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Full text of "Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of New York : revised and adopted on the 7th day of February, 1867"

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|>F THE 



Pniifi'J by Tnidii , Smith i3 Mi Ins, at 'flw Journal Office. 


Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 













A- 731^/Y 








Sec. 1. The stylo of this Grand Chapter shall be, " The 
Grand Chapter of the State of New York." 

Power and Authority. 

Sec. 2. This Grand Chapter is a body of Koyal Arch 
Masons in whom is inalienably vested the government and 
superintendence of Capitular Masonry within its territorial 
jurisdiction, subject only to its obligations to the General 
Grand Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons for the United States 
of America. 

4 Constitution. 

Who Oom.pose. 

Sec. 3. This Grand Chapter shall be composed of its 
Officers, both elected and appointed, as enumerated in sec- 
tions fifth and seventh of this Constitution, together with all 
Past Grand High Priests, Past Deputy Grand High Priests, 
Past Grand Kings and Past Grand Scribes of this Grand 
Chapter, who are also members of a subordinate Chapter 
within this jurisdiction, and the first three officers of each 
warranted Chapter working under the authority of this Grand 
Chapter, or the proxies of such Chapters duly appointed. 

Annual Convocations, and Quorum. 
Sec. 4. The annual Convocations of this Grand Chapter 
shall be held at the city of Albany, on the first Tuesday in 
February, and the representatives of five Chapters, together 
with at least one of the first Imir elective Grand Officers, shall 
constitute a quorum. 

Elective Officer's. 

Sec. 5. The elective officers of this Grand Chapter shall 

The Geand High Peiest, 

The Deputy Geand High Peiest, 

The Geand King, 

The Geand Sceibe, 

The Geand Teeasueee, 

The Geand Segeetaey, and 

The Geand Chaplain. 

Who Eligible. 

Sec. 6. None but High Priests or Past High Priests shall 
be eligible to flection to either of the first four elective offices 
above named. 

Constitution. 5 

Appointed Officers. 

Seo. 7. The appointed officers of this Grand Chapter shall 

The Geand CAPXAm of the Host, 
The Gkand Peincipal Sojouenee, 
The Geand Eoyal Aeoh Captain, 
Three Geand M'astees of the Vails, and 


The Geand Tilee. 

Officers — How Chosen. 

Sec. 8. The elective officers of this Grand Chapter must be 
chosen at each annual Convocation, by ballot and by a major- 
ity of all the votes cast. The appointed officers shall be 
selected by the Grand High Priest, and hold during his 
pleasure ; and all officers of this Grand Chapter must be con- 
tributing members of a subordinate Chapter within this 


Sec. 9. The installation of the officers of this Grand Chapter 
must take place during the annual Convocation at which they 
are elected. 

Number and Qualifications of Mewlers. 

Sec. 10. This Grand Chapter may enlarge or diminish the 
number and qualifications of its members at pleasure by a 
provision or change of its Constitution. 

Votes and Voters. 

Sec. 11. Each officer and permanent member of this Grand 
Chapter is entitled to one vote, and the acting Grand High 

6 Cansiitution.\ 

Priest to an additional vote in case of an equal division, and 
each Chapter of fifty members or less shall be entitled to three 
votes if dulj' represented, and an additional vote for each 
additional fifty members. Grand officers and permanent 
members may vote as such and as representatives. 

Pay of Officers and Permanent Meinljers. 
Sec. 12. Each officer and permanent member attending tlie 
annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter shall be entitled 
to receive from its funds the regular fare charged by the most 
direct public conveyance to and from his residence, and five 
dollars per day for travel and attendance, allowing not more 
than one day eacli way for going and returning. 

Pay of Pepresentatlves. 

Sec. 13. One representative from each Chapter within this 
jurisdiction shall be entitled to the same pay as specified in 
the foregoing section, unless he be also a Grand Officer or 
permanent member of this Grand Chapter ; but no representa- 
tive shall be entitled to receive pay until the dues of his 
Chapter are fully paid. 

Grand High Priest. 

Sec. 14. The Grand High Priest shall exercise all the 
executive functions of this Grand Chapter during its recess, 
and shall, at each annual Convocation, communicate in writ- 
ing a statement of his official acts during such recess, and 
recommend such measures as he may deem expedient. 

Peputy Grand High Priest. 
Sec. 15. Tlie Deputy Grand High Priest is also empow- 

Constitution. 7 

To grant dispensations for new Chapters. 

To order elections when such have not been held or were 

To authorize the installation of officers after the constitu- 
tional time has expired. 

To order elections to fill vacancies. 

Succession in Office. 

Sec. 16. In case of the death, absence or inability of the 
Grand High Priest, or a vacancy in his office, the Deputy 
Grand High Priest, the Grand King and the Grand Scribe 
will in succession succeed to his prerogatives and duties for 
all purposes. 

Grand Treasui 


Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Grand Treasurer to 
take charge of all the funds, property, securities and vouchers 
of this Grand Chapter, under the direction of the Trustees ; 
to pay all orders duly drawn by direction of the Grand 
Chapter ; to report annually to the Grand Chapter his receipts 
and disbursements by items, and the amount of moneys and 
securities in his hands. 

Grand Secretary. 

Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to 
record the transactions of the Grand Chapter; to keep a 
registry of members of subordinate Chapters ; to receive, duly 
file and safely keep all papers and documents of the Grand 
Chapter ; to sign and certify all instruments from the Grand 
Chapter ; to receive and keep a proper account of all moneys 
of the Grand Chapter, and pay the same without delay to the 
Grand Treasurer, and report the same by items to the Grand 

8 Constitution: 

Chapter annually ; to report the Chapters that have neglected 
to render proper returns of their elections, members and dues, 
and to conduct the correspondence of the Grand Chapter under 
the direction of the Grand High Priest. 

Other Officers. 

Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of the several officers of the 
Grand Chapter, in addition to the duties herein specifically 
mentioned, to perform such other duties appertaining to tlieir 
offices as shall from time to time be directed by the Grand 




Sec. 20. A Chapter can only be organized by the Dispen- 
sation of the Grand High Priest or Deputy Grand High 
Priest, or the warrant of the Grand Chapter, and in each case 
only upon the application of not less than nine regular Royal 
Arch Masons. 

Dispensation and Petitioners — Hov^ Qualified. 

Sec. 21. No Dispensation to form a new Chapter can issue 
without the recommendation of the Chapter nearest to the 
place where the new Chapter is to be hold, nor unless the 
petitioners therefor shall show that they are Royal Arch 

Constitution. 9 

Masons and in good standing as such ; and no warrant shall 
be issued until the Chapter shall have given proof of its skill 
by labor under dispensation, and furnished a certificate from 
the nearest Chapter or the Grand Lecturer of its ability to 
confer the degrees ; nor shall a Dispensation issue to form a 
new Chapter within two months next preceding the annual 
Convocation of this Grand Chapter. 

Fee for Dispensation. 

Sec. 22. The fee for a Dispensation to form a new Chapter 
shall be ninety dollars, and shall accompany the petition for 
the same. It shall also be accounted as payment in full for a 
warrant if afterwards granted. 

Officers of Warraoited Chapter. 

Sec. 23. A warranted Chapter within this jurisdiction shall 
consist of 

1. The High Pbiest, 

2. The King, 

3. The Sceibe, 

4. The Teeasueee, 

5. The Seceetaet, 

6. The Captain of the Host, 
Y. The FEmciPAL Sojotjenee, 

8. The EoTAL Aech CAPTAm, 

9. The Mastee of the Thied Vail, 

10. The Mastee of the Second Vail, 

11. The Mastee of the Fiest Vail, 

12. The TiLEE, 

and as many members as may be convenient, congregating and 
working by virtue of a warrant from this Grand Chapter, and 
and at the place designated in the warrant, or by this Grand 

10 Constitution. 

Officers — When and Sow Chosen. 

Sec. 24. The first five officers named in the preceding sec- 
tion shall be elected annually, by ballot and by a majority of 
all the votes cast, at the regular Convocation of the Chapter 
next preceding St. John the Evangelist's Day. The remaining 
oificers shall be appointed by the High Priest immediately 
after his installation. 

WIm are Votej's. 

Sec. 23. Every member in good standing is entitled to one 
vote, and every voter is eligible to any ofiice in the Chapter. 


Sec. 26. The installation of officers in a Chapter shall take 
place at the time of election, or -nithin thirty days thereafter. 

Yacancies in Office. 
Sec. 27. Yacancies in elective offices can only occur by 
death, by resignation, by removal after election beyond the 
jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter, by promotion at an elec- 
tion to fill vacancies, and by suspension or expulsion; but 
the first three elective offices cannot be vacated by resigna- 

Vacancies — How Filled. 
Sec. 28. A Chapter may fill vacancies in any elective ofiice 
(except that of High Priest,) by ballot, at any regular Convo- 
cation ; but in case of a vacancy in the office of High Priest 
an election can only be held at a regular Convocation, (the 
members having been duly summoned for that purpose,) and 
by virtue of a Dispensation from the Grand High Priest 
or the Deputy Grand High Priest, which must be applied for 

OonstituUon. 11 

by the King and Scribe and a vote of two-thirds of all the 
members present at a regular Convocation, to be so certified 
by the Secretary under the seal of the Chapter. 

Removal of Chapter. 
Sec. 29. A Chapter may not remove its place of meeting 
from the city, town or village named in its warrant, nor from 
one place to another in the same city, town or village, except 
by concurrent vote of two-thirds of the members present at a 
summoned Convocation, the object of the Convocation being 
stated in tlie summons, which must be served at least ten 
days previous to such Convocation ; and such removal from 
the city, town or village must receive the sanction of this 
Grand Chapter previous thereto. 


Sec. 30. A Chapter has full power and authority to enact 
By-Laws for its own government, conformably to this Consti- 
tution ; and any By-Law inconsistent therewith is absolutely 

Dues, and How Collected. 
Sec. 31. A Chapter may make By-Laws regulating the pay- 
ment of dues from its members, and provide penalties for the 
enforcement thereof; but no greater penalty shall be inflicted 
than the suspension of the companion in arrears, which shall 
cease upon the payment of his dues to such time as the By- 
Laws shall direct. 

Annual Returns and Dues to Grand Chapter. 

Sec. 32. Every Chapter within this jurisdiction shall make 
annual returns to this Grand Chapter of all its work to St. 

12 Constitution. 

John the EvangeKst's Day in each year, with a list of its offi- 
cers and members, and pay into the treasury of this Grand 
Chapter the sum of three dollars for the exaltation of every 
companion, and the sum of fifty cents as annual dues for 
every member, reckoning from St. John the Evangelist's Day 
next succeeding his exaltation : said sums to be due and pay- 
able at the annual Convocations of this Grand Chapter; and 
such returns shall be transmitted to the Grand Secretary on 
or before the tenth day of January in each year. 

Chapter — Hon: Dissolved. 

Sec. 33. A Chapter can only be dissolved by the act of the 
Grand Chapter, or by a voluntary surrender of its warrant 
pm-suant to a vote of a majority of its members, when duly 
summoned for that purpose, with notice of the object of the 

Warrant — How Forfeited or SuspeTided. 
Sec. 31. The warrant of a Chapter can be forfeited only 
upon charges regularly made in Grand Chapter at its annual 
Convocation, of which diie notice shall be given to the Chap- 
ter and an opportunity of being heard in defense ; but it may 
be suspended by the Grand Chapter or the Grand High 
Priest at any time upon proper cause shown, which suspension 
shall not extend beyond the next annual Convocation there- 

Acts for lohich Warra7it may he Becalled. 

Sec. 35. The acts by which a warrant may be forfeited are, 
contumacy to the authority of the Grand Chapter or the 
Grand High Priest ; violation of the fundamental principles 

Constitution. 13 

of Eoyal Arch Masonry or of this Constitution ; neglecting 
to meet for one year or more ; and the non-payment of dues 
to the Grand Chapter for two years successively. 

Chapter deprived of Warrant or Dispensation. 

Sec. 36. The sm'render or forfeiture of a warrant or dis- 
pensation, when adjudged by the Grand Chapter, shall be 
conclusive upon the Chapter and its members, and carries 
with it all the property of the Chapter, which becomes the 
property of the Grand Chapter, and must, on demand, be 
surrendered to the Grand Chapter or its authorized agent, 
excepting therefrom the property and funds of such Chap- 
ters as may have availed themselves of the provisions 
of and powers conferred by chapter 317 of the Laws of 
the State of E'ew York, passed April 2, 1866, entitled ''An 
Act to enable Lodges and Chapters of Free and Accepted 
Masons to take, hold and convey real and personal estate." 

Charges and Trials. 

Sec. 37. If any member of a Chapter, or unaffiliated Eoyal 
Arch Mason, within this jurisdiction, shall be guilty of a Ma- 
sonic misdemeanor which would subject him to discipline, 
charges, with distinct specifications of the offense charged, 
may be preferred in open Chapter; and it shall be the duty 
of the acting High Priest (except in cases of non-payment of 
dues,) to appoint three disinterested companions as commis- 
sioners to try the accused upon said charges and specifications, 
and to report their proceedings thereon to the Chapter with 
all convenient speed, together with their conclusions and re- 
commendations thereon, for the action of the Chapter. The 
decision of the Chapter shall be final, unless an appeal be 
taken therefrom to the Grand Chapter within six months 

li Constitution. 

thereafter. la case of charges against a Chapter or a High 
Priest, or by one Chapter against another or a member of 
anotlier, they shall be referred to the Grand Chapter when in 
session, or, during recess, to the Grand High Priest or the 
Deputy Grand High Priest. When presented to either of 
the latter, he shall appoint the three commissioners (who shall 
be High Priests, or Past High Priests), from Chapters not in- 
terested in the case, and they shall hear, try and determine 
the matter, reporting their proceedings, conclusions and de- 
cision thereon to the officer appointing them ; and their de- 
cision, if approved by him, shall be final, unless appealed 
from as above. 

Witnesses, and Expenses of Trials. 
Sec. 3S. The High Priest of any Chapter may summon 
witnesses in any case provided for in the preceding section, 
and the expenses which may be incurred by commissioners 
appointed under the provisions of the above section shall be 
borne by one or both of the parties, as the commission may 
determine ; and the amount of such expenses and their de- 
cision as to who shall be chargeable with the same shall be set 
forth in theu* report, and payment may be enforced in the 
same manner as Chapter or Grand Chapter dues. 

Charges against High Priest. 

Sec. 39. Charges against the High Priest of a Chapter for 
official misconduct while holding the office of High Priest 
must be presented to the Grand High Priest, or this Grand 
Chapter during his term of office or within one year there- 

Other Rules for Trial. 
Sec. 40. The Grand Chapter may establish such further reg- 

Constilmtion. 15 

Illations as to the mode and form of trials and appeals as it 
may deem expedient. 



