ; In a Hollow of the Hills ; 
Barker's Luck. In verse he has pub- 
lished East and West Poems ; Echoes 
of the Foot Hills. See Haweis's Ameri- 
can Humourists ; NichoVs American Lit- 
erature ; Vedder^s American Writers ; 
Atlantic Monthly, November, 1S96, Hou. 

Harte, Walter Blackburn. Ont., 
1866 . A litterateur who has pub- 
lished Meditations in Motley. Ar. 

Hartley, Cecil B . 18 18—. 

Louis Wetzel, the Virginia Ranger; 
lives of Empress Josephine, Francis 
Marion, Daniel Boone ; Hunting Spots 
in the West ; Lives of the Three Mrs. 
.Judsons ; Pictorial Teaching and Bible 
Illustration. Co. 

Hartley, Isaac Smithson. N. Y., 
1830 . Son of R. M. Hartley, in- 
fra. A Dutch Reformed clergyman of 
Utiea since 1871. Prayer and its Rela- 
tion to Modern Criticism; Old Fort 
Schuyler in History, are his principal 

Hartley, Robert Milham. £.,1796- 
1881. A philanthropist who founded 
in 1842 the New York Association for 

Improving the Condition of the Poor. 
History, Science, and Practical Essay 
on Milk ; Temperance in Large Cities 
and Towns. 

Hartshorne, Edward. Pa., 1818- 
1885. A Philadelphia physician. Sepa- 
rate System for Criminals ; Ophthalmic 
Medicine and Surgery; an edition of 
Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence, with 

Hartshorne, Henry. Pa., 1823-1897. 
Brother of E. Hartshorne, supra. A 
Philadelphia physician, professor of 
organic science at Haverford College, 
1867-97. Memoranda Medica ; Essen- 
tials of Principles and Practice of Med- 
icines ; Family Adviser ; Our Homes ; 
Cholera ; Household Manual ; Hand- 
book of Human Anatomy ; Conspectus 
of the Medical Sciences ; Glycerin and 
its LTses ; Woman's Witchcraft, a dra- 
matic romance ; Summer Songs. Lip. 

Hartzell, J Hazard. Pa., 1830- 

1890. An Episcopal clergyman of Wa- 
verly. New York, but prior to 1881 a 
noted clergyman in the Universalist 
faith, for fourteen years a pastor in Buf- 
falo. Wanderings on Parnassus, a col- 
lection of verse ; Application and 

Hartt, Charles Frederick. N. B., 
1840-1878. A professor of geology at 
Cornell University, 1868, and chief of 
the geological surveys in Brazil at the 
time of his death. Geology and Phy- 
sical Geography of Brazil ; Contribu- 
tions to the Geology of the Lower 
Amazons ; Amazonian Tortoise Myths. 

Harvey, William Hope. W. Va., 
1851 . A writer on financial top- 
ics whose theories regarding unlimited 
coinage of silver have been popular 
with superficial thinkers. Coin's Fi- 
nancial School ; A Tale of Two Na- 
tions, a financial novel. 

HarTwood, Andre'w^ Allen. Fa., 
1802-1884. Son of J. E. Harwood, in- 
fra. A rear -admiral in the United 
States navy. Summary Courts Martial ; 
Law and Practice of the United States 
Navy Courts Martial. 

Harwood, John Edmund. £., 1771- 
1809. An English actor who came to 
the United States in 1793, and pub- 
lished a collection of Poems the year 
of his death. 




Hascall, Daniel. , Vt., 1782-1852. A 
Baptist clergyman of Hamilton, New 
York. Baptism ; Elements of Theo- 
logy ; Analysis of Diyine Revelation. 

Haskell, Daniel. Ct., 1784-1848. A 
Congregational clergyman of Burling- 
ton, Vermont, who was subsequently a 
writer in Brooklyn. Gazetteer of the 
United States (with J. C. Smith) ; Chro- 
nological View of the World. 

Haskins, David Greene. Jfs., 1818- 
189(3. An Episcopal clergyman and 
educator of Cambridge. Selections 
from the Old and New Testament for 
Use in Families and Schools ; French 
and English First Book ; Maternal An- 
cestors of Ralph Waldo Emerson (his 

Hassard, John Rose Greene. N. 
Y., 1836-18SS. A New York journalist 
who was a literary critic on the staff of 
The Tribune. The King of the Nibe- 
lung ; School History of the United 
States ; Life of Archbishop Hughes, 
infra ; Life of Pope Pius Ninth ; A 
Pickwickian Pilgrimage. Hou. 

Hassaurek, Friedrich. A., 1832- 
1885. A journalist and lawyer of Cin- 
cinnati. Four Years Among the Span- 
ish-Americans; The Secretof the Andes. 

Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph. Sd., 
1770-1843. A noted surveyor in the 
government service who published Sys- 
tem of the Universe and a series of 
works on astronomy, arithmetic, geo- 
metry, and trigonometry. 

Hastings, Horace Lorenzo. Ms., 

1831 . A Boston writer. Signs 

of the Times ; Reasons for My Hope ; 
Thessalonica ; Atheism and Arithme- 
tic, are his principal writings. 

Has-well, Charles Haynes. N. Y., 

1809 . A civil engineer of much 

prominence. Mechanics' and Engineers' 
Pocket Book ; Mechanics' Tables ; Men- 
suration and Practical Geometry; Book- 
keeping ; History of the Steam Boiler ; 
Reminiscences of New York from 1816 
to 1855. Ap. Har. 

Hatfield, Ed-win Francis. N. J., 
1807-1883. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of St. Louis, and subsequently of New 
York city. Universalism As It Is; 
History of Elizabeth, New Jersey ; St. 
Helena and the Cape of Good Hope ; 
The Poets of the Church. Eev. 

Hathaway, Benjamin. N. Y., 1822- 

': A verse-writer who was for many 

yeara a nurseryman and farmer. Art 
Life, and Other Poems ; The League 
of the Iroquois ; The Finished Crea- 
tion, and Other Poems. Ar. 

Haupt [howpt], Herman. Pa., 1817- 

. An engineer of distinction who 

has held many important posts, and is 
the inventor of a diilling engine. Since 
1875 the chief engineer of the Tide 
Water Pipe Line Company. Hints on 
Bridge Building ; General Theory of 
Bridge Construction ; Plan for Im- 
provement of the Ohio River ; Mili- 
tary Bridges ; Street Railway Motors. 
Ap. Bai. 

Haupt, Le-wis Muhlenberg. Pa., 

1844 ' — . Son of H. Haupt, supra. 

An engineer of Philadelphia, since 1872 
professor of civil engineering in the 
University of Pennsylvania. Engineer- 
ing Specifications and Contracts ; Work- 
ing Drawings and How to Make Them ; 
The Topographer: his Methods and 
Instruments ; Essays on Road Making. 

Haven, Mrs. Alice [Bradley] 
[Neal]. "Cousin Alice." A^. Y.,1828- 
1863. A writer of juvenile tales which 
were very popular. Her later years 
were spent in New York city, but she 
formerly lived in Philadelphia, her first 
husband being J. C. Neal, infra. Among 
her writings are. No Such Word as 
Fail ; Contentment Better than Wealth ; 
Patient Waiting No Loss. See Me- 
moir ; Harper's Magazine, October, 1S63. 

Haven, Erastus Otis. Ms., 1820- 
1881. A Methodist bishop, chancellor 
of Syracuse University from 1874, and 
from 1863-69 president of the Univer- 
sity of Michigan. Pillars of Truth ; 
Young Man Advised ; Rhetoric ; Amer- 
ican Progress. Sar. Meth. 

Haven, Gilbert. Ms., 1821-1880. A 
Methodist bishop whose official resi- 
dence was in Atlanta. National Ser- 
mons ; The Pilgrim's Wallet ; Our 
Next -Door Neighbor, or Mexico of 
To-Day; Life of Father Taylor, the 
Sailor Preacher; Christus Consolator. 

Haven, Joseph. Ms., 1816-1874. A 
Congregational clergyman, a professor 
in the Chicago Theological Seminary, 




1858-70. Mental Philosophy; Moral 
Philosophy ; History of Ancient and 
Modern Philosophy ; Studies in Philo- 
sophy and Theology ; Systematic The- 
Haven, Samuel Foster. Ms., 1806- 
1881. An archteologist who was libra- 
rian of the American Antiquarian So- 
ciety at Worcester. ArchcEology of the 
United States ; History of the Grants 
Under the Great Council for New Eng- 

Hawes, Joel, ils., 1789-1867. A 
prominent Congregational clergyman of 
Hartford, 1818-67. Lectures to Young 
Men ; The Religion of the East ; Look- 
ing-Glass for Ladies ; Washington and 
Jay ; Experimental and Practical Ser- 
mons ; Tribute to the Pilgrims ; Char- 
acter Everything to the Young. 

Hawes, "William Post. N. Y., 180.3- 
1842. A lawyer of New York city, 
author of Sporting Scenes and Sundry 
Sketches, published, with Memoir, by 
H. W. Herbert, infra. 

Hawkins, Benjamin Waterhouse. 

H., 1807-1889. An English anatomist 
who removed to the United States in 
1S68. Popular Comparative Anatomy ; 
Elements of Form ; Comparative View 
of the Human and Animal Frame ; Ar- 
tistic Anatomy of the Horse ; Artistic 
Anatomy of Cattle and Sheep ; Artistic 
Anatomy of the Dog and Deer ; Atlas 
of Comparative Osteology (with Hux- 

Ha-wrkins, Dexter Arnold. Me., 
1825-1886. A lawyer of New York 
city, an advocate of protection and sim- 
ilar political measures. Among his 
writings are. Traditions of Overlook 
Mountain ; Free Trade and Protection ; 
The Roman Catholic Church in New 
York City. 

Hawkins, Rush Christopher. Ct., 

1831 . Cousin of D. A. Hawkins, 

supra. A New York city lawyer who 
served as a colonel in the Federal army 
during the Civil War, and has since 
been a prominent advocate of political 
reforms. He has published The First 
Books and Printers of the 15th Cen- 

Hawkins, 'William George. Md., 

182.3 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of Nebraska, prominent in the field of 

domestic missions. Life of J. H. Haw- 
kins, his father, a noted temperance 
reformer ; Lunaf ord Lane ; History of 
the New York Freedmen's Associa- 

Hawks, Francis Lister. N. C, 1798- 
1866. A once noted Episcopal clergy- 
man, rector of churches in New York 
New Orleans, and Baltimore. History 
of North Carolina ; Reports of Cases in 
North Carolina Supreme Court; His- 
tory of the Episcopal Church in Vir- 
ginia and Maryland ; The Romance of 
Biography ; Cyclopsedia of Biography ; 
Egypt and its Monuments ; Documen- 
tary History of the Episcopal Church. 

Hawley, Bostwick. N. Y., 1814- 

. A Methodist clergyman of New 

York State. Close Communion ; Man- 
ual of Methodism ; The Shield of Faith ; 
Dancing as an Amusement ; The Lenten 
Season ; Methodist Episcopacy Valid, 
include his chief works. Meth. 

Hawley, Charles. N. Y., 1819-1885. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of Auburn, 
New York. Early Chapters of Cayuga 
History ; Sanitary Reforms ; Memorial 
Discourses ; Early Chapters of Seneca 

Haivthorne, Julian. Ms., 1846 . 

Son of N. Hawthorne, infra. A novel- 
ist who has inherited much of his fa- 
ther's originality, but whose work is of- 
ten careless and hasty in construction 
and of ephemeral interest only. Bres- 
sant ; Garth ; Dust ; Idolatry ; Fortune's 
Fool ; Beatrix Randolph ; Saxon Stu- 
dies ; Archibald Malmaison ; Sebastian 
Strome ; Noble Blood ; Love, or a Name ; 
Mrs. Gainsborough's Diamonds; David 
Poindexter's Disappearance, and Other 
Tales ; A Dream and a Forgetting ; 
Confessions and Criticisms ; Constance ; 
Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife ; 
American Literature ; The Trial of 
Gideon ; Prince Saroni's Wife ; Love is 
a Spirit. Ap. Fu. He. Hou. 

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Ms., 1804- 
18(54. A celebrated romancer, bom at 
Salem, Massachusetts. From 1838 to 
1841 he held «. position in the Boston 
custom-house, was next a member of the 
Brook Farm Association, and after 1843 
a resident at Concord, Massachusetts, 
from time to time until his death, though 
within that period he was surveyor of 
the port of Salem, 1846-50, and from 


1853 to 1857 consul at Liverpool. Faii- 
shawe; Twioe-Told Tales; Grandfa- 
ther's Chair ; Mosses from an Old 
Manse ; Famous Old People ; Liberty 
Tree; Biographical Stories for Chil- 
dren; The Scarlet Letter; True Sto- 
ries ; The House of the Seven Gables ; 
A Wonder-Book ; The Snow Image, 
and Other Twice -Told Tales; The 
Blithedale Romance ; Tanglewood 
Tales ; The Marble Paun, known in 
England as Transformation ; Our Old 
Home ; Passages from American Note- 
Books ; English Note-Books ; French 
and Italian Note - Books ; Septimius 
Felton ; The DoUiver Romance ; Dr. 
Grimshawe's Secret. See North Amer- 
ican Review, July, 1837, July, 1850, 
January, ISoJ ; Blackwood's Maga- 
zine, November, 1863; Atlantic Month- 
ly, May, 1S60 ; Lathrop's Study of Haw- 
thorne ; James's Hawthorne ; Tiawthorne 
Index; Lowell's Fable for Critics; Per- 
sonal Recollections of, by H. N. Bridge ; 
Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife, 
by J. Hawthorne ; Some Memories of 
Hawthorne, by Mrs. R. H Lathrop ; Ap- 
pleton's American Biography ; Nichol's 
American Literature ; Richardson's 
American Literature. Hou. 

Hawbhorne, Mrs. Sophia [Pea- 
body]. Ms., 1810-1871. Wife of N. 
Hawthorne, supra, sister of Elizabeth 
Peabody, infra. Her only publication 
was Notes in England and Italy. Hou. 

Hay, Jolin. Ind. ,18SS . A writer 

who was Lincoln's private secretary, 
adjutant, and aide-de-camp during the 
Civil War, and also served under Gen- 
erals Hunter and Gillmore as major 
and assistant adjutant-general, being 
brevetted colonel. He was subsequent- 
ly in the diplomatic service. Life of 
Abraham Lincoln (with J. G. Nicolay, 
infra) ; Pike County Ballads, and Other 
Poems ; Castilian Days, a volume of 
travels. Of his dialect poems, Jim 
Bludso and Little Breeches are the 
best known. Cent. Hou. 

Hayden, Ferdinand Vanderveer. 
Ms., 1827-1880. A professor of geo- 
logy in the University of Pennsylvania. 
Origin and Progress of the United States 
Geological Survey of the Territories; 
The Yellowstone National Park. 

Hayden, Horace H . Ct., 1769- 

1844. A once noted Baltimore dentist 
who published Geological Essays. 



Hayden,"William Benjamin. N. Y., 

1810-18U3. A Swedenborgian clergy- 
man. Science and Revelation; Phe- 
nomena of Modern Spiritualism ; The 
Apocalyptic Dispensation ; Light on 
the Last Things ; Dangers of Modern 
Spiritualism, include the greater por- 
tion of his work. See Selected Essays 
and Memorials of his Life, 1894. Lip. 

Hayes, Augustus Allen. 1837- 
1892. A novelist of Brookline, Massa- 
chusetts. New Colorado and the Santa 
F4 Trail ; The Jesuit's Ring, a Ro- 
mance ; The Denver Express. Har. 

Hayes, Henry. See Kirk, Mrs. Ellen. 

Hayes, Isaac Israel. Pa., 1832-1881. 
An Arctic explorer whose first voyage 
was made with Dr. Kane, infra. The 
Open Polar Sea ; An Arctic Boat Jour- 
ney ; Cast Away in tlie Cold ; The Land 
of Desolation ; Pictures of Arctic Tra- 
vel. Har. Hou. Le. 

Haygood, Atticus G-reen. Ga., 1839- 
1896. A Methodist clergyman of much 
prominence in the South. The Monk 
and the Prince, a Critical Study of Sa- 
vonarola and Lorenzo de' Medici ; Our 
Keep-Sake ; Our Children ; Our Brother 
in Black ; Speeches and Sermons ; Jack- 
knife and Brambles, a discussion of the 
authorship and meaning of the books 
of the Bible ; Pleas for Progress ; The 
Man of Galilee. Meth. 

Hayne, Paul Hamilton. S. C, 1830- 
1886. A lyric poet whose verse has 
much melody. He served as a colonel 
in the Confederate array, and at the 
close of the Civil War, broken in health 
and fortunes, retired to the small vil- 
lage of Grovetown, Georgia, where the 
rest of his life was passed. Avolio ; 
The Mountain of the Lovers ; Legends 
and Lyrics ; Sonnets and Other Poems ; 
Lives of Robert Hayne and Hugh Le- 
gare, infra. A complete edition of his 
Poems appeared in 1883. Lip. Lo. 

Hayne, William Hamilton. S. C, 

1856— . Son of Paul Hayne, supra, 

and a popular lyrist of the South. Syl- 
van Lyrics. Sto. 

Haynes, Emory Judson. Vt., 1846- 
. A Methodist clergyman of Bos- 
ton and elsewhere. Are These Things 
So ? ; Fairest of Three, a Tale of Amer- 
ican Life ; Dollars and Duties ; A Farm- 
house Cobweb, a Vermont novel. Har. 




Hays, George Peirce. Pa., 1838- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

Kansas City. Everyday Reasoning ; 
The Honest Book ; May Women 
Speak ? ; Presbyterians. 

Hays, William Shakespeare. Ky., 

1837 . A popnlar ballad and song 

composer of Louisville. Mollie Darling 
is one of his best known songs. He 
has published a volume of Poems and 

Hayw^ard, Ediward Farwell. Ms., 

1851 . A Unitarian clergyman 

for some years pastor of a church in 
Boston. WUloughby ; Patrice ; Ecee 

Hayward, George. Ms., 1781-1802. 
A Boston writer who published View of 
the United States ; Keligious Creeds of 
the United States ; Book of Religions, 
and several gazetteers. 

Hayward, George. Ms., 1791-1863. 
A Boston physician of note. Outlines 
of Physiology ; Surgical Records. 

Haywood, John. N. C, 1753-1826. 
A jurist of Tennessee. Manual of Laws 
of North Carolina ; Haywood's Justice ; 
Tennessee Reports ; History of Ten- 
nessee ; Statute Laws of Tennessee 
(with R. L. Cutts). 

Hazard, Caroline. B. I., 1856 . 

Granddaughter of R. G. Hazard, infra. 
Narragansett Ballads ; Thomas Haz- 
ard, a Study of Life in Narragansett 
in the XVIlIth Century ; Memoirs of 
J. L. Diman, supra. She has edited, 
with introductions, the works of R. G. 

Hazard, Ebenezer. Pa., 1744-1817. 
A Philadelphia writer who was post- 
master-general, 17^2-80. Historical 
Collections, the beginnings of a United 
States history ; Remarks on a Report 
Concerning the Western Indians. 

Hazard, Rowland Gibson. R. I., 

1801-lSSS. A woolen manufacturer of 
Peace Dale, Rhode Island. Essays on 
Finance ; Resources of the United 
States ; Essay on Language, and Oth- 
er Essays and Addresses ; Freedom of 
Mind in Willing ; Causation and Free- 
dom in Willing ; Man a Creative First 
Cause. See Works, in four volumes, ed- 
ited bi/ C. Hazard. Hou. 
Hazard, Samuel. Pa., 1784-1870. 
Son of E. Hazard, supra. An archae- 

ologist of Philadelphia. Annals of 
Pennsylvania, 1009-82 ; Register of 
Pennsylvania, 1828-30 ; Pennsylvania 
Archives, 1682-1790; United States 
Commercial and Statistical Register. 

Hazard, Samuel. Pa., 1834-1876. 
Son of 3. Hazard, supra. An officer 
in the United States army. Santo Do- 
mingo Past and Present ; Cuba with 
Pen and Pencil. Har. 

Hazard, Thomas Robinson. B. I., 
1784-1876. Brother of R. G. Hazard, 
supra, and like him a manufacturer at 
Peace Dale. He was an ardent Spirit- 
ualist, and wrote much in defence of 
his beliefs. Facts for the Laboring 
Man ; The Ordeal of Life ; Capital 
Punishment ; Mediums and Medium- 
ship ; Recollections of Olden Time. 

Hazard, Willis Pope. AL, 1825- 
. Son of S. Hazard, supra. A re- 
tired bookseller of Westchester, Penn- 
sylvania. The Art of Pleasing, a work 
on etiquette ; The Jersey, Aldemey, 
and Guernsey Cow ; Butter and Butter- 
making ; Annals of Philadelphia, a 
continuation of Watson's Annals. Co. 

Hazelius, Ernest Lewis. P., 1777- 
1853. A Lutheran clergyman who was 
professor in a South Carolina theologi- 
cal seminary. Life of Luther ; Church 
History ; History of the Lutheran 
Church in America. 

Hazeltine, Mayo Williamson. Ms., 

1841 . A New York journalist, 

since 1S78 the literary editor of the 
New York Sun. Chats About Books ; 
British and American Education ; The 
American Woman in Europe. <Scr. 

Hazen, 'William Baboock. Vt, 

1830-1887. A general in the Federal 
army during the Civil War, and from 
1880 chief officer of the Signal Service. 
The School and the Army in Germany 
and France ; Barren Lands in the In- 
terior of the United States ; A Narra- 
tive of Military Service. Clke. Bar. 

Head, Franklin H. N. Y., 1835- 
. A Chicago Writer who has pub- 
lished Shakespeare's Insomnia and the 
Causes thereof, an ingenious burlesque. 

Headley, Joel Tyler. N. Y., 1813- 
1897. An historical writer of Newburg, 
New York, whose work is usually 


strongly partisan in character, though 
nearly always as entertaining- as it is 
undiscrirainating. Napoleon and his 
Marshals ; The Old Guard of Napoleon ; 
Life of Oliver Cromwell ; The Great 
Rebellion ; Sacred Scenes and Charac- 
ters ; Washington and his Generals ; 
Life of Washington ; Grant and Sher- 
man ; Life of General Grant ; Life of 
Havelock; Achievements of Stanley 
and Other Explorers ; The Adiron- 
dacks, or Life in the Woods ; Farragut 
and Our Naval Commanders ; Chap- 
lains of the Revolution ; Sacred Heroes 
and Martyrs ; Letters from Italy and 
the Alps ; The Second War with Eng- 
land. Scr. 

Headley, Plimeas Camp. N. Y., 

1819 . Cousin of J. T. Headley, 

supra. A Congregational clergyman. 
Women of the Bible ; The Island of 
Fire j Young Folks' Heroes of the Re- 
bellion; Lives of Josephine, Lafayette, 
Napoleon, Mary Queen of Scotts ; Half- 
Hours in Bible Lands ; Evangelists iu 
the Church. Le. 

Heap, Gwynn Harris. Pa., 1817- 
1887. A diplomatist who was consul- 
general at Constantinople from 1878. 
He published Central Route to the Pa- 

Heap, David Porter. Ti/., 184.S- 
. A major of engineers in govern- 
ment service. History of Application 
of Electric Light to the Courts of 
France ; Ancient and Modern Lights ; 
Electrical Appliances of the Present 
Day (1884). 

Heard, Franklin Fiske. Ms., 1825- 
1889. A Boston lawyer who was a high 
authority on pleading. Criminal Law ; 
Criminal Pleading ; Civil Pleading ; 
Shakespeare as a Lawyer ; Libel and 
Slander ; Leading Cases in Criminal 
Law (with E. H. Bennett, supra) ; Cu- 
riosities of the Law Reporters ; Oddities 
of the Law; Precedents of Equity 
Pleadings ; Precedents of Pleadings in 
Special Actions. Lit. 

Hearn, Iiafcadio. Ion., 18.50 . 

A writer of Irish and Greek parent- 
age long a resident of New Orleans, 
later of New York city, and more re- 
cently of Japan. Stray Leaves from 
Strange Literature ; Some Chinese 
Ghosts ; Chita ; Two Years in the French 
West Indies; Youma, the Story of a 



West Indian Slave ; Glimpses of Unfa- 
miliar Japan ; Out of the East : Reve- 
ries suid Studies in New Japan ; Koko- 
ro : Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner 
Life. Har. Hon. 

Hebbard, Stephen Southwick. 

1841 . A Universalist clergyman. 

The Secret of Christianity ; History of 
Wisconsin under the Dominion of 
France. See Bibliography of Wiscon- 

Hacker, Isaac Thomas. iV.Y.,1819- 
1888. A Roman Catholic clergyman 
who in early life was one of the noted 
Brook Farm community. Becoming a 
Roman Catholic he founded the Order 
of the Paulists in 1IS.58. In 1805 he 
established The Catholic World, of 
which he remained the editor tUl his 
death. Questions of the Soul ; Aspi- 
rations of Nature ; Catholicity in the 
United States ; Catholics and Protest- 
ants agreeing on the School Question ; 
The Church and the Age. 

Heckewelder [hgk'e-wel-der], John 
Gottlieb Ernest. E., 1743-1823. 
A Moravian missionary who made ex- 
tended studies of Indian customs. His 
views were vehemently attacked by 
Lewis Cass, and stoutly defended by 
Nathan Hale. History, etc., of the 
Pennsylvania Indians ; Mission of the 
United Brethren among the Delawares ; 
Names which the Delawares Gave to 
Rivers and Streams, etc., with their 
Signification. See Life by E. Rondtha- 
ler, IS47 ; Bibliography of Ohio. 

Hedge, Frederic Henry. Ms., 1805- 
1890. Son of L. Hedge, in/™- A Uni- 
tarian clergyman, professor of German 
language and literature at Harvard 
University, 1S72-81. Reason in Reli- 
gion ; The Primeval World of Hebrew 
Tradition ; A Christian Liturgy ; Prose 
Writers of Germany ; Ways of the 
Spirit and Other Essays ; Atheism in 
Philosophy ; Sermons ; Hours with Ger- 
man Classics ; Martin Luther and Other 
Essays ; Metrical Translations and Po- 
ems (with Mrs. A. L. Wister, infra). 
Go. Hou. Bob. 

Hedge, Levi. Ms., 1767-1843. An 
educator of Massachusetts, professor of 
logic in Harvard University, 1810-27, 
and author of A System of Logic. 

Heilprin, Angelo. Hy., 1853 . 

Son of M. Heilprin, infra. A Phila- 




delphia naturalist and artist, professor 
of geology at Wag-ner Free Institute 
from 1S85. Contributions to the Ter- 
tiary Geology and Palaeontology of the 
United States ; Town Geology, the Les- 
son of the Philadelphia Rocks ; Geo- 
graphical and Geological Distrihution 
of Animals ; Explorations on the West 
Coast of Florida ; Animal Life of Our 
Seashore ; Geological Evidences of Evo- 
lution ; The Arctic Problem. Ap. Lip. 

Heilprin, Louis. Hy., 1851 . Son 

of M. Heilprin, infra. A writer of 
New York city. The Story of Hun- 
gary (with A. Vamb^ry) ; Historical 
Reference Book ; Chronological Table 
of Universal History. Ap. Put. 

Heilprin, Michael. Po., 1823-1888. 
A Polish refugee and scholar who sup- 
ported Kossuth in Hungary in l''>48, 
and came to the United States in 1850. 
He published Historical Poetry of the 
Hebrews Critically Examined. Ap. 

Heitzman, Charles. Hi/., 1836 . 

A physician who came to New York 
city from Vienna in 1874, and is of 
prominence as a dermatologist. Chi- 
rurgische Pathologic und Therapie ; 
Descriptive and Topographical Anato- 
my of Man ; Microscopic Morphology 
of the Animal Body. 

Helmuth, Justus Christian Henry. 
G., 174.5-1 S25. A Lutheran clergyman 
who came to America in 1769, and was 
pastor of St. Michael's Lutheran Church 
in Philadelphia, 1779-1820, and for 
eighteen years professor of languages in 
the University of Pennsylvania. Taufe 
und heilige Schrift ; Unterhalteu mit 
Gott ; Geistliche Lieder ; and several 
works for children. 

Helmuth, 'William Tod. Pa., 183-3- 

. A surgeon of New York city. 

Treatise on Diphtheria ; Medical Pom- 
posity ; System of Surgery ; Scratches 
of a Siirgeon ; Suprapubic Lithotomy ; 
With the ' ' Pousse Caf ^," postprandial 

Helper, Hinton Roiwan. N. C, 

1829 . A Southern writer long 

resident in New York city. The Im- 
pending Crisis of the South, a once fa- 
mous work, which appeared shortly 
before the opening of the Civil War ; 
Nojoque ; The Negroes in Negroland ; 
The Land of Gold ; Oddments of An- 

dean Diplomacy ; The Three Americas 
Hempel, Charles Julius. P., 1811- 
1879. A physician of Grand Kapids, 
Michigan, who came to America from 
Prussia in 3835. Christendom and 
Civilization ; System of Materia Med- 
iea and Therapeutics ; The Science of 
Homoeopathy ; Homceopathic Theory 
and Practice in Surgical Diseases (with 
J. Beakley) ; True Organization of the 
New Church ; Life of Christ (in Ger- 
man) ; several important translations 
from the German. 

Henck, John Benjamin. Pa., 1816- 

. A professor of engineering in 

the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 
nology, 186.5-81, and the author of » 
Field Book for Railway Engineers. 

Henderson, Ernest Flagg. N. Y., 

l&Gl . An instructor in WeUesley 

College. A History of Germany in the 
Middle Ages ; Historical Documents of 
the Middle Ages (edited) ; collabora- 
tor in Larned's History for Ready Ref- 
erence. Mac. 

Henderson, Isaac. N. Y., 1850- 

. A New York city journalist, 

1S72-S1, who has since lived abroad. 
The Prelate ; Agatha Page. The sec- 
ond of these two novels has been drama- 
tized. Sou. 

Henderson, Mrs. Mary Poote. 

N. Y., c. 1835 . A writer of St 

Louis who organized the Industrial Art 
School in that city. Practical Cooking 
and Dinner-Giving ; Diet for the Sick. 

Henderson, Peter. S., 1823-1890. 
A noted seedsman of New York city. 
Gardening for Profit ; Practical Flori- 
culture ; Gardening for Pleasure ; 
Handbook of Plants ; How the Farm 
Pays ; Garden and Farm Topics. Ju. 

Henderson, William James. N. 

J., 1855 . A journalist on the 

staff of the New York Times. The 
Story of Music ; Preludes and Studies ; 
Sea Yarns for Boys ; Afloat with the 
Flag ; Elements of Navigation. Sar. 

Hendrix, Eugene Russell. Mo., 

1S47 . A bishop of the Methodist 

Church South, whose official residence 
is at Kansas City. He has written 
Around the World. 




Hening, William Waller. 17 — 

iS'AS. A legal writer of Virginia. The 
American Pleader and Lawyer's Guide ; 
The New Virginia Justice ; The Stat- 
utes of Virginia, 1691-1792 ; Reports 
of Cases in the Supreme Court of Ap- 
peals of Virginia and in the Supreme 
Court of Chancery for Richmond Dis- 
trict (with W. Munford, infra). 

Henkle, Moses Montgomery. Va., 
1798-1864. A Methodist clergyman 
of Baltimore and elsewhere. Masonic 
Addresses ; Primary Platform of Meth- 
odism ; Analysis of Church Govern- 
ment ; Life of Bishop Bascom ; Primi- 
tive Episcopacy. 

Hennequiu [en'-can], Alfred. F., 

1846 . A dramatist and educator 

■who beside several Anglo-French text- 
books has published The Art of Play- 
writing. Hou. 

Henningsen, Charles Frederick. 

E., 1815-1877. A soldier of Swedish 
descent and English birth who served 
with the Carlists in Spain in 1834, and 
subsequently joined Kossuth in Hun- 
gary. He came to America in 1856, was 
with Walker in Nicaragua, entered the 
Confederate army in 1861, and became 
a general. The Last of the Sophis, a 
Poem ; Twelve Months' Campaign with 
Zuraalacarregui ; The White Slave, a 
novel ; Eastern Europe ; Six±y Years 
Hence, a novel of Russian life ; Scenes 
from the Belgian Revolution ; Ana- 
logies and Contrasts ; Personal Recol- 
lections of Nicaragua ; The Past and 
Future of Hungary. 

Henry, Alexander. N. J., 1739- 
1824. A once noted traveller in north- 
west America who published Travels 
and Adventures in Canada between 

Henry, Caleb Sprague. Ms., 1804- 
1884. An Episcopal clergyman of 
New York and Connecticut who held 
professorships in several colleges, and 
was at one time a journalist in New 
York city. Moral and Philosophical 
Essays ; Satan as a Moral Philosopher ; 
About Men and Things ; Dr. Oldham 
at Greystones and his Talk There; 
Social Welfare and Human Progress ; 
Household Liturgy; The Endless Fu- 
ture of the Human Race ; Epitome of 
the History of Philosophy. He was 

the translator of Guizot's History of 
Civilization and other works. Ap. Har. 

Henry, G-uy Vernor. N. J., 1839- 

. Son of W. S. Henry, infra. An 

officer in the United States army who 
served during the Civil War, and in 
Indian wars subsequently. Military 
Record of Civilian Appointments in 
the United States Army ; Army Cate- 
chism for Non-Commissioned Officers ; 
Manual of Target Practice. 

Henry, James. Pa., 1809-1895. A 
rifle manufacturer of Boulton, Penn- 
sylvania, who was president of the 
Moravian Historical Society, and pub- 
lished Sketches of Moravian Life and 

Henry, John Flournay. Ky., 1793- 
1873. A physician of Burlington, 
Iowa, who published a Treatise on 
Causes and Treatment of Cholera. 

Henry, John Joseph. Pa., 1758- 
181 1. A jurist of Lancaster, Pennsyl- 
vania, who was aiithor of the Accurate 
and Interesting Account of Arnold's 
Campaign Against Quebec. 

Henry, Joseph. iV. Y., 1797-1878. 
A scientist of eminence who was direc- 
tor of the Smithsonian Institution from 
1846 till his death. Syllabus of Lec- 
tures on Physios; Scientific Writings 
of Joseph Henry, 1886. See Memorial, 
1880 ; Appleton's American Biography. 

Henry, Patrick. Va., 1736-1799. A 
celebrated Virginia patriot and orator 
known to literature by his speeches. 
See Lives by William Wirt, H. H. 
Everett, M. C. Tyler, W. W. Henry; 
Appleton's American Biography. 

Henry, Mrs. Sarepta M [Irish]. 

Pa., 1839 . A temperance re- 
former of Evanston, Illinois. Victoria, 
with Other Poems ; After the Truth ; 
The Voice of the Home ; Mabel's 
Work ; Beforehand ; One More Chance. 

Henry, Thomas Chalmers. Pa., 
1790-1827. A Presbyterian clergy- 
man of South Carolina. Consistency 
of Popular Amusements for Professing 
Christians; Moral Etchings from the 
Religious World; Letters from an 
Anxious Believer. See Memoir by T. 
Lewis, 1829 ; Allibone's Dictionary. 

Henry, William Seaton. N. T., 
1816-1851. An officer in the United 
States army who published Campaign 
Sketches of the War with Mexico. 




Henry, 'William "Wirt. Va., 1831- 

. A Virginia lawyer and historical 

■writer who has published Life, Corre- 
pondenee, and Speeches of Patrick 

Hensel, "William Uhler. Pa., 1851- 

. A politician and journalist of 

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, author of 
Lives of T. A. Hendricks and Grover 

Henshaw, David. Ms., 1791-1852. 
A politician who was secretary of the 
navy in 184o, and wrote Letters on the 
Internal Improvement and Commerce 
of the West. 

HenshaTv, John Prentiss Ke^wrley. 
Gt., 1792-1852. The first Protestant 
Episcopal bishop of Rhode Island. 
Theology for the People ; Lessons in 
Elocution ; On Confirmation ; The Work 
of Christ's Living Body, are his princi- 
pal works. 

Hensha-w, Joshua Sidney. Ms., 
1811-1859. A lawyer in Utica from 
1848, but previously an instructor in 
the United States navy. Incitements 
to Well Doing ; Life of Father Mat- 
thew ; United States Manual for Con- 
suls ; Around the World (1840) ; Phi- 
losophy of Human Progress. 

Hentz, Mrs. Caroline Lee ["Whit- 
ing]. Ms., 1800-1856. Wife of N. 
M. Hentz, infra. A popular Southern 
writer of many sensational romances of 
ephemeral interest. Among them are, 
Lovell's Folly; Rena; The Planter's 
Northern Bride ; Linda. Pet. 

Hentz, Nicholas Marcellus. F., 

1797-1856. A French educator well 
known as an entomologist. He came 
to America in 1816, and taught in the 
University of North Carolina and else- 
where in the South. 
Hepburn, James Curtis. Pa., 1815- 

. A missionary to Japan of note 

as a lexicographer. A Japanese and 
English Dictionary ; A Japanese-Eng- 
lish and English-Japanese Dictionary, 
an abridgment of the earlier work. 

Hepworth, George Hughes. Ms., 

1833 . A New York journalist 

since 1887 on the editorial staff of the 
Herald. From 1855-72 he was a Uni- 
tarian clergyman, but subsequently 
entered the Presbyterian ministry. 
Rocks and Shoals; Brown Studies; 

Hiram Golf's Religion ; The Life Be- 
yond ; They Met in Heaven ; Herald ' 
Sermons ; Starboard and Port, » sum- 
mer's yacht cruise ; a book entitled 
! ! !. Dut. Hat: 

Herbermann, Charles George. 

Wa., 1840 . A professor of Latin 

in the College of the City of New York 
from 1869, author of Business Life in 
Ancient Rome. Har. 

Herbert, Henry "William. "Frank 
Forester." X, 1807-1858. A versa- 
tile, gifted writer who came to Amer- 
ica in 1831, and lived near Newark, 
New Jersey. His writings in historical 
fiction include Cromwell ; Marmaduke 
Nyvil ; The Puritans of New England, 
issued later as The Puritan's Daugh- 
ter ; The Fronde ; Sherwood Forest. 
In history : Captains of the Old World ; 
Cavaliers of England ; Knights of Eng- 
land ; Chevaliers of France ; Persons 
and Pictures from French and English 
History ; Captains of the Great Roman 
Republic ; Henry VIII. and his Six 
Wives. As " Frank Forester " he pub- 
lished Field Sports of the United States 
and British Provinces ; Fish and Fish- 
eries of the United States ; Frank For- 
ester and his Friends ; Warwick Wood- 
lands ; My Shooting Box ; The Deer 
Stalkers ; Manual for Young Sports- 
men ; Horse and Horsemanship ; Fugi- 
tive Sporting Sketches. He also made 
a number of translations from the 
French, while a collection of his Poems, 
edited by M. Herbert, appeared in 
1888. See Life by T. Picton, 18S1; 
Allibone^s Dictionary ; AppletorCs Amer- 
ican Biography. Co. Lip. 

Hering, Constantin. Sxy., 1800-1880. 
A German physician who came to Phil- 
adelphia in 1833 and founded there the 
first homoeopathic school in America. 
Among his writings are. Rise and Pro- ^ 
gress of Homoeopathy ; Condensed Ma- 
teria Medica ; Effects of Snake Poison ; 
American Drug Provings ; Domestic 
Physician. See AUibone's Dictionary. 

Hering, Rudolph. Pa., 1847 • 

A civil engineer of prominence and an 
authority upon sewerage and the water 
supply of cities, upon which topics he 
has written valuable reports. 

Herndon, Mrs. Mary. See Chiles, 




Herndon, 'William Henry. Ky., 
1818-1891. A lawyer of Springfield, 
Illinois, and a law partner of Abraham 
Lincoln, of whom he published a Life 
in 1891. 

Herndon, 'William Leivis. Va., 
1813-1857. A naval officer sent by 
government to explore the Amazon. 
The results of his expedition are de- 
tailed in his Exploration of the Valley 
of the Amazon (1853). His daughter 
became the wife of President Arthur. 

Herrick, Mrs. Christine [Terhune]. 

N. J., 1859 . Daughter of Mrs. 

Mary Terhune, infra. A writer of New 
York city who has written much upon 
housekeeping themes. Housekeeping 
Made Easy ; The Cliafing-Dish Supper ; 
The Little Dinner ; What to Eat, how 
to Serve It ; Cradle and Nursery ; Lib- 
eral Living upon Narrow Means. Sar. 
Hou. Scr. 

Herrick, John Russell. Vt, 1822- 

. A Congregational clergyman, 

president of Dakota University since 
1883, and the author of Lectures on 

Herrick, Samuel Edward. X. I., 
1841 . A Congregational clergy- 
man of Boston. Some Heretics of Yes- 
terday. Hou. 

Herrick, Mrs. Sophie Mcllvaine 
[Bledsoe]. O., 1837 . Daugh- 
ter of A. T. Bledsoe, supra. A New 
York writer on The Century staff, and 
well known as a microscopist. Wonders 
of Plant Life ; Chapters in Plant Life ; 
The Earth in Past Ages. Har. Put. 

Herron, George Davis. Ind., 1862- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Iowa, since 1893 professor of applied 
Christianity in Iowa College, very pro- 
minent as a writer and lecturer upon 
Christian Socialism. The Christian So- 
ciety; The Call of the Cross; The 
Larger Christ ; The Message of Jesus to 
Men of Wealth ; The Christian State; 
Social Meanings of Religious Experi- 
ences. See The Arena, April, 1S96. 
Ar. Cr. Bev. 

Hewett, "Waterman Thomas. Mo., 

1846 . An educator who has held 

the chair of German literature at Cor- 
nell University from 1883. The Frisian 
Language and Literature ; Aims and 
Efforts of Collegiate Study of Modern 

Languages ; Mutual Relations of High 
Schools and Colleges. 
Hewit, Nathaniel Augustus. Ct., 
1S2(J . A Roman Catholic clergy- 
man who, previous to 1846, was suc- 
cessively a Congregational and Episco- 
pal clergyman. In 1858 he entered the 
Paulist order, taking the name of Au- 
gustine Francis, and since 1865 has been 
a professor in the Paulist Seminary. 
Reasons for Submitting to the Catholic 
Church ; Life of Princess Borghese ; 
Life of a Modern Martyr, — Dumoulin- 

, Borie ; Problems of the Age ; The 
King's Highway ; Light in Darkness. 

Hevritt, Ed^ward Cravirford. Ms., 

1828 . An educator of IlUnois, 

president of the State Normal Univer- 
sity from 1876, and author of Peda- 
gogy for Young Teachers. 

Hewitt, Mrs. Emma [Churchman]. 
La., 1850 . A writer of Philadel- 
phia. Ease in Conversation ; Hints to 
Ballad Singers ; Queens of Home, a 
book for the household. 

Hewitt, John Hill. N. Y., 1801- 
1890. A Baltimore author, once a rival 
of Poe. He wrote many ballads, among 
which is The Minstrel's Return from 
the War ; The Governess, a comedy ; 
Washington, a play; Shadows on the 
Wall, a collection of reminiscences. 

Hewitt, Mrs. Mary. See Stebbins, 

Hibbard, Freeborn Garretson. 
N. Y., 1811 . A Methodist cler- 
gyman of western New York. Chris- 
tian Baptism ; Geography and History 
of Palestine; The Religion of Child- 
hood ; Life of L. L. Hamline, supra ; 
Eschatology; Commentary on the 
Psalms. Meth. 

Hibbard, George Abiah. N. Y., 

1858 . A Buffalo writer of short 

stories, notable for excellence of work- 
manship. Iduna, and Other Stories ; 
Nowadays, and Other Stories ; The 
Governor, and Other Stories. See The 
Boole-Buyer, August, 1895. Har. Scr. 

Hickok [hik'ok], Laurens Perseus. 
Ct, 1798-1888. A Congregational cler- 
gyman who held several college profes- 
sorships, and was president of Union 
College, 1866-68. He subsequently 
lived at Amherst. Logic of Reason ; 
Moral Science ; Empirical Psychology ; 




Rational Psychology ; Rational Cosmo- 
logy ; Creator and Creation ; Humanity 
Immortal. Gi. 

Hickox, John Howard. N. Y., 

1832 . The State librarian of New 

York, 1848-03, and subsequently em- 
ployed in the Congressional Library. 
Historical Account of American Coin- 
age ; History of New York Paper Mon- 
ey, 1709-89 ; Catalogue of United States 
Government Publications. 

Hioks, Elias. L. I., 1748-1830. A 
famous Quaker controversialist, and 
founder of the sect known as Hicksite 
Quakers. He was an early and very 
active opponent of slavery. Observa- 
tions on Slavery ; Journal of Life and 
Religious Labours of Elias Hicks ; Doc- 
trinal Epistle. See Letters of; Uis- 
tory of the Friends, by S. Janney, infra. 

Higginson, Mrs. Ella [Rhoads]. 

Kan., 1862 . A druggist of New 

Whatcom, Washington, who has written 
much verse of a popular character, and 
The Flower that Grew in the Sand, and 
Other Stories. 

Higginson, Francis. E., 1,588-1630. 
A Puritan clergyman of Salem who 
emigrated to America in 1629. True 
Relation of the Last Voyage to New 
England ; New England's Plantation. 
See Life, by T. W. Higginson, infra ; 
Tyler^s American Literature ; Sprague^s 
Annals of the American Pulpit. 

Higginson, John. E., 1616-1708. Son 
of F. Higginson, supra. A Congrega- 
tional clergyman of Salem, from 1659 
till his death in charge of the church 
founded by his father, and widely pop- 
ular in New England. The Cause of 
God and His People in New England ; 
Attestation to Cotton Mather's Magna- 
lia. See Tyler'' s American Literature. 

Higginson, Mrs. Mary Potter 

[Thacher]. Me., 1844 . Wife 

of T. W. Higginson, supra. Seashore 
and Prairie, stories and sketches. 

Higginson, Mrs. Sarah Jane [Hat- 
field]. Pa., 1840 . A writer of 

New York city. A Princess of Java, a 
tale of the Far East ; Java : the Pearl 
of the East ; The Bedouin Girl. Mou. 

Higginson, Stephen. Ms., 1743-1828. 
A descendant of J. Higginson, supra. 
A merchant of Boston of note in his 
day as a political writer. Essays by 
Laco, reprinted as Ten Chapters in the 

Life of John Hancock ; Defence of 
Jay's Treaty. 

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. 
Ms., 1823 . Grandson of S. Hig- 
ginson, supra. An essayist and littera- 
teur of Cambridge. In early life he 
was a Unitarian clergyman of a radical 
type, and prominent among anti-slavery 
thinkers. During the Civil War he 
commanded a regiment of freedmen. 
He has since been particularly active 
as an advocate of suffrage for women. 
His writings include, The Birthday in 
Fairy Land ; Woman and her Wishes ; 
Out-Door Papers j a translation of Epic- 
tetus ; Malbone, a romance ; Army Life 
in a Black Regiment ; Atlantic Essays ; 
Sympathy of Religions ; Oldport Days ; 
Young Folks' History of the United 
States ; Young Folks' Book of Ameri- 
can Explorers ; Short Studies of Amer- 
ican Authors ; Common Sense about 
Women ; Life of Margaret Fuller ; 
Larger History of the United' States ; 
Travellers and Outlaws; Women and 
Men ; The Afternoon Landscape, a col- 
lection of poems ; Life of Francis Hig- 
ginson ; The New World and the New 
Book ; Concerning All of Us ; Such as 
They Are ; The Monarch of Dreams ; 
Hints on Writing and Speech-Mating ; 
Cheerful Yesterdays ; English History 
for Americans (with E. Channing, in- 
fra) ; Book and Heart. So. Har.Eou. 
Le. Lgs. 

Hildeburn, Charles Swift Riche. 

Pa., 18.55 . The librarian of the 

Philadelphia Athenaeum from 1876. A 
Century of Printing, or the Issues of 
the Press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784; 
Printers and Printing in Colonial New 
York. Do. 

Hildeburn, Mrs. Mary Jane 
[Reed]. Pa., 1821-1882. A Phila- 
delphia writer of Sunday-school tales, 
among which are. Day Dreams ; Archy 
and Pussy Series ; Dr. Leslie's Boys ; 
Gaffney's Tavern. 

Hildreth, Charles Lotin. N. T., 
1856-1896. A jonrnalist of New York 
city. Judith, a novel ; The New Sym- 
phony, and Other Stories ; The Masque 
of Death, and Other Poems. 

Hildreth, Ezekiel. Ms., 1784-1856. 
An educator of Ohio and Virginia. 
Logopolis, a grammatical treatise ; A 
Key to Knowledge. 




Hildreth, Richard. Ms.,_ 1807-1865. 
A Boston journalist and historian who 
was consul at Trieste in his latest years. 
Arohy Moore, an anti-slavery novel ; 
History of Banks ; Theory of Politics ; 
Despotism in America ; Japan as it 
Was and Is ; History of the United 
States from the Discovery of the Con- 
tinent to the Close of the 16th Congress 
in 1820, a work which has few cliarms 
of style, though its genereil merit is un- 
questioned. Har. 

Hildreth, Samuel Prescott. Ms., 
1783-186.3. A physician once promi- 
nent in Marietta, Oliio, where he set- 
tled in 1806. History of the Diseases 
and Climate of Southeastern Ohio; 
Lives of the Early Settlers of Ohio ; 
Contributions to the Early History of 
the North- West ; Meteorological Obser- 
vations (with J. Wood) ; Pioneer His- 
tory of the Ohio Valley (1848) ; Bio- 
graphical and Historical Memoirs of 
Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio. See 
Bibliography of Ohio. Meth. 

Hilgard, Eugene Waldemar. By., 

1831 . A professor of agricultural 

chemistry at the University of Califor- 
nia from 187-5. Geology and Agricul- 
ture of Mississippi ; Geology of Lower 
Louisiana ; Cotton Production in the 
United States ; Climatic Features, etc., 
of the Arid Regions of the Pacific Slope 
(with T. C. Jones). 

Hilgard, Julius Erasmus. Bv., 1825- 
1891. Brother of E. W. HUgard, su- 
pra. A civil engineer of note who was 
superintendent of the United States 
Coast Survey," 1881-85, who published 
many valuable professional papers. 

Hill, Adams Sherman. Ms., 1833- 
. The Boylston professor of rhe- 
toric at Harvard University from 1876. 
Our English ; The Principles of Rhe- 
toric; The Foundation of Rhetoric. 

Hill, Mrs. Agnes Leonard [Scan- 
land]. "MoUie Myrtle." Zy., 1842- 

. Myrtle Blossoms; Vanquished, 

a novel ; Heights and Depths. 

HUl, Benjamin Dionysius. ^.,1842- 

. A Roman Catholic clergyman 

and educator, for some time at Notre 
Dame University, who has published 
Poems Devotional and Occasional. 

Hill, Benjamin Harvey. Ga., 1823- 
1882. A noted Georgia statesman. Notes 

on the Situation (1867-68) ; Address to 
the People of Georgia. 

Hill, Britten Armstrong. N. J., 

c. 181S . A prominent lawyer 

of St. Louis. Liberty and Law under 
Federative Government ; Absolute Mo- 
ney ; Specie Resumption and National 
Bankruptcy Identical. 

Hill, Daniel Harvey. S. C, 1821- 
1889. A noted mathematician who 
held professorships in several Southern 
colleges before and since the Civil War, 
hut during that conflict was a general 
in the Confederate army. Elements of 
Algebra ; Consideration of the Sermon 
on the Mount; The Crucifixion of 

Hill, David Jayne. N. J., 1850 . 

An educator of note, president of the 
Lewisburg University, Pennsylvania, 
from 1879, and subsequently of the 
University of Rochester, New York. 
Science of Rhetoric ; Elements of Rhe- 
toric ; Life of Washington Irving ; Life 
of Bryant ; Principles and Fallacies of 
Socialism ; Social Influences of Chris- 
tianity ; The Elements of Psychology ; 
Genetic Philosophy. 

Hill, Edward Judson. N.Y., 1S3— 

. A lawyer of Chicago. Common 

Law Jurisdiction in Illinois ; Chancery 
Jurisdiction in Illinois ; Probate Juris- 
diction in Illinois ; Municipal Offices in 

Hill, Frederic Stanhope. Ms., 1829- 
. A journalist of Cambridge. Twen- 
ty Years at Sea, or Leaves from my Old 
Log -Books; Historical Continuity of 
the Anglican Church. Hou. 

Hill, George. Ci., 1796-1871. Averse- 
writer who held several government 
clerkships, and after 1835 lived at 
Guilford, his native town. Ruins of 
Athens, and Other Poems ; Titania's 
Banquet, and Other Poems. See Gris- 
wold's Poets of America. 

Hill, George Canning. Ct, 1825- 

. Lives of Captain John Smith, 

Israel Putnam, Benedict Arnold, Dan- 
iel Boone ; Homespun, or Five and 
Twenty Years Ago ; Our Parish, or Pen 
Paintings of Village Life. 

Hill, Hamilton Andrews. E., 1827- 
1895. A Boston writer who published 
History of the Old South Church, Bos- 
ton, 1669-1884; Memoir of Abbot 
Lawrence. Hou. Lit. 




Hill, Henry Barker. Ms., 1849 . 

Son of T. Hill, injra. A professor of 
chemistry at Harvard University from 
1879, and author of Notes on Qualita- 
tive Analysis. Put. 

Hill, Theophilus Hunter. N. C, 

1836 . A lawyer of Ealeigh, North 

Carolina. Hesper, and Other Poems, 
the first book copyrig-hted by the Con- 
federate government ; Passion Flower, 
and Other Poems. 

Hill, Thomas. N. J., 1818-1891. A 
Unitarian clergyman and educator and 
a mathematician of eminence. He was 
president of Harvard University, 1862- 
1868, and held pastorates at Waltham, 
Massachusetts, and Portland, Maine. 
He invented several mathematical in- 
struments, one of which is the occul- 
tator. The Postulates of Religion and 
Ethics ; The Stars and the Earth ; The 
True Order of Studies ; Geometry and 
Faith ; Curvature ; Jesus the Interpre- 
ter of Nature ; Christmas, and Poems on 
Slavery ; The Natural Sources of The- 
ology ; In the Woods and Elsewhere, 
containing notable experiments in clas- 
sic metres ; and several text-books on 
arithmetic and geometry. See Biblio- 
graphy of Maine. El. Le. Put. 

Hill, Walter Henry. Et/., 1822 . 

A Roman Catholic clergyman and edu- 
cator of Chicago, a professor in St. 
Louis University, 1864-65 and 1871- 
1884. Elements of Philosophy ; Ethics, 
or Moral Philosophy ; Historical Sketch 
of St. Louis University, 

Hillard, George Stillman. Me., 1808- 
1879. A lawyer of Boston. Life of 
General McClellan ; Life of George 
Ticknor (with Mrs. Tioknor) ; Six 
Months in Italy. He also published a 
series of school readers and an edition 
of Spenser. Hou. 

Hillhouse, James Abram. Ct, 1789- 
1841. A dramatic poet of New Haven. 
His ambitious, heavy dramas, Percy's 
Masque, Hadad, Demetria, were once 
extravagantly praised, but have long 
been hopelessly dead. Dramas, Dis- 
courses, and Other Pieces, appeared in 
18.39. See North American Review, 
January, I84O. 

HilUard [hil'yard], Francis. Ms., 
1808-1878. A jurist of Boston. The 
Law of Taxation ; The Law of Vend- 

ors and Purchasers ; The Law of Mort- 
gages ; The Law of Torts ; Law of 
Injimctions ; Law of New Trials ; Law 
of Contracts ; Law of Bankruptcy ; 
American Jurisprudence ; American 
Law, a Comprehensive Summary. Lip. 

Hilliard, Henry Washington. N. 
C, 1808 . A lawyer and congress- 
man of Alabama. In 1841 he was 
charg^ d'affaires to Belgium. Duiing 
the Civil War he served in the Con- 
federate army, and subsequently prac- 
ticed law in Atlanta, serving as minis- 
ter to Brazil, 1877-81. Speeches and 
Addresses ; De Vane, a Story of Ple- 
beians and Patricians ; Politics and Pen 
Pictures. Sar. 

Hills, George Morgan. N. Y., 1825- 
1890. An Episcopal clergyman, rector 
of St. Mary's Church, Burlington, New 
Jersey, 1870-90. History of the Church 
in Burlington ; John Talbot, the First 
Bishop in North America ; Church of 
England Missions in New Jersey ; 
Transfer of the Church from Colonial 
Dependence to the Freedom of the Re- 

Hinkel, Charles John. K, 1817- 
1894. A German educator who came 
to America in 1855, and was professor 
of Greek and Latin at Vassar College, 
1869-00. Die Speculative Analysis des 
Eegriffs Geist ; Leitfaden bei dem Un- 
terreicht in der deutschen Grammatik ; 
AUegemeine Aesthetik fiir gebildete 

Hinman, Royal Ralph. Ct., 1785- 
1868. A lawyer and antiquarian of 
New Hampshire, and subsequently of 
New York city. Historical Recollec- 
tions of Connecticut in the American 
Revolution ; Catalogue of the First 
Puritan Settlers of Connecticut. 

Hinrichs, Carl Detlef. Dk., 1836- 

. A Danish educator who came to 

America in 1860, and was professor of 
physical sciences in Iowa University, 
1863-85. Elements of Physics ; Ele- 
ments of Atom Mechanics ; Principles 
of Pure Crystallography ; Principles of 
Physical Sciences ; First Course in Qua- 
litative Analysis. 

Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. 0., 1837- 

. An Ohio educator, president of 

Hiram College, 1870-82, and for four 
years subsequently superintendent of 



schools in Cleveland. Genuineness and 
Authenticity of the Gospels ; President 
Garfield and Education ; Schools and 
Studies ; The Old Northwest ; How to 
Study and Teach History ; editor Life 
and Works of Garfield. Ap. Hou. Sil. 

Hinton, Isaac Taylor. JE., 17'.19- 
1847. A Baptbt clergyman who came 
to America from England in 1822, and 
was pastor in Richmond, Virginia, and 
in New Orleans, in which latter city he 
died. History of Baptism; Lectures 
on the Prophecies. 

Hirst, Henry Beck. Pa., 1813-1874. 
A lawyer and verse-writer of Philadel- 
phia. His poetical writings comprise 
Endymion, a Tale of Greece ; The Pen- 
ance of Roland ; The Coming of the 
Mammoth, and Other Pobtus. He also 
published a Poetical Dictionary. 

Hitchcock, Alfred. Vt., 1813-1874. 
A surgeon of Fitchhurg, Massachu- 
setts, who published Christianity and 
Medical Science. 

Hitchcock, Charles Henry. Ms., 

1836 . Son of Edward Hitchcock, 

infra. The State geologist of New 
Hampshire. Natural History and Geo- 
logy of Maine ; New Hampshire Geo- 
logical Survey ; The Geology of New 

Hitchcock, Edward. Ms., 1793- 
1864. A Congregational clergyman. 
State geologist of Massachusetts, 1833- 
1844, and president of Amherst College, 
184-5-54. Religion of Geology ; Illus- 
trations of Surface Geology ; Fossil 
Footprints in the United States ; Ich- 
nology of New England ; Dyspepsia 
Forestalled and Resisted ; Religious 
Truth Illustrated from Science ; Ele- 
mentary Geology ; Reminiscences of 
Amherst College. See Allibone's Dic- 

Hitchcock, Edward. Ms., 1828- 

. Sou of E. Hitchcock, supra. A 

physician, professor of hygiene in Am- 
herst College from 1861. Anatomy 
and Physiology. 

Hitchcock, Enos. Ms., 1744-1803. 
A Congregational clergyman of Provi- 
dence once famous as a preacher. Trea- 
tise on Education ; Sermons ; Catecheti- 
cal Instruction for Children and Youth. 

Hitchcock, Ethan Allen. Vt, 1798- 
1870. A general in the Federal army 

during the Civil War. He was a grand- 
son of Ethan Allen, the noted patriot, 
and was an ardent advocate of the doc- 
trines of Swedenborg. Alchemy and 
the Alchemists ; Swedenborg, a Her- 
metic Philosopher ; Christ the Spirit, an 
argument for the symbolic exposition 
of the Gospels ; Remarks on the Son- 
nets of Shakespeare ; Spenser's Colin 
Clout Explained ; Notes on Dante's 
" Vita Nuova." 

Hitchcock, James Ripley Well- 
man. Ms., 1837 . Son of A. 

Hitchcock, supra. A litterateur of 
New York city. The Western Art 
Movement ; A Study of George Jen- 
ness ; Etchings in America ; Madonnas 
by Old Masters ; Notable Etchings by 
American Artists ; Some American 
Painters in Water Colors ; The Future 
of Etching. 

Hitchcock, Roswell Dw^ight. Me., 
1817-1887. A Congregational clergy- 
man who was president of Union Sem- 
inary from 1880. Life of Edward 
Robinson, infra ; Complete Analysis of 
the Bible ; The New Testament, with 
Readings Preferred by the American 
Committee Incorporated into the Text ; 
Eternal Atonement (with Francis 
Brown, the editor of The Teaching of 
the Twelve Apostles). Scr. 

Hittell, John Shertzer. Pa., 1825- 

. A journalist of San Francisco. 

Evidences against Christianity ; Mining 
in the Pacific States ; Brief History of 
Culture ; History of San Francisco ; 
The Spirit of the Papacy ; History of 
Mental Growth of Mankind in An- 
cient Times ; Resources of California. 
Ap. Ho. 

Hittell, Theodore Henry. Pa., 18.30- 

. Brother of J. S. Hittell, supra. 

A prominent lawyer and historian of 
San Francisco. Adventures of Captain 
Capen Adams ; General Laws of Cali- 
fornia, 18.50-64, commonly called Hit- 
tell's Digest ; Codes and Statutes of Cal- 
ifornia ; History of California, a work of 
great value, the first two volumes, ap- 
pearing in 1885, carrying the narrative 
as far as the close of the Mexican War, 
the remaining two volumes, issued in 
1897, bringing it to 1887. Goethe's 
Faust, a critical review, was issued in 
1870. Se. 




Hobart, John Henry. Pa., 1775- 
1830. The third Protestant Episcopal 
bishop of New York, and a leader of 
Church thought in his day. Compan- 
ion for the Altar ; State of Departed 
Spirits ; Festivals and Fasts ; Apology 
for Apostolic Order. See Early and 
Professional Years of Bishop Hobart, 
1834-36. But. 

Hobart, John Henry. N. Y., 1817- 
1889. Son of J. H. Hobart, supra. An 
Episcopal clergyman of New York city. 
Instruction and Encouragement for 
Lent ; Church Reform in Mexico ; Me- 
dieval Papal and Ritual Principles 
Stated and Contrasted. 

Hobby, William. Ms., 1707-176.5. 
A Congregational clergyman of Read- 
ing, Massachusetts. Vindication of 
Whitefield ; Self-Examination. 

Hodge, Archibald Alexander. N. 
./., 1S:::3-1886. Son of C. Hodge, in- 
fra. A Presbyterian clergyman, profes- 
sor of theology at Princeton College 
from 1877. Outlines of Theology ; Life 
of Charles Hodge, infra ; The Atone- 
ment ; Commentary on the Confession 
of Faith ; Popular Lectures on Theo- 
logical Themes. Scr. 

Hodge, Charles. Pa., 1797-1878. A 
Presbyterian clergyman, for nearly for- 
ty years editor of The Princeton Review, 
which he founded, and to which he 
was the chief contributor. Systematic 
Theology ; Commentaries on the Epis- 
tles ; Constitutional History of the 
Presbyterian Church in the United 
States ; Mliat is Darwinism ? ; Discus- 
sions in Church Polity ; Conference Pa- 
pers. See Life by A. A. Hodge ; Prince- 
toniana, by Charles Salmond. Scr. 

Hodge, Frederick 'Webb. £".,1864- 
, . An ethnologist at the Smithso- 
nian Institution. Architecture of the 
Prehistoric Pueblos of Southern Ari- 
zona ; Methods of Irrigation of the An- 
cient Inhabitants of the Salado Valley. 

Hodge, Hugh Lenox. Pa., 1796- 
1873. Brother of C. Hodge, supra. A 
physician who was professor of obstet- 
rics in the University of Pennsylvania 
from 1S.J.5. Principles and Practice of 
Obstetrics ; Diseases Peculiar to Wo- 

Hodge, John Aspinwall. Pa., 1831- 
. A Presbyterian clergyman in 

Hartford, 1866-92. What is Presby- 
terian Law ? ; Theology of the Shorter 
Catechism (second part) ; Recognition 
After Death. 

Hodges, George. N. Y., 1856 . 

An Episcopal clergyman, dean of the 
Theological School at Cambridge from 
189-1, and prominent among Broad 
Church thinkers. The Heresy of Cain ; 
Christianity Between Sundays ; Faith 
and Social Service. Wh. 

Hodgkin, Louise Manning. Ms., 

1846 . An educator who was 

from 1876 to 1891 professor of English 
Literature in Wellesley College. Guide 
to the Study of Nineteenth Century 

Hodgson, Francis. E., 1805-1877. 
A Methodist minister in Pennsylvania 
and other States. Examination into 
the System of New Divinity ; Ecclesias- 
tical Policy of Methodism Defended; 
Calvinistic Doctrine of Predestination 
Examined and Refuted. Meth. 

HoSfman, Charles Fenno. N. Y., 
1806-1884. Half brother of M. Hoff- 
man, infra. A once popular poet and 
story-writer of New York city who 
from 1850 lived in absolute retirement 
by reason of mental disorder. He ex- 
celled as a song-writer, his best known 
songs being, Sparkling and Bright, and 
The Myrtle and Steel. A Winter in 
the West; Wild Scenes in the Forest 
and Prairie ; The Vigil of Faith, and 
Other Poems ; The Echo, or Borrowed 
Notes for Home Circulation (verse). 
Love's Calendar, and Other Poems ; 
Grayslaer, a novel. See Poems of, ed- 
ited by E. Hoffman, 1874- 

Hoffman, David. Md., 1784-1854. 
A lawyer who was professor of law in 
the University of Maryland. A Course 
of Legal Study ; Legal Outlines ; Legal 
Hints ; Miscellaneous Thoughts on 
Men and Things ; Chronicles Selected 
from the Originals of Cartaphilus, the 
Wandering Jew ; Viator, a Peep into 
my Notebook. 

Hoffman, David Bancroft. N. Y., 

1827 . A politician and physician 

of San Diego who has published Medi- 
cal History of San Diego County, Cali- 

Hoffman, Eugene Augustus. N. 
Y., 1829 . An Episcopal clergy- 



man of New York city, dean of the 
General Theological JSeminary from 
1879, and a prominent benefactor of 
that institution. Free Churches ; The 
Ritualistic Week ; Manual of Devotion 
for Communicants. 

Hoffman, John N . Pa., 1804- 

1857. A Lutheran clergyman of 
Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Evangelical 
Hymns, Original and Selected ; A Col- 
lection of Tests ; The Broken Plat- 
form, a Defence of the Symbolical 
Books of the Lutheran Church. 

Hoffman, Murray. N. Y., 1791- 
1878. A once prominent jurist of New 
York city. Office and Duties of Mas- 
ters in Chancery ; Estate and Rights of 
the Corporation of New York as Pro- 
prietors ; Law of the Protestant Epis- 
copal Church in the United States ; 
Ecclesiastical Law in the State of New 
York ; Law and Practice as to Refer- 


Hoffman, "Wickham. N. Y., 1821- 

. Son of M. Hoffman, supra, A 

diplomatist who, after serving as secre- 
tary of legation at Paris, London, and 
St. Petersburg successively, was minis- 
ter to Denmark, 1883-85. Camp, Court, 
and Siege, a Narrative of Personal 
Adventure daring Two Wars ; Leisure 
Hours in Russia. 

Hogan, John. J., 1805-1892. A poli- 
tician and hanker of St. Louis. 
Thoughts about St. Louis ; Resources 
of Missouri ; Sketches of Early West- 
em Pioneers ; History of Western 

Hoge [hog], Moses. Va., 17.52-1820. 
A Presbyterian clergyman and educa- 
tor of Virginia, president of Hampden 
and Sidney College, 1806—20, and widely 
known as an eloquent preacher. Chris- 
tian Panoply, a Reply to Paine's " Age 
of Reason ; " Sermons. 

Hoge, William James. Va., 1821- 
1864. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
New York city, and subsequently of 
Petersburg, Virginia, very popular in 
his day, and the author of Blind Bar- 
timeus, or the Sightless Sinner. 

Hogg, Wilson Thomas. N. Y., 
1852 . A Free Methodist clergy- 
man, president of Greenville College 
from 1893. Handbook of Homiletica 
and Pastoral Theology; Revivals and 
Bevival Work. 

Hoke, Jacob. 18 . The Age 

we Live In ; Holiness, or the Higher 
Christian Life ; Clusters from Eshcol ; 
Guide to the Battle Field of Gettys- 
burg ; The Great Invasion of 1863. 

Holbrook, Alfred. Ct., 1816 . 

An educator of Lebanon, Ohio. The 
Normal, or Methods of Teaching ; An 
English Grammar Conformed to Pre- 
sent Usage. 

Holbrook, James. 1812-1864. From 
1845 a special agent of the United 
States Post Office. He published Ten 
Years Among the Mailbags. 

Holbrook, John Ed-wards. S. C, 
17'..)4-1871. A physician and naturalist, 
professor of anatomy at the Medical 
College in Charleston for more than 
thirty years. American Herpetology ; 
Ichthyology of South Carolina. 

Holbrook, Martin Luther. O., 

1831— . A physician of New York 

city, professor of hygiene in the New 
York Medical College and Hospital 
for Women, and editor of The Herald 
of Health and Journal of Hygiene. 
Parturition Without Pain ; Eating 
for Strength ; Hygiene of Brain and 
Nerves ; Marriage and Parentage ; How 
to Strengthen the Memory ; Hygienic 
Treatment of Consumption. 

Holbrook, Silas Pinckney. S. C, 
1706-1835. Brother of J. E. Holbrook, 
supra. A lawyer of Medfield, Massa^ 
chusetts. Sketches by a Traveller is a 
collection of his contributions to the 
Boston Courier and the New England 

Holcombe, Henry. Va., 1762-1826. 
A Baptist clergyman of Philadelphia. 
Lectures on Primitive Theology ; First 

Holcombe, Hosea. S. C, 1780-1841. 
A Baptist clergyman of Alabama. Col- 
lection of Sacred Hymns ; Anti-Mis- 
sion Principles Exposed ; History of 
Alabama Baptists. 

Holcombe, James Philemon. Va., 
1820-1873. A lawyer and educator of 
Virginia, professor of law in the Uni- 
versity of Virginia, 1852-60, and mem- 
ber of the Confederate Congress, 1861- 
1863. Law of Debtor and Creditor ; 
Literature and Letters ; Introduction to 
Equity Jurisprudence ; Leading Cases 
upon Commercial Law ; Digest of 




United States Supreme Court Deci- 
sions ; Mercliants' Book of Reference. 

Holcombe, 'Williain Frederick. 

Ms., 1827 . A physician of New 

York city, professor of eye and ear dis- 
eases in several medical institutions. 
History of Mount Sterling-, Kentucky ; 
History of the Holcombes in America ; 
Family Records, their Importance and 

Holcombe, William Henry. Va., 
1825-1894. Brother of J. P. Holcombe, 
supra. A homoeopathic physician of 
New Orleans, who was well known as 
a Swedenborgian writer. Our Children 
in Heaven ; Lost Truths of Christian- 
ity ; The Other Life ; Southern Voices, 
a volume of verse ; Scientific Basis of 
Homceopathy ; How I Became a Ho- 
mcEopath ; Poems ; The Sexes Here 
and Hereafter ; In Both Worlds ; The 
End of the World ; The New Tenant ; 
Letters on Spiritual Subjects ; Con- 
densed Thoughts About Christian Sci- 
ence. Lip. 

Holden, Edmund Singleton. Mo., 

184G . An astronomer, president 

of the University of California since 
1880, and director of the Lick Obser- 
vatory. Astronomy for Students (with 
S. Newcomb, infra) ; Life of Sir WQ- 
liara Herschel ; Monograph of the Cen- 
tral Parts of the Nebula of Orion ; 
Notes on the Bastion System of Forti- 
fication ; Astronomical Bibliography ; 
Handbook of Lick Observatory ; The 
Mogul Emperors of Hindustan. Scr. 

Holden, George Henry. Ms., 1848- 

. The proprietor of a bird store 

in Boston who has published Canaries 
and Cage Birds. Ju. 

Holden, Luther Loud. 18 . 

Persis, a Tale of the White Mountains ; 
A Summer Jaunt through the Old 

Holder, Charles Frederick. Ms., 

18.51 . Son of J. B. Holder, infra. 

A naturalist of New York city, and a 
popular writer upon natural history 
topics. Elements of Zoology (with J. 
B. Holder) ; Marvels of Animal Life ; 
The Ivory King ; Living Lights ; Won- 
der Wings ; A Strange Company ; A 
Frozen Dragon, and Other Tales ; All 
About Pasadena ; Along the Florida 
Reef ; Life of Agassiz ; Young Folks' 

Story Book of Natural History. Ap, 
Do. Le. Lo. Put. Scr. 

Holder, Joseph Bassett. Ms., 1824- 
1888. A zoologist who was a curator 
in the American Museum of Natural 
History, New York city. History of 
the North American Fauna ; History of 
the Atlantic Right Whales ; The Liv- 
ing World. 

Holdich, Joseph. E., 1804 . A 

Methodist clergyman who was secre- 
tary of the American Bible Society, 
1849-78. Bible History; Life of A. 
H. Hard ; Life of Wilbur Fisk, supra. 
Har. Meth. 

Holland, Edward Clifford. S. C, 
1794-1824. A journalist of Charleston 
who was the author of a volume of 
Odes, Naval Songs, and Other Poems. 

Holland, Frederick May. Ms., 1836- 

. Son of F. W. Holland, infra. A 

Unitarian clergyman of Massachusetts. 
The Reign of the Stoics ; Stories from 
Robert Browning ; The Rise of Intel- 
lectual Liberty from Thales to Coper- 
nicus; Life of Frederick Douglass. 
Fu. Ho. 

Holland, Frederick West. Ms., 
1811-1895. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Concord, Massachusetts. Scenes in Pal- 
estine ; Sinai and Jerusalem, or Scenes 
from Bible Lands. 

Holland, Henry Ware. N. Y., 

1S44 . Son of F. W. Holland, 

supra. A Boston lawyer and journal- 
ist. William Dawes and his Ride with 
Paul Revere. 

Holland, Josiah Gilbert. "Timothy 
Titcomb." Ms., 1819-1881. A popu- 
lar author and lecturer whose writings 
met with severe criticism as literary 
productions without being materially 
affected in popularity. They were ad- 
dressed to average commonplace hu- 
manity, and exerted a wide and helpful 
influence. He was editor of The Spring- 
field Republican, 1849-66, and of Serib- 
ner's Magazine from 1870 until his 
death. His writings in verse include, 
Kathrina ; Bitter Sweet ; The Mistress 
of the Manse; The Marble Prophecy; 
Garnered Sheaves, including all his 
poems up to 1873 ; The Puritan's Guest, 
and Other Poems. In fiction : The Bay 
Path ; Arthur Bonnicastle ; Sevenoaks ; 
Miss Gilbert's Career; Nicholas Min- 


turn. His other -works comprise, Gold 
Foil Hammered from Popular Pro- 
verbs; History of Western Massachu- 
setts ; Letters to Young- People ; Les- 
sons in Life ; Concerning- the Jones 
Family ; Plain Talks on Familiar Sub- 
jects ; Life of Abraham Lincoln, which 
had an enormous sale. See Centuri/ 
Magazine, December, 18S1 ; Memoir by 
Mrs. H. M. Plunkett. Scr. 

Holland, Robert Afton. Tn., 1844- 

. An Episcopal clergyman of St. 

Louis, hut formerly a clergyman of the 
Methodist faith. The Philosophy of 
the Real Presence ; Relations of Phi- 
losophy to Agnosticism and Religion ; 
The Proof of Immortality ; Midsummer 
Night's Dream, an Interpretation ; De- 
mocracy in the Church ; What is the 
Use of Going to Church ? 

Holley, Alexander Lyman. Ct., 
1S.j2-18S2. An engineer of eminence 
who was a lecturer on iron and steel 
manufacture in the Columbia School of 
Mines from 1879, and an inventor of 
prominence. Railway Economics (with 
Zerah Colburn, supra) ; Treatise on 
Ordnance and Armor. See Memorial 
of, 1884. 

Holley, Marietta. " Josiah Allan's 
Wife." N. Y., 1844 . A well- 
known and popular humourous writer 
whose home has always been at Ellis- 
burg, New York. Her writings con- 
tain much real wit and shrewd sense, 
but the effect is often marred by ex- 
travagance and faults of taste. My 
Opinions and Betsey Bobbet's ; My 
Wayward Pardner ; Josiah Allen's Wife 
as a P. A. and a P. I. ; Samantha at 
the World's Fair ; Samantha in Europe ; 
Samantha Among the Brethren; Sa- 
mantha at Saratoga ; Samantha at the 
Centennial ; Poems ; Sweet Cicely ; Jo- 
siah's Alarm. Fu. Lip. 

Holley, Mrs. Mary Austin. 17 

1846. The wife of Horace Holley, 
a Unitarian clergyman of Kentucky. 
Texas : Observations Historical, Geo- 
graphical, and Descriptive (1833) ; 
Memoir of Horace Holley. 
Holley, Orville Luther. Ct., 1791- 
1861. Brother-in-law of Mrs. Holley, 
supra. A lawyer and journalist of New 
York city. Description of New York 
City ; Life of Benjamin Franklin. 



Hollister, Gideon Hiram. Ct, 1817- 
1881. A lawyer of Litchfield, Con- 
necticut, who was minister to Hayti, 
1868-()!>. Mount Hope, an historical 
romance ; History of Connecticut ; Tho- 
mas b. Becket, a Tragedy, and Other 
Poems ; Kinley Hollow. 

Hollo-way, Mrs. Laura [Carter]. 

Tn., 1848 . A writer who was for 

ten years on the editorial staff of The 
Brooklyn Eagle. Ladies of the White 
House; An Hour with Charlotte 
Bronte ; The Hearthstone, or Life at 
Home ; The Mothers of Great Men and 
Women ; Chinese Gordon ; Howard, the 
Christian Hero ; Life of Adelaide Neil- 
son ; The Buddhist Diet Book. Fu. 

Holly, Henry Hudson. N. Y., 
1834-1892. An architect of New York 
city. Country Seats ; Church Archi- 
tecture ; Modern Dwellings in Town 
and Country. 

Holm, Saxe. See Jackson, Mrs. Helen. 

Holmes, Abiel. Ct, 1763-1837. A 
Unitarian clergyman o£ Cambridge, 
pastor of the First Church there, 1792- 
1832. Life of Ezra Stiles, infra ; His- 
tory of Cambridge ; American Annals ; 
Memoir of the French Protestants. 
See Life by W. Jenks. 

Holmes, Daniel. N. Y.. 1810-1873. 
A Methodist preacher in Michigan and 
Indiana. Pure Gold, or Truth in its 
Native Loveliness ; The Wesley Offer- 
ing ; Discussion on the Atonement. 

Holmes, Mrs. G-eorgiana [Klingle]. 

" George Klingle." Pa., 185 . 

A verse-writer of Philadelphia. Make 
Thy Way Mine ; In the Name of the 
King. Sto. 

Holmes, John. Ms., 1773-1843. A 
once prominent senator in Congress 
from Massachusetts, and subsequently 
from Maine, who was the author of 
The Statesman, or Principles of Legis- 

Holmes, Mrs. Mary Jane [Ha-w-es]. 

Ms., 18 . A voluminous author 

of popular fiction of a domestic kind, 
the literary merit of which is slight. 
She has for many years lived at Brock- 
port, New York. Among her writings 
are, Lena Rivers ; Tempest and Sun- 
shine ; Marian Grey ; Gretchen. Dil. 

Holmes, Nathaniel. N. H., 1814- 
. A jurist of St. Louis in earlier 




life, but from 1868-72 Royall professor 
of law in Harvard University, and for 
many years a resident of Canabridg-e. 
He is an ardent advocate of the Baco- 
nian theory of the authorship of Shake- 
speare's plays. The Authorship of 
Shakespeare ; Realistic Idealism in Phi- 
losophy Itself. Hou. 

Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ms., 1809- 
1894. Son of A. Holmes, supra. A 
famous physician of Boston, widely 
known as poet, novelist, and essayist. 
He was born in Cambridge, and there 
and in Boston his life was almost en- 
tirely passed. From 1847 to 3882 he 
was professor of anatomy in Harvard 
University. His popularity dates from 
the founding of The Atlantic Monthly in 
1857, in the earliest number of which 
he began the publication of the articles 
entitled The Autocrat of the Breakfast 
Table. Much of his verse was com- 
posed for especial occasions, and is more 
or less ephemeral in its nature ; but his 
serious verse and his essays entitle him 
to a high place among American writ- 
ers. The Autocrat of the Breakfast 
Table ; The Professor at the Breakfast 
Table ; The Poet at the Breakfast Ta- 
ble ; Mechanism in Thought and Mor- 
als ; Memoir of Motley ; Over the Tea- 
cups ; Our Hundred Days in Europe ; 
Life of Emerson ; Medical Essays ; El- 
sie Venner ; The Guardian Angel ; A 
Mortal Antipathy ; Currents and Coun- 
ter Currents ; Pages from an Old Vol- 
ume of Life, comprise his prose works. 
In verse his publications include, Ura- 
nia ; Astrsea ; Songs in Many Keys ; 
Songs of Many Seasons ; The Iron 
Gate; The School-Boy; Before the 
Curfew. See Lives hy W. Kennedy^ 
E. E. Broivn, J. T. Morse; Haweis^s 
American Humourists; NichoPs Amer- 
ican Literature ; Richardson'' s Amer- 
ican Literature ; Stedman''s Poets of 
America; O. W. Hobnes, by Walter 
Jerrold ; Ashcroft Noble's Lnpressions 
and Memories ; Steuarfs Letters to Liv- 
ing Authors^ 1890; Harper's Monthly^ 
December, 1896. Hou. 

Holmes, Oliver "Wendell, Jr. Ms., 
1841 -. ^ Son of 0. W. Holmes, su- 
pra. A jurist of Boston who has pub- 
lished The Common Law and edited 
Kent's Commentaries. Lit. 

Hoist, Hermann Eduard von. Livo- 
nia^ 1841 . An historian who first 

came to America in 1866 and 
in lectiiring and writing, but returned 
to Europe in 1872 and was successively 
professor of history in the University 
of Strassburg, 1872-74, and at Frei- 
burg, 1874-92. In 1892 he became 
professor of history at the University of 
Chicago. His greatest work is Veifas- 
sung und Demokratie der Vereinigten 
Staaten von Amerika, the translation 
of which is entitled The Constitutional 
and Political History of the United 
States. His other works are, Life of 
Calhoun ; Life of John Brown ; Con- 
stitutional Law of the United States. 

Holt, John Saunders. Al, 182C- 
1886. A lawyer of New Orleans. Life 
of Abraham Page, a Novel ; What I 
Know About Ben Eccles ; The Quines. 

Homes, Henry Augustus. Ms., 
1812-LSS'S. A Congregational clergy- 
man who was a missionary at Constan- 
tinople, 1836-50, and subsequently in 
the diplomatic service there. From 
1854 he was employed as librarian in 
the State library at Albany. The Need 
of Yezedees of Mesopotamia ; Design 
and Import of Medals ; Our Knowledge 
of California ; The Palatine Emigration 
to England in 1709 ; The Water Sup- 
ply of Constantinople, comprise his 
pidncipal works. 

Homes, Mrs. Mary Sophie [Shaw] 

[Rogers]. Md., 1830 . A writer 

of New Orleans. Carrie Harrington, 
or Scenes in New Orleans ; Progression, 
or the South Defended, a volume of 
verse ; A Wreath of Rhymes. 

Honeyw^ood, Saint John, Jlfs.,1763- 
1798. A lawyer of Salem, New York, 
whose political Poems were published 
in 1801. 

Hood, George. Circa 1815-1869. A 
Philadelphian who was manager of the 
Academy of Music in his city, and au- 
thor of a History of Music in New Eng- 
land (1846). 

Hood, John Bell. Ky., 1831-1879. 
A noted general in the Confederate 
army. Advance and Retreat : Personal 
Experience in the United States and 
Confederate Armies, a. careful defence 
of his military movements. 

Hood, Samuel. J., v. 1800-1875. A 
Philadelphia lawyer, author of A Prac- 




tical Treatise on the Law of Decedents 
in Pennsylvania. 

Hooke, "William. E., 1601-1678. A 
Puritan clergyman who was a cousin of 
Oliver Cromwell. He came to Amer- 
ica about 1636 ; was for some seven 
years minister at Taunton, and for 
twelve yeai's following pastor at New 
Haven. Returning- to England in lG.j6, 
he became chaplain to Cromwell. New 
England's Teares for Old England's 
Feares is tiie best known of his writ- 
ings. See Tyler^s American Literature ; 
Sprague's Annals of the American Pul- 

Hooker, Edward "William. Ct, 

1794—1875. A Congregational clergy- 
man of Vermont who was a descendant 
of T. Hooker, infra. A Plea for Sacred 
Music ; Life of Thomas Hooker. 

Hooker, Herman. Vt., 1804-1865. 
An Episcopal clergyman who retired 
from the ministry and became a book- 
seller in Philadelphia. Family Book 
of Devotion ; The Uses of Adversity ; 
Thoughts and Maxims ; The Portion of 
the Soul ; Popular Infidelity ; The Chris- 
tian Life a Life of Faith. 

Hooker, Horace. Ct., 179.3-1864. A 
Congregational clergyman of Hartford. 
Youth's Book of Natural Theology ; 
Bible History. 

Hooker, Mrs. Isabella [Beecher]. 

Ct., 1822 . The youngest daugh- 
ter of Lyman Beecher, supra. A phi- 
lanthropist of Hartford, prominent as 
an advocate of spiritualism and woman- 
suffrage. Womanhood : its Sanctities 
and Fidelities. 

Hooker, Thomas. E., 1586-1647. A 
Puritan clergyman who came to Amer- 
ica in 1633, and was for three years 
minister at Cambridge, then called 
Newtowne. In 1636 he led a large por- 
tion of his flock to the Connecticut val- 
ley, where they founded the town of 
Hartford. A theologian of great influ- 
ence in his century. Survey of the 
Summe of Church Discipline (with John 
Cotton) ; Application of Redemption ; 
The Poors Doubting Christian drawne 
to Christ. See Tyler's American Litera- 
ture ; Palfrei/'s History of New Eng- 
land ; Allibone's Dictionary ; Dictionary 
of National Biography, vol. S7, 

Hooker, "Worthington. Ms., 1806- 
1867. A physician of Norwich, Con- 
necticut, who was professor of medicine 
at Yale University, lS,i2-67. Physi- 
cian and Patient ; An Examination of 
Homoeopathy ; Human Physiology for 
Schools ; Rational Therapeutics ; Child's 
Book of Nature ; Child's Book of Com- 
mon Things ; Lessons from the History 
of Medical Delusions ; Science for the 
School and Family ; "The Medical Pro- 
fession and the Community. Har. 

Hooper, Edward James. E., 180.3- 

. A once prominent agriculturist 

in the West who published a Dictionary 
of Agriculture. 

Hooper, Johnson. N. C, c. 181.5- 
1803. A lawyer of Alabama. Adven- 
tures of Captain Simon Suggs ; Widow 
Rugby's Husband, and Other Alabama 

Hooper, Lucy. Ms., 1816-1841. A 
verse-writer of much promise whose 
home was in Brooklyn. Scenes from 
Real Life, a collection of prose Sketches, 
appeared during her lifetime, and her 
Complete Poems in 1848. See Gris- 
wold^s Female Poets of America. 

Hooper, Mrs. Lucy Hamilton 

[Jones]. Pa., 183.5-1893. A Phila- 
delphia author who lived in Europe 
after 1870, and was Paris correspondent 
for several American papers. Poems, 
with translations from the German ; 
Under the Tri-Color, a Novel; The 
Tsar's Window, a Novel. Lip. Bob. 

Hope, James Barron. Va., 1827- 
1887. A lawyer and journalist of Nor- 
folk. Leoni di Monti, and Other Po- 
ems ; An Elegiac Ode ; Under the 
Empire, or the Story of Madelon ; Arms 
and the Man, and Other Poems. 

Hopkins, Alphonso Alvah. N. Y., 

1843 . A journalist, educator, and 

lecturer. His Prison Bars, a Temper- 
ance Tale ; Newspaper Poets ; Our 
Sabbath Evenings ; Sinner and Saint, 
a Novel ; Life of General Clinton Fisk ; 
Asleep in the Sanctum, and Other 
Poems ; Waifs and their Authors ; 
Wealth and Waste ; Geraldine, a novel 
in verse on the model of Lucile. Fu. 

Hopkins, Caspar Thomas. Vt., 

1826 . Son of Bishop Hopkins, 

infra. A Califomian journalist who 




established the first insurance company 
on the Pacific coast. He published a 
Manual of American Ideas. 

Hopkins, Ed^ward Washburn. Ms,, 

1S57 . A professor of Sanskrit in 

Yale University. Mutual Relations of 
the Four Castes in Manu ; Translation 
of Laws of Manu ; Social and Military 
Position of the Ruling Caste in Ancient 
ndia ; The Religions of India. Gi. 

Hopkins, Erastus. Ms., 1810-1872. 
A Presbyterian clergyman, long a resi- 
dent of Northampton, Massachusetts, 
and the author of The Family a Re- 
ligious Institution. 

Hopkins, John Henry. J., 1702- 
1^68. The first Protestant Episcopal 
bishop of Vermont. A -writer of vigour 
and versatility, prominent both as a 
High Churchman and a, controversial- 
ist. History of the Confessional ; The 
End of Controversy Controverted ; The 
Primitive Church ; Essay on Gothic 
Architecture ; The Church of Rome in 
her Primitive Purity ; Scriptural View 
of Slavery, a defence of the institu- 
tion ; Law of Ritualism ; Lectures on 
the Reformation ; Twelve Canzonets, 
words and music ; History of the Church 
in verse, include his principal writings. 
See Life by his son, J. H. HojjJcins, in- 

Hopkins, John Henry. Pa., 1820- 
1891. Son of J. H. Hopkins, supra. 
An Episcopal clergyman who founded 
The Church Journal, of which he was 
long the editor. Among his writings 
are included Carols, Hymns, and Songs ; 
Poems by the Wayside ; Life of Bishop 
Hopkins ; Faith and Order of the Pro- 
testant Church in the United States ; 
and a translation of Goethe's Autobio- 
graphy. See C F. Sweefs Champion 
of the Cross, ISD4. Wh. 

Hopkins, Lemuel. Ct, 1750-1801. 
A political writer of note in his day, 
author of satires, poems, and a favour- 
ite version of Psalm cxxxii. With Bar- 
low and others he wrote the Anarchiad, 
a plea for an efficient federal constitu- 

Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa Parsons 
[Stone]. Ms., 1834-1895. An edu- 
cator of Boston, for some years a mem- 
ber of the Boston School Board. How 
Shall my Child be Taught ? ; Practical 
Pedagogy ; Educational Psychology ; 

Observation Lessons in Primary 
Schools ; Cosmic Geography ; Hand- 
book of the Earth ; Parables of Nature 
and Life. In verse she wrote, Mother- 
hood; Breath of the Field and Shore ; 
Easter Carols. Le. 

Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa [Payson]. 

Me., 1812-1862. A writer of religious 
works for young people, the wife of 
Professor Albert Hopkins, Williams- 
town, Massachusetts. The Pastor's 
Daughter ; Lessons on the Book of 
Proverbs ; Henrj^ Langdon ; The Guid- 
ing Star ; The Silent Comforter ; Se- 
lect Thoughts. See Sewall's Memoirs 
of Albert Hopkins. 

Hopkins, Mark. Ms., 1802-1887. A 
Congregational clergyman who "was 
president of Williams College, 1836- 
1872, and a man of wide influence as an 
educator and a religious writer. Lec- 
tures on Moral Science ; The Law of 
Love and Love as a Law ; Discourses 
and Essays; Outline Study of Man; 
The Keriptural Idea of Man ; Teach- 
ings and Counsels ; Evidences of Chris- 
tianity. See Life by F. Carter, supra. 
Hev. Scr. 

Hopkins, Mark. Ms.,lS61 . Son 

of M. Hopkins, supra. A journalist in 
London. The World's Verdict, a novel. 

Hopkins, Samuel. Ct., 1721-1803. 
A Congregational clergyman of New- 
port, Khode Island, the founder of what 
has been called Hopkinsian Divinity, 
which differed from Calvinism in main- 
taining the free agency of sinners, the 
moral inability of the unregenerate, 
and ascribing the essence of sin to the 
disposition and purpose of the mind. 
His views had great influence in the 
modification of contemporary thought. 
He was a strong opponent of slavery, 
and his influence procured the passage 
of a law prohibiting the importation of 
slaves into Khode Island. The System 
of Doctrine contained in Divine Reve- 
lation is his principal work. Others 
are. The True State of the Unregen- 
erate ; Nature of True Holiness ; The 
Duty and Interest of American States 
to Emancipate their Slaves. See Life 
by Park ; Mrs. Stowe's Minister's Woo- 
ing ; Sprague's Annals of the American 




Hopkins, Samuel. Ms., 1807-1887. 
Cousin of M. Hopkins, 1st, supra. A 
Congregational clergyman of New Eng- 
land, long a resident of Northampton, 
Massachusetts. The Puritans and Queen 
Elizabeth ; Lessons at the Cross ; Youth 
of the Old Dominion. 

Hopkins, Samuel Miles. Ct, 1772- 
1837. A jurist of New York State. 
Chancery Reports ; Treatise on Tem- 

Hopkins, Samuel Miles. N. Y., 

1813 . Son of S. M. Hopkins, su- 
pra. A Presbyterian clergyman, pro- 
fessor in Auburn Theological Seminary 
from 1847. Manual of Church Polity ; 
Liturgy and Book of Common Prayer. 

Hopkins, Stephen. E. I., 1707-1785. 
One of the signers of the Declara- 
tion of Independence, and ten times 
governor of Rhode Island. He was the 
author of Rights of the Colonies Exam- 
ined ; History of the Planting and 
Growth of Providence. See Life by W. 
E. Foster, 18S4 ; Bibliography of Rhode 

Hopkinson, Francis. Pa., 1737- 
1791. A once famous political writer 
and lawyer of Philadelphia, among 
whose political writings are, The Pretty 
Story ; The Prophecy ; The Political 
Catechism ; The New Roof. He is best 
known by his humourous poem. The 
Battle of the Kegs. Three volumes of 
his Miscellaneous Writings were pub- 
lished in 1792. 

Hopkinson, Joseph. Pa., 1770-1842. 
Son of F. Hopkinson, supra. A jurist 
of Philadelphia who is chiefly remem- 
bered as the author of the poem. Hail 

Hoppin, Augustus. B. I., 1828-1896. 
An artist and illustrator. On the Nile ; 
Ups and Downs on Land and Water ; 
Jubilee Days ; Hay Fever ; Recollec- 
tions of Auton House, a novel; A 
Fashionable SufBerer ; Two Compton 
Boys ; Married for Fun, » romance. 

Hoppin, James Mason. P. I., 1820- 

. Cousin of A. Hoppin, supra. A 

Congregational clergyman, professor of 
homiletics at Yale University, 1861- 
1879, and subsequently of the history of 
art. Notes of a Theological Student ; 
Old England ; Life of Admiral Foote ; 

Memoirs of Henry Armitt Brown, su- 
pra ; Homiletics ; Pastoral Theology ; 
Office and Work of the Christian Min- 
ister ; Sermons on Faith, Hope, Love, 
etc. ; The Early Renaissance ; Greek 
Art on Greek Soil. Do. Fu. Har. Hou. 

Horn, Edward Traill. Pa., 1850- 

. A Lutheran clergyman of 

Charleston. The Christian Year ; Old 
Matin and Vesper Services of the Lu- 
theran Church ; Outlines of Liturgies ; 
The Evangelical Pastor. 

Hornaday, William Temple. Ind., 
1854 . A naturalist of Washing- 
ton, for eight years chief taxidermist of 
the National Museum. Two Years in 
the Jungle ; The Buffalo Hunt ; Canoe 
and Rifle on the Orinoco ; Free Rum 
on the Congo ; Taxidermy and Zoo- 
logical Collecting. Scr. 

Horner, "William Edmunds. Va., 
1793-1853. A physician of Philadel- 
phia, professor of anatomy in the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania, 1819-53. Spe- 
cial Anatomy and Histology ; United 
States Dissector ; Anatomical Atlas ; 
Pathological Anatomy. See Gross's 
Sketches of Contemporaries. 

Horsfield, Thomas. Pa., 1773-1859. 
A naturalist and traveller who was a 
native of Philadelpliia, but was in the 
employ of the East India Company, and 
lived in England after 1820. Lepidop- 
terous Insects ; Zoological Researches 
in Java. See Dictionary of National 
Biography, vol. 37. 

Horsford, Eben Norton. N. Y., 
1818-1893. A chemist of Cambridge 
who was Rumford professor at Har- 
vard University, 1847-63. He was the 
discoverer of acid phosphate, and one 
of the founders of the Lawrence Scien- 
tific School at Harvard. Theory and 
Art of Breadmaking ; The Army Ra- 
tion ; Discovery of America by North- 
men. Hou. 

Horsford, Mrs. Mary L'Homme- 
dieu [Gardiner]. N.Y., 1824-1855.' 
Wife of E. N. Horsford, supra, and 
author of Indian Legends and Other 

Horsmanden, Daniel. E., 1691-1778. 
A jurist of New York city. The New 
York Conspiracy, or the History of the 
Negro Plot ; Letters to Governor Clin- 




Horton, George Forman. Pa., 1808- 
1S88. A lawyer of Terrytown, Penn- 
sylvania. Geology of Bradford County, 
Pennsylvania ; The Horton Genealogy. 

Horton, Samuel Dana. 0., 1844- 
1895. A publicist of Pomeroy, Ohio, 
eminent as an advocate of bimetallism. 
Silver and Gold ; The Silver Pound and 
England's Monetary Position since the 
Restoration, with a History of the 
Guinea ; Silver in Europe. Clke. Mac. 

Hosaok, David. N. Y., 1769-18.35. 
An eminent physician and scientist of 
New York city who founded the first 
botanic garden in America. Conta- 
gious Diseases ; Vision ; Hortus Elgi- 
nensis ; Memoir of Hugh Williamson ; 
Memoirs of De Witt Clinton ; Essays 
on Medical Science ; Theory and Prac- 
tice of Medicine. 

Hoskins, Nathan. Vt., 1795-1869. 
A lawyer of Vermont and Massachu- 
setts. History of Vermont ; Notes in 
the West ; The Bennington Court Con- 

Hosmer, Frederick Lucian. Ms., 

1846 . A Unitarian clergyman 

of Chicago. The Way' of Life ; The 
Thought of God in Hymns and Poems 
(with W. C. Gannett, supra). Sob. 

Hosmer, George Washington. 

184 . A physician. The People 

and Politics ; As We Went Marching 
On, a Story of the War. Har. Hou. 

Hosmer, James Kendall. Ms., 1834- 
. A professor in Washington Uni- 
versity of St. Louis, 1874—92, and since 
the latter date public librarian of Min- 
neapolis. Short History of Anglo - 
Saxon Freedom ; The Story of the 
Jews ; Life of Sir Henry Vane ; Life 
of Samuel Adams ; Thomas Hutchin- 
son, Royal Governor of the Province 
of Massachusetts Bay ; The Color 
Guard, a narrative of personal experi- 
ence ; The Thinking Bayonet, a novel ; 
A Short History of German Literature ; 
How Thankful was Bewitched. TIou. 
Put. Scr. 

Hosmer, Mrs. Margaret [Kerr]. 
Pa., 1830-1897. A Philadelphia writer 
of Sunday-school tales, among which 
are, A Chinaman in California ; The 
Chinese Boy ; The Little Captives ; 
Lonny the Orphan. She wrote, also, 
three novels, Blanche Grilroy ; The Mor- 

risons ; Ten Years of a Life Time. Co, 
Hosmer, William Henry Cuyler. 

N. Y.. 1814-1877. A lawyer of western 
New York who wrote much in verse, 
the greater part of which is concerned 
with Indian legends. Fall of Tecum- 
seh ; Legends of the Senecas ; The 
Themes of Song ; The Months ; Yon- 
nondio ; Bird Notes ; Indian Traditions 
and Songs ; The Pioneers of Western 
New York. See Griswold^ s Poets and 
Poetry of America. 

Hotchkiss, James Harvey. Ct., 
1781-1851. A Presbyterian minister of 
PrattsbuTg, New York, the author of 
Plistory of the Churches of Western 
New York. 

Hough [hiiff], Franklin Benjamin. 
N. Y., 1820-1885. A physician whose 
later years were passed in Lowville, 
New York, in scientific and historical 
study. Among his works are. Cata- 
logue of Plants in Lewis and Franklin 
Counties ; History of St. Lawrence and 
Franklin Counties ; The Siege of 
Charleston in 1780 ; Duty of Govern- 
ment in the Preservation of Forests; 
Report on Forestry ; Elements of For- 
estry ; American Constitutions. Clke. 

Hough, George Washington. N. 

Y., 1836 . An astronomer of Chi- 
cago, director of the Dearborn Observa^ 
tory. Annals of Dudley Observatory ; 
Report of Dearborn Observatory ; The 
Galvanic Battery, are among his writ- 

Houghton fho'ton], George Wash- 
ington Wright. Ms., 1850-1891. 
A journalist and verse-writer of New 
York city. His published volumes of 
verse include. Songs from Over the 
Sea ; Album Leaves ; Drift from York 
Harbor, Maine ; The Legend of St. 
Olaf 's Kirk ; Niagara, and Other Poems. 

Houghton, Henry Clark. Ms., 1837- 

. A physician of New York city, 

dean of the ophthalmic hospital. Lec- 
tures on Clinical Otology. 

House, Ed-ward Ho-ward. Ms., 

1836 . A journalist and critic of 

Boston and New York, long resident in 
Japan. The Simonoseki Affair; The 
Kagosima Affair ; The Japanese Ex- 
pedition to Formosa ; Japanese Epl- 


197 HOWE 

sodes ; Tone Santo, a Child of Japan ; 
The Midnight Warning-, and Other Sto- 
ries. Har. 

Houston, Daniel Franklin. 18 

. A professor of political economy 

in the University of Texas. A Critical 
History of NnUification in South Cara- 
lina. L(js. 

Hovey [huv'I], Alvah. N. Y., 1820- 

. A Baptist clergyman, professor 

in Newton Theological Seminary from 
1849, and since 1868 its president. The 
Miracles of Christ ; The Scriptural Law 
of Divorce ; Life of Isaac Backus ; 
State of the Impenitent Dead ; Chris- 
tian Teaching and Life ; God With 
Us ; Systematic Theology ; Biblical 
Eschatolog-y ; Studies in Ethics and 
Relig-ion, include his principal works. 

Hovey, Charles Mason. Ms., 1810- 
18ST. A noted horticulturist of Cam- 
bridge, editor of Hovey's Magazine of 
Horticulture, which reached its thirty- 
fourth volume, and author of Fruits of 

Hovey, Horace Carter. Ind., 1833- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Bridgeport, Connecticut. Celebrated 
American Caverns. 

Hovey, Richard. 11, 1864 . A 

verse-wrrter of Washington. The Lau- 
rel, an Ode ; Launcelot and Guenevere, 
a Poem in Dramas, republished as The 
Marriage of Guenevere ; Seaward, an 
Elegy on the Death of Thomas WUliam 
Parsons, infra; Gandelfo, a tragedy; 
Songs from Vagabondia, and More 
Songs from Vagabondia (with W. B. 
Carman, supra). Cop. Lo. St. 

Howard, Blanche "WilUs. See 

Teuffel, von. 

How^ard, Bronson. Mch., 1842 . 

A prominent dramatist of New "York 
city. Saratoga, produced in London as 
Brighton, and in Berlin as Eine Erste 
und Einzige Liebe ; Diamonds ; The 
Banker's Daughter ; Old Love Letters ; 
Yonng Mrs. Winthrop ; One of Our 
Girls ; The Henrietta ; Shenandoah ; 
Aristocracy ; Moorcroft ; Hurricanes ; 
Wives ; Met by Chance ; Greenroom 

Howard, Oliver Otis. Jtfe.,1830 . 

A major-general in the United States 
army who served during the CivU War 

and in several Indian campaigns ; in 
command of the Division of the Atlantic 
from 1888. Donald's School Days; a 
translation of Agenor's Life of Couut 
de Gasparin ; Cluef Joseph, or the Nez 
Percys in Peace and War ; Isabella of 
Castile. Fu. Le. 

Howarth, Mrs. Ellen Clementine 

[Doran]. JV. i'., 1827 . A 

verse-writer of Trenton, New Jersey. 
Poems ; Poems edited by E. W. GUder, 
(1868). 'Tis but a Little Faded Flow- 
er, and Thou Wilt Never Grow Old, are 
well-known poems of hers. 

How^e, Edgar Watson. Ind., IS.5.4- 
. A journalist of Atcliison, Kan- 
sas, editor of The Daily Globe. His 
first novel, The Story of a Country 
Town, attracted much attention. Later 
stories include. The Mystery of The 
Locks ; A Moonlight Boy ; A Man 

Howe, Fisher. Vt., 1798-1871. A 
philanthropist of Brooklyn. Oriental 
and Sacred Scenes ; The True Site of 
Calvary. Ran. 

Howe, Frederic Clemson. Pa., 

1867 . Taxation and Taxes in the 

United States under the Internal Reve- 
nue System, 1791-1895. Cr. 

Howe, George. Ms., 1802-1883. A 
Presbyterian clergyman, professor of 
biblical literature in the Theological 
Seminary at Columbia, South Carolina, 
from 1831. Theological Education; 
History of the Presbyterian Church in 
South Carolina. 

Howe, Henry. Ct, 1816 . An 

historical writer and compiler of Cin- 
cinnati. Historical Collections of New 
Jersey (with J. W. Barber, infra) ; Our 
Whole Country; The Great West; 
Historical Collections of Virginia and 
Ohio ; Over the World ; Adventures and 
Achievements of Americans ; Times of 
the Rebellion in the West, are among 
his works. 

Howe, Henry Marion. Ms., 1848- 

. Son of S. G. and J. W. Howe, 

infra. A metallurgist who has pub- 
lished The Metallurgy of Steel ; Copper 

Howe, Herbert Alonzo. N. Y., 
1858 . An astronomer of Colora- 
do, director of Chamberlin Observatory, 
University of Denver. A Study of the 




Sty ; Elements of Descriptive Astro- 
nomy. -F/, Sil. 
HoTsre, John Badlam. Ms., 1813- 
iyy2. A publicist of Indiana whose 
works upon finance have had much in- 
fluence. Monetary and Industrial Fal- 
lacies; Mono-Metalism and Bi-Metal- 
ism ; The Political Economy of Great 
Britain, the United titates, and France in 
the Use of Money ; The Common Sense 
of Money ; Replies to Criticisms. Hon. 

Howe, Mrs. Julia [Ward]. N. Y., 

1819 . Wife of S. G. Howe, infra. 

A writer of Boston long prominent in 
philanthropic movements, and as a 
lecturer upon the enfranchisement of 
women. The Battle Hymn of the 
Republic is her finest effort. Her wri- 
tings include, Passion Flowers ; AVords 
for the Hour ; The World's Own ; A 
Trip to Cuba ; From the Oak to the 
Olive ; Later Lyrics ; Sex and Educa- 
tion ; Memoir of S. G. Howe, infra ; 
Modern Society ; Life of Margaret 
Fuller ; Is Polite Society Polite ? and 
Other Essays. Lam. Le. 
Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe. 
R. I., 1809-1895. The first Protestant 
Episcopal bishop of Central Pennsyl- 
vania. Domestic Slavery, a Reply to 
Bishop Hopkins j Life of Alonzo Pot- 
ter, infra. 

Howe, Maud. See Elliott, Mrs. 

Howe, Samuel Gridley. Ms., 1801- 
1876. A physician of Boston, the first 
superintendent of the Perkins Institu- 
tion for the Blind, and a man of pro- 
minence in the anti-slavery movement. 
Reader for the Blind ; Historical Sketch 
of the Greek Revolution. See J. F. 
darkens Memorial and Biographical 
Sketches ; Memoir hy Mrs. Howe. 

How^ell, Robert Boyte Crawford. 

N. a, 1801-1868. A once noted Bap- 
tist clergyman of Nashville. Terms 
of Sacramental Communion ; The Way 
of Salvation ; Evils of Infant Baptism ; 
The Cross ; The Covenant ; Early 
Baptists of Virginia. 

Howells, William Cooper. W., 
1807-1894. Life in Ohio from 1813 to 
1840. Clke. 

Howells, William Dean. O., 1837- 

. Son of W. C. Howells, supra. A 

novelist of much prominence who at 
nineteen was a printer on a Cincinnati 

journal, and in 1860 published with J. 
J. Piatt, infra. Poems of Two Friends. 
In the same year he wrote a Life of 
Abraham Lincoln, and from 1861-65 
was consul at Venice. Venetian Life, 
and Italian Journeys, date from this 
portion of his career. From 1872-81 
he was editor of The Atlantic Monthly, 
and since then has devoted his time 
wholly to literature in Boston and New 
York. His writings since 1869 in- 
clude : The Day of Their Wedding ; 
At the Sign of the Lion's Head; No 
Love Lost ; Suburban Sketches ; Their 
Wedding Journey ; A Chance Acquaint- 
ance ; A Foregone Conclusion ; The 
Lady of the Aroostook ; The Undis- 
covered Country ; A Modern Instance ; 
A Woman's Reason ; The Minister's 
Charge ; Indian Summer ; A Fearful 
Responsibility, and Other Stories ; Doc- 
tor Breen's Practice ; The Rise of Silas 
Lapham ; April Hopes ; Annie Kilbum ; 
A Hazard of New Fortunes ; The Sha^ 
dow of a Dream ; An Imperative Duty ; 
The QuaUty of Mercy ; The World of 
Chance ; The Coast of Bohemia ; A 
Traveller from Altruria ; Christmas 
Every Day, and Other Stories for Chil- 
dren ; A Parting and a Meeting ; The 
Sleeping-Car, and Other Farces ; The 
Mouse-trap, and Other Farces ; Out of 
the Question, a comedy; A Coimter- 
f eit Presentment, a comedy ; A Sea 
Change, or Love's Stowaway ; Poems; 
Stops from Various Quills, a book of 
verse. Among miscellaneous writings 
of his are. Three Villages (Shirley, Lex- 
ington, Gnadenhiitten) ; Modem Italian 
Poets ; A Boy's Town ; Tuscan Cities ; 
My Year in a Log Cabin ; Criticism and 
Fiction ; My Literary Passions. Steu- 
arfs Letters to Living Authors; Century 
Magazine, March,188'2 ; Vedder's Amer- 
ican ^]'riters ; New England Magazine, 
October, 189S ; The Bookman, February, 
1897. Har. Hou. 

How^ison, George Holmes. Md., 

1834 . A mathematician who has 

published a Treatise on Analytic Geo- 

Howison, Robert Reid. Va., 1820- 
. A lawyer of Richmond. His- 
tory of Virginia ; History of the Amer- 
ican Civil War ; Fredericksburg ; Lives 
of Generals Morgan, Marion, Gates; 
God and Creation. 




Howland, George. Ms., 1824- 

An educator of Illinois, president of the 
State board of education, 1882. Gram- 
mar of the English Language ; Little 
Voices, a book of verse ; an hexame- 
ter translation of the xEueid ; Practi- 
cal Hints for the Teachers of Public 
Schools, ^ip. 

Ho'ws, John Williain Stanhope. 
E., 1797-1871. A journalist and edu- 
cator of New York city who published 
The Practical Elocutionist, and edited 
a number of school books. 

Hoyt, Epaphras. Ms., 176.5-1850. A 
major-general of the Massachusetts mi- 
litia, who lived in Deerfield. Treatise 
on the Military Art ; Military Instruc- 
tions ; Cavalry Discipline ; Antiquarian 

Hoyt, Henry Martyn. Pa., 1830- 
1892. A Pennsylvania lawyer, govern- 
or of his State, 1878-83. Controversy 
between Connecticut and Pennsylvania ; 
Protection versus Free Trade. Ap. 

Hoyt, John Wesley. O., 1831-1892. 
An educator of distinction, governor 
of Wyoming, 1878-82, and president of 
Wyoming University from 1887. Re- 
sources and Progress of Wisconsin ; 
Resources and Progress of Wyoming. 

Hoyt, Ralph. . N. Y., 1806-1878. An 
Episcopal clergyman of New York city. 
The Chant of Life, and Other Poems ; 
Echoes of Memory and Emotion ; 
Sketches of Life and Landscape. See 
Duyckinck's American Literature. 

Hoyt, Wayland. 0., 1838 . A 

popular Baptist minister of Brooklyn. 
Hints and Helps for the Christian Life ; 
Present Lessons from Distant Days ; 
Gleams from Paul's Prison ; The Brook 
in the Way ; Saturday Afternoon ; Light 
on Life's Highway. Ran. 

Hubbard, Bela. N. Y., 1814-1896. 
A prominent lawyer and geologist of 
Detroit, author of Memorials of a Half 
Century ; Ancient Garden Beds of Mi- 

Hubbard, Elbert. B., 1856 . A 

litterateur of East Aurora, New York, 
editor of The Philistine. No Enemy 
but Himself; Little Journeys; The 
Legacy, a novel ; Forbes of Harvard ; 
One Day, a Tale of the Prairies. Put. 

Hubbard, Lucius Lee. O., 1849- 
. The State geologist of Michi- 

gan from 1893. Summer Vacations 
at Moosehead Lake ; Woods and Lakes 
of Maine. Hou. 

Hubbard, William. E., 1621-1704. 
A colonial historian who was a Congre- 
gational clergyman of Ipswich, and a 
member of the first graduating class at 
Harvard College, 1642. Narrative of 
Troubles with the Indians ; Sermons ; 
Present State of New England. He 
also wrote a History of New England, 
for which the colony paid him £50, and 
which was printed by the Massachusetts 
Historical Society in 1815. See Tt/ler^s 
American Literature. 

Htibbell, Mrs. Martha [Stone]. 
Ct., 1814-1856. A writer of religious 
juveniles, and of The Shady Side, or 
Life in a Country Parsonage, which for 
a time enjoyed an extraordinary popu- 

Hubner, Charles William. Md., 

1835 . A journalist of Atlanta. 

Souvenirs of Luther ; Poems and Es- 
says ; Modern Communism ; Wild Flow- 
ers, a book of verse ; Cinderella, and 
Prince and Fairy, two lyrical dramas. 
Meth. , 

Hudson, Charles. Ms., 179.5-1881. 
A Universalist clergyman in charge of 
a parish at Westminster, Massachu- 
setts, 1819-41, and subsequently a resi- 
dent of Lexington in the same State. 
Letters to Reverend Hosea Ballou ; 
History of Westminster ; History of 
Lexington ; Doubts Concerning the Bat- 
tle of Bunker Hill ; History of Marl- 

Hudson, Erasmus Dar-win. Ct., 
1805-1880. A surgeon of New York 
city. Resections ; Essay on Temper- 
ance ; Immobile Apparatus for Unu- 
nited Fractures. 

Hudson, Erasmus Darwin. Ms., 
1843-1887. Son of E. D. Hudson, su- 
pra. A physician of New York city. 
Doctors' Hygiene and Therapeutics ; 
Home Treatment of Consumptives ; 
Physical Diagnosis of Thoracic Dis- 
eases ; Methods of Examining Weak 
Chests ; Diagnosis of the Relations of 
Weak Digestions. 

Hudson, Frederick. Ms., 1819-1875. 
A journalist connected with The New 
York Herald in various capacities for 
nearly thirty years, who after 1866 




lived at Concord, Massachusetts. His- 
tory of Journalism in the United States, 
1090-187:2. Bar, 

Hudson, Henry Norman. Vt , 1814- 
1886. An Episcopal clergyman who was 
a Shakespearean scholar of eminence. 
He served as chaplain in the Federal 
army during the Civil War, and in his 
later years was professor of Shake- 
speare study in Boston University. 
Lectures on Shakespeare ; Sermons ; 
Studies in Wordsworth ; A Chaplain's 
Campaign with General Butler ; Shake- 
speare : his Life and Characters ; Es- 
says on Education. He edited the Har- 
vard and the University editions of 
Shakespeare. His criticisms are help- 
ful, but are somewhat dogmatic in tone. 
Est. Gi> Lit. 

Hudson, James Fairchild. 0., 1846- 

. A journalist of Pittsburg for 

many years. The Railways and the 
Republic. Har. 

Hudson, Mrs. Mary [Clemmer] 
[Ames]. N. Y., 1839-1884. A jour- 
nalist of Washington, well known at 
one period by her Woman's Letters 
from Washington in The Independ- 
ent. Eirene ; His Two Wives ; Victoria 
(three novels) ; Ten Years in Washing- 
ton ; Men, Women, and Things ; Po- 
ems of Life and Nature ; Memorials of 
Alice and Phoebe Gary. See Memorial 
Biography., by E. Hudson. 

Hudson, Thomson Jay. O., 1834- 

■ . The Law of Psychic Phenomena ; 

A Scientific Demonstration of the Fu- 
ture Life. Mg. 

Hudson, William Henry. E., 1863- 

. A professor of English literature 

at Leland Stanford Junior Univei-sity 
from 1892. The Church and tlie Stage ; 
Introduction to Study of Herbert Spen- 

Hughes, John. I., 1797-1864. A 
noted Roman Catholic archbishop of 
New York, 18-50-64. He was promi- 
nent as a controversialist, and a con- 
troversy which he held with Erastus 
Brooks on the church property ques- 
tion attracted much attention. He col- 
lected the letters on both sides in a vol- 
ume entitled Brooksiana. His writings 
were published in lS(i.5. He founded 
St. John's College, Fordham, New York, 
in 1839. See Life by Hassard ; Apple- 
tori's American Biography. 

Hughes, Robert William. Fa., 

18-'l . A jurist of Kichmond, 

Virginia. Reports of Cases ; The Cur- 
rency Question from a Southern Point 
of View ; Transcript of United States 
Supreme Court Decisions ; The Amer- 
ican Dollar ; Lives of Generals Floyd 
and Johnston. Ap. 

Huidekoper, Frederic. Fa., 1817- 

. A Unitarian theologian and 

philanthropist of Meadville, Pennsyl- 
vania. Belief of the First Three Cen- 
turies concerning Christ's Mission to 
the Underworld ; Judaism at Rome ; 
Indirect Testimony of History to the 
Genuineness of the Gospels. 

Huidekoper, Henry Shippen. 
Pa., 1839 . A soldier in the Fed- 
eral army during the Civil War who af- 
terwards attained the rank of major- 
general in the Pennsylvania militia. He 
was postmaster of Philadelphia, 1880- 
lsy5, and author of a Manual of Mih- 
tary Service. 

Hull, William. Ct, 1753-1825. A 
famous general court-martialed in 1812 
for his surrender of Detroit to the Eng- 
lish. His defence of his action appears 
in his book, The Campaign of the North- 
west Army (1824). See Life by Maria 
Campbell and James Freeman Clarke 

Humes, Thomas William. Tn., 
1815-1892. An Episcopal clergyman 
and educator of Tennessee who pub- 
lished The Loyal Mountaineers of Ten- 

Humphrey, Ed-ward Porter. Ct., 
1809-1887. Son of H. Humphrey, in- 
fra. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Louisville. Our Theology in its De- 
velopment ; Sacred History from the 
Creation to the Giving of the Law. 

Humphrey, Heman. Ct., 1779-1861. 
A Congregational clergyman who was 
president of Amherst College, 1823- 
1845. Tour in France, etc. ; Domestic 
Education ; Sketches and History of 
Revivals ; Essays on the Sabbath ; Life 
of Nathan Fiske ; Letters to a Son in 
the Ministry. 

Humphreys, Andre-w Atkinson. 
Fa., 1810-1883. A general in the 
Federal army during the Civil War, 
subsequently Chief of Engineers of the 
United States Army. The Virginia 


Campaigns of 1864 and 1865; From 
Gettysburg- to the Rapidan. Scr. 

Humphreys, David. Ct, 1752-1818. 
A colonel who was aide-de-camp to 
Washing-ton. His miscellaneous works, 
of which two collections appeared in 
his lifetime, include eirticles in both 
prose and verse, and he was also the 
author of a Life of General Putnam. 

Humphreys, Ed-wrard Rupert. /., 
1820-1S93. An educator of Boston who 
came thither from England in 1859. 
Lessons on the Liturgy of the Protest- 
ant Episcopal Church ; Education of 
Military Officers ; The Higher Educa- 
tion of Europe and America ; Manual 
of Political Science, include his princi- 
pal works. 

Humphreys, Milton Wylie. W- 

F"a., 1844 . A professor of Greek 

at the University of Virginia from 
18S7. He has published scholarly 
translations, with notes, of the Antigone 
of Sophocles and The Clouds of Aristo- 

Huniie-well, James Frothingham. 
Ms., 1832 . A resident of Charles- 
town, Massachusetts. Bibliography of 
the Hawaiian Islands; The Lands of 
Scott ; The Historical Monuments 
of France ; The Imperial Island : Eng- 
land's Chronicle in Stone ; Bibliography 
of Charlestown and Bunker Hill ; A 
Century of Totra Life, » History of 
Charlestown. Hou. Lit. 

Hunt, Ezra Mundy. JST. J., 18.30- 

. A physician of Trenton, New 

Jersey. Patients' and Physicians' As- 
sistant ; Physicians' Counsels ; Alcohol 
as Food and Medicine ; Principles of 
Hygiene, are among his writings. 

Hunt, Freeman. Ms., 1804-1858. A 
publisher of New York city who was 
the founder of Hunt's Merchants' 
Magazine. Lives of American Mer- 
chants ; Sketches of Female Character ; 
Letters About the Hudson River. 

Hunt, Harriot Kezia. Ms., 1805- 
1875. A physician of Boston who lec- 
tured upon woman-suffrage and sani- 
tary reforms. She published Glances 
and Glimpses, or Fifty Years' Social 
and Twenty Years' Professional Life. 

Hunt, Helen. See Jackson, Mrs. Helen. 

Hunt, Henry Jackson. McL, 1819- 
1889. A brigadier-general in the Fed- 



eral army during the Civil War, bre- 
vetted major-general at its close. He 
was the author of Instructions for Field 

Hunt, Jedediah. N. Y., 1815 . 

A verse-writer of Chilo, Ohio. The 
Cottage Maid, a Tale in Rhyme. 

Hunt, Samuel. Ms., 1810-1878. A 
Congregational clergyman of Frank- 
lin, Massachusetts. He assisted Henry 
Wilson, infra, in writing The Rise of 
the Slave Power, and completed the 
work after Mr. Wilson's death. He was 
author of Political Duties of Chris- 
tians ; Letter to the Avowed Friends 
of Missions. 

Hunt, Theodore Whitefield. N. 

Y., 1844 , An educator, professor 

of English literature in Princeton Col- 
lege. Principles of Written Discourse ; 
English Prose and Prose Writers ; Ethi- 
cal Teachings in Old English Liter- 
ature. Fa. 

Hunt, Thomas Poage. Va., 1794- 
1876. A clergyman and temperance 
lecturer of Pennsylvania. History of 
Jesse Johnson and his Times ; Death 
by Measure ; Liquor Selling, a History 
of Fraud, include the most of his 

Hunt, Thomas Sterry. Ct, 1826- 
1892. A geologist who was professor 
in the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 
nology, 1872-78. Chemical and Geo- 
logical Essays ; Azoic Rocks ; Mineral 
Physiology ; New Basis for Chemistry. 

Hunter, John Dunn. Circa 1798- 
1S27. An adventurer whose Manners 
and Customs of the Indian Tribes 
West of the Mississippi once attracted 
much attention. 

Huntington, Faye. See Foster, Mrs. 

Huntington, Frederic Dan. Ms., 
1819 . The first Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of Central New York. 
He was in earlier life a Unitarian 
clergyman, and in 1842 was professor 
of Christian morals in Harvard Univer- 
sity. He entered the Episcopal minis- 
try in 1860, and was consecrated bishop 
in 1864. Christian Believing and Liv- 
ing ; Sermons for the People ; Christ in 
the Christian Year ; Steps to a Living 
Faith ; Lessons on the Parables ; Helps 
to a Holy Lent ; Christ in the World ; 




Forty Days with the Master, The Fit- 
ness of Christianity to Man; Human 
Society, include the larger part of his 
works. Dut. Wh. 

Huntington, Jedediah Vincent. 
N. Y., iyl5-18G2. A writer who was 
once an Episcopal clergyman, but be- 
came a Roman Catholic layman. He 
was a journalist in ISt, Louis for some 
years, and died in France. America 
Discovered : a Poem ; Alban, or the 
History of a Young Puritan ; Poems ; 
Lady Alice, or the New Una ; Blonde 
and Brunette ; Rosemary, or Life and 

Huntington, William Reed. Ms., 

1838 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of prominence as a Broad Churchman. 
He was rector of All Saints church at 
Worcester, 1862-83, and since 1883 has 
been rector of Grace church. New York 
city. The Church Idea ; Conditional 
Immortality ; The Peace of the Church ; 
The Church Porch ; Questions on the 
Fourth Gospel ; The Causes of the 
Soul ; Short History of the Book of 
Common Prayer ; Quinquaginta, a book 
of fifty poems. Dut. Scr. Wh. 

Hurd, John Codman. Ms., 1816- 
1892. A writer of Boston. The Law 
of Freedom and Bondage in the United 
States; The Theory of Our National 
Existence. Lit. 

Hurlburt, William Henry. S. C, 
1827-189.5. A journalist of New York 
city of much prominence at one time 
as one of the editors of The World. 
His latest years were spent in Europe. 
Gan Eden, or Pictures of Cuba ; Gen- 
eral McClellan and the Conduct of the 
War. See Hart's American Literature. 

Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman. N. Y., 

184.3 . A Methodist clergyman of 

prominence in New York and New Jer- 
sey. Manual of Biblical Theology ; 
Studies in the Four Gospels ; Outlines 
in Old Testament History. Meth. 

Hurst, John Fletcher. 1834 . 

A Methodist bishop of much promi- 
nence as a writer. Literature of 
Theology ; History of Rationalism ; 
Martyrs to the Tract Cause ; Life 
and Literature in the Fatherland ; Out- 
line of Church History ; Our Theologi- 
cal Century ; Bibliotheca Theologica ; 
Short Histories of the Church; Short 
History of the Christian Church j In- 

dika, the Country and People of India 
and Ceylon, include the greater part 
of his original works. He is also the 
translator of Hagenbach's History of 
the Church in the 18th and 19th Cen- 
turies ; of Van Oosterzee's Lectures on 
John's Gospel; and of Lange's Com- 
mentary on the Epistle to the Romans, 
with additions, liar. Meth. Ban. Scr. 

Hutchins, Thomas. N. J., 1130- 
1789. A noted geographer of the 
colonial period. Topographical De- 
scription of Virginia, etc. ; History, 
Narrative, and Topographical Descrip- 
tion of Louisiana and West Florida. 

Hutchinson, Ellen Mackay. JV. 

Y., 18 . A literary journalist 

of New York city, on The Tribune stafP, 
and editor with E. C. Stedman of The 
Library of American Literature, in 
eleven volumes. She has published 
Songs and Lyrics. Hou. 

Hutchinson, Thomas. Ms., 1711- 
1780. The last royal governor of 
Massachusetts. An historian of gi'eat 
ability but whose merits as such were 
not recognized by his contemporaries. 
His History of the Colony of Massachu- 
setts Bay, the third and last volume of 
which was not published till nearly fifty 
years after his death, begins with the 
year 1628, and closes with the year 
1774. He published also a Collection 
of Original Papers relating to the same 
subject. See Diary and Letters of, ed- 
ited hy P. O. Hutchinson, 1884-86; 
Life hy J. K. Hosmer, supra ; Diction- 
ary of National Biography, vol. S8 ; 
Appleton' s American Biography. 

Hutchison, Joseph Chrisman. 
Ms., 1822-1867. A noted physician 
of Brooklyn. History of Asiatic Cho- 
lera in Brooklyn ; Physiology and 
Hygiene ; Contributions to Orthopedic 
Surgery ; Acupressure. 

Hutson, Charles Woodward. 

18 . Out of a Beleaguered City, 

a Tale of the Revolution ; Beginnings 
of Civilization ; History of French 
Literature; The Story of Beryl, a 

Hutton, Laurence. N. Y., 1843- 

. A litt&atenr of prominence in 

New York city. Other Times and 
Other Seasons; Plays and Players; 
Artists of the 19th Century (with Mrs. 
Waters, infra) ; Literary Landmarks 



of London; Literary Landmarks of 
Edinburgh; Curiosities of the Amer- 
ican Stage ; From the Books of Lau- 
rence Hutton ; Portraits in Plaster ; 
Edwin Booth ; Literary Landmarks of 
Jerusalem; Literary Landmarks of Ve- 
nice ; Literary Landmarks of Florence ; 
Literary Landmarks of Rome. Har. 

Hyatt, Alpheus. D. C, 1838 . 

A professor of zoology in the Massa- 
chusetts Institute of Technology and 
curator of the Boston Society of Nat- 
ural History. Observations on Fresh 
Water Polyzoa ; About Pebbles ; Com- 
mercial and Other Sponges ; Common 
Hydroids ; Worms and Crustacea ; 
Guides to Science Teaching ; The Oys- 
ter, Clam, and other Common Mol- 

Hyde, Edward "Wyllys. Mch., 1843- 

. A professor of mathematics and 

civil engineering in the University of 
Cincinnati from 1S75, and author of 
Skew Arches ; Directional Calculus. 
Gi. Vn. 

Hyde, Jam«s Nevins. Ct., 1840- 

. A surgeon of Chicago. Early 

Medical Chicago ; Diseases of the Skin. 

Hyde, Thomas 'Worcester. ly., 

18 . A brigadier-general in the 

Army of the Potomac in the Civil War. 
At present (1897) a builder of steel ships 
at Bath, Maine. Following the Greek 
Cross, or Memories of the Sixth Army 
Corps. Hou. 

Hyde, William De Witt. Ms., 1858- 

. A Congregational clergyman, 

president of Bowdoin College from 
1885. Practical Ethics ; Outlines of 
Social Theology. Ho. Mac. 

Hylton, John Dunbar. W. J., 1837- 

. A physician of Palmyra, New 

Jersey, whose writings are wholly in 
verse of a very ambitious but unpoeti- 
cal character. They include The Bride 
of Gettysburg ; Betrayed, a Northern 
Tale ; The Heir of Liolyn ; Above the 
Grave of John Odenswurge ; Artaloisi, 
a Romance of King Arthur. 

Hyneman, Leon. Pa., 1805-1879. 
An editor of New York city. The 
Fundamental Principles of Science; 
Freemasonry in England from 1567 to 

Hyslop, James Hervey. O., 1854- 
. An instructor in Columbia Col- 

lege. The Elements of Ethics; The 
Elements of Logic ; The Ethics of 
Hume. Gi. ScT. 

Ida, George Barton. Vt., 1804^1872. 
A Baptist clergyman, of Springfield, 
Massachusetts. Green Hollow; Bible 
Echoes, or Lessons from the War ; The 
Power of Kindness, a juvenile tale ; 
Bible Pictures. 

Ilsley, Charles Parker. Me., 1807- 
1887. A writer whose home was in 
Portland, Maine, till 1866. The Island 
Fete, a poem ; The Liberty Pole, a tale 
of Machias ; Forest and Shore, subse- 
quently published as The Wrecker's 

Ingalls, Joshua King. 18 . 

Social Wealth ; Economic Equities. 

Ingalls, William. Ms., 1769-1851. A 
physician who was professor of anatomy 
at Brown University, 1811-23, and au- 
thor of a treatise on Malignant Fevers. 

Ingersoll, Charles Jared. Pa., 1782- 
1862. A political writer and statesman 
of Philadelphia who filled several dip- 
lomatic positions abroad. History of 
the War of 1812-1 5 ; Chiomara, a Poem ; 
Edwy and Elgiva, a Tragedy ; Inchi- 
quin, the Jesuit's Letters in American 
Literature and Politics ; Recollections, 
etc., a volume of personal reminis- 
cences. See Duyckinck's American Lit- 

Ingersoll, Edward. Pa., 1817 . 

Son of C. J. Ingersoll, supra. History 
and Law of Habeas Corpus and Grand 
Juries; Personal Liberty and Martial 

Ingersoll, Ernest. Mch., 1852 . 

A naturalist of New York city whose 
writing is mainly for young people 
and of a popular character. Friends 
Worth Knowing ; Natural History of 
Insects ; Knocking Around the Rock- 
ies ; Nests and Eggs of American Birds ; 
The Crest of the Continent ; Strange 
Adventures of a Stowaway ; Down East 
Latch Strings ; The Ice Queen, a story ; 
Birds'-Nesting ; Country Cousins, or 
Short Studies in Natural History ; Old 
Ocean ; To the Shenandoah and Be- 
yond ; Habits of Animals. Har. Lo. 
Mer. Wn. 




Ingersoll, Luther Dunham. 18 — 

. The librarian of the War De- 
partment at Washington. Iowa and 
the Rebellion ; Life of Horace Greeley ; 
History of the War Department. 

Ingersoll, Joseph Reed. Fa., 1786- 
1868. Brother of C, J. Ingersoll, su- 
pra, A lawyer of Philadelphia who 
was minister to England in 18.5:^. iSe- 
cession a Folly and a Crime ; Memoir 
of Samuel Breck. 

Ingersoll, Robert Green. N. Y., 
ISoo . A noted lawyer and poli- 
tician of Peoria, Dlinois, and more re- 
cently of New York city, famous also 
as a lecturer and writer strongly op- 
posed to the Christian religion. The 
Gods ; Ghosts ; Some Mistakes of Mo- 
ses ; Complete Lectures ; Prose Poems. 

Inglehart, Mrs. Frances [Cham- 
bers] [Goooh]. Ts., 18 . A 

writer of Austin, Texas, author of Face 
to Face with the Mexicans. Fo. 

Inglis, David. S., 182.5-1877. APres- 
byterian clergyman of Brooklyn who 
published Systematic Theology in Re- 
lation to Modern Thought. 

Ingraham, Ed'ward Duncan. Fa., 
1793-1854. A lawyer of Philadelphia. 
English Ecclesiastical Reports ; A View 
of the Insolvent Laws of Pennsylva- 
nia. . 

Ingraham, Joseph Holt. Me., 1809- 
1866. An Episcopal clergyman of Holly 
Springs, Mississippi. In the earlier 
portion of his career he wrote a number 
of wildly sensational romances, among 
them Lafitte : the Pirate of the Gulf ; 
Captain Kyd ; The Dancing Feather, 
all of which were very popular and 
, quite worthless as literature. The 
Southwest, by a 'Yankee, was another 
work of this period. He entered the 
Episcopal ministry in 18.55, and after- 
wards wrote three religious romances 
as popular as the others and almost as 
valueless. They are. The Prince of the 
House of David ; The Pillar of Fire ; 
The Throne of David. Bob. 

Inusley, Owen. See Jennison, Lucia. 

Inskip, John Swannell. E., 1816- 
1884. A Methodist clergyman who was 
a noted camp-meeting conductor. Life 
of Rev. William Summers ; Methodism 
Explained and Defended ; Remarkable 
Display of the Mercy of God. 

Iredell, James. N. C, 1788-1853. A 
lawyer of Raleigh who was governor 
of North Carolina, 1827. Laws of North 
Carolina ; North Carolina Reports ; 
Equity Reports ; Law of Executors ; 
Digest of Reported Cases. 

Ireland, Joseph Norton. JV^. Y., 

1817 . A merchant of New York 

city. Records of the New York Stage, 
175IJ-1860; Memories of Mrs. Duff; 
Professional Life of Thomas Cooper. 

Irving, John Treat, Jr. 1812 . 

Nephew of Washington Irving, infra. 
A lawyer of New York city. Indian 
Sketches ; Hawk Chief ; The Attorney ; 
Harry Harson ; The Van Gelder Pa- 
pers. Fut. 

Irving, Peter. N. Y., 1771-1838. Bro- 
ther of Washington Irving, infra. A 
journalist of New York city, who pub- 
lished Giovanni Sbogarra, a Venetian 

Irving, Pierre Munroe. N. Y., 1803- 
1876. Son of William Irving, infra, 
and the author of a Life of Washing- 
ton Irving. Put. 

Irving, Roland Duer. N. Y., 1847- 

. A professor of geology in the 

University of Wisconsin from 1870. 
Geology of Central Wisconsin ; Geology 
of Lake Superior ; Copper - Bearing 
Rocks of Lake Superior, are among his 

Irving, Theodore. N. Y., 1809-1880. 
Nephew of Washington Irving, the son 
of his brother Ebenezer. An Episcopal 
clergyman and educator. The Foun- 
tain of Living Waters ; Tiny Footfalls ; 
More than Conqueror ; The History of 
De Soto's Conquest of Florida. Pat. 

Irving, Washington. N, Y., 1783- 
1859. The most popular of the earlier 
American writers of the 19th century. 
He was born in New York city, and his 
earliest work was Salmagundi, written 
with his brother William and J. E. 
Paulding, infra. Diedrich Knicker- 
bocker's History of New York, his next 
work, and the one by which he will be 
longest remembered, appeared in 1809. 
Irving spent the years from 1815 to 1832 
abroad, a portion of the time as secre- 
tary of the United States Legation at 
London, and from 1842 to 1846 as min- 
ister to Spain. The rest of his life was 
spent at his home in Tarrytown on the 


Hudson. His writings not already 
named include, The Sketch Book ; 
Bracebridge Hall ; Tales of a Travel- 
ler; Life and Voyages of Columbus; 
Conquest of Grenada ; The Companions 
of Columbus ; The Alhambra ; Crayon 
Miscellanies ; Astoria ; Adventures of 
Captain Bonneville ; Life of Oliver 
Goldsmith ; Mahomet and his Succes- 
sors ; Wolfert's Roost ; Life of Wash- 
ington ; Spanish Papers. See Life and 
Letters of, by Pierre Irriny; Atlantic 
Monthly, November, ISHO, and June, 
1SG4; Haweis^s American Humourists ; 
Irvingiana ; Life by C. Z). Warner ; 
Allibone's Dictionary ; Appleton's Amer- 
ican Biography ; NichoVs American Lit- 
erature ; The Bookman, February, 1S97. 
Cr. Har. Kt. Lip. Mac. Put. 

Irving, William. N. Y., 1766-1821. 
Brother of Washington Irving, supra. 
A merchant of New York city who 
was in Congress, 1S14-18. He was 
author of the poetical portion of Sal- 

Ives, Levi Silliman. Ct., 1797-1867. 
The second Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of North Carolina, consecrated in 1832 
and deposed in 1853, he having become 
a Roman Catholic at the close of 1852. 
After that period he lectured in con- 
vents of the Sacred Heart. Trials of a 
Mind in its Progress to Catholicism ; 
The Obedience of Faith ; Manual of 
Devotion ; Humility a Ministerial Qua- 


Jackson, Abraham Reeves. Pa., 

1827 . A noted surgeon of Chi- 
cago, who has published many valuable 
professional papers. 

Jackson, Abraham Willard. Me., 

1842 . A Unitarian clergyman 

who was formerly a pastor in New 
Hampshire and California, but has since 
devoted himself to study and literary 
work at Concord, Massachusetts. The 
Immanent ' God, and Other Essays. 

Jackson, Charles. Ms., 1775-1855. 
A jurist of Boston who published a 
valued Treatise on Real Actions. 

Jackson, Charles Davis. Ms., 1811- 
1871. An Episcopal clergyman of West- 
chester, New York, 1843-71, whose only 

published work is Suffering Here and 
Glory Hereafter. Ban. 

Jackson, Charles Thomas. Ms., 
lSUo-1880. A Boston scientist whose 
laboratory for research in analytical 
chemistry was the first of its kind in 
the- United States. Report on the Geo- 
logy of Maine ; Mineral Lands in Mi- 
chigan ; Manual of Etherization. 

Jackson, Edward Payson. Ty., 

1840 . An educator of Boston, 

master in the Latin School from 1877. 
Mathematic Geography ; A Demigod, 
a novel ; The Earth in Space ; Charac- 
ter Building. Har. Hon. 

Jackson, Francis. Ms., 1789-1801. 
A once prominent reformer who was 
president of tlie Anti-Slavery Society 
for many years, and published a His- 
tory of Newton, Massachusetts (his 
home), from 1639 to 1800. 

Jackson, George Anson. Jlfs.,184(i- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Swampscott, Massachusetts. The Son 
of a Prophet, an historical novel ; Apos- 
tolic Fathers ; Fathers of the Second 
Century ; Post-Nicene Greek Fathers ; 
Post-Nieene Latin Fathers, four works 
which form a series of early Christian 
literature primers. Hou. 

Jackson, George Thomas. N. Y., 

1852 . A noted dermatologist of 

New York city. Diseases of the Hair 
and Scalp ; Baldness ; Handbook of 
Diseases of the Skin. 

Jackson, Mrs. Helen [Fiske] 
[Hunt]. "H. H." Ms., 1831-1885. 
A novelist and poet whose greatest 
achievement is Ramona, a powerful ro- 
mance of Indian life in southern Cali- 
fornia. To her is usually attributed 
the authorship of the " Saxe Holm " 
stories. Her other works include. 
Verses ; Bits of Travel ; Bits of Talk ; 
A Century of Dishonor ; Bits of Talk 
in Verse and Prose ; Bits of Travel at 
Home ; The Story of Boon, a Poem ; 
Sonnets and Lyrics ; Nelly's Silver 
Mine ; Cat Stories ; Mercy Philbrick's 
Choice ; Hetty's StrangeHistory ; Zepli ; 
Glimpses of Three Coasts ; Between 
Wliiles, a collection of short stories ; 
The Procession of Flowers in Colora- 
do ; Condition and Needs of the Mis- 
sion Indians of California (with K. 
Abbot). See Allibone's Dictionary, Sup- 
plement. Kt. Bob. 




Jackson, Henry Rootes. Ga., 1820- 
. A Georg'ia jurist who was min- 
ister to Austria, 18o4-58, aud to Mexico 
lSS5-8(i. Dui'ing the Civii War he was 
a g-eneral in the Confederate army. 
Tallulah, and Other Poems, was pub- 
lished in ly.jO. See Griswold's Poets 
and Poetry of America. 

Jackson, Isaac W . iV.F., 1805- 

1877. An educator who was professor 
of mathematics in Union College from 
ISiit), and did much toward developing 
the arts of landscape gardening and 
horticulture. Elements of Conic Sec- 
tions ; Treatise on Optics. 

Jackson, James. Ms., 1777-1867. Son 
of C. Jackson, supra. The first phy- 
sician of the Massachusetts General 
Hospital at Boston, and professor of 
medicine at Harvard University from 
lyiO until his death. On the Bruno- 
nian System ; Medical Effects of Den- 
tition ; Syllabus of Lectures ; Text- 
Book of Lectures ; Letters to a Young 

Jackson, James Caleb. N. Y., 1811- 
. The founder of a popular hydro- 
pathic institution at Dansville, New 
York, called " Our Home." Hints on 
the Keproductive Organs ; The Sexual 
Organism and its Healthful Manage- 
ment ; Consumption ; Tobacco and its 
Effect; How to Treat the Sick with- 
out Medicine ; Dancing, its Evils and 
Benefits; American Womanhood ; Train- 
ing of Children ; Debilities of Our 
Boys ; Christ as a Physician ; Morning 

Jackson, Sheldon. N. Y., 1834- 
. A Presbyterian missionary, gov- 
ernment general agent of education in 
Alaska since 1885. Alaska and Mis- 
sions on the North Pacific Coast ; Edu- 
cation in Alaska. Do. 

Jacob! [ya-ko'be], Abraham. Wa., 

1,S3( ) . A New York city physician, 

professor in the College of Physicians 
since 1870. Dentition and its Derange- 
ments ; Infant Hygiene ; Diphtheria ; 
Pathology of the Thymus Gland ; Ther- 
apeutics of Infancy and Childhood ; 
Contributions to Midwifery (with E. 
Noeggereth) ; Infant Diet. Lip. Put. 

Jacobi, Mrs. Mary [Putnam]. E., 

1842 . Wife of A. Jacobi, supra, 

and daughter of George P. Putnam, a 
noted publisher of New York, infra. 

A physician of prominence in New 
York city, and the first woman to enter 
and graduate from the Eeole de M^de- 
cine in Paris. The Value of Life ; Cold 
Pack and Anaemia ; Hysteria, and Other 
Essays ; The Martyr to Science ; Studies 
in Primary Education ; Common Sense 
Applied to Woman Suffrage ; Manual 
of Nursing ; Found and Lost. Put. 

Jacobs, Henry Eyster. Pa., 1844- 
. Son of M. Jacobs, infra. A Lu- 
theran clergyman of Philadelphia, pro- 
fessor in the Lutheran Seminary from 
iy8o, and editor of the Lutheran Re- 
view from 1882. The Lutheran Move- 
ment in England ; The Lutherans ; sev- 
eral translations of religious works from 
the German ; History of the Evangeli- 
cal Lutheran Church in the United 
States. Fu. 

Jacobs, John Adamson. Va., 1806- 
1809. An educator who was forty-five 
years superintendent of the deaf and 
dumb institution at Danville, Ken- 
tucky, his nephew of the same name 
succeeding him at his death. He pub- 
lished Primary Lessons for Deaf Mutes. 

Jacobs, Michael. Pa., 1808-1871. 
An educator who was professor in Penn- 
sylvania College at Gettysburg, 1852- 
1871, and published Notes on the Rebel 
Invasion and the Battle of Gettysburg. 

Jacobs, Michael 'William. Pa., 

185U . Son of M. Jacobs, supra. 

A lawyer of Harrisburg, and the au- 
thor of a Treatise on the Law of Domi- 
cile, l/it. 

Jacobs, Sarah Sprague. B. I., 

1813 . A writer of Cambridge. 

Nonantum and Natick, a juvenile giving 
an account of the labours of John Eliot 
among the New England Indians ; 
White Oak and its Neighbors. 

Jacobus, Melancthon Williams. 
N. J., 181(1-1870. A Presbyterian 
clergyman of Brooklyn and Pittsburg, 
professor of Oriental literature in the 
theological seminary at Allegheny City, 
1851-70. Letters on the PubBc School 
Question ; Notes on the New Testa- 
ment, a very popular work ; Notes on 

Jacoby, Lud-wig Sigismund. Mg., 
1811-1874. A Methodist clergyman of 
German birth who as general foreign 
agent of the Methodist church resided 
at Bremen, 1849-72. On his return to 


207 JANES 

the United States he lived in St. Louis. 
Gesohiehte des Methodismus ; Letzte 
Stunden ; Kurzer InbegrifE der christ- 
lichen Glaubenlehre ; Biblische Hand- 

Jacques, Daniel Harrison. Circa 
1S2.5-1877. A Southern physician who 
edited The Rural Carolinian. Hints 
about Physical Perfection ; The Gar- 
den ; The Farm ; The Barnyard ; The 
House ; Floiida as a Permanent Home ; 
How to Grow Handsome ; The Tem- 
peraments ; How to Behave ; How to 

James, Edmund Janes. II., 1855- 

. An educator well known as a 

political economist, since 1883 profes- 
sor in the Wharton School of Finance 
in the University of Pennsylvania. Stu- 
dien iiber den amerikanischen Zolltarif ; 
Our Legal Tender Decisions ; The Ed- 
ucation of Business Men ; The Relation 
of the Modern Municipality to the Gas 
Supply ; with several translations from 
the German, comprise his more impor- 
tant works. 

James, Edwin. Vt., 1797-1861. A 
geologist and botanist whose later years 
were spent in Burlington, Iowa. Ex- 
pedition from Pittsburg to the Rocky 
Mountains, 1818-19 ; Narrative of John 
Tanner ; a translation of the New Tes- 
tament into the Ojibway language. 

James, Henry. iV". Y. , 181 1-1882. A 
Swedenborgian writer of Cambridge 
who was a thinker of marked spiritual- 
ity and originality. Spiritual Creation, 
which he did not live to complete, af- 
fords the best example of his felicitous 
style and matured thought. His other 
works include. Society the Redeemed 
Form of Man ; Remarks on the Gos- 
pels; Moralism and Christianity; The 
Nature of Evil ; Substance and Shad- 
ow ; The Secret of Swedenborg ; What 
Is the State ? ; The Church of Christ ; 
Christianity the Lyric of Creation ; Lit- 
erary Remains, edited by W. James, 
infra. Hou. 

James, Henry. iV.F., 1843 . Son 

of H. James, supra. A novelist and 
critic who since 1869 has resided in 
Europe, and mainly in London. He 
has been a prolific writer whose works 
have been much discussed by critics 
and general readers. In fiction his 
writings include, Roderick Hudson; 

The American ; The Europeans ; A Pas- 
sionate PUgrim, and Other Tales ; Con- 
fidence ; Washington Square ; The 
Portrait of a Lady ; Watch and Ward ; 
Daisy MiUer ; An International Epi- 
sode ; The Siege of London ; The Au- 
thor of Beltraffio, and Other Tales; 
The Bostonians ; The Princess Casa- 
massima ; The Reverberator ; The As- 
pern Papers, and Other Stories ; A 
London Life ; The Tragic Muse ; The 
Lesson of the Master, and Other Tales ; 
The Spoils of Poynton ; What Maisie 
Knew ; The Other House ; The Private 
Life ; The Wheel of Time ; Terminal 
tions ; Embarrassments ; Theatricals, 
two comedies; The Real Thing, and 
Other Tales; Tales of Three Cities. 
Other works by Mr. James are. Trans- 
atlantic Sketches ; French Poets and 
Novelists ; Portraits of Places ; Life of 
Hawthorne ; The Madonna of the Fu- 
ture ; A Little Tour in France ; Picture 
and Text ; Essays in London ; Partial 
Portraits. See Hazeltine's Chats About 
Books ; Allihone's Dictionary, Supple- 
ment ; Vedder's American Writers. Har. 
Hou. Mac. 8. 

James, Henry Ammon. Md., 1854- 

. A lawyer of New York city who 

has published Communism in America. 

James, ■William. N. Y., 1842 . 

Son of H. James, 1st, supra. A psycho- 
logist of distinction, professor at Har- 
vard University from 1872. Principles 
of Psychology ; Psychology, a briefer 
study of the subject. Ho. 

Jameson, John Alexander. Vt., 

1824 . A jurist of Chicago, for 

many years an assistant editor of The 
American Law Register. The Consti- 
tutional Convention, its History, Power, 
and Modes of Proceeding. 

Jameson, John Franklin. Ms., 1859- 

. A professor of history in Brown 

University. William Usselinx, Founder 
of the Dutch and Swedish West India 
Companies ; The History of Historical 
Writing in America; Dictionary of 
United States History. Hou. 

Jamison, Mrs. Celia V [Ham- 
ilton]. La., 18 . The Story 

of an Enthusiast ; Toinette's Philip ; 
Lady Jane ; Seraph, the Little Violin- 
iste. Cent. Hou. We. 

Janes, Edwin Lines. Jlfs., 1807-1875. 
A Methodist clergyman. Wesley his 



Own Historian ; Character and Career 
of Bishop Asbury ; Memento of Edward 
Payson. Meth. 
Janes, Lewis George. R. I., 1844- 

. A lecturer of Brooklyn, for 

twelve years president of the Brooklyn 
Ethical Association. A Study of Pri- 
mitive Culture ; SamueU Gorton, a For- 
gotten Founder of Our Liberties. Pr. 

Janeway, Jacob. N. Y., 1774-1858. 
A Presbyterian clergyman who held 
several pastorates in Pennsylvania and 
New Jersey, and was engaged in gen- 
eral mission work. Exposition of the 
Acts, Romans, and Hebrews ; Internal 
Evidences of the Holy Bible ; Unlaw- 
ful Marriage ; Review of Dr. Schaff on 
Protestantism ; The Abrahamie Cove- 
nant. See Memoir by T. L. Janeway. 

Janney, Samuel Macpherson. Va., 
1801-1880. A preacher among the 
Hicksite Friends who in 18G9 was ap- 
pointed one of the government superin- 
tendents of Indian affairs. Lives of 
William Penn and George Fox ; Con- 
versations on Religious Subjects ; The 
Last of the Lenape, and Other Poems ; 
Historical Sketch of the Christian 
Church ; Summary of Christian Doc- 
trines Held by Friends ; Peace Princi- 
ples Exemplified in the Early History 
of Pennsylvania ; History of the Reli- 
gious Society of Friends from its Rise 
to 1828. 

Janvier, Francis de Haes. Pa., 
1S17-18S.";. Cousin of T. A. Janvier, 
infra. The Skeleton Monk, and Other 
Poems ; The Sleeijing Sentinel (verse) ; 
Patriotic Poems. Lip. 

Janvier, Margaret Thomson. "Mar- 
garet Vandegrift." La., 184.5 . 

Sister of T. A. Janvier, infra. A Phi- 
ladelphia writer of children's books, 
among which are. Clover Bank ; Under 
the Dog Star ; Little Helpers ; A Dead 
Doll, and Other Verses. Hou. 

Janvier, Thomas AUibone. Pa., 
1849 . A journalist and littera- 
teur of Philadelphia, and subsequently 
of New York. An Embassy to Pro- 
vence, a volume of travel ; Color Stud- 
ies : Four Stories ; The Mexican Guide ; 
Stories of Old New Spain ; The Aztec 
Treasure House, a Romance ; The Un- 
cle of an Angel, and Other Stories ; In 
Old New York. Ap. Cent. Bar. Scr. 

Jarves, James Jackson. Ms., 1820- 
1888. An art connoisseur who lived 
in Hawaii, 1838-49, and subsequently 
for many years in Florence. Why and 
What Am I ? ; Art Studies ; History of 
the Sandwich Islands (1843) ; Scenes 
and Scenery in the Sandwich Islands ; 
Parisian Sights and French Principles ; 
Italian Sights and Papal Principles ; 
Kiana, a Tradition of Hawaii ; A 
Glimpse at the Art of Japan ; Art 
Hints ; The Art Idea ; Art Thoughts ; 
Italian Rambles ; Pepero, the Boy Art- 
ist. Har. Hou. 

Jarvis, Edward, ilfs., 1803-1884. A 
once prominent physician of Dorches- 
ter, Massachusetts. Physiology and 
Health ; Elementary Physiology ; Con- 
dition of the Insane and Idiots in Mas- 
sachusetts, are his more important pub- 

Jarvis, Samuel Farmar. Ct., 1786- 
1S.51. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Connecticut. Sermons on Prophecy; 
No Union with Rome ; Chronological 
Introduction to the History of the 
Church; The Religion of the Indian 
Tribes of North America. 

Jay, Sir James. N. Y., 1732-1815. 
An elder brother of J. Jay, infra. A 
physician of New York city who was 
knighted by George III., and who pub- 
lished Reflections and Observations on 

Jay, John. N. Y., 1745-1829. A fa- 
mous New York statesman who was 
one of the authors of The Federalist. 
Of his state papers, the Address to the 
People of Great Britain is the most cel- 
ebrated. His Correspondence and State 
Papers, edited by H. P. Johnston, ap- 
peared 1890-93. See Lives by Wm. 
Jay, infra ; Pellew ; Appleton\ Amer- 
ican Biography. Put. 

Jay, John. N. Y., 1817-1894. Son of 
W. Jay, infra. A lawyer and diplo- 
mat of New York who was minister 
to Austria, 1869-75, and a prominent 
opponent of slavery. Dignity of the 
Abolition Cause ; Caste and Slavery in 
the American Church ; America Free 
or America Slave, are some of his politi- 
cal and other pamphlets. 

Jay, WUliam. N. Y., 1789-1858 Son 
of J. Jay, supra. A philanthropist of 
New York city who was strongly op- 
posed to slavery. Lite of John Jay ; 




War and Peace ; Causes and Conse- 
quences of the Mexican War. 

Jay, W. M. L. See Woodruff. 

Jeffers, 'William Nicholson. N. J., 

1824-1SS3. A United States naval ofE- 
cer who became a commodore in 1S7S. 
Short Methods in Navig^ation ; Theory 
and Practice of Naval Gunnery ; In- 
spection and Proof of Cannon ; Ord- 
nance Instruction for the United States 

Jefferson, Joseph. Pa., 1829 . 

A famous actor of New York city who 
has published an entertaining Auto- 
biography. He is the author of tlie 
famous play. Rip Van Winkle, in which 
he has long been identified with the 
leading role. Cent. Do. 

Jefferson, Thomas. Va., 1743-1826. 
The third president of the United States. 
A statesman whose literary monument 
is the world-famous Declaration of In- 
dependence. Other writings of his are, 
Notes on Virginia; Rights of British 
America ; Manual of Parliamentary 
Practice. A ten-volume edition of his 
works was published in 1892. See Lives 
by Linn, 1834. ; Rayner, 1334 j Tucker, 
1837; Dwight, 1839; Randall, 1858; 
Parton, 1S74; J- T. Morse, 1883; Do- 
mestic Life of, by Randolph, 1871 ; Edin- 
burgh Review, July, 1830, and October, 
1837 ; North American Review, April, 
1830, and January, 183.5 ; AlliboTUi^s 
Dictionary ; Jefferson at Monticello ; Ap- 
pleton's American Biography; Henry 
Adams's History of the Administration 
of Jefferson. Put. 

Jeffrey, Mrs. Rosa Vertner [Grif- 
fith] [Johnson]. Mi., 1826-1894. A 
verse-writer of Lexington, Kentucky. 
Poems by Rosa ; Florence Vale ; The 
Crimson Hand, and Other Poems ; 
Marah, a Novel ; Woodburn, a Novel. 

Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. Ms., 1833- 
. A prominent physician of Bos- 
ton. Color Blindness : its Dangers 
and its Detection ; The Eye in Health 
and Disease ; Diseases of the Skin. 

Jenkins. John Stilwell. N. Y., 
1818-1852. A lawyer and journalist of 
Weedsport, New York. The Heroines 
of History ; Lives of the Governors of 
New York ; Lives of Jackson, Polk, and 
Calhoun; Political History of New 

York ; History of the Mexican War ; 
Generals of the Last War with Great 
Britain ; Life of Silas Wright, include 
the larger part of his writings. Co. 

Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple. Mck, 

1856 . An educator, since 1891 

professor of political, municipal, and 
social institutions at Cornell University. 
Henry C. Carey als National-okonom ; 
Road Legislation for the American 

Jenks, John 'Whipple Potter. Ms., 
1819-18i)4. A naturalist who was di- 
rector of the museum of natural history 
at Brown University, 1872-94, and pro- 
fessor of agriculture and zoology there, 
1875-94. Hunting in Florida ; Jenks 
and Steele's Zoology. 

Jenks, William. Ms., 1778-1866. A 
once prominent Congregational clergy- 
man of Boston who founded tlie Amer- 
ican Oriental Society. Commentary on 
the Bible, long a popular work ; Bible 
Atlas and Scripture Gazetteer. 

Jenness, John Scribner. N. H., 
1827-1879. A lawyer of New York 
city. The Isles of Shoals, an Historical 
Sketch; The First Planting of New 
Hampshire. He edited Transcripts of 
Original Documents relating to the 
Early History of New Hampshire. 

Jennison, Lucy 'White. " Owen 
Innsley." Ms., 1850 . A verse- 
writer who has lived mainly in Europe. 
Love Poems and Sonnets. 

Jervey, Mrs. Caroline H [G-il- 

man] [Glover]. S. C, 182.3-1877. 
Daughter of S. Gilman, infra. A writ- 
er of fiction and occasional verse. Ver- 
non Grove ; Helen Courtenay's Promise. 

Jervis, John Bloomfield. N. Y., 
1795-18S5. A civil engineer of New . 
York who designed many important 
works, such as the Croton Dam and 
High Bridge. Railway Property ; La- 
bor and Capital. JBai. 

Jessup, Henry Harris. Pa., 1832- 

. A Presbyterian missionary in 

Syria from 1856. The Women of" the 
Arabs ; The Children of the East; The 
Greek Church and Protestant Missions ; 
Syrian Home Life, include his most im- 
portant works. Do. 

Jeter, Jeremiah Bell. Va., 1802- 
1880. A Baptist clergyman prominent 
in the South as a preacher and contro- 




versjalist. Among- his -writings are, 
CampbellisTn Examined ; Campbellism 
Re-Examined ; The Seal of Heaven ; 
The Christian Mirror; Recollections of 
a Long- Life. See Life by W. E. Hatcher. 

Jewett, Charles Coffin. Me., 1816- 
1808. A bibliographer who was the 
first superintendent of the Boston Pub- 
lic Library. Facts and Considerations 
Relative to Duties on Books j Notices 
of Public Libraries in the United 
States ; Construction of Catalogues. 

Jewett, George Baker. Me., 1818- 
1880. Brother of C. C. Jewett, supra. 
A New England educator whose prin- 
cipal works were Baptism versus Im- 
mersion ; Critique on the Greek Text 
of the New Testament. 

Jewett, Milo Parker. Vt., 1808- 
1882. An educator who was the first 
president of Vassar College. Baptism ; 
The Relation of Boards of Health and 

Jewett, Sarah Orne. Me., 1849 . 

A popular writer of quiet fiction whose 
hfe has been passed mainly at her 
birthplace in South Berwick, Maine, 
and in Boston. Her painstaking, accu- 
rate studies of phases of rural New 
England life and character have re- 
ceived much well-deserved praise. Old 
Friends and New ; Play-Days ; Country 
By-Ways ; Deephaven ; The Mate of 
the Daylight, and Friends Ashore ; A 
Country Doctor ; A Marsh Island ; A 
White Heron, and Other Stories ; The 
Story of the Normans, an historical 
work ; The King of Folly Island, and 
Other People ; Betty Leicester, a Story 
for Girls; Strangers and Wayfarers ; 
A Native of Winby, and Other Tales ; 
The Life of Nancy ; The Country of 
the Pointed Firs. See Bibliography of 
Maine. Hou. Put. 

Johnson, Alexander Bryan. E., 
1786-18()7. A prominent banker of 
Utica for nearly half a century. Trea- 
tise on Banking ; The Philosophy of 
Human Knowledge ; Religion in its 
Relations to the Present Life ; The 
Physiology of the Senses ; The Mean- 
ing of Words ; Nature and Value of 
Capital ; Encyclopaedia of Instruction ; 
Guide to the Right Understanding of 
Our American Union. 

Johnson, Barton "W . //., 1833- 

1894. A Campbellite minister and 

educator of Iowa. The Vision of the 
Ages ; Commentary on John ; The Peo- 
ple's New Testament ; Young Folks in 
Bible Lands. 

Johnson, Benjamin F., of Boone. 
See Riley, James Whitcomb. 

Johnson, Charles Frederick. N.Y., 

lS3(i . A professor of English 

literature in Trinity College. English 
Words, an Elementary Study of Deri- 
vations ; Three Americans and Three 
Englishmen, lectures. Har. 

Johnson, Clifton. Ms,, 1865 . 

A writer and illustrator of Hadley, 
Massachusetts, best known by his pho- 
tographic illustrations to White's Sel- 
bome and other books. What They 
Say in New England ; A Book of Coun- 
try Clouds and Sunshine ; The Country 
School in New England ; The Farmer's 
Boy ; The New England Country. Ap. 

Johnson, Edward. JS., 1600-1682. 
The principal founder of Woburn, Mas- 
sachusetts, in 1640, and a prominent 
citizen of that town for the rest of his 
life. The Wonder- Working Providence 
of Zion's Saviour in New P^ngland is a 
valuable account of New England 
" from the English planting in 1628 till 
105U." An edition, with Introduction 
and Notes by W. F. Poole, infra, ap- 
peared in 1867. See Tyler''s American 
Literature; Bibliography of Bhode Is- 

Johnson, Edwin A . iV.r.,1829- 

. A Methodist clergyman. Half- 
Hour Studies of Life ; The Live Boy, 
or Charley's Letters ; Winter Green- 
eries at Home ; The Lilyvale Club and 
its Doings. Meth. 

Johnson, Francis Howe. Ms., 1835- 

. A Congregational clergyman in 

Andover, Massachusetts. What is Re- 
ality ? an Inquiry as to the Reasona- 
bleness of Natural Religion, and the 
Naturalness of Revealed Religion. 

Johnson, Frank G-rant. Ct., 1835- 

. A physician and inventor of 

Brooklyn. The Water Metre and the 
Actual Measurement System ; The 
Nicholson and Other Pavements ; 
Health Lifts j Infected Air and Disin- 

Johnson, Franklin. 1836 . A 

Baptist clergyman, professor in Chicago 




University, and previously pastor of a 
church in Cambridge. Quotations of 
the New Testament from the Old; 
True Womanhood ; The New Psychic 
Studies in their Relation to Christian 
Thought ; Heine's Lyrical Interludes, 
with introduction and notes ; Dies 
Irae, and Stahat Mater, with introduc- 
tion and notes. Bap. Fu. Lo. 

Johnson, Mrs. Helen [Kendrick]. 

N. Y., 1843 . Wife of Rossiter 

Johnson, infra, and daughter of A. C. 
Kendrick, infra. She has edited Our 
Familiar Songs ; Tears for the Little 
Ones; The Nutshell Series, and other 
works ; and has written Raleigh West- 
gate, or Epimenides in Maine ; The Rod- 
dy Books ; Woman and the Republic. 
Ap. Ho. Hou. Put. 

Johnson, Herrick. N.Y., 1S?,2 . 

A Presbyterian clergyman of Chicago, 
professor in McCormick Theological 
Seminary from 1880. Christianity's 
Challenge ; Plain Talks about Thea- 
tres ; Forms for Special Occasions ; Re- 
vivals. Hev. 

Johnson, John Butler. O., 1850- 

. A professor of civil engineering 

in Washington University, at St. Louis, 
from 1883. Theory and Practice of 
Surveying ; Modern Framed Structures ; 
Stadia and Earth-Work Tables. Wil. 

Johnson, Mrs. Laura [Winthrop]. 

Ct., 1825 . Sister of Theodore 

Winthrop, infra. A writer of New 
York city. Little Blossom's Reward ; 
Poems of Twenty Years ; Eight Hun- 
dred Miles in an Ambulance. Lip. 

Johnson, Oliver. Vt., 1809-1889. An 
editor and lecturer of New York city, 
successively managing editor of The 
Lidependent, editor of the Weekly 
Tribune, and editor of the Christian 
Union. William Lloyd Garrison and 
his Times. Hou. 

Johnson, Richard W. Xy., 1827- 
3897. A brigadier-general in the 
Federal army during the Civil War, 
brevetted major-general. A Soldier's 
Reminiscences in Peace and War ; Life 
of Major-General George H. Thomas. 

Johnson, Robert Underwood. D. 

C, 1853 . A New York writer 

on the editorial staff of The Century 
Magazine from 1873. The Winter 
Hour and Other Poems. Cent. 

, Mrs. Rosa V. See Jeffrey, 



Johnson, Rossiter. N. Y., 1840- 

. A writer of New York city who 

has edited Appleton's Annual Cyclopae- 
dia from 1883, and also edited Famous 
Single Poems ; Play-day Poems ; Little 
Classics; The Authorized History of 
the World's Columbian Exposition, and 
other works. His original writings in- 
clude. Phaeton Rogers, a Novel of Boy 
Life ; History of the French War, End- 
ing in the Conquest of Canada ; His- 
tory of the War of 1812-15 ; A Short 
History of the War of Secession, en- 
larged as Carapiire and Battlefield ; 
The End of a Rainbow, an American 
Story ; Idler and Poet (verse) ; Three 
Decades (verse). Ap. Do. Ho. liou. Scr. 

Johnson, Samuel. Ct., 1696-1772. 
An Episcopal clergyman of Stratford, 
Connecticut, who was president of Co- 
lumbia (then Kings) College, 1753-63, 
A System of Morality, republished by 
Franklin as Elementa Philosophia ; 
English and Hebrew Grammar. An 
influential writer in his day. See Life 
and Correspondence by E. E. Beardsley ; 
Life by T. B. Chandler, 1805. 

Johnson, Samuel. Ms., 1822-1882. 
A Unitarian clergyman of radical views, 
pastor of an independent church in 
Lynn for many years. Oriental Re- 
ligions ; Lectures, Essays, and Ser- 
mons ; The Worship of Jesus in its Past 
and Present Aspect. See Memoir by S. 
Longfellow, infra. Hou. 

Johnson, Samuel William. N. Y., 

1830 . A professor of chemistry 

in Sheffield Scientific School at Yale 
University from 1856. Essays on Ma- 
nures ; Peat and Its Uses ; How Crops 
Feed ; Chemical Notation and Nomen- 
clature, and several translations of Ger- 
man scientific works. Wil. 

Johnson, Mrs. Sarah [Barclay]. 
Va., 1837-1885. Daughter of J. T. 
Barclay, supra. She lived for many 
years in Syria, where her husband was 
consul-general. The Hadji in Syria 
was her only published work. 

Johnson, Thomas Gary. W. Va., 

1859 . A Presbyterian clergyman, 

professor of ecclesiastical polity in 
Union Seminary, Virginia, from 1892. 
The History of the Southern Presbyte- 
rian Church. 




Johnson, Virginia 'Wales. L. I., 

1847 . A novelist who has resided 

in Europe since 1875, and mainly in 
Italy. The Neptune Vase is her finest 
effort. Her other works comprise, Jo- 
seph the Jew ; A Sack of Gold ; The 
Cfilderwood Secret ; Two Old Cats ; 
Miss Nancy's Pilgrimag-e ; A Foreign 
Marriage ; An English Daisy Miller ; 
The House of the Musician ; Tulip 
Place ; The Fainalls of Tipton ; Amer- 
ica's Godfather. Est. Har. Hon. Ser. 
Johnson, AV alter Rogers. Ms., 1794- 
iy.">2. A once prominent chemist of 
Boston and elsewhere. The Use of 
Anthracite ; Report on Coals ; Coal 
Trade of Britisli America; Natural 
Philosophy; Memoir of- L. D. von 
Sehweinitz, infra. 
Johnston, Alexander. L. I., 1849- 
1889. A professor of political economy 
at Princeton College, 1883-89. The 
Genesis of a New England State ; His- 
tory of the United States for Schools ; 
The United States, its History and Con- 
stitution ; History of Connecticut ; His- 
tory of American Politics. JSo. Hon. 
Johnston, Henry Phelps. 1842- 

. A professor of history in the 

College of the City of New York. Loy- 
alist History of the Revolution ; The 
Campaign of 1776 around New York ; 
The Yorktown Campaign ; Yale and 
her Honor Roll in the American Revo- 
lution; Observations on Judge Jones. 
Johnston, John. Me., 1806-1879. An 
educator wlio was for many years pro- 
fessor of natural science in Wesleyan 
University. Manual of Chemistry ; 
Manual of Natural Philosophy ; Primer 
of Natural Philosophy ; History of the 
Towns of Bristol and Bremen in Maine. 
Johnston, Joseph Eggleston. Va., 
1807-1<'~^91. A famous general in the 
Confederate service who surrendered 
to General Sherman on April 26, ISO.'^j. 
He published a Narrative of Military 
Operations, a spirited defence of his 
military policy. See Life of, by It. M. 
Hughes. Ap. 
Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Ga., 

1S22 . A Baltimore writer and 

educator whose humourous writings are 
very distinctly original. Life of Alex- 
ander Stephens, infra (with W. H. 

Browne, supra) ; Dukesborough Tales ; 
Old Mark Langston ; Two Gray Tour- 
ists ; Mr. Absalom Billingslea and 
Other Georgia Folk ; Ogeechee Cross- 
Firings ; Studies, Literary and Social ; 
The Primes and Their Neighbors; 
Mr. Billy Downs and his Likes ; Wid- ^ * 
ow Guthrie, a Novel ; The Chronicles 
of Mr. Bill Williams; Mr. Fortner's 
Marital Claims ; Little Ike TempHn, 
stories for young people ; English 
Classics : a Historical Sketch. Ap. 
Har. Lip. Lo. 

Johnston, William Preston. Ey., 

1831 . An educator of Louisiana, 

president of Tulane University from 
1884. He is the son of the Confeder- 
ate general, Albert Sidney Johnston, 
whose life he has written. He has also 
written The Prototype of Hamlet. Ap. 

Johonnot, James. Vt, 1S23-1888. 
An educator of Illinois and Missouri. 
Principles and Practice of Teaching; 
Glimpses of the Animate World ; Book 
of Cats and Dogs ; Friends in Feathers 
and Fur ; Some Curious Flyers, Creep- 
ers, and Swimmers ; Schoolhouses ; 
Schoolhouse Architecture. Ap. 

Jones, Alexander. N. C, c. 1802- 
1803. A New York journalist who 
was a physician in the earlier portion 
of his career. Cuba in 1851 ; Histori- 
cal Sketch of the Electric Telegraph, 
1852 ; The Cymri of Seventy-Six. 

Jones, Amanda Theodosia. 0., 

183.5 . An educator and inventor 

of Chicago. Her writings in verse 
comprise Ulah, and Other Poems ; At- 
lantis ; A Prairie Idyl. 

Jones, Charles Colcock. Ga., 1804- 
1863. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Georgia. Religious Instruction for 
Negroes; History of The Church of 

Jones, Charles Colcock. Ga., 1831- 
1893. Son of C. C. Jones, supra. A 
lawyer and archieologist of Augusta, 
Georgia. Ancient Tumuli in Georgia ; 
Antiquities of the Southern Indians; 
The History of Georgia ; Negro Myths 
from the Georgia Coast ; Biographical 
Sketches of the Delegates from Georgia 
to the Continental Congress ; The Eng- 
lish Colonization of Georgia. Ap. Hon. 

Jones, George. Me., 1800-1870. An 
Episcopal chaplain in the United States 
navy. Sketches of Naval Life ; Life 




Scenes from the Gospels ; Life Scenes 
from the Old Testament; Excursions 
to Cairo, Jerusalem, etc. 
Jones, Horatio Grates. Pa., 1822- 

. A lawyer of Philadelplua who ha3 

published many local histories and bio- 
graphies, among the latter being An- 
drew Bradford, Founder of the News- 
paper Press in the Middle States. 

Jones, Hugh. X, 1(369-1760. An 
Episcopal clergyman, for sixty -five 
years rector of parishes in Virginia and 
Maryland. He was author of The 
Present State of Virginia, a work much 
valued by collectors of colonial litera- 

Jones, James Athearn. Ms., 1*790- 
18.53. A journalist of Philadelphia 
and elsewhere. Traditions of the North 
American Indians ; Haverhill, a novel. 

Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. W., 1843- 
. A Unitarian clergyman of Chi- 
cago, editor of Unity from 1880. Prac- 
tical Piety ; The Faith that Makes 

Jones, Joel. Ct., 179.5-1860. A jurist 
of Philadelphia who wrote much on 
theological topics, and was the first 
president of Girard College. Manual 
of Pennsylvania Land Law ; Jesus and 
the Coming Glory ; Knowledge of One 
Another in a Future State, are among 
his works. 

Jones, John Beauchamp. l/rf.,1810- 
1866. A journalist whose books en- 
joyed considerable popularity at one 
time, but have very little literary me- 
rit. A Rebel War Clerk's Diary ; Wild 
Western Scenes ; Border War ; Love 
and Money ; Life and Adventures of a 
Country Merchant ; War Path ; Freaks 
of Fortune ; The Rival BeUes, are some 
of them. Lip. 

Jones, Joseph. Ga., 18-33 . Son 

of C. C. Jones, 1st, supra. A physician, 
professor in Tulaue University, New 
Orleans, from 1869. Among his writ- 
ings are. Sanitary Memoirs of the War 
of the Rebellion ; Surgical Memoirs of 
the War of the Rebellion ; Hospital 
Construction and Organization ; Medi- 
cal and Surgical Memoirs. 

Jones, Joseph Huntington. Ct., 
1797-1868. Brother of Joel Jones, su- 
pra. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Philadelphia. The Effects of Physical 

Causes on Christian Experience ; Life 
of Ashbel Green, supra ; Revival of 

Jones, Joseph Seawell. N. C, c. 
1811-1S55. A Southern writer who 
published Defence of the Revolution- 
ary History of North Carolina ; Memo- 
rials of North Carolina. 

Jones, Joseph Stevens. 1811-1877. 
An extremely prolific playwright of Bos- 
ton, among whose best known produc- 
tions are, Solon Shingle ; Eugene Aram ; 
The Silver Spoon ; The Liberty Tree ; 
Moll Pitcher. 

Jones, Leonard Augustus. Ms., 
1832 . A lawyer of Boston, edi- 
tor of The American Law Register. 
Personal Property ; The Law of Mort- 
gages of Real Property ; On The Law 
of Pledges ; Pledges and Collateral Se- 
curities ; Corporate Bonds and Mort- 
gages ; Chattel Mortgages ; Liens ; Real 
Estate in Conveyancing ; Forms in Con- 
veyancing. Hou. 

Jones, Samuel Porter. Al., 1847- 

. A noted and eccentric revival 

preacher. Sam Jones's Sermons ; Music 
Hall Sermons ; Sam Jones's Own Book. 

Jones, William Alfred. N. Y., 1817- 

. A critic and essayist of Norwich, 

Connecticut. The Analyst ; Essays 
upon Authors and Books; Characters 
and Criticisms ; Literary Studies. 

Jordan, Mrs. Cornelia Jane [Mat- 
thews]. Va., 1830 . A Virginia 

writer of verse whose volume, Corinth, 
and Other Poems of the War, was pub- 
licly burnt on its appearance in 1865, 
by order of General Terry, as an ob- 
jectionable and incendiary publication. 
Her other works are. Flowers of Hope 
and Memory ; Christmas Poem for 
Children; Richmond, her Glory and 
her Graves ; Useful Maxims for a No- 
ble Life. 

Jordan, David Starr. N. Y., 1851- 

. A noted naturalist who became 

the first president of Leland Stanford 
Junior University. Besides a great 
number of scientific papers and mono- 
graphs, he has published A Manual of 
the Vertebrate Animals of the North- 
ern United States ; Scientific Sketches ; 
Contributions to American Ichthology ; 
The Factors in Organic Evolution. Gi. 




Jordan, Mrs. Dulcie [Mason]. N. 
1'., l^oo . A journalist and verse- 
writer of Richmond, Indiana, who has 
published Rosemary Leaves, a volume 
of uneven but often pleasing verse. 

Jordan, John Woolf. Pa., 1840- 

A Philadelphia antiquarian, editor of 
the Pennsylvania Mag'azine of History. 
Friedensthal and its Stockaded Mill ; A 
Red Rose from the Olden Time ; Some- 
thing about Trombones ; Occupation of 
New York by the British. 

Jordan, Thomas. Va., 1819 . A 

Confederate officer, editor of The Min- 
ing Record. The South, its Products, 
Commerce, and Resources (1861) ; Cam- 
paigns of Lieutenant-General Forrest. 

Jouin, Louis. P., 1818 . A Je- 
suit educator of note, professor at St. 
John's College, Fordham. Elementa 
Philosophise Moralis ; Compendium 
IjOgicse et Metaphysicse ; Evidences of 

Joyce, Robert Dwyer. /., 1836- 
1883. An Irish journalist who came to 
America in 1866 and settled in Boston. 
Ballads, Romances, and Songs ; Deirdr^, 
a Poem ; Ballads of Irish Chivalry ; 
Irish Fireside Tales ; Legends on the 
Wars in Ireland ; Blanid ; The Squire 
of Castleton, an historical novel. Mob, 

Judd, Sylvester. Ms., 1789-1860. An 
antiquarian of Northampton, Massa- 
chusetts. Thomas Judd and his De- 
scendants ; History of Hadley. See 
Memorials of, hy A. Hall, supra. 

Judd, Sylvester. Ms., 1813-1853. 
Son of S. Judd, supra. A Unitarian 
clergyman of Augusta, Maine. His 
greatest work is the remarkable story 
of Margaret : a Tale of the Real and 
the Ideal. Other works of his include, 
Philo, a religious poem ; Richard Ed- 
ney, a novel ; The Church, a series of 
sermons. See NichoVs American Liter- 
ature ; LoweWs Fable for Critics. Hob. 

Judson, BdTvard Z C . Pa., 

1822-1886. A writer of sensational 
non-literary stories for weekly papers 
which gave him a large income. He 
was also a temperance lecturer. Among 
his stories are, Red Ralph the Ranger ; 
The Sea Bandit; Buffalo Bill; The 
White Cruiser. 

Judson, Mrs. Emily [Chubbuck]. 
" Fanny Forester." JV. Y., 1817-1854. 

A once popular writer who was the 
third wife of the famous Baptist mis- 
sionary, Adoniram Judson. Alderhrook, 
a collection of stories; Trippings in 
Author Land ; An Olio of Domestic 

Judson, Harry Pratt. JV. Y., 1849- 

. A professor of political science 

in the University of Chicago. Europe 
in the Nineteenth Century ; The Growth 
of the American Nation ; Caesar's Array, 
a Study of the Military Art of the Ro- 
mans. Gi. Fl. 

Judson, L Carroll. 18 . 

Biography of the Signers of the Decla- 
ration of Independence ; Sages and He- 
roes of the American Revolution ; The 
Moral Probe, a collection of Essays. 

Julian, G-eorge 'Washington. Ind., 
1817 . An Indiana statesman, sur- 
veyor-general of New Mexico in 1885. 
Speeches on Political Questions ; Poli- 
tical Recollections from 1840-72 ; Life 
of Joshua Giddings, supra. Mg. 

June, Jennie. See Croly. 

Junkin, David Xavier. Pa., 1808- 
1880. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Chicago and elsewhere. The Good 
Steward ; Life of General Hancock 
(with F. H. Norton) ; The Oath a Di- 
vine Ordinance. Ap. ^ 

Junkin, George. Pa., 1790-1868. 
Brother of D. X. Junkin, supra. A 
Presbyterian clergyman once promi- 
nent among leadeis of the Old School 
party. He was the founder of Lafay- 
ette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, and 
was twice its president. His more im- 
portant works include. Commentary on 
Hebrews; Political Fallacies ; The Great 
Apostasy ; Sanctifieation ; Justification ; 
The Tabernacle. See Biography by D. 
X. Junkin. 

Junkin, Margaret. Daughter of G. 
JunMn, supra. See Preston, Mrs. 

Kaler, James Otis. Me., 1846 . 

A journalist of New York city who has 
written much for juvenile readers. The 
Boy Captain ; Under the Liberty Tree ; 
A Short Cruise; The Boys' Revolt; 
Toby Tyler; Left Behind; Mr.Stubbs'a 
Brother; Tom and Tip; Raising the 




Pearl; Silent Pete; The Castaways; 
Little Joe ; Stories of American His- 
tory ; Jerry's Family ; Jenny Wren's 
Boarding-House. Cr. Est. Mar. 
Kalisch, Isidor. P., 1816-1886. A 
Jewish clerg-yman who came to the 
United States in 1849, and was rabhi 
of congregations in Cleveland, Mil- 
waukee, and elsewhere. He published 
Sketch of the Talmud, and several im- 
portant translations from the German 
and Hebrew, 

Kane, Elisha Kent. Pa., 1820-1857. 
A surgeon in the United States navy 
who was famous as an Arctic explorer. 
The United States Grinnell Expedition 
of 1850 ; Second Grinnell Expedition. 
See Lives by Elder and Schmucker. 

Kane, Thomas Leiper. Pa., 1822- 
1883. Brother of E. K. Kane, supra. 
A lawyer of Philadelphia, and a briga- 
dier-general in the Federal army in the 
Civil War. The Mormons ; Alaska ; 

Kautz, August Valentine. (?., 1828- 
1895. An officer in the United States 
army who served in the Civil War and 
in several subsequent Indian campaigns, 
and became a colonel and brevet major- 
general. The Company Clerk ; Customs 
of Service for Non-Commissioned Offi- 
cers and Soldiers ; Customs of Service 
for Officers. Lip. 

Keating, John M . Pa., 1852- 

. A Philadelphia physician. With 

General Grant in the East ; Mothers' 
Guide for Management of Infants ; Ma- 
ternity, Infancy, and Childhood ; Dis- 
eases of the Heart (with W. A. Ed- 
wards), include his principal writings. 

Kedney, John Steinfort. N. J., 

1819 . An Episcopal clergyman, 

professor in Seabury Divinity School at 
Faribault, Minnesota, from 1871. Mens 
Christi, and Other Problems in Theo- 
logy ; Catawba, and Other Poems ; The 
Beautiful and the Sublime, an Analysis 
of the Emotions ; Hegel's ^Esthetics ; 
Christian Doctrine Harmonized. Put. 

Keeler, Charles Augustus. Wis., 
1871 . An ornithologist and verse- 
writer of California. Evolution of Co- 
lor in North American Land Birds ; A 
Light through the Storm. 

Keeler, Ralph. O., 1840-187.S. A 
journalist of California and New York. 
Gloverson and his Silent Partner ; Va- 
gabond Adventures. 

Keen, William Williams. Pa., 

1837 . An eminent Philadelphia 

surgeon, professor of surgery at Jeffer- 
son Medical College from 1889. Reflex 
Paralysis ; Gunshot Wounds ; Clinical 
Chart of the Human Body ; Complica- 
tions and Sequels of Continuous Fever ; 
Early History of Practical Anatomy. 

Keenan, Henry Francis. N. Y., 

1849 . A journalist and novelist 

formerly of Rochester, New York. The 
Money-Makers, a Social Problem ; Tra^ 
jan, the History of a Sentimental Young 
Man ; The Aliens ; One of a Thousand ; 
The Iron Game. Ap. Cas. 

Keep, Josiah. Ms., 1849 . An 

educator of California. Common Sea 
Shells of California ; West Coast Shells. 

Keep, Robert Porter. Ct, 1844- 
. An educator of Norwich, Con- 
necticut. Stories from Herodotus ; Es- 
sential Uses of the Moods in Greek and 
Latin ; Greek Lessons. Har. 

Keith, Alyn Yates. See Morris, Mrs. 

Keller, Joseph Edward. Bv., 1827- 
1886. A Jesuit educator, president of 
St. Louis University. Life and Acts of 
Pope Leo XIII. (1880). 

Kelley, Hall Jackson. N. H., 1790- 
1874. An educator of Boston who or- 
ganized the first Sunday-school in New 
England, and made an unsuccessful at- 
tempt to colonize Oregon in 1830. Ge- 
ographical Description of Oregon ; Let- 
ters from an Afflicted Husband ; History 
of the Settlement of Oregon. 

Kelley, James Douglas Jerrold. 

18.5 . A lieutenant in the United 

States navy. The Question of Ships ; 
Our Navy ; A Desperate Chance, a 
story. Scr. 

Kelley, William Darrah. Pa., 1814- 
1890. A jurist of Philadelphia who 
was in Congress from 1860, and was 
very prominent as an abolitionist and a 
protectionist. Speeches, Addresses, and 
Letters on Political Questions ; Letters 
from Europe ; Lincoln and Stanton ; 
The Old South and the New. Bai. 

Kellogg, Alfred Hosea. Pa., 1837- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

Detroit. Abraham, Joseph, and Moses 




in Egypt, an attempted solution of the 
Exodus jjroblem. 

Kellogg, Elijah. Me., 1813 . A 

Congreg'ational clergyman of Harps- 
well, Maine, from 1844. He has writ- 
ten many popular juvenile books, in- 
cluding Elm Island Series ; Forest Glen 
yeries ; Good Old Times Series ; Plea- 
sant Cove Series ; Whispering Pine 
Series, hut perhaps is best known as the 
author of the Address of Spartacus to 
the Gladiators. See Bibliography of 
Maine. Le. 

Kellogg, Samuel Henry. L. I., 1839- 

. A Presbyterian missionary to 

India. Grammar of the Hindi Lan- 
guage ; The Jews, or Prediction and 
Fulfillment ; The Light of Asia and the 
Light of the World ; From Death to 
Resurrection ; The Genesis and Growth 
of Religion. Mac. 

Kellogg, Warren Franklin. N. Y., 
1860 . A Boston publisher. Re- 
cent French Art ; Hunting in the Jun- 
gle, adapted from " Les Animaux Sau- 
vages." Est. 

Kelton, John Cunningham. Pa., 

1828 . A brigadier-general in the 

United States army. New Manual 
of the Bayonet ; Fencing with Foils ; 
Pigeons as Couriers ; Information for 

Kendall, Amos. Ms., 1789-1869. A 
once famoiis journalist, politician, and 
philanthropist of Washington. Life of 
Andrew Jackson ; Autobiography (ed- 
ited by W. Stickney). Le. 

Kendall, George Wilkins. Vt., 
1810 . A journahst of New Or- 
leans. The War between the United 
States and Mexico ; The Texan Santa 
F^ Expedition. Ap. 

Kendrick, Asahel Clark. F<., 1809- 
189-5. A noted Greek scholar who was 
professor of Greek at Rochester Uni- 
versity from 1850. Echoes : metrical 
translations from the Greek and Ger- 
man ; The Moral Conflict of Humanity 
and Other Papers ; Life of Mrs. Emily 
Judson, supra; A Child's Book of 
Greek ; Introduction to the Greek Lan- 
guage, are among his writings. He 
was one of the Revisers of the New 
Testament, published independent com- 
mentaries and translations, and edited 
Our Poetical Favorites. Bap. Hon. 

Kenly, John Reese. Md., 1822-1891. 
A captain and major of volunteers in 
the Mexican War, and brigadier-gen- 
eral in the Federal army in the Civil 
War. Memoirs of a Maryland Volun- 
teer in the Mexican War. 

Kennan, George. O., 1845 . A 

noted traveller who made a careful in- 
vestigation of the Russian exUe system 
for The Century Magazine, and drew 
world-wide attention to the subject. 
Tent Life in Siberia ; Siberia and the 
Exile System. Cent. Put. 

Kennedy, Crammond. S., 1842- 

. A lawyer of Washington. James 

Stanly, a Sunday-school tale ; The Lib- 
erty of the Press ; Corn in the Blade, 
a book of verse ; Close Communion or 
Open Communion. 

Kennedy, John Pendleton. Md., 
1795-1870. A once famous novelist 
who was a prominent Maryland politi- 
cian and secretary of the navy in 1852. 
Annals of Quodlibet ; At Home and 
Abroad ; Swallow Barn ; Horse-Shoe 
Robinson ; Rob of the Bowl ; Life of 
William Wirt. See Life by H. T. 
Tuckerman, infra. Put. 

Kennedy, William Sloane. Pa., 
1822-1861. A Congregational clergy- 
man of Ohio, Messianic Prophecies ; 
Life of Christ ; History of the Plan of 
Union ; Sacred Analysis. 

Kennedy, William Sloane. 0., 

1S."jO . A litterateur of Belmont, 

Massachusetts. Lives of Longfellow, 
Holmes, and Whittier; Wonders and 
Curiosities of the Railway ; Poems of 
the Weird and Mystical ; Reminiscences 
of Walt Whitman; Art of Life, a 
Raskin Anthology ; Whittier, the Poet 
of Freedom ; In Portia's Gardens; 
Bibliography and Literary History of 
Leaves of Grass. Fu. Lo. Mer. Wn. 
Kenriok, Francis Patrick. I., 1797- 
1863. The Roman Catholic archbishop 
of Baltimore, 1851-63. An active 
controversialist and a biblical scholar 
of distinction. Theologia Dogmatica; 
Theologia Moralis ; The Primaey_ of 
the Apostolic See Vindicated ; Vindica^ 
tion of the Catholic Church ; End of 
Religious Controversy Controverted, 
are among his many works. He also 
published a translation of the Scrip- 
tures with commentary. 




Kenrick, Peter Richard. I., 1806- 
1S;)6. Brother of F. P. Kenrick. 
The first Roman Catholic archbishop 
of St. Louis. In the Ecumenical Coun- 
cil of 1S70 he actively opi)osed the 
dogma of papal infallibility. The Holy 
House of Lorretto ; Anglican Ordina- 
tions ; Concia in Concilio Vaticana. 

Kent, James. N. Y., 1763-1847. A 
jurist of eminence "who was chancellor 
of New York, 1814-23, and profes- 
sor of law at Columbia College, 1793- 
1708, and again on retiring from the 
chancellorship of the State. His fa- 
mous Commentaries on American Law, 
a work of the highest authority, reached 
a IStli edition in 1884, that of Holmes 
and Barnes. He published also a treat- 
ise On the Charter of New York City. 
See Duer^s Discourse on Life of Kent. 

Kenyon, James Benjamin. N. Y., 

1858 . A Methodist clergyman of 

Syracuse who has written much verse 
of a pleasing if not very striking kind. 
Out of the Shadows ; The Fallen, and 
Other Poems ; Songs in All Seasons ; 
In Realms of Gold ; At the Gate of 
Dreams ; An Oaten Pipe. Lip. 

Ker, David. E., 18 . A jour- 
nalist of New York city. The Broken 
Image, and Other Tales ; On the Road 
to Khiva ; The Wild Horseman of the 
Pampas ; The Boy Slave in Bokhara ; 
From the Hudson to the Neva; Lost 
Among White Africans ; Into Unknown 
Seas ; The Lost City, or the Boy Ex- 
plorers in Central Asia ; The Wizard 
King. Har. Lip. Lo. 

Kerr, Orpheus C. See Newell, E. S. 

Kerr, Robert Pollok. Ms., 18.')0- 

. Presbyterianism for the People ; 

History of Presbyterianism ; Hymns of 
the Ages ; Voice of God in History. 

Ketchum, Mrs. Annie [Chambers]. 
Ky., 1824 . An educator and lec- 
turer. Lotos Flowers (verse) ; Christ- 
mas Carillons, and Other Poems ; Bot- 
any for Academies and Colleges ; The 
Teacher's Empire ; Nellie Braden, a, 
novel ; RiUa Motto, a romance. Lip. 

Key, Francis Scott. Md., 1780-184.S. 
A lawyer of Washington whose miscel- 
laneous poems were collected and pub- 
lished after his death. The Star-Span- 
gled Banner, composed in 1814 during 
the bombardment of Fort McHenry by 

English forces in whose hands the 
author was a prisoner, is Ills only poem 
of note. See Boyle^s Biographical 
Sketches of Distinguished Marylanders. 

Keyes, Edvrard Lavrrence. S. C, 
1843— — -. Son of E. D. Keyes, infra. 
A physician of New York city. The 
Tonic Treatment of Syphilis ; Vene- 
real Diseases ; Genito-Urinary Diseases. 

Keyes, Emerson Willard. 1828- 

. A lawyer of New York city. 

New York Court of Appeals Reports ; 
History of United States Savings 
Banks ; Laws of New York Relating 
to Common Schools, with Comments. 

Keyes, Erasmus Darwrin. Ms., 
1810-189.J. A major-general in the 
Federal army in the Civil War, who 
resigned in 1864. Fifty Years' Observa- 
tion of Men and Events. Scr. 

Keyser, Peter Dirck. Pa., 1835- 
1897. A surgeon of Philadelphia who 
has published Operations for Cataracts, 
and other works on diseases of the eye. 

Kidder, Daniel Parrish. N. Y., 
1815-1891. A Methodist clergyman 
of prominence who held professor- 
ships in several theological institutions. 
Homiletics ; The Christian Pastorate ; 
Mormonism and the Mormons ; Sketches 
of a Residence in Brazil ; Helps to 
Prayer ; co-author with J. C. Fletcher, 
supra, of Brazil and the Brazilians. 

Kidder, Frederick. N. H., 1804- 
1885. A Boston merchant among 
whose historical monographs are. The 
Boston Massacre ; The Expeditions of 
Captain John Lovewell. 

Kiddle, Henry. E., 1824-1891. An 
educator who was superintendent of 
the schools of New York city, 1870-7r>. 
Text-Book of Physics ; Elements of 
Astronomy ; Dictionary of Education, 
include his most important works. 

Kieffer, Henry Martyn. Pa., 184.5- 

. A German Reformed clergyman 

of Norristown, and subsequently of 
Easton, Pennsylvania. The Recollec- 
tions of a Drummer Boy. Hou. 

Kilbourne, Payne Kenyon. Ct., 
1815-1859. A journalist of Connecti- 
cut. The Skeptic and Other Poems ; 
History of the County of Litchfield; 
Chronicles of Litchfield. 




Kilgore, Damon Young. 1827- 
1888. A lawyer of Philadelphia. Dan- 
gers which Threaten the Republic ; 
Questions of the Day. 

Kimball, Arthur Lalanne. N. J., 

18.56 . A professor of physics at 

Amherst College from 1891. The 
Physical Properties of Gases. Hou. 

Kimball, Harriet McEwen. N. H., 

1834 . A religious verse-writer of 

Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Swal- 
low Flights of Song ; Hymns ; The 
Blessed Company of All Faithful Peo- 
ple ; Complete Poems (1889). Han. 

Kimball, James William. Ms., 
1812-1885. A religious writer educated 
for the ministry, but whose life was 
spent in commercial pursuits. Heaven 
my Father's Home ; Friendly Words 
with Fellow Pilgrims ; Encouragements 
to Faith ; How to See Jesus ; The 
Christian Ministry. 

Kimball, Richard Burleigh. N. H., 
1816-1892. A lawyer of New York 
city who founded the town of Kimball 
in Tezas, and built the first railroad in 
that State. His novels and other writ- 
ings at one time enjoyed considerable 
popularity. They include St. Leger ; 
Undercurrents of Wall Street Life; 
Letters from Cuba ; Letters from Eng- 
land ; Cuba and the Cubans ; Was He 
Successful ? ; To-day in New York ; 
Stories of Exceptional Life ; Henry 
Powers, Banker, a Novel ; Romance of 
a Student Life Abroad. 

King, Mrs. Anna [Eichberg]. Sd., 

1853 . A Boston writer of short 

stories. Brown's Retreat, and Other 
Stories ; Kitwyk Stories. Cent. Rob. 

King, Charles. N. Y., 1844 . A 

United States army officer, retired in 
1879 with the rank of captain, whose 
military novels and other works have 
been very popular. Among bis many 
publications are, Famous and Decisive 
Battles ; Between the Lines ; Cam- 
paigning with Crook ; Stories of Army 
Life; Cadet Days; The Colonel's 
Daughter ; The Deserter ; A War Time 
Wooing ; Kitty's Conquest ; Under 
Fire ; Waring's Peril ; Foes in Am- 
bush ; Fort Frayne ; Noble Blood. See 
Bibliography of Wisconsin. Har. Lip. 

King, Clarence. B. I., 1842 . 

A geologist for a number of years in 

the government service. Mountaineer- 
ing in the Sierra Nevada ; Systematic 

King, Dan. Ct., 1791-1864. A Rhode 
Island physician. Life and Times of 
Governor Dorr ; Quackery Unmasked ; 
Tobacco : What it Is and What it 

King, David Bennett. Pa., 1848- 

. A lawyer of New York city. 

Latin Pronunciation ; The Irish Ques- 
tion. Scr. 

King, Edward. Ms., 1848-1896. A 
journalist who lived in Paris as corre- 
spondent for American journals. The 
Gentle Savage ; The Golden Spike ; 
French Leaders ; My Paris, or French 
Character Sketches ; Kentucky's Love ; 
The Great South ; Echoes from the 
Orient, a volume of poems ; Europe ia 
Storm and Calm ; A Venetian Lover, a 
Poem ; Joseph Zalraonah ; Under the 
Red Flag. Co. Hou. Le. 

King, Grace Elizabeth, ia.,1859- 
. A popular writer of New Or- 
leans. Monsieur Motte ; Tales of a 
Time and Place ; Earthlings ; New Or- 
leans, the Place and the People ; Jean 
Baptiste Lemoine, Founder of New Or- 
leans ; Balcony Stories. Cent. Do. Har. 

King, Henry Melville. Mo., 1838- 

. A Baptist clergyman. Early 

Baptists Defended ; Mary's Alabaster 
Box, a collection of homUies ; Oiu' Gos- 
pels. Bap. 

King, Horatio. Me., 1811-1897. An 
attorney in Washington who was post- 
master-general in 1861. Sketches of 
Travel, or Twelve Months in Europe ; 
Turning on the Light, a Survey of the 
Administration of Buchanan. Lip. 

King, Horatio Collins. Me., 1837- 
. Son of H. King, supra. A jour- 
nalist of New York city. Guide for 
Regimental Courts Martial ; The Brook- 
lyn Congregational Council ; The Ply- 
mouth Silver Wedding. 

King, James Wilson. Md., 182 — 

. A naval engineer, chief of the 

bureau of steam engineering, 1869-73. 
European Ships of War; The War 
Ships and Navies of the World. 

King, Jonas. Ms., 1792-1869. A Con- 
gregational missionary in Greece who 




lived at Athens from 1831. He was 
a profound Oriental scholar, and his 
various works were written in Modern 
Greek, Classical Greek, French, and 
Arabic. The Defence of Jonas King- ; 
Exposition of an Apostolic Church ; 
Hermeneutics of the Sacred Scriptures ; 
Sermons ; Synoptical View of Palestine ; 
Miscellaneous Worlis. See Life, 1S79. 

King, Rufus. O., 1817-1891. A pro- 
minent lawyer of Cincinnati. History 
of Oliio. Hon. 

King, Mrs. Sue [Petigru]. See Bow- 
en, Mrs. 

King, Thomas Starr. N. Y., 1824- 
1864. A Unitarian clergyman of Bos- 
ton, 184.5-56, and of San Francisco for 
the remainder of his life. He was 
largely instrumental in securing the 
wavering allegiance of California to 
the general government at the open- 
ing of the Civil War, and as a religious 
writer his influence was widely felt. 
Substance and Show ; Christianity and 
Humanity, with a Memoir by E. P. 
Whipple ; The White HiUs, a volume 
of travel in the White Mountains ; Pa- 
triotism, and Other Papers. Hou. 

King, "William Basil. P. E. I., 1859- 
. An Episcopal clergyman of Cam- 
bridge. The Daily Song : Thoughts 
on the Offices for Morning and Evening 

King, William Rufus. N. Y., 1839- 

. An engineering officer in the 

United States army. Torpedoes, their 
Invention and Use ; Materials for De- 
fensive Armor. 

Kingsley, Calvin. N. Y., 1812-1870. 
A Methodist bishop. The Resurrec- 
tion of the Dead ; Round the World. 

Kinney, Coates. N. F., 1826 . 

An Ohio lawyer and journalist. Keuka, 
and Other Poems ; Lyrics of the Real 
and Ideal. The Rain upon the Roof 
is his most familiar poem. Clke. 

Kinney, Mrs. Elizabeth Clemen- 
tine [Dodge] [Stedman]. N. Y., 
1810-1889. Mother of E. C. Stedman, 
infra. A verse-writer of Newark, New 
Jersey, but resident in Italy, 1850-65. 
FeUciti ; Poems ; Bianca Capello : a 
Tragedy. See Griswold's Female Poets 
of -America. 

Kinzie, Mrs. Juliette Augusta 
[Magill]. tt., 1806-1870. A noveUst 

of Chicago. Wau-bun, or the Early 
Day in the Northwest ; Walter OgUby ; 
Mark Logan. Lip. 

Kip, Leonard. N. Y., 1826-18—. 
Brother of W. I. Kip, infra. A lawyer 
of Albany. California Sketches ; The 
Volcano Diggings ; jEnone, a Roman 
Tale ; The Dead Marquise ; Hannibal's 
Man, and Other Tales ; Under the Bells, 
a romance ; Nestlenook, a novel ; At 
Cobweb and Crusty's ; Thaloe ; The 
Puntacooset Colony ; Three Pines ; A 
Tale of the Incredible. 

Kip, "William Ingraham. N. Y., 
1811-1893. The first Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of California, 1853-93. A 
popular religious writer whose works 
have gone into many editions. Dou- 
ble Witness of the Church ; Lenten 
Fasts ; Early Confficts of Christianity ; 
Christmas Holidays in Rome ; Cata- 
combs of Rome ; Early Jesuit Missions 
in North America ; Recantation, an 
Italian tale ; The Unnoticed Things of 
Scripture ; The Church of the Apos- 
tles; The Olden Time in New York. 
Ap. But. Ban. Wh. 

Kirk, Edward Norris. N.Y., 1802- 
1874. A Congregational clergyman of 
Boston, pastor of the Mount Vernon 
church, 1842-74. Sermons ; The Para- 
bles of our Lord ; Lectures on Revi- 
vals ; Canon of the Holy Scripture ; 
The Waiting Saviour ; Christian Sym- 
pathy Awakened. 

Kirk, Eleanor. See Ames, Mrs. E. 

Kirk, Mrs. Ellen "Warner [Olney]. 

" Henry Hayes." tt., 1842 . Wife 

of J. F. Kirk, infra. A popular novel- 
ist of Germantown, Philadelphia. 
Through Winding Ways ; A Midsum- 
mer Madness ; Walford ; The Story of 
Margaret Kent ; Sons and Daughters ; 
Love in Idleness ; A Lesson in Love ; 
Fairy Gold ; Queen Money ; Better 
Times, short stories ; A Daughter of 
Eve ; Narden's Choosing ; Ciphers ; The 
Story of Lawrence Garthe. Sou. 

Kirk, John Foster. N. B., 1824- 

. The secretary to the historian 

Prescott for eleven years, and since 
1885 lecturer on European history at 
the University of Pennsylvania. His- 
tory of Charles the Bold ; Supplement 
to AUibone's Dictionary. Lip. 

Kirkbride, Thomas Story. Pa., 
1809-1883. A physician of PhUadel- 




phia, widely known for skillful treat-' 
ment of the insane, who was superin- 
tendent of the Pennsylvania Hospital 
for the Insane, 1S40-83. Appeal for 
the Insane ; Essays on Insanity ; Con- 
struction of Hospitals for the Insane. 

Kirke, Edmund. See Gilmore. 
Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline Matilda 

[Stansbury]. N. Y., ls(jj-18t)4. A 
once popular writer of New York city. 
A New Home, Who '11 Follow ? ; West- 
ern Clearings ; Fireside Talks on Mo- 
rals and Manners ; Holidays Abroad ; 
A Book for the Home Circle ; Forest 
Life, include her principal writings. 
See HarVs American Literature. Cr. 
Kirkland, Elizabeth Stansbury. 
N. Y., 182H-1890. Daughter of Mrs. 
Kirkland, sujjra. An educator of Chi- 
cago. .Six Little Cooks ; Dora's House- 
keeping ; Speech and Manners for Home 
and School ; Short Histories of English 
Literature, France, England, Italy, for 
Young People. Mg. 

Kirkland, John Thornton. N. Y., 

1770-1840. A Unitarian clergyman 
who was president of Harvard Univer- 
sity, 1810-27. Life of Fisher Ames ; 
Eulogy of General Washington. 

Kirkland, Joseph. N. Y., 1830-1894. 
Son of Mrs. Kirkland, supra. A lawyer 
of Chicago who was a major in the 
Federal army during the Civil War. 
His two novels of pioneer life in Illi- 
nois, Zury, and The McVeys, are nota- 
bly faithful, graphic studies. His other 
writings include. The Captain of Com- 
pany K ; The Story of Chicago ; Story 
of the Chicago Massacre of 1812. Hou. 

Kirkman, Marshall Monroe. II., 

l'^42 . The vice-president of the 

Chicago and Northwestern Railway. 
Piailway Disbursements ; Railway Re- 
venue ; Railway Service ; Baggage Car 
Traffic ; Railway Expenditures ; Han- 
dling of Railway Supplies ; Railway 
Rates and Government Control ; How 
to Collect Railway Revenues without 

Kirkwood, Daniel. Md., 1814-1895. 
An astronomer of distinction, professor 
in Indiana University from 1850. Me- 
teoric Astronomy; Comets and Mete- 
ors ; Asteroids and Minor Planets be- 
tween Mars and Jupiter. 

Kirkwood, Robert. S., 1793-1866. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of Yonkers. 
Lectures on the Millennium ; Universal- 
ism Explained ; A Plea for the Bible ; 
Illustration of the Offices of Christ. 

Kirwan. See Murray, Nicholas. 

Klingle, George. See Holmes, Mrs. 

Knapp, Arthur May. Jlfs., 1841 . 

A Unitarian clergyman, pastor at Fall 
River, Massachusetts, from 1891. Feu- 
dal and Modern Japan. Kt. 

Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo. Ms., 1783- 
1838. A lawyer of New York city, 
among whose many works are, The 
Genius of Freemasonry ; Travels in 
North America by Ali Bey ; American 
Biography ; Lives of Aaron Burr, An- 
drew Jackson, Daniel Webster ; Fe- 
male Biography. 

Kneeland, Abner. Ms., 1774-1844. 
A Universalist clergyman who became 
a free-thinker, and established The In- 
vestigator in Boston in 1832. The De- 
ist ; Universal Benevolence ; Universal 
Salvation ; Review of Evidences of 

Kneeland, Samuel. Ms., 1821-1888. 
A naturalist and surgeon of Boston. 
Science and Mechanism ; An American 
in Iceland ; The Wonders of the Yo 
Semite ; Volcanoes and Earthquakes. 

Knight, Edward Henry. E., 1824- 
1883. An English writer who settled 
in the United States in 1845, and was 
long connected with the patent office 
in Washington. American Mechanical 
Dictionary; New Mechanical Diction- 
ary. Hou. 

Knight, James, Md., 1810 . A 

physician of New York city. Improve- 
ment of Health by Natural Means ; 
Orthopjedia ; Static Electricity as a 
Therapeutic Agent. 

Knight, Sarah Kemble. Ms., 1666- 
1727. A teacher of Boston among 
whose pupils was Benjamin Franklin. 
Her Narrative of a Journey from Bos- 
ton to New York in 1704 is a valuable 
historical record of contemporary man- 
ners and customs written in a graphic, 
entertaining style. 

Knortz, Karl. P., 1841 . A Ger- 
man writer who came to the United 
States in 1863, and settled in New York 




city. Marchen unci Sagen der nordame- 
rikanisclie ludianer ; Amerikanlsche 
Skizzen ; An American Shakespeare 
Bibliography ; Humorische Gedichte ; 
Long-fellow : eine literarhistorisohe Stu- 
die ; Aus der Wigwam ; Kapital iind 
Arbeit in Amerika ; Au3 der trans- 
atlantisehen Gesellschaft ; Staat imd 
Kirche in Amerika ; Shakespeare in 
Amerika; Amerikanische Lebensbild- 
er ; Brook Fai'm and Margaret Fuller, 
include his principal writings. Ho. 

Knox, Mrs. Adeline [Trafton]. 

ife., 1S4.J . A novelist of St. Louis. 

Katharine Earle ; His Inheritance ; An 
American Girl Abroad ; Dorothy's Ex- 
perience. Le. 

Knox, Charles Eugene. N. Y., 1833- 
. A Presbyterian clergyman, pre- 
sident of the theological seminary at 
Bloomfield, New Jersey, from l.S(io. 
A Year with Saint Paul ; Love to the 
End : David the King ; Graduated Sun- 
day-school Text-Books. Meth. Ran, 

Knox, George William. N. Y., 

ISoo . A Presbyterian missionary 

in Japan, professor of ethics in the Uni- 
versity of Japan from IS^^tt. His writ- 
ings in Japanese include : A Brief Sys- 
tem of Theology ; Outlines of Homi- 
letics ; Christ the Son of God ; The 
Basis of Ethics. In English be has 
published The Japanese Systems of 
Knox, John Jay. N. Y., 1828-18G2. 
A financier of distinction, comptroller 
of the currency, 1807-84. He pub- 
lished United States Notes, a History 
of the Various Issues of Paper Money 
by the United States Government. Scr. 

Knox, Thomas Wallace. N. H., 

1835-1896. A jonmalist and traveller 
whose home was in New York city. 
His books of travel for young people 
have been widely popular. Overland 
Through Asia ; Camp-Fire and Cotton- 
Field ; Backsheesh ; Underground Life ; 
John; The Boy Travellers Series, in 
sixteen volumes ; How to Travel ; Pock- 
et Guide Around the World ; The Voy- 
age of the Vivian ; Hunting Adven- 
tures on Land and Sea ; Marco Polo for 
]3oys and Girls ; Decisive Battles since 
Waterloo ; Life of Robert Fulton ; Hun- 
ters Three ; In Wild Africa ; The Si- 
berian Exiles ; The Lost Army, include 

the greater number of his books. Ap. 
Cas. Har. Mer. Put. We. 

Kobbe, Gustav. N. Y., 1857 . 

A litterateur of New York city. Jer- 
sey Coast and Pines ; Wagner's " King 
of the Nibelung ; " New York City and 
its Environs. Har. 

Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. (?.,1S37- 

. An art critic of Boston, editor 

of the American Art Review. His 
more important publications are, Ame- 
rican Art ; Etching : an Outline of its 
Technical Processes and History. Cas. 

Koopman [kope'man], Harry Ly- 
man. Me., 18(30 . A verse-writer, 

librarian of Brown University. The 
Great Admiral ; Orestes, and Other 
Poems ; Woman's AVill, with Other 
Poems ; What to Read. 

Kouns [koonz], Nathan Chapman. 
Mo., 1833-1890. A Missouri lawyer, 
State librarian at Jefferson City from 
1880, who published two historical ro- 
mances, Arius the Libyan ; Dorcas the 
Daughter of Faustina. Aj). Fo. 

Kraitsir, Charles. Hy., 1804-1860. 
An educator and philologist of New 
York city. The Poles in the United 
States ; Significance of the Alphabet ; 

Krauth, Charles Porterfield. Va., 
1823-1883. A prominent Lutheran 
clergyman of Philadelphia, professor 
of moral science in the University of 
Pennsylvania, 1868-83. The Conserva- 
tive Reformation and its Theology is 
his greatest work ; and among others 
are. The Evangelical Mass and the 
Romish Mass ; Sketch of the Thirty 
Years' War ; Christian Liberty ; Infant 
Baptism and Salvation in the Calvinis- 
tic System ; Chronicle of the Augsburg 
Confession. See American Lutheran 
jBiographies. Lip. 

Krebs, John Michael Md., 1804- 
1867. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
New York city. Righteousness and 
National Prosperity ; The American 
Citizen ; Private, Domestic, and Social 
Life of Jesus ; The Presbyterian Psalm- 

Krehbiel, Henry Edward. Mch., 

1854 . A musical critic on the 

staff of the New York Tribune. Notes 
on the Cultivation of Choral Music; 




Review of the New York Musical Sea^ 
sons, 1885-90 ; Studies in the Wag- 
nerian Drama ; How to Listen to Mu- 
sic. Har. Scr. 

Kroeger, Adolph Ernst. Sg., 1837- 
18S2. A writer of St. Louis. The 
Minnesingers of Germany ; Our Forms 
of Government and the Problems of 
the Future ; translations of Fichte's 
Science of Knowledge and Science of 

Kron, Karl. See Bagg. 

Krotel, Gottlob Frederick. Wg., 

1826 . A Lutheran clergyman of 

New York city. Who are the Blessed ? ; 
Explanation of Luther's Small Cate- 
chism ; several translations from the 

Kunz [koonz], George Frederick. 

N, y., 1856 . A mineralogist of 

note, the foremost American specialist 
in precious stones. He has published 
Gems and Precious Stones of North 

Kunze [koont-se], John Christo- 
pher. Sxy., 1'744-1807. A once fa- 
mous Lutheran clergyman of New York 
city, professor of ancient languages in 
Columbia College. History of the Chris- 
tian Religion and of the Lutheran 
Church ; Catechism and Liberty. 

Kunze, Richard Ernest. G., 1838- 

. A physician of New York city 

who has done much to promote a know- 
ledge of medical botany. Cactus ; Car- 
dinal Points in the Study of Medical 
Botany ; Germination and Vitality of 

Kurtz, Benjamin. Pa., 179.5-1865. 
A Lutheran clergyman, for nearly thirty 
years the editor of The Lutheran Ob- 
server. Lutheran Prayer-Book ; Year- 
Book of the Reformation ; Why are 
You a Lutheran ? ; Faith, Hope, and 
Charity ; Theological Sketch-Book, are 
his most important works. 

Labagh, Isaac P . N. Y., 1804- 

18 — . An Episcopal clergyman of Iowa, 
but formerly a clergyman of the Dutch 
Reformed faith. Great Events of Un- 
fulfilled Prophecy ; The Great Events 
that are Coming ; The Two Witnesses, 
Moses and Elijah ; Theoklesia. 

La Horde, Maximilian. S. C, 1804- 
1873. An educator who was professor 
in the University of South Carolina, 
1842-73. Introduction to Physiology ; 
Story of Lethea and Verona ; History 
of South Carolina College. 

Ladd, George Trumbull. 0., 1842- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

prominence, professor of philosophy at 
Yale University from 1881. Principles 
of Church Polity; The Doctrine of 
Sacred Scripture ; Philosophy of Mind ; 
A Primer of Psychology ; Psychology, 
Descriptive and Explanatory ; Outlines 
of Psychological Psychology ; Elements 
of Psychological Psychology ; Intro- 
duction to Philosophy ; What is the 
Bible ? He has translated Lotze's 
Philosophical Outlines, from the Ger- 
man. Gi. Scr. 

Ladd, Horatio Oliver. Me., 1839- 

. An Episcopal clergyman, but 

formerly of the Congregational faith, 
at one period president of the Univer- 
sity of New Mexico. History of the 
War with Mexico ; The Story of New 
Mexico. Do. Lo. 

La Farge, John. N.Y., 1835 . A 

noted figure and landscape artist of 
New York city. Lectures on Art. Mac. 

Laighton, Albert. N. H., 1829-1887. 
A banker of Portsmouth, New Hamp- 
shire, cousin of Mrs. Thaxter, infra. 
Poems, a collection of quiet, thought- 
ful verse, was published in 1878. 

Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte. 
Ga., 1798-1859. The second of the 
four presidents of the Republic of 
Texas, 1838, and United States minis- 
ter to Central America, 1857-58. Verse 
Memorials. See Bibliography of Texas. 

Lamb, Mrs. Martha Joan Reade 
[Nash]. Ms., 1829-1893. An his- 
torical writer of New York city, editor 
of the Magazine of American History, 
1883-93. The History of the City of 
New York, her chief work, is the re- 
sult of a vast amount of patient labour 
and research. Her other works include. 
Spicy, a novel ; Play-School Stories ; 
The Christmas Owl ; Snow and Sun- 
shine, a Story for Girls ; Wall Street 
in History. Bar. Do. 

Lambert, Mrs. Mary Eliza [Fe- 
rine] [Tucker]. Al, 1^38 . A 

writer of Philadelphia. Poems ; Loew's 




Bridge, a. Broadway Idyl ; Life of Mark 

Lamon, Ward Hill. 18 . An 

Illinois lawyer, law partner of Abraham 
Lincoln ; EecoUeetiona of Abraham 
Lincoln ; Life of Abraham Lincoln. Mg. 

Lamson, Alvan. Ms., 1792-1864. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Dedham, Mas- 
sachusetts, 1818-60. History of the 
First Church in Dedham; Sermons; 
The Church of the First Three Centu- 

Lamson, Daniel Lo'ro-ell. N. H., 

1834 ■ — . A physician of Fryeburg, 

Maine. Lectures ; Differential Diagno- 
sis of Diseases. 

Lamson, Mrs. Mary [Swift]. Ms., 

1 822 . For five years a teacher of 

Laura Bridgman, the noted blind deaf 
miute, and for three years in entire 
charge of her education. Life and 
Education of Laura Dewey Bridgman. 

Lance, William. 1791-1840. A law- 
yer and political writer of Charleston, 
who published a Life of Washington in 

Lander, Meta. See Lawrence, Mrs. 

Lander, Sarah West. Ms., 1810- 
1872. A writer of Salem, Massachu- 
setts, whose Spectacles for Young Eyes, 
a series of volumes of travel, was very 

Landon, Jndson Stuart. Ct, 1832- 
. A lawyer of Schenectady, jus- 
tice of the Supreme Court of the State 
of New York and lecturer in the Albany 
Law School. The Constitutional His- 
tory and Government of the United 
States. Hou. 

Landon, Melville De Lancey. " Eli 
Perkins." iV.r.,1889 . A popu- 
lar humourous lecturer. The Franco- 
Prussian War in a Nutshell ; Saratoga 
in 1901 ; Eli Perkins at Large ; Eli Per- 
kins's Wit, Humor, and Pathos ; Fun 
and Fact, Thirty Years of Wit ; Money : 
Silver, Gold, or Bimetallism, include 
the most of his writing. Cas. Ke. 

Langdell, Christopher Columbus. 

iV. H., 1826 . A legal writer of 

distinction, dean of the Harvard Law 
School. Cases on the Law of Con- 
tracts ; Summary of Equity Pleading ; 
Cases in Equity Pleading ; Elementary 
Treatise on the Law of Contracts. 

Langdon, William Chauncey. Vt, 

1831-1895. An Episcopal clergyman 
of Bedford, Pennsylvania. The De- 
fects of our Practical Catholicity ; 
Plain Papers for Parish Priests and 
Peoples ; The Catholic Reform Move- 
ment in the Italian Church ; Conflict of 
Practice and Principle in the American 

Langley, Samuel Pierpont. Ms., 
1834 . An astronomer of emi- 
nence, the secretary of the Smithsonian 
Institution from 1887. Researches on 
Solar Heat ; The New Astronomy. 

Langston, John Mercer. Fa., 1829- 
. A distinguished educator of Af- 
rican birth, minister to Hayti, 1877-85, 
and president of the Virginia Normal 
Institute at Petersburg from the latter 
date. He has published Freedom and 

Lanier [la-neer'], Clifford Ander- 
son. Ga., 1844 . A Georgia 

writer of fiction. Two Hvmdred Bales ; 

Lanier, Sidney. Ga., 1842-1881. Bro- 
ther of C. A. Lanier, supra. A distin- 
guished Southern writer over whose 
rank as a poet much controversy has 
arisen. His verse can hardly be said 
to appeal to many readers, and its form- 
lessness at times repels rather than at- 
tracts. A Centennial Ode, written for 
the opening of the Exposition of 1876, 
first brought him into general notice. 
Subsequently he lectured upon English 
literature in Baltimore. Poems ; Tiger 
Lilies, a novel ; The Science of English 
Verse ; The English Novel and its De- 
velopment; Florida: its Scenery, His- 
tory, and Climate. He edited The 
Boys' Percy ; The Boys' Mabinogion ; 
The Boys' King Arthur; The Boys' 
Froissart. See Century Magazine, April, 
1884; Gosse's Questions at Issue. Lip. 

Lanigan, George Thomas. Q., 1845- 
1886. A journalist of Montreal, and 
subsequently of New York city. Cana- 
dian Ballads ; Fables Out of the World. 

Lanman, Charles. Mch., 1819-1895. 
An artist and author of Washington, at 
one time the private secretary of Daniel 
Webster. Essays for Summer Hours; 
Summer in the Wilderness; Private 




Life of Daniel Webster ; Dictionary of 
Congress ; The Red Book of Michigan ; 
Leading Men of Japan ; Letters from 
a Landscape Painter ; Tour to the River 
Sagnenay ; Farthest North ; Haphazard 
Personalities, include the most of his 
■works. Ap. Le. Lo. 

Lanman, Charles Rockiwell. Ct., 

1S50 . A professor of Sanskrit at 

Harvard University from 1880. Noun 
Inflection in the Vedas ; A Sanskrit 
Reader, with Notes. Gi. 

Lansing, John Gulian. ia.,1851 

A Dutch Reformed clergyman, profes- 
sor of Old Testament Languages in the 
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, 
New Jersey. American Revised Ver- 
sion of the Book of Psalms ; An Arabic 
Manual. Scr. 

Lanza, Marchioness Clara [Ham- 
mond]. Ks., 1858 . Daughter 

of W. H. Hammond, supra. A novelist 
of New York city. Tit for Tat ; Mr. 
Perkins's Daughter ; A Righteous 
Apostate ; Tales of Eccentric Life ; A 
Modern Marriage ; David Morton's 
Transgression ; A Golden Pilgrimage. 

Lapham [lap'am], Increase Allen. 
N. Y., 1811-1875. A prominent sci- 
entist of Milwaukee. Antiquities of 
Wisconsin ; Wisconsin : its Geography, 
Topography, History, Geology, and 
Mineralogy. See Pcpular Science 
Monthly, April, 1S83. 

Lapham, "William Berry. Me., 1828- 
1894. An agricultural editor of Maine, 
who published several histories of 
Maine localities, including Woodstock, 
Paris, Norway, Bar Harbor, and Mount 
Desert Island. See Bihliography of 

Laroom, Lucy. Ms., 1824-1893. A 
popular verse and prose writer of Bev- 
erly, Massachusetts, who in early life 
worked in the Lowell factories, and was 
a contributor to the noted Lowell Offer- 
ing. Her writings in verse include. At 
the Beautiful Gate ; Childhood Songs ; 
Wild Roses of Cape Ann ; An Idyl 
of Work ; Easter Gleams ; Complete 
Poems. Skipper Ben and Hannah Bind- 
ing Shoes are her best known lyrics. 
Her original work in prose comprises, 
Ships in the Mist, and Other Stories ; 
The Sunbeam ; Similitudes ; Leila 
among the Mountain,s ; The Unseen 
Friend ; As It is in Heaven ; A New 

England Girlhood, an autobiographic 
work. See Life by D. D. Addison. 

Larned, Augusta. Vt., 1835 . 

A journalist of New York city. Home 
Story Scenes ; Talks with Girls ; Old 
Tales from Grecian Mythology ; Tales 
from the Norse Grandmother ; Village 
Photographs, a work of the nature of 
Miss Mitf ord's " Our Village," and with 
much of the same charm ; In Woods 
and Fields, a book of verse. So. Meth. 

Larned, Joshua Nelson. Ont., 18.36- 
. The superintendent of the pub- 
lic library at Buffalo. History for 
Ready Reference ; Talks About Labor. 

Larned, "Walter Cranston. II., 

1850 . A lawyer and litterateur 

of Lake Forest, Illinois. Churches 
and Castles of Mediaaval France. Scr. 

La Roche, Rend. Pa., 1794-1872. 
A Philadelphia physician. Pneumonia : 
its Supposed Connection with Autum- 
nal Fevers ; Treatise on Yellow Fever. 

Larrabee, "William Clark. Me., 
1802-1859. A once prominent Metho- 
dist clergyman and educator of Indiana, 
professor in De Pauw University for a 
number of years. Scientific Evidences 
of Natural and Revealed Religion ; 
Wesley and his Co-Laborers ; Asbury 
and his Co-Laborers ; Rosebower, a 
volume of essays. Meth. 

Latham, Charles Sterrett. Cal, 
1861-1890. A Translation of Dante's 
Eleven Letters, with Explanatory Notes 
and Historical Comments. Hou. 

Lathbury, Mrs. Mary A . 18 

. That Sweet Story of Old ; Beth- 
lehem and her Children ; Child's His- 
tory of Paul ; Fleda and the Voice ; 
From Meadow Sweet to Mistletoe. Meth. 

Lathrop, George Parsons. B. I., 

1851 . A litterateur of New York 

city, and more recently of New Lon- 
don. His writings in verse include, 
Rose and Rooftree ; Dreams and Days. 
In fiction they comprise. Afterglow ; 
An Echo of Passion ; In the Distance ; 
Newport; Would You Kill Him?; 
True ; Two Sides of a Story ; Love 
Wins ; Gold of Pleasure ; Behind Time. 
Other works are, A Study of Haw- 
thorne ; Spanish Vistas ; A Story of 


Courage : Annals of the Georgetown 
Convent (with Mrs. Lathrop, infra). 
Cas. Fu. liar. Hou. Lip. ,S(r. 

Lathrop, Mrs. Rose [Hawthorne]. 
Ms., 1851 . Wife of G. P. La- 
throp, supra, and daughter of N. Haw- 
thorne, sujjra. Along the Shore, a 
volume of verse ; Some Memories of 
Hawthorne. Hou. 

Latimer, Charles. D. C, 1827 , 

An engineer of note who has published 
Roadmaster's Assistants; The Divin- 
ing Rod ; Battle of Standards. 

Latimer, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth 

[Wormeley]. E., 1822 . An 

educator of Baltimore. Familiar Talks 
on Shakespeare's Comedies ; France in 
the Nineteenth Century, 18:-30-'.)O; Rus- 
sia and Turkey in the Nineteenth 
Centnry; England in the Nineteenth 
Century ; Europe in Africa in the Nine- 
teenth Century ; Italy in the Nineteenth 
Century. Mg. Bob. 

Latrobe, John Hazelhurst Bone- 
val._ Pa., 1803-1S91. A lawyer of 
Baltimore. Son of the architect Ben- 
jamin Latrobe. History of Mason and 
Dixon's Line ; Three Great Battles ; 
Justices' Practice under the Laws 
of Maryland ; Reminiscences of West 
Point ; Odds and Ends, a book of verse ; 
History of Maryland in Liberia. 

Latta, Samuel Arminius. 0., 1804- 
1852. A Methodist clergyman of Ohio, 
subsequently a physician in Cincinnati, 
who published The Chain of Sacred 

Laughlin, James Lawrence. 0., 

1850 . A political economist of 

note, professor at Harvard University, 
1883-87, and at Chicago University 
from 1892. Facts About Money; 
Study of Political Economy ; Elements 
of Political Economy ; History of Bi- 
Metallism in the United States. Ap. 

Lawrence, Eugene. N. Y., 1823- 
1894. An historical writer of New 
York city. Lives of the British His- 
torians ; Historical Studies ; Essays and 
Papers ; Literature Primers ; The Jews 
and their Persecutors ; Columbus and 
his Contemporaries. Har. 

Lawrence, Mrs. Margaret Oliver 
[Woods]. " Meta Lander." Ms., 
1813 . Daughter of L. Woods, 

225 LAY 

infra. Light on the Dark River ; 
Fading Flowers ; L'Esji^rance ; The 
Tobacco Problem ; Marion Graham. 

Lawrence, William. 0., 1819- 

A jurist of Ohio who was comptroller 
of the national treasury, 1880-85. De- 
cisions of Ohio Supreme Court ; Ihe 
Treaty Question; Law of Religious 
Societies and Religious Corporations ; 
Law of Claims Against the Govern- 
ment ; Organization of the United 
States Treasury Department ; Deci- 
sions of the First Comptroller of the 

Lawrence, William. Ms., 1850 . 

The seventh Protestant Episcopal bi- 
shop of Massachusetts. Life of Amos 
A. Lawrence ; Visions and Service, dis- 
courses in collegiate chapels. Hou. 

Lawrence, William Beach. N. Y., 
1800-1881. An eminent jurist of New 
York city, and after 1850 of Newport, 
Rhode Island. Letters on the Treaty 
of Washington ; an edition of Whea- 
ton's Elements of International Law ; 
Visitation and Search ; Institutions of 
the United States ; Commentaire sur 
les ^Mments du droit international ; Ad- 
ministration of Equity Jurisprudence, 
include his principal writings. 

Lawson, James. S., 1799-1880. A 
New York city journalist. Tales and 
Sketches by a Cosmopolite ; Poems ; 
Giordana, a tragedy. See Wilson's 
Poets and Poetry of Scotland. 

Lawson, John. E., 16 — 1712. The 
surveyor-general of North Carolina, 
burned at the stake by hostile Indians. 
His entertaining travels were published 
with the title of History of North Caro- 
lina. See Ttjler's American Literature. 

Lawton, William Cranston. Ms., 

1853 . A classical teacher and 

lecturer, formerly of Cambridge, now 
(1897) of Brooklyn and professor in 
Adelphi College there. Three Dra- 
mas of Euripides ; Folia Dispersa, a 
book of verse ; Art and Humanity in 
Homer. Hou. Mac. 

Lay, Henry Champlin. Va., 1823- 
1885. The first Protestant Episcopal 
bishop of Easton (Maryland), but from 
1859 to 1869 the third bishop of Ar- 
kansas. Studies in the Church ; The 
Church and the Nation. 




Lazarus, Emma. N. Y., 1849-1887. 
A talented Jewish writer of New York 
city who wrote much in vei-se and prose 
for The Century and other periodicals. 
Alide, an Episode of Goethe's Life ; 
Poems ; Admetus, and Other Poems ; 
Songs of a Semite ; Poems and Bal- 
lads translated from Heine. Her Com- 
plete Poems, with a brief memoir, ap- 
peared in 1889. Hou. 

Lazarus, Josephine. 18 . Sis- 
ter of E. Lazarus, supra. The Spirit 
of Judaism; The Lo¥e-Letters of a, 
Portug-uese Nun, a translation from the 
French. Cas- Do. 

Lazelle, Henry Martyn. Ms., 18-32- 

. A United States army officer, 

since 1887 in charge of the bureau of 
war records. One Law in Nature ; 
Improvements in the Art of War. 

Lea, Henry Charles. Pa., 182.^ . 

Son of I. Lea, infra. A prominent 
writer and publisher of Philadelphia. 
Superstition and Force ; An Histori- 
cal Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy in 
the Christian Church ; Chapters from 
the Religious History of Spain ; Stu- 
dies in Church History ; Translations, 
and Other Rhymes ; History of the 
Inquisition. See Allihone's Dictionary, 
Supplement ; Catholic World, March, 
1897. Har. Hou. 

Lea, Isaac. Del, 1792-1886. A pub- 
lisher and naturalist of Philadelphia. 
Contributions to Geology ; Observa- 
tions on the Genus Unio, in thirteen 
volumes ; Fossil Footmarks in the Red 
Sandstones of Pottsville. 

Lea, Matthew Carey. Pa., 182.S- 
. Son of I. Lea, supra. A che- 
mist of Philadelphia whose Manual of 
Photography is a standard work. 

Learned, "Walter. Ct., 1847 . A 

verse-writer of New London who has 
published Between Times, a collection 
of poems, and translated Ten Tales 
from Copp^e. Sto. 

Learning, Jeremiah. Ct., 1717-1804. 
An Episcopal clergyman of Connecti- 
cut. Defense of Episcopal Govern- 
ment ; Evidences of the Truth of Chris- 
tianity ; Dissertations. 

Leavitt, John McDowell. 0., 1824- 
1888. An Episcopal clergyman. Faith, 
a Poem ; Afranius ; The Siege of Ba- 
bylon, a tragedy ; Hymns to Our King ; 

New World Tragedies from Old World 
Life ; Reasons for Faith ; Visions of 

Le Conte [le-kont], John. Ga., 1818- 
1891. A naturalist and physician, pre- 
sident of the University of California, 
1875-81, and professor of physics there 
before and after his presidency. Phi- 
losophy of Medicine ; Study of the 
Physical Sciences ; Vital Statistics. 

Le Conte, John Eaton. N. J., 1784- 
1860. Uncle of J. Le Conte, supra. A 
naturalist who in early life served in 
the corps of army engineers with the 
rank of major. Monographs of North 
American Species of Utricularia, Gra^ 
tiola, and Ruellia ; North American 
Species of Viola. 

Le Conte, John Lawrence. N. Y., 
1825-1883. Son of J. E. Le Conte, 
supra. An entomologist of distinction, 
author of List of Coleoptera of North 
America, and other technical publica- 

Le Conte, Joseph. Ga., 1823- 

Brother of John Le Conte, supra. A 
geologist of eminence, professor of 
geology in the University of California 
from 1869. Elements of Geology ; 
Sight ; Evolution and its Relation to 
Religious Thought ; Religion and Sci- 
ence. Ap. 

Lee, Alfred. Ms., 1807-1887. The 
first Protestant Episcopal bishop of 
Delaware, and prominent as a Low 
Churchman. The Harbinger of Christ ; 
Life of St. Peter; Eventful Nights in 
Bible History ; Life of St. John ; 
Treatise on Baptism. Sar. San. 

Lee, Benjamin. Ct., 1833 . Son 

of A. Lee, supra. A physician of Phila- 
delphia. Treatment for Angular Cur- 
vature of the Spine ; Tracts on Mas- 

Lee, Benjamin Franklin. N. J., 

184l . A Methodist clergyman of 

African birth, president of WUberforce 
University from 1876. Wesley the 
Worker ; Causes of the Success of 

Lee, Charles Alfred. Ct., 1810-1872. 
A physician of New York city who 
published Elements of Geology for 
Popular Use ; Human Physiology. 

Lee, Day Kellogg. N. Y., 1816-1869. 
A Universalist clergyman of New York 




city. Summerfield, or Life on a Farm ; 
Master Builders, or Life at a Trade ; 
Merrimack, or Life at a Looin. 

Lee, Mrs. Eliza [Buckminsterl. 
X. H., 1794-1864. Sister of J. S. 
Baeknunster, supra. A once popular 
Boston writer. Life of Eiohter ; 
Sketches of a New England Village ; 
Naomi ; Florence, the Parish Orphan ; 
Parthenia, or the Last Days of Pagan- 

Lee, Mrs. Hannah Farnham [Saw- 
yer]. Ms., 1780-1865. A once promi- 
nent writer of Boston. Grace Seymour ; 
Luther and his Times ; Sculpture and 
Sculptors ; Three Experiments in Liv- 
ing, which was extraordinarily popular 
both in America and England ; Fami- 
liar Sketches of the Old Painters ; 
The Huguenots in France and Ame- 
rica ; Memoir of Pierre Toussaint. 

Lee, Henry. Va., 1756-1818. A fa- 
mous general in the American army 
during the Revolution. He published 
Memoirs of the War in the Southern 
Departments of the United States. In 
his oration in Congress on the death of 
Washington first occurs the familiar 
phrase, " first in war, first in peace, 
and first in the hearts of his country- 

Lee, Henry. Va., 1786-1837. Son of 
H. Lee, supra. A Virginia writer who 
published The Campaign of 1781 in 
the Carolinas ; Life of Napoleon. 

Lee, Jesse. Va., 1758-1816. A Metho- 
dist missionary, called " the Apostle 
of Methodism," who published a His- 
tory of Methodism, which is a valuable 
record of the early years of that faith. 
See Life and Times by L. M. Lee. 

Lee, Luther. N. T., 1800-1889. A 
Wesleyan clergyman of Michigan. 
Universalism Examined and Refuted ; 
Church Polity ; Immortality of the 
Soul ; Slavery in the Light of the Bi- 
ble ; Elements of Theology. 

Lee, Mrs. Mary Catherine [Jen- 
kins], Ms. 18 . A novelist 

of Springfield, Massachusetts. A Qua- 
ker Girl of Nantucket ; In the Cheer- 
ing-Up Business ; A Soulless Singer. 

Lee, Mary Elizabeth. S. C, 1813- 
1349. A writer of Charleston, author 
of Historical Tales for Youth, and a 

volume of Poems issued in 1851 with 
memoir by S. Gilman, supra. 

Leech, Samuel Van Derlip. N. Y., 

1837 . A Methodist clergyman 

and temperance reformer. The Drunk- 
ard ; IngersoU and the Bible ; The Ine- 
briates. Fu. 

Leeds, David. E., 1652-1720. A 
prominent figure among the early set- 
tlers of Burlington, New Jersey, and 
a violent opponent of the Quakers. 
His writings, directed almost entirely 
against them, include The Temple of 
Wisdom; The News of a Trumpet; 
Hue and Cry against Error ; A Trum- 
pet Sounded ; The Rebuker Rebuked ; 
The Great Mystery of Fox-Craft Dis- 

Leeser [la'zer], Isaac. Wa., 1806- 
1868. A Jewish rabbi of Philadelphia 
who published The Jews and the Mo- 
saic Law ; Discourses on the. Jewish 
Religion ; Portuguese Forms of Prayer ; 
a Translation of the Scriptures from the 
original Hebrew. 

Lefferts, George Morewood. L. L, 

1846 . A physician of New York 

city. Diseases of the Nose ; Diagnosis 
of Nasal Catarrh ; Pharmacopffiia for 
Diseases of the Throat and Nose. 

Legare [la-gree'], Hugh Swinton. 
5. a, 1799-1843. A South Carolina 
jurist and essayist, attorney-general of 
the United States in 1841. Constitu- 
tional History of Greece ; Essay on 
Classical Learning ; Essay on Roman 

Legare, James Mattheivs. S. C, 
1823-1859. An inventor and verse 
writer. Ortar-Undis, and Other Poems. 

Leggett, "William. N. Y., 1802-1889. 
A journalist once prominent in New 
York city. Leisure Hours at Sea ; 
Tales by a Country Schoolmaster ; Na- 
val Stories; Political Writings. See 
Memoir by T. Sedgmck, infra. 

Leidy [ll'di], Joseph. Pa., 1823-1891. 
A Philadelphia scientist of distinction 
who was a constant contributor to scien- 
tific periodicals. Among his writings 
are. The Extinct Species of the Ame- 
rican Ox ; Ancient Fauna of Nebraska ; 
Cretaceous Reptiles of the United 
States ; Elementary Text-Book on Hu- 
man Anatomy. Lip. 




Leighton [li'ton], "William. Ms., 

1833 . A writer of Wheeling, 

West Virginia. The Sons of Godwin, 
a tragedy that appeared simultaneously 
with Tennyson's " Harold " on the same 
theme ; At the Court of King Edwin, a 
drama ; Shakespeare's Dream ; Change ; 
The Subjection of Hamlet. 

Leland, Charles Godfrey. " Hans 

Breitmann." Pa., 1824 . A very 

TersatUe Philadelphia author who has 
lived much in Europe, and is considered 
an authority upon Gypsy lore. Hans 
Breitmann Ballads ; The Music LeSson 
of Confucius, and Other Poems ; Songs 
of the Sea and Lays of the Land ; The 
English Gypsies and their Language ; 
Origin of the Gypsies ; The Gypsies ; 
The Algonquin Legends of New Eng- 
land ; Egyptian Sketch Book ; Abra- 
ham Lincoln and the Abolition of Sla- 
very ; Practical Education ; Manual of 
Wood Carving ; Memoirs, include his 
more important works. See yllUbone^s 
Dictionuri) and Supplement; Appletons' 
American Tiiography. Ap. Hou. Lip. 
Mac. Scr. 

Leland, Henry Perry. Pa., 1828- 
1868. Brother of C. 6. Leland, supra. 
A Philadelphia writer who served as 
lieutenant in a Pennsylvania regiment 
during the Civil War. The Americans 
in Rome ; The Grey Bay Mare, and 
Other Humorous Sketches. 

Lemmon, John Gill. Mch., 18.32 . 

A botanist attached to the California 
department of forestry from ISyO. 
Ferns of the Pacific Coast ; Discovery 
of the Potato. 

Leonard, Agnes. See Hill, Mrs. Ag- 

Leonard, William Andrevsr. Ct., 

1848 . The fourth Protestant 

Episcopal bishop of Ohio. A^ia Sacra ; 
The Christmas Festival, its Origin, etc. ; 
Summary of Herbert Spencer's ' ' First 
Principles ; " Brief History of the 
Christian Church. 

Leono-wrens, Mrs. Anna Harriette 

rCrawford]. W., 1834 . An 

Englishwoman who was governess in 
the royal family of Siam for four years, 
came to New York in l><Ctl, and has 
since taught there. The English Go- 
verness at the Siamese Court ; The Ro- 
mance of the Harem ; Life and Travels 

in India ; Our Asiatic Cousins. Co. 
Le Plongeon, Mrs. Alice [Dixon]. 

E., 1851 . The wife of the archse- 

ologist and explorer. Dr. Le Plongeon. 
Here and There in Yucatan. 

Lesley, John Peter. Pa., 1819- 

A Phiiadelj)hia geologist of distinction. 
Man's Origin and Destiny from the 
Platform of the Sciences ; Coal and its 
Topography ; The Iron Manufacturer's 

Leslie, Eliza. Pa., 1787-1858. A 
Philadelphia writer of tales and sketches 
whose work was extremely popular in 
her day. She was a sister of the fa- 
mous Englisli artist Charles Robert 
Leslie. Among her writings are, Do- 
mestic Cookery ; Mrs. Washington 
Potts ; The Behaviour Book ; Pencil 
Sketches ; American Girl's Book ; The 
Denuings. She wrote nothing that will 
live, but much that was of service to 
her generation. See Harfs Amercan 
Literature. Bai. 

Lesquereux [la-ke-rii'], Leo. Sd., 
18Ufi-] SS9. A Swiss paleontologist who 
came to America in 1848 and settled in 
Columbus, Ohio. Catalogue of the 
Mosses of Switzerland ; Mi;sci Ameri- 
cani Exsiccati (with SuUivant) ; Icones 
Musearum ; Land Plants in the Lower 
Silurian ; The Tertiary Flora ; The 
Coal Flora ; Mosses of North America 
(with T. P. James). 

Leslie, Madeline. See Baker, Mrs. 

Lester, Charles Edwards. Ct., 1815- 
1890. A journalist and litterateur of 
New York city, at one time consul at 
Genoa. Life of Vespucius ; The Na- 
poleon Dynasty ; Artists of America ; 
The Glory and Shame of England ; My 
Consulship ; Condition and Fate of Eng- 
land ; Samuel Houston and his Repub- 
lic ; Life of Charles Sumner ; Our One 
Hundred Years ; America's Advance- 
ment ; The Mexican Republic ; History 
of the United States ; Stanhope Bur- 
leigh, a novel ; with several transla- 
tions of standard Italian authors, in- 
clude the greater portion of his work. 

Leverett, Frederick Peroival. Ms., 
1803-1836. A once distinguished edu- 
cator of Boston. Besides annotated 
editions of Juvenal and other classics, 




he prepared a much -valued Lexicon of 
the Latin Language. Lip. 

Le Vert, Mrs. Octavia [Walton]. 

Ga., 18-0-1677. A once prominent so- 
cial leader of Mobile, whose literary 
reputation was greater than her actual 
accomplishment seemed to warrant. 
Souvenirs of Travel was her only pub- 
lished hook. 

LeTvis, Abram Herbert. N. Y., 

1S36 . A Seventh Day Baptist 

clergyman of Plainfield, New Jersey, 
and a writer of much prominence in 
his denomination. Sabbath and Sun- 
day ; Biblical Teachings Concerning the 
Sabbath and Sunday ; Critical History 
of the Sabbath ; Critical History of 
Sunday Legislation ; Biography of the 
Puritan Sunday ; Paganism in Chris- 
tianity. Ap. Put. 

Lewis, Alonzo. Ms., 17'.i4-18ril. A 
verse-writer of Lynn, once styled " The 
Lynn Bard." Forest Flowers and Sea 
Shells ; History of Lynn. A complete 
edition of his poems was issued in ISWIJ. 

Le-wis, Charles Bertrand. " M. 

Quad." O., 1842 . A journalist 

of Detroit on the staff of the Free Press 
for many years, and since 1891 on that 
of The New York World. Quad's 
Odds ; Goaks and Tears ; The Lime 
KQn Club. 

Leiwis, Charlton Thomas. Pa., 

1834 . Grandson of Enoch Lewis, 

infra. A lawyer and mathematician of 
Morristown, New Jersey. History of 
the German People ; Latin Dictionary 
for Schools ; Elementary Latin Dic- 
tionary. Har. 

Lewis, Dio. N. Y., 1823-1886. A 
well - known Boston physician and 
health reformer. New Gymnastics ; 
Our Girls ; Our Digestion ; Chastity ; 
Weak Lungs and How to Make Them 
Strong, are among his most important 

Lewis, Elisha Joseph. Md., 1820- 

. A Philadelphia physician. Hints 

to Sportsmen ; The American Sports- 
man. Lip. 

Lewis, Enoch. Pa., 1776-1856. An 
educator among the Friends of Penn- 
sylvania. Vindication of the Society 
of Friends ; Oaths ; Baptism ; Life of 
William Penn. 

Lewis, Mrs. Estelle Anna Blanche 
[Robinson]. "Stella." iKrf., 1824- 
18t'0. A Brooklyn writer whose life 
was largely spent in Europe. Her 
verse, which once received much more 
praise than its degree of excellence at 
all warranted, is now nearly forgotten. 
Sappho of Lesbos ; Records of the 
Heart ; C;hild of the Sea ; Myths of the 
Minstrel ; Hel^mah, or the Fall of 

Lewis, Mrs. Harriet. 1841-1878. 
Amber, the Adopted ; Her Double 

Lew^is, Laurence. Pa., 18-57-1890. 
A lawyer of Philadelphia. Pennsylva^ 
nia Courts in the 17th Century ; His- 
tory of the Bank of North America ; 
Memoir of Edward Shippenj Original 
Land Titles in Philadelijhia. 

Lewis, Tayler. N. Y., 1802-1877. 
An educator of note who was professor 
of Greek in Union College from 1849 
until his death. The Platonic Theo- 
logy ; The Bible and Science ; Six Days 
of Creation ; Defence of Capital Pun- 
ishment (with G. B. Cheever, supra) ; 
The Divine-Human in the Scriptures ; 
States' Rights ; Heroic Periods in the 
Nation's History ; The Light by which 
we See Light. 

Lieber [leeTjgr], Francis. P., 1800- 
1872. An eminent publicist, T^rofessor 
of political economy in the University 
of South Carolina, 1835-56, and subse- 
quently at Columbia College. Remi- 
niscences of Niebuhr ; The West, and 
Other Poems ; Manual of Political Eth- 
ics ; Laws of Property ; Civil Liberty 
and Self-Government ; Legal and Po- 
litical Hermeneutics ; Instructions for 
the Armies in the Field ; The Charac- 
ter of the Gentleman ; Miscellaneous 
Writings. See Life and Letters of, by 
T. S. Perry. Lip. 

Lieber, Oscar Montgomery. Ms., 
1830-1862. Son of F. Lieber, supm. 
A soldier in the Federal army during 
the Civil War. The Assayer's Guide ; 
The Analytical Chemist's Assistant ; 
The Geology of Mississippi. Bai. 

Light, George Washington. Me., 
1S09-1S60. A journalist of Boston. 
Life of Timothy Claxton ; Keep Cool, 
Go Ahead, and a Few More Poems. 




Lillie, John. S., 1812-1867. A Pres- 
byterian clergyman of Kingston, New 
York, who published The Perpetuity 
of the Earth. 

Lillie, Mrs. Lucy Cecil ['White]. 

N, Y.J lyO-'j . A writer of popular 

juveniles. Mildred's Bargain ; Nan ; 
The Story of Music and Musicians ; 
Rolf House ; The Colonel's Money ; 
Jo's Opportunity ; The Household of 
Glen Holly ; The Story of English Lite- 
rature ; Prudence, a Novel of .Esthetic 
London ; Ruth Endieott's Way ; Ali- 
son's Adventures. Co. Har. 

Lincoln, Abraham. Ey., 1809-186.5. 
The sixteenth president of the United 
States. His place in literature is deter- 
mined by his famous Gettysburg Ad- 
dress and the equally admirable Second 
Inaugural Address. His Complete 
Works are contained in two volumes, 
edited by Nicolay and Hay. See Lives 
by Holland, 1S65 ; Arnold, 1868 ; La- 
mon, 1872; Nicolay and Hay, 1890; 
Herndon, 189'2 ; Abraham Lincoln, an 
Essay, by C. Schurz, 1892. 

Lincoln, Mrs. Almira. See Phelps, 
Mrs. A. Cent. 

Lincoln, Daniel Francis. Ms., 1841- 

. A physician of Boston. School 

Hygiene ; Electro-Therapeutics ; School 
and Industrial Hygiene. 

Lincoln, Heman. Ms., 1821 . A 

Baptist divine, professor of church his- 
tory at Newton Theological Seminary 
from ISGS. Outline Lectures in Chiirch 
History ; Outline Lectures in History 
of Doctrine. 

Lincoln, Mrs. Jeanie [Gould]. N. 

Y., 184 . Granddaughter of 

James Gould, supra. A writer of Wash- 
ington city. A Chaplet of Leaves, a 
book of verse ; Marjorie's Quest, a story 
for young people ; Her Washington 
Winter ; A Genuine Girl. Hou. 

Lincoln, John Larkin. Ms., 1817- 
1891. Brother of H. Lincoln, supra. 
A professor of Latin in Brown Univer- 
sity, well known as a classical scholar, 
and editor of editions of Livy, Horace, 
and Cicero. See Ln Memoriam: John 
Larkin Lincoln. 

Lincoln, Mrs, Mary Johnson [Bai- 
ley], jl/s., 1844. A Boston teacher of 
cookerv, culinary editor of The Ameri- 
can Kitchen Magazine. Boston Cook 

Book ; Carving and Serving ; Twenty 
Lessons in Cookery ; Kitchen Text- 
Book. Eob. 

Linderman, Henry Kichard. Pa., 
182.5-187"J. The director of the United 
States mint at Philadelphia from 1873, 
whose annual report for 1877 is a 
powerful argument for the gold stand- 
ard. Money and Legal Tender in the 
United States. 

Lindsey, "William. Ms., 1858- 

A Boston litterateur. Apples of Ista- 
khar, a volume of verse ; Cinder-Path 
Tales. Cop. 

Linen, James. S., 1808-1873. A book- 
binder of New York city. Songs of 
the Seasons ; Poetical and Prose Writ- 

Lining, John. S., 1708-1760. A phy- 
sician and scientist of Charleston who 
published in 1753 a History of Yellow 
Fever, the earliest American treatise 
on the subject. 

Linn, John Blair. Pa., 1777-1804. 
Son of W. Linn, infra. A Presbyterian 
clergyman of Philadelphia. The Pow- 
er of Genius, a Poem ; Valerian, a Po- 
em ; The Gallic Orphan, a drama ; Mis- 

Linn, John Blair. Pa., 1831 . 

Grandson of W. Linn, infra. A Penn- 
sylvania lawyer. Annals o£ Buffalo 
Valley ; Pennsylvania Archives (with 
W. H. Egle) ; History of Centre and 
Clinton Counties. 

Linn, "William. Pa., 1752-1808. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of Philadelphia 
famous in liis day as a preacher. Dis- 
courses on Leading Personages of Scrip- 
ture History ; Signs of the Times. His 
sermon on the death of Washington was 
formerly much quoted. 

Linn, "William. N. Y., 1790-1867. 
Son of W. Linn, supra. A lawyer of 
Ithaca. Life of Thomas Jefferson ; 
The Roorback Papers ; Legal and Com- 
mercial Commonplace Book. 

Linton, "William James. E., 1812- 

. An English engraver and^ poet 

who came to the United States in 1867 
and settled in New Haven. Beside 
ably editing several poetical antholo- 
gies, be is the author of Claribel, and 
Other Poems ; Life of Thomas Paine ; 
a valuable History of Wood Engraving 
in America ; The English RepubBc ; 




The Flower and the Star, and Other 
Stories ; Practical Hints on Wood En- 
graving ; Wood Engraving, a Manual 
of Instruction ; Poems and Transla- 
tions ; Three Score and Ten Years ; 
Life of Whittier. See Stedman's Vic- 
torian Poets ; Atlantic Monthly, Febru- 
ary, 1883. Le. Mac. Bob. Scr. 

Lippard, George. Pa., 1822-1854. 
A sensational romancer of Philadel- 
phia, among whose now nearly forgot- 
ten tales are, Blanche of Brandywine ; 
Legends of Mexico ; The Ladye An- 

Lippincott, Mrs. Esther J 

[Trimble]. Pa., 183S-1888. An edu- 
cator of Pennsylvania, professor of 
literature in the Westchester Normal 
School. Handbook of English and 
American Literature ; Short Course in 

Lippincott, Mrs. Sara Jane 
[Clarke]. " Grace Greenwood." N. 

Y. , 1823 . A popular litterateur 

of Philadelphia who has written much 
in the line of newspaper correspond- 
ence, hut whose early fame was gained 
as a writer for young people. Green- 
wood Leaves ; Records of Five Years ; 
Poems ; Life of Queen Victoria ; New 
Life in New Lands ; Recollections of 
My Childhood; Merrie England, in- 
clude the most of her books. 

Lippitt, Francis James. M. I., 1812- 

. A soldier who served in the Fed- 

eralarmy during the Civil War, and was 
hrevetted brigadier-general of volun- 
teers. A Treatise on the Tactical Use 
of the Three Arms; Treatise on In- 
trenchments; Special Operations of 
War ; Field Service in War ; Massa- 
chusetts Criminal Law ; Physical Proofs 
of Another Life. Hou. 

Iiippmann, Julie Mathilda. X. I., 

1864 . A writer of Brooklyn. 

Through Slumbertown and Wakeland, 
a book for juvenile readers. 

Lipscomb, Andre-w Adgate. D. C, 
1816-1890. A Methodist clergyman 
and educator of Tennessee, who was 
professor in Vanderbilt University. 
Studies in the Forty Days ; Supple- 
mentary Studies ; Our Country ; Chris- 
tian Heroism, are among his works. 

Litchfield, G-race Denio [de-nl'o]. 
JV. Y., 1849 . A fiction writer of 

Washington. Only an Incident; The 
Knight of the Black Forest ; Criss- 
Cross ; A Hard-Won Victory ; Little 
Venice, and Other Stories ; Mimosa 
Leaves ; Little He and She ; In the 
Crucible. Lo. Put. 

Littell, Squier. iV^. /., 1803-1886. A 
Philadelphia physician. Manual of Dis- 
eases of the Eye ; Illustrations of the 
Prayer Book. 

Littell, William. N. J., c. 1780- 
1825. Cousin of S. Littell, supra. A 
lawyer of Frankfort, Kentucky. Sta- 
tute Law of Kentucky ; Selected 
Cases ; Festoons of Fancy. 

Little, George. Ms., 1754-1809. A 
United States naval officer who pub- 
lished The American Cruiser ; Life on 
the Ocean. 

Little, Mrs. Sophia Louise [Rob- 
bius]. R: I., 1799-18—. A verse- 
writer of Newport, Rhode Island. The 
Last Days of Jesus, and Other Poems 
(1877), is a reprint of the contents of 
her several previous volumes. 

Littlejohn, Abram Neivkirk. N. 

Y., 1824 . The first Protestant 

Episcopal bishop of Long Island. Con- 
dones ad Clenem ; Individualism ; The 
Christian Ministry ; The Philosophy of 

Livermore, Abiel Abbot. N. H., 
1811-1892. A Unitarian clergyman 
who was president of the theological 
seminary at Meadville, Pennsylvania, 
from 1863 until his death. Lectures to 
Young Men ; Discourses ; Commentaries 
on the Gospels, Acts, Romans, Corin- 
thians to Philemon, Hebrews to Reve- 
lation ; The Marriage Offering ; His- 
tory of Wilton, New Hampshire. A. 
U. A. El. 

Livermore, Mrs. Mary Ashton 
[Rice]. Ml., 1821 . A noted lec- 
turer upon temperance and woman-suf- 
frage whose home is in Melrose, Mas- 
sachusetts. Superfluous Women, and 
Other Lectures ; Pen Pictures ; Thirty 
Years Too Late : a Temperance Tale ; 
What Shall we Do with Our Daugh- 
ters ? ; My Story of the War. Le. 

Livermore, Samuel. Circa 1786- 
1833. A lawyer of New Orleans. Trea- 
tise on Law of Principal and Agent and 
Sales by Auction ; Contrariety of Laws 
of Different States and Nations. 




Livingston, Edward. N. Y., 1764- 
1830. An eminent jurist o£ New York 
city, and subsequently of New Orleans, 
who was secretary of state, 18oi-u2, 
and minister to France, l^uo-SS. Sys- 
tem of Penal Law for Louisiana ; Pe- 
nal Law for the United States ; Crimi- 
nal Jui'isprudence. See Life by Hunt, 
1864 ; Becollections of, by Davezac ; Ap- 
pletons'' American Biography. 

Livingston, Mrs. Margaret Vere 

[Farrington]. Me., 1803 -. The 

wife of an Episcopal clergyman in Au- 
gusta, Maine. Tales of King Arthur 
and His Knights ; Era Lippo Lippi, a, 
Romance of Florence. Put. 

Livingston, Robert R* N. Y., 1747- 
1813. Brother of E. Livingston, supra. 
The chancellor of New York, 1771- 
1801. He administered the oath of 
office to Washington at his inauguration 
in 1789. Essays on Agriculture ; Essay 
on Sheep. See Life by F. De JPeyster, 

Livingston, *William. iV.Y., 1723- 
171.'0. An eminent statesman who was 
governor of New Jersey, 1770-90. Phi- 
losophic Solitude, a poem ; Review of 
the Military Operations in North Ame- 
rica, 1757 ; Digest of the Laws of New 
York. >^e<:' Memoir by T. Sedgwick; 
Tyler's American Literature. 

Lloyd, David Demarest. N. Y., 
1851-1889. A journalist and play- 
wright of New York city. His plays 
include. For Congress ; The Woman 
Hater ; The Dominie's Daughter ; The 

Lloyd, Henry Demarest. N. F., 

1847 . Brother of D. D. Lloyd, 

supra. A writer of Winnetka, Illinois, 
but formerly a journalist of Chicago. 
A Strike of Millionaires against INlin- 
ers, or the Story of Spring Valley ; 
Wealth Against Commonwealth. Har. 

Locke, David Ross. " Petroleum V. 
Nasby." N.-Y., ls;-J8-1888. A widely 
known political humourist whose satires 
had much effect upon public opinion. 
A Paper City, a novel ; Swingin' Round 
the Cirkle ; The Moral History of Ame- 
rica's Life Struggle ; Ekkoes from 
Kentucky ; Struggles of Petroleum V. 
Nasby ; Nasby in Exile ; Morals of 
Abou ^<in Adhem ; The Demagogue, a 
novel ; Hannah Jane, a poem. Le. 
* A distinguishing initial only. 

Locke, Mrs. Jane Erminia [Stark- 
■weather]. Ms., 1805-1859. A verse- 
writer of Boston. Poems; Rachel, or 
the Little Mourner j Boston, a Poem ; 
Eulogy in rhyme on the Death of Web- 

Locke, John Staples. 1836 . 

A writer of Saco, Maine. Shores of 
Saco Bay ; Historical Sketches of Old 
Orchard ; The Art of Correspondence ; 
A Brave Struggle, it novel; Pleasing 
Rhymes for Happy Times ; Bright 
Hours. Cas. 

Locke, Richard Adams. N. Y"., 
1800-1871. A journalist of New York 
city who published, in 1885, Great As- 
tronomical Discoveries lately made by 
Sir John Herschel, since known as 
" The Moon Hoax." He subsequently 
issued The Lost Manuscript of Mungo 
Park, another hoax. 

Lockhart, Arthur John. N. 5., 1850- 

. A Methodist clergyman and 

verse-writer. The Mask of Minstrels ; 
Beside the Narragaugus. 

Lock^wood, Henry Hayes. Bel., 
1814 . A United States army offi- 
cer. Manual of Naval Batteries ; Ex- 
ercises in Small Arms. 

Lock-wood, IngersoU. N. Y.,1841- 

. Nephew of R. I. Lockwood, in- 

fra. A lecturer and litterateur of 
New York city. The Travels of Little 
Baron Trump ; Wonderful Deeds of 
Little Giant Roab ; Extraordinary Ex- 
perience of Little Captain Doppelkopp ; 
Baron Trump's Journey Underground. 

Lockwood, Ralph Ingersoll. N. 
y., 1798-1855. A lawyer of New York 
city. Rosine Laval, a novel ; The In- 
surgents, a novel ; Lockwood's Reversed 

Lockwood, Samuel. E., 1819-1894. 
A Reformed Dutch clergyman who 
after 1867 was school superintendent of 
Monmouth County, New Jersey, and 
wrote much on scientific themes. Tem- 
perance, Fortitude, Justice ; The Ame- 
rican Oyster ; Abnormal Entozoa in 
Man ; The Life of an Oyster ; Animal 

Lodge, Giles Henry. Ms., 1805-1880. 
A physician of Boston, the author of a 
scholarly translation of Winckelmann' 3 
History of Ancient Art. 




Lodge, Henry Cabot. 3/s., ISoO- 

. Xephew of G. H. Lodge, supra. 

A Massachusetts politician of promi- 
nence, representative in Congress, lbS6- 
1S'J2, and senator from ISSJo. Essay on 
Anglo-Saxon Land Law ; Life and Let- 
ters of George Cabot ; Short History 
of the English Colonies in America ; 
Lives of Washington, Webster, Hamil- 
ton ; Studies in History ; Historical and 
Political Essays ; Speeches ; History of 
Boston; Hero Tales from American 
History (with T. Roosevelt, infra). 
Cent. Har. Hou. Lit. Lgs. 

IiOgan, Celia. Daughter of C. A. Lo- 
gan, 2d, infra. See Connelly ^ Mrs. 

Logan, Cornelius Ambrose. J/s., 
1S36 . Son of C. A. Logan, in- 
fra. A physician of Leavenworth, Kan- 
sas, minister to Chili, 1ST3, and 18S1- 
1S83. Sanitary Relations of Kansas ; 
Climatology of the Missouri Valley; 
Physics of Infectious Diseases. 

Logan, Cornelius Ambrosius. Md., 
1806-18.53. A dramatist and theatri- 
cal manager of Cincinnati among whose 
plays are The Wag of Maine ; The 
Wool Dealer ; Tankee Land. 

Logan, James. 1., 1674-17-51. Chief 
justice of Pennsylvania, and a man of 
much note in the early history of that 
colony. He founded die Logauian Li- 
brary at Philadelphia. Duties of Man ; 
Defence of Aristotle ; Experimenta de 
Plantarum Generatione ; lisays on Lan- 
guages ; a translation, with notes, of 
Cicero's De Senectute, printed by 
Franilin in 1744. 

Logan, John Alexander. 17., 1826- 
1886. A major-general in the Federal 
army during the Civil War who was 
nominated as the Republican candidate 
for vice-president in 1884. The Great 
Conspiracy ; The Volunteer Soldier of 

Logan, John Henry. S. C, 1822- 
1885. A physician who was a professor 
in the medical college at Atlanta. His- 
tory of the Upper Country of South 
Carolina ; Students' Manual of Che- 

Logan, Olive. Daughter of C. A. Lo- 
gan, 2d, supra. See Sikes, Mrs. 

Lomax, John Tayloe. Va., 1781- 
1862. A Virginia jurist. Digest of 
United States Real Property Laws; 

Treatise on the Law of Executors and 

Long, Charles Chaille. Md.. 1812- 

. A soldier who served in the 

Federal army during the Civil War, 
became colonel in the F^yptiau army 
in 1869, and in 1887 was AJmerican con- 
sul-general in Corea. Central Africa ; 
The Three Prophets, — Chinese Gor- 
don, the Mahdi, Arabi Pacha. Ap. 

Long, John Davis. Me., ISSS . 

A prominent jurist of Boston who was 
governor of Massachusetts, 1880-82. 
After- Dinner and Other Speeches ; a 
blank-verse translation of the jEneid. 

Long, Robert Carey. Circa 1819- 
1849. An architect of New York city 
who published a work on Ancient Ar- 
chitecture in America. 

LongfelloTW, Henry 'Wads'worth. 

Me., 1807-1882. The most widely read 
of American poets. He was horn in 
Portland, Maine, and graduated at 
Bowdoin College in 1825 in the class 
with Nathaniel Hawthorne. After three 
years of study in Europe he was pro- 
fessor of modem languages at Bowdoin 
College, 1829-35, and filled the same 
position at Harvard University, 1835— 
18-54, his home being at Cambridge 
from 1835. The range of his thought 
is not wide, and his genius was rather 
adaptive than creative, but his poetry 
appeals to a larger number of readers 
of verse than, perhaps, any other poet 
of his time. Its iimshed execution is 
especially noteworthy in most of his 
later work, his sonnets, for example, 
being nearly flawless specimens of their 
kind. Coplas de Manrique, a verse 
translation from the Spanish (1833); 
Outre-Mer, a prose volume of travels 
(1835) ; Hyperion, a prose romance 
(1839) ; Voices of the Night (1&39) ; 
Ballads, and Other Poems (184l) ; 
Poems on Slavery (1842) ; The Spanish 
Student (:.843) ; The BeUry of Bruges, 
and Other Poems (1846); Evangeline- 
(1847) ; Kavanagh, a prose tale (1849) ;, 
Seaside and Fireside (1850) ; The Gold- 
en Legend (1851) ; Hiawatha (1865) ; 
The Courtship of Miles Standish (1858); 
Tales of a Wayside Inn, 1st series 
(1863) ; Flower de Luce (1867) ; New 
England Tragedies (1868) ; Dante's 




Divina Coimnedia : a translation, 1867- 
1S7U; The Divine Tragedy (1872); 
Three Books of Song (1872) ; After- 
math (1874) ; The Masque of Pandora 
(1S75) ; K^ramos (1878) ; Ultima Thule 
(1880) ; In the Harbor (1S82) ; Michael 
Ang-elo (1883). See Lives by S. Long- 
fellow, infra, Stoddard, Underwood, 
Austin ; Atlantic Monthly, December, 
1S63, and June, 18S2 ; Scribner's Maga- 
zine, November, 187 S ; Harper^ s Ma- 
gazine, June, 1881!; Living Age, Novem- 
ber 4, 188S ; Fortnightly Review, Janu- 
ary, 18SS ; Century Magazine, October, 
1883 ; Hazeltine's Chats About Books ; 
Stedman's Poets of America ; Works on 
American Literature by Nichol, Richard- 
son, Hawthorne ; Cheney^s That Dome in 
Air ; Bibliography of Maine ; Memorial 
Address by D. R. Goodwin, Sou. 

Longfellow, Samuel. Me., 1819- 
1892. Brother of H. W. Longfellow, 
supra. A Unitarian clergyman who 
held pastorates at Fall River, Brook- 
lyn, and Germantown, but whose latest 
years were spent in Cambridge. He 
was a poet with a very distinct indi- 
viduality, and as a hymn-writer had few 
equals, a large number of the best of 
Unitarian hymns being from his pen. 
Life of H. W. Longfellow ; Hymns and 
Verses ; Memoir of S. Johnson ; Essays 
and Sermons. With S. Johnson, supra, 
■he edited Hymns of the Spirit. See 
Memoir and Letters, edited by J. May ; 
New England Magazine, October, 1894- 

Longfello^w, 'William Pitt Preble. 

Me., 1836 . Nephew of H. W. 

Longfellow, supra. An architect of 
note, editor of the Cyclopfedia of Archi- 
tecture in Italy, Greece, and the Le- 
vant. Scr. 

Longatreet, Augustus Bald'win. 
& C, 1790-1870. A jurist and educa- 
tor of Georgia who became a Method- 
ist minister in 1838, and was subse- 
quently president of several Southern 
colleges. He is remembered for his 
genuinely humourous Georgia Scenes. 
Among his other works are. Master 
William Mitten ; Letters from Georgia 
to Massachusetts. 

Longatreet, James. S. C, 1821 . 

A noted general of the Confederate 
army. From Manassas to Appomattox. 

Loomis, Alfred Lebbeus. Vt., 1831- 

. A physician of New York city, 

professor in the University of the City 
of New York from 1865. Lessons in 
Physical Diagnosis ; Diseases of the 
Respiratory Organs ; Lectures on Fe- 
vers ; Diseases of Old Age ; Text-Book 
of Practical Medicine. 

Loomis, Augustus Ward. Ct., 1816- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman, for 

many years a missionary among the 
Chinese of California. Learn to Say 
No ; Scenes in Chusan ; Scenes in the 
Indian Country ; The Profits of Godli- 
ness; ('onfucius and the Chinese Clas- 
sics ; English and Chinese Lessons. 

Loomis, Eben Jenks. N. Y., 1828- 

. An astronomer of Washington 

city, senior assistant iu the Nautical 
Almanac office. Wayside Sketches; 
An Eclipse Party in Africa. Rob. 

LoomiB, Elias. Ct., 1811-1889. An 
astronomer and mathematician who 
was professor at Yale University from 
1800. He published a series of text- 
books in thirteen volumes, among 
which are. Plane and Spherical Tri- 
gonometry ; Treatise on Astronomy ; 
Treatise on Meteorology. Har. 

Loomis, Justin Rudolph. N. Y^ 
1810 . An educator of Pennsyl- 
vania, president of Lewisburg Univer- 
sity, 1858-78. Elements of Geology; 
Elements of Anatomy. 

Loomis, Lafayette Charles. Ct., 
1824 — ■ — . A physician and educator 
of Washington city. Mizpah : Prayer 
and Friendship ; Mental and Social Cul- 
ture ; Summer Guide to Central Eu- 
rope ; Index Guide to Travel and Art 
Study in Europe. Lip. Scr. 

Loomis, Samuel Lane. Ms., 1856- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Boston. Modem Cities and their Reli- 
gious Problems. 

Loomis, Silas Laurence. Ms., 1822- 

. Brother of L. C. Loomis, supra, 

A physician and educator of Washing- 
ton city. Analytical Arithmetic ; Nor- 
mal Arithmetic. Lip, 

Lord, David Nevins. Ct., 1792- 
1880. A merchant and importer of 
New York city. Exposition of the 
Apocalypse ; Characteristics of Figura- 
tive Language ; Louis Napoleon ; is he 




to be Anti-Christ ? ; Visions of Para- 
dise, an Epic. 

Lord, Bleazer. Ct, 1788-1871. Bro- 
ther of D. N. Lord, supra. A noted 
financier of New York city who was 
the founder of the Manhattan Insur- 
ance Company. Among liis rather nu- 
merous writings are, Credit, Currency, 
and Banking ; Six Letters on a Na- 
tional Currency; The Epoch of the 
Creation ; Analysis of Isaiah ; The 
Prophetic Office. 

Lord, John. iV.IT., 1809-1894. A Con- 
gregational clergyman widely known 
as an historical lecturer, who did much 
to arouse an interest in the study of 
history. History of the United States ; 
Modern History ; Points of History ; 
The Old Roman World ; Ancient States 
and Empires ; Life of Emma Willard, 
i7if7'a ; Beacon Lights of History ; Two 
German Giants. Ap. Fo. 

Lord, John Chase. N. Y., 1805- 
1877. A prominent Presbyterian clergy- 
man of Buffalo. The Land of Ophir, 
and Other Lectures ; Occasional Poems. 

See Memoir, 1878. 

Lord, 'Wmiata Wilberf oroe. N. Y., 

1819 . Brother of J. C. Lord, 

supra. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Vicksburg, Mississippi, and more re- 
cently of Cooperstown, New York, 
whose verse attracted the praise of 
Wordsworth simultaneously with the 
ridicule of Poe. Poems ; Christ in 
Hades ; Andr4, a tragedy. 

Lord, WUlis. Ct., 1809-1889. A 
Presbyterian clergyman who held sev- 
eral theological professorships as well 
as pastorates in Chicago and elsewhere. 
Men and Scenes Before the Flood ; 
Christian Theology for the People ; 
The Blessed Hope. 

Lorimer, George Claude. S., 1837- 

. A noted Baptist clergyman of 

Boston, pastor of Tremont Temple. 
Isms Old and New ; Under the Ever- 
greens ; The Great Conflict ; Jesus : 
the World's Savionr ; Studies in Social 
Life. Le. Sc. 

Loring, Charles Greeley. Ms., 1794- 
1868. A lawyer of Boston. The 
Neutral Relations of England and the 
United States; English Liability for 
Indemnity ; Life of William Sturgis. 

Loring, Edward Greeley. Ms., 1837- 
1881. A physician of New York city. 
Text-Booij of Ophthalmoscopy : I. The 
Normal Eye ; II. Diseases of the Re- 
tina. Ap. 

Loring, Frederic Wads-worth. Ms., 
1848-1871. A Boston journalist killed 
by the Apaches in Arizona. Two Col- 
lege Friends, a novel ; The Boston Dip, 
and Other Verses. 

Loring, George Bailey. Ms., 1817- 
1891. A noted agriculturist of Salem, 
Massachusetts, United States commis- 
sioner of agriculture, 1881-85, minister 
to Portugal, 1889-90. The Farmyard 
Club of Jotham. 

Loring, William Wing. N. C, 
1818-1886. A soldier who, after serv- 
ing successively in the United States 
and Confederate armies, served in the 
Egyptian army, 1869-79. A Confeder- 
ate General in Egypt is a narrative of 
personal adventure. 

Loskiel, George Henry. B., 1740- 
1814. A Moravian bishop in Penn- 
sylvania whose two books have been 
many times reprinted. Etwas fiirs 
Herz ; History of the Moravian Missions 
among the North American Indians. 

Lossing, Benson John. N. Y., 1813- 
1891. An artist and wood-engraver of 
Poughkeepsie who made many valuable 
contributions to American history. His 
later years were spent at Dover Plains, 
New York. The more important of 
his many works include. Pictorial 
Field-Book of the Revolution; Pic- 
torial Field-Book of the War of 1812 ; 
Pictorial Field-Book of the Civil War ; 
Life of General Philip Schuyler ; The 
Two Spies: Nathan Hale and John 
Andr^ ; Cyclopsedia of United States 
History ; Mary and Martha Washing- 
ton ; History of the United States Navy 
for Boys ; Mount Vernon and its Asso- 
ciations ; The Empire State, a History 
of New York ; Life of Washington ; 
Lives of the Presidents (1847). Ap. 
Fu. Har. Ho. 

Lothrop, Amy. See Warner, Anna. 

Lothrop, Mrs. Harriet Mulford 

[Stone]. "Margaret Sidney." Ct. 
1844 . A popular writer of juve- 
nile literature, living at Concord, Mas- 
sachusetts. Among her many books of 
this character are. Five Little Peppers 




and How They Grew ; The Pettihone 
Name ; So as by Fire ; Half Year at 
Bronekton ; What the Seven Did ; Rob ; 
The Golden West ; How they Went to 
Europe ; Hester, and Other New Eng- 
land Stories. Lo, 
Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland. N. 

H., 1830 . A lawyer of Boston. 

The Life of William H. Seward, infra. 

Loughborough [luf'boro], Mrs. 
Mary 'Webster. N. Y., 1836-1887. 
A writer of Little Rock, Arkansas. 
My Cave Life in Vicksburg, an account 
of life in Vicksburg during the siege ; 
Eor Better, for Worse, and Other Sto- 

Loughead, Mrs. Flora [Haines]. 

Wis., 1855 . A writer of Santa 

Barbara, California. The Libraries of 
California ; The Man Who was Guilty, 
a novel ; Quick Cookery ; The Aban- 
doned Claim, a novel ; Practical Hand- 
book of Science. Hou. 

Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. 
N. Y., 1838- . A professor of Eng- 
lish at the Sheffield Scientific School 
of Yale University from 1871. His- 
tory of the English Language ; Life of 
James Fenimore Cooper ; Studies in 
Chaucer. Ho. Hou. 

Love, Williani De Loss. iV. Y., 
1819 . A Congregational clergy- 
man. Wisconsin in die War of the 

Love, "William De Loss. Ct., 1851- 

. Son of W. D. Love, supra. A 

Congregational clergyman, pastor in 
Hartford, Connecticut, from 1885. The 
Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New 
England. Hou. 

Lowe, Mrs. Martha Ann [Perry]. 

N. ir.,_1829 . A verse-writer of 

Somerville, Massachusetts, whose hus- 
band, Charles Lowe, was a Unitarian 
minister of prominence. The Olive 
and the Pine, a book of verse ; Love in 
Spain, and Other Poems ; The Story of 
Chief Joseph (verse) ; Life of Charles 

Lowell, Abbott Lawrence. Ms., 
1856 — ■ — . A lawyer of Boston. Es- 
says on Government ; Governments and 
Parties in Continental Europe. Hou. 

Lowell, Mrs. Anna Cabot [Jack- 
son]. Ms., 1819-1874. Sister-in-law 
of J. R. Lowell, infra. Theory of 

Teaching ; Edward's First Lessons in 
Grammar and Geometry ; Outlines of 
Astronomy ; Letters to Madame Pulk- 
sky ; Seed Grains for Thought, and 
several compilations. Hoh. 

Lowell, Charles. Ms., 1782-1861. 
A prominent Unitarian clergyman of 
Boston, pastor of the West Church 
from 1806 until his death. Occasional 
Sermons ; Practical Sermons ; Medita- 
tions for the Afflicted ; Devotional Ex- 
ercises for Communicants. 

Low^ell, Edward Jackson. Ms., 
1845-1894. Grandnephew of C. Low- 
ell, supra. A lawyer of Boston. The 
Hessians and Other German Auxilia- 
ries of Great Britain in the Revolu- 
tionary War, an exhaustive survey of 
the subject; The Eve of the French 
Revolution. Har. Hou. 

Lowell, Francis Cabot. Ms., 1855- 

. A Boston lawyer. Joan of Arc, 

a valuable historical biography. Hou. 

Lowell, James Russell. Ms., 1819- 
1891. Son of C. Lowell, supra. The 
foremost American man of letters. He 
was bom in Cambridge, and was gradu- 
ated from Harvard University in 1839, 
where he succeeded Longfellow as pro- 
fessor of belles-lettres in 1855. He was 
one of the founders of The Atlantic 
Monthly, editing that periodical from 
the start in 1857 until 1862, and co- 
editor of The North American Review 
with C. E. Norton, infra, 1863-72. In 
1877 he was appointed minister to 
Spain, and in 1898 transferred to Eng- 
land, where hen-emained as minister 
until 1885. He did much to make 
America and American letters respected 
in England, and was very popular with 
the English people both as a man and as 
a writer, a window having been placed 
to his memory in the chapter-house of 
Westminster Abbey in 1893. His work 
in verse includes : A Year's Life (1841) ; 
Poems (1844) ; The Vision of Sir Laun- 
fal (1848) ; A Fable for Critics (1848) ; 
The Biglow Papers (1848) ; Poems (edi- 
tions of 1848, 1849, 1854, 1858) ; The 
Commemoration Ode (1865) ; The Big- 
low Papers, Second Series (1866) ; Un- 
der the Willows, and Other Poems 
(1869) ; Three Memorial Poems (1876) ; 
Heartsease and Rue (1888) ; Last 
Poems (1895). In prose his writing 
comprises Conversations with Some of 


the Old Poets (1845) ; Life of Keats 
(with an edition of his works) (1854) ; 
Fireside Travels (1864); The Presi- 
dent's Policy (1864); Among My 
Books (1870); My Study Windows 
(1871) ; Among My Books, Second 
Series (1876) ; Democracy, and Other 
Addresses (1886) ; Political Essays 
(1888) ; Latest Literary Essays and 
Addresses (1891) ; The Old English 
Dramatists (1892) ; Letters, edited hy 
C. E. Norton (1893). See Lives by E. 
E. Brown, Underwood, 
Lowell, by G. W. Curtis ; Steuart's Let- 
ters to Living Authors, 1S90 ; Haweis's 
American Humourists ; Stedman's Poets 
of America ; works on American Lite- 
rature, by Nichol, Richardson, Haw- 
thorne; Cheney's That Dome in Air. 
Har. Hou. 

Lowell, Mrs. Josephine [Shaw]. 

Ms., 1843 . Daughter-in-law of 

Mrs. Anna Lowell, supra. A philan- 
thropist of New York city. PuMo Re- 
lief and Private Charity. Put. 

Lowell, Mrs. Maria ['White]. Ms., 
1821-1855. The first wife of J. R. 
Lowell, supra. A verse-writer whose 
only volume of poems was privately 
printed. The Alpine Sheep is her hest 
known poem. 

Lowell, Percival. Ms., 1855 . 

Brother of A. L. Lowell, supra. A 
Boston writer, traveller, and astronomi- 
cal investigator. Ohoson, a sketch of 
Korea; The Soul of the Far East; 
Noto : an Unexplored Comer of Japan ; 
Occult Japan ; Mars. Hou. 

Lowell, Robert Traill Spence. 

Ms., 1816-1891. Son of C. Lowell, 
supra. An Episcopal clergyman and 
educator, head master of St. Mark's 
School, Southhorough, 1869-73, and 
professor of Latin at Union College, 
1873-79. After the latter date he con- 
tinued to Uve at Schenectady, which is 
the locale of his book, A Story or Two 
from an Old Dutch Town, as South- 
borough suggests that of his popular 
story of school life, Antony Brade. 
His other works include The New 
Priest in Conception Bay, a novel of life 
in Newfoundland, the scene of his first 
rectorship; Fresh Hearts that Failed 
Three Thousand Years Ago, and Other 
Poems. The Defence of Lucknow is 
his most familiar poem. Mob. 



Lowrie, John Cameron. Pa., 1808- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

New York city. Travels in Northern 
India ; Two Years in Upper India ; 
Manual of Foreign Missions ; Mission- 
ary Papers ; Presbyterian Missions. 

Lowrie, John Marshall. Pa., 1817- 
1867. Cousin of J. C. Lowrie, supra. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of New Jer- 
sey. Esther and Her Times; Adam 
and His Times ; A Week with Jesus ; 
The Translated Prophet ; The Prophet 
Elisha ; The Life of David. 

Lucas, Daniel Bedinger. W. Va., 

1836 . A lawyer of Charlestown, 

West Virginia, who was a United 
States senator in 1887. A Wreath of 
Eglantine, and Other Poems ; The Maid 
of Northumberland, a dramatic poem ; 
Ballads and Madrigals. 

Luce, Stephen Bleecker. N. Y., 

1827 . A rear-admiral of the 

United States navy, retired in 1887, 
who, beside publishing a treatise on 
Seamanship, has edited a collection of 
Naval Songs. 

Liiders, Charles Henry. Pa., 1858- 
1891. A verse-writer of Philadelphia. 
The Dead Nymph, and Other Poems ; 
Hallo, My Fancy ! a collection of verse 
(with S. b. Smith). Sar. 

Ludlam, Reuben. N. J., 1831 . 

A Chicago physician, dean of the 
Hahnemann Medical College. Clinical 
Lectures on Diphtheria ; Clinical Lec- 
tures on Diseases of Women. 

Ludlow, Fitzhugh. N. Y., 1836- 
1870. A litterateur and journalist of 
New York city. The Hasheesh-Eater ; 
The Opium Habit ; The Heart of the 
Continent ; Little Brother, and Other 
Genre Pictures ; Augustus Jones, Jr. 

Ludlow, James Meeker. N. J., 

1841 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of East Orange, New Jersey, from 1886. 
My Saint John ; Concentric Chart of 
History ; The Captain of the Janiza- 
ries, a tale of the times of Scander- 
beg ; A King of Tyre, a tale of the 
times of Ezra and Nehemiah ; That An- 
gelic Woman, a novel. Fu. Har. 

Ludlow, Noah Miller. N. Y., 1795- 
1886. An actor and theatrical manager 
in the Southern States. Dramatic Life 
as I found It. 




Lukena, Henry Clay. Pa., 1838- 

. A journalist of New York city. 

The Marine Circus at Cherbourg-, and 
Other Poems ; Lean Nora, a travesty ; 
Story of the Types ; Jets and Flashes. 

Lum, Daniel Dyer. 18 . The 

Spiritual Delusion ; Early Social Life 
of Man ; Utah and its Peoijle. Lip. 

Lummis, Charles Fletcher. Ms., 

1859 ■ — . A Los Angeles -writer. The 

Land of Poco Tiempo ; A Tramp Across 
the Continent ; The Spanish Pioneers ; 
The Man who Married the Moon : Li- 
dian folk-lore stories ; Some Strange 
Corners of our Country ; The Gold Fish 
of Grand Chimii ; A New Mexico Da- 
vid, and Other Stories. Cent. Lam. 
Mg. Scr. 

Lund, Mrs. Mary Divinell [Chel- 

lis], N. H., 18 . A prolific 

writer of Sunday-school fiction, among 
whose works are. All for Money ; Old 
Sunapee ; Fife and Drum ; Good Work ; 
Mystery of the Lodge ; Father Merrill. 
Cr. Lo. 

Lundy, John Patterson. Pa., 1S23- 
1892. An Episcopal clergyman of New 
York city. Review of Bishop Hop- 
kins's " Bible View of Slavery ; " Monu- 
mental Christianity ; Forestry. 

Lunt, Edward Clark. 186 . A 

writer on economics. The Present Con- 
dition of Economic Science. 

Lunt, George. Ms., 1803-1885. A 
lawyer of Newburyport, and later a resi- 
dent of Scituate, among whose writings 
in verse and prose are, The Age of Gold, 
and Other Poems ; Lyric Poems : Son- 
nets and Miscellanies ; Old New Eng- 
land Traits ; Three Eras of New Eng- 
land. The latest collection of his vers*e 
was made in 1883. 

Lunt, 'William Parsons. Ms., 180.5- 
1857. A Unitarian clergyman of Quin- 
cy, Massachusetts, from 1835 until his 
death, whose literary work was much 
admired for the beauty of its style. 
Union of the Human Race ; Gleanings. 

Lupton, Nathaniel Thomas. Va., 

1830 . An educator and scientist 

of Alabama, State chemist from 1885, 
and author of The Elementary Princi- 
ples of Scientific Agriculture. 

Lusk, 'William Thompson. Ct., 1838- 
. A prominent obstetric physician 

of New York city. The Science and 
Art of Midwifery. 
Luska, Sidney. See Harland, Henry. 

Lyle, 'William. S., 1822 . A 

verse-writer of Rochester, New York. 
The Martyr Queen, and Other Poems. 

Lyman, Henry Munson. H. L, 1835- 

. A Chicago physician, professor 

of medicine in Rush College. Insomnia 
and Other Disorders of Sleep ; Artifi- 
cial Ansesthesia ; Practice of Medicine. 

Lyman, Joseph Bard-well. Ms., 

1829-1872. An agricrdtural journal- 
ist of New York city. Philosophy of 
Housekeeping ; Resources of the Pa- 
cific States ; Women of the War ; Cot- 
ton Culture. 
Lyman, Theodore. Ms., 1792-1849. 
A noted philanthropist of Boston, the 
founder of the Lyman School at West- 
borough. Three Weeks in Paris ; The 
Political State of Italy ; Account of 
the Hartford Convention ; The Diplo- 
macy of the United States with Foreign 

Lyman, Theodore. Ms., 1833 . 

Son of T. Lyman, supra. A scientist 
of note associated with the Museum 
of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge 
from 1860. His principal work is the 
Ophiuroidea of the Challenger Expedi- 

Lynch, Anne C. See Botia, Mrs. 

Lynch, James Daniel. Fa., 18.36- 

. A political writer of Mississippi. 

Kemper County Vindicated ; Bench and 
Bar of Mississippi ; Bench and Bar of 

Lynch, 'William Francis. Va., 1801- 
1865. A naval officer of prominence as 
an explorer. Narrative of the United 
States Exploring Expedition to the 
River Jordan and the Dead Sea ; Naval 
Life, or Afloat and Ashore. 

Lyon, Anne Bozeman. AL, 1860- 

. A Southern writer of fiction. 

No Saint ; A Sterlings Camp. 

Lyon, David Gordon. Al, 1852- 

. An educator of Cambridge, Hol- 

lis professor of divinity at Harvard 
University from 1882. Keilschrifttexte 
Sargons Koenigs von Assyrien ; An 
Assyrian Manual. Scr. 

Lyon, Irving Whitall. N. Y., 1840- 
1896. A Hartford physician who wrote 




Colonial Furniture iu New England. 

Lyons, Albert Brown. H. I., 1841- 

. A prominent chemist of Detroit 

who has published a Manual of Practi- 
cal Assaying. 

Lyttle, William Haines. O., 1826- 
1863. A general in the Federal army 
dui'ing the CiTil War, remembered in 
literature for the poem beginning, ' ' I 
am Dying, Egypt, Dying." See Poems 
of, edited, with Memoir, by W. Venabte, 
infra. Clke. 


Mabie, Hamilton Wright. 1845- 

. A journalist and essayist of New 

York city, editor of The Outlook. 
Norse Stories Retold from the Eddas ; 
My Study Fire ; Under the Trees and 
Eliewhere ; Short Studies in Litera- 
ture ; Essays in Literary Interpreter 
tion ; Essays on Nature and Culture ; 
Essays on Books and Culture. Do. 

McAdoo, Mrs. Mary Faith 

[Floyd]. Tn., 1832 , Wife of 

W. McAdoo, infra. The Nereid, a ro- 
mance ; Antethusia. 

McAdoo, WUUamGibbs. Tn., 1820- 

. A jurist of Tennessee. Poems ; 

Elementary Geology of Tennessee (with 
H. C. White). 

MacAf ee, Mrs. Nelly Nichol [Mar- 
shall]. Ky., 1845 . A Kentucky 

writer of fiction. Eleanor Morton, or 
Life in Dixie ; Gleanings from Fireside 
Fancies ; Sodom Apples ; Wearing the 
Cross ; Passion ; A Criminal through 

McAnally, David Rice. Tn., 1810- 
. A Methodist clergyman, promi- 
nent in St. Louis and elsewhere in the 
Southwest, who, besides a History of 
Methodism in Missouri, has written a 
number of lives of Methodist bishops. 

MacArthur, Arthur. S., 181.5 . 

A prominent jurist of Washington. 
Lectures on the Law ; Reports of Su- 
preme Court Cases ; Education in its 
Relation to Manual Industry. Ap. 

MacArthur, Robert Stuart. Q., 

1841 . A distinguished Baptist 

clergyman of New York city, pastor of 
Calvary Baptist Church from 1870. 

Quick Truths iu Quaint Texts ; Calvary 
Pulpit, or Christ and Him Crucified; 
Divine Balustrades, and Other Sermons. 
Bap. Fu. lie. 
McBride, James. Pa., 1788-1859. A 
writer of Hamilton, Ohio. Pioneer Bi- 
ography. See Bibliography of Ohio. 

McCabe, James Dabney. Va., 
1842-1888. A versatile and prolific 
Southern writer whose principal work 
is a Life of General Robert Lee, while 
among his many others are. Planting 
the Wilderness ; History of the War 
between France and Germany ; History 
of the Turko-Bussian War ; Paris by 
Sunlight and Gaslight ; Oar Young 
Folks Abroad ; The Great Republic ; 
Lights and Shadows of New York Life ; 
Centennial History of the United 
States. Le. Lip. 

McCabe, William Gordon. Va., 

1841 . Cousin of J. D. McCabe, 

supra. A Confederate officer, since 1888 
head master of a school in Petersburg, 
Virginia. The Defence of Petersburg ; 
A Latin Grammar. 

McCall, George Archibald. Pa., 
1802-1868. A soldier of PhUadelphia, 
who served in the Mexican war, and in 
the Civil War was brigadier-general 
of volunteers in the Federal army. 
Letters from the Frontier. 

McCall, Hugh. S. C, 1767-1824. A 
United States army officer. History 
of Georgia (1811-16). 

McCall, John Cadwalader. Pa., 
1793-1846. Cousin of G. A. McCall, 
supra. A lawyer of PhUadelphia. The 
Troubadour, and other poems; Fleu- 
rette, and other rhymes. 

McCall, Peter. N. J., 1809-1880. 
Cousin of G. A. McCall, supra. An 
eminent lawyer of Philadelphia, mayor 
of that city, 1844r-45. Rise and Pro- 
gress of Civil Society ; History of Penn- 
sylvania Law and Equity. 

MacCarroU, James. I., 1815-1892. 
A musical and dramatic critic of New 
York city. Letters of Terry Finnegan 
to D'Arcy McGee ; The New Ganger ; 
Adventures of a Night ; The New Life- 

MacCarty, J Hendrickson. Pa., 

18.30 . A Methodist clergyman. 

The Black Horse and Carry- All ; In- 
side the Gates ; Two Thousand MUes 




through the Heart of Mexico ; Fact 
and Fiction in Holy Writ. Meth. 

Macchetta, Mrs. Blanche Roose- 
velt [Tucker]. Wis., 18 . 

Home Life of Longfellow ; Marked " In 
Haste ; " Stage Struck ; Life of Dor^ ; 
The Copper Queen, a novel; Verdi, 
MUan, and OtheUo. Fo. 

McClellan, Carswell. Fa., 1835- 
1892. Brother of H. B. McCleUan, 
infra. A topographical assistant on 
the staff of General A. A. Humphreys 
in the Civil War. Afterwards a civil 
engineer in raUroad and government 
service. The Personal Memoirs and 
Military History of U. S. Grant versus 
The Record of the Army of the Po- 
tomac. Hou. 

McClellan, Ely. 18 . Brother 

of C. McCleUau, supra. Assistant me- 
dical director, United States army. The 
Cholera Epidemic of 1873 in the United 

McClellan, George. Gt, 1796-1847. 
A noted surgeon of Philadelphia, pro- 
fessor of surgery in Jefferson Medical 
College, for which institution he ob- 
tained the charter. The Principles and 
Practice of Surgery. Lip. 

McClellan, George Brinton. Pa„ 
1826-188.5. Son of G. McCleUan, su- 
pra. A distinguished soldier, general- 
in-chief of the armies of the United 
States, 1801-62 ; an unsuccessful candi- 
date for the presidency in 1864 ; gover- 
nor of New Jersey, 1878-81. His most 
important works include. The Armies of 
Europe ; Organization and Campaigns 
of the Army of the Potomac ; European 
Cavalry ; McClellan's Own Story. See 
Appletons'' American Biography. 

McClellan, Henry Brainerd. Fa., 

1840 . Brother of C. McCleUan, 

supra. A major in the Confederate 
service during the Civil War, who pub- 
lished an admirable Life of Major- 
General J. E. B. Stuart. Hou. 

McClelland, Alexander, N. Y., 

1796-1864. A Reformed Presbyterian 
clergyman and educator. Canon and 
Interpretation of Scripture ; Sermons. 

MacClelland, Margaret Green- 
way. 18 1895. A Virginia novel- 
ist. _ Mammy Mystic ; Old Ike's Me- 
mories, a book of verse. Princess; 
Oblivion ; Jean Monteith ; Madame 

SUva ; Manitou Island ; Burkett's Lock ; 
St. John's Wooing ; The Old Post Road. 
Har. Ho. Mer. 

MacClelland, Milo Adams. Pa. 

1837 . A physician of KnoxrviUe, 

niinois. CivU Malpractice, a Treatise 
on Surgical Jurisprudence. Hou. 

MacClenachan, Charles Thomp- 
son. D. C, 1829 . A lawyer of 

New York city, long employed m the 
department of public works, among 
whose writings are. Law of the Fire 
Department; The Atlantic Cable of 
1858; Book of the Ancient Accepted 
Rite of Scottish Freemasonry. 

McClintock, John. Fa., 1814-1870. 
A Methodist clergyman of New York 
city, professor in Drew Theological 
Seminary at the time of his death. He 
is best known by the Theological and 
Biblical Cyclopaedia which he began 
with James Strong, infra, but he was 
the author, also, of Living Words ; Lec- 
tures on Theological Encyclopaedia and 
Methodology. See Life by G. It. Crooks, 
supra. Meth. 

McClure, Alexander Kelly. Pa., 

1828 . A Philadelphia journalist, 

founder of The Times in 1873, and its 
editor since then. Three Thousand 
Miles Through the Rocky Mountains ; 
The South : its Industrial, etc.. Con- 
dition. Lip. 

McClure, Alexander Wilson. Ms., 
1808-1865. A Congregational clergy- 
man of Boston, among whose writings 
are, Lectures on Ultra Universalism ; 
Life of John Cotton, supra. 

McConnel, John Ludlam. E., 1826- 
. A lawyer and novelist of Jack- 
sonville, lUinois, who was a soldier in 
the Mexican War. His fictions are 
studies of Western life. Talbot and 
Vernon ; Grahame, or Youth and Man- 
hood ; The Glenns ; Western Charac- 

McConnell, Samuel D* Fa., 1846- 

. An Episcopal clergyman of 

prominence as an independent thinker, 
rector of St. Stephen's Church in Phila- 
delphia, 1882-96, and of Holy Trinity, 
Brooklyn, subsequently. Sons of God ; 
Sermon Stuff ; History of the Episco- 
pal Church in the United States; A 
* A distinguishing initial only. 

McCOOK 241 

Tear's Sermons ; An Open Secret. Ar. 

McCook, Henry Christopher. O., 

1837 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of Philadelphia, well known as a natu- 
ralist. Object and Outline Teaching; 
The Last Year of Christ's Ministry ; 
The Last Days of Jesus ; Garfield Me- 
morial Sermons ; The Women Friends 
of Jesus ; The Gospel in Nature ; The 
Mound-Making Art of the Alleghanies ; 
Natural History of the Agricultural 
Ant of Texas ; Honey Ants and Occi- 
dent Ants ; Tenants of an Old Farm ; 
American Spiders. Fu. Lip. 

McCord, Mrs. Louisa Susannah 
[Cheves]. S. C, 1810-1880. A 
writer of South Carolina. Sophisms of 
the Protective Policy, translated from 
B astral ; Caius Gracchus, a' tragedy; 
My Dreams, a volume of verse. 

McCormick, Richard Cunning- 
ham. N. Y., 1832 . An Arizona 

journalist, governor of that Territory, 
1866-69. Visit to the Camp at Sebas- 
topol ; St. Paul's to St. Sophia ; Ari- 
zona: its Resources (1865). 

McCosh, James. S., 1811-1894. A 
metaphysician of eminence and a Pres- 
byterian divine of the Free Church. Af- 
ter being professor in Queen's College, 
Belfast, 1852-68, he came to America 
in 1868, and was president of Prince- 
ton College, 1868-88, resigning in the 
latter year, but holding an emeritus 
professorship until his death. As a 
philosophical thinker he exercised an 
extended influence. His principal 
writings include, Logic : the Laws of 
Discursive Thought ; (Christianity and 
Positivism ; Scottish Philosophy ; Mill's 
Philosophy ; Method of the Divine 
Government ; First and Fundamental 
Truths ; Psychology ; The Emotions ; 
Our Moral Nature ; Gospel Sermons ; 
Philosophy of Reality ; The Religious 
Aspect of Evolution ; Realistic Philo- 
sophy defended ; Whither ? Whither 
Tell Me Where ; The Development of 
Hypotheses ; Philosophic Series : I. 
Expository, II. Historical and Critical. 
See Life of, edited by W. M. Shane, 
infra. Meth. Scr. 

McCoy, Mrs. Catherine [Webb] 

[Towles]. Ms., 1823 . A writer 

of Columbus, Georgia. Tales from the 
Freemason's Fireside ; The Three Gold- 


en Links ; Poor Claire, or Life Among 
the Queer. 
McCrackan, William Denison. 

Bv., 18(i4 . An author and lec- 
turer of New York city, born in Munich 
of American parents. The Rise of the 
Swiss Republic ; Romance and Teu- 
tonic Switzerland; Swiss Solutions of 
American Problems ; Little Idyls of the 
' Big World. Ar. Et. 

MacCracken, Henry MitcheU. O., 

1840 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

and educator, chancellor of the Univer- 
sity of the City of New York from 1891. 
Tercentenary of Presbyterianism ; Kant 
and Lotze ; A Metropolitan University ; 
LeadeiB of the Church Universal. 

MacCreary, George Washington. 
Ind., 1835-1890. An Indiana jurist. 
Treatise on the American Law of Elec- 
tions ; Reports of the Circuit Courts of 
the United States, Eighth District, 

McCulloch, Hugh. Me., 1808-1895. 
A distinguished financier, secretary of 
the treasury, 1865-69 and 1884-85. 
Men and Measures of Half a Century 
was his only publication. Scr. 

McDermott, Hugh Farrar. 1833- 
1890. A journalist of New York city. 
Poems from an Editor's Table ; The 
Blind Canary, a book of verse. 