Who present at Election in Grand Chapter. 
Sec. 41. ISTone but members of the Grand Chapter (past or 
present officers of other Grand Chapters excepted,) shall be 
present during the election of officers. 

WTbo may Visit Ora/nd Chapter. 

Sec. 42. No companion shall be permitted to sit as a visitor 
in this Grand Chapter without unanimous consent of the 
members present. 

Restoration hy Grand Chapter. 

Sec 43. A restoration to the rights and privileges of Eojal 
Arch Masonry by the Grand Chapter does not restore to 
membership in a subordinate Chapter. 

Grand Lecturer. 

Sec 44. The Grand High Priest may annually appoint a 
discreet and well-informed Eoyal Arch Mason as Grand Lec- 
turer, whose duty it shall be, when required by any Chapter, 
to visit and instruct them in the work and lectures of the sev- 

16 Constitution. 

eral degrees, and such Chapters shall pay a reasonable com- 
pensation therefor. It shall also be his duty to attend the 
annual Convocations of this Grand Chapter, and he shall be 
entitled to the same pay as specified in section twelve ; and 
such Grand Lectm'er may appoint one or more discreet and 
well-informed Royal Arch Masons as assistant Lecturers, to 
aid him in his duty of visitation and instruction, who shall be 
entitled to like compensation. 

Standard Work. 

Sec. 45. Every Chapter shall adopt and practice the stand- 
ard work and lectures of this Grand Chapter, and any Chap- 
ter violating this provision shall be subject to forfeiture of its 

JVeiD Chapters must he Constituted. 

Sec. 46. "Whenever a warrant shall issue to authorize the 
holding of a new Chapter, the same shall be duly constituted 
and its officers installed by the Grand High Priest, the 
Deputy Grand High Priest, or the duly authorized proxy of 
either of them, previous to which ceremony no Convocation 
of the Chapter can be legally held. 

Who presides in Chapter. 

Sec. 47. The High Priest shall preside at the several 
Convocations of the Chapter, and in case of his absence, the 
King and Scribe, and no other, shall in order of rank succeed 

Appeal from Decision of High Priest. 

Sec. 48. No appeal to the Chapter can be taken from the 
decision of the High Priest. 

Constitution. IT 

Chapter Seal and Books. 

Sec. 49. Every Chapter shall have a seal, and shall also 
keep the following books : — 

1. A Book of By-Laws with the signatures of the members. 

2. A Record Book of the proceedings of the Chapter. 

3. A Eegister of the names of members, with the date of 
receiving the diiferent degrees, &e. 

4. A Book of Marks. 

5. An Alphabetical List of expulsions, suspensions and re- 
jections, and such other books as the Chapter shall direct. 

Petitions and Fees for Degrees. 

Sec. 50. The degrees of the Chapter shall not be conferred 
for a less sum than twenty dollars, (all of which must be 
paid before receiving the Mark degree,) and then only upon 
Master Masons, whose petitions shall have been duly presented 
in writing at a regular Convocation, reported upon by' a 
committee of investigation and unanimously accepted by the 
Chapter ; and a petition for the degrees or for membership 
shall not be balloted on before the next regular Convocation 
succeeding its reception. 

Rejected Candidates. 

Sec. 51. A petition for the degrees having been rejected, 
cannot again be received within the period of three months, 
nor by any other than the rejecting Chapter, without first ob- 
taining its consent. 


Jurisdiction over Candidates. 

Sec. 52. A Chapter shall not confer the degrees upon a 
candidate who resides nearer some other Chapter without the 
consent of such Chapter ; nor upon a candidate who resides in 


18 Constitution. 

another State without the consent of the Chapter within 
whose jurisdiction he resides; but two or more Chapters loca- 
ted in the same city or village shall be accounted as equally 
near, and shall have concurrent jurisdiction, except that the 
Chapters in the cities of Kew York and Brooklyn shall have 
one and the same jurisdiction. 

Sec. 53. Each warranted Chapter within this jurisdiction 
is entitled to be represented in this Grand Chapter by its first 
three officers, but in case either of them can not attend, the 
Chapter (or, in case of its failure to do so, its High Priest or 
acting High Priest,) may appoint either of its other officers or 
members to act as their Proxy, and shall furnish said Proxy 
a certificate of appointment over the signature of the High 
Priest or acting High Priest, attested by the Secretary, and 
under the seal of the Chapter. 

Seo. 54r. iS^o amendment to this Constitution shall be made, 
until it shall have been proposed at one annual Convocation, 
and adopted by a vote of two-thirds of all the members present 
at the next annual Convocation. 


1. The Grand Chapter shall convene at eleven o'clock, 
A. M., on the first day of its annual Convocation until other- 
wise ordered. 

2. At the sound of the gavel from the East, the Grand 
Officers shall take their respective stations and the members 
be seated. 

3. The Grand Chapter shall be opened in due and ancient 

i. The Standing Committee on Credentials which shall con- 
sist of the Grand Secretary, the Grand Treasurer and the 
Grand Captain of the Host shall report. 

5. The Grand Secretary shall read the minutes of all pre- 
vious Convocations not before read and approved. 

6. The Grand High Priest shall deliver his annual address. 

7. The Deputy Grand High Priest and other Grand Officers 
shall make their annual reports. 

8. The Grand High Priest shall appoint the following 
Standing Committees, each consisting of five companions : — 

I. A Committee on Finance and Accounts to whom 

20 Rules of Order. 

shall be referred all subjects iuvolvii]g an appropriation 
of funds except pay of members. 

II. A Committee on Warrants. 

III. A Committee on Jurisprudence. 

ly. A Committee on Appeals and Grievances. 
y. A Committee on pay of Officers and Members. 

And also a Committee on Foreign Correspondence, 
consisting of tliree members. 
All of which Committee, except the last shall be discharged 
by the closing of the Grand Chapter. 

9. !No Companion shall speak more than once to the same 
question unless by permission of the Grand Chapter. 

10. yotes may be taken by show of hands, nnless a vote by 
Chapters is called for which must be seconded by the repre- 
sentatives of at least five Chapters. 

11. These Rules of Order shall not be suspended except by 
unanimous consent, but may be amended at any time by a 
vote of two-thirds of all the members present. 

12. All former rules of order inconsistent herewith are 
hereby abrogated. 


At the time appointed for the Installation, the installing 
officer, designates some suitahle companion to act as Grand 
Captain of the Host, during the installation, who shall pre- 
sent the Grand High Priest elect, [divested of all official robes 
and jewels^ before the Installing Officer, saying : — 

Most Excellent : — I hereby present before you Most Excel- 
lent Companion , who, having been duly elected 

Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch Masons of the State of 
New York, now declares himself ready for installation. 

The Grand High Priest elect then turning and facing the 
Companions, the Installing officer says : — 

Companions : — You behold before you Most Excellent 

Companion , who has been duly elected to preside 

over you as your Grand High Priest, and who now declares 
himself ready for installation. If any of you have any reasons 
to urge why he should not be installed, you will make your 
objections known now, or else for ever hereafter hold your 

22 InstaUaiion of Grand Officer's. 

If no objections arc made, he v:ill continue : — 

Hearing no objections, I shall proceed to install him. 

Tlie Installing Officer then administers the foJIoiclng obli- 
gation of office — cdl the Cmnjxinions standing : — 

I, , do promise and swear that I will serve as 

Grand High Priest of the Eoyal Arch Masons of the State of 
New York for the term for which I have been elected, and 
will perform all the duties of that oiBce to the best of mv 
abilities, and will support and maintain the Constitution of 
the Grand Chapter of the State of Xew York, and that of the 
General Grand Chapter of the Tnited States. So help me 

The Grand Chaplain shcdlthen offtrthefoUoicingjjraije/': — 

Most Holy and Glorious Lord God ! the Grand High Priest 
of Heaven and Earth ! 

We approach thee with reverence, and implore thy blessing 
on the Companion appointed to preside over our Ancient 
Fraternity. Fill his heart with thy fear, that his tongue and 
actions may pronounce thy will. Make him steadfast in thy 
service ; grant him firmness of mind and kindness of disposi, 
tion ; teach him to rule his brethren, not with a rod of iron- 
but with justice and equity ; animate his heart and strengthen 
his endeavors to do good. May he inculcate thy judgments 
and thy laws, and do all that his high othce requires, with an 
eye single to thy glory and the good of the Craft ! Bless him, 
and bless those whom thou hast put under him ; and grant 
that wlien we shall have finished the work of this earthly 
temple of bodies, Ave may be admitted to the glories of that 
second temple of the spirit, eternal in tlie Heavens. — Amen. 

Response. So mote it be ! 

Installation of Orand Officers. 23 

The Installing Officer will then present the G. II. P. elect 
with the rotes and jewels of his office, after which he will de- 
liver to him the following : — 


Most Excellent : — By the voice of your Companions you 
have been chosen to occupy the most important and the most 
honorable office in their power to bestow ; and to me has 
been intrusted the pleasing duty of investing you with its in- 

You have been too long a member of our Ancient and 
Honorable Craft to require now any instructions in relation 
to the duties of your office ; and I do not doubt that you will 
be constant and regular in your attendance on the convoca- 
tions of the Grand Chapter ; watching with fidelity and dili- 
gence the conduct of the subordinate, bodies within your 
jurisdiction paying strict attention to the Constitutions of 
Royal Arch Masonry, and requiring a due obedience to them 
from every member ; and in all things, making the glory of 
the Grand High Priest of the Universe, and the good of the 
Craft, the chief objects of your regard. 

The ancient Landmarks, by which we are distinguished 
from the rest of the world, are peculiarly intrusted to your 
care ; and it therefore becomes your most saci-ed duty to see 
that, during your administration, not the least of them may 
be removed. 

From our knowledge of your zeal and ability, we feel con- 
fident that you will discharge the duties of this important 
station in such a manner as will greatly redound to the honor 
of yourself, as well as of the Fraternity over whom you have 
been elected to preside. 

Let the Mitre with which you are invested remind you of 
the dignity of the office you sustain, and its inscription im- 

24 InStallidion of Grand Officers. 

press upon your mind a sense of your dependence upon God ; 
that perfection is not given unto man upon earth ; and tliat 
perfect lioliness belongetli alone unto the Lord. 

The Breast-Plate with which you are decorated, in imita- 
tion of that upon whicli were engraven the names of tlie 
twelve tribes, and worn by the High Priest of Israel, is to 
teach you that you are always to bear in mind your respon- 
sibility to the laws and ordinances of the Institution, and that 
the honor and interests of the Craft and its members should 
be always near your heart. 

The various colors of the liobes you wear, are emblematical 
of every grace and virtue which can adorn and beautify the 
human mind, whose cultivation and constant practice are as 
necessary to your own present and future happiness, as the}^ 
are, to the prosperity of the Craft over whom you are placed. 

You will now assume your station in the East, and instruct 
your subordinates in the duties which they are respectively 
required to discharge. 

The Grand Captain of the Host will then malie the folio a^- 
ing 2>roclamatio]i : — 

Companions, in the name of the Most High God, I do 

hereby proclaim Most Excellent Companion , Grand 

High Priest of the Eoyal Arch Masons of the State of l^ew 
York, with the Grand Honors cf Masonry by three times 

The Grand Honors of H. A. Masonry are then gitvn. 
The Deputy Grand High Priest is thenp)resentedto the Grand 
High Priest in the same v:ay, and' after taking a similar 
obligation., the Grand High Priest delivers the following 


Most Excellent : — The station to which you have been 

Installation of Grand Officers. 25 

called by your coinpanions is one of great dignity and impor- 
tance. In many cases, j'our powers and prerogatives are co- 
extensive with those of your chief; and at all times are you, 
if he be present, to assist him with your counsel and co-ope- 
ration, and, in his absence, to preside over the Craft. But 
while your powers and privileges are thus extensive, remember 
that they bring with them a heavy share of responsibility. 
The honor that has been conferred npon you, and the trust 
that has been reposed in you, demand a corresponding iidelity 
and attachment to the interests of those to whose kindness and 
confidence you are indebted for your official elevation. 

The signification of the robes you wear, you have already 
heard explained. May the symbolic lessons which they con- 
vey be deeply impressed upon your mind and heart, and ever 
influence your conduct. You will now repair to your station. 

The Grand King is then presented, in the folknoing words : — 

Most Excellent : — I now present before you Right Excellent 

Companion , who has been duly elected to sei've this 

Grand Chapter as Grand King, and now declares himself 
ready for installation. 

The Grand King elect then turning and facing the Com- 
panions, the G. II. P. says : — 

Companions : — You behold before you Eight Excellent 

Companion , who has been duly elected to serve 

this Grand Chapter as Grand King, and now declares 
himself ready for installation. If any of you have any reasons 
to urge why he should not be installed, you will make them 
known now, or else for ever hereafter hold your peace. 

If no objections are made, he vnll say : — 

Hearing no objections, I shall proceed to install him. 

26 Installation of Grand Officers. 

The Grand High Priest will then administer the following 
obligation : — 

I, , do promise and swear that I will serve this 

Grand Chapter, as Grand King, for the time for which I have 
been elected ; that I will perform all the duties appertaining 
to that office to the best of my abilities, and will support and 
maintain the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of the State 
of New York, and that of the General Grand Chapter of the 
United States. So help me God. 

The Grand High Priest will then cause the Grand King to 
he invested with the robes and jewels of his office, and deliver 
to him the following : — 


Kight Excellent Companion : — The important station to 
which you have been elected, requires from you exemplary 
conduct, and its duties demand your most assiduous attention. 
In the absence of the Grand High Priest and his Deputy, you 
are to preside ; in their presence, you are to strengthen and 
support the aiithority of your chief, and to aid him by your 
counsel and advice. 

The Scarlet Babe, an emblem of royal dignity, should re- 
mind you of the paternal concern you should ever feel for our 
Institution, and the fervency and zeal with which you should 
endeavor to promote its prosperity. 

In presenting to you the Crown, which is an emblem of 
royalty, I would remind you that, to reign sovereign in the 
hearts and affections of men, must be far more grateful to a 
generous and benevolent mind, than to rule over their lives 
and fortunes ; and that, to enable you to enjoy this pre-emin- 
ence with honor and satisfaction, you must subject your own 
passions and prejudices to the dominion of reason and charity 
You will repair to your Station. 