McDonald, James Madison. 3fe., 

1812-1876. A Congregational clergy- 
man who was pastor of a church in 
Princeton, New Jersey, 1856-76. Cre- 
dulity ; My Father's House, or the 
Heaven of the Bible ; Life and Writ- 
ings of St. John ; Ecclesiastes Ex- 
plained ; Key to the Book of Revela- 
tion. Scr. 

McDougal, Mrs. Frances Harriet 
[Whipple] [Greene]. E. L, 1805- 
1875. A Rhode Island writer who re- 
sided in California from 1862. The 
Original ; The Mechanic ; Might and 
Right, a History of the Dorr Rebellion ; 
Shahmah in Pursuit of Freedom ; The 
Dwarf Boy, and Minor Poems ; Beyond 
the Veil. 

MacDowell, Mrs. Katherine Sher- 
wood [Bonner]. Mi., 1849-1883. 
A writer of Holly Springs, Mississippi, 
from 1873 to 1878 a resident of Boston 
and the private secretary of Longfel- 
low. In Mrs. Kirk's novel of " Marga- 




ret Kent " she figures as the heroine. 
Dialect Tales ; Suwanee River Tales ; 
Like unto Like. Har. Rob. 

Mace, Mrs. Frances Parker 

[Laughton]. Me., 1836 . A 

popular verse-writer of San Jos^, Cali- 
fornia. The authorship of Only Wait- 
ing, her best known poem, has been 
claimed by several writers. Legends, 
Lyrics, and Sonnets ; Under Pine and 
Palm. Hou. 

McFadden, Bernarr Adolphus. 

Mo., 1868 . A teacher of physical 

training in New York city. The Atli- 
lete's Conquest, a novel ; System of 
Physical Training. 

MaoFerrin, Anderson Purdy. Tn., 

1818 . A Methodist clergyman in 

Tennessee. Sermons for the Times ; 
Heavenly Shadows and Hymns. 

MacFerrin, John Berry. Tn., 1807- 
1887. Brother of A. P. MacFerrin, 
supra. A Methodist clergyman in 
Tennessee. History of Methodism in 

McGaffey, Ernest. 0., 1861 • 

A lawyer of Chicago. Poems of Gun 
and Rod ; Poems. Do. Scr. 

MacGahan, Januarius Aloysius. 

O., 1844-1878. A famous journalist 
and war correspondent. During the 
Franco-Prussian war he was the corre- 
spondent at Paris of the New Tork 
Herald, and he went through the Russo- 
Turkish war as the correspondent of 
the London Daily News. Campaigning 
on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva ; 
Under the Northern Lights ; Turkish 
Atrocities in Bulgaria. Har. 

McGarvey, John William. Ky., 
1829 . A clergyman of the Chris- 
tian denomination, professor of sacred 
history in the University of Kentucky 
from 1865. Commentary on the Acts ; 
Commentary on Matthew and Mark ; 
Lands of the Bible ; Text and Canon ; 
Credibility and Inspiration of the Bi- 

McGiffert, Arthur Cushman. N. Y., 

ls(:il — , A Presbyterian clergyman, 

professor of church history in Union 
Seminary from 1893. Dialogue of Pa- 
pias and Jason. He has published a 
translation with prolegomena and notes 
of the Church History of Eusebius 

McGill, John. Pa., 1809-1872. A 
Roman Catholic bishop of Richmond. 
Our Faith the Victory; The True 
Church Indicated ; Life of John Cal- 
vin, from the French. 

McGlasson, Eva Wilder. See Brod- 
head, Mrs. 

Mcllvaine [mak-il-van'], Charles 
Petitt. iV. J., 1709-1873. The second 
Protestant Episcopal bishop of Ohio, 
and long a prominent figure among 
Low Churchmen. Evidences of Chris- 
tianity ; Oxford Divinity ; The Holy 
Catholic Church ; The Truth and the 
Life, include his chief works. Ean. 

Mcllvaine, Joshua Hall. Del, 1815- 
1897. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
note in the Middle States who founded 
Evelyn College at Princeton, New Jer- 
sey, in 1887. He was professor of 
belles - lettres at Princeton College, 
1860-70, and president of Evelyn Col- 
lege at the time of his death. The 
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and 
Evil ; Elocution, the Sources and Ele- 
ments of its Power ; The Wisdom of 
Holy Scripture ; The Wisdom of the 
Apocalypse ; Pastoral Directions to In- 
quiring Souls. Han. Scr. 

Mcintosh, Maria Jane. Ga., 1803- 
1878. A New York writer whose no- 
vels and tales of domestic life enjoyed a 
long popularity. Her writings include, 
Praise and Principle ; Conquest and 
Self -Conquest ; Violet ; Two Lives, or 
To Seem and To Be ; Charms and 
Counter-Charms ; The Lofty and the 
Lowly ; Meta Gray ; Two Pictures ; 
Evenings at Donaldson Manor ; Aunt 
Kitty's Tales ; Woman in America, her 
Work and her Reward ; The Cousins, 
a juvenile tale. Ap. 

Mackaye, Mrs. Maria EUery 

[Goodwin]. S. I., 1830 . An 

educator of Cambridge, author of The 
Abbess of Port Royal, and Other French 
Studies. Le. 

McKeever, Harriet Burn. Pa., 1807- 
1886. A Philadelphia writer of Sun- 
day-school fiction, among whose works 
are. Nothing but Leaves ; Edith's Mi- 
nLstry ; The Old ChSteau ; Crown Jew- 
els. Meth. 

McKellar, Thomas. N. Y., 1812- 

. A prominent type-founder of 

Philadelphia who, beside publishing 




The American Printer, has written 
Tarn's Fortnight Ramble, and Other 
Poems ; Droppings from the Heart ; 
Lines for the Gentle and Loving; 
Rhymes Atween Times. His verse is 
unpretentious, and seldom more than 
commonplace in sentiment and execu- 
tion. Lip. 

McKenny, Thomas liorraine. Md., 
1785-1859. A -writer for many years 
in charge of the Bureau of Indian Af- 
fairs. Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes ; 
Essays on the Spirit of Jacksonianism ; 
History of the Indian Tribes (with J. 
Hall) ; Memoirs, Official and Personal. 

McKeuzie, Alexander. Ms., 1830- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Cambridge from 1867. Cambridge Ser- 
mons ; History of the First Church in 
Cambridge ; Some Things Abroad ; 
The Two Boys. Lo. 

Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell. N. 
Y., 1803-1848. A naval officer of 
prominence in his day. Popular Essays 
on Naval Subjects ; The American in 
England ; Lives of John Paul Jones, 
Commodore Decatur, Commodore Oli- 
ver Hazard Perry ; A Year in Spain. 

Mackenzie, Robert Shelton. I., 
1809-1881. A journalist of London 
who came to America in 1852, and from 
1857 was the literary editor of the Phi- 
ladelphia Press. His writings Include, 
Lives of Dickens, Scott, and Guizot ; 
Titian: an art novel; Lays of Pales- 
tine ; Partnership en CommandiU, a 
work upon conmiercial law ; Bits of 
Blarney ; Mornings at Matlock ; Tres- 
silian and his Friends. 

Mackey [mak'ee], Albert Gallatin. 
S. a, 1807-1881. A physician of 
Charleston whose life was principally 
devoted to the study of freemasonry. 
Text-Book of Masonic Jurisprudence ; 
Lexicon of Freemasonry; The Mystic 
Tie ; Book of the Chapter ; Manual of 
the Lodge ; Cryptic Masonry ; Masonic 
Ritualist ; Masonic Parliamentary Law ; 
History of Freemasonry in South Caro- 
lina ; Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry. 
He edited the Ahimon Rezon. 

Mackey, John. S. C, 1765-1831. A 
journalist and educator of Charleston 
whose American Teacher's Assistant 
(1826) was the first comprehensive work 
on arithmetic published in Amsrica. 

Maokie, John Milton. Ms., 181."- 

. A New England writer, in early 

life a tutor in Brown University. Cosas 
de EspaKa ; Lives of Leibnitz, Schamyl, 
Samuell Gorton ; Tai Ping Wang ; From 
Cape Cod to Dixie. 

McKim, Randolph Harrison. Md., 

1842 . An Episcopal clergyman, 

rector of the Church of the Epiphany at 
Washington. Nature of the Christian 
Ministry; Vindication of Protestant 
Principles ; Future Punishment ; Bread 
in the Desert, and Other Sermons ; 
Christ and Modern Unbelief ; Chris- 
tianity and Buddhism. Wh. 

McKinney, Mordecai. Pa., c. 1796- 
1867. A jurist of Harrisburg. Penn- 
sylvania Justice of the Peace ; United 
States Constitutional Manual ; Our 
Government ; The American Magistrate 
and Civil Officer ; Pennsylvania Tax 
Laws ; Digest of Pennsylvania Bank- 
ing Laws. 

McLaren, William Edward. N. Y., 

1831 . The third Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of Chicago. He was con- 
secrated bishop in 1875, but prior to 
1872 was a Presbyterian clergyman. 
Catholic Dogma the Antidote of 
Doubt ; The Practice of the Interior 
McLaughlin, Andre'w Cunning- 
ham. II., 1861 . A professor of 

American history at the University of 
Michigan from 1891. Life of Lewis 
Cass, supra. Hou. 

Maclean, Mrs. Clara Victoria 

[Dargan]. S. C, c. 1840- . An 

educator of South Carolina. Her work 
in fiction includes Riverlands; Helen 

McLellan, Isaac. Me., 1806 . A 

verse-writer of New York city of note 
as a sportsman. His verse, once popu- 
lar, is now nearly forgotten. The Year, 
and Other Poems ; The Fall of the In- 
dian ; Poems of the Rod and Gun (1883), 
with biographical sketch. 

McLeod, Alexander. S., 1774-18.33. 
A Reformed Presbyterian minister of 
New York city, famous as a preacher 
in his day. Negro Slavery Unjustifia- 
ble ; The Messiah ; Life and Power of 
True Godliness ; American Christian 
Expositor, include his chief works. 




McLeod, Xavier Donald. N. Y., 

1821-1865. Son of A. McLeod, supra. 
A Roman Catholic clergyman, but be- 
fore 1852 an Episcopal clergyman. 
Pynnshurst, his Wanderings and 
Ways of ThinliLing ; Life of Sir Wal- 
ter Scott ; Life of Mary Queen of 
Scots ; Our Lady of Litanies ; De- 
votion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, 
include the more important of his 

McMahon, John Van Lear. Md., 
1800-1871. A prominent lawyer and 
politician of Maryland, whose Histori- 
cal View of Maryland is an authority 
on the early history of the province. 

McMaster, Gilbert. I., 1778-1854. 
A Reformed Presbyterian clergyman of 
Duanesburgh, New York. The Shorter 
Catechism Analyzed ; Apology for the 
Psalms ; Moral Character of Civil Gov- 

McMaster, Guy Humphrey. N. Y., 

1829-1887. A jurist and verse-writer 
of Bath, in central New York. He 
wrote a History of Steuben County, but 
his name lingers in anthologies as au- 
thor of the well-known lyric. Carmen 

McMaster, John Bach. L. I., 1852- 

. A professor of American histo- 
ry at the University of Pennsylvania 
from 1883, and prior to that date an 
instructor in engineering at Princeton 
College. Bridge and Tunnel Centres ; 
High Masonry Dams ; History of the 
People of the United States ; Franklin 
as a Man of Letters ; Pennsylvania and 
the Federal Constitution (with F. D. 
Stone). Ap. Hou. 

McMillan, Conway. Mch., 1867- 

. A professor of botany in the 

University of Minnesota from 1891. 
Twenty-Two Common Insects of Ne- 
braska ; The Metaspermse of the Min- 
nesota Valley. 

MoMurtrie, Henry. Pa., 179.3-1865. 
An educator of Philadelphia. Lexicon 
Scientiarum is his principal work. 

McMurtrie, William. N. J., 1851- 

. A professor of chemistry in the 

University of Dlinois. Culture of the 
Sugar Beet ; Culture of Sumac ; Grape 
Culture in the United States, are among 
his publications. 

McNamara, John. I., 1824-1885. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Nebraska. 
Three Years on the Kansas Border; 
The Black Code of Kansas. 

McNaughton, John Hugh. N. Y., 

1829 . A verse - writer of Cale- 
donia, New York, many of whose 
songs have been set to music, and 
proved extremely popular. Babble 
Brook Songs ; OnnaJinda, a romance in 
Macomb, Alexander. D. C, 1782- 
1841. An of&cer of prominence in the 
American army during the War of 
1812, becoming major-general in com- 
mand of the army in 1828. Treatise 
on Martial Law ; Treatise on Practice 
of Courts-Martial ; Pontiac, a drama. 
See Memoir by G. H. Richards. 

Macon, John Alfred. Al, 1851- 

. A journalist of New York city. 

Uncle Gabe Tucker. Lip. 

McPherson, Edward. Fa., 1830- 
1895. A journalist of Gettysburg, ed- 
itor of The Tribune Almanac from 1877, 
and for some years American editor of 
the Almanach de Gotha. Political 
History of the United States during 
the Civil War ; Political History of the 
United States during Reconstruction ; 
Handbook of Politics. 

MacQueary, Howard. Va., 1861- 

. A Universalist clergyman of 

Minneapolis. He was formerly an 
Episcopal clergyman in Ohio, but, on 
account of his denial of the Virgin 
birth of Christ, was tried for heresy in 
1891, and suspended from the Episco- 
pal ministry. Evolution of Man and 
Christianity ; Topics of the Times, 
lectures on theological and sociological 
themes. Ap. 

McSherry, James. Md., 1819-1869. 
A lawyer of Frederick, Maryland. 
Pfere Jean, the Jesuit Missionary ; Wil- 
liloft, or the Days of James the First ; 
History of Maryland. 

McSherry, Richard. W. Va., 1817- 
1885. A physician of prominence in 
Baltimore, and in early life in the naval 
service. Early History of Maryland, 
and Other Essays ; El Puchero, a dis- 
cursive work on Mexico ; Military Life 
in Field and Camp ; Health and How 
to Promote It, are his principal writ- 
ings. Ap. 




McTyeire [mak-teer'], Holland 
Nimmons. &'. C, 1824-1889. A Me- 
thodist bishop in Tennessee. Manual of 
Discipline ; Duties of Masters ; History 
of Methodism, are among his works. 
MoVickar, William Augustus. JV. 
Y., 1827-1877. An Episcopal clergy- 
man who became rector of Christ 
Church, New York city, in 1876. Life 
of Rev. John MeVickar ; City Missions. 

Macy, Jesse. Ind., 1842 . A 

professor of political science in Iowa 
College. Our Government ; The Eng- 
lish Constitution. Mac. 
Madison, James. Va., 1751-1836. 
The fourth President of the United 
States. The Reports of the Debates in 
the National ConTention of 1788 are the 
most important writings of his ear- 
lier career. His complete works have 
been issued in six volumes. See Lives 
by Rives, J. Q. Adams, S. H. Gay ; 
History of the United States, Madi- 
son's Administrations, by S. Adams. 
Maffit, John Newland. I., 1795- 
1850. A once noted Methodist preacher 
and lecturer. Tears of Contrition ; Pul- 
pit Sketches ; Poems. 
MagiU, Mary Tucker. Va., 1832- 

. Granddaughter of H. St. George 

Tucker, infra. An educator and fic- 
tion-writer of Winchester, Virginia. 
The Holcombes; Women, or Chroni- 
cles of the Late War ; School History 
of Virginia ; Pantomimes, or Wordless 
Poems. Lip. 
Magoon,EIias Lyman. N. H., 1810- 

. An eminent Baptist clergyman 

of Philadelphia, well known as a lec- 
turer and art connoisseur of liberal 
thought and wide attainments. Pro- 
verbs for the People ; Orators of the 
American Revolution ; Republican 
Christianity ; Westward Empire ; Elo- 
quence of the Colonial Times ; Living 
Orators in America. 

Magruder, Allan Bowie. 18 . 

The Bible Defended; Lite of John 
Marshall, infra, Hou. 

Magruder, Julia. Va., 1854 . A 

novelist. Miss Ayr of Virginia, and 
Other Stories ; The Child Amy ; Across 
the Chasm; At Anchor; A Magnifi- 
cent Plebeian ; Honored in the Breach ; 
The Violet ; Princess Sonia. Cent. Har. 
Lgs. Lip. Lo. S. Scr. 

Mahan [m^-han'], Alfred Thayer. 

N. Y., 1840 . A distinguished 

officer in the United States navy whose 
masterly works upon sea power in his- 
tory have received official recognition 
from both home and foreign govern- 
ments. The Influence of Sea Power 
upon History, 1600-1788 ; Influence of 
Sea Power upon the French Revolu- 
tion and Empire, 1783-1812 ; The Gulf 
and Inland Waters ; Life of Admiral 
Farragnt ; Life of Nelson, the Embodi- 
ment of the Sea Power of Great Bri- 
tain. Ap. Lit. Scr. 

Mahan, Asa. N. Y., 1799-1889. A 
Congregational clergyman and educa- 
tor, president of Adrian College, 1860- 
1871, and after the latter date resident 
in England. Critical History of Phi- 
losophy ; The Science of Intellectual 
Philosophy ; Science of Moral Philoso- 
phy ; The Doctrine of the Will ; The 
Scripture Doctrine of Christian Per- 
fection ; Logic ; Theism and Anti- 
Theism in their Relations to Science ; 
Critical History of the American Civil 
War. Bar. Meth. 

Mahan, Dennis Hart. N. Y., 1802- 
1871. A military engineer of distinc- 
tion whose text-books have been widely 
used. Treatise on Field Fortifications ; 
Elementary Course of Civil Engineer- 
ing ; Elementary Treatise on Advanced 
Guard, etc. ; Industrial Drawing ; De- 
scriptive Geometry ; Philosophy of En- 
gineering ; Permanent Fortifications ; 
an edition of Moseley's Mechanical 
Principles of Engineering and Archi- 
tecture, with additions. Wil- 

Mahan, Milo. Va., 1819-1870. Bro- 
ther of D. H. Mahan, supra. An Epis- 
copal clergyman of Baltimore. The 
Exercise of Faith ; History of the 
Church ; Reply to Colenso ; Palmoni, a 
Free Inquiry ; Comedy of Canoniza^ 

Malcom, Howard. Pa., 1799-1879. 
A Baptist clergyman and educator at 
one time prominent in Philadelphia. 
Nature and Extent of the Atonement ; 
Bible Dictionary; Christian Rule of 
Marriage ; Travels in Southeastern 

Mallery, Garrick. Pa., 1831-1894. 
An army officer in charge of the bureau 
of ethnology from its foundation in 
1879. Calendar of the Dakota Lan- 




gTiage ; Introduction to the Study of 
feign Language among North American 
Indians ; Greeting by Gesture ; Israel- 
ite and Indian, a Parallel in Planes of 
Culture ; Picture Writing of the Ame- 
rican Indians, are among his important 
contributions to ethnology. 

Malone, Walter. Mi., 1866 . A 

verse-writer of Memphis, Tennessee. 
Songs of Dark and Dawn. 

Maltby, Isaac. Ct., 1767-1819. A 
Boston author who was general of mili- 
tia. Elements of War ; Courts-Mar- 
tial and Military Law ; Military Tac- 

Manly, BasU. S. C, 1825-1892. A 
Baptist clergyman and educator, pro- 
fessor in the Southern Baptist Semi- 
nary at Louisville. Kind Words Teach- 
er ; A Call to the Ministry ; Bible 
Doctrine of Inspiration Defended. 

Manly, John Matthews. AL, 1865- 
. Pre-Shakesperean Drama. 

Mann, Cyrus. TV. H., 1785-1859. A 
Congregational clergyman of West- 
minster, Massachusetts, 1815-41. Epi- 
tome of the Evidences of Christianity ; 
History of the Temperance Reforma- 

Maun, Horace. Ms., 1796-18.59. A 
famous Massachusetts educator and 
philanthropist, president of Antioch 
College, Ohio, 1852-59, and for twelve 
years secretary of the Massachusetts 
Board of Education. He entirely re- 
modelled the school system of his State. 
Beside his twelve important annual re- 
ports on education, he published Lec- 
tures on Education ; An Educational 
Tour ; Thoughts for a Young Man ; 
Slavery : Letters and Speeches ; Lec- 
tures on Intemperance ; Powers and 
Duties of Women. See Life by Mrs. 
Mann; Boone's Educationin the United 
States ; Gordey's Rise and Growth of 
the Normal School System ; Horace 
Mann, the Educator, by A. Winship. 

Mann, Mrs. Mary Tyler [Pea- 
body]. Ms., 1806-1887. Wife of H. 
Mann, supra, and sister of Elizabeth 
Peabody, infra. Flower People ; Chris- 
tianity in the Kitchen ; Culture in In- 
fancy (with E. Peabody) ; Life of Ho- 
race Mann ; Juanita, a Romance of Real 
Life in Cuba. Le. Lo. 

Mann, Matthew Derbyshire. N. 

Y., 1845 . A physician, professor 

of gynecology in the University of Buf- 
falo, who has published ^ Text-Book 
on Prescription Writing, and edited 
The American System of Gynaecology. 
Mann, William Julius. G., 181ft- 
1892. A Lutheran clergyman of Phi- 
ladelphia, author of Life and Times of 
Henry Muhlenberg. See Memoir by E, 
T. Mann, 1893. 
Manning, Jacob Merrill. N. Y., 
1824-1882. A Congregational clergy- 
man of Boston, pastor of the Old South 
Church, 1857-82. Helps to a Life of 
Prayer ; Half Truths and the Truth ; 
Not of Man, but of God ; Sermons. Bou. 
Mannville, Mrs. Helen Adelia 
[Wood]. iV.r., 1839 . Averse- 
writer of La Crosse, Wisconsin. Heart 
Echoes, a volume of verse. 
Mannville, Marion. Daughter of 
Mrs. Mannville, supra. See Pope, Mrs. 
Mansfield, Edw^ard Deering. Ct., 
1801-1880. Son of J. Mansfield, infra. 
A lawyer and journalist of Cincinnati. 
Utility of Mathematics ; Treatise on 
Constitutional Law ; Political Gram- 
mar of the United States; Legal 
Rights, etc., of Married Women ; Life 
of General Scott ; History of the 
Mexican War ; American Education ; 
Memoirs of D. Drake, supra; Popu- 
lar Life of General Grant; Personal 
Memories. Clke. 
Mansfield, Jared. Ct., 1759-1830. 
A mathematician, professor at West 
Point, 1812-28, who published Essays : 
Mathematical and Physical. 
Mansfield, Iiewia William. Ct., 

1816 . A writer of Cohoes, New 

York. The Morning Watch, a book of 
verse ; Up-Country Letters ; Country 

Manship, Andrew. Md., 1824- . 

A Methodist evangelist of Philadel- 
phia. Thirteen Years in the Itineracy ; 
Cherished Memories ; Reminiscences 
from the Saddle-Bags of a Methodist 
Preacher ; History of Gospel Tents and 

Marble, Manton. Ms., 1835 . A 

journalist of New York city, editor and 
proprietor of The World, 1862-76, and 
author of A Secret Chapter of Political 


March, Alden. Ms., 1795-1869. A 
once prominent surgeon of Albany. 
Wounds of the Abdomen; Improved 
Forceps for Harelip Operations. 

March, Charles Wainright. N. H., 
1815-1864. A journalist and essayist 
of New York city. Daniel Webster 
and His Contemporaries ; Sketches in 
Madeira, Portugal, and Spain. 

March, Daniel. Ms., 1816 . A 

Congregational clergyman. Walks and 
Homes of Jesus ; Night Scenes in the 
Bible ; Our Father's House ; From Dark 
to Dawn ; Home Life in the Bible ; 
The First Khedive, or Lessons in the 
Life of Joseph ; Morning Light in 
Many Lands. C P. S. 

March, Francis Andrew. Ms., 1825- 
. A philologist of distinction, pro- 
fessor at Lafayette College from 1856, 
and the successor of James Russell 
Lowell in 1891 as president of the 
American Language Association. Re- 
lation of the Study of Jurisprudence 
to the Roman Period ; Hamilton's The- 
ory of Perception ; Method of Philo- 
logical Study of the English Language ; 
Comparative Grammar of the Anglo- 
Saxon Language ; Anglo-Saxon Reader. 

Marcy, Erastus Edgerton. Ms., 

1815 . A physician of New York 

city. Theory and Practice of Medi- 
cine ; Theory and Practice of Homoe- 
opathy ; Christianity and its Conflicts ; 
Life Duties. 

Marcy, Henry Orlando. Ms., 1837- 

. A physician of Cambridge. Ana^ 

tomy and Surgical Treatment of Her- 
nia ; professional translations from the 
Italian of Ercolani. Ap. 

Marcy. Randolph Barnes. Ms., 
1812-1887. Brother of E. E. Marcy, 
supra. A brigadier-general in the 
United States army. Exploration of 
the Red River in 1852 ; Thirty Years 
of Army Life on the Border ; The 
Prairie Traveller ; Border Reminis- 
cences. Har, 

Marden, Orison Swett. N. H., 1848- 
. A Boston writer whose collec- 
tions of brief biographies, comprise 
Pushing to the Front ; Architects of 
Fate. Sou. 

Marguerittes, Julie de. See Bea, 



Markell, Charles Frederick. Md., 

1S55 . A Maryland lawyer and 

journalist. Charmodine, a volume of 

Markham, Charles Edwin. Or., 
1852 . An educator and verse- 
writer of California. In Earth's Sha- 
dow, a book of verse ; Songs of a Dream 

Markham, Jared Clark. Ms., 1816- 

. An architect who designed the 

Saratoga monument. Appeal in Be- 
half of National Monuments ; Monu- 
mental Art ; Historic Sculpture. 

Markoe, Thomas Masters. Pa., 

1819 . A surgeon of New York 

city, professor in Columbia College 
from 1860, and author of a Treatise on 
Diseases of the Bones. Ap. 

Marsh, Mrs. Caroline [Crane]. Ms., 
1816 . Wife of G. P. Marsh, in- 
fra. The Hallig, or the Sheepfold in 
the Waters, from the German of Bier- 
natzki ; Wolfe of the Knoll, and Other 
Poems ; Life of George P. Marsh. >Sicr. 

Marsh, George Perkins. Vt., 1801- 
1882. A philologist of distinction who 
was minister to Italy, 1861-82. Lec- 
tures on the English Language ; Man 
and Nature, re-written and enlarged 
with the title, The Earth as Modified 
by Human Action ; Icelandic Gram- 
mar ; Origin and History of the Eng- 
lish Language ; Mediieval and Modern 
Saints and Miracles. See Life hy Mrs. 
Marsh, supra. Har. Scr. 

Marsh, John. Ct, 1788-1864. A 
Congregational clergyman long promi- 
nent as a temperance lecturer. Epi- 
tome of Ecclesiastical History ; Half 
Century Tribute to Temperance ; Tem- 
perance Recollections. 

Marsh, Othniel Charles. N. Y., 
1831 . A palaeontologist, profes- 
sor at Yale University from 1866. 
Odontomithes ; Dinocerata ; Sauropoda, 
are among valuable scientific mono- 
graphs by him. 

Marshall, Edward Chauncey. N. 
Y., 1824 . An educator, invent- 
or, and journalist. Book of Oratory ; 
History of the United States Naval 
Academy ; Ancestry of General Grant. 

Marshall, Humphrey. Pa., 1722- 
1801. A famous botanist of Marshall- 
ton, Pennsylvania. Arboretum Ameri- 




caniun, a very valuable work of his, 
was translated into a number of foreign 

Marshall, John. Va., 1755-1835. 
Cbief Justice of the United States from 
1801 until his death. The Life of 
Washington ; Writings upon the Fede- 
ral Constitution. See Lives by Van 
Santvord, 1854, Flanders, 1868, Ma- 
gruder, 1886 ; Appletons'' American Bio- 

Martin, Ed'ward Sandford. N. Y., 

1856 . A journalist of New York 

city. Sly Ballades in Harvard China ; 
A Little Brother of the Rich, and Other 
Poems ; Cousin Anthony and I, some 
Views of Ours ; Windfalls of Observa- 
tion. Scr. 

Martin, Franipois Xavier. F.,VJQ4r- 
1846. A New Orleans jurist, chief 
justice of Louisiana, 1837-45. General 
Digest of Louisiana Laws ; Reports of 
Louisiana Supreme Court, 1813-30 ; 
History of Louisiana to 18l4. 

Martin, Henry Newell. I., 1848- 
1896. A biologist of note, professor of 
biology at Johns Hopkins University 
from 1876. The Human Body ; Prac- 
tical Biology (with T. H. Huxley); 
Handbook of Vertebrate Dissection 
(with W. A. Moale). Ho. 

Martin, John Hill. Pa., 182.3 . 

A lawyer of Philadelphia, legal editor 
of The Intelligencer from 1881. Beth- 
lehem and the Moravians ; The Bench 
and Bar of Philadelphia ; Chester and 
its Vicinity ; Delaware County. 

Martin, Mrs. Margaret [Max-well]- 

<S., 1807 . An educator of Colum- 
bia, South Carolina. Day Spring ; 
Christianity in Earnest ; Religious 
Poems ; Scenes and Scenery of South 
Carolina, include the larger part of her 

Martin, 'William Alexander Par- 
sons. N. Y., 1827 . A Pres- 
byterian clergyman and missionary, 
president of the Timgwen College, 
Peking. Among his writings in Chi- 
nese are, Evidences of Christianity ; The 
Three Principles ; Religious Allegories. 
In English he has published The Chi- 
nese : their Education, Philosophy, and 
Letters. Har. 

Martyn, Mrs. Sarah Towne 
[Smith]. A^. ir., 180.5-1879. A writer 

of Sunday-school semi-historical fic- 
tion whose home was in New York city. 
Among her many works are comprised 
Huguenots of France ; William Tyn- 
dale ; Lady Alice Lisle. 

Martyn, William Carlos. N. Y., 

1841 . Son of Mrs. Martyn, supra. 

A Presbyterian clergyman of New York 
city. History of the Huguenots ; His- 
tory of the English Puritans ; The Pil- 
grim Fathers of New England ; History 
of the Dutch Reformation; Lives of 
John Milton, John B. Gough, Wendell 
Phillips, William E. Dodge. Fu. 

Marvel, Ik. See Mitchell, D. G. 

Marvin, Enoch Mather. Mo., 1823- 
1877. A bishop of the Methodist 
Church South. The Work of Christ ; 
Sermons ; To the East by Way of the 

Mason, Mrs. Caroline Atherton 
[Briggs]. Ms., 1823-1890. A verse- 
writer of Fitehburg, Massachusetts, 
whose poem, Do They Miss Me at Home, 
was long a popular song. Utterance, a 
Collection of Home Poems ; The Lost 
Ring, and Other Poems ; Rose Hami- 
lan, a tale. Hou. 

Mason, Mrs. Clara Stevens Ar- 
thur. Me., 1844-1884. The Cherry 
Blooms of Yeddo, a volume of verse. 

Mason, David Hastings. Pa., 1828- 

. A Chicago journalist who has 

published a Short Tariff History of the 
United States. Sai. 

Mason, Emily Virginia. Ky., 1815- 
. A nurse in Confederate hospi- 
tals, and after the Civil War an educa- 
tor in Paris. She edited a collection 
of Southern Poems of the War, and 
wrote a Popular Life of General Robert 
E. Lee. 

Mason, George Champlin. B,. L, 
1820-1894. An architect of Newport, 
Rhode Island. Newport and its Envi- 
rons ; Application of Art to Manufac- 
tures ; The Old House Altered ; Life 
and Works of Gilbert Stuart ; Remini- 
scences of Newport. 

Mason, John. E., 1600-1672. A 
Puritan soldier who held a place in the 
estimation of the Massachusetts Bay 
Puritans corresponding to that filled 
by Miles Standish among the Pilgrims. 
History of the Pequot War is a vigour- 




ous narrative, first printed by Increase 
Mather in 1077. See Tyler's American 
Literature; Life by G. E. Ellis, supra. 

Masou, John Mitchell. N. F., 1770- 
1329. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
New York city, long famous as a pul- 
pit orator, Ills Oration on the Death of 
Alexander Hamilton being especially 
noted. Letters on Frequent Commu- 
nion ; Plea for Sacramental Communion 
on Catholic Principles. See Works in 
four volumes ; Memoirs by Van Vechien, 

Mason, Otis Tufton. Me., 1838- 

An anthropologist of note. The Hupa 
Indian Industries ; Woman's Share in 
Primitive Culture ; The Origins of In- 
vention ; The Land Problem ; Cradles 
of the North American Indians ; The 
Antiquities of Guadeloupe. Ajj. Scr. 

Mather, Cotton. Ms., 1663-1728. 
Son of I. Mather, infra. A famous 
Congregational clergyman of Boston, 
pastor of the North Church, 1683-1728, 
and his father's colleague for the 
greater part of that period. He was a 
prolific author, publishing nearly four 
hundred works, large and small, but it 
is upon the Magnalia Cliristi Americana 
that his reputation rests. Among other 
■works are Wonders of the Invisible 
World ; Christian Philosopher ; Psal- 
terium Amerieanum; Mauductio ad 
Ministerium ; Memorable Providences 
Relating to Witchcraft ; Essays to Do 
Good ; The Armour of Christianity ; 
Batteries Upon the Kingdom of the 
Devil ; Death made Easie and Ha^^py. 
His style is disfigured by pedantry and 
strained analogies, and is at all times 
far removed from simplicity, but the 
author is nevertheless easily seen to be 
intensely in earnest in his endeavours 
to be of service to his generation. See 
Lives by S. Mather, 1729, W. B. O. 
Peabod'y, A. P. Marvin, 1889. B. Wen- 
dell, 1893; North American Review, 
July, 1840, April, 1869; Tyler's Ame- 
rican Literature; Pond's The Mather 
Family ; Old Colony Days, by Mrs. May 
Alden Ward. 

Mather, Fred. N. Y., 1833 . A 

pisciculturist of note, author of Ichthy- 
ology of the Adirondacks. 

Mather, Increase. E., 1639-172.3. 
Son of R. Mather, infra. A Congre- 
gational clergyman of Boston, pastor 

of the North Church, and president of 
Harvard College, 1685-17U1. Of his 
nearly one hundred printed works, the 
most noted is the Remarkable Provi- 
dences, which was entitled by its author 
An Essay for the Recording of Illustri- 
ous Providences, an effort to prove by 
induction the existence of mundane su- 
pernatural forces. His style is much 
superior to that of his son. See Tyler's 
American Literature ; Sprague's Annals 
of the American Pulpit. 

Mather, Moses. Gt., 1719-1806. A 
Congregational clergyman of Darien, 
Connecticut, from 1744 till his death, 
who was of much prominence in Ills 
day as a controversialist. Systematic 
View of Divinity ; Infant Baptism 
Defended ; Election Sermons. See 
Sprague's Annals of the American Pul- 

Mather, Richard. E., 1596-1669. A 
Puritan clergyman who came from 
England in 1035, and was minister at 
Dorchester, 1636-69. He was a man 
of large influence in the colony, and 
was one of the three divines who pre- 
pared The Bay Psalm Book. A Trea- 
tise on Justification is as important as 
any of his many writings. See Life by 
I. Mather ; Tyler's American Literature. 

Mather, Samuel. Ms., 1706-1785. 
Son of C. Mather, supra. A Congrega- 
tional clergyman of Boston who suc- 
ceeded his father and grandfather as 
pastor of the North Church, but in 1741 
became the head of a new church, of 
which he was pastor till his death. 
Among his writings are. Life of Cotton 
Mather, supra ; Essay on Gratitude ; 
America Known to the Ancients, an at- 
tempt to prove the Japhetic origin of 
the first inhabitants of the American 
continent. See Sprague's Annals of the 
American Pulpit. 

Mather, William Williams. Gt., 
1804-1859. A geologist of Ohio. Ge- 
ology of the First Geological District. 

Mathews, Albert. TV. r., 1820 . 

A lawyer of New York city. Walter 
Ashwood, a Love Story ; A Bundle of 
Papers, by Paul Siegvolk ; Thoughts 
on Codification of the Common Law ; 
Ruminations, and Other Essays. Put. 

Mathews, Cornelius. N. Y., 1817- 
1889. Cousin of A. Mathews, supra. 
An author and playwright of New York 




city, among- whose non-dramatic ■works 
are, Indian Book of Fairy Tales ; The 
Enchanted Moccasins, and Other Le- 
gends ; Money-Penny : a romance. Ja- 
cob Leisler ; The Politicians ; Witch- 
craft, comprise some of his plays. 

Mathew^s, James McFarlane. N. 

Y., 1785-1870. A Reformed Dutch 
clerg-yman of New York city, at one 
period chancellor of the University of 
the City of New York. What is Your 
Life ? ; The Bihle and Men of Learn- 
ing ; Fifty Years in New York. 

Mathe^ws, Joanna H . IS . 

Daughter of J. M. Mathews, supra. A 
writer of Sunday-school tales, among 
which are, The Bessie Books ; The Sun- 
beams. Cas. 

Mathews, Julia A . 183 . 

Daughter of J. M. Mathews, supra. A 
writer of Sunday-school fiction, among 
which are, Bessie Harrington's Ven- 
ture ; Jack Granger's Cousin ; Drayton 
Hall Series. Uan. 

Mathews, Wniiam. Me., 1818 . 

An educator and essayist of Chicago, 
and later of Boston. Hours with Men 
and Books ; Getting on in the World ; 
The Great Conversers ; Literary Style ; 
Men, Places, and Things ; Oratory and 
Orators ; Wit and Humor, their Use 
and Abuse ; Nugse Litterarise. Mob. Sc. 

Mathews, 'WiUiani Smith Bab- 
cock. N. H., 1837 . A musi- 
cal critic of Chicago. Outline of Mu- 
sical Form ; Dictionary of Music and 
Musicians ; How to Understand Music ; 
New Musical Miscellanies. 

Matthews, [James] Brander. La., 

1R52 . A htt4rateur of New York 

city. Among his many writings the 
more important are. The Theatres of 
Paris ; French Dramatists of the 19th 
Century ; Margery's Lovers, a Comedy ; 
The Last Meeting, a Story ; The Secret 
of the Sea, and Other Stories ; A Fa- 
mily Tree, and Other Stories ; The Story 
of a Story ; Tom Paulding ; Studies of 
the Stage ; Americanisms and Briti- 
cisms ; Vignettes of Manhattan ; His 
Father's Son ; Introduction to the Study 
of American Literature ; The Royal 
Marine ; Tales of Fantasy and Fact. 
Har. Scr. 

Matthews, James Newton. Inrf., 
1852 . A physician and verse- 

writer of Mason, Ilhnois. Tempe Vale, 
and Other Poems, includes many of his 
contributions to The Century and other 
periodicals. Ke. 

Matthews, Stanley. 1824-1889. .A 
Cincinnati jurist, associate justice of the 
United States Supreme Court from 
1881. A Summary of the Law of Part- 
nership for the Use of Business Men. 

Matthews, "Washington. L, 184:1- 

. A surgeon in the regular army, 

well known as an ethnologist. Among 
his writings are included a Grammar of 
the Language of the Hidatsa ; Ethno- 
graphy and Philology of the Hidatsa 
Indians ; Gentile Organization of the 
Navajo Indians. 

Mattison, Hiram. N. Y., 1811-1868. 
A Methodist clergyman of New York 
city, active as a controversialist. Bible 
Doctrine of Immortality ; The Trinity 
and Modern Arianism ; Tracts for the 
Times ; Impending Crisis ; Defence of 
American Methodism ; Popular Amuse- 
ments, include his chief works. Meth. 

Maturin [mat'u-rin], Edward. I., 
1821-1881. An educator of New York 
city. Beside Lyrics of Spain and Erin, 
he was the author of several historical 
novels, comprising Eva ; Bianca ; Mon- 
tezuma ; Benjamin : the Jew of Gre- 
nada. Sar. 

Maury [maw'ri], Ann. £.,1803-1870. 
Cousin of M. F. Maury, infra. Me- 
moirs of a Huguenot Family. 

Maury, Dabney Herndon. Va., 

1822 . Nephew of M. F. Maury, 

infra. A Confederate major-general in 
the Civil War. Skirmish Drill for 
Mounted Troops ; Recollections of a 
Virginian in the Mexican, Indian, and 
Civil Wars. Scr. 

Maury, Matthew Fontaine. Va., 
1806-1873, A once famous scientist, 
for ra,any years in charge of the Hydi'O- 
graphical Office at Washington, as well 
as of the Naval Ohservatory. During 
the Civil War he entered the Confeder- 
ate service, and from 1868-7-1 was a 
professor in the Virginia Military Insti- 
tute at Lexington. Treatise on Naviga- 
tion ; Physical Geography of the Sea ; 
Wind and Current Charts ; Physical 
Geography for Schools ; The World we 
Live In. See North British Review, 




May,lS58; Life by Us daughter, Mrs. 
Corbin; Manly's Southern Literature. 

Maury, Mrs. Sarah Mytton 
[Hughes]. E., 1808-1849. Kister- 
iu-Iaw of A. Maury, supra. Etchings 
from the Caracci ; The Euglishwoman 
in America ; The Statesmen of Ame- 
rica ; Progress of the Catholic Church 
in America. 

May, Caroline. H., v. 1820- 

writer of New York city. American 
Female Poets ; The Woodbine, a Holi- 
day Gift ; Poems ; Hymns on the Col- 
lects ;. Lays of Memory and Affection. 

May, Edith. See Drinker, Mrs. 

May, John Wilder. Ms., 1819-1883. 
A jurist of Boston. The Law of In- 
surance ; Law of Crimes ; Criminal Law. 

May, Margaret. See Tucker, Mrs. 

May, Samuel. Ms., 1810 . A 

retired Unitarian clergyman of Leices- 
ter, Massachusetts, of prominence in 
the anti-slavery movement, and author 
of The Fugitive Slave Law and its Vic- 

May, Samuel Joseph. Ms., 1797- 
1871. Cousin of S. May, supra. A Uni- 
tarian clergyman of Syracuse promi- 
nent in the anti-slavery cause, and also 
in educational reforms. Education of 
the Faculties ; Revival of Education ; 
Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Con- 
flict. See Memoir, 1873. 

May, Sophie. See Clarke, Bebecca. 

Mayer, Alfred Marshall. Md., 18-36- 

. Nephew of B. Mayer, infra. An 

astronomer, professor of physics in 
Stevens Institute at Hoboken, New 
Jersey, from IS" 1 . Light (with C. Bar- 
nard) ; Notes on Physics ; The Earth a 
Great Magnet ; Sound ; Sport with Gun 
and Rod in American Woods and Wa- 
ters (edited.) Ap. Cent. 

Mayer, Brantz. Md., 1809-1879. A 
lawyer and journalist of Baltimore, and 
an officer in the Federal army during 
the Civil War. Mexico as It Was and 
as It Is ; Mexico : Aztec, Spanish, and 
Republican ; Observations on Mexican 
History and Archaeology ; Mexican An- 
tiquities ; Captain Canot, or Twenty 
Years of an African Slaver; Memoir 
of Jared Sparks, infra. 

Mayer, Lewis. Pa., 1783-1849. A 
German Reformed clergyman of east- 

ern Pennsylvania. Lectures on Scrip- 
tural Subjects ; The Sin Against the 
Holy Ghost ; History of the German 
Reformed Church. 

Mayhew, Experience. Ms., 1673- 
17.18. A missionary to the Indians of 
Martha's Vineyard. Indian Converts ; 
Grace Defended. 

Mayhew, Jonathan. Ms., 1720-1766. 
Son of Experience Mayhew, supra. A 
Congregational clergyman of Boston, 
pastor of the West Church, 1747-66. 
He was a bold thinker both in religion 
and politics, and his influence over the 
colonial mind at an eventful period was 
very great. He was as eloquent as he 
was original and independent. A noted 
Sermon on the Repeal of the Stamp Act 
is an effective example of his style. 
Seven Sermons ; Sermons to Young 
Men. See Memoir by Alden Bradford, 

Maynard, Charles J . 18 — . 

A naturalist of Newton, Massachusetts. 
The Naturalist's Guide ; The Birds of 
Florida ; The Birds of Eastern North 
America; A Manual of Taxidermy; 
The Butterflies of New England. 

Mayo, Amory Dwight. Ms., 182.3- 

. A Unitarian clergyman very 

prominent since the Civil War in edu- 
cational matters in the Southern States. 
Graces and Powers of the Christian 
Life ; Symbols of the Capitol ; Religion 
in Common Schools ; Talks with Teach- 

Mayo, Robert. Va., 1784-1864. A 
writer long in the civil service at Wash- 
ington. View of Ancient Geography 
and History; New System of Mytho- 
logy ; United States Pension Laws ; 
Synopsis of the Commercial and Reve- 
nue System ; The Treasury Depart- 
ment, its Origin and Operations. 

Mayo, Mrs. Sarah Carter [Edgar- 
ton]. Ms., 1819-1848. Wife of A. 
D. Mayo, supra. The Palfreys ; Ellen 
Clifford, and several compilations of 
verse and prose. 

Mayo, ^Villiam Starbuck. N. Y., 
1812-1895. A novelist and physician 
of New York city. Kaloolah ; The 
Berber ; Never Again ; Flood and Field ; 
Romance Dust, a collection of short 
stories. Put. 

Mead, Charles Marsh. Vt., 1836- 
. A Congregational clergyman. 




professor at Andover Seminary, 1866- 
liXi'2, and since the latter date a resident 
in Germany. He published The ttoul 
Here and Hereafter, a Biblical Study ; 
Christ and Criticism; Supernatural 
Revelation. Ban, 

Mead, Edwin Doak. N. H., 1849- 

. A Boston writer and lecturer 

upon social and historical topics, and 
editor of The New England Magazine 
(1897). Martin Luther : a Study of the 
Reformation ; The Philosophy of Car- 
lyle ; The Roman Church and the Pub- 
lic Schools. El. 

Meade, William. Va., 1789-1862. 
Tlie third Protestant Episcopal bisliop 
of Virginia. Family Prayers ; Old 
Churches of Virginia ; Lectures on the 
Pastoral Office*; Reasons for Loving 
the Episcopal Church. See Memorial 
hij J. Johns. 

Mears, John William. Pa., 182.5- 
ISSl. A Presbyterian clergyman, pro- 
fessor in Hamilton College, 1870-81. 
The Bible in the Workshop ; The Mar- 
tyrs of France ; The Beggars of Hol- 
land ; Tlie Story of Madagascar ; The 
Heroes of Bohemia ; From Exile to 

Meehan, Thomas. E., 1826- 

botanist and nurseryman of German- 
town, Philadelphia, editor and pub- 
lisher of " Meehan's Monthly," a popu- 
lar journal devoted to botany and 
floriculture. American Handbook of 
Ornamental Trees ; Flowers and Ferns 
of the United States. 

Meek, Alexander Beaufort. S. C, 

1814-1865. An Alabama jurist and 
journalist. Red Eagle ; Songs and Po- 
ems of the South ; Romantic Passages 
in Southern History. 

Meek, Fielding Bradford. Ind., 
1817-1876. A palseontologist in govern- 
ment service. Palaeontology of the 
Upper Missouri ; Check List of North 
American Invertebrate Fossils ; Report 
on Fossils of the Upper Missouri Coun- 

Megapolensis, Johannes. Hd., 160.3- 
1670. A Dutch clergyman of the New 
Amsterdam colony, the first Protestant 
missionary to the Indians. His Short 
Account of the Mohawk Indians ap- 
peared in 1651. 

Meigs [megs], Charles Delucena. 

Ba., 1792-1S69. A noted Philadel- 
phia physician, professor in Jeiferson 
Medical CoUege, 1841-61. Philadel- 
phia Practice of Midwifery ; Science 
and Art of Obstetrics ; Treatment of 
Child-Bed Fevers ; Acute and Chronic 
Diseases of the Neck of the Uterus, 
and several translations from French 
medical writers. See Memoir by J. F. 
Meigs, infra; Allihone^s Dictionary; 
Gross's Sketches of Contemporaries. 

Meigs, James Aitkin. Pa., 1829- 
1879. A physician and naturalist of 
Philadelphia, author of Cranial Charac- 
teristics, and other scientific mono- 
graphs. See Gross's Sketches of Con- 

Meigs, John Forsyth. Pa., 1818- 
1882. Son of C. D. Meigs, supra. A 
Philadelphia physician. Memoir of C. 
D. Meigs, supra ; Diseases of Children. 

Meigs, Return Jonathan. Ct, 17.S4- 
1828. A noted soldier in the American 
Revolution. Journal of Occurrences 
during the Expedition to Quebec. 

Meigs, Return Jonathan. Ky., 1801- 
1891. Grand-nephew of R. J. Meigs, 
supra. A noted lawyer of Tennessee. 
Reports of Tennessee Supreme Court 
Cases ; Digest of Tennessee Decisions ; 
The Code of Tennessee. 

Meline, James Florant. N. Y., 

1811-1873. A New York writer, an 
of&cer in the Federal army during the 
Civil War. Two Thousand Miles on 
Horseback ; Commercial Travelling ; 
Mary Queen of Scots and her Latest 
English Historian, an attack upon 
Fronde's view of the subject ; Life of 
Sixtus V. Clke. 

Melish, John. S., 1771-1822. A once 
noted traveller of Scottish birth. Tra- 
vels in the United States, etc. ; Descrip- 
tion of the Roads, etc. ; Description of 
the United States (1816) ; Necessity of 
Protecting Manufactures ; Information 
for Emigrants ; Statistical View of the 
United States. 

Mell, Patrick Hues. Ga., 1811-1888. 
A Baptist clergyman and educator of 
Georgia, vice-chancellor of the Univer- 
sity of Georgia. Baptism ; Corrective 
Church Discipline ; Parliamentary Prac- 
tice ; The Philosophy of Prayer ; Church 
Polity ; Predestination. 




Mellen, Grenville. 3/?., 1799-1841. 
A lawyer and litterateur of New York 
city, whose verse was once very popu- 
lar and much praised by critics, but is 
now forgotten. Our Chronicle of '26, 
a satire ; The Martyr's Triumph, and 
Other Poems ; The Passions ; Glad 
Tales and Sad Tales, a collection of 
tales in prose ; The Rest of the Na^ 
tions. See Griswold's Poets and Poetry 
of America. 

Mellick, Andrew D . N. J., 1844- 

1895. A lawyer of Plainfield, New 
Jersey. The Story of an Old Farm ; 
The Hessians in New Jersey. 

Melville, George Wallace. N. Y., 

1841 . Chief of the Bureau of 

Steam-Engineering' in the United States 
nayy from 1887. A survivor of the ill- 
fated " Jeannette," of which he was en- 
gineer. In the Lena Delta, a Narrative 
of the Search for Lieut.-Commander De 
Long and his Companions. Hou. 

Melville, Herman. N. F., 1819-1891. 
A novelist of New York city, for many 
years employed in the custom-house. 
His earliest writings were very popu- 
lar, but had nearly passed out of re- 
membrance before the author's death. 
Typee ; Omoo ; White Jacket ; Red- 
bum ; Mardi ; Pierre ; Israel Potter ; 
The Piazza Tales ; Moby Dick ; The 
Confidence Man ; Battle Pieces, a vo- 
lume of verse ; Clarel, a poem ; John 
Marx and Other Sailors ; Timoleon, a 
collection of poems. Har. 

Mendenhall, James William. 0., 

1844-1892. A Methodist clergyman, 
editor of The Methodist Review from 
18S8. Echoes from Palestine ; Plato 
and Paul. Meth. 

Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin. O., 

1841 . A prominent scientist, 

president of the Worcester Polytechnic 
Institute from 1894, and author of A 
Century of Electricity. Hou. 

Menken, Adah Isaacs. La., 18.^5- 
1868. An actress of Jewish birth 
whose name originally was Dolores 
Adios Fuertes. She was several times 
married and divorced, but is known by 
the name of her first husband. Her 
verse is morbid, but still finds occa- 
sional readers. Memories ; Infelicia. 
See Every Saturday, September 12, 1868. 

Mercein, Thomas Fitz Randolph. 

N. y., 1825-1856. A Methodist cler- 
gyman of New York State. Natural 
Goodness ; The Wise Master Builder ; 
Childhood and the Church. Meth. 

Mercer, Charles Fenton. Va., 1778- 
1858. A congressman from Virginia, 
1816-40, prominent as an opponent of 
slavery. The Weakness and Ineffi- 
ciency of the Government of the United 
States was not published until 1863. 

Mercur, James. Pa., 1842-1896. A 
scientist and army officer, professor at 
West Point from 1884. Elements of 
the Art of War ; Military Mines, Blast- 
ing, and Demolitions. Wil. 

Meriwether, Mrs. Elizabeth [Ave- 
ry]. Tn., 1832 . A novelist of 

Memphis, Tennessee. The Master of 
Red Leaf ; Black and White ; The Ku 
Klux Klan ; My First and Last Love. 

Meriwether, Lee. Mi., 1862 . 

Son of Mrs. Meriwether, supra. A spe- 
cial agent of the United States Bureau 
of Labor. A Tramp Trip : how to See 
Europe on Fifty Cents a Day ; The 
Tramp at Home ; Afloat and Ashore 
on the Mediterranean. Har. SM 

Merriam, Augustus Chapman. iV". 
Y., 1843-1895. A Greek scholar, ad- 
junct professor of Greek at Columbia 
College. Law Code of Gortynia in 
Crete ; Inscriptions on the Obelisk Crab ; 
The Phasacians of Homer ; Sixth and 
Seventh Books of Herodotus. Har. 

Merriam, Clinton Hart. N. Y., 185.5- 

. A naturalist of note, chief of 

the United States Biological Survey. 
Vertebrates of the Adirondack Region ; 
Mammals of the Adirondacks. Ho. 

Merriam, Florence Augusta. N.Y., 

186.3 . Sister of C. H. Merriam, 

supra. A Washington writer. A-Bird- 
ing on a Bronco; My Summer in a 
Mormon Village ; Birds Through an 
Opera Glass. Hou. 

Merriam, George Spring. Ms., 1S43- 
. A litterateur of Springfield, Mas- 
sachusetts. A Living Faith ; Life and 
Times of Samuel Bowles, supra : The 
Way of Life ; The Story of William 
and Lucy Smith ; A Symphony of the 
Spirit ; the Chief End of Man ; Remi- 
niscences and Letters of Caroline G. 
Briggs. Cent. El. Hou. 




Merrill, Ayres Phillips. Ms., 1793- 
]87o. A physician of Memphis, and 
subsequently of New York city. Lec- 
tures on Fevers. 

Merrill, George Perkins. Me., 18.54- 
. A geologist, professor in Colum- 
bian University, Washington, from 1893. 
Stones for Building and Decoration ; 
Handbook of the Geological Depart- 
ment, Smithsonian Institution. 

Merrill, Selah. Ct., 1S37 . A 

Congregational clergyman and archae- 
ologist. United States consul at Jerusa- 
lem, 1882-8(3. East of the Jordan ; 
Galilee in the Time of Christ; Greek 
Inscriptions Collected in 1875-77 East 
of the .lordan ; The Site of Calvary. 

Merrill, Stephen Mason. O., 182.5- 

. A Methodist hishop in Ohio. 

Christian Baptism; New Testament 
Idea of Hell ; The Second Coming of 
Christ ; Aspects of Christian Experi- 
ence ; Digest of Methodist Law ; Out- 
lines of Thought on Probation ; Mary 
of Nazareth and Her Family. Meth. 

Merrill, William Emory. Wis., 

LSS^t . A military engineer in the 

Uni*d States army. Iron Truss 
Bridges ; Improvement of Tidal Ri- 

Merriman, Mansfield. Ct., 1841- 

. A civil engineer, professor at 

Lehigh University from 1881. Continu- 
ous Bridges ; Elements of the Method 
of Least Squares ; The Figure of the 
Earth ; Mechanics of Materials ; Trea- 
tise on Hydraulics ; Text - Book on 
Retaining Walls and Masonry Dams ; 
Introduction to Geodetic Surveying ; 
Text-Book on Roofs and Bridges. 

Merritt, Timothy. Ct, 177.5-1845. 
A Methodist clergyman and journalist. 
Christian Manual ; Convert's Guide ; 
Discussion against Universal Salvation ; 
Validity of Infant Baptism ; Lectures 
on Universal Salvation (with W. Fiske, 

Merwin, Elias. Ct, 182.5-1891. A 
Boston lawyer, professor of equity in 
Boston University from 1854. The 
Principles of Equity and Equity Plead- 
ing. Hou. 

Merwin, Henry Childa. Ms., 18.5.3- 

. Son of E. Merwin, supra. A 

Boston lawyer living in Concord, Mas- 

sachusetts. The Patentability of In- 
ventions ; Road, Track, and Stable, a 
book about Horses. Lit. 

Mrs. Lilian Roselle. 
In the Heart of Ame- 


Ay., 1853 — 

rica (verse) ; The Vision of Gold, and 

Other Poems. 

Metcalf, Richard. E. I., 1829-1881. 
A Unitarian clergyman, pastor at Win- 
chester, Massachusetts, 186fl»-81. Let- 
ter and Spirit ; The Abiding Memory, 
a collection of Sermons. A. U. A. 

Metcalf, Theron. 3/;s., 1784-1875. A 
jurist of Massachusetts. Principles of 
the Law of Contracts ; Digest of Mas- 
sachusetts Supreme Com't Cases, 1816- 
1823 ; Reports, 1840-1849. 

Metcalfe, Henry. N. Y., 1847 . 

An instructor of ordnance at West 
Point who has published The Cost of 
Manufactures ; Ordnance and Gunnery. 


Metcalfe, Samuel L . Fa., 1798- 

1856. A physician and scientist of New 
York city. Narratives of Indian War- 
fare in the West ; New Theory of Ter- 
restrial Magnetism ; Caloric. Lip. 

Michie [my'key], Peter Smith. S., 
1839 . A military engineer, pro- 
fessor of mathematics at West Point 
from 1871. Wave Motion Relating to 
Sound and Light ; Life of General Up- 
ton, infra ; Analytical Mechanics ; Hy- 
dromechanics ; Practical Astronomy 
(with Harlow). Wil. 

Middleton, Henry. F., 1797-1876. 
A once prominent writer of Charleston. 
Prospects of Disunion ; The Govern- 
ment and the Currency ; Economical 
Causes of Slavery in the United States, 
and Obstacles to its Abolition ; The 
Government of India ; Universal Suf- 

Milburn, William Henry. Pa., 

1823 . A Methodist clergyman, 

famous as " the blind preacher," who 
has been six times chaplain of the Uni- 
ted States House of Representatives. 
Rifle, Axe, and Saddle-Bags; Ten 
Years of Preacher Life ; Pioneers and 
People of the Mississippi Valley. 

Miles, George Henry. Md., 1824- 
1871. A Maryland lawyer and educa- 
tor, professor of English literature at 
Mount St. Mary's College, Emmetts- 
burg, Maryland, popular at one period 




as a verse-writer and dramatist. Be- 
sides his dramas, Cromwell ; Mahomet ; 
De Soto, he published Christine, and 
Other Poems ; Abu Hassan the Wag, 
or the Sleeper Awakened ; A Review 
of Hamlet ; The Truce of God. 

Miles, Henry Adolplius. Ms., 1809- 
1895. A Unitarian clergyman of East- 
ern Massachusetts. Lowell as It Was 
and Is (1845) ; Grains of Gold; Gospel 
Narratives ; Words of a Friend ; Mo- 
dern Ideas of the Birth of Jesus ; Traces 
of Picture Writing in the Bible. El. 

Miles, James "Warley. S. C, 1818- 
1^75. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Charleston. Philosophic Theology, or 
Ultimate Grounds of all Religious Be- 
lief based on Reason (1849). 

Miles, Nelson Appleton. Ms., 1839- 

. A noted soldier of the United 

States army who served as a brigadier- 
general of volunteers during the Civil 
War. He became a major-general in 
1890. Personal Recollections. 

Miles, Pliny. N. Y., 1818-1865. A 
traveller who made his home in London 
in his later years. Statistical Register ; 
Elements of Mnemotechny, or Art of 
Memory ; Northufari, or Rambles in 
Iceland ; Ocean Steam Navigation ; 
Postal Reform. 

Miley, John. O., 1813-1895. A Me- 
thodist minister and educator, professor 
of systematic theology in Drew Semi- 
nary, Madison, New Jersey, from 1873. 
The Atonement in Christ ; Systematic 

Millard, David. N. Y., 1794-1873. 
A minister of the Christian denomina^ 
tion, professor at Meadville Seminary, 
Pennsylvania, 1845-67. The True Mes- 
siah Exalted ; Journal of Travels in 
Egypt, etc., 1841. See Life by D. E. 
Millard, 1874- 

Miller, Mrs. Annie [Jenness]. N. 

H., 1859 . A dress reformer of 

New Yorli city, publisher of The Jen- 
ness Miller Magazine. Physical Beau- 
ty ; Mother and Babe ; Barbara Thayer, 
a novel. Xe. 

Miller, Charles Henry. N. Y., 1842- 

. An art critic of New York city. 

The Philosophy of Art in America. 

Miller, dlncinnatus Hiner. "Joa- 
quin MiUer." Jnc?., 1841 . A poet, 

and prose-writer who, after a life of 

adventure In California, w^t to London 
in 1870, and speedily became famous as 
the author of Songs of the Sierras. For 
a time his work continued popular, but 
his fame has since greatly declined, 
though his writings continue to be read. 
Since 1S.S7 he has lived in Oakland, 
California. His more important works 
include. Songs of the Sierras ; The Ship 
of the Desert ; Songs of the Sunland ; 
in prose : The Danites in the Sierras ; 
Shadows of Shasta ; Memorie and Rime ; 
'49, or the Gold Seekers of the Sierras ; 
The One Fair Woman ; The Destruc- 
tion of Gotham ; The Building of the 
City Beautiful, a poetic romance. See. 
Alllhone's Dictionary, Supplement ; Ved- 
der's American Writers. Fu. St. 

Miller, Elihu Spencer. N. J., 1817- 
1879. Son of S. Miller, infra. A law- 
yer of Philadelphia, professor in the 
University of Pennsylvania. Treatise 
on the Law of Partition by Writ in 
Pennsylvania ; Caprices, a, volume of 

Miller, Mrs. Emily Huntington. 

Ct., 1833 . An educator of Evans- 
ton, Illinois, president of the Woman's 
College of the Northwestern Univer- 
sity, and a popular writer of semi-re- 
ligious fiction for young people. Among 
her various writings are. From Avalon, 
and Other Poems ; The Royal Road to 
Fortune ; The Kirkwood Series ; Cap- 
tain Fritz ; Little Neighbors. I)ut. 

Miller, Mrs. Harriet Mann. " Olive 

Thorne Miller." N. Y., 1831 . A 

writer of Brooklyn whose books and 
magazine articles upon birds have been 
widely popular. A Bird-Lover in the 
West ; Little Brothers of the Air ; 
Bird- Ways ; In Nesting Time ; Four- 
Handed Folk ; Little Folks in Feathers 
and Fur ; Nimpo's Troubles ; Queer 
Pets at Marcy's ; Our Home Pets ; Lit- 
tle People of Asia. Dut. Har. Hon. 

Miller, James Russell. Pa., 1840- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

Philadelphia. Week Day Religion ; 
Home Making; In His Steps; Silent 
Time ; Come Ye Apart ; The Marriage 
Altar ; Practical Religion ; Bits of 
Pasture ; Making the Most of Life ; 
Mary of Bethany ; The Dew of Thy 
Youth ; The Every Day of Life. Rev. 

Miller, Joaquin. See Miller, C. JS. 




Mill&r, John. N. J., 1819-1895. Son 
of S. Miller, infra. A Presbyterian 
clergjrman who was a colonel in the 
Confederate army during the Civil War, 
and who lived in Princeton, New Jer- 
sey, from 1871. He was tried for he- 
resy, but allowed to withdraw from the 
Presbytery, and subsequently estab- 
lished several independent churches in 
the vicinity of Princeton. Design of 
the Church ; Commentary on the Pro- 
verbs ; Fetich in Theology ; Metaphy- 
sics ; Are Souls Immortal ? ; Was Christ 
in Adam ? ; Is God a Creed ? ; Theo- 
logy ; Commentary on Romans. Ban. 

Miller, Mrs. Minnie [Willis] 
[Baines]. N. H., 1,S4.5 . A re- 
ligious writer of Springfield, Ohio. The 
Silent Land ; His Cousin the Doctor ; 
The Pilgrim Vision. 

Miller, Olive Thome. See Miller, 
Mrs. Harriet. 

Miller, Samuel. Del, 1769-1850. A 
Presbyterian clergyman, pastor of the 
Brick Church, New York city, 1793- 
1813, and professor of ecclesiastical his- 
tory at Princeton Theological Seminary 
for the remainder of his life. Pres- 
byterianism the Truly Primitive and 
Apostolic Constitution of the Church 
of Christ ; Letters on Clerical Habits 
and Manners ; Letters on Unitarians ; 
Life of Jonathan Edwards ; Letters 
on the Christian Ministry ; Letters on 
Church Government, include his more 
important writings. See Life by his 

Miller, Samuel Freeman. Ky., 
1816-1890. A jurist of Kentucky, and 
after 1850 of Iowa ; a strong opponent 
of slavery. The Supreme Court of the 
United States, a series of Biographies ; 
Reports of Supreme Court Decisions. 

Miller, Stephen Franks. N. C, u. 

1810-1867. A once noted Georgia law- 
yer. Bench and Bar of Georgia ; Wil- 
kins Wylder, or the Successful Man ; 
Memoir of General Blackshear and the 
War in Georgia, 1813-14. Lip. 

Millet, Francis Davia. Ms., 1846- 

. An artist and litterateur of New 

York city. A Capillary Crime, and 
Other Stories ; The Danube from the 
Black Forest to the Black Sea. Har. 

Milligan, Robert. L, 1814-1875. A 
Campbellite clergyman and educator, 

president of Kentucky University, 
1859-66. Brief Treatise on Prayer; 
Reason and Revelation ; Scheme of 
Redemption ; The Great Commission ; 
Analysis of the New Testament Com- 
mentary on Hebrews. 

Mills, Abraham. N. Y., 1769-1867. 
A once popular educator of New York 
city who, besides editing a number of 
text-books, Avas author of Literature 
and Literary Men of Great Britain and 
Ireland ; Outlines of Rhetoric ; Poets 
and Poetry of the Ancient Greeks; 
Compendium of the History of the 
Ancient Hebrews. Har. 

Mills, Charles Karsner. Pa., 1845- 

. A physician of Philadelphia, a, 

specialist in nervous diseases. The 
Nursing and Care of the Nervous and 

Mills, Robert. S. C, 1781-1855. An 
architect of Washington, the original 
designer of the Washington Monument. 
Statistics of South Carolina ; American 
Pharos, or Lighthouse Guide ; Guide to 
the National Executive Offices. 

Miner, Alonzo Ames. N. H, 1814- 
1896. A prominent Universalist clergy- 
man of Boston. Bible Exercises ; Right 
and Duty of Prohibition ; Old Forts 
Taken. See Life by Emerson, 1896. 

Miner, Charles. Ct., 1780-1865. A 
journalist of the Wyoming Valley, 
Pennsylvania. History of Wyoming; 
Essays from the Desk of Poor Robert. 

Mines, John Flavel. F., 1835-1891. 
A journalist of New York city. The 
Heroes of the Last Lustre, a poem ; A 
Tour Around New York by Mr. Felix 
Oldboy. Har. 

Minifie,'"William. E., 1805-1880. An 
architect and educator of Baltimore. 
Text-Book of Mechanical Drawing; 
Text-Book of Geometrical Drawing; 
Theory and Application of Color ; 
Popular Lectures on Drawing and De- 

Minor, John Barbee. Va., 1813- 
1895. A professor of law in the Uni- 
versity of Virginia. Virginia Report 
of 1799-1800 ; Synopsis of the Law of 
Crimes and Punishments ; Institutes of 
Common and Statute Law. 

Minor, Lucian. Va., 1802-1858. Bro- 
ther of J. B. Minor, supra. A lawyer 
of Williamsburg, Virginia. Reasons 




for Abolisliing- the Liquor Traffic ; Tra- 
vels in New England. 

Minot, Henry Davis. Ms., 1859- 
lyOO. At the time of his death a rail- 
way president in Minnesota. While a 
schoolboy of Roxbury, Massachusetts, 
he wrote at the age of sixteen The 
Land-Birds and Garae-Birds of New 
England. Hou. 

Minot, ■William. Ms., 1849 . A 

Boston lawyer. Taxation in Massachu- 
setts (1877); Local Taxation and Mu- 
nicipal Extravagance. 

Minturn, Robert Bo-wne. N. Y., 

1830 . From New York to Delhi, 

a popular book of travels. 

Mitchel, Frederick Augustus. 

iy:"!9 . A son of 0. M. Mitchel, 

infra. Fiction editor of the American 
Press Association. Chattanooga, a Ro- 
mance of the American Civil War ; 
Chickaraauga, a Romance of the Ame- 
rican Civil War; Ormsby MacKnight 
Mitchel, Astronomer and General. Hou. 

Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight. 

Ki/., 1810-1862. An astronomer of dis- 
tinction, director of the Dudley Obser- 
vatory at Albany, and a prominent 
Union general in the Civil War. Pla- 
netary and Stellar Worlds ; The Orbs 
of Heaven ; Elementary Treatise on the 
Sun, Planets, etc. ; Astronomy of the 
Bible. See Headley's Old Stars ; Popu- 
lar Science Monthly, March, 1884 ; Life 
by F. A. Mitchel. 

Mitchell, Annie Maria. Ms., 1847- 

. A writer of religious juveniles, 

among which are Martha's Gift ; Freed 
Boy in Alabama. 

Mitchell, Donald Grant. " Ik Mar- 
vel." ft., 182-i . A littfcateur of 

New Haven, who is best known by his 
earlier and still popular works, Dream 
Life ; Reveries of a Bachelor, books of 
a pleasantly sentimental cast. His 
other works include. My Farm at Edge- 
wood ; Dr. Johns, a novel ; Rural Stu- 
dies; Fresh Gleaning from the Old 
Fields of Europe ; The Battle Sum- 
mer, or Paris in 1848 ; The Lorgnette ; 
Fudge Doings ; Seven Stories ; Wet 
Days at Edgewood ; About Old Story- 
TeUers; The Woodbridge Record, a 
genealogy; Bound Together: a Sheaf 
of Papers ; Out of Town Places, a revi- 
sion of Rural Studies ; English Lands, 

Letters, and Kings ; American Lands 
and Letters. Scr. 

Mitchell, Edward Copp6e. GVi., 
1S36-1887. A real estate lawyer of 
Philadelphia. Separate Use in Penn- 
sylvania ; Contracts for Land Sales in 
Pennsylvania; Equitable Relations of 
Buyer and Seller. 

Mitchell, Ed-ward Gushing. Ms., 
1829 . Grandson of N. Mitch- 
ell, infra. A Baptist clergyman and 
educator, president of Leland Univer- 
sity, New Orleans, from 1887. Les 
Sources du Nouveau Testament ; He- 
brew Introduction ; Guide to the Au- 
thenticity, Canon, and Text of the New 
Testament ; The Critical Handbook. 

Mitchell, Blisha. Ct., 1793-1857. An 
educator of note, professor of geology 
in the University of North Carolina 
from 1825. While exploring the moun- 
tain region of North Carolina, he lost 
his life. He is buried on the summit 
of the mountain bearing his name. 
Elements of Geology ; Reports on North 
Carolina Geology. 

Mitchell, Henry. Ms., 18.30 . A 

hydrographer of prominence, among 
whose scientific monographs are. Physi- 
cal Hydrography of the Maine Coast ; 
The Estuary of the Delaware ; Re- 
clamation of Tide Lands. 

Mitchell, Hinckley Gilbert. N. Y., 

1846 . A Methodist clergyman 

and educator, professor at Wesleyan 
University from 1884. Final Constrno- 
tions of Biblical Hebrew ; Hebrew Les- 
sons ; Amos, an Essay in Exegesis ; The 

Mitchell, James Tyndale. II., 18.34- 
. A jurist of Philadelphia. His- 
tory of the District Court ; Mitchell on 
Motions and Rules. 

Mitchell, John. Ct., 1794-1870. A 
Congregational minister of Stratford, 
Connecticut. Letters to a Disbeliever 
in Revivals ; Notes from Over the Sea ; 
Reminiscences of College Scenes and 
Characters ; My Mother ; Rachel KeU, 
or the Diamond. 

Mitchell, John Ames. Ms., 1845- 

. A journalist of New York city, 

founder of Life in 1883, and its editor 
from that date. The Summer School 
of Philosophy at Mount Desert; The 
Romance of the Moon ; The Last Ame- 




rioan ; Amos Judd, a novel ; That First 
Affair, and Other Stories. Ho. 'Scr. 

Mitchell, John Kearsley. W. Va., 
17'.)S-1S.j8. a physician of Philadel- 
phia, of eminence as a medical lec- 
turer. Indecision, and Other Poems ; 
St. Helena : a poem ; Remote Conse- 
quences of Injuries of Nerves ; Cryp- 
togamic Origin of Malarious and Epi- 
demic Fevers ; Five Essays on Fevers. 
'See Gross's Sketches of Contemporaries. 
Mitchell, Langdon Elvryn. " John 

PhiUp Varley." Pa., 1802 . Son 

of S. W. Mitchell, infra. A verse- 
"writer of promise. Sylvian, a Tragedy ; 
Poems ; Love in the Backwoods, prose 
stories. Har. Hon. 
Mitchell, Mrs. Lucy Myers 
[Wright]. Per., 184.5 -18SS. An 
archjeologist (the wife of S. S. Mitchell, 
an artist), who spent much of her life 
abroad. Her only writing, a History 
of Ancient Sculpture, is one of the best 
books in English upon Greek art. Do- 
Mitchell, Maria. Ms., 1818-1889. 
Sister of H. Mitchell, supra. A dis- 
tinguished astronomer, professor at 
Vassar College from 1865. Her sci- 
entific papers have not [1897] been 
collected. See Mrs. Hate's Woman's 
Record ; Life by Mrs. Kendall. 

Mitchell, Nahum. Ms., 1769-18.53. 
An eminent jurist of Massachusetts, 
well known in his day as a musical 
composer. History of the Early Set- 
tlement of Bridgewater ; Grammar of 

Mitchell, Samuel Augustus. 1792- 
1888. A noted geographer of Philadel- 
phia who besides publishing a series of 
geographies was author also of General 
View of the World ; New Traveller's 

Mitchell, Silas Weir. Pa., 1829- 

. Son of J. K. Mitchell, smwa. 

A distinguished physician of Phila- 
delphia, well known also as novelist 
and poet. His professional writings in- 
clude Wear and Tear, or Hints for the 
Overworked ; Injuries of the Nerves ; 
Nurse and Patient ; Fat and Blood ; 
Doctor and Patient. In fiction he has 
publi.shed Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker ; 
Hephzibah Guinness ; In War Time ; 
Roland Blake ; Far in the Forest ; 

Philip Vernon ; Prince Little Boy, and 
Other Tales out of Fairy Land ; Cha- 
racteiistics ; A Madeira Party ; When 
all the Woods are Green ; and, in verse, 
Francis Drake, a Tragedy of the Sea ; 
The Mother, and Other Poems; The 
Cup of Youth; The Hill of Stones, 
and Other Poems ; A Psalm of Death ; 
A Masque, and Other Poems. See AUi- 
bone's Dictionary, Supplement. Cent. 
Hon. Lip. 

Mitchell, Walter. Ms., 1826 . 

An Episcopal clergyman of New York 
city. Two Strings to His Bow ; Bryan 
Maurice, a novel ; Poems. Tacking 
Ship off Shore is the poem by which 
he is best known. Hou. Wh. 

Mitchell, William. Ct., 1793-1867. 
Brother of John Mitchell, supra. A 
Congregational minister of Texas who 
published A Doctrinal Guide for Young 
Christians ; Coleridge and the Moral 
Tendency of his Writings. 

Mitchill, Samuel Latham. L. I., 
1764-1831. A once famous physician 
and man of letters of New York city 
who filled there a position very similar to 
that of Oliver Wendell Holmes in Bos- 
ton at a later day, the two men having 
many points of resemblance. He was 
long a professor of chemistry in Colum- 
bia College, and for more than a gene- 
ration one of the prominent literary 
and social figures of the metropolis. 
Among his writings are : Life of Tam- 
many, the Indian Chief ; Picture of 
New York ; Description of Sehooley's 
Mountain. See Peminiscences of, by J. 
W. Francis, 1859 ; Allibone's Diction- 

Moak, Nathaniel Cleveland. If. 
Y., 183.3-1892. An Albany lawyer. 
Albany Penitentiary Statutes ; English 
Reports ; English Digest. 

Moffat, James Clement. S., 1811- 
1890. A Presbyterian clergyman and 
educator, professor at Princeton Theo- 
logical Seminary, 1853-90. Compara- 
tive History of Religions ; Life of Dr. 
Chalmers ; Song and Scenery, or a Sum- 
mer Ramble in Scotland ; Alwyn, a 
Romance of Study (verse) ; The Church 
in Scotland ; Church History in Brief ; 
Rhyme of the North Countrie ; The 
Story of a Dedicated Life. Do. Pan. 

Mombert, Jacob Isidor. G., 1829- 
. An Episcopal clergyman of 




Patersou, New Jersey. Faith Victori- 
ous ; Handbook of the English ^'er- 
sions of the Bible ; Great Lives ; His- 
tory of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania ; 
History of Charles the Great ; Short 
History of tlie Crusades. Ap. Ran. 

Monfort, Francis Cassette. Ind., 

1S44 . A Presbyterian minister 

and editor of Cincinnati. ISernions for 
Silent Sabbaths; Socialism and City 

Monroe, Harriet. II., ISfiO . A 

verse-writer of Chicago. Valeria, and 
Other Poems ; Life of John Wellborn 
Root. Hon. Mg. 

Monroe, James. Fa., 1758-1831. 
The fifth President of the United 
States. An able though not brilliant 
statesman. State Papers ; Tour of 
Observation in 1817 ; The People : 
the Sovereigns ; View of the Conduct 
of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs 
of the United States. See Lives by J. 
Q. Adams, 1S50, D. C. Gilman, 1885 ; 
Concise History of the Monroe Doctrine 
by G. F. Tucker, 1SS5 ; Appletons' 
American Biography. 

Montague, Charles Ho-ward. Ms., 
18.58-1889. A journalist of Boston, 
city editor of The Globe. The Ro- 
mance of the Lilies; The Face of 
Rosenfel; Two Strokes of the Bell; 
The Doctor's Mistake ; The Countess 

Montague, William Lewis. Ms., 
18-31 . A Congregational clergy- 
man, professor of modern languages at 
Amherst College from 1862. Compara- 
tive Spanish Grammar ; Manual of Ita- 
lian Grammar ; Introduction to Italian 

Montefiore, Joshua. E., 1762-1843. 
A Hebrew lawyer, brother of Sir Moses 
Montefiore, who came to the United 
States, and settled in St. Albans, Ver- 
mont. Commercial and Notatorial 
Precedents ; Commercial Dictionary ; 
Traders' Compendium ; United States 
Traders' Compendium ; Law and Trea- 
tise on Bookkeeping ; Laws of Land 
and Sea. 

Montgomery, George Washing- 
ton. 5p., 1804-1841. A United States 
consul at Tampico. Tarcas de un Soli- 
tario, a collection of tales ; El Bas- 
tarde de Catilla ; Journey to Guatemala 
in 1838. 

Montgomery, George Washing- 
ton. J/c, 1810 . A Universalist 

clergyman of Rochester, New York. 
Illustrations of the Law of Kindness ; 

Montgomery, Marcus Whitman. 
N. Y., 1839-1894. A Congregational 
clergyman, instructor in Chicago Theo- 
logical Seminary from 1890. History 
of Jay County, Indiana ; A Wind from 
the Holy Spirit ; The Mormon Delu- 

Monti, Luigi. Sy., 1830 . An 

educator of NewYork city who appears 
in Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Inn 
as " The Young Sicilian." An Ameri- 
can Consul Abroad ; Leone, a novel. Le. 

Mooar, George. Ms., 18.30 . A 

Congregational clergyman, professor in 
Pacific Theological Seminary at Oak- 
land, California, from 1870. The Re- 
ligion of Loyalty ; Prominent Charac- 
teristics of Congregational Churches. 

Moody, Dwight Lyman. Ms., 1837- 

. A celebrated evangelist. Among 

his more important writings are The 
Second Coming of Christ ; The Way 
and the Word ; Secret Power ; The 
Way to God; Glad Tidings; Great 
Joy ; To All People ; Bible Characters ; 
How to Study the Bible. Ran. Rev. 

Moore, Mrs. Annie Aubertine 
[Woodiward]. " Auber Forestier." 
Fa., 1841 . A Wisconsin transla- 
tor of note from the Norse ; co-transla- 
tor with Anderson of Bjomson's novels, 
and editor of Echoes from Mist Land. 
See Bibliography of Wisconsin. Sc. 

Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield. See Moore, 
Mrs. Clara. 

Moore, Charles Herbert. N. Y., 
1840 . A professor of art at Har- 
vard University. The Development 
and Character of Gothic Architecture, 
a work of much value ; Examples for 
Elementary Practice in Delineation. 
Hou. Mac. 

Moore, Charles Leonard. Pa., 1854- 

. A lawyer and verse-writer of 

Philadelphia. Poems Antique and 
Modem ; Banquet of Palacios, a Co- 
medy; A Book of Day Dreams (verse). 

Moore, Mrs. Clara [Jessup]. Fa., 

1824 . A Philadelphia author who 

lived much abroad, mainly in Loudon. 




Master Jacky's Holidays; Frank and 
Fanny; The Diamond Cross; Mabel's 
Mission ; Poems and Stories ; On Dan- 
gerous Ground, a novel ; Gondaline's 
Lesson ; Sensible Etiquette ; Slander 
and Gossip ; Social Ethics ; The War- 
den's Tale, and Other Poems. Co. 

Moore, Clement Clarke. N. Y., 
1779-1863. An educator of New York 
city, professor of Oriental literature 
in the General Theological Seminary, 
1821-63. He published a Hebrew- 
English Lexicon and a volume of 
Poems, but is more widely known as 
the author of the famous poem, The 
Visit of 8t. Nicholas. 

Moore, David Albert. " Paul 
Wright." N. Y., 1814 . A phy- 
sician of Syracuse. A Panorama of 
Time ; How She Won Him. 

Moore, Erasmus Darwin. Ct., 1802- 
1889. A Congregational minister and 
editor of Boston. Life Scenes in Mis- 
sion Fields ; The New Heart. 

Moore, Frank. N. H., u. 1828- 

Son of J. B. Moore, infra. A writer of 
New York city who has edited a Cyclo- 
paedia of American Eloquence ; The 
Kebellion Record, and other compila- 
tions. Women of the War is one of 
his original works. 

Moore, George Henry. iV. JJ., 182.3- 
1892. Son of J. B. Moore, infra. The 
superintendent of the Lenox Library, 
New York city, from 1872 till his death. 
History of the Jurisprudence of New 
York ; Treason of Charles Lee ; Notes 
on the History of Slavery in Massachu- 
setts ; Washington as an Angler ; Em- 
ployment of Negroes in the Revolution- 
ary Array. 

Moore, Horatio Newton. N. J., 
1814-1859. Orlando, a Tragedy ; The 
Regicide, a drama ; Memoir of the 
Duanes ; Mary Morris, a novel ; Lives 
of Marion and Wayne. 

Moore, Jacob Bailey. N. H., 1797- 
1853. A journalist who was postmas- 
ter of San Francisco, 1849-.53. Laws 
of Trade in the United States ; Gazet- 
teer of New Hampshire ; Annals of 
Concord, New Hampshire. 

Moore, John "Weeks. N. H., 1807- 
1889. Brother of J. B. Moore, supra. 
Historical Gatherings relating to Print- 
ers, Printing, and Publishing (1820-86). 

Moore, Joseph West. 18 . 

Picturesque Washington ; The Ame- 
rican Congress ; a History of National 
Legislation and Political Events, 1774- 
1895. Har. 

Moore, Mrs. Susan Teackle 

[Smith]. Md., IS . Sister of 

F. H. Sinith, infra. A novelist of 
Brooklyn. Ryle's Open Gate. Hou. 

Moore, Thomas 'Vernon. Pa., 1818- 
1881.' A Presbyterian minister of 
Nashville. Last Words of Jesus ; God's 
University, or the World a School; 
The Culdee Church ; Corporate Life of 
the Church ; The Last Days of Jesus. 

Moore, William Eves. Pa., 1823- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

Columbus, Ohio, from 1872. New Di- 
gest of the General Assembly ; The 
Presbyterian Digest. 

Moorehead, Warren King. ly., 

1866 . An archseologist of Italian 

birth, but American parentage, curator 
of the Ohio State Archaeological Mu- 
seiim at Columbus. Primitive Man in 
Ohio ; Fort Ancient : the Great Pre- 
historic Earthwork of Warren County, 
Ohio ; Wanneta the Sioux, a Story of 
Indian Life ; Field Work. Clke. Do. 

Mordecai, Alfred. N. C, 1804-1887. 
A soldier and military engineer, secre- 
tary of the Pennsylvania Canal Com- 
pany from 1867. Digest of Military 
Laws ; Ordnance Manual ; Reports of 
Gunpowder Experiments ; Artillery for 
United States Land Service. 

More, Paul Elmer. Mo., 1864 . 

An instructor in Sanskrit and Greek at 
Bryn Mawr College. The Great Re- 
fusal : Being Letters of a Dreamer in 
Gotham. Sou. 

Moriit, Campbell. Md., 18S0 . 

A chemist who lived in London from 
1861. Practical Treatise on the Mak- 
ing of Soaps ; Pure Fertilizers and 
Phosphates ; Arts of Tanning and Cur- 
rying ; Use and Manufacture of Per- 
fumery, are among his works. 

Morford, Henry. N. J., 1823-1881. 
A journalist of New York city who 
wrote a number of novels, dramas, and 
poems of ephemeral merit. The Bells 
of Shandon is his best-known play, 
and among his novels are. Shoulder 
Straps ; Days of Shoddy ; Only a Com- 




moner. Other works are, Rhymes of 
Twenty Years ; Rhymes of an Editor ; 
Sprees and Splashes. 

Morgan, Abel. W., 1673-1722. A 
Welsh Baptist minister who came to 
Philadelphia from Wales in 1712. He 
was the author of Cyd Gordiad, a 
Scripture concordance published in 
173U, the second Welsh book printed 
in America. 

Morgan, Henry. Ct, 1823-1884. A 
once prominent Meiliodist minister and 
lecturer of Boston. Ned Nevins, the 
Newsboy ; The Fallen Priest ; Sketches 
and Sermons ; The Sliadowy Hand, or 
Life Struggles ; Boston Inside Out. 

Morgan, [James] Appleton. Me., 

1849 . A lawyer of New York 

city. Laws of Literature ; The Shake- 
spearean Myth ; A History of tlie 
Shakespeare Text ; Some Shake- 
spearean Commentators ; Shakespeare 
in Fact and Criticism ; Venus and 
Adonis ; a Study in Warwickshire 
Dialect ; English Version of Legal 
Maxims. Clke. 

Morgan, Lewis Henry. 1819-1881. 
A lawyer of Rochester, New York, 
widely known as an ethnologist. League 
of the Iroquois ; Systems of Consan- 
guinity and Affinity of the Human 
Family ; The American Beaver and 
his Works ; Ancient Society ; Horses 
and Horse Life of the American Abori- 
gines. See AUibone's Dictionari/, Sup- 
plement. Ho. 

Morgan, Morris Hicky. R. I., 

1859 . A professor of Greek and 

Latin at Harvard University. De ignis 
eliciendi modis apud antiques ; Dic- 
tionary to Xenophon's Anabasis ; Tlie 
Art of Horsemanship by Xenophon, 
a translation with Essays and Notes. 

Moriarty, James Joseph. I., 1843- 
1887. A Roman Catholic clergyman 
of New York state. Wayside Pencil- 
lings ; Stumbling Blocks made Step- 
ping Stones on the Way to the Catholic 
Faith ; All for Love ; The Keys of the 

Moriarty, Patrick Eugene. /., 
1804-1875. An Augustinian priest of 
Philadelphia, father superior of his 
order in the United States. Life of St. 

Morrell, Benjamin. Ms., 1795-1839. 
A navigator who published a noted Nar- 
rative of Four Voyages to the South 

Morrill, Justin Smith. Vt, 1810- 
. A distinguished Vermont states- 
man, a member of Congress from 1855, 
and a senator from 1807. Self-Con- 
sciousness of Noted Persons. 

Morris, Caspar. Pa., 1805-1884. A 
noted Philadelphia physician. Life of 
William Wilberforce ; Lectures on 
Scarlet Fever ; Hospital Construction ; 
Heart Voices and Home Songs. 

Morris, Charles. Pa., 1833 . A 

Philadelphia author and compiler. 
Manual of Classical Literature ; The 
Aryan Race ; The Stolen Letter ; The 
Detective's Crime ; Broken Fetters, an 
historical review of the drinking habit. 
Lip. Sc. 

Morris, Charles D'XTrban. JE., 1827- 
1886. An educator who was professor 
of Latin and Greek in Johns Hopkins 
University from 1876. A Compendious 
Grammar of Attic Greek ; Compen- 
dious Grammar of the Latin Language ; 
Princii^ia Latina. 

Morris, Edmund. N. J., 1804-1874. 
A journalist and agricultiiral writer of 
Burlington, New Jersey. Ten Acres 
Enough ; How to Get a Farm and 
Where to Find One ; Farming for 

Morris, Edward Joy. Pa., 1817- 
1881. A diplomatist who was minister 
to Turkey, 1861-70. He published A 
Tour Through Turkey ; The Tui-kish 
Empire ; Afraja, or Life and Love in 
Norway ; Corsica, Social and Political, 
all but the first-named being transla- 
tions from the German. 

Morris, Edwin Dafydd. N. Y., 

182.5 . A Presbyterian minister 

and educator, professor of theology in 
Lane Seminary from 1874. Outlines 
of Christian Doctrine ; Ecclesiology ; 
Salvation After Death ; A Defence of 
Lane Seminary. 

Morris, Mrs. Eugenia Laura [Tut- 
tle]. " Alyn Yates Keith." Ct, 18:5.3- 

■ •. A writer of New Haven. A 

Spinster's Leaflets ; A Hilltop Sum- 
mer ; Aunt Billy. Le. 

Morris, George Pope. Pa., 1802- 
1864. A journalist of New York city, 




long famous as a song-writer, and now 
chiefly remembered for such poems as 
My Mother's Bible ; Woodman, Spare 
that Tree. He was for many years 
editor of The Home Journal, and one 
of the prominent literary figures of the 
metropolis. Briarcliff, a drama ; The 
Little Frenchman ; Poems. 

Morris, George Sylvester. Vi., 
1840-188'J. An educator and philo- 
sophical writer, who was professor at 
the University of Michigan from 1870. 
British Thought and Thinkers ; Kant's 
Critique of Pure Reason, a Critical Ex- 
position ; Philosophy and Chidstianity ; 
Hegel's Philosophy of the State and of 
History. Sc. 

Morris, Gouverueur. N. Y., 1752- 
1816. A New York statesman of dis- 
tinction, prominent in the formative 
period of the republic. Observations 
on the American Revolution. See 
Sparks^s Memoirs of^ with Selections 
from his Papers and Correspondence ; 
Diary and Letters, edited by Annie Gary 
Morris ; Life by T. Hoosevelt, infra, 

Morris, Harrison Smith. Pa., 
1856 . A litterateur of Philadel- 
phia. A Duet in Lyrics (verse, with 
.J. A. Henry) ; Madonna, and Other 
Poems. He has edited Tales from Ten 
Poets ; In the Yule Log Glow ; Where 
Meadows Meet the Sea, and an edition of 
Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare with a 
continuation and completion. Lip. 

Morris, Herbert "William. W., 1818- 

■ . A Presbyterian clergyman, since 

1877 retired from the ministry and 
devoted to literary pursuits. Science 
and the Bible ; Present Conflict of Sci- 
ence with Religion ; The Testimony of 
the Ages ; The Celestial Symbol In- 
terpreted ; Natural Law and Gospel- 

Morris, James Cheston. Pa., 18.31- 

. Son of Caspar Morris, supra. 

A Philadelphia physician. The Milk 
Supply of Large Cities ; The Water 
Supply of Philadelphia ; Annals of Hy- 

Morris, John Gottlieb. Pa., 180.3- 
1895. A noted Lutheran divine of Bal- 
timore, founder of The Lutheran Ob- 
server, and long professor of natural 
history in the University of Maryland. 
Catechumen's and Communicant's Com- 

panion ; Popular Exposition of the Gos- 
pels ; Life of John Arndt ; Life of 
Catherine de Bora ; The Blind Girl of 
Wittenberg; Fifty Years in the Lu- 
theran Ministry ; The Diet of Augs- 
burg ; Journeys of Luther ; Luther at 
Wartburg and Cobiu-g ; Lutheran Doc- 
trine of the Lord's Supper, comprise his 
chief works. 

Morris, Phineas Pemberton. Pa., 
1817-1888. A lawyer of Philadelphia, 
professor of law in the University of 
Pennsylvania from 1862. The Law of 
Replevin ; Mining Rights in Pennsyl- 

Morris, Ramsay. N. Y., 1858 . 

An actor and playwright of New York 
city. He dramatized his own novel, 
Crucify Him, with the title, The Ti- 

Morris, Robert. Ms., 1818-1888. A 
writer of Lagrange, Kentucky. His- 
tory of the Morgan Affair ; Lights and 
Shadows of Freemasonry ; Code of Ma- 
sonic Law ; History of Freemasonry in 
Kentucky ; Freemasonry in the Holy 
Land ; The Poetry of Freemasonry. 

Morris, Thomas Asbury. W. Fa., 
1704-1874. A Methodist bishop in 
Ohio. Church Polity ; Essays, etc. ; 
Sketches of Western Methodism. Melh. 

Morris, 'William Hopkins. N. Y., 

1S20 . Son of G. P. Morris, sa- 

pra. A brigadier-general of United 
States volunteers in the Civil War, 
brevetted major-general. Field Tactics 
for Lifantry ; Infantry Tactics. 

Morrison, Charles Robert. N. H.. 

1819 — . A jurist of Concord, New 

Hampshire. Digest of New Hampshire 
Reports ; Probate Directory ; Justice 
and Sheriff and Attorney's Assistant ; 
Town Officer ; Digest of Common- 
School Laws ; Proofs of Christ's Re- 
surrection from a Lawyer's Standpoint. 

Morrison, Leonard Allison. N. 

H., 184:1 . A New Hampshire 

antiquarian. History of the Morison 
or Morrison Family ; History of Wynd- 
ham in New Hampshire ; Rambles in 
Europe, with Historical Facts Relating 
to Scotch-American Families. 

Morse, Abner. Ms., 179.3-1865. A 
Congregational clergyman and genea- 
logist of Sharon, Massachusetts. Me- 
morial of the Morses ; Genealogy of 


Early Planters in Massachusetts ; De- 
scendants of Several Ancient Puritans, 
are his more important publications. 
Morse, Mrs. Charlotte Dunning 
[Wood]. " Charlotte Dunning." iV. 

Y., 1858 . A novelist. Upon a 

Cast, a society novel ; A Step Aside ; 
Cabin and Gondola. Har. Hou. 

Morse, Edivard Sylvester. Me., 

1838 . An eminent biologist of 

Salem, Massachusetts, who has pub- 
lished First Book on Zoology ; Japan- 
ese Homes, and many scientific papers. 

Morse, James Herbert. Ms., 1841- 

. An educator and verse-writer of 

New York city. Summer Haven Songs. 

Morse, Jedidiah. Ct., 1761-1820. A 
Congregational clergyman of New Eng- 
land, very active as a controversialist 
and eminent as a geographer. He is 
sometimes styled the " Father of Ame- 
rican GeogTaphy," his being the first 
school text-books in America of any im- 
portance. Elements of Geography ; 
American Gazetteer ; Aunals of the 
American Revolution ; Compendious 
History of New England ; Geography 
Made Easy ; American Geography. See 
Life by W. Sprague, infra. 

Morse, John Torrey. Ms., 1840- 

. Nephew of the wife of 0. W. 

Holmes, supra. A lawyer of Boston. 
Lives of Hamilton, J. Q. Adams, Jef- 
ferson, John Adams, Oliver Wendell 
Holmes, Lincoln, Franklin; Banks 
and Banking ; Arbitration and Award ; 
Famous Trials. Hou. Lit. 

Morse, Mrs. Lucy [Gibbons]. N. 

Y., 1839 . A novelist of New 

York city. Rachel Stanwood, a Story ; 
The Chezdes, a Story of Young People. 

Morse, Samuel FinleyBreese. Ms., 
1791—1872. Son of J. Morse, supra. 
The inventor of the electro-magnetic 
telegraph. Foreign Conspiracies against 
the Liberties of the United States ; Our 
Liberties Defended ; Imminent Dan- 
gers through Foreign Immigration. 

Morse, Sidney Ed-wards, ilfs.,1794- 
18T1. Son of J. Morse, supra. A jour- 
nalist and geographer of New York 
city. System of Modern Geography ; 
Premium Questions on Slavery. With 



a younger brother he founded The New 
York Observer in 1823. 

Morton, Charles. E., 1620-1698. A 
Puritan clergyman who came to New 
England in 1686, and was minister at 
Charlestowu and vice-president of Har- 
vard CoUege. The Ark : its Loss and 
Recovery ; System of Logic, long a 
text-book at Harvard. 

Morton, Henry. N. Y., 1836 . 

A noted physicist, president of the 
Stevens Institute of Technology at 
Hoboken, New Jersey, from 1870. The 
Student's Practical Chemistry (with A. 
R. Leeds) and many valuable scientific 
monographs. Lip. 

Morton, James St. Clair. Pa., 182i)- 
1864. Son of S. G. Morton, infra. A 
Federal officer killed in the attack upon 
Petersburg. Instruction in Engineer- 
ing ; New System of Fortifications ; 
Memoir on Fortification ; Dangers and 
Defences of New York City. 

Morton, Nathaniel. H., 1613-1685. 
The secretary of the Plymouth Colony 
from 1647 till his death, whose New 
England's Meraoriall is well known 
among colonial annals. See Tyler's 
American Literature. C. P. S. 

Morton, Oliver Throck. Ind., 1860- 

. A lawyer of Chicago. The 

Southern Empire, with Other Papers. 

Morton, Samuel George. Pa., 1799- 
18.>1. A once prominent Philadelphia 
physician and scientist, and president 
of the Academy of Natural Sciences. 
Crania Americana ; Crania Egyptica ; 
Illustrated System of Human Ana- 

Morton, Mrs. Sarah "Wentworth 
[Apthorpe]. Ms., 1759-1846. A 
verse-writer of Quincy, Massachusetts. 
Ouabi, an Indian Tale in four cantos ; 
My Mind and its Thoughts. 

Morton, Thomas. E., c. 1575-1646. 
A famous adventurer who, settling him- 
self at Mount WoUaston, which he 
termed Ma-re Mount, scandalized the 
colonists at Plymouth and Boston by 
his sports and carousals. The New 
English Canaan is a sarcastic and hu- 
mourous description of his pious neigh- 
bours and their country. See Motley's 
Morton's Hope and Merry Mount ; Haw- 
thorne's Merry Mount ; Mrs. Jane Aus- 




ftVi's Betti/ Alden, chapters 8 and 9; Dic- 
tionary of National Biography, vol. S9. 

Morton, Thomas George. Pa., 1835- 

. .Son of S. G. Morton, supra. A 

Philadelphia physician. Surgery in the 
Pennsylvania Hospital : an Epitome of 
Practice from 1756 ; Transfusion of 
Blood and its Practical Application. 

Mosby, John Singleton. Va., 183,'i- 

. A famous Confederate cavalry 

leader, consul at Hong Kong, 1878-85, 
and subsequently a lawyer in San Fran- 
cisco. War Reminiscences. See ScotVs 
Partisan Life with Mosby ; Crawford's 
Mosby and his Men. Do. 

Motley, John Lothrop. Ms., 1814- 
1877. A distinguished historian, born 
in Dorchester, Massachusetts, who was 
minister to Austria, 1861-67, and to 
England, 180'.J-70. His writings are 
remarkable for colour and dramatic 
vigour, while his estimates are tinged 
more or less with pei-sonal feeling. 
But though not a dispassionate histo- 
rian, he is nevertheless quite removed 
from a spirit of blind partisanship. 
His work evinces immense research, but 
the main lines of the narrative are al- 
ways clear. Morton's Hope, a romance ; 
Merry Mount, a romance ; The Rise of 
the Dutch Repiiblio ; The History of 
the United Netherlands ; Life and 
Death of John of Barneveld. See Corre- 
spondence of, edited by G. W. Curtis, su- 
pra ; Life, by O. W. Holmes ; Allibone's 
Dictionary, Supplement. Har. 

Mott, George Scudder. N. Y., 1829- 

. A Presbyterian minister of Fle- 

mington, New Jersey. The Prodigal 
Son ; The ResuiTection of the Dead ; 
The Perfect Law. Ran. 

Mott, Henry Augustus. S. L, 1852- 
1896. Grandson of V. Mott, infra. A 
chemist of New York city. The Che- 
mist's Manual ; Was Man Created ? ; 
The Air We Breathe ; Fallacy of the 
Present Theory of Sound. Wil. 

Mott, Valentine. L. L, 178.5-1S65. 
A celebrated surgeon of New York 
city. Travels in Europe and the East ; 
Mott's Cliniques ; a translation of Vel- 
peau's Operative Surgery, and surgical 
papers. See Lives by S. D. Gross and 
S. W. Francis ; Ajypletons' American 

Moulton, Mrs. Ellen Louise 
[Chandler], a, 1835 . A pro- 

minent poet and prose- writer of Boston. 
Her verse is characterized by a great 
degree of feeling, and her sonnets dis- 
play a remarkable mastery of tech- 
nique. Her volumes of verse include. 
Poems ; Swallow Flights ; In the Gar- 
den of Dreams ; In Childhood's Coun- 
try. Her prose comprises. This, That, 
and the Other ; Juno Clifford j My 
Third Book ; three collections of Bed- 
Time Stories ; Some Women's Hearts ; 
Random Rambles, a volume of travel 
sketches ; Ourselves and Our Neigh- 
bors ; Miss Eyre from Boston ; Fire- 
light Stories ; Stories Told at Twilight j 
Lazy Tours in Spain; Life of Arthur 
O'Shaughnessy. Cop. Har. Bob. St. 

Moulton, Joseph White. Ct., 1789- 
1875. An antiquarian writer of Ros- 
lyn. Long Island. History of the State 
of New York (with J. Yates) ; Chan- 
cery Practice of New York. 

Moulton, Richard Green. E., 1849- 

. An educator of note, professor 

in the University of Chicago. Ancient 
Classical Drama ; The University Ex- 
tension Movement ; Shakespeare as a 
Dramatic Artist. Mac. Rev. 

Moultrie, William. S. C, 1731-1805. 
A soldier of distinction in the American 
army during the Revolution, made ma- 
jor-general in 1782. He was governor 
of South Carolina, ] 785-87 and 1794- 
1796. Memoirs of the Revolution (1802). 

Mountford, William. E., 1816-18S5. 
A Unitarian clergyman of Boston who 
became a spiritualist in his later years. 
Martyria ; Euthanasy, or Happy Talk 
Toward the End of Life ; Christianity 
the Deliverance of the Soul ; Mmutes 
Past and Present ; Thorpe, a Quiet Eng- 
lish Town. Hou. 

Moustache, Vieux. See Gordon, C. 

Mo-watt, Mrs. See Ritchie, Mrs. 

Mowry, Sylvester. R. L, 1830-1871. 
An army officer who resigned in 1858. 
Arizona and Sonora: the Geography, 
History, and Resources of the Silver 
Regions of North America. 

Mo-wrry, William Augustus. Ms., 

1829 . An educator of Boston. 

Talks with My Boys ; Studies in Civil 
Government ; Elements of Civil Govern- 
ment; School History of the United 
States (with A. M. Mowry). Rob. Sil. 


Mudge, Enoch. Ms., 1776-1850. A 
once noted Methodist itinerant preacher 
of New England. Notes on the Para- 
bles ; Lynn, a Poem ; The Juvenile Ex- 
positor ; Lectures to Seamen. 

Mudge, Zachariah Atwell. Me., 
1818-1888. Nephew of E. Mudge, su- 
pra. A Methodist clergyman of Mas- 
sachusetts. Among his miscellaneous 
writings are, The Christian Statesman; 
Views from Plymouth Rock ; Witch 
Hill, a History of Salem Witchcraft ; 
Life of Abraham Lincoln ; Footprints 
of Roger Williams ; Arctic Heroes ; 
Fur-clad Adventurers ; History of Suf- 
folk County, Massachusetts ; The Luck 
of Alden Farm. Lo. Meth. 

Muhlenberg, Gotthilf Henry- 
Ernst. Pa., 1758-1815. A Lutheran 
divine of Philadelphia, famous as a 
botanist in his day. Catalogus Plan- 
tarum Americse Septentrionalis ; De- 
scriptio uberior Grarainum et Plantarum 
Calamiarum Americse Septentrionalis ; 
English and German Lexicon and 
Grammar. See (?. H. E. Muhlenberg 
als Botaniker, by Maisch, 1886. 

Muhlenberg, William Augustus. 
Pa., 1796-1877. A distinguished Epis- 
copal clergyman, rector of the Church 
of the Holy Communion, in New York 
city, 1846-77. He was the founder of 
St. Luke's Hospital, and organized the 
first Protestant Sisterhood in America. 
His hymn, "I would not live alway," is 
widely known. Church Poetry ; Music 
of the Church ; People's Psalter ; 
Evangelical Catholic Papers ; Christ 
and the Bible ; Family Prayei-s ; Let- 
ters on Protestant Sisterhoods ; St. 
Johnland ; Ideal and Actual. See 
Lives by Anne Ayres, supra, W. W. 
Newton, infra ; Atlantic Monthly, Octo- 
ber, 1880. Ran. Wh. 

Muir, James. S., 1757-1820. A Pres- 
byterian clergyman of Alexandria, Vir- 
ginia. An Examination of the Princi- 
ples in the " Age of Reason " in Ten 
Discourses ; Sermons. 

Muir, John. S., 1838 . A noted 

California scientist and explorer, dis- 
coverer of the Muir Glacier in Alaska. 
The Mountains of California. Cent. 

Mulford, Elisha. Pa., 1888-1885. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Cambridge, 
lecturer in the Episcopal Theological 
School there, and prominent among 



Broad Church thinkers. The Nation ; 
The Foundations of Civil Order and 
Political Life in the United States ; The 
Republic of God. Hou. 

Mulford, Prentice. L. I., 1834-1891. 
A journalist of NewYork city and San 
Francisco. The Swamp Angel ; Life 
by Land and Sea; Your Forces and 
How to Use Them. 

Mullany , Patrick Francis. " Brother 
Azarias." L, 1847-1893. A Roman Ca- 
tholic educator of the order of Brothers 
of the Christian Schools ; president of 
Rock Hill College, 1878-89, and sub- 
sequently a resident of New York city. 
The Development of English Litera- 
tm-e : Old English Period ; Philosophy 
of Literature ; Psychological Aspects 
of Education ; Address on Thinking ; 
Aristotle and the Christian Church ; 
Culture of the Spiritual Sense ; Phases 
of Thought and Criticism. Ap, Hou. 

Miiller, Nikolaus. G., 1809-1873. 
A German poet who emigrated to New 
York city in 1853 and established him- 
self there as a printer. Zehn gepan- 
zerte Sonette ; Neuere Gedichte ; Frische 
Blatter auf die Wunden deutscher 

Munday, John William. "Charles 

Sumner Seeley." Ind., 1844 . A 

lawyer of Chicago. The Spanish Gal- 
leon ; The Lost Canyon of the Toltecs, 
both tales of adventure for boys. Mg. 

Munde, Paul Fortunatus. Sxy., 

1846 . A prominent New York 

physician. Obstetric Palpation ; Minor 
Surgical Gynseeology ; Management of 

Munford, William. Va., 1775-1825. 
A lawyer of Richmond, Virginia, who, 
beside several volumes of Law Reports, 
published a volume of Poems (1798) 
and a scholarly blank-verse translation 
of the Iliad. See Griswold's Poets and 
Poetry of America. 

Munger, Theodore Thornton. N. 
Y., 1830 . A Congregational cler- 
gyman of New Haven, prominent among 
liljeral thinkers of that faith. On the 
Threshold; The Freedom of Faith; 
Lamps and Paths; The Appeal to 
Life. See Atlantic Monthly, July, 1883. 

Munkittrick, Richard Kendall. 
E,, 1853 . A humourous writer of 




New York city, on the editorial stafE 
of Puck. The Moon Prince, a juve- 
nile ; Farming ; The Acrobatic Muse, 
a collection of humourous verse. Har, 
Munroe, [Charles] Kirk. Wis., 18.50- 

. A popular writer, now resident 

in Florida, whose writings are mainly 
for juvenile readers. Wakulla; Life 
of Mrs. Stowe (with her son) ; The 
Flamingo Feather ; Derrick Sterling ; 
Chrystal Jack and Co. ; The Golden 
Days of '49 ; Dorymates ; Under Or- 
ders ; Prince Dusty ; Campmates ; 
Canoemates ; Cab and Caboose ; Raft- 
mates ; The Coral Ship; The White 
Conquerors ; The Fur Seal's Tooth ; 
Big Cypress ; Snow-Shoes and Sledges ; 
Totem of the Bear ; Rick Dale ; A 
Young War Chief ; At War with Pon- 
tiac. Do. Har. Put. Scr. 

Munsell, Franklin. N. Y., 1857 . 

Son of J. Munsell, infra. A piiblisher 
of Albany. Chips for the Chimney 
Corner ; The Bibliography of Albany. 

Munsell, Joel. Ms., 1808-1880. A 
printer and publisher of Albany. Out- 
lines of the History of Printing ; Every- 
Day Book of History and Chronology ; 
Chronology of Paper and Paper-Mak- 

Munsey, Frank Andrew?. Me., 1854- 

. A prominent magazine publisher 

of New York city. Afloat in a Great 
City ; The Boy Broker ; Deringforth. 

Munson, James Eugene. N. Y., 

1835 . A phonographer of New 

York city. The Complete Phono- 
grapher ; Dictionary of Practical Pho- 
nography ; Phrase Book of Practical 
Phonography. Har. 

Murat, Napoleon Achille. F., 1801- 
1847. The son of Joachim Murat, 
King of Naples. In his youth he bore 
the title of Prince of the Two Sicilies. 
He came to the United States in 1821, 
was naturalized and settled at Talla- 
hassee, Florida. He was mayor of that 
place in 1824, and postmaster, 1826-28. 
Lettres d'un citoyen des Etats Unis k 
ses amis d'Europe ; Esquisses morales 
et politiques sur les Etats Unis d'Ara^- 
rique ; Exposition des principes du gou- 
vemement repubhcain tel qu'il k 4t4 
perfectionn^ en Ara^rique, which went 
through more than fifty editions. 

Murdoch, James Ed-ward. Pa., 
1811-1893. A noted actor and lec- 
turer. Orthophony (with W. Russell) ; 
The Stage ; Plea for Spoken Language ; 
Analytic Elocution. Clke. Lip. 

Murdock, Harold. Ms., 1862 . 

A bank cashier of Boston. The Recon- 
struction of Europe, a Sketch of the 
Diplomatic and Military History of 
Continental Europe from the Rise to 
the Fall of the Second French Empire. 

Murdock, James. Ct., 1776-1856. A 
Congregational clergyman and edu- 
cator of New Haven. He was the 
author of Sketches of Modem Philoso- 
phy, and translator of Mosheim's Ec- 
clesiastical History, and other works, 
as well as of a Literal Translation of 
the New Testament from the Ancient 

Murfree, Fanny Noailles Dickin- 
son. Tn., 185 . Sister of M.N. 

Murfree, infra. Felicia, a Novel. Hou. 

Murfree, Mary Noailles. "Charles 

Egbert Craddock." Tn., 1850 . A 

novelist of Tennessee whose stories are 
all concerned with the life of the moun- 
taineers in North Carolina and Tennes- 
see. They display close, sympathetic 
observation and strong, vivid charac- 
terization. In the Tennessee Moun- 
tains ; Where the Battle was Fought ; 
The Prophet of the Great Smoky 
Mountains ; Down the Ravine ; His 
Vanished Star ; In the Clouds ; The 
Story of Keedon Bluffs; The Despot 
of Broomsedge Cove ; In the " Stranger 
People's " Country ; The Phantoms of 
the Footbridge ; The Mystery of Witch- 
Face Mountain, and Other Stories ; The 
Juggler. See Allibone's Dictionary, Sup- 
plement. Har. Hou. 

Murphy, Lady Blanche Elizabeth 
Mary Annunciata [Noel], E., 
1846-1881. The eldest daughter of 
the Earl of Gainsborough. She mar- 
ried her father's organist, came to 
America, and wrote stories and sketches 
for the magazines. On the Rhine, and 
Other Sketches. 

Murphy, Henry Cruse. L. I., 1810- 
1882. A lawyer and journalist of 
Brooklyn. The Voyage of Verrazano ; 
Henry Hudson in Holland ; Anthology 
of the New Netherlands. 

Murphy, Thomas. L, 1823- 



Presbyterian clergyman of Philadel- 
phia. Pastoral Theology ; Pastor and 
People ; Duties of Church Members. 

Murray, David. N. Y., 1830 . 

An educator of New York city, foreign 
adviser to the Japanese government on 
education. Manual of Land Surveying ; 
Outline History of Japanese Educa- 
tion ; The Story of Japan. 

Murray, James Ormsbee. 1827- 
. An educator, professor of Eng- 
lish literature in Princeton College, and 
dean of the college from 1886. Life of 
Francis Wayland, infra. 

Murray, John O'Kane. I., 1847- 
1885. A physician and author of New 
York city. Popular History of the 
Catholic Church in the United States ; 
Catholic Pioneers of America ; Lessons 
in English Literature ; The Prose and 
Poetry of Ireland ; Little Lives of the 
Great Saints ; Catholic Heroes and He- 
roines of America. 

Murray, Lindley. Pa., 1745-1826. 
A famous grammarian whose life after 
1784 was passed near York, England. 
Grammar of the English Language ; 
Power of Religion on the Mind ; Com- 
pendium of Religious Faith and Prac- 
tice. See Memoirs written by Himself, 
with continuation by E. Frank, 18S6 ; 
Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 
39; All ibone' s Dictionary ; Bibliography 
of Maine. Lip. 

Murray, Nicholas. "Kirwan." I., 
1802-1861. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of Elizabeth, New Jersey, famous in 
his day as a controversialist. Letters 
by Kirwan to Bishop Hughes ; Roman- 
ism at Home ; Men and Things ; The 
Happy Home ; Preachers and Preach- 
ing ; Parish and Other Pencillings. See 
Life by Prime. Har. 

Murray, William Henry Harrison. 
Ct., 1840 . A noted Congrega- 
tional minister, pastor of Park Street 
Church, Boston, 1868-74. Adventures 
in the Wilderness ; Adirondack Tales ; 
Deacons ; Music Hall Sermons ; The 
Perfect Horse ; Sermons from Park 
Street Pulpit ; How Deacon Tubner 
Kept New Year's; The Doom of 
Mamelons; Daylight Land; Words 
Fitly Spoken. Le. 

Murray, William Vans. Md., 1762- 
1803. A Maryland statesman who was 

minister to the Netherlands from 1793 
till his death, and author of a treatise 
on The Constitution and Laws of the 
United States. 

Musick, John Roy. Mo., 1849 . 

A novelist and historian of Kirksville, 
Missouri. The Banker of Bedford ; 
History Stories of Wisconsin ; Cala- 
mity Row ; Brother Against Brother ; 
Mysterious Mr. Howard ; and a series 
of twelve Columbian historical novels, 
including Columbia ; Estevan ; St. Au- 
gustine ; Pocahontas ; The Pilgrims ; 
A Century Too Soon, a story of Bacon's 
Rebellion ; The Witch of Salem ; 
Braddock ; Independence ; Sustained 
Honor ; Humbled Pride ; Union. Fu. 

Mussey, Reuben Dimond. N. H., 
1780-1866. A Boston physician who 
published Health: its Friends and its 

Muzzey, Artemas BoTwers. Ms., 

1802-1892. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Massachusetts who retired from active 
ministry in 1865. The Blade and the 
Ear ; Prime Movers of the Revolution ; 
The Young Men's Friend; Moral 
Teacher ; Christ in the Will, the Heart, 
and Life ; The Higher Education ; Im- 
mortality in the Light of Scripture and 
Science ; Truths Consequent upon Be- 
lief in God ; Education of Old Age, 
comprise his chief works. A. XJ. A. 
Le. Lo. 

Myer, Albert James. N. Y., 1827- 
1880. A brigadier-general in the United 
States army, for some years chief sig- 
nal officer and author of Manual of 
Signals for Use in the Field. 

Myers, Peter Hamilton. N. Y., 

1812-1878. A lawyer and romancer 
of Brooklyn. The First of the Knicker- 
bockers, a tale ; The Young Patroon ; 
The King of the Hurons ; The Prisoner 
of the Border. 

Myers, Philip Van Ness. N. Y., 

1846 . An educator of Cincinnati, 

professor of history and political econo- 
my in the University of Cincinnati 
from 1890, and dean of the University 
from 1895. Life and Nature under 
the Tropics ; Remains of Lost Empires ; 
Outlines of Ancient History ; Outlines 
of Mediaeval and Modern History ; A 
History of Greece; The Eastern Na- 




tions and Greece ; A History of Rome ; 
General History. Gi. Har. 

Myers, Mrs. Sarah Ann [Irwin]. 
Del, 1800-1876. A writer and artist 
of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Among her 
many contributions to juvenile litera- 
ture are, Margaret Gordon ; Impatient 
Ellen ; The SUk- Weaver of Lyons. 

Myrtle, Mollie. See Hill, Mrs. Agnes. 


Nack, James. N. H., 1809-1879. A 
deaf and dumh verse-writer of New 
York city. The Legend of the Ark ; 
Eari Rupert ; The Immortal, a drama- 
tic romance ; The Romance of the King, 
and Other Poems. *See Duyckinck' s 
American Literature. 

Nadal, Bernhard Harrison. Md., 
1812-1870. A Methodist clergyman 
and educator of Virginia who published 
Xew Life Dawning. Meth. 

Nadal, Ehrman Syme. W. Va., 

1843 . Son of B. H. Nadal, sujjra. 

A journalist who has lived much in 
London as secretary of legation, 1870- 
1871, and 1877-1884. Essays at Home 
and Elsewhere ; Impressions of London 
Social Life ; Zweiback, or Notes of a 
Professional Exile. Cent. Scr. 

Naphegi, Gabor. Hy., 1824-1884. A 
native of Buda-Pesth who became a 
naturalized American citizen in 18G8. 
Ghardia, or Ninety Days in the Desert ; 
The Album of Language ; Hungary ; 
Among the Arabs ; The Grand Review 
of the Dead (verse). Lip. 

Napheys [na'feez], George Henry. 
Pa., 1842-1876. A prominent physi- 
cian and medical writer of Philadel- 
phia. The Body and its Ailments; 
Modern Medical Therapeutics ; Modern 
Surgical Therapeutics ; The Transmis- 
sion of Life ; Physical Life of Woman ; 
Prevention and Cure of Disease ; Per- 
sonal Beauty (with D. G. Brinton, 
supra). My. 

Nasby, Petroleum Vesuvius. See 
Locke, D. R. 

Nash, Simeon. Ms., 1804-1879. A 
jurist of Gallipolis, Ohio. Digest of 
Ohio Reports ; Pleading and Practice 
under the Civil Code ; Morality and 
the State ; Crime and the Family. Clke. 

Nason, Ellas. Ms., 1811-1887. A 
Congregational minister of North Bil- 
leriea, Massachusetts, among whose 
numerous religious biographical and 
historical writings are, Gazetteer of 
Massachusetts ; Life of John A. An- 
drew ; Lives of Moody and Sankey ; 
Life of Charles Sumner ; Life of Henry 
WUson, infra; History of Middlesex 
County ; OriginaKty ; Thou Shalt Not 
Steal ; Fountains of Salvation. Lo. 

Nason, Mrs. Emma [Huntington]. 

Me., 1845 . A verse-writer of Au- 
gusta, Maine. White Sails (verse) ; 
The Tower, with Legends and Lyrics. 
Hon. Lo. 

Nason, Henry Bradford. Ms., 1831- 
1895. Cousin of Elias Nason, supra, 
A professor of chemistry in the Troy 
Polytechnic Institute. Table of Re- 
actions for Qualitative Analysis ; Table 
for Qualitative Analysis in Colors, are 
among his published works. 

Nast, William. G., 1807 . A 

Methodist minister of Cincinnati, editor ■ 
of The Christian Apologist for many 
years. Christological Meditations ; Gos- 
pel Records ; A German Commentary 
on the New Testament ; Das Christen- 
thum und seine Gegensatze. 

Navarro, Madame Mary Antoi- 
nette [Anderson] de. Cal, 1859- 

. A once popular actress who 

retired from the stage in 1890, was 
married to M. de Navarro soon after, 
and has since lived in England. A Few 
Memories, an autobiography. See Lives 
by Farrar, 18S4, Winter, 1886. 

Nauman, Mary. See JSobinson, Mrs. 

Nead, Benjamin Matthias. Pa., 

1847 . A lawyer and journalist 

of Harrisburg. Sketches of Early 
Chambersburg ; Guide to County Offi- 
cers ; Early Government of Pennsyl- 
vania ; Brief Review of the Financial 
History of Pennsylania. 

Neal, Alice B. Wife of J. C. Neal, 
infra. See Haven, Mrs, 

Neal, John. Me., 1703-1876. A once 
famous litt&ateur of Portland, Maine, 
who early gained a hearing, and, as 
poet, novelist, dramatist, and magazin- 
ist, was constantly before the public 
for the rest of his long life, though 
little of his work can be said to sur- 




■vive, able as some of it is. The more 
important of his writings include, Keep 
Cool, a novel ; The Battle of Niagara, 
a poem; Goldau, and Other Poems; 
Rachel Dyer, a novel ; Dowueasters, a 
novel; True Womanhood; Bentham's 
Morals and Legislation; Great Mys- 
teries and Little Plagues ; Wandering 
Kecolleetions of a Somewhat Busy Life 
(1870). See Duyckinck's American 
Literature ; Lowell's Fable for Critics ; 
Allibone's Dictionary ; Ajypletons' Ame- 
rican Biography ; Bibliography of Maine. 

Neal, Joseph Clay. N. H., 18IJT- 
1847. A journalist of Philadelphia 
who founded The Saturday Gazette, 
and was a popular humourist in his 
day. Charcoal Sketches ; Peter Ploddy, 
and Other Oddities. See Griswold's 
American Prose Writers; Harfs Ame- 
rican Literature. 

Weeley, Thomas B . 18 . 

A Methodist clergyman. Young Work- 
ers in the Church ; The Church Lyce- 
um ; Parliamentary Practice ; Evolution 
of Episcopacy and Organic Methodism ; 
The Parliamentarian ; The Governing 
Conference in Methodism. Meth. 

Neill, Edward Duffield. Pa., 1823- 
1893. A Reformed Episcopal clergyman 
of St. Paul, hut formerly a Presby- 
terian clergyman. History of Min- 
nesota; Terra MariEe, or Threads of 
Maryland History ; The Fairfaxes of 
England and America ; History of the 
Virginia Company; English Coloniza- 
tion of America in the 17th century ; 
Founders of Virginia; Virginia Ve- 
tusta ; Virginia Carolorum ; Concise 
History of Minnesota. Lip. 

NeiU, John. Pa., 1819-1880. Brother 
of E. D. Neill, supra. A Philadelphia 
physician. Neill on the Veins ; Com- 
pend of Medicine (with F. G. Smith). 

Neill, William. Pa., 1778-1860. A 
Presbyterian minister of Philadelphia, 
president of Dickinson College, 1824- 
1829. Lectures on Bible History ; 
Divine Origin of the Christian Religion ; 
Ministry of Fifty Years. 

Neilson, Joseph. N. Y., 1813-1888. 
Memoirs of Rufus Choate, with some 
Consideration of his Studies, Opinions, 
and Style. Hou. 

Nelson, David. Ind., 179.3-1844. A 
Presbyterian minister and educator of 
Missouri and Illinois. His principal 

work, Cause and Cure of Infidelity, has 
been widely read. 

Nelson, Harry Leverett. Ms., 1858- 
1889. A lawyer of Worcester, Massa- 
chusetts. Bird Songs About Worcester, 
a collection of nature studies. Lit. 

Nelson, Henry Addison, ilfs., 1820- 
. A Presbyterian clergyman, pro- 
fessor at Lane Seminary, 1868-74, and 
from 1886 editor of The Church at 
Home and Abroad. Seeing Jesus ; Sin 
and Salvation ; Home Whispers. Pan. 

Nelson, Henry Loomis. N. Y., 

1846 . A journalist of New York 

city, now (1897) editor-in-chief of Har- 
per's Weekly. The Money We Need ; 
Our Unjust Tariff Law ; John Rantoul, 
a novel. Har. Hou. 

Nesmith, James Ernest. Ms., 1856- 

. An artist and verse-writer of 

Lowell, Massachusetts. Mouadnoc, and 
Other Sketches in Verse ; PhUoctetes, 
and Other Poems ; Life and Addresses 
of Governor Greenhalge. 

Nevin, Alfred. Pa., 1816-1890. A 
prominent Presbyterian clergyman and 
religious editor of Philadelphia. His 
more important writings include. Words 
of Comfort for Doubting Hearts ; The 
Voice of God ; The Man of Faith ; 
Letters to Colonel Ingersoll ; Chris- 
tian's Rest ; Guide to the Oracles ; 
Triumph of Truth. 

Nevin, Edisrin Henry. Pa., 1814- 

. Brother of A. Nevin, supra. A 

German Reformed clergyman of Phila- 
delphia. The City of God ; Human- 
ity and its Responsibilities ; Thoughts 
About Christ; The Minister's Hand- 

Nevin, John Williamson. Pa., 
1SU3-1886. Cousin of A. Nevin, supra. 
An eminent German Reformed clergy- 
man of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, presi- 
dent of Franklin and Marshall College, 
1866-76. Prior to his presidency he 
had been active as a theologian at 
Mercersburgh, and his works form the 
basis of what is styled the " Mercers- 
burgh Theology." Among his writings 
are. History and Genesis of the Heidel- 
berg Catechism ; The Mystical Pre- 
sence ; Anti - Christ ; The Anxious 
Bench ; Biblical Antiquities. See Life 
by T. Appel, 1889. 

Nevin, William Channing. O., 
1844- . Nephew of A. Nevin, sm- 




pra, A lawyer of Philadelphia. His- 
tory of All Religions ; Life of Albert 
Barnes, supra ; The Blue Ray of Sun- 
light ; A Slight Misunderstanding ; A 
WUd Goose Chase ; In the Nick of 
Time ; Joshua Whiteomb's Tribula- 
tions ; A Summer School Adventure. 

Nevin, William Wilberforce. Pa.; 

1830 . Son of J. W- Nevin, supra. 

A journalist and railway director of 
Philadelphia who has published Vi- 
gnettes of Travel. 

Nevins, "William. Ci., 1797-183.5. A 
Presbyterian minister of Baltimore. 
Thoughts on Popery ; Practical 
Thoughts ; Select Remains, with Me- 

Nevius, Mrs. Helen S [Coan]. 

N. Y., 1832 . Wife of J. L. 

Nevius, infra. A Catechism of Chris- 
tian Doctrine (in Chinese) ; Our Life in 
China; Life of J. P. Nevius. Sev. 

Nevius, John Livingston. N. Y., 
1829-1893. A Presbyteiian mission- 
ary in Ningpo. China and The Chi- 
nese ; San-Poh, or North of the Hills ; 
Methods of Missionary Work ; Demon 
Possession ; and a number of works in 
Chinese. See Life by his wife. Hev. 

Newberry, John Strong. Ct, 1822- 
1892. A geologist who was professor 
of geology in the School of Mines of 
Columbia College, 1866-92, and State 
geologist of Ohio from 1869. He pub- 
lished nine volumes of reports relating 
to the geological survey of Ohio ; Paleo- 
zoic Fishes of North America, and many 
scientific papers. 

Newcomb, Harvey. Ms., 1803-1863. 
A Congregational clergyman of West- 
ern Pennsylvania and other localities 
among whose many moral and religious 
works, Tnainly juvenile in character, 
are, Young Lady's Guide ; How to be a 
Man ; How to be a Lady ; Manners and 
Customs of North American Indians. 

Newcomb, Simon. N. S., 1835- 

An astronomer of distinction, superin- 
tendent of the Nautical Almanac, issued 
by the Navy Department, from 1877, 
and professor of astronomy and mathe- 
matics at Johns Hopkins University, 
1884-93. Popular Astronomy ; School 
Astronomy ; Geometry ; Analytic Geo- 
metry ; Essentials of Trigonometry ; 
Calculus ; A Plain Man's Talk on the 

Labor Question ; Principles of Political 
Economy ; The A, B, C, of Finance, 
include his most important pubhca- 
tions. Har. Ho. 

NevT-ell, Robert Henry. " Orpheus 
C. Kerr." N. Y., 1836 . A jour- 
nalist of New York city, at one time 
popular as a humourist. Versatilities, 
a collection of humourous and other 
verses ; The Palace Beautiful, and 
Other Poems ; Avery Glibun, an Ame- 
rican romance ; The Walking Doll, a 
novel ; There Was Once a Man ; Stu- 
dies in Stanzas. Fo. Le. 

Newell, Samuel. Me., 1784-1821. A 
noted Baptist missionary in Bombay. 
The Conversion of the World (1818) ; 
Life of Harriet Newell (his first wife) 
which was widely popular. 

Newell, William Wells. Ms., 1839- 
. A folk-lore scholar of Cam- 
bridge, editor of The Journal of Amer- 
ican Folk-Lore from 1888. Games and 
Songs of American Children ; Words 
for Music, a collection of verse. Har. 

Newhall, Charles Stedman. Ms., 

1842 . A clergyman and educator 

of Asbury Park, New Jersey. The Trees 
of Noi-theastern Ameiica ; The Shrubs 
of Northeastern America; The Vines 
of Northeastern America ; The Leaf- 
Collector's Handbook and Herbarium. 
His writings for young people include 
Harry's Trip to the Orient; Joe and 
the Howards ; Ruthie's Story. Put. 

Newman, John Philip. iV. F., 1826- 

. A Methodist bishop at Omaha, 

at one time a prominent Washington 
pastor. From Dan to Beersheba; 
Thrones and Palaces of Babylon and 
Nineveh ; Christianity Triumphant ; 
America for Americans; The Supre- 
macy of Law. Pu. Meth. 

Newman, Samuel Phillips. Ms., 
1796-1842. An educator who was a 
classical professor in Bowdoin College. 
Practical System of Rhetoric, long a 
popular work ; Elements of Political 

Newton, Richard. K, 1812-1887. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Philadelphia, 
long prominent among extreme Low 
Churchmen. The King's Highway; 
The Great Pilot ; Rills from the Foun- 
tain of Life ; Bible Promises ; Natural 
History of the Bible, are among his 
writings. Pev. 




Newton, Richard Heber. Pa., 

1840 . Son of R. Newton, supra. 

An Episcopal clergyman of New York 
city, rector of All-Souls Church, and 
prominent as a very Broad Church 
theologian. Among more conservative 
thinkers his views have excited much 
opposition and needless alarm. Woman- 
hood ; The Morals of Trade ; The Eight 
and Wrong Uses of the Bible ; The 
Book of the Beginnings ; Philistinism ; 
Social Studies ; Church and Creed ; The 
Children's Church. Put. Ban. 
Newton, Robert Safford. O., 1818- 
1881. A surgeon of New York city. 
Eclectic Treatise in the Practice of 
Medicine ; Antiseptic Surgery. 
Newton, William. E., u. 1820-189- 
Brother of E- Newton, supra. A Ee- 
formed Episcopal clergyman of West 
Chester, Pennsylvania. The First Two 
Visions of the Book of Daniel ; The 
Morning Star, and Other Poems ; Na- 
ture's Testimony to Nature's God. 
Newton, 'William 'Wilberforoe. 

Pa., 1843 . Son of R. Newton, 

supra. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Essays of 
To-Day, Keligious and Theological ; 
The Legend of St. Telemachus; The 
Voice of St. John, and Other Poems ; 
•Summer Sermons ; The Voice Out of 
Egypt ; Ragnar, the Sea King ; Para- 
dise ; The Priest and the Man, or Abe- 
lard and H^loise, an historical novel ; 
Life of W. A. Muhlenberg, supra ; and 
several collections of sermons to chil- 
dren, including, The Wicket Gate ; The 
Interpreter's House ; Little and Wise ; 
A Father's Blessing. Sou. Ban. Wh. 
Nichols, Edw^ard Leamington. K, 

18.54 ■ — . A professor of physics at 

Cornell University from 1887. Labo- 
ratory Manual of Physios and Applied 
Mechanics; The Galvanometer. Mac. 
Nichols, George Ward. Me., 1831- 
1885. A writer on art and music who 
was president of the Cincinnati College 
of Music. The Story of the Great 
March ; Art Education Applied to In- 
dustry ; Pottery ; Sanctuary, a story of 
the Civil War. Har. 
Nichols, Ichabod. N. H., 1784- 
1859. A Unitarian minister of Port- 
land, Maine, 1814-55, and from the 
latter date a resident of Cambridge. 
Natural Theology ; Hours with the 

Evangelists ; Remembered Words. A. 

Nichols, James Robinson. Ms., 
1819-1888. A manufacturing chemist 
of Boston who founded The Journal of 
Chemistry (now The Popular Science 
News) in 1866. What, When, and 
Where ? ; Fireside Science ; Chemistry 
of the Farm ; The New Agriculture. 

Nichols, Mrs. Mary Sargeant 
[Neal] [Gove]. " Mary Orme." N. 
H., 1810 . A hydropathic phy- 
sician. Lectures on Anatomy and Phy- 
siology ; Experience in Water Cure ; A 
Woman's Work in Water Cure and 
Sanitary Education. As " Mary Orme " 
she published the novels. Uncle John ; 
Agnes Norris ; The Two Loves, Eros 
and Anteros. 

Nichols, Mrs. Rebecca S— 

[Reed]. 1820 . A verse-writer 

of Cincinnati. Berniee, and Other 
Poems ; Songs of the Heart. 

Nichols, Starr Hoyt. Ct., 1834 . 

A broker of New York city, in earlier 
life a Unitarian minister. He has pub- 
lished Monte Rosa, the Epic of an Alp. 

Nichols, Thomas L . Circa 1820- 

. An American physician who 

settled in Malvern, England, near the 
opening of the Civil War. Women 
in AU Ages ; Esoteric Anthropology ; 
Forty Years of American Life ; How 
to Cook ; How to Behave ; How to 
Live on Sixpence a Day ; Human Phy- 
siology the Basis of Sanitary Reforms. 

Nichols, Walter Ripley. Ms., 1847- 
1886. A professor of chemistry in the 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 
who published Water Supply from a 
Chemical and Sanitary Standpoint, and 
many scientific papers. 

Nicholson, Mrs. Eliza [Poite- 
vent]. "Pearl Rivers." Mi., 1849- 
1896. A journalist of New Orleans, 
owner and editor of The Picayune, and 
the first woman in the world to own 
and manage a great daily paper. Ly- 

Nicholson, James Bartram. Mo., 

1820 . A prominent bookbinder 

of Philadelphia, author of a Manual of 
Bookbinding, an exhaustive treatise on 
the subject. Bai. 

Nicholson, William Rufus. Mi., 
1822 . A Reformed Episcopal 




bishop, dean of the theological semi- 
nary of that faith in Philadelphia. The 
Blessedness of Heaven ; Why I Became 
a Reformed Episcopalian ; The Real 
Presence ; The Call to the Ministry. 

Nioolay, John George. Bv., 1832- 
. The private secretary of Presi- 
dent Lincoln, and marshal of the United 
States Supreme Court, 1872-87. The 
Outbreak of the Rebellion ; Abraham 
Lincoln, a History (with J. Hay, supra). 
Cent. Scr. 

Nicum, John. yVg., 18.51- 

prominent Lutheran minister of Ro- 
chester, New York, who has published 
History of the New York Ministerium ; 
Gleichniss - Reden Jesu ; Weihnachts 
Andacht ; and a translation of ^yolf 's 
Lutherans in America. 

Nieriker, Mrs. May [Alcott]. Ms., 
1840-1879. Daughter of A. B. Alcott, 
supra. An artist who published Con- 
cord Sketches ; Studying Art Abroad. 

Niles, Hezekiah. Del, 1777-1839. A 
journalist of Baltimore, founder of 
Niles's Register. The towns of Niles, 
Michigan, and Niles, Ohio, were named 
in his honour. Quill Driving ; Princi- 
ples and Acts of the Revolutionary Pe- 
riod. Bar. 

Niles, John Milton. Ct, 1787-1856. 
A journalist of Hartford who was 
postmaster-general in 1840. Lives of 
Perry, Laurence, Pike, Harrison ; The 
Civil Officer ; History of the Revolu- 
tion in Mexico and Central America, 

Niles, Samuel. E. I., 1674-1762. A 
Congregational clergyman who was 
pastor of the church at Braintree, Mas- 
sachusetts, from 1711 till his death. 
TristitieB Ecclesiarum, a Brief and Sor- 
rowful Account of the Churches in 
New England ; God's Wonder- Working 
Providence for New England in the 
Reduction of Louisburg ; Vindication 
of the Doctrine of Original Sin ; The 
True Scripture Doctrine of Original 
Sin ; History of the French and Indian 

Nipher, Francis Eugene. N Y., 

1847 . A professor of physics in 

Washington University at St. Louis 
from 1874, who has published Theory 
of Magnetic Measurement. 

Nitsoh, Mrs. Helen Alice [Mat- 
thews]. " Catherine Owen." K, 

18 1889. A writer on domestic sci- 
ence whose home was at Plainfield, 
New Jersey. Choice Cookery ; Culture 
and Cooking ; Ten Dollars Enough ; 
Perfect Bread ; Gentle Bread-Winners ; 
Molly Bishop's Family; Progressive 
Housekeeping. JJar. Sou. 

Noah, Mordecai Manuel. Pa., 
1785-1851. A once noted journalist of 
New York city, who endeavoured un- 
successfully to found a Jewish colony 
on Grand Island, in the Niagara River. 
Travels in England, France, and Spain ; 
Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest. 
He wrote several successful plays, 
among which are, The Siege of Tripoli ; 
The Fortress of Sorrente. 

Noble, Annette Lucile. N. Y., 

1844 . A fiction-writer of Albion, 

New York, among whose works are, 
Uncle Jack's Executors; Eunice La- 
throp. Spinster ; Love and Shawl- 
Straps : After the Failure ; The Silent 
Man's Legacy. Put. 

Noble, Lucretia Gray. Ms., 18 — - 
. A writer of Wilbraham, Massa- 
chusetts, whose only novel, A Reverend 
Idol, was very popular. Hou. 

Noble, Edmund. S., 18 . A 

journalist who travelled in Russia, 1882- 
1884, and since 1884 has lived in Bos- 
ton. The Russian Revolt (1885). Sou. 

Noble, Louis Legrand. N. Y., 1813- 
1882. An Episcopal clergyman who 
held various rectorships successively in 
the State of New York. Ne-Ma-Nin, 
an Indian story in verse ; The Couree 
of Empire, a work relating to the artist 
Cole ; The Lady Angeline, and Other 
Poems ; A Voyage to the Arctic Seas. 

Nordheimer, Isaac. (?., 1809-1842. 
An educator of New York city, instruc- 
tor in sacred literature at Union Theo- 
logical Seminary, 1838-42. Hebrew 
Grammar ; Grammatical Analysis of 
Select Portions of Scripture. 

Nordhoff, Charles. P., 1830 . 

A litterateur and journalist of New 
York city. Man-of-War Life; The 
Merchant Vessel ; Whaling and Fish- 
ing ; Man-of-War Yams ; Cape Cod 
and All Along Shore ; Peninsular 
California ; Northern California ; Seces- 
sion is Rebellion ; Communistic Socie- 
ties of the United States ; Politics for 
Young Americans ; God and the Future 


Life, include his more important works. 
Do. Har. 

Norman, Benjamin Moore. N. Y., 

1809-1860. A bookseller of New Or- 
leans. Rambles in Yucatan ; New Or- 
leans and its Environs ; Rambles by 
Land and Water. 

Norman, Henry. Ms., 1858 . A 

journalist of prominence. The Peo- 
ples and Politics of the Far East ; The 
Real Japan. Scr. 

Norris, George ■Washington. Pa., 
1808-1875. A Philadelphia physician. 
Contributions to Practical Surgery ; 
Early History of Medicine in Philadel- 

Norris, Thaddeus. Pa., 1811-1877. 
A Philadelphia business man who wrote 
much on sporting- topics. American 
Angler's Book; American Fish Cul- 
ture. Co. 

North, Elislia. Ct., 1771-1843. A phy- 
sician of New London, Connecticut. 
Treatise on Spotted Fever ; Outlines 
of the Science of Life ; Uncle Toby's 
Pilgrim's Progress In Phrenology. See 
Life and Writings of, 18S7. 

Northend, Charles. Ms., 1814-1893. 
A prominent educator of Connecticut. 
Teacher and Parent ; Teachers' Asso- 
ciations ; Annals of American Insti- 
tutes oiE Instruction ; Life of Elihu Bur- 
ritt, supra. 

Northend, 'William Dummer. Ms., 

1823 . Brother of C. Northend, 

supra. A lawyer of Salem, Massachu- 
setts. Speeches and Essays on Politi- 
cal Subjects ; The Bay Colony. Sst. 

Northrop, Birdsey Grant. Ct, 1817- 
. A prominent Connecticut edu- 
cator, secretary of the State Board of 
Education, 1869-82. Education Abroad ; 
Rural Improvement ; Tree-Planting. 

Northrup, Ansel Judd. N. Y., 1883- 

. A lawyer of Syracuse. Camps 

and Tramps in the Adirondacks ; Gray- 
ling Fishing in Northern Michigan ; 
Seonset Cottage Life. 

Norton. Andrews. Ms., 1786-1853. 
A Unitarian clergyman of Cambridge, 
professor of sacred literature in Har- 
vard University, 1819-30, and promi- 
nent among conservative theologians of 
his faith. Historical Evidences of the 
Genuineness of the Gospels ; Internal 
Evidences of the Genuineness of the 



Gospels ; Tracts Concerning Christian- 
ity ; Reasons for not Believing the Doc- 
trines of the Trinitarians. See Memoir 
by W. Newell. A. U. A. 

Norton, Augustus Theodore. Ct, 
1808-1884. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of Alton, Illinois, author of a History 
of the Presbyterian Church in Illinois. 

Norton, Charles Eliot. Ms., 1827- 
. Son of A. Norton, supra. A dis- 
tinguished Dante scholar and a high au- 
thority on the histpry of art, since 1875 
professor of the history of art in Harvard 
University. He has edited the Letters 
of J. R. Lowell, supra ; the Writings 
of G. W. Curtis, supra ; the Goethe and 
Carlyle Correspondence ; the Letters of 
Cftrlyle ; and has translated Dante's 
Vita Nuova and Divina Commedia. 
His other works include. Historical 
Studies of Church-Building in the Mid- 
dle Ages ; Notes of Travel and Study 
in Italy ; Considerations of Some Re- 
cent Social Theories. Mar. Hou. 

Norton, Charles Ledyard. Ct, 1837- 

. A journalist of New York city, 

since 1893 editor of Outing. Hand- 
book of Florida ; Political American- 
isms ; Jack Benson's Log ; A Medal of 
Honor Man, a book for boys. Lgs. We. 

Norton, Frank Henry. Ms., 18.36- 

. A journalist of New York city. 

Lives of General Hancock, Alexander 
Stephens ; Daniel Boone, a romance. 

Norton, George Habley. N. Y., 
1824-1893. An Episcopal clergyman 
of Alexandria, Virginia, who published 
Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of 
the Holy Catholic Church. 

Norton, Herman. N. Y., 1799-1 S.i5. 
A Presbyterian evangelist in New York 
State. The Christian and Deist in Con- 
trast ; Signs of Danger and Promise ; 
Startling Facts for American Protes- 

Norton, John. E., 1606-1663. A 
Puritan clergyman who came to New 
England in 1635, and in 1653 succeeded 
John Cotton as teacher of the church 
at Boston. He wrote much, and was 
a strenuous advocate of religious per- 
secution. Among his writings are, The 
Heart of New England Rent at the 
Blasphemies of the Present Generation ; 
Life of Mr. John Cotton. See Sprague's 
Annals of the American Pulpit ; Long- 
fellow's New England Tragedies. 




Norton, John. Ms., 1651-1716. Ne- 
phew of J. Norton, supra. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, pastor of the 
church at Hingham, 1678-1716, who is 
remembered for his Elegy on Aune 
Bradstreet, a poem of some force and 
merit. See Ti/ier's American Litera- 

Norton, John Nicholas. N. Y., 
1820-1881. Brother of G. H. Norton, 
supra. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Louisville, among whose many works 
are. Lives of Bishops White, Seabury, 
Bowen, Freeman, Provost, Stewart, Wil- 
son, Claggett, Henshaw ; Short Ser- 
mons for Families ; The King's Ferry- 
Boat ; Lives of Washington, Franklin, 
Bishop Berkeley, Archbishop Cranmer. 

Norton, Mrs. Minerva [Brace]. N. 

Y., 1837 . An educator of Beloit, 

Wisconsin. In and Around Berlin ; Ser- 
vice in the King's Gardens. Mg. 

Norton, Sidney Augustus. O., 1835. 
A scientist who has been professor 
of chemistry in Ohio University from 
1873. Elements of Natural Philosophy ; 
Elements of Physics ; Elements of In- 
organic Chemistry ; Organic Chemistry. 

Norton, William Augustus. N. Y., 

1810-1883. A professor of civil engi- 
neering in Sheffield Scientific School, 
Yale University, from 1852. Elemen- 
tary Treatise on Astronomy ; First 
Book of Natural Philosophy and As- 

Nott, Eliphalet. Ct., 177.3-1866. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of note, presi- 
dent of Union College, 1804-66. Coun- 
sels to Young Men ; Lectures on Tem- 
perance. See Memoir by Van Santvoord, 

Nott, Josiah Clark. S. C, 1804-1873. 
A physician of Mobile, who wrote The 
Physical History of the Jewish Race, 
and was co-author with Gliddon of the 
once famous Types of Mankind, and 
of Indigenous Races of the Earth. Lip. 

Nourse, James Duncan. Ei/., 1817- 
1854. A journalist of St. Louis. The 
Forest Knight, a novel ; Leavenworth, 
a story of the Mississippi ; God in His- 

Nourse, Joseph Everett. D.C.,1819- 

. Cousin of J. D. Nourse, supra. 

A professor in the Naval Academy, 

1850-81. The Maritime Canal of Suez ; 
Astronomical and Meteorological Ob- 
servations; American Explorations in 
the Ice Zones. Lo. 
Noyes, Arthur Ames. Jfs.,186- 

A professor of chemistry in the Massa- 
chusetts Institute of Technology who 
has published a treatise on Qualitative 
Chemical Analysis. 

Noyes, Charles Henry. "Charles 

Quiet." McL, 1849 . A lawyer 

and yerse-writer of Warren, Pennsyl- 
vania, who has published Studies in 
Veise. Lip. 

Noyes, George Rapall. Ms., 1798- 
1868. A Unitarian clergyman eminent 
as a biblical scholar, and professor of 
Hebrew in Harvard University from 
1840. He published translations with 
notes of the Psalms, Job, Ecclesiastes, 
Canticles, the Prophets, and Proverbs ; 
and a translation of the New Testa- 
ment. A. U. A. 

Noyes, Henry Drury. iV. Y., 1832- 

. An ophthalmologist of New York 

city. Treatise on Diseases of the Eye ," 
Text-Book on Diseases of the Eye. 

Noyes, James. E., 1608-1656. A 
Puritan clergyman of Newbury, Mas- 
sachusetts, pastor of the church there, 
1635 - 56. The Temple Measured ; 
Moses and Aaron, or the Rights of 
Church and State. 

Noyes, James Oscar. N. Y., 1829- 
1872. A physician and journalist of 
New Orleans. Roumania ; The Gyp- 
sies : their History, Origin, and Manner 
of Life. 

Noyes, John Humphrey. F^,1811- 
1886. A noted religionist who founded 
the Oneida Community, and other asso- 
ciations of socialists. The Second 
Coming of Christ ; Salvation from Sin 
the End of Christian Faith ; History 
of American Socialisms ; House Talks. 

Nuttall [niit'al], Thomas. E., 1786- 
1859. A noted ornithologist and bota- 
nist, of English birth, whose life was 
mainly spent in the United States, but 
who returned to England in 1842. 
The Genera of North American Plants ; 
Travels in Arkansas in 1819 ; The 
Nbrth American Sylva ; Manual of the 
Ornithology of the United States and 
Canada (1832 and 1834); Geological 




Sketch of the Valley of the Mississippi ; 
A Popular Haudbook of the Ornitho- 
logy of Eastern North America, being 
a new edition of the Manual of Ornitho- 
logy revised and annotated by Monta- 
gue Chamberlain. See Popular Science 
Monthly, March, 1S95. Lit. 

Nye, Bill. See Nye, Edgar. 

Nye, Edgar "Wilson. Me., 1850-1896. 
A humourous journalist whose writing, 
though very popular, is ephemeral in its 
nature and of little or no literary value. 
Bill Nye and the Boomerang ; Forty 
Liars, and Other Lies ; Baled Hay ; Bill 
Nye's Blossom Rock ; Remarks ; Bill 
Nye's Thinks; The Cadi, a comedy; 
Comic History of the United States ; A 
Guest at the Ludlow, and Other Sto- 
ries ; Comic History of England. Lip. 

Nystrom, John William. IS — 
1885. An engineer in the United States 
navy. Treatise on Parabolic Construc- 
tion of Ships ; Technological Educa- 
tion ; The Force of Falling Bodies ; 
Treatise on the Elements of Mechanics ; 
New Treatise on Steam Engineering ; 
Pocket Book of Mechanics and Engi- 
neering ; Principles of Dynamics ; Trea- 
tise on Screw Propellers. Bai. Lip. 

Oakes, Urian. E., 1631-1681. A 
Congregational clergyman, pastor of 
the church in Cambridge, and presi- 
dent of Harvard College, 1675-81. He 
is chiefly remembered for his Elegy 
upon the Death of Thomas Shepard, a 
notable poem in six-lined stanzas, but 
his sermons, in point of style, are the 
best which were written in America 
during the colonial period. See Tyler'' s 
American Literature. 

Oakey, Alexander F. N. Y., 1850- 
. An architect of Buffalo. Build- 
ing a Home ; Home Grounds ; The 
Art of Life and the Life of Art. Ap. 

Oakey, Emily Sullivan. N. Y., 
1829-188.3. An educator of Albany. 
Dialogues and Conversations ; At the 
Foot of Parnassus, a collection of verse. 

Ober, Frederick Albion. Ms., 1849- 
. A writer of Beverly, Massa- 
chusetts, well known as a traveller. 
Camps in the.Caribbees ; Young Folks' 

History of Mexico ; The SUver City ; 
Travels in Mexico ; Mexican Resources 
and Guide to Mexico ; Montezuma's 
Gold Mines ; The Knockabout Club in 
the Antilles ; The Knockabout Club 
in the Everglades ; Li the Wake of Co- 
lumbus ; Josephine, Empress of the 
French. Est. Le. Lo. Mer. 
Oberholtzer, Ellis Faxon. Pa., 

1868 . Son of Mrs. Oberholtzer, 

infra. A Philadelphia journalist. The 
Referendum in America, a, Discussion 
of Law-Making by Popular Vote. 

Oberholtzer, Mrs. Sara Louisa 
[Vickers], Pa., 1841 . Averse- 
writer of Norristown, Pennsylvania. 
Violet Lee, and Other Poems ; Come 
for Arbutus ; Hope's Heart Bells, a 
novel ; Daisies of Verse ; Souvenirs of 
Occasions. Lip. 

O'Brien, Fitz James. L, 1828-1862. 
A brilliant but erratic journalist of 
New York city. Poems and Stories ; 
The Diamond Lens, and Other Stories. 
See Memoir by W. Winter, infra. Scr. 

O'Brien, John. Z, 1841-1879. A Ro- 
man Catholic clergyman and educator, 
professor of ecclesiastical history and 
sacred theology in Mount St. Mary's 
College, Emmlttsburg, Maryland, from 
1877. He published, in 1879, A His- 
tory of the Mass and its Ceremonies 
in the Eastern and Western Churches, 
which has since passed through four- 
teen editions. It is non-controversial 
In character, and is clear and forcible in 
its style. 

O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey. I., 
1797-1880. An historical writer of 
Albany, and subsequently of New York 
city. History of New Netherlands; 
Jesuit Relations; Documentary His- 
tory of New York. He edited many 
volumes of State and colonial records. 

O'Connell, Jeremiah Joseph. I., 

1821 . A Roman Catholic priest 

of the Benedictine order In North Caro- 
lina. Catholicity in the Carolinas and 
Georgia ; Conferences on the Blessed 

O'Connor, Joseph. iV.Y., 1841 . 

A journalist of Rochester, New York, 
whose collected Poems appeared in 
1895. Put. 

O'Connor, William Douglas. Ms. 
1832-1889. A clerk m the civil ser- 




vice at Washington. Harrington, a 
novel ; The Good Gray Poet, a defence 
of Walt Whitman ; The Ghost ; Three 
Tales; Hamlet's Note-Book. Hou. 
O'Conor, John Francis Xavier. 
N. Y., 1852 . A Roman Catho- 
lic clergyman of the -Society of Jesus, a 
professor in Boston College. Some- 
thing Real ; Lyric and Dramatic 
Poetry ; Reading and the Mind. 

Odenheimer, William Henry. Pa., 

1817-1879. The tliird Protestant Epis- 
copal hishop of New Jersey, 1859-74, 
becoming hishop of Northern New Jer- 
sey in the latter year. Origin of the 
Prayer-Book ; Essay on Canon Law ; 
The Sacred Scriptures the Imperial 
Record of the Glory of the Holy Tri- 
nity ; Jerusalem and its Vicinity ; The 
Devout Churchman's Companion ; The 
True Catholic no Romanist ; Thoughts 
on Immersion ; Bishop White's Opi- 
nions ; Sermons, with Memoir. Dut. 

Odiorne, Thomas. iV. H., 1769-1851. 
An iron manufacturer of Maiden, Mas- 
sachusetts. The Progress of Refine- 
ment, a Poem ; Fame and Miscella- 

O'Donnell, Daniel Kane. Pa., 1838- 
1871. A Philadelphia journalist who 
published The Song of Iron and the 
Song- of Slaves, with Other Poems. 

O'Donnell, Jessie Fremont. N. 

Y., 18 . A wiiter of Lowville, 

New York. Heart Lyrics ; Horseback 

Officier, Morris. O., 182.3-1874. A 
Lutheran missionary. Plea for a Lu- 
theran Mission in Africa; Western 
Africa a Mission Field ; African Bible 

OHara, Theodore. Ky., 1820-1867. 
An officer in the United States army 
during the Mexican War, and subse- 
quently in the Confederate army. He 
is remembered for his poem, The Bi- 
vouac of the Dead, stanzas from which 
have been inscribed on tablets in seve- 
ral of the national cemeteries. 

Olin, Mrs. Julia Matilda [Lynch]. 

N. ¥., 1814-1879. Wife of S. Olin, 
infra. Words of the Wise ; Four Days 
in July ; Curious and Useful Questions 
on the Bible ; The Perfect Light, com- 
prise her most important writings. 

Olin, Stephen. Vt., 1797-1851. A 
Methodist clergyman and educator, 
president of Wesleyan University from 

1842. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Pe- 
trsea, and the Holy Land ; Greece and 
the Golden Horn ; College Life, its The- 
ory and Practice ; Youthful Piety. See 
Life and Letters, 1867. Meth. Bar. 

Oliver, Benjamin Lynde. Ms., 1788- 

1843. A lawyer of Boston. Hints on 
the Pursuit of Happiness ; Rights of 
an American Citizen ; Law Summary ; 
Practical Conveyancing; Forms of Prac- 
tice ; Forms of Chancery. Lit. 

Oliver, Mrs. Grace Atkinson [Lit- 
tle] [ElUs]. Ms., 1844 . A Ut- 

t^rateur of Salem, Massachusetts. Lives 
of Mrs. Barbauld, Maria Edgeworth, 
Theodore Parker, Dean Stanley. She 
has edited Tales of Maria Edgeworth ; 
Essays of Mrs. Barbauld; Tales and 
Poems of Ann and Jane Taylor. 

Oliver, Mrs. Martha [Capps]. IL, 

1845 . A writer of Jacksonville, 

Illinois. Her writings in verse for ju- 
venile readers comprise. The Story of 
Columbus ; In Slavery Days ; The Far 

Oliver, Peter. N. H., 1822-1855. 
Nephew of B. L. Oliver, supra. A law- 
yer of Boston whose Puritan Common- 
wealth, an historical review of the 
Puritan government of Massachusetts, 
presents a not altogether favourable 
picture of the period under discussion. 

Olmsted [iim'sted or om'sted], Alex- 
ander Fisher. N. C, 1822-1853. 
Son of D. Olmsted, infra. A professor 
of chemistry in the University of North 
Carolina who published Elements of 

Olmsted, Denison. Ct., 1791-1859. 
A scientist who was professor of natu- 
ral philosophy at Yale College from 
1825. Letters on Astronomy ; Com- 
pendium of Natural Philosophy ; Stu- 
dents' Commonplace Book ; Introduc- 
tion to Natural Philosophy. 

Olmsted, Francis AUyn. N. C, 
1819-1844. Son of D. Olmsted, supra. 
A physician who published Incidents 
of a Whaling Voyage. 

Olmsted, Frederick Law. Ci., 

1822 . A celebrated landscape 

architect of Boston. He designed the 




Central Park of New York city and the 
park systems of Boston, BiifEalo, and 
many other American cities. Walks 
and Talks of an American Farmer ; A 
Journey in the Seaboard Slave States ; 
A Journey through Texas ; A Journey 
in the Back Country. 

Olney, Jesse. C«., 1798-1872. A noted 
educator of Connecticut. The National 
Preceptor ; Geography and Atlas (1828), 
a standard work for a generation ; His- 
tory of the United States. 

Olssen, "William "Whittlngham. N. 
Y., 1827 . An Episcopal clergy- 
man and educator, professor of ma- 
thematics in St. Stephen's College, 
Annandale, New York, from 1871. Per- 
sonality, Human and Divine ; Revela- 
tion, Universal and Special. 

Olsson [ol'siin], Olof. Sn., 1841 . 

A Lutheran clergyman, president of 
Augustana College, Rock Island, Illi- 
nois, from 1891. At the Cross ; Greet- 
ings from Afar, a volume of travel; 
The Christian Hope. 

Onderdonk, Henry. L. I., 1804- 
1886. Nephew of H. U. Onderdonk, 
infra. An educator of Long Island, 
principal of Union Hall Academy, 18o2- 
1865. Queens County in Olden Times ; 
Annals of Hempstead, 1643 - 1832 ; 
Long Island and New York in Olden 

Onderdonk, Henry Ustick. N. Y., 
1789-1858. The second Protestant 
Episcopal bishop of Pennsylvania. 
Episcopacy Tested by Scripture, re- 
published as Episcopacy Examined and 
Re-Examined ; Essay on Regeneration ; 
Sermons and Charges ; Family Devo- 

O'Neall, John Bel^on. S. C, 1793- 
1863. A South Carolina jurist. Digest 
of the Negro Law ; Annals of Newberry 
District ; Bench and Bar of South Caro- 

Opdyke, George. N. J., 180.5-1880. 
A banker of New York city, and mayor 
of that city, 1862-63. Treatise on Po- 
litical Economy; Report on the Ciir- 
rency; Ofl&cial Documents and Ad- 

Optic, Oliver. See Adams, W. T. 

O'Reilly, Henry. I., 1800-1886. A 
journalist of Rochester, New York. 
Sketches of Rochester ; American Po- 
litical Anti-Masonry. 

O'Reilly, John Boyle. I., 1844- 
1890. A noted journalist of Boston, 
editor of The Pilot. In his youth he 
was concerned in a Fenian outbreak in 
Ireland, and banished to Australia. Es- 
caping thence he came to America in 
1869 and settled in Boston, where his 
talents speedily secured recognition. 
Much of his work in verse is epheme- 
ral, but his best lines have the ring of 
true poetry. Songs, Legends, and Bal- 
lads ; Moondyne ; 'The Statues in the 
Block, and Other Poems ; Songs of the 
Southern Seas ; In Bohemia. In prose 
he published. Stories and Sketches; 
The Ethics of Boxing. See Life by J. 
J. Hoche, infra ; Dictionary of Na- 
tional Biography, vol. 4^. 

O'Reilly, MUes. See Halpine. 

Orme, Mary. See Nichols, Mrs. 

Ormond, Ale:sander Thomas. Pa., 

1847 . Stuart professor of mental 

science and logic at Princeton Univer- 
sity from 1883. Basal Concepts in Phi- 
losophy. Scr. 

Orne, Mrs. Caroline [Chaplin]. 

Ms., 18 1882. Niece of J. Chaplin, 

1st, supra. A once popular magazinist, 
who was the author of more than two 
hundred and fifty stories. 

Orne, Caroline Frances. Ms., 1818- 

. A Cambridge writer of verse, 

and also of stories for children. Her 
life has all been passed in Cambridge, 
her native place. A Day in the Wood- 
lands ; Lucy's Party, and Other Tales ; 
Sweet Auburn and Mount Auburn, with 
Other Poems ; Morning Songs of Ame- 
rican Freedom. 

Orton, Edward. N. Y., 1829 . 

The State geologist of Ohio from 1883. 
Economic Geology of Ohio ; Petroleum 
and Inflammable Gas. Clke. 

Orton, James. N. Y., 1830-1877. A 
Congregational clergyman, well known 
as a naturalist, who was professor of 
natural history at Vassar College, 1869- 
1877. Comparative Zoology ; The An- 
des and the Amazon ; Underground 
Treasures ; Liberal Education of Wo- 
men. Bai. Har. 

Orton, James Rock'wood. N. Y., 
1800-1867. A litterateur of New York 
city. Poetical Sketches ; Arnold, and 
Other Poems ; Camp Fires of the Red 
Men ; Confidential Experiences of a 
Spiritualist. Mac. 




Osborn, Henry Fairfield. Ct, 1857- 
. A professor of biology at Co- 
lumbia College. From the Greeks to 
Darwin, an outline of the evolution 
idea. Mac. 

Osborn, Henry Stafford. Pa., 1823- 

■. A Presbyterian clergyman and 

educator, professor in Miami Univer- 
sity, Ohio, 1871-73. Palestine Past and 
Present; Fruits and Flowers of the Holy 
Land; Scientific Metallurgy of Iron 
and Steel in the United States ; Manual 
of Bible Geography ; Ancient Egypt 
in the Light of Recent Discoveries; 
Little Pilgrims in the Holy Land ; New 
Descriptive Geography of Palestine ; 
The Prospector's Field Book and Guide ; 
A Practical Manual of Minerals, Mines, 
and Mining. Bai. Clhe. 

Osborn, John. Ms., 1713-1753. A 
physician of Middletown, Connecticut, 
whose Whaling Song was long popular 
among sailors. 

Osborn, Laughton. N. Y., 1809- 
1878. An artist and litterateur of New 
York city. Confessions of a Poet ; Sixty 
Years of the Life of Jeremy Levis ; 
The Vision of Rubeta ; Arthur Carryl ; 
Handbook of Oil Painting ; Travels by 
Sea and Land, and a number of come- 
dies and tragedies, include the most of 
his writing. 

Osborn, Selleck. Ct, 178.3-1826. A 
journaUst, once popular as a poet, who 
published Poems, Moral, Sentimental, 
and Satirical. 

Osborne, [Samuel] DufiBeld. X. I., 

1858 . A litterateur of New York 

city. The Spell of Ashtaroth ; The 
Robe of Nessus. Scr. 

Oscanyan, Hatchik. Ty., 1818 . 

An Armenian writer of New York city 
who took the name of Christopher. 
Acaby, a satirical romance ; Veronica, 
a novel ; Bedig, a work for young read- 
ers ; The Sultan and His People, once 
a very popular work. 

Osgood, Mrs. Frances Sargent 
[Locke]. Ms., 1811-1850. A verse- 
writer whose poems were for a time 
extremely popular. She was the wife 
of an artist, and lived some years in 
London. The Casket of Fate; A 
Wreath of Wild Flowers from New 
England ; The Happy Release, a play 
written for Sheridan Knowles ; Poems. 

See Life hy Griswold; Allibone's Dic- 

Osgood, Samuel. Ms., 1748-1813. A 
statesman who was a member of the 
Continental Congress, 1780-84, and na- 
val officer of the port of New York, 
1803-13. Letter on Episcopacy ; Re- 
marks on Daniel and Revelation ; The- 
ology and Metaphysics. 

Osgood, Samuel. Ms., 1812-1880. 
A Unitarian clergyman, pastor of the 
Church of the Messiah in New York 
city, 1849-69. In 1870 he entered the 
Episcopal ministry, but assumed no pa- 
rochial duties. Studies in Christian 
Biography ; God with Men ; Milestones 
in our Life Journey ; The Hearthstone ; 
Student Life ; The Gospel Among the 
Animals ; American Leaves ; The New 
Hampshire Book (with C. J. Fox). His 
published orations upon patriotic events, 
notable men, and historic themes, are 
numerous. Har. 

Osier, William. Ont, 1849 . A 

physician, professor in Johns Hopkins 
University from 1889. Clinical Notes 
on Small - Pox ; Histology Notes for 
Students ; Cerebral Palsies of Children ; 
Principles and Practice of Medicine; 
Diagnosis of Abdominal Tumors. Ap. 

Osmun, Thomas Embley. " Alfred 

Ayres." 0., 1826 . An author 

of New York city. The Verbalist ; The 
Orthoepist ; an annotated edition of 
Cobbett's Grammar ; The Mentor ; Act- 
ing and Actors ; The Essentials of Elo- 
cution. Ap. Fu. 

Ossoli [os'o-lee], Sarah Margaret 
[Fuller], Marchioness d'. Ms., 
1810-1850. A once famous writer of 
Boston whose personality was more than 
anything she ever wrote, and who is 
little more than a name to the pre- 
sent generation. She was a gifted wo- 
man, and as a teacher in Boston, editor 
of The Dial, and literary critic for The 
New York Tribune, was a prominent 
figure. In 1845 she went to Italy, and 
there was married to the Marquis d' Os- 
soli. Woman in the Nineteenth Cen- 
tury ; Art, Literature, and the Drama ; 
At Home and Abroad ; A Summer on 
the Lakes. ^See Memoir by Emerson, 
W. H. Channing, and J. F. Clarke; 
Lives by Higginson, Mrs. J. W. Howe ; 
Galaxy Magazine, May, 1878 ; LawelVs 
Fable far Critics. 



Oswald, Felix Leopold. Bm., 1845- 
. A naturalist of Tennessee. Phy- 
sical Education; Summerland Sketch- 
es ; Zoological Sketches ; Household 
Remedies ; The Secret of the East, or 
the Origin of the Christian Religion ; 
Days and Nights in the Tropics ; The 
Bible of Nature ; The Poison Problem. 
Ap. Lip. Lo. 

Otis, Mrs. Eliza [Henderson]. Ms., 
1796-1873. Wife of H. G. Otis, infra. 
A once prominent philanthropist and 
social leader in Boston who wrote The 
Barclays of Boston, a novel. 

Otis, Elwell Stephen. Md., 18-38- 

. A United States army officer. 

The Indian Question. 

Otis, Fessenden Nott. N. T., 182.5- 

. A physician of New York city. 

Lessons in Drawing ; Tropical Jour- 
neyings ; History of the Panama Rail- 
road ; Stricture of the Male Urethra ; 
Clinical Lessons on Syphilis; Physio- 
logy of Syphilitic Infection. 

Otis, Q-eorge Alexander. Ms., 1830- 
1881. A surgeon who was curator of 
the Army Medical Museum at Wash- 
ington. Report of Surgical Cases 
Treated in the United States Army, 
1867-71 ; Amputation at the Hip 

Otis, Harrison Gray. M.i., 1765- 
1848. Son of J. Otis, infra. A promi- 
nent citizen of Boston famous for his 
eloquence. Letters in Defence of the 
Hartford Convention ; Orations and 

Otis, James. Ms., 1725-1783. A cele- 
brated orator and politician, and one of 
the most active advocates of American 
independence. He was an impetuous, 
vehement speaker, and seldom failed to 
carry his hearers with him. Rights 
of the British Colonies Asserted and 
Approved; Vindication of the British 
Colonies ; Considerations on Behalf of 
the Colonists ; A Vindication of the 
Rights of the House of Representa- 
tives of Massachusetts Bay. See Life 
by Tudor. 

Otis, James. See Kaler. 

Ott, Isaac. Pa., 1847 . A physi- 
cian who has published Cocaine, Vera- 
tria, and Gelseminum ; Action of Medi- 
cines ; Physiology and Patholog^y of 
the Nervous System. 

Otts, John Martin Philip. S. C, 

1838 . A Presbyterian minister of 

Talladega, Alabama. Nieodemus with 
Jesus ; Light and Life for a Dead 
World ; The Southern Pen and Pulpit ; 
Inter-denominational Literature ; The 
Gospel of Honesty ; Laconisms ; The 
Fifth Gospel ; Unsettled Questions ; At 
Mother's Knee. Rev. 

Overman, Frederick. G., c. 1810- 
1852. A mining engineer of Phila- 
delphia. The Manufacture of Iron ; 
The Manufacture of Steel ; Political 
Mineralogy ; Moulder's and Founder's 
Pocket Guide ; Mechanics for the Mill- 
wright, etc. ; Treatise on Metallurgy. 
Ap. Bai. 

O-wen, Catherine. See Nitsch, Mrs. 

Owen, David Dale. S., 1807-1860. 
Brother of R. D. Owen, infra. The 
State geologist of Indiana. Report of 
a Geological Survey of Kentucky ; 
Geological Survey of Wisconsin ; Re- 
port of a Geological Reconnoissance. 

Owen, John Jason. N. Y., 1803- 
1869. A Presbyterian clergyman and 
educator of 'New York city. Com- 
mentary on the Gospels ; Acts of the 
Apostles in Greek, with Lexicon ; and 
text-book editions of Xenophon, Thucy- 
dides, and Homer. 

Owen, Richard. S., 1810-1890. Bro- 
ther of R. D. Owen, infra, and of D. 
D. Owen, supra. A geologist of New 
Harmony, Indiana. He succeeded his 
brother David as State geologist in 
1860, and was author of a Key to the 
Geology of the Globe. 

Owen, Robert Dale. S., 1801-1877. 
A prominent writer of New Harmony, 
Indiana, the son of Robert Owen, the 
noted Scottish socialist. He was active 
in political life, and was an ardent ad- 
vocate of Spiritualism. Outlines of the 
System of Education at New Lanark ; 
Moral Physiology ; Popular Traits ; 
Pocahontas, a drama ; Hints on Public 
Architecture; The Wrong of Slavery 
and the Right of Freedom ; Footfalls 
on the Boundary of Another World; 
Beyond the Breakers, a novel ; Thread- 
ing my Way ; Debatable Land be- 
tween this World and the Next. See 
Woollen's Biographical Sketches^ of 
Early Indiana ; Dictionary of National 
Biography, vol. 4^. Lip. 




Packard, Alpheus Spring. Me., 

1839 . A naturalist of eminence, 

professor of geolog'y and zoology in 
Brown University from 1878. Zoology ; 
Life Histories of Animals, or Compara- 
tive Embryology ; Guide to the Study 
of Insects ; Half-Hours with Insects ; 
Our Common Insects ; Entomology for 
Beginners ; A Naturalist on the Labra- 
dor Coast ; Observations on the Glacial 
Phenomena of Labrador and Maine. 
Est. Ho. 

Packard, Frederick Adolpbus. 
Ms., 1794-1867. A Philadelphia writer, 
editor for nearly forty years of the 
publications of the American Sunday 
School Union. The Teacher Taught ; 
Life of Robert Owen ; Visit to Euro- 
pean Hospitals ; The Teacher Teach- 
ing; Union Bible Dictionary, include 
his most important writings. 

Packard, John Hooker. Pa., 1832- 

. Son of F. A. Packard, supra. A 

surgeon of Philadelphia, surgeon to 
the Pennsylvania Hospital from 1884. 
Manual of Minor Surgery ; Lectures 
on Inflammation ; Handbook of Opera- 
tive Surgery ; Sea Air and Sea Bathing. 

Packard, Lewis Richard. Pa.,1836- 
1884. Son of F. A. Packard, supra. 
An educator who was professor of Greek 
at Yale University from 1866, and 
author of Studies in Greek Thought. 

Packard, Silas Sadler. Ms., 1826- 
. An educator who founded a 

business college in New York city. 
Bryant and Stratton's Bookkeeping 
Series ; Complete Course of Business 
Training ; Commercial Arithmetic ; 
New Manual of Bookkeeping. 

Paddock, Benjamin Henry. Ct-, 
1828-1891. The fifth Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of Massachusetts, 1873- 
1891. Ten Years in the Episcopate ; 
The First Century of the Diocese of Mas- 
sachusetts ; The Pastoral Relation ; The 
Foundation of Religious Belief. Ap. 

Paddock, Mrs. Cornelia. 18 — 
. In the Toils ; The Fate of Ma- 
dame la Tour, a. Tale of Great Salt 
Lake. Fo. 

Page, Charles Edward. Me., 1840- 
. A physician of Boston. How 

to Treat the Baby; Natural Cure of 
Consumption ; Horses : their Feed and 
Feet ; Pneumonia and Typhoid Fever. 
Page, Charles Grafton. Ms., 1812- 
1868. An examiner in the Patent 
Office at Washington from 1840, who 
published Psychomanoy, Spirit Rap- 
pings, and Table Tippings Exposed. 

Page, David Perkins. N. H., 1810- 
1845. A once prominent educator of 
Albany whose Theory and Practice of 
Teaching was long popular. 

Page, Emily Rebecca. Vt., 1834- 
ly62. A verse-writer of Vermont whose 
work, which enjoyed local fame, is in- 
cluded in the volume, Lily of the Val- 

Page, Richard Channing Moore. 

Va., 1841 . A physician of New 

York city, but during the Civil War a 
Confederate officer. Genealogy of the 
Page Family of Virginia; Sketch of 
Page's Battery, Lee's Army ; Chart 
of Physical Diagnosis. 

Page, Thomas Jefferson. Va., 1808- 

. A naval officer in the service of 

the Southern Confederacy, 1861-62. 
La Plata, the Argentine Confederation, 
and Paraguay. 

Page, Thomas Nelson. Va., 18.5-3- 
. A lawyer of Richmond, Vir- 
ginia, whose studies of Southern life 
are notable for a singular charm of 
style. In Old Virginia ; Two Little 
Confederates ; On Newfound River ; 
Elsket, and Other Stories ; The Old 
South ; Pastime Stories ; Essays, Social 
and Political ; Unc' Edinburg, a Plan- 
tation Echo ; The Burial of the Guns ; 
PoUy ; Among the Camps ; Meh Lady ; 
Marse Chan ; Befo' de War (with A. 
C. Gordon, supra). Har. Scr. 

Paige, Lucius Robinson. Ms., 1802- 
1896. A Universalist clergyman who 
retired from the ministry in 1839, and 
subsequently filled several offices of 
trust in Cambridge. Commentary on 
the New Testament ; History of Cam- 
bridge, 1630-1877, with Genealogical 
Register ; History of Hardwick, Massa- 
chusetts. Hou. 

Paine, Elijah. Ft. , 1796-1853. A jurist 
and legal writer of New York city. 
Paine's Reports ; Practice in Civil Ac- 
tions and Proceedings in the State of 
New York (with W. Duer, supra). 



Paine, Halbert Eleazar. O., 1826- 

. A Federal army officer during 

the Civil War, and subsequently a law- 
yer in Washing-ton, whose Treatise on 
the Law of Elections to Public Offices 
is a much-valued work. Lit. 

Paine, Harriet Eliza. " E. Chester." 

3/s., IS . A Boston educator. 

Girls and Women, a, helpful book for 
girls. Hou. 

Paine, Martyn. Vt., 1794-1877. A 
physician of New York city. Medical 
and Physiological Commentaries ; In- 
stitutes of Medicine ; The Cholera 
Asphyxia of New York (1832) ; Physi- 
ology of Digestion ; Physiology of the 
Soul and Instinct as distinguished from 
Materialism ; Review of Theoretical 
Geology ; The Philosophy of Vitality ; 
Defence of the Medical Profession of 
the United States ; A Therapeutical 
Arrangement of Materia Medica ; Or- 
ganic Life Distinguished from Chemi- 
cal and Physical Doctrines. See Grosses 
Sketches of Contemporaries. 

Paine, Robert. N. C, 1799-1882. A 
prominent Methodist bishop whose Life 
and Times of Bishop McKeudree was 
once a popular biography. 

Paine, Robert Treat. Ms., 1773- 
1811. A once noted verse-writer of 
Boston whose spirited song, Adams 
and Liberty, has preserved his memory. 
He gave up his profession of law for 
literary pursuits, and received large 
sums for his poems, among which are. 
The Invention of Letters, and The Rul- 
ing Passion. His work was stilted and 
conventional, with the exception of the 
song named above. His collected Verse 
and Prose, edited by Prentiss, appeared 
in 1812. See Allibone's Dictionary. 

Paine, Thomas. E., 1737-1809. A 
celebrated political and deistical writer 
of English birth who came to America 
in 1774, and in 1776 issued his famous 
pamphlet. Common Sense, which was of 
great service to the American cause. 
In the American Crisis, published in 
numbers, 1776—83, he continued his de- 
fence of America. His other works 
include. The Rights of Man, a reply to 
Burke's " Reflections on the French 
Revolution " ; The Age of Reason, a 
work inferior to his other writings in 
matter and style, and fiercely assailed 
by the religious sentiment of his day. 

His works have been ably e4ited by M. 
D. Conway (1894-95), supra. See Lives 
hy Chatham, Cohbett, Ricknian, G. 
Chalmers, G. Vale, Sherwin, M. D. 
Conway; Atlantic Monthly, July, No- 
vember, and December, 1859; Nine- 
teenth Century, March, 1879; McMas- 
ter's History of the People of the United 
States, Watson's Men and Times of the 
Revolution; Allibone's Dictionary; Dic- 
tionary of National Biography, vol. 43. 

Paiue, Timothy Otis. Me., 1824- 
189;j. A Swedenborgian clergyman of 
Elmwood, Massachusetts. Solomon's 
Temple and Capitol ; Idolatrous High 
Places. Hou. 

Palfrey [pawl'fri], Francis 'Win- 
throp. Ms., 1831-1889. Son of J. 
G. Palfrey, infra. An officer in the 
Federal army during the Civil War, and 
from 1872 register of bankruptcy in 
Boston. Antietam and Fredericks- 
burg ; Memoir of William Francis Bart- 
lett. Hou. Scr. 

Palfrey, John Gorham. Ms., 1796- 
1881. A Unitarian clergyman in Cam- 
bridge, professor of sacred literature in 
Harvard University, 1831-37, subse- 
quently a member of Congress, and 
postmaster of Boston, 1861-67. His 
literary reputation rests upon his His- 
tory of New England, a painstaking, 
accurate work, but not especially at- 
tractive in style, and marred by want 
of perspective. Other works by him 
are. Lectures on the Jewish Scriptures ; 
The Relation between Judaism and 
Christianity. Hou. Lit. 

Palfrey, Sarah Hammond. " E. 

Foxton." Ms., 1823 . Daughter 

of J. G. Palfrey, supra. A novelist and 
verse-writer of Cambridge. Her work 
in verse comprises, Pr^mices ; Sir Pavon 
and St. Pavon ; The Chapel ; The Blos- 
soming Rod ; Agnes Wentworth. In 
fiction she has published Katharine 
Morne ; Herman, or Young Knight- 
hood. Le. 

Palmer, Alonzo Benjamin. N. Y., 
181.5 - 1887. A physician who was 
medical professor in the University of 
Michigan from 1852. Homoeopathy, 
What Is It ? ; The Treatment of the 
Science and Practice of Medicine ; Epi- 
demic Cholera ; Temperance Teachings 
of Science ; Diarrhcea and Dysentery. 




Palmer, Mrs. Anna [Campbell]. 

"Mrs. George Archibald." N. Y., 

1854 . A writer of Elmira, New 

York. The Summerville Piize ; Little 
Brown Seed ; Lally Gay ; Lally Gay 
and her Sister ; Verses from a Mother's 

Palmer, Benjamin Morgan. S. C, 

1818 . A Presbyterian minister 

of New Orleans. Life and Letters of 
James Thornwell, infra ; Sermons ; The 
Family in its Civil and Churchly As- 
pects ; Formation of Character ; The 
Brolien Home ; Theology of Prayer. 

Palmer, Elihu. Ct., IVB'l-lSOe. A 
writer of New York city who was in bis 
early career a Congregational minister, 
but became a deist and a political agi- 
tator. The Principles of Nature ; Pros- 
pect or View of the Moral World from 

Palmer, Mrs. Frances [Purdy]. 

N. 1'., 1839 . A journalist and 

lecturer of Providence who has pub- 
lished A Dead Level, and Other Epi- 

Palmer, George Herbert. Ms., 1R42- 
. Alford professor of natural re- 
ligion, moral philosophy, and civil po- 
lity at Harvard University. He has 
published The New Education, and an 
English translation of the Odyssey in 
rhythmic prose. Sou. Lit. 

Palmer, Mrs. Henrietta fLee], Md., 

18.34 . Wife of J. W. Palmer, 

infra. The Stratford Gallery, or the 
Shakespeare Sisterhood ; Home Life 
in the Bible ; The Heroines of Shake- 

Palmer, Horatio Richmond. W. 

Y., 1834 . Elements of Musical 

Composition ; Theory of Music. 

Palmer, John 'Williamson. Md., 
182.5-1896. A physician and littera- 
teur of Baltimore and subsequently of 
New York city. The Queen's Heart : 
a Comedy ; The Beauties and Curiosi- 
ties of Engraving ; After His Kind, a 
novel ; The Golden Dagon, or Up and 
Down the Irrawaddi ; The New and the 
Old, or California and India. 

Palmer, Julius Auboineau. Ms., 

1840 . About Mushrooms ; Me- 
mories of Hawaii ; One Voyage and its 
Consequences ; Mushrooms of Ameri- 
ca ; Again in Hawaii. Le. Lo. Wn. 

Palmer, Lynde. See Peebles, Mrs. 
Palmer, Mrs. Phoebe Worrell. N 

Y., 1807-1874. A Wesleyan evange! 
list of New York city, whose writing is 
mainly concerned with the doctrine of 
perfection. The Way of Holiness; 
Entire Devotion ; Faith and its Effect ; 
Promises of the Father ; Four Years in 
the Old World ; Pioneer Experiences. 
See Life and Letters of, 1876. 

Palmer, Ray. R. I., 1808-1887. A 
Congregational clergyman of Albany, 
widely known as a writer of hymns, the 
most famous of which is, " My Faith 
Looks up to Thee." Home, or the Un- 
lost Paradise ; Spiritual Improvement ; 
Closet Hours ; Hymns and Poems ; 
Hymns of My Holy Hours ; Remember 
Me ; Voices of Hope and Gladness. 
J^ar. Le. Han. 

Palmer, William Pitt. Ms., 1805- 
1884. An insurance president of New 
York city known also as a verse-writer. 
Light; Echoes of Half a Century, a 
collection of poems. 

Pancoast, Joseph. N. J., 1805-1SS2. 
An eminent snrgeon of Philadelphia, 
professor of surgery in Jefferson Medi- 
cal College, 1838-74. Operative Sur- 
gery ; Essays and Lectures ; System of 
Anatomy. jSee Gross's Sketches of Con- 

Pancoast, Seth. Pa., 1823-1889. A 
Philadelphia physician, professor in 
Pennsylvania Medical College, 1854-62. 
The Cabala ; Consumption ; Ladies' 
Medical Guide ; Boyhood's Perils ; 
Bright's Disease. 

Pansy. See Alden, Mrs. 

Parish, Elijah. Ct., 1762-182.5. , A 
Congregational minister, pastor at By- 
field, Massachusetts, 1787-182.5. He 
was co-author with Jedediah Morse, 
supra, of several geographical works, 
and wrote a New System of Modern 
Geography. See Sermons of, with Me- 
moir, 18S6. 

Park, Edwards Amasa. H. L, 1S08- 

. A Congregational clergyman in 

Andover, Massachusetts, professor in 
the Theological Seminary there, 1835- 
1881. Discourses and Treatises on the 
Atonement ; Discourses on Some Theo- 
logical Doctrines as Related to the Re- 
ligious Character ; Lives of S. Hopkins, 
supra, N. Emmons, supra, B. B. Ed- 

PARK 283 

wards, supra, S. H. Taylor, infra, W. 
B. Homer. 

Park, Roswell. Ct, 1S07-1S69. An 
Episcopal clergyman and educator, 
president and chancellor of Racine Col- 
lege, 1852-63. Sketch of the History 
of West Point ; Jerusalem, and Other 
Poems ; Pantology, or Systematic Sur- 
vey of Human Knowledge. 

Park, Roswell. C(., 1S52 . A pro- 
fessor of surgery in the University of 
BufEalo from 1883 who has published 
Lectures on Surgical Pathology. 

Parke, John. Del, 1754-1789. An 
officer in the American army during 
the Revolution, who published The 
Lyric Works of Horace. The transla- 
tion, in rhymed verse, was dedicated 
to Washington, and in it the names of 
American patriots were substituted for 
those of the Roman worthies. 

Parke, John G-rubb. Pa., 1827 . 

A soldier of distinction who was super- 
intendent of the United States Military 
Academy in 1887, and was retired from 
active service in 1889. United States 
Laws Relating to Public Works ; Laws 
Relating to the Construction of Bridges 
over Navigable Waters. 

Parker, Edward Griffin. iVs.,1825- 
1S08. A lawyer of New York city. 
The Golden Age of American Oratory ; 
Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. 

Parker, Edwin Pond. Me., 1886- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Hartford, pastor of the South Church 
from 1860. Book of Praise ; Memorial 
of H. Bushnell, supra ; The Ministry of 
Natural Beauty. 

Parker, Mrs. Elizabeth Lowber 
[Chandler]. " Bessie Chandler." 

N. Y., 1856 . A writer of Ba- 

tavia, New York, who has contributed 
much to magazines. A Woman who 
Failed and Others. Rob. 

Parker, Foxhall Alexander. N. 
Y., 1821-1879. A commodore in the 
United States navy. Fleet Tactics 
under Steam ; The Naval Howitzer 
Afloat ; The Naval Howitzer Ashore ; 
The Fleets of the World ; The Battle 
of Mobile Bay ; Elia, or Spain Fifty 
Years Ago, a translation from the 

Parker, Francis "Wayland. N. H., 
18.37 . A prominent educator of 


Chicago, principal of Cook County Nor- 
mal School, and formerly supervisor of 
the Boston schools. Talks on Teach- 
ing ; The Practical Teacher ; Course in 
Arithmetic ; How to Teach Geography. 

Parker, Gilbert. Ont, 1861 . A 

popular Canadian novelist now living 
in the United States. Pierre and His 
People : Tales of the Far North ; An 
Adventurer of the North ; A Romany 
of the Snows ; A Lover's Diary ; When 
Valmond Came to Pontiac ; The Seats 
of the Mighty ; The Pomp of the La- 
villettes. Lam. St. 

Parker, Mrs. Helen Fitch. N. Y., 
1827-1874. Wife of H. W. Parker, in- 
fra. Sunrise and Sunset ; Morning Stars 
of the New World; Rambles After 
Land Shells ; Missions and Martyrs of 
Madagascar ; Frank's Search for Sea 
Shells ; Constance of Aylmer, a tale ; 
Blind Florette ; Arthur's Aquarium. 

Parker, Henry Webster. N. Y., 

1824 — ■ . Son of S. Parker, infra. 

A Presbyterian clergyman and edu- 
cator, professor of mental science in 
Iowa College from 1879. The Story of 
a Soul, a poem ; Verse. 

Parker, James Cutter Dunn. Ms., 

1828 . Nephew of R. G. Parker, 

infra. A Boston musician. Manual of 
Harmony ; Theoretical and Practical 

Parker, Joel. N. H., 1795-1875. A 
jurist of Massachusetts, professor of 
law at Harvard University, 1847-75. 
The War Power of Congress ; The 
Right of Secession ; The Non-Exten- 
sion of Slavery ; Constitutional Law ; 
Revolution and Construction ; The 
Three Powers of Government ; Con- 
flict of Decisions. 

Parker, Joel. Vt., 1799-1873. A Pres- 
byterian clergyman of New York city. 
Lectures on Uuitarianism ; Invitations 
to True Happiness ; Reasonings of -a 
Pastor ; Sermons ; Notes on Twelve 
Psalms, include his principal writings. 

Parker, Nathan How^e. 18 • 

Iowa as it is in 1855 ; Kansas and Ne- 
braska Handbook for 1857-58 ; The 
Missouri Handbook (1865) ; Missouri 
as it is in 1867, are among his various 
statistical works. 




Parker, Mrs. Permelia Jane 

[Marsh]. N. Y., 1830 . A writer 

of Rochester, New York. Toiling and 
Hoping, a novel ; The Boy Missionary ; 
Losing the Way ; Under His Banner ; 
The Midnight Cry, a novel of the Mil- 
lerite delusion; Rochester, a Story 
Historical ; Life of S. F. B. Morse, su- 
pra ; The Morgan Boys ; Around the 
Manger ; Andy, the Story of a Trou- 
hlesome Boy. Cas. Do. 
Parker, Peter. Ms., 1804-1888. A 
Congregational missionary and diplo- 
mat in China, and after 18.57 a resident 
of Washington. Journal of an Expedi- 
tion from Singapore to Japan ; State- 
ment respecting Hospitals in China. 

Parker, Richard G-reen. Ms., 1798- 
lS(iO. An educator of Boston. Natu- 
ral Philosophy ; Aids to English Com- 

Parker, Samuel. Ms., 1799-1866. A 
Congregational clergyman of New York 
State, said to have been the first who 
suggested the possibility of a railway 
through the Rocky Mountains to th6 
Pacific Ocean. He published. Explor- 
ing Tour Beyond the Rocky Moun- 

Parker, Theodore. Ms., 1810-1860. 
A famous Unitarian clergyman of West 
Roxbury, Massachusetts, whose ex- 
tremely radical views excited great 
opposition in his denomination, and re- 
sulted in his becoming pastor of an 
independent congregation in Boston. 
He was very outspoken in his champion- 
ship of freedom for the slave, temper- 
ance, and the rights of labour, and rap- 
idly came to be a controlling infiuence 
in contemporary thought. Since his 
death his influence has deepened botli 
in America and Europe. He was a 
prolific writer, but the purely literary 
value of his work is not great. Miscel- 
laneous Writings ; Sermons on Theism, 
Atheism, and Popular Theology ; Occa- 
sional Sermons and Speeches ; Matters 
Pertaining to Religion; Additional 
Sermons and Speeches ; Sermons for the 
Times ; Experience as a Minister ; West 
Roxbury Sermons ; Prayers ; Lessons 
from the World of Matter and the 
World of Mind ; Historic Americans ; 
Views of Religion. -His complete works, 
as edited by Frances Power Cobbe, fill 
twelve volumes. See Lives by John 

Weiss, 1864, EevilJe, 1865, O. B. Fro. 
thingham, 1S74- ; The Story of Theodore 
Parker, by Miss Cobbe ; Atlantic Month- 
ly, October, 1860 ; North American Re- 
view, April, 1864. A. U. A. Mob. 

Parker, Thomas. £'.,1595-1677. A 
learned Puritan clergyman who was 
one of the founders of Newbury, Mas- 
sachusetts, and its first pastor. Parker 
River, in that region, is named in his 
honour. Letter on Church Government ; 
Projjhecies of Daniel Expounded ; Me- 
thodus Gratiie Divinise ; Theses ,de Tra- 
ductione Peccatoris ad Vitam. 

Parker, 'Willard. N. H., 1800-1884. 
A distinguished surgeon of Philadel- 
phia, professor of surgery in the College 
of Physicians and Surgeons, 1839-1869. 
Cystotomy ; Spontaneous Fractures ; 
The Concussion of Nerves, are among 
his professional monographs. 

Parker, William Harwar. JV. Y., 
1826 . Brother of F. Parker, su- 
pra. An officer in the Confederate 
navy during the Civil War. Instruc- 
tion for Naval Light ArtUlery ; Recol- 
lections of a Naval Of&cer. 

Parkhurst, Charles Henry. Ms., 

1842 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of New York city, pastor of the Madi- 
son Square Church from 1880, and 
very prominent as a municipal reformer. 
Forms of the Latin Verb Illustrated by 
the Sanskrit ; The Blind Man's Creed ; 
The Pattern on the Mount ; Three 
Gates on a Side ; What Would the 
World Be Without Religion?; The 
Swiss Guide ; Our Fight with Tam- 
many. Han. Hev. Scr. 

Parkinson, William. Md., 1774- 
1.S48. A Baptist clergyman of New 
York city. Ecclesiastical History ; 
Public Ministry of the Word ; Sermons 
on Deuteronomy xxxii. See Sprague's 
Annals of the American Pulpit. 

Parktnan, Ebenezer. Ms., 1703- 
1789. A Congregational pastor in 
Westborough, Massachusetts, from 1724 
till his death. Reformers and Inter- 

Parkman, Francis. Ms., 1788-1852. 
Grandson of E. Parkman, supra. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Boston, author 
of The OfEering of Sympathy. 

Parkman, Francis. Ms., 1823-1893. 
Son of F. Parkman, supra. The fore- 




most of American historians. He was 
born in Boston, was a graduate of 
Harvard in 1844, and in 1840 explored 
the wilderness beyond the Rocky 
Mountains, The Oregon Trail resulting 
from this journey. For many years he 
was partially blind, but as far as possi- 
ble continued the historical work which 
he was meditating, while as a relaxa- 
tion he devoted much time to horticul- 
ture and published a Book of Roses in 
1866. The work of his life was the 
series of historical narratives called 
France and England in North Ame- 
rica, begun in 1864 and completed in 
1892. The work includes, in their 
order. Pioneers of France in the New 
World; The Jesuits in North Ame- 
rica ; La Salle and the Discovery of the 
Great West ; The Old Regime in Cana- 
da ; Count Frontenac and New France 
under Louis XIV. ; A Half Century 
of Conflict ; Montcalm and Wolfe. The 
Conspiracy of Pontiae forms a sequel 
to the work, though first issued in 
18.57. The picturesque charm of his 
style has been widely acknowledged, 
while his scholarship has never been 
questioned. See Life and Uncollected 
tapers, hy Farnham ; Atlantic Monthlij , 
November, 1874, May, 1S94 ; Canadian 
Magazine, October, 1894 ; Macmillan's 
Magazine, April, 1894 ; Harvard 
Graduates' Magazine, June, 1895; 
Vedder's American Writers. Lit. 

Parkman, George. Ms., 1791-1849. 
Grandson of E. Parkman, supra. A 
Boston physician who published Insa- 
nity and the Management of the Insane. 
See Trial of Webster for the Murder of 
Dr. Parkman, 1850. 

Parks, Leighton. N. Y., 185- 

An Episcopal clergyman of Boston, 
rector of Emmanuel Church from 1878. 
His Star in the East ; Winning of 
the Soul, and Other Sermons. l)ut. Hou. 

Parley, Peter. See Goodrich, S. G. 

Parloa, Maria. Ms., 184.3. A lec- 
turer and writer upon domestic eco- 
nomy, especially upon the science of 
food preparation. First Principles of 
Household Management and Cook- 
ery ; Kitchen Companion ; The Young 
Housekeeper ; New Cook Book and 
Marketing Guide. Est. Sou. 

Parrish, Edward. Pa., 1822-1872. 
Son of Joseph Parrish, 1st, infra. An 

educator and pharmacist of Philadel- 
phia, and president of Swarthmore 
College, 1868-70. Introduction to Prac- 
tical Pharmacy; The Phantom Bou- 
quet, a Treatise on Skeletonizing 
Leaves ; Essay on Education in the 
Society of Friends. 

Parrish, John. Md., 1729-1807. A 
Quaker preacher of Pennsylvania noted 
as an early opponent of slavery, who 
published Remarks on the Slavery of 
the Black Race. 

Parrish, Joseph. Pa., 1779-1840. 
Nephew of J. Parrish, supra. An 
eminent Philadelphia physician who 
was the author of Practical Observa- 
tions on Strangulated Hernia. See 
Memoir by G. B. Wood. 

Parrish, Joseph. Pa., 1811-1891. 
Son of Joseph Parrish, supra. A physi- 
cian of Burlington, New Jersey, famous 
as an authority upon the treatment of 
inebriates. Alcoholic Inebriety from 
the Medical Standpoint. 

Parry, Charles Christopher. E., 
182;3-1890. A botanist of Davenport, 
Iowa, among whose writings are, Bo- 
tanical Observations in Western Wyo- 
ming ; Botanical Observations in South- 
ern Utah. 

Parsons, Mrs. Frances Theodora 

[Smith] [Dana]. A^. r.,1861 . 

A writer of Albany whose books were 
published under the name of Mrs. Wil- 
liam Starr Dana. How to Know the 
Wild Flowers ; According to Season ; 
Plants and Their ChOdren. Am. Scr. 

Parsons, Frank. N. J., 185.5 . 

A lawyer of Boston. The World's 
Best Books ; Our Country's Need, or the 
Development of a Scientific Industrial 
System. He has edited several legal 

Parsons, George Frederic. E., 

1840 . A journalist of New York 

city. Life of J. W. Marshall, Dis- 
coverer of Gold in California; Middle 
Ground, a novel. 

Parsons, Jonathan. Ms., 1705-1770. 
A Presbyterian minister of Newbury- 
port, who adopted the views of White- 
field, and in whose house that famous 
preacher died. Lectures on Justifica- 
tion ; Good News from a Far Coun- 
try, said to be the first book published 
in New Hampshire ; Sixty Sermons ; 




Freedom from Ecclesiastical and Civil 
Slavery the Purchase of Christ. See 
Sprague's Annals of the American Pul- 

Paraons, Theophilus. ifs.j 1750- 
1813. A jurist of Newbnryport and 
after 1800 of Boston, and chief jus- 
tice of Massachusetts from 1801. Com- 
mentaries on the Law of the United 
States; The Essex Result, a famous 
jjolitical pamphlet of 1777. See Memoir 
by his son. 

Parsons, Theophilus. Ms., 1797- 
1882. Son of T. Parsons, supra. A 
noted legal writer, Dane professor of 
Law in Harvard University from 1847, 
and an eminent Swedenborgian thinker. 
Treatise on the Law of Contracts ; Ele- 
ments of Mercantile Law ; The Laws 
of Business ; Maritime Law ; Law of 
Promissory Notes; Principles of the 
Law of Partnership ; The Law of Ma- 
rine Insurance ; Treatise on the Law 
of Partnership ; Political, Personal, and 
Property Rights of a United States 
Citizen ; Memoir of Chief Justice Par- 
sons, supra ; Tlie Ministry of Sorrow ; 
Deus Homo ; The Infinite and the Fi- 
nite ; Essays ; Outlines of the Religion 
and Philosophy of Swedenborg ; The 
Mystery of Life. Lip. Lit. 

Parsons, Thomas 'William. Ms., 
1819-1892. A poet of Boston who for 
some years practised his profession of 
dentistry there. The quality of his 
writing is uneven, but in such poems as 
the Lines on a Bust of Dante, and When 
Francesea Sings, he is at his best. His 
work includes a mueh-admired though 
incomplete translation in English verse 
of Dante's Divina Commedia, of which 
an edition was issued in 1893, with in- 
troduction by C. E. Norton, supra, and 
memorial sketch by Miss Guiney, su]yra ; 
Ghetto di Roma ; The Magnolia ; The 
Old Home at Sudbury ; The Shadow 
of the Obelisk, and Other Poems ; Po- 
ems (1893). See Atlantic Monthly ; Sted- 
m.anh Poets of America ; Hovey^s Sea- 
ivard, an Elegy. Hou. 

Parsons, Usher. Me., 1788-1868. A 
surgeon of Providence. The Art of 
Making Anatomic Preparations ; Prize 
Dissertations ; Sailors' Physician ; His- 
tory of the Battle of Lake Erie ; Life 
of Sir William Pepperell. 

Partington, Mrs. See Shillaber. 

Parton, James. E., 1822-1891. A 
jjopular litterateur of English birth who 
came to America when very young and 
for the latter part of his life resided in 
Newburyport. The permanent value 
of his writing is not great, with the 
possible exception of his Life of Vol- 
taire. His other works include. Lives of 
Greeley, Aaron Burr, Andrew Jackson, 
Franklin, Jefferson ; General Butler 
in New Orleans ; Famous Americans 
of Recent Times ; Smoking and Drink- 
ing ; Captains of Industry ; Triumphs 
of Enterprise ; Noted Women of Ame- 
rica and Europe ; The People's Book 
of Biography ; Caiicature and Other 
Comic Art ; Topics of the Times (1871). 
See New England Magazine, January, 
W9:j. Cr. Har. Hou. 

Parton, Mrs. Sarah Payson [Wil- 
lis] [Eldridge]. "Fanny Fern." Me., 
1811-1872. Wife of J. Parton, supra, 
and sister of N. P. WUlis, infra. A once 
pojiular but now neglected writer who 
for some sixteen years contributed a 
weekly article to The New York Ledger. 
Her writing was fresh and piquant in 
style, but wholly ephemeral in charac- 
ter. Rose Clark, a novel ; Ruth Hall, 
a novel more or less autobiographic ; 
Fern Leaves ; Folly as it Flies ; Ginger 
Snaps ; Caper Sauce. See Memoir by 
J. Parton, supra. 

Partridge, William Ordvray. F., 
18(n . A sculptor of Milton, Mas- 
sachusetts. Art for America ; The 
Techniqae of Sculpture ; The Song 
Life of a Sculptor. Gi. Rob. 

Parvin, Theodore Sutton. N. J., 

1817 . An educator of Iowa, pro- 
fessor in Iowa University, 1859-70. His- 
tory of Iowa ; History of Templary in 

Parvin. Theophilus. Ar., 1829 . 

A Philadelphia physician, professor in 
Jefferson Medical College, who has pub- 
lished The Science and Art of Obstet- 

Paschall, George Washington. 
Ga., 1812-1878. A jurist of Texas, 
and later of Washington, where he was 
professor of jurisprudence in George- 
town College. Annotated Digest of 
Texas Laws ; Decisions of Texas Su- 
preme Court ; Annotated Constitution 
of the United States. 




Patten, Claudius Buchanan. 183— 
1860. A banker of Boston who pub- 
lished, in 1885, England as JSeen by an 
American Banker. Lo. 

Patten, George "Washington. R.I. 
lSOS-1882. _ Son of W. Patten, infra. 
An officer in the United States army 
who wrote tlie noted lyrics, The Semi- 
nole's Reply ; Joys that We've Tasted. 
His published books include. Army 
Manual ; Infantry Tactics ; Cavalry 
Drill ; Voices of the Border, a volume 
of verse. 

Patten, Simon Nelson. II., 1852- 

. A professor of political economy 

in the University of Pennsylvania from 
1888. The Stability of Prices; The 
Consumption of We.ilth ; Economic 
Basis of Protection ; Principles of Ra- 
tional Taxation ; Educational Value of 
Political Economy ; Theory of Dynamic 
Economics ; The Premises of Political 
Economy ; The Theory of Social Forces. 

Patten, William. Ms., 1763-1839. A 
Congregational clergyman of Newport, 
Rhode Island. Christianity the True 
Religion; Reminiscences of Samuel 
Hopkins, supra. 

Patterson, Christopher Stuart. 
Pa., 1842 . A lawyer of Phila- 
delphia, professor of the law of real 
estate in the University of Pennsyl- 
vania from 1887. Memoir of Theodore 
Cuyler ; Railway Accident Law ; Fed- 
eral Restraints on State Action ; The 
United States and the State under the 

Patterson, Robert. /., 174.3-1824. 
A professor of mathematics in the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania, 1779-1814, 
and director of the Philadelphia Mint. 
The Newtonian System ; Treatise on 

Patterson, Robert. J., 1829 . A 

Presbyterian clergyman of Brooklyn, 
California, from 1880. The Fables of 
Infidelity and the Facts of Faith ; The 
American Sabbath ; The Sabbath : 
Scientific, American, and Christian ; 
Christianity the Only Republican Re- 
ligion ; Christ's Testimony to the Scrip- 
tures ; Egypt's Place in History. 

Patterson, Robert Mayne. Pa., 

1832 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of Philadelphia. History of Presby- 
terianism in Philadelphia ; Paradise ; 

Visions of Heaven ; Elijah the Favored 
Man ; History of the Synod of Penn- 

Patton, Alfred Spencer. E., 1825- 
1SS8. A Baptist minister of Utica, and 
subsequently editor, in New York city, 
of The Baptist Weekly. Light in the 
Valley ; My Joy and Crown ; Kincaid, 
the Hero Missionary ; The Losing and 
Taking of Mansoul. 

Patton, Francis Landey. Ba., 1843- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman and 

educator, president of Princeton Col- 
lege from 1H88. Inspiration of the 
Scriptures ; Summary of Christian Doc- 

Patton, Jacob Harris. Pa., 1812- 

. An historical writer of New 

York city. Concise History of the 
American People ; Yorktown, 1781- 
1881 ; The Democratic Party : its His- 
tory and Influence ; Brief History of 
the Presbyterian Church in the Uni- 
ted States ; Natural Resources of the 
United States ; Political Economy for , 
American Youth ; Four Hundred Years 
of American History ; Political Parties 
in the United States. Fo. Lov. 

Patton, William. Pa., 1798-1879. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of New York 
city, founder of the Union Theological 
Seminary. The Laws of Fermentation 
and the Wines of the Ancients ; The 
Judgment of Jerusalem Predicted in 
Scripture ; Jesus of Nazareth ; Bible 
Principles and Bible Characters. 

Patton, William Weston. N. Y., 
1821-1889. Grandson of W. Patton, 
supra. A Congregational clergyman in 
New York city, and president of How- 
ard University from 1877. Spiritual 
Victory ; Prayer and its Remarkable 
Answers ; The Young Man's Friend ; 
Conscience and Law ; Slavery and In- 
fidelity. Fa. 

Paul, John. See Webh, C. H. 

Paulding, James ICirke. Md., 1779- 
1860. A versatile and once popular 
writer of New York city, the friend of 
Irving, and co-author with him of The 
Salmagundi Papers in 1807. He was 
secretary of the navy, 1837-41. His 
various writings include : The Divert- 
ing History of John Bull and Brother 
Jonathan, his most siiccessful work ; 
Salmagundi, a second series, 1819 ; Ko- 




ningSTnarke, the Long Finne, a novel ; 
John Bull in Aiuerica ; The Dutch- 
man's Fireside ; Lay of the Scottish 
Fiddle, a travesty of the Lay of the 
Last Minstrel ; Westward Ho ; Merry 
Tales of the Three Wise Men of Go- 
tham ; The Puritan and his Daughter ; 
The New Mirror for Travellers ; The 
Backwoodsman, a poem ; The Buck- 
tails, a Comedy ; Letters from the 
South ; Life of George Washington ; 
Slavery in America, a spirited defence 
of that institution. See Literary Life 
of Paulding by his son ; Ajypletons^ Ame- 
rican Biography. Scr. 

Payne, Charles Henry. Ms., 1830- 

. A Methodist clergyman and 

educator, president of Ohio Wesleyan 
University, 187(i-8s. The Social Glass 
and Christian Obligation ; Daniel, the 
Uncompromising Young Man ; Guides 
and Guards in Character - Building ; 
Methodism, its History and Results ; 
Temperance ; AVomen and their Work 
in Methodism. Meth. 

Payne, Daniel Alexander. S. C, 

1811 . A Methodist bishop of 

African descent, president of AYilber- 
foroe University, 1865-76. Domestic 
Education ; History of the African 
Methodist Church ; EecoUections of 
Men and Things. 

Payne, John Howard. N. F.,1792- 
l.'^52. A dramatist and actor of 
New York city in whose drama of 
Clari, the Maid of Milan, occurs the 
famous lyric, Home, Sweet Home, his 
chief claim to remembrance. From 
1841 till his death he was United States 
consul at Tunis, his remains being re- 
moved from there to Washington in 
1883. His best plays include, Brutus ; 
Virginius ; Charles II. See American 
Magazine of History, May, 1881 ; Bio- 
graphical Sketch by Brainard, 1885. 

Payne, Williani Harold. N. Y., 

1836 . An educator of Tennessee, 

chancellor of the University of Nash- 
ville, and president of Peabody Normal 
College from 1888. School Supervision ; 
Outlines of Educational Doctrine ; Con- 
tributions to the Science of Education ; 
Lectures on Pedagogy. Ap. 

Payne, "Will[iam Hudson]. i?., 

1865 . A journalist of Chicago. 

Jerry the Dreamer, a novel, Har. 

Payne, William Morton, ilfs.,1858- 

. An educator and literary critic 

of Chicago, professor of physical sci- 
ence in the High School. Our New 
Education ; Little Leaders. Wy. 

Payson, Edward. N. H., 1783-1827. 
A Congregational clergyman of Port- 
land, Maine, whose three volumes of 
Sermons were for a long time widely 
popular in the religious world. See 
Bibliography of Maine. 

Payson, Edward. 1^14-1890. A 
writer of Deering, Maine. The Law 
of Equivalents in its Relations to Poli- 
tical and Social Ethics ; Doctor Tom ; 
The Maine Law in the Balance. Hou. 

Peabody, Andrew Preston, Ms., 
1811-1893. A Unitarian clergyman of 
eminence, pastor of a church at Ports- 
mouth, New Hampshire, 1833-60, and 
Plummer professor of Christian morals 
at Harvard University, 1860-81. A 
conservative, tolerant thinker, greatly 
beloved by all within the sphere of his 
influence. Sermons of Consolation ; 
Lectures on Christian Doctrine ; Chris- 
tianity the Fruit of Nature ; Moral 
Philosophy ; Faidts and Graces of Con- 
versation ; Sermons for Children ; Chris- 
tianity and Science ; King's Chapel 
Sermons ; Reminiscences of European 
Travel ; Christian Belief and Life ; 
Baccalaureate Sermons ; Building a 
Character ; Harvard Graduates Whom 
I Have Known ; Harvard Reminis- 
cences ; translations of the ethical writ- 
ings of Cicero and Plutarch's Delay of 
Divine Justice. A. U. A. Hou. Lit. 

Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Ms., 
1804-1894. A noted educator of Bos- 
ton, very active in awakening American 
interest in the kindergarten system, 
and in her early life associated in teach- 
ing with A. B, Alcott, supra, as related 
in her Kecord of a School, Her other 
works include : Chronological History 
of the United States ; Kindergarten 
Guide ; Esthetic Papers ; Letters to 
Kindergarteners ; First Steps to His- 
tory ; Reminiscences of Dr. Channing ; 
Last Evening with AUston, and Other 
Papers. Le. Rob. 

Peabody, Ephraim, N. H., 1807- 
18.56. Cousin of A. P. Peabody, supra. 
A Unitarian clergynian of Boston, rec- 




tor of King's Chapel, 1846-56. Chris- 
tian Days and Thoughts ; Sermons 
(with Memoir by S. A. Eliot), 1857. 

Peabddy, Francis Green-wood. 

Ms., IS . Son of E. Peabody, 

supra. A Unitarian clerg-yjnan of Cam- 
bridg-e, Parkman professor of theology 
at Harvard Univei'sity, 1880-86, and 
Plumraer professor of Christian morals 
from 1886. Mornings in the College 
Chapel. Hou. 

Peabody, Oliver William Bourne. 
N. H., 1799-1848. A lawyer and jour- 
nalist of Boston, subsequently a Uni- 
tarian clergyman and pastor of a church 
in Burlington, Vermont, 1845-48. He 
published Lives of Generals Sullivan 
and Putnam, in Sparks's American Bio- 
graphy, and an edition of Shakespeare 
with Life and Notes. 

Peabody, William Bourne Oliver. 
N. H., 1799-1847. Twin brother of 
0. W. B. Peabody, supra. A Unitarian 
clergyman, pastor of a church in Spring- 
field, Massachusetts, 1820-47. He was 
the author of Lives of A. Wilson, Cot- 
ton Mather, Brainerd, and Oglethorpe, 
in Sparks's American Biography ; and 
Report on Birds of the Commonwealth. 
As a verse-writer he is best represented 
by such poems as Monadnock ; Hymn 
of Nature ; Winter Night. 

Peacock, Thomas Brovirer. O., 

1852 . A verse-writer of Topeka, 

whose ambitious lines are quite without 
poetic merit. The Rhyme of the Bor- 
der War ; The Vendetta ; Poems of the 
Plains. Put. 

Peale, Charles "Wilson. Md., 1741- 
1827. An artist, inventor, and miscel- 
laneous writer of Philadelphia, among 
whose works are. On Building Wooden 
Bridges ; Domestic Happiness ; Eco- 
nomy in Fuel. See Tuckerman's Book 
of the Artists; Biography of, by R. 
Peale, infra ; Boyle's Distinguished 

Peale, Rembrandt. Pa., 1778-1860. 
Son of C. W. Peale, supra. An artist 
of Philadelphia. Notes on Italy ; Port- 
folio of an Artist ; Graphics. See Tuck- 
erman's Book of the Artists. 

Pearson, Jonathan. .2V. H., 181.8- 

. A genealogist who was professor 

of chemistry and subsequently of botany 
at Union College from 1839. Early 

Records of the County of Albany ; Ge- 
nealogy of the First Settlers of Albany'; 
Genealogies of the First Settlers of 

Pease, Theodore Claudius. N.Y., 
1853-1893. A Congregational clergy- 
man of Maiden, Massachusetts. The 
Christian Ministry. Hou. 

Peaselee, Edmund Randolph. N. 
H., 1814-1878. A physician of New 
York city, medical professor in several 
institutions. Human Histology ; Ova- 
rian Tumors. Ap. 

Peattie, Mrs. Elia Wilkinson. 

Mch., 1862 . A journalist of 

Chicago. The Judge, a novel ; A 
Trip through Wonderland, a volume of 
Alaska travel ; With Scrip and Staff, 
a story of the Children's Crusade ; A 
Mountain Woman. Wy. 

Peck, George. N. Y., 1797-1876. A 
Methodist clergyman of prominence 
who was editor of several denomina- 
tional journals. Christian Perfection ; 
Early Methodism; Wyoming and its 
History ; Universalism Examined ; His- 
tory of the Apostles and Evangelists ; 
Rule of Faith ; Manly Character, in- 
clude his chief works. See Life and 
Times of, by himself. Meth. 

Peck, George Washington. Ms., 
1817-1859. A journalist of Boston 
and New York. Melbourne and the 
Chinchu Islands. 

Peck, George Wesley. Pa., 1849- 
. Great-nephew of J. T. Peck, in- 
fra. A Methodist clergyman of West- 
ern New York. The Realization and 
Benefit of Ideals ; Walk in the Light. 

Peck, George Wilbur. N. Y., 1840- 
' . A Wisconsin politician, succes- 
sively mayor of Milwaukee and gover- 
nor of Wisconsin. Peck's Bad Boy ; 
Compendium of Fun, and other works 
of his, represent almost the lowest 
depths of vulgarity to which American 
humour has descended. 

Peck, Harry Thurston. Ct., 1856- 
. A professor of Latin at Colum- 
bia College and a literary critic. Latin 
Pronunciation ; The Semitic Theory of 

Peck, Jesse Truesdell. JV. Y., 1811- 
1883. Brother of G. Peck, supra. A 
bishop in the Methodist church. The 
Central Idea of Christianity ; The True 




Woman ; Wliat Must I Do to be 
Saved '? ; The Great Republic. Meth. 

Peck, John Lord. 18 -. The 

Ultimate Generalization of Science ; 
The Political Economy of Democracy 
and Capital and Labor. 

Peck, John Mason. Ct., 1789-1858. 
A Baptist g-eneral n[iissionary in the 
Western States. New Guide for Emi- 
grants to the West (1836); Father 
Clark, or the Pioneer Preacher. 

Peck, Samuel Minturn. AL, 1854- 
. A popular lyric poet and phy- 
sician of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Cap 
and Bells ; Rings and Love Knots ; 
Rhymes and Roses ; Fair Women of 
To-Day. Sto. 

Peck, William G-uy. Ct., 1820-1892. 
A soldier and mathematician, professor 
in Columbia College from 1857. Ele- 
mentary Mechanics ; Popular Astro- 
nomy ; and a complete course of mathe- 
matical text-books. 

Peck, "William Henry. Ga., 1830- 

. An educator of Georgia and a 

prolific writer of sensational novels 
remarkable for an entire absence of 
any literary quality. Among them are 
The McDonalds, or the Ashes of South- 
em Homes; The Confederate Flag of 
the Ocean ; The Brother's Vengeance. 
See Davidson^s Living Writers of the 

Pedder, James. E., 1775-1859. An 
agricultural writer who came to Ame- 
rica in 1832, and settled in Philadelphia 
as a sugar manufacturer. From 1844 
to 1859 he edited The Boston Cultiva- 
tor. The Farmer's Land Measure ; 
The Yellow Shoestrings ; Frank. 

Peebles, Mrs. Mary Louise [Par- 
melee]. "Lynde Palmer." N. Y., 
1833 . A writer of religious juve- 
nile tales and other works, among them 
being The Little Captain ; Helps Over 
Hard Places ; The Good Fight ; Where 
Honour Leads ; A Question of Honour, 
a story ; The Magnet Stones ; The Two 
Blizzards. Do. Kt. 

Peers, Benjamin Orrs. Va., 1800- 
1842. An Episcopal clergyman and 
educator of Kentucky, founder of the 
common school system of Kentucky. 
American Education. 

Peet, Harvey Priudle. Ct., 1704- 
1873. A noted educator of deaf-mutes 

in New Tork city. Courae of Instruc- 
tion for the Deaf and Dumb ; Legal 
Rights of the Deaf and Dumb ; His- 
tory of the United States, include his 
most important writings. 

Peet, Stephen Denison. O., 1830- 
. A Congregational minister, emi- 
nent as an anthropologist. The Ash- 
tabula Disaster ; History of Ashtabula 
County, Ohio ; Ancient Architecture in 
America ; History of Early Missions 
in Wisconsin ; Picture Writing ; Primi- 
tive Symbolisms ; The EfBgy Mounds 
of Wisconsin. See Bibliography of 

Peffer, William Alfred. Pa., 1831- 
. A prominent lawyer and jour- 
nalist of Kansas, and well known as a 
Populist Congressman. Tariff Manual; 
The Way Out. 

Peirce [pSrss], Benjamin. Ms., 1778- 
1831. A merchant of Salem, Massa- 
chusetts, subsequently librarian of 
Harvard University, who published a 
History of Harvard University from 
1636 to the American Revolution. 

Peirce, Benjamin. Ms., 1809-1880. 
Son of B. Peirce, supra. An eminent 
mathematician, professor of mathe- 
matics and astronomy at Harvard Uni- 
versity, 1833-67. Elementary Treatise 
on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ; 
Elementary Treatise on Sound ; Curves, 
Functions, and Forces ; Ideality in the 
Physical Sciences, compromise his most 
important works. 

Peirce, Benjamin Osgood. Ms., 

1854 . Kinsman of preceding. A 

professor of physics at Harvard Uni- 
versity from 1884, and author of 
Theory of the Newtonian Potential 
Functions. Gi. 

Peirce, Bradford Kinney. Vt., 
1819-1889. A Methodist clergyman 
and journalist, editor of Zion's Herald, 
1872-88. Bible Scholar's Manual; 
The Eminent Dead; Notes on the 
Acts; The Word of God Opened; A 
Half Century with Juvenile DeHn- 
quents ; Trials of an Inventor ; Au- 
dubon's Adventures ; Stories from Life 
which the Chaplain Told ; The Chap- 
lain with the Children ; The Young 
Shetlander and His Home ; Hymns of 
the Higher Life. Meth. 

Peirce, Charles Sanders. Ms.,lSZ9- 
. Son of B. Peirce, 2d, supra. A 




physician and lecturer on logio. Studies 
ill Logic. 

Peirce, Ebenezer Weaver. Ms., 

1822 . An officer in the Federal 

army diiring the Civil War. The 
Peirce Family of the Old Colony ; In- 
dian History, Biography, and Genea- 
logy ; Contributions, Biographical, etc. 

Peirce, James Mills. Ms., 1834 . 

Son of B. Peirce, 2d, supra. An edu- 
cator of Cambridge, professor of mathe- 
matics in Harvard University from 
1867. Text-Book of Analytical Geo- 
metry ; Elements of Logarithms, are 
among his technical works. Gi. 

Peirson, Mrs. Lydia Jane [Wheel- 
er]. Ct., 1802-1862. A verse-writer 
of Adrian, Michigan. Forest Leaves, 
and Other Poems ; The Forest Minstrel. 
See Grisy)old's Female Poets of America. 

Pellew, [William] George. E., 
1859-1892. A litterateur of New York 
city. Jane Austen's Novels, a Disserta- 
tion ; In Castle and Cabin, or Talks in 
Ireland ; Woman and the Common- 
wealth ; Life of John Jay. Hon. 

Pemberton, Ebenezer. Ms., 1704- 
1777. A Presbyterian clergyman pro- 
minent as a loyalist in Boston at the 
opening of the Revolution. Sermons 
on Several Subjects ; Practical Dis- 
courses ; Salvation by Grace ; Occa- 
sional Sermons. See Spragiie^s Annals 
of the American Pulpit. 

Pendleton, Edmund Monroe. 
1815-1884. A physician who published 
Scientific Agriculture (1876). 

Pendleton, James Madison. Va., 
1811-1891. A Baptist clergyman of 
Upland, Pennsylvania. Three Reasons 
Why I Am a Baptist ; Church Manual ; 
Christian Doctrines ; Sermons ; Distinc- 
tive Principles of Baptists ; Atonement 
of Christ. Bap. 

Pendleton, Louis [Beauregard]. 

Ga., 1861 A novelist of PhHa- 

delphia. Bewitched, and Other Sto- 
ries ; In the Wire Grass, a novel of 
Southern Georgia ; King Tom and the 
Runaways, a juvenile tale ; The Wed- 
ding Garment, a Tale of the Life to 
Come ; The Sons of Ham ; Corona of 
the Nantahalas ; In the Okef enokee, a, 
juvenile tale. Ap. Cas. Mer. Rob. 

Pendleton, William Nelson. Va., 
1809-1883. An Episcopal clergyman 

and educator of Virginia, a Confede- 
rate officer during the Civil War, and 
subsequently rector of Grace Church, 
Lexington, Virginia. Science a Wit- 
ness for the Bible. See Memoirs of, by 
E. P. Lee. Lip. 

Penhallow, Samuel. E., 1665-1726. 
A citizen of Portsmouth, New Hamp- 
shire, chief justice of New Hampshire, 
1717-26. He pubhshed in 1726 a re- 
alistic and valuable History of the Wars 
of New England with the Eastern In- 
dians. See Tyler's American Litera- 

Peniok, Charles Clifton. Va., 1843- 

. The third Protestant Episcopal 

bishop of the West African Mission. 
He was consecrated in 1877, resigned 
in 1883, and is now (1897) a general 
agent at Baltimore of the commission 
on work among the colored people. 
More than a Prophet, or Chapters on 
St. John the Evangelist. 

Penn, Arthur. See Matthews, J. B. 

Pennell, Mrs. Elizabeth [Robins]. 

18 . Niece of C. G. Leland, 

supra, and wife of J. Pennell, infra. 
A writer who has lived in London for 
many years. Life of Mary WoUstone- 
craft ; A Canterbury Pilgrimage ; Two 
Pilgrims' Progress ; Our Sentimental 
Journey through France and Italy ; Our 
Journey to the Hebrides ; To Gipsy- 
land ; Play in Provence ; The Feasts 
of Autolycus. Cent. Har. Mer. Bob. 

Pennell, Joseph. Pa., 1859 . 

An artist living in London who has il- 
lustrated his wife's books, and pub- 
lished Pen Drawing and Pen Draughts- 
men ; The Jew at Home ; Modern 
Illustration. Ap. Mac. 

Penny, Virginia. Ey., 1826 . An 

educator who has written much in re- 
lation to wider opportunities for wo- 
men. The Employment of Women ; 
Five Hundred Occupations Adapted to 
Women ; Think and Act. 

Pennypacker, Isaac Rusling. Pa., 
1852 . A journalist and verse- 
writer of Philadelphia. Gettysburg, 
and Other Poems. 

Pennypacker, Samuel Whitaker. 
Pa., 1843 . A jurist of Philadel- 
phia. Annals of Ph(pnixville ; Penn- 
sylvania Supreme Court Reports ; His- 
torical and Biographical Sketches. 




Pentecost, George Frederick. II., 

lS4o . A Congregational minister 

in Brooklyn, ISSl-yU, and subsequently 
an evangelist in America and England. 
The Angel in the Marble ; In the Vo- 
lume of the Book ; Out of Egypt ; 
The Christian and the Modern Dance ; 
Bible Studies ; The Gosj^el of Luke ; 
Grace Abounding in the Forgiveness 
of Sins. Bar. Rev. 

Pepper, George Dana Boardman. 

Ms., 183:3 . A Baptist clergyman 

and educator, president of Colby Uni- 
versity from 1882. Outlines of The- 

Pepper, William. Pa., 184.3 . 

An eminent Philadelphia physician, 
provost of the University of Pennsyl- 
vania, 18S1-W4. Higher Medical Edu- 
cation ; Diseases of Cliildren (with J. 
F. Meigs, supra). Lip. 

Perce, Elbert. JV^.r., 1831-1869. A 
litterateur of New York city. Old Carl 
the Cooper ; The Last of His Name ; 
The Battle Roll; Gulliver Joi : his 
Three Voyages ; and several transla- 
tions from the Swedish of Carl^n. 

Percival, James Gates. Ct., 1795- 
18-56. A verse-writer once popular, 
but now wholly neglected. His verse 
is not unmusical, but seldom rises much 
above mediocrity. Seneca Lake and 
The Coral Grove are still found linger- 
ing in anthologies. Prometheus ; Clio ; 
Dream of a Day ; Poems, include his 
poetical works. He was a geologist 
of some reputation, and published Geo- 
logical Surveys of Connecticut and Wis- 
consin. See Life and Letters, hy Julius 
Ward, infra ; AUibone's Dictionary. 

Percy, Florence. See Allen, Mrs. 

Perkins, Charles Callahan. Ms., 
1823-1886. A prominent art patron 
and critic of Boston. Raphael and Mi- 
chael Angelo ; Tuscan Sculptors ; Ital- 
ian Sculptors ; Historical Handbook of 
Italian Sculpture ; Ghiberti et son ^cole ; 
Art in Education ; History of the Boston 
Handel and Haydn Society. Hou. Scr. 

Perkins, Eli. See Landon. 

Perkins, Mrs. Elmira [Johnson]. 
Me., 1814-1896. A missionary among 
the Indians in Oregon. Her later life 
was passed in Boston. Harp of the 
Willows, a volume of verse. 

Perkins, Frederic Beecher. Ct., 
1828 . Grandson of Lyman Beech- 
er, suptra. A librarian. Scrope, or the 
Lost Library, a novel ; Devil Pnzzlei's, 
and Other Studies ; My Three Conver- 
sations with Miss Chester ; Life of 
Dickens ; Check List of American Lo- 
cal History, include the more impor- 
tant of his writings. 

Perkins, George Henry. Ms., 1844- 

. A naturalist, State entomologist 

of Vermont. The Injurious Insects of 
Vermont ; The Flora of Vermont. 

Perkins, George Roberts. N. Y., 

1812-1876. An educator of New York 
State, who published Plane and Solid 
Geometry, and other mathematical 

Perkins, James Breok. Wis., 1847- 

. A lawyer of Rochester, New 

York. France Under Mazarin ; France 
Under the Regency ; France under 
Louis XV. Hou. Put. 

Perkins, James Handasyd. Ms., 
1810-1849. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Cincinnati, very active in the cause of 
prison discipline reform. Annals of 
the West. See Memoir by his cousin, 
W. H. Channing, supra. 

Perkins, Justin. Ms., 1805-1869. A 
Congregational missionary in Persia. 
Residence of Eight Years in Persia ; 
Missionary Life in Persia. 

Perkins, Maurice. Ct., 1836 . 

A professor of chemistry at Union Col- 
lege from 1865, author of a Manual of 
Qualitative Analysis. 

Perkins, Samuel. Ci., 1767-1850. A 
lawyer of Windham, Connecticut. His- 
tory of the Late War between the 
United States and Great Britain (1825) I 
General Jackson's Conduct in the Semi- 
nole War ; Historical Sketches of the 
United States. 

Perkins, "William Rufus. Pa., 1847- 
1895. An educator and poet, professor 
of history in the Iowa State Univer- 
sity, 1887-95. He was the author of 
two careful historical monographs, His- 
tory of the Trappist Abbey of New 
Melleray ; and History of the Amana 
Society; and of Eleuais and Lesser 
Poems, a striking collection of musical 
meditative verse. Mg. 




Perrin, Mrs. Martha Chamberlin 
[Drinker]. Pa., 186 . Chan- 
sons du Matin. Put. 

Perrin, Raymond S . IS ■. 

The Student's Ureams ; The Religion 
of Plulosophy, or the Unification of 
Kno-wledg-e. Put. 

Perrine, William Henry. N. Y., 
1827-1880. A Methodist clergyman, 
professor for some years in Albion 
College, Michigan. The Principles of 
Church Government with Special Ap- 
plication to the Polity of Episcopal 

Perry, Amos. Ms.. 1812 . A 

Providence writer who was superin- 
tendent of the State census in 1865. 
Carthage and Tunis is his only work 
of importance. 

Perry, Arthur Latham. N.H., 1830- 
. A professor of history and po- 
litical economy at Williams College 
from 1853, and a prominent advocate 
of free trade. Elements of Political 
Economy; Introduction to Political 
Economy ; Principles of Political Eco- 
nomy ; Origins of Williamstown. iScr. 

Perry, Benjamin Franklin. S. C, 
1805-1886. A lawyer of South Caro- 
lina, provisional governor of his State 
at the close of the Civil War. Remi- 
niscences of Public Men ; Sketches of 
Eminent Statesmen (ISST). 

Perry, Bliss. Ms., 1860 . Son of 

A. L. Perry, supra. A professor of ora- 
tory and aesthetic criticism at Princeton 
College. The Plated City ; Salem Kit- 
tredge, and Other Stories ; The Brough- 
ton House. He has edited Selections 
from Burke, and Scott's Woodstock and 
Ivanhoe. Ho. Lgs. Scr. 

Perry, Carlotta. See Perry, Char- 

Perry, Charlotte Augusta. " Car- 
lotta Perry." Wis., 1848 . A 

popular veree-writer of Milwaukee. 
Carlotta Perry's Poems. 

Perry, Ed-ward Delevan. N. Y., 

1854 . A professor of Sanskrit in 

Columbia College. Indra in the Eig- 
veda ; A Sanskrit Primer. 

Perry, Mary Alice. Ms., 1854-1883. 
A writer of fiction, Esther Pennefa- 
ther ; More Wavs Than One. Sar. 

Perry, Nora. Ms., lS.32-1896. A poet 
and litterateur of Boston. Her verse 

was popular, and had not unfrequently 
the genuine poetic ring, while her 
stories for girls were animated and 
fresh. Her verse includes, After the 
Ball, and Other Poems ; Her Lover's 
Friend, and Other Poems ; New Songs 
and Ballads ; Legends and Lyrics. Her 
prose work comprises, The Tragedy of 
the Unexpected, and Other Stories ; For 
a Woman, a novel ; The Youngest Miss 
Lorton, and Other Stories ; A Book of 
Love Stories ; A Rosebud Garden of 
Girls ; A Flock of Girls and their 
Friends ; A Flock of Girls and Boys ; 
Another Flock of Girls ; Three Little 
Daughters of the Revolution ; Hope 
Benham. Hou. Lit. 

Perry, Rufus Lewis. Tn., c. 1833- 
1895. A Baptist clergyman of African 
descent, widely known as a linguist. 
Among his various writings is The 
Cushite, or the Children of Ham as 
seen by Ancient Historians and Poets. 

Perry, Thomas Sergeant. R. I., 

1845 . An educator of Boston, 

English Literature in the Eighteenth 
Century ; Life of Lieber ; From Opitz 
to Lessing, a Study of Pseudo-Classi- 
cisn:i in Literature ; The Evolution of 
the Snob ; History of Greek Litera- 
ture. Ho. Hon. 

Perry, William Stevens. R. I. 

18o"2 . The second Protestant 

Episcopal bishop of Iowa, prominent 
among Hig'h Churchmen. The Docu- 
mentary History of the Protestant 
Episcopal Church ; The History of 
the American Episcopal Church ; Life 
Lessons from the Book of Proverbs ; 
Some Summer Days Abroad ; The 
General Ecclesiastical Constitution of 
the American Church ; The American 
Episcopate, TT'A. 

Peters, Christian Henry Frede- 
rick. Sd., 181.3-1890. A German 
astronomer, director of the observatory 
at Hamilton College, 1858-90, who dis- 
covered over forty asteroids. Celestial 

Peters, Edward Dyer. Ms., 1849- 
. A metallurgist who has pub- 
lished Modern American Methods of 
Copper Smelting. 

Peters, George Nathaniel Henry. 

Pa., 1825 . A Lutheran minister 

of Ohio. The Theocratic Kingdom of 




Peters, John Charles. N. Y., 1819- 
1893. A physician of New York city 
of note as a bacteriologist. Diseases of 
the Brain and Nervous System ; Dis- 
eases of Women ; Diseases of the Eye ; 
Notes on Asiatic Cholera; A New 
Materia Medica, are among his works. 

Peters, Mrs. phillis [Wheatley]. 
SI, 1754-1784. A verse-writer of Af- 
rican birth brought to Boston in child- 
hood as a slave. Poems on Various 
Occasions, Religious and Moral, ap- 
peared in London in 1772, and won a 
fleeting popularity there, the author be- 
ing regarded as a prodigy. But there is 
little in her work that should keep it 
in remembrance. See Griswold^s Fe- 
male Poets of America. 

Peters, Samuel Andrew. Ct., 1735- 
1826. An Episcopal clergyman of Hart- 
ford who published a famous General 
History of Connecticut by a Gentleman 
of that Province, a curious satirical 
production, to which may be traced the 
well-known fable of the Connecticut 
Blue Laws. Other works of his in- 
clude a Life of Rev. Hugh Peters ; 
History of Hebron, Connecticut. 

Peterson, Arthur. Pa., 1851 . 

Son of H. Peterson, infra. A naval 
officer who has published Songs of New 

Peterson, Charles Jacobs. Pa., 
1818-1887. A Philadelphia publisher 
and novelist, the founder of Peterson's 
Magazine. Kate Aylesford ; Cruising in 
the Last War ; Military Heroes of the 
United States ; Grace Dudley, or Ar- 
nold at Saratoga ; Mabel, or Darkness 
and Dawn ; The Old Stone Mansion, 
include his principal writings. 

Peterson, Frederick. Min., 1859- 

. A physician and verse-writer. 

Poems and Swedish Translations ; In 
the Shade of Ygcbasil (verse). 

Peterson, Mrs. Hannah [Bouvier]. 

Pa., 1811-1870. First wife of R. E. 
Peterson, infra. Familiar Astronomy. 

Peterson, Henry. Pa., 1818-1891. 
Cousin of C. J. Peterson, supra. A 
Philadelphia verse-writer, and editor 
for many years of The Saturday Even- 
ing Post.' The Modem Job, and Other 
Poems ; Faire-Mount ; Bessie's Lovers j 
CsBsar, a Dramatic Study. 

Peterson, Robert Evans. Pa., 1812- 
1894. Brother of H. Peterson, supra. 
A Philadelphia writer whose principal 
work is The Roman Catholic not the 
Only True Religion. Lip. 

Pettingill, Amos. N. H., 1780-1830. 
A Methodist clergyman and educator 
of Connecticut. View of the Heavens ; 
The Spirit of Methodism. See Memoir 
of, ly Hart, 18SS. 

Pettingill, John Hancock, Fi., 1815- 
1887. A Congregational clergyman in 
Ohio, widely known as an earnest be- 
liever in conditional immortality. The 
Theological Trilerama ; Platonism ver- 
sus Christianity ; Bible Terminology ; 
Life Everlasting ; The Unspeakable 
Gift ; Views and Reviews in Esehato- 

Peyton, John Lewis. Fa., 1824 

A lawyer of Staunton, Virginia, who 
served as an of&cer in the Confederate 
service. Adventures of my Grand- 
father ; History of Augusta County, 
Virginia ; The American Crisis ; Over 
the AUeghanies ; Memorials of Nature 
and Art. 

Phelan, James. Mi., 1856-1891. A 
Memphis lawyer and journalist. Philip 
Massinger and his Plays ; History of 
Tennessee. Hou. 

Phelps, Mrs. Almira [Hart] [Lin- 
coln]. Ct., 1793-1884. A noted edu- 
cator of Baltimore who published many 
text-books on the natural sciences. 
Among her works are, Geology for Be- 
ginners ; Christian Households ; Ida 
Norman, a tale ; Familiar Lectures on 
Botany ; Hours with my Pupils. See 
Mrs. llaWs Woman^s Pecord, Lip. 

Phelps, Austin. Ms., 1820-1890. A 
Congregational clergyman of Andover, 
Massachusetts, professor of sacred rhe- 
toric in the Theological Seminary there, 
1848-79. The Still Hour ; The New 
Birth ; The Theory of Preaching ; Eng- 
lish Style in Public Discourse ; The 
Solitude of Christ ; Studies of the Old 
Testament ; Men and Books ; My Study, 
and Other Essays ; My Portfolio ; My 
Note-Book. See Life by his daughter, 
Mrs. Ward. 1891. C. P. S. Lo. Scr. 

Phelps, Mrs. Elizabeth [Stuart]. 
Ms., 1815-1853. Wife of A. Phelps, 
supra. A writer whose Sunnyside, and 
A Peep at Number Five, stories descrip- 




tive of clerical life, -were once widely- 
popular. She -wrote, also, Last Sheaf 
from Sunnyside, and a number of Sun- 
day-school tales, the latter over* the 
sjo^nature " H. Trusta." 

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Daugh- 
ter of A. and E. S. Phelps, supra. See 
]Vardj Mrs. Elizabeth. 

Phelps, John "Wolcott. Vt, 1S13- 
ISSo. Stepson of Mrs. Almira Phelps, 
supra. A writer of Brattleboro, Ver- 
mont, -who was an officer in the United 
States army in the Mexican War and 
became a brigadier-general of United 
States volunteers in the Ci\-il War. In 
ISSO he was the presidential nominee of 
the American party. Sibylline Leaves ; 
Good Behavior ; History of Madagas- 
car ; The Fables of Florian in English 

Phelps, Sylvanus Dryden. Ct, 

1S16 . A Baptist clergyman of 

New Haven, and subsequently of Hart- 
ford. Eloquence of Mature, and Other 
Poems ; Sunlight and Heartlight, and 
Other Poems ; The Poet^s Song for 
Heart and Home ; Bible Lands ; Ser- 
mons in the Four Quarters of the Globe. 

Phelps, Thomas Stowell. Me., 1>;22- 

, A rear-admiral in the United 

States na-vy who retired in 1SS5. Re- 
miniscences of Washington Territory 

F'lielps, 'William Lyon. Ct, 1865- 
, An instructor at Yale Univer- 
sity. The Beginnings of the English 
Romantic Movement. Gi. 

Philbrick, Ed-ward South-wick. 
Ms. J 182T-18:S9. A sanitarian who pub- 
lished American Sanitary Engineering, 

Philbrick, John Dudley. 2{. H., 
1818-18S6. A prominent educator of 
Boston who published nearly fifty valu- 
able public-school reports, and City 
School Systems in the United States. 

PhiUps, Samuel. Md., 1823 . A 

German Reformed clergyman, profes- 
sor in Muhlenberg College, Allentown, 
Pennsylvania, from 1866. Gethsemane 
and the Cross ; The Christian Home ; 
The Voice of Blood ; The Commujiion 
of Saints, 

Phillips, Barnet. Pa,, 1828 . A 

journalist of New York city, on the staff 

of The Times from 1S72. The Strug- 
gle, a novel ; Burning their Ships. 
Phillips, George. E., 1593-1G44. A 
Puritan clergyman, minister at M'ater- 
town, Massachusetts, from 1630 till his 
death. He was a noted controversial- 
ist of his day, and published a treatise 
on Infant Baptism. 

Phillips, George Searle. '* Januarv 
Searle." E., 181S-l8t>'J. A writer and 
lecturer of Yorkshire, England, who, 
after some years of literary work in 
the United States, became, in 1S73, an 
inmate of an insane asylum in New 
Jersey. Chapters in the History of a- 
Lif e ; Life of Ebenezer Elliott ; Me- 
moirs of Wordsworth ; The Gypsies of 
the Dane's Dyke ; Chicago and Her 

Phillips, Henry. Pa., 1S3S . A 

lawyer of Philadelphia. History of 
American Colonial Paper Currency ; 
History of American Continental Paper 
Money ; Pleasures of Numismatic Sci- 
ence ; Poems from the Spanish and 
German ; Faust, from the German of 

Phillips, Maude Gillette. Ms., 1860- 

. An educator who has published 

A Popular Manual of English Litera- 
ture. Sar. 

PhilUps, "Wendell. Ms., 1811-1^84. 
A celebpated orator of Boston, a vehe- 
ment opponent of slavery, and an ac- 
tive champion of labor reform and 
woman suffrage. The Constitution a 
Pro-Slavery Contract ; Lectures, Ora- 
tions, and Letters to ISi'l ; Speeches, 
Lectures, and Addresses ; The Scholar 
in a Republic. See Lives by G. L. Aus- 
tin, C. Martyn ; Appletons'' American 

Phillips, "Willard. Ms., 1784-1873. 
A lawyer of Boston. Treatise on the 
Law of Insurance ; Manual of Political 
Economy ; The Law of Patents ; The 
Inventor's Guide ; Protection and Free 
Trade. See Allibone's Dictionary. 

Phin, John. S., 1832 . A New 

York publisher of technical journals, 
Open-Air Grape Culture ; Chemical 
History of the Creation ; Practical Trea- 
tise on Lightning Rods ; How to Use 
the Microscope ; Workshop Compan- 
ion ; Preparation and Use of Cements 
and Glue ; Dictionary of Practical Agri- 



culture ; Trade Secrets and Private Re- 
cipes ; A Pocket Dictionary of Monetary 
and Coinage Terms. 

Phcenix, John. See Derby, George. 

Phyfe, 'William Henry Pinkney. 

N. v., IS.Jo . An author of New 

York city. How Should I Pronounce? 
The School Pronouncer; Seven Thou- 
sand Words Often Mispronounced ; The 
Test Pronouncer ; Five ThousandWords 
Commonly Misspelled. Put. 

Piatt [pe-af], Donn. O., 1819-1891. 
A lawyer and journalist of Washington, 
and during the Civil War a Federal 
officer. Smiday Meditations ; Memories 
of the Men who Saved the Union ; 
Poems and Plays ; Life of General 
George H. Thomas ; The Lone Grave of 
the Shenandoah (verse). See Life of, 
by C. G. Miller, 1893. Glke. 

Piatt, John James. Ind., 1835 . 

Nephew of D. Piatt, sujrra. A poet 
who was consul at Cork, 1882-93. He 
has been a prolific writer of verse, but 
The Morning Street, one of his earlier 
poems, still ranks as his finest effort. 
Landmarks ; Western Windows ; Poems 
of House and Home ; Idyls and Lyrics 
of the Ohio Valley ; Poems in Sunshine 
and Firelight ; The Lost Farm, and 
Other Poems ; At the Holy Well ; A 
Dream of Church Windows (a revised 
edition of Poems of House and Home) ; 
The Lost Hunting Ground ; Little New 
World Idyls ; Poems by Two Friends 
(with W. D. Howells, supra) ; The Chil- 
dren Out of Doors ; and Nests at Wash- 
ington (with Mrs. Piatt). His prose is 
included in Penciled Fly-Leaves ; A 
Return to Paradise. Glke. Hou. Ls. 

Piatt, Mrs. Sarah Morgan [Bryan]. 

Ky., 1836 . Wife of J. J. Piatt, 

supra. A poet whose range of expres- 
sion is not very wide, but, within its 
limits, genuine and original. A Wo- 
man's Poems ; A Voyage to the For- 
tunate Isles, and Other Poems ; That 
New World, and Other Poems ; Dra- 
matic Persons and Moods ; An Irish 
Garland ; In Primrose Time ; The Witch 
in the Glass ; Complete Poems (l.^!)4) ; 
An Enchanted Castle; Child's World 
Ballads. See Wide-Awake Magazine, 
November, 1876. Clke. Hou. Lgs. 

Picard, George Henry. 0., 1850- 
. A physician and novelist of New 

York city. A Matter of Taste ; A Mis- 
sion Flower ; Old Boniface. 

Pick, Bernhard. P., 1842 . A 

Lutheran clergyman of Pennsylvania, 
prior to 18S4 a Presbyterian minister. 
Luther as a'Hymnist ; Historical Sketch 
of the Jews ; Life of Christ according 
to Extra Canonical Sources ; Index to 
the Ante-Nicene Fathers ; The Talmud ; 
What It Is. 

Piokard, Samuel Thomas. Ms., 

1828 . A writer who for many 

years edited the Portland (Maine) Tran- 
script. Life and Letters of John Green- 
leaf Whittier. Hou. 

Pickering, Charles. Pa., ISOd-lSfS. 
A grandson of Timothy Pickering, the 
noted statesman. A naturalist of emi- 
nence. Races of Men and their Geo- 
graphical Distribution; Geographical 
Distribution of Animals and Men ; Chro- 
nological History of Plants. See Alli- 
bone^s Dictionary. 

Pickering, Edward Charles. Ms., 

1846 . Son of C. Pickering, supra. 

The director of Harvard Observatory at 
Camhridgi?, and author of Elements of 
Physical Manipulation. Hou. 

Pickering, Henry. N. Y., 1781-1831. 
The third son of the statesman, Timothy 
Pickering. A verse-writer of New York 
who published Ruins of Psestum ; 
Athens, and Other Poems ; The Buck- 
wheat Cake. 

Pickering, John. Ms., IWT-lSiG. 
The eldest son of Timothy Pickering. 
A lawyer of Boston and a linguist of 
eminence. Greek and English Lexicon ; 
Collection of Words and Phrases Sup- 
posed to be Peculiar to the United 
States ; Remarks on the Indian Lan- 
guages of North America. See Alii- 
hone''s Dictionary. Lip. 

Pickering, Octavius. Pa., 1791- 
18()S. Brother of J. Pickering, supra. 
A Boston lawyer who published Re- 
ports of Cases in the Supreme Judicial 
Court of Massachusetts, 1822-40 ; and 
Life of Timothy Pickering (completed 
by Upham). 

Pickering, William Henry. Ms. 

1858 . Son of C. Pickering, supra. 

An astronomer, professor in Harvard 
Universitv from 1887. Walking Guide 
to the White Mountain Range. 




Pickett, Albert James. N. C, ISIO- 
1S58. A writer of Montgomery, Ala- 
bama, who published a History of Ala- 

Pierce, Ed-ward Lillie. Ms., 1829- 

. A prominent Boston lawyer. 

American Railroad Law ; Life of 
Charles Sumner ; The Law of Rail- 
roads ; Enfranchisement and Citizen- 
ship. Lit. Sob. 

Pierce, Frederick Clifton. Ms. 

1856 . An Illinois writer who has 

written town histories of Barre and 
Grafton, Massachusetts, and of Rock- 
ford, Illinois ; The Harwood Genealogy ; 
Pierce History and Genealogy ; Peirce 
History and Genealogy; Pearse and 
Pearce Genealogy. 

Pierce, Henry Niles. R. I., 1820- 

. The fourth Protestant Episcopal 

bishop of Arkansas, consecrated in 
1870. The Agnostic, and Other Poems. 

Pierpont, John. Ct, 17^5-1866. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Boston, pastor 
of the Hollis Street Church, 1819-45. 
He wrote a volume of sacred verse. 
Airs of Palestine, and a number of do- 
mestic lyrics, which were very popidar. 
Passing Away being the best known of 
any. He compiled several school read- 
ers, the most noted of which was The 
American First-CIass Book. See Atlan- 
tic Monthly, December, 1866. Lip. 

Pierrepont, Ed-ward Willoughby. 

N. Y., 1860-1885. A charg^ d'affaires 
at Rome at the time of his death. From 
Fifth Avenue to Alaska. 

Pierson, Arthur Tappan. N. Y., 

lSo7 . A Congregational clergy- 
man of note. Acts of the Holy Spirit ; 
Many Infallible Proofs ; The Crisis of 
Missions ; The Miracles of Missions ; 
The Divine Art of Preaching ; The 
Heart of the Gospel ; Keys to the Word; 
Lessons on Prayer, comprise his more 
important works. IPu. Han. Mev. 

Pierson, Mrs. Cornelia [Tuthill]. 
Ct., 1820-1870. Daughter of Mrs. 
Tuthill, infra. Our Little Comfort ; 
Wreaths and Blossoms for the Church ; 
When are we Happiest?; The Belle, 
the Blue, and the Bigot, are among her 

Pierson, Hamilton Wilcox. N. Y., 
1817. A Presbyterian clergyman in 

Kentucky. Thomas Jefferson at Mon- 
ticello ; In the Brush, or Old-Time 
Social, Political, and Religious Life in 
the Southwest. Ap. 

Pike, Albert. Ms., 1809-1891. A 
lawyer and journalist of Little Rock, 
Memphis, and Washington successively, 
who served as an officer in the Con- 
federate army. His writings include, 
Hymns to the Gods; Prose Sketches 
and Poems ; Nugse, a collection of 
Poems ; Arkansas Supreme Court Re- 
ports, 1840-45. See Griswold's Poets 
and Poetry of America. 
Pike, James Shepherd. Me., 1811- 
1882. A journalist of New York city 
who was minister to the Netherlands, 
1861-66. A Prostrate State ; The Re- 
storation of the Currency ; The Finan- 
cial Crisis ; Horace Greeley in 1872 ; 
The First Blow.s of the Civil War; 
The New Puritan : New England Two 
Hundrfed Years Ago. Har. 

Pike, Mrs. Mary Hayden [Green]. 
Me., 1825 . A once popiilar novel- 
ist. Ida May ; Caste ; Agnes ; Bond 
and Free. 

Pilcher, Elijah Homes. O., 1810- 
1887. A Methodist clergyman of Mi- 
chigan who wrote a History of Pro- 
testantism in Michigan. 

Pilling, James Constantine. D. C, 
1840-1895. An ethnologist of distinc- 
tion in the government service, among 
whose writings are Bibliographies of 
the Languages of the North American 
Indians, of the Eskimoan Languages, 
of the Siouan, of the Iroquoian, and 

Pillsbury, Parker. Ms., 1809 -. 

A noted anti-slavery agitator. Acts of 
the Anti-Slavery Apostles. 

Pinckney, Charles Cotes-worth. 
S. C, 1812 . An Episcopal cler- 
gyman of Charleston. Life of General 
Thomas Pinckney. Hou. 

Pindar, Susan. N. Y., c. 1820 . 

Susan Pindar's Story Books ; Legends 
of the Flowers. 

Pinkerton, Allan. S., 1819-1884, A 
Chartist who came to America in 1842 
and settled in Chicago, where he found- 
ed a famous detective agency. Among 
his many detective stories are, The 
Molly Magulres and the Detectives ; 
Criminal Reminiscences ; The Spy of 




the Rebellion ; Thirty Years a Detec- 
tive ; Eailroad Forgers and the Detec- 
Piakney, Edward Coate. E., 1802- 
1828. A lyric poet of Baltimore who 
published his Poems in 1825. See Gris- 
wold's Poets and Poetry of America, 

Piper, Richard Upton. N. H., 1818- 

. A Chicago physician. Opera^ 

tive Surgery ; The Trees of America. 

Pise [pize], Charles Constantine. 

Md., 1802-1866. A once prominent 
Roman Catholic clergyman of Brook- 
lyn. History of the Church to the 
Reformation; The Acts of the Apos- 
tles in Blank Verse ; Father Rowland ; 
Indian Cottage, a Unitarian Story ; 
The Pleasures of Religion, and Other 
Poems ; Horse Vagabundse ; Alethia ; 
Zenosius ; Letters to Ada ; Lives of St. 
Ignatius and his First Companions ; 
Notes on a Protestant Catechism; 
Christianity and the Church. 

Pitkin, Timothy. Ct., 1766-1847. A 
lawyer and politician of Connecticut, 
prominent as a Federalist congressman. 
A Statistical View of the Commerce of 
the United States ; Political and Civil 
History of the United States, 1763- 

Pitman, Benn. X, 1822- 

stenographer of Cincinnati, and in his 
later years an art instructor of the 
school of design at the University of 
Cincinnati. The Reporter's Companion ; 
Manual of Phonography ; Phonographic 
Dictionary (with J. B. Howard). 

Pitman, Mrs. Marie J [Davis]. 

N. Y., 1850-1888. A journalist and 
correspondent of Boston who published 
European Breezes and a number of ju- 
venile stories. 

Pittenger, William. O., 1840- 

A Methodist clergyman and educator 
of Philadelphia, a Federal soldier dur- 
ing the Civil War. Daring and Suffer- 
ing ; Oratory, Sacred and Secular ; Ex- 
tempore Speech. 

Pitzer, Alexander White. Va., 

1834 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of Washington, professor of biblical 
literature in Howard University from 
1875. Ecce Dens Homo; Christ the 
Teacher of Men ; The New Life and 
Not the Higher Life. 

Piatt, Franklin. Pa., 1844 . A 

Peunsvlvania geologist, president of the 
Rochester and Pittsburg Coal Com- 
pany from 1881. Coke Manufacturing ; 
Waste in Mining Anthracite, and other 
volumes of geological reports. 

Piatt, William Henry. N. Y., 1821- 
. An Episcopal clergyman of Roch- 
ester, New York, and more recently of 
Petersburg, Virginia. Influence of Re- 
ligion in the Development of Jurispru- 
dence ; After Death — What ? ; God 
Out and Man In ; The Philosophy of 
the Supernatural. 

Pleasanton, Augustus James. D. 
C, 1808-1894. An army officer promi- 
nent for a short time as the author of 
a work on the Influence of the Blue 
Ray in Developing Animal and Vege- 
table Life. 

Plumer [plum'er], William. N. H., 

1789-1854. A New Hampshire lawyer 
who was an active congressional oppo- 
nent of slavery. Lyra Sacra ; A Pas- 
toral on the Story of Ruth. 

Plumer, William Swan. Pa., 1802- 
1880. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
extreme Calvinistie views, professor of 
theology in the Theological Seminary 
at Columbia, South Carolina, 1856-80. 
His principal writings include. Pastoral 
Theology ; Jehovah-jireh ; Studies in 
the Book of Psalms ; The Book of Our 
Salvation ; Words of Truth and Love ; 
The Saint and the Sinner ; Vital God- 
liness ; Commentary on Romans ; A 
Word to the Weary. Har. Lip. Ban. 

Plympton, George Washington. 

Ms., 1827 . A civil engineer of 

note, editor of Van Nostrand's Esgi- 
neering Magazine, 1870-86. The Blow- 
pipe ; The Starfinder ; The Aneroid. 

Poe, Edgar AUan. Ms., 1809-1849. 
A poet and romancer who is pronounced 
by some critics the foremost of Ameri- 
can poets s6 far as melody and technique 
are concerned. He was bom in Boston, 
his parents being actors then playing 
in that city, and, left an orphan at an 
early age, was adopted and educated by 
Mr. Allan, » Virginia merchant. At 
nineteen he published his first volume, 
Tamerlane, and Other Poems. He led 
a wandering, dissipated life, editing at 
various times Graham's Magazine, The 
Southern Literary Messenger, and other 




periodicals, and died of delirium tre- 
mens in Baltimore. He criticized the 
work of his contemporaries with seve- 
rity, yet in the main with justice, but 
in so doing raised up a host of literary 
enemies- Among his prose tales. The 
Gold Bug ; The FaU of the House of 
Usher ; Ligeia, are especially character- 
istic of his genius, while such poems as 
The Bells, The Raven, Annabel Lee, 
display wonderful melody and perfect 
mastery of metre. Beside Tamerlane, 
his writings include, The Conchologist's 
First Book ; Eureka, a Prose Poem ; 
The Raven, and Other Poems ; Tales of 
the Grotesque and Arabesque ; The Nar- 
rative of Arthur Gordon Pym. The 
best edition of Poe is that edited by 
E. C. Stedman and G. E. Woodberry, in 
ten volumes (1895). See Lives by Stod- 
dard, Didier, Ingram, Woodberry ; Fort- 
nightly Review, July, 1880 ; Foe and 
his Critics by Mrs. Whitman ; Stedman s 
Foets of America. Co. Cr. Har. Kt. 
Lip. Mac. Sto. 

Poinsett, Joel Roberts. S. C, 1779- 
1851. A South Carolina statesman, 
sent on a special mission to Mexico in 
1822, minister to that country 1825-29, 
and secretary of war under President 
Van Buren. He was a botanist of some 
note, the genus Poinsettia having been 
named in his honour. Notes on Mex- 
ico, made in 1822. 

Pollard, Edward Albert. Va., 1828- 
1872. A once noted journalist of Rich- 
mond, Virginia, and an active opponent 
of the policy of JefBerson Davis during 
the Civil War. Black Diamonds ; Let- 
ters of the Southern Spy ; Southern His- 
tory of the War ; Observations in the 
North ; The Lost Cause ; The Lost 
Cause Regained ; Lee and his Lieu- 
tenants ; Life of Jefferson Davis, with 
the Secret History of the Confederacy ; 
The Virginia Tourist. Lip. 

Pollard, Josephine, if. Y., 1843- 
1892. A litt&ateur of New York city, 
whose work was mainly intended for ju- 
venile readers. The Gypsy Books ; A 
Piece of Silver ; Elfin Land ; Vagrant 
Verses ; Songs of Bird Life ; The Dec- 
orative Sisters ; The Bosto^ Tea Party ; 
Gellivor, a Christmas Legend. Meth. 
Ran. > 

Pomeroy, Brick. See Pomeroy, Mar- 

Pomeroy, John Norton. N. Y., 

1828-1885. A lawyer of Rochester, 
New York, but subsequently professor 
of law in the University of California, 
1878-85. Introduction to Municipal 
Law ; Remedies and Remedial Rights ; 
Specific Performance of Contract ; Equi- 
ty Jurisprudence ; Riparian Rights ; In- 
troduction to United States Constitu- 
tional Law ; Lectures on International 
Law in Time of Peace. Hou. Lit. 

Pomeroy, Marcus Mills. " Brick 
Pomeroy." iV. F., 1833-1896. A jour- 
nalist successively of La Crosse, Wis- 
consin, New York city (where he estab- 
lished Brick Pomeroy 's Democrat), and 
Chicago. Sense ; Nonsense ; Gold Dust ; 
Brick Dust ; Our Saturday Nights ; 
Home Harmonies ; Perpetual Money. 

Pond, Enoch. Ms., 1791-1882. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, professor in the 
Theological Seminary at Bangor, Maine, 
from 1832, and its president from 1856. 
Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History ; 
Pastoral Theology ; Memoir of Zinzen- 
dorf ; Life of Increase Mather ; Plato : 
his Life, Works, Opinions, and Influ- 
ence ; Christian Theology ; History of 
God's Church, are among his works. 
See Autobiography ; Bibliography of 
Maine. C. P. S. 

Pond, Frederick Eugene. "Will 
Wildwood." Wis.,1856 . A sport- 
ing writer and editor of Chicago. Hand- 
book for Young Sportsmen ; Memoirs 
of Eminent Sportsmen ; Gun Trial and 
Field Records of America. 

Pond, George Edward. Ms., 1837- 

. A journalist of New York and 

Philadelphia, editor of The Army and 
Navy Journal. The Shenandoah Val- 
ley in 1864. Scr. 

Pond, Samuel William. Ct., 1808- 

. A Congregational missionary to 

the Indians in Minnesota. History of 
Joseph in the Dakota Language ; Wo- 
napi luonpa, the Second Dakota Read- 
ing Book. 

Pool, Maria Louise. Ms., 1845 . 

A novelist of Rockland, Massachusetts, 
for many years a writer for the New 
York Tribune. In Buncombe County ; 
A Vacation in a Buggy ; Tenting at 
Stony Beach ; Dolly ; Roweny in Bos- 
ton; Mrs. Keats Bradford; Out of 
Step; The Two Salomes; Katharine 




North ; Mrs. Gerald ; Against Human 
Nature ; In a Dike Shanty ; In the 
First Person ; Boss and Other Dogs. 
Har. Hou. S. St. 

Poole, Mrs. Hester Martha 

[Hunt]. Vt., 1843 . A writer 

living at Metutchen, New Jersey, who 
has written much for periodicals on so- 
cial and domestic topics. Fruits and 
How to Use Them. 

Poole, Willard Henry. Ms., 1864- 
. An educator of Fall River, Mas- 
sachusetts. Elementary Course in Ex- 
perimental Physics. 

Poole, William Frederick. Ms., 
1S21-1894. A bibliographer of Chi- 
cago, librarian of the Public Library 
there, 1874-87, and, from the latter 
date, of the Newberry Library, Chi- 
cago ; best known as compiler (with 
W. I. Fletcher) of Poole's Index to 
Periodical Literature. Two supplemen- 
tary volumes carry the work forward 
to January, 1892. Other works of his 
are, Anti-Slavery Opinions before 1800 ; 
The Battle of the Dictionaries ; Web- 
sterian Orthography ; Cotton Mather 
and Salem Witchcraft. Clke. Hou. 

Poore, Benjamin Perley. Ms., 1820- 
1887. A once well-known journalist 
of Washington. Campaign Life of Za- 
chary Taylor ; Early Life of Napoleon ; 
Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe ; Agri- 
cultural History of Essex County, Mas- 
sachusetts ; Life of Bumside ; Political 
Register and Congressional Directory, 
1776-1 S78; Perley 's Reminiscences of 
Sixty Years. Hou. 

Pope, Franklin Leonard. Ifs., 1840- 
189.5. An electrical engineer of New 
York city. Modern Practice of the 
Electric Telegraph ; Life and Work of 
Joseph Henry, supra. 

Pope, John, ff^., 1822-1892. A promi- 
nent general in the Federal army dur- 
ing the Civil War. The Virginia Cam- 
paign of July and August, 1862. 

Pope, Mrs. Marion [Manville]. 

Wis., 18.59— .. A verse-writer whose 

home in recent years has been in Val- 
paraiso, Chili. Over the Divide, and 
Other Verses. Lip. 

Porcher, Francis Peyre. S. C, 1825- 
1895. A physician and botanist of 
Charleston. Sketch of the Medical Bo- 
tany of South Carolina; Resources of 

the Southern Fields and Forests, are 
among his writings. 

Porter, Benjamin Fickling. S. C., 

1808 . A _lawyer of Alabama. 

Alabama Supreme Court Reports; 
Offices of Executors and Administra- 

Porter, Charles Talbot. N. Y., 1826- 
. A mechanical engineer of pro- 
minence. Mechanics and Faith, a Study 
of the Spiritual Truths in Nature. 

Porter, David. Ms., 1780-1843. A 
once noted commodore in the United 
States navy. Journal of a Cruise to 
the Pacific Ocean in 1812-15 ; Con- 
stantinople and its Environs. See Life 
of, by his son. 

Porter, David Dixon. Pa., 1813- 
1891. Son of D. Porter, supra. An 
admiral of the Federal navy who com- 
manded the fleet at the storming of 
Fort Fisher, and amused his latest 
years by the composition of sensational 
romances. Life of Commodore Porter, 
supra ; Allan Dare and Robert le Dia- 
ble ; Adventures of Harry Marline ; 
Arthur Merton, a romance ; Incidents 
and Anecdotes of the Civil War ; His- 
tory of the Navy in the War of the 
Rebellion. Ap. 

Porter, Ebenezer. Ct, 1772-1834. 
A Congregational clergyman and edu- 
cator, of contemporary renown as a 
preacher. He was professor of sacred 
rhetoric at Andover Theological Se- 
minary, 1812-32, and president of that 
institution from 1827 till his death. 
Among his publications are. The Young 
Preacher's Manual ; A Rhetorical Read- 
er, which reached its 300th edition ; 
Lectures on HomQetics ; Lectures on 
Eloquence and Style. See Memoir of, 
hy Matthews, 1837. 

Porter, Fitz-John. N. H., 1822 . 

A brevet brigadier-general dismissed 
from the service in 1863, reinstated hy 
act of Congress, 1886. Narrative of the 
Services of the Fifth Army Corps in 
1862 in Northern Virginia. 

Porter, James. Ms., 1800-1888. A 
once prominent Methodist clergyman 
of Boston. History of Methodism; 
The Winning Worker ; Hints to Self- 
Educated Ministers ; Compendium of 
Methodism, comprise a portion of his 
writings. Meth. 




Porter, John Addison. N.Y., 1822- 
18B6. A professor of chemistry at 
Yale CoUege, 1852-64. Principles of 
Chemistry ; First Book of Chemistry. 

Porter, John Addison. Gi., 1856- 

. Son of J. A. Porter, supra. The 

Corporation of Yale College ; Admi- 
nistration of the City of Washington ; 
Sketches of Yale Life. 

Porter, Linn Boyd. " Albert Ross." 

184 . A novelist of Cambridge 

whose writings have been extremely 
popular, although severely criticised 
from a liter.try point of view as well as 
from an ethic^ standpoint. Among 
them are. Thou Shalt Not ; Speaking 
of EUen; A Black Adonis; Out of 
Wedlock. Dil. 

Porter, Mrs. Lydia Ann [Emer- 

sonl. Ms., 1816 . Cousin of R. 

W. Emerson, supra. An educator of 
Springfield, Vermont. Uncle Jerry's 
Letters to Young Mothers ; The Lost 
Will, are among her writings. 

Porter, Noah. Ct., 1811-1892. A 
Congregational clergyman of Connecti- 
cut, president of Yale College, 1871-85, 
and a metaphysician of distinction. The 
Human Intellect ; Books and Reading ; 
Elements of Intellectual Science ; Ele- 
ments of Moral Science ; The American 
Colleges and the American Public ; Sci- 
ence and Sentiment ; Bishop Berkeley ; 
Fifteen Years in Yale College Chapel, 
a volume of sermons ; The Science of 
Nature and the Science of Man. Scr. 

Porter, Rose. N. Y., c. 1845- 

An author of New Haven who has 
written and compiled a large number 
of religions books. Among her original 
works are, Summer Driftwood for the 
Winter Fire ; A Modem St. Christo- 
pher ; Our Saints, a Family Story ; My 
Son's Wife. Lo. Ban. Rev. 

Porter, Thomas Conrad. Pa., 1822- 

. A German Reformed clergyman 

famous as a botanist, and professor of 
botany at Lafayette College, Easton, 
Pennsylvania, from 1866. Sketch of 
the Flora of Pennsylvania ; Sketch of 
the Botany of the United States ; Syn- 
opsis of the Flora of Colorado (with J. 
M. Coulter) ; The Carioes of Pennsyl- 
vania ; The Grasses of Pennsylvania. 

Posse, Nils. Baron Posse. Sn.. 1862- 
1895. A Boston instructor in gymnas- 

tics. Special Kinesiology of Educa- 
tional Gymnastics ; Medical Gymnas- 
tics ; Scientific Aspect of Swedish 
Gymnastics. Le, 

Post, Truman Maroellus. Vt, 1810- 
1866. A Congregational clergyman 
and editor of St. Louis, professor of his- 
tory in Washington University. The 
Skeptical Era in Modern History. See 
Life of, by T. H. Post. 

Post, Waldron Kintzing. N. Y., 

1868 . A lawyer of New York 

city. Harvard Stories. Put. 

Potter, Alonzo. N. Y., 1800-1865. 
The third Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of Pennsylvania and an active promoter 
of educational movements. The Prin- 
ciples of Science Applied to Domestic 
and Mechanic Arts ; Religious Philo- 
sophy ; Political Economy ; co-author 
with G. B. Emerson, supra, of The 
School and the Schoolmaster. See Me- 
moirs of, 1S70. 

Potter, Burton ■Willis. TV. Y., 1843- 

. A lawyer of Worcester, Massa^ 

ehusetts. The Road and Roadside, a, 
legal treatise. Lit. 

Potter, EliphaletNott. N. F., 18.36- 

. Son of A. Potter, supra. An 

Episcopal clergyman and educator, 
president of Hobart College, Geneva, 
New York, 1884-96. Parochial Ser- 
mons ; Christian Evidences. 

Potter, Henry Codman. N. Y., 

1835 . Son of A. Potter, supra. 

The sixth Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of New York, and prominent among 
Broad Church thinkers. Sermons of 
the City ; The Gates of the East ; a 
Winter in Egypt and Syria ; Sister- 
hoods and Deaconesses; Waymarks. 

Potter, Piatt. N. Y., 1800-1891. A 
jurist of Schenectady. Potter's Dwarris; 
Treatise on Corporations ; Equity Juris- 

Potter, William James. 3Is., 18.30- 
1894. A Unitarian clergyman of New 
Bedford for many years, prominent as 
a radical thinker. Twenty-Five Ser- 
mons of Twenty-Five Years ; Lectures 
and Sermons. El. 

Potts, James Henry. Ont., 1848- 

. A Methodist clergyman, editor 

of The Michigan Christian Advocate 
from 1877. Methodism in the Field ; 




Golden Dawn ; Spiritual Life ; Onr 
Thorns and Crowns ; Faith Made Easy. 

Potts, Stacey Gardner. Pa., 1799- 
1865. A jurist of Trenton, New Jer- 
sey. Village Tales; Precedents and 
Notes of Practice in the New Jersey 
Chancery Court. 

Powell, Edward Payson. N. Y., 

1833 . A clergyman who has held 

pastorates in Congregational and Uni- 
tarian churches successively, and has 
long been resident in Clinton, New 
York. Our Heredity from God ; Liberty 
and Life. Ap. 

Powell, John Wesley. N. Y., 1834- 

. An eminent geologist, director 

of the United States Geological Survey, 
1879-94. Exploration of the Uinta 
Mountains ; The Arid Regions of the 
United States ; Introduction to the 
Study of the Indian Languages ; Stu- 
dies in Sociology ; Canyons of the 
Colorado. .4m. Fl. 

Powell, Thomas. E., 1809-1887. An 
English writer who came to America in 
1849, and was for many years connected 
with the Frank Leslie publications. 
He wrote a number of plays, among 
which are, True at Last ; The Shep- 
herd's Well. Other works of his are, 
Florentine Tales ; Tales from Boccac- 
cio ; Living Authors of England ; Liv- 
ing Authors of America. 

Powers, Edward. N. Y., 1830 . 

Brother of H. N. Powers, infra. A 
civil engineer who published a work 
entitled War and the Weather, or the 
Artificial Production of Rain. 

Powers, Horatio Nelson. N. Y., 
1826-1890. An Episcopal clergyman 
of Chicago, Bridgeport, and, in his lat- 
est years, of Piermont, New York, who 
was favourably known as a poet. His 
writings include. Early and Late ; 
Poems ; Ten Years of Song ; Lyrics 
of the Hudson ; Through the Year, a 
volume of religious essays. Lo. Hob. 

Poyas, Catherine G-endron. S. C, 
lSl3-lSS2. A verse-writer of Charles- 
ton. Huguenot Daughters, and Other 
Verses ; A Year of Grief. 

Pratt, Daniel Johnson. N. Y., 1827- 
1884. Annals of Public Education in 
the State of New York, 1626-1746. 

Pratt, Mrs. Ella [Farman]. N. Y., 
18 . A popular writer for young 

people, long the editor of The Wide 
Awake, and more recently of Our Lit- 
tle Men and Wonaen. Among her 
writings are, Good-f or-Nothing Polly ; 
A Girl's Money ; A Little Woman ; A 
White Hand ; Happy Children. Cr. Lo. 

Pratt, Jacob Loring. 1835-1891. A 
clergyman of Maine. Evening Rest; 
Branches of Palm ; Broken Fetters ; 
The Mask Lifted ; Bonnie Aerie ; Mec- 
ca ; The Crown of Silver. Lo. 

Pratt, Orson. N. Y., 1811-1881. A 
Mormon apostle and educator, profes- 
sor of mathematics in Deseret Univer- 
sity. Divine Authenticity of the Book 
of Mormon ; Cubic and Bi-Quadratic 
Equations ; The Great First Cause ; 
The Absurdities of Inimaterialism. 

Pratt, Parley Parker. N. Y., 1807- 
1857. Brother of 0. Pratt, supra. A 
Mormon apostle and missionary. Voice 
of Warning and Instruction to All Peo- 
ple ; History of the Persecutions of 
Missouri ; Key to the Science of The- 

Pratt, Samuel 'Wheeler. iV. Y., 

1S3S . A Presbyterian clergyman 

at Monroe, Michigan, from 1883. A 
Summer at Peace Cottage, or Talks 
About Home Life ; The Gospel of the 
Holy Spirit ; Life of St. Paul. Ban. 

Pray, Isaac Clark. Ms., 1813-1869. 
A journalist, playwright, and theatrical 
manager of New York city. Prose and 
Verse ; The Book of the Drama; Me- 
moirs of James Gordon Bennett, ire 
among his miscellaneous works. Vir- 
ginius ; Hermit of Malta ; Giulietta 
Gordoni, and the first and last acts of 
The Corsican Brothers, are a portion of 
his dramatic writings. 

Pray, Lewis Glover. Ms., 1793- 
1882. A Boston philanthropist who 
published Child's First Book of 
Thought ; History of Sunday-Schools ; 
The Sylphid's School, and Other Pieces 
in Verse. 

Preble, George Henry. Me., 1816- 
18S5. A rear-admiral in the United 
States navy. History of the American 
Flag ; Chronological History of Steam 
Navigation ; The Preble Family in 

Preble, Henry. Me., 1S.")3 . An 

educator who was professor of Latin at 
Harvard University. He has edited a 




revised edition of Andrews and Stod- 
dard's Latin Grammar, and several vo- 
lumes of Latin classics, and has pub- 
lished (with C. Parker) a Handbook of 
Latin Writing; and Latin Lessons (with 
L. C. HuU). Gi. Hou. 

Prentice, G-eorge. Ms., 1834-18—. 
A Methodist clergyman, professor of 
modern languages at Wesleyan Univer- 
sity. Life of Bishop Gilbert Haven, su- 
pra; Rome and Italy at the Opening 
of the (Ecumenical Council, from the 
French of Pressens4 ; Life of Wilbur 
Fisk, supra. Hou. 

Prentice, George Denison. Ct., 
1802-1870. A once famous Kentucky 
journalist who was editor of The Louis- 
ville Journal, 1831-70, and widely 
known for his witticisms. Life of 
Henry Clay ; Prenticeana. See Poems, 
with Memoir of, by J. J. Piatt; Lippin- 
cotVs Magazine, November, 1S69 ; Har- 
per^s Magazine, January, 1S75. Clke. 

Prentiss, Charles. Ms., 1774-1820. 
A journalist of Washington. Fugitive 
Essays in Prose and Verse ; Poems ; 
History of the United States ; Trial of 
Calvin and Hopkins ; Lives of Robert 
Treat Paine and General William 

Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth [Payson]. 
Me., 1818-1878. Wife of G. L. Pren- 
tiss, infra. A popular writer of reli- 
gious fiction whose Stepping Heaven- 
ward has been widely read. Among 
her many other works are, Pemaquid ; 
The Home at Graylock ; Aunt Jane's 
Hero ; The Flower of the Family ; 
Little Susy Series; Fred, Maria, and 
Me. See Life by her husband. Man. 

Prentiss, George Lewis. Me., 1816- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

New York city, professor of pastoral 
theology in Union Seminary from 1873. 
Memoir of Sargent Prentiss ; Life of 
Elizabeth Prentiss, supra ; Our National 
Bane ; The Problem of the Veto Power ; 
The Argument between Union Semi- 
nary and the General Assembly ; Fifty 
Years of Union Seminary. Ran. 

Prescott, Albert Benjamin. N. Y., 

1832 . A chemist who has been 

dean of the school of pharmacy at 
Michigan University from 1876. Out- 
lines of Proximate Organic Analysis ; 
Chemical Examination of Alcoholic 

Liquors ; Organic Analysis ; Qualita- 
tive Analysis (with S. Douglas). 

Prescott, George Benjamin. N. 
-ff., 1830-1894. A prominent electri- 
cian of New York city. History of 
the Electric Telegraph ; Dynamo Elec- 
tricity ; Invention of Bell's Telephone, 
are his principal writings. 

Prescott, Mary Newmarch. Me., 
1849-1888. Sister of Mrs. H. Spofford, 
infra. A popular magazine-writer of 
Newburyport who published Matt's 
Follies, a juvenile tale. 

Prescott, William Hickling. Ms., 
1796-1859. A celebrated historian of 
Boston. While a student at Harvard 
College, he lost the use of one eye and 
not long afterwards the free use of the 
other, and, until in later life his eye- 
sight improved, he was obliged to de- 
pend upon the reading of others in his 
historical researches. In 1837 his His- 
tory of the Reign of Ferdinand and 
Isabella appeared and brought him in- 
stant fame. It was followed by The 
Conquest of Mexico ; The Conquest 
of Peru ; an edition of Robertson's 
Charles V., with Prescott's own work 
on the cloister life of that monarch ; 
History of Philip II. ; Biographical 
and Critical Miscellanies. See Life by 
Ticknor, infra; Allibone's Dictionary; 
Appletons^ American Biography. Lip. 

Preston, Harriet Waters. Ms., 

c. 1843 . A high authority upon 

Provencal literature and a writer of 
literary criticism and historical studies 
who has lived much in Europe. Her 
writings include, Aspendale ; Love in 
the Nineteenth Century ; Troubadours 
and Trouv^res ; A Year in Eden ; Is 
That All ? a novel ; The Georgics of 
Vergil in English Verse ; and a trans- 
lation from the Provencal of Fr^d^ric 
Mistral's Mir^io. 

Preston, Mrs. Margaret [Junkin]. 
Va., c. 182.5-1897. A poet and prose- 
writer of Lexington, Virginia, and later 
of Baltimore. Old Song and New; 
Beechenbrook, a Rhyme of the War ; 
Colonial Ballads, Sonnets, and Other 
Verse ; For Love's Sake ; The Young 
Ruler's Question ; Silverwood, a novel ; 
A Handful of Monographs. Hou. 

Preston, Thomas Scott. Ct., 1824- 
1891. A Roman Catholic clergyman, 




but prior to 1849 in orders in the Epis- 
copal Church. From 1881 he was a 
domestic prelate of the papal house- 
hold with the title of Monsignore. 
Protestantism and the Bible ; Reason 
and RsTelation ; Christ and the Church ; 
The Ark of the Covenant ; Sermons 
for the Seasons ; Life of St. Mary Mag- 
dalene ; Life of St. Vincent de Paul ; 
Christian Unity ; Purgatorian Manual. 

Price, Bruce. N. Y., 1845 . An 

architect of New York city. A Large 
Country House. 

Price, Eli Kirk. Pa., 1797-1884. A 
Philadelphia lawyer of eminence. Law 
of Limitations and Liens against Real 
Estate. See Memoir of, by Bothrock, 

Price, Ira Maurice. O., 1856 . 

An educator of Chicago, professor of 
Semitic languages in the University of 
Chicago from 1892. Syllabus of Old 
Testament History. Rev. 

Price, Thomas Randolph. Fa., 1839- 
. A professor of English litera- 
ture at Columbia College from 1882. 
The Teaching of the Mother Tongue ; 
Shakespeare's Verse Construction. 

Priest, Josiah. N. Y., c. 1790-c. 1850. 
A harness-maker of New York State, 
some of whose books were very popu- 
lar. Wonders of Nature ; View of the 
Millennium ; Stories of the Revolution ; 
American Antiquities ; Slavery in the 
Light of History and Scripture. 

Prime, Benjamin Young. i.J., 17.33- 
1791. A physician of Huntington, 
Long Island, who wrote patriotic verses 
during the Revolutionary period. The 
Patriot Muse, published in 1764, in- 
cludes his earlier poems. Columbia's 
Glory, or British Pride Humbled, is a 
long poem printed in 1791. 

Prime, Edward Dorr Griffin. N. Y., 

1814-1891. Son of N. S. Prime, infra. 
A Presbyterian clergyman who was 
one of the editors of The New York 
Observer, to which he contributed 
the Letters of Eusebius. Around the 
World ; Forty Years in the Turkish 
Empire, or Memoirs of Reverend Wil- 
liam Goodell. 
Prime, Nathaniel Scudder. L. I., 
1785-1856. Son of B. Y. Prime, supra. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of New- 
burgh, New York. Familiar Illustra- 

tion of Christian Baptism ; History of 
Long Island. 
Prime, Samuel Irenaeus. N. Y., 

1812-1885. Son of N. S. Prime, supra. 
A Presbyterian clergyman, editor of 
The New York Observer for forty-five 
years. Among his many works are, 
Fifteen Years of Prayer ; Irenaeus Let- 
ters ; The Old White Meeting-House ; 
Life in New York; Annals of the 
English Bible ; Songs of the Soul ; 
Life of S. B. F. Morse, supra ; Prayer 
and its Answer ; Walking with God ; 
Travels in Europe and the East ; The 
Bible in the Levant ; The Alhambra 
and the Kremlin ; Under the Trees. See 
Autobiography, 1886. Ap. Har. Ran. 

Prime, William Co-wper. N. Y., 

1825 . Son of N. S. Prime, supra. 

A lawyer and journalist, professor of 
the history of art at Princeton College 
from 1884. Boat Life in Egypt ; Tent 
Life in the Holy Land ; Pottery and 
Porcelain ; The Owl Creek Letters ; 
Coins, Medals, and Seals ; I Go A-Fish- 
ing ; Holy Cross ; Along New England' 
Roads ; Among the Northern Hills. 
Har. Ran. 

Prince, Mrs. Helen Choate [Pratt]. 

Ms., 1857 . A granddaughter of 

R. Choate, supra. A novelist now liv- 
ing in France. The Story of Christine 
Rochefort ; A Transatlantic Chatelaine. 

Prince, Le Baron. L. I., 1840 . 

Son of W. R. Prince, infra. A promi- 
nent jurist of New Mexico. Agricul- 
tural History of Queen's County, Long 
Island; E Pluribus Unum, or Ameri- 
can Nationality ; General Laws of New 
Mexico ; History of New Mexico ; The 
American Church and its Name. 

Prince, Thomas. Ms., 1687-1758. A 
Congregational minister, pastor of the 
Old South Church in Boston, 1718-58, 
and one of the most fair-minded, accu- 
rate historical writers that America has 
had. His library now forms a separate 
collection in the Boston Public Library. 
Earthquakes of New England (1755) ; 
Chronological History of New England. 
iSee Tyler's American Literature; Alli- 
bone's Dictionary. 

Prince, William. X. I., 1766-1842. 
A horticulturist of Flushing, Long 
Island, whose Treatise on Horticulture 




(1826) was the first compreliensive work 
on the subject published in the United 

Prince, WiUiam Robert. L. I., 1795- 
1869. Son of W. Prince, supra. A 
horticulturist of Flushing. History of 
the Vine (with W. Prince); Pomologi- 
oal Manual ; Manual of Koses. 

Proctor, Edna Dean. N. H., 1888- 
. A litterateur formerly of Brook- 
lyn, New York, now (1897) of South 
Framinghani, Massachusetts. Poems ; 
A Russian Journey ; The Song of the 
Ancient People. 

Proctor, Lucien Brock. N. H., 1826- 

. A legal writer of Albany. The 

Bench and Bar of the State of New 
York ; Lives of the State Chancellors ; 
Life of Thomas Emmet ; Lawyer and 
Client ; Bench and Bar of King's Coun- 
ty ; Legal History of Albany and 
Schenectady Counties. 

Proudfit, Alexander Moncrief. 
Pa., 1770-1843. An Associate Re- 
formed Presbyterian clergyman. Dis- 
courses on the Parables ; Theological 
Works (four volumes, 1815). See Life 
of, by Forsyth. 

Proudfit, David La-w. " Peleg Ark- 
wright." N. Y., 1812-1897. A Fede- 
ral officer during the Civil War, and 

" subsequently a resident of New York 
city. Love Among the Gamins, and 
Other Poems ; Mask and Domino (verse). 

Proudfit, John Williams. N. Y., 
1803-1870. Sou of A. M. Proudfit, su- 
pra. A Dutch Reformed clergyman, 
professor of Greek in Rutgers College, 
1840-64. Man's Two-Fold Life. 

Prudden, Theophile Mitchell. Ct., 

1849 . A New York physician, 

professor of pathology in the College 
of Physicians and Surgeons. Manual 
of Normal Histology (with Delafield) ; 
Dust and its Dangers ; Water and Ice ; 
Handbook of Pathological Anatomy ; 
Story of the Bacteria. Put. 

Pugh [pew], Mrs. Eliza Lofton [Phil- 
lips]. "Arria." ia., 1841 .A 

novelist of Assumption Parish, Louis- 
iana. Not a Hero ; In a Crucible. 

Pulte, Joseph Hippolyt. G., 1811- 
1884. A physician of Cleveland. The 
Homoeopathic Domestic Physician ; 
The Science of Medicine; The Wo- 
man's Medical Guide. 

Pumpelly [pnm-pSl'ly], Mrs. Mary 
Hollenback [Welles]. Po., 1803- 
1879. A verse-writer whose religious 
historical Poems were collected in a 
volume in 1852. 

Pumpelly, Raphael. N. Y., 1837- 

. Son of Mrs. Pumpelly, supra. 

A geologist of note, professor of min- 
ing engineering at Harvard University 
from 1866, Geological Researches in 
China ; Aross America and Asia ;' Notes 
of a Five- Years' Journey Around the 
World. Ho. 

Punchard, George. Ms., 1806-1881. 
A Boston journalist, for many years 
editor of The Traveller, but who, prior 
to 1845, was a Congregational clergy- 
man in New Hampshire. History of 
Congregationalism from A. D. 250 ; View 
of Congregationalism. C. P. S. 

Purinton, Daniel Boardman. Pa., 

1850 . A Baptist clerg>Tnan and 

educator of Ohio, president of Denison 
University from 1889. Christian The- 
ism ; The Battle of the Frogs, a poem. 

Purple, Samuel Smith. N. r.,1822- 

. A physician of New York city. 

The Corpus Luteum ; Menstruation ; 
Contributions to the Practice of Mid- 
wifery ; Observations on Wounds of the 

Purves; George Tybout. Pa., 1852- 
. A Presbyterian clergyman, pro- 
fessor of New Testament literature at 
Princeton College from 1892. The tes- 
timony of Justin Martyr to Early 
Christianity. Ban. 

Putnam, Albigence Waldo. O., 
1799-1869. A lawyer of Nashville; 
History of Middle Tennessee ; Life 
and Times of General James Robert- 
son ; Life of General John Sevier. 

Putnam, Eleanor. See Bates, Mrs. H. 

Putnam, George Haven. E., 1844- 

. Son of G. P. Putnam, infra. A 

prominent publisher of New York city. 
Authors and Publishers ; Intern.ntional 
Copyright ; Authors and their Public 
in Ancient Times. Put. 

Putnam, George Palmer. Me., 1814- 
1872. A well-known publisher of New 
York city, the founder of the present 
publishing house of G. P. Putnam's 
Sons. The Tourist in Europe ; Ameri- 
can Facts ; The World's Progress. See 
AUibone's Dictionary. Put. 




Putnam, Mrs. Katharine Hunt 
[Palmer]. Ms., 1792-1869. A Bos- 
ton writer. Scripture Text Book ; The 
Old Testament Unveiled. 

Putnam, James Osborne. N. Y., 

1818 . A Buffalo lawyer who was 

minister to Belgium in 1880. Addresses, 
Speeches, and JMiscellanies. 

Putnam, Mrs. Mary [Lowell]. Ms., 
ISIO ■ — . Sister of J. R. Lowell, su- 
pra. A life-long resident of Boston. 
Fifteen Days ; History of the Court of 
Hungary ; Records of an Obscure Man ; 
Tragedy of Errors ; Tragedy of Sue- 

Putnam, Ruth. 18- 

— . Daughter 
of G. P. Putnam, supra. Life of Wil- 
liam the Silent. Put. 
Putnam, Mrs. Sarah A. Brock. 

Va., c. 1845 . A writer of New 

York city. ■ Richmond During the War ; 
The Southern Amaranth ; Kenneth, My 
King ; Myra, a novel. 

Pyle, Howard. Del., lS."j.3 . Artist 

and litterateur of Wilmington, Dela- 
ware. The Merrie Adventures of Robin 
Hood ; Within the Capes ; a novel ; 
Otto of the Silver Hand ; Twilight 
liand ; The Garden Behind the Moon ; 
Pepper and Salt, or Seasoning for 
Young Folk; A Modern Aladdin ; The 
Rose of Paradise ; Men of Iron, a ro- 
mance of chivalry ; Jack Ballister's For- 
tunes. Cent. Har. Scr. 

Pynchon, Thomas Ruggles. Ct., 

1823— . Descendant of W. Pynchon, 

infra. An Episcopal clergyman and 
educator, president of Trinity College, 
1874—83, and professor of chemistry 
there. Bishop Butler : a Religious 
Philosopher for All Time ; Introduc- 
tion to Chemical Physics. Ap. 

Pynchon, William. E., 1.590-1662. 
A noted colonist of New England who 
founded the town of Springfield, Mas- 
sachusetts, in 1630. In 1().">2 he re- 
turned to England. The Meritorious 
Price of Our Redemption, first pub- 
lished in lO.oO, excited a storm of con- 
troversy, and was publicly burned on 
Boston Common as an heretical book. 
It was reprinted in 1655 as The Meri- 
torious Price of Man's Redemption, or 
Christ's Satisfaction discussed and ex- 
plained, with a rejoinder to Rev. John 
Norton's Answer ; The Jewes Syna- 

gogue ; How the First Sabbath was Or- 
dained ; The Covenant of Nature made 
with Adam. 

Quackenbos, George Payn. 'S. Y., 

1820-1881. An educator of New York 
city. School History of the United 
States ; Natural Philosophy ; a series 
of English grammars ; An Advanced 
Course of Rhetoric. 

Quackenbos, John Duncan. N. Y., 

1848 . Son of G. P. Quackenbos, 

supra. An adjunct professor of Eng- 
lish literature at Columbia College 
from 1884. Illustrated History of the 
World ; History of the English Lan- 
guage ; History of Ancient Literature ; 
Practical Rhetoric. Har. 

Qualtrough, Edward F . N. Y., 

1850 . A United States naval 

officer who has published The Sailor's 
Handy Book and Yachtsman's Manual ; 
The Boat Sailor's Manual. Scr. 

Quiet, Charles. See Noyes, C. R. 

Quinby, George Washington. Me., 
1810-1884. A Universalist clergyman 
in Maine and Ohio. The Salvation of 
Christ ; Brief Exposition of Universal- 
ism ; Marriage and Its Duties ; The 
Gallows, the Prison, and the Poor 
House ; Heaven Our Home. 

Quincy, Edmund. Ms., 1703-1788. 
A Boston merchant who wrote a Trea- 
tise on Hemp Husbandry. One of his 
daughters married John Hancock. 

Quincy, Edmund. Ms., 1808-1877. 
Son of J. Quincy, 2d, infra. A Boston 
writer whose literary fame was hardly 
proportioned to his deserts. Wensley, 
and Other Stories; The Haunted Ad- 
jutant, and Other Stories ; Life of 
President Josiah Quincy. Hou. Lit. 

Quincy, Josiah. Ms., 1744-1775. 
Nephew of E. Quincy, 1st. A famous 
Boston lawyer and patriot, very promi- 
nent at the opening of the Revolution- 
ary period. Observations on the Boston 
Port Bill. See Life of, hy his son. 

Quincy, Josiah. ik/s., 1772-1864. Son 
of J. Quincy, supra. An eminent Mas- 
sachusetts statesman, mayor of Boston, 
1823-29 ; president of Harvard Univer- 
sity, 1829-45 ; representative in Con- 




gress, 1805-10. History of Harvard 
University; Speeches and Orations in 
Congress ; History of Boston ; Life of 
Josiah Quincy, Jr. See Life by E. 
Quincy ; Duyckinck's American Litera- 
ture ; Lowell, My Study Windows. Lit. 

Quincy, Josiah. Jt/s., 1802-1882. Son 
of J. Quincy, 2d, supra. A citizen of 
Boston, and mayor of that city, 1845- 
1849. Figures of the Past. Rob. 

Quincy, Josiah Phillips. Ms., 1829- 

. Son of J. Quincy, 3d, supra. A 

litterateur of Boston. Charicles, a 
drama ; Lyteria, a drama ; The Peck- 
ster Professorship, a Story ; The Pro- 
tection of Majorities, and Other Papers. 
Hou. Bob. 

Quincy, Samuel Miller. Ms., 1833- 
1887. Son of J. Quincy, 3d. A Boston 
lawyer who served in the Federal army 
during the Civil War. The Man Who 
■was Not a Colonel ; A Prisoner's Diary. 

Quint, Alonzo Hall. N. H., 1828- 
1896. A prominent Congregational cler- 
gyman of Boston. The Potomac and 
the Rapidan, or Army Notes ; Records 
of the Second Massachusetts Infantry, 

Quitman, Frederick Henry. Wa., 
1760-1832. A Lutheran clergyman of 
Khinebeck, New York. Treatise on 
Magic ; Sermons on the Reformation, 
are his more important writings. 

Raff, George Wertz. O., 1825-1888. 
A savings bank president of Canton, 
Ohio. Guide to Executors and Admi- 
nistrators in Ohio ; Manual of Pensions ; 
The Law Relating to Roads in Ohio ; 
War Claimant's Guide. 

Rafinesque, Constantine Smaltz. 
Ty., 1784-1842. An eccentric natural- 
ist and botanist of French parentage 
who, after years of travel, settled in 
Philadelphia. The value of his work is 
impaired as much by his inaccuracy as 
by his very eccentric methods. Among 
his many works are. Medical Flora of 
the United States ; A Life of Travel 
and Researches ; Annals of Kentucky ; 
Recent and Fossil Conehology (edited 
by Binney and Tryon, 1864). See Silli- 
man's Journal, 1841; Life by M. E. 
Call. Mor. 

Ragozin, Madame Zgnaide Alex- 

eievna, E., c. 1835 . A Russian 

historical writer, naturalized in the 
United States in 1874. The Story of 
Chaldea ; The Story of Assyria ; The 
Story of Media and Babylon ; The Story 
of Vedic India. Put. 

Raguet [ra-ga'], Condy. Pa., 1784- 
1842. A merchant and lawyer of Phila- 
delphia. The Principles of Free Trade ; 
Currency and Banking; An Inquiry 
into the Present State of the Circulat- 
ing Medium of the United States (1815). 

Rains, George Washington. N. C, 

1817 . A Confederate army officer, 

professor of chemistry at the University 
of Georgia from 1867. Steam Portable 
Engines ; Rudimentary Course of Ana- 
lytical and Applied Chemistry ; Chemi- 
cal Qualitative Analysis. 

Rainsford, William Stephen. I., 

1850 . A prominent Episcopal 

clergyman of New York city, rector 
of St. George's Church from 1883, and 
an active worker in philanthropic and 
other reforms. Sermons Preached in 
St. George's ; The Church's Oppor- 
tunity in the City of To-Day. Z>o. 

Ralph, Julian. N. Y., 1853 . A 

popular journalist and litterateur. On 
Canada's Frontier ; Dixie ; Our Great 
West ; Chicago and the World's Fair ; 
• People We Pass ; Alone in China, and 
Other Stories. Har. 

Ralston, Samuel. L, 1756-1851. A 
Presbyterian clergyman in what is now 
Monongahela City, Pennsylvania, from 
1796 till his death. On Baptism ; The 
Last Plagues ; The Currycomb, are 
among his writings. 

Ralston, Thomas Neely. Ky., 1806- 
. A Methodist clergyman and re- 
ligious editor of Kentucky. Elements 
of Divinity ; Evidences of Christianity ; 
Ecce Unitas ; Bible Truths. 

Ramsay, David. Pa., 1749-1815. A 
physician of Charleston, eminent among 
early American historians. History of 
the American Revolution ; History of 
the United States ; Life of Washington ; 
History of South Carolina, include his 
chief works. See Tuckerma.n^s Sketch 
of American Literature ; Allibon£^s Dic- 

Ramsay, Mrs. Vienna G [Mor- 

rell]. Me., 1817 . Facts on Mis- 




sions ; Evenings With the Children ; A 
Legend of the White Hills, and other 
Poems. Xo. 

Rand, Asa. if . JET., 1783-1871. A Con- 
gregational clergyman in Maine and 
New York prominent as an opponent of 
slavery. Teachers' Manual in English 
Grammar ; The Slave-Catcher Caught 
in the Meshes of Eternal Law. 

Rand, Benjamin. N. S., 1850 . 

An instructor in philosophy at Harvard 
University. Economic History Since 
1763 ; A Bibliography of Economies ; 
and also bibliographies of aesthetics, 
ethics, psychology, metaphysics, logic, 
history of philosophy, philosophy of re- 

Rand, Benjamin Howard. Ms., 
1792-1802. A Philadelphia teacher of 
penmanship who published The Ameri- 
can Penman and similar works. 

Rand, Benjamin Hovyard. Pa., 
1827-1883. Son of B. H. Rand, supra. 
A physician of Philadelphia. Outlines 
of Medical Chemistry ; Elements of 
Medical Chemistry. Lip. 

Rand, Edivard Augustus. N. H., 

1.S37— . An Episcopal clergyman, 

rector at Watertown, Massachusetts, 
from 1883. Christmas Jack ; Behind 
Manhattan Gables ; School and Camp 
Series ; Sailor Boy Bob ; Pushing 
Ahead ; Fighting the Sea Series, are 
among his many books for juvenile 
readers. Lo. Meth. Wh. 

Rand, Edward Sprague. Ms., 1834- 

. Formerly a floriculturist of Ded- 

ham, Massachusetts. Garden Flowers ; 
Complete Manual of Orchid-Culture; 
Popular Flowers ; Rhododendrons ; 
Flowers for the Parlor and Garden ; 
The Window Gardener ; Life Memoirs, 
and Other Poems. Hou. 

Rand, Mrs. Mary Frances [Ab- 
bott]. Me., 1840 . Wife of E. 

A. Rand, supra. Holly and Mistletoe ; 
Home-Spun Yams for Christmas Stock- 

Randall, David Austin. Ct., 1813- 
1884. A Baptist clergyman and re- 
ligious editor of Ohio. God's Hand- 
writing in Egypt ; The Wonderful 
Tent, or the Mosaic Tabernacle. Clke. 

Randall, Henry Stephens. N. Y., 
1811-1870. A once prominent advo- 
cate of public instruction in New York 

State. Sheep Husbandry ; Fine Wool 
Sheep Husbandry ; Practical Shepherd ; 
Life of Thomas Jefferson. Lip, 

Randall, James Ryder. Md., 1839- 

. A journalist of Augusta, Georgia, 

and elsewhere in the South, who has 
written a number of spirited lyrics, the 
best known of which is the famous song, 
Maryland, My Maryland. 

Randall, Samuel Sidwell. N. Y 
1809-1881. Cousin of H. S. Randall, 
supra. A superintendent of public 
schools in New York city, 1854-70. ' 
History of the State of New York; 
Mental and Moral Culture ; Principles 
of Popular Education ; Incitements to 
the Study of Geology, include his more 
important works. Hdr. 

Randolph, Anson Davies Fitz. N. 
J., 1820-1896. A publisher and re- 
ligious verse-writer of New York city. 
Hopefully Waiting; Verses; At the 
Beautiful Gate ; The Palace of the 
King ; Unto the Desired Haven. Ban. 

Randolph, Sarah Nicholas. Va., 

1839 . A great-granddaughter of 

Thomas Jefferson. An educator of Bal- 
timore. The Domestic Life of Thomas 
Jefferson ; The Lord WiU Provide ; The 
Life of Stonewall Jackson. Har. Lip- 

Ranger, Robert. See Freeman, J. M. 

Rankin, Jeremiah Eames. N. E., 

1828 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of Orange, New Jersey, from 1884. 
Auld Scotch Mither, and Other Poems ; 
Subduing Kingdoms ; The Hotel of - 
God, and Other Sermons ; Atheism of 
the Heart ; Christ His Own Interpre- 
ter ; Ingleside Rhaims. 

Rankin, John. Tn., 1793-1886. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of Ripley, Ohio, 
famous as an abolitionist, and many 
times mobbed for his anti-slavery zeal. 
Letters on American Slavery ; The Co- 
venant of Grace. See Ritchie^s Life of, 
entitled The Soldier, the J^attle, and the 

Rankin, John Chambers. iV. C, 
1816 . A Presbyterian clergy- 
man of Baskingridge, New Jeraey, from 
1851. The Coming of the Lord. 

Ranney, Ambrose Loomis. 184— 

. A physician, professor of ner- 
vous diseases in the University of the 
City of New York. A Practical Trea- 




tise on Surgical Diagnosis; Applied 
Anatomy of tlie Nervous System ; Prac- 
tical Medical Anatomy ; Lectures on 
Nervous Diseases, include liis principal 
writings. Ap. 
Rapelje, Stewart. N. Y., 1842-1896. 
A legal writer of New York city. Di- 
gest of Decisions of New York Courts 
to 1881 ; Digest of Federal Decisions 
and Statutes from the Earliest Period 
to ISSO ; Treatise on tlie Law of Wit- 
nesses ; Dictionary of American and 
English Decisions. 
Raphall, Morris Jacob. Sn., 1708- 
1868. A Jewish clergyman once pro- 
minent in New York city. Post-Bibli- 
cal History of the Jews ; Literature of 
the Jews in Spain ; Social Condition of 
the Jews ; Festivals of the Lord ; The 
Path to Immortality. Ap. 

Rarey, John S . O., 1828-1866. 

A famous horse-tamer who wrote a 
Treatise on Horse-Taming that was 
very extensively circulated. 
Rau, Charles. Bm., 1826-1887. An 
archaeologist of distinction of Belgian 
birth who settled in the United States 
in 1848, and was curator of antiquities 
in the United States National Museum, 
1875-87. Early Man in Europe ; Pre- 
historic Fishing. Har. 
Rauch, Friedrich Augustus. G., 
1806-1841. A psychologist of Mer- 
cersburg, Pennsylvania, prominent 
among thinkers of the German Re- 
formed faith. Psychology : a View of 
the Human Soul ; The Inner Life of 
the Christian. 