InstallaUon of Orand Officers. 27 

The Grand Scribe is then introduced and obligated in the 
same way, and receives Ms special charge as follows : — 


Eight Excellent Companion : — The office of Scribe, to 
which you are elected, is very important and respectable. In 
the absence of yonr superior officers, you are bound to succeed 
tliem, and to perform their duties. The purposes of the Insti- 
tution ought never to suffer for want of intelligence in its pro- 
per officers ; you will therefore perceive the necessity there is 
of your possessing such qualifications as will enable you to ac- 
complish those duties which are incumbent upon you, in your 
appropriate station, as well as those which may occasionally 
devolve on you, by the absence of your superiors. 

The Purple Robe, with which you are invested, is an em- 
blem of union, and is calculated to remind you that the har- 
mony and unanimity of the Craft should be your constant 
aim ; and to this end, you are studiously to avoid all occasions 
of giving offense, or countenancing any thing that may create 
divisions or dissensions. You are, by all means in your power^ 
to endeavor to establish a permanent union and good under- 
standing among all orders and degrees of Masonry; and as 
the glorious sun, at its meridian height, dispels the mist and 
clouds which obscure the horizon, so may your exertions tend 
to dissipate the gloom of jealousy and discord, whenever they 
may appear. You will repair to your Station. 

I'he remaining offixiers are then obligated collectively, after 
which each receives his special charge. 


Eight Excellent Companion: — You have been elected to 
the responsible office of Grand Treasurer, and I now invest 
you with the badge of your office. 

28 Installation of Grand Officers. 

It is your duty to receive all moneys due the Grand Chap- 
ter from the hands of the Grand Secretary ; make due entries 
of the same ; and pay them out by order of the Grand High 
Priest, and with the consent of the Grand Chapter. The 
office to Avhich you. have been elected embraces an important 
trust, and the choice of you by your companionsis an evi- 
dence of the high opinion they entertain of your fidelity 
and discretion. You will repair to your Station. 


Eight Excellent Companion: — You have been elected to 
the important office of Grand Secretary, and I now invest you. 
with the jewel of your office. 

It is your duty to receive all moneys due the Grand Chap- 
ter, and pay them over to the Grand Treasurer, taking his 
receipt for the same ; to observe all the proceedings of the 
Grand Chapter, and to make a true record of all things proper 
to be written. You are also the official organ of the Grand 
Chapter, and in that capacity will conduct its various corres- 
pondence, and act as the medium of intercourse between the 
Fraternity and their presiding officer. In the discharge of 
these extensive duties, let your carriage and behavior be 
marked with that promptitude and discretion that will at once 
reflect credit on yourself and honor on the body whom you re- 
present. You will repair to your Station. 


Eight Excellent and Eev. Companion : — The sacred posi- 
tion of Grand Chaplain has been intrusted to your care, and I 
now invest yoii with the jewel of your office. 

In the discharge of your duties, you will be required to con- 
duct the devotional exercises of our Grand Convocations, and 
to perform the sacred functions of your holy calling at our 

Installation of Orcmd Officers. 29 

public ceremonies. Though Masonry be not rehgion, it is 
emphatically religion's handmaid ; and 1 am sure that, in 
ministering at its altar, the services you may perform will lose 
nothing of their vital importance, because they are practiced 
in that spirit of universal tolerance which distinguishes our 
Institution. The doctrines of morality and virtue which you 
are accustomed to inculcate to the world, as the minister of 
God, will form the appropriate lessons which you are expected 
to communicate to your companions. The profession which 
you have chosen for your lot in life, is the best guaranty that 
you will discharge the duties of your present appointment 
with steadfastness and perseverance in well doing. You will 
repair to your Station. 


Right Excellent Companion : — The office with which you 
have been intrusted is of great importance, and requires much 
skill and attention for the faithful dischai-ge of its duties, 
which are those of a marshal, or master of ceremonies. 

You are to superintend all processions of the Grand Chapter, 
when moving jts a distinct body, either in public or private ; 
and as the world can only judge of our private discipline by 
our public deportment, you will be careful ttat the utmost 
order and decorum be observed on all such occasions. You 
will ever be attentive to the commands of your chief, and 
always near at hand to see them duly executed. I invest 
you with the badge of your office, and presume that you will 
give to your duties all that study and attention which their 
importance demands. I present you with this sword, as the 
appropriate implement of your office. You will repair to your 


Right Excellent Companion ; — The office confided to you is 

30 Installation of Orand Officers. 

one of great importance, though subordinate in degree. Oc- 
cupying a station which corresponds to that of Senior Deacon 
in the lower degrees, it becomes your duty to obey and extend 
the orders of your superiors, and to act as their proxies in the 
active business of the Grand Chapter. Attention, obedience, 
and promptitude are, therefore, essentially necessary for the 
faithful performance of j'our duties. I present you with the 
rod, a symbol of command, as the proper ensign of your office. 
You will repair to your Station. 


Hight Excellent Companion : — The office to which you have 
been appointed nearly corresponds to that of Junior Deacon in 
the inferior degrees. It is, therefore, your duty to see that 
the external avenues of the Grand Chapter are securely guard- 
ed, and that none are permitted to pass or repass, but such as 
are duly qualified and have the requisite permission. Let vig- 
ilance and attention, therefore, actuate yoii in the discharge 
of the functions of your important office ; for the more faith- 
ful performance of which, I intrust this sword to your keep- 
ing. You will repair to your Station. 


Eight Excellent Companion : — I present you with the Scar- 
let Banner, which is the ensign of yom- office, and with a 
sword to protect and defend the same. The rich and beautful 
color of your banner is emblematical of fervency and zeal • it 
is the appropriate color of the Eoyal Arch degree; it ad- 
monishes us, that we should be fervent in the exercise of our 
devotions to God, and zealous in our endeavors to promote the 
happiness of man. 


Eight Excellent Companion: — I invest you with the Pw/^^/e 

Installation of Oramd Officers. 31 

Banner, which is the ensign of your office, and arm you with 
a sword, to enable you to maintain its honor. 

The color of your banner is produced by a due mixture of 
Ihie and scarlet; the former of which is the characteristic 
color of the symholio ov first three degrees of masonry, and the 
latter, that of the Royal Arch degree. It is an emblem of 
union, and is the characteristic color of the intermediate de- 
grees. It admonishes us to cultivate and improve that spirit 
of union and harmony, between the brethren of the symbolic 
degrees and the Companions of the sublime degrees, which 
should ever distinguish the members of a society founded upon 
the principles of everlasting truth and universal philanthropy. 


Right Excellent Companion : — I invest you with the Blue 
Banner, which is the ensign of your office, and a sword for its 
defence and protection. The color of your banner is one of 
the most durable and beautiful in nature. It is the appro- 
priate color adopted and worn by our ancient brethren of the 
three symbolic degrees, and is the peculiar characteristic of 
an institution which has stood the test of ages, and which is as 
much distinguished by the durability of its materials or prin- 
ciples, as by the beauty of its superstructure. It is an emblem 
of universal //'ierarffsA^p and henevolence ; and instructs us, that 
in the mind of a mason, those virtues should be as expansive 
as the blue arch of heaven itself. 


Companion : — You have been appointed Grand Tiler of this 
Grand Chapter ; and I now invest you with the jewel of your 
office, and place this sword in your hands, the more effectually 
to enable you to repel the approach of cowans and eavesdrop- 
pers, and to guard against surprise. 

32 Installation of Grand Officers. 

It is your duty to guard the door of the Grand Chapter, at 
the outside ; to report to the Grand Koyal Arch Captain those 
who desire to be admitted ; to place the Grand Chapter Eoom 
in order for its convocations ; and to attend to such other du- 
ties as may be required of you by the Grand Chapter. Your 
punctual attendance is essentially necessary at every convoca- 
tion. Tou -n-ill repair to your Station. 

The Grand Captain of the Host then maJces proclamation 

asfoUou's : — 

By authority of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of the 
State of Xew york, I proclaim its Officers duly installed in 
ample form, -with the Grand Honors of Masonry, by three 
times three. 



TJie new Chapter will rneet in its hall, and open on the 
Royal Arch Degree / the Grand officers xoill meet in an adjoin- 
ing room, and on heing notified hy a committee of the nev) 
Chapter that its members are ready for their reception, tJiey 
will proceed to the Chapter room, where T)eing received l)y the 
nev) Chapter with the Grand Honors, the officers of the new 
Chapter resign their stations to the Grand Officers. 

Prayer hj the Grand Chaplain. 

Almighty and Supreme High Priest of Heaven and Earth ! 
Who is there in heaven but tiiee ! and who upon earth can 
stand in competition with thee ! Thy Omniscient Mind brings 
all things in review, past, present, and to come ; thine Om- 
nipotent Arm directs the movements of the vast creation ; 
thine Omnipresent Eye pervades the secret recesses of every 
heart ; thy boundless beneficence supplies us with every com- 
fort and enjoyment ; and thine unspeakable perfections and 

34 Constituting a New Chapter. 

glory siirpass the understanding of the children of men ! Our 
Father, who art in heaven, we invoke thy benediction upon 
the purposes of our present assembly. May this Chapter be 
established to thine honor, and consecrated to thy glory ; may 
its officers be endowed with wisdom to discern, and fidelity to 
pursue, its true interests ; and may its members be ever mind- 
ful of the duty they owe to their God, the obedience they owe 
to their superiors, the love they owe to their equals, and the 
good will they owe to all mankind. Amen. 

Response. So mote it be. 

TJie Orand Oajptain of the Host then forms tlieneio Cha/pter 
in front of the Grand High Priest. 

The Deputy Grand High Priest says : — • 

Most Excellent Grand High Priest : — a number of Compan- 
ions duly instructed in the sublime mysteries, being desirous 
of promoting the honor, and propagating the principles of the 
Art, have applied to the Grand Chapter for a "Warrant to con- 
stitute a new Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, which having 
been obtained, they are now assembled for the purpose of 
being constituted, and having their officers installed in due 
and ancient form. 

Gkand IIigh Priest. Let the Warrant of Constitution be 

Grand Secretary reads it. 

Grand High Priest. Companions : — The Grand Chapter 
having granted to you a Warrant for forming and opening a 
new Chapter, and having full confidence in your ability to 
conduct the same in accordance with the spirit of our Eoyal 
Art ; Now therefore, by virtue of the high powers in me 
vested, I do form you, my respected Companions, into a regu- 

Constituting a New Chapter. 35 

lar Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons. From henceforth j'ou 
are authorized and empowered to open and hold a Lodge of 
Mark Masters, Past Masters, and Most Excellent Masters, and 
a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons ; and to do and perform all 
such things as thereunto may appertain ; conforming in all 
your doings to the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter 
of Eoyal Arch Masons for the United States, and of the Grand 
Chapter of the State of New York ; and may the God of your 
fathers be with you, guide, and direct you in all your doings. 

The Arlv of the Covenant, and the furniture, clothing, jew- 
els, and implements belonging to the Chapter, {having ieen 
previously placed in the centre, in front of the Grand High 
Priest^ are now uncovered, and the dedication proceeds. 

Geaijd Chaplain. To our most excellent patron Zerubba- 
bel, we solemnly dedicate this Chapter. May the blessing of 
our Heavenly High Priest descend and rest upon its members, 
and may their felicity be immortal. Glory be to God on high. 

Response. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever 
shall be, world without end. Amen. 

The Deputy Orand High Priest then presents the High 
Priest of the netv Chapter to the Grand High Priest, saying : — 

Most Excellent Grand High Priest : — I present you Compan- 
ion ■ -, nominated in the warrant, to be installed High 

Priest of this new Chapter. I iind him to be skillful in the 
Royal Art, and attentive to the moral precepts of our fore- 
fathers, and have therefore no doubt he will discharge the 
duties of his office with fidelity. 

The Grand High Priest then addresses him as follows : — 

Most Excellent : — I feel much satisfaction in performing my 
duty on the present occasion, by installing you into the office 

36 Constituting a Keio Chapter. 

of High Priest of this Chapter. It is an office highly honora- 
ble to all those who dilligently perform the important duties 
annexed to it ; your reputed Masonic knowledge, however, pre- 
cludes the necessity of a particular enumeration of those duties ; 
I shall therefore only observe, that by a frequent recurrence 
to the Constitution, and general regulations, and a constant 
study of our sublime science, you will be best able to fulfil 
them ; and I am confidant that the Companions who are 
chosen to assist you, will give strength to your endeavors, 
and support to your exertions. I shall now propose certain 
questions to you, relative to the duties of your office, to which 
I must request yonr unequivocal answer. 

1. Do you solemnly promise that you will redouble your 
endeavors to correct the vices, purify the morals, and promote 
the happiness of those of your Companions who have attained 
this sublime degree. 

2. That you will never suffer your Chapter to be opened, 
unless there be present nine regular Eoyal Arch Masons. 

3. That yoa will never suffer either more or less than three 
brethren to be exalted in your Chapter at one and the same 

4r. That you will not exalt any one to this degree, who has 
not shown a charitable and humane disposition ; or who has 
not made a considerable proficiency in tlie foregoing degrees. 

5. That you will promote the general good of our frater- 
nity, and on all proper occasions be ready to give and receive 
instructions, and particularly from the General and State Grand 

6. That to the utmost of your power you will preserve the 
solemnities of our ceremonies, and behave in open Chapter, 
with the most profoiind respect and reverence, as an example 
to your Companions. 

Constituting a New Chapter. 3Y 

7. That you -will not acknowledge or have intercourse 
with any Chapter that does not work under a Constitutional 
warrant or dispensation. 

8. That you will not admit any visitor into your Chapter 
who has not been exalted in a Chapter legally constituted, 
without his being first formally healed. 

9. That you will observe and support such by-laws as may 
be legally made by your Chapter. 

10. That you will pay due respect and obedience to the 
instructions of the General and State Grand Officers, partic- 
ularly relating to the several lectures and charges, and will 
resign the chair to them, severally, when they may visit your 
Chapter officially. 

11. That you will support and observe the Constitution of 
the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the 
United States of America, and of the Grand Chapter of the 
State of New York, under whose authority you act. 

Do you submit to all these things, and do you promise to 
observe and practice them faithfully ? 

Answer. I do. 

The Oramd Chaplain offers the folloiving 


Most holy and glorious Lord God, the Great High Priest of 
Heaven and Earth ; 

We approach thee with reverence, and implore thy blessing 
on the Companion appointed to preside over this new as- 
sembly, and now prostrate before thee ; — fill his heart with 
thy fear, that his tongue and actions may pronounce thy glory. 
Make him steadfast in thy service; grant him firmness of 
mind ; animate his heart, and strengthen his endeavors; may 

38 Constituting a New Chapter. 

lie teach thy judgments and thy laws ; and may the incense 
lie shall put before thee, upon thine altar, prove an acceptable 
sacrifice unto thee. Eless him, Lord, and bless the work of 
his hands. Accept us in mercy ; hear thou from heaven thy 
dwelling-place, and forgive our transgressions. Amen. 