Raum, Green Berry. H., 1829 . 

A commissioner of internal revenue, 
lS76-8o ; later United States commis- 
sioner of pensions. The Existing Con- 
flict between Republican Government 
and Southern Oligarchy (1884). 
Ravenel, Henry William. S. C, 
1814-1887. A botanist of Aiken, South 
Carolina, distinguished for his know- 
ledge of fungi. Fungi Caroliniani Ex- 
siccati ; Fungi American! Exsiccati 
(with Cooke). 

Rawle, Francis. E., c. 1660-1727. 
A Quaker colonist of Pennsylvania 
whose Ways and Means for the Inha- 
bitants of Delaware to become Rich is 
said to have been the first hook printed 
by Franklin. 

Rawle, "William. Pa., 1759-1836. 
Great-grandson of F. Rawle, supra. A 
distinguislied lawyer of Pliiladelphia. 
View of the Constitution of the United 
States ; The Study of the Law. See 
Memoir of, by Wharton, 1S40 ; Alli- 
bone^s Dictionary. 
Rawle, William Brooke. Pa., 1.843- 
. Grand-nephew of W. Rawle, su- 
pra. A lawyer of Philadelphia who has 
published The Right Flank at Gettys- 
burg ; With Gregg in the Gettysburg 
Rawle, William Henry. Pa., 1823- 
1889. Grandson of W. Rawle, supra. 
A prominent lawyer of Philadelphia. 
Law of Covenants for Title ; Some Con- 
trasts in tlie Growth of Pennsylvania 
in English Law ; Equity in Pennsyl- 
vania. Lit. 
Rawson, Albert Leighton. Vt., 

1829 . A traveller of note who 

has published Histories of All Reli- 
gions ; Antiquities of tlie Orient ; The 
Unseen World, and a number of dic- 
tionaries and vocabularies of Oriental 

Ray, Anna Chapin. Ms., 186.5 . 

A writer of West Haven, Connecticut, 
whose tales for juvenile reading have 
been popular. Cadets of Fleming Hall ; 
Half a Dozen Boys ; Half a Dozen 
Girls ; In Blue Creek CaQon ; Dick ; 
Margaret Davis Tutor. Cr. 

Ray, Isaac, ilfs., 1807-1881. A phy- 
sician of Philadelphia. Conversations 
on Animal Economy ; Education in 
Relation to the Health of the Brain ; 
Mental Hygiene; Medical Jurispru- 
dence of Insanity. 

Ray, Joseph. Va., 1807-18.55. A 
mathematician and educator of Cincin- 
nati, who published an Eclectic Series 
of Arithmetics long popular in the 
Western States. 

Raymond, George Lansing. B., 

1 839 . A professor of oratory at 

Princeton College from 1881. His 
writings in verse include, Colony Bal- 
lads ; A Life in Song ; Ballads of the 
Revolution, and Other Poems ; Sketches 
in Song ; Pictures in Verse. Other 
works of his are. The Orator's Manu- 
al; Modern Fishers of Men, a novel; 
Poetry as a Representative Art ; The 
Genesis of Art Form ; Art in Theory ; 




Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture 
as Kepresentative Arts ; Rhythm and 
Harmony in Poetry and Music ; Ideals 
Made Real. Put. 

Raymond, Henry Jarvis. N. Y., 
182(1-1869. A joui'nalist who founded 
and edited The New York Times. Life 
of Lincoln ; Political Lessons of the 
Revolution ; History of the Adminis- 
tration of Lincoln ; Letters to Mr. Yan- 
cey. See Maverick's Raymond and the 
New York Press. 

Raymond, Miner. N. Y., 1811 . 

A Methodist clergyman of Illinois, the- 
ological professor in Garrett Bihlieal 
Institute at Evanston, Illinois, from 
1864. Systematic Theology. Meth. 

Raymond, Rossiter 'Wortliington. 

O., 1840 . A mining engineer of 

Brooklyn, editor of The Engineering 
and Mining Journal from 1868. Among 
his technical and other writings are in- 
cluded. Mines and Mining of the Rocky 
Mountains ; Mines, Mills, and Furnaces 
of the Pacific Slope ; Silver and Gold ; 
Brave Hearts, a novel ; The Man in the 
Moon, and Other People ; The Book of 
Job ; Essays and a Metrical Paraphrase ; 
The Merry-Go-Round ; Two Ghosts, 
and Other Tales. Lo. 

Rea, Mrs. Julie [de Marguerittes] 
fFosterl. E., 1814-1866. An opera 
singer and dramatic critic of Philadel- 
phia. The Ins and Outs of Paris ; Italy 
and the War of 1859 ; Parisian Pick- 

Read, Hollis. Vt., 1802-1887. A Pres- 
byterian foreign missionary who after 
183.5 was settled over various New Jer- 
sey parishes. Journal in India ; The 
Hand of God in History, a very popu- 
lar book at one time ; The Palace of 
the Great King ; India and its People ; 
The Coming Crisis of the World ; The 
Negro Problem Solved ; The Devil in 

Read, Jane Maria. Ms., 1853 . 

A verse-writer of Colebrook Springs, 
Massachusetts, who has published. Be- 
tween the Centuries, and Other Poems. 

Read, John Meredith. Pa., 18.37- 
1896. A lawyer of Albany who was 
minister to Greece 1873-79, and subse- 
quently filled other important diplo- 
matic positions. An Historical Inquiry 
Concerning Hendrick Hudson. 

Read, Opie. Tn., 1852 . A jour- 
nalist now living in Chicago who edited 
The Arkansaw Traveller for some 
years, and whose studies of Arkansas 
life have been widely read. My Yomig 
Master ; An Arkansaw Planter ; Len 
Gansett ; Up Terrapin River ; A Ken- 
tucky Colonel; On the Suwannee River; 
Miss Polly Lopp, and Other Stories; 
The Captain's Romance ; The Jucklins, 
a novel. 

Read, Thomas Buchanan. Pa., 
1822-1872. A poet and artist of Phila- 
delphia whose later years were spent 
in Florence and Rome. As a poet he 
is best known by the famous Sheridan's 
Ride ; Drifting ; and The Closing Scene, 
and it is by these poems that he will 
continue to be remembered. Poems ; 
Lays and Ballads ; The Pilgrims of the 
Great St. Bernard, a prose romance ; 
The New Pastoral ; The House by the 
Sea ; The Wagoner of the Alleghanies, 
in which occurs the fine lyric begin- 
ning, " The maid who hinds her war- 
rior's sash ; " Sylvia ; A Voyage to Ice- 
land ; A Summer Story ; Sheridan's 
Ride, and Other Poems. His complete 
poems were issued in 1882. SeeAlli- 
bone's Dictionary. Lip. 

Realf [relf], Richard. E., 1834-1878. 
A journalist and verse-writer of Pitts- 
burg who was a Federal oificer during 
the Civil War. Guesses at the Beau- 
tiful. See Lippincott's Magazine, Feb- 
ruary, 1879. 

Reavis [rev'is], Logan Uriah. U., 
1831-1889. A St. Louis journalist, 
who published St. Louis the Future 
Great City of the World ; Life of 
Horace Greeley ; Thoughts for the 
Young Men and Women of America; 
Life of General Harney ; Railway and 
River System. 

Redden, Laura. See Searing, Mrs. 

Redfield, Amasa Angell. N. Y., 

1837 . A lawyer of New York 

city. Handbook of United States Tax 
Laws ; Law and Practice of Surrogates' 
Courts ; Reports of Surrogates' Courts 
of New York State, 1864-82 ; The Law 
of Negligence (with Shearman). 

Redfield, Isaac Fletcher. Vt., 1804- 
1876. A lawyer who was chief justice 
of Vermont, 1852-60, and a resident of 
Boston after the latter date. The Law 




of Railways ; The Law of Wills ; Law 
of Carriers and Bailments ; Leading 
American RaUway Cases ; CivQ Plead- 
ing (withHerrick). Lit. 

Redfield, Wmiam Charles. Ct., 
17Sy-1857. A once noted meteorologist. 
On Whirlwind Storras, and many luono- 
graphs upon meteorology. Hee Bio- 
graphy of, by D. Olmsted. 

Eedpath, James. E., 1833-1891. A 
New York journalist for many years on 
the staff of The Tribune, and promi- 
nent as an abolitionist. The Ro\dng 
Editor ; Handbook of Kansas Territory ; 
Public Life of Captain John Brown ; 
Echoes of Harper's Ferry; Guide to 
Hayti ; Tallcs About Ireland. 

Redway, Jacques Wardlaiv. Tn., 
1849 . A geographer and educa- 
tor of California. Complete Geogra^ 
phy ; Manual of Physical Geography ; 
Manual of Geography and Travel. 

Reed, Edwin. jVfe.,- 1«3.5 . A 

Shakespearean scholar who has pub- 
lished Bacon vs. Shakspere, a history 
of the controversy, with arguments pro 
and con. Kt. 

Reed, Henry. Pa., 1808-1854. An 
educator of Philadelphia, professor of 
English literature in the University of 
Pennsylvania. Lectures on English 
History ; Lectures on English Litera- 
ture ; Lectures on the British Poets. 
See Memoir, by W. B. Reed, infra. 

Reed, Hsnry. Pa., 1846 . Son 

of H. Reed, supra. A Philadelphia 
jurist who has published The Law of 
the Statute of Frauds. 

Reed, Hugh. /«<;., 1850 . A mili- 
tary educator of Virginia. Signal Tac- 
tics ; Cad3t Regulations ; Military Sci- 
ence and Tactics ; Broom Tactics. 

Reed, James. Ms., 1834- 

of S. Reed, infra. A Swedenborgian 
clergyman of Boston from 1858. Men 
and Women ; Religion and Life ; Swe- 
denborg and the New Church. Hou. 

Reed, John. Pa., 178R-18.50. A Penn- 
sylvania jurist, professor of law in Dick- 
inson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 
1834-50, and author of The Pennsylva- 
nia Blackstone. 

Reed, Sampson. Ms., 1800-1880. A 
Swedenboi^ifln writer of Boston, erlitor 
of The New Church Magazine for Chil- 

dren. Observations on the Growth of 
the Mind. Hou. 

Reed, William Bradford. Pa., 1806- 
1876. Brother of H. Reed, 1st, supra. 
A lawyer of Philadelphia, minister to 
China, 1857-58. Life and Correspon- 
dence of Joseph Reed ; Memoir of 
Henrv Reed, supra. 

Rees, John Krom, N.Y., 1851 . 

An astronomer, professor at Columbia 
College, and director ot the Observa- 
tory from 1881. Report on the Solar 
Eclipse, 1878 ; International Time Sys- 
tem ; Observations of the Transit of 
Venus, 1882. 

Reese, David Meredith. Pa., 1800- 
18f}l. An eminent physician of New 
York city, superintendent of the city 
public schools at one period. Stric- 
tures on Health ; Review of the Anti- 
Slavery Society's First Annual Report ,* 
Quakerism versus Calvinism ; Phreno- 
logy Known by its Fruits ; Medical 
Lexicon of Modern Terminology ; Hum- 
bugs of New York. 

Reese, John James. Pa., 1818-1892. 
A Philadelphia physician, professor 
of jurispri'.dence in the University of 
Pennsylvania. American Medical For- 
mulary ; Analysis of Physiology ; Ma- 
nual of Toxicology ; Text - Book of 
Medical Jurisprudence. 

Reese, Lizette Woodw^orth. Md., 
1856 . A verse-writer and edu- 
cator of Baltimore. A Branch of May ; 
A Handful of Lavender ; A Quiet 
Road. Hou. 

Reeve, James Knapp. N. Y., 1856- 

. A novelist of Franklin, Ohio. 

Vawder's Understudy ; The Three 
Richard Whalens. Sto. 

Reeve, Tapping, i. 7., 1744-1823. An 
eminent jurist of Litchfield, Connecti- 
cut. Law of Baron and Femme, of 
Parent and Child, of Guardian and 
Ward, of Servant and Master ; Treatise 
on the Law of Descents in the Several 
United States. 

Reeves, Marian Calhoun Legare. 
S. C; c. 1854- . A novelist of Wash- 
ington. Ingemisco ; Randolph Honor ; 
Sea Drift ; A Little Maid of Arcadie ; 
Wearithorne; and with Emily Read, 
Old Martin Bosoawen's Jest; Pilot 
Fortune. Hou. 

Reichel, William Cornelius. N. C, 
1824r-1876. A Moravian clergyman 




and educator of Bethlehem, Pennsylva- 
nia, among' whose "writings are Moravi- 
anism in New York and Connecticut ; 
Memorials of the Moravian Church; 
A Red Rose from the Olden Time. 

Reichert, Ed-ward Tyson. Pa., 

ISo.'j . A Philadelphia physician 

and educator, professor of physiology 
in the University of Pennsylvania from 
1886. A Text-Book of Physiology. 

Reid, Christian. See Tiernan, Mrs. 

Reid, David Boswell. S., 180.5- 
1803. A chemist who came to America 
in 18.56, and was director of the medi- 
cal inspection of the United States 
Sanitary Commission. Introduction to 
the Study of Chemistry ; Rudiments of 
Chemistry of Daily Life ; Ventilation 
for American Dwellings, are among his 

Reid, John Morrison. N. Y., 1820- 

. A Methodist clergyman and 

editor of religious journals who secured 
the lihrary of Von Ranke for Syracuse 
University. Missions of the Methodist 
Church ; Doomed Religions (edited). 

Reid, Samuel Chester. N. Y., 1818- 

. A lawyer of New Orleans. The 

United States Bankrupt Law of 1841 ; 
The Battle of Chickamauga. 

Reid, "Whitelaw. O., 18.37 . A 

journalist of prominence in New York 
city and editor of The Tribune from 
1872. After the War, a -Southern 
Toiir ; Ohio in the War ; Schools of 
Journalism ; Newspaper Tendencies. 
See HarVs American Literature. Clke. 

Reid, William James. N. Y., 1834- 
. A United Presbyterian clergy- 
man, pastor at Pittsburg from 1889. 
Lectures on the Revelation ; United 

Reily, William McClellan. Pa., 

1837 . A German Reformed 

clergyman and educator of Allentown, 
Pennsylvania, president of the Female 
College there from 1888. The Artist 
and his Mission. 

Reimensnyder, Junius Benjamin. 
Va., 1841 . A Luthersin clergy- 
man of New York city from 1880. 
Heavenward ; Doom Eternal ; Luther- 
an Literature : its Distinctive Traits ; 
Work and Personality of Luther ; Six 

Days of Creation; Lutheran Manual. 

Remington, Frederic. N. Y., 1861- 

. A popular artist and illustrator, 

whose work in the main reflects the life 
of the far West. Pony Tracks. Har. 

Remington, Joseph Price. Pa., 

1847 . A professor of pharmacy 

in the Philadelphia College of Phar- 
macy from 1874. The Practice of 
Pharmacy. Lip. 

Remington, Stephen. N. Y., 1803- 
1869. A Baptist minister, but prior to 
184.5 a preacher of the Methodist faith. 
Reasons for Becoming a Baptist; A 
Defence of Restricted Communion. 

Remsen, Ira. N. Y., 1846 . An 

eminent chemist, professor of chemis- 
try at Johns Hopkins University from 
1876. Chemical Experiments (with W. 
Randall). Ho. 

Reno, Conrad. Al, 18.59 . A 

lawyer of Boston. Employers' Lia- 
bility Act. Har. 

Renwick, James. JV. Y., 1792-1863. 
A once prominent scientist of New 
York city, professor of natural and 
experimental philosophy and chemistry 
at Columbia College from 1820 to 1853. 
Lives of Rittenhouse, Fulton, Count 
Rumford, in Sparks's American Bio- 
graphy ; Outlines of Natural Philoso- 
phy ; Treatise on the Steam Engine ; 
Elements of Mechanics ; Lives of Jay, 
Hamilton, De Witt Clinton, incJude the 
greater number of his works. Har. 

Repplier, Agnes. Pa., 1855 . 

A popular essayist of Philadelphia. 
Books and Men ; Points of View ; In 
the Dozy Hours, and Other Papers; 
Essays in Idleness ; Essays in Minia- 
ture ; Varia. Hou. 

Requier, Augustus Julian. S. C, 
182.5-1887. A lawyer of Mobile prior 
to the Civil War, and subsequently of 
New York city. The Old Sanctuary, a 
romance ; Poems ; and the dramas, 
Marco Bozzaris ; The Spanish Exile. 

Revere, Joseph Warren. Ms., 1812- 
1880. A grandson of Paul Revere, and 
an officer in the Federal army during 
the Civil War. Keel and Saddle : Ke- 
trqgpect of Forty Years' Military Ser- 
vice (1872). 

Rexdale, Robert (pseud.). Me., 1859- 
. A journalist and verse-writer of 




Portland, Maine. Drifting' Songs and 
Sketches ; Saved by the Sword, a novel ; 
The Cuban Liberated. 
Rexford, Eben Eugene. N. Y., 

1848 . A popular verse and song 

writer of Shiocton, Wisconsin, whose 
poem Silver Threads Among the Gold 
has been set to music and widely sung. 
Brother and Lover; Grandmother's 
Garden ; John Fielding and his Enemy. 
Reynolds, Elmer Robert. N. Y., 
1S4() . An ethnologist in the Uni- 
ted States civil service from 1877. A 
Scientific Visit to the Caverns of Luray; 
Shell Mounds, etc., of the Choptank 
Indians ; Aboriginal Soapstone Quar- 
ries in the District of Columbia, are 
among his professional monographs. 
Reynolds, John. Pa., 1789-1865. 
An Illinois lawyer and journalist, gover- 
nor of Illinois, 1832-34. Pioneer His- 
tory of Illinois ; Glance at the Crystal 
Palace ; My Life and Times. 
Reynolds, William Morton. Pa., 
1812-1876. An Episcopal clergyman, 
but prior to 1864 a Lutheran clergyman. 
Discourse on the Swedish Churches. 
He translated, from the Swedish of Is- 
rael Acrelius, A History of New Swe- 
den, with introduction and notes. 
Rhees, William John. Pa., 1830- 
. The chief clerk of the Smith- 
sonian Institution from 1852, who has 
published, among other works, The 
Smithsonian Institution ; James Smith- 
son and His Bequest. 

Rhodes, Albert. Pa., 1840 . A 

writer who was successively United 
States consul at Jerusalem, Rotterdam, 
Rouen, and Elberstadt, and since 1885 
has been a resident of Paris. Jeru- 
salem as It Is ; The French at Home ; 
Monsieur at Home. 
Rhodes, James Ford. O., 1848- 
. An historian of Boston. His- 
tory of the United States from the 
Compromise of 1850. Har. 

Rhodes, Mosheim. Pa., 1837 . 

A Lutheran clergyman of St. Louis 
from 1874. Life Thoughts for Young 
Men; Life Thoughts for Young Wo- 
men ; Recognition in Heaven ; Vital 
Questions ; The Throne of Grace ; Ex- 
pository Lectures on Philippians. 

Rice, David Hall. Ms., 1841 . 

A lawyer of Boston, living in Brook- 

line, Massachusetts. Protective Philo- 
sophy ; Digest of Decisions of Commis- 
sioner of Patents, 1869-80 (with C. 

Rice, Edwin Wilbur. JV. Y., 1831- 

. A Congregational clergyman 

connected with the Sunday - School 
Union from 1871. People's Lesson Book 
in Matthew ; Stories of Great Painters ; 
Historical Sketch of the United States ; 
People's Commentary on the Acts. 

Rice, George Edward. Ms., 1822- 
1861. A verse-writer of Boston. 
Ephemeral ; Nugamenta ; A New Play 
in an Old Garb, a fanciful adaptation 
of Hamlet. 

Rice, Harvey. Ms., 1800-1891. A 
prominent lawyer of Cleveland. Mount 
Vernon, and Other Poems ; Select Po- 
ems ; Nature and Culture ; Pioneers 
of the Western Reserve ; Sketches of 
Western Life ; The Founder of the 
City of Cleveland. Le. 

Rice, Isaac Leopold. Bo., 1850 . 

A lawyer of New York city who has 
written What Is Music ? 

Rice, Nathan Lewis. Ky., 1807- 
1877. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
note who held pastorates in St. Louis, 
Cincinnati, and New York city, and 
was an active controversialist. Roman- 
ism the Enemy of Free Institutions; 
The Signs of the Times ; Baptism ; 
The Pulpit ; Discourses. 

Rich, Mrs. Helen [Hinsdale]. JV. 

Y., 1827 . A verse-writer of Chi- 
cago. A Dream of the Adirondacks, 
and Other Poems; Madame de Stael. 

Richards, Mrs. Cornelia Holroyd 

[Bradley]. N. Y., 1822 . Wife 

of W. C. Richards, infra, and sister of 
Mrs. Alice Haven, supra. At Home 
and Abroad, or How to Behave ; Plea- 
sure and Profit, or Lessons on the Lord's 
Prayer ; Hester and I ; Memoir of Mrs. 

Richards, Mrs. Ellen Henrietta 

[Swallow]. Ms., 1842-; . An 

instractor in sanitary chemistry in the 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 
wife of Professor Richards of the same 
institution. Chemistry of Cookery and 
Cleaning ; Food Materials and their 
Adulterations ; First Lessons in Mine- 
rals. Est. 




Richards, Mrs. Laura Elizabeth 

[Howe]. Ms., 1850 . Daugh- 
ter of Mia. J. G. Howe, supra. A 
writer of juvenile books, whose home 
is in Gardiner, Maine. The Joyous 
Story of Toto ; Toto's Merry Winter ; 
In My Nursery ; Five Mice ; Captain 
January ; Jim of HeUas ; Queen Hilde- 
garde, are among her books. JSst. Bob. 

Richards, Mrs. Maria [Tolman]. 
Ms., 1821 . An educator and lec- 
turer of Providence. Life in Judea ; 
Life in Israel. 

Richards, yTilUam Carey. E., 
1818-1892. A Baptist minister of Chi- 
cago, widely known as a lecturer upon 
physical science. Baptist Banquets ; 
The Lord is My Shepherd ; The Moun- 
tain Anthem ; Our Father in Heaven, 
a series of sonnets ; Science in Song. 

Richardson, Mrs. Abby [Sage]. 

1835 . Wife of A. D. Richardson, 

infra. An educator and lecturer upon 
literature. Familiar Talks on English 
Literature ; Stories from Old English 
Poetry ; History of Our Country ; Abe- 
lard and Heloise, a Mediaeval Romance. 
She has edited Songs from the Old 
Dramatists, and other works. Hon. 

Richardson, Albert Deane. Ms., 
18.33-1809. A journalist of New York 
city, famous as the war correspondent 
of The Tribune during the Civil War. 
Beyond the Mississippi ; Personal His- 
tory of Ulysses Grant ; The Field, the 
Dungeon, and the Escape ; Garnered 
Sheaves. See Memoir. 

Richardson, Charles Francis. Me., 

1851 . A professor of English 

literature at Dartmouth College from 
1882. Primer of American Literature ; 
The Cross, a collection of verse ; Ame- 
rican Literature, 1 607-1885 ; The Choice 
of Books. Co-editor with H. A. Clark 
of The College Book. Hou. Lip. Put. 

Richardson, Hobart Wood. 1831- 

1889. A journalist of Portland, Maine. 
Paper Money ; The National Banks ; 
The Standard Dollar. Ap. Har. 

Richardson, Nathaniel Smith. Ct, 

1810-1883. An Episcopal clergyman 
who was editor of The American 
Church Review. Reasons Why I Am 
a Churchman ; Reasons Why I Am Not 

a Papist ; Evidences of Natural and 
Revealed Religion, are among his writ- 

Richardson, William Adams. Ms., 
1821-1896. A Massachusetts jurist, 
chief justice of the United States Court 
of Claims from 1885, and secretary of 
the United States Treasury, 1873-74. 
The Banking Laws of Massachusetts ; 
History of the Court of Claims ; Prac- 
tical Information concerning the Uni- 
ted States Public Debt ; National Bank- 
ing Laws. 

Richardson, William Merchant. 
iV. H., 1774-1838. Chief justice of 
New Hampshire, 1816-38. The New 
Hampshire Justice ; The Town Officer. 

Richmond, Mrs. Euphemia John- 
son [Guernsey]. N. Y., 1825 . 

A writer of Upton, New York. Hope 
Raymond ; Two Paths ; The McAllis- 
ters, a temperance tale ; The Jewelled 
Serpent ; The Fatal Dower ; Anna 
Maynard, the King's Daughter, form a 
portion of her writings. Meih. 

Ricord [re-cor'], Mrs. Elizabeth 
[Stryker]. X. X, 1788-1865. Wife 
of J. B. Ricord, infra. An educator of 
Geneva, New York, and after 1845 a 
resident of Newark, New Jersey. Phi- 
losophy of the Mind ; Zamba, or the 
Insurrection, a Dramatic Poem. 

Ricord, Frederick William. W, I-, 

1819 . Son of J. B. Ricord, infra. 

A lawyer and educator of Newark, 
New Jersey. History of Rome ; The 
Youth's Grammar ; English Songs from 
Foreign Tongues ; The Self -Tormentor, 
from the Latin of Terentius, with More 
English Songs. 

Ricord, Jean Baptiste. F., 1777- 
1837. A French physician and natural- 
ist who settled in New York city. Im- 
proved French Grammar; Recherches 
et experiences sur les poissons d'Am^- 

Riddle, Albert Gallatin. Ms., 1816- 

. A lawyer of Washington who 

has written a number of romances of 
early life in Ohio. The House of Ross ; 
Bart Ridgeley ; Alice Brand; The 
Tory's Daughter ; Mark Loan ; The Por- 
trait ; Personal Recollections of War 
Times ; Students and Lawyers ; Life 
of Benjamin Wade ; Life of Garfield ; 
Speeches and Arguments, include his 
principal works. Put. 




Eideing, ^Villiam Henry. E., 1853- 
. A Boston litterateur on the edi- 
torial staff of The Youth's Companion. 
Pacific Railway Illustrated ; A Saddle 
in the Wild West ; Boys in the Moun- 
tains and on the Plains ; Boys Coastwise ; 
Stray Momenta with Thackeray ; Al- 
penstock ; Young Folks' History of 
London ; The Boyhood of Living Au- 
thors ; Thackeray's London ; A Little 
Upstart, a novel ; In the Land of Lorna 
Doone ; The Captured Cunarder. Ap, 
Cop. Cr. Est. 
Ridgaway, Henry Bascom. Md., 
1880-1895. A Methodist clergyman 
and educator of Illinois, president of 
Garrett Biblical Institute at Evanston, 
Illinois, from 1882. Life of Alfred 
Cookman ; The Lord's Land, or Tra- 
vels in Sinai and Palestine ; Lives of 
Bishops Janes, Waugh, Simpson. Meth. 

Ridgway, Robert. O., 1850 . 

An eminent ornithologist of Washing- 
ton, curator of the department of birds 
in the National Museum from 1879. 
The Birds of Colorado ; Ornithology of 
the Fortieth Parallel ; Manual of North 
American Birds ; History of North 
American Birds (with Baird and Brew- 
er, supra). Lip. 

Ridpath, John Clark. II., 1840 

A professor of belles-lettres at De Pauw 
University. Popular and Academic 
Histories of the United States ; History 
of Texas ; Life of Garfield ; History of 
the World ; Christopher Columbus ; 
Columbia, a Quadricentennial Story ; 
Great Races of Mankind ; Epic of Life, 
a poem. Meth. 

Rlggs, Ellas. TV. J., 1810 . A 

Congregational missionary in Constan- 
tinople, famous as a linguist, among 
whose writings are. Manual of the 
Chaldee Langixage ; Grammar of the 
Modern Armenian Language ; Notes of 
Difficult Passages of the New Testa- 
ment; A Harmony of the Gospels, in 
Bulgarian. Man. 
Riggs, James Stevenson. N. Y., 

1853 . A Presbyterian clergyman, 

professor in Aiiburn Theological Serai- 
nary from 1881, who has published The 
Bible in Art. 
Riggs, Mrs. Kate Douglas [Smith] 
[Wiggin]. Ms., 18 . A popu- 
lar writer of New York city. Timo- 
thy's Quest; Polly Oliver's Problem; 

The Birds' Christmas Carol ; The Story 
of Patsy ; A Summer in a Cailon ; 
Children's Rights ; A Cathedral Court- 
ship, and Penelope's English Experi- 
ences ; The Village Watch - Tower ; 
Marm Lisa; Nine Love Songs and a 
Carol. She has also written in col- 
laboration with her sister, Nora Archi- 
bald Smith, The Story Hour ; and 
The Republic of Childhood, a work on 
the kindergarten. Hon. 

Riggs, Stephen Return. O., 1812- 
1883. A missionary to the Indians in 
Minnesota and Dakota. Forty Years 
Among the Sioux ; The Bible in Da- 
kota (with Williamson) ; and many 
translations and other writings relating 
to the Dakota Indians. 

Riis, Jacob August. Bk., 1849 . 

A New York writer on social problems. 
How the Other Half Lives ; The Chil- 
dren of the Poor ; Nibsy's Christmas. 

Riley, Charles Valentine. E., 1843- 
1895. A distinguished entomologist of 
Washington, at one period State ento- 
mologist of Missouri, and from 1881 
till his death in charge of the entomolo- 
gical division of the United States De- 
partment of Agriculture. The Locust 
Plague in the United States ; Potato 
Pests ; Noxious, Beneficial, and Other 
Insects of Missouri. 

Riley, Henry Hiram. Ms., 1813- 
1888. A lawyer of Constantine, Michi- 
gan, once known as a humourous writer. 
Paddleford and Its People ; The Pad- 
dlef ord Papers, or Humors of the West. 

Riley, James. Ct., 1777-1840. A 
mariner who was enslaved by the Arabs 
of Africa in 1815 and ransomed by Mr. 
Willshire, the British consul, at Moga- 
dore. In 1821 he settled in Ohio and 
founded the town of Willshire, named in 
honour of the consul. From his journals 
was prepared, in 1816, the Authentic 
Narrative of the Loss of the American 
Brig Commerce on the West Coast of 
Africa, with a Description of Timbuc- 

Riley, James. J., 1848 . Averse- 
writer of Boston whose unpretentious 
Poems, published in 1886, reached a 
third edition in 1S88. 

Riley, James Whitcomb. Ind.,1852- 
. A very popular poet of Indian- 




apolis whose dialect poema of Hoosier 
life have been greatly praised. His 
earliest "work appeared over the signa- 
ture " Benjamin F. Johnson of Boone." 
His dialect and other poems display 
much real feeling and originality. The 
Old Swimmin' Hole and 'Leven More 
Poems ; The Boss Girl, and Other 
Sketches ; Afterwhiles ; Old-Fashioned 
Roses ; Pipes o' Pan at Zekesbury ; 
Rhymes of Childhood ; Flying Islands 
of the Night ; Neighborly Poems ; An 
Old Sweetheart of Mine ; Green Fields 
and Running Brooks ;' Poems Here at 
Home ; Armazindy ; A Child World. 
Bo. Cent. Lgs. 

Riley, John Campbell. X». C, 1828- 
1879. A Washington physician who 
wrote a Compend of Materia Medica 
and Therapeutics. Lip. 

Rimmer, Caroline Hunt. Ms., 1851- 

. Daughter of W. Rimmer, infra. 

Animal Drawing. Sou. 

Rimmer, William. E., 1816-1879. 
A Boston painter, sculptor, and teacher 
of art anatomy, who also practiced 
medicine, but gave up his profession 
to devote himself to art. Art Anato- 
my ; Elements of Design. Hou. 

Riordan, Roger. J., 1848 . A 

New York city journalist. A Score of 
Etchings ; Sunrise Stories, a Glance at 
the Literature of Japan. Scr. 

Ripley, George. Ms., 1802-1880. A 
Unitarian clergyman who was pastor 
in Boston, 1826-41, and then for seve- 
ral years the chief promoter of the 
famous Brook Farm experiment. In 
1849 he became literary editor of The 
New York Tribune, and continued in 
that position until his death. With C. 
A. Dana, svjjra, he edited the Ameri- 
can Cyclopedia, 18.57-6.3, and also the 
revised edition of the same, 1873-76. 
His literary criticisms exerted a wide 
and beneficial influence. Discourses on 
the Philosophy of Religion ; Letters to 
Andrews Norton, supra, on the Latest 
Form of Infidelity. .See Modern Ee- 
vieiv, July, 188S ; Appletons' American 
Biography ; Life by O. B. Frothingham, 

Ripley, Henry Jones. Ms., 1798- 
187.0. A Baptist clergyman who held a 
pastorate in Georgia, 1819-26, and from 
1826 to 1860 was a professor in the The- 
ological Seminary at Newton, Massa^ 

chusetts. Notes on the Gospels, Acts, 
Hebrews; Christian Baptism; Church 
Polity ; The Exelusiveness of the Bap- 

Ripley, Roswell Sabine. O., 1823- 
1887. A Confederate army officer of 
prominence who wrote a History of the 
Mexican War. 

Ritchie, Mrs. Anna Cora [Ogden] 
[Mowatt]. F., 1822-1870. A once 
popular actress who retired from the 
stage in 1854, and for the last ten years 
of her life lived in Florence and Lou- 
don. Her writings include several no- 
vels. The Fortune Hunter ; The Mute 
Singer ; Fairy Fingers ; Evelyn ; The 
Twin Roses ; The Clergyman's Wife ; 
two successful plays. Fashion and Ar- 
mand ; Mimic Life, or Before and Be- 
hind the Curtain ; Autobiography of 
an Actress, the last named an exceed- 
ingly popular book. 

Ritter, Abraham. Pa., 1792-1860. 
A merchant of Philadelphia. History 
of the Moravian Church in Philadel- 
phia ; Philadelphia and her Merchants. 

Ritter, Mrs. Fanny Raymond. 

18 . Wife of F. L. Ritter, infra. 

Woman as a Musician ; Some Famous 
Songs, an Art Historical Sketch ; Songs 
and Ballads. 

Ritter, Frederick Louis, i?"., 1834- 
1891. A musician of Alsace who came 
to the United States in 18.56, and, be- 
coming professor of music at Vassar 
College in 1867, retained that position 
until his death. Music in England ; 
Music in America; History of Music 
in the Form of Lectures ; Manual of 
Musical History. Dit. Scr. 

Rivers, Pearl. See Nicliolson, Mrs. 

Rivers, Richard Henderson. Tn., 
1814-1894. A Methodist clergyman 
and educator of Alabama, for many 
years pastor in Louisville, 1883-87. 
Mental Philosophy ; Moral Philosophy ; 
Our Young People ; Life of Robert 
Paine ; Aitows From Two Quivers. 

Rivers, William James. S. C, 1822- 

. An educator of South Carolina 

and Maryland, professor in Washington 
College in the latter State from 1873. 
History of Sooth Carolina to the Close 
of the Proprietary Government in 1719; 
Catechism of the Constitution of South 



Rives [reevz], Am^lie. Granddaugh- 
ter of W. C. Rives, infra. See Trou- 

Rives, Mrs. Judith Page [Walker]. 
Fa., 1802-1882._ Wife of W. C. Riyes, 
infra. Souvenirs of a Residence in 
Europe ; Home and the World ; The 
Canary Bird ; Epitome of the Bible. 

Rives, William Cabell. Fa., 1793- 
1868. A prominent Virginia states- 
man, twice minister to France, and dur- 
ing the Civil War a member of the 
Confederate Congress. Lives of John 
Hampden, James Madison ; Ethics of 

Robbins, Chandler. Ms., 1810-1882. 
A Unitarian clergyman of Boston, pas- 
tor of the Second Church, 1833-74. 
Liturgy for the Use of a. Christian 
Church ; History of the Second or Old 
North Church ; Memoir of Benjamin 
Curtis, supra ; Portrait of a Christian 
Drawn from Life. See Frothingham' s 
Boston Unitarianism, A. U. A. 

Robbins, Eliza. Ms., 1786-1853. An 
educator in Boston for many years. 
Elements of Mythology ; Grecian His- 
tory ; Tales from American History, are 
among her published works. 

Robbins, Mrs. Mary Caroline 

[Pike]. Me., 1812 . Daughter 

of J. S. Pike, supra. The wife of a 
physician of Hingham, Massachusetts. 
A writer for the magazines on art, land- 
scape gardening, and kindred topics. 
The Rescue of An Old Place. Hou. 

Robbins, Royal. Ct., 1787-1861. A 
Congregational clergyman, pastor at 
Kensington, Connecticut, 1816-61. Out- 
lines of Ancient History ; The World 

Roberts, Mrs. Anna Smith [Rick- 
ey]. Pa., 1827-1858. Wife of S. W. 
Roberts, infra. A verse-writer who 
published Forest Flowers of the West. 

Roberts, Benjamin Titus. N. Y., 

1823-1893. A Free Methodist clergy- 
man of North Chili, New York, founder 
of Chesbrough Academy there in 1865, 
and president of that institution, 1869- 
1893. Fishers of Men ; Why Another 
Sect ; First Lessons on Money ; Ordain- 
ing Women. 
Roberts, Charles George Douglas. 

N. B., 1860 . A popular Canadian 

poet and litterateur, formerly a pro- 

fessor of literature in King's College, 
Windsor, Nova Scotia, and in recent 
years a resident of New York city. His 
work in verse includes, Orion, and Other 
Poems ; In Divers Tones ; The Book of 
the Native. His prose comprises. Earth's 
Enigmas, a collection of short stories ; 
The Forge in the Forest, an Acadian 
Romance ; A History of Canada ; 
Around the Camp Fire ; Canadian 
Guide Book ; Reube Dare's Shad Boat ; 
Raid from Beausejour, and How the 
Carter Boys Lifted the Mortgage. Ap. 
Cr. Lam. Lo. Meth. 

Roberts, Edmund Quincy. N. H., 
1784-1836. A diplomatist who did 
much to promote trade in Farther India. 
Embassy to the Eastern Courts (1857). 

Roberts, Ellis Henry. N. Y., 1827- 

. Formerly a journalist of Utica ; 

now (1897) president of a national bank 
in New York city. He was a member 
of Congress from 1871 to 1875. Govern- 
ment Revenue ; New York : the Plant- 
ing and Growth of the Empire State. 

Roberta, John Bingham. Pa., 1852- 
. A Philadelphia physician. Para- 
centesis of the Pericardium; Compen- 
dium of Anatomy. 

Roberts, Oran Milo. S. C, 1815- 
. A Texas jurist who was gover- 
nor of Texas, 1879-83, and professor 
of law in the University of Texas from 
1883. He wrote a description of his 
State, entitled Governor Robinson's 

Roberts, Robert Ellis. ISf. Y., 1809- 
1888. A prominent merchant and citi- 
zen of Detroit. Sketches of Detroit ; 
The City of the Straits. 

Roberts, Solomon White. Pa., 
1811-1882. A distinguished civil engi- 
neer of Pennsylvania. The Destiny of 

Roberts, William. W., 1809-1887. 
A Welsh Presbyterian clergyman of 
Utica from 1875. He published, in 
Welsh, The Abrahamic Covenant ; The 
Election of Grace. 

Roberts, William Henry. W., 1844- 
. A Presbyterian clergyman, pro- 
fessor of theology in Lane Seminary, 
1886-93, and stated clerk of the Gen- 
eral Assembly from 1884. History of 
the Presbyterian Church in the United 




States ; Ecclesiastical Status of Theo- 
logical Seminaries; The Presbyterian 

Robertson, John. Va., 1787-1873. 
A Virginia jurist. Rieg-o, or the Spa- 
nish Martyr, a tragedy; Opuscula, a 
book of verse. 

Robinson, Mrs. Annie Douglas 
[Green]. " Marian Douglas." iV. if., 

1842 . A writer of Bristol, New 

Hampshire. Picture Poems for Young 
Folks ; Peter and Polly, or Home Life 
in New England One Hundred Years 
Ago. Do. 

Robinson, Charles. Ms., 1818 . 

A noted Kansas politician, three times 
governor of the State as candidate of 
the Free State party, 1850-59. The 
Kansas Contlict (1892). Har. 

Robinson, Charles Seymour. Vt., 

1829 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of prominence in New York city, well 
known as an hymnologist. Besides 
Laudes Domini, and other hymnals, he 
has published Church Work, a volume 
of sermons ; Studies on the New Tes- 
tament ; Studies of Neglected Texts ; 
The Pharaohs of the Bondage and the 
Exodus; Simon Peter, his Life and 
Work ; Studies in Mark's Gospel ; Si- 
mon Peter's Later Life and Labors ; 
Sermons in Songs ; Sabbath Evening 
Sermons. Fu. 

Robinson, Edith. Ms., 1858 . 

A Boston novelist. A Forced Acquain- 
tance ; Penhallow Tales ; A Loyal Lit- 
tle Maid. Cop. Hon. Kt. 

Robinson, Edward. Ct, 1794-1863. 
A distinguished Congregational clergy- 
man and Biblical scholar of New York 
city, a professor in Union Seminary, 
1837-63, and the founder of the Bibllo- 
tbeca Sacra. Harmony of the Four 
Gospels, in Greek ; Harmony of the 
Four Gospels, in English ; Biblical Re- 
searches in Palestine ; Physical Geogra- 
phy of the Holy Land ; A Greek and 
English Lexicon of the New Testament. 
See Life by R. D. Hitchcock ; Allibone's 
Dictionary. Hou. Hev. 

Robinson, Ezekiel Oilman. Ms., 
1815-1894. A Baptist clergyman and 
educator, president of Brown Univer- 
sity, 1 872-89. Yale Lectures on Preach- 
ing ; Principles and Practice of Mora- 
lity ; Christian Evidences. Ho. Sil. 

Robinson, Fayette. Va., 1859. 

Mexico and her Military Chieftains ; 
Account of the Organization of the 
United States Army ; California and 
the Gold Regions (1849) ; Spanish 
Grammar ; Wizard of the Wave, a ro- 
mance ; and a number of translations 
from the French. 

Robinson, Frank Torrey. Ms., 

1845 . A journalist and art critic 

of Boston, and more recently one of 
the ciu-ators of the Metropolitan Mu- 
seum of New York city. Quaint New 
England ; Living New England Ar- 
tists ; History of the Fifth Massachu- 
setts Regiment of Volunteer Militia. 

Robinson, Mrs. Harriet Jane [Han- 
son]. Ms., 1825 . Wife of W. 

S. Robinson, ivfra- A prominent w»- 
man-suffragist of Maiden, Massachu- 
setts. In her early life she was one 
of the contiibutors to the noted Lowell 
Offering. Massachusetts in the Woman 
Suffrage Movement ; Captain Mary 
Miller, a drama ; Early Factory Labor 
in New England ; The New Pandora, a 
drama in blank verse. Fut. Bob. 

Robinson, Harry Perry. E. I., 1860- 

. An English litterateur resident 

in the United States from 1883, and 
now (1897) living in Chicago. A bro- 
ther of Philip Robinson, the English 
writer. Men Bom Equal, a novel; 
monographs on railway topics. Har. 

Robinson, Horatio Nelson. N. Y., 

1806-1867. A mathematician and edu- 
cator of Cincinnati, Ohio, after 1854 a 
resident of Eldridge, New York. Uni- 
versity Algebra ; Mathematical Re- 
creations ; Treatise on Surveying and 
Navigation ; Treatise on Astronomy ; 
Analytical Geometry and Conic Sec- 
tions, include the greater number of 
his writings. Am. 

Robinson, John Hovey. Me.,1825- 

. A physician who wrote a large 

number of sensational romances of 
slight literary merit, among which are, 
White Rover ; Nightshade ; Silver- 

Robinson, Mrs. Leora [Bettison]. 
Ark., 1840 . A writer and edu- 
cator of Tallahassee. House with Spec- 
tacles ; Than ; Patsy. 

Robinson, Mrs. Martha Harrison. 
Va., 18 . A writer of Philadel- 




phia who has puhlished a number of 
transhvtions from the French, and He- 
lton Erskine, an original novel, hip. 

Robiuson, Mrs. Mary Dommet 
[Nauman]. Pa., 185 — ^ . A no- 
velist of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 
Twisted Threads ; Sidney Elliot ; The 
Enchanted Princess ; Clyde Ward- 
leig'h's Promise ; Eva's Adventures in 
bhadowland. Lip. 

Robinson, Ro-wland Evans. Vt., 

1S33 . A farmer of Ferrisburg-h, 

Vermont. Danvis Folks, a novel ; Ver- 
mont : a Study of Independence ; Un- 
cle 'Lisha's Shop ; In New England 
Woods and Fields. Hon. 

Robinson, Mrs. Sarah Tappan 
Doolittle [Lawrence]. Ms., 1SJ7- 

. Wife of C. Robinson, supra. A 

writer of Lawrence, Kansas, who pub- 
lished, in 185(5, Kansas : its Exterior 
and Interior Life, a work giving valu- 
able information concerning a critical 
period in the history of the State. 

Robinson, Solon. Ct., 1803-1880. 
A journalist of New York city long 
known as an agricultural writer for 
The Tribune, and after 1870 a resident 
of Jacksonville, Florida. Hot Corn, or 
Life Scenes in New York, a very popu- 
lar book for a short period ; Facts for 
Farmers, which was extensively circu- 
lated ; How to Live, or Domestic Eco- 
nomy Illustrated ; Me-won-i-toc. 

Robinson, Stillman Williams. Vt., 

1838 -. A civil engineer, professor 

of physics at Ohio State University from 
1878. Practical Treatise on the Teeth 
of Wheels; Railroad Economics; 
Strength of Wrought Iron Bridge Ma- 

Robinson, Stuart. I., 1816-1881. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of prominence 
in Louisville. Discourses of Redemp- 
tion ; The Church of God. Ap. 

Robinson. Mrs. Therese Albertine 
Luise [Von Jakob]. " Talvi." 
G., 1797-1869. Wife of E. Robinson, 
supra. An able and learned author who 
wrote both in English and German, using 
the pseudonym Talvi in the latter case. 
Charaoteristik der Volkslieder germa- 
nischen Nationen ; Die Unechtheit der 
Lieder Ossians; Aus der Gescliichte 
der ersten Ansiedelungen in den Ve- 
reinigten Staaten ; Die Colonisation von 

New England ; Fifteen Years, a Picture 
from the Last Century ; Historical View 
of the Language and Literature of the 
Slavic Nations. She also wrote a 
number of stories which her daughter 
translated from the German, including 
Psyche ; Heloise ; Life's Discipline ; 
The Exiles. 

Robinson, Tracy. N. Y., 183 . 

An of&cial of the Panama Railway, 
1861-74, and subsequently a resident of 
New York city. Song of the Palm, and 
Other Poems. 

Robinson, "William Stevens. "War. 
rington." Ms., 1818-1876. A journal- 
ist of Boston long known as the Bos- 
ton correspondent of the New York 
Tribune and the Springfield Republi- 
can. The Salary Grab ; Manual of Par- 
liamentary Practice ; Warrington's Pen 
Portraits ; Personal and Political. See 
Memoir by Mrs. Kobinson. Le. 

Roche, James Jeffrey. I., 1847 . 

A popular Boston journalist, since 1890 
the editor of The Pilot. Songs and 
Satires ; Ballads of Blue Water ; Life 
of John Boyle O'Reilly, supra; The 
Story of the Filibusters ; Her Majesty 
the King. Hou, St, 

Rochester, Thomas Fortescue. N. 
Y., 1823-1887. A once prominent phy- 
sician of Buffalo. The Array Surgeon ; 
Medical Men and Medical Matters in 

Rockwell, Alphonso David. Ct., 

1840 . A physician of New York 

city. Relation of Electricity to Medi- 
cine and Surgery ; Medical and Surgical 
Uses of Electricity (with 6. M. Beard, 

Rockwell, Charles. Ct., 1806-1882. 
A Congregational clergyman who held 
pastorates in the New England and 
other States. Sketches of Foreign 
Travel and Life at Sea ; The Catskill 
Mountains and the Region Around. 

Rockwell, Joel Edson. Vt., 1816- 
1882. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Stapleton, Staten Island. Sketches of 
the Presbyterian Church ; The Young 
Christian Warned ; Scenes and Impres- 
sions Abroad ; My Sheet Anchor ; Seed 

Rockwell, John Arnold. Ct., 1803- 
1861. A jurist of Norwich, Connecti- 
cut. Spanish and American Law in 




Relation to Mines and Titles to Real 

Eodenbough, Theophilus Francis. 

Pa., ISyS . A Federal army oili- 

cer, assistant inspector-general of New 
York State, lSSO-83. From Everg-Ude 
to CaHon with the Second United 
States Cavalry ; Afghanistan and the 
Anglo-Russian Dispute ; Uncle Sam's 
Medal of Honor. 

Rodman, Thomas Jefferson. Ind., 
1815-1371. An army officer, brevet- 
ted brigadier-general in 1865. He in- 
vented the method of hollow casting. 
Report of Experiments on Metals for 
Cannon and Cannon Powder. 

Rodney, Caesar Augustus. Del, 
1772-1824. A noted Delaware jurist, 
prominent in Congress, and the first 
United States minister to Argentina. 
Reports on the Present State of the 
United Provinces of South America 
(with T. Graham) (1824). 

Roe, Azel Stevens. N. Y., 1798-1886. 
A once popular novelist who was for 
many years a wine merchant of New 
York city. True to the Last ; A Long 
Look Ahead ; Time and Tide ; To Love 
and To Be Loved ; James Montjoy ; 
True Love Rewarded ; How Could He 
Help It ? : Looking Around ; Woman 
Our Angel ; The Cloud in the Heart. 

Roe, Edward Payson. N. Y., 18-38- 
1888. A Presbyterian clergyman who 
retired from the ministry, and, living at 
Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, devoted him- 
self to novel-writing. His stories, 
which are nearly all of a semi-religious 
character, have been extraordinarily 
popular, but it must be admitted that 
their literary merit is very slight, the 
style being weak and inflated and the 
construction poor. The best that can 
be said in their favour is that they 
are well-intentioned. Barriers Burned 
Away ; Opening a Chestnut Burr ; A 
Face Illumined; His Sombre Rivals; 
What Can She Do ? ; Near to Nature's 
Heart ; From Jest to Earnest ; A Knight 
of the Nineteenth Century ; A Day of 
Fate ; Without a Home ; A Young 
Girl's Wooing; An Original Belle; 
Driven Back to Eden ; Nature's Serial 
Story; The Earth Trembled; Miss 
Lou ; Taken Alive, and Other Stories. 
He also published two horticultural 

books. The Home Acre ; Success with 
Small Fruits. Do. 

Roe, Edward Reynolds. 18- 

A novelist of Chicago. Brought to 
Bay ; The Grey and the Blue ; God 
Reigns : Lay Sermons ; From the Beaten 
Path ; May and June. 

Roebling, John Augustus. P., 1800- 
1869. A civil engineer of note who 
built the suspension bridge across the 
Ohio between Cincinnati and Coving- 
ton, and was the designer of the Brook- 
lyn Bridge. Long and Short Span 
Railway Bridges. 

Roebling, 'Washington Augustus. 

P., 1837 . Son of J. A. Roebling, 

supra. A famous civil engineer of 
Brooklyn who completed the Brooklyn 
Bridge. He has published Military 
Suspension Bridges. See Schuyler^s 
Studies in American Architecture. 

Roemer, Jean. E., 1806-1892. An 
educator of New York city, vice- 
president of the College of the City 
of New York from 1869. Dictionary 
of English-French Idioms ; Polyglot 
Readers ; Cavalry ; Principles of Gene- 
ral Grammar ; Cours de lecture et de 
traduction ; Origins of the English Peo- 
ple and Language ; Left in the Wil- 
derness. Ap. 

Rog^,Mrs.CharlotteFiske [Bates]. 

N. Y., 1838 . An educator and 

verse-writer of Cambridge and New 
York city who has written Risk, and 
Other Poems, and edited The Cam- 
bridge Book of Poetry and other works. 
Cr. Hon. 

Rogers, Fairman. Pa., 1883 . 

A professor of civil engineering in the 
University of Pennsylvania, 1855-70, 
The Magnetism of Iron Vessels. 

Rogers, Henry Darwin. Pa., 1808- 
1866. A noted geologist who was pro- 
fessor in the University of Pennsylva^ 
nia, 1835-46, and held the chair of 
natural history in the Scottish Univer- 
sity of Glasgow from 1857 till his death. 
The Geology of Pennsylvania ; Geologi- 
cal Map of Pennsylvania. Lip. 

Rogers, Henry "Wade. N. Y., 1853- 
. A lawyer and educator, presi- 
dent of Nort,hwestem University from 
1890. Illinois Citations; Expert Tes- 

Rogers, Horatio. R. I., 1836- 



A Providence jurist who has published 
The Priyate Libraries of Providence ; 
Mary Dyer of Ehode Island, the Qua- 
ker Martyr ; and edited Hadden's Jour- 
nal and Orderly Books. Pr. 
Rogers, James "Webb. N. C, 1822- 

. A writer who in early life was 

an Episcopal clergyman in Tennessee, 
and during the Civil War a Confederate 
officer. He became a Roman Catholic 
in 1878 and settled in Washington as 
a lawyer. Laiitte, or the Greek Slave ; 
Arlington, and Other Poems ; Par- 

Rogers, Robert Cameron. N. Y., 
1862 — I — . A litterateur of BufEalo. 
The Wind in the Clearing, and Other 
Poems ; Will of the Wasp, a yam of 
the War of 1812; Old Dorset, a, col- 
lection of short stories. Put. 

Rogers, Robert William. Pa., 1864r- 
. A Methodist clergyman and edu- 
cator, professor of Hebrew in Drew 
Theological Seminary, Madison, New 
Jersey, from 1893. Two Texts of 
Esarhaddon ; Unpublished Inscriptions 
of Esarhaddon ; The Inscriptions of 

Rogers, 'William Barton. Pa., 1804- 
1882. Brother of H. D. Rogers, supra. 
An eminent scientist of Boston, the 
founder of the Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology, in 1862, and its presi- 
dent, 1862-70, and again, 1878-81. The 
Geology of the Virginias ; Elements of 
Mechanical Philosophy; The Strength 
of Materials. See The Brothers Rogers, 
by W. Buschenberger, infra, 1S85 ; Life 
by E. Rogers, 1896. Ap. 

Rohlfs, Mrs. Anna Katharine 

[Green]. X. Z, 1846 . A very 

popular novelist of Buffalo whose de- 
tective romances display much inven- 
tive skill. The Sword of Damocles ; 
The Leavenworth Case ; A Strange 
Disappearance ; Hand and Ring ; The 
Mill Mystery ; Behind Closed Doors ; 
Cynthia Wakeham's Money; Marked 
" Personal " ; Miss Hnrd ; An Enigma ; 
Dr. Izard ; Old Stone House, and Other 
Stories ; 7 to 12 ; X, Y, Z ; The Doe- 
tor, His Wife, and the Clock ; That 
Affair Next Door ; Risifi's Daughter, 
a Drama ; The Defence of the Bride, 
and Other Poems. Put. 

Rolfe, John Carew. Ms., 1859 . 

Son of W. J. Rolfe, infra. A professor 
of Latin in the University of Michigan. 
Heauton Timorumenos of Terence. Gi. 

Rolfe, William James. Ms., 1827- 

. A distinguished Shakespearean 

scholar and educator of Cambridge. 
He has published Shakespeare the 
Boy ; two annotated editions of Shake- 
speare, the Friendly Edition in twenty 
volumes, and a School Edition in forty 
volumes ; and a series of annotated 
editions of selections from Tennyson, 
Browning, Wordsworth, Gray, Gold- 
smith, Scott, and other English poets. 
He has also edited Craik's English of 
Shakespeare ; and is co-author with 
J. H. Hanson of several classical text- 
books, and with J. A. Gillet of The 
Cambridge Physios. Har. Hou. 

Rollins, Mrs. Alice Marland [Wel- 
lington]. Ms., 1847 . A litt(5- 

rateur of New York city. My Welcome 
Beyond, and Other Poems ; The Ring 
of Amethyst, and Other Poems ; The 
Story of a Ranch ; All Sorts of Chil- 
dren ; The Three Tetons ; From Palm 
to Glacier ; Uncle Tom's Tenement, a 
study of New York tenement-house life. 

Rollins, Mrs. Ellen Chapman 
[Hobbs]. "E. H. Arr." N. H., 
1831-1881. A writer of Philadelphia. 
New England Bygones ; Old-Time 
Child-life. See Memoir by Gail Hamil- 
ton, 1882. Lip. 

Ronayne, Maurice. L, 1828 . A 

Roman Catholic clergyman and edu- 
cator of New York city, professor of 
history at St. Francis Xavier's College 
from 1888. Religion and Science ; 
God Knowable and Known. 

Rood, Ogden Nicholas. Ct., 1831- 

. A physicist of note, professor of 

physics at Columbia College from 1863, 
and author of Modem Chromatics. Ap. 

Roosa [ro'zah], Daniel Bennett St. 
John. N. Y., 1838 . A promi- 
nent' physician of New York city, and 
a professor at the University of the 
City of New York, 1863-82. Treatise 
on the Ear ; A Doctor's Suggestions ; 
On the Necessity of Wearing Glasses. 

Roosevelt, Blanche. See Machetta, 




Roosevelt, Robert BarnweU. N. Y., 

1S2'.) . A lawyer of New York 

city who was minister to the Nether- 
lands, 1888-89. The Game Fish of 
North America ; Coast and Game Birds 
of the Northern States ; Florida and 
the Game Water Birds ; Love and 
Luck ; Progressive Petticoats ; Five 
Acres Too Much, a Satire. Har. 

Roosevelt, Theodore. N. Y., 185S- 

. Nephew of K. B. Roosevelt, 

supra. A politician and municipal re- 
former. President of the board of po- 
lice commissioners of New York city 
from 1895 to 1897, when he resigned 
that position to become assistant sec- 
retary of the navy. The Naval War of 
1S12 ; Hunting Adventures of a Ranch- 
man ; Ranch Life and the Hunting 
Trail ; The Winning of the West ; The 
Wilderness Hunter ; Essays on Practi- 
cal Politics ; History of the City of New 
York ; Lives of Thomas H. Benton, 
supra, and Gouverneur Morris. Cent. 
Har. Lgs. Put. 

Ropes, John Codman. R., 1836- 

. A lawyer of Boston well known 

as a military historian. The Army un- 
der Pope ; The Campaign of Waterloo ; 
Atlas of Waterloo ; The First Napo- 
leon ; The Story of the Civil War. Hou. 
Put. Scr. 

Rose, Aquila. E., 1695-1723. A 
printer and verse writer of Philadel- 
phia whose Poems on Several Occasions 
were collected after his death. 

Rosengarten, Joseph George. Pa., 

1S35 . A lawyer of Philadelphia. 

The German Soldier in the Wars of the 
United States. Lip. 

Rosenthal, Lewis. Md., 1856 . A 

journalist who has published America 
and France : the Influence of the United 
States on France in the Eighteenth Cen- 
tury. Ho. 

Rosa, Albert. See Porter, L. B. 

Ross, Clinton. N. Y., 1861 . A 

novelist of New York city. The Si- 
lent Workman ; The Countess Bettina ; 
The Speculator ; Adventures of Three 
Worthies ; Improbable Tales ; Two 
Soldiers and a Politician ; The Puppet ; 
The Scarlet Coat ; Battle Tales ; Bob- 
bie McDuff; The Meddling Hussy; 
Zuleika. Lam. Put. St. 

Ross, Frederick Augustus. Fa., 
1796-1883. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of Huntsville, Alabama. Slavery as 
Ordained of God. 

Rosser, Leonidas. Va., 1815-1892. 
A Methodist clergyman of Virginia. 
Baptism ; Experimental Religion ; Class 
Meetings ; Recognition in Heaven ; 
Open Communion ; Initial Life ; Reply 
to Howell's " Evils of Baptism." 

Rotoh [roeh], Abbott La-wrence- 

Ms., 1861 . A meteorologist who 

founded the Blue Hill meteorological 
observatory in Milton, Massachusetts, 
in 1885, and who has published many 
valuable meteorological papers. 

Rothrock, Joseph Trimble, Pa., 

1839 ■. A proftssor of botany in 

the University of Pennsylvania from 
1877. Botany of the Wheeler Expedi- 
tion ; Vacation Cruisings ; Flora of 
Alaska ; Revision of the North Ame- 
rican Gaurine^, include his principal 
publications. Lip. 

Round, William Marshall Fitz. 

R. I., 1845 . A writer active in 

prison reforms. His books for juve- 
nile readers include, Aohsah ; Child 
Marion Abroad ; Torn and Mended ; 
Hal ; Rosecroft. Le. 

Rouquette [roo-kef], Adrien Em- 
manuel, ia., 181.3-1887. A Roman 
Catholic clergyman and educator of 
New Orleans, known as the Abb^ Rou- 
quette. Les Savannes ; Poesies am^ri- 
caines ; Wild Flowers ; Sacred Poetry ; 
Le Th^baide en Am^rique ; L'Antoni- 
ade, ou la Solitude avec Dieu ; Poemes 

Rouquette, Francois Dominique. 

Pa., 1810 . Brother of A. E. 

Rouquette, supra. A lawyer who re- 
sided in France for the greater part of 
his life. Les Meschac^b^ennes ; Fleura 
d'Am^rique ; and a work in French 
and English on the Choctaw Indians. 

Rowe, Mrs. Harriet Gould. Me., 

1854 . A writer of Bangor, Maine. 

Re-told Tales of the Hills and Shores 
of Maine ; Queenshithe. 

Rowland, Henry Augustus. Ct., 
1804-1859. A Congregational clergy- 
man of Newark, New Jersey. Com- 
mon Maxims of Infidelity ; The Path 
of Life ; Light in a Dark Valley ; The 




Way of Peace. See Memorial of, by 
Fairchild, lUtiO. 

Ro-wson, Mrs. Susanna [Has-well]. 
E., i70--lb-4. A once famous novel- 
ist "whose Charlotte Temple was the 
most popular tale of its day. Born in 
England, she came to Boston as a child, 
but returned to England in 1784 and 
there married. In 1793 she came again 
to America, and after a short career as 
an actress opened a school in Boston, 
which was very successful. Her writ- 
ings include Victoria ; Mary, or the 
Test of Honour; The Fille de Cham- 
hre ; The Inquisitor ; The Trials of 
the Heart ; Reuben and Rachel ; Lucy 
Temple, a sequel to Charlotte Temple ; 
Miscellaneous Poems ; The Slaves of 
Algiers, an opera ; The Volunteers, a, 
farce ; The French Patriot, a comedy. 
See Memoir by JU. Nason, supra, 1S70. 

Royall, Mrs. Anne. Va., 1769-18rj4. 
A once well-known and unpopiilar 
Washington journalist, editor of the 
Washington Paul Pry, whose literary 
style was quite devoid of merit. The 
Black Book ; The Tennessean, a 
novel ; Sketches of History, Life, and 
Manners in the United States; A 
Southern Tour : Letters from Ala- 

Royce, Josiah. Cal., 18.5o . A 

professor of the history of philosophy 
at Harvard University. The Religious 
Aspect of Philosophy ; California : a 
Study of American Character; The 
Feud of Oakfield Creek, a novel ; 
Primer of Logical Analysis ; The Spirit 
of Modem Philosophy. Hou. 

Rudder, William. JS. G., 1820-1880. 
An Episcopal clergyman of Philadel- 
phia, rector of St. Stephen's Church. 
Sermons ; A Rationale of the Church's 
Liturgic Worship. Co. Lip. 

Rude, Mrs. Ellen [Sergeant]. N. 

Y., 1838 . A verse-writer of Du- 

luth who has published Magnolia 
Leaves (verse). 

Ruffner, Henry. Fa., 1798-1861. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of Virginia, 
and a noted opponent of slavery. Fa- 
thers of the Desert : a History of Mo- 
nachism ; Future Punishment. 

Ruffner, William Henry. Va., 

1824 . Son of W. Ruffner, supra. 

A Presbyterian clergyman of Philadel- 

phia, and from 1870 State superintend- 
ent of public instruction in Virginia. 
Charity and the Clergy. 

Ruggles, Henry Joseph. N. Y., 

181 . A lawyer of New York 

city. The Method of Shakespeare as 
an Artist ; The Plays of Shakespeare 
founded on Literary Forms. Mou. 

Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, 
Count. Ms., 1753-1814. A statesman 
and philosopher. After serving Great 
Britain in the War of the Revolution, 
he entered the service of the Elector of 
Bavaria, rose to the position of minister 
of war, and was created Count of the 
Holy Roman Empire, taking his title 
Rumford from Rumford, now Concord, 
New Hampshire. Essays: Political, 
Economical, and Philosophical, 1798- 
1806. See Guvier's Eloge de Kmnford ; 
Sparhs^s American Biography ; Life by 
G. E. Ellis, supra ; Atlantic Monthly, 
April, 1871. 

Runcie, Mrs. Constance [Faunt 

Le Roy], /nrf., 1836 . A writer 

whose home was many years at St. 
Joseph, Missouri. Divinely Led ; Po- 
ems, Dramatic and Lyric ; Woman's 
Work ; Felix Mendelssohn ; Children's 
Stories and Fables. 

Runkle, John Daniel. N. Y., 1822- 
. A noted mathematician, profes- 
sor of mathematics in the Massachu- 
setts Institute of Technology, 1870-78. 
Elements of Plane and Solid Analytic 
Geometry. Gi. 

Rupp, Isaac Daniel. Pa., 1803-1878. 
An industrious local historian of Penn- 
sylvania, who, besides writing histories 
of nearly thirty counties in his State, 
published also Events in Indian His- 
tory; History of Religious Denomina- 
tions in the United States ; Early His- 
tory of Western Pennsylvania ; Thirty 
Thousand Names of German Emi- 

Ruschenberger [roo'shgn-ber-ger] , 
William S. W. N. Y., 1807-189.5. 
A noted naval surgeon and naturalist 
of Philadelphia. Elements of Natural 
History ; A Voyage Around the World ; 
Three Weeks in the Pacific ; Notes and 
Commentaries during Voyages to Bra- 
zil and China ; Lexicon of Natural His- 
tory Terms ; Account of the College of 
Physicians and Surgeons in Philadel- 
phia, 1787-1887 ; The Brothers Rogers. 




Rush, Benjamin. Pa., 1745-1813. 
An eminent physician of Philadelphia 
"who was one of the signers of the De- 
claration of Independence and treasurer 
of the United States Mint, 1799-1813. 
Treatise on Diseases of the Mind ; Es- 
says, Literary, Moral, and Philosophi- 
cal ; Sixteen Introductory Lectures. 
See Thacker^s Medical Biography ; Alli- 
bone^s Dictionary ; Appletons' American 

Rush, Benjamin. Pa., 1811-1877. Son 
of K. Rush, infra. A lawyer of Phila- 
delphia. Appeal for the Union ; Let- 
ters on the Rebellion, 1862. 

Rush, Jacob. Pa., 1746-1820. Bro- 
ther of B. Rush, 1st. A Pliiladelphia 
jurist. Charges on Moral and Reli- 
gious Subjects ; Character of Christ ; 
Christian Baptism. 

Rush, James. Pa., 1786-1869. Son 
of B. Rush, 1st. A distinguished Phila- 
delphia citizen, the founder of the 
Ridgeway Library, to which he left 
one million dollars. He was a physi- 
cian by profession, but lived the life of 
a recluse. The Philosophy of the Hu- 
man Voice ; Analysis of the Human 
Intellect ; Rhymes of Contrast on Wis- 
dom and Folly. J^ip. 

Rush, Richard. Pa., 1780-1859. Son 
of B. Rush, 1st, supra. A Philadelphia 
statesman who was secretary of the 
treasury, 1825-29. Codification of the 
Laws of the United States (1815) ; Court 
of London (1819-25) ; Washington in 
Domestic Life ; Occasional Produc- 
tions. See Allibone^s Dictionary. 

Russell, Addison Peale. 0., 1826- 

. An Ohio journalist and essayist, 

now (1897) living in retirement in Wil- 
mington, Ohio. Half Tints; Library 
Notes ; Thomas Corwin, a Sketch ; 
Characteristics ; A Club of One ; In a 
Club Comer ; Sub-Coelum. Clke. Hou. 

Russell, Francis Thayer. Ms., 

1828 . Son of W. Russell, infra. 

An Episcopal clergyman and educator 
of Waterbury, Connecticut, rector of 
St. Margaret's School there, and voice 
instructor in the General Theological 
Seminary in New York city. The Use 
of the Voice. 

Russell, Irwin. Mi., 185.3-1879. A 
Southern writer of dialect verse. Dia- 
lect Poems. Cent. 

Russell, Israel Cook. N. Y., 1852- 

. A professor of geology in the 

University of Michigan from 1892, and 
a geologist in the United States Geo- 
logical Survey, 1880-92. Lakes of 
North America ; Lake Lahontan ; 
Quarternary History of Moro Valley ; 
Glaciers of North America; Present 
and Extinct Lakes of Nevada ; Vol- 
canoes of North America, and many 
geological reports. Am. Gi. 

Russell, "William. S., 1798-1878. 
An elocutionist of note, widely known 
in his day as a teacher. Orthophony, 
or Vocal Culture ; Pulpit Elocution ; 
Lessons in Enunciation ; Grammar of 
Composition. Sou. 

Russell, William Eustis. Ms., 1857- 
1896. A popular Massachusetts states- 
man, mayor of his native city of 
Cambridge, 1884-88, and governor of 
Massachusetts, 1890-93. Speeches and 
Messages. Lit. 

Rutherford, Mildred. Ga., 1852- 

. An educator of Athens, Georgia. 

Her series of literary text-books in- 
cludes, English Authors ; American 
Authors ; Classic Authors ; French and 
German Authors. 

Rutledge, Edward. S. C, 1797- 
1832. An Episcopal clergyman who 
was professor of moral philosophy at 
the University of Pennsylvania. The 
Family Altar ; History of the Church 
of England. 

Ruttenber, Edward Manning. Vt, 

1824 . An antiquary of Newburg, 

New York, who has published a His- 
tory of Newburg ; History of Orange 
County ; History of the Hudson River 

Ryan, Abram Joseph. "Father 
Ryan." Va., 1839-1888. A Roman 
Catholic priest and verse-writer of the 
South whose verse has been much over- 
praised in some quarters. It is spirited 
and fluent, but has not the literary 
quality needful to preserve it. Poems, 
Patriotic, Religious, and Miscellaneous ; 
The Conquered Banner, and Other Po- 
ems ; A Crown for Our Queen. 

Ryan, Father. See Ryan, Abram. 

Ryan, Mrs. Marah Ellis [Martin]. 
Pa., 1860 . An actress and novel- 
ist living at Fayette Springs, Pennsyl- 
vania. A Pagan of the AUeghanies; 




Merze ; On Love's Domains ; Told in 
the Hills ; Squaw Eloise. 

Ryan, Patrick John. I., 1831 . 

A Roman Catholic archbishop of Phila- 
delphia. What Catholics do Not Be- 
lieve ; Some of the Causes of Modern 
Religious Scepticism. 

Ryan, Stephen Vincent. Out, 1825- 
1896. The Roman Catholic bishop of 
Buffalo from 1860. The Claims of a 
Protestant Episcopal Bishop to Apos- 
tolical Succession and Valid Orders 

Rylance, Joseph Hine. E., 1862- 

. An Episcopal clergyman of New 

York city, rector of St. Mark's in the 
Bowery from 1871, and prominent 
among Broad Churchmen. Preachers 
and Preaching ; Essays on Miracles ; 
Social Questions ; Pulpit Talks on 
Topics of the Time. 

Sabin, Elijah Robinson. Ct., 1776- 
1818. A Methodist evangelist of New 
England. The Road to Happiness ; 
Charles Observator. 
Sabin, Joseph. E., 1821-1881. An 
English publisher and bibliophile who 
came to America in 1848, and finally, 
settling in New York city, became 
widely known as a bookseller and col- 
lector of rare books. The Thirty-Nine 
Articles of the Church of England, with 
Scriptural Proofs ; Bibliotheca Ameri- 
cana; Bibliography of Bibliographies. 

Sabine, Lorenzo. N. H, 1803-1877. 
Son of E. R. Sabin, supra, but choosing 
another spelling of his surname. A 
secret government agent in relation to 
the Ashburton Treaty, and secretary 
of the Boston Board of Trade in his 
later years, as well as member of Con- 
gress from Massachusetts. The Ame- 
rican Loyalists ; Life of Commodore 
Edward Preble, in Sparks's American 
Biography ; Notes on Duels and Duel- 
ling ; Report on the Principal Fisheries 
of the American Seas. Lit. 

Sachs, Bernard. Md., 1858- 

physician of New York city, well 
known as a neurologist. Nervous and 
Mental Diseases of Childhood, and many 
professional monographs. 

Sachse, Julius Friedrich. Pa., 1842- 

. A journalist of Philadelphia. 

The German Pietists of Provincial 
Pennsylvania ; The Genesis of the Lu- 
theran Church in Pennsylvania. 

Sadlier [sad-leer'], Anna Teresa. 
Q., 1856 . Daughter of Mrs. Sad- 
lier, infra. Seven Years and Mair; 
The King's Page; Ethel Hamilton; 
Names that Live : a volume of bio- 
graphies ; Women of Catholicity ; The 
Silent Woman of Alood ; and many 
translations from the French, Italian, 
and German. Har. Sad. 

Sadlier, Mrs. Mary Anne [Mad- 
den]. I., 1820 . A prominent 

writer of Roman Catholic Sunday- 
school tales, wife of J. Sadlier, a New 
York publisher. Among her many 
writings are, Alice Riordan ; Red Hand 
of Ulster; The Daughter of Tyrcon- 
neU ; The Old House by the Boyne. 

Sadtler, Samuel Philip. Pa., 1847- 

. A chemist of Philadelphia, 

professor in the University of Penn- 
sylvania from 1875. Chemical Expe- 
rimentation ; Handbook of Industrial 
Organic Chemisti'y ; A Text-Book of 
Chemistry (with H. Trimble). Lip. 

Safford, James Merrill. 0., 1822- 
. The State geologist of Tennes- 
see from 18.74, professor in Vanderbilt 
University from 1875. A Geological 
Reconnoissance of Tennessee ; Geology 
of Tennessee. 

Safford, Truman Henry. Vt, 18.36- 

. An astronomer of note, famous 

in childhood as a mathematician, and 
professor of astronomy at Williams 
College from 1876. Mathematical 
Teaching and its Modem Methods. 

Safford, William Harrison. W. 

Va., 1821 . A lawyer of ChiUi- 

cothe, Ohio. Life of Blennerhasset ; 
The Blennerhasset Papers. Clke. 

Salisbury, Ed-wrard Elbridge. Ms., 
1814 . A philologist of distinc- 
tion, professor of Arabic at Yale Uni- 
versity, 1S41-56. General and Bio- 
graphical Monographs (1885). 

Saltus, Edgar Evertson. N. Y., 1858- 

. A novelist of New York city. 

Balzac: a Study; The Philosophy of 
Disenchantment ; The Anatomy of Ne- 
gation ; Mr. Inconl's Misadventure ; 
The Truth about Tristram Varick; 




Eden ; A Transaction in Hearts ; When 
Dreams Come True ; The Pace that 
Kills. Hou. 

Saltus, Francis Saltus. N. Y., 184&- 
ISSll. Brother of E. E. Saltiis, supra. 
An erratic verse-writer, much of whose 
life "was passed abroad. His verse is 
not without a certain luxurious power, 
but it is wilful in the extreme, diffuse, 
and unpriined. Honey and Gall ; Sha- 
dows and Ideals ; The Witch of Endor ; 
The Bayadere, and Other Sonnets. Lip. 

Sampson, Ezra. Ms., 1749-1S23. A 
Congregational clergyman at Plympton, 
Massachusetts, 1775-95, subsequently 
a journalist in Hartford. Beauties of 
the Bible ; The Historical Dictionary ; 
The Sham Patriot Unmasked ; The 
Brief Remarker on the Ways of Men. 
See Sprayue's Annals of the American 
Pulpit. Mar. 

Sampson, John Patterson. N. C, 

1837 . A minister of the African 

Methodist church, prior to 1^82 a law- 
yer in Washington. Common Sense 
Physiology ; The Disappointed Bride ; 
Temperament and Phrenology of Mixed 
Races ; Jolly People ; Illustrations in 

Sampson, William. I., 1704-1836. 
A once famous lawyer of New York 
city who came to America in 1708, 
having j^reviously been a barrister in 
Dublin. Sampson Against the Phi- 
listines, or the Reform of Lawsuits ; 
Memoir of William Sampson, are his 
chief works. 

Samson, George Whitefield. Ms., 
1819-1896. A Baptist clergyman and 
educator of New York city, president 
of Rutgers Female College from 1871. 
A voluminous writer whose principal 
works comprise. Elements of Art Cri- 
ticism ; Physical Media in Spiritual 
Manifestations ; The Atonement ; The 
Divine Law as to Wines ; Idols of Fa- 
shion and Culture ; Tested Truths as to 
Relations of Capital and Labor ; Out- 
lines of the History of Ethics ; Spirit- 
ualism Tested, originally issued as To 
Daimonion ; Guide to Self-Education ; 
The Bible Revisers' Greek Text ; Guide 
to Bible Interpretation. Lip. 

Samuels, Adelaide Frances. Ms., 

184.5 . Sister of E. A. Samuels, 

infra. A writer for juveniles. Dick 

and Daisy Series ; Dick Travers Abroad 
Series ; Daisy Travers. Le. 

Samuels, Ediward Augustus. Ms., 
1836 . A Boston naturalist. Or- 
nithology and Oology of New England ; 
Among the Birds ; Manamalogy of New 
England ; The Living World (with A. 

Samuels, Samuel. Pa., 1825 . 

A noted seaman and inventor who or- 
ganized the Steam Heating Company 
of New York city in 1881. FromFore- 
castle to Cabin. Har. 

Samuels, Mrs. Susan Blagge 

[CaldweU]. Ms., 1848 . Wife 

of E. A. Samuels, supra. A popular 
wi'iter for juveniles. The Golden Rule 
Series. Le. 

Sanborn, Alvan Francis, Ms., 1866. 

. Moody's Lodging House, and 

Other Tenement Sketches ; Meg Mc- 
Intyre's Raffle, and Other Stories. Cop. 

Sanborn, Edvyiu David. N. H., 
1808—1885. An educator who was pro- 
fessor of literature at Dartmouth Col- 
lege, 186.3-85, and author of a History 
of New Hampshire. 

Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. N. 

H., 1831 . A noted journalist and 

reformer living at Concord, Massachu- 
setts, and connected with The Spring- 
field Republican from 1868. Life of 
Thoreau ; Life and Letters of John 
Brown ; Life of Dr. S. E. Howe, su- 
pra. Fu. Hou. Hob. 

Sanborn, Helen Josephine. Me., 
1857 A Winter in Central Ame- 
rica, a volume of travels. Le. 

Sanborn, Kate. See Sanborn, Kathe- 

Sanborn, Katherine Abbott. N. 

H., 1889 . Daughter of E. D. 

Sanborn, .supra. A popular and versa- 
tile writer of ephemeral books, who 
was professor of English literature at 
Smith College prior to 1886. Home 
Pictures of English Poets ; Vanity and 
Insanity of Genius ; Adopting an Aban- 
doned Farm ; Abandoning an Adopted 
Farm ; A Truthful Woman in Southern 
California ; My Literary Zoo, and a 
number of compilations. Ap. Fu. Hou. 

Sanborn, Mrs. Mary [Farley]. 18— 

. A novelist of Boston. Sweet 

and Twenty ; It Came to Pass ; Paula 
Ferris. Le. 




Sandeman, Robert. S., 1718 or 1723- 
1771. The founder of the iSandemanian 
sect, who came to America in 1764 
and gathered a church at Danbury, Con- 
necticut, where he died. Letters on 
Theron and Aspasio ; Thoughts on 
Sanders, Daniel Clarke. Ms., 1768- 
1850. A Congregational clergyman and 
educator, president of the University 
of Vermont, 1800-14, subsequently 
pastor at Medfield, Massachusetts. A 
History of the Indian Wars with the 
First Settlers of the United States, 
which he published in 1812, is now a 
very rare book. See Sprac/ue^s Annals 
of the American Pulpit. 
Sanders, Mrs. Slizabeth [Elkins]. 
Ms., 1702-18.51. A writer of Salem, 
Massachusetts. Conversations, princi- 
pally on the Aborigines of North Ame- 
rica; First Settlers of New England; 
Sanderson, John. Pa., 1783-1844. 
An educator of Philadelphia, classical 
professor in the High School, 1836-44, 
and of some note in his day as a hu- 
mourist. The American in Paris ; The 
American in England ; and the first two 
volumes of the Biography of the Sign- 
ers of the Declarations of Indepen- 
dence. See HarVs American Litera- 
Sanderson, John Philip. Pa., 1818- 
1864. An officer in the Federal army. 
Views and Opinions of American States- 
men on Foreign Immigration ; Repub- 
lican Landmarks. 

Sanderson, Joseph. I., 182.3 . 

A Presbyterian clergyman in New 
York and other localities. Jesus on 
the Holy Mount ; Memorial Tributes ; 
The Bow in the Cloud. 
Sands, Alexander Hamilton. Va., 
1828-1887. A lawyer of Richmond, 
Virginia, who entered the Baptist mi- 
nistry not long before his death. His- 
tory of a Suit in Equity ; Recreations 
of a Southern Barrister ; Practical Law 
Forms ; Sermons by a Village Pastor. 
Sands, Robert Charles. N. Y., 
1799-1832. A ijournalist and verse- 
writer of New York city who wrote a 
Life of Paul Jones; The Talisman 
(with Bryant and Verplanck) ; co-au- 
thor with Eastbum of the once noted 

poem Yamoyden. See Life bjj Ver- 
planck ; Griswold's Poets and Poelry of 
Sanford, Henry Shelton. Ct., 1823- 
. A diplomatist who was secre- 
tary of the United States legation at 
Paris, 1840-53, charg^ d'affaires there 
till April, 1854, and minister to Bel- 
gium, 1861-69 ; and who founded the 
town of Sanford, Florida, in 1870. 
Penal Codes in Europe ; The Avend- 
slood Correspondence. 
Sangster, Mrs. Margaret Eliza- 
beth [Munson]. N. Y., 1838 . 

A journalist of New York city, editor 
of Harper's Bazar from 1889, and a 
popular verse-writer whose domestic 
poems display sentiment of a very genu- 
ine kind. Her writings in verse com- 
prise. On the Road Home ; Easter 
Bells ; Poems of the Household ; Home 
Fairies and Heart Flowers. She has 
also written a Manual of Missions of 
the Reformed Church, and several 
books for girls, including Hours witli 
Girls ; Home and Heaven ; Splendid 
Times ; Five Happy Weeks ; May Stan- 
hope and her Friend ; Miss Dewbury's 
School; Little Knights and Ladies. 
Maidie's Problem. Har. Hou. Meth. 

Santayana, George. Sp., 1863 . 

An instructor in philosophy at Harvard 
University. Sonnets and Other Poems ; 
The Sense of Beauty : being the Out- 
lines of ^stheti'.! Theory. St. 
Sargent, Charles Sprague. Ms., 

1841 . Grand-nephew of L. M. 

Sargent, infra. A botanist of eminence, 
Arnold professor of arboriculture at 
Harvard University from 1879, editor 
of Garden and Forest from 1888. The 
Silva of North America ; Report on the 
Forests of North America ; The Woods 
of the United States ; Notes on the 
Forest Flora of Japan. Ap. Hou. 
Sargent, Epes. Ms., 1813-1880. A 
once prominent Boston journalist and 
litterateur, who perhaps will be longest 
remembered by the familiar poem. Life 
on the Ocean Wave. His verse includes, 
Songs of the Sea ; Poems ; The Woman 
who Dared. In fiction he published, 
Wealth and Worth; What's to be 
Done ? ; Fleetwood ; Peculiar, a tale of 
the Great Rebellion. He wrote th- 
dramas, Bride of Genoa ; Velasco ; 




Change Makes Change ; The Priestess. 
His miscellaneous writings comprise, 
Life of Henry Clay ; American Adven- 
tures hy Land and Sea ; Arctic Ad- 
ventures hy Sea and Land ; Original 
Dialogues ; Planohette, the Despair of 
Science ; Memoir of Franklin. He 
edited a popular series of school and 
critical editions of many English poets, 
and Harper's Cyclopedia of Poetry. 
Co. Har. Le. Bob. 

Sargent, Fitzwilliam. Ms., 1820- 

. Grand-nephew of W. Sargent, 

1st, and father of John Singer Sargent, 
the artist. A Philadelphia surgeon 
who went to live in Switzerland in 1854. 
Bandaging and Other Operations of 
Minor Surgery. 

Sargent, Henry 'Wintlirop. Ms., 
1S10-1S82. A noted horticulturist of 
Fishkill, New York. Skeleton Routes 
through England, etc. ; Treatise on 
Landscape Gardening. Ap. 

Sargent, John Osborne. Ms., 1811- 
1S91. Brother of E. Sargent, supra. 
A lawyer and journalist of New York 
city. He translated Griiu's Last Knight ; 
and published, also, Papers for the 
Times by a Berkshire Farmer ; and 
Horatian Et'ho3s : Translation of the 
Odes of Horace. Hou. 

Sargent, Lucius Manlius. Ms., 1786- 
1867. Brother of H. W. Sargent, su- 
pra, and a distant cousin of W. Sargent, 
1st, infra. A once prominent tempe- 
rance advocate of Boston. Temperance 
Tales, a very popular work ; Dealings 
with the Dead ; The Irrepressible Con- 
flict ; Hubert and EHen, and Other 
Poems ; Translations from the Minor 
Latin Poets. See Reminiscences of, by 
Sheppard, 1S89. 

Sargent, Nathan. Vt., 1794-187.5. 
A journalist and politician. Life of 
Henry Clay ; Public Men and Events 

Sargent, 'Winthrop. Ms., 17-5.3-1820. 
A patriot soldier in the Revolutionary 
War, governor of Northwest Territory, 
17'.)S-l,sOO, and of Mississippi Territory, 
1700 and l.SOl. Papers Relating to 
Certain American Antiquities ; Boston, 
a poem. 

Sargent, "Winthrop. Pa., 1825-1870. 
Grandson of W. Sargent, supra. A 
lawyer of New York city. Life of 
Major Andr^, a work displaying much 

research. He also edited the History 
of Braddock's Expedition, from Origi- 
nal Papers. 
Sartwell, Henry Parker. Ms., 1792- 
1867. A botanist and physician of Penn 
Yan, New York, who from 1840 de- 
voted his attention to the genus Cares. 
His herbarium of more than eight thou- 
sand specimens is in Hamilton College. 
Caiices Americanse Exsiccatse. 

Satterlee, Henry Yates. N. Y., 

1S43 . The first Protestant Epis- 

copal bishop of Washington, prior to 
1896 a prominent clergyman of New 
York city. A Creedless Gospel and 
the Gospel Creed. Scr. 

Saunders, Frederick. E., 1807- 
. The librarian of the Aster Li- 
brary, New York city, 1859-96. New 
York in a Nut-Shell ; Salad for the 
Solitary and Salad for the Social ; Me- 
moirs of the Great Metropolis ; The 
Story of Some Famous Books ; Story 
of the Discovery of the New World by 
Columbns (1892); Pastime Papers; 
Stray Leaves of Literature ; Character 
Studies. Kan. Wh. 

Savage, Edward Hartwell. N. H., 
1812-1893. A Boston policeman and 
justice of the peace. Boston Police 
Recollections ; Five Thousand Boston 
Events, 1030-1880. 

Savage, James. Ms., 1784-1873. A 
Boston lawyer eminent as a genealo- 
gist. He is best known as the author 
of a Genealogical Dictionary of the 
First Settlers of New England, upon 
which twenty years of labour were ex- 

Savage, John. I., 1828-1888. A jour- 
nalist of New York city, and subse- 
quently of Washington. Poems ; Pic- 
turesque Ireland ; Lays of the Folk- 
stead ; Modern Revolutionary History 
of Ireland ; Our Living Representative 
Men ; Life of Andrew Johnson ; Fenian 
Heroes and Martyrs ; Sibyl, a tragedy ; 
and several other plays. 

Savage, Minot Judson. Me., 1841- 
. A Unitarian clergyman of pro- 
minence among radical thinkers, pastor 
of Unity Church, Boston, 1874-96, and, 
since the latter year, of the Church of 
the Messiah in New York city. Chris- 
tianity the Science of Manhood ; Beliefs 
About Man ; Belief in God ; Life Qucs- 




tions ; Poems ; The Religion of Evolu- 
tion ; The Religion of Morals ; Talks 
About Jesus ; The Modem Sphinx ; 
Man, Woman, and Child ; Social Pro- 
blems ; My Creed ; Religious Recon- 
struotion ; Signs of the Times ; Helps 
for Daily Living ; Four Great Questions 
Concerning God ; The Evolution of 
Christianity ; Is This a Good World ? ; 
Jesus and Modern Life ; A Man ; Light 
on the Cloud ; Bluffton, a novel ; The 
Minister's Handbook. See Men ofPro- 
gress of Massachusetts. Ml. 

Savage, Philip Henry. Ms., 1868- 

. Son of M. J. Savage, supra. A 

Boston litterateur. First Poems and 
Fragments. Cop. 

Savage, Richard Henry. N. Y., 

1846 . A novelist. My Ofacial 

Wife ; For Life and Love ; A Daughter 
of Judas ; The Anarchist ; Delilah of 
Harlem ; In the Old Chateau ; The 
Little Judge of Lagunitas ; The Masked 
Venus ; The Flying Halcyon ; Miss 
Devereux of the Mariquita ; After 
Many Years, and Other Poems. Ne. 

Sawtelle, Henry Allen. Me., 1882- 
1885. A Baptist clergyman of San 
Francisco and elsewhere. Open Com- 
munion ; Things to Think Of. Ne. 

Sawyer, Mrs. Catharine Meheta- 

bel [Fisher]. Ms., 1812 . Wife 

of T. J. Sawyer, infra. The Poetry 
of Hebrew Tradition. 

Sawyer, Frederick William. Me., 
1810-1875. A Boston lawyer. Mer- 
chant's and Shipmaster's Guide ; Plea 
for Amusements ; Hits at American 

Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose. N. 
Y., 1807 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman and educator, after 1860 a resi- 
dent of Whitesboro, New York, promi- 
nent as a biblical scholar. Elements 
of Biblical Interpretation ; Mental Phi- 
losophy ; Moral Philosophy ; A Critical 
Exposition of Baptism ; Organic Chris- 
tianity ; Reconstruction of Bible Theo- 
ries. He made a translation of the 
Scriptures, of which the New Testa- 
ment was published. 

Sawyer, Lemuel. N. C, 1777-1S52. 
A North Carolina lawyer. Life of John 
Randolph ; Autobiography. 

Sawyer, Thomas Jefferson. Vt., 
1804 . A Universalist clergyman 

and educator, after 1869 a professor of 
theology at Tufts College. Doctrine 
of Eternal Salvation ; Who Is God, — 
the Son or the Father ? ; Endless Pun- 
ishment in the Very Words of its Ad- 
Saxe, John Godfrey. Vt., 1816-1887. 
A lawyer and litterateur of Vermont 
and subsequently of New York, widely 
known as a humourous poet. Progress ; 
A New Rape of the Lock ; The Proud 
Miss McB.ide; The Money King; 
Clever Songs of Many Nations ; The 
Masquerade ; Leisure Day Rhymes ; 
Fables and Lyrics in Rhyme. Hou. 
Say, Thomas. Pa., 1787-1834. A 
zoologist who was the first curator of 
the Philadelphia Academy of Natural 
Sciences. In 1825 he removed to New 
Harmony, Indiana, and was the agent 
of the Owen socialist colony there. 
Vocabularies of Indian Languages ; 
American Conohology ; American En- 
tomology. His Complete Writings on 
Conohology have been edited by Binney, 
and those on Entomology by Le Conte. 
See Memoir by Ord. 
Sayles, John. N. Y., 182.5-1897. ' A 
Texas jurist, professor in Baylor Univer- 
sity from 1880. Practice in the District 
and Supreme Courts of Texas ; Civil 
Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace 
in the State of Texas; Principles of 
Pleading in Civil Actions in the Courts 
of Texas ; Probate Laws of Texas ; 
Laws of Business ; Constitution of 
Texas, with Notes ; Notes on Texan 
Reports, include the larger number of 
his professional writings. See Biblio- 
graphy of Texas. 
Sayre, Lewis Albert. N. J., 1820- 

. A distinguished surgeon of New 

York city, professor of orthopsedic sur- 
gery in Bellevue Hospital College. 
Practical Manual of the Treatment of 
Club-Foot ; Lectures on Orthopaedic 
Surgery ; Spinal Curvature and its 
Treatment. Ap. 
Scarborough, William Saunders. 
Ga., 1852 . An educator of Afri- 
can descent, professor of ancient la,n- 
guages in WUberforce University, Ohio, 
from 1877. First Lessons in Greek; 
Theory and Functions of the Thematic 
Vowel in the Greek Verb. 
Schaeffer [sha'fgr], Charles Frede- 
rick. Pa., 1807-1879. Son of F. D. 




SliaefBer, infra. A Lutheran clergyman 
and educator, professor of systematic 
theology in the Lutheran Theological 
Seminary at Philadelphia, 1864-7(5. A 
System of Lutheran Theology is one of 
several important works which he trans- 
lated from the German. See American 
Lutheran Biographies. 

Schaeffer, Charles William. Md., 
1813-1896. Nephew of C. F. Schaeffer, 
supra. A Lutheran clergyman and edu- 
cator of eminence, professor of church 
history in the Philadelphia Lutheran 
Seminary from 1864. History of the 
Lutheran Church in the United States ; 
Family Prayers. 

Schaeffer, Frederick David. G., 
1760-1836. A once prominent Lutheran 
clergyman of Philadelphia. Antwoi-t 
auf eine Vertheidigung der Methodis- 
ten ; Eine herzliche Anrede. 

Schaff [shafj, Philip. Sd., 1819-1893. 
A distinguished German Reformed di- 
vine who came to the United States in 
1844, and was professor of church his- 
tory in the seminary at Mercersburg, 
Pennsylvania, 1844-63. In 1873 he be- 
came professor of sacred literature in 
Union Seminary in New York city. 
Principles of Protestantism ; History 
of the Christian Church ; Creeds of 
Christendom ; Theological Propfedeu- 
ties ; Christ and Christianity ; Critical 
Edition of the Heidelberg Catechism; 
Bible Revision ; Through Bible Lands ; 
Progress of Religions Freedom ; Church 
and State in the United States ; The 
Person of Christ ; Literature and Poe- 
try ; A Companion to the Greek Testa- 
ment and the English Version, include 
his principal original works. He has 
edited the Schaff-Herzog Encyclopaedia 
of Religious Knowledge ; Lange's Com- 
mentary, and other important works. 
Fu. Bar. Ran. Scr. Wh. 

Scharf, John Thomas. Md., 184.3- 
. An historical writer of Balti- 
more. Chronicles of Baltimore ; His- 
tory of Maryland ; History of Balti- 
more ; History of Western Maryland ; 
History of the City of St. Louis ; His- 
tory of Philadelphia ; History of the 
Confederate Navy ; History of Dela- 

Schaufller [show'fler] "WilliamGott- 
lieb. G.,_ 1708-1883. A Congrega- 
tional missionary in Turkey well known 

as a linguist. He translated the Bible 
into Hebrew-Spanish and Turkish, and 
also wrote Essay on the Right Use of 
Property ; Meditations on the Last Days 
of Christ. See Autobiography, 1887. Ran. 

Schayer, Mrs. Julia [Thompson] 

[von Storch]. Me., 1840 . A 

Washington writer. The Tiger Lily, 
and Other Stories. 

Schem [shem], Alexander Jacob. 
G. , 1826^1881. A statistician of note who 
was assistant superintendent of schools 
in New York city, 1874-81. Latin- 
English Dictionary (with G. Crooks, su- 
pra) ; Statistics of the World ; Cyclo- 
pagdia of Education (with H. Kiddle, 

Schenck, William Ed-ward. N. J., 

1810 . A Presbyterian minister 

of Philadelphia. Children in Heaven ; 
Nearing Home ; The Fountain for Sin ; 
Church Extension in Cities. 

Scheresche-wsky, Samuel Isaac 

Joseph. R., 1S31 . The third 

Protestant Episcopal bishop of the 
China Mission. He was consecrated in 
1877, but resigned his office in 1883 
and lived for some years in Cambridge, 
but since 1895 has lived at Shanghai. 
He is the author of a translation of the 
Bible into Chinese. 

Schiefnin [shef'lin], Samuel Brad- 
hurst. A^. r.,1811 . A business 

man of New York city who wrote on re- 
ligious topics. Message to the Ruling 
Elders ; Foundations of History ; Words 
to Christian Teachers ; The Church in 
Ephesus and the Presbyterian and Re- 
formed Churches. 

Schindler, Solomon. Sil, 1842 . 

A Hebrew clergyman now (1897) living 
in Cambridge but formerly in charge 
of Temple Adath Israel, Boston. Young 
West, a sequel to ' ' Looking Back- 
ward ; " Messianic Exhortations and 
Modem Judaism ; Dissolving Views on 
the History of Judaism. Ar. Le. 

Schley, Winfield Scott. Md., 1839- 

. A naval officer and explorer 

who published (with J. R. Soley, infra) 
The Rescue of Greeley. Scr. 

Schmauk [shmowk], Theodore Em- 
manuel. Pa., 1860 . A Lutheran 

clergyman of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 
editor of The Lutheran from 1889, and 
author of The Negative Criticism. 




Schmidt, Henry Immanuel. Pa., 

1806—1889. A Lutheran clergyman and 
educator of New York city, professor of 
German in Columbia College, l!vtS-80. 
History of Education; The Lutheran 
Doctrine of the Lord's Supper ; Course 
of American Geography. 

Schmucker, Beale Melanchthon. 
Pa., 1827-1888. Sou of S.S. Schmucker, 
infra. A Lutheran clergyman of Pitts- 
YiUe, Pennsylvania, 1881-88. A litur- 
gical scholar of note, editor of The 
Church Book of the General Coimcil, 
and of The Church Service, 1888. 

Schmucker, Samuel Mosheim. 
Va., 1823-1863. Son of S. S. Schmucker, 
infra. A Philadelphia author who was 
in the early part of his career a Lu- 
theran minister. His various writings, 
which display industry rather than ori- 
ginal talent, comprise for the most part 
Errors of Modern Infidelity ; The Span- 
ish Wife, a play ; History of the Four 
Georges ; History of AH Religions ; 
Court and Reign of Catharine II. ; 
Lives of Washington, Hamilton, Jeffer- 
son, Webster, Clay, Dr. Kane, Fre- 
mont ; Memorable Scenes in French 
History ; History of the Modem Jews ; 
History of Napoleon Third ; Arctic Ex- 
plorations ; History of the Civil War in 
the United States (1863). Co. 

Schmucker, Samuel Simon. Md., 
1799-1873. A Lutheran clergyman and 
educator, professor in the Theological 
Seminary at Gettysburg, 1826-64. He 
was an advocate of American Lutheran- 
ism as characterized by indifference to 
the distinctive doctrines of Lutheran- 
ism. Elements of Popular Theology; 
Psychology ; Lutheran Manual ; Luther- 
an Symbols, or American Lutheranism 
Vindicated ; Church of the Redeemer ; 
The Unity of Christ's Church, are his 
chief works. Pan. 

Schneck, Benjamin Shroder. Pa., 
1806-1874. A Lutheran clergyman, 
pastor at Chambersburg from 1855. Die 
deutsche Kanzel; The Burning of 
Chambersburg ; Mereersburg Theology. 

Schodde, George Henry. Pa., 18.54- 
. A Lutheran clergyman and edu- 
cator of Ohio, professor at Capitol Uni- 
versity from 1880. The Book of Enoch 
translated from the Ethiopic, with 
Notes ; A Day in Capernaum, froin the 
German of Delitzsch. 

Schoolcraft, Henry Rows. N.Y., 
1793-1864. An eminent ethnologist 
and geologist, thirty years of whose life 
were spent among the Indians, chiefly 
at Mackinaw. His later life was passed 
in Washington. He discovered the 
source of the Mississippi. Among his 
many works are included. View of the 
Lead Mines of Missouri ; Algic Dis- 
coveries ; Historical Information Con- 
cerning the Indian Tribes ; Narrative 
of an Expedition to Itasca Lake ; Oneota, 
re-issued as The Indian and His Wig- 
wam ; The Myth of Hiawatha ; Per- 
sonal Memoirs of Thirty Years' Resi- 
dence with Indian Tribes ; Scenes and 
Adventures in the Ozark Mountains ; 
Life of General Cass, and several vo- 
lumes of verse. His talents lay rather 
in accumulating facts than in perceiv- 
ing their relations to each other. Lip. 

Schoolcraft, Mrs. Mary [Ho-w- 

ard]. S. C, . Wife of H. 

R. Schoolcraft, supra. The Black 
Gauntlet, a Tale of Plantation Life. 

Schouler [skool'er], James. Ms., 183 — 

. Son of W. Schouler, infra. A 

lawyer and historian of Boston, profes- 
sor in the law school of Boston Univer- 
sity. The Law of Bailments ; The Law 
of Personal Property ; The Law of Hus- 
band and Wife ; Law of Executors and 
Administrators ; Law of Wills ; A His- 
tory of the United States under the 
Constitution ; Life of Thomas Jeffer- 
son ; Historical Briefs. Do. Lit. 

Schouler, •William. S., 1814-1872. 
A journalist of Boston who published 
A History of Massachusetts during the 
Civil War. 

Schroeder, John Frederick. Md., 
1800-1857. An Episcopal clergyman 
and educator of Flushing, Long Island. 
Life of Washington ; Maxims of Wash- 
ington ; Class Book of Astronomy ; 
Sunday Addresses. Ap. 

Schuette, Conrad Herman Louis. 

G., 1843 . A Lutheran clergyman 

and educator of Ohio, professor in Capi- 
tol University from 1872. Church Mem- 
ber's Manual ; The State, the Church, 
and the School. 

Schulte, Mrs. Mary Jemima 
[McCoU]. E., 1847 . A verse- 
writer of Jersey City. Bide a Wee, 
and Other Poems. 




Schurman, Jacob Gould. P. E. I., 

1854 . A Canadian educator, since 

1892 president of Cornell University. 
Kantian Ethics and the Ethics of Evo- 
lution ; The Ethical Import of Darwin- 
ism ; Belief in God ; Agnosticism and 
Religion. Scr. 

Schurz [shoorts], Carl. P., 1829 . 

A statesman of eminence, active in the 
support of civil service reform. He came 
to America in 1S52 ; settled in Missouri, 
from which he "went to Congress as 
senator ; served as general in the Union 
army during the Civil War ; removed to 
New York city in 1875, and was editor of 
The Evening Post, 1881-84. Speeches ; 
Life of Henry Clay ; Abraham Lincoln : 
an Essay. Hou. Le. Lip. 

Schuyler [sky'lgr], Aaron. JV. T., 
1828 — ~— . A mathematician who was 
professor in Baldwin University and 
president of that institution, 1875-81, 
and since 1885 a professor in Kansas 
Wesleyan University. The Human 
Soul ; Higher Arithmetic ; Principles 
of Logic ; Surveying and Navigation ; 
Elements of Geometry ; Empirical and 
Rational Psychology. 

Schuyler, Anthony. N. Y., 1816- 

. An Episcopal clergyman, rector 

of Grace Church at Orange, New Jer- 
sey, from 1868, and author of House- 
hold Religion. 

Schuyler, Eugene. N. Y., 1840- 
1890. Son of G. W. Schuyler, infra. 
A diplomatist who was United States 
secretary of legation at St. Peteisburg, 
1870-76, secretary of legation and con- 
sul-general at Constantinople, 1876-78, 
and minister to Greece, 1882-84. Pe- 
ter the Great as Ruler and Reformer ; 
Turkistan ; American Diplomacy and 
the Furtherance of Commerce. Scr. 

Schuyler, George Washington. 

N. Y., 1810-1888. A prominent State 
official of New York for many years. 
Colonial New York ; Philip Schuyler 
and his Family. Scr. 

Schuyler, Montgomery. N. Y., 

1814-1896. Cousin of Anthony Schuy- 
ler, supra. An Episcopal clergyman 
of St. Louis, rector of Christ Church 
from 1854. The Church : its Ministry 
and Worship ; The Pioneer Church. 
Schuyler, Montgomery. JV. Y., 
1843 . Son of Anthony Schuyler, 

supra. A journalist of New York city 
on the staff of The Times. Studies in 
American Architecture. Har. 

Schwatka, Frederick. HI, ,1849- 
1892. A naval officer and explorer. 
In the Land of Cave and ClifiB Dwell- 
ers ; Nimrod in the North ; Along Alas- 
ka's Grreat River ; The Children of the 
Cold. See Schwatka's Search, by W. 
H. Gilder, supra. Cas. 

Schvreinitz, Edmund Alexander 
de. Fa., 1825-1887. Son of L. D. de 
Schweinitz, infra. A Moravian bishop 
in Pennsylvania, president of the Mora- 
vian CoUege, 1867-84. The Moravian 
Manual ; The Moravian Episcopate ; 
Life of Zeisherger, the Western Pio- 
neer and Apostle to the Indians ; Some 
of the Fathers of the American Mora- 
vian Church ; History of the Church 
known as the Unitas Fratrum ; System- 
atic Benevolence. 

SchTsreinitz, George Edmund de. 

Pa., 1858 . Son of E. A. de 

Schweinitz, supra. A Philadelphia phy- 
sician of note as an ophthalmologist who 
has written Diseases of l^e Eye, and 
professional monographs and papers. 

Sch-weinitz, Le-wis David de. Pa., 
1780-1834. A Moravian clergyman of 
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, famous in 
his day as a botanist. Conspectus Fun- 
gornm Lusatias ; Synopsis Fungorum 
CarolinaB Superioris ; Synopsis Fungo- 
rum in America ; Boreali Media Digen- 
tium. See Memoir of, by W. B. John- 
son, supra. 

Scollard, Clinton. N. Y., 1860 . 

An educator of Clinton, New York, 
professor of English literature and An- 
glo-Saxon at Hamilton College, 1888- 
1896, and a well-known poet of the day. 
His writings in verse include, Pictures 
in Song ; With Reed and Lyre ; Old and 
New World Lyrics ; Giovio and Giulia; 
Songs of Sunrise Lands ; HiUs of Song ; 
Skenandoa ; A Boy's Book of Rhyme. 
In prose he has published, Under Sum- 
mer Skies ; On Sunny Shores. Cop. 
Hou. Lo. Sto. 

Scott, Charles. Tn., 1811-1861. Son 
of E. Scott, infra. A lawyer of Jack- 
son, Mississippi. Analogy of Ancient 
Craft Masonry to Natural and Re- 
vealed Religion ; The Keystone of the 
Masonic Arch. 




Scott, Eben[ezer] Greenough. 

Pa., 1836 . A writer of WUkes- 

barre, Pennsylvania. Development of 
Constitutioual Liberty in the English 
Colonies of America ; Commentaries 
upon the Intestate System of Pennsyl- 
vania ; Reconstruction During the Civil 
War in the United States of America. 
Hon. Put. 

Scott, Edward. Fa., 1774-1852. A 
Tennessee lawyer, prominent in the 
State's early history, who published 
Laws of the State of Tennessee, in 

Scott, Henry Lee. N. C, 1814-1886. 
Son-in-law of Winfield Scott, infra. 
An army officer who served in the 
Mexican and Civil Ware, and was the 
author of A Military Dictionary. 

Scott, John. Pa., 1820 . A Me- 
thodist Protestant clergyman of Cincin- 
nati. Pulpit Echoes ; The Land of 

Scott, Mrs. Julia H [Kinney]. 

Pa., 1809-1842. A verae-writer of To- 
wanda, Pennsylvania, whose Poems, 
with Memoir, were posthumously pub- 

Scott, Robert Nicholson. Tn., 1838- 
1887. Son of W. A. Scott, infra. An 
army officer, in charge of the publica- 
tion of war records at Washington, 
1877-87, who published a Digest of 
the Military Laws of the United States. 

Scott, William Anderson. Tn., 
1813-1885. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of San Francisco, professor in the The- 
ological Seminary there from 1871. 
The Bible and Politics ; Strauss and 
Eenan ; Daniel : a Model for Young 
Men ; Achan in El Dorado ; The Giant 
Judge ; The Church in the Army ; The 
Christ of the Apostles' Creed; Trade 
and Letters, include his chief work. 

Scott, "Winfield. Va., 1786-1866. A 
famous general who served in the War 
of 1812, and was commander-in-chief 
of the American army during the war 
with Mexico. General Regulations of 
the Army; System of Infantry and 
Rifle Tactics ; Autobiography (1864). 
See Lives by Mansfield, 1846, Beadley, 
1852, Victor, 1861 ; and United States 

ScouUer, James Brown. Pa., 1820- 
. A prominent United Presbyte- 

rian clergyman. Manual of the United 
Presbyterian Church ; History of the 
United Presbyterian Church ; Calvin- 
ism : its History and Influence. 

Scoville, Joseph A . " Walter 

Barrett." Ct., 1811-1864. A journal- 
ist of New York city, clerk of the Com- 
mon Council, and at one period private 
secretary to Callioun. Adventures of 
Clarence Bolton, or Life in New York ; 
The Old Merchants of New York ; Vi- 
gor, a novel ; Marion. 

Scripture, Edward "Wheeler. N. 

H., 1864— . A scientist, director of 

the physical laboratory of Yale Uni- 
versity. Thinking, Feeling, Doing, a 
popular psychology ; The New Psy- 
chology ; Studies from the Yale Physi- 
cal Laboratory. Among his various 
monographs the more important are 
those on the association of ideas and 
the measurement of hallucinations. Fl. 

Scudder, Eliza. Ms., 1821-1896. 
Cousin of H. E. Scudder, infra. A 
hymn-writer of Massachusetts. Hymns 
and Sonnets. Sou. 

Scudder, Henry Martyn. Cy., 1822- 
1895. Son of J. Scudder, infra. A 
Presbyterian clergyman and mission- 
ary, pastor in Chicago, 1883-87, and 
from 1887 a missionaiy in Japan. He 
published, in the Tamil language, Li- 
turgy of the Dutch Reformed Church ; 
The Bazaar Book ; Sweet Savora of 
Divine Truth ; Spiritual Teaching. 

Scudder, Horace Elisha. Ms., 1838- 

. A Boston litt&ateur, editor of 

The Atlantic Monthly from 1890. Se- 
ven Little People and Their Friends ; 
Dream Children ; Stories from my At- 
tic ; The Dwellers in Five-Sisters' Court ; 
Stories and Romances ; Boston Town ; 
Life of Noah Webster ; A History of 
the United States ; A Short History of 
the United States ; The Book of Fables ; 
The Book of Folk Stories ; Fables and 
Folk Stories ; George Washington : an 
Historical Biography ; Men and Letters, 
a volume of essays ; Childhood in Lite- 
rature and Art ; Recollections of Samuel 
Breck ; The Bodley Books, a series of 
popular juveniles. Co. Hon. Scr. Sh. 

Scudder, John. N. J., 1793-1855. A 
Dutch Reformed missionary and phy- 
sician in Ceylon, 1820-39. Letters 
from the East ; Letters to Pious Young 
Men ; Promises for Passing Over Jor- 




dan. See Memoir 

J. B. Waterbury, 

Scudder, John Milton. O., 1829- 
1S94. A Cincinnati physician and edu- 
cator, long a professor in the Eclectic 
Medical Institute. Diseases of Women ; 
Principles of Medicine ; Specific Medi- 
cation ; The Reproductive Organs ; Spe- 
cific Diagnosis. 

Scudder, Moses Lewis. Ms., 1S43- 

. A broker of Chicago. Brief 

Honors, a romance ; Almost an Eng- 
lishman ; National Banking ; Congested 
Prices ; The Lahor Value Prophecy. 

Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Ms., 

18:;7 . Brother of H. E. Scudder, 

supra. A naturalist of Cambridge. The 
Butterflies of the Eastern United States 
and Canada ; Butterflies, their Struc- 
ture, Changes, and Life Histories ; Brief 
Guide to the Commoner Butterflies ; 
The Life of a Butterfly ; Frail Children 
of the Air : Excursions into the World 
of Butterflies ; A Century of Ortho- 
ptera ; The Fossil Insects of North 
America. Ho. Hon. Mac. 

Scudder, Vida Button. E. I., 1861- 

. Niece of H. E. Scudder, supra. 

An educator of Massachusetts, professor 
in Wellesley College. How the Rain 
Sprites were Freed ; The Life of the 
Spirit in the Modem English Poets ; 
The Witness of Denial; The Prome- 
theus Unbound of Shelley. Dut. He. 

Seabury, Samuel. Ct., 1*729-1796. 
The first Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of Connecticut. He was the first 
American bishop and the first presiding 
bishop. Being refused consecration by 
the Anglican Church, he was conse- 
crated at Aberdeen, Scotland, and 
through him the Episcopal Church in 
the United States derives its succession 
from the Church in Scotland. During 
the early days of the American Revo- 
lution he attracted much attention by 
his pamphlets signed A. W. Farmer, 
which sharply criticised the actions 
of the patriots. They include, Free 
Thoughts on the Proceedings of the 
Continental Congress ; The Continental 
Congress Canvassed ; View of the Con- 
troversy between Great Britain and her 
English Colonies. His Sermons have 
been issued in three volumes. See Life 

by E. E. Beardsley, 1881 ; Seabury Cen- 
tennial Commemoration. 
Seabury, Samuel. Ct., 1801-1872. 
Grandson of S. Seabury, supra. An 
Episcopal clergyman of New York city, 
prominent among High Churchmen, and 
professor in the General Theological 
Seminary. Continuity of the Church 
of England ; Mary the Virgin ; His- 
torical Sketch of Augustine of Hippo ;, 
Supremacy of Conscience ; American 
Slavery Justified ; Theory and Use of 
the Calendar ; Discourses on the Holy 

Seabury, William Jones. N. Y., 

1837 . Son of Samuel Seabury, 2d. 

An Episcopal clergyman of New York 
city, rector of the Church of the An- 
nunciation from 1868, and professor in 
the General Seminary from 1873. "Sug- 
gestions in Aid of Devotion ; Introduc- 
tion to the Study of Ecclesiastical Po- 
lity. See American Church Heview, July, 

Seaman, Ezra Champion. N. Y., 

1805-1880. The comptroller of the 
treasury, 1849-58, and subsequently in- 
spector of the Michigan State prisons. 
Essays on the Progress of Nations; 
Commentaries on the Constitution, 
Laws, People, and History of the 
United States ; The American System 
of Government ; Views of Nature. 

Seaman, Valentine, i. J., 1770-1817. 
A once prominent physician of New 
York city, active in introducing the 
practice of vaccination. Waters of 
Saratoga; Midwife's Monitor; On Vac- 

Searing, Mrs. Laura Catherine 
[Redden]. " Howard Glyndon." 

Md., 1840 . A verse-writer and 

journalist now living in California, but 
from 1868-76 on the staff of The New 
York Mail. Sounds from Secret Cham- 
bers ; Poems ; Idylls of Battle ; Bro- 
ther and Sister. Hou. 

Searle, Arthur. E., 1837 . A 

professor of astronomy at Harvard Uni- 
versity from 1887, who has published 
Outlines of Astronomy. 

Searle, January. See Phillips, E. S. 

Searles, "William Henry. 0., 1837- 
. A civil engineer. Field Engi- 
neering ; The Railroad Spiral. Wil. 

SEAES 335 


Sears, Barnas. Ms., 1802-1880. A 
Baptist clergyman and educator of 
prominence in his day. He -was pro- 
fessor at Newton Theological Semi- 
nary, 1836-48, and president of Brown 
University, 1855-47. Life of Luther ; 
The Ciceronian or Prussian Mode of 
Instruction in Latin ; Essays on Classi- 
cal Literature (with B. B. Edwards, 
supra, and C. C. Felton, supra. 
Sears, Edmund Hamilton. Ms., 
1810-187(3. A Unitarian clergyman and 
religious poet, pastor at Weston, Mas- 
sachusetts, 1865-76. He wrote the fa- 
miliar Christmas hymn, ' ' Calm on the 
listening ear of night." Regeneration ; 
Foregleams and Foreshadows of Im- 
mortality, originally published as Atha- 
nasia ; The Fourth Gospel the Heart 
of Christ ; Christ in the Life ; Sermons 
and Songs of the Christian Life ; Pic- 
tures of the Olden Time ; That Glorious 
Song of Old. A. U. A. Le. 

Sears, George W . Ms., 1821- 

. A writer of Wellsboro, Pennsyl- 
vania, who served in the Federal array 
during the Civil War. Woodcraft; 
Forest Runes (verse). 
Sears, [Joseph] Hamblen. Ms., 

1865 . A writer of New York 

city. The Governments of the World 
To-Day. Fl. 

Seawall, Molly Elliott. Va., 18 

. A Washington writer and news- 
paper correspondent. The Sprightly 
Romance of Marsac ; Hale Weston, a 
novel ; The Berkeleys and their Neigh- 
bors ; Throckmorton ; Maid Marian, 
and Other Stories ; Children of Des- 
tiny ; Little Jarvis ; Midshipman Paul- 
ding; Paul Jones; Decatur and Somers; 
Through Thick and Thin ; A Strange, 
Sad Comedy ; Quarterdeck and Fok'sle. 
Ap. Lo. We. 
Seooomb, John. Ms,, 1708-1792. A 
Congregational minister at Harvard, 
Massachusetts, 1733-57, and after 1763 
at Chester, Nova Scotia. He was the 
author of Father Abbey's Will, a once 
extremely popular piece of doggerel, 
which was followed by The Letter to 
the Widow Abbey, a work as destitute 
of genuine wit and worth as its prede- 
cessor. See Tfihr^s American Literature ; 
Harfs American Literature. 
Secoomb, Joseph. Ms., 1706-1760. 
Brother of J. Seccomb, supra. A Con- 

gregational minister at Kingston, New 
Hampshire, from 1737, and author of A 
Plain and Brief Rehearsal of the Opera- 
tions of Christ as God. 
Sedg-wick, Arthur George. N. Y., 
1844 . Son of T. Sedgwick, 2d, in- 
fra. A lawyer of New York city. Prin- 
ciples and Practices Governing the 
Trial of Title to Land (with F. S. Wait) ; 
Elements of Damages. Lit. 
SedgTvick, Catharine Maria. Ms., 
1789-1867. A once famous novelist 
whose name was for a time the fore- 
most among those of American literary 
women. Her work has very real excel- 
lence, but its merits were hardly of a 
quality to preserve it, and it is now su- 
perseded by the writings of others who 
have cultivated the same field with even 
more skill. Hope Leslie ; Redwood ; 
The New England Tale ; The Travel- 
ler ; Clarence ; Le Bossu ; The Lin- 
woods ; Married or Single (1857), include 
her novels. Other works for older read- 
ers are. Letters from Abroad ; Histori- 
cal Sketches of the Old Painters. Her 
juvenile moral tales, of which Live and 
Let Live ; Poor Rich Man and Rich 
Poor Man ; Means and Ends ; Morals 
and Manners, are good examples, are 
as entei'taining as they were popular. 
For a half century she was principal of 
a school for girls in Stockbridge, Massa- 
chusetts, her native town. See Life and 
Letters, 1S71. Har. 

Sedgixriok, Mrs. Elizabeth Buck- 
minster [Dwight]. Ms., 1791-1864. 
Sister-in-law of C. M. Sedgwick, supra, 
and a teacher for many years. Beati- 
tudes and Pleasant Sundays ; Lessons 
Without Books ; A Talk with My Pu- 
pils ; Stories of the Spanish Conquest. 

Sedg-wick, Henry D-wight. Ms., 
1785-1831. Brother of C. M. Sedgwick, 
supra. An eminent lawyer of New York 
city who was a noted opponent of sla- 
very, and author of English Practice 
of the Common Law. 

Sedgwick, Mrs. Susan Livingston 
[Ridley]. 1789-1867. Wife of T. 
Sedgwick, Ist, infra. A writer for 
young people. Walter Thornley ; The 
Morals of Pleasure ; The Young Emi- 
grants ; Allen Prescott ; Alida, or Town 
and Country. Har. 

Sedgwick, Theodore. Ms., 17S0- 
1839. Brother of C. M. Sedgwick, supra. 




A lawyer of Albany, and from 1819 a 
resident of Stockbridge, Massachusetts. 
Public and Private Economy ; Hints to 
my Countrymen. 

Sedgwick, Theodore. N. Y., 1811- 
1859. yon of T. Sedgwick, supra, A 
lawyer of New York city. Rules which 
Govern the Interpretation and Appli- 
cation of Statutory and Court Law ; 
Treatise on the Measure of Damages, a 
work of much importance. , 

Seeley, Charles Sumner. See Mun- 
day, J. W. 

Seely, [Edward] Howard. N. Y., 
1856-1894. A litt&ateur of New York 
city. A Lone Star Bo-peep, and Other 
Tales of Texan Ranch Life ; A Ranch- 
man's Stories ; A Nymph of the West ; 
The Jonah of Lucky Valley, and Other 
Stories; A Border Leander. Ap. Do. 

Seelye [seele], Mrs. Elizabeth [Eg- 

gleston]. Min., 1858 . Daughter 

of E. Eggleston, supra. A writer living 
at Lake George, New York. The Story 
of Columbus ; Montezuma ; Brandt and 
Red Jacket ; Pocahontas ; Tecumseh 
(with E. Eggleston) ; The Story of 
Washington. Ap. Do. 

Seelye, Julius Hawtry. Ct, 1824- 
1895. A Congregational clergyman 
long prominent as an educator. He was 
a professor of Amherst College from 
1850, and its president, 1876-90. Na^ 
tural Religion; The Way, the Truth, 
and the Life ; Christian Missions ; Duty. 

Seemuller, Mrs. Annie Moncure 
[Crane]. IH., 18.38-1872. A novelist 
of New York city whose somewhat 
striking fictions were popular for a 
brief period. Emily Chester ; Reginald 
Archer; Opportunity. See Boyle' s Dis- 
tinguished Marylanders. 

Seguin [sa-gwin'], Edouard. r.,1812- 
1880. A French physician who came 
to the United States in 1848 and whose 
specialty was the training of idiots. 
Among his many works on this and 
other prof essional topics are, New Facts 
Concerning Idiocy; Family Thermo- 
meter; Medical Thermometry; Th^orie 
et practique de I'^dueation des idiots ; 
Traitement moral, hygiene et Education 
des idiots et des autre enfants arrifer^s ; 
Idiocy and its Treatment by the Physi- 
ological Methods. 

■Segur, Seth Willard. Vt., 1831- 
1875. A Congregational clergyman of 
Ohio and subsequently of Massachu- 
setts. Relation and Responsibilities of 
Pastor and People ; The True Man- 
hood ; The Nation's Hope ; National 
Blessings and Duties. 

Seiss [seess], Joseph Augustus. Md., 
1823 . An eminent Lutheran cler- 
gyman of Philadelphia, pastor of the 
Church of the Holy Communion, and a 
voluminous writer on religiouS themes. 
Among his many works are. The Gos- 
pel in the Stars ; The Miracle in Stone, 
a re-statement of Piazzi Smyth's famous 
theory of the Pyramid ; Lectures on 
the Apocalypse ; Lectures on the Epis- 
tle to the Hebrews ; Luther and the 
Reformation ; The Lutheran Church ; 
Recreation Songs ; Life After -Death ; 
Right Life ; The Children of Silence, 
the Story of the Deaf ; Christ's Descent 
into Hell; The Last Times; Voices 
from Babylon. See American Lutheran 
Biographies. Co. Dip. 

Seligman, Edw^in Robert Ander- 
son. N. Y., 1861 . A professor 

of political economy and finance in Co- 
lumbia College. Chapters on Mediae- 
val Guilds in England ; Owen and the 
Christian Socialists ; Railway Tariffs ; 
Shifting and Incidence of Taxation ; 
Progressive Taxation in Theory and 
Practice ; Essays on Taxation. Mac. 

Selyns, Henricus. H., 1636-1701. A 
Dutch clergyman who came to New 
York in 1600, remaining four years as 
pastor in Brooklyn before returning to 
Holland. Settling permanently in New 
York in 1682, he was pastor of the First 
Dutch Reformed Church for the rest of 
his life. His Poems, written in Dutch, 
have been translated by H. C. Murphy, 

Semmes, Alexander Jenkins. D. 

C., 1828 . Cousin of R. Semmes, 

infra. A surgeon in the Confederate 
navy who became a Roman Catholic 
clergyman, president of Pio Nono Col- 
lege, Macon, Georgia, from 1886. Me- 
dical Sketches of Paris; Gunshot 
Wounds ; Notes from a Surgical Diary, 
are among his writings. 

Semmes, Raphael. Md., 1809-1877. 
A celebrated naval officer in the Con- 
federate service during the Civil War 
as commander of the Alabama. Ser- 




vice Afloat and Ashore during the Mexi- 
can War ; Campaign of General Scott 
in the Valley of Mexico; The Cruise 
of the Alabama; Memoirs of Service 
Afloat during the War between the 
States. See Sinclair's Two Years in the 
Alabama, 1895. 

Sergeant, Thomas. Pa., 1782-1860. A 
Philadelphia jurist. Treatise on the Law 
of Pennsylvania relating to Proceedings 
by Foreign Attachment ; Constitutional 
Law ; View of the Land Laws of Penn- 
sylvania ; Sketch of the NationalJudi- 
eiary Powers. 

Seth, James. S., 1860 . A profes- 
sor of moral philosophy in Cornell Uni- 
versity from 1896. A Study of Ethical 
Principles. Scr. 

Seton, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann [Bay- 
ley]. iV. r., 1774-1821. The founder 
and first superior of the order of Sisters 
of Charity in the United States. After 
the death of her husband she became 
a Komau Catholic, took the veil as a 
Sister of Charity in 1809, and in 1812 
founded at Emmettsburg, Maryland, 
the first American house of the order. 
A volume entitled Memoirs of Mrs. 
Seton, written by Herself : a Fragment 
of Real History, was published in 1817. 
See liife by White ; Vie de Madame Seton 
by Madame de Barbary. 

Seton, Robert. I., 1839 . A 

grandson of Mrs. Seton, supra. A Ro- 
man Catholic clergyman of Jersey City, 
dean of the monsignori in the United 
States. Memoirs, Letters, and Journal 
of E. Seton ; Essays on Various Sub- 
jects, principally Roman. 

Seton, ■William. N. Y., 1835 -. 

A grandson of Mrs. E. Seton, supra. A 
naval officer of the United States. Ro- 
mance of the Charter Oak ; The Pride 
of Lexington ; Rachel's Fate, and Other 
Tales; The Poor Millionaire; The 
Shamrock Gone West; Moida, a Tale 
of the Tyrol ; The Pioneer, a poem. 

Severance, Mark Sibley. Ms., 1846- 

. Hammersmith : his Harvard 

Days, a novel. Hou. 

Sewall, Frank. Me., 1837 . A 

Swedenborgian clergyman of Washing- 
ton. Moody Mike, or the Power of 
Love ; The Hem of his Garment ; The 
Pillow of Stones; The New Ethics; 
The New Metaphysics ; Angelo and 
Ariel, are among his writings. Lip. Ran. 

Sewall, Mrs. Harriet ["Winslow]. 

Me., 1819-1889. A religious verse-writer 
of Boston, some of whose lyrics are 
found in the anthologies. A ooUeetion 
of her Poems, with Memoir by Mrs, E. 
Cheney, supra, appeared ip 1889. 
Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell. Ms., 
1748-1808. A lawyer of Portsmouth, 
New Hampshire, popular in his own 
day as a verse-writer. His verse is for 
the most part forgotten, but his song. 
War and Washington, is yet remem- 
bered, and in his Epilogue to Cato oc- 
curs the famous couplet : — 

" No pent-up XTtica contracts your powers, 
But the whole boundless continent is yours." 

Miscellaneous Poems, 1801. 
Sewall, Rufus King. Me., 1814- 

A lawyer of Wiscasset, Maine. Lec- 
tures on the Holy Spirit ; Sketches of 
St. Augustine ; Ancient Dominions of 
Sewall, Samuel. E., 16.52-1730. A 
noted jurist of Boston, best remem- 
bered for his connection with the Salem 
witchcraft trials. The Selling of Jo- 
seph ; Answer to Queries Respecting 
America; Accomplishment of Prophe- 
cies ; Memorial Relating to the Kenne- 
bec Indians ; Description of the New 
Heaven. See Diary of, Tyler's Ameri- 
can Literature ; Whittier's Prophecy of 
Samuel Sewall. 

Sewall, Stephen. Me., 1734-1804. A 
grand-nephew of S. Sewall, supra. A 
Hebrew scholar, professor of Hebrew 
at Harvard College, 1765-85, among 
whose writings are, Hebrew Grammar ; 
Scripture Account of the Shechinah ; 
Carmina Sacra quae Latine Grfeceque 
condidit America. 

Sewall, Thomas. Me., 1786-1845. A 
Washii^on physician, professor of 
anatomy in Columbian University from 
1821, who is chiefly remembered for 
his work. The Pathology of Drunken- 
ness, which had a wide circulation. 

Seward, George Frederick. N.Y., 

1840 . A nephew of W. H. Seward, 

infra, and minister to China, 1876-80. 
Chinese Immigration in its Social and 
Economical Aspects. 

Seward, Theodore Frelinghuysen. 

N. Y., 1835 . Cousin of W. H. 

Seward, infra. A musical educator of 




note. Hadrian Theolog-y ; The School 
of Life ; A Plea for the Christian Year. 

Se-ward, William Henry. N. Y., 

1801-1872. A statesman of distinction, 
secretary of state during- the Civil War 
period. Diplomatic History of the Civil 
War ; Orations and Speeches ; Life of 
.1. Q. Adams, supra ; Travels Round the 
World. His complete works in five vo- 
lumes have been edited by G. E. Baker. 
See Autobiography ; North American Re- 
view^ October, 1S66 ; Bartletfs Modern 
Agitators ; Life by Lothrqp ; and His- 
tories of the Civil War. Ap. Co, Hou. 

Seybert, Adam. Pa., 1773-182.5. A 
Philadelphia chemist who published 
The Statistical Annals of the United 
States, 1789-1818. It was in a notice 
of this book for The Edinburgh Review 
that Sydney Smith made the famous 
query, " Who reads an American 

Seyffarth [zif'faTart], G-ustav. Sxy., 
1796-188.3. A German scientist who 
was professor of Oriental archaeology at 
Leipzig- University, 182.5-5.J, and, com- 
ing to America in the latter year, was 
professor at Concordia Seminary, in St. 
Louis, 18.55-71. The remainder of his 
life was passed in New York city. He 
was distinguished for the extremely 
literal nature of his biblical interpre- 
tations. Among his voluminous writ- 
ings are, Rudimenta Hieroglyphiea ; 
Grammatica .^gyptiaca ; Egyptian 
Theology according to a Paris Mummy 
Coffin. See Literary Life of, an auto- 
biography, 1SS6. 

Seymour, George Franklin. U. L, 

1829 . The first Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of Springfield, and promi- 
nent among extreme High Churchmen. 
Modern Romanism not Catholicism. 

Seymour, Mrs. Mary [Harrison]. 

Ct., 1835 . A writer of Hartford 

whose writings are mainly for juvenile 
readers. Among them are, Mollie's 
Christmas Stocking ; Sunshine and Star- 
light ; Recompense ; Through the Dark- 
ness ; Ned, Nellie, and Amy. Dut. Ran. 
Seymour, Thomas Day. 0., 1840- 

. A professor of Greek at Yale 

University from 1880. Homeric Vo- 
cabulary ; School Iliad ; Selected Odes 
of Pindar, with Notes ; Introduction to 

the Language and Verse of Homer ; 
Homer's IKad, books i.-vi. Gi. 

Shaffner, Taliaferro Preston. To., 
1818-1881. An inventor of note. The 
Telegraph Companion ; The Telegraph 
Manual ; The Secession War in Ameri- 
ca ; History of America ; Odd Fellow- 

Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Ky., 
1841 ^. An eminent geologist, pro- 
fessor of paleontology at Harvard Uni- 
versity, 1868-87, and of geology from 
1887. Kentucky Geological Reports ; 
Kentucky, a Pioneer Commonwealth; 
The Nature of Intellectual Property 
and its Importance to the State ; The 
Interpretation of Nature; The Story 
of Our Continent ; Illustrations of the 
Earth's Surface : Glaciers (with W. M. 
Davis) ; The United States of America : 
a study of the American Conunon- 
wealth ; First Book in Geology ; Na^ 
ture and Man in America ; Sea and 
Land : Features of Coasts and Oceans ; 
Aspects of the Earth ; Fossil Branchi- 
opods of the Ohio Valley; American 
Highways ; Domesticated Animals : 
their Relation to Man. Am. Ap. Clke. 
Gi. Sou. Scr. 

Shanks, William Franklin Gore. 

Ky., 1837 . A journalist of New 

York city. Recollections of Distin- 
guished Generals ; A Noble Treason, a 
tragedy. Har. 

Shanly, Charles Da-w-son. I., 1811- 
1875. A journalist and verse-writer of 
New York city. The Walker in the 
Snow is his best-known poem. A Jolly 
Bear and His Friends ; 'The Monkey of 
Porto Bello ; The Truant Chicken. 

Shapley, Rufus Edmond. Pa., 
1840-— — . A Philadelphia lawyer, 
author of Solid for Mulhooly, a politi- 
cal satire. 

Shars-w-ood, G-eorge. Pa., 1810- 
1883. An eminent Philadelphia jurist. 
Professional Ethics ; Popular Lectures 
on Common Law ; Lectures on Com- 
mercial Law ; Sharswood's Blackstone. 

Shattuck, Mrs. Harriette [Ro- 
binson]. Ms., 1850 . Daughter 

of W. S. Robinson, supra. A -writer of 
Maiden, Massachusetts, "who has pub- 
lished The Story of Dante's Divine 
Comedy ; Little Folks East and West ; 




Woman's Manual of Parliamentary 
Shaw, Albert. O., 1S57- 

A jour- 
nalist of New York city, the American 
editor of The Review of Keviews from 
1891, and a recognized authority on 
such themes as municipal government 
and municipal reforms. Icaria : a Chap- 
ter in the History of Communism ; Lo- 
cal Government in Illinois ; Cooperation 
in a Western City ; Municipal Govern- 
ment in Great Britain ; Municipal Go- 
veruraent in Continental Europe. Cent. 

Shaw, Charles. Me., 1782-1828. A 
lawyer of Montgomery, Alabama, who 
published A Topographical Description 
of Boston from its First Settlement 

Shaw, Henry Wheeler. " Josh Bil- 
lings." Ms., 1818-1885. A noted hu- 
mourist whose shrewd, sensible sayings 
have been hardly appraised at their 
full value owing to the laboriously bad 
spelling in which they have been given 
to the world. Josh Billings's Sayings ; 
Everybody's Friend ; Josh Billings's 
Trump Kards ; Josh Billings's Spice 
Box. See Life by F. S. Smith, 1S83. 

Shaw, Thomas. Ont., 1843 . A 

Canadian educator, since 1893 professor 
of animal husbandry at the Minnesota 
Agricultural Experiment Station. The 
First Principles of Agriculture ; Weeds 
and How to Eradicate Them. 

Shea [sha], George. /., 1827-1895. 
Son of J. A. Shea, infra. A jurist who 
was chief justice of the City Court of 
New York. Alexander Hamilton : a 
Historical Study ; Nature and Form of 
the American Government. Sou. 

Shea, John Augustus. I., 1802- 
1845. An Irish verse-writer who came 
to America in 1827, and was a journal- 
ist in New York city. His writings 
include, Adolph ; Parnassian Wild 
Flowers ; Ruddeki, an Eastern Ro- 
mance, in verse ; Clontarf , a Poem. 

Shea, John Dawson G-ilmary. N. 
Y., 1824-1892. An historical writer of 
note, for a number of years editor of 
Frank Leslie's Chimney Corner, in New 
York city. The Catholic Church in the 
United States ; Legendary History of 
Ireland ; History of Catholic Indian 
Missions ; Discovery and Exploration of 
the Mississippi Valley ; Early Voyages 

Up and Down the Mississippi ; Novum 
Belgium, an Account of New Nether- 
lands, l(i33-44 ; The Operations of the 
French under De Grasse ; Life of Pius 
Ninth ; The Catholic Church in Colo- 
nial Days ; The Catholic Hierarchy of 
the United States ; Life and Times of 
Archbishop Carroll, molude his princi- 
pal original works. 

Shearman [sher'man], Thomas Gas- 

kell. E., 1834 . A lawyer and 

political economist of New York city. 
Law of Practice and Pleadings ; Law 
of Negligence ; Talks on Free Trade ; 
Does Protection Protect ? ; Pauper 
Labor of Europe ; The Single Tax ; 
National Taxation ; Henry George's 
Mistake ; Crooked Taxation. 

Shecut, John Llnnseus Edward 
Whitridge. S. C, 1770-1836. A 
once eminent physician and scientist of 
Charleston. Flora Carolinensis ; Me- 
dical and Philosophical Essays ; Ele- 
ments of Natural Philosophy ; A New 
Theory of the Earth, comprise his chief 

Shedd, Joel Herbert. Ms., 1834- 

. An eminent civil engineer of 

Providence whose most important pro- 
fessional labour is the Providence Wa- 
ter Works. He has written a work on 
Landscape Gardening (with Follen), 
and many important professional pa^ 

Shedd, Mrs. Julia Ann [Clark]. 
Me., 1834-1897. Wife of J. H. Shedd, 
supra. Famous Painters and Paint- 
ings ; Famous Sculptors and Sculpture ; 
The Ghiberti Gates ; Raphael : his 
Madonnas and Holy Families. Sou. 

Shedd, Williani Greenough 
Thayer. Ms., 1820-1894. A Presby- 
terian clergyman of New York city, pro- 
fessor in Union Seminary, 1803-90, and 
a theologian of a very conservative 
type. History of Christian Doctrine ; 
Sermons to the Natural Man ; Homile- 
tics and Pastoral Theology ; Theologi- 
cal Essays; Sermons to the Spiritual 
Man ; Endless Punishment ; Dogmatic 
Theology ; The Pro-Revision of the 
Westminster Standards ; Calvinism 
Pure and Mixed; Literary Essays. 
Ran. Scr. 

Sheeleigh, Matthias. Pa., 1821- 

. A Lutheran minister at Fort 

Washington, near Philadelphia, from 




1869. American Ecclesiad ; A Gettys- 
turgiad ; Luther : a Song Tribute ; 
Brief History of Luther; Outlines of 
Old and New Testament History. 

Sheldon, David Newton. Ct, 180*7- 
1889. A Baptist clergyman who be- 
came a Unitarian in 1856. He was 
president of Colby University, 1843- 
1853. Sin and Redemption. 

Sheldon, Edward Austin. N. Y., 

1823 . A noted educator of Os- 
wego, principal of the Normal School 
there from 1862. Manual of Elemen- 
tary Training ; Lessons on Objects, are 
his principal works. 

Sheldon, Edward Stevens. Me., 

1851 . A professor of Romance 

philolog'y at Harvard University from 
1883. Short German Grammar and 

Sheldon, George "William. S. C, 

1843 . A journalist and art critic 

of New York city, now (1897) in charge 
of the London office of D. Appleton and 
Company, publishers. American Paint- 
ers ; The Story of the Volunteer Fire 
Department of New York City ; Hours 
with Art and Artists ; Artistic Homes ; 
Artistic Country Seats ; Selections in 
Modem Art ; Recent Ideals of Ameri- 
can Art. liar. 

Sheldon, Henry Clay. N. Y., 1845- 
. A Methodist clergyman, profes- 
sor of historic theology in Boston Uni- 
versity from 1882. History of Christian 
Doctrine ; History of the Christian 
Church. Cr. Har. 

Sheldon, Mary Downing. Daugh- 
ter of E. A. Sheldon, supra. See Barnes, 

Shelton, Frederick William. L. I., 
1814-1881. An Episcopal clergyman 
of Carthage Landing, New York, who 
■wrote in both prose and verse a number 
of humourous and satirical books. The 
Trollopiad, or the Travelling Gentle- 
man in America ; The Rector of St. 
Bardolph's ; Peeps from the Belfry, or 
the Parish Sketch-Book ; Salander and 
the Dragon, a romance ; Up the River, 
a collection of rural sketches ; Chrys- 
talline, a romance ; The Gold Mania ; 
Use and Abuse of Reason. 

Shepard, Charles Upham. R. I., 
1804—1886. A geologist, professor of 
geology at Amherst College, who pub- 

lished a valuable Report on the Geology 
of Connecticut. 
Shepard, Edward Morse. N. Y., 

1850 . A lawyer of Brooklyn, au- 
thor of a Life of Martin Van Buren. 

Shepard, Elihu Hotchkiss. Vt., 
1795-1876. An educator of St. Louis. 
Autobiography (1869) ; Early History 
of St. Louis and Missouri. 

Shepard, Isaac Fitzgerald. Ms., 
1816-1889. A Federal officer in the 
Civil War who was consul at Swatow 
and Hankow, 1874-80. Pebbles from 
Castalia ; Poetry of Feeling ; Scenes 
and Songs of Social Life ; Household 

Shepard, Thomas. E., 1605-1649. 
A Puritan clergyman who came to 
America in 1635, and from 1636 until 
his death was minister of what is now 
the Shepard Church in Cambridge. He 
won great renown as a preacher, and as 
a theologian was a Calvinist of the ex- 
tremest type. New Englands Lamen- 
tations for Old Englands present Er- 
rours ; The Sound Beleever ; The Clear 
Sunshine of the Gospel ; Theses Sab- 
baticse ; Subjection to Christ ; The Pa- 
rable of the Ten Virgins Opened and 
Applied ; Autobiography. His Ser- 
mons, with Memoir by Alger, were 
printed in three volumes in 1853. See 
Tyler^s American Literature; Memoir by 
S. Mather and Greenhill, 1652 ; Life hy 
Cotton Mather in the Magnalia. 

Shepard, William. See Walsh, W. 

Shepherd, William Robert. 18 — 
•. History of Proprietary Govern- 
ment in Pennsylvania. Mac. 

Sheppard, Furman. N. J., 1823- 

. A Philadelphia lawyer who has 

published a Constitutional Text-Book. 

Sheppard, Nathan. Md., 1834-1888. 
A journalist and educator who was a 
special correspondent of The Cincinnati 
Gazette during the Franco-German war. 
Shut up in Paris during the Siege ; 
Darwinism Stated by Himself ; Before 
an Audience ; Saratoga Chips. Ap. Fu. 

Sherburne, John Henry. N. H., 

1794-c. 1850. A register of the navy 
in Washington. Osceola, a tragedy ; 
Erratic Poems ; Life of John Paul 
Jones ; The Tourist's Guide in Europe ; 


A Suppressed History of the Adminis- 
tratiou of John Adams. 

Sheridan, Philip Henry. N. Y., 

1831-1S<>8, A famous soldier, lieute- 
nant-general of the United States army, 
1869-88, and general for the two months 
preceding his death. Personal Me- 
moirs (liSSS). See Appletons' American 
Biography ; Life by H. E. Davies; his- 
tories of the Civil War. 

Sherman, Frank Dempster. N. Y., 

1860 . A lyrist of New York city, 

adjunct professor of architecture at 
Columbia College, who has written 
much pleasing vers de socidtS as well as 
other Terse. Madrigals and Catches ; 
Lyrics for a Lute ; Little-Folk Lyrics ; 
New Waggings of Old Tales (with J. 
K. Bangs, supra). Hou. Sto. 

Sherman, Henry. N. Y., 1808-1879. 
A Hartford lawyer, author of An Ana- 
lytical Digest of the Laws of Marine 
Insurance to the Present Time (1841) ; 
The Governmental History of the Uni- 
ted States ; Slavery in the United 

Sherman, John. Ct., 1772-1828. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Trenton Falls, 
New York, where he conducted an 
academy. From 1797 to 1805 he was 
a Congregational minister at Mansfield, 
Connecticut, hut resigned his charge on 
account of his becoming a Unitarian. 
One God in One Person Only, the first 
noteworthy defence of Unitarianism in 
America ; Philosophy of Language Il- 
lustrated ; A Description of Trenton 
Falls. See Sprague's Annals of the 
American Pulpit. 


-. Bro- 

Sherman, John. O., 1823- 
ther of W. T. Sherman, infra. A noted 
statesman of Ohio ; United States sena- 
tor, 1861-77 and 1881-97; secretary 
of the treasury, 1877-1881 ; and secre- 
tary of state from 1897. Recollections 
of Forty Years in the House, Senate, 
and Cabinet ; Selected Speeches and 
Reports on Taxation, 1859-78. See 
Life by Bronson, 1880. 

Sherman, William Teoumseh. O., 

1820-1891. A distinguished soldier 
who was general of the United States 
army, 1869-84. The Military Lessons 
of the War ; Memoirs by Himself. See 
Appletons^ American Biography ; John- 
son's Universal Cyclopcedia; The Sher- 

man Letters ; and histories of the Civil 
War. Ap. 

Sherwin, Thomas. N. H., 1799- 
1869. A noted educator of Boston, 
master of the High School, 1838-69, 
and author of treatises on algebra. 

Sherwood, Adiel. N. Y., 1791- 
1879. A Baptist minister and edu- 
cator of Georgia. Gazetteer of Geor- 
gia ; Christian and Jewish Churches ; 
Notes on the New Testament. See Me- 
moir by his daughter, I884. 

Sherwood, Mrs. Emily [Lee]. 
Ind., 1843 . A Washington jour- 
nalist who has published Willis Peyton, 
a novel. 

Sherwood, James Manning. TV. 
Y., 1814 — ■ — . A Presbyterian clergy- 
man and editor of religious journals. 
A Plea for the Old Foundations ; The 
History of the Cross ; Books and Au- 
thors. Fu. 

Sherwood, Mrs. John. See Sher- 
wood, Mrs. Mary. 

Sherwood, John D* .ZV". Y., 1818- 
1891. Cousin of J. M. Sherwood, supra. 
A writer whose home was at Engle- 
wood, New Jersey. Comic History of 
the United States ; The Case of Cuba. 

Sherwood, Mrs. Katherine Mar- 
garet [Brownlee]. Pa., 1.841 : 

A verse-writer and journalist of Can- 
ton, Ohio, who has been especially suc- 
cessful as a writer of army lyrics and 
poems for military occasions. Camp 
Fire and Memorial Poems ; Columbia. 

Sherwood, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth 

[Wilson]. N. H., 1830 . A 

Washington novelist and miscellaneous 
writer, prominent as a social leader. 
The Sarcasm of Destiny ; A Trans- 
planted Rose • Amenities of Home ; 
Home Amusements ; Manners and So- 
cial Usages ; Royal Girls and Royal 
Courts ; Sweet Brier ; Roxobel ; The 
Art of Entertaining. Ap. Do. Har. 

Shew, Joel. N. Y., 1816-1855. A 
hydropathic physician of New York 
State among whose writings are, Hydro- 
pathy, or the Water Cure ; Cholera 
Treated by Water ; The Hydropathic 
Family Physician. 

Shields, Charles Woodruff. Ind., 

1825 . A Presbyterian clergy- 

* A distinguisbing initial only. 




man, professor of the harmony of sci- 
ence and revealed religion at Princeton 
College from 1805, and active in behalf 
of church unity. The Presbyterian 
Book of Common Prayer according to 
the Revision of the Westminister 
Divines; Philosophia Ultima, or Sci- 
ence of the Sciences ; The Order of 
the Sciences ; Religion and Science in 
their Relations to Philosophy ; Essays 
on Church Unity ; The Historic Epis- 
copate ; The Question of Unity ; The 
United Church of the United States. 

Shields, Mrs. Sarah Annie [Frost]. 
18 . Parlor Charades and Pro- 
verbs ; Laws and By-La"ws of American 
Society ; The Art of Dressing Well ; 
Almost a Woman ; Sunshine for Rainy 
Days, are among her works. 

Shillaber, Benjamin PenhalloTw. 
" Mrs. Partington." N. H., 1814-1890. 
A journalist of Boston, once widely 
known as a humourist, whose latest 
years were spent in Chelsea, Massachu- 
setts. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Parting- 
ton ; Partingtonian Patchwork ; Mrs. 
Partington's Mother Goose ; Ike Par- 
tington Stories ; Lines in Pleasant 
Places ; Wide Swath, a volume of col- 
lected verse ; Rhymes with Reason ; 
Cruises with Captain Bob ; The Double- 
Runner Club. See New England Maga- 
zine, June, 1S91, Le. 

Shimeall [shim'e-all], Richard Cun- 
ningham. N. Y., 1803-1874. An 
Episcopal clergyman who adopted Re- 
formed Dutch tenets in 1834, and sub- 
sequently became a Presbyterian. He 
was a noted biblical scholar of mille- 
narian views. The End of Prelacy ; 
Christ's Second Coming ; Prophetic 
Career and Destiny of Napoleon III. ; 
Unseen World ; Political Economy of 
Prophecy, are his principal works. 

Shindler, Mrs. Mary Stanley 
Bunce [Palmer] [Dana]. 8. C, 
1810-1883. A once popular South 
Carolina verse-writer whose home was 
at Kacogdoches, Texas, after 1869. 
In 1844 she became a Unitarian, and 
published the next year Letters on 
the Trinity. In 1848 she married her 
second husband, an Episcopal clergy- 
man, and was received into his church. 
The Northern Harp; The Southern 
Harp ; The Parted Family, and Other 

Poems; The Temperance Lyre; and 
several prose works, including Charles 
Martin, or the Young Patriot ; The 
Young Sailor ; Forecastle Tom ; A 
Southerner Among the Spirite. See 
Bibliography of Texas. 

Shinn, Asa. N. J., 1781-1853. A 
Methodist Protestant minister in Ohio. 
Essay on the Plan of Salvation ; Bene- 
volence and Rectitude of the Supreme 

Shinn, Charles Howard. Ts., 1852- 

, A California writer who has 

published Mining Camps, a Study in 
American Frontier Government ; The 
Story of the Mine. Ap. Scr. 

Shinn, Earl. "Edward Strahan.'' 
Pa., 1837-1886. A New York jour- 
nalist, at one period art critic of The 
Nation. The New Hyperion : from 
Paris to Marly by Way of the Rhine ; 
Studies in Modem French Art. Lip. 

Shinn, George Wolfe. Pa., 1839- 

. An Episcopal clergyman, rector 

of Grace Church, Newton, Massachu- 
setts, from 1 S75. Friendly Talks About 
Marriage ; Manual of the Prayer Book ; 
Manual of Church History ; Questions 
about Our Church ; Questions that 
Trouble Beginners in Religion ; Stories 
for Christmas Time ; Some Modem Sub- 
stitutes for Christianity. Kt. Wh. 

Shipp, Albert Mioajah. N. C, 
1819-1887. A Methodist clergyman 
and educator, professor of theology in 
Vanderbilt University from 1874, and 
author of The History of Methodism in 
South Carolina. 

Shipp, Bernard. Mi., 1813 . A 

verse-writer of Natchez, and subse- 
quently of Louisville. Fame, and 
Other Poems ; Progress of Freedom, 
and Other Poems. 

Shippen, Edward. iV^.J^.,1827 . 

An eminent naval surgeon of Philadel- 
phia who published Thirty Years at 

Shirley, John Milton. N. H., 1831- 
1887. A lawyer of Andover, New 
Hampshire. The Early Jurisprudence 
of New Hampshire ; Complete History 
of the Dartmouth College Case ; Re- 
ports of Cases in Supreme Judicial 

Shirley, 'William. E., 1693-1771. 
A noted colonial soldier who planned 




the conquest of Cape Breton, and was 
governor of Massachusetts, 1741-45. 
Electra, a tragedy ; The Birth of Her- 
cules, a masque ; Letter to the Duke 
of Newcastle, with Journal of the Siege 
of Louisburg ; The Conduct of General 
Shirley Briefly Stated. 

Shock, William Henry. Md., 1821- 

. A United States naval of&cer 

whose Steam Boilers : their Design, 
Construction, and Management, is a 
standard authority. 

Shoemaker, Michael Myers. Ky., 
18.53 . A writer of travels. East- 
ward to the Land of Morning ; The 
Kingdom of the White Woman, a vo- 
lume of Mexican travel ; Trans-Caspia : 
the Sealed Provinces of the Czar. Clke. 

Shoup, Francis Asbury. Ind., 1834- 
1896. An Episcopal clergyman and 
educator of Sewanee, Tennessee, pro- 
fessor of metaphysics in the University 
of the South, and a Confederate officer 
in the Civil War. Infantry Tactics ; 
Artillery Division Drill; Elements of 

Shreve, Samuel Henry. N. J., 
1829-1884. A civil engineer of New 
York city. The Strength of Bridges 
and Roofs. 

Shreve, Thomas H . JD. C, 1808- 

1853. Cousin of S. H. Shreve, supra. 
A journalist of Louisville. Drayton, 
an American tale ; Poems. 

Shuck [shook], Mrs. Henrietta 
[Hall]. Va., 1817-1844. The wife 
of a missionary in China. Scenes in 
China (1852). See Life by Jeter, 1848. 

Shurtleff, Ernest Warburton. Ms., 
1862 . A Congregational clergy- 
man and verse-writer of Plymouth, 
Massachusetts. Poems ; Easter Gleams ; 
Song of Hope ; When I was a, ChUd ; 
New Year's Peace. 

Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet. 
Ms., 1810-1874. An antiquarian of 
Boston. Elements of Phrenology; A 
Perpetual Calendar of Old and New 
Style ; Topographical Description of 
Boston ; Passengers of the Mayflower 
in 1620, comprise his principal writings. 
With D. Pulsifer he edited The Re- 
cords of the Colony of New Plymouth, 
in twelve volumes. 

Sibler, Wilhelm. P., 1801-1885. A 
Lutheran clergyman of Missouri. Ser- 

mons on the Epistles and Gospels of 
the Christian Year. See Biography 
(Lebeslauf), 1880. 
Sibley, John Langdon. Me., 1804- 
1885. The librarian of Harvard Uni- 
versity, 1841-77. History of the Town 
of Union, Maine ; Biographical Sketches 
of Harvard University Graduates. 

Sidney, Margaret. See Lothrop, Mrs. 

Sigourney [sig'or-ni], Mrs. Lydia 
Howard [HuntlyJ. «., 1791-18B5. 
One of the most popular of the earlier 
American writers, but now quite neg- 
lected. Her fifty-three volumes of prose 
and verse were adapted to au uncritical 
audience that demanded only gentle 
feeling and excellence of intention, and 
they served their purpose well in their 
day. Her ve3rae is not without sweetness, 
but it never strays far beyond the realm 
of the commonplace. She was nearly all 
her life a resident of Hartford. Among 
her prose writings are, Myrtis ; Post 
Meridian ; Letters to My Pupils ; Let- 
ters to Young Ladies ; Traits of the 
Aborigines in America ; Letters of 
Life (1866). Other works are, Poca- 
hontas ; Moral Pieces in Prose and 
Verse ; Poetry for Children ; Zinzen- 
dorf, and Other Poems. See Griswold^s 
Female Poets of America ; Allibone''s 
Dictionary ; Stone's First Editions of 
American Authors. Har. 

Sikes, Mrs. Olive [Logan]. N. T., 
1841 . Wife of W. W. Sikes, in- 
fra. An actress and author, popular 
at one period as a lecturer. Photo- 
graphs of Paris Life ; Chateau Frissac, 
or Home Scenes in France ; ,Tohn Mor- 
ris's Money ; Somebody's Stockings ; 
Apropos of Women and Theatres ; Be- 
fore the Footlights and Behind the 
Scenes ; The Mimic World ; Get Thee 
Behind Me, Satan; They Met by 
Chance, a novel. 

Sikes, ■William "Wirt. N. Y., 1836- 
1883. A journalist of New York city 
who was consul at Cardiff, Wales, 1876- 
1883. British Goblins: Welsh Folk- 
Lore ; One Poor Girl ; Rambles and 
Studies in Old South Wales; Studies 
of Assassination. 

Sill, Edward Rowland. Ct., 1841- 
1887. A poet and educator of Cuya- 
hoga Falls, Ohio, professor in the Uni- 
Tersity of California, 1874-82. His 




verse is small jn quantity, but of rare 
quality. The Hermitag-e, and Other 
Poems; The Hermitage, and Later 
Poems ; Poems (containing The Venus 
of Milo, and other poems). See Mrs. 
E. Ward's Chapters from a Life. Ho. 

Sill, John Mahelon Berry. N. Y., 

1831 . A Michigan educator of 

prominence, principal of the State Nor- 
mal School. Synthesis of the English 
Sentence ; Practical Lessons in English. 

Silliman, Augustus Ely. B. Z, 1807- 
1884. Cousin of B. Silliman, 2d, infra. 
A banker of New York city who pub- 
lished A Gallop Among American 

Silliman, Benjamin. Ct, 1779-1864. 
A chemist of distinction, professor of 
chemistry at Yale University, 1802-.55, 
and the founder in 1818 of Silliman's 
Journal of Science and Art. Journal 
of Travels in England (1810) ; Narra- 
tive of a Visit to Europe (18.53) ; Ele- 
ments of Chemistry ; Consistency of 
Modern Geology with Sacred History. 
See Life by G. P. Fisher ; American 
Journal of Science., May^ 1865; Papu- 
lar Science Monthly, June, 1883. 

Silliman, Benjamin. Ct., 1816-1885. 
Son of B. Silliman, supra. A professor 
of chemistry at Yale University from 
1846 until his death, and editor of Silli- 
man's Journal. First Principles of 
Chemistry ; American Contributions to 
Chemistry ; Principles of Physics. 

Silloway, Thomas William. Ms., 

1828 . A Boston architect who 

became a Universalist minister in 1862. 
Theogonis ; Text-Book of Modem 
Carjjentry ; Warming and Ventilation ; 
Cathedral Towns of England (with L. 

Silsbee, Mrs. Marianne Cabot 
[Devereux]. 1812-1889. A Boston 
writer who published A Half Century 
in Salem, and several compilations of 
poems. Sou. 

Silver, Thomas. N. J., 1813-1888. 
A civil engineer well known as an in- 
ventor. A Trip to the North Pole, or 
Theory of the Origin of Icebergs. 

Simmons,'William Johnson. S. C, 
1849 . A Baptist minister of Afri- 
can birth who has published Men of 

Simms, Jeptha Root. Ct., 1807-1883. 
A once popular writer of Fort Plain, New 
York. History of Schoharie County ; 
The American Spy : Nathan Hale ; The 
Frontiersman ; Trappers of New York. 

Simms, Joseph. N. Y., 1833 . 

Nephew of J. K. Simms, infra. A writer 
on physiognomy. Nature's Revelations 
of Character ; Book of Scientific Lec- 
tures ; Health and Character ; Practi- 
cal and Scientific Physiognomy ; Hu- 
man Faces : What They Mean. 

Simms, William Gilmore. S. C, 
1806-1870. A voluminous romancer 
and verse-writer of Charleston, long 
popular but now little read. Among 
his thirty romances, The Partisan ; The 
Yemassee ; Guy Rivers ; Martin Faber ; 
Border Beagles ; Beauchampe, are as 
well known as any ; and of some twelve 
volumes of verse, Atalantis ; Lays of 
the Palmetto ; Areytos, or Songs and 
Ballads of the South, are the most 
characteristic. Other works of his in- 
clude, A History of South Carolina ; 
Lives of Marion, General Greene, Cap- 
tain John Smith, Chevalier Bayard. See 
Allibone's Dictionary ; Life by Trent. 
Stone's First Editions of American Au- 
thors. Lov. 

Simonds, W^illiam. "Walter Aim- 
well." Ms., 1822-1859. A Boston jour- 
nalist who was a very popular writer 
for young people. The Ainiwell Stories; 
The Boys' Own Guide; Boys' Book of 
Morals and Manners. 

Simpson, Edward. iV. F., 1824-1888. 
A naval officer of prominence, rear-ad- 
miral from 1884. Ordnance and Naval 
Gunnery ; The Naval Mission to Eu- 
rope ; Report of the Gun Foundry 

Simpson, Henry. Pa., 1790-1868. A 
Philadelphia author who published 
Lives of Eminent Philadelphians. 

Simpson, James Hervey. N. J., 
1813-1883. A colonel of engineers and 
brevet brigadier-general in the United 
States army. A Military Reconnoissance 
from Sante F^ to the Navajo Country in 
1849. The Shortest Route to California; 
Coronado' s March in Search of the Seven 
Cities of Cibola. Lip. 

Simpson, Matthew. O., 1811-1884. 
A Methodist bishop famous as a pulpit 
orator. Lectures on Preaching ; A Hun. 




dred Years of Methodism ; Sermons ; 
Cyolopsedia of Methodism. Sec Life of, 
by G. R. Crooks, supra. Har. Meth. 

Sims, Clifford Stanley. Pa., 1839- 
1896. A lawyer of Arkansas, and lat- 
terly of New Jersey, whose principal 
work is The Origin and Signification 
of Scottish Surnames. 

Sims, James Marion. S. C, 1813- 

1883. A celebrated surgeon of New 
York city to whose influence is due the 
establishment of gynaecology as a de- 
partment of medicine. Clinical Notes 
on Uterine Surgery ; Ovariotomy ; The 
Stoi-y of My Life. See Life of, by T. A. 
Emmet, supra. Ap. 

Sinclair, Carrie Bell. Ga., 1837- 

. A Terse-writer of Philadelphia. 

Poems ; Heart Whispers, or Echoes of 

Skene, Alexander Johnston Chal- 
mers. S., 1837 . A Brooklyn 

physician, professor of gynseeology in 
Long Island College Hospital from 

1884. Diseases of the Bladder in Wo- 
men ; Diseases of Women from the 
Standpoint of the Physician. Ap. 

Skinner, Charles Montgomery. N. 

Y., 1852 . A journalist and litte- 
rateur of Brooklyn, associate editor of 
The Eagle. Villon the Vagabond, and 
other plays ; Myths and Legends of 
Oar Own Land ; Nature in a City Yard. 
Cent. Lip. 
Skinner, Otis Ainsivorth. Ms., 
1807-1861. A Universalist minister of 
Boston and elsewhere. Family Prayer 
Book ; Sermons on Doctrinal Subjects ; 
Universalism Defended ; Letters on Re- 
vivals ; Moral Duties of Parents, are 
his principal works. See Life of, by T. 
B. Thayer, infra. 

Skinner, Thomas Harvey. N. C, 

1791-1871. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of New York city, professor of sacred 
rhetoric in Union Seminary, 1848-71. 
Religion of the Bible ; Aids to Preach- 
ing and Hearing ; Discussions in Theo- 
logy ; Thoughts on Evangelizing the 
World. Ran. 
Slade, Daniel Denison. Ms., 182.3- 
. A physician and scientist, pro- 
fessor of zoology at Harvard Univer- 
sity from 1871. Diphtheria ; its Nature 
and Treatment ; Twelve Days in the 
Saddle, a Journey in New England in 

1883. Evolution of Horticulture in New 
England. Put. 

Slaughter, Philip. Va., 1808-1890. 
Cousin of W. B. Slaughter, infra. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Vii'ginia, his- 
toriographer of the diocese. The Colo- 
nial Church in Virginia ; Man and Wo- 
man, are his most important writings. 

Slaughter, 'William Bank. Va., 
1798-1879. A Wisconsin lawyer of note 
who published Reminiscences of Dis- 
tinguished People I Have Met. 

Sleeper, John Sherburne. Ms., 
n94r-1878. A shipmaster and subse- 
quently a journalist of Boston, editor 
of The Journal, 1834-54. Tales of the 
Ocean ; Salt- Water Bubbles ; Jack in 
the Forecastle ; Mark Rowland, a Tale 
of the Sea. 

Slenker, Mrs. Emma [Drake]. N. 

Y., 1827 . A writer living at 

SnowvUle, Virginia. Studying the Bi- 
ble ; John's Way ; The Darwins ; Mary 
Jones ; Little Lessons for Little Folks. 

Slicer, Henry. Md., 1801-1874. A 
Methodist clergyman, eight times chap- 
lain of the United States Senate. Ap- 
peal on Christian Baptism ; Discourse 
on Duelling, which materially helped 
forward the passage of the anti-duelling 
law in Congress. 

Sloan, Samuel. N. C, 1815-1884. 
An architect of Philadelphia. City and 
Suburban Architecture ; Constructive 
Architecture ; The Model Architect ; 
Homestead Architecture. Rai. Lip. 

Sloane, Thomas O' Conor. N. Y., 

1851 . A chemist of New York 

city, on the editorial staff of The Scien- 
tific American. Home Experiments in 
Science ; Standard Electrical Diction- 

Sloane, William Milligan. O., 1850- 
. A professor of history at Colum- 
bia College. The French War and the 
Revolution ; Life of James M'Cosh, su- 
pra ; Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Cent. 

Slosson, Mrs. Annie [Trumbull]. 

Ct., 184 . An author of New York 

city noted for the excellence of her 
short stories, and also known as an en- 
tomologist whose specialty is the study 
of moths. Aunt Liefy ; Fishin' Jimmy ; 
Seven Dreamers ; The Heresy of Me- 




hetabel Clark ; Anna Malann ; The 
China Hunter's Club. Har. Ban. 

Sluter, George Ludewig. G., 1837- 

. A Lutheran olergyman, pastor 

at Arlington, New Jersey, from 1881. 
History of Our Beloved Church ; Life 
of Tiberius ; The Religion of Politics, 
are his principal writings. 

Smalley, Eugene Virgil. 0., 1841- 
. A journalist of St. Paul. His- 
tory of the Northern Pacific Railroad ; 
History of the Re^^ublican Party. 

Smalley, George Washburn. Ms., 

1833 . Anoted journalist who was 

the London correspondent of The New 
York Tribune, 1807-95, and from 1895 
American correspondent of The Lon- 
don Times. London Letters, and Some 
Others ; Studies of Men. Mar. 

Smalley, John. Ct, 1734-1820. A 
CongTegational clergyman, pastor at 
New Britaiu from 1758 till his death. 
National and Moral Inability ; Univer- 
sal Salvation. 

Smart, Mrs. Helen Hamilton [Gar- 
dener]. Va., 1853 . A Boston 

novelist whose writings are mainly con- 
cerned with the furtherance of social 
reforms. An Unofficial Patriot ; Is 
This Your Son, My Lord ? ; Facts and 
Fictions of Life ; Pray You, Sir, Whose 
Daughter ? ; Pushed by Unseen Hands ; 
A Thoughtless Yes ; The Fortunes of 
Margaret Weld. Ar. 

Smedes, Mrs. Susan [Dabney]. 

Mi. J 1840 . A Mississippi writer 

now living in Washington, whose Me- 
morials of a Southern Planter is nmch 
valued as an accurate picture of South- 
em life. 

Smith, Arthur Donaldson. Pa., 

1864 . An African explorer. 

Through Unknown African Countries. 

Smith, Ashbel. Ct., 1805-1886. A 
Texas politician and physician. Ac- 
count of the Geography of Texas ; Per- 
manent Identity of the Human Race. 

Smith, Augustus "William. N. Y., 
1802-1866. An educator who was pro- 
fessor of mathematics at Wesleyan 
University, 1831-51, and president of 
that institution from 1851. Elementary 
Treatise on Mechanics. 

Smith, Buckingham. Ga., 1810-1871. 
A Spanish- American scholar and anti- 
quary of note, twice secretary of the 

United States legation at Mexico, and 
after 1859 a lawyer in Florida. Among 
his many publications are, Grammati- 
cal Sketch of the Heve Language ; 
Grammar of the Pima, or Nevome ; 
Coleccion de Varies Documentos para 
la Historia de la Florida; Narratives 
of the Career of Hernando de Soto in 
the Conquest of Florida. 

Smith, Charles. Pa., 1765-1836. Son 
of William Smith, 1st, infra. A Phila- 
delphia lawyer who published a Trea- 
tise on the Land Laws of Philadelphia. 

Smith, Charles Adam. N. Y., 1809- 
1879. A Lutheran clergyman, pastor 
at Rhinebeck, New York, and else- 
where. The Catechumen's Guide ; Men 
of the Olden Time ; Before the Flood 
and After ; Among the Lilies ; Inlets 
and Outlets; Stoneridge, pastoral 
sketches ; Popular Exposition of the 
Gospels (with J. Morris). Lip. 

Smith, Charles Henry. " Bill Arp." 
Ga., 1826 . A lawyer and jour- 
nalist of Rome, Georgia, well known as 
a humourous contributor to The Atlan- 
ta Constitution. Bill Arp's Letters ; Bill 
Arp's Scrap Book : The Farm and the 
Fireside ; A Side Show of the Southern 
Side of the War ; Georgia as a Colony 
and State, 17:33-1893. Gi. 

Smith, Daniel. Ct, 1806-1852. A 
Methodist clergyman of New York 
State very active in the temperance 
cause. Wisdom in Miniature ; Gems 
of Female Biography ; Anecdotes for 
the Young ; Teachers' Assistant ; Lec- 
tures to Young Men ; Book of Man- 
ners; Anecdotes of the Christian Mi- 
nistry. Meth. 

Smith, Edward Delafield. N. Y., 
1826-1878. A lawyer of New York 
city. Avidae, a poem ; Destiny, a poem; 
Oratory, a poem ; Reports of Cases in 
the New York Court of Common Pleas ; 
Addresses to Juries in Slave Trade 

Smith, Eli. Ct, 1801-1857. A Con- 
gregational missionary at Beirut. Mis- 
sionary Researches in Armenia (1853) ; 
and an Arabic translation of the Bible. 

Smith, Ellas. Ct, 1769-1846. A Con- 
gregational clergyman of Massachu- 
setts. The Clergyman's Looking-Glass ; 
History of Anti-Christ ; Sermons on 
the Prophecies, are among his writings. 




Smith, Elihu Hubbard. Ct., 1771- 
1798. A physician and verse-writer of 
New York city. Edwin and Ang-elina, 
an opera ; American Poems, Original 
and Selected. 

Smith, Mrs. Ulizabeth Oakes 
[Prince]. Me., lSOO-1893. Wife of 
Seba Smith, infra. A once prominent 
writer of prose and verse, who was the 
jEirst woman lecturer in America. Her 
later years were passed in Hollywood, 
Soutli Carolina. Among her many 
works are. The Sinless Child, and Other 
Poems; The Newsboy, which first di- 
rected public attention to a hitherto 
neglected class; Riches Without Wings; 
Old New York, or Jacob Leisler, a tra- 
gedy ; Woman and Her Needs ; Bertha 
and Lily ; The Western Captive. 

Smith, Erasmus Peshine. N. Y., 

1814-18S2. A jurist and political eco- 
nomist. Manual of Political Economy. 

Smith, Mrs. Erminnie Adelle 
[Piatt]. N. Y., 1837-18S6. An eth- 
nologist who published an Iroquois- 
English dictionary. See Memorial, 1S90. 

Smith, Ethan. Ms., 17U2-1849. A 
Congregational clergyman, city mis- 
sionary of Boston, 18o2-49. A View 
of the Trinity ; A View of the Hebrews, 
in which the origin of the American 
Indians was traced to the ten tribes of 
Israel. See Sprague's Annals of the 
American Pulpit. 

Smith, Mrs. Eugenia M. [Bryce]. 

Vt, 1852 . A fiction-writer of 

Dubuque. Winsome but Wicked ; The 
Parson's Sin ; Our Money-Makers, a 
poultry book. 

Smith, Florence. N. Y., 1845-1871. 
A verse-writer of New York city who 
publi.shed Piero's Painting, and Other 

Smith, Mrs. Frances Irene [Burge]. 
See Griswold, Mrs. Frances. 

Smith, Francis Henney . Va. , 1812- 
1890. A Confederate officer who was 
professor of mathematics at Hampden 
Sidney College, Virginia, 1837-39, and 
superintendent of the Virginia Military 
Institute, 1839-61 ajid 1865-90. Best 
Methods of Conducting Common 
Schools ; College Reform ; and a series 
of algebras. 

Smith, Francis Hopkinson. Md., 
1838 . An artist, civil engineer. 

and popular litterateur of New York 
city. Well-Worn Roads of Spain, Hol- 
land, and Italy; Old Lines in New 
Black and White ; A White Umbrella 
in Mexico ; Colonel Carter of Cartei-s- 
ville, a novel ; A Day at Laguerre's, 
and Other Days; American Illustra^ 
tors ; Venice of To-Day ; A Gentleman 
Vagabond, and Some Others ; Tom Gro- 
gau. Hou. Scr. 

Smith, Gerrit. N. Y., 1797-1874. A 
famous philanthropist of Peterboro, 
New York, who was an ardent oppo- 
nent of slavery. Speeches in Congress ; 
Sermons and Speeches ; The Religion 
of Reason ; The Theologies ; Nature 
the Basis of a Free Theology. See Life 
of, by 0. B. Frothingham, supra. 

Smith, Gertrude. Cal., 18(3 . 

Sister of M. C. Smith, infra. A Boston 
writer, whose early life was spent in the 
West. The Rousing of Mrs. Potter, and 
Other Stories ; The Arabella and Ara- 
minta Stories ; Dedora Heywood. Cop. 
Bo. Hou. 

Smith, Gustavus Woodson. Ky., 
1822-1896. A Confederate general who 
lived in New York city from 1876. 
Notes on Life Insurance ; Confederate 
War Papers. 

Smith, Hamilton Lanphere. Ct., 

1819 . An educator who has been 

professor of natural philosophy at Ho- 
bart College from 1868. Natural Phi- 
losophy ; First Lessons in Astronomy 
and Geology. 

Smith, Henry Boynton. Me., 1815- 
1877. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
eminence as a theologian, and professor 
of systematic theology in Union Semi- 
nary, New York city, 1854-74. Faith 
and Philosophy ; Apologetics ; Chrono- 
logical History of the Church of Christ ; 
Introduction to Christian Theology ; 
System of Christian Theology. See 
Life and Work of, 1881 ; Life by 
Stearns, 1892. Scr. 

Smith, Henry HoUingsworth. Pa., 

1815 . A siirgeon of Philadelphia. 

Minor Surgery ; System of Operative 
Surgery ; Practice of Surgery ; Profes- 
sional Visit to London and Paris. 

Smith, Herbert Huntington. N.Y., 

1851 . A scientist who has been 

engaged upon geological surveys in 




Ohio, New York, and Brazil. Brazil, 
the Amazons, and the Coast. Scr. 

Smith, Horace Wemyss. Pa., 1825- 

. Son of R. P. Smith, infra. A 

Philadelphia journalist whose principal 
works include. Nuts for Future Histo- 
rians to Crack ; Yorktown Orderly- 
Book ; Life of Eeverend WiUiam Smith, 

Smith, James. I., v. 1720-1806. A 
lawyer of York, Pennsylvania, who was 
one of the signera of the Declaration of 
Independence. He wrote The Consti- 
tutional Power of Great Britain over 
the Colonies in America, which mate- 
rially aided the cause of the patriots. 

Smith, James. Pa., 1737-1812. A 
once noted Kentucky pioneer. Sha- 
kerism Developed ; Shakerism Detect- 
ed; Remarkahle Adventures in the 
Life of Colonel James Smith ; Mode 
and Manner of Indian War. See bibli- 
ography of Ohio. 

Smith, Jerome Van Croivniii- 
shield. N. H., 1800-1879. A phy- 
sician of Boston, where he was mayor 
in 1854, and suhseqiiently of New York 
city. Class Book of Anatomy ; Life of 
Andrew Jackson ; Natural History of 
the Fishes of Massachusetts ; Pilgrim- 
age to Palestine; Turkey and the 
Turks ; The Ways of Women. 

Smith, Job Lewis. N.Y., 1827 . 

A physician of New York city who 
wrote a Treatise on Diseases of Chil- 

Smith, John. ^.,1.579-1631. A cele- 
brated sea captain and adventurer who 
was one of the founders of Virginia, and 
of the company who settled at James- 
town in 1607. He was a forcible, vigou- 
rous writer, much given to magnify- 
ing his own exploits, and not always to 
be trusted in the absence of other tes- 
timony. A True Relation of Virginia ; 
The Generall Historic of Virginia, which 
is partly original and partly compiled ; 
A Map of Virginia, with a Description 
of the Country ; A Description of New 
England (1616) ; An Accidence, or 
Pathway to Experience ; A Sea Gram- 
mar ; The True Travels of Captain 
John Smith, a work in which his ima- 
gination is under very little restraint as 
regards facts. See Lives by Hillard 
in Sparks's American Biography, Mrs. 
Robinson, 1S45, Simms, 1S46, Deane, 

1859, Warner, 1881, True, 188S ; Tyler's 
American Literature; North American 
Seview, January, 1867; Appletons' 
American Biography. 

Smith, John. N. S., 1752-1809. A 
Congregational minister and educator, 
professor of languages at Dartmouth 
College and college pastor, 1778-1809, 
as well as librarian of the college for 
some thirty years. He was the author 
of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Gram- 
mars, as well as some minor publica- 
tions. See Memoir by his Wife, 1815. 

Smith, John Augustine. Fa., 1782- 
1865. A physician of New York city, 
previously president of William and 
Mary College, 1814^26. Mutations of 
the Earth ; Moral and Physical Sci- 
ence ; Functions of the Nervous Sys- 

Smith, John Cotton. Ms., 1826- 

1882. An Episcopal clergyman of New 
York city, rector of the Church of the 
Ascension, 1860-82. The Church's 
Law of Development ; Certain Aspects 
of the Church ; Miscellanies ; Old and 
New ; The Liturgy as a Basis of Union. 

Smith, John Hyatt. N. Y., 1824- 
ISSO. A prominent Baptist clergyman 
of Brooklyn, a member of Congress, 
1880-82. Gilead ; The Open Door. 

Smith, John Jay. N. J., 1798-1881. 
A librarian of Philadelphia who edited 
many works, and was author of Notes 
for a History of the Library Company 
of Philadelphia; A Summer's Jannt 
Across the Water ; Historical and Lite- 
rary Curiosities (with J. F. Watson). 

Smith, John Lawrence. S. C, 1818- 

1883. A chemist of note who was pro- 
fessor of chemistry in the University 
of Louisville. Mineralogy and Chemis- 
try : Original Researches. 

Smith, John Talbot. N. Y., 1855- 

. A Roman Catholic clergyman 

in the diocese of Ogdensburg. History 
of Ogdensburg Diocese ; A Woman of 
Culture, a novel ; Solitary Island, a 
novel ; Prairie Boy, a juvenile tale ; 
Our Seminaries : an essay on Clerical 

Smith, Joseph. Pa., 1796-1868. A 
Presbyterian clergyman, once promi- 
nent in western Pennsylvania. History 
of Jefferson College ; Old Redstone, or 
Historical Sketches of Western Presby- 




Smith, Joseph Edward Adams. 

"Godfrey Greylook." 1822-1896. A 
writer of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. 
Taghconic : the Romance and Beauty 
of the Hills ; A History of Paper. 
Smith, Joseph Mather. N. Y., 1789- 
1866. A physician of New York city. 
Elements of the Etiology and Philoso- 
phy of Epidemics ; Illustrations of Me- 
dical Phenomena in Public Life. 

Smith, Judson. Ms., 1837- 

Congregational clergyman and ednca^ 
tor, secretary of the American Board 
of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 
from 18S4. Lectures in Church History ; 
Lectures on Modern History. 

Smith, Justin Almerin. iV.r.,1819- 
1896. A Baptist clergyman of Chicago, 
editor of The Standard from 1853. The 
Martyr of Vilvorde ; Sinclair Thomp- 
son, the Shetland Apostle ; The Spirit 
in the Word ; Modern Church History ; 

Smith, Mrs. Luella [Dowd]. Ms., 

1847 . A verse-writer of Hudson, 

New Ycffk. Wayside Leaves ; Wind 

Smith, Mrs. Lura Eugenie 

[Brown]. JV. Y., 1864 . A 

journalist of Little Rock. On the 
Track and Off the Train. 

Smith, Mrs. Margaret [Bayard]. 
Pa., 1778-1844. Wife of S. H. Smith, 
infra, and once a social leader in Wash- 
ington. A Winter in Washington ; 
What is Gentility ? 

Smith, Mrs. Mary Louise [Riley]. 
N. Y., 1842 . A popular verse- 
writer of New York city. Sometime, 
and Other Poems ; The Inn of Rest ; A 
Gift of Gentians, and Other Verses ; 
Cradle and Armchair. Han. 

Smith, Mrs. Mary Prudence 
[Wells]. "P. Thome." N.Y.,1840- 

. A Cincinnati writer for young 

people. The Browns; Child Life on 
a Farm ; Jolly Good Times at School ; 
Jolly Good Times at Hackmatack ; 
More Good Times at Hackmatack ; 
Miss Ellis's Mission. A. U. A. Rob. 

Smith, Mrs. Mary Stuart [Harri- 
son]. Pa., 1834 ;. The wife of 

a professor at the University of Vir- 
ginia. She has made many translations 
from the German and French, and has 

also published, Heirs of the Kingdom ; 
Virginia Cookery Book. I£ar. 

Smith, Matthew Hale. Me., 1810- 
1879. Son of Elias Smith, supra. A 
clergyman of the Universalist and sub- 
sequently of the Presbytenan and other 
faiths, who was also a' lawyer and a 
brilliant journalist, known as " Bur- 
leigh," Universalism Examined, Re- 
nounced, and Exposed; Universalism 
not of God ; Sabbath Evenings ; Mount 
Calvary ; Sunshine and Shadow in New 
York ; Bulls and Bears of Wall Street, 
include his chief works. 

Smith, Minna Caroline. Cal, 1860- 

. A journalist of Boston. The 

Boys of Gary Farm, a juvenile tale ; 
Trilby, the Fairy of Argyle, from the 
French of Nodier. Lam. Lo. 

Smith, Nathan. N. H., 1762-1828. 
A physician who was a medical profes- 
sor in Dartmouth College, 1798-1813. 
Practical Essays on Typhus Fever; 
Medical and Surgical Memoirs. 

Smith, Nathan Ryno. N. H., 1797- 
1877. Son of N. Smith, supra. A pro- 
fessor of surgery in the University of 
Maryland, 1840-70. Surgical Anatomy 
of the Arteries ; Legends of the South, 
are among his works. 

Smith, Oliver Hampton. N. J., 
1794-1859. A once prominent United 
States senator from Indiana. Recol- 
lections of a Congressional Life ; Early 
Indian Trials. 

Smith, Persifer Frazer. Pa., 1808- 
1882. A lawyer of Philadelphia. Forms 
of Procedure in Pennsylvania Courts ; 
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Reports, 

Smith, Richard Penn. Pa., 1790- 
1854. Grandson of William Smith, 1st, 
infra. A lawyer and dramatist of Phi- 
ladelphia, fifteen of whose plays were 
placed on the stage, and were once 
popular, Caius Marius being one of the 
best. He wrote also The Forsaken, a 
novel ; The Actress of Padua, and Other 
Tales; Lives of Crockett and Martin 
Van Buren. His complete works in 
four volumes were issued in 1888. 

Smith, Richard Somers. Pa., 1813- 
1877. A soldier and educator, presi- 
dent of Girard College, 1863-68, and 
for the last seven years of his life in 
charge of the department of drawing 




at the United States Naval Academy. 
Manual of Topographical Drawing; 
Manual of Linear Perspective. 

Smith, Richmond Mayo. O., 1854- 

. A professor of political economy 

at Columbia College from 1883. Sta- 
tistics and Economies ; Emigration and 
Immigration ; Statistics and Sociology. 
Mac. Scr. 

Smith, Samuel. TV. J., 1720-1766. A 
colonial treasurer of the province of 
West Jersey, who published a History 
of Nova Csesarea, or New Jersey, from 
its Settlement to 1721. 

Smith, Samuel Francis. Ms., 1808- 
1895. A Baptist clergyman near Bos- 
ton, who wrote much religious verse, 
but will probably be longest remem- 
bered for the familiar ' ' My Country, 
'tis of thee." He published, for ju- 
venile readers and others. Knights and 
Sea Kings ; Mythology and Early Greek 
History ; Noble Workers ; Poor Boys 
who Became Great ; Rambles in Mis- 
sion Fields. Lo. 

Smith, Samuel Stanhope. Pa., 
1750-1819. A Presbyterian divine, 
president of Princeton College, 179J— 
1812. Lectures on the Evidences of the 
Christian Religion ; Moral and Politi- 
cal Philosophy ; Sermons ; Comprehen- 
sive View of Natural and Revealed Re- 
ligion ; On the Variety of Complexion 
and Figure of the Human Species, 
which was much noticed in its day. 

Smith, Mrs. Sarah Louisa [Hick- 
man]. 3fcA., 1811-1832. A Cincinnati 
verse-writer whose Poems appeared in 

Smith, Seba. " Jack Downing.'' Me., 
1792-1868. A journalist of Portland, 
Maine, and, after 1842, of New York 
city, very popular as a huuiourist in the 
earlier part of his career. The Letters 
of Major Jack Downing ; Powhatan, a 
metrical romance ; New Elements of 
Geometry ; Way Down East, or Por- 
traitures of Yankee Life ; My Thirty 
Years Out of the Senate ; Dew-Drops 
of the Nineteenth Century. 

Smith, Sebastian Bach. G., 184.5- 
1895. A Roman Catholic clergyman at 
Paterson, New Jersey. Elements of 
Ecclesiastical Law ; New Procedure in 
Criminal and Disciplinary Causes of 
Ecclesiastics in the United States. 

Smith, Solomon Franklin. N. Y., 

lSUl-1869. A once popular low co- 
median who left the stage in 1853, 
and was afterward a noted lawyer of 
St. Louis. Theatrical Apprenticeship ; 
Theatrical Journey Work; Autobio- 
graphy (1868). Bar. 

Smith, Stephen. N. Y., 182.S . 

A New York surgeon, professor of cli- 
nical surgery in the University of the 
City of New York from 1874. Hand- 
book of Surgical Operations ; Princi- 
ples of Operative Surgery. 

Smith, Uriah. N. H., 1832 . A 

Seventh Day Adventist writer of Bat- 
tle Creek, Michigan. Looking Unto 
Jesus ; Here and Hereafter ; The Des- 
tiny of the Wicked ; Nature and Destiny 
of Man ; A Word for the Sabbath 
(verse) ; The United States in the Light 
of Prophecy ; Daniel and the Revela- 
tion, a very popular work, the sale of 
which has reached 72,000 copies ; The 
Sure Foundation ; Scripture Pathways 
Cleared of Stumbling-Stones. 

Smith, William. S., 1721-1803. An 
Ej^iscopal clergyman of Philadelphia 
who came to America from Scotland in 
1751, and in 1754 was made first provost 
of the University of Pennsylvania. A 
General Idea of the College of Mirania 
first brought him to the knowledge of 
Franklin, who was then laying plans 
for the university. He was author, also, 
of Brief Account of the Province of 
Pennsylvania ; Sermons ; Discourses on 
Public Occasions. See Tyler^s American 
Literature ; Life and Correspondence of 
H. W.Smith, supra; Fisher's Pennsyl- 
vania : Colony and Commonwealth. 

Smith, William. N. Y., 1728-1793. 
A jurist of New York city who was a 
loyalist during the Revolution, and in 
1786 was appointed chief justice of 
Canada. History of the Province of 
New York from its Discovery to 1732. 
See Tyler's American Literature. 

Smith, William. S., 1754-1821. Ne- 
phew of W. Smith, 1st, supra. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Newport, 
Rhode Island, and elsewhere, of some 
note as an educator in his day. Essays 
on the Christian Ministry. See Sprague's 
Annals of the American Pulpit. 

Smith, William Andrew. Va., 1802- 
1870. A Methodist clergyman of Vir- 
ginia whose Lectures on the Philosophy 




and Practice of Slavery are considered 
the ablest presentation of the pro-sla- 
very side of the question. 

Smith, William Farrar. Vt, 1824- 

. A brevet major-general in the 

United States army who resig-ned in 
1867. From Chattanooga to Peters- 
burg under Generals Grant and Butler. 

Smith, William Henry. O., 1833- 
1896. A journalist of Cincinnati, sub- 
sequently collector of Chicago. The 
St. Clair Papers ; Political History of 
the United States. 

Smith, William Loughton. S. C, 
1758-1812. A diplomatist who was 
minister to Portugal (1797-1800) and 
to Spain (1800-01), and an active Fede- 
ralist politician. Speeches; Compara- 
tive View of the Constitutions of the 
States ; American Arguments for Bri- 
tish Rights. 

Smith, William L G . Vt., 

1814 . Uncle Tom's Cabin as It Is. 

Smith, William Rudolph. Pa., 1787- 

A Wisconsin lawyer, author of 
Observations on Wisconsin Territory, 
1831 ; History of Wisconsin. 

Smith, William Russell. Al, 1813- 
. A lawyer of Tuscaloosa, Ala- 
bama, who was a congressman prior to 
the Civil War, and during that period 
sat in the Confederate congress. The 
Alabama Justice ; The Uses of Solitude, 
a poem ; As It Is, a novel ; Condensed 
Alabama Reports. 

Smith, Worthington. Ms., 1795- 
1856. A Congregational clergyman of 
Vermont, pastor at St. Albans, 1823- 
1849, and president of the University 
of Vermont, 1849-56. His Select Ser- 
mons were much read. See Memoir by 
Torrey, 1861. 

Smith, Zachariah Frederick. Ky., 
1827 . An educator who was su- 
perintendent of public instruction in 
Kentucky for four years and author of 
a History of Kentucky. 

Smock, John Conover. N. J., 1842- 

. A geologist, assistant in charge 

of the New York State Museum from 
1885. Report on Clay Deposits ; On 
Building-Stones in New York. 

Smyth, Albert Henry. Pa., 1863- 

. An educator of Philadelphia, 

professor of English at the Central 

High School from 1886. Life of Bay- 
ard Taylor. Hou. 

Smyth, Egbert Coffin. Me., 1829- 

. Son of W. Smyth, injfra. A 

Congregational clergyman prominent 
among liberal thinkers in his denomi- 
nation, and professor of ecclesiastical 
history at Andover Seminary from 
1863. The Value of the Study of 
Church History in Ministerial Educa- 
tion ; translation of Uhlhorn's Conflict 
of Christianity and Heathenism (with 
W. Ropes). 

Smyth, Herbert Weir. Del, 1857- 

. A professor of Greek in Bryn 

Mawr College from 18SS. Der Diph- 
thong EI in Griech ; Sounds and In- 
flections of the Greek Dialects. Mac. 

Smyth, Julian Kennedy. N. Y., 
1856 . A Swedenborgian clergy- 
man of Boston. Footprints of the Sa- 
viour ; Holy Names as Interpretations 
of the Story of the Manger and the 
Cross. Rob. 

Smyth, [Samuel] Newman [PhU- 

lips]. Me., 184.3 . Son of W. 

Smyth, infra. A Congregational clergy- 
man of prominence and of liberal the- 
ology, pastor of the First Church at 
New Haven from 1882. Old Faiths in 
New Light ; The Orthodox Theology of 
To-Day ; The Religious Peeling ; The 
Morality of the Old Testament ; Per- 
sonal Creeds ; Christian Ethics ; Dorner 
on the Future State ; the Reality of 
Faith. Cas. Scr. 

Smyth, Thomas. I., 1808-1873. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of Charleston, 
pastor of the Second Church, 1832-73, 
and very active as a controversialist, 
among whose many writings are. Lec- 
tures on the Prelatical Doctrine of the 
Apostolical Succession ; History of the 
Westminster Assembly ; Why Do I 
Live ? ; Solace for Bereaved Parents ; 
Calvin and his Enemies ; Ecclesiastical 

Smyth, William. Me., 1797-1868. 
An educator whowasprofessor of mathe- 
matics at Bowdoin College from 1825. 
Elements of Algebra ; Treatise on Al- 
gebra ; Trigonometry, Surveying, and 
Navigation; Elements of Analytical 
Geometry ; Elements of the DlfEeren- 
tial and Integral Calculus ; Lectures 
on Modern History. 

Snead, Thomas Lowndes. Fa., 1828- 




1890. A St. Louis lawyer who served 
in the Confederate army, and after 1865 
resumed his profession in New York 
city. The Fig-ht for Missouri in IStil. 

Snelling, Henry Hunt. N. Y., 1817- 

. Brother of W. J. Snelling, infra. 

A writer living at Cornwall, New York, 
from 1871. History and Practice of 
Photography ; Dictionary of the Pho- 
tographic Art. 

Snelling,William Joseph, ilfs.,1804- 
1848. A journalist of Boston. The Polar 
Regions of the Western Continent Ex- 
plored ; Truth : a Satirical Poem ; Six 
Months in a House of Correction. 

Snethen, Nicholas. L.I., 1769-1845. 
A Methodist itinerant preacher, active 
in the formation of the Methodist Pro- 
testant denomination. Preaching the 
Gospel ; Lay Representation ; Lectures 
on Biblical Subjects. See Sprague's An- 
nals of the American Pulpit. 

Snider, Denton Jaques. O., 1841- 

: A literary lecturer of St. Louis. 

System of Shakespeare's Dramas ; A 
Walk in Hellas ; Delphic Days, an idyl 
in the elegiac distich ; Agamemnon's 
Daughter, a classic romantic poem ; An 
Epigrammatic Voyage ; Goethe's Faust : 
a Commentary ; The Shakespearean 

Snively, William Andre'w. Pa., 

1833 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of Louisville. Family Prayers for the 
Christian Year ; Testimonies to the Su- 
pernatural ; Parish Lectures on the 
Prayer Book ; Esthetics in Worship ; 
The Oherammergau Passion Play. Wh. 

Snow, Caleb Hopkins. Ms., 1796- 
18.35. A Boston physician who pub- 
lished A History of Boston ; Geography 
of Boston and Adjacent Towns. 

Snow, Marshall Solomon. Ms., 

1842 . A professor of history in 

Washington University, author of The 
City Government of St. Louis. J. H. U. 

Snowden, James Ross. Pa., 1810- 
1878. A numismatist who was director 
of the mint, 1856-61. The Mint at 
Philadelphia; The Mint Manual of 
Coins ; 'The Coins of the Bible and its 
Money Terms; Medals; The Corn- 
planter Memorial. Lip. 

Soley, James Russell. Ms., 1850- 

. An educator, professor at the 

Naval Academy, 1871-82, and lecturer 

on international law at Newport Na- 
val College from 1885. The Rescue 
of Greeley (with W. Schley, supra) ; 
Foreign Systems of Education ; The 
Blockade and the Cruisers ; The Boys 
of 1812 and Other Naval Heroes ; His- 
tory of the Naval Academy; The Sailor 
Boys of '61. Est. Scr. 

Somerville, William Clarke. Md., 
1790-1826. A writer -who was ap- 
pointed minister to Sweden, but died 
before reaching there and was buried 
at the Marquis Lafayette's home at La- 
grange. Letters from Paris on the 
Causes of the French Revolution. 

Sophocles, Evangelinus Aposto- 
lides. Gr., 1807-1883. A Greek scholar 
of distinction, professor at Harvard Uni- 
versity, 1849-83. His chief work is a 
Greek Lexicon of the Roman and By- 
zantine Periods ; and among his other 
publications are, Greek Grammar for 
Learners ; History of the Greek Alpha- 
bet. Scr. 

Sotheran, Charles. E., 1847 . 

An English lithographer who came to 
America in 1874, and, settling in New 
York city, engaged in journalism. Ales- 
sandro di Cagliostro : Impostor or Mar- 
tyr ; Shelley as Philosopher and Re- 

Soule [soo^ay], Mrs. Caroline Au- 
gusta [White]. N. Y., 1824 . 

The widow of a Universalist minister 
who entered the ministry herself, was 
the first foreign missionary of that de- 
nomination, and in 1888 was in charge 
of a congregation in Glasgow, Scotland. 
House Life ; The Pet of the Settle- 
ment ; Wine or Water. 

Soule [sole], Richard. Ms., 1812- 
1877. A lexicographer of Boston. Ma- 
nual of English Pronunciation (with 
W. H. Wheeler, infra) ; Dictionary of 
English Synonyms ; Pronouncing Hand- 
book (with L. Campbell). Xe. 

Southgate, Horatio. Me., 1812-1894. 
The first and only Protestant Episcopal 
bishop of Constantinople. He was con- 
secrated in 1844, but resigned his office 
in 1850, and held various rectorships 
subsequently, including that of Zion 
Church, New York city, 1859-72, in 
which latter year he retired from active 
duties. The Cross Above the Crescent ; 
Parochial Sermons ; Narrative of a Tour 
Through Armenia, etc.; The War in the 



East ; Practical Directions for the Ob- 
servance of Lent. 

South-worth, Mrs. Emma Dorothy- 
Eliza [Nevitte]. D. C, 1818 . 

A Toluminous writer of sensational ro- 
mances, mainly of Southern life and 
some sixty in number, for many years a 
resident of Washing-ton, but since 1870 
of Yonkers, New York. The literary 
merit of her works is very slender. 
They were in nearly every case first 
issued serially in The New York Ledger, 
and have been very popular amongst 
uncritical readers. Among- them are, 
Ishmael ; The Widow's Son ; Retribu- 
tion; The Family Doom. See Hart's 
American Literature. 

Spaeth [spat], Adolph. Wg., 1839- 
. A prominent Lutheran clergy- 
man of Philadelphia, pastor of St. 
John's Church from 1867. Die Evan- 
gelien des Kirchenjahrs ; Brosamen von 
des Herrn Tiscbe ; Saarkorner ; Luther 
in Lied seiner Zeitgenossen ; Phcsbe 
the Deaconess ; Liederlust ; Faith and 
Life Represented by Luther ; Annota- 
tions on the Gospel according to St. 

Spahr, Charles Barzillai. O., 1860- 

. A political economist, associate 

editor of The Outlook from 1886. The 
Distribution of American Wealth. Cr. 

Spalding, John Franklin. Me., 1828- 

. The first Protestant Episcopal 

bishop of the diocese of Colorado. The 
Threefold Ministry ; Manual of Prayers ; 
The Church and its Apostolic Ministry. 

Spalding, John Lancaster. Ky., 

1840 . Nephew of M. T. Spalding, 

infra.- The Roman Catholic bishop of 
Peoria, and widely known as a thought- 
ful essayist and educator. Life of Arch- 
bishop Spalding ; Essays and Reviews ; 
Religious Mission of the Irish People 
and Catholic Colonization; Lectures 
and Discourses ; America, and Other 
Poems ; The Poet's Praise ; Education 
and the Higher Life ; Means and Ends 
of Education ; Things of the Mind ; 
Songs, chiefly from the German. Mg. 

Spalding, Lyman. N. H., 1775-1821. 
A physician at Portsmouth, in his native 
State, and subsequentiy of New York 
city, who was one of the early advo- 
cates of vaccination. Reflections on 
Fever ; Reflections on Yellow Fever 

Spalding, Martin John. Ky., 1810- 
1872. A Roman Catholic archbishop 
of Baltimore, 1864-72, active as a con- 
troversialist. Review of D'Aubign^'s 
History of the Reformation ; Modern 
Civilization ; Evidences of Catholicity ; 
Life of Bishop Flaget ; Early Catholic 
Missions in Kentucky ; Miscellanea. 
See Life by J. L. Spalding, supra ; 
Gross's Sketches of Contemporaries. 

Spalding, Mrs. Susan [Marr]. Me., 
18 . A verse-writer of Philadel- 
phia whose poems are much above the 
level of average verse. The Wings of 
Icarus, and Other Poems. Sob. 

Sparha-w-k, Frances Campbell. 
Me., 1847 . A novelist and phi- 
lanthropist of Newton, Massachusetts, 
who has written much in behalf of the 
Indian cause. A Chronicle of Conquest, 
a romance of the Indian school at Car- 
lisle ; Littie Polly Blatohley ; Miss 
West's Class in Geography ; Elizabeth, 
a colonial romance ; The Query Club ; 
A Lazy Man's Work ; Onoqua, an In- 
dian Story ; Senator Intrigue and In- 
spector Nosely. Le. Lo. 

Sparks, Jared. Ct., 1789-1866. A 
Unitarian clergyman, pastor at Balti- 
more, 1819-23, professor of history at 
Harvard University, 1839-49, and presi- 
dent of Harvard University, 1849-53. 
He is best known by the American 
Biography which he edited, and of 
which he was in part the author. It 
includes sixty lives, of which he wrote 
those of Ethan Allen ; Benedict Arnold ; 
Marquette ; La Salle ; Pulaski ; Ri- 
bault ; Charles Lee ; Ledyard. He was 
also author of a Life of Gouvemeur 
Morris. He published editions of the 
works of Franklin and Washington, 
with notes and life of each ; and also 
Correspondence of the American Revo- 
lution. His editing has been some- 
times criticised because he occasionally 
toned down passages of unorthodox 
■vigour and corrected the spelling of his 
subjects, but his eminent merits in other 
respects have been generally recog- 
nized. See Lives by Mayer, supra, 1867 ; 
G. E. Ellis, supra, 1869; Herbert Adams, 
supra. Har. 

Sparks, William Henry. Ga.,1800- 
1882. A Mississippi planter, after 1850 
a lawyer of New Orleans, who pub- 
lished Memories of Fifty Years. He 




was a popular Terse-writer, his best- 
known poems being, Somebody's Dar- 
ling- ; The Dying Year. 

Spaulding, Elbridge Gerry. N. T., 
1809-1897. A banker of BufPalo, au- 
thor of a History of Legal Tender 
Money During the Great Rebellion. 

Spaulding, Henry George. Ms., 

ls;37 . A Unitarian clergyman of 

Massachusetts, among whose writings 
are, The Teachings of Jesus ; Later 
Heroes of Israel ; Forty Hymns and 
their Authors. 

Spaulding, Solomon. Ct., 1761-1816. 
A Congregational clergyman of New 
England who left the ministry in 179.5 
and was subsequently an iron-founder 
at Conneaut, Ohio, where he wrote a 
romance called The Manuscript Found, 
pubhshed in 1812, and sometimes as- 
serted to be the basis of the Mormon 
Bible. See Patterson's, Who Wrote the 
Mormon Bible 1 1SS2. 

Spear, Charles. Ms., 1801-186.3. A 
Universalist minister of Boston active 
in prison reform. Names and Titles of 
Christ; Essays on the Punishment of 
Death ; Plea for Discharged Convicts ; 
Voices from Prison. 

Spear, Samuel Thayer. iV. Y., 1812- 
1891. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Brooklyn, editor of The New York In- 
dependent from 1871. Family Power ; 
Religion and the State ; Constitution- 
ality of the Legal Tender Act ; The 
Law of the Federal Judiciary ; The 
Law of Extradition; The Bible Hea- 
ven. Fu. 

Spears, John Randolph. O., 1850- 

. A ;journalist of New York city. 

The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn ; The 
Port of Missing Ships, and Other Sto- 
ries of the Sea. Mac. Put. 

Speed, John Gilmer. Ky., ISS.V 

. A journalist of New York city. 

Life of Keats. 

Speer, William. Pa., 1822 . A 

Presbyterian missionary in China. 
China and the United States ; The 
Great Revival of 1800 ; God's Rule for 
Christian Giving. 

Spencer, Mrs. Bella Zilfa. E., 1840- 
1867. A novelist who was the first 
wife of General George E. Spencer, for- 
merly of the United States army. Ora, 

the Lost Wife ; Tried and True ; Sur- 
face and Depth. 

Spencer, Mrs. Cornelia [Phillips]. 

N. Y., 1825 . A North Carolina 

writer who published The Last Ninety 
Days of the War in North Carolina; 
History of North Carolina. 

Spencer, Ichabod Smith. Vt., 
1798-1854. A Presbyterian clergy- 
man prominent in Brooklyn for many 
years. A Pastor's Sketches ; Sermons ; 
Sacramental Discourses ; Evidences of 
Divine Revelation. 

Spencer, Jesse Ames. N. Y., 1816- 

. An Episcopal clergyman and 

educator, professor in the College of the 
City of New York, 1869-83, and editor 
of many valuable classical text-books. 
His other works include, History of 
the English Reformation ; History of 
the United States, a very popular 
work ; Sermons ; Discourses ; The East : 
Sketches of Travel in Egypt and the 
Holy Land ; Greek Praxis ; Five Last 
Things ; Studies in Eschatology ; Pa- 
palism vs. Catholic Truth ; Memorabi- 
lia of Sixty-Five Years, 1820-86. Wh. 

Spencer, Mrs. Sara [Andreivs]. 

N. Y., 1837 . A prominent wo- 
man-suffragist of Washington, proprie- 
tor of the Spencerian Business College. 
Problems on the Woman Question ; 
Lessons in the English Language. 

Spencer, Thomas. Ms., 1793-1857. 
A physician who was medical professor 
at Hobart College, 1835-57. Lectures 
on Vital Chemistry ; Practical Observa- 
tions on Epidemic Diarrhoea known as 
Cholera. See Memoir of, by S. Willard, 

Spencer, Mrs. William Loring 

[Nunez]. FL, 18 . A writer 

who is the second wife of General 
George E. Spencer, formerly of the 
United States army. Salt Lake Fruit ; 
The Story of Mary, republished as 
Dennis Day ; A Plucky One ; Calamity 
Jane. Cas. 

Spitzka, EdTward Charles. N. Y., '. 

1852 . A physician of New York ' 

city eminent as a neurologist. Insanity, 
its Classification, Diagnosis, and Treat- 

Spofford, AinsTvorth Rand. iV. 
H., 182.5 . The librarian of Con- 
gress, and editor of The American 




Almanac and Treasury of Facts. Li- 
braj-y of Choice Literature ; Library 
of Historical Characters. 

Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth 

[Prescott]. Me., 1835 . A 

novelist and poet of Newburyport whose 
best work in both prose and verse is 
markedly original, and characterized 
by striking luxuriance of description. 
Azarian ; Sir Rohan's Ghost ; The Am- 
ber Gods, and Other Stories ; New Eng- 
land Legends ; The Thief in the Night ; 
The Marquis of Carabas, a romance ; 
A Lost Jewel ; Hester Stanley at St. 
Mark's, a story for girls ; The Scarlet 
Poppy, and Other Stories ; Art Decora- 
tion Applied to Furniture ; Home and 
Hearth ; Essays on the Domestic Rela- 
tions ; Three Heroines of New England 
(with Alice Brown, supra, and L. Gui- 
ney, swpra) ; The Servant Girl Question ; 
A Master Spirit ; Ballads About Au- 
thors ; Poems ; In Titans' Garden, and 
Other Poems. See Atlantic Monthly, 
April, 1882. Cop. Bo. Bar. Hon. Le. 
Rob. Scr. 

Spooner, Lysander. Ms., 1808-188Y. 
A lawyer of Boston prominent as an 
abolitionist. Our Finances ; The De- 
ist's Reply to the Alleged Supernatural 
Evidences of Christianity ; A Defence 
for Fugitive Slaves ; Unconstitution- 
ality of Slavery ; The Law of Prices ; 
Poverty : Causes and Cure. 

Spooner, Shearjashub. Vt., 1809- 
1859. A dentist of New York city. 
Guide to Sound Teeth ; Surgical and 
Mechanical Dentistry ; Biographical 
and Critical Dictionary of Painters, 
Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects ; 
Anecdotes of Painters. 

Sprague, Alfred "White. Sh., 1821- 

. A Boston chemist who published 

Chemical Experiments; Elements of 
Natural Philosophy. 

Sprague, Charles. Ms., 1791-1875. 
A cashier of the Globe Bank, Boston, 
1825-65, well known in his life-time as 
a verse-writer, and still pleasantly re- 
membered for the genuine sentiment in 
such poems as The Family Meeting and 
The Winged Worshippers, though an 
Ode to Shakespeare was omce much 
praised. His poems first appeared in 
1841, the latest edition being that of 
187R. See Griswold's Poets and Poetry 
of America. 

Sprague, Charles Ezra. N. Y., 1842- 
■_ . The secretary of the Dime Sav- 
ings Institution in New York city from 
1878. Logical Symbolism ; Handbook 
of Volapiik. 

Sprague, John Titcomb. ilfs., 1810- 
1888. An officer of the United States 
army who was military governor of 
Florida in 1865. Origin, etc., of the 
Florida War (1848). 

Sprague, Mary Aplin. O., 1849- 

. A novelist of Newark, Ohio. 

An Earnest Trifler. Hou. 

Sprague, Peleg. Ms , 1793-1880. A 
once noted jurist of Boston. Speeches 
and Addresses ; Decisions in Admiralty 
and Maritime Cases. 

Sprague, William Buell. Ct., 179.5- 
1875. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Albany whose Annals of the American 
Puljnt in ten volumes is the work by 
which he is best known. Other works 
of his include. Letters to a Daugh- 
ter ; The Daughter's Own Book ; Let- 
ters from Europe ; Letters on Revivals ; 
True Christianity, and Other Systems ; 
Life of Edward Dorr Griffin, supra ; 
Letters to Young Men ; Women of the 
Bible ; Visits to European Celebrities ; 
Life of Jedidiah Morse, supra ; Aids to 
Early Religion. 

Sprecher, Samuel. Md., 1810- 

A Lutheran clergyman, president of 
Wurtemburg Seminary at Springfield, 
Ohio, 1S49-74, and author of The 
Groundwork of a System of Lutheran 

Spring, Gardiner. Ms., 1785-1873. 
A Presbyterian clergyman, long promi- 
nent in New York city as pastor of the 
Brick Church, 1810-73. Power of the 
Pulpit ; The Church in the Wilderness ; 
Sermons ; Distinguishing Traits of 
Christian Character; Pulpit Ministra^ 
tions ; Attractions of the Cross ; The 
Bible Not of Man; The Mercy Seat, 
comprise his chief works. See Personal 
Reminiscences of. C. P. S. 

Spring, Leverett "Wilson. Vt., 1840- 

. A Congregational clergyman 

and educator, professor of English lite- 
rature at the University of Kansas, 
1881-86, and professor of rhetoric at 
Williams College from 1886. History 
of Kansas ; Mark Hopkins : Teacher. 



Springer, Mrs. Rebecca [Ruter]. 
Ind., 1832 . The wife of an Illi- 
nois senator, and author of Songs of 
the Sea, and two novels, Beeehwood ; 

Sproull [sprowl], Thomas. Pa., 1803- 
1892. A Reformed Presbyterian clerg-y- 
man of Pittshurg, who published Pre- 
lections on Theology. 

Squier [skwir], Ephraim George. 
N. Y., 1821-1888. An archaeologist 
and diplomatist, consul to Peru, 1863- 

1865, and consul-general of Honduras 
at New York in 1868. Niearagna; 
Mexican Hieroglyphics ; Ancient Monu- 
ments of the Mississippi Valley (with 
E. H. Davis, supra) ; Antiquities of the 
State of New York ; Waikna, or Ad- 
ventures on the Mosquito Coast ; The 
States of Central America ; Serpent 
Symbols ; Peru. So. 

Squier, Miles Powell. Vt., 1792- 

1866. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Geneva, New York. The Problem 
Solved, or Sin Not of God ; Reason and 
the Bible ; Miscellaneous Writings ; 

Staley, Cady. N. T., 1840 . A 

civil engineer, president of the Case 
School of Applied Science at Cleveland, 
and author of The Separate System of 
Sewerage (with G. S. Pierson). 

Stall, Sylvanus. N. Y., 1847 . 

A Lutheran clergyman of Lancaster, 
Pennsylvania, 1880-87, and since then 
editor of Stall's Lutheran Year Book. 
Methods of Church Work ; Pastor's 
Record ; Talks to the King's Children ; 
Five-Minute Object Sermons to Chil- 
dren. Fu. 

Stallo, John Bernhard. G., 1823- 

. A Cincinnati lawyer, minister 

to Italy in 188.5. Concepts and Theories 
of Modem Physics ; General Principles 
of the Philosophy of Nature. Ap. 

Stanley, Anthony Dumond. Ct., 
1810-1853. An educator who was a pro- 
fessor of mathematics at Yale Univer- 
sity, 1836-53. Elementary Treatise of 
Spherical Geometry and Trigonometry ; 
Tables of Logarithms. 

Stanley, Henry Morton, originally 

John Rowlands. W., 1840 . A 

celebrated African explorer. In 1855 
he was adopted by a New Orleans mer- 
chant whose name he took. He was 

sent by the New York Herald in search 
of Livingstone in 1870, and was again 
sent to Africa by the Herald in 1874. 
In 1879 he accompanied an African 
expedition sent by the King of the 
Belgians, which resulted in the estab- 
lishment of the Congo Free State. 
How I Found Livingstone ; My Kaluln, 
Prince, King, and Slave, a Study of 
Central Africa ; Coomassie and Mag- 
dala ; Through the Dark Continent ; 
The Congo and the Founding of its 
Free State ; In Darkest Africa ; My 
Dark Companions ; My Early Travels 
in America and Asia ; Slavery and the 
Slave Trade in India. See Stanley and 
Africa, 1890 ; Seadley's Adventures of 
Stanley ; Lives by Montefiore, 1889, Lit- 
tle, 1890, Reddall, 1890; Pochard's 
Stanley and the Congo ; Stanley and his 
Heroic Relief of Emin Pasha, by IS. P. 
Scott ; Wauters^s Stanley's Mmin Pasha 
Expedition ; With Stanley's Rear Co- 
lumn. Mar. 

Stansbury, Howard. N. Y., 1806- 
1863. An explorer who was a topo- 
graphical engineer in the United States 
army, and published An Expedition to 
Great Salt Lake (1852). Lip. 

Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth [Cady], 

N. Y., 1815 . Wife of H. B. 

Stanton, infra. A celebrated woman- 
suffragist and reformer who has devoted 
the larger part of her life to suffrage 
and other reforms, and (with S. An- 
thony and F. Gage) has published a His- 
tory of the Woman Suffrage Movement. 

Stanton, Frank Lebby. Ga., 1858- 
. A journalist and popular verse- 
writer of Atlanta. Songs of the Soil. 

Stanton, Henry Brewster. Ct., 
1805-1887. A journalist and reformer 
of New York city. Sketches of Re- 
forms and Reformers in Great Britain 
and Ireland; Random Recollections. 

Stanton, Henry Thompson. Va., 
1834 . Son of R. H. Stanton, in- 
fra. An officer in the United States 
army and an Indian commissioner who 
has written much humourous verse. 
The Moneyless Man, and Other Poems ; 
Jacob Brown, and Other Poems. Clke. 

Stanton, Richard Henry. Va., 

1812 . A jurist of Kentucky. 

Code of Civil and Criminal Practice in 




Kentucky ; Practical Treatise for Jus- 
tices of the Peace ; Manual for Ken- 
tucky Executors. 

Stanton, Robert Livingstone. Ct., 

1810 . A Presbyterian clergyman. 

in Ohio who published The Church and 
the Rebellion. 

Stanton, Theodore. N. Y., 1851- 

. Sou of H. B. and E. Stanton, 

supra. A journalist living in Paris. 
The Woman Question in Europe. Put. 

Stanwood, Edward. Me., 1841- 

. A Boston journalist, managing 

editor of The Youth's Companion. A 
History of Presidential Elections ; His- 
tory of Cotton Manufacture in New 
England. Hou. 

Starr, Eliza Allen. Ms., 1824 . 

An art lecturer in Chicago. Patron 
Saints ; Pilgrims and Shrines ; Songs 
of a Lifetime. 

Starr, Frederic Ratchford. N. S., 

1821 . A noted dairy farmer of 

Litchfield, Connecticut. Didley Dumps, 
the Newsboy ; May I Not ? ; What 
Can I Do ? ; Farm Echoes ; From 
Shore to Shore. 

Starr, Moses Allen. N. Y., 1854- 

. A physician of New York city, 

prominent as a neurologist. Familiar 
Forms of Nervous Diseases ; Lectures 
on Insanity ; Brain Surgery. 

Stauffer, Francis Henry. Pa., 1832- 
. A sensational novelist of Phila- 
delphia, long a contributor to the Satur- 
day Night. Among his serials published 
in that paper, none of them of much 
literary merit, are Ruth Brandon ; Lucy 
Darrel ; Devona the Dauntless. 

Staunton, ■William. E., 1803-1889. 
An Episcopal clergyman of New York 
city who published an Ecclesiastical 
Dictionary, and wrote much on musical 

Stearns, Asahel. Ms., 1774-1839. 
A Massachusetts lawyer and Congress- 
man, professor of law at Harvard Uni- 
versity, 1817-29. Summary of the Law 
and Practice of Real Actions ; General 
Laws, 1780-1822 (with L. Shaw). 

Stearns, Charles. Ms., 1753-1826. 
A Unitarian clergyman, pastor at Lin- 
coln, Massachusetts, from 1785 till his 
death. The Ladies' Philosophy of 
Love, a Poem ; Principles of Morality 
and Religion. 

Stearns, Charles 'Wood'ward. Ms., 
181 — 1887. A physician and surgeon 
of note as a Shakespearean scholar. 
Shakespeare's Medical Knowledge ; 
Shakespeare Treasury of Wisdom and 
Knowledge ; Concordance of the Con- 
stitution of the United States ; The 
Black Men and the South and the 

Stearns, Ed-ward Josiah. Ms., 1810- 
1890. An Episcopal clergyman and 
educator in Maryland. A Platform 
for All Parties ; Notes on Uncle Tom's 
Cabin ; Practical Guide to English Pro- 
nunciation; The Faith of Our Fore- 
fathers, an Examination of Archbishop 
Gibbons's "Faith of Our Fathers;" 
The Archbishop's Champion Brought 
to Book. Wh. 

Stearns, Frank Preston. Ms., 1846- 

. Great-nephew of L. M. ChUd, 

supra. A Boston writer upon art, lite- 
rature, and history. The Real and Ideal 
in Literature ; Life of Tintoretto ; The 
Midsummer of Italian Art ; Sketches 
from Concord and Appledore ; Modern 
English Prose ; Summer Travel in Eu- 
rope. Put. 

Stearns, John Glazier. N. H., 1795- 
1874. A Baptist clergyman once promi- 
nent in central New York. The Primi- 
tive Church ; Letters on Freemasonry ; 
The Sovereignty of God and Free 
Agency ; The Influence of the Spirit 
and the Word in Regeneration. 

Stearns, John William. Ms., 1829- 

. A professor in the University of 

Wisconsin from 1884. The History 
of Education in Wisconsin. 

Stearns, Le-wis French. Ifs., 1847- 
1892. A Presbyterian clergyman, aft- 
erwards professor of systematic theo- 
logy in Bangor Theological Seminary, 
1880-92. The Evidence of Christian 
Experience ; Present Day Theology, 
with Biographical Sketch by G. L. 
Prentiss, supra ; Life of Henry Boyn- 
ton Smith, supra. Hou. Scr. 

Stearns, Oakman Sprague. Me., 
1817-1893. A Baptist clergyman of 
Massachusetts, professor of biblical 
interpretation at Newton Theological 
Seminary from 186S. A Syllabus of 
Messianic Passages in the Old Testa- 
ment ; Introduction to the Books of the 
Old Testament. 




Stearns, Samuel. Ms., 1747-1819. 
A physician and astronomer of Worces- 
ter, New York city, and lastly of Brat- 
tleboro, Vei-mont. Tour to London 
and Paris ; Mystery of Animal Magne- 
tism ; American Oracle ; The American 
Herhal or Materia Medica. 

Stearns, ^A^illiam Augustus. Ms., 
1805-1876. A Congregational clergy- 
man, president of Amherst College, 
185i-76. Infant Church Memhership ; 
A Plea for the Nation. 

Stearns, "Winfrid Alden. 185 . 

Son of W. A. Stearns, supra. Labra- 
dor : a Sketch of its Peoples, etc. ; 
Wrecked on Labrador ; New England 
Bird Life (with E. Cones, supra). 

Stebbins, Giles Badger. 181 . 

After Dogmatic Theology, What ? ; 
The American Protectionist's Manual ; 
Chapters from the Bible of the Ages ; 
Facts and Opinions Touching the Ame- 
rican Colonization Society ; Progress 
from Poverty. 

Stebbins, Emma. N. Y., 1815-1882. 
A sculptress who lived many years in 
Rome, where she formed a friendship 
with Charlotte Cushman. Charlotte 
Cushman : Her Letters and Memories 
of her Life. Hou. 

Stebbins, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth 

[Moore] [Hewitt]. Ms.,1818 . 

Memorial of F. S. Osgood, supra ; Songs 
of Our Lord ; Heroines of History ; 
Poems : Sacred, Passionate, and Le- 

Stebbins, Rufus Phineas. Ms., 
1810-1885. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Ithaca, New York, and subsequently of 
Newton Centre, Massachusetts. A Study 
of the Pentateuch ; A Common Sense 
View of the Books of the Old Testa- 

Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Ct., 

1838 . A poet and literary critic 

of New York city, for many years a 
member of the Stock Exchange there. 
His volumes of verse include. Poems : 
Lyric and Idyllic ; The Prince's Ball ; 
The Battle of Bull Run ; Alice of Mon- 
mouth ; Idyl of the Great War, and 
Other Poems ; The Blameless Prince ; 
Hawthorne, and Other Poems ; Lyrics 
and Idyls ; Poems, Household Edition ; 
The Star Bearer. His other works 
comprise, Octavius Brooks Frothing- 
ham and the New Faith ; Victorian 

Poets ; Poets of America ; The Nature 
and Elements of Poetry. His most im- 
portant labours as editor have been, A 
Library of American Literature (with 
E. M. Hutchinson, supra) ; The Works 
of Poe (with G. E. Woodberry, infra) ; 
A Victorian Anthology. See Vedder^s 
American Writers ; Foley's American 
Authors, 1897. Hou. 

Steele, Daniel. iV.r.,1824 . A 

Methodist clergyman and educator of 
note. Commentary on Joshua; Love 
Enthroned ; Milestone Papers ; Anti- 
nomianism Revived ; Commentary on 
Leviticus and Numbers ; Bible Read- 
ings ; Sermons and Essays. Meth. 

Steele, David. Z., 1827 . A Re- 
formed Presbyterian clergyman of Phi- 
ladelphia from 1861. The Times in 
Which we Live, and the Ministry they 
Require ; The Apologetics of History. 

Steele, Mrs. Esther [Baker]. N. 

Y., 1835 . Wife of J. D. Steele, 

infra, and co-author with him of a 
General History and school histories of 
the United States ; France ; Ancient 
Peoples ; Mediseval and Modern Peo- 
ples ; Greece ; Rome. 

Steele, George McKendree. N. 
Y., 1823 . A Methodist clergy- 
man and educator, principal of Wilbra- 
ham Academy, Massachusetts. Outline 
Study of Political Economy. Meth, 

Steele, Joel Dorman. N. Y., 1836- 
1886. A prominent educator of Elmi- 
ra. New York, who published Barnes's 
History of the United States and a se- 
ries of text-books on the sciences, each 
intended for a course of study of four- 
teen weeks, including Natural Philoso- 
phy ; Geology ; Human Physiology ; 
Zoology ; Chemistry. 

Steele, Mrs. Margaret. See Conk- 
ling, Mrs. 

Steele, Thomas Sedgwick. Ct., 

1845 . Canoe and Camera ; a Tour 

Through the Maine Forests; Paddle 
and Portage from Moosehead Lake to 
the Aroostook River; A Voyage to 
Vikingland. Mst. 

Steendara, Jacob. H., 1616-16—?. 
The earliest verse-writer of New York. 
He was in the employ of the Dutch 
West India Company, and lived in New 
Amsterdam, now New York, from 1650 
to 1663, about which time he returned 




to Holland. The place and date of his 
death are unknown. His four small 
Tolunaes of Terse include, Der Distel- 
vink (The Thistle Finch) ; Klacht van 
Nieuw Amsterdam (The Complaint of 
Ne"w Amsterdam) ; Tlof van Nieuw 
Nederland (The Praise of New Ne- 
therland ; Prichel Vaarsen (Spurring 
Verses). The literary merit of his 
work is small. 

Steenstra, Peter Henry. H., 1833- 

. An Episcopal clergyman of Cam- 

hridge, Massachusetts, professor of Old 
Testament criticism and interpretation 
in the Episcopal Theological School 
from 1867. The Being of God as Unity 
and Trinity. Hou. 

Steiger, Ernst. Sxi/., 1832 . A 

bihliographer and publisher of New 
York city. Der Nachdruck in Nord- 
amerika ; Das Copyright Law in den 
Vereinigten Staaten ; Periodical Lite- 
rature, a bibliography. 

Stella. Sec Lewis, Mrs. 

Stellhorn, Frederick 'William. G., 

1841 . A Lutheran clergyman of 

Ohio, professor of theology in Capitol 
Univereity, who has published a Lexi- 
con of New Testament Greek ; Anno- 
tations on the Acts of the Apostles ; 
Annotations on the Gospels. 

Stephen, Mrs. Elizabeth [WiUi- 

son]. Al, 18-56 . The wife of a 

Presbyterian clergyman in Rockport, 
Illinois. The Confessions of Two, a 
/ novel. 

Stephens, Alexander Hamilton. 
;, Ga., 1812-1883. A distinguished Geor- 
>i gia statesman who was a representative 
\ in Congress from his State, 1843-59, 

vice-president of the Confederacy, sub- 
sequently a member of Congress, and 
in 1882 governor of Georgia. School 
History of the United States ; History 
of the War between the States ; Com- 
pendium of United States History. Sec 
Carroll's Twelve Americans ; Life hy 
F. H. Norton ; Life by Johnston and 
Browne ; Harper's Magazine, February, 
1870; Appletons' American Biography ; 
Trent's Southern Statesmen. Lip. 

Stephens, Mrs. Ann Sophia [Win- 
terbotham]. Ct., 1813-1886. A no- 
velist and litterateur of New York city 
whose books were at one time much 
read. Among them are, Fashion and 

Famine, her best work; A Story of 
Western Lite ; The Old Homestead ; 
Myra, the ChUd of Adoption ; The Heir- 
ess ; Wives and Widows ; The Curse of 
Gold ; A Popular History of the United 
States. She wrote not a little verse, 
her best known poem being the fa^ 
miliar Polish Boy. 

Stephens, Charles Asbury. Me., 

1845 . A writer of Norway, Maine. 

Camping Out ; Off the Geysers ; Left 
on Labrador ; Fox Hunting ; On the 
Amazon ; The Young Moose-Hunters ; 
The Knockabout Club in the Woods 
and in the Tropics. Co. Est. 

Stephens, Harriet Marion. 1823- 
1850. Home Scenes and Home Sounds ; 
Hagar the Martyr, a novel. 

Stephens, John Lloyd. N. J., 1805- 
1852. A traveller of note. Incidents 
of Travel in Central America ; Yuca- 
tan ; Egypt, Arabia, and the Holy 
Land ; Greece, Turkey, and Russia. 
See AUibone's Dictionary. Hat. 

Stephens, ■William. F., 1671-1753. 
A colonial governor of Georgia, 1743- 
1750, who published a Journal of the 
Proceedings in Georgia. See Biography 
by his son, entitled The Castle Builder, 
or the History of William Stephens of 
the Isle of Wight. 

Stern, Simon Adler. Pa., 1838 . 

Florentine Nights ; Excerpts ; Jottings 
of Travel in China and Japan. 

Sternberg, George Miller. N. Y., 

1838 . A surgeon in the United 

States army. Photo-Micrographs ; Ma- 
laria and Malarial Diseases ; Bacteria, 
from the French of Maguin ; Immuni- 
ty : Protective Inoculations in Infec- 
tious Diseases ; Manual of Bacteriology. 

Sterne, Simon. Pa., 18.39 . A 

prominent politician of New York city. 
Popular Government and Personal Re- 
presentation ; Constitutional History 
and Development of the United States ; 
Suffrage in Cities ; Hindrances to Pros- 
perity. Lip. Put. 

Sterne, Stuart. See Bloede. 

Sterrett, John Robert Sitlington. 

Va., 1851 . A professor of Greek 

at Amherst College from 1892. Qua in 
re Hymni Horaerici quinque majores 
inter se differunt ; Inscriptions of As- 
sos ; Epigraphical Journey in Asia Mi- 




nor ; The Wolfe Expedition to Asia 

Stevens, Abel. Pa., 1813 . A 

Methodist clergyman of New York city 
of prominence as a writer, and long 
connected with the Methodist Book 
Concern. History of the Methodist 
Episcopal Church in the United States ; 
History of Methodism ; Life of Ma- 
dame de Stael ; Life of Nathan Bangs, 
supra ; Character Sketches ; Women of 
Methodism ; Christian Work and Con- 
solation; Church Polity; Tales from 
the Parsonage, are among his many 
puhlications. Mar. Meth. 

Stevens, Alexander Hodgdon. 
N. Y., 1789-1869. A surgeon of New 
York city, whose chief works are. In- 
flammation of the Eye ; Lectures on 
Lithotomy ; Fiist Lines of Surgery. 

Stevens, Benjamin. Vt., 1833 . 

Brother of H. Stevens, infra. A bibli- 
ographer who has edited Campaign in 
Virginia in 1781 ; Facsimiles of MSS. 
in European Archives Relating to Ame- 
rica, 1773-83. 

Stevens, Charles Ellis. Ms., 18.5.3- 
. An Episcopal clergyman of Phi- 
ladelphia. The Sources of the Consti- 
tution of the United States in Relation 
to Colonial and English History. Mac. 

Stevens, George Barker. N. Y., 

18.54 . A Congregational clergy- 
man and educator of New Haven, pro- 
fessor in Yale Divinity School from 
1886. Commentary on Galatians ; The 
Pauline Theology ; The Johannine The- 
ology ; Doctrine and Life. Scr. 

Stevens, Henry. Vt., 1819-1886. A 
bibliographer of prominence, who lived 
in London after 1845. Historical Nug- 
gets ; Historical Collections ; Recollec- 
tions of James Lenox ; The Tehuante- 
pec Railway ; Historical and Geogra- 
phical Notes ; The Bibles in the Caxton 
Exhibition ; Catalogue of the American 
Books in the British Museum ; and in- 
dexes to state papers in London relat- 
ing to Virginia, Maryland, Rhode Island, 
and New Jersey. 

Stevens. John Austin. N.Y., 1827- 

. An author of New York city, 

and later of Newport, Rhode Island, 
who founded the Magazine of American 
History ; The Valley of the Rio Grande ; 
The Expedition of Lafayette against 

Arnold ; Life of Albert Gallatin, styira. 

Stevens, John Leavitt. Me., 1820- 
1895. A diplomatist who was minister 
to Uruguay and Paraguay, 1870-73, to 
Sweden, 1877-83, to Hawaii, 1889-93. 
History of Gastavus Adolphus. 

Stevens, Thomas. E., 1855 . 

A noted cyclist who has published. 
Scouting for Stanley in East Africa; 
Around the World on a Bicycle : From 
San Francisco to Teheran, From Tehe- 
ran to Yokohama ; Through Russia on 
a Mustang. Cas. Scr. 

Stevens, William Bacon. Me., 
1815-1887. The fourth Protestant Epis- 
copal bishop of Pennsylvania, conse- 
crated in 1862. History of Georgia; 
The Bow in the Cloud ; Sermons ; Sab- 
baths of Our Lord; Parables of the 
New Testament Unfolded ; History of 
Silk Culture in Georgia ; The Sunday 
at Home. Co. 

Stevenson, E[dvsrard] Irenaeus. N. 

J., 1858 . A litt&ateur of New 

York city, since 1881 the editor of The 
New York Independent, and for many 
years an editor of Harper's Weekly. 
He has been the musical editor of 
several journals for a number of years. 
White Cockades, an Incident of the 
"Forty-five;" Janus, reissued as A 
Matter of Temperament, a musical 
novel ; Left to Themselves, reissued as 
Philip and Gerald ; Mrs. Dee's Encore ; 
A Square of Sevens. Har. Meth. Scr. 

Stevenson, Sarah Hackett. II., 

1843 . A physician of Chicago. 

Boys and Girls in Biology ; The Phy- 
siology of Woman. 

Stevrard, Theophilus Gould. N. 
J., 1843 — ■ . A clergyman of Afri- 
can descent. Death, Hades, and the 
Resurrection ; The End of the World; 
Genesis Re-read. 

Stewart, Austin. Va., c. 1793-186-. 
An author and educator of African de- 
scent who published. Twenty -Two 
Years a Slave and Forty Years a Free- 

Stewart, Charles Samuel. N. J., 
179.5-1870. A Presbyterian clergyman, 
chaplain in the navy. Residence at the 
Sandwich Islands in 1822-23 ; Visit to 
the South Seas in the Ship Vincennes ; 
Sketches of Society in Great Britain 




and Ireland in 1832 ; Brazil and La 
Plata in 1850-63 ; Personal Record of 
a Cruise. 

Stewart, Mrs. Electra Maria [Shel- 
don]. N. Y., 1817 . A writer 

of Detroit. Early History of Michigan ; 
The Clevelands, a religious juvenile 

Stewart, Ferdinand Campbell. 

Va., 1815 — ■ . A physician of New 

York city who removed to England in 
1855. Hospitals and Surgeons of Paris. 

Stewart, James. N. Y., 1799-1864. 
A physician of New York city. Dis- 
eases of Children ; The Lungs. 

Stewart, Thomas McCants. S. C, 

1854 . A New York city la-\vyer 

of African descent. Liberia : the Ame- 
rico- African Republic ; Perils of a Great 

Stickney, Albert. Ms., 1839 . 

A lawyer of New York city. The Law- 
yer and his Clients ; A True Republic ; 
Democratic Government : a Study of 
Politics ; The Political Problem. Har. 

Stickney, Mrs. Julia Granby 
[Noyes]. Ms., 1830 . A verse- 
writer of Groveland, Massachusetts. 
Poems on Lake Winnepesaukee. 

Stiles, Ezra. Ct., 1727-1795. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, famous in colo- 
nial days, who was president of Yale 
CoUege, 1778-95. Account of the Set- 
tlement of Bristol, Rhode Island ; His- 
tory of Three of the Judges of Charles 
the First, Whalley, Go£8e, and DixweU. 
See Life, by Abid Holmes, supra ; Life 
by Kingsley in Sparhs's American Bio- 
graphy ; Sprague^ s Annals of the Ame- 
rican Pulpit. 

StUes, Henry Reed. N. Y., 1832- 

. Kinsman of E. Stiles, supra. A 

prominent physician of Brooklyn. His- 
tory and Genealogies of Ancient Wind- 
sor, Connecticut ; History of Brooklyn, 
Long Island; The Wallabout Prison 

Stiles, Joseph Clay. Ga., 1795-1875. 
A Presbyterian clergyman, after 1860 
an evangelist in the South. Modern 
Reform Examined, or the Union of 
North and South on Slavery ; The Na- 
tional Controversy. 

Stiles, William Henry. Ga., 1808- 
1865. Brother of J. C. Stiles, supra. 
A Savannah lawyer who was an officer 

in the Confederate army. History of 

Still, William. N. J., 1821 . A 

noted Philadelphia philanthropist of 
African descent. The Underground 
Railroad ; Voting and Laboring ; Strug- 
gle for the Rights of Colored People in 

Stmg [stn'le], Alfred. Pa., 1813- 

. A physician of Philadelphia. 

Elements of General Pathology ; The 
Unity of Medicine ; Humboldt's Life 
and Character ; War as an Element of 
Civilization ; Othello and Desdemona : 
their Characters ; The National Dis- 
pensatory (with Maisch) ; Therapeu- 
tics and Materia Medica ; Epidemic 
Meningitis ; Epidemic or Malignant 
Cholera. Lip. 

Stills, Charles Janeway. Pa., 1819- 

. Brother of A. StUl^, supra. A 

Philadelphia educator, provost of the 
University of Pennsylvania, 1868-80. 
Historical Development of American 
Civilization; Studies in Mediseval Ci- 
vilization ; Beaumarchais and the Lost 
Million, a chapter of the Secret History 
of the American Revolution ; History 
of the United States Sanitary Commis- 
sion; How a Free People Conduct a 
Long War ; Northern Interest and 
Southern Independence ; Life and 
Times of John Dickinson ; General An- 
thony Wayne and the Pennsylvania 
Line. Lip. 

Stm^, Moreton. Pa., 1822-1855. 
Brother of A. Stills, supra. A Phila- 
delphia physician, co-author with F. 
Wharton of a Treatise on Medical Ju- 

Stillman, Samuel. Pa., 1738-1807. 
A Baptist clergyman, pastor of the 
First Baptist Church in Boston from 
1765 till his death, and a man of promi- 
nence in his day. His Select Sermons 
were published in 1808. See Sprague's 
Annals of the American Pulpit. 

Stillman, William James. N. Y., 

1828 . A litterateur and artist 

who was consul at Rome, 1861-65, and 
in Crete, 1865-69. He has lived at 
Rome from 1886 as the correspondent 
of The London Times for Italy and 
Greece. History of the Cretan Insur- 
rection ; Poetic Localities of Cam- 
bridge ; Herzegovina and the Late Up- 
rising ; Turkish Rule and Warfare ; On 




the Track of Ulysses ; Manual of Pho- 
tograpliy. Hon- 
Stinipson, "William. Ms., 1830-1872. 
A naturalist of eminence. Deacrip- 
tiones Animalium Evertebratorum ; 
Notes on North American Crustacea ; 
Crustacea Dredged in the Gulf Stream. 

Stimson, Alexander Lovett. Ms., 

1816 . A lawyer and journalist. 

History of the Express Companies; New 
England Boys ; Waifwood, a novel. 

Stimson, Frederick Jesup. "J. S. 

of Dale." Ms., 1855 . A lawyer 

and popular novelist of Boston. La- 
bor in its Relations to Law ; Hand- 
book of the Labor Law of the United 
States ; American Statute Law ; Glos- 
sary of Technical Terms of the Com- 
mon Law ; Uniform State Legislation. 
In fiction he has published, Guerndale ; 
The Crime of Henry Vane ; The King's 
Men ; The Residuary Legatee ; The 
Sentimental Calendar ; In the Three 
Zones ; First Harvests ; Pirate Gold ; 
King Noanett ; Rollo's Journey to Cam- 
bridge (with J. T. Wheelwright, in- 
fra). Hon. Lam. Lit. Scr. 

Stimson, John "Ward. N. J., 1850- 

. An artist of New York city, four 

years superintendent of the Metropoli- 
tan Museum art schools. The Law of 
Three Primaries. 

Stimson, Lewis Atterbury. N. J., 

1844 . A physician of New York 

city, professor of surgery in the Uni- 
versity of the City of New Tork. Ma- 
nual of Operative Surgery ; Practical 
Treatise on Fractures ; Treatise on Dis- 

Stith, "William. Va., 1689-1785. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Virginia, pre- 
sident of William and Mary College, 
1752-55. He wrote a History of Vir- 
ginia, which though diffuse is not with- 
out interest and dignity of style. See 
Tyler^s American Literature. 

Stockton, Francis Richard. Pa., 
18.34 . A widely popular humour- 
ist and novel-writer who first attracted 
general notice by his now famous Rud- 
der Grange, a thoroughly original piece 
of humour. In the same vein are, The 
Rudder Grangers Abroad, and Other 
Stories ; Pomona's Travels ; The Cast- 
ing Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. 
Aleahine. His other works, which all 

display original inventive humour, are, 
Tales Out of School ; The Ting-a-Ling 
Stories ; Roundabout Rambles ; What 
Might Have Been Expected ; A Jolly 
Fellowship ; The Floating Prince ; The 
Story of Viteau ; The Late Mrs. Null ; 
The Lady or the Tiger ?, his most cele- 
brated work ; The Christmas Wreck, 
and Other Stories ; The Hundredth 
Man ; The Bee Man of Orn ; The Du- 
santes ; Amos Kilbright ; Ardis Claver- 
den ; The Great War Syndicate ; The 
Stories of the Three Burglars ; The 
Merry Chanter ; The House of Martha ; 
Kobel Land ; The Clocks of Rondaine ; 
The Watchmaker's Wife ; The Adven- 
tures of Captain Horn ; A Chosen Few ; 
Personally Conducted; A Story-Tell- 
er's Pack, a volume of short stories; 
Stories of New Jersey ; Captain Chap, 
or the Rolling Stones. See Vedder's 
American Writers. Am. Cent. Do. Hou. 
Lip. Scr. 

Stockton, Thomas Hevrlings. N. 

J., 1808-1868. Half brother of F. E. 
Stockton, supra. A Methodist preacher 
of Baltimore and Philadelphia, chap- 
lain to both houses of Congress succes- 
sively, and famous for his eloquence. 
Floating Flowers from a Hidden Brook; 
Poems ; Stand Up for Jesus, and Other 
Poems ; The Book Above All. See Life 
by Wilson, 1S69. 

Stoddard, Amos. Ct., 1762-1813. 
Great-grandson of S. Stoddard, infra. 
A soldier of note in the early days of 
the Republic. Sketches of Louisiana 
(1812) ; The Political Crisis. 

Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Ms., 

1833 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of New York city, editor of The Ob- 
server from 1885. Across Russia; 
Spanish Cities ; Beyond the Rockies ; 
Cruising Among the Caribbees. Scr. 

Stoddard, Charles "Warren. N.Y., 

1840 . A lecturer on English 

literature in the Catholic University of 
America at Washington. Poems ; Mash- 
allah : a Flight into Egypt ; South Sea 
Idyls ; Summer Cruising in the South 
Seas ; The Lepers of Molokai. Scr. 

Stoddard, Mrs. Blizabeth Drew 

[Barstow]. Ms., 1823 . Wife 

of R. H. Stoddard, infra. A novelist 
and poet whose work in verse and fic- 
tion shows much individuality. The 


363 STONE 

Morgesons ; Temple House ; Two Men ; 
Lolly Dints's Doings, a juvenile tale ; 
Poems. Cas. Hou, 

Stoddard, John F . N. Y., 1825- 

1S73. An educator of New York State 
who published a Universal Algebra, 
and a widely circulated series of arith- 

Stoddard, John Iiawson. Ms., 1850- 

. A popular stereoptieon lecturer. 

Red Letter Days Abroad ; Napoleon 
from Corsica to St. Helena. Hou. Mer. 

Stoddard, Richard Henry. Ms., 

1825 . A poet, journalist, and 

critic of New York city, literary editor 
of The MaU and Express from 1880. 
His verse is unequal in merit, but his 
best work has always won the praise 
of the discriminating few, though never 
much heeded by the averag'e reader. 
He has edited the Bric-a^Brac Series 
and other volumes, while his own writ- 
ings include. Poems ; Adventures in 
Fairy Land ; Footprints ; Life of Hum- 
boldt ; Songs of Summer ; The King's 
Bell ; The Book of the East ; Abraham 
Lincoln ; a Horatian Ode ; Putnam the 
Brave ; A Century After ; Life of 
Washington Irving ; The Lion's Cub, 
with Otier Verse ; Under the Evening 
Lamp, a collection of essays on lite- 
rary topics. See Stedman's Poets of 
America ; Vedder's American Writers. 

Stoddard, Solomon. Ms., 1643-1729. 
A Congregational clergyman, pastor at 
Northampton, Massachusetts, from 1669 
until his death. Appeal to the Learned ; 
Guide to Christ ; Safety in the Right- 
eousness of Christ ; Doctrine of Insti- 
tuted Churches Explained, a reply to 
Increase Mather's " Order of the Gos- 
pel," and one which occasioned much 
exciting controversy. 

Stoddard, William Osborn. N. 
Y., 1835 . A journalist and in- 
ventor whose writings have been largely 
though not entirely for juvenile read- 
ers, and have been very popular. Little 
Smoke ; The Windfall ; Esau Hardery ; 
Dab Kinzer ; SaltiUo Boys ; Wrecked ; 
Verses of Many Days; The Heart of 
It; The White Cave, an Australian 
Story ; The Red Mustang ; Two Ar- 
rows ; Among the Lakes ; The Quar- 
tet ; Winter Fun ; Men of Business ; 
The Talking Leaves ; The Volcano Un- 

der the City, a story of the draft riots 
in New York ; Lives of the Presidents ; 
Gid Granger ; Chuck Purdy, comprise 
the greater part of his works. Ap. 
Cent. Fo. Har. Lo. Mer. Scr. Sto. 

Stoever, Martin Luther. Pa., 1820- 
1870. A Pennsylvania educator, a pro- 
fessor in the college at Gettysburg, 
1840-70. Brief Sketch of the Lutheran 
Church in the United States ; Life and 
Times of Henry Muhlenberg. 

Stone, Andrew Leete. Ct., 1815- 
1892. A Congregational clergyman in 
San Francisco from 1866. Service the 
End of Living ; Ashton's Mothers ; 
Memorial Discourses ; Leaves from a 
Finished Pastorate. 

Stone, David Marvin. Ct., 1817- 
1895. Brother of A. L. Stone, supra. 
A noted journalist of New York city, 
editor of The Journal of Commerce, 
1849-93. He published Frank Forrest 
(1850), a work that passed into twenty 

Stone, Ebenezer Whitten. Ms., 
1801-1880. An adjutant-general of the 
Massaehusetts militia from 1851. Di- 
gest of Massachusetts Militia Laws ; 
Compend of Instructions in Military 
Tactics ; Manual of Percussion Aim. 

Stone, Edwin Martin. Ms., 1805- 
1883. A Congregational clergyman of 
Providence. Life of Blhanan Win- 
chester ; History of Barre, Massachu- 
setts, 1630-1842 ; The Invasion of Ca- 
nada in 1775 ; Our French Allies in the 

Stone, Edwin Winchester. Ms., 
1835-1878. Son of E. M. Stone, supra. 
A soldier in the Federal army during 
the Civil War. He was the war cor- 
respondent of The Providence Journal, 
and author of Rhode Island in the Re- 

Stone, James Kent. Ms., 1840 . 

Son of J. S. Stone, infra. A Roman Ca- 
tholic clergyman of the order of Pas- 
sionists, and known as Father Fidelis. 
He was formerly an Episcopal clergy- 
man and president of Hobart College. 
The Invitation Heeded, issued in 1870, 
and giving his reasons for his recent 
change of faith, was widely read. 

Stone, James Samuel. K, 1852- 
. An Episcopal clergyman of Chi- 
cago. Simple Sermons on Simple Sub- 




jects ; The Heart of Merrie England ; 
Readings in Church History ; Woods 
and Dales of Derbyshire. Co. 

Stone, John Augustus. Ms., 1801- 
1S34. A dramatist and actor. He is 
best remembered by Metamora, a play 
written for Edwin Forrest, for whom 
he also wrote The Ancient Briton ; and 
Fauntleroy. Other dramas by him are, 
Taucred ; The Demoniac ; La Roque. 

Stone, John Seely. Ms., 1795-1882. 
An Episcopal clergyman of Cambridge, 
dean of the Episcopal Theological 
School there, 1867-72, and prominent 
among the Low Churchmen of his day. 
The Living Temple ; The Christian Sa- 
craments ; Sermons ; Memoir of Bishop 
Griswold ; The Christian Sabbath ; The 
Contrast, or the Evangelical and Trac- 
tarian Systems Compared. S,an. 

Stone, Thomas TreadTi»-ell. Me., 
1801-1895. A Unitarian clergyman 
of Bolton, Massachusetts. Sermons on 
War ; Sermons ; The Rod and Staff ; 
Sketches of Oxford County, Maine. 

Stone, ■William Leete. N. Y., 1792- 
1844. A journalist of prominence in 
New York city, and the first superin- 
tendent of public schools there. History 
of the Albany Constitutional Conven- 
tion of 1821 ; Tales and Sketches ; Mat- 
thias and his Impostures ; Maria Monk 
and the Nunnery of the Hotel Dieu ; 
Ups and Downs of a Distressed Gentle- 
man, a social satire ; Letters on Animal 
Magnetism ; Poetry and History of 
Wyoming ; Lives of Brant, Red Jacket ; 
Letters on Masonry. See Life by his 

Stone, William Leete. N. Y., 18.35- 

-. .Son of W. L. Stone, supra. A 

lawyer and historical writer of Jersey 
City. History of New York City ; Life 
of Sir William Johnson ; Burgoyne's 
Campaigns ; Life and Military Journals 
of General Riedesel ; Reminiscences of 
Saratoga and BaUston ; Life of William 
Leete Stone, supra ; Visits to Saratoga 
Battle Grounds, include his principal 

Storer, David Humphreys. Me., 
1804-1891. A Boston physician, dean 
of the Harvard Medical School, 1854- 
1868. Ichthyology and Herpetology 
of Massachusetts ; Synopsis of North 
American Fishes ; History of the Fishes 
of Massachusetts. 

Storer, Francis Humphreys. Me., 

1832 . Son of D. H. Storer, SMpra. 

An eminent chemist, professor of agri- 
cultural chemistry at Harvard Univer- 
sity from 1870, and dean of the Bussey 
Institute. Alloys of Copper and Zinc ; 
Manufacture of Paraffin OUs; First 
Outlines of a Dictionary of the Solu- 
bilities of Chemical Substances ; Ma- 
nual of Inorganic Chemistry (with C. 
W. Eliot, supra) ; Manual of Qualita- 
tive Chemical Analysis ; Agriculture 
in Some of its Relations with Chemis- 
try. ScT. 

Storer, Horatio Robinson. Ms., 

1830— . Son of D. H. Storer, supra. 

A surgeon of note. Why Not ? a Book 
for Every Woman ; Is It I ? a Book 
for Every Man ; Nurses and Nursing ; 
Criminal Abortion (with F. F. Heard, 
supra). Le. Lit. 

Storey, Moorfield. Ms., 1845 . 

A Boston lawyer living in Brookline, 
Massachusetts. Life of Charles Sum- 
ner. Hou. 

Stork, Charles Augustus. Md., 
1838-1883. Son of T. Stork, supra. A 
Lutheran clergyman, professor of the- 
ology at Gettysburg, 1881-83. Light 
on the Pilgrim's Way. See the Stork 
Family in the Lutheran Church, 1886. 

Stork, Theophilus. N. C, 1814- 
1874. A Lutheran clergyman of Phila- 
delphia. Life of Luther; Luther's 
Christmas Tree ; Luther and the Bible ; 
Afternoon ; Home Scenes in the New 
Testament; The Unseen World, are his 
principal works. Lip. 

Storrs, Richard Salter. Jtfs., 1821- 

. A distinguished Congregational 

clergyman of Brooklyn, pastor of the 
Church of the Pilgrims from 1846. 
The Constitution of the Human Soul ; 
Historical Addresses ; Divine Origin of 
Christianity ; Conditions of Success in 
Preaching without Notes ; John Wy- 
cliffe and the First English Bible ; Man- 
liness in the Scholar ; Love to Christ ; 
Recognition of the Supernatural ; Ber- 
nard of Clairvaux ; Forty Years of 
Pastoral Life. Do. Ban. Scr. 

Story, Isaac. Ms., 1774-1803. Cousin 
of J. Story, infra. A lawyer and verse- 
writer of Castine, Maine. An Epistle 
from Tarico to Inkle ; Consolatory 
Odes ; A Parnassian Shop. 




Story, Joseph. Ms., 1779-1845. A 
jurist of eminence, Dane professor of 
law at Harvard University, 1829-45. 
His earliest work was The Power of 
Solitude, with Fugitive Poems, a some- 
what callow performance ; and his first 
legal production, which appeared in 
18U5, was a Selection of Pleadings in 
Civil Actions. His subsequent works 
include. Commentaries on the Consti- 
tution of the United States ; The Con- 
flict of Laws, his most able eifort; 
Equity Jurisprudence ; The Law of 
Agency ; Law of Bailments ; Equity 
Pleadings ; Law of Partnership ; Law 
of Promissory Notes ; Miscellaneous 
Writings. See AUibone's Dictionary ; 
Life by W. W. Story ; Biographical 
Encyclopc&dia of Massachusetts, Har. 

Story, William 'Wetinore. Ms., 
1819-1895. Son of J. Story, supra. A 
poet, sculptor, and essayist. He studied 
law and practised at the bar in Boston 
for a short time, but after 1848 lived in 
Rome and became widely known as a 
sculptor. His prose writings include, 
The Law of Contracts; The Law of 
Sales ; Life of Joseph Story ; Propor- 
tions of the Human Figure ; Roba di 
Roma ; The American Question ; Fiam- 
metta, a novel ; Conversations in a Stu- 
dio ; Excursions in Art and Letters. 
The Castle of St. Angelo ; A Roman 
Lawyer in Jerusalem ; Nero, an His- 
torical Play ; and a two-volume edition 
of Poems, comprise his verse. He and 
She : a Poet's Portfolio ; and A Poet's 
Portfolio : Later Readings, contain both 
poetry and prose. See Appletons^ An- 
nual Cyclopcedia, 1895. Sou. Lip. Lit. 

Stow, Baron. N. H., 1801-1869. A 
Baptist clergyman of Boston, of much 
prominence in his day, among whose 
writings are, Helen's Pilgrimage ; His- 
tory of the English Baptist Mission to 
India ; Christian Brotherhood ; First 
Things. See Life by Neale, 1870; 
Memoir of by J. C. Stoclchridge, 1895. 

Stowe, Calvin Ellis. Ms., 1802-1886. 
A Congregational clergyman and edu- 
cator who held successive professor- 
ships at Dartmouth College, Lane Se- 
minary, Bowdoiu College, and Andover 
Seminary. While at Lane Seminary he 
married his second wife, Harriet Beeeh- 
er, the daughter of Lyman Beecher, 
supra. Origin and History of the Books 

of the Bible ; Elementary Instruction 
in Europe ; Lectures on the Sacred 
Poetry of the Hebrews ; Introduction to 
Biblical Criticism. 
Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth 
[Beecher]. Ct., 1811-1896. Wife of 
C. E. Stowe, supra, and daughter of Ly- 
man Beecher, supra. In 1836 she was 
married to Professor Stowe at Cincin- 
nati, and, in frequent visits to the slave 
States at that period, acquired a know- 
ledge of Southern customs. In 1850 
she removed to Brunswick, Maine, and, 
having by this time become deeply im- 
pressed with the wrong of slavery, she 
wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin for The Na- 
tional Era at Washington, in which 
paper it appeared serially from June, 
1851, till April, 1852. It was then pub- 
lished in book form and speedily be- 
came world-famous, five hundred thou- 
sand copies being sold in America within 
five years, while translations of it ap- 
peared in twenty languages. As a moral 
agent few books have been of so much 
importance. From a literary point of 
view there is less to be said of it ; and The 
Minister's Wooing, a novel of the early 
days of the republic, must rank as her 
finest work. The quality of her other 
work is uneven, its highest level b^ing re- 
presented by Oldtown Folks ; The Pearl 
of Orr's Island ; Dred ; The Chimney 
Corner ; Religious Poems, among which 
is the well-known hymn, " Still, still 
with Thee." Her lesser works com- 
prise. My Wife and I ; Sam Lawson's 
Fireside Stories ; We and Our Neigh- 
bors ; Little Foxes ; The Mayflower, 
and Other Sketches ; Sunny Memories of 
Foreign Lands ; Our Charley ; Agnes 
of Sorrento, an Italian novel ; House and 
Home Papers ; Stories about Our Dogs ; 
Queer Little People ; Daisy's First Win- 
ter ; Men of Our Times, biographical 
sketches; The American Woman's 
Home (with Catherine Beecher) ; Little 
Pussy Willow ; Pink and White Tyran- 
ny ; Palmetto Leaves ; Betty's Bright 
Idea ; Footsteps of the Master ; Bible 
Heroines ; Poganuc People ; A Dog's 
Mission. See Life of, by her Son ; Atlan- 
tic Monthly, July, 1882, August and Sep- 
tember, 1896; The Century Magazine, 
September, 1896 ; New England Maga- 
zine, September, 1896 ; The Forum, Au- 
gust, 1896 ; The Outlook, July S5, 1896. 
Fo. Hou. 


Stowell, Charles Henry. N. Y., 

iy5U . A microscopist, professor 

of histology in the University of Michi- 
gan, students' Manual of Microscopy ; 
Physiology and Hygiene ; The Micro- 
scopical Structure of the Human Tooth ; 
A Primer of Health ; A Healthy Body ; 
Essentials of Health. ,Sil. 

Stowell,Mrs. Louisa Maria[Reed]. 

Mch., 1850 . Wife of C. H. Ktowell, 

supra. An instructor in microscopical 
botany at the University of Michigan 
for twelve years. Microscopical Struc- 
ture of Wheat ; Microscopic Diagnosis 
(with C. H. StoweU). 

Strachey, William. E., c. 1585-16—. 
The first secretary of the Virginia colo- 
ny. He was the author of A True Re- 
pertory of the Wracke and Redemption 
of Sir Thomas Gates upon and from the 
Islands of the Bermudas, supposed to 
have been the inspiration of Shake- 
speare's Tempest ; Historic of Travaile 
into Virginia Britannia ; For the Colony 
in Virginia Britannia : Lawes Divine, 
Morall, and Martiall, a compilation. 
See Tyler^s American Literature. 

Strahan, Edward. See Shinn, Earl. 

Stranahan, Mrs. Clara Cornelia 

[Harrison]. Ms., 183 . An 

art writer of Brooklyn. A History of 
French Painting from its Earliest to its 
Latest Practice. Scr. 

Strauss, Oscar Solomon. Bv., 18.50- 

. A municipal reformer of New 

York city, minister to Turkey in 1887. 
The Origin of Republican Government 
in the United States ; Roger Williams, 
the Pioneer of Religious Liberty. Cent. 

Street, Alfred Billings. N. Y., 1811- 
1882. A verse-writer of Albany, and 
State librarian of New York from 1848. 
His verse is chiefly nature poetry and 
was popular for a time. His writings 
include, Frontenac ; Woods and Wa- 
ters ; Forest Pictures ; The Burning of 
Schenectady, and Other Poems ; Draw- 
ings and Tintings ; Fugitive Poems ; 
Digest of Taxation in the United States. 
See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of 

Strickland, William. Pa., 1787- 
1854. A Philadelphia architect whose 
chief professional work was the Capitol 
at NashviUe, Tennessee. Triangnla- 


tion of the Entrance into Delaware 
Bay ; lieport on Canals and Railways ; 
Public Works of the United States 
(with Gill and Campbell). 

Strickland, William Peter. Pa., 

1809-1884. A Methodist clergyman, pas- 
tor of a Presbyterian church at Bridge- 
hampton, Long Island, 1865-77, whose 
principal writings comprise, Pioneers 
of the West ; History of the American 
Bible Society ; The Genius of Method- 
ism ; Light of the Temple ; Old Macki- 
naw, or the Fortress of the Lakes ; 
Christianity Demonstrated by Facts ; 
The Astrologer of Chaldea, or the Life 
of Faith. Meth. 

Strohm, Gertrude. O., 184.3 . A 

writer living near Dayton, Ohio. Word 
Pictures ; Universal Cookery Book ; 
Flower Idyls; The Young Scholar's 

Strong, Augustus Hopkins. N. Y., 

1836 . A Baptist clergyman of 

Rochester, New York, president of 
Rochester Theological Seminary from 
1872. Systematic Theology; Philoso- 
phy and Religion. 

Strong, George Crockett. 7(.,1832- 
1863. A general in the Federal army 
during the Civil War who fell in the 
assault on Fort Wagner. Cadet Life 
at West Point. 

Strong, James. N. Y., 1822-1894. A 
Methodist clergyman and educator of 
eminence, professor in Drew Seminary 
at Madison, New Jersey, from 1868. 
With T. McClintock, supra, he edited a 
Biblical Encycloptedia, continuing the 
work alone after 1870. His other writ- 
ings include, English Harmony of the 
Gospels ; Greek Harmony of the Gos- 
pels ; Irenics ; The Tabernacle of 
Israel ; Sacred Idyls ; Future Life ; 
Jewish Life ; Our Lord's Life ;. Com- 
mentary on Ecclesiastes ; Concordance 
of the Bible. Meth. 

Strong, Josiah. H., 1847- 

A Con- 

gregational clergyman, general agent 
of the Evangelical Alliance in America 
after 1886. Our Country ; The New 
Era of the Coming Kingdom. 

Strong, Latham Cornell. N. Y., 

1845-1879. A journalist and verse- 
writer of Troy, New York. Castle Win- 
dows ; Pots of Gold ; Poke o' Moon- 
shine ; Midsummer Dreams. 




Strong, Nathan. Ct., 1748-1816. A 
Congregational clergyman of Hartford. 
Sermons ; The Doctrine of Eternal 
Misery Consistent with the Infinite 
Benevolence of God. 

Strong, Theodore. Ms., 1790-1869. 
A professor of mathematics at Rutgers 
College, 1827-63. Treatise on Ele- 
mentary Algebra ; On Differential and 
Integral Calculus. 

Strong, Titus. Ms., 1787-1855. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Greenfield, 
Massachusetts. Tears of Columbia, a 
Political Poem ; Candid Examination 
of the Episcopal Church; The Deer- 
field Captive ; The Young Scholar's 

Strother [striith'gr], David Hun- 
ter. " Porte Crayon." Va., 1816-1888. 
An artist of Berkeley Springs, West 
Virginia, once popular as a magazinist. 
During the Civil War he was a colonel 
in the Union army, and in 1865 he 
was brevetted brigadier-general. The 
Blackwater Chronicle ; Virginia Illus- 
trated. See Hart's American Literature. 

Stroud, George McDoTvell. Pa., 

1895-1875. A Philadelphia jurist who 
published Sketch of Laws Relating to 
Slavery in the Several States. 
Stryker, Melanchthon Woolsey. 

N. Y., 1851 . A Presbyterian 

clergyman and educator, president of 
Hamilton College from 1892. Beside 
several hymnals, he has published 
Miriam, and Other Verse ; Hamilton, 
Lincoln, and Other Addresses ; The 
Letter of James the Just. Gi. 

Stuart, Charles Beebe. N. H., 

1814-1881. A military engineer in 
government service. Naval Dry Docks 
of the United States ; Water Works of 
the United States ; Civil and Military 
Engineers of the United States. 

Stuart, Moses. Ct., 1780-1852. A 
Congregational clergyman and educa- 
tor of Massachusetts, professor of sacred 
literature at Andover Seminary, 1809- 
1848. Among his writings are. Com- 
mentaries on the Epistles to the Ro- 
mans and the Hebrews ; Hints on the 
Prophecies ; Conscience and the Con- 
stitution ; Critical History and Defence 
of the Old Testament Canon. 

Stuart, Mrs. Ruth MoEnery. La., 
18 . A Golden Wedding, and 

Other Tales; Carlotta's Intended, and 
Other Stories ; The Story of Babette ; 
Sonny; Solomon Crow's Christmas Pock- 
ets. Cent. Har. 

Stuokenberg, John Henry Wil- 

buru. G., 1835 . A Lutheran 

clergyman, professor of theology at 
Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio, 
1873-80, and minister in charge of the 
American chapel at Berlin from 1880. 
Christian Sociology ; Life of Kant ; In- 
troduction to the Study of Philosophy. 

Sturges, Mrs. Mary Jane [Upshur] 

[Stith]. Va., 1828 . A writer 

of New York city. Confederate Notes, 
a novel ; Poems. 

Sturgis, Frederick Russell. Ph., 

1844 . A prominent physician 

and surgeon of New York city. Hu- 
man Cestoids; Students' Manual of 
Venereal Diseases. 

Sturgis, Russell. Md., 1836 . 

An architect of New York city, a valued 
authority upon art, architecture, and 
archaeology. European Architecture. 

Sturtevant, Julian Monson. Ct, 
1805-1886. A prominent educator of 
Jacksonville, Illinois, professor in Illi- 
nois College, 1830-86. Economics, or 
the Science of Wealth ; Keys of Sect. 
Le. Put. 

Sullivan, James. Afe., 1744-1808. 
An eminent Boston jurist who was 
governor of Massachusetts, 1807-08. 
History of Land Titles of Massachu- 
setts ; Observations on the Government 
of the United States ; The Path to 
Riches, or a Dissertation on Banks ; 
The Altar of Baal Thrown Down, or 
the French Nation Defended ; Impar- 
tial Review of Causes of the French 
Revolution. See Life by Amory, 1SB9. 

Sullivan, James William. Pa., 

1848 . A journalist of New York 

citv, editor of social reform journals, 
1893-96. Tenement Tales of New 
York ; So the World Goes ; Direct 
Legislation through the Initiative and 
Referendum, a widely circulated work. 

Sullivan, Mrs. Margaret Prances 

[Buchanan]. /., 18 . A 

journalist of Chicago. Ireland of To- 
bay (1881). 




Sullivan, Thomas Russell. Ms., 
1799-1862. Grandson of J. Sullivan, 
supra. A Unitarian clerg'yiiaaii of 
Keene, New Hampshire, ly25-35, and 
from 1835 till his death an educator in 
Boston. Letters Against the Immedi- 
ate Abolition of Slavery ; Limits of 
Responsibility in Reforms. 

Sullivan, Thomas Russell. Ms., 

1849 . A novelist of Boston. Tom 

Sylvester ; Roses of Shadow ; Day and 
Night Stories ; and several plays. Scr. 

Sullivan, William. Me., 1774-1839. 
Son of J. Sullivan, supra. A lawyer of 
Boston. Familiar Letters on Public 
Men of the Revolution ; Historical 
Causes and Effects ; Sea Life. 

SuUivant, William Starling. 0., 
1803-1873. A botanist of Ohio. Mus- 
ci Alleghanienses ; Musei Cubenses ; 
Icones Muscorura ; Musci and Hepa- 
ticse of the United States East of the 

Sully, Thomas. E., 1783-1872. A 
distinguished portrait painter of Phila- 
delphia. Hints to Young Painters. 

Summerfield, John. H., 1798-1825. 
A Methodist clergyman, renowned for 
eloquence in his day. His Sermons and 
Sketches of Sermons were posthu- 
mously published. See Lives hy Hol- 
land, 1829, Willett, 1857. Har. 

Summers, Thomas Osmond. E., 
1812-1882. A Methodist clergyman 
of Nashville. Commentary on the 
Gospels, Acts, and Ritual of the Me- 
thodist Church South ; Treatise on Bap- 
tism; On Holiness; Talks Pleasant 
and Profitable, include his principal 
writings. See Life of, by Fitzgerald, 

Sumner, Charles. Ms., 1811-1874. 
Son of C. P. Sumner, infra. A distin- 
guished Massachusetts statesman who 
succeeded Daniel Webster in 1851 in 
the Senate of the United States. He 
was a fearless opponent of slavery, and, 
in consequence of this attitude of his, 
was assaulted in the Senate Chamber 
by Preston Brooks, of South Carolina, in 
1856, and severely injured. The True 
Grandeur of Nations ; Prophetic Voices 
Concerning America. His Complete 
Works, including his many orations 
and speeches, have been issued in fif- 
teen volumes. See Lives by Pierce, 
Storey. Le. 

Sumner, Charles Allen. Ms., 1835- 
. A stenographer of San Fran- 
cisco. Shorthand and Reporting ; 
Golden Gate Sketches ; Travel in South- 
ern Europe ; Poems ("with R. Sumner). 

Sumner, Charles Pinckney. Ms., 
1766-1839. A lawyer of Boston, high 
sheriff of Suffolk County from 1825 
till his death. Eulogy gn Washington ; 
The Compass (verse) ; Letters on Spe- 
citlative Masonry. 

Sumner, George. Ct., 1793-1855. A 
Hartford physician, professor of botany 
at Trinity College, 1824-55. Compen- 
dium of Physiological and Systematic 

Sumner, William Graham. N. J., 

1840 ■ — . An Episcopal clergyman, 

prominent as a political economist, pro- 
fessor of political and social science at 
Tale University from 1872. A History 
of American Currency ; What Social 
Classes Owe to Each Other ; Problems 
in Political Economy ; Collected Essays 
in Political and Social Science ; Pro- 
tectionism ; Lives of Andrew Jackson, 
Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris ; 
The Financier and the Finances of the 
Revolution, a more extended life of 
Robert Morris. Do. Har. Ho. Hou. 

Sunderland, Jabez Thomas. E., 

1842 . A Unitarian clergyman, 

editor of The Unitarian from 1880. A 
Rational Faith ; What is the Bible ? ; 
The Liberal Christian Ministry ; Home 
Travel in Bible Lands ; The Bible : its 
Origin and Place among the Sacred 
Books of the World ; Orthodoxy and 
Revivalism. El. Put. 

Sunderland, La Roy. S. I., 1802- 
1885. A writer who in early life was 
a zealous Methodist preacher, and after 
1845 an equally zealous opponent of 
Christianity, slavery. Spiritualism, and 
Mormonism. Among his writings are. 
History of South America; Book of 
Human Nature ; Book of Psychology ; 
The Trance, and How Introduced ; 
Anti-Slavery Manual ; Mormonism Ex- 

Supl6e [su-play'], Thomas Danly. 

Pa., 1848 . An educator of New 

Jersey. Frank Muller, or Labor audits 
Fruits ; Pebbles from the Fountain of 
Castalia ; Poems ; Plain Talks ; River- 
side, a romance ; Civil Government 
under the United States Constitution. 



Suydam, John Howard. N. Y., 
1832 . A Dutch Reformed clergy- 
man of Jersey City from 1869. The 
Cruger Family; Cruel Jim; The 

Swain, David Lowry. N. C, 1801- 
1868. A governor of North Carolina, 
1S32-35, who "vvrote a Revolutionary 
History of North Carolina. 

Swain, James Barrett. N. Y., 

1820-1895. A journalist of New York 
city, post-office inspector, 1881-85. Life 
and Speeches of Henry Clay ; Histori- 
cal Notes to Speeches of Henry Clay ; 
A Military History of New York State. 

Swan, James. S., 1751^1831. A sol- 
dier in the American army during the 
Revolution, afterwards adjutant-gene- 
ral of Massachusetts. The last fifteen 
years of his life were passed in a debtors' 
prison in Paris. Dissuasion to Great 
Britain and the Colonies from the Slave 
Trade to Africa (1772) ; Causes qui 
sont oppos^es au Progr^s ,du commerce 
entre la France et les Etats-Uuis de 
I'Am^rique (1790) ; 1 the Fisheries ; 
Fisheries of Massachusetts ; National 
Arithmetick ; Address on Agriculture, 
Manufactures, and Commerce. 

Swan, Josiah Rockwell. N. Y., 

1802-1884. A prominent jurist of 
Columbus, Ohio. Treatise on Justices 
of the Peace and Constables in Ohio ; 
Manual for Executors and Administra- 
tors ; Pleading and Practice ; Commen- 
taries on Pleadings under the Ohio 
Code, constitute his principal writings. 

Swan, "William Draper, ih., 1809- 
1864. An educator and bookseller of 
Boston. He published a popular series 
of school readers, and (with R. Swan 
and D. Leach) a series of widely used 

Swank, James Moore. Pa., 1832- 

. The general manager of the 

American Iron and Steel Association 
since 1885. History of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture ; Iron Making and 
Coal Mining in Pennsylvania ; Iron 
Manufacture in AU Ages. 

Swartz, Joel. Va., 1827 . A 

Lutheran clergyman, pastor at Gettys- 
burg from 1881. Dreamings of the 
Waking, with Other Poems ; Lyra 

Sweat, Mrs. Margaret Jane [Muz- 

zey]. Me., lS:i3 . Ethel's Love 

Life ; Highways of Travel, or a Sum- 
mer in Europe. 

Sweet, Alexander Edwin. N. B., 

1841 . A Texas journalist who 

served in the Confederate army. Three 
Dozen Good Stories from Texas Sift- 

Sweet, Homer De Lois. N. Y., 
1S20 . A civil engineer of Syra- 
cuse. The Averys of Groton, a genea- 
logy ; Twilight Ilours in the Adiron- 

Sweetser, Charles Humphreys. 
Ms., 1841-1871. A journalist of New 
York city and subsequently of Chicago. 
Songs of Amherst ; History of Amherst 
College ; Tourist's and Invalid's Guide 
to the Northwest. 

Sweetser, Moses Foster. Ms., 
1S4S-1897. A Boston writer who has 
published Europe for Two Dollars a 
Day ; Artist Biographies ; Summer 
Days Down East ; guide-books to New 
England, the Middle States, the White 
Mountains, and the Maritime Provinces ; 
In Distance and in Dream, a story. 
Hou. Et. 

Sweetser, "William. Ms., 1797-1875. 
A physician who was professor of me- 
dicine at Bowdoin College, 1845-61. 
Treatise on Consumption ; Digestion 
and its Disorders; Mental Hygiene; 
Human Life. 

Sw^enson, Carl Aaron. Pa., 1857- 

. A Lutheran clergyman, founder 

and president of Bethany College in 
Lindshorg, Kansas, editor of several 
Swedish journals, and author of Son- 
dagsskolboken ; Minnen fran Kyrkan ; 
Vid Hemmets Hard. 

Swett, John Appleton. Ms., 1808- 
1854. A physician of New York city. 
Diseases of the Chest. Ap. 

Swett, Josiah. N. H., 1814-1890. 
An Episcopal clergyman long promi- 
nent in "Vermont. English Grammar ; 
Pastoral "Visiting; Family Prayer; 
The Firmament in the Midst of the 
\\A'i' G rs 

Swett, Samuel. Ms., 1782-1866. A 
once prominent citizen of Boston who 
during the War of 1812 served in the 
American army as a topogTaphical en- 
gineer. History and Topographical 




Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle ; Who 
was Commander at Bunker Hill ? ; 
Sketches of Distinguished Men of 
Newbury and Newburyport. 

Sivett, Sophia Miriam. Me., 186 — 

. A writer of short stories and 

juvenile books, now (1897) Hying- at 
Arlington, Massachusetts. Pennyroyal 
and Mint ; The Lollipops' Vacation ; 
Captain PoUy ; Flying Hill Farm ; The 
Mate of the Mary Ann; Cap'n This- 
tletop ; The Ponkaty Branch Koad. 
Est. Bar. Lo. We. 

Swett, Susan Hartley. Me., 186 — 

. Sister of S. M. Swett, supra. A 

writer of Arlington, Massachusetts. 
Field Clover and Beach Grass, a volume 
of short stories. Est. 

Swett, "William. N. H., 1825-1884. 
A deaf-mute who founded the Deaf- 
Mute Industrial School at Beverly, 
Massachusetts. Adventures of a Deaf- 
Mute in the White Mountains. 

Swift, John Lindsay. Ms., 1828- 
1895. A Boston lawyer and journalist, 
deputy collector of the port of Boston 
from 1890. About Grant. Le. 

Swift, Zephaniah. Ms., 1759-1823. 
A noted Connecticut jurist. System of 
the Laws of Connecticut ; Digest of 
the Laws of Evidence ; Digest of the 
Laws of Connecticut, a standard au- 

Swinburne, Louis Judson. N. Y., 
1855-1887. A Colorado writer who 
was in Paris during the siege in 1871, 
and published a volume of observations 
on the subject entitled Paris Sketches. 

Swing, David. 0., 1830-1894. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of Chicago, 
tried for heresy in 1874, and acquitted, 
subsequently pastor of the Central 
Church there until his death. Ser- 
mons ; Club Essays ; Truths for To- 
day ; Motives of Life ; Old Pictures of 
Life, a collection of essays. Mg. St. 

Swinton, John. S., 1830 . Bro- 
ther of W. Swinton, infra. A journal- 
ist of New York city whose principal 
work is John Swinton's Travels. 

Swinton, William. S., 1833-1892. A 
journalist and educator, long prominent 
in New York city. Rambles Among 
Words ; Twelve Decisive Battles of 
the War ; Campaigns of the Army of 
the Potomac ; The " Times's " Review 

of MeCleUan ; History of the New 
York Seventh Regiment; Word Ana- 
lysis ; Bible Word Book ; Studies in 
English Literature. Har. Scr. 
Swisher, Mrs. Bella [French]. Ga., 
1837-1894. A writer who resided in 
Texas from 1877. Struggling up to the 
Light, a novel ; Rocks and Shoals ; FIo- 
recita, a, romance ; History of Brown 
County, Wisconsin ; Cassie ; Homeless 
Though at Home ; The Story of a Wo- 
man's Love. 

Swisshelm, Mrs. Jane Gray [Can- 
non]. Pa., 1815-1884. A journalist 
of Pittsburg, and subsequently of St. 
Cloud, Minnesota, prominent as an abo- 
litionist. Letters to Country Girls ; Half 
a Century, an autobiography. See 
HarVs American Literature. Mg. 

Sylvester, Herbert Milton. Ms., 

1849 . A Boston lawyer who has 

published two volumes of sympathetic 
nature studies. Prose Pastorals ; Home- 
stead Highways. Hou. 

Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. N. 

Y., 1825 . A lawyer of Troy, New 

York. Historical Sketches of Northern 
New York ; History of the Connecticut 
Valley of Massachusetts ; Indian Le- 
gends of Saratoga ; Historical Narra^ 
tives of the Upper Hudson ; Histories 
of Saratoga, Rensselaer, and Ulster 
Counties, New York. 

Symmes, John Cleves. N. J., 1780- 
1829. A soldier of Newport, Ken- 
tucky. He was the author of The The- 
ory of Concentric Spheres, an attempt 
to prove that the earth is hollow, open 
at the poles, and habitable in the in- 
terior. See Harper's Magazine, October, 
18SS; Atlantic Monthly, April, 187S; 
McBride's Pioneer Biography. 

Sypher, Josiah Rinehart. Fa., 1832- 
. A journalist and lawyer of Phi- 
ladelphia, war correspondent of The 
New York Tribune, 1862-65. History 
of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps; 
School History of Pennsylvania ; The 
Art of Teaching School ; School His- 
tory of New Jersey (with E. A. Ap- 
gar). Lip. 

Szabad, Emeric. Hy., c. 1822 . 

A soldier under Garibaldi who came to 
America in 1861, and served in the 
Federal army. Hungary Past and 




Present ; State Policy of Modern Eu- 
rope ; Modern War : its Theory and 

Tabb, John Banister. Md., 1845- 

. A Roman Catholic clergyman 

and educator, professor of English lite- 
rature in St. Charles's College, Ellicott 
City, Maryland. His verse has received 
much well merited praise. Poems ; 
Lyrics ; An Octave to Mary. Cop. 

Taf el, Johann Friedrich Leonhard. 

\Vg., 1800 . A German educator 

who removed to the United States in 
1853, and lived in St. Louis. Staat und 
Christenthum ; Der Christ und der 
Atheist; A German- English and Eng- 
lish-German Pocket Dictionary (with 
his son Ludwig Taf el). 

Tafel, Rudolph Leonhard. Wg., 

183 1 . Son of J. F. L. Tafel, supra. 

Formerly an educator of St. Louis, but 
since 1868 a Swedenborgian minister 
in London, England. Emanuel Swe- 
denborg as Philosophtjr and Man ; Our 
Heavenward Journey ; Authority in the 
New Church ; The Preaching Gift ; In- 
vestigation as to the Laws of English 
Pronunciation and Prosody. 

Talbot, Charles Remington. 1851- 
1891. A writer of juvenile books who 
was an Episcopal clergyman at Wren- 
thara, Massachusetts. Honor Bright ; 
Miltiades Peterkin Paul; Royal Lou- 
ise ; Romulus and Remus, a dog story ; 
A Midshipman at Large ; The Impos- 
tor ; A Romance of the Revolution. Lo. 

Talbot, Henry Paul. Ms., 1864 . 

An associate professor of analytical 
chemistry in the Massachusetts Insti- 
tute of Technology. An Introductory 
Course of Quantitative Chemical Ana- 
lysis. Mac. 

Talmage [tal-mij or tam-ij], Thomas 
De "Witt. N. J., 1832 . A Pres- 

byterian clergyman of Brooklyn, : 
1894, and subsequently of New York, 
widely known as a preacher. He has 
been a prolific writer, but the literary 
worth of his books is very slight. 
Crumbs Swept Up ; Sermons ; From 
Manger to Throne ; Sports that Kill ; 
Social Dynamite ; The Pathway of Life ; 
The Marriage Ring ; Old Wells Dug 
Out ; Every-Day Religion ; Sundown ; 

Fishing Too Near Shore, include his 
principal works. Fu. 

Talvi. See Robinson, Mrs. Thh-ese. 

Tannehill, "Wilkins. Pa., 1787-1858. 
A journalist of Nashville. Freemasons' 
Manual ; Sketches of the History of 
Literature ; Sketches of the History 
of Roman Literature. 

Tanner, Benjamin Tucker. Pa., 

1835 . A bishop of the African 

Methodist Church. Paul ys. Pius Ninth ; 
The Negro's Origin, and Is the Negro 
Cursed ? ; Outline of the History and 
Government of the African Methodist 
Episcopal Church. 

Tanner, Henry S . N. Y., 1786- 

1858. A geographer of Philadelphia. 
Memoir on the Recent Surveys in the 
United States (1830) ; View of the 
Valley of the Mississippi ; American 
Traveller ; Central Traveller ; New 
Picture of Philadelphia ; Desciiption 
of Canals and Railways in the United 
States (1840). 

Tappan, David. Ms., 1752-1803. A 
Congregational clergyman, pastor at 
Newbury, Massachusetts, 1774-U2, and 
Hollis professor of divinity at Harvard 
University from 1792 untU his death. 
Sermons on Important Subjects ; Lec- 
tures on Jewish Antiquities. See Me- 
moir by Abiel Holmes, supra. 

Tappan, Eli Todd. O., 1824 . A 

professor of mathematics at Kenyon 
College, Gambler, Ohio, 1875-87, and 
since then Ohio commissioner of com- 
mon schools. Plane and Solid Geome- 
try ; Elements of Geometry ; Treatise 
on Geometry and Trigonometry. 

Tappan, Henry Philip. N. Y., 1805- 
1881. A Dutch Reformed clergyman, 
professor of philosophy in the Univer- 
sity of the City of New York, ohaiscel- 
lor of the University of Michigan, 1852- 
1863. Elements of Logic ; Treatise on 
Universal Education ; Review of Ed- 
wards's " Inquiry into the Freedom of 
the Will ; " The Doctrine of the Free- 
dom of the Will Determined by an 
Appeal to Consciousness : The Doctrine 
of the Freedom of the Will Applied to 
Moral Agency ; A Step from the Old 
World to the New and Back Again ; 
Introductions to Illustrious Personages 
of the Nineteenth Century. 

Tappan, Lewis. Ms., 17S8-1S73. A 




merchant of New York city, proprietor 
of The Journal of Commerce, and active 
as an abolitionist. Life of Arthur Tap- 
pan, by his brother, » valuable contri- 
bution to anti-slavery literature. 

Tappan, William Bingham. Ms., 
17y4-1849. A verse-writer and educa^ 
tor of Philadelphia and Boston. Poe- 
try of the Heart ; Poetry of Life ; New 
England, and Other Poems ; Songs of 
Judah ; Lyrics ; Sacred and Miscella- 
neous Poems ; The Sunday School, and 
Other Poems ; Early and Late Poems. 
ISee Griswold's Poets and Poetry of 
America; Duyckinclc's American Lite- 

Tarbell, Frank Bigelow. Ms., 185-3- 
. A professor of Greek in the Uni- 
versity of Chicago from 1892. A His- 
tory of Greek Art ; The Philippics of 
Demosthenes, with Litroduction and 
Notes. Fl. Gi. 

Tarbell, Ida M . 18 . Ma- 
dame Roland ; Early Life of Abraham 
Lincoln (with J. M. Davis). Scr. 

Tarbell, John Adams. Ms., 1810- 
1864. A homoeopathic physician of Bos- 
ton. Sources of Health ; Homoeopathy 

Tarbox, Increase Niles. Ct., 181.5- 
1888. A Congregational clergyman 
who was secretary of the American Col- 
lege and Education Society, 18.51-84. 
Winnie and Walter Stories ; When I 
was a Boy ; Nineveh, or the Buried 
City ; Uncle George's Stories ; Journeys 
and Labors of St. Paul ; Life of Gene- 
ral Israel Putnam ; Sir Walter Raleigh 
and His Colony in America ; Songs and 
Hymns for Common Life. Xo. 

Tarr, Ralph Stockman. Ms., 1864- 

. A geologist, assistant professor 

of geology at Cornell University, 1892- 
1897, professor of dynamic geology and 
physical geogTaphy there from 1897. 
Elementary Geology ; Economic Geo- 
logy of the United States ; Elementary 
Physical Geography. Mac. 

Tatham, William. E., 1752-1819. An 
engineer and lawyer of Virginia who 
served in the American army during 
the Revolution. An Analysis of the 
State of Virginia ; Remarks on Inland 
Canals ; National Irrigation, are among 
his writings. 

Taussig [tow'sig], Frank William. 

Mo., 1859- 

A professor of poli- 

tical economy at Harvard University. 
Protection to Young Industries as Ap- 
plied in the United States ; The His- 
tory of the Present Tariff, 1860-83; 
The Tariff History of the United States ; 
The Silver Situation in the United 
States (1892) ; Wages and Capital. Ap. 

Taylor, Alfred. Pa., 1831 . A 

Presbyterian clergyman of Philadel- 
phia. Peeps at Our Sunday-Schools; 
Sunday - School Photographs ; Hints 
about Sunday-School Work. Meth. 

Taylor, Bayard. See Taylor, [James] 

Taylor, Benjamin Franklin. N.Y., 
1819-1887. A popular verse-writer of 
Chicago whose work is always pleasing, 
though it never reaches a very high 
plane of inspiration. Songs of Yester- 
day ; Old Time Pictures, and Sheaves 
of Rhyme ; Dulce Domnm ; Between 
the Gates ; Summer Savory ; The River 
of Time ; Pictures of Life in Camp and 
Field ; Complete Poems (1887) ; The- 
ophilus Trent, a novel. Ap. Sc. 

Taylor, Charles. Ms., 1819 . A 

Methodist clergyman who was a mis- 
sionary to China, 1848—54. Five Years 
in Chiiia ; Baptism in a Nutshell. 

Taylor, Charles Fayette. Vt., 1827- 

■ . A surgeon of New York city. 

Theory and Practice of the Movement 
Cure ; Spinal Irritation ; Sensation and 
Pain ; Mechanical Treatment of Angu- 
lar Curvature of the Spine ; Treatment 
of Disease of the Hip Joint ; Infantile 
Paralysis. Lip. 

Taylor, Fitch Waterman. C*.,1803- 
1865. An Episcopal chaplain in the 
United States navy. The Flag Ship, 
or a Voyage Around the World ; The 
Broad IPennant, a work of similar na- 

Taylor, George Boardman. Va., 

1832 . A Baptist missionary in 

Rome since 1873. Oakland Stories ; 
Costar Grew ; Roger Bemant, the Pas- 
tor's Son ; Walter Ennis, a tale of the 
Early Virginia Baptists ; Life of J. B. 
Taylor, infra. Hap. 

Taylor, George Henry. Fi., 1821-. 

. Brother of C. F. Taylor, supra. 

A physician of New York city, among 
whose writings are, Exposition of the 




Swedish Movement Cure ; Health for 
Women ; Massage ; Pelvic and Hernial 
Taylor, George Lansing. N. Y., 

1835 . A Methodist clergyman of 

eastern New York. Elijah the Re- 
former, a Ballad Epic ; Grant : an 
Elegy, and Other Poems ; What Shall 
we Do with the Sunday-School ? ; The 
New Africa. Fu. Mcth. 

Taylor, Hannis. N. C, 1851 . 

A lawyer of Mobile, minister to Spain, 
1893-97. The Origin and Growth of 
the English Constitution. Mou. 
Taylor, Henry Osborn. iV. 1'., 1856- 

. A legal writer of New York city. 

Treatise on the Law of Private Cor- 
porations, a standard work much used 
a« a text-book in law schools ; Ancient 
Ideals. Put. 
Taylor, Hobart Chatfield. See 

Chatfield- Taylor. 
Taylor, James Barnett. E., 1819- 
1871. A Baptist missionary in Vir- 
ginia. Life of Lot Gary ; Lives of 
Virginia Baptist Ministers. See Life, 
by G. B. Taylor, supra. Bap, 
Taylor, [James] Bayard [bi'ard]. 
Pa., 1825-1S78. An author well known 
as poet, novelist, translator, and travel- 
ler. It was as a poet that he most de- 
sired to be remembered, but except in a 
few instances his verse does not reach 
a, very lofty level of attainment, and, 
while often excellent in quality, lacks 
usually the element of spontaneity. His 
volumes of verse comprise, Ximena, 
and Other Poems ; Rhymes of Travel ; 
Poems and Ballads ; Poems of Home 
and Travel ; Poems of the Orient, his 
most original work; The Picture of 
St. John ; The Poet's Journal ; Lars ; 
The Masque of the Gods ; Home Pas- 
torals ; Prince Denkalion ; The Pro- 
phet, a tragedy ; Centennial Ode. In 
fiction he published, Beauty and the 
Beast; Hannah Thurston; The Story 
of Kennett ; John Godfrey's Fortnne ; 
Joseph and his Friend. His travels in- 
clude. Views Afoot ; Eldorado ; By- 
ways of Europe ; Central Africa ; Egypt 
and Iceland ; Greece and Russia ; At 
Home and Abroad ; India, China, and 
Japan ; The Lands of the Saracen ; 
Colorado. The translation of Faust is 
his greatest work, and the one on which 
his fame wiU most securely rest. Other 

works of his are. School History of 
Germany ; Literary Essays and Notes ; 
Studies in German Literature ; The 
Echo Club, and Other Literary Diver- 
sions. See Catholic World, April, 1S79 ; 
LippincotVs Magazine, August, 1879; 
StedmarCs Poets of America ; Life and 
Letters of, by Marie Hanseii-Taytor and 
H. E. Scudder ; Life by Smyth ; Alli- 
bone's Dictionary. Ap. Hou. My. Put. 

Taylor, James Monroe. iV. Y., 1848- 
. A Baptist clergyman and edu- 
cator, president of Vassar College from 
1880. Psychology. 

Taylor, James Wickes. N. Y., 
1819-1893. A United States consul at 
Winnipeg, Manitoba, from 1870. The 
Victim of Intrigue, a Tale of Burr's 
Conspiracy ; History of Ohio, First Pe- 
riod : l(i2()-1787 ; Manual of Ohio School 
System ; Forest and Fruit Culture in 
Manitoba; Mineral Resources of the 
United States {with Browne). 

Taylor, John. Va., 1750-1824. A 
politician of prominence in his day as a 
senator from Virginia. Inquiry into 
the Principles and Polity of the United 
States Government ; Agricultural Es- 
says ; Construction Construed ; Tyran- 
ny Unmasked ; New Views of the 
United States Constitution. 

Taylor, John Louis. E., 1769-1829. 
A former chief justice of North Caro- 
Ima, 1810-29. Superior Court Cases 
in Law and Equity ; The North Caro- 
lina Law Repository ; Term Reports ; 
Duties of Executors and Administra- 

Taylor, John Neilson. N. J., 1805- 
1878. A lawyer of Brooklvn. Ame- 
rican Law of Landlord and Tenant ; 
The Law of Executors and Adminis- 
trators in New York State. Lit. 

Taylor, John Orville. N. Y., 1807- 
1890. An educational writer and re- 
former long prominent in New York 
State, and after 1879 a resident of New 
Brunswick, New Jersey. The District 
School, or Popular Education. 

Taylor, Marshall William. Ky., 
1846-1887. A Methodist clergyman of 
African descent in Kentucky. Hn.nd- 
book for Schools ; The Negro in Me- 

Taylor, Nathaniel "William. Ct., 
17S6-1S58. A Congregational clergy- 




man prominent in his day as the expo- 
nent of the New Haven type of theo- 
logy, who was Dwight professor at Yale 
University, 1822-38. Practical Ser- 
mons ; Moral Government of God ; Es- 
says, etc., upon Select Topics in Re- 
vealed Theology. 

Taylor, Oliver Alden. Ms., 1801- 
1851. A Congregational clergyman 
of Manchester, Massachusetts. Brief 
Views of the Saviour ; Life of Jesus. 
See Memoir by A. A. Taylor. 

Taylor, Richard. La., 1826-1879. A 
son of President Taylor, and a Confe- 
derate officer. Destruction and Recon- 
struction. Ap. 

Taylor, Richard Cowling. K, 1789- 
18.51. An English geologist who came 
to America in 1830, among whose pub- 
lications are. Geology and Natural His- 
tory of the Northeast Extremity of the 
Alleghany Mountains ; History and De- 
scription of Fossil Fuel ; Statistics of 
Coal. Bai. 

Taylor, Rufus. Ms., 1811 . Bro- 
ther of 0. A. Taylor, supra. A Con- 
gregational minister of Massachusetts, 
whose home was at Beverly, New Jer- 
sey, after 1878. Union to Christ ; Love 
to God ; Thoughts on Prayer ; Cottage 
Piety Exemplified. Lip. 

Taylor, Samuel Harvey. N. H., 
1807-1871. An educator long promi- 
nent in Massachusetts, principal of Phil- 
lips Academy, Andover, 1837-71. Me- 
thod of Classical Study. See Memorial 
compiled by his last class. 

Taylor, Thomas House. S. C, 1799- 
1869. An Episcopal clergyman, promi- 
nent in New York city as the rector of 
Grace Church, 1834—67, and active as a 
Low Church controversialist. Sermons 
Preached in Grace Church. 

Taylor, "Walter Herron. Va., 1838- 

. A Confederate officer during the 

Civil War, and subsequently a banker 
in Norfolk. The Book of Travels of 
a Doctor of Physic ; Four Years with 
General Lee. Ap. 

Taylor, ■William. Va., 1821 . A 

noted Methodist missionary and evan- 
gelist, appointed bishop in Africa in 
1884, among whose writings are, Cali- 
fornia Life Illustrated; Seven Years' 
Street Preaching in San Francisco ; 
Pauline Methods of Missionary Work ; 

The Model Preacher ; Reconciliation ; 
The Election of Grace ; Christian Ad- 
ventures in South Africa ; Our South 
American Cousins. 

Taylor, 'William Mackergo. S., 

1829-1895. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of eminence. He came from Scotland 
to New York city in 1871, and was pas- 
tor of the Broadway Tabernacle, 1871- 
1893. Contrary Winds; The Limitations 
of Life ; The Lost Found ; The Gospel 
Miracles ; Prayer and Business ; Life 
Truths ; John Knox ; Joseph the Prime 
Minister ; Ruth the Gleaner and Esther 
the Queen ; David, King of Israel ; Eli- 
jah the Prophet ; Peter the Apostle ; 
Daniel the Beloved ; Moses the Law- 
Giver ; Paul the Missionary ; The Scot- 
tish Pulpit from the Reformation, com- 
prise his most important works. Har. 
Han. Scr. 
Tefft, Benjamin Franklin. N. Y., 
1813-1885. A Methodist clergyman of 
Maine. The Shoulder-Knot, a Story 
of the 17th Century ; Memorials of 
Prison Life ; Methodism Successful ; 
Our Political Parties ; Evolution and 
Christianity ; Hungary and Kossuth ; 
Life of Daniel Webster. Co. Le. 

Tennent, Gilbert. L, 1703-1764. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of Philadel- 
phia, active in his day as a controver- 
sialist. XXIII Sermons ; Discourses on 
Several Subjects ; Sermons on Impor- 
tant Subjects. 

Tenney, Edvsrard Payson. 1835- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

New England, at one time President of 
Colorado College. Agamentious ; Con- 
stance of Acadia, a novel. Le. Rob. 

Tenney, Sanborn. N. H., 1827-1877. 
A naturalist who was professor of na- 
tural history at Williams College from 
1868. Elements of Zoology ; Manual 
of Zoology ; Geology for Teachers. 

Tenney, Mrs. Sarah [Brownson]. 
Ms., 1839-1876. Wife of W. J. Tenney, 
infra, and daughter of 0. Brownson, 
supra. Marion Elwood, or How Girls 
Live ; At Anchor ; Life of Demetrius 
GaUitziu, Prince and Priest. 

Tenney, Mrs. Tabitha [Gilman], 
N. H., 1762-1837. The wife of a noted 
physician of Exeter, New Hampshire. 
She wrote Female Quixotism, an amus- 




ing satirical novel, which was long popu- 

Tenney, 'Williani JeTwett. B. I., 
1814^1883. A writer who lived at 
Elizabeth, New Jersey, for many years. 
He edited Appletons' Annual Cyclo- 
pedia, 1861-82, and wrote a Military 
and Naval History of the Rebellion. 

Terhune, Albert Payson. N. J., 

1868 . Son of Mrs. Terhune, infra. 

A journalist and author of New York 
city. Syria from the Saddle, a volume 
of travels ; Columbia Stories, a collec- 
tion of sketches ; The Great Cedar- 
hurst Mystery. Sil. 

Terhune, Mrs. Mary Virginia 
[Ha'wres]. " Marion Harland." Va., 
1835 . A popular novelist, lec- 
turer, and writer on domestic topics, 
the wife of a Dutch Reformed clergy- 
man of New York city. Her work in 
fiction includes. Alone ; Moss - Side ; 
Beechdale ; Judith ; The Hidden Path ; 
Handicapped ; Nemesis ; At Last ; He- 
len Gardner's Wedding-Day ; Jessa- 
mine; With the Best Intentions; True 
as Steel ; Sunnybank ; From My Youth 
Up ; My Little Love ; A Gallant Fight ; 
The Royal Road ; His Great Self ; Mr. 
Wayt's Wife's Sister; Eve's Daugh- 
ters ; Marion. Other works of hers are. 
Common Sense in the Household, a 
widely known manual of housewifery ; 
Common Sense in the Nursery; The 
Cottage Kitchen; The Dinner Year- 
Book ; Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea ; 
The Story of Mary Washington ; Loi- 
tering in Pleasant Paths. Cas. Bo. 
Hon. Scr. 

Terry, Adrian Russell. Ct, 1808- 
1864. A physician and educator who 
was for some years professor in Bristol 
College, Pennsylvania, and author of 
Trfivels in the Equatorial Regions of 
South America in 1832. 

Terry, John Orville. X. I., 1796- 
1869. A rural versifier of Orient, Long 
Island, who published The Poems of 
J. 0. T., consisting of Song, Satire, and 
Pastoral Descriptions. 

Terry, Milton Spenser. N.Y., 1840- 
. A Methodist clergyman and edu- 
cator, since 1884 a professor in Garrett 
Biblical Institute at Evanston, Illinois. 
Commentary on Judges, Ruth, and 
Samuel ; Commentary on Kings, Chro- 
nicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah ; Commen- 

tary on Genesis and Exodus ; Biblical 
Henneneutics ; Sibylline Oracles (from 
the Greek) ; The Song of Songs ; Pro- 
phecies of Daniel Expounded; Ram- 
bles in the Old World. Meth. 

Teuffel,Mrs. Blanche Willis [How- 
ard] von. Me., 1847 . A novelist 

who has lived in Stuttgart, Germany, 
since 1875. One Summer ; Aulnay 
Tower ; Aunt Serena ; Guenn ; The 
Open Door ; No Heroes, a Story for 
Boys ; A Fellowe and His Wife (with 
William Sharp) ; Seven on the High- 
way, short stories ; One Year Abroad : 
European Travel Sketches. Hou. 

Thacher, James. Ms., 1754-1844. A 
physician of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 
prominent in his youth as a military 
surgeon in the battles of the American 
Revolution. American Medical Bio- 
graphy ; History of Plymouth ; Essay 
on Demonology ; American New Dis- 
pensatory ; Observations on Hydropho- 
bia ; A Military Journal during the 
American Revolution, a work of great 
value ; The Management of Bees ; 
American Orchardist ; Observations Re- 
lating to the Execution of Major Andr^. 

Thaoher, John Boyd. N. Y., 1847- 
. A critical scholar and biblio- 
grapher of Albany, mayor of that city 
in 1897. Charlecote, a drama ; The 
Continent of America, its Discovery 
and its Baptism ; Little Speeches. Do. 

Thacher, Mary Potter. See Higgin- 
son, Mrs. Mary. 

Thacher, Samuel Cooper. Ms., 1785- 
1818. A Unitarian clergyman of Bos- 
ton, pastor of the New South Church, 
1811-15. An Apology for Rational 
and Evangelical Christianity ; The Uni- 
ty of God ; Sermons ; Evidences Neces- 
sary to Establish the Doctrine of tjie 

Thacher, Thomas. E., 1620-1678. A 
Puritan clergyman, pastor and phy- 
sician at Weymouth, Massachusetts, 
1644-66, and pastor of the Old South 
Church in Boston from 1666. He pnb- 
Hshed, in 1677, A Brief Rule to Guide 
the Common People of New England 
How to Order Themselves and Theirs in 
the Small Pocks or Measels, supposed 
to be the first medical work published 
in New England. See Sprague's Annals 
of the American Pulpit. 




Thanet, Octave. See French, Alice. 
Tharin, Robert Seymour Symmes. 

At., 1830 . A lawyer of Alabama 

who was prominent as a Unionist dur- 
ing the Civil War, and has since been 
employed in the auditor's office in 
W ashington. Arbitrary Arrests in the 
South ; Letters on the Political Situa- 

Thatcher, Benjamin Bussey. Me., 
18U9-1840. A Boston lawyer and lit- 
t&ateur. Indian Biography ; Indian 
Traits ; Traits of the Boston Tea Par- 
ty ; Tales of the American Revolution ; 
Memoir of PhUlis Wheatley. Har. 

Thatcher, Oliver Joseph. O., 185 — 
. A Presbyterian clergyman, as- 
sistant professor of mediaeval and Eng- 
lish history in the University of Chicago 
from 1893. A Sketch of the History 
of the Apostolic Church ; Europe in the 
Middle Age (with F. SchwiU) ; A Short 
History of Mediaaval Europe. Hou. 

Thaxter, Adam "Wallace. Ms., 1832- 
1864. A dramatist of Boston among 
whose plays are. The Sculptor ; Olym- 
pia ; Mary Tudor ; The Painter of Na- 
ples. He published, also, The Grotto 

Thaxter, Mrs. Celia [Laightou]. N- 
H., 1836-1894. A poet whose child- 
hood and much of whose later life was 
spent in the Isles of Shoals. Her verse 
is distinctly original and is largely the 
poetry of the shore, such poems as The 
Sandpiper ; Courage ; Kittery Church- 
Yard ; The Spaniards' Graves ; The 
Watch of Boon Island, being charac- 
teristic of her work in verse. Her 
volumes of verse comprise. Drift- Weed ; 
The Cruise of the Mystery ; Idyls and 
Pastorals ; Verses ; Poems for Chil- 
dren ; Poems, Appledore Edition (1896). 
She wrote, also, An Island Garden ; 
Among the Isles of Shoals. See Let- 
ters of; Appletons' Annual Cyclopedia, 
1894. Hou. Lo. 

Thayer, Alexander Wheelock. 

Ms., 1817 . A writer whose later 

life has been spent abroad, and who was 
consul at Trieste, 18.59-82. His most 
important work, a Life of Beethoven, 
the third volume of which was pub- 
lished in Berlin in 18S7, has not been 
printed in English. It is still (1897) 
unfinished. The Hebrews and the Red 

Sea ; Signior Masoni and Other Papers 
by the late I. Brown. 

Thayer, Eli. Ms., 1819 . An edu- 
cator of Worcester, Massachusetts, very 
prominent in the history of the settle- 
ment of Kansas. A History of the 
Kansas Crusade : its Friends and its 
Foes. Har. 

Thayer, Mrs. Emma [Homan] 

[Graves]. iV.r.,1842 . A writer 

and artist of Salida, Colorado. WUd 
Flowers of Colorado ; Wild Flowers of 
the Pacific Coast ; An English Ameri- 
can, a novel. 