Response. So mote it be. 

The Grand High Priest then administers the following 
obligation to the High Priest : — 

I, , do promise and swear that I will serve this 

Chapter as High Priest for the time that I have been elected ; 
that I will perform all the duties appertaining to that office to 
the best of my abilities, and will support and maintain the 
Constitution of the Grand Chapter of the State of New York, 
and that of the General Grand Chapter of the United States. 

The High Priest will thenlje presented wiihthe clothing and 
badges of his office, and the Grand High Priest will address 
him as follows : 

Most Excellent : — In consequence of your cheerful acquies- 
cence with the charges, which you have heard recited, you are 
qualified for installation as the High Priest of this Eoyal Arch 
Chapter; and it is incumbent upon me, on this occasion, to 
point out some of the particulars appertaining to your ofiice, 
duty, and dignity. 

The High Priest of every Chapter has it in special charge, 
to see that the by-laws of his Chapter, as well as the General 
Grand Royal Arch Constitution, and all the regulations of 
the Grand Chapter, are duly observed ; — that all the officers 
of his Chapter perform the duties of their respective offices 
faithfully, and are examples of diligence and industry to their 
Companions ; — that true and accurate records of all the pro- 
ceedings of the Chapter are kept by the Secretary ; — that the 

Constituting a New Chapter. 39 

Treasurer keeps and renders exact and just accounts of all the 
moneys and other property belonging to the Chapter ; — that 
the regular returns be made annually to the Grand Chapter ; — 
and that the annual dues to the Grand Chapter be regularly 
and punctually paid. He has the right and authority of call- 
ing his Chapter together at pleasure, upon any emergency or 
occurrence, which in his judgment may require their meeting. 
It is his privilege and duty, together with the King and 
Scribe, to attend the meetings of the Grand Chapter, and the 
well-being of the institution requires that this duty should on 
no occasion be omitted. 

The office of High Priest is a station highly honorable to all 
those who diligently perform the important duties annexed to 
it. By a frequent recurrence to the constitutions and general 
regulations, and a constant practice of the several sublime 
Lectures and Charges, you will be best enabled to fulfill those 
duties ; and I am confident that the Companions who are cho- 
sen to assist you, will give strength to your endeavors, and 
support to your exertions. 

Let the Mitre with which you are invested, remind you of 
the dignity of the office you sustain, and its inscription impress 
upon your mind a sense of your dependence upon God ; — that 
perfection is not given unto man upon earth, and that perfect 
holiness belongeth alone unto the Lord. 

The Breast-Plate, with which you are decorated, in imita- 
tion of that upon which were engraven the names of the 
twelve tribes, and worn by the High Priest of Israel, is to 
teach you that you are always to bear in mind your respon- 
sibility to the laws and ordinances of the institution, and that 
the honor and interests of your Chapter and its members, 
should be always near your heart. 

The various colors of the Eohes you wear, are emblematical 
of every grace and virtue which can adorn and beautify the 

40 Constituting a New Chapter. 

human mind ; each of which will be briefly illustrated in the 
course of the charges to be delivered to your subordinate 

Tou will now take charge of your oflicers, standing upon 
their right, and present them severally in succession to the 
Deputy Grand High Priest, by wliom they will be presented 
to me for installation. 

The High Priest of the Chapter iciU then present each of his 
officers in succession td the Deputy Grand High Priest, icho 
will present the officer to the Grand High, Priest, in the icords 
already used in presenting the High Priest, malting the neces- 
sary variation for the office. The Grand High Priest icill 
administer an obligcdion similar to tJiat administered to the 
High Priest, and after presenting each officer icith hisclothing 
andiadges, he will address him as follmvs : — 


Excellent Companion : — The important station to which you 
are elected in this Chapter, requires from you exemplary con- 
duct ; its duties demand your most assiduous attention ; you 
are to second and support your chief in all the requirements 
of his oflice ; and should casualties at any time prevent his 
attendance, you are to succeed him in the performance of his 

Tour badge, the Level surmounted hy a Croicn, should re- 
mind you that although yon are the repi'esentative of a King 
and exalted by office above your Companions, yet that you 
remain upon a level with them, as respects your duty to God 
to your neighbor, and to yourself; that you are equally bound 
with them, to be obedient to the laws and ordinances of the 
institution ; to be charitable, humane, and just, and to seek 
every occasion of doing good. 

Constituting a New Cha^pter. 41 

Your office teaches a striking lesson of humility. The insti- 
tutions of political society teacli us to consider the king as the 
chief of created beings, and tliat the first duty of his subjects 
is to obey his mandates : — but the institutions of our sublime 
degrees, by placing the King in a situation subordinate to 
tlie lligli Priest, teach us that our duty to God is paramount 
to all other duties, and should ever claim the prioi'ity of our 
obedience to man ; and that however strongly we may be bound 
to obey the laws of civil society, yet that those laws, to be just, 
should never intermeddle with matters of conscience, nor dic- 
tate articles of faith. 

The Scarlet Robe, an emblem of imperial dignity, should 
remind you of the paternal concern you should ever feel for the 
welfare of your Chapter, and the fervency and zeal with which 
you should endeavor to promote its prosperity. 

In presenting to you the Crown, which is an emblem of 
royalty, I would remind you, that to reign sovereign in the 
hearts and affections of men, must be far more grateful to a 
generous and benevolent mind than to rule over their lives and 
fortunes; and that to enable you to enjoy this pre-eminence 
witli honor and satisfaction, you must subject your own pas- 
sions and prejudices to the dominion of reason and charity. 
You are entitled to the second seat in the council of your 
Companions. Let the bright example of your illustrious pre- 
decessor in the Grand Council at Jerusalem, stimulate you to 
the faithful discharge of your duties; and when the King 
of Kings shall summon you into his immediate presence, from 
his hand may you receive a crown of glory, wliich shall never 
fade away. 


Excellent Companion : — The office of Scribe, to which you 
are elected, is very important and respectable. In the ab- 

42 Constituting a New Chapter. 

sence of your superior officere, you are bound to succeed tbem, 
and to perform their duties. The purposes of the institution 
ought never to suffer for want of intelligence in its proper 
officers ; you will therefore perceive the necessity there is of 
your possessing such qualifications as will enable you to ac- 
complish those duties which are incumbent upon you, in your 
appropriate station, as well as those which may occasionally 
devolve on you, by the absence of your superiors. 

The Purple Robe, with which you are invested, is an em- 
blem of union, and is calculated to remind you that the bar 
mony and unanimity of the Cliapter should be your constant 
aim ; and to this end you are studiously to avoid all occasions 
of giving offense, or countenancing anything that may create 
divisions or dissensions. Ton are, by all means in your power, 
to endeavor to establish a permanent union and good under- 
standing among all ordei's and degrees of masonry ; and as the 
glorious sun, at its meridian height, dispels the mist and 
clouds which obscure tlie horizon, so may your exertions tend 
to dissipate the gloom of jealousy and discord, whenever they 
may appear. 

Your badge, a PlurrJj-ruU surmounted hy the Turhan, is an 
emblem of I'ectitude and vigilance ; and while you stand as a 
watchman on the tower, to guard your Companions against 
the approach of those enemies of human felicitj-, intemperance 
and excess, let this faitnful monitor ever remind you to walk 
uprightly in your station ; admonishing and animating your 
Companions to fidelity and industry while at labor, and to 
temperance and moderation while at refreshment. And when 
the Great "Watchman of Israel, whose eye never slumbers or 
sleeps, shall relieve you from your post on earth, may he per- 
mit you in heaven to participate in that food and refreshment 
which is 

" Such as the saints in glory love, 
And such as angels eat. 

Constitutmg a New Chapter. 43 


Companion: — Yon arc elected Treasurer of this Chapter, and 
I has-e the pleasure of investing you with the badge of your 
office. The qualities which should recommend a Treasurer, 
are accuracy and fidelity ; accuracy, in keeping a fair and 
minute account of all receipts and disbursements; iidelity, in 
carefully preserving all the property and funds of the Chapter, 
that may be placed in his hands, and rendering a just account 
of the same, whenever he is called upon for that purpose. I 
presume that your respect for the institution, your attachment 
to the interests of your Chapter, and your regard for a good 
name,wliich is better than precious ointment, will prompt you 
to the faithful discharge of the duties of your office. 


Companion : — I with pleasure invest you with your badge 
as Secretary of this Chapter. The qualities which should re- 
commend a Secretary, ttxe, promptiticde in issuing the notifica- 
tions and orders of his superior officers; punctuality in attend- 
ing the convocations of the Chapter ; correctness in recording 
their proceedings ; judgment in discriminating between what 
is proper and what is improper to be committed to writing ; 
regularity in making his annual returns to the Grand Chap- 
ter ; integrity in accounting for all moneys that may pass 
through his hands ; and fidelity in paying the same over into 
the hands of the Treasurer. Tlie possession of these good 
(jualities, I presume, has designated you as a suitable candi- 
date for this important office ; and I cannot entertain a doubt 
that you will discharge its duties beneficially to the Chapter, 
and honorably to yourself. And when you shall have com- 
pleted the record of your transactions here below, and finished 
the term of your probation, may you be admitted into the 
celestial Grand Chapter of saints and angels, and find your 
name recorded'va. the hook of life eternal. 

44 Constituting a New Chapter. 


Companion : — You are appointed Tiler of this Chapter, and 
I invest you with the badge, and this implement of your office. 
As the sword is placed in the hands of the Tiler, to enable 
him effectually to guard against the approach of all coicans and 
eavesdrojyjiers^ and suffer none to pass or repass but such as 
are didy qualiji<?d, so it should morally serve as a constant ad- 
monition to us to set a guard at the entrance of our thoughts, 
to place a watch at the door of our lips, to post a sentinel at 
the avenue of our actions, thereby excluding every unqualified 
and im worthy thought, word, and deed, and preserving con- 
sciences void of offense towards God and towards man. 

As the first application from visitors for admission into the 
Chapter is generally made to the Tiler at the door, your 
station will often present you to the observation of strangers ; 
it is, therefore, essentially necessary that he who sustains the 
office with which you are intrusted, should be a man of good 
morals, steady habits, strict discipline, temperate, affable and 
discreet. I trust that a just regard for the honor and reputa- 
tion of the institution, will ever induce you to perform with 
fidelity the trust reposed iu you ; and when the door of this 
earthly tabernacle shall be closed, may you find an abundant 
entrance through the gates into the temple and city of our 


Companions : — -The exercise and management of the sublime 
degrees of masonry in your Chapter hitherto, are so highly 
appreciated, and the good reputation of the Chapter so well 
established, that I presume these considerations alone, were 
there no others of greater magnitude, would be sufficient to 
induce you to preserve and perpetuate this valuable and hon- 
orable character. But when to these is added the pleasure 

Constituting a New Chapter. 45 

which every philanthropic heart must feel in doing good, in 
promoting good order, in diffusing light and knowledge, in 
cultivating masonic and Christian charity, which are the great 
objects of this sublime institution, I cannot doubt that your 
future conduct, and that of your successors, will be calculated 
still to increase the lustre of your justly esteemed reputation. 
May your Chapter become beautiful as the temple, peaceful 
as the arh, and sacred as its most holy place. May your obla- 
tions oi piety and praise be grateful as the incense, your love 
warm as Hb flame, and your charity diffusive as its fragrance. 
May your hearts hepure as the altar, and your conduct accept- 
able as the offering. May the exercises of your charity be as 
constant as the returning wants of the distressed widow and 
helpless orphan. May the approbation of Heaven be your en- 
couragement, and the testimony of a good conscience your 
support ; may you be endowed with every good and perfect 
gift, while traveling the rugged path of life, and finally be ad- 
mitted within the vail of heaven, to the full enjoyment of life 
eternal. Amen. So mote it be. 

The Grand Captain of the Host then makes the following 
proclamation : — 

In the name of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of the 

State of New York, I hereby proclaim Chapter No. , 

to be legally constituted and consecrated, and the oiBcers 
thereof duly installed, with the Grand Honors of Masonry, 
by three times three. 

The Grand Honors are tJien given, and the Grand High 
Priast directs the newly installed officers to repair to their 
respective stations, and enter upon the discharge of their duties. 



Passed March 31, ISIS. 

Whereas it is represented to the legislature 'by the Grand 
Chapter of Freemasons of the State of Xew York, that they 
experience great difficulties in vesting and secm-ing their 
funds, which are chiefly intended for charitable purposes; 
and that they wish to purchase and hold a lot of ground 
for the purpose of erecting thereon a Masonic Hall : There- 

I. Be It enacted hy the People of the State of Xev: Yorl\ 
represented in Senate and Asscmhly, That Ezra Ames, Eicli- 
ard Hatfield, Joseph Enos, jr., John Brush, Ebenezer Wads- 
worth and Isaac Hempsted, and their associates, be, and thev 
are hereby declared a body politic and corporate, in fact and 
in name, by the name of the " Grand Chapter of the State of 
Xew York ;" and that by that name, they and their successors 
shall and may have succession, and be capable of siaing and 
being sued, pleading and being impleaded, defending and be- 
ing defended, in all courts and places whatsover, in all manner 
of actions, suits, complaints, matters and causes whatsover, 

Act of IncorporaUon. 47 

and that thej may have a common seal, and alter the same at 

II. And heit further enacted, That their elections of officers 
shall be made annually, at such time and place, and subject to 
such rules and regulations, as the said Grand Chapter shall 
from time to time direct; and that the first four officers, to 
gether with the secretary and treasurer for the time being, 
shall always be the trustees, and have the management of the 
concerns of the said Grand Chapter : Provided always, That 
all appropriations of the funds of the said Chapter shall be 
made by the trustees aforesaid, by and with the consent of a 
majority of the members thereof, present at their annual 

III. And ie it further enacted, That the trustees aforesaid, 
and their successors, by the name aforesaid, shall be in law 
capable of purchasing, holding, selling and conveying any es- 
tate, real and personal, for the use and benefit of the said 
Chapter, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars in value : Pro- 
vided, That no real estate or lot of ground shall be purchased 
or held by the said trustees, except for the purpose of building 
and erecting a masonic hall thereon ; and that the powers of 
the said trustees in relation to their personal estate, shall be 
confined to the vesting and securing of their funds, and the 
transfer and distribution thereof, for the ordinary and usual 
purposes of the said Chapter : And provided also, That this 
act shall in no wise aifect any other or subordinate Chapter in 
this State. 

IV. And he it further enacted. That this act shall be taken 
and deemed to be a public act, and that it shall and may be 
lawful for the legislature, at any time hereafter, to alter or re- 
peal the same. 



Chapter 317. 

AN A CT to enable Lodges and Ohapters of Free and Accept- 
ed Masons to TaJce, Hold, and Convey Real and Personal 
Estate. Passed April 2, 1866. 

The People of the State of New York, represented in Sen- 
ate and Assembly, do enact as follows : 

Section 1. Whenever any lodge or chapter of Free and Ac- 
cepted Masons v/hich is or hereafter may be dnly chartered by 
and installed according to the general rules and regulations of 
the grand lodge or grand chapter of Free and Accepted Masons 
of the State of New York, shall be desirous of having the ben- 
efit of this act, it shall and may be lawful for such lodge or 
chapter, at any regular communication or convocation thereof, 
held in accordance with the constitution and general regula- 
tions of the grand lodge or chapter aforesaid, and in conformity 
to its own by-laws, to elect three trustees for such lodge or 
chapter, for the purpose aforesaid, a certificate of which elec- 
tion and purpose shall be made and subscribed by the first 

Incorporation of Trustees. 49 

three elective officers of such lodge or chapter, under their 
hands, and stating therein the time and place of such election, 
the regularity thereof, the names of said trustees, and the 
terms severally for which they are allotted to serve, and the 
name of the lodge or chapter for which they ai-e elected. The 
execution of such certificate shall be acknowledged or proved 
before some officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of 
deeds, who shall indorse thereon a certificate of such acknowl- 
edgment, under his hand, and the same shall then be filed in 
the office of the Secretary of State. Such trustees and their 
successors shall thereupon be and become entitled to all the 
benefits, rights, and privileges granted by this act, to and for 
the use and behoof of said lodge or chapter, and a copy of said 
certificate, certified by the Secretary of State, or his deputy, 
shall be evidence of the right of said trustees to exercise all the 
rights and privileges conferred by this act ; and said trustees 
shall thereupon be authorized to take and hold and convey real 
and personal estate, for the charitable purposes of said lodge 
or chapter, not exceeding the clear and annual value of ten 
thousand dollars. 

Sec. 2. The persons so first elected trustees shall be divided 
by lot by said officers making said certificate, so that the term 
of one shall expire on the day of the festival of St. John the 
Evangelist next thereafter, and another in one year, and the 
third in two years thereafter. One trustee shall annually 
thereafter prior to the expiration of the terms of office of said 
trustees and their successors, be elected by said lodge or chap- 
ter by ballot, in the same manner and at the same time as the 
first three officers thereof severally are or shall be elected ac- 
cording to the constitution, by-laws, and general regulations 
aforesaid, and a certificate of said election, under the hands of 
said officers, and the seal of said lodge or chapter, if they have 

50 Incorporation of Trustees. 

one, shall be made and shall be evidence of said election, and 
entitle said person so elected to act as trustee. Said lodge or 
chapter may, at any regular communication or convocation, 
fill any vacancy that may have occurred in said board of trus- 
tees, to be certified in like manner and with like efi^ect as at an 
annual election. The person so elected shall hold his office 
for and during the term of the trustee whose place he was 
elected to fill. 

Sec. 3. If any person so elected trustee shall die, resign, 
demit, or be suspended or expelled from said lodge or chapter, 
remove from the State, or become insane, or otherwise inca- 
pacitated for performing the duties of said trust, his office as 
trustee shall therefor be deemed vacant, and said lodge or 
chapter may thereafter, at any regular meeting, fill such va- 
cancy, in the manner and with the eflect stated in the last 

Sec. 4. The trustees of any lodge or chapter, and their suc- 
cessors, shall be and are hereby authorized to take, hold, and 
convey, by and under the direction of said lodge or chapter, 
and for the use and benefit thereof, all the temporalities and 
property belonging thereto, whether consisting of real or per- 
sonal estate and whether the same shall have been given, 
granted or devised directly to such lodge or chapter or to any 
person or persons for their use, or in trust for them or their 
benefit, and also in their individual names, with the addition 
of their title of trustees aforesaid, to sue and be sued in all 
courts and places having jurisdiction, and to recover, hold, and 
enjoy, in trust, and subject as aforesaid, all the debts, demands, 
rights, and privileges, and all masonic halls, with the appurte- 
nances, and all other estate and property belonging to such 
lodges and chapters, in whatsoever manner the same may have 
been acquired, or in whose name soever the same may be held. 

Incorporation of Trustees. 51 

as fully and amply as if the right or title thereto had originally 
been vested in said trustees, and also to purchase and hold for 
the purposes and subject as aforesaid, other real and personal 
estate, and to demise, lease, and improve the same ; and such 
lodge or chapter shall have power to make rules and regula- 
tions, not inconsistent- with the laws of this State, nor contrary 
to the constitution or general regulations of the grand body to 
which it shall be subordinate, for managing the temporal af- 
fairs of such lodge or chapter, and to dispose of its property 
and all other temporal concerns and revenue thereof, and the 
secretary and treasurer of such lodge or cliapter, duly elected 
and installed according to the constitution and general regula- 
tions aforesaid, shall, for the time being, be ex officio the secre- 
tary and treasurer of said trustees. 

Sec. 5. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed or 
taken to give to such trustees of any lodge or chaptei', the pow- 
er to purchase, sell, convey, or dispose of any property, real or 
personal, of such lodge or chapter, nor shall they have sucli 
power except by and under the direction of such lodge or 
chapter, duly had at a regular or stated communication or 
convocation thereof, according to the constitution and general 
regulations aforesaid, and said trustees shall at all times obey 
and abide by the directions, orders, and resolutions of said 
lodge or chapter, duly passed at any regular or stated commu- 
nication or convocation thereof, according to and not contra- 
vening the constitution and laws of this State, or of the grand 
body to which it shall be subordinate, or of the lodge or chap- 
ter aforesaid. Provided, that in case said lodge or chapter 
shall surrender its warrant to the grand body to which the 
same shall be subordinate, as aforesaid, or shall be expelled 
or become extinct, according to the constitution and general 
regulations aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said trustees then 
in office, out of the property aforesaid, to satisfy all just debts 

52 Incorporation of Trustees. 

due from said lodge or chapter, and the residue of said prop- 
erty shall be transferred to the "trustees of the masonic hall 
and asylum fund," a corporation created by an act entitled 
"An Act to Incorporate the Trustees of the Masonic Hall and 
Asylum Fund," passed April twenty-first, eighteen hundred 
and sixty-four, and unless reclaimed by said lodge or chapter 
within three years after said transfer, in accordance with the 
constitution and general regulations aforesaid, the same, with 
the avails or increase thereof, shall be applied by said trustees 
last mentioned, to the benevolent purposes for which said 
trustees were created in and by said act. 

Sec. 6. It shall and may be lawful for any lodge or chapter, 
or the trustees or ofiicers thereof, under the direction of such 
lodge or chapter, heretofore incorporated by the laws of this 
State, or thereby enabled to take and hold real or personal 
estate or both, to surrender such act of incorporation, charter, 
or privilege, and to be enabled to take and hold property, with 
all the rights and subject to all the provisions of this act, on 
making and filing the certificate in the manner specified in the 
first section of this act, and therein stating, in addition to what 
is therein required, the surrender of said act, charter or privi- 
lege, referring to and specifying the same, and on such certifi- 
cate being so made and filed, the lodge or chapter making and 
filing the same shall thereupon be deemed as having fully sur- 
rendered such incorporation, charter, or right, and its property 
shall be fully vested in the trustees specified in said certificate, 
and their successors, with all the rights, powers, and pri- 
vileges, and subject to all the provisions of this act. 

Sec. 7. Xo board of trustees for any lodge or chapter, filino- 
the certificate aforesaid, shall be deemed to be dissolved for 
any neglect or omission to elect a trustee annually, or fill any 
vacancy or vacancies that may occur or exist at any time in 

Incorporation of Trustees. 53 

said board ; but it shall and may be lawful for said lodge or 
chapter to fill such vacancy or vacancies at any regular com- 
munication thereafter to be held, and till a vacancy arising 
from the expiration of the term of office of a trustee is filled, 
as aforesaid, he shall continue to hold the said office and per- 
form the duties thereof. 

Sec. 8. This act shall be deemed apublic act and be benignly 
construed in all courts and places, to effectuate the objects 

Sec. 9. This act shall take effect immediately. 

State of New Yobk. 
Office of the Secretary of State. 

I have compared the preceding with the original law on file 
in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct 
transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law. 

Feancis C. Baelow, Secretary of State. 



State of !N^ew Yoek, 
County of 

We, the undersigned, the first three elective officers of 
Chapter ISTo. of Free and Accepted Masons, duly char- 

tered by and installed according to the General Eules and 

54: Incorporation of Trustees. 

Eegulations of the Grand Chapter of Free and Accepted Ma- 
sons, of the State of Xew Yoi"k, do hereby certify, that, at a 
regular convocation of said Chapter held at their Hall in 

, on the day of , in the year IS , 

in accordance with the Constitution and General Eegulations 
of the Grand Chapter aforesaid, and in conformity to their 
By -laws, the said Lodge being desirous of having the benefits 
and privileges conferred by an Act of the Legislature of the 
iState of Xew York, entitled, " An Act to enable Lodges and 
Chapters of Free and Accepted Masons, to Take, Hold, and 
Convey Eeal and Personal Estate," passed April 2, 1S66, did, 
then and there, proceed to elect three Trustees for such Chap- 
ter, for the purpose aforesaid, and whose terms of ofiice were 
allotted, by the undersigned, as prescribed in said act. 

And the undersigned do further certify, that said election 
was regularly conducted, according to the Constitution and 
General Eules and Eegulations of the said Grand Chapter, 
and the By-laws of the Chapter aforesaid ; that the names of 
said Trustees, and the terms, sevei'ally, for which they were 
allotted to serve, are as follow : , whose term 

will expire on the day of the festival of St. John the Evangelist 
next after said election ; , whose term will expire in one 

year thereafter; and , whose term will expire in two 

years thereafter. 

In testimony whereof, we the undersigned, the fii'st three 
elective officers of said Chapter have hereto set om- hands, 
this day of , in the year 18 

Hi-gJi Priest. 



Signed, and duly stamped before ) , ect. stamp, 

execution, in presence of ) jscts. canceled. 

Incorporation of Trustees. 55 

State of New York, ) 
County of \ 

I, the undersigned, an officer duly authorized by law to take 
the acknowledgment of deeds, do hereby certify, that on the 
day of , in the year 18 , in the 

of , in the said county, before me per- 

sonally appeared , with whom I am 

personally acquainted, and know to be the first three elective 
officers, viz : High Priest, King and Scribe of the Chapter 
specified in the foregoing instrument, and the persons and 
officers described therein, and who have subscribed the same, 
and who, each, then and there, severally acknowledged the 
execution by them of the foregoing certificate. 

( Rev. Stamp. ) 
I 5 cts. Canceled, j 

The Judge, Commissioner, Justice, or Notary Public before 
whom the certificate is acknowledged will sign this certificate 
officially. In case he does not personally know the subscrib- 
ers, they can be identified by some witness who does know 
them, and the certificate can be altered accordingly. The 
certificate must then be sent to the Secretary of State and a 
copy sent to the Grand Secretary. 



1798. M. E. De Witt Clinton, G. H. Pnest. 

Thomas Frotliingliam,'G. King. 
Jedediah Sanger, G. Sanhe. 
Comp. John Hanmer, G. Secretary. 
Ammi Eogei-s, G. Chaplain. 
Thomas Smith Webb, G. Treasurer. 
John C. Ten Broeck, G. Marshal. 
Benjamin Whipple, G. Sentinel. 
Isaac Sturges, G. Tiler. 

1799. M. E. De Witt Clinton, G. H. Priest. 

Thomas S. Webb, D. G. H. 
Thomas Frothingham, G. King, 
Jedediah Sanger, G. Scrile. 
Comp. John Hanmer, G. Secretary. 
John F. Ernst, G. ChcqyJain. 
Ezra Ames, G. Treasurer. 
John C. Ten Broeck, G. ALarshal. 
Benjamin Whipple, G. Sentinel. 
Isaac Sturges, G. Tiler. 

List of Officers. 67 

1800. M. E. De Witt Clinton, G. H. Priest. 

Ezra Ames, D. G. H. Priest. 
Thomas Frothingliam, G. King. 
Samuel Edmonds, G. Scribe. 
Comp. G. Bogart, G. Secretary. 

Eichard Allanson, G. Treasurer. 
John F. Ernst, G. -Oliajplain. 
E. Porter, G. Marshal. 
Benjamin Whipple, G. Sentinel. 
Isaac Sturges, G. Tiler. 

1801. M. E. De Witt Clinton, G. H. Priest. 

Ezra Ames, D. G. H. Priest. 
Warren Smith, G. King. 
Zebulon E. Shipherd, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Kichard Allanson, G. Treasurer. 
John Scoville, G. Secretary. 
John F. Ernst, G. Chaplain. 
Simeon Lester, G. Marshal. 
Benjamin Whipple, G. Sentinel. 
Isaac Sturges, G. Tiler, 

1S02. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Zebulon E. Shipherd, D. G. H. Priest. 
Samuel Edmonds, G. King. 
John BuUer, G. Scribe. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 
Joseph Fry, G. Treasurer. 
John F. Ernst, G. Chaplain. 
Abraham D. Lansing, G. Marshal. 
Isaac Sturges, G. Tiler. 

1803. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. PI. Priest. 

Samuel Edmonds, D. G. H. Priest. 
Elijah Porter, G. Kin^. 

68 List of Officers: 

James Adams, Gr. Sorihe. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 
Joseph Fry, G. Treasurer. 
Silas Churchill, G. Chaplain. 
Elisha Gilbert, jr., G. Marshal. 
Isaac Sturges, G. Tiler. 

1804. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Zebulon E. Shipherd, D. G. H. Priest. 
Daniel Hale, G. King. 
Ephraim Allen, G. Scribe. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 
Joseph Fry, G, Treasurer. 
Ozias Fuller, G. Marshal. 
Silas Churchill, G. Chaplain. 
Isaac Sturges, G. Tiler. 

1805. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Zebulon K. Shipherd, D. G. H. Priest. 
Elisha Gilbert jr., G. Kincj. 
William Patrick, jr., G. Scribe. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Yates, G. Treasurer. 
Silas Churchill, G. Chaplain. 
Adonijah Skinner, Marshal, 
Isaac Sturges, G.- Tiler. 

1806. M, E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Samuel Edmonds, D. G. H. Priest. 
Asa Fitch, G. King. 
Ebenezer Wadsworth, G. Scribe. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Yates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
William A. Needham, G. Marshal. 
Isaac Sturges, G. Tiler. 