Thayer, James Bradley. Ms., 1831- 

. A professor in the Harvard Law 

School at Cambridge. A Western Jour- 
ney with Mr. Emerson ; Cases on Con- 
stitutional Law ; A Preliminary Trea- 
tise on Evidence at the Common Law. 

Thayer, Joseph Henry. Ms., 1828- 

. A Congregational clergyman, 

professor of New Testament criticism 
and interpretation in the Divinity School 
of Harvard University from 1884. 
Books and Their Use ; The Change of 
Attitude Toward the Bible ; A Greek- 
English Lexicon of the New Testament. 
Har. Hou. 

Thayer, Martin Russell. Va., 1819- 

. A jurist of Philadelphia. The 

Duties of Citizenship ; The Great Vic- 
tory : its Cost and Value ; The Law as 
a Progressive Science ; On Libraries ; 
Life and Works of Francis Lieber; 
The Battle of Germantown. 

Thayer, Stephen Henry. N. H., 

1839 . A banker of New York 

city living at Tarrytown, New York, 
who has published Songs of Sleepy 

Thayer, Sylvanus. Ms., 1785-1872. 
Cousin of M. R. Thayer, supra. A mili- 
tary engineer of distinction, superin- 
tendent of West Point Academy, 1817- 
1833, and from 1836-68 in charge of 
the military defences of Boston. Pa- 
pers on Practical Engineering. 

Thayer, Thomas Bald^win. Ms., 
1812-1882. A Universalist clergyman 
of Lowell. Over the River ; Christian- 
ity vs. Infidelity ; Historical Doctrine 
of Endless Punishment ; Bible Class 
Assistant ; Theology of Universalism. 

Thayer, William Makepeace. Ms., 
1820 — - — -. A Congregational clergy- 




man who retired from the ministry, and, 
living at Franklin, Massachusetts, de- 
voted himself to authorship. His hooks, 
which have been extraordinarily popu- 
lar, are mainly intended' for juvenile 
reading'. Among them are. Youths' 
History of the Rebellion ; The Bobbin 
Boy; The Pioneer Boy; The Printer 
Boy ; The Poor Boy and the Merchant 
Prince ; Turning Points in Successful 
Careers ; Marvels of the New West ; 
The White House Series ; Aim High : 
Hints for Young Men ; Life of Garfield; 
Men Who Win; Women Who Win. Cr. 

Thayer, WimamRoscoe. Jfs., 18.57- 
. Formerly an instructor at Har- 
vard University. His writings in verse 
include, The Confessions of Hermes ; 
Hesper ; Poems, New and Old. He has 
published, also, The Dawn of Italian 
Independence ; The Best Elizabethan 
Plays. Gi. Hou. 

Thdbaud [tay-ho'], Augustine J . 

F., 1807-1885. A Roman Catholic cler- 
gyman and educator of New York city. 
The Irish Race in the Past and Present ; 
Louisa Kirkbride, a tale of New York ; 
The Church and the Moral World; 
The Twit-Twats, a bird allegory. 

Theller, Edward Alexander. Q., 
c. 1810—1859. A Canadian physician 
who, for his activity in the Canadian 
rebellion of 1837, was imprisoned and 
sentenced to death. He escaped to the 
United States, and was subsequently a 
journalist in California and superin- 
tendent of schools in San Francisco. 
Canada in 1837-38. 

Thieblin, Nicolas Leon. 7y., 1834- 
1889. A journalist of London, and, after 
1874, of New York city. He was Span- 
ish correspondent of The Herald in the 
Carlist war. A Little Book About Great 
Britain ; Spain and the Spaniards. Le. 

Thoburn, James Mills. O., 1836- 

. A Methodist missionary, bishop 

in India and Malaysia since 1888. Mis- 
sionary Addresses ; My Missionary Ap- 
prenticeship in New York ; India and 
Malaysia ; Light in the East ; The 
Deaconess and Her Vocation ; Christ- 
less Nations. Meth. 

Thomas, Abel Charles. Pa., 1807- 
1880. A Universalist clergyman of 
Philadelphia, and for a short time in 
Lowell, where he established the Low- 

ell Offering, a periodical written by the 
factory operatives. Allegories and Di- 
vers Day Dreams ; Centenary of Uni- 
versalism ; Discussions on Universalism ; 
The Christian Helper ; Autobiography. 

Thomas, Amos Russell. N. Y., 1826- 

. A Philadelphia physician, dean 

of Hahnemann Medical College. Post 
Mortem Examinations and Morbid An- 
atomy. ' 

Thomas, Benjamin Franklin. Ms., 
1813-1878. Grandson of I. Thomas, 
infra. A jurist of Worcester, Massa- 
chusetts. Digest of Laws of Massachu- 
setts in Relation to Powers, Duties, 
and Liabilities of Towns and Town 
Officers ; Life of Isaiah Thomas, infra. 

Thomas, Cyrus. Tn., 1825 . A 

noted ethnologist and entomologist in 
the government service. Actididse of 
North America ; Noxious and Benefi- 
cial Insects of Illinois ; Study of the 
Manuscript Troano ; Notes on Cer- 
tain Maya and Mexican Manuscripts; 
Aids to the Study of the Maya Chroni- 
cles ; The Cherokees and Shawnees in 
Pre-Columbian Times ; Catalogue of 
Prehistoric Works East of the Rocky 
Mountains ; Mound Exploration of the 
Bureau of Ethnology. 

Thomas, David. Pa., 1776-1859. A 
pomologist and engineer, once promi- 
nent in western New York. Travels in 
the West (1819). 

Thomas, Ebenezer Smith. Ms., 
1780-1844. Nephew of I. Thomas, in- 
fra. A CincMmati journalist who pub- 
lished Reminiscences of the Last Sixty- 
Five Years (1840) ; Reminiscences of 
South Carolina. 

Thomas, Mrs. Edith [Carpenter]. 

N. H., 18 . A writer of Mill- 

ville. New Jersey. Lorenzo Di Medici : 
an Historical Portrait ; Your Money or 
Your Life, a novel. Put. Scr. 

Thomas, Edith Matilda. O., 1854- 

. A poet and prose-writer, formerly 

of Geneva, Ohio, but since 1888 of New 
York city and its vicinity. The best of 
her poems are marked by great refine- 
ment of expression as well as subtlety 
of thought. Beside a volume of prose 
papers. The Round Year, she has pub- 
lished in verse, A New Year's Masque ; 
A Winter Swallow, with Other Verse ; 
Fair Shadow Land ; Lyrics and Son- 




nets ; The Inverted Torch ; In Sunshine 
Land ; In the Young World, the two 
last named being intended for juvenile 
reading. Hou. Scr. 
Thomas, Frederick William. E. I., 
1811-1864. Son of E. S. Thomas, supra. 
A journalist, novelist, and educator -who 
was also a Methodist clergyman. The 
Emigrant, a Poem ; The Beechen Tree, 
and Other Poems ; Sketches of Charac- 
ter ; Randolph of Roanoke. His novels 
include, Clinton Bradshaw ; East and 
West ; Howard Pinckney. 

Thomas, Isaiah. Ms., 1749-1831. A 
noted printer of Worcester, Massachu- 
setts, who was the founder of the Ameri- 
can Antiquarian Society at Worcester. 
He published The Massachusetts Spy 
tUl 1801 ; The New England Almanac ; 
and wrote a valuable History of Print- 
ing. See Life of, by B. F. Thomas, 

Thomas, Jesse Burgess. IZ., 1832- 

. A Baptist clergyman, professor 

in the Theological Seminary at Newton, 
Massachusetts, from 1887. The Old 
Bible and the New Science ; The Mould 
of Doctrine ; Significance of the His- 
torical Element in Scripture. 

Thomas, John J . N. Y., 1810-1895. 

Son of D. Thomas, supra. An agri- 
cultural writer of Albany, long on the 
editorial staff of The Country Gentle- 
man. He edited Rural Affairs, and 
was author of The American Fruit Cul- 
turist ; Farm Implements : their Con- 
struction and Use ; Farm Implements 
and Farm Machinery. He was a much- 
esteemed authority in his department. 

Thomas, Joseph. N. Y., 1811-1891. 
Son of D. Thomas, supra. An emi- 
nent lexicographer of Philadelphia. A 
Pronouncing Gazetteer and Dictionary 
of the World ; Gazetteer of the United 
States ; Medical Dictionary ; Universal 
Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography 
and Mythology; First Book of Ety- 
mology ; Travels in Egypt and Pales- 
tine. Lip. 

Thomas, Lewis Foulke. Md., 181.5- 
1868. Son of E. S. Thomas,- supra. A 
lawyer and verse-writer of Washington. 
India, and Other Poems ; Cortez the 
Conqueror, a drama ; Osceola, a drama ; 
Rhymes of the Routes. 

Thomas, Martha McCannon. Md., 

1825 . Daughter of E. S. Thomas, 

svpra. Life's Lessons, a Tale ; Captain 
Phil, a story of the Civil War. Ho. 

Thomas, Mary von Erden. S. C., 

1825 . Daughter of E. S. Thomas, 

supra. A computer in the Coast Sur- 
vey Office at Washington from 1854. 
Winning the Battle, a novel. 

Thomas, Reuen. E., 1840 '-. A 

Congregational clergyman, pastor of the 
Harvard Church at Brookline, Massa- 
chusetts, from 1875. Through Death 
to Life ; Divine Sovereignty ; Grafen- 
burg People ; Leaders of Thought in 
the Modern Church. Lo. 

Thomas, Robert Baily. Ms., 1766- 
1846. Editor for fifty-three years of 
The Farmer's Almanack, which he first 
published in 1793 and which is still 
issued yearly. 

Thomas, Theodore Gaillard. S. C, 

1832 . An eminent physician of 

New York city who has published Dis- 
eases of Women ; Abortion and its 
Treatment. Ap. 

Thomas, William Henry. Me., 1824- 
1895. A journalist and traveller. Life 
in the East Indies ; A Whaleman's 
Adventures ; A Slaver's Adventures ; 
Running the Blockade ; The Belle of 
Australia ; On Land and Sea ; Lewey 
and I ; Ocean Rovers. 

Thompson, Alexander Ramsey. 

N. Y., 1822-1895. A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman of New York city who published 
Christianity and Patriotism; Casting 
Down Imaginations, and was the au- 
thor of many hymns. 

Thompson, Augustus Charles. Ct, 
1812 . A Congregational clergy- 
man, pastor of the Eliot Church at 
Roxbury, Massachusetts, from 1842. 
Lyra Coelestis, or Hymns on Heaven ; 
Christian's Consolation ; Songs in the 
Night ; The Mercy Seat ; Foreign Mis- 
sions ; Moravian Missions ; Future Pro- 
bation and Foreign Missions ; Our Birth- 
days ; Protestant Missions. Cr. Scr. 

Thompson, Benjamin. See Eumford. 

Thompson, Charles Lemuel. Pa., 

1839 . A Presbyterian clergyman 

of New York city. Times of Refresh- 
ing : a History of American Revivals ; 
Etchings in Verse. Ran. 




Thompson, Charles Miner. Vt., 
1864 . Grandson of D. P. Thomp- 
son, infra. A Boston writer on the edi- 
torial staff of The Youth's Companion. 
The Nimhle Dollar, with Other Stories ; 
Life of Ethan Allen. Hou. 

Thompson, Daniel Greenleaf. Vt., 
1650 . Son of D. P. Thompson, in- 
fra, A lawyer of New York city. First 
Book in Latin ; A System of Psycho- 
logy; The Prohlem of Evil; The Reli- 
gious Sentiments of the Human Mind ; 
Social Progress ; Philosophy of Fiction 
in Literature ; Politics in a Democracy ; 
Woman's New Opportunity. Lgs. 

Thompson, Daniel Pierce. Ms., 

1*795-1868. A lawyer of Montpelier, 
Vermont, whose semi-historical fictions, 
though somewhat artless in construc- 
tion, are vigorously conceived narra- 
tives of early life in Vermont, and have 
heen very popular. Gaut Gurley ; May 
Martin ; Green Mountain Boys ; Locke 
Amsden ; Lucy Hosmer ; The Doomed 
Chief ; The Rangers ; Tales of the 
Green Mountains ; Centeola, and Other 
Tales ; History of Montpelier. Cr. Le. 

Thompson, Hugh Miller. I., 1830- 
. The second Protestant Episco- 
pal hishop of Mississippi. Unity and 
its Restoration; Copy, a collection of 
essays ; Sin and its Penalty ; First Prin- 
ciples ; The World and the Logos ; The 
World and the Kingdom ; The World 
and the Man ; The World and the 
Wrestlers ; Ahsolution. Wh. 

■ Thompson, [James] Maurice. Ind., 

'■ 1844 . A writer of Crawfords- 

' ville, Indiana, who was a Confede- 
rate soldier during the Civil War, and 
State geologist of Indiana, 1885-89. 
His work in fiction includes, A Tal- 
lahassee Girl ; His Second Campaign ; 
[ At Love's Extremes ; A Fortnight 
I of FoUy; The Ocala Boy; King of 
Honey Island. Other Works are, Hoo- 
1 sier Mosaics, a volume of sketches ; The 
I Witchery of Archery; Songs of Fair 
Weather ; Byways and Bird Notes ; Syl- 
van Secrets ; The Story of Louisiana ; 
Poems (1892) ; Lincoln's Grave, a Poem. 
Hou. Lo. Scr. St. 
Thompson, John Reuben. Va., 
1823-1873. A journalist and lawyer 
of Richmond, Virginia, editor of The 
Southern Literary Messenger, 1847-59, 

and very popular in the South as a lyrist. 
See Manlj/'s Southern Literature. 
Thompson, Joseph Parrish. Pa., 
1819-1879. An eminent Congregational 
clergyman of New York city, pastor of 
the Broadway Tabernacle, 1845-71, and 
from 1872 a resident in Berlin, Ger- 
many. The Theology of Christ ; Man 
in Genesis and Geology ; Lectures to 
Young Men ; Church and State in the 
United States ; The United States as a 
Nation ; Egypt Past and Present ; The 
Workman : his False Friends and his 
True Friends ; Life of Christ ; Ameri- 
can Comments on European Questions ; 
Christianity and Emancipation ; The 
Holy Comforter, include his principal 
works. Ran. 

Thompson, Lewis O . N., 1839- 

1887. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Peoria, Illinois. The Presidents and 
their Administrations ; Nothing Lost ; 
How to Conduct Prayer Meetings ; The 
Prayer Meeting and its Improvement ; 
Nineteen Christian Centuries in Out- 
line. Lo. 

Thompson, Maurice. See Thompson, 

Thompson, Mortimer. " Q. K. Phi- 
lander Doestieks." 1830-1875. A once 
popular humourous writer and lectu- 
rer. Doestieks : What he Says ; PIu- 
Ri-Bus-Tah, a travesty of "Hiawa- 
tha ; " The Witches of New York ; 
Nothing to Say ; History and Records 
of the Elephant Club. 

Thompson, Richard Wigginton. 

Va., 1809 . An Indiana jurist 

who was secretary of the United States 
navy, 1877-81. The Papacy and the 
Civil Power ; Footprints of the Jesuits ; 
History of Protective Tariff Laws. Cr. 
Har. Meth. 

Thompson, Robert Ellis. L, 1844- 
. A political economist of Phila- 
delphia. He was editor of The Penn 
Monthly, 1870-80 ; professor in the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania, 1870-92 ; presi- 
dent of the Central High School from 
1894. History of the Presbyterian 
Churches in the United States ; Ele- 
ments of Political Economy; Social 
Science and National Economy ; Hard 
Times and What to Learn from Them ; 
Protection to Home Industry ; De Civi- 
tate Dei. Ap. Bai. Gi. Wat. 




Thompson, ^William Tappan. O., 

1812-1882. A prominent journalist of 
Savannah, the rough, extravagant hu- 
mour of whose studies of Georgia life 
was once popular. Major Jones's Court- 
ship ; Major Jones's Sketches of Travel ; 
Major Jones's Characters of PineviUe ; 
The Live Indian, a Farce; John's 
Alive. See Manly' s Southern Literature. 

Thompson, Seymour D-wight. 

\% . A lawyer of Saint Louis. 

On the Liability of Stockholders in 
Corporations ; Charging the Jury ; The 
Law of Carriers of Passengers ; The 
Law of Kegligence in Relations not 
resting in Contract ; LiatUities of Di- 

Thompson, Zadook. Vt., 1796-1856. 
An Episcopal clergyman, professor of 
natural history in the University of 
Vermont, and State geologist, 184.')-48. 
History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, 
and Statistical ; Gazetteer of Vermont ; 
Geography and Geology of Vermont ; 
Guide to Lake George. 

Thomson, Charles. I., 1729-1824. 
A writer of Lower Merion, Pennsyl- 
vania, who was secretary of the first 
Continental Congress. He published 
Inquiry into the Causes of the Aliena- 
tion of the Delaware and Shawanese 
Indians ; Synopsis of the Four Evan- 
gelists ; a noted translation of the Bi- 
ble, that of the Old Testament being 
the earliest English version of the 

Thomson, Charles West. Pa., 
1798-1879. An Episcopal clergyman 
at York, Pennsylvania, 1849-66, who 
wrote The Limner, in prose ; and in 
verse. The Phantom Barge ; The 
Sylph ; Elinor ; The Love of Home. 

Thomson, Edward. E., 1810-1870. 
A Methodist clergyman, president of 
Ohio AVesleyan University, 1846-60. 
Evidences of Revealed Religion ; Our 
Oriental Missions ; Educational Essays ; 
Moral and Religious Essays ; Bio- 
graphical Sketches ; Letters from Eu- 
rope ; Letters from India. See Life of, 
by his son. Meth. 

Thomson, Ed-ward William. Out., 

1849 . A civil engineer of Boston 

who was for some years editor-in-chief 
of The Toronto Globe. Old Man Sava- 

rin, and Other Stories, a striking col- 
lection of short stories ; Walter Gibbs, 
a book for boys ; and the metrical por- 
tions of M. S. Henry's version of Aucas- 
sin and Nicolette. Cop. Cr. 
Thomson, James Bates. Vt, 1808- 
1883. An educator of Brooklyn who 
was a mathematician and conchologist. 
He published a School Algebra ; Arith- 
metical Analysis, and a popular series 
of arithmetics. 

Thomson, Samuel. N. H., 1769- 
1843. A physician of Boston who ori- 
ginated the Thomsonian school of me- 
dicine, so called. Materia Medica and 
Family Physician ; New Guide to 
Health ; Life and Medical Discoveries. 

Thomson, Samuel Harrison. Ky., 
1813-1882. Cousin of W. M. Thom- 
son, infra. A Presbyterian clergyman 
and educator. The Mosaic Account of 
the Creation ; Geology an Interpreter 
of Scripture. 

Thomson, William Hanna. Sa., 

1833 . Son of W. M. Thomson, 

infra. A physician of New York city. 
The Great Argument, or Jesus Christ 
in the Old Testament ; The Parables 
and Their Home ; Materialism and 
Modern Physiology of the Nervous 
System. Har. Put. 

Thomson, William McClure. O.i 
1806-1894. A Presbyterian missionary 
in Beyrout, 1833-76, widely known as 
author of The Land and the Book. 
He wrote also The Land of Promise. 

Thorburn, Grant. "Lawrie Todd." 
S., 1773-1863. A Scottish nail-maker 
who came to America in 1794, and sub- 
sequently established himself in New 
York city as a seedsman. He was a 
noted figure in his day, not only as the 
hero of Gait's novel, Lawrie Todd, bnt 
because of his eccentricities. Lawrie 
Todd's Notes on Virginia ; Fifty Years' 
Reminiscences of New York ; Men and 
Manners in Great Britain; Hints to 
Merchants, Married Men, and Bache- 
lors ; Forty Years' Residence in Ame- 
rica. See Autobiography. 

Thoreau [tho'ro], Henry David. 
Ms., 1817-1862. A unique figure in 
literature, whose fame, circumscribed 
in his lifetime, has steadily widened 
since his death. He was all his life 




a resident of Concord, Massachusetts, 
devoting himself to the study of nature, 
and occasionally working at his trade 
of pencil-making-, surveying, or lectur- 
ing, for his support. A Week on the 
Concord and Merrimac Rivers, and Wal- 
den were the only works by him which 
were published in his lifetime. Those 
since issued include, Excursions ; Maine 
Woods ; Cape Cod ; A Yankee in Ca- 
nada. Early Spring in Massachusetts ; 
Summer; Autumn; Winter, are selec- 
tions from Thoreau's Journal edited by 
H. G. 0. Blake. StiU other works are. 
Miscellanies ; Letters to Various Per- 
sons ; Familiar Letters ; Poems of 
Nature. See North American Review, 
October, 1865 ; Fraser's Magazine, April, 
1866 ; Memoir by Emerson in Thoreau's 
Miscellanies ; Thoreau : the Poet Natu- 
ralist, by W. E. Channing, 187S ) Life 
and Aims of, by Page, 1877 ; Encyclo- 
paedia Britannica, ninth edition ; Sar- 
vard Begister, April, 1881 ; Life by 
Sanborn, 1882; Thoreau: a Glimpse, 
by S. H. Jones, 1890; Life by Salt, 
1890; Atlantic Monthly, December, 1896; 
Foley's American Authors, 1897. Hou. 

Thorne, P. See Smith, Mrs. Mary. 

Thorne, ■William Henry. E., 18 

. An aggressive essayist and critic, 

editor of The Globe Review from 1889. 
He came to the United States from 
England in 18.55, and after some years 
spent in the Presbyterian ministry be- 
came a Roman Catholic layman. 
Modem Idols : Studies in Biography 
and Criticism; Quintets, and Other 
Verses. Lip. 

Thornton, Jessy Quinn. W. Va., 
1810-1888. An Oregon jurist of note. 
Oregon and California in 1848 ; History 
of the Provisional Government of Ore- 
gon ; The Gold Mines of California. 

Thornton, John "Wingate. Me., 1818- 
1878. A Boston lawyer of genealogi- 
cal tastes. Colonial Schemes of Pop- 
ham and Gorges ; The Landing at Cape 
Anne; First Records of Anglo-Ame- 
rican Civilization ; The Pulpit of the 
American Revolution; Historical Re- 
lation of New England to the English 
Commonwealth, include his principal 

Thornton, 'William. W. I., 17 — 
1827. A physician and architect of 
Philadelphia who removed to Washing- 

ton, where he drew the plans of the first 
Capitol building, and was at the head 
of the Patent Office, 1802-27. Cadmus, 
or the Elements of Written Language. 

Thornton, 'Wimam. E., 1846 . 

A physician of Boston. The Origin, 
Purpose, and Destiny of Man. 

Thornwell, James Henley. S. C, 
1812-1862. A Presbyterian clergy- 
man, professor in the theological semi- 
nary at Columbia, South Carolina, 
prominent alike for his rigid Calvinism 
and his extreme pro-slavery opinions. 
Arguments of Romanists Discussed and 
Refuted ; Discourses on Truth ; Rights 
and Duties of Masters ; The State of 
the Country. 

Thorpe, Francis Newton. Ms., 

1857 . A lawyer of Philadelphia. 

The Government of the People of the 
United States ; The Story of the Con- 
stitution. Meth. 

Thorpe, Eamba. See Bellamy, Mrs. 

Thorpe, Mrs. Rosa [Hartwick]. 

Ind., 1850 . A verse-writer chiefly 

known as the author of Curfew Must 
Not Ring Tonight. Temperance 
Poems ; Ringing Ballads ; and several 
juvenile prose works, including The 
Year's Best Days; The Chester Girls; 
Fred's Dark Days; The Fenton Fa- 
mily ; Minna Bruce. Le. 

Thorpe, Thomas Bangs. Ms., 1815- 
1878. An artist and author of New 
Orleans, 1836-53, and in later life of 
New York city. Niagara as It Is is 
his finest painting. His writings in- 
clude, The Hive of the Bee Hunter ; 
Tom Owen the Bee Hunter ; Mysteries 
of the Backwoods ; Our Army of the 
Rio Grande ; Our Army at Monterey ; 
A Voice to America ; Scenes in Arkan- 
sas ; Lynde Weirs, an Autobiography. 

Throop, Montgomery Hunt. N. Y., 

1827 . A lawyer of New York 

city. The Future : a Political Essay ; 
Validity of Verbal Agreements ; An- 
notated Code of Civil Procedure ; The 
New York Justices' Manual ; Digest of 
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court 
Decisions; Revised Statutes of the 
State of New York. 
Thurber, Charles Herbert. JV. Y., 

1864 . An educator of Chicago, a 

professor in the University of Chicago 




from 1805. In and Out of Ithaca; 
The Higher Schools of Prussia. 

Thurber, George. R. I., 1821-1890. 
A botanist who edited The American 
Agriculturist, 1863-90. He published 
American Weeds and Useful Plants, a 
revision of Darlington's Agricultural 

Thurston, Robert Henry. E. I., 

1S39 . An eminent mechanical 

engineer and inventor, professor in 
Stevens Technological Institute at 
Hoboken, 1871-85, and director of 
Sibley College, Cornell University, 
from 1885. Friction and Lubrication ; 
Manual of the Steam Engine ; Manual 
of Steam Boilers ; Engine and Boiler 
Trials ; History of the Growth of the 
Steam Engine ; Materials of Engineer- 
ing ; Friction and Lost Work ; Steanv 
Boiler Explosions in Theory and Prac- 
tice ; Heat as a Foiin of Energy ; 
Robert Fulton, his Life and its Results, 
include his most important works. Ap. 
Do. Hou. Wil. 

Thwaltes, Reuben Gold. Ms., 1853- 
-. An antiquarian writer of Wis- 
consin, and secretary of the State His- 
torical Society. Historic Waterways: 
Six Hundred Miles of Canoeing down 
the Rock, Fox, and Wisconsin Rivers ; 
The Story of Wisconsin ; Our Cycling 
Tour in England ; The Colonies, 1492- 
1750. He is also the editor of the 
Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. 
See Bibliography of Wisconsin. Bur. 
Le. Lgs. Mg. 

Thwing [twing], Charles Franklin. 

Me., 1853 . A Congregational 

clergyman of Minneapolis from 1886. 
American Colleges ; The Reading of 
Books; The Working Church; The 
Family : an Historical and Social Study 
(with Mrs. Thwing) ; The College Wo- 
man. Le. Put. 

Thwing, Edward Payson. Mo., 
1830-1893. A Congregational clergy- 
man and professor of vocal culture. 
The Preacher's Cabinet; Out-Door 
Life in Europe ; Windows of Charac- 
ter ; The King in His Beauty ; Ex- 
Orieute ; Drill Book in Vocal Culture. 

Ticknor, Caleb B . Ct., 1805- 

1840. A homoeopathic physician of 
New York city. Medical Philosophy ; 
Guide to Mothers and Nurses. 

Ticknor, Caroline. Ms., 1866 . 

A Boston writer of short stories. A 
Hypocritical Romance, and Other 
Stories ; Miss Belladonna, ** story for 
children. Kt. 

Ticknor, Francis Orrery. Ga., 1822- 
1874. A physician near Columbus, 
Georgia. Virginians of the Valleys, 
and Other Poems, edited by Paul 
Hayne, supra, appeared in 1879. Lip. 

Ticknor, George. 1791-1871. A 
noted Boston historian who was profes- 
sor of modern languages at Harvard 
University, 1820-35. A History of 
Spanish Literature, the fruit of many 
years' study and research, is his prin- 
cipal work. It is a recognized author- 
ity in its department, but is cold and 
lifeless in its treatment of the subject. 
Other works by him are, Life of W^ H. 
Preseott, supra ; Life of Lafayette. See 
London Quarterly Review, October, 1850; 
Lippincott's Magazine, May, 1876 ; Life, 
Letters, and Journals; Allibone's Dic- 
tionary and Supplement. Foley's Ame- 
rican Authors, 1897. Hou. Lip. 

Tidball, John Caldwell. W. Va., 
1825 — ■ — . A Federal officer during 
the Civil War who has published a 
Manual of Heavy Artillery Service. 

Tidball, Mrs. Mary Langdon. 18 — 

. Wife of J. C. TidbaU, supra. 

A novelist of Virginia. Barbara's Va- 
garies. Har. 

Tidball, Thomas Allen. Va., 1847- 

. Cousin of J. C. Tidball, supra. 

An Episcopal clergyman of Philadel- 
phia, rector of the Church of the Epi- 
phany. Christ in the New Testament ; 
The Character of Christ its Own Wit- 
ness ; The Holy Spirit as Energizing 
the Sacrament. Wh. 

Tiedeman, Christopher Gustavus. 
S. C; IBS'! . A legal writer, pro- 
fessor of law in the University of Mis- 
souri, 1881-91, and from 1891 professor 
of constitutional law in the University 
of the City of New York. The Law of 
Real Property; Limitations of the 
Police Power ; Commercial Paper ; 
The Unwritten Constitution of the 
United States ; Law of Sales ; Law of 
Municipal Corporations. Put. 

Tiernan, Mrs. Frances [Fisher]. 

" Christian Reid." N. C, 18 -■ 

A popular novelist whose writings in- 


elude, Valerie Aylmer; Mabel Lee; 
Morton House ; A Daughter of Bohe^ 
niia ; Miss Churchill ; Bonny Kate ; 
Ebb Tide; Nina's Atonement, and 
Other Stories; After Many Days; 
Heart of Steel ; Hearts and Hands ; 
A Question of Honor; A Summer 
Idyl; A Gentle Belle; Roslyn's For- 
tune; A Comedy of Elopement; The 
Picture of Las Cruees; The Land of 
the Sun ; A Woman of Fortune. Ap. 
Tiernan, Mrs. Mary Spear [Nicho- 
las]. 1836-1891. A Georgia novelist. 
Homoselle ; Suzette ; Jack Horner. 
Ho. Hem. 

Tiffany, Aleszander Ralston. Ont., 
1796-1868. A jurist of Palmyra, Michi- 
gan. The Justices' Guide ; Criminal 
Law ; Form Book for Michigan Attor- 

Tiffany, Charles Comfort. Md., 

1829 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of New York city, but prior to 1866 a 
Congregational clergyman. Exj)ression 
in Church Architecture ; History of 
the Protestant Bpiscoijal Church in the 
United States. 

Tiffany, Francis. Md., 1827- 

A Unitarian clergyman living in Cam- 
bridge, pastor at West Newton, Massa- 
chusetts, 1865-82. Life of Dorothea 
Lynde Dix, supra ; Bird Bolts ; Life of 
Charles Francis Barnard ; This Goodly 
Frame, the Earth, a volume of travels 
in America, Japan, Egypt, Palestine, 
and Greece. El. Hou. 

Tiffany, Joel. 18- 

Treatise ( 

Government and Constitutional Law ; 
Man and His Destiny ; Reports of 
Cases Argued and Determined in the 
Court of Appeals of the State of New 
York; The Book of Forms (with H. 
Smith) ; Laws of Trusts and Trustees 
(with E. BuUard) ; Treatise on Prac- 
tice and Pleadings in the Courts of 
Record (with H. Smith). 

Tiffany, Osmond. Md., 1823 . 

A custom-house clerk in Baltimore 
from 1869. The Canton Chinese; 
Brandon, a Tale of the American Re- 
volution ; Life of General Otho WO- 

Tiffany, Otis Henry. Md., 1825- 

. A Methodist clergyman of 

prominence. Pulpit and Platform 

_ Addresses and Sermons. Meth. 


Tigert, John James. Kg., 1856 . 

A Methodist clergyman and educator 
in Nashville. Handbook of Logic ; 
The Preacher Himself ; A Voice from 
the South ; Constitutional History of 
American Episcopal Methodism. 

Tilden, Samuel Jones. N. Y., 1814- 
1886. A distinguished lawyer and 
statesman, governor of New York in 

1874, and the Democratic candidate for 
the presidency in 1876. Writings and 
Speeches, edited by John Bigelow. See 
Lives of, by Cook, 1876, J. Bigelow. 
1895. Har. 

Tilden, William Phillips. Ms., 1811- 
1890. A Unitarian clergyman of Bos- 
ton. The Work of the Ministry ; Buds 
for the Bridal Wreath. See Autobio- 
graphy. El. Le. 

Tillett, Wilbur Fisk. N. C, 1854- 

. A Methodist clergyman and 

educator, vice-chancellor of Vanderbilt 
University, Nashville. 1882-95. Our 
Hymns and their Authors ; Discussions 
in Theology. 

Tillinghast, Nicholas. Ms., 1804- 
1856. A Massachusetts educator, prin- 
cipal of the Normal School at Bridge- 
water, 1840-53. Elements of Plane 
Geometry ; Prayers for Schools. 

Tillman, Samuel Dyer. N. Y., 1815- 

1875. A lawyer who practiced in Sen- 
eca Falls, New York, and, removing to 
New York city in 1850, devoted him- 
self to scientific pursuits, and published 
a Treatise on Musical Sounds. 

Tillman, Samuel Escue. Tn., 1847- 
. A soldier and educator, profes- 
sor of chemistry at West Point from 
1880. Elementary Lessons in Heat ; 
Essential Principles of Chemistry. 

Tilton, Benjamin Trowbridge. 

B. I., 1868 . Brother of W. F. 

Tilton, infra. A physician of New 
city who has translated Die Specielle 
Chirurgie, in two volumes, and Allge- 
meine Chirurgie from the German of 
Tillmanns. Ap. 

Tilton, Theodore. N. Y., 1835 . 

A journalist and verse-writer who was 
editor of The New York Independent, 
1863-72, and since 1883 has lived in 
Europe. The American Board and 
Slavery ; The King's Ring ; Sanctum 
Sanctorum or an Editor's ProodE Sheets ; 
Life of Victoria Woodhull ; Tempest- 
Tossed, a novel ; Swabian Stories ; The 




Sexton's Tale, and Other Poems ; Thou 
and I, a volume of verse. 

Tilton, William Frederic. Ms., 

1867 . An historical writer. Die 

Spanisehe Armada ; The Life of Philip 
the Second. 

Timayenis, Telemachus Thomas. 

A. M., 185o . A writer of New 

York citv of Greek parentage, resident 
in the United States from 1870. The 
Modern Greek, its Pronunciation and 
Kelations to Ancient Greek ; A His- 
tory of Greece ; Greece in the Times 
of Homer ; Contes Tir^s de Shake- 
speare ; Talks with ^sop ; In Search 
of Happiness, a play. Ap. Scr. 

Timrod, Henry. S. C, 1829-1867. 
Son of W. H. Timrod, infra. A poet 
and journalist of Charleston, and, in 
his last years, of Columbia, South Caro- 
lina, whose verse has very real merit. 
Spring in Carolina is one of his best 
poems. See Poems (1873), with Me- 
moir by Paul Hayne, supra; Manty's 
Southern Literature. 

Timrod, William Henry. S. C, 
1792-1838. A bookbinder of Charles- 
ton who published a volume of Lyrics. 

Tinoker, Mary Agnes. Me., 1833- 

. A popular novelist who lived in 

Italy, 1873-87, and subsequently in Bos- 
ton. Signer Monaldini's Niece ; The 
Jewel in the Lotus ; Aurora ; Two Co- 
ronets ; By the Tiber ; The House of 
Yorke ; A Winged Word ; Grapes and 
Thorns ; Six Sunny Months'; San Sal- 
vador. Hou. Lip. Ilob. 

Tinto, Dick. See Goodrich, F. B. 

Titchener, Edward Bradford. E., 

1867 . A professor of psychology 

at Cornell University from 1892, and 
Sage professor of psychology there from 
1895 ; the American editor of Mind, and 
co-editor of The American Journal of 
Psychology. Beside translating Knel- 
pe's Outlines of Psychology and other 
German works, he has published An 
Outline of Psychology. Mac. 

Titcomb, Sarah Elizabeth. Ms., 
1841-180.5. A Boston writer who pub- 
lished Early New England People; 
Mind-Cure on a Material Basis ; Aryan 
Sun Myths the Origin of Religions. 

Titcomb, Timothy. See Holland, J. G. 

Todd, Albert. P. I., 18.54 . A 

lieutenant in tl(e United States army 

who has published The Campaigns of 
the Rebellion. 
Todd, Charles Burr. Ct., 1849- 

A magazinist of Redding, Connecticut. 
Life and Letters of Joel Barlow, supra ; 
General History of the Bnrr Family ; 
History of Redding, Connecticut ; Story 
of the City of New York ; The Story of 
the City of Washington. Put. 

Todd, David Peck. N. Y., 1855- 
. Son of S. E. Todd, infra. A pro- 
fessor of astronomy at Amherst College 
from 1881. Stars and Telescopes (with 
W. T. Lynn) ; Astronomy for Beginnera, 
and many scientific papers. Am. Pob. 

Todd, John. Vt., 1800-1873. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, pastor of the 
First Church in Pittsfield, Massachu- 
setts, 1842-72. Among his many popu- 
lar works are included. Lectures to 
Children ; Student's Manual ; Truth 
Made Simple ; Hints to Young Men ; 
The Daughter at School ; Mountain 
Gems ; Woman's Rights ; Sunset 
Land ; Old-Fashioned Lives ; Future 
Punishment. See Life ; Harper'' s Ma- 
gazine, February, 1876. Le. Ran. 

Todd, Lawrie. See Thorburn, Grant. 

Todd, Mrs. Mabel [Loomis]. Ms., 

1858 . Wife of D. P. Todd, supra, 

and daughter of E. J. Loomis, supra. 
She has edited The Poems and Letters 
of Emily Dickinson, supra ; A Cycle of 
Sonnets, and is the author of a work 
on Total Eclipses of the Sun. Pob. 

Todd, Mrs. Marion. N.Y.,1M\ . 

A lawyer and lecturer of Eaton Rapids, 
Michigan. Railways of Europe and 
America, or Government Ownership ; 
Protective Tariff Delusion. Ar. 

Todd, Sereno Edwards; N. ¥., 

1820^ . A journalist of New York 

city, at one period agricultural editor 
of The Times, now (1897) living at 
Orange, New Jersey. The Apple Cul- 
turist ; Young Farmer's Manual ; The 
American Wheat Culturist ; Country 
Homes ; Rural Poetry and Country 
Lyrics. Har. 

Toland, Mrs. Mary B M . 

18 . Sir Rae ; Stella ; Iris ; Onti 

Ora ; Aegle and the Elf ; Eudora ; Le- 
gend Layamone ; Tisiyac of the Yo- 
Semite; Atlina, the Queen of the 
Floating Isle. Lip. 

Tomes, Robert. N. Y., 1817 . 

A physician and litterateur. Panama 




in 1855 ; Bourbon Prince ; My College 
Days ; Richard the Lion-Hearted ; Oli- 
Ter CromweU ; The Americana in Ja- 
pan ; Battles of America by Sea and 
Land ; The War with the South ; The 
Champagne Country. Har. 

Tomlinson, Everett Titsworth. N. 

J., 1859 . A Baptist clergyman 

of Elizabeth, New Jersey, popular as a 
writer of juvenile tales, among which 
are, The Search for Andrew Field ; The 
Boy Soldiers of 1812 ; The Boy Officers 
( of 1812 ; Three Colonial Boys ; Tecum- 
seh's Young Braves ; Three Young Con- 
tinentals. Xe. We. 

Tompson, Benjamin. Ms., 1642-1714. 
A colonial educator, the master of a 
preparatory school in Cambridge for 
nearly forty years from 1670, and a 
satirical verse-"WTiter of some merit. 
New England's Crisis, a poem on King 
Philip's War. See Tyler's American 

Tone, William Theobald "Wolfe. 
1., 1791-1828. A son of Wolfe Tone, 
the Irish patriot and French general. 
After serving in the French army he 
came to America in 1816 and was in the 
artillery service of the United States for 
ten years. L'Etat civil et politique de 
ritalie sous la domination des Goths ; 
School of Cavalry, a proposed system 
for the United States cavalry. He also 
edited his father's autobiography. 

Toner, Joseph Meredith. Pa., 182.5- 
1896. An eminent physician of Wash- 
ington city, among whose writings are. 
Abortion in its Medical and Moral As- 
pects ; Maternal Instinct ; Medical Men 
of the Revolution. 

Toppan, Robert Noxon. Pa., 18.36- 
. A lawyer of Cambridge, Massa- 
chusetts. Historical Summary of Me- 
tallic Money ; Biographical Sketches of 
Old Newbury. Lit. 

Torrey, Bradford. Ms., 1843 . 

An essayist of Boston, a member of the 
editorial staff of The Youth's Com- 
panion. Birds in the Bush ; The Foot- 
Path Way ; A Rambler's Lease ; A 
Florida Sketch-Book; Spring Notes 
from Tennessee. Hou. 

Torrey, Charles Turner. Ms., 1813- 
1846. An anti-slavery reformer who 
was imprisoned in Baltimore for aiding 
in the escape of slaves, and died in 
imprisonment. Memoir of William 

Saxton ; Home, or the Pilgrim's Faith 
Reward. See Memoir of the Martyr Tor- 
rey, 1847. 

Torrey, John. N. Y., 1796-1873. A 
distinguished botanist and physician of 
New York city, professor in the College 
of Physicians and Surgeons, 1827-55, 
and United States assayer, 1853-73. 
Catalogue of Plants Growing Sponta- 
neously Within Thirty Miles of New 
York ; Flora of the Northern and Mid- 
dle States ; Flora of New York State. 

Torrey, Joseph. Ms., 1797-1867. A 
Congregational clergyman and educa- 
tor, professor in the University of Ver- 
mont, 1827-67. A Theory of Art; 
translation of Neander's History of the 
Christian Religion. Scr. 

Totten, Benjamin J . TF.I.,1806- 

1877. A naval officer of New Bedford. 
Totten's Naval Text-Book. 

Totten, Charles Adelle Le'wis. Ct., 

1851 . A military inventor. Strate- 

gos, the American War Game ; Yale 
Military Lectures ; Nativity : its Facts 
and Fancies. Ap. 

Totten, Joseph Gilbert. Ct, 1788- 
1864. A military engineer of distinction, 
brevetted major-general in 1864. Es- 
says on Hydraulic and Other Cements. 

Totten, Silas. iV.T., 1804-1873. An 
Episcopal clergyman, president of Tri- 
nity College, 1837-48. New Introduc- 
tion to Algebra ; The Analogy of Truth. 

Toucey, Sinclair. Ct., 1818-1887. 
A publisher of New York city, presi- 
dent of the American News Company, 
1864-87. Papers from Over the Water. 

Toulmin, Henry. E., 1767-1823. A 
jurist who was the Kentucky secretary 
of state, 1796-1804, and president of 
Transylvania University, and subse- 
quently lived in Alabama. A Descrip- 
tion of Kentucky ; Magistrate's Assist- 
ant ; Collection of the Acts of Kentucky ; 
Review of the Criminal Law of Ken- 
tucky (with J. Blair) ; Digest of the 
Territorial Laws of Alabama. 

Tourg6e [toor-zhay'], Albion Wine- 
gar. 0., 1838 . A writer who 

settled in North Carolina at the close of 
the Civil War and practised law there, 
becoming a member of the judiciary. 
Some of his experiences are related in 
his novel, A Fool's Errand, which made 
a great sensation when first issued. He 
was subsequently editor of Our Conti- 


nent, in Philadelphia, and in 189Y be- 
came consul at Boudeaux. His other 
■works include, Bricks Without Straw ; 
Fig-s and Thistles; Hot Plowshares; 
An Appeal to Cfesar ; Black Ice ; With 
Gauge and Swallow ; Pactolus Prime ; 
Mervale Eastman; Button's Inn; An 
Outing with the Queen of Hearts; 
Letters to d, King; John Eax; A 
Royal Gentleman; The Mortgage on 
the Hip-Eoof House. Cas. Fo. Lip. 
Meth. Bob. 
Towle [tole], George Makepeace. 
D. C, 1841-1893. A Boston journalist 
and litterateur. History of Henry V. ; 
Glimpses of History ; Modem France ; 
Certain Men of Mark; American So- 
ciety ; Beaconsfield ; England and Rus- 
sia in Asia ; England in Egypt ; Young 
People's History of England ; Young 
People's History of Ireland ; The Na- 
tion in a Nutshell ; Heroes of History ; 
The Literature of the English Lan- 
guage ; Heroes and Martyrs of Inven- 
tion. Ap. Har. Hon. tie. Bob. 

Towler, John. E., 1811 . An 

English educator who settled in Ameri- 
ca in 1850, was a professor in Hobart 
CoUege, Geneva, New York, 1853-82, 
and subsequently lived at Orange, New 
Jersey. Beside publishing a number of 
works on photography, he wrote Der 
Kleine Englander, and was co-editor 
of Hiipert's German and English Dic- 
ToTvles, Catherine. See McCoy, Mrs. 
Town, Ithiel. Ct., 1784-1844. An 
architect of New York city who built 
the State capitols of North Carolina and 
Indiana. School-House Architecture ; 
Atlantic Steamships ; Improvement in 
Construction of Bridges. 
Town, Salem. Ms., 1779-1864. A 
once noted educator of New York and 
Indiana. System of Speculative Ma- 
sonry ; Analysis of English Derivatives ; 
and, with N. Holbrook, a popular series 
of readers. 
Towne, Edward Cornelius. Ms., 
1834 — ■ . A Congregational clergy- 
man of New Haven. The Question of 
Hell ; Electricity and Life. 
Townsend, Calvin. 18 — 


— . Es- 

— . Ana- 
lysis of the United States Constitu- 
tion ; Compendium of Commercial Law ; 
Analysis of Letter- Writing ; Shorter 
Course in Civil Government. Am. 

Townsend, Charles. 18- 

says on Mind, Matter, Force, etc.; 
Primordial Principles of the Universe. 

Townsend, Edward Davis. Ms., 
1817-1893. An adjutant-general of the 
United States army, at the time of his 
death on the retired list as brigadier- 
general. He was chief executive officer 
of the war department in Washington 
during the Civil War. Catechism of the 
Bible ; Anecdotes of the Civil War in 
the United States. Ap. 

Towjisend, Edward 'Waterman. 

O., 1855 . A journalist of New 

York city whose studies of Bowery 
life and dialect have been widely popu- 
lar. Chimmie Fadden, Major Max, and 
Other Stories ; Chimmie Fadden Ex- 
plains, Major Max Expounds ; A Daugh- 
ter of the Tenements, a novel ; Near a 
Whole City Full, a collection of short 
dramatic stories. In collaboration he 
has written several plays, including 
Chimmie Fadden ; A Daughter of the 
Tenements ; The Marquis of Michigan. 

Townsend, Eliza. Ms., 1789-1854. 
A verse-writer of Boston whose col- 
lected Poems and Miscellanies appeared 
in 1856. See Griswold's Female Poets 
of America. 

Townsend, George Alfred. " Gath." 

Del., 1841 . A journalist of New 

York city and Chicago famous as a war 
correspondent, among whose writings 
are, Washington Outside and Inside ; 
Tales of the Chesapeake ; Bohemian 
Days ; Campaigns of a Non-Combatant ; 
The Entailed Hat, a novel ; Poems ; 
Life of Garibaldi ; The Real Life of 
Abraham Lincoln ; Katy of Catoetin, 
a National Romance ; Mrs. Reynolds 
and Hamilton. See Hart's American 
Literature. Ap. Har. 

Townsend, Howard. N. Y., 1823- 
1867. A physician of Albany. The 
Sunbeam and the Spectroscope ; Food 
and its Digestion ; Sinai Bible. 

Townsend, John Kirk. Pa., 1809- 
1851. A naturalist of Washington. A 
Journey to the Columbia River (1839), 
republished in London as Sporting Ad- 
ventures in the Rocky Mountains. 

Townsend, Luther Tracy. Me., 

1838 . A Methodist clergyman and 

educator of prominence, professor in 
Boston University, 1873-93, a pastor 




in Baltimore from 1893. God-Man ; 
Credo ; The Fate of Republics ; Out- 
lines of Cliristiau Tlieolog-y ; Sword and 
Garment ; The Arena and the Throne ; 
The Intenuediate World ; Search and 
Manifestations ; The Mosaic Record 
and Modern Science ; Bible Miracles 
and Modern Thoug-ht ; Outlines of The- 
ology ; The Supernatural Factor in Re- 
ligious Revivals ; Real and Pretended 
Christianity ; The Bible and Other An- 
cient Literature in the Nineteenth Cen- 
tury ; The Chinese Problem ; The In- 
termediate World ; The Art of Speech, 
Ap. Le. Meth. 

To^wnsend, Mrs. Mary Ashley 
[Van Voorhees]. "Xariffa." N.Y., 

1836 . A popular verse-writer of 

New Orleans. Xariffa's Poems ; Down 
the Bayou, and Other Poems ; DistafE 
and Spindle ; The Captain's Story, a 
Poem ; The Brother Clerks. Lip. 

ToTwrisend, Virginia Frances. Ct., 
1836 . Kinswoman to L. T. Town- 
send, supra. A novelist. A Woman's 
Word ; One Woman's Two Lovers ; 
Lenox Dare ; Protestant Queen of Na- 
varre ; Only Girls ; Sirs, Only Seven- 
teen ; A Boston Girl's Ambition ; Six in 
All ; But a Philistine ; That Queer Girl, 
are a few of her works. Le. Lip. Meth. 

Toy, Crawford Howell. Va., 1836- 
. A Unitarian clergyman, profes- 
sor of Hebrew in Harvard University 
Divinity School. Quotations in the New 
Testament ; History of the Religion of 
Israel ; Judaism and Christianity, the 
Progress of Thought from the Old Tes- 
tament to the New. Lit. Scr. 

Tracy, Charles Chapin. Pa., 1838- 
. A Presbyterian foreign mission- 
ary. Letters to Members of Oriental 
Families ; Myra, or a Child's Story of 
Missionary Life. 

Tracy, Ira. Vt., 1806-1875. Brother 
of J. Tracy, infra. A Congregational 
missionary in the East Indies, author of 
Duty to the Heathen. 

Tracy, Joseph. Vt., 1794-1874. A 
Congregational clergyman, secretary of 
the Massachusetts Colonization Society. 
Three Last Things ; The Great Awa- 
kening, a History of the Revival of 

• Religion in the Time of Edwards and 

Tracy, Roger Sherman. Vt., 1841- 
. A physician of New Tork city. 

Handbook of Sanitary Information for 
Householders ; Essentials of Anatomy ; 
Physiology and Hygiene ; The New 
Liber Primus. Ap. 
Trafton, Adeline. Daughter of M. 
Trafton, infra. See Knox, Mrs. 

Trafton, Mark. Me., 1810 . A 

Methodist clergyman of prominence in 
his day, member of Congress, 1855-57. 
Rambles in Europe ; Safe Investment ; 
Baptism : its Subjects and Mode ; 
Scenes in My Life. Meth. 

Train, Elizabeth Phipps. Ms., 1857- 

. A novelist of Duxbury, Massa^ 

chusetts. Dr. Lamar ; Autobiography 
of a Professional Beauty ; A Social 
Highwayman ; A Marital Liability. 
Her translations from the French in- 
clude, The Apostate ; The Shadow of 
Dr. Laroque ; Recollections of the Court 
of the Tuileries. Cr. Lip. 

Train, George Francis. Ms., 1830- 

. A lecturer of New York city 

widely known for his eccentricities. An 
American Merchant in Europe ; Young 
America Abroad ; Young America in 
Wall Street ; Spread Eagleism ; Union 
Speeches ; Irish Independency, include 
his chief writings. 

Trail, Russell Thacher. Ct., 1812- 
1877. A homoeopathic physician of 
New York city, and subsequently of 
Florence, New Jersey. The Bath : the 
History and Uses of, in Health and 
Disease ; Digestion and Dyspepsia ; The 
Mother's Hygienic Handbook ; The 
Human Voice ; Popular Physiology ; 
The True Temperance Platform ; En- 
cyclopedia of Hydropathy ; Uterine 
Diseases, include most of his writing. 

Trautwine, John Cresson. Pa., 
1810-1883. A civil engineer of emi- 
nence. Method of Calculating Cubic 
Contents of Excavations and Embank- 
ments ; Field Practice of Laying out 
Railroad Curves ; Civil Engineer's 
Pocket-Book. Wil. 

Treadwell, Daniel. Ms., 1791-1872. 
The inventor of the power-press, and 
Rumford professor at Harvard Univer- 
sity, 1834-45. The Relations of Science 
to the Useful Arts ; The Practicability 
of Constructing Cannon of Great Cali- 
bre ; Construction of Hooped Cannon. 

Treadwell, Seymour Boughton. 
C, 1795-1867, A politician of Jack- 




son, Michigan. American Liberties 
and American Slavery Politically Illus- 
trated (1838). 

Treat, John Harvey. N. H., 1839- 

. A business man and "writer of 

Lawrence, Massachusetts. Notes on 
the Rubric of the Communion Office ; 
Trui-o Baptisms, 1711-1800; The 
Catholic Faith ; Genealogy of the 
Treat Family. 

Treat, Mrs. Mary Lua Adelia [Da- 
vis] [Allen]. 18 . A natural- 
ist of Vineland, New Jersey. Chapters 
on Ants ; Injurious Insects of the Farm 
and Garden ; Home Studies in Nature ; 
My Garden Pets. Am. Ju. Lo. 

Tremain, Henry EdTvin. N. Y., 

1840 . A lawyer of New York 

city who was an officer in the Federal 
array during the Civil War. Sailor's 
Creek to Appomattox Court House, or 
the Last Hours of Sheridan's Cavalry. 

Trent, 'William Peterfield. Va., 

1862 . A professor of English and 

history at the University of the South, 
Sewanee, Tennessee, from 1888. Eng- 
lish Culture in Virginia ; Life of Wil- 
liam Gilmore Simms, supra ; Southern 
Statesmen of the Old Regime. See The 
Bookman, May, 1S97. Hou. J. II. U. 

Trescot, 'William Henry. S. C, 

1822 . A lawyer and diplomatist 

of Washington. Diplomacy of the Re- 
volution; Diplomatic History of the 
Administrations of Washington and 

Trott, Nicholas. E., 1663-1740. A 
Charleston jurist, very eminent in the 
Carolinas in his day. Laws of South 
Carolina (1734) ; Ciavis LingUce Sanc- 
tse ; Laws relating to the Church and 
Clergy in America. 

Troubat, Francis Joseph. Pa.,1802- 
1868. A lawyer of Philadelphia. Prac- 
tice in Civil Actions in Pennsylvania 
Supreme Court (with W. Haley) ; The 
Law of Limited Partnership in the 
United States ; Treatise on the Law of 

Troubetzkoy, Mrs. Amelie 

[Rives] [Chanler]. Fa., 1863 . 

A novelist whose second husband is a 
Russian prince. Though her work ex- 
cited much unfavourable criticism, yet 
it enjoyed a sudden brief popularity. 
The Quick or the Dead ; A Brother to 

Dragons ; Virginia of Virginia ; Bar- 
bara Dering ; "The Witness of the Sun ; 
Athelwold, a tragedy ; Herod and Ma- 
rianne, a drama. Sar. Lip. 

Tro'wbridge, Catherine Maria. Ct., 
1818 . A writer of South Man- 
chester, Connecticut, who has made 
many contributions to juvenile litera- 
ture, a few among tbem being. Christian 
Heroism ; Victory at Last ; Will and 
Will Not ; Snares and Safeguards ; 
Changing Paths. 

Trowbridge, John. Jlfs., 1843 . 

A physicist of note, professor at Har- 
vard University from 1880, Rumford 
professor of the application of science 
to the useful arts there from 1888. 
What is Electricity ? ; The New Phy- 
sics ; Three Boys on an Electrical Boat ; 
The Electrical Boy. Ap. Hou. Bob. 

Tro'wbridge, John ToTvnsend. N. 

Y., 1827 . A popular writer of 

Arlington, Massachusetts, whose work 
in verse and prose reaches a high grade 
of excellence. His novel, Neighbor Jack- 
wood, when first issued in 1857, was a 
strong moral agent in stimulating anti- 
slavery sentiment. His other fictions 
include, Lucy Arlyn ; Coupon Bonds, 
and Other Stories ; Famell's Folly ; 
Neighbors' Wives ; Martin Merrivale. 
Among his very many juvenile tales 
are, Cudjo's Cave ; Three Scouts ; The 
Drummer Boy ; The Prize Cup ; The 
Lottery Ticket ; The Tide-Mill Stories ; 
The Toby Trafiord Series ; The Little 
Master ; Jack Hazard Series. His pub- 
lished volumes of verse include, The 
Vagabonds (his best known poem), and 
Other Poems ; The Emigrant's Story, 
and Other Poems ; A Home Idyl, and 
Other Poems; The Lost Earl; The 
Book of Gold, and Other Poems. At 
Sea and Midsummer are two of his finest 
poems. Cent. Co. Har. Hou. Le. Lo. 

Tro'wbridge, 'William Petit. Mch., 
1828-1892. An engineer and scientist 
in charge of the engineering depart- 
ment of the School of Mines, Columbia 
College, 1877-92. Steam Generator; 
Heat as a Source of Power ; Turbine 
Wheels ; Stationary Steam Engines. 

True, Charles Kittridge. Me., 1809- 
1878. A Methodist clergyman and 
educator, professor at Wesleyan Uni- 
versity, 1849-60. Elenients of Logic ; 




SUawmut, or the Settlement of Boston ; 
John Winthrop and the Great Colony ; 
Lives of Raleigh, John Knox, John 
Harvaid, Captain John Smith ; The 
Thirty Years' War ; Heroes of Holland. 

True, John Preston. Me., 1859 . 

A Boston writer. Their Club and Ours, 
a popular juvenile tale ; Shoulder Arms, 
a tale of 'life in a military school. Lo. 

Truman, Benjamin Cummings. jB. 

/., 1835 . A California writer, 

military governor of Tennessee during 
the Civil War. The South During' the 
War ; Semi-Tropical California ; Occi- 
dental Sketches ; Winter Resorts of 
California ; From the Crescent City to 
the Golden Gate ; Homes and Happi- 
ness in the Golden Gate ; The Field of 
Honor, a history of duelling. Fo. 

Trumbull, Benjamin. Ci., 1735-1820. 
A Congregational clergyman, pastor at 
North Haven, Connecticut, for sixty 
years. Plea in Vindication of the Con- 
necticut Title to the Contested (West- 
ern) Lands ; Divine Origin of the Holy 
Scriptures ; General History of the 
United States (1810) ; A Complete His- 
tory of Connecticut, 1630—1764. 

Trumbull, Gurdon. Ct., 1841 . 

Brother of J. H. Trumhull, infra. An 
artist and ornithologist who has pub- 
lished, American Game Birds, or Names 
and Portraits of Birds which Interest 
Gunners, with Descriptions. Har. 

Trumbull, Henry Clay. Ct., 18.30- 
. Brother of J. H. Trumbull, in- 
fra. A Congregational clergyman of 
Philadelphia, editor of The Sunday- 
School Times. A Model Superintend- 
ent ; The Threshold Covenant; The 
Knightly Soldier ; Kadesh - Barnea ; 
Teaching and Teachers ; The Blood 
Covenant, a Primitive Rite ; The Sun- 
day-School, its Origin, Methods, and 
Auxiliaries ; Children in the Temple ; 
Some Army Sermons ; The Worth of 
an Historic Consciousness; Principles 
and Practice ; Friendship the Master 
Passion ; Studies in Oriental Social Life. 

Trumbull, James Hammond. Ct., 

1821 . A Hartford philologist, an 

acknowledged authority upon Indian 
languages. The Composition of Indian 

Geographical Names ; Best Method of 
Studying the Indian Languages ; Indian 
Nanies of Places; On the Algonkin 
Verb; The True Blue-Laws of Con- 
necticut. He has edited The Colonial 
Records of Connecticut; Roger Wil- 
liams's Key to the Languages of North 
America, and other works. 

Trumbull, John. Ct., 1750-1831. A 
noted jurist of Hartford, famous in his 
day as a satirical poet. With Barlow 
and others he pubhshed The Anar- 
eliiad, a series of satirical essays, and 
he was the author of The Progress 
of Dulness ; but MaoFingal, a Hudi- 
brastic poem, the first canto of which 
appeared in 1775, is his best title to 
remembrance. It bristles with sharp 
points of satire, and quite deserved the 
extensive popularity it for a time en- 
joyed. See Stedman's Poets of Ame- 
rica ; Tyler^s Literary History of the 
American Mevolution. 

Tryon, George Washington. Pa., 
1838-1888. A conchologist of Phila- 
delphia. Land and Fresh- Water Shells 
of North America ; Marine Concholo- 
gy ; Structural and Systematic Con- 
ehology ; Manual of Conchology. 

Tucker, George. Ba., 1775-1861. 
Kinsman of Saint George Tucker, infra. 
A Virginia lawyer and educator, profes- 
sor of moral philosophy and political 
economy in the University of Virginia, 
1825-45. Among his writings are in- 
cluded. Life of Jefferson ; Political 
History of the United States ; Essays 
Moral and Philosophical ; Theory of 
Money and Banks ; Essays on Subjects 
of Taste ; Principles of Rent, Wages, 
and Profits ; The Valley of the Shenan- 
doah, a novel ; A Voyage to the Moon, 
a satirical romance. 

Tucker, George Fox. Ms., 1852- 
. A lawyer of New Bedford, Mas- 
sachusetts. Manual of Wills ; Manual 
of Business Corporations ; Manual of 
the Constitution of Massachusetts, the 
Interpretation of Statutes, SpecialWrits, 
and Motions for New Trials ; The Mon- 
roe Doctrine ; Notes on the United States 
Revised Statutes (with J. M. Gould) ; 
A Quaker Home, a novel ; Uncle Ca- 
lup's Christmas Dinner ; Your Will : 
how to Make It. Hou. Lit. 

Tucker, Henry Holcombe. Ga., 
1819-1890. A Baptist clergyman and 




educator of Georgia, editor of The 
Christian Index, at Atlanta, from 1878. 
Religious Liherty ; The Gospel ia 
Enoch ; The Old Theology Restated in 
Sermons. The Position of Baptism 
in the Christian System is a noted ser- 
mon hy him. 
Tucker, Henry Saint George. Ba., 
1780-1848. Son of Saint George Tuck- 
er, infra. An eminent Virginia law- 
yer. Lectures on Natural Law and 
Government ; Lectures on Constitu- 
tional Law ; Commentaries on the Law 
of Virginia. 

Tucker, Henry Saint George. Va., 
1828-1803. Grandson of Saint George 
Tucker, infra. A lieutenant-colonel 
in the Confederate army. Hansford, a 
Tale of Bacon's Rebellion ; The South- 
ern Crop. 

Tucker, Joshua Thomas. Ms., 1812- 
1897. A Congregational clergyman of 
Boston. The Sinless One, a life of 
Christ ; Christ's Infant Kingdom. 

Tucker, Mrs. Margaretta [Ames]. 

" Margaret May." N. H., 183() . 

A verse-writer of Boston. For My 
Friend, a collection of verses ; Drift- 
wood, and Other Poems, are among her 
writings, some of which have been set 
to music. 

Tucker, Mrs. Mary Eliza. See Lam- 
bert, Mrs. 

Tucker, Nathaniel Beverly. Va., 
17S4-1S.5] . Son of Saint George Tucker, 
infra. A Virginia jurist, professor of law 
at William and Mary College, 1834-.51. 
The Partisan Leader (1836) is his most 
noted book. It is a political novel, 
having for its theme the revolt of the 
Southern States, and in 1861 it was re- 
published as A Key to the Southern 
Conspiracy. Other works of his are, 
George Balcomhe, a novel ; Principles 
of Pleading. 

Tucker, Pomeroy. N.Y., ^802-1810. 
A Canandaigua journalist who pub- 
lished a work on The Origin of Mor- 

Tucker, Saint George. Ba., 1752- 
1828. The stepfather of John Ran- 
dolph the statesman. A Virginia jurist 
■who published Letters on the Alien 
and Sedition Laws ; The Probationary 
Odes of Jonathan Pindar, a collection of 
political satires ; an annotated Black- 

stone ; but is known to general litera- 
ture only by the lyric beginning, " Days 
of my Youth, ye have Glided Away." 
See Griswold' s Poets and Poetry of Ame- 

Tucker, "William Jewett. Ct., 1839- 

. A Congregational clergyman and 

educator. He was professor in An- 
dover Theological Seminary, 1879-93, 
and has been president of Dartmouth 
CoUege from 1893. The New Move- 
ment in Humanity. Mou. 

Tuckerman, Arthur Lyman. N.Y., 
1861-1892. Son of C. K. Tnckerman, 
infra. An architect of New York city, 
superintendent of the Metropolitan Mu- 
seum Art Schools in 1888. A Short 
History of Architecture. Scr. 

Tuckerman, Bayard. N. Y., 1855- 
. A writer of New York city. His- 
tory of English Prose Fiction ; Life of 
Lafayette; Life of William J aj, supra; 
Life of Peter Stuyvesant. Bo. Put. 

Tuckerman, Charles Keating. Ms., 
1821-1896. Brother of H. T. Tnck- 
erman, infra. A diplomat who was 
minister to Greece, 1868-72, and lived 
in Europe subsequently. The Greeks 
of To-Day (1872); Poems; Personal 
Recollections of Notable People. Bo. 

Tuckerman, Edward. Ms., 1817- 
1886. Nephew of J. Tuckerman, infra. 
A professor of botany at Amherst Col- 
lege, 1858—86. Genera Lichenum ; Syn- 
opsis of the North American Lichens ; 
Catalogue of Plants Growing Wild with- 
in Thirty Miles of Amherst. See Me- 
moir of, by Farlow. 

Tuckerman, Frederick Goddard. 
Ms., 1821-1877. Brother of E. Tuck- 
erman, supra. A lawyer and litterateur 
of Boston whose only published hook 
was a volume of poems. 

Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. Ms., 
1813-1871. Nephew of J. Tuckerman, 
infra. A writer once ranked among the 
first of American essayists, but whose 
criticisms, though delicate and discri- 
minating, lack the force and originality 
of many later writers in the same field. 
Much of his life was spent abroad, 
largely in Italy, his intimate acquaint- 
ance with Italian affairs appearing in 
hia earliest works. The Italian Sketch- 
Book ; Isabel; or Sicily, a Pilgrimage 
(1839), republished as Sicily and Pil- 




grimage (1S52). His subsequent writ- 
ings include, Thoughts on the Poets ; 
The Book of the Artists ; Essays Bio- 
graphical and. Critical ; Artist Life ; 
Rambles and Reveries ; Characteristics 
of Literature ; The Criterion ; Maga Pa- 
pers about Paris ; Leaves from the Diary 
of a Dreamer ; Life of J. P. Kennedy, 
supra; America and Her Commenta- 
tors ; The Optimist, a series of essays ; 
A Sheaf of Veree ; Poems ; Mental Por- 
traits ; The Collector, a volume oi es- 
says. See AUibone's Dictionary ; Foley's 
American yVriters. 

Tuckerman, Joseph. Ms., 1778-1840. 
A Unitarian clergyman, minister at 
Chelsea, Massachusetts, 1801-28, long 
eminent as a philanthropist. Gleams 
of Truth; Principles and Results of 
the Ministry at Large in Boston. Ele- 
vation of the Poor (1874), is a coUeotion 
of his most important writings. See 
Memoir by Mary Carpenter ; AUibone's 
Dictionary. Sob. 

Tudor, "William, ifs., 1779-1830. A 
Boston merchant who founded the ice 
trade with the tropics. Gebel Teir; 
Life of James Otis, supra ; Letters on 
the Eastern States ; Miscellanies. 

Tully, William. Ct., 1785-1859. A 
noted New England botanist and phy- 
sician, medical professor at Yale Uni- 
versity, 1820-42. Essays upon Fever 
(with T. Miner) ; Materia Medica, or 
Pharmacology ; Therapeutics. 

Tunis, John. N. Y., 1858-1896. An 
Episcopal clergyman of Millbrook, New 
Jersey, but prior to 1892 in the Unita- 
rian ministry. The Faith By Which 
We Stand. 

Tuomy, Michael. X, 1808-1857. A 
professor of geology in the University 
of Alabama, 1847-57, State geologist 
of South Carolina from 1844, and of 
Alabama from 1848. Geological and 
Agricultural Survey of South Caro- 
lina ; Report on the Geology of South 
Carolina; Fossils of South Carolina 
(with F. Holmes) ; First and Second 
Biennial Reports on the Geology of 

Tapper, Henry Allen. S. C, 1828- 
. A Baptist clergyman of Rich- 
mond, Virginia. Foreign Missions of 
the Southern Baptist Convention; 
Truth in Romance. Bap. 

Turohin, John Basil (Ivan Vasile- 

vitoh Turchinoff). R., 1822 . A 

Russian soldier who came to America 
in 1856, served in the Federal army 
during the Civil War, and in 1873 es- 
tablished the Polish colony of Radone 
in Illinois. Tlie Campaign and Battle 
of Chickamauga. 

Turnbull, Laurence. S., 1821 . 

An eminent physician of Baltimore. 
Hints and Observations on Military 
Hygiene ; Imperfect Hearing ; Clinical 
Manual of Diseases of the Ear ; Advan- 
tages and Disadvantages of Artificial 
Anaesthesia ; The Electro - Magnetic 
Telegraph. Lip. 

TurnbuU, Robert. S., 1809-1877. A 
Baptist clergyman of Hartford, 1845- 
1869. The Theatre; OlympiaMorata; 
The Genius of Scotland ; The Genius 
of Italy ; Pulpit Orators of France and 
Switzerland ; The Student Preacher ; 
Theophany ; The World We Live In ; 
Life Pictures ; Christ in History. 

Turnbull, Robert James. Fl., 1775- 
1833. A lawyer and political writer 
of Charleston. A Visit to the Phila- 
delphia Penitentiary, much noticed at 
the time of its appearance in 1797 ; The 
Crisis, a work on nullification; The 
Principle of Dernier Ressort. 

Turnbull, William Paterson. S., 
1830-1871. A Philadelphia ornitholo- 
gist. Birds of East Lothian ; Birds of 
East Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 

Turner, Mrs. Eliza [Sproat]. Pa., 
1826 . A verse-writer of Pennsyl- 
vania. Out-of-Door Rhymes. 

Turner, Henry McNeal. S. C, 18.33- 
. A bishop of the African Me- 
thodist Church, author of a work on 
Methodist Polity. 

Turner, Samuel Epes. Md., 1846- 
. A Sketch of the Germanic Con- 
stitution from Early Times to the Dis- 
solution of the Empire. Put. 

Turner, Samuel Hulbeart. Pa., 
1790-1861. An Episcopal clergyman, 
professor in the General Theological 
Seminary in New York city, 1818-61, 
best known by his Commentaries on 
Hebrews, Romans, Ephesians, and 
Galatians. Other works by him are, 
Companion to the Book of Genesis ; 
Thoughts on Scripture Prophecy ; Com- 
paring Spiritual Things with Spiritual ; 




Biographical Notices of Jewish Rab- 
l)is. See Autobiography ; Allihone's Dic- 

Turner, Thomas Sloss. Ky., 1860- 
. A Texas journalist and verse- 
writer. Life's Brevity, and Other Po- 
ems ; Heart Melodies ,' A Dream of 

Tuthill [tut'il], Cornelia. Daughter 
of Mrs. L. Tuthill, infra. See Pierson, 

Tuthill, Mrs. Louisa Caroline 
[Huggins]. Ct., 1798-1879. A once 
popular -writer of moral tales for young 
people, whose home was at Princeton, 
New Jersey, from 1849. Among her 
many publications are, I Will be a 
Gentleman ; I Will be a Lady ; Tales 
for the Young ; True Manliness ; I Will 
be a Sailor ; I Will be a Soldier ; On- 
ward, Right Onward ; Romantic Be- 
linda ; Ancient Architecture. See 
Hart's Female Prose-Writers of Ame- 

Tuttle, Charles Richard. 18 — 

. General History of Michigan ; 

Border W^ars of Two Centuries ; His- 
tory of Indiana ; History of Canada ; 
History of Wisconsin (with D. Durrie) ; 
The Boss Devil of America (verse). 

Tuttle, Mrs. Emma [Rood]. 0., 

1839 . Wife of Hudson Tuttle, 

infra. A lecturer and verse-writer of 
Berlin Heights, Ohio. Blossoms of Our 
Spring ; Gazelle ; From Soul to Soul, 
Poems ; Stories for Our Children ; The 
Lyceum Guide. 

Tuttle, Herbert. Vt., 1846-1894. A 
professor at Cornell University, 1881— 
1894, occupying the chair of modem 
European history from 1891. The His- 
tory of Prussia ; German Political 
Leaders. See Biographical Sketch, by 
H. B. Adams, supra, in vol. iv. of The 
History of Prussia. Hou. 

Tuttle, Hudson. 0., 18.36 . A 

spiritual medium of Berlin Heights, 
Ohio. Life in the Spheres ; Arcana of 
Nature ; Career of the God Idea ; Ca- 
reer of the Christ Idea ; Career of Re- 
ligious Ideas ; Origin and Development 
of Man ; Clair, a Tale ; Camile, or Love 
and Labor ; Heloise ; Love or Religion. 

Tuttle, Joseph Farrand. iV. /.,1818- 
. A Presbyterian clergyman. Life 

of William Tuttle ; The Way Lost and 
Found ; Annals of Morris County ,"< New 

Twain, Mark. See Clemens. 

TTsritchell, Joseph Hopkins. Ct., 
183 . A Congregational clergy- 
man of Hartford from 1865. Life of 
John Winthrop, infra ; Some Old Puri- 
tan Love Letters (edited). Do. 

Tyler, Bennet. Ct., 1783-1858. A 
Congregational clergyman, president of 
Dartmouth College, 182i^-28, and sub- 
sequently minister at Portland, Maine. 
History of New Haven Theology ; The 
Sufferings of Christ ; New England Re- 
vivals ; Lectures on Christian Nurture, 
include his principal works. 

Tyler, John Mason. 18 . A 

professor of biology at Amherst Col- 
lege. The Whence and the Whither of 
Man. Scr. 

Tyler, Joseph. 18 — 1895. Son of B. 
Tyler, supra. A Congregational mis- 
sionary in South Africa for forty years, 
for the last ten years of his life a resi- 
dent of St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Forty 
Years Among the Zulus. C. P. S. 

Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. Va., 1853- 

. A son of President John Tyler 

and president of William and Mary 
College from 1888. The Letters and 
Times of the Tylers ; Parties and Pa- 
tronage in the United States. 

Tyler, Moses Coit. Ct., 1835 . 

A professor of American histoi'y at 
Cornell University from 1881. From 
1860 to 1881 he was a member of the 
Congregational ministry, but in the lat- 
ter year took orders in the Episcopal 
Church. He is best known by an ad- 
mirable History of American Litera- 
ture During the Colonial Period, 1606- 
1765, which is as readable as it is schol- 
arly, the style being both vigourous and 
original. Other works of his are. The 
Brawnville Papers ; Life of Patrick 
Henry ; Three Men of Letters (Berke- 
ley, Dwight, Joel Barlow) ; The Lite- 
rary History of the American Revolu- 
tion, 1768-1783 ; Manual of English 
Literature. Hou. Put. Sh. 

Tyler, Ransom Hebbard. Ms., 
1813-1881. A lawyer and bank presi- 
dent of Fulton, New York. The Bible 
and Social Reform ; American Ecclesi- 
astical Law ; Commentaries on the Law 




of Infancy and Covertures ; Ejectment 
■ ■■ and Adverse Enjoyment , Usury ; Pawns 
and Loans ; Fixtures ; Boundaries, 
Fences, and Window Lights. 
Tyler, Robert. Va., 1818-1877. The 
eldest son of President John Tyler. A 
lawyer of Philadelphia, and after the 
CivU War a journalist in Montgomery, 
Alahama. Ahasuerus, a Poem ; Death, 
a Poem ; Is Virginia a Repudiating 
State ? 
Tyler, Royall. JIfs., 1757-1826. A Ver- 
mont jurist, chief justice of the supreme 
court of his State from 1800. Reports 
of Vermont Supreme Court Cases ; The 
Contrast, a brilliant comedy, the first 
American play acted by regular come- 
dians, and the earliest in which "Yan- 
kee dialect " is employed ; May Day, a 
comedy ; The Georgia Speculator, or 
Land in the Moon ; The Algeriue Cap- 
tive ; Moral Tales for American Youths ; 
The Yankey in London. 
Tyler, Samuel. Md., 1809-1878. A 
jurist of Frederick, Maryland. The 
Progress of Philosophy ; Discourse on 
the Baconian Philosophy ; Burns as a 
Poet and as a Man ; Memoir of Chief 
Justice Taney ; Commentary on the 
Law of Partnership. 
Tyler, William Seymour. Pa., 1810- 

. A Congregational clergyman and 

educator, professor at Amheist College 
from 1836, now (1897) professor eme- 
ritus of the Greek language and litera- 
ture. Prayer for Colleges ; Theology of 
the Greek Poets ; editions of Tacitus 
and the Iliad of Homer; History of 
Amherst College, 1821 to 1891. Bar. 
Tyng, Dudley Atkins. Md., 182.5- 
' 1858. Son of S. H. Tyng, infra, 1st. 

An Episcopal clergyman of Philadel- 
I phia. Vital Truth and Deadly Error-; 

Children of the Kingdom ; Our Coun- 
try's Troubles. 
Tyng, Stephen Higginson. Ms., 
1800-1885. An Episcopal clergyman 
J of New York city, rector of St. George's 

Church, 1844-85, and long prominent 
among Low Churchmen. Among his 
works are. The Christian Pastor ; Fa- 
mily Commentary on the Gospels ; Lec- 
tures on the Law and the Gospel ; The 
\ Israel of God ; Christ is AU ; The Rich 

' Kinsman, the history of Kuth ; The 

' Prayer-Book Illustrated by Scripture ; 

' The Captive Orphan ; Esther the Queen 

of Persia ; Forty Years' Experience in 
Sunday Schools. See Life of, by C. 
B. Tyng. Ear. 

Tyng, Stephen Higginson. N. Y., 

1839 . Son of S. H. Tyng, supra. 

An Episcopal clergyman of New York 
city, for a number of years subsequent 
to 1881 the manager of an insurance 
company in Paris. The Square of Life ; 
He Will Come ; Our Church Work. 

Tyson, James. 1841 . A Phila- 
delphia physician, medical professor in 
the University of Pennsylvania from 
1870. Manual of Physical Diagnosis ; 
The Cell Doctrine ; Introduction to 
Practical Histology ; Practical Exami- 
nation of the Urine ; Treatise on 
Bright's Disease. Lip. 

Tyson, Job Roberts. Pa., 1804-1858. 
A lawyer of Philadelphia. Essay on the 
Penal Laws of Pennsylvania ; The Lot- 
tery System of the United States ; So- 
cial and Intellectual State of Pennsyl- 
vania prior to 1743 ; Resources and 
Commerce of Philadelphia. 

Under-wood, Benjamin Franklin. 

1839 . Formerly the editor of The 

Index in Boston. Influence of Chris- 
tianity upon Civilization ; Essays and 

Underwood, Francis Henry. Ms., 
1825-1894. A Boston litterateur, the 
organizer of The Atlantic Monthly. 
He was American consul at Glasgow, 
1885-89, and subsequently at Leith, 
where he died. Handbooks of English 
Literature : British Authors, and Ameri- 
can Authors ; Builders of American Li- 
terature ; biographies of Lowell, Long- 
fellow, and Whittier ; The Poet and the 
Man, Recollections of James Russell 
Lowell ; Cloud Pictures ; and the no- 
vels. Lord of Himself ; Man Proposes ; 
Dr. Gray's Quest ; Quabbin. Hou. Le. 

Underwood, Lucien Marcus. N. 
Y., 1853 . Cousin of F. H. Un- 
derwood, supra. A professor of botany 
at Syracuse University from 1883. Sys- 
tematic Plant Record ; Our Native Ferns 
and How to Study Them ; Our Native 
Ferns and Their Allies ; North Ame- 
rican Hepaticse. Ho. Wh. 




Upham, Charles Wentrwrorth. N. 

£., 1802-1875. A Unitarian clergyman, 
pastor of the First Chiircli in Salem, 
Massachusetts, 1824—44, subsequently 
prominent as a politician in his city and 
State. Lectures on the Logos ; Pro- 
phecy as an Evidence of Christianity ; 
Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather ; 
Life of Timothy Pickering ; Life of Sir 
Henry Vane ; Lectures on Witchcraft ; 
Principles of Congregationalism. 

Jpham, Francis Williani. N. H., 
1817-1895. Brother of T. C. Upham, 
infra. An educator of New York city, 
"whose writings were chiefly a defence 
of the Scriptures as opposed to *' the 
higher criticism." The Debate Be- 
tween the Church and Science ; The 
Wise Men : Who They Were ; The Star 
of Out Lord ; Thoughts oa the Gos- 
pels ; St. Matthew's Witness ; The First 
Words from God. 

Upham, Mrs. Grace Le Baron 
[Locke]. " Grace Le Baron." Ms., 

1845 . A Boston writer of popular 

juveuUe tales. The Rosebud Club ; 
Little Miss Faith ; Little Daughter. 

Upham, Thomas Cogs-well. N. H., 
1799-1872. A professor of philosophy 
at Bowdoin College, 1824-72. Elements 
of Moral Philosophy ; Treatise on the 
Will ; Life of Madame Guyon ; Princi- 
ples of the Hidden Life ; Disordered 
Mental Action ; Elements of Intellec- 
tual Philosophy ; Ratio DisciplinEe ; 
Christ in the Soul ; The Life of Faith ; 
The Manual of Peace ; Divine Union ; 
American Cottage Life, a, book of 
verse ; Life of Madame Catherine 
Adorna ; View of the Absolute Reli- 
gion. See Allibone's Dictionary ; Bibli- 
ography of Maine. Har. 

Upshur, Abel Parker. Va., 1790- 
1844. A Virginia lawyer and Con- 
gressman, secretary of the navy, 1841- 
1843, and of State, 1843-44. Inquiry 
into the Nature and Character of Our 
Federal Government. 

Upshur, Mary. Niece of A. P. Up- 
shur, supra. See Sturges, Mrs. 

Upton, Emory. 1839-1881. An offi- 
cer with the rank of major-general in 
the Federal army during the Civil 
War. Infantry Tactics ; The Armies 
of Asia and Europe ; Tactics for Non- 

Military Bodies. See Life of, by Michie. 

Upton, Francis Henry. Ms., 1814- 
1876. An eminent lawyer of New York 
city. Treatise on the Law of Trade- 
Marks ; The Law of Nations affecting 
Commerce During War. 

Upton, George Putnam. Ms., 1834- 

. A Chicago journalist. Letters 

of Peregrine Pickle ; The Great Fire ; 
Woman in Music ; The Standard Ope- 
ras ; The Standard Oratorios ; The 
Standard Cantatas ; The Standard Sym- 
phonies; Lives of Haydn, Liszt, and 
Wagner, from the German of Nohl; 
Memories, from the German of Max 
Miiller. Mg. 

Upton, Jacob Kendrick. N. H., 

1887 . The assistant secretary of 

the treasury in 1880. Money in Poli- 
tics ; A Coin Catechism. Lo. 

Urmy, Clarence [Thomas]. Cal, 
1858 . An organist and verse- 
writer of San Jos^, California. A Ro- 
sary of Rhyme ; A Vintage of Verse. 
He has been a contributor to magazines. 

Usher, Edward Preston. Ms., 1851- 
. A Boston lawyer living in Graf- 
ton, Massachusetts.' Sales of Personal 
Property ; Protestantism, a Study in 
the Direction of Religious Truth. Le. 

Utter, Mrs. Rebecca [Palfrey]. Ms., 

1S44 . Daughter of C. Palfrey, 

supra, and wife of a Unitarian clergy- 
man. The King's Daughter, and Other 

Vachell, Horace Annesley. E., 

1861 . A novelist now (1897) re- 
sident in California, but in 1883 an 
English lieutenant in the Rifle Brigade. 
The Romance of Judge Ketchum ; The 
Model of Christian Gay; The Quick- 
sands of Pactolus; An Impending 
Sword. Ho. Lip. 

Vail, Alfred. N. J., 1807-1859. A 
scientist who was one of the inventors 
of the telegraph. He published a work 
on The American Electro-Magnetic Te- 

Vail, Stephen Montford. N. Y., 
1818-1880. A Methodist clergyman, at 
one time tried by his church for advo- 
cating an educated ministry. Outlines 


of Hebrew Grammar ; Education in the 
Methodist Church ; The Bible Against 
Slavery. Meth. 

Vail, Thomas Hubbard. Va., 1812- 
1889. The first Protestant Episcopal 
bishop of Kansas, consecrated bishop in 
1864, Hauaah, a Sacred Drama ; The 
Comprehensive Church. 

Vale, Gilbert. E., 1788-1866. A 
Brooklyn writer prominent as a free- 
thinker. Fanaticism ; Life of Thomas 
Paine, supra. 

Valentine, David Thomas. N. Y., 
1801-1869. The clerk of the New York 
Common Council, 1831-69, and author 
of a Manual of the Corporation of New 
York City ; History of New York City. 

Valentine, Milton. Md., 1825 . 

A Lutheran clergyman, professor of 
systematic theology at Gettysburg The- 
ological Seminary from 1884. Natural 
Theology, or Eational Theism ; The 
Relations of the Family to the Church ; 
The Dynamics of Success ; Knowledge 
by Service ; Absolute Christianity ; 
Truth's Testimony to its Servants : Is 
the Lord's Day only a Human Institu- 
tion ? Sil. 

Valentini, Philipp Johann Joseph. 

P., 1828 . A New York archa)- 

ologist among whose writings upon 
Mexican archaBology are. The Landa 
Alphabet : a Spanish fabrication ; 
Mexican Copper Tools ; The Olmecas 
and theTultecas. 

Vallentine, Benjamin Bennaton. 

E., 1843 . A journalist of New 

York city, dramatic critic of The Her- 
ald. The Fitznoodle Papers ; Fitznoo- 
dle in America ; The Lost Train. 

Van-Anderson, Mrs. Helen [Van 

Metre]. la., 1859 . A minister 

and lecturer of Boston. The Right 
Knock ; It is Possible ; The Story of 
Teddy ; Journal of a Live Woman. Le. 

Van Brunt, Henry. Ms., 1832 . 

An architect of note, the designer of 
Memorial Hall at Cambridge. Greek 
Lines, and Other Architectural Essays. 

Van Buren, John Desh. N.Y., 1838- 

. A civil engineer of New York 

city. Investigation of Formulas for the 
Strength of Iron Parts of Steam Ma^ 
chinery ; Quay and Other Retaining 



Van Buren, Martin. N. Y., 1782- 
1862. The eighth President of the 
United States. An Inquiry into the 
Origin and Causes of Political Parties 
in the United States is his only writing 
of importance, except state papers. See 
Lives by Emmons, 18S6, Grund {in Ger- 
man), 1835, Holland, 18S6, Crockett, 
1836, Mackenzie, 1846, Butler, 1862, 
Shepard, 1888, Bancroft, 1889; Alli- 
bone's Dictionary, 

Van Buren, William Holme. Pa., 
1819-1883. An eminent surgeon of 
New York city. Contributions to Prac- 
tical Surgery ; Diseases of the Rectum ; 
Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs 
(with Keyes) ; The Principles of Sur- 
gery. Ap. 

Vandegrift, Margaret. See Janvier, 

Vandenhoff, George. E., 1820 . 

An actor and elocutionist of note. Plain 
System of Elocution ; Leaves from an 
Actor's Note Book ; Dramatic Remi- 
niscences ; Clerical Assistant, or Elocu- 
tionary Guide ; Common Sense ; The 
Art of Reading Aloud. 

Van Deusen, Mrs. Mary [West- 
brook]. N. Y., 1829 . A writer 

of Rondout, New York, whose princi- 
pal works include, Rachel Du Mont ; 
Gertrude Willoughby, a novel ; Colonial 
Dames of America ; Voices of My 
Heart, a book of verse. 

Van Dyke, Henry Jackson. Pa., 

1822-1891. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of Brooklyn. The Lord's Prayer ; 
The Church : Her Ministry and Sacra- 

Van Dyke, Henry Jackson. Pa., 
1852 . Son of H. J. Van Dyke, su- 
pra. A Presbyterian clergyman of New 
York city, pastor of the Brick Church 
from 1882. The ReaUty of Religion ; 
The Story of the Psalms ; The National 
Sin of Literary Piracy ; The Poetry of 
Tennyson ; Historic Presbyterianism ; 
Straight Sermons to Young Men ; The 
Christ Child in Art ; Little Rivers ; 
The Story of the Other Wise Man; 
That Monster — the Higher Critic ; 
God and Little Children ; The Gospel 
for an Age of Doubt; The Builders, 
and Other Poems. Sar. Mac. Ban. Scr. 

Van Dyke, John Charles. N. J., 
1856 . An art critic, librarian of 




the Sage Library at New Brunswick, 
New Jersey. Books and How to Use 
Them ; Principles of Art ; How to 
Judg'e a Picture ; Serious Art in Amer- 
ica ; Art for Art's Sake ; History of 
Painting ; Old Dutch and Flemish Mas- 
ters. Cent. Fo. Lgs. Scr. Meth. 

Van Dyke, Joseph Smith. N. J., 

1832 . A Presbyterian clergyman, 

minister at Cranbury, New Jersey, from 
1869. Popery the Foe of the Church ; 
Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic ; 
Through the Prison to the Throne ; 
From Gloom to Gladness ; Giving or 
Entertainment, — Which ? ; Theism or 
Evolution. Fu. 

Van Dyke, Theodore Strong. N. 

J., 1842 . Brother of J. C. Van 

Dyke, supra. A lawyer and sportsman 
of Southern California. Rifle, Rod, and 
Gun in California ; Southern Califor- 
nia ; The Still Hunter ; Game Birds 
at Home ; Southern California the Italy 
of America. Fo. 

Van Home, Thomas B . 18 

. A clergyman, chaplain in the 

Federal army during the Civil War. 
History of the Army of the Cumber- 
land ; Life of Major-General Thomas. 
Clke. Scr. 

Van Lennep, Henry John. A. M., 
181-5-1889. A Congregational mission- 
ary in Asia Minor, 1839-69. Ten Days 
Among Greek Brigands ; Bible Lands ; 
Travels in Little Known Parts of Asia 
Minor ; The Oriental Album. Har. C. 
P. S. 

Vannah, Letltia Catharine. Me., 

1857 . A verse-writer of Gardiner, 

Maine, who has pubUshed a volume of 

Van Ness, Thomas. Md., 18.59- 

A Unitarian clergyman of Boston, pas- 
tor of the Second Church. The Com- 
ing Religion ; The Ideal Common- 
wealth ; My Visit to Count Tolstoi. 
Van Ness, William Peter. N. Y., 
1'778-1826. A jurist of New York city. 
Examination of Charges against Aaron 
Burr ; Laws of New York (with Wood- 
worth) ; Concise Narrative of Jackson's 
First Invasion of Florida. 

Van Nest, Abraham Rynier. N. Y., 

1823-1892. A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman in charge of American chapels 

abroad, and pastor in Philadelphia, 
1878-86. Signs of the Times ; Life of 
G. Bethune, supra. 

Van Norden, Charles. Ct., 1843- 

. A Congregational clergyman at 

Suffield, Connecticut. The Outermost 
Rim and Beyond ; The Psychic Factor. 
Ap. Ran. 

Van Rensselaer [ren'sel-ar], Cort- 
land. N. Y., 1808-1860. A Presby- 
terian clergyman who was secretary of 
the Presbyterian Board of Education, 
1846-60. Miscellaneous Sermons, Es- 
says, and Addresses ; Essays and Dis- 

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Mariana 

[Griswold]. N. Y., 1851 . An 

art critic of New York city. Art Out of 
Doors, a work on gardening ; English 
Cathedrals ; Six Portraits ; Handbook 
of English Cathedrals ; Henry Hobson 
Richardson ; One Man who was Con- 
tent, and Other Stories. Cent. Hou. Scr. 

Van Rensselaer, Maunsell. N. Y., 

1819 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of New York city. Sister Louise : her 
Life Book ; Annals of the Van Eensse- 
laers in the United States. 

Van Santvoord, Cornelius. N. J., 
1816-1892. A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman of New York State. Memoir of 
Elipbalet Nott, supra; Limitation of 
the Liabilities of Ship Owners Under 
United States Laws. 

Van Santvoord, George. N. J., 
1819-1863. Brother of C. Van Sant- 
voord, supra. A lawyer of Kinderhook, 
New York. Life of Algernon Sidney ; 
Lives of the Chief Justices of the United 
States ; The Indiana Justice ; Princi- 
ples of Pleading in Civil Actions ; Prece- 
dents of Pleading ; Practice in Equity 
Actions in New York Supreme Court. 

Van Santvoord, Harold. N. Y., 

1854 . Son of G. Van Santvoord, 

supra. A New York litterateur. Half 
Holidays, a volume of essays. 

Van Schaack, Henry Cruger. N. 
Y., 1802-1887. Son of P. Van Schaack, 
infra. A lawyer of Manlius, New York. 
History of Manlius Village ; An Old 
Kinderhook Mansion ; Captain Thomas 
Morris ; Life of Peter Van Schaack, 

Van Schaack, Peter. N. Y., 1747- 
1832. A once famous jurist of Kinder- 




hook, Kew York. Laws of the Colony 
of New York ; Conductor Generalis. 
See Xi/e of, by his son, with Journal, 
Diary, and Letters. 

Vanuxem, Larduer. Pa., 1792-1848. 
A scientist who was State geologist of 
New York, 1836-42. Geology of New 
York, Third District ; Essay on the 
Ultimate Principles of Chemistry, Natu- 
ral Philosophy, and Physiology (1827), 
an early declaration of the qualitative 
intereonvertibility of heat, light, elec- 
tricity, and magnetism. 

Van Zile, Edward Sims. N. Y., 

1863 . A novelist and journalist 

of New York city on the staff of The 
World. Wanted, a Sensation ; The 
Last of the Van Slacks ; A Magnetic 
Man, and Other Stories ; Don Miguel, 
and Other Stories ; The Manhattaners ; 
A Crown Prince. Cas. Lov. 

Varley, John Philip. See Mitchell, 

Varney, George Jones. Me., 1836- 

. Young People's History of 

Maine ; Gazetteer of Maine ; A Brief 
History of Maine ; The Story of Pa^ 
triot's Day. Le. 

Varnum, Joseph Bradly. D. C, 

1818-1874. A lawyer and litterateur of 
New York city. The Seat of Govern- 
ment of the United States ; The Wash- 
ington Sketch-Book. 

Vasey, George. E., 1822-1893. A 
physician and botanist who was bota- 
nist of the Department of Agriculture 
at Washington, 1872-93. Beauties 
and Utilities of a Library ; The Philo- 
sophy of Laughing and Smiling ; A 
Descriptive Catalogue of Native Forest 
Trees of the United States ; Grasses of 
the United States ; Agricultural Grasses 
of the United States ; Grasses of the 
South ; Grasses of the Arid Districts ; 
Descriptive Catalogue of the Grasses of 
the United States ; Individual Liberty. 

Vassar, John Guy. N. Y., 1811- 
1888. A philanthropist of Poughkeep- 
sie, nephew of the founder of Vassar 
College. Twenty Years Around the 

Vassar, Thomas Edwin. TV. Y., 

1834 . Cousin of J. 6. Vassar, 

supra. A Baptist clergyman, author 
of Uncle John Vassar, or The Fight of 
Faith, a very popular work. 

Vaughan [vawn], John. Pa., 1775- 
1807. A physician of Wilmington, 
Delaware, very eminent in hia day. 
Chemical Syllabus ; Observations on 
Animal Electricity. 

Vaux [vauks], Calvert. E., 1824- 
1895. An English architect and land- 
scape gardener who settled in the 
United States in 1851. With F. L. 
Olmsted, supra, he designed Central 
Park in New York city, and he was 
associated with him in many similar 
works throughout the country. He 
published Villas and Cottages in the 
earlier part of his career. See Annual 
Cyclopwdia, 1895. 

Vaux, Richard. Pa., 1816-1895. Son 
of R. Vaux, infra. A distinguished 
penologist of Philadelphia. His writ- 
ings include every annual report of the 
Eastern Penitentiary for more than 
fifty years ; Recorders' DecLsions ; and 
many volumes on the subject of peno- 

Vaux, Roberts. Pa., 1786-1836. A 
jurist and penologist of Philadelphia, 
prominent in all local philanthropic 
enterprises throughout his life. Me- 
moirs of Benjamin Lay, Ralph Sandi- 
ford, and Anthony Benezet ; Efforts to 
Improve the Discipline of the Prison at 

Vedder, Henry Clay. N. Y., 1853- 

. A journalist for many years, 

and subsequently professor of church 
history at Crozer Theological Seminary, 
Upland, Pennsylvania. American Writ- 
ers of To-day ; A Short History of the 
Baptists. Bap. Sil. 

Veeder, Mrs. Emily Elizabeth 

[Ferris]. N. Y., 1841 . A 

novelist and verse-writer of St. Louis. 
Her Brother Donnard ; Entranced ; The 
Unexpected ; In the Garden, and Other 
Poems. Lip. 

Venable, Charles Scott. Va., 1827- 

. A Confederate army officer, 

professor of mathematics in the Uni- 
versity of Virginia from 1865, and au- 
thor of a series of popular mathemati- 
cal text-books. 

Venable, Frank Preston. Va., 
1856 . Son of C. S. Venable, su- 
pra. A professor of chemistry at the 
University of North Carolina from 
1880. A Short Course in Qualitative 




Analysis; The Development of the 
Periodic Law. 
Venable, William Henry. O., 1836- 

. An educator and litterateur of 

Cincinnati. School History of the Uni- 
ted States ; Footprints of the Pioneers 
iu the Ohio Valley ; The Beginnings 
of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley ; 
Let Him First he a Man, a collection 
of essays on education. His writings 
in verse include, June on the Miami, 
and Other Poems ; The Melodies of 
the Heart. Clhe. Le. 

Verdi, Tullio Suzzara. I;/., 1829- 
. A homoeopathic physician prac- 
ticing in Washington from 1857. 
Maternity ; Mothers and Daughters ; 
The Infant Philosopher ; Special Di- 
agnosis for Popular Use. 

Verplanck [ver-plank'], Gulian 
Crommelin. N. Y., 1786-18TO. A 
Shakespearean scholar of New York 
city whose carefully edited Shakespeare 
appeared in 1846. He was the author 
of Essays on Revealed Religion ; Dis- 
courses on American History, Art, and 
Literature ; Discourses and Addresses ; 
Essay on the Doctrine of Contrasts; 
The Bucktail Bards. See Allihone's 

Very, Jones. Ms., 1813-1880. A 
Unitarian clergyman living at Salem, 
Massachusetts, who must be accounted 
as one of the most purely spiritual of 
American poets. His Essays and Po- 
ems appeared in 1839, the poems in- 
eluding fifty sonnets on the Shake- 
spearean model remarkable for their 
extreme delicacy and purity of concep- 
tion. A fuller edition of the Poems 
alone appeared in 1883, and a complete 
and revised edition of Poems and Es- 
says in 1886. See Memoir, by W. P.- 
Andrews, in Poems, 1SS3 ; Biographical 
Notice, by J. F. Clarke, supra, in Poems 
and Essays, 1SS6 ; Atlantic Monthly, 
July, 1S8S. Sou. 

Very, Lydia Louisa Anna. Ms., 

182.3 . Sister of J. Very, supra. 

For many years a teacher in Salem. 
Poems and Prose Writings. 

Vethake, Henry. B. G., 1792-1866. 
A Philadelphia educator who was pro- 
fessor in the University of Pennsyl- 
vania from 1836, and provost in 1854. 
Principles of Political Economy. 

Vetromile, Eugene. ly., 1819-1881. 
A noted Italian Jesuit missionary long 
resident among the Penobscot Indians. 
Travels in Europe, etc. ; The Abenaki 
and Their History ; and several works 
in the Abenaki language. See Biblio- 
graphy of Maine. 

Veysey, Arthur Henry. K, 1869- 

. A litterateur of New York city. 

A Cheque for Three Thousand, a novel. 

Victor, Mrs. Frances Auretta 

[Fuller] [Barrett]. O., 1826 . 

Sister of Mrs. M. Victor, infra, with 
whom she published Poems of Senti- 
ment and Imagination (1851). After 
her second marriage to a brother of 0. 
Victor, infra, she removed to Califor- 
nia. The River of the West ; All Over 
Oregon ; The New Penelope, and Other 
Stories ; Atlantis Arisen. Ap. Lip. 

Victor, Mrs. Metta Victoria [Pul- 
ler]. " Seeley Register." Pa., 1831- 
1885. A novelist and verse-writer of 
New York city. Fresh Leaves from 
Western Woods ; Last Days of Tul, a 
Yucatan romance ; The Senator's Son, 
a plea for the Maine Law ; Two Mor- 
mon Wives ; The Gold Hunters ; Miss 
Slimmens' Window, and Other Papers ; 
Uncle Ezekiel ; Too True ; Alice Wilde ; 
The Backwoods Bride ; Maum Guinea ; 
Jo Daviess's Client ; The Dead Letter ; 
Figure Eight ; Passing the Portal ; 
Blunders of a Bashful Man ; The Bad 
Boy's Diary ; The Naughty Girl's Di- 
ary ; The Rasher Family, comprise the 
greater portion of her works. Her 
poem Compound Interest is stiU quoted. 

Victor, Orville James. O., 1827- 

. An author and editor of New 

York city. History of the Southern 
Rebellion ; Incidents and Anecdotes of 
the War ; History of American Con- 

Viele, Egbert Ludoviokus. N. Y., 

1825 . A military engineer who 

served in the Civil War, and became 
Park Commissioner of New York City 
in 1883. Handbook for Active Ser- 
vice ; Topographical Atlas of New 
York City. 

Vincent, Francis. Del, 1822-1884. 
A journalist of Wilmington, Delaware, 
who published A History of Delaware. 

Vincent, Frank. L. I., 1848 . A 

traveler of note. The Land of the 




White Elephant; Norsk, Lapp, and 
Finn ; Through and Through the Tro- 
pics ; The Eepuhlics of South America ; 
Around and Ahout South America ; 
In and Out of Central America ; Actual 
Africa ; Lady of Cawnpore, a novel 
(with A. Lancaster). Ap. Fu. Har. 

Vincent, John Heyl. Al., 1832- 

. A Methodist bishop now living 

at Topeka, of much prominence as the 
founder of the celebrated Chautauqua 
Movement in 1878. Studies in Young 
Life ; The Modern Sunday School ; Lit- 
tle Footprints in Bible Lands ; Earthly 
Footsteps of the Man of Galilee ; Bet- 
ter Not ; The Chautauqua Movement ; 
To Old Bethlehem ; Our Own Church ; 
Outline History of Greece ; Outline His- 
tory of Rome, include his more impor- 
tant works. See The Outlook, October, 
1896. Fu. Fl. Meth. 

Vincent, Marvin Richardson. N. 

r., 1834 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman of New York city, professor in 
Union Seminary from 1888. Faith and 
Character ; Student's Handbook of the 
Topics and Literature of New Testa- 
ment Introduction; Word Studies in 
the New Testament ; Stranger and 
Guest ; Gates into the Psalm Country ; 
Amusement a Force in Christian Train- 
ing ; The Two Prodigals ; The Minis- 
ter's Handbook ; What Is It To Be- 
lieve ? ; God and Bread ; The Covenant 
of Peace ; The Law of Sowing and 
Reaping ; Bible Inspiration and Christ ; 
That Monster, the Higher Critic ; 
Christ as a Teacher ; In the Shadow of 
the Pyrenees, from Basque Land to 
Carcassonne ; The Age of Hildebrand. 
Do. Ban. Scr. 

Vincent, Thomas McCurdy.- O., 

1832 . An army officer who has 

published The Military Power of the 
United States during the War of the 
Vinght, Francisco Javier. C, 182.3- 

. A Cuban educator, after 1848 a 

resident of New York, and professor of 
Spanish in the University of the City of 
New York. Spanish Grammar ; Span- 
ish and English Phrase Book ; El Maes- 
tro de Frances ; El Maestro de Ingles ; 
Le Maitre d'Espagnol ; Lector y Tra- 
ductor Ingles. 

Vinton, Alexander Hamilton. B. 

I., 1807-1881. An -Episcopal clergy- 
man of Boston, prominent as a Low 
Churchman. Bohlen Lectures for 1877 ; 
Sermons. Wh. 

Vinton, Arthur Dudley. N. Y., 

1852 . Son of F. Vinton, infra. 

A lawyer and novelist of New York 
city. The Pomf ret Mystery; The Un- 
pardonable Sin. 

Vinton, Francis. B. I., 1809-1872. 
Brother of A. H. Vinton, supra. An 
Episcopal clergyman of New York city, 
rector of Trinity Church, 1855-72. 
Arthur Tremaine, or Annals of Cadet 
Life ; Evidences of Christianity ; Ma^ 
nual Commentary on the General Canon 
Law of the Episcopal Church. 

Vinton, Francis Laurens. Me., 
1835-1879. Nephew of A. H. Vinton, 
supra. An officer in the Federal army 
during the Civil War, who rose to the 
rank of brigadier-general. The Guar- 
dian, a poem ; Lectures on Machines ; 
Theory of the Strength of Materials. 

Vinton, John Adams. Ms., 1801- 
1877. A Congregational clergyman 
and genealogist. The Vinton Memo- 
rial ; The Symmes Memorial ; The 
Giles Memorial ; The Sampson Family 
in America. 

Virgin, William "Wirt. Me., 1823- 

1893. A jurist who was justice of the 
supreme court of Maine. The Maine 
Civil Officer ; Digest of the Decisions 
of the Supreme Judicial Court of 
Maine ; Law and Equity Reports. 

Vogdes, "William. Pa., 1802-1886. 

A lawyer and educator of Philadelphia. 

United States Arithmetic ; Elementary 

Treatise on Mensuration. 
Von Hoist. See Hoist, H. E. von. 
Vos, Geerhardus. S., 1862 . A 

Dutch clergyman, professor of biblical 

theology at Princeton Seminary from 

1894. The Mosaic Origin of the Pen- 
tateuchal Codes ; Die Kampfe und 
Streitigkeiten zwischen den Banu Um- 
ajja und den Banu Haschim ; The 
Doctrine of the Covenants in Reformed 
Theology ; Biblical Theology as a Sci- 
ence and as a Discipline. 

Vose, George Leonard. Me., 1831- 

. A civil engineer, professor in 

the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 
nology, 1881-86. Orographic Geology ; 




Manual for Railway Engineers ; Bridge 
Disasters in America ; A Graphic Me- 
thod for Solving Algebraic Problems ; 
Elementary Course of Geometric Draw- 
ing ; Life of G. W. Whistler, Civil En- 
gineer, Xe. 
Vose, John. N. H., 1766-1840. An 
educator of Atkinson, New Hampshire, 
prominent in his day, and author of 
System of Astronomy ; Compendium 
of Astronomy. 


■Wackerhagen, Augustus. G., 1774- 
1865. A Lutheran clergyman of Co- 
lumbia County, New York. Inbegriff 
des Glaubens und Sittenlehre. 

Wade, "William P . 18 . 

Treatise on the Law of Notice ; On the 
Operation and Construction of Retro- 
active Laws ; Manual of American 
Mining Laws in the Western States ; 
The Laws of Notice as Affecting Civil 
Rights and Remedies ; The Law of 
Attachment and Garnishment. 

Wadsworth, Marshman EdTward. 

Me., 1847 . The State geologist of 

Michigan from 1888. Geology of the 
Iron and Copper Districts of Lake Su- 
perior ; The Azoid System (with J. D. 
Whitney, infra) ; Lithological Studies, 
are among his writings. 

Wagner, Arthur Lockivood. II., 

185 . An officer in the United 

States army. Catechism of Outpost 
Duty ; Organization and Tactics ; The 
Service of Security and Information ; 
The Campaign of Koniggratz. 

Wainwright, Jonathan Mayheiv. 

E., 1792-1854. A provisional Protest- 
ant Episcopal bishop of New York, 
1852-54. The Land of Bondage ; Short 
Family Prayers ; The Pathway and 
Abiding Places of Our Lord ; Lessons 
on the Church Religious Education ; 
Selected Sermons. ^S'ee Lives by Doane, 
1856, Norton, 1858. Ap. But. 
Wait, William. N. Y., 1821-1880. 
An eminent lawyer of Fulton County, 
New York. Law and Practice in Civil 
Actions ; New York Annotated Code 
of Procedure ; Actions and Defences 
at Law and in Equity ; Treatise on 
General Principles of the Law. 

Waite, Charles Burlingame. N. Y., 

1824 . A Chicago jurist, author 

of The Christian Religion to A. D. 200. 

Waite, Mrs. Catherine [Van Val- 

kenburg]. Ont, 1829 . Wife of 

C. B. Waite, supra. A Chicago lawyer, 
founder of The Chicago Law Times, 
and an active advocate of woman- 
suffrage. The Mormon Prophet and 
his Harem. 

Waite, Henry Randall. N.Y., 1845- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman who 

has published The Motive of St. Paul's 
Life ; Illiteracy and the Mormon Pro- 
blem ; A Boy's Workshop. Lo. 

Wakefield, Mrs. Nancy Amelia 
Woodbury Priest. N. H., 1836- 
1870. A verse-writer remembered for 
her poem, Over the River. See Poems 
of, with Memoir, 1871. 

Wakeley, Joseph Beaumont. Q., 

1804-1876. A Methodist clergyman of 
New York city among whose writings 
are. The Heroes of Methodism ; Lost 
Chapters Recovered from Early Ame- 
rican Methodism ; Reminiscences ; The 
American Temperance Cyclopedia. 
Walcott, Charles Doolittle. N. Y., 
1850 . A geologist of note, di- 
rector of the United States Geological 
Survey from 1894. The Trilobite; 
Paleontology of the Eureka District ; 
The Cambrian Faunas of North Ameri- 
ca ; The Fauna of the Lower Cambrian 
or Olinus Zone ; Correlation Papers. 

Walcott, Charles Melton. E., 1815- 
1868. An actor and playwright of Phi- 
ladelphia among whose plays are. The 
Course of True Love ; Hoboken ; Wash- 
ington, or Valley Forge ; A Good Fel- 

"Walden, Treadwell. N. Y., 1830- 
. An Episcopal clergyman of Wash- 
ington. Sunday-School Prayer Book; 
Our English Bible and its Ancestors ; 
The Great Meaning of Metanoia. Co. 

Waldo, Prank. O., 1857- 


meteorologist of Princeton, New Jer- 
sey, formerly a junior professor in the 
United States signal service. Beside a 
number of scientific monographs, he has 
published Modern Meteorology ; Ele- 
mentary Meteorology. Am. 


Waldo, Samuel Putnam. Ct, 1780- 
182(5. A writer of Hartford, Connecti- 
cut. Tour of President Monroe in 1818 ; 
Memoirs of General Andrew Jackson ; 
Life of Stephen Decatur ; Biog-raphical 

Waldsteia, Charles. N. Y., 1856- 

. An eminent archaeologist, the 

director of the American School of 
Archseology at Athens from 1888. Ex- 
cavations at the Heraion of Arg'os ; 
The Balance of Emotion and Intellect ; 
Essays on the Art of Pheidias; The 
Work of John Ruskin ; Study of Art 
in Universities. Gi. Har. 

Wales, Philip Skinner. Md., 1837- 

. A United States naval oiEeer 

who has published a Treatise on Me- 
chanical Therapeutics. 

Walke, Henry. Va^ 1808-1896. A 
naval officer appointed rear-admiral in 
1870, and the author of Naval Scenes 
and Reminiscences of the Civil War. 

Walker, Alexander Joseph. Va., 
1819-1893. A lawyer and journalist of 
New Orleans. Jackson and New Or- 
leans ; History of the Battle of Shiloh ; 
Butler at New Orleans ; Duelling in 
Louisiana ; Life of General Andrew 

Walker, Amasa. Ct., 1799-1875. A 
political economist of Boston. The 
Science of Wealth ; The Nature and 
Uses of Money. Lip. 

Walker, Charles Manning. 0., 
1834 . A journalist of Indianapo- 
lis. History of Athens County, Ohio ; 
First Settlement of Ohio at Marietta ; 
Lives of Oliver Martin and Alvin Hovey . 

Walker, Cornelius. Fa., 1819-^ . 

An Episcopal clergyman, professor in 
the Virginia Theological Seminary from 
1866. Sorrowing Not Without Hope ; 
Outlines of Christian Theology ; Lec- 
tures on Christian Ethics. Wh. 

Walker, Edward Dwight. X. /., 
1859-1890. A journalist and litterateur 
of New York city. Reincarnation, a 
Study of Forgotten Truth. 

Walker, Francis Amasa. Ms., 1840- 
1897. Son of A. Walker, supra. The 
president of the Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology from 1881, and during 
the Civil War a Federal officer, rising 
to the rank of colonel, and brevetted 



brigadier-general in 1865. A distin- 
guished authority on financial topics ; 
an advocate of bi-metallism. Wages ; 
Money ; Money in its Relations to Trade 
and lidustry ; Political Economy ; The 
Indian Question ; Land and its Rent ; 
History of the Second Army Corps; 
Life of General Hancock ; The Making 
of the Nation ; Double Taxation in the 
United States ; International Bimetal- 
lism. See Review of Reviews, February, 
1897. Ap. Ho. Lit. Mac. Scr. 

Walker, George Leon. Vt., 1830- 

. A Congregational clergyman, 

pastor of a church in Hartford, Con- 
necticut, from 1879. History of the 
First Church in Hartford, 1633-1883 ; 
Thomas Hooker : Preacher, Founder, 
Democrat ; Some Aspects of the Re- 
ligious Life of New England. Do. Sil. 

Walker, James. >/s., 1794-1874. A Uni- 
tarian clergyman, minister at Charles- 
town, Massachusetts, 1818- 

dent of Harvard University, 1853-60. 
Lectures on Natural Religion ; Lectures 
on the Philosophy of Religion ; Ser- 
mons Preached in the College Chapel ; 
Discourses. A. U. A. 

Walker, James Barr. Pa., 1805-1887. 
A popular Presbyterian clergyman in 
Ohio and Illinois. Philosophy of the 
Plan of Salvation ; Poetry of Reason 
and Conscience ; Pioneer Life in the 
West ; God Revealed in Nature and in 
Christ ; Philosophy of Skepticism and 
Ultraism ; The Divine Operation in the 
Redemption of Man ; Living Questions 
of the Age ; Doctrine of the Holy Spi- 
rit ; Poems. Meth. 

Walker, James Bradford Rich- 
mond. Ms., 1821 . A Congre- 
gational clergyman of Massachusetts. 
Comprehensive Concordance to the 
Holy Scriptures. C. P. S. 

Walker, James Murdock. S. C, 
1813-1854. A South Carolina lawyer. 
The Theory of Common Law ; Tract 
on Government ; The State versus Bank 
of South Carolina ; Roman Jurispru- 
dence in the Law of Real Estate. 

Walker, James Perkins. N. H., 
1829-1868. A Boston publisher. Faith 
and Patience, a story for boys ; Book 
of Raphael's Madonnas ; Sunny-Eyed 
Tim. See Memoir of, 1869. 

Walker, Joseph Burbeen. N. H., 
1822 . An agriculturist of New 



Hampshire. Land Drainage ; Forests 
of New Hampshire ; Prospective Agri- 
culture LQ New Hampshire ; Oats ; 
Rogers the Ranger ; Birth of the Fede- 
ral Constitution. 

Walker, Joseph Henry. Ms., 1829- 

. A Republican Congressman from 

Massachusetts whose home is in Worces- 
ter. A Few Facts and Suggestions on 
Money, Trade, and Banking. Hou. 

Walker, Mrs. Katharine Kent 

[Child]. Vt., 184U . A writer 

who is best known by a famous paper 
in The Atlantic Monthly on The Total 
Depravity of Inanimate Things. Bible 
Stories for the Young ; Life of Christ ; 
From the Crib to the Cross. Ban. 

Walker, Mrs. Mary Spring. 18 — 
A Boston writer. Wife of J. B. B. 
Walker, supra. The Family Doctor, or 
Mrs. Barry and her Bourbon ; Rev. Dr. 
Willoughby and his Wine ; Both Sides 
of the Street ; Down in a Saloon ; 
White Robes. 

Walker, Robert James. Pa., 1801- 
1869. The secretary of the United 
States Treasury, 184.5-40, and author 
of Letters on the Finances and Re- 
sources of the United States. 

Walker. Sears Cook. Ms., 1805- 
1853. iBrother of T. Walker, infra. 
An astronomer who published a num- 
ber of professional monographs. 

^Walker, Timothy. Ms., 1806-1856. 
A jurist of Cincinnati. Elements of 
Geometry ; Introduction to American 
Law. Lit. 

Walker, William. Tn., 1824-1860. 
A famous adventiirer who led a fili- 
bustering expedition into Nicaragua in 
1855, and was afterwards court-mar- 
tialled and shot by the authorities of 
Honduras. The War in Nicaragua. 
See Walker^s Expedition to Nicaragua, 
by W. V. Wells, 18.56; Reminiscences 
of the Filibuster War by Doubleday, 
1886; Joaquin Miller's Walker in Ni- 

Walker, William McCreary. Mii., 
1813-1866. A United States naval of- 
ficer who published a work on Screw 

Walker, Williston. Me., 1860 . 

Son of G. L. Walker, supra. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, professor of 
Germanic and Western Church History 

in Hartford Theological Seminary from 
1889. The Creeds and Platforms of 
Congregationalism ; On the Increase of 
Royal Power under Philip Augustus ; 
A History of the Congi'egational Church 
in the United States. Scr. 

Wallace, Horace Binney. Pa., 
1817-1852. Son of J. B. Wallace, in- 
fra. A lawyer and litterateur of Phila- 
delphia. Literary Criticisms ; Art and 
Scenery in Europe. See Allibone's Dic- 

Wallace, John Bradford. N. J., 
1778-1837. A lawyer of Philadelphia. 
Remarks on the Law of Bailment ; 
Reports of Cases of the Third Circuit 
Court. See Memoir by his wife, 1848. 

Wallace, John William. Fa., 1815- 
1884. Son of J. B. Wallace, supra. A 
master in chancery of the Pennsylvania 
Supreme Court. The Reporters, Chro- 
nologically Arranged ; Cases in the Cir- 
cuit Court of the United States for the 
Third Circuit ; Cases Argued and Ad- 
judged in the Supreme Court of the 
United States, 1863-1874; An Old 
Philadelphian : Colonel William Brad- 
ford, the Patriot Printer of 1776. See 
Allibone's Dictionary. 

Wallace, Lew[is]. Ind., 1827 . 

A Federal major-general during the 
Civil War, subsequently a lawyer of 
CrawfordsviUe, Indiana, and minister 
to Turkey, 1881-85. Ben Hur, a Tale 
of the Christ, has been extremely popu- 
lar, but neither this nor his other ro- 
mances have met the entire approval of 
literary critics. His other works in- 
clude. The Fair God, an Aztec Story; 
The Prince of India ; The Boyhood of 
Christ ; Life of General Benjamin Har- 
rison. Har. 

Wallace, Mrs. Susan Arnold [Els- 
ton]. Ind., 18?,0 . Wife of L. 

Wallace, supra. The Storied Sea ; Gi- 
ne\Ta, a Christmas Story ; The Land 
of the Pueblos ; The Repose in Egypt. 

Wallace, William Ross. Zy.,1819- 
1881. A lawyer and verse-writer of 
New York city. Perdita; Alhan; 
Meditations in America, and Other Po- 
ems. The Liberty Bell is his best- 
known poem. See Griswold's Poets and 
Poetry of America. 

Wallack, Lester (real name John 
Johnstone WaUaok). N. Y., 1820- 




1888. A noted comedian and drama- 
tist of New York city. The Veteran ; 
Kosedale. See Galaxy Magazine^ Octo- 
ber, 1S6S ; A utobiography of, 18S9. Scr. 

Wallis, Severn Teackle. Md., 1816- 
1894. A lawyer of Baltimore. Glimpses 
of Spain ; Spain : her Institutions, Poli- 
tics, and Public Men. A memorial edi- 
tion of his writings in four volumes 
was published in 1896. Har. 

Wain, Robert. Pa., 1765-1836. A 
Philadelphia merchant. Answer to the 
Anti-Protection Report of Henry Lee ; 
Seven Letters to Elias Hicks, widely 
read at the time of their appearance. 

Wain, Robert. Pa., 1'794-1825. Son 
of R. Wain, supra. A Philadelphia 
litterateur. The Hermit in America; 
American Bards, a satire ; Sisyphi 
Opus, with Other Poems ; Life of La- 

Walsh, Michael. X, 1763-1840. A 
once popular educator of Massachu- 
setts who published a Mercantile Arith- 
metic, and a New System of Book- 

Walsh, Robert. Md., 1784-1859. 
A prominent PhUadelphian who was 
United States consul at Paris, 1846-51. 
In 1811 he established the American 
Review of History and Politics, the first 
quarterly in the United States. An 
Appeal from the Judgments of Great 
Britain ; Letter on the Genius and Dis- 
position of the French Government ; 
Correspondence Respecting Russia ; Di- 
dactics ; The Museum of Foreign Lite- 
rature and Science. See Edinburgh 
Review, May, 18M; North American 
Review, April, 1820. 

Walsh, William Shepard. " Wil- 
liam Shepard." ^.,1854-189-. Grand- 
son of R. Walsh, supra. A Philadel- 
phia litterateur, editor of Lippincott's 
Magazine, 188(5-90. Authors and Au- 
thorship ; Pen Pictures of Earlier Vic- 
torian Authors ; Faust : the Legend 
and the Poem ; Paradoxes of a Philis- 
tine ; Pen Pictures of Modern Authors ; 
Our Young Folks' History of the Ro- 
man Empire. 

Walter, Nehemiah. I., 1663-1750. 
A Congregational clergyman, pastor 
at Roxbury, Massachusetts, from 1688 
until his death. The Sense of Indwell- 
ing Sin in the Unregenerate ; Sermons ; 

Practical Discourses on the Holiness of 

Walter, Thomas. Ms., 1696-1725. 
Son of N. Waker, supra. A Congre- 
gational clergyman, the colleague of 
his father. Grounds and Rules of Mu- 
sic Explained ; Infallibility May Some- 
times Mistake. 

Walter, William Bicker. Ms., 
1796-1822. Great-grandnephew of T. 
Walter, supra. A verse-writer who 
published Poems ; Sukey, suggested by 
Halleck's " Fanny." 

Walters, William Thompson. Pa., 
1S20-1891. A merchant of Baltimore, 
long prominent as an art patron. An- 
toine Louis Barye, from the French of 
Various Critics ; The Percheron Horse, 
from the French of Du Hays ; Notes 
upon Certain Masters of the Nine- 
teenth Century. 

Walther, Carl Ferdinand Wil- 
helm. Sxy., 1811-1887. A Lutheran 
clergyman who came to America in 
1839, and was president of the Lutheran 
Theological Seminary at St. Louis, 1849- 
1887. Dr. Luther's kleiner Katechis- 
mus ausgelegt von Dr. J. C. Dietrich, 
mit Zusatzen ; Amerikanisch - Luthe- 
rische Evangelien-Postille ; Amerika- 
nisch - Lutherische Epistel - PostUle ; 
Amerikanisch - Lutherische Pastoral- 
theologie. He was the leader of what 
are known as Missouri Lutherans. .See 
Biography of, by Giinther (Lebensbild), 
1890 : BromeVs Homiletische Character- 
bilder, 1S74. 

Walton, George Edward. 0.. 1839- 
. A Cincinnati physician, profes- 
sor of medicine in Cincinnati College 
from 1880. The Mineral Springs of 
the United States and Canada. 

Walworth [wol'wiirth] , Clarence 

Alphonsus. N. Y., 1820 . Son 

of Reuben Walworth, infra. A Roman 
Catholic clergyman who was one of the 
founders of the Paulist order in the 
United States, a prominent temperance 
advocate, and since 1864 rector of St. 
Mary's, Albany. The Gentle Sceptic ; 
The Doctrine of Hell ; Andiatorocte, 
and Other Poems. 

Walworth, Mrs. Ellen [Hardin]. 
11, 1832 . ^Vife of M. T. Wal- 
worth, infra. A Saratoga writer who 
has published Saratoga, the Battle 




Walworth, Ellen Hardin. N. Y., 
1S5S . Daughter of M. T. Wal- 
worth, infra. An Old World as Seen 
Through Young Eyes. 

Walworth, Mrs. Jeanette Ritchie 

[Hadermann]. Pa., 18S7 . A 

novelist of New York city. Dead Men's 
Shoes I The Bar Sinister ; The Man at 
Eossraere ; At Bay ; Southern Silhou- 
ettes ; Forgiven at Last ; Baldy's Point ; 
The Silent Witness ; Heavy Yokes ; 
An Old Fogy; The Little Radical; 
Uncle Scipio, are among her numerous 
fictions. Cas. Ho. 

Walw^orth, Mansfield Tracy. N. 
Y., 1837-1873. Son of Reuben H. Wal- 
worth, infra. A lawyer once well known 
as a writer of extremely sensational ro- 
mances. Among them are, Beverly ; 
Warwick ; Lulu ; Delaplene ; Storm- 
cliff ; Mission of Death ; Tahara, a 
Leaf from Empire. 

Walworth, Reuben Hyde. Ct., 
1787-1867. An eminent jurist of Sara- 
toga, the last Chancellor of the State of 
New York. Rules and Orders of the 
New York Court of Chancery ; The 
Hyde Genealogy. 

Walworth, Reubena Hyde. Ki/., 
1867 . Daughter of M. T. Wal- 
worth, supra. Where was Elsie ?, a 

Ward, Aaron. N. Y., 1790-1867. A 
New York congressman and major- 
general of militia, the author of Around 
the Pyramids, a volume of travel. 

Ward, Andrew Henshaw. Ms., 
1784-1864. A lawyer of Shrewsbury, 
Massachusetts, and subsequently of 
Newton in the same State. History of 
Shrewsbury ; Genealogy of the Rice 
Family ; The Ward Family. 

■Ward, Artemus. See Browne, C. F. 

Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart 

[Phelps]. Ms., 1844 . Wife of 

Herbert D. Ward, infra, daughter of 
A. Phelps, supra. A popular New Eng- 
land novelist whose life was mainly 
passed at Andover and Gloucester until 
her marriage in 1S88. She has more 
recently lived in Newton, Massachu- 
setts. The publication in 1869 of The 
Gates Ajar, a tale whose theme is the 
life of departed spirits in the next 
world, aroused much discussion, and 
instantly made its author famous. She 

has since pursued the same motive in 
Beyond the Gates, and The Gates Be- 
tween. Her latest works, as a whole, 
show an increase of power and a higher 
level of literary excellence. Hedged 
in ; The Silent Partner ; Sealed Orders, 
and Other Stories ; Men, Women, and 
Ghosts ; Friends : a Duet ; Dr. Zay ; 
The Story of Avis ; An Old Maid's 
Paradise, and Burglars in Paradise ; 
Fourteen to One, a book of short sto- 
ries ; Donald Marcy ; Jack the Fish- 
erman ; The Madonna of the Tubs ; 
A Singular Life ; The Supply at St. 
Agatha's ; The Master of the Magi- 
cians (with H. D. Ward) ; Come Forth 
(with H. D. Ward) ; What to Wear ? ; 
The Struggle for Lnmortality, a col- 
lection of essays ; Chapters from a 
Life, an autobiography. Less widely 
known as a poet, her Poetic Studies, and 
Songs of the Silent World, perhaps re- 
present her highest point of attainment. 
Her juvenile books include, Gypsey's 
Rainy Day Book; My Cousin and I; 
The Trotty Book; Trotty's Wedding 
Tour and Story Book. See Vedder^s 
American Writers. Hou. 

Ward, Ferdinand De Wilton. JV. 

Y., 1812 . A Presbyterian mis- 
sionary in Lidia, 1836-47, and subse- 
quently a minister in Geneseo, New 
York. Lidia and the Hindoos ; Chris- 
tian Gift, or Pastoral Letters Upon 
Character ; Summer Vacation Abroad ; 
History of the Churches of Rochester, 
New York. 

Ward, Henry Augustus. N. Y., 

1834 . Nephew of F. Ward, su- 
pra. A naturalist of note, professor in 
the University of Rochester, 1860-75. 
Notices of the Megatherium Cuvieri ; 
Description of the Most Celebrated 
Fossil Animals in Royal Museums of 
Ward, Henry Dana. Ms., 1797-1884- 
A Baptist clergyman prominent as an 
opponent of freemasonry. Freema- 
sonry : its Pretensions ; The Gospel of 
the Kingdom ; The History of the Cross; 
The Faith of Abraham and Christ. 

Ward, Herbert Dickinson. Ms., 

1861 . Son of W. H. Ward, infra. 

The Captain of the Kittie Wink; A 
Dash to the Pole; The New Senior 
at Andover ; The White Crown, and 




Other Stories ; The Burglar who Moved 
Paradise. jHbii. LI. Lo. Lov. Rob. 

Ward, Mrs. H. O. See Moore, Mrs. 

Ward, James Harman. Ct., 1806- 
1861. A United States naval officer. 
Elementary Course of Instruction in 
Naval Gunnery ; Manual of Naval Tac- 
tics ; Steam for the Million. 

Ward, James "Warner. N. J., 1818- 

. A verse-writer ; librarian, 1S74- 

1895, of the Grosvenor library at Buf- 
falo. Home-made Verses and Stories 
in Rhyme ; Yorick, and Other Poems ; 
Higher Water, a parody upon Hia- 

Ward, John. N. Y., 1838 . Cou- 
sin of S. Ward, infra. A soldier and 
physician of New York city. The 
Overland Route to California, and 
Other Poems. 

Ward, Julius Hammond. Ms., 1837- 
1897. An Episcopal clergyman and 
journalist of Boston on the staff of The 
Boston Herald. Life of J. G. Perelval, 
supra ; The Bible in Modern Thought ; 
Life of Bishop White, infra ; Phillips 
Brooks in Massachusetts ; The Church 
in Modem Society ; The White Moun- 
tains, a Guide to their Interpretation. 
Ap. bo. Hon. 

Ward, Lester Frank. M., 1841 

A botanist and geologist employed in 
the United States Geological Survey. 
Guide to the Flora of Washington and 
Vicinity ; Sketch of Paleontological 
Botany ; Synopsis of the Flora of the 
Laramie Group ; Types of the Laramie 
Flora ; Geographical Distribution of 
Fossil Plants ; Dynamic Sociology ; 
The Psychic Factors of Civilization ; 
The Principles of Sociology. Ap. Gi. 

Ward, Matthe-w Flournoy. Ky., 
1826-1863. A writer of LouisviUe. 
Letters From Three Continents ; Eng- 
lish Items. 

Ward, Mrs. May [Alden]. O., 1853- 

. The wife of a clergyman in 

Franklin, Massachusetts. Petrarch ; 
Dante : Sketch of his Lite and Works ; 
Old Colony Days. Rob. 

Ward, Nathaniel. E., c. 1580-1652. 
A Puritan clergyman, minister at Ips- 
wich, 1634-36, and a resident of the 
colony of Massachusetts until 1646, 
when he returned to England, and was 

rector of Shenfield in Essex, 1647-52. 
He is famous as the author of The Sim- 
ple Cobler of Aggavvam in America, a 
piece of satire as able as it is vindictive 
and intolerant. The first code of laws 
made in New England was drafted by 
Ward in 1639, and formally adopted in 
1644. It is styled The Body of Liber- 
ties. Mercurius Anti-meohanicus, or the 
Simple Cobbler's Boy with his Lap-full 
of Caveats, is usually attributed to 
Ward, and probably with truth. Other 
writings ascribed to him are, A Reli- 
gious Retreat Sounded to a Religious 
Army ; A Sermon before Parliament 
(1647). See Tyler's American Litera- 
ture ; Memoir by John Ward Dean, 1868. 

Ward, Samuel. N. Y., 1814-1884. 
A once prominent banker of New York 
city who published Lyrical Recrea- 

Ward, Thomas. N. J., 1807-1873. 
A litterateur of New York city. A 
Month of Freedom ; Passaic : a Group 
of Poems ; Flora, or the Gypsy's Frolic, 
a pastoral opera ; War Lyrics. 

Ward, William Hayes. Ms., 1835- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman of 

New York city, editor of The Indepen- 
dent, and eminent as an Assyriologist. 
Notes on Oriental Antiquities. 

Warden, David Baillie. L, 1788- 

1845. A consul and secretary of the 
United States legation at Paris from 
1804 until his death. Origin and Na- 
ture of Consular Establishments ; In- 
quiry Concerning the Intellectual and 
Moral Faculties and Literature of the 
Negroes (1810) ; Description of the Dis- 
trict of Columbia ; Bibliotheca Ame- 
ricana Septentrionalis ; L'art de verifier 
les dates : chronologic historique de 
I'Am^riqne ; A Statistical History of 
the United States. 

Warden, Robert Bruce. Ky., 1824- 

. A lawyer formerly of Cincinnati, 

but since 1873 of Washington. A Fa- 
miliar Forensic View of Man and Law ; 
A Voter's Version of the Life and Cha- 
racter of Stephen Douglas ; Private Life 
of Salmon Chase. 

Warder, John Aston. Pa., 1812- 
1883. A Cincinnati physician very ac- 
tive in promoting a general interest 
in forestry and landscape gardening. 
Hedge Manual ; American Pomology. 




Ware, Henry. Ms., 1764-1845. A 
Unitarian clergyman of Massachusetts, 
pastor of Hingham, 1787-1805. His 
election in the latter year to the Hollis 
professorship of divinity at Harvard 
University precipitated the dissensions 
which ultimately resulted in dividing 
the Congregational body into Unitarian 
and Trinitarian portions. Letters to 
Trinitarians and Calvinists ; Inquiry 
into Foundation, Evidences, and Truth 
of Religion. See Sprague's Annals of 
the American Pulpit. 

"Ware, Henry. Ms., 1794-184.3. Son of 
H. Ware, supra. A Unitarian clergy- 
man of Massachusetts, pastor of the 
Second Church in Boston, 1817-30, and 
Parkman professor at Harvard Univer- 
sity, 1830-42. The Vision of Liberty, 
an ode ; Hints on Extemporaneous 
Speaking ; Discourses on the Offices and 
Character of Christ ; Sermons on Small 
Sins ; On the Formation of Christian 
Character, which has been very widely 
read ; Life of the Saviour ; Lives of 
Priestley and Noah Worcester, infra. 
See Memoir by John ll'are, infra; 
Sprague's Annals of the American Pul- 
pit. A. U.A. 

Ware, John. Ms., 1795-1864. Son of 
H. Ware, 1st, supra. A Boston physi- 
cian, professor of medicine at Har- 
vard University, 1832-58. History and 
Treatment of Delirium Tremens ; Hints 
to Young Men on the Relation of the 
Sexes ; Success in the Medical Profes- 
sion ; Life of Henry Ware, supra. A. 

Ware, John Fothergill Water- 
house. Ms., 1818-1881. Son of Henry 
Ware, 2d, supra. A Unitarian clergy- 
man of Baltimore, and subsequently of 
Boston. Wrestling and Waiting ; Ser- 
mons ; War Tracts ; The Silent Pastor ; 
Home Life. El. Le. 

Ware, Mrs. Katherine Augusta 
[Rhodes]. Ms., 1797-1843. The wife 
of a United States naval officer. She 
published The Power of the Passions, 
and Other Poems. 

Ware, Mrs. Mary Greene [Chan- 
dler]. Ms., 1818 . Wife of J. 

Ware, supra. Elements of Character ; 
Thoughts in My Garden ; Death and 

Ware, Nathaniel A . Ms., c. 1789- 

1854. A Southern writer whose later 

years were spent in Philadelphia and 
Cincinnati. Views of the Federal Con- 
stitution ; Notes on Political Economy. 
Ware, William. Ms., 1797-1852. Son 
of H. Ware, 1st, supra. A Unitarian 
clergyman of New York city, 1821-36, 
whose historical novels are still popu- 
lar. Letters from Palmyra, republished 
as Zenobia ; Probu^, afterwards called 
Anrelian ; Julian ; American Unita- 
rian, Biography (edited) ; Lectures on 
the Works of Washington Allston ; 
Sketches of European Capitals; Life 
of Nathaniel Bacon in Sparks's Ameri- 
can Biography ; Sermons Illustrative of 
Unitarian Christianity ; Unitarianism 
the Doctrine of Matthew's Gospel. See 
Allibone's JDictionary ; Sprague's Annals 
of the American Pulpit. Est. 

Ware, William Robert. Ms., 1832- 

. Son of H. Ware, 2d, supra. A 

professor of architecture in Columbia 
College School of Mines from 1881. 
He has published Modern Perspective. 

Warfield,Benjamin Breckenridge. 

Ky., 1851 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman and educator, professor of didac- 
tic and polemical theology at Princeton 
Theological Seminary from 1887. The 
Divine Origin of the Bible ; Introduc- 
tion to the Textual Criticism of the New 
Testament; The Canon of the New 
Testament; The Gospel of the Incar- 
nation, include his more important 

Wariield, Mrs. Catherine Anne 

[Ware]. Mi., 1816-1877. Daughter 
of N. Ware, supra. A Kentucky novel- 
ist who with her sister Eleanor wrote 
The Wife of Leon, and Other Poems ; 
The Indian Chamber, and Other Poems. 
Her own separate writings include. The 
Household of Bouverie ; The Romance 
of the Green Seal ; Miriam Monf ort ; 
Hester Howard's Temptation ; A Dou- 
ble Wedding ; Lady Ernestine ; Miri- 
am's Memoirs ; Sea and Shore ; The 
Cardinal's Daughter; Feme Fleming; 
The Romance oiE Beauscincourt. 

Warfield, Ethelbert Dudley. Ky., 

1861 . A lawyer and educator, 

president of Lafayette College, Easton, 
Pennsylvania, from 1891. The Ken- 
tucky Resolutions of 1798, an Histori- 
cal Study. 



Waring [wa'ring], G-eorge Ed'win. 

N. Y., 1833 . An eminent sanitary 

engineer, since 1895 superintendent of 
the street-cleaning department of New 
York city. The Sanitary Drainage of 
Houses and Towns ; A Farmer's Vaca^ 
tion ; The Bride of the Rhine ; Tyrol 
and the Skirt of the Alps ; Village Im- 
provements ; Farm Villages ; Elements 
of Agriculture ; Draining for Profit and 
Draining for Health ; Book of the 
Farm ; How to Drain a House ; Sew- 
age and Land Drainage ; Sanitary Con- 
dition of City and Country Dwellings ; 
Modern Methods of Sewage Disposal. 
Co. Hon. Vn. 

Warman, Cy. 11, 1852 . A Colo- 
rado journalist who was for a time a 
railway engineer. Tales of an Engi- 
neer, with Rhymes of the Rail. Scr. 

Warner, Adoniram Judson. N.Y., 

1834 . A Federal oificer during 

the Civil War, since 1866 a resident of 
Ohio. Appreciation of Money ; Source 
of Value in Money. 

Warner, Amos Gris-wold. la., 1861- 
. A professor of applied econo- 
mics in Leland Stanford Junior Uni- 
versity, who, beside reports as superin- 
tendent of charities for the District of 
Columbia, has published, American 
Charities : a Study in Philanthropy and 
Economics ; Three Phases of Coopera- 
tion in the West. Cr. 

Warner, Anna Bartlett. " Amy Lo- 

throp." N. Y., 1820 . Sister of 

S. Warner, infra, and eo-author with 
her of Say and Seal ; Wych Hazel ; 
Books of Blessing ; Ellen Montgome- 
ry's Bookshelf. Among her separate 
novels and religious and other works 
are, Dollars and Cents ; My Brother's 
Keeper ; Stories of Vinegar Hill ; The 
Fourth Watch ; The Other Shore ; Three 
Little Spades, a Child's Book of Gar- 
dening ; Gardening hy Myself ; Up and 
Down the House. Sar. Lip. Ran. 

Warner, Beverley E . N. J., 

1855 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of New Orleans. English History in 
Shakespeare's Plays. Lgs. 

Warner, Charles Dudley. Ms., 1829- 

. A popular novelist and essayist 

of Hartford, editor of The Hartford 
Courant from 1867, and one of the edi- 
tors of Harper's Magazine from 1884. 
As a humourous writer he presents the 

literary and not the newspaper aspect 
of American humour. My Summer in 
a Garden ; Backlog Studies ; Saun- 
terings ; Being a Boy ; Baddeck and 
that Sort of Thing ; Mummies and Mos- 
lems ; In the Wilderness : Adirondack 
Essays ; Life of Washington Irving ; 
Life of Captain John Smith ; In the 
Levant ; My Winter on the Nile ; A 
Roundabout Journey ; On Horseback, a 
Tour in Virginia, North Carolina, and 
Tennessee, with Notes of Travel in 
Mexico and California ; The Work of 
Washington Irving ; Studies in the 
South and West ; Southern California ; 
A Little Journey in the World ; Their 
Pilgrimage ; The Golden House ; As 
We Go ; As We Were Saying ; The Re- 
lation of Life to Literature ; Our Italy. 
See Vedder^s American Writers ; Foiey^s 
American Authors. Har. Ho. Hou. 

Warner, Eliza A . 18 . A 

writer of Northampton, Massachusetts, 
among whose works are, Tom Tracy ; 
The Red House ; Our Two Lives. 

Warner, Susan. " Elizabeth Wethe- 
rell." N. Y., 1818-1885. A once famous 
novelist of Highland Falls, New York, 
whose Wide, Wide World, a priggish re- 
ligious tale appearing in 1849, attained 
an extraordinary popularity in America 
and England. Among her other works 
are, Queechy ; The Old Helmet ; Ste- 
phen, M. D. ; The Hills of the Shate- 
muc ; Melbourne House ; Daisy ; Di- 
ana ; The Law and the Testimony, a 
theological work. Lip. Put. 

Warner, Zebedee. Va., 18.S3 . 

A minister of the sect of United Bre- 
thren. Christian Baptism; Rise and 
Progress of the United Brethren 
Church ; Life of Jacob Buchtel ; The 
Roman Catholic not a True Christian 

Warren, Cornelia. Ms., 1857 . 

Miss Wilton, a novel. Hou. 

Warren, Gouverneur Kemble. N. 
Y., 1830-1882. A lieutenant-colonel 
in the engineer corps, major-general of 
United States volunteers, and brevet 
major - general in the United States 
army. Explorations in the Dacota Coun- 
try in 1855 ; Exploration of the Country 
Between the Missouri and the Platte 
Rivers ; The Battle of Five Forks, Vu:- 




Warren, HenryWMte. Jkfs., 1831- 
. A Methodist bishop living in Den- 
ver. The Bible in the World's Educa- 
tion ; Lectures on the Bible in English ; 
Sights and Insights, or Knowledge by 
Travel ; Studies of the Stars ; Recrea- 
tions in Astronomy. Har. Meth. 

Warren, Ira. Ont, 1806-1804. A jour- 
nalist and physician of Boston. Causes 
and Cure of Puseyism ; The Household 

Warren, Israel Perkins. Ct, 1814- 
1892. A Congregational clergyman, 
editor of The Christian Mirror at Port- 
land, Maine, from 1S75. Three Judges ; 
Chauncey Judd ; The Seaman's Cause ; 
Sadduceeism ; The Parousia ; The Book 
of Revelation : an Exposition, include 
his principal "works. Cr. Fu. 

Warren, John. Ms., 1753-1815. A 
Boston physician, professor of anatomy 
at Harvard University from 1783. He 
■was a brother of General Joseph War- 
ren who fell at Bunker Hill. Mercu- 
rial Practice in Febrile Diseases. 

Warren, John Collins. Ms., 1778- 
1856. Son of J. Warren, supra. A Bos- 
ton physician who succeeded his father 
as professor of anatomy at Harvard 
University in 1815. He was one of the 
founders in 1820 of the Massachusetts 
General Hospital, and its chief surgeon 
till his death. He published, Cases of 
Organic Diseases of the Heart ; Surgi- 
cal Observations on Tumors, and lesser 
works. See Life of, by E. Warren, 1860. 

Warren, John Collins. Ms., 1842- 

. Son of J. M. Warren, irfra. A 

professor of surgery at Harvard Uni- 
versity from 1887. The Anatomy and 
Development of Rodent Ulcer ; Pa- 
thology of Carbuncle and Columnal 
Adipose ; The Healing of Arteries after 
Ligature in Men and Animals ; Surgi- 
cal Pathology and Therapeutics. 

Warren, Jonathan Mason. Ms., 
1811-1867. Son of J. C. Warren, su- 
pra. A Boston physician. Surgical 
Observations, with Cures and Opera- 
tions. See AlUbone's Dictionary. 

Warren, Mrs. Mercy [Otis]. Ms., 
1728-1814. Sister of James Otis, su- 
pra, very prominent as a literary figure 
in her day, and especially esteemed as 
a political satirist. The Group, a po- 
litical satire ; History of the American 

Revolution ; three tragedies, including 
The Adulator, the Sack of Rome, The 
Ladies of Castille ; Poems : Dramatic 
and Miscellaneous. See Griswold's Fe- 
male Poets of America; Mrs. Ellet's 
Women of the Bevolution ; Life of, by 
Alice Brown, supra, 1896. 

Warren, Nathan Boughton. N. Y., 

1805 . An author of Troy, New 

York. The Ancient Plain Song of the 
Church ; The Order of Daily Service, 
with the English Musical Notation; 
The Holidays ; Hidden Treasure, a Gob- 
lin Story. 

Warren, Samuel Edward. Ms., 

1831 . An educator of Newton, 

Massachusetts. Elementary Projection 
Drawing ; General Problems of Shades 
and Shadows ; Problems in Stone Cut- 
ting ; Descriptive Geometry ; Machine 
Drawing ; The Sunday Question, are 
among his published works. 

Warren, Thomas Robinson. N.Y., 

1 828 . A traveller and merchant. 

Dust and Foam Tracks ; The Yachts- 
man Primer ; Shooting, Boating, and 
Fishing ; On Deck ; Juliette Irving and 
the Jesuit. 

Warren, William. Me., 1806-1879. 
A Congregational clergyman at Gor- 
ham, Maine. School Geography ; House- 
hold Consecration ; The Spirit's Sword ; 
Twelve Years Among Children ; These 
for Those. 

Warren, William Fairfield. Ms., 

183.3 . A Methodist clergyman, 

president of Boston University from 
1873. Paradise Found : the Cradle of 
the Human Race at the North Pole ; 
The True Key to Ancient Chronology ; 
In the Footsteps of Arminius ; Consti- 
tutional Law Questions in the Metho- 
dist Church ; The Quest of the Perfect 
Religion ; The Story of Gottlieb. Fl 
Hou. Meth. 

Warriner, Edw^ard Augustus. Ms., 

1829 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of Montrose, Pennsylvania. Victor La 
Tourette ; Kear, a Poem ; I Am That 
I Am, a Metrical Essay. 

Warriner, Francis. Ms., 1805-1866. 
A Congregational clergyman who was 
a United States naval chaplain, 1831- 
1834. The Cruise of the Potomac. 

Warrington. See Robinson, W. S. 


Washburn, Charles Ames. Me., 
1822-1889. A diplomatist -who was 
minister to Paraguay, 1S63-68. The 
History of Paraguay ; From Poverty 
to Competence : Graduated Taxation ; 
Political Evolution ; PliiUp Thaxter ; 
Gomery of Montgomery. Le. 

Washburn, Edward Abiel. Ms., 
1819-1881. An Episcopal clergyman 
of Broad Church views, rector of Cal- 
vary Church, New York city. The So- 
cial Law of God ; Voices from a Busy 
Life, a volume of verse ; The Relation 
of the Episcopal Church to Other Bo- 
dies ; Epochs of Church History ; Beati- 
tudes, and Other Sermons. Dut. Wh. 

Washburn, Emory. Jlfs. , 1800-1877. 
A lawyer of Worcester, 1828-56 ; was 
governor of Massachusetts, 1854-56 ; 
and professor of law in Harvard Uni- 
versity, 1856-76. Sketches of the Judi- 
cial History of Massachusetts ; History 
of Leicester, Massachusetts; Treatise 
on American Law of Real Property ; 
American Law of Easements and Ser- 
vitudes ; Testimony of Experts ; Lec- 
tures on the Study and Practice of the 
Law. ifoM. Jiit. 

Washburn, Francis. N. Y., 184.3- 
. An Episcopal clergyman of New- 
burg, New York. Meditations on Cha- 
rity; The Soul Athirst, and Other 
Sermons ; Thoughts on the Lord's 
Prayer. Wh. 

Washburn, Israel. Me., 1813-1883. 
Brother of C. A. Washburn, sujyra ; 
governor of Maine, 1861. Notes, His- 
torical, Descriptive, and Personal, of 
Livermore, Maine. See Bibliography of 

Washburn, Peter Thacher. Ms., 
1814-1870. A lawyer of Woodstock, 
Vermont, and governor of his State in 
■ 1869. Reports of the Supreme Court 
of Vermont ; Digest of All Cases in the 
Vermont Supreme Court. 

Washburn, William Tucker. Ms., 

1841 . A lawyer and novelist of 

New York city. Fair Harvard ; The 
Unknown City, a story of New York ; 
Spring and Summer, a collection of 

Washburne, Elihu Benjamin. Me., 
1816-1887. Brother of C. A. Wash- 
bum, supra, but adding an " e " to 
the family name. A statesman who 



was secretary of state in 1869, and 
minister to France, 1869-77. Sketch of 
Edward Coles and the Slavery Struggle 
of 1823-24 ; Recollections of a Minis- 
ter to France. Scr. 

Washington, Booker Taliaferro. 
Va., 1856 . A distinguished edu- 
cator of African descent, president of 
Tuskegee Institute in Alabama from 
1881. A writer on educational subjects. 

Washington, Bushrod. Va., 1762- 
1829. Nephew of G. Washington, in- 
fra. A jurist of Richmond, Virginia. 
Reports of Cases in the Virginia Court 
of Appeals ; Reports of Cases in the 
United States Circuit Court, Third Dis- 
trict, 1803-27. See Life by H. Binney, 

Washington, George. Va., 1732- 
1799. The first president of the United 
States, and known to general literature 
by his Farewell Address. His writings, 
including his Diary and Correspondence, 
have been edited in fourteen volumes 
by W. C. Ford, supra. See United 
States histones ; Lives by Marshall, Ban- 
croft, Irving, Paulding, Sparks, Weems, 
Bamsay, E. E. Hale, Lodge, and many 
others ; Allibone^s Dictionary. Put. 

■Washington, Mrs. Lucy Hall 
[Walker]. Vt., 183.5 . A tem- 
perance reformer and verse-writer, the 
wife of a Baptist clergyman at Port 
Jervis, New York. Echoes of Song ; 
Memory's Casket. 

Wasson, David Atwood. Me., 
1823-1887. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Massachusetts, prominent as a radical 
thinker, who lived at West Medford 
after his retirement from the ministry. 
Poems ; Essays : Religious, Social, Poli- 
tical. See Memoir of, by O. B. Frothing- 
ham, supra. Le. 

Waterbury, Jared Bell. iV^. Y.,1799- 
1876. A Presbyterian clergyman who 
was city missionary of Brooklyn. Ad- 
vice to a Young Christian ; Voyage of 
Life ; Sketches of Eloquent Preachers ; 
Southern Planters and Freedmen, are 
among his works. 

Waterhouse, Benjamin. iJ. /., 1754- 
1846. A physician who was professor of 
medicine at Harvard University, 1783- 
1812, and of natural history at Brown 
University, 1784-91. Lectures on the 
Theory and Practice of Medicine ; The 




Principles of Vitality ; The Botanist ; 
The Journal of a Young Man of Massa- 
chusetts, a novel. 