List of Officers. 59 

1807. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

James Woods, D. G. H. Priest. 
John E. "West, G. King. 
Abner Peck, G. Scribe. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 

Clii-istopher C. Yates, G. Treastijrer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Johu F. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Abraham Martin, G. Tiler. 

1808. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

James "Woods, D. G. H. Priest. 
Benjamin Prince, G. King. 
Adonijah Skinner, G. Scribe. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 

Chi-istopher C. Yates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 

John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 

Abraham Martin, G. Tiler. 

1809. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

James "Woods, D. G. li. Priest. 
Jedediah Sanger, G. King. 
Samuel Edmonds, G. Scribe. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secreta/ry. 

Christopher C. Yates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John E. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Abraham Martin, G. Tiler. 

1810. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

James "Woods, D. G. H. Priest. 
Jedediah Sanger, G. King. 
Samuel Edmonds, G. Scribe. 

60 Lisi of Officers. 

Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Yates, G. Treasiirer. 

Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 

John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 

Benoni B. Forman, G. Tiler. 

1811. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

John C. Ludlow, D. G. H. Priest. 
Samuel Edmonds, G. King. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. Seriie. 
Comp. John Scoville, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Tates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Benoni B. Forman, G. TiUr. 

1812. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Thomas Lownds, D. G. H, Priest. 
Samuel Edmonds, G. King. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. Scrile. 
Comp. Isaac Hempsted, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Yates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Benoni B. Forman, G. Tiler. 

1813. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Thomas Lownds, D. G. H. Priest. 
Samuel Edmonds, G. King. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. Scnie. 
Comp. Isaac Hempsted, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Y'ates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Benoni B. Foi'man, G. Tiler. 

List of Officers. 61 

1814. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Thomas Lownds, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
Augustus F. Hayden, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Isaac Hempsted, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Yates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Cha/plain. 
John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Abraham Martin, G. Tiler. 

1815. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Joel Hart, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Isaac Hempsted, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Yates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chajflain. 
John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Abraham Martin, G. Tiler. 

1816. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Joel Hart, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Isaac Hempsted, G. Secretary. 

Christopher C. Yates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Abraham Martin, G. Tiler. 

1817. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Hatfield, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Isaac Hempsted, G. Secretary. 

62 List of Officers. 

Christopher C. Tates, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chajplain. 
John F. Doty, G. Marshal. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Tiler. 


1818. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. II. Priest. 

Eichard Hatfield, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scrihe. 
Comp. Ebenezer Wadsworth, G. Secretary. 
Isaac Hempsted, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Tiler. 

1819. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Hatfield, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Ebenezer "Wadsworth, G. Secretary. 
Isaac Hempsted, G. Treasurer. 
"William B. Lacy, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Tiler. 

1820. M, E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Hatfield, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Ebenezer "Wadsworth. G. Secretary. 
"William Barclay, G. Treasurer. 
William B. Lacy, G. Chaplain . 
John Bull jr., G. Marshal. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Tiler, 

List of Officers. 63 

1821. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

EicLard Hatfield, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Ebenezer Wadsworth, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
William B. Lacy, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. MaTshal. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. TjZer. 

1822. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Hatfield, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, jr., G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Comp. Ebenezer "Wadsworth, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
Salem Town, G. Chaplain, 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Tiler. 

1823. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Joseph Enos, G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Ebenezer Wadsworth, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. "Wm. A. Clark, G. Chaplain. 
Comp. John Bull, jr., G, Marshal. 
Charles Hewett, G. Sentinel. 

1824. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Pennell, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Enos, G. King. 
John Brush, G. Scribe. 
Ebenezer Wadsworth, G. Secretary, 

64 List of Officers. 

Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
Kev. William Clark, G. Chaplain. 
Comp. John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Charles Hewett, G. Sentinel. 

1S25. M. E. Ezra Ames, G. H. Pi-iest. 

Eichard Pennell, D. G, H. Priest. 
E. Joseph Enos, G. King. 
Ezra S. Cozier, G. Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
Kev. Joseph Prentiss, G. Chaplain. 
Comp. John Ball, jr., G. Marshal. 
Charles Hewett, G. Sentinel. 

1826. M. E. Asa Fitch, G. H. Priest. 

Ezra S. Cozier, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Orville Hungerford, G. Sing. 
Jonathan Eights, G. Serihe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretai'y. 
Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Joseph Prentiss, G. Chaplain. 
Comp. John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Charles Hewett, G. Sentinel. 

1S27. M. E. Asa Fitch, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Pennell, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Orville Hungerford, G. Sing. 
Jacob Gonld, G. Scrihe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Joseph Prentiss, G. Chaplain. 
Comp. John Bull, jr. G. Marshal. 

Charles Hewett, G. Sentinel, 

List of Officers. 65 

1828. M. E. Asa 'Fitch, G. II. Priest. 

Eichard Pennell, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Orville Hungerford, G. King. 
Benjamin Enos, Gr.- Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Joseph Prentiss, G. Chaplain. 
Comp. John J3ull, jr., G. Marshal. 

Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Sentinel. 

1829. M. E. Richard Pennell, G. H. Priest. 

Ezra S. Cozier, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Benjamin Enos, G. King. 

Jacob T. B. Yan Yechten, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit L. Dox, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Joseph Prentiss, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Sentinel. 

1830. M. E. Richard Pennell, G. H. Priest. 

James M. Allen, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Benjamin Enos, G. King. 

Jacob T. B. Tan Yechten, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Rycknian, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Edward Andrews, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Cornelius Higgins, G. Sentinel. 

1831. M. E. Ezra S. Cozier, G. H. Priest. 

Mordecai Myers, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Jacob T. B. Yan Yechten, G. King. 
John F. Hubbard, G. Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 

66 List of Officers. 

Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Edward Andrews, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Cornelius Higgins, G. Sentinel. 

1832. M. E. James M. Allen, G. H. Priest. 

Mordeeai Myers, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Jacob T. B. Tan Yechten, G. Kincj. 
John F. Hubbard, G. Scrihe. 
John O. Cole, G. Seeretary. 
Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev". Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Mai'shal. 
Cornelius Higgins, G. Sentinel. 

1833. M. E. James M. Allen, G. H. Pritd. 

Mordeeai Myers, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Jacob T. B. A' an Yechten, G. King. 
John F. Hubbard, G. Scrile. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit "W. Eyckman, G. Treas^crer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Cornelius Higgins, G. Sentinel. 

1834. M. E. Mordeeai Myers, G. H. Priest. 

Jacob T. B. Yan Yechten, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Xathan Gillett, G. Scriie. 
John 0. Cole, G. Seeretary. 
Gerrit "W". Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Cornelius Higgins, G. Sentinel. 

List of Officers. 67 

1835. M. E. Jacob T. B. Yan Yecliten, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Pennell, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Nathan Gillett, G. Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Rj^cbman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Cornelius Higgins, G. Sentinel. 

1836. M. E. Jacob T. B. Van Yechten, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Ellis, D. G. H. Priest. 
Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Nathan Gillett, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Sea-etary.- 
Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Cornelius Higgins, G. Sentinel. 

1837. M. E. Jacob T. B. Yan Nechten, G. H. Priest. 

Eichard Ellis, D. G. 11. Priest. 
Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Nathan Gillett, G. Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary, 
Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Cornelius Higgins, G. Sentinel. 

1838. M. E. Jacob T. B, Yan Yechten, G. PI. Priest. 

Eichard Ellis, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Ebenezer Wadsworth, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 

68 List of Officers. 

Gerrit W. Ryckman, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Abraham Sickels, G. Sentinel. 

1839. M. E. Jacob T. B. Van Yechten, G. H. Priest. 

Eicbard Ellis, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Jonathan Eights, G. Scribe. 
John O, Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit "W". Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G, Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Abraham Sickels, G. Sentinel. 

1840. M. E. Richard Ellis, G. H. Priest. 

Benjamin Enos, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Ezra S. Barnnm, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treastirer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Abraham Sickels, G. Sentinel. 

1841. M. E. Eichard Ellis, G. H. Priest. 

Benjamin Enos, D. G. H, Priest. 
E. Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Ezra S. Barnum, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit TV". Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Abraham Sickels, G. Sentinel. 

List of Officers. 69 

1842. M. E. Richard Ellis, G. H. Priest. 

Benjamin Enos, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Joseph Cuyler, G. King. 
Ezra S. Barnum, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Abraham Sickels, G. Sentinel. 

18i3. M. E. Richard Ellis, G. H. Priest. 

Benjamin Enos, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Ezra S. Barnum, G. King. 
Achille J. Rousseau, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Rjckman, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Abraham Sickels, G. Sentinel. 

1844. M. E. Benjamin Enos, G. H. Priest. 

Robert R. Boyd, D. G. H. Priest. 
\ E. Ezra S. Barnum, G. King. 

Achille J. Rousseau, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Ryckman, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
Abraham Sickels, G. Sentinel. 

1845. M. E. Elisha Gilbert, G. H. Priest. 

Robert R. Boyd, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Ezra S. Barnum, G. King. 
Achille J. Rousseau, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 

70 List of Officers. 

Gerrit AY. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Kev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Jolin Bull, jr., G. MarsJial. 
Abraham Sickels, G. Sentinel. 

1846. M. E. Ezra S. Barnum, G. H. Priest. 

Eobert K. Boyd, D. G. H. Frie.^t. 
E. Acliille J. Eousseau, G. King. 
Lewis G. Hoffman, G. Serihe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Ejckman, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaj^Jain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1847. M. E. Ezra S. Barnum, G. H. Priest. 

Eobert E. Boyd, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Acliille J. Eousseau, G. King. 
Lewis G. Hoffman. G. Scrihe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
John Bull, jr., G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

184:8. M. E. Achille J. Eousseau, G. H. Priest. 
Eobert E. Boyd, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Lewis G. Hoffman, G. King. 
William Brewster, G. Scrihe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

List of Officers. Tl 

1849. M. E. Eobert K. Boyd, G. H. Priest. 

William Brewster, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Orsamus Dibble, G. King. 
James S. French, G. Scribe. 
Jolin 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
Gerrit W. Eyckman, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1850. M. E. Eobert E. Boyd, G. II. Priest. 

Orville Hungerford, D. G. II. Priest. 
E. John L. Lewis, jr,, G. King. 
James S. French, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Jesse P.'Mitchell, G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1851. M. E. Orville Hungerford, G. H. Priest. 

Oscar Coles, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. John L. Lewis, jr., G. King. 
John S. Perry, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1852. M. E. John L. Lewis, jr., G. H. Priest. 

James W. Powell, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. John S. Perry, G. King. 
Sylvester Gilbert, G. Scribe. 

72 List of Officers. 

Jolm O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
AVilliam Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chajjhiin. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1S53. M. E John L. Lewis, jr., G. H. Priest. 

James W. Powell, D. G. H. P;'«V^^. 
E. John S. Perry, G. King. 
Sylvester Gilbert, G. Scrlhe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretai'y. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Pev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

ISoi. M. E. John L. Lewis, jr., G. H. Prltst. 

Charles L. Church, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. John S. Perry, G. King. 
Peter P. Murphy, G. Scrlle. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1855. M. E. John S. Perry, G. H. Priest. 

Charles L. Church, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Peter P. Murphy, G. King. 
Sylvester Gilbert, G. Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G, Chaplain. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. Marshal. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

List of Officers. 73 

1856. M. E. Charles L. Church, G. H. Priest. 

Peter P. Murphy, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Sylvester Gilbert, G. King. 
George H. Thacher, G. Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Kev. Salem Town, Chaplain. 
George N. Williams, G. Gapt. of the Host. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. E. A. Capt. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1857. M. E. Peter P. Murphy, G. H. Priest. 

James M. Austin, D. G. li. Priest. 
E. Sylvester Gilbert, G. King. 
Augustus Willard, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
George ?f. Williams, G. C. H. 
Jesse P. Mitchell, G. E. A. C. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1858. M. E. Peter P. Murphy, G. H. Priest. 

James M. Austin, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Sylvester Gilbert, G. King. 
Augustus Willard, G. Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
George E". Williams, G. C. H. 
William Connelly, G. E. A. C. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1S59. M. E. James M. Austin, G. H. Priest. 

Sylvester Gilbert, D. G. II. Priest. 

T4: List of Officers. 

E. Augustus Willard, G. King. 
George X. Williams, G. Sctnhe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Edgar C. Dibble, G. C. H. 
William Connelly, G. E. A. C. 
John Pierce, G. Sentinel. 

1860. 31. E. James M. Austin, G. H. Priest. 

Sylvester Gilbert, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Augustus Willard, G. King. 
George ^^T. Williams, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary, 
William Seymoiir, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Edgar C. Dibble, G. C. H. 
William Connelly, G. R. A. C. 
Alonzo Crosby, G. Sentinel. 

1561. M. E. George H. Thacher, G. H. Priest. 

Arthur Boyce, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. Darius A. Ogden, G. Kin^. 
Dan S. Wright, G. Scrile. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
William F. Holmes, G. C. H. 
Wilham Connelly, G. E. A. C. 
Alonzo Crosby, G. Sentinel. 

1562. M. E. George H. Thacher, G. H. Priest. 

Arthiu- Boyce, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. E. Darius A. Ogden, G. King. 

List of Officers. 75 

Dan S. Wright, G. Soribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. CJiaplain. 
Seymour H. Stone, G. 0. H. 
William Connelly, G. E. A. C. 
Alonzo Crosby, G. Sentinel. 

1863. M. E. Darius A. Ogden, G. H. Priest. 

Horace S. Taylor, D. G. H. Priest. 
R. E. Seymour II. Stone, G. King. 
Eees G. Williams, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Rev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Joseph B. Chaffee, G. C. H. 
William Connelly, G. E. A. C. 
Alonzo Crosby, G. Sentinel. 

1864. M. E. Darius A. Ogden, G. H. Priest. 

Horace S. Taylor, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. E. Seymour H. Stone, G. King. 
Eees G. Williams, G. Scribe. 
John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Salem Town, G. Chaplain. 
Joseph B. Chaffee, G. C. H. 
William Connelly, G. E. A. C. 
Alonzo Crosby, G. Sentinel. 

1865. M. E. Horace S. Taylor, G. H. Priest. 

Seymour H. Stone, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. E. Eees G. Williams, G. Ki^ig. 
Joseph B. Chaffee. G. Scribe. 

76 List of Officers. 

John O. Cole, G. Secretary. 
"William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Charles H. Piatt, G. Chaplain. 
David F. Day, G. C. H. 
William Connelly, G. E. A. C. 
Amza Fuller, G. Sentinel. 

1866. M. E. Horace S. Taylor, G. H. Priest. 

Seymour H. Stone, D. G. H. Priest. 
H. E. Rees G. "Williams, G. King. 
Joseph B. Chaffee, G. Scribe. 
John 0. Cole, G. Secretary. 
"W^illiam Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Eev. Charles H. Piatt, G. Chaplain. 
David F. Day, G. C. H. 
John S. Dickerman, G. E. A. C. 
Amza Fuller, G. Sentinel. 

1867. M. E. Seymour H. Stone, G. H. Priest. 

John "W. Simons, D. G. H. Priest. 
E. E. Eees G. Williams, G. King. 
Joseph B. Chaffee, G. Scribe. 
William Seymour, G. Treasurer. 
Christopher G. Fox, G. Secretary. 
Eev. Charles H. Piatt, G. Clia2)Jain. 
David F. Day, G. C. H. 
John D. Williams, G. P. S. 
John S. Dickerman, G. E. A. C. 
Daniel Wolff, G. M. 3d Y. 
Thomas C. Cassidy, G. M. 2d Y. 
James D. Pollard, G. M. 1st Y. 
Amza Fuller, G. Tiler. 









Revised and Amended at the 1 7th Triennial 

Session, held at Chicago, Illinois, 

September, 1859. 



Of the General Grand Chapter. 

Section 1. There shall be a General Grand Chapter of 
Royal Arch Masons, for the United States of America, which 
shall be holden triennially, on the second Tuesday in Septem- 
ber, at such place as shall from time to time be designated for 
that purpose, and at which time the General Grand Officers 
shall be elected by ballot, and installed, except the General 
Grand Chaplain, who shall be appointed by the General 
Grand High Priest at the commencement of each Convocation 
of the General Grand Chapter. 

The General Grand Chapter, at any regular meeting, may 
change the time for the next succeeding meeting ; and if, in 
the opinion of the General Grand High Priest, or, in case of 
his death or absence, of the senior General Grand Officer, 
there shall be danger to life or health, from sickness or other 
local cause, by any meeting being held at the time appointed, 
he may change the time of the particular meeting to some 
subsequent time ; and, in the event of such change being made, 
he shall immediately notify the General Grand Secretary 
thereof, who shall forthwith notify the other officers and mem- 
bers in such manner as he may deem best calculated to effect 
the desired object. 

80 Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 

Sec. 2. The General Grand Chapter receives all its powers, 
faculties and prerogatives by grant and delegation from the 
several State Grand Chapters ; and it can have and possess no 
other powers than such as are expressly granted and delegated 
to it by them, or as are indispensably necessary to the exercise 
of its general powers, and consistent with the nature of the 
confederation between the State Grand Chapters. It can ex- 
ercise no doubtful powers, nor any powers by implication 
merely ; and all Masonic powers not hereby granted to it are 
reserved to the Grand and Subordinate Chapters of the several 

It shall have and maintain jurisdiction over all Chapters 
established by itself in those States, Districts, Eepublics and 
Territories which recognize this jurisdiction, and where there 
is no Grand Chapter established. 

It shall have power to decide all questions of Masonic law, 
usage and custom which may arise between any two or more 
Grand Chapters, or in any of the Subordinate Chapters under 
its own immediate jurisdiction, and all that may be referred 
to it for its decision by any Grand Cliapter, by formal vote ; 
and its decisions so made shall be deemed and regarded as 
those of the supreme judicial tribunal of Royal Arch Masonry 
in the last resort. 

It shall liave no power of discipline, admonition, censure or 
instruction over the Grand Chapters, nor any legislative 
powers whatever, not liereby specially granted, nor any au- 
thority to suspend the proceedings of any State Grand Chap- 
ters, nor shall entertain any complaint against a Grand 
Chapter, preferred by any Subordinate Chapter or individual 
Mason in that jurisdiction or elsewhere; but it may, upon 
]3roper reference to it of any matter of controversy between 
any two or more Grand Chapters, and even where the 
question is not one of Masonic law, custom or usage (both or 

Constitution of OeneraZ Grand CKwptef. 81 

all such Grand Chapters consenting to such reference), act as 
final arbiter between them, and settle such controversy. 

It shall judge of the qualifications of its own members. It 
shall see that the ancient work of the Order is preserved in 
the several degrees, and establish uniform formulas for instal- 
lation of its own officers and those of Grand and Subordinate 
Chapters, for the consecration and constitution of Chapters, 
and the opening of Grand Chapters ; and it may suspend the 
proceedings of any Chapter under its own immediate jurisdic- 
tion, in any State, District or Territory where there is no 
Grand Chapter, for any wilful violation of any of the provi- 
sions of this Constitution, or for gross, unmasonic proceedings 
or conduct. 

Sec. 3. The officers of the General Grand Chapter shall 
consist of a General Grand High Priest, Deputy General 
Grand High Priest, General Grand King, General Grand 
Scribe, General Grand Treasurer, General Grand Secretary, 
General Grand Chaplain, General Grand Captain of the 
Host, and General Grand Eoyal Arch Captain. These, 
together with the first four officers of every State Grand 
Chapter under this jurisdiction, or the proxies of the first four 
General Grand Officers, and of the first four officers of each 
State Grand Chapter aforesaid, shall compose the General 
Grand Chapter: Provided, That any Chapter under this 
jurisdiction, in any State, District or Territory where there is 
no Grand Chapter duly established, shall have a right to ap- 
pear by its first three officers, or any one or two of them, 
which officers shall collectively have one vote. 

Sec. 4. On all questions to be decided by the General 
Grand Chapter, each State Grand Chapter shall be entitled 
to four votes by its representative or representatives. If there 
be but two representatives, the inferior officer or his proxy 
shall give but his own single vote, and the higher or his proxy 

82 Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 

shall give the other three. If there be three representatives, 
the highest officer or his proxy shall give two votes, and the 
others or their proxies one each. 

The General Grand Officers, when present, shall each have 
one vote ; and no General Grand Officer shall be allowed to 
take a seat in the General Grand Chapter, as the representa- 
tive of any State Grand Chapter, nor shall any menaber of 
the General Grand Chapter be permitted to vote as proxy 
while the person giving the proxy is present; nor shall any 
person be admitted into the General Grand Chapter, as the 
representative of more than one State Grand Chapter, at one 
and the same time. 

Sec. 5. The General Grand High Priest and Deputy 
General Grand High Priest shall have authority to call a 
special meeting of the General Grand Chapter, whenever they 
may consider it expedient or necessary ; and it shall be their 
duty so to do when properh' requested by a majority of the 
State Grand Chapters, of which four months' notice shall be 
given of the time and place of meeting. 

Sec. 6. The General Grand High Priest, Deputy General 
Grand High Priest, General Grand King and General Grand 
Scribe shall severally have power and authority to grant Dis- 
pensations, for a limited length of time, for new Eoyal Arch 
Chapters and Lodges of the appendant Orders, in any State, 
Country, Republic or Territory in which there is not a Grand 
Chapter regularly established, when in their opinion the good 
of the Craft may require the same, which term of time shall 
in no case extend beyond the close of the next triennial meet- 
ing of the General Grand Chapter ; but no new Chapter shall 
be established in any State, Country, Eepublic or Territory 
where there is a Chapter within a reasonable distance, under 
the jurisdiction of this General Grand Chapter, without the 
approbation of the Chapter nearest the place where said new 

Constitution of General Orand Chwpter. 83 

Chapter is proposed to be located ; and iu all cases of such 
Dispensation, the officer who may grant the same shall imme- 
diately notify the General Grand Secretary thereof, and make 
report of the same at the next triennial meeting of this 
General Grand Chapter, when the General Grand Chapter 
may grant the said Chapter a Charter. 

Sec. 7. The fees for instituting a new Royal Arch Chap- 
ter, with subordinate degrees, shall be ninety dollars, and no 
more ; and no credit shall be given for Dispensations or 
Charters, or for conferring the degrees, in any Chapter or 
Lodge under this jurisdiction. And every Chapter holden by 
Dispensation or Charter under this jurisdiction, shall pay into 
the treasury of the General Grand Chapter the sum of two 
dollars for each Companion therein exalted, until such time 
as a Grand Chapter shall be regularly established in the 
State, Country, Eepublic or Territory in which such Sub- 
ordinate Chapter is located. The Secretary shall be paid by 
the petitioners ten dollars for his services in furnishing the 

The fees in the several States for conferring the several 
degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Mas- 
ter, and Eoyal Arch Mason, shall not be less than twenty 

Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the General Grand High 
Priest, Deputy General Grand High Priest, General Grand 
King, and General Grand Scribe, to improve and perfect 
themselves in the sublime Arts, and work of Mark Masters, 
Past Masters, Most Excellent Masters, and Poyal Arch 
Masons, to make themselves Masters of the several Masonic 
Lectures, and Ancient Charges, to consult with each other 
and with the Grand and Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings 
and Scribes of the several State Grand Chapters aforesaid, 

84: Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 

for the purpose of adopting measures suitable and proper fof 
diffusing a knowledge of the said Lectures and Charges. And 
the better to accomplish this laudable object, the aforesaid 
officers are hereby severally authorized and empowered to 
visit and preside in any Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and 
Lodge of Most Excellent Master, Mark, and Past Master 
Masons throughout the said States, and to give such instruc- 
tions and directions as the good of the Fraternity may re- 
quire ; always adhering to the ancient landmarks of the 

Sec. 9. The only degrees recognized by this General Grand 
Chapter, to be conferred in Chapters under its jurisdiction, 
are, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and 
Eoyal Arch Mason. And no Eoyal Arch Mason who shall 
have regularly received said degrees, shall be excluded from 
the rights of such, by reason of his not being in possession of 
any other, so called, degrees. 

Sec. 10. In all cases of the absence of an officer from any 
body of Masons, instituted or holden by virtue of this Con- 
stitution, the officer next in rank shall occupy his place ; un- 
less through courtesy, or for other reasons, he should decline 
in favor of a Past High Priest. 

Sec. 11. In every Chapter and Lodge under the immediate 
jurisdiction of this General Grand Chapter, all questions (ex- 
cept the admission of members or candidates, which shall 
require a unanimous ballot), shall be considered and de- 
termined in such way and manner as such Chapters and 
Lodges may, all circumstances considered, find most con- 
ducive to their harmony and permanent prosperity : Provided 
They do not in any case interfere with or infringe on the 
regulations of the General Grand Chapter. 

Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 85 

Sec. 12. The General Grand Secretary of the General 
Grand Chapter shall have and keep a seal, which shall be 
affixed to all his communications. 

Sec. 13. Should any casualty, at any time hereafter, pre- 
vent the triennial election of officers, the several officers shall 
retain their respective offices until successors are duly elected 
and qualified. 

Sec. IL An appeal shall in all cases lie to the General 
Grand Chapter, from the decision of the M. E. General Grand 
High Priest ; but his opinion and decisions shall stand as the 
judgment of the General Grand Chapter, unless it is otherwise 
determined by the concurrent vote of two-thirds of all the 
members present. 


Of State Grand Chapters. 

Section 1. The State Grand Chapters shall severally con- 
sist of a Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, 
Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secre- 
tary, Grand Chaplain, Grand Captain of the Host ; and like- 
wise, of the High Priests, Kings and Scribes, for the time 
being, of the several Chapters over which they shall respec- 
tively preside, and of the Past Grand and Deputy Grand 
High Priests, Kings and Scribes, of the said Grand Chapters ; 
and the said Grand Chapters shall have full power and au- 
thority to elect such other officers, and to establish such rules 
and regulations as they shall from time to time consider ne- 
cessary and proper : Provided, Such regulations do not in any 
way Interfere with the provisions of this Constitution. 

86 Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 

Sec. 2. The State Grand Chapters shall severally be holden 
once in every year, and oftener if they Ta&y consider it ex- 
pedient or necessary, at such time and place as they shall 
respectively direct ; and, at their annual meetings, the con- 
stitutional officers shall be elected or appointed, in such man- 
ner as shall be provided for by their rules and regulations, 
and installed into tlieir respective offices ; and the Grand, or 
Deputy Grand High Priests, respectively, for the time being, 
may call special meetings, to be holden at such times and 
places as they may think proper. 

Sec. 3. The several State Grand Chapters shall have the 
sole government and superintendence of the several Royal 
Arch Chapters, and Lodges of Most Excellent, Past, and 
Mark Master Masons, within their respective jurisdictions, to 
assign their limits, and to settle the controversies that may 
happen between them ; and shall have power, under their 
respective seals and the signs manual of their respective Grand 
or Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings, and Scribes, attested 
by their respective Grand Secretaries, to constitute new Chap- 
ters of Royal Arch Masons, within their respective jurisdic- 
tions; but their jurisdictions shall in no case be construed to 
extend beyond the limits of the State, except by consent 
of the General Grand Chapter. 

Sec. i. The Grand, and Deputy Grand High Priests, sev- 
erally, shall have the power and authority, whenever they 
shall deem it expedient, during the recess of the Grand 
Chapter of which they are officers, to grant letters of Dispen- 
sation under their respective hands and private seals, to a 
competent number of petitioners, possessing the qualifications 
required by the seventh Section of the second Article of this 
Constitution, empowering them to open a Chapter of Royal 
Arch Masons, for a certain specified term of time : Provided, 
That the said term of time shall not extend beyond the next 

Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 87 

meeting of the Grand Chapter of tlie State in which such 
Dispensation shall be granted : And provided further, That 
the same fees as are reqiiired by this Constitution for Charters, 
shall be first deposited in the hands of the Grand Secretary. 
And in all cases of such Dispensation, tlie officer who may 
grant the same shall make report thereof at the next stated 
meeting of the Grand Chapter of his jurisdiction, when the 
said Grand Chapter may either continue or recall the said 
Dispensation, or may grant the petitioners a Charter of con- 
stitution. And in case such Charter shall be granted, the 
fees first deposited shall be credited in payment of the same ; 
but if a Charter should not be granted, nor the Dispensation 
continued, the said fees shall be refunded to the petitioners, 
excepting only such part thereof as shall liave been actually 
expended by means of their application. 

Sec. 6. No Dispensation or Charter shall be granted for 
instituting Lodges of Most Excellent, Past, or Mark Masters, 
independent of a Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons. 

Sec. 6. The Grand Chapters shall have power, severally, to 
require from the several Chapters under their respective juris- 
dictions such reasonable proportion of sums received by them 
for the exaltation or advancement of candidates, and such 
certain annual sums from their respective members, as by 
their ordinances or regulations shall be appointed ; all which 
said sums or dues shall be made good and paid annually by 
the said Chapters, respectively, over to the Grand Secretary 
of the Grand Chapter under which they hold their authority, 
on or before the first day of tlie respective annual meetings of 
the several Grand Chapters. 