Waterman, Thomas Glasby. N. Y., 
1788-iy62. A lawyer of Binghamton, 
New York, who published The Justice's 

Waterman, Thomas Whitney. N. 
Y., 1821 . Son of T. G. Water- 
man, svpra. A lawyer of Binghamton 
who, besides editing many legal works, 
has written, The Civil Jurisdiction of 
Justices of the Peace in New York ; 
Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction of Jus- 
tices in Wisconsin and Iowa ; Princi- 
ples of Law and Equity ; The Law of 
Set-Off; The Law of Trespass; The 
Law Relating to Specific Performance 
of Contracts ; The Law of Corporations 
other than Municipal. 

Waters, Mrs. Clara [Erskine] [Cle- 
ment]. Mo., 1834 . An art-writer 

of Boston. Handbook of Legendary 
and Mythological Art ; Painters, Sculp- 
tors, Architects, Engravers, and their 
Works, a Hatidbook ; Christian Symbols 
(with K. Conway, supra) ; Artists of the 
Nineteenth Century and their Works 
(with L. Hutton, supra) ; Life of Char- 
lotte Cushman ; Eleanor Maitland, ix 
novel ; Stories of Art and Artists ; Na- 
ples, the City of Parthenope ; Venice, 
Mediaeval and Modern ; Constantinople, 
the City of the Sultans ; History of 
Painting for Beginners and Students ; 
Rome the Eternal City. Est. Sou. Sto. 

Waters, Robert. S., 1835 . An 

educator of Hoboken, New Jersey. Life 
of William Cobbett ; Shakespeare Por- 
trayed by Himself ; How Genius Works 
its Wonders. 

Waterston, Mrs. Anne Cabot 

Lowell [Quincy]. Ms., 1812 . 

Wife of R. C. Waterston, infra, and 
daughter of J. Quincy (1772-18f)4), su- 
pra. Verses by A. C. Q. W. ; Adelaide 
Phillipps, a Record. 

Waterston, Robert Cassie. Me., 
1812-1893. A Unitarian clergyman of 
Boston. Thoughts on Moral and Spiri- 
tual Culture ; Arthur Lee and Tom 

Watson, Beriah Andre. N.Y., 18.36- 
. A physician of Jersey City. Am- 
putations and their Complications ; 
The Sportsman's Paradise, or the Lake 
Lands of Canada. 

Watson, Elkanah. Ms., 1758-1842. 
A noted traveller and agriculturist. 
Men and Times of the Revolution, his 
best-known work, is mainly autobio- 
graphic. Other works of his are. Tour 
in Holland in 1784 ; History of the 
Canals in the State of New York from 
1788 to 1819 ; Rise of Modem Agrieul. 
tural Societies ; History of Agricultu- 
ral Societies on the Berkshire System. 

W^atson, Henry Clay. Md., 1831- 
1869. A journalist of Philadelphia, 
and subsequently of California. Camp- 
fires of the Revolution ; Camp-fires of 
Napoleon ; Romance of History ; Lives 
of the Presidents ; Nights in a Block- 
House ; Old Bell of Independence ; 
The Yankee Teapot ; Heroic Women 
of History ; Universal Naval History. 
Xe. La. 

Watson, James Craig. Ont., 1838- 
1880. A profepsor of astronomy in the 
University of Wisconsin at the time of 
his death. He discovered several as- 
teroids and comets. Popular Treatise 
on Comets ; Theoretical Astronomy ; 
Simple and Compound Interest Tables. 

Watson, James Madison. N. Y., 

1827 . An educator of Elizabeth, 

New Jersey. Handbook of Gymnastics ; 
Manual of Calisthenics, and a series of 
Independent Readers. 

Watson, John Fanning. N. J., 1780- 
1860. A bookseller, and subsequently 
a banker, of Philadelphia. Historic 
Tales ; Annals of Philadelphia. 

Watson, John Whittaker. JV^. Y., 
1824-1890. A journalist of New York 
city. Beautiful Snow and Other Poems; 
The Outcast and Other Poems. 

Watson, Paul Barron. N. J., 1861- 
. Grandson of J. 'P. Watson, su- 
pra. A lawyer of Boston. Marcus 
Aurelius Antoninus ; Bibliography of 
Pre-Columbian Discoveries of America ; 
The Swedish Revolution under Gusta- 
vus Vasa, a very effective study of an 
important epoch in Swedish history. 
TIar, Lit. 

Watson, Sereno. Cl., 1826-1892. A 
noted botanist of Cambridge, curator 
of the Herbarium of Harvard Univer- 
sity, 1888-92. Bibliographical Index 
of North American Botany ; Botany of 
California (with Gray and Brewer). 

Watson, William. Ms., 1834 . 

A professor of mechanical engineering. 




Technical Education ; Course in De- 
scriptive Geometry ; Course ia Shades 
and Shadows. 
Watson, Winslovr Cossoul. N. Y., 

1803 . Son of E. Watson, supra. 

Treatise on Practical Husbandry ; Pio- 
neer History of the Champlain Valley ; 
History of Essex County, New York. 

Watterson, G-eorge. N. Y., 1783- 
1854. A Washington lawyer who was 
the first librarian of Congress. Letters 
from Washington ; The Wanderer in 
Washington ; Course of Study Prepara- 
tory to the Bar or Senate ; The Law- 
yer, or Man as He Ought Not to Be. 

Watterson, Henry. D. C, 1840 . 

A journalist of Louisville, long promi- 
nent as editor of The Courier-Journal. 
Oddities of Southern Life and Charac- 

Wayland, Francis. iV.F., 1796-1865. 
A Baptist clergyman eminent as a 
metaphysician, who was president of 
Brown University, 1827-55. Elements 
of Moral Science ; Intellectual Philoso- 
phy ; Human Responsibility ; Elements 
of Political Economy ; Occasional Dis- 
courses ; Moral Law of Accumulation ; 
Domestic Slavery Considered as a 
Scriptural Institution ; Sermons to tho 
Churches ; Principles and Practice of 
Baptist Churches ; Letters on the Min- 
istry of the Gospel. See AUibone's Dic- 
tionary ; Lives by his sons, 1867, Mur- 
ray, 1890. 

Wayland, Heman Lincoln. R. I., 

1830 . Son of F. Wavland, supra. 

A Baptist clergyman, editor of The 
National Baptist at Philadelphia, 1872- 
1894, and editor of The Examiner from 
1894. Life and Labors of F. Wayland 
(with his brother) ; Faith and Works 
of Charles Spurgeon. 

Wayman, Alexander Washing- 
ton. Md., 1821-1895. An African 
Methodist bishop. My Recollections ; 
Cyclopedia of African Methodism ; 
Wayman on Discipline. 

Wead, Charles Kasson. N.Y., 1848- 

. An electrician of Hartford. Aims 

and Methods of the Teaching of Phy- 
sics ; Lecture Notes on Sound and 

Weaver, George Sumner. Vt., 1818- 
. A Universalist clergyman. Lec- 
tures on Mental Science ; Hopes and 

Helps for the Young ; Aims and Aids 
for Girls; The Ways of Life; The 
Christian Household ; The Open Way ; 
Moses and Modern Science ; The Heait 
of the Word ; Lives and Graves of Our 

Weaver, Jonathan. O., 1824 . 

A clergyman of Ohio, bishop of the 
Church of the United Brethren. Dis- 
courses on the Resurrection ; Ministe- 
rial Salary ; Divine Providence ; Uni- 
versal Restoration not Sustained by 
the Word of God. 

Webb, Alexander Stewart. N. Y., 

1835 . Sou of J. W. Webb, infra. 

The president of the College of the 
City of New York from 1869, and dur- 
ing the Civil War a general in the 
Federal army. The Peninsula ; Me- 
Clellan's Campaign of 1862. Scr. 

Webb, Charles Henry. "JohnPaul." 

N. Y., 1834 . A journalist now 

living at Nantucket very popular as a 
humourist iu the earlier part of his 
career. Liffith Lank ; St. Twel'rao' ; 
John Paul's Book; Parodies in Prose 
and Verse ; Vagrom Verse. *See Hart's 
American Literature. Hon. 

Webb, Mrs. Frances Isabel [Car- 
rie]. N. J., 1857-1895. A magazinist 
of New York city. A Tiff with the 
Tiffins ; Gala Day Books ; A Breath 
of Suspicion. 

Webb, James Watson. N. Y., 1802- 
1884. A journalist of New York city, 
minister to Brazil, 1861-69. Altowan, 
or Life in the Rocky Mountains ; Slavery 
and its Tendencies. 

■Webber, Charles Wilkins. Ky., 
1819-18.56. A journalist and traveller 
who was killed in Walker's expedition in 
Nicaragua. Hunter-Naturalist ; Tales 
of the Southern Border ; Old Hicks the 
Guide ; Gold Mines of the Gila ; Shot 
in the Eye ; Adventures with Texas 
Rifle Rangers ; Wild Scenes and Song 
Birds ; History of Mystery ; Spiritual 
Vampirism ; Texan Virago ; Wild Girl 
of Nebraska ; Romance of Natural His- 
tory. See Bibliography of Texas. Lip. 

Webber, Samuel. Ms., 1759-1810. 
An educator of Cambridge, professor 
of mathematics in Harvard University, 
1789-1806, and president of the same, 
1806-10. He published a System of 
Mathematics that was for a long time 




the only text-book on that subject in 
use in New England colleges. 

■Webber, Samuel. Ms., 1797-1880. 
Son of S. Webber, supra. A physician 
of Charlestown, New Hampshire. Zo- 
gan, an Indian Tale, in Verse ; War, 
a Poem. 

Webster, Albert Falvey. Ms., 1848- 
1876. A magazinist of New York city 
the best of whose short stories are. 
Little Majesty ; An Operation in Money; 
Miss Eunice's Glove. 

Webster, Daniel. N. H., 1782-1852. 
A distinguished statesman who was a 
graduate of Dartmouth College in 1801. 
He represented New Hampshire in Con- 
gress, 1813-17, and, removing to Massa- 
chusetts in 1816, was a representative 
from that State, 1823-27. He was a 
member of the Senate, 1827-41 and 
1845-50, and secretary of state, 1841- 
1843 and 1850-52. He died at Marsh- 
field, Massachusetts, October 24, 1852. 
He was a master of English style, the 
best of his orations on especial occa- 
sions being those delivered at the second 
Pilgrim centennial in 1820, on the lay- 
ing of the corner-stone of Bimker Hill 
Monument in 1 825, and the eulogy of 
Adams and Jefferson in 1826. See Par- 
ton's Famous Americans ; Private Life 
of, by C. Lanman, supra ; Whipple's 
Great Speeches of Webster, 1879; At- 
lantic Monthly, February, 1882 ; Lives 
by Curtis, Lyman, Smucker, Everett, 
Fletcher Webster, Tejft, Lodge ; Apple- 
tons'' American Biography ; Johnson's 
Universal Cyclopedia; Allibone^s Dic- 
tionary ; Reminiscences of, by Harvey ; 
Biographical Encyclopcedia of Massa- 
chusetts. Co. Lit. 

Webster, John White. Ms., 179.3- 
18.50. A chemist who was professor at 
Harvard University, 1824-50, and was 
tried and executed in 1850 for the mur- 
der of Dr. Parkman, supra. Descrip- 
tion of the Island of St. Michael ; 
Manual of Chemistry. See Bepffrts of 
Trial by Bemis and Stone. 

Webster, Nathan Burnham. N.H., 

1821 . An educator of Norfolk, 

Va. Outlines of Chemistry. 

Webster, Noah. Ct., 17.58-1843. A 
famous lexicographer, best known by 
his Spelling Book and his American 
Dictionary of the English Language 
(1828). His great dictionary is still 

published, being revised and enlarged 
from time to time, and edited accord- 
ing to the principles laid down by its 
originator. The unabridged edition is 
now called the International Diction- 
ary. Among his other works are in- 
cluded, A Philosophical and Practical 
Grammar of the English Language ; 
The Prompter, or Common Sayings and 
Subjects ; Eights of Neutrals ; Disser- 
tations on the English Language; A 
Compendious Dictionary of the English 
Language (1806). See North American 
Review, April, 18S9 ; Life by H. E. 
Scudder, 1882 ; Allibone's Dictionary. 

Webster, Pelatiah. Ct., 1725-1797. 
A once famous political economist of 
Philadelphia. Essays on Free Trade 
and Finance ; Essay on Credit ; Politi- 
cal Essay on the Nature and Operation 
of Money, are among his writings. 

Webster, Richard. N. F., 1811-1856, 
A Presbyterian clergyman, pastor at 
Mauch Chunk, 1835-56. History of 
the Presbyterian Church in America 
tiU 1760. 

Webster, Warren. N. H., 1835 . 

An army surgeon during the Civil War. 
The Army Medical Staff ; Sympathetic 
Diseases of the Eye, from the German 
of Mauthner. 

Weed, Clarence Moores. O., 1864- 
. A professor of zoology and en- 
tomology at the New Hampshire Col- 
lege of Agriculture and the Mechanic 
Arts, Durham, New Hampshire. Ten 
New England Blossoms and their In- 
sect Visitors ; Insects and Insecticides ; 
Fungi and Fungicides ; Spraying Crops. 
Hou. Ju. 

Weed, Thurlow. N. Y., 1797-1882. 
A journalist of note who founded The 
Albany Evening Journal in 1830. Let- 
ters from Eiirope ; Autobiography. See 
Memoir by Thurlow Weed Barnes. Hou. 

Weeden, William Babcock. R. Z, 

IBS'! . A woollen manufacturer 

of Providence. The Morality of Pro- 
hibitory Liquor Laws ; Social Law of 
Labor ; The Economic and Social His- 
tory of New England, 1620-1789. Hm. 
Weeks, Edwin Lord. Ms., 1849- 

. An artist of note. From the 

Black Sea through Persia and India. 




■Weeks, John M . Ct, 178S-1S5S. 

An inventor of Salisbury, Vermont. 
Manual on Bees ; History of Salisbury. 

Weeks, Robert Kelley. N. Y., 
1840-1876. A lawyer and verse-writer 
of New York city whose poems are 
not without individuality and a very 
measurable degree of charm. Twenty 
Poems ; Episodes and Lyric Pieces. Ho. 

Weeks, Stephen Beauregard. N. 

C, 1865 . An historical writer. 

Bibliography of the Historical Litera- 
ture of North Carolina ; Church and 
State in North Carolina ; The Press of 
North Carolina in the Eighteenth Cen- 
tury; Southern Quakers and Slavery. 
J. H. U. 

Weeks, ■William Raymond. Ct., 
1783-1848. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of Newark, New Jersey. Nine Sermons ; 
Pilgrim's Progress in the Nineteenth 
Century ; Scripture Catechism, 

■Weems, Mason Locke. Va., 1759- 
1825. An Episcopal clergyman, famous 
as a book agent in his day, but at one 
time rector of Pohiok Church, Mount 
Vernon, where Washington attended. 
He was an erratic personage whose re- 
gard for truth is far from being the 
strongest feature of his biographies. 
His Life of Washington, which as 
early as 1811 had reached an eleventh 
edition, is still the most popular life of 
its subject, as from some points of view 
it is the most entertaining. He wrote, 
also. Lives of Marion, Penn, and Frank- 
lin, which are as nntriistworthy as his 
more noted performance. Lip. 

■Weidenmeyer, John ■William. 
1819-1896. A writer of New York city. 
Catalogue of North American Butter- 
flies ; Eeal and Ideal, a volume of verse ; 
Themes and Translations ; American 
Fish and How to Catch Them ; From 
Alpha to Omega. 

■Weidner, Revere Franklin. Pa., 

1851 . A Lutheran clergyman, 

professor of systematic theology at Au- 
gustana Seminary, Rock Island, 1885- 
1891, and subsequently at the Lutheran 
Seminary, Chicago. Commentary on 
Mark ; Exegetical Theology ; Histori- 
cal Theology; System of Dogmatic 
Theology ; Grammar of New Testa- 
ment Greek ; Commentary on the He- 
brew Text of Obadiah; Method for 
Study of New Testament Greek. Scr. 

■Weir, James. Ky., 1821 . A Ken- 
tucky romancer. Lonz Powers, or the 
Regulators ; Simon Kenton ; Winter 

■Weir, John Ferguson. N. Y., 1841- 

. The director of the School of 

Fine Arts at Yale University from 1869, 
and professor of painting and design ' 
there. The Way : the Nature and 
Means of Revelation. Hon. 

■Weiss [wiss], John. Ms., 1818-1879. 
A Unitarian clergyman of very radical 
views who was pastor at Watertown, 
Massachusetts, and was prominent as 
an abolitionist. Wit, Humor, and Shake- 
speare ; American Religion ; The Im- 
mortal Life ; Life of Theodore Parker. 

■Weiss, Mrs. Susan Archer [Tul- 

ley]. Va., 1835 . A verse-writer 

of New York city whose poems were 
first collected in 1859. 

■Weisse, John Adam. F., 1810-1888. 
A philologist, born in Lorraine, who 
came to America in 1840, and ten years 
later settled in New York city, where 
he was president of the New York 
Philological Society. Key to the French 
Language ; Origin, Progress, and Des- 
tiny of the English Language and Lite- 
rature ; The Obelisk and Freemasonry. 

■Welby, Mrs. Amelia [Coppuck]. 
Md., 1819-1852. A versifier of Louis- 
ville whose sentimental lyrics attained 
an exti'aordinary popularity in their au- 
thor's lifetime. Poems by Amelia. See 
Griswold's Female Poets of America ; 
CoggeshalVs Poets of the Tl ^est. 

"Welch, Adonijah Strong. Ct., 
1821-1889. A lawyer and educator of 
Michigan and Iowa, president of Iowa 
Agricultural College, 1869-83. Analy- 
sis of the English Sentence ; Object 
Lessons ; Talks on Psychology ; The 
Teacher's Psychology. 

■Welch, John. O., 1805 . A jurist 

of Ohio. Mathematical Curiosities ; 
Index Digest of Ohio Decisions. 

■Welch, Philip Henry. N. Y., 1849- 
1889. A journalist and humourist of 
New York city. The Tailor-made 
Girl ; Said In Fun. Scr. 

■Welch, Ransom Bethune. N. Y., c. 
1825-1890. A Presbyterian clergy- 
man, professor of Christian theology at 
Auburn Seminary. Faith and Modem 




Thought; Outlines of Christian The- 

Welch, WUliam Henry. Ct., 1850- 
. A Baltimore physician, profes- 
sor of pathology in Johns Hopkins 
Unifersity from 1884. General Patho- 
logy of Fever. 

Weld, Mrs. Angelina Emily 
[Grimke]. S. C, 1805-1879. Wife 
of T. D. Weld, infra, and daughter of 
J. F. Grimke, supra. Letters to Catha- 
rine Beeoher, a review of the slavery 
question ; Appeal to the Christian Wo- 
men of the South ; Sacred Palmlands. 

Weld, Horatio Hastings. Jlfs.,1811- 
1888. An Episcopal clergyman of 
Riverton, New Jersey. Corrected 
Proofs ; Life of Christ ; Women of the 

Weld, Theodore Dwight. Ct, 
1803-1895. A reformer of Boston, 
long prominent as an abolitionist. The 
Bible Against Slavery ; American Sla- 
very As It Is ; Slavery and the Internal 
Slave Trade in the United States. 

Weller, George. Ms., 1790-1841. An 
Episcopal clergyman once prominent 
in Tennessee and Mississippi. Vindica- 
tion of the Church ; The Weller Tracts. 

Welles, Charles Stuart. 186- 

A physician who has published Boheme 
(verse) ; Lilian ; The New Marriage and 
Other Uniform Laws. 

Welles, Gideon. Ct., 1808-1878. A 
journalist and politician, secretary of 
the navy, 1861-69. Lincoln and Sew- 

Wellington, Arthur Mellen. Ms., 
1847-1895. A civil engineer of distinc- 
tion. The Computation of Earthwork 
from Diagrams ; The Economic Theory 
of the Location of Railways ; Car- 
Builders' Dictionary; Field Work of 
Railway Location. See Annual Cyclo- 
padia, 1895. Wil. 

Wells, Mrs. Catherine Boott [Gan- 
nett]. E., 1838 . Daughter of 

E. S. Gannett, supra. A Boston essay- 
ist and novelist who has contributed 
largely to periodicals. In the Clear- 
ings ; Miss Curtis ; Two Modern Wo- 
men ; About People, a collection of 
essays ; several Sunday-school manuals 
of ethics and normal methods. Hou. 

Wells, David Ames. Ms., 1828 . 

A distinguished writer on economics. 
Familiar Science ; Science of Common 
Things ; Our Merchant Marine ; Primer 
of Tariff Reform ; Practical Econo- 
mics ; Local Taxation ; Robinson Cru- 
soe's Money ; Study of Mexico ; Recent 
Economic Changes ; Relation of the 
Tariff to Wages ; Principles of Taxa- 
tion ; Production and Distribution of 
Wealth. Ap. Har. Put. 

Wells, Henry Parkhurst. B. I., 

1842 . A lawyer of New York 

city. City Boys in the Woods ; Fly 
Rods and Fly Tackle ; The American 
Salmon Fisherman. Har. 

Wells, J C . 18 . A 

legal writer of Ohio. Delineation of 
the Law of Limitation in Illinois ; My 
Uncle Toby : his Table Talks and Re- 
flections ; Questions of Law and Fact ; 
Treatise on the Doctrines of Res Adju- 
dicata and Stare Decisis ; On the Sepa- 
rate Property of Married Women un- 
der the Separate Enabling Acts ; E 
Pluribus Unum ; Magna Charta, or the 
Rise and Progress of Constitutional 
Civil Liberty in England and America ; 
The Jurisdiction of Courts ; Powers and 
Duties of Ohio County Commissioners. 

Wells, Mrs. Kate Gannett. See 
Wells, Mrs. Catherine. 

Wells, Samuel Roberts. Ct., 1820- 
1875. A phrenologist of New York 
city, long a member of the publishing 
house of Fowler & Wells. The New 
Physiognomy ; Wedlock, or the Right 
Relations of the Sexes. 

Wells, William Harvey. Ct., 1812- 
1885. An educator of Chicago, super- 
intendent of the city public schools, 
1856-64. Historical Authorship of 
English Grammar; several populaj 
text-books on English Grammar. 

Wells, William Vincent. Ms., 1826- 

. Great-grandson of S. Adams, 

supra. Explorations in Honduras; 
Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua; 
Life of Samuel Adams. 

Welsh, Alfred Hix. 0., 1850-1889. 
A professor of English in Ohio State 
University from 1885. Development 
of English Literature and Language ; 
English Literature in the Eighteenth 
Century ; The Conflict of Ages ; Man 
and His Relations; Plane Trigonome- 
try. Sil. Sc. 




•Welsh, Herbert. Pa., 1851 . A 

philanthropist of Philadelphia, promi- 
nent as a champion of the rights of the 
Indians. Civilization among the Sioux 
Indians ; Four Weeks among some of 
the Sioux Tribes ; A Visit to the Na- 
vajo, Pueblo, and Hualpais Indians. 

VT'emyss [weems], Francis Court- 
ney. E., 1797-1859. A tlieatrical 
manager of New York city. Chro- 
nology of the American Stage, 1752- 

"Wendell, Barrett. N. Y., 1855 . 

An assistant professor of Englisli at 
Harvard University. The Duchess 
Emilia, a romance ; Rankell's Remains, 
a novel ; Life of Cotton Matlier, supra ; 
English Composition ; Stelligeri, and 
Other Essays ; William Shakspere, a 
Study in Elizabethan Literature ; Ra- 
legh in Guiana, a play. Do. Scr. 

Wesselhoeft, Conrad 18 . 

A homceopathie physician 'of Boston. 
The Law of Similars. 

Wesselhoeft, Mrs. Lily F 

[Pope]. Ms., IS . Wife of 

C. Wesselhoeft, supra. A Boston writer 
of popular juvenile tales. Jerry the 
Blunderer ; Sparrow the Tramp ; Flip- 
wing the Spy ; Old Rough the Miser ; 
The Winds, the Woods, and the Wan- 
derer ; Frowzle, the Runaway. Rob. 

West, Andrew Fleming. Pa., 185.3- 
. A professor of Latin in Prince- 
ton College from 1883. The PhUobi- 
blion of Richard de Bury ; Alcuin and 
the Rise of the Christian Schools. Scr. 

West, Mary Allen. II., 1837-1892. 
An Illinois educator who was Knox 
County superintendent of schools, 1873— 
1892. Childhood: its Care and Cul- 

West, Nathaniel. /., 1794^1864. A 
Presbyterian clergyman of Philadel- 
phia. The Ark of God the Safety of 
the Nation; Popery the Prop of Eu- 
ropean Despotism ; Babylon the Great ; 
Right and Left Hand Blessings of God ; 
Complete Analysis of the Whole Bible. 

West, Stephen. Ct, 1735-1819. A 
Congregational clergyman, pastor at 
Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 1759-1819. 
Essay on Moral Agency ; Life of Reve- 
rend Samuel Hopkins, supra ; Evidence 
of the Divinity of Christ; Duty and 
Obligation of Christians to Marry Only 

in the Lord. See Sprague's Annals of 
the American Pulpit. 
Westcott, Thompson. Pa., 1820- 
1888. A Philtulelphia journalist, editor 
of The Sunday Dispatch, 1848-84. Life 
of John Fitch, the Inventor of the 
Steamboat ; The Tax-jjayer's Guide ; 
Official Guide to Philadelphia ; His- 
toric Mansions of Philadelphia. Co. 

Weston, Mrs. Mary Catherine 

[North]. N. Y., 1822-1882. Cal- 
vary Catechism ; Synopsis of the Bible ; 
Jewish Antiquities ; Biography of Old 
and New Testament Characters. Dut. 

■Weston, Roxana. 1800-1891. A 
verse -writer of Skowhegan, Maine, 
whose poems were published in 1889. 

Wetherell, Elizabeth. See Warner, 

Wetherill, Charles Mayer. Pa., 
1825-1871. A professor of chemistry 
at Lehigh University, 1866-71; The 
Manufacture of Vinegar. 

Wetherill, Julie K. See Baker, Mrs. 

Wetmore, Mrs. Elizabeth [Bis- 

land]. Ts., 1863 . A journalist 

of New York city. A Flying Trip 
Around the World. Har. 

Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery. 
Ct., 1798-1876. A once prominent 
citizen of New York city. Lexington, 
and Other Fugitive Poems ; Observa- 
tions on the War with Mexico. 

Wharey, James. N. C, 1789-1842. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of Gooch- 
land County, Virginia. Baptism; 
Sketches of Church History. See 
Sprague's Annals of the American Pul- 

Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth. 

Pa., c. 1845 . A Philadelphia 

writer. The Wharton Family ; Virgi- 
lia ; St. Bartholomew's Eve ; Colonial 
Days and Dames ; Through Colonial 
Doorways ; A Last Century Maid, and 
Other Stories for Children; Martha 
Washington, a biography. Lip. Scr. 

Wharton, Charles Henry. Md , 
1748-18.33. An Episcopal clergyman 
of Burlington, New Jersey, rector of 
St. Mary's Church, 1798-18.33. Reply 
to Bishop Carroll's Address to the Ro- 
man Catholics of America ; Proofs of 
the Divinity of Christ ; Concise View 




of the Principal Points of Controversy 
between Protestant and Roman Catho- 
lic churches. 

Wharton, Francis. Pa., 1820-1889. 
Son of T. I. Wharton, infra. An Epis- 
copal clergyman of Boston, professor 
of ecclesiastical and international law 
in the Episcopal Theological School 
at Cambridge. Criminal Law of the 
United States ; Medical Jurisprudence ; 
State Trials of the United States ; 
The Silence of Scripture ; Treatise on 
Theism ; Precedents of Indictments ; 
The Law of Homicide in the United 
States ; The Conflict of Laws ; Law 
of Agency and Agents ; Digest of In- 
ternational Law (with M. Stills, su- 
pra) ; The Law of Negligence ; Com- 
mentary on the Law of Evidence in 
Civil Issues ; The Law of Contracts. 

Wharton, Henry. Pa., 1827-1880. 
Son of T. I. Wharton, irifra. A law- 
yer of Philadelphia. Practical and 
Elementary Treatise on the Law of 

Wharton, Thomas Isaac. Pa., 1791- 
1856. A lawyer of Philadelphia. Di- 
gest of Cases in United States Court, 
Third District ; Reports of Cases in 
Pennsylvania Supreme Court ; Memoir 
of William Rawle, supra. 

Wharton, Thomas Isaac. Pa., 1859- 

. Son of H. Wharton, supra. A 

journalist. A Latter Day Saint ; Han- 
nibal of New York. 

Wheat, John Thomas. D. C, 1800- 
1888. An Episcopal clergyman in Ten- 
nessee who published a very popular 
Preparation for Holy Communion. 

Wheatley, Charles Moore. E., 
1822-1882. A mineralogist of Phcenix- 
ville, Pennsylvania, who published a 
Catalogue of the Shells of the United 

Wheatley, Phillis. See Peters, Mrs. 

Wheatley, Richard, E., 1831 . 

A Methodist clergyman of New Jersey. 
Cathedrals and Abbeys in Great Britain 
and Ireland. Har. 

"Wheaton, Henry. P. I., 1785-1848. 
A diplomatist and an eminent authority 
upon international law, charg4 d'affaires 
to Denmark, 1827-.35, minister to Prus- 
sia, 1835-45. History of the Progress 
of the Law of Nations; Elements of 

International Law (completed by Law- 
rence) ; History of the Northmen ; Re- 
ports of Cases in United States Supreme 
Court ; Digest of Supreme Court Deci- 
sions from 1789 to 1S20 ; Life of Wil- 
liam Pinkney in Sparks's American 
Biography. See Westminster Review, 
July, 1847 ; Allibone's Dictionari/. 

Whedon, Daniel Denison. N. Y., 
1808-1885. A Methodist clergyman, 
editor of The Methodist Quarterly Re- 
view, 1856-84. The Freedom of the 
Will ; Commentary on the New Testa- 
ment ; Commentary on the Old Testa- 
ment ; Essays, Reviews, and Discourses ; 
Statements: Theological and Critical. 

Wheeler, Andre-w Carpenter. 

" Nym Crynkle." iV. T., 183.5 . 

A dramatic and musical critic 'of New 
York city. The Chronicles of Milwau- 
kee ; The Twins, a comedy ; The Prim- 
rose Path of Dalliance, a theatrical tale. 

Wheeler, Benjamin Ide. Ms., 1854- 

. A professor of comparative 

philology at Cornell University from 
1886, and of Greek also from 1888. 
Life of Alexander the Great; The 
Greek Noun Accents ; Introduction to 
Study of History and Language. Put. 

Wheeler, Charles Gardiner. Jlfs., 

1855 . Nephew of W. A. Wheeler, 

infra. A writer formerly of Winchen- 
don, Massachusetts, and later of Tops- 
ham, Maine. Who Wrote It ? a lite- 
rary index, and Familiar Allusions, both 
begun by his uncle, were completed by 
him. The Coiirse of Empire : Outlines 
of the Chief Political Changes in the 
History of the World. Hou. 

■Wheeler, Charles Stearns. Me., 
1816-1843. A classical scholar who 
published an edition of Herodotus from 
the text of Schweighauser. 

Wheeler, Crosby Hovrard. Me, 

1823 . A missionary to Turkey. 

Little Children in Eden ; Letters from 
Eden; Ten Years on the Euphrates; 
Odds and Ends ; Grace Illustrated. 

Wheeler, Daniel Hilton. N. Y., 

1829 . A Methodist cleigyman, 

president of Allegheny College, Mead- 
ville, Pennsylvania, 1883-87. Brigan- 
dage in South Italy ; By-Ways of Lite- 
rature ; Our Industrial Utopia and its 
Unhappy Citizens. Mg. 


Wheeler, Henry NathaH. Ms., 

1850 . Formerly an instructor in 

mathematics at Harvard University and 
now engaged in educational publish- 
ing work in Boston. Plane and Spheri- 
cal Trigonometry; The Elements of 
Logarithms ; Second Lessons in Arith- 
metic. Gi. Hou. 

Wheeler, John HiU. N. C, 1806- 
1882. A diplomatist who was minister 
to Nicaragua, 1854-57. History of 
North Carolina ; Legislative Manual of 
North Carolina ; Reminiscences and 
Memoirs of North Carolina. 

Wheeler, Junius Brutus. N. C, 
1830-1886. Brother of J. H. Wheeler, 
supra. A military engineer, professor 
at West Point, 1866-85. Civil Engi- 
neering ; Art and Science of War ; Ele- 
ments of Field Fortifications ; Military 

Wheeler, Mrs. Mary Sparks. E., 

1835 . A Philadelphia writer. 

Poems for the Fireside ; Modern Cos- 
mogony and the Bible. Meth. 

Wheeler, William Adolphus. Ms., 
1833-1874. A librarian of Boston who, 
besides editing an edition of Webster's 
Dictionary, was author of Noted Names 
of Fiction ; Familiar Allusions ; Who 
Wrote It ? a literary index. Hou. Le. 

Wheelwright, John Tyler. Ms., 

1856 . A Boston lawyer. Rollo's 

Journey to Cambridge (with F. Stim- 
son, supra) ; A Child of the Century, a 
novel ; A Bad Penny. Lam. Scr. 

WTieUdon, William Willder. Ms., 
1805-1892. A journalist of Charles- 
town, Massachusetts, 1827-70, and long 
a resident of Concord, in the same 
State. Letters from Nahant ; Contri- 
butions to Thought ; New History of 
the Battle of Bunker HiU ; The Arctic 
Regions ; Curiosities of History. 

Whelan, James. I., 1828-1878. A 
Roman Catholic bishop of Nashville. 
Catena Aurena, or Papal Infallibility 
no Novelty. 

Whelpley, Samuel. Ms., 1766-1817. 
A Baptist clergyman (from 1806 Pres- 
byterian) and educator of New Jersey. 
Letters on Capital Punishment ; a once 
popular Compend of History ; The Tri- 
angle, a theological discussion. 

Whipple, Edwin Percy. Ms., 1819- 
1886. A Boston essayist and critic, 



whose writing was as discriminating ag 
it was vigourous and epigrammatic in 
style. Character and Characteristic 
Men ; Literature and Life ; Essays and 
Reviews ; Success and its Conditions ; 
Literature of the Age of Elizabeth ; 
Recollections of Eminent Men, with 
Other Papers ; American Literature, 
and Other Papers ; Outlooks on Society, 
Literature, and Politics ; Rufus Choate, 
a volume of personal recollections. 
Har. Hon. 

Whipple, Squire. Ms., 1804-1888. 
A civil engineer of note. The Way to 
Happiness ; Treatise on Bridge Build- 
ing ; The Doctrine of Central Forces. 

Whistler, James Abbott McNeill. 

Ms., 1834 . An artist who from 

1863 to 1892 lived in London, and in 
Paris from the latter date. Ten 
O'clock ; The Gentle Art of Making 
Enemies. Hou. 

Whitaker, Alexander. E., 1588- 
after 1613. An Episcopal clergyman 
who came to Virginia in 1611. He 
baptized Pocahontas, and officiated at 
her wedding. Good Newes from Vir- 
ginia, one of the very first books writ- 
ten in the colony. See Tyler's Ameri- 
can Literature. 

Whitaker, Epher. N. J., 1820 . 

A Presbyterian clergyman, pastor at 
Southold, Long Island, from 1851. The 
War of Death ; New Fruits from an 
Old Field ; Ready for Duty ; Collection 
of Original Hymns ; History of South- 
old, 1640-1740 ; Old Town Records. 

Whitaker, Mrs. Mary Scrimgeour 
[Furman] [Miller]. S. C, 1820- 

. A New Orleans writer. Poems ; 

Albert Hasting, a novel. 

Whitaker, Nathaniel. L. I., 1732- 
1795. A Presbyterian clergyman in 
New England and Virginia, popular in 
the colonial period. Discourses on Re- 
conciliation ; Discourses on Toryism, 
which were widely read. 

Whitcher, Mrs. Frances Miriam 
[Berry]. N. Y., 1812-1852. A still 
popular humourist who was the wife 
of an Episcopal clergyman in Elmira, 
New York. The Widow Bedott Pa- 
pers ; Widow Spriggins, and Other 

White, Andrew Dickson. N. Y., 
1832 . A distinguished diploma- 




tist and educator, minister to Germany, 
187W-S1, and to Russia, 1892, president 
of Cornell University, 1867-85, ap- 
pointed ambassador to Germany in 
1897. Lectures on Mediseval and Mo- 
dern History ; The New Germany ; 
History of the Doctrine of Comets ; 
European Schools of History and 
Politics ; Studies in General History ; 
Paper Money Inflation in France ; The 
Warfare of Science with Theology. 

White, Carlos. Vt., 1842 . Ecoe 

Femina, an Attempt to Solve the Wo- 
man Question. 

White, Catherine Ann. N. Y., 1825- 
1878. A former Superior of the Con- 
vent of the Sacred Heart, New York 
city. The Students' Mythology ; Clas- 
sical Literature ; Bible Literature. 

White, Charles. Jnrf., 179.5-1861. A 
Congregational clergyman and educa- 
tor, president of Wabash College, Craw- 
fordsville, Indiana, 1841-1861. Essays 
in Literature and Ethics. 

White, Charles Abiathar. Ms., 

1826 . The State geologist of 

Iowa, 1865-70, and on the United States 
Geological Survey from 1882. Report 
of Iowa Geological Survey ; Physical 
Geography of Iowa. 

White, Charles Ignatius. Md., 1807- 
1877. A Roman Catholic clergyman of 
Washington, long pastor of St. Mat- 
thew's Church. Life of Mrs. Eliza Se- 
ton, supra. He translated, from the 
French, Chateaubriand's Genius of 
Christianity, and other works. 

White, Daniel Appleton. Ks.,1776- 
1861. A jurist of Salem, Massachusetts. 
The Jurisdiction of the Massachusetts 
Court of Probate ; New England Con- 
gregationalism in its Origin and Pu- 
rity ; Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch. 

White, Eliza Orne. N. H., 1856- 
. A writer of Brookline, Massa- 
chusetts. Miss Brooks ; When Molly 
was Six, a juvenile tale ; Winterbor- 
ough ; A Little Girl of Long Ago ; The 
Coming of Theodora. Hou. Rob. 

White, Mrs. Ellen G [Har- 
mon]. _ 18 . Wife of Jamea 

White, infra. The Spirit of Prophecy. 

White, Emerson Eldridge. O., 1829- 
. An Ohio educator, superinten- 

dent of the Cincinnati public schools 
from 1883. The Elements of Peda- 
gogy ; School Management. 

White, Greenough. Ms., 1863 . 

An Episcopal clergyman and educator, 
professor of English at the University 
of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, 1885- 
1887, and professor of ecclesiastical his- 
tory and polity there from 1894. Sketch 
of the Philosophy of American Liters^ 
ture ; The Rise of Papal Supremacy ; ' 
Outline of the Philosophy of English 
Literature. Gi. 

White, Henry. Ms., 1790-1858. A 
Congregational clergyman of Maine and 
New Hampshire, who published. The 
Early History of New England. 

White, Henry Clay. Md., 1850- 

. The State chemist of Georgia 

from 1880. Complete History of the 
Cotton Plant ; Elementary Geology of 
Tennessee (with MacAdoo). 

White, Horace. N. H., 1834 . 

A journalist, editor of The Chicago 
Tribune, 1864-74, and since 1883 one 
of the editors of The New York Even- 
ing Post. The Silver Question ; The 
Tariff Question ; Coin's Financial Fool ; 
Money and Banking Illustrated by 
American History ; The Gold Stand- 
ard. Gi. 

White, James. 1821 . A Se- 
venth Day Adventist elder who pub- 
lished. Life Incidents of the Great 
Advent Movement. 

White, James Terry. Ms., 1845- 

. A publisher of New York city, 

but formerly a resident of San Fran- 
cisco. His volumes of original verse 
comprise, Christmas Greeting ; Bou- 
quet of California Flowers; Flowers 
from Arcady ; Captive Memories. 

White, John. Ms., 1677-1760. A 
Congregational clergyman, pastor at 
Gloucester, Massachusetts, 1703 - 60. 
The Gospel Treasure in Earthen Ves- 
sels ; New England's Lamentations for 
the Decay of Godliness (17-35). 

White, John Blake. S. C, 1781- 
1859. An artist, lawyer, and dramatist 
of Charleston. Foscari; Mysteries of 
the Castle; Intemperance; Modern 
Honor; Triumph of Liberty. 

White, John Silas. Ms., 1847 

An educator of New York city, master 
of the Berkeley School from 1880. 




Boys' and Girls' Plutarch ; Herodotus 
and Pliny. GL 

White, John Williams. O., 1849- 
. A professor of Greek at Har- 
vard University from 1877. Greek and 
Latin at Sig-ht ; First Lessons in Greek ; 
The Beginner's Greek Book ; An Illus- 
trated Dictionary to Xenophon's Ana- 
basis (with M. H. Morgan). 6i. 

White, Matthe-w. 18 . Harry 

Ascott Abroad ; One of the Profession ; 
My Mysterious Fortune. 

White, Pliny Holton. Ct., 1822- 
1869. A Unitarian clergyman of Co- 
ventry, Vermont, but prior to 1859 a 
lawyer there. History of Coventry. 

White, Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth 

[Waterman]. 18 . Portraits 

of My Married Friends ; From Infancy 
to Womanhood, a Book for Young 
Mothers ; What Will the World Say ? 
a novel. 

White, Richard Grant. iV^.F., 1822- 
1885. An eminent Shakespearean scho- 
lar and litterateur of New York city. 
His critical twelve-volume edition of 
Shakespeare appeared in 186.5, and the 
Riverside edition in 1883. His original 
works comprise, Words and Their Uses ; 
Every-Day English ; England Without 
and Within ; Biographical and Critical 
Handbook of Christian Art ; Shake- 
speare's Scholar ; Memoirs of Shake- 
speare ; Studies in Shakespeare ; The 
New Gospel of Peace, a political sa- 
tire ; Revelations : a Companion to The 
New Gospel of Peace ; The Fate of 
Mansfield Humphreys, a novel ; The 
Fall of Man, or the Loves of the Goril- 
las ; The American View of the Copy- 
right Question ; The Chronicles of Go- 
tham. See Atlantic Monthly, February, 
1882; Foley's American Authors. Hou. 

White, Sallie Joy. See White, Mrs. 

White, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth 

[Joy]. Me., 18 . A Boston 

journalist. Housekeepers and Home- 
makers; Business Openings for Girls. 

White, WiUiam. Pa., 1748-1836. 
The first Protestant Episcopal bishop of 
Pennsylvania. Memoir of the Episcopal 
Church ; Lectures on the Catechism ; 
Comparative View of the Controversy 
Between Calvinists and Arminians, are 

among his writings. See Life by Bird 
Wilson, 1839; Sprague's Annals of the 
American Pulpit. l>ut. 
White, William Allen. Ks., 1868- 
-^ — . The Real Issue, and Other Sto- 
ries. Wy. 

White,William Charles. Ms., 1777- 
1818. A lawyer and dramatist of 
Worcester, Massachusetts. The Coun- 
try Cousin ; The Poor Lodger ; Com- 
pendium of the Laws of Massachu- 

White, William N . iV.F.,1819- 

1861. A bookseller of Athens, Georgia, 
who edited The Southern Cultivator. 
Gardening for the South; Scientific 

Whitehead, Charles Edward. N. 

Y., 1829 . The Carapfires of the 

Everglades, or Wild Sports in the South. 

Whitehead, William Adee. N. J., 
1810-1884. A prominent citizen of 
Newark, New Jersey. Biographical 
Sketch of William Franklin ; Contribu- 
tions to the Early History of Perth 
Amboy ; East Jersey Under the Pro- 
prietary Governments. 

Whiteley, Mrs. Isabel [Nixon], 

N. Y., 1859 . A Philadelphia 

writer. The Falcon of Langdac, a ro- 
mance. Cop. 

Whitfield, Henry. E., 1597-1658. 
A Puritan clergyman who came to New 
England in 1637, and was one of the 
founders of the New Haven colony. 
He returned to England in 1650. Helps 
to stir up to Christian Duties ; The 
Light Appearing ; Strength out of 

Whiting, Charles Goodrich. Vt., 

1842 . A journalist of Springfield, 

Massachusetts, on the editorial staff of 
The Republican. The Saunterer : Es- 
says on Nature. Hou. 

Whiting, Henry. Ms., c. 1790-1851. 
A United States army officer. Otway, 
the Son of the Forest, a Poem ; Sani- 
Ise, a Poem ; The Age of Steam ; Life 
of Zebulon Pike, in Sparks's American 

Whiting, Lilian. N. Y., 185 . 

A Boston journalist. From Dreamland 
Sent, a volume of verse ; The World 
Beautiful, two collections of essays; 
After her Death ; The Story of a Sum- 
mer. Bob. 




"Whiting, Samuel. E., 1597-1679. A 
Puritan clerg-yman, pastor at Lynn, 
Massachusetts, 10a6-79. Oratio quam 
Comitijs Cantab. Amerieanis, etc. ; The 
Last Judgment ; Abraham Interceding 
for Sodom. 

"Whiting, "William. Ms., 1813-1873. 
Descendant of S. Whiting, supra. A 
Boston jurist whose chief work, The 
War Powers of the President and the 
Legislative Powers of Congress, has 
been widely read. See Duyckinck's 
American Literature. Le. 

"Whitlock, George Clinton. Vt., 

1808 . A Methodist clergyman 

and educator of Iowa. Elements of 
Geometry ; New System of Surveying. 

"Whitman, Bernard. Ms., 1796-1834. 
A Unitarian clergyman, pastor at Wal- 
tham, Massachusetts, 1826-34, and pro- 
minent as a controversialist. On De- 
nying the Lord Jesus ; Letters on 
Religious Liberty; "Village Sermons; 
Friendly Letters to a Universalist. *See 
Sprague's Annals of the American Pul- 
pit ; Memoir by J. Whitman, infra. 

"Whitman, Charles Otis. Me., 1842- 
. A naturalist of note, head pro- 
fessor of zoology in the University of 
Chicago from 1892. He established 
The Journal of Morphology in 1887. 
Methods of Research in Microscopical 
Anatomy and Embryology. 

"Whitman, Jason. Ms., 1798-1848. 
Brother of B. Whitman, swpro. A Uni- 
tarian clergyman of Portland, Maine. 
Memoir of B. Whitman, supra ; Young 
Man's Assistant ; Young Lady's Aid to 
Usefulness ; Week Day Religion ; Dis- 
cussions on the Lord's Prayer. 

Whitman, Mrs. Sarah Helen 
[Power]. R. I., 181.3-1878. A poet 
of Providence whose Still Day in Au- 
tumn, her finest effort, still finds an 
honoured place in anthologies. Hours 
of Life, and Other Poems ; Edgar Poe 
and his Critics. A complete edition of 
her poems appeared in 1879. See Easy 
Chair of Harper^s Magazine, September, 

'Whitman,"Walter [commonly "Walt]. 
N. Y., 1819-1892. A poet regarding 
whose claims to the title much contro- 
versy has raged. During the Civil 
War he served as a volunteer nurse in 
the Washington hospitals, and, after 

holding a government clerkship till 
1873, removed to Camden, New Jersey, 
where the rest of his life was passed. 
Leaves of Grass, his first book, appeared 
in 1855, a vigourous protest against es- 
tablished rules of versification in its 
utter formlessness. Drum Taps, which 
included the now famous Lincoln ele- 
gies, When Lilacs Last in the Door- 
yard Bloomed, and Captain, My Cap- 
tain, followed in 1865. The republica- 
tion of his poems in England in 1868 
aroused instant attention there, and ex- 
cited extravagant praise in some quar- 
ters. His rejection of rhyme and me- 
tre will probably always repel the mass 
of readers. His later works include. 
After AU Not to Create Only ; A Pas- 
sage to India ; As a Strong Bird on 
Pinions Free ; Two Rivulets ; Novem- 
ber Boughs ; Good Bye My Fancy ; 
Sands at Seventy ; Specimen Days and 
Collect ; in prose, Franklin Evans, or 
the Inebriate ; Democratic Vistas ; 
Memoranda During the War. See 
0'Connor''s Good Gray Poet; Bur- 
roughs's Notes on Whitman, and Study 
of Whitman ; Walt Whitman, by B. M. 
Bucke ; Whitman, by W. Clarke ; Whit- 
man : a Study of Democracy, by Triggs; 
Whitman : a Study, by J. H. Symonds ; 
Annual Cyclopedia, 1892 ; Life of, by 
W. S. Kennedy, supra ; Cheney's That 
Dome in Air ; In Ee Walt Whitman ; 
Foley's American Authors ; T. Donald- 
son's Walt Whitman the man. 

"Whitmarsh, Caroline. See Guild, 

"Whitmore, "William Henry. M.i., 

1836 . A genealogist of Boston. 

American Genealogy ; Elements of 
Heraldry; History of the Old State 
House, Boston ; and many genealogies. 

"Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton 

[Train]. Ms., 1824 . A very 

popular writer for girls. She has lived 
at Milton, Massachusetts, for many 
years. Friendly Letters to Girl Friends ; 
Faith Gartney's Girlhood; The Gay- 
worthys ; A Summer in Leslie Gold- 
thwaite's Life; Hitherto; We Girls; 
The Other Girls ; Real Folks ; Sights 
and Insights ; Odd or Even ? ; Bonny- 
borough ; Boys at Chequasset ; Home- 
spun Yarns ; Ascutney Street ; A Golden 
Gossip ; Patience Strong's Outings ; 
Mother Goose for Grown Folks. She 




lias also written, The Open Mystery : 
A Reading of the Mosaic Story ; Just 
How, a Key to the Cook Books ; and in 
verse, Pansies ; Daffodils ; Holy Tides ; 
Bird Talk ; White Memories. See Ved- 
der^s American Writers. Hou. 

Whitney, Anne. 1S21 . A sculp- 
tor and po^t of Boston. Her only 
volume of Poems appeared in 1859. 
Bertha is her best known poem. 

"Whitney, Caspar. Ms., 1861 . A 

journalist of New York city, a promi- 
nent advocate of amateur sports. A 
Sporting PUgrimage ; On Snow Shoes 
to the Barren Grounds. Sar. 

Whitney, James Amaziah. N. Y., 

1839 . An agricultural chemist. 

Relation of the Patent Laws to De- 
velopment of Agriculture ; The Chinese 
and the Chinese Question ; Shohab, a 
Tale of Bethesda in verse ; Sonnets 
and Lyrics; The Children of Lamech 

Whitney, [Joseph] Ernest. Ct., 
1858-1893. An instructor in English for 
some years at Yale University. Poems 
of the Pike's Peak Region (1890). 

Whitney, Josiah Dwight. Ms., 1819- 
1896. A professor of geology at Har- 
vard University from 1865, and State 
geologist of California, 1860-74. The 
United States ; The MetaUie Wealth of 
the United States ; Barometric Hypso- 
metry ; Polypetalse and Gamopetalse ; 
Contributions to American Geology ; 
Names and Places, Studies in Geogra- 
phy and Topographical Nomenclature ; 
Geological Survey of California ; Yose- 
mite Guide Book ; Geological Survey 
of Iowa. Lip. Lit. 

Whitney, Mrs. Louisa [Goddard]. 
M, 1819-1882. Wife of J. D. Whitney, 
supra. The Burning of the Convent ; 
Peasy's Childhood : an Autobiography. 

Whitney, Peter. Ms., 1744-1815. A 
Congregational clergyman, pastor at 
Northborough, Massachusetts, 1767- 
1815. History of Worcester County 

Whitney, Thomas Richard. N.T., 
1804-1858. A journalist of New York 
city, member of Congress, 1855-57. 
The Ambuscade, a Poem ; Defence of 
the American Policy. 

Whitney, William D-wight. Ms., 
1827-1894. Brother of J. D. Whitney, 

supra. A philologist of eminence, pro- 
fessor of Sanskrit at Yale University 
from 1854, and of comparative philology, 
also, from 1870. He edited The Century 
Dictionary. Language and the Study 
of Language ; Compendious German 
Grammar ; Oriental and Linguistic Stu- 
dies ; Life and Growth of Language ; 
Essentials of English Grammar ; San- 
skrit Grammar ; Practical French 
Grammar ; Roots, Verb Forms, and 
Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit 
Language ; Max Midler's Science of 
' Language. See Atlantic Monthly, March, 
1895. Ap. Gi. Ho. Scr. 
Whiton, James Morris. Ms., 1833- 

. Grandson of J. M. Whiton, infra. 

A Congregational clergyman of New 
York city. New Points to Old Texts ; 
Is Eternal Punishment Endless ? ; The 
Gospel of the Resurrection ; Beyond 
the Shadow ; The Divine Satisfaction ; 
Early Pupils of the Spirit ; The Evolu- 
tion of Revelation ; The Law of Liber- 
ty ; Turning Points of Thought and 
Conduct ; Gloria Patri. Wh. 
Whiton, John Milton. Ms., 17SS- 
1856. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Antrim, New Hampshire. Sketches of 
the Early History of New Hampshire, 
Whitsitt, William Heth. Tn., 1841- 
. A Baptist clergyman of Louis- 
ville, professor of ecclesiastical history 
at the Southern Baptist Theological 
Seminary from 1872. History of the 
Rise of Infant Baptism ; History of 
Communion Among Baptists ; Life and 
Times of Jude Caleb Wallace ; A Ques- 
tion in Baptist History. Mor. 
Whittaker, Frederick. E., 1838- 

. Son of H. Whittaker, infra, A 

Federal cavalry officer diiring the Civil 
War, and subsequently a journalist of 
New York city. A Defence of Dime 
Novels by a Writer of Them ; Life of 
General Custer ; Cadet Button, a Tale 
of American Army Life ; Bel Rubio, a 
Whittaker, Henry. W., 1808-1881. 
A law-office clerk in New York city. 
Practice and Pleading Under the Codes ; 
Analysis of Decisions in Practice and 
Whittaker, James Thomas. O., 

1843 . A prominent surgeon of 

Cincinnati. Lectures on Physiology; 




History of Tuberculosis ; Theory and 
Practice of Medicine. Clke. 
"Whittemore, Thomas. Ms., 1800- 
ISbl. A Universalist clergyman of 
Boston. History of Modern Universal- 
ism ; Notes and Dlustrations of the 
Parables ; Commentaries on Daniel and 
Revelations ; Life of Hosea Ballou ; 
Whittier, John G-reenleaf. Ms., 
1807-1892. A famous New England 
poet, born at Haverhill, Massachusetts, 
December 17, 1807, and all his life a 
member of the Society of Friends. He 
was one of the early abolitionists, and 
edited The Pennsylvania Freeman, 
1838-39. After 1840 he lived at Ames- 
buiy, Massachusetts. Among the most 
characteristic of his shorter poems are. 
My Soul and I ; The Eternal Goodness ; 
In School Days ; The Last Walk in 
Autumn ; The Playmates ; My Psalm. 
His prose writings include. The Stranger 
in Lowell (1845) ; The Supernaturalism 
of New England (1847) ; Leaves from 
Margaret Smith's Journal (1849) ; Old 
Portraits and Modem Sketches (1850) ; 
Literary Recreations and Miscellanies 
(1854). His work in verse comprises. 
Legends of New England (1831) ; Moll 
Pitcher (1832) ; Mogg Megone (1836) ; 
Poems (1838) ; Lays of My Home 
(1843) ; Voices of Freedom (1849) ; 
Songs of Labor (1850) ; The Chapel of 
the Hermits (1853) ; A Sabbath Scene 
(ls5o); The Panorama (1856); Home 
Ballads and Poems (1860); In War 
Time (1862) ; National Lyrics (1805) ; 
Snow-Bound (1866) ; The Tent on the 
Beach (1867) ; Among the Hills (1868) ; 
Ballads of New England (1870) ; Mi- 
riam (1870) ; The Pennsylvania Pilgrim 
(1872) ; Hazel Blossoms (1875) ; Ma- 
bel Martin (1876) ; Centennial Hymn 
(1876); The Vision of Eobard, and 
Other Poems (1878) ; The King's Mis- 
sive, and Other Poems (1881); The 
Bay of Seven Islands, and Other Po- 
ems (1883) ; St. Gregory's Guest, and 
Other Poems (1886); At Sundown 
(1890-92). He was also the compiler 
of Songs of Three Centuries; Child- 
Life ; and Child-Life in Prose ; and 
the editor of John Woolman's Journal. 
See Scribner's Magazine, August, 1879 
Harper's Magazine, February, 18S3 
Century Magazine, December, 1SS3 
Hazehine's Chats About Boohs; Steu- 

art's Letters to Living Authors; Lives 
by Underwood, Brown, Pickard, W. J. 
Linton ; Personal Recollections of, by 
Mrs. Claflin ; Whittier : Notes of his 
Life and of his Friendships, in Authors 
and Friends, by Mrs. Fields; Memorial 
of, from his Native City, 1893 ; AUi- 
bone's Dictionary; Annual Cyclopedia, 
189S ; Whittier, by B. O. Flower; Che- 
ney's That Dome in Air; American Song, 
by A. B. Simonds; Foley's American 
Authors. Hou. 
^WhittinghaIn, William RoUinson. i 
N. Y., 1805-1879. The fourth Pro- 
testant Episcopal bishop of Maryland. 
Fifteen Sermons. See Life, by W. F. 
Brand. Ap. 
Whittlesey, Mrs. Sarah Johnson 

[Cogswell]. N. C, 1825 . Heart 

Drops from Memory's Urn ; The 
Stranger's Stratagem, and Other Sto- 
ries ; Herbert Hamilton ; Bertha the 
Beauty ; Spring Buds and Summer 
Wiard, Norman. Ont, 1826-1896. 
An inventor and military engineer of 
distinction whose specialty was the 
manufacture of ordnance. The Solu- 
tion of the Ordnance Problem. 
Wickersham, James Pyle. Pa., 
1825-1891. An educator of Lancaster, 
Pennsylvania, State superintendent of 
public instruction, 1866-81, minister to 
Denmark, 1882. School Economy; 
Methods of Instruction. Lip. 
Wickes, Stephen, i. 7., 1813-1889. 
A physician of Orange, New Jersey. 
Living and Dying : their Psychics and 
Physics ; History of Medicine in New 
Jersey; Sepulture: its History, Me- 
thods, and Requisites ; History of the 
Newark Mountains. 
Wickes, Thomas. N. Y., 1814-1870. 
Brother of K. Wickes, supra. A Pres- 
byterian clergyman of Marietta, Ohio. 
Exposition of the Apocalypse ; The 
Son of Man ; .The Household ; Economy 
of the Ages. 
Wiggin, Kate Douglas. See Biggs, 

Wiggles-worth, Ed-ward. Jlfs.,1693- 
1765. Son of M. Wigglesworth, infra- 
A Congregational clergyman, Hollis 
professor of theology at Harvard Uni- 
versity, 1722-65. An Answer to Mr. 
Whitefield's Reply to the College 
Testimony ; Doctrine of Reprobation 




Briefly Considered, are among his writ- 
Wigglesworth, Edward, itfs.,1732- 
1794. Son of E. Wigglesworth, supra. 
A Congregational clergyman who suc- 
ceeded his father in the Hollis professor- 
ship at Harvard University in 1765. 
Calculations on American Population ; 
Authority of Tradition Considered. 

WigglesTvorth, Ed'wrard. Ms., 1804- 
1876. Grandson of E. Wigglesworth, 
2d. A lawyer and merchant of Bos- 
ton who published Beflections, a col- 
lection of apothegms. -EZ. 

Wigglesworth, Michael. E., 1631- 
1705, A Congregational clergyman, 
pastor at Maiden, Massachusetts, 1650- 
1705. The Day of Doom, his chief 
work, appearing in 1662, was for more 
than a century the most popular poem 
in New England. It is an epic of the 
Last Judgment, not without gleams of 
poetic merit, but full of what must be 
styled savage theology. Meat Out of 
the Eater is a much inferior poem, but 
was very popular for a long period. 
God's Controversy with New England, 
also in verse, and A Short Discourse 
on Eternity, comprise his remaining 
works. Tyler's American Literature; 
Life by John Ward Dean. 

Wight, Orlando Williams. N. Y., 

1824-1888. A Universalist clergyman 
and physician, appointed State geologist 
of Wisconsin in 1874. The Philosophy 
of Sir William Hamilton ; Lives and 
Letters of Abelard and H^loise ; Lec- 
tures on the True, the Beautiful, and 
the Good ; Maxims o^ Public Health ; 
People and Countries Visited in a 
Winding Journey round the World. 
Ap. Hou. 

Wight, Peter Bonnett. N. Y., 1838- 

. An architect of New York city. 

One Phase in the Revival of Fine Arts 
in America. 

Wikoff, Henry. Fa., 1813-1884. A 
writer whose life after 1834 was passed 
mainly in Europe. He was commonly 
known as Chevalier Wikoff. Reminis- 
cences of an Idler; Louis Napoleon 
Bonaparte ; Life of Count d'Orsay ; 
My Courtship and its Consequences; 
Adventures of a Roving Diplomatist ; 
A New Yorker in the Foreign Office ; 
The Four Civilizations. 

Wilbour, Charles Edwin. E. L, 

1883-1896. An Egyptologist who has 
published a Life of Victor Hugo and a 
number of translations from the French. 

Wilbur, Hervey. Ms., 1787-1852. 
A Congregational clergyman and edu- 
cator of Massachusetts among whose 
writings are, Elements of Astronomy ; 
Lexicon of tfseful Knowledge. 

Wilcox, Cadmus Marcellus. N. C, 
1826-1890. A United States army of- 
ficer. Rifles and Rifle Practice ; His- 
tory of the Mexican War. 

Wilcox, Carlos. N. H., 1794-1827. 
A Congregational clergyman of Hart- 
ford, popular as a verse-writer in his 
day. The Age of Benevolence. See 
Duyckinch's American Literature ; Gris- 
wold's Poets and Poetry of America. 

Wilcox, Mrs. Ella [Wheeler]. Wis., 

1855 . A very popular verse-writer 

and novelist of New York city. Mau- 
rine, and Other Poems ; Drops of Wa- 
ter, temperance poems ; Shells ; Poems 
of Passion ; Poems of Pleasure ; The 
Song of the Sandwich ; The Beautiful 
Laud of Nod, poems and prose for cljil- 
dren ; Custer, and Other Poems. Her 
prose work includes, Men, Women, and 
Emotions ; Mai Moul^e ; Was It Sui- 
cide ? ; A Double Life ; Sweet Danger ; 
Perdita and Other Stories ; An Erring 
Woman's Love ; Men, Women, and 
Emotions ; Adventures of Miss Volney. 
See Bibliography of Wisconsin. 

Wilcox, Marrion. Ga., 1858 . 

A New Haven writer. Real People ; 
Sefiora Villena. 

Wilcox, Phineas Bacon. Ct., 1798- 
1863. A lawyer of Columbus, Ohio. 
Condensed Reports of Ohio Supreme 
Court ; Ohio Forms and Practice ; A 
Few Thoughts by a Member of the 
Bar ; Practical Forms in Action, etc. ; 
Practical Forms Under Code of Civil 

Wilde, Richard Henry. I., 1789- 
1847. A New Orleans lawyer who 
wrote Conjectures and Researches Con- 
cerning Tasso, but is known chiefly as 
the author of the graceful lyric, My 
Life is Like the Summer Rose. See 
Griswold's Poets and Poetry of A meri- 
ca ; Mrs. Johnson's Our Familiar Songs. 

Wilder, Alexander. N. Y., 1823- 
. A physician and journalist of 




New York city. Lectures on Scientific 
and Literary Subjects ; Intermarriage 
of Kindred ; Life Eternal ; The Gan- 
glionic Nervous System, are his prin- 
cipal -writings. 

■Wilder, Burt Green. Ms., 1841 . 

A physician, professor of physiology at 
Cornell University from 1867. What 
Young People Should Know ; Emer- 
gencies ; Health Notes for Students. 
Est. Put. 

Wilder, Daniel Webster. Ms., 1832- 

. A Kansas lawyer and journalist 

who has published The Annals of Kan- 

Wildwood, Will. See Pond, F. E. 

Wiley, Calvin Henderson. N. C, 
1819-1887. A Presbyterian clergyman 
and educator in the Carolinas. Adven- 
tures of Old Dan Tucker ; Utopia, a 
Picture of Early Life at the South ; 
Scriptural Views of National Trials ; 
Alamance, a novel ; Roanoke, or Where 
is Utopia ? See HarVs American Lite- 

Wiley, Harvey Washington. Ind., 

1844 . A chemist of note, chief 

of the chemical division of the United 
States Department of Agriculture from 

1883. Principles and Practice of Agri- 
cultural Analysis : Part I., Soils ; Part 
II., Fertilizers ,■ Part III., (Agricultural 

Wiley, Isaac William. Pa., 182.5- 

1884. A bishop of the Methodist Church 
from 1872. The Fallen Missionaries 
of. Fuh Chan; The Religion of the 
Family ; China and Japan : a Record 
of Observations. Meth. 

Wilkes, Charles. N. Y., 1798-1877. 
A naval officer of distinction. Narra- 
tive of United States Exploring Expe- 
dition During the Years 1838-42 ; West- 
ern America ; Theory of the Winds. 

Wilkes, George. N. Y., 1820-1885. 
A journalist of New York city, editor 
of The Spirit of the Times from 1850. 
History of California (1845) ; Europe 
in a Hurry ; Shakespeare from an Ame- 
rican Point of View. 

Wilkeson, Frank. N.Y., 1845 . 

A journalist. Recollections of a Pri- 
vate Soldier in the Army of the Po- 
tomac. Put. 

Wilkie, Franc[is] Bangs. N. Y., 
1832-92. A Chicago journalist. Pe- 

trolia, or the Oil Regions of the United 
States (1865) ; Davenport, Past and 
Present ; Walks About Chicago ; The 
Chicago Bar ; Great Inventions and 
Their Influence on Civilization; The 
Gambler, a Story of Chicago Life ; Pen 
and Powder; Personal Reminiscences. 

Wilkins, John Hubbard. N. S., 
1794-1861. A Boston writer whose 
Elements of Astronomy (1822) was long 
popular as a text-book. 

Wilkins, Mary Eleanor. Ms., 1862- 
. A novelist of Randolph, Massa- 
chusetts, whose rank as a short-story 
writer is among the very first, her work 
displaying the greatest skill in con- 
structive details as well as accurate per- 
ception in characterization. Her fic- 
tions deal almost entirely with phases 
of New England rural life. A Hum- 
ble Romance, . and Other Stories ; A 
New England Nun, and Other Stories ; 
Young Lucretia, and Other Stories ; 
The Pot of Gold, a collection of juve- 
nile tales ; Jane Field ; Pembroke ; Ma- 
delon ; Giles Corey, Yeoman, a Play ; 
Jerome, a Poor Man ; The Adventures 
of Ann ; Comfort Pease and her Gold 
Ring ; The Long Arm (with J. E. 
Chamberlin, supra). Har. Lo. Rev. 

Wilkinson, James. Md., 1757-1825. 
A soldier who served in the American 
Revolution and in the War of 1812. 
Memories of My Own Times. See Ga~ 
yarrS'^s Spanish Domination in Louisi- 
ana, 1854; Gilmore's Advance Guard of 
Western Civilization, 1887. 

Wilkinson, John. Va., 1821 . 

A Confederate naval officer who has 
published. The Narrative of a Block- 
ade Runner. 

■Wilkinson, ■William Cleaver. Vt, 

1S33 . A Baptist clergyman and 

educator. Poems ; A Free Lance in the 
Field of Life and Letters; Webster, 
an Ode ; The Baptist Principle ; The 
Epic of Saul ; The Dance of Modem 
Society ; College Greek Course in Eng- 
lish, and other text-books. Fl. Fu. 

Willard, Ashton Rollins. Vt., 1858- 

. A lawyer of Boston. A Sketch 

of the Life and Work of the Painter 
Doraenico Morelli ; Legislative Hand- 
book Relating to the Preparation of 
Statutes. Hou. 




Willard, Mrs. Emma [Hart]. Ct., 
1787-1870. A noted educator of Troy, 
NeTT York. Journal and Letters from 
France and Great Britain ; History of 
the United States ; Universal History 
in Perspective ; Treatise on the Circu- 
lation of the Blood ; Last Leaves of 
American History ; Poems. She wrote 
the well-known poem, Rocked in the 
Cradle of the Deep. See Life, by John 
Lord, supra; Sart's American Litera- 

■Willard, Prances Elizabeth. N. Y., 

1839 . A temperance reformer 

of prominence. Woman and Tempe- 
rance ; How to Win ; Woman in the 
Pulpit ; Nineteen Beautiful Years ; 
Glimpses of Fifty Years ; A Great Mo- 
ther. See A Woman of the Century. 

Willard, John. Ct., 1792-1862. An 
eminept jurist of New York city. Equi- 
ty Jurisprudence ; Treatise on Execu- 
tors, Administrators, and Guardians ; 
Real Estate and Conveyancing. 

Willard, Joseph Augustus. Ms., 
1816 . Son of Sydney WHlard, in- 
fra. Clerk of the Superior Court of 
Massachusetts for Suffolk County, from 
1865. His connection with courts of 
justice hegan in 1846. Half a Century 
with Judges and Lawyers. Hou. 

■Willard, Samuel. Ms., 1640-1707. 
A Congregational clergyman of Bos- 
ton, president of Harvard University, 
1701-07. Of his many works, A Com- 
plete Body of Divinity is the best 
known. Others are, Peril of the Times 
Displayed ; Covenant-Keeping the Way 
to Blessedness ; Ne Sutor Ultra Cre- 
pidam. See Sprague's Annals of the 
American Pulpit. 

■Willard, Sydney. Ms., 1780-1856. 
A descendant of S. WiUard, supra. A 
professor of Hebrew at Harvard Uni- 
versity, 1801-31. Hebrew Grammar; 
Memories of Youth and Manhood. 

■Willard, Sylvester David. Ct., 
1825-1865. An Albany physician, sur- 
geon-general of New York at the time 
of his death. The WiUard Asylum for 
the Insane was named for him. Bio- 
graphical Memoirs of Physicians of 
Alfciny County ; Annals of the Albany 
County Medical Society. 

WUlcox, Orlando Bolivar. Mch., 
1823 . A United States army offi- 


cer. Shoepack RecoUeotions ; Faca, an 
Army Memoir. 
■Willett, Joseph Edgerton. Ga. 

1826 — ■ — . A professor of natural 
science in Mercer University, Macon, 
Georgia, from 1849. The Wonders of 
Insect Life. 

■Willett, ■William Marinus. N. Y., 

1803-1895. A Methodist clergyman 
and educator. Scenes in the Wilder- 
ness ; A New Life of Summerfield ; 
Life and Times of Herod the Great ; 
Herod Antipas ; The Messiah ; The 
Restitution of All Things. 

"Willey, Austin. N. H., 1806-1896. 
A Congregational clergyman of Maine, 
long prominent as an abolitionist, and 
the editor of The Advocate of Freedom, 
1839-58. After the latter date he lived 
at Northfield, Minnesota. Family Me- 
morial ; History of the Anti-Slavery 
Cause in State and Nation. 

■Willey, Benjamin Glazier. N. H., 

1796-1867. A Congregational clergy- 
man of New Hampshire who wrote a 
History of the White Mountains. 

■Willey, Henry. N. Y., 1824 . 

A botanist, lawyer, and journalist of 
New Bedford. List of North American 
Lichens ; Introduction to the Study of 
Lichens ; Synopsis of the Genus Athona. 

■Williams, Alfred Mason. Jlfs.,1840- 
1896. A Providence journalist, editor 
of The Journal. The Poets and Poe- 
try of Ireland ; Studies in Folk-Song 
and Popular Poetry ; Sam Houston 
and the War of Independence in Texas. 

■Williams, Mrs. Anna [BoUes]. 

" Jak." Ct., 1840— . A writer of 

Springfield, Massachusetts, who has 
written a number of popular juvenile 
tales. Birchwood ; Professor Johnny ; 
The Fitch Club; Who Saved the 
Ship ? ; Rolf and His Friends ; Scotch 
Caps ; Giant Dwarf ; Riverside Mu- 
seum. Cr. 

■Williams, Mrs. Catherine R 

[Arnold]. B. L, c. 1790-1872. A 
Providence writer. Original Poems ; 
Religion at Home ; Tales : National 
and Revolutionary ; Fall River, an 
Authentic Narrative ; Neutral French ; 
Annals of the Aristocracy of Rhode 
Island ; Aristocracy : a novel. 





Williams, Charles Frederic. Ms., 
1842-1895. The Tariff Laws of the 
United States, with Explanatory Notes ; 
Index of Cases Overruled by the Courts 
of America, England, and Ireland from 
1873 to 1887. He edited the last eight 
volumes of The American and English 
Cyclopaedia of Law. 

■Williams, Edwin. Ct., 1797-1854. 
A writer of New York city. The Poli- 
tician's Manual ; New Universal Gazet- 
teer ; Book of the Constitution ; New 
York as It Is ; Arctic Voyages ; The 
Fortunate Puzzler; The Statesman's 
Manual ; The Twelve Stars of the Re- 
public, comprise his chief works. 

Williams, Eleazer. 1787 P-1858. An 
Episcopal clergyman at Green Bay, 
Wisconsin, supposed hy some persons 
to have been Louis XVII. of France. 
He published A SpeUing-Book in the 
Language of the Seven Iroquois Na- 
tions, and other works in Iroquois. See 
The Lost Prince, hy Hanson. 

Williams, Francis Howard. Pa., 

1844 . A litterateur of PhQadel- 

phia. His plays include. The Princess 
Elizabeth, a Lyric Drama ; The Higher 
Education ; A Reformer in Ruffles ; 
Master and Man ; Theodora, a Christ- 
mas Pastoral. Other works are, At- 
raan, a Story • The Flute Player, and 
Other Poems; Pennsylvania Poets of 
the Provincial Period. Cas. 

Williams, George Huntington. N. 

Y., 1856-1894. A professor of inor- 
ganic geology at Johns Hopkins Uni- 
versity from 1892. Elements of Crys- 

Williams, G-eorge Washington. 

Pa., 1849 . A writer of African 

descent who served in the Federal 
army during the Civil War, and as lieu- 
tenant-colonel of artillery in the Re- 
publican army of Mexico, 1865-67, and 
who was minister to Hayti, 1885-86. 
History of the Negro Race in America ; 
The Negro Troops in the War of the 
Rebellion ; History of the Reconstruc- 
tion of the Insurgent States. Har. 

Williams, Henry Shaler. N. Y., 

1847 . A processor of palfeontology 

at Cornell University from 1871. The 
Bones, Ligaments, and Muscles of the 
Domestic Cat; Geological Biology. 

Williams, Henry Willard. Ms., 
185il-1895. A Boston physician, pro- 
fessor of ophthalmology at Harvard 
University, 1871-91. Our Eyes, and 
How to Take Care of Them ; Diagno- 
sis and Treatment of Diseases of the 
Eye ; Practical Guide to Study of Dis- 
eases of the Eye. 

Williams, Jesse Lynch, II., 1871- 

. A litterateur of New York city. 

Princeton Stories ; The Freshman, a 
book for boys. Scr. 

Williams, John. Ms., 1664-1729. A 
Congregational clergyman of Deerfield, 
Massachusetts, carried captive to Ca- 
nada, with many of his parishioners, by 
the French and Indians in 1704. 'The 
Redeemed Captive is a graphic account 
of heroism and suffering during the 
period of captivity. 

Williams , John. " Anthony Pasquin." 
E., c. 1765-1818. An EngUsh jour- 
nalist who came to the United States 
after being very unpopular in England. 
Poems ; Legislative Biography ; The 
Hamiltoniad; The Dramatic Censor; 
Life of Alexander Hamilton. 

Williams, John. Ms., 1817 . The 

fourth Protestant Episcopal bishop of 
Connecticut, and presiding bishop from 
1887. Sermons ; Studies on the English 
Reformation ; Ancient Hymns of Holy 
Church ; Thoughts on the Gospel Mira- 
cles ; The World's Witness to Christ ; 
Studies in the Book of Acts. Wh. 

Williams, Roger. W., 1607-1683. 
A famous clergyman, minister at Sa- 
lem, Massachusetts, but banished from 
the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1635 
on account of his views upon religious 
liberty. In 1636 he founded the city 
of Providence, and was the chief citizen 
of the Rhode Island colony until his 
death. He was the first upholder of 
the doctrine of liberty of conscience in 
its entirety, and actively sustained his 
theories in many controversial works. 
Key Into the Languages of America ; 
The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for 
Cause of Conscience ; The Bloudy Te- 
nent Yet More Bloudy by Mr. Cotton's 
Endeavour to wash it white in the 
Bloud of the Lambe; Mr. Cotton's 
Letter Lately Printed, Examined and 
Answered ; George Fox Digg'd Out of 
his Burrowes, include his principal 
works. See Tyler's American Litera- 


ture ; Mudge's Footprints of Moger Wil- 
liams; AUibone^s Dictionarg ; Johnson's 
Universal Cyclopedia ; Appletons' Ame- 
rican Biography ; Dexter' s As to Roger 
Williams ; Lives by Knowles, 1S34, 
Gammell, IS46, Elton, 1S52, Straus, 
1894 ; Bibliography of Rhode Island. 

Williams, Samuel. Ms., 1743-1817. 
Grandson of J. Williams, 1st. A Con- 
gregational clergyman, HoUis professor 
of mathematics at Harvard University, 
1780-88. A Natural and Civil History 
of Vermont (1809) ; History of the 
American Revolution. 

Williams, Samuel Wells. N. Y., 
1812-1884. A secretary and interpre- 
ter of the American Legation in China 
for many years ; after 1877 professor of 
Chinese at Yale University. China, 
the Middle Kingdom ; Easy Lessons in 
Chinese ; Chinese Commercial Guide ; 
Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Lan- 
guage in the Canton Dialect ; Syllabic 
Dictionary of Chinese ; Chinese Topo- 
graphy. Sec Allibone's Dictionary; 
Life by F. Williams, 1SS8. Scr. 

Williams, Stephen West. Ms., 
1790-1855. Great-grandson of J. Wil- 
liams, 1st. A physician who was me- 
dical professor in Willoughhy Univer- 
sity, Ohio, 1838-53. Catechism of 
Medical Jurisprudence ; American Me- 
dical Biography ; The Williams Family 
in America (1847). 

Williams, Thomas. Ct., 1779-1876. 
A Congregational clergyman of Provi- 
dence. Ten Sermons on Important 
Subjects ; The Domestic Chaplain ; 
Rhode Island Sermons. 

Williams, William R . N. Y., 

1804-1885. A Baptist clergyman of 
New York city, pastor of Amity Street 
Church, 1832-85. Religious Progress ; 
God's Rescues, or The Lost Sheep, the 
Lost Coin, and the Lost Son: Dis- 
courses on Luke ; Miscellanies ; Lec- 
tures on the Lord's Prayer ; Lectures 
on Baptist History ; Eras and Charac- 
ters of History. Bap. Bar. Ran. 

Williamson, Hugh. Pa., 1735-1819. 
A statesman and physician who was a 
member of the Continental Congress. 
History of North Carolina; Observa- 
tions on the Climate of America. 

Williamson, Isaac David. Vt., 
1807-1876. A Universalist clergyman 


of Cincinnati and other cities. Argu- 
ment for the Truth of Christianity ; 
The Crown of Life ; Philosophy of Odd 
Fellowship ; Philosophy of Universal- 
ism ; Rudiments of Theological and 
Moral Science. 

Williamson, Joseph. Me., 1828 . 

A lawyer of Belfast, Maine. The 
Maine Register and State Reference 
Book ; Bibliography of Maine ; His- 
tory of Belfast. See Bibliography of 
Williamson, Julia May. " Lura 
Bell." Me., 1859 . A verse- 
writer of Augusta, Maine. Echoes of 
Time and Tide; The Choir of the 
Williamson, Robert Stockton. 
JV. Y., 1824-1882. A soldier and mUi- 
tary engineer. Report of a Reconnois- 
sance in California for Pacific Railroad 
Route ; Use of the Barometer on Sur- 
veys ; Practical Tables in Meteorology. 
Williamson, Walter. Fa., 1811- 
1870. A homeopathic physician of 
Philadelphia. Diseases of Females; 
Instructions Concerning Diseases of Fe- 
Williamson, William Durkee. Ct., 
1779-1840. A Bangor lawyer, gover- 
nor of Maine in 1820. History of 
Maine from its First Discovery to the 
Separation from Massachusetts. 
Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Me., 
1806-1867. A once popular New York 
litt&ateur, much overrated in the ear- 
lier part of his career, and now neg- 
lected. His prose, though pleasing, is 
almost all of ephemeral merit, and 
his verse is sentimental rather than 
thoughtful. The latter includes the 
once widely read Sacred Poems ; 
Melanie; Lady Jane and Humourous 
Poems ; Poems of Passion : while his 
prose comprises Hurry Graphs ; People 
I have Met ; PencUlings by the Way ; 
Inklings of Adventures ; Letters From 
Under a Bridge ; Famous Persons and 
Places ; A Summer Cruise in the Medi- 
terranean; The Convalescent; Out- 
Doors at Idlewild ; Paul Fane, a novel ; 
Al Abri, and other works of lesser ina- 
portance. A complete edition of his 
poems appeared in 1868. See Life by 
Beers; Allibone's Dictionary; Lowell's 
Fable for Critics; Foley's American 
Authors. Cr. Scr. 




Willis, ■William. Ms., 1794-1870. A 
Portland lawyer. History of Portland ; 
History of the Law, Courts, and Law- 
yers of Maine. 

"Williston, Seth. Cu, 1770-1851. A 
Presbyterian clergyman in New York 
State. Discourses on the Sabbath ; 
Moral Imperfections of Christians ; 
Harmony of Divine Truth ; Millennial 
Discourses, are among his writings. 

Williston, Timothy. N. Y., 1805- 
189.'!. A Presbyterian clergyman. 
Orthodox Paths Restored ; Talks to 
My Bible Class; Christ's Millennial 
Reign ; Premium Essays. 

Willson, [Byron] Foroey the. N.Y., 
1837-1867. A verse-writer at one time 
on the staff of The Louisville Journal. 
The Old Sergeant, and Other Poems. 
See Atlantic Monthly, March, 1S75. 

Willson, James McLeod. Pa., 
1809-1866. Son of J. R, Willson, in- 
fra. A Reformed Presbyterian cler- 
gyman of Philadelphia. The Deacon ; 
Bible Magistracy ; Civil Government ; 
Social Religious Covenanting ; Wit- 

Willson, James Ren-wick. Ta., 
1780-1853. A Reformed Presbyterian 
clergyman in New York and Pennsyl- 
vania. History of the Church of Scot- 
land ; The Written Law ; Historical 
Sketch of Opinions on the Atonement. 

Willson, Marcius. Ms., 1813 . 

An educator of Vineland, New Jersey. 
Civil Polity and Political Economy ; 
Mosaics of Bible History ; and many 
school text-books. Sar. 

W^ilmer, Lambert A . Circa 

1805-1863. A Philadelphia journalist. 
New System of Grammar ; The Quacks 
of Helicon ; Life of De Soto ; Our Press 
Gang, an Exposition of the Corruptions 
of American Newspapers (1859) ; Re- 
cantation : a Poem ; Somnia ; Liberty 

Wilmer, Richard. Fa., 1816 . 

The second Protestant Episcopal bishop 
of Alabama. The Recent Past from a 
Southern Standpoint. Wh. 

Wilmshurst, Zavarr. K, 1824^1887. 
A journalist of New York city. The 
Viking, an epic ; The Winter of the 
Heart, and Other Poems ; The Siren ; 
Ralph and Rose, a Poem. 

Wilson, Alexander. S., 1766-1813. 
A Scottish ornithologist and verse- 
writer who came to America in 1794. 
He is often called the father of Ame- 
rican ornithology. Watty and Meg, a 
narrative poem ; American Ornithology, 
or the Natural History of the Birds of 
the United States (continued by Charles 
Lucien Bonaparte). &ee Life by G. F. 
Ord; Life by Brightwell, I860; Alli- 
bone's Dictionary. Co, 

Wilson, Mrs. Augusta Jane 

[Evans]. Ga., 1835 . A once 

popular novelist living at Mobile. Her 
writings had at one time an extraordi- 
nary vogue, but are now much less 
read. Beulah ; Macaria ; Vashti ; St 
Elmo ; Inez, a Tale of the Alamo ; In- 
felice ; At the Mercy of Tiberius. See 
Manly's Southern Literature. Dil. 

Wilson, Henry. N. H., 1812-1875. 
A Massachusetts statesman who was 
vice-president of the United States at 
the time of his death. History of 
Anti-Slavery Measures ; Rise and Fall 
of the Slave Power in America. See 
Life and Public Services of by G. E. 
Nason. Hou. 

Wilson, James Grant. S., 1832 . 

Son of W. Wilson, infra. A litt&atenr 
of New York city who, besides editing 
Appletons' Cyclopaedia of American 
Biography, has published Poets and 
Poetry of Scotland ; Mr. Secretary 
Pepys and his Diary ; Love in Letters ; 
Bryant and His Friends ; Centennial 
History of the Drama of New York ; 
Life of General Grant; Life of Fitz 
Greene HaUeek ; Sketches of Illustri- 
ous Soldiers. Dil. Har. 

Wilson, James Harrison. U., 1837- 

. A United States army officer, 

China : Travels and Investigations in 
the Middle Kingdom ; Life of Andrew 
Alexander; Life of General Grant 
(with C. A. Dana, supra). Ap. 

Wilson, James Patriot. Del., 1769- 
1830. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Philadelphia. Lectures on the Para- 
bles ; Essay on Grammar ; Common 
Objections to Christianity ; Easy Intro- 
duction to Hebrew, are among his 

Wilson, John. E., 1588-1667. A 
Puritan clergyman, the first pastor in 
Boston, and long prominent in the 
ecclesiastical and civil affairs of the 




colony. Some Helps to Faith ; Famous 
DeliTerances of the English Nation, a 
poem ; The Day Breaking if not the 
Sun Rising of the Gospel with the In- 
dians in New England. 

Wilson, John. S., 1802-1868. A 
Scottish printer who came to America 
in 1846, and established himself in the 
printing business in Cambridge. A 
Treatise on English Punctuation is hie 
best-known work, but he wrote others 
on Scripture Proofs of Uuitarianism ; 
The Concessions of Trinitarians ; Uni- 
tarian Principles Confirmed. A. U. A. 

Wilson, John Grover. Del., 1810- 
18S5. • A Philadelphia clergyman, ori- 
ginally of the Methodist Protestant de- 
nomination, but after 1855 the church 
of which he was pastor was known as the 
Ebenezer Independent Church. Among 
his various works are. Discourses on 
Prophecy; Writings in Prose and 
Verse ; The Sabbath and Its Law ; 
Atheism and Theism. 

Wilson, John Laird. S., 1832 . 

A journalist of New York city, but 
prior to 1866 a United Presbyterian 
minister in Scotland. The Battles of 
the Civil War ; Life of John Wycliffe. 

Wilson, John Leighton. 1809-1880. 
A Presbyterian missionary to Africa. 
Western Africa : its History, Condi- 
tion, and Prospects (1857). See Life 
by Du Base, 1895. Har. 

Wilson, Peter. S., 1746-1825. An 
educator of New York city, classical 
professor at Columbia College, 1789- 
1792 and 1797-1820. Rules of Latin 
Prosody ; Introduction to Greek Pro- 
sody ; Compendium of Greek Prosody. 

Wilson, Robert Anderson. N. Y., 

1812 — ■ . A lawyer of California. 

Mexico and its Religion, reissued as 
Mexico, California, and Central Ame- 
rica ; New History of the Conquest of 

Wilson, Robert Burns. Pa., 1850- 

. An artist and verse-writer of 

Louisville. Life and Love, a volume 
of verse. 

Wilson, Samuel Farmer. C<.,1805- 
1870. A New Orleans journalist. His- 
tory of the American Revolution, long 
a popular work. 

■Wilson, Samuel Graham. 18 

. A Presbyterian missionary in 

Persia. Persian Life and Customs. 
Wilson, Theodore Delevan. X. /., 
1840-1896. A naval architect of note 
in the government service. Ship Build- 
ing, Theoretical and Practical. 

Wilson, Thomas. Fa., c. 1768-c. 1828. 
A Philadelphia printer. Principal 
American Military and Naval Heroes 
(1821) ; The Picture of Philadelphia 
for 1824. 

"Wilson, [Thomas] WoodrOTv. Va., 
1856 . A professor of juris- 
prudence at Princeton College. Con- 
gressional Government : A Study in 
American Politics i The State Ele- 
ments of Historical and Practical Poli- 
tics ; An Old Master, and Other Poli- 
tical Essays ; Division and Reunion, 
1829-1889 ; George Washington ; Mere 
Literature, and Other Essays. Har. 
He. Hou. Lgs. Scr. 

Wilson, William. S., 1801-1860. A 
Scottish verse -writer and journalist 
who became a bookseller in Pough- 
keepsie. New York, in 1854. Poems, 
edited by B. J. Lossing (1870). 

Wilson, William Dexter. N. H, 

1816 . An Episcopal clergyman 

of Syracuse, professor of philosophy at 
CorneU University, 1868-86. History 
of the Reformation in England; The 
Church Identified ; Psychology ; The 
Foundations of Religious Belief ; Ele- 
mentary Treatise on Logic ; Live Ques- 
tions in Psychology and Metaphysics ; 
Introduction to the Study of the His- 
tory of Philosophy. Ap. 

Wilstach, John Augustine. D. C, 

1824 . A lawyer of Lafayette, 

Indiana, who has published a transla- 
tion into English verse, with variorum 
notes, of the complete works of Virgil ; 
also a translation of Dante's Divina 
Commedia into English verse. Hou. 

Wilstach, Joseph Walter. Ind., 
1857 . Son of J. A. Wilstach, su- 
pra. A lawyer of Lafayette, Indiana. 
Horatian Odes ; Montalembert : a Char- 
acter Study. 

Wiman, Brastus. Ont, 1834 . 

Formerly a prominent capitalist of New 
York city. Chances of Success. 




Winans, Ross. N. J., 1796-1877. An 
eminent inyentor. One Religion : Many 

■Winchell, Alexander. N. Y., 1824- 
1891. A professor of geology at the 
University of Michigan, 1854-73 and 
1879-91. Sketches of Creation; Pre- 
Adamites ; Doctrine of Evolution ; 
"World Life ; Science and Religion ; 
The Geology of the Stars; Thoughts 
on Causality ; Sparks from a Geolo- 
gist's Hammer ; Geological Excursions ; 
Geological Studies; Walks and Talks 
in the Geological Field. Har. Sc. 

Wincliell, Newton Horace. N. Y., 

1839 . Brother of A. Winchell, 

supra. State geologist of Minnesota. 
Geology of Minnesota ; , Annual Re- 
ports on the Geological Natural His- 
tory Survey of Minnesota from 1872. 

Winchester, Carroll. See Curtis, 

Winchester, Elhanan. Ms., 1751- 
1797. A Universalist clergyman of 
Philadelphia, but in earlier life a Bap- 
tist minister. New Book of Poems on 
Several Occasions ; Universal Restora- 
tion ; Prophecies to be Fulfilled ; Pro- 
gress and Empire of Christ, a Poem. 
See Life of, by E. M. Stone, 1S36. 

Winchester, Samuel Gover. Md., 
1805-1841. A Presbyterian clergyman 
of Philadelphia, and subsequently of 
Natchez. Companion for the Sick ; 
Family Religion ; The Theatre. 

Winebrenner, John. Md., 1797-1860. 
A German Reformed clergyman of 
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, founder in 
1830 of the Church of God, a sect 
commonly known as Winebrennerians. 
Regeneration ; Practical and Doctrinal 
Sermons ; Brief Views of the Church 
of God. 

Wines, Enoch Cobb. N. J., 1806- 
1879. A Congregational clergyman, 
widely known as a philanthropist, who 
laboured extensively in behalf of pri- 
son reform. Two and a Half Years in 
the Navy ; A Trip to China ; Hints 
on Popular Education ; How Shall I 
Govern My School ; Commentaries on 
Laws of the Ancient Hebrews ; Adam 
and Christ ; Prisons and Reformatories 
of the United States and Canada ; State 
of Prisons and Child-Saving Institu- 
tions Throughout the World. 

Wines, Frederic Howard. Pa., 

1838 . Son of E. C. Wines, supra. 

Formerly a Presbyterian clergyman, but 
now devoted in ojB&cial and private ca- 
pacities to various reforms connected 
with the defective, dependent, and cri- 
minal classes. Punishment and Refor- 
mation, an Historical Sketch of the 
Rise of the Penitentiary System ; The 
Liquor Problem in its Legislative As- 
pects (with John Koren). Cr. Sou. 

Wing, Conway Phelps. O., 1809- 
1889. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, long active as 
an abolitionist. Among his writings 
are. History of Cumberland County, 
Pennsylvania ; History of the Presby- 
teries pf York and Carlisle. 

Wingate, Charles Edward Lewis, 

N. H., 1861 . A Boston journal- 
ist. Shakespeare's Heroines on the 
Stage. Cr. 
Wingate, Charles Frederick. N. 

Y., 1847^ . A sanitary engineer of 

New York city. Views and Interviews 
on Journalism ; Phimbing and House 
Drainage ; Twilight Tracts. 

Wingate, George Wood. N. Y., 

1840 . Brother of C. F. Wingate, 

supra. A lawyer and soldier. ■ Last 
Campaign of the Twenty-Second Regi- 
ment ; Manual of Rifle Practice ; On 
Horseback Through the Yellowstone. 

Winser, Henry Jacob. Ba., 1833- 
1896. A journalist of New York city, 
and subsequently of Newark, New Jer- 
sey, United States consul at Sonneburg, 
Germany, 1869-81. The Great North- 
west ; The Yellowstone National Park; 
The Seat of a Thousand Industries, a 
description of Newark. 

Winship, Albert Edward. Ms., 

1845 . An educator of Boston, 

editor of The Journal of Education. 
Methods and Principles in Bible Study ; 
Life of Horace Mann, supra. 

Winslow, Mrs. Catherine Mary 

[Reignolds]. E., 183 . Best 

known as Mrs. Erving Winslow. A 
once popular actress of Boston, and 
since her retirement from the stage 
well known as a public reader. Yes- 
terdays with Actors ; Readings (with 
notes) from the Old English Drama- 
tLsts. Le. 




Winslow, Charles Frederick. Ms., 
1811-1877. A physician. Cosmography ; 
The Cooling Globe ; Force and Nature. 

"Winslow, Edward. £., 1595-1655. 
A notable member of the Plymouth 
colony who succeeded Bradford as 
governor of that colony in 1633. Good 
Newes from New England ; Hypocrisy 
Unmasked ; New England's Salaman- 
der ; The Glorious Progress of the Gos- 
pel Among the Indians of New Eng- 
land. See Tyler^s American Literature ; 
Bibliography of Rhode Island. 

Winslow^, Mrs. Erving. See Winslow, 
Mrs. Catharine. 

Winslow, Helen Maria. Vt., 1851- 
-. A Boston journalist. The Shaw- 
sheen MUls ; A Bohemian Chapter. 

■Winslow, Hubbard. Ft, 1799-1864. 
A Presbyterian clergyman who held 
charges in Boston and other localities, 
and among whose writings are. Hidden 
Life ; Moral Philosophy ; Doctrine of 
the Trinity ; Controversial Theology ; 
Christian Doctrines ; Young Man's Aid 
to Knowledge, a very popular work ; 
Intellectual Philosophy. 

"Winslow, Miron. Vt., 1789-1864. 
Brother of H. Winslow, supra. A Pres- 
byterian missionary in Ceylon and Ma- 
dras. Hints on Missions to India ; 
Sketch of the Missions ; Comprehen- 
sive Tamil and English Dictionary. 

"Winslow, Stephen Noyes. Vt., 

1826 . A Philadelphia journalist. 

Biographies of Successful Philadelphia 

"Winslow, "William Copley. Ms., 

1840 . Son of H. Winslow, supra. 

An Episcopal clergyman of Boston 
widely known as an Egyptologist. Is- 
rael in Egypt ; The Store City of 
Pithom ; A Greek City in Egypt ; The 
Pilgrim Fathers in Holland. 

"Winsor, Justin. Ms., 1831 . The 

librarian of Harvard University. He 
has edited The Memorial History of 
Boston ; Narrative and Critical His- 
tory of America. His original works 
include. Reader's Handbook of the 
American Revolution ; Cartier to Fron- 
tenac : Geographical Discovery in the 
Interior of North America in its His- 
torical Relations, 15.34-1700; Christo- 
pher Columbus ; The Mississippi Basin : 
the Struggle in America between Eng- 

land and France, 1697-1763 ; Was 
Shakespeare Shapleigh ? ; History of 
Duxbury. See Bibliography of Maine. 

"Winter, "William. Ms., 1836 . 

A prominent litterateur and dramatic 
critic of New York city. Poems ; The 
Trip to England ; The JefEersons ; Eng- 
lish Rambles ; Shakespeare's England ; 
Gray Days and Gold ; Old Shrines and 
Ivy ; Shadows of the Stage ; My Wit- 
ness, a Book of Verse ; The "W^anderers, 
a collection of poems ; Thistle Down, a 
Book of Lyrics ; The Queen's Domain, 
and Other Poems ; The Convert, and 
Other Poems ; Brown Heath and Blue 
Bells ; George WUliara Curtis : a Eu- 
logy. See Foley's American Authors. 
Hou. Kt. Mac. 

"Winthrop, John. E., 1588-1649. The 
first governor of Massachusetts. Arbi 
trary Government Described ; History 
of New England from 1630 to 1649. 
See Tyler's American Literature; Let- 
ters of, to Margaret Winthrop ; Lives by 
E. a Winthrop, infra, 1867, J. H. 
Twitchell, supra, 1891 ; Atlantic Month- 
ly, January, 1864. 

"Winthrop, John. Ms., 1714-1779. 
Great-grandson of J. Winthrop, supra. 
A professor of mathematics and natu- 
ral philosophy at Harvard University, 
1738-79, and the foremost teacher of 
science in America in his century. 
Lectures on Earthquakes ; Account of 
Some Fiery Meteors ; Lectures on the 

"Winthrop, Laura. Sister of T. Win- 
throp, infra. See Johnson, Mrs. L. 

"Winthrop, Robert Charles. Ms., 
1809-1894. Descendant of Governor 
Winthrop, supra. A Massachusetts 
statesman, a lifelong resident of Bos- 
ton, noted for the polish and refinement 
of his oratory. Addresses and Speeches ; 
a Life of Governor John Winthrop ; 
Memoirs of Henry Clay, Washington, 
Bowdoin, and Franklin. See Smalley's 
Studies of Men. Lit. 

"Winthrop, Theodore. Ct., 1828- 
1861. Descendant of Governor Winthrop, 
supra. A brilliant young novelist who 
entered the Federal army at the out- 
break of the Civil War and was killed 
at the battle of Big Bethel. John 
Brent ; Cecil Dreeme ; Edwin Brother- 
toft ; 'The Canoe and the Saddle ; Love 




and Skates ; Life in the Open Air. See 
Atlantic Monthly, August, 1861, and Au- 
gust, 186S ; Life and Poems of, edited by 
his sister ; Nichol's American Literature. 
Ho. Int. 

Winthrop, William Woolsey. Ct., 

1831 . Brother of T. Winthrop, su- 

pra. A United States array officer, pro- 
fessor of law at West Point. Treatise 
on Military Law ; Digest of Opinions 
of the Judge-Advoeates-General of the 
Army. Lit. Wil. 

■Wirt, Mrs. Elizabeth 'Washington 
[Gamble]. Va., 1784-1857. Wife of 
W. Wirt, infra. Flora's Dictionary. 

"Wirt, "William. Md., 1772-1834. A 
famous Virginia statesman and orator, 
attorney-general of the United States, 
1817-28. Lite of Patrick Henry ; Let- 
ters of the British Spy. See Memoir 
by J. P. Kennedy, supra. Co. Har. 

"Wise, Daniel. " Francis Forrester." 

E., 1813 . A Methodist clergyman 

and religious editor of Boston. Per- 
sonal Effort ; Heroic Methodists ; Boy 
Travellers in Arabia ; Some Remarka- 
ble Women ; My Uncle Toby's Library ; 
Uncrowned Kings; Summer Days on 
the Hudson ; Men of Renown, are 
among his numerous works. Meth. 

"Wise, Henry Alexander. Va., 1806- 
1876. A Virginia politician, minister 
to Brazil, 1844-47, governor of Virginia, 
18.56—60, in whose administration oc- 
curred the celebrated John Brown raid. 
Seven Decades of the Union ; Memoir of 
John Tyler. 

Wise, Henry Augustus. N. Y., 
1819-1869. Cousin of H. A. Wise, su- 
pra. A United States naval officer. 
Story of the Gray African Parrot ; 
Captain Brand ; Los Gringos ; Tales for 
the Marines; Scampavias, from Gibel 
Tarak to Stamboul. 

"Wise, Isaac Mayer. Bo., 1819 . 

A Jewish rabbi of Cincinnati from 1854, 
president of Hebrew Union CoUege. 
History of the Israelitish Kation ; Es- 
sence of Judaism ; Judaism : its Doc- 
trines and Duties ; The Martyrdom of 
Jesus of Nazareth ; The Cosmic God ; 
History of the Hebrew Second Com- 
monwealth ; Pronaos to Holy Writ. Clke. 

Wise, John. Ms., 1652-1725. A Con- 
gregational clergyman of Ipswich from 
1780 untU his death. A strong, vigour- 

ous writer, almost the first of the Ame- 
rican colonists to declare his belief in a 
government founded on human equali- 
ty. Tiie Church's Quarrel Espoused ; 
Vindication of the Government of New 
England Churches. See Tyler's Ameri- 
can Literature. C. P. S. 

Wise, John. Pa., 1808-1879. A once 
noted aeronaut. System of Aeronau- 
tics ; Through the Air, or Forty Years' 
Experience as an Aeronaut. 

W"ise, John Sergeant. B., 1846. A 
lawyer of New York city. Diomed : 
The Life, Travels, and Observations of 
a Dog. Lam. 

"Wisner, "William. N. Y., 1782-1871. 
A Presbyterian clergyman of Roches- 
ter, New York. Incidents in the Life 
of a Pastor ; Civil Liberty. 

"Wisner, W"illiam Carpenter. N.Y., 
1808-1880. Son of W. Wisner, supra. 
A Presbyterian clergyman at Lock- 
port, New York, 1837-76. Prelacy 
and Parity. 

"Wisser, John Philip. Mo., 1852 . 

An instructor at West Point from 1878. 
Chemical Manipulations ; Modern Gun 
Cotton ; Practical Instruction in Minor 
Tactics and Strategy ; Report on Mili- 
tary Schools of Europe. Ap. 

"Wistar, Caspar. Pa., 1761-1818. A 
Philadelphia physician, professor of 
anatomy in the University of Pennsyl- 
vania, 1792-1818. System of Anatomy 
for Use of Students in Medicine. 

"Wister, Mrs. Annis Lee [Furness]. 

Pa., 1830 . Daughter of W. H. 

Furness, supra. A noted and popular 
translator of many German novels. 
With F. H. Hedge, supra, Metrical 
Translations and Poems. Hou. Lip. 

"Wister, Owen. Pa., 1860 . Son 

of Mrs. S. B. Wister, infra. A lawyer 
and litterateur of Philadelphia. The 
New Swiss Family Robinson ; The Dra- 
gon of Wantley, a romance ; Red Men 
and White, a collection of frontier 
stories. Har. Lip. 

"Wister, Mrs. Owen. See Wister, 
Mrs. Sarah. 

"Wister, Mrs. Sarah [Butler]. Pa., 

1835 . Daughter of Frances Keni- 

ble. A Philadelphia writer who has 
published, A Boat of Glass, a poem ; 
translations from Alfred de Musset. 




"Withers, Frederic Clarke. £.,1826- 

. All architect of New York city, 

the designer of the reredos in Trinity 
Church in that city. Church Archi- 
Witherspoon, John. S., 1722-1794. 
A Presbyterian clergyman, president of 
Princeton College, 176S-94, eminent in 
his day as a leader of opinion, both po- 
litical and religious, and one of the 
signers of the Declaration of Indepen- 
dence. Ecclesiastical Characteristics ; 
Thoughts on American Liberty; Ser- 
mons on Practical Subjects ; Leading 
Truths of the Gospel ; Letters on Mar- 
riage ; Sermons on Various Subjects. 
See Spragtie's Annals of the American 
Pulpit; American Historical Eeview, 
July, 1896. 
Witherspoon, Theodore Dwight. 
AL, 1836 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman in Louisville from 1882. Chil- 
dren of the Covenant ; Letters on Ro- 
Withington, Leonard. Ms., 1789- 
1885. A Congregational clergyman, 
pastor at Newbury, Massachusetts, 
1816-1885. The Puritan, a series of 
Essays ; Penitential Tears ; Solomon's 
Song Translated and Explained. 
Wolcott, Roger. Ct., 1679-1767. A 
colonial governor of Connecticut, 1750- 
1754. Poetical Meditations. See Eve- 
rest's Poets of Connecticut. 
Wolf, Edmund Jacob. Pa., 1840- 

. A Lutheran clergyman, professor 

in the Theological Seminary at Gettj's- 
burg from 1874. History of the Lu- 
therans in America. 
Wolf, Theodore Frelinghuysen. 
N. J., 1843 . A physician and lit- 
terateur of Ledgewood, New Jersey. A 
Literary Pilgrimage Among the Haunts 
of Famous British Authors ; Literary 
Shrines : the Haunts of Some Famous 
American Authors, — two widely popu- 
lar books. Among his professional 
works are volumes on Tetanus ; Anses- 
thesia, and other medical subjects. Lip. 
Wolle, Francis. Pa., 1817-1893. A 
Moravian clergyman and educator of 
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, eminent as a 
botanist. Desmids of the United States ; 
Fresh-Water Algse ; Diatomaeese of 
North America. Wn. 
WoUen'weber, Louis August. (?., 
1807-1888. A German printer who 

came to America, and, after editing 
several Grerman papers iii PhQadel- 
phia, removed to Reading, Pennsylva- 
nia. Sketches of Domestic Life in Penn- 
sylvania ; Treu bis in den Tod ; Zwei 
treue Kameraden. 
Wood, Alphonso. iV.K, jsiO-lSSl. 
An educator of Brooklyn whose text- 
books were very popular. Class-Book 
of Botany ; First Lessons in Botany ; 
Leaves and Flowers ; The American 

Wood, Benjamin. Ky., 1S20 . 

A journalist of New York city, mem- 
ber of Congress, 1861-65. Fort La- 
fayette, or Love and Secession. 

Wood, Charles. N. Y., 1851 . 

A Presbyterian clergyman of German- 
town, Philadelphia. Saunterings in 
Wood, De Volson. N. Y., 1832- 
1897. A professor of mathematics and 
engineering at the Stevens Institute, 
Hoboken, New Jersey, from 1872. 
Treatise on Resistance of Materials; 
Construction of Bridges and Roofs ; 
Elements of Analytical Mechanics ; 
Elements of Coordinate Geometry ; The 
Mechanics of Fluids ; Trigonometry ; 
Thermodynamics ; Theory of Turbines. 
Wood, George. Ms., 1799-1870. A 
treasury clerk at Washington. Peter 
Sehmeil in America ; The Modern Pil- 
grim ; Marrying Too Late ; Future 
Life (1858), reissued in 1869 as The 
Gates Wide Open. Le. 
Wood, George Bacon. N. J., 1797- 
1879. A Philadelphia physician, medi- 
cal professor in the University of Penn- 
sylvania, 1835-60. The Dispensatory 
of the United States (with F. Bache, 
supra). The Practice of Medicine; 
Therapeutics and Pharmacology ; In- 
troductory Lectures and Addresses on 
Medical Subjects ; History of the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania ; Lives of S. G. 
Morton, F. Bache. See Gross's Sketches 
of Contemporaries. Lip. 

Wood, Henry. Vt., 18.34 . A 

philosophical essayist and novelist of 
Boston. Natural Law in the Business 
World ; Political Economy of Natural 
Law ; God's Imag'e in Man ; Ideal Sug- 
gestions Through Mental Photography ; 
Edward Burton, a novel ; Studies in 
the Thought Worid. Le. 




Wood, Horace Gay. Vt., 1831-1893. 
A New Hampshire lawyer, who prac- 
tised in New York city in his latest 
years. The Relation of Landlord and 
Tenant ; Treatise on the Law of Nui- 
sances ; Master and Servant ; The Law 
of Fire Insurance ; Limitation of Ac- 
tions at Law and in Equity ; On the 
Statute of Frauds ; The Law of Rail- 
roads ; Leg-al Remedies of Mandamus 
and Prohibition. 

Wood, Horatio Curtis. Pa., 1S41- 

. Nephew of G. B. Wood, supra, 

a medical professor in the University 
of Pennsylvania from 1866. 'Hie Pha- 
langidse of the United States ; Re- 
searches upon American Hemp ; Brain 
Work and Overwork ; On Fever ; Ner- 
vous Diseases and their Diag-uosis ; 
Thermic Fever, or Sunstroke ; Thera- 
peutics. Lip. 

Wood, James. N. Y., 1799-1867. A 
Preshyterian clerg-yman and educator 
in Indiana. Old and New Theology ; 
Treatise on Baptism ; Call to the Sa- 
cred Office ; The Best Lesson and the 
Best Time ; The Gospel Fountain ; 
Grace and Glory. 

Wood, Mrs. Jean [Moncure]. Va., 
1754-1823. The wife of James Wood, 
who was governor of A^irginia, 1706-99. 
She was socially prominent in her day. 
Flowers and Weeds of the Old Do- 
minion, a hook of verse. 

Wood, John. S., c. 17.55-1822. A 
Scottish writer who came to America 
in 1800 and settled in Richmond, Vir- 
ginia. Among his writings are General 
View of the History of Switzerland ; 
History of the Administration of John 

Wood, John Seymour. JV.r., 185.3- 

A lawyer and litt&ateur of New 

York city, editor of The Bachelor of 
Arts. Gramercy Park, a story of New 
York ; College Days, or Harry's Career 
at Yale ; Yale Yarns ; A Coign of Van- 
tage ; An Old Beau, and Other Sto- 
ries ; A Daughter of Venice. An. Cas. 
Do. Put. 

Wood, Mrs. Julia Amanda [Sar- 

fyian+-"l A7 TT ^ OOP A T* 

Wood, Mrs. Sarah SayvraiA [Bar- 
rel!] [Keating]. Ms., 17S9-1855. A 
novelist whose sentimental fictions in- 
clude, Duval ; Ferdinand and Almira ; 
Amelia, or the Influence of Virtue ; 
Tales of the Night; The lUuminated 

Wood, William. E., 1580-1639. A 
Puritan colonist who came to New Eng- 
land in 1629. He founded the town of 
Sandwich, Massachusetts. New Eng- 
land's Prospect, a descriptive work 
partly in verse. See Tyler's American 

Wood, William Masrwell. Md., 
1809-1880. A United States naval sur- 
geon. Wandering Sketches ; A Shoul- 
der to the Wheel of Progress ; Hints to 
the People on the Profession of Medi- 
cine ; Fankwei, or the San Jacinto in 
the Seas of India, China, and Japan. 

Woodberry,G-eorge EdTward. Ms., 

1855 . A prominent literary critic 

of New York city, professor of litera- 
ture in Cohimbia University, editor, 
with E. C. Stedman, of the complete 
works of Poe. He has also edited a 
complete edition of Shelley, with Me- 
moir and Notes. A History of Wood 
Engraving; The North Shore Watch, 
and Other Poems ; Life of Edgar Allan 
Poe ; Life of James Russell Lowell ; 
Studies in Letters and Life. Har. Uou. 

Woodbridge, Samuel Merrill. Ms., 
1819 . Kinsman of W. C. Wood- 
bridge, infra. A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman, professor at Rutgers Theologi- 
cal Seminary, New Brunswick, New 
Jersey, from 1857. Analysis of The- 
ology ; Faith : its True Position in the 
Life of Man. 

Woodbridge, William Chan- 
ning. JWs., 1794^1845. An educator of 
Hartford. Universal Geography (with 
E. WUlard, supra). Modern School 
Geography ; Letters from Hof wyl. 

Woodbury, Augustus. Ms., 1825- 
1895. A Unitarian clergyman of Pro- 
vidence from 1851. Plain Words to 
Young Men ; The Second Rhode Island 
Regiment ; Historical Sketch of Rhode 


WoodhuU, Alfred Alexander. N. 
J., 1837 . A United States army- 
surgeon. Notes on Military Hygiene ; 
Studies in tlie non-emetic use of Ipe- 
cacuanha. Lip. Wil. 

Woodruff, Hiram. N.J., 1817-1887. 
A noted horse-trainer who wrote The 
Trotting Horse of America. Co. 

Woodruff, Mrs. Julia Louisa Ma- 
tilda [Curtiss]. "W. M.L.Jay." 
Ci., 1882 . An author and com- 
piler of New York city. My Winter 
in Cuba ; Shiloh ; Holden With the 
Cords ; Bellevue ; Daisy Seekers, and 
various compilations. Dut. 

Woods, Mrs. Kate [Tannatt]. N. 

Y., 1838 . A writer of Salem, 

Massachusetts. Six Little Rebels ; Dr. 
Dick ; Out and About ; The Wooing of 
Grandmother Grey ; Grandfather Grey ; 
Children's Stories ; Toots and His 
Friends ; The Duncans on Land and 
Sea. Cas. Le. Lo. 

Woods, Katherine Pearson. W. 
Va. , 18-53 . The Crowning of Can- 
dace ; John : a Tale of King Messiah ; 
From Dusk to Da\vn ; A Web of Gold ; 
Metzerott, Shoemaker, a protest against 
social injustice ; Mine and Thine. Ap. 
Cr. Do. 

Woods, Leonard. Ms., 1774-1854. 
A Congregational clergyman of Massa- 
chusetts, professor at Andover Semi- 
nary, 180^-54. Letters to Unitarians ; 
Inspiration of the Scriptures ; Me- 
moirs of American Missionaries; Church 
Government ; Lectures on Swedenbor- 
gianism ; Examination of the Doctrine 
of Perfection. See Park's Life and 
Character of. 

Woods, Virna. O., 1864 . An 

educator of Sacramento, California. A 
Modem Magdalene, a novel ; The Ama- 
zons, a lyrical drama. JFl. Le. 

Woodward, Ashbel. Ct., 1804- 
1885. A physician of Franklin, Con- 
necticut. Vindication of General Israel 
Putnam ; Vindication of Army Sur- 
geons ; Life of General Nathaniel Lyon ; 
Medical Ethics, include his principal 

Woodward, Annie Aubertine. Sis- 
terof J.J.Woodward, tn/ra. SeeMoore, 
Mrs. A. 

Woodward, Calvin Milton. Ms., 
1837 . 'A St. Louis educator, pro- 


fessor in Washington University from 
1868. History of the St. Louis Bridge ; 
The Manual Training School ; its Aims, 
Methods, and Results. 

Woodward, Joseph Janvier. Pa., 

1833-1884. A United States army sur- 
geon. Outlines of the Chief Camp Dis- 
eases of the United States Armies, as 
observed during the present war (1864) ; 
Medical and Surgical History of the 
Rebellion (with G. Otis). Lip. 
Woodward, Francis Channing. 
a., 1812-1859. Nephew of S. Wood- 
worth, infra. A once popular writer 
of juvenile tales, among which are. Un- 
cle Frank's Home Stories ; Stories for 
Little Folks. 

Woodward, Robert Simpson. 

McL, 1849 . A mathematician, 

professor of mechanics at Columbia 
University from 1893. Latitudes and 
Longitudes of Certain Points in Mis- 
souri, Kansas, and New Mexico, and 
many scientific papers of value. 

Woodworth, Samuel. Ms., 1785- 
1842. A journalist and verse-writer of 
New York city who wrote, The Cham- 
pions of Freedom, an historical ro- 
mance ; Melodies, Duets, Trios, Songs, 
and Ballads, but who will be longest 
remembered as the author of the 
famous lyric. The Old Oaken Bucket. 
See Foley's American Authors. 

Woolf, Benjamin Edward. E., 

1836 . A popular playwright, 

among whose plays are, 'The Mighty 
Dollar ; The Professor ; The Doctor of 

■WooUey, Mrs. Celia [Parker]. 0., 

1848 . A novelist, formerly of 

Chicago, now (1897) in the Unitarian 
ministry at Geneva, Illinois. Roger 
Hunt ; A Girl Graduate ; Rachel Arm- 
strong, or Love and Theology, ^ou. 

Woolman, John. N. J., 1720-1772. 
A Quaker itinerant preacher of New 
Jersey, in whose writings occurs the 
earliest protest in America against the 
slave trade. His ethical teachings have 
won the highest praise from many quar- 
ters. Essays and Epistles ; Serious Con- 
siderations ; On the Keeping of Negroes. 
His famous Journal, by which he is 
most widely known, has been edited by 
the poet Whittier. Hou. 




Woolsey, Abby Howland. 18 

LS!>3. A New York philanthropist. 
A Century of Nursing ; Lunacy Legis- 
lation in England; Handbook for 
Hospital Visitors ; Hospital Laundries. 

Woolsey, Sarah Channing. "Su- 
san Coolidge." 0., 183 . Niece 

of T. D. Woolsey, infra. A poet and 
popular writer for young people. A 
resident of Newport, Rhode Island. Old 
Convent School in Paris ; The New 
Year's Bargain; What Katy Did; A 
Guernsey Lily ; For Sununer After- 
noons ; In the High Valley ; A Short 
History of Philadelphia ; The Barberry 
Bush, and Other Stories About Girls ; 
Verses ; A Few More Verses, include 
the more important of her writings. 

Woolsey, Theodore D-wight. N. 
Y., 1801-1889. A Congregational cler- 
gyman, president of Yale University, 
1846-71, long eminent as a scholar and 
thinker. Political Science ; Communism 
and Socialism ; Introduction to the 
Study of International Law ; Essay on 
Divorce and Divorce Legislation ; Help- 
ful Thoughts for Young Men ; The Re- 
ligion of the Present and the Future ; 
Eros, and Other Poems. Lo, Scr. 

Woolson, Mrs. Abba Louisa 
[Goold]. Me., 1838— — . A Boston 
lecturer on English literature. Woman 
in American Society ; Dress Reform ; 
Browsings Among Books ; George 
Eliot and Her Heroines. Har. Rob. 

Woolson, Constance Fenimore. 
N. H., 1838-1894. A novelist whose 
■work was much above the average level 
of fiction, Horace Chase being her best 
novel. Her other works include. Cas- 
tle Nowhere ; Lake Country Sketches ; 
Two Women, a poem ; Rodman the 
Keeper : Southern Sketches ; Anne ; 
For the Major ; East Angels ; Jupiter 
Lights; The Front Yard, and Other 
Italian Stories ; Dorothy, and Other 
Italian Stories ; Mentone, Cairo, and 
Corfu; The Old Stone House. See 
Appletons' Annual Gyclopcedia, 1894. 
Ap. Har. 

Worcester, Alfred. Ms.. 1855 . 

Worcester, Joseph Emerson. N. 

H., 1784-1865. A distinguished lexi- 
cographer and philologist of Cambridge. 
Geographical Dictionary ; Gazetteer of 
the United States ; Sketches of the 
Earth and Its Inhabitants ; Elements 
of History ; Outlines of Scriptural Ge- 
ography ; Comprehensive Primary Dic- 
tionary. His greatest work is his 
well-known quarto Dictionary of the 
English Language, first published in 
1860. Lip. 

Worcester, Noah. iV. S, 1758-1837. 
A Unitarian clergyman, pastor at Brigh- 
ton, Massachusetts, 1813-37, who was 
prominent in the Unitarian controversy. 
He edited The Friend of Peace. A 
Respectful Address to the Trinita- 
rian Clergy ; The Atoning Sacrifice a 
Display of Love, not Wrath; Last 
Thoughts on Important Subjects ; 
Causes and Evils of Contentions 
Among Christians. See Sprague's An- 
nals of the American Pulpit. 

Worcester, Noah. N. H., 1812-1847. 
A physician who was professor of pa- 
thology in Western Reserve College, 
Hudson, Ohio. Symptoms, Diagnosis, 
and Treatment of Skin Diseases. 

Worcester, Samuel. N. S., 1770- 
1821. Brother of N. Worcester, 1st, 
supra. A Congregational clergyman, 
pastor at Salem, Massachusetts, from 
1803. Letters to Dr. Channing on the 
Unitarian Controversy ; Discourses on 
the Covenant with Abraham. See Life 
of by S. M. Worcester, infra. 

Worcester, Samuel Melanchthon. 
Ms., 1801-1866. Son of S. Worcester, 
supra. A Congregational clergyman, 
professor of rhetoric at Amherst Col- 
lege, 1825-34 ; pastor at Salem, Massa- 
chusetts, 1834^60. Essays on Slavery; 
Life of Samuel Worcester, supra. 

Worcester, Thomas. N. H., 1768- 
1831. Brother of N. Worcester, 1st. 
A Unitarian clergyman. Call for Scrip- 
ture Evidence that Christ is God ; The 
True God but One Person ; New Chain 
of Plain Argument. 

Work, Henry Clay. Ct., 1832-1884. 
A popular song-writer of Chicago. 




Bullock, supra, and wife of W. H. 
Workman, infra. A litt(5rateur who 
has lived mnch ahroad. With her hus- 
band she has written, Algerian Me- 
mories : a Bicycle Tour over the Atlas 
to the Saliara ; Sketches Awheel in 
Modern Iberia. Kan. 

Workman, Williain Hunter. Ms., 
1S47 . A physician who is co- 
author with Mrs. Workman, supra, of 
Algerian Memories, and Sketches 
Awheel. Ran. 

Wormau, James Henry. P., 183 — 
. An educator who has filled pro- 
fessorships in various colleges North 
and South. Complete Grammar of the 
German Language ; Elementary Ger- 
man Grammar ; L'Echo de Paris. 

Wormeley, Katharine Prescott. 
M., 1832 . A translator of promi- 
nence who has translated the novels of 
Balzac and the plays of Moli^re, and is 
the author of The Other Side of War ; 
Life of Balzac ; The United States 
Sanitary Commission ; Hospital Trans- 
ports. Sob. 

Wormly, Theodore George. Pa., 

1826 . A Philadelphia physician, 

professor of chemistry in the University 
of Pennsylvania from 1877. Methods 
of Analysis of Coals, etc. ; The Micro- 
Chemistry of Poisons. Lip. 

Worthen, William Ezra. Ms., 1819- 
1897. A civil engineer of prominence. 
Cyclopaedia of Drawing ; First Lessons 
in Mechanics ; Rudimentary Drawing 
for Schools. 

Wright, Carroll Davidson. N. H., 

1840 . A statistician of distinction. 

United States Commissioner of Labor 
from 1885, and professor of political 
science in the Catholic University at 
Washington from 1895. Census of Mas- 
sachusetts, 1875 ; The Factory System 
of the United States ; The Relation of 
Political Economy to the Lator Ques- 
tion ; Annual Reports of Massachusetts 
Bureau of Statistics, 1873-88 ; Convict 
Labor ; Strikes and Lockouts ; Working 
Women in Large Cities ; Railroad La- 
bor ; Marriage and Divorce ; Cost of 
Production of Iron, Steel, etc. ; Cost of 
Production of Textiles and Glass ; In- 
dustrial Evolution of the United States. 

Wright, Chauncey. Ms., 1830-1875. 
An instructor in mathematical physics 

at Harvard University. Philosophical 
Discussions ; Darwinism. See Biogra- 
phical Sketch, by C. E. Norton, supra ; 
Memoir, by J. B. Thayer. 

Wright, Elizur. Ct., 1804-1885. A 
journalist of Boston long prominent as 
a reformer. A Curiosity of Law ; The 
Politics and Mysteries of Life Insur- 
ance ; Savings Bank Life Insurance ; 
Myron HoUey and What He Did for 
Liberty and True Religion ; a transla- 
tion of La Fontaine's Fables. 

Wright, Fanny. See D'Arusmont. 

Wright, George Frederick. N. Y., 
1838 . A Congregational clergy- 
man and geologist, since 1884 attached 
to the United States Geological Survey 
in the Department of Glacial Geology. 
The Glacial Boundary in Ohio ; Studies 
in Science and Religion ; Logic of 
Christian Evidences ; The Relation of 
Death to Probation ; Divine Authority 
of the Bible ; The Ice Age in North 
America ; Man and the Glacial Period ; 
Life of Charles Grandisou Finney, su- 
pra. Ap. Hou. 

Wright, Hendrick Bradley. Pa., 
1808-1881. A lawyer of Wilkes-Barre, 
Pennsylvania, Member of Congress, 
1853-55, 1861-63, and 1877-80. A 
Practical Treatise on Labor ; Historical 
Sketches of the Wyoming Valley. 

Wright, Henrietta Christian. 18 — 
. The Golden Fairy Series ; Chil- 
dren's Stories of American Progress ; 
Stories of the Great Inventors ; Stories 
in American Literature ; Stories in 
English Literature ; Stories of Ameri- 
can History ; The Princess Liliwinkins. 
' Har. Scr. 

Wright, Henry Clarke. Ci., 1797- 
1870. An anti-slavery reformer and 
lecturer of prominence in his day. Man- 
Killing by Individuals and Nations a 
Wrong ; A Kiss for a Blow ; Defensive 
War a Denial of Christianity ; Human 
Life Illustrated ; Marriage and Parent- 
age ; The Living Present and the Dead 
Past. Le. 

Wright, John Stephen. Ms., 1815- 
1874. A Chicago manufacturer who 
established The Prairie Farmer in 1840. 
Chicago : Past, Present, and Future. 

Wright, Mrs. Julia [McNair]. N. 

Y., 1840 . Wife of W. J. Wright, 

infra. A prolific writer of temperance 




and religious tales, the latter being 
strongly anti-Roman Catholic in charac- 
ter. Among them are, Almost a Nun ; 
Priest and Nun ; Scenes of the Convent ; 
The Gospel in the Riviera ; A Wife 
Hard Won ; A Million Too Much. Co. 

Wright, Mrs. Mabel [Osgood]. N. 

Y., 1859 . Daughter of S. Osgood, 

supra, and great-niece, on the maternal 
side, of Susanna Rawsou, supra. A na- 
ture writer of Fairfield, Connecticut. 
The Friendship of Nature, a series of 
out-door studies ; Birdcraf t, a field-hook 
of New England Birds ; Tommy-Anne 
and the Three Hearts : a Natural 
History Story; Citizen Bird, a bird 
hook for beginners. Mac. 

Wright, Mrs. Mary [Tappan]. 0., 

1851 . A writer of Cambridge, 

the wife of Professor J. H. Wright, of 
Harvard University. A Truce, and 
Other Stories. Scr. 
Wright, Marcus Joseph. Tn., 1831- 
. A brigadier-general in the Con- 
federate army during the Civil War, 
and subsequently a lawyer of Memphis. 
Life of General Winfield Scott ; Life of 
Governor William Blount; Reminis- 
cence of the Early Settlement of Mc- 
Nairy County, Tennessee. Ap. 

Wright, Robert Emmet. Pa., 1810- 
. A lawyer of AUentown, Penn- 
sylvania. Aldermen and Justices of 
the Peace ; The Office and Duties of 
Constable ; Pennsylvania State Reports, 

Wright, Robert William. Vt, 1816- 
1885. A Connecticut lawyer and jour- 
nalist. The Church Knaviad ; Vision 
of Judgment ; The Pious Chi-Neh ; 
Life ; its True Genesis, a refutation of 
evolution ; Practical Legal Forma. 

Wright, Thomas Lee.- 0., 1825 . 

A physician and journalist of Bellefon- 
taine, Ohio. Notes on the Theory of 
Human Existence ; Disquisition on the 
Ancient History of Medicine ; Ine- 
briism : a Pathological and Psychologi- 
cal Study. 

Wright, William. Z, 1824-1866. A 

Buffalo. Highland Rambles, a Poem ; 
The Brook, and Other Poems. 

Wright, William Burnet. 0., 1836- 

. A Congregational clergyman of 

Boston, and more recently of Buffalo. 
Ancient Cities from the Dawn to the 
Daylight ; The World to Come ; Master 
and Men : the Sermon on the Mountain 
practiced on the Plain. Hou. 

Wright, William Henry. N. C, 

1814-1845. A military engineer in 
government service. Brief Practical 
Treatise on Mortars. 

Wright, William James. Vt., 1831- 

. A Presbyterian clergyman and 

educator, professor of metaphysics at 
Westminster College, Missouri, from 
1887. Tracts on Higher Mathematics. 

Wyatt, William Edward. N. S., 
1789-1864. An Episcopal clergyman 
of Baltimore, rector of St. Paul's 
Church, 1814-64. Christian Offices; 
The Parting Spirit's Address to His 

Wyokoff, William Cornelius. N. 
Y., 1832-1882. Son of W. H. Wyckoff, 
infra. The scientific editor of The 
New York Tribune, 1869-78. Silk 
Goods in America; American Silk 

Wyckoff, William Henry. N. Y., 

1807-1877. A Baptist clergyman and 
educator of New York city. American 
Bible Society and the Baptists ; Docu- 
mentary History of the Ameriean Bible 
Wyeth, John Allan. AL, 184.5- 

A surgeon of New York city, founder, 
in 1880, of the New York Polyclinic 
and Hospital, the first graduate medical 
school in America. Essays on Surgical 
Anatomy and Surgery ; 'Text-Book on 
Surgery. Ap. 

Wylie, Theodore 'William John. 
Pa., 1818 . A Reformed Presby- 
terian clergyman of Philadelphia. Eng- 
lish, Latin, and Greek Vocabulary ; 
The God of Our Fathers ; Washington 
as a Christian. 

Wylie, Theophilus Adam. Pa., 




Wyman, Edwin Allen. Me., 1834- 

. A elergyinan of Maiden, Massa- 

chusette. Acquaintance with God, or 
Salvation and Character. 

Wyman, Jeffries. Ms., 1814-1874. A 
physician and scientist of distinction, 
Hersey professor of anatomy in Har- 
vard University, 1847-74. He was the 
author of Fresh- Water SheU-Mounds 
of the St. John's Eiver, Florida, and 
many scientific monographs of much 
value. See Atlantic Monthly, November, 
1874 ; Biographical Memoirs of Na- 
tional Academy of Science, vol. 3. 

Wyman, Mrs. Lillie Buffum 

[Chaoe]. iJ.I.,1837 . Poverty 

Grass, a collection of short stories. 

Wyman,' Morrill. Ms., 1812 . 

Brother of J. Wyman, supra. A phy- 
sician of Cambridge. Practical Treatise 
on Ventilation ; Progress in School Dis- 
cipline ; Autumnal Catarrh. Sou. 

Wynne, James. N. Y., 1814^1871. 
A physician of New York city. Lives 
of Eminent Literary and Scientific 
Men of America ; Importance of the 
Study of Legal Medicine ; The Private 
Libraries of New York. 

Wynne, Mrs. Madelene [Yale]. 

N. T., 1847 . Daughter of Mrs. 

Yale, infra. A Chicago artist and 
worker in silver. The Little Room and 
Other Stories. Wy. 

Wythe, George. Va., 1726-1806. A 
Virginia lawyer, professor of law at 
William and Mary College, 1779-89, 
and a Signer of the Declaration of In- 
dependence. Decisions of Cases in Vir- 
Jinia by the High Court of Chancery 
ythe, Joseph Henry. E., 1822- 
. A Methodist clergyman and phy- 
sician of San Francisco. The Micro- 
scopist ; Curiosities of the Microscope ; 
Agreement of Science and Revelation ; 
The Science of Life ; Biblical Biology ; 
Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology; 
Physiology of the Soul. Meth. 

Xariffa. See Townsend, Mrs. 

Yale, Mrs. Catharine [Brooks]. 
Vt., 1818 . A writer of Deerfield, 

Massachusetts, wife of the inventor of 
the Yale lock. Story of the Old WiUard 
House of Deerfield, Mass. ; Nim and 
Cum, and the Wonderhead Stories. 
Hou. Wy. 
YarroTW, Henry Crecy. Pa., 1840- 
. A physician in Washington, cu- 
rator of the reptile department in the 
National Museum. Introduction to the 
Study of Mortuary Customs Among 
North American Indians. 
Yates, John Van Ness. N.Y., 1779- 
1839. A lawyer of Albany. Collection 
of Pleadings and Practical Precedents, 
with Notes ; History of the State of 
New York (with J. Moulton) ; Princi- 
ples and Practice, etc., in Cases of Writs 
of Error (with T. Tillinghast). 
Yeaman, George Helm. Ky., 1829- 

. A lawyer of New York city, 

minister to Denmark, 1865-70. The 
Study of Government. 

Yoakum, Henderson K . Tn., 

18i0-1856. A lawyer of Huntsville, 
Texas. History of Texas from its First 
Settlement to its Annexation to the 
United States. 
Youmans [yoo'manz], Ediward Liv- 
ingston. N. Y., 1821-1887. An emi- 
nent scientist who, though partially 
blind for many years, wrote and lec- 
tured extensively, beside editing The 
PopiUar Science Monthly, 1872-87. 
Handbook of Household Science ; The 
Culture Demanded by Modem Life ; 
Alcohol and the Constitution of Man ; 
Chemical Atlas ; Correlation and Con- 
servation of Forces (edited). See Life 
of, by J. Fiske, supra. Ap. 
Youmans, Eliza Ann. N. Y., 1826- 

. Sister of E. L. Youmans, supra, 

and his assistant in his studies and re- 
searches. First and Second Books of 
Botany ; Descriptive Botany ; Lessons 
in Cookery. Ap. 
Youmans, William Jay. N. Y., 

1838 . Brother of E. L. Youmans, 

supra. A physician and scientist of 
New York city, and editor of The Popu- 
lar Science Monthly from _ 1887. Pio- 
neers of Science in America (edited) ; 
co-author with Huxley of Elements of 
Physiology and Hygiene. 
Young, Alexander. Ms.. 1800-1854. 
A Unitarian clergyman of Boston, pas- 
tor of the New South Church. Chroni- 




cles of the Pilg-rim Fathers ; Chronicles 
of the First Planters of the Colony of 
Massachusetts Bay, 1623-36. He edit- 
ed The Library of Old English Prose 

Young, Alexander. Ms., 1836-1891. 
Son of A. Young-, supra. A Boston 
journalist on the editorial staff of The 
Post. History of the Netherlands ; 
Young Folks' History of the Nether- 
lands. JEst. 

Young, Andrew White. N. Y., 
1862-1877. A journalist of Warsaw, 
New York. First Lessons in Civil Go- 
vernment ; Citizens' Manual of Govern- 
ment and Law ; The American States- 
man ; National Economy : a History of 
the Protective System ; History of War- 
saw ; History of Wayne County, In- 
diana. Clke. 

Young, Augustus. Vt., 1785-18.57. 
A jurist of St. Albans, Vermont. On 
the Quadrature of the Circle ; Unity of 

Young, Charles Augustus. N. H., 

1834 — ■ . An astronomer of note, 

professor of astronomy at Princeton 
College from 1877. The Sun ; A Gene- 
ral Astronomy ; Elements of Astrono- 
my ; Lessons in Astronomy ; Uranogra- 
phy. Ap. Gi. 

Young, Jesse Bo-wman. Pa., 1844- 

. A Methodist clergyman, editor 

of The Central Christian Advocate from 
1892. What a Boy Saw in the Army ; 
Days and Nights on the Sea. Meth. 

Young, John Russell. Pa., 1841- 

. A journalist formerly of New 

York city and now of Philadelphia, 
minister to China, 1882-8.5. Around 
the World with General Grant. He 
has edited The Memorial History of 

Young, Mrs. Julia Evelyn [Ditto]. 
N. Y., 1857 . A novelist and verse- 
writer of Buffalo. Adrift, a Story of 
Niagara; Glynne's Wife, a Story in 
Verse ; Thistle Down. JLip. 

Young, Loyal. Ms., 1806 . A 

Preshyterian clergyman in Pennsylva- 
nia and West Virginia. From Dawn 

elude, Pendragon ; The Kajah ; Jon- 
quil ; The Rogue's March ; Ganelon ; 
Joan of Arc ; If I Were You ; Young 
America ; The House of Mauprat (with 
J. G. Wilson). He has also written 
Wishmakers' Town, a volume of verse. 

Zabriskie, Francis NIcoll. N. Y., 

1832-1891. A Dutch Reformed cler- 
gyman. Golden Fruit from Bible Trees ; 
The Story of a Soul ; Behold a Ladder ; 
Life of Horace Greeley. Fu. Ran. 

Zachos [zak'os], John Celivergos. 
Ty., 1820-18—. A Unitarian clergy- 
fnan and educator. New American 
Speaker ; Analytical Educator ; Phonic 

Zahm, John Augustine. 0., 1851- 

— . A Roman Catholic clergyman, 

prociirator-general of the Congregation 
of the Holy Cross, now (1897) living at 
Rome. Evolution and Dogma ; Bible, 
Science and Faith ; Sound and Music ; 
Catholic Science and Scientists. Mg. 

Zeisberger, David. Ma., 1721-1808. 
A noted missionary of the Moravians in 
Pennsylvania and Ohio. Delaware and 
English Spelling - Book ; Sermons for 
Children ; Dictionary in German and 
Delaware ; Essay Toward an Onondaga 
Grammar. In 1888 his Diary from 
1781 to 1798, including the narrative 
of his eventful life among the Indians 
of Ohio, was translated from the origi- 
nal manuscript in German by Eugene 
Bliss, and for the first time published. 
See Life of, by JS. de Schweinitz, supra, 
1870 ; Bibliography of Ohio. 

Zenos, Andrevr Constantinides. 
Ty., 1855 . A Presbyterian cler- 
gyman, professor of biblical theology 
in McCormick Theological Seminary, 
Chicago, from 1891. The Elements of 
the Higher Criticism ; Compendium of 
Church History. Fu. 

Ziegler, Henry. Pa., 1816 . A 

Lutheran clergyman in Selinsgrove, 
Pennsylvania. Natural Theology ; Apo- 
logetic Theology ; Catechetics ; The 
Pastor ; The Preacher ; Dogmatic 
Theolop-v : The Value to the Lutheran 




Zubly, John Joachim. Sd., 1725- 
1781. A Presbyterian clergyman of 
SaTannah, prominent during the period 
of the American Revolution, as an 
opponent of the Declaration of Inde- 
pendence. The Real Christian's Hope 
in Death ; Sermon on the Repeal of 
the Stamp Act; An Humble Inquiry 
into the Nature of the Dependency 

of the American Colonies upon the Par- 
liament of Great Britain ; The Law 
of Liberty : a Sermon on American 
Zundel,John. G., 1815-1882. A mu- 
sician, organist of Plymouth Church, 
Brooklyn, 1850-78. Modern Organ 
School ; The Amateur Organist ; Trea- 
tise on Harmony and Modulation. 


Aaron, Samuel. Pa., 1800-1865. A 
Baptist clergyman and educator of 
Mount Holly, New Jersey, prominent 
as an anti-slavery advocate. He pub- 
lished a number of popular text-books. 
Faithful Translation. 

Andrews, Charles McLean. Ct, 

1863 . A professor at Bryn Mawr 

College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. The 
Historical Development of Modem Eu- 
rope from the Congress of Vienna to 
the Present Time ; River Towns of Con- 
necticut; The Old English Manor. 
J. H. U. Put. 

Atlee, Washington Lemuel. Pa., 
1808-1878. A noted surgeon of Phila- 
delphia. Ovarian Tumors and Ovari- 

Audsley, George Ashdown. S., 

1838 . A Scottish architect and 

art writer of note, now (1897) living 
in Plai«field, New Jersey. With his 
brother, William James Audsley, he 
has published Colour in Dress : a Ma- 
nual for Ladies ; Floral Decoration of 
Churches ; Cottage, Lodge, and Village 
Architecture ; Outlines of Ornament in 
the Leading Styles ; Popular Diction- 
ary of Architecture and the Allied 
Arts,' in ten volumes ; Polychromatic 
Decoration as applied to Buildings in 
the Mediaeval Styles ; and (with James 
Lord Bowes) The Keramic Art of Ja- 
pan. His separate works include Guide 
to the Art of Illuminating and Missal 
Painting ; Handbook of Christian Sym- 
bolism ; The Art of Chromo-Lithogra- 
phy; Notes on Japanese Art; The 
Ornamental Arts of Japan. 

Bagby, Albert Morris. 18 . 

A writer of New York city. Miss Trau- 
merei : a Weimar Idyl, a popular mu- 
sical novel. Lam. 

Bagby, George "William. Va., 1828- 
188.3. A Virginia journalist and lec- 
turer, of some note as a hnmourist. John 
M. Daniel's Latin Key ; What I Did 
With My Fifty Millions ; Meekins's 
Twinses. See Hart's American Litera- 

Beale, Charles -Willing. D. C, 184.5- 

. A romance writer of Arden, 

North Carolina. (His wife, Mrs. M. 
Beale, is mentioned on page 22.) The 
Ghost of Guir House. 

Bendire, Charles E . G., 1836- 

1897. An ornithologist of note, hono- 
rary curator of the department of oology 
in the United States National Museum, 
a captain and brevet major in the 
United States army. Life Histories of 
North American Birds. See Science, 
February IS, 1897. 

Blodgett, Mrs. Mabel [Fuller]. Me., 

1869 . A writer of Brookline, 

Massachusetts. The Aspen Shade, a 
novel ; Fairy Tales ; In Poppy Land, a 
book of fairy tales ; At the Queen's 
Mercy, a tale of adventure. Cop. 

Brimmer, Martin. Ms., 1829-1896. 
A prominent citizen of Boston. Egypt : 
Three Essays on the History, Religion, 
and Art of Ancient Egypt. Hon. 

Browne, Causten. D. C, 1828 

A lawyer of Boston. Treatise on the 
Construction of the Statute of Frauds. 




Bryan, William Jennings. iZ., 1860- 

. A noted politician of Lincoln, 

Nebraska, prominent in 1896 as the 
Democratic candidate for the Presi- 
dency. The First Battle : a Story of 
the Campaign of 1896. 

Carpenter, William. E., 1830-1896. 
An eccentric English printer and ste- 
nographer who removed from England 
to Baltimore in 1879. He strenuously 
advocated the theory that the earth is 
flat, revolving on a central axis with 
the sun stationary over the centre. 
Among his various writings are, The 
Earth Not a Globe, by Common Sense ; 
Sir Isaac Newton's Theoretical Astro- 
nomy Examined and Refuted by Com- 
mon Sense ; Water not Convex ; Proc- 
tor's Planet Earth ; Something About 

Cavazza, Mrs. See Pullen. 

Chapman, Frank Michler. N. J., 
1864. A well-known ornithologist, as- 
sistant curator of the department of 
ornithology and mammalogy in the 
American Museum of Natural History, 
New York city. Hand-book of Birds 
of Eastern North America ; Bird-Life : 
A Guide to the Study of Our Common 
Birds. Ap. 

Clark, Frederick Thickstun. Pa., 
1.S58 . A novelist of Denver, Colo- 
rado, whose stories deal with phases 
of Western life. A Mexican Girl ; In 
the Valley of Havilah ; On Cloud Moun- 
tain ; The Mistress of the Ranch. Har. 

Commons, John Rogers. O., 1862- 
. A professor of sociology at Sy- 
racuse University from 1895. The Dis- 
tribution of Wealth ; Social Reform and 
the Church ; Proportional Representa- 
tion. Cr. Mac. 

Cook, William Henry. N.Y., 1832- 
. A physician of Cincinnati. Phy- 
sio-Medical Surgery ; Woman's Book 
of Health ; Physio-Medical Dispensa- 

Dallinger, Frederick William. Ms., 

1871 . A politician of Cambridge. 

Nominations for Elective Office in the 
United States. Lgs. 

De Fontaine, Felix. Ms., 1832-1896. 
A journalist of Charleston during the 
Civil War, but subsequently, and for 
the greater part of his career, on the 
stafE of The New York Herald. Glean- 
ings from a Confederate Army Note- 
book ; Army Letters of Personne, 1861- 
1865 ; News from the Front. 

Dodge, Walter Phelps. Sa., 1869- 

. Nephew of William Walter 

Phelps, American minister to Germany, 
1889-93. A litterateur now (1897) 
living in London, and practising at the 
English bar. Three Greek Tales ; As 
the Crow Flies from Corsica to Charing 
Cross ; A Strong Man Armed. 

Eastman, Charles Rochester. la., 

1868 . A scientist of Cambridge, 

an assistant in the Museum of Com- 
parative Zoology. Beitrage zur Kennt- 
niss der Gettung Oxyrhyna. He edited 
and translated from the German of 
Karl von Zittel a Text-Book of Palse- 
ontology. Mac. 

Elliot, Daniel Giraud. 18 . 

An ornithologist of Chicago, at one time 
president of the American Ornitholo- 
gists' Union. Monograph of the Pit- 
tidse or Family of the Ant Thrushes ; 
The New and Heretofore Unfigured 
Species of the Birds of North America 
(1869) ; The Life and Habits of WUd 
Animals ; Classification and Synopsis of 
the Trochilidse ; North American Shore 
Birds ; and many ornithological mono- 

Ernst, Oswald Hubert. 0., 1842- 

. A military engineer with the 

rank of major. A Manual of Practical 
Military Engineering. Vn. 


the Unexpected ; Spanish Castles by 
the Rhine, a Triptychal Yarn. Ho. 
Frazar, Douglas. Ms., 1836-1896. A 
colonel in the Federal army during the 
Civil War, hrevetted brigadier-general 
of volunteers at the close of the war, 
and subsequently a citizen of Somer- 
ville, Massachusetts. The Log of the 
Maryland ; Perseverance Island ; Prac- 
tical Boat-Sailing. Le. 

Glasgo-w, Ellen. Va., 1S7 


Book Concern. Handbook for Trus- 
tees of ReUgious Corporations in the 
State of New York ; Laws Relating to 
Religious Corporations in the United 
States. Meth. 

Ireland, John. I., 1838- 

novelist of Richmond, Virginia. The 
Descendant : a Novel. Sar. 

Goss, Elbridge Henry. Ms., 1830- 
. A writer of Melrose, Massachu- 
setts. Life of Colonel Paul Revere ; 
Melrose Memorial. 

Gray, Morris. Ms., 1856 . A 

Boston lawyer, author of A Treatise 
on the Law of Communication by Tele- 
graph. Lit. 

Grier, James Alexander. Pa., 1846- 
. A United Presbyterian clergy- 
man of Pennsylvania, professor in Al- 
leghany Theological Seminary. Secret 
Societies ; Biography of Jeremiah Ran- 
kine Johnston. 

Hale, 'William Bayard. Ind., 1869- 

. An Episcopal clergyman of Mid- 

dleborough, Massachusetts, who has 
contributed noteworthy articles on re- 
ligion and sociology to The Forum. 
Phillips Brooks : a Memorial ; The Eter- 
nal Teacher ; The Making of the Ame- 
rican Constitution ; a Genesis of Nation- 
ality ; The New Obedience : a Plea for 
Social Submission to Christ. Lgs. 

Herrick, Robert. Ms., 1868 . 

An assistant professor of rhetoric at 
the University of Chio^o. The Man 
who Wins, a novel. Sar. 

Hunt, Edward Bissell. Ms., 1822- 
1863. A military engineer. Union 
Foundations : a Study of American 

Hunt, Sanford. N. Y., 182.5-1896. 
A Methodist clergyman of prominence, 
long associated with the Methodist 

, -., — ^ . The 

Roman Catholic archbishop of Saint 
Paul, well known as a writer and 
speaker upon educational themes. The 
Church and Modern Society. 

Keasbey, Lindley Miller. N. J., 

1867 . A professor of history and 

economics at the University of Colora- 
do, 1892-94, and at Bryn Mawr Col- 
lege, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, from 
1S94. The Nicaragua Canal and the 
Monroe Doctrine. Put. 

Kellogg, John Harvey. Mch., 1852- 

. A physician of Battle Creek, 

Michigan, editor of Good Health for 
many years. Ladies' Guide in Health 
and Disease ; Home Handbook of Hy- 
giene and Rational Medicine ; Man the 
Masterpiece ; Plain Facts for Old and 

Kimball, Hannah Parker. Ms., 

1861 . A Boston poet, whose work 

includes Soul and Sense, and Other ' 
Verses; The Cup of Life and Other 
Poems. Cop. 

Kno-wles, Frederic Lawrence. Ms., 

1869 . A litterateur and educator 

of Tilton, New Hampshire. He has 
published, Practical Hints for Young 
Readers, Writers, and Book Buyers, 
and edited Cap and Gown, a collection of 
college verse ; The Golden Treasury 
of American Songs, and other verse 
compilations. Si. 

Loveman, Robert. O., 1864 . 

A writer of Dalton, Georgia, whose 
verse displays much quiet beauty of 
thought and expression. Poems. Lip. 





Main, Thomas. S., 1828-1896. A 
mechanical engineer, professor of ship- 
building in the Webb Academy of Ship- 
building, New Tork city. History of 
the Steam Engine. 

Moffat, William David. N. J., 

1865 . Son of J. C. MofEat, supra. 

A New York writer of stories for boys, 
business manager of The Book Buyer 
and of Scribner's Magazine. The 
County Pennant ; The Crimson Banner ; 
Brad Mattoon ; Not Without Honor, a 

Morison, John Hopkins. N. H., 
1808-1896. A Unitarian clergyman, 
pastor at Milton, Massachusetts, 1846- 
1885. Life of Honorable Jeremiah 
Smith ; Disquisitions and Notes on the 
Gospel of Saint Matthew ; The Great 
Poets as Religious Teachers. See John 
Hopkins Morison, a Memoir, 1897. 

Paterson, William. N. J., 1817- 

. Brother of S. V. R. Paterson, 

supra. A jurist of Perth Amboy, New 
Jersey. Co-author with his brother 
Stephen of Poems of Twin Graduates 
of the College of New Jersey. 

PuUen, Mrs. Elisabeth [Jones] 

[Cavazza]. Me., 18 . A lit- 
terateur of Portland, Maine. Don Fini- 
mondone : Calabrian Sketches. 

Reeder, Charles. Md., 1817- 

raerchant and manufacturer of Balti- 
more. Caloric : a Review of the Dy- 
namic Theory of Heat. 

Rollins, Mrs. Clara [Sherwood]. 

Mo., c. 1868 . A Boston writer of 

short stories. A Bume Jones Head ; 
Threads of Life. Lam. 


Nash, Henry Sylvester. O., 1854- 

. An Episcopal clergyman of 

Cambridge, Massachusetts, professor of 
New Testament interpretation in the 
Episcopal Theological School from 
1884. The Genesis of the Social Con- 
science : the Relation Between the 
Establishment of Christianity in Europe 
and the Social Question. Mac. 

Stevens, Augusta De Grasse. 

N. Y., 186 . A novelist and art 

critic who has lived in London for 
many years. Distance, a novelette ; 
Old Boston, an American Historical 
Romance ; Weighed in *he Balance ; 
The Lost Dauphin ; Miss Hildreth ; 
The Sensation of the Season; A Ro- 
mantic Inheritance. See Black^s No- 
Women of To-Day. Ap. Scr. 

Paterson, Stephen Van Rensse- 
laer. N. J., 1817-1872. A verse 
writer of New Jersey, whose version of 
The Moss Rose from the German of 
Krummacher is his best known poem. 
Poems of Twin Graduates of the Col- 
lege of New Jersey (with W. Paterson, 

Tyler, Charles Mellen. Me., 1832- 

. Kinsman of M. C. Tyler, supra. 

A professor of the history and philo- 
sophy of religion at Cornell University 
from 1891. Bases of Religious Belief, 
Historic and Ideal. 

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