Sec. Y. No dispensation or Cliarter for the institution of a 
new Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons shall be granted, except 
upon the petition of nine regular Eoyal Arch Masons ; which 

88 Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 

petition shall be accompanied with a certificate from the 
Chapter nearest to the place where the new Chapter is in- 
tended to be opened, vouching for the moral character and 
Masonic abilities of the petitioners, and recommending that a 
Dispensation or Charter be granted them. 

Sec. 8. The Grand Secretaries of the State Grand Chapters 
shall, severallr, make an annnal communication to each other, 
and also to the Secretary of the General Grand Chapter, con- 
taining a list of Grand Officers, and all such other matters as 
may be deemed necessary for the mutual benefit and informa- 
tion of the said Grand Chapters. And the said Grand 
Secretaries shall also regularly transmit to the Secretary of 
the General Grand Chapter, a copy of all their By-Laws and 
regulations; and also a copj' of their proceedings, annually, to 
each of the officers of the General Grand Chapter ; and the 
State Grand Chapters shall see that their Secretaries faithfully 
and punctually perform this duty. 

Sec. 9. Whenever there shall have been three Chapters 
regularly instituted and consecrated in any State, Country, 
Republic, or Temtory, by virtue of authority derived from 
this Constitution, a Grand Chapter shall be established, so 
soon as convenience and propriety may dictate : Provided., 
That the approbation of one of the first four officers of the 
General Grand Chapter be first obtained. And said Grand 
Chapters, by tlieir regular officers, shall assemble in some 
suitable place, elect their officers, and make such rules and 
regulations for their government as may be necessary — not 
inconsistent with the regulations of the General Grand Chap- 

Sec. 10. ITo person shall be permitted to take a seat in 
any State Grand Chapter, as the representative of more than 
one Chapter; nor unless he is a member of a Subordinate 
Chapter under that jurisdiction. 

Constitution of Oeneral Grand CJiapter. 89 


Of the Siibordinate Chapters. 

Section 1. Every Chapter of Royal Arch Masons through- 
out this jurisdiction shall have a Dispensation, as is provided 
in Section 6 of Article I, or Section 4 of Article II, of this 
Constitution, or a Charter from the General Grand Chapter, 
or from some Grand Chapter under the jurisdiction of the 
General Grand Chapter ; and no Chapter shall be deemed 
legal without such Dispensation or Charter ; and Masonic 
communication, both public and private, is hereby interdicted 
and forbidden between any Chapter, or any member of it, and 
any Chapter or assembly that may be so illegally formed, 
opened or holden, without such Charter, or any or either of 
their members, or any person exalted or advanced in such 
illegal Chapter. But nothing in this section shall be con- 
strued to affect any Chapter which was established before the 
adoption of the Grand Royal Arch Constitution, at Hartford, 
on the 27th day of January, a. d. 1798. 

Sec. 2. Whenever a Charter is issued for instituting a 
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, with a power in said Charter 
to open and hold Lodges of Most Excellent, Past, and Mark 
Master Masons, the High Priest, King, and Scribe, for the 
time being, of such Chapter, shall be the Master and Wardens 
in said Lodgei, according to seniority. 

Sec. 3. It is incumbent on the High Priest of every Chapter, 
as appertaining to his office, duty and dignity, to see that 
the By-Laws of his Chapter, as well as the Constitution of the 
General Grand Chapter, and the Regulations of the Grand 
Chapter be duly observed ; that all his subordinate officers 
perform the duties of their respective stations faithfully, and 
are examples of diligence and industry to their Companions ; 
that true and exact records be kept of all the proceedings of 
the Chapter, by the Secretary ; that the Treasurer keep and 
render exact and just accounts of all moneys belonging to the 

90 Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 

Chapter ; that regular returns be made by the Secretary an- 
nually to the Grand Chapter, of the admission of all candi- 
dates or members ; and that the annual dues to the Grand 
Chapter be regularly and punctually paid. The Charter of 
his Chapter is committed to his special care and charge. He 
has the right and authority of calling his Chapter at pleasure, 
upon any emergency or occurrence which in his judgment may 
i-equire their meeting, and he is to fill the chair •n-hen present. 
It is likewise his duty, together with his King and Scribe, to 
attend the regular and special meetings of the Grand Chapter, 
either in person or by proxy. 

Sec. 4. ]Sro person, having been a member of a Chapter, 
shall be admitted a member of any other Chapter under this 
jurisdiction, until he shall have produced a certificate from 
the Chapter to which he last belonged, that he was in regular 
standing, and as such, at his own request, is dismissed and 

Sec. 5, That au}- worthy Companion, from without the 
jurisdiction of the United States, who may present himself as 
a Eoyal Arch Mason, and produce satisfactory evidence of his 
having received that degree, that each, and every Chapter un- 
der the jurisdiction of this General Grand Chapter have liber- 
ty, and they ai'e hereby authorized, to confer the degrees of 
Hark Master, Past Master, and Most Excellent Master, on 
such Companions (who have not heretofore received them), to 
the end that they may be healed, and thereby become regular 
Koyal Arch Masons, free of charge. 

Sec. 6. That the Subordinate Chapter so conferring said 
degrees shall be exempt from paying any dues therefor. 

Sec. T. It shall not be deemed regular for any Chapter to 
confer the degrees of the Chapter upon any person whose fixed 
place of abode is within any other State in which, there is a 
Chapter regularly established, except by the consent of the 
Chapter nearest the place of residence of said applicant. 

Constitution of General Grand Chapter. 91 


Section 1. Whenever it shall be inconvenient for the Gen- 
eral Grand officers, or the Grand or Deputy Grand High 
Priests, respectively, to attend in person, to constitnte a new 
Chapter and install the officers, they shall severally, have pow- 
er and authority to appoint some worthy High Priest, or Past 
High Priest, or the High Priest of the same Chapter while it 
was under Dispensation, when he himself shall have been in- 
stalled, to perform the necessary ceremonies. 

Sec. 2. The officers of every Chapter under this jurisdiction, 
whether chartered or under Dispensation, before they enter 
upon the exercise of their respective offices, and also the mem- 
bers of all such chapters, and every candidate iipon his admis- 
sion into the same, shall take the following obligation, viz : — 

"I, A. B., do promise and swear, that I will support and 
maintain the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of 
ErOyal Arch Masons for the United States of America." 

Sec. 3. This Constitution shall not be altered or amended, 
unless such alteration or amendment be proposed in writing 
at one regular meeting of the General Grand Chapter, pub- 
lished among the Minutes of the proceedings, and at the next 
reo-ular meeting receive the approval of two-thirds of the 
members then present. 

I HEREBY CEETiFT that the foregoiug is a true copy of the 
Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of Eoyal Arch 
Masons for the United States of America. 

In Testimony Wheeeof, I have caused the Seal of the 
[l. s.J General Grand Chapter, to be hereunto affixed. 

Dated at the city of New Orleans, this 1st day of November, 
1859, and the year of the Order, 2393. 


G. G. Secretary. 


To the Most Excellent , Grand High Priest of Eoyal 

Arch Masons in the State of 2>!ew York : — 

"We, the undersigned Eoyal Arch Masons in good standing, 
having the prosperity of the Royal Craft at heart, and anxious 
to exert our best endeavors to promote and diffuse the genuine 
principles of Royal Arch Masonry, are desirous of forming a 

new Chapter at , in the County of , to be named 


"We, therefore, pray for a Dispensation empowering us to 

open and hold a regular Chapter at aforesaid, and therein 

to discharge the duties and enjoy the privileges of Royal Arch 
Masonry, according to the landmarks and usages of the order, 
and the constitution and laws of the Grand Chapter. 

And we do hereby nominate and recommend Companion 

, to be our first High Priest ; Companion ^ , 

to be our first King, and Companion , to be our first 


And should the prayer of this petition be granted, we do 
hereby promise a strict conformity to the constitution, laws 
and edicts of the Grand Chapter of the State of Xew York, 
and to the constitution of the General Grand Chapter of the 
United States, so far as they may come to our knowledge. 

Dated at , this day of , (Signatures of not less than nine 

A. D. 1&- . Eoyal Arch Masons.) 

[The above petition mar be presented to tlie Grand High Priest, or the Deputy 
Grand High Priest, as provided for in Sections 20, 21 and 22 of the constitution of 
the Grand Chapter, and should have the foUoTring endorsement upon it:] 

To the Most Excellent , Grand High Priest of Eoyal 

Arch Masons in the State of Xew York ; — 

At a regular convocation of Chapter No. , holden 

at , on the day of a. l. 58 — , a. i. 2 , the pe- 
tition of several Companions, praying for a dispensation to 

open a new Chapter at , in the County of , was duly 

laid before the Chapter, when it was 

Resolved, That this Chapter, being fully satisfied that the 
petitioners are Royal Arch Masons, in good standing, and 
vouching for their moral character and Masonic abilities, does 
therefore recommend that the Dispensation prayed for be 
granted to them. 

/Q s A true copy of the records. 

^ • Secretary. 




Amendments to Constitution, - - 54 

Annual Convocation of Gr. Cliapt. , time and place, 4 

" Returns to " " - 33 

Appeal from decision of Commissioners, 37 

Appointed Officers Gr. Cliapt., 7, 8 

" " Sub. " -24 

Assistant Grand Lecturer, 44 

Ballot on applications, - - 50 

Books to be kept by Sub. Chapt., - 49 

By-Laws, - - . . 30, 31, 49 

Chapt. IT. D., to furnish certificates of ability, - 31 

Charges against High Priest and Sub. Chapt., - 84, 37, 39 

and Trials, - - 37, 38, 39, 40 

Commissioners to tiy charges, 37 

Committees of investigation must report, - 50 

Concurrent jurisdiction, - 53 

Deputy Grand High Priest, power of - 15 

" " " " succession in case of death, &c., - - - 16 

" " " " to appoint commiss'ers to try High Priests &Chapt'rs,37 

" " " " to constitute New Chapters, - 46 

Dispensation for New Chapters, - 15, 31 

" " '■ " Fee for - - 33 

Dues to Gr. Chapt., 13,33,35 

" " Sub. " how collected, - 31 

Duty of Grand High Priest, - - 14 

" " Deputy Grand High Priest, - 15 

" " Grand Secretary, - - 18 

" " " Treasurer, - - 17 

" " other officers, - - 19 

Election in Gr. Chapt., - - - 8 

" " " " Who present at - 41 

" " Sub. " - 34 

" " " ' by dispensation, - - - 15 

" " " to fill vacancies, ... . 38 

Elective officers, Gi'. Chapt., - • - - 5 

" " Sub. " 33, 34 

94 Index. 

Eligibility to office Gr. Chapt, 6 

" " Sub. " 25 

Expense of Trials, |° 

Expulsions, list to be kept, - j" 

Fees for Dispensation to form new Chapters, -r 

" " Degrees, - " 50 

Forfeiture of warrant, 34, 3o, 36 

Grand Chapter, Style of 1 

'■ " Who compose - 3 

Grand High Priest to appoint officers, 8 

" " " when entitled to two votes, - 11 

" " " powers during reeess of Gr. Chapt., - 14 

" " " successor in case of death, <fcc., - 16 

" " to direct correspondence of Gr. Chapt., 18 

" " may suspend warrants, 34 

" " " to appoint Commissioners, 37 

" " " " " Grand Lecturer, 44 

" " " " constitute new Chapters, 46 

Grand Lecturer to give certificate to Chapt. U. D., 21 

" " Duty of - 44 

" Secretary, " " 18 

" Treasurer, " " 17 

High Priest to appoint officers, 34 

" " cannot resign, 28 

" " vacancy in office and how filled, 28 

" " to appoint Commissioners, 3~ 

" " " summon witnesses, - 38 

" " " preside and who succeeds him, 47 

" " Xo appeal to Chapter from 48 

" " may appoint proxies, 53 

InstaUationinGr. Chapt., - 9 

■■ Sub. " - 26 

" " " " after constitutional time has expired, 15 

Jurisdiction over candidates, - 52 

Lectures, - - 45 

Marks, Book of 49 

Membership Gr. Chapt., 3, 10 

Members of Sub. Chapt. to be registered, 18 

New Chapters must be constituted, - 46 

Xon-pavment of dues to Gr. Chapt, 35 

^" " " " Sub. " 31 

Officers, Gr. Chapt., Elective, - 5 

" " " Appointed 7 

" " " Who eligible, 6, 8 

" " " when and how chosen, 8 

" " " Installation of - 9 

" " Votes entitled to - - - 11 

" " Pay of - - - 13 

sub. " 23 

" " " when and how chosen, - 24 

" " " resignation, removal, promotion, suspension or expulsion, 27 

" " " first three cannot resign, 27 

Organization of Sub. Chapt., - 20 

Pay of Grand Officer, - 13 

" " " Lecturer, - - 44 

" " representatives, - - 13 

Permanent members of Gr. Chapt., 3 

" " may vote as such and as representatives, 11 

" Pay of 13 

Penalties for non-payment of dues, - 31 

Petitioners, number of, for new Chapter, 20 

" for Dispensation, qualifications of - 21 

" Degrees, - - - . 50 

" •• '' when rejected and how renewed, - - - 51 

Index. 95 

Promotion in ofllce, - ' 7.„ 

Property of extinct Chapters, 


Quoi-um, Gr. Chapt. 

Recommendation for new Chapter, 

Registry of members. 

Removal of officers, 

" ■ " Chapters, 
Representatives in Gr. Chapt., - 

" " " " Pay of 


Restoration by Gr. Cliapt., 
Returns to " " 

Revenue of " " 
Seal of Sub. Chapt., 
Standard Work and Lecturers, 
Style of Gr. Chapt., 
Subordinate Cliapter, how organized, 
" " Officers of 

" By-Laws of 
" " Removal of - 

" " how dissolved. 

Succession in office. 
Surrender of Warrant, 

Suspension for non-payment of dues, when to cease. 
Suspensions, list to be kept by Sub. Chapt., 
Suspension of Warrant, 

Trustees of Gr. Chapt., 
Vacancies in office how fiUed, - 

" " " " occurring. 

Visitors in Gr. Chapt., 
Votes " " " 
Warrants to form new Chapters, 
" Forfeiture of 
" Suspension of - 
" Surrender of 
Work and Lectures, 




































, 36 



Constitution of Grand Cliaptcr State of New York, 3 

Kules of Order, - 19 

Installation of Grand Officers, 21 

Constituting New Chapters, - 33 

Installation of Offieers of Subordinate Chapters, 35 

Act of Incorporation of Grand Chapter, 46 

Incorporation of Trustees of Sub. Chapt. , 48 

Roster of Grand Offieers, - 56 

Constitution of General Grand Chapter, 77 

Form of Petition for New Chapter, 93 

Index to Constitution of Grand Chapter, 93 

